This plugin provides Gradle-based assembly of RPM packages, typically for Linux distributions derived from RedHat. It leverages Redline Java library.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.trigonic:gradle-rpm-plugin:2.0'
apply plugin: 'rpm'
task fooRpm(type: Rpm) {
release = 1
The RPM plugin provides a Task based on a standard copy task, similar to the Zip and Tar tasks. The power comes from specifying "from" and "into" calls, read more in the Copying files section of the Gradle documentation. On top of the standard available methods, there are some additional values that be set, which are specific to RPMs. Quite of them have defaults which fall back to fields on the project.
- packageName - Default to
- release - RPM Release
- version - Version field, defaults to project.version
- user - Default user to permission files to
- permissionGroup - Default group to permission files to, "group" is used by Gradle for the display of tasks
- packageGroup
- buildHost
- summary
- packageDescription
- license
- packager
- distribution
- vendor
- url
- sourcePackage
- provides
- fileType [org.freecompany.redline.payload.Directive] - Default for types, e.g. CONFIG, DOC, NOREPLACE, LICENSE
- createDirectoryEntry [Boolean]
- addParentDirs [Boolean]
- arch [org.freecompany.redline.header.Architecture] - E.g. NOARCH, I386, ARM, X86_64
- os [org.freecompany.redline.header.Os] - E.g. LINUX
- type [org.freecompany.redline.header.RpmType] - BINARY, SOURCE
Symbolic links are specified via the links method, where the permissions umask is optional:
link(String src, String dest, int permissions)
Required packages are specified via the required method:
requires(String packageName, String version, int flag)
Flag is optional and comes from the org.freecompany.redline.header.Flags class. They can be "|" or'd together. E.g. GREATER | EQUAL
To provide the scripts traditionally seen in the spec files, they are provided as Strings or as files. Their corresponding methods can be called multiple times, and the contents will be appended in the order provided.
- preInstall
- postInstall
- preUninstall
- postUninstall
- installUtils - Scripts which are prefixed to all the other scripts.
To make it easier to use the types above which are not native types, they have been injected into the task to make them available without imports. Specifically Architecture, Os, RpmType, Directive, Flags.
The following attributes can be used inside from and into closures to complement the Copy Spec.
- user
- permissionGroup
- fileType
- addParentDirs [boolean]
- createDirectoryEntry [boolean]
(Above can be set via property syntax, e.g. "user='jryan'", or method syntax, e.g. "user 'jryan'")
task fooRpm(type: Rpm) {
packageName = 'foo'
version = '1.2.3'
release = 1
arch = I386
os = LINUX
installUtils = file('scripts/rpm/')
preInstall = file('scripts/rpm/')
postInstall = file('scripts/rpm/')
preUninstall = file('scripts/rpm/')
postUninstall = file('scripts/rpm/')
requires('bar', '2.2', GREATER | EQUAL)
requires('baz', '1.0.1', LESS)
into '/opt/foo'
from(jar.outputs.files) {
into 'lib'
from(configurations.runtime) {
into 'lib'
from('lib') {
into 'lib'
from('scripts') {
into 'bin'
exclude 'database'
fileMode = 0550
from('src/main/resources') {
into 'conf'
from('home') {
// Creating directory entries (or not) in the RPM is normally left up to redline-rpm library.
// Use this to explicitly create an entry -- for setting directory fileMode on system directories.
createDirectoryEntry = true
fileMode = 0500
into 'home'
from('endorsed') {
// Will tell redline-rpm not to auto create directories, which
// is sometimes necessary to avoid rpm directory conflicts
addParentDirs = false
into '/usr/share/tomcat/endorsed'
link('/opt/foo/bin/foo.init', '/etc/init.d/foo')