diff --git a/test/build-turbopack-tests-manifest.js b/test/build-turbopack-tests-manifest.js
index 19d480e6fd2fd..17c02a0e56e01 100644
--- a/test/build-turbopack-tests-manifest.js
+++ b/test/build-turbopack-tests-manifest.js
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ const SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES = {
'test/development/jsconfig-path-reloading/index.test.ts': [
/should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error/,
+ /should recover from module not found when paths is updated/,
'test/development/tsconfig-path-reloading/index.test.ts': [
/should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error/,
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ const SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES = {
'test/integration/css/test/css-modules.test.js': [
'CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from other)',
+ 'CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from index)',
'test/integration/custom-error/test/index.test.js': [/Custom _error/],
'test/integration/dynamic-routing/test/index.test.js': [
@@ -75,6 +77,18 @@ const SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES = {
'test/integration/trailing-slashes/test/index.test.js': [
'Trailing slashes dev mode, with basepath, trailingSlash: true /docs/linker?href=/ should navigate to /docs/',
+ 'Trailing slashes dev mode, with basepath, trailingSlash: true /docs/linker?href=/ should push route to /docs/',
+ ],
+ 'test/integration/env-config/test/index.test.js': [
+ 'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env for SSG',
+ 'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for SSR',
+ 'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for API routes',
+ ],
+ 'test/integration/app-document/test/index.test.js': [
+ 'Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_document.js and display it',
+ ],
+ 'test/development/basic/hmr.test.ts': [
+ 'basic HMR, basePath: "/docs" Error Recovery should show the error on all pages',
diff --git a/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json b/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json
index 4ac858b831359..4d61b18f40012 100644
--- a/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json
+++ b/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json
@@ -1459,7 +1459,6 @@
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Error Recovery should recover from 404 after a page has been added with dynamic segments",
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Error Recovery should recover from errors in getInitialProps in client",
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Error Recovery should recover from errors in the render function",
- "basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Error Recovery should show the error on all pages",
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Full reload should warn about full reload in cli output - anonymous page function",
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Full reload should warn about full reload in cli output - runtime-error",
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Hot Module Reloading delete a page and add it back should load the page properly",
@@ -1467,7 +1466,9 @@
"basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" should have correct compile timing after fixing error"
"pending": [],
- "flakey": [],
+ "flakey": [
+ "basic HMR, basePath: \"/docs\" Error Recovery should show the error on all pages"
+ ],
"runtimeError": false
"test/development/basic/legacy-decorators.test.ts": {
@@ -1731,15 +1732,15 @@
"test/development/jsconfig-path-reloading/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [
"jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig added after starting dev should load with initial paths config correctly",
- "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig added after starting dev should recover from module not found when paths is updated",
- "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should load with initial paths config correctly",
- "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should recover from module not found when paths is updated"
+ "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should load with initial paths config correctly"
"failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [
"jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig added after starting dev should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error",
- "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error"
+ "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig added after starting dev should recover from module not found when paths is updated",
+ "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error",
+ "jsconfig-path-reloading jsconfig should recover from module not found when paths is updated"
"runtimeError": false
@@ -2015,10 +2016,10 @@
"test/development/webpack-issuer-deprecation-warning/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
"webpack-issuer-deprecation-warning should not appear deprecation warning about webpack module issuer"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -2213,6 +2214,15 @@
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
+ "test/e2e/app-dir/app-config-crossorigin/index.test.ts": {
+ "passed": [
+ "app dir - crossOrigin config should render correctly with assetPrefix: \"/\""
+ ],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [],
+ "flakey": [],
+ "runtimeError": false
+ },
"test/e2e/app-dir/app-css-pageextensions/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [
"app dir css with pageextensions css support with pageextensions page in app directory with pageextention, css should work should support global css inside layout"
@@ -2365,6 +2375,13 @@
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
+ "test/e2e/app-dir/app-prefetch-static/app-prefetch-static.test.ts": {
+ "passed": ["app-prefetch-static should skip next dev"],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [],
+ "flakey": [],
+ "runtimeError": false
+ },
"test/e2e/app-dir/app-prefetch/prefetching.test.ts": {
"passed": ["app dir prefetching should skip next dev for now"],
"failed": [],
@@ -2930,13 +2947,6 @@
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
- "test/e2e/app-dir/deopted-into-client-rendering-warning/deopted-into-client-rendering-warning.test.ts": {
- "passed": ["should not show deopted into client rendering warning"],
- "failed": [],
- "pending": [],
- "flakey": [],
- "runtimeError": false
- },
"test/e2e/app-dir/draft-mode/draft-mode.test.ts": {
"passed": [
"app dir - draft mode in edge runtime should be disabled from api route handler",
@@ -3592,10 +3602,10 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/e2e/app-dir/root-layout-render-once/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [],
- "failed": [
+ "passed": [
"app-dir root layout render once should only render root layout once"
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -3961,15 +3971,14 @@
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect middleware cancels stalled stream",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect middleware cancels stream making progress",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect middleware cancels stream that never sent data",
- "streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node app route handler cancels stream that never sent data"
- ],
- "failed": [
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node app route handler cancels stalled stream",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node app route handler cancels stream making progress",
+ "streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node app route handler cancels stream that never sent data",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node pages api cancels stalled stream",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node pages api cancels stream making progress",
"streaming responses cancel inner stream after disconnect node pages api cancels stream that never sent data"
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -4207,6 +4216,7 @@
"getServerSideProps should SSR normal page correctly",
"getServerSideProps should allow POST request for getServerSideProps page",
"getServerSideProps should always call getServerSideProps without caching",
+ "getServerSideProps should dedupe server data requests",
"getServerSideProps should handle throw ENOENT correctly",
"getServerSideProps should have correct req.url and query for direct visit",
"getServerSideProps should have correct req.url and query for direct visit dynamic page",
@@ -4249,7 +4259,7 @@
"getServerSideProps should supply query values SSR",
"getServerSideProps should work with early request ending"
- "failed": ["getServerSideProps should dedupe server data requests"],
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -4713,6 +4723,7 @@
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct dynamic route params for middleware rewrite to dynamic route",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct dynamic route params on client-transition to dynamic route",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct query values for rewrite to ssg page",
+ "Middleware Runtime without i18n should have init header for NextResponse.redirect",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should keep non data requests in their original shape",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should normalize data requests into page requests",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should only contain middleware route in dev middleware manifest",
@@ -4742,8 +4753,7 @@
"Middleware Runtime without i18n refreshes the page when middleware changes ",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct route params for chained rewrite from middleware to config rewrite",
"Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct route params for rewrite from config dynamic route",
- "Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct route params for rewrite from config non-dynamic route",
- "Middleware Runtime without i18n should have init header for NextResponse.redirect"
+ "Middleware Runtime without i18n should have correct route params for rewrite from config non-dynamic route"
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
@@ -5651,64 +5661,65 @@
"test/integration/404-page/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
+ "404 Page Support dev mode 2 does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/404 dev",
+ "404 Page Support dev mode 2 falls back to _error correctly without pages/404",
+ "404 Page Support dev mode 2 shows error with getInitialProps in pages/404 dev",
+ "404 Page Support dev mode 2 shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/404 dev",
"404 Page Support dev mode should not error when visited directly",
"404 Page Support dev mode should render _error for a 500 error still",
"404 Page Support dev mode should set correct status code with pages/404",
"404 Page Support dev mode should use pages/404",
- "404 Page Support dev mode should use pages/404 for .d.ts file",
- "404 Page Support does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/404 build",
- "404 Page Support does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/404 dev",
- "404 Page Support falls back to _error correctly without pages/404",
- "404 Page Support should not cache for custom 404 page with gssp and revalidate disabled",
- "404 Page Support should not cache for custom 404 page with gssp and revalidate enabled",
- "404 Page Support should not cache for custom 404 page without gssp",
- "404 Page Support shows error with getInitialProps in pages/404 build",
- "404 Page Support shows error with getInitialProps in pages/404 dev",
- "404 Page Support shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/404 build",
- "404 Page Support shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/404 dev"
+ "404 Page Support dev mode should use pages/404 for .d.ts file"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
+ "404 Page Support production mode does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/404 build",
"404 Page Support production mode should add /404 to pages-manifest correctly",
+ "404 Page Support production mode should not cache for custom 404 page with gssp and revalidate disabled",
+ "404 Page Support production mode should not cache for custom 404 page with gssp and revalidate enabled",
+ "404 Page Support production mode should not cache for custom 404 page without gssp",
"404 Page Support production mode should not error when visited directly",
"404 Page Support production mode should output 404.html during build",
"404 Page Support production mode should render _error for a 500 error still",
"404 Page Support production mode should set correct status code with pages/404",
"404 Page Support production mode should use pages/404",
- "404 Page Support production mode should use pages/404 for .d.ts file"
+ "404 Page Support production mode should use pages/404 for .d.ts file",
+ "404 Page Support production mode shows error with getInitialProps in pages/404 build",
+ "404 Page Support production mode shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/404 build"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/500-page/test/gsp-gssp.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "does build 500 statically with getInitialProps in _app and getStaticProps in pages/500",
- "does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and getServerSideProps in _error",
- "does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/500 build",
- "does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/500 dev",
- "shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/500 build",
- "shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/500 dev"
+ "gsp-gssp development mode does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/500 dev",
+ "gsp-gssp development mode shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/500 dev"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "gsp-gssp production mode does build 500 statically with getInitialProps in _app and getStaticProps in pages/500",
+ "gsp-gssp production mode does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and getServerSideProps in _error",
+ "gsp-gssp production mode does not show error with getStaticProps in pages/500 build",
+ "gsp-gssp production mode shows error with getServerSideProps in pages/500 build"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/500-page/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "500 Page Support builds 500 statically by default with no pages/500",
- "500 Page Support builds 500 statically by default with no pages/500 and custom _error without getInitialProps",
"500 Page Support dev mode should not error when visited directly",
"500 Page Support dev mode should set correct status code with pages/500",
"500 Page Support dev mode should use pages/500",
- "500 Page Support does not build 500 statically with getInitialProps in _app",
- "500 Page Support does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and custom getInitialProps in _error",
- "500 Page Support does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and custom getInitialProps in _error and _app",
- "500 Page Support shows error with getInitialProps in pages/500 build",
- "500 Page Support shows error with getInitialProps in pages/500 dev"
+ "500 Page Support development mode 2 shows error with getInitialProps in pages/500 dev"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 builds 500 statically by default with no pages/500",
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 builds 500 statically by default with no pages/500 and custom _error without getInitialProps",
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 does not build 500 statically with getInitialProps in _app",
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and custom getInitialProps in _error",
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 does not build 500 statically with no pages/500 and custom getInitialProps in _error and _app",
+ "500 Page Support production mode 2 shows error with getInitialProps in pages/500 build",
"500 Page Support production mode should add /500 to pages-manifest correctly",
"500 Page Support production mode should not error when visited directly",
"500 Page Support production mode should output 500.html during build",
@@ -5719,59 +5730,58 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/absolute-assetprefix/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should not fetch static data from a CDN",
- "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should work with getServerSideProps",
- "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should work with getStaticPaths fallback"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should fetch from cache correctly"
- ],
- "pending": [],
- "flakey": [
- "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should work with getStaticPaths prerendered"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix production mode should fetch from cache correctly",
+ "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix production mode should not fetch static data from a CDN",
+ "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix production mode should work with getServerSideProps",
+ "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix production mode should work with getStaticPaths fallback",
+ "absolute assetPrefix with path prefix production mode should work with getStaticPaths prerendered"
+ "flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/amp-export-validation/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "AMP Validation on Export should have shown errors during build"
- ],
- "failed": ["AMP Validation on Export should export AMP pages"],
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [
- "AMP Validation on Export shows AMP warning without throwing error",
- "AMP Validation on Export shows warning and error when throwing error",
- "AMP Validation on Export throws error on AMP error"
+ "AMP Validation on Export production mode should export AMP pages",
+ "AMP Validation on Export production mode should have shown errors during build",
+ "AMP Validation on Export production mode shows AMP warning without throwing error",
+ "AMP Validation on Export production mode shows warning and error when throwing error",
+ "AMP Validation on Export production mode throws error on AMP error"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/amphtml-custom-optimizer/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "AMP Custom Optimizer should build and start for dynamic page",
- "AMP Custom Optimizer should build and start for static page"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "AMP Custom Optimizer production mode should build and start for dynamic page",
+ "AMP Custom Optimizer production mode should build and start for static page"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/amphtml-custom-validator/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "AMP Custom Validator should build and start successfully",
- "AMP Custom Validator should run in dev mode successfully"
+ "AMP Custom Validator development mode should run in dev mode successfully"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "AMP Custom Validator production mode should build and start successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/amphtml-fragment-style/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "AMP Fragment Styles adds styles from fragment in AMP mode correctly"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "AMP Fragment Styles production mode adds styles from fragment in AMP mode correctly"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -5782,11 +5792,11 @@
"AMP SSG Support dev mode should load an amp first page correctly",
"AMP SSG Support dev mode should load dynamic hybrid SSG/AMP page",
"AMP SSG Support dev mode should load dynamic hybrid SSG/AMP page with query",
- "AMP SSG Support dev mode should load dynamic hybrid SSG/AMP page with trailing slash",
- "AMP SSG Support export mode should have copied SSG files correctly"
+ "AMP SSG Support dev mode should load dynamic hybrid SSG/AMP page with trailing slash"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
+ "AMP SSG Support export mode production mode should have copied SSG files correctly",
"AMP SSG Support production mode should load a hybrid amp page with query correctly",
"AMP SSG Support production mode should load a hybrid amp page without query correctly",
"AMP SSG Support production mode should load an amp first page correctly",
@@ -5858,70 +5868,23 @@
"test/integration/api-catch-all/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "API routes Server support should return data when catch-all",
- "API routes Server support should return data when catch-all with index and no trailing slash",
- "API routes Server support should return data when catch-all with index and trailing slash",
- "API routes Server support should return redirect when catch-all with index and trailing slash",
"API routes dev support should return data when catch-all",
"API routes dev support should return data when catch-all with index and no trailing slash",
"API routes dev support should return data when catch-all with index and trailing slash",
"API routes dev support should return redirect when catch-all with index and trailing slash"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "API routes production mode should return data when catch-all",
+ "API routes production mode should return data when catch-all with index and no trailing slash",
+ "API routes production mode should return data when catch-all with index and trailing slash",
+ "API routes production mode should return redirect when catch-all with index and trailing slash"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/api-support/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "API routes Server support should 404 on optional dynamic api page",
- "API routes Server support should build api routes",
- "API routes Server support should handle 204 status correctly",
- "API routes Server support should handle proxying to self correctly",
- "API routes Server support should not conflict with /api routes",
- "API routes Server support should not warn if response body is larger than 4MB with responseLimit config = false",
- "API routes Server support should parse JSON body",
- "API routes Server support should parse bigger body then 1mb",
- "API routes Server support should parse body in handler",
- "API routes Server support should parse body with config",
- "API routes Server support should parse query correctly",
- "API routes Server support should parse urlencoded body",
- "API routes Server support should prioritize a non-dynamic page",
- "API routes Server support should redirect to login",
- "API routes Server support should redirect with status code 301",
- "API routes Server support should redirect with status code 307",
- "API routes Server support should render page",
- "API routes Server support should respond from /api/auth/[...nextauth] correctly",
- "API routes Server support should return 200 on POST on pages",
- "API routes Server support should return 404 for undefined path",
- "API routes Server support should return JSON on post on API",
- "API routes Server support should return cookies object",
- "API routes Server support should return custom error",
- "API routes Server support should return data on dynamic nested route",
- "API routes Server support should return data on dynamic optional nested route",
- "API routes Server support should return data on dynamic route",
- "API routes Server support should return empty cookies object",
- "API routes Server support should return empty query object",
- "API routes Server support should return error with invalid JSON",
- "API routes Server support should set cors headers when adding cors middleware",
- "API routes Server support should show friendly error for invalid redirect",
- "API routes Server support should show friendly error in case of passing null as first argument redirect",
- "API routes Server support should show warning with next export",
- "API routes Server support should special-case empty JSON body",
- "API routes Server support should support boolean for JSON in api page",
- "API routes Server support should support etag spec",
- "API routes Server support should support null in JSON response body",
- "API routes Server support should support string in JSON response body",
- "API routes Server support should support undefined response body",
- "API routes Server support should throw Internal Server Error",
- "API routes Server support should throw Internal Server Error (async)",
- "API routes Server support should warn if response body is larger than 4MB",
- "API routes Server support should warn with configured size if response body is larger than configured size",
- "API routes Server support should work with child_process correctly",
- "API routes Server support should work with dynamic params and search string",
- "API routes Server support should work with dynamic params and search string like lambda",
- "API routes Server support should work with index api",
- "API routes Server support should work with nullable payload",
"API routes dev support should 404 on optional dynamic api page",
"API routes dev support should compile only server code in development",
"API routes dev support should handle 204 status correctly",
@@ -5976,8 +5939,56 @@
"failed": [],
"pending": [
- "API routes Server support should return error exceeded body limit",
- "API routes dev support should return error exceeded body limit"
+ "API routes dev support should return error exceeded body limit",
+ "API routes production mode should 404 on optional dynamic api page",
+ "API routes production mode should build api routes",
+ "API routes production mode should handle 204 status correctly",
+ "API routes production mode should handle proxying to self correctly",
+ "API routes production mode should not conflict with /api routes",
+ "API routes production mode should not warn if response body is larger than 4MB with responseLimit config = false",
+ "API routes production mode should parse JSON body",
+ "API routes production mode should parse bigger body then 1mb",
+ "API routes production mode should parse body in handler",
+ "API routes production mode should parse body with config",
+ "API routes production mode should parse query correctly",
+ "API routes production mode should parse urlencoded body",
+ "API routes production mode should prioritize a non-dynamic page",
+ "API routes production mode should redirect to login",
+ "API routes production mode should redirect with status code 301",
+ "API routes production mode should redirect with status code 307",
+ "API routes production mode should render page",
+ "API routes production mode should respond from /api/auth/[...nextauth] correctly",
+ "API routes production mode should return 200 on POST on pages",
+ "API routes production mode should return 404 for undefined path",
+ "API routes production mode should return JSON on post on API",
+ "API routes production mode should return cookies object",
+ "API routes production mode should return custom error",
+ "API routes production mode should return data on dynamic nested route",
+ "API routes production mode should return data on dynamic optional nested route",
+ "API routes production mode should return data on dynamic route",
+ "API routes production mode should return empty cookies object",
+ "API routes production mode should return empty query object",
+ "API routes production mode should return error exceeded body limit",
+ "API routes production mode should return error with invalid JSON",
+ "API routes production mode should set cors headers when adding cors middleware",
+ "API routes production mode should show friendly error for invalid redirect",
+ "API routes production mode should show friendly error in case of passing null as first argument redirect",
+ "API routes production mode should show warning with next export",
+ "API routes production mode should special-case empty JSON body",
+ "API routes production mode should support boolean for JSON in api page",
+ "API routes production mode should support etag spec",
+ "API routes production mode should support null in JSON response body",
+ "API routes production mode should support string in JSON response body",
+ "API routes production mode should support undefined response body",
+ "API routes production mode should throw Internal Server Error",
+ "API routes production mode should throw Internal Server Error (async)",
+ "API routes production mode should warn if response body is larger than 4MB",
+ "API routes production mode should warn with configured size if response body is larger than configured size",
+ "API routes production mode should work with child_process correctly",
+ "API routes production mode should work with dynamic params and search string",
+ "API routes production mode should work with dynamic params and search string like lambda",
+ "API routes production mode should work with index api",
+ "API routes production mode should work with nullable payload"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6001,15 +6012,15 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/app-dir-export/test/config.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) should correctly emit exported assets to config.distDir",
- "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) should error when \"next export -o
\" is used with config",
- "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) should error when no config.output detected for next export",
- "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) should throw when exportPathMap configured",
- "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) should warn about \"next export\" is no longer needed with config"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) production mode should correctly emit exported assets to config.distDir",
+ "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) production mode should error when \"next export -o \" is used with config",
+ "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) production mode should error when no config.output detected for next export",
+ "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) production mode should throw when exportPathMap configured",
+ "app dir with output export (next dev / next build) production mode should warn about \"next export\" is no longer needed with config"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6080,13 +6091,12 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/app-dir-export/test/start.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "app dir with output export (next start) should error during next start with output export"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "app dir with output export (next start) should warn during next start with output standalone"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "app dir with output export (next start) production mode should error during next start with output export",
+ "app dir with output export (next start) production mode should warn during next start with output standalone"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6122,14 +6132,15 @@
"test/integration/app-document-import-order/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Root components import order root components should be imported in this order _document > _app > page in order to respect side effects",
- "on dev server root components should be imported in this order _document > _app > page in order to respect side effects"
+ "development mode root components should be imported in this order _document > _app > page in order to respect side effects"
"failed": [
- "Root components import order _app chunks should be attached to de dom before page chunks",
- "on dev server _app chunks should be attached to de dom before page chunks"
+ "development mode _app chunks should be attached to de dom before page chunks"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "Root components import order production mode _app chunks should be attached to de dom before page chunks",
+ "Root components import order production mode root components should be imported in this order _document > _app > page in order to respect side effects"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6141,17 +6152,18 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/app-document-style-fragment/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Custom Document Fragment Styles correctly adds styles from fragment styles key"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Custom Document Fragment Styles production mode correctly adds styles from fragment styles key"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/app-document/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
"Document and App Client side It should share module state with pages",
+ "Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_app.js and display it",
"Document and App Client side should keep state between page navigations",
"Document and App Rendering via HTTP _app It should share module state with pages",
"Document and App Rendering via HTTP _app It should show valid error when thrown in _app getInitialProps",
@@ -6169,20 +6181,19 @@
"Document and App With CSP enabled should load inline script by nonce",
"Document and App should not have any missing key warnings"
- "failed": [
- "Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_app.js and display it",
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [],
+ "flakey": [
"Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_document.js and display it"
- "pending": [],
- "flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/app-dynamic-error/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "throws an error when prerendering a page with config dynamic error"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "app-dynamic-error production mode throws an error when prerendering a page with config dynamic error"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6270,15 +6281,16 @@
"Auto Export dev should include error link when hydration error does occur",
"Auto Export dev should not replace URL with page name while asPath is delayed",
"Auto Export dev should not show hydration warning from mismatching asPath",
- "Auto Export dev should update asPath after mount",
- "Auto Export production Refreshes query on mount",
- "Auto Export production Supports commonjs 1",
- "Auto Export production Supports commonjs 2",
- "Auto Export production should not replace URL with page name while asPath is delayed",
- "Auto Export production should update asPath after mount"
+ "Auto Export dev should update asPath after mount"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Auto Export production mode Refreshes query on mount",
+ "Auto Export production mode Supports commonjs 1",
+ "Auto Export production mode Supports commonjs 2",
+ "Auto Export production mode should not replace URL with page name while asPath is delayed",
+ "Auto Export production mode should update asPath after mount"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6304,9 +6316,10 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/basepath-root-catch-all/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["dev mode should use correct data URL for root catch-all"],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
+ "dev mode should use correct data URL for root catch-all",
"production mode should use correct data URL for root catch-all"
"flakey": [],
@@ -6349,67 +6362,65 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/build-output/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not emit extracted comments",
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should print duration when rendering or get static props takes long",
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not emit extracted comments",
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should print duration when rendering or get static props takes long",
- "Build Output Custom Static Error Output should not specify /404 as lambda when static"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not include internal pages",
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not include internal pages",
- "Build Output Custom App Output should not include custom error",
- "Build Output Custom Error Output should not include custom app",
- "Build Output With AMP Output should not include custom error"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not deviate from snapshot",
- "Build Output Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not deviate from snapshot"
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not deviate from snapshot",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not emit extracted comments",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should not include internal pages",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {\"gzipSize\":false}) should print duration when rendering or get static props takes long",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not deviate from snapshot",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not emit extracted comments",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should not include internal pages",
+ "Build Output production mode Basic Application Output (experimental: {}) should print duration when rendering or get static props takes long",
+ "Build Output production mode Custom App Output should not include custom error",
+ "Build Output production mode Custom Error Output should not include custom app",
+ "Build Output production mode Custom Static Error Output should not specify /404 as lambda when static",
+ "Build Output production mode With AMP Output should not include custom error"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/build-trace-extra-entries-turbo/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "build trace with extra entries should build and trace correctly"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "build trace with extra entries production mode should build and trace correctly"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/build-trace-extra-entries/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "build trace with extra entries should build and trace correctly"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "build trace with extra entries production mode should build and trace correctly"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/build-warnings/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Build warnings should not shown warning about minification withou any modification",
- "Build warnings should not warn about missing cache in non-CI",
- "Build warnings should not warn about missing cache on supported platforms",
- "Build warnings should warn about missing cache in CI"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Build warnings should shown warning about minification for minimize",
- "Build warnings should shown warning about minification for minimizer"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Build warnings production mode should not shown warning about minification without any modification",
+ "Build warnings production mode should not warn about missing cache in non-CI",
+ "Build warnings production mode should not warn about missing cache on supported platforms",
+ "Build warnings production mode should shown warning about minification for minimize",
+ "Build warnings production mode should shown warning about minification for minimizer",
+ "Build warnings production mode should warn about missing cache in CI"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/catches-missing-getStaticProps/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Catches Missing getStaticProps should catch it in dev mode",
- "Catches Missing getStaticProps should catch it in server build mode"
+ "Catches Missing getStaticProps development mode should catch it in dev mode"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Catches Missing getStaticProps production mode should catch it in server build mode"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6482,29 +6493,30 @@
"CLI Usage no command -h",
"CLI Usage no command -v",
"CLI Usage no command detects command typos",
- "CLI Usage no command invalid directory",
- "CLI Usage start --help",
- "CLI Usage start --keepAliveTimeout Infinity",
- "CLI Usage start --keepAliveTimeout happy path",
- "CLI Usage start --keepAliveTimeout negative number",
- "CLI Usage start --keepAliveTimeout string arg",
- "CLI Usage start -h",
- "CLI Usage start duplicate sass deps",
- "CLI Usage start invalid directory",
- "CLI Usage start should exit when SIGINT is signalled",
- "CLI Usage start should exit when SIGTERM is signalled",
- "CLI Usage start should format IPv6 addresses correctly",
- "CLI Usage start should not start on a port out of range",
- "CLI Usage start should not start on a reserved port",
- "CLI Usage start should not throw UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning",
- "CLI Usage start should warn when unknown argument provided",
- "CLI Usage telemetry --help",
- "CLI Usage telemetry -h",
- "CLI Usage telemetry should not throw UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning",
- "CLI Usage telemetry should warn when unknown argument provided"
+ "CLI Usage no command invalid directory"
"failed": ["CLI Usage dev -p conflict", "CLI Usage dev -p reserved"],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "CLI Usage production mode start --help",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start --keepAliveTimeout Infinity",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start --keepAliveTimeout happy path",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start --keepAliveTimeout negative number",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start --keepAliveTimeout string arg",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start -h",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start duplicate sass deps",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start invalid directory",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should exit when SIGINT is signalled",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should exit when SIGTERM is signalled",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should format IPv6 addresses correctly",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should not start on a port out of range",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should not start on a reserved port",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should not throw UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning",
+ "CLI Usage production mode start should warn when unknown argument provided",
+ "CLI Usage production mode telemetry --help",
+ "CLI Usage production mode telemetry -h",
+ "CLI Usage production mode telemetry should not throw UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning",
+ "CLI Usage production mode telemetry should warn when unknown argument provided"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6582,15 +6594,14 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/config-mjs/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [],
- "failed": [
+ "passed": [
"Configuration correctly imports a package that defines `module` but no `main` in package.json",
"Configuration renders public config on the server only",
"Configuration renders server config on the server only",
- "Configuration renders the build id in development mode",
"Configuration should disable X-Powered-By header support",
"Configuration should have config available on the client"
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6619,10 +6630,10 @@
"test/integration/config-promise-error/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Promise in next config should warn when a promise is returned on webpack"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Promise in next config production mode should warn when a promise is returned on webpack"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6636,57 +6647,57 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/config-syntax-error/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Invalid config syntax should error when next.config.js contains syntax error",
- "Invalid config syntax should error when next.config.mjs contains syntax error"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Invalid config syntax production mode should error when next.config.js contains syntax error",
+ "Invalid config syntax production mode should error when next.config.mjs contains syntax error"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/config-validation/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "next.config.js validation it should validate correctly for invalid config types",
- "next.config.js validation it should validate correctly for unexpected config fields"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "next.config.js validation production mode it should validate correctly for invalid config types",
+ "next.config.js validation production mode it should validate correctly for unexpected config fields"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/config/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [],
- "failed": [
+ "passed": [
"Configuration correctly imports a package that defines `module` but no `main` in package.json",
"Configuration renders public config on the server only",
"Configuration renders server config on the server only",
- "Configuration renders the build id in development mode",
"Configuration should disable X-Powered-By header support",
"Configuration should have config available on the client"
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/conflicting-public-file-page/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Errors on conflict between public file and page file Throws error during build",
- "Errors on conflict between public file and page file Throws error during development"
+ "Errors on conflict between public file and page file development mode Throws error during development"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Errors on conflict between public file and page file production mode Throws error during build"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/conflicting-ssg-paths/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Conflicting SSG paths should show proper error when a dynamic SSG route conflicts with SSR route",
- "Conflicting SSG paths should show proper error when a dynamic SSG route conflicts with normal route",
- "Conflicting SSG paths should show proper error when two dynamic SSG routes have conflicting paths"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Conflicting SSG paths production mode should show proper error when a dynamic SSG route conflicts with SSR route",
+ "Conflicting SSG paths production mode should show proper error when a dynamic SSG route conflicts with normal route",
+ "Conflicting SSG paths production mode should show proper error when two dynamic SSG routes have conflicting paths"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6766,15 +6777,14 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/critical-css/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "CSS optimization for SSR apps should have all CSS files in manifest",
- "CSS optimization for SSR apps should not inline non-critical css"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "CSS optimization for SSR apps should inline critical CSS",
- "CSS optimization for SSR apps should inline critical CSS (dynamic)"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "CSS optimization for SSR apps production mode should have all CSS files in manifest",
+ "CSS optimization for SSR apps production mode should inline critical CSS",
+ "CSS optimization for SSR apps production mode should inline critical CSS (dynamic)",
+ "CSS optimization for SSR apps production mode should not inline non-critical css"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6783,16 +6793,16 @@
"CSS Module client-side navigation dev should be able to client-side navigate from blue to red",
"CSS Module client-side navigation dev should be able to client-side navigate from none to blue",
"CSS Module client-side navigation dev should be able to client-side navigate from none to red",
- "CSS Module client-side navigation dev should be able to client-side navigate from red to blue",
- "CSS Module client-side navigation production should time out and hard navigate for stalled CSS request"
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation dev should be able to client-side navigate from red to blue"
- "failed": [
- "CSS Module client-side navigation production should be able to client-side navigate from blue to red",
- "CSS Module client-side navigation production should be able to client-side navigate from none to blue",
- "CSS Module client-side navigation production should be able to client-side navigate from none to red",
- "CSS Module client-side navigation production should be able to client-side navigate from red to blue"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation production mode should be able to client-side navigate from blue to red",
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation production mode should be able to client-side navigate from none to blue",
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation production mode should be able to client-side navigate from none to red",
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation production mode should be able to client-side navigate from red to blue",
+ "CSS Module client-side navigation production mode should time out and hard navigate for stalled CSS request"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6826,49 +6836,51 @@
"test/integration/css-features/test/browserslist.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Browserslist: New should have compiled successfully",
- "Browserslist: New should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "Browserslist: Old should have compiled successfully",
- "Browserslist: Old should've emitted a single CSS file"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Browserslist: New production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Browserslist: New production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "Browserslist: Old production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Browserslist: Old production mode should've emitted a single CSS file"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/css-features/test/css-modules.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "CSS Modules: Import Exports should have compiled successfully",
- "CSS Modules: Import Exports should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "CSS Modules: Import Global CSS should have compiled successfully",
- "CSS Modules: Import Global CSS should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "CSS Modules: Importing Invalid Global CSS should fail to build",
- "Custom Properties: Fail for :root {} in CSS Modules should fail to build",
- "Custom Properties: Fail for global element in CSS Modules should fail to build"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "CSS Modules: Import Exports production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "CSS Modules: Import Exports production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "CSS Modules: Import Global CSS production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "CSS Modules: Import Global CSS production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "CSS Modules: Importing Invalid Global CSS production mode should fail to build",
+ "Custom Properties: Fail for :root {} in CSS Modules production mode should fail to build",
+ "Custom Properties: Fail for global element in CSS Modules production mode should fail to build"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/css-features/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Custom Properties: Pass-Through IE11 should have compiled successfully",
- "Custom Properties: Pass-Through IE11 should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "Custom Properties: Pass-Through Modern should have compiled successfully",
- "Custom Properties: Pass-Through Modern should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "Inline Comments: Minify should have compiled successfully",
- "Inline Comments: Minify should've emitted a single CSS file"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Custom Properties: Pass-Through IE11 production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Custom Properties: Pass-Through IE11 production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "Custom Properties: Pass-Through Modern production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Custom Properties: Pass-Through Modern production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "Inline Comments: Minify production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Inline Comments: Minify production mode should've emitted a single CSS file"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/css-minify/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": ["css-minify should minify correctly by removing whitespace"],
- "pending": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "css-minify production mode should minify correctly by removing whitespace"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6897,8 +6909,8 @@
"Dynamic Route CSS Module Usage production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
"Has CSS Module in computed styles in Production production mode should have CSS for page",
"Has CSS Module in computed styles in Production production mode should have compiled successfully",
- "Invalid CSS Module Usage in node_modules should fail to build",
- "Invalid Global CSS Module Usage in node_modules should fail to build",
+ "Invalid CSS Module Usage in node_modules production mode should fail to build",
+ "Invalid Global CSS Module Usage in node_modules production mode should fail to build",
"Valid CSS Module Usage from within node_modules production mode should have compiled successfully",
"Valid CSS Module Usage from within node_modules production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
"Valid CSS Module Usage from within node_modules production mode should've prerendered with relevant data",
@@ -6937,35 +6949,35 @@
"test/integration/css/test/css-and-styled-jsx.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Ordering with styled-jsx (dev) should have the correct color (css ordering)",
- "Ordering with styled-jsx (prod) should have the correct color (css ordering)"
+ "Ordering with styled-jsx (dev) should have the correct color (css ordering)"
- "failed": [
- "Ordering with styled-jsx (prod) should have compiled successfully"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Ordering with styled-jsx (prod) production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "Ordering with styled-jsx (prod) production mode should have the correct color (css ordering)"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/css/test/css-compilation.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "CSS Property Ordering should have compiled successfully",
- "CSS Property Ordering should have the border width (property ordering)",
- "CSS Support CSS Compilation and Prefixing should compile successfully",
- "CSS Support CSS Compilation and Prefixing should've compiled and prefixed",
- "CSS Support CSS Compilation and Prefixing should've emitted a source map",
- "CSS Support Good CSS Import from node_modules should compile successfully",
- "CSS Support Good CSS Import from node_modules should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "CSS Support Good Nested CSS Import from node_modules should compile successfully",
- "CSS Support Good Nested CSS Import from node_modules should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "CSS Support Has CSS in computed styles in Production should have CSS for page",
- "CSS Support Has CSS in computed styles in Production should have compiled successfully",
- "CSS Support Has CSS in computed styles in Production should've preloaded the CSS file and injected it in ",
- "CSS Support React Lifecyce Order (production) should have compiled successfully",
- "CSS Support React Lifecyce Order (production) should have the correct color on mount after navigation"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "CSS Property Ordering production mode should have compiled successfully",
+ "CSS Property Ordering production mode should have the border width (property ordering)",
+ "CSS Support production mode CSS Compilation and Prefixing should compile successfully",
+ "CSS Support production mode CSS Compilation and Prefixing should've compiled and prefixed",
+ "CSS Support production mode CSS Compilation and Prefixing should've emitted a source map",
+ "CSS Support production mode Good CSS Import from node_modules should compile successfully",
+ "CSS Support production mode Good CSS Import from node_modules should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "CSS Support production mode Good Nested CSS Import from node_modules should compile successfully",
+ "CSS Support production mode Good Nested CSS Import from node_modules should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "CSS Support production mode Has CSS in computed styles in Production should have CSS for page",
+ "CSS Support production mode Has CSS in computed styles in Production should have compiled successfully",
+ "CSS Support production mode Has CSS in computed styles in Production should've preloaded the CSS file and injected it in ",
+ "CSS Support production mode React Lifecyce Order (production) should have compiled successfully",
+ "CSS Support production mode React Lifecyce Order (production) should have the correct color on mount after navigation"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -6974,15 +6986,13 @@
"Basic CSS Modules Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on hover)",
"Basic CSS Modules Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on load)",
"Basic CSS Modules Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav)",
+ "CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on hover)",
"CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on load)",
- "CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from index)",
"Ordering with Global CSS and Modules (dev) should have the correct color (css ordering)",
"Ordering with Global CSS and Modules (dev) should have the correct color (css ordering) during hot reloads",
"Ordering with Global CSS and Modules (dev) should not execute scripts in any order"
- "failed": [
- "CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on hover)"
- ],
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [
"Basic CSS Modules Ordering production mode should have correct color on index page (on hover)",
"Basic CSS Modules Ordering production mode should have correct color on index page (on load)",
@@ -7001,14 +7011,13 @@
"should handle unresolved files gracefully production mode should have correct file references in CSS output"
"flakey": [
+ "CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from index)",
"CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from other)"
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/css/test/css-rendering.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "CSS Support CSS Import from node_modules should fail the build"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
"CSS Support CSS Cleanup on Render Failure production mode not have intermediary page styles on error rendering",
@@ -7021,7 +7030,8 @@
"CSS Support Page hydrates with CSS and not waiting on dependencies production mode should hydrate black without dependencies manifest",
"CSS Support Page hydrates with CSS and not waiting on dependencies production mode should hydrate red without dependencies manifest",
"CSS Support Page hydrates with CSS and not waiting on dependencies production mode should route from black to red without dependencies",
- "CSS Support Page reload on CSS missing production mode should fall back to server-side transition on missing CSS"
+ "CSS Support Page reload on CSS missing production mode should fall back to server-side transition on missing CSS",
+ "CSS Support production mode CSS Import from node_modules should fail the build"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7042,15 +7052,15 @@
"test/integration/css/test/valid-invalid-css.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Invalid CSS in _document should fail to build",
- "Invalid Global CSS should fail to build",
- "Invalid Global CSS with Custom App should fail to build",
- "Valid Global CSS from npm should compile successfully",
- "Valid Global CSS from npm should've emitted a single CSS file",
- "Valid and Invalid Global CSS with Custom App should fail to build"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Invalid CSS in _document production mode should fail to build",
+ "Invalid Global CSS production mode should fail to build",
+ "Invalid Global CSS with Custom App production mode should fail to build",
+ "Valid Global CSS from npm production mode should compile successfully",
+ "Valid Global CSS from npm production mode should've emitted a single CSS file",
+ "Valid and Invalid Global CSS with Custom App production mode should fail to build"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7058,7 +7068,7 @@
"passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
- "Custom error page exception should handle errors from _error render"
+ "Custom error page exception production mode should handle errors from _error render"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7227,9 +7237,6 @@
"Custom routes dev mode should work successfully on the client",
"Custom routes dev mode should work with rewrite when manually specifying href/as",
"Custom routes dev mode show allow redirect to override the page",
- "Custom routes export should not show warning for custom routes when next export on Vercel",
- "Custom routes export should not show warning for custom routes when not next export",
- "Custom routes export should show warning for custom routes with next export",
"Custom routes no-op rewrite should not error for no-op rewrite and auto export dynamic route",
"Custom routes should load custom routes when only one type is used dev mode should work with just headers",
"Custom routes should load custom routes when only one type is used dev mode should work with just redirects",
@@ -7247,6 +7254,9 @@
"Custom routes dev mode should work with rewrite when only specifying href and ends in dynamic route"
"pending": [
+ "Custom routes export production mode should not show warning for custom routes when next export on Vercel",
+ "Custom routes export production mode should not show warning for custom routes when not next export",
+ "Custom routes export production mode should show warning for custom routes with next export",
"Custom routes production mode should add refresh header for 308 redirect",
"Custom routes production mode should allow params in query for redirect",
"Custom routes production mode should allow params in query for rewrite",
@@ -7368,8 +7378,8 @@
"passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
+ "Custom Server using HTTP Error when rendering without starting slash production mode should warn in production mode",
"Custom Server using HTTP Error when rendering without starting slash should warn in dev mode",
- "Custom Server using HTTP Error when rendering without starting slash should warn in production mode",
"Custom Server using HTTP HMR with custom server Should support HMR when rendering with /index pathname",
"Custom Server using HTTP compression handling should handle compression for route /",
"Custom Server using HTTP compression handling should handle compression for route /no-query",
@@ -7384,10 +7394,10 @@
"Custom Server using HTTP with dynamic assetPrefix should set the assetPrefix dynamically",
"Custom Server using HTTP with dynamic assetPrefix should set the assetPrefix to a given request",
"Custom Server using HTTP with generateEtags disabled response does not include etag header",
- "Custom Server using HTTP with generateEtags enabled response includes etag header",
+ "Custom Server using HTTP with generateEtags enabled production mode response includes etag header",
"Custom Server using HTTP with middleware $title should read the expected url protocol in middleware",
+ "Custom Server using HTTPS Error when rendering without starting slash production mode should warn in production mode",
"Custom Server using HTTPS Error when rendering without starting slash should warn in dev mode",
- "Custom Server using HTTPS Error when rendering without starting slash should warn in production mode",
"Custom Server using HTTPS compression handling should handle compression for route /",
"Custom Server using HTTPS compression handling should handle compression for route /no-query",
"Custom Server using HTTPS unhandled rejection stderr should include error message and stack trace",
@@ -7401,7 +7411,7 @@
"Custom Server using HTTPS with dynamic assetPrefix should set the assetPrefix dynamically",
"Custom Server using HTTPS with dynamic assetPrefix should set the assetPrefix to a given request",
"Custom Server using HTTPS with generateEtags disabled response does not include etag header",
- "Custom Server using HTTPS with generateEtags enabled response includes etag header",
+ "Custom Server using HTTPS with generateEtags enabled production mode response includes etag header",
"Custom Server using HTTPS with middleware $title should read the expected url protocol in middleware"
"flakey": [],
@@ -7409,28 +7419,29 @@
"test/integration/data-fetching-errors/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "GS(S)P Page Errors build mode should show error for getServerSideProps as component member",
- "GS(S)P Page Errors build mode should show error for getStaticPaths as component member",
- "GS(S)P Page Errors build mode should show error for getStaticProps as component member",
- "GS(S)P Page Errors build mode should show error for undefined getStaticProps",
"GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for getServerSideProps as component member",
"GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for getStaticPaths as component member",
"GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for getStaticProps as component member",
"GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for undefined getServerSideProps",
- "GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for undefined getStaticProps",
- "GS(S)P Page Errors start mode Error stack printed to stderr"
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors dev mode should show error for undefined getStaticProps"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors production mode Error stack printed to stderr",
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors production mode should show error for getServerSideProps as component member",
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors production mode should show error for getStaticPaths as component member",
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors production mode should show error for getStaticProps as component member",
+ "GS(S)P Page Errors production mode should show error for undefined getStaticProps"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/dedupes-scripts/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "De-dedupes scripts in _document Does not have duplicate script references"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "De-dedupes scripts in _document production mode Does not have duplicate script references"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7443,11 +7454,10 @@
"test/integration/development-runtime-config/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "should work with runtime-config in next.config.js empty runtime-config"
- ],
- "failed": [
+ "should work with runtime-config in next.config.js empty runtime-config",
"should work with runtime-config in next.config.js with runtime-config"
+ "failed": [],
"pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7470,17 +7480,18 @@
"test/integration/dist-dir/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "distDir With basic usage should build the app within the given `dist` directory",
- "distDir With basic usage should not build the app within the default `.next` directory",
- "distDir With basic usage should render the page",
"distDir dev mode should build the app within the given `dist` directory",
"distDir dev mode should not build the app within the default `.next` directory",
- "distDir dev mode should render the page",
- "distDir should handle null/undefined distDir",
- "distDir should throw error with invalid distDir"
+ "distDir dev mode should render the page"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "distDir With basic usage production mode should build the app within the given `dist` directory",
+ "distDir With basic usage production mode should not build the app within the default `.next` directory",
+ "distDir With basic usage production mode should render the page",
+ "distDir production mode should handle null/undefined distDir",
+ "distDir production mode should throw error with invalid distDir"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7534,12 +7545,11 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/duplicate-pages/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Handles Duplicate Pages dev mode Shows warning in development",
- "Handles Duplicate Pages production Throws an error during build"
- ],
+ "passed": ["Handles Duplicate Pages dev mode Shows warning in development"],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handles Duplicate Pages production mode Throws an error during build"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -7977,28 +7987,29 @@
"test/integration/edge-runtime-configurable-guards/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
"Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with use of Function as a type does not warn in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with use of Function as a type build and does not warn at runtime",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with use of Function as a type does not warn in dev at runtime"
"failed": [
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with allowed, unused dynamic code build and does not warn at runtime",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with allowed, used dynamic code still warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code fails to build because of dynamic code evaluation",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with allowed, unused dynamic code build and does not warn at runtime",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with allowed, used dynamic code still warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with use of Function as a type build and does not warn at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with allowed, unused dynamic code build and does not warn at runtime",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with allowed, used dynamic code still warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code fails to build because of dynamic code evaluation",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with allowed, unused dynamic code build and does not warn at runtime",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with allowed, used dynamic code still warns in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime configurable guards Multiple functions with different configurations fails to build because of unallowed code",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Multiple functions with different configurations warns in dev for allowed code",
"Edge runtime configurable guards Multiple functions with different configurations warns in dev for unallowed code"
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with allowed, unused dynamic code production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code production mode fails to build because of dynamic code evaluation",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with allowed, unused dynamic code production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Edge API with use of Function as a type production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with allowed, unused dynamic code production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware using lib with unallowed, used dynamic code production mode fails to build because of dynamic code evaluation",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with allowed, unused dynamic code production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Middleware with use of Function as a type production mode build and does not warn at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime configurable guards Multiple functions with different configurations production mode fails to build because of unallowed code"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8029,27 +8040,28 @@
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing vanilla 3rd party module does not throw in dev at runtime",
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API using Buffer polyfill does not throw in dev at runtime",
"Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing vanilla 3rd party module does not throw in dev at runtime",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing vanilla 3rd party module does not throw in production at runtime",
"Edge runtime code with imports Middleware using Buffer polyfill does not throw in dev at runtime"
"failed": [
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module in a lib throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module in a lib throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing vanilla 3rd party module does not throw in production at runtime",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing 3rd party module does not build and reports",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module development mode throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module in a lib development mode throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API using Buffer polyfill does not throw in production at runtime",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module in a lib throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module in a lib throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing 3rd party module does not build and reports",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware using Buffer polyfill does not throw in production at runtime"
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module development mode throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module in a lib development mode throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module in a lib production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing node.js module production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing vanilla 3rd party module production mode does not throw in production at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API using Buffer polyfill production mode does not throw in production at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module in a lib production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing node.js module production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing vanilla 3rd party module production mode does not throw in production at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware using Buffer polyfill production mode does not throw in production at runtime"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8059,22 +8071,23 @@
"Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused node.js module does not throw in dev at runtime"
"failed": [
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing 3rd party module does not build and reports module not found error",
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing unused 3rd party module does not build and reports module not found error",
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing unused 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing unused node.js module does not throw in production at runtime",
"Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing 3rd party module does not build and reports module not found error",
"Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused 3rd party module does not build and reports module not found error",
"Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused 3rd party module throws not-found module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused node.js module does not throw in production at runtime",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line",
- "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs"
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing node.js module throws unsupported module error in dev at runtime and highlights the faulty line"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API dynamically importing 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports module not found error",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing unused 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports module not found error",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API importing unused node.js module production mode does not throw in production at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Edge API statically importing node.js module production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware dynamically importing 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports module not found error",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused 3rd party module production mode does not build and reports module not found error",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware importing unused node.js module production mode does not throw in production at runtime",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports Middleware statically importing node.js module production mode throws unsupported module error in production at runtime and prints error on logs"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8083,11 +8096,11 @@
"Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type Edge API dev test Response",
"Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type Middleware dev test Response"
- "failed": [
- "Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type Edge API build test Response",
- "Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type Middleware build test Response"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type production mode Edge API build test Response",
+ "Edge runtime code with imports test error if response is not Response type production mode Middleware build test Response"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8228,9 +8241,6 @@
"failed": [
"Env Config dev mode should inline global values during build",
"Env Config dev mode with hot reload should inline global values during build",
- "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for API routes",
- "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for SSR",
- "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env for SSG",
"Env Config dev mode with hot reload should trigger HMR correctly when NEXT_PUBLIC_ env is changed",
"Env Config test environment should have process environment override .env",
"Env Config test environment should inline global values during build",
@@ -8247,53 +8257,57 @@
"Env Config production mode should provide env for SSG",
"Env Config production mode should provide global env to next.config.js"
- "flakey": [],
- "runtimeError": false
- },
- "test/integration/error-in-error/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Handles an Error in _error Handles error during SSR",
- "Handles an Error in _error Handles error during client transition"
+ "flakey": [
+ "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for API routes",
+ "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for SSR",
+ "Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env for SSG"
+ "runtimeError": false
+ },
+ "test/integration/error-in-error/test/index.test.js": {
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handles an Error in _error production mode Handles error during SSR",
+ "Handles an Error in _error production mode Handles error during client transition"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/error-load-fail/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Failing to load _error handles failing to load _error correctly"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Failing to load _error production mode handles failing to load _error correctly"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/error-plugin-stack-overflow/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
"Reports stack trace when webpack plugin stack overflows shows details in next build"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/errors-on-output-to-public/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Errors on output to public Throws error when `distDir` is set to public",
- "Errors on output to public Throws error when export out dir is public"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Errors on output to public production mode Throws error when `distDir` is set to public",
+ "Errors on output to public production mode Throws error when export out dir is public"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/errors-on-output-to-static/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Errors on output to static Throws error when export out dir is static"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Errors on output to static production mode Throws error when export out dir is static"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8312,22 +8326,21 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/eslint/test/next-build.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Next Build base directories are linted by default during builds",
- "Next Build custom directories",
- "Next Build eslint cache lives in the user defined build directory",
- "Next Build eslint caching is enabled",
- "Next Build first time setup",
- "Next Build ignore during builds",
- "Next Build invalid older eslint version",
- "Next Build missing Next.js plugin",
- "Next Build shows warnings and errors"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Next Build empty directories do not fail the build",
- "Next Build eslint ignored directories do not fail the build"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Next Build production mode base directories are linted by default during builds",
+ "Next Build production mode custom directories",
+ "Next Build production mode empty directories do not fail the build",
+ "Next Build production mode eslint cache lives in the user defined build directory",
+ "Next Build production mode eslint caching is enabled",
+ "Next Build production mode eslint ignored directories do not fail the build",
+ "Next Build production mode first time setup",
+ "Next Build production mode ignore during builds",
+ "Next Build production mode invalid older eslint version",
+ "Next Build production mode missing Next.js plugin",
+ "Next Build production mode shows warnings and errors"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8366,27 +8379,27 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-404/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with a page named 404.js should export a custom 404.html instead of default 404.html",
- "Static 404 Export export 404.html and 404/index.html when trailingSlash: true",
- "Static 404 Export only export 404.html when trailingSlash: false"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with a page named 404.js production mode should export a custom 404.html instead of default 404.html",
+ "Static 404 Export production mode export 404.html and 404/index.html when trailingSlash: true",
+ "Static 404 Export production mode only export 404.html when trailingSlash: false"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-default-map/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with default map should export an amp only page to clean path",
- "Export with default map should export hybrid amp page correctly",
- "Export with default map should export hybrid index amp page correctly",
- "Export with default map should export nested hybrid amp page correctly",
- "Export with default map should export nested hybrid amp page correctly with folder",
- "Export with default map should export with folder that has dot in name"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with default map production mode should export an amp only page to clean path",
+ "Export with default map production mode should export hybrid amp page correctly",
+ "Export with default map production mode should export hybrid index amp page correctly",
+ "Export with default map production mode should export nested hybrid amp page correctly",
+ "Export with default map production mode should export nested hybrid amp page correctly with folder",
+ "Export with default map production mode should export with folder that has dot in name"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8394,109 +8407,107 @@
"passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
- "Export Dynamic Pages should hydrate with correct asPath",
- "Export Dynamic Pages should of exported with correct asPath"
+ "Export Dynamic Pages production mode should hydrate with correct asPath",
+ "Export Dynamic Pages production mode should of exported with correct asPath"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-fallback-true-error/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export error for fallback: true should build successfully",
- "Export error for fallback: true should have error during next export"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export error for fallback: true production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export error for fallback: true production mode should have error during next export"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-getInitialProps-warn/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with getInitialProps should show warning with next export"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with getInitialProps production mode should show warning with next export"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-image-default/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with default loader next/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with default loader next/image component should have error during next export"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with default loader next/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with default loader next/image component production mode should have error during next export"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-image-loader-legacy/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component should contain img element in html output",
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component should export successfully",
- "Export with custom loader config but no loader prop on next/legacy/image should fail build",
- "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component should contain img element with same src in html output",
- "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component should export successfully",
- "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component should contain img element with same src in html output",
- "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component should export successfully"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component production mode should contain img element in html output",
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/legacy/image component production mode should export successfully",
+ "Export with custom loader config but no loader prop on next/legacy/image production mode should fail build",
+ "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component production mode should contain img element with same src in html output",
+ "Export with custom loader next/legacy/image component production mode should export successfully",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component production mode should contain img element with same src in html output",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/legacy/image component production mode should export successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-image-loader/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component should contain img element in html output",
- "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component should export successfully",
- "Export with custom loader config but no loader prop on next/image should fail build",
- "Export with custom loader next/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with custom loader next/image component should contain img element with same src in html output",
- "Export with custom loader next/image component should export successfully"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Export with loaderFile config next/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with loaderFile config next/image component should contain img element with same src in html output",
- "Export with loaderFile config next/image component should export successfully",
- "Export with unoptimized next/image component should build successfully",
- "Export with unoptimized next/image component should contain img element with same src in html output",
- "Export with unoptimized next/image component should export successfully"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component production mode should contain img element in html output",
+ "Export with cloudinary loader next/image component production mode should export successfully",
+ "Export with custom loader config but no loader prop on next/image production mode should fail build",
+ "Export with custom loader next/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with custom loader next/image component production mode should contain img element with same src in html output",
+ "Export with custom loader next/image component production mode should export successfully",
+ "Export with loaderFile config next/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with loaderFile config next/image component production mode should contain img element with same src in html output",
+ "Export with loaderFile config next/image component production mode should export successfully",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/image component production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/image component production mode should contain img element with same src in html output",
+ "Export with unoptimized next/image component production mode should export successfully"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-index-not-found-gsp/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Export index page with `notFound: true` in `getStaticProps` should build successfully",
- "Export index page with `notFound: true` in `getStaticProps` should export successfully"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export index page with `notFound: true` in `getStaticProps` production mode should build successfully",
+ "Export index page with `notFound: true` in `getStaticProps` production mode should export successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-intent/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Application Export Intent Output Bad Export should build and export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Bad Export should have the expected outputs for export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Custom Out should build and export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Custom Out should have the expected outputs for export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Default Export should build and export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Default Export should have the expected outputs for export",
- "Application Export Intent Output No Export should build and clean up",
- "Application Export Intent Output No Export should build and not export",
- "Application Export Intent Output No Export should export and create file",
- "Application Export Intent Output No Export should have the expected outputs for export"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Application Export Intent Output Custom Export should build and export",
- "Application Export Intent Output Custom Export should have the expected outputs for export"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Application Export Intent Output Bad Export production mode should build and export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output Bad Export production mode should have the expected outputs for export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output Custom Export production mode should build and export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output Custom Export production mode should have the expected outputs for export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output Custom Out production mode should build and export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output Custom Out production mode should have the expected outputs for export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output No Export production mode should build and clean up",
+ "Application Export Intent Output No Export production mode should build and not export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output No Export production mode should export and create file",
+ "Application Export Intent Output No Export production mode should have the expected outputs for export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output production mode Default Export should build and export",
+ "Application Export Intent Output production mode Default Export should have the expected outputs for export"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8510,52 +8521,52 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-progress-status-message/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export cli prints progress info build: should log with internally passed statusMessage",
- "Export cli prints progress info export: should log with default label"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export cli prints progress info production mode build: should log with internally passed statusMessage",
+ "Export cli prints progress info production mode export: should log with default label"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/export-subfolders/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Export config#exportTrailingSlash set to false should export pages as [filename].html instead of [filename]/index.html"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Export config#exportTrailingSlash set to false production mode should export pages as [filename].html instead of [filename]/index.html"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/externals-esm-loose/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' should render the ssg page",
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' should render the ssr page",
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' should render the static page"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' production mode should render the ssg page",
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' production mode should render the ssr page",
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: 'loose' production mode should render the static page"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/externals-esm/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true should render the ssg page",
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true should render the ssr page",
- "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true should render the static page"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true production mode should render the ssg page",
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true production mode should render the ssr page",
+ "Handle ESM externals with esmExternals: true production mode should render the static page"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/externals-pages-bundle/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "bundle pages externals with config.experimental.bundlePagesExternals should have no externals with the config set"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "bundle pages externals with config.experimental.bundlePagesExternals production mode should have no externals with the config set"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8583,9 +8594,11 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/fallback-modules/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["Build Output Crypto Application should not include crypto"],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Fallback Modules production mode Crypto Application should not include crypto"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -8604,35 +8617,35 @@
"test/integration/fetch-polyfill-ky-universal/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps",
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
- "failed": [
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
- "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill with ky-universal production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/fetch-polyfill/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Fetch polyfill Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticPaths",
- "Fetch polyfill Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps",
- "Fetch polyfill dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using API routes",
- "Fetch polyfill dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
- "Fetch polyfill dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
- "Fetch polyfill dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticPaths",
- "Fetch polyfill dev support includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
+ "Fetch polyfill development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using API routes",
+ "Fetch polyfill development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticPaths",
+ "Fetch polyfill development mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
- "failed": [
- "Fetch polyfill Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using API routes",
- "Fetch polyfill Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
- "Fetch polyfill Server support includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Fetch polyfill production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using API routes",
+ "Fetch polyfill production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getInitialProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getServerSideProps",
+ "Fetch polyfill production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticPaths",
+ "Fetch polyfill production mode includes polyfilled fetch when using getStaticProps"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -9969,12 +9982,11 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/firebase-grpc/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Building Firebase Throws no error when building with firebase dependency without worker_threads"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
"pending": [
- "Building Firebase Throws an error when building with firebase dependency with worker_threads"
+ "Building Firebase production mode Throws an error when building with firebase dependency with worker_threads",
+ "Building Firebase production mode Throws no error when building with firebase dependency without worker_threads"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10015,9 +10027,11 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/future/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["excludeDefaultMomentLocales should load momentjs"],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "excludeDefaultMomentLocales production mode should load momentjs"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10091,27 +10105,28 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/gsp-build-errors/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "GSP build errors should fail build from ENOENT in getStaticProps",
- "GSP build errors should fail build from string error in getStaticProps",
- "GSP build errors should fail build from undefined error in getStaticProps",
- "GSP build errors should fail build on normal error in getStaticProps",
- "GSP build errors should handle non-serializable error in getStaticPaths",
- "GSP build errors should handle non-serializable error in getStaticProps"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "GSP build errors production mode should fail build from ENOENT in getStaticProps",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should fail build from module not found",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should fail build from string error in getStaticProps",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should fail build from undefined error in getStaticProps",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should fail build on normal error in getStaticProps",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should handle non-serializable error in getStaticPaths",
+ "GSP build errors production mode should handle non-serializable error in getStaticProps"
- "failed": ["GSP build errors should fail build from module not found"],
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/gsp-extension/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "GS(S)P with file extension should contain extension in name of json files in _next/data",
- "GS(S)P with file extension should render properly for routes with extension",
- "GS(S)P with file extension should support slug with different extensions"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "GS(S)P with file extension production mode should contain extension in name of json files in _next/data",
+ "GS(S)P with file extension production mode should render properly for routes with extension",
+ "GS(S)P with file extension production mode should support slug with different extensions"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10148,8 +10163,7 @@
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (internal)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
- "GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (internal normal)",
- "GS(S)P Redirect Support should error for redirect during prerendering"
+ "GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (internal normal)"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
@@ -10170,6 +10184,7 @@
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply statusCode 303 redirect when visited directly for GSSP page",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply temporary redirect when visited directly basePath false for GSSP page",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply temporary redirect when visited directly for GSSP page",
+ "GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should error for redirect during prerendering",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (internal)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
@@ -10211,8 +10226,7 @@
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (internal)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
- "GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (internal normal)",
- "GS(S)P Redirect Support should error for redirect during prerendering"
+ "GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSSP page is navigated to client-side (internal normal)"
"failed": [
"GS(S)P Redirect Support dev mode should apply redirect when fallback GSP page is visited directly (internal normal)"
@@ -10238,6 +10252,7 @@
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply statusCode 301 redirect when visited directly for GSSP page",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply statusCode 303 redirect when visited directly for GSSP page",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should apply temporary redirect when visited directly for GSSP page",
+ "GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should error for redirect during prerendering",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not have errors in output",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (external)",
"GS(S)P Redirect Support production mode should not replace history of the origin page when GSP page is navigated to client-side (internal)",
@@ -10248,9 +10263,11 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/handles-export-errors/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["Handles Errors During Export Does not crash workers"],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handles Errors During Export production mode Does not crash workers"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10271,10 +10288,10 @@
"test/integration/hydrate-then-render/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "hydrate/render ordering correctly measures hydrate followed by render"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "hydrate/render ordering production mode correctly measures hydrate followed by render"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10377,10 +10394,7 @@
"i18n Support basePath dev mode should use default locale when no locale is in href with locale false",
"i18n Support basePath dev mode should visit API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support basePath dev mode should visit dynamic API route directly correctly",
- "i18n Support basePath dev mode should work with AMP first page with all locales",
- "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled should have localeDetection in routes-manifest",
- "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled should not detect locale from accept-language",
- "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled should set locale from detected path"
+ "i18n Support basePath dev mode should work with AMP first page with all locales"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
@@ -10475,7 +10489,10 @@
"i18n Support basePath production mode should use default locale when no locale is in href with locale false",
"i18n Support basePath production mode should visit API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support basePath production mode should visit dynamic API route directly correctly",
- "i18n Support basePath production mode should work with AMP first page with all locales"
+ "i18n Support basePath production mode should work with AMP first page with all locales",
+ "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled production mode should have localeDetection in routes-manifest",
+ "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled production mode should not detect locale from accept-language",
+ "i18n Support basePath with localeDetection disabled production mode should set locale from detected path"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10501,17 +10518,17 @@
"test/integration/i18n-support-custom-error/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode handle custom http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode handle default http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode should localized [slug] routes render correctly",
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode should work also on client side routing"
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error dev mode handle custom http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error dev mode handle default http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error dev mode should localized [slug] routes render correctly",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error dev mode should work also on client side routing"
"failed": [],
"pending": [
- "Custom routes i18n production mode handle custom http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
- "Custom routes i18n production mode handle default http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
- "Custom routes i18n production mode should localized [slug] routes render correctly",
- "Custom routes i18n production mode should work also on client side routing"
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error production mode handle custom http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error production mode handle default http status maintaining locale props in custom _error page",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error production mode should localized [slug] routes render correctly",
+ "Custom routes i18n custom error production mode should work also on client side routing"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10544,14 +10561,14 @@
"test/integration/i18n-support-index-rewrite/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode should rewrite index route correctly"
+ "Custom routes i18n support index rewrite dev mode should rewrite index route correctly"
"failed": [
- "Custom routes i18n dev mode should handle index rewrite on client correctly"
+ "Custom routes i18n support index rewrite dev mode should handle index rewrite on client correctly"
"pending": [
- "Custom routes i18n production mode should handle index rewrite on client correctly",
- "Custom routes i18n production mode should rewrite index route correctly"
+ "Custom routes i18n support index rewrite production mode should handle index rewrite on client correctly",
+ "Custom routes i18n support index rewrite production mode should rewrite index route correctly"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10655,13 +10672,6 @@
"i18n Support dev mode should visit API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support dev mode should visit dynamic API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support dev mode should work with AMP first page with all locales",
- "i18n Support should show proper error for duplicate defaultLocales",
- "i18n Support should show proper error for duplicate locales",
- "i18n Support should show proper error for invalid locale domain",
- "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled should have localeDetection in routes-manifest",
- "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled should ignore the invalid accept-language header",
- "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled should not detect locale from accept-language",
- "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled should set locale from detected path",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: false dev mode should redirect correctly",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: true dev mode should navigate between pages correctly",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: true dev mode should redirect correctly",
@@ -10754,6 +10764,9 @@
"i18n Support production mode should rewrite to API route correctly for nl locale",
"i18n Support production mode should rewrite to API route correctly for nl-BE locale",
"i18n Support production mode should rewrite to API route correctly for nl-NL locale",
+ "i18n Support production mode should show proper error for duplicate defaultLocales",
+ "i18n Support production mode should show proper error for duplicate locales",
+ "i18n Support production mode should show proper error for invalid locale domain",
"i18n Support production mode should transition on client properly for page that starts with locale",
"i18n Support production mode should update asPath on the client correctly",
"i18n Support production mode should use correct default locale for locale domains",
@@ -10762,6 +10775,10 @@
"i18n Support production mode should visit API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support production mode should visit dynamic API route directly correctly",
"i18n Support production mode should work with AMP first page with all locales",
+ "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled production mode should have localeDetection in routes-manifest",
+ "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled production mode should ignore the invalid accept-language header",
+ "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled production mode should not detect locale from accept-language",
+ "i18n Support with localeDetection disabled production mode should set locale from detected path",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: false production mode should redirect correctly",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: true production mode should have correct locale domain hrefs",
"i18n Support with trailingSlash: true production mode should navigate between pages correctly",
@@ -10775,10 +10792,10 @@
"test/integration/image-generation/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Image Generation Prod should generate the image without errors"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Image Generation production mode should generate the image without errors"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -10932,12 +10949,12 @@
"Image Optimizer dev support next.config.js cloudinary loader should 404 when loader is not default",
"Image Optimizer images.unoptimized in next.config.js should 404 when unoptimized"
- "failed": [
- "Image Optimizer External rewrite support with for serving static content in images should return response when image is served from an external rewrite",
- "Image Optimizer Server support for headers in next.config.js should not set max-age header when not matching next.config.js",
- "Image Optimizer Server support for headers in next.config.js should set max-age header"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Image Optimizer External rewrite support with for serving static content in images production mode should return response when image is served from an external rewrite",
+ "Image Optimizer Server support for headers in next.config.js production mode should not set max-age header when not matching next.config.js",
+ "Image Optimizer Server support for headers in next.config.js production mode should set max-age header"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11577,7 +11594,7 @@
"pending": [],
"flakey": [
"import-assertion dev should handle json assertions",
- "import-assertion prod should handle json assertions"
+ "production mode import-assertion prod should handle json assertions"
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11632,12 +11649,12 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/invalid-config-values/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Handles valid/invalid assetPrefix should not error when assetPrefix is a string",
- "Handles valid/invalid assetPrefix should not error without usage of assetPrefix"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Handles valid/invalid assetPrefix production mode should not error when assetPrefix is a string",
+ "Handles valid/invalid assetPrefix production mode should not error without usage of assetPrefix"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11672,11 +11689,11 @@
"test/integration/invalid-document-image-import/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Invalid static image import in _document Should fail to build when disableStaticImages in next.config.js",
- "Invalid static image import in _document Should fail to build when no next.config.js"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Invalid static image import in _document production mode Should fail to build when disableStaticImages in next.config.js",
+ "Invalid static image import in _document production mode Should fail to build when no next.config.js"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11728,12 +11745,12 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/invalid-page-automatic-static-optimization/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Invalid Page automatic static optimization Fails softly with descriptive error",
- "Invalid Page automatic static optimization handles non-error correctly"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Invalid Page automatic static optimization production mode Fails softly with descriptive error",
+ "Invalid Page automatic static optimization production mode handles non-error correctly"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11770,34 +11787,39 @@
"test/integration/jsconfig-baseurl/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": ["TypeScript Features default behavior should render the page"],
"failed": [
- "TypeScript Features default behavior should have correct module not found error",
- "TypeScript Features should build should trace correctly"
+ "TypeScript Features default behavior should have correct module not found error"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "TypeScript Features should build production mode should trace correctly"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/jsconfig-empty/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": ["Empty JSConfig Support should compile successfully"],
- "pending": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Empty JSConfig Support production mode should compile successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/jsconfig/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "jsconfig.json should build normally",
- "jsconfig.json should fail on invalid jsconfig.json"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "jsconfig.json production mode should build normally",
+ "jsconfig.json production mode should fail on invalid jsconfig.json"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/json-serialize-original-error/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["JSON Serialization should fail with original error"],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "JSON Serialization production mode should fail with original error"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11871,17 +11893,17 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/middleware-build-errors/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware building body with JSON.stringify does not throw an error",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware building response body with a variable does not throw an error",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware building response body with custom code does not throw an error",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware returning a null body builds successfully",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware returning a text body does not throw an error",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware returning a text body with NextResponse does not throw an error",
- "Middleware validation during build given a middleware returning an undefined body builds successfully"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware building body with JSON.stringify does not throw an error",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware building response body with a variable does not throw an error",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware building response body with custom code does not throw an error",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware returning a null body builds successfully",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware returning a text body does not throw an error",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware returning a text body with NextResponse does not throw an error",
+ "Middleware validation during build production mode given a middleware returning an undefined body builds successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11908,11 +11930,11 @@
"test/integration/middleware-prefetch/tests/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Middleware Production Prefetch does not prefetch provided path if it will be rewritten",
- "Middleware Production Prefetch prefetch correctly for unexistent routes"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Middleware Production Prefetch production mode does not prefetch provided path if it will be rewritten",
+ "Middleware Production Prefetch production mode prefetch correctly for unexistent routes"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -11946,15 +11968,14 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/mixed-ssg-serverprops-error/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error should error when exporting getStaticPaths on a non-dynamic page"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error should error when exporting both getStaticPaths and getServerSideProps",
- "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error should error when exporting both getStaticProps and getServerSideProps",
- "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error should error with getStaticProps but no default export"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error production mode should error when exporting both getStaticPaths and getServerSideProps",
+ "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error production mode should error when exporting both getStaticProps and getServerSideProps",
+ "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error production mode should error when exporting getStaticPaths on a non-dynamic page",
+ "Mixed getStaticProps and getServerSideProps error production mode should error with getStaticProps but no default export"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12044,11 +12065,11 @@
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode Should use immutable cache-control header for static import"
"failed": [
- "Build Error Tests for basePath should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported jpg",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported png"
"pending": [
+ "Build Error Tests for basePath production mode should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported jpg",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported png",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
@@ -12061,78 +12082,76 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/basic/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests Client-side Errors Should not log an error when an unregistered host is used in production",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should add a srcset based on the loader",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should add a srcset even with preceding slash in prop",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should correctly generate src even if preceding slash is included in prop",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should keep auto parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should keep fit parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should keep width parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should modify src with the loader",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should not add a srcset if unoptimized attribute present",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should render an image tag",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should support passing through arbitrary attributes",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should use imageSizes when width matches, not deviceSizes from next.config.js",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should have loaded the first image immediately",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the fifth image eagerly, without scrolling",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the fourth image lazily after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the second image after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the sixth image, which has lazyBoundary property after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the third image, which is unoptimized, after scrolling further down",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the second image immediately",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the third image after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should pass through classes on a lazy loaded image",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image with preceding slash",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image, with arbitrary host",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image, with quality",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a srcset based on the loader",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add a srcset even with preceding slash in prop",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should add data-nimg data attribute based on layout",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should correctly generate src even if preceding slash is included in prop",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should keep auto parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should keep fit parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should keep width parameter if already set",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should modify src with the loader",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should not add a srcset if unoptimized attribute present",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should not create any preload tags higher up the page than CSS preload tags",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should not pass config to custom loader prop",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should render an image tag",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should support passing through arbitrary attributes",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Image Component Tests should use imageSizes when width matches, not deviceSizes from next.config.js",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should have loaded the first image immediately",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the fifth image eagerly, without scrolling",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the fourth image lazily after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the second image after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the sixth image, which has lazyBoundary property after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the third image, which is unoptimized, after scrolling further down",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the second image immediately",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the third image after scrolling down",
- "Image Component Tests SSR Lazy Loading Tests should pass through classes on a lazy loaded image"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should only be loaded once if `sizes` is set"
- ],
- "pending": [
- "Image Component Tests Client-side Image Component Tests should NOT add a preload tag for a priority image"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests Client-side Errors Should not log an error when an unregistered host is used in production",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should NOT add a preload tag for a priority image",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should add a srcset based on the loader",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should add a srcset even with preceding slash in prop",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should correctly generate src even if preceding slash is included in prop",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should keep auto parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should keep fit parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should keep width parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should modify src with the loader",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should not add a srcset if unoptimized attribute present",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should only be loaded once if `sizes` is set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should render an image tag",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should support passing through arbitrary attributes",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Image Component Tests should use imageSizes when width matches, not deviceSizes from next.config.js",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should have loaded the first image immediately",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the fifth image eagerly, without scrolling",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the fourth image lazily after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the second image after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the sixth image, which has lazyBoundary property after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should load the third image, which is unoptimized, after scrolling further down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the second image immediately",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the third image after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should pass through classes on a lazy loaded image",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image with preceding slash",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image, with arbitrary host",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a preload tag for a priority image, with quality",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a srcset based on the loader",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add a srcset even with preceding slash in prop",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should add data-nimg data attribute based on layout",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should correctly generate src even if preceding slash is included in prop",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should keep auto parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should keep fit parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should keep width parameter if already set",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should modify src with the loader",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should not add a srcset if unoptimized attribute present",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should not create any preload tags higher up the page than CSS preload tags",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should not pass config to custom loader prop",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should render an image tag",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should support passing through arbitrary attributes",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Image Component Tests should use imageSizes when width matches, not deviceSizes from next.config.js",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should have loaded the first image immediately",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the fifth image eagerly, without scrolling",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the fourth image lazily after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the second image after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the sixth image, which has lazyBoundary property after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should load the third image, which is unoptimized, after scrolling further down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the second image immediately",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should not have loaded the third image after scrolling down",
+ "Image Component Tests production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should pass through classes on a lazy loaded image"
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/custom-resolver/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Custom Resolver Tests Client-side Custom Loader Tests Should use a custom resolver for image URL",
- "Custom Resolver Tests Client-side Custom Loader Tests should add a srcset based on the custom resolver",
- "Custom Resolver Tests Client-side Custom Loader Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
- "Custom Resolver Tests SSR Custom Loader Tests Should use a custom resolver for image URL",
- "Custom Resolver Tests SSR Custom Loader Tests should add a srcset based on the custom resolver",
- "Custom Resolver Tests SSR Custom Loader Tests should support the unoptimized attribute"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode Client-side Custom Loader Tests Should use a custom resolver for image URL",
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode Client-side Custom Loader Tests should add a srcset based on the custom resolver",
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode Client-side Custom Loader Tests should support the unoptimized attribute",
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode SSR Custom Loader Tests Should use a custom resolver for image URL",
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode SSR Custom Loader Tests should add a srcset based on the custom resolver",
+ "Custom Resolver Tests production mode SSR Custom Loader Tests should support the unoptimized attribute"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12215,70 +12234,71 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/default/test/static.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Static Image Component Tests Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should allow provided width and height to override intrinsic",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should automatically provide an image height and width",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should use immutable cache-control header even when unoptimized",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should use immutable cache-control header for static import",
- "Static Image Component Tests should load direct imported image",
- "Static Image Component Tests should load staticprops imported image"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Build Error Tests should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported jpg",
- "Static Image Component Tests Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported png"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Build Error Tests production mode should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported jpg",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should add a blur placeholder to statically imported png",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should allow provided width and height to override intrinsic",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should automatically provide an image height and width",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should use immutable cache-control header even when unoptimized",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode Should use immutable cache-control header for static import",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode should load direct imported image",
+ "Static Image Component Tests production mode should load staticprops imported image"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/image-from-node-modules/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [],
"failed": [
- "Image Component Tests In Dev Mode should apply image config for node_modules",
- "Image Component Tests In Prod Mode should apply image config for node_modules"
+ "Image Component Tests In Dev Mode should apply image config for node_modules"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "Image Component Tests In Prod Mode production mode should apply image config for node_modules"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/no-intersection-observer-fallback/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Image Component No IntersectionObserver test Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should automatically load images if observer does not exist",
- "Image Component No IntersectionObserver test SSR Lazy Loading Tests should automatically load images if observer does not exist"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Image Component No IntersectionObserver test production mode Client-side Lazy Loading Tests should automatically load images if observer does not exist",
+ "Image Component No IntersectionObserver test production mode SSR Lazy Loading Tests should automatically load images if observer does not exist"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/noscript/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "Noscript Tests Noscript page source tests should use loader url for noscript img#image-with-loader src attribute",
- "Noscript Tests Noscript page source tests should use local API for noscript img#basic-image src attribute"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Noscript Tests production mode Noscript page source tests should use loader url for noscript img#image-with-loader src attribute",
+ "Noscript Tests production mode Noscript page source tests should use local API for noscript img#basic-image src attribute"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/react-virtualized/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "react-virtualized wrapping next/legacy/image production should not cancel requests for images"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "react-virtualized wrapping next/legacy/image production mode should not cancel requests for images"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/svgo-webpack/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [],
"failed": [
- "svgo-webpack with Image Component next build should not fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
- "svgo-webpack with Image Component next dev should print error when invalid Image usage"
+ "svgo-webpack with Image Component development mode should print error when invalid Image usage"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "svgo-webpack with Image Component production mode should not fail to build invalid usage of the Image component"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12295,15 +12315,16 @@
"test/integration/next-image-legacy/typescript/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [
- "TypeScript Image Component next build should fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
- "TypeScript Image Component next build should remove global image types when disabled",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should have image types when enabled",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should print error when invalid Image usage",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should render the valid Image usage and not print error",
- "TypeScript Image Component should remove global image types when disabled (dev)"
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode 2 should remove global image types when disabled (dev)",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should have image types when enabled",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should print error when invalid Image usage",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should render the valid Image usage and not print error"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "TypeScript Image Component production mode should fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
+ "TypeScript Image Component production mode should remove global image types when disabled"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12452,13 +12473,13 @@
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should use width prop to adjust both width and height"
"failed": [
- "Build Error Tests should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported jpg",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported png",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported png with fill",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should have containing followed by for priority image"
"pending": [
+ "Build Error Tests production mode should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should automatically provide an image height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should use immutable cache-control header even when unoptimized",
@@ -12519,12 +12540,12 @@
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode should use width prop to adjust both width and height"
"failed": [
- "Build Error Tests should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported jpg",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported png",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath dev mode should have containing followed by for priority image"
"pending": [
+ "Build Error Tests production mode should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should automatically provide an image height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests for basePath production mode Should use immutable cache-control header even when unoptimized",
@@ -12671,13 +12692,13 @@
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should use width prop to adjust both width and height"
"failed": [
- "Build Error Tests should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported jpg",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported png",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should add a blur placeholder a statically imported png with fill",
"Static Image Component Tests dev mode should have containing followed by for priority image"
"pending": [
+ "Build Error Tests production mode should throw build error when import statement is used with missing file",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should allow an image with a static src to omit height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should automatically provide an image height and width",
"Static Image Component Tests production mode Should use immutable cache-control header even when unoptimized",
@@ -12782,21 +12803,22 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-new/react-virtualized/test/index.test.ts": {
- "passed": [
- "react-virtualized wrapping next/image production should not cancel requests for images"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "react-virtualized wrapping next/image production mode should not cancel requests for images"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/next-image-new/svgo-webpack/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [],
"failed": [
- "svgo-webpack with Image Component next build should not fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
- "svgo-webpack with Image Component next dev should print error when invalid Image usage"
+ "svgo-webpack with Image Component development mode should print error when invalid Image usage"
+ ],
+ "pending": [
+ "svgo-webpack with Image Component production mode should not fail to build invalid usage of the Image component"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12813,15 +12835,16 @@
"test/integration/next-image-new/typescript/test/index.test.ts": {
"passed": [
- "TypeScript Image Component next build should fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
- "TypeScript Image Component next build should remove global image types when disabled",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should have image types when enabled",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should print error when invalid Image usage",
- "TypeScript Image Component next dev should render the valid Image usage and not print error",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should have image types when enabled",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should print error when invalid Image usage",
+ "TypeScript Image Component development mode should render the valid Image usage and not print error",
"TypeScript Image Component should remove global image types when disabled (dev)"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "TypeScript Image Component production mode should fail to build invalid usage of the Image component",
+ "TypeScript Image Component production mode should remove global image types when disabled"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12867,9 +12890,12 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/no-op-export/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": ["no-op export should not error for all server-side pages build"],
- "failed": ["no-op export should not error for empty exportPathMap"],
- "pending": [],
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "no-op export production mode should not error for all server-side pages build",
+ "no-op export production mode should not error for empty exportPathMap"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12906,23 +12932,24 @@
"node-fetch-keep-alive dev should send keep-alive for getServerSideProps",
"node-fetch-keep-alive dev should send keep-alive for getStaticPaths",
"node-fetch-keep-alive dev should send keep-alive for getStaticProps",
- "node-fetch-keep-alive dev should send keep-alive for json API",
- "node-fetch-keep-alive production should send keep-alive for getServerSideProps",
- "node-fetch-keep-alive production should send keep-alive for getStaticPaths",
- "node-fetch-keep-alive production should send keep-alive for getStaticProps",
- "node-fetch-keep-alive production should send keep-alive for json API"
+ "node-fetch-keep-alive dev should send keep-alive for json API"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "node-fetch-keep-alive production mode should send keep-alive for getServerSideProps",
+ "node-fetch-keep-alive production mode should send keep-alive for getStaticPaths",
+ "node-fetch-keep-alive production mode should send keep-alive for getStaticProps",
+ "node-fetch-keep-alive production mode should send keep-alive for json API"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/non-next-dist-exclude/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Non-Next externalization Externalized non-Next dist-using package"
- ],
+ "passed": [],
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Non-Next externalization production mode Externalized non-Next dist-using package"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12931,15 +12958,16 @@
"Non-Standard NODE_ENV should not show the warning with NODE_ENV set to valid value",
"Non-Standard NODE_ENV should not show the warning with NODE_ENV set to valid value (custom server)",
"Non-Standard NODE_ENV should not show the warning with no NODE_ENV set",
- "Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to development with next build",
- "Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to development with next start",
"Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to invalid value",
"Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to invalid value (custom server)",
- "Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to production with next dev",
- "Non-Standard NODE_ENV should still DCE NODE_ENV specific code"
+ "Non-Standard NODE_ENV should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to production with next dev"
"failed": [],
- "pending": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Non-Standard NODE_ENV production mode should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to development with next build",
+ "Non-Standard NODE_ENV production mode should show the warning with NODE_ENV set to development with next start",
+ "Non-Standard NODE_ENV production mode should still DCE NODE_ENV specific code"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -12969,24 +12997,23 @@
"test/integration/numeric-sep/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": [
- "Numeric Separator Support should successfully build for a JavaScript file"
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Numeric Separator Support production mode should successfully build for a JavaScript file"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/ondemand/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "On Demand Entries should dispose inactive pages",
- "On Demand Entries should pass"
- ],
- "failed": [
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
"On Demand Entries should compile pages for JSON page requests",
"On Demand Entries should compile pages for SSR",
- "On Demand Entries should navigate to pages with dynamic imports"
+ "On Demand Entries should dispose inactive pages",
+ "On Demand Entries should navigate to pages with dynamic imports",
+ "On Demand Entries should pass"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -13004,19 +13031,18 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/page-config/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Page Config builds without error when export const config is used outside page",
- "Page Config shows error when page config has invalid properties",
- "Page Config shows error when page config has invalid property value",
- "Page Config shows error when page config has spread properties"
- ],
- "failed": [
- "Page Config shows error when page config is export from",
- "Page Config shows error when page config is imported and exported",
- "Page Config shows valid error when page config has no init",
- "Page Config shows valid error when page config is a string"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Page Config production mode builds without error when export const config is used outside page",
+ "Page Config production mode shows error when page config has invalid properties",
+ "Page Config production mode shows error when page config has invalid property value",
+ "Page Config production mode shows error when page config has spread properties",
+ "Page Config production mode shows error when page config is export from",
+ "Page Config production mode shows error when page config is imported and exported",
+ "Page Config production mode shows valid error when page config has no init",
+ "Page Config production mode shows valid error when page config is a string"
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -13035,9 +13061,9 @@
"test/integration/plugin-mdx-rs/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [
- "Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page correctly",
- "Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page with component correctly",
- "Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page with globally provided components (from `mdx-components.js`) correctly"
+ "MDX-rs Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page correctly",
+ "MDX-rs Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page with component correctly",
+ "MDX-rs Configuration MDX-rs Plugin support should render an MDX page with globally provided components (from `mdx-components.js`) correctly"
"failed": [],
"pending": [],
@@ -13046,18 +13072,21 @@
"test/integration/polyfilling-minimal/test/index.test.js": {
"passed": [],
- "failed": ["Polyfilling (minimal) should compile successfully"],
- "pending": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Polyfilling (minimal) production mode should compile successfully"
+ ],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/polyfills/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Polyfills should allow using process.env when there is an element with `id` of `process`",
- "Polyfills should contain generated page count in output"
+ "passed": [],
+ "failed": [],
+ "pending": [
+ "Polyfills production mode should alias fetch",
+ "Polyfills production mode should allow using process.env when there is an element with `id` of `process`",
+ "Polyfills production mode should contain generated page count in output"
- "failed": ["Polyfills should alias fetch"],
- "pending": [],
"flakey": [],
"runtimeError": false
@@ -13073,32 +13102,31 @@
"runtimeError": false
"test/integration/preload-viewport/test/index.test.js": {
- "passed": [
- "Prefetching Links in viewport should correctly omit pre-generated dynamic pages from SSG manifest",
- "Prefetching Links in viewport should handle timed out prefetch correctly",
- "Prefetching Links in viewport should inject a