npm install promise-pool
import Q = require('q');
import promisePool = require('promise-pool');
var pool = new promisePool.Pool<number>((taskDataId, index) => {
if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
throw new Error('err 1');
return Q
.delay(Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000))
.then(function () {
if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
throw new Error('err 2');
if (index == 40) {
.then(function () {
.then(function () {
}, 20);
pool.retries = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
.start(progress => {
if (progress.success) {
console.log(progress.fulfilled + '/' +;
else {
'task ' + progress.index + ' failed with ' +
(progress.error ? progress.error.message : 'no error') + ', ' +
progress.retries + ' retries left.'
.then(result => {
console.log('completed ' + + ' tasks.');
this is just a glance for the API, checkout the source code or use your editor's code hint for more information.
// initialize a task pool.
constructor(processor: (data: T, index: number) => Q.Promise<void>, concurrency: number, endless = false, tasksData?: T[]);
// add a data item.
add(taskData: T): void;
// add a data items.
add(tasksData: T[]): void;
// start tasks, return a promise that will be fulfilled after all tasks accomplish if endless is false.
// if an error has been thrown in onProgress, this promise will be rejected.
start(onProgress?: (progress: IProgress) => void): Q.Promise<IResult>;
// pause tasks and return a promise that will be fulfilled after the running tasks accomplish. this will wait for running tasks to complete instead of aborting them.
pause(): Q.Promise<void>;
// resume tasks.
resume(): void;
// pause tasks, then clear pending tasks data and reset counters. return a promise that will be fulfilled after resetting accomplish.
reset(): Q.Promise<void>;
// (get/set) the max concurrency of this task pool.
concurrency: number;
// (get/set) the processor function that handles tasks data.
processor: (data: T, index: number) => Q.Promise<void>;
// (get) the number of successful tasks.
fulfilled: number;
// (get) the number of failed tasks.
rejected: number;
// (get) the number of pending tasks.
pending: number;
// (get) the number of completed tasks and pending tasks in total.
total: number;
// (get/set) indicates whether this task pool is endless, if so, tasks can still be added even after all previous tasks have been fulfilled.
endless: boolean;
// (get/set) defaults to 0, the number or retries that this task pool will take for every single task, could be Infinity.
retries: number;
// (get/set) defaults to 0, interval (milliseconds) between each retries.
retryInterval: number;
// (get/set) defaults to Infinity, max retry interval when retry interval multiplier applied.
maxRetryInterval: number;
// (get/set) defaults to 1, the multiplier applies to interval after every retry.
retryIntervalMultiplier: number;
// (get/set) a callback that will be triggered every time when a single task is fulfilled.
onProgress: (progress: IProgress) => void;
index: number;
success: boolean;
error: any;
retries: number;
fulfilled: number;
rejected: number;
pending: number;
total: number;
fulfilled: number;
rejected: number;
total: number;