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File metadata and controls

193 lines (162 loc) · 5.36 KB



VS Code Config

  • Add vue to your eslint.validate setting, for example:

    "eslint.validate": [

Project Setup

  • package.json must exist in the project root, Vetur uses it to determine the installed Vue version.

  • Next, create a jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json, which will include all Vue files and files that they import from, for example:

  • jsconfig.json

        "include": [
  • tsconfig.json

        "include": [
        "compilerOptions": {
          "module": "es2015",
          "moduleResolution": "node",
          "target": "es5",
          "sourceMap": true,
          "allowJs": true
  • What is a tsconfig.json

  • Reference

jsconfig.json vs. tsconfig.json

  • Use tsconfig.json for a pure TS project.
  • Use jsconfig.json for a pure JS project.
  • Use both with allowJs: true for a mixed JS / TS project.

Path mapping

If you are using Webpack's alias or TypeScript's path mapping to resolve components, you need to update Vetur's tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json.

For example:

└── src
    ├── components
    │   ├── a.vue
    │   └── b.vue
    ├── containers
    │   └── index.vue
    ├── index.js
    └── jsconfig.json


    "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
            "components/*": [


import a from 'components/a.vue'
import b from 'components/b.vue'


You need to add a shim type file to import a Vue SFC in a TypeScript file.


// shims-vue.d.ts
declare module '*.vue' {
  import Vue from 'vue'
  export default Vue


// shims-vue.d.ts
declare module '*.vue' {
  import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue'
  const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
  export default component


If you use a monorepo, VTI or package.json and tsconfig.json/jsconfig.json does not exist at project root, you can use vetur.config.js for advanced settings.

Please add vetur.config.js at project root or monorepo project root.

// vetur.config.js
/** @type {import('vls').VeturConfig} */
module.exports = {
  // **optional** default: `{}`
  // override vscode settings
  // Notice: It only affects the settings used by Vetur.
  settings: {
    "vetur.useWorkspaceDependencies": true,
    "vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService": true
  // **optional** default: `[{ root: './' }]`
  // support monorepos
  projects: [
    './packages/repo2', // Shorthand for specifying only the project root location
      // **required**
      // Where is your project?
      // It is relative to `vetur.config.js`.
      root: './packages/repo1',
      // **optional** default: `'package.json'`
      // Where is `package.json` in the project?
      // We use it to determine the version of vue.
      // It is relative to root property.
      package: './package.json',
      // **optional**
      // Where is TypeScript config file in the project?
      // It is relative to root property.
      tsconfig: './tsconfig.json',
      // **optional** default: `'./.vscode/vetur/snippets'`
      // Where is vetur custom snippets folders?
      snippetFolder: './.vscode/vetur/snippets',
      // **optional** default: `[]`
      // Register globally Vue component glob.
      // If you set it, you can get completion by that components.
      // It is relative to root property.
      // Notice: It won't actually do it. You need to use `require.context` or `Vue.component`
      globalComponents: [

Yarn PnP

Vetur supports this feature now, but it has some limits.

  • Don't mix common project and pnp project in multi-root/monorepo
  • Prettier doesn't support Yarn PnP, so we can't load plugin automatically.

If you're using the editor SDKs (Yarn Editor SDKs) with typescript and you want to use the typescript server wrapper created by yarn you'll need to set the typescript.tsdk to the directory of the editor sdk's tsserver:

const path = require('path')

// vetur.config.js
/** @type {import('vls').VeturConfig} */
module.exports = {
  // **optional** default: `{}`
  settings: {
    "vetur.useWorkspaceDependencies": true,
    "typescript.tsdk": path.resolve(__dirname, '.yarn/sdks/typescript/bin'),