Read the instructions below before you create a bug report.
- Search the Overclocked forum. Ask the community if they have seen the bug or know how to fix it.
- Check all open and closed issues on the GitHub bug tracker.
- If your bug is related to the OpenCart Overclocked Edition core code then please create a bug report on GitHub.
- Use Google to search for your issue.
- Make sure that your bug/issue is not related to your hosting environment.
- If your bug report is not related to the core code (such as a 3rd party module or your server configuration) then the issue will be closed without a reason. You must contact the extension developer, use the forum or find a commercial partner to resolve a 3rd party code issue.
- If you would like to report a security bug please do one of the following: PM a forum moderator (Philippe), or better, use the contact form on the Villagedefrance website.
- Please do not report concept/ideas/unproven security flaws - all security reports are taken seriously but you must include the EXACT details steps to reproduce it otherwise it is a huge drain on resources. Please DO NOT post security flaws in a public location like forums, twitter, Reddit, ...
- If you have found a bug / security issue it is very important to check if it is present in the latest version of OpenCart Overclocked Edition before reporting it, please check commit the history of the file(s) where the bug is to see if it is resolved.
Please do not create a bug report if you think something needs improving / adding (such as features or change to code standards etc).
We welcome public suggestions on the Overclocked forum.
Fork the repository, edit and submit a pull request.
Please be very clear on your commit messages and pull request, empty pull request messages may be rejected without reason.
Your code should strictly follow the OpenCart Overclocked Edition coding standards.
We use an automated code scanner to check for most basic mistakes - if the test fails your pull request will be rejected.