Keyframes are taking from videos of YouTube playlists associated with Syrian conflict documentation. Accounts are unverified and will also include a few random playlists
- 1,000 keyframes: (80MB)
Before extracting features you'll need a directory of images to process. You can use JPG or PNG images. If you have video you'll need to output keyframes.
- FFMPEG convert video to still frames at 2 FPS:
ffmpeg -i my_video.mp4 -r 1/2 still_frames/%05d.jpg
- Convert a batch of videos:
for f in videos/*.mp4; do
fn=$(basename "$f" | cut -d. -f1);
echo "Procedssing: $fn";
ffmpeg -i videos/$f -r 1/5 "still_frames/$fn"_%05d.jpg;