diff --git a/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.png b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e68befa8f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.png differ
diff --git a/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.svg b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04569718d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.vg.json b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.vg.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32ea6aecfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/compiled/interactive_crossfilter.vg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@
+ "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
+ "background": "white",
+ "padding": 5,
+ "data": [
+ {"name": "brush_store"},
+ {
+ "name": "source_0",
+ "url": "data/flights-2k.json",
+ "format": {"type": "json", "parse": {"date": "date"}},
+ "transform": [
+ {
+ "type": "extent",
+ "field": "delay",
+ "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_delay_extent"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "bin",
+ "field": "delay",
+ "as": ["bin_maxbins_20_delay", "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end"],
+ "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_delay_bins",
+ "extent": {
+ "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_delay_extent"
+ },
+ "maxbins": 20
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "extent",
+ "field": "distance",
+ "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_extent"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "bin",
+ "field": "distance",
+ "as": ["bin_maxbins_20_distance", "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end"],
+ "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_bins",
+ "extent": {
+ "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_extent"
+ },
+ "maxbins": 20
+ },
+ {"type": "formula", "expr": "hours(datum.date)", "as": "time"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "data_0",
+ "source": "source_0",
+ "transform": [
+ {
+ "type": "extent",
+ "field": "time",
+ "signal": "child__column_time_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_time_extent"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "bin",
+ "field": "time",
+ "as": ["bin_maxbins_20_time", "bin_maxbins_20_time_end"],
+ "signal": "child__column_time_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_time_bins",
+ "extent": {
+ "signal": "child__column_time_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_time_extent"
+ },
+ "maxbins": 20
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "filter",
+ "expr": "!length(data(\"brush_store\")) || vlSelectionTest(\"brush_store\", datum)"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "aggregate",
+ "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_time", "bin_maxbins_20_time_end"],
+ "ops": ["count"],
+ "fields": [null],
+ "as": ["__count"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "filter",
+ "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_time\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_time\"])"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "data_1",
+ "source": "source_0",
+ "transform": [
+ {
+ "type": "filter",
+ "expr": "!length(data(\"brush_store\")) || vlSelectionTest(\"brush_store\", datum)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "data_2",
+ "source": "data_1",
+ "transform": [
+ {
+ "type": "aggregate",
+ "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_delay", "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end"],
+ "ops": ["count"],
+ "fields": [null],
+ "as": ["__count"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "filter",
+ "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "data_3",
+ "source": "data_1",
+ "transform": [
+ {
+ "type": "aggregate",
+ "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_distance", "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end"],
+ "ops": ["count"],
+ "fields": [null],
+ "as": ["__count"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "filter",
+ "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "signals": [
+ {"name": "childWidth", "value": 200},
+ {"name": "childHeight", "value": 200},
+ {
+ "name": "unit",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {"events": "pointermove", "update": "isTuple(group()) ? group() : unit"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush",
+ "update": "vlSelectionResolve(\"brush_store\", \"union\")"
+ }
+ ],
+ "layout": {"padding": 20, "columns": 3, "bounds": "full", "align": "all"},
+ "marks": [
+ {
+ "type": "group",
+ "name": "child__column_distance_group",
+ "style": "cell",
+ "encode": {
+ "update": {
+ "width": {"signal": "childWidth"},
+ "height": {"signal": "childHeight"}
+ }
+ },
+ "signals": [
+ {
+ "name": "brush_x",
+ "value": [],
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[x(unit), x(unit)]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {
+ "source": "window",
+ "type": "pointermove",
+ "consume": true,
+ "between": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[brush_x[0], clamp(x(unit), 0, childWidth)]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_scale_trigger"},
+ "update": "[scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", brush_distance[0]), scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", brush_distance[1])]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": [{"source": "view", "type": "dblclick"}],
+ "update": "[0, 0]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_translate_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(panLinear(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x, brush_translate_delta.x / span(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x)), 0, childWidth)"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_zoom_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(zoomLinear(brush_x, brush_zoom_anchor.x, brush_zoom_delta), 0, childWidth)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_distance",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_x"},
+ "update": "brush_x[0] === brush_x[1] ? null : invert(\"child__column_distance_x\", brush_x)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_scale_trigger",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"scale": "child__column_distance_x"}],
+ "update": "(!isArray(brush_distance) || (+invert(\"child__column_distance_x\", brush_x)[0] === +brush_distance[0] && +invert(\"child__column_distance_x\", brush_x)[1] === +brush_distance[1])) ? brush_scale_trigger : {}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"signal": "brush_distance"}],
+ "update": "brush_distance ? {unit: \"child__column_distance_layer_0\", fields: brush_tuple_fields, values: [brush_distance]} : null"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple_fields",
+ "value": [{"field": "distance", "channel": "x", "type": "R"}]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_translate_anchor",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: x(unit), y: y(unit), extent_x: slice(brush_x)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_translate_delta",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "window",
+ "type": "pointermove",
+ "consume": true,
+ "between": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: brush_translate_anchor.x - x(unit), y: brush_translate_anchor.y - y(unit)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_zoom_anchor",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "wheel",
+ "consume": true,
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: x(unit), y: y(unit)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_zoom_delta",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "wheel",
+ "consume": true,
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "force": true,
+ "update": "pow(1.001, event.deltaY * pow(16, event.deltaMode))"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_modify",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_tuple"},
+ "update": "modify(\"brush_store\", brush_tuple, true)"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "marks": [
+ {
+ "name": "brush_brush_bg",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "clip": true,
+ "encode": {
+ "enter": {
+ "fill": {"value": "#333"},
+ "fillOpacity": {"value": 0.125}
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "x": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[0]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "value": 0
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "x2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[1]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "field": {"group": "height"}
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "child__column_distance_layer_0_marks",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "style": ["bar"],
+ "interactive": true,
+ "from": {"data": "data_3"},
+ "encode": {
+ "update": {
+ "fill": {"value": "#4c78a8"},
+ "ariaRoleDescription": {"value": "bar"},
+ "description": {
+ "signal": "\"distance (binned): \" + (!isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"]) || !isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"]) ? \"null\" : format(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"], \"\") + \" – \" + format(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance_end\"], \"\")) + \"; Count of Records: \" + (format(datum[\"__count\"], \"\"))"
+ },
+ "x2": {
+ "scale": "child__column_distance_x",
+ "field": "bin_maxbins_20_distance",
+ "offset": {
+ "signal": "0.5 + (abs(scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])) < 0.25 ? -0.5 * (0.25 - (abs(scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])))) : 0.5)"
+ }
+ },
+ "x": {
+ "scale": "child__column_distance_x",
+ "field": "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end",
+ "offset": {
+ "signal": "0.5 + (abs(scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])) < 0.25 ? 0.5 * (0.25 - (abs(scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_distance_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])))) : -0.5)"
+ }
+ },
+ "y": {"scale": "child__column_distance_y", "field": "__count"},
+ "y2": {"scale": "child__column_distance_y", "value": 0}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_brush",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "clip": true,
+ "encode": {
+ "enter": {"fill": {"value": "transparent"}},
+ "update": {
+ "x": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[0]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "value": 0
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "x2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[1]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_distance_layer_0\"",
+ "field": {"group": "height"}
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "stroke": [
+ {"test": "brush_x[0] !== brush_x[1]", "value": "white"},
+ {"value": null}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "axes": [
+ {
+ "scale": "child__column_distance_x",
+ "orient": "bottom",
+ "grid": false,
+ "title": "distance (binned)",
+ "labelFlush": true,
+ "labelOverlap": true,
+ "tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(childWidth/10)"},
+ "zindex": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "group",
+ "name": "child__column_delay_group",
+ "style": "cell",
+ "encode": {
+ "update": {
+ "width": {"signal": "childWidth"},
+ "height": {"signal": "childHeight"}
+ }
+ },
+ "signals": [
+ {
+ "name": "brush_x",
+ "value": [],
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[x(unit), x(unit)]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {
+ "source": "window",
+ "type": "pointermove",
+ "consume": true,
+ "between": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[brush_x[0], clamp(x(unit), 0, childWidth)]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_scale_trigger"},
+ "update": "[scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", brush_delay[0]), scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", brush_delay[1])]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": [{"source": "view", "type": "dblclick"}],
+ "update": "[0, 0]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_translate_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(panLinear(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x, brush_translate_delta.x / span(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x)), 0, childWidth)"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_zoom_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(zoomLinear(brush_x, brush_zoom_anchor.x, brush_zoom_delta), 0, childWidth)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_delay",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_x"},
+ "update": "brush_x[0] === brush_x[1] ? null : invert(\"child__column_delay_x\", brush_x)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_scale_trigger",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"scale": "child__column_delay_x"}],
+ "update": "(!isArray(brush_delay) || (+invert(\"child__column_delay_x\", brush_x)[0] === +brush_delay[0] && +invert(\"child__column_delay_x\", brush_x)[1] === +brush_delay[1])) ? brush_scale_trigger : {}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"signal": "brush_delay"}],
+ "update": "brush_delay ? {unit: \"child__column_delay_layer_0\", fields: brush_tuple_fields, values: [brush_delay]} : null"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple_fields",
+ "value": [{"field": "delay", "channel": "x", "type": "R"}]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_translate_anchor",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: x(unit), y: y(unit), extent_x: slice(brush_x)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_translate_delta",
+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "window",
+ "type": "pointermove",
+ "consume": true,
+ "between": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: brush_translate_anchor.x - x(unit), y: brush_translate_anchor.y - y(unit)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_zoom_anchor",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "wheel",
+ "consume": true,
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "update": "{x: x(unit), y: y(unit)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_zoom_delta",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "wheel",
+ "consume": true,
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
+ ],
+ "force": true,
+ "update": "pow(1.001, event.deltaY * pow(16, event.deltaMode))"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_modify",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_tuple"},
+ "update": "modify(\"brush_store\", brush_tuple, true)"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "marks": [
+ {
+ "name": "brush_brush_bg",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "clip": true,
+ "encode": {
+ "enter": {
+ "fill": {"value": "#333"},
+ "fillOpacity": {"value": 0.125}
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "x": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[0]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "value": 0
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "x2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[1]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "y2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "field": {"group": "height"}
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "child__column_delay_layer_0_marks",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "style": ["bar"],
+ "interactive": true,
+ "from": {"data": "data_2"},
+ "encode": {
+ "update": {
+ "fill": {"value": "#4c78a8"},
+ "ariaRoleDescription": {"value": "bar"},
+ "description": {
+ "signal": "\"delay (binned): \" + (!isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"]) || !isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"]) ? \"null\" : format(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"], \"\") + \" – \" + format(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay_end\"], \"\")) + \"; Count of Records: \" + (format(datum[\"__count\"], \"\"))"
+ },
+ "x2": {
+ "scale": "child__column_delay_x",
+ "field": "bin_maxbins_20_delay",
+ "offset": {
+ "signal": "0.5 + (abs(scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])) < 0.25 ? -0.5 * (0.25 - (abs(scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])))) : 0.5)"
+ }
+ },
+ "x": {
+ "scale": "child__column_delay_x",
+ "field": "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end",
+ "offset": {
+ "signal": "0.5 + (abs(scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])) < 0.25 ? 0.5 * (0.25 - (abs(scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay_end\"]) - scale(\"child__column_delay_x\", datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])))) : -0.5)"
+ }
+ },
+ "y": {"scale": "child__column_delay_y", "field": "__count"},
+ "y2": {"scale": "child__column_delay_y", "value": 0}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_brush",
+ "type": "rect",
+ "clip": true,
+ "encode": {
+ "enter": {"fill": {"value": "transparent"}},
+ "update": {
+ "x": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[0]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
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+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "value": 0
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
+ "x2": [
+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "signal": "brush_x[1]"
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
+ ],
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+ {
+ "test": "data(\"brush_store\").length && data(\"brush_store\")[0].unit === \"child__column_delay_layer_0\"",
+ "field": {"group": "height"}
+ },
+ {"value": 0}
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+ "stroke": [
+ {"test": "brush_x[0] !== brush_x[1]", "value": "white"},
+ {"value": null}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ "scale": "child__column_delay_x",
+ "orient": "bottom",
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+ "title": "delay (binned)",
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+ "labelOverlap": true,
+ "tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(childWidth/10)"},
+ "zindex": 0
+ }
+ ]
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+ "height": {"signal": "childHeight"}
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "name": "brush_x",
+ "value": [],
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[x(unit), x(unit)]"
+ },
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+ "consume": true,
+ "between": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "filter": [
+ "!event.item || event.item.mark.name !== \"brush_brush\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "update": "[brush_x[0], clamp(x(unit), 0, childWidth)]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_scale_trigger"},
+ "update": "[scale(\"child__column_time_x\", brush_time[0]), scale(\"child__column_time_x\", brush_time[1])]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": [{"source": "view", "type": "dblclick"}],
+ "update": "[0, 0]"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_translate_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(panLinear(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x, brush_translate_delta.x / span(brush_translate_anchor.extent_x)), 0, childWidth)"
+ },
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_zoom_delta"},
+ "update": "clampRange(zoomLinear(brush_x, brush_zoom_anchor.x, brush_zoom_delta), 0, childWidth)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_time",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_x"},
+ "update": "brush_x[0] === brush_x[1] ? null : invert(\"child__column_time_x\", brush_x)"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "value": {},
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"scale": "child__column_time_x"}],
+ "update": "(!isArray(brush_time) || (+invert(\"child__column_time_x\", brush_x)[0] === +brush_time[0] && +invert(\"child__column_time_x\", brush_x)[1] === +brush_time[1])) ? brush_scale_trigger : {}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple",
+ "on": [
+ {
+ "events": [{"signal": "brush_time"}],
+ "update": "brush_time ? {unit: \"child__column_time_layer_0\", fields: brush_tuple_fields, values: [brush_time]} : null"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "brush_tuple_fields",
+ "value": [{"field": "time", "channel": "x", "type": "R"}]
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": {},
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+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "scope",
+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
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+ "update": "{x: x(unit), y: y(unit), extent_x: slice(brush_x)}"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ {
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "source": "window",
+ "type": "pointermove",
+ "consume": true,
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+ {
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+ "type": "pointerdown",
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ },
+ {"source": "window", "type": "pointerup"}
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "consume": true,
+ "markname": "brush_brush"
+ }
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+ "update": "pow(1.001, event.deltaY * pow(16, event.deltaMode))"
+ }
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+ "name": "brush_modify",
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+ {
+ "events": {"signal": "brush_tuple"},
+ "update": "modify(\"brush_store\", brush_tuple, true)"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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+ "signal": "brush_x[1]"
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+ {"value": 0}
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+ "field": {"group": "height"}
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+ {"value": 0}
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+ "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_bins"
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+ "zero": true
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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diff --git a/site/_data/examples.json b/site/_data/examples.json
index a1fab1f006..a04bc1af32 100644
--- a/site/_data/examples.json
+++ b/site/_data/examples.json
@@ -904,6 +904,11 @@
"name": "param_search_input",
"description": "Search to highlight the relevant car models. Regexes are supported so you can type e.g. `mazda|ford`",
"title": "Search Input"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "selection_type_point_zorder",
+ "description": "Show points on top when hovered over with the pointer",
+ "title": "Change zorder on hover"
"Interactive Multi-View Displays": [
@@ -911,9 +916,13 @@
"name": "interactive_overview_detail",
"title": "Overview and Detail"
+ {
+ "name": "interactive_crossfilter",
+ "title": "Crossfilter (Filter)"
+ },
"name": "interactive_layered_crossfilter",
- "title": "Crossfilter"
+ "title": "Crossfilter (Highlight)"
"name": "interactive_splom",
diff --git a/site/docs/encoding.md b/site/docs/encoding.md
index ca61832a65..99b361e508 100644
--- a/site/docs/encoding.md
+++ b/site/docs/encoding.md
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ The key channel can enable object constancy for transitions over dynamic data. W
## Order Channel
-`order` channel can define a data field (or a ordered list of data fields) that are used to sorts stacking order for stacked charts (see [an example in the `stack` page](stack.html#order)) and the order of data points in line marks for connected scatterplots (see [an example in the `line` page](line.html#connected-scatter-plot)).
+`order` channel can define a data field (or a ordered list of data fields) that are used to sorts stacking order for stacked charts (see [an example in the `stack` page](stack.html#order)), the order of data points in line marks for connected scatterplots (see [an example in the `line` page](line.html#connected-scatter-plot)), and which data points are plotted on top in a chart (the "zorder", see [an example in the gallery]({{ site.baseurl }}/examples/selection_type_point_zorder.html)).
{% include table.html props="order" source="Encoding" %}
diff --git a/site/ecosystem.md b/site/ecosystem.md
index 74d184aae5..8c49364b00 100644
--- a/site/ecosystem.md
+++ b/site/ecosystem.md
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ We mark featured plugins and tools with a