diff --git a/docs-2.0/3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/5.drop-space.md b/docs-2.0/3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/5.drop-space.md index acf601263c0..3dd480dc87f 100644 --- a/docs-2.0/3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/5.drop-space.md +++ b/docs-2.0/3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/5.drop-space.md @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ `DROP SPACE` can only delete the specified logic graph space while retain all the data on the hard disk by modifying the value of `auto_remove_invalid_space` to `false` in the Storage service configuration file. For more information, see [Storage configuration](../../5.configurations-and-logs/1.configurations/4.storage-config.md). +!!! warning + + After you execute `DROP SPACE`, even if the snapshot contains data of the graph space, the data of the graph space cannot be recovered. But if the value of `auto_remove_invalid_space` is set to `false`, contact the sales team to recover the data of the graph space. + ## Prerequisites Only the God role can use the `DROP SPACE` statement. For more information, see [AUTHENTICATION](../../7.data-security/1.authentication/1.authentication.md). diff --git a/docs-2.0/backup-and-restore/3.manage-snapshot.md b/docs-2.0/backup-and-restore/3.manage-snapshot.md index 79aa2982163..da040edc691 100644 --- a/docs-2.0/backup-and-restore/3.manage-snapshot.md +++ b/docs-2.0/backup-and-restore/3.manage-snapshot.md @@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ nebula> SHOW SNAPSHOTS; ## Restore data with snapshots +!!! warning + + When you restore data with snapshots, make sure that the graph spaces backed up in the snapshot have not been dropped. Otherwise, the data of the graph spaces cannot be restored. + Currently, there is no command to restore data with snapshots. You need to manually copy the snapshot file to the corresponding folder, or you can make it by using a shell script. The logic implements as follows: 1. After the snapshot is created, the `checkpoints` directory is generated in the installation directory of the leader Meta server and all Storage servers, and saves the created snapshot. Taking this topic as an example, when there are two graph spaces, the snapshots created are saved in `/usr/local/nebula/data/meta/nebula/0/checkpoints`, `/usr/local/nebula/data/storage/ nebula/3/checkpoints` and `/usr/local/nebula/data/storage/nebula/4/checkpoints`.