This is a manually generated log to track changes to the repository for each release. Each section should include general headers such as Implemented enhancements and Merged pull requests. All closed issued and bug fixes should be represented by the pull requests that fixed them. Critical items to know are:
- renamed commands
- deprecated / removed commands
- changed defaults
- backward incompatible changes
Versions correspond with GitHub releases that can be referenced with @ using actions.
master (master)
- alpine cannot install to system python anymore (1.1.0)
- bugfix of missing output values (1.0.23)
- bugfix of token handling if 401 error received (missing 401 case) (1.0.21)
- bugfix of writing to environment file (missing newline) (1.0.19)
- bugfix of missing from branch with scheduled run (1.0.16)
- forgot to add assignees (1.0.15)
- output and environment variables for PR number and return codes (1.0.5)
- added support for reviewer (individual and team) assignments (1.0.4)
- added support for maintainer can modify and assignees (1.0.3)