Server for Blog
The production server is hosted on AWS, and gets deployed automatically upon a push to master.
You can also deploy to the dev stack for testing:
Create an AWS IAM Profile with the following AWS Managed Policies:
- IAMFullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
- AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
- AWSLambda_FullAccess
- AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator
- AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
Using the key and secret from the above profile, run:
npm run sls -- config credentials --provider aws --key [key] --secret [secret]
npm run sls -- deploy --stage dev
has some manual scripts that may be useful. Run them with
npx ts-node ./bin/[script].ts
This is a way too manual, especially since I have de-normalized data. A decent next step would be add an authoring experience.
Add data for articles into ArticlesTable
Add data for series into SeriesTable
Optimize Images (see below) and add them to PublicBucket
- Crop to a max-width of 1600px
- Compress to a bit level of 8
- Upload both the original
and the compressed<name>.web-optimized.jpeg
to thePublicBucket
S3 Bucket.