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(Command line) interface to download data batches directly from the VanderSat API


Using this module, one can get data from the VanderSat API using either:

Compatible for Linux, Mac and Windows

Python >= 3.6

This package offers an easy interface to the asynchronous endpoints offered by the VanderSat API. However, not all available endpoints can be accessed through this package.


Required packages

  • click
  • requests
  • pandas
  • click_datetime
  • joblib

Setting up an environment

If you don't have an environment yet or would like a new one, use the following line to make a new one using conda

$ conda create -n vds_api -c conda-forge python=3 requests "click>=7" pandas joblib pip

activate it

$ conda activate vds_api

and follow the installation steps

Installing the client

The package can be installed directly from PyPI. Activate your environment and then install with

$ pip install vds-api-client

With this activated environment one can access the vds cli with

$ vds-api

(If not, your installation did not succeed)

Command line interface

Available CLI commands

$ vds-api

will show all available commands which should include:

  • grid - download gridded data
  • info - Show info for this account
  • test - test connection, credentials and if api is operational
  • ts - download time-series as csv over points or rois

Calling any of these commands should be done after suppliying credentials:

$ vds api -u [username] -p [password] [command]

And it is always a good idea to start with a test:

$ vds-api -u [username] -p [password] test


Username / password

For each api call using the cli, the credentials need to be supplied. These can be parsed along with the call by typing them explicitly like:

$ vds-api -u [username] -p [password] [command]

However, it is also convenient to store the credentials so they don't have to be typed each time. Set the environment variables $VDS_USER and $VDS_PASS with the correct values to automatically fill in your credentials.

Planet internal SSO

To use Planet SSO get a token using the following procedure

  • Install:

    pip install planet-auth-utils
  • Login:

    Default login: opens browser for authorization and listens locally for callback.

    plauth oauth login
  • Get Token:

    plauth oauth print-access-token

For each api call using the cli, the credentials need to be supplied. These can be parsed along with the call by typing them explicitly like:

$ vds-api -t $(plauth oauth print-access-token) [command]

However, it is also convenient to store the credentials so they don't have to be typed each time. Set the environment variable $PL_VDS_OAUTH_TOKEN with the correct value to automatically fill in your credentials.

This can be done in one step using this command:

export PL_VDS_OAUTH_TOKEN=$(plauth oauth print-access-token)


The Token will expire every 3600 seconds. If that happens during a session logging in again and re-setting the environment variable will fix it.


With the envvars set, the credentials don't have to be parsed explicitly anymore thus the syntax reduces to:

$ vds-api [command]


If a user manages another VanderSat API user account, it can impersonate this user. Through the CLI this can also be done using the --impersonate flag. e.g.

$ vds-api -u [email protected] -p password --impersonate "[email protected]" [command]

or when credentials were stored already

$ vds-api --impersonate "[email protected]" [command]

Command specific options

Use the help function to retrieve all options for the command line interface.

$ vds-api [command] --help

Example usage CLI V2 grid

Get L-band for one month over NL in geotiff with 8 threads

$ vds-api grid -p SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V003_100 -dr 2015-04-01 2015-04-30 -lo 3 8 -la 50 54 -o SM_L_Data -n 8 -v

Get L+C+X-band for two dates over NL in netcdf

$ vds-api grid -p SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V003_100 -p SM-AMSR2-C1N-DESC_V003_100 -p SM-AMSR2-XN_V003_100 -f netcdf4 -dr 2016-07-01 2016-07-02 -lo 3.0 8.0 -la 50.0 54.0 -o NCData -v

Example usage CLI V2 ts

Get L-band time-series for a region-of-interest (roi) and a lat-lon pair

$ vds-api ts -p SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V003_100 -dr 2015-05-01 2020-01-01 -ll 52 4.5 -r 3249 -o tsfold -v

Get time-series with all additional columns

$ vds-api ts -p SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V003_100 -dr 2015-04-01 2019-01-01 -ll 52 4.5 -o tsfold --masked --av_win 35 --backward --clim -t 20 -cov -v

Example usage Python API

Asynchronous requests can easily be downloaded using the VdsApiV2 class. For downloading of the desired files, the following steps need to be taken:

API v2

For the version 2 api, three steps have to be taken to download data from the api which are all methods of the VdsApiV2 class:
  1. Generate a request
    Configure gridded data download or time-series download through one of gen_time_series_requests() or gen_gridded_data_request()
  2. Submit request
    After generating all desired URIs, submit these with submit_async_requests() to start the processing of these jobs
  3. Download files
    Get all data using download_async_files()

Initialize class

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2

# Choose one of the following options to initialize
vds = VdsApiV2('username', 'password')
vds = VdsApiV2()  # extract login from $VDS_USER and $VDS_PASS

Impersonate user

When a user manages another account, it can impersonate this managed acount which means that all requests will be done as if the impersonated user has made them

vds = VdsApiV2('[email protected]', 'password')

# Start impersonation
vds.impersonate('[email protected]')

# do_requests

# End impersonation

Gridded data example [asynchronous]

Request raster data using the products/<api_name>/gridded-data endpoint

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2

vds = VdsApiV2()

vds.set_outfold('testdata/tiff')  # Created if it does not exist
vds.gen_gridded_data_request(products=['SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V003_100', 'SM-AMSR2-XN-DESC_V003_100'],
                             start_date='2015-10-01', end_date='2016-09-30',
                             lat_min=-3.15, lat_max=-1.5, lon_min=105, lon_max=107,

# Get information on the downloaded files

Time-series example [asynchronous]

Request time-series data using the products/<api_name>/[point|roi]-time-series endpoints.

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2
vds = VdsApiV2()

vds.set_outfold('testdata/csv')  # Created if it does not exist
                             start_time='2018-01-01', end_time='2018-01-03',
                             lons=[6.5], lats=[41.5], rois=[527, 811])

# Get information on the downloaded files

Notice that the lons and lats are given in a list. When multiple points are defined, the latitude and longitude pairs can be added to the single lists like this:

lons=[6.5, 7.5], lats=[41.5, 45]

and they will be processed in parallel.

Re-download previous requests

Re-download data using previously generated uuids. Note that data is not stored indefinitely, but within 7 days you should be able to re-download your data.

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2
vds = VdsApiV2()

# Choose from
# or

Get a single point value

Extract a single value based on a product-coordinate using the products/<api-name>/point-value endpoint

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2

vds = VdsApiV2()

# Load using the roi-id
val = vds.get_value('SM-XN_V001_100', '2020-04-01', lon=20.6, lat=40.4)

Load Roi time-series as pandas dataframe [synchronous]

Request roi time-series data using the products/<api_name>/roi-time-series-sync endpoint and load the result as a pandas.DataFrame

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2

vds = VdsApiV2()

# Load using the roi-id
df1 = vds.get_roi_df('SM-XN_V001_100', 2464, '2016-01-01', '2018-12-31')

# Load using the roi-name
df2 = vds.get_roi_df('SM-XN_V001_100', 'MyArea', '2016-01-01', '2018-12-31')


Knowing and using the regions of interest (rois) attached to your account is now easier using the client methods that allow you to filter the rois.

from vds_api_client import VdsApiV2

vds = VdsApiV2()

 # ID / DISPLAY # |  # Name #  |   # Area #   |  # Created at #  |       # Description #
   25009  /  [X]  | Center     | 1.063e+05 ha | 2020-08-16 12:49 | Center pixels
   25010  /  [X]  | Right      | 9.949e+04 ha | 2020-08-16 12:58 | Right side pixels
   25011  /  [X]  | Bottom     | 6.616e+04 ha | 2020-08-16 12:59 | Bottom side pixels
   30596  /  [ ]  | NewName    | 9.140e+03 ha | 2020-09-18 07:19 | Same rectangle


But now, also filters can be applied to select Rois based on a criterium, and give the corresponding ids:

rois_filtered = vds.rois.filter(
    min_id=25000, max_id=25020,
    area_min=1e8, area_max=1e9,
    name_regex='Right|Bottom', description_regex='pixels',
    created_before=dt.datetime(2020, 8, 16, 13, 0),
    created_after=dt.datetime(2020, 8, 16, 12, 57),
 # ID / DISPLAY # |  # Name #  |   # Area #   |  # Created at #  |       # Description #
   25010  /  [X]  | Right      | 9.949e+04 ha | 2020-08-16 12:58 | Right side pixels
   25011  /  [X]  | Bottom     | 6.616e+04 ha | 2020-08-16 12:59 | Bottom side pixels

[25010, 25011]


Accessing the geometry is now supported through the geojson property:

roi = vds.rois[25010]
geojson = roi.geojson  # Loads geometry from api

{'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': [[[[-5.237732, 66.044796], [-5.237732, 66.956952], [-5.018005, 66.956952], [-5.018005, 66.044796], [-5.237732, 66.044796]]]]}


Updating an Roi's metadata is supported through the roi.update method:

roi = vds.rois[30596]
roi.update(name='New name', description='New description', display=False)
print(vds.rois.filter(name_regex='New name'))
 # ID / DISPLAY # |  # Name #  |   # Area #   |  # Created at #  |       # Description #
   30596  /  [ ]  | New name   | 9.140e+03 ha | 2020-09-18 07:19 | New description


Deleting ROIS from your account is supported through the delete_rois_from_account() method. It expects a list of integers, or a filtered Rois instance. Now we can delete our Rois quite easily like:

vds.delete_rois_from_account(vds.rois.filter(description_regex='Selection to Delete'))