for developing you need:
- golang 1.15+
- operator-sdk v1.0.0
- docker
- minikube or kind for e2e tests
- golangci-lint
- make install-develop-tools
- kind create cluster
Use make build
- it will generate new crds and build binary
for running locally you need minikube and run two commands:
make install
make run
or you can run it from IDE with main.go
before creating merge request, ensure that tests passed locally:
make build # it will update crds
make lint # linting project
make test #unit tests
make e2e-local #e2e tests with minikube
For adding new kind - KIND_NAME, you have to execute command:
operator-sdk create api --group operator --version v1beta1 --kind KIND_NAME
This will scaffold api and controller. Then you have to edit code at api
and controllers
Choose version (release tag at github) and generate or update corresponding csv file
TAG=v0.2.1 make packagemanifest
TAG=v0.2.1 make bundle
it will generate files at directories: packagemanifest/0.2.1/
and bundle/
commit changes
publish olm package to with (you have to define AUTH_TOKEN for quay firsh)
export AUTH_TOKEN="basic ..."
TAG=v0.2.1 make packagemanifest-publish
TAG=v0.2.1 make bundle-publish
Clone repo locally: git clone
copy content to operator-hub repo and run tests you can specify version (OP_VER) and channel OP_CHANNEL
cp -R packagemanifests/* $PATH_TO_OPERATOR_REPO/upstream-community-operators/victoriametrics/
#run tests
make operator.verify OP_PATH=upstream-community-operators/victoria-metrics-operator VERBOSE=1
make operator.test OP_PATH=upstream-community-operators/victoria-metrics-operator/ VERBOSE=1
Now you can submit merge request with changes to operator-hub repo
troubleshooting: url