# MongoDB C++ Driver 
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Welcome to the MongoDB C++ Driver!

## Branches - `releases/stable` versus `master`

The default checkout branch of this repository is `releases/stable`. 
This will always contain the latest stable release of the driver. The
 `master` branch is used for active development. `master` should 
**only** be used when making contributions back to the driver, as it 
is not stable for use in production.

See [Driver Status by family and version](#driver-status-by-family-and-version)
for more details about the various versions of the driver.

## Resources

* [MongoDB C++ Driver Installation](http://mongocxx.org/mongocxx-v3/installation/)
* [MongoDB C++ Driver Quickstart](http://mongocxx.org/mongocxx-v3/tutorial/)
* [MongoDB C++ Driver Manual](http://mongocxx.org)
* [MongoDB C++ Driver API Documentation](http://mongocxx.org/api/current/)
* [MongoDB C++ Driver Contribution guidelines](http://mongocxx.org/contributing/)
* [MongoDB Database Manual](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/)

## Driver status by family and version

Stability indicates whether this driver is recommended for production use.
Currently, no drivers guarantee API or ABI stability.

| Family/version       | Stability   | Development         | Purpose                             |
| -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| (repo master branch) | Unstable    | Active development  | New feature development             |
| mongocxx 3.6.x       | Stable      | Bug fixes only      | Current stable C++ driver release   |
| mongocxx 3.5.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |
| mongocxx 3.4.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |
| mongocxx 3.3.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |
| mongocxx 3.2.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |
| mongocxx 3.1.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |
| mongocxx 3.0.x       | Stable      | None                | Previous stable C++ driver release  |

## MongoDB compatibility

Compatibility of each C++ driver version with each MongoDB server is documented in the [MongoDB manual](https://docs.mongodb.com/drivers/cxx#mongodb-compatibility).

## Bugs and issues

See our [JIRA project](http://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CXX).

## License

The source files in this repository are made available under the terms of
the Apache License, version 2.0.