Electron-poc project uses Boilerplate for stable developing:
For PDF view and render to text uses PDF.js:
First, clone the repo via git
And then install the dependencies with yarn.
$ cd your-project-name
$ yarn
Start the app in the dev
environment. This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a webpack dev server that sends hot updates to the renderer process:
$ yarn dev
$ yarn start in new window
Change code at app/ and app will rerender
$ yarn build:win
$ yarn build:linux
For linux build use Linux. Other OS give error.
$ build:mac
By default build for current platform and current arch. Use CLI flags --mac, --win, --linux to specify platforms. And --ia32, --x64 to specify arch. For example, to build app for MacOS, Windows and Linux:
$ electron-builder -mwl
More information: https://www.electron.build/multi-platform-build