diff --git a/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.png b/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12f43ddb7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.png differ
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.puml b/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.puml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc9fd1507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/diagrams/create-byoh-cluster.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+@startuml create-byoh-cluster
+skinparam BoxPadding 40
+Create BYOH Cluster
+end title
+actor User as user <<(U,#ADD1B2)>>
+' participant HostAgent as hagent <<(A,#ADD1B2)>>
+box "Management Cluster"
+ participant APIServer as mc <<(S,#ADD1B2) >>
+ participant "BYOH Provider" as bmc <<(P,#ADD1B2)>>
+end box
+box "VM/Baremetal Host"
+ participant hostagent as hagent <<(H,#ADD1B2) >>
+end box
+database "OCI Registry\n(Harbor)" as oci
+== Register BYO Host ==
+user -> hagent: Download hostagent binary
+user --> hagent: ./byoh-agent --kubeconfig config
+hagent -> mc: register & watch ByoHost CRD
+== Create BYOH workload cluster ==
+user->mc: kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
+mc --> bmc: Receive Reconcile Event for \nCreate ByoMachine, ByoCluster CRDs
+note left of bmc
+ 1. Preconditions checks
+ a. Paused Annotation
+ b. Owner References
+ c. DataSecret
+end note
+bmc -> mc: Select/Filter Available ByoHost
+mc -> bmc: Recieve list of available ByoHost
+bmc -> bmc: Host Attachment
+note right of bmc
+ 1. Add labels for ByoHost
+ 2. Add Annotations for ByoHost
+ 3. Set Status.MachineRef
+end note
+bmc -> mc: Patch Selected ByoHost
+mc --> hagent: Recieve Reconcile Event
+bmc -> mc: Patch ByoMachine with status Ready
+note right of hagent
+ 1. Preconditions Checks
+ a. Paused Annotation is
+ b. Status.MachineRef
+ c. Spec.BootstrapSecret
+end note
+oci -> hagent: Download BYOH Imgpkg bundle
+hagent -> hagent: Node Bootstrap
+note right of hagent
+ 1. Install k8s components
+ 2. kubeadm init/join
+end note
+hagent -> mc: Patch Condition \n K8sNodeBootstrapSucceeded
+== Cluster is provisioned ==