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Activites and Processors

Jey edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 7 revisions


Activity in the terms of this library is the abstract entity that serves as concept that represents a generalization of entities such as @CommandHandler, @InputHandler, @UnprocessedHandler, and @CommonHandler.

Also take a look at handlers article.

Collecting activities

Activities are collected and prepared all context in compile time.

If you want to limit the area in which the package will be searched, you can pass a parameter to ksp:

ksp {
    arg("package", "com.example.mybot")

note in such a case, in order for the collected actions to be processed correctly, you must also specify the package in the instance itself.

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val bot = TelegramBot("BOT_TOKEN", "com.example.mybot")

    // start long-polling listener

this option is added to be able to run multiple bot instances, to specify different packages you need to specify them with ; separator.

ksp {
    arg("package", "com.example.mybot;com.example.mybot2")


You have two types of flow processing updates:


You establish the processing behavior through the lambda parameter function bot.handleUpdates() {}, or through bot.update.setListener { handle(it) { // set functional handling behavior }.

You can read more about functional processing in a related article.

See FunctionalHandlingDsl.

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val bot = TelegramBot("BOT_TOKEN")

    bot.handleUpdates {
         onMessage {
             message { update.text }.send(update.user, bot)


Annotation Depends on the selected processing mode:


In your controller (or another place where the webhook is processed), you call: bot.update.parseAndHandle(webhookString)

By default it will use processor for annotations, but if you want to have some custom behaviour it also can be set through setBehaviour:

bot.update.setBehaviour {
    // filter
   // ...any other actions
   update(it) // annotation processor

Long polling

Call: bot.handleUpdates() or through bot.update.setListener { handle(it) }


Also, if desired, both these approaches can be combined using the same setListener {}, in such an approach even the same command can be processed twice, processing will be done in the order they are called.

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val bot = TelegramBot("BOT_TOKEN", "eu.vendeli.samples.controller")

    bot.update.setListener {
        handle(it) // Here we send the update for annotation processing.
        handle(it) { // Here we manually process it afterwards.
            onMessage {
                message { update.text }.send(update.user, bot)

Example of combining usage you can see in a poll sample.

or in webhook handling you can set through setBehaviour as described before.

See also

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