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Mission LZ Deployment Guide for Terraform

Table of Contents

This guide describes how to deploy Mission Landing Zone using the Terraform template at src/terraform/mlz.

To get started with Terraform on Azure check out their tutorial.

Below is an example of a Terraform deployment that uses all the defaults.

cd src/terraform/mlz
terraform init
terraform apply # supply some parameters, approve, copy the output values
cd src/terraform/tier3
terraform init
terraform apply # supply some parameters, approve


NOTE: Azure Cloud Shell is often our preferred place to deploy from because the AZ CLI and Terraform are already installed. However, sometimes Cloud Shell has different versions of the dependencies from what we have tested and verified, and sometimes there have been bugs in the Terraform Azure RM provider or the AZ CLI that only appear in Cloud Shell. If you are deploying from Azure Cloud Shell and see something unexpected, try the development container or deploy from your machine using locally installed AZ CLI and Terraform. We welcome all feedback and contributions, so if you see something that doesn't make sense, please create an issue or open a discussion thread.


Decide on a Resource Prefix

Resource Groups and resource names are derived from the resourcePrefix parameter, which defaults to 'mlz'. Pick a unqiue resource prefix that is 3-10 alphanumeric characters in length without whitespaces.

One Subscription or Multiple

MLZ can deploy to a single subscription or multiple subscriptions. A test and evaluation deployment may deploy everything to a single subscription, and a production deployment may place each tier into its own subscription.

The optional parameters related to subscriptions are below. At least one subscription is required.

Parameter name Default Value Description
hub_subid '' Subscription ID for the Hub deployment
tier0_subid value of hub_subid Subscription ID for tier 0
tier1_subid value of hub_subid Subscription ID for tier 1
tier2_subid value of hub_subid Subscription ID for tier 2


The following parameters affect networking addresses. To override the defaults edit the variables file at src/terraform/mlz/

Parameter name Default Value Description
hub_vnet_address_space [""] The address space to be used for the virtual network
hub_client_address_space "" The address space to be used for the Firewall virtual network
hub_management_address_space "" The address space to be used for the Firewall virtual network subnet used for management traffic
tier0_vnet_address_space [""] VNet prefix for tier 0
tier0_subnets.address_prefixes [""] Subnet prefix for tier 0
tier1_vnet_address_space [""] VNet prefix for tier 1
tier1_subnets.address_prefixes [""] Subnet prefix for tier 1
tier2_vnet_address_space [""] VNet prefix for tier 2
tier2_subnets.address_prefixes [""] Subnet prefix for tier 2

Optional Features

Assigning Azure Policy

This template supports assigning NIST 800-53 policies. See the policies documentation for more information.

You can enable this by providing a true value to the create_policy_assignment variable.

At apply time:

terraform apply -var="create_policy_assignment=true"

Or, by updating src/terraform/mlz/

variable "create_policy_assignment" {
  description = "Assign Policy to deployed resources?"
  type        = bool
  default     = true

Planning for Workloads

MLZ allows for deploying one or many workloads that are peered to the hub network. Each workload can be in its own subscription or multiple workloads may be combined into a single subscription.

A separate Terraform template is provided for deploying an empty workload src/terraform/tier3. You can use this template as a starting point to create and customize specific workload deployments.

The following parameters affect newWorkload networking. To override the defaults edit the variables file at src/terraform/tier3/

Parameter name Default Value Description
tier3_vnet_address_space [""] Address space prefix for tier 3
tier3_subnets.address_prefixes [""] Subnet prefix for tier 3


Login to Azure CLI

Log in using the Azure CLI.

az login

If you are deploying to another cloud, such as Azure Government, set the cloud name before logging in.

az cloud set -n AzureUSGovernment
az login

Terraform init

Before provisioning any Azure resources with Terraform you must initialize a working directory.

  1. Navigate to the directory in the repository that contains the MissionLZ Terraform module:

    cd src/terraform/mlz
  2. Execute terraform init

    terraform init

Terraform apply

After intializing the directory, use terraform apply to provision the resources described in mlz/ and its referenced modules at mlz/modules/*.

When you run terraform apply, by default, Terraform will inspect the state of your environment to determine what resource creation, modification, or deletion needs to occur as if you invoked a terraform plan and then prompt you for your approval before taking action.

  1. From the directory in which you executed terraform init execute terraform apply:

    terraform apply
  2. You'll be prompted for a subscription ID. Supply the subscription ID you want to use for the Hub network:

    > terraform apply
    Subscription ID for the deployment
    Enter a value: 
  3. Terraform will then inspect the state of your Azure environment and compare it with what is described in the Mission LZ Terraform module. Eventually, you'll be prompted for your approval to create, modify, or destroy resources. Supply yes:

    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value: yes
  4. The deployment will begin. These commands will deploy all of the resources that make up Mission LZ. Deployment could take up to 45 minutes.

Apply Complete

When it's complete, you'll see some output values that will be necessary if you want to stand up new spoke, or Tier 3, networks:

Apply complete! Resources: 99 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


firewall_private_ip = ""
hub_rgname = "hub-rg"
hub_subid = "{the Hub subscription ID}"
hub_vnetname = "hub-vnet"
laws_name = "{the name of the Log Analytics Workspace}"
laws_rgname = "operations-rg"
tier1_subid = "{the Tier 1 subscription ID}"

Deploy New Workloads

Once you've deployed Mission LZ, you can use the Tier 3 module to deploy and peer new Spoke Networks and workloads to the Hub and Firewall.

  1. Navigate to the directory in the repository that contains the MissionLZ Tier 3 Terraform module:

    cd src/terraform/tier3
  2. Execute terraform init

    terraform init
  3. Execute terraform apply

    terraform apply
  4. You'll be prompted for environment values for resources deployed by the core Mission LZ deployment for: 1) the Hub Firewall, 2) the Log Analytics Workspace resources and 3) the desired subscription ID for the new spoke network/Tier 3:

    > terraform apply
      Firewall IP to bind network to
      Enter a value:
      Resource Group for the Hub deployment
      Enter a value: hub-rg
      Subscription ID for the Hub deployment
      Enter a value: {the Hub subscription ID}
      Virtual Network Name for the Hub deployment
      Enter a value: hub-vnet
      Log Analytics Workspace Name for the deployment
      Enter a value: {the name of the Log Analytics Workspace}
      The resource group that Log Analytics Workspace was deployed to
      Enter a value: operations-rg
      Subscription ID for the Tier 1 deployment
      Enter a value: {the Tier 1 subscription ID}
      Subscription ID for this Tier 3 deployment
      Enter a value: {the Tier 3 subscription ID}

    You get these values when terraform apply is complete for the core Mission LZ deployment. See the Apply Complete section for what these values look like. You can also source the values after a successful core Mission LZ deployment by inspecting the outputs object in the Terraform state file. By default that state file is at src/terraform/mlz/terraform.tfstate.

  5. Terraform will then inspect the state of your Azure environment and compare it with what is described in the Tier 3 Terraform module. Eventually, you'll be prompted for your approval to create, modify, or destroy resources. Supply yes:

    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value: yes

Deploy with a Service Principal

If you are using a Service Principal to deploy Azure resources with Terraform, some additional configuration is required.

Using a Service Principal will require updating the resource providers for mlz/

variable "client_secret" {

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

  subscription_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  client_id       = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  client_secret   = var.client_secret
  tenant_id       = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Deploy to Other Clouds

The azurerm Terraform provider provides a mechanism for changing the Azure cloud in which to deploy Terraform modules.

If you want to deploy to another cloud, pass in the correct value for environment, metadata_host, and location for the cloud you're targeting to the relevant module's variables file mlz/ or tier3/

variable "environment" {
  description = "The Terraform backend environment e.g. public or usgovernment"
  type        = string
  default     = "usgovernment"

variable "metadata_host" {
  description = "The metadata host for the Azure Cloud e.g."
  type        = string
  default     = ""

variable "location" {
  description = "The Azure region for most Mission LZ resources"
  type        = string
  default     = "usgovvirginia"
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  environment     = var.environment # e.g. 'public' or 'usgovernment'
  metadata_host   = var.metadata_host # e.g. '' or ''

For the supported environment values, see this doc:

For the supported metadata_host values, see this doc:

For more endpoint mappings between AzureCloud and AzureUsGovernment:

Terraform Providers

The development container definition downloads the required Terraform plugin providers during the container build so that the container can be transported to an air-gapped network.

The container sets the TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR environment variable, which Terraform uses as the search location for locally installed providers.

If you are not using the development container to deploy or if the TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR environment variable is not set, Terraform will automatically attempt to download the provider from the internet when you execute the terraform init command.

See the development container README for more details on building and running the container.

Terraform Backends

The default templates write a state file directly to disk locally to where you are executing terraform from. If you wish to change the output directory you can set the path directly in the terraform backend block located in the file via the path variable in the backend configuration block.

terraform {
  backend "local" {
    path = "relative/path/to/terraform.tfstate"

  required_version = ">= 1.0.3"
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "= 2.71.0"
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "= 3.1.0"
    time = {
      source  = "hashicorp/time"
      version = "0.7.2"

To find more information about setting the backend see Local Backend, if you wish to AzureRM backend please see AzureRM Backend


If you want to delete an MLZ deployment you can use terraform destroy. If you have deployed more than one Terraform template, e.g., if you have deployed mlz/ and then tier3/, run the terraform destroy commands in the reverse order that you applied them. For example:

# Deploy core MLZ resources
cd src/terraform/mlz
terraform apply

# Deploy a tier 3 spoke network
cd ../tier3
terraform apply

# Reverse order to destroy:
# Destroy the tier 3 spoke network (still in the src/terraform/tier3 folder)
terraform destroy

# Destroy core MLZ resources
cd ../mlz
terraform destroy

Running terraform destroy for mlz/ looks like this:

  1. From the directory in which you executed terraform init and terraform apply execute terraform destroy:

    terraform destroy
  2. You'll be prompted for a subscription ID. Supply the subscription ID you want to used previously:

    > terraform destroy
    Subscription ID for the deployment
    Enter a value: 
  3. Terraform will then inspect the state of your Azure environment and compare it with what is described in Terraform state. Eventually, you'll be prompted for your approval to destroy resources. Supply yes:

    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value: yes

This command will attempt to remove all the resources that were created by terraform apply and could take up to 45 minutes.

Development Setup

For development of the Mission Landing Zone Terraform templates we recommend using the development container because it has the necessary dependencies already installed. To get started follow the guidance for using the development container.

See Also


Terraform Tutorial

Developing in a container using Visual Studio Code