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- [Repository Layout](./developer/repository-layout.md)
- [Rapid iterative development with Tilt](./developer/tilt.md)
- [Testing](./developer/testing.md)
+ - [Developing E2E tests](./developer/e2e.md)
- [Controllers](./developer/architecture/controllers.md)
- [Bootstrap](./developer/architecture/controllers/bootstrap.md)
- [Cluster](./developer/architecture/controllers/cluster.md)
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+# Developing E2E tests
+E2E tests are meant to verify the proper functioning of a Cluster API management
+cluster in an environment that resemble a real production environment.
+Following guidelines should be followed when developing E2E tests:
+- Use the [Cluster API test framework].
+- Define test spec reflecting real user workflow, e.g. [Cluster API quick start].
+- Unless you are testing provider specific features, ensure your test can run with
+ different infrastructure providers (see [Writing Portable Tests](#writing-portable-e2e-tests)).
+The [Cluster API test framework] provides you a set of helpers method for getting your test in place
+quickly; the [test E2E package] provide examples of how this can be achieved and reusable
+test specs for the most common Cluster API use cases.
+## Prerequisites
+Each E2E test requires a set of artifacts to be available:
+- Binaries & docker images for Kubernetes, CNI, CRI & CSI
+- Manifests & docker images for the Cluster API core components
+- Manifests & docker images for the Cluster API infrastructure provider; in most cases
+ also machine images are required (AMI, OVA etc.)
+- Credentials for the target infrastructure provider
+- Other support tools (e.g. kustomize, gsutil etc.)
+The Cluster API test framework provides support for building and retrieving the manifest
+files for Cluster API core components and for the Cluster API infrastructure provider
+(see [Setup](#setup))
+For the remaining tasks you can find examples of
+how this can be implemented e.g. in [CAPA E2E tests] and [CAPG E2E tests].
+## Setup
+In order to run E2E tests it is required to create a Kubernetes cluster with a
+complete set of Cluster API providers installed. Setting up those elements is
+usually implemented in a `BeforeSuite` function, and it consists of two steps:
+- Defining an E2E config file
+- Creating the management cluster and installing providers
+### Defining an E2E config file
+The [E2E config file] provides a convenient and flexible way to define common tasks for
+setting up a management cluster.
+Using the config file it is possible to:
+- Define the list of providers to be installed in the management cluster. Most notably,
+ for each provider it is possible to define:
+ - One or more versions of the providers manifest (built from the sources, or pulled from a
+ remote location).
+ - A list of additional files to be added to the provider repository, to be used e.g.
+ to provide `cluster-templates.yaml` files.
+- Define the list of variables to be used when doing `clusterctl init` or
+ `clusterctl config cluster`.
+- Define a list of intervals to be used in the test specs for defining timeouts for the
+ wait and `Eventually` methods.
+- Define the list of images to be loaded in the management cluster (this is specif of
+ management cluster based on kind).
+An [example E2E config file] can be found here.
+### Creating the management cluster and installing providers
+In order to run Cluster API E2E tests, you need a Kubernetes cluster; the [NewKindClusterProvider] gives you a
+type that can be used to create a local kind cluster and pre-load images into it, but also existing clusters can
+be used if available.
+Once you have a Kubernetes cluster, the [InitManagementClusterAndWatchControllerLogs method] provides a convenient
+way for installing providers.
+This method:
+- Runs `clusterctl init` using the above local repository.
+- Waits for the providers controllers to be running.
+- Creates log watchers for all the providers
+## Writing test specs
+A typical test spec is a sequence of:
+- Creating a namespace to host in isolation all the test objects
+- Creating objects in the management cluster, wait for the corresponding infrastructure to be provisioned.
+- Exec operations like e.g. changing the Kubernetes version or `clusterctl move`, wait for the action to complete.
+- Delete objects in the management cluster, wait for the corresponding infrastructure to be terminated.
+### Creating Namespaces
+The [CreateNamespaceAndWatchEvents method] provides a convenient way to create a namespace and setup
+watches for capturing namespaces events
+### Creating objects
+There are two possible approaches for creating objects in the management cluster:
+- Create object by object: create the `Cluster` object, then `AwsCluster`, `Machines`, `AwsMachines` etc.
+- Apply a `cluster-templates.yaml` file thus creating all the objects this file contains.
+The first approaches leverage on the [controller-runtime Client] and gives you full control, but it comes with
+some drawbacks as well, because this method does not reflect directly real user workflows, and most importantly,
+the resulting tests are not as reusable with other infrastructure providers. (See [writing portable tests](#writing-portable-e2e-tests)).
+We recommend using the [ClusterTemplate method] and the [Apply method] for creating objects in the cluster.
+This methods mimics the recommended user workflows, and it is based on `cluster-templates.yaml` files that can be
+provided via the [E2E config file], and thus easily swappable when changing the target infrastructure provider.
+After creating objects in the cluster, use the existing methods in the [Cluster API test framework] to discover
+which object was created in the cluster so your code can adapt to different `cluster-templates.yaml` files.
+Once you have objects references, the framework includes methods for waiting for the corresponding
+infrastructure to be provisioned, e.g. [WaitForClusterToProvision], [WaitForKubeadmControlPlaneMachinesToExist].
+### Exec operations
+You can use [Cluster API test framework] methods to modify Cluster API objects, as a last option, use
+the [controller-runtime Client].
+The [Cluster API test framework] includes also methods for executing clusterctl operations, like e.g.
+the [ClusterTemplate method], the [ClusterctlMove method] etc.; in order to improve observability,
+each clusterctl operation creates a detailed log.
+After using clusterctl operations, you can rely on the `Get` and on the `Wait` methods
+defined in the [Cluster API test framework] to check if the operation completed successfully.
+## Tear down
+After a test completes/fails, it is required to:
+- Collect all the logs for the Cluster API controllers
+- Dump all the relevant Cluster API/Kubernetes objects
+- Cleanup all the infrastructure resources created during the test
+Those task are usually implemented in the `AfterSuite`, and again the [Cluster API test framework] provides
+you useful methods for those tasks.
+Please note that despite the fact that test specs are expected to delete objects in the management cluster and
+wait for the corresponding infrastructure to be terminated, it can happen that the test spec
+fails before starting object deletion or that objects deletion itself fails.
+As a consequence, when scheduling/running a test suite, it is required to ensure all the generated
+resources are cleaned up. In Kubernetes, this is implemented by the [boskos] project.
+## Writing portable E2E tests
+A portable E2E test is a test can run with different infrastructure providers by simply
+changing the test configuration file.
+Following recommendations should be followed to write portable E2E tests:
+- Create different [E2E config file], one for each target infrastructure provider,
+ providing different sets of env variables and timeout intervals.
+- Use the [InitManagementCluster method] for setting up the management cluster.
+- Use the [ClusterTemplate method] and the [Apply method]
+ for creating objects in the cluster using `cluster-templates.yaml` files instead
+ of hard coding object creation.
+- Use the `Get` methods defined in the [Cluster API test framework] to checks object
+ being created, so your code can adapt to different `cluster-templates.yaml` files.
+- Never hard code the infrastructure provider name in your test spec.
+ Instead, use the [InfrastructureProvider method] to get access to the
+ name of the infrastructure provider defined in the [E2E config file].
+- Never hard code wait intervals in your test spec.
+ Instead use the [GetIntervals method] to get access to the
+ intervals defined in the [E2E config file].
+## Cluster API conformance tests
+As of today there is no a well-defined suites of E2E tests that can be used as a
+baseline for Cluster API conformance.
+However, creating such suite is something that can provide a huge value for the
+long term success of the project.
+The [test E2E package] provide examples of how this can be achieved implemeting a set of and reusable
+test specs for the most common Cluster API use cases.
+[Cluster API quick start]: https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/user/quick-start.html
+[Cluster API test framework]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc
+[deprecated E2E config file]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#Config
+[deprecated InitManagementCluster method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#InitManagementCluster
+[Apply method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#Applier
+[CAPA E2E tests]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/blob/master/scripts/ci-e2e.sh
+[CAPG E2E tests]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-gcp/blob/master/scripts/ci-e2e.sh
+[WaitForClusterToProvision]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#WaitForClusterToProvision
+[WaitForKubeadmControlPlaneMachinesToExist]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#WaitForKubeadmControlPlaneMachinesToExist
+[controller-runtime Client]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.5.2/pkg/client?tab=doc#Client
+[boskos]: https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/tree/master/boskos
+[E2E config file]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#E2EConfig
+[example E2E config file]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/blob/master/test/e2e/config/docker-dev.yaml
+[NewKindClusterProvider]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/bootstrap?tab=doc#NewKindClusterProvider
+[InitManagementClusterAndWatchControllerLogs method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#InitManagementClusterAndWatchControllerLogs
+[ClusterTemplate method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#ConfigCluster
+[ClusterctlMove method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#Move
+[InfrastructureProvider method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#E2EConfig.InfrastructureProviders
+[GetIntervals method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework/clusterctl?tab=doc#E2EConfig.GetIntervals
+[test E2E package]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/e2e?tab=doc
+[CreateNamespaceAndWatchEvents method]: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/framework?tab=doc#CreateNamespaceAndWatchEvents
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This framework aims to define common end-to-end patterns that can be reused across Cluster API providers.
-## Usage
-Use this framework as you see fit. If there are pieces that don't work for you, do not use them. If there are pieces
-that almost work for you, customize them. If this does not fit your e2e testing please file an issue and we can discuss
-your use case and find a nice solution for everyone.
-### Features
-#### Optionally override the images that get loaded onto the management cluster.
-This feature allows you to obtain a CAPI management image locally and use that specific image in your kind cluster.
-If you do not have one locally then the latest :master image will be used on the management cluster.
-### Contents
-This framework contains
-* A [Go interface][mgmt] to a management cluster
- * A [struct that implements][impl] the management cluster interface using `kind` as the backend.
-* A series of behavioral tests
-[mgmt]: ./interfaces.go
-[impl]: ./management/kind/mgmt.go
-## Requirements
-### Code
-* You must use [ginkgo][ginkgo] for your testing framework.
-[ginkgo]: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/
-## Examples
-To see this framework in use please take a look at the [docker provider found in the cluster-api repository][capd].
-[capd]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/tree/master/test/infrastructure/docker
+See https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/developer/e2e.html for more information.
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