const { intl } = useI18n();
- return (
- );
+ const items: CollapseProps['items'] = [
+ {
+ key: 'ngql',
+ label: intl.get('common.exportNGQL'),
+ children: ,
+ },
+ ];
+ return ;
export default GQLCodeMirror;
diff --git a/app/config/locale/en-US.ts b/app/config/locale/en-US.ts
index 33bc353f..e399fd4a 100644
--- a/app/config/locale/en-US.ts
+++ b/app/config/locale/en-US.ts
@@ -1,497 +1,523 @@
export default {
- 'common': {
- 'requestError': 'Request Error',
- 'currentSpace': 'Current Graph Space',
- 'seeTheHistory': 'History',
- 'table': 'Table',
- 'log': 'Log',
- 'sorryNGQLCannotBeEmpty': 'nGQL cannot be empty',
- 'disablesUseToSwitchSpace': 'DO NOT switch between graph spaces with nGQL statements in the console.',
- 'NGQLHistoryList': 'nGQL History',
- 'empty': 'Clear',
- 'run': 'Run',
- 'console': 'Console',
- 'ok': 'OK',
- 'success': 'Success',
- 'fail': 'Fail',
- 'cancel': 'Cancel',
- 'confirm': 'Confirm',
- 'import': 'Import',
- 'ask': 'Are you sure to proceed?',
- 'openInExplore': 'Open In Explorer',
- 'schema': 'Schema',
- 'create': 'Create',
- 'name': 'Name',
- 'operation': 'Operations',
- 'delete': 'Delete',
- 'optional': 'Optional',
- 'exportNGQL': 'View nGQL',
- 'relatedProperties': 'Related Properties',
- 'type': 'Type',
- 'edit': 'Edit',
- 'deleteSuccess': 'Deleted successfully',
- 'propertyName': 'Property Name',
- 'dataType': 'Data Type',
- 'allowNull': 'Allow Null',
- 'defaults': 'Defaults',
- 'addProperty': 'Add Property',
- 'updateSuccess': 'Updated Successfully',
- 'add': 'Add',
- 'tag': 'Tag',
- 'edge': 'Edge Type',
- 'index': 'Index',
- 'yes': 'Yes',
- 'no': 'No',
- 'graph': 'Graph',
- 'color': 'Color',
- 'total': 'Total',
- 'namePlaceholder': 'Please enter the {name} name',
- 'comment': 'Comment',
- 'space': 'Space',
- 'version': 'Version',
- 'statistics': 'Statistics',
- 'duplicate': 'Copy',
- 'copy': 'Copy',
- 'copySuccess': 'Copied successfully',
- 'sketch': 'Schema drafting',
- 'viewSchema': 'View Schema',
- 'beta': 'Beta',
- 'danglingEdge': 'Dangling edge',
- 'columnName': 'Column name',
- 'src': 'Source',
- 'dst': 'Destination',
- 'value': 'Value',
- 'continue': 'Continue',
- 'update': 'Update',
- 'prev': 'Previous',
- 'createTime': 'Create Time',
- 'rerun': 'Rerun'
+ common: {
+ requestError: 'Request Error',
+ currentSpace: 'Current Graph Space',
+ seeTheHistory: 'History',
+ table: 'Table',
+ log: 'Log',
+ sorryNGQLCannotBeEmpty: 'nGQL cannot be empty',
+ disablesUseToSwitchSpace: 'DO NOT switch between graph spaces with nGQL statements in the console.',
+ NGQLHistoryList: 'nGQL History',
+ empty: 'Clear',
+ run: 'Run',
+ console: 'Console',
+ ok: 'OK',
+ success: 'Success',
+ fail: 'Fail',
+ cancel: 'Cancel',
+ confirm: 'Confirm',
+ import: 'Import',
+ ask: 'Are you sure to proceed?',
+ openInExplore: 'Open In Explorer',
+ schema: 'Schema',
+ create: 'Create',
+ name: 'Name',
+ operation: 'Operations',
+ delete: 'Delete',
+ optional: 'Optional',
+ exportNGQL: 'View nGQL',
+ relatedProperties: 'Related Properties',
+ type: 'Type',
+ edit: 'Edit',
+ deleteSuccess: 'Deleted successfully',
+ propertyName: 'Property Name',
+ dataType: 'Data Type',
+ allowNull: 'Allow Null',
+ defaults: 'Defaults',
+ addProperty: 'Add Property',
+ updateSuccess: 'Updated Successfully',
+ add: 'Add',
+ tag: 'Tag',
+ edge: 'Edge Type',
+ index: 'Index',
+ yes: 'Yes',
+ no: 'No',
+ graph: 'Graph',
+ color: 'Color',
+ total: 'Total',
+ namePlaceholder: 'Please enter the {name} name',
+ comment: 'Comment',
+ space: 'Space',
+ version: 'Version',
+ statistics: 'Statistics',
+ duplicate: 'Copy',
+ copy: 'Copy',
+ copySuccess: 'Copied successfully',
+ sketch: 'Schema drafting',
+ viewSchema: 'View Schema',
+ beta: 'Beta',
+ danglingEdge: 'Dangling edge',
+ columnName: 'Column name',
+ src: 'Source',
+ dst: 'Destination',
+ value: 'Value',
+ continue: 'Continue',
+ update: 'Update',
+ prev: 'Previous',
+ createTime: 'Create Time',
+ rerun: 'Rerun',
- 'doc': {
- 'welcome': 'Welcome to',
- 'functionIntro': 'Functions introduction',
- 'schemaIntro': `You can use the Schema page to operate graph spaces in ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
- 'importIntro': `You can use the Import page to batch import vertex and edge data into ${window.gConfig.databaseName} for graph exploration and data analysis.`,
- 'consoleIntro': 'When data is imported, you can use the Console page to query graph data.',
- 'learningDoc': 'Learning Docs',
- 'getStarted': `Getting started with ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
- 'getStartedTip': `What's ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
- 'useGuide': `Documents of ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
- 'useGuideTip': `Learn how to use ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
- 'ngqlIntro': `${window.gConfig.databaseName} Query Language (nGQL)`,
- 'ngqlIntroTip': `nGQL is a declarative graph query language for ${window.gConfig.databaseName}. It allows expressive and efficient graph patterns. `,
- 'start': 'Get Started',
- 'sketchIntro': 'Schema drafting',
- 'basketballplayerIntro': 'A typical schema composed of two vertex types (player and team) and two edge types (serve and follow), widely referenced by documentation.',
- 'snsIntro': 'Social Network Graph demo, new friend recommendation, feed generation, etc.',
- 'movieIntro': 'Movie recommendation with CBF, ItemCF and UserCF in Graph.',
- 'datalineageIntro': `Metadata governance on ${window.gConfig.databaseName}, data lineage query, data dependency analysis, etc.`,
- 'idMappingIntro': 'ID Mapping, Identity Resolution for a user system in Graph',
- 'fifa2022Intro': '2022 Football World Game knowledge graph, try predict the winner, assuming we don\'t know the result.',
- 'shareholdingIntro': 'Shareholding graph, query the shareholding relationship of a company, and the relationship between the company and the shareholder.',
- 'openstackIntro': 'A demo of AI Ops with Graph, taking OpenStack as an example, where all resources were included in one graph.',
- 'fraudDetectionIntro': 'Fraud detection with Graph, taking loan application as an example'
+ doc: {
+ welcome: 'Welcome to',
+ functionIntro: 'Functions introduction',
+ schemaIntro: `You can use the Schema page to operate graph spaces in ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
+ importIntro: `You can use the Import page to batch import vertex and edge data into ${window.gConfig.databaseName} for graph exploration and data analysis.`,
+ consoleIntro: 'When data is imported, you can use the Console page to query graph data.',
+ learningDoc: 'Learning Docs',
+ getStarted: `Getting started with ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
+ getStartedTip: `What's ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
+ useGuide: `Documents of ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
+ useGuideTip: `Learn how to use ${window.gConfig.databaseName} Studio`,
+ ngqlIntro: `${window.gConfig.databaseName} Query Language (nGQL)`,
+ ngqlIntroTip: `nGQL is a declarative graph query language for ${window.gConfig.databaseName}. It allows expressive and efficient graph patterns. `,
+ start: 'Get Started',
+ sketchIntro:
+ 'You can design your schemas on the canvas to visually display the relationships between vertices and edges.',
+ basketballplayerIntro:
+ 'A typical schema composed of two vertex types (player and team) and two edge types (serve and follow), widely referenced by documentation.',
+ snsIntro: 'Social Network Graph demo, new friend recommendation, feed generation, etc.',
+ movieIntro: 'Movie recommendation with CBF, ItemCF and UserCF in Graph.',
+ datalineageIntro: `Metadata governance on ${window.gConfig.databaseName}, data lineage query, data dependency analysis, etc.`,
+ idMappingIntro: 'ID Mapping, Identity Resolution for a user system in Graph',
+ fifa2022Intro:
+ "2022 Football World Game knowledge graph, try predict the winner, assuming we don't know the result.",
+ shareholdingIntro:
+ 'Shareholding graph, query the shareholding relationship of a company, and the relationship between the company and the shareholder.',
+ openstackIntro:
+ 'A demo of AI Ops with Graph, taking OpenStack as an example, where all resources were included in one graph.',
+ fraudDetectionIntro: 'Fraud detection with Graph, taking loan application as an example',
- 'warning': {
- 'connectError': 'Connection refused, please configure server again',
- 'crashPage': 'Oops, something went wrong',
- 'crashPageTip': 'Service crashed, please contact administrator',
- 'refreshPage': 'Refresh page',
- 'contactStaff': 'Contact Us',
- 'errorMessage': 'Error Message'
+ warning: {
+ connectError: 'Connection refused, please configure server again',
+ crashPage: 'Oops, something went wrong',
+ crashPageTip: 'Service crashed, please contact administrator',
+ refreshPage: 'Refresh page',
+ contactStaff: 'Contact Us',
+ errorMessage: 'Error Message',
- 'configServer': {
- 'connect': 'Connect',
- 'host': 'Graphd IP address',
- 'port': 'Port',
- 'username': 'Username',
- 'password': 'Password',
- 'success': 'succeed',
- 'clear': 'Log out',
- 'title': `Connect to ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
- 'tip': 'Don\'t know the address? Docs->'
+ configServer: {
+ connect: 'Connect',
+ host: 'Graphd IP address',
+ port: 'Port',
+ username: 'Username',
+ password: 'Password',
+ success: 'succeed',
+ clear: 'Log out',
+ title: `Connect to ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
+ tip: "Don't know the address? Docs->",
- 'formRules': {
- 'hostRequired': 'Host Required',
- 'portRequired': 'Port Required',
- 'usernameRequired': 'Username Required',
- 'passwordRequired': 'Password Required',
- 'positiveIntegerRequired': 'Please enter a non-negative integer',
- 'nameValidate': 'The name must start with a letter, and it only supports English letters, numbers and underscores',
- 'nameRequired': 'Please enter the name',
- 'numberRequired': 'Please enter a positive integer',
- 'replicaLimit': 'Replica factor must not exceed the number of your current online machines({number})',
- 'ttlRequired': 'Please select the corresponding property, and the data type of the property must be integer or timestamp',
- 'ttlDurationRequired': 'Please enter the time (in seconds)',
- 'dataTypeRequired': 'Please select the data type',
- 'edgeTypeRequired': 'Please select the edge type',
- 'srcIdRequired': 'Please select the source VID',
- 'dstIdRequired': 'Please select the destination VID',
- 'vidRequired': 'Please select the VID',
- 'vidTypeRequired': 'Vid type is required',
- 'fixStringLengthRequired': 'fix string length limit is required',
- 'spaceRequired': 'Space is required',
- 'maxBytes': 'It cannot exceed {max} bytes',
- 'ttlLimit': 'The data type of the property must be int or timestamp',
- 'associateNameRequired': 'Associated {type} name is required',
- 'fileRequired': 'Please select the file',
- 'formHostRequired': 'Host Required',
- 'formPortRequired': 'Port Required',
- 'regionRequired': 'Region Required',
- 'endpointRequired': 'Endpoint Required',
- 'bucketRequired': 'Bucket Required',
- 'accessKeyIdRequired': 'Access Key ID Required',
- 'accessKeySecretRequired': 'Access Key Secret Required',
- 'platformRequired': 'Platform Required'
+ formRules: {
+ hostRequired: 'Host Required',
+ portRequired: 'Port Required',
+ usernameRequired: 'Username Required',
+ passwordRequired: 'Password Required',
+ positiveIntegerRequired: 'Please enter a non-negative integer',
+ nameValidate: 'The name must start with a letter, and it only supports English letters, numbers and underscores',
+ nameRequired: 'Please enter the name',
+ numberRequired: 'Please enter a positive integer',
+ replicaLimit: 'Replica factor must not exceed the number of your current online machines({number})',
+ ttlRequired:
+ 'Please select the corresponding property, and the data type of the property must be integer or timestamp',
+ ttlDurationRequired: 'Please enter the time (in seconds)',
+ dataTypeRequired: 'Please select the data type',
+ edgeTypeRequired: 'Please select the edge type',
+ srcIdRequired: 'Please select the source VID',
+ dstIdRequired: 'Please select the destination VID',
+ vidRequired: 'Please select the VID',
+ vidTypeRequired: 'Vid type is required',
+ fixStringLengthRequired: 'fix string length limit is required',
+ spaceRequired: 'Space is required',
+ maxBytes: 'It cannot exceed {max} bytes',
+ ttlLimit: 'The data type of the property must be int or timestamp',
+ associateNameRequired: 'Associated {type} name is required',
+ fileRequired: 'Please select the file',
+ formHostRequired: 'Host Required',
+ formPortRequired: 'Port Required',
+ regionRequired: 'Region Required',
+ endpointRequired: 'Endpoint Required',
+ bucketRequired: 'Bucket Required',
+ accessKeyIdRequired: 'Access Key ID Required',
+ accessKeySecretRequired: 'Access Key Secret Required',
+ platformRequired: 'Platform Required',
- 'console': {
- 'execTime': 'Execution Time',
- 'exportVertex': 'Please choose the column representing vertex IDs from the table',
- 'exportEdge': 'Please choose the columns representing source vertex ID, destination vertex ID, and rank of an edge',
- 'deleteHistory': 'Clear History',
- 'cypherParam': 'Cypher Parameter',
- 'favorites': 'Favorites',
- 'addToFavorites': 'Add to favorites',
- 'unfavorite': 'Unfavorite',
- 'clearFavorites': 'Clear Favorites',
- 'graphviz': 'Graphviz',
- 'selectSpace': 'Please select Graph Space'
+ console: {
+ execTime: 'Execution Time',
+ exportVertex: 'Please choose the column representing vertex IDs from the table',
+ exportEdge: 'Please choose the columns representing source vertex ID, destination vertex ID, and rank of an edge',
+ deleteHistory: 'Clear History',
+ cypherParam: 'Cypher Parameter',
+ favorites: 'Favorites',
+ addToFavorites: 'Add to favorites',
+ unfavorite: 'Unfavorite',
+ clearFavorites: 'Clear Favorites',
+ graphviz: 'Graphviz',
+ selectSpace: 'Please select Graph Space',
- 'explore': {
- 'vertexStyle': 'Vertex Color',
- 'notExist': 'Not exist',
- 'expandItem': 'Expand',
- 'collapseItem': 'Collapse'
+ explore: {
+ vertexStyle: 'Vertex Color',
+ notExist: 'Not exist',
+ expandItem: 'Expand',
+ collapseItem: 'Collapse',
- 'import': {
- 'uploadFile': 'Upload Files',
- 'dataSourceManagement': 'Data Source Management',
- 'importData': 'Import Data',
- 'createTask': 'New Import',
- 'uploadTemp': 'Import Template',
- 'downloadConfig': 'Download Config',
- 'downloadLog': 'Download Log',
- 'viewLogs': 'View Logs',
- 'details': 'Details',
- 'task': 'import task',
- 'taskList': 'Task List',
- 'taskName': 'Task Name',
- 'tag': 'Map Tags',
- 'edge': 'Map Edges',
- 'runImport': 'Import',
- 'fileName': 'File Name',
- 'withHeader': 'Header',
- 'fileSize': 'Size',
- 'fileTitle': 'File list',
- 'bindDatasource': 'Add source file',
- 'endImport': 'Stop Import',
- 'prop': 'Prop',
- 'mapping': 'CSV Index',
- 'edgeText': 'Edge',
- 'choose': 'Mapping',
- 'ignore': 'Ignore',
- 'vertexText': 'Vertex',
- 'indexNotEmpty': 'column index can\'t be null.',
- 'enterPassword': `Please enter the ${window.gConfig.databaseName} account password to continue`,
- 'isEmpty': 'is empty',
- 'startImporting': 'Start importing',
- 'stopImportingSuccess': 'Stop import successfully.',
- 'deleteSuccess': 'Delete task successfully',
- 'batchSize': 'Batch Size',
- 'importCompleted': 'Import completed',
- 'importStopped': 'Import stopped',
- 'importFailed': 'Failed',
- 'importRunning': 'Running',
- 'importPending': 'Pending',
- 'notImported': '{total} records not imported',
- 'selectFile': 'Select file',
- 'addTag': 'Add Tag',
- 'addEdge': 'Add Edge Type',
- 'selectTag': 'Select Tag',
- 'selectEdge': 'Select Edge Type',
- 'config': 'Task Config',
- 'parseFailed': 'File parsing failed',
- 'uploadTemplate': 'Drag & drop the YAML configuration file to this area',
- 'uploadBoxTip': 'The YAML configuration file is used to describe information about the files to be imported, the database server, and more. ',
- 'fileUploadRequired': '1. Please make sure all CSV data files are uploaded before import the YAML file. If not, please go to ',
- 'fileUploadRequired2': ' first.',
- 'exampleDownload': '2. An example for the configuration file: ',
- 'uploadTemplateTip': '3. Configure the Yaml file: please keep only the file name (retain the file extension) for all file paths (path, logPath) in the template, e.g. logPath: config.csv',
- 'reUpload': 'Re-upload',
- 'fileNotExist': '{name} file does not exist!',
- 'importYaml': 'Import the YAML file',
- 'templateMatchError': 'The user in the configuration does not match the current login account',
- 'uploadSuccessfully': 'Upload files successfully.',
- 'fileSizeLimit': '{name} is too large and exceeds the upload limit({size}), please upload the file to the data/upload directory under the installation directory via scp',
- 'noHttp': 'The address in the configuration file does not support http protocol, please remove http(s)://',
- 'addressMatch': 'The address in the configuration file must contain the Graph address of current login connection. Separate multiple addresses with ',
- 'dataSourceFile': 'Data source file',
- 'vidColumn': 'VID column',
- 'srcVidColumn': 'Source VID column',
- 'dstVidColumn': 'Destination VID column',
- 'vidFunction': 'VID function',
- 'vidPrefix': 'VID prefix',
- 'vidSuffix': 'VID suffix',
- 'concurrencyTip': `Number of ${window.gConfig.databaseName} client concurrency.`,
- 'batchSizeTip': 'The number of statements inserting data in a batch.',
- 'retryTip': 'Retry times of nGQL statement execution failures.',
- 'vidFunctionTip': 'Function to generate VID. Currently only hash functions are supported.',
- 'vidPrefixTip': 'prefix added to the original vid.',
- 'vidSuffixTip': 'suffix added to the original vid.',
- 'selectCsvColumn': 'Select CSV Index',
- 'graphAddress': 'Graph service address',
- 'concurrency': 'Concurrency',
- 'retry': 'Retry',
- 'graphAddressTip': 'The following Graph host will be used for data import',
- 'currentHost': 'Current connected host',
- 'expandMoreConfig': 'Expand more configurations',
- 'pickUpConfig': 'Pick up more configurations',
- 'tagRequired': 'Please select tag',
- 'edgeRequired': 'Please select edge type',
- 'tagFileRequired': 'Please add tag source file',
- 'edgeFileRequired': 'Please add edge source file',
- 'tagFileSelect': 'Please select tag source file',
- 'edgeFileSelect': 'Please select edge source file',
- 'configDisplay': 'These data files will be loaded',
- 'loadToTag': 'Load {file} to tag {name}',
- 'loadToEdge': 'Load {file} to edge type {name}',
- 'importConfirm': 'Import task confirm',
- 'delimiter': 'Delimiter',
- 'previewFiles': 'Preview file list',
- 'sampleData': 'Sample data',
- 'hasHeader': 'Has header',
- 'noHeader': 'No header',
- 'enterDelimiter': 'Enter delimiter',
- 'applicateToAll': 'Apply to all files',
- 'deleteFiles': 'Delete select files',
- 'fileRepeatTip': 'These files are already exists, continuing to upload will overwrite the original file',
- 'filePreview': 'Preview file {name}',
- 'uploadConfirm': 'Upload Confirm',
- 'localFiles': 'Local files',
- 's3': 'Object Storage',
- 'sftp': 'SFTP',
- 'newDataSource': 'New Data Source',
- 'editDataSource': 'Edit Data Source',
- 'deleteDataSource': 'Delete Data Source',
- 'datasourceList': '{type} list',
- 'ipAddress': 'IP Address:Port',
- 'bucketName': 'Bucket Name',
- 'accessKeyId': 'AccessKeyId',
- 'region': 'Region',
- 'createTime': 'Add Date',
- 'endpoint': 'Endpoint',
- 'accessKeySecret': 'AccessKeySecret',
- 'dataSourceType': 'Data Source Type',
- 'selectPlatform': 'Select platform',
- 'enterAddress': 'Enter endpoint',
- 'enterRegion': 'Enter region',
- 'serverAddress': 'Server Address',
- 'port': 'Port',
- 'newDataSourceTip': 'Please add the data source for the first time',
- 'addNewImport': 'Add New Import',
- 'addNewImportTip': 'After adding the data source, create an import task to import the data into the database',
- 'start': 'Start',
- 's3Tip': 'Only support cloud services that compatible with the Amazon S3 interface',
- 'readerConcurrency': 'Reader concurrency',
- 'readerConcurrencyTip': 'The number of concurrent readers that read data from the data source',
- 'importerConcurrency': 'Importer concurrency',
- 'importerConcurrencyTip': `The number of concurrent importers that import data into ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
- 'selectDatasourceFile': 'Select Data Source file',
- 'datasourceType': 'Data Source Type',
- 'filePath': 'File Path',
- 'directory': 'Directory',
- 'preview': 'Preview',
- 'customize': 'Customize',
- 's3Platform': 'S3 compatible Service Provider',
- 'account': 'Account',
- 'endpointTip': 'Please use an endpoint without a bucket name in the domain name, e.g. {sample}',
- 'awsTip': 'https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com',
- 'ossTip': 'https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com',
- 'cosTip': 'https://cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com',
- 'customizeTip': '',
- 'addressRequired': 'Please enter the import address in the configuration file',
- 'usernameRequired': 'Please enter the username in the configuration file',
- 'passwordRequired': 'Please enter the password in the configuration file',
- 's3AccessKeyRequired': 'Please enter the s3 accessKeyID in the configuration file',
- 's3SecretKeyRequired': 'Please enter the s3 accessKeySecret in the configuration file',
- 'sftpUsernameRequired': 'Please enter the sftp username in the configuration file',
- 'sftpPasswordRequired': 'Please enter the sftp password in the configuration file',
- 'ossAccessKeyRequired': 'Please enter the oss accessKeyID in the configuration file',
- 'ossSecretKeyRequired': 'Please enter the oss accessKeySecret in the configuration file',
- 'draft': 'Draft',
- 'saveDraft': 'Save Draft',
- 'modifyTime': 'Modify time',
- 'taskNameRequired': 'Please enter the task name and select space',
- 'fileMissing': '{files} does not exist, please re-upload the file',
- 'datasourceMissing': 'The related data source of {files} is not found, please re-add the related datasource and reconfigure the task',
- 'templateRerunTip': 'The task generated by template import does not support editing, please directly modify the template file and import it.',
- 'rerunError': 'The task configuration record cannot be found, and the task cannot be rerun',
- 'editTaskError': 'Cannot find task configuration record, cannot continue editing'
+ import: {
+ uploadFile: 'Upload Files',
+ dataSourceManagement: 'Data Source Management',
+ importData: 'Import Data',
+ createTask: 'New Import',
+ uploadTemp: 'Import Template',
+ downloadConfig: 'Download Config',
+ downloadLog: 'Download Log',
+ viewLogs: 'View Logs',
+ details: 'Details',
+ task: 'import task',
+ taskList: 'Task List',
+ taskName: 'Task Name',
+ tag: 'Map Tags',
+ edge: 'Map Edges',
+ runImport: 'Import',
+ fileName: 'File Name',
+ withHeader: 'Header',
+ fileSize: 'Size',
+ fileTitle: 'File list',
+ bindDatasource: 'Add source file',
+ endImport: 'Stop Import',
+ prop: 'Prop',
+ mapping: 'CSV Index',
+ edgeText: 'Edge',
+ choose: 'Mapping',
+ ignore: 'Ignore',
+ vertexText: 'Vertex',
+ indexNotEmpty: "column index can't be null.",
+ enterPassword: `Please enter the ${window.gConfig.databaseName} account password to continue`,
+ isEmpty: 'is empty',
+ startImporting: 'Start importing',
+ stopImportingSuccess: 'Stop import successfully.',
+ deleteSuccess: 'Delete task successfully',
+ batchSize: 'Batch Size',
+ importCompleted: 'Import completed',
+ importStopped: 'Import stopped',
+ importFailed: 'Failed',
+ importRunning: 'Running',
+ importPending: 'Pending',
+ notImported: '{total} records not imported',
+ selectFile: 'Select file',
+ addTag: 'Add Tag',
+ addEdge: 'Add Edge Type',
+ selectTag: 'Select Tag',
+ selectEdge: 'Select Edge Type',
+ config: 'Task Config',
+ parseFailed: 'File parsing failed',
+ uploadTemplate: 'Drag & drop the YAML configuration file to this area',
+ uploadBoxTip:
+ 'The YAML configuration file is used to describe information about the files to be imported, the database server, and more. ',
+ fileUploadRequired:
+ '1. Please make sure all CSV data files are uploaded before import the YAML file. If not, please go to ',
+ fileUploadRequired2: ' first.',
+ exampleDownload: '2. An example for the configuration file: ',
+ uploadTemplateTip:
+ '3. Configure the Yaml file: please keep only the file name (retain the file extension) for all file paths (path, logPath) in the template, e.g. logPath: config.csv',
+ reUpload: 'Re-upload',
+ fileNotExist: '{name} file does not exist!',
+ importYaml: 'Import the YAML file',
+ templateMatchError: 'The user in the configuration does not match the current login account',
+ uploadSuccessfully: 'Upload files successfully.',
+ fileSizeLimit:
+ '{name} is too large and exceeds the upload limit({size}), please upload the file to the data/upload directory under the installation directory via scp',
+ noHttp: 'The address in the configuration file does not support http protocol, please remove http(s)://',
+ addressMatch:
+ 'The address in the configuration file must contain the Graph address of current login connection. Separate multiple addresses with ',
+ dataSourceFile: 'Data source file',
+ vidColumn: 'VID column',
+ srcVidColumn: 'Source VID column',
+ dstVidColumn: 'Destination VID column',
+ vidFunction: 'VID function',
+ vidPrefix: 'VID prefix',
+ vidSuffix: 'VID suffix',
+ concurrencyTip: `Number of ${window.gConfig.databaseName} client concurrency.`,
+ batchSizeTip: 'The number of statements inserting data in a batch.',
+ retryTip: 'Retry times of nGQL statement execution failures.',
+ vidFunctionTip: 'Function to generate VID. Currently only hash functions are supported.',
+ vidPrefixTip: 'prefix added to the original vid.',
+ vidSuffixTip: 'suffix added to the original vid.',
+ selectCsvColumn: 'Select CSV Index',
+ graphAddress: 'Graph service address',
+ concurrency: 'Concurrency',
+ retry: 'Retry',
+ graphAddressTip: 'The following Graph host will be used for data import',
+ currentHost: 'Current connected host',
+ expandMoreConfig: 'Expand more configurations',
+ pickUpConfig: 'Pick up more configurations',
+ tagRequired: 'Please select tag',
+ edgeRequired: 'Please select edge type',
+ tagFileRequired: 'Please add tag source file',
+ edgeFileRequired: 'Please add edge source file',
+ tagFileSelect: 'Please select tag source file',
+ edgeFileSelect: 'Please select edge source file',
+ configDisplay: 'These data files will be loaded',
+ loadToTag: 'Load {file} to tag {name}',
+ loadToEdge: 'Load {file} to edge type {name}',
+ importConfirm: 'Import task confirm',
+ delimiter: 'Delimiter',
+ previewFiles: 'Preview file list',
+ sampleData: 'Sample data',
+ hasHeader: 'Has header',
+ noHeader: 'No header',
+ enterDelimiter: 'Enter delimiter',
+ applicateToAll: 'Apply to all files',
+ deleteFiles: 'Delete select files',
+ fileRepeatTip: 'These files are already exists, continuing to upload will overwrite the original file',
+ filePreview: 'Preview file {name}',
+ uploadConfirm: 'Upload Confirm',
+ localFiles: 'Local files',
+ s3: 'Object Storage',
+ sftp: 'SFTP',
+ newDataSource: 'New Data Source',
+ editDataSource: 'Edit Data Source',
+ deleteDataSource: 'Delete Data Source',
+ datasourceList: '{type} list',
+ ipAddress: 'IP Address:Port',
+ bucketName: 'Bucket Name',
+ accessKeyId: 'AccessKeyId',
+ region: 'Region',
+ createTime: 'Add Date',
+ endpoint: 'Endpoint',
+ accessKeySecret: 'AccessKeySecret',
+ dataSourceType: 'Data Source Type',
+ selectPlatform: 'Select platform',
+ enterAddress: 'Enter endpoint',
+ enterRegion: 'Enter region',
+ serverAddress: 'Server Address',
+ port: 'Port',
+ newDataSourceTip: 'Please add the data source for the first time',
+ addNewImport: 'Add New Import',
+ addNewImportTip: 'After adding the data source, create an import task to import the data into the database',
+ start: 'Start',
+ s3Tip: 'Only support cloud services that compatible with the Amazon S3 interface',
+ readerConcurrency: 'Reader concurrency',
+ readerConcurrencyTip: 'The number of concurrent readers that read data from the data source',
+ importerConcurrency: 'Importer concurrency',
+ importerConcurrencyTip: `The number of concurrent importers that import data into ${window.gConfig.databaseName}`,
+ selectDatasourceFile: 'Select Data Source file',
+ datasourceType: 'Data Source Type',
+ filePath: 'File Path',
+ directory: 'Directory',
+ preview: 'Preview',
+ customize: 'Customize',
+ s3Platform: 'S3 compatible Service Provider',
+ account: 'Account',
+ endpointTip: 'Please use an endpoint without a bucket name in the domain name, e.g. {sample}',
+ awsTip: 'https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com',
+ ossTip: 'https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com',
+ cosTip: 'https://cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com',
+ customizeTip: '',
+ addressRequired: 'Please enter the import address in the configuration file',
+ usernameRequired: 'Please enter the username in the configuration file',
+ passwordRequired: 'Please enter the password in the configuration file',
+ s3AccessKeyRequired: 'Please enter the s3 accessKeyID in the configuration file',
+ s3SecretKeyRequired: 'Please enter the s3 accessKeySecret in the configuration file',
+ sftpUsernameRequired: 'Please enter the sftp username in the configuration file',
+ sftpPasswordRequired: 'Please enter the sftp password in the configuration file',
+ ossAccessKeyRequired: 'Please enter the oss accessKeyID in the configuration file',
+ ossSecretKeyRequired: 'Please enter the oss accessKeySecret in the configuration file',
+ draft: 'Draft',
+ saveDraft: 'Save Draft',
+ modifyTime: 'Modify time',
+ taskNameRequired: 'Please enter the task name and select space',
+ fileMissing: '{files} does not exist, please re-upload the file',
+ datasourceMissing:
+ 'The related data source of {files} is not found, please re-add the related datasource and reconfigure the task',
+ templateRerunTip:
+ 'The task generated by template import does not support editing, please directly modify the template file and import it.',
+ rerunError: 'The task configuration record cannot be found, and the task cannot be rerun',
+ editTaskError: 'Cannot find task configuration record, cannot continue editing',
- 'schema': {
- 'spaceList': 'Graph Space List',
- 'useSpaceErrTip': 'Space not found. Trying to use a newly created graph space may fail because the creation is implemented asynchronously. To make sure the follow-up operations work as expected, Wait for two heartbeat cycles, i.e., 20 seconds.',
- 'createSuccess': 'Create Successfully',
- 'defineFields': 'Define Properties',
- 'uniqProperty': 'Property name cannot be duplicated',
- 'cancelOperation': 'Do you want to close this panel',
- 'cancelPropmt': 'If you close the panel, the configuration will be deleted automatically. Are you sure that you want to close the panel?',
- 'fieldDisabled': 'A TTL configuration is set for this property, so it cannot be edited. If you want to edit this property, delete the TTL configuration.',
- 'indexExist': 'An index exists, so TTL configuration is not permitted. A tag or edge type cannot have both an index and TTL configuration.',
- 'indexType': 'Index Type',
- 'indexName': 'Index Name',
- 'indexFields': 'Indexed Properties',
- 'associateName': 'Associated {type} name',
- 'dragSorting': '(Drag to Sort)',
- 'selectFields': 'Please choose a property',
- 'indexedLength': 'Please enter indexed length',
- 'indexedLengthDescription': 'Set the indexed string length. If you are indexing fixed strings, you must not set this option.',
- 'indexedLengthRequired': 'Indexed length must be a positive integer',
- 'rebuild': 'Rebuild',
- 'createSpace': 'Create Space',
- 'No': 'No',
- 'spaceName': 'Name',
- 'partitionNumber': 'Partition Number',
- 'replicaFactor': 'Replica Factor',
- 'charset': 'Charset',
- 'collate': 'Collate',
- 'vidType': 'Vid Type',
- 'group': 'Group',
- 'comment': 'Comment',
- 'operations': 'Operations',
- 'spaceNameEnter': 'Please enter the space name',
- 'propertyCount': 'Property Num',
- 'configTypeList': '{type} List',
- 'configTypeAction': '{action} {type}',
- 'timestampFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: 1. call function now() 2. call function timestamp(), for example: timestamp(\'2021-07-05T06:18:43.984000\') 3. Input the timestamp directly, namely the number of seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00',
- 'dateFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function date(), for example: date(\'2021-03-17\')',
- 'timeFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function time(), for example: time(\'17:53:59\')',
- 'datetimeFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function datetime(), for example: datetime(\'2021-03-17T17:53:59\')',
- 'geographyFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function ST_GeogFromText(), for example:ST_GeogFromText(\'POINT(6 10)\')',
- 'geography(point)Format': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function ST_GeogFromText(\'POINT()\'), for example:ST_GeogFromText(\'POINT(6 10)\')',
- 'geography(linestring)Format': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function ST_GeogFromText(\'LINESTRING()\'), for example:ST_GeogFromText(\'LINESTRING(3 4,10 50,20 25)\')',
- 'geography(polygon)Format': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function ST_GeogFromText(\'POLYGON()\'), for example:ST_GeogFromText(\'POLYGON((1 1,5 1,5 5,1 5,1 1),(2 2,2 3,3 3,3 2,2 2))\')',
- 'durationFormat': 'Supported data inserting methods: Call function duration(