About this Project
A simple project template for creating a .NET Web Api (v9.0)
The main objective is to start projects with a clean and simple architecture, without having to redo the entire configuration whenever starting a new project with similar characteristics.
Entity Framework Core
- Fluent API;
- CreatedAt and UpdatedAt by default;
- Pagination.
Fluent Validation
Authentication and Authorization
- JWT Token;
- Claims and profiles configuration;
- Personalized decorators;
- Refresh Token.
Configurations and Patterns
1. Business Exceptions;
2. Exception Middleware;
3. Repository Pattern;
4. Faker Objects;
5. Unit Of Work;
6. Base Repository;
7. Environments configuration;
8. CORS Configuration;
9. Docker and Docker-Compose;
10. API Versioning Configuration (by x-api-version header attribute);
11. Globalization;
12. Real database on CI Tests;
13. Mediator + CQRS + Notification Pattern;
14. Logs with Correlation Id.
1. Unit, Integration and Api Tests;
2. Continuous Integration (GitHub CI);
3. Continuous Delivery (GitHub CI);
4. DockerHub Integration;
5. Sonar Cloud Integration.
Install template and create your project
dotnet new install .
dotnet new orion-api --companyName "MyCompany" --output "MyProjectName" --systemDatabase "PostgreSql"
dotnet new orion-api --companyName "MyCompany" --output "MyProjectName" --systemDatabase "SqlServer"
# in the src/ folder
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName -p Company.Orion.Infra.Data -s Company.Orion.Api
dotnet ef database update -p Company.Orion.Infra.Data -s Company.Orion.Api --verbose