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A repository for commands using the nvim-fzf library.

This is a work in progress, contributions welcome!

Table of contents


Plug 'vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf' " requires the nvim-fzf library
Plug 'vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf-commands'


This repository exports lua functions for the user to bind to vim commands or keybindings.


noremap <leader>f <cmd>lua require("fzf-commands").files()<cr>
" or
command! Files lua require("fzf-commands").files()
" or with configuration
noremap <leader>f <cmd>lua require("fzf-commands").files({ fzf = custom_fzf_function })<cr>


These are keys of require("fzf-commands"). For eg.: require('fzf-commands').files()

files(options): Open files in the current vim directory

  • List files (using fd if available, otherwise find)
  • Preview (using bat if available, otherwise head)
  • Supports opening multiple files
  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).
  • Options:
    • options.command_flags (string): Provide custom flags to find or fd. The default flags are not passed to the commands if this option is provided.

helptags(options): Open neovim help files

  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).

bufferpicker2(options): Pick between buffers to switch to them or open in a split.

  • Preview the buffers (with neovim syntax highlighting and crosshairs for cursor position!)
  • Can handle multiple buffers
  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).
  • Options:
    • options.height (number): the height of the split
    • options.unloaded (boolean): show unloaded buffers
    • options.unlisted (boolean): show unlisted buffers
    • options.direction (string: "top" / "bottom"): where to display the split.
    • does not take options.fzf, because this function opens two windows, one for fzf, one for the preview.

bufferpicker(options): Pick between buffers to switch to them or open in a split.

  • Preview the buffers (plaintext)
  • Can handle multiple buffers
  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).

manpicker(options): Open a manpage using nvim's Man.

  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).

rg(pattern, options): Search for a pattern using rg (ripgrep).

  • Can handle opening multiple search results

  • Can open files in the same window, in a [vertical] split, or in a new tab (enter, ctrl-s, ctrl-v, ctrl-t).

    Example usage:

    command! -nargs=1 Rg call luaeval('require("fzf-commands").rg(_A)', <f-args>)
    nnoremap <leader>r :<c-u>Rg<space>

colorschemes(options): Pick a vim colorscheme.

  • Previews the colorscheme live as you navigate them.


All commands support a custom fzf function that manages opening windows and running fzf.

Example changing height and width of default window

This example uses window_options, documentation here

require("fzf-commands").files({ fzf = function(contents, options) 
  return require("fzf").fzf(contents, options, { height = 10, width = 30 })
end })

Other examples

function my_custom_fzf(contents, options)
  local results = require("fzf").raw_fzf(contents, options)
  return results
require("fzf-commands").files({ fzf = my_custom_fzf })


" vertical fzf
lua << EOF
  function my_custom_fzf(contents, options)
    local results = require("fzf").raw_fzf(contents, options)
    return results
command! Files lua require("fzf-commands").files({ fzf = my_custom_fzf })

For other configuration, please see command specific documentation.

Contribution notes

Contributions welcome!

  • Any improvements (previews, bindings) to existing commands welcome!
  • Any commands relevant to vim or common unix tools welcome!
  • Issues welcome for edge cases or need for configurability. Configuration should only be added if the user needs it.
  • Commands must be asynchronous at all costs for UI speed reasons.
  • A gif demonstrating the command would be appreciated.
  • All commands should take an fzf configuration option that provides the fzf command to use instead of the default nvim_fzf.fzf function.