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-![Video.js logo](http://videojs.com/img/logo.png)
+![Video.js logo][logo]
-# [Video.js - HTML5 Video Player](http://videojs.com)
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/videojs/video.js.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/videojs/video.js)
-[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/videojs/video.js/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/videojs/video.js?branch=master)
-[![Slack Status](http://slack.videojs.com/badge.svg)](http://slack.videojs.com)
+# [Video.js - HTML5 Video Player][vjs]
+[![Build Status][travis-icon]][travis-link]
+[![Coverage Status][coveralls-icon]][coveralls-link]
+[![Slack Status][slack-icon]][slack-link]
-> Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 and Flash video, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through [plugins](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/wiki/Plugins)). It supports video playback on desktops and mobile devices. This project was started mid 2010, and the player is now used on over ~~50,000~~ ~~100,000~~ 200,000 websites.
+> Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 and Flash video, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through [plugins][plugins]). It supports video playback on desktops and mobile devices. This project was started mid 2010, and the player is now used on over ~~50,000~~ ~~100,000~~ ~~200,000~~ [400,000 websites][builtwith].
-## Quick start
-Thanks to the awesome folks over at [Fastly](http://www.fastly.com/), there's a free, CDN hosted version of Video.js that anyone can use.
-Also, check out the [Getting Started](http://videojs.com/getting-started/) page on our website which has the latest urls as well.
-Simply add these includes to your document's
+## Quick Start
+Thanks to the awesome folks over at [Fastly][fastly], there's a free, CDN hosted version of Video.js that anyone can use. Add these tags to your document's ``:
-Then, whenever you want to use Video.js you can simply use the `` element as your normally would, but with an additional `data-setup` attribute containing any Video.js options. These options
-can include any Video.js option plus potential [plugin](http://videojs.com/plugins/) options, just make sure they're valid JSON!
+> For the latest URLs, check out the [Getting Started][getting-started] page on our website.
+Next, using Video.js is as simple as creating a `` element, but with an additional `data-setup` attribute. At a minimum, this attribute must have a value of `'{}'`, but it can include any Video.js [options][options] - just make sure it contains valid JSON!
- To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser
- that supports HTML5 video
+ To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a
+ web browser that
+ supports HTML5 video
-If you don't want to use auto-setup, you can leave off the `data-setup` attribute and initialize a video element manually.
+When the page loads, Video.js will find this element and automatically setup a player in its place.
+If you don't want to use automatic setup, you can leave off the `data-setup` attribute and initialize a `` element manually using the `videojs` function:
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+The `videojs` function also accepts an `options` object and a callback to be invoked
+ when the player is ready:
-var player = videojs('really-cool-video', { /* Options */ }, function() {
- console.log('Good to go!');
+var options = {};
- this.play(); // if you don't trust autoplay for some reason
+var player = videojs('my-player', options, function onPlayerReady() {
+ videojs.log('Your player is ready!');
+ // In this context, `this` is the player that was created by Video.js.
+ this.play();
// How about an event listener?
this.on('ended', function() {
- console.log('awww...over so soon?');
+ videojs.log('Awww...over so soon?!');
-If you're ready to dive in, the [documentation](http://docs.videojs.com) is the first place to go for more information.
+If you're ready to dive in, the [Getting Started][getting-started] page and [documentation][docs] are the best places to go for more information. If you get stuck, head over to our [Slack channel][slack-link]!
## Contributing
-Video.js is a free and open source library, and we appreciate any help you're willing to give. Check out the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md).
-_Video.js uses [BrowserStack](https://browserstack.com) for compatibility testing_
-## Building your own Video.js from source
-To build your own custom version read the section on [contributing code](/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-code) and ["Building your own copy"](/CONTRIBUTING.md#building-your-own-copy-of-videojs) in the contributing guide.
-## License
-Video.js is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. [View the license file](LICENSE)
+Video.js is a free and open source library, and we appreciate any help you're willing to give - whether it's fixing bugs, improving documentation, or suggesting new features. Check out the [contributing guide][contributing] for more!
+_Video.js uses [BrowserStack][browserstack] for compatibility testing._
+## [License][license]
+Video.js is [licensed][license] under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
+[browserstack]: https://browserstack.com
+[buildwith]: https://trends.builtwith.com/media/VideoJS
+[contributing]: CONTRIBUTING.md
+[contributing-building]: CONTRIBUTING.md#building-your-own-copy-of-videojs
+[contributing-code]: CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-code
+[coveralls-icon]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/videojs/video.js/badge.svg?branch=master
+[coveralls-link]: https://coveralls.io/github/videojs/video.js?branch=master
+[docs]: http://docs.videojs.com
+[fastly]: http://www.fastly.com/
+[getting-started]: http://videojs.com/getting-started/
+[license]: LICENSE
+[logo]: http://videojs.com/img/logo.png
+[npm-icon]: https://nodei.co/npm/video.js.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true
+[npm-link]: https://nodei.co/npm/video.js/
+[options]: docs/options.md
+[plugins]: http://videojs.com/plugins/
+[slack-icon]: http://slack.videojs.com/badge.svg
+[slack-link]: http://slack.videojs.com
+[travis-icon]: https://travis-ci.org/videojs/video.js.svg?branch=master
+[travis-link]: https://travis-ci.org/videojs/video.js
+[vjs]: http://videojs.com
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-The Video.js API allows you to interact with the video through JavaScript, whether the browser is playing the video through HTML5 video, Flash, or any other supported playback technologies.
-Referencing the Player
-To use the API functions, you need access to the player object. Luckily this is easy to get. You just need to make sure your video tag has an ID. The example embed code has an ID of "example\_video_1". If you have multiple videos on one page, make sure every video tag has a unique ID.
-var myPlayer = videojs('example_video_1');
-(If the player hasn't been initialized yet via the data-setup attribute or another method, this will also initialize the player.)
-Wait Until the Player is Ready
-The time it takes Video.js to set up the video and API will vary depending on the playback technology being used (HTML5 will often be much faster to load than Flash). For that reason we want to use the player's 'ready' function to trigger any code that requires the player's API.
- var myPlayer = this;
- // EXAMPLE: Start playing the video.
- myPlayer.play();
-API Methods
-Now that you have access to a ready player, you can control the video, get values, or respond to video events. The Video.js API function names follow the [HTML5 media API](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-video-element.html). The main difference is that getter/setter functions are used for video properties.
-// setting a property on a bare HTML5 video element
-myVideoElement.currentTime = "120";
-// setting a property on a Video.js player
-The full list of player API methods and events can be found in the [player API docs](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/index.html).
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# Audio Tracks
+Audio tracks are a feature of HTML5 video for providing alternate audio track selections to the user, so that a track other than the main track can be played. Video.js offers a cross-browser implementation of audio tracks.
-Audio Tracks are a function of HTML5 video for providing alternative audio track selections to the user, so that a track other than the main track can be played. Video.js makes audio tracks work across all browsers. There are currently five types of tracks:
+## Caveats
+- It is not possible to add audio tracks through HTML like you can with text tracks. They must be added programmatically.
+- Video.js only stores track representations. Switching audio tracks for playback is _not handled by Video.js_ and must be handled elsewhere - for example, videojs-contrib-hls handles switching audio tracks to support track selection through the UI.
-- **Alternative**: alternative audio for the main video track
-- **Descriptions**: descriptions of what is happening in the video track
-- **Main**: the main audio track for this video
-- **Translation**: a translation of the main audio track
-- **Commentary**: commentary on the video, usually the director of the content talking about design choices
-## Missing Funtionality
-- It is currently impossible to add AudioTracks in a non-programtic way
-- Literal switching of AudioTracks for playback is not handled by video.js and must be handled by something else. video.js only stores the track representation
-## Adding to Video.js
-> Right now adding audio tracks in the HTML is unsupported. Audio Tracks must be added programatically.
-You must add audio tracks [programatically](#api) for the time being.
-## Attributes
-Audio Track propertites and settings
-### kind
-One of the five track types listed above. Kind defaults to empty string if no kind is included, or an invalid kind is used.
+## Working with Audio Tracks
+### Add an Audio Track to the Player
+// Create a player.
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+// Create a track object.
+var track = new videojs.AudioTrack({
+ id: 'my-spanish-audio-track',
+ kind: 'translation',
+ label: 'Spanish',
+ language: 'es'
-### label
-The label for the track that will be show to the user, for example in a menu that list the different languages available for audio tracks.
+// Add the track to the player's audio track list.
-### language
-The two-letter code (valid BCP 47 language tag) for the language of the audio track, for example "en" for English. A list of language codes is [available here](languages.md#language-codes).
+### Listen for a Video Track Becoming Enabled
+When a track is enabled or disabled on an `AudioTrackList`, a `change` event will be fired. You can listen for that event and do something with it.
-### enabled
-If this track should be playing or not. In video.js we only allow one track to be enabled at a time. so if you enable more than one the last one to be enabled will end up being the only one.
+> NOTE: The initial `AudioTrack` selection (usually the main track that is selected) should not fire a `change` event.
-## Interacting with Audio Tracks
-### Doing something when a track becomes enabled
-When a new track is enabled (other than the main track) an event is fired on the `AudioTrackList` called `change` you can listen to that event and do something with it.
-Here's an example:
-// get the current players AudioTrackList object
-let tracks = player.audioTracks();
+// Get the current player's AudioTrackList object.
+var audioTrackList = player.audioTracks();
-// listen to the change event
-tracks.addEventListener('change', function() {
+// Listen to the "change" event.
+audioTrackList.addEventListener('change', function() {
- // print the currently enabled AudioTrack label
- for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
- let track = tracks[i];
+ // Log the currently enabled AudioTrack label.
+ for (var i = 0; i < audioTrackList.length; i++) {
+ var track = audioTrackList[i];
if (track.enabled) {
- console.log(track.label);
+ videojs.log(track.label);
+### Removing an Audio Track from the Player
+Assuming a player already exists and has an audio track that you want to remove, you might do something like the following:
+// Get the track we created in an earlier example.
+var track = player.audioTracks().getTrackById('my-spanish-audio-track');
+// Remove it from the audio track list.
## API
+For more complete information, refer to the [Video.js API docs](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/index.html), specifically:
+- `Player#audioTracks`
+- `AudioTrackList`
+- `AudioTrack`
+### `videojs.AudioTrack`
+This class is based on [the `AudioTrack` standard][spec-audiotrack] and can be used to create new audio track objects.
+Each property below is available as an option to the `AudioTrack` constructor.
+#### `id`
+> [standard definition](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-audiotrack-id)
+A unique identifier for this track. Video.js will generate one if not given.
+#### `kind`
+> [standard definition](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-audiotrack-kind)
+Video.js supports standard `kind` values for `AudioTracks`:
+- `"alternative"`: A possible alternative to the main track.
+- `"descriptions"`: An audio description of a video track.
+- `"main"`: The primary audio track for this video.
+- `"main-desc"`: The primary audio track, mixed with audio descriptions.
+- `"translation"`: A translated version of the main audio track.
+- `"commentary"`: Commentary on the primary audio track, e.g. a director's commentary.
+- `""` (default): No explicit kind, or the kind given by the track's metadata is not recognized by the user agent.
+#### `label`
+> [standard definition](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-audiotrack-label)
+The label for the track that will be shown to the user. For example, in a menu that lists the different languages available as alternate audio tracks.
+#### `language`
+> [standard definition](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-audiotrack-language)
+The valid [BCP 47](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) code for the language of the audio track, e.g. `"en"` for English or `"es"` for Spanish.
+For supported language translations, please see the [languages folder (/lang)](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/tree/master/lang) folder located in the Video.js root and refer to the [languages guide](./languages.md) for more information on languages in Video.js.
+#### `enabled`
+> [standard definition](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-audiotrack-enabled)
+Whether or not this track should be playing.
-### `player.audioTracks() -> AudioTrackList`
-This is the main interface into the audio tracks of the player.
-It returns an AudioTrackList which is an array like object that contains all the `AudioTrack` on the player.
+In Video.js, we only allow one track to be enabled at a time; so, if you enable more than one, the last one to be enabled will end up being the only one. While the spec allows for more than one track to be enabled, Safari and most implementations only allow one audio track to be enabled at a time.
-### `player.audioTracks().addTrack(AudioTrack)`
-Add an existing AudioTrack to the players internal list of AudioTracks.
-### `player.audioTracks().removeTrack(AudioTrack)`
-Remove a track from the AudioTrackList currently on the player. if no track exists this will do nothing.
+[spec-audiotrack]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#audiotrack
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-The Video.js player is built on top of a simple, custom UI components architecture. The player class and all control classes inherit from the `Component` class, or a subclass of `Component`.
+# Components
+The architecture of the Video.js player is centered around components. The `Player` class and all classes representing player controls and other UI elements inherit from the `Component` class. This architecture makes it easy to construct the user interface of the Video.js player in a tree-like structure that mirrors the DOM.
+## What is a Component?
+A component is a JavaScript object that has the following features:
+- An associated DOM element.
+- An association to a `Player` object.
+- The ability to manage any number of child components.
+- The ability to listen for and trigger events.
+- A lifecycle of initialization and disposal.
+For more specifics on the programmatic interface of a component, see [the component API docs](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/component.html).
+## Creating a Component
+Video.js components can be inherited and registered with Video.js to add new features and UI to the player.
+For a working example, [we have a JSBin](http://jsbin.com/vobacas/edit?html,css,js,output) demonstrating the creation of a component for displaying a title across the top of the player.
+In addition, there are a couple methods worth recognizing:
+- `videojs.getComponent(String name)`: Retrieves component constructors from Video.js.
+- `videojs.registerComponent(String name, Function Comp)`: Registers component constructors with Video.js.
+- `videojs.extend(Function component, Object properties)`: Provides prototype inheritance. Can be used to extend a component's constructor, returning a new constructor with the given properties.
+## Component Children
+When child component is added to a parent component, Video.js inserts the element of the child into the element of the parent. For example, adding a component like this:
-videojs.registerComponent('Control', videojs.extend(Component));
-videojs.registerComponent('Button', videojs.extend(videojs.getComponent('Control')));
-videojs.registerComponent('PlayToggle', videojs.extend(videojs.getComponent('Button')));
+// Add a "BigPlayButton" component to the player. Its element will be appended to the player's element.
-The UI component architecture makes it easier to add child components to a parent component and build up an entire user interface, like the controls for the Video.js player.
+Results in a DOM that looks like this:
-// Adding a new control to the player
-Every component has an associated DOM element, and when you add a child component, it inserts the element of that child into the element of the parent.
+Conversely, removing child components will remove the child component's element from the DOM:
-Results in:
+Results in a DOM that looks like this:
-The actual default component structure of the Video.js player looks something like this:
+Again, refer to [the component API docs](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/component.html) for complete details on methods available for managing component structures.
+## Default Component Tree
+The default component structure of the Video.js player looks something like this:
- PosterImage
- TextTrackDisplay
- LoadingSpinner
- BigPlayButton
- ControlBar
- PlayToggle
- VolumeMenuButton
- CurrentTimeDisplay (Hidden by default)
- TimeDivider (Hidden by default)
- DurationDisplay (Hidden by default)
- ProgressControl
- SeekBar
- LoadProgressBar
- MouseTimeDisplay
- PlayProgressBar
- LiveDisplay (Hidden by default)
- RemainingTimeDisplay
- CustomControlsSpacer (No UI)
- ChaptersButton (Hidden by default)
- SubtitlesButton (Hidden by default)
- CaptionsButton (Hidden by default)
- FullscreenToggle
- ErrorDisplay
- TextTrackSettings
+├── PosterImage
+├── TextTrackDisplay
+├── LoadingSpinner
+├── BigPlayButton
+├─┬ ControlBar
+│ ├── PlayToggle
+│ ├── VolumeMenuButton
+│ ├── CurrentTimeDisplay (hidden by default)
+│ ├── TimeDivider (hidden by default)
+│ ├── DurationDisplay (hidden by default)
+│ ├─┬ ProgressControl (hidden during live playback)
+│ │ └─┬ SeekBar
+│ │ ├── LoadProgressBar
+│ │ ├── MouseTimeDisplay
+│ │ └── PlayProgressBar
+│ ├── LiveDisplay (hidden during VOD playback)
+│ ├── RemainingTimeDisplay
+│ ├── CustomControlSpacer (has no UI)
+│ ├── PlaybackRateMenuButton (hidden, unless playback tech supports rate changes)
+│ ├── ChaptersButton (hidden, unless there are relevant tracks)
+│ ├── DescriptionsButton (hidden, unless there are relevant tracks)
+│ ├── SubtitlesButton (hidden, unless there are relevant tracks)
+│ ├── CaptionsButton (hidden, unless there are relevant tracks)
+│ ├── AudioTrackButton (hidden, unless there are relevant tracks)
+│ └── FullscreenToggle
+├── ErrorDisplay (hidden, until there is an error)
+└── TextTrackSettings
-## Progress Control
-The progress control is made up of the SeekBar. The seekbar contains the load progress bar
-and the play progress bar. In addition, it contains the Mouse Time Display which
-is used to display the time tooltip that follows the mouse cursor.
-The play progress bar also has a time tooltip that show the current time.
+## Specific Component Details
+### Progress Control
+The progress control has a grandchild component, the mouse time display, which shows a time tooltip that follows the mouse cursor.
-By default, the progress control is sandwiched between the volume menu button and
-the remaining time display inside the control bar, but in some cases, a skin would
-want to move the progress control above the control bar and have it span the full
-width of the player, in those cases, it is less than ideal to have the tooltips
-get cut off or leave the bounds of the player. This can be prevented by setting the
-`keepTooltipsInside` option on the progress control. This also makes the tooltips use
-a real element instead of pseudo elements so targetting them with css will be different.
+By default, the progress control is sandwiched inside the control bar between the volume menu button and the remaining time display. Some skins attempt to move the it above the control bar and have it span the full width of the player. In these cases, it is less than ideal to have the tooltips leave the bounds of the player. This can be prevented by setting the `keepTooltipsInside` option on the progress control.
let player = videojs('myplayer', {
@@ -84,3 +106,8 @@ let player = videojs('myplayer', {
+> **Note:** This makes the tooltips use a real element instead of pseudo-elements so targeting them with CSS is different.
+### Text Track Settings
+The text track settings component is only available when using emulated text tracks.
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-Terms related to web video.
-### DOM (Document Object Model)
-The container of elements on the page that must be loaded before you can interact with the elements with through Javascript.
-### Flash Fallback
-The Flash video player (SWF) used to play a video when HTML5 isn't supported.
-### TimeRange
-### HTML5 Video
-HTML is the markup language that makes up every page on the web. The newest version, HTML5, includes specifications for a video tag, that is meant to allow website developers to add a video to a page the same way they would add an image. In order for this to work, web browser developers (Mozilla, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Opera, etc.) have to build the video playback functionality into their browsers. The W3C has created directions on how video should work in browsers, and it’s up to browser developers to follow those directions, so that video works the same across all browsers. This doesn’t always happen thanks to technology, legal, and financial choices made by browser developers, but so far no one’s varying too far from the specifications. However the specifications are still being changed and refined, so browsers developers have to keep up with that as well.
-Playing video in a web page may not seem so special since you can already view video on a web page through plugins like Flash Player, Quicktime, Silverlight, and RealPlayer, however this is a big step forward for standardizing video playback across web browsers and devices. The goal is that in the future, developers will only need to use one method for embedding a video, that’s based on open standards (not controlled by one company), and it will work everywhere.
-A prime example of this is the iPhone and iPad. Apple has decided not to support Flash on their mobile devices, but they do support HTML5 video. Since Flash is currently the most common way video is added to web pages, most web video (aside from YouTube who has a special relationship with Apple) can’t be viewed on the iPhone or iPad. These devices are very popular, so many web sites are switching to hybrid HTML5/Flash player setups (like VideoJS).
-### Video Tag
-There are a number of great resources that will give you an introduction to the video tag an how it is used including:
- - [Dive into HTML5](http://diveintohtml5.org/video.html)
- - Lynda.com's ['HTML5 Video and Audio in Depth'](http://www.lynda.com/HTML-5-tutorials/HTML5-Video-and-Audio-in-Depth/80781-2.html) video tutorials created by yours truly.
-An if you really want to dig in, you can read the (W3C Spec)[http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/video.html]. (Warning - not for the faint of heart)
-### Skin
-"Skin" refers to the design of the player's controls, also sometimes called the chrome. With VideoJS, new skins can be built simply by creating a new stylesheet.
-### Content Delivery Network (CDN)
-A network of servers around the world that host copies of a file. When your browser requests one of these files, the CDN automatically determines which server is closest to your location and delivers the file from there. This drastically increases delivery time, especially internationally.
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+# Languages
+Multiple language support allows for users of non-English locales to natively interact with the Video.js player.
-Multiple language support allows for users of non-English locales to natively interact with the displayed player. Video.js will compile multiple language files (see below) and instantiate with a global dictionary of language key/value support. Video.js player instances can be created with per-player language support that amends/overrides these default values. Player instances can also hard-set default languages to values other than English as of version 4.7.
+For an up-to-date list of the languages Video.js supports, see the [languages folder (`lang`)][lang-supported]. These JSON files are converted to JavaScript during the Video.js build process.
-Creating the Language File
-Video.js uses key/value object dictionaries in JSON form.
+## Using Video.js Languages
+Video.js ships with multiple translations (in `dist/lang/`) in JavaScript files. Each of these files can be included in a web page to provide support for that language in _all_ Video.js players:
-An English lang file is at [/lang/en.json](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/tree/master/lang/en.json) which should be used as a template for new files. This will be kept up to date with strings in the core player that need localizations.
+## Contributing to Video.js Translations
+We welcome new translations and improvements to existing ones! Please see the [contributing document](../../CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started contributing to Video.js and continue reading for specifics on how to contribute to translations of Video.js...
-A sample dictionary for Spanish `['es']` would look as follows:
+### JSON Format
+Video.js uses a JSON object to describe a language, where the keys are English and the values are the target language. For example, a Spanish translation might look like this:
@@ -18,150 +24,106 @@ A sample dictionary for Spanish `['es']` would look as follows:
"Current Time": "Tiempo reproducido",
"Duration Time": "Duración total",
"Remaining Time": "Tiempo restante",
- "Stream Type": "Tipo de secuencia",
- "Loaded": "Cargado",
- "Progress": "Progreso",
- "Fullscreen": "Pantalla completa",
- "Non-Fullscreen": "Pantalla no completa",
- "Mute": "Silenciar",
- "Unmute": "No silenciado",
- "Playback Rate": "Velocidad de reproducción",
- "Subtitles": "Subtítulos",
- "subtitles off": "Subtítulos desactivados",
- "Captions": "Subtítulos especiales",
- "captions off": "Subtítulos especiales desactivados",
- "Chapters": "Capítulos",
- "Close Modal Dialog": "Cerca de diálogo modal",
- "You aborted the video playback": "Ha interrumpido la reproducción del vídeo.",
- "A network error caused the video download to fail part-way.": "Un error de red ha interrumpido la descarga del vídeo.",
- "The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "No se ha podido cargar el vídeo debido a un fallo de red o del servidor o porque el formato es incompatible.",
- "The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support.": "La reproducción de vídeo se ha interrumpido por un problema de corrupción de datos o porque el vídeo precisa funciones que su navegador no ofrece.",
- "No compatible source was found for this video.": "No se ha encontrado ninguna fuente compatible con este vídeo."
+ ...
-- The file name should always be in the format `XX.json`, where `XX` is the language code. This should be a two letter code (for options see the bottom of this document) except for cases where a more specific code with sub-code is appropriate, e.g. `zh-CN.lang`.
-- For automatic inclusion at build time, add your language file to the `/lang` directory (see 'Adding Languages to Video.js below').
-Adding Languages to Video.js
-Additional language support can be added to Video.js in multiple ways.
-1. Create language scripts out of your JSON objects by using our custom grunt task `vjslanguages`. This task is automatically run as part of the default grunt task in Video.JS, but can be configured to match your `src`/`dist` directories if different. Once these scripts are created, just add them to your DOM like any other script.
-NOTE: These need to be added after the core Video.js script.
-2. Add your JSON objects via the videojs.addLanguage API. Preferably in the HEAD element of your DOM or otherwise prior to player instantiation.
+### File Naming
+Translations are always found in the `lang/` directory.
+Each file's name should be the [standard language code][lang-codes] that is most appropriate. For example, "es" for Spanish or "zh-CN" for Chinese.
-3. During a Video.js player instantiation. Adding the languages to the configuration object provided in the `data-setup` attribute.
+Finally, each file's extension is always `.json`.
+### Updating an Existing Translation
+If there is a [missing translation](../translations-needed.md), mistake, or room for improvement in an existing translation, don't hesitate to open a pull request!
+1. Edit the relevant JSON file and make the necessary changes.
+1. Verify the language compiles by running `grunt dist`.
+1. Verify the translation appears properly in the player UI.
+1. Run `grunt check-translations` to update the [missing translation document](../translations-needed.md).
+1. Commit and open a pull request on GitHub.
+### Writing a New Translation
+The process for writing an entirely new translation is virtually identical to the process for [updating an existing translation](#updating-an-existing-translation) except that the new translation JSON file needs to be created.
+The template for new language files is the English file ([lang/en.json][lang-en]). This file is always up-to-date with strings that need translations.
+The first step to writing a new translation is to copy the English file:
+$ cp lang/en.json lang/${NEW_LANG_CODE}.json
-- This will add your language key/values to the Video.js player instances individually. If these values already exist in the global dictionary via the process above, those will be overridden for the player instance in question.
+Otherwise, the process is the same as [updating an existing translation](#updating-an-existing-translation).
-Updating default translations
+## Advanced Language Usage
+The instructions above for [using Video.js languages](#using-videojs-languages) should be sufficient for the majority of use-cases. However, languages can be provided at runtime.
-A list of the current translations and any strings that need translation are at [docs/translations-needed.md](../translations-needed.md). After updating the language files in /lang/ running `grunt check-languages` will update that list.
+In each case, these custom language definitions _take precedence over any Video.js-provided languages!_
-Setting Default Language in a Video.js Player
-During a Video.js player instantiation you can force it to localize to a specific language by including the locale value into the configuration object via the `data-setup` attribute. Valid options listed at the bottom of the page for reference.
+### Adding Languages via the API
+In addition to the stand-alone scripts provided by Video.js, the API supports manual definition of new languages via the `addLanguage` method. It takes two arguments: the [standard language code][lang-codes] and a [language definition object](#json-format).
+videojs.addLanguage('es', {
+ 'Play': 'Reproducción',
+ 'Pause': 'Pausa',
+ 'Current Time': 'Tiempo reproducido',
+ 'Duration Time': 'Duración total',
+ 'Remaining Time': 'Tiempo restante',
+ ...
+### Per-Player Languages
+In addition to providing languages to Video.js itself, individual `Player` instances can be provided custom language support via [the `languages` option](options.md#languages):
+// Provide a custom definition of Spanish to this player.
+videojs('my-player', {
+ languages: {
+ es: {...}
+ }
-Determining Player Language
+### Setting Default Player Language
-The player language is set to one of the following in descending priority:
+Player instances can also have a default language via [the `language` option](options.md#language):
+// Set the default language to Spanish for this player.
+videojs('my-player', {
+ language: 'es'
+Additionally, the `language` method of the player can be used to set the language after instantiation (e.g., `language('es')`). However, this is not recommended as it does not update the UI in place. _Setting the language via options is always preferred._
-* The language specified in setup options as above
-* The language specified by the closet element with a `lang` attribute. This could be the player itself or a parent element. Usually the document language is specified on the `html` tag.
-* Browser language preference (the first language if more than one is configured)
-* 'en'
+### Determining Player Language
-The player language can be change after instantiation with `language('fr')`. However localizable text will not be modified by doing this, for best results set the language beforehand.
+The player language is set to one of the following in descending priority:
-Language selection
+- The language [specified in options](#setting-default-player-language)
+- The language specified by the closest element with a `lang` attribute. This could be the player itself or a parent element. Usually, the document language is specified on the `` tag.
+- Browser language preference; the first language if more than one is configured
+- English
-* Language codes are considered case-insensitively (`en-US` == `en-us`).
-* If there is no match for a language code with a subcode (`en-us`), a match for the primary code (`en`) is used if available.
+#### Internal Language Selection
+- Language codes are considered case-insensitively (e.g. `en-US` == `en-us`).
+- If there is no match for a language code with a subcode (e.g. `en-us`), a match for the primary code (e.g. `en`) is used if available.
-Localization in Plugins
+## References
-When you're developing a plugin, you can also introduce new localized strings. Simply wrap the string with the player's `localize` function:
+For information on translation/localization in plugins, see [the plugins guide](plugins.md).
-var details = '' + player.localize('Technical details') + '
+Standard languages codes [are defined by the IANA][lang-codes].
-Language Codes
-A list of languages codes can be found [here](http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry)
+For all existing/supported languages, please see the [languages lolder (`lang/`)][lang-supported] folder located in the project root.
-For supported language translations, please see the [Languages Folder (/lang)](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/tree/master/lang) folder located in the project root.
+[lang-en]: https://github.com/videojs/video.js/tree/master/lang/en.json
+[lang-supported]: https://github.com/videojs/video.js/tree/master/lang
+[lang-codes]: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry
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+# Video.js Options Reference
-Setting Options
+> **Note:** This document is only a reference for available options. To learn about passing options to Video.js, see [the setup guide](setup.md#options).
-The Video.js embed code is simply an HTML5 video tag, so for many of the options you can use the standard tag attributes to set the options.
-Alternatively, you can use the data-setup attribute to provide options in the [JSON](http://json.org/example.html) format. This is also how you would set options that aren't standard to the video tag.
+- [Standard `` Element Options](#standard-video-element-options)
+ - [`autoplay`](#autoplay)
+ - [`controls`](#controls)
+ - [`height`](#height)
+ - [`loop`](#loop)
+ - [`muted`](#muted)
+ - [`poster`](#poster)
+ - [`preload`](#preload)
+ - [`src`](#src)
+ - [`width`](#width)
+- [Video.js-specific Options](#videojs-specific-options)
+ - [`aspectRatio`](#aspectratio)
+ - [`children`](#children)
+ - [`fluid`](#fluid)
+ - [`inactivityTimeout`](#inactivitytimeout)
+ - [`language`](#language)
+ - [`languages`](#languages)
+ - [`notSupportedMessage`](#notsupportedmessage)
+ - [`plugins`](#plugins)
+ - [`sourceOrder`](#sourceorder)
+ - [`sources`](#sources)
+ - [`techOrder`](#techorder)
+- [Component Options](#component-options)
+ - [`children`](#children-1)
+ - [`${componentName}`](#componentname)
+- [Tech Options](#tech-options)
+ - [`${techName}`](#techname)
+## Standard `` Element Options
+Each of these options is also available as a [standard `` element attribute][video-attrs]; so, they can be defined in all three manners [outlined above](#setting-options). Typically, defaults are not listed as this is left to browser vendors.
+### `autoplay`
+> Type: `boolean`
+If `true`/present as an attribute, begins playback when the player is ready.
+> **Note:** As of iOS 10, Apple offers `autoplay` support in Safari. For details, refer to ["New Policies for iOS"][ios-10-updates].
+### `controls`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Determines whether or not the player has controls that the user can interact with. Without controls the only way to start the video playing is with the `autoplay` attribute or through the Player API.
+### `height`
+> Type: `string|number`
+Sets the display height of the video player in pixels.
+### `loop`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Causes the video to start over as soon as it ends.
+### `muted`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Will silence any audio by default.
+### `poster`
+> Type: `string`
+A URL to an image that displays before the video begins playing. This is often a frame of the video or a custom title screen. As soon as the user hits "play" the image will go away.
+### `preload`
+> Type: `string`
+Suggests to the browser whether or not the video data should begin downloading as soon as the `` element is loaded. Supported values are:
+#### `'auto'`
+Start loading the video immediately (if the browser supports it). Some mobile devices will not preload the video in order to protect their users' bandwidth/data usage. This is why the value is called 'auto' and not something more conclusive like `'true'`.
+_This tends to be the most common and recommended value as it allows the browser to choose the best behavior._
+#### `'metadata'`
+Load only the meta data of the video, which includes information like the duration and dimensions of the video. Sometimes, the meta data will be loaded by downloading a few frames of video.
+#### `'none'`
+Don't preload any data. The browser will wait until the user hits "play" to begin downloading.
+### `src`
+> Type: `string`
+The source URL to a video source to embed.
+### `width`
+> Type: `string|number`
+Sets the display height of the video player in pixels.
+## Video.js-specific Options
+Each option is `undefined` by default unless otherwise specified.
+### `aspectRatio`
+> Type: `string`
+Puts the player in [fluid](#fluid) mode and the value is used when calculating the dynamic size of the player. The value should represent a ratio - two numbers separated by a colon (e.g. `"16:9"` or `"4:3"`).
+### `children`
+> Type: `Array|Object`
+This option is inherited from the [`Component` base class](#component-options).
+### `fluid`
+> Type: `boolean`
+When `true`, the Video.js player will have a fluid size. In other words, it will scale to fit its container.
+Also, if the `` element has the `"vjs-fluid"`, this option is automatically set to `true`.
+### `inactivityTimeout`
+> Type: `number`
+Video.js indicates that the user is interacting with the player by way of the `"vjs-user-active"` and `"vjs-user-inactive"` classes and the `"useractive"` event.
+The `inactivityTimeout` determines how many milliseconds of inactivity is required before declaring the user inactive. A value of `0` indicates that there is no `inactivityTimeout` and the user will never be considered inactive.
+### `language`
+> Type: `string`, Default: browser default or `'en'`
+A [language code][lang-codes] matching one of the available languages in the player. This sets the initial language for a player, but it can always be changed.
+Learn more about [languages in Video.js](languages.md).
+### `languages`
+> Type: `Object`
+Customize which languages are available in a player. The keys of this object will be [language codes][lang-codes] and the values will be objects with English keys and translated values.
+Learn more about [languages in Video.js](languages.md).
+> **Note**: Generally, this option is not needed and it would be better to pass your custom languages to `videojs.addLanguage()`, so they are available in all players!
+### `nativeControlsForTouch`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Explicitly set a default value for [the associated tech option](#nativecontrolsfortouch).
+### `notSupportedMessage`
+> Type: `string`
+Allows overriding the default message that is displayed when Video.js cannot play back a media source.
+### `plugins`
+> Type: `Object`
+This supports having plugins be initialized automatically with custom options when the player is initialized - rather than requiring you to initialize them manually.
+videojs('my-player', {
+ plugins: {
+ foo: {bar: true},
+ boo: {baz: false}
+ }
-Finally, if you're not using the data-setup attribute to trigger the player setup, you can pass in an object with the player options as the second argument in the javascript setup function.
+The above is roughly equivalent to:
-videojs("example_video_1", { "controls": true, "autoplay": false, "preload": "auto" });
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+player.foo({bar: true});
+player.boo({baz: false});
+Although, since the `plugins` option is an object, the order of initialization is not guaranteed!
-Individual Options
+See [the plugins guide](plugins.md) for more information on Video.js plugins.
-> ### Note on Video Tag Attributes ###
-> With HTML5 video tag attributes that can only be true or false (boolean), you simply include the attribute (no equals sign) to turn it on, or exclude it to turn it off. For example, to turn controls on:
+### `sourceOrder`
+> Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
+> **Note:** In video.js 6.0, this option will default to `true`.
+Tells Video.js to prefer the order of [`sources`](#sources) over [`techOrder`](#techOrder) in selecting a source and playback tech.
+Given the following example:
+videojs('my-player', {
+ sourceOrder: true,
+ sources: [{
+ src: '//path/to/video.flv',
+ type: 'video/x-flv'
+ }, {
+ src: '//path/to/video.mp4',
+ type: 'video/mp4'
+ }, {
+ src: '//path/to/video.webm',
+ type: 'video/webm'
+ }],
+ techOrder: ['html5', 'flash']
-> The biggest issue people run into is trying to set these values to false using false as the value (e.g. controls="false") which actually does the opposite and sets the value to true because the attribute is still included. If you need the attribute to include an equals sign for XHTML validation, you can set the attribute's value to the same as its name (e.g. controls="controls").
+Normally, the fact that HTML5 comes before Flash in the `techOrder` would mean Video.js would look for a compatible _source_ for HTML5 and would pick either the MP4 or WebM video (depending on browser support) only falling back to Flash if no compatible source for HTML5 was found.
+However, because the `sourceOrder` is `true`, Video.js flips that process around. It will look for a compatible _tech_ for each source in order. Presumably, it would first find a match between the FLV (since it's first in the source order) and the Flash tech.
-### controls ###
-The controls option sets whether or not the player has controls that the user can interact with. Without controls the only way to start the video playing is with the autoplay attribute or through the API.
+In summary, the default algorithm is:
-{ "controls": true }
+- for each tech:
+ - for each source:
+ - if tech can play source, use this tech/source combo
+With `sourceOrder: true`, the algorithm becomes:
+- for each source:
+ - for each tech:
+ - if tech can play source, use this tech/source combo
+### `sources`
+> Type: `Array`
+An array of objects that mirror the native `` element's capability to have a series of child `` elements. This should be an array of objects with the `src` and `type` properties. For example:
+videojs('my-player', {
+ sources: [{
+ src: '//path/to/video.mp4',
+ type: 'video/mp4'
+ }, {
+ src: '//path/to/video.webm',
+ type: 'video/webm'
+ }]
+Using `` elements will have the same effect:
-### autoplay ###
-If autoplay is true, the video will start playing as soon as page is loaded (without any interaction from the user).
-NOT SUPPORTED BY APPLE iOS DEVICES. Apple blocks the autoplay functionality in an effort to protect its customers from unwillingly using a lot of their (often expensive) monthly data plans. A user touch/click is required to start the video in this case.
-{ "autoplay": true }
+### `techOrder`
+> Type: `Array`, Default: `['html5', 'flash']`
-### preload ###
-The preload attribute informs the browser whether or not the video data should begin downloading as soon as the video tag is loaded. The options are auto, metadata, and none.
+Defines the order in which Video.js techs are preferred. By default, this means that the `Html5` tech is preferred, but Video.js will fall back to `Flash` if no `Html5`-compatible source can be found.
-'auto': Start loading the video immediately (if the browser agrees). Some mobile devices like iPhones and iPads will not preload the video in order to protect their users' bandwidth. This is why the value is called 'auto' and not something more final like 'true'.
+### `vtt.js`
+> Type: `string`
-'metadata': Load only the meta data of the video, which includes information like the duration and dimensions of the video.
+Allows overriding the default URL to vtt.js, which may be loaded asynchronously to polyfill support for `WebVTT`.
-'none': Don't preload any of the video data. This will wait until the user clicks play to begin downloading.
+This option will be used in the "novtt" build of video.js (i.e. `video.novtt.js`). Otherwise, vtt.js is bundled with video.js.
-{ "preload": "auto" }
+## Component Options
+The Video.js player is a component. Like all components, you can define what children it includes, what order they appear in, and what options are passed to them.
-### poster ###
-The poster attribute sets the image that displays before the video begins playing. This is often a frame of the video or a custom title screen. As soon as the user clicks play the image will go away.
-{ "poster": "myPoster.jpg" }
+This is meant to be a quick reference; so, for more detailed information on components in Video.js, check out the [components guide](components.md).
+### `children`
+> Type: `Array|Object`
-### loop ###
-The loop attribute causes the video to start over as soon as it ends. This could be used for a visual effect like clouds in the background.
-{ "loop": true }
+If an `Array` - which is the default - this is used to determine which children (by component name) and in which order they are created on a player (or other component):
+// The following code creates a player with ONLY bigPlayButton and
+// controlBar child components.
+videojs('my-player', {
+ children: [
+ 'bigPlayButton',
+ 'controlBar'
+ ]
+The `children` options can also be passed as an `Object`. In this case, it is used to provide `options` for any/all children, including disabling them with `false`:
-### width ###
-The width attribute sets the display width of the video.
-{ "width": 640 }
+// This player's ONLY child will be the controlBar. Clearly, this is not the
+// ideal method for disabling a grandchild!
+videojs('my-player', {
+ children: {
+ controlBar: {
+ fullscreenControl: false
+ }
+ }
+### `${componentName}`
+> Type: `Object`
-### height ###
-The height attribute sets the display height of the video.
-{ "height": 480 }
+Components can be given custom options via the _lower-camel-case variant of the component name_ (e.g. `controlBar` for `ControlBar`). These can be nested in a representation of grandchild relationships. For example, to disable the fullscreen control:
+videojs('my-player', {
+ controlBar: {
+ fullscreenControl: false
+ }
-Component Options
+## Tech Options
+### `${techName}`
+> Type: `Object`
-You can set the options for any single player component. For instance, if you wanted to remove the `muteToggle` button, which
-is a child of `controlBar`, you can just set that component to false:
+Video.js playback technologies (i.e. "techs") can be given custom options as part of the options passed to the `videojs` function. They should be passed under the _lower-case variant of the tech name_ (e.g. `"flash"` or `"html5"`).
+This is not used in most implementations, but one case where it may be is dictating where the Video.js SWF file is located for the `Flash` tech:
-var player = videojs('video-id', {
- controlBar: {
- muteToggle: false
+videojs('my-player', {
+ flash: {
+ swf: '//path/to/videojs.swf'
-This also works using the `data-setup` attribute on the video element, just remember the options need to use proper JSON
+However, this is a case where changing the global defaults is more useful:
+videojs.options.flash.swf = '//path/to/videojs.swf'
-The [components guide](./components.md) has an excellent breakdown of the structure of a player, you
-just need to remember to nest child components in a `children` array for each level.
+#### `nativeControlsForTouch`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Only supported by the `Html5` tech, this option can be set to `true` to force native controls for touch devices.
+#### `nativeTextTracks`
+> Type: `boolean`
+Can be set to `false` to force emulation of text tracks instead of native support. The `nativeCaptions` option also exists, but is simply an alias to `nativeTextTracks`.
+[ios-10-updates]: https://webkit.org/blog/6784/new-video-policies-for-ios/
+[lang-codes]: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry
+[video-attrs]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video#Attributes
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+# Player Workflows
+This document outlines many considerations for using Video.js for advanced player workflows. Be sure to read [the setup guide](setup.md) first!
+## Removing Players
+No matter the term used for it, web applications are becoming common. Not everything is a static, load-once-and-done web page anymore! This means that developers need to be able to manage the full lifecycle of a video player - from creation to destruction. Video.js supports player removal through the `dispose()` method.
+### [`dispose()`](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/player.html#Methodsdispose)
+This method is available on all Video.js players and [components](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/component.html#Methodsdispose). It is _the only_ supported method of removing a Video.js player from both the DOM and memory. For example, the following code sets up a player and then disposes it when media playback is complete:
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+player.on('ended', function() {
+ this.dispose();
+Calling `dispose()` will have a few effects:
+1. Trigger a `"dispose"` event on the player, allowing for any custom cleanup tasks that need to be run by your integration.
+1. Remove all event listeners from the player.
+1. Remove the player's DOM element(s).
+Additionally, these actions are recursively applied to _all_ the player's child components.
+> **Note**: Do _not_ remove players via standard DOM removal methods: this will leave listeners and other objects in memory that you might not be able to clean up!
+### Signs of an Undisposed Player
+Seeing an error such as:
+TypeError: this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function
+TypeError: Cannot read property 'vdata1234567890' of null
+Suggests that a player or component was removed from the DOM without using `dispose()`. It usually means something tried to trigger an event on it or call a method on it.
+## Showing and Hiding a Player
+It is not recommended that you attempt to toggle the visibility or display of a Video.js player. Doing so can be particularly problematic when it comes to the Flash tech. Instead, players should be created and [disposed](#removing-players) as needed.
+This is relevant to use cases such as displaying a player in a modal/overlay. Rather than keeping a hidden Video.js player in a DOM element, it's recommended that you create the player when the modal opens and dispose it when the modal closes.
+This is particularly relevant where memory/resource usage is concerned (e.g. mobile devices).
+Depending on the libraries/frameworks in use, an implementation might look something like this:
+modal.on('show', function() {
+ var videoEl = modal.findEl('video');
+ modal.player = videojs(videoEl);
+modal.on('hide', function() {
+ modal.player.dispose();
+## Using Video.js with...
+Coming soon...
+### jQuery
+### React
+### Ember
+### Angular
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-Removing Players
-Sometimes, you want to remove players after page load (in single page apps or modals, for instance). It's easy to manage, but there are some simple rules you need to follow.
-Call `.dispose()`
-To remove the html associated with your videojs player from the page always call the player's [`dispose()`](http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/player.html#Methodsdispose) method:
-var oldPlayer = document.getElementById('my-player');
-This method will:
- 1. reset the internal state of videojs
- 2. remove the player's dom from the page
-Showing / Hiding a Player
-For instance, if you have a modal that a player appears in, you should create the player when the modal pops up. When the modal hides, dispose the player. If you try to hide the Flash tech, things will go poorly. Even with other tech, calling `dispose()` on a player that's not needed will free up resources for the browser.
-Why Is This Needed?
-VideoJS internally tracks all players and their associated data by html id attribute. If you plan to create new players with the same id as previously created players, you'll need to call the player's dispose() method to clear VideoJS's internal state before creating the new player.
-Signs You Did It Wrong
-TypeError: this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function
-"VIDEOJS:" "Video.js: buffered unavailable on Hls playback technology element." TypeError: this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function
-Stack trace:
-If you encounter a console error in the browser similar to the above, you've probably forgotten to `dispose()` a player before removing it from the dom. This would happen when using the [contrib-hls](https://github.com/videojs/videojs-contrib-hls) plugin.
diff --git a/docs/guides/setup.md b/docs/guides/setup.md
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+# Video.js Setup
-Video.js is pretty easy to set up. It can take a matter of seconds to get the player up and working on your web page.
-Step 1: Include the Video.js Javascript and CSS files in the head of your page.
+- [Getting Video.js](#getting-videojs)
+- [Creating a Player](#creating-a-player)
+ - [Automatic Setup](#automatic-setup)
+ - [Manual Setup](#manual-setup)
+- [Options](#options)
+ - [Global Defaults](#global-defaults)
+ - [A Note on `` Tag Attributes](#a-note-on-video-tag-attributes)
+- [Player Readiness](#player-readiness)
-You can download the Video.js source and host it on your own servers, or use the free CDN hosted version. As of Video.js 5.0, the source is [transpiled from ES2015](http://babeljs.io/) (formerly known as ES6) to [ES5](https://es5.github.io/), but IE8 only supports ES3. In order to continue to support IE8, we've bundled an [ES5 shim and sham](https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim) together and hosted it on the CDN.
+## Getting Video.js
+Video.js is officially available via CDN, npm, and Bower.
+Video.js works out of the box with not only HTML `
-### CDN Version ###
+### Automatic Setup
+By default, when your web page finishes loading, Video.js will scan for media elements that have the `data-setup` attribute. The `data-setup` attribute is used to pass options to Video.js. A minimal example looks like this:
-Alternatively you can always [go here](http://videojs.com/getting-started/) to get the latest URL for videojs CDN.
+> **Note:** You _must_ use single-quotes with `data-setup` as it is expected to contain JSON.
+### Manual Setup
+On the modern web, a `` element often does not exist when the page finishes loading. In these cases, automatic setup is not possible, but manual setup is available via [the `videojs` function][videojs].
-We include a stripped down Google Analytics pixel that tracks a random percentage (currently 1%) of players loaded from the CDN. This allows us to see (roughly) what browsers are in use in the wild, along with other useful metrics such as OS and device. If you'd like to disable analytics, you can simply include the following global **before** including Video.js:
+One way to call this function is by providing it a string matching a `` element's `id` attribute:
-window.HELP_IMPROVE_VIDEOJS = false;
-## Install via package manager
+However, using an `id` attribute isn't always practical; so, the `videojs` function accepts a DOM element instead:
-### NPM
-$ npm install --save video.js
-### Bower
-$ bower install --save video.js
+## Options
+> **Note:** This guide only covers how to pass options during player setup. For a complete reference on _all_ available options, see the [options guide](options.md).
-### Self Hosted. ###
-To entirely self-host, you'll need to pull in the font files and let Video.js know where the swf is located. If you simply copy the dist folder or zip file contents into your project everything
-should Just Work™, but the paths can easily be changed by editing the LESS file and re-building, or by modifying the generated CSS file. Additionally include the [videojs-vtt.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/videojs-vtt.js) source, which adds the `WebVTT` object to the global scope.
+There are three ways to pass options to Video.js. Because Video.js decorates an HTML5 `` element, many of the options available are also available as [standard `` tag attributes][video-attrs]:
+Alternatively, you can use the `data-setup` attribute to pass options as [JSON][json]. This is also how you would set options that aren't standard to the `` element:
-Step 2: Add an HTML5 video tag to your page.
-With Video.js you just use an HTML5 video tag to embed a video. Video.js will then read the tag and make it work in all browsers, not just ones that support HTML5 video. Beyond the basic markup, Video.js needs a few extra pieces.
-> Note: The `data-setup` attribute described here should not be used if you use the alternative setup described in the next section.
+Finally, if you're not using the `data-setup` attribute to trigger the player setup, you can pass in an object of player options as the second argument to the `videojs` function:
- 1. The 'data-setup' Attribute tells Video.js to automatically set up the video when the page is ready, and read any options (in JSON format) from the attribute (see [options](./options.md)). There are other methods for initializing the player, but this is the easiest.
+videojs('my-player', {
+ controls: true,
+ autoplay: false,
+ preload: 'auto'
+### Global Defaults
+Default options for all players can be found at `videojs.options` and can be changed directly. For example, to set `{autoplay: true}` for all future players:
+videojs.options.autoplay = true;
- 2. The 'id' Attribute: Should be used and unique for every video on the same page.
+### A Note on `` Tag Attributes
- 3. The 'class' attribute contains two classes:
- - `video-js` applies styles that are required for Video.js functionality, like fullscreen and subtitles.
- - `vjs-default-skin` applies the default skin to the HTML controls, and can be removed or overridden to create your own controls design.
+Many attributes are so-called [boolean attributes][boolean-attrs]. This means they are either on or off. In these cases, the attribute _should have no value_ (or should have its name as its value) - its presence implies a true value and its absence implies a false value.
+_These are incorrect:_
-Otherwise include/exclude attributes, settings, sources, and tracks exactly as you would for HTML5 video.*
- To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video
-By default, the big play button is located in the upper left hand corner so it doesn't cover up the interesting parts of the poster. If you'd prefer to center the big play button, you can add an additional `vjs-big-play-centered` class to your video element. For example:
+> **Note:** The example with `controls="false"` can be a point of confusion for new developers - it will actually turn controls _on_!
+These are correct:
- ...
-Alternative Setup for Dynamically Loaded HTML
-If your web page or application loads the video tag dynamically (ajax, appendChild, etc.), so that it may not exist when the page loads, you'll want to manually set up the player instead of relying on the data-setup attribute. To do this, first remove the data-setup attribute from the tag so there's no confusion around when the player is initialized. Next, run the following javascript some time after the Video.js javascript library has loaded, and after the video tag has been loaded into the DOM.
-videojs("example_video_1", {}, function(){
- // Player (this) is initialized and ready.
+## Player Readiness
+Because Video.js techs have the potential to be loaded asynchronously, it isn't always safe to interact with a player immediately upon setup. For this reason, Video.js players have a concept of "readiness" which will be familiar to anyone who has used jQuery before.
-The first argument in the `videojs` function is the ID of your video tag. Replace it with your own.
+Essentially, any number of ready callbacks can be defined for a Video.js player. There are three ways to pass these callbacks. In each example, we'll add an identical class to the player:
-The second argument is an options object. It allows you to set additional options like you can with the data-setup attribute.
+Pass a callback to the `videojs()` function as a third argument:
-The third argument is a 'ready' callback. Once Video.js has initialized it will call this function.
+// Passing `null` for the options argument.
+videojs('my-player', null, function() {
+ this.addClass('my-example');
-Instead of using an element ID, you can also pass a reference to the element itself.
+Pass a callback to a player's `ready()` method:
-videojs(document.getElementById('example_video_1'), {}, function() {
- // This is functionally the same as the previous example.
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+player.ready(function() {
+ this.addClass('my-example');
+Listen for the player's `"ready"` event:
-videojs(document.getElementsByClassName('awesome_video_class')[0], {}, function() {
- // You can grab an element by class if you'd like, just make sure
- // if it's an array that you pick one (here we chose the first).
+var player = videojs('my-player');
+player.on('ready', function() {
+ this.addClass('my-example');
-\* If you have trouble playing back content you know is in the [correct format](http://blog.zencoder.com/2013/09/13/what-formats-do-i-need-for-html5-video/), your HTTP server might not be delivering the content with the correct [MIME type](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type#Type_video). Please double check your content's headers before opening an [issue](/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+In each case, the callback is called asynchronously - _even if the player is already ready!_
+## Advanced Player Workflows
+For a discussion of more advanced player workflows, see the [player workflows guide](player-workflows.md).
+[boolean-attrs]: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/common-microsyntaxes.html#boolean-attributes
+[getting-started]: http://videojs.com/getting-started/
+[json]: http://json.org/example.html
+[video-attrs]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video#Attributes
+[videojs]: http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/video.html
+[w3c-media-events]: https://www.w3.org/2010/05/video/mediaevents.html
+[w3c-video]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#the-video-element
diff --git a/docs/guides/skins.md b/docs/guides/skins.md
index 2ecdcb47a2..382dd0438d 100644
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-## Base Skin
-The base Video.js skin is made using HTML and CSS (although we use the [Sass preprocessor](http://sass-lang.com)),
-and by default these styles are added to the DOM for you!
-That means you can build a custom skin by simply taking advantage of the cascading aspect of CSS and overriding
-the styles you'd like to change.
-If you don't want Video.js to inject the base styles for you, you can disable it by setting `window.VIDEOJS_NO_BASE_THEME = true` before Video.js is loaded.
-Keep in mind that without these base styles enabled, you'll need to manually include them.
-Video.js does not currently include the base skin automatically yet, so, this option isn't necessary.
-## Default style elements
-Video.js uses a couple of style elements dynamically, specifically, there's a default styles element as well as a player dimensions style element.
-They are used to provide extra default flexiblity with styling the player. However, in some cases, like if a user has the HEAD tag managed by React, users do not want this.
-When `window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE` is set to `true`, video.js will *not* include these element in the page.
-This means that default dimensions and configured player dimensions will *not* be applied.
-For example, the following player will end up having a width and height of 0 when initialized if `window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE === true`:
+# Skins
+## Default Skin
+When you include the Video.js CSS file (`video-js.min.css`), the default Video.js skin is applied. That means that customizing the look of a Video.js player is a matter of taking advantage of the cascading aspect of CSS to override styles.
+## Additional `