diff --git a/dev/schema.js b/dev/schema.js
index 9d963383..5d9813e6 100644
--- a/dev/schema.js
+++ b/dev/schema.js
@@ -7,598 +7,850 @@ import { validators } from "../src";
let fakerator = new Fakerator();
module.exports = {
- fields: [{
- type: "text",
- label: "ID (disabled text field)",
- model: "id",
- readonly: true,
- editableIfNew: true, // TODO
- featured: false,
- disabled: true
- }, {
- type: "select",
- label: "Type (select field)",
- model: "type",
- required: true,
- values: [
- { id: "personal", name: "Personal" },
- { id: "business", name: "Business" }
- ],
- default: "personal"
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "First name",
- model: "firstName",
- featured: true,
- required: true,
- placeholder: "User's first name",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.string,
+ fields: [
- onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
- //console.log(`Model's name changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}. Model:`, model);
- },
+/* INPUT */
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "--- INPUT ---",
+ model: "",
+ styleClasses: "alert alert-info"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "Hidden",
+ model: "id"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "text",
+ label: "First name",
+ model: "firstName",
+ featured: true,
+ required: true,
+ placeholder: "User's first name",
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.string,
+ onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
+ console.log(`Model's name changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}. Model:`, model);
+ },
+ onValidated(model, errors, field) {
+ if (errors.length > 0)
+ console.warn("Validation error in Name field! Errors:", errors);
+ }
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "text",
+ label: "Last name",
+ model: "lastName",
+ featured: true,
+ required: true,
+ placeholder: "User's last name",
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.string
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "url",
+ label: "URL",
+ model: "website",
+ placeholder: "Enter your website",
+ validator: validators.url
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "tel",
+ label: "Telephone",
+ model: "phone",
+ placeholder: "Enter your phone number",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "password",
+ label: "Password",
+ model: "password",
+ placeholder: "Enter your password",
+ min: 6,
+ required: true,
+ hint: "Minimum 6 characters",
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.string
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "date",
+ label: "Date",
+ model: "dob",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "datetime",
+ label: "Datetime",
+ model: "dob",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "datetime-local",
+ label: "Datetime local",
+ model: "dob",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "time",
+ label: "Time",
+ model: "time",
+ step:1,
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "month",
+ label: "Month",
+ model: "month",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "week",
+ label: "Week",
+ model: "week",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "number",
+ label: "Number",
+ model: "age",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "range",
+ label: "Range",
+ model: "range",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "color",
+ label: "Color",
+ model: "color",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "checkbox",
+ label: "Checkbox",
+ model: "checkbox",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "search",
+ label: "Search USELESS",
+ model: "search",
+ placeholder: "Entrez un mot-clef",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "radio",
+ label: "radio USELESS",
+ model: "radio",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "file",
+ label: "File USELESS",
+ model: "file",
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "image",
+ label: "Image USELESS",
+ model: "image",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "button",
+ label: "Button USELESS",
+ model: "button",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "reset",
+ label: "Reset USELESS",
+ model: "reset",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "submit",
+ label: "Submit USELESS",
+ model: "submit",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
- onValidated(model, errors, field) {
- //if (errors.length > 0)
- // console.warn("Validation error in Name field! Errors:", errors);
- }
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Last name",
- model: "lastName",
- featured: true,
- required: true,
- placeholder: "User's last name",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.string
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Username",
- model: "userName",
- featured: true,
- required: true,
- min: 5,
- placeholder: "User's last name",
- styleClasses: ["half-width", "first"],
- validator: validators.string
- }, {
- type: "password",
- label: "Password (password field)",
- model: "password",
- min: 6,
- required: true,
- hint: "Minimum 6 characters",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.string
- },
- {
- type: "vueMultiSelect",
- label: "Skills (vue-multiSelect field)",
- model: "skills",
- required: true,
- multiSelect: true,
- selectOptions: {
- // id:25,
- // key:"name",
- // label: "name",
- searchable: true,
- clearOnSelect: true,
- hideSelected: true,
- // maxHeight:300,
- // allowEmpty:true,
- // resetAfter:false,
- // closeOnSelect: true,
- // customLabel:function(){return ""},
- taggable: true,
- tagPlaceholder: 'tagPlaceholder',
- onNewTag(newTag, id, options, value) {
- console.log("onNewTag", newTag, id, options, value);
- options.push(newTag);
- value.push(newTag);
- },
- // showPointer: true,
- onSearch(searchQuery, id, options){
- console.log("onSearch",searchQuery, id, options);
- }
- // selectLabel: "selectLabel",
- // selectedLabel: "selectedLabel",
- // deselectLabel: "deselectLabel",
- // limit:2,
- // limitText: count => `and ${count} more`,
- // loading: false
- },
- values: [
- "HTML5",
- "Javascript",
- "CSS3",
- "CoffeeScript",
- "AngularJS",
- "ReactJS",
- "VueJS"
- ],
- onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
- console.log(`Model's name changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}. Model:`, model);
- },
- max: 4,
- placeholder: "placeholder",
- validator: validators.array
- },
- {
- type: "selectEx",
- label: "Skills (selectEx field)",
- model: "skills",
- multi: true,
- required: true,
- multiSelect: true,
- selectOptions: {
- // https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/options/
- liveSearch: true,
- //maxOptions: 3,
- //size: 4,
- //actionsBox: true,
- selectedTextFormat: "count > 3"
- },
- values: [
- "HTML5",
- "Javascript",
- "CSS3",
- "CoffeeScript",
- "AngularJS",
- "ReactJS",
- "VueJS"
- ],
- min: 2,
- max: 4,
- validator: validators.array
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Company name",
- model: "company.name",
- styleClasses: ["company", "half-width"],
- visible(model) {
- return model && model.type == "business";
- }
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Company phone",
- model: "company.phone",
- styleClasses: "company",
- pattern: "^\\+[0-9]{2}-[237]0-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$",
- placeholder: "User's phone number",
- hint: "Format: +36-(20|30|70)-000-0000",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- visible(model) {
- return model && model.type == "business";
- }
- }, {
- type: "email",
- label: "E-mail (email field)",
- model: "email",
- placeholder: "User's e-mail address"
- }, {
- type: "awesome",
- label: "Awesome (custom field)",
- model: "userName"
- }, {
- type: "googleAddress",
- label: "Location (googleAddress)",
- model: "location",
- placeholder: "Location",
- onPlaceChanged(value, place, rawPlace, model, schema) {
- console.log("Location changed! " + value);
- //console.log(place);
- //console.log(rawPlace);
- }
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Phone",
- model: "phone",
- pattern: "^\\+[0-9]{2}-[237]0-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$",
- placeholder: "User's phone number",
- hint: "Format: +36-(20|30|70)-000-0000",
- help: "You can use any formatted texts. Or place a link to another site.",
- styleClasses: "half-width"
- //validator: validators.regexp
- }, {
- type: "cleave",
- label: "Mobile (Cleave.js field)",
- model: "mobile",
- cleaveOptions: {
- // Credit Card
- creditCard: false,
- onCreditCardTypeChanged(type){
- console.log("onCreditCardTypeChanged", type);
- },
- // Phone
- phone: false,
- phoneRegionCode: 'AU',
- // Date
- date: false,
- datePattern: ['d', 'm', 'Y'],
- // Numerals
- numeral: false,
- numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand',
- numeralDecimalScale: 2,
- numeralDecimalMark: '.',
- // General
- blocks: [0, 2, 0, 3, 4],
- delimiter: ' ',
- delimiters: ['(', ')', ' ', '-', '-'],
- // prefix: '(',
- numericOnly: true,
- uppercase: false,
- lowercase: false
- },
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "masked",
- label: "Mobile (masked field)",
- model: "mobile",
- mask: "(99) 999-9999",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "color",
- label: "Color (basic)",
- model: "favoriteColor",
- required: true,
- colorOptions: {
- //preferredFormat: "rgb"
- },
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "spectrum",
- label: "Color (spectrum field)",
- model: "favoriteColor",
- required: true,
- colorOptions: {
- //preferredFormat: "rgb"
- },
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "image",
- label: "Avatar (image field)",
- model: "avatar",
- required: true,
- browse: true,
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "number",
- label: "Age (number field)",
- model: "age",
- multi: true,
- disabled: true,
- placeholder: "User's age",
- hint: "Minimum 18 age.",
- min: 18,
- max: 100,
- validator: [
- validators.integer,
- validators.number
- ]
- }, {
- type: "dateTime",
- label: "DOB (dateTime field)",
- model: "dob",
- required: true,
- placeholder: "User's birth of date",
- min: moment("1900-01-01").toDate(),
- max: moment("2016-01-01").toDate(),
- validator: [
- validators.date
- ],
- dateTimePickerOptions: {
- format: "YYYY-MM-DD"
- },
- onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
- model.age = moment().year() - moment(newVal).year();
- }
+/* BUILD IN */
- }, {
- type: "pikaday",
- label: "DOB (pikaday field)",
- model: "dob",
- required: true,
- placeholder: "User's birth of date",
- validator: validators.date,
- pikadayOptions: {
- // bound: true,
- // position: 'bottom left',
- // reposition: true,
- // container: ,
- // format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
- // formatStrict: ,
- // defaultDate: ,
- // setDefaultDate: ,
- // firstDay: 1,
- // minDate: ,
- // maxDate: ,
- // disableWeekends: false,
- // disableDayFn: ,
- // yearRange: ,
- // showWeekNumber: false,
- // isRTL: false,
- // i18n: {
- // previousMonth : 'Previous Month',
- // nextMonth : 'Next Month',
- // months : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
- // weekdays : ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
- // weekdaysShort : ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
- // },
- // yearSuffix: ,
- // showMonthAfterYear: false,
- // showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths: false,
- // numberOfMonths: ,
- // mainCalendar: ,
- // theme: null,
- // onSelect: ,
- // onOpen: ,
- // onClose: ,
- // onDraw: ,
- },
- onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
- // model.age = moment().year() - moment(newVal).year();
- }
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "--- BUILD IN ---",
+ model: "",
+ styleClasses: "alert alert-info"
+ type: "image",
+ label: "Avatar (image field)",
+ model: "avatar",
+ required: true,
+ browse: true,
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "textArea",
+ label: "Biography (textArea field)",
+ model: "bio",
+ hint: "Max 500 characters",
+ max: 500,
+ placeholder: "User's biography",
+ rows: 4,
+ validator: validators.string
+ type: "staticMap",
+ label: "Map",
+ model: "address.geo",
+ visible: true,
+ staticMapOptions: {
+ lat: "latitude",
+ lng: "longitude",
+ zoom: 6,
+ sizeX:640,
+ sizeY:640,
+ scale: 1,
+ format:"png",
+ // maptype:"satellite",
+ language:"FR-fr",
+ // region:
+ markers:"color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C43.107733,4.541936",
+ // path:
+ // visible:
+ // style:"feature:road.highway%7Celement:labels.text.stroke%7Cvisibility:on%7Ccolor:0xb06eba&style=feature:road.highway%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Cvisibility:on%7Ccolor:0xffffff",
+ // key:
+ // signature:
+ }
+ type: "switch",
+ label: "Status (switch field)",
+ model: "status",
+ multi: true,
+ default: true,
+ textOn: "Active",
+ textOff: "Inactive",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "switch",
+ label: "Sex (switch field)",
+ model: "sex",
+ multi: true,
+ default: "male",
+ textOn: "Female",
+ textOff: "Male",
+ valueOn: "female",
+ valueOff: "male",
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "label",
+ label: "Created (label field)",
+ model: "created",
+ get(model) {
+ return model && model.created ? moment(model.created).format("LLL") : "-";
+ },
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "submit",
+ label: "",
+ buttonText: "Submit form",
+ validateBeforeSubmit: true,
+ onSubmit(model, schema) {
+ console.log("Form submitted!", model);
+ alert("Form submitted!");
+ },
+ styleClasses: "half-width"
+ type: "select",
+ label: "Type (select field)",
+ model: "type",
+ required: true,
+ values: [
+ { id: "personal", name: "Personal" },
+ { id: "business", name: "Business" }
+ ],
+ default: "personal"
- },{
- type: "dateTime",
- label: "DT",
- model: "dt",
- multi: true,
- validator: [
- validators.date
- ],
- dateTimePickerOptions: {
- format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
- }
- },
+ type: "select",
+ label: "Role",
+ model: "role",
+ required: true,
+ values: [
+ { id: "admin", name: "Administrator" },
+ { id: "moderator", name: "Moderator" },
+ { id: "user", name: "Registered User" },
+ { id: "visitor", name: "Visitor" }
+ ],
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "select",
+ label: "Language",
+ model: "language",
+ required: true,
+ values: [
+ { id: "en-GB", name: "English (GB)" },
+ { id: "en-US", name: "English (US)" },
+ { id: "de", name: "German" },
+ { id: "it", name: "Italic" },
+ { id: "fr", name: "French" }
+ ],
+ hint: "Your native language",
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.required
- {
- type: "dateTime",
- label: "Time",
- model: "time",
- multi: true,
- format: "HH:mm:ss",
- /*validator: [
- validators.time
- ],*/
- dateTimePickerOptions: {
- format: "HH:mm:ss"
- }
- },
+/* JQUERY */
- {
- type: "switch",
- label: "Sex (switch field)",
- model: "sex",
- multi: true,
- default: "male",
- textOn: "Female",
- textOff: "Male",
- valueOn: "female",
- valueOff: "male"
- },
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "--- JQUERY ---",
+ model: "",
+ styleClasses: "alert alert-info"
+ type: "selectEx",
+ label: "Country (selectEx field)",
+ model: "address.country",
+ multi: true,
+ required: true,
+ values: ["United Kingdom", "France", "Germany"],
+ //default: "United Kingdom",
+ multiSelect: false,
+ selectOptions: {
+ // https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/options/
+ liveSearch: true,
+ size: 10
+ },
+ styleClasses: ["half-width", "first"],
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "spectrum",
+ label: "Color (spectrum field)",
+ model: "favoriteColor",
+ required: true,
+ colorOptions: {
+ //preferredFormat: "rgb"
+ },
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "masked",
+ label: "Mobile (masked field)",
+ model: "mobile",
+ mask: "(99) 999-9999",
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "slider",
+ label: "Income",
+ model: "income",
+ multi: true,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 100000,
+ sliderOptions: {
+ type: "double",
+ prefix: "$",
+ step: 1000
+ }
+ type: "selectEx",
+ label: "Skills (selectEx field)",
+ model: "skills",
+ multi: true,
+ required: true,
+ multiSelect: true,
+ selectOptions: {
+ // https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/options/
+ liveSearch: true,
+ //maxOptions: 3,
+ //size: 4,
+ //actionsBox: true,
+ selectedTextFormat: "count > 3"
+ },
+ values: [
+ "HTML5",
+ "Javascript",
+ "CSS3",
+ "CoffeeScript",
+ "AngularJS",
+ "ReactJS",
+ "VueJS"
+ ],
+ min: 2,
+ max: 4,
+ validator: validators.array
+ type: "slider",
+ label: "Rank (slider field)",
+ model: "rank",
+ multi: true,
+ min: 1,
+ max: 10,
+ required: true,
+ sliderOptions: {
+ grid: true
+ },
+ // validator: validators.integer
+ type: "dateTime",
+ label: "DOB (dateTime field)",
+ model: "dob",
+ required: true,
+ placeholder: "User's birth of date",
+ min: moment("1900-01-01").toDate(),
+ max: moment("2016-01-01").toDate(),
+ validator: [
+ validators.date
+ ],
+ dateTimePickerOptions: {
+ format: "YYYY-MM-DD"
+ },
+ onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
+ model.age = moment().year() - moment(newVal).year();
+ }
+ type: "dateTime",
+ label: "DT",
+ model: "dob",
+ multi: true,
+ validator: [
+ validators.date
+ ],
+ dateTimePickerOptions: {
+ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
+ }
+ type: "dateTime",
+ label: "Time",
+ model: "time",
+ multi: true,
+ format: "HH:mm:ss",
+ /*validator: [
+ validators.time
+ ],*/
+ dateTimePickerOptions: {
+ format: "HH:mm:ss"
+ }
- {
- type: "noUiSlider",
- label: "Rank (noUiSlider field)",
- model: "rank",
- multi: true,
- min: 1,
- max: 10,
- required: true,
- disabled: false,
- sliderOptions: {
- // connect: "lower", // "lower", "upper", true, false
- // margin: 2 //number
- // limit: 2 //number
- step:1,
- // orientation:"horizontal", //"vertical", "horizontal"
- // direction: "ltr", //"ltr", "rtl"
- // tooltips: false, // false, true, formatter, array[formatter or false]
- // animate: true,
- range:{
- 'min': [ 0 ],
- 'max': [ 10 ]
- },
- pips: {
- mode: 'count',
- values: 6,
- density: 10,
- stepped: true
- }
- },
- // validator: validators.integer
- },
- {
- type: "slider",
- label: "Rank (slider field)",
- model: "rank",
- multi: true,
- min: 1,
- max: 10,
- required: true,
- sliderOptions: {
- grid: true
- },
- // validator: validators.integer
- },
+/* VANILLA */
- {
- type: "slider",
- label: "Income",
- model: "income",
- multi: true,
- min: 0,
- max: 100000,
- sliderOptions: {
- type: "double",
- prefix: "$",
- step: 1000
- }
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "--- VANILLA ---",
+ model: "",
+ styleClasses: "alert alert-info"
+ type: "googleAddress",
+ label: "Location (googleAddress)",
+ model: "location",
+ placeholder: "Location",
+ onPlaceChanged(value, place, rawPlace, model, schema) {
+ console.log("Location changed! " + value);
+ //console.log(place);
+ //console.log(rawPlace);
+ }
+ type: "noUiSlider",
+ label: "Rank (noUiSlider field)",
+ model: "rank",
+ multi: true,
+ min: 1,
+ max: 10,
+ required: true,
+ disabled: false,
+ sliderOptions: {
+ // connect: "lower", // "lower", "upper", true, false
+ // margin: 2 //number
+ // limit: 2 //number
+ step:1,
+ // orientation:"horizontal", //"vertical", "horizontal"
+ // direction: "ltr", //"ltr", "rtl"
+ // tooltips: false, // false, true, formatter, array[formatter or false]
+ // animate: true,
+ range:{
+ 'min': [ 0 ],
+ 'max': [ 10 ]
- {
- type: "select",
- label: "Role",
- model: "role",
- required: true,
- values: [
- { id: "admin", name: "Administrator" },
- { id: "moderator", name: "Moderator" },
- { id: "user", name: "Registered User" },
- { id: "visitor", name: "Visitor" }
- ],
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.required
+ pips: {
+ mode: 'count',
+ values: 6,
+ density: 10,
+ stepped: true
+ }
+ },
+ // validator: validators.integer
+ type: "cleave",
+ label: "Mobile (Cleave.js field)",
+ model: "mobile",
+ cleaveOptions: {
+ // Credit Card
+ creditCard: false,
+ onCreditCardTypeChanged(type){
+ console.log("onCreditCardTypeChanged", type);
+ // Phone
+ phone: false,
+ phoneRegionCode: 'AU',
+ // Date
+ date: false,
+ datePattern: ['d', 'm', 'Y'],
+ // Numerals
+ numeral: false,
+ numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand',
+ numeralDecimalScale: 2,
+ numeralDecimalMark: '.',
+ // General
+ blocks: [0, 2, 0, 3, 4],
+ delimiter: ' ',
+ delimiters: ['(', ')', ' ', '-', '-'],
+ // prefix: '(',
+ numericOnly: true,
+ uppercase: false,
+ lowercase: false
+ },
+ styleClasses: "half-width",
+ validator: validators.required
+ type: "pikaday",
+ label: "DOB (pikaday field)",
+ model: "dob",
+ required: true,
+ placeholder: "User's birth of date",
+ validator: validators.date,
+ pikadayOptions: {
+ // bound: true,
+ // position: 'bottom left',
+ // reposition: true,
+ // container: ,
+ // format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
+ // formatStrict: ,
+ // defaultDate: ,
+ // setDefaultDate: ,
+ // firstDay: 1,
+ // minDate: ,
+ // maxDate: ,
+ // disableWeekends: false,
+ // disableDayFn: ,
+ // yearRange: ,
+ // showWeekNumber: false,
+ // isRTL: false,
+ // i18n: {
+ // previousMonth : 'Previous Month',
+ // nextMonth : 'Next Month',
+ // months : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
+ // weekdays : ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
+ // weekdaysShort : ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
+ // },
+ // yearSuffix: ,
+ // showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ // showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths: false,
+ // numberOfMonths: ,
+ // mainCalendar: ,
+ // theme: null,
+ // onSelect: ,
+ // onOpen: ,
+ // onClose: ,
+ // onDraw: ,
+ },
+ onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
+ // model.age = moment().year() - moment(newVal).year();
+ }
+ type: "vueMultiSelect",
+ label: "Skills (vue-multiSelect field)",
+ model: "skills",
+ required: true,
+ multiSelect: true,
+ selectOptions: {
+ // id:25,
+ // key:"name",
+ // label: "name",
+ searchable: true,
+ clearOnSelect: true,
+ hideSelected: true,
+ // maxHeight:300,
+ // allowEmpty:true,
+ // resetAfter:false,
+ // closeOnSelect: true,
+ // customLabel:function(){return ""},
+ taggable: true,
+ tagPlaceholder: 'tagPlaceholder',
+ onNewTag(newTag, id, options, value) {
+ console.log("onNewTag", newTag, id, options, value);
+ options.push(newTag);
+ value.push(newTag);
+ },
+ // showPointer: true,
+ onSearch(searchQuery, id, options){
+ console.log("onSearch",searchQuery, id, options);
+ }
+ // selectLabel: "selectLabel",
+ // selectedLabel: "selectedLabel",
+ // deselectLabel: "deselectLabel",
+ // limit:2,
+ // limitText: count => `and ${count} more`,
+ // loading: false
+ },
+ values: [
+ "HTML5",
+ "Javascript",
+ "CSS3",
+ "CoffeeScript",
+ "AngularJS",
+ "ReactJS",
+ "VueJS"
+ ],
+ onChanged(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
+ console.log(`Model's name changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}. Model:`, model);
+ },
+ max: 4,
+ placeholder: "placeholder",
+ validator: validators.array
- {
- type: "select",
- label: "Language",
- model: "language",
- required: true,
- values: [
- { id: "en-GB", name: "English (GB)" },
- { id: "en-US", name: "English (US)" },
- { id: "de", name: "German" },
- { id: "it", name: "Italic" },
- { id: "fr", name: "French" }
- ],
- hint: "Your native language",
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "selectEx",
- label: "Country (selectEx field)",
- model: "address.country",
- multi: true,
- required: true,
- values: ["United Kingdom", "France", "Germany"],
- //default: "United Kingdom",
- multiSelect: false,
- selectOptions: {
- // https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/options/
- liveSearch: true,
- size: 10
- },
- styleClasses: ["half-width", "first"],
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "City",
- model: "address.city",
- multi: true,
- styleClasses: "half-width",
- validator: validators.required
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "Street",
- model: "address.street"
- }, {
- type: "text",
- label: "GPS",
- model: "address.geo",
- disabled: false,
- get(model) {
- if (model && model.address && model.address.geo)
- return model.address.geo.latitude + ", " + model.address.geo.longitude;
- },
- set(model, val) {
- let values = val.split(",");
- if (!model.address)
- model.address = {};
- if (!model.address.geo)
- model.address.geo = {};
- if (values.length > 0 && values[0].trim() != "")
- model.address.geo.latitude = parseFloat(values[0].trim());
- else
- model.address.geo.latitude = 0
+ type: "input",
+ inputType: "hidden",
+ label: "--- CUSTOM FIELDS ---",
+ model: "",
+ styleClasses: "alert alert-info"
+ type: "awesome",
+ label: "Awesome (custom field)",
+ model: "userName"
- if (values.length > 1 && values[1].trim() != "")
- model.address.geo.longitude = parseFloat(values[1].trim());
- else
- model.address.geo.longitude = 0
- },
- buttons: [{
- classes: "btn-location",
- label: "Current location",
- onclick: function(model) {
- if (navigator.geolocation) {
- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((pos) => {
- if (!model.address)
- model.address = {};
- if (!model.address.geo)
- model.address.geo = {};
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "ID (disabled text field)",
+// model: "id",
+// readonly: true,
+// editableIfNew: true, // TODO
+// featured: false,
+// disabled: true
+// },
+// {
+// type: "password",
+// label: "Password (password field)",
+// model: "password",
+// min: 6,
+// required: true,
+// hint: "Minimum 6 characters",
+// styleClasses: "half-width",
+// validator: validators.string
+// },
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "Username",
+// model: "userName",
+// featured: true,
+// required: true,
+// min: 5,
+// placeholder: "User's last name",
+// styleClasses: ["half-width", "first"],
+// validator: validators.string
+// },
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "Company name",
+// model: "company.name",
+// styleClasses: ["company", "half-width"],
+// visible(model) {
+// return model && model.type == "business";
+// }
+// },
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "Company phone",
+// model: "company.phone",
+// styleClasses: "company",
+// pattern: "^\\+[0-9]{2}-[237]0-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$",
+// placeholder: "User's phone number",
+// hint: "Format: +36-(20|30|70)-000-0000",
+// styleClasses: "half-width",
+// visible(model) {
+// return model && model.type == "business";
+// }
+// },
+// {
+// type: "email",
+// label: "E-mail (email field)",
+// model: "email",
+// placeholder: "User's e-mail address"
+// },
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "Phone",
+// model: "phone",
+// pattern: "^\\+[0-9]{2}-[237]0-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$",
+// placeholder: "User's phone number",
+// hint: "Format: +36-(20|30|70)-000-0000",
+// help: "You can use any formatted texts. Or place a link to another site.",
+// styleClasses: "half-width"
+// //validator: validators.regexp
+// },
+// {
+// type: "color",
+// label: "Color (basic)",
+// model: "favoriteColor",
+// required: true,
+// colorOptions: {
+// //preferredFormat: "rgb"
+// },
+// validator: validators.required
+// },
+// {
+// type: "number",
+// label: "Age (number field)",
+// model: "age",
+// multi: true,
+// disabled: true,
+// placeholder: "User's age",
+// hint: "Minimum 18 age.",
+// min: 18,
+// max: 100,
+// validator: [
+// validators.integer,
+// validators.number
+// ]
+// },
+// {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "City",
+// model: "address.city",
+// multi: true,
+// styleClasses: "half-width",
+// validator: validators.required
+// }, {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "Street",
+// model: "address.street"
+// }, {
+// type: "text",
+// label: "GPS",
+// model: "address.geo",
+// disabled: false,
+// get(model) {
+// if (model && model.address && model.address.geo)
+// return model.address.geo.latitude + ", " + model.address.geo.longitude;
+// },
+// set(model, val) {
+// let values = val.split(",");
+// if (!model.address)
+// model.address = {};
+// if (!model.address.geo)
+// model.address.geo = {};
+// if (values.length > 0 && values[0].trim() != "")
+// model.address.geo.latitude = parseFloat(values[0].trim());
+// else
+// model.address.geo.latitude = 0
+// if (values.length > 1 && values[1].trim() != "")
+// model.address.geo.longitude = parseFloat(values[1].trim());
+// else
+// model.address.geo.longitude = 0
+// },
+// buttons: [{
+// classes: "btn-location",
+// label: "Current location",
+// onclick: function(model) {
+// if (navigator.geolocation) {
+// navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((pos) => {
+// if (!model.address)
+// model.address = {};
+// if (!model.address.geo)
+// model.address.geo = {};
+// model.address.geo.latitude = pos.coords.latitude.toFixed(5);
+// model.address.geo.longitude = pos.coords.longitude.toFixed(5);
+// });
+// } else {
+// alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
+// }
+// }
+// }, {
+// classes: "btn-clear",
+// label: "Clear",
+// onclick: function(model) {
+// model.address.geo = {
+// latitude: 0,
+// longitude: 0
+// };
+// }
+// }]
+// },
- model.address.geo.latitude = pos.coords.latitude.toFixed(5);
- model.address.geo.longitude = pos.coords.longitude.toFixed(5);
- });
- } else {
- alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
- }
- }
- }, {
- classes: "btn-clear",
- label: "Clear",
- onclick: function(model) {
- model.address.geo = {
- latitude: 0,
- longitude: 0
- };
- }
- }]
- }, {
- type: "staticMap",
- label: "Map",
- model: "address.geo",
- visible: false
- }, {
- type: "label",
- label: "Created (label field)",
- model: "created",
- get(model) {
- return model && model.created ? moment(model.created).format("LLL") : "-";
- }
- }, {
- type: "switch",
- label: "Status (switch field)",
- model: "status",
- multi: true,
- default: true,
- textOn: "Active",
- textOff: "Inactive"
- }, {
- type: "textArea",
- label: "Biography (textArea field)",
- model: "bio",
- hint: "Max 500 characters",
- max: 500,
- placeholder: "User's biography",
- rows: 4,
- validator: validators.string
- }/*, {
- type: "submit",
- label: "",
- buttonText: "Submit form",
- validateBeforeSubmit: true,
- onSubmit(model, schema) {
- console.log("Form submitted!", model);
- alert("Form submitted!");
- }
- }*/