Only use this if you do not have permissions on your azure subscription to use the automatic authentication between azure devops and your azure subscription
- Create a kubernetes service connection with the following values
a. Connection name = choose your name
b. Server Url = look up the api server address on your kubernets object
Add https://
as a prefix
c. Retrieve the kubeconfig from your azure shell
cat ~/.kube/config
Copy the output into the KubeConfig field
- Verify that the connection works
If you cannot create a connection to your azure container registry, then swith the Container Registry Type dropdown to Container Registry
You have to activate the Admin user under Access keys
in your azure container registry.
- Create a new
Docker Registry Service Connection
- Select Registry Type `Other``
- Give the connection a name so you can find it again
- Set the value for Docker Registry to the Login Server Url of your container registry. Add
as prefix - Use one of the two passwords from you azure container registry as password