Title: ddGallery Version History Author: Darren Doyle
- [fix] YouTube url handling for more graceful IE7 degrade (video can still play)
- [ref] minor refinement to caption fade-in/out
- [fix] arrow drawing issues in IE6-7
- [add] refinements to the captions: fade in/out text on caption change
- [ref] refinements to caption CSS to better support multi-line captions
- [fix] refined YouTube url parser
- [fix] control wrapper not collapsing properly
- [fix] minor adjustments to css themes
- [add] external command: "resize"
- [add] scale to fill option for images
- [ref] unpin controls when full screen mode toggled
- [ref] more improvements and optimizations to resizing listeners
- [ref] significant CSS3PIE support optimizations and improvements
- [ref] completely refactored arrows for better cross-browser compatibility
- [ref] refactored CSS to support new arrows
- [ref] improvements to dotNav logic
- [fix] fixed loading image for minimalist: dark theme
- [fix] full screen mode now accommodates border and padding widths on main gallery
- [fix] caption still hiding while mouse hover
- [add] animation style: random
- [ref] streamlined external command parser
- [ref] streamlined animation sanity check
- [ref] rewrote container/window resize listener, should be more robust
- [fix] more default CSS fixes and refinements
- [ref] minor change to caption structure to accommodate IE
- [fix] a few IE bug fixes
- [fix] fixed CSS issue in gallery template preventing setting the vertical positioning of control tab
- [fix] more default CSS fixes and refinements
- [add] add unused watermark references to default CSS to make it easier for editors to target
- [ref] cleaned up CSS code and added version header
- [fix] minor IE fixes in JavaScript
- [add] thumbnail numbering + requisite CSS + thumbsNumbers option
- [add] dot navigation numbering + requisite CSS + dotNavNumbers option
- [add] separate hide speed setting for arrows
- [ref] minor edits to default CSS style
- [ref] change controlHideSpeed to thumbsHideSpeed for consistency
- [ref] change controlScrollSpeed to thumbsScrollSpeed for consistency
- [ref] change controlPush to thumbsPush for consistency
- [ref] change captionFadeSpeed to captionHideSpeed for consistency
- [fix] minor improvements to CSS in gallery template
- [fix] lift and drop animation not working with clickable images
- [add] dot navigation & requisite options
- [ref] navigation arrows completely refactored to work independently of control thumbs and be more customizable
- [ref] control thumbnails completely refactored to scroll with mouse hover
- [ref] HTML and style overhauls to allow for overflowed buttons
- [ref] changed to count to off by default
- [fix] minor bug fixes affecting animation
- [fix] pin tab function bugs with full screen
- [add] startItem option (select initial item to load)
- [fix] watch for mouse hover on startup
- [add] external control: goTo
- [add] fullScreen class toggle to main element to target gallery during fullscreen (specifically: need to add background during fullscreen)
- [add] default CSS file updates and additions
- [ref] stage drawing rewrite so that contents do not overlap controller on controlPush
- [ref] caption drawing, external and internal captions can now be enabled independently of each other
- [ref] set body to overflow:hidden on fullscreen to remove scroll bars and prevent background scrolling
- [fix] layering of elements for new stage drawing method & full screen issues
- [fix] zoom and fullScreen external controls to work when those controllers are hidden in gallery
- [fix] iframe double scroll bar
- [add] external controls: play, pause, playToggle, last, next, zoom, fullScreen, hideControls, showControls, toggleControls
- [add] use ESC key to exit full screen mode
- [fix] DIV sizing / selection bug
- [fix] YouTube API loading w/ Firefox
- [fix] bugs with full screen options
- [add] extra fullScreen options
- [fix] bugs with zoom and full screen buttons
- [fix] bugs relating to resizability
- [add] full window mode
- [add] resizability
- [add] clickable image support
- [add] touchscreen support
- [ref] change .live() calls to .on()
- [fix] disappearing arrows bug
- [fix] direction of some slide/push animations incorrect
- [fix] YouTube link parsing bug
- [fix] iframe/youtube/vimeo scrollbars
- [add] CSS3 PIE added to default CSS
- [add] hideZoom option
- [fix] minor bug fixes
- [add] image zoom
- [fix] empty thumbnail js warning
- [add] minimal Vimeo support
- [add] animation: pushH
- [add] animation: pushV
- [add] animation: slideH
- [add] animation: slideV
- [add] animation: lift
- [add] animation: drop
- [fix] minor bug fixes
- [add] YouTube support
- [add] control panel pinning
- [add] ability to use <iframe>
- [ref] refactored and cleaned much code
- [fix] fixed thumb scroll bug
- [add] ability to use <div>
- [add] ability to use <img>
- [add] ability to use <iframe>
- [add] item count & options
- [add] single-item handling
- [ref] some code cleanup and optimization
- :: initial release