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HaveAPI client for Elixir

This is a client library for HaveAPI-based APIs written in Elixir.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding haveapi_client to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:haveapi_client, "~> 0.1.0"}]

List :httpoison as your application dependency:

def application do
  [applications: [:httpoison]]


The client can connect to any HaveAPI-based API. You can use HaveAPI.Client.connect/2 to connect to the API and fetch its description:

conn = HaveAPI.Client.connect("https://api.domain.tld")

Both HTTP basic and token authentication is supported:

# HTTP basic
conn = HaveAPI.Client.authenticate(conn, :basic, "user", "password")

# Token - request token using username and password
conn = HaveAPI.Client.authenticate(conn, :token, username: "user", password: "password")

# Or use previously issued token
conn = HaveAPI.Client.authenticate(conn, :token, "<token>")

Actions can be invoked using or

# Call action directly
resp =, "myresource", "myaction", input: %{parameter: 123})

# Scope conn to specific resource
resource = HaveAPI.Client.resource(conn, "myresource")
resp =, "myaction", input: %{parameter: 123})


The client outlined above is set up during runtime, which is useful when you want to connect to APIs not known during compile time. However, if the API URL is known beforehand, the client can be generated for a selected API during compile time. The API description is compiled alongside the program and the client does not have to fetch it during runtime.

The client dynamically generates modules for API resources and functions for actions, so the compiler will also check that you're using the API correctly.

First, define a module and use module HaveAPI.Client, giving it the API URL:

defmodule MyApi do
  # For anonymous access
  use HaveAPI.Client, url: ""

  # Or with built-in authentication
  use HaveAPI.Client, url: "", auth: {:token, "<token>"}

You can then call API actions with no further setup:

iex> MyApi.resources
["cluster", "node", ...]

iex> MyApi.cluster.actions
["public_stats", ...]

iex> MyApi.cluster.public_stats
%HaveAPI.Client.Response{response: %{"cluster" => %{
  "ipv4_left" => 176,
  "user_count" => 1210,
  "vps_count" => 1643
}, ...}