Plan on very first day what they will learn. classical projects. deep learning at end. Maybe little pytorch project at the end.
Slides from AIMA web page.
Keep Main heading, Keep figures, Deleted sub-bullets. Post outline slides for students. Copy ok, “adapted from” with.
homeworks with theory related problems not coding.
quizzes. interpretive. multiple guess. took a lot of time.
DOs sign of life milestones, 3 week projects, each week show a printout of something working. 10/100 for each sign of life. Game playing.
DONTs Inverse teaching, video lectures dicey proposition. Alpha-beta pruner challenge for them to implement. One team just did really basic search, but it still did pretty well in competition. Logic? problem with programming, put off projects. Diagrams take forever on white board.
Coming up with assignments, copy from github. Problems with solutions not available online.