larry -
- no named axes, only labels
- labels are lists, various types can mix
- implicit inner join
- axes have to be matched manually
- default labels are generated as range(n)
- name can be None (or any type?)
- labels cannot be integers (because is in conflict with integer indexing), this is problem for example when the label should be year or month or hour
- implicit inner joins
- axes have to be matched automatically
- axes keep information about its index in the array
- axes can be unnamed (None)
- require the same order of axes (no automatic matching)
- interface experimental and no development since 2012, a dead project
automatic axis matching
numcube YES larry NO dataarray ?
automatic axis alignment
numcube YES larry YES dataarray YES
named axes
numcube YES (string only) larry NO dataarray YES (any object, including None)
annotated axes
numcube YES (stored in 1D numpy array) larry YES (stored as list of lists) dataarray YES ?
protection against breaking the structure consistency
numcube YES ("99 %") larry ? dataarray ?
unique and non-unique labels
numcube BOTH larry UNIQUE dataarray ?
protection against implicit inner join (i.e. danger of unintentional leaving out of values)
numcube YES larry NO dataarray NO
access to axes as attributes, e.g. cube.x do denote axis 'x'
numcube NO larry NO (does not have named axes) dataarray YES
numcube YES larry ? dataarray ?
numcube YES larry ? dataarray ?
direct inheritance from numpy array
numcube NO (but is a wrapper around numpy array and provides access to underlying numpy array) larry YES dataarray YES