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SPI wrapper functions for Linux userspace spidev devices.


#include <periphery/spi.h>

/* Primary Functions */
spi_t *spi_new(void);
int spi_open(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed);
int spi_open_advanced(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed,
                      spi_bit_order_t bit_order, uint8_t bits_per_word, uint8_t extra_flags);
int spi_open_advanced2(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed,
                       spi_bit_order_t bit_order, uint8_t bits_per_word, uint32_t extra_flags);
int spi_transfer(spi_t *spi, const uint8_t *txbuf, uint8_t *rxbuf, size_t len);
int spi_close(spi_t *spi);
void spi_free(spi_t *spi);

/* Getters */
int spi_get_mode(spi_t *spi, unsigned int *mode);
int spi_get_max_speed(spi_t *spi, uint32_t *max_speed);
int spi_get_bit_order(spi_t *spi, spi_bit_order_t *bit_order);
int spi_get_bits_per_word(spi_t *spi, uint8_t *bits_per_word);
int spi_get_extra_flags(spi_t *spi, uint8_t *extra_flags);
int spi_get_extra_flags32(spi_t *spi, uint32_t *extra_flags);

/* Setters */
int spi_set_mode(spi_t *spi, unsigned int mode);
int spi_set_max_speed(spi_t *spi, uint32_t max_speed);
int spi_set_bit_order(spi_t *spi, spi_bit_order_t bit_order);
int spi_set_bits_per_word(spi_t *spi, uint8_t bits_per_word);
int spi_set_extra_flags(spi_t *spi, uint8_t extra_flags);
int spi_set_extra_flags32(spi_t *spi, uint32_t extra_flags);

/* Miscellaneous */
int spi_fd(spi_t *spi);
int spi_tostring(spi_t *spi, char *str, size_t len);

/* Error Handling */
int spi_errno(spi_t *spi);
const char *spi_errmsg(spi_t *spi);


  • spi_bit_order_t
    • MSB_FIRST: Most significant bit first transfer (typical)
    • LSB_FIRST: Least significant bit first transfer


spi_t *spi_new(void);

Allocate a SPI handle.

Returns a valid handle on success, or NULL on failure.

int spi_open(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed);

Open the spidev device at the specified path (e.g. "/dev/spidev1.0"), with the specified SPI mode, specified max speed in hertz, and the defaults of MSB_FIRST bit order, and 8 bits per word.

spi should be a valid pointer to an allocated SPI handle structure. SPI mode can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_open_advanced(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed,
                      spi_bit_order_t bit_order, uint8_t bits_per_word, uint8_t extra_flags);

Open the spidev device at the specified path, with the specified SPI mode, max speed in hertz, bit order, bits per word, and extra flags.

spi should be a valid pointer to an allocated SPI handle structure. SPI mode can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Bit order can be MSB_FIRST or LSB_FIRST, as defined above. Bits per word specifies the transfer word size. Extra flags specified additional flags bitwise-ORed with the SPI mode.

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_open_advanced2(spi_t *spi, const char *path, unsigned int mode, uint32_t max_speed,
                       spi_bit_order_t bit_order, uint8_t bits_per_word, uint32_t extra_flags);

Open the spidev device at the specified path, with the specified SPI mode, max speed in hertz, bit order, bits per word, and extra flags. This open function is the same as spi_open_advanced(), except that extra_flags can be 32-bits.

spi should be a valid pointer to an allocated SPI handle structure. SPI mode can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Bit order can be MSB_FIRST or LSB_FIRST, as defined above. Bits per word specifies the transfer word size. Extra flags specified additional flags bitwise-ORed with the SPI mode.

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_transfer(spi_t *spi, const uint8_t *txbuf, uint8_t *rxbuf, size_t len);

Shift out len word counts of the txbuf buffer, while shifting in len word counts to the rxbuf buffer.

spi should be a valid pointer to an SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

rxbuf may be NULL. txbuf and rxbuf may point to the same buffer.

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_close(spi_t *spi);

Close the spidev device.

spi should be a valid pointer to an SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

void spi_free(spi_t *spi);

Free a SPI handle.

int spi_get_mode(spi_t *spi, unsigned int *mode);
int spi_get_max_speed(spi_t *spi, uint32_t *max_speed);
int spi_get_bit_order(spi_t *spi, spi_bit_order_t *bit_order);
int spi_get_bits_per_word(spi_t *spi, uint8_t *bits_per_word);
int spi_get_extra_flags(spi_t *spi, uint8_t *extra_flags);
int spi_get_extra_flags32(spi_t *spi, uint32_t *extra_flags);

Get the mode, max speed, bit order, bits per word, or extra flags, respectively, of the underlying spidev device.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_set_mode(spi_t *spi, unsigned int mode);
int spi_set_max_speed(spi_t *spi, uint32_t max_speed);
int spi_set_bit_order(spi_t *spi, spi_bit_order_t bit_order);
int spi_set_bits_per_word(spi_t *spi, uint8_t bits_per_word);
int spi_set_extra_flags(spi_t *spi, uint8_t extra_flags);
int spi_set_extra_flags32(spi_t *spi, uint32_t extra_flags);

Set the mode, max speed, bit order, bits per word, or extra flags, respectively, on the underlying spidev device.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

Returns 0 on success, or a negative SPI error code on failure.

int spi_fd(spi_t *spi);

Return the file descriptor (for the underlying spidev device) of the SPI handle.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

This function is a simple accessor to the SPI handle structure and always succeeds.

int spi_tostring(spi_t *spi, char *str, size_t len);

Return a string representation of the SPI handle.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

This function behaves and returns like snprintf().

int spi_errno(spi_t *spi);

Return the libc errno of the last failure that occurred.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().

const char *spi_errmsg(spi_t *spi);

Return a human readable error message of the last failure that occurred.

spi should be a valid pointer to a SPI handle opened with spi_open() or spi_open_advanced().


The periphery SPI functions return 0 on success or one of the negative error codes below on failure.

The libc errno of the failure in an underlying libc library call can be obtained with the spi_errno() helper function. A human readable error message can be obtained with the spi_errmsg() helper function.

Error Code Description
SPI_ERROR_ARG Invalid arguments
SPI_ERROR_OPEN Opening SPI device
SPI_ERROR_QUERY Querying SPI device attributes
SPI_ERROR_CONFIGURE Configuring SPI device attributes
SPI_ERROR_CLOSE Closing SPI device


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "spi.h"

int main(void) {
    spi_t *spi;
    uint8_t buf[4] = { 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd };

    spi = spi_new();

    /* Open spidev1.0 with mode 0 and max speed 1MHz */
    if (spi_open(spi, "/dev/spidev1.0", 0, 1000000) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "spi_open(): %s\n", spi_errmsg(spi));

    /* Shift out and in 4 bytes */
    if (spi_transfer(spi, buf, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "spi_transfer(): %s\n", spi_errmsg(spi));

    printf("shifted in: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]);



    return 0;