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Releases: vaadin/flow

Template for loops and property bindings

09 May 08:09
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New features

  • For loops in templates, e.g. <a *ngFor="let item of items" class="menu-item" routerLink [href]="item.href">{{item.caption}}</a>·. It is currently not possible to nest for loops, see #701.
  • Property bindings in templates, e.g. <input [value]="firstName">
  • Image component based on <img>
  • @HtmlTemplate annotation for specifying the HTML file for a Template, e.g. @HtmlTemplate("mytemplate.html")


  • Static class names in templates now work, e.g. <div class="foo bar">
  • Comments <!-- --> can be used in templates and are ignored by the parser
  • Templates can be removed from a view


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Template data binding and template as a view

29 Apr 17:54
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New features

  • Data binding in text nodes, e.g. <div>{{firstName}}</div>. The binding must the the whole text node, interpolation is not yet supported.
  • Adding/removing elements to/from a Template
  • Using Template as a View by marking the child view position using @child@


  • Routerlinks now work together with URI fragments
  • Attributes in templates are now set as attributes instead of as properties

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Component API

25 Apr 09:17
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Component API Pre-release

New features

  • Component - a way of defining reusable classes for using an element or a collection of elements.
    • Based on a root Element, defined using @Tag
    • Component hierarchy is derived from the element hierarchy
    • Similar to Component in Vaadin 7
  • Attach/detach events for Element and Component and Component.onAttach/onDetach which can be overridden
  • ComponentEventBus for listening to and firing component events
    • Connecting DOM events to Component events to have the Component event fired automatically with selected DOM event data
    • Each event has information about origin (server or client)
  • Built-in components
    • HTML - encapsulates a HTML fragment
    • Text - encapsulates a text in a text node
    • RouterLink - handles view navigation without page reloads
    • Composite - for wrapping existing components while hiding their API
  • HTML components in a separate package
    • Div, Button, Input and more
  • Using a StreamResource as an element attribute to e.g. generate dynamic images


  • API improved based on user feedback

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31 Mar 07:18
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Routing Pre-release

New features

  • Router handles navigation between different views in the application without reloading the page. The path of the browser's location is updated using the HTML5 History API – the URI fragment (#) is not used for navigation.
  • <a> elements with a routerLink triggers internal navigation instead of making the browser reload the page with the new URL.
  • RouterConfigurator is used to update the RouterConfiguration used by the application's Router. The configurator class to use for the application is defined with the routerConfigurator parameter in the @VaadinServletConfiguration annotation or through web.xml.
  • RouterConfiguration.setRoute(String, Class<? extends View>) is used to configure a route (i.e. a path) for a view class.
  • View.onLocationChange(LocationChangeEvent) is invoked for the used view when it's shown to the user for a specific URL.
  • A route can contain placeholders, e.g. "product/{id}". The actual URL value used for the placeholder is accessible from LocationChangeEvent, e.g. event.getPathParameter("id").
  • A route can end with a wildcard, e.g. "blog/*". The actual URL value used for the wildcard is accessible using LocationChangeEvent.getPathWildcard().
  • A view can be configured to be shown inside a "parent view" that implements HasChildView, using either RouterConfiguration.setParentView(Class, Class) or as a third parameter to RouterConfiguration.setRoute.
    • This allows defining a common layout containing e.g. a header or a menu that is used for the actual views in the application.
  • VaadinServlet uses only one URL and reserves /VAADIN/ for internal use. Everything else can be used for views of the actual site.
  • The page has a <base href> so that relative URLs work even after navigating to some other location within the site.
  • @Title can be used on a View class to make <title> update automatically when the view is shown.
    • For more control, the view can override View.getTitle(LocationChangeEvent) or the router can configured to use a custom PageTitleGenerator.
  • It is no longer mandatory to have your own UI class.
  • Add context:// as a special Vaadin protocol that is always relative to the context path where the app is deployed.
  • Documentation has been restructured as task-focused tutorials instead a wall of description text.
  • Element usability improved
    • Added Element.indexOfChild(Element).
    • Added Element.getChildren().
    • Various getters changed to return
    • Helper in ClassList to toggle a class name
    • ElementFactory with static helpers for common elements


  • Inserting an element into a different position in its own parent now works.
  • Replacing an element with itself is a no-op.
  • Attempting to create loops in the element tree (i.e. adding a parent to its child) immediately throws instead of causing client-side exceptions
  • ClassList properly handles empty class names.
  • Page.addJavaScript and Page.addStyleSheet ignores duplicates.
  • Directories are not served as static resources
  • Text nodes can actually be removed from the DOM

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Project basics and Element API

29 Feb 12:02
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New features

  • Set up project for development
    • Renamed from Vaadin Framework to Hummingbird
    • Mavenized build validated using Travis and quality-checked using SonarQube
    • DefaultWidgetSet renamed to ClientEngine
      • Uses GWT's single script linker so that there's only one file to download
    • Client-side is tested as pure JUnit tests and using GWTTestCase
    • Update to a pinned GWT 2.8.0 snapshot
  • Introduce a low-level StateTree for all the session-specific data that is synchronised between server and client.
    • Reactive event handling on the client
  • Introduce a server-side Element API
    • Properties and attributes
    • Children
    • Event handlers
      • Send event data to the server
      • Property value synchronization
    • Class list
    • Inline styles
    • Text nodes and regular elements are supported
  • Simplified bootstrapping
    • Initial UIDL is included in the bootstrap HTML page
    • UI on the server is mapped directly to the <body> in the browser
  • Lightweight client-side dependency injection framework
  • Support adding stylesheets and javascript using Page.addDependency
  • UIDL messages are built as JSON instead of by concatenating strings
  • @JsInterop wrappers for native JS collections instead of using emulated Java List, Map and Set.
  • Page.executeJavaScript for calling JS from the server


  • Remove legacy features
    • All component implementations
    • Shared state and RPC
    • Client-side debug window
    • Custom SuperDevModeHandling
    • Reduce use of
    • Support for old browsers
    • v-* prefixes
  • Tests work in all time zones


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