diff --git a/vaadin-development-mode-detector.html b/vaadin-development-mode-detector.html
index e2a6c77..ddc6aba 100644
--- a/vaadin-development-mode-detector.html
+++ b/vaadin-development-mode-detector.html
@@ -32,24 +32,17 @@
return htmlImports;
- function getEsModules() {
- // native ES modules
- const modules = document.querySelectorAll("script[type=module]");
- // require.js modules
- const require = document.querySelectorAll("script[data-requiremodule]");
- return Array.from(modules).concat(Array.from(require));
- }
function isUnbundled() {
if (useHtmlImports) {
// If the app is bundled, then polymer.html should be included in some bundle and not in `polymer/polymer.html`
const htmlImports = getHtmlImports(document, []);
return htmlImports.filter(function(href) { return endsWith(href, "polymer/polymer-element.html")}).length > 0;
} else {
- const modules = getEsModules();
- return modules.filter(function (m) { return m.src.indexOf("vaadin-") > -1 }).length > 0;
+ const scripts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("script"));
+ // TODO(web-padawan): this is not expected to work for applications using native ES modules,
+ // since the index.html is unlikely to contain any direct imports of Vaadin components.
+ // It works with the AMD transform of CLI, as the