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File metadata and controls

89 lines (64 loc) · 3.59 KB


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CoverImages is a web service for retrieving cover images for books, music albums, DVDs, and other media.


  • Ruby-2.3.1
  • Redis for sidekiq workers
  • ImageMagick for paperclip processing
  • Mysql


server config is kept in .env.

.env.production will override .env when RAILS_ENV=production.

For development, only the api keys are required.

Admin Access

The admin panel uses UVa's Netbadge authorization. Apache must be configured for this. Authorized users need to be listed in config/authorized_users.yml.

Admins can perform CRUD actions on all cover images. Including manual creation with a solr id. The workers link shows the built-in sidekiq/background job dashboard.

Cover Image Services

In order by priority. If no image is found from a source, we use the next one. Each service has it's own rate limits, defined in app/workers/*




GET /cover_images/[solr_id].json is the only public endpoint.

Query Param Values Required
doc_type music or non_music yes
title no
isbn *
oclc *
lccn *
upc *
mbid no
artist_name yes, for music
album_name yes, for music
* At least one of the starred ids is required for books.

Returns JSON. A default image is sent if the resord has not been processed yet.

  image_base64: [Base64 encoded image],
  not_found: [true,false],
  errors: [Error String]

Cache Warming

Certain images have been reported as incorrect and have been replaced with correct versions.  When starting with an empty instance of cover images run rake preload:locked_images this will load images from project_root/locked_images/. This can be rerun multiple times in order to get the latest changes. Images in locked_images/ should be named with their corresponding document id found in Virgo ex: u333.jpg


Rails 5 with minitest: rails test

The VCR gem is used to record and play back api responses for testing. To record new responses (if an api changes) run rm -rf test/fixtures/vcr_cassettes and the next rails test will make real api requests.


cap production deploy

Capistrano handles deployments and restarting puma, sidekiq. config/deploy.rb and config/deploy/[staging,production].rb have the details.

Most config files including .env, database.yml, authorized_users.yml and the actual cover images located at public/system are located in [deploy_path]/shared and symlinked to the [deploy_path]/current folder during deployment.

Anything that is server specific and preserved between deployments should be in a capistrano linked file.