- Create form to intake recipes
- Edit form to edit recipes
- Edit any property of a recipe or delete a recipe, deleting a recipe should prompt the user to make sure they actually want to do this action.
- List page
- Filters
- Autocomplete text field
- Ingredient names, recipe description, and ingredient descriptions will be appended to data attributes for search ability
- List all recipes by name
- Filters
- Save recipes
- Write a JSON file with all the recipes for start, long term look into a different back end like Node or Python to save to a database.
- Objects
- Recipe
- Name
- Description
- Ingredients
- A recipe can have unlimited number of ingredients
- Ingredient
- Name
- Description (Use this as a tool tip to provide additional information)
- Amount
- Measurement Type
- US
- tsp
- tbsp
- cp
- quart
- gallon
- oz
- lbs
- Metric
- liter
- grams
- kilo
- US
- Recipe