We are always looking for quality contributions.
Note: If you just have a question that won't necessarily result in a change, such as asking how something works or how to contribute, please use StackOverflow (ng-lightning
tag) instead of filing an issue.
If you think you've found a bug, please create a new issue. Be sure to include the following information:
- The version of Angular you are using.
- The version of ng-lightning you are using.
- What you did.
- What you expected to happen.
- What actually happened.
Please include as much detail as possible to help us properly address your issue. If we need to triage issues and constantly ask people for more detail, that's time taken away from actually fixing issues. Help us be as efficient as possible by including a lot of detail in your issues.
A minimal reproduce scenario using Stackblitz allows us to quickly confirm a bug (or point out coding problem) as well as confirm that we are fixing the right problem.
If you want to contribute code, please use a pull request. This is the fastest way to evaluate your code and to merge it into the code base.
Please assure that you are submitting quality code, specifically make sure that your Pull Request:
- has accompanying tests and all the tests are passing
- doesn't break the build
- your commit message conforms with Angular conventions
If you've never submitted code before, this developer guide may help you.