A general purpose wireless graphical LCD display unit. Powered by an Atmega328 with an Arduino bootloader.
The emonGLCD is designed to drive a 128x64 GLCD display based on the ST7565 driver. The board has a built in HopeRF RFM12B wireless module to receive data from the emonTx energy monitoring node or an emonBase (Nanode-RF web-connected basestation) which in turn could be pulled aggregated data from a web-sever to be displayed.
The emonGLCD has an on-board temperate sensor, light sensor and two tri-color ambient indicator LED's.
Based on JeeLabs.org design.
Download both the schematic and board file and open in eagle, click on File > Switch to Board to navigate between schematic view and PCB Board view.
- Schematic: emonGLCD_V1.5.sch
- Board: emonGLCD_V1.5.brd
- BOM: bom.json
Hardware designs (schematics and CAD) files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License and follow the terms of the OSHW (Open-source hardware) Statement of Principles 1.0.