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Hash Implementation


In this chapter, we will focus on the implementation of a HashSet and a HashMap. 在本章中,我们将重点介绍HashSet和HashMap的实现。

Hashing is a technique used to uniquely identify a specific object from a group of similar objects. 哈希是一种技术,用于从一组相似的对象中唯一识别特定对象。

HashSet Implementation


Node.js Implementation

Node.js 实现

In Node.js, we can implement a simple HashSet using an array and a hash function. 在Node.js中,我们可以使用数组和哈希函数来实现一个简单的HashSet。

class HashSet {
    constructor() {
        this.bucket = [];

    // Hash function
    // 哈希函数
    hash(value) {
        return value % 1000;

    // Add value to the set
    // 向集合中添加值
    add(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        if (!this.bucket[index]) {
            this.bucket[index] = [];
        if (!this.bucket[index].includes(value)) {

    // Check if value is in the set
    // 检查值是否在集合中
    has(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        return this.bucket[index] && this.bucket[index].includes(value);

    // Remove value from the set
    // 从集合中移除值
    remove(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        if (this.bucket[index]) {
            const valueIndex = this.bucket[index].indexOf(value);
            if (valueIndex !== -1) {
                this.bucket[index].splice(valueIndex, 1);

// Example Usage
// 示例用法
const set = new HashSet();
set.add(2); // Duplicate element
console.log(set.has(1)); // true
console.log(set.has(3)); // false
console.log(set.has(2)); // false

Python Implementation

Python 实现

In Python, we can implement a simple HashSet using a list and a hash function. 在Python中,我们可以使用列表和哈希函数来实现一个简单的HashSet。

class HashSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bucket = [[] for _ in range(1000)]

    # Hash function
    # 哈希函数
    def hash(self, value):
        return value % 1000

    # Add value to the set
    # 向集合中添加值
    def add(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        if value not in self.bucket[index]:

    # Check if value is in the set
    # 检查值是否在集合中
    def contains(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        return value in self.bucket[index]

    # Remove value from the set
    # 从集合中移除值
    def remove(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        if value in self.bucket[index]:

# Example Usage
# 示例用法
set = HashSet()
set.add(2)  # Duplicate element
print(set.contains(1))  # True
print(set.contains(3))  # False
print(set.contains(2))  # False

HashMap Implementation


Node.js Implementation

Node.js 实现

In Node.js, we can implement a simple HashMap using an array of objects and a hash function. 在Node.js中,我们可以使用对象数组和哈希函数来实现一个简单的HashMap。

class HashMap {
    constructor() {
        this.bucket = [];

    // Hash function
    // 哈希函数
    hash(key) {
        let hash = 0;
        for (let char of key.toString()) {
            hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char.charCodeAt(0);
            hash |= 0;
        return hash % 1000;

    // Set key-value pair
    // 设置键值对
    set(key, value) {
        const index = this.hash(key);
        if (!this.bucket[index]) {
            this.bucket[index] = [];
        for (let pair of this.bucket[index]) {
            if (pair[0] === key) {
                pair[1] = value;
        this.bucket[index].push([key, value]);

    // Get value by key
    // 通过键获取值
    get(key) {
        const index = this.hash(key);
        if (this.bucket[index]) {
            for (let pair of this.bucket[index]) {
                if (pair[0] === key) {
                    return pair[1];
        return undefined;

    // Remove key-value pair
    // 移除键值对
    delete(key) {
        const index = this.hash(key);
        if (this.bucket[index]) {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.bucket[index].length; i++) {
                if (this.bucket[index][i][0] === key) {
                    this.bucket[index].splice(i, 1);

// Example Usage
// 示例用法
const map = new HashMap();
map.set('a', 1);
map.set('b', 2);
map.set('a', 3); // Update value for key 'a'
console.log(map.get('a')); // 3
console.log(map.get('c')); // undefined
console.log(map.get('b')); // undefined

Python Implementation

Python 实现

In Python, we can implement a simple HashMap using a list of lists and a hash function. 在Python中,我们可以使用列表和哈希函数来实现一个简单的HashMap。

class HashMap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bucket = [[] for _ in range(1000)]

    # Hash function
    # 哈希函数
    def hash(self, key):
        hash = 0
        for char in str(key):
            hash = (hash << 5) - hash + ord(char)
            hash &= 0xFFFFFFFF
        return hash % 1000

    # Set key-value pair
    # 设置键值对
    def set(self, key, value):
        index = self.hash(key)
        for pair in self.bucket[index]:
            if pair[0] == key:
                pair[1] = value
        self.bucket[index].append([key, value])

    # Get value by key
    # 通过键获取值
    def get(self, key):
        index = self.hash(key)
        for pair in self.bucket[index]:
            if pair[0] == key:
                return pair[1]
        return None

    # Remove key-value pair
    # 移除键值对
    def remove(self, key):
        index = self.hash(key)
        for i, pair in enumerate(self.bucket[index]):
            if pair[0] == key:
                del self.bucket[index][i]

# Example Usage
# 示例用法
map = HashMap()
map.set('a', 1)
map.set('b', 2)
map.set('a', 3)  # Update value for key 'a'
print(map.get('a'))  # 3
print(map.get('c'))  # None
print(map.get('b'))  # None

Complexity Analysis


Operation HashSet HashMap
Insert O(1) O(1)
Delete O(1) O(1)
Search O(1) O(1)
操作 HashSet HashMap
插入 O(1) O(1)
删除 O(1) O(1)
搜索 O(1) O(1)

Tips or Better Solutions


  1. Handling Collisions: In a hash map, collisions occur when two keys hash to the same index. Common strategies include chaining (using a linked list) and open addressing (finding another open slot).

  2. 处理冲突: 在哈希映射中,当两个键哈希到相同的索引时,会发生冲突。常见策略包括链地址法(使用链表)和开放寻址法(找到另一个空槽)。

  3. Load Factor: Maintain an optimal load factor to ensure efficient performance. If the load factor exceeds a threshold, resizing the hash table may be necessary.

  4. 装载因子: 保持最佳装载因子以确保高效性能。如果装载因子超过阈值,可能需要调整哈希表的大小。

By understanding the implementation of HashSet and HashMap, you can efficiently handle problems involving uniqueness, counts, and frequency. 通过理解HashSet和HashMap的实现,你可以高效地处理涉及唯一性、计数和频率的问题。

The expression value % 1000 in the context of hashing functions is used to map a potentially large range of input values into a smaller range of indices suitable for array-based storage structures, such as the buckets in a hash table.

Why Use value % 1000?

为什么使用 value % 1000

  1. Bucket Limitation: The number 1000 represents the number of buckets in the hash table. This is often a chosen size for the hash table to store values efficiently. 数字1000表示哈希表中的桶数量。这通常是为高效存储值而选择的哈希表大小。

  2. Range Reduction: Applying the modulus operator % reduces the range of hash values to between 0 and 999. This ensures that the hash values fit within the bounds of the array (or list) used to store the buckets. 应用取模运算符 % 将哈希值的范围减少到 0 到 999 之间。这确保哈希值在用于存储桶的数组(或列表)的范围内。

  3. Uniform Distribution: A good hash function aims to distribute values uniformly across the available buckets to minimize collisions. Using % 1000 helps achieve this by spreading values over a fixed range. 一个好的哈希函数旨在将值均匀地分布在可用桶上,以尽量减少冲突。使用 % 1000 有助于通过固定范围分布值来实现这一目标。

Example Explanation


Suppose you have a large integer value, and you want to store it in a hash table with 1000 buckets. 假设你有一个大整数值,并且想将其存储在具有1000个桶的哈希表中。

Node.js Example

Node.js 示例

class HashSet {
    constructor() {
        this.bucket = new Array(1000).fill(null).map(() => []);

    // Hash function
    // 哈希函数
    hash(value) {
        return value % 1000;

    // Add value to the set
    // 向集合中添加值
    add(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        if (!this.bucket[index].includes(value)) {

    // Check if value is in the set
    // 检查值是否在集合中
    has(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        return this.bucket[index].includes(value);

    // Remove value from the set
    // 从集合中移除值
    remove(value) {
        const index = this.hash(value);
        const bucket = this.bucket[index];
        const valueIndex = bucket.indexOf(value);
        if (valueIndex !== -1) {
            bucket.splice(valueIndex, 1);

// Example Usage
// 示例用法
const set = new HashSet();
set.add(1001); // Will be stored in bucket index 1
set.add(2002); // Will be stored in bucket index 2
console.log(set.has(1001)); // true
console.log(set.has(3003)); // false
console.log(set.has(2002)); // false

Python Example

Python 示例

class HashSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bucket = [[] for _ in range(1000)]

    # Hash function
    # 哈希函数
    def hash(self, value):
        return value % 1000

    # Add value to the set
    # 向集合中添加值
    def add(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        if value not in self.bucket[index]:

    # Check if value is in the set
    # 检查值是否在集合中
    def contains(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        return value in self.bucket[index]

    # Remove value from the set
    # 从集合中移除值
    def remove(self, value):
        index = self.hash(value)
        if value in self.bucket[index]:

# Example Usage
# 示例用法
set = HashSet()
set.add(1001)  # Will be stored in bucket index 1
set.add(2002)  # Will be stored in bucket index 2
print(set.contains(1001))  # True
print(set.contains(3003))  # False
print(set.contains(2002))  # False

Key Points


  1. Bucket Size: The choice of 1000 is arbitrary and can be adjusted based on the expected number of elements and desired load factor. 桶的大小: 1000的选择是任意的,可以根据预期的元素数量和所需的装载因子进行调整。

  2. Load Factor: A higher number of buckets generally means fewer collisions, but it also means more memory usage. 装载因子: 更多的桶通常意味着更少的冲突,但也意味着更多的内存使用。

  3. Collisions: Proper handling of collisions is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of hash-based structures. 冲突: 正确处理冲突对于保持基于哈希结构的效率至关重要。

By using the modulus operator to constrain the hash values within the bounds of the array, we ensure that all values can be appropriately indexed and stored. 通过使用取模运算符将哈希值限制在数组的范围内,我们确保所有值都可以适当地索引和存储。