Command line utility to control a CM6206 based USB sound card. Enables readout of all registers and enables control of special settings (e.g. internal mixer settings, SPDIF parameters etc.).
The program is made for Linux, but should be portable to Windows, if anybody would like to.
$ ./cm6206ctl -A -v
Device: (null), USB Sound Device , (null)
== REG0 ==
Raw value: 0x2004 (Reset value: 0x2000)
[15] DMA Master DAC {0="DAC", 1="SPDIF Out"}
[14:12] SPDIF Out sample rate 48 kHz {0="44.1 kHz", 2="48 kHz", 3="32 kHz", 6="96 kHz"}
[11:04] Category code 0
[03] Emphasis None {0="None", 1="CD_Type"}
[02] Copyright Not Asserted {0="Asserted", 1="Not Asserted"}
[01] Non-audio PCM {0="PCM", 1="non-PCM (e.g. AC3)"}
[00] Professional/Consumer Consumer {0="Consumer", 1="Professional"}
== REG1 ==
Raw value: 0x3000 (Reset value: 0x3002)
[15] <Reserved>
[14] SEL Clk (test) 24.576 MHz {0="24.576 MHz", 1="22.58 MHz"}
[13] PLL binary search Enable Yes {0="No", 1="Yes"}
[12] Soft Mute Enable Yes {0="No", 1="Yes"}
[11] GPIO4 Out Status No {0="No", 1="Yes"}
[10] GPIO4 Out Enable No {0="No", 1="Yes"}
$ gcc cm6206ctl.c -l hidapi-libusb -o cm6206ctl
$ ./cm6206ctl -h
cm6206ctl: Utility to read and control registers of USB sound card with CM6206 chip
Build: Dec 10 2019 13:32:23
Usage: cm6206ctl [-r <reg> [-m <mask>] [-w <value>]][other options]
Generic Options:
-A Printout content of all registers in decoded form
-D List all available devices
-d <device> Select device as returned by -D (e.g. '0001:0012:03')
-h Print this help text
-m <mask> Binary mask for reading/writing only some bits (e.g. 0x8000) [default=0xFFFF]
-q Quiet. Only output necessary values
-r <reg> Register to read or write
-v Verbose printout
-w <value> Write value to selected register
Shortcut Options:
+DMASPDIF Set DMA master to SPDIF (equivalent to '-r 0 -m 0x8000 -w 0x8000')
-DMASPDIF Set DMA master to DAC (*) (equivalent to '-r 0 -m 0x8000 -w 0x0000')
+MIXSPDIFIN Mix SPDIF In to Out (equivalent to '-r 1 -m 0x0001 -w 0x0001')
-MIXSPDIFIN Do not mix SPDIF In to Out (*) (equivalent to '-r 1 -m 0x0001 -w 0x0000')
+MIXFRONT Mix LineIn/Mic to Front channels only (equivalent to '-r 3 -m 0x0200 -w 0x0200')
-MIXFRONT Mix LineIn/Mic to all 8 Channels (*) (equivalent to '-r 3 -m 0x0200 -w 0x0000')
+INIT Initialize all registers to sane default values (same as Linux driver)
(*) = Default
cm6206ctl -A -v # Printout content of all registers in verbose form
cm6206ctl -r 0 # Read content of register 0
cm6206ctl -r 2 -m 0x6000 -q # Read and only output value of mask bits (example is 'Headphone source')
cm6206ctl -r 0 -w 0 0x8000 -m 0x8000 # Write 1 to bit 15 in register 0
Supported devices: (USB)
ID 0d8c:0102 C-Media CM6206 or CM6206_LX
The program requires access to USB HID devices, which are normally only accessible by root. Instead of running the program as root the device can be made accessible by other users.
# echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0d8c", ATTR{idProduct}=="0102", MODE="0666"' >/etc/udev/rules.d/50-cm6206.rules
- Noname $10 5.1 USB Sound card (tested - works!)
- Delock USB Sound Box 7.1 (tested - works!)
- LogiLink USB Sound Box 7.1 (not tested)