A Bézier curve (pronounced [bezje] in French) is a parametric curve used in computer graphics and related fields. The curve is a globally changing spline appoximation method dependent upon a certain number of points called the control points. The degree of the curve is one less than the number of control points. This is an implementation in python using matplotlib. I've calculated a lot of x and y (2D) points for varying input control points and then plotted them dynamically using animate feature of matplotlib.
- Run bezier_plot.py
- See the curve
- change control points in file: points.txt
- Run bezier_calculate.py (ouput points are saved in bpoints.txt)
- See the curve being made dynamically
- Either goto step 3 or exit
- Make the control points interactive
- Make a GUI to select bg, point, line color etc
- python 3+
- matplotlib
- numpy
- pandas
- 3 control points
- 13 control points
- 5 control points