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+Title: Radio Telephony
+ - "Overview": index.md
+ - "General": general.md
+ - "Class Golf operations": ClassGifr.md
+ - "Enroute": enroute.md
+ - "Controlled Aerodromes": controlledaerodromes.md
+ - ...
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+ title: Class Golf IFR
+--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
+## IFR class Golf Taxi calls
+### Regular Public transport (airlines)
+You are QJE1289 departure from Albury to Sydney (YMAY-YSSY). There is traffic in the local area that you suspect may be a hazzard and intend on making radio calls to. AND Melbourne center is online. If you can tune, Center on com 1, unicom on com 2. Get your flight setup, ready to depart and taxi. As you are about to taxi, you can make your first IFR taxi call to center.
IFR Taxi
+**QJE1289** on 123.75 `"Center QJE1289 Taxi"`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"QJE1289 go ahead"`
+**QJE1289** on 123.75 `"QJE1289 B717 IFR taxiing Albury for Sydney rwy 25"`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"QJE1289 no reported IFR traffic, squawk 4632, observed VFR traffic operating within 10nm 2000ft unverified"` Center may give you an IFR clearance IF there is an expectation you will need to enter CTA prior to a departure call and clearance can be completed.
+**QJE1289** on 123.75 `"Copy the traffic squawk 4632"`
+**QJE1289** on 122.8 `"Albury traffic QJE1289 taxis rwy 25, VFR traffic in area report intentions"`
+Taxi to the runway and take-off managing contact with the traffic in the area as required.
+### IFR traffic non-RPT (general aviation, charter, fly doc, etc)
+You are a private IFR (VHYZU) flight departinng cooma for to Shelharbour (YCOM-YSHL) you have 4 people in your aircraft inluding yourself. Melbourne center is online and there is no traffic to your knowledge. Get your aircraft started and ready for taxi. If you can setup 2 radios, have ML center on com 1 and unicom on com 2. When you're ready you can make your IFR taxi call.
+IFR Taxi
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"Center, YZU IFR taxi"`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"YZU go ahead"`
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"YZU IFR taxi cooma for Shelharbour, rwy 36, 4 POB"`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"Roger, squawk 3645, IFR traffic is BRY IFR PC12 estimates cooma 1416"` Center may give you an IFR clearance IF there is an expectation you will need to enter CTA prior to a departure call and clearance can be completed.
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"Squawk 3645, copy the traffic YZU"`
+# IFR Departure
+Now, taxi as you would making relevant calls on unicom to remain traffic aware. Takeoff and your next call to center is your airborn call. DO NOT CLIMB INTO CTA
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"Center, YZU departure."`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"YZU go ahead"`
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"YZU departed cooma xx (time in mins, numbers only) passing [Alt nearest 100ft] on climb [Planned cruise bellow CTA] tracking [heading xxx] for [First point] estimating [First point] xx"`
+**Center** on 123.75 `"YZU not yet identified area QNH xxxx no additional traffic"`
+**YZU** on 123.75 `"QNH xxxx, YZU"`
+ If your ETA to first point changes by more than 2 mins prior to being idtenfied, update center.
+ If you'll need to climb into CTA, Center will say `"YZU not yet identified, cleared to Shelharbour direct on climb [cruise] area QNH xxxx (if applicable) no reported IFR traffic"`
+ YZU on 123.75 `"cleared shelharbour direct, area QNH xxxx climb FLXXX copy traffic"`
+**Center on 123.75** `"YZU identified verify level"`
+**YZU on 123.75** `"Passing [Alt or Level to nearest 100ft] YZU"`
+**Center 123.75** `"YZU"`
+That's it now you're enroute.
+# Route ammendment
+Say, for example you want to change from tracking Direct YBUN to track direct to the Bunbury EB (UY2EB) for the RNP Rwy 25.
+**YZU on 133.9** `"Melbourne Center YZU Request traffic direct Bunbury Echo Bravo"`
+You're class Golf! you don't need clearance, but center does need to know so they can provide traffic information
+**You on Center/Approach freq** `"[Station] [Callsign] request traffic direct [Waypoint]"`
+# Top of Decent
+**You on Center** `"[Station] [Callsign] Request traffic and QNH for decent [Altitude]"`
+# enroute Climb/descent
+**You on Center** `"[Station] [Callsign] Request Traffic on [climb/descent] [Altitude]"`
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+ title: IFR aireal work
+--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
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+ title: VFR Flight Following
+--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
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--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
## Airways Clearance
-- Standard airways clearance format
-- PDC
+### Standard airways clearance format
+!!! TIP
+ If the controller is a Center or approach, it's suggested you specify what airport you are in, especially if you are not at their primary airport.
+Request:"[Station (Tower/Ground/Delivery/Approach/Center)] [Callsign] for [Destniation] Request clearance"
+Clearance: `"[Callsign] cleared to [Destniation] via [First point] Flight planed route Runway [Identifier] [Standard instrument departure] departure, climb via the SID [Alt] Squawk [Code] Departures [Freq]"`
+Readback: `"Cleared to [Destniation] Via [First point] Flight planed route, Runway [Indentifier] [SID] departure, climb via the sid [ALT] Squawk [Code], Departures [Freq], bay [Bay number] **[Callsign]"`
+Request:`"[Station (Tower/Ground/Delivery/Approach/Center)] [Callsign] for [Destniation] Request clearance"`
+Clearance:`"[Callsign] cleared [destination] via [First point]/Direct, runway [Identifier] climb/not above [ALT] Departures [Freq]"`
+Readback:`"Cleared [Destination] Via [First point]/Direct, Runway [Identifier] Climb/Not above [ALT] Departures [Freq]"`
+Request:`"[Station (Tower/Ground/Delivery/Approach/Center)] [Callsign] [Aircraft type] [Bay] [number] People on board, for circuits"`
+Controller may tell you to stand by as they co-ordinate with other controllers on things like altitude, runway and circuit direction
+Clearance:`"[Callsign] cleared to operate in the circuit area runway [Identifier] [circuit direction of applicable] not above [Alt] squawk [code]"`
+### PDC
+You may recive a PDC at any time with out requesting it (via direct message), OR you may request a PDC on freq with the following phraseology.
+`" [Callsign] for [Destniation] Request PDC"`
+!!! NOTE
+ - If you wish to recive a PDC via CPDLC/ACARS check the controller info for a CPDLC/PDC logon code and send a PDC request that way.
+ - CPDLC/PDC logons are 4 letter codes and will look like `CPDLC/PDC YYYY`
+ - Controller info can be found by double clicking the frequency in the frequency list in V/X pilot
+After you recived a PDC you are required to read it back on the specified freq. FIRST inform the controller you have a PDC readback so they can be ready to check it.
+`"[Station (Tower/Ground/Delivery/Approach/Center)] [Callsign] with PDC readback"`
+When the controller says:`"[Callsign] go ahead"`
+Readback:`"[SID],Bay [Number], [Squawk]"`
## Pushback & Taxi
-- Pushback
-- Engine start but no pushback required (during start approvals)
-- Taxi instructions
- - Hold short
- - Give way
- - Runway crossings
+### Pushback
+ `"[Callsign] request push"` note in normal operations start approval is not explicitly required
+### Engine start
+ **There is only one type of engine start that needs ATC clearance in Australia. This is a Cross-bleed start, only applicable to jets that need to start 1 engine on the bay with ground crew assistance prior to pushback.**
+ ~~`"[Callsign], Bay [Number] request cross-bleed start and push"`~~
+### Taxi
+Request:`"[Callsign] with information [ATIS info] Ready for taxi [Runway]"`
+ A taxi instruction will be laid out as follow, `"[Callsign] Taxi via [routing] to [Taxi limit/end]"`
+ A clearance may advice you to Hold short, give way or cross a runway.
+ - Hold short `"Hold short of [taxi way]"`
+ - Hold short of runway `"... Holding point [Point] Runway [Identifier]"`
+ - Give way `"...Give way to [Callsign/company] [Aircraft type]..."`
+ - Runway crossings `"...on [taxi-way] cross [runway]..."` Alternatively `"...Cross [Runway]..."`
+ Readback: Readback all instructions as they were issued to you. Pen and paper doesn't hurt.
## Takeoff & Landing
-- Clearances to takeoff/land from runways and taxiways inside the manoeuvring area
-- Instructions to become airborne/land outside the manoeuvring area
-- Circuits
- - Follow instructions
- - Requirement to report downwind with intentions
-- Go arounds
-## Traffic Information
-- Advice on nearby aircraft at the aerodrome (e.g. Choppers South crossing the runways at YSBK)
-- Advice on aircraft off aerodrome in the vicinity of approach/departure path (e.g. hospitals north of YSSY)
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+### Report Ready
+ on first contact with Tower, or when ready to depart, ensure you report ready for departure. As tower can't issue a take-off clearance untill you do so. There are 2 methods of doing this.
+ You can either report that you will be ready when you reach the holding point with `"[Station] [Callsign] ready upon reaching [Holding point]"`
+ Else you can report that you're ready when waiting at the holding point with `"[Station] [Callsign] Ready [Holding point]"`
+### Take-off clearance
+ As a general rule, a take-off clearance will only consist of `"[callsign][runway],clear for take-off"`
+How ever, there may be special requirements that need to be followed like `"[Callsign][Runway],Clear for Imidiate take-off/no delay"` Or, `"[Callsign] Assigned heading xxx/[special requirements],[Runway] Clear for take-off"`
+With all clearances you are required to read back all special instructions/requirements. HOW EVER, if tower report new winds, winds readback not required.
+Take-off readback should look like: `"Cleared for take-off [Sepcial instructions] [Callsign]"`
+## Helicopter Operations
+Helicopters have the fun little quirk of being able/having to leave the ground to get around, even away from the runway. There are 2 ways of completing this, either air taxi, or air transit. ATC will decide which is best in the senario, usually prioritising air taxi.
+Heli pilots should be ready to either depart from their position or to manuver to a helipad/runway
+Request:`"[Station][Callsign] Ready for departure."`
+### Air taxi
+A-Taxi clearance `"[Callsign] Airtaxi not above [Height] AGL, [Taxi instructions]"` (AGL standing for above ground level)
+Readback:`"Cleared air taxi not above [Height], [Taxi instructions],[Callsign]"`
+### Air Transit
+A-Transit clearance`"[Callsign] Cleared air transit [destniation] not above [Height] AGL"`
+Readback:`"Cleared Air transit [Destniation] not above [Height][Callsign]"`
+## Circuits
+You will know your circuit direction either from your clearance OR runway config, if there is any chance of missinterpretation tower will advise in take-off clearance. Tower may also specify "report downwind" as a reminder, how ever even if they don't specify this you must report downwind ALWAYS.
+### Take-off clearance
+Normal:`"[Callsign], runway [Identifier], clear for take-off"`
+Specified:`"[Callsign], Make [direction] Circuit, report downwind, runway [identifier] clear for take-off"`
+### Downwind report
+Reminder, you must always report turning onto or level on downwind with intentions
+Turn, Touch and Go:`"[Callsign], turning downwind [Runway], touch and go"`
+Touch and Go:`"[Callsign] downwind [Runway] touch and go"`
+Turn, Full Stop:`"[Callsign] turning downwind [Runway] full stop"`
+Full Stop:`"[Callsign] downwind [Runway] Full stop"`
+Departure (not previously discussed):`"[Callsign] downwind [Runway] for departue to [Point/Destniation]"`
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- title: CTAF Procedures
---8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
-## General Format
-- Structure of a CTAF call
-## Outbound Calls
-- Taxi call
-- Entering a runway
-- Rolling with intentions
-## Inbound Calls
-- Between 10 and 25nm depending on aircraft performance
-- Position, intentions, ETA
-- Clear of all runways
-## Circuit Calls
-- Joining the circuit
-- Base with intentions
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--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
## Distress Call (MAYDAY)
-- Use
-- Format
-- Response on VATSIM (may be asked to disconnect)
+In the event you have failure simulation on your aircraft you may not expect it coming. OR you wish to practice by manualy simulating an emergency.
+As per the COC, you may only declare emergency when under air traffic control, and if for any reason ATC requests the pilot to to terminate the emergency, you are required to do so or disconnect.
+ Code of conduct states
+ > B6 No flight may declare itself to have priority over another. Pilots are permitted to declare in-flight emergencies only when under air traffic control. If, for any reason, air traffic control requests the pilot to terminate the emergency, then the pilot must do so IMMEDIATELY or disconnect from the network.
+### Format
+Mayday: `MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY [Station] [callsign] [nature of emergency] [intentions] [position, level, heading] [other useful details]`
+Engine Failure example: `MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Melbourne Center, Qantas twelve eighty nine, left engine failure, require to return to sydney, one three miles to the north of Wolongon FL182 heading 185`
+"Common" emergency types include, Egnine failure, pressure emergencies, hydraulics / gear, engine/wing fire, cabin fire/smoke. You're welcome to simulate these on the network how ever the Unlawfull hijacking of your aircraft is NOT permitted.
## Urgency Call (PAN PAN)
-- Use
-- Format
-- Response on VATSIM (may be asked to disconnect)
+A pan pan is a cry for asststance that is not an emergency but is something urgent. This may mean you'd like assistance navigating, diverting or etc.
+### Format
+PAN PAN: `PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN [Station] [callsign] [Nature of urgency] [intention] [position, level, heading]`
## Fuel Emergencies
\ No newline at end of file
+Minimum fuel is a statment that inform the controller that due to the past delays, based on the current flight plan they will land at or slightly above minimum legal landing fuel. This inform the controller that they cannot afford to give you any delays (how ever on the vatsim network the controller may still give you delays and it up to you to ensure you do not run out of fuel. Refer)
+Informs the controller that your current route will cause you to land with fuel bellow the legal minimums. This will usually be followed with diversion information by the flight crew.
+!!! Reminder
+ You're welcome to simulate emergencies in controled airspace only, how ever must cancel emergency or disconnect upon request from the controller.
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-- Contact with next sector
+## contact Station on FREQ
+When being asked to contact another sector, readback should look like the following:
+`Contact [Station] on [FREQ] [Callsign]` (you may add a note of goodbye or thanks how ever NOT recomended in events)
+### First contact with new station.
+They will be expecting you! unless they are your departure freq after leaving tower, all you have to say is:
+`[Station] [Callsign] Gday/Hello`
+IF they are your first airborn controller (anything above a tower) you need to inform them what Altitude you are passing to the nearest 100ft. and If assigned to fly a heading that heading.
+example on SY3 departure with assigned heading 170 and you call as you pass A023 cleared climb A050: `Sydney Approach Qantas zero six seven, climbing two tousand tree hundred on climb fife tousand`
## Controlled Airspace
-- STAR clearance
-- Weather avoidance/amended tracking requests
-- Amended level requests
-- Leave CTA descending (via IAP and not)
-## Uncontrolled Airspace
-- Flight following
-- Traffic information
+### Strar clearance
+Star clearances is what you use to get from your route to the landing runway. You are encouraged to think about you STAR once reaching cruise for Top of Descent planning.
+the star clearance from Center will sound as such:
+**Center**:`[Callsign], Star clearance, Cleared [STAR] arrival, runway [RWY], [Altitude instrucitons]`
+**You**:`Cleared [STAR] Arrival, Runway [RWY], [Altitude instructions], [Callsign]`
+request to plan for a different approach (therefore ammded star)? This is only for changing from the cleared star
+**You**:`[Callsign], request [Ammended STAR] for [ammended Approach]`
+## Weather avoidance/amended tracking requests
+### Route deviation
+**You**:`Request to deviate up to [distance] miles [left/right] of route due [reason]`
+### Reroute request
+**You on center**:`"Center [Callsign] Request"`
+**Center on Center**:`"[Callsign] Go ahead"`
+**You on Center**:`"Request ammended routing [new routing]"`
+## Amended level requests
+**You on Center/APP**:`"[Station] [Callsign] Request"`
+**Station on Center/APP**:`"[Callsign go ahead]"`
+**You on Center or APP**:`"[Callsign] Request ammended
+## Cleared to leave control area?
+APP or Center may say `"[Callsign] clear to leave control area [instruction], [traffic info], [QNH]"`
+So now we've gotta respond
+### On Decent
+Readback:**You on Center/APP** `"Clear to leave control area on decent [extra instructions], Copy the traffic, [QNH] [Callsign]"`
+This simply gives you the freedom to decend on your present track/routing till you clear of CTA then operate as required from there.
+### Direct / via
+Readback:**You on Center/APP** `"Clear to leave control area [instructions], copy the traffic, [QNH], [Callsign]"`
+## Uncontrolled Airspace
+- [Flight following](VFRFlightfollowing.md)
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*[VFR]: Visual Flight Rules
*[IFR]: Instrument Flight Rules
*[RNAV]: Area Navigation
+*[COC]: Vatsim Code of Conduct vats.im/coc
*[GNSS]: Global Navigation Satellite System
*[RNP]: Required Navigation Performance
*[DGA]: DME or GNSS Arrival
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
*[LL]: Lower Level
*[SOPs]: Standard Operating Procedures
*[FSS]: Flight Service Station
+*[FREQ]: Frequency
*[AIP]: Aeronautical Information Publication
*[PRM]: Precision Runway Monitoring
*[SODPROPS]: Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
*[ATIS]: Automatic Terminal Information Service
*[NOTAM]: Notice to Airmen
*[CTA]: Controlled Airspace
+*[CCT]: Circuit
*[OCTA]: Outside Controlled Airspace
*[HDS]: Hours of Daylight Savings
*[CTR]: Control Zone