This changelog references any relevant changes introduced in 1.0 minor versions.
1.0.16 (2021-08-23)
Misc. Updates:
- Flash Mesaage with a warning if swiftmailer is not setup or working with ticket create process
- Save password with encryption in swiftmailer.yaml for security
- Time stamp format correction for agent as well as for customer.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #383: getting exception when filter kudos based on customer group
- Issue #384: broken image on kudos customer filter.
- Issue #385: customer image should be visible along with customer name in kudos grid.
- Issue #386: Collaborator name is coming wrong on ticket thread at agent ticket view.
- Issue #387: Collaborator on email is coming wrong format.
- Issue #388: Users Image not displaying properly in Group and Team Section.
- Issue #392: Gmail Replies from admin gmail is not added in ticket thread of admin panel.
- Issue #393: Email format is not properly showing in CC and BCC Email.
- Issue #394: In Customer and Collaborator dashboard image not displaying of Admin Image.
- Issue #396: Agent Activity is not working properly from agent side.
- Issue #397: Translation is not showing properly in it(italian) language admin website and agent side view.
- Issue #399: Reply from collaborator gmail so collaborator name is not showing.
- Issue #403: Remove from customer side image so default image not showing in Tickets thread.
- Issue #405: Reply from Customer Side also added CC and BCC mails So Not going to mail CC and BCC mail id's.
1.0.15 (2021-08-21)
Misc. Updates:
- Flash Mesaage with a warning if swiftmailer is not setup or working with ticket create process
- Save password with encryption in swiftmailer.yaml for security
- Time stamp format correction for agent as well as for customer.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #383: getting exception when filter kudos based on customer group
- Issue #384: broken image on kudos customer filter.
- Issue #385: customer image should be visible along with customer name in kudos grid.
- Issue #386: Collaborator name is coming wrong on ticket thread at agent ticket view.
- Issue #387: Collaborator on email is coming wrong format.
- Issue #388: Users Image not displaying properly in Group and Team Section.
- Issue #392: Gmail Replies from admin gmail is not added in ticket thread of admin panel.
- Issue #393: Email format is not properly showing in CC and BCC Email.
- Issue #394: In Customer and Collaborator dashboard image not displaying of Admin Image.
- Issue #396: Agent Activity is not working properly from agent side.
- Issue #397: Translation is not showing properly in it(italian) language admin website and agent side view.
- Issue #399: Reply from collaborator gmail so collaborator name is not showing.
- Issue #403: Remove from customer side image so default image not showing in Tickets thread.
- Issue #405: Reply from Customer Side also added CC and BCC mails So Not going to mail CC and BCC mail id's.
1.0.14 (2021-06-19)
Misc. Updates:
- Add new feature under report section Agent Activity.
- Attachment download issues for some extension like docx.
- Italian language translation corrections.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #374: {%ticket.customerEmail%} placeholder is not working with saved replies when apply on ticket.
- Issue #373: admin name is not coming in agent list drop down.
- Issue #372: Getting 404 on ticket view at agent panel if group is not added in ticket.
- Issue #371: getting exception when edit agent profile.
- Issue #370: Creating a new agent without activating creates zombie agent.
- Issue #369: exception when agent view activity section.
- Issue #368: member prefix or customer prefix value should be saved in database.
- Issue #365: broken agent images in report filter search bar.
- Issue #363: not able to filter group based on status.
- Issue #362: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Class "1\BaseController" does not exist in C:\Program Files\Xampp\htdocs\uvdesk-community-v1.0.13\config/routes../../src/Controller/ (which is being imported from "C:\Program Files\Xampp\htdocs\uvdesk-community-v1.0.13\config/routes/annotations.yaml"). Make sure annotations are installed and enabled.").
1.0.13 (2021-04-02)
Misc. Updates:
- Last reply Field Added with ticket listing.
- reCAPTCHA setting option provided on Admin panel.
- Strong password added (for security purpose) for all places from where user create and update password.
- Current version updated in dashboard in footer so that user have idea which version he is using currently.
- Fancy style added for Blockquote
- Added option for automatically label assign to ticket from workflow.
- All latest version links updated for jquery, backbone and underscore js.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #313: user.service not found exception.
- Issue #317: Exception showing when view agent list.
- Issue #318: getting exception when redirect to ticket view page.
- Issue #319: exception when creating swiftmailer.
- Issue #320: showing error while save email settings.
- Issue #321: display flash message when save branding theme.
- Issue #322: error on console when add new email template.
- Issue #323: getting exception when submitting a reply to ticket.
- Issue #325: getting error when save agent profile.
- Issue #326: ticket quick view icon is not working.
- Issue #327: customer profile image is broken in filter.
- Issue #329: all the apps are visible to agent in search even they don't have privilege to manage.
- Issue #330: Not able to remove assigned group/team from saved replies.
- Issue #331: unnecessary privilege added.
- Issue #332: getting exception when agent update customer profile.
- Issue #334: Email validation failure.
- Issue #337: Asking for ability to set color of all text on homepage..
- Issue #338: EmailService: add text/plain version of the email content.
- Issue #340: assign ticket are not visible to agent in my ticket section.
- Issue #343: saved reply is getting removed from the agent panel.
- Issue #349: duplicate customer routes are visible on search at admin panel.
- Issue #350: CC/BCC user should only receive ticket message in email notification.
- Issue #352: Update jQuery to update to 3.6.0.
- Issue #354: ReCaptcha should be mandatory on member login.
- Issue #356: Last reply option is missing Asset Visibility.
- Issue #357: getting error when view ticket which are fetched from email.
- Issue #360: Agent should not able to manage recaptcha settings.
1.0.12 (2020-07-20)
Misc. Updates:
- Added mailbox filter for ticket so that we get to know from which mailbox ticket came from.
- Ticket type sort alphabetically
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #304: getting exception when update status in ticket set as workflow condition.
- Issue #301: My ticket's section ticket status are not clickable on agent panel
- Issue #306: Incorrect email headers.
- Issue #299: getting exception when drag & drop image on ticket reply editor box.
- Issue #302: getting error on agent panel when filter ticket by customer name
1.0.11 (2020-05-22)
- Bug Fixes:
- Issue #296: translation exception when forwarding ticket thread.
- Issue #297: Getting none encryption error when select none in swiftmailer.
- Issue #298: no tickets.
- Issue #299: 1.0.10 no email to agent & duplicate tickets.
- Issue #300: helpdesk prefix are resetting when update email settings.
- Bug Fixes:
1.0.10 (2020-04-17)
Misc. Updates:
- Change processing function and removed unnecessary code for speed up.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #290: counts of view more ticket link is wrong when single ticket exist.
- Issue #292: getting exception when apply save reply on ticket.
- Issue #293: Wrong ticket count at agents panel.
- Issue #294: customer is not receiving email when agent reply on customer's ticket.
1.0.9 (2020-03-17)
Misc. Updates:
- Added Missing translation
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #285: No Ticket counts when login as another administrative account.
- Issue #289: Error when trying to open Email templates.
- Issue #288: Uploading image in branding showing tmp file doesn't exist.
1.0.8 (2020-02-12)
Misc. Updates:
- #175: Set default article text color equals to black.
- #245: Show error page instead of simple text error.
- #281: Issue template Added.
Bug Fixes:
- Issue #280: Error when update mass ticket group or team.
- Issue #282: Agent unable to view listed saved replies.
- Issue #283: Getting error during ticket assignment to an agent
- Issue #284: Exception occurred when view fetched ticket(When Creted ticket through email and there is no content in message).
- Issue #59: Mails not received by forward mail to / CC / BCC users when add into ticket.
- Issue #279: Getting exception when redirects customer/agents list from admin panel.
1.0.7 (2020-01-25)
- Issue #277: error when ticket is created - mail to customer not sent
- Issue #240: super admin name is not showing when set via terminal.
1.0.6 (2020-01-04)
- Issue #275: Customer reply error when workflow set for Mail to Agent.
- Issue #276: Exception occur while forwording ticket (undefined variable container).
1.0.4 (2019-11-15)
- Issue #237: Invalid base url for file icon
- Issue #242: Prepared response (ticket quick action button) always enabled irrespective of assigned privileges
- Issue #243: Deny access to protected routes based on user privileges
- Issue #195: Collaborator replies via email are not being added to ticket
- Issue #263: Wrong thumbnail is being shown for system generated threads
- Issue #264: Workflow actions are not working when perform over ticket list
- Issue #261: Wrong thumbnails are being shown for user threads in ticket quick view
- Issue #260: Exception occur while executing action {mail to agent:repsonse performing agent}
- Issue #256: Same flash message being shown for different ticket replies
- Issue #248: Remove knowledgebase from dashboard navigation if user doesn't have required privileges
- Issue #250: Saved replies should be accessible irrespective of privileges assigned
- Feature: Ticket Quick Action Buttons & Dashboard Navigation Items can now define minimum required user privileges to be accessible
- Misc. Updates:
- Included Github issue templates
- Included "Powered by Uvdesk" to dashboard
- Updated composer dependencies & set minimum required php version to 7.2
1.0.3 (2019-10-23)
- Issue #230: Custom field privilege issue
- Issue #29: File attachment limit exceed
- Issue #234: Agent profile issue while thread added at customer panel
- Issue #240: Super admin name is not showing when set via terminal
- Misc. Updates:
- Added patch to support previously configured workflows with deprecated events
- Both agents and customers now share a common password reset page (events agent.forgot_password & customer.forgot_password deprecated)
- Updated with link to the official gitter chat for uvdesk/core-framework
1.0.1 (2019-10-15)
- Issue #223: Custom field privilege issue
- Issue #224: Email template privilege issue
- Issue #177: How could individual customer set timezone for their own panel?
- Issue #119: Asset visibility checkbox layout in ticket view
- Issue #217: Super user could not access the tickets assign to other agent
- Issue #216: No access of customer's tickets to super user
- Issue #209: Mail Received by customer for add note and forward reply even no workflow setup
- Issue #226: Show saved replies as default privileges to Agent
- Issue #218: Side bar missing at agent panel
- Issue #208: Customer not receive ticket reply mail if attachment were added to ticket
- Issue #54: Attachment's are not received on agent's mail
- Misc. Updates:
- Only users with admin level privileges can configure Swiftmailer settings
1.0.0 (Released on 2019-10-09)
- Issue #202: Agent receives customer forget password link (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #63: Ticket counts get wrong when filter ticket on the basis of ticket replies (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #215: check agent have privilege for manage agent role (raised by princewebkul)
- Issue #121: Admin profile not showing with listed prepared response (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #133: missing popular article on knowledgebase (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #41: Agent has priviledge to access any ticket by passing ticket id to URL (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #39: Agent can edit the admin or other agent's profile by accessing their id (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #213: Shift tags under productivity section (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #148: User is logged out but does not know it (raised by kruisdraad)
- Issue #197: Error with update users - SQL Unique constraint (raised by alessioluciano)
- Issue #214: Misc. Fixes (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #211: fix initial thread user image in ticket view page (raised by princewebkul)
- Issue #171: Ticket from Imap mail not being created (raised by sukhbirgs)
- Issue #192: Attempt load language dropdown changer after reply on ticket (raised by maranqz)
- Issue #199: Create New Ticket in UvDesk (raised by sbonzanni)
- Issue #108: Receives ticket from the blocked user (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #62: Duplicate reply added to old ticket when fetch new ticket from mailbox (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #203: Super User gets logout when update profile (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #212: Xss payload when upload an image as attachment (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #210: Invalid ticket status (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #137: Upgrade dependencies (raised by FBL-dev)
- Issue #207: Issue 177 - Added getTimeZone() to UserService.php (raised by anmol107)
- Issue #185: Translate russian (raised by maranqz)
- Issue #204: Misc. changes (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #201: Error with update users - SQL Unique constraint (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #88: No feature provided to add support email in uvdesk.yaml file (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #112: Getting exception when click to view quick view ticket icon (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #176: Check Time format at customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #200: Mailbox not found in PROD environment (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #191: search for some icons are not working at dashboard (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #198: Mailbox not found in PROD environment (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #196: Update Search icons and routes (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #189: Search bar result for non existing keyword{{ 'No result found'|trans }} (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #188: configurable search bar bug fix (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #187: Error on Email settings (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #164: Customer status set inactive when created from website (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #186: Configurable search bar component update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #184: Tags are not open (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #126: Email settings (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #180: Unknown Entity namespace alias 'CoreFrameworkBundle' (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #173: Customer status active when added as a collaborator. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #172: Email Settings Edit Update. (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #38: Create ticket by attaching media in a message body but not receive attached media in ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #124: Update collaborator warning message when add existing collaborator at admin panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #170: Imap Settings all wrong and on mail box edit form is missing fields (raised by sukhbirgs)
- Issue #169: Updates in layout (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #130: Error when update ticket tag code (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #168: code refactoring (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #167: Open source layout bug fixed. (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #163: Ticket tag update and delete action added. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #166: entity compatibility updates with maker bundle (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #165: Opensource layout update (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #162: Timezone feature for Agent + issues (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #146: Once installation is completed wizard still shows (raised by kruisdraad)
- Issue #147: Installation wizard no admin validation (raised by kruisdraad)
- Issue #140: Opened sections available in dashboards are not showing in bold (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #152: wrong workflow set for event "ticket create" (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #153: Customer account create email template placeholder issue (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #157: Trashed folder show 0 tickets ,even tickets flag set to trash (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #154: Article counts not increased for support-tags (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #159: Ticket Initial thread not created if channel as email (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #161: welcome ticket fixture added (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #160: revert changes (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #158: entity compatibility with maker bundle (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #156: Timezone Feature and issues (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #155: welcome ticket message fixture added, workflow changes, Article count in tag listing. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #141: Is there any option to change admin panel logo?? (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #150: Exception on Branding and email settings section (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #151: 0.1 (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #149: Added static access variable in ticket repository. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #136: Missing icon on agent assigned priviledge (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #145: duplicate user or team on add, whole users removed (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #144: Dynamic admin panel logo. (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #142: Search for email settings not found (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #143: Fixing prefix for customer and member panel. (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #139: mailbox-component issue-13 (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #134: Change 'addslashes' for 'escape' to solve error on
(raised by raphox) - Issue #138: 1.0 (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #135: unknown addslashes in twig issue (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #105: Console error occur at dashboard (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #123: Error while mail to group set as workflow (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #129: Agent Signature work (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #131: Article at front end (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #128: Checking current user agent Instance (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #125: Ticket service changes and workflow action mail to group changes (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #122: Getting error while mail to last collaborator by made reply by agent (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #101: Image not get inserted anywhere in the admin /customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #120: Resolved Issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #118: Small thumbnail in ticket view (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #64: Search bar should trim spaces(Before and After Query set) (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #117: Agent profile is missing when agent view ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #113: Getting console error when type text to reply box (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #116: resolved issues & code refactoring (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #115: missing image URl add for ticket view and list (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #114: Ticket view console error resolved (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #67: Tickets not filter based on priority set , before date (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #73: Icon of attachments not found when view ticket by clicking on quick view trigger icon (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #74: Name of the ticket creator is missing while view ticket detail using quick view trigger icon (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #103: Default Value not set for knowledgebase name at branding section (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #104: Remove non unique select type element from the swiftmailer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #107: Ticket view scope permission to agent are not set when create agent (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #75: Remove checkbox from the tickets# page if tickets are not available (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #111: Configure your website prefixes with command line (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #110: Added some functions in ticket and user service for block spam functionality. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #109: resolved issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #102: Multiple select checkbox disable when no ticket in list and active when ti… (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #99: Get ticket's initial thread from getTicketInitialThreadDetails rather than getCreateReply (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #82: Unable to delete swiftmailer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #81: mailbox not get successfully deleted (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #106: Define maximum character length of mailbox name (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #83: Get error warning while edit existing mailbox (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #80: Duplicate mailer_id created while fetching in mailbox (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #71: Productivity and settings section icons are not listing sequencially as shown on dashboard (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #70: Enable or disable customer sign in option or ticket create options not worked (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #65: Disable ticket types shows on the ticket type drop down list in backend (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #100: Swiftmailer.php file change. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #85: Issue while fetching mails on helpdesk (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #98: Upload image in separate folder (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #97: Seperate Email Template for agent when ticket created by customer (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #96: initialThread's attachments resolved issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #95: Attachments show in ticket list quickview (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #94: Regular Expression update of swiftmailer id (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #93: Validation for Swift Mailer id only character and digit without space … (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #53: Quick view trigger icon is not responsive for the ticket's email channel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #89: Thread action icon and profile navigation action icon is missing from admin panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #48: Add global placeholder in email templates (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #60: Ticket list filter view--> remove unused channels from drop down list (label as; source) (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #72: Remove special character( 's ) from the default created email template (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #92: deletion of Swift Mailer change the enable status and mailer id for ma… (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #91: mailbox updates (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #90: Image not showing when not serving project resolve, sidebar sequence … (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #87: assets update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #86: assets issue in production mode (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #84: Checkbox hide when no ticket and Swiftmailer white space validation. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #79: Texual change for swiftmailer views and member.yaml change (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #78: Textual changes in swift mailer views and removed function from controllers. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #77: missing configurations of mailbox and code refactoring (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #76: Default Swift Mailer Config with comment spool and url (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #69: Decoupled UVDesk Mailboxes into seperate component (raised by akshaywebkul)
- Issue #68: Filtration of duplicate routes (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #66: Ticket type with status active will only show with type drop down in ticket. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #61: Removed some sources from filter which are not present yet. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #58: Design updates (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #55: Required Changes for mailbox-bundle (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #52: Email Template and content issue admin at first ticket created. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #43: Some files format attached with ticket thread are not download on agent/customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #44: Apply Prepared response(action as delete ticket) to ticket then get error in a Development mode (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #40: "Template for" option should be pre selected for the default created email templates (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #42: Thread update which contains only image (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #47: My ticket link inside ticket list throws exception (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #33: Status of tickets not updated when click on customer's "more ticket" link in ticket detail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #37: Unassigned status for ticket list not updated (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #30: Admin added as a collaborator but undefined name found (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #51: Attachments in thread (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #50: Email template form change (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #35: No result option is active to added in the tags and labels fields with ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #49: company logo, name and URL added for email template (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #46: Resolved issues and updates (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #45: update thread mandatory condition even after content. resolved (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #8: On the ticket list page, you will see the icon with each ticket, to get full detail about ticket, which is not worked (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #27: Ticket link attach with message body on agent's mail id redirect to wrong panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #34: Inactive pagination with customer list at admin panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #36: Default workflow set for agent account create mail receives two times to agent (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #24: Unable to update status of ticket when add a note to ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #32: Pagination problem resolve and separate link for customer and agent to view ticket after getting mail. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #31: Resolved issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #28: New customer status show disable to agent when customer created from mail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #14: Image not get insert by option given in rich text editor at the time of reply to any ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #26: Tags are not get Sort by ticket count (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #25: sorting tag by ticket count, last name validation removed, search filter added for tag, label, team, group. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #23: fixed issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #22: Update attachments count (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #21: Transfer ticket action added in workflow. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #20: Mail for customer create on uvdesk (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #19: Issue #65 resolved (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #18: Ticket list sorting resolve and added some more formats for attachments (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #17: customer create email (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #16: Color-picker (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #15: saved reply body message validation added (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #12: Ticket status is not changed when reply to ticket by selecting different option of submit list (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #13: Added By default status open for ticket when reply (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #11: Profile image validation add for customer agent and user profile (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #4: Undefined variable found when add reply to the ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #10: ticketList.html.twig change color to colorCode. (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #9: short info about ticket, pop up functionality on ticket list added (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #7: ticket type validation for name and other textual change (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #6: Website-Configuration (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #5: mailbox configuration (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #3: Ticket filter functionality and Prepared response added (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #2: ticket type view and ticket repository changes (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #1: Ticket default priority and status set in config (raised by papnoisanjeev)