Feel++ stands for Finite Element Embedded Library and language in C++.
The Feel++ library is in
- feel/
The Feel++ libraries are copyrighted by Université de Strasbourg, Université de Grenoble 1, EPFL and University of Coimbra. They are distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License(LGPL)
See doc/manual/common/LGPL for a copy of the Lesser GNU Public License(LGPL)
The directories are : - benchmarks/ - testsuite/ - doc/ - applications
The Feel++ applications, examples, testsuite and benchmarks are copyrighted by Université de Strasbourg, Université de Grenoble 1, EPFL and University of Coimbra. They are distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License(GPL).
See doc/manual/common/GPL for a copy of the GNU Public License(GPL)
Eigen is used for some linear algebra operations.
see contrib/eigen/COPYING.README