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- var e, - t, - n = Object.defineProperty, - r = (e, t, r) => - ((e, t, r) => (t in e ? n(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : (e[t] = r)))( - e, - "symbol" != typeof t ? t + "" : t, - r, - ) - function a(e, t = {}, n) { - for (const r in e) { - const o = e[r], - i = n ? `${n}:${r}` : r - "object" == typeof o && null !== o ? a(o, t, i) : "function" == typeof o && (t[i] = o) - } - return t - } - const o = { run: (e) => e() }, - i = void 0 !== console.createTask ? console.createTask : () => o - function s(e, t) { - const n = t.shift(), - r = i(n) - return e.reduce((e, n) => e.then(() => r.run(() => n(...t))), Promise.resolve()) - } - function l(e, t) { - const n = t.shift(), - r = i(n) - return Promise.all(e.map((e) => r.run(() => e(...t)))) - } - function c(e, t) { - for (const n of [...e]) n(t) - } - class d { - constructor() { - ;(this._hooks = {}), - (this._before = void 0), - (this._after = void 0), - (this._deprecatedMessages = void 0), - (this._deprecatedHooks = {}), - (this.hook = this.hook.bind(this)), - (this.callHook = this.callHook.bind(this)), - (this.callHookWith = this.callHookWith.bind(this)) - } - hook(e, t, n = {}) { - if (!e || "function" != typeof t) return () => {} - const r = e - let a - for (; this._deprecatedHooks[e]; ) (a = this._deprecatedHooks[e]), (e = a.to) - if (a && !n.allowDeprecated) { - let e = a.message - e || (e = `${r} hook has been deprecated` + (a.to ? `, please use ${a.to}` : "")), - this._deprecatedMessages || (this._deprecatedMessages = new Set()), - this._deprecatedMessages.has(e) || (console.warn(e), this._deprecatedMessages.add(e)) - } - if (!t.name) - try { - Object.defineProperty(t, "name", { get: () => "_" + e.replace(/\W+/g, "_") + "_hook_cb", configurable: !0 }) - } catch {} - return ( - (this._hooks[e] = this._hooks[e] || []), - this._hooks[e].push(t), - () => { - t && (this.removeHook(e, t), (t = void 0)) - } - ) - } - hookOnce(e, t) { - let n, - r = (...e) => ("function" == typeof n && n(), (n = void 0), (r = void 0), t(...e)) - return (n = this.hook(e, r)), n - } - removeHook(e, t) { - if (this._hooks[e]) { - const n = this._hooks[e].indexOf(t) - ;-1 !== n && this._hooks[e].splice(n, 1), 0 === this._hooks[e].length && delete this._hooks[e] - } - } - deprecateHook(e, t) { - this._deprecatedHooks[e] = "string" == typeof t ? { to: t } : t - const n = this._hooks[e] || [] - delete this._hooks[e] - for (const t of n) this.hook(e, t) - } - deprecateHooks(e) { - Object.assign(this._deprecatedHooks, e) - for (const t in e) this.deprecateHook(t, e[t]) - } - addHooks(e) { - const t = a(e), - n = Object.keys(t).map((e) => this.hook(e, t[e])) - return () => { - for (const e of n.splice(0, n.length)) e() - } - } - removeHooks(e) { - const t = a(e) - for (const e in t) this.removeHook(e, t[e]) - } - removeAllHooks() { - for (const e in this._hooks) delete this._hooks[e] - } - callHook(e, ...t) { - return t.unshift(e), this.callHookWith(s, e, ...t) - } - callHookParallel(e, ...t) { - return t.unshift(e), this.callHookWith(l, e, ...t) - } - callHookWith(e, t, ...n) { - const r = this._before || this._after ? { name: t, args: n, context: {} } : void 0 - this._before && c(this._before, r) - const a = e(t in this._hooks ? [...this._hooks[t]] : [], n) - return a instanceof Promise - ? a.finally(() => { - this._after && r && c(this._after, r) - }) - : (this._after && r && c(this._after, r), a) - } - beforeEach(e) { - return ( - (this._before = this._before || []), - this._before.push(e), - () => { - if (void 0 !== this._before) { - const t = this._before.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && this._before.splice(t, 1) - } - } - ) - } - afterEach(e) { - return ( - (this._after = this._after || []), - this._after.push(e), - () => { - if (void 0 !== this._after) { - const t = this._after.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && this._after.splice(t, 1) - } - } - ) - } - } - const u = ["title", "titleTemplate", "script", "style", "noscript"], - p = ["base", "meta", "link", "style", "script", "noscript"], - h = [ - "title", - "titleTemplate", - "templateParams", - "base", - "htmlAttrs", - "bodyAttrs", - "meta", - "link", - "style", - "script", - "noscript", - ], - f = ["base", "title", "titleTemplate", "bodyAttrs", "htmlAttrs", "templateParams"], - m = [ - "tagPosition", - "tagPriority", - "tagDuplicateStrategy", - "children", - "innerHTML", - "textContent", - "processTemplateParams", - ], - g = "undefined" != typeof window - function b(e) { - let t = 9 - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; ) t = Math.imul(t ^ e.charCodeAt(n++), 9 ** 9) - return (65536 + (t ^ (t >>> 9))).toString(16).substring(1, 8).toLowerCase() - } - function v(e) { - return ( - e._h || - b( - e._d - ? e._d - : `${e.tag}:${e.textContent || e.innerHTML || ""}:${Object.entries(e.props) - .map(([e, t]) => `${e}:${String(t)}`) - .join(",")}`, - ) - ) - } - function y(e, t) { - const { props: n, tag: r } = e - if (f.includes(r)) return r - if ("link" === r && "canonical" === n.rel) return "canonical" - if (n.charset) return "charset" - const a = ["id"] - "meta" === r && a.push("name", "property", "http-equiv") - for (const e of a) if (void 0 !== n[e]) return `${r}:${e}:${String(n[e])}` - return !1 - } - function O(e, t) { - return null == e ? t || null : "function" == typeof e ? e(t) : e - } - function w(e, t) { - const n = [], - r = t.resolveKeyData || ((e) => e.key), - a = t.resolveValueData || ((e) => e.value) - for (const [o, i] of Object.entries(e)) - n.push( - ...(Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i]) - .map((e) => { - const n = { key: o, value: e }, - i = a(n) - return "object" == typeof i - ? w(i, t) - : Array.isArray(i) - ? i - : { - ["function" == typeof t.key ? t.key(n) : t.key]: r(n), - ["function" == typeof t.value ? t.value(n) : t.value]: i, - } - }) - .flat(), - ) - return n - } - function x(e, t) { - return Object.entries(e) - .map(([e, n]) => { - if (("object" == typeof n && (n = x(n, t)), t.resolve)) { - const r = t.resolve({ key: e, value: n }) - if (void 0 !== r) return r - } - return ( - "number" == typeof n && (n = n.toString()), - "string" == typeof n && - t.wrapValue && - ((n = n.replace(new RegExp(t.wrapValue, "g"), `\\${t.wrapValue}`)), - (n = `${t.wrapValue}${n}${t.wrapValue}`)), - `${e}${t.keyValueSeparator || ""}${n}` - ) - }) - .join(t.entrySeparator || "") - } - const k = (e) => ({ keyValue: e, metaKey: "property" }), - _ = (e) => ({ keyValue: e }), - S = { - appleItunesApp: { unpack: { entrySeparator: ", ", resolve: ({ key: e, value: t }) => `${A(e)}=${t}` } }, - articleExpirationTime: k("article:expiration_time"), - articleModifiedTime: k("article:modified_time"), - articlePublishedTime: k("article:published_time"), - bookReleaseDate: k("book:release_date"), - charset: { metaKey: "charset" }, - contentSecurityPolicy: { - unpack: { entrySeparator: "; ", resolve: ({ key: e, value: t }) => `${A(e)} ${t}` }, - metaKey: "http-equiv", - }, - contentType: { metaKey: "http-equiv" }, - defaultStyle: { metaKey: "http-equiv" }, - fbAppId: k("fb:app_id"), - msapplicationConfig: _("msapplication-Config"), - msapplicationTileColor: _("msapplication-TileColor"), - msapplicationTileImage: _("msapplication-TileImage"), - ogAudioSecureUrl: k("og:audio:secure_url"), - ogAudioUrl: k("og:audio"), - ogImageSecureUrl: k("og:image:secure_url"), - ogImageUrl: k("og:image"), - ogSiteName: k("og:site_name"), - ogVideoSecureUrl: k("og:video:secure_url"), - ogVideoUrl: k("og:video"), - profileFirstName: k("profile:first_name"), - profileLastName: k("profile:last_name"), - profileUsername: k("profile:username"), - refresh: { - metaKey: "http-equiv", - unpack: { - entrySeparator: ";", - resolve({ key: e, value: t }) { - if ("seconds" === e) return `${t}` - }, - }, - }, - robots: { - unpack: { - entrySeparator: ", ", - resolve: ({ key: e, value: t }) => ("boolean" == typeof t ? `${A(e)}` : `${A(e)}:${t}`), - }, - }, - xUaCompatible: { metaKey: "http-equiv" }, - }, - E = ["og", "book", "article", "profile"] - function T(e) { - var t - const n = A(e).split(":")[0] - return E.includes(n) ? "property" : (null == (t = S[e]) ? void 0 : t.metaKey) || "name" - } - function A(e) { - const t = e.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(), - n = t.split("-")[0] - return E.includes(n) || "twitter" === n ? e.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ":$1").toLowerCase() : t - } - function C(e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.map((e) => C(e)) - if ("object" != typeof e || Array.isArray(e)) return e - const t = {} - for (const [n, r] of Object.entries(e)) t[A(n)] = C(r) - return t - } - function P(e, t) { - const n = S[t] - return "refresh" === t - ? `${e.seconds};url=${e.url}` - : x(C(e), { - keyValueSeparator: "=", - entrySeparator: ", ", - resolve: ({ value: e, key: t }) => (null === e ? "" : "boolean" == typeof e ? `${t}` : void 0), - ...(null == n ? void 0 : n.unpack), - }) - } - const D = ["og:image", "og:video", "og:audio", "twitter:image"] - function R(e) { - const t = {} - return ( - Object.entries(e).forEach(([e, n]) => { - "false" !== String(n) && e && (t[e] = n) - }), - t - ) - } - function N(e, t) { - const n = R(t), - r = A(e), - a = T(r) - if (D.includes(r)) { - const t = {} - return ( - Object.entries(n).forEach(([n, r]) => { - t[`${e}${"url" === n ? "" : `${n.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${n.slice(1)}`}`] = r - }), - $(t).sort((e, t) => { - var n, r - return ((null == (n = e[a]) ? void 0 : n.length) || 0) - ((null == (r = t[a]) ? void 0 : r.length) || 0) - }) - ) - } - return [{ [a]: r, ...n }] - } - function $(e) { - const t = [], - n = {} - Object.entries(e).forEach(([e, r]) => { - if (Array.isArray(r)) - r.forEach((n) => { - t.push(...("string" == typeof n ? $({ [e]: n }) : N(e, n))) - }) - else if ("object" == typeof r && r) { - if (D.includes(A(e))) return void t.push(...N(e, r)) - n[e] = R(r) - } else n[e] = r - }) - const r = w(n, { - key: ({ key: e }) => T(e), - value: ({ key: e }) => ("charset" === e ? "charset" : "content"), - resolveKeyData: ({ key: e }) => - (function (e) { - var t - return (null == (t = S[e]) ? void 0 : t.keyValue) || A(e) - })(e), - resolveValueData: ({ value: e, key: t }) => - null === e ? "_null" : "object" == typeof e ? P(e, t) : "number" == typeof e ? e.toString() : e, - }) - return [...t, ...r].map((e) => ("_null" === e.content && (e.content = null), e)) - } - function I(e, t) { - var n - const r = "class" === e ? " " : ";" - return ( - "object" != typeof t || - Array.isArray(t) || - (t = Object.entries(t) - .filter(([, e]) => e) - .map(([t, n]) => ("style" === e ? `${t}:${n}` : t))), - null == (n = String(Array.isArray(t) ? t.join(r) : t)) - ? void 0 - : n - .split(r) - .filter((e) => e.trim()) - .filter(Boolean) - .join(r) - ) - } - async function M(e, t) { - for (const n of Object.keys(e)) - if (["class", "style"].includes(n)) e[n] = I(n, e[n]) - else if ((e[n] instanceof Promise && (e[n] = await e[n]), !t && !m.includes(n))) { - const t = String(e[n]), - r = n.startsWith("data-") - "true" === t || "" === t - ? (e[n] = !r || "true") - : e[n] || (r && "false" === t ? (e[n] = "false") : delete e[n]) - } - return e - } - const L = 10 - async function Q(e) { - const t = [] - return ( - Object.entries(e.resolvedInput) - .filter(([e, t]) => void 0 !== t && h.includes(e)) - .forEach(([n, r]) => { - const a = (function (e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] - })(r) - t.push( - ...a - .map((t) => - (async function (e, t, n) { - const r = { - tag: e, - props: await M( - "object" != typeof t || "function" == typeof t || t instanceof Promise - ? { [["script", "noscript", "style"].includes(e) ? "innerHTML" : "textContent"]: t } - : { ...t }, - ["templateParams", "titleTemplate"].includes(e), - ), - } - return ( - m.forEach((e) => { - const t = void 0 !== r.props[e] ? r.props[e] : n[e] - void 0 !== t && - ((["innerHTML", "textContent", "children"].includes(e) && !u.includes(r.tag)) || - (r["children" === e ? "innerHTML" : e] = t), - delete r.props[e]) - }), - r.props.body && ((r.tagPosition = "bodyClose"), delete r.props.body), - "script" === r.tag && - "object" == typeof r.innerHTML && - ((r.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(r.innerHTML)), - (r.props.type = r.props.type || "application/json")), - Array.isArray(r.props.content) - ? r.props.content.map((e) => ({ ...r, props: { ...r.props, content: e } })) - : r - ) - })(n, t, e), - ) - .flat(), - ) - }), - (await Promise.all(t)) - .flat() - .filter(Boolean) - .map((t, n) => ((t._e = e._i), e.mode && (t._m = e.mode), (t._p = (e._i << L) + n), t)) - ) - } - const B = { base: -10, title: 10 }, - j = { critical: -80, high: -10, low: 20 } - function U(e) { - let t = 100 - const n = e.tagPriority - return "number" == typeof n - ? n - : ("meta" === e.tag - ? ("content-security-policy" === e.props["http-equiv"] && (t = -30), - e.props.charset && (t = -20), - "viewport" === e.props.name && (t = -15)) - : "link" === e.tag && "preconnect" === e.props.rel - ? (t = 20) - : e.tag in B && (t = B[e.tag]), - "string" == typeof n && n in j ? t + j[n] : t) - } - const F = [ - { prefix: "before:", offset: -1 }, - { prefix: "after:", offset: 1 }, - ], - z = ["onload", "onerror", "onabort", "onprogress", "onloadstart"], - q = "%separator" - function Z(e, t, n) { - if ("string" != typeof e || !e.includes("%")) return e - let r = e - try { - r = decodeURI(e) - } catch {} - return ( - (r.match(/%(\w+\.+\w+)|%(\w+)/g) || []) - .sort() - .reverse() - .forEach((n) => { - const r = (function (e) { - let n - return ( - (n = ["s", "pageTitle"].includes(e) - ? t.pageTitle - : e.includes(".") - ? e.split(".").reduce((e, t) => (e && e[t]) || void 0, t) - : t[e]), - void 0 !== n && (n || "").replace(/"/g, '\\"') - ) - })(n.slice(1)) - "string" == typeof r && (e = e.replace(new RegExp(`\\${n}(\\W|$)`, "g"), (e, t) => `${r}${t}`).trim()) - }), - e.includes(q) && - (e.endsWith(q) && (e = e.slice(0, -10).trim()), - e.startsWith(q) && (e = e.slice(10).trim()), - (e = Z((e = e.replace(new RegExp(`\\${q}\\s*\\${q}`, "g"), q)), { separator: n }, n))), - e - ) - } - function H(e) { - return (t) => { - var n, r - const a = - (null == - (r = null == (n = t.resolvedOptions.document) ? void 0 : n.head.querySelector('script[id="unhead:payload"]')) - ? void 0 - : r.innerHTML) || !1 - return ( - a && t.push(JSON.parse(a)), - { - mode: "client", - hooks: { - "entries:updated": function (t) { - !(async function (e, t = {}) { - const n = t.delayFn || ((e) => setTimeout(e, 10)) - e._domUpdatePromise = - e._domUpdatePromise || - new Promise((r) => - n(async () => { - await (async function (e, t = {}) { - var n - const r = t.document || e.resolvedOptions.document - if (!r || !e.dirty) return - const a = { shouldRender: !0, tags: [] } - if ((await e.hooks.callHook("dom:beforeRender", a), !a.shouldRender)) return - const o = (await e.resolveTags()).map((e) => ({ - tag: e, - id: p.includes(e.tag) ? v(e) : e.tag, - shouldRender: !0, - })) - let i = e._dom - if (!i) { - i = { elMap: { htmlAttrs: r.documentElement, bodyAttrs: r.body } } - for (const e of ["body", "head"]) { - const t = null == (n = r[e]) ? void 0 : n.children, - a = [] - for (const e of [...t].filter((e) => p.includes(e.tagName.toLowerCase()))) { - const t = { - tag: e.tagName.toLowerCase(), - props: await M( - e.getAttributeNames().reduce((t, n) => ({ ...t, [n]: e.getAttribute(n) }), {}), - ), - innerHTML: e.innerHTML, - } - let n = 1, - r = y(t) - for (; r && a.find((e) => e._d === r); ) r = `${r}:${n++}` - ;(t._d = r || void 0), a.push(t), (i.elMap[e.getAttribute("data-hid") || v(t)] = e) - } - } - } - function s(e, t, n) { - const r = `${e}:${t}` - ;(i.sideEffects[r] = n), delete i.pendingSideEffects[r] - } - function l({ id: e, $el: t, tag: n }) { - const a = n.tag.endsWith("Attrs") - ;(i.elMap[e] = t), - a || - (["textContent", "innerHTML"].forEach((e) => { - n[e] && n[e] !== t[e] && (t[e] = n[e]) - }), - s(e, "el", () => { - var t - null == (t = i.elMap[e]) || t.remove(), delete i.elMap[e] - })) - for (const [e, a] of Object.entries(n._eventHandlers || {})) - "" !== t.getAttribute(`data-${e}`) && - (("bodyAttrs" === n.tag ? r.defaultView : t).addEventListener( - e.replace("on", ""), - a.bind(t), - ), - t.setAttribute(`data-${e}`, "")) - Object.entries(n.props).forEach(([n, r]) => { - const o = `attr:${n}` - if ("class" === n) - for (const n of (r || "").split(" ").filter(Boolean)) - a && s(e, `${o}:${n}`, () => t.classList.remove(n)), - !t.classList.contains(n) && t.classList.add(n) - else if ("style" === n) - for (const n of (r || "").split(";").filter(Boolean)) { - const [r, ...a] = n.split(":").map((e) => e.trim()) - s(e, `${o}:${n}:${r}`, () => { - t.style.removeProperty(r) - }), - t.style.setProperty(r, a.join(":")) - } - else - t.getAttribute(n) !== r && t.setAttribute(n, !0 === r ? "" : String(r)), - a && s(e, o, () => t.removeAttribute(n)) - }) - } - ;(i.pendingSideEffects = { ...(i.sideEffects || {}) }), (i.sideEffects = {}) - const c = [], - d = { bodyClose: void 0, bodyOpen: void 0, head: void 0 } - for (const e of o) { - const { tag: t, shouldRender: n, id: a } = e - n && - ("title" !== t.tag - ? ((e.$el = e.$el || i.elMap[a]), e.$el ? l(e) : p.includes(t.tag) && c.push(e)) - : (r.title = t.textContent)) - } - for (const e of c) { - const t = e.tag.tagPosition || "head" - ;(e.$el = r.createElement(e.tag.tag)), - l(e), - (d[t] = d[t] || r.createDocumentFragment()), - d[t].appendChild(e.$el) - } - for (const t of o) await e.hooks.callHook("dom:renderTag", t, r, s) - d.head && r.head.appendChild(d.head), - d.bodyOpen && r.body.insertBefore(d.bodyOpen, r.body.firstChild), - d.bodyClose && r.body.appendChild(d.bodyClose), - Object.values(i.pendingSideEffects).forEach((e) => e()), - (e._dom = i), - (e.dirty = !1), - await e.hooks.callHook("dom:rendered", { renders: o }) - })(e, t), - delete e._domUpdatePromise, - r() - }), - ) - })(t, e) - }, - }, - } - ) - } - } - const V = ["templateParams", "htmlAttrs", "bodyAttrs"], - W = { - hooks: { - "tag:normalise": function ({ tag: e }) { - ;["hid", "vmid", "key"].forEach((t) => { - e.props[t] && ((e.key = e.props[t]), delete e.props[t]) - }) - const t = y(e) || (!!e.key && `${e.tag}:${e.key}`) - t && (e._d = t) - }, - "tags:resolve": function (e) { - const t = {} - e.tags.forEach((e) => { - const n = (e.key ? `${e.tag}:${e.key}` : e._d) || e._p, - r = t[n] - if (r) { - let a = null == e ? void 0 : e.tagDuplicateStrategy - if ((!a && V.includes(e.tag) && (a = "merge"), "merge" === a)) { - const a = r.props - return ( - ["class", "style"].forEach((t) => { - a[t] && - (e.props[t] - ? ("style" !== t || a[t].endsWith(";") || (a[t] += ";"), - (e.props[t] = `${a[t]} ${e.props[t]}`)) - : (e.props[t] = a[t])) - }), - void (t[n].props = { ...a, ...e.props }) - ) - } - if (e._e === r._e) - return (r._duped = r._duped || []), (e._d = `${r._d}:${r._duped.length + 1}`), void r._duped.push(e) - if (U(e) > U(r)) return - } - const a = Object.keys(e.props).length + (e.innerHTML ? 1 : 0) + (e.textContent ? 1 : 0) - p.includes(e.tag) && 0 === a ? delete t[n] : (t[n] = e) - }) - const n = [] - Object.values(t).forEach((e) => { - const t = e._duped - delete e._duped, n.push(e), t && n.push(...t) - }), - (e.tags = n), - (e.tags = e.tags.filter( - (e) => !("meta" === e.tag && (e.props.name || e.props.property) && !e.props.content), - )) - }, - }, - }, - X = { - mode: "server", - hooks: { - "tags:resolve": function (e) { - const t = {} - e.tags - .filter((e) => ["titleTemplate", "templateParams", "title"].includes(e.tag) && "server" === e._m) - .forEach((e) => { - t[e.tag] = e.tag.startsWith("title") ? e.textContent : e.props - }), - Object.keys(t).length && - e.tags.push({ - tag: "script", - innerHTML: JSON.stringify(t), - props: { id: "unhead:payload", type: "application/json" }, - }) - }, - }, - }, - Y = ["script", "link", "bodyAttrs"], - G = (e) => ({ - hooks: { - "tags:resolve": function (t) { - for (const n of t.tags.filter((e) => Y.includes(e.tag))) - Object.entries(n.props).forEach(([t, r]) => { - t.startsWith("on") && - "function" == typeof r && - (e.ssr && z.includes(t) ? (n.props[t] = `this.dataset.${t}fired = true`) : delete n.props[t], - (n._eventHandlers = n._eventHandlers || {}), - (n._eventHandlers[t] = r)) - }), - e.ssr && - n._eventHandlers && - (n.props.src || n.props.href) && - (n.key = n.key || b(n.props.src || n.props.href)) - }, - "dom:renderTag": function ({ $el: e, tag: t }) { - var n, r - for (const a of Object.keys((null == e ? void 0 : e.dataset) || {}).filter((e) => - z.some((t) => `${t}fired` === e), - )) { - const o = a.replace("fired", "") - null == (r = null == (n = t._eventHandlers) ? void 0 : n[o]) || r.call(e, new Event(o.replace("on", ""))) - } - }, - }, - }), - K = ["link", "style", "script", "noscript"], - J = { - hooks: { - "tag:normalise": ({ tag: e }) => { - e.key && K.includes(e.tag) && (e.props["data-hid"] = e._h = b(e.key)) - }, - }, - }, - ee = { - hooks: { - "tags:resolve": (e) => { - const t = (t) => { - var n - return null == (n = e.tags.find((e) => e._d === t)) ? void 0 : n._p - } - for (const { prefix: n, offset: r } of F) - for (const a of e.tags.filter((e) => "string" == typeof e.tagPriority && e.tagPriority.startsWith(n))) { - const e = t(a.tagPriority.replace(n, "")) - void 0 !== e && (a._p = e + r) - } - e.tags.sort((e, t) => e._p - t._p).sort((e, t) => U(e) - U(t)) - }, - }, - }, - te = { meta: "content", link: "href", htmlAttrs: "lang" }, - ne = (e) => ({ - hooks: { - "tags:resolve": (t) => { - var n - const { tags: r } = t, - a = null == (n = r.find((e) => "title" === e.tag)) ? void 0 : n.textContent, - o = r.findIndex((e) => "templateParams" === e.tag), - i = -1 !== o ? r[o].props : {}, - s = i.separator || "|" - delete i.separator, (i.pageTitle = Z(i.pageTitle || a || "", i, s)) - for (const e of r.filter((e) => !1 !== e.processTemplateParams)) { - const t = te[e.tag] - t && "string" == typeof e.props[t] - ? (e.props[t] = Z(e.props[t], i, s)) - : (!0 === e.processTemplateParams || ["titleTemplate", "title"].includes(e.tag)) && - ["innerHTML", "textContent"].forEach((t) => { - "string" == typeof e[t] && (e[t] = Z(e[t], i, s)) - }) - } - ;(e._templateParams = i), (e._separator = s), (t.tags = r.filter((e) => "templateParams" !== e.tag)) - }, - }, - }), - re = { - hooks: { - "tags:resolve": (e) => { - const { tags: t } = e - let n = t.findIndex((e) => "titleTemplate" === e.tag) - const r = t.findIndex((e) => "title" === e.tag) - if (-1 !== r && -1 !== n) { - const e = O(t[n].textContent, t[r].textContent) - null !== e ? (t[r].textContent = e || t[r].textContent) : delete t[r] - } else if (-1 !== n) { - const e = O(t[n].textContent) - null !== e && ((t[n].textContent = e), (t[n].tag = "title"), (n = -1)) - } - ;-1 !== n && delete t[n], (e.tags = t.filter(Boolean)) - }, - }, - }, - ae = { - hooks: { - "tags:afterResolve": function (e) { - for (const t of e.tags) - "string" == typeof t.innerHTML && - (t.innerHTML && ["application/ld+json", "application/json"].includes(t.props.type) - ? (t.innerHTML = t.innerHTML.replace(/ n.has(e) - } - const le = {}, - ce = [], - de = () => {}, - ue = () => !1, - pe = (e) => 111 === e.charCodeAt(0) && 110 === e.charCodeAt(1) && (e.charCodeAt(2) > 122 || e.charCodeAt(2) < 97), - he = (e) => e.startsWith("onUpdate:"), - fe = Object.assign, - me = (e, t) => { - const n = e.indexOf(t) - n > -1 && e.splice(n, 1) - }, - ge = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - be = (e, t) => ge.call(e, t), - ve = Array.isArray, - ye = (e) => "[object Map]" === Ae(e), - Oe = (e) => "[object Set]" === Ae(e), - we = (e) => "[object Date]" === Ae(e), - xe = (e) => "function" == typeof e, - ke = (e) => "string" == typeof e, - _e = (e) => "symbol" == typeof e, - Se = (e) => null !== e && "object" == typeof e, - Ee = (e) => (Se(e) || xe(e)) && xe(e.then) && xe(e.catch), - Te = Object.prototype.toString, - Ae = (e) => Te.call(e), - Ce = (e) => Ae(e).slice(8, -1), - Pe = (e) => "[object Object]" === Ae(e), - De = (e) => ke(e) && "NaN" !== e && "-" !== e[0] && "" + parseInt(e, 10) === e, - Re = se( - ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted", - ), - Ne = (e) => { - const t = Object.create(null) - return (n) => t[n] || (t[n] = e(n)) - }, - $e = /-(\w)/g, - Ie = Ne((e) => e.replace($e, (e, t) => (t ? t.toUpperCase() : ""))), - Me = /\B([A-Z])/g, - Le = Ne((e) => e.replace(Me, "-$1").toLowerCase()), - Qe = Ne((e) => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)), - Be = Ne((e) => (e ? `on${Qe(e)}` : "")), - je = (e, t) => !Object.is(e, t), - Ue = (e, ...t) => { - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n](...t) - }, - Fe = (e, t, n, r = !1) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, writable: r, value: n }) - }, - ze = (e) => { - const t = parseFloat(e) - return isNaN(t) ? e : t - } - let qe - const Ze = () => - qe || - (qe = - "undefined" != typeof globalThis - ? globalThis - : "undefined" != typeof self - ? self - : "undefined" != typeof window - ? window - : "undefined" != typeof global - ? global - : {}) - function He(e) { - if (ve(e)) { - const t = {} - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - const r = e[n], - a = ke(r) ? Ye(r) : He(r) - if (a) for (const e in a) t[e] = a[e] - } - return t - } - if (ke(e) || Se(e)) return e - } - const Ve = /;(?![^(]*\))/g, - We = /:([^]+)/, - Xe = /\/\*[^]*?\*\//g - function Ye(e) { - const t = {} - return ( - e - .replace(Xe, "") - .split(Ve) - .forEach((e) => { - if (e) { - const n = e.split(We) - n.length > 1 && (t[n[0].trim()] = n[1].trim()) - } - }), - t - ) - } - function Ge(e) { - let t = "" - if (ke(e)) t = e - else if (ve(e)) - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - const r = Ge(e[n]) - r && (t += r + " ") - } - else if (Se(e)) for (const n in e) e[n] && (t += n + " ") - return t.trim() - } - function Ke(e) { - if (!e) return null - let { class: t, style: n } = e - return t && !ke(t) && (e.class = Ge(t)), n && (e.style = He(n)), e - } - const Je = se("itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly") - function et(e) { - return !!e || "" === e - } - function tt(e, t) { - if (e === t) return !0 - let n = we(e), - r = we(t) - if (n || r) return !(!n || !r) && e.getTime() === t.getTime() - if (((n = _e(e)), (r = _e(t)), n || r)) return e === t - if (((n = ve(e)), (r = ve(t)), n || r)) - return ( - !(!n || !r) && - (function (e, t) { - if (e.length !== t.length) return !1 - let n = !0 - for (let r = 0; n && r < e.length; r++) n = tt(e[r], t[r]) - return n - })(e, t) - ) - if (((n = Se(e)), (r = Se(t)), n || r)) { - if (!n || !r) return !1 - if (Object.keys(e).length !== Object.keys(t).length) return !1 - for (const n in e) { - const r = e.hasOwnProperty(n), - a = t.hasOwnProperty(n) - if ((r && !a) || (!r && a) || !tt(e[n], t[n])) return !1 - } - } - return String(e) === String(t) - } - function nt(e, t) { - return e.findIndex((e) => tt(e, t)) - } - const rt = (e) => !(!e || !0 !== e.__v_isRef), - at = (e) => - ke(e) - ? e - : null == e - ? "" - : ve(e) || (Se(e) && (e.toString === Te || !xe(e.toString))) - ? rt(e) - ? at(e.value) - : JSON.stringify(e, ot, 2) - : String(e), - ot = (e, t) => - rt(t) - ? ot(e, t.value) - : ye(t) - ? { [`Map(${t.size})`]: [...t.entries()].reduce((e, [t, n], r) => ((e[it(t, r) + " =>"] = n), e), {}) } - : Oe(t) - ? { [`Set(${t.size})`]: [...t.values()].map((e) => it(e)) } - : _e(t) - ? it(t) - : !Se(t) || ve(t) || Pe(t) - ? t - : String(t), - it = (e, t = "") => { - var n - return _e(e) ? `Symbol(${null != (n = e.description) ? n : t})` : e - } - /** - * @vue/reactivity v3.4.31 - * (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors - * @license MIT - **/ let st, lt - class ct { - constructor(e = !1) { - ;(this.detached = e), - (this._active = !0), - (this.effects = []), - (this.cleanups = []), - (this.parent = st), - !e && st && (this.index = (st.scopes || (st.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1) - } - get active() { - return this._active - } - run(e) { - if (this._active) { - const t = st - try { - return (st = this), e() - } finally { - st = t - } - } - } - on() { - st = this - } - off() { - st = this.parent - } - stop(e) { - if (this._active) { - let t, n - for (t = 0, n = this.effects.length; t < n; t++) this.effects[t].stop() - for (t = 0, n = this.cleanups.length; t < n; t++) this.cleanups[t]() - if (this.scopes) for (t = 0, n = this.scopes.length; t < n; t++) this.scopes[t].stop(!0) - if (!this.detached && this.parent && !e) { - const e = this.parent.scopes.pop() - e && e !== this && ((this.parent.scopes[this.index] = e), (e.index = this.index)) - } - ;(this.parent = void 0), (this._active = !1) - } - } - } - function dt() { - return st - } - function ut(e) { - st && st.cleanups.push(e) - } - class pt { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - ;(this.fn = e), - (this.trigger = t), - (this.scheduler = n), - (this.active = !0), - (this.deps = []), - (this._dirtyLevel = 4), - (this._trackId = 0), - (this._runnings = 0), - (this._shouldSchedule = !1), - (this._depsLength = 0), - (function (e, t = st) { - t && t.active && t.effects.push(e) - })(this, r) - } - get dirty() { - if (2 === this._dirtyLevel || 3 === this._dirtyLevel) { - ;(this._dirtyLevel = 1), yt() - for (let e = 0; e < this._depsLength; e++) { - const t = this.deps[e] - if (t.computed && (t.computed.value, this._dirtyLevel >= 4)) break - } - 1 === this._dirtyLevel && (this._dirtyLevel = 0), Ot() - } - return this._dirtyLevel >= 4 - } - set dirty(e) { - this._dirtyLevel = e ? 4 : 0 - } - run() { - if (((this._dirtyLevel = 0), !this.active)) return this.fn() - let e = gt, - t = lt - try { - return (gt = !0), (lt = this), this._runnings++, ht(this), this.fn() - } finally { - ft(this), this._runnings--, (lt = t), (gt = e) - } - } - stop() { - this.active && (ht(this), ft(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), (this.active = !1)) - } - } - function ht(e) { - e._trackId++, (e._depsLength = 0) - } - function ft(e) { - if (e.deps.length > e._depsLength) { - for (let t = e._depsLength; t < e.deps.length; t++) mt(e.deps[t], e) - e.deps.length = e._depsLength - } - } - function mt(e, t) { - const n = e.get(t) - void 0 !== n && t._trackId !== n && (e.delete(t), 0 === e.size && e.cleanup()) - } - let gt = !0, - bt = 0 - const vt = [] - function yt() { - vt.push(gt), (gt = !1) - } - function Ot() { - const e = vt.pop() - gt = void 0 === e || e - } - function wt() { - bt++ - } - function xt() { - for (bt--; !bt && _t.length; ) _t.shift()() - } - function kt(e, t, n) { - if (t.get(e) !== e._trackId) { - t.set(e, e._trackId) - const n = e.deps[e._depsLength] - n !== t ? (n && mt(n, e), (e.deps[e._depsLength++] = t)) : e._depsLength++ - } - } - const _t = [] - function St(e, t, n) { - wt() - for (const n of e.keys()) { - let r - n._dirtyLevel < t && - (null != r ? r : (r = e.get(n) === n._trackId)) && - (n._shouldSchedule || (n._shouldSchedule = 0 === n._dirtyLevel), (n._dirtyLevel = t)), - n._shouldSchedule && - (null != r ? r : (r = e.get(n) === n._trackId)) && - (n.trigger(), - (n._runnings && !n.allowRecurse) || - 2 === n._dirtyLevel || - ((n._shouldSchedule = !1), n.scheduler && _t.push(n.scheduler))) - } - xt() - } - const Et = (e, t) => { - const n = new Map() - return (n.cleanup = e), (n.computed = t), n - }, - Tt = new WeakMap(), - At = Symbol(""), - Ct = Symbol("") - function Pt(e, t, n) { - if (gt && lt) { - let t = Tt.get(e) - t || Tt.set(e, (t = new Map())) - let r = t.get(n) - r || t.set(n, (r = Et(() => t.delete(n)))), kt(lt, r) - } - } - function Dt(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = Tt.get(e) - if (!i) return - let s = [] - if ("clear" === t) s = [...i.values()] - else if ("length" === n && ve(e)) { - const e = Number(r) - i.forEach((t, n) => { - ;("length" === n || (!_e(n) && n >= e)) && s.push(t) - }) - } else - switch ((void 0 !== n && s.push(i.get(n)), t)) { - case "add": - ve(e) ? De(n) && s.push(i.get("length")) : (s.push(i.get(At)), ye(e) && s.push(i.get(Ct))) - break - case "delete": - ve(e) || (s.push(i.get(At)), ye(e) && s.push(i.get(Ct))) - break - case "set": - ye(e) && s.push(i.get(At)) - } - wt() - for (const e of s) e && St(e, 4) - xt() - } - const Rt = se("__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue"), - Nt = new Set( - Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol) - .filter((e) => "arguments" !== e && "caller" !== e) - .map((e) => Symbol[e]) - .filter(_e), - ), - $t = (function () { - const e = {} - return ( - ["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((t) => { - e[t] = function (...e) { - const n = _n(this) - for (let e = 0, t = this.length; e < t; e++) Pt(n, 0, e + "") - const r = n[t](...e) - return -1 === r || !1 === r ? n[t](...e.map(_n)) : r - } - }), - ["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice"].forEach((t) => { - e[t] = function (...e) { - yt(), wt() - const n = _n(this)[t].apply(this, e) - return xt(), Ot(), n - } - }), - e - ) - })() - function It(e) { - _e(e) || (e = String(e)) - const t = _n(this) - return Pt(t, 0, e), t.hasOwnProperty(e) - } - class Mt { - constructor(e = !1, t = !1) { - ;(this._isReadonly = e), (this._isShallow = t) - } - get(e, t, n) { - const r = this._isReadonly, - a = this._isShallow - if ("__v_isReactive" === t) return !r - if ("__v_isReadonly" === t) return r - if ("__v_isShallow" === t) return a - if ("__v_raw" === t) - return n === (r ? (a ? fn : hn) : a ? pn : un).get(e) || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === Object.getPrototypeOf(n) - ? e - : void 0 - const o = ve(e) - if (!r) { - if (o && be($t, t)) return Reflect.get($t, t, n) - if ("hasOwnProperty" === t) return It - } - const i = Reflect.get(e, t, n) - return (_e(t) ? Nt.has(t) : Rt(t)) - ? i - : (r || Pt(e, 0, t), a ? i : Pn(i) ? (o && De(t) ? i : i.value) : Se(i) ? (r ? bn(i) : mn(i)) : i) - } - } - class Lt extends Mt { - constructor(e = !1) { - super(!1, e) - } - set(e, t, n, r) { - let a = e[t] - if (!this._isShallow) { - const t = wn(a) - if ((xn(n) || wn(n) || ((a = _n(a)), (n = _n(n))), !ve(e) && Pn(a) && !Pn(n))) - return !t && ((a.value = n), !0) - } - const o = ve(e) && De(t) ? Number(t) < e.length : be(e, t), - i = Reflect.set(e, t, n, r) - return e === _n(r) && (o ? je(n, a) && Dt(e, "set", t, n) : Dt(e, "add", t, n)), i - } - deleteProperty(e, t) { - const n = be(e, t) - e[t] - const r = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t) - return r && n && Dt(e, "delete", t, void 0), r - } - has(e, t) { - const n = Reflect.has(e, t) - return (_e(t) && Nt.has(t)) || Pt(e, 0, t), n - } - ownKeys(e) { - return Pt(e, 0, ve(e) ? "length" : At), Reflect.ownKeys(e) - } - } - class Qt extends Mt { - constructor(e = !1) { - super(!0, e) - } - set(e, t) { - return !0 - } - deleteProperty(e, t) { - return !0 - } - } - const Bt = new Lt(), - jt = new Qt(), - Ut = new Lt(!0), - Ft = new Qt(!0), - zt = (e) => e, - qt = (e) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(e) - function Zt(e, t, n = !1, r = !1) { - const a = _n((e = e.__v_raw)), - o = _n(t) - n || (je(t, o) && Pt(a, 0, t), Pt(a, 0, o)) - const { has: i } = qt(a), - s = r ? zt : n ? En : Sn - return i.call(a, t) ? s(e.get(t)) : i.call(a, o) ? s(e.get(o)) : void (e !== a && e.get(t)) - } - function Ht(e, t = !1) { - const n = this.__v_raw, - r = _n(n), - a = _n(e) - return t || (je(e, a) && Pt(r, 0, e), Pt(r, 0, a)), e === a ? n.has(e) : n.has(e) || n.has(a) - } - function Vt(e, t = !1) { - return (e = e.__v_raw), !t && Pt(_n(e), 0, At), Reflect.get(e, "size", e) - } - function Wt(e) { - e = _n(e) - const t = _n(this) - return qt(t).has.call(t, e) || (t.add(e), Dt(t, "add", e, e)), this - } - function Xt(e, t) { - t = _n(t) - const n = _n(this), - { has: r, get: a } = qt(n) - let o = r.call(n, e) - o || ((e = _n(e)), (o = r.call(n, e))) - const i = a.call(n, e) - return n.set(e, t), o ? je(t, i) && Dt(n, "set", e, t) : Dt(n, "add", e, t), this - } - function Yt(e) { - const t = _n(this), - { has: n, get: r } = qt(t) - let a = n.call(t, e) - a || ((e = _n(e)), (a = n.call(t, e))), r && r.call(t, e) - const o = t.delete(e) - return a && Dt(t, "delete", e, void 0), o - } - function Gt() { - const e = _n(this), - t = 0 !== e.size, - n = e.clear() - return t && Dt(e, "clear", void 0, void 0), n - } - function Kt(e, t) { - return function (n, r) { - const a = this, - o = a.__v_raw, - i = _n(o), - s = t ? zt : e ? En : Sn - return !e && Pt(i, 0, At), o.forEach((e, t) => n.call(r, s(e), s(t), a)) - } - } - function Jt(e, t, n) { - return function (...r) { - const a = this.__v_raw, - o = _n(a), - i = ye(o), - s = "entries" === e || (e === Symbol.iterator && i), - l = "keys" === e && i, - c = a[e](...r), - d = n ? zt : t ? En : Sn - return ( - !t && Pt(o, 0, l ? Ct : At), - { - next() { - const { value: e, done: t } = c.next() - return t ? { value: e, done: t } : { value: s ? [d(e[0]), d(e[1])] : d(e), done: t } - }, - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return this - }, - } - ) - } - } - function en(e) { - return function (...t) { - return "delete" !== e && ("clear" === e ? void 0 : this) - } - } - const [tn, nn, rn, an] = (function () { - const e = { - get(e) { - return Zt(this, e) - }, - get size() { - return Vt(this) - }, - has: Ht, - add: Wt, - set: Xt, - delete: Yt, - clear: Gt, - forEach: Kt(!1, !1), - }, - t = { - get(e) { - return Zt(this, e, !1, !0) - }, - get size() { - return Vt(this) - }, - has: Ht, - add: Wt, - set: Xt, - delete: Yt, - clear: Gt, - forEach: Kt(!1, !0), - }, - n = { - get(e) { - return Zt(this, e, !0) - }, - get size() { - return Vt(this, !0) - }, - has(e) { - return Ht.call(this, e, !0) - }, - add: en("add"), - set: en("set"), - delete: en("delete"), - clear: en("clear"), - forEach: Kt(!0, !1), - }, - r = { - get(e) { - return Zt(this, e, !0, !0) - }, - get size() { - return Vt(this, !0) - }, - has(e) { - return Ht.call(this, e, !0) - }, - add: en("add"), - set: en("set"), - delete: en("delete"), - clear: en("clear"), - forEach: Kt(!0, !0), - } - return ( - ["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator].forEach((a) => { - ;(e[a] = Jt(a, !1, !1)), (n[a] = Jt(a, !0, !1)), (t[a] = Jt(a, !1, !0)), (r[a] = Jt(a, !0, !0)) - }), - [e, n, t, r] - ) - })() - function on(e, t) { - const n = t ? (e ? an : rn) : e ? nn : tn - return (t, r, a) => - "__v_isReactive" === r - ? !e - : "__v_isReadonly" === r - ? e - : "__v_raw" === r - ? t - : Reflect.get(be(n, r) && r in t ? n : t, r, a) - } - const sn = { get: on(!1, !1) }, - ln = { get: on(!1, !0) }, - cn = { get: on(!0, !1) }, - dn = { get: on(!0, !0) }, - un = new WeakMap(), - pn = new WeakMap(), - hn = new WeakMap(), - fn = new WeakMap() - function mn(e) { - return wn(e) ? e : yn(e, !1, Bt, sn, un) - } - function gn(e) { - return yn(e, !1, Ut, ln, pn) - } - function bn(e) { - return yn(e, !0, jt, cn, hn) - } - function vn(e) { - return yn(e, !0, Ft, dn, fn) - } - function yn(e, t, n, r, a) { - if (!Se(e)) return e - if (e.__v_raw && (!t || !e.__v_isReactive)) return e - const o = a.get(e) - if (o) return o - const i = - (s = e).__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(s) - ? 0 - : (function (e) { - switch (e) { - case "Object": - case "Array": - return 1 - case "Map": - case "Set": - case "WeakMap": - case "WeakSet": - return 2 - default: - return 0 - } - })(Ce(s)) - var s - if (0 === i) return e - const l = new Proxy(e, 2 === i ? r : n) - return a.set(e, l), l - } - function On(e) { - return wn(e) ? On(e.__v_raw) : !(!e || !e.__v_isReactive) - } - function wn(e) { - return !(!e || !e.__v_isReadonly) - } - function xn(e) { - return !(!e || !e.__v_isShallow) - } - function kn(e) { - return !!e && !!e.__v_raw - } - function _n(e) { - const t = e && e.__v_raw - return t ? _n(t) : e - } - const Sn = (e) => (Se(e) ? mn(e) : e), - En = (e) => (Se(e) ? bn(e) : e) - class Tn { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - ;(this.getter = e), - (this._setter = t), - (this.dep = void 0), - (this.__v_isRef = !0), - (this.__v_isReadonly = !1), - (this.effect = new pt( - () => e(this._value), - () => Cn(this, 2 === this.effect._dirtyLevel ? 2 : 3), - )), - (this.effect.computed = this), - (this.effect.active = this._cacheable = !r), - (this.__v_isReadonly = n) - } - get value() { - const e = _n(this) - return ( - (e._cacheable && !e.effect.dirty) || !je(e._value, (e._value = e.effect.run())) || Cn(e, 4), - An(e), - e.effect._dirtyLevel >= 2 && Cn(e, 2), - e._value - ) - } - set value(e) { - this._setter(e) - } - get _dirty() { - return this.effect.dirty - } - set _dirty(e) { - this.effect.dirty = e - } - } - function An(e) { - var t - gt && - lt && - ((e = _n(e)), - kt(lt, null != (t = e.dep) ? t : (e.dep = Et(() => (e.dep = void 0), e instanceof Tn ? e : void 0)))) - } - function Cn(e, t = 4, n, r) { - const a = (e = _n(e)).dep - a && St(a, t) - } - function Pn(e) { - return !(!e || !0 !== e.__v_isRef) - } - function Dn(e) { - return Nn(e, !1) - } - function Rn(e) { - return Nn(e, !0) - } - function Nn(e, t) { - return Pn(e) ? e : new $n(e, t) - } - class $n { - constructor(e, t) { - ;(this.__v_isShallow = t), - (this.dep = void 0), - (this.__v_isRef = !0), - (this._rawValue = t ? e : _n(e)), - (this._value = t ? e : Sn(e)) - } - get value() { - return An(this), this._value - } - set value(e) { - const t = this.__v_isShallow || xn(e) || wn(e) - ;(e = t ? e : _n(e)), - je(e, this._rawValue) && (this._rawValue, (this._rawValue = e), (this._value = t ? e : Sn(e)), Cn(this, 4)) - } - } - function In(e) { - return Pn(e) ? e.value : e - } - function Mn(e) { - return xe(e) ? e() : In(e) - } - const Ln = { - get: (e, t, n) => In(Reflect.get(e, t, n)), - set: (e, t, n, r) => { - const a = e[t] - return Pn(a) && !Pn(n) ? ((a.value = n), !0) : Reflect.set(e, t, n, r) - }, - } - function Qn(e) { - return On(e) ? e : new Proxy(e, Ln) - } - class Bn { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.dep = void 0), (this.__v_isRef = !0) - const { get: t, set: n } = e( - () => An(this), - () => Cn(this), - ) - ;(this._get = t), (this._set = n) - } - get value() { - return this._get() - } - set value(e) { - this._set(e) - } - } - function jn(e) { - const t = ve(e) ? new Array(e.length) : {} - for (const n in e) t[n] = qn(e, n) - return t - } - class Un { - constructor(e, t, n) { - ;(this._object = e), (this._key = t), (this._defaultValue = n), (this.__v_isRef = !0) - } - get value() { - const e = this._object[this._key] - return void 0 === e ? this._defaultValue : e - } - set value(e) { - this._object[this._key] = e - } - get dep() { - return (function (e, t) { - const n = Tt.get(e) - return n && n.get(t) - })(_n(this._object), this._key) - } - } - class Fn { - constructor(e) { - ;(this._getter = e), (this.__v_isRef = !0), (this.__v_isReadonly = !0) - } - get value() { - return this._getter() - } - } - function zn(e, t, n) { - return Pn(e) ? e : xe(e) ? new Fn(e) : Se(e) && arguments.length > 1 ? qn(e, t, n) : Dn(e) - } - function qn(e, t, n) { - const r = e[t] - return Pn(r) ? r : new Un(e, t, n) - } - /** - * @vue/runtime-core v3.4.31 - * (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors - * @license MIT - **/ function Zn(e, t, n, r) { - try { - return r ? e(...r) : e() - } catch (e) { - Vn(e, t, n) - } - } - function Hn(e, t, n, r) { - if (xe(e)) { - const a = Zn(e, t, n, r) - return ( - a && - Ee(a) && - a.catch((e) => { - Vn(e, t, n) - }), - a - ) - } - if (ve(e)) { - const a = [] - for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) a.push(Hn(e[o], t, n, r)) - return a - } - } - function Vn(e, t, n, r = !0) { - if ((t && t.vnode, t)) { - let r = t.parent - const a = t.proxy, - o = `https://vuejs.org/error-reference/#runtime-${n}` - for (; r; ) { - const t = r.ec - if (t) for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (!1 === t[n](e, a, o)) return - r = r.parent - } - const i = t.appContext.config.errorHandler - if (i) return yt(), Zn(i, null, 10, [e, a, o]), void Ot() - } - !(function (e, t, n, r = !0) { - console.error(e) - })(e, 0, 0, r) - } - let Wn = !1, - Xn = !1 - const Yn = [] - let Gn = 0 - const Kn = [] - let Jn = null, - er = 0 - const tr = Promise.resolve() - let nr = null - function rr(e) { - const t = nr || tr - return e ? t.then(this ? e.bind(this) : e) : t - } - function ar(e) { - ;(Yn.length && Yn.includes(e, Wn && e.allowRecurse ? Gn + 1 : Gn)) || - (null == e.id - ? Yn.push(e) - : Yn.splice( - (function (e) { - let t = Gn + 1, - n = Yn.length - for (; t < n; ) { - const r = (t + n) >>> 1, - a = Yn[r], - o = lr(a) - o < e || (o === e && a.pre) ? (t = r + 1) : (n = r) - } - return t - })(e.id), - 0, - e, - ), - or()) - } - function or() { - Wn || Xn || ((Xn = !0), (nr = tr.then(dr))) - } - function ir(e, t, n = Wn ? Gn + 1 : 0) { - for (; n < Yn.length; n++) { - const t = Yn[n] - if (t && t.pre) { - if (e && t.id !== e.uid) continue - Yn.splice(n, 1), n--, t() - } - } - } - function sr(e) { - if (Kn.length) { - const e = [...new Set(Kn)].sort((e, t) => lr(e) - lr(t)) - if (((Kn.length = 0), Jn)) return void Jn.push(...e) - for (Jn = e, er = 0; er < Jn.length; er++) { - const e = Jn[er] - !1 !== e.active && e() - } - ;(Jn = null), (er = 0) - } - } - const lr = (e) => (null == e.id ? 1 / 0 : e.id), - cr = (e, t) => { - const n = lr(e) - lr(t) - if (0 === n) { - if (e.pre && !t.pre) return -1 - if (t.pre && !e.pre) return 1 - } - return n - } - function dr(e) { - ;(Xn = !1), (Wn = !0), Yn.sort(cr) - try { - for (Gn = 0; Gn < Yn.length; Gn++) { - const e = Yn[Gn] - e && !1 !== e.active && Zn(e, null, 14) - } - } finally { - ;(Gn = 0), (Yn.length = 0), sr(), (Wn = !1), (nr = null), (Yn.length || Kn.length) && dr() - } - } - function ur(e, t, ...n) { - if (e.isUnmounted) return - const r = e.vnode.props || le - let a = n - const o = t.startsWith("update:"), - i = o && t.slice(7) - if (i && i in r) { - const e = `${"modelValue" === i ? "model" : i}Modifiers`, - { number: t, trim: o } = r[e] || le - o && (a = n.map((e) => (ke(e) ? e.trim() : e))), t && (a = n.map(ze)) - } - let s, - l = r[(s = Be(t))] || r[(s = Be(Ie(t)))] - !l && o && (l = r[(s = Be(Le(t)))]), l && Hn(l, e, 6, a) - const c = r[s + "Once"] - if (c) { - if (e.emitted) { - if (e.emitted[s]) return - } else e.emitted = {} - ;(e.emitted[s] = !0), Hn(c, e, 6, a) - } - } - function pr(e, t, n = !1) { - const r = t.emitsCache, - a = r.get(e) - if (void 0 !== a) return a - const o = e.emits - let i = {}, - s = !1 - if (!xe(e)) { - const r = (e) => { - const n = pr(e, t, !0) - n && ((s = !0), fe(i, n)) - } - !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(r), e.extends && r(e.extends), e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(r) - } - return o || s - ? (ve(o) ? o.forEach((e) => (i[e] = null)) : fe(i, o), Se(e) && r.set(e, i), i) - : (Se(e) && r.set(e, null), null) - } - function hr(e, t) { - return ( - !(!e || !pe(t)) && - ((t = t.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, "")), be(e, t[0].toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)) || be(e, Le(t)) || be(e, t)) - ) - } - let fr = null, - mr = null - function gr(e) { - const t = fr - return (fr = e), (mr = (e && e.type.__scopeId) || null), t - } - function br(e) { - mr = e - } - function vr() { - mr = null - } - function yr(e, t = fr, n) { - if (!t) return e - if (e._n) return e - const r = (...n) => { - r._d && _o(-1) - const a = gr(t) - let o - try { - o = e(...n) - } finally { - gr(a), r._d && _o(1) - } - return o - } - return (r._n = !0), (r._c = !0), (r._d = !0), r - } - function Or(e) { - const { - type: t, - vnode: n, - proxy: r, - withProxy: a, - propsOptions: [o], - slots: i, - attrs: s, - emit: l, - render: c, - renderCache: d, - props: u, - data: p, - setupState: h, - ctx: f, - inheritAttrs: m, - } = e, - g = gr(e) - let b, v - try { - if (4 & n.shapeFlag) { - const e = a || r, - t = e - ;(b = Bo(c.call(t, e, d, u, h, p, f))), (v = s) - } else { - const e = t - ;(b = Bo(e.length > 1 ? e(u, { attrs: s, slots: i, emit: l }) : e(u, null))), (v = t.props ? s : wr(s)) - } - } catch (t) { - ;(Oo.length = 0), Vn(t, e, 1), (b = No(vo)) - } - let y = b - if (v && !1 !== m) { - const e = Object.keys(v), - { shapeFlag: t } = y - e.length && 7 & t && (o && e.some(he) && (v = xr(v, o)), (y = Io(y, v, !1, !0))) - } - return ( - n.dirs && ((y = Io(y, null, !1, !0)), (y.dirs = y.dirs ? y.dirs.concat(n.dirs) : n.dirs)), - n.transition && (y.transition = n.transition), - (b = y), - gr(g), - b - ) - } - const wr = (e) => { - let t - for (const n in e) ("class" === n || "style" === n || pe(n)) && ((t || (t = {}))[n] = e[n]) - return t - }, - xr = (e, t) => { - const n = {} - for (const r in e) (he(r) && r.slice(9) in t) || (n[r] = e[r]) - return n - } - function kr(e, t, n) { - const r = Object.keys(t) - if (r.length !== Object.keys(e).length) return !0 - for (let a = 0; a < r.length; a++) { - const o = r[a] - if (t[o] !== e[o] && !hr(n, o)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - const _r = "components" - function Sr(e, t) { - return Ar(_r, e, !0, t) || e - } - const Er = Symbol.for("v-ndc") - function Tr(e) { - return ke(e) ? Ar(_r, e, !1) || e : e || Er - } - function Ar(e, t, n = !0, r = !1) { - const a = fr || Ho - if (a) { - const n = a.type - { - const e = (function (e, t = !0) { - return xe(e) ? e.displayName || e.name : e.name || (t && e.__name) - })(n, !1) - if (e && (e === t || e === Ie(t) || e === Qe(Ie(t)))) return n - } - const o = Cr(a[e] || n[e], t) || Cr(a.appContext[e], t) - return !o && r ? n : o - } - } - function Cr(e, t) { - return e && (e[t] || e[Ie(t)] || e[Qe(Ie(t))]) - } - function Pr(e, t, n = Ho, r = !1) { - if (n) { - const a = n[e] || (n[e] = []), - o = - t.__weh || - (t.__weh = (...r) => { - yt() - const a = Yo(n), - o = Hn(t, n, e, r) - return a(), Ot(), o - }) - return r ? a.unshift(o) : a.push(o), o - } - } - const Dr = - (e) => - (t, n = Ho) => { - ;(ei && "sp" !== e) || Pr(e, (...e) => t(...e), n) - }, - Rr = Dr("bm"), - Nr = Dr("m"), - $r = Dr("bu"), - Ir = Dr("u"), - Mr = Dr("bum"), - Lr = Dr("um"), - Qr = Dr("sp"), - Br = Dr("rtg"), - jr = Dr("rtc") - function Ur(e, t = Ho) { - Pr("ec", e, t) - } - function Fr(e, t) { - if (null === fr) return e - const n = oi(fr), - r = e.dirs || (e.dirs = []) - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { - let [a, o, i, s = le] = t[e] - a && - (xe(a) && (a = { mounted: a, updated: a }), - a.deep && eo(o), - r.push({ dir: a, instance: n, value: o, oldValue: void 0, arg: i, modifiers: s })) - } - return e - } - function zr(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.dirs, - o = t && t.dirs - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { - const s = a[i] - o && (s.oldValue = o[i].value) - let l = s.dir[r] - l && (yt(), Hn(l, n, 8, [e.el, s, e, t]), Ot()) - } - } - function qr(e, t, n, r) { - let a - const o = n - if (ve(e) || ke(e)) { - a = new Array(e.length) - for (let n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) a[n] = t(e[n], n, void 0, o) - } else if ("number" == typeof e) { - a = new Array(e) - for (let n = 0; n < e; n++) a[n] = t(n + 1, n, void 0, o) - } else if (Se(e)) - if (e[Symbol.iterator]) a = Array.from(e, (e, n) => t(e, n, void 0, o)) - else { - const n = Object.keys(e) - a = new Array(n.length) - for (let r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) { - const i = n[r] - a[r] = t(e[i], i, r, o) - } - } - else a = [] - return a - } - function Zr(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - const r = t[n] - if (ve(r)) for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t++) e[r[t].name] = r[t].fn - else - r && - (e[r.name] = r.key - ? (...e) => { - const t = r.fn(...e) - return t && (t.key = r.key), t - } - : r.fn) - } - return e - } - /*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ function Hr(e, t) { - return xe(e) ? fe({ name: e.name }, t, { setup: e }) : e - } - const Vr = (e) => !!e.type.__asyncLoader - /*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ function Wr(e, t) { - const { ref: n, props: r, children: a, ce: o } = t.vnode, - i = No(e, r, a) - return (i.ref = n), (i.ce = o), delete t.vnode.ce, i - } - function Xr(e, t, n = {}, r, a) { - if (fr.isCE || (fr.parent && Vr(fr.parent) && fr.parent.isCE)) - return "default" !== t && (n.name = t), No("slot", n, r && r()) - let o = e[t] - o && o._c && (o._d = !1), xo() - const i = o && Yr(o(n)), - s = To(go, { key: n.key || (i && i.key) || `_${t}` }, i || (r ? r() : []), i && 1 === e._ ? 64 : -2) - return !a && s.scopeId && (s.slotScopeIds = [s.scopeId + "-s"]), o && o._c && (o._d = !0), s - } - function Yr(e) { - return e.some((e) => !Ao(e) || (e.type !== vo && !(e.type === go && !Yr(e.children)))) ? e : null - } - function Gr(e, t) { - const n = {} - for (const t in e) n[Be(t)] = e[t] - return n - } - const Kr = (e) => (e ? (Ko(e) ? oi(e) : Kr(e.parent)) : null), - Jr = fe(Object.create(null), { - $: (e) => e, - $el: (e) => e.vnode.el, - $data: (e) => e.data, - $props: (e) => e.props, - $attrs: (e) => e.attrs, - $slots: (e) => e.slots, - $refs: (e) => e.refs, - $parent: (e) => Kr(e.parent), - $root: (e) => Kr(e.root), - $emit: (e) => e.emit, - $options: (e) => ca(e), - $forceUpdate: (e) => - e.f || - (e.f = () => { - ;(e.effect.dirty = !0), ar(e.update) - }), - $nextTick: (e) => e.n || (e.n = rr.bind(e.proxy)), - $watch: (e) => Ka.bind(e), - }), - ea = (e, t) => e !== le && !e.__isScriptSetup && be(e, t), - ta = { - get({ _: e }, t) { - if ("__v_skip" === t) return !0 - const { ctx: n, setupState: r, data: a, props: o, accessCache: i, type: s, appContext: l } = e - let c - if ("$" !== t[0]) { - const s = i[t] - if (void 0 !== s) - switch (s) { - case 1: - return r[t] - case 2: - return a[t] - case 4: - return n[t] - case 3: - return o[t] - } - else { - if (ea(r, t)) return (i[t] = 1), r[t] - if (a !== le && be(a, t)) return (i[t] = 2), a[t] - if ((c = e.propsOptions[0]) && be(c, t)) return (i[t] = 3), o[t] - if (n !== le && be(n, t)) return (i[t] = 4), n[t] - ia && (i[t] = 0) - } - } - const d = Jr[t] - let u, p - return d - ? ("$attrs" === t && Pt(e.attrs, 0, ""), d(e)) - : (u = s.__cssModules) && (u = u[t]) - ? u - : n !== le && be(n, t) - ? ((i[t] = 4), n[t]) - : ((p = l.config.globalProperties), be(p, t) ? p[t] : void 0) - }, - set({ _: e }, t, n) { - const { data: r, setupState: a, ctx: o } = e - return ea(a, t) - ? ((a[t] = n), !0) - : r !== le && be(r, t) - ? ((r[t] = n), !0) - : !(be(e.props, t) || ("$" === t[0] && t.slice(1) in e) || ((o[t] = n), 0)) - }, - has({ _: { data: e, setupState: t, accessCache: n, ctx: r, appContext: a, propsOptions: o } }, i) { - let s - return ( - !!n[i] || - (e !== le && be(e, i)) || - ea(t, i) || - ((s = o[0]) && be(s, i)) || - be(r, i) || - be(Jr, i) || - be(a.config.globalProperties, i) - ) - }, - defineProperty(e, t, n) { - return ( - null != n.get ? (e._.accessCache[t] = 0) : be(n, "value") && this.set(e, t, n.value, null), - Reflect.defineProperty(e, t, n) - ) - }, - } - function na() { - return aa().slots - } - function ra() { - return aa().attrs - } - function aa() { - const e = Vo() - return e.setupContext || (e.setupContext = ai(e)) - } - function oa(e) { - return ve(e) ? e.reduce((e, t) => ((e[t] = null), e), {}) : e - } - let ia = !0 - function sa(e, t, n) { - Hn(ve(e) ? e.map((e) => e.bind(t.proxy)) : e.bind(t.proxy), t, n) - } - function la(e, t, n, r) { - const a = r.includes(".") ? Ja(n, r) : () => n[r] - if (ke(e)) { - const n = t[e] - xe(n) && Ya(a, n) - } else if (xe(e)) Ya(a, e.bind(n)) - else if (Se(e)) - if (ve(e)) e.forEach((e) => la(e, t, n, r)) - else { - const r = xe(e.handler) ? e.handler.bind(n) : t[e.handler] - xe(r) && Ya(a, r, e) - } - } - function ca(e) { - const t = e.type, - { mixins: n, extends: r } = t, - { - mixins: a, - optionsCache: o, - config: { optionMergeStrategies: i }, - } = e.appContext, - s = o.get(t) - let l - return ( - s - ? (l = s) - : a.length || n || r - ? ((l = {}), a.length && a.forEach((e) => da(l, e, i, !0)), da(l, t, i)) - : (l = t), - Se(t) && o.set(t, l), - l - ) - } - function da(e, t, n, r = !1) { - const { mixins: a, extends: o } = t - o && da(e, o, n, !0), a && a.forEach((t) => da(e, t, n, !0)) - for (const a in t) - if (r && "expose" === a); - else { - const r = ua[a] || (n && n[a]) - e[a] = r ? r(e[a], t[a]) : t[a] - } - return e - } - const ua = { - data: pa, - props: ga, - emits: ga, - methods: ma, - computed: ma, - beforeCreate: fa, - created: fa, - beforeMount: fa, - mounted: fa, - beforeUpdate: fa, - updated: fa, - beforeDestroy: fa, - beforeUnmount: fa, - destroyed: fa, - unmounted: fa, - activated: fa, - deactivated: fa, - errorCaptured: fa, - serverPrefetch: fa, - components: ma, - directives: ma, - watch: function (e, t) { - if (!e) return t - if (!t) return e - const n = fe(Object.create(null), e) - for (const r in t) n[r] = fa(e[r], t[r]) - return n - }, - provide: pa, - inject: function (e, t) { - return ma(ha(e), ha(t)) - }, - } - function pa(e, t) { - return t - ? e - ? function () { - return fe(xe(e) ? e.call(this, this) : e, xe(t) ? t.call(this, this) : t) - } - : t - : e - } - function ha(e) { - if (ve(e)) { - const t = {} - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t[e[n]] = e[n] - return t - } - return e - } - function fa(e, t) { - return e ? [...new Set([].concat(e, t))] : t - } - function ma(e, t) { - return e ? fe(Object.create(null), e, t) : t - } - function ga(e, t) { - return e - ? ve(e) && ve(t) - ? [...new Set([...e, ...t])] - : fe(Object.create(null), oa(e), oa(null != t ? t : {})) - : t - } - function ba() { - return { - app: null, - config: { - isNativeTag: ue, - performance: !1, - globalProperties: {}, - optionMergeStrategies: {}, - errorHandler: void 0, - warnHandler: void 0, - compilerOptions: {}, - }, - mixins: [], - components: {}, - directives: {}, - provides: Object.create(null), - optionsCache: new WeakMap(), - propsCache: new WeakMap(), - emitsCache: new WeakMap(), - } - } - let va = 0 - function ya(e, t) { - return function (n, r = null) { - xe(n) || (n = fe({}, n)), null == r || Se(r) || (r = null) - const a = ba(), - o = new WeakSet() - let i = !1 - const s = (a.app = { - _uid: va++, - _component: n, - _props: r, - _container: null, - _context: a, - _instance: null, - version: li, - get config() { - return a.config - }, - set config(e) {}, - use: (e, ...t) => ( - o.has(e) || (e && xe(e.install) ? (o.add(e), e.install(s, ...t)) : xe(e) && (o.add(e), e(s, ...t))), s - ), - mixin: (e) => (a.mixins.includes(e) || a.mixins.push(e), s), - component: (e, t) => (t ? ((a.components[e] = t), s) : a.components[e]), - directive: (e, t) => (t ? ((a.directives[e] = t), s) : a.directives[e]), - mount(o, l, c) { - if (!i) { - const d = No(n, r) - return ( - (d.appContext = a), - !0 === c ? (c = "svg") : !1 === c && (c = void 0), - l && t ? t(d, o) : e(d, o, c), - (i = !0), - (s._container = o), - (o.__vue_app__ = s), - oi(d.component) - ) - } - }, - unmount() { - i && (e(null, s._container), delete s._container.__vue_app__) - }, - provide: (e, t) => ((a.provides[e] = t), s), - runWithContext(e) { - const t = Oa - Oa = s - try { - return e() - } finally { - Oa = t - } - }, - }) - return s - } - } - let Oa = null - function wa(e, t) { - if (Ho) { - let n = Ho.provides - const r = Ho.parent && Ho.parent.provides - r === n && (n = Ho.provides = Object.create(r)), (n[e] = t) - } - } - function xa(e, t, n = !1) { - const r = Ho || fr - if (r || Oa) { - const a = r - ? null == r.parent - ? r.vnode.appContext && r.vnode.appContext.provides - : r.parent.provides - : Oa._context.provides - if (a && e in a) return a[e] - if (arguments.length > 1) return n && xe(t) ? t.call(r && r.proxy) : t - } - } - const ka = {}, - _a = () => Object.create(ka), - Sa = (e) => Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === ka - function Ea(e, t, n, r) { - const [a, o] = e.propsOptions - let i, - s = !1 - if (t) - for (let l in t) { - if (Re(l)) continue - const c = t[l] - let d - a && be(a, (d = Ie(l))) - ? o && o.includes(d) - ? ((i || (i = {}))[d] = c) - : (n[d] = c) - : hr(e.emitsOptions, l) || (l in r && c === r[l]) || ((r[l] = c), (s = !0)) - } - if (o) { - const t = _n(n), - r = i || le - for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { - const s = o[i] - n[s] = Ta(a, t, s, r[s], e, !be(r, s)) - } - } - return s - } - function Ta(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = e[n] - if (null != i) { - const e = be(i, "default") - if (e && void 0 === r) { - const e = i.default - if (i.type !== Function && !i.skipFactory && xe(e)) { - const { propsDefaults: o } = a - if (n in o) r = o[n] - else { - const i = Yo(a) - ;(r = o[n] = e.call(null, t)), i() - } - } else r = e - } - i[0] && (o && !e ? (r = !1) : !i[1] || ("" !== r && r !== Le(n)) || (r = !0)) - } - return r - } - function Aa(e, t, n = !1) { - const r = t.propsCache, - a = r.get(e) - if (a) return a - const o = e.props, - i = {}, - s = [] - let l = !1 - if (!xe(e)) { - const r = (e) => { - l = !0 - const [n, r] = Aa(e, t, !0) - fe(i, n), r && s.push(...r) - } - !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(r), e.extends && r(e.extends), e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(r) - } - if (!o && !l) return Se(e) && r.set(e, ce), ce - if (ve(o)) - for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) { - const t = Ie(o[e]) - Ca(t) && (i[t] = le) - } - else if (o) - for (const e in o) { - const t = Ie(e) - if (Ca(t)) { - const n = o[e], - r = (i[t] = ve(n) || xe(n) ? { type: n } : fe({}, n)) - if (r) { - const e = Ra(Boolean, r.type), - n = Ra(String, r.type) - ;(r[0] = e > -1), (r[1] = n < 0 || e < n), (e > -1 || be(r, "default")) && s.push(t) - } - } - } - const c = [i, s] - return Se(e) && r.set(e, c), c - } - function Ca(e) { - return "$" !== e[0] && !Re(e) - } - function Pa(e) { - return null === e - ? "null" - : "function" == typeof e - ? e.name || "" - : ("object" == typeof e && e.constructor && e.constructor.name) || "" - } - function Da(e, t) { - return Pa(e) === Pa(t) - } - function Ra(e, t) { - return ve(t) ? t.findIndex((t) => Da(t, e)) : xe(t) && Da(t, e) ? 0 : -1 - } - const Na = (e) => "_" === e[0] || "$stable" === e, - $a = (e) => (ve(e) ? e.map(Bo) : [Bo(e)]), - Ia = (e, t, n) => { - if (t._n) return t - const r = yr((...e) => $a(t(...e)), n) - return (r._c = !1), r - }, - Ma = (e, t, n) => { - const r = e._ctx - for (const n in e) { - if (Na(n)) continue - const a = e[n] - if (xe(a)) t[n] = Ia(0, a, r) - else if (null != a) { - const e = $a(a) - t[n] = () => e - } - } - }, - La = (e, t) => { - const n = $a(t) - e.slots.default = () => n - } - function Qa(e, t, n, r, a = !1) { - if (ve(e)) return void e.forEach((e, o) => Qa(e, t && (ve(t) ? t[o] : t), n, r, a)) - if (Vr(r) && !a) return - const o = 4 & r.shapeFlag ? oi(r.component) : r.el, - i = a ? null : o, - { i: s, r: l } = e, - c = t && t.r, - d = s.refs === le ? (s.refs = {}) : s.refs, - u = s.setupState - if ( - (null != c && c !== l && (ke(c) ? ((d[c] = null), be(u, c) && (u[c] = null)) : Pn(c) && (c.value = null)), - xe(l)) - ) - Zn(l, s, 12, [i, d]) - else { - const t = ke(l), - r = Pn(l) - if (t || r) { - const s = () => { - if (e.f) { - const n = t ? (be(u, l) ? u[l] : d[l]) : l.value - a - ? ve(n) && me(n, o) - : ve(n) - ? n.includes(o) || n.push(o) - : t - ? ((d[l] = [o]), be(u, l) && (u[l] = d[l])) - : ((l.value = [o]), e.k && (d[e.k] = l.value)) - } else t ? ((d[l] = i), be(u, l) && (u[l] = i)) : r && ((l.value = i), e.k && (d[e.k] = i)) - } - i ? ((s.id = -1), Ba(s, n)) : s() - } - } - } - const Ba = function (e, t) { - var n - t && t.pendingBranch - ? ve(e) - ? t.effects.push(...e) - : t.effects.push(e) - : (ve((n = e)) ? Kn.push(...n) : (Jn && Jn.includes(n, n.allowRecurse ? er + 1 : er)) || Kn.push(n), or()) - } - function ja(e) { - return (function (e, t) { - Ze().__VUE__ = !0 - const { - insert: n, - remove: r, - patchProp: a, - createElement: o, - createText: i, - createComment: s, - setText: l, - setElementText: c, - parentNode: d, - nextSibling: u, - setScopeId: p = de, - insertStaticContent: h, - } = e, - f = (e, t, n, r = null, a = null, o = null, i = void 0, s = null, l = !!t.dynamicChildren) => { - if (e === t) return - e && !Co(e, t) && ((r = j(e)), I(e, a, o, !0), (e = null)), - -2 === t.patchFlag && ((l = !1), (t.dynamicChildren = null)) - const { type: c, ref: d, shapeFlag: u } = t - switch (c) { - case bo: - m(e, t, n, r) - break - case vo: - g(e, t, n, r) - break - case yo: - null == e && b(t, n, r, i) - break - case go: - S(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - break - default: - 1 & u - ? v(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - : 6 & u - ? E(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - : (64 & u || 128 & u) && c.process(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l, z) - } - null != d && a && Qa(d, e && e.ref, o, t || e, !t) - }, - m = (e, t, r, a) => { - if (null == e) n((t.el = i(t.children)), r, a) - else { - const n = (t.el = e.el) - t.children !== e.children && l(n, t.children) - } - }, - g = (e, t, r, a) => { - null == e ? n((t.el = s(t.children || "")), r, a) : (t.el = e.el) - }, - b = (e, t, n, r) => { - ;[e.el, e.anchor] = h(e.children, t, n, r, e.el, e.anchor) - }, - v = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) => { - "svg" === t.type ? (i = "svg") : "math" === t.type && (i = "mathml"), - null == e ? y(t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) : x(e, t, a, o, i, s, l) - }, - y = (e, t, r, i, s, l, d, u) => { - let p, h - const { props: f, shapeFlag: m, transition: g, dirs: b } = e - if ( - ((p = e.el = o(e.type, l, f && f.is, f)), - 8 & m ? c(p, e.children) : 16 & m && w(e.children, p, null, i, s, Ua(e, l), d, u), - b && zr(e, null, i, "created"), - O(p, e, e.scopeId, d, i), - f) - ) { - for (const t in f) "value" === t || Re(t) || a(p, t, null, f[t], l, e.children, i, s, B) - "value" in f && a(p, "value", null, f.value, l), (h = f.onVnodeBeforeMount) && zo(h, i, e) - } - b && zr(e, null, i, "beforeMount") - const v = (function (e, t) { - return (!e || (e && !e.pendingBranch)) && t && !t.persisted - })(s, g) - v && g.beforeEnter(p), - n(p, t, r), - ((h = f && f.onVnodeMounted) || v || b) && - Ba(() => { - h && zo(h, i, e), v && g.enter(p), b && zr(e, null, i, "mounted") - }, s) - }, - O = (e, t, n, r, a) => { - if ((n && p(e, n), r)) for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t++) p(e, r[t]) - if (a && t === a.subTree) { - const t = a.vnode - O(e, t, t.scopeId, t.slotScopeIds, a.parent) - } - }, - w = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l = 0) => { - for (let c = l; c < e.length; c++) { - const l = (e[c] = s ? jo(e[c]) : Bo(e[c])) - f(null, l, t, n, r, a, o, i, s) - } - }, - x = (e, t, n, r, o, i, s) => { - const l = (t.el = e.el) - let { patchFlag: d, dynamicChildren: u, dirs: p } = t - d |= 16 & e.patchFlag - const h = e.props || le, - f = t.props || le - let m - if ( - (n && Fa(n, !1), - (m = f.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && zo(m, n, t, e), - p && zr(t, e, n, "beforeUpdate"), - n && Fa(n, !0), - u ? k(e.dynamicChildren, u, l, n, r, Ua(t, o), i) : s || D(e, t, l, null, n, r, Ua(t, o), i, !1), - d > 0) - ) { - if (16 & d) _(l, t, h, f, n, r, o) - else if ( - (2 & d && h.class !== f.class && a(l, "class", null, f.class, o), - 4 & d && a(l, "style", h.style, f.style, o), - 8 & d) - ) { - const i = t.dynamicProps - for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t++) { - const s = i[t], - c = h[s], - d = f[s] - ;(d === c && "value" !== s) || a(l, s, c, d, o, e.children, n, r, B) - } - } - 1 & d && e.children !== t.children && c(l, t.children) - } else s || null != u || _(l, t, h, f, n, r, o) - ;((m = f.onVnodeUpdated) || p) && - Ba(() => { - m && zo(m, n, t, e), p && zr(t, e, n, "updated") - }, r) - }, - k = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i) => { - for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { - const l = e[s], - c = t[s], - u = l.el && (l.type === go || !Co(l, c) || 70 & l.shapeFlag) ? d(l.el) : n - f(l, c, u, null, r, a, o, i, !0) - } - }, - _ = (e, t, n, r, o, i, s) => { - if (n !== r) { - if (n !== le) for (const l in n) Re(l) || l in r || a(e, l, n[l], null, s, t.children, o, i, B) - for (const l in r) { - if (Re(l)) continue - const c = r[l], - d = n[l] - c !== d && "value" !== l && a(e, l, d, c, s, t.children, o, i, B) - } - "value" in r && a(e, "value", n.value, r.value, s) - } - }, - S = (e, t, r, a, o, s, l, c, d) => { - const u = (t.el = e ? e.el : i("")), - p = (t.anchor = e ? e.anchor : i("")) - let { patchFlag: h, dynamicChildren: f, slotScopeIds: m } = t - m && (c = c ? c.concat(m) : m), - null == e - ? (n(u, r, a), n(p, r, a), w(t.children || [], r, p, o, s, l, c, d)) - : h > 0 && 64 & h && f && e.dynamicChildren - ? (k(e.dynamicChildren, f, r, o, s, l, c), (null != t.key || (o && t === o.subTree)) && za(e, t, !0)) - : D(e, t, r, p, o, s, l, c, d) - }, - E = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) => { - ;(t.slotScopeIds = s), - null == e ? (512 & t.shapeFlag ? a.ctx.activate(t, n, r, i, l) : T(t, n, r, a, o, i, l)) : A(e, t, l) - }, - T = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i) => { - const s = (e.component = (function (e, t, n) { - const r = e.type, - a = (t ? t.appContext : e.appContext) || qo, - o = { - uid: Zo++, - vnode: e, - type: r, - parent: t, - appContext: a, - root: null, - next: null, - subTree: null, - effect: null, - update: null, - scope: new ct(!0), - render: null, - proxy: null, - exposed: null, - exposeProxy: null, - withProxy: null, - provides: t ? t.provides : Object.create(a.provides), - accessCache: null, - renderCache: [], - components: null, - directives: null, - propsOptions: Aa(r, a), - emitsOptions: pr(r, a), - emit: null, - emitted: null, - propsDefaults: le, - inheritAttrs: r.inheritAttrs, - ctx: le, - data: le, - props: le, - attrs: le, - slots: le, - refs: le, - setupState: le, - setupContext: null, - attrsProxy: null, - slotsProxy: null, - suspense: n, - suspenseId: n ? n.pendingId : 0, - asyncDep: null, - asyncResolved: !1, - isMounted: !1, - isUnmounted: !1, - isDeactivated: !1, - bc: null, - c: null, - bm: null, - m: null, - bu: null, - u: null, - um: null, - bum: null, - da: null, - a: null, - rtg: null, - rtc: null, - ec: null, - sp: null, - } - return (o.ctx = { _: o }), (o.root = t ? t.root : o), (o.emit = ur.bind(null, o)), e.ce && e.ce(o), o - })(e, r, a)) - if ( - (to(e) && (s.ctx.renderer = z), - (function (e, t = !1) { - t && Xo(t) - const { props: n, children: r } = e.vnode, - a = Ko(e) - ;(function (e, t, n, r = !1) { - const a = {}, - o = _a() - ;(e.propsDefaults = Object.create(null)), Ea(e, t, a, o) - for (const t in e.propsOptions[0]) t in a || (a[t] = void 0) - n ? (e.props = r ? a : gn(a)) : e.type.props ? (e.props = a) : (e.props = o), (e.attrs = o) - })(e, n, a, t), - ((e, t) => { - const n = (e.slots = _a()) - if (32 & e.vnode.shapeFlag) { - const e = t._ - e ? (fe(n, t), Fe(n, "_", e, !0)) : Ma(t, n) - } else t && La(e, t) - })(e, r) - a && - (function (e, t) { - const n = e.type - ;(e.accessCache = Object.create(null)), (e.proxy = new Proxy(e.ctx, ta)) - const { setup: r } = n - if (r) { - const n = (e.setupContext = r.length > 1 ? ai(e) : null), - a = Yo(e) - yt() - const o = Zn(r, e, 0, [e.props, n]) - if ((Ot(), a(), Ee(o))) { - if ((o.then(Go, Go), t)) - return o - .then((n) => { - ti(e, n, t) - }) - .catch((t) => { - Vn(t, e, 0) - }) - e.asyncDep = o - } else ti(e, o, t) - } else ni(e, t) - })(e, t) - t && Xo(!1) - })(s), - s.asyncDep) - ) { - if ((a && a.registerDep(s, C, i), !e.el)) { - const e = (s.subTree = No(vo)) - g(null, e, t, n) - } - } else C(s, e, t, n, a, o, i) - }, - A = (e, t, n) => { - const r = (t.component = e.component) - if ( - (function (e, t, n) { - const { props: r, children: a, component: o } = e, - { props: i, children: s, patchFlag: l } = t, - c = o.emitsOptions - if (t.dirs || t.transition) return !0 - if (!(n && l >= 0)) - return !((!a && !s) || (s && s.$stable)) || (r !== i && (r ? !i || kr(r, i, c) : !!i)) - if (1024 & l) return !0 - if (16 & l) return r ? kr(r, i, c) : !!i - if (8 & l) { - const e = t.dynamicProps - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { - const n = e[t] - if (i[n] !== r[n] && !hr(c, n)) return !0 - } - } - return !1 - })(e, t, n) - ) { - if (r.asyncDep && !r.asyncResolved) return void P(r, t, n) - ;(r.next = t), - (function (e) { - const t = Yn.indexOf(e) - t > Gn && Yn.splice(t, 1) - })(r.update), - (r.effect.dirty = !0), - r.update() - } else (t.el = e.el), (r.vnode = t) - }, - C = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i) => { - const s = () => { - if (e.isMounted) { - let { next: t, bu: n, u: r, parent: l, vnode: c } = e - { - const n = qa(e) - if (n) - return ( - t && ((t.el = c.el), P(e, t, i)), - void n.asyncDep.then(() => { - e.isUnmounted || s() - }) - ) - } - let u, - p = t - Fa(e, !1), - t ? ((t.el = c.el), P(e, t, i)) : (t = c), - n && Ue(n), - (u = t.props && t.props.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && zo(u, l, t, c), - Fa(e, !0) - const h = Or(e), - m = e.subTree - ;(e.subTree = h), - f(m, h, d(m.el), j(m), e, a, o), - (t.el = h.el), - null === p && - (function ({ vnode: e, parent: t }, n) { - for (; t; ) { - const r = t.subTree - if ((r.suspense && r.suspense.activeBranch === e && (r.el = e.el), r !== e)) break - ;((e = t.vnode).el = n), (t = t.parent) - } - })(e, h.el), - r && Ba(r, a), - (u = t.props && t.props.onVnodeUpdated) && Ba(() => zo(u, l, t, c), a) - } else { - let i - const { el: s, props: l } = t, - { bm: c, m: d, parent: u } = e, - p = Vr(t) - Fa(e, !1), c && Ue(c), !p && (i = l && l.onVnodeBeforeMount) && zo(i, u, t), Fa(e, !0) - { - const i = (e.subTree = Or(e)) - f(null, i, n, r, e, a, o), (t.el = i.el) - } - if ((d && Ba(d, a), !p && (i = l && l.onVnodeMounted))) { - const e = t - Ba(() => zo(i, u, e), a) - } - ;(256 & t.shapeFlag || (u && Vr(u.vnode) && 256 & u.vnode.shapeFlag)) && e.a && Ba(e.a, a), - (e.isMounted = !0), - (t = n = r = null) - } - }, - l = (e.effect = new pt(s, de, () => ar(c), e.scope)), - c = (e.update = () => { - l.dirty && l.run() - }) - ;(c.id = e.uid), Fa(e, !0), c() - }, - P = (e, t, n) => { - t.component = e - const r = e.vnode.props - ;(e.vnode = t), - (e.next = null), - (function (e, t, n, r) { - const { - props: a, - attrs: o, - vnode: { patchFlag: i }, - } = e, - s = _n(a), - [l] = e.propsOptions - let c = !1 - if (!(r || i > 0) || 16 & i) { - let r - Ea(e, t, a, o) && (c = !0) - for (const o in s) - (t && (be(t, o) || ((r = Le(o)) !== o && be(t, r)))) || - (l - ? !n || (void 0 === n[o] && void 0 === n[r]) || (a[o] = Ta(l, s, o, void 0, e, !0)) - : delete a[o]) - if (o !== s) for (const e in o) (t && be(t, e)) || (delete o[e], (c = !0)) - } else if (8 & i) { - const n = e.vnode.dynamicProps - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { - let i = n[r] - if (hr(e.emitsOptions, i)) continue - const d = t[i] - if (l) - if (be(o, i)) d !== o[i] && ((o[i] = d), (c = !0)) - else { - const t = Ie(i) - a[t] = Ta(l, s, t, d, e, !1) - } - else d !== o[i] && ((o[i] = d), (c = !0)) - } - } - c && Dt(e.attrs, "set", "") - })(e, t.props, r, n), - ((e, t, n) => { - const { vnode: r, slots: a } = e - let o = !0, - i = le - if (32 & r.shapeFlag) { - const e = t._ - e ? (n && 1 === e ? (o = !1) : (fe(a, t), n || 1 !== e || delete a._)) : ((o = !t.$stable), Ma(t, a)), - (i = t) - } else t && (La(e, t), (i = { default: 1 })) - if (o) for (const e in a) Na(e) || null != i[e] || delete a[e] - })(e, t.children, n), - yt(), - ir(e), - Ot() - }, - D = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l = !1) => { - const d = e && e.children, - u = e ? e.shapeFlag : 0, - p = t.children, - { patchFlag: h, shapeFlag: f } = t - if (h > 0) { - if (128 & h) return void N(d, p, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - if (256 & h) return void R(d, p, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - } - 8 & f - ? (16 & u && B(d, a, o), p !== d && c(n, p)) - : 16 & u - ? 16 & f - ? N(d, p, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) - : B(d, a, o, !0) - : (8 & u && c(n, ""), 16 & f && w(p, n, r, a, o, i, s, l)) - }, - R = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) => { - t = t || ce - const c = (e = e || ce).length, - d = t.length, - u = Math.min(c, d) - let p - for (p = 0; p < u; p++) { - const r = (t[p] = l ? jo(t[p]) : Bo(t[p])) - f(e[p], r, n, null, a, o, i, s, l) - } - c > d ? B(e, a, o, !0, !1, u) : w(t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l, u) - }, - N = (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) => { - let c = 0 - const d = t.length - let u = e.length - 1, - p = d - 1 - for (; c <= u && c <= p; ) { - const r = e[c], - d = (t[c] = l ? jo(t[c]) : Bo(t[c])) - if (!Co(r, d)) break - f(r, d, n, null, a, o, i, s, l), c++ - } - for (; c <= u && c <= p; ) { - const r = e[u], - c = (t[p] = l ? jo(t[p]) : Bo(t[p])) - if (!Co(r, c)) break - f(r, c, n, null, a, o, i, s, l), u--, p-- - } - if (c > u) { - if (c <= p) { - const e = p + 1, - u = e < d ? t[e].el : r - for (; c <= p; ) f(null, (t[c] = l ? jo(t[c]) : Bo(t[c])), n, u, a, o, i, s, l), c++ - } - } else if (c > p) for (; c <= u; ) I(e[c], a, o, !0), c++ - else { - const h = c, - m = c, - g = new Map() - for (c = m; c <= p; c++) { - const e = (t[c] = l ? jo(t[c]) : Bo(t[c])) - null != e.key && g.set(e.key, c) - } - let b, - v = 0 - const y = p - m + 1 - let O = !1, - w = 0 - const x = new Array(y) - for (c = 0; c < y; c++) x[c] = 0 - for (c = h; c <= u; c++) { - const r = e[c] - if (v >= y) { - I(r, a, o, !0) - continue - } - let d - if (null != r.key) d = g.get(r.key) - else - for (b = m; b <= p; b++) - if (0 === x[b - m] && Co(r, t[b])) { - d = b - break - } - void 0 === d - ? I(r, a, o, !0) - : ((x[d - m] = c + 1), d >= w ? (w = d) : (O = !0), f(r, t[d], n, null, a, o, i, s, l), v++) - } - const k = O - ? (function (e) { - const t = e.slice(), - n = [0] - let r, a, o, i, s - const l = e.length - for (r = 0; r < l; r++) { - const l = e[r] - if (0 !== l) { - if (((a = n[n.length - 1]), e[a] < l)) { - ;(t[r] = a), n.push(r) - continue - } - for (o = 0, i = n.length - 1; o < i; ) (s = (o + i) >> 1), e[n[s]] < l ? (o = s + 1) : (i = s) - l < e[n[o]] && (o > 0 && (t[r] = n[o - 1]), (n[o] = r)) - } - } - for (o = n.length, i = n[o - 1]; o-- > 0; ) (n[o] = i), (i = t[i]) - return n - })(x) - : ce - for (b = k.length - 1, c = y - 1; c >= 0; c--) { - const e = m + c, - u = t[e], - p = e + 1 < d ? t[e + 1].el : r - 0 === x[c] ? f(null, u, n, p, a, o, i, s, l) : O && (b < 0 || c !== k[b] ? $(u, n, p, 2) : b--) - } - } - }, - $ = (e, t, r, a, o = null) => { - const { el: i, type: s, transition: l, children: c, shapeFlag: d } = e - if (6 & d) $(e.component.subTree, t, r, a) - else if (128 & d) e.suspense.move(t, r, a) - else if (64 & d) s.move(e, t, r, z) - else if (s !== go) - if (s !== yo) - if (2 !== a && 1 & d && l) - if (0 === a) l.beforeEnter(i), n(i, t, r), Ba(() => l.enter(i), o) - else { - const { leave: e, delayLeave: a, afterLeave: o } = l, - s = () => n(i, t, r), - c = () => { - e(i, () => { - s(), o && o() - }) - } - a ? a(i, s, c) : c() - } - else n(i, t, r) - else - (({ el: e, anchor: t }, r, a) => { - let o - for (; e && e !== t; ) (o = u(e)), n(e, r, a), (e = o) - n(t, r, a) - })(e, t, r) - else { - n(i, t, r) - for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++) $(c[e], t, r, a) - n(e.anchor, t, r) - } - }, - I = (e, t, n, r = !1, a = !1) => { - const { - type: o, - props: i, - ref: s, - children: l, - dynamicChildren: c, - shapeFlag: d, - patchFlag: u, - dirs: p, - memoIndex: h, - } = e - if ( - (-2 === u && (a = !1), - null != s && Qa(s, null, n, e, !0), - null != h && (t.renderCache[h] = void 0), - 256 & d) - ) - return void t.ctx.deactivate(e) - const f = 1 & d && p, - m = !Vr(e) - let g - if ((m && (g = i && i.onVnodeBeforeUnmount) && zo(g, t, e), 6 & d)) Q(e.component, n, r) - else { - if (128 & d) return void e.suspense.unmount(n, r) - f && zr(e, null, t, "beforeUnmount"), - 64 & d - ? e.type.remove(e, t, n, z, r) - : c && (o !== go || (u > 0 && 64 & u)) - ? B(c, t, n, !1, !0) - : ((o === go && 384 & u) || (!a && 16 & d)) && B(l, t, n), - r && M(e) - } - ;((m && (g = i && i.onVnodeUnmounted)) || f) && - Ba(() => { - g && zo(g, t, e), f && zr(e, null, t, "unmounted") - }, n) - }, - M = (e) => { - const { type: t, el: n, anchor: a, transition: o } = e - if (t === go) return void L(n, a) - if (t === yo) - return void (({ el: e, anchor: t }) => { - let n - for (; e && e !== t; ) (n = u(e)), r(e), (e = n) - r(t) - })(e) - const i = () => { - r(n), o && !o.persisted && o.afterLeave && o.afterLeave() - } - if (1 & e.shapeFlag && o && !o.persisted) { - const { leave: t, delayLeave: r } = o, - a = () => t(n, i) - r ? r(e.el, i, a) : a() - } else i() - }, - L = (e, t) => { - let n - for (; e !== t; ) (n = u(e)), r(e), (e = n) - r(t) - }, - Q = (e, t, n) => { - const { bum: r, scope: a, update: o, subTree: i, um: s, m: l, a: c } = e - Za(l), - Za(c), - r && Ue(r), - a.stop(), - o && ((o.active = !1), I(i, e, t, n)), - s && Ba(s, t), - Ba(() => { - e.isUnmounted = !0 - }, t), - t && - t.pendingBranch && - !t.isUnmounted && - e.asyncDep && - !e.asyncResolved && - e.suspenseId === t.pendingId && - (t.deps--, 0 === t.deps && t.resolve()) - }, - B = (e, t, n, r = !1, a = !1, o = 0) => { - for (let i = o; i < e.length; i++) I(e[i], t, n, r, a) - }, - j = (e) => - 6 & e.shapeFlag ? j(e.component.subTree) : 128 & e.shapeFlag ? e.suspense.next() : u(e.anchor || e.el) - let U = !1 - const F = (e, t, n) => { - null == e ? t._vnode && I(t._vnode, null, null, !0) : f(t._vnode || null, e, t, null, null, null, n), - U || ((U = !0), ir(), sr(), (U = !1)), - (t._vnode = e) - }, - z = { p: f, um: I, m: $, r: M, mt: T, mc: w, pc: D, pbc: k, n: j, o: e } - let q - return { render: F, hydrate: q, createApp: ya(F, q) } - })(e) - } - function Ua({ type: e, props: t }, n) { - return ("svg" === n && "foreignObject" === e) || - ("mathml" === n && "annotation-xml" === e && t && t.encoding && t.encoding.includes("html")) - ? void 0 - : n - } - function Fa({ effect: e, update: t }, n) { - e.allowRecurse = t.allowRecurse = n - } - function za(e, t, n = !1) { - const r = e.children, - a = t.children - if (ve(r) && ve(a)) - for (let e = 0; e < r.length; e++) { - const t = r[e] - let o = a[e] - 1 & o.shapeFlag && - !o.dynamicChildren && - ((o.patchFlag <= 0 || 32 === o.patchFlag) && ((o = a[e] = jo(a[e])), (o.el = t.el)), - n || -2 === o.patchFlag || za(t, o)), - o.type === bo && (o.el = t.el) - } - } - function qa(e) { - const t = e.subTree.component - if (t) return t.asyncDep && !t.asyncResolved ? t : qa(t) - } - function Za(e) { - if (e) for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].active = !1 - } - const Ha = Symbol.for("v-scx"), - Va = () => xa(Ha) - function Wa(e, t) { - return Ga(e, null, t) - } - const Xa = {} - function Ya(e, t, n) { - return Ga(e, t, n) - } - function Ga(e, t, { immediate: n, deep: r, flush: a, once: o, onTrack: i, onTrigger: s } = le) { - if (t && o) { - const e = t - t = (...t) => { - e(...t), w() - } - } - const l = Ho, - c = (e) => (!0 === r ? e : eo(e, !1 === r ? 1 : void 0)) - let d, - u, - p = !1, - h = !1 - if ( - (Pn(e) - ? ((d = () => e.value), (p = xn(e))) - : On(e) - ? ((d = () => c(e)), (p = !0)) - : ve(e) - ? ((h = !0), - (p = e.some((e) => On(e) || xn(e))), - (d = () => e.map((e) => (Pn(e) ? e.value : On(e) ? c(e) : xe(e) ? Zn(e, l, 2) : void 0)))) - : (d = xe(e) ? (t ? () => Zn(e, l, 2) : () => (u && u(), Hn(e, l, 3, [m]))) : de), - t && r) - ) { - const e = d - d = () => eo(e()) - } - let f, - m = (e) => { - u = y.onStop = () => { - Zn(e, l, 4), (u = y.onStop = void 0) - } - } - if (ei) { - if (((m = de), t ? n && Hn(t, l, 3, [d(), h ? [] : void 0, m]) : d(), "sync" !== a)) return de - { - const e = Va() - f = e.__watcherHandles || (e.__watcherHandles = []) - } - } - let g = h ? new Array(e.length).fill(Xa) : Xa - const b = () => { - if (y.active && y.dirty) - if (t) { - const e = y.run() - ;(r || p || (h ? e.some((e, t) => je(e, g[t])) : je(e, g))) && - (u && u(), Hn(t, l, 3, [e, g === Xa ? void 0 : h && g[0] === Xa ? [] : g, m]), (g = e)) - } else y.run() - } - let v - ;(b.allowRecurse = !!t), - "sync" === a - ? (v = b) - : "post" === a - ? (v = () => Ba(b, l && l.suspense)) - : ((b.pre = !0), l && (b.id = l.uid), (v = () => ar(b))) - const y = new pt(d, de, v), - O = dt(), - w = () => { - y.stop(), O && me(O.effects, y) - } - return ( - t ? (n ? b() : (g = y.run())) : "post" === a ? Ba(y.run.bind(y), l && l.suspense) : y.run(), f && f.push(w), w - ) - } - function Ka(e, t, n) { - const r = this.proxy, - a = ke(e) ? (e.includes(".") ? Ja(r, e) : () => r[e]) : e.bind(r, r) - let o - xe(t) ? (o = t) : ((o = t.handler), (n = t)) - const i = Yo(this), - s = Ga(a, o.bind(r), n) - return i(), s - } - function Ja(e, t) { - const n = t.split(".") - return () => { - let t = e - for (let e = 0; e < n.length && t; e++) t = t[n[e]] - return t - } - } - function eo(e, t = 1 / 0, n) { - if (t <= 0 || !Se(e) || e.__v_skip) return e - if ((n = n || new Set()).has(e)) return e - if ((n.add(e), t--, Pn(e))) eo(e.value, t, n) - else if (ve(e)) for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) eo(e[r], t, n) - else if (Oe(e) || ye(e)) - e.forEach((e) => { - eo(e, t, n) - }) - else if (Pe(e)) { - for (const r in e) eo(e[r], t, n) - for (const r of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)) - Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r) && eo(e[r], t, n) - } - return e - } - const to = (e) => e.type.__isKeepAlive - function no(e, t) { - ao(e, "a", t) - } - function ro(e, t) { - ao(e, "da", t) - } - function ao(e, t, n = Ho) { - const r = - e.__wdc || - (e.__wdc = () => { - let t = n - for (; t; ) { - if (t.isDeactivated) return - t = t.parent - } - return e() - }) - if ((Pr(t, r, n), n)) { - let e = n.parent - for (; e && e.parent; ) to(e.parent.vnode) && oo(r, t, n, e), (e = e.parent) - } - } - function oo(e, t, n, r) { - const a = Pr(t, e, r, !0) - Lr(() => { - me(r[t], a) - }, n) - } - function io(e, t) { - 6 & e.shapeFlag && e.component - ? io(e.component.subTree, t) - : 128 & e.shapeFlag - ? ((e.ssContent.transition = t.clone(e.ssContent)), (e.ssFallback.transition = t.clone(e.ssFallback))) - : (e.transition = t) - } - const so = (e) => e && (e.disabled || "" === e.disabled), - lo = (e) => "undefined" != typeof SVGElement && e instanceof SVGElement, - co = (e) => "function" == typeof MathMLElement && e instanceof MathMLElement, - uo = (e, t) => { - const n = e && e.to - return ke(n) ? (t ? t(n) : null) : n - }, - po = { - name: "Teleport", - __isTeleport: !0, - process(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l, c) { - const { - mc: d, - pc: u, - pbc: p, - o: { insert: h, querySelector: f, createText: m, createComment: g }, - } = c, - b = so(t.props) - let { shapeFlag: v, children: y, dynamicChildren: O } = t - if (null == e) { - const e = (t.el = m("")), - c = (t.anchor = m("")) - h(e, n, r), h(c, n, r) - const u = (t.target = uo(t.props, f)), - p = (t.targetAnchor = m("")) - u && (h(p, u), "svg" === i || lo(u) ? (i = "svg") : ("mathml" === i || co(u)) && (i = "mathml")) - const g = (e, t) => { - 16 & v && d(y, e, t, a, o, i, s, l) - } - b ? g(n, c) : u && g(u, p) - } else { - t.el = e.el - const r = (t.anchor = e.anchor), - d = (t.target = e.target), - h = (t.targetAnchor = e.targetAnchor), - m = so(e.props), - g = m ? n : d, - v = m ? r : h - if ( - ("svg" === i || lo(d) ? (i = "svg") : ("mathml" === i || co(d)) && (i = "mathml"), - O ? (p(e.dynamicChildren, O, g, a, o, i, s), za(e, t, !0)) : l || u(e, t, g, v, a, o, i, s, !1), - b) - ) - m ? t.props && e.props && t.props.to !== e.props.to && (t.props.to = e.props.to) : ho(t, n, r, c, 1) - else if ((t.props && t.props.to) !== (e.props && e.props.to)) { - const e = (t.target = uo(t.props, f)) - e && ho(t, e, null, c, 0) - } else m && ho(t, d, h, c, 1) - } - mo(t) - }, - remove(e, t, n, { um: r, o: { remove: a } }, o) { - const { shapeFlag: i, children: s, anchor: l, targetAnchor: c, target: d, props: u } = e - if ((d && a(c), o && a(l), 16 & i)) { - const e = o || !so(u) - for (let a = 0; a < s.length; a++) { - const o = s[a] - r(o, t, n, e, !!o.dynamicChildren) - } - } - }, - move: ho, - hydrate: function (e, t, n, r, a, o, { o: { nextSibling: i, parentNode: s, querySelector: l } }, c) { - const d = (t.target = uo(t.props, l)) - if (d) { - const l = d._lpa || d.firstChild - if (16 & t.shapeFlag) - if (so(t.props)) (t.anchor = c(i(e), t, s(e), n, r, a, o)), (t.targetAnchor = l) - else { - t.anchor = i(e) - let s = l - for (; s; ) - if (((s = i(s)), s && 8 === s.nodeType && "teleport anchor" === s.data)) { - ;(t.targetAnchor = s), (d._lpa = t.targetAnchor && i(t.targetAnchor)) - break - } - c(l, t, d, n, r, a, o) - } - mo(t) - } - return t.anchor && i(t.anchor) - }, - } - function ho(e, t, n, { o: { insert: r }, m: a }, o = 2) { - 0 === o && r(e.targetAnchor, t, n) - const { el: i, anchor: s, shapeFlag: l, children: c, props: d } = e, - u = 2 === o - if ((u && r(i, t, n), (!u || so(d)) && 16 & l)) for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++) a(c[e], t, n, 2) - u && r(s, t, n) - } - const fo = po - function mo(e) { - const t = e.ctx - if (t && t.ut) { - let n = e.children[0].el - for (; n && n !== e.targetAnchor; ) - 1 === n.nodeType && n.setAttribute("data-v-owner", t.uid), (n = n.nextSibling) - t.ut() - } - } - const go = Symbol.for("v-fgt"), - bo = Symbol.for("v-txt"), - vo = Symbol.for("v-cmt"), - yo = Symbol.for("v-stc"), - Oo = [] - let wo = null - function xo(e = !1) { - Oo.push((wo = e ? null : [])) - } - let ko = 1 - function _o(e) { - ko += e - } - function So(e) { - return ( - (e.dynamicChildren = ko > 0 ? wo || ce : null), - Oo.pop(), - (wo = Oo[Oo.length - 1] || null), - ko > 0 && wo && wo.push(e), - e - ) - } - function Eo(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - return So(Ro(e, t, n, r, a, o, !0)) - } - function To(e, t, n, r, a) { - return So(No(e, t, n, r, a, !0)) - } - function Ao(e) { - return !!e && !0 === e.__v_isVNode - } - function Co(e, t) { - return e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key - } - const Po = ({ key: e }) => (null != e ? e : null), - Do = ({ ref: e, ref_key: t, ref_for: n }) => ( - "number" == typeof e && (e = "" + e), - null != e ? (ke(e) || Pn(e) || xe(e) ? { i: fr, r: e, k: t, f: !!n } : e) : null - ) - function Ro(e, t = null, n = null, r = 0, a = null, o = e === go ? 0 : 1, i = !1, s = !1) { - const l = { - __v_isVNode: !0, - __v_skip: !0, - type: e, - props: t, - key: t && Po(t), - ref: t && Do(t), - scopeId: mr, - slotScopeIds: null, - children: n, - component: null, - suspense: null, - ssContent: null, - ssFallback: null, - dirs: null, - transition: null, - el: null, - anchor: null, - target: null, - targetAnchor: null, - staticCount: 0, - shapeFlag: o, - patchFlag: r, - dynamicProps: a, - dynamicChildren: null, - appContext: null, - ctx: fr, - } - return ( - s ? (Uo(l, n), 128 & o && e.normalize(l)) : n && (l.shapeFlag |= ke(n) ? 8 : 16), - ko > 0 && !i && wo && (l.patchFlag > 0 || 6 & o) && 32 !== l.patchFlag && wo.push(l), - l - ) - } - const No = function (e, t = null, n = null, r = 0, a = null, o = !1) { - if (((e && e !== Er) || (e = vo), Ao(e))) { - const r = Io(e, t, !0) - return ( - n && Uo(r, n), - ko > 0 && !o && wo && (6 & r.shapeFlag ? (wo[wo.indexOf(e)] = r) : wo.push(r)), - (r.patchFlag = -2), - r - ) - } - var i - if ((xe((i = e)) && "__vccOpts" in i && (e = e.__vccOpts), t)) { - t = $o(t) - let { class: e, style: n } = t - e && !ke(e) && (t.class = Ge(e)), Se(n) && (kn(n) && !ve(n) && (n = fe({}, n)), (t.style = He(n))) - } - return Ro( - e, - t, - n, - r, - a, - ke(e) ? 1 : ((e) => e.__isSuspense)(e) ? 128 : ((e) => e.__isTeleport)(e) ? 64 : Se(e) ? 4 : xe(e) ? 2 : 0, - o, - !0, - ) - } - function $o(e) { - return e ? (kn(e) || Sa(e) ? fe({}, e) : e) : null - } - function Io(e, t, n = !1, r = !1) { - const { props: a, ref: o, patchFlag: i, children: s, transition: l } = e, - c = t ? Fo(a || {}, t) : a, - d = { - __v_isVNode: !0, - __v_skip: !0, - type: e.type, - props: c, - key: c && Po(c), - ref: t && t.ref ? (n && o ? (ve(o) ? o.concat(Do(t)) : [o, Do(t)]) : Do(t)) : o, - scopeId: e.scopeId, - slotScopeIds: e.slotScopeIds, - children: s, - target: e.target, - targetAnchor: e.targetAnchor, - staticCount: e.staticCount, - shapeFlag: e.shapeFlag, - patchFlag: t && e.type !== go ? (-1 === i ? 16 : 16 | i) : i, - dynamicProps: e.dynamicProps, - dynamicChildren: e.dynamicChildren, - appContext: e.appContext, - dirs: e.dirs, - transition: l, - component: e.component, - suspense: e.suspense, - ssContent: e.ssContent && Io(e.ssContent), - ssFallback: e.ssFallback && Io(e.ssFallback), - el: e.el, - anchor: e.anchor, - ctx: e.ctx, - ce: e.ce, - } - return l && r && io(d, l.clone(d)), d - } - function Mo(e = " ", t = 0) { - return No(bo, null, e, t) - } - function Lo(e, t) { - const n = No(yo, null, e) - return (n.staticCount = t), n - } - function Qo(e = "", t = !1) { - return t ? (xo(), To(vo, null, e)) : No(vo, null, e) - } - function Bo(e) { - return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e - ? No(vo) - : ve(e) - ? No(go, null, e.slice()) - : "object" == typeof e - ? jo(e) - : No(bo, null, String(e)) - } - function jo(e) { - return (null === e.el && -1 !== e.patchFlag) || e.memo ? e : Io(e) - } - function Uo(e, t) { - let n = 0 - const { shapeFlag: r } = e - if (null == t) t = null - else if (ve(t)) n = 16 - else if ("object" == typeof t) { - if (65 & r) { - const n = t.default - return void (n && (n._c && (n._d = !1), Uo(e, n()), n._c && (n._d = !0))) - } - { - n = 32 - const r = t._ - r || Sa(t) - ? 3 === r && fr && (1 === fr.slots._ ? (t._ = 1) : ((t._ = 2), (e.patchFlag |= 1024))) - : (t._ctx = fr) - } - } else - xe(t) - ? ((t = { default: t, _ctx: fr }), (n = 32)) - : ((t = String(t)), 64 & r ? ((n = 16), (t = [Mo(t)])) : (n = 8)) - ;(e.children = t), (e.shapeFlag |= n) - } - function Fo(...e) { - const t = {} - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - const r = e[n] - for (const e in r) - if ("class" === e) t.class !== r.class && (t.class = Ge([t.class, r.class])) - else if ("style" === e) t.style = He([t.style, r.style]) - else if (pe(e)) { - const n = t[e], - a = r[e] - !a || n === a || (ve(n) && n.includes(a)) || (t[e] = n ? [].concat(n, a) : a) - } else "" !== e && (t[e] = r[e]) - } - return t - } - function zo(e, t, n, r = null) { - Hn(e, t, 7, [n, r]) - } - const qo = ba() - let Zo = 0, - Ho = null - const Vo = () => Ho || fr - let Wo, Xo - { - const e = Ze(), - t = (t, n) => { - let r - return ( - (r = e[t]) || (r = e[t] = []), - r.push(n), - (e) => { - r.length > 1 ? r.forEach((t) => t(e)) : r[0](e) - } - ) - } - ;(Wo = t("__VUE_INSTANCE_SETTERS__", (e) => (Ho = e))), (Xo = t("__VUE_SSR_SETTERS__", (e) => (ei = e))) - } - const Yo = (e) => { - const t = Ho - return ( - Wo(e), - e.scope.on(), - () => { - e.scope.off(), Wo(t) - } - ) - }, - Go = () => { - Ho && Ho.scope.off(), Wo(null) - } - function Ko(e) { - return 4 & e.vnode.shapeFlag - } - let Jo, - ei = !1 - function ti(e, t, n) { - xe(t) ? (e.type.__ssrInlineRender ? (e.ssrRender = t) : (e.render = t)) : Se(t) && (e.setupState = Qn(t)), - ni(e, n) - } - function ni(e, t, n) { - const r = e.type - if (!e.render) { - if (!t && Jo && !r.render) { - const t = r.template || ca(e).template - if (t) { - const { isCustomElement: n, compilerOptions: a } = e.appContext.config, - { delimiters: o, compilerOptions: i } = r, - s = fe(fe({ isCustomElement: n, delimiters: o }, a), i) - r.render = Jo(t, s) - } - } - e.render = r.render || de - } - { - const t = Yo(e) - yt() - try { - !(function (e) { - const t = ca(e), - n = e.proxy, - r = e.ctx - ;(ia = !1), t.beforeCreate && sa(t.beforeCreate, e, "bc") - const { - data: a, - computed: o, - methods: i, - watch: s, - provide: l, - inject: c, - created: d, - beforeMount: u, - mounted: p, - beforeUpdate: h, - updated: f, - activated: m, - deactivated: g, - beforeDestroy: b, - beforeUnmount: v, - destroyed: y, - unmounted: O, - render: w, - renderTracked: x, - renderTriggered: k, - errorCaptured: _, - serverPrefetch: S, - expose: E, - inheritAttrs: T, - components: A, - directives: C, - filters: P, - } = t - if ( - (c && - (function (e, t, n = de) { - ve(e) && (e = ha(e)) - for (const n in e) { - const r = e[n] - let a - ;(a = Se(r) ? ("default" in r ? xa(r.from || n, r.default, !0) : xa(r.from || n)) : xa(r)), - Pn(a) - ? Object.defineProperty(t, n, { - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - get: () => a.value, - set: (e) => (a.value = e), - }) - : (t[n] = a) - } - })(c, r, null), - i) - ) - for (const e in i) { - const t = i[e] - xe(t) && (r[e] = t.bind(n)) - } - if (a) { - const t = a.call(n, n) - Se(t) && (e.data = mn(t)) - } - if (((ia = !0), o)) - for (const e in o) { - const t = o[e], - a = xe(t) ? t.bind(n, n) : xe(t.get) ? t.get.bind(n, n) : de, - i = !xe(t) && xe(t.set) ? t.set.bind(n) : de, - s = ii({ get: a, set: i }) - Object.defineProperty(r, e, { - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - get: () => s.value, - set: (e) => (s.value = e), - }) - } - if (s) for (const e in s) la(s[e], r, n, e) - if (l) { - const e = xe(l) ? l.call(n) : l - Reflect.ownKeys(e).forEach((t) => { - wa(t, e[t]) - }) - } - function D(e, t) { - ve(t) ? t.forEach((t) => e(t.bind(n))) : t && e(t.bind(n)) - } - if ( - (d && sa(d, e, "c"), - D(Rr, u), - D(Nr, p), - D($r, h), - D(Ir, f), - D(no, m), - D(ro, g), - D(Ur, _), - D(jr, x), - D(Br, k), - D(Mr, v), - D(Lr, O), - D(Qr, S), - ve(E)) - ) - if (E.length) { - const t = e.exposed || (e.exposed = {}) - E.forEach((e) => { - Object.defineProperty(t, e, { get: () => n[e], set: (t) => (n[e] = t) }) - }) - } else e.exposed || (e.exposed = {}) - w && e.render === de && (e.render = w), - null != T && (e.inheritAttrs = T), - A && (e.components = A), - C && (e.directives = C) - })(e) - } finally { - Ot(), t() - } - } - } - const ri = { get: (e, t) => (Pt(e, 0, ""), e[t]) } - function ai(e) { - return { - attrs: new Proxy(e.attrs, ri), - slots: e.slots, - emit: e.emit, - expose: (t) => { - e.exposed = t || {} - }, - } - } - function oi(e) { - return e.exposed - ? e.exposeProxy || - (e.exposeProxy = new Proxy(Qn(((t = e.exposed), Object.isExtensible(t) && Fe(t, "__v_skip", !0), t)), { - get: (t, n) => (n in t ? t[n] : n in Jr ? Jr[n](e) : void 0), - has: (e, t) => t in e || t in Jr, - })) - : e.proxy - var t - } - const ii = (e, t) => { - const n = (function (e, t, n = !1) { - let r, a - const o = xe(e) - return o ? ((r = e), (a = de)) : ((r = e.get), (a = e.set)), new Tn(r, a, o || !a, n) - })(e, 0, ei) - return n - } - function si(e, t, n) { - const r = arguments.length - return 2 === r - ? Se(t) && !ve(t) - ? Ao(t) - ? No(e, null, [t]) - : No(e, t) - : No(e, null, t) - : (r > 3 ? (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)) : 3 === r && Ao(n) && (n = [n]), No(e, t, n)) - } - const li = "3.4.31", - ci = "undefined" != typeof document ? document : null, - di = ci && ci.createElement("template"), - ui = { - insert: (e, t, n) => { - t.insertBefore(e, n || null) - }, - remove: (e) => { - const t = e.parentNode - t && t.removeChild(e) - }, - createElement: (e, t, n, r) => { - const a = - "svg" === t - ? ci.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", e) - : "mathml" === t - ? ci.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", e) - : n - ? ci.createElement(e, { is: n }) - : ci.createElement(e) - return "select" === e && r && null != r.multiple && a.setAttribute("multiple", r.multiple), a - }, - createText: (e) => ci.createTextNode(e), - createComment: (e) => ci.createComment(e), - setText: (e, t) => { - e.nodeValue = t - }, - setElementText: (e, t) => { - e.textContent = t - }, - parentNode: (e) => e.parentNode, - nextSibling: (e) => e.nextSibling, - querySelector: (e) => ci.querySelector(e), - setScopeId(e, t) { - e.setAttribute(t, "") - }, - insertStaticContent(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild - if (a && (a === o || a.nextSibling)) - for (; t.insertBefore(a.cloneNode(!0), n), a !== o && (a = a.nextSibling); ); - else { - di.innerHTML = "svg" === r ? `${e}` : "mathml" === r ? `${e}` : e - const a = di.content - if ("svg" === r || "mathml" === r) { - const e = a.firstChild - for (; e.firstChild; ) a.appendChild(e.firstChild) - a.removeChild(e) - } - t.insertBefore(a, n) - } - return [i ? i.nextSibling : t.firstChild, n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild] - }, - }, - pi = Symbol("_vtc"), - hi = Symbol("_vod"), - fi = Symbol("_vsh"), - mi = { - beforeMount(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) { - ;(e[hi] = "none" === e.style.display ? "" : e.style.display), n && t ? n.beforeEnter(e) : gi(e, t) - }, - mounted(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) { - n && t && n.enter(e) - }, - updated(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, { transition: r }) { - !t != !n && - (r - ? t - ? (r.beforeEnter(e), gi(e, !0), r.enter(e)) - : r.leave(e, () => { - gi(e, !1) - }) - : gi(e, t)) - }, - beforeUnmount(e, { value: t }) { - gi(e, t) - }, - } - /** - * @vue/runtime-dom v3.4.31 - * (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors - * @license MIT - **/ function gi(e, t) { - ;(e.style.display = t ? e[hi] : "none"), (e[fi] = !t) - } - const bi = Symbol("") - function vi(e) { - const t = Vo() - if (!t) return - const n = (t.ut = (n = e(t.proxy)) => { - Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-v-owner="${t.uid}"]`)).forEach((e) => Oi(e, n)) - }), - r = () => { - const r = e(t.proxy) - yi(t.subTree, r), n(r) - } - Nr(() => { - Ga(r, null, { flush: "post" }) - const e = new MutationObserver(r) - e.observe(t.subTree.el.parentNode, { childList: !0 }), Lr(() => e.disconnect()) - }) - } - function yi(e, t) { - if (128 & e.shapeFlag) { - const n = e.suspense - ;(e = n.activeBranch), - n.pendingBranch && - !n.isHydrating && - n.effects.push(() => { - yi(n.activeBranch, t) - }) - } - for (; e.component; ) e = e.component.subTree - if (1 & e.shapeFlag && e.el) Oi(e.el, t) - else if (e.type === go) e.children.forEach((e) => yi(e, t)) - else if (e.type === yo) { - let { el: n, anchor: r } = e - for (; n && (Oi(n, t), n !== r); ) n = n.nextSibling - } - } - function Oi(e, t) { - if (1 === e.nodeType) { - const n = e.style - let r = "" - for (const e in t) n.setProperty(`--${e}`, t[e]), (r += `--${e}: ${t[e]};`) - n[bi] = r - } - } - const wi = /(^|;)\s*display\s*:/, - xi = /\s*!important$/ - function ki(e, t, n) { - if (ve(n)) n.forEach((n) => ki(e, t, n)) - else if ((null == n && (n = ""), t.startsWith("--"))) e.setProperty(t, n) - else { - const r = (function (e, t) { - const n = Si[t] - if (n) return n - let r = Ie(t) - if ("filter" !== r && r in e) return (Si[t] = r) - r = Qe(r) - for (let n = 0; n < _i.length; n++) { - const a = _i[n] + r - if (a in e) return (Si[t] = a) - } - return t - })(e, t) - xi.test(n) ? e.setProperty(Le(r), n.replace(xi, ""), "important") : (e[r] = n) - } - } - const _i = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], - Si = {}, - Ei = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" - function Ti(e, t, n, r, a, o = Je(t)) { - r && t.startsWith("xlink:") - ? null == n - ? e.removeAttributeNS(Ei, t.slice(6, t.length)) - : e.setAttributeNS(Ei, t, n) - : null == n || (o && !et(n)) - ? e.removeAttribute(t) - : e.setAttribute(t, o ? "" : _e(n) ? String(n) : n) - } - function Ai(e, t, n, r) { - e.addEventListener(t, n, r) - } - const Ci = Symbol("_vei") - const Pi = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/ - let Di = 0 - const Ri = Promise.resolve(), - Ni = () => Di || (Ri.then(() => (Di = 0)), (Di = Date.now())), - $i = (e) => 111 === e.charCodeAt(0) && 110 === e.charCodeAt(1) && e.charCodeAt(2) > 96 && e.charCodeAt(2) < 123, - Ii = (e) => { - const t = e.props["onUpdate:modelValue"] || !1 - return ve(t) ? (e) => Ue(t, e) : t - } - function Mi(e) { - e.target.composing = !0 - } - function Li(e) { - const t = e.target - t.composing && ((t.composing = !1), t.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"))) - } - const Qi = Symbol("_assign"), - Bi = { - created(e, { modifiers: { lazy: t, trim: n, number: r } }, a) { - e[Qi] = Ii(a) - const o = r || (a.props && "number" === a.props.type) - Ai(e, t ? "change" : "input", (t) => { - if (t.target.composing) return - let r = e.value - n && (r = r.trim()), o && (r = ze(r)), e[Qi](r) - }), - n && - Ai(e, "change", () => { - e.value = e.value.trim() - }), - t || (Ai(e, "compositionstart", Mi), Ai(e, "compositionend", Li), Ai(e, "change", Li)) - }, - mounted(e, { value: t }) { - e.value = null == t ? "" : t - }, - beforeUpdate(e, { value: t, oldValue: n, modifiers: { lazy: r, trim: a, number: o } }, i) { - if (((e[Qi] = Ii(i)), e.composing)) return - const s = null == t ? "" : t - if (((!o && "number" !== e.type) || /^0\d/.test(e.value) ? e.value : ze(e.value)) !== s) { - if (document.activeElement === e && "range" !== e.type) { - if (r && t === n) return - if (a && e.value.trim() === s) return - } - e.value = s - } - }, - }, - ji = { - deep: !0, - created(e, t, n) { - ;(e[Qi] = Ii(n)), - Ai(e, "change", () => { - const t = e._modelValue, - n = qi(e), - r = e.checked, - a = e[Qi] - if (ve(t)) { - const e = nt(t, n), - o = -1 !== e - if (r && !o) a(t.concat(n)) - else if (!r && o) { - const n = [...t] - n.splice(e, 1), a(n) - } - } else if (Oe(t)) { - const e = new Set(t) - r ? e.add(n) : e.delete(n), a(e) - } else a(Zi(e, r)) - }) - }, - mounted: Ui, - beforeUpdate(e, t, n) { - ;(e[Qi] = Ii(n)), Ui(e, t, n) - }, - } - function Ui(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, r) { - ;(e._modelValue = t), - ve(t) - ? (e.checked = nt(t, r.props.value) > -1) - : Oe(t) - ? (e.checked = t.has(r.props.value)) - : t !== n && (e.checked = tt(t, Zi(e, !0))) - } - const Fi = { - deep: !0, - created(e, { value: t, modifiers: { number: n } }, r) { - const a = Oe(t) - Ai(e, "change", () => { - const t = Array.prototype.filter.call(e.options, (e) => e.selected).map((e) => (n ? ze(qi(e)) : qi(e))) - e[Qi](e.multiple ? (a ? new Set(t) : t) : t[0]), - (e._assigning = !0), - rr(() => { - e._assigning = !1 - }) - }), - (e[Qi] = Ii(r)) - }, - mounted(e, { value: t, modifiers: { number: n } }) { - zi(e, t) - }, - beforeUpdate(e, t, n) { - e[Qi] = Ii(n) - }, - updated(e, { value: t, modifiers: { number: n } }) { - e._assigning || zi(e, t) - }, - } - function zi(e, t, n) { - const r = e.multiple, - a = ve(t) - if (!r || a || Oe(t)) { - for (let n = 0, o = e.options.length; n < o; n++) { - const o = e.options[n], - i = qi(o) - if (r) - if (a) { - const e = typeof i - o.selected = "string" === e || "number" === e ? t.some((e) => String(e) === String(i)) : nt(t, i) > -1 - } else o.selected = t.has(i) - else if (tt(qi(o), t)) return void (e.selectedIndex !== n && (e.selectedIndex = n)) - } - r || -1 === e.selectedIndex || (e.selectedIndex = -1) - } - } - function qi(e) { - return "_value" in e ? e._value : e.value - } - function Zi(e, t) { - const n = t ? "_trueValue" : "_falseValue" - return n in e ? e[n] : t - } - const Hi = ["ctrl", "shift", "alt", "meta"], - Vi = { - stop: (e) => e.stopPropagation(), - prevent: (e) => e.preventDefault(), - self: (e) => e.target !== e.currentTarget, - ctrl: (e) => !e.ctrlKey, - shift: (e) => !e.shiftKey, - alt: (e) => !e.altKey, - meta: (e) => !e.metaKey, - left: (e) => "button" in e && 0 !== e.button, - middle: (e) => "button" in e && 1 !== e.button, - right: (e) => "button" in e && 2 !== e.button, - exact: (e, t) => Hi.some((n) => e[`${n}Key`] && !t.includes(n)), - }, - Wi = (e, t) => { - const n = e._withMods || (e._withMods = {}), - r = t.join(".") - return ( - n[r] || - (n[r] = (n, ...r) => { - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { - const r = Vi[t[e]] - if (r && r(n, t)) return - } - return e(n, ...r) - }) - ) - }, - Xi = { - esc: "escape", - space: " ", - up: "arrow-up", - left: "arrow-left", - right: "arrow-right", - down: "arrow-down", - delete: "backspace", - }, - Yi = (e, t) => { - const n = e._withKeys || (e._withKeys = {}), - r = t.join(".") - return ( - n[r] || - (n[r] = (n) => { - if (!("key" in n)) return - const r = Le(n.key) - return t.some((e) => e === r || Xi[e] === r) ? e(n) : void 0 - }) - ) - }, - Gi = fe( - { - patchProp: (e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) => { - const c = "svg" === a - "class" === t - ? (function (e, t, n) { - const r = e[pi] - r && (t = (t ? [t, ...r] : [...r]).join(" ")), - null == t ? e.removeAttribute("class") : n ? e.setAttribute("class", t) : (e.className = t) - })(e, r, c) - : "style" === t - ? (function (e, t, n) { - const r = e.style, - a = ke(n) - let o = !1 - if (n && !a) { - if (t) - if (ke(t)) - for (const e of t.split(";")) { - const t = e.slice(0, e.indexOf(":")).trim() - null == n[t] && ki(r, t, "") - } - else for (const e in t) null == n[e] && ki(r, e, "") - for (const e in n) "display" === e && (o = !0), ki(r, e, n[e]) - } else if (a) { - if (t !== n) { - const e = r[bi] - e && (n += ";" + e), (r.cssText = n), (o = wi.test(n)) - } - } else t && e.removeAttribute("style") - hi in e && ((e[hi] = o ? r.display : ""), e[fi] && (r.display = "none")) - })(e, n, r) - : pe(t) - ? he(t) || - (function (e, t, n, r, a = null) { - const o = e[Ci] || (e[Ci] = {}), - i = o[t] - if (r && i) i.value = r - else { - const [n, s] = (function (e) { - let t - if (Pi.test(e)) { - let n - for (t = {}; (n = e.match(Pi)); ) - (e = e.slice(0, e.length - n[0].length)), (t[n[0].toLowerCase()] = !0) - } - return [":" === e[2] ? e.slice(3) : Le(e.slice(2)), t] - })(t) - if (r) { - const i = (o[t] = (function (e, t) { - const n = (e) => { - if (e._vts) { - if (e._vts <= n.attached) return - } else e._vts = Date.now() - Hn( - (function (e, t) { - if (ve(t)) { - const n = e.stopImmediatePropagation - return ( - (e.stopImmediatePropagation = () => { - n.call(e), (e._stopped = !0) - }), - t.map((e) => (t) => !t._stopped && e && e(t)) - ) - } - return t - })(e, n.value), - t, - 5, - [e], - ) - } - return (n.value = e), (n.attached = Ni()), n - })(r, a)) - Ai(e, n, i, s) - } else - i && - ((function (e, t, n, r) { - e.removeEventListener(t, n, r) - })(e, n, i, s), - (o[t] = void 0)) - } - })(e, t, 0, r, i) - : ( - "." === t[0] - ? ((t = t.slice(1)), 1) - : "^" === t[0] - ? ((t = t.slice(1)), 0) - : (function (e, t, n, r) { - if (r) return "innerHTML" === t || "textContent" === t || !!(t in e && $i(t) && xe(n)) - if ("spellcheck" === t || "draggable" === t || "translate" === t) return !1 - if ("form" === t) return !1 - if ("list" === t && "INPUT" === e.tagName) return !1 - if ("type" === t && "TEXTAREA" === e.tagName) return !1 - if ("width" === t || "height" === t) { - const t = e.tagName - if ("IMG" === t || "VIDEO" === t || "CANVAS" === t || "SOURCE" === t) return !1 - } - return (!$i(t) || !ke(n)) && t in e - })(e, t, r, c) - ) - ? ((function (e, t, n, r, a, o, i) { - if ("innerHTML" === t || "textContent" === t) - return r && i(r, a, o), void (e[t] = null == n ? "" : n) - const s = e.tagName - if ("value" === t && "PROGRESS" !== s && !s.includes("-")) { - const r = "OPTION" === s ? e.getAttribute("value") || "" : e.value, - a = null == n ? "" : String(n) - return ( - (r === a && "_value" in e) || (e.value = a), - null == n && e.removeAttribute(t), - void (e._value = n) - ) - } - let l = !1 - if ("" === n || null == n) { - const r = typeof e[t] - "boolean" === r - ? (n = et(n)) - : null == n && "string" === r - ? ((n = ""), (l = !0)) - : "number" === r && ((n = 0), (l = !0)) - } - try { - e[t] = n - } catch (e) {} - l && e.removeAttribute(t) - })(e, t, r, o, i, s, l), - e.tagName.includes("-") || - ("value" !== t && "checked" !== t && "selected" !== t) || - Ti(e, t, r, c, 0, "value" !== t)) - : ("true-value" === t ? (e._trueValue = r) : "false-value" === t && (e._falseValue = r), - Ti(e, t, r, c)) - }, - }, - ui, - ) - let Ki - const Ji = (...e) => { - const t = (Ki || (Ki = ja(Gi))).createApp(...e), - { mount: n } = t - return ( - (t.mount = (e) => { - const r = (function (e) { - return ke(e) ? document.querySelector(e) : e - })(e) - if (!r) return - const a = t._component - xe(a) || a.render || a.template || (a.template = r.innerHTML), (r.innerHTML = "") - const o = n( - r, - !1, - (function (e) { - return e instanceof SVGElement - ? "svg" - : "function" == typeof MathMLElement && e instanceof MathMLElement - ? "mathml" - : void 0 - })(r), - ) - return r instanceof Element && (r.removeAttribute("v-cloak"), r.setAttribute("data-v-app", "")), o - }), - t - ) - }, - es = li.startsWith("3") - function ts(e, t = "") { - if (e instanceof Promise) return e - const n = "function" == typeof (r = e) ? r() : In(r) - var r - return e && n - ? Array.isArray(n) - ? n.map((e) => ts(e, t)) - : "object" == typeof n - ? Object.fromEntries( - Object.entries(n).map(([e, t]) => - "titleTemplate" === e || e.startsWith("on") ? [e, In(t)] : [e, ts(t, e)], - ), - ) - : n - : n - } - const ns = { - hooks: { - "entries:resolve": function (e) { - for (const t of e.entries) t.resolvedInput = ts(t.input) - }, - }, - }, - rs = "usehead" - function as(e = {}) { - e.domDelayFn = e.domDelayFn || ((e) => rr(() => setTimeout(() => e(), 0))) - const t = (function (e = {}) { - const t = (function (e = {}) { - const t = new d() - t.addHooks(e.hooks || {}), (e.document = e.document || (g ? document : void 0)) - const n = !e.document, - r = () => { - ;(s.dirty = !0), t.callHook("entries:updated", s) - } - let a = 0, - o = [] - const i = [], - s = { - plugins: i, - dirty: !1, - resolvedOptions: e, - hooks: t, - headEntries: () => o, - use(e) { - const r = "function" == typeof e ? e(s) : e - ;(r.key && i.some((e) => e.key === r.key)) || (i.push(r), ie(r.mode, n) && t.addHooks(r.hooks || {})) - }, - push(e, i) { - null == i || delete i.head - const l = { _i: a++, input: e, ...i } - return ( - ie(l.mode, n) && (o.push(l), r()), - { - dispose() { - ;(o = o.filter((e) => e._i !== l._i)), t.callHook("entries:updated", s), r() - }, - patch(e) { - ;(o = o.map((t) => (t._i === l._i && (t.input = l.input = e), t))), r() - }, - } - ) - }, - async resolveTags() { - const e = { tags: [], entries: [...o] } - await t.callHook("entries:resolve", e) - for (const n of e.entries) { - const r = n.resolvedInput || n.input - if (((n.resolvedInput = await (n.transform ? n.transform(r) : r)), n.resolvedInput)) - for (const r of await Q(n)) { - const a = { tag: r, entry: n, resolvedOptions: s.resolvedOptions } - await t.callHook("tag:normalise", a), e.tags.push(a.tag) - } - } - return ( - await t.callHook("tags:beforeResolve", e), - await t.callHook("tags:resolve", e), - await t.callHook("tags:afterResolve", e), - e.tags - ) - }, - ssr: n, - } - return ( - [W, X, G, J, ee, ne, re, ae, ...((null == e ? void 0 : e.plugins) || [])].forEach((e) => s.use(e)), - s.hooks.callHook("init", s), - s - ) - })(e) - return t.use(H()), (oe = t) - })(e) - return ( - t.use(ns), - (t.install = (function (e) { - return { - install(t) { - es && ((t.config.globalProperties.$unhead = e), (t.config.globalProperties.$head = e), t.provide(rs, e)) - }, - }.install - })(t)), - t - ) - } - const os = - "undefined" != typeof globalThis - ? globalThis - : "undefined" != typeof window - ? window - : "undefined" != typeof global - ? global - : "undefined" != typeof self - ? self - : {}, - is = "__unhead_injection_handler__" - function ss(e, t = {}) { - const n = t.head || (is in os ? os[is]() : xa(rs) || oe) - if (n) - return n.ssr - ? n.push(e, t) - : (function (e, t, n = {}) { - const r = Dn(!1), - a = Dn({}) - Wa(() => { - a.value = r.value ? {} : ts(t) - }) - const o = e.push(a.value, n) - return ( - Ya(a, (e) => { - o.patch(e) - }), - Vo() && - (Mr(() => { - o.dispose() - }), - ro(() => { - r.value = !0 - }), - no(() => { - r.value = !1 - })), - o - ) - })(n, e, t) - } - const ls = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT", "TRACE"] - function cs(e, t) { - var n, r - const a = [], - o = [], - i = [] - if ( - !e.customSecurity && - (!e.preferredSecurityScheme || - !(s = t) || - (Array.isArray(s) && !s.length) || - (s ?? []).some((e) => !Object.keys(e).length)) - ) - return { headers: a, queryString: o, cookies: i } - var s - const l = - (null == t - ? void 0 - : t.some((t) => e.preferredSecurityScheme && Object.keys(t).includes(e.preferredSecurityScheme))) || - e.customSecurity - ? e.preferredSecurityScheme - : Object.keys((null == t ? void 0 : t[0]) ?? {}).pop(), - c = null == (n = e.securitySchemes) ? void 0 : n[l ?? ""] - if (c) - if ("type" in c && "apiKey" === c.type) { - if ("in" in c && "header" === c.in) { - const t = (null == (r = e.apiKey.token) ? void 0 : r.length) ? e.apiKey.token : "YOUR_TOKEN" - a.push({ name: "name" in c ? c.name : "", value: t }) - } else if ("in" in c && "cookie" === c.in) { - const t = e.apiKey.token.length ? e.apiKey.token : "YOUR_TOKEN" - i.push({ name: c.name, value: t }) - } else if ("in" in c && "query" === c.in) { - const t = e.apiKey.token.length ? e.apiKey.token : "YOUR_TOKEN" - o.push({ name: c.name, value: t }) - } - } else if (!("type" in c) || ("http" !== c.type && "basic" !== c.type)) { - if ("type" in c && "oauth2" === c.type.toLowerCase()) { - const t = e.oAuth2.accessToken || "YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN" - a.push({ name: "Authorization", value: `Bearer ${t}` }) - } - } else if ("type" in c && ("basic" === c.type || ("http" === c.type && "basic" === c.scheme))) { - const { username: t, password: n } = e.http.basic, - r = ds(t, n) - a.push({ name: "Authorization", value: `Basic ${r}`.trim() }) - } else if ("type" in c && "http" === c.type && "bearer" === c.scheme) { - const t = e.http.bearer.token.length ? e.http.bearer.token : "YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN" - a.push({ name: "Authorization", value: `Bearer ${t}` }) - } - return { headers: a, queryString: o, cookies: i } - } - function ds(e, t) { - return (null == e ? void 0 : e.length) || (null == t ? void 0 : t.length) - ? ((n = `${e}:${t}`), "undefined" == typeof window ? Buffer.from(n).toString("base64") : btoa(n)) - : "" - var n - } - function us(e) { - return [ - e.apiKey.token, - e.http.bearer.token, - e.oAuth2.accessToken, - ds(e.http.basic.username, e.http.basic.password), - e.http.basic.password, - ].filter(Boolean) - } - const ps = (e, t) => { - if ("string" != typeof t || !t.length) return e - const n = e.trim(), - r = t.trim() - return [n.endsWith("/") ? n : `${n}/`, r.startsWith("/") ? r.slice(1) : r].join("") - }, - hs = (e) => { - let t = 0, - n = 0, - r = 0 - if (!(null == e ? void 0 : e.length)) return n - for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) (t = e.charCodeAt(r)), (n = (n << 5) - n + t), (n |= 0) - return n - }, - fs = (e) => e && "object" == typeof e && !Array.isArray(e), - ms = (e, ...t) => { - if (!t.length) return e - const n = t.shift() - if (fs(e) && fs(n)) - for (const t in n) - fs(n[t]) ? (e[t] || Object.assign(e, { [t]: {} }), ms(e[t], n[t])) : Object.assign(e, { [t]: n[t] }) - return ms(e, ...t) - } - function gs(e, t) { - if (!bs(e, t)) return t ?? "" - const n = new URL(t) - return (n.href = e), n.searchParams.append("scalar_url", t), n.toString() - } - function bs(e, t) { - return !( - !e || - !t || - (!t.startsWith("http://") && !t.startsWith("https://")) || - (function (e) { - const { hostname: t } = new URL(e) - return ["localhost", "", "[::1]"].includes(t) - })(t) - ) - } - const vs = Symbol.for("yaml.alias"), - ys = Symbol.for("yaml.document"), - Os = Symbol.for("yaml.map"), - ws = Symbol.for("yaml.pair"), - xs = Symbol.for("yaml.scalar"), - ks = Symbol.for("yaml.seq"), - _s = Symbol.for("yaml.node.type"), - Ss = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === vs, - Es = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === ys, - Ts = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === Os, - As = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === ws, - Cs = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === xs, - Ps = (e) => !!e && "object" == typeof e && e[_s] === ks - function Ds(e) { - if (e && "object" == typeof e) - switch (e[_s]) { - case Os: - case ks: - return !0 - } - return !1 - } - function Rs(e) { - if (e && "object" == typeof e) - switch (e[_s]) { - case vs: - case Os: - case xs: - case ks: - return !0 - } - return !1 - } - const Ns = (e) => (Cs(e) || Ds(e)) && !!e.anchor, - $s = Symbol("break visit"), - Is = Symbol("skip children"), - Ms = Symbol("remove node") - function Ls(e, t) { - const n = (function (e) { - return "object" == typeof e && (e.Collection || e.Node || e.Value) - ? Object.assign( - { Alias: e.Node, Map: e.Node, Scalar: e.Node, Seq: e.Node }, - e.Value && { Map: e.Value, Scalar: e.Value, Seq: e.Value }, - e.Collection && { Map: e.Collection, Seq: e.Collection }, - e, - ) - : e - })(t) - Es(e) - ? Qs(null, e.contents, n, Object.freeze([e])) === Ms && (e.contents = null) - : Qs(null, e, n, Object.freeze([])) - } - function Qs(e, t, n, r) { - const a = (function (e, t, n, r) { - var a, o, i, s, l - return "function" == typeof n - ? n(e, t, r) - : Ts(t) - ? null == (a = n.Map) - ? void 0 - : a.call(n, e, t, r) - : Ps(t) - ? null == (o = n.Seq) - ? void 0 - : o.call(n, e, t, r) - : As(t) - ? null == (i = n.Pair) - ? void 0 - : i.call(n, e, t, r) - : Cs(t) - ? null == (s = n.Scalar) - ? void 0 - : s.call(n, e, t, r) - : Ss(t) - ? null == (l = n.Alias) - ? void 0 - : l.call(n, e, t, r) - : void 0 - })(e, t, n, r) - if (Rs(a) || As(a)) - return ( - (function (e, t, n) { - const r = t[t.length - 1] - if (Ds(r)) r.items[e] = n - else if (As(r)) "key" === e ? (r.key = n) : (r.value = n) - else { - if (!Es(r)) { - const e = Ss(r) ? "alias" : "scalar" - throw new Error(`Cannot replace node with ${e} parent`) - } - r.contents = n - } - })(e, r, a), - Qs(e, a, n, r) - ) - if ("symbol" != typeof a) - if (Ds(t)) { - r = Object.freeze(r.concat(t)) - for (let e = 0; e < t.items.length; ++e) { - const a = Qs(e, t.items[e], n, r) - if ("number" == typeof a) e = a - 1 - else { - if (a === $s) return $s - a === Ms && (t.items.splice(e, 1), (e -= 1)) - } - } - } else if (As(t)) { - r = Object.freeze(r.concat(t)) - const e = Qs("key", t.key, n, r) - if (e === $s) return $s - e === Ms && (t.key = null) - const a = Qs("value", t.value, n, r) - if (a === $s) return $s - a === Ms && (t.value = null) - } - return a - } - ;(Ls.BREAK = $s), (Ls.SKIP = Is), (Ls.REMOVE = Ms) - const Bs = { "!": "%21", ",": "%2C", "[": "%5B", "]": "%5D", "{": "%7B", "}": "%7D" } - class js { - constructor(e, t) { - ;(this.docStart = null), - (this.docEnd = !1), - (this.yaml = Object.assign({}, js.defaultYaml, e)), - (this.tags = Object.assign({}, js.defaultTags, t)) - } - clone() { - const e = new js(this.yaml, this.tags) - return (e.docStart = this.docStart), e - } - atDocument() { - const e = new js(this.yaml, this.tags) - switch (this.yaml.version) { - case "1.1": - this.atNextDocument = !0 - break - case "1.2": - ;(this.atNextDocument = !1), - (this.yaml = { explicit: js.defaultYaml.explicit, version: "1.2" }), - (this.tags = Object.assign({}, js.defaultTags)) - } - return e - } - add(e, t) { - this.atNextDocument && - ((this.yaml = { explicit: js.defaultYaml.explicit, version: "1.1" }), - (this.tags = Object.assign({}, js.defaultTags)), - (this.atNextDocument = !1)) - const n = e.trim().split(/[ \t]+/), - r = n.shift() - switch (r) { - case "%TAG": { - if (2 !== n.length && (t(0, "%TAG directive should contain exactly two parts"), n.length < 2)) return !1 - const [e, r] = n - return (this.tags[e] = r), !0 - } - case "%YAML": { - if (((this.yaml.explicit = !0), 1 !== n.length)) - return t(0, "%YAML directive should contain exactly one part"), !1 - const [e] = n - return "1.1" === e || "1.2" === e - ? ((this.yaml.version = e), !0) - : (t(6, `Unsupported YAML version ${e}`, /^\d+\.\d+$/.test(e)), !1) - } - default: - return t(0, `Unknown directive ${r}`, !0), !1 - } - } - tagName(e, t) { - if ("!" === e) return "!" - if ("!" !== e[0]) return t(`Not a valid tag: ${e}`), null - if ("<" === e[1]) { - const n = e.slice(2, -1) - return "!" === n || "!!" === n - ? (t(`Verbatim tags aren't resolved, so ${e} is invalid.`), null) - : (">" !== e[e.length - 1] && t("Verbatim tags must end with a >"), n) - } - const [, n, r] = e.match(/^(.*!)([^!]*)$/s) - r || t(`The ${e} tag has no suffix`) - const a = this.tags[n] - if (a) - try { - return a + decodeURIComponent(r) - } catch (e) { - return t(String(e)), null - } - return "!" === n ? e : (t(`Could not resolve tag: ${e}`), null) - } - tagString(e) { - for (const [t, n] of Object.entries(this.tags)) - if (e.startsWith(n)) return t + e.substring(n.length).replace(/[!,[\]{}]/g, (e) => Bs[e]) - return "!" === e[0] ? e : `!<${e}>` - } - toString(e) { - const t = this.yaml.explicit ? [`%YAML ${this.yaml.version || "1.2"}`] : [], - n = Object.entries(this.tags) - let r - if (e && n.length > 0 && Rs(e.contents)) { - const t = {} - Ls(e.contents, (e, n) => { - Rs(n) && n.tag && (t[n.tag] = !0) - }), - (r = Object.keys(t)) - } else r = [] - for (const [a, o] of n) - ("!!" === a && "tag:yaml.org,2002:" === o) || - (e && !r.some((e) => e.startsWith(o))) || - t.push(`%TAG ${a} ${o}`) - return t.join("\n") - } - } - function Us(e) { - if (/[\x00-\x19\s,[\]{}]/.test(e)) { - const t = JSON.stringify(e) - throw new Error(`Anchor must not contain whitespace or control characters: ${t}`) - } - return !0 - } - function Fs(e) { - const t = new Set() - return ( - Ls(e, { - Value(e, n) { - n.anchor && t.add(n.anchor) - }, - }), - t - ) - } - function zs(e, t) { - for (let n = 1; ; ++n) { - const r = `${e}${n}` - if (!t.has(r)) return r - } - } - function qs(e, t, n, r) { - if (r && "object" == typeof r) - if (Array.isArray(r)) - for (let t = 0, n = r.length; t < n; ++t) { - const n = r[t], - a = qs(e, r, String(t), n) - void 0 === a ? delete r[t] : a !== n && (r[t] = a) - } - else if (r instanceof Map) - for (const t of Array.from(r.keys())) { - const n = r.get(t), - a = qs(e, r, t, n) - void 0 === a ? r.delete(t) : a !== n && r.set(t, a) - } - else if (r instanceof Set) - for (const t of Array.from(r)) { - const n = qs(e, r, t, t) - void 0 === n ? r.delete(t) : n !== t && (r.delete(t), r.add(n)) - } - else - for (const [t, n] of Object.entries(r)) { - const a = qs(e, r, t, n) - void 0 === a ? delete r[t] : a !== n && (r[t] = a) - } - return e.call(t, n, r) - } - function Zs(e, t, n) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.map((e, t) => Zs(e, String(t), n)) - if (e && "function" == typeof e.toJSON) { - if (!n || !Ns(e)) return e.toJSON(t, n) - const r = { aliasCount: 0, count: 1, res: void 0 } - n.anchors.set(e, r), - (n.onCreate = (e) => { - ;(r.res = e), delete n.onCreate - }) - const a = e.toJSON(t, n) - return n.onCreate && n.onCreate(a), a - } - return "bigint" != typeof e || (null == n ? void 0 : n.keep) ? e : Number(e) - } - ;(js.defaultYaml = { explicit: !1, version: "1.2" }), (js.defaultTags = { "!!": "tag:yaml.org,2002:" }) - class Hs { - constructor(e) { - Object.defineProperty(this, _s, { value: e }) - } - clone() { - const e = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this)) - return this.range && (e.range = this.range.slice()), e - } - toJS(e, { mapAsMap: t, maxAliasCount: n, onAnchor: r, reviver: a } = {}) { - if (!Es(e)) throw new TypeError("A document argument is required") - const o = { - anchors: new Map(), - doc: e, - keep: !0, - mapAsMap: !0 === t, - mapKeyWarned: !1, - maxAliasCount: "number" == typeof n ? n : 100, - }, - i = Zs(this, "", o) - if ("function" == typeof r) for (const { count: e, res: t } of o.anchors.values()) r(t, e) - return "function" == typeof a ? qs(a, { "": i }, "", i) : i - } - } - let Vs = class extends Hs { - constructor(e) { - super(vs), - (this.source = e), - Object.defineProperty(this, "tag", { - set() { - throw new Error("Alias nodes cannot have tags") - }, - }) - } - resolve(e) { - let t - return ( - Ls(e, { - Node: (e, n) => { - if (n === this) return Ls.BREAK - n.anchor === this.source && (t = n) - }, - }), - t - ) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - if (!t) return { source: this.source } - const { anchors: n, doc: r, maxAliasCount: a } = t, - o = this.resolve(r) - if (!o) { - const e = `Unresolved alias (the anchor must be set before the alias): ${this.source}` - throw new ReferenceError(e) - } - let i = n.get(o) - if ((i || (Zs(o, null, t), (i = n.get(o))), !i || void 0 === i.res)) - throw new ReferenceError("This should not happen: Alias anchor was not resolved?") - if (a >= 0 && ((i.count += 1), 0 === i.aliasCount && (i.aliasCount = Ws(r, o, n)), i.count * i.aliasCount > a)) - throw new ReferenceError("Excessive alias count indicates a resource exhaustion attack") - return i.res - } - toString(e, t, n) { - const r = `*${this.source}` - if (e) { - if ((Us(this.source), e.options.verifyAliasOrder && !e.anchors.has(this.source))) { - const e = `Unresolved alias (the anchor must be set before the alias): ${this.source}` - throw new Error(e) - } - if (e.implicitKey) return `${r} ` - } - return r - } - } - function Ws(e, t, n) { - if (Ss(t)) { - const r = t.resolve(e), - a = n && r && n.get(r) - return a ? a.count * a.aliasCount : 0 - } - if (Ds(t)) { - let r = 0 - for (const a of t.items) { - const t = Ws(e, a, n) - t > r && (r = t) - } - return r - } - if (As(t)) { - const r = Ws(e, t.key, n), - a = Ws(e, t.value, n) - return Math.max(r, a) - } - return 1 - } - const Xs = (e) => !e || ("function" != typeof e && "object" != typeof e) - class Ys extends Hs { - constructor(e) { - super(xs), (this.value = e) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - return (null == t ? void 0 : t.keep) ? this.value : Zs(this.value, e, t) - } - toString() { - return String(this.value) - } - } - ;(Ys.BLOCK_FOLDED = "BLOCK_FOLDED"), - (Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL = "BLOCK_LITERAL"), - (Ys.PLAIN = "PLAIN"), - (Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE = "QUOTE_DOUBLE"), - (Ys.QUOTE_SINGLE = "QUOTE_SINGLE") - const Gs = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" - function Ks(e, t, n) { - var r, a, o - if ((Es(e) && (e = e.contents), Rs(e))) return e - if (As(e)) { - const t = null == (a = (r = n.schema[Os]).createNode) ? void 0 : a.call(r, n.schema, null, n) - return t.items.push(e), t - } - ;(e instanceof String || - e instanceof Number || - e instanceof Boolean || - ("undefined" != typeof BigInt && e instanceof BigInt)) && - (e = e.valueOf()) - const { aliasDuplicateObjects: i, onAnchor: s, onTagObj: l, schema: c, sourceObjects: d } = n - let u - if (i && e && "object" == typeof e) { - if (((u = d.get(e)), u)) return u.anchor || (u.anchor = s(e)), new Vs(u.anchor) - ;(u = { anchor: null, node: null }), d.set(e, u) - } - ;(null == t ? void 0 : t.startsWith("!!")) && (t = Gs + t.slice(2)) - let p = (function (e, t, n) { - if (t) { - const e = n.filter((e) => e.tag === t), - r = e.find((e) => !e.format) ?? e[0] - if (!r) throw new Error(`Tag ${t} not found`) - return r - } - return n.find((t) => { - var n - return (null == (n = t.identify) ? void 0 : n.call(t, e)) && !t.format - }) - })(e, t, c.tags) - if (!p) { - if ((e && "function" == typeof e.toJSON && (e = e.toJSON()), !e || "object" != typeof e)) { - const t = new Ys(e) - return u && (u.node = t), t - } - p = e instanceof Map ? c[Os] : Symbol.iterator in Object(e) ? c[ks] : c[Os] - } - l && (l(p), delete n.onTagObj) - const h = (null == p ? void 0 : p.createNode) - ? p.createNode(n.schema, e, n) - : "function" == typeof (null == (o = null == p ? void 0 : p.nodeClass) ? void 0 : o.from) - ? p.nodeClass.from(n.schema, e, n) - : new Ys(e) - return t ? (h.tag = t) : p.default || (h.tag = p.tag), u && (u.node = h), h - } - function Js(e, t, n) { - let r = n - for (let e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { - const n = t[e] - if ("number" == typeof n && Number.isInteger(n) && n >= 0) { - const e = [] - ;(e[n] = r), (r = e) - } else r = new Map([[n, r]]) - } - return Ks(r, void 0, { - aliasDuplicateObjects: !1, - keepUndefined: !1, - onAnchor: () => { - throw new Error("This should not happen, please report a bug.") - }, - schema: e, - sourceObjects: new Map(), - }) - } - const el = (e) => null == e || ("object" == typeof e && !!e[Symbol.iterator]().next().done) - class tl extends Hs { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e), Object.defineProperty(this, "schema", { value: t, configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, writable: !0 }) - } - clone(e) { - const t = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this)) - return ( - e && (t.schema = e), - (t.items = t.items.map((t) => (Rs(t) || As(t) ? t.clone(e) : t))), - this.range && (t.range = this.range.slice()), - t - ) - } - addIn(e, t) { - if (el(e)) this.add(t) - else { - const [n, ...r] = e, - a = this.get(n, !0) - if (Ds(a)) a.addIn(r, t) - else { - if (void 0 !== a || !this.schema) throw new Error(`Expected YAML collection at ${n}. Remaining path: ${r}`) - this.set(n, Js(this.schema, r, t)) - } - } - } - deleteIn(e) { - const [t, ...n] = e - if (0 === n.length) return this.delete(t) - const r = this.get(t, !0) - if (Ds(r)) return r.deleteIn(n) - throw new Error(`Expected YAML collection at ${t}. Remaining path: ${n}`) - } - getIn(e, t) { - const [n, ...r] = e, - a = this.get(n, !0) - return 0 === r.length ? (!t && Cs(a) ? a.value : a) : Ds(a) ? a.getIn(r, t) : void 0 - } - hasAllNullValues(e) { - return this.items.every((t) => { - if (!As(t)) return !1 - const n = t.value - return null == n || (e && Cs(n) && null == n.value && !n.commentBefore && !n.comment && !n.tag) - }) - } - hasIn(e) { - const [t, ...n] = e - if (0 === n.length) return this.has(t) - const r = this.get(t, !0) - return !!Ds(r) && r.hasIn(n) - } - setIn(e, t) { - const [n, ...r] = e - if (0 === r.length) this.set(n, t) - else { - const e = this.get(n, !0) - if (Ds(e)) e.setIn(r, t) - else { - if (void 0 !== e || !this.schema) throw new Error(`Expected YAML collection at ${n}. Remaining path: ${r}`) - this.set(n, Js(this.schema, r, t)) - } - } - } - } - tl.maxFlowStringSingleLineLength = 60 - const nl = (e) => e.replace(/^(?!$)(?: $)?/gm, "#") - function rl(e, t) { - return /^\n+$/.test(e) ? e.substring(1) : t ? e.replace(/^(?! *$)/gm, t) : e - } - const al = (e, t, n) => - e.endsWith("\n") ? rl(n, t) : n.includes("\n") ? "\n" + rl(n, t) : (e.endsWith(" ") ? "" : " ") + n, - ol = "flow", - il = "block", - sl = "quoted" - function ll( - e, - t, - n = "flow", - { indentAtStart: r, lineWidth: a = 80, minContentWidth: o = 20, onFold: i, onOverflow: s } = {}, - ) { - if (!a || a < 0) return e - const l = Math.max(1 + o, 1 + a - t.length) - if (e.length <= l) return e - const c = [], - d = {} - let u, - p, - h = a - t.length - "number" == typeof r && (r > a - Math.max(2, o) ? c.push(0) : (h = a - r)) - let f = !1, - m = -1, - g = -1, - b = -1 - n === il && ((m = cl(e, m, t.length)), -1 !== m && (h = m + l)) - for (let r; (r = e[(m += 1)]); ) { - if (n === sl && "\\" === r) { - switch (((g = m), e[m + 1])) { - case "x": - m += 3 - break - case "u": - m += 5 - break - case "U": - m += 9 - break - default: - m += 1 - } - b = m - } - if ("\n" === r) n === il && (m = cl(e, m, t.length)), (h = m + t.length + l), (u = void 0) - else { - if (" " === r && p && " " !== p && "\n" !== p && "\t" !== p) { - const t = e[m + 1] - t && " " !== t && "\n" !== t && "\t" !== t && (u = m) - } - if (m >= h) - if (u) c.push(u), (h = u + l), (u = void 0) - else if (n === sl) { - for (; " " === p || "\t" === p; ) (p = r), (r = e[(m += 1)]), (f = !0) - const t = m > b + 1 ? m - 2 : g - 1 - if (d[t]) return e - c.push(t), (d[t] = !0), (h = t + l), (u = void 0) - } else f = !0 - } - p = r - } - if ((f && s && s(), 0 === c.length)) return e - i && i() - let v = e.slice(0, c[0]) - for (let r = 0; r < c.length; ++r) { - const a = c[r], - o = c[r + 1] || e.length - 0 === a - ? (v = `\n${t}${e.slice(0, o)}`) - : (n === sl && d[a] && (v += `${e[a]}\\`), (v += `\n${t}${e.slice(a + 1, o)}`)) - } - return v - } - function cl(e, t, n) { - let r = t, - a = t + 1, - o = e[a] - for (; " " === o || "\t" === o; ) - if (t < a + n) o = e[++t] - else { - do { - o = e[++t] - } while (o && "\n" !== o) - ;(r = t), (a = t + 1), (o = e[a]) - } - return r - } - const dl = (e, t) => ({ - indentAtStart: t ? e.indent.length : e.indentAtStart, - lineWidth: e.options.lineWidth, - minContentWidth: e.options.minContentWidth, - }), - ul = (e) => /^(%|---|\.\.\.)/m.test(e) - function pl(e, t) { - const n = JSON.stringify(e) - if (t.options.doubleQuotedAsJSON) return n - const { implicitKey: r } = t, - a = t.options.doubleQuotedMinMultiLineLength, - o = t.indent || (ul(e) ? " " : "") - let i = "", - s = 0 - for (let e = 0, t = n[e]; t; t = n[++e]) - if ( - (" " === t && - "\\" === n[e + 1] && - "n" === n[e + 2] && - ((i += n.slice(s, e) + "\\ "), (e += 1), (s = e), (t = "\\")), - "\\" === t) - ) - switch (n[e + 1]) { - case "u": - { - i += n.slice(s, e) - const t = n.substr(e + 2, 4) - switch (t) { - case "0000": - i += "\\0" - break - case "0007": - i += "\\a" - break - case "000b": - i += "\\v" - break - case "001b": - i += "\\e" - break - case "0085": - i += "\\N" - break - case "00a0": - i += "\\_" - break - case "2028": - i += "\\L" - break - case "2029": - i += "\\P" - break - default: - "00" === t.substr(0, 2) ? (i += "\\x" + t.substr(2)) : (i += n.substr(e, 6)) - } - ;(e += 5), (s = e + 1) - } - break - case "n": - if (r || '"' === n[e + 2] || n.length < a) e += 1 - else { - for (i += n.slice(s, e) + "\n\n"; "\\" === n[e + 2] && "n" === n[e + 3] && '"' !== n[e + 4]; ) - (i += "\n"), (e += 2) - ;(i += o), " " === n[e + 2] && (i += "\\"), (e += 1), (s = e + 1) - } - break - default: - e += 1 - } - return (i = s ? i + n.slice(s) : n), r ? i : ll(i, o, sl, dl(t, !1)) - } - function hl(e, t) { - if (!1 === t.options.singleQuote || (t.implicitKey && e.includes("\n")) || /[ \t]\n|\n[ \t]/.test(e)) - return pl(e, t) - const n = t.indent || (ul(e) ? " " : ""), - r = "'" + e.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\n+/g, `$&\n${n}`) + "'" - return t.implicitKey ? r : ll(r, n, ol, dl(t, !1)) - } - function fl(e, t) { - const { singleQuote: n } = t.options - let r - if (!1 === n) r = pl - else { - const t = e.includes('"'), - a = e.includes("'") - r = t && !a ? hl : a && !t ? pl : n ? hl : pl - } - return r(e, t) - } - let ml - try { - ml = new RegExp("(^|(? r) return !0 - if (((n = t + 1), a - n <= r)) return !1 - } - return !0 - })(n, l, c.length))) - if (!n) return d ? "|\n" : ">\n" - let u, p - for (p = n.length; p > 0; --p) { - const e = n[p - 1] - if ("\n" !== e && "\t" !== e && " " !== e) break - } - let h = n.substring(p) - const f = h.indexOf("\n") - ;-1 === f ? (u = "-") : n === h || f !== h.length - 1 ? ((u = "+"), o && o()) : (u = ""), - h && - ((n = n.slice(0, -h.length)), "\n" === h[h.length - 1] && (h = h.slice(0, -1)), (h = h.replace(ml, `$&${c}`))) - let m, - g = !1, - b = -1 - for (m = 0; m < n.length; ++m) { - const e = n[m] - if (" " === e) g = !0 - else { - if ("\n" !== e) break - b = m - } - } - let v = n.substring(0, b < m ? b + 1 : m) - v && ((n = n.substring(v.length)), (v = v.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${c}`))) - let y = (d ? "|" : ">") + (g ? (c ? "2" : "1") : "") + u - return ( - e && ((y += " " + s(e.replace(/ ?[\r\n]+/g, " "))), a && a()), - d - ? `${y}\n${c}${v}${(n = n.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${c}`))}${h}` - : `${y}\n${c}${ll( - `${v}${(n = n - .replace(/\n+/g, "\n$&") - .replace(/(?:^|\n)([\t ].*)(?:([\n\t ]*)\n(?![\n\t ]))?/g, "$1$2") - .replace(/\n+/g, `$&${c}`))}${h}`, - c, - il, - dl(r, !0), - )}` - ) - } - function bl(e, t, n, r) { - const { implicitKey: a, inFlow: o } = t, - i = "string" == typeof e.value ? e : Object.assign({}, e, { value: String(e.value) }) - let { type: s } = e - s !== Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE && /[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u{D800}-\u{DFFF}]/u.test(i.value) && (s = Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE) - const l = (e) => { - switch (e) { - case Ys.BLOCK_FOLDED: - case Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL: - return a || o ? fl(i.value, t) : gl(i, t, n, r) - case Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE: - return pl(i.value, t) - case Ys.QUOTE_SINGLE: - return hl(i.value, t) - case Ys.PLAIN: - return (function (e, t, n, r) { - const { type: a, value: o } = e, - { actualString: i, implicitKey: s, indent: l, indentStep: c, inFlow: d } = t - if ((s && o.includes("\n")) || (d && /[[\]{},]/.test(o))) return fl(o, t) - if (!o || /^[\n\t ,[\]{}#&*!|>'"%@`]|^[?-]$|^[?-][ \t]|[\n:][ \t]|[ \t]\n|[\n\t ]#|[\n\t :]$/.test(o)) - return s || d || !o.includes("\n") ? fl(o, t) : gl(e, t, n, r) - if (!s && !d && a !== Ys.PLAIN && o.includes("\n")) return gl(e, t, n, r) - if (ul(o)) { - if ("" === l) return (t.forceBlockIndent = !0), gl(e, t, n, r) - if (s && l === c) return fl(o, t) - } - const u = o.replace(/\n+/g, `$&\n${l}`) - if (i) { - const e = (e) => { - var t - return e.default && "tag:yaml.org,2002:str" !== e.tag && (null == (t = e.test) ? void 0 : t.test(u)) - }, - { compat: n, tags: r } = t.doc.schema - if (r.some(e) || (null == n ? void 0 : n.some(e))) return fl(o, t) - } - return s ? u : ll(u, l, ol, dl(t, !1)) - })(i, t, n, r) - default: - return null - } - } - let c = l(s) - if (null === c) { - const { defaultKeyType: e, defaultStringType: n } = t.options, - r = (a && e) || n - if (((c = l(r)), null === c)) throw new Error(`Unsupported default string type ${r}`) - } - return c - } - function vl(e, t) { - const n = Object.assign( - { - blockQuote: !0, - commentString: nl, - defaultKeyType: null, - defaultStringType: "PLAIN", - directives: null, - doubleQuotedAsJSON: !1, - doubleQuotedMinMultiLineLength: 40, - falseStr: "false", - flowCollectionPadding: !0, - indentSeq: !0, - lineWidth: 80, - minContentWidth: 20, - nullStr: "null", - simpleKeys: !1, - singleQuote: null, - trueStr: "true", - verifyAliasOrder: !0, - }, - e.schema.toStringOptions, - t, - ) - let r - switch (n.collectionStyle) { - case "block": - r = !1 - break - case "flow": - r = !0 - break - default: - r = null - } - return { - anchors: new Set(), - doc: e, - flowCollectionPadding: n.flowCollectionPadding ? " " : "", - indent: "", - indentStep: "number" == typeof n.indent ? " ".repeat(n.indent) : " ", - inFlow: r, - options: n, - } - } - function yl(e, t, n, r) { - var a - if (As(e)) return e.toString(t, n, r) - if (Ss(e)) { - if (t.doc.directives) return e.toString(t) - if (null == (a = t.resolvedAliases) ? void 0 : a.has(e)) - throw new TypeError("Cannot stringify circular structure without alias nodes") - t.resolvedAliases ? t.resolvedAliases.add(e) : (t.resolvedAliases = new Set([e])), (e = e.resolve(t.doc)) - } - let o - const i = Rs(e) ? e : t.doc.createNode(e, { onTagObj: (e) => (o = e) }) - o || - (o = (function (e, t) { - var n - if (t.tag) { - const n = e.filter((e) => e.tag === t.tag) - if (n.length > 0) return n.find((e) => e.format === t.format) ?? n[0] - } - let r, a - if (Cs(t)) { - a = t.value - const n = e.filter((e) => { - var t - return null == (t = e.identify) ? void 0 : t.call(e, a) - }) - r = n.find((e) => e.format === t.format) ?? n.find((e) => !e.format) - } else (a = t), (r = e.find((e) => e.nodeClass && a instanceof e.nodeClass)) - if (!r) { - const e = (null == (n = null == a ? void 0 : a.constructor) ? void 0 : n.name) ?? typeof a - throw new Error(`Tag not resolved for ${e} value`) - } - return r - })(t.doc.schema.tags, i)) - const s = (function (e, t, { anchors: n, doc: r }) { - if (!r.directives) return "" - const a = [], - o = (Cs(e) || Ds(e)) && e.anchor - o && Us(o) && (n.add(o), a.push(`&${o}`)) - const i = e.tag ? e.tag : t.default ? null : t.tag - return i && a.push(r.directives.tagString(i)), a.join(" ") - })(i, o, t) - s.length > 0 && (t.indentAtStart = (t.indentAtStart ?? 0) + s.length + 1) - const l = - "function" == typeof o.stringify ? o.stringify(i, t, n, r) : Cs(i) ? bl(i, t, n, r) : i.toString(t, n, r) - return s ? (Cs(i) || "{" === l[0] || "[" === l[0] ? `${s} ${l}` : `${s}\n${t.indent}${l}`) : l - } - function Ol(e, t) { - ;("debug" !== e && "warn" !== e) || - ("undefined" != typeof process && process.emitWarning ? process.emitWarning(t) : console.warn(t)) - } - function wl(e, t, { key: n, value: r }) { - if ((null == e ? void 0 : e.doc.schema.merge) && xl(n)) - if (((r = Ss(r) ? r.resolve(e.doc) : r), Ps(r))) for (const n of r.items) kl(e, t, n) - else if (Array.isArray(r)) for (const n of r) kl(e, t, n) - else kl(e, t, r) - else { - const a = Zs(n, "", e) - if (t instanceof Map) t.set(a, Zs(r, a, e)) - else if (t instanceof Set) t.add(a) - else { - const o = (function (e, t, n) { - if (null === t) return "" - if ("object" != typeof t) return String(t) - if (Rs(e) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.doc)) { - const t = vl(n.doc, {}) - t.anchors = new Set() - for (const e of n.anchors.keys()) t.anchors.add(e.anchor) - ;(t.inFlow = !0), (t.inStringifyKey = !0) - const r = e.toString(t) - if (!n.mapKeyWarned) { - let e = JSON.stringify(r) - e.length > 40 && (e = e.substring(0, 36) + '..."'), - Ol( - n.doc.options.logLevel, - `Keys with collection values will be stringified due to JS Object restrictions: ${e}. Set mapAsMap: true to use object keys.`, - ), - (n.mapKeyWarned = !0) - } - return r - } - return JSON.stringify(t) - })(n, a, e), - i = Zs(r, o, e) - o in t - ? Object.defineProperty(t, o, { value: i, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }) - : (t[o] = i) - } - } - return t - } - const xl = (e) => "<<" === e || (Cs(e) && "<<" === e.value && (!e.type || e.type === Ys.PLAIN)) - function kl(e, t, n) { - const r = e && Ss(n) ? n.resolve(e.doc) : n - if (!Ts(r)) throw new Error("Merge sources must be maps or map aliases") - const a = r.toJSON(null, e, Map) - for (const [e, n] of a) - t instanceof Map - ? t.has(e) || t.set(e, n) - : t instanceof Set - ? t.add(e) - : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) || - Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }) - return t - } - function _l(e, t, n) { - const r = Ks(e, void 0, n), - a = Ks(t, void 0, n) - return new Sl(r, a) - } - class Sl { - constructor(e, t = null) { - Object.defineProperty(this, _s, { value: ws }), (this.key = e), (this.value = t) - } - clone(e) { - let { key: t, value: n } = this - return Rs(t) && (t = t.clone(e)), Rs(n) && (n = n.clone(e)), new Sl(t, n) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - return wl(t, (null == t ? void 0 : t.mapAsMap) ? new Map() : {}, this) - } - toString(e, t, n) { - return (null == e ? void 0 : e.doc) - ? (function ({ key: e, value: t }, n, r, a) { - const { - allNullValues: o, - doc: i, - indent: s, - indentStep: l, - options: { commentString: c, indentSeq: d, simpleKeys: u }, - } = n - let p = (Rs(e) && e.comment) || null - if (u) { - if (p) throw new Error("With simple keys, key nodes cannot have comments") - if (Ds(e) || (!Rs(e) && "object" == typeof e)) - throw new Error("With simple keys, collection cannot be used as a key value") - } - let h = - !u && - (!e || - (p && null == t && !n.inFlow) || - Ds(e) || - (Cs(e) ? e.type === Ys.BLOCK_FOLDED || e.type === Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL : "object" == typeof e)) - n = Object.assign({}, n, { allNullValues: !1, implicitKey: !h && (u || !o), indent: s + l }) - let f, - m, - g, - b = !1, - v = !1, - y = yl( - e, - n, - () => (b = !0), - () => (v = !0), - ) - if (!h && !n.inFlow && y.length > 1024) { - if (u) throw new Error("With simple keys, single line scalar must not span more than 1024 characters") - h = !0 - } - if (n.inFlow) { - if (o || null == t) return b && r && r(), "" === y ? "?" : h ? `? ${y}` : y - } else if ((o && !u) || (null == t && h)) - return (y = `? ${y}`), p && !b ? (y += al(y, n.indent, c(p))) : v && a && a(), y - b && (p = null), - h - ? (p && (y += al(y, n.indent, c(p))), (y = `? ${y}\n${s}:`)) - : ((y = `${y}:`), p && (y += al(y, n.indent, c(p)))), - Rs(t) - ? ((f = !!t.spaceBefore), (m = t.commentBefore), (g = t.comment)) - : ((f = !1), (m = null), (g = null), t && "object" == typeof t && (t = i.createNode(t))), - (n.implicitKey = !1), - h || p || !Cs(t) || (n.indentAtStart = y.length + 1), - (v = !1), - d || - !(l.length >= 2) || - n.inFlow || - h || - !Ps(t) || - t.flow || - t.tag || - t.anchor || - (n.indent = n.indent.substring(2)) - let O = !1 - const w = yl( - t, - n, - () => (O = !0), - () => (v = !0), - ) - let x = " " - if (p || f || m) - (x = f ? "\n" : ""), - m && (x += `\n${rl(c(m), n.indent)}`), - "" !== w || n.inFlow ? (x += `\n${n.indent}`) : "\n" === x && (x = "\n\n") - else if (!h && Ds(t)) { - const e = w[0], - r = w.indexOf("\n"), - a = -1 !== r, - o = n.inFlow ?? t.flow ?? 0 === t.items.length - if (a || !o) { - let t = !1 - if (a && ("&" === e || "!" === e)) { - let n = w.indexOf(" ") - "&" === e && -1 !== n && n < r && "!" === w[n + 1] && (n = w.indexOf(" ", n + 1)), - (-1 === n || r < n) && (t = !0) - } - t || (x = `\n${n.indent}`) - } - } else ("" !== w && "\n" !== w[0]) || (x = "") - return (y += x + w), n.inFlow ? O && r && r() : g && !O ? (y += al(y, n.indent, c(g))) : v && a && a(), y - })(this, e, t, n) - : JSON.stringify(this) - } - } - function El(e, t, n) { - return ((t.inFlow ?? e.flow) ? Al : Tl)(e, t, n) - } - function Tl( - { comment: e, items: t }, - n, - { blockItemPrefix: r, flowChars: a, itemIndent: o, onChompKeep: i, onComment: s }, - ) { - const { - indent: l, - options: { commentString: c }, - } = n, - d = Object.assign({}, n, { indent: o, type: null }) - let u = !1 - const p = [] - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) { - const a = t[e] - let i = null - if (Rs(a)) !u && a.spaceBefore && p.push(""), Cl(n, p, a.commentBefore, u), a.comment && (i = a.comment) - else if (As(a)) { - const e = Rs(a.key) ? a.key : null - e && (!u && e.spaceBefore && p.push(""), Cl(n, p, e.commentBefore, u)) - } - u = !1 - let s = yl( - a, - d, - () => (i = null), - () => (u = !0), - ) - i && (s += al(s, o, c(i))), u && i && (u = !1), p.push(r + s) - } - let h - if (0 === p.length) h = a.start + a.end - else { - h = p[0] - for (let e = 1; e < p.length; ++e) { - const t = p[e] - h += t ? `\n${l}${t}` : "\n" - } - } - return e ? ((h += "\n" + rl(c(e), l)), s && s()) : u && i && i(), h - } - function Al({ items: e }, t, { flowChars: n, itemIndent: r }) { - const { - indent: a, - indentStep: o, - flowCollectionPadding: i, - options: { commentString: s }, - } = t - r += o - const l = Object.assign({}, t, { indent: r, inFlow: !0, type: null }) - let c = !1, - d = 0 - const u = [] - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { - const a = e[n] - let o = null - if (Rs(a)) a.spaceBefore && u.push(""), Cl(t, u, a.commentBefore, !1), a.comment && (o = a.comment) - else if (As(a)) { - const e = Rs(a.key) ? a.key : null - e && (e.spaceBefore && u.push(""), Cl(t, u, e.commentBefore, !1), e.comment && (c = !0)) - const n = Rs(a.value) ? a.value : null - n - ? (n.comment && (o = n.comment), n.commentBefore && (c = !0)) - : null == a.value && (null == e ? void 0 : e.comment) && (o = e.comment) - } - o && (c = !0) - let i = yl(a, l, () => (o = null)) - n < e.length - 1 && (i += ","), - o && (i += al(i, r, s(o))), - !c && (u.length > d || i.includes("\n")) && (c = !0), - u.push(i), - (d = u.length) - } - const { start: p, end: h } = n - if (0 === u.length) return p + h - if (!c) { - const e = u.reduce((e, t) => e + t.length + 2, 2) - c = t.options.lineWidth > 0 && e > t.options.lineWidth - } - if (c) { - let e = p - for (const t of u) e += t ? `\n${o}${a}${t}` : "\n" - return `${e}\n${a}${h}` - } - return `${p}${i}${u.join(" ")}${i}${h}` - } - function Cl({ indent: e, options: { commentString: t } }, n, r, a) { - if ((r && a && (r = r.replace(/^\n+/, "")), r)) { - const a = rl(t(r), e) - n.push(a.trimStart()) - } - } - function Pl(e, t) { - const n = Cs(t) ? t.value : t - for (const r of e) - if (As(r)) { - if (r.key === t || r.key === n) return r - if (Cs(r.key) && r.key.value === n) return r - } - } - class Dl extends tl { - static get tagName() { - return "tag:yaml.org,2002:map" - } - constructor(e) { - super(Os, e), (this.items = []) - } - static from(e, t, n) { - const { keepUndefined: r, replacer: a } = n, - o = new this(e), - i = (e, i) => { - if ("function" == typeof a) i = a.call(t, e, i) - else if (Array.isArray(a) && !a.includes(e)) return - ;(void 0 !== i || r) && o.items.push(_l(e, i, n)) - } - if (t instanceof Map) for (const [e, n] of t) i(e, n) - else if (t && "object" == typeof t) for (const e of Object.keys(t)) i(e, t[e]) - return "function" == typeof e.sortMapEntries && o.items.sort(e.sortMapEntries), o - } - add(e, t) { - var n - let r - r = As(e) - ? e - : e && "object" == typeof e && "key" in e - ? new Sl(e.key, e.value) - : new Sl(e, null == e ? void 0 : e.value) - const a = Pl(this.items, r.key), - o = null == (n = this.schema) ? void 0 : n.sortMapEntries - if (a) { - if (!t) throw new Error(`Key ${r.key} already set`) - Cs(a.value) && Xs(r.value) ? (a.value.value = r.value) : (a.value = r.value) - } else if (o) { - const e = this.items.findIndex((e) => o(r, e) < 0) - ;-1 === e ? this.items.push(r) : this.items.splice(e, 0, r) - } else this.items.push(r) - } - delete(e) { - const t = Pl(this.items, e) - return !!t && this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(t), 1).length > 0 - } - get(e, t) { - const n = Pl(this.items, e), - r = null == n ? void 0 : n.value - return (!t && Cs(r) ? r.value : r) ?? void 0 - } - has(e) { - return !!Pl(this.items, e) - } - set(e, t) { - this.add(new Sl(e, t), !0) - } - toJSON(e, t, n) { - const r = n ? new n() : (null == t ? void 0 : t.mapAsMap) ? new Map() : {} - ;(null == t ? void 0 : t.onCreate) && t.onCreate(r) - for (const e of this.items) wl(t, r, e) - return r - } - toString(e, t, n) { - if (!e) return JSON.stringify(this) - for (const e of this.items) - if (!As(e)) throw new Error(`Map items must all be pairs; found ${JSON.stringify(e)} instead`) - return ( - !e.allNullValues && this.hasAllNullValues(!1) && (e = Object.assign({}, e, { allNullValues: !0 })), - El(this, e, { - blockItemPrefix: "", - flowChars: { start: "{", end: "}" }, - itemIndent: e.indent || "", - onChompKeep: n, - onComment: t, - }) - ) - } - } - const Rl = { - collection: "map", - default: !0, - nodeClass: Dl, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:map", - resolve: (e, t) => (Ts(e) || t("Expected a mapping for this tag"), e), - createNode: (e, t, n) => Dl.from(e, t, n), - } - class Nl extends tl { - static get tagName() { - return "tag:yaml.org,2002:seq" - } - constructor(e) { - super(ks, e), (this.items = []) - } - add(e) { - this.items.push(e) - } - delete(e) { - const t = $l(e) - return "number" == typeof t && this.items.splice(t, 1).length > 0 - } - get(e, t) { - const n = $l(e) - if ("number" != typeof n) return - const r = this.items[n] - return !t && Cs(r) ? r.value : r - } - has(e) { - const t = $l(e) - return "number" == typeof t && t < this.items.length - } - set(e, t) { - const n = $l(e) - if ("number" != typeof n) throw new Error(`Expected a valid index, not ${e}.`) - const r = this.items[n] - Cs(r) && Xs(t) ? (r.value = t) : (this.items[n] = t) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - const n = [] - ;(null == t ? void 0 : t.onCreate) && t.onCreate(n) - let r = 0 - for (const e of this.items) n.push(Zs(e, String(r++), t)) - return n - } - toString(e, t, n) { - return e - ? El(this, e, { - blockItemPrefix: "- ", - flowChars: { start: "[", end: "]" }, - itemIndent: (e.indent || "") + " ", - onChompKeep: n, - onComment: t, - }) - : JSON.stringify(this) - } - static from(e, t, n) { - const { replacer: r } = n, - a = new this(e) - if (t && Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) { - let e = 0 - for (let o of t) { - if ("function" == typeof r) { - const n = t instanceof Set ? o : String(e++) - o = r.call(t, n, o) - } - a.items.push(Ks(o, void 0, n)) - } - } - return a - } - } - function $l(e) { - let t = Cs(e) ? e.value : e - return ( - t && "string" == typeof t && (t = Number(t)), "number" == typeof t && Number.isInteger(t) && t >= 0 ? t : null - ) - } - const Il = { - collection: "seq", - default: !0, - nodeClass: Nl, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", - resolve: (e, t) => (Ps(e) || t("Expected a sequence for this tag"), e), - createNode: (e, t, n) => Nl.from(e, t, n), - }, - Ml = { - identify: (e) => "string" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:str", - resolve: (e) => e, - stringify: (e, t, n, r) => bl(e, (t = Object.assign({ actualString: !0 }, t)), n, r), - }, - Ll = { - identify: (e) => null == e, - createNode: () => new Ys(null), - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:null", - test: /^(?:~|[Nn]ull|NULL)?$/, - resolve: () => new Ys(null), - stringify: ({ source: e }, t) => ("string" == typeof e && Ll.test.test(e) ? e : t.options.nullStr), - }, - Ql = { - identify: (e) => "boolean" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", - test: /^(?:[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Ff]alse|FALSE)$/, - resolve: (e) => new Ys("t" === e[0] || "T" === e[0]), - stringify: ({ source: e, value: t }, n) => - e && Ql.test.test(e) && t === ("t" === e[0] || "T" === e[0]) ? e : t ? n.options.trueStr : n.options.falseStr, - } - function Bl({ format: e, minFractionDigits: t, tag: n, value: r }) { - if ("bigint" == typeof r) return String(r) - const a = "number" == typeof r ? r : Number(r) - if (!isFinite(a)) return isNaN(a) ? ".nan" : a < 0 ? "-.inf" : ".inf" - let o = JSON.stringify(r) - if (!e && t && (!n || "tag:yaml.org,2002:float" === n) && /^\d/.test(o)) { - let e = o.indexOf(".") - e < 0 && ((e = o.length), (o += ".")) - let n = t - (o.length - e - 1) - for (; n-- > 0; ) o += "0" - } - return o - } - const jl = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - test: /^(?:[-+]?\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\.nan|\.NaN|\.NAN)$/, - resolve: (e) => - "nan" === e.slice(-3).toLowerCase() - ? NaN - : "-" === e[0] - ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, - stringify: Bl, - }, - Ul = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - format: "EXP", - test: /^[-+]?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)[eE][-+]?[0-9]+$/, - resolve: (e) => parseFloat(e), - stringify(e) { - const t = Number(e.value) - return isFinite(t) ? t.toExponential() : Bl(e) - }, - }, - Fl = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - test: /^[-+]?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)$/, - resolve(e) { - const t = new Ys(parseFloat(e)), - n = e.indexOf(".") - return -1 !== n && "0" === e[e.length - 1] && (t.minFractionDigits = e.length - n - 1), t - }, - stringify: Bl, - }, - zl = (e) => "bigint" == typeof e || Number.isInteger(e), - ql = (e, t, n, { intAsBigInt: r }) => (r ? BigInt(e) : parseInt(e.substring(t), n)) - function Zl(e, t, n) { - const { value: r } = e - return zl(r) && r >= 0 ? n + r.toString(t) : Bl(e) - } - const Hl = { - identify: (e) => zl(e) && e >= 0, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "OCT", - test: /^0o[0-7]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => ql(e, 2, 8, n), - stringify: (e) => Zl(e, 8, "0o"), - }, - Vl = { - identify: zl, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - test: /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => ql(e, 0, 10, n), - stringify: Bl, - }, - Wl = { - identify: (e) => zl(e) && e >= 0, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "HEX", - test: /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => ql(e, 2, 16, n), - stringify: (e) => Zl(e, 16, "0x"), - }, - Xl = [Rl, Il, Ml, Ll, Ql, Hl, Vl, Wl, jl, Ul, Fl] - function Yl(e) { - return "bigint" == typeof e || Number.isInteger(e) - } - const Gl = ({ value: e }) => JSON.stringify(e), - Kl = [Rl, Il].concat( - [ - { - identify: (e) => "string" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:str", - resolve: (e) => e, - stringify: Gl, - }, - { - identify: (e) => null == e, - createNode: () => new Ys(null), - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:null", - test: /^null$/, - resolve: () => null, - stringify: Gl, - }, - { - identify: (e) => "boolean" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", - test: /^true|false$/, - resolve: (e) => "true" === e, - stringify: Gl, - }, - { - identify: Yl, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, - resolve: (e, t, { intAsBigInt: n }) => (n ? BigInt(e) : parseInt(e, 10)), - stringify: ({ value: e }) => (Yl(e) ? e.toString() : JSON.stringify(e)), - }, - { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/, - resolve: (e) => parseFloat(e), - stringify: Gl, - }, - ], - { default: !0, tag: "", test: /^/, resolve: (e, t) => (t(`Unresolved plain scalar ${JSON.stringify(e)}`), e) }, - ), - Jl = { - identify: (e) => e instanceof Uint8Array, - default: !1, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:binary", - resolve(e, t) { - if ("function" == typeof Buffer) return Buffer.from(e, "base64") - if ("function" == typeof atob) { - const t = atob(e.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")), - n = new Uint8Array(t.length) - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) n[e] = t.charCodeAt(e) - return n - } - return t("This environment does not support reading binary tags; either Buffer or atob is required"), e - }, - stringify({ comment: e, type: t, value: n }, r, a, o) { - const i = n - let s - if ("function" == typeof Buffer) - s = i instanceof Buffer ? i.toString("base64") : Buffer.from(i.buffer).toString("base64") - else { - if ("function" != typeof btoa) - throw new Error( - "This environment does not support writing binary tags; either Buffer or btoa is required", - ) - { - let e = "" - for (let t = 0; t < i.length; ++t) e += String.fromCharCode(i[t]) - s = btoa(e) - } - } - if ((t || (t = Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL), t !== Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE)) { - const e = Math.max(r.options.lineWidth - r.indent.length, r.options.minContentWidth), - n = Math.ceil(s.length / e), - a = new Array(n) - for (let t = 0, r = 0; t < n; ++t, r += e) a[t] = s.substr(r, e) - s = a.join(t === Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL ? "\n" : " ") - } - return bl({ comment: e, type: t, value: s }, r, a, o) - }, - } - function ec(e, t) { - if (Ps(e)) - for (let n = 0; n < e.items.length; ++n) { - let r = e.items[n] - if (!As(r)) { - if (Ts(r)) { - r.items.length > 1 && t("Each pair must have its own sequence indicator") - const e = r.items[0] || new Sl(new Ys(null)) - if ( - (r.commentBefore && - (e.key.commentBefore = e.key.commentBefore - ? `${r.commentBefore}\n${e.key.commentBefore}` - : r.commentBefore), - r.comment) - ) { - const t = e.value ?? e.key - t.comment = t.comment ? `${r.comment}\n${t.comment}` : r.comment - } - r = e - } - e.items[n] = As(r) ? r : new Sl(r) - } - } - else t("Expected a sequence for this tag") - return e - } - function tc(e, t, n) { - const { replacer: r } = n, - a = new Nl(e) - a.tag = "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs" - let o = 0 - if (t && Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) - for (let e of t) { - let i, s - if (("function" == typeof r && (e = r.call(t, String(o++), e)), Array.isArray(e))) { - if (2 !== e.length) throw new TypeError(`Expected [key, value] tuple: ${e}`) - ;(i = e[0]), (s = e[1]) - } else if (e && e instanceof Object) { - const t = Object.keys(e) - if (1 !== t.length) throw new TypeError(`Expected tuple with one key, not ${t.length} keys`) - ;(i = t[0]), (s = e[i]) - } else i = e - a.items.push(_l(i, s, n)) - } - return a - } - const nc = { collection: "seq", default: !1, tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs", resolve: ec, createNode: tc } - class rc extends Nl { - constructor() { - super(), - (this.add = Dl.prototype.add.bind(this)), - (this.delete = Dl.prototype.delete.bind(this)), - (this.get = Dl.prototype.get.bind(this)), - (this.has = Dl.prototype.has.bind(this)), - (this.set = Dl.prototype.set.bind(this)), - (this.tag = rc.tag) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - if (!t) return super.toJSON(e) - const n = new Map() - ;(null == t ? void 0 : t.onCreate) && t.onCreate(n) - for (const e of this.items) { - let r, a - if ((As(e) ? ((r = Zs(e.key, "", t)), (a = Zs(e.value, r, t))) : (r = Zs(e, "", t)), n.has(r))) - throw new Error("Ordered maps must not include duplicate keys") - n.set(r, a) - } - return n - } - static from(e, t, n) { - const r = tc(e, t, n), - a = new this() - return (a.items = r.items), a - } - } - rc.tag = "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap" - const ac = { - collection: "seq", - identify: (e) => e instanceof Map, - nodeClass: rc, - default: !1, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", - resolve(e, t) { - const n = ec(e, t), - r = [] - for (const { key: e } of n.items) - Cs(e) && - (r.includes(e.value) ? t(`Ordered maps must not include duplicate keys: ${e.value}`) : r.push(e.value)) - return Object.assign(new rc(), n) - }, - createNode: (e, t, n) => rc.from(e, t, n), - } - function oc({ value: e, source: t }, n) { - return t && (e ? ic : sc).test.test(t) ? t : e ? n.options.trueStr : n.options.falseStr - } - const ic = { - identify: (e) => !0 === e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", - test: /^(?:Y|y|[Yy]es|YES|[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Oo]n|ON)$/, - resolve: () => new Ys(!0), - stringify: oc, - }, - sc = { - identify: (e) => !1 === e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", - test: /^(?:N|n|[Nn]o|NO|[Ff]alse|FALSE|[Oo]ff|OFF)$/, - resolve: () => new Ys(!1), - stringify: oc, - }, - lc = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - test: /^(?:[-+]?\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\.nan|\.NaN|\.NAN)$/, - resolve: (e) => - "nan" === e.slice(-3).toLowerCase() - ? NaN - : "-" === e[0] - ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, - stringify: Bl, - }, - cc = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - format: "EXP", - test: /^[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)?(?:\.[0-9_]*)?[eE][-+]?[0-9]+$/, - resolve: (e) => parseFloat(e.replace(/_/g, "")), - stringify(e) { - const t = Number(e.value) - return isFinite(t) ? t.toExponential() : Bl(e) - }, - }, - dc = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - test: /^[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)?\.[0-9_]*$/, - resolve(e) { - const t = new Ys(parseFloat(e.replace(/_/g, ""))), - n = e.indexOf(".") - if (-1 !== n) { - const r = e.substring(n + 1).replace(/_/g, "") - "0" === r[r.length - 1] && (t.minFractionDigits = r.length) - } - return t - }, - stringify: Bl, - }, - uc = (e) => "bigint" == typeof e || Number.isInteger(e) - function pc(e, t, n, { intAsBigInt: r }) { - const a = e[0] - if ((("-" !== a && "+" !== a) || (t += 1), (e = e.substring(t).replace(/_/g, "")), r)) { - switch (n) { - case 2: - e = `0b${e}` - break - case 8: - e = `0o${e}` - break - case 16: - e = `0x${e}` - } - const t = BigInt(e) - return "-" === a ? BigInt(-1) * t : t - } - const o = parseInt(e, n) - return "-" === a ? -1 * o : o - } - function hc(e, t, n) { - const { value: r } = e - if (uc(r)) { - const e = r.toString(t) - return r < 0 ? "-" + n + e.substr(1) : n + e - } - return Bl(e) - } - const fc = { - identify: uc, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "BIN", - test: /^[-+]?0b[0-1_]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => pc(e, 2, 2, n), - stringify: (e) => hc(e, 2, "0b"), - }, - mc = { - identify: uc, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "OCT", - test: /^[-+]?0[0-7_]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => pc(e, 1, 8, n), - stringify: (e) => hc(e, 8, "0"), - }, - gc = { - identify: uc, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - test: /^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => pc(e, 0, 10, n), - stringify: Bl, - }, - bc = { - identify: uc, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "HEX", - test: /^[-+]?0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+$/, - resolve: (e, t, n) => pc(e, 2, 16, n), - stringify: (e) => hc(e, 16, "0x"), - } - class vc extends Dl { - constructor(e) { - super(e), (this.tag = vc.tag) - } - add(e) { - let t - ;(t = As(e) - ? e - : e && "object" == typeof e && "key" in e && "value" in e && null === e.value - ? new Sl(e.key, null) - : new Sl(e, null)), - Pl(this.items, t.key) || this.items.push(t) - } - get(e, t) { - const n = Pl(this.items, e) - return !t && As(n) ? (Cs(n.key) ? n.key.value : n.key) : n - } - set(e, t) { - if ("boolean" != typeof t) - throw new Error("Expected boolean value for set(key, value) in a YAML set, not " + typeof t) - const n = Pl(this.items, e) - n && !t ? this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(n), 1) : !n && t && this.items.push(new Sl(e)) - } - toJSON(e, t) { - return super.toJSON(e, t, Set) - } - toString(e, t, n) { - if (!e) return JSON.stringify(this) - if (this.hasAllNullValues(!0)) return super.toString(Object.assign({}, e, { allNullValues: !0 }), t, n) - throw new Error("Set items must all have null values") - } - static from(e, t, n) { - const { replacer: r } = n, - a = new this(e) - if (t && Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) - for (let e of t) "function" == typeof r && (e = r.call(t, e, e)), a.items.push(_l(e, null, n)) - return a - } - } - vc.tag = "tag:yaml.org,2002:set" - const yc = { - collection: "map", - identify: (e) => e instanceof Set, - nodeClass: vc, - default: !1, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:set", - createNode: (e, t, n) => vc.from(e, t, n), - resolve(e, t) { - if (Ts(e)) { - if (e.hasAllNullValues(!0)) return Object.assign(new vc(), e) - t("Set items must all have null values") - } else t("Expected a mapping for this tag") - return e - }, - } - function Oc(e, t) { - const n = e[0], - r = "-" === n || "+" === n ? e.substring(1) : e, - a = (e) => (t ? BigInt(e) : Number(e)), - o = r - .replace(/_/g, "") - .split(":") - .reduce((e, t) => e * a(60) + a(t), a(0)) - return "-" === n ? a(-1) * o : o - } - function wc(e) { - let { value: t } = e, - n = (e) => e - if ("bigint" == typeof t) n = (e) => BigInt(e) - else if (isNaN(t) || !isFinite(t)) return Bl(e) - let r = "" - t < 0 && ((r = "-"), (t *= n(-1))) - const a = n(60), - o = [t % a] - return ( - t < 60 - ? o.unshift(0) - : ((t = (t - o[0]) / a), o.unshift(t % a), t >= 60 && ((t = (t - o[0]) / a), o.unshift(t))), - r + - o - .map((e) => String(e).padStart(2, "0")) - .join(":") - .replace(/000000\d*$/, "") - ) - } - const xc = { - identify: (e) => "bigint" == typeof e || Number.isInteger(e), - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", - format: "TIME", - test: /^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+$/, - resolve: (e, t, { intAsBigInt: n }) => Oc(e, n), - stringify: wc, - }, - kc = { - identify: (e) => "number" == typeof e, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:float", - format: "TIME", - test: /^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\.[0-9_]*$/, - resolve: (e) => Oc(e, !1), - stringify: wc, - }, - _c = { - identify: (e) => e instanceof Date, - default: !0, - tag: "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp", - test: RegExp( - "^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})(?:(?:t|T|[ \\t]+)([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}(\\.[0-9]+)?)(?:[ \\t]*(Z|[-+][012]?[0-9](?::[0-9]{2})?))?)?$", - ), - resolve(e) { - const t = e.match(_c.test) - if (!t) throw new Error("!!timestamp expects a date, starting with yyyy-mm-dd") - const [, n, r, a, o, i, s] = t.map(Number), - l = t[7] ? Number((t[7] + "00").substr(1, 3)) : 0 - let c = Date.UTC(n, r - 1, a, o || 0, i || 0, s || 0, l) - const d = t[8] - if (d && "Z" !== d) { - let e = Oc(d, !1) - Math.abs(e) < 30 && (e *= 60), (c -= 6e4 * e) - } - return new Date(c) - }, - stringify: ({ value: e }) => e.toISOString().replace(/((T00:00)?:00)?\.000Z$/, ""), - }, - Sc = [Rl, Il, Ml, Ll, ic, sc, fc, mc, gc, bc, lc, cc, dc, Jl, ac, nc, yc, xc, kc, _c], - Ec = new Map([ - ["core", Xl], - ["failsafe", [Rl, Il, Ml]], - ["json", Kl], - ["yaml11", Sc], - ["yaml-1.1", Sc], - ]), - Tc = { - binary: Jl, - bool: Ql, - float: Fl, - floatExp: Ul, - floatNaN: jl, - floatTime: kc, - int: Vl, - intHex: Wl, - intOct: Hl, - intTime: xc, - map: Rl, - null: Ll, - omap: ac, - pairs: nc, - seq: Il, - set: yc, - timestamp: _c, - }, - Ac = { - "tag:yaml.org,2002:binary": Jl, - "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap": ac, - "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs": nc, - "tag:yaml.org,2002:set": yc, - "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp": _c, - } - function Cc(e, t) { - let n = Ec.get(t) - if (!n) { - if (!Array.isArray(e)) { - const e = Array.from(Ec.keys()) - .filter((e) => "yaml11" !== e) - .map((e) => JSON.stringify(e)) - .join(", ") - throw new Error(`Unknown schema "${t}"; use one of ${e} or define customTags array`) - } - n = [] - } - if (Array.isArray(e)) for (const t of e) n = n.concat(t) - else "function" == typeof e && (n = e(n.slice())) - return n.map((e) => { - if ("string" != typeof e) return e - const t = Tc[e] - if (t) return t - const n = Object.keys(Tc) - .map((e) => JSON.stringify(e)) - .join(", ") - throw new Error(`Unknown custom tag "${e}"; use one of ${n}`) - }) - } - const Pc = (e, t) => (e.key < t.key ? -1 : e.key > t.key ? 1 : 0) - class Dc { - constructor(e, t, n) { - ;(this.commentBefore = null), - (this.comment = null), - (this.errors = []), - (this.warnings = []), - Object.defineProperty(this, _s, { value: ys }) - let r = null - "function" == typeof t || Array.isArray(t) ? (r = t) : void 0 === n && t && ((n = t), (t = void 0)) - const a = Object.assign( - { - intAsBigInt: !1, - keepSourceTokens: !1, - logLevel: "warn", - prettyErrors: !0, - strict: !0, - uniqueKeys: !0, - version: "1.2", - }, - n, - ) - this.options = a - let { version: o } = a - ;(null == n ? void 0 : n._directives) - ? ((this.directives = n._directives.atDocument()), - this.directives.yaml.explicit && (o = this.directives.yaml.version)) - : (this.directives = new js({ version: o })), - this.setSchema(o, n), - (this.contents = void 0 === e ? null : this.createNode(e, r, n)) - } - clone() { - const e = Object.create(Dc.prototype, { [_s]: { value: ys } }) - return ( - (e.commentBefore = this.commentBefore), - (e.comment = this.comment), - (e.errors = this.errors.slice()), - (e.warnings = this.warnings.slice()), - (e.options = Object.assign({}, this.options)), - this.directives && (e.directives = this.directives.clone()), - (e.schema = this.schema.clone()), - (e.contents = Rs(this.contents) ? this.contents.clone(e.schema) : this.contents), - this.range && (e.range = this.range.slice()), - e - ) - } - add(e) { - Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.add(e) - } - addIn(e, t) { - Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.addIn(e, t) - } - createAlias(e, t) { - if (!e.anchor) { - const n = Fs(this) - e.anchor = !t || n.has(t) ? zs(t || "a", n) : t - } - return new Vs(e.anchor) - } - createNode(e, t, n) { - let r - if ("function" == typeof t) (e = t.call({ "": e }, "", e)), (r = t) - else if (Array.isArray(t)) { - const e = (e) => "number" == typeof e || e instanceof String || e instanceof Number, - n = t.filter(e).map(String) - n.length > 0 && (t = t.concat(n)), (r = t) - } else void 0 === n && t && ((n = t), (t = void 0)) - const { aliasDuplicateObjects: a, anchorPrefix: o, flow: i, keepUndefined: s, onTagObj: l, tag: c } = n ?? {}, - { - onAnchor: d, - setAnchors: u, - sourceObjects: p, - } = (function (e, t) { - const n = [], - r = new Map() - let a = null - return { - onAnchor: (r) => { - n.push(r), a || (a = Fs(e)) - const o = zs(t, a) - return a.add(o), o - }, - setAnchors: () => { - for (const e of n) { - const t = r.get(e) - if ("object" != typeof t || !t.anchor || (!Cs(t.node) && !Ds(t.node))) { - const t = new Error("Failed to resolve repeated object (this should not happen)") - throw ((t.source = e), t) - } - t.node.anchor = t.anchor - } - }, - sourceObjects: r, - } - })(this, o || "a"), - h = Ks(e, c, { - aliasDuplicateObjects: a ?? !0, - keepUndefined: s ?? !1, - onAnchor: d, - onTagObj: l, - replacer: r, - schema: this.schema, - sourceObjects: p, - }) - return i && Ds(h) && (h.flow = !0), u(), h - } - createPair(e, t, n = {}) { - const r = this.createNode(e, null, n), - a = this.createNode(t, null, n) - return new Sl(r, a) - } - delete(e) { - return !!Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.delete(e) - } - deleteIn(e) { - return el(e) - ? null != this.contents && ((this.contents = null), !0) - : !!Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.deleteIn(e) - } - get(e, t) { - return Ds(this.contents) ? this.contents.get(e, t) : void 0 - } - getIn(e, t) { - return el(e) - ? !t && Cs(this.contents) - ? this.contents.value - : this.contents - : Ds(this.contents) - ? this.contents.getIn(e, t) - : void 0 - } - has(e) { - return !!Ds(this.contents) && this.contents.has(e) - } - hasIn(e) { - return el(e) ? void 0 !== this.contents : !!Ds(this.contents) && this.contents.hasIn(e) - } - set(e, t) { - null == this.contents ? (this.contents = Js(this.schema, [e], t)) : Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.set(e, t) - } - setIn(e, t) { - el(e) - ? (this.contents = t) - : null == this.contents - ? (this.contents = Js(this.schema, Array.from(e), t)) - : Rc(this.contents) && this.contents.setIn(e, t) - } - setSchema(e, t = {}) { - let n - switch (("number" == typeof e && (e = String(e)), e)) { - case "1.1": - this.directives ? (this.directives.yaml.version = "1.1") : (this.directives = new js({ version: "1.1" })), - (n = { merge: !0, resolveKnownTags: !1, schema: "yaml-1.1" }) - break - case "1.2": - case "next": - this.directives ? (this.directives.yaml.version = e) : (this.directives = new js({ version: e })), - (n = { merge: !1, resolveKnownTags: !0, schema: "core" }) - break - case null: - this.directives && delete this.directives, (n = null) - break - default: { - const t = JSON.stringify(e) - throw new Error(`Expected '1.1', '1.2' or null as first argument, but found: ${t}`) - } - } - if (t.schema instanceof Object) this.schema = t.schema - else { - if (!n) throw new Error("With a null YAML version, the { schema: Schema } option is required") - this.schema = new (class e { - constructor({ - compat: e, - customTags: t, - merge: n, - resolveKnownTags: r, - schema: a, - sortMapEntries: o, - toStringDefaults: i, - }) { - ;(this.compat = Array.isArray(e) ? Cc(e, "compat") : e ? Cc(null, e) : null), - (this.merge = !!n), - (this.name = ("string" == typeof a && a) || "core"), - (this.knownTags = r ? Ac : {}), - (this.tags = Cc(t, this.name)), - (this.toStringOptions = i ?? null), - Object.defineProperty(this, Os, { value: Rl }), - Object.defineProperty(this, xs, { value: Ml }), - Object.defineProperty(this, ks, { value: Il }), - (this.sortMapEntries = "function" == typeof o ? o : !0 === o ? Pc : null) - } - clone() { - const t = Object.create(e.prototype, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this)) - return (t.tags = this.tags.slice()), t - } - })(Object.assign(n, t)) - } - } - toJS({ json: e, jsonArg: t, mapAsMap: n, maxAliasCount: r, onAnchor: a, reviver: o } = {}) { - const i = { - anchors: new Map(), - doc: this, - keep: !e, - mapAsMap: !0 === n, - mapKeyWarned: !1, - maxAliasCount: "number" == typeof r ? r : 100, - }, - s = Zs(this.contents, t ?? "", i) - if ("function" == typeof a) for (const { count: e, res: t } of i.anchors.values()) a(t, e) - return "function" == typeof o ? qs(o, { "": s }, "", s) : s - } - toJSON(e, t) { - return this.toJS({ json: !0, jsonArg: e, mapAsMap: !1, onAnchor: t }) - } - toString(e = {}) { - if (this.errors.length > 0) throw new Error("Document with errors cannot be stringified") - if ("indent" in e && (!Number.isInteger(e.indent) || Number(e.indent) <= 0)) { - const t = JSON.stringify(e.indent) - throw new Error(`"indent" option must be a positive integer, not ${t}`) - } - return (function (e, t) { - var n - const r = [] - let a = !0 === t.directives - if (!1 !== t.directives && e.directives) { - const t = e.directives.toString(e) - t ? (r.push(t), (a = !0)) : e.directives.docStart && (a = !0) - } - a && r.push("---") - const o = vl(e, t), - { commentString: i } = o.options - if (e.commentBefore) { - 1 !== r.length && r.unshift("") - const t = i(e.commentBefore) - r.unshift(rl(t, "")) - } - let s = !1, - l = null - if (e.contents) { - if (Rs(e.contents)) { - if ((e.contents.spaceBefore && a && r.push(""), e.contents.commentBefore)) { - const t = i(e.contents.commentBefore) - r.push(rl(t, "")) - } - ;(o.forceBlockIndent = !!e.comment), (l = e.contents.comment) - } - const t = l ? void 0 : () => (s = !0) - let n = yl(e.contents, o, () => (l = null), t) - l && (n += al(n, "", i(l))), - ("|" !== n[0] && ">" !== n[0]) || "---" !== r[r.length - 1] ? r.push(n) : (r[r.length - 1] = `--- ${n}`) - } else r.push(yl(e.contents, o)) - if (null == (n = e.directives) ? void 0 : n.docEnd) - if (e.comment) { - const t = i(e.comment) - t.includes("\n") ? (r.push("..."), r.push(rl(t, ""))) : r.push(`... ${t}`) - } else r.push("...") - else { - let t = e.comment - t && s && (t = t.replace(/^\n+/, "")), - t && ((s && !l) || "" === r[r.length - 1] || r.push(""), r.push(rl(i(t), ""))) - } - return r.join("\n") + "\n" - })(this, e) - } - } - function Rc(e) { - if (Ds(e)) return !0 - throw new Error("Expected a YAML collection as document contents") - } - class Nc extends Error { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - super(), (this.name = e), (this.code = n), (this.message = r), (this.pos = t) - } - } - class $c extends Nc { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super("YAMLParseError", e, t, n) - } - } - class Ic extends Nc { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super("YAMLWarning", e, t, n) - } - } - const Mc = (e, t) => (n) => { - if (-1 === n.pos[0]) return - n.linePos = n.pos.map((e) => t.linePos(e)) - const { line: r, col: a } = n.linePos[0] - n.message += ` at line ${r}, column ${a}` - let o = a - 1, - i = e.substring(t.lineStarts[r - 1], t.lineStarts[r]).replace(/[\n\r]+$/, "") - if (o >= 60 && i.length > 80) { - const e = Math.min(o - 39, i.length - 79) - ;(i = "…" + i.substring(e)), (o -= e - 1) - } - if ((i.length > 80 && (i = i.substring(0, 79) + "…"), r > 1 && /^ *$/.test(i.substring(0, o)))) { - let n = e.substring(t.lineStarts[r - 2], t.lineStarts[r - 1]) - n.length > 80 && (n = n.substring(0, 79) + "…\n"), (i = n + i) - } - if (/[^ ]/.test(i)) { - let e = 1 - const t = n.linePos[1] - t && t.line === r && t.col > a && (e = Math.max(1, Math.min(t.col - a, 80 - o))) - const s = " ".repeat(o) + "^".repeat(e) - n.message += `:\n\n${i}\n${s}\n` - } - } - function Lc(e, { flow: t, indicator: n, next: r, offset: a, onError: o, parentIndent: i, startOnNewline: s }) { - let l = !1, - c = s, - d = s, - u = "", - p = "", - h = !1, - f = !1, - m = !1, - g = null, - b = null, - v = null, - y = null, - O = null, - w = null - for (const a of e) - switch ( - (m && - ("space" !== a.type && - "newline" !== a.type && - "comma" !== a.type && - o(a.offset, "MISSING_CHAR", "Tags and anchors must be separated from the next token by white space"), - (m = !1)), - g && - (c && - "comment" !== a.type && - "newline" !== a.type && - o(g, "TAB_AS_INDENT", "Tabs are not allowed as indentation"), - (g = null)), - a.type) - ) { - case "space": - t || - ("doc-start" === n && "flow-collection" === (null == r ? void 0 : r.type)) || - !a.source.includes("\t") || - (g = a), - (d = !0) - break - case "comment": { - d || o(a, "MISSING_CHAR", "Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters") - const e = a.source.substring(1) || " " - u ? (u += p + e) : (u = e), (p = ""), (c = !1) - break - } - case "newline": - c ? (u ? (u += a.source) : (l = !0)) : (p += a.source), (c = !0), (h = !0), (b || v) && (f = !0), (d = !0) - break - case "anchor": - b && o(a, "MULTIPLE_ANCHORS", "A node can have at most one anchor"), - a.source.endsWith(":") && - o(a.offset + a.source.length - 1, "BAD_ALIAS", "Anchor ending in : is ambiguous", !0), - (b = a), - null === w && (w = a.offset), - (c = !1), - (d = !1), - (m = !0) - break - case "tag": - v && o(a, "MULTIPLE_TAGS", "A node can have at most one tag"), - (v = a), - null === w && (w = a.offset), - (c = !1), - (d = !1), - (m = !0) - break - case n: - ;(b || v) && o(a, "BAD_PROP_ORDER", `Anchors and tags must be after the ${a.source} indicator`), - O && o(a, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected ${a.source} in ${t ?? "collection"}`), - (O = a), - (c = "seq-item-ind" === n || "explicit-key-ind" === n), - (d = !1) - break - case "comma": - if (t) { - y && o(a, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected , in ${t}`), (y = a), (c = !1), (d = !1) - break - } - default: - o(a, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected ${a.type} token`), (c = !1), (d = !1) - } - const x = e[e.length - 1], - k = x ? x.offset + x.source.length : a - return ( - m && - r && - "space" !== r.type && - "newline" !== r.type && - "comma" !== r.type && - ("scalar" !== r.type || "" !== r.source) && - o(r.offset, "MISSING_CHAR", "Tags and anchors must be separated from the next token by white space"), - g && - ((c && g.indent <= i) || - "block-map" === (null == r ? void 0 : r.type) || - "block-seq" === (null == r ? void 0 : r.type)) && - o(g, "TAB_AS_INDENT", "Tabs are not allowed as indentation"), - { - comma: y, - found: O, - spaceBefore: l, - comment: u, - hasNewline: h, - hasNewlineAfterProp: f, - anchor: b, - tag: v, - end: k, - start: w ?? k, - } - ) - } - function Qc(e) { - if (!e) return null - switch (e.type) { - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - if (e.source.includes("\n")) return !0 - if (e.end) for (const t of e.end) if ("newline" === t.type) return !0 - return !1 - case "flow-collection": - for (const t of e.items) { - for (const e of t.start) if ("newline" === e.type) return !0 - if (t.sep) for (const e of t.sep) if ("newline" === e.type) return !0 - if (Qc(t.key) || Qc(t.value)) return !0 - } - return !1 - default: - return !0 - } - } - function Bc(e, t, n) { - if ("flow-collection" === (null == t ? void 0 : t.type)) { - const r = t.end[0] - r.indent !== e || - ("]" !== r.source && "}" !== r.source) || - !Qc(t) || - n(r, "BAD_INDENT", "Flow end indicator should be more indented than parent", !0) - } - } - function jc(e, t, n) { - const { uniqueKeys: r } = e.options - if (!1 === r) return !1 - const a = - "function" == typeof r - ? r - : (t, n) => t === n || (Cs(t) && Cs(n) && t.value === n.value && !("<<" === t.value && e.schema.merge)) - return t.some((e) => a(e.key, n)) - } - const Uc = "All mapping items must start at the same column" - function Fc(e, t, n, r) { - let a = "" - if (e) { - let o = !1, - i = "" - for (const s of e) { - const { source: e, type: l } = s - switch (l) { - case "space": - o = !0 - break - case "comment": { - n && !o && r(s, "MISSING_CHAR", "Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters") - const t = e.substring(1) || " " - a ? (a += i + t) : (a = t), (i = "") - break - } - case "newline": - a && (i += e), (o = !0) - break - default: - r(s, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected ${l} at node end`) - } - t += e.length - } - } - return { comment: a, offset: t } - } - const zc = "Block collections are not allowed within flow collections", - qc = (e) => e && ("block-map" === e.type || "block-seq" === e.type) - function Zc(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = - "block-map" === n.type - ? (function ({ composeNode: e, composeEmptyNode: t }, n, r, a, o) { - var i - const s = new ((null == o ? void 0 : o.nodeClass) ?? Dl)(n.schema) - n.atRoot && (n.atRoot = !1) - let l = r.offset, - c = null - for (const o of r.items) { - const { start: d, key: u, sep: p, value: h } = o, - f = Lc(d, { - indicator: "explicit-key-ind", - next: u ?? (null == p ? void 0 : p[0]), - offset: l, - onError: a, - parentIndent: r.indent, - startOnNewline: !0, - }), - m = !f.found - if (m) { - if ( - (u && - ("block-seq" === u.type - ? a(l, "BLOCK_AS_IMPLICIT_KEY", "A block sequence may not be used as an implicit map key") - : "indent" in u && u.indent !== r.indent && a(l, "BAD_INDENT", Uc)), - !f.anchor && !f.tag && !p) - ) { - ;(c = f.end), f.comment && (s.comment ? (s.comment += "\n" + f.comment) : (s.comment = f.comment)) - continue - } - ;(f.hasNewlineAfterProp || Qc(u)) && - a(u ?? d[d.length - 1], "MULTILINE_IMPLICIT_KEY", "Implicit keys need to be on a single line") - } else (null == (i = f.found) ? void 0 : i.indent) !== r.indent && a(l, "BAD_INDENT", Uc) - const g = f.end, - b = u ? e(n, u, f, a) : t(n, g, d, null, f, a) - n.schema.compat && Bc(r.indent, u, a), - jc(n, s.items, b) && a(g, "DUPLICATE_KEY", "Map keys must be unique") - const v = Lc(p ?? [], { - indicator: "map-value-ind", - next: h, - offset: b.range[2], - onError: a, - parentIndent: r.indent, - startOnNewline: !u || "block-scalar" === u.type, - }) - if (((l = v.end), v.found)) { - m && - ("block-map" !== (null == h ? void 0 : h.type) || - v.hasNewline || - a(l, "BLOCK_AS_IMPLICIT_KEY", "Nested mappings are not allowed in compact mappings"), - n.options.strict && - f.start < v.found.offset - 1024 && - a( - b.range, - "KEY_OVER_1024_CHARS", - "The : indicator must be at most 1024 chars after the start of an implicit block mapping key", - )) - const i = h ? e(n, h, v, a) : t(n, l, p, null, v, a) - n.schema.compat && Bc(r.indent, h, a), (l = i.range[2]) - const c = new Sl(b, i) - n.options.keepSourceTokens && (c.srcToken = o), s.items.push(c) - } else { - m && a(b.range, "MISSING_CHAR", "Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values"), - v.comment && (b.comment ? (b.comment += "\n" + v.comment) : (b.comment = v.comment)) - const e = new Sl(b) - n.options.keepSourceTokens && (e.srcToken = o), s.items.push(e) - } - } - return ( - c && c < l && a(c, "IMPOSSIBLE", "Map comment with trailing content"), - (s.range = [r.offset, l, c ?? l]), - s - ) - })(e, t, n, r, o) - : "block-seq" === n.type - ? (function ({ composeNode: e, composeEmptyNode: t }, n, r, a, o) { - const i = new ((null == o ? void 0 : o.nodeClass) ?? Nl)(n.schema) - n.atRoot && (n.atRoot = !1) - let s = r.offset, - l = null - for (const { start: o, value: c } of r.items) { - const d = Lc(o, { - indicator: "seq-item-ind", - next: c, - offset: s, - onError: a, - parentIndent: r.indent, - startOnNewline: !0, - }) - if (!d.found) { - if (!(d.anchor || d.tag || c)) { - ;(l = d.end), d.comment && (i.comment = d.comment) - continue - } - c && "block-seq" === c.type - ? a(d.end, "BAD_INDENT", "All sequence items must start at the same column") - : a(s, "MISSING_CHAR", "Sequence item without - indicator") - } - const u = c ? e(n, c, d, a) : t(n, d.end, o, null, d, a) - n.schema.compat && Bc(r.indent, c, a), (s = u.range[2]), i.items.push(u) - } - return (i.range = [r.offset, s, l ?? s]), i - })(e, t, n, r, o) - : (function ({ composeNode: e, composeEmptyNode: t }, n, r, a, o) { - const i = "{" === r.start.source, - s = i ? "flow map" : "flow sequence", - l = new ((null == o ? void 0 : o.nodeClass) ?? (i ? Dl : Nl))(n.schema) - l.flow = !0 - const c = n.atRoot - c && (n.atRoot = !1) - let d = r.offset + r.start.source.length - for (let o = 0; o < r.items.length; ++o) { - const c = r.items[o], - { start: u, key: p, sep: h, value: f } = c, - m = Lc(u, { - flow: s, - indicator: "explicit-key-ind", - next: p ?? (null == h ? void 0 : h[0]), - offset: d, - onError: a, - parentIndent: r.indent, - startOnNewline: !1, - }) - if (!m.found) { - if (!(m.anchor || m.tag || h || f)) { - 0 === o && m.comma - ? a(m.comma, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected , in ${s}`) - : o < r.items.length - 1 && a(m.start, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected empty item in ${s}`), - m.comment && (l.comment ? (l.comment += "\n" + m.comment) : (l.comment = m.comment)), - (d = m.end) - continue - } - !i && - n.options.strict && - Qc(p) && - a( - p, - "MULTILINE_IMPLICIT_KEY", - "Implicit keys of flow sequence pairs need to be on a single line", - ) - } - if (0 === o) m.comma && a(m.comma, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unexpected , in ${s}`) - else if ((m.comma || a(m.start, "MISSING_CHAR", `Missing , between ${s} items`), m.comment)) { - let e = "" - e: for (const t of u) - switch (t.type) { - case "comma": - case "space": - break - case "comment": - e = t.source.substring(1) - break e - default: - break e - } - if (e) { - let t = l.items[l.items.length - 1] - As(t) && (t = t.value ?? t.key), - t.comment ? (t.comment += "\n" + e) : (t.comment = e), - (m.comment = m.comment.substring(e.length + 1)) - } - } - if (i || h || m.found) { - const o = m.end, - g = p ? e(n, p, m, a) : t(n, o, u, null, m, a) - qc(p) && a(g.range, "BLOCK_IN_FLOW", zc) - const b = Lc(h ?? [], { - flow: s, - indicator: "map-value-ind", - next: f, - offset: g.range[2], - onError: a, - parentIndent: r.indent, - startOnNewline: !1, - }) - if (b.found) { - if (!i && !m.found && n.options.strict) { - if (h) - for (const e of h) { - if (e === b.found) break - if ("newline" === e.type) { - a( - e, - "MULTILINE_IMPLICIT_KEY", - "Implicit keys of flow sequence pairs need to be on a single line", - ) - break - } - } - m.start < b.found.offset - 1024 && - a( - b.found, - "KEY_OVER_1024_CHARS", - "The : indicator must be at most 1024 chars after the start of an implicit flow sequence key", - ) - } - } else - f && - ("source" in f && f.source && ":" === f.source[0] - ? a(f, "MISSING_CHAR", `Missing space after : in ${s}`) - : a(b.start, "MISSING_CHAR", `Missing , or : between ${s} items`)) - const v = f ? e(n, f, b, a) : b.found ? t(n, b.end, h, null, b, a) : null - v - ? qc(f) && a(v.range, "BLOCK_IN_FLOW", zc) - : b.comment && (g.comment ? (g.comment += "\n" + b.comment) : (g.comment = b.comment)) - const y = new Sl(g, v) - if ((n.options.keepSourceTokens && (y.srcToken = c), i)) { - const e = l - jc(n, e.items, g) && a(o, "DUPLICATE_KEY", "Map keys must be unique"), e.items.push(y) - } else { - const e = new Dl(n.schema) - ;(e.flow = !0), e.items.push(y), l.items.push(e) - } - d = v ? v.range[2] : b.end - } else { - const r = f ? e(n, f, m, a) : t(n, m.end, h, null, m, a) - l.items.push(r), (d = r.range[2]), qc(f) && a(r.range, "BLOCK_IN_FLOW", zc) - } - } - const u = i ? "}" : "]", - [p, ...h] = r.end - let f = d - if (p && p.source === u) f = p.offset + p.source.length - else { - const e = s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substring(1) - a( - d, - c ? "MISSING_CHAR" : "BAD_INDENT", - c - ? `${e} must end with a ${u}` - : `${e} in block collection must be sufficiently indented and end with a ${u}`, - ), - p && 1 !== p.source.length && h.unshift(p) - } - if (h.length > 0) { - const e = Fc(h, f, n.options.strict, a) - e.comment && (l.comment ? (l.comment += "\n" + e.comment) : (l.comment = e.comment)), - (l.range = [r.offset, f, e.offset]) - } else l.range = [r.offset, f, f] - return l - })(e, t, n, r, o), - s = i.constructor - return "!" === a || a === s.tagName ? ((i.tag = s.tagName), i) : (a && (i.tag = a), i) - } - function Hc(e) { - let t, n - try { - ;(t = new RegExp("(.*?)(?" === a.mode ? Ys.BLOCK_FOLDED : Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL, - i = t.source - ? (function (e) { - const t = e.split(/\n( *)/), - n = t[0], - r = n.match(/^( *)/), - a = [(null == r ? void 0 : r[1]) ? [r[1], n.slice(r[1].length)] : ["", n]] - for (let e = 1; e < t.length; e += 2) a.push([t[e], t[e + 1]]) - return a - })(t.source) - : [] - let s = i.length - for (let e = i.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { - const t = i[e][1] - if ("" !== t && "\r" !== t) break - s = e - } - if (0 === s) { - const e = "+" === a.chomp && i.length > 0 ? "\n".repeat(Math.max(1, i.length - 1)) : "" - let n = r + a.length - return t.source && (n += t.source.length), { value: e, type: o, comment: a.comment, range: [r, n, n] } - } - let l = t.indent + a.indent, - c = t.offset + a.length, - d = 0 - for (let t = 0; t < s; ++t) { - const [r, o] = i[t] - if ("" !== o && "\r" !== o) { - if (r.length < l) { - const e = - "Block scalars with more-indented leading empty lines must use an explicit indentation indicator" - n(c + r.length, "MISSING_CHAR", e) - } - 0 === a.indent && (l = r.length), - (d = t), - 0 !== l || e.atRoot || n(c, "BAD_INDENT", "Block scalar values in collections must be indented") - break - } - 0 === a.indent && r.length > l && (l = r.length), (c += r.length + o.length + 1) - } - for (let e = i.length - 1; e >= s; --e) i[e][0].length > l && (s = e + 1) - let u = "", - p = "", - h = !1 - for (let e = 0; e < d; ++e) u += i[e][0].slice(l) + "\n" - for (let e = d; e < s; ++e) { - let [t, r] = i[e] - c += t.length + r.length + 1 - const s = "\r" === r[r.length - 1] - if ((s && (r = r.slice(0, -1)), r && t.length < l)) { - const e = - "Block scalar lines must not be less indented than their " + - (a.indent ? "explicit indentation indicator" : "first line") - n(c - r.length - (s ? 2 : 1), "BAD_INDENT", e), (t = "") - } - o === Ys.BLOCK_LITERAL - ? ((u += p + t.slice(l) + r), (p = "\n")) - : t.length > l || "\t" === r[0] - ? (" " === p ? (p = "\n") : h || "\n" !== p || (p = "\n\n"), - (u += p + t.slice(l) + r), - (p = "\n"), - (h = !0)) - : "" === r - ? "\n" === p - ? (u += "\n") - : (p = "\n") - : ((u += p + r), (p = " "), (h = !1)) - } - switch (a.chomp) { - case "-": - break - case "+": - for (let e = s; e < i.length; ++e) u += "\n" + i[e][0].slice(l) - "\n" !== u[u.length - 1] && (u += "\n") - break - default: - u += "\n" - } - const f = r + a.length + t.source.length - return { value: u, type: o, comment: a.comment, range: [r, f, f] } - })(e, t, r) - : (function (e, t, n) { - const { offset: r, type: a, source: o, end: i } = e - let s, l - const c = (e, t, a) => n(r + e, t, a) - switch (a) { - case "scalar": - ;(s = Ys.PLAIN), - (l = (function (e, t) { - let n = "" - switch (e[0]) { - case "\t": - n = "a tab character" - break - case ",": - n = "flow indicator character ," - break - case "%": - n = "directive indicator character %" - break - case "|": - case ">": - n = `block scalar indicator ${e[0]}` - break - case "@": - case "`": - n = `reserved character ${e[0]}` - } - return n && t(0, "BAD_SCALAR_START", `Plain value cannot start with ${n}`), Hc(e) - })(o, c)) - break - case "single-quoted-scalar": - ;(s = Ys.QUOTE_SINGLE), - (l = (function (e, t) { - return ( - ("'" === e[e.length - 1] && 1 !== e.length) || - t(e.length, "MISSING_CHAR", "Missing closing 'quote"), - Hc(e.slice(1, -1)).replace(/''/g, "'") - ) - })(o, c)) - break - case "double-quoted-scalar": - ;(s = Ys.QUOTE_DOUBLE), - (l = (function (e, t) { - let n = "" - for (let r = 1; r < e.length - 1; ++r) { - const a = e[r] - if ("\r" !== a || "\n" !== e[r + 1]) - if ("\n" === a) { - const { fold: t, offset: a } = Vc(e, r) - ;(n += t), (r = a) - } else if ("\\" === a) { - let a = e[++r] - const o = Wc[a] - if (o) n += o - else if ("\n" === a) for (a = e[r + 1]; " " === a || "\t" === a; ) a = e[1 + ++r] - else if ("\r" === a && "\n" === e[r + 1]) - for (a = e[1 + ++r]; " " === a || "\t" === a; ) a = e[1 + ++r] - else if ("x" === a || "u" === a || "U" === a) { - const o = { x: 2, u: 4, U: 8 }[a] - ;(n += Xc(e, r + 1, o, t)), (r += o) - } else { - const a = e.substr(r - 1, 2) - t(r - 1, "BAD_DQ_ESCAPE", `Invalid escape sequence ${a}`), (n += a) - } - } else if (" " === a || "\t" === a) { - const t = r - let o = e[r + 1] - for (; " " === o || "\t" === o; ) o = e[1 + ++r] - "\n" === o || ("\r" === o && "\n" === e[r + 2]) || (n += r > t ? e.slice(t, r + 1) : a) - } else n += a - } - return ( - ('"' === e[e.length - 1] && 1 !== e.length) || - t(e.length, "MISSING_CHAR", 'Missing closing "quote'), - n - ) - })(o, c)) - break - default: - return ( - n(e, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Expected a flow scalar value, but found: ${a}`), - { value: "", type: null, comment: "", range: [r, r + o.length, r + o.length] } - ) - } - const d = r + o.length, - u = Fc(i, d, t, n) - return { value: l, type: s, comment: u.comment, range: [r, d, u.offset] } - })(t, e.options.strict, r), - l = n ? e.directives.tagName(n.source, (e) => r(n, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", e)) : null, - c = - n && l - ? (function (e, t, n, r, a) { - var o - if ("!" === n) return e[xs] - const i = [] - for (const t of e.tags) - if (!t.collection && t.tag === n) { - if (!t.default || !t.test) return t - i.push(t) - } - for (const e of i) if (null == (o = e.test) ? void 0 : o.test(t)) return e - const s = e.knownTags[n] - return s && !s.collection - ? (e.tags.push(Object.assign({}, s, { default: !1, test: void 0 })), s) - : (a(r, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", `Unresolved tag: ${n}`, "tag:yaml.org,2002:str" !== n), e[xs]) - })(e.schema, a, l, n, r) - : "scalar" === t.type - ? (function ({ directives: e, schema: t }, n, r, a) { - const o = - t.tags.find((e) => { - var t - return e.default && (null == (t = e.test) ? void 0 : t.test(n)) - }) || t[xs] - if (t.compat) { - const i = - t.compat.find((e) => { - var t - return e.default && (null == (t = e.test) ? void 0 : t.test(n)) - }) ?? t[xs] - o.tag !== i.tag && - a( - r, - "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", - `Value may be parsed as either ${e.tagString(o.tag)} or ${e.tagString(i.tag)}`, - !0, - ) - } - return o - })(e, a, t, r) - : e.schema[xs] - let d - try { - const o = c.resolve(a, (e) => r(n ?? t, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", e), e.options) - d = Cs(o) ? o : new Ys(o) - } catch (e) { - const o = e instanceof Error ? e.message : String(e) - r(n ?? t, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", o), (d = new Ys(a)) - } - return ( - (d.range = s), - (d.source = a), - o && (d.type = o), - l && (d.tag = l), - c.format && (d.format = c.format), - i && (d.comment = i), - d - ) - } - function Gc(e, t, n) { - if (t) { - null === n && (n = t.length) - for (let r = n - 1; r >= 0; --r) { - let n = t[r] - switch (n.type) { - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - e -= n.source.length - continue - } - for (n = t[++r]; "space" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.type); ) (e += n.source.length), (n = t[++r]) - break - } - } - return e - } - const Kc = { composeNode: Jc, composeEmptyNode: ed } - function Jc(e, t, n, r) { - const { spaceBefore: a, comment: o, anchor: i, tag: s } = n - let l, - c = !0 - switch (t.type) { - case "alias": - ;(l = (function ({ options: e }, { offset: t, source: n, end: r }, a) { - const o = new Vs(n.substring(1)) - "" === o.source && a(t, "BAD_ALIAS", "Alias cannot be an empty string"), - o.source.endsWith(":") && a(t + n.length - 1, "BAD_ALIAS", "Alias ending in : is ambiguous", !0) - const i = t + n.length, - s = Fc(r, i, e.strict, a) - return (o.range = [t, i, s.offset]), s.comment && (o.comment = s.comment), o - })(e, t, r)), - (i || s) && r(t, "ALIAS_PROPS", "An alias node must not specify any properties") - break - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": - case "block-scalar": - ;(l = Yc(e, t, s, r)), i && (l.anchor = i.source.substring(1)) - break - case "block-map": - case "block-seq": - case "flow-collection": - ;(l = (function (e, t, n, r, a) { - var o - const i = r ? t.directives.tagName(r.source, (e) => a(r, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", e)) : null, - s = - "block-map" === n.type ? "map" : "block-seq" === n.type ? "seq" : "{" === n.start.source ? "map" : "seq" - if (!r || !i || "!" === i || (i === Dl.tagName && "map" === s) || (i === Nl.tagName && "seq" === s) || !s) - return Zc(e, t, n, a, i) - let l = t.schema.tags.find((e) => e.tag === i && e.collection === s) - if (!l) { - const o = t.schema.knownTags[i] - if (!o || o.collection !== s) - return ( - (null == o ? void 0 : o.collection) - ? a(r, "BAD_COLLECTION_TYPE", `${o.tag} used for ${s} collection, but expects ${o.collection}`, !0) - : a(r, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", `Unresolved tag: ${i}`, !0), - Zc(e, t, n, a, i) - ) - t.schema.tags.push(Object.assign({}, o, { default: !1 })), (l = o) - } - const c = Zc(e, t, n, a, i, l), - d = - (null == (o = l.resolve) ? void 0 : o.call(l, c, (e) => a(r, "TAG_RESOLVE_FAILED", e), t.options)) ?? c, - u = Rs(d) ? d : new Ys(d) - return (u.range = c.range), (u.tag = i), (null == l ? void 0 : l.format) && (u.format = l.format), u - })(Kc, e, t, s, r)), - i && (l.anchor = i.source.substring(1)) - break - default: - r(t, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", "error" === t.type ? t.message : `Unsupported token (type: ${t.type})`), - (l = ed(e, t.offset, void 0, null, n, r)), - (c = !1) - } - return ( - i && "" === l.anchor && r(i, "BAD_ALIAS", "Anchor cannot be an empty string"), - a && (l.spaceBefore = !0), - o && ("scalar" === t.type && "" === t.source ? (l.comment = o) : (l.commentBefore = o)), - e.options.keepSourceTokens && c && (l.srcToken = t), - l - ) - } - function ed(e, t, n, r, { spaceBefore: a, comment: o, anchor: i, tag: s, end: l }, c) { - const d = Yc(e, { type: "scalar", offset: Gc(t, n, r), indent: -1, source: "" }, s, c) - return ( - i && - ((d.anchor = i.source.substring(1)), - "" === d.anchor && c(i, "BAD_ALIAS", "Anchor cannot be an empty string")), - a && (d.spaceBefore = !0), - o && ((d.comment = o), (d.range[2] = l)), - d - ) - } - function td(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e) return [e, e + 1] - if (Array.isArray(e)) return 2 === e.length ? e : [e[0], e[1]] - const { offset: t, source: n } = e - return [t, t + ("string" == typeof n ? n.length : 1)] - } - function nd(e) { - var t - let n = "", - r = !1, - a = !1 - for (let o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) { - const i = e[o] - switch (i[0]) { - case "#": - ;(n += ("" === n ? "" : a ? "\n\n" : "\n") + (i.substring(1) || " ")), (r = !0), (a = !1) - break - case "%": - "#" !== (null == (t = e[o + 1]) ? void 0 : t[0]) && (o += 1), (r = !1) - break - default: - r || (a = !0), (r = !1) - } - } - return { comment: n, afterEmptyLine: a } - } - class rd { - constructor(e = {}) { - ;(this.doc = null), - (this.atDirectives = !1), - (this.prelude = []), - (this.errors = []), - (this.warnings = []), - (this.onError = (e, t, n, r) => { - const a = td(e) - r ? this.warnings.push(new Ic(a, t, n)) : this.errors.push(new $c(a, t, n)) - }), - (this.directives = new js({ version: e.version || "1.2" })), - (this.options = e) - } - decorate(e, t) { - const { comment: n, afterEmptyLine: r } = nd(this.prelude) - if (n) { - const a = e.contents - if (t) e.comment = e.comment ? `${e.comment}\n${n}` : n - else if (r || e.directives.docStart || !a) e.commentBefore = n - else if (Ds(a) && !a.flow && a.items.length > 0) { - let e = a.items[0] - As(e) && (e = e.key) - const t = e.commentBefore - e.commentBefore = t ? `${n}\n${t}` : n - } else { - const e = a.commentBefore - a.commentBefore = e ? `${n}\n${e}` : n - } - } - t - ? (Array.prototype.push.apply(e.errors, this.errors), Array.prototype.push.apply(e.warnings, this.warnings)) - : ((e.errors = this.errors), (e.warnings = this.warnings)), - (this.prelude = []), - (this.errors = []), - (this.warnings = []) - } - streamInfo() { - return { - comment: nd(this.prelude).comment, - directives: this.directives, - errors: this.errors, - warnings: this.warnings, - } - } - *compose(e, t = !1, n = -1) { - for (const t of e) yield* this.next(t) - yield* this.end(t, n) - } - *next(e) { - switch (e.type) { - case "directive": - this.directives.add(e.source, (t, n, r) => { - const a = td(e) - ;(a[0] += t), this.onError(a, "BAD_DIRECTIVE", n, r) - }), - this.prelude.push(e.source), - (this.atDirectives = !0) - break - case "document": { - const t = (function (e, t, { offset: n, start: r, value: a, end: o }, i) { - const s = Object.assign({ _directives: t }, e), - l = new Dc(void 0, s), - c = { atRoot: !0, directives: l.directives, options: l.options, schema: l.schema }, - d = Lc(r, { - indicator: "doc-start", - next: a ?? (null == o ? void 0 : o[0]), - offset: n, - onError: i, - parentIndent: 0, - startOnNewline: !0, - }) - d.found && - ((l.directives.docStart = !0), - !a || - ("block-map" !== a.type && "block-seq" !== a.type) || - d.hasNewline || - i(d.end, "MISSING_CHAR", "Block collection cannot start on same line with directives-end marker")), - (l.contents = a ? Jc(c, a, d, i) : ed(c, d.end, r, null, d, i)) - const u = l.contents.range[2], - p = Fc(o, u, !1, i) - return p.comment && (l.comment = p.comment), (l.range = [n, u, p.offset]), l - })(this.options, this.directives, e, this.onError) - this.atDirectives && - !t.directives.docStart && - this.onError(e, "MISSING_CHAR", "Missing directives-end/doc-start indicator line"), - this.decorate(t, !1), - this.doc && (yield this.doc), - (this.doc = t), - (this.atDirectives = !1) - break - } - case "byte-order-mark": - case "space": - break - case "comment": - case "newline": - this.prelude.push(e.source) - break - case "error": { - const t = e.source ? `${e.message}: ${JSON.stringify(e.source)}` : e.message, - n = new $c(td(e), "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", t) - this.atDirectives || !this.doc ? this.errors.push(n) : this.doc.errors.push(n) - break - } - case "doc-end": { - if (!this.doc) { - const t = "Unexpected doc-end without preceding document" - this.errors.push(new $c(td(e), "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", t)) - break - } - this.doc.directives.docEnd = !0 - const t = Fc(e.end, e.offset + e.source.length, this.doc.options.strict, this.onError) - if ((this.decorate(this.doc, !0), t.comment)) { - const e = this.doc.comment - this.doc.comment = e ? `${e}\n${t.comment}` : t.comment - } - this.doc.range[2] = t.offset - break - } - default: - this.errors.push(new $c(td(e), "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", `Unsupported token ${e.type}`)) - } - } - *end(e = !1, t = -1) { - if (this.doc) this.decorate(this.doc, !0), yield this.doc, (this.doc = null) - else if (e) { - const e = Object.assign({ _directives: this.directives }, this.options), - n = new Dc(void 0, e) - this.atDirectives && this.onError(t, "MISSING_CHAR", "Missing directives-end indicator line"), - (n.range = [0, t, t]), - this.decorate(n, !1), - yield n - } - } - } - function ad(e) { - switch (e) { - case void 0: - case " ": - case "\n": - case "\r": - case "\t": - return !0 - default: - return !1 - } - } - const od = new Set("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"), - id = new Set("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-#;/?:@&=+$_.!~*'()"), - sd = new Set(",[]{}"), - ld = new Set(" ,[]{}\n\r\t"), - cd = (e) => !e || ld.has(e) - class dd { - constructor() { - ;(this.atEnd = !1), - (this.blockScalarIndent = -1), - (this.blockScalarKeep = !1), - (this.buffer = ""), - (this.flowKey = !1), - (this.flowLevel = 0), - (this.indentNext = 0), - (this.indentValue = 0), - (this.lineEndPos = null), - (this.next = null), - (this.pos = 0) - } - *lex(e, t = !1) { - if (e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw TypeError("source is not a string") - ;(this.buffer = this.buffer ? this.buffer + e : e), (this.lineEndPos = null) - } - this.atEnd = !t - let n = this.next ?? "stream" - for (; n && (t || this.hasChars(1)); ) n = yield* this.parseNext(n) - } - atLineEnd() { - let e = this.pos, - t = this.buffer[e] - for (; " " === t || "\t" === t; ) t = this.buffer[++e] - return !t || "#" === t || "\n" === t || ("\r" === t && "\n" === this.buffer[e + 1]) - } - charAt(e) { - return this.buffer[this.pos + e] - } - continueScalar(e) { - let t = this.buffer[e] - if (this.indentNext > 0) { - let n = 0 - for (; " " === t; ) t = this.buffer[++n + e] - if ("\r" === t) { - const t = this.buffer[n + e + 1] - if ("\n" === t || (!t && !this.atEnd)) return e + n + 1 - } - return "\n" === t || n >= this.indentNext || (!t && !this.atEnd) ? e + n : -1 - } - if ("-" === t || "." === t) { - const t = this.buffer.substr(e, 3) - if (("---" === t || "..." === t) && ad(this.buffer[e + 3])) return -1 - } - return e - } - getLine() { - let e = this.lineEndPos - return ( - ("number" != typeof e || (-1 !== e && e < this.pos)) && - ((e = this.buffer.indexOf("\n", this.pos)), (this.lineEndPos = e)), - -1 === e - ? this.atEnd - ? this.buffer.substring(this.pos) - : null - : ("\r" === this.buffer[e - 1] && (e -= 1), this.buffer.substring(this.pos, e)) - ) - } - hasChars(e) { - return this.pos + e <= this.buffer.length - } - setNext(e) { - return ( - (this.buffer = this.buffer.substring(this.pos)), - (this.pos = 0), - (this.lineEndPos = null), - (this.next = e), - null - ) - } - peek(e) { - return this.buffer.substr(this.pos, e) - } - *parseNext(e) { - switch (e) { - case "stream": - return yield* this.parseStream() - case "line-start": - return yield* this.parseLineStart() - case "block-start": - return yield* this.parseBlockStart() - case "doc": - return yield* this.parseDocument() - case "flow": - return yield* this.parseFlowCollection() - case "quoted-scalar": - return yield* this.parseQuotedScalar() - case "block-scalar": - return yield* this.parseBlockScalar() - case "plain-scalar": - return yield* this.parsePlainScalar() - } - } - *parseStream() { - let e = this.getLine() - if (null === e) return this.setNext("stream") - if (("\ufeff" === e[0] && (yield* this.pushCount(1), (e = e.substring(1))), "%" === e[0])) { - let t = e.length, - n = e.indexOf("#") - for (; -1 !== n; ) { - const r = e[n - 1] - if (" " === r || "\t" === r) { - t = n - 1 - break - } - n = e.indexOf("#", n + 1) - } - for (;;) { - const n = e[t - 1] - if (" " !== n && "\t" !== n) break - t -= 1 - } - const r = (yield* this.pushCount(t)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) - return yield* this.pushCount(e.length - r), this.pushNewline(), "stream" - } - if (this.atLineEnd()) { - const t = yield* this.pushSpaces(!0) - return yield* this.pushCount(e.length - t), yield* this.pushNewline(), "stream" - } - return yield "", yield* this.parseLineStart() - } - *parseLineStart() { - const e = this.charAt(0) - if (!e && !this.atEnd) return this.setNext("line-start") - if ("-" === e || "." === e) { - if (!this.atEnd && !this.hasChars(4)) return this.setNext("line-start") - const e = this.peek(3) - if ("---" === e && ad(this.charAt(3))) - return yield* this.pushCount(3), (this.indentValue = 0), (this.indentNext = 0), "doc" - if ("..." === e && ad(this.charAt(3))) return yield* this.pushCount(3), "stream" - } - return ( - (this.indentValue = yield* this.pushSpaces(!1)), - this.indentNext > this.indentValue && !ad(this.charAt(1)) && (this.indentNext = this.indentValue), - yield* this.parseBlockStart() - ) - } - *parseBlockStart() { - const [e, t] = this.peek(2) - if (!t && !this.atEnd) return this.setNext("block-start") - if (("-" === e || "?" === e || ":" === e) && ad(t)) { - const e = (yield* this.pushCount(1)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) - return (this.indentNext = this.indentValue + 1), (this.indentValue += e), yield* this.parseBlockStart() - } - return "doc" - } - *parseDocument() { - yield* this.pushSpaces(!0) - const e = this.getLine() - if (null === e) return this.setNext("doc") - let t = yield* this.pushIndicators() - switch (e[t]) { - case "#": - yield* this.pushCount(e.length - t) - case void 0: - return yield* this.pushNewline(), yield* this.parseLineStart() - case "{": - case "[": - return yield* this.pushCount(1), (this.flowKey = !1), (this.flowLevel = 1), "flow" - case "}": - case "]": - return yield* this.pushCount(1), "doc" - case "*": - return yield* this.pushUntil(cd), "doc" - case '"': - case "'": - return yield* this.parseQuotedScalar() - case "|": - case ">": - return ( - (t += yield* this.parseBlockScalarHeader()), - (t += yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)), - yield* this.pushCount(e.length - t), - yield* this.pushNewline(), - yield* this.parseBlockScalar() - ) - default: - return yield* this.parsePlainScalar() - } - } - *parseFlowCollection() { - let e, - t, - n = -1 - do { - ;(e = yield* this.pushNewline()), - e > 0 ? ((t = yield* this.pushSpaces(!1)), (this.indentValue = n = t)) : (t = 0), - (t += yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) - } while (e + t > 0) - const r = this.getLine() - if (null === r) return this.setNext("flow") - if ( - ((-1 !== n && n < this.indentNext && "#" !== r[0]) || - (0 === n && (r.startsWith("---") || r.startsWith("...")) && ad(r[3]))) && - (n !== this.indentNext - 1 || 1 !== this.flowLevel || ("]" !== r[0] && "}" !== r[0])) - ) - return (this.flowLevel = 0), yield "", yield* this.parseLineStart() - let a = 0 - for (; "," === r[a]; ) (a += yield* this.pushCount(1)), (a += yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)), (this.flowKey = !1) - switch (((a += yield* this.pushIndicators()), r[a])) { - case void 0: - return "flow" - case "#": - return yield* this.pushCount(r.length - a), "flow" - case "{": - case "[": - return yield* this.pushCount(1), (this.flowKey = !1), (this.flowLevel += 1), "flow" - case "}": - case "]": - return yield* this.pushCount(1), (this.flowKey = !0), (this.flowLevel -= 1), this.flowLevel ? "flow" : "doc" - case "*": - return yield* this.pushUntil(cd), "flow" - case '"': - case "'": - return (this.flowKey = !0), yield* this.parseQuotedScalar() - case ":": { - const e = this.charAt(1) - if (this.flowKey || ad(e) || "," === e) - return (this.flowKey = !1), yield* this.pushCount(1), yield* this.pushSpaces(!0), "flow" - } - default: - return (this.flowKey = !1), yield* this.parsePlainScalar() - } - } - *parseQuotedScalar() { - const e = this.charAt(0) - let t = this.buffer.indexOf(e, this.pos + 1) - if ("'" === e) for (; -1 !== t && "'" === this.buffer[t + 1]; ) t = this.buffer.indexOf("'", t + 2) - else - for (; -1 !== t; ) { - let e = 0 - for (; "\\" === this.buffer[t - 1 - e]; ) e += 1 - if (e % 2 == 0) break - t = this.buffer.indexOf('"', t + 1) - } - const n = this.buffer.substring(0, t) - let r = n.indexOf("\n", this.pos) - if (-1 !== r) { - for (; -1 !== r; ) { - const e = this.continueScalar(r + 1) - if (-1 === e) break - r = n.indexOf("\n", e) - } - ;-1 !== r && (t = r - ("\r" === n[r - 1] ? 2 : 1)) - } - if (-1 === t) { - if (!this.atEnd) return this.setNext("quoted-scalar") - t = this.buffer.length - } - return yield* this.pushToIndex(t + 1, !1), this.flowLevel ? "flow" : "doc" - } - *parseBlockScalarHeader() { - ;(this.blockScalarIndent = -1), (this.blockScalarKeep = !1) - let e = this.pos - for (;;) { - const t = this.buffer[++e] - if ("+" === t) this.blockScalarKeep = !0 - else if (t > "0" && t <= "9") this.blockScalarIndent = Number(t) - 1 - else if ("-" !== t) break - } - return yield* this.pushUntil((e) => ad(e) || "#" === e) - } - *parseBlockScalar() { - let e, - t = this.pos - 1, - n = 0 - e: for (let r = this.pos; (e = this.buffer[r]); ++r) - switch (e) { - case " ": - n += 1 - break - case "\n": - ;(t = r), (n = 0) - break - case "\r": { - const e = this.buffer[r + 1] - if (!e && !this.atEnd) return this.setNext("block-scalar") - if ("\n" === e) break - } - default: - break e - } - if (!e && !this.atEnd) return this.setNext("block-scalar") - if (n >= this.indentNext) { - ;-1 === this.blockScalarIndent - ? (this.indentNext = n) - : (this.indentNext = this.blockScalarIndent + (0 === this.indentNext ? 1 : this.indentNext)) - do { - const e = this.continueScalar(t + 1) - if (-1 === e) break - t = this.buffer.indexOf("\n", e) - } while (-1 !== t) - if (-1 === t) { - if (!this.atEnd) return this.setNext("block-scalar") - t = this.buffer.length - } - } - let r = t + 1 - for (e = this.buffer[r]; " " === e; ) e = this.buffer[++r] - if ("\t" === e) { - for (; "\t" === e || " " === e || "\r" === e || "\n" === e; ) e = this.buffer[++r] - t = r - 1 - } else if (!this.blockScalarKeep) - for (;;) { - let e = t - 1, - r = this.buffer[e] - "\r" === r && (r = this.buffer[--e]) - const a = e - for (; " " === r; ) r = this.buffer[--e] - if (!("\n" === r && e >= this.pos && e + 1 + n > a)) break - t = e - } - return yield "", yield* this.pushToIndex(t + 1, !0), yield* this.parseLineStart() - } - *parsePlainScalar() { - const e = this.flowLevel > 0 - let t, - n = this.pos - 1, - r = this.pos - 1 - for (; (t = this.buffer[++r]); ) - if (":" === t) { - const t = this.buffer[r + 1] - if (ad(t) || (e && sd.has(t))) break - n = r - } else if (ad(t)) { - let a = this.buffer[r + 1] - if ( - ("\r" === t && ("\n" === a ? ((r += 1), (t = "\n"), (a = this.buffer[r + 1])) : (n = r)), - "#" === a || (e && sd.has(a))) - ) - break - if ("\n" === t) { - const e = this.continueScalar(r + 1) - if (-1 === e) break - r = Math.max(r, e - 2) - } - } else { - if (e && sd.has(t)) break - n = r - } - return t || this.atEnd - ? (yield "", yield* this.pushToIndex(n + 1, !0), e ? "flow" : "doc") - : this.setNext("plain-scalar") - } - *pushCount(e) { - return e > 0 ? (yield this.buffer.substr(this.pos, e), (this.pos += e), e) : 0 - } - *pushToIndex(e, t) { - const n = this.buffer.slice(this.pos, e) - return n ? (yield n, (this.pos += n.length), n.length) : (t && (yield ""), 0) - } - *pushIndicators() { - switch (this.charAt(0)) { - case "!": - return (yield* this.pushTag()) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) + (yield* this.pushIndicators()) - case "&": - return (yield* this.pushUntil(cd)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) + (yield* this.pushIndicators()) - case "-": - case "?": - case ":": { - const e = this.flowLevel > 0, - t = this.charAt(1) - if (ad(t) || (e && sd.has(t))) - return ( - e ? this.flowKey && (this.flowKey = !1) : (this.indentNext = this.indentValue + 1), - (yield* this.pushCount(1)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(!0)) + (yield* this.pushIndicators()) - ) - } - } - return 0 - } - *pushTag() { - if ("<" === this.charAt(1)) { - let e = this.pos + 2, - t = this.buffer[e] - for (; !ad(t) && ">" !== t; ) t = this.buffer[++e] - return yield* this.pushToIndex(">" === t ? e + 1 : e, !1) - } - { - let e = this.pos + 1, - t = this.buffer[e] - for (; t; ) - if (id.has(t)) t = this.buffer[++e] - else { - if ("%" !== t || !od.has(this.buffer[e + 1]) || !od.has(this.buffer[e + 2])) break - t = this.buffer[(e += 3)] - } - return yield* this.pushToIndex(e, !1) - } - } - *pushNewline() { - const e = this.buffer[this.pos] - return "\n" === e - ? yield* this.pushCount(1) - : "\r" === e && "\n" === this.charAt(1) - ? yield* this.pushCount(2) - : 0 - } - *pushSpaces(e) { - let t, - n = this.pos - 1 - do { - t = this.buffer[++n] - } while (" " === t || (e && "\t" === t)) - const r = n - this.pos - return r > 0 && (yield this.buffer.substr(this.pos, r), (this.pos = n)), r - } - *pushUntil(e) { - let t = this.pos, - n = this.buffer[t] - for (; !e(n); ) n = this.buffer[++t] - return yield* this.pushToIndex(t, !1) - } - } - class ud { - constructor() { - ;(this.lineStarts = []), - (this.addNewLine = (e) => this.lineStarts.push(e)), - (this.linePos = (e) => { - let t = 0, - n = this.lineStarts.length - for (; t < n; ) { - const r = (t + n) >> 1 - this.lineStarts[r] < e ? (t = r + 1) : (n = r) - } - return this.lineStarts[t] === e - ? { line: t + 1, col: 1 } - : 0 === t - ? { line: 0, col: e } - : { line: t, col: e - this.lineStarts[t - 1] + 1 } - }) - } - } - function pd(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) if (e[n].type === t) return !0 - return !1 - } - function hd(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) - switch (e[t].type) { - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - break - default: - return t - } - return -1 - } - function fd(e) { - switch (null == e ? void 0 : e.type) { - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": - case "flow-collection": - return !0 - default: - return !1 - } - } - function md(e) { - switch (e.type) { - case "document": - return e.start - case "block-map": { - const t = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - return t.sep ?? t.start - } - case "block-seq": - return e.items[e.items.length - 1].start - default: - return [] - } - } - function gd(e) { - var t - if (0 === e.length) return [] - let n = e.length - e: for (; --n >= 0; ) - switch (e[n].type) { - case "doc-start": - case "explicit-key-ind": - case "map-value-ind": - case "seq-item-ind": - case "newline": - break e - } - for (; "space" === (null == (t = e[++n]) ? void 0 : t.type); ); - return e.splice(n, e.length) - } - function bd(e) { - if ("flow-seq-start" === e.start.type) - for (const t of e.items) - !t.sep || - t.value || - pd(t.start, "explicit-key-ind") || - pd(t.sep, "map-value-ind") || - (t.key && (t.value = t.key), - delete t.key, - fd(t.value) - ? t.value.end - ? Array.prototype.push.apply(t.value.end, t.sep) - : (t.value.end = t.sep) - : Array.prototype.push.apply(t.start, t.sep), - delete t.sep) - } - let vd = class { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.atNewLine = !0), - (this.atScalar = !1), - (this.indent = 0), - (this.offset = 0), - (this.onKeyLine = !1), - (this.stack = []), - (this.source = ""), - (this.type = ""), - (this.lexer = new dd()), - (this.onNewLine = e) - } - *parse(e, t = !1) { - this.onNewLine && 0 === this.offset && this.onNewLine(0) - for (const n of this.lexer.lex(e, t)) yield* this.next(n) - t || (yield* this.end()) - } - *next(e) { - if (((this.source = e), this.atScalar)) - return (this.atScalar = !1), yield* this.step(), void (this.offset += e.length) - const t = (function (e) { - switch (e) { - case "\ufeff": - return "byte-order-mark" - case "": - return "doc-mode" - case "": - return "flow-error-end" - case "": - return "scalar" - case "---": - return "doc-start" - case "...": - return "doc-end" - case "": - case "\n": - case "\r\n": - return "newline" - case "-": - return "seq-item-ind" - case "?": - return "explicit-key-ind" - case ":": - return "map-value-ind" - case "{": - return "flow-map-start" - case "}": - return "flow-map-end" - case "[": - return "flow-seq-start" - case "]": - return "flow-seq-end" - case ",": - return "comma" - } - switch (e[0]) { - case " ": - case "\t": - return "space" - case "#": - return "comment" - case "%": - return "directive-line" - case "*": - return "alias" - case "&": - return "anchor" - case "!": - return "tag" - case "'": - return "single-quoted-scalar" - case '"': - return "double-quoted-scalar" - case "|": - case ">": - return "block-scalar-header" - } - return null - })(e) - if (t) - if ("scalar" === t) (this.atNewLine = !1), (this.atScalar = !0), (this.type = "scalar") - else { - switch (((this.type = t), yield* this.step(), t)) { - case "newline": - ;(this.atNewLine = !0), (this.indent = 0), this.onNewLine && this.onNewLine(this.offset + e.length) - break - case "space": - this.atNewLine && " " === e[0] && (this.indent += e.length) - break - case "explicit-key-ind": - case "map-value-ind": - case "seq-item-ind": - this.atNewLine && (this.indent += e.length) - break - case "doc-mode": - case "flow-error-end": - return - default: - this.atNewLine = !1 - } - this.offset += e.length - } - else { - const t = `Not a YAML token: ${e}` - yield* this.pop({ type: "error", offset: this.offset, message: t, source: e }), (this.offset += e.length) - } - } - *end() { - for (; this.stack.length > 0; ) yield* this.pop() - } - get sourceToken() { - return { type: this.type, offset: this.offset, indent: this.indent, source: this.source } - } - *step() { - const e = this.peek(1) - if ("doc-end" !== this.type || (e && "doc-end" === e.type)) { - if (!e) return yield* this.stream() - switch (e.type) { - case "document": - return yield* this.document(e) - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": - return yield* this.scalar(e) - case "block-scalar": - return yield* this.blockScalar(e) - case "block-map": - return yield* this.blockMap(e) - case "block-seq": - return yield* this.blockSequence(e) - case "flow-collection": - return yield* this.flowCollection(e) - case "doc-end": - return yield* this.documentEnd(e) - } - yield* this.pop() - } else { - for (; this.stack.length > 0; ) yield* this.pop() - this.stack.push({ type: "doc-end", offset: this.offset, source: this.source }) - } - } - peek(e) { - return this.stack[this.stack.length - e] - } - *pop(e) { - const t = e ?? this.stack.pop() - if (t) - if (0 === this.stack.length) yield t - else { - const e = this.peek(1) - switch ( - ("block-scalar" === t.type - ? (t.indent = "indent" in e ? e.indent : 0) - : "flow-collection" === t.type && "document" === e.type && (t.indent = 0), - "flow-collection" === t.type && bd(t), - e.type) - ) { - case "document": - e.value = t - break - case "block-scalar": - e.props.push(t) - break - case "block-map": { - const n = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - if (n.value) return e.items.push({ start: [], key: t, sep: [] }), void (this.onKeyLine = !0) - if (!n.sep) return Object.assign(n, { key: t, sep: [] }), void (this.onKeyLine = !n.explicitKey) - n.value = t - break - } - case "block-seq": { - const n = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - n.value ? e.items.push({ start: [], value: t }) : (n.value = t) - break - } - case "flow-collection": { - const n = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - return void (!n || n.value - ? e.items.push({ start: [], key: t, sep: [] }) - : n.sep - ? (n.value = t) - : Object.assign(n, { key: t, sep: [] })) - } - default: - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.pop(t) - } - if ( - !( - ("document" !== e.type && "block-map" !== e.type && "block-seq" !== e.type) || - ("block-map" !== t.type && "block-seq" !== t.type) - ) - ) { - const n = t.items[t.items.length - 1] - n && - !n.sep && - !n.value && - n.start.length > 0 && - -1 === hd(n.start) && - (0 === t.indent || n.start.every((e) => "comment" !== e.type || e.indent < t.indent)) && - ("document" === e.type ? (e.end = n.start) : e.items.push({ start: n.start }), t.items.splice(-1, 1)) - } - } - else { - const e = "Tried to pop an empty stack" - yield { type: "error", offset: this.offset, source: "", message: e } - } - } - *stream() { - switch (this.type) { - case "directive-line": - return void (yield { type: "directive", offset: this.offset, source: this.source }) - case "byte-order-mark": - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - return void (yield this.sourceToken) - case "doc-mode": - case "doc-start": { - const e = { type: "document", offset: this.offset, start: [] } - return "doc-start" === this.type && e.start.push(this.sourceToken), void this.stack.push(e) - } - } - yield { - type: "error", - offset: this.offset, - message: `Unexpected ${this.type} token in YAML stream`, - source: this.source, - } - } - *document(e) { - if (e.value) return yield* this.lineEnd(e) - switch (this.type) { - case "doc-start": - return void (-1 !== hd(e.start) ? (yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step()) : e.start.push(this.sourceToken)) - case "anchor": - case "tag": - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - return void e.start.push(this.sourceToken) - } - const t = this.startBlockValue(e) - t - ? this.stack.push(t) - : yield { - type: "error", - offset: this.offset, - message: `Unexpected ${this.type} token in YAML document`, - source: this.source, - } - } - *scalar(e) { - if ("map-value-ind" === this.type) { - const t = gd(md(this.peek(2))) - let n - e.end ? ((n = e.end), n.push(this.sourceToken), delete e.end) : (n = [this.sourceToken]) - const r = { type: "block-map", offset: e.offset, indent: e.indent, items: [{ start: t, key: e, sep: n }] } - ;(this.onKeyLine = !0), (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = r) - } else yield* this.lineEnd(e) - } - *blockScalar(e) { - switch (this.type) { - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - return void e.props.push(this.sourceToken) - case "scalar": - if (((e.source = this.source), (this.atNewLine = !0), (this.indent = 0), this.onNewLine)) { - let e = this.source.indexOf("\n") + 1 - for (; 0 !== e; ) this.onNewLine(this.offset + e), (e = this.source.indexOf("\n", e) + 1) - } - yield* this.pop() - break - default: - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step() - } - } - *blockMap(e) { - var t - const n = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - switch (this.type) { - case "newline": - if (((this.onKeyLine = !1), n.value)) { - const t = "end" in n.value ? n.value.end : void 0, - r = Array.isArray(t) ? t[t.length - 1] : void 0 - "comment" === (null == r ? void 0 : r.type) - ? null == t || t.push(this.sourceToken) - : e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - } else n.sep ? n.sep.push(this.sourceToken) : n.start.push(this.sourceToken) - return - case "space": - case "comment": - if (n.value) e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - else if (n.sep) n.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - else { - if (this.atIndentedComment(n.start, e.indent)) { - const r = e.items[e.items.length - 2], - a = null == (t = null == r ? void 0 : r.value) ? void 0 : t.end - if (Array.isArray(a)) - return Array.prototype.push.apply(a, n.start), a.push(this.sourceToken), void e.items.pop() - } - n.start.push(this.sourceToken) - } - return - } - if (this.indent >= e.indent) { - const t = !this.onKeyLine && this.indent === e.indent, - r = t && (n.sep || n.explicitKey) && "seq-item-ind" !== this.type - let a = [] - if (r && n.sep && !n.value) { - const t = [] - for (let r = 0; r < n.sep.length; ++r) { - const a = n.sep[r] - switch (a.type) { - case "newline": - t.push(r) - break - case "space": - break - case "comment": - a.indent > e.indent && (t.length = 0) - break - default: - t.length = 0 - } - } - t.length >= 2 && (a = n.sep.splice(t[1])) - } - switch (this.type) { - case "anchor": - case "tag": - return void (r || n.value - ? (a.push(this.sourceToken), e.items.push({ start: a }), (this.onKeyLine = !0)) - : n.sep - ? n.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - : n.start.push(this.sourceToken)) - case "explicit-key-ind": - return ( - n.sep || n.explicitKey - ? r || n.value - ? (a.push(this.sourceToken), e.items.push({ start: a, explicitKey: !0 })) - : this.stack.push({ - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: [this.sourceToken], explicitKey: !0 }], - }) - : (n.start.push(this.sourceToken), (n.explicitKey = !0)), - void (this.onKeyLine = !0) - ) - case "map-value-ind": - if (n.explicitKey) - if (n.sep) - if (n.value) e.items.push({ start: [], key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }) - else if (pd(n.sep, "map-value-ind")) - this.stack.push({ - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: a, key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }], - }) - else if (fd(n.key) && !pd(n.sep, "newline")) { - const e = gd(n.start), - t = n.key, - r = n.sep - r.push(this.sourceToken), - delete n.key, - delete n.sep, - this.stack.push({ - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: e, key: t, sep: r }], - }) - } else a.length > 0 ? (n.sep = n.sep.concat(a, this.sourceToken)) : n.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - else if (pd(n.start, "newline")) Object.assign(n, { key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }) - else { - const e = gd(n.start) - this.stack.push({ - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: e, key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }], - }) - } - else - n.sep - ? n.value || r - ? e.items.push({ start: a, key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }) - : pd(n.sep, "map-value-ind") - ? this.stack.push({ - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: [], key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }], - }) - : n.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - : Object.assign(n, { key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }) - return void (this.onKeyLine = !0) - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": { - const t = this.flowScalar(this.type) - return void (r || n.value - ? (e.items.push({ start: a, key: t, sep: [] }), (this.onKeyLine = !0)) - : n.sep - ? this.stack.push(t) - : (Object.assign(n, { key: t, sep: [] }), (this.onKeyLine = !0))) - } - default: { - const n = this.startBlockValue(e) - if (n) return t && "block-seq" !== n.type && e.items.push({ start: a }), void this.stack.push(n) - } - } - } - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step() - } - *blockSequence(e) { - var t - const n = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - switch (this.type) { - case "newline": - if (n.value) { - const t = "end" in n.value ? n.value.end : void 0, - r = Array.isArray(t) ? t[t.length - 1] : void 0 - "comment" === (null == r ? void 0 : r.type) - ? null == t || t.push(this.sourceToken) - : e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - } else n.start.push(this.sourceToken) - return - case "space": - case "comment": - if (n.value) e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - else { - if (this.atIndentedComment(n.start, e.indent)) { - const r = e.items[e.items.length - 2], - a = null == (t = null == r ? void 0 : r.value) ? void 0 : t.end - if (Array.isArray(a)) - return Array.prototype.push.apply(a, n.start), a.push(this.sourceToken), void e.items.pop() - } - n.start.push(this.sourceToken) - } - return - case "anchor": - case "tag": - if (n.value || this.indent <= e.indent) break - return void n.start.push(this.sourceToken) - case "seq-item-ind": - if (this.indent !== e.indent) break - return void (n.value || pd(n.start, "seq-item-ind") - ? e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - : n.start.push(this.sourceToken)) - } - if (this.indent > e.indent) { - const t = this.startBlockValue(e) - if (t) return void this.stack.push(t) - } - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step() - } - *flowCollection(e) { - const t = e.items[e.items.length - 1] - if ("flow-error-end" === this.type) { - let e - do { - yield* this.pop(), (e = this.peek(1)) - } while (e && "flow-collection" === e.type) - } else if (0 === e.end.length) { - switch (this.type) { - case "comma": - case "explicit-key-ind": - return void (!t || t.sep ? e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) : t.start.push(this.sourceToken)) - case "map-value-ind": - return void (!t || t.value - ? e.items.push({ start: [], key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }) - : t.sep - ? t.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - : Object.assign(t, { key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] })) - case "space": - case "comment": - case "newline": - case "anchor": - case "tag": - return void (!t || t.value - ? e.items.push({ start: [this.sourceToken] }) - : t.sep - ? t.sep.push(this.sourceToken) - : t.start.push(this.sourceToken)) - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": { - const n = this.flowScalar(this.type) - return void (!t || t.value - ? e.items.push({ start: [], key: n, sep: [] }) - : t.sep - ? this.stack.push(n) - : Object.assign(t, { key: n, sep: [] })) - } - case "flow-map-end": - case "flow-seq-end": - return void e.end.push(this.sourceToken) - } - const n = this.startBlockValue(e) - n ? this.stack.push(n) : (yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step()) - } else { - const t = this.peek(2) - if ( - "block-map" === t.type && - (("map-value-ind" === this.type && t.indent === e.indent) || - ("newline" === this.type && !t.items[t.items.length - 1].sep)) - ) - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step() - else if ("map-value-ind" === this.type && "flow-collection" !== t.type) { - const n = gd(md(t)) - bd(e) - const r = e.end.splice(1, e.end.length) - r.push(this.sourceToken) - const a = { type: "block-map", offset: e.offset, indent: e.indent, items: [{ start: n, key: e, sep: r }] } - ;(this.onKeyLine = !0), (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = a) - } else yield* this.lineEnd(e) - } - } - flowScalar(e) { - if (this.onNewLine) { - let e = this.source.indexOf("\n") + 1 - for (; 0 !== e; ) this.onNewLine(this.offset + e), (e = this.source.indexOf("\n", e) + 1) - } - return { type: e, offset: this.offset, indent: this.indent, source: this.source } - } - startBlockValue(e) { - switch (this.type) { - case "alias": - case "scalar": - case "single-quoted-scalar": - case "double-quoted-scalar": - return this.flowScalar(this.type) - case "block-scalar-header": - return { - type: "block-scalar", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - props: [this.sourceToken], - source: "", - } - case "flow-map-start": - case "flow-seq-start": - return { - type: "flow-collection", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - start: this.sourceToken, - items: [], - end: [], - } - case "seq-item-ind": - return { - type: "block-seq", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: [this.sourceToken] }], - } - case "explicit-key-ind": { - this.onKeyLine = !0 - const t = gd(md(e)) - return ( - t.push(this.sourceToken), - { type: "block-map", offset: this.offset, indent: this.indent, items: [{ start: t, explicitKey: !0 }] } - ) - } - case "map-value-ind": { - this.onKeyLine = !0 - const t = gd(md(e)) - return { - type: "block-map", - offset: this.offset, - indent: this.indent, - items: [{ start: t, key: null, sep: [this.sourceToken] }], - } - } - } - return null - } - atIndentedComment(e, t) { - return ( - "comment" === this.type && !(this.indent <= t) && e.every((e) => "newline" === e.type || "space" === e.type) - ) - } - *documentEnd(e) { - "doc-mode" !== this.type && - (e.end ? e.end.push(this.sourceToken) : (e.end = [this.sourceToken]), - "newline" === this.type && (yield* this.pop())) - } - *lineEnd(e) { - switch (this.type) { - case "comma": - case "doc-start": - case "doc-end": - case "flow-seq-end": - case "flow-map-end": - case "map-value-ind": - yield* this.pop(), yield* this.step() - break - case "newline": - this.onKeyLine = !1 - default: - e.end ? e.end.push(this.sourceToken) : (e.end = [this.sourceToken]), - "newline" === this.type && (yield* this.pop()) - } - } - } - function yd(e, t, n) { - let r - "function" == typeof t ? (r = t) : void 0 === n && t && "object" == typeof t && (n = t) - const a = (function (e, t = {}) { - const { lineCounter: n, prettyErrors: r } = (function (e) { - const t = !1 !== e.prettyErrors - return { lineCounter: e.lineCounter || (t && new ud()) || null, prettyErrors: t } - })(t), - a = new vd(null == n ? void 0 : n.addNewLine), - o = new rd(t) - let i = null - for (const t of o.compose(a.parse(e), !0, e.length)) - if (i) { - if ("silent" !== i.options.logLevel) { - i.errors.push( - new $c( - t.range.slice(0, 2), - "MULTIPLE_DOCS", - "Source contains multiple documents; please use YAML.parseAllDocuments()", - ), - ) - break - } - } else i = t - return r && n && (i.errors.forEach(Mc(e, n)), i.warnings.forEach(Mc(e, n))), i - })(e, n) - if (!a) return null - if ((a.warnings.forEach((e) => Ol(a.options.logLevel, e)), a.errors.length > 0)) { - if ("silent" !== a.options.logLevel) throw a.errors[0] - a.errors = [] - } - return a.toJS(Object.assign({ reviver: r }, n)) - } - const Od = { - parse: (e) => { - const t = yd(e) - if ("object" != typeof t) throw Error("Invalid YAML object") - return t - }, - parseSafe(e, t) { - try { - return Od.parse(e) - } catch (e) { - return "function" == typeof t ? t(e) : t - } - }, - stringify: function (e, t, n) { - let r = null - if ( - ("function" == typeof t || Array.isArray(t) ? (r = t) : void 0 === n && t && (n = t), - "string" == typeof n && (n = n.length), - "number" == typeof n) - ) { - const e = Math.round(n) - n = e < 1 ? void 0 : e > 8 ? { indent: 8 } : { indent: e } - } - if (void 0 === e) { - const { keepUndefined: e } = n ?? t ?? {} - if (!e) return - } - return new Dc(e, r, n).toString(n) - }, - }, - wd = { - parse: (e) => { - const t = JSON.parse(e) - if ("object" != typeof t) throw Error("Invalid JSON object") - return t - }, - parseSafe(e, t) { - try { - return wd.parse(e) - } catch (e) { - return "function" == typeof t ? t(e) : t - } - }, - stringify: (e) => JSON.stringify(e), - }, - xd = (e) => "string" == typeof e && !!wd.parseSafe(e, !1), - kd = "https://api.scalar.com/request-proxy", - _d = "https://proxy.scalar.com" - async function Sd(e, t) { - t === kd && (t = _d) - const n = await fetch(t ? gs(t, e) : e) - return ( - 200 !== n.status && - (console.error(`[fetchSpecFromUrl] Failed to fetch the specification at ${e} (Status: ${n.status})`), - t || - console.warn( - `[fetchSpecFromUrl] Tried to fetch the specification (url: ${e}) without a proxy. Are the CORS headers configured to allow cross-domain requests? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS`, - )), - (function (e) { - if ("{" !== e.trim()[0]) return e - try { - return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(e), null, 2) - } catch { - return e - } - })(await n.text()) - ) - } - const Ed = { - CONNECT: { short: "CONN", color: "text-c-2", backgroundColor: "bg-c-2" }, - DELETE: { short: "DEL", color: "text-red", backgroundColor: "bg-red" }, - GET: { short: "GET", color: "text-blue", backgroundColor: "bg-blue" }, - HEAD: { short: "HEAD", color: "text-scalar-c-2", backgroundColor: "bg-c-2" }, - OPTIONS: { short: "OPTS", color: "text-purple", backgroundColor: "bg-purple" }, - PATCH: { short: "PATCH", color: "text-yellow", backgroundColor: "bg-yellow" }, - POST: { short: "POST", color: "text-green", backgroundColor: "bg-green" }, - PUT: { short: "PUT", color: "text-orange", backgroundColor: "bg-orange" }, - TRACE: { short: "TRACE", color: "text-c-2", backgroundColor: "bg-c-2" }, - }, - Td = { - 100: { name: "Continue", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/100" }, - 101: { name: "Switching Protocols", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/101" }, - 102: { name: "Processing", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/102" }, - 103: { name: "Early Hints", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/103" }, - 200: { name: "OK", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/200" }, - 201: { name: "Created", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/201" }, - 202: { name: "Accepted", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/202" }, - 203: { - name: "Non-Authoritative Information", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/203", - }, - 204: { name: "No Content", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/204" }, - 205: { name: "Reset Content", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/205" }, - 206: { name: "Partial Content", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/206" }, - 207: { name: "Multi-Status", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/207" }, - 208: { name: "Already Reported", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/208" }, - 226: { name: "IM Used", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/226" }, - 300: { name: "Multiple Choices", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/300" }, - 301: { name: "Moved Permanently", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/301" }, - 302: { name: "Found", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/302" }, - 303: { name: "See Other", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/303" }, - 304: { name: "Not Modified", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/304" }, - 305: { name: "Use Proxy", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/305" }, - 306: { name: "(Unused)", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/306" }, - 307: { name: "Temporary Redirect", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/307" }, - 308: { name: "Permanent Redirect", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/308" }, - 400: { name: "Bad Request", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/400" }, - 401: { name: "Unauthorized", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/401" }, - 402: { name: "Payment Required", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/402" }, - 403: { name: "Forbidden", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/403" }, - 404: { name: "Not Found", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/404" }, - 405: { name: "Method Not Allowed", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/405" }, - 406: { name: "Not Acceptable", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/406" }, - 407: { - name: "Proxy Authentication Required", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/407", - }, - 408: { name: "Request Timeout", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/408" }, - 409: { name: "Conflict", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/409" }, - 410: { name: "Gone", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/410" }, - 411: { name: "Length Required", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/411" }, - 412: { name: "Precondition Failed", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/412" }, - 413: { name: "Content Too Large", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/413" }, - 414: { name: "URI Too Long", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/414" }, - 415: { name: "Unsupported Media Type", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/415" }, - 416: { name: "Range Not Satisfiable", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/416" }, - 417: { name: "Expectation Failed", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/417" }, - 421: { name: "Misdirected Request", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/421" }, - 422: { name: "Unprocessable Content", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/422" }, - 423: { name: "Locked", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/423" }, - 424: { name: "Failed Dependency", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/424" }, - 425: { name: "Too Early", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/425" }, - 426: { name: "Upgrade Required", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/426" }, - 428: { name: "Precondition Required", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/428" }, - 429: { name: "Too Many Requests", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/429" }, - 431: { - name: "Request Header Fields Too Large", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/431", - }, - 451: { - name: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/451", - }, - 500: { name: "Internal Server Error", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/500" }, - 501: { name: "Not Implemented", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/501" }, - 502: { name: "Bad Gateway", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/502" }, - 503: { name: "Service Unavailable", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/503" }, - 504: { name: "Gateway Timeout", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/504" }, - 505: { - name: "HTTP Version Not Supported", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/505", - }, - 506: { name: "Variant Also Negotiates", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/506" }, - 507: { name: "Insufficient Storage", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/507" }, - 508: { name: "Loop Detected", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/508" }, - 510: { name: "Not Extended", url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/510" }, - 511: { - name: "Network Authentication Required", - url: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/511", - }, - }, - Ad = (e, t, n = " #") => { - if (!t(e)) return e - const r = e.split(n), - a = r.length > 1 ? `${r.slice(0, -1).join()}${n}${Number(r.at(-1)) + 1}` : `${r.join()}${n}2` - return Ad(a, t, n) - } - function Cd(e) { - if (!e) return e - const t = { ...e } - return ( - Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => { - const n = (function (e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) - return e - .replace(/;.*$/, "") - .replace(/\/.+\+/, "/") - .trim() - })(e) - void 0 !== n && ((t[n] = t[e]), e !== n && delete t[e]) - }), - t - ) - } - function Pd(e, t) { - return ( - Object.keys(e).forEach((n) => { - Object.hasOwn(t, n) || delete e[n] - }), - Object.assign(e, t), - e - ) - } - const Dd = (e) => { - if ("string" == typeof e) return xd(e) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(e), null, 2) : e - if ("object" == typeof e) - try { - return JSON.stringify(e, null, 2) - } catch { - return (function (e) { - const t = new Set() - return JSON.stringify( - e, - (e, n) => { - if ("object" == typeof n && null !== n) { - if (t.has(n)) return "[Circular]" - t.add(n) - } - return n - }, - 2, - ) - })(e) - } - return e.toString() - } - function Rd(e, t) { - const n = (e, n) => { - var r - return "function" == typeof t ? t(n) : null == (r = t[n]) ? void 0 : r.toString() - } - return e.replace(/{{\s*([\w.-]+)\s*}}/g, n).replace(/{\s*([\w.-]+)\s*}/g, n) - } - const Nd = "undefined" != typeof window ? (window.__SCALAR__ ?? {}) : {} - function $d(e) { - var t - const n = null == (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.servers) ? void 0 : t[e.selectedServer ?? 0] - return "string" == typeof (null == n ? void 0 : n.url) - ? Rd(null == n ? void 0 : n.url, e.variables) - : null == n - ? void 0 - : n.url - } - const Id = "GET", - Md = (e) => { - if ("string" != typeof e) return console.warn(`Request method is not a string. Using ${Id} as the default.`), Id - const t = e.trim().toUpperCase() - return ( - (n = t), - ls.includes(n) ? t : (console.warn(`${e} is not a valid request method. Using ${Id} as the default.`), Id) - ) - var n - }, - Ld = mn({ showApiClient: !1, activeApiClientEndpointId: "", activeItem: {}, snippetType: "javascript" }) - function Qd(e, t = !1) { - ;(Ld.showApiClient = !!t || !Ld.showApiClient), e && (Ld.activeItem = e) - } - function Bd() { - Ld.showApiClient = !1 - } - function jd(e) { - Ld.activeApiClientEndpointId = e - } - function Ud(e) { - Ld.snippetType = e - } - const Fd = () => ({ - state: bn(Ld), - toggleApiClient: Qd, - setActiveApiClientEndpointId: jd, - setSnippetType: Ud, - hideApiClient: Bd, - }), - zd = mn( - Nd["useGlobalStore-authentication"] ?? { - preferredSecurityScheme: null, - customSecurity: !1, - http: { basic: { username: "", password: "" }, bearer: { token: "" } }, - apiKey: { token: "" }, - oAuth2: { username: "", password: "", clientId: "", scopes: [], accessToken: "", state: "" }, - }, - ), - qd = (e) => Object.assign(zd, e), - Zd = () => ({ authentication: zd, setAuthentication: qd }), - Hd = mn({ operation: {}, globalSecurity: [] }), - Vd = (e) => { - Object.assign(Hd, { ...Hd, operation: e }) - }, - Wd = (e) => { - Object.assign(Hd, { ...Hd, globalSecurity: e }) - }, - Xd = () => ({ openApi: Hd, setOperation: Vd, setGlobalSecurity: Wd }), - Yd = mn({}), - Gd = Dn([]), - Kd = Dn(""), - Jd = mn({ - name: "", - url: "", - type: "GET", - path: "", - variables: [], - headers: [], - query: [], - body: "", - formData: [], - }), - eu = ii(() => { - var e - return Kd.value ? (null == (e = Yd[Kd.value ?? ""]) ? void 0 : e.response) : null - }), - tu = Dn(!0), - nu = mn({ selectedServer: null, servers: [], variables: {} }), - ru = (e) => { - Object.assign(nu, { ...nu, ...e }) - }, - au = () => ({ server: nu, setServer: ru }), - ou = - "/* basic theme */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #fff;\n --scalar-background-2: #f6f6f6;\n --scalar-background-3: #e7e7e7;\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-color-1: #2a2f45;\n --scalar-color-2: #757575;\n --scalar-color-3: #8e8e8e;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #0099ff;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #0f0f0f;\n --scalar-background-2: #1a1a1a;\n --scalar-background-3: #272727;\n\n --scalar-color-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-color-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #3ea6ff;\n --scalar-background-accent: #3ea6ff1f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-1);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: transparent;\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n}\n\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #069061;\n --scalar-color-red: #ef0006;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #0082d0;\n --scalar-color-orange: #fb892c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5203d1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #00b648;\n --scalar-color-red: #dc1b19;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffc90d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-color-orange: #ff8d4d;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n", - iu = [ - ["--theme-", "--scalar-"], - ["--sidebar-", "--scalar-sidebar-"], - ], - su = iu.map(([e]) => e), - lu = { - default: "Default", - alternate: "Alternate", - moon: "Moon", - purple: "Purple", - solarized: "Solarized", - bluePlanet: "Blue Planet", - saturn: "Saturn", - kepler: "Kepler-11e", - mars: "Mars", - deepSpace: "Deep Space", - none: "", - }, - cu = { - alternate: - "/* basic theme */\n:root {\n --scalar-text-decoration: underline;\n --scalar-text-decoration-hover: underline;\n}\n.light-mode,\n.light-mode .dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #f9f9f9;\n --scalar-background-2: #f1f1f1;\n --scalar-background-3: #e7e7e7;\n --scalar-background-card: #fff;\n\n --scalar-color-1: #2a2f45;\n --scalar-color-2: #757575;\n --scalar-color-3: #8e8e8e;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-background-accent: var(--scalar-background-3);\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #131313;\n --scalar-background-2: #1d1d1d;\n --scalar-background-3: #272727;\n --scalar-background-card: #1d1d1d;\n\n --scalar-color-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-color-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-background-accent: var(--scalar-background-3);\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: transparent;\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-indent-border: var(--scalar-sidebar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-indent-border-hover: var(--scalar-sidebar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-indent-border-active: var(--scalar-sidebar-border-color);\n}\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode .dark-mode,\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #069061;\n --scalar-color-red: #ef0006;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #0082d0;\n --scalar-color-orange: #fb892c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5203d1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #00b648;\n --scalar-color-red: #dd2f2c;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffc90d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-color-orange: #ff8d4d;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n\n.scalar-api-client__item,\n.scalar-card,\n.dark-mode .dark-mode.scalar-card {\n --scalar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-card);\n --scalar-background-2: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-background-3: var(--scalar-background-1);\n}\n.dark-mode .dark-mode.scalar-card {\n --scalar-background-3: var(--scalar-background-3);\n}\n.t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-color-green: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-color-red: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-color-yellow: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-color-blue: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-color-orange: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-color-purple: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n", - default: ou, - moon: ".light-mode {\n color-scheme: light;\n --scalar-color-1: #000000;\n --scalar-color-2: #000000;\n --scalar-color-3: #000000;\n --scalar-color-accent: #645b0f;\n --scalar-background-1: #ccc9b3;\n --scalar-background-2: #c2bfaa;\n --scalar-background-3: #b8b5a1;\n --scalar-background-accent: #000000;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color-active: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);\n --scalar-lifted-brightness: 1;\n --scalar-backdrop-brightness: 1;\n\n --scalar-shadow-1: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11);\n --scalar-shadow-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px 13px 20px 0px,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px 3px 8px 0px, var(--scalar-border-color) 0px 0 0 1px;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgb(49 53 56);\n --scalar-button-1-color: #fff;\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgb(28 31 33);\n\n --scalar-color-red: #b91c1c;\n --scalar-color-orange: #a16207;\n --scalar-color-green: #047857;\n --scalar-color-blue: #1d4ed8;\n --scalar-color-orange: #c2410c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #6d28d9;\n}\n\n.dark-mode {\n color-scheme: dark;\n --scalar-color-1: #fffef3;\n --scalar-color-2: #fffef3;\n --scalar-color-3: #fffef3;\n --scalar-color-accent: #c3b531;\n --scalar-background-1: #313332;\n --scalar-background-2: #393b3a;\n --scalar-background-3: #414342;\n --scalar-background-accent: #fffef3;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.24);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color-active: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48);\n --scalar-lifted-brightness: 1.45;\n --scalar-backdrop-brightness: 0.5;\n\n --scalar-shadow-1: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11);\n --scalar-shadow-2: rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.2) 0px 3px 6px,\n rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.4) 0px 9px 24px, 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n\n --scalar-button-1: #f6f6f6;\n --scalar-button-1-color: #000;\n --scalar-button-1-hover: #e7e7e7;\n\n --scalar-color-green: #00b648;\n --scalar-color-red: #dc1b19;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffc90d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-color-orange: #ff8d4d;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n}\n\n/* Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-sidebar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-sidebar-search-background);\n --scalar-sidebar-search--color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n\n.dark-mode .sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-sidebar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-sidebar-search-background);\n --scalar-sidebar-search--color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n", - purple: - "/* basic theme */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #fff;\n --scalar-background-2: #f5f6f8;\n --scalar-background-3: #eceef1;\n\n --scalar-color-1: #2a2f45;\n --scalar-color-2: #757575;\n --scalar-color-3: #8e8e8e;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #5469d4;\n --scalar-background-accent: #5469d41f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(215, 215, 206, 0.5);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #15171c;\n --scalar-background-2: #1c1e24;\n --scalar-background-3: #22252b;\n\n --scalar-color-1: #fafafa;\n --scalar-color-2: #c9ced8;\n --scalar-color-3: #8c99ad;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #5469d4;\n --scalar-background-accent: #5469d41f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n}\n\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #17803d;\n --scalar-color-red: #e10909;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #1763a6;\n --scalar-color-orange: #e25b09;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5c3993;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #30a159;\n --scalar-color-red: #dc1b19;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #eec644;\n --scalar-color-blue: #2b7abf;\n --scalar-color-orange: #f07528;\n --scalar-color-purple: #7a59b1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n", - solarized: - ".light-mode {\n color-scheme: light;\n --scalar-color-1: #584c27;\n --scalar-color-2: #616161;\n --scalar-color-3: #a89f84;\n --scalar-color-accent: #b58900;\n --scalar-background-1: #fdf6e3;\n --scalar-background-2: #eee8d5;\n --scalar-background-3: #ddd6c1;\n --scalar-background-accent: #b589001f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: #ded8c8;\n --scalar-scrollbar-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color-active: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);\n --scalar-lifted-brightness: 1;\n --scalar-backdrop-brightness: 1;\n\n --scalar-shadow-1: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11);\n --scalar-shadow-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px 13px 20px 0px,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px 3px 8px 0px, #eeeeed 0px 0 0 1px;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgb(49 53 56);\n --scalar-button-1-color: #fff;\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgb(28 31 33);\n\n --scalar-color-red: #b91c1c;\n --scalar-color-orange: #a16207;\n --scalar-color-green: #047857;\n --scalar-color-blue: #1d4ed8;\n --scalar-color-orange: #c2410c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #6d28d9;\n}\n\n.dark-mode {\n color-scheme: dark;\n --scalar-color-1: #fff;\n --scalar-color-2: #cccccc;\n --scalar-color-3: #6d8890;\n --scalar-color-accent: #007acc;\n --scalar-background-1: #00212b;\n --scalar-background-2: #012b36;\n --scalar-background-3: #004052;\n --scalar-background-accent: #015a6f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.24);\n --scalar-scrollbar-color-active: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48);\n --scalar-lifted-brightness: 1.45;\n --scalar-backdrop-brightness: 0.5;\n\n --scalar-shadow-1: 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n --scalar-shadow-2: rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.2) 0px 3px 6px,\n rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.4) 0px 9px 24px, 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n\n --scalar-button-1: #f6f6f6;\n --scalar-button-1-color: #000;\n --scalar-button-1-hover: #e7e7e7;\n\n --scalar-color-green: #00b648;\n --scalar-color-red: #dc1b19;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffc90d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-color-orange: #ff8d4d;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n}\n\n/* Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-sidebar-search-background);\n --scalar-sidebar-search--color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n\n.dark-mode .sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-sidebar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-sidebar-search-background);\n --scalar-sidebar-search--color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n", - bluePlanet: - "/* basic theme */\n:root {\n --scalar-text-decoration: underline;\n --scalar-text-decoration-hover: underline;\n}\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #f0f2f5;\n --scalar-background-2: #eaecf0;\n --scalar-background-3: #e0e2e6;\n --scalar-border-color: rgb(228, 228, 231);\n\n --scalar-color-1: rgb(9, 9, 11);\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(113, 113, 122);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(25, 25, 28, 0.5);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n.light-mode .scalar-card.dark-mode,\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #000e23;\n --scalar-background-2: #01132e;\n --scalar-background-3: #03193b;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);\n\n --scalar-color-1: #fafafa;\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(161, 161, 170);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n z-index: 1;\n}\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: white;\n}\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #069061;\n --scalar-color-red: #ef0006;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #0082d0;\n --scalar-color-orange: #fb892c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5203d1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: rgba(69, 255, 165, 0.823);\n --scalar-color-red: #ff8589;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffcc4d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #6bc1fe;\n --scalar-color-orange: #f98943;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n/* Custom theme */\n/* Document header */\n@keyframes headerbackground {\n from {\n background: transparent;\n backdrop-filter: none;\n }\n to {\n background: var(--header-background-1);\n backdrop-filter: blur(12px);\n }\n}\n.dark-mode h2.t-editor__heading,\n.dark-mode .t-editor__page-title h1,\n.dark-mode h1.section-header,\n.dark-mode .markdown h1,\n.dark-mode .markdown h2,\n.dark-mode .markdown h3,\n.dark-mode .markdown h4,\n.dark-mode .markdown h5,\n.dark-mode .markdown h6 {\n -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;\n background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right bottom,\n rgb(255, 255, 255) 30%,\n rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)\n );\n -webkit-background-clip: text;\n background-clip: text;\n}\n/* Hero Section Flare */\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(1) {\n --c1: #ffffff;\n --c2: #babfd8;\n --c3: #2e8bb2;\n --c4: #1a8593;\n --c5: #0a143e;\n --c6: #0a0f52;\n --c7: #2341b8;\n\n --solid: var(--c1), var(--c2), var(--c3), var(--c4), var(--c5), var(--c6),\n var(--c7);\n --solid-wrap: var(--solid), var(--c1);\n --trans: var(--c1), transparent, var(--c2), transparent, var(--c3),\n transparent, var(--c4), transparent, var(--c5), transparent, var(--c6),\n transparent, var(--c7);\n --trans-wrap: var(--trans), transparent, var(--c1);\n\n background: radial-gradient(circle, var(--trans)),\n conic-gradient(from 180deg, var(--trans-wrap)),\n radial-gradient(circle, var(--trans)), conic-gradient(var(--solid-wrap));\n width: 70vw;\n height: 700px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n filter: blur(100px);\n z-index: 0;\n right: 0;\n position: absolute;\n transform: rotate(-45deg);\n top: -300px;\n opacity: 0.3;\n}\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(3) {\n --star-color: #6b9acc;\n --star-color2: #446b8d;\n --star-color3: #3e5879;\n background-image: radial-gradient(\n 2px 2px at 20px 30px,\n var(--star-color2),\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)\n ),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 40px 70px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 50px 160px, var(--star-color3), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 90px 40px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 130px 80px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(\n 2px 2px at 160px 120px,\n var(--star-color3),\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)\n );\n background-repeat: repeat;\n background-size: 200px 200px;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n mask-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at 100% 0%, black 40%, transparent 70%);\n}\n.section-flare {\n top: -150px !important;\n height: 100vh;\n background: linear-gradient(#000, var(--scalar-background-1));\n width: 100vw;\n}\n.light-mode .section-flare {\n display: none;\n}\n.light-mode .scalar-card {\n --scalar-background-1: #fff;\n --scalar-background-2: #fff;\n --scalar-background-3: #fff;\n}\n", - deepSpace: - "/* basic theme */\n:root {\n --scalar-text-decoration: underline;\n --scalar-text-decoration-hover: underline;\n}\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-1: rgb(9, 9, 11);\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(113, 113, 122);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(25, 25, 28, 0.5);\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n\n --scalar-background-1: #fff;\n --scalar-background-2: #f4f4f5;\n --scalar-background-3: #e3e3e6;\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgb(228, 228, 231);\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-1: #fafafa;\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(161, 161, 170);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);\n --scalar-color-accent: var(--scalar-color-1);\n\n --scalar-background-1: #09090b;\n --scalar-background-2: #18181b;\n --scalar-background-3: #2c2c30;\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: transparent;\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n}\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #069061;\n --scalar-color-red: #ef0006;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #0082d0;\n --scalar-color-orange: #fb892c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5203d1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: rgba(69, 255, 165, 0.823);\n --scalar-color-red: #ff8589;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffcc4d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #6bc1fe;\n --scalar-color-orange: #f98943;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n/* Custom theme */\n.dark-mode h2.t-editor__heading,\n.dark-mode .t-editor__page-title h1,\n.dark-mode h1.section-header,\n.dark-mode .markdown h1,\n.dark-mode .markdown h2,\n.dark-mode .markdown h3,\n.dark-mode .markdown h4,\n.dark-mode .markdown h5,\n.dark-mode .markdown h6 {\n -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;\n background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right bottom,\n rgb(255, 255, 255) 30%,\n rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)\n );\n -webkit-background-clip: text;\n background-clip: text;\n}\n.examples .scalar-card-footer {\n --scalar-background-3: transparent;\n padding-top: 0;\n}\n/* Hero section flare */\n.section-flare {\n width: 100vw;\n height: 550px;\n position: relative;\n}\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(1) {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100vw;\n height: 550px;\n --stripesDark: repeating-linear-gradient(\n 100deg,\n #000 0%,\n #000 7%,\n transparent 10%,\n transparent 12%,\n #000 16%\n );\n --rainbow: repeating-linear-gradient(\n 100deg,\n #fff 10%,\n #fff 16%,\n #fff 22%,\n #fff 30%\n );\n background-image: var(--stripesDark), var(--rainbow);\n background-size: 300%, 200%;\n background-position:\n 50% 50%,\n 50% 50%;\n filter: invert(100%);\n -webkit-mask-image: radial-gradient(\n ellipse at 100% 0%,\n black 40%,\n transparent 70%\n );\n mask-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at 100% 0%, black 40%, transparent 70%);\n pointer-events: none;\n opacity: 0.07;\n}\n.dark-mode .section-flare-item:nth-of-type(1) {\n background-image: var(--stripesDark), var(--rainbow);\n filter: opacity(50%) saturate(200%);\n opacity: 0.25;\n height: 350px;\n}\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(1):after {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n background-image: var(--stripesDark), var(--rainbow);\n background-size: 200%, 100%;\n background-attachment: fixed;\n mix-blend-mode: difference;\n}\n.dark-mode .section-flare:after {\n background-image: var(--stripesDark), var(--rainbow);\n}\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(2) {\n --star-color: #fff;\n --star-color2: #fff;\n --star-color3: #fff;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n background-image: radial-gradient(\n 2px 2px at 20px 30px,\n var(--star-color2),\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)\n ),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 40px 70px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 50px 160px, var(--star-color3), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 90px 40px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(2px 2px at 130px 80px, var(--star-color), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),\n radial-gradient(\n 2px 2px at 160px 120px,\n var(--star-color3),\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)\n );\n background-repeat: repeat;\n background-size: 200px 200px;\n mask-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at 100% 0%, black 40%, transparent 70%);\n opacity: 0.2;\n}\n", - saturn: - "/* basic theme */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #f3f3ee;\n --scalar-background-2: #e8e8e3;\n --scalar-background-3: #e4e4df;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(215, 215, 206, 0.5);\n\n --scalar-color-1: #2a2f45;\n --scalar-color-2: #757575;\n --scalar-color-3: #8e8e8e;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #1763a6;\n --scalar-background-accent: #1f648e1f;\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #09090b;\n --scalar-background-2: #18181b;\n --scalar-background-3: #2c2c30;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);\n\n --scalar-color-1: #fafafa;\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(161, 161, 170);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-3);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-1);\n\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n 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background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right bottom,\n rgb(255, 255, 255) 30%,\n rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)\n );\n -webkit-background-clip: text;\n background-clip: text;\n}\n", - kepler: - "/* basic theme */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-1: #2a2f45;\n --scalar-color-2: #757575;\n --scalar-color-3: #8e8e8e;\n --scalar-color-accent: #7070ff;\n\n --scalar-background-1: #fff;\n --scalar-background-2: #f6f6f6;\n --scalar-background-3: #e7e7e7;\n --scalar-background-accent: #7070ff1f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-1: #f7f8f8;\n --scalar-color-2: rgb(180, 188, 208);\n --scalar-color-3: #b4bcd099;\n --scalar-color-accent: #828fff;\n\n --scalar-background-1: #000212;\n --scalar-background-2: #0d0f1e;\n --scalar-background-3: #232533;\n --scalar-background-accent: #8ab4f81f;\n\n --scalar-border-color: #242537;\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: var(--scalar-background-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n --scalar-background-2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);\n}\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-background-1: var(--scalar-background-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-color: currentColor;\n --scalar-sidebar-item-hover-background: var(--scalar-background-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-item-active-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n --scalar-sidebar-border-color: var(--scalar-border-color);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-1: var(--scalar-color-1);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-2: var(--scalar-color-2);\n --scalar-sidebar-color-active: var(--scalar-color-accent);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-border-color: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);\n --scalar-sidebar-search-color: var(--scalar-color-3);\n}\n/* advanced */\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #069061;\n --scalar-color-red: #ef0006;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #edbe20;\n --scalar-color-blue: #0082d0;\n --scalar-color-orange: #fb892c;\n --scalar-color-purple: #5203d1;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: #00b648;\n --scalar-color-red: #dc1b19;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffc90d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #4eb3ec;\n --scalar-color-orange: #ff8d4d;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n/* Custom Theme */\n.dark-mode h2.t-editor__heading,\n.dark-mode .t-editor__page-title h1,\n.dark-mode h1.section-header,\n.dark-mode .markdown h1,\n.dark-mode .markdown h2,\n.dark-mode .markdown h3,\n.dark-mode .markdown h4,\n.dark-mode .markdown h5,\n.dark-mode .markdown h6 {\n -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;\n background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right bottom,\n rgb(255, 255, 255) 30%,\n rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)\n );\n -webkit-background-clip: text;\n background-clip: text;\n}\n.sidebar-search {\n backdrop-filter: blur(12px);\n}\n@keyframes headerbackground {\n from {\n background: transparent;\n backdrop-filter: none;\n }\n to {\n background: var(--header-background-1);\n backdrop-filter: blur(12px);\n }\n}\n.dark-mode 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underline;\n}\n.light-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #f9f6f0;\n --scalar-background-2: #f2efe8;\n --scalar-background-3: #e9e7e2;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(203, 165, 156, 0.6);\n\n --scalar-color-1: #c75549;\n --scalar-color-2: #c75549;\n --scalar-color-3: #c75549;\n\n --scalar-color-accent: #c75549;\n --scalar-background-accent: #dcbfa81f;\n\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-background-1: #140507;\n --scalar-background-2: #20090c;\n --scalar-background-3: #321116;\n --scalar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n\n --scalar-color-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-color-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62);\n --scalar-color-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44);\n\n --scalar-color-accent: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-background-accent: #441313;\n\n --scalar-code-language-color-supersede: var(--scalar-color-1);\n}\n\n/* Document Sidebar */\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar,\n.dark-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n 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0.8);\n --scalar-button-1-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n}\n.dark-mode {\n --scalar-color-green: rgba(69, 255, 165, 0.823);\n --scalar-color-red: #ff8589;\n --scalar-color-yellow: #ffcc4d;\n --scalar-color-blue: #6bc1fe;\n --scalar-color-orange: #f98943;\n --scalar-color-purple: #b191f9;\n\n --scalar-button-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n --scalar-button-1-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n --scalar-button-1-color: black;\n}\n/* Custom Theme */\n.dark-mode h2.t-editor__heading,\n.dark-mode .t-editor__page-title h1,\n.dark-mode h1.section-header,\n.dark-mode .markdown h1,\n.dark-mode .markdown h2,\n.dark-mode .markdown h3,\n.dark-mode .markdown h4,\n.dark-mode .markdown h5,\n.dark-mode .markdown h6 {\n -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;\n background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right bottom,\n rgb(255, 255, 255) 30%,\n rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)\n );\n -webkit-background-clip: text;\n background-clip: text;\n}\n.light-mode .t-doc__sidebar {\n --scalar-sidebar-search-background: white;\n}\n.examples .scalar-card-footer {\n --scalar-background-3: transparent;\n padding-top: 0;\n}\n/* Hero section flare */\n.section-flare-item:nth-of-type(1) {\n background: #d25019;\n width: 80vw;\n height: 500px;\n margin-top: -150px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n filter: blur(100px);\n z-index: 0;\n}\n.light-mode .section-flare {\n display: none;\n}\n.section-flare {\n top: -150px !important;\n height: 100vh;\n right: -400px !important;\n left: initial;\n}\n", - }, - du = (e) => ("none" === e ? 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100%, 97%);--warning-border:hsl(49, 91%, 91%);--warning-text:hsl(31, 92%, 45%);--error-bg:hsl(359, 100%, 97%);--error-border:hsl(359, 100%, 94%);--error-text:hsl(360, 100%, 45%)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=light] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#fff;--normal-border:var(--gray3);--normal-text:var(--gray12)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1);--success-bg:hsl(150, 100%, 6%);--success-border:hsl(147, 100%, 12%);--success-text:hsl(150, 86%, 65%);--info-bg:hsl(215, 100%, 6%);--info-border:hsl(223, 100%, 12%);--info-text:hsl(216, 87%, 65%);--warning-bg:hsl(64, 100%, 6%);--warning-border:hsl(60, 100%, 12%);--warning-text:hsl(46, 87%, 65%);--error-bg:hsl(358, 76%, 10%);--error-border:hsl(357, 89%, 16%);--error-text:hsl(358, 100%, 81%)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=success]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=success] [data-close-button]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=info]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=info] [data-close-button]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning] [data-close-button]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=error]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}[data-rich-colors=true] [data-sonner-toast][data-type=error] [data-close-button]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}.sonner-loading-wrapper{--size:16px;height:var(--size);width:var(--size);position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:10}.sonner-loading-wrapper[data-visible=false]{transform-origin:center;animation:sonner-fade-out .2s ease forwards}.sonner-spinner{position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;height:var(--size);width:var(--size)}.sonner-loading-bar{animation:sonner-spin 1.2s linear infinite;background:var(--gray11);border-radius:6px;height:8%;left:-10%;position:absolute;top:-3.9%;width:24%}.sonner-loading-bar:first-child{animation-delay:-1.2s;transform:rotate(.0001deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(2){animation-delay:-1.1s;transform:rotate(30deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(3){animation-delay:-1s;transform:rotate(60deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(4){animation-delay:-.9s;transform:rotate(90deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(5){animation-delay:-.8s;transform:rotate(120deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(6){animation-delay:-.7s;transform:rotate(150deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(7){animation-delay:-.6s;transform:rotate(180deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(8){animation-delay:-.5s;transform:rotate(210deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(9){animation-delay:-.4s;transform:rotate(240deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(10){animation-delay:-.3s;transform:rotate(270deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(11){animation-delay:-.2s;transform:rotate(300deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(12){animation-delay:-.1s;transform:rotate(330deg) translate(146%)}@keyframes sonner-fade-in{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}100%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes sonner-fade-out{0%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}100%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}}@keyframes sonner-spin{0%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:.15}}@media (prefers-reduced-motion){.sonner-loading-bar,[data-sonner-toast],[data-sonner-toast]>*{transition:none!important;animation:none!important}}.sonner-loader{position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform-origin:center;transition:opacity .2s,transform .2s}.sonner-loader[data-visible=false]{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8) translate(-50%,-50%)}", - ) - let hu = 0 - const fu = new (class { - constructor() { - pu(this, "subscribers"), - pu(this, "toasts"), - pu( - this, - "subscribe", - (e) => ( - this.subscribers.push(e), - () => { - const t = this.subscribers.indexOf(e) - this.subscribers.splice(t, 1) - } - ), - ), - pu(this, "publish", (e) => { - this.subscribers.forEach((t) => t(e)) - }), - pu(this, "addToast", (e) => { - this.publish(e), (this.toasts = [...this.toasts, e]) - }), - pu(this, "create", (e) => { - var t - const { message: n, ...r } = e, - a = "number" == typeof e.id || (e.id && (null == (t = e.id) ? void 0 : t.length) > 0) ? e.id : hu++, - o = this.toasts.find((e) => e.id === a), - i = void 0 === e.dismissible || e.dismissible - return ( - o - ? (this.toasts = this.toasts.map((t) => - t.id === a - ? (this.publish({ ...t, ...e, id: a, title: n }), - { ...t, ...e, id: a, dismissible: i, title: n }) - : t, - )) - : this.addToast({ title: n, ...r, dismissible: i, id: a }), - a - ) - }), - pu( - this, - "dismiss", - (e) => ( - e || - this.toasts.forEach((e) => { - this.subscribers.forEach((t) => t({ id: e.id, dismiss: !0 })) - }), - this.subscribers.forEach((t) => t({ id: e, dismiss: !0 })), - e - ), - ), - pu(this, "message", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, message: e, type: "default" })), - pu(this, "error", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "error", message: e })), - pu(this, "success", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "success", message: e })), - pu(this, "info", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "info", message: e })), - pu(this, "warning", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "warning", message: e })), - pu(this, "loading", (e, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "loading", message: e })), - pu(this, "promise", (e, t) => { - if (!t) return - let n - void 0 !== t.loading && - (n = this.create({ - ...t, - promise: e, - type: "loading", - message: t.loading, - description: "function" != typeof t.description ? t.description : void 0, - })) - const r = e instanceof Promise ? e : e() - let a = void 0 !== n - return ( - r - .then((e) => { - if (e && "boolean" == typeof e.ok && !e.ok) { - a = !1 - const e = - "function" == typeof t.error ? t.error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`) : t.error, - r = - "function" == typeof t.description - ? t.description(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`) - : t.description - this.create({ id: n, type: "error", message: e, description: r }) - } else if (void 0 !== t.success) { - a = !1 - const r = "function" == typeof t.success ? t.success(e) : t.success, - o = "function" == typeof t.description ? t.description(e) : t.description - this.create({ id: n, type: "success", message: r, description: o }) - } - }) - .catch((e) => { - if (void 0 !== t.error) { - a = !1 - const r = "function" == typeof t.error ? t.error(e) : t.error, - o = "function" == typeof t.description ? t.description(e) : t.description - this.create({ id: n, type: "error", message: r, description: o }) - } - }) - .finally(() => { - var e - a && (this.dismiss(n), (n = void 0)), null == (e = t.finally) || e.call(t) - }), - n - ) - }), - pu(this, "custom", (e, t) => { - const n = (null == t ? void 0 : t.id) || hu++ - return this.publish({ component: e, id: n, ...t }), n - }), - (this.subscribers = []), - (this.toasts = []) - } - })(), - mu = Object.assign( - (e, t) => { - const n = (null == t ? void 0 : t.id) || hu++ - return fu.create({ message: e, id: n, type: "default", ...t }), n - }, - { - success: fu.success, - info: fu.info, - warning: fu.warning, - error: fu.error, - custom: fu.custom, - message: fu.message, - promise: fu.promise, - dismiss: fu.dismiss, - loading: fu.loading, - }, - ), - gu = (e, t) => { - const n = e.__vccOpts || e - for (const [e, r] of t) n[e] = r - return n - }, - bu = { - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - width: "12", - height: "12", - viewBox: "0 0 24 24", - fill: "none", - stroke: "currentColor", - "stoke-width": "1.5", - "stroke-linecap": "round", - "stroke-linejoin": "round", - }, - vu = [ - Ro("line", { x1: "18", y1: "6", x2: "6", y2: "18" }, null, -1), - Ro("line", { x1: "6", y1: "6", x2: "18", y2: "18" }, null, -1), - ], - yu = gu({}, [ - [ - "render", - function (e, t) { - return xo(), Eo("svg", bu, vu) - }, - ], - ]), - Ou = [ - "aria-live", - "data-styled", - "data-mounted", - "data-promise", - "data-removed", - "data-visible", - "data-y-position", - "data-x-position", - "data-index", - "data-front", - "data-swiping", - "data-dismissible", - "data-type", - "data-invert", - "data-swipe-out", - "data-expanded", - ], - wu = ["aria-label", "data-disabled"], - xu = { key: 0, "data-icon": "" }, - ku = { "data-content": "" }, - _u = Hr({ - __name: "Toast", - props: { - toast: {}, - toasts: {}, - index: {}, - expanded: { type: Boolean }, - invert: { type: Boolean }, - heights: {}, - gap: {}, - position: {}, - visibleToasts: {}, - expandByDefault: { type: Boolean }, - closeButton: { type: Boolean }, - interacting: { type: Boolean }, - duration: {}, - descriptionClass: {}, - style: {}, - cancelButtonStyle: {}, - actionButtonStyle: {}, - unstyled: { type: Boolean }, - loadingIcon: {}, - class: {}, - classes: {}, - icons: {}, - closeButtonAriaLabel: {}, - pauseWhenPageIsHidden: { type: Boolean }, - cn: { type: Function }, - }, - emits: ["update:heights", "removeToast"], - setup(e, { emit: t }) { - const n = t, - r = e, - a = Dn(!1), - o = Dn(!1), - i = Dn(!1), - s = Dn(!1), - l = Dn(0), - c = Dn(0), - d = Dn(null), - u = Dn(null), - p = ii(() => 0 === r.index), - h = ii(() => r.index + 1 <= r.visibleToasts), - f = ii(() => r.toast.type), - m = ii(() => !1 !== r.toast.dismissible), - g = ii(() => { - var e, t, n, a, o, i, s - return r.cn( - null == (e = r.classes) ? void 0 : e.toast, - null == (n = null == (t = r.toast) ? void 0 : t.classes) ? void 0 : n.toast, - null == (a = r.classes) ? void 0 : a.default, - null == (o = r.classes) ? void 0 : o[r.toast.type || "default"], - null == (s = null == (i = r.toast) ? void 0 : i.classes) ? void 0 : s[r.toast.type || "default"], - ) - }), - b = r.toast.style || {}, - v = ii(() => r.heights.findIndex((e) => e.toastId === r.toast.id) || 0), - y = ii(() => r.toast.closeButton ?? r.closeButton), - O = ii(() => r.toast.duration || r.duration || 4e3), - w = Dn(0), - x = Dn(0), - k = Dn(O.value), - _ = Dn(0), - S = Dn(null), - E = ii(() => r.position.split("-")), - T = ii(() => E.value[0]), - A = ii(() => E.value[1]), - C = "string" != typeof r.toast.title, - P = "string" != typeof r.toast.description, - D = ii(() => r.heights.reduce((e, t, n) => (n >= v.value ? e : e + t.height), 0)), - R = (() => { - const e = Dn(!1) - return ( - Wa(() => { - const t = () => { - e.value = document.hidden - } - return ( - document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", t), - () => window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", t) - ) - }), - { isDocumentHidden: e } - ) - })(), - N = ii(() => r.toast.invert || r.invert), - $ = ii(() => "loading" === f.value) - Nr(() => { - if (!a.value) return - const e = u.value, - t = null == e ? void 0 : e.style.height - e.style.height = "auto" - const o = e.getBoundingClientRect().height - let i - ;(e.style.height = t), - (c.value = o), - (i = r.heights.find((e) => e.toastId === r.toast.id) - ? r.heights.map((e) => (e.toastId === r.toast.id ? { ...e, height: o } : e)) - : [{ toastId: r.toast.id, height: o, position: r.toast.position }, ...r.heights]), - n("update:heights", i) - }) - const I = () => { - ;(o.value = !0), (l.value = x.value) - const e = r.heights.filter((e) => e.toastId !== r.toast.id) - n("update:heights", e), - setTimeout(() => { - n("removeToast", r.toast) - }, 200) - }, - M = () => { - var e, t - $.value || !m.value || (I(), null == (t = (e = r.toast).onDismiss) || t.call(e, r.toast)) - }, - L = (e) => { - $.value || - !m.value || - ((d.value = new Date()), - (l.value = x.value), - e.target.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId), - "BUTTON" !== e.target.tagName && ((i.value = !0), (S.value = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }))) - }, - Q = (e) => { - var t, n, a, o - if (s.value) return - S.value = null - const c = Number( - (null == (t = u.value) ? void 0 : t.style.getPropertyValue("--swipe-amount").replace("px", "")) || 0, - ), - p = new Date().getTime() - d.value.getTime(), - h = Math.abs(c) / p - if (Math.abs(c) >= 20 || h > 0.11) - return ( - (l.value = x.value), - null == (a = (n = r.toast).onDismiss) || a.call(n, r.toast), - I(), - void (s.value = !0) - ) - null == (o = u.value) || o.style.setProperty("--swipe-amount", "0px"), (i.value = !1) - }, - B = (e) => { - var t - if (!S.value) return - const n = e.clientY - S.value.y, - r = e.clientX - S.value.x, - a = ("top" === E.value[0] ? Math.min : Math.max)(0, n), - o = "touch" === e.pointerType ? 10 : 2 - Math.abs(a) > o - ? null == (t = u.value) || t.style.setProperty("--swipe-amount", `${n}px`) - : Math.abs(r) > o && (S.value = null) - } - return ( - Wa(() => { - x.value = 14 * v.value + D.value - }), - Wa((e) => { - if ( - (r.toast.promise && "loading" === f.value) || - r.toast.duration === 1 / 0 || - "loading" === r.toast.type - ) - return - let t - r.expanded || r.interacting || (r.pauseWhenPageIsHidden && R) - ? (() => { - if (_.value < w.value) { - const e = new Date().getTime() - w.value - k.value = k.value - e - } - _.value = new Date().getTime() - })() - : ((w.value = new Date().getTime()), - (t = setTimeout(() => { - var e, t - null == (t = (e = r.toast).onAutoClose) || t.call(e, r.toast), I() - }, k.value))), - e(() => { - clearTimeout(t) - }) - }), - Wa(() => { - r.toast.delete && I() - }), - Nr(() => { - if (u.value) { - const e = u.value.getBoundingClientRect().height - c.value = e - const t = [{ toastId: r.toast.id, height: e, position: r.toast.position }, ...r.heights] - n("update:heights", t) - } - a.value = !0 - }), - Lr(() => { - if (u.value) { - const e = r.heights.filter((e) => e.toastId !== r.toast.id) - n("update:heights", e) - } - }), - (e, t) => { - var n, r, d, v, O, w, k, _, S, E, D, R - return ( - xo(), - Eo( - "li", - { - "aria-live": e.toast.important ? "assertive" : "polite", - "aria-atomic": "true", - role: "status", - tabindex: "0", - ref_key: "toastRef", - ref: u, - "data-sonner-toast": "", - class: Ge(g.value), - "data-styled": !(e.toast.component || (null != (n = e.toast) && n.unstyled) || e.unstyled), - "data-mounted": a.value, - "data-promise": !!e.toast.promise, - "data-removed": o.value, - "data-visible": h.value, - "data-y-position": T.value, - "data-x-position": A.value, - "data-index": e.index, - "data-front": p.value, - "data-swiping": i.value, - "data-dismissible": m.value, - "data-type": f.value, - "data-invert": N.value, - "data-swipe-out": s.value, - "data-expanded": !!(e.expanded || (e.expandByDefault && a.value)), - style: He({ - "--index": e.index, - "--toasts-before": e.index, - "--z-index": e.toasts.length - e.index, - "--offset": `${o.value ? l.value : x.value}px`, - "--initial-height": e.expandByDefault ? "auto" : `${c.value}px`, - ...e.style, - ...In(b), - }), - onPointerdown: L, - onPointerup: Q, - onPointermove: B, - }, - [ - y.value && !e.toast.component - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "button", - { - key: 0, - "aria-label": e.closeButtonAriaLabel || "Close toast", - "data-disabled": $.value, - "data-close-button": "", - class: Ge( - e.cn( - null == (r = e.classes) ? void 0 : r.closeButton, - null == (v = null == (d = e.toast) ? void 0 : d.classes) ? void 0 : v.closeButton, - ), - ), - onClick: M, - }, - [No(yu)], - 10, - wu, - )) - : Qo("", !0), - e.toast.component - ? (xo(), - To( - Tr(e.toast.component), - Fo({ key: 1 }, e.toast.componentProps, { onCloseToast: I }), - null, - 16, - )) - : (xo(), - Eo( - go, - { key: 2 }, - [ - "default" !== f.value || e.toast.icon || e.toast.promise - ? (xo(), - Eo("div", xu, [ - (!e.toast.promise && "loading" !== f.value) || e.toast.icon - ? Qo("", !0) - : Xr(e.$slots, "loading-icon", { key: 0 }), - e.toast.icon - ? (xo(), To(Tr(e.toast.icon), { key: 1 })) - : (xo(), - Eo( - go, - { key: 2 }, - [ - "success" === f.value - ? Xr(e.$slots, "success-icon", { key: 0 }) - : "error" === f.value - ? Xr(e.$slots, "error-icon", { key: 1 }) - : "warning" === f.value - ? Xr(e.$slots, "warning-icon", { key: 2 }) - : "info" === f.value - ? Xr(e.$slots, "info-icon", { key: 3 }) - : Qo("", !0), - ], - 64, - )), - ])) - : Qo("", !0), - Ro("div", ku, [ - Ro( - "div", - { - "data-title": "", - class: Ge( - e.cn( - null == (O = e.classes) ? void 0 : O.title, - null == (w = e.toast.classes) ? void 0 : w.title, - ), - ), - }, - [ - C - ? (xo(), - To(Tr(e.toast.title), Ke(Fo({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), null, 16)) - : (xo(), Eo(go, { key: 1 }, [Mo(at(e.toast.title), 1)], 64)), - ], - 2, - ), - e.toast.description - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "div", - { - key: 0, - "data-description": "", - class: Ge( - e.cn( - e.descriptionClass, - e.toast.descriptionClass, - null == (k = e.classes) ? void 0 : k.description, - null == (_ = e.toast.classes) ? void 0 : _.description, - ), - ), - }, - [ - P - ? (xo(), - To( - Tr(e.toast.description), - Ke(Fo({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), - null, - 16, - )) - : (xo(), Eo(go, { key: 1 }, [Mo(at(e.toast.description), 1)], 64)), - ], - 2, - )) - : Qo("", !0), - ]), - e.toast.cancel - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "button", - { - key: 1, - class: Ge( - e.cn( - null == (S = e.classes) ? void 0 : S.cancelButton, - null == (E = e.toast.classes) ? void 0 : E.cancelButton, - ), - ), - "data-button": "", - "data-cancel": "", - onClick: - t[0] || - (t[0] = () => { - var t - I(), null != (t = e.toast.cancel) && t.onClick && e.toast.cancel.onClick() - }), - }, - at(e.toast.cancel.label), - 3, - )) - : Qo("", !0), - e.toast.action - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "button", - { - key: 2, - class: Ge( - e.cn( - null == (D = e.classes) ? void 0 : D.actionButton, - null == (R = e.toast.classes) ? void 0 : R.actionButton, - ), - ), - "data-button": "", - onClick: - t[1] || - (t[1] = (t) => { - var n - null == (n = e.toast.action) || n.onClick(t), !t.defaultPrevented && I() - }), - }, - at(e.toast.action.label), - 3, - )) - : Qo("", !0), - ], - 64, - )), - ], - 46, - Ou, - ) - ) - } - ) - }, - }), - Su = ["data-visible"], - Eu = { class: "sonner-spinner" }, - Tu = Hr({ - __name: "Loader", - props: { visible: { type: Boolean } }, - setup(e) { - const t = Array(12).fill(0) - return (e, n) => ( - xo(), - Eo( - "div", - { class: "sonner-loading-wrapper", "data-visible": e.visible }, - [ - Ro("div", Eu, [ - (xo(!0), - Eo( - go, - null, - qr(In(t), (e) => (xo(), Eo("div", { key: `spinner-bar-${e}`, class: "sonner-loading-bar" }))), - 128, - )), - ]), - ], - 8, - Su, - ) - ) - }, - }), - Au = { - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - viewBox: "0 0 20 20", - fill: "currentColor", - height: "20", - width: "20", - }, - Cu = [ - Ro( - "path", - { - "fill-rule": "evenodd", - d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", - "clip-rule": "evenodd", - }, - null, - -1, - ), - ], - Pu = gu({}, [ - [ - "render", - function (e, t) { - return xo(), Eo("svg", Au, Cu) - }, - ], - ]), - Du = { - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - viewBox: "0 0 20 20", - fill: "currentColor", - height: "20", - width: "20", - }, - Ru = [ - Ro( - "path", - { - "fill-rule": "evenodd", - d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-7-4a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zM9 9a.75.75 0 000 1.5h.253a.25.25 0 01.244.304l-.459 2.066A1.75 1.75 0 0010.747 15H11a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-.253a.25.25 0 01-.244-.304l.459-2.066A1.75 1.75 0 009.253 9H9z", - "clip-rule": "evenodd", - }, - null, - -1, - ), - ], - Nu = gu({}, [ - [ - "render", - function (e, t) { - return xo(), Eo("svg", Du, Ru) - }, - ], - ]), - $u = { - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - viewBox: "0 0 24 24", - fill: "currentColor", - height: "20", - width: "20", - }, - Iu = [ - Ro( - "path", - { - "fill-rule": "evenodd", - d: "M9.401 3.003c1.155-2 4.043-2 5.197 0l7.355 12.748c1.154 2-.29 4.5-2.599 4.5H4.645c-2.309 0-3.752-2.5-2.598-4.5L9.4 3.003zM12 8.25a.75.75 0 01.75.75v3.75a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0V9a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm0 8.25a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z", - "clip-rule": "evenodd", - }, - null, - -1, - ), - ], - Mu = gu({}, [ - [ - "render", - function (e, t) { - return xo(), Eo("svg", $u, Iu) - }, - ], - ]), - Lu = { - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - viewBox: "0 0 20 20", - fill: "currentColor", - height: "20", - width: "20", - }, - Qu = [ - Ro( - "path", - { - "fill-rule": "evenodd", - d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-8-5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-4.5A.75.75 0 0110 5zm0 10a1 1 0 100-2 1 1 0 000 2z", - "clip-rule": "evenodd", - }, - null, - -1, - ), - ], - Bu = gu({}, [ - [ - "render", - function (e, t) { - return xo(), Eo("svg", Lu, Qu) - }, - ], - ]), - ju = ["aria-label"], - Uu = ["dir", "data-theme", "data-rich-colors", "data-y-position", "data-x-position"], - Fu = "32px", - zu = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u", - qu = Hr({ - name: "Toaster", - inheritAttrs: !1, - __name: "Toaster", - props: { - invert: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - theme: { default: "light" }, - position: { default: "bottom-right" }, - hotkey: { default: () => ["altKey", "KeyT"] }, - richColors: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - expand: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - duration: { default: 4e3 }, - gap: { default: 14 }, - visibleToasts: { default: 3 }, - closeButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - toastOptions: { default: () => ({}) }, - class: { default: "" }, - style: { default: () => ({}) }, - offset: { default: Fu }, - dir: { default: "auto" }, - icons: {}, - containerAriaLabel: { default: "Notifications" }, - pauseWhenPageIsHidden: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - cn: {}, - }, - setup(e) { - function t(...e) { - return e.filter(Boolean).join(" ") - } - function n() { - if (typeof window > "u" || typeof document > "u") return "ltr" - const e = document.documentElement.getAttribute("dir") - return "auto" !== e && e ? e : window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).direction - } - const r = e, - a = ra(), - o = Dn([]), - i = ii(() => { - const e = o.value.filter((e) => e.position).map((e) => e.position) - return e.length > 0 ? Array.from(new Set([r.position].concat(e))) : [r.position] - }), - s = Dn([]), - l = Dn(!1), - c = Dn(!1), - d = Dn( - "system" !== r.theme - ? r.theme - : typeof window < "u" && window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches - ? "dark" - : "light", - ), - u = ii(() => r.cn || t), - p = Dn(null), - h = Dn(null), - f = Dn(!1), - m = r.hotkey.join("+").replace(/Key/g, "").replace(/Digit/g, "") - function g(e) { - o.value = o.value.filter(({ id: t }) => t !== e.id) - } - const b = (e) => { - var t, n - f.value && - (null == (n = null == (t = e.currentTarget) ? void 0 : t.contains) || !n.call(t, e.relatedTarget)) && - ((f.value = !1), h.value && (h.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), (h.value = null))) - }, - v = (e) => { - ;(e.target instanceof HTMLElement && "false" === e.target.dataset.dismissible) || - f.value || - ((f.value = !0), (h.value = e.relatedTarget)) - }, - y = (e) => { - ;(e.target && e.target instanceof HTMLElement && "false" === e.target.dataset.dismissible) || - (c.value = !1) - } - return ( - Wa((e) => { - const t = fu.subscribe((e) => { - e.dismiss - ? (o.value = o.value.map((t) => (t.id === e.id ? { ...t, delete: !0 } : t))) - : rr(() => { - const t = o.value.findIndex((t) => t.id === e.id) - ;-1 !== t ? o.value.splice(t, 1, e) : (o.value = [e, ...o.value]) - }) - }) - e(() => { - t() - }) - }), - Ya( - () => r.theme, - (e) => { - "system" === e - ? ("system" === e && - (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches - ? (d.value = "dark") - : (d.value = "light")), - !(typeof window > "u") && - window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addEventListener("change", ({ matches: e }) => { - d.value = e ? "dark" : "light" - })) - : (d.value = e) - }, - ), - Ya( - () => p.value, - () => { - if (p.value) - return () => { - h.value && (h.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), (h.value = null), (f.value = !1)) - } - }, - ), - Wa(() => { - o.value.length <= 1 && (l.value = !1) - }), - Wa((e) => { - function t(e) { - const t = r.hotkey.every((t) => e[t] || e.code === t), - n = Array.isArray(p.value) ? p.value[0] : p.value - t && ((l.value = !0), null == n || n.focus()) - const a = - document.activeElement === p.value || (null == n ? void 0 : n.contains(document.activeElement)) - "Escape" === e.code && a && (l.value = !1) - } - zu && - (document.addEventListener("keydown", t), - e(() => { - document.removeEventListener("keydown", t) - })) - }), - (e, t) => ( - xo(), - Eo( - "section", - { "aria-label": `${e.containerAriaLabel} ${In(m)}`, tabIndex: -1 }, - [ - (xo(!0), - Eo( - go, - null, - qr(i.value, (r, i) => { - var d - return ( - xo(), - Eo( - "ol", - Fo( - { - key: r, - ref_for: !0, - ref_key: "listRef", - ref: p, - "data-sonner-toaster": "", - class: e.class, - dir: "auto" === e.dir ? n() : e.dir, - tabIndex: -1, - "data-theme": e.theme, - "data-rich-colors": e.richColors, - "data-y-position": r.split("-")[0], - "data-x-position": r.split("-")[1], - style: { - "--front-toast-height": `${null == (d = s.value[0]) ? void 0 : d.height}px`, - "--offset": "number" == typeof e.offset ? `${e.offset}px` : e.offset || Fu, - "--width": "356px", - "--gap": "14px", - ...e.style, - ...In(a).style, - }, - onBlur: b, - onFocus: v, - onMouseenter: t[1] || (t[1] = (e) => (l.value = !0)), - onMousemove: t[2] || (t[2] = (e) => (l.value = !0)), - onMouseleave: - t[3] || - (t[3] = () => { - c.value || (l.value = !1) - }), - onPointerdown: y, - onPointerup: t[4] || (t[4] = (e) => (c.value = !1)), - }, - e.$attrs, - ), - [ - (xo(!0), - Eo( - go, - null, - qr( - o.value.filter((t) => (!t.position && 0 === i) || t.position === e.position), - (n, r) => { - var a, i, d, p, h, f, m, b, v - return ( - xo(), - To( - _u, - { - key: n.id, - index: r, - toast: n, - duration: (null == (a = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : a.duration) ?? e.duration, - class: Ge(null == (i = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : i.class), - descriptionClass: null == (d = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : d.descriptionClass, - invert: e.invert, - visibleToasts: e.visibleToasts, - closeButton: - (null == (p = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : p.closeButton) ?? e.closeButton, - interacting: c.value, - position: e.position, - style: He(null == (h = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : h.style), - unstyled: null == (f = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : f.unstyled, - classes: null == (m = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : m.classes, - cancelButtonStyle: null == (b = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : b.cancelButtonStyle, - actionButtonStyle: null == (v = e.toastOptions) ? void 0 : v.actionButtonStyle, - toasts: o.value, - expandByDefault: e.expand, - gap: e.gap, - expanded: l.value, - pauseWhenPageIsHidden: e.pauseWhenPageIsHidden, - cn: u.value, - heights: s.value, - "onUpdate:heights": t[0] || (t[0] = (e) => (s.value = e)), - onRemoveToast: g, - }, - { - "loading-icon": yr(() => [ - Xr(e.$slots, "loading-icon", {}, () => [ - No(Tu, { visible: "loading" === n.type }, null, 8, ["visible"]), - ]), - ]), - "success-icon": yr(() => [Xr(e.$slots, "success-icon", {}, () => [No(Pu)])]), - "error-icon": yr(() => [Xr(e.$slots, "error-icon", {}, () => [No(Bu)])]), - "warning-icon": yr(() => [Xr(e.$slots, "warning-icon", {}, () => [No(Mu)])]), - "info-icon": yr(() => [Xr(e.$slots, "info-icon", {}, () => [No(Nu)])]), - _: 2, - }, - 1032, - [ - "index", - "toast", - "duration", - "class", - "descriptionClass", - "invert", - "visibleToasts", - "closeButton", - "interacting", - "position", - "style", - "unstyled", - "classes", - "cancelButtonStyle", - "actionButtonStyle", - "toasts", - "expandByDefault", - "gap", - "expanded", - "pauseWhenPageIsHidden", - "cn", - "heights", - ], - ) - ) - }, - ), - 128, - )), - ], - 16, - Uu, - ) - ) - }), - 128, - )), - ], - 8, - ju, - ) - ) - ) - }, - }), - Zu = { toast: () => null } - function Hu(e) { - Zu.toast = e - } - function Vu() { - return { - initializeToasts: Hu, - toast: (e, t = "info", n = { timeout: 3e3 }) => { - Zu.toast(e, t, n) - }, - } - } - const Wu = Hr({ - __name: "ScalarToasts", - setup(e) { - const t = Dn(!1) - Nr(() => (t.value = !0)) - const n = { success: mu.success, error: mu.error, warn: mu.warning, info: mu }, - { initializeToasts: r } = Vu() - return ( - r((e, t = "info", r = {}) => { - ;(n[t] || n.info)(e, { duration: r.timeout || 3e3, description: r.description }) - }), - (e, n) => (t.value ? (xo(), To(In(qu), { key: 0, toastOptions: { class: "toaster" } })) : Qo("", !0)) - ) - }, - }) - !(function () { - try { - if (typeof document < "u") { - var e = document.createElement("style") - e.appendChild( - document.createTextNode( - ".toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true]{background:var(--scalar-background-1);color:var(--scalar-color-1);padding:18px;border:none;border-radius:var(--scalar-radius-lg);font-size:var(--scalar-font-size-3);font-weight:var(--scalar-font-medium);box-shadow:var(--scalar-shadow-2)}.toaster[data-sonner-toast] [data-icon]{align-self:start}.toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true][data-expanded=true]{height:auto}.toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-type=error]{background:var(--scalar-background-1)}.toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-type=error] [data-icon]{color:color-mix(in srgb,var(--scalar-color-red) 75%,var(--scalar-color-1))}.toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning]{background:var(--scalar-background-1)}.toaster[data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning] [data-icon]{color:color-mix(in srgb,var(--scalar-color-orange) 90%,var(--scalar-color-1))}", - ), - ), - document.head.appendChild(e) - } - } catch (e) { - console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js", e) - } - })() - const Xu = () => { - const { toast: e } = Vu() - return { - copyToClipboard: (t) => { - navigator.clipboard.writeText(t).then(() => { - e("Copied to the clipboard", "info") - }) - }, - } - }, - Yu = Dn(!1), - Gu = "https://api.scalar.com/request-proxy", - Ku = "https://proxy.scalar.com", - Ju = - /[\0-\x1F!-,\.\/:-@\[-\^`\{-\xA9\xAB-\xB4\xB6-\xB9\xBB-\xBF\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0378\u0379\u037E\u0380-\u0385\u0387\u038B\u038D\u03A2\u03F6\u0482\u0530\u0557\u0558\u055A-\u055F\u0589-\u0590\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05C8-\u05CF\u05EB-\u05EE\u05F3-\u060F\u061B-\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u06DD\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u0700-\u070F\u074B\u074C\u07B2-\u07BF\u07F6-\u07F9\u07FB\u07FC\u07FE\u07FF\u082E-\u083F\u085C-\u085F\u086B-\u089F\u08B5\u08C8-\u08D2\u08E2\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0984\u098D\u098E\u0991\u0992\u09A9\u09B1\u09B3-\u09B5\u09BA\u09BB\u09C5\u09C6\u09C9\u09CA\u09CF-\u09D6\u09D8-\u09DB\u09DE\u09E4\u09E5\u09F2-\u09FB\u09FD\u09FF\u0A00\u0A04\u0A0B-\u0A0E\u0A11\u0A12\u0A29\u0A31\u0A34\u0A37\u0A3A\u0A3B\u0A3D\u0A43-\u0A46\u0A49\u0A4A\u0A4E-\u0A50\u0A52-\u0A58\u0A5D\u0A5F-\u0A65\u0A76-\u0A80\u0A84\u0A8E\u0A92\u0AA9\u0AB1\u0AB4\u0ABA\u0ABB\u0AC6\u0ACA\u0ACE\u0ACF\u0AD1-\u0ADF\u0AE4\u0AE5\u0AF0-\u0AF8\u0B00\u0B04\u0B0D\u0B0E\u0B11\u0B12\u0B29\u0B31\u0B34\u0B3A\u0B3B\u0B45\u0B46\u0B49\u0B4A\u0B4E-\u0B54\u0B58-\u0B5B\u0B5E\u0B64\u0B65\u0B70\u0B72-\u0B81\u0B84\u0B8B-\u0B8D\u0B91\u0B96-\u0B98\u0B9B\u0B9D\u0BA0-\u0BA2\u0BA5-\u0BA7\u0BAB-\u0BAD\u0BBA-\u0BBD\u0BC3-\u0BC5\u0BC9\u0BCE\u0BCF\u0BD1-\u0BD6\u0BD8-\u0BE5\u0BF0-\u0BFF\u0C0D\u0C11\u0C29\u0C3A-\u0C3C\u0C45\u0C49\u0C4E-\u0C54\u0C57\u0C5B-\u0C5F\u0C64\u0C65\u0C70-\u0C7F\u0C84\u0C8D\u0C91\u0CA9\u0CB4\u0CBA\u0CBB\u0CC5\u0CC9\u0CCE-\u0CD4\u0CD7-\u0CDD\u0CDF\u0CE4\u0CE5\u0CF0\u0CF3-\u0CFF\u0D0D\u0D11\u0D45\u0D49\u0D4F-\u0D53\u0D58-\u0D5E\u0D64\u0D65\u0D70-\u0D79\u0D80\u0D84\u0D97-\u0D99\u0DB2\u0DBC\u0DBE\u0DBF\u0DC7-\u0DC9\u0DCB-\u0DCE\u0DD5\u0DD7\u0DE0-\u0DE5\u0DF0\u0DF1\u0DF4-\u0E00\u0E3B-\u0E3F\u0E4F\u0E5A-\u0E80\u0E83\u0E85\u0E8B\u0EA4\u0EA6\u0EBE\u0EBF\u0EC5\u0EC7\u0ECE\u0ECF\u0EDA\u0EDB\u0EE0-\u0EFF\u0F01-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F2A-\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F48\u0F6D-\u0F70\u0F85\u0F98\u0FBD-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FFF\u104A-\u104F\u109E\u109F\u10C6\u10C8-\u10CC\u10CE\u10CF\u10FB\u1249\u124E\u124F\u1257\u1259\u125E\u125F\u1289\u128E\u128F\u12B1\u12B6\u12B7\u12BF\u12C1\u12C6\u12C7\u12D7\u1311\u1316\u1317\u135B\u135C\u1360-\u137F\u1390-\u139F\u13F6\u13F7\u13FE-\u1400\u166D\u166E\u1680\u169B-\u169F\u16EB-\u16ED\u16F9-\u16FF\u170D\u1715-\u171F\u1735-\u173F\u1754-\u175F\u176D\u1771\u1774-\u177F\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DB\u17DE\u17DF\u17EA-\u180A\u180E\u180F\u181A-\u181F\u1879-\u187F\u18AB-\u18AF\u18F6-\u18FF\u191F\u192C-\u192F\u193C-\u1945\u196E\u196F\u1975-\u197F\u19AC-\u19AF\u19CA-\u19CF\u19DA-\u19FF\u1A1C-\u1A1F\u1A5F\u1A7D\u1A7E\u1A8A-\u1A8F\u1A9A-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAF\u1AC1-\u1AFF\u1B4C-\u1B4F\u1B5A-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7F\u1BF4-\u1BFF\u1C38-\u1C3F\u1C4A-\u1C4C\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1C89-\u1C8F\u1CBB\u1CBC\u1CC0-\u1CCF\u1CD3\u1CFB-\u1CFF\u1DFA\u1F16\u1F17\u1F1E\u1F1F\u1F46\u1F47\u1F4E\u1F4F\u1F58\u1F5A\u1F5C\u1F5E\u1F7E\u1F7F\u1FB5\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FC5\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FD4\u1FD5\u1FDC-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FF1\u1FF5\u1FFD-\u203E\u2041-\u2053\u2055-\u2070\u2072-\u207E\u2080-\u208F\u209D-\u20CF\u20F1-\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F-\u215F\u2189-\u24B5\u24EA-\u2BFF\u2C2F\u2C5F\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2CF4-\u2CFF\u2D26\u2D28-\u2D2C\u2D2E\u2D2F\u2D68-\u2D6E\u2D70-\u2D7E\u2D97-\u2D9F\u2DA7\u2DAF\u2DB7\u2DBF\u2DC7\u2DCF\u2DD7\u2DDF\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u3004\u3008-\u3020\u3030\u3036\u3037\u303D-\u3040\u3097\u3098\u309B\u309C\u30A0\u30FB\u3100-\u3104\u3130\u318F-\u319F\u31C0-\u31EF\u3200-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\u9FFD-\u9FFF\uA48D-\uA4CF\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA62C-\uA63F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA7C0\uA7C1\uA7CB-\uA7F4\uA828-\uA82B\uA82D-\uA83F\uA874-\uA87F\uA8C6-\uA8CF\uA8DA-\uA8DF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA954-\uA95F\uA97D-\uA97F\uA9C1-\uA9CE\uA9DA-\uA9DF\uA9FF\uAA37-\uAA3F\uAA4E\uAA4F\uAA5A-\uAA5F\uAA77-\uAA79\uAAC3-\uAADA\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uAAF7-\uAB00\uAB07\uAB08\uAB0F\uAB10\uAB17-\uAB1F\uAB27\uAB2F\uAB5B\uAB6A-\uAB6F\uABEB\uABEE\uABEF\uABFA-\uABFF\uD7A4-\uD7AF\uD7C7-\uD7CA\uD7FC-\uD7FF\uE000-\uF8FF\uFA6E\uFA6F\uFADA-\uFAFF\uFB07-\uFB12\uFB18-\uFB1C\uFB29\uFB37\uFB3D\uFB3F\uFB42\uFB45\uFBB2-\uFBD2\uFD3E-\uFD4F\uFD90\uFD91\uFDC8-\uFDEF\uFDFC-\uFDFF\uFE10-\uFE1F\uFE30-\uFE32\uFE35-\uFE4C\uFE50-\uFE6F\uFE75\uFEFD-\uFF0F\uFF1A-\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5B-\uFF65\uFFBF-\uFFC1\uFFC8\uFFC9\uFFD0\uFFD1\uFFD8\uFFD9\uFFDD-\uFFFF]|\uD800[\uDC0C\uDC27\uDC3B\uDC3E\uDC4E\uDC4F\uDC5E-\uDC7F\uDCFB-\uDD3F\uDD75-\uDDFC\uDDFE-\uDE7F\uDE9D-\uDE9F\uDED1-\uDEDF\uDEE1-\uDEFF\uDF20-\uDF2C\uDF4B-\uDF4F\uDF7B-\uDF7F\uDF9E\uDF9F\uDFC4-\uDFC7\uDFD0\uDFD6-\uDFFF]|\uD801[\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCAA-\uDCAF\uDCD4-\uDCD7\uDCFC-\uDCFF\uDD28-\uDD2F\uDD64-\uDDFF\uDF37-\uDF3F\uDF56-\uDF5F\uDF68-\uDFFF]|\uD802[\uDC06\uDC07\uDC09\uDC36\uDC39-\uDC3B\uDC3D\uDC3E\uDC56-\uDC5F\uDC77-\uDC7F\uDC9F-\uDCDF\uDCF3\uDCF6-\uDCFF\uDD16-\uDD1F\uDD3A-\uDD7F\uDDB8-\uDDBD\uDDC0-\uDDFF\uDE04\uDE07-\uDE0B\uDE14\uDE18\uDE36\uDE37\uDE3B-\uDE3E\uDE40-\uDE5F\uDE7D-\uDE7F\uDE9D-\uDEBF\uDEC8\uDEE7-\uDEFF\uDF36-\uDF3F\uDF56-\uDF5F\uDF73-\uDF7F\uDF92-\uDFFF]|\uD803[\uDC49-\uDC7F\uDCB3-\uDCBF\uDCF3-\uDCFF\uDD28-\uDD2F\uDD3A-\uDE7F\uDEAA\uDEAD-\uDEAF\uDEB2-\uDEFF\uDF1D-\uDF26\uDF28-\uDF2F\uDF51-\uDFAF\uDFC5-\uDFDF\uDFF7-\uDFFF]|\uD804[\uDC47-\uDC65\uDC70-\uDC7E\uDCBB-\uDCCF\uDCE9-\uDCEF\uDCFA-\uDCFF\uDD35\uDD40-\uDD43\uDD48-\uDD4F\uDD74\uDD75\uDD77-\uDD7F\uDDC5-\uDDC8\uDDCD\uDDDB\uDDDD-\uDDFF\uDE12\uDE38-\uDE3D\uDE3F-\uDE7F\uDE87\uDE89\uDE8E\uDE9E\uDEA9-\uDEAF\uDEEB-\uDEEF\uDEFA-\uDEFF\uDF04\uDF0D\uDF0E\uDF11\uDF12\uDF29\uDF31\uDF34\uDF3A\uDF45\uDF46\uDF49\uDF4A\uDF4E\uDF4F\uDF51-\uDF56\uDF58-\uDF5C\uDF64\uDF65\uDF6D-\uDF6F\uDF75-\uDFFF]|\uD805[\uDC4B-\uDC4F\uDC5A-\uDC5D\uDC62-\uDC7F\uDCC6\uDCC8-\uDCCF\uDCDA-\uDD7F\uDDB6\uDDB7\uDDC1-\uDDD7\uDDDE-\uDDFF\uDE41-\uDE43\uDE45-\uDE4F\uDE5A-\uDE7F\uDEB9-\uDEBF\uDECA-\uDEFF\uDF1B\uDF1C\uDF2C-\uDF2F\uDF3A-\uDFFF]|\uD806[\uDC3B-\uDC9F\uDCEA-\uDCFE\uDD07\uDD08\uDD0A\uDD0B\uDD14\uDD17\uDD36\uDD39\uDD3A\uDD44-\uDD4F\uDD5A-\uDD9F\uDDA8\uDDA9\uDDD8\uDDD9\uDDE2\uDDE5-\uDDFF\uDE3F-\uDE46\uDE48-\uDE4F\uDE9A-\uDE9C\uDE9E-\uDEBF\uDEF9-\uDFFF]|\uD807[\uDC09\uDC37\uDC41-\uDC4F\uDC5A-\uDC71\uDC90\uDC91\uDCA8\uDCB7-\uDCFF\uDD07\uDD0A\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3B\uDD3E\uDD48-\uDD4F\uDD5A-\uDD5F\uDD66\uDD69\uDD8F\uDD92\uDD99-\uDD9F\uDDAA-\uDEDF\uDEF7-\uDFAF\uDFB1-\uDFFF]|\uD808[\uDF9A-\uDFFF]|\uD809[\uDC6F-\uDC7F\uDD44-\uDFFF]|[\uD80A\uD80B\uD80E-\uD810\uD812-\uD819\uD824-\uD82B\uD82D\uD82E\uD830-\uD833\uD837\uD839\uD83D\uD83F\uD87B-\uD87D\uD87F\uD885-\uDB3F\uDB41-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC2F-\uDFFF]|\uD811[\uDE47-\uDFFF]|\uD81A[\uDE39-\uDE3F\uDE5F\uDE6A-\uDECF\uDEEE\uDEEF\uDEF5-\uDEFF\uDF37-\uDF3F\uDF44-\uDF4F\uDF5A-\uDF62\uDF78-\uDF7C\uDF90-\uDFFF]|\uD81B[\uDC00-\uDE3F\uDE80-\uDEFF\uDF4B-\uDF4E\uDF88-\uDF8E\uDFA0-\uDFDF\uDFE2\uDFE5-\uDFEF\uDFF2-\uDFFF]|\uD821[\uDFF8-\uDFFF]|\uD823[\uDCD6-\uDCFF\uDD09-\uDFFF]|\uD82C[\uDD1F-\uDD4F\uDD53-\uDD63\uDD68-\uDD6F\uDEFC-\uDFFF]|\uD82F[\uDC6B-\uDC6F\uDC7D-\uDC7F\uDC89-\uDC8F\uDC9A-\uDC9C\uDC9F-\uDFFF]|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD73-\uDD7A\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDE41\uDE45-\uDFFF]|\uD835[\uDC55\uDC9D\uDCA0\uDCA1\uDCA3\uDCA4\uDCA7\uDCA8\uDCAD\uDCBA\uDCBC\uDCC4\uDD06\uDD0B\uDD0C\uDD15\uDD1D\uDD3A\uDD3F\uDD45\uDD47-\uDD49\uDD51\uDEA6\uDEA7\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3\uDFCC\uDFCD]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85-\uDE9A\uDEA0\uDEB0-\uDFFF]|\uD838[\uDC07\uDC19\uDC1A\uDC22\uDC25\uDC2B-\uDCFF\uDD2D-\uDD2F\uDD3E\uDD3F\uDD4A-\uDD4D\uDD4F-\uDEBF\uDEFA-\uDFFF]|\uD83A[\uDCC5-\uDCCF\uDCD7-\uDCFF\uDD4C-\uDD4F\uDD5A-\uDFFF]|\uD83B[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE04\uDE20\uDE23\uDE25\uDE26\uDE28\uDE33\uDE38\uDE3A\uDE3C-\uDE41\uDE43-\uDE46\uDE48\uDE4A\uDE4C\uDE50\uDE53\uDE55\uDE56\uDE58\uDE5A\uDE5C\uDE5E\uDE60\uDE63\uDE65\uDE66\uDE6B\uDE73\uDE78\uDE7D\uDE7F\uDE8A\uDE9C-\uDEA0\uDEA4\uDEAA\uDEBC-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDD2F\uDD4A-\uDD4F\uDD6A-\uDD6F\uDD8A-\uDFFF]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDFEF\uDFFA-\uDFFF]|\uD869[\uDEDE-\uDEFF]|\uD86D[\uDF35-\uDF3F]|\uD86E[\uDC1E\uDC1F]|\uD873[\uDEA2-\uDEAF]|\uD87A[\uDFE1-\uDFFF]|\uD87E[\uDE1E-\uDFFF]|\uD884[\uDF4B-\uDFFF]|\uDB40[\uDC00-\uDCFF\uDDF0-\uDFFF]/g, - ep = Object.hasOwnProperty - class tp { - constructor() { - this.occurrences, this.reset() - } - slug(e, t) { - const n = this - let r = np(e, !0 === t) - const a = r - for (; ep.call(n.occurrences, r); ) n.occurrences[a]++, (r = a + "-" + n.occurrences[a]) - return (n.occurrences[r] = 0), r - } - reset() { - this.occurrences = Object.create(null) - } - } - function np(e, t) { - return "string" != typeof e ? "" : (t || (e = e.toLowerCase()), e.replace(Ju, "").replace(/ /g, "-")) - } - const rp = Dn(Nd.hash ?? ""), - ap = Dn(), - op = Dn(!1), - ip = (e) => (e.slug ? `description/${e.slug}` : ""), - sp = (e) => { - var t - if (!ap.value) return "" - const n = new RegExp("^" + (null == (t = ap.value) ? void 0 : t.basePath) + "/?") - return decodeURIComponent(e.replace(n, "")) - }, - lp = (e, t) => { - if (!e) return "webhooks" - const n = np(e) - return `webhook/${t}/${encodeURIComponent(n)}` - }, - cp = (e) => { - if (!e) return "models" - const t = np(e) - return `model/${encodeURIComponent(t)}` - }, - dp = (e, t) => `${up(t)}/${e.httpVerb}${e.path}`, - up = ({ name: e }) => { - const t = np(e) - return `tag/${encodeURIComponent(t)}` - }, - pp = (e = rp.value) => { - var t - const n = null == (t = e.match(/(tag\/[^/]+)/)) ? void 0 : t[0], - r = e.startsWith("model") ? "models" : "", - a = e.startsWith("webhook") ? "webhooks" : "" - return n || r || a - }, - hp = () => { - rp.value = ap.value ? sp(window.location.pathname) : decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, "")) - }, - fp = () => ({ - hash: rp, - getWebhookId: lp, - getModelId: cp, - getHeadingId: ip, - getOperationId: dp, - getPathRoutingId: sp, - getSectionId: pp, - getTagId: up, - isIntersectionEnabled: op, - pathRouting: ap, - updateHash: hp, - }) - function mp(e) { - return { - parameterMap: ii(() => { - var t - const n = (null == (t = e.operation.information) ? void 0 : t.parameters) ?? [], - r = { path: [], query: [], header: [], body: [], formData: [] } - return ( - e.operation.pathParameters && - e.operation.pathParameters.forEach((e) => { - "path" === e.in - ? r.path.push(e) - : "query" === e.in - ? r.query.push(e) - : "header" === e.in - ? r.header.push(e) - : "body" === e.in - ? r.body.push(e) - : "formData" === e.in && r.formData.push(e) - }), - n && - n.forEach((e) => { - "path" === e.in - ? r.path.push(e) - : "query" === e.in - ? r.query.push(e) - : "header" === e.in - ? r.header.push(e) - : "body" === e.in - ? r.body.push(e) - : "formData" === e.in && r.formData.push(e) - }), - r - ) - }), - } - } - function gp(e, t) { - for (const [n, r] of Object.entries(e)) - null !== r && "object" == typeof r - ? (t[n] ?? (t[n] = new r.__proto__.constructor()), gp(r, t[n])) - : void 0 !== r && (t[n] = r) - return t - } - function bp(e) { - return gp(e ?? {}, { - info: { - title: "", - description: "", - termsOfService: "", - version: "", - license: { name: "", url: "" }, - contact: { email: "" }, - }, - externalDocs: { description: "", url: "" }, - servers: [], - tags: [], - }) - } - function vp(e, t = "") { - return ( - { - "date-time": new Date().toISOString(), - date: new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0], - email: "hello@example.com", - hostname: "example.com", - "idn-email": "jane.doe@example.com", - "idn-hostname": "example.com", - ipv4: "", - ipv6: "51d4:7fab:bfbf:b7d7:b2cb:d4b4:3dad:d998", - "iri-reference": "/entitiy/1", - iri: "https://example.com/entity/123", - "json-pointer": "/nested/objects", - password: "super-secret", - regex: "/[a-z]/", - "relative-json-pointer": "1/nested/objects", - time: new Date().toISOString().split("T")[1].split(".")[0], - "uri-reference": "../folder", - "uri-template": "https://example.com/{id}", - uri: "https://example.com", - uuid: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", - }[e.format] ?? t - ) - } - const yp = (e, t, n = 0, r, a) => { - var o, i, s, l, c, d - if (n > 5) return null - const u = !!(null == t ? void 0 : t.emptyString) - if ("write" === (null == t ? void 0 : t.mode) && e.readOnly) return - if ("read" === (null == t ? void 0 : t.mode) && e.writeOnly) return - if (e["x-variable"]) { - const n = null == (o = null == t ? void 0 : t.variables) ? void 0 : o[e["x-variable"]] - if (void 0 !== n) return "number" === e.type || "integer" === e.type ? parseInt(n, 10) : n - } - if (Array.isArray(e.examples) && e.examples.length > 0) return e.examples[0] - if (void 0 !== e.example) return e.example - if (void 0 !== e.default) return e.default - if (void 0 !== e.enum) return e.enum[0] - if ( - "object" !== e.type && - "array" !== e.type && - !0 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.omitEmptyAndOptionalProperties) && - !0 !== e.required && - !0 !== (null == r ? void 0 : r.required) && - !(null == (i = null == r ? void 0 : r.required) ? void 0 : i.includes(a ?? e.name)) - ) - return - if ("object" === e.type || void 0 !== e.properties) { - const r = {} - if ( - (void 0 !== e.properties && - Object.keys(e.properties).forEach((a) => { - var o - const i = e.properties[a], - s = (null == t ? void 0 : t.xml) ? (null == (o = i.xml) ? void 0 : o.name) : void 0 - ;(r[s ?? a] = yp(i, t, n + 1, e, a)), void 0 === r[s ?? a] && delete r[s ?? a] - }), - void 0 !== e.anyOf - ? Object.assign(r, yp(e.anyOf[0]), t, n + 1) - : void 0 !== e.oneOf - ? Object.assign(r, yp(e.oneOf[0]), t, n + 1) - : void 0 !== e.allOf && - Object.assign(r, ...e.allOf.map((r) => yp(r, t, n + 1, e)).filter((e) => void 0 !== e)), - void 0 !== e.additionalProperties && !1 !== e.additionalProperties) - ) { - const a = yp(e.additionalProperties, t, n + 1) - if (a && "object" == typeof a && !Array.isArray(a)) return { ...r, ...yp(e.additionalProperties, t, n + 1) } - if (null === a) return null - const o = yp(e.additionalProperties, { ...t, omitEmptyAndOptionalProperties: !1 }, n + 1) - return { ...r, ...(void 0 === o ? {} : { "{{key}}": o }) } - } - return r - } - if ("array" === e.type || void 0 !== e.items) { - const r = null == (l = null == (s = null == e ? void 0 : e.items) ? void 0 : s.xml) ? void 0 : l.name, - a = !!((null == t ? void 0 : t.xml) && (null == (c = e.xml) ? void 0 : c.wrapped) && r) - if (void 0 !== e.example) return a ? { [r]: e.example } : e.example - if (e.items) { - const o = ["anyOf", "oneOf", "allOf"] - for (const i of o) { - if (!e.items[i]) continue - const o = (["anyOf", "oneOf"].includes(i) ? e.items[i].slice(0, 1) : e.items[i]) - .map((r) => yp(r, t, n + 1, e)) - .filter((e) => void 0 !== e) - return a ? [{ [r]: o }] : o - } - } - if (null == (d = e.items) ? void 0 : d.type) { - const o = yp(e.items, t, n + 1) - return a ? [{ [r]: o }] : [o] - } - return [] - } - const p = { - string: u ? vp(e, null == t ? void 0 : t.emptyString) : "", - boolean: !0, - integer: e.min ?? 1, - number: e.min ?? 1, - array: [], - } - if (void 0 !== e.type && void 0 !== p[e.type]) return p[e.type] - if (Array.isArray(e.oneOf) && e.oneOf.length > 0) { - const r = e.oneOf[0] - return yp(r, t, n + 1) - } - if (Array.isArray(e.allOf)) { - let r = null - return ( - e.allOf.forEach((e) => { - const a = yp(e, t, n + 1) - r = - "object" == typeof a && "object" == typeof r - ? { ...(r ?? {}), ...a } - : Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(r) - ? [...(r ?? {}), ...a] - : a - }), - r - ) - } - if (Array.isArray(e.type)) { - if (e.type.includes("null")) return null - const t = p[e.type[0]] - if (void 0 !== t) return t - } - return console.warn(`[getExampleFromSchema] Unknown property type "${e.type}".`), null - } - function Op(e, t, n = !0) { - var r - return [...(e.pathParameters || []), ...((null == (r = e.information) ? void 0 : r.parameters) || [])] - .filter((e) => e.in === t) - .filter((e) => (n && e.required) || !n) - .map((e) => ({ - name: e.name, - description: e.description ?? null, - value: e.example ? e.example : e.schema ? yp(e.schema, { mode: "write" }) : "", - required: e.required ?? !1, - enabled: e.required ?? !1, - })) - .sort((e, t) => (e.required && !t.required ? -1 : !e.required && t.required ? 1 : 0)) - } - function wp(e, t) { - const n = function (e, t, r) { - let a = "" - if (e instanceof Array) for (let o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++) a += r + n(e[o], t, r + "\t") + "\n" - else if ("object" == typeof e) { - let o = !1 - a += r + "<" + t - for (const t in e) "@" == t.charAt(0) ? (a += " " + t.substr(1) + '="' + e[t].toString() + '"') : (o = !0) - if (((a += o ? ">" : "/>"), o)) { - for (const t in e) - "#text" == t - ? (a += e[t]) - : "#cdata" == t - ? (a += "") - : "@" != t.charAt(0) && (a += n(e[t], t, r + "\t")) - a += ("\n" == a.charAt(a.length - 1) ? r : "") + "" - } - } else a += r + "<" + t + ">" + e.toString() + "" - return a - } - let r = "" - for (const t in e) r += n(e[t], t, "") - return t ? r.replace(/\t/g, t) : r.replace(/\t|\n/g, "") - } - function xp(e, t) { - var n, r, a, o - const i = Cd(null == (r = null == (n = e.information) ? void 0 : n.requestBody) ? void 0 : r.content), - s = [ - "application/json", - "application/octet-stream", - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", - "application/xml", - "multipart/form-data", - "text/plain", - ].find((e) => !!(null == i ? void 0 : i[e])), - l = null == (a = null == i ? void 0 : i["application/json"]) ? void 0 : a.examples, - c = null == (o = l ?? {}) ? void 0 : o[t ?? Object.keys(l ?? {})[0]] - if (c) return { postData: { mimeType: "application/json", text: Dd(null == c ? void 0 : c.value) } } - const d = Op(e, "body", !1) - if (d.length > 0) return { postData: { mimeType: "application/json", text: Dd(d[0].value) } } - const u = Op(e, "formData", !1) - if (u.length > 0) - return { - postData: { - mimeType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", - params: u.map((e) => ({ name: e.name, value: e.value })), - }, - } - if (!s) return { postData: void 0 } - const p = null == i ? void 0 : i[s], - h = [{ name: "Content-Type", value: s }], - f = (null == p ? void 0 : p.example) ? (null == p ? void 0 : p.example) : void 0 - if ("application/json" === s) { - const e = (null == p ? void 0 : p.schema) - ? yp(null == p ? void 0 : p.schema, { mode: "write", omitEmptyAndOptionalProperties: !0 }) - : null, - t = f ?? e - return { headers: h, postData: { mimeType: s, text: "string" == typeof t ? t : JSON.stringify(t, null, 2) } } - } - if ("application/xml" === s) { - const e = (null == p ? void 0 : p.schema) - ? yp(null == p ? void 0 : p.schema, { xml: !0, mode: "write", omitEmptyAndOptionalProperties: !0 }) - : null - return { headers: h, postData: { mimeType: s, text: f ?? wp(e, " ") } } - } - if ("application/octet-stream" === s) return { headers: h, postData: { mimeType: s, text: "BINARY" } } - if ("text/plain" === s) { - const e = (null == p ? void 0 : p.schema) - ? yp(null == p ? void 0 : p.schema, { xml: !0, mode: "write", omitEmptyAndOptionalProperties: !0 }) - : null - return { headers: h, postData: { mimeType: s, text: f ?? e ?? "" } } - } - return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === s || "multipart/form-data" === s - ? { headers: h, postData: { mimeType: s } } - : void 0 - } - const kp = (e, t, n) => { - let r = e.path - const a = Op(e, "path", !1) - if (a.length) { - const e = r.match(/{(.*?)}/g) - e && - e.forEach((e) => { - const t = e.replace(/{|}/g, "") - if (a) { - const n = a.find((e) => e.name === t) - ;(null == n ? void 0 : n.value) && (r = r.replace(e, n.value.toString())) - } - }) - } - if (!0 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.replaceVariables)) { - const e = r.match(/{(.*?)}/g) - e && - e.forEach((e) => { - const t = e.replace(/{|}/g, "") - r = r.replace(e, `__${t.toUpperCase()}__`) - }) - } - const o = xp(e, n) - return { - method: e.httpVerb.toUpperCase(), - path: r, - headers: [...Op(e, "header", null == t ? void 0 : t.requiredOnly), ...((null == o ? void 0 : o.headers) ?? [])], - postData: null == o ? void 0 : o.postData, - queryString: Op(e, "query", null == t ? void 0 : t.requiredOnly), - cookies: Op(e, "cookie", null == t ? void 0 : t.requiredOnly), - } - } - function _p({ serverState: e, authenticationState: t, operation: n, globalSecurity: r }) { - var a, o - const i = Qf( - { url: $d(e) }, - kp(n, { requiredOnly: !1 }), - t ? cs(t, (null == (a = n.information) ? void 0 : a.security) ?? r ?? []) : {}, - ), - s = kp(n, { requiredOnly: !1 }), - l = Op(n, "path", !1) - return { - id: n.operationId, - name: n.name, - type: i.method, - path: s.path ?? "", - variables: l, - cookies: Sp(i.cookies), - query: i.queryString.map((e) => { - const t = e - return { ...e, enabled: t.required ?? !0 } - }), - headers: Sp(i.headers), - url: $d(e) ?? "", - body: null == (o = i.postData) ? void 0 : o.text, - } - } - function Sp(e) { - return (e ?? []).map((e) => ({ ...e, enabled: !0 })) - } - function Ep(e, t) { - return function () { - return e.apply(t, arguments) - } - } - const { toString: Tp } = Object.prototype, - { getPrototypeOf: Ap } = Object, - Cp = ((e) => (t) => { - const n = Tp.call(t) - return e[n] || (e[n] = n.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()) - })(Object.create(null)), - Pp = (e) => ((e = e.toLowerCase()), (t) => Cp(t) === e), - Dp = (e) => (t) => typeof t === e, - { isArray: Rp } = Array, - Np = Dp("undefined"), - $p = Pp("ArrayBuffer"), - Ip = Dp("string"), - Mp = Dp("function"), - Lp = Dp("number"), - Qp = (e) => null !== e && "object" == typeof e, - Bp = (e) => { - if ("object" !== Cp(e)) return !1 - const t = Ap(e) - return !( - (null !== t && t !== Object.prototype && null !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t)) || - Symbol.toStringTag in e || - Symbol.iterator in e - ) - }, - jp = Pp("Date"), - Up = Pp("File"), - Fp = Pp("Blob"), - zp = Pp("FileList"), - qp = Pp("URLSearchParams"), - [Zp, Hp, Vp, Wp] = ["ReadableStream", "Request", "Response", "Headers"].map(Pp) - function Xp(e, t, { allOwnKeys: n = !1 } = {}) { - if (null == e) return - let r, a - if (("object" != typeof e && (e = [e]), Rp(e))) for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; r++) t.call(null, e[r], r, e) - else { - const a = n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e) : Object.keys(e), - o = a.length - let i - for (r = 0; r < o; r++) (i = a[r]), t.call(null, e[i], i, e) - } - } - function Yp(e, t) { - t = t.toLowerCase() - const n = Object.keys(e) - let r, - a = n.length - for (; a-- > 0; ) if (((r = n[a]), t === r.toLowerCase())) return r - return null - } - const Gp = - "undefined" != typeof globalThis - ? globalThis - : "undefined" != typeof self - ? self - : "undefined" != typeof window - ? window - : global, - Kp = (e) => !Np(e) && e !== Gp, - Jp = ( - (e) => (t) => - e && t instanceof e - )("undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && Ap(Uint8Array)), - eh = Pp("HTMLFormElement"), - th = ( - ({ hasOwnProperty: e }) => - (t, n) => - e.call(t, n) - )(Object.prototype), - nh = Pp("RegExp"), - rh = (e, t) => { - const n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e), - r = {} - Xp(n, (n, a) => { - let o - !1 !== (o = t(n, a, e)) && (r[a] = o || n) - }), - Object.defineProperties(e, r) - }, - ah = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", - oh = "0123456789", - ih = { DIGIT: oh, ALPHA: ah, ALPHA_DIGIT: ah + ah.toUpperCase() + oh }, - sh = Pp("AsyncFunction"), - lh = { - isArray: Rp, - isArrayBuffer: $p, - isBuffer: function (e) { - return ( - null !== e && - !Np(e) && - null !== e.constructor && - !Np(e.constructor) && - Mp(e.constructor.isBuffer) && - e.constructor.isBuffer(e) - ) - }, - isFormData: (e) => { - let t - return ( - e && - (("function" == typeof FormData && e instanceof FormData) || - (Mp(e.append) && - ("formdata" === (t = Cp(e)) || - ("object" === t && Mp(e.toString) && "[object FormData]" === e.toString())))) - ) - }, - isArrayBufferView: function (e) { - let t - return ( - (t = - "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView - ? ArrayBuffer.isView(e) - : e && e.buffer && $p(e.buffer)), - t - ) - }, - isString: Ip, - isNumber: Lp, - isBoolean: (e) => !0 === e || !1 === e, - isObject: Qp, - isPlainObject: Bp, - isReadableStream: Zp, - isRequest: Hp, - isResponse: Vp, - isHeaders: Wp, - isUndefined: Np, - isDate: jp, - isFile: Up, - isBlob: Fp, - isRegExp: nh, - isFunction: Mp, - isStream: (e) => Qp(e) && Mp(e.pipe), - isURLSearchParams: qp, - isTypedArray: Jp, - isFileList: zp, - forEach: Xp, - merge: function e() { - const { caseless: t } = (Kp(this) && this) || {}, - n = {}, - r = (r, a) => { - const o = (t && Yp(n, a)) || a - Bp(n[o]) && Bp(r) - ? (n[o] = e(n[o], r)) - : Bp(r) - ? (n[o] = e({}, r)) - : Rp(r) - ? (n[o] = r.slice()) - : (n[o] = r) - } - for (let e = 0, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) arguments[e] && Xp(arguments[e], r) - return n - }, - extend: (e, t, n, { allOwnKeys: r } = {}) => ( - Xp( - t, - (t, r) => { - n && Mp(t) ? (e[r] = Ep(t, n)) : (e[r] = t) - }, - { allOwnKeys: r }, - ), - e - ), - trim: (e) => (e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "")), - stripBOM: (e) => (65279 === e.charCodeAt(0) && (e = e.slice(1)), e), - inherits: (e, t, n, r) => { - ;(e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, r)), - (e.prototype.constructor = e), - Object.defineProperty(e, "super", { value: t.prototype }), - n && Object.assign(e.prototype, n) - }, - toFlatObject: (e, t, n, r) => { - let a, o, i - const s = {} - if (((t = t || {}), null == e)) return t - do { - for (a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e), o = a.length; o-- > 0; ) - (i = a[o]), (r && !r(i, e, t)) || s[i] || ((t[i] = e[i]), (s[i] = !0)) - e = !1 !== n && Ap(e) - } while (e && (!n || n(e, t)) && e !== Object.prototype) - return t - }, - kindOf: Cp, - kindOfTest: Pp, - endsWith: (e, t, n) => { - ;(e = String(e)), (void 0 === n || n > e.length) && (n = e.length), (n -= t.length) - const r = e.indexOf(t, n) - return -1 !== r && r === n - }, - toArray: (e) => { - if (!e) return null - if (Rp(e)) return e - let t = e.length - if (!Lp(t)) return null - const n = new Array(t) - for (; t-- > 0; ) n[t] = e[t] - return n - }, - forEachEntry: (e, t) => { - const n = (e && e[Symbol.iterator]).call(e) - let r - for (; (r = n.next()) && !r.done; ) { - const n = r.value - t.call(e, n[0], n[1]) - } - }, - matchAll: (e, t) => { - let n - const r = [] - for (; null !== (n = e.exec(t)); ) r.push(n) - return r - }, - isHTMLForm: eh, - hasOwnProperty: th, - hasOwnProp: th, - reduceDescriptors: rh, - freezeMethods: (e) => { - rh(e, (t, n) => { - if (Mp(e) && -1 !== ["arguments", "caller", "callee"].indexOf(n)) return !1 - const r = e[n] - Mp(r) && - ((t.enumerable = !1), - "writable" in t - ? (t.writable = !1) - : t.set || - (t.set = () => { - throw Error("Can not rewrite read-only method '" + n + "'") - })) - }) - }, - toObjectSet: (e, t) => { - const n = {}, - r = (e) => { - e.forEach((e) => { - n[e] = !0 - }) - } - return Rp(e) ? r(e) : r(String(e).split(t)), n - }, - toCamelCase: (e) => - e.toLowerCase().replace(/[-_\s]([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, function (e, t, n) { - return t.toUpperCase() + n - }), - noop: () => {}, - toFiniteNumber: (e, t) => (null != e && Number.isFinite((e = +e)) ? e : t), - findKey: Yp, - global: Gp, - isContextDefined: Kp, - ALPHABET: ih, - generateString: (e = 16, t = ih.ALPHA_DIGIT) => { - let n = "" - const { length: r } = t - for (; e--; ) n += t[(Math.random() * r) | 0] - return n - }, - isSpecCompliantForm: function (e) { - return !!(e && Mp(e.append) && "FormData" === e[Symbol.toStringTag] && e[Symbol.iterator]) - }, - toJSONObject: (e) => { - const t = new Array(10), - n = (e, r) => { - if (Qp(e)) { - if (t.indexOf(e) >= 0) return - if (!("toJSON" in e)) { - t[r] = e - const a = Rp(e) ? [] : {} - return ( - Xp(e, (e, t) => { - const o = n(e, r + 1) - !Np(o) && (a[t] = o) - }), - (t[r] = void 0), - a - ) - } - } - return e - } - return n(e, 0) - }, - isAsyncFn: sh, - isThenable: (e) => e && (Qp(e) || Mp(e)) && Mp(e.then) && Mp(e.catch), - } - function ch(e, t, n, r, a) { - Error.call(this), - Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : (this.stack = new Error().stack), - (this.message = e), - (this.name = "AxiosError"), - t && (this.code = t), - n && (this.config = n), - r && (this.request = r), - a && (this.response = a) - } - lh.inherits(ch, Error, { - toJSON: function () { - return { - message: this.message, - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - number: this.number, - fileName: this.fileName, - lineNumber: this.lineNumber, - columnNumber: this.columnNumber, - stack: this.stack, - config: lh.toJSONObject(this.config), - code: this.code, - status: this.response && this.response.status ? this.response.status : null, - } - }, - }) - const dh = ch.prototype, - uh = {} - function ph(e) { - return lh.isPlainObject(e) || lh.isArray(e) - } - function hh(e) { - return lh.endsWith(e, "[]") ? e.slice(0, -2) : e - } - function fh(e, t, n) { - return e - ? e - .concat(t) - .map(function (e, t) { - return (e = hh(e)), !n && t ? "[" + e + "]" : e - }) - .join(n ? "." : "") - : t - } - ;[ - "ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE", - "ERR_BAD_OPTION", - "ECONNABORTED", - "ETIMEDOUT", - "ERR_NETWORK", - "ERR_FR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS", - "ERR_DEPRECATED", - "ERR_BAD_RESPONSE", - "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", - "ERR_CANCELED", - "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT", - "ERR_INVALID_URL", - ].forEach((e) => { - uh[e] = { value: e } - }), - Object.defineProperties(ch, uh), - Object.defineProperty(dh, "isAxiosError", { value: !0 }), - (ch.from = (e, t, n, r, a, o) => { - const i = Object.create(dh) - return ( - lh.toFlatObject( - e, - i, - function (e) { - return e !== Error.prototype - }, - (e) => "isAxiosError" !== e, - ), - ch.call(i, e.message, t, n, r, a), - (i.cause = e), - (i.name = e.name), - o && Object.assign(i, o), - i - ) - }) - const mh = lh.toFlatObject(lh, {}, null, function (e) { - return /^is[A-Z]/.test(e) - }) - function gh(e, t, n) { - if (!lh.isObject(e)) throw new TypeError("target must be an object") - t = t || new FormData() - const r = (n = lh.toFlatObject(n, { metaTokens: !0, dots: !1, indexes: !1 }, !1, function (e, t) { - return !lh.isUndefined(t[e]) - })).metaTokens, - a = n.visitor || c, - o = n.dots, - i = n.indexes, - s = (n.Blob || ("undefined" != typeof Blob && Blob)) && lh.isSpecCompliantForm(t) - if (!lh.isFunction(a)) throw new TypeError("visitor must be a function") - function l(e) { - if (null === e) return "" - if (lh.isDate(e)) return e.toISOString() - if (!s && lh.isBlob(e)) throw new ch("Blob is not supported. Use a Buffer instead.") - return lh.isArrayBuffer(e) || lh.isTypedArray(e) - ? s && "function" == typeof Blob - ? new Blob([e]) - : Buffer.from(e) - : e - } - function c(e, n, a) { - let s = e - if (e && !a && "object" == typeof e) - if (lh.endsWith(n, "{}")) (n = r ? n : n.slice(0, -2)), (e = JSON.stringify(e)) - else if ( - (lh.isArray(e) && - (function (e) { - return lh.isArray(e) && !e.some(ph) - })(e)) || - ((lh.isFileList(e) || lh.endsWith(n, "[]")) && (s = lh.toArray(e))) - ) - return ( - (n = hh(n)), - s.forEach(function (e, r) { - !lh.isUndefined(e) && null !== e && t.append(!0 === i ? fh([n], r, o) : null === i ? n : n + "[]", l(e)) - }), - !1 - ) - return !!ph(e) || (t.append(fh(a, n, o), l(e)), !1) - } - const d = [], - u = Object.assign(mh, { defaultVisitor: c, convertValue: l, isVisitable: ph }) - if (!lh.isObject(e)) throw new TypeError("data must be an object") - return ( - (function e(n, r) { - if (!lh.isUndefined(n)) { - if (-1 !== d.indexOf(n)) throw Error("Circular reference detected in " + r.join(".")) - d.push(n), - lh.forEach(n, function (n, o) { - !0 === (!(lh.isUndefined(n) || null === n) && a.call(t, n, lh.isString(o) ? o.trim() : o, r, u)) && - e(n, r ? r.concat(o) : [o]) - }), - d.pop() - } - })(e), - t - ) - } - function bh(e) { - const t = { "!": "%21", "'": "%27", "(": "%28", ")": "%29", "~": "%7E", "%20": "+", "%00": "\0" } - return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[!'()~]|%20|%00/g, function (e) { - return t[e] - }) - } - function vh(e, t) { - ;(this._pairs = []), e && gh(e, this, t) - } - const yh = vh.prototype - function Oh(e) { - return encodeURIComponent(e) - .replace(/%3A/gi, ":") - .replace(/%24/g, "$") - .replace(/%2C/gi, ",") - .replace(/%20/g, "+") - .replace(/%5B/gi, "[") - .replace(/%5D/gi, "]") - } - function wh(e, t, n) { - if (!t) return e - const r = (n && n.encode) || Oh, - a = n && n.serialize - let o - if (((o = a ? a(t, n) : lh.isURLSearchParams(t) ? t.toString() : new vh(t, n).toString(r)), o)) { - const t = e.indexOf("#") - ;-1 !== t && (e = e.slice(0, t)), (e += (-1 === e.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + o) - } - return e - } - ;(yh.append = function (e, t) { - this._pairs.push([e, t]) - }), - (yh.toString = function (e) { - const t = e - ? function (t) { - return e.call(this, t, bh) - } - : bh - return this._pairs - .map(function (e) { - return t(e[0]) + "=" + t(e[1]) - }, "") - .join("&") - }) - class xh { - constructor() { - this.handlers = [] - } - use(e, t, n) { - return ( - this.handlers.push({ - fulfilled: e, - rejected: t, - synchronous: !!n && n.synchronous, - runWhen: n ? n.runWhen : null, - }), - this.handlers.length - 1 - ) - } - eject(e) { - this.handlers[e] && (this.handlers[e] = null) - } - clear() { - this.handlers && (this.handlers = []) - } - forEach(e) { - lh.forEach(this.handlers, function (t) { - null !== t && e(t) - }) - } - } - const kh = { silentJSONParsing: !0, forcedJSONParsing: !0, clarifyTimeoutError: !1 }, - _h = { - isBrowser: !0, - classes: { - URLSearchParams: "undefined" != typeof URLSearchParams ? URLSearchParams : vh, - FormData: "undefined" != typeof FormData ? FormData : null, - Blob: "undefined" != typeof Blob ? Blob : null, - }, - protocols: ["http", "https", "file", "blob", "url", "data"], - }, - Sh = "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document, - Eh = - ((Th = "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.product), - Sh && ["ReactNative", "NativeScript", "NS"].indexOf(Th) < 0) - var Th - const Ah = - "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && - self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && - "function" == typeof self.importScripts, - Ch = (Sh && window.location.href) || "http://localhost", - Ph = { - ...Object.freeze( - Object.defineProperty( - { - __proto__: null, - hasBrowserEnv: Sh, - hasStandardBrowserEnv: Eh, - hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv: Ah, - origin: Ch, - }, - Symbol.toStringTag, - { value: "Module" }, - ), - ), - ..._h, - } - function Dh(e) { - function t(e, n, r, a) { - let o = e[a++] - if ("__proto__" === o) return !0 - const i = Number.isFinite(+o), - s = a >= e.length - return ( - (o = !o && lh.isArray(r) ? r.length : o), - s - ? (lh.hasOwnProp(r, o) ? (r[o] = [r[o], n]) : (r[o] = n), !i) - : ((r[o] && lh.isObject(r[o])) || (r[o] = []), - t(e, n, r[o], a) && - lh.isArray(r[o]) && - (r[o] = (function (e) { - const t = {}, - n = Object.keys(e) - let r - const a = n.length - let o - for (r = 0; r < a; r++) (o = n[r]), (t[o] = e[o]) - return t - })(r[o])), - !i) - ) - } - if (lh.isFormData(e) && lh.isFunction(e.entries)) { - const n = {} - return ( - lh.forEachEntry(e, (e, r) => { - t( - (function (e) { - return lh.matchAll(/\w+|\[(\w*)]/g, e).map((e) => ("[]" === e[0] ? "" : e[1] || e[0])) - })(e), - r, - n, - 0, - ) - }), - n - ) - } - return null - } - const Rh = { - transitional: kh, - adapter: ["xhr", "http", "fetch"], - transformRequest: [ - function (e, t) { - const n = t.getContentType() || "", - r = n.indexOf("application/json") > -1, - a = lh.isObject(e) - if ((a && lh.isHTMLForm(e) && (e = new FormData(e)), lh.isFormData(e))) return r ? JSON.stringify(Dh(e)) : e - if ( - lh.isArrayBuffer(e) || - lh.isBuffer(e) || - lh.isStream(e) || - lh.isFile(e) || - lh.isBlob(e) || - lh.isReadableStream(e) - ) - return e - if (lh.isArrayBufferView(e)) return e.buffer - if (lh.isURLSearchParams(e)) - return t.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", !1), e.toString() - let o - if (a) { - if (n.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") > -1) - return (function (e, t) { - return gh( - e, - new Ph.classes.URLSearchParams(), - Object.assign( - { - visitor: function (e, t, n, r) { - return Ph.isNode && lh.isBuffer(e) - ? (this.append(t, e.toString("base64")), !1) - : r.defaultVisitor.apply(this, arguments) - }, - }, - t, - ), - ) - })(e, this.formSerializer).toString() - if ((o = lh.isFileList(e)) || n.indexOf("multipart/form-data") > -1) { - const t = this.env && this.env.FormData - return gh(o ? { "files[]": e } : e, t && new t(), this.formSerializer) - } - } - return a || r - ? (t.setContentType("application/json", !1), - (function (e, t, n) { - if (lh.isString(e)) - try { - return (0, JSON.parse)(e), lh.trim(e) - } catch (e) { - if ("SyntaxError" !== e.name) throw e - } - return (0, JSON.stringify)(e) - })(e)) - : e - }, - ], - transformResponse: [ - function (e) { - const t = this.transitional || Rh.transitional, - n = t && t.forcedJSONParsing, - r = "json" === this.responseType - if (lh.isResponse(e) || lh.isReadableStream(e)) return e - if (e && lh.isString(e) && ((n && !this.responseType) || r)) { - const n = !(t && t.silentJSONParsing) && r - try { - return JSON.parse(e) - } catch (e) { - if (n) { - if ("SyntaxError" === e.name) throw ch.from(e, ch.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response) - throw e - } - } - } - return e - }, - ], - timeout: 0, - xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN", - xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN", - maxContentLength: -1, - maxBodyLength: -1, - env: { FormData: Ph.classes.FormData, Blob: Ph.classes.Blob }, - validateStatus: function (e) { - return e >= 200 && e < 300 - }, - headers: { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Content-Type": void 0 } }, - } - lh.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch"], (e) => { - Rh.headers[e] = {} - }) - const Nh = lh.toObjectSet([ - "age", - "authorization", - "content-length", - "content-type", - "etag", - "expires", - "from", - "host", - "if-modified-since", - "if-unmodified-since", - "last-modified", - "location", - "max-forwards", - "proxy-authorization", - "referer", - "retry-after", - "user-agent", - ]), - $h = Symbol("internals") - function Ih(e) { - return e && String(e).trim().toLowerCase() - } - function Mh(e) { - return !1 === e || null == e ? e : lh.isArray(e) ? e.map(Mh) : String(e) - } - function Lh(e, t, n, r, a) { - return lh.isFunction(r) - ? r.call(this, t, n) - : (a && (t = n), - lh.isString(t) ? (lh.isString(r) ? -1 !== t.indexOf(r) : lh.isRegExp(r) ? r.test(t) : void 0) : void 0) - } - let Qh = class { - constructor(e) { - e && this.set(e) - } - set(e, t, n) { - const r = this - function a(e, t, n) { - const a = Ih(t) - if (!a) throw new Error("header name must be a non-empty string") - const o = lh.findKey(r, a) - ;(!o || void 0 === r[o] || !0 === n || (void 0 === n && !1 !== r[o])) && (r[o || t] = Mh(e)) - } - const o = (e, t) => lh.forEach(e, (e, n) => a(e, n, t)) - if (lh.isPlainObject(e) || e instanceof this.constructor) o(e, t) - else if (lh.isString(e) && (e = e.trim()) && !/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^`|~,!#$%&'*+.]+$/.test(e.trim())) - o( - ((e) => { - const t = {} - let n, r, a - return ( - e && - e.split("\n").forEach(function (e) { - ;(a = e.indexOf(":")), - (n = e.substring(0, a).trim().toLowerCase()), - (r = e.substring(a + 1).trim()), - !n || - (t[n] && Nh[n]) || - ("set-cookie" === n - ? t[n] - ? t[n].push(r) - : (t[n] = [r]) - : (t[n] = t[n] ? t[n] + ", " + r : r)) - }), - t - ) - })(e), - t, - ) - else if (lh.isHeaders(e)) for (const [t, r] of e.entries()) a(r, t, n) - else null != e && a(t, e, n) - return this - } - get(e, t) { - if ((e = Ih(e))) { - const n = lh.findKey(this, e) - if (n) { - const e = this[n] - if (!t) return e - if (!0 === t) - return (function (e) { - const t = Object.create(null), - n = /([^\s,;=]+)\s*(?:=\s*([^,;]+))?/g - let r - for (; (r = n.exec(e)); ) t[r[1]] = r[2] - return t - })(e) - if (lh.isFunction(t)) return t.call(this, e, n) - if (lh.isRegExp(t)) return t.exec(e) - throw new TypeError("parser must be boolean|regexp|function") - } - } - } - has(e, t) { - if ((e = Ih(e))) { - const n = lh.findKey(this, e) - return !(!n || void 0 === this[n] || (t && !Lh(0, this[n], n, t))) - } - return !1 - } - delete(e, t) { - const n = this - let r = !1 - function a(e) { - if ((e = Ih(e))) { - const a = lh.findKey(n, e) - !a || (t && !Lh(0, n[a], a, t)) || (delete n[a], (r = !0)) - } - } - return lh.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(a) : a(e), r - } - clear(e) { - const t = Object.keys(this) - let n = t.length, - r = !1 - for (; n--; ) { - const a = t[n] - ;(e && !Lh(0, this[a], a, e, !0)) || (delete this[a], (r = !0)) - } - return r - } - normalize(e) { - const t = this, - n = {} - return ( - lh.forEach(this, (r, a) => { - const o = lh.findKey(n, a) - if (o) return (t[o] = Mh(r)), void delete t[a] - const i = e - ? (function (e) { - return e - .trim() - .toLowerCase() - .replace(/([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, (e, t, n) => t.toUpperCase() + n) - })(a) - : String(a).trim() - i !== a && delete t[a], (t[i] = Mh(r)), (n[i] = !0) - }), - this - ) - } - concat(...e) { - return this.constructor.concat(this, ...e) - } - toJSON(e) { - const t = Object.create(null) - return ( - lh.forEach(this, (n, r) => { - null != n && !1 !== n && (t[r] = e && lh.isArray(n) ? n.join(", ") : n) - }), - t - ) - } - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return Object.entries(this.toJSON())[Symbol.iterator]() - } - toString() { - return Object.entries(this.toJSON()) - .map(([e, t]) => e + ": " + t) - .join("\n") - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return "AxiosHeaders" - } - static from(e) { - return e instanceof this ? e : new this(e) - } - static concat(e, ...t) { - const n = new this(e) - return t.forEach((e) => n.set(e)), n - } - static accessor(e) { - const t = (this[$h] = this[$h] = { accessors: {} }).accessors, - n = this.prototype - function r(e) { - const r = Ih(e) - t[r] || - ((function (e, t) { - const n = lh.toCamelCase(" " + t) - ;["get", "set", "has"].forEach((r) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, r + n, { - value: function (e, n, a) { - return this[r].call(this, t, e, n, a) - }, - configurable: !0, - }) - }) - })(n, e), - (t[r] = !0)) - } - return lh.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(r) : r(e), this - } - } - function Bh(e, t) { - const n = this || Rh, - r = t || n, - a = Qh.from(r.headers) - let o = r.data - return ( - lh.forEach(e, function (e) { - o = e.call(n, o, a.normalize(), t ? t.status : void 0) - }), - a.normalize(), - o - ) - } - function jh(e) { - return !(!e || !e.__CANCEL__) - } - function Uh(e, t, n) { - ch.call(this, null == e ? "canceled" : e, ch.ERR_CANCELED, t, n), (this.name = "CanceledError") - } - function Fh(e, t, n) { - const r = n.config.validateStatus - n.status && r && !r(n.status) - ? t( - new ch( - "Request failed with status code " + n.status, - [ch.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, ch.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(n.status / 100) - 4], - n.config, - n.request, - n, - ), - ) - : e(n) - } - Qh.accessor(["Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Accept", "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent", "Authorization"]), - lh.reduceDescriptors(Qh.prototype, ({ value: e }, t) => { - let n = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) - return { - get: () => e, - set(e) { - this[n] = e - }, - } - }), - lh.freezeMethods(Qh), - lh.inherits(Uh, ch, { __CANCEL__: !0 }) - const zh = (e, t, n = 3) => { - let r = 0 - const a = (function (e, t) { - e = e || 10 - const n = new Array(e), - r = new Array(e) - let a, - o = 0, - i = 0 - return ( - (t = void 0 !== t ? t : 1e3), - function (s) { - const l = Date.now(), - c = r[i] - a || (a = l), (n[o] = s), (r[o] = l) - let d = i, - u = 0 - for (; d !== o; ) (u += n[d++]), (d %= e) - if (((o = (o + 1) % e), o === i && (i = (i + 1) % e), l - a < t)) return - const p = c && l - c - return p ? Math.round((1e3 * u) / p) : void 0 - } - ) - })(50, 250) - return (function (e, t) { - let n = 0 - const r = 1e3 / t - let a = null - return function () { - const t = !0 === this, - o = Date.now() - if (t || o - n > r) return a && (clearTimeout(a), (a = null)), (n = o), e.apply(null, arguments) - a || (a = setTimeout(() => ((a = null), (n = Date.now()), e.apply(null, arguments)), r - (o - n))) - } - })((n) => { - const o = n.loaded, - i = n.lengthComputable ? n.total : void 0, - s = o - r, - l = a(s) - r = o - const c = { - loaded: o, - total: i, - progress: i ? o / i : void 0, - bytes: s, - rate: l || void 0, - estimated: l && i && o <= i ? (i - o) / l : void 0, - event: n, - lengthComputable: null != i, - } - ;(c[t ? "download" : "upload"] = !0), e(c) - }, n) - }, - qh = Ph.hasStandardBrowserEnv - ? (function () { - const e = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), - t = document.createElement("a") - let n - function r(n) { - let r = n - return ( - e && (t.setAttribute("href", r), (r = t.href)), - t.setAttribute("href", r), - { - href: t.href, - protocol: t.protocol ? t.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "", - host: t.host, - search: t.search ? t.search.replace(/^\?/, "") : "", - hash: t.hash ? t.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "", - hostname: t.hostname, - port: t.port, - pathname: "/" === t.pathname.charAt(0) ? t.pathname : "/" + t.pathname, - } - ) - } - return ( - (n = r(window.location.href)), - function (e) { - const t = lh.isString(e) ? r(e) : e - return t.protocol === n.protocol && t.host === n.host - } - ) - })() - : function () { - return !0 - }, - Zh = Ph.hasStandardBrowserEnv - ? { - write(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = [e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t)] - lh.isNumber(n) && i.push("expires=" + new Date(n).toGMTString()), - lh.isString(r) && i.push("path=" + r), - lh.isString(a) && i.push("domain=" + a), - !0 === o && i.push("secure"), - (document.cookie = i.join("; ")) - }, - read(e) { - const t = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + e + ")=([^;]*)")) - return t ? decodeURIComponent(t[3]) : null - }, - remove(e) { - this.write(e, "", Date.now() - 864e5) - }, - } - : { write() {}, read: () => null, remove() {} } - function Hh(e, t) { - return e && !/^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(t) - ? (function (e, t) { - return t ? e.replace(/\/?\/$/, "") + "/" + t.replace(/^\/+/, "") : e - })(e, t) - : t - } - const Vh = (e) => (e instanceof Qh ? { ...e } : e) - function Wh(e, t) { - t = t || {} - const n = {} - function r(e, t, n) { - return lh.isPlainObject(e) && lh.isPlainObject(t) - ? lh.merge.call({ caseless: n }, e, t) - : lh.isPlainObject(t) - ? lh.merge({}, t) - : lh.isArray(t) - ? t.slice() - : t - } - function a(e, t, n) { - return lh.isUndefined(t) ? (lh.isUndefined(e) ? void 0 : r(void 0, e, n)) : r(e, t, n) - } - function o(e, t) { - if (!lh.isUndefined(t)) return r(void 0, t) - } - function i(e, t) { - return lh.isUndefined(t) ? (lh.isUndefined(e) ? void 0 : r(void 0, e)) : r(void 0, t) - } - function s(n, a, o) { - return o in t ? r(n, a) : o in e ? r(void 0, n) : void 0 - } - const l = { - url: o, - method: o, - data: o, - baseURL: i, - transformRequest: i, - transformResponse: i, - paramsSerializer: i, - timeout: i, - timeoutMessage: i, - withCredentials: i, - withXSRFToken: i, - adapter: i, - responseType: i, - xsrfCookieName: i, - xsrfHeaderName: i, - onUploadProgress: i, - onDownloadProgress: i, - decompress: i, - maxContentLength: i, - maxBodyLength: i, - beforeRedirect: i, - transport: i, - httpAgent: i, - httpsAgent: i, - cancelToken: i, - socketPath: i, - responseEncoding: i, - validateStatus: s, - headers: (e, t) => a(Vh(e), Vh(t), !0), - } - return ( - lh.forEach(Object.keys(Object.assign({}, e, t)), function (r) { - const o = l[r] || a, - i = o(e[r], t[r], r) - ;(lh.isUndefined(i) && o !== s) || (n[r] = i) - }), - n - ) - } - const Xh = (e) => { - const t = Wh({}, e) - let n, - { data: r, withXSRFToken: a, xsrfHeaderName: o, xsrfCookieName: i, headers: s, auth: l } = t - if ( - ((t.headers = s = Qh.from(s)), - (t.url = wh(Hh(t.baseURL, t.url), e.params, e.paramsSerializer)), - l && - s.set( - "Authorization", - "Basic " + btoa((l.username || "") + ":" + (l.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(l.password)) : "")), - ), - lh.isFormData(r)) - ) - if (Ph.hasStandardBrowserEnv || Ph.hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv) s.setContentType(void 0) - else if (!1 !== (n = s.getContentType())) { - const [e, ...t] = n - ? n - .split(";") - .map((e) => e.trim()) - .filter(Boolean) - : [] - s.setContentType([e || "multipart/form-data", ...t].join("; ")) - } - if (Ph.hasStandardBrowserEnv && (a && lh.isFunction(a) && (a = a(t)), a || (!1 !== a && qh(t.url)))) { - const e = o && i && Zh.read(i) - e && s.set(o, e) - } - return t - }, - Yh = - "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest && - function (e) { - return new Promise(function (t, n) { - const r = Xh(e) - let a = r.data - const o = Qh.from(r.headers).normalize() - let i, - { responseType: s } = r - function l() { - r.cancelToken && r.cancelToken.unsubscribe(i), r.signal && r.signal.removeEventListener("abort", i) - } - let c = new XMLHttpRequest() - function d() { - if (!c) return - const r = Qh.from("getAllResponseHeaders" in c && c.getAllResponseHeaders()) - Fh( - function (e) { - t(e), l() - }, - function (e) { - n(e), l() - }, - { - data: s && "text" !== s && "json" !== s ? c.response : c.responseText, - status: c.status, - statusText: c.statusText, - headers: r, - config: e, - request: c, - }, - ), - (c = null) - } - c.open(r.method.toUpperCase(), r.url, !0), - (c.timeout = r.timeout), - "onloadend" in c - ? (c.onloadend = d) - : (c.onreadystatechange = function () { - c && - 4 === c.readyState && - (0 !== c.status || (c.responseURL && 0 === c.responseURL.indexOf("file:"))) && - setTimeout(d) - }), - (c.onabort = function () { - c && (n(new ch("Request aborted", ch.ECONNABORTED, r, c)), (c = null)) - }), - (c.onerror = function () { - n(new ch("Network Error", ch.ERR_NETWORK, r, c)), (c = null) - }), - (c.ontimeout = function () { - let e = r.timeout ? "timeout of " + r.timeout + "ms exceeded" : "timeout exceeded" - const t = r.transitional || kh - r.timeoutErrorMessage && (e = r.timeoutErrorMessage), - n(new ch(e, t.clarifyTimeoutError ? ch.ETIMEDOUT : ch.ECONNABORTED, r, c)), - (c = null) - }), - void 0 === a && o.setContentType(null), - "setRequestHeader" in c && - lh.forEach(o.toJSON(), function (e, t) { - c.setRequestHeader(t, e) - }), - lh.isUndefined(r.withCredentials) || (c.withCredentials = !!r.withCredentials), - s && "json" !== s && (c.responseType = r.responseType), - "function" == typeof r.onDownloadProgress && c.addEventListener("progress", zh(r.onDownloadProgress, !0)), - "function" == typeof r.onUploadProgress && - c.upload && - c.upload.addEventListener("progress", zh(r.onUploadProgress)), - (r.cancelToken || r.signal) && - ((i = (t) => { - c && (n(!t || t.type ? new Uh(null, e, c) : t), c.abort(), (c = null)) - }), - r.cancelToken && r.cancelToken.subscribe(i), - r.signal && (r.signal.aborted ? i() : r.signal.addEventListener("abort", i))) - const u = (function (e) { - const t = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(e) - return (t && t[1]) || "" - })(r.url) - u && -1 === Ph.protocols.indexOf(u) - ? n(new ch("Unsupported protocol " + u + ":", ch.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, e)) - : c.send(a || null) - }) - }, - Gh = (e, t) => { - let n, - r = new AbortController() - const a = function (e) { - if (!n) { - ;(n = !0), i() - const t = e instanceof Error ? e : this.reason - r.abort(t instanceof ch ? t : new Uh(t instanceof Error ? t.message : t)) - } - } - let o = - t && - setTimeout(() => { - a(new ch(`timeout ${t} of ms exceeded`, ch.ETIMEDOUT)) - }, t) - const i = () => { - e && - (o && clearTimeout(o), - (o = null), - e.forEach((e) => { - e && (e.removeEventListener ? e.removeEventListener("abort", a) : e.unsubscribe(a)) - }), - (e = null)) - } - e.forEach((e) => e && e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener("abort", a)) - const { signal: s } = r - return ( - (s.unsubscribe = i), - [ - s, - () => { - o && clearTimeout(o), (o = null) - }, - ] - ) - }, - Kh = function* (e, t) { - let n = e.byteLength - if (!t || n < t) return void (yield e) - let r, - a = 0 - for (; a < n; ) (r = a + t), yield e.slice(a, r), (a = r) - }, - Jh = (e, t, n, r, a) => { - const o = (async function* (e, t, n) { - for await (const r of e) yield* Kh(ArrayBuffer.isView(r) ? r : await n(String(r)), t) - })(e, t, a) - let i = 0 - return new ReadableStream( - { - type: "bytes", - async pull(e) { - const { done: t, value: a } = await o.next() - if (t) return e.close(), void r() - let s = a.byteLength - n && n((i += s)), e.enqueue(new Uint8Array(a)) - }, - cancel: (e) => (r(e), o.return()), - }, - { highWaterMark: 2 }, - ) - }, - ef = (e, t) => { - const n = null != e - return (r) => setTimeout(() => t({ lengthComputable: n, total: e, loaded: r })) - }, - tf = "function" == typeof fetch && "function" == typeof Request && "function" == typeof Response, - nf = tf && "function" == typeof ReadableStream, - rf = - tf && - ("function" == typeof TextEncoder - ? ( - (e) => (t) => - e.encode(t) - )(new TextEncoder()) - : async (e) => new Uint8Array(await new Response(e).arrayBuffer())), - af = - nf && - (() => { - let e = !1 - const t = new Request(Ph.origin, { - body: new ReadableStream(), - method: "POST", - get duplex() { - return (e = !0), "half" - }, - }).headers.has("Content-Type") - return e && !t - })(), - of = - nf && - !!(() => { - try { - return lh.isReadableStream(new Response("").body) - } catch (e) {} - })(), - sf = { stream: of && ((e) => e.body) } - var lf - tf && - ((lf = new Response()), - ["text", "arrayBuffer", "blob", "formData", "stream"].forEach((e) => { - !sf[e] && - (sf[e] = lh.isFunction(lf[e]) - ? (t) => t[e]() - : (t, n) => { - throw new ch(`Response type '${e}' is not supported`, ch.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT, n) - }) - })) - const cf = { - http: null, - xhr: Yh, - fetch: - tf && - (async (e) => { - let { - url: t, - method: n, - data: r, - signal: a, - cancelToken: o, - timeout: i, - onDownloadProgress: s, - onUploadProgress: l, - responseType: c, - headers: d, - withCredentials: u = "same-origin", - fetchOptions: p, - } = Xh(e) - c = c ? (c + "").toLowerCase() : "text" - let h, - f, - [m, g] = a || o || i ? Gh([a, o], i) : [] - const b = () => { - !h && - setTimeout(() => { - m && m.unsubscribe() - }), - (h = !0) - } - let v - try { - if ( - l && - af && - "get" !== n && - "head" !== n && - 0 !== - (v = await (async (e, t) => { - const n = lh.toFiniteNumber(e.getContentLength()) - return null == n - ? (async (e) => - null == e - ? 0 - : lh.isBlob(e) - ? e.size - : lh.isSpecCompliantForm(e) - ? (await new Request(e).arrayBuffer()).byteLength - : lh.isArrayBufferView(e) - ? e.byteLength - : (lh.isURLSearchParams(e) && (e += ""), - lh.isString(e) ? (await rf(e)).byteLength : void 0))(t) - : n - })(d, r)) - ) { - let e, - n = new Request(t, { method: "POST", body: r, duplex: "half" }) - lh.isFormData(r) && (e = n.headers.get("content-type")) && d.setContentType(e), - n.body && (r = Jh(n.body, 65536, ef(v, zh(l)), null, rf)) - } - lh.isString(u) || (u = u ? "cors" : "omit"), - (f = new Request(t, { - ...p, - signal: m, - method: n.toUpperCase(), - headers: d.normalize().toJSON(), - body: r, - duplex: "half", - withCredentials: u, - })) - let a = await fetch(f) - const o = of && ("stream" === c || "response" === c) - if (of && (s || o)) { - const e = {} - ;["status", "statusText", "headers"].forEach((t) => { - e[t] = a[t] - }) - const t = lh.toFiniteNumber(a.headers.get("content-length")) - a = new Response(Jh(a.body, 65536, s && ef(t, zh(s, !0)), o && b, rf), e) - } - c = c || "text" - let i = await sf[lh.findKey(sf, c) || "text"](a, e) - return ( - !o && b(), - g && g(), - await new Promise((t, n) => { - Fh(t, n, { - data: i, - headers: Qh.from(a.headers), - status: a.status, - statusText: a.statusText, - config: e, - request: f, - }) - }) - ) - } catch (t) { - if ((b(), t && "TypeError" === t.name && /fetch/i.test(t.message))) - throw Object.assign(new ch("Network Error", ch.ERR_NETWORK, e, f), { cause: t.cause || t }) - throw ch.from(t, t && t.code, e, f) - } - }), - } - lh.forEach(cf, (e, t) => { - if (e) { - try { - Object.defineProperty(e, "name", { value: t }) - } catch (e) {} - Object.defineProperty(e, "adapterName", { value: t }) - } - }) - const df = (e) => `- ${e}`, - uf = (e) => lh.isFunction(e) || null === e || !1 === e, - pf = (e) => { - e = lh.isArray(e) ? e : [e] - const { length: t } = e - let n, r - const a = {} - for (let o = 0; o < t; o++) { - let t - if (((n = e[o]), (r = n), !uf(n) && ((r = cf[(t = String(n)).toLowerCase()]), void 0 === r))) - throw new ch(`Unknown adapter '${t}'`) - if (r) break - a[t || "#" + o] = r - } - if (!r) { - const e = Object.entries(a).map( - ([e, t]) => - `adapter ${e} ` + (!1 === t ? "is not supported by the environment" : "is not available in the build"), - ) - throw new ch( - "There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request " + - (t ? (e.length > 1 ? "since :\n" + e.map(df).join("\n") : " " + df(e[0])) : "as no adapter specified"), - "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT", - ) - } - return r - } - function hf(e) { - if ((e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(), e.signal && e.signal.aborted)) throw new Uh(null, e) - } - function ff(e) { - return ( - hf(e), - (e.headers = Qh.from(e.headers)), - (e.data = Bh.call(e, e.transformRequest)), - -1 !== ["post", "put", "patch"].indexOf(e.method) && - e.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", !1), - pf(e.adapter || Rh.adapter)(e).then( - function (t) { - return hf(e), (t.data = Bh.call(e, e.transformResponse, t)), (t.headers = Qh.from(t.headers)), t - }, - function (t) { - return ( - jh(t) || - (hf(e), - t && - t.response && - ((t.response.data = Bh.call(e, e.transformResponse, t.response)), - (t.response.headers = Qh.from(t.response.headers)))), - Promise.reject(t) - ) - }, - ) - ) - } - const mf = {} - ;["object", "boolean", "number", "function", "string", "symbol"].forEach((e, t) => { - mf[e] = function (n) { - return typeof n === e || "a" + (t < 1 ? "n " : " ") + e - } - }) - const gf = {} - mf.transitional = function (e, t, n) { - function r(e, t) { - return "[Axios v1.7.2] Transitional option '" + e + "'" + t + (n ? ". " + n : "") - } - return (n, a, o) => { - if (!1 === e) throw new ch(r(a, " has been removed" + (t ? " in " + t : "")), ch.ERR_DEPRECATED) - return ( - t && - !gf[a] && - ((gf[a] = !0), - console.warn(r(a, " has been deprecated since v" + t + " and will be removed in the near future"))), - !e || e(n, a, o) - ) - } - } - const bf = { - assertOptions: function (e, t, n) { - if ("object" != typeof e) throw new ch("options must be an object", ch.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE) - const r = Object.keys(e) - let a = r.length - for (; a-- > 0; ) { - const o = r[a], - i = t[o] - if (i) { - const t = e[o], - n = void 0 === t || i(t, o, e) - if (!0 !== n) throw new ch("option " + o + " must be " + n, ch.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE) - } else if (!0 !== n) throw new ch("Unknown option " + o, ch.ERR_BAD_OPTION) - } - }, - validators: mf, - }, - vf = bf.validators - let yf = class { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.defaults = e), (this.interceptors = { request: new xh(), response: new xh() }) - } - async request(e, t) { - try { - return await this._request(e, t) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof Error) { - let t - Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace((t = {})) : (t = new Error()) - const n = t.stack ? t.stack.replace(/^.+\n/, "") : "" - try { - e.stack - ? n && !String(e.stack).endsWith(n.replace(/^.+\n.+\n/, "")) && (e.stack += "\n" + n) - : (e.stack = n) - } catch (e) {} - } - throw e - } - } - _request(e, t) { - "string" == typeof e ? ((t = t || {}).url = e) : (t = e || {}), (t = Wh(this.defaults, t)) - const { transitional: n, paramsSerializer: r, headers: a } = t - void 0 !== n && - bf.assertOptions( - n, - { - silentJSONParsing: vf.transitional(vf.boolean), - forcedJSONParsing: vf.transitional(vf.boolean), - clarifyTimeoutError: vf.transitional(vf.boolean), - }, - !1, - ), - null != r && - (lh.isFunction(r) - ? (t.paramsSerializer = { serialize: r }) - : bf.assertOptions(r, { encode: vf.function, serialize: vf.function }, !0)), - (t.method = (t.method || this.defaults.method || "get").toLowerCase()) - let o = a && lh.merge(a.common, a[t.method]) - a && - lh.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"], (e) => { - delete a[e] - }), - (t.headers = Qh.concat(o, a)) - const i = [] - let s = !0 - this.interceptors.request.forEach(function (e) { - ;("function" == typeof e.runWhen && !1 === e.runWhen(t)) || - ((s = s && e.synchronous), i.unshift(e.fulfilled, e.rejected)) - }) - const l = [] - let c - this.interceptors.response.forEach(function (e) { - l.push(e.fulfilled, e.rejected) - }) - let d, - u = 0 - if (!s) { - const e = [ff.bind(this), void 0] - for (e.unshift.apply(e, i), e.push.apply(e, l), d = e.length, c = Promise.resolve(t); u < d; ) - c = c.then(e[u++], e[u++]) - return c - } - d = i.length - let p = t - for (u = 0; u < d; ) { - const e = i[u++], - t = i[u++] - try { - p = e(p) - } catch (e) { - t.call(this, e) - break - } - } - try { - c = ff.call(this, p) - } catch (e) { - return Promise.reject(e) - } - for (u = 0, d = l.length; u < d; ) c = c.then(l[u++], l[u++]) - return c - } - getUri(e) { - return wh(Hh((e = Wh(this.defaults, e)).baseURL, e.url), e.params, e.paramsSerializer) - } - } - lh.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function (e) { - yf.prototype[e] = function (t, n) { - return this.request(Wh(n || {}, { method: e, url: t, data: (n || {}).data })) - } - }), - lh.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function (e) { - function t(t) { - return function (n, r, a) { - return this.request( - Wh(a || {}, { method: e, headers: t ? { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" } : {}, url: n, data: r }), - ) - } - } - ;(yf.prototype[e] = t()), (yf.prototype[e + "Form"] = t(!0)) - }) - const Of = { - Continue: 100, - SwitchingProtocols: 101, - Processing: 102, - EarlyHints: 103, - Ok: 200, - Created: 201, - Accepted: 202, - NonAuthoritativeInformation: 203, - NoContent: 204, - ResetContent: 205, - PartialContent: 206, - MultiStatus: 207, - AlreadyReported: 208, - ImUsed: 226, - MultipleChoices: 300, - MovedPermanently: 301, - Found: 302, - SeeOther: 303, - NotModified: 304, - UseProxy: 305, - Unused: 306, - TemporaryRedirect: 307, - PermanentRedirect: 308, - BadRequest: 400, - Unauthorized: 401, - PaymentRequired: 402, - Forbidden: 403, - NotFound: 404, - MethodNotAllowed: 405, - NotAcceptable: 406, - ProxyAuthenticationRequired: 407, - RequestTimeout: 408, - Conflict: 409, - Gone: 410, - LengthRequired: 411, - PreconditionFailed: 412, - PayloadTooLarge: 413, - UriTooLong: 414, - UnsupportedMediaType: 415, - RangeNotSatisfiable: 416, - ExpectationFailed: 417, - ImATeapot: 418, - MisdirectedRequest: 421, - UnprocessableEntity: 422, - Locked: 423, - FailedDependency: 424, - TooEarly: 425, - UpgradeRequired: 426, - PreconditionRequired: 428, - TooManyRequests: 429, - RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: 431, - UnavailableForLegalReasons: 451, - InternalServerError: 500, - NotImplemented: 501, - BadGateway: 502, - ServiceUnavailable: 503, - GatewayTimeout: 504, - HttpVersionNotSupported: 505, - VariantAlsoNegotiates: 506, - InsufficientStorage: 507, - LoopDetected: 508, - NotExtended: 510, - NetworkAuthenticationRequired: 511, - } - Object.entries(Of).forEach(([e, t]) => { - Of[t] = e - }) - const wf = (function e(t) { - const n = new yf(t), - r = Ep(yf.prototype.request, n) - return ( - lh.extend(r, yf.prototype, n, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), - lh.extend(r, n, null, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), - (r.create = function (n) { - return e(Wh(t, n)) - }), - r - ) - })(Rh) - ;(wf.Axios = yf), - (wf.CanceledError = Uh), - (wf.CancelToken = class e { - constructor(e) { - if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.") - let t - this.promise = new Promise(function (e) { - t = e - }) - const n = this - this.promise.then((e) => { - if (!n._listeners) return - let t = n._listeners.length - for (; t-- > 0; ) n._listeners[t](e) - n._listeners = null - }), - (this.promise.then = (e) => { - let t - const r = new Promise((e) => { - n.subscribe(e), (t = e) - }).then(e) - return ( - (r.cancel = function () { - n.unsubscribe(t) - }), - r - ) - }), - e(function (e, r, a) { - n.reason || ((n.reason = new Uh(e, r, a)), t(n.reason)) - }) - } - throwIfRequested() { - if (this.reason) throw this.reason - } - subscribe(e) { - this.reason ? e(this.reason) : this._listeners ? this._listeners.push(e) : (this._listeners = [e]) - } - unsubscribe(e) { - if (!this._listeners) return - const t = this._listeners.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && this._listeners.splice(t, 1) - } - static source() { - let t - return { - token: new e(function (e) { - t = e - }), - cancel: t, - } - } - }), - (wf.isCancel = jh), - (wf.VERSION = "1.7.2"), - (wf.toFormData = gh), - (wf.AxiosError = ch), - (wf.Cancel = wf.CanceledError), - (wf.all = function (e) { - return Promise.all(e) - }), - (wf.spread = function (e) { - return function (t) { - return e.apply(null, t) - } - }), - (wf.isAxiosError = function (e) { - return lh.isObject(e) && !0 === e.isAxiosError - }), - (wf.mergeConfig = Wh), - (wf.AxiosHeaders = Qh), - (wf.formToJSON = (e) => Dh(lh.isHTMLForm(e) ? new FormData(e) : e)), - (wf.getAdapter = pf), - (wf.HttpStatusCode = Of), - (wf.default = wf) - const { - Axios: xf, - AxiosError: kf, - CanceledError: _f, - isCancel: Sf, - CancelToken: Ef, - VERSION: Tf, - all: Af, - Cancel: Cf, - isAxiosError: Pf, - spread: Df, - toFormData: Rf, - AxiosHeaders: Nf, - HttpStatusCode: $f, - formToJSON: If, - getAdapter: Mf, - mergeConfig: Lf, - } = wf, - Qf = (...e) => { - let t = { - httpVersion: "1.1", - method: "GET", - url: "", - path: "", - headers: [], - headersSize: -1, - queryString: [], - cookies: [], - bodySize: -1, - } - e.forEach((e) => { - t = { - ...t, - ...e, - headers: [...t.headers, ...(e.headers ?? [])], - queryString: [...t.queryString, ...(e.queryString ?? [])], - cookies: [...t.cookies, ...(e.cookies ?? [])], - } - }) - const n = t.headers.reduce((e, { name: t, value: n }) => ((e[t] = n), e), {}), - r = Nf.from(n).normalize(!0) - t.headers = Object.entries(r).map(([e, t]) => ({ name: e, value: t })) - const { path: a, ...o } = t - return a ? { ...o, url: `${t.url}${a}` } : o - } - function Bf(e) { - const t = new tp(), - n = new RegExp("^(#{1,6}) (?!#)(.*)", "gm") - return ((e, t) => e.map((e) => ({ ...e, slug: t.slug(e.value) })))( - [...e.matchAll(n)].map((e) => ({ value: e[2], depth: e[1].length })), - t, - ) - } - const jf = (e) => { - const t = Math.min(...e.map((e) => e.depth)) - return t >= 1 && t <= 6 ? t : 1 - } - function Uf(e) { - var t, n - if (!e) return {} - const r = Object.keys((null == (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.components) ? void 0 : t.schemas) ?? {}).length - ? null == (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.components) - ? void 0 - : n.schemas - : Object.keys((null == e ? void 0 : e.definitions) ?? {}).length - ? null == e - ? void 0 - : e.definitions - : {} - return ( - Object.keys(r ?? {}).forEach((e) => { - var t - !0 === (null == (t = r[e]) ? void 0 : t["x-internal"]) && delete r[e] - }), - r - ) - } - const Ff = (e) => !!e && !!Object.keys(Uf(e) ?? {}).length, - zf = (e) => { - var t - return !!Object.keys((null == (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.components) ? void 0 : t.securitySchemes) ?? {}) - .length - }, - qf = (e, t) => e.replace(/\/$/, "") + "/" + t.replace(/^\//, ""), - { server: Zf } = au(), - { setOperation: Hf, setGlobalSecurity: Vf } = Xd(), - { toggleApiClient: Wf } = Fd(), - { setActiveRequest: Xf, resetActiveResponse: Yf } = { - readOnly: tu, - activeRequest: Jd, - activeResponse: eu, - requestHistory: Yd, - requestHistoryOrder: Gd, - activeRequestId: Kd, - setActiveResponse: (e) => { - var t - Kd.value = e - const n = null == (t = Yd[e]) ? void 0 : t.request, - r = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)) - ;(r.body = JSON.stringify((null == n ? void 0 : n.body) ?? "", null, 2)), Object.assign(Jd, r) - }, - resetActiveResponse: () => { - Kd.value = "" - }, - addRequestToHistory: (e) => { - ;(Yd[e.responseId] = e), (Kd.value = e.responseId), Gd.value.unshift(e.responseId) - }, - setActiveRequest: (e) => { - Object.assign(Jd, e) - }, - } - function Gf(e, t) { - const n = _p({ serverState: Zf, operation: e, authenticationState: null, globalSecurity: null }) - Yf(), Xf(n), Hf(e), Vf(t), Wf(n, !0) - } - const Kf = Object.keys({ - "2.0": { - title: "A JSON Schema for Swagger 2.0 API.", - id: "http://swagger.io/v2/schema.json#", - $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", - type: "object", - required: ["swagger", "info", "paths"], - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - swagger: { type: "string", enum: ["2.0"], description: "The Swagger version of this document." }, - info: { $ref: "#/definitions/info" }, - host: { - type: "string", - pattern: "^[^{}/ :\\\\]+(?::\\d+)?$", - description: "The host (name or ip) of the API. Example: 'swagger.io'", - }, - basePath: { type: "string", pattern: "^/", description: "The base path to the API. Example: '/api'." }, - schemes: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemesList" }, - consumes: { - description: "A list of MIME types accepted by the API.", - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" }], - }, - produces: { - description: "A list of MIME types the API can produce.", - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" }], - }, - paths: { $ref: "#/definitions/paths" }, - definitions: { $ref: "#/definitions/definitions" }, - parameters: { $ref: "#/definitions/parameterDefinitions" }, - responses: { $ref: "#/definitions/responseDefinitions" }, - security: { $ref: "#/definitions/security" }, - securityDefinitions: { $ref: "#/definitions/securityDefinitions" }, - tags: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/definitions/tag" }, uniqueItems: !0 }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/definitions/externalDocs" }, - }, - definitions: { - info: { - type: "object", - description: "General information about the API.", - required: ["version", "title"], - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - title: { type: "string", description: "A unique and precise title of the API." }, - version: { type: "string", description: "A semantic version number of the API." }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A longer description of the API. Should be different from the title. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - termsOfService: { type: "string", description: "The terms of service for the API." }, - contact: { $ref: "#/definitions/contact" }, - license: { $ref: "#/definitions/license" }, - }, - }, - contact: { - type: "object", - description: "Contact information for the owners of the API.", - additionalProperties: !1, - properties: { - name: { type: "string", description: "The identifying name of the contact person/organization." }, - url: { type: "string", description: "The URL pointing to the contact information.", format: "uri" }, - email: { - type: "string", - description: "The email address of the contact person/organization.", - format: "email", - }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - license: { - type: "object", - required: ["name"], - additionalProperties: !1, - properties: { - name: { - type: "string", - description: "The name of the license type. It's encouraged to use an OSI compatible license.", - }, - url: { type: "string", description: "The URL pointing to the license.", format: "uri" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - paths: { - type: "object", - description: "Relative paths to the individual endpoints. They must be relative to the 'basePath'.", - patternProperties: { - "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" }, - "^/": { $ref: "#/definitions/pathItem" }, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - definitions: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, - description: "One or more JSON objects describing the schemas being consumed and produced by the API.", - }, - parameterDefinitions: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/parameter" }, - description: "One or more JSON representations for parameters", - }, - responseDefinitions: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/response" }, - description: "One or more JSON representations for responses", - }, - externalDocs: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - description: "information about external documentation", - required: ["url"], - properties: { description: { type: "string" }, url: { type: "string", format: "uri" } }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - examples: { type: "object", additionalProperties: !0 }, - mimeType: { type: "string", description: "The MIME type of the HTTP message." }, - operation: { - type: "object", - required: ["responses"], - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - tags: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, uniqueItems: !0 }, - summary: { type: "string", description: "A brief summary of the operation." }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: "A longer description of the operation, GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/definitions/externalDocs" }, - operationId: { type: "string", description: "A unique identifier of the operation." }, - produces: { - description: "A list of MIME types the API can produce.", - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" }], - }, - consumes: { - description: "A list of MIME types the API can consume.", - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" }], - }, - parameters: { $ref: "#/definitions/parametersList" }, - responses: { $ref: "#/definitions/responses" }, - schemes: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemesList" }, - deprecated: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - security: { $ref: "#/definitions/security" }, - }, - }, - pathItem: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - $ref: { type: "string" }, - get: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - put: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - post: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - delete: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - options: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - head: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - patch: { $ref: "#/definitions/operation" }, - parameters: { $ref: "#/definitions/parametersList" }, - }, - }, - responses: { - type: "object", - description: "Response objects names can either be any valid HTTP status code or 'default'.", - minProperties: 1, - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { - "^([0-9]{3})$|^(default)$": { $ref: "#/definitions/responseValue" }, - "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" }, - }, - not: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - }, - responseValue: { oneOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/response" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/jsonReference" }] }, - response: { - type: "object", - required: ["description"], - properties: { - description: { type: "string" }, - schema: { oneOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/fileSchema" }] }, - headers: { $ref: "#/definitions/headers" }, - examples: { $ref: "#/definitions/examples" }, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - headers: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/header" } }, - header: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - required: ["type"], - properties: { - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "array"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormat" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - vendorExtension: { - description: "Any property starting with x- is valid.", - additionalProperties: !0, - additionalItems: !0, - }, - bodyParameter: { - type: "object", - required: ["name", "in", "schema"], - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - name: { type: "string", description: "The name of the parameter." }, - in: { type: "string", description: "Determines the location of the parameter.", enum: ["body"] }, - required: { - type: "boolean", - description: "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", - default: !1, - }, - schema: { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - headerParameterSubSchema: { - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - required: { - type: "boolean", - description: "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", - default: !1, - }, - in: { type: "string", description: "Determines the location of the parameter.", enum: ["header"] }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - name: { type: "string", description: "The name of the parameter." }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "boolean", "integer", "array"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormat" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - }, - }, - queryParameterSubSchema: { - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - required: { - type: "boolean", - description: "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", - default: !1, - }, - in: { type: "string", description: "Determines the location of the parameter.", enum: ["query"] }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - name: { type: "string", description: "The name of the parameter." }, - allowEmptyValue: { - type: "boolean", - default: !1, - description: "allows sending a parameter by name only or with an empty value.", - }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "boolean", "integer", "array"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormatWithMulti" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - }, - }, - formDataParameterSubSchema: { - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - required: { - type: "boolean", - description: "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", - default: !1, - }, - in: { type: "string", description: "Determines the location of the parameter.", enum: ["formData"] }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - name: { type: "string", description: "The name of the parameter." }, - allowEmptyValue: { - type: "boolean", - default: !1, - description: "allows sending a parameter by name only or with an empty value.", - }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "boolean", "integer", "array", "file"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormatWithMulti" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - }, - }, - pathParameterSubSchema: { - additionalProperties: !1, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - required: ["required"], - properties: { - required: { - type: "boolean", - enum: [!0], - description: "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", - }, - in: { type: "string", description: "Determines the location of the parameter.", enum: ["path"] }, - description: { - type: "string", - description: - "A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed.", - }, - name: { type: "string", description: "The name of the parameter." }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "boolean", "integer", "array"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormat" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - }, - }, - nonBodyParameter: { - type: "object", - required: ["name", "in", "type"], - oneOf: [ - { $ref: "#/definitions/headerParameterSubSchema" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/formDataParameterSubSchema" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/queryParameterSubSchema" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/pathParameterSubSchema" }, - ], - }, - parameter: { oneOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/bodyParameter" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/nonBodyParameter" }] }, - schema: { - type: "object", - description: "A deterministic version of a JSON Schema object.", - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - properties: { - $ref: { type: "string" }, - format: { type: "string" }, - title: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/title" }, - description: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/description" }, - default: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/default" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/multipleOf" }, - maximum: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, - minLength: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, - pattern: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, - minItems: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/uniqueItems" }, - maxProperties: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, - minProperties: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, - required: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/stringArray" }, - enum: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/enum" }, - additionalProperties: { anyOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, { type: "boolean" }], default: {} }, - type: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/type" }, - items: { - anyOf: [ - { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, - { type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" } }, - ], - default: {}, - }, - allOf: { type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" } }, - properties: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/schema" }, default: {} }, - discriminator: { type: "string" }, - readOnly: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - xml: { $ref: "#/definitions/xml" }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/definitions/externalDocs" }, - example: {}, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - fileSchema: { - type: "object", - description: "A deterministic version of a JSON Schema object.", - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - required: ["type"], - properties: { - format: { type: "string" }, - title: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/title" }, - description: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/description" }, - default: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/properties/default" }, - required: { $ref: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#/definitions/stringArray" }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["file"] }, - readOnly: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/definitions/externalDocs" }, - example: {}, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - primitivesItems: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - properties: { - type: { type: "string", enum: ["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "array"] }, - format: { type: "string" }, - items: { $ref: "#/definitions/primitivesItems" }, - collectionFormat: { $ref: "#/definitions/collectionFormat" }, - default: { $ref: "#/definitions/default" }, - maximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/maximum" }, - exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" }, - minimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/minimum" }, - exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" }, - maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxLength" }, - minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/minLength" }, - pattern: { $ref: "#/definitions/pattern" }, - maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/maxItems" }, - minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/minItems" }, - uniqueItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/uniqueItems" }, - enum: { $ref: "#/definitions/enum" }, - multipleOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/multipleOf" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - security: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/definitions/securityRequirement" }, uniqueItems: !0 }, - securityRequirement: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, uniqueItems: !0 }, - }, - xml: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - properties: { - name: { type: "string" }, - namespace: { type: "string" }, - prefix: { type: "string" }, - attribute: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - wrapped: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - tag: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: !1, - required: ["name"], - properties: { - name: { type: "string" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/definitions/externalDocs" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": { $ref: "#/definitions/vendorExtension" } }, - }, - securityDefinitions: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { - oneOf: [ - { $ref: "#/definitions/basicAuthenticationSecurity" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/apiKeySecurity" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/oauth2ImplicitSecurity" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/oauth2PasswordSecurity" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/oauth2ApplicationSecurity" }, - { $ref: "#/definitions/oauth2AccessCodeSecurity" }, - 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}, - HTTPSecurityScheme: { - type: "object", - required: ["scheme", "type"], - properties: { - scheme: { type: "string" }, - bearerFormat: { type: "string" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - type: { type: "string", enum: ["http"] }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - oneOf: [ - { - description: "Bearer", - properties: { scheme: { type: "string", pattern: "^[Bb][Ee][Aa][Rr][Ee][Rr]$" } }, - }, - { - description: "Non Bearer", - not: { required: ["bearerFormat"] }, - properties: { scheme: { not: { type: "string", pattern: "^[Bb][Ee][Aa][Rr][Ee][Rr]$" } } }, - }, - ], - }, - OAuth2SecurityScheme: { - type: "object", - required: ["type", "flows"], - properties: { - type: { type: "string", enum: ["oauth2"] }, - flows: { $ref: "#/definitions/OAuthFlows" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - OpenIdConnectSecurityScheme: { - type: "object", - required: ["type", "openIdConnectUrl"], - 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type: "object", - required: ["tokenUrl", "scopes"], - properties: { - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - scopes: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: "string" } }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - ClientCredentialsFlow: { - type: "object", - required: ["tokenUrl", "scopes"], - properties: { - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - scopes: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: "string" } }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - AuthorizationCodeOAuthFlow: { - type: "object", - required: ["authorizationUrl", "tokenUrl", "scopes"], - properties: { - authorizationUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - scopes: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: "string" } }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - Link: { - type: "object", - properties: { - operationId: { type: "string" }, - operationRef: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - parameters: { type: "object", additionalProperties: {} }, - requestBody: {}, - description: { type: "string" }, - server: { $ref: "#/definitions/Server" }, - }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - additionalProperties: !1, - not: { - description: "Operation Id and Operation Ref are mutually exclusive", - required: ["operationId", "operationRef"], - }, - }, - Callback: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/PathItem" }, - patternProperties: { "^x-": {} }, - }, - Encoding: { - type: "object", - properties: { - contentType: { type: "string" }, - headers: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { - oneOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/Header" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/Reference" }], - }, - }, - style: { type: "string", enum: ["form", "spaceDelimited", "pipeDelimited", "deepObject"] }, - explode: { type: "boolean" }, - allowReserved: { type: "boolean", default: !1 }, - }, - additionalProperties: !1, - }, - }, - }, - 3.1: { - $id: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/schema/2022-10-07", - $schema: "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", - description: - "The description of OpenAPI v3.1.x documents without schema validation, as defined by https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0", - type: "object", - properties: { - openapi: { type: "string", pattern: "^3\\.1\\.\\d+(-.+)?$" }, - info: { $ref: "#/$defs/info" }, - jsonSchemaDialect: { - type: "string", - format: "uri", - default: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base", - }, - servers: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/$defs/server" }, default: [{ url: "/" }] }, - paths: { $ref: "#/$defs/paths" }, - webhooks: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/path-item-or-reference" } }, - components: { $ref: "#/$defs/components" }, - security: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/$defs/security-requirement" } }, - tags: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/$defs/tag" } }, - externalDocs: { $ref: "#/$defs/external-documentation" }, - }, - required: ["openapi", "info"], - anyOf: [{ required: ["paths"] }, { required: ["components"] }, { required: ["webhooks"] }], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - $defs: { - info: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#info-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - title: { type: "string" }, - summary: { type: "string" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - termsOfService: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - contact: { $ref: "#/$defs/contact" }, - license: { $ref: "#/$defs/license" }, - version: { type: "string" }, - }, - required: ["title", "version"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - contact: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#contact-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - name: { type: "string" }, - url: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - email: { type: "string", format: "email" }, - }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - license: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#license-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - name: { type: "string" }, - identifier: { type: "string" }, - url: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - }, - required: ["name"], - dependentSchemas: { identifier: { not: { required: ["url"] } } }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - server: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#server-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - url: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - variables: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/server-variable" } }, - }, - required: ["url"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "server-variable": { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#server-variable-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - enum: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, minItems: 1 }, - default: { type: "string" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - }, - required: ["default"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - components: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#components-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - schemas: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/schema" } }, - responses: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/response-or-reference" } }, - parameters: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter-or-reference" } }, - examples: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/example-or-reference" } }, - requestBodies: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/request-body-or-reference" } }, - headers: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/header-or-reference" } }, - securitySchemes: { - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/security-scheme-or-reference" }, - }, - links: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/link-or-reference" } }, - callbacks: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/callbacks-or-reference" } }, - pathItems: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/path-item-or-reference" } }, - }, - patternProperties: { - "^(schemas|responses|parameters|examples|requestBodies|headers|securitySchemes|links|callbacks|pathItems)$": - { - $comment: - "Enumerating all of the property names in the regex above is necessary for unevaluatedProperties to work as expected", - propertyNames: { pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$" }, - }, - }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - paths: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#paths-object", - type: "object", - patternProperties: { "^/": { $ref: "#/$defs/path-item" } }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "path-item": { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#path-item-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - summary: { type: "string" }, - description: { type: "string" }, - servers: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/$defs/server" } }, - parameters: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter-or-reference" } }, - get: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - put: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - post: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - delete: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - options: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - head: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - patch: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - trace: { $ref: "#/$defs/operation" }, - }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "path-item-or-reference": { - if: { type: "object", required: ["$ref"] }, - then: { $ref: "#/$defs/reference" }, - else: { $ref: "#/$defs/path-item" }, - }, - operation: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#operation-object", - type: "object", - 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required: ["url"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - parameter: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#parameter-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - name: { type: "string" }, - in: { enum: ["query", "header", "path", "cookie"] }, - description: { type: "string" }, - required: { default: !1, type: "boolean" }, - deprecated: { default: !1, type: "boolean" }, - schema: { $ref: "#/$defs/schema" }, - content: { $ref: "#/$defs/content", minProperties: 1, maxProperties: 1 }, - }, - required: ["name", "in"], - oneOf: [{ required: ["schema"] }, { required: ["content"] }], - if: { properties: { in: { const: "query" } }, required: ["in"] }, - then: { properties: { allowEmptyValue: { default: !1, type: "boolean" } } }, - dependentSchemas: { - schema: { - properties: { style: { type: "string" }, explode: { type: "boolean" } }, - allOf: [ - { $ref: "#/$defs/examples" }, - { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-path" }, - { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-header" }, - { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-query" }, - { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-cookie" }, - { $ref: "#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-form" }, - ], - $defs: { - "styles-for-path": { - if: { properties: { in: { const: "path" } }, required: ["in"] }, - then: { - properties: { - name: { pattern: "[^/#?]+$" }, - style: { default: "simple", enum: ["matrix", "label", "simple"] }, - required: { const: !0 }, - }, - required: ["required"], - }, - }, - "styles-for-header": { - if: { properties: { in: { const: "header" } }, required: ["in"] }, - then: { properties: { style: { default: "simple", const: "simple" } } }, - }, - "styles-for-query": { - if: { properties: { in: { const: "query" } }, required: ["in"] }, - then: { - properties: { - style: { default: "form", enum: ["form", "spaceDelimited", "pipeDelimited", "deepObject"] }, - 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unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "request-body-or-reference": { - if: { type: "object", required: ["$ref"] }, - then: { $ref: "#/$defs/reference" }, - else: { $ref: "#/$defs/request-body" }, - }, - content: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#fixed-fields-10", - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/media-type" }, - propertyNames: { format: "media-range" }, - }, - "media-type": { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#media-type-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - schema: { $ref: "#/$defs/schema" }, - encoding: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/encoding" } }, - }, - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions" }, { $ref: "#/$defs/examples" }], - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - encoding: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#encoding-object", - type: "object", - properties: { - contentType: { type: "string", format: "media-range" }, - headers: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/header-or-reference" } }, - style: { default: "form", enum: ["form", "spaceDelimited", "pipeDelimited", "deepObject"] }, - explode: { type: "boolean" }, - allowReserved: { default: !1, type: "boolean" }, - }, - allOf: [{ $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions" }, { $ref: "#/$defs/encoding/$defs/explode-default" }], - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - $defs: { - "explode-default": { - if: { properties: { style: { const: "form" } }, required: ["style"] }, - then: { properties: { explode: { default: !0 } } }, - else: { properties: { explode: { default: !1 } } }, - }, - }, - }, - responses: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#responses-object", - type: "object", - properties: { default: { $ref: "#/$defs/response-or-reference" } }, - patternProperties: { "^[1-5](?:[0-9]{2}|XX)$": { $ref: "#/$defs/response-or-reference" } }, - minProperties: 1, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - response: { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#response-object", - type: "object", - 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then: { properties: { flows: { $ref: "#/$defs/oauth-flows" } }, required: ["flows"] }, - }, - "type-oidc": { - if: { properties: { type: { const: "openIdConnect" } }, required: ["type"] }, - then: { - properties: { openIdConnectUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" } }, - required: ["openIdConnectUrl"], - }, - }, - }, - }, - "security-scheme-or-reference": { - if: { type: "object", required: ["$ref"] }, - then: { $ref: "#/$defs/reference" }, - else: { $ref: "#/$defs/security-scheme" }, - }, - "oauth-flows": { - type: "object", - properties: { - implicit: { $ref: "#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/implicit" }, - password: { $ref: "#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/password" }, - clientCredentials: { $ref: "#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/client-credentials" }, - authorizationCode: { $ref: "#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/authorization-code" }, - }, - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - $defs: { - implicit: { - type: "object", - properties: { - authorizationUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - scopes: { $ref: "#/$defs/map-of-strings" }, - }, - required: ["authorizationUrl", "scopes"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - password: { - type: "object", - properties: { - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - scopes: { $ref: "#/$defs/map-of-strings" }, - }, - required: ["tokenUrl", "scopes"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "client-credentials": { - type: "object", - properties: { - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - scopes: { $ref: "#/$defs/map-of-strings" }, - }, - required: ["tokenUrl", "scopes"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - "authorization-code": { - type: "object", - properties: { - authorizationUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - tokenUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - refreshUrl: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, - scopes: { $ref: "#/$defs/map-of-strings" }, - }, - required: ["authorizationUrl", "tokenUrl", "scopes"], - $ref: "#/$defs/specification-extensions", - unevaluatedProperties: !1, - }, - }, - }, - "security-requirement": { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#security-requirement-object", - type: "object", - additionalProperties: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" } }, - }, - "specification-extensions": { - $comment: "https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#specification-extensions", - patternProperties: { "^x-": !0 }, - }, - examples: { - properties: { - example: !0, - examples: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#/$defs/example-or-reference" } }, - }, - }, - "map-of-strings": { type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: "string" } }, - }, - }, - }), - Jf = { - EMPTY_OR_INVALID: "Can’t find JSON, YAML or filename in data", - OPENAPI_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: - "Can’t find supported Swagger/OpenAPI version in specification, version must be a string.", - INVALID_REFERENCE: "Can’t resolve reference: %s", - EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND: "Can’t resolve external reference: %s", - FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: "File does not exist: %s", - } - function em(e) { - return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e - } - function tm(e) { - for (const t of new Set(Kf)) { - const n = "2.0" === t ? "swagger" : "openapi", - r = e[n] - if ("string" == typeof r && r.startsWith(t)) - return { version: t, specificationType: n, specificationVersion: r } - } - return { version: void 0, specificationType: void 0, specificationVersion: void 0 } - } - function nm(e) { - return e.find((e) => e.isEntrypoint) - } - function rm(e) { - return decodeURI(e.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~")) - } - function am(e, t) { - const n = {} - for (const [r, a] of Object.entries(e)) - Array.isArray(a) - ? (n[r] = a.map((e) => ("object" == typeof e && null !== e ? am(e, t) : e))) - : (n[r] = "object" == typeof a && null !== a ? am(a, t) : a) - return t(n) - } - function om(e) { - const t = [] - return e && "object" == typeof e - ? (am( - e, - (e) => (e.$ref && "string" == typeof e.$ref && !e.$ref.startsWith("#") && t.push(e.$ref.split("#")[0]), e), - ), - [...new Set(t)]) - : t - } - function im(e) { - return void 0 !== typeof e && Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0 && e.some((e) => !0 === e.isEntrypoint) - } - function sm(e) { - if (im(e)) return e - if ("string" == typeof e) - try { - return JSON.parse(e) - } catch (t) { - return yd(e, { maxAliasCount: 1e4 }) - } - return e - } - function lm(e, t = {}) { - if (im(e)) return e - const n = sm(e) - return [{ isEntrypoint: !0, specification: n, filename: null, dir: "./", references: om(n), ...t }] - } - function cm(e, t, n, r) { - void 0 === r && (r = []) - const a = lm(structuredClone(e)), - o = nm(a) - return ( - i((null == n ? void 0 : n.specification) ?? o.specification, a, n ?? o), - i((null == n ? void 0 : n.specification) ?? o.specification, a, n ?? o), - { - valid: - 0 === - (r = r.filter((e, t, n) => t === n.findIndex((t) => t.message === e.message && t.code === e.code))).length, - errors: r, - schema: (n ?? nm(a)).specification, - } - ) - function i(e, n, a) { - let o - return ( - Object.entries(e ?? {}).forEach(([s, l]) => { - if (void 0 !== e.$ref) { - const o = dm(e.$ref, t, a, n, r) - if (void 0 === o) return - delete e.$ref, - "object" == typeof o && - Object.keys(o).forEach((t) => { - void 0 === e[t] && (e[t] = o[t]) - }) - } - "object" != typeof l || - (function (e) { - try { - return JSON.stringify(e), !1 - } catch (e) { - return !0 - } - })(l) || - (o = i(l, n, a)) - }), - { errors: (null == o ? void 0 : o.errors) ?? [] } - ) - } - } - function dm(e, t, n, r, a) { - if ("string" != typeof e) - return void a.push({ code: "INVALID_REFERENCE", message: Jf.INVALID_REFERENCE.replace("%s", e) }) - const [o, i] = e.split("#", 2) - if (o) { - const e = r.find((e) => e.filename === o) - if (!e) - return void a.push({ - code: "EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND", - message: Jf.EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND.replace("%s", o), - }) - const n = cm(r, t, e, a) - return void 0 === i ? n.schema : dm(`#${i}`, t, e, r, a) - } - const s = (function (e) { - return e.split("/").slice(1).map(rm) - })(i) - try { - return s.reduce((e, t) => e[t], n.specification) - } catch (t) { - a.push({ code: "INVALID_REFERENCE", message: Jf.INVALID_REFERENCE.replace("%s", e) }) - } - } - async function um(e, t) { - const n = lm(e), - r = nm(n), - a = cm(n, t) - return { specification: r.specification, errors: a.errors, schema: a.schema, ...tm(r.specification) } - } - async function pm(e, t) { - var n, r - if ((null == t ? void 0 : t.filesystem) && (null == t ? void 0 : t.filesystem.find((t) => t.filename === e))) - return { filesystem: t.filesystem } - const a = null == (n = null == t ? void 0 : t.plugins) ? void 0 : n.find((t) => t.check(e)), - o = sm(a ? await a.get(e) : e) - if (void 0 === o) return { filesystem: [] } - let i = lm(o, { filename: (null == t ? void 0 : t.filename) ?? null }) - const s = - ((null == t ? void 0 : t.filename) ? i.find((e) => e.filename === (null == t ? void 0 : t.filename)) : nm(i)) - .references ?? om(o) - if (0 === s.length) return { filesystem: i } - for (const n of s) { - const a = null == (r = null == t ? void 0 : t.plugins) ? void 0 : r.find((e) => e.check(n)) - if (!a) continue - const o = a.check(n) && a.resolvePath ? a.resolvePath(e, n) : n - if (i.find((e) => e.filename === n)) continue - const { filesystem: s } = await pm(o, { ...t, filename: n }) - i = [...i, ...s.map((e) => ({ ...e, isEntrypoint: !1 }))] - } - return { filesystem: i } - } - const hm = { limit: 20 }, - fm = (e) => { - let t = 0 - const n = { ...hm, ...e } - return { - check: (e) => "string" == typeof e && !(!e.startsWith("http://") && !e.startsWith("https://")), - async get(e) { - if (!1 !== (null == n ? void 0 : n.limit) && t >= (null == n ? void 0 : n.limit)) - console.warn( - `[fetchUrls] Maximum number of requests reeached (${null == n ? void 0 : n.limit}), skipping request`, - ) - else - try { - t++ - const r = await ((null == n ? void 0 : n.fetch) ? n.fetch(e) : fetch(e)) - return await r.text() - } catch (t) { - console.error("[fetchUrls]", t.message, `(${e})`) - } - }, - } - }, - mm = (e) => { - let t = {} - ;(t = e && "object" == typeof e ? structuredClone(e) : bp()), t.tags || (t.tags = []), t.paths || (t.paths = {}) - const n = {} - return ( - Object.keys(t.webhooks ?? {}).forEach((e) => { - var r - Object.keys((null == (r = t.webhooks) ? void 0 : r[e]) ?? {}).forEach((r) => { - var a, o, i - const s = null == (a = t.webhooks) ? void 0 : a[e][r] - !0 !== (null == s ? void 0 : s["x-internal"]) && - (void 0 === n[e] && (n[e] = {}), - (n[e][r] = { - httpVerb: Md(r), - path: e, - operationId: (null == s ? void 0 : s.operationId) || e, - name: (null == s ? void 0 : s.summary) || e || "", - description: (null == s ? void 0 : s.description) || "", - pathParameters: null == (i = null == (o = t.paths) ? void 0 : o[e]) ? void 0 : i.parameters, - information: { ...s }, - })) - }) - }), - Object.keys(t.paths).forEach((e) => { - Object.keys(t.paths[e]) - .filter((e) => ls.includes(e.toUpperCase())) - .forEach((n) => { - var r, a, o, i, s, l - const c = t.paths[e][n] - if (void 0 === c) return - if (!0 === c["x-internal"]) return - const d = { - httpVerb: Md(n), - path: e, - operationId: c.operationId || e, - name: c.summary || e || "", - description: c.description || "", - information: { ...c }, - pathParameters: null == (a = null == (r = t.paths) ? void 0 : r[e]) ? void 0 : a.parameters, - } - if (c.tags && 0 !== c.tags.length) - c.tags.forEach((e) => { - var n, r, a - const o = null == (n = t.tags) ? void 0 : n.findIndex((t) => t.name === e) - ;-1 === o && (null == (r = t.tags) || r.push({ name: e, description: "" })) - const i = -1 !== o ? o : t.tags.length - 1 - void 0 === (null == (a = t.tags[i]) ? void 0 : a.operations) && (t.tags[i].operations = []), - t.tags[i].operations.push(d) - }) - else { - ;(null == (o = t.tags) ? void 0 : o.find((e) => "default" === e.name)) || - null == (i = t.tags) || - i.push({ name: "default", description: "", operations: [] }) - const e = null == (s = t.tags) ? void 0 : s.findIndex((e) => "default" === e.name) - e >= 0 && (null == (l = t.tags[e]) || l.operations.push(d)) - } - }) - }), - { ...t, webhooks: n } - ) - }, - gm = Symbol(), - bm = Symbol(), - vm = async (e) => { - var t - null == (t = document.getElementById(e)) || t.scrollIntoView() - }, - ym = (e) => new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, e)) - function Om(e) { - return !!dt() && (ut(e), !0) - } - function wm(e) { - return "function" == typeof e ? e() : In(e) - } - const xm = "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document - "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && (globalThis, WorkerGlobalScope) - const km = (e) => null != e, - _m = Object.prototype.toString, - Sm = (e) => "[object Object]" === _m.call(e), - Em = () => {} - function Tm(e, t = 200, n = {}) { - return (function (e, t) { - return function (...n) { - return new Promise((r, a) => { - Promise.resolve(e(() => t.apply(this, n), { fn: t, thisArg: this, args: n })) - .then(r) - .catch(a) - }) - } - })( - (function (e, t = {}) { - let n, - r, - a = Em - const o = (e) => { - clearTimeout(e), a(), (a = Em) - } - return (i) => { - const s = wm(e), - l = wm(t.maxWait) - return ( - n && o(n), - s <= 0 || (void 0 !== l && l <= 0) - ? (r && (o(r), (r = null)), Promise.resolve(i())) - : new Promise((e, c) => { - ;(a = t.rejectOnCancel ? c : e), - l && - !r && - (r = setTimeout(() => { - n && o(n), (r = null), e(i()) - }, l)), - (n = setTimeout(() => { - r && o(r), (r = null), e(i()) - }, s)) - }) - ) - } - })(t, n), - e, - ) - } - function Am(e, t, n) { - return Ya( - e, - (e, n, r) => { - e && t(e, n, r) - }, - { ...n, once: !1 }, - ) - } - function Cm(e, t, n) { - let r - r = Pn(n) ? { evaluating: n } : {} - const { lazy: a = !1, evaluating: o, shallow: i = !0, onError: s = Em } = r, - l = Dn(!a), - c = i ? Rn(t) : Dn(t) - let d = 0 - return ( - Wa(async (t) => { - if (!l.value) return - d++ - const n = d - let r = !1 - o && - Promise.resolve().then(() => { - o.value = !0 - }) - try { - const a = await e((e) => { - t(() => { - o && (o.value = !1), r || e() - }) - }) - n === d && (c.value = a) - } catch (e) { - s(e) - } finally { - o && n === d && (o.value = !1), (r = !0) - } - }), - a ? ii(() => ((l.value = !0), c.value)) : c - ) - } - function Pm(e) { - var t - const n = wm(e) - return null != (t = null == n ? void 0 : n.$el) ? t : n - } - const Dm = xm ? window : void 0 - function Rm(...e) { - let t, n, r, a - if (("string" == typeof e[0] || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? (([n, r, a] = e), (t = Dm)) : ([t, n, r, a] = e), !t)) - return Em - Array.isArray(n) || (n = [n]), Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r]) - const o = [], - i = () => { - o.forEach((e) => e()), (o.length = 0) - }, - s = Ya( - () => [Pm(t), wm(a)], - ([e, t]) => { - if ((i(), !e)) return - const a = Sm(t) ? { ...t } : t - o.push( - ...n.flatMap((t) => - r.map((n) => - ((e, t, n, r) => (e.addEventListener(t, n, r), () => e.removeEventListener(t, n, r)))(e, t, n, a), - ), - ), - ) - }, - { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }, - ), - l = () => { - s(), i() - } - return Om(l), l - } - function Nm(e) { - const t = (function () { - const e = Dn(!1), - t = Vo() - return ( - t && - Nr(() => { - e.value = !0 - }, t), - e - ) - })() - return ii(() => (t.value, Boolean(e()))) - } - function $m(e, t = {}) { - const { window: n = Dm } = t, - r = Nm(() => n && "matchMedia" in n && "function" == typeof n.matchMedia) - let a - const o = Dn(!1), - i = (e) => { - o.value = e.matches - }, - s = () => { - a && ("removeEventListener" in a ? a.removeEventListener("change", i) : a.removeListener(i)) - }, - l = Wa(() => { - r.value && - (s(), - (a = n.matchMedia(wm(e))), - "addEventListener" in a ? a.addEventListener("change", i) : a.addListener(i), - (o.value = a.matches)) - }) - return ( - Om(() => { - l(), s(), (a = void 0) - }), - o - ) - } - const Im = new Map() - function Mm(e) { - const t = dt() - function n(n) { - var a - const o = Im.get(e) || new Set() - o.add(n), Im.set(e, o) - const i = () => r(n) - return null == (a = null == t ? void 0 : t.cleanups) || a.push(i), i - } - function r(t) { - const n = Im.get(e) - n && (n.delete(t), n.size || a()) - } - function a() { - Im.delete(e) - } - return { - on: n, - once: function (e) { - return n(function t(...n) { - r(t), e(...n) - }) - }, - off: r, - emit: function (t, n) { - var r - null == (r = Im.get(e)) || r.forEach((e) => e(t, n)) - }, - reset: a, - } - } - const Lm = { - ctrl: "control", - command: "meta", - cmd: "meta", - option: "alt", - up: "arrowup", - down: "arrowdown", - left: "arrowleft", - right: "arrowright", - } - function Qm(e = {}) { - const { reactive: t = !1, target: n = Dm, aliasMap: r = Lm, passive: a = !0, onEventFired: o = Em } = e, - i = mn(new Set()), - s = { toJSON: () => ({}), current: i }, - l = t ? mn(s) : s, - c = new Set(), - d = new Set() - function u(e, n) { - e in l && (t ? (l[e] = n) : (l[e].value = n)) - } - function p() { - i.clear() - for (const e of d) u(e, !1) - } - function h(e, t) { - var n, r - const a = null == (n = e.key) ? void 0 : n.toLowerCase(), - o = [null == (r = e.code) ? void 0 : r.toLowerCase(), a].filter(Boolean) - a && (t ? i.add(a) : i.delete(a)) - for (const e of o) d.add(e), u(e, t) - "meta" !== a || t - ? "function" == typeof e.getModifierState && - e.getModifierState("Meta") && - t && - [...i, ...o].forEach((e) => c.add(e)) - : (c.forEach((e) => { - i.delete(e), u(e, !1) - }), - c.clear()) - } - Rm(n, "keydown", (e) => (h(e, !0), o(e)), { passive: a }), - Rm(n, "keyup", (e) => (h(e, !1), o(e)), { passive: a }), - Rm("blur", p, { passive: !0 }), - Rm("focus", p, { passive: !0 }) - const f = new Proxy(l, { - get(e, n, a) { - if ("string" != typeof n) return Reflect.get(e, n, a) - if (((n = n.toLowerCase()) in r && (n = r[n]), !(n in l))) - if (/[+_-]/.test(n)) { - const e = n.split(/[+_-]/g).map((e) => e.trim()) - l[n] = ii(() => e.every((e) => wm(f[e]))) - } else l[n] = Dn(!1) - const o = Reflect.get(e, n, a) - return t ? wm(o) : o - }, - }) - return f - } - const Bm = Mm(Symbol("downloadSpec")) - function jm({ specConfig: e, proxy: t }) { - const n = Dn(""), - r = mn(bp()), - a = Dn(null) - return ( - Ya( - () => Mn(e), - async (e) => { - var r - if (e) { - const a = - null == - (r = await (async ({ url: e, content: t }, n) => { - if (e) - return (function (e) { - try { - return Boolean(new URL(e)) - } catch { - return !1 - } - })(e) - ? await Sd(e, n) - : await Sd(e) - const r = "function" == typeof t ? t() : t - return "string" == typeof r ? r : "object" == typeof r ? Dd(r) : void 0 - })(e, Mn(t))) - ? void 0 - : r.trim() - "string" == typeof a && (n.value = a) - } - }, - { immediate: !0, deep: !0 }, - ), - Ya(n, () => { - !(function (e) { - e - ? ((e, { proxy: t } = {}) => - new Promise(async (n, r) => { - var a - try { - if (!e) return n(mm(bp())) - const o = performance.now(), - { filesystem: i } = await pm(e, { plugins: [fm({ fetch: (e) => fetch(t ? gs(t, e) : e) })] }), - { schema: s, errors: l } = await um(i), - c = performance.now() - return ( - console.log(`dereference: ${Math.round(c - o)} ms`), - (null == l ? void 0 : l.length) && - console.warn( - "Please open an issue on https://github.com/scalar/scalar\n", - "Scalar OpenAPI Parser Warning:\n", - l, - ), - void 0 === s - ? (r( - (null == (a = null == l ? void 0 : l[0]) ? void 0 : a.message) ?? - "Failed to parse the OpenAPI file.", - ), - n(mm(bp()))) - : n(mm(s)) - ) - } catch (e) { - r(e) - } - return n(mm(bp())) - }))(e, { proxy: t ? Mn(t) : void 0 }) - .then((e) => { - ;(a.value = null), Object.assign(r, { servers: [], ...e }) - }) - .catch((e) => { - a.value = e.toString() - }) - : Object.assign(r, bp()) - })(n.value) - }), - { rawSpec: n, parsedSpec: r, specErrors: a } - ) - } - function Um(e) { - const t = ii(() => { - if (!e.information) return [] - const { responses: t } = e.information, - n = [] - return ( - t && - Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => { - n.push({ name: e, description: t[e].description }) - }), - n - ) - }) - return { responses: t } - } - const { - getHeadingId: Fm, - getModelId: zm, - getOperationId: qm, - getSectionId: Zm, - getTagId: Hm, - getWebhookId: Vm, - hash: Wm, - } = fp(), - Xm = Dn(void 0), - Ym = mn({}) - function Gm(e) { - var t, n - return ( - "alpha" === Ym.tagsSorter - ? (e.tags = null == (t = e.tags) ? void 0 : t.sort((e, t) => e.name.localeCompare(t.name))) - : "function" == typeof Ym.tagsSorter && (e.tags = null == (n = e.tags) ? void 0 : n.sort(Ym.tagsSorter)), - (Xm.value = e) - ) - } - const Km = Dn(!1), - Jm = Dn(!1), - eg = mn(Nd["useSidebarContent-collapsedSidebarItems"] ?? {}) - function tg(e) { - eg[e] = !eg[e] - } - function ng(e, t) { - eg[e] = t - } - const rg = Dn([]), - ag = ii(() => { - var e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l, c - const { state: d } = Fd(), - u = {}, - { - openApi: { globalSecurity: p }, - } = Xd(), - h = [] - let f = null - rg.value.forEach((e) => { - var t - e.depth === jf(rg.value) - ? ((f = { id: Fm(e), title: e.value, show: !d.showApiClient, children: [] }), h.push(f)) - : f && (null == (t = f.children) || t.push({ id: Fm(e), title: e.value, show: !d.showApiClient })) - }) - const m = null == (t = null == (e = Xm.value) ? void 0 : e.tags) ? void 0 : t[0], - g = - !m || - (1 === (null == (b = null == (n = Xm.value) ? void 0 : n.tags) ? void 0 : b.length) && - "default" === b[0].name && - "" === b[0].description) - ? null == (o = null == m ? void 0 : m.operations) - ? void 0 - : o.map((e) => { - var t - const n = qm(e, m), - r = e.name ?? e.path - return ( - (u[n] = r), - { - id: n, - title: r, - httpVerb: e.httpVerb, - deprecated: (null == (t = e.information) ? void 0 : t.deprecated) ?? !1, - show: !0, - select: () => { - d.showApiClient && Gf(e, p) - }, - } - ) - }) - : null == (a = null == (r = Xm.value) ? void 0 : r.tags) - ? void 0 - : a - .filter((e) => { - var t - return (null == (t = e.operations) ? void 0 : t.length) > 0 - }) - .map((e) => { - var t - return { - id: Hm(e), - title: e.name, - displayTitle: e["x-displayName"] ?? e.name, - show: !0, - children: - null == (t = e.operations) - ? void 0 - : t.map((t) => { - var n - const r = qm(t, e), - a = t.name ?? t.path - return ( - (u[r] = a), - { - id: r, - title: a, - httpVerb: t.httpVerb, - deprecated: (null == (n = t.information) ? void 0 : n.deprecated) ?? !1, - show: !0, - select: () => { - d.showApiClient && Gf(t, p) - }, - } - ) - }), - } - }) - var b - let v = - Ff(Xm.value) && !Km.value - ? [ - { - id: zm(), - title: "Models", - show: !d.showApiClient, - children: Object.keys(Uf(Xm.value) ?? {}).map((e) => { - var t - const n = zm(e) - return ( - (u[n] = e), - { - id: n, - title: (null == (t = Uf(Xm.value)) ? void 0 : t[e]).title ?? e, - show: !d.showApiClient, - } - ) - }), - }, - ] - : [], - y = - (O = Xm.value) && Object.keys((null == O ? void 0 : O.webhooks) ?? {}).length - ? [ - { - id: Vm(), - title: "Webhooks", - show: !d.showApiClient, - children: Object.keys((null == (i = Xm.value) ? void 0 : i.webhooks) ?? {}) - .map((e) => { - var t, n - const r = Vm(e) - return ( - (u[r] = e), - Object.keys( - (null == (n = null == (t = Xm.value) ? void 0 : t.webhooks) ? void 0 : n[e]) ?? {}, - ).map((t) => { - var n, r, a - return { - id: Vm(e, t), - title: - null == - (a = null == (r = null == (n = Xm.value) ? void 0 : n.webhooks) ? void 0 : r[e][t]) - ? void 0 - : a.name, - httpVerb: t, - show: !d.showApiClient, - } - }) - ) - }) - .flat(), - }, - ] - : [] - var O - const w = (null == (s = Xm.value) ? void 0 : s["x-tagGroups"]) - ? null == (c = null == (l = Xm.value) ? void 0 : l["x-tagGroups"]) - ? void 0 - : c.map((e) => { - var t - const n = [] - return ( - null == (t = e.tags) || - t.map((e) => { - if ("models" === e && v.length > 0) n.push(v[0]), (v = []) - else if ("webhooks" === e && y.length > 0) n.push(y[0]), (y = []) - else { - const t = null == g ? void 0 : g.find((t) => t.title === e) - t && n.push(t) - } - }), - { id: e.name, title: e.name, children: n, show: !0, isGroup: !0 } - ) - }) - : void 0, - x = [...h, ...(w ?? g ?? []), ...y, ...v] - return ( - Jm.value && - x.forEach((e) => { - ng(e.id, !0), (e.show = !0) - }), - { entries: x, titles: u } - ) - }), - og = Dn(!1), - ig = ii(() => { - var e, t - return (null == (t = null == (e = ag.value) ? void 0 : e.titles) ? void 0 : t[Wm.value]) ?? "" - }) - function sg(e) { - return ( - Object.assign(Ym, e), - (null == e ? void 0 : e.parsedSpec) && - (Gm(e.parsedSpec), - Ya( - () => { - var e, t - return null == (t = null == (e = Xm.value) ? void 0 : e.tags) ? void 0 : t.length - }, - () => { - var e, t - if (Wm.value) { - const e = Zm(Wm.value) - e && ng(e, !0) - } else { - const n = null == (t = null == (e = Xm.value) ? void 0 : e.tags) ? void 0 : t[0] - n && ng(Hm(n), !0) - } - }, - ), - Ya( - () => { - var e, t - return null == (t = null == (e = Xm.value) ? void 0 : e.info) ? void 0 : t.description - }, - async () => { - var e, t - const n = null == (t = null == (e = Xm.value) ? void 0 : e.info) ? void 0 : t.description - return (rg.value = n - ? await (async (e) => { - const t = Bf(e), - n = jf(t) - return t.filter((e) => e.depth === n || e.depth === n + 1) - })(n) - : []) - }, - )), - { - breadcrumb: ig, - items: ag, - isSidebarOpen: og, - collapsedSidebarItems: eg, - toggleCollapsedSidebarItem: tg, - setCollapsedSidebarItem: ng, - hideModels: Km, - setParsedSpec: Gm, - defaultOpenAllTags: Jm, - } - ) - } - const lg = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : window, - { FormData: cg, Blob: dg, File: ug } = lg, - pg = "\r\n", - hg = "-".repeat(2), - fg = Symbol.toStringTag, - mg = (e, t, n) => { - let r = "" - return ( - (r += `${hg}${e}${pg}`), - (r += `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="${t}"`), - "string" != typeof n && - "blob" !== n.name && - ((r += `; filename="${n.name}"${pg}`), (r += `Content-Type: ${n.type || "application/octet-stream"}`)), - `${r}${pg.repeat(2)}` - ) - }, - gg = (e, t) => Object.keys(e).find((e) => e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()), - bg = (e, t) => { - const n = gg(e, t) - if (n) return e[n] - }, - vg = (e, t) => Boolean(gg(e, t)), - yg = ["application/json", "application/x-json", "text/json", "text/x-json", "+json"], - Og = (e, t) => { - if (void 0 === t.value) return e - const n = e[t.name] - return void 0 === n - ? ((e[t.name] = t.value), e) - : Array.isArray(n) - ? (n.push(t.value), e) - : ((e[t.name] = [n, t.value]), e) - } - function wg(e) { - return new URLSearchParams( - Object.entries(e) - .map(([e, t]) => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.map((t) => [e, t]) : [[e, t]])) - .flat(1), - ) - } - class xg extends URL { - get path() { - return this.pathname + this.search - } - } - class kg { - constructor({ indent: e, join: t } = {}) { - ;(this.postProcessors = []), - (this.code = []), - (this.indentationCharacter = ""), - (this.lineJoin = "\n"), - (this.indentLine = (e, t = 0) => `${this.indentationCharacter.repeat(t)}${e}`), - (this.unshift = (e, t) => { - const n = this.indentLine(e, t) - this.code.unshift(n) - }), - (this.push = (e, t) => { - const n = this.indentLine(e, t) - this.code.push(n) - }), - (this.blank = () => { - this.code.push("") - }), - (this.join = () => { - const e = this.code.join(this.lineJoin) - return this.postProcessors.reduce((e, t) => t(e), e) - }), - (this.addPostProcessor = (e) => { - this.postProcessors = [...this.postProcessors, e] - }), - (this.indentationCharacter = e || ""), - (this.lineJoin = null != t ? t : "\n") - } - } - function _g(e, t = {}) { - const { delimiter: n = '"', escapeChar: r = "\\", escapeNewlines: a = !0 } = t - return [...e.toString()] - .map((e) => - "\b" === e - ? `${r}b` - : "\t" === e - ? `${r}t` - : "\n" === e - ? a - ? `${r}n` - : e - : "\f" === e - ? `${r}f` - : "\r" === e - ? a - ? `${r}r` - : e - : e === r - ? r + r - : e === n - ? r + n - : e < " " || e > "~" - ? JSON.stringify(e).slice(1, -1) - : e, - ) - .join("") - } - const Sg = (e) => _g(e, { delimiter: "'" }), - Eg = (e) => _g(e, { delimiter: '"' }), - Tg = { - info: { key: "c", title: "C", extname: ".c", default: "libcurl" }, - clientsById: { - libcurl: { - info: { - key: "libcurl", - title: "Libcurl", - link: "http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl", - description: "Simple REST and HTTP API Client for C", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, fullUrl: t, headersObj: n, allHeaders: r, postData: a }) => { - const { push: o, blank: i, join: s } = new kg() - o("CURL *hnd = curl_easy_init();"), - i(), - o(`curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "${e.toUpperCase()}");`), - o(`curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, "${t}");`) - const l = Object.keys(n) - return ( - l.length && - (i(), - o("struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;"), - l.forEach((e) => { - o(`headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "${e}: ${Eg(n[e])}");`) - }), - o("curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);")), - r.cookie && (i(), o(`curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "${r.cookie}");`)), - (null == a ? void 0 : a.text) && - (i(), o(`curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ${JSON.stringify(a.text)});`)), - i(), - o("CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(hnd);"), - s() - ) - }, - }, - }, - } - class Ag { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.name = ""), (this.toString = () => `:${this.name}`), (this.name = e) - } - } - let Cg = class { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.path = ""), (this.toString = () => `(clojure.java.io/file "${this.path}")`), (this.path = e) - } - } - const Pg = (e) => (void 0 === e ? null : null === e ? "null" : e.constructor.name.toLowerCase()), - Dg = (e) => "object" === Pg(e) && 0 === Object.keys(e).length, - Rg = (e) => ( - Object.keys(e) - .filter((t) => Dg(e[t])) - .forEach((t) => { - delete e[t] - }), - e - ), - Ng = (e, t) => { - const n = " ".repeat(e) - return t.replace(/\n/g, `\n${n}`) - }, - $g = (e) => { - switch (Pg(e)) { - case "string": - return `"${e.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"` - case "file": - case "keyword": - default: - return e.toString() - case "null": - return "nil" - case "regexp": - return `#"${e.source}"` - case "object": { - const t = Object.keys(e) - .reduce((t, n) => `${t}:${n} ${Ng(n.length + 2, $g(e[n]))}\n `, "") - .trim() - return `{${Ng(1, t)}}` - } - case "array": { - const t = e.reduce((e, t) => `${e} ${$g(t)}`, "").trim() - return `[${Ng(1, t)}]` - } - } - }, - Ig = { - info: { key: "clojure", title: "Clojure", extname: ".clj", default: "clj_http" }, - clientsById: { - clj_http: { - info: { - key: "clj_http", - title: "clj-http", - link: "https://github.com/dakrone/clj-http", - description: "An idiomatic clojure http client wrapping the apache client.", - }, - convert: ({ queryObj: e, method: t, postData: n, url: r, allHeaders: a }, o) => { - const { push: i, join: s } = new kg({ indent: null == o ? void 0 : o.indent }) - if (((t = t.toLowerCase()), !["get", "post", "put", "delete", "patch", "head", "options"].includes(t))) - return i("Method not supported"), s() - const l = { headers: a, "query-params": e } - switch (null == n ? void 0 : n.mimeType) { - case "application/json": - { - ;(l["content-type"] = new Ag("json")), (l["form-params"] = n.jsonObj) - const e = gg(l.headers, "content-type") - e && delete l.headers[e] - } - break - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - { - l["form-params"] = n.paramsObj - const e = gg(l.headers, "content-type") - e && delete l.headers[e] - } - break - case "text/plain": - { - l.body = n.text - const e = gg(l.headers, "content-type") - e && delete l.headers[e] - } - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (n.params) { - l.multipart = n.params.map((e) => - e.fileName && !e.value - ? { name: e.name, content: new Cg(e.fileName) } - : { name: e.name, content: e.value }, - ) - const e = gg(l.headers, "content-type") - e && delete l.headers[e] - } - } - if ("application/json" === bg(l.headers, "accept")) { - l.accept = new Ag("json") - const e = gg(l.headers, "accept") - e && delete l.headers[e] - } - if ((i("(require '[clj-http.client :as client])\n"), Dg(Rg(l)))) i(`(client/${t} "${r}")`) - else { - const e = 11 + t.length + r.length - i(`(client/${t} "${r}" ${Ng(e, $g(Rg(l)))})`) - } - return s() - }, - }, - }, - }, - Mg = { - info: { key: "csharp", title: "C#", extname: ".cs", default: "restsharp" }, - clientsById: { - httpclient: { - info: { - key: "httpclient", - title: "HttpClient", - link: "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.http.httpclient", - description: ".NET Standard HTTP Client", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, postData: t, method: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - var o, i - const s = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { push: l, join: c } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }) - l("using System.Net.Http.Headers;") - let d = "" - const u = Boolean(e.cookie), - p = ((e) => { - let t = bg(e, "accept-encoding") - if (!t) return [] - const n = { gzip: "DecompressionMethods.GZip", deflate: "DecompressionMethods.Deflate" }, - r = [] - return ( - "string" == typeof t && (t = [t]), - t.forEach((e) => { - e.split(",").forEach((e) => { - const t = /\s*([^;\s]+)/.exec(e) - if (t) { - const e = n[t[1]] - e && r.push(e) - } - }) - }), - r - ) - })(e) - ;(u || p.length) && - ((d = "clientHandler"), - l("var clientHandler = new HttpClientHandler"), - l("{"), - u && l("UseCookies = false,", 1), - p.length && l(`AutomaticDecompression = ${p.join(" | ")},`, 1), - l("};")), - l(`var client = new HttpClient(${d});`), - l("var request = new HttpRequestMessage"), - l("{"), - (n = - (n = n.toUpperCase()) && - ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"].includes(n) - ? `HttpMethod.${n[0]}${n.substring(1).toLowerCase()}` - : `new HttpMethod("${n}")`), - l(`Method = ${n},`, 1), - l(`RequestUri = new Uri("${r}"),`, 1) - const h = Object.keys(e).filter((e) => { - switch (e.toLowerCase()) { - case "content-type": - case "content-length": - case "accept-encoding": - return !1 - default: - return !0 - } - }) - if ( - (h.length && - (l("Headers =", 1), - l("{", 1), - h.forEach((t) => { - l(`{ "${t}", "${Eg(e[t])}" },`, 2) - }), - l("},", 1)), - null == t ? void 0 : t.text) - ) { - const e = t.mimeType - switch (e) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - l("Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary", 1), - l("{", 1), - null === (o = t.params) || - void 0 === o || - o.forEach((e) => { - l(`{ "${e.name}", "${e.value}" },`, 2) - }), - l("}),", 1) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - l("Content = new MultipartFormDataContent", 1), - l("{", 1), - null === (i = t.params) || - void 0 === i || - i.forEach((e) => { - l(`new StringContent(${JSON.stringify(e.value || "")})`, 2), - l("{", 2), - l("Headers =", 3), - l("{", 3), - e.contentType && l(`ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("${e.contentType}"),`, 4), - l('ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data")', 4), - l("{", 4), - l(`Name = "${e.name}",`, 5), - e.fileName && l(`FileName = "${e.fileName}",`, 5), - l("}", 4), - l("}", 3), - l("},", 2) - }), - l("},", 1) - break - default: - l(`Content = new StringContent(${JSON.stringify((null == t ? void 0 : t.text) || "")})`, 1), - l("{", 1), - l("Headers =", 2), - l("{", 2), - l(`ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("${e}")`, 3), - l("}", 2), - l("}", 1) - } - } - return ( - l("};"), - l("using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))"), - l("{"), - l("response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();", 1), - l("var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();", 1), - l("Console.WriteLine(body);", 1), - l("}"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - restsharp: { - info: { - key: "restsharp", - title: "RestSharp", - link: "http://restsharp.org/", - description: "Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, method: t, fullUrl: n, headersObj: r, cookies: a, postData: o }) => { - const { push: i, join: s } = new kg() - if (!["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"].includes(t.toUpperCase())) - return "Method not supported" - if ( - (i(`var client = new RestClient("${n}");`), - i(`var request = new RestRequest(Method.${t.toUpperCase()});`), - Object.keys(r).forEach((e) => { - i(`request.AddHeader("${e}", "${Eg(r[e])}");`) - }), - null == a || - a.forEach(({ name: e, value: t }) => { - i(`request.AddCookie("${e}", "${t}");`) - }), - null == o ? void 0 : o.text) - ) { - const t = bg(e, "content-type"), - n = JSON.stringify(o.text) - i(`request.AddParameter("${t}", ${n}, ParameterType.RequestBody);`) - } - return i("IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);"), s() - }, - }, - }, - }, - Lg = { - info: { key: "go", title: "Go", extname: ".go", default: "native" }, - clientsById: { - native: { - info: { - key: "native", - title: "NewRequest", - link: "http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#NewRequest", - description: "Golang HTTP client request", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, method: t, allHeaders: n, fullUrl: r }, a = {}) => { - const { blank: o, push: i, join: s } = new kg({ indent: "\t" }), - { - showBoilerplate: l = !0, - checkErrors: c = !1, - printBody: d = !0, - timeout: u = -1, - insecureSkipVerify: p = !1, - } = a, - h = c ? "err" : "_", - f = l ? 1 : 0, - m = () => { - c && (i("if err != nil {", f), i("panic(err)", f + 1), i("}", f)) - } - l && - (i("package main"), - o(), - i("import ("), - i('"fmt"', f), - u > 0 && i('"time"', f), - p && i('"crypto/tls"', f), - (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) && i('"strings"', f), - i('"net/http"', f), - d && i('"io"', f), - i(")"), - o(), - i("func main() {"), - o()), - p && - (i("insecureTransport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()", f), - i("insecureTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}", f)) - const g = u > 0, - b = g || p, - v = b ? "client" : "http.DefaultClient" - return ( - b && - (i("client := http.Client{", f), - g && i(`Timeout: time.Duration(${u} * time.Second),`, f + 1), - p && i("Transport: insecureTransport,", f + 1), - i("}", f), - o()), - i(`url := "${r}"`, f), - o(), - (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) - ? (i(`payload := strings.NewReader(${JSON.stringify(e.text)})`, f), - o(), - i(`req, ${h} := http.NewRequest("${t}", url, payload)`, f), - o()) - : (i(`req, ${h} := http.NewRequest("${t}", url, nil)`, f), o()), - m(), - Object.keys(n).length && - (Object.keys(n).forEach((e) => { - i(`req.Header.Add("${e}", "${Eg(n[e])}")`, f) - }), - o()), - i(`res, ${h} := ${v}.Do(req)`, f), - m(), - d && (o(), i("defer res.Body.Close()", f), i(`body, ${h} := io.ReadAll(res.Body)`, f), m()), - o(), - i("fmt.Println(res)", f), - d && i("fmt.Println(string(body))", f), - l && (o(), i("}")), - s() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Qg = { - info: { key: "http", title: "HTTP", extname: null, default: "1.1" }, - clientsById: { - "http1.1": { - info: { - key: "http1.1", - title: "HTTP/1.1", - link: "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230", - description: "HTTP/1.1 request string in accordance with RFC 7230", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, fullUrl: t, uriObj: n, httpVersion: r, allHeaders: a, postData: o }, i) => { - const s = { absoluteURI: !1, autoContentLength: !0, autoHost: !0, ...i }, - { blank: l, push: c, join: d } = new kg({ indent: "", join: "\r\n" }), - u = s.absoluteURI ? t : n.path - c(`${e} ${u} ${r}`) - const p = Object.keys(a) - return ( - p.forEach((e) => { - const t = e.toLowerCase().replace(/(^|-)(\w)/g, (e) => e.toUpperCase()) - c(`${t}: ${a[e]}`) - }), - s.autoHost && !p.includes("host") && c(`Host: ${n.host}`), - s.autoContentLength && - (null == o ? void 0 : o.text) && - !p.includes("content-length") && - c(`Content-Length: ${o.text.length}`), - l(), - `${d()}\r\n${(null == o ? void 0 : o.text) || ""}` - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Bg = { - info: { key: "java", title: "Java", extname: ".java", default: "unirest" }, - clientsById: { - asynchttp: { - info: { - key: "asynchttp", - title: "AsyncHttp", - link: "https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client", - description: "Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, allHeaders: t, postData: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { blank: i, push: s, join: l } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - return ( - s("AsyncHttpClient client = new DefaultAsyncHttpClient();"), - s(`client.prepare("${e.toUpperCase()}", "${r}")`), - Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => { - s(`.setHeader("${e}", "${Eg(t[e])}")`, 1) - }), - (null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && s(`.setBody(${JSON.stringify(n.text)})`, 1), - s(".execute()", 1), - s(".toCompletableFuture()", 1), - s(".thenAccept(System.out::println)", 1), - s(".join();", 1), - i(), - s("client.close();"), - l() - ) - }, - }, - nethttp: { - info: { - key: "nethttp", - title: "java.net.http", - link: "https://openjdk.java.net/groups/net/httpclient/intro.html", - description: "Java Standardized HTTP Client API", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, fullUrl: t, method: n, postData: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { push: i, join: s } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - return ( - i("HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()"), - i(`.uri(URI.create("${t}"))`, 2), - Object.keys(e).forEach((t) => { - i(`.header("${t}", "${Eg(e[t])}")`, 2) - }), - (null == r ? void 0 : r.text) - ? i( - `.method("${n.toUpperCase()}", HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(${JSON.stringify(r.text)}))`, - 2, - ) - : i(`.method("${n.toUpperCase()}", HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.noBody())`, 2), - i(".build();", 2), - i( - "HttpResponse response = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());", - ), - i("System.out.println(response.body());"), - s() - ) - }, - }, - okhttp: { - info: { - key: "okhttp", - title: "OkHttp", - link: "http://square.github.io/okhttp/", - description: "An HTTP Request Client Library", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, method: t, fullUrl: n, allHeaders: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { push: i, blank: s, join: l } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - return ( - i("OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();"), - s(), - (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) && - (e.boundary - ? i(`MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("${e.mimeType}; boundary=${e.boundary}");`) - : i(`MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("${e.mimeType}");`), - i(`RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, ${JSON.stringify(e.text)});`)), - i("Request request = new Request.Builder()"), - i(`.url("${n}")`, 1), - ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD"].includes(t.toUpperCase()) - ? ["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"].includes(t.toUpperCase()) - ? (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) - ? i(`.${t.toLowerCase()}(body)`, 1) - : i(`.${t.toLowerCase()}(null)`, 1) - : i(`.${t.toLowerCase()}()`, 1) - : (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) - ? i(`.method("${t.toUpperCase()}", body)`, 1) - : i(`.method("${t.toUpperCase()}", null)`, 1), - Object.keys(r).forEach((e) => { - i(`.addHeader("${e}", "${Eg(r[e])}")`, 1) - }), - i(".build();", 1), - s(), - i("Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();"), - l() - ) - }, - }, - unirest: { - info: { - key: "unirest", - title: "Unirest", - link: "http://unirest.io/java.html", - description: "Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, allHeaders: t, postData: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { join: i, push: s } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - return ( - ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"].includes(e.toUpperCase()) - ? s(`HttpResponse response = Unirest.${e.toLowerCase()}("${r}")`) - : s(`HttpResponse response = Unirest.customMethod("${e.toUpperCase()}","${r}")`), - Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => { - s(`.header("${e}", "${Eg(t[e])}")`, 1) - }), - (null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && s(`.body(${JSON.stringify(n.text)})`, 1), - s(".asString();", 1), - i() - ) - }, - }, - }, - } - var jg = {} - Object.defineProperty(jg, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), - (jg.default = (e) => - Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).filter((t) => Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, t))) - const Ug = jg.default - const Fg = em((e, t, n) => { - const r = [] - return (function e(t, n, a) { - let o - ;((n = n || {}).indent = n.indent || "\t"), - (a = a || ""), - (o = - void 0 === n.inlineCharacterLimit - ? { newLine: "\n", newLineOrSpace: "\n", pad: a, indent: a + n.indent } - : { - newLine: "@@__STRINGIFY_OBJECT_NEW_LINE__@@", - newLineOrSpace: "@@__STRINGIFY_OBJECT_NEW_LINE_OR_SPACE__@@", - pad: "@@__STRINGIFY_OBJECT_PAD__@@", - indent: "@@__STRINGIFY_OBJECT_INDENT__@@", - }) - const i = (e) => { - if (void 0 === n.inlineCharacterLimit) return e - const t = e - .replace(new RegExp(o.newLine, "g"), "") - .replace(new RegExp(o.newLineOrSpace, "g"), " ") - .replace(new RegExp(o.pad + "|" + o.indent, "g"), "") - return t.length <= n.inlineCharacterLimit - ? t - : e - .replace(new RegExp(o.newLine + "|" + o.newLineOrSpace, "g"), "\n") - .replace(new RegExp(o.pad, "g"), a) - .replace(new RegExp(o.indent, "g"), a + n.indent) - } - if (-1 !== r.indexOf(t)) return '"[Circular]"' - if ( - null == t || - "number" == typeof t || - "boolean" == typeof t || - "function" == typeof t || - "symbol" == typeof t || - (function (e) { - return "[object RegExp]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) - })(t) - ) - return String(t) - if (t instanceof Date) return `new Date('${t.toISOString()}')` - if (Array.isArray(t)) { - if (0 === t.length) return "[]" - r.push(t) - const s = - "[" + - o.newLine + - t - .map((r, i) => { - const s = t.length - 1 === i ? o.newLine : "," + o.newLineOrSpace - let l = e(r, n, a + n.indent) - return n.transform && (l = n.transform(t, i, l)), o.indent + l + s - }) - .join("") + - o.pad + - "]" - return r.pop(), i(s) - } - if ( - (function (e) { - var t = typeof e - return null !== e && ("object" === t || "function" === t) - })(t) - ) { - let s = Object.keys(t).concat(Ug(t)) - if ((n.filter && (s = s.filter((e) => n.filter(t, e))), 0 === s.length)) return "{}" - r.push(t) - const l = - "{" + - o.newLine + - s - .map((r, i) => { - const l = s.length - 1 === i ? o.newLine : "," + o.newLineOrSpace, - c = "symbol" == typeof r, - d = !c && /^[a-z$_][a-z$_0-9]*$/i.test(r), - u = c || d ? r : e(r, n) - let p = e(t[r], n, a + n.indent) - return n.transform && (p = n.transform(t, r, p)), o.indent + String(u) + ": " + p + l - }) - .join("") + - o.pad + - "}" - return r.pop(), i(l) - } - return ( - (t = String(t).replace(/[\r\n]/g, (e) => ("\n" === e ? "\\n" : "\\r"))), - !1 === n.singleQuotes ? `"${(t = t.replace(/"/g, '\\"'))}"` : `'${(t = t.replace(/\\?'/g, "\\'"))}'` - ) - })(e, t, n) - }), - zg = { - info: { key: "javascript", title: "JavaScript", extname: ".js", default: "xhr" }, - clientsById: { - xhr: { - info: { - key: "xhr", - title: "XMLHttpRequest", - link: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest", - description: "W3C Standard API that provides scripted client functionality", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, allHeaders: t, method: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - var o - const i = { indent: " ", cors: !0, ...a }, - { blank: s, push: l, join: c } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }) - switch (null == e ? void 0 : e.mimeType) { - case "application/json": - l(`const data = JSON.stringify(${Fg(e.jsonObj, { indent: i.indent })});`), s() - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!e.params) break - if ( - (l("const data = new FormData();"), - e.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`data.append('${e.name}', '${e.value || e.fileName || ""}');`) - }), - vg(t, "content-type") && - (null === (o = bg(t, "content-type")) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.includes("boundary"))) - ) { - const e = gg(t, "content-type") - e && delete t[e] - } - s() - break - default: - l(`const data = ${(null == e ? void 0 : e.text) ? `'${e.text}'` : "null"};`), s() - } - return ( - l("const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"), - i.cors && l("xhr.withCredentials = true;"), - s(), - l("xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {"), - l("if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {", 1), - l("console.log(this.responseText);", 2), - l("}", 1), - l("});"), - s(), - l(`xhr.open('${n}', '${r}');`), - Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => { - l(`xhr.setRequestHeader('${e}', '${Sg(t[e])}');`) - }), - s(), - l("xhr.send(data);"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - axios: { - info: { - key: "axios", - title: "Axios", - link: "https://github.com/axios/axios", - description: "Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, method: t, url: n, queryObj: r, postData: a }, o) => { - const i = { indent: " ", ...o }, - { blank: s, push: l, join: c, addPostProcessor: d } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }) - l("import axios from 'axios';"), s() - const u = { method: t, url: n } - switch ( - (Object.keys(r).length && (u.params = r), - Object.keys(e).length && (u.headers = e), - null == a ? void 0 : a.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - a.params && - (l("const encodedParams = new URLSearchParams();"), - a.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`encodedParams.set('${e.name}', '${e.value}');`) - }), - s(), - (u.data = "encodedParams,"), - d((e) => e.replace(/'encodedParams,'/, "encodedParams,"))) - break - case "application/json": - a.jsonObj && (u.data = a.jsonObj) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!a.params) break - l("const form = new FormData();"), - a.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`form.append('${e.name}', '${e.value || e.fileName || ""}');`) - }), - s(), - (u.data = "[form]") - break - default: - ;(null == a ? void 0 : a.text) && (u.data = a.text) - } - const p = Fg(u, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 }).replace('"[form]"', "form") - return ( - l(`const options = ${p};`), - s(), - l("try {"), - l("const { data } = await axios.request(options);", 1), - l("console.log(data);", 1), - l("} catch (error) {"), - l("console.error(error);", 1), - l("}"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - fetch: { - info: { - key: "fetch", - title: "fetch", - link: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch", - description: "Perform asynchronous HTTP requests with the Fetch API", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, allHeaders: t, postData: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", credentials: null, ...a }, - { blank: i, join: s, push: l } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }), - c = { method: e } - switch ( - (Object.keys(t).length && (c.headers = t), - null !== o.credentials && (c.credentials = o.credentials), - l(`const url = '${r}';`), - null == n ? void 0 : n.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - c.body = n.paramsObj ? n.paramsObj : n.text - break - case "application/json": - c.body = JSON.stringify(n.jsonObj) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!n.params) break - const e = gg(t, "content-type") - e && delete t[e], - l("const form = new FormData();"), - n.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`form.append('${e.name}', '${e.value || e.fileName || ""}');`) - }), - i() - break - default: - ;(null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && (c.body = n.text) - } - return ( - c.headers && !Object.keys(c.headers).length && delete c.headers, - l( - `const options = ${Fg(c, { indent: o.indent, inlineCharacterLimit: 80, transform: (e, t, r) => ("body" === t && n && "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === n.mimeType ? `new URLSearchParams(${r})` : r) })};`, - ), - i(), - (null == n ? void 0 : n.params) && - "multipart/form-data" === n.mimeType && - (l("options.body = form;"), i()), - l("try {"), - l("const response = await fetch(url, options);", 1), - l("const data = await response.json();", 1), - l("console.log(data);", 1), - l("} catch (error) {"), - l("console.error(error);", 1), - l("}"), - s() - ) - }, - }, - jquery: { - info: { - key: "jquery", - title: "jQuery", - link: "http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/", - description: "Perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) requests with jQuery", - }, - convert: ({ fullUrl: e, method: t, allHeaders: n, postData: r }, a) => { - var o - const i = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { blank: s, push: l, join: c } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }), - d = { async: !0, crossDomain: !0, url: e, method: t, headers: n } - switch (null == r ? void 0 : r.mimeType) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - d.data = r.paramsObj ? r.paramsObj : r.text - break - case "application/json": - ;(d.processData = !1), (d.data = r.text) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!r.params) break - if ( - (l("const form = new FormData();"), - r.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`form.append('${e.name}', '${e.value || e.fileName || ""}');`) - }), - (d.processData = !1), - (d.contentType = !1), - (d.mimeType = "multipart/form-data"), - (d.data = "[form]"), - vg(n, "content-type") && - (null === (o = bg(n, "content-type")) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.includes("boundary"))) - ) { - const e = gg(n, "content-type") - e && delete d.headers[e] - } - s() - break - default: - ;(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) && (d.data = r.text) - } - const u = Fg(d, { indent: i.indent }).replace("'[form]'", "form") - return ( - l(`const settings = ${u};`), - s(), - l("$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {"), - l("console.log(response);", 1), - l("});"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - qg = { - info: { key: "kotlin", title: "Kotlin", extname: ".kt", default: "okhttp" }, - clientsById: { - okhttp: { - info: { - key: "okhttp", - title: "OkHttp", - link: "http://square.github.io/okhttp/", - description: "An HTTP Request Client Library", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, fullUrl: t, method: n, allHeaders: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { blank: i, join: s, push: l } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - return ( - l("val client = OkHttpClient()"), - i(), - (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) && - (e.boundary - ? l(`val mediaType = MediaType.parse("${e.mimeType}; boundary=${e.boundary}")`) - : l(`val mediaType = MediaType.parse("${e.mimeType}")`), - l(`val body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, ${JSON.stringify(e.text)})`)), - l("val request = Request.Builder()"), - l(`.url("${t}")`, 1), - ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD"].includes(n.toUpperCase()) - ? ["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"].includes(n.toUpperCase()) - ? (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) - ? l(`.${n.toLowerCase()}(body)`, 1) - : l(`.${n.toLowerCase()}(null)`, 1) - : l(`.${n.toLowerCase()}()`, 1) - : (null == e ? void 0 : e.text) - ? l(`.method("${n.toUpperCase()}", body)`, 1) - : l(`.method("${n.toUpperCase()}", null)`, 1), - Object.keys(r).forEach((e) => { - l(`.addHeader("${e}", "${Eg(r[e])}")`, 1) - }), - l(".build()", 1), - i(), - l("val response = client.newCall(request).execute()"), - s() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Zg = { - info: { key: "node", title: "Node.js", extname: ".js", default: "native" }, - clientsById: { - native: { - info: { - key: "native", - title: "HTTP", - link: "http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback", - description: "Node.js native HTTP interface", - }, - convert: ({ uriObj: e, method: t, allHeaders: n, postData: r }, a = {}) => { - const { indent: o = " ", insecureSkipVerify: i = !1 } = a, - { blank: s, join: l, push: c, unshift: d } = new kg({ indent: o }), - u = { - method: t, - hostname: e.hostname, - port: "" === e.port ? null : e.port, - path: e.path, - headers: n, - ...(i ? { rejectUnauthorized: !1 } : {}), - } - switch ( - (c(`const http = require('${e.protocol.replace(":", "")}');`), - s(), - c(`const options = ${Fg(u, { indent: o })};`), - s(), - c("const req = http.request(options, function (res) {"), - c("const chunks = [];", 1), - s(), - c("res.on('data', function (chunk) {", 1), - c("chunks.push(chunk);", 2), - c("});", 1), - s(), - c("res.on('end', function () {", 1), - c("const body = Buffer.concat(chunks);", 2), - c("console.log(body.toString());", 2), - c("});", 1), - c("});"), - s(), - null == r ? void 0 : r.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - r.paramsObj && - (d("const qs = require('querystring');"), - c(`req.write(qs.stringify(${Fg(r.paramsObj, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 })}));`)) - break - case "application/json": - r.jsonObj && - c(`req.write(JSON.stringify(${Fg(r.jsonObj, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 })}));`) - break - default: - ;(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) && c(`req.write(${Fg(r.text, { indent: o })});`) - } - return c("req.end();"), l() - }, - }, - request: { - info: { - key: "request", - title: "Request", - link: "https://github.com/request/request", - description: "Simplified HTTP request client", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, url: t, queryObj: n, postData: r, headersObj: a, cookies: o }, i) => { - const s = { indent: " ", ...i } - let l = !1 - const { push: c, blank: d, join: u, unshift: p } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }) - c("const request = require('request');"), d() - const h = { method: e, url: t } - switch ( - (Object.keys(n).length && (h.qs = n), - Object.keys(a).length && (h.headers = a), - null == r ? void 0 : r.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - h.form = r.paramsObj - break - case "application/json": - r.jsonObj && ((h.body = r.jsonObj), (h.json = !0)) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!r.params) break - ;(h.formData = {}), - r.params.forEach((e) => { - if (!e.fileName && !e.fileName && !e.contentType) return void (h.formData[e.name] = e.value) - let t = {} - e.fileName - ? ((l = !0), - (t = { - value: `fs.createReadStream(${e.fileName})`, - options: { filename: e.fileName, contentType: e.contentType ? e.contentType : null }, - })) - : e.value && (t.value = e.value), - (h.formData[e.name] = t) - }) - break - default: - ;(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) && (h.body = r.text) - } - return ( - o.length && - ((h.jar = "JAR"), - c("const jar = request.jar();"), - o.forEach((e) => { - c( - `jar.setCookie(request.cookie('${encodeURIComponent(e.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(e.value)}'), '${t}');`, - ) - }), - d()), - l && p("const fs = require('fs');"), - c(`const options = ${Fg(h, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 })};`), - d(), - c("request(options, function (error, response, body) {"), - c("if (error) throw new Error(error);", 1), - d(), - c("console.log(body);", 1), - c("});"), - u() - .replace("'JAR'", "jar") - .replace(/'fs\.createReadStream\((.*)\)'/, "fs.createReadStream('$1')") - ) - }, - }, - unirest: { - info: { - key: "unirest", - title: "Unirest", - link: "http://unirest.io/nodejs.html", - description: "Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, url: t, cookies: n, queryObj: r, postData: a, headersObj: o }, i) => { - const s = { indent: " ", ...i } - let l = !1 - const { addPostProcessor: c, blank: d, join: u, push: p, unshift: h } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }) - switch ( - (p("const unirest = require('unirest');"), - d(), - p(`const req = unirest('${e}', '${t}');`), - d(), - n.length && - (p("const CookieJar = unirest.jar();"), - n.forEach((e) => { - p(`CookieJar.add('${encodeURIComponent(e.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(e.value)}', '${t}');`) - }), - p("req.jar(CookieJar);"), - d()), - Object.keys(r).length && (p(`req.query(${Fg(r, { indent: s.indent })});`), d()), - Object.keys(o).length && (p(`req.headers(${Fg(o, { indent: s.indent })});`), d()), - null == a ? void 0 : a.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - a.paramsObj && (p(`req.form(${Fg(a.paramsObj, { indent: s.indent })});`), d()) - break - case "application/json": - a.jsonObj && (p("req.type('json');"), p(`req.send(${Fg(a.jsonObj, { indent: s.indent })});`), d()) - break - case "multipart/form-data": { - if (!a.params) break - const e = [] - a.params.forEach((t) => { - const n = {} - t.fileName && !t.value - ? ((l = !0), - (n.body = `fs.createReadStream('${t.fileName}')`), - c((e) => e.replace(/'fs\.createReadStream\(\\'(.+)\\'\)'/, "fs.createReadStream('$1')"))) - : t.value && (n.body = t.value), - n.body && (t.contentType && (n["content-type"] = t.contentType), e.push(n)) - }), - p(`req.multipart(${Fg(e, { indent: s.indent })});`), - d() - break - } - default: - ;(null == a ? void 0 : a.text) && (p(`req.send(${Fg(a.text, { indent: s.indent })});`), d()) - } - return ( - l && h("const fs = require('fs');"), - p("req.end(function (res) {"), - p("if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);", 1), - d(), - p("console.log(res.body);", 1), - p("});"), - u() - ) - }, - }, - axios: { - info: { - key: "axios", - title: "Axios", - link: "https://github.com/axios/axios", - description: "Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, url: t, queryObj: n, allHeaders: r, postData: a }, o) => { - const i = { indent: " ", ...o }, - { blank: s, join: l, push: c, addPostProcessor: d } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }) - c("const axios = require('axios').default;") - const u = { method: e, url: t } - switch ( - (Object.keys(n).length && (u.params = n), - Object.keys(r).length && (u.headers = r), - null == a ? void 0 : a.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - a.params && - (c("const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');"), - s(), - c("const encodedParams = new URLSearchParams();"), - a.params.forEach((e) => { - c(`encodedParams.set('${e.name}', '${e.value}');`) - }), - s(), - (u.data = "encodedParams,"), - d((e) => e.replace(/'encodedParams,'/, "encodedParams,"))) - break - case "application/json": - s(), a.jsonObj && (u.data = a.jsonObj) - break - default: - s(), (null == a ? void 0 : a.text) && (u.data = a.text) - } - const p = Fg(u, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 }) - return ( - c(`const options = ${p};`), - s(), - c("try {"), - c("const { data } = await axios.request(options);", 1), - c("console.log(data);", 1), - c("} catch (error) {"), - c("console.error(error);", 1), - c("}"), - l() - ) - }, - }, - fetch: { - info: { - key: "fetch", - title: "Fetch", - link: "https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch", - description: "Simplified HTTP node-fetch client", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, fullUrl: t, postData: n, headersObj: r, cookies: a }, o) => { - var i - const s = { indent: " ", ...o } - let l = !1 - const { blank: c, push: d, join: u, unshift: p } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }) - d("const fetch = require('node-fetch');"), c() - const h = { method: e } - switch ((Object.keys(r).length && (h.headers = r), null == n ? void 0 : n.mimeType)) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - p("const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');"), - d("const encodedParams = new URLSearchParams();"), - null === (i = n.params) || - void 0 === i || - i.forEach((e) => { - d(`encodedParams.set('${e.name}', '${e.value}');`) - }), - c(), - (h.body = "encodedParams") - break - case "application/json": - n.jsonObj && (h.body = JSON.stringify(n.jsonObj)) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!n.params) break - const e = gg(r, "content-type") - e && delete r[e], - p("const FormData = require('form-data');"), - d("const formData = new FormData();"), - n.params.forEach((e) => { - e.fileName || e.fileName || e.contentType - ? e.fileName && - ((l = !0), d(`formData.append('${e.name}', fs.createReadStream('${e.fileName}'));`)) - : d(`formData.append('${e.name}', '${e.value}');`) - }), - c() - break - default: - ;(null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && (h.body = n.text) - } - if (a.length) { - const e = a.map((e) => `${encodeURIComponent(e.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(e.value)}`).join("; ") - h.headers || (h.headers = {}), (h.headers.cookie = e) - } - d(`const url = '${t}';`), h.headers && !Object.keys(h.headers).length && delete h.headers - const f = Fg(h, { indent: " ", inlineCharacterLimit: 80 }) - return ( - d(`const options = ${f};`), - l && p("const fs = require('fs');"), - (null == n ? void 0 : n.params) && - "multipart/form-data" === n.mimeType && - d("options.body = formData;"), - c(), - d("try {"), - d("const response = await fetch(url, options);", 1), - d("const data = await response.json();", 1), - d("console.log(data);", 1), - d("} catch (error) {"), - d("console.error(error);", 1), - d("}"), - u() - .replace(/'encodedParams'/, "encodedParams") - .replace(/"fs\.createReadStream\(\\"(.+)\\"\)"/, 'fs.createReadStream("$1")') - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Hg = (e, t, n, r) => { - const a = `${e} *${t} = ` - return `${a}${Vg(n, r ? a.length : void 0)};` - }, - Vg = (e, t) => { - const n = void 0 === t ? ", " : `,\n ${" ".repeat(t)}` - switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) { - case "[object Number]": - return `@${e}` - case "[object Array]": - return `@[ ${e.map((e) => Vg(e)).join(n)} ]` - case "[object Object]": { - const t = [] - for (const n in e) t.push(`@"${n}": ${Vg(e[n])}`) - return `@{ ${t.join(n)} }` - } - case "[object Boolean]": - return e ? "@YES" : "@NO" - default: - return null == e ? "" : `@"${e.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"` - } - }, - Wg = { - info: { key: "objc", title: "Objective-C", extname: ".m", default: "nsurlsession" }, - clientsById: { - nsurlsession: { - info: { - key: "nsurlsession", - title: "NSURLSession", - link: "https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Foundation/Reference/NSURLSession_class/index.html", - description: "Foundation's NSURLSession request", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, postData: t, method: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - var o - const i = { indent: " ", pretty: !0, timeout: 10, ...a }, - { push: s, join: l, blank: c } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }), - d = { hasHeaders: !1, hasBody: !1 } - if ( - (s("#import "), - Object.keys(e).length && ((d.hasHeaders = !0), c(), s(Hg("NSDictionary", "headers", e, i.pretty))), - t && (t.text || t.jsonObj || t.params)) - ) - switch (((d.hasBody = !0), t.mimeType)) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - if (null === (o = t.params) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.length) { - c() - const [e, ...n] = t.params - s( - `NSMutableData *postData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithData:[@"${e.name}=${e.value}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];`, - ), - n.forEach(({ name: e, value: t }) => { - s(`[postData appendData:[@"&${e}=${t}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];`) - }) - } else d.hasBody = !1 - break - case "application/json": - t.jsonObj && - (s(Hg("NSDictionary", "parameters", t.jsonObj, i.pretty)), - c(), - s("NSData *postData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:parameters options:0 error:nil];")) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - s(Hg("NSArray", "parameters", t.params || [], i.pretty)), - s(`NSString *boundary = @"${t.boundary}";`), - c(), - s("NSError *error;"), - s("NSMutableString *body = [NSMutableString string];"), - s("for (NSDictionary *param in parameters) {"), - s('[body appendFormat:@"--%@\\r\\n", boundary];', 1), - s('if (param[@"fileName"]) {', 1), - s( - '[body appendFormat:@"Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\\"%@\\"; filename=\\"%@\\"\\r\\n", param[@"name"], param[@"fileName"]];', - 2, - ), - s('[body appendFormat:@"Content-Type: %@\\r\\n\\r\\n", param[@"contentType"]];', 2), - s( - '[body appendFormat:@"%@", [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:param[@"fileName"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]];', - 2, - ), - s("if (error) {", 2), - s('NSLog(@"%@", error);', 3), - s("}", 2), - s("} else {", 1), - s( - '[body appendFormat:@"Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\\"%@\\"\\r\\n\\r\\n", param[@"name"]];', - 2, - ), - s('[body appendFormat:@"%@", param[@"value"]];', 2), - s("}", 1), - s("}"), - s('[body appendFormat:@"\\r\\n--%@--\\r\\n", boundary];'), - s("NSData *postData = [body dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];") - break - default: - c(), - s( - `NSData *postData = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:[@"${t.text}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];`, - ) - } - return ( - c(), - s(`NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"${r}"]`), - s( - " cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy", - ), - s(` timeoutInterval:${i.timeout.toFixed(1)}];`), - s(`[request setHTTPMethod:@"${n}"];`), - d.hasHeaders && s("[request setAllHTTPHeaderFields:headers];"), - d.hasBody && s("[request setHTTPBody:postData];"), - c(), - s("NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sharedSession];"), - s("NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request"), - s( - " completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {", - ), - s(" if (error) {", 1), - s(' NSLog(@"%@", error);', 2), - s(" } else {", 1), - s( - " NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *) response;", - 2, - ), - s(' NSLog(@"%@", httpResponse);', 2), - s(" }", 1), - s(" }];"), - s("[dataTask resume];"), - l() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Xg = { - info: { key: "ocaml", title: "OCaml", extname: ".ml", default: "cohttp" }, - clientsById: { - cohttp: { - info: { - key: "cohttp", - title: "CoHTTP", - link: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp", - description: "Cohttp is a very lightweight HTTP server using Lwt or Async for OCaml", - }, - convert: ({ fullUrl: e, allHeaders: t, postData: n, method: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", ...a }, - { push: i, blank: s, join: l } = new kg({ indent: o.indent }) - i("open Cohttp_lwt_unix"), i("open Cohttp"), i("open Lwt"), s(), i(`let uri = Uri.of_string "${e}" in`) - const c = Object.keys(t) - 1 === c.length - ? i(`let headers = Header.add (Header.init ()) "${c[0]}" "${Eg(t[c[0]])}" in`) - : c.length > 1 && - (i("let headers = Header.add_list (Header.init ()) ["), - c.forEach((e) => { - i(`("${e}", "${Eg(t[e])}");`, 1) - }), - i("] in")), - (null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && i(`let body = Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string ${JSON.stringify(n.text)} in`), - s() - const d = c.length ? "~headers " : "", - u = (null == n ? void 0 : n.text) ? "~body " : "", - p = ["get", "post", "head", "delete", "patch", "put", "options"].includes(r.toLowerCase()) - ? `\`${r.toUpperCase()}` - : `(Code.method_of_string "${r}")` - return ( - i(`Client.call ${d}${u}${p} uri`), - i(">>= fun (res, body_stream) ->"), - i("(* Do stuff with the result *)", 1), - l() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Yg = (e, t, n) => { - switch (((n = n || ""), (t = t || ""), Object.prototype.toString.call(e))) { - case "[object Null]": - case "[object Undefined]": - default: - return "null" - case "[object String]": - return `'${_g(e, { delimiter: "'", escapeNewlines: !1 })}'` - case "[object Number]": - return e.toString() - case "[object Array]": { - const r = e.map((e) => Yg(e, `${t}${t}`, t)).join(`,\n${t}`) - return `[\n${t}${r}\n${n}]` - } - case "[object Object]": { - const r = [] - for (const n in e) - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && r.push(`${Yg(n, t)} => ${Yg(e[n], `${t}${t}`, t)}`) - return `[\n${t}${r.join(`,\n${t}`)}\n${n}]` - } - } - }, - Gg = [ - "ACL", - "BASELINE_CONTROL", - "CHECKIN", - "CHECKOUT", - "CONNECT", - "COPY", - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "LABEL", - "LOCK", - "MERGE", - "MKACTIVITY", - "MKCOL", - "MKWORKSPACE", - "MOVE", - "OPTIONS", - "POST", - "PROPFIND", - "PROPPATCH", - "PUT", - "REPORT", - "TRACE", - "UNCHECKOUT", - "UNLOCK", - "UPDATE", - "VERSION_CONTROL", - ], - Kg = { - info: { key: "php", title: "PHP", extname: ".php", default: "curl" }, - clientsById: { - curl: { - info: { - key: "curl", - title: "cURL", - link: "http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php", - description: "PHP with ext-curl", - }, - convert: ( - { uriObj: e, postData: t, fullUrl: n, method: r, httpVersion: a, cookies: o, headersObj: i }, - s = {}, - ) => { - const { - closingTag: l = !1, - indent: c = " ", - maxRedirects: d = 10, - namedErrors: u = !1, - noTags: p = !1, - shortTags: h = !1, - timeout: f = 30, - } = s, - { push: m, blank: g, join: b } = new kg({ indent: c }) - p || (m(h ? " { - null != e && y.push(`${t} => ${n ? JSON.stringify(e) : e},`) - }) - const O = o.map((e) => `${encodeURIComponent(e.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(e.value)}`) - O.length && y.push(`CURLOPT_COOKIE => "${O.join("; ")}",`) - const w = Object.keys(i) - .sort() - .map((e) => `"${e}: ${Eg(i[e])}"`) - return ( - w.length && (y.push("CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ["), y.push(w.join(`,\n${c}${c}`), 1), y.push("],")), - m(y.join(), 1), - m("]);"), - g(), - m("$response = curl_exec($curl);"), - m("$err = curl_error($curl);"), - g(), - m("curl_close($curl);"), - g(), - m("if ($err) {"), - m( - u ? 'echo array_flip(get_defined_constants(true)["curl"])[$err];' : 'echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;', - 1, - ), - m("} else {"), - m("echo $response;", 1), - m("}"), - !p && l && (g(), m("?>")), - b() - ) - }, - }, - guzzle: { - info: { - key: "guzzle", - title: "Guzzle", - link: "http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/", - description: "PHP with Guzzle", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, fullUrl: t, method: n, cookies: r, headersObj: a }, o) => { - var i - const s = { closingTag: !1, indent: " ", noTags: !1, shortTags: !1, ...o }, - { push: l, blank: c, join: d } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }), - { code: u, push: p, join: h } = new kg({ indent: s.indent }) - switch ((s.noTags || (l(s.shortTags ? " ${Yg(e.paramsObj, s.indent + s.indent, s.indent)},`, 1) - break - case "multipart/form-data": { - const t = [] - if ( - (e.params && - e.params.forEach(function (e) { - if (e.fileName) { - const n = { name: e.name, filename: e.fileName, contents: e.value } - e.contentType && (n.headers = { "Content-Type": e.contentType }), t.push(n) - } else e.value && t.push({ name: e.name, contents: e.value }) - }), - t.length && - (p(`'multipart' => ${Yg(t, s.indent + s.indent, s.indent)}`, 1), - vg(a, "content-type") && - (null === (i = bg(a, "content-type")) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.indexOf("boundary")))) - ) { - const e = gg(a, "content-type") - e && delete a[e] - } - break - } - default: - ;(null == e ? void 0 : e.text) && p(`'body' => ${Yg(e.text)},`, 1) - } - const f = Object.keys(a) - .sort() - .map(function (e) { - return `${s.indent}${s.indent}'${e}' => '${Sg(a[e])}',` - }), - m = r.map((e) => `${encodeURIComponent(e.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(e.value)}`).join("; ") - return ( - m.length && f.push(`${s.indent}${s.indent}'cookie' => '${Sg(m)}',`), - f.length && (p("'headers' => [", 1), p(f.join("\n")), p("],", 1)), - l("$client = new \\GuzzleHttp\\Client();"), - c(), - u.length - ? (l(`$response = $client->request('${n}', '${t}', [`), l(h()), l("]);")) - : l(`$response = $client->request('${n}', '${t}');`), - c(), - l("echo $response->getBody();"), - !s.noTags && s.closingTag && (c(), l("?>")), - d() - ) - }, - }, - http1: { - info: { - key: "http1", - title: "HTTP v1", - link: "http://php.net/manual/en/book.http.php", - description: "PHP with pecl/http v1", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, url: t, postData: n, queryObj: r, headersObj: a, cookiesObj: o }, i = {}) => { - const { closingTag: s = !1, indent: l = " ", noTags: c = !1, shortTags: d = !1 } = i, - { push: u, blank: p, join: h } = new kg({ indent: l }) - switch ( - (c || (u(d ? "setUrl(${Yg(t)});`), - Gg.includes(e.toUpperCase()) - ? u(`$request->setMethod(HTTP_METH_${e.toUpperCase()});`) - : u(`$request->setMethod(HttpRequest::HTTP_METH_${e.toUpperCase()});`), - p(), - Object.keys(r).length && (u(`$request->setQueryData(${Yg(r, l)});`), p()), - Object.keys(a).length && (u(`$request->setHeaders(${Yg(a, l)});`), p()), - Object.keys(o).length && (u(`$request->setCookies(${Yg(o, l)});`), p()), - null == n ? void 0 : n.mimeType) - ) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - u(`$request->setContentType(${Yg(n.mimeType)});`), - u(`$request->setPostFields(${Yg(n.paramsObj, l)});`), - p() - break - case "application/json": - u(`$request->setContentType(${Yg(n.mimeType)});`), - u(`$request->setBody(json_encode(${Yg(n.jsonObj, l)}));`), - p() - break - default: - ;(null == n ? void 0 : n.text) && (u(`$request->setBody(${Yg(n.text)});`), p()) - } - return ( - u("try {"), - u("$response = $request->send();", 1), - p(), - u("echo $response->getBody();", 1), - u("} catch (HttpException $ex) {"), - u("echo $ex;", 1), - u("}"), - !c && s && (p(), u("?>")), - h() - ) - }, - }, - http2: { - info: { - key: "http2", - title: "HTTP v2", - link: "http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http", - description: "PHP with pecl/http v2", - }, - convert: ({ postData: e, headersObj: t, method: n, queryObj: r, cookiesObj: a, url: o }, i = {}) => { - var s - const { closingTag: l = !1, indent: c = " ", noTags: d = !1, shortTags: u = !1 } = i, - { push: p, blank: h, join: f } = new kg({ indent: c }) - let m = !1 - switch ( - (d || (p(u ? "append(new http\\QueryString(${Yg(e.paramsObj, c)}));`), - h(), - (m = !0) - break - case "multipart/form-data": { - if (!e.params) break - const n = [], - r = {} - e.params.forEach(({ name: e, fileName: t, value: a, contentType: o }) => { - t ? n.push({ name: e, type: o, file: t, data: a }) : a && (r[e] = a) - }) - const a = Object.keys(r).length ? Yg(r, c) : "null", - o = n.length ? Yg(n, c) : "null" - if ( - (p("$body = new http\\Message\\Body;"), - p(`$body->addForm(${a}, ${o});`), - vg(t, "content-type") && - (null === (s = bg(t, "content-type")) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.indexOf("boundary"))) - ) { - const e = gg(t, "content-type") - e && delete t[e] - } - h(), (m = !0) - break - } - case "application/json": - p("$body = new http\\Message\\Body;"), p(`$body->append(json_encode(${Yg(e.jsonObj, c)}));`), (m = !0) - break - default: - ;(null == e ? void 0 : e.text) && - (p("$body = new http\\Message\\Body;"), p(`$body->append(${Yg(e.text)});`), h(), (m = !0)) - } - return ( - p(`$request->setRequestUrl(${Yg(o)});`), - p(`$request->setRequestMethod(${Yg(n)});`), - m && (p("$request->setBody($body);"), h()), - Object.keys(r).length && (p(`$request->setQuery(new http\\QueryString(${Yg(r, c)}));`), h()), - Object.keys(t).length && (p(`$request->setHeaders(${Yg(t, c)});`), h()), - Object.keys(a).length && (h(), p(`$client->setCookies(${Yg(a, c)});`), h()), - p("$client->enqueue($request)->send();"), - p("$response = $client->getResponse();"), - h(), - p("echo $response->getBody();"), - !d && l && (h(), p("?>")), - f() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - Jg = - (e) => - ({ method: t, headersObj: n, cookies: r, uriObj: a, fullUrl: o, postData: i, allHeaders: s }) => { - const { push: l, join: c } = new kg() - if (!["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"].includes(t.toUpperCase())) - return "Method not supported" - const d = [], - u = Object.keys(n) - return ( - u.length && - (l("$headers=@{}"), - u.forEach((e) => { - "connection" !== e && l(`$headers.Add("${e}", "${_g(n[e], { escapeChar: "`" })}")`) - }), - d.push("-Headers $headers")), - r.length && - (l("$session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession"), - r.forEach((e) => { - l("$cookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie"), - l(`$cookie.Name = '${e.name}'`), - l(`$cookie.Value = '${e.value}'`), - l(`$cookie.Domain = '${a.host}'`), - l("$session.Cookies.Add($cookie)") - }), - d.push("-WebSession $session")), - (null == i ? void 0 : i.text) && - (d.push(`-ContentType '${_g(bg(s, "content-type"), { delimiter: "'", escapeChar: "`" })}'`), - d.push(`-Body '${i.text}'`)), - l(`$response = ${e} -Uri '${o}' -Method ${t} ${d.join(" ")}`), - c() - ) - }, - eb = { - info: { - key: "restmethod", - title: "Invoke-RestMethod", - link: "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Invoke-RestMethod", - description: "Powershell Invoke-RestMethod client", - }, - convert: Jg("Invoke-RestMethod"), - }, - tb = { - info: { - key: "webrequest", - title: "Invoke-WebRequest", - link: "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Invoke-WebRequest", - description: "Powershell Invoke-WebRequest client", - }, - convert: Jg("Invoke-WebRequest"), - }, - nb = { - info: { - key: "python3", - title: "http.client", - link: "https://docs.python.org/3/library/http.client.html", - description: "Python3 HTTP Client", - }, - convert: ({ uriObj: { path: e, protocol: t, host: n }, postData: r, allHeaders: a, method: o }, i = {}) => { - const { insecureSkipVerify: s = !1 } = i, - { push: l, blank: c, join: d } = new kg() - l("import http.client"), - s && l("import ssl"), - c(), - "https:" === t - ? (l( - `conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("${n}"${s ? ", context = ssl._create_unverified_context()" : ""})`, - ), - c()) - : (l(`conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("${n}")`), c()) - const u = JSON.stringify(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) - u && (l(`payload = ${u}`), c()) - const p = a, - h = Object.keys(p).length - if (1 === h) for (const e in p) l(`headers = { '${e}': "${Eg(p[e])}" }`), c() - else if (h > 1) { - let e = 1 - l("headers = {") - for (const t in p) e++ !== h ? l(` '${t}': "${Eg(p[t])}",`) : l(` '${t}': "${Eg(p[t])}"`) - l("}"), c() - } - return ( - l( - u && h - ? `conn.request("${o}", "${e}", payload, headers)` - : u && !h - ? `conn.request("${o}", "${e}", payload)` - : !u && h - ? `conn.request("${o}", "${e}", headers=headers)` - : `conn.request("${o}", "${e}")`, - ), - c(), - l("res = conn.getresponse()"), - l("data = res.read()"), - c(), - l('print(data.decode("utf-8"))'), - d() - ) - }, - } - function rb(e, t, n, r, a) { - const o = r.repeat(a), - i = r.repeat(a - 1), - s = n ? `,\n${o}` : ", ", - l = "object" === e ? "{" : "[", - c = "object" === e ? "}" : "]" - return n - ? `${l}\n${o}${t.join(s)}\n${i}${c}` - : "object" === e && t.length > 0 - ? `${l} ${t.join(s)} ${c}` - : `${l}${t.join(s)}${c}` - } - const ab = (e, t, n) => { - switch (((n = void 0 === n ? 1 : n + 1), Object.prototype.toString.call(e))) { - case "[object Number]": - return e - case "[object Array]": { - let r = !1 - return rb( - "array", - e.map( - (e) => ( - "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) && (r = Object.keys(e).length > 1), - ab(e, t, n) - ), - ), - r, - t.indent, - n, - ) - } - case "[object Object]": { - const r = [] - for (const a in e) r.push(`"${a}": ${ab(e[a], t, n)}`) - return rb("object", r, t.pretty && r.length > 1, t.indent, n) - } - case "[object Null]": - return "None" - case "[object Boolean]": - return e ? "True" : "False" - default: - return null == e ? "" : `"${e.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"` - } - }, - ob = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"], - ib = { - info: { - key: "requests", - title: "Requests", - link: "http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.request", - description: "Requests HTTP library", - }, - convert: ({ queryObj: e, url: t, postData: n, allHeaders: r, method: a }, o) => { - const i = { indent: " ", pretty: !0, ...o }, - { push: s, blank: l, join: c } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }) - let d - s("import requests"), - l(), - s(`url = "${t}"`), - l(), - Object.keys(e).length && ((d = `querystring = ${JSON.stringify(e)}`), s(d), l()) - const u = r - let p = {} - const h = {} - let f = !1, - m = !1, - g = !1 - switch (null == n ? void 0 : n.mimeType) { - case "application/json": - n.jsonObj && (s(`payload = ${ab(n.jsonObj, i)}`), (g = !0), (m = !0)) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - if (!n.params) break - if ( - ((p = {}), - n.params.forEach((e) => { - e.fileName - ? ((h[e.name] = `open('${e.fileName}', 'rb')`), (f = !0)) - : ((p[e.name] = e.value), (m = !0)) - }), - f) - ) { - s(`files = ${ab(h, i)}`), m && s(`payload = ${ab(p, i)}`) - const e = gg(u, "content-type") - e && delete u[e] - } else { - const e = JSON.stringify(n.text) - e && (s(`payload = ${e}`), (m = !0)) - } - break - default: { - if (!n) break - if ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === n.mimeType && n.paramsObj) { - s(`payload = ${ab(n.paramsObj, i)}`), (m = !0) - break - } - const e = JSON.stringify(n.text) - e && (s(`payload = ${e}`), (m = !0)) - } - } - const b = Object.keys(u).length - if (0 === b && (m || f)) l() - else if (1 === b) for (const e in u) s(`headers = {"${e}": "${Eg(u[e])}"}`), l() - else if (b > 1) { - let e = 1 - s("headers = {") - for (const t in u) s(e !== b ? `"${t}": "${Eg(u[t])}",` : `"${t}": "${Eg(u[t])}"`, 1), (e += 1) - s("}"), l() - } - let v = ob.includes(a) - ? `response = requests.${a.toLowerCase()}(url` - : `response = requests.request("${a}", url` - return ( - m && (v += g ? ", json=payload" : ", data=payload"), - f && (v += ", files=files"), - b > 0 && (v += ", headers=headers"), - d && (v += ", params=querystring"), - (v += ")"), - s(v), - l(), - s("print(response.json())"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - sb = { - info: { - key: "httr", - title: "httr", - link: "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/httr/vignettes/quickstart.html", - description: "httr: Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP", - }, - convert: ({ url: e, queryObj: t, queryString: n, postData: r, allHeaders: a, method: o }, i = {}) => { - var s, l - const { push: c, blank: d, join: u } = new kg({ indent: null !== (s = i.indent) && void 0 !== s ? s : " " }) - c("library(httr)"), d(), c(`url <- "${e}"`), d() - const p = t - delete t.key - const h = Object.entries(p), - f = h.length - if (1 === f) { - const e = h[0] - c(`queryString <- list(${e[0]} = "${e[1]}")`), d() - } else - f > 1 && - (c("queryString <- list("), - h.forEach(([e, t], n) => { - c(`${e} = "${t}"${n !== f - 1 ? "," : ""}`, 1) - }), - c(")"), - d()) - const m = JSON.stringify(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) - if ((m && (c(`payload <- ${m}`), d()), r && (r.text || r.jsonObj || r.params))) - switch (r.mimeType) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - c('encode <- "form"'), d() - break - case "application/json": - c('encode <- "json"'), d() - break - case "multipart/form-data": - c('encode <- "multipart"'), d() - break - default: - c('encode <- "raw"'), d() - } - const g = bg(a, "cookie"), - b = bg(a, "accept"), - v = g - ? `set_cookies(\`${String(g).replace(/;/g, '", `').replace(/` /g, "`").replace(/[=]/g, '` = "')}")` - : void 0, - y = b ? `accept("${Eg(b)}")` : void 0, - O = `content_type("${Eg(null !== (l = null == r ? void 0 : r.mimeType) && void 0 !== l ? l : "application/octet-stream")}")`, - w = Object.entries(a) - .filter(([e]) => !["cookie", "accept", "content-type"].includes(e.toLowerCase())) - .map(([e, t]) => `'${e}' = '${Sg(t)}'`) - .join(", "), - x = w ? `add_headers(${w})` : void 0 - let k = `response <- VERB("${o}", url` - m && (k += ", body = payload"), n.length && (k += ", query = queryString") - const _ = [x, O, y, v].filter((e) => !!e).join(", ") - return ( - _ && (k += `, ${_}`), - r && (r.text || r.jsonObj || r.params) && (k += ", encode = encode"), - (k += ")"), - c(k), - d(), - c('content(response, "text")'), - u() - ) - }, - }, - lb = (e = "") => (/^[a-z0-9-_/.@%^=:]+$/i.test(e) ? e : `'${e.replace(/'/g, "'\\''")}'`), - cb = { - "http1.0": "0", - "url ": "", - cookie: "b", - data: "d", - form: "F", - globoff: "g", - header: "H", - insecure: "k", - request: "X", - }, - db = { - info: { - key: "curl", - title: "cURL", - link: "http://curl.haxx.se/", - description: "cURL is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax", - }, - convert: ({ fullUrl: e, method: t, httpVersion: n, headersObj: r, allHeaders: a, postData: o }, i = {}) => { - var s - const { - binary: l = !1, - globOff: c = !1, - indent: d = " ", - insecureSkipVerify: u = !1, - prettifyJson: p = !1, - short: h = !1, - } = i, - { push: f, join: m } = new kg({ - ...("string" == typeof d ? { indent: d } : {}), - join: !1 !== d ? ` \\\n${d}` : " ", - }), - g = ((e) => (t) => { - if (e) { - const e = cb[t] - return e ? `-${e}` : "" - } - return `--${t}` - })(h) - let b = lb(e) - if ( - (f(`curl ${g("request")} ${t}`), - c && ((b = unescape(b)), f(g("globoff"))), - f(`${g("url ")}${b}`), - u && f(g("insecure")), - "HTTP/1.0" === n && f(g("http1.0")), - bg(a, "accept-encoding") && f("--compressed"), - "multipart/form-data" === (null == o ? void 0 : o.mimeType)) - ) { - const e = gg(r, "content-type") - if (e) { - const t = r[e] - if (e && t) { - const n = t.replace(/; boundary.+?(?=(;|$))/, "") - ;(r[e] = n), (a[e] = n) - } - } - } - switch ( - (Object.keys(r) - .sort() - .forEach((e) => { - const t = `${e}: ${r[e]}` - f(`${g("header")} ${lb(t)}`) - }), - a.cookie && f(`${g("cookie")} ${lb(a.cookie)}`), - null == o ? void 0 : o.mimeType) - ) { - case "multipart/form-data": - null === (s = o.params) || - void 0 === s || - s.forEach((e) => { - let t = "" - ;(t = e.fileName ? `${e.name}=@${e.fileName}` : `${e.name}=${e.value}`), f(`${g("form")} ${lb(t)}`) - }) - break - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - o.params - ? o.params.forEach((e) => { - const t = e.name, - n = encodeURIComponent(e.name), - r = n !== t - f(`${l ? "--data-binary" : "--data" + (r ? "-urlencode" : "")} ${lb(`${r ? n : t}=${e.value}`)}`) - }) - : f(`${l ? "--data-binary" : g("data")} ${lb(o.text)}`) - break - default: { - if (!o) break - if (!o.text) break - const e = l ? "--data-binary" : g("data") - let t = !1 - if (((v = o.mimeType), yg.some((e) => v.includes(e)) && o.text.length > 2 && p)) - try { - const n = JSON.parse(o.text) - t = !0 - const r = JSON.stringify(n, void 0, d) - o.text.indexOf("'") > 0 ? f(`${e} @- < t.repeat(e), - pb = (e, t, n, r) => { - const a = ub(r, n), - o = ub(r - 1, n), - i = t ? `,\n${a}` : ", " - return t ? `[\n${a}${e.join(i)}\n${o}]` : `[${e.join(i)}]` - }, - hb = (e, t, n) => `let ${e} = ${fb(t, n)}`, - fb = (e, t, n) => { - switch (((n = void 0 === n ? 1 : n + 1), Object.prototype.toString.call(e))) { - case "[object Number]": - return e - case "[object Array]": { - let r = !1 - const a = e.map( - (e) => ( - "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) && (r = Object.keys(e).length > 1), fb(e, t, n) - ), - ) - return pb(a, r, t.indent, n) - } - case "[object Object]": { - const r = [] - for (const a in e) r.push(`"${a}": ${fb(e[a], t, n)}`) - return pb(r, t.pretty && r.length > 1, t.indent, n) - } - case "[object Boolean]": - return e.toString() - default: - return null == e ? "" : `"${e.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"` - } - }, - mb = { - c: Tg, - clojure: Ig, - csharp: Mg, - go: Lg, - http: Qg, - java: Bg, - javascript: zg, - kotlin: qg, - node: Zg, - objc: Wg, - ocaml: Xg, - php: Kg, - powershell: { - info: { key: "powershell", title: "Powershell", extname: ".ps1", default: "webrequest" }, - clientsById: { webrequest: tb, restmethod: eb }, - }, - python: { - info: { key: "python", title: "Python", extname: ".py", default: "python3" }, - clientsById: { python3: nb, requests: ib }, - }, - r: { info: { key: "r", title: "R", extname: ".r", default: "httr" }, clientsById: { httr: sb } }, - ruby: { - info: { key: "ruby", title: "Ruby", extname: ".rb", default: "native" }, - clientsById: { - native: { - info: { - key: "native", - title: "net::http", - link: "http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.2.1/libdoc/net/http/rdoc/Net/HTTP.html", - description: "Ruby HTTP client", - }, - convert: ({ uriObj: e, method: t, fullUrl: n, postData: r, allHeaders: a }, o = {}) => { - const { insecureSkipVerify: i = !1 } = o, - { push: s, blank: l, join: c } = new kg() - s("require 'uri'"), s("require 'net/http'"), l() - const d = t.toUpperCase(), - u = d.charAt(0) + d.substring(1).toLowerCase() - ;[ - "GET", - "POST", - "HEAD", - "DELETE", - "PATCH", - "PUT", - "OPTIONS", - "COPY", - "LOCK", - "UNLOCK", - "MOVE", - "TRACE", - ].includes(d) || - (s(`class Net::HTTP::${u} < Net::HTTPRequest`), - s(` METHOD = '${d.toUpperCase()}'`), - s(` REQUEST_HAS_BODY = '${(null == r ? void 0 : r.text) ? "true" : "false"}'`), - s(" RESPONSE_HAS_BODY = true"), - s("end"), - l()), - s(`url = URI("${n}")`), - l(), - s("http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)"), - "https:" === e.protocol && - (s("http.use_ssl = true"), i && s("http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE")), - l(), - s(`request = Net::HTTP::${u}.new(url)`) - const p = Object.keys(a) - return ( - p.length && - p.forEach((e) => { - s(`request["${e}"] = '${Sg(a[e])}'`) - }), - (null == r ? void 0 : r.text) && s(`request.body = ${JSON.stringify(r.text)}`), - l(), - s("response = http.request(request)"), - s("puts response.read_body"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - shell: { - info: { key: "shell", title: "Shell", extname: ".sh", default: "curl" }, - clientsById: { - curl: db, - httpie: { - info: { - key: "httpie", - title: "HTTPie", - link: "http://httpie.org/", - description: "a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, postData: t, queryObj: n, fullUrl: r, method: a, url: o }, i) => { - const s = { - body: !1, - cert: !1, - headers: !1, - indent: " ", - pretty: !1, - print: !1, - queryParams: !1, - short: !1, - style: !1, - timeout: !1, - verbose: !1, - verify: !1, - ...i, - }, - { - push: l, - join: c, - unshift: d, - } = new kg({ indent: s.indent, join: !1 !== s.indent ? ` \\\n${s.indent}` : " " }) - let u = !1 - const p = [] - return ( - s.headers && p.push(s.short ? "-h" : "--headers"), - s.body && p.push(s.short ? "-b" : "--body"), - s.verbose && p.push(s.short ? "-v" : "--verbose"), - s.print && p.push(`${s.short ? "-p" : "--print"}=${s.print}`), - s.verify && p.push(`--verify=${s.verify}`), - s.cert && p.push(`--cert=${s.cert}`), - s.pretty && p.push(`--pretty=${s.pretty}`), - s.style && p.push(`--style=${s.style}`), - s.timeout && p.push(`--timeout=${s.timeout}`), - s.queryParams && - Object.keys(n).forEach((e) => { - const t = n[e] - Array.isArray(t) - ? t.forEach((t) => { - l(`${e}==${lb(t)}`) - }) - : l(`${e}==${lb(t)}`) - }), - Object.keys(e) - .sort() - .forEach((t) => { - l(`${t}:${lb(e[t])}`) - }), - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === (null == t ? void 0 : t.mimeType) - ? t.params && - t.params.length && - (p.push(s.short ? "-f" : "--form"), - t.params.forEach((e) => { - l(`${e.name}=${lb(e.value)}`) - })) - : (u = !0), - d(`http ${p.length ? `${p.join(" ")} ` : ""}${a} ${(o = lb(s.queryParams ? o : r))}`), - u && (null == t ? void 0 : t.text) && d(`echo ${lb(t.text)} | `), - c() - ) - }, - }, - wget: { - info: { - key: "wget", - title: "Wget", - link: "https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/", - description: "a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS", - }, - convert: ({ method: e, postData: t, allHeaders: n, fullUrl: r }, a) => { - const o = { indent: " ", short: !1, verbose: !1, ...a }, - { push: i, join: s } = new kg({ indent: o.indent, join: !1 !== o.indent ? ` \\\n${o.indent}` : " " }) - var l - return ( - o.verbose ? i("wget " + (o.short ? "-v" : "--verbose")) : i("wget " + (o.short ? "-q" : "--quiet")), - i(`--method ${lb(e)}`), - Object.keys(n).forEach((e) => { - const t = `${e}: ${n[e]}` - i(`--header ${lb(t)}`) - }), - (null == t ? void 0 : t.text) && - i(`--body-data ${((l = lb(t.text)), l.replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n"))}`), - i(o.short ? "-O" : "--output-document"), - i(`- ${lb(r)}`), - s() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - swift: { - info: { key: "swift", title: "Swift", extname: ".swift", default: "nsurlsession" }, - clientsById: { - nsurlsession: { - info: { - key: "nsurlsession", - title: "NSURLSession", - link: "https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Foundation/Reference/NSURLSession_class/index.html", - description: "Foundation's NSURLSession request", - }, - convert: ({ allHeaders: e, postData: t, fullUrl: n, method: r }, a) => { - var o - const i = { indent: " ", pretty: !0, timeout: "10", ...a }, - { push: s, blank: l, join: c } = new kg({ indent: i.indent }), - d = { hasHeaders: !1, hasBody: !1 } - if ( - (s("import Foundation"), - Object.keys(e).length && ((d.hasHeaders = !0), l(), s(hb("headers", e, i))), - t && (t.text || t.jsonObj || t.params)) - ) - switch (((d.hasBody = !0), t.mimeType)) { - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - if ((l(), null === (o = t.params) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.length)) { - const [e, ...n] = t.params - s( - `let postData = NSMutableData(data: "${e.name}=${e.value}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!)`, - ), - n.forEach(({ name: e, value: t }) => { - s(`postData.append("&${e}=${t}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!)`) - }) - } else d.hasBody = !1 - break - case "application/json": - t.jsonObj && - (s(`${hb("parameters", t.jsonObj, i)} as [String : Any]`), - l(), - s("let postData = JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: [])")) - break - case "multipart/form-data": - s(hb("parameters", t.params, i)), - l(), - s(`let boundary = "${t.boundary}"`), - l(), - s('var body = ""'), - s("var error: NSError? = nil"), - s("for param in parameters {"), - s('let paramName = param["name"]!', 1), - s('body += "--\\(boundary)\\r\\n"', 1), - s('body += "Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\\"\\(paramName)\\""', 1), - s('if let filename = param["fileName"] {', 1), - s('let contentType = param["content-type"]!', 2), - s("let fileContent = String(contentsOfFile: filename, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)", 2), - s("if (error != nil) {", 2), - s("print(error as Any)", 3), - s("}", 2), - s('body += "; filename=\\"\\(filename)\\"\\r\\n"', 2), - s('body += "Content-Type: \\(contentType)\\r\\n\\r\\n"', 2), - s("body += fileContent", 2), - s('} else if let paramValue = param["value"] {', 1), - s('body += "\\r\\n\\r\\n\\(paramValue)"', 2), - s("}", 1), - s("}") - break - default: - l(), s(`let postData = NSData(data: "${t.text}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!)`) - } - return ( - l(), - s(`let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: "${n}")! as URL,`), - s(" cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,"), - s(` timeoutInterval: ${parseInt(i.timeout, 10).toFixed(1)})`), - s(`request.httpMethod = "${r}"`), - d.hasHeaders && s("request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers"), - d.hasBody && s("request.httpBody = postData as Data"), - l(), - s("let session = URLSession.shared"), - s( - "let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in", - ), - s("if (error != nil) {", 1), - s("print(error as Any)", 2), - s("} else {", 1), - s("let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse", 2), - s("print(httpResponse)", 2), - s("}", 1), - s("})"), - l(), - s("dataTask.resume()"), - c() - ) - }, - }, - }, - }, - } - class gb { - constructor(e) { - let t = [] - var n - ;(t = - "object" == typeof (n = e) && - "log" in n && - "object" == typeof n.log && - "entries" in n.log && - Array.isArray(n.log.entries) - ? e.log.entries - : [{ request: e }]), - (this.requests = Promise.all( - t.map(({ request: e }) => { - var t - const n = { - bodySize: 0, - headersSize: 0, - headers: [], - cookies: [], - httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1", - queryString: [], - postData: { - mimeType: - (null === (t = e.postData) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.mimeType) || "application/octet-stream", - }, - ...e, - } - return this.prepare(n) - }), - )) - } - async prepare(e) { - var t, n, r, a - const o = { ...e, fullUrl: "", queryObj: {}, headersObj: {}, cookiesObj: {}, allHeaders: {} } - if ( - (o.queryString && o.queryString.length && (o.queryObj = o.queryString.reduce(Og, {})), - o.headers && o.headers.length) - ) { - const e = /^HTTP\/2/ - o.headersObj = o.headers.reduce( - (t, { name: n, value: r }) => ({ ...t, [e.exec(o.httpVersion) ? n.toLocaleLowerCase() : n]: r }), - {}, - ) - } - o.cookies && - o.cookies.length && - (o.cookiesObj = o.cookies.reduceRight((e, { name: t, value: n }) => ({ ...e, [t]: n }), {})) - const i = - null === (t = o.cookies) || void 0 === t - ? void 0 - : t.map(({ name: e, value: t }) => `${encodeURIComponent(e)}=${encodeURIComponent(t)}`) - switch ( - ((null == i ? void 0 : i.length) && (o.allHeaders.cookie = i.join("; ")), - null === (n = o.postData) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.mimeType) - ) { - case "multipart/mixed": - case "multipart/related": - case "multipart/form-data": - case "multipart/alternative": - if ( - ((o.postData.text = ""), - (o.postData.mimeType = "multipart/form-data"), - null === (r = o.postData) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.params) - ) { - const e = new cg(), - t = "---011000010111000001101001" - null === (a = o.postData) || - void 0 === a || - a.params.forEach((t) => { - const n = t.name, - r = t.value || "", - a = t.fileName - var o - "object" == typeof (o = r) && - "function" == typeof o.arrayBuffer && - "string" == typeof o.type && - "function" == typeof o.stream && - "function" == typeof o.constructor && - /^(Blob|File)$/.test(o[fg]) - ? e.append(n, r, a) - : e.append( - n, - new dg([r], { type: t.contentType }), - a - ? (function (e) { - const t = e.split("/") - return t[t.length - 1] - })(a) - : a, - ) - }) - const { postData: n } = o - for await (const r of (async function* (e, t) { - for (const [n, r] of e) - yield mg(t, n, r), "string" == typeof r ? yield r : yield await r.text(), yield pg - yield ((e) => `${hg}${e}${hg}${pg.repeat(1)}`)(t) - })(e, t)) - n.text += r - o.postData.boundary = t - const r = gg(o.headersObj, "content-type") || "content-type" - o.headersObj[r] = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${t}` - } - break - case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - o.postData.params - ? ((o.postData.paramsObj = o.postData.params.reduce(Og, {})), - (o.postData.text = wg(o.postData.paramsObj).toString())) - : (o.postData.text = "") - break - case "text/json": - case "text/x-json": - case "application/json": - case "application/x-json": - if (((o.postData.mimeType = "application/json"), o.postData.text)) - try { - o.postData.jsonObj = JSON.parse(o.postData.text) - } catch (e) { - o.postData.mimeType = "text/plain" - } - } - const s = { ...o.allHeaders, ...o.headersObj }, - l = new URL(o.url), - c = Object.fromEntries(l.searchParams) - o.queryObj = { ...o.queryObj, ...c } - const d = wg(o.queryObj), - u = new URL(o.url) - return ( - (u.search = d.toString()), - (l.search = ""), - { ...o, allHeaders: s, fullUrl: u.toString(), url: l.toString(), uriObj: new xg(u.toString()) } - ) - } - async convert(e, t, n) { - !n && t && (n = t) - const r = mb[e] - if (!r) return null - const { convert: a } = r.clientsById[t || r.info.default], - o = (await this.requests).map((e) => a(e, n)) - return 1 === o.length ? o[0] : o - } - } - const bb = { targetKey: "shell", clientKey: "curl" } - function vb(e) { - var t - return (null == (t = xb.value.find((t) => t.key === e.targetKey)) ? void 0 : t.title) ?? e.targetKey - } - function yb(e) { - var t, n - return ( - (null == - (n = - null == (t = xb.value.find((t) => t.key === e.targetKey)) - ? void 0 - : t.clients.find((t) => t.key === e.clientKey)) - ? void 0 - : n.title) ?? e.clientKey - ) - } - const Ob = ii(() => vb(Pb)), - wb = ii(() => yb(Pb)), - xb = ii(() => { - var e - const t = Object.keys(mb).map((e) => ({ - ...mb[e].info, - clients: Object.keys(mb[e].clientsById).map((t) => mb[e].clientsById[t].info), - })) - return ( - null == (e = t.find((e) => "node" === e.key)) || - e.clients.unshift({ - description: "An HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.", - key: "undici", - link: "https://github.com/nodejs/undici", - title: "undici", - }), - (function (e, t) { - return !0 === t.value - ? [] - : e.flatMap((e) => { - var n - return "object" != typeof t.value - ? [] - : Array.isArray(t.value) - ? ((e.clients = e.clients.filter((e) => !t.value.includes(e.key))), [e]) - : !0 === t.value[e.key] - ? [] - : (Array.isArray(t.value[e.key]) && - (e.clients = e.clients.filter((n) => !t.value[e.key].includes(n.key))), - (null == (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.clients) ? void 0 : n.length) ? [e] : []) - }) - })(t, _b) - ) - }), - kb = { node: ["unirest"] }, - _b = Dn({ ...(!0 === kb ? {} : kb) }), - Sb = Dn() - function Eb(e) { - void 0 !== e && ((Sb.value = e), Db(Tb())) - } - const Tb = () => { - var e, t, n, r - return Ab(Sb.value) - ? Sb.value - : Ab(bb) - ? bb - : { - targetKey: null == (e = xb.value[0]) ? void 0 : e.key, - clientKey: - null == (r = null == (n = null == (t = xb.value[0]) ? void 0 : t.clients) ? void 0 : n[0]) - ? void 0 - : r.key, - } - } - function Ab(e) { - return ( - void 0 !== e && !!xb.value.find((t) => t.key === e.targetKey && t.clients.find((t) => t.key === e.clientKey)) - ) - } - function Cb() { - Pd(Pb, Tb()) - } - const Pb = mn(Tb()), - Db = (e) => { - Object.assign(Pb, { ...Pb, ...e }) - }, - Rb = () => ({ - httpClient: bn(Pb), - resetState: Cb, - setHttpClient: Db, - setDefaultHttpClient: Eb, - excludedClients: bn(_b), - setExcludedClients: (e) => { - ;(_b.value = e), Pd(Pb, Tb()) - }, - availableTargets: xb, - getClientTitle: yb, - getTargetTitle: vb, - httpTargetTitle: Ob, - httpClientTitle: wb, - }) - function Nb(e) { - "function" == typeof queueMicrotask - ? queueMicrotask(e) - : Promise.resolve() - .then(e) - .catch((e) => - setTimeout(() => { - throw e - }), - ) - } - function $b() { - let e = [], - t = { - addEventListener: (e, n, r, a) => (e.addEventListener(n, r, a), t.add(() => e.removeEventListener(n, r, a))), - requestAnimationFrame(...e) { - let n = requestAnimationFrame(...e) - t.add(() => cancelAnimationFrame(n)) - }, - nextFrame(...e) { - t.requestAnimationFrame(() => { - t.requestAnimationFrame(...e) - }) - }, - setTimeout(...e) { - let n = setTimeout(...e) - t.add(() => clearTimeout(n)) - }, - microTask(...e) { - let n = { current: !0 } - return ( - Nb(() => { - n.current && e[0]() - }), - t.add(() => { - n.current = !1 - }) - ) - }, - style(e, t, n) { - let r = e.style.getPropertyValue(t) - return ( - Object.assign(e.style, { [t]: n }), - this.add(() => { - Object.assign(e.style, { [t]: r }) - }) - ) - }, - group(e) { - let t = $b() - return e(t), this.add(() => t.dispose()) - }, - add: (t) => ( - e.push(t), - () => { - let n = e.indexOf(t) - if (n >= 0) for (let t of e.splice(n, 1)) t() - } - ), - dispose() { - for (let t of e.splice(0)) t() - }, - } - return t - } - let Ib = Symbol("headlessui.useid"), - Mb = 0 - function Lb() { - return xa(Ib, () => "" + ++Mb)() - } - function Qb(e) { - var t - if (null == e || null == e.value) return null - let n = null != (t = e.value.$el) ? t : e.value - return n instanceof Node ? n : null - } - function Bb(e, t, ...n) { - if (e in t) { - let r = t[e] - return "function" == typeof r ? r(...n) : r - } - let r = new Error( - `Tried to handle "${e}" but there is no handler defined. Only defined handlers are: ${Object.keys(t) - .map((e) => `"${e}"`) - .join(", ")}.`, - ) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Bb), r) - } - var jb = Object.defineProperty, - Ub = (e, t, n) => ( - ((e, t, n) => { - t in e ? jb(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : (e[t] = n) - })(e, "symbol" != typeof t ? t + "" : t, n), - n - ) - let Fb = new (class { - constructor() { - Ub(this, "current", this.detect()), Ub(this, "currentId", 0) - } - set(e) { - this.current !== e && ((this.currentId = 0), (this.current = e)) - } - reset() { - this.set(this.detect()) - } - nextId() { - return ++this.currentId - } - get isServer() { - return "server" === this.current - } - get isClient() { - return "client" === this.current - } - detect() { - return "undefined" == typeof window || "undefined" == typeof document ? "server" : "client" - } - })() - function zb(e) { - if (Fb.isServer) return null - if (e instanceof Node) return e.ownerDocument - if (null != e && e.hasOwnProperty("value")) { - let t = Qb(e) - if (t) return t.ownerDocument - } - return document - } - let qb = [ - "[contentEditable=true]", - "[tabindex]", - "a[href]", - "area[href]", - "button:not([disabled])", - "iframe", - "input:not([disabled])", - "select:not([disabled])", - "textarea:not([disabled])", - ] - .map((e) => `${e}:not([tabindex='-1'])`) - .join(",") - var Zb, - Hb, - Vb, - Wb = - (((Vb = Wb || {})[(Vb.First = 1)] = "First"), - (Vb[(Vb.Previous = 2)] = "Previous"), - (Vb[(Vb.Next = 4)] = "Next"), - (Vb[(Vb.Last = 8)] = "Last"), - (Vb[(Vb.WrapAround = 16)] = "WrapAround"), - (Vb[(Vb.NoScroll = 32)] = "NoScroll"), - Vb), - Xb = - (((Hb = Xb || {})[(Hb.Error = 0)] = "Error"), - (Hb[(Hb.Overflow = 1)] = "Overflow"), - (Hb[(Hb.Success = 2)] = "Success"), - (Hb[(Hb.Underflow = 3)] = "Underflow"), - Hb), - Yb = (((Zb = Yb || {})[(Zb.Previous = -1)] = "Previous"), (Zb[(Zb.Next = 1)] = "Next"), Zb) - function Gb(e = document.body) { - return null == e - ? [] - : Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(qb)).sort((e, t) => - Math.sign((e.tabIndex || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) - (t.tabIndex || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)), - ) - } - var Kb = ((e) => ((e[(e.Strict = 0)] = "Strict"), (e[(e.Loose = 1)] = "Loose"), e))(Kb || {}) - function Jb(e, t = 0) { - var n - return ( - e !== (null == (n = zb(e)) ? void 0 : n.body) && - Bb(t, { - 0: () => e.matches(qb), - 1() { - let t = e - for (; null !== t; ) { - if (t.matches(qb)) return !0 - t = t.parentElement - } - return !1 - }, - }) - ) - } - function ev(e) { - let t = zb(e) - rr(() => { - t && !Jb(t.activeElement, 0) && nv(e) - }) - } - var tv = ((e) => ((e[(e.Keyboard = 0)] = "Keyboard"), (e[(e.Mouse = 1)] = "Mouse"), e))(tv || {}) - function nv(e) { - null == e || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - } - "undefined" != typeof window && - "undefined" != typeof document && - (document.addEventListener( - "keydown", - (e) => { - e.metaKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || (document.documentElement.dataset.headlessuiFocusVisible = "") - }, - !0, - ), - document.addEventListener( - "click", - (e) => { - 1 === e.detail - ? delete document.documentElement.dataset.headlessuiFocusVisible - : 0 === e.detail && (document.documentElement.dataset.headlessuiFocusVisible = "") - }, - !0, - )) - let rv = ["textarea", "input"].join(",") - function av(e, t = (e) => e) { - return e.slice().sort((e, n) => { - let r = t(e), - a = t(n) - if (null === r || null === a) return 0 - let o = r.compareDocumentPosition(a) - return o & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING ? -1 : o & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING ? 1 : 0 - }) - } - function ov(e, t, { sorted: n = !0, relativeTo: r = null, skipElements: a = [] } = {}) { - var o - let i = - null != - (o = Array.isArray(e) ? (e.length > 0 ? e[0].ownerDocument : document) : null == e ? void 0 : e.ownerDocument) - ? o - : document, - s = Array.isArray(e) ? (n ? av(e) : e) : Gb(e) - a.length > 0 && s.length > 1 && (s = s.filter((e) => !a.includes(e))), (r = null != r ? r : i.activeElement) - let l, - c = (() => { - if (5 & t) return 1 - if (10 & t) return -1 - throw new Error("Missing Focus.First, Focus.Previous, Focus.Next or Focus.Last") - })(), - d = (() => { - if (1 & t) return 0 - if (2 & t) return Math.max(0, s.indexOf(r)) - 1 - if (4 & t) return Math.max(0, s.indexOf(r)) + 1 - if (8 & t) return s.length - 1 - throw new Error("Missing Focus.First, Focus.Previous, Focus.Next or Focus.Last") - })(), - u = 32 & t ? { preventScroll: !0 } : {}, - p = 0, - h = s.length - do { - if (p >= h || p + h <= 0) return 0 - let e = d + p - if (16 & t) e = (e + h) % h - else { - if (e < 0) return 3 - if (e >= h) return 1 - } - ;(l = s[e]), null == l || l.focus(u), (p += c) - } while (l !== i.activeElement) - return ( - 6 & t && - (function (e) { - var t, n - return null != (n = null == (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.matches) ? void 0 : t.call(e, rv)) && n - })(l) && - l.select(), - 2 - ) - } - function iv() { - return ( - /iPhone/gi.test(window.navigator.platform) || - (/Mac/gi.test(window.navigator.platform) && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) - ) - } - function sv(e, t, n) { - Fb.isServer || - Wa((r) => { - document.addEventListener(e, t, n), r(() => document.removeEventListener(e, t, n)) - }) - } - function lv(e, t, n) { - Fb.isServer || - Wa((r) => { - window.addEventListener(e, t, n), r(() => window.removeEventListener(e, t, n)) - }) - } - function cv(e, t, n = ii(() => !0)) { - function r(r, a) { - if (!n.value || r.defaultPrevented) return - let o = a(r) - if (null === o || !o.getRootNode().contains(o)) return - let i = (function e(t) { - return "function" == typeof t ? e(t()) : Array.isArray(t) || t instanceof Set ? t : [t] - })(e) - for (let e of i) { - if (null === e) continue - let t = e instanceof HTMLElement ? e : Qb(e) - if ((null != t && t.contains(o)) || (r.composed && r.composedPath().includes(t))) return - } - return !Jb(o, Kb.Loose) && -1 !== o.tabIndex && r.preventDefault(), t(r, o) - } - let a = Dn(null) - sv( - "pointerdown", - (e) => { - var t, r - n.value && - (a.value = (null == (r = null == (t = e.composedPath) ? void 0 : t.call(e)) ? void 0 : r[0]) || e.target) - }, - !0, - ), - sv( - "mousedown", - (e) => { - var t, r - n.value && - (a.value = (null == (r = null == (t = e.composedPath) ? void 0 : t.call(e)) ? void 0 : r[0]) || e.target) - }, - !0, - ), - sv( - "click", - (e) => { - iv() || /Android/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || (a.value && (r(e, () => a.value), (a.value = null))) - }, - !0, - ), - sv("touchend", (e) => r(e, () => (e.target instanceof HTMLElement ? e.target : null)), !0), - lv( - "blur", - (e) => - r(e, () => - window.document.activeElement instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ? window.document.activeElement : null, - ), - !0, - ) - } - function dv(e, t) { - if (e) return e - let n = null != t ? t : "button" - return "string" == typeof n && "button" === n.toLowerCase() ? "button" : void 0 - } - function uv(e, t) { - let n = Dn(dv(e.value.type, e.value.as)) - return ( - Nr(() => { - n.value = dv(e.value.type, e.value.as) - }), - Wa(() => { - var e - n.value || - (Qb(t) && - Qb(t) instanceof HTMLButtonElement && - (null == (e = Qb(t)) || !e.hasAttribute("type")) && - (n.value = "button")) - }), - n - ) - } - function pv(e) { - return [e.screenX, e.screenY] - } - function hv() { - let e = Dn([-1, -1]) - return { - wasMoved(t) { - let n = pv(t) - return (e.value[0] !== n[0] || e.value[1] !== n[1]) && ((e.value = n), !0) - }, - update(t) { - e.value = pv(t) - }, - } - } - var fv, - mv = ((e) => ( - (e[(e.None = 0)] = "None"), (e[(e.RenderStrategy = 1)] = "RenderStrategy"), (e[(e.Static = 2)] = "Static"), e - ))(mv || {}), - gv = (((fv = gv || {})[(fv.Unmount = 0)] = "Unmount"), (fv[(fv.Hidden = 1)] = "Hidden"), fv) - function bv({ visible: e = !0, features: t = 0, ourProps: n, theirProps: r, ...a }) { - var o - let i = Ov(r, n), - s = Object.assign(a, { props: i }) - return e || (2 & t && i.static) - ? vv(s) - : 1 & t - ? Bb(null == (o = i.unmount) || o ? 0 : 1, { - 0: () => null, - 1: () => vv({ ...a, props: { ...i, hidden: !0, style: { display: "none" } } }), - }) - : vv(s) - } - function vv({ props: e, attrs: t, slots: n, slot: r, name: a }) { - var o, i - let { as: s, ...l } = wv(e, ["unmount", "static"]), - c = null == (o = n.default) ? void 0 : o.call(n, r), - d = {} - if (r) { - let e = !1, - t = [] - for (let [n, a] of Object.entries(r)) "boolean" == typeof a && (e = !0), !0 === a && t.push(n) - e && (d["data-headlessui-state"] = t.join(" ")) - } - if ("template" === s) { - if (((c = yv(null != c ? c : [])), Object.keys(l).length > 0 || Object.keys(t).length > 0)) { - let [e, ...n] = null != c ? c : [] - if ( - !(function (e) { - return ( - null != e && ("string" == typeof e.type || "object" == typeof e.type || "function" == typeof e.type) - ) - })(e) || - n.length > 0 - ) - throw new Error( - [ - 'Passing props on "template"!', - "", - `The current component <${a} /> is rendering a "template".`, - "However we need to passthrough the following props:", - Object.keys(l) - .concat(Object.keys(t)) - .map((e) => e.trim()) - .filter((e, t, n) => n.indexOf(e) === t) - .sort((e, t) => e.localeCompare(t)) - .map((e) => ` - ${e}`) - .join("\n"), - "", - "You can apply a few solutions:", - [ - 'Add an `as="..."` prop, to ensure that we render an actual element instead of a "template".', - "Render a single element as the child so that we can forward the props onto that element.", - ] - .map((e) => ` - ${e}`) - .join("\n"), - ].join("\n"), - ) - let r = Ov(null != (i = e.props) ? i : {}, l, d), - o = Io(e, r, !0) - for (let e in r) e.startsWith("on") && (o.props || (o.props = {}), (o.props[e] = r[e])) - return o - } - return Array.isArray(c) && 1 === c.length ? c[0] : c - } - return si(s, Object.assign({}, l, d), { default: () => c }) - } - function yv(e) { - return e.flatMap((e) => (e.type === go ? yv(e.children) : [e])) - } - function Ov(...e) { - if (0 === e.length) return {} - if (1 === e.length) return e[0] - let t = {}, - n = {} - for (let r of e) - for (let e in r) - e.startsWith("on") && "function" == typeof r[e] - ? (null != n[e] || (n[e] = []), n[e].push(r[e])) - : (t[e] = r[e]) - if (t.disabled || t["aria-disabled"]) - return Object.assign(t, Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(n).map((e) => [e, void 0]))) - for (let e in n) - Object.assign(t, { - [e](t, ...r) { - let a = n[e] - for (let e of a) { - if (t instanceof Event && t.defaultPrevented) return - e(t, ...r) - } - }, - }) - return t - } - function wv(e, t = []) { - let n = Object.assign({}, e) - for (let e of t) e in n && delete n[e] - return n - } - var xv = ((e) => ( - (e[(e.None = 1)] = "None"), (e[(e.Focusable = 2)] = "Focusable"), (e[(e.Hidden = 4)] = "Hidden"), e - ))(xv || {}) - let kv = Hr({ - name: "Hidden", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, features: { type: Number, default: 1 } }, - setup: - (e, { slots: t, attrs: n }) => - () => { - var r - let { features: a, ...o } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - "aria-hidden": !(2 & ~a) || (null != (r = o["aria-hidden"]) ? r : void 0), - hidden: !(4 & ~a) || void 0, - style: { - position: "fixed", - top: 1, - left: 1, - width: 1, - height: 0, - padding: 0, - margin: -1, - overflow: "hidden", - clip: "rect(0, 0, 0, 0)", - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - borderWidth: "0", - ...(!(4 & ~a) && !!(2 & ~a) && { display: "none" }), - }, - }, - theirProps: o, - slot: {}, - attrs: n, - slots: t, - name: "Hidden", - }) - }, - }), - _v = Symbol("Context") - var Sv = ((e) => ( - (e[(e.Open = 1)] = "Open"), - (e[(e.Closed = 2)] = "Closed"), - (e[(e.Closing = 4)] = "Closing"), - (e[(e.Opening = 8)] = "Opening"), - e - ))(Sv || {}) - function Ev() { - return xa(_v, null) - } - function Tv(e) { - wa(_v, e) - } - var Av, - Cv = - (((Av = Cv || {}).Space = " "), - (Av.Enter = "Enter"), - (Av.Escape = "Escape"), - (Av.Backspace = "Backspace"), - (Av.Delete = "Delete"), - (Av.ArrowLeft = "ArrowLeft"), - (Av.ArrowUp = "ArrowUp"), - (Av.ArrowRight = "ArrowRight"), - (Av.ArrowDown = "ArrowDown"), - (Av.Home = "Home"), - (Av.End = "End"), - (Av.PageUp = "PageUp"), - (Av.PageDown = "PageDown"), - (Av.Tab = "Tab"), - Av) - let Pv = [] - !(function (e) { - function t() { - "loading" !== document.readyState && - ((() => { - function e(e) { - e.target instanceof HTMLElement && - e.target !== document.body && - Pv[0] !== e.target && - (Pv.unshift(e.target), (Pv = Pv.filter((e) => null != e && e.isConnected)), Pv.splice(10)) - } - window.addEventListener("click", e, { capture: !0 }), - window.addEventListener("mousedown", e, { capture: !0 }), - window.addEventListener("focus", e, { capture: !0 }), - document.body.addEventListener("click", e, { capture: !0 }), - document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", e, { capture: !0 }), - document.body.addEventListener("focus", e, { capture: !0 }) - })(), - document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t)) - } - "undefined" != typeof window && - "undefined" != typeof document && - (document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t), t()) - })() - var Dv, - Rv = - (((Dv = Rv || {})[(Dv.First = 0)] = "First"), - (Dv[(Dv.Previous = 1)] = "Previous"), - (Dv[(Dv.Next = 2)] = "Next"), - (Dv[(Dv.Last = 3)] = "Last"), - (Dv[(Dv.Specific = 4)] = "Specific"), - (Dv[(Dv.Nothing = 5)] = "Nothing"), - Dv) - function Nv(e, t) { - let n = t.resolveItems() - if (n.length <= 0) return null - let r = t.resolveActiveIndex(), - a = null != r ? r : -1 - switch (e.focus) { - case 0: - for (let e = 0; e < n.length; ++e) if (!t.resolveDisabled(n[e], e, n)) return e - return r - case 1: - ;-1 === a && (a = n.length) - for (let e = a - 1; e >= 0; --e) if (!t.resolveDisabled(n[e], e, n)) return e - return r - case 2: - for (let e = a + 1; e < n.length; ++e) if (!t.resolveDisabled(n[e], e, n)) return e - return r - case 3: - for (let e = n.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) if (!t.resolveDisabled(n[e], e, n)) return e - return r - case 4: - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) if (t.resolveId(n[r], r, n) === e.id) return r - return r - case 5: - return null - default: - !(function (e) { - throw new Error("Unexpected object: " + e) - })(e) - } - } - function $v(e = {}, t = null, n = []) { - for (let [r, a] of Object.entries(e)) Mv(n, Iv(t, r), a) - return n - } - function Iv(e, t) { - return e ? e + "[" + t + "]" : t - } - function Mv(e, t, n) { - if (Array.isArray(n)) for (let [r, a] of n.entries()) Mv(e, Iv(t, r.toString()), a) - else - n instanceof Date - ? e.push([t, n.toISOString()]) - : "boolean" == typeof n - ? e.push([t, n ? "1" : "0"]) - : "string" == typeof n - ? e.push([t, n]) - : "number" == typeof n - ? e.push([t, `${n}`]) - : null == n - ? e.push([t, ""]) - : $v(n, t, e) - } - function Lv(e, t, n, r) { - Fb.isServer || - Wa((a) => { - ;(e = null != e ? e : window).addEventListener(t, n, r), a(() => e.removeEventListener(t, n, r)) - }) - } - var Qv = ((e) => ((e[(e.Forwards = 0)] = "Forwards"), (e[(e.Backwards = 1)] = "Backwards"), e))(Qv || {}) - function Bv(e) { - if (!e) return new Set() - if ("function" == typeof e) return new Set(e()) - let t = new Set() - for (let n of e.value) { - let e = Qb(n) - e instanceof HTMLElement && t.add(e) - } - return t - } - var jv = ((e) => ( - (e[(e.None = 1)] = "None"), - (e[(e.InitialFocus = 2)] = "InitialFocus"), - (e[(e.TabLock = 4)] = "TabLock"), - (e[(e.FocusLock = 8)] = "FocusLock"), - (e[(e.RestoreFocus = 16)] = "RestoreFocus"), - (e[(e.All = 30)] = "All"), - e - ))(jv || {}) - let Uv = Object.assign( - Hr({ - name: "FocusTrap", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, - initialFocus: { type: Object, default: null }, - features: { type: Number, default: 30 }, - containers: { type: [Object, Function], default: Dn(new Set()) }, - }, - inheritAttrs: !1, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - let a = Dn(null) - r({ el: a, $el: a }) - let o = ii(() => zb(a)), - i = Dn(!1) - Nr(() => (i.value = !0)), - Lr(() => (i.value = !1)), - (function ({ ownerDocument: e }, t) { - let n = (function (e) { - let t = Dn(Pv.slice()) - return ( - Ya( - [e], - ([e], [n]) => { - !0 === n && !1 === e - ? Nb(() => { - t.value.splice(0) - }) - : !1 === n && !0 === e && (t.value = Pv.slice()) - }, - { flush: "post" }, - ), - () => { - var e - return null != (e = t.value.find((e) => null != e && e.isConnected)) ? e : null - } - ) - })(t) - Nr(() => { - Wa( - () => { - var r, a - t.value || - ((null == (r = e.value) ? void 0 : r.activeElement) === - (null == (a = e.value) ? void 0 : a.body) && - nv(n())) - }, - { flush: "post" }, - ) - }), - Lr(() => { - t.value && nv(n()) - }) - })( - { ownerDocument: o }, - ii(() => i.value && Boolean(16 & e.features)), - ) - let s = (function ({ ownerDocument: e, container: t, initialFocus: n }, r) { - let a = Dn(null), - o = Dn(!1) - return ( - Nr(() => (o.value = !0)), - Lr(() => (o.value = !1)), - Nr(() => { - Ya( - [t, n, r], - (i, s) => { - if (i.every((e, t) => (null == s ? void 0 : s[t]) === e) || !r.value) return - let l = Qb(t) - l && - Nb(() => { - var t, r - if (!o.value) return - let i = Qb(n), - s = null == (t = e.value) ? void 0 : t.activeElement - if (i) { - if (i === s) return void (a.value = s) - } else if (l.contains(s)) return void (a.value = s) - i - ? nv(i) - : ov(l, Wb.First | Wb.NoScroll) === Xb.Error && - console.warn("There are no focusable elements inside the "), - (a.value = null == (r = e.value) ? void 0 : r.activeElement) - }) - }, - { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }, - ) - }), - a - ) - })( - { ownerDocument: o, container: a, initialFocus: ii(() => e.initialFocus) }, - ii(() => i.value && Boolean(2 & e.features)), - ) - !(function ({ ownerDocument: e, container: t, containers: n, previousActiveElement: r }, a) { - var o - Lv( - null == (o = e.value) ? void 0 : o.defaultView, - "focus", - (e) => { - if (!a.value) return - let o = Bv(n) - Qb(t) instanceof HTMLElement && o.add(Qb(t)) - let i = r.value - if (!i) return - let s = e.target - s && s instanceof HTMLElement - ? Fv(o, s) - ? ((r.value = s), nv(s)) - : (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), nv(i)) - : nv(r.value) - }, - !0, - ) - })( - { ownerDocument: o, container: a, containers: e.containers, previousActiveElement: s }, - ii(() => i.value && Boolean(8 & e.features)), - ) - let l = (function () { - let e = Dn(0) - return ( - lv("keydown", (t) => { - "Tab" === t.key && (e.value = t.shiftKey ? 1 : 0) - }), - e - ) - })() - function c(e) { - let t = Qb(a) - t && - Bb(l.value, { - [Qv.Forwards]: () => { - ov(t, Wb.First, { skipElements: [e.relatedTarget] }) - }, - [Qv.Backwards]: () => { - ov(t, Wb.Last, { skipElements: [e.relatedTarget] }) - }, - }) - } - let d = Dn(!1) - function u(e) { - "Tab" === e.key && - ((d.value = !0), - requestAnimationFrame(() => { - d.value = !1 - })) - } - function p(t) { - if (!i.value) return - let n = Bv(e.containers) - Qb(a) instanceof HTMLElement && n.add(Qb(a)) - let r = t.relatedTarget - r instanceof HTMLElement && - "true" !== r.dataset.headlessuiFocusGuard && - (Fv(n, r) || - (d.value - ? ov( - Qb(a), - Bb(l.value, { [Qv.Forwards]: () => Wb.Next, [Qv.Backwards]: () => Wb.Previous }) | Wb.WrapAround, - { relativeTo: t.target }, - ) - : t.target instanceof HTMLElement && nv(t.target))) - } - return () => { - let r = { ref: a, onKeydown: u, onFocusout: p }, - { features: o, initialFocus: i, containers: s, ...l } = e - return si(go, [ - Boolean(4 & o) && - si(kv, { - as: "button", - type: "button", - "data-headlessui-focus-guard": !0, - onFocus: c, - features: xv.Focusable, - }), - bv({ ourProps: r, theirProps: { ...t, ...l }, slot: {}, attrs: t, slots: n, name: "FocusTrap" }), - Boolean(4 & o) && - si(kv, { - as: "button", - type: "button", - "data-headlessui-focus-guard": !0, - onFocus: c, - features: xv.Focusable, - }), - ]) - } - }, - }), - { features: jv }, - ) - function Fv(e, t) { - for (let n of e) if (n.contains(t)) return !0 - return !1 - } - function zv() { - let e - return { - before({ doc: t }) { - var n - let r = t.documentElement - e = (null != (n = t.defaultView) ? n : window).innerWidth - r.clientWidth - }, - after({ doc: t, d: n }) { - let r = t.documentElement, - a = r.clientWidth - r.offsetWidth, - o = e - a - n.style(r, "paddingRight", `${o}px`) - }, - } - } - function qv(e) { - let t = {} - for (let n of e) Object.assign(t, n(t)) - return t - } - let Zv = (function (e, t) { - let n = new Map(), - r = new Set() - return { - getSnapshot: () => n, - subscribe: (e) => (r.add(e), () => r.delete(e)), - dispatch(e, ...a) { - let o = t[e].call(n, ...a) - o && ((n = o), r.forEach((e) => e())) - }, - } - })(0, { - PUSH(e, t) { - var n - let r = null != (n = this.get(e)) ? n : { doc: e, count: 0, d: $b(), meta: new Set() } - return r.count++, r.meta.add(t), this.set(e, r), this - }, - POP(e, t) { - let n = this.get(e) - return n && (n.count--, n.meta.delete(t)), this - }, - SCROLL_PREVENT({ doc: e, d: t, meta: n }) { - let r = { doc: e, d: t, meta: qv(n) }, - a = [ - iv() - ? { - before({ doc: e, d: t, meta: n }) { - function r(e) { - return n.containers.flatMap((e) => e()).some((t) => t.contains(e)) - } - t.microTask(() => { - var n - if ("auto" !== window.getComputedStyle(e.documentElement).scrollBehavior) { - let n = $b() - n.style(e.documentElement, "scrollBehavior", "auto"), - t.add(() => t.microTask(() => n.dispose())) - } - let a = null != (n = window.scrollY) ? n : window.pageYOffset, - o = null - t.addEventListener( - e, - "click", - (t) => { - if (t.target instanceof HTMLElement) - try { - let n = t.target.closest("a") - if (!n) return - let { hash: a } = new URL(n.href), - i = e.querySelector(a) - i && !r(i) && (o = i) - } catch {} - }, - !0, - ), - t.addEventListener(e, "touchstart", (e) => { - if (e.target instanceof HTMLElement) - if (r(e.target)) { - let n = e.target - for (; n.parentElement && r(n.parentElement); ) n = n.parentElement - t.style(n, "overscrollBehavior", "contain") - } else t.style(e.target, "touchAction", "none") - }), - t.addEventListener( - e, - "touchmove", - (e) => { - if (e.target instanceof HTMLElement) { - if ("INPUT" === e.target.tagName) return - if (r(e.target)) { - let t = e.target - for ( - ; - t.parentElement && - "" !== t.dataset.headlessuiPortal && - !(t.scrollHeight > t.clientHeight || t.scrollWidth > t.clientWidth); - - ) - t = t.parentElement - "" === t.dataset.headlessuiPortal && e.preventDefault() - } else e.preventDefault() - } - }, - { passive: !1 }, - ), - t.add(() => { - var e - let t = null != (e = window.scrollY) ? e : window.pageYOffset - a !== t && window.scrollTo(0, a), - o && o.isConnected && (o.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }), (o = null)) - }) - }) - }, - } - : {}, - zv(), - { - before({ doc: e, d: t }) { - t.style(e.documentElement, "overflow", "hidden") - }, - }, - ] - a.forEach(({ before: e }) => (null == e ? void 0 : e(r))), - a.forEach(({ after: e }) => (null == e ? void 0 : e(r))) - }, - SCROLL_ALLOW({ d: e }) { - e.dispose() - }, - TEARDOWN({ doc: e }) { - this.delete(e) - }, - }) - Zv.subscribe(() => { - let e = Zv.getSnapshot(), - t = new Map() - for (let [n] of e) t.set(n, n.documentElement.style.overflow) - for (let n of e.values()) { - let e = "hidden" === t.get(n.doc), - r = 0 !== n.count - ;((r && !e) || (!r && e)) && Zv.dispatch(n.count > 0 ? "SCROLL_PREVENT" : "SCROLL_ALLOW", n), - 0 === n.count && Zv.dispatch("TEARDOWN", n) - } - }) - let Hv = new Map(), - Vv = new Map() - function Wv(e, t = Dn(!0)) { - Wa((n) => { - var r - if (!t.value) return - let a = Qb(e) - if (!a) return - n(function () { - var e - if (!a) return - let t = null != (e = Vv.get(a)) ? e : 1 - if ((1 === t ? Vv.delete(a) : Vv.set(a, t - 1), 1 !== t)) return - let n = Hv.get(a) - n && - (null === n["aria-hidden"] - ? a.removeAttribute("aria-hidden") - : a.setAttribute("aria-hidden", n["aria-hidden"]), - (a.inert = n.inert), - Hv.delete(a)) - }) - let o = null != (r = Vv.get(a)) ? r : 0 - Vv.set(a, o + 1), - 0 === o && - (Hv.set(a, { "aria-hidden": a.getAttribute("aria-hidden"), inert: a.inert }), - a.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), - (a.inert = !0)) - }) - } - let Xv = Symbol("ForcePortalRootContext"), - Yv = Hr({ - name: "ForcePortalRoot", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, force: { type: Boolean, default: !1 } }, - setup: (e, { slots: t, attrs: n }) => ( - wa(Xv, e.force), - () => { - let { force: r, ...a } = e - return bv({ theirProps: a, ourProps: {}, slot: {}, slots: t, attrs: n, name: "ForcePortalRoot" }) - } - ), - }), - Gv = Symbol("StackContext") - var Kv = ((e) => ((e[(e.Add = 0)] = "Add"), (e[(e.Remove = 1)] = "Remove"), e))(Kv || {}) - let Jv = Symbol("DescriptionContext"), - ey = Hr({ - name: "Description", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "p" }, id: { type: String, default: null } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n }) { - var r - let a = null != (r = e.id) ? r : `headlessui-description-${Lb()}`, - o = (function () { - let e = xa(Jv, null) - if (null === e) throw new Error("Missing parent") - return e - })() - return ( - Nr(() => Lr(o.register(a))), - () => { - let { name: r = "Description", slot: i = Dn({}), props: s = {} } = o, - { ...l } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { ...Object.entries(s).reduce((e, [t, n]) => Object.assign(e, { [t]: In(n) }), {}), id: a }, - theirProps: l, - slot: i.value, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: r, - }) - } - ) - }, - }) - const ty = new WeakMap() - function ny(e, t) { - let n = t( - (function (e) { - var t - return null != (t = ty.get(e)) ? t : 0 - })(e), - ) - return n <= 0 ? ty.delete(e) : ty.set(e, n), n - } - let ry = Hr({ - name: "Portal", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" } }, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n }) { - let r = Dn(null), - a = ii(() => zb(r)), - o = xa(Xv, !1), - i = xa(oy, null), - s = Dn( - !0 === o || null == i - ? (function (e) { - let t = zb(e) - if (!t) { - if (null === e) return null - throw new Error(`[Headless UI]: Cannot find ownerDocument for contextElement: ${e}`) - } - let n = t.getElementById("headlessui-portal-root") - if (n) return n - let r = t.createElement("div") - return r.setAttribute("id", "headlessui-portal-root"), t.body.appendChild(r) - })(r.value) - : i.resolveTarget(), - ) - s.value && ny(s.value, (e) => e + 1) - let l = Dn(!1) - Nr(() => { - l.value = !0 - }), - Wa(() => { - o || (null != i && (s.value = i.resolveTarget())) - }) - let c = xa(ay, null), - d = !1, - u = Vo() - return ( - Ya(r, () => { - if (d || !c) return - let e = Qb(r) - e && (Lr(c.register(e), u), (d = !0)) - }), - Lr(() => { - var e, t - let n = null == (e = a.value) ? void 0 : e.getElementById("headlessui-portal-root") - !n || - s.value !== n || - ny(s.value, (e) => e - 1) || - s.value.children.length > 0 || - null == (t = s.value.parentElement) || - t.removeChild(s.value) - }), - () => { - if (!l.value || null === s.value) return null - let a = { ref: r, "data-headlessui-portal": "" } - return si( - fo, - { to: s.value }, - bv({ ourProps: a, theirProps: e, slot: {}, attrs: n, slots: t, name: "Portal" }), - ) - } - ) - }, - }), - ay = Symbol("PortalParentContext"), - oy = Symbol("PortalGroupContext"), - iy = Hr({ - name: "PortalGroup", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, target: { type: Object, default: null } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n }) { - let r = mn({ resolveTarget: () => e.target }) - return ( - wa(oy, r), - () => { - let { target: r, ...a } = e - return bv({ theirProps: a, ourProps: {}, slot: {}, attrs: t, slots: n, name: "PortalGroup" }) - } - ) - }, - }) - var sy, - ly = (((sy = ly || {})[(sy.Open = 0)] = "Open"), (sy[(sy.Closed = 1)] = "Closed"), sy) - let cy = Symbol("DialogContext") - function dy(e) { - let t = xa(cy, null) - if (null === t) { - let t = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent component.`) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, dy), t) - } - return t - } - let uy = "DC8F892D-2EBD-447C-A4C8-A03058436FF4", - py = Hr({ - name: "Dialog", - inheritAttrs: !1, - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, - static: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - unmount: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, - open: { type: [Boolean, String], default: uy }, - initialFocus: { type: Object, default: null }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - role: { type: String, default: "dialog" }, - }, - emits: { close: (e) => !0 }, - setup(e, { emit: t, attrs: n, slots: r, expose: a }) { - var o, i - let s = null != (o = e.id) ? o : `headlessui-dialog-${Lb()}`, - l = Dn(!1) - Nr(() => { - l.value = !0 - }) - let c = !1, - d = ii(() => - "dialog" === e.role || "alertdialog" === e.role - ? e.role - : (c || - ((c = !0), - console.warn( - `Invalid role [${d}] passed to . Only \`dialog\` and and \`alertdialog\` are supported. Using \`dialog\` instead.`, - )), - "dialog"), - ), - u = Dn(0), - p = Ev(), - h = ii(() => (e.open === uy && null !== p ? (p.value & Sv.Open) === Sv.Open : e.open)), - f = Dn(null), - m = ii(() => zb(f)) - if ((a({ el: f, $el: f }), e.open === uy && null === p)) - throw new Error("You forgot to provide an `open` prop to the `Dialog`.") - if ("boolean" != typeof h.value) - throw new Error( - `You provided an \`open\` prop to the \`Dialog\`, but the value is not a boolean. Received: ${h.value === uy ? void 0 : e.open}`, - ) - let g = ii(() => (l.value && h.value ? 0 : 1)), - b = ii(() => 0 === g.value), - v = ii(() => u.value > 1), - y = null !== xa(cy, null), - [O, w] = (function () { - let e = xa(ay, null), - t = Dn([]) - function n(n) { - let r = t.value.indexOf(n) - ;-1 !== r && t.value.splice(r, 1), e && e.unregister(n) - } - let r = { - register: function (r) { - return t.value.push(r), e && e.register(r), () => n(r) - }, - unregister: n, - portals: t, - } - return [ - t, - Hr({ - name: "PortalWrapper", - setup: (e, { slots: t }) => ( - wa(ay, r), - () => { - var e - return null == (e = t.default) ? void 0 : e.call(t) - } - ), - }), - ] - })(), - { - resolveContainers: x, - mainTreeNodeRef: k, - MainTreeNode: _, - } = (function ({ defaultContainers: e = [], portals: t, mainTreeNodeRef: n } = {}) { - let r = Dn(null), - a = zb(r) - function o() { - var n, o, i - let s = [] - for (let t of e) - null !== t && - (t instanceof HTMLElement - ? s.push(t) - : "value" in t && t.value instanceof HTMLElement && s.push(t.value)) - if (null != t && t.value) for (let e of t.value) s.push(e) - for (let e of null != (n = null == a ? void 0 : a.querySelectorAll("html > *, body > *")) ? n : []) - e !== document.body && - e !== document.head && - e instanceof HTMLElement && - "headlessui-portal-root" !== e.id && - (e.contains(Qb(r)) || - e.contains(null == (i = null == (o = Qb(r)) ? void 0 : o.getRootNode()) ? void 0 : i.host) || - s.some((t) => e.contains(t)) || - s.push(e)) - return s - } - return { - resolveContainers: o, - contains: (e) => o().some((t) => t.contains(e)), - mainTreeNodeRef: r, - MainTreeNode: () => (null != n ? null : si(kv, { features: xv.Hidden, ref: r })), - } - })({ - portals: O, - defaultContainers: [ - ii(() => { - var e - return null != (e = N.panelRef.value) ? e : f.value - }), - ], - }), - S = ii(() => (v.value ? "parent" : "leaf")), - E = ii(() => null !== p && (p.value & Sv.Closing) === Sv.Closing), - T = ii(() => !y && !E.value && b.value), - A = ii(() => { - var e, t, n - return null != - (n = Array.from( - null != (t = null == (e = m.value) ? void 0 : e.querySelectorAll("body > *")) ? t : [], - ).find((e) => "headlessui-portal-root" !== e.id && e.contains(Qb(k)) && e instanceof HTMLElement)) - ? n - : null - }) - Wv(A, T) - let C = ii(() => !!v.value || b.value), - P = ii(() => { - var e, t, n - return null != - (n = Array.from( - null != (t = null == (e = m.value) ? void 0 : e.querySelectorAll("[data-headlessui-portal]")) - ? t - : [], - ).find((e) => e.contains(Qb(k)) && e instanceof HTMLElement)) - ? n - : null - }) - Wv(P, C), - (function ({ type: e, enabled: t, element: n, onUpdate: r }) { - let a = xa(Gv, () => {}) - function o(...e) { - null == r || r(...e), a(...e) - } - Nr(() => { - Ya( - t, - (t, r) => { - t ? o(0, e, n) : !0 === r && o(1, e, n) - }, - { immediate: !0, flush: "sync" }, - ) - }), - Lr(() => { - t.value && o(1, e, n) - }), - wa(Gv, o) - })({ - type: "Dialog", - enabled: ii(() => 0 === g.value), - element: f, - onUpdate: (e, t) => { - if ("Dialog" === t) return Bb(e, { [Kv.Add]: () => (u.value += 1), [Kv.Remove]: () => (u.value -= 1) }) - }, - }) - let D = (function ({ slot: e = Dn({}), name: t = "Description", props: n = {} } = {}) { - let r = Dn([]) - return ( - wa(Jv, { - register: function (e) { - return ( - r.value.push(e), - () => { - let t = r.value.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && r.value.splice(t, 1) - } - ) - }, - slot: e, - name: t, - props: n, - }), - ii(() => (r.value.length > 0 ? r.value.join(" ") : void 0)) - ) - })({ name: "DialogDescription", slot: ii(() => ({ open: h.value })) }), - R = Dn(null), - N = { - titleId: R, - panelRef: Dn(null), - dialogState: g, - setTitleId(e) { - R.value !== e && (R.value = e) - }, - close() { - t("close", !1) - }, - } - wa(cy, N) - let $ = ii(() => !(!b.value || v.value)) - cv( - x, - (e, t) => { - e.preventDefault(), N.close(), rr(() => (null == t ? void 0 : t.focus())) - }, - $, - ) - let I = ii(() => !(v.value || 0 !== g.value)) - Lv(null == (i = m.value) ? void 0 : i.defaultView, "keydown", (e) => { - I.value && - (e.defaultPrevented || (e.key === Cv.Escape && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), N.close()))) - }) - let M = ii(() => !(E.value || 0 !== g.value || y)) - return ( - (function (e, t, n) { - let r = (function (e) { - let t = Rn(e.getSnapshot()) - return ( - Lr( - e.subscribe(() => { - t.value = e.getSnapshot() - }), - ), - t - ) - })(Zv), - a = ii(() => { - let t = e.value ? r.value.get(e.value) : void 0 - return !!t && t.count > 0 - }) - Ya( - [e, t], - ([e, t], [r], a) => { - if (!e || !t) return - Zv.dispatch("PUSH", e, n) - let o = !1 - a(() => { - o || (Zv.dispatch("POP", null != r ? r : e, n), (o = !0)) - }) - }, - { immediate: !0 }, - ) - })(m, M, (e) => { - var t - return { containers: [...(null != (t = e.containers) ? t : []), x] } - }), - Wa((e) => { - if (0 !== g.value) return - let t = Qb(f) - if (!t) return - let n = new ResizeObserver((e) => { - for (let t of e) { - let e = t.target.getBoundingClientRect() - 0 === e.x && 0 === e.y && 0 === e.width && 0 === e.height && N.close() - } - }) - n.observe(t), e(() => n.disconnect()) - }), - () => { - let { open: t, initialFocus: a, ...o } = e, - i = { - ...n, - ref: f, - id: s, - role: d.value, - "aria-modal": 0 === g.value || void 0, - "aria-labelledby": R.value, - "aria-describedby": D.value, - }, - l = { open: 0 === g.value } - return si(Yv, { force: !0 }, () => [ - si(ry, () => - si(iy, { target: f.value }, () => - si(Yv, { force: !1 }, () => - si( - Uv, - { - initialFocus: a, - containers: x, - features: b.value - ? Bb(S.value, { - parent: Uv.features.RestoreFocus, - leaf: Uv.features.All & ~Uv.features.FocusLock, - }) - : Uv.features.None, - }, - () => - si(w, {}, () => - bv({ - ourProps: i, - theirProps: { ...o, ...n }, - slot: l, - attrs: n, - slots: r, - visible: 0 === g.value, - features: mv.RenderStrategy | mv.Static, - name: "Dialog", - }), - ), - ), - ), - ), - ), - si(_), - ]) - } - ) - }, - }), - hy = Hr({ - name: "DialogPanel", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, id: { type: String, default: null } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-dialog-panel-${Lb()}`, - i = dy("DialogPanel") - function s(e) { - e.stopPropagation() - } - return ( - r({ el: i.panelRef, $el: i.panelRef }), - () => { - let { ...r } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { id: o, ref: i.panelRef, onClick: s }, - theirProps: r, - slot: { open: 0 === i.dialogState.value }, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "DialogPanel", - }) - } - ) - }, - }), - fy = Hr({ - name: "DialogTitle", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "h2" }, id: { type: String, default: null } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n }) { - var r - let a = null != (r = e.id) ? r : `headlessui-dialog-title-${Lb()}`, - o = dy("DialogTitle") - return ( - Nr(() => { - o.setTitleId(a), Lr(() => o.setTitleId(null)) - }), - () => { - let { ...r } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { id: a }, - theirProps: r, - slot: { open: 0 === o.dialogState.value }, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "DialogTitle", - }) - } - ) - }, - }), - my = ey - var gy = ((e) => ((e[(e.Open = 0)] = "Open"), (e[(e.Closed = 1)] = "Closed"), e))(gy || {}) - let by = Symbol("DisclosureContext") - function vy(e) { - let t = xa(by, null) - if (null === t) { - let t = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent component.`) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, vy), t) - } - return t - } - let yy = Symbol("DisclosurePanelContext"), - Oy = Hr({ - name: "Disclosure", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, defaultOpen: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 } }, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n }) { - let r = Dn(e.defaultOpen ? 0 : 1), - a = Dn(null), - o = Dn(null), - i = { - buttonId: Dn(`headlessui-disclosure-button-${Lb()}`), - panelId: Dn(`headlessui-disclosure-panel-${Lb()}`), - disclosureState: r, - panel: a, - button: o, - toggleDisclosure() { - r.value = Bb(r.value, { 0: 1, 1: 0 }) - }, - closeDisclosure() { - 1 !== r.value && (r.value = 1) - }, - close(e) { - i.closeDisclosure() - let t = e - ? e instanceof HTMLElement - ? e - : e.value instanceof HTMLElement - ? Qb(e) - : Qb(i.button) - : Qb(i.button) - null == t || t.focus() - }, - } - return ( - wa(by, i), - Tv(ii(() => Bb(r.value, { 0: Sv.Open, 1: Sv.Closed }))), - () => { - let { defaultOpen: a, ...o } = e - return bv({ - theirProps: o, - ourProps: {}, - slot: { open: 0 === r.value, close: i.close }, - slots: t, - attrs: n, - name: "Disclosure", - }) - } - ) - }, - }), - wy = Hr({ - name: "DisclosureButton", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "button" }, - disabled: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - let a = vy("DisclosureButton"), - o = xa(yy, null), - i = ii(() => null !== o && o.value === a.panelId.value) - Nr(() => { - i.value || (null !== e.id && (a.buttonId.value = e.id)) - }), - Lr(() => { - i.value || (a.buttonId.value = null) - }) - let s = Dn(null) - r({ el: s, $el: s }), - i.value || - Wa(() => { - a.button.value = s.value - }) - let l = uv( - ii(() => ({ as: e.as, type: t.type })), - s, - ) - function c() { - var t - e.disabled || - (i.value ? (a.toggleDisclosure(), null == (t = Qb(a.button)) || t.focus()) : a.toggleDisclosure()) - } - function d(t) { - var n - if (!e.disabled) - if (i.value) - switch (t.key) { - case Cv.Space: - case Cv.Enter: - t.preventDefault(), - t.stopPropagation(), - a.toggleDisclosure(), - null == (n = Qb(a.button)) || n.focus() - } - else - switch (t.key) { - case Cv.Space: - case Cv.Enter: - t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), a.toggleDisclosure() - } - } - function u(e) { - e.key === Cv.Space && e.preventDefault() - } - return () => { - var r - let o = { open: 0 === a.disclosureState.value }, - { id: p, ...h } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: i.value - ? { ref: s, type: l.value, onClick: c, onKeydown: d } - : { - id: null != (r = a.buttonId.value) ? r : p, - ref: s, - type: l.value, - "aria-expanded": 0 === a.disclosureState.value, - "aria-controls": 0 === a.disclosureState.value || Qb(a.panel) ? a.panelId.value : void 0, - disabled: !!e.disabled || void 0, - onClick: c, - onKeydown: d, - onKeyup: u, - }, - theirProps: h, - slot: o, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "DisclosureButton", - }) - } - }, - }), - xy = Hr({ - name: "DisclosurePanel", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, - static: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - unmount: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - let a = vy("DisclosurePanel") - Nr(() => { - null !== e.id && (a.panelId.value = e.id) - }), - Lr(() => { - a.panelId.value = null - }), - r({ el: a.panel, $el: a.panel }), - wa(yy, a.panelId) - let o = Ev(), - i = ii(() => (null !== o ? (o.value & Sv.Open) === Sv.Open : 0 === a.disclosureState.value)) - return () => { - var r - let o = { open: 0 === a.disclosureState.value, close: a.close }, - { id: s, ...l } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { id: null != (r = a.panelId.value) ? r : s, ref: a.panel }, - theirProps: l, - slot: o, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - features: mv.RenderStrategy | mv.Static, - visible: i.value, - name: "DisclosurePanel", - }) - } - }, - }), - ky = - /([\u2700-\u27BF]|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2011-\u26FF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDDFF])/g - function _y(e) { - var t, n - let r = null != (t = e.innerText) ? t : "", - a = e.cloneNode(!0) - if (!(a instanceof HTMLElement)) return r - let o = !1 - for (let e of a.querySelectorAll('[hidden],[aria-hidden],[role="img"]')) e.remove(), (o = !0) - let i = o ? (null != (n = a.innerText) ? n : "") : r - return ky.test(i) && (i = i.replace(ky, "")), i - } - function Sy(e) { - let t = Dn(""), - n = Dn("") - return () => { - let r = Qb(e) - if (!r) return "" - let a = r.innerText - if (t.value === a) return n.value - let o = (function (e) { - let t = e.getAttribute("aria-label") - if ("string" == typeof t) return t.trim() - let n = e.getAttribute("aria-labelledby") - if (n) { - let e = n - .split(" ") - .map((e) => { - let t = document.getElementById(e) - if (t) { - let e = t.getAttribute("aria-label") - return "string" == typeof e ? e.trim() : _y(t).trim() - } - return null - }) - .filter(Boolean) - if (e.length > 0) return e.join(", ") - } - return _y(e).trim() - })(r) - .trim() - .toLowerCase() - return (t.value = a), (n.value = o), o - } - } - function Ey(e, t) { - return e === t - } - var Ty = ((e) => ((e[(e.Open = 0)] = "Open"), (e[(e.Closed = 1)] = "Closed"), e))(Ty || {}), - Ay = ((e) => ((e[(e.Single = 0)] = "Single"), (e[(e.Multi = 1)] = "Multi"), e))(Ay || {}), - Cy = ((e) => ((e[(e.Pointer = 0)] = "Pointer"), (e[(e.Other = 1)] = "Other"), e))(Cy || {}) - let Py = Symbol("ListboxContext") - function Dy(e) { - let t = xa(Py, null) - if (null === t) { - let t = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent component.`) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, Dy), t) - } - return t - } - let Ry = Hr({ - name: "Listbox", - emits: { "update:modelValue": (e) => !0 }, - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, - disabled: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - by: { type: [String, Function], default: () => Ey }, - horizontal: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - modelValue: { type: [Object, String, Number, Boolean], default: void 0 }, - defaultValue: { type: [Object, String, Number, Boolean], default: void 0 }, - form: { type: String, optional: !0 }, - name: { type: String, optional: !0 }, - multiple: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - }, - inheritAttrs: !1, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n, emit: r }) { - let a = Dn(1), - o = Dn(null), - i = Dn(null), - s = Dn(null), - l = Dn([]), - c = Dn(""), - d = Dn(null), - u = Dn(1) - function p(e = (e) => e) { - let t = null !== d.value ? l.value[d.value] : null, - n = av(e(l.value.slice()), (e) => Qb(e.dataRef.domRef)), - r = t ? n.indexOf(t) : null - return -1 === r && (r = null), { options: n, activeOptionIndex: r } - } - let h = ii(() => (e.multiple ? 1 : 0)), - [f, m] = (function (e, t, n) { - let r = Dn(null == n ? void 0 : n.value), - a = ii(() => void 0 !== e.value) - return [ - ii(() => (a.value ? e.value : r.value)), - function (e) { - return a.value || (r.value = e), null == t ? void 0 : t(e) - }, - ] - })( - ii(() => e.modelValue), - (e) => r("update:modelValue", e), - ii(() => e.defaultValue), - ), - g = ii(() => (void 0 === f.value ? Bb(h.value, { 1: [], 0: void 0 }) : f.value)), - b = { - listboxState: a, - value: g, - mode: h, - compare(t, n) { - if ("string" == typeof e.by) { - let r = e.by - return (null == t ? void 0 : t[r]) === (null == n ? void 0 : n[r]) - } - return e.by(t, n) - }, - orientation: ii(() => (e.horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical")), - labelRef: o, - buttonRef: i, - optionsRef: s, - disabled: ii(() => e.disabled), - options: l, - searchQuery: c, - activeOptionIndex: d, - activationTrigger: u, - closeListbox() { - e.disabled || (1 !== a.value && ((a.value = 1), (d.value = null))) - }, - openListbox() { - e.disabled || (0 !== a.value && (a.value = 0)) - }, - goToOption(t, n, r) { - if (e.disabled || 1 === a.value) return - let o = p(), - i = Nv(t === Rv.Specific ? { focus: Rv.Specific, id: n } : { focus: t }, { - resolveItems: () => o.options, - resolveActiveIndex: () => o.activeOptionIndex, - resolveId: (e) => e.id, - resolveDisabled: (e) => e.dataRef.disabled, - }) - ;(c.value = ""), (d.value = i), (u.value = null != r ? r : 1), (l.value = o.options) - }, - search(t) { - if (e.disabled || 1 === a.value) return - let n = "" !== c.value ? 0 : 1 - c.value += t.toLowerCase() - let r = ( - null !== d.value ? l.value.slice(d.value + n).concat(l.value.slice(0, d.value + n)) : l.value - ).find((e) => e.dataRef.textValue.startsWith(c.value) && !e.dataRef.disabled), - o = r ? l.value.indexOf(r) : -1 - ;-1 === o || o === d.value || ((d.value = o), (u.value = 1)) - }, - clearSearch() { - e.disabled || (1 !== a.value && "" !== c.value && (c.value = "")) - }, - registerOption(e, t) { - let n = p((n) => [...n, { id: e, dataRef: t }]) - ;(l.value = n.options), (d.value = n.activeOptionIndex) - }, - unregisterOption(e) { - let t = p((t) => { - let n = t.findIndex((t) => t.id === e) - return -1 !== n && t.splice(n, 1), t - }) - ;(l.value = t.options), (d.value = t.activeOptionIndex), (u.value = 1) - }, - theirOnChange(t) { - e.disabled || m(t) - }, - select(t) { - e.disabled || - m( - Bb(h.value, { - 0: () => t, - 1: () => { - let e = _n(b.value.value).slice(), - n = _n(t), - r = e.findIndex((e) => b.compare(n, _n(e))) - return -1 === r ? e.push(n) : e.splice(r, 1), e - }, - }), - ) - }, - } - cv( - [i, s], - (e, t) => { - var n - b.closeListbox(), Jb(t, Kb.Loose) || (e.preventDefault(), null == (n = Qb(i)) || n.focus()) - }, - ii(() => 0 === a.value), - ), - wa(Py, b), - Tv(ii(() => Bb(a.value, { 0: Sv.Open, 1: Sv.Closed }))) - let v = ii(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i)) ? void 0 : e.closest("form") - }) - return ( - Nr(() => { - Ya( - [v], - () => { - if (v.value && void 0 !== e.defaultValue) - return ( - v.value.addEventListener("reset", t), - () => { - var e - null == (e = v.value) || e.removeEventListener("reset", t) - } - ) - function t() { - b.theirOnChange(e.defaultValue) - } - }, - { immediate: !0 }, - ) - }), - () => { - let { name: r, modelValue: o, disabled: i, form: s, ...l } = e, - c = { open: 0 === a.value, disabled: i, value: g.value } - return si(go, [ - ...(null != r && null != g.value - ? $v({ [r]: g.value }).map(([e, t]) => - si( - kv, - (function (e) { - let t = Object.assign({}, e) - for (let e in t) void 0 === t[e] && delete t[e] - return t - })({ - features: xv.Hidden, - key: e, - as: "input", - type: "hidden", - hidden: !0, - readOnly: !0, - form: s, - disabled: i, - name: e, - value: t, - }), - ), - ) - : []), - bv({ - ourProps: {}, - theirProps: { - ...n, - ...wv(l, ["defaultValue", "onUpdate:modelValue", "horizontal", "multiple", "by"]), - }, - slot: c, - slots: t, - attrs: n, - name: "Listbox", - }), - ]) - } - ) - }, - }), - Ny = Hr({ - name: "ListboxButton", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "button" }, id: { type: String, default: null } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-listbox-button-${Lb()}`, - i = Dy("ListboxButton") - function s(e) { - switch (e.key) { - case Cv.Space: - case Cv.Enter: - case Cv.ArrowDown: - e.preventDefault(), - i.openListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - null == (e = Qb(i.optionsRef)) || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), - i.value.value || i.goToOption(Rv.First) - }) - break - case Cv.ArrowUp: - e.preventDefault(), - i.openListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - null == (e = Qb(i.optionsRef)) || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), - i.value.value || i.goToOption(Rv.Last) - }) - } - } - function l(e) { - e.key === Cv.Space && e.preventDefault() - } - function c(e) { - i.disabled.value || - (0 === i.listboxState.value - ? (i.closeListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - })) - : (e.preventDefault(), - i.openListbox(), - (function (e) { - requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(e)) - })(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.optionsRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - }))) - } - r({ el: i.buttonRef, $el: i.buttonRef }) - let d = uv( - ii(() => ({ as: e.as, type: t.type })), - i.buttonRef, - ) - return () => { - var r, a - let u = { open: 0 === i.listboxState.value, disabled: i.disabled.value, value: i.value.value }, - { ...p } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - ref: i.buttonRef, - id: o, - type: d.value, - "aria-haspopup": "listbox", - "aria-controls": null == (r = Qb(i.optionsRef)) ? void 0 : r.id, - "aria-expanded": 0 === i.listboxState.value, - "aria-labelledby": i.labelRef.value - ? [null == (a = Qb(i.labelRef)) ? void 0 : a.id, o].join(" ") - : void 0, - disabled: !0 === i.disabled.value || void 0, - onKeydown: s, - onKeyup: l, - onClick: c, - }, - theirProps: p, - slot: u, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "ListboxButton", - }) - } - }, - }), - $y = Hr({ - name: "ListboxOptions", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "ul" }, - static: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - unmount: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-listbox-options-${Lb()}`, - i = Dy("ListboxOptions"), - s = Dn(null) - function l(e) { - switch ((s.value && clearTimeout(s.value), e.key)) { - case Cv.Space: - if ("" !== i.searchQuery.value) return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.search(e.key) - case Cv.Enter: - if ((e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), null !== i.activeOptionIndex.value)) { - let e = i.options.value[i.activeOptionIndex.value] - i.select(e.dataRef.value) - } - 0 === i.mode.value && - (i.closeListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - })) - break - case Bb(i.orientation.value, { vertical: Cv.ArrowDown, horizontal: Cv.ArrowRight }): - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToOption(Rv.Next) - case Bb(i.orientation.value, { vertical: Cv.ArrowUp, horizontal: Cv.ArrowLeft }): - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToOption(Rv.Previous) - case Cv.Home: - case Cv.PageUp: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToOption(Rv.First) - case Cv.End: - case Cv.PageDown: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToOption(Rv.Last) - case Cv.Escape: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - i.closeListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - }) - break - case Cv.Tab: - e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation() - break - default: - 1 === e.key.length && (i.search(e.key), (s.value = setTimeout(() => i.clearSearch(), 350))) - } - } - r({ el: i.optionsRef, $el: i.optionsRef }) - let c = Ev(), - d = ii(() => (null !== c ? (c.value & Sv.Open) === Sv.Open : 0 === i.listboxState.value)) - return () => { - var r, a - let s = { open: 0 === i.listboxState.value }, - { ...c } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - "aria-activedescendant": - null === i.activeOptionIndex.value || null == (r = i.options.value[i.activeOptionIndex.value]) - ? void 0 - : r.id, - "aria-multiselectable": 1 === i.mode.value || void 0, - "aria-labelledby": null == (a = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : a.id, - "aria-orientation": i.orientation.value, - id: o, - onKeydown: l, - role: "listbox", - tabIndex: 0, - ref: i.optionsRef, - }, - theirProps: c, - slot: s, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - features: mv.RenderStrategy | mv.Static, - visible: d.value, - name: "ListboxOptions", - }) - } - }, - }), - Iy = Hr({ - name: "ListboxOption", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "li" }, - value: { type: [Object, String, Number, Boolean] }, - disabled: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-listbox-option-${Lb()}`, - i = Dy("ListboxOption"), - s = Dn(null) - r({ el: s, $el: s }) - let l = ii(() => null !== i.activeOptionIndex.value && i.options.value[i.activeOptionIndex.value].id === o), - c = ii(() => - Bb(i.mode.value, { - 0: () => i.compare(_n(i.value.value), _n(e.value)), - 1: () => _n(i.value.value).some((t) => i.compare(_n(t), _n(e.value))), - }), - ), - d = ii(() => - Bb(i.mode.value, { - 1: () => { - var e - let t = _n(i.value.value) - return ( - (null == (e = i.options.value.find((e) => t.some((t) => i.compare(_n(t), _n(e.dataRef.value))))) - ? void 0 - : e.id) === o - ) - }, - 0: () => c.value, - }), - ), - u = Sy(s), - p = ii(() => ({ - disabled: e.disabled, - value: e.value, - get textValue() { - return u() - }, - domRef: s, - })) - function h(t) { - if (e.disabled) return t.preventDefault() - i.select(e.value), - 0 === i.mode.value && - (i.closeListbox(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - })) - } - function f() { - if (e.disabled) return i.goToOption(Rv.Nothing) - i.goToOption(Rv.Specific, o) - } - Nr(() => i.registerOption(o, p)), - Lr(() => i.unregisterOption(o)), - Nr(() => { - Ya( - [i.listboxState, c], - () => { - 0 === i.listboxState.value && - c.value && - Bb(i.mode.value, { - 1: () => { - d.value && i.goToOption(Rv.Specific, o) - }, - 0: () => { - i.goToOption(Rv.Specific, o) - }, - }) - }, - { immediate: !0 }, - ) - }), - Wa(() => { - 0 === i.listboxState.value && - l.value && - 0 !== i.activationTrigger.value && - rr(() => { - var e, t - return null == (t = null == (e = Qb(s)) ? void 0 : e.scrollIntoView) - ? void 0 - : t.call(e, { block: "nearest" }) - }) - }) - let m = hv() - function g(e) { - m.update(e) - } - function b(t) { - m.wasMoved(t) && (e.disabled || l.value || i.goToOption(Rv.Specific, o, 0)) - } - function v(t) { - m.wasMoved(t) && (e.disabled || (l.value && i.goToOption(Rv.Nothing))) - } - return () => { - let { disabled: r } = e, - a = { active: l.value, selected: c.value, disabled: r }, - { value: i, disabled: d, ...u } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - id: o, - ref: s, - role: "option", - tabIndex: !0 === r ? void 0 : -1, - "aria-disabled": !0 === r || void 0, - "aria-selected": c.value, - disabled: void 0, - onClick: h, - onFocus: f, - onPointerenter: g, - onMouseenter: g, - onPointermove: b, - onMousemove: b, - onPointerleave: v, - onMouseleave: v, - }, - theirProps: u, - slot: a, - attrs: n, - slots: t, - name: "ListboxOption", - }) - } - }, - }) - var My = ((e) => ((e[(e.Open = 0)] = "Open"), (e[(e.Closed = 1)] = "Closed"), e))(My || {}), - Ly = ((e) => ((e[(e.Pointer = 0)] = "Pointer"), (e[(e.Other = 1)] = "Other"), e))(Ly || {}) - let Qy = Symbol("MenuContext") - function By(e) { - let t = xa(Qy, null) - if (null === t) { - let t = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent component.`) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, By), t) - } - return t - } - let jy = Hr({ - name: "Menu", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" } }, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n }) { - let r = Dn(1), - a = Dn(null), - o = Dn(null), - i = Dn([]), - s = Dn(""), - l = Dn(null), - c = Dn(1) - function d(e = (e) => e) { - let t = null !== l.value ? i.value[l.value] : null, - n = av(e(i.value.slice()), (e) => Qb(e.dataRef.domRef)), - r = t ? n.indexOf(t) : null - return -1 === r && (r = null), { items: n, activeItemIndex: r } - } - let u = { - menuState: r, - buttonRef: a, - itemsRef: o, - items: i, - searchQuery: s, - activeItemIndex: l, - activationTrigger: c, - closeMenu: () => { - ;(r.value = 1), (l.value = null) - }, - openMenu: () => (r.value = 0), - goToItem(e, t, n) { - let r = d(), - a = Nv(e === Rv.Specific ? { focus: Rv.Specific, id: t } : { focus: e }, { - resolveItems: () => r.items, - resolveActiveIndex: () => r.activeItemIndex, - resolveId: (e) => e.id, - resolveDisabled: (e) => e.dataRef.disabled, - }) - ;(s.value = ""), (l.value = a), (c.value = null != n ? n : 1), (i.value = r.items) - }, - search(e) { - let t = "" !== s.value ? 0 : 1 - s.value += e.toLowerCase() - let n = ( - null !== l.value ? i.value.slice(l.value + t).concat(i.value.slice(0, l.value + t)) : i.value - ).find((e) => e.dataRef.textValue.startsWith(s.value) && !e.dataRef.disabled), - r = n ? i.value.indexOf(n) : -1 - ;-1 === r || r === l.value || ((l.value = r), (c.value = 1)) - }, - clearSearch() { - s.value = "" - }, - registerItem(e, t) { - let n = d((n) => [...n, { id: e, dataRef: t }]) - ;(i.value = n.items), (l.value = n.activeItemIndex), (c.value = 1) - }, - unregisterItem(e) { - let t = d((t) => { - let n = t.findIndex((t) => t.id === e) - return -1 !== n && t.splice(n, 1), t - }) - ;(i.value = t.items), (l.value = t.activeItemIndex), (c.value = 1) - }, - } - return ( - cv( - [a, o], - (e, t) => { - var n - u.closeMenu(), Jb(t, Kb.Loose) || (e.preventDefault(), null == (n = Qb(a)) || n.focus()) - }, - ii(() => 0 === r.value), - ), - wa(Qy, u), - Tv(ii(() => Bb(r.value, { 0: Sv.Open, 1: Sv.Closed }))), - () => { - let a = { open: 0 === r.value, close: u.closeMenu } - return bv({ ourProps: {}, theirProps: e, slot: a, slots: t, attrs: n, name: "Menu" }) - } - ) - }, - }), - Uy = Hr({ - name: "MenuButton", - props: { - disabled: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "button" }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-menu-button-${Lb()}`, - i = By("MenuButton") - function s(e) { - switch (e.key) { - case Cv.Space: - case Cv.Enter: - case Cv.ArrowDown: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - i.openMenu(), - rr(() => { - var e - null == (e = Qb(i.itemsRef)) || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), i.goToItem(Rv.First) - }) - break - case Cv.ArrowUp: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - i.openMenu(), - rr(() => { - var e - null == (e = Qb(i.itemsRef)) || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), i.goToItem(Rv.Last) - }) - } - } - function l(e) { - e.key === Cv.Space && e.preventDefault() - } - function c(t) { - e.disabled || - (0 === i.menuState.value - ? (i.closeMenu(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - })) - : (t.preventDefault(), - i.openMenu(), - (function (e) { - requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(e)) - })(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.itemsRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - }))) - } - r({ el: i.buttonRef, $el: i.buttonRef }) - let d = uv( - ii(() => ({ as: e.as, type: t.type })), - i.buttonRef, - ) - return () => { - var r - let a = { open: 0 === i.menuState.value }, - { ...u } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - ref: i.buttonRef, - id: o, - type: d.value, - "aria-haspopup": "menu", - "aria-controls": null == (r = Qb(i.itemsRef)) ? void 0 : r.id, - "aria-expanded": 0 === i.menuState.value, - onKeydown: s, - onKeyup: l, - onClick: c, - }, - theirProps: u, - slot: a, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "MenuButton", - }) - } - }, - }), - Fy = Hr({ - name: "MenuItems", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" }, - static: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - unmount: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-menu-items-${Lb()}`, - i = By("MenuItems"), - s = Dn(null) - function l(e) { - var t - switch ((s.value && clearTimeout(s.value), e.key)) { - case Cv.Space: - if ("" !== i.searchQuery.value) return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.search(e.key) - case Cv.Enter: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - null !== i.activeItemIndex.value && - (null == (t = Qb(i.items.value[i.activeItemIndex.value].dataRef.domRef)) || t.click()), - i.closeMenu(), - ev(Qb(i.buttonRef)) - break - case Cv.ArrowDown: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToItem(Rv.Next) - case Cv.ArrowUp: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToItem(Rv.Previous) - case Cv.Home: - case Cv.PageUp: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToItem(Rv.First) - case Cv.End: - case Cv.PageDown: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.goToItem(Rv.Last) - case Cv.Escape: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - i.closeMenu(), - rr(() => { - var e - return null == (e = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) - }) - break - case Cv.Tab: - e.preventDefault(), - e.stopPropagation(), - i.closeMenu(), - rr(() => - (function (e, t) { - return ov(Gb(), t, { relativeTo: e }) - })(Qb(i.buttonRef), e.shiftKey ? Wb.Previous : Wb.Next), - ) - break - default: - 1 === e.key.length && (i.search(e.key), (s.value = setTimeout(() => i.clearSearch(), 350))) - } - } - function c(e) { - e.key === Cv.Space && e.preventDefault() - } - r({ el: i.itemsRef, $el: i.itemsRef }), - (function ({ container: e, accept: t, walk: n, enabled: r }) { - Wa(() => { - let a = e.value - if (!a || (void 0 !== r && !r.value)) return - let o = zb(e) - if (!o) return - let i = Object.assign((e) => t(e), { acceptNode: t }), - s = o.createTreeWalker(a, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, i, !1) - for (; s.nextNode(); ) n(s.currentNode) - }) - })({ - container: ii(() => Qb(i.itemsRef)), - enabled: ii(() => 0 === i.menuState.value), - accept: (e) => - "menuitem" === e.getAttribute("role") - ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT - : e.hasAttribute("role") - ? NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP - : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, - walk(e) { - e.setAttribute("role", "none") - }, - }) - let d = Ev(), - u = ii(() => (null !== d ? (d.value & Sv.Open) === Sv.Open : 0 === i.menuState.value)) - return () => { - var r, a - let s = { open: 0 === i.menuState.value }, - { ...d } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - "aria-activedescendant": - null === i.activeItemIndex.value || null == (r = i.items.value[i.activeItemIndex.value]) - ? void 0 - : r.id, - "aria-labelledby": null == (a = Qb(i.buttonRef)) ? void 0 : a.id, - id: o, - onKeydown: l, - onKeyup: c, - role: "menu", - tabIndex: 0, - ref: i.itemsRef, - }, - theirProps: d, - slot: s, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - features: mv.RenderStrategy | mv.Static, - visible: u.value, - name: "MenuItems", - }) - } - }, - }), - zy = Hr({ - name: "MenuItem", - inheritAttrs: !1, - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, - disabled: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-menu-item-${Lb()}`, - i = By("MenuItem"), - s = Dn(null) - r({ el: s, $el: s }) - let l = ii(() => null !== i.activeItemIndex.value && i.items.value[i.activeItemIndex.value].id === o), - c = Sy(s), - d = ii(() => ({ - disabled: e.disabled, - get textValue() { - return c() - }, - domRef: s, - })) - function u(t) { - if (e.disabled) return t.preventDefault() - i.closeMenu(), ev(Qb(i.buttonRef)) - } - function p() { - if (e.disabled) return i.goToItem(Rv.Nothing) - i.goToItem(Rv.Specific, o) - } - Nr(() => i.registerItem(o, d)), - Lr(() => i.unregisterItem(o)), - Wa(() => { - 0 === i.menuState.value && - l.value && - 0 !== i.activationTrigger.value && - rr(() => { - var e, t - return null == (t = null == (e = Qb(s)) ? void 0 : e.scrollIntoView) - ? void 0 - : t.call(e, { block: "nearest" }) - }) - }) - let h = hv() - function f(e) { - h.update(e) - } - function m(t) { - h.wasMoved(t) && (e.disabled || l.value || i.goToItem(Rv.Specific, o, 0)) - } - function g(t) { - h.wasMoved(t) && (e.disabled || (l.value && i.goToItem(Rv.Nothing))) - } - return () => { - let { disabled: r, ...a } = e, - c = { active: l.value, disabled: r, close: i.closeMenu } - return bv({ - ourProps: { - id: o, - ref: s, - role: "menuitem", - tabIndex: !0 === r ? void 0 : -1, - "aria-disabled": !0 === r || void 0, - onClick: u, - onFocus: p, - onPointerenter: f, - onMouseenter: f, - onPointermove: m, - onMousemove: m, - onPointerleave: g, - onMouseleave: g, - }, - theirProps: { ...n, ...a }, - slot: c, - attrs: n, - slots: t, - name: "MenuItem", - }) - } - }, - }), - qy = Hr({ - props: { onFocus: { type: Function, required: !0 } }, - setup(e) { - let t = Dn(!0) - return () => - t.value - ? si(kv, { - as: "button", - type: "button", - features: xv.Focusable, - onFocus(n) { - n.preventDefault() - let r, - a = 50 - r = requestAnimationFrame(function n() { - var o - if (!(a-- <= 0)) - return null != (o = e.onFocus) && o.call(e) - ? ((t.value = !1), void cancelAnimationFrame(r)) - : void (r = requestAnimationFrame(n)) - r && cancelAnimationFrame(r) - }) - }, - }) - : null - }, - }) - var Zy, - Hy, - Vy = (((Hy = Vy || {})[(Hy.Forwards = 0)] = "Forwards"), (Hy[(Hy.Backwards = 1)] = "Backwards"), Hy), - Wy = - (((Zy = Wy || {})[(Zy.Less = -1)] = "Less"), - (Zy[(Zy.Equal = 0)] = "Equal"), - (Zy[(Zy.Greater = 1)] = "Greater"), - Zy) - let Xy = Symbol("TabsContext") - function Yy(e) { - let t = xa(Xy, null) - if (null === t) { - let t = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent component.`) - throw (Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, Yy), t) - } - return t - } - let Gy = Symbol("TabsSSRContext"), - Ky = Hr({ - name: "TabGroup", - emits: { change: (e) => !0 }, - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "template" }, - selectedIndex: { type: [Number], default: null }, - defaultIndex: { type: [Number], default: 0 }, - vertical: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - manual: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - }, - inheritAttrs: !1, - setup(e, { slots: t, attrs: n, emit: r }) { - var a - let o = Dn(null != (a = e.selectedIndex) ? a : e.defaultIndex), - i = Dn([]), - s = Dn([]), - l = ii(() => null !== e.selectedIndex), - c = ii(() => (l.value ? e.selectedIndex : o.value)) - function d(e) { - var t - let n = av(u.tabs.value, Qb), - r = av(u.panels.value, Qb), - a = n.filter((e) => { - var t - return !(null != (t = Qb(e)) && t.hasAttribute("disabled")) - }) - if (e < 0 || e > n.length - 1) { - let t = Bb(null === o.value ? 0 : Math.sign(e - o.value), { - [-1]: () => 1, - 0: () => Bb(Math.sign(e), { [-1]: () => 0, 0: () => 0, 1: () => 1 }), - 1: () => 0, - }), - i = Bb(t, { 0: () => n.indexOf(a[0]), 1: () => n.indexOf(a[a.length - 1]) }) - ;-1 !== i && (o.value = i), (u.tabs.value = n), (u.panels.value = r) - } else { - let i = n.slice(0, e), - s = [...n.slice(e), ...i].find((e) => a.includes(e)) - if (!s) return - let l = null != (t = n.indexOf(s)) ? t : u.selectedIndex.value - ;-1 === l && (l = u.selectedIndex.value), (o.value = l), (u.tabs.value = n), (u.panels.value = r) - } - } - let u = { - selectedIndex: ii(() => { - var t, n - return null != (n = null != (t = o.value) ? t : e.defaultIndex) ? n : null - }), - orientation: ii(() => (e.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal")), - activation: ii(() => (e.manual ? "manual" : "auto")), - tabs: i, - panels: s, - setSelectedIndex(e) { - c.value !== e && r("change", e), l.value || d(e) - }, - registerTab(e) { - var t - if (i.value.includes(e)) return - let n = i.value[o.value] - if ((i.value.push(e), (i.value = av(i.value, Qb)), !l.value)) { - let e = null != (t = i.value.indexOf(n)) ? t : o.value - ;-1 !== e && (o.value = e) - } - }, - unregisterTab(e) { - let t = i.value.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && i.value.splice(t, 1) - }, - registerPanel(e) { - s.value.includes(e) || (s.value.push(e), (s.value = av(s.value, Qb))) - }, - unregisterPanel(e) { - let t = s.value.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && s.value.splice(t, 1) - }, - } - wa(Xy, u) - let p = Dn({ tabs: [], panels: [] }), - h = Dn(!1) - Nr(() => { - h.value = !0 - }), - wa( - Gy, - ii(() => (h.value ? null : p.value)), - ) - let f = ii(() => e.selectedIndex) - return ( - Nr(() => { - Ya( - [f], - () => { - var t - return d(null != (t = e.selectedIndex) ? t : e.defaultIndex) - }, - { immediate: !0 }, - ) - }), - Wa(() => { - if (!l.value || null == c.value || u.tabs.value.length <= 0) return - let e = av(u.tabs.value, Qb) - e.some((e, t) => Qb(u.tabs.value[t]) !== Qb(e)) && - u.setSelectedIndex(e.findIndex((e) => Qb(e) === Qb(u.tabs.value[c.value]))) - }), - () => { - let r = { selectedIndex: o.value } - return si(go, [ - i.value.length <= 0 && - si(qy, { - onFocus: () => { - for (let e of i.value) { - let t = Qb(e) - if (0 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.tabIndex)) return t.focus(), !0 - } - return !1 - }, - }), - bv({ - theirProps: { ...n, ...wv(e, ["selectedIndex", "defaultIndex", "manual", "vertical", "onChange"]) }, - ourProps: {}, - slot: r, - slots: t, - attrs: n, - name: "TabGroup", - }), - ]) - } - ) - }, - }), - Jy = Hr({ - name: "TabList", - props: { as: { type: [Object, String], default: "div" } }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n }) { - let r = Yy("TabList") - return () => { - let a = { selectedIndex: r.selectedIndex.value } - return bv({ - ourProps: { role: "tablist", "aria-orientation": r.orientation.value }, - theirProps: e, - slot: a, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "TabList", - }) - } - }, - }), - eO = Hr({ - name: "Tab", - props: { - as: { type: [Object, String], default: "button" }, - disabled: { type: [Boolean], default: !1 }, - id: { type: String, default: null }, - }, - setup(e, { attrs: t, slots: n, expose: r }) { - var a - let o = null != (a = e.id) ? a : `headlessui-tabs-tab-${Lb()}`, - i = Yy("Tab"), - s = Dn(null) - r({ el: s, $el: s }), Nr(() => i.registerTab(s)), Lr(() => i.unregisterTab(s)) - let l = xa(Gy), - c = ii(() => { - if (l.value) { - let e = l.value.tabs.indexOf(o) - return -1 === e ? l.value.tabs.push(o) - 1 : e - } - return -1 - }), - d = ii(() => { - let e = i.tabs.value.indexOf(s) - return -1 === e ? c.value : e - }), - u = ii(() => d.value === i.selectedIndex.value) - function p(e) { - var t - let n = e() - if (n === Xb.Success && "auto" === i.activation.value) { - let e = null == (t = zb(s)) ? void 0 : t.activeElement, - n = i.tabs.value.findIndex((t) => Qb(t) === e) - ;-1 !== n && i.setSelectedIndex(n) - } - return n - } - function h(e) { - let t = i.tabs.value.map((e) => Qb(e)).filter(Boolean) - if (e.key === Cv.Space || e.key === Cv.Enter) - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), void i.setSelectedIndex(d.value) - switch (e.key) { - case Cv.Home: - case Cv.PageUp: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), p(() => ov(t, Wb.First)) - case Cv.End: - case Cv.PageDown: - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), p(() => ov(t, Wb.Last)) - } - return p(() => - Bb(i.orientation.value, { - vertical: () => - e.key === Cv.ArrowUp - ? ov(t, Wb.Previous | Wb.WrapAround) - : e.key === Cv.ArrowDown - ? ov(t, Wb.Next | Wb.WrapAround) - : Xb.Error, - horizontal: () => - e.key === Cv.ArrowLeft - ? ov(t, Wb.Previous | Wb.WrapAround) - : e.key === Cv.ArrowRight - ? ov(t, Wb.Next | Wb.WrapAround) - : Xb.Error, - }), - ) === Xb.Success - ? e.preventDefault() - : void 0 - } - let f = Dn(!1) - function m() { - var t - f.value || - ((f.value = !0), - !e.disabled && - (null == (t = Qb(s)) || t.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), - i.setSelectedIndex(d.value), - Nb(() => { - f.value = !1 - }))) - } - function g(e) { - e.preventDefault() - } - let b = uv( - ii(() => ({ as: e.as, type: t.type })), - s, - ) - return () => { - var r, a - let l = { selected: u.value, disabled: null != (r = e.disabled) && r }, - { ...c } = e - return bv({ - ourProps: { - ref: s, - onKeydown: h, - onMousedown: g, - onClick: m, - id: o, - role: "tab", - type: b.value, - "aria-controls": null == (a = Qb(i.panels.value[d.value])) ? void 0 : a.id, - "aria-selected": u.value, - tabIndex: u.value ? 0 : -1, - disabled: !!e.disabled || void 0, - }, - theirProps: c, - slot: l, - attrs: t, - slots: n, - name: "Tab", - }) - } - }, - }) - function tO(e) { - var t, - n, - r = "" - if ("string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e) r += e - else if ("object" == typeof e) - if (Array.isArray(e)) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] && (n = tO(e[t])) && (r && (r += " "), (r += n)) - else for (t in e) e[t] && (r && (r += " "), (r += t)) - return r - } - function nO() { - for (var e, t, n = 0, r = ""; n < arguments.length; ) - (e = arguments[n++]) && (t = tO(e)) && (r && (r += " "), (r += t)) - return r - } - const rO = (e) => ("boolean" == typeof e ? "".concat(e) : 0 === e ? "0" : e), - aO = (e) => { - const t = function () { - for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r] - var a, o - return void 0 !== (null == e || null === (a = e.hooks) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a["cx:done"]) - ? null == e - ? void 0 - : e.hooks["cx:done"](nO(n)) - : void 0 !== (null == e || null === (o = e.hooks) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.onComplete) - ? null == e - ? void 0 - : e.hooks.onComplete(nO(n)) - : nO(n) - } - return { - compose: function () { - for (var e = arguments.length, n = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) n[r] = arguments[r] - return (e) => { - const r = Object.fromEntries( - Object.entries(e || {}).filter((e) => { - let [t] = e - return !["class", "className"].includes(t) - }), - ) - return t( - n.map((e) => e(r)), - null == e ? void 0 : e.class, - null == e ? void 0 : e.className, - ) - } - }, - cva: (e) => (n) => { - var r - if (null == (null == e ? void 0 : e.variants)) - return t(null == e ? void 0 : e.base, null == n ? void 0 : n.class, null == n ? void 0 : n.className) - const { variants: a, defaultVariants: o } = e, - i = Object.keys(a).map((e) => { - const t = null == n ? void 0 : n[e], - r = null == o ? void 0 : o[e], - i = rO(t) || rO(r) - return a[e][i] - }), - s = { - ...o, - ...(n && - Object.entries(n).reduce((e, t) => { - let [n, r] = t - return void 0 === r ? e : { ...e, [n]: r } - }, {})), - }, - l = - null == e || null === (r = e.compoundVariants) || void 0 === r - ? void 0 - : r.reduce((e, t) => { - let { class: n, className: r, ...a } = t - return Object.entries(a).every((e) => { - let [t, n] = e - const r = s[t] - return Array.isArray(n) ? n.includes(r) : r === n - }) - ? [...e, n, r] - : e - }, []) - return t(null == e ? void 0 : e.base, i, l, null == n ? void 0 : n.class, null == n ? void 0 : n.className) - }, - cx: t, - } - }, - { compose: oO, cva: iO, cx: sO } = aO(), - lO = "-" - function cO(e) { - const t = (function (e) { - const { theme: t, prefix: n } = e, - r = { nextPart: new Map(), validators: [] }, - a = (function (e, t) { - return t - ? e.map(([e, n]) => [ - e, - n.map((e) => - "string" == typeof e - ? t + e - : "object" == typeof e - ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(e).map(([e, n]) => [t + e, n])) - : e, - ), - ]) - : e - })(Object.entries(e.classGroups), n) - return ( - a.forEach(([e, n]) => { - pO(n, r, e, t) - }), - r - ) - })(e), - { conflictingClassGroups: n, conflictingClassGroupModifiers: r } = e - return { - getClassGroupId: function (e) { - const n = e.split(lO) - return ( - "" === n[0] && 1 !== n.length && n.shift(), - dO(n, t) || - (function (e) { - if (uO.test(e)) { - const t = uO.exec(e)[1], - n = null == t ? void 0 : t.substring(0, t.indexOf(":")) - if (n) return "arbitrary.." + n - } - })(e) - ) - }, - getConflictingClassGroupIds: function (e, t) { - const a = n[e] || [] - return t && r[e] ? [...a, ...r[e]] : a - }, - } - } - function dO(e, t) { - var n - if (0 === e.length) return t.classGroupId - const r = e[0], - a = t.nextPart.get(r), - o = a ? dO(e.slice(1), a) : void 0 - if (o) return o - if (0 === t.validators.length) return - const i = e.join(lO) - return null == (n = t.validators.find(({ validator: e }) => e(i))) ? void 0 : n.classGroupId - } - const uO = /^\[(.+)\]$/ - function pO(e, t, n, r) { - e.forEach((e) => { - if ("string" != typeof e) { - if ("function" == typeof e) - return e.isThemeGetter ? void pO(e(r), t, n, r) : void t.validators.push({ validator: e, classGroupId: n }) - Object.entries(e).forEach(([e, a]) => { - pO(a, hO(t, e), n, r) - }) - } else ("" === e ? t : hO(t, e)).classGroupId = n - }) - } - function hO(e, t) { - let n = e - return ( - t.split(lO).forEach((e) => { - n.nextPart.has(e) || n.nextPart.set(e, { nextPart: new Map(), validators: [] }), (n = n.nextPart.get(e)) - }), - n - ) - } - function fO(e) { - if (e < 1) return { get: () => {}, set: () => {} } - let t = 0, - n = new Map(), - r = new Map() - function a(a, o) { - n.set(a, o), t++, t > e && ((t = 0), (r = n), (n = new Map())) - } - return { - get(e) { - let t = n.get(e) - return void 0 !== t ? t : void 0 !== (t = r.get(e)) ? (a(e, t), t) : void 0 - }, - set(e, t) { - n.has(e) ? n.set(e, t) : a(e, t) - }, - } - } - const mO = "!" - function gO(e) { - const t = e.separator, - n = 1 === t.length, - r = t[0], - a = t.length - return function (e) { - const o = [] - let i, - s = 0, - l = 0 - for (let c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { - let d = e[c] - if (0 === s) { - if (d === r && (n || e.slice(c, c + a) === t)) { - o.push(e.slice(l, c)), (l = c + a) - continue - } - if ("/" === d) { - i = c - continue - } - } - "[" === d ? s++ : "]" === d && s-- - } - const c = 0 === o.length ? e : e.substring(l), - d = c.startsWith(mO) - return { - modifiers: o, - hasImportantModifier: d, - baseClassName: d ? c.substring(1) : c, - maybePostfixModifierPosition: i && i > l ? i - l : void 0, - } - } - } - const bO = /\s+/ - function vO() { - let e, - t, - n = 0, - r = "" - for (; n < arguments.length; ) (e = arguments[n++]) && (t = yO(e)) && (r && (r += " "), (r += t)) - return r - } - function yO(e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) return e - let t, - n = "" - for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r] && (t = yO(e[r])) && (n && (n += " "), (n += t)) - return n - } - function OO(e, ...t) { - let n, - r, - a, - o = function (s) { - const l = t.reduce((e, t) => t(e), e()) - return ( - (n = (function (e) { - return { cache: fO(e.cacheSize), splitModifiers: gO(e), ...cO(e) } - })(l)), - (r = n.cache.get), - (a = n.cache.set), - (o = i), - i(s) - ) - } - function i(e) { - const t = r(e) - if (t) return t - const o = (function (e, t) { - const { splitModifiers: n, getClassGroupId: r, getConflictingClassGroupIds: a } = t, - o = new Set() - return e - .trim() - .split(bO) - .map((e) => { - const { modifiers: t, hasImportantModifier: a, baseClassName: o, maybePostfixModifierPosition: i } = n(e) - let s = r(i ? o.substring(0, i) : o), - l = Boolean(i) - if (!s) { - if (!i) return { isTailwindClass: !1, originalClassName: e } - if (((s = r(o)), !s)) return { isTailwindClass: !1, originalClassName: e } - l = !1 - } - const c = (function (e) { - if (e.length <= 1) return e - const t = [] - let n = [] - return ( - e.forEach((e) => { - "[" === e[0] ? (t.push(...n.sort(), e), (n = [])) : n.push(e) - }), - t.push(...n.sort()), - t - ) - })(t).join(":") - return { - isTailwindClass: !0, - modifierId: a ? c + mO : c, - classGroupId: s, - originalClassName: e, - hasPostfixModifier: l, - } - }) - .reverse() - .filter((e) => { - if (!e.isTailwindClass) return !0 - const { modifierId: t, classGroupId: n, hasPostfixModifier: r } = e, - i = t + n - return !o.has(i) && (o.add(i), a(n, r).forEach((e) => o.add(t + e)), !0) - }) - .reverse() - .map((e) => e.originalClassName) - .join(" ") - })(e, n) - return a(e, o), o - } - return function () { - return o(vO.apply(null, arguments)) - } - } - function wO(e) { - const t = (t) => t[e] || [] - return (t.isThemeGetter = !0), t - } - const xO = /^\[(?:([a-z-]+):)?(.+)\]$/i, - kO = /^\d+\/\d+$/, - _O = new Set(["px", "full", "screen"]), - SO = /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)?(xs|sm|md|lg|xl)$/, - EO = - /\d+(%|px|r?em|[sdl]?v([hwib]|min|max)|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|cap|ch|ex|r?lh|cq(w|h|i|b|min|max))|\b(calc|min|max|clamp)\(.+\)|^0$/, - TO = /^(rgba?|hsla?|hwb|(ok)?(lab|lch))\(.+\)$/, - AO = /^(inset_)?-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)_-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)/, - CO = /^(url|image|image-set|cross-fade|element|(repeating-)?(linear|radial|conic)-gradient)\(.+\)$/ - function PO(e) { - return RO(e) || _O.has(e) || kO.test(e) - } - function DO(e) { - return ZO(e, "length", HO) - } - function RO(e) { - return Boolean(e) && !Number.isNaN(Number(e)) - } - function NO(e) { - return ZO(e, "number", RO) - } - function $O(e) { - return Boolean(e) && Number.isInteger(Number(e)) - } - function IO(e) { - return e.endsWith("%") && RO(e.slice(0, -1)) - } - function MO(e) { - return xO.test(e) - } - function LO(e) { - return SO.test(e) - } - const QO = new Set(["length", "size", "percentage"]) - function BO(e) { - return ZO(e, QO, VO) - } - function jO(e) { - return ZO(e, "position", VO) - } - const UO = new Set(["image", "url"]) - function FO(e) { - return ZO(e, UO, XO) - } - function zO(e) { - return ZO(e, "", WO) - } - function qO() { - return !0 - } - function ZO(e, t, n) { - const r = xO.exec(e) - return !!r && (r[1] ? ("string" == typeof t ? r[1] === t : t.has(r[1])) : n(r[2])) - } - function HO(e) { - return EO.test(e) && !TO.test(e) - } - function VO() { - return !1 - } - function WO(e) { - return AO.test(e) - } - function XO(e) { - return CO.test(e) - } - function YO() { - const e = wO("colors"), - t = wO("spacing"), - n = wO("blur"), - r = wO("brightness"), - a = wO("borderColor"), - o = wO("borderRadius"), - i = wO("borderSpacing"), - s = wO("borderWidth"), - l = wO("contrast"), - c = wO("grayscale"), - d = wO("hueRotate"), - u = wO("invert"), - p = wO("gap"), - h = wO("gradientColorStops"), - f = wO("gradientColorStopPositions"), - m = wO("inset"), - g = wO("margin"), - b = wO("opacity"), - v = wO("padding"), - y = wO("saturate"), - O = wO("scale"), - w = wO("sepia"), - x = wO("skew"), - k = wO("space"), - _ = wO("translate"), - S = () => ["auto", MO, t], - E = () => [MO, t], - T = () => ["", PO, DO], - A = () => ["auto", RO, MO], - C = () => ["", "0", MO], - P = () => [RO, NO], - D = () => [RO, MO] - return { - cacheSize: 500, - separator: ":", - theme: { - colors: [qO], - spacing: [PO, DO], - blur: ["none", "", LO, MO], - brightness: P(), - borderColor: [e], - borderRadius: ["none", "", "full", LO, MO], - borderSpacing: E(), - borderWidth: T(), - contrast: P(), - grayscale: C(), - hueRotate: D(), - invert: C(), - gap: E(), - gradientColorStops: [e], - gradientColorStopPositions: [IO, DO], - inset: S(), - margin: S(), - opacity: P(), - padding: E(), - saturate: P(), - scale: P(), - sepia: C(), - skew: D(), - space: E(), - translate: E(), - }, - classGroups: { - aspect: [{ aspect: ["auto", "square", "video", MO] }], - container: ["container"], - columns: [{ columns: [LO] }], - "break-after": [{ "break-after": ["auto", "avoid", "all", "avoid-page", "page", "left", "right", "column"] }], - "break-before": [ - { "break-before": ["auto", "avoid", "all", "avoid-page", "page", "left", "right", "column"] }, - ], - "break-inside": [{ "break-inside": ["auto", "avoid", "avoid-page", "avoid-column"] }], - "box-decoration": [{ "box-decoration": ["slice", "clone"] }], - box: [{ box: ["border", "content"] }], - display: [ - "block", - "inline-block", - "inline", - "flex", - "inline-flex", - "table", - "inline-table", - "table-caption", - "table-cell", - "table-column", - "table-column-group", - "table-footer-group", - "table-header-group", - "table-row-group", - "table-row", - "flow-root", - "grid", - "inline-grid", - "contents", - "list-item", - "hidden", - ], - float: [{ float: ["right", "left", "none", "start", "end"] }], - clear: [{ clear: ["left", "right", "both", "none", "start", "end"] }], - isolation: ["isolate", "isolation-auto"], - "object-fit": [{ object: ["contain", "cover", "fill", "none", "scale-down"] }], - "object-position": [ - { - object: [ - "bottom", - "center", - "left", - "left-bottom", - "left-top", - "right", - "right-bottom", - "right-top", - "top", - MO, - ], - }, - ], - overflow: [{ overflow: ["auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll"] }], - "overflow-x": [{ "overflow-x": ["auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll"] }], - "overflow-y": [{ "overflow-y": ["auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll"] }], - overscroll: [{ overscroll: ["auto", "contain", "none"] }], - "overscroll-x": [{ "overscroll-x": ["auto", "contain", "none"] }], - "overscroll-y": [{ "overscroll-y": ["auto", "contain", "none"] }], - position: ["static", "fixed", "absolute", "relative", "sticky"], - inset: [{ inset: [m] }], - "inset-x": [{ "inset-x": [m] }], - "inset-y": [{ "inset-y": [m] }], - start: [{ start: [m] }], - end: [{ end: [m] }], - top: [{ top: [m] }], - right: [{ right: [m] }], - bottom: [{ bottom: [m] }], - left: [{ left: [m] }], - visibility: ["visible", "invisible", "collapse"], - z: [{ z: ["auto", $O, MO] }], - basis: [{ basis: S() }], - "flex-direction": [{ flex: ["row", "row-reverse", "col", "col-reverse"] }], - "flex-wrap": [{ flex: ["wrap", "wrap-reverse", "nowrap"] }], - flex: [{ flex: ["1", "auto", "initial", "none", MO] }], - grow: [{ grow: C() }], - shrink: [{ shrink: C() }], - order: [{ order: ["first", "last", "none", $O, MO] }], - "grid-cols": [{ "grid-cols": [qO] }], - "col-start-end": [{ col: ["auto", { span: ["full", $O, MO] }, MO] }], - "col-start": [{ "col-start": A() }], - "col-end": [{ "col-end": A() }], - "grid-rows": [{ "grid-rows": [qO] }], - "row-start-end": [{ row: ["auto", { span: [$O, MO] }, MO] }], - "row-start": [{ "row-start": A() }], - "row-end": [{ "row-end": A() }], - "grid-flow": [{ "grid-flow": ["row", "col", "dense", "row-dense", "col-dense"] }], - "auto-cols": [{ "auto-cols": ["auto", "min", "max", "fr", MO] }], - "auto-rows": [{ "auto-rows": ["auto", "min", "max", "fr", MO] }], - gap: [{ gap: [p] }], - "gap-x": [{ "gap-x": [p] }], - "gap-y": [{ "gap-y": [p] }], - "justify-content": [ - { justify: ["normal", "start", "end", "center", "between", "around", "evenly", "stretch"] }, - ], - "justify-items": [{ "justify-items": ["start", "end", "center", "stretch"] }], - "justify-self": [{ "justify-self": ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch"] }], - "align-content": [ - { content: ["normal", "start", "end", "center", "between", "around", "evenly", "stretch", "baseline"] }, - ], - "align-items": [{ items: ["start", "end", "center", "baseline", "stretch"] }], - "align-self": [{ self: ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch", "baseline"] }], - "place-content": [ - { "place-content": ["start", "end", "center", "between", "around", "evenly", "stretch", "baseline"] }, - ], - "place-items": [{ "place-items": ["start", "end", "center", "baseline", "stretch"] }], - "place-self": [{ "place-self": ["auto", "start", "end", "center", "stretch"] }], - p: [{ p: [v] }], - px: [{ px: [v] }], - py: [{ py: [v] }], - ps: [{ ps: [v] }], - pe: [{ pe: [v] }], - pt: [{ pt: [v] }], - pr: [{ pr: [v] }], - pb: [{ pb: [v] }], - pl: [{ pl: [v] }], - m: [{ m: [g] }], - mx: [{ mx: [g] }], - my: [{ my: [g] }], - ms: [{ ms: [g] }], - me: [{ me: [g] }], - mt: [{ mt: [g] }], - mr: [{ mr: [g] }], - mb: [{ mb: [g] }], - ml: [{ ml: [g] }], - "space-x": [{ "space-x": [k] }], - "space-x-reverse": ["space-x-reverse"], - "space-y": [{ "space-y": [k] }], - "space-y-reverse": ["space-y-reverse"], - w: [{ w: ["auto", "min", "max", "fit", "svw", "lvw", "dvw", MO, t] }], - "min-w": [{ "min-w": [MO, t, "min", "max", "fit"] }], - "max-w": [{ "max-w": [MO, t, "none", "full", "min", "max", "fit", "prose", { screen: [LO] }, LO] }], - h: [{ h: [MO, t, "auto", "min", "max", "fit", "svh", "lvh", "dvh"] }], - "min-h": [{ "min-h": [MO, t, "min", "max", "fit", "svh", "lvh", "dvh"] }], - "max-h": [{ "max-h": [MO, t, "min", "max", "fit", "svh", "lvh", "dvh"] }], - size: [{ size: [MO, t, "auto", "min", "max", "fit"] }], - "font-size": [{ text: ["base", LO, DO] }], - "font-smoothing": ["antialiased", "subpixel-antialiased"], - "font-style": ["italic", "not-italic"], - "font-weight": [ - { font: ["thin", "extralight", "light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold", "black", NO] }, - ], - "font-family": [{ font: [qO] }], - "fvn-normal": ["normal-nums"], - "fvn-ordinal": ["ordinal"], - "fvn-slashed-zero": ["slashed-zero"], - "fvn-figure": ["lining-nums", "oldstyle-nums"], - "fvn-spacing": ["proportional-nums", "tabular-nums"], - "fvn-fraction": ["diagonal-fractions", "stacked-fractons"], - tracking: [{ tracking: ["tighter", "tight", "normal", "wide", "wider", "widest", MO] }], - "line-clamp": [{ "line-clamp": ["none", RO, NO] }], - leading: [{ leading: ["none", "tight", "snug", "normal", "relaxed", "loose", PO, MO] }], - "list-image": [{ "list-image": ["none", MO] }], - "list-style-type": [{ list: ["none", "disc", "decimal", MO] }], - "list-style-position": [{ list: ["inside", "outside"] }], - "placeholder-color": [{ placeholder: [e] }], - "placeholder-opacity": [{ "placeholder-opacity": [b] }], - "text-alignment": [{ text: ["left", "center", "right", "justify", "start", "end"] }], - "text-color": [{ text: [e] }], - "text-opacity": [{ "text-opacity": [b] }], - "text-decoration": ["underline", "overline", "line-through", "no-underline"], - "text-decoration-style": [{ decoration: ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "none", "wavy"] }], - "text-decoration-thickness": [{ decoration: ["auto", "from-font", PO, DO] }], - "underline-offset": [{ "underline-offset": ["auto", PO, MO] }], - "text-decoration-color": [{ decoration: [e] }], - "text-transform": ["uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize", "normal-case"], - "text-overflow": ["truncate", "text-ellipsis", "text-clip"], - "text-wrap": [{ text: ["wrap", "nowrap", "balance", "pretty"] }], - indent: [{ indent: E() }], - "vertical-align": [ - { align: ["baseline", "top", "middle", "bottom", "text-top", "text-bottom", "sub", "super", MO] }, - ], - whitespace: [{ whitespace: ["normal", "nowrap", "pre", "pre-line", "pre-wrap", "break-spaces"] }], - break: [{ break: ["normal", "words", "all", "keep"] }], - hyphens: [{ hyphens: ["none", "manual", "auto"] }], - content: [{ content: ["none", MO] }], - "bg-attachment": [{ bg: ["fixed", "local", "scroll"] }], - "bg-clip": [{ "bg-clip": ["border", "padding", "content", "text"] }], - "bg-opacity": [{ "bg-opacity": [b] }], - "bg-origin": [{ "bg-origin": ["border", "padding", "content"] }], - "bg-position": [ - { - bg: [ - "bottom", - "center", - "left", - "left-bottom", - "left-top", - "right", - "right-bottom", - "right-top", - "top", - jO, - ], - }, - ], - "bg-repeat": [{ bg: ["no-repeat", { repeat: ["", "x", "y", "round", "space"] }] }], - "bg-size": [{ bg: ["auto", "cover", "contain", BO] }], - "bg-image": [{ bg: ["none", { "gradient-to": ["t", "tr", "r", "br", "b", "bl", "l", "tl"] }, FO] }], - "bg-color": [{ bg: [e] }], - "gradient-from-pos": [{ from: [f] }], - "gradient-via-pos": [{ via: [f] }], - "gradient-to-pos": [{ to: [f] }], - "gradient-from": [{ from: [h] }], - "gradient-via": [{ via: [h] }], - "gradient-to": [{ to: [h] }], - rounded: [{ rounded: [o] }], - "rounded-s": [{ "rounded-s": [o] }], - "rounded-e": [{ "rounded-e": [o] }], - "rounded-t": [{ "rounded-t": [o] }], - "rounded-r": [{ "rounded-r": [o] }], - "rounded-b": [{ "rounded-b": [o] }], - "rounded-l": [{ "rounded-l": [o] }], - "rounded-ss": [{ "rounded-ss": [o] }], - "rounded-se": [{ "rounded-se": [o] }], - "rounded-ee": [{ "rounded-ee": [o] }], - "rounded-es": [{ "rounded-es": [o] }], - "rounded-tl": [{ "rounded-tl": [o] }], - "rounded-tr": [{ "rounded-tr": [o] }], - "rounded-br": [{ "rounded-br": [o] }], - "rounded-bl": [{ "rounded-bl": [o] }], - "border-w": [{ border: [s] }], - "border-w-x": [{ "border-x": [s] }], - "border-w-y": [{ "border-y": [s] }], - "border-w-s": [{ "border-s": [s] }], - "border-w-e": [{ "border-e": [s] }], - "border-w-t": [{ "border-t": [s] }], - "border-w-r": [{ "border-r": [s] }], - "border-w-b": [{ "border-b": [s] }], - "border-w-l": [{ "border-l": [s] }], - "border-opacity": [{ "border-opacity": [b] }], - "border-style": [{ border: ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "none", "hidden"] }], - "divide-x": [{ "divide-x": [s] }], - "divide-x-reverse": ["divide-x-reverse"], - "divide-y": [{ "divide-y": [s] }], - "divide-y-reverse": ["divide-y-reverse"], - "divide-opacity": [{ "divide-opacity": [b] }], - "divide-style": [{ divide: ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "none"] }], - "border-color": [{ border: [a] }], - 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"touch-x": ["touch"], - "touch-y": ["touch"], - "touch-pz": ["touch"], - }, - conflictingClassGroupModifiers: { "font-size": ["leading"] }, - } - } - function GO(e, t, n) { - void 0 !== n && (e[t] = n) - } - function KO(e, t) { - if (t) for (const n in t) GO(e, n, t[n]) - } - function JO(e, t) { - if (t) - for (const n in t) { - const r = t[n] - void 0 !== r && (e[n] = (e[n] || []).concat(r)) - } - } - const ew = (function (e, ...t) { - return "function" == typeof e - ? OO(YO, e, ...t) - : OO( - () => - (function (e, { cacheSize: t, prefix: n, separator: r, extend: a = {}, override: o = {} }) { - GO(e, "cacheSize", t), GO(e, "prefix", n), GO(e, "separator", r) - for (const t in o) KO(e[t], o[t]) - for (const t in a) JO(e[t], a[t]) - return e - })(YO(), e), - ...t, - ) - })({ extend: { classGroups: { "font-size": ["text-xxs"] } } }), - { cva: tw, cx: nw, compose: rw } = aO({ hooks: { onComplete: (e) => ew(e) } }), - aw = () => - mn({ - open: !1, - show() { - this.open = !0 - }, - hide() { - this.open = !1 - }, - }), - ow = Hr({ - __name: "ScalarModal", - props: { state: {}, title: {}, bodyClass: {}, maxWidth: {}, size: { default: "md" }, variant: {} }, - setup(e) { - const t = tw({ - base: [ - "scalar-modal", - "col relative mx-auto mb-0 mt-20 w-full rounded-lg bg-b-2 p-0 text-left leading-snug text-c-1 opacity-0", - ].join(" "), - variants: { - size: { - xs: "max-w-screen-xs", - sm: "max-w-screen-sm", - md: "max-w-screen-md", - lg: "max-w-screen-lg", - full: "mt-0 overflow-hidden", - }, - variant: { history: "scalar-modal-history bg-b-1", search: "scalar-modal-search" }, - }, - }), - n = tw({ - base: [ - "scalar-modal-body", - "relative max-h-[calc(100dvh-240px)] overflow-y-auto rounded-lg bg-b-1 px-6 pb-4 pt-6", - ].join(" "), - variants: { variant: { history: "pt-3", search: "col max-h-[440px] overflow-hidden p-0" } }, - }) - return (e, r) => ( - xo(), - To( - In(py), - { open: e.state.open, onClose: r[0] || (r[0] = (t) => e.state.hide()) }, - { - default: yr(() => [ - Ro( - "div", - { - class: Ge( - In(nw)( - "scalar-modal-layout fixed left-0 top-0 flex items-start justify-center", - "z-[1001] h-[100dvh] w-[100dvw]", - "bg-backdrop opacity-0", - "full" === e.size && "flex", - ), - ), - }, - [ - No( - In(hy), - { class: Ge(In(t)({ size: e.size, variant: e.variant })), style: He({ maxWidth: e.maxWidth }) }, - { - default: yr(() => [ - e.title - ? (xo(), - To( - In(fy), - { - key: 0, - class: Ge([ - "scalar-modal-header m-0 rounded-lg px-6 py-3 text-left text-xs font-medium text-c-1", - { "pb-0 pt-6": "history" === e.variant }, - ]), - }, - { default: yr(() => [Mo(at(e.title), 1)]), _: 1 }, - 8, - ["class"], - )) - : Qo("", !0), - "full" === e.size - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "div", - { key: 1, class: Ge(e.bodyClass) }, - [Xr(e.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)], - 2, - )) - : (xo(), - To( - In(my), - { key: 2, class: Ge(In(nw)(e.bodyClass, In(n)({ variant: e.variant }))) }, - { default: yr(() => [Xr(e.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)]), _: 3 }, - 8, - ["class"], - )), - ]), - _: 3, - }, - 8, - ["class", "style"], - ), - ], - 2, - ), - ]), - _: 3, - }, - 8, - ["open"], - ) - ) - }, - }), - iw = (e, t) => { - const n = e.__vccOpts || e - for (const [e, r] of t) n[e] = r - return n - }, - sw = iw(ow, [["__scopeId", "data-v-17e9f7d4"]]), - lw = { - solid: [ - "scalar-button-solid", - "bg-b-btn text-c-btn shadow-sm active:bg-b-btn active:shadow-none hocus:bg-h-btn", - ], - outlined: [ - "scalar-button-outlined", - "active:bg-btn-1 border border-solid border-border bg-transparent text-c-1 hover:bg-b-2 shadow", - ], - ghost: ["scalar-button-ghost", "bg-transparent text-c-3 active:text-c-1 hocus:text-c-1"], - danger: ["scalar-button-danger", "bg-error text-white active:brightness-90 hocus:brightness-90"], - }, - cw = tw({ - base: "scalar-button scalar-row cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded font-medium", - variants: { - disabled: { true: "bg-background-2 text-color-3 cursor-not-allowed shadow-none" }, - fullWidth: { true: "w-full" }, - size: { sm: "px-2 py-1 text-xs", md: "h-10 px-6 text-sm" }, - variant: lw, - }, - compoundVariants: [{ disabled: !0, variant: "ghost", class: "text-ghost bg-transparent" }], - }), - dw = Lo( - '', - 5, - ), - uw = { key: 0, class: "circular-loader" }, - pw = iw( - Hr({ - __name: "ScalarLoading", - props: { loadingState: {}, size: { default: "24px" } }, - setup: (e) => ( - vi((e) => ({ d6cae758: e.size })), - (e, t) => - e.loadingState - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "div", - { key: 0, class: Ge(In(nw)("loader-wrapper")) }, - [ - (xo(), - Eo( - "svg", - { - class: Ge([ - "svg-loader", - { "icon-is-valid": e.loadingState.isValid, "icon-is-invalid": e.loadingState.isInvalid }, - ]), - viewBox: "0 0 100 100", - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - "xmlns:xlink": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - }, - [ - dw, - e.loadingState.isLoading - ? (xo(), - Eo("g", uw, [ - Ro( - "circle", - { - class: Ge([ - "loader-path", - { "loader-path-off": e.loadingState.isValid || e.loadingState.isInvalid }, - ]), - cx: "50", - cy: "50", - fill: "none", - r: "20", - "stroke-width": "2", - }, - null, - 2, - ), - ])) - : Qo("", !0), - ], - 2, - )), - ], - 2, - )) - : Qo("", !0) - ), - }), - [["__scopeId", "data-v-47faceda"]], - ), - hw = ["ariaDisabled", "type"], - fw = { key: 3, class: "centered-x absolute" }, - mw = Hr({ - inheritAttrs: !1, - __name: "ScalarButton", - props: { - disabled: { type: Boolean }, - fullWidth: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, - loading: {}, - size: { default: "md" }, - variant: { default: "solid" }, - type: { default: "button" }, - }, - setup(e) { - const t = ii(() => { - const { class: e, ...t } = ra() - return { class: e || "", rest: t } - }) - return (e, n) => { - var r, a, o, i - return ( - xo(), - Eo( - "button", - Fo(t.value.rest, { - ariaDisabled: e.disabled || void 0, - class: In(nw)( - In(cw)({ fullWidth: e.fullWidth, disabled: e.disabled, size: e.size, variant: e.variant }), - { relative: null == (r = e.loading) ? void 0 : r.isLoading }, - `${t.value.class}`, - ), - type: e.type, - }), - [ - e.$slots.icon - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "div", - { - key: 0, - class: Ge(["mr-2 h-4 w-4", { invisible: null == (a = e.loading) ? void 0 : a.isLoading }]), - }, - [Xr(e.$slots, "icon")], - 2, - )) - : Qo("", !0), - e.loading - ? (xo(), - Eo( - "span", - { key: 1, class: Ge({ invisible: null == (o = e.loading) ? void 0 : o.isLoading }) }, - [Xr(e.$slots, "default")], - 2, - )) - : Xr(e.$slots, "default", { key: 2 }), - null != (i = e.loading) && i.isLoading - ? (xo(), - Eo("div", fw, [No(In(pw), { loadingState: e.loading, size: "12px" }, null, 8, ["loadingState"])])) - : Qo("", !0), - ], - 16, - hw, - ) - ) - } - }, - }), - gw = { - ts: "typescript", - js: "javascript", - py: "python", - py3: "python", - "c#": "csharp", - "c++": "cpp", - node: "javascript", - }, - bw = function (e) { - if (null == e) return yw - if ("function" == typeof e) return vw(e) - if ("object" == typeof e) - return Array.isArray(e) - ? (function (e) { - const t = [] - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) t[n] = bw(e[n]) - return vw(function (...e) { - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) if (t[n].apply(this, e)) return !0 - return !1 - }) - })(e) - : (function (e) { - const t = e - return vw(function (n) { - const r = n - let a - for (a in e) if (r[a] !== t[a]) return !1 - return !0 - }) - })(e) - if ("string" == typeof e) - return (function (e) { - return vw(function (t) { - return t && t.type === e - }) - })(e) - throw new Error("Expected function, string, or object as test") - } - function vw(e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - return Boolean( - (function (e) { - return null !== e && "object" == typeof e && "type" in e - })(t) && e.call(this, t, "number" == typeof n ? n : void 0, r || void 0), - ) - } - } - function yw() { - return !0 - } - const Ow = function (e, t, n) { - const r = bw(n) - if (!e || !e.type || !e.children) throw new Error("Expected parent node") - if ("number" == typeof t) { - if (t < 0 || t === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throw new Error("Expected positive finite number as index") - } else if ((t = e.children.indexOf(t)) < 0) throw new Error("Expected child node or index") - for (; ++t < e.children.length; ) if (r(e.children[t], t, e)) return e.children[t] - }, - ww = function (e, t, n, r, a) { - const o = xw(t) - return !!Sw(e) && o.call(a, e, n, r) - }, - xw = function (e) { - if (null == e) return _w - if ("string" == typeof e) - return (function (e) { - return kw(function (t) { - return t.tagName === e - }) - })(e) - if ("object" == typeof e) - return (function (e) { - const t = [] - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) t[n] = xw(e[n]) - return kw(function (...e) { - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) if (t[n].apply(this, e)) return !0 - return !1 - }) - })(e) - if ("function" == typeof e) return kw(e) - throw new Error("Expected function, string, or array as `test`") - } - function kw(e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - return Boolean(Sw(t) && e.call(this, t, "number" == typeof n ? n : void 0, r || void 0)) - } - } - function _w(e) { - return Boolean( - e && - "object" == typeof e && - "type" in e && - "element" === e.type && - "tagName" in e && - "string" == typeof e.tagName, - ) - } - function Sw(e) { - return null !== e && "object" == typeof e && "type" in e && "tagName" in e - } - const Ew = /\n/g, - Tw = /[\t ]+/g, - Aw = xw("br"), - Cw = xw(function (e) { - return "td" === e.tagName || "th" === e.tagName - }), - Pw = xw("p"), - Dw = xw("tr"), - Rw = xw([ - "datalist", - "head", - "noembed", - "noframes", - "noscript", - "rp", - "script", - "style", - "template", - "title", - function (e) { - return Boolean((e.properties || {}).hidden) - }, - function (e) { - return "dialog" === e.tagName && !(e.properties || {}).open - }, - ]), - Nw = xw([ - "address", - "article", - "aside", - "blockquote", - "body", - "caption", - "center", - "dd", - "dialog", - "dir", - "dl", - "dt", - "div", - "figure", - "figcaption", - "footer", - "form,", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "header", - "hgroup", - "hr", - "html", - "legend", - "li", - "listing", - "main", - "menu", - "nav", - "ol", - "p", - "plaintext", - "pre", - "section", - "ul", - "xmp", - ]) - function $w(e, t) { - const n = "children" in e ? e.children : [], - r = Nw(e), - a = Qw(e, { whitespace: {}.whitespace || "normal", breakBefore: !1, breakAfter: !1 }), - o = [] - ;("text" !== e.type && "comment" !== e.type) || - o.push(...Mw(e, { whitespace: a, breakBefore: !0, breakAfter: !0 })) - let i = -1 - for (; ++i < n.length; ) - o.push( - ...Iw(n[i], e, { - whitespace: a, - breakBefore: i ? void 0 : r, - breakAfter: i < n.length - 1 ? Aw(n[i + 1]) : r, - }), - ) - const s = [] - let l - for (i = -1; ++i < o.length; ) { - const e = o[i] - "number" == typeof e - ? void 0 !== l && e > l && (l = e) - : e && (void 0 !== l && l > -1 && s.push("\n".repeat(l) || " "), (l = -1), s.push(e)) - } - return s.join("") - } - function Iw(e, t, n) { - return "element" === e.type - ? (function (e, t, n) { - const r = Qw(e, n), - a = e.children || [] - let o, - i, - s = -1, - l = [] - if (Rw(e)) return l - for ( - Aw(e) || (Dw(e) && Ow(t, e, Dw)) ? (i = "\n") : Pw(e) ? ((o = 2), (i = 2)) : Nw(e) && ((o = 1), (i = 1)); - ++s < a.length; - - ) - l = l.concat( - Iw(a[s], e, { - whitespace: r, - breakBefore: s ? void 0 : o, - breakAfter: s < a.length - 1 ? Aw(a[s + 1]) : i, - }), - ) - return Cw(e) && Ow(t, e, Cw) && l.push("\t"), o && l.unshift(o), i && l.push(i), l - })(e, t, n) - : "text" === e.type - ? "normal" === n.whitespace - ? Mw(e, n) - : (function (e) { - return [String(e.value)] - })(e) - : [] - } - function Mw(e, t) { - const n = String(e.value), - r = [], - a = [] - let o = 0 - for (; o <= n.length; ) { - Ew.lastIndex = o - const e = Ew.exec(n), - a = e && "index" in e ? e.index : n.length - r.push( - Lw( - n.slice(o, a).replace(/[\u061C\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2066-\u2069]/g, ""), - 0 !== o || t.breakBefore, - a !== n.length || t.breakAfter, - ), - ), - (o = a + 1) - } - let i, - s = -1 - for (; ++s < r.length; ) - 8203 === r[s].charCodeAt(r[s].length - 1) || (s < r.length - 1 && 8203 === r[s + 1].charCodeAt(0)) - ? (a.push(r[s]), (i = void 0)) - : r[s] - ? ("number" == typeof i && a.push(i), a.push(r[s]), (i = 0)) - : (0 !== s && s !== r.length - 1) || a.push(0) - return a - } - function Lw(e, t, n) { - const r = [] - let a, - o = 0 - for (; o < e.length; ) { - Tw.lastIndex = o - const n = Tw.exec(e) - ;(a = n ? n.index : e.length), - o || a || !n || t || r.push(""), - o !== a && r.push(e.slice(o, a)), - (o = n ? a + n[0].length : a) - } - return o === a || n || r.push(""), r.join(" ") - } - function Qw(e, t) { - if ("element" === e.type) { - const n = e.properties || {} - switch (e.tagName) { - case "listing": - case "plaintext": - case "xmp": - return "pre" - case "nobr": - return "nowrap" - case "pre": - return n.wrap ? "pre-wrap" : "pre" - case "td": - case "th": - return n.noWrap ? "nowrap" : t.whitespace - case "textarea": - return "pre-wrap" - } - } - return t.whitespace - } - const Bw = [ - "a", - "abbr", - "address", - "article", - "aside", - "audio", - "b", - "blockquote", - "body", - "button", - "canvas", - "caption", - "cite", - "code", - "dd", - "del", - "details", - "dfn", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "em", - "fieldset", - "figcaption", - "figure", - "footer", - "form", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "header", - "hgroup", - "html", - "i", - "iframe", - "img", - "input", - "ins", - "kbd", - "label", - "legend", - "li", - "main", - "mark", - "menu", - "nav", - "object", - "ol", - "p", - "q", - "quote", - "samp", - "section", - "span", - "strong", - "summary", - "sup", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - "textarea", - "tfoot", - "th", - "thead", - "time", - "tr", - "ul", - "var", - "video", - ], - jw = [ - "any-hover", - "any-pointer", - "aspect-ratio", - "color", - "color-gamut", - "color-index", - "device-aspect-ratio", - "device-height", - "device-width", - 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{ begin: `(${ax})[fFdD]?\\b` }, - { begin: `\\b(${rx})[fFdD]\\b` }, - { begin: `\\b0[xX]((${ox})\\.?|(${ox})?\\.(${ox}))[pP][+-]?(${rx})[fFdD]?\\b` }, - { begin: "\\b(0|[1-9](_*[0-9])*)[lL]?\\b" }, - { begin: `\\b0[xX](${ox})[lL]?\\b` }, - { begin: "\\b0(_*[0-7])*[lL]?\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[bB][01](_*[01])*[lL]?\\b" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - } - const sx = [ - "a", - "abbr", - "address", - "article", - "aside", - "audio", - "b", - "blockquote", - "body", - "button", - "canvas", - "caption", - "cite", - "code", - "dd", - "del", - "details", - "dfn", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "em", - "fieldset", - "figcaption", - "figure", - "footer", - "form", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "header", - "hgroup", - "html", - "i", - "iframe", - "img", - "input", - "ins", - "kbd", - "label", - "legend", - "li", - "main", - "mark", - "menu", - "nav", - "object", - "ol", - "p", - "q", - "quote", - "samp", - "section", - "span", - "strong", - "summary", - "sup", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - 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/[\u00BC-\u00BE\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF]/, - /[\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u167F\u1681-\u180D\u180F-\u1DBF]/, - /[\u1E00-\u1FFF]/, - /[\u200B-\u200D\u202A-\u202E\u203F-\u2040\u2054\u2060-\u206F]/, - /[\u2070-\u20CF\u2100-\u218F\u2460-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793]/, - /[\u2C00-\u2DFF\u2E80-\u2FFF]/, - /[\u3004-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u303F\u3040-\uD7FF]/, - /[\uF900-\uFD3D\uFD40-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFE1F\uFE30-\uFE44]/, - /[\uFE47-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFD]/, - ), - Ix = wx($x, /\d/, /[\u0300-\u036F\u1DC0-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20FF\uFE20-\uFE2F]/), - Mx = Ox($x, Ix, "*"), - Lx = Ox(/[A-Z]/, Ix, "*"), - Qx = [ - "attached", - "autoclosure", - Ox(/convention\(/, wx("swift", "block", "c"), /\)/), - "discardableResult", - "dynamicCallable", - "dynamicMemberLookup", - "escaping", - "freestanding", - "frozen", - "GKInspectable", - "IBAction", - "IBDesignable", - "IBInspectable", - "IBOutlet", - "IBSegueAction", - "inlinable", - "main", - "nonobjc", - "NSApplicationMain", - "NSCopying", - "NSManaged", - Ox(/objc\(/, Mx, /\)/), - "objc", - "objcMembers", - "propertyWrapper", - "requires_stored_property_inits", - "resultBuilder", - "Sendable", - "testable", - "UIApplicationMain", - "unchecked", - "unknown", - "usableFromInline", - "warn_unqualified_access", - ], - Bx = [ - "iOS", - "iOSApplicationExtension", - "macOS", - "macOSApplicationExtension", - "macCatalyst", - "macCatalystApplicationExtension", - "watchOS", - "watchOSApplicationExtension", - "tvOS", - "tvOSApplicationExtension", - "swift", - ], - jx = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*", - Ux = [ - "as", - "in", - "of", - "if", - "for", - "while", - "finally", - "var", - "new", - "function", - "do", - "return", - "void", - "else", - "break", - "catch", - "instanceof", - "with", - "throw", - "case", - "default", - "try", - "switch", - "continue", - "typeof", - "delete", - "let", - "yield", - "const", - "class", - "debugger", - "async", - "await", - "static", - "import", - "from", - "export", - "extends", - ], - Fx = ["true", "false", "null", "undefined", "NaN", "Infinity"], - zx = [ - "Object", - "Function", - "Boolean", - "Symbol", - "Math", - "Date", - "Number", - "BigInt", - "String", - "RegExp", - "Array", - "Float32Array", - "Float64Array", - "Int8Array", - "Uint8Array", - "Uint8ClampedArray", - "Int16Array", - "Int32Array", - "Uint16Array", - "Uint32Array", - "BigInt64Array", - "BigUint64Array", - "Set", - "Map", - "WeakSet", - "WeakMap", - "ArrayBuffer", - "SharedArrayBuffer", - "Atomics", - "DataView", - "JSON", - "Promise", - "Generator", - "GeneratorFunction", - "AsyncFunction", - "Reflect", - "Proxy", - "Intl", - "WebAssembly", - ], - qx = [ - "Error", - "EvalError", - "InternalError", - "RangeError", - "ReferenceError", - "SyntaxError", - "TypeError", - "URIError", - ], - Zx = [ - "setInterval", - "setTimeout", - "clearInterval", - "clearTimeout", - "require", - "exports", - "eval", - "isFinite", - "isNaN", - "parseFloat", - "parseInt", - "decodeURI", - "decodeURIComponent", - "encodeURI", - "encodeURIComponent", - "escape", - "unescape", - ], - Hx = [ - "arguments", - "this", - "super", - "console", - "window", - "document", - "localStorage", - "sessionStorage", - "module", - "global", - ], - Vx = [].concat(Zx, zx, qx) - function Wx(e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = t.concat(/[\p{L}_]/u, t.optional(/[\p{L}0-9_.-]*:/u), /[\p{L}0-9_.-]*/u), - r = { className: "symbol", begin: /&[a-z]+;|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[a-f0-9]+;/ }, - a = { begin: /\s/, contains: [{ className: "keyword", begin: /#?[a-z_][a-z1-9_-]+/, illegal: /\n/ }] }, - o = e.inherit(a, { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/ }), - i = e.inherit(e.APOS_STRING_MODE, { className: "string" }), - s = e.inherit(e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { className: "string" }), - l = { - endsWithParent: !0, - illegal: /`]+/ }, - ], - }, - ], - }, - ], - } - return { - name: "HTML, XML", - aliases: ["html", "xhtml", "rss", "atom", "xjb", "xsd", "xsl", "plist", "wsf", "svg"], - case_insensitive: !0, - unicodeRegex: !0, - contains: [ - { - className: "meta", - begin: //, - relevance: 10, - contains: [ - a, - s, - i, - o, - { - begin: /\[/, - end: /\]/, - contains: [{ className: "meta", begin: //, contains: [a, o, s, i] }], - }, - ], - }, - e.COMMENT(//, { relevance: 10 }), - { begin: //, relevance: 10 }, - r, - { - className: "meta", - end: /\?>/, - variants: [{ begin: /<\?xml/, relevance: 10, contains: [s] }, { begin: /<\?[a-z][a-z0-9]+/ }], - }, - { - className: "tag", - begin: /)/, - end: />/, - keywords: { name: "style" }, - contains: [l], - starts: { end: /<\/style>/, returnEnd: !0, subLanguage: ["css", "xml"] }, - }, - { - className: "tag", - begin: /)/, - end: />/, - keywords: { name: "script" }, - contains: [l], - starts: { end: /<\/script>/, returnEnd: !0, subLanguage: ["javascript", "handlebars", "xml"] }, - }, - { className: "tag", begin: /<>|<\/>/ }, - { - className: "tag", - begin: t.concat(//, />/, /\s/)))), - end: /\/?>/, - contains: [{ className: "name", begin: n, relevance: 0, starts: l }], - }, - { - className: "tag", - begin: t.concat(/<\//, t.lookahead(t.concat(n, />/))), - contains: [ - { className: "name", begin: n, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: />/, relevance: 0, endsParent: !0 }, - ], - }, - ], - } - } - function Xx(e) { - return ( - e instanceof Map - ? (e.clear = - e.delete = - e.set = - function () { - throw new Error("map is read-only") - }) - : e instanceof Set && - (e.add = - e.clear = - e.delete = - function () { - throw new Error("set is read-only") - }), - Object.freeze(e), - Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach((t) => { - const n = e[t], - r = typeof n - ;("object" !== r && "function" !== r) || Object.isFrozen(n) || Xx(n) - }), - e - ) - } - let Yx = class { - constructor(e) { - void 0 === e.data && (e.data = {}), (this.data = e.data), (this.isMatchIgnored = !1) - } - ignoreMatch() { - this.isMatchIgnored = !0 - } - } - function Gx(e) { - return e - .replace(/&/g, "&") - .replace(//g, ">") - .replace(/"/g, """) - .replace(/'/g, "'") - } - function Kx(e, ...t) { - const n = Object.create(null) - for (const t in e) n[t] = e[t] - return ( - t.forEach(function (e) { - for (const t in e) n[t] = e[t] - }), - n - ) - } - const Jx = (e) => !!e.scope - class ek { - constructor(e, t) { - ;(this.buffer = ""), (this.classPrefix = t.classPrefix), e.walk(this) - } - addText(e) { - this.buffer += Gx(e) - } - openNode(e) { - if (!Jx(e)) return - const t = ((e, { prefix: t }) => { - if (e.startsWith("language:")) return e.replace("language:", "language-") - if (e.includes(".")) { - const n = e.split(".") - return [`${t}${n.shift()}`, ...n.map((e, t) => `${e}${"_".repeat(t + 1)}`)].join(" ") - } - return `${t}${e}` - })(e.scope, { prefix: this.classPrefix }) - this.span(t) - } - closeNode(e) { - Jx(e) && (this.buffer += "") - } - value() { - return this.buffer - } - span(e) { - this.buffer += `` - } - } - const tk = (e = {}) => { - const t = { children: [] } - return Object.assign(t, e), t - } - class nk { - constructor() { - ;(this.rootNode = tk()), (this.stack = [this.rootNode]) - } - get top() { - return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - } - get root() { - return this.rootNode - } - add(e) { - this.top.children.push(e) - } - openNode(e) { - const t = tk({ scope: e }) - this.add(t), this.stack.push(t) - } - closeNode() { - if (this.stack.length > 1) return this.stack.pop() - } - closeAllNodes() { - for (; this.closeNode(); ); - } - toJSON() { - return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode, null, 4) - } - walk(e) { - return this.constructor._walk(e, this.rootNode) - } - static _walk(e, t) { - return ( - "string" == typeof t - ? e.addText(t) - : t.children && (e.openNode(t), t.children.forEach((t) => this._walk(e, t)), e.closeNode(t)), - e - ) - } - static _collapse(e) { - "string" != typeof e && - e.children && - (e.children.every((e) => "string" == typeof e) - ? (e.children = [e.children.join("")]) - : e.children.forEach((e) => { - nk._collapse(e) - })) - } - } - class rk extends nk { - constructor(e) { - super(), (this.options = e) - } - addText(e) { - "" !== e && this.add(e) - } - startScope(e) { - this.openNode(e) - } - endScope() { - this.closeNode() - } - __addSublanguage(e, t) { - const n = e.root - t && (n.scope = `language:${t}`), this.add(n) - } - toHTML() { - return new ek(this, this.options).value() - } - finalize() { - return this.closeAllNodes(), !0 - } - } - function ak(e) { - return e ? ("string" == typeof e ? e : e.source) : null - } - function ok(e) { - return lk("(?=", e, ")") - } - function ik(e) { - return lk("(?:", e, ")*") - } - function sk(e) { - return lk("(?:", e, ")?") - } - function lk(...e) { - return e.map((e) => ak(e)).join("") - } - function ck(...e) { - const t = (function (e) { - const t = e[e.length - 1] - return "object" == typeof t && t.constructor === Object ? (e.splice(e.length - 1, 1), t) : {} - })(e) - return "(" + (t.capture ? "" : "?:") + e.map((e) => ak(e)).join("|") + ")" - } - function dk(e) { - return new RegExp(e.toString() + "|").exec("").length - 1 - } - const uk = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./ - function pk(e, { joinWith: t }) { - let n = 0 - return e - .map((e) => { - n += 1 - const t = n - let r = ak(e), - a = "" - for (; r.length > 0; ) { - const e = uk.exec(r) - if (!e) { - a += r - break - } - ;(a += r.substring(0, e.index)), - (r = r.substring(e.index + e[0].length)), - "\\" === e[0][0] && e[1] ? (a += "\\" + String(Number(e[1]) + t)) : ((a += e[0]), "(" === e[0] && n++) - } - return a - }) - .map((e) => `(${e})`) - .join(t) - } - const hk = "[a-zA-Z]\\w*", - fk = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*", - mk = "\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?", - gk = "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)", - bk = "\\b(0b[01]+)", - vk = { begin: "\\\\[\\s\\S]", relevance: 0 }, - yk = { scope: "string", begin: "'", end: "'", illegal: "\\n", contains: [vk] }, - Ok = { scope: "string", begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: "\\n", contains: [vk] }, - wk = function (e, t, n = {}) { - const r = Kx({ scope: "comment", begin: e, end: t, contains: [] }, n) - r.contains.push({ - scope: "doctag", - begin: "[ ]*(?=(TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):)", - end: /(TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):/, - excludeBegin: !0, - relevance: 0, - }) - const a = ck( - "I", - "a", - "is", - "so", - "us", - "to", - "at", - "if", - "in", - "it", - "on", - /[A-Za-z]+['](d|ve|re|ll|t|s|n)/, - /[A-Za-z]+[-][a-z]+/, - /[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,}/, - ) - return r.contains.push({ begin: lk(/[ ]+/, "(", a, /[.]?[:]?([.][ ]|[ ])/, "){3}") }), r - }, - xk = wk("//", "$"), - kk = wk("/\\*", "\\*/"), - _k = wk("#", "$"), - Sk = { scope: "number", begin: mk, relevance: 0 }, - Ek = { scope: "number", begin: gk, relevance: 0 }, - Tk = { scope: "number", begin: bk, relevance: 0 }, - Ak = { - scope: "regexp", - begin: /\/(?=[^/\n]*\/)/, - end: /\/[gimuy]*/, - contains: [vk, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, relevance: 0, contains: [vk] }], - }, - Ck = { scope: "title", begin: hk, relevance: 0 }, - Pk = { scope: "title", begin: fk, relevance: 0 }, - Dk = { begin: "\\.\\s*" + fk, relevance: 0 } - var Rk = Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - APOS_STRING_MODE: yk, - BACKSLASH_ESCAPE: vk, - BINARY_NUMBER_MODE: Tk, - BINARY_NUMBER_RE: bk, - COMMENT: wk, - C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE: kk, - C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE: xk, - C_NUMBER_MODE: Ek, - C_NUMBER_RE: gk, - END_SAME_AS_BEGIN: function (e) { - return Object.assign(e, { - "on:begin": (e, t) => { - t.data._beginMatch = e[1] - }, - "on:end": (e, t) => { - t.data._beginMatch !== e[1] && t.ignoreMatch() - }, - }) - }, - HASH_COMMENT_MODE: _k, - IDENT_RE: hk, - MATCH_NOTHING_RE: /\b\B/, - METHOD_GUARD: Dk, - NUMBER_MODE: Sk, - NUMBER_RE: mk, - PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE: { - begin: - /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/, - }, - QUOTE_STRING_MODE: Ok, - REGEXP_MODE: Ak, - RE_STARTERS_RE: - "!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~", - SHEBANG: (e = {}) => { - const t = /^#![ ]*\// - return ( - e.binary && (e.begin = lk(t, /.*\b/, e.binary, /\b.*/)), - Kx( - { - scope: "meta", - begin: t, - end: /$/, - relevance: 0, - "on:begin": (e, t) => { - 0 !== e.index && t.ignoreMatch() - }, - }, - e, - ) - ) - }, - TITLE_MODE: Ck, - UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE: fk, - UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE: Pk, - }) - function Nk(e, t) { - "." === e.input[e.index - 1] && t.ignoreMatch() - } - function $k(e, t) { - void 0 !== e.className && ((e.scope = e.className), delete e.className) - } - function Ik(e, t) { - t && - e.beginKeywords && - ((e.begin = "\\b(" + e.beginKeywords.split(" ").join("|") + ")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)"), - (e.__beforeBegin = Nk), - (e.keywords = e.keywords || e.beginKeywords), - delete e.beginKeywords, - void 0 === e.relevance && (e.relevance = 0)) - } - function Mk(e, t) { - Array.isArray(e.illegal) && (e.illegal = ck(...e.illegal)) - } - function Lk(e, t) { - if (e.match) { - if (e.begin || e.end) throw new Error("begin & end are not supported with match") - ;(e.begin = e.match), delete e.match - } - } - function Qk(e, t) { - void 0 === e.relevance && (e.relevance = 1) - } - const Bk = (e, t) => { - if (!e.beforeMatch) return - if (e.starts) throw new Error("beforeMatch cannot be used with starts") - const n = Object.assign({}, e) - Object.keys(e).forEach((t) => { - delete e[t] - }), - (e.keywords = n.keywords), - (e.begin = lk(n.beforeMatch, ok(n.begin))), - (e.starts = { relevance: 0, contains: [Object.assign(n, { endsParent: !0 })] }), - (e.relevance = 0), - delete n.beforeMatch - }, - jk = ["of", "and", "for", "in", "not", "or", "if", "then", "parent", "list", "value"], - Uk = "keyword" - function Fk(e, t, n = Uk) { - const r = Object.create(null) - return ( - "string" == typeof e - ? a(n, e.split(" ")) - : Array.isArray(e) - ? a(n, e) - : Object.keys(e).forEach(function (n) { - Object.assign(r, Fk(e[n], t, n)) - }), - r - ) - function a(e, n) { - t && (n = n.map((e) => e.toLowerCase())), - n.forEach(function (t) { - const n = t.split("|") - r[n[0]] = [e, zk(n[0], n[1])] - }) - } - } - function zk(e, t) { - return t - ? Number(t) - : (function (e) { - return jk.includes(e.toLowerCase()) - })(e) - ? 0 - : 1 - } - const qk = {}, - Zk = (e) => { - console.error(e) - }, - Hk = (e, ...t) => { - console.log(`WARN: ${e}`, ...t) - }, - Vk = (e, t) => { - qk[`${e}/${t}`] || (console.log(`Deprecated as of ${e}. ${t}`), (qk[`${e}/${t}`] = !0)) - }, - Wk = new Error() - function Xk(e, t, { key: n }) { - let r = 0 - const a = e[n], - o = {}, - i = {} - for (let e = 1; e <= t.length; e++) (i[e + r] = a[e]), (o[e + r] = !0), (r += dk(t[e - 1])) - ;(e[n] = i), (e[n]._emit = o), (e[n]._multi = !0) - } - function Yk(e) { - !(function (e) { - e.scope && "object" == typeof e.scope && null !== e.scope && ((e.beginScope = e.scope), delete e.scope) - })(e), - "string" == typeof e.beginScope && (e.beginScope = { _wrap: e.beginScope }), - "string" == typeof e.endScope && (e.endScope = { _wrap: e.endScope }), - (function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e.begin)) { - if (e.skip || e.excludeBegin || e.returnBegin) - throw (Zk("skip, excludeBegin, returnBegin not compatible with beginScope: {}"), Wk) - if ("object" != typeof e.beginScope || null === e.beginScope) throw (Zk("beginScope must be object"), Wk) - Xk(e, e.begin, { key: "beginScope" }), (e.begin = pk(e.begin, { joinWith: "" })) - } - })(e), - (function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e.end)) { - if (e.skip || e.excludeEnd || e.returnEnd) - throw (Zk("skip, excludeEnd, returnEnd not compatible with endScope: {}"), Wk) - if ("object" != typeof e.endScope || null === e.endScope) throw (Zk("endScope must be object"), Wk) - Xk(e, e.end, { key: "endScope" }), (e.end = pk(e.end, { joinWith: "" })) - } - })(e) - } - function Gk(e) { - function t(t, n) { - return new RegExp(ak(t), "m" + (e.case_insensitive ? "i" : "") + (e.unicodeRegex ? "u" : "") + (n ? "g" : "")) - } - class n { - constructor() { - ;(this.matchIndexes = {}), (this.regexes = []), (this.matchAt = 1), (this.position = 0) - } - addRule(e, t) { - ;(t.position = this.position++), - (this.matchIndexes[this.matchAt] = t), - this.regexes.push([t, e]), - (this.matchAt += dk(e) + 1) - } - compile() { - 0 === this.regexes.length && (this.exec = () => null) - const e = this.regexes.map((e) => e[1]) - ;(this.matcherRe = t(pk(e, { joinWith: "|" }), !0)), (this.lastIndex = 0) - } - exec(e) { - this.matcherRe.lastIndex = this.lastIndex - const t = this.matcherRe.exec(e) - if (!t) return null - const n = t.findIndex((e, t) => t > 0 && void 0 !== e), - r = this.matchIndexes[n] - return t.splice(0, n), Object.assign(t, r) - } - } - class r { - constructor() { - ;(this.rules = []), (this.multiRegexes = []), (this.count = 0), (this.lastIndex = 0), (this.regexIndex = 0) - } - getMatcher(e) { - if (this.multiRegexes[e]) return this.multiRegexes[e] - const t = new n() - return this.rules.slice(e).forEach(([e, n]) => t.addRule(e, n)), t.compile(), (this.multiRegexes[e] = t), t - } - resumingScanAtSamePosition() { - return 0 !== this.regexIndex - } - considerAll() { - this.regexIndex = 0 - } - addRule(e, t) { - this.rules.push([e, t]), "begin" === t.type && this.count++ - } - exec(e) { - const t = this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex) - t.lastIndex = this.lastIndex - let n = t.exec(e) - if (this.resumingScanAtSamePosition()) - if (n && n.index === this.lastIndex); - else { - const t = this.getMatcher(0) - ;(t.lastIndex = this.lastIndex + 1), (n = t.exec(e)) - } - return n && ((this.regexIndex += n.position + 1), this.regexIndex === this.count && this.considerAll()), n - } - } - if ((e.compilerExtensions || (e.compilerExtensions = []), e.contains && e.contains.includes("self"))) - throw new Error("ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation.") - return ( - (e.classNameAliases = Kx(e.classNameAliases || {})), - (function n(a, o) { - const i = a - if (a.isCompiled) return i - ;[$k, Lk, Yk, Bk].forEach((e) => e(a, o)), - e.compilerExtensions.forEach((e) => e(a, o)), - (a.__beforeBegin = null), - [Ik, Mk, Qk].forEach((e) => e(a, o)), - (a.isCompiled = !0) - let s = null - return ( - "object" == typeof a.keywords && - a.keywords.$pattern && - ((a.keywords = Object.assign({}, a.keywords)), (s = a.keywords.$pattern), delete a.keywords.$pattern), - (s = s || /\w+/), - a.keywords && (a.keywords = Fk(a.keywords, e.case_insensitive)), - (i.keywordPatternRe = t(s, !0)), - o && - (a.begin || (a.begin = /\B|\b/), - (i.beginRe = t(i.begin)), - a.end || a.endsWithParent || (a.end = /\B|\b/), - a.end && (i.endRe = t(i.end)), - (i.terminatorEnd = ak(i.end) || ""), - a.endsWithParent && o.terminatorEnd && (i.terminatorEnd += (a.end ? "|" : "") + o.terminatorEnd)), - a.illegal && (i.illegalRe = t(a.illegal)), - a.contains || (a.contains = []), - (a.contains = [].concat( - ...a.contains.map(function (e) { - return (function (e) { - return ( - e.variants && - !e.cachedVariants && - (e.cachedVariants = e.variants.map(function (t) { - return Kx(e, { variants: null }, t) - })), - e.cachedVariants - ? e.cachedVariants - : Kk(e) - ? Kx(e, { starts: e.starts ? Kx(e.starts) : null }) - : Object.isFrozen(e) - ? Kx(e) - : e - ) - })("self" === e ? a : e) - }), - )), - a.contains.forEach(function (e) { - n(e, i) - }), - a.starts && n(a.starts, o), - (i.matcher = (function (e) { - const t = new r() - return ( - e.contains.forEach((e) => t.addRule(e.begin, { rule: e, type: "begin" })), - e.terminatorEnd && t.addRule(e.terminatorEnd, { type: "end" }), - e.illegal && t.addRule(e.illegal, { type: "illegal" }), - t - ) - })(i)), - i - ) - })(e) - ) - } - function Kk(e) { - return !!e && (e.endsWithParent || Kk(e.starts)) - } - class Jk extends Error { - constructor(e, t) { - super(e), (this.name = "HTMLInjectionError"), (this.html = t) - } - } - const e_ = Gx, - t_ = Kx, - n_ = Symbol("nomatch"), - r_ = function (e) { - const t = Object.create(null), - n = Object.create(null), - r = [] - let a = !0 - const o = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?", - i = { disableAutodetect: !0, name: "Plain text", contains: [] } - let s = { - ignoreUnescapedHTML: !1, - throwUnescapedHTML: !1, - noHighlightRe: /^(no-?highlight)$/i, - languageDetectRe: /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i, - classPrefix: "hljs-", - cssSelector: "pre code", - languages: null, - __emitter: rk, - } - function l(e) { - return s.noHighlightRe.test(e) - } - function c(e, t, n) { - let r = "", - a = "" - "object" == typeof t - ? ((r = e), (n = t.ignoreIllegals), (a = t.language)) - : (Vk("10.7.0", "highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated."), - Vk( - "10.7.0", - "Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\nhttps://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277", - ), - (a = e), - (r = t)), - void 0 === n && (n = !0) - const o = { code: r, language: a } - v("before:highlight", o) - const i = o.result ? o.result : d(o.language, o.code, n) - return (i.code = o.code), v("after:highlight", i), i - } - function d(e, n, r, i) { - const l = Object.create(null) - function c() { - if (!S.keywords) return void T.addText(A) - let e = 0 - S.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex = 0 - let t = S.keywordPatternRe.exec(A), - n = "" - for (; t; ) { - n += A.substring(e, t.index) - const a = x.case_insensitive ? t[0].toLowerCase() : t[0], - o = ((r = a), S.keywords[r]) - if (o) { - const [e, r] = o - if ((T.addText(n), (n = ""), (l[a] = (l[a] || 0) + 1), l[a] <= 7 && (C += r), e.startsWith("_"))) - n += t[0] - else { - const n = x.classNameAliases[e] || e - h(t[0], n) - } - } else n += t[0] - ;(e = S.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex), (t = S.keywordPatternRe.exec(A)) - } - var r - ;(n += A.substring(e)), T.addText(n) - } - function p() { - null != S.subLanguage - ? (function () { - if ("" === A) return - let e = null - if ("string" == typeof S.subLanguage) { - if (!t[S.subLanguage]) return void T.addText(A) - ;(e = d(S.subLanguage, A, !0, E[S.subLanguage])), (E[S.subLanguage] = e._top) - } else e = u(A, S.subLanguage.length ? S.subLanguage : null) - S.relevance > 0 && (C += e.relevance), T.__addSublanguage(e._emitter, e.language) - })() - : c(), - (A = "") - } - function h(e, t) { - "" !== e && (T.startScope(t), T.addText(e), T.endScope()) - } - function f(e, t) { - let n = 1 - const r = t.length - 1 - for (; n <= r; ) { - if (!e._emit[n]) { - n++ - continue - } - const r = x.classNameAliases[e[n]] || e[n], - a = t[n] - r ? h(a, r) : ((A = a), c(), (A = "")), n++ - } - } - function g(e, t) { - return ( - e.scope && "string" == typeof e.scope && T.openNode(x.classNameAliases[e.scope] || e.scope), - e.beginScope && - (e.beginScope._wrap - ? (h(A, x.classNameAliases[e.beginScope._wrap] || e.beginScope._wrap), (A = "")) - : e.beginScope._multi && (f(e.beginScope, t), (A = ""))), - (S = Object.create(e, { parent: { value: S } })), - S - ) - } - function b(e, t, n) { - let r = (function (e, t) { - const n = e && e.exec(t) - return n && 0 === n.index - })(e.endRe, n) - if (r) { - if (e["on:end"]) { - const n = new Yx(e) - e["on:end"](t, n), n.isMatchIgnored && (r = !1) - } - if (r) { - for (; e.endsParent && e.parent; ) e = e.parent - return e - } - } - if (e.endsWithParent) return b(e.parent, t, n) - } - function v(e) { - return 0 === S.matcher.regexIndex ? ((A += e[0]), 1) : ((R = !0), 0) - } - function y(e) { - const t = e[0], - r = n.substring(e.index), - a = b(S, e, r) - if (!a) return n_ - const o = S - S.endScope && S.endScope._wrap - ? (p(), h(t, S.endScope._wrap)) - : S.endScope && S.endScope._multi - ? (p(), f(S.endScope, e)) - : o.skip - ? (A += t) - : (o.returnEnd || o.excludeEnd || (A += t), p(), o.excludeEnd && (A = t)) - do { - S.scope && T.closeNode(), S.skip || S.subLanguage || (C += S.relevance), (S = S.parent) - } while (S !== a.parent) - return a.starts && g(a.starts, e), o.returnEnd ? 0 : t.length - } - let O = {} - function w(t, o) { - const i = o && o[0] - if (((A += t), null == i)) return p(), 0 - if ("begin" === O.type && "end" === o.type && O.index === o.index && "" === i) { - if (((A += n.slice(o.index, o.index + 1)), !a)) { - const t = new Error(`0 width match regex (${e})`) - throw ((t.languageName = e), (t.badRule = O.rule), t) - } - return 1 - } - if (((O = o), "begin" === o.type)) - return (function (e) { - const t = e[0], - n = e.rule, - r = new Yx(n), - a = [n.__beforeBegin, n["on:begin"]] - for (const n of a) if (n && (n(e, r), r.isMatchIgnored)) return v(t) - return ( - n.skip ? (A += t) : (n.excludeBegin && (A += t), p(), n.returnBegin || n.excludeBegin || (A = t)), - g(n, e), - n.returnBegin ? 0 : t.length - ) - })(o) - if ("illegal" === o.type && !r) { - const e = new Error('Illegal lexeme "' + i + '" for mode "' + (S.scope || "") + '"') - throw ((e.mode = S), e) - } - if ("end" === o.type) { - const e = y(o) - if (e !== n_) return e - } - if ("illegal" === o.type && "" === i) return 1 - if (D > 1e5 && D > 3 * o.index) throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches") - return (A += i), i.length - } - const x = m(e) - if (!x) throw (Zk(o.replace("{}", e)), new Error('Unknown language: "' + e + '"')) - const k = Gk(x) - let _ = "", - S = i || k - const E = {}, - T = new s.__emitter(s) - !(function () { - const e = [] - for (let t = S; t !== x; t = t.parent) t.scope && e.unshift(t.scope) - e.forEach((e) => T.openNode(e)) - })() - let A = "", - C = 0, - P = 0, - D = 0, - R = !1 - try { - if (x.__emitTokens) x.__emitTokens(n, T) - else { - for (S.matcher.considerAll(); ; ) { - D++, R ? (R = !1) : S.matcher.considerAll(), (S.matcher.lastIndex = P) - const e = S.matcher.exec(n) - if (!e) break - const t = w(n.substring(P, e.index), e) - P = e.index + t - } - w(n.substring(P)) - } - return ( - T.finalize(), (_ = T.toHTML()), { language: e, value: _, relevance: C, illegal: !1, _emitter: T, _top: S } - ) - } catch (t) { - if (t.message && t.message.includes("Illegal")) - return { - language: e, - value: e_(n), - illegal: !0, - relevance: 0, - _illegalBy: { - message: t.message, - index: P, - context: n.slice(P - 100, P + 100), - mode: t.mode, - resultSoFar: _, - }, - _emitter: T, - } - if (a) return { language: e, value: e_(n), illegal: !1, relevance: 0, errorRaised: t, _emitter: T, _top: S } - throw t - } - } - function u(e, n) { - n = n || s.languages || Object.keys(t) - const r = (function (e) { - const t = { value: e_(e), illegal: !1, relevance: 0, _top: i, _emitter: new s.__emitter(s) } - return t._emitter.addText(e), t - })(e), - a = n - .filter(m) - .filter(b) - .map((t) => d(t, e, !1)) - a.unshift(r) - const o = a.sort((e, t) => { - if (e.relevance !== t.relevance) return t.relevance - e.relevance - if (e.language && t.language) { - if (m(e.language).supersetOf === t.language) return 1 - if (m(t.language).supersetOf === e.language) return -1 - } - return 0 - }), - [l, c] = o, - u = l - return (u.secondBest = c), u - } - function p(e) { - let t = null - const r = (function (e) { - let t = e.className + " " - t += e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.className : "" - const n = s.languageDetectRe.exec(t) - if (n) { - const t = m(n[1]) - return ( - t || (Hk(o.replace("{}", n[1])), Hk("Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.", e)), - t ? n[1] : "no-highlight" - ) - } - return t.split(/\s+/).find((e) => l(e) || m(e)) - })(e) - if (l(r)) return - if ((v("before:highlightElement", { el: e, language: r }), e.dataset.highlighted)) - return void console.log( - "Element previously highlighted. To highlight again, first unset `dataset.highlighted`.", - e, - ) - if ( - e.children.length > 0 && - (s.ignoreUnescapedHTML || - (console.warn( - "One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML. This is a potentially serious security risk.", - ), - console.warn("https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/wiki/security"), - console.warn("The element with unescaped HTML:"), - console.warn(e)), - s.throwUnescapedHTML) - ) - throw new Jk("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML.", e.innerHTML) - t = e - const a = t.textContent, - i = r ? c(a, { language: r, ignoreIllegals: !0 }) : u(a) - ;(e.innerHTML = i.value), - (e.dataset.highlighted = "yes"), - (function (e, t, r) { - const a = (t && n[t]) || r - e.classList.add("hljs"), e.classList.add(`language-${a}`) - })(e, r, i.language), - (e.result = { language: i.language, re: i.relevance, relevance: i.relevance }), - i.secondBest && (e.secondBest = { language: i.secondBest.language, relevance: i.secondBest.relevance }), - v("after:highlightElement", { el: e, result: i, text: a }) - } - let h = !1 - function f() { - "loading" !== document.readyState ? document.querySelectorAll(s.cssSelector).forEach(p) : (h = !0) - } - function m(e) { - return (e = (e || "").toLowerCase()), t[e] || t[n[e]] - } - function g(e, { languageName: t }) { - "string" == typeof e && (e = [e]), - e.forEach((e) => { - n[e.toLowerCase()] = t - }) - } - function b(e) { - const t = m(e) - return t && !t.disableAutodetect - } - function v(e, t) { - const n = e - r.forEach(function (e) { - e[n] && e[n](t) - }) - } - "undefined" != typeof window && - window.addEventListener && - window.addEventListener( - "DOMContentLoaded", - function () { - h && f() - }, - !1, - ), - Object.assign(e, { - highlight: c, - highlightAuto: u, - highlightAll: f, - highlightElement: p, - highlightBlock: function (e) { - return ( - Vk("10.7.0", "highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0"), - Vk("10.7.0", "Please use highlightElement now."), - p(e) - ) - }, - configure: function (e) { - s = t_(s, e) - }, - initHighlighting: () => { - f(), Vk("10.6.0", "initHighlighting() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.") - }, - initHighlightingOnLoad: function () { - f(), Vk("10.6.0", "initHighlightingOnLoad() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.") - }, - registerLanguage: function (n, r) { - let o = null - try { - o = r(e) - } catch (e) { - if ((Zk("Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace("{}", n)), !a)) throw e - Zk(e), (o = i) - } - o.name || (o.name = n), - (t[n] = o), - (o.rawDefinition = r.bind(null, e)), - o.aliases && g(o.aliases, { languageName: n }) - }, - unregisterLanguage: function (e) { - delete t[e] - for (const t of Object.keys(n)) n[t] === e && delete n[t] - }, - listLanguages: function () { - return Object.keys(t) - }, - getLanguage: m, - registerAliases: g, - autoDetection: b, - inherit: t_, - addPlugin: function (e) { - !(function (e) { - e["before:highlightBlock"] && - !e["before:highlightElement"] && - (e["before:highlightElement"] = (t) => { - e["before:highlightBlock"](Object.assign({ block: t.el }, t)) - }), - e["after:highlightBlock"] && - !e["after:highlightElement"] && - (e["after:highlightElement"] = (t) => { - e["after:highlightBlock"](Object.assign({ block: t.el }, t)) - }) - })(e), - r.push(e) - }, - removePlugin: function (e) { - const t = r.indexOf(e) - ;-1 !== t && r.splice(t, 1) - }, - }), - (e.debugMode = function () { - a = !1 - }), - (e.safeMode = function () { - a = !0 - }), - (e.versionString = "11.9.0"), - (e.regex = { concat: lk, lookahead: ok, either: ck, optional: sk, anyNumberOfTimes: ik }) - for (const e in Rk) "object" == typeof Rk[e] && Xx(Rk[e]) - return Object.assign(e, Rk), e - }, - a_ = r_({}) - a_.newInstance = () => r_({}) - var o_ = a_ - ;(a_.HighlightJS = a_), (a_.default = a_) - const i_ = em(o_), - s_ = {}, - l_ = "hljs-" - class c_ { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.options = e), - (this.root = { type: "root", children: [], data: { language: void 0, relevance: 0 } }), - (this.stack = [this.root]) - } - addText(e) { - if ("" === e) return - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], - n = t.children[t.children.length - 1] - n && "text" === n.type ? (n.value += e) : t.children.push({ type: "text", value: e }) - } - startScope(e) { - this.openNode(String(e)) - } - endScope() { - this.closeNode() - } - __addSublanguage(e, t) { - const n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], - r = e.root.children - t - ? n.children.push({ type: "element", tagName: "span", properties: { className: [t] }, children: r }) - : n.children.push(...r) - } - openNode(e) { - const t = this, - n = { - type: "element", - tagName: "span", - properties: { - className: e.split(".").map(function (e, n) { - return n ? e + "_".repeat(n) : t.options.classPrefix + e - }), - }, - children: [], - } - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(n), this.stack.push(n) - } - closeNode() { - this.stack.pop() - } - finalize() {} - toHTML() { - return "" - } - } - const d_ = [], - u_ = !0, - p_ = !1, - h_ = "skip" - function f_(e, t, n, r) { - let a - "function" == typeof t && "function" != typeof n ? ((r = n), (n = t)) : (a = t) - const o = bw(a), - i = r ? -1 : 1 - !(function e(a, s, l) { - const c = a && "object" == typeof a ? a : {} - if ("string" == typeof c.type) { - const e = "string" == typeof c.tagName ? c.tagName : "string" == typeof c.name ? c.name : void 0 - Object.defineProperty(d, "name", { value: "node (" + a.type + (e ? "<" + e + ">" : "") + ")" }) - } - return d - function d() { - let c, - d, - u, - p = d_ - if ( - (!t || o(a, s, l[l.length - 1] || void 0)) && - ((p = (function (e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? e : "number" == typeof e ? [u_, e] : null == e ? d_ : [e] - })(n(a, l))), - p[0] === p_) - ) - return p - if ("children" in a && a.children) { - const t = a - if (t.children && p[0] !== h_) - for (d = (r ? t.children.length : -1) + i, u = l.concat(t); d > -1 && d < t.children.length; ) { - const n = t.children[d] - if (((c = e(n, d, u)()), c[0] === p_)) return c - d = "number" == typeof c[1] ? c[1] : d + i - } - } - return p - } - })(e, void 0, [])() - } - function m_(e, t, n, r) { - let a, o, i - "function" == typeof t && "function" != typeof n ? ((o = void 0), (i = t), (a = n)) : ((o = t), (i = n), (a = r)), - f_( - e, - o, - function (e, t) { - const n = t[t.length - 1], - r = n ? n.children.indexOf(e) : void 0 - return i(e, r, n) - }, - a, - ) - } - const g_ = {} - function b_(e) { - const t = e || g_, - n = t.aliases, - r = (null == e ? void 0 : e.detect) ?? !1, - a = t.languages, - o = t.plainText, - i = t.prefix, - s = t.subset - let l = "hljs" - const c = - (null == e ? void 0 : e.lowlight) ?? - (function (e) { - const t = i_.newInstance() - return ( - e && a(e), - { - highlight: n, - highlightAuto: function (e, a) { - const o = (a || s_).subset || r() - let i, - s = -1, - l = 0 - for (; ++s < o.length; ) { - const r = o[s] - if (!t.getLanguage(r)) continue - const c = n(r, e, a) - c.data && void 0 !== c.data.relevance && c.data.relevance > l && ((l = c.data.relevance), (i = c)) - } - return i || { type: "root", children: [], data: { language: void 0, relevance: l } } - }, - listLanguages: r, - register: a, - registerAlias: function (e, n) { - if ("string" == typeof e) t.registerAliases("string" == typeof n ? n : [...n], { languageName: e }) - else { - let n - for (n in e) - if (Object.hasOwn(e, n)) { - const r = e[n] - t.registerAliases("string" == typeof r ? r : [...r], { languageName: n }) - } - } - }, - registered: function (e) { - return Boolean(t.getLanguage(e)) - }, - } - ) - function n(e, n, r) { - const a = r || s_, - o = "string" == typeof a.prefix ? a.prefix : l_ - if (!t.getLanguage(e)) throw new Error("Unknown language: `" + e + "` is not registered") - t.configure({ __emitter: c_, classPrefix: o }) - const i = t.highlight(n, { ignoreIllegals: !0, language: e }) - if (i.errorRaised) throw new Error("Could not highlight with `Highlight.js`", { cause: i.errorRaised }) - const s = i._emitter.root, - l = s.data - return (l.language = i.language), (l.relevance = i.relevance), s - } - function r() { - return t.listLanguages() - } - function a(e, n) { - if ("string" == typeof e) t.registerLanguage(e, n) - else { - let n - for (n in e) Object.hasOwn(e, n) && t.registerLanguage(n, e[n]) - } - } - })(a) - if ((n && c.registerAlias(n), i)) { - const e = i.indexOf("-") - l = e > -1 ? i.slice(0, e) : i - } - return function (e, t) { - m_(e, "element", function (e, n, a) { - var d - if ("code" !== e.tagName || !a || "element" !== a.type || "pre" !== a.tagName) return - const u = (function (e) { - const t = e.properties.className - if (!Array.isArray(t)) return "" - const n = t.reduce((e, t) => { - if (e) return e - const n = String(t) - return "no-highlight" === n || "nohighlight" === n - ? "no-highlight" - : "lang-" === n.slice(0, 5) - ? n.slice(5) - : "language-" === n.slice(0, 9) - ? n.slice(9) - : e - }, "") - return gw[n || ""] || n - })(e) - if ("no-highlight" === u || (!u && !r) || (u && (null == o ? void 0 : o.includes(u)))) return - let p - Array.isArray(e.properties.className) || (e.properties.className = []), - e.properties.className.includes(l) || e.properties.className.unshift(l) - try { - p = u ? c.highlight(u, $w(a), { prefix: i }) : c.highlightAuto($w(a), { prefix: i, subset: s }) - } catch (n) { - const r = n - if (u && /Unknown language/.test(r.message)) - return void t.message("Cannot highlight as `" + u + "`, it’s not registered", { - ancestors: [a, e], - cause: r, - place: e.position, - ruleId: "missing-language", - source: "rehype-highlight", - }) - throw r - } - !u && - (null == (d = p.data) ? void 0 : d.language) && - e.properties.className.push("language-" + p.data.language), - p.children.length > 0 && (e.children = p.children) - }) - } - } - const v_ = "object" == typeof self ? self : globalThis, - y_ = (e) => - ((e, t) => { - const n = (t, n) => (e.set(n, t), t), - r = (a) => { - if (e.has(a)) return e.get(a) - const [o, i] = t[a] - switch (o) { - case 0: - case -1: - return n(i, a) - case 1: { - const e = n([], a) - for (const t of i) e.push(r(t)) - return e - } - case 2: { - const e = n({}, a) - for (const [t, n] of i) e[r(t)] = r(n) - return e - } - case 3: - return n(new Date(i), a) - case 4: { - const { source: e, flags: t } = i - return n(new RegExp(e, t), a) - } - case 5: { - const e = n(new Map(), a) - for (const [t, n] of i) e.set(r(t), r(n)) - return e - } - case 6: { - const e = n(new Set(), a) - for (const t of i) e.add(r(t)) - return e - } - case 7: { - const { name: e, message: t } = i - return n(new v_[e](t), a) - } - case 8: - return n(BigInt(i), a) - case "BigInt": - return n(Object(BigInt(i)), a) - } - return n(new v_[o](i), a) - } - return r - })( - new Map(), - e, - )(0), - O_ = "", - { toString: w_ } = {}, - { keys: x_ } = Object, - k_ = (e) => { - const t = typeof e - if ("object" !== t || !e) return [0, t] - const n = w_.call(e).slice(8, -1) - switch (n) { - case "Array": - return [1, O_] - case "Object": - return [2, O_] - case "Date": - return [3, O_] - case "RegExp": - return [4, O_] - case "Map": - return [5, O_] - case "Set": - return [6, O_] - } - return n.includes("Array") ? [1, n] : n.includes("Error") ? [7, n] : [2, n] - }, - __ = ([e, t]) => 0 === e && ("function" === t || "symbol" === t), - S_ = (e, { json: t, lossy: n } = {}) => { - const r = [] - return ( - ((e, t, n, r) => { - const a = (e, t) => { - const a = r.push(e) - 1 - return n.set(t, a), a - }, - o = (r) => { - if (n.has(r)) return n.get(r) - let [i, s] = k_(r) - switch (i) { - case 0: { - let t = r - switch (s) { - case "bigint": - ;(i = 8), (t = r.toString()) - break - case "function": - case "symbol": - if (e) throw new TypeError("unable to serialize " + s) - t = null - break - case "undefined": - return a([-1], r) - } - return a([i, t], r) - } - case 1: { - if (s) return a([s, [...r]], r) - const e = [], - t = a([i, e], r) - for (const t of r) e.push(o(t)) - return t - } - case 2: { - if (s) - switch (s) { - case "BigInt": - return a([s, r.toString()], r) - case "Boolean": - case "Number": - case "String": - return a([s, r.valueOf()], r) - } - if (t && "toJSON" in r) return o(r.toJSON()) - const n = [], - l = a([i, n], r) - for (const t of x_(r)) (!e && __(k_(r[t]))) || n.push([o(t), o(r[t])]) - return l - } - case 3: - return a([i, r.toISOString()], r) - case 4: { - const { source: e, flags: t } = r - return a([i, { source: e, flags: t }], r) - } - case 5: { - const t = [], - n = a([i, t], r) - for (const [n, a] of r) (e || (!__(k_(n)) && !__(k_(a)))) && t.push([o(n), o(a)]) - return n - } - case 6: { - const t = [], - n = a([i, t], r) - for (const n of r) (!e && __(k_(n))) || t.push(o(n)) - return n - } - } - const { message: l } = r - return a([i, { name: s, message: l }], r) - } - return o - })( - !(t || n), - !!t, - new Map(), - r, - )(e), - r - ) - }, - E_ = - "function" == typeof structuredClone - ? (e, t) => (t && ("json" in t || "lossy" in t) ? y_(S_(e, t)) : structuredClone(e)) - : (e, t) => y_(S_(e, t)), - T_ = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*?:/, - A_ = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/ - function C_(e) { - const t = String(e || "").trim() - return t ? t.split(/[ \t\n\r\f]+/g) : [] - } - function P_(e) { - return e.join(" ").trim() - } - const D_ = ["http", "https"], - R_ = ["nofollow"], - N_ = {} - function $_(e) { - const t = e || N_, - n = t.protocols || D_, - r = xw(t.test) - return function (e) { - m_(e, "element", function (e, a, o) { - if ("a" === e.tagName && "string" == typeof e.properties.href && r(e, a, o)) { - const r = e.properties.href - if ( - (function (e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(`Expected a \`string\`, got \`${typeof e}\``) - return !A_.test(e) && T_.test(e) - })(r) - ? n.includes(r.slice(0, r.indexOf(":"))) - : r.startsWith("//") - ) { - const n = I_(t.content, e), - r = n && !Array.isArray(n) ? [n] : n, - a = I_(t.rel, e) || R_, - o = "string" == typeof a ? C_(a) : a, - i = I_(t.target, e), - s = I_(t.properties, e) - if ( - (s && Object.assign(e.properties, E_(s)), - o.length > 0 && (e.properties.rel = [...o]), - i && (e.properties.target = i), - r) - ) { - const n = I_(t.contentProperties, e) || {} - e.children.push({ type: "element", tagName: "span", properties: E_(n), children: E_(r) }) - } - } - } - }) - } - } - function I_(e, t) { - return "function" == typeof e ? e(t) : e - } - const M_ = xw(function (e) { - return ( - "audio" === e.tagName || - "canvas" === e.tagName || - "embed" === e.tagName || - "iframe" === e.tagName || - "img" === e.tagName || - "math" === e.tagName || - "object" === e.tagName || - "picture" === e.tagName || - "svg" === e.tagName || - "video" === e.tagName - ) - }), - L_ = {}.hasOwnProperty, - Q_ = new Set(["pingback", "prefetch", "stylesheet"]), - B_ = xw([ - "a", - "abbr", - "area", - "b", - "bdi", - "bdo", - "br", - "button", - "cite", - "code", - "data", - "datalist", - "del", - "dfn", - "em", - "i", - "input", - "ins", - "kbd", - "keygen", - "label", - "map", - "mark", - "meter", - "noscript", - "output", - "progress", - "q", - "ruby", - "s", - "samp", - "script", - "select", - "small", - "span", - "strong", - "sub", - "sup", - "template", - "textarea", - "time", - "u", - "var", - "wbr", - ]), - j_ = xw("meta") - const U_ = /[ \t\n\f\r]/g - function F_(e) { - return "object" == typeof e ? "text" === e.type && z_(e.value) : z_(e) - } - function z_(e) { - return "" === e.replace(U_, "") - } - const q_ = ["pre", "script", "style", "textarea"], - Z_ = [ - "address", - "article", - "aside", - "blockquote", - "body", - "br", - "caption", - "center", - "col", - "colgroup", - "dd", - "dialog", - "dir", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "figcaption", - "figure", - "footer", - "form", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "head", - "header", - "hgroup", - "hr", - "html", - "legend", - "li", - "li", - "listing", - "main", - "menu", - "nav", - "ol", - "optgroup", - "option", - "p", - "plaintext", - "pre", - "section", - "summary", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - "td", - "tfoot", - "th", - "th", - "thead", - "tr", - "ul", - "wbr", - "xmp", - ], - H_ = ["button", "input", "select", "textarea"], - V_ = [ - "area", - "base", - "basefont", - "dialog", - "datalist", - "head", - "link", - "meta", - "noembed", - "noframes", - "param", - "rp", - "script", - "source", - "style", - "template", - "track", - "title", - ], - W_ = {}, - X_ = bw(["doctype", "comment"]) - function Y_(e, t) { - if ("children" in e) { - const n = { ...t } - return ( - ("root" === e.type || eS(e)) && ((n.before = !0), (n.after = !0)), - (n.whitespace = (function (e, t) { - if ("tagName" in e && e.properties) - switch (e.tagName) { - case "listing": - case "plaintext": - case "script": - case "style": - case "xmp": - return "pre" - case "nobr": - return "nowrap" - case "pre": - return e.properties.wrap ? "pre-wrap" : "pre" - case "td": - case "th": - return e.properties.noWrap ? "nowrap" : t.whitespace - case "textarea": - return "pre-wrap" - } - return t.whitespace - })(e, t)), - (function (e, t) { - let n = t.before - const r = t.after, - a = e.children - let o = a.length, - i = -1 - for (; ++i < o; ) { - const e = Y_(a[i], { ...t, after: G_(a, i, r), before: n }) - e.remove ? (a.splice(i, 1), i--, o--) : e.ignore || (n = e.stripAtStart), J_(a[i]) && (n = !1) - } - return { ignore: !1, stripAtStart: Boolean(n || r), remove: !1 } - })(e, n) - ) - } - if ("text" === e.type) { - if ("normal" === t.whitespace) - return (function (e, t) { - const n = t.collapse(e.value), - r = { ignore: !1, stripAtStart: !1, remove: !1 } - let a = 0, - o = n.length - return ( - t.before && nS(n.charAt(0)) && a++, - a !== o && nS(n.charAt(o - 1)) && (t.after ? o-- : (r.stripAtStart = !0)), - a === o ? (r.remove = !0) : (e.value = n.slice(a, o)), - r - ) - })(e, t) - "nowrap" === t.whitespace && (e.value = t.collapse(e.value)) - } - return { ignore: X_(e), stripAtStart: !1, remove: !1 } - } - function G_(e, t, n) { - for (; ++t < e.length; ) { - const n = e[t] - let r = K_(n) - if ((void 0 === r && "children" in n && !tS(n) && (r = G_(n.children, -1)), "boolean" == typeof r)) return r - } - return n - } - function K_(e) { - if ("element" === e.type) { - if (J_(e)) return !1 - if (eS(e)) return !0 - } else if ("text" === e.type) { - if (!F_(e)) return !1 - } else if (!X_(e)) return !1 - } - function J_(e) { - return M_(e) || ww(e, H_) - } - function eS(e) { - return ww(e, Z_) - } - function tS(e) { - return Boolean("element" === e.type && e.properties.hidden) || X_(e) || ww(e, V_) - } - function nS(e) { - return " " === e || "\n" === e - } - function rS(e) { - const t = /\r?\n|\r/.exec(e) - return t ? t[0] : " " - } - function aS() { - return " " - } - const oS = {}, - iS = (function (e) { - const t = (function (e) { - return function (t) { - return String(t).replace(/[\t\n\v\f\r ]+/g, e) - } - })(({ newlines: !0 } || W_).newlines ? rS : aS) - return function (e) { - Y_(e, { collapse: t, whitespace: "normal" }) - } - })() - function sS(e) { - const t = e || oS - let n = t.indent || 2, - r = t.indentInitial - return ( - "number" == typeof n && (n = " ".repeat(n)), - null == r && (r = !0), - function (e) { - let t - iS(e), - f_(e, function (e, o) { - let i = -1 - if (!("children" in e)) return - if ((ww(e, "head") && (t = !0), t && ww(e, "body") && (t = void 0), ww(e, q_))) return h_ - const s = e.children - let l, - c = o.length - if (0 === s.length || !lS(e, t)) return - for (r || c--; ++i < s.length; ) { - const e = s[i] - ;("text" !== e.type && "comment" !== e.type) || - (e.value.includes("\n") && (l = !0), (e.value = e.value.replace(/ *\n/g, "$&" + String(n).repeat(c)))) - } - const d = [] - let u - for (i = -1; ++i < s.length; ) { - const e = s[i] - ;(lS(e, t) || (l && !i)) && (a(d, c, e), (l = !0)), (u = e), d.push(e) - } - u && (l || lS(u, t)) && (F_(u) && (d.pop(), (u = d[d.length - 1])), a(d, c - 1)), (e.children = d) - }) - } - ) - function a(e, t, r) { - const a = e[e.length - 1], - i = (o(a && F_(a) ? e[e.length - 2] : a) && o(r) ? "\n\n" : "\n") + String(n).repeat(Math.max(t, 0)) - a && "text" === a.type ? (a.value = F_(a) ? i : a.value + i) : e.push({ type: "text", value: i }) - } - function o(e) { - return Boolean(e && "element" === e.type && t.blanks && t.blanks.length > 0 && t.blanks.includes(e.tagName)) - } - } - function lS(e, t) { - return ( - "root" === e.type || - ("element" === e.type && - (t || - ww(e, "script") || - M_(e) || - !(function (e) { - return Boolean( - "text" === e.type || - B_(e) || - M_(e) || - (function (e) { - if ("element" !== e.type || "link" !== e.tagName) return !1 - if (e.properties.itemProp) return !0 - const t = e.properties.rel - let n = -1 - if (!Array.isArray(t) || 0 === t.length) return !1 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) if (!Q_.has(String(t[n]))) return !1 - return !0 - })(e) || - (j_(e) && - (function (e, t) { - const n = "element" === e.type && L_.call(e.properties, t) && e.properties[t] - return null != n && !1 !== n - })(e, "itemProp")), - ) - })(e))) - ) - } - let cS = class { - constructor(e, t, n) { - ;(this.property = e), (this.normal = t), n && (this.space = n) - } - } - function dS(e, t) { - const n = {}, - r = {} - let a = -1 - for (; ++a < e.length; ) Object.assign(n, e[a].property), Object.assign(r, e[a].normal) - return new cS(n, r, t) - } - function uS(e) { - return e.toLowerCase() - } - ;(cS.prototype.property = {}), (cS.prototype.normal = {}), (cS.prototype.space = null) - class pS { - constructor(e, t) { - ;(this.property = e), (this.attribute = t) - } - } - ;(pS.prototype.space = null), - (pS.prototype.boolean = !1), - (pS.prototype.booleanish = !1), - (pS.prototype.overloadedBoolean = !1), - (pS.prototype.number = !1), - (pS.prototype.commaSeparated = !1), - (pS.prototype.spaceSeparated = !1), - (pS.prototype.commaOrSpaceSeparated = !1), - (pS.prototype.mustUseProperty = !1), - (pS.prototype.defined = !1) - let hS = 0 - const fS = wS(), - mS = wS(), - gS = wS(), - bS = wS(), - vS = wS(), - yS = wS(), - OS = wS() - function wS() { - return 2 ** ++hS - } - const xS = Object.freeze( - Object.defineProperty( - { - __proto__: null, - boolean: fS, - booleanish: mS, - commaOrSpaceSeparated: OS, - commaSeparated: yS, - number: bS, - overloadedBoolean: gS, - spaceSeparated: vS, - }, - Symbol.toStringTag, - { value: "Module" }, - ), - ), - kS = Object.keys(xS) - class _S extends pS { - constructor(e, t, n, r) { - let a = -1 - if ((super(e, t), SS(this, "space", r), "number" == typeof n)) - for (; ++a < kS.length; ) { - const e = kS[a] - SS(this, kS[a], (n & xS[e]) === xS[e]) - } - } - } - function SS(e, t, n) { - n && (e[t] = n) - } - _S.prototype.defined = !0 - const ES = {}.hasOwnProperty - function TS(e) { - const t = {}, - n = {} - let r - for (r in e.properties) - if (ES.call(e.properties, r)) { - const a = e.properties[r], - o = new _S(r, e.transform(e.attributes || {}, r), a, e.space) - e.mustUseProperty && e.mustUseProperty.includes(r) && (o.mustUseProperty = !0), - (t[r] = o), - (n[uS(r)] = r), - (n[uS(o.attribute)] = r) - } - return new cS(t, n, e.space) - } - const AS = TS({ - space: "xlink", - transform: (e, t) => "xlink:" + t.slice(5).toLowerCase(), - properties: { - xLinkActuate: null, - xLinkArcRole: null, - xLinkHref: null, - xLinkRole: null, - xLinkShow: null, - xLinkTitle: null, - xLinkType: null, - }, - }), - CS = TS({ - space: "xml", - transform: (e, t) => "xml:" + t.slice(3).toLowerCase(), - properties: { xmlLang: null, xmlBase: null, xmlSpace: null }, - }) - function PS(e, t) { - return t in e ? e[t] : t - } - function DS(e, t) { - return PS(e, t.toLowerCase()) - } - const RS = TS({ - space: "xmlns", - attributes: { xmlnsxlink: "xmlns:xlink" }, - transform: DS, - properties: { xmlns: null, xmlnsXLink: null }, - }), - NS = TS({ - transform: (e, t) => ("role" === t ? t : "aria-" + t.slice(4).toLowerCase()), - properties: { - ariaActiveDescendant: null, - ariaAtomic: mS, - ariaAutoComplete: null, - ariaBusy: mS, - ariaChecked: mS, - ariaColCount: bS, - ariaColIndex: bS, - ariaColSpan: bS, - ariaControls: vS, - ariaCurrent: null, - ariaDescribedBy: vS, - ariaDetails: null, - ariaDisabled: mS, - ariaDropEffect: vS, - ariaErrorMessage: null, - ariaExpanded: mS, - ariaFlowTo: vS, - ariaGrabbed: mS, - ariaHasPopup: null, - ariaHidden: mS, - ariaInvalid: null, - ariaKeyShortcuts: null, - ariaLabel: null, - ariaLabelledBy: vS, - ariaLevel: bS, - ariaLive: null, - ariaModal: mS, - ariaMultiLine: mS, - ariaMultiSelectable: mS, - ariaOrientation: null, - ariaOwns: vS, - ariaPlaceholder: null, - ariaPosInSet: bS, - ariaPressed: mS, - ariaReadOnly: mS, - ariaRelevant: null, - ariaRequired: mS, - ariaRoleDescription: vS, - ariaRowCount: bS, - ariaRowIndex: bS, - ariaRowSpan: bS, - ariaSelected: mS, - ariaSetSize: bS, - ariaSort: null, - ariaValueMax: bS, - ariaValueMin: bS, - ariaValueNow: bS, - ariaValueText: null, - role: null, - }, - }), - $S = TS({ - space: "html", - attributes: { acceptcharset: "accept-charset", classname: "class", htmlfor: "for", httpequiv: "http-equiv" }, - transform: DS, - mustUseProperty: ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"], - properties: { - abbr: null, - accept: yS, - acceptCharset: vS, - accessKey: vS, - action: null, - allow: null, - allowFullScreen: fS, - allowPaymentRequest: fS, - allowUserMedia: fS, - alt: null, - as: null, - async: fS, - autoCapitalize: null, - autoComplete: vS, - autoFocus: fS, - autoPlay: fS, - blocking: vS, - capture: null, - charSet: null, - checked: fS, - cite: null, - className: vS, - cols: bS, - colSpan: null, - content: null, - contentEditable: mS, - controls: fS, - controlsList: vS, - coords: bS | yS, - crossOrigin: null, - data: null, - dateTime: null, - decoding: null, - default: fS, - defer: fS, - dir: null, - dirName: null, - disabled: fS, - download: gS, - draggable: mS, - encType: null, - enterKeyHint: null, - fetchPriority: null, - form: null, - formAction: null, - formEncType: null, - formMethod: null, - formNoValidate: fS, - formTarget: null, - headers: vS, - height: bS, - hidden: fS, - high: bS, - href: null, - hrefLang: null, - htmlFor: vS, - httpEquiv: vS, - id: null, - imageSizes: null, - imageSrcSet: null, - inert: fS, - inputMode: null, - integrity: null, - is: null, - isMap: fS, - itemId: null, - itemProp: vS, - itemRef: vS, - itemScope: fS, - itemType: vS, - kind: null, - label: null, - lang: null, - language: null, - list: null, - loading: null, - loop: fS, - low: bS, - manifest: null, - max: null, - maxLength: bS, - media: null, - method: null, - min: null, - minLength: bS, - multiple: fS, - muted: fS, - name: null, - nonce: null, - noModule: fS, - noValidate: fS, - onAbort: null, - onAfterPrint: null, - onAuxClick: null, - onBeforeMatch: null, - onBeforePrint: null, - onBeforeToggle: null, - onBeforeUnload: null, - onBlur: null, - onCancel: null, - onCanPlay: null, - onCanPlayThrough: null, - onChange: null, - onClick: null, - onClose: null, - onContextLost: null, - onContextMenu: null, - onContextRestored: null, - onCopy: null, - onCueChange: null, - onCut: null, - onDblClick: null, - onDrag: null, - onDragEnd: null, - onDragEnter: null, - onDragExit: null, - onDragLeave: null, - onDragOver: null, - onDragStart: null, - onDrop: null, - onDurationChange: null, - onEmptied: null, - onEnded: null, - onError: null, - onFocus: null, - onFormData: null, - onHashChange: null, - onInput: null, - onInvalid: null, - onKeyDown: null, - onKeyPress: null, - onKeyUp: null, - onLanguageChange: null, - onLoad: null, - onLoadedData: null, - onLoadedMetadata: null, - onLoadEnd: null, - onLoadStart: null, - onMessage: null, - onMessageError: null, - onMouseDown: null, - onMouseEnter: null, - onMouseLeave: null, - onMouseMove: null, - onMouseOut: null, - onMouseOver: null, - onMouseUp: null, - onOffline: null, - onOnline: null, - onPageHide: null, - onPageShow: null, - onPaste: null, - onPause: null, - onPlay: null, - onPlaying: null, - onPopState: null, - onProgress: null, - onRateChange: null, - onRejectionHandled: null, - onReset: null, - onResize: null, - onScroll: null, - onScrollEnd: null, - onSecurityPolicyViolation: null, - onSeeked: null, - onSeeking: null, - onSelect: null, - onSlotChange: null, - onStalled: null, - onStorage: null, - onSubmit: null, - onSuspend: null, - onTimeUpdate: null, - onToggle: null, - onUnhandledRejection: null, - onUnload: null, - onVolumeChange: null, - onWaiting: null, - onWheel: null, - open: fS, - optimum: bS, - pattern: null, - ping: vS, - placeholder: null, - playsInline: fS, - popover: null, - popoverTarget: null, - popoverTargetAction: null, - poster: null, - preload: null, - readOnly: fS, - referrerPolicy: null, - rel: vS, - required: fS, - reversed: fS, - rows: bS, - rowSpan: bS, - sandbox: vS, - scope: null, - scoped: fS, - seamless: fS, - selected: fS, - shadowRootClonable: fS, - shadowRootDelegatesFocus: fS, - shadowRootMode: null, - shape: null, - size: bS, - sizes: null, - slot: null, - span: bS, - spellCheck: mS, - src: null, - srcDoc: null, - srcLang: null, - srcSet: null, - start: bS, - step: null, - style: null, - tabIndex: bS, - target: null, - title: null, - translate: null, - type: null, - typeMustMatch: fS, - useMap: null, - value: mS, - width: bS, - wrap: null, - writingSuggestions: null, - 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vertOriginY: bS, - viewBox: null, - viewTarget: null, - visibility: null, - width: null, - widths: null, - wordSpacing: null, - writingMode: null, - x: null, - x1: null, - x2: null, - xChannelSelector: null, - xHeight: bS, - y: null, - y1: null, - y2: null, - yChannelSelector: null, - z: null, - zoomAndPan: null, - }, - }), - MS = /^data[-\w.:]+$/i, - LS = /-[a-z]/g, - QS = /[A-Z]/g - function BS(e, t) { - const n = uS(t) - let r = t, - a = pS - if (n in e.normal) return e.property[e.normal[n]] - if (n.length > 4 && "data" === n.slice(0, 4) && MS.test(t)) { - if ("-" === t.charAt(4)) { - const e = t.slice(5).replace(LS, US) - r = "data" + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1) - } else { - const e = t.slice(4) - if (!LS.test(e)) { - let n = e.replace(QS, jS) - "-" !== n.charAt(0) && (n = "-" + n), (t = "data" + n) - } - } - a = _S - } - return new a(r, t) - } - function jS(e) { - return "-" + e.toLowerCase() - } - function US(e) { - return e.charAt(1).toUpperCase() - } - const FS = dS([CS, AS, RS, NS, $S], "html"), - zS = dS([CS, AS, RS, NS, IS], "svg") - function qS(e) { - const t = [], - n = String(e || "") - let r = n.indexOf(","), - a = 0, - o = !1 - for (; !o; ) { - ;-1 === r && ((r = n.length), (o = !0)) - const e = n.slice(a, r).trim() - ;(!e && o) || t.push(e), (a = r + 1), (r = n.indexOf(",", a)) - } - return t - } - function ZS(e, t) { - const n = t || {} - return ("" === e[e.length - 1] ? [...e, ""] : e) - .join((n.padRight ? " " : "") + "," + (!1 === n.padLeft ? "" : " ")) - .trim() - } - const HS = /[#.]/g, - VS = new Set(["button", "menu", "reset", "submit"]), - WS = {}.hasOwnProperty - function XS(e, t, n) { - const r = - n && - (function (e) { - const t = {} - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) t[e[n].toLowerCase()] = e[n] - return t - })(n) - return function (n, a, ...o) { - let i, - s = -1 - if (null == n) { - i = { type: "root", children: [] } - const e = a - o.unshift(e) - } else if ( - ((i = (function (e, t) { - const n = e || "", - r = {} - let a, - o, - i = 0 - for (; i < n.length; ) { - HS.lastIndex = i - const e = HS.exec(n), - t = n.slice(i, e ? e.index : n.length) - t && - (a - ? "#" === a - ? (r.id = t) - : Array.isArray(r.className) - ? r.className.push(t) - : (r.className = [t]) - : (o = t), - (i += t.length)), - e && ((a = e[0]), i++) - } - return { type: "element", tagName: o || t || "div", properties: r, children: [] } - })(n, t)), - (i.tagName = i.tagName.toLowerCase()), - r && WS.call(r, i.tagName) && (i.tagName = r[i.tagName]), - (function (e, t) { - return ( - null != e && - "object" == typeof e && - !Array.isArray(e) && - ("input" === t || - !e.type || - "string" != typeof e.type || - ((!("children" in e) || !Array.isArray(e.children)) && - ("button" === t ? VS.has(e.type.toLowerCase()) : !("value" in e)))) - ) - })(a, i.tagName)) - ) { - let t - for (t in a) WS.call(a, t) && YS(e, i.properties, t, a[t]) - } else o.unshift(a) - for (; ++s < o.length; ) GS(i.children, o[s]) - return ( - "element" === i.type && - "template" === i.tagName && - ((i.content = { type: "root", children: i.children }), (i.children = [])), - i - ) - } - } - function YS(e, t, n, r) { - const a = BS(e, n) - let o, - i = -1 - if (null != r) { - if ("number" == typeof r) { - if (Number.isNaN(r)) return - o = r - } else - o = - "boolean" == typeof r - ? r - : "string" == typeof r - ? a.spaceSeparated - ? C_(r) - : a.commaSeparated - ? qS(r) - : a.commaOrSpaceSeparated - ? C_(qS(r).join(" ")) - : KS(a, a.property, r) - : Array.isArray(r) - ? r.concat() - : "style" === a.property - ? (function (e) { - const t = [] - let n - for (n in e) WS.call(e, n) && t.push([n, e[n]].join(": ")) - return t.join("; ") - })(r) - : String(r) - if (Array.isArray(o)) { - const e = [] - for (; ++i < o.length; ) { - const t = KS(a, a.property, o[i]) - e[i] = t - } - o = e - } - if ("className" === a.property && Array.isArray(t.className)) { - const e = o - o = t.className.concat(e) - } - t[a.property] = o - } - } - function GS(e, t) { - let n = -1 - if (null == t); - else if ("string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t) e.push({ type: "text", value: String(t) }) - else if (Array.isArray(t)) for (; ++n < t.length; ) GS(e, t[n]) - else { - if ("object" != typeof t || !("type" in t)) throw new Error("Expected node, nodes, or string, got `" + t + "`") - "root" === t.type ? GS(e, t.children) : e.push(t) - } - } - function KS(e, t, n) { - if ("string" == typeof n) { - if (e.number && n && !Number.isNaN(Number(n))) return Number(n) - if ((e.boolean || e.overloadedBoolean) && ("" === n || uS(n) === uS(t))) return !0 - } - return n - } - const JS = XS(FS, "div"), - eE = XS(zS, "g", [ - "altGlyph", - "altGlyphDef", - "altGlyphItem", - "animateColor", - "animateMotion", - "animateTransform", - "clipPath", - "feBlend", - "feColorMatrix", - "feComponentTransfer", - "feComposite", - "feConvolveMatrix", - "feDiffuseLighting", - "feDisplacementMap", - "feDistantLight", - "feDropShadow", - "feFlood", - "feFuncA", - "feFuncB", - "feFuncG", - "feFuncR", - "feGaussianBlur", - "feImage", - "feMerge", - "feMergeNode", - "feMorphology", - "feOffset", - "fePointLight", - "feSpecularLighting", - "feSpotLight", - "feTile", - "feTurbulence", - "foreignObject", - "glyphRef", - "linearGradient", - "radialGradient", - "solidColor", - "textArea", - "textPath", - ]), - tE = /\r?\n|\r/g, - nE = { - html: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", - mathml: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", - svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", - }, - rE = {}.hasOwnProperty, - aE = Object.prototype - function oE(e, t) { - const n = t || {} - return iE( - { file: n.file || void 0, location: !1, schema: "svg" === n.space ? zS : FS, verbose: n.verbose || !1 }, - e, - ) - } - function iE(e, t) { - let n - switch (t.nodeName) { - case "#comment": { - const r = t - return (n = { type: "comment", value: r.data }), lE(e, r, n), n - } - case "#document": - case "#document-fragment": { - const r = t, - a = "mode" in r && ("quirks" === r.mode || "limited-quirks" === r.mode) - if (((n = { type: "root", children: sE(e, t.childNodes), data: { quirksMode: a } }), e.file && e.location)) { - const t = String(e.file), - r = (function (e) { - const t = String(e), - n = [] - for (tE.lastIndex = 0; tE.test(t); ) n.push(tE.lastIndex) - return ( - n.push(t.length + 1), - { - toPoint: function (e) { - let t = -1 - if ("number" == typeof e && e > -1 && e < n[n.length - 1]) - for (; ++t < n.length; ) - if (n[t] > e) return { line: t + 1, column: e - (t > 0 ? n[t - 1] : 0) + 1, offset: e } - }, - toOffset: function (e) { - const t = e && e.line, - r = e && e.column - if ( - "number" == typeof t && - "number" == typeof r && - !Number.isNaN(t) && - !Number.isNaN(r) && - t - 1 in n - ) { - const e = (n[t - 2] || 0) + r - 1 || 0 - if (e > -1 && e < n[n.length - 1]) return e - } - }, - } - ) - })(t), - a = r.toPoint(0), - o = r.toPoint(t.length) - n.position = { start: a, end: o } - } - return n - } - case "#documentType": - return (n = { type: "doctype" }), lE(e, t, n), n - case "#text": { - const r = t - return (n = { type: "text", value: r.value }), lE(e, r, n), n - } - default: - return ( - (n = (function (e, t) { - const n = e.schema - e.schema = t.namespaceURI === nE.svg ? zS : FS - let r = -1 - const a = {} - for (; ++r < t.attrs.length; ) { - const e = t.attrs[r], - n = (e.prefix ? e.prefix + ":" : "") + e.name - rE.call(aE, n) || (a[n] = e.value) - } - const o = ("svg" === e.schema.space ? eE : JS)(t.tagName, a, sE(e, t.childNodes)) - if ((lE(e, t, o), "template" === o.tagName)) { - const n = t, - r = n.sourceCodeLocation, - a = r && r.startTag && cE(r.startTag), - i = r && r.endTag && cE(r.endTag), - s = iE(e, n.content) - a && i && e.file && (s.position = { start: a.end, end: i.start }), (o.content = s) - } - return (e.schema = n), o - })(e, t)), - n - ) - } - } - function sE(e, t) { - let n = -1 - const r = [] - for (; ++n < t.length; ) { - const a = iE(e, t[n]) - r.push(a) - } - return r - } - function lE(e, t, n) { - if ("sourceCodeLocation" in t && t.sourceCodeLocation && e.file) { - const r = (function (e, t, n) { - const r = cE(n) - if ("element" === t.type) { - const a = t.children[t.children.length - 1] - if ( - (r && !n.endTag && a && a.position && a.position.end && (r.end = Object.assign({}, a.position.end)), - e.verbose) - ) { - const r = {} - let a - if (n.attrs) for (a in n.attrs) rE.call(n.attrs, a) && (r[BS(e.schema, a).property] = cE(n.attrs[a])) - n.startTag - const o = cE(n.startTag), - i = n.endTag ? cE(n.endTag) : void 0, - s = { opening: o } - i && (s.closing = i), (s.properties = r), (t.data = { position: s }) - } - } - return r - })(e, n, t.sourceCodeLocation) - r && ((e.location = !0), (n.position = r)) - } - } - function cE(e) { - const t = dE({ line: e.startLine, column: e.startCol, offset: e.startOffset }), - n = dE({ line: e.endLine, column: e.endCol, offset: e.endOffset }) - return t || n ? { start: t, end: n } : void 0 - } - function dE(e) { - return e.line && e.column ? e : void 0 - } - const uE = {}.hasOwnProperty - function pE(e, t) { - const n = t || {} - function r(t, ...n) { - let a = r.invalid - const o = r.handlers - if (t && uE.call(t, e)) { - const n = String(t[e]) - a = uE.call(o, n) ? o[n] : r.unknown - } - if (a) return a.call(this, t, ...n) - } - return (r.handlers = n.handlers || {}), (r.invalid = n.invalid), (r.unknown = n.unknown), r - } - const hE = {}, - fE = {}.hasOwnProperty, - mE = pE("type", { - handlers: { - root: function (e, t) { - const n = { - nodeName: "#document", - mode: (e.data || {}).quirksMode ? "quirks" : "no-quirks", - childNodes: [], - } - return (n.childNodes = bE(e.children, n, t)), vE(e, n), n - }, - element: function (e, t) { - const n = t - let r = n - "element" === e.type && "svg" === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && "html" === n.space && (r = zS) - const a = [] - let o - if (e.properties) - for (o in e.properties) - if ("children" !== o && fE.call(e.properties, o)) { - const t = gE(r, o, e.properties[o]) - t && a.push(t) - } - const i = r.space, - s = { - nodeName: e.tagName, - tagName: e.tagName, - attrs: a, - namespaceURI: nE[i], - childNodes: [], - parentNode: null, - } - return ( - (s.childNodes = bE(e.children, s, r)), - vE(e, s), - "template" === e.tagName && - e.content && - (s.content = (function (e, t) { - const n = { nodeName: "#document-fragment", childNodes: [] } - return (n.childNodes = bE(e.children, n, t)), vE(e, n), n - })(e.content, r)), - s - ) - }, - text: function (e) { - const t = { nodeName: "#text", value: e.value, parentNode: null } - return vE(e, t), t - }, - comment: function (e) { - const t = { nodeName: "#comment", data: e.value, parentNode: null } - return vE(e, t), t - }, - doctype: function (e) { - const t = { nodeName: "#documentType", name: "html", publicId: "", systemId: "", parentNode: null } - return vE(e, t), t - }, - }, - }) - function gE(e, t, n) { - const r = BS(e, t) - if (!1 === n || null == n || ("number" == typeof n && Number.isNaN(n)) || (!n && r.boolean)) return - Array.isArray(n) && (n = r.commaSeparated ? ZS(n) : P_(n)) - const a = { name: r.attribute, value: !0 === n ? "" : String(n) } - if (r.space && "html" !== r.space && "svg" !== r.space) { - const e = a.name.indexOf(":") - e < 0 ? (a.prefix = "") : ((a.name = a.name.slice(e + 1)), (a.prefix = r.attribute.slice(0, e))), - (a.namespace = nE[r.space]) - } - return a - } - function bE(e, t, n) { - let r = -1 - const a = [] - if (e) - for (; ++r < e.length; ) { - const o = mE(e[r], n) - ;(o.parentNode = t), a.push(o) - } - return a - } - function vE(e, t) { - const n = e.position - n && - n.start && - n.end && - (n.start.offset, - n.end.offset, - (t.sourceCodeLocation = { - startLine: n.start.line, - startCol: n.start.column, - startOffset: n.start.offset, - endLine: n.end.line, - endCol: n.end.column, - endOffset: n.end.offset, - })) - } - const yE = [ - "area", - "base", - "basefont", - "bgsound", - "br", - "col", - "command", - "embed", - "frame", - "hr", - "image", - "img", - "input", - "keygen", - "link", - "meta", - "param", - "source", - "track", - "wbr", - ], - OE = new Set([ - 65534, 65535, 131070, 131071, 196606, 196607, 262142, 262143, 327678, 327679, 393214, 393215, 458750, 458751, - 524286, 524287, 589822, 589823, 655358, 655359, 720894, 720895, 786430, 786431, 851966, 851967, 917502, 917503, - 983038, 983039, 1048574, 1048575, 1114110, 1114111, - ]), - wE = "�" - var xE, kE - ;((kE = xE = xE || (xE = {}))[(kE.EOF = -1)] = "EOF"), - (kE[(kE.NULL = 0)] = "NULL"), - (kE[(kE.TABULATION = 9)] = "TABULATION"), - (kE[(kE.CARRIAGE_RETURN = 13)] = "CARRIAGE_RETURN"), - (kE[(kE.LINE_FEED = 10)] = "LINE_FEED"), - (kE[(kE.FORM_FEED = 12)] = "FORM_FEED"), - (kE[(kE.SPACE = 32)] = "SPACE"), - (kE[(kE.EXCLAMATION_MARK = 33)] = "EXCLAMATION_MARK"), - (kE[(kE.QUOTATION_MARK = 34)] = "QUOTATION_MARK"), - (kE[(kE.NUMBER_SIGN = 35)] = "NUMBER_SIGN"), - (kE[(kE.AMPERSAND = 38)] = "AMPERSAND"), - (kE[(kE.APOSTROPHE = 39)] = "APOSTROPHE"), - (kE[(kE.HYPHEN_MINUS = 45)] = "HYPHEN_MINUS"), - (kE[(kE.SOLIDUS = 47)] = "SOLIDUS"), - (kE[(kE.DIGIT_0 = 48)] = "DIGIT_0"), - (kE[(kE.DIGIT_9 = 57)] = "DIGIT_9"), - (kE[(kE.SEMICOLON = 59)] = "SEMICOLON"), - (kE[(kE.LESS_THAN_SIGN = 60)] = "LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (kE[(kE.EQUALS_SIGN = 61)] = "EQUALS_SIGN"), - (kE[(kE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN = 62)] = "GREATER_THAN_SIGN"), - (kE[(kE.QUESTION_MARK = 63)] = "QUESTION_MARK"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_CAPITAL_A = 65)] = "LATIN_CAPITAL_A"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_CAPITAL_F = 70)] = "LATIN_CAPITAL_F"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_CAPITAL_X = 88)] = "LATIN_CAPITAL_X"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_CAPITAL_Z = 90)] = "LATIN_CAPITAL_Z"), - (kE[(kE.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 93)] = "RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET"), - (kE[(kE.GRAVE_ACCENT = 96)] = "GRAVE_ACCENT"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_SMALL_A = 97)] = "LATIN_SMALL_A"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_SMALL_F = 102)] = "LATIN_SMALL_F"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_SMALL_X = 120)] = "LATIN_SMALL_X"), - (kE[(kE.LATIN_SMALL_Z = 122)] = "LATIN_SMALL_Z"), - (kE[(kE.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 65533)] = "REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER") - const _E = "[CDATA[", - SE = "doctype", - EE = "script" - function TE(e) { - return e >= 55296 && e <= 57343 - } - function AE(e) { - return (32 !== e && 10 !== e && 13 !== e && 9 !== e && 12 !== e && e >= 1 && e <= 31) || (e >= 127 && e <= 159) - } - function CE(e) { - return (e >= 64976 && e <= 65007) || OE.has(e) - } - var PE, DE, RE, NE - ;((DE = PE = PE || (PE = {})).controlCharacterInInputStream = "control-character-in-input-stream"), - (DE.noncharacterInInputStream = "noncharacter-in-input-stream"), - (DE.surrogateInInputStream = "surrogate-in-input-stream"), - (DE.nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus = "non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus"), - (DE.endTagWithAttributes = "end-tag-with-attributes"), - (DE.endTagWithTrailingSolidus = "end-tag-with-trailing-solidus"), - (DE.unexpectedSolidusInTag = "unexpected-solidus-in-tag"), - (DE.unexpectedNullCharacter = "unexpected-null-character"), - (DE.unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName = "unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name"), - (DE.invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName = "invalid-first-character-of-tag-name"), - (DE.unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName = "unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name"), - (DE.missingEndTagName = "missing-end-tag-name"), - (DE.unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName = "unexpected-character-in-attribute-name"), - (DE.unknownNamedCharacterReference = "unknown-named-character-reference"), - (DE.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference = "missing-semicolon-after-character-reference"), - (DE.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier = "unexpected-character-after-doctype-system-identifier"), - (DE.unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue = "unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value"), - (DE.eofBeforeTagName = "eof-before-tag-name"), - (DE.eofInTag = "eof-in-tag"), - (DE.missingAttributeValue = "missing-attribute-value"), - (DE.missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes = "missing-whitespace-between-attributes"), - (DE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword = "missing-whitespace-after-doctype-public-keyword"), - (DE.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers = - "missing-whitespace-between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers"), - (DE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword = "missing-whitespace-after-doctype-system-keyword"), - (DE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier = "missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier"), - (DE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier = "missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier"), - (DE.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier = "missing-doctype-public-identifier"), - (DE.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier = "missing-doctype-system-identifier"), - (DE.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier = "abrupt-doctype-public-identifier"), - (DE.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier = "abrupt-doctype-system-identifier"), - (DE.cdataInHtmlContent = "cdata-in-html-content"), - (DE.incorrectlyOpenedComment = "incorrectly-opened-comment"), - (DE.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText = "eof-in-script-html-comment-like-text"), - (DE.eofInDoctype = "eof-in-doctype"), - (DE.nestedComment = "nested-comment"), - (DE.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment = "abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment"), - (DE.eofInComment = "eof-in-comment"), - (DE.incorrectlyClosedComment = "incorrectly-closed-comment"), - (DE.eofInCdata = "eof-in-cdata"), - (DE.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference = "absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference"), - (DE.nullCharacterReference = "null-character-reference"), - (DE.surrogateCharacterReference = "surrogate-character-reference"), - (DE.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange = "character-reference-outside-unicode-range"), - (DE.controlCharacterReference = "control-character-reference"), - (DE.noncharacterCharacterReference = "noncharacter-character-reference"), - (DE.missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName = "missing-whitespace-before-doctype-name"), - (DE.missingDoctypeName = "missing-doctype-name"), - (DE.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName = "invalid-character-sequence-after-doctype-name"), - (DE.duplicateAttribute = "duplicate-attribute"), - (DE.nonConformingDoctype = "non-conforming-doctype"), - (DE.missingDoctype = "missing-doctype"), - (DE.misplacedDoctype = "misplaced-doctype"), - (DE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement = "end-tag-without-matching-open-element"), - (DE.closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements = "closing-of-element-with-open-child-elements"), - (DE.disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead = "disallowed-content-in-noscript-in-head"), - (DE.openElementsLeftAfterEof = "open-elements-left-after-eof"), - (DE.abandonedHeadElementChild = "abandoned-head-element-child"), - (DE.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement = "misplaced-start-tag-for-head-element"), - (DE.nestedNoscriptInHead = "nested-noscript-in-head"), - (DE.eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText = "eof-in-element-that-can-contain-only-text") - class $E { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.handler = e), - (this.html = ""), - (this.pos = -1), - (this.lastGapPos = -2), - (this.gapStack = []), - (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), - (this.lastChunkWritten = !1), - (this.endOfChunkHit = !1), - (this.bufferWaterline = 65536), - (this.isEol = !1), - (this.lineStartPos = 0), - (this.droppedBufferSize = 0), - (this.line = 1), - (this.lastErrOffset = -1) - } - get col() { - return this.pos - this.lineStartPos + Number(this.lastGapPos !== this.pos) - } - get offset() { - return this.droppedBufferSize + this.pos - } - getError(e) { - const { line: t, col: n, offset: r } = this - return { code: e, startLine: t, endLine: t, startCol: n, endCol: n, startOffset: r, endOffset: r } - } - _err(e) { - this.handler.onParseError && - this.lastErrOffset !== this.offset && - ((this.lastErrOffset = this.offset), this.handler.onParseError(this.getError(e))) - } - _addGap() { - this.gapStack.push(this.lastGapPos), (this.lastGapPos = this.pos) - } - _processSurrogate(e) { - if (this.pos !== this.html.length - 1) { - const t = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) - if ( - (function (e) { - return e >= 56320 && e <= 57343 - })(t) - ) - return this.pos++, this._addGap(), 1024 * (e - 55296) + 9216 + t - } else if (!this.lastChunkWritten) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !0), xE.EOF - return this._err(PE.surrogateInInputStream), e - } - willDropParsedChunk() { - return this.pos > this.bufferWaterline - } - dropParsedChunk() { - this.willDropParsedChunk() && - ((this.html = this.html.substring(this.pos)), - (this.lineStartPos -= this.pos), - (this.droppedBufferSize += this.pos), - (this.pos = 0), - (this.lastGapPos = -2), - (this.gapStack.length = 0)) - } - write(e, t) { - this.html.length > 0 ? (this.html += e) : (this.html = e), - (this.endOfChunkHit = !1), - (this.lastChunkWritten = t) - } - insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(e) { - ;(this.html = this.html.substring(0, this.pos + 1) + e + this.html.substring(this.pos + 1)), - (this.endOfChunkHit = !1) - } - startsWith(e, t) { - if (this.pos + e.length > this.html.length) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), !1 - if (t) return this.html.startsWith(e, this.pos) - for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) if ((32 | this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos + t)) !== e.charCodeAt(t)) return !1 - return !0 - } - peek(e) { - const t = this.pos + e - if (t >= this.html.length) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), xE.EOF - const n = this.html.charCodeAt(t) - return n === xE.CARRIAGE_RETURN ? xE.LINE_FEED : n - } - advance() { - if ( - (this.pos++, - this.isEol && ((this.isEol = !1), this.line++, (this.lineStartPos = this.pos)), - this.pos >= this.html.length) - ) - return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), xE.EOF - let e = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos) - return e === xE.CARRIAGE_RETURN - ? ((this.isEol = !0), (this.skipNextNewLine = !0), xE.LINE_FEED) - : e === xE.LINE_FEED && ((this.isEol = !0), this.skipNextNewLine) - ? (this.line--, (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this._addGap(), this.advance()) - : ((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), - TE(e) && (e = this._processSurrogate(e)), - null === this.handler.onParseError || - (e > 31 && e < 127) || - e === xE.LINE_FEED || - e === xE.CARRIAGE_RETURN || - (e > 159 && e < 64976) || - this._checkForProblematicCharacters(e), - e) - } - _checkForProblematicCharacters(e) { - AE(e) ? this._err(PE.controlCharacterInInputStream) : CE(e) && this._err(PE.noncharacterInInputStream) - } - retreat(e) { - for (this.pos -= e; this.pos < this.lastGapPos; ) (this.lastGapPos = this.gapStack.pop()), this.pos-- - this.isEol = !1 - } - } - function IE(e, t) { - for (let n = e.attrs.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (e.attrs[n].name === t) return e.attrs[n].value - return null - } - ;((NE = RE = RE || (RE = {}))[(NE.CHARACTER = 0)] = "CHARACTER"), - (NE[(NE.NULL_CHARACTER = 1)] = "NULL_CHARACTER"), - (NE[(NE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER = 2)] = "WHITESPACE_CHARACTER"), - (NE[(NE.START_TAG = 3)] = "START_TAG"), - (NE[(NE.END_TAG = 4)] = "END_TAG"), - (NE[(NE.COMMENT = 5)] = "COMMENT"), - (NE[(NE.DOCTYPE = 6)] = "DOCTYPE"), - (NE[(NE.EOF = 7)] = "EOF"), - (NE[(NE.HIBERNATION = 8)] = "HIBERNATION") - const ME = new Uint16Array( - 'ᵁ<Õıʊҝջאٵ۞ޢߖࠏ੊ઑඡ๭༉༦჊ረዡᐕᒝᓃᓟᔥ\0\0\0\0\0\0ᕫᛍᦍᰒᷝ὾⁠↰⊍⏀⏻⑂⠤⤒ⴈ⹈⿎〖㊺㘹㞬㣾㨨㩱㫠㬮ࠀEMabcfglmnoprstu\\bfms„‹•˜¦³¹ÈÏlig耻Æ䃆P耻&䀦cute耻Á䃁reve;䄂Āiyx}rc耻Â䃂;䐐r;쀀𝔄rave耻À䃀pha;䎑acr;䄀d;橓Āgp¡on;䄄f;쀀𝔸plyFunction;恡ing耻Å䃅Ācs¾Ãr;쀀𝒜ign;扔ilde耻Ã䃃ml耻Ä䃄ЀaceforsuåûþėĜĢħĪĀcrêòkslash;或Ŷöø;櫧ed;挆y;䐑ƀcrtąċĔause;戵noullis;愬a;䎒r;쀀𝔅pf;쀀𝔹eve;䋘còēmpeq;扎܀HOacdefhilorsuōőŖƀƞƢƵƷƺǜȕɳɸɾcy;䐧PY耻©䂩ƀcpyŝŢźute;䄆Ā;iŧŨ拒talDifferentialD;慅leys;愭ȀaeioƉƎƔƘron;䄌dil耻Ç䃇rc;䄈nint;戰ot;䄊ĀdnƧƭilla;䂸terDot;䂷òſi;䎧rcleȀDMPTLJNjǑǖot;抙inus;抖lus;投imes;抗oĀcsǢǸkwiseContourIntegral;戲eCurlyĀDQȃȏoubleQuote;思uote;怙ȀlnpuȞȨɇɕonĀ;eȥȦ户;橴ƀgitȯȶȺruent;扡nt;戯ourIntegral;戮ĀfrɌɎ;愂oduct;成nterClockwiseContourIntegral;戳oss;樯cr;쀀𝒞pĀ;Cʄʅ拓ap;才րDJSZacefiosʠʬʰʴʸˋ˗ˡ˦̳ҍĀ;oŹʥtrahd;椑cy;䐂cy;䐅cy;䐏ƀgrsʿ˄ˇger;怡r;憡hv;櫤Āayː˕ron;䄎;䐔lĀ;t˝˞戇a;䎔r;쀀𝔇Āaf˫̧Ācm˰̢riticalȀADGT̖̜̀̆cute;䂴oŴ̋̍;䋙bleAcute;䋝rave;䁠ilde;䋜ond;拄ferentialD;慆Ѱ̽\0\0\0͔͂\0Ѕf;쀀𝔻ƀ;DE͈͉͍䂨ot;惜qual;扐blèCDLRUVͣͲ΂ϏϢϸontourIntegraìȹoɴ͹\0\0ͻ»͉nArrow;懓Āeo·ΤftƀARTΐΖΡrrow;懐ightArrow;懔eåˊngĀLRΫτeftĀARγιrrow;柸ightArrow;柺ightArrow;柹ightĀATϘϞrrow;懒ee;抨pɁϩ\0\0ϯrrow;懑ownArrow;懕erticalBar;戥ǹABLRTaВЪаўѿͼrrowƀ;BUНОТ憓ar;椓pArrow;懵reve;䌑eft˒к\0ц\0ѐightVector;楐eeVector;楞ectorĀ;Bљњ憽ar;楖ightǔѧ\0ѱeeVector;楟ectorĀ;BѺѻ懁ar;楗eeĀ;A҆҇护rrow;憧ĀctҒҗr;쀀𝒟rok;䄐ࠀNTacdfglmopqstuxҽӀӄӋӞӢӧӮӵԡԯԶՒ՝ՠեG;䅊H耻Ð䃐cute耻É䃉ƀaiyӒӗӜron;䄚rc耻Ê䃊;䐭ot;䄖r;쀀𝔈rave耻È䃈ement;戈ĀapӺӾcr;䄒tyɓԆ\0\0ԒmallSquare;旻erySmallSquare;斫ĀgpԦԪon;䄘f;쀀𝔼silon;䎕uĀaiԼՉlĀ;TՂՃ橵ilde;扂librium;懌Āci՗՚r;愰m;橳a;䎗ml耻Ë䃋Āipժկsts;戃onentialE;慇ʀcfiosօֈ֍ֲ׌y;䐤r;쀀𝔉lledɓ֗\0\0֣mallSquare;旼erySmallSquare;斪Ͱֺ\0ֿ\0\0ׄf;쀀𝔽All;戀riertrf;愱cò׋؀JTabcdfgorstר׬ׯ׺؀ؒؖ؛؝أ٬ٲcy;䐃耻>䀾mmaĀ;d׷׸䎓;䏜reve;䄞ƀeiy؇،ؐdil;䄢rc;䄜;䐓ot;䄠r;쀀𝔊;拙pf;쀀𝔾eater̀EFGLSTصلَٖٛ٦qualĀ;Lؾؿ扥ess;招ullEqual;执reater;檢ess;扷lantEqual;橾ilde;扳cr;쀀𝒢;扫ЀAacfiosuڅڋږڛڞڪھۊRDcy;䐪Āctڐڔek;䋇;䁞irc;䄤r;愌lbertSpace;愋ǰگ\0ڲf;愍izontalLine;攀Āctۃۅòکrok;䄦mpńېۘownHumðįqual;扏܀EJOacdfgmnostuۺ۾܃܇܎ܚܞܡܨ݄ݸދޏޕcy;䐕lig;䄲cy;䐁cute耻Í䃍Āiyܓܘrc耻Î䃎;䐘ot;䄰r;愑rave耻Ì䃌ƀ;apܠܯܿĀcgܴܷr;䄪inaryI;慈lieóϝǴ݉\0ݢĀ;eݍݎ戬Āgrݓݘral;戫section;拂isibleĀCTݬݲomma;恣imes;恢ƀgptݿރވon;䄮f;쀀𝕀a;䎙cr;愐ilde;䄨ǫޚ\0ޞcy;䐆l耻Ï䃏ʀcfosuެ޷޼߂ߐĀiyޱ޵rc;䄴;䐙r;쀀𝔍pf;쀀𝕁ǣ߇\0ߌr;쀀𝒥rcy;䐈kcy;䐄΀HJacfosߤߨ߽߬߱ࠂࠈcy;䐥cy;䐌ppa;䎚Āey߶߻dil;䄶;䐚r;쀀𝔎pf;쀀𝕂cr;쀀𝒦րJTaceflmostࠥࠩࠬࡐࡣ঳সে্਷ੇcy;䐉耻<䀼ʀcmnpr࠷࠼ࡁࡄࡍute;䄹bda;䎛g;柪lacetrf;愒r;憞ƀaeyࡗ࡜ࡡron;䄽dil;䄻;䐛Āfsࡨ॰tԀACDFRTUVarࡾࢩࢱࣦ࣠ࣼयज़ΐ४Ānrࢃ࢏gleBracket;柨rowƀ;BR࢙࢚࢞憐ar;懤ightArrow;懆eiling;挈oǵࢷ\0ࣃbleBracket;柦nǔࣈ\0࣒eeVector;楡ectorĀ;Bࣛࣜ懃ar;楙loor;挊ightĀAV࣯ࣵrrow;憔ector;楎Āerँगeƀ;AVउऊऐ抣rrow;憤ector;楚iangleƀ;BEतथऩ抲ar;槏qual;抴pƀDTVषूौownVector;楑eeVector;楠ectorĀ;Bॖॗ憿ar;楘ectorĀ;B॥०憼ar;楒ightáΜs̀EFGLSTॾঋকঝঢভqualGreater;拚ullEqual;扦reater;扶ess;檡lantEqual;橽ilde;扲r;쀀𝔏Ā;eঽা拘ftarrow;懚idot;䄿ƀnpw৔ਖਛgȀLRlr৞৷ਂਐeftĀAR০৬rrow;柵ightArrow;柷ightArrow;柶eftĀarγਊightáοightáϊf;쀀𝕃erĀLRਢਬeftArrow;憙ightArrow;憘ƀchtਾੀੂòࡌ;憰rok;䅁;扪Ѐacefiosuਗ਼੝੠੷੼અઋ઎p;椅y;䐜Ādl੥੯iumSpace;恟lintrf;愳r;쀀𝔐nusPlus;戓pf;쀀𝕄cò੶;䎜ҀJacefostuણધભીଔଙඑ඗ඞcy;䐊cute;䅃ƀaey઴હાron;䅇dil;䅅;䐝ƀgswે૰଎ativeƀMTV૓૟૨ediumSpace;怋hiĀcn૦૘ë૙eryThiî૙tedĀGL૸ଆreaterGreateòٳessLesóੈLine;䀊r;쀀𝔑ȀBnptଢନଷ଺reak;恠BreakingSpace;䂠f;愕ڀ;CDEGHLNPRSTV୕ୖ୪୼஡௫ఄ౞಄ದ೘ൡඅ櫬Āou୛୤ngruent;扢pCap;扭oubleVerticalBar;戦ƀlqxஃஊ஛ement;戉ualĀ;Tஒஓ扠ilde;쀀≂̸ists;戄reater΀;EFGLSTஶஷ஽௉௓௘௥扯qual;扱ullEqual;쀀≧̸reater;쀀≫̸ess;批lantEqual;쀀⩾̸ilde;扵umpń௲௽ownHump;쀀≎̸qual;쀀≏̸eĀfsఊధtTriangleƀ;BEచఛడ拪ar;쀀⧏̸qual;括s̀;EGLSTవశ఼ౄోౘ扮qual;扰reater;扸ess;쀀≪̸lantEqual;쀀⩽̸ilde;扴estedĀGL౨౹reaterGreater;쀀⪢̸essLess;쀀⪡̸recedesƀ;ESಒಓಛ技qual;쀀⪯̸lantEqual;拠ĀeiಫಹverseElement;戌ghtTriangleƀ;BEೋೌ೒拫ar;쀀⧐̸qual;拭ĀquೝഌuareSuĀbp೨೹setĀ;E೰ೳ쀀⊏̸qual;拢ersetĀ;Eഃആ쀀⊐̸qual;拣ƀbcpഓതൎsetĀ;Eഛഞ쀀⊂⃒qual;抈ceedsȀ;ESTലള഻െ抁qual;쀀⪰̸lantEqual;拡ilde;쀀≿̸ersetĀ;E൘൛쀀⊃⃒qual;抉ildeȀ;EFT൮൯൵ൿ扁qual;扄ullEqual;扇ilde;扉erticalBar;戤cr;쀀𝒩ilde耻Ñ䃑;䎝܀Eacdfgmoprstuvලෂ෉෕ෛ෠෧෼ขภยา฿ไlig;䅒cute耻Ó䃓Āiy෎ීrc耻Ô䃔;䐞blac;䅐r;쀀𝔒rave耻Ò䃒ƀaei෮ෲ෶cr;䅌ga;䎩cron;䎟pf;쀀𝕆enCurlyĀDQฎบoubleQuote;怜uote;怘;橔Āclวฬr;쀀𝒪ash耻Ø䃘iŬื฼de耻Õ䃕es;樷ml耻Ö䃖erĀBP๋๠Āar๐๓r;怾acĀek๚๜;揞et;掴arenthesis;揜Ҁacfhilors๿ງຊຏຒດຝະ໼rtialD;戂y;䐟r;쀀𝔓i;䎦;䎠usMinus;䂱Āipຢອncareplanåڝf;愙Ȁ;eio຺ູ໠໤檻cedesȀ;EST່້໏໚扺qual;檯lantEqual;扼ilde;找me;怳Ādp໩໮uct;戏ortionĀ;aȥ໹l;戝Āci༁༆r;쀀𝒫;䎨ȀUfos༑༖༛༟OT耻"䀢r;쀀𝔔pf;愚cr;쀀𝒬؀BEacefhiorsu༾གྷཇའཱིྦྷྪྭ႖ႩႴႾarr;椐G耻®䂮ƀcnrཎནབute;䅔g;柫rĀ;tཛྷཝ憠l;椖ƀaeyཧཬཱron;䅘dil;䅖;䐠Ā;vླྀཹ愜erseĀEUྂྙĀlq྇ྎement;戋uilibrium;懋pEquilibrium;楯r»ཹo;䎡ghtЀACDFTUVa࿁࿫࿳ဢဨၛႇϘĀnr࿆࿒gleBracket;柩rowƀ;BL࿜࿝࿡憒ar;懥eftArrow;懄eiling;按oǵ࿹\0စbleBracket;柧nǔည\0နeeVector;楝ectorĀ;Bဝသ懂ar;楕loor;挋Āerိ၃eƀ;AVဵံြ抢rrow;憦ector;楛iangleƀ;BEၐၑၕ抳ar;槐qual;抵pƀDTVၣၮၸownVector;楏eeVector;楜ectorĀ;Bႂႃ憾ar;楔ectorĀ;B႑႒懀ar;楓Āpuႛ႞f;愝ndImplies;楰ightarrow;懛ĀchႹႼr;愛;憱leDelayed;槴ڀHOacfhimoqstuფჱჷჽᄙᄞᅑᅖᅡᅧᆵᆻᆿĀCcჩხHcy;䐩y;䐨FTcy;䐬cute;䅚ʀ;aeiyᄈᄉᄎᄓᄗ檼ron;䅠dil;䅞rc;䅜;䐡r;쀀𝔖ortȀDLRUᄪᄴᄾᅉownArrow»ОeftArrow»࢚ightArrow»࿝pArrow;憑gma;䎣allCircle;战pf;쀀𝕊ɲᅭ\0\0ᅰt;戚areȀ;ISUᅻᅼᆉᆯ斡ntersection;抓uĀbpᆏᆞsetĀ;Eᆗᆘ抏qual;抑ersetĀ;Eᆨᆩ抐qual;抒nion;抔cr;쀀𝒮ar;拆ȀbcmpᇈᇛሉላĀ;sᇍᇎ拐etĀ;Eᇍᇕqual;抆ĀchᇠህeedsȀ;ESTᇭᇮᇴᇿ扻qual;檰lantEqual;扽ilde;承Tháྌ;我ƀ;esሒሓሣ拑rsetĀ;Eሜም抃qual;抇et»ሓրHRSacfhiorsሾቄ቉ቕ቞ቱቶኟዂወዑORN耻Þ䃞ADE;愢ĀHc቎ቒcy;䐋y;䐦Ābuቚቜ;䀉;䎤ƀaeyብቪቯron;䅤dil;䅢;䐢r;쀀𝔗Āeiቻ኉Dzኀ\0ኇefore;戴a;䎘Ācn኎ኘkSpace;쀀  Space;怉ldeȀ;EFTካኬኲኼ戼qual;扃ullEqual;扅ilde;扈pf;쀀𝕋ipleDot;惛Āctዖዛr;쀀𝒯rok;䅦ૡዷጎጚጦ\0ጬጱ\0\0\0\0\0ጸጽ፷ᎅ\0᏿ᐄᐊᐐĀcrዻጁute耻Ú䃚rĀ;oጇገ憟cir;楉rǣጓ\0጖y;䐎ve;䅬Āiyጞጣrc耻Û䃛;䐣blac;䅰r;쀀𝔘rave耻Ù䃙acr;䅪Ādiፁ፩erĀBPፈ፝Āarፍፐr;䁟acĀekፗፙ;揟et;掵arenthesis;揝onĀ;P፰፱拃lus;抎Āgp፻፿on;䅲f;쀀𝕌ЀADETadps᎕ᎮᎸᏄϨᏒᏗᏳrrowƀ;BDᅐᎠᎤar;椒ownArrow;懅ownArrow;憕quilibrium;楮eeĀ;AᏋᏌ报rrow;憥ownáϳerĀLRᏞᏨeftArrow;憖ightArrow;憗iĀ;lᏹᏺ䏒on;䎥ing;䅮cr;쀀𝒰ilde;䅨ml耻Ü䃜ҀDbcdefosvᐧᐬᐰᐳᐾᒅᒊᒐᒖash;披ar;櫫y;䐒ashĀ;lᐻᐼ抩;櫦Āerᑃᑅ;拁ƀbtyᑌᑐᑺar;怖Ā;iᑏᑕcalȀBLSTᑡᑥᑪᑴar;戣ine;䁼eparator;杘ilde;所ThinSpace;怊r;쀀𝔙pf;쀀𝕍cr;쀀𝒱dash;抪ʀcefosᒧᒬᒱᒶᒼirc;䅴dge;拀r;쀀𝔚pf;쀀𝕎cr;쀀𝒲Ȁfiosᓋᓐᓒᓘr;쀀𝔛;䎞pf;쀀𝕏cr;쀀𝒳ҀAIUacfosuᓱᓵᓹᓽᔄᔏᔔᔚᔠcy;䐯cy;䐇cy;䐮cute耻Ý䃝Āiyᔉᔍrc;䅶;䐫r;쀀𝔜pf;쀀𝕐cr;쀀𝒴ml;䅸ЀHacdefosᔵᔹᔿᕋᕏᕝᕠᕤcy;䐖cute;䅹Āayᕄᕉron;䅽;䐗ot;䅻Dzᕔ\0ᕛoWidtè૙a;䎖r;愨pf;愤cr;쀀𝒵௡ᖃᖊᖐ\0ᖰᖶᖿ\0\0\0\0ᗆᗛᗫᙟ᙭\0ᚕ᚛ᚲᚹ\0ᚾcute耻á䃡reve;䄃̀;Ediuyᖜᖝᖡᖣᖨᖭ戾;쀀∾̳;房rc耻â䃢te肻´̆;䐰lig耻æ䃦Ā;r²ᖺ;쀀𝔞rave耻à䃠ĀepᗊᗖĀfpᗏᗔsym;愵èᗓha;䎱ĀapᗟcĀclᗤᗧr;䄁g;樿ɤᗰ\0\0ᘊʀ;adsvᗺᗻᗿᘁᘇ戧nd;橕;橜lope;橘;橚΀;elmrszᘘᘙᘛᘞᘿᙏᙙ戠;榤e»ᘙsdĀ;aᘥᘦ戡ѡᘰᘲᘴᘶᘸᘺᘼᘾ;榨;榩;榪;榫;榬;榭;榮;榯tĀ;vᙅᙆ戟bĀ;dᙌᙍ抾;榝Āptᙔᙗh;戢»¹arr;捼Āgpᙣᙧon;䄅f;쀀𝕒΀;Eaeiop዁ᙻᙽᚂᚄᚇᚊ;橰cir;橯;扊d;手s;䀧roxĀ;e዁ᚒñᚃing耻å䃥ƀctyᚡᚦᚨr;쀀𝒶;䀪mpĀ;e዁ᚯñʈilde耻ã䃣ml耻ä䃤Āciᛂᛈoninôɲnt;樑ࠀNabcdefiklnoprsu᛭ᛱᜰ᜼ᝃᝈ᝸᝽០៦ᠹᡐᜍ᤽᥈ᥰot;櫭Ācrᛶ᜞kȀcepsᜀᜅᜍᜓong;扌psilon;䏶rime;怵imĀ;e᜚᜛戽q;拍Ŷᜢᜦee;抽edĀ;gᜬᜭ挅e»ᜭrkĀ;t፜᜷brk;掶Āoyᜁᝁ;䐱quo;怞ʀcmprtᝓ᝛ᝡᝤᝨausĀ;eĊĉptyv;榰séᜌnoõēƀahwᝯ᝱ᝳ;䎲;愶een;扬r;쀀𝔟g΀costuvwឍឝឳេ៕៛៞ƀaiuបពរðݠrc;旯p»፱ƀdptឤឨឭot;樀lus;樁imes;樂ɱឹ\0\0ើcup;樆ar;昅riangleĀdu៍្own;施p;斳plus;樄eåᑄåᒭarow;植ƀako៭ᠦᠵĀcn៲ᠣkƀlst៺֫᠂ozenge;槫riangleȀ;dlr᠒᠓᠘᠝斴own;斾eft;旂ight;斸k;搣Ʊᠫ\0ᠳƲᠯ\0ᠱ;斒;斑4;斓ck;斈ĀeoᠾᡍĀ;qᡃᡆ쀀=⃥uiv;쀀≡⃥t;挐Ȁptwxᡙᡞᡧᡬf;쀀𝕓Ā;tᏋᡣom»Ꮜtie;拈؀DHUVbdhmptuvᢅᢖᢪᢻᣗᣛᣬ᣿ᤅᤊᤐᤡȀLRlrᢎᢐᢒᢔ;敗;敔;敖;敓ʀ;DUduᢡᢢᢤᢦᢨ敐;敦;敩;敤;敧ȀLRlrᢳᢵᢷᢹ;敝;敚;敜;教΀;HLRhlrᣊᣋᣍᣏᣑᣓᣕ救;敬;散;敠;敫;敢;敟ox;槉ȀLRlrᣤᣦᣨᣪ;敕;敒;攐;攌ʀ;DUduڽ᣷᣹᣻᣽;敥;敨;攬;攴inus;抟lus;択imes;抠ȀLRlrᤙᤛᤝ᤟;敛;敘;攘;攔΀;HLRhlrᤰᤱᤳᤵᤷ᤻᤹攂;敪;敡;敞;攼;攤;攜Āevģ᥂bar耻¦䂦Ȁceioᥑᥖᥚᥠr;쀀𝒷mi;恏mĀ;e᜚᜜lƀ;bhᥨᥩᥫ䁜;槅sub;柈Ŭᥴ᥾lĀ;e᥹᥺怢t»᥺pƀ;Eeįᦅᦇ;檮Ā;qۜۛೡᦧ\0᧨ᨑᨕᨲ\0ᨷᩐ\0\0᪴\0\0᫁\0\0ᬡᬮ᭍᭒\0᯽\0ᰌƀcpr᦭ᦲ᧝ute;䄇̀;abcdsᦿᧀᧄ᧊᧕᧙戩nd;橄rcup;橉Āau᧏᧒p;橋p;橇ot;橀;쀀∩︀Āeo᧢᧥t;恁îړȀaeiu᧰᧻ᨁᨅǰ᧵\0᧸s;橍on;䄍dil耻ç䃧rc;䄉psĀ;sᨌᨍ橌m;橐ot;䄋ƀdmnᨛᨠᨦil肻¸ƭptyv;榲t脀¢;eᨭᨮ䂢räƲr;쀀𝔠ƀceiᨽᩀᩍy;䑇ckĀ;mᩇᩈ朓ark»ᩈ;䏇r΀;Ecefms᩟᩠ᩢᩫ᪤᪪᪮旋;槃ƀ;elᩩᩪᩭ䋆q;扗eɡᩴ\0\0᪈rrowĀlr᩼᪁eft;憺ight;憻ʀRSacd᪒᪔᪖᪚᪟»ཇ;擈st;抛irc;抚ash;抝nint;樐id;櫯cir;槂ubsĀ;u᪻᪼晣it»᪼ˬ᫇᫔᫺\0ᬊonĀ;eᫍᫎ䀺Ā;qÇÆɭ᫙\0\0᫢aĀ;t᫞᫟䀬;䁀ƀ;fl᫨᫩᫫戁îᅠeĀmx᫱᫶ent»᫩eóɍǧ᫾\0ᬇĀ;dኻᬂot;橭nôɆƀfryᬐᬔᬗ;쀀𝕔oäɔ脀©;sŕᬝr;愗Āaoᬥᬩrr;憵ss;朗Ācuᬲᬷr;쀀𝒸Ābpᬼ᭄Ā;eᭁᭂ櫏;櫑Ā;eᭉᭊ櫐;櫒dot;拯΀delprvw᭠᭬᭷ᮂᮬᯔ᯹arrĀlr᭨᭪;椸;椵ɰ᭲\0\0᭵r;拞c;拟arrĀ;p᭿ᮀ憶;椽̀;bcdosᮏᮐᮖᮡᮥᮨ截rcap;橈Āauᮛᮞp;橆p;橊ot;抍r;橅;쀀∪︀Ȁalrv᮵ᮿᯞᯣrrĀ;mᮼᮽ憷;椼yƀevwᯇᯔᯘqɰᯎ\0\0ᯒreã᭳uã᭵ee;拎edge;拏en耻¤䂤earrowĀlrᯮ᯳eft»ᮀight»ᮽeäᯝĀciᰁᰇoninôǷnt;戱lcty;挭ঀAHabcdefhijlorstuwz᰸᰻᰿ᱝᱩᱵᲊᲞᲬᲷ᳻᳿ᴍᵻᶑᶫᶻ᷆᷍rò΁ar;楥Ȁglrs᱈ᱍ᱒᱔ger;怠eth;愸òᄳhĀ;vᱚᱛ怐»ऊūᱡᱧarow;椏aã̕Āayᱮᱳron;䄏;䐴ƀ;ao̲ᱼᲄĀgrʿᲁr;懊tseq;橷ƀglmᲑᲔᲘ耻°䂰ta;䎴ptyv;榱ĀirᲣᲨsht;楿;쀀𝔡arĀlrᲳᲵ»ࣜ»သʀaegsv᳂͸᳖᳜᳠mƀ;oș᳊᳔ndĀ;ș᳑uit;晦amma;䏝in;拲ƀ;io᳧᳨᳸䃷de脀÷;o᳧ᳰntimes;拇nø᳷cy;䑒cɯᴆ\0\0ᴊrn;挞op;挍ʀlptuwᴘᴝᴢᵉᵕlar;䀤f;쀀𝕕ʀ;emps̋ᴭᴷᴽᵂqĀ;d͒ᴳot;扑inus;戸lus;戔quare;抡blebarwedgåúnƀadhᄮᵝᵧownarrowóᲃarpoonĀlrᵲᵶefôᲴighôᲶŢᵿᶅkaro÷གɯᶊ\0\0ᶎrn;挟op;挌ƀcotᶘᶣᶦĀryᶝᶡ;쀀𝒹;䑕l;槶rok;䄑Ādrᶰᶴot;拱iĀ;fᶺ᠖斿Āah᷀᷃ròЩaòྦangle;榦Āci᷒ᷕy;䑟grarr;柿ऀDacdefglmnopqrstuxḁḉḙḸոḼṉṡṾấắẽỡἪἷὄ὎὚ĀDoḆᴴoôᲉĀcsḎḔute耻é䃩ter;橮ȀaioyḢḧḱḶron;䄛rĀ;cḭḮ扖耻ê䃪lon;払;䑍ot;䄗ĀDrṁṅot;扒;쀀𝔢ƀ;rsṐṑṗ檚ave耻è䃨Ā;dṜṝ檖ot;檘Ȁ;ilsṪṫṲṴ檙nters;揧;愓Ā;dṹṺ檕ot;檗ƀapsẅẉẗcr;䄓tyƀ;svẒẓẕ戅et»ẓpĀ1;ẝẤijạả;怄;怅怃ĀgsẪẬ;䅋p;怂ĀgpẴẸon;䄙f;쀀𝕖ƀalsỄỎỒrĀ;sỊị拕l;槣us;橱iƀ;lvỚớở䎵on»ớ;䏵ȀcsuvỪỳἋἣĀioữḱrc»Ḯɩỹ\0\0ỻíՈantĀglἂἆtr»ṝess»Ṻƀaeiἒ἖Ἒls;䀽st;扟vĀ;DȵἠD;橸parsl;槥ĀDaἯἳot;打rr;楱ƀcdiἾὁỸr;愯oô͒ĀahὉὋ;䎷耻ð䃰Āmrὓὗl耻ë䃫o;悬ƀcipὡὤὧl;䀡sôծĀeoὬὴctatioîՙnentialåչৡᾒ\0ᾞ\0ᾡᾧ\0\0ῆῌ\0ΐ\0ῦῪ \0 ⁚llingdotseñṄy;䑄male;晀ƀilrᾭᾳ῁lig;耀ffiɩᾹ\0\0᾽g;耀ffig;耀ffl;쀀𝔣lig;耀filig;쀀fjƀaltῙ῜ῡt;晭ig;耀flns;斱of;䆒ǰ΅\0ῳf;쀀𝕗ĀakֿῷĀ;vῼ´拔;櫙artint;樍Āao‌⁕Ācs‑⁒ႉ‸⁅⁈\0⁐β•‥‧‪‬\0‮耻½䂽;慓耻¼䂼;慕;慙;慛Ƴ‴\0‶;慔;慖ʴ‾⁁\0\0⁃耻¾䂾;慗;慜5;慘ƶ⁌\0⁎;慚;慝8;慞l;恄wn;挢cr;쀀𝒻ࢀEabcdefgijlnorstv₂₉₟₥₰₴⃰⃵⃺⃿℃ℒℸ̗ℾ⅒↞Ā;lٍ₇;檌ƀcmpₐₕ₝ute;䇵maĀ;dₜ᳚䎳;檆reve;䄟Āiy₪₮rc;䄝;䐳ot;䄡Ȁ;lqsؾق₽⃉ƀ;qsؾٌ⃄lanô٥Ȁ;cdl٥⃒⃥⃕c;檩otĀ;o⃜⃝檀Ā;l⃢⃣檂;檄Ā;e⃪⃭쀀⋛︀s;檔r;쀀𝔤Ā;gٳ؛mel;愷cy;䑓Ȁ;Eajٚℌℎℐ;檒;檥;檤ȀEaesℛℝ℩ℴ;扩pĀ;p℣ℤ檊rox»ℤĀ;q℮ℯ檈Ā;q℮ℛim;拧pf;쀀𝕘Āci⅃ⅆr;愊mƀ;el٫ⅎ⅐;檎;檐茀>;cdlqr׮ⅠⅪⅮⅳⅹĀciⅥⅧ;檧r;橺ot;拗Par;榕uest;橼ʀadelsↄⅪ←ٖ↛ǰ↉\0↎proø₞r;楸qĀlqؿ↖lesó₈ií٫Āen↣↭rtneqq;쀀≩︀Å↪ԀAabcefkosy⇄⇇⇱⇵⇺∘∝∯≨≽ròΠȀilmr⇐⇔⇗⇛rsðᒄf»․ilôکĀdr⇠⇤cy;䑊ƀ;cwࣴ⇫⇯ir;楈;憭ar;意irc;䄥ƀalr∁∎∓rtsĀ;u∉∊晥it»∊lip;怦con;抹r;쀀𝔥sĀew∣∩arow;椥arow;椦ʀamopr∺∾≃≞≣rr;懿tht;戻kĀlr≉≓eftarrow;憩ightarrow;憪f;쀀𝕙bar;怕ƀclt≯≴≸r;쀀𝒽asè⇴rok;䄧Ābp⊂⊇ull;恃hen»ᱛૡ⊣\0⊪\0⊸⋅⋎\0⋕⋳\0\0⋸⌢⍧⍢⍿\0⎆⎪⎴cute耻í䃭ƀ;iyݱ⊰⊵rc耻î䃮;䐸Ācx⊼⊿y;䐵cl耻¡䂡ĀfrΟ⋉;쀀𝔦rave耻ì䃬Ȁ;inoܾ⋝⋩⋮Āin⋢⋦nt;樌t;戭fin;槜ta;愩lig;䄳ƀaop⋾⌚⌝ƀcgt⌅⌈⌗r;䄫ƀelpܟ⌏⌓inåގarôܠh;䄱f;抷ed;䆵ʀ;cfotӴ⌬⌱⌽⍁are;愅inĀ;t⌸⌹戞ie;槝doô⌙ʀ;celpݗ⍌⍐⍛⍡al;抺Āgr⍕⍙eróᕣã⍍arhk;樗rod;樼Ȁcgpt⍯⍲⍶⍻y;䑑on;䄯f;쀀𝕚a;䎹uest耻¿䂿Āci⎊⎏r;쀀𝒾nʀ;EdsvӴ⎛⎝⎡ӳ;拹ot;拵Ā;v⎦⎧拴;拳Ā;iݷ⎮lde;䄩ǫ⎸\0⎼cy;䑖l耻ï䃯̀cfmosu⏌⏗⏜⏡⏧⏵Āiy⏑⏕rc;䄵;䐹r;쀀𝔧ath;䈷pf;쀀𝕛ǣ⏬\0⏱r;쀀𝒿rcy;䑘kcy;䑔Ѐacfghjos␋␖␢␧␭␱␵␻ppaĀ;v␓␔䎺;䏰Āey␛␠dil;䄷;䐺r;쀀𝔨reen;䄸cy;䑅cy;䑜pf;쀀𝕜cr;쀀𝓀஀ABEHabcdefghjlmnoprstuv⑰⒁⒆⒍⒑┎┽╚▀♎♞♥♹♽⚚⚲⛘❝❨➋⟀⠁⠒ƀart⑷⑺⑼rò৆òΕail;椛arr;椎Ā;gঔ⒋;檋ar;楢ॣ⒥\0⒪\0⒱\0\0\0\0\0⒵Ⓔ\0ⓆⓈⓍ\0⓹ute;䄺mptyv;榴raîࡌbda;䎻gƀ;dlࢎⓁⓃ;榑åࢎ;檅uo耻«䂫rЀ;bfhlpst࢙ⓞⓦⓩ⓫⓮⓱⓵Ā;f࢝ⓣs;椟s;椝ë≒p;憫l;椹im;楳l;憢ƀ;ae⓿─┄檫il;椙Ā;s┉┊檭;쀀⪭︀ƀabr┕┙┝rr;椌rk;杲Āak┢┬cĀek┨┪;䁻;䁛Āes┱┳;榋lĀdu┹┻;榏;榍Ȁaeuy╆╋╖╘ron;䄾Ādi═╔il;䄼ìࢰâ┩;䐻Ȁcqrs╣╦╭╽a;椶uoĀ;rนᝆĀdu╲╷har;楧shar;楋h;憲ʀ;fgqs▋▌উ◳◿扤tʀahlrt▘▤▷◂◨rrowĀ;t࢙□aé⓶arpoonĀdu▯▴own»њp»०eftarrows;懇ightƀahs◍◖◞rrowĀ;sࣴࢧarpoonó྘quigarro÷⇰hreetimes;拋ƀ;qs▋ও◺lanôবʀ;cdgsব☊☍☝☨c;檨otĀ;o☔☕橿Ā;r☚☛檁;檃Ā;e☢☥쀀⋚︀s;檓ʀadegs☳☹☽♉♋pproøⓆot;拖qĀgq♃♅ôউgtò⒌ôছiíলƀilr♕࣡♚sht;楼;쀀𝔩Ā;Eজ♣;檑š♩♶rĀdu▲♮Ā;l॥♳;楪lk;斄cy;䑙ʀ;achtੈ⚈⚋⚑⚖rò◁orneòᴈard;楫ri;旺Āio⚟⚤dot;䅀ustĀ;a⚬⚭掰che»⚭ȀEaes⚻⚽⛉⛔;扨pĀ;p⛃⛄檉rox»⛄Ā;q⛎⛏檇Ā;q⛎⚻im;拦Ѐabnoptwz⛩⛴⛷✚✯❁❇❐Ānr⛮⛱g;柬r;懽rëࣁgƀlmr⛿✍✔eftĀar০✇ightá৲apsto;柼ightá৽parrowĀlr✥✩efô⓭ight;憬ƀafl✶✹✽r;榅;쀀𝕝us;樭imes;樴š❋❏st;戗áፎƀ;ef❗❘᠀旊nge»❘arĀ;l❤❥䀨t;榓ʀachmt❳❶❼➅➇ròࢨorneòᶌarĀ;d྘➃;業;怎ri;抿̀achiqt➘➝ੀ➢➮➻quo;怹r;쀀𝓁mƀ;egল➪➬;檍;檏Ābu┪➳oĀ;rฟ➹;怚rok;䅂萀<;cdhilqrࠫ⟒☹⟜⟠⟥⟪⟰Āci⟗⟙;檦r;橹reå◲mes;拉arr;楶uest;橻ĀPi⟵⟹ar;榖ƀ;ef⠀भ᠛旃rĀdu⠇⠍shar;楊har;楦Āen⠗⠡rtneqq;쀀≨︀Å⠞܀Dacdefhilnopsu⡀⡅⢂⢎⢓⢠⢥⢨⣚⣢⣤ઃ⣳⤂Dot;戺Ȁclpr⡎⡒⡣⡽r耻¯䂯Āet⡗⡙;時Ā;e⡞⡟朠se»⡟Ā;sျ⡨toȀ;dluျ⡳⡷⡻owîҌefôएðᏑker;斮Āoy⢇⢌mma;権;䐼ash;怔asuredangle»ᘦr;쀀𝔪o;愧ƀcdn⢯⢴⣉ro耻µ䂵Ȁ;acdᑤ⢽⣀⣄sôᚧir;櫰ot肻·Ƶusƀ;bd⣒ᤃ⣓戒Ā;uᴼ⣘;横ţ⣞⣡p;櫛ò−ðઁĀdp⣩⣮els;抧f;쀀𝕞Āct⣸⣽r;쀀𝓂pos»ᖝƀ;lm⤉⤊⤍䎼timap;抸ఀGLRVabcdefghijlmoprstuvw⥂⥓⥾⦉⦘⧚⧩⨕⨚⩘⩝⪃⪕⪤⪨⬄⬇⭄⭿⮮ⰴⱧⱼ⳩Āgt⥇⥋;쀀⋙̸Ā;v⥐௏쀀≫⃒ƀelt⥚⥲⥶ftĀar⥡⥧rrow;懍ightarrow;懎;쀀⋘̸Ā;v⥻ే쀀≪⃒ightarrow;懏ĀDd⦎⦓ash;抯ash;抮ʀbcnpt⦣⦧⦬⦱⧌la»˞ute;䅄g;쀀∠⃒ʀ;Eiop඄⦼⧀⧅⧈;쀀⩰̸d;쀀≋̸s;䅉roø඄urĀ;a⧓⧔普lĀ;s⧓ସdz⧟\0⧣p肻 ଷmpĀ;e௹ఀʀaeouy⧴⧾⨃⨐⨓ǰ⧹\0⧻;橃on;䅈dil;䅆ngĀ;dൾ⨊ot;쀀⩭̸p;橂;䐽ash;怓΀;Aadqsxஒ⨩⨭⨻⩁⩅⩐rr;懗rĀhr⨳⨶k;椤Ā;oᏲᏰot;쀀≐̸uiöୣĀei⩊⩎ar;椨í஘istĀ;s஠டr;쀀𝔫ȀEest௅⩦⩹⩼ƀ;qs஼⩭௡ƀ;qs஼௅⩴lanô௢ií௪Ā;rஶ⪁»ஷƀAap⪊⪍⪑rò⥱rr;憮ar;櫲ƀ;svྍ⪜ྌĀ;d⪡⪢拼;拺cy;䑚΀AEadest⪷⪺⪾⫂⫅⫶⫹rò⥦;쀀≦̸rr;憚r;急Ȁ;fqs఻⫎⫣⫯tĀar⫔⫙rro÷⫁ightarro÷⪐ƀ;qs఻⪺⫪lanôౕĀ;sౕ⫴»శiíౝĀ;rవ⫾iĀ;eచథiäඐĀpt⬌⬑f;쀀𝕟膀¬;in⬙⬚⬶䂬nȀ;Edvஉ⬤⬨⬮;쀀⋹̸ot;쀀⋵̸ǡஉ⬳⬵;拷;拶iĀ;vಸ⬼ǡಸ⭁⭃;拾;拽ƀaor⭋⭣⭩rȀ;ast୻⭕⭚⭟lleì୻l;쀀⫽⃥;쀀∂̸lint;樔ƀ;ceಒ⭰⭳uåಥĀ;cಘ⭸Ā;eಒ⭽ñಘȀAait⮈⮋⮝⮧rò⦈rrƀ;cw⮔⮕⮙憛;쀀⤳̸;쀀↝̸ghtarrow»⮕riĀ;eೋೖ΀chimpqu⮽⯍⯙⬄୸⯤⯯Ȁ;cerല⯆ഷ⯉uå൅;쀀𝓃ortɭ⬅\0\0⯖ará⭖mĀ;e൮⯟Ā;q൴൳suĀbp⯫⯭å೸åഋƀbcp⯶ⰑⰙȀ;Ees⯿ⰀഢⰄ抄;쀀⫅̸etĀ;eഛⰋqĀ;qണⰀcĀ;eലⰗñസȀ;EesⰢⰣൟⰧ抅;쀀⫆̸etĀ;e൘ⰮqĀ;qൠⰣȀgilrⰽⰿⱅⱇìௗlde耻ñ䃱çృiangleĀlrⱒⱜeftĀ;eచⱚñదightĀ;eೋⱥñ೗Ā;mⱬⱭ䎽ƀ;esⱴⱵⱹ䀣ro;愖p;怇ҀDHadgilrsⲏⲔⲙⲞⲣⲰⲶⳓⳣash;抭arr;椄p;쀀≍⃒ash;抬ĀetⲨⲬ;쀀≥⃒;쀀>⃒nfin;槞ƀAetⲽⳁⳅrr;椂;쀀≤⃒Ā;rⳊⳍ쀀<⃒ie;쀀⊴⃒ĀAtⳘⳜrr;椃rie;쀀⊵⃒im;쀀∼⃒ƀAan⳰⳴ⴂrr;懖rĀhr⳺⳽k;椣Ā;oᏧᏥear;椧ቓ᪕\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ⴭ\0ⴸⵈⵠⵥ⵲ⶄᬇ\0\0ⶍⶫ\0ⷈⷎ\0ⷜ⸙⸫⸾⹃Ācsⴱ᪗ute耻ó䃳ĀiyⴼⵅrĀ;c᪞ⵂ耻ô䃴;䐾ʀabios᪠ⵒⵗLjⵚlac;䅑v;樸old;榼lig;䅓Ācr⵩⵭ir;榿;쀀𝔬ͯ⵹\0\0⵼\0ⶂn;䋛ave耻ò䃲;槁Ābmⶈ෴ar;榵Ȁacitⶕ⶘ⶥⶨrò᪀Āir⶝ⶠr;榾oss;榻nå๒;槀ƀaeiⶱⶵⶹcr;䅍ga;䏉ƀcdnⷀⷅǍron;䎿;榶pf;쀀𝕠ƀaelⷔ⷗ǒr;榷rp;榹΀;adiosvⷪⷫⷮ⸈⸍⸐⸖戨rò᪆Ȁ;efmⷷⷸ⸂⸅橝rĀ;oⷾⷿ愴f»ⷿ耻ª䂪耻º䂺gof;抶r;橖lope;橗;橛ƀclo⸟⸡⸧ò⸁ash耻ø䃸l;折iŬⸯ⸴de耻õ䃵esĀ;aǛ⸺s;樶ml耻ö䃶bar;挽ૡ⹞\0⹽\0⺀⺝\0⺢⺹\0\0⻋ຜ\0⼓\0\0⼫⾼\0⿈rȀ;astЃ⹧⹲຅脀¶;l⹭⹮䂶leìЃɩ⹸\0\0⹻m;櫳;櫽y;䐿rʀcimpt⺋⺏⺓ᡥ⺗nt;䀥od;䀮il;怰enk;怱r;쀀𝔭ƀimo⺨⺰⺴Ā;v⺭⺮䏆;䏕maô੶ne;明ƀ;tv⺿⻀⻈䏀chfork»´;䏖Āau⻏⻟nĀck⻕⻝kĀ;h⇴⻛;愎ö⇴sҀ;abcdemst⻳⻴ᤈ⻹⻽⼄⼆⼊⼎䀫cir;樣ir;樢Āouᵀ⼂;樥;橲n肻±ຝim;樦wo;樧ƀipu⼙⼠⼥ntint;樕f;쀀𝕡nd耻£䂣Ԁ;Eaceinosu່⼿⽁⽄⽇⾁⾉⾒⽾⾶;檳p;檷uå໙Ā;c໎⽌̀;acens່⽙⽟⽦⽨⽾pproø⽃urlyeñ໙ñ໎ƀaes⽯⽶⽺pprox;檹qq;檵im;拨iíໟmeĀ;s⾈ຮ怲ƀEas⽸⾐⽺ð⽵ƀdfp໬⾙⾯ƀals⾠⾥⾪lar;挮ine;挒urf;挓Ā;t໻⾴ï໻rel;抰Āci⿀⿅r;쀀𝓅;䏈ncsp;怈̀fiopsu⿚⋢⿟⿥⿫⿱r;쀀𝔮pf;쀀𝕢rime;恗cr;쀀𝓆ƀaeo⿸〉〓tĀei⿾々rnionóڰnt;樖stĀ;e【】䀿ñἙô༔઀ABHabcdefhilmnoprstux぀けさすムㄎㄫㅇㅢㅲㆎ㈆㈕㈤㈩㉘㉮㉲㊐㊰㊷ƀartぇおがròႳòϝail;検aròᱥar;楤΀cdenqrtとふへみわゔヌĀeuねぱ;쀀∽̱te;䅕iãᅮmptyv;榳gȀ;del࿑らるろ;榒;榥å࿑uo耻»䂻rր;abcfhlpstw࿜ガクシスゼゾダッデナp;極Ā;f࿠ゴs;椠;椳s;椞ë≝ð✮l;楅im;楴l;憣;憝Āaiパフil;椚oĀ;nホボ戶aló༞ƀabrョリヮrò៥rk;杳ĀakンヽcĀekヹ・;䁽;䁝Āes㄂㄄;榌lĀduㄊㄌ;榎;榐Ȁaeuyㄗㄜㄧㄩron;䅙Ādiㄡㄥil;䅗ì࿲âヺ;䑀Ȁclqsㄴㄷㄽㅄa;椷dhar;楩uoĀ;rȎȍh;憳ƀacgㅎㅟངlȀ;ipsླྀㅘㅛႜnåႻarôྩt;断ƀilrㅩဣㅮsht;楽;쀀𝔯ĀaoㅷㆆrĀduㅽㅿ»ѻĀ;l႑ㆄ;楬Ā;vㆋㆌ䏁;䏱ƀgns㆕ㇹㇼht̀ahlrstㆤㆰ㇂㇘㇤㇮rrowĀ;t࿜ㆭaéトarpoonĀduㆻㆿowîㅾp»႒eftĀah㇊㇐rrowó࿪arpoonóՑightarrows;應quigarro÷ニhreetimes;拌g;䋚ingdotseñἲƀahm㈍㈐㈓rò࿪aòՑ;怏oustĀ;a㈞㈟掱che»㈟mid;櫮Ȁabpt㈲㈽㉀㉒Ānr㈷㈺g;柭r;懾rëဃƀafl㉇㉊㉎r;榆;쀀𝕣us;樮imes;樵Āap㉝㉧rĀ;g㉣㉤䀩t;榔olint;樒arò㇣Ȁachq㉻㊀Ⴜ㊅quo;怺r;쀀𝓇Ābu・㊊oĀ;rȔȓƀhir㊗㊛㊠reåㇸmes;拊iȀ;efl㊪ၙᠡ㊫方tri;槎luhar;楨;愞ൡ㋕㋛㋟㌬㌸㍱\0㍺㎤\0\0㏬㏰\0㐨㑈㑚㒭㒱㓊㓱\0㘖\0\0㘳cute;䅛quï➺Ԁ;Eaceinpsyᇭ㋳㋵㋿㌂㌋㌏㌟㌦㌩;檴ǰ㋺\0㋼;檸on;䅡uåᇾĀ;dᇳ㌇il;䅟rc;䅝ƀEas㌖㌘㌛;檶p;檺im;择olint;樓iíሄ;䑁otƀ;be㌴ᵇ㌵担;橦΀Aacmstx㍆㍊㍗㍛㍞㍣㍭rr;懘rĀhr㍐㍒ë∨Ā;oਸ਼਴t耻§䂧i;䀻war;椩mĀin㍩ðnuóñt;朶rĀ;o㍶⁕쀀𝔰Ȁacoy㎂㎆㎑㎠rp;景Āhy㎋㎏cy;䑉;䑈rtɭ㎙\0\0㎜iäᑤaraì⹯耻­䂭Āgm㎨㎴maƀ;fv㎱㎲㎲䏃;䏂Ѐ;deglnprካ㏅㏉㏎㏖㏞㏡㏦ot;橪Ā;q኱ኰĀ;E㏓㏔檞;檠Ā;E㏛㏜檝;檟e;扆lus;樤arr;楲aròᄽȀaeit㏸㐈㐏㐗Āls㏽㐄lsetmé㍪hp;樳parsl;槤Ādlᑣ㐔e;挣Ā;e㐜㐝檪Ā;s㐢㐣檬;쀀⪬︀ƀflp㐮㐳㑂tcy;䑌Ā;b㐸㐹䀯Ā;a㐾㐿槄r;挿f;쀀𝕤aĀdr㑍ЂesĀ;u㑔㑕晠it»㑕ƀcsu㑠㑹㒟Āau㑥㑯pĀ;sᆈ㑫;쀀⊓︀pĀ;sᆴ㑵;쀀⊔︀uĀbp㑿㒏ƀ;esᆗᆜ㒆etĀ;eᆗ㒍ñᆝƀ;esᆨᆭ㒖etĀ;eᆨ㒝ñᆮƀ;afᅻ㒦ְrť㒫ֱ»ᅼaròᅈȀcemt㒹㒾㓂㓅r;쀀𝓈tmîñiì㐕aræᆾĀar㓎㓕rĀ;f㓔ឿ昆Āan㓚㓭ightĀep㓣㓪psiloîỠhé⺯s»⡒ʀbcmnp㓻㕞ሉ㖋㖎Ҁ;Edemnprs㔎㔏㔑㔕㔞㔣㔬㔱㔶抂;櫅ot;檽Ā;dᇚ㔚ot;櫃ult;櫁ĀEe㔨㔪;櫋;把lus;檿arr;楹ƀeiu㔽㕒㕕tƀ;en㔎㕅㕋qĀ;qᇚ㔏eqĀ;q㔫㔨m;櫇Ābp㕚㕜;櫕;櫓c̀;acensᇭ㕬㕲㕹㕻㌦pproø㋺urlyeñᇾñᇳƀaes㖂㖈㌛pproø㌚qñ㌗g;晪ڀ123;Edehlmnps㖩㖬㖯ሜ㖲㖴㗀㗉㗕㗚㗟㗨㗭耻¹䂹耻²䂲耻³䂳;櫆Āos㖹㖼t;檾ub;櫘Ā;dሢ㗅ot;櫄sĀou㗏㗒l;柉b;櫗arr;楻ult;櫂ĀEe㗤㗦;櫌;抋lus;櫀ƀeiu㗴㘉㘌tƀ;enሜ㗼㘂qĀ;qሢ㖲eqĀ;q㗧㗤m;櫈Ābp㘑㘓;櫔;櫖ƀAan㘜㘠㘭rr;懙rĀhr㘦㘨ë∮Ā;oਫ਩war;椪lig耻ß䃟௡㙑㙝㙠ዎ㙳㙹\0㙾㛂\0\0\0\0\0㛛㜃\0㜉㝬\0\0\0㞇ɲ㙖\0\0㙛get;挖;䏄rë๟ƀaey㙦㙫㙰ron;䅥dil;䅣;䑂lrec;挕r;쀀𝔱Ȁeiko㚆㚝㚵㚼Dz㚋\0㚑eĀ4fኄኁaƀ;sv㚘㚙㚛䎸ym;䏑Ācn㚢㚲kĀas㚨㚮pproø዁im»ኬsðኞĀas㚺㚮ð዁rn耻þ䃾Ǭ̟㛆⋧es膀×;bd㛏㛐㛘䃗Ā;aᤏ㛕r;樱;樰ƀeps㛡㛣㜀á⩍Ȁ;bcf҆㛬㛰㛴ot;挶ir;櫱Ā;o㛹㛼쀀𝕥rk;櫚á㍢rime;怴ƀaip㜏㜒㝤dåቈ΀adempst㜡㝍㝀㝑㝗㝜㝟ngleʀ;dlqr㜰㜱㜶㝀㝂斵own»ᶻeftĀ;e⠀㜾ñम;扜ightĀ;e㊪㝋ñၚot;旬inus;樺lus;樹b;槍ime;樻ezium;揢ƀcht㝲㝽㞁Āry㝷㝻;쀀𝓉;䑆cy;䑛rok;䅧Āio㞋㞎xô᝷headĀlr㞗㞠eftarro÷ࡏightarrow»ཝऀAHabcdfghlmoprstuw㟐㟓㟗㟤㟰㟼㠎㠜㠣㠴㡑㡝㡫㢩㣌㣒㣪㣶ròϭar;楣Ācr㟜㟢ute耻ú䃺òᅐrǣ㟪\0㟭y;䑞ve;䅭Āiy㟵㟺rc耻û䃻;䑃ƀabh㠃㠆㠋ròᎭlac;䅱aòᏃĀir㠓㠘sht;楾;쀀𝔲rave耻ù䃹š㠧㠱rĀlr㠬㠮»ॗ»ႃlk;斀Āct㠹㡍ɯ㠿\0\0㡊rnĀ;e㡅㡆挜r»㡆op;挏ri;旸Āal㡖㡚cr;䅫肻¨͉Āgp㡢㡦on;䅳f;쀀𝕦̀adhlsuᅋ㡸㡽፲㢑㢠ownáᎳarpoonĀlr㢈㢌efô㠭ighô㠯iƀ;hl㢙㢚㢜䏅»ᏺon»㢚parrows;懈ƀcit㢰㣄㣈ɯ㢶\0\0㣁rnĀ;e㢼㢽挝r»㢽op;挎ng;䅯ri;旹cr;쀀𝓊ƀdir㣙㣝㣢ot;拰lde;䅩iĀ;f㜰㣨»᠓Āam㣯㣲rò㢨l耻ü䃼angle;榧ހABDacdeflnoprsz㤜㤟㤩㤭㦵㦸㦽㧟㧤㧨㧳㧹㧽㨁㨠ròϷarĀ;v㤦㤧櫨;櫩asèϡĀnr㤲㤷grt;榜΀eknprst㓣㥆㥋㥒㥝㥤㦖appá␕othinçẖƀhir㓫⻈㥙opô⾵Ā;hᎷ㥢ïㆍĀiu㥩㥭gmá㎳Ābp㥲㦄setneqĀ;q㥽㦀쀀⊊︀;쀀⫋︀setneqĀ;q㦏㦒쀀⊋︀;쀀⫌︀Āhr㦛㦟etá㚜iangleĀlr㦪㦯eft»थight»ၑy;䐲ash»ံƀelr㧄㧒㧗ƀ;beⷪ㧋㧏ar;抻q;扚lip;拮Ābt㧜ᑨaòᑩr;쀀𝔳tré㦮suĀbp㧯㧱»ജ»൙pf;쀀𝕧roð໻tré㦴Ācu㨆㨋r;쀀𝓋Ābp㨐㨘nĀEe㦀㨖»㥾nĀEe㦒㨞»㦐igzag;榚΀cefoprs㨶㨻㩖㩛㩔㩡㩪irc;䅵Ādi㩀㩑Ābg㩅㩉ar;機eĀ;qᗺ㩏;扙erp;愘r;쀀𝔴pf;쀀𝕨Ā;eᑹ㩦atèᑹcr;쀀𝓌ૣណ㪇\0㪋\0㪐㪛\0\0㪝㪨㪫㪯\0\0㫃㫎\0㫘ៜ៟tré៑r;쀀𝔵ĀAa㪔㪗ròσrò৶;䎾ĀAa㪡㪤ròθrò৫að✓is;拻ƀdptឤ㪵㪾Āfl㪺ឩ;쀀𝕩imåឲĀAa㫇㫊ròώròਁĀcq㫒ីr;쀀𝓍Āpt៖㫜ré។Ѐacefiosu㫰㫽㬈㬌㬑㬕㬛㬡cĀuy㫶㫻te耻ý䃽;䑏Āiy㬂㬆rc;䅷;䑋n耻¥䂥r;쀀𝔶cy;䑗pf;쀀𝕪cr;쀀𝓎Ācm㬦㬩y;䑎l耻ÿ䃿Ԁacdefhiosw㭂㭈㭔㭘㭤㭩㭭㭴㭺㮀cute;䅺Āay㭍㭒ron;䅾;䐷ot;䅼Āet㭝㭡træᕟa;䎶r;쀀𝔷cy;䐶grarr;懝pf;쀀𝕫cr;쀀𝓏Ājn㮅㮇;怍j;怌' - .split("") - .map((e) => e.charCodeAt(0)), - ), - LE = new Uint16Array("Ȁaglq\tɭ\0\0p;䀦os;䀧t;䀾t;䀼uot;䀢".split("").map((e) => e.charCodeAt(0))) - var QE - const BE = new Map([ - [0, 65533], - [128, 8364], - [130, 8218], - [131, 402], - [132, 8222], - [133, 8230], - [134, 8224], - [135, 8225], - [136, 710], - [137, 8240], - [138, 352], - [139, 8249], - [140, 338], - [142, 381], - [145, 8216], - [146, 8217], - [147, 8220], - [148, 8221], - [149, 8226], - [150, 8211], - [151, 8212], - [152, 732], - [153, 8482], - [154, 353], - [155, 8250], - [156, 339], - [158, 382], - [159, 376], - ]), - jE = - null !== (QE = String.fromCodePoint) && void 0 !== QE - ? QE - : function (e) { - let t = "" - return ( - e > 65535 && - ((e -= 65536), (t += String.fromCharCode(((e >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296)), (e = 56320 | (1023 & e))), - (t += String.fromCharCode(e)), - t - ) - } - var UE, FE, zE, qE, ZE, HE, VE, WE, XE, YE, GE, KE, JE, eT, tT, nT, rT, aT - function oT(e) { - return e >= UE.ZERO && e <= UE.NINE - } - function iT(e) { - return ( - e === UE.EQUALS || - (function (e) { - return (e >= UE.UPPER_A && e <= UE.UPPER_Z) || (e >= UE.LOWER_A && e <= UE.LOWER_Z) || oT(e) - })(e) - ) - } - ;((FE = UE || (UE = {}))[(FE.NUM = 35)] = "NUM"), - (FE[(FE.SEMI = 59)] = "SEMI"), - (FE[(FE.EQUALS = 61)] = "EQUALS"), - (FE[(FE.ZERO = 48)] = "ZERO"), - (FE[(FE.NINE = 57)] = "NINE"), - (FE[(FE.LOWER_A = 97)] = "LOWER_A"), - (FE[(FE.LOWER_F = 102)] = "LOWER_F"), - (FE[(FE.LOWER_X = 120)] = "LOWER_X"), - (FE[(FE.LOWER_Z = 122)] = "LOWER_Z"), - (FE[(FE.UPPER_A = 65)] = "UPPER_A"), - (FE[(FE.UPPER_F = 70)] = "UPPER_F"), - (FE[(FE.UPPER_Z = 90)] = "UPPER_Z"), - ((qE = zE || (zE = {}))[(qE.VALUE_LENGTH = 49152)] = "VALUE_LENGTH"), - (qE[(qE.BRANCH_LENGTH = 16256)] = "BRANCH_LENGTH"), - (qE[(qE.JUMP_TABLE = 127)] = "JUMP_TABLE"), - ((HE = ZE || (ZE = {}))[(HE.EntityStart = 0)] = "EntityStart"), - (HE[(HE.NumericStart = 1)] = "NumericStart"), - (HE[(HE.NumericDecimal = 2)] = "NumericDecimal"), - (HE[(HE.NumericHex = 3)] = "NumericHex"), - (HE[(HE.NamedEntity = 4)] = "NamedEntity"), - ((WE = VE || (VE = {}))[(WE.Legacy = 0)] = "Legacy"), - (WE[(WE.Strict = 1)] = "Strict"), - (WE[(WE.Attribute = 2)] = "Attribute") - class sT { - constructor(e, t, n) { - ;(this.decodeTree = e), - (this.emitCodePoint = t), - (this.errors = n), - (this.state = ZE.EntityStart), - (this.consumed = 1), - (this.result = 0), - (this.treeIndex = 0), - (this.excess = 1), - (this.decodeMode = VE.Strict) - } - startEntity(e) { - ;(this.decodeMode = e), - (this.state = ZE.EntityStart), - (this.result = 0), - (this.treeIndex = 0), - (this.excess = 1), - (this.consumed = 1) - } - write(e, t) { - switch (this.state) { - case ZE.EntityStart: - return e.charCodeAt(t) === UE.NUM - ? ((this.state = ZE.NumericStart), (this.consumed += 1), this.stateNumericStart(e, t + 1)) - : ((this.state = ZE.NamedEntity), this.stateNamedEntity(e, t)) - case ZE.NumericStart: - return this.stateNumericStart(e, t) - case ZE.NumericDecimal: - return this.stateNumericDecimal(e, t) - case ZE.NumericHex: - return this.stateNumericHex(e, t) - case ZE.NamedEntity: - return this.stateNamedEntity(e, t) - } - } - stateNumericStart(e, t) { - return t >= e.length - ? -1 - : (32 | e.charCodeAt(t)) === UE.LOWER_X - ? ((this.state = ZE.NumericHex), (this.consumed += 1), this.stateNumericHex(e, t + 1)) - : ((this.state = ZE.NumericDecimal), this.stateNumericDecimal(e, t)) - } - addToNumericResult(e, t, n, r) { - if (t !== n) { - const a = n - t - ;(this.result = this.result * Math.pow(r, a) + parseInt(e.substr(t, a), r)), (this.consumed += a) - } - } - stateNumericHex(e, t) { - const n = t - for (; t < e.length; ) { - const a = e.charCodeAt(t) - if (!(oT(a) || ((r = a), (r >= UE.UPPER_A && r <= UE.UPPER_F) || (r >= UE.LOWER_A && r <= UE.LOWER_F)))) - return this.addToNumericResult(e, n, t, 16), this.emitNumericEntity(a, 3) - t += 1 - } - var r - return this.addToNumericResult(e, n, t, 16), -1 - } - stateNumericDecimal(e, t) { - const n = t - for (; t < e.length; ) { - const r = e.charCodeAt(t) - if (!oT(r)) return this.addToNumericResult(e, n, t, 10), this.emitNumericEntity(r, 2) - t += 1 - } - return this.addToNumericResult(e, n, t, 10), -1 - } - emitNumericEntity(e, t) { - var n - if (this.consumed <= t) - return ( - null === (n = this.errors) || void 0 === n || n.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed), 0 - ) - if (e === UE.SEMI) this.consumed += 1 - else if (this.decodeMode === VE.Strict) return 0 - return ( - this.emitCodePoint( - (function (e) { - var t - return (e >= 55296 && e <= 57343) || e > 1114111 - ? 65533 - : null !== (t = BE.get(e)) && void 0 !== t - ? t - : e - })(this.result), - this.consumed, - ), - this.errors && - (e !== UE.SEMI && this.errors.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(), - this.errors.validateNumericCharacterReference(this.result)), - this.consumed - ) - } - stateNamedEntity(e, t) { - const { decodeTree: n } = this - let r = n[this.treeIndex], - a = (r & zE.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14 - for (; t < e.length; t++, this.excess++) { - const o = e.charCodeAt(t) - if (((this.treeIndex = cT(n, r, this.treeIndex + Math.max(1, a), o)), this.treeIndex < 0)) - return 0 === this.result || (this.decodeMode === VE.Attribute && (0 === a || iT(o))) - ? 0 - : this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() - if (((r = n[this.treeIndex]), (a = (r & zE.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14), 0 !== a)) { - if (o === UE.SEMI) return this.emitNamedEntityData(this.treeIndex, a, this.consumed + this.excess) - this.decodeMode !== VE.Strict && - ((this.result = this.treeIndex), (this.consumed += this.excess), (this.excess = 0)) - } - } - return -1 - } - emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() { - var e - const { result: t, decodeTree: n } = this, - r = (n[t] & zE.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14 - return ( - this.emitNamedEntityData(t, r, this.consumed), - null === (e = this.errors) || void 0 === e || e.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(), - this.consumed - ) - } - emitNamedEntityData(e, t, n) { - const { decodeTree: r } = this - return ( - this.emitCodePoint(1 === t ? r[e] & ~zE.VALUE_LENGTH : r[e + 1], n), - 3 === t && this.emitCodePoint(r[e + 2], n), - n - ) - } - end() { - var e - switch (this.state) { - case ZE.NamedEntity: - return 0 === this.result || (this.decodeMode === VE.Attribute && this.result !== this.treeIndex) - ? 0 - : this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() - case ZE.NumericDecimal: - return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 2) - case ZE.NumericHex: - return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 3) - case ZE.NumericStart: - return ( - null === (e = this.errors) || void 0 === e || e.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed), - 0 - ) - case ZE.EntityStart: - return 0 - } - } - } - function lT(e) { - let t = "" - const n = new sT(e, (e) => (t += jE(e))) - return function (e, r) { - let a = 0, - o = 0 - for (; (o = e.indexOf("&", o)) >= 0; ) { - ;(t += e.slice(a, o)), n.startEntity(r) - const i = n.write(e, o + 1) - if (i < 0) { - a = o + n.end() - break - } - ;(a = o + i), (o = 0 === i ? a + 1 : a) - } - const i = t + e.slice(a) - return (t = ""), i - } - } - function cT(e, t, n, r) { - const a = (t & zE.BRANCH_LENGTH) >> 7, - o = t & zE.JUMP_TABLE - if (0 === a) return 0 !== o && r === o ? n : -1 - if (o) { - const t = r - o - return t < 0 || t >= a ? -1 : e[n + t] - 1 - } - let i = n, - s = i + a - 1 - for (; i <= s; ) { - const t = (i + s) >>> 1, - n = e[t] - if (n < r) i = t + 1 - else { - if (!(n > r)) return e[t + a] - s = t - 1 - } - } - return -1 - } - lT(ME), - lT(LE), - ((YE = XE = XE || (XE = {})).HTML = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"), - (YE.MATHML = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"), - (YE.SVG = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), - (YE.XLINK = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), - (YE.XML = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"), - (YE.XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"), - ((KE = GE = GE || (GE = {})).TYPE = "type"), - (KE.ACTION = "action"), - (KE.ENCODING = "encoding"), - (KE.PROMPT = "prompt"), - (KE.NAME = "name"), - (KE.COLOR = "color"), - (KE.FACE = "face"), - (KE.SIZE = "size"), - ((eT = JE = JE || (JE = {})).NO_QUIRKS = "no-quirks"), - (eT.QUIRKS = "quirks"), - (eT.LIMITED_QUIRKS = "limited-quirks"), - ((nT = tT = tT || (tT = {})).A = "a"), - (nT.ADDRESS = "address"), - (nT.ANNOTATION_XML = "annotation-xml"), - (nT.APPLET = "applet"), - (nT.AREA = "area"), - (nT.ARTICLE = "article"), - (nT.ASIDE = "aside"), - (nT.B = "b"), - (nT.BASE = "base"), - (nT.BASEFONT = "basefont"), - (nT.BGSOUND = "bgsound"), - (nT.BIG = "big"), - (nT.BLOCKQUOTE = "blockquote"), - (nT.BODY = "body"), - (nT.BR = "br"), - (nT.BUTTON = "button"), - (nT.CAPTION = "caption"), - (nT.CENTER = "center"), - (nT.CODE = "code"), - (nT.COL = "col"), - (nT.COLGROUP = "colgroup"), - (nT.DD = "dd"), - (nT.DESC = "desc"), - (nT.DETAILS = "details"), - (nT.DIALOG = "dialog"), - (nT.DIR = "dir"), - (nT.DIV = "div"), - (nT.DL = "dl"), - (nT.DT = "dt"), - (nT.EM = "em"), - (nT.EMBED = "embed"), - (nT.FIELDSET = "fieldset"), - (nT.FIGCAPTION = "figcaption"), - (nT.FIGURE = "figure"), - (nT.FONT = "font"), - (nT.FOOTER = "footer"), - (nT.FOREIGN_OBJECT = "foreignObject"), - (nT.FORM = "form"), - (nT.FRAME = "frame"), - (nT.FRAMESET = "frameset"), - (nT.H1 = "h1"), - (nT.H2 = "h2"), - (nT.H3 = "h3"), - (nT.H4 = "h4"), - (nT.H5 = "h5"), - (nT.H6 = "h6"), - (nT.HEAD = "head"), - (nT.HEADER = "header"), - (nT.HGROUP = "hgroup"), - (nT.HR = "hr"), - (nT.HTML = "html"), - (nT.I = "i"), - (nT.IMG = "img"), - (nT.IMAGE = "image"), - (nT.INPUT = "input"), - (nT.IFRAME = "iframe"), - (nT.KEYGEN = "keygen"), - (nT.LABEL = "label"), - (nT.LI = "li"), - (nT.LINK = "link"), - (nT.LISTING = "listing"), - (nT.MAIN = "main"), - (nT.MALIGNMARK = "malignmark"), - (nT.MARQUEE = "marquee"), - (nT.MATH = "math"), - (nT.MENU = "menu"), - (nT.META = "meta"), - (nT.MGLYPH = "mglyph"), - (nT.MI = "mi"), - (nT.MO = "mo"), - (nT.MN = "mn"), - (nT.MS = "ms"), - (nT.MTEXT = "mtext"), - (nT.NAV = "nav"), - (nT.NOBR = "nobr"), - (nT.NOFRAMES = "noframes"), - (nT.NOEMBED = "noembed"), - (nT.NOSCRIPT = "noscript"), - (nT.OBJECT = "object"), - (nT.OL = "ol"), - (nT.OPTGROUP = "optgroup"), - (nT.OPTION = "option"), - (nT.P = "p"), - (nT.PARAM = "param"), - (nT.PLAINTEXT = "plaintext"), - (nT.PRE = "pre"), - (nT.RB = "rb"), - (nT.RP = "rp"), - (nT.RT = "rt"), - (nT.RTC = "rtc"), - (nT.RUBY = "ruby"), - (nT.S = "s"), - (nT.SCRIPT = "script"), - (nT.SECTION = "section"), - (nT.SELECT = "select"), - (nT.SOURCE = "source"), - (nT.SMALL = "small"), - (nT.SPAN = "span"), - (nT.STRIKE = "strike"), - (nT.STRONG = "strong"), - (nT.STYLE = "style"), - (nT.SUB = "sub"), - (nT.SUMMARY = "summary"), - (nT.SUP = "sup"), - (nT.TABLE = "table"), - (nT.TBODY = "tbody"), - (nT.TEMPLATE = "template"), - (nT.TEXTAREA = "textarea"), - (nT.TFOOT = "tfoot"), - (nT.TD = "td"), - (nT.TH = "th"), - (nT.THEAD = "thead"), - (nT.TITLE = "title"), - (nT.TR = "tr"), - (nT.TRACK = "track"), - (nT.TT = "tt"), - (nT.U = "u"), - (nT.UL = "ul"), - (nT.SVG = "svg"), - (nT.VAR = "var"), - (nT.WBR = "wbr"), - (nT.XMP = "xmp"), - ((aT = rT = rT || (rT = {}))[(aT.UNKNOWN = 0)] = "UNKNOWN"), - (aT[(aT.A = 1)] = "A"), - (aT[(aT.ADDRESS = 2)] = "ADDRESS"), - (aT[(aT.ANNOTATION_XML = 3)] = "ANNOTATION_XML"), - (aT[(aT.APPLET = 4)] = "APPLET"), - (aT[(aT.AREA = 5)] = "AREA"), - (aT[(aT.ARTICLE = 6)] = "ARTICLE"), - (aT[(aT.ASIDE = 7)] = "ASIDE"), - (aT[(aT.B = 8)] = "B"), - (aT[(aT.BASE = 9)] = "BASE"), - (aT[(aT.BASEFONT = 10)] = "BASEFONT"), - (aT[(aT.BGSOUND = 11)] = "BGSOUND"), - (aT[(aT.BIG = 12)] = "BIG"), - (aT[(aT.BLOCKQUOTE = 13)] = "BLOCKQUOTE"), - (aT[(aT.BODY = 14)] = "BODY"), - (aT[(aT.BR = 15)] = "BR"), - (aT[(aT.BUTTON = 16)] = "BUTTON"), - (aT[(aT.CAPTION = 17)] = "CAPTION"), - (aT[(aT.CENTER = 18)] = "CENTER"), - (aT[(aT.CODE = 19)] = "CODE"), - (aT[(aT.COL = 20)] = "COL"), - (aT[(aT.COLGROUP = 21)] = "COLGROUP"), - (aT[(aT.DD = 22)] = "DD"), - (aT[(aT.DESC = 23)] = "DESC"), - (aT[(aT.DETAILS = 24)] = "DETAILS"), - (aT[(aT.DIALOG = 25)] = "DIALOG"), - (aT[(aT.DIR = 26)] = "DIR"), - (aT[(aT.DIV = 27)] = "DIV"), - (aT[(aT.DL = 28)] = "DL"), - (aT[(aT.DT = 29)] = "DT"), - (aT[(aT.EM = 30)] = "EM"), - (aT[(aT.EMBED = 31)] = "EMBED"), - (aT[(aT.FIELDSET = 32)] = "FIELDSET"), - (aT[(aT.FIGCAPTION = 33)] = "FIGCAPTION"), - (aT[(aT.FIGURE = 34)] = "FIGURE"), - (aT[(aT.FONT = 35)] = "FONT"), - (aT[(aT.FOOTER = 36)] = "FOOTER"), - (aT[(aT.FOREIGN_OBJECT = 37)] = "FOREIGN_OBJECT"), - (aT[(aT.FORM = 38)] = "FORM"), - (aT[(aT.FRAME = 39)] = "FRAME"), - (aT[(aT.FRAMESET = 40)] = "FRAMESET"), - (aT[(aT.H1 = 41)] = "H1"), - (aT[(aT.H2 = 42)] = "H2"), - (aT[(aT.H3 = 43)] = "H3"), - (aT[(aT.H4 = 44)] = "H4"), - (aT[(aT.H5 = 45)] = "H5"), - (aT[(aT.H6 = 46)] = "H6"), - (aT[(aT.HEAD = 47)] = "HEAD"), - (aT[(aT.HEADER = 48)] = "HEADER"), - (aT[(aT.HGROUP = 49)] = "HGROUP"), - (aT[(aT.HR = 50)] = "HR"), - (aT[(aT.HTML = 51)] = "HTML"), - (aT[(aT.I = 52)] = "I"), - (aT[(aT.IMG = 53)] = "IMG"), - (aT[(aT.IMAGE = 54)] = "IMAGE"), - (aT[(aT.INPUT = 55)] = "INPUT"), - (aT[(aT.IFRAME = 56)] = "IFRAME"), - (aT[(aT.KEYGEN = 57)] = "KEYGEN"), - (aT[(aT.LABEL = 58)] = "LABEL"), - (aT[(aT.LI = 59)] = "LI"), - (aT[(aT.LINK = 60)] = "LINK"), - (aT[(aT.LISTING = 61)] = "LISTING"), - (aT[(aT.MAIN = 62)] = "MAIN"), - (aT[(aT.MALIGNMARK = 63)] = "MALIGNMARK"), - (aT[(aT.MARQUEE = 64)] = "MARQUEE"), - (aT[(aT.MATH = 65)] = "MATH"), - (aT[(aT.MENU = 66)] = "MENU"), - (aT[(aT.META = 67)] = "META"), - (aT[(aT.MGLYPH = 68)] = "MGLYPH"), - (aT[(aT.MI = 69)] = "MI"), - (aT[(aT.MO = 70)] = "MO"), - (aT[(aT.MN = 71)] = "MN"), - (aT[(aT.MS = 72)] = "MS"), - (aT[(aT.MTEXT = 73)] = "MTEXT"), - (aT[(aT.NAV = 74)] = "NAV"), - (aT[(aT.NOBR = 75)] = "NOBR"), - (aT[(aT.NOFRAMES = 76)] = "NOFRAMES"), - (aT[(aT.NOEMBED = 77)] = "NOEMBED"), - (aT[(aT.NOSCRIPT = 78)] = "NOSCRIPT"), - (aT[(aT.OBJECT = 79)] = "OBJECT"), - (aT[(aT.OL = 80)] = "OL"), - (aT[(aT.OPTGROUP = 81)] = "OPTGROUP"), - (aT[(aT.OPTION = 82)] = "OPTION"), - (aT[(aT.P = 83)] = "P"), - (aT[(aT.PARAM = 84)] = "PARAM"), - (aT[(aT.PLAINTEXT = 85)] = "PLAINTEXT"), - (aT[(aT.PRE = 86)] = "PRE"), - (aT[(aT.RB = 87)] = "RB"), - (aT[(aT.RP = 88)] = "RP"), - (aT[(aT.RT = 89)] = "RT"), - (aT[(aT.RTC = 90)] = "RTC"), - (aT[(aT.RUBY = 91)] = "RUBY"), - (aT[(aT.S = 92)] = "S"), - (aT[(aT.SCRIPT = 93)] = "SCRIPT"), - (aT[(aT.SECTION = 94)] = "SECTION"), - (aT[(aT.SELECT = 95)] = "SELECT"), - (aT[(aT.SOURCE = 96)] = "SOURCE"), - (aT[(aT.SMALL = 97)] = "SMALL"), - (aT[(aT.SPAN = 98)] = "SPAN"), - (aT[(aT.STRIKE = 99)] = "STRIKE"), - (aT[(aT.STRONG = 100)] = "STRONG"), - (aT[(aT.STYLE = 101)] = "STYLE"), - (aT[(aT.SUB = 102)] = "SUB"), - (aT[(aT.SUMMARY = 103)] = "SUMMARY"), - (aT[(aT.SUP = 104)] = "SUP"), - (aT[(aT.TABLE = 105)] = "TABLE"), - (aT[(aT.TBODY = 106)] = "TBODY"), - (aT[(aT.TEMPLATE = 107)] = "TEMPLATE"), - (aT[(aT.TEXTAREA = 108)] = "TEXTAREA"), - (aT[(aT.TFOOT = 109)] = "TFOOT"), - (aT[(aT.TD = 110)] = "TD"), - (aT[(aT.TH = 111)] = "TH"), - (aT[(aT.THEAD = 112)] = "THEAD"), - (aT[(aT.TITLE = 113)] = "TITLE"), - (aT[(aT.TR = 114)] = "TR"), - (aT[(aT.TRACK = 115)] = "TRACK"), - (aT[(aT.TT = 116)] = "TT"), - (aT[(aT.U = 117)] = "U"), - (aT[(aT.UL = 118)] = "UL"), - (aT[(aT.SVG = 119)] = "SVG"), - (aT[(aT.VAR = 120)] = "VAR"), - (aT[(aT.WBR = 121)] = "WBR"), - (aT[(aT.XMP = 122)] = "XMP") - const dT = new Map([ - [tT.A, rT.A], - [tT.ADDRESS, rT.ADDRESS], - [tT.ANNOTATION_XML, rT.ANNOTATION_XML], - [tT.APPLET, rT.APPLET], - [tT.AREA, rT.AREA], - [tT.ARTICLE, rT.ARTICLE], - [tT.ASIDE, rT.ASIDE], - [tT.B, rT.B], - [tT.BASE, rT.BASE], - [tT.BASEFONT, rT.BASEFONT], - [tT.BGSOUND, rT.BGSOUND], - [tT.BIG, rT.BIG], - [tT.BLOCKQUOTE, rT.BLOCKQUOTE], - [tT.BODY, rT.BODY], - [tT.BR, rT.BR], - [tT.BUTTON, rT.BUTTON], - [tT.CAPTION, rT.CAPTION], - [tT.CENTER, rT.CENTER], - [tT.CODE, rT.CODE], - [tT.COL, rT.COL], - [tT.COLGROUP, rT.COLGROUP], - [tT.DD, rT.DD], - [tT.DESC, rT.DESC], - [tT.DETAILS, rT.DETAILS], - [tT.DIALOG, rT.DIALOG], - [tT.DIR, rT.DIR], - [tT.DIV, rT.DIV], - [tT.DL, rT.DL], - [tT.DT, rT.DT], - [tT.EM, rT.EM], - [tT.EMBED, rT.EMBED], - [tT.FIELDSET, rT.FIELDSET], - [tT.FIGCAPTION, rT.FIGCAPTION], - [tT.FIGURE, rT.FIGURE], - [tT.FONT, rT.FONT], - [tT.FOOTER, rT.FOOTER], - [tT.FOREIGN_OBJECT, rT.FOREIGN_OBJECT], - [tT.FORM, rT.FORM], - [tT.FRAME, rT.FRAME], - [tT.FRAMESET, rT.FRAMESET], - [tT.H1, rT.H1], - [tT.H2, rT.H2], - [tT.H3, rT.H3], - [tT.H4, rT.H4], - [tT.H5, rT.H5], - [tT.H6, rT.H6], - [tT.HEAD, rT.HEAD], - [tT.HEADER, rT.HEADER], - [tT.HGROUP, rT.HGROUP], - [tT.HR, rT.HR], - [tT.HTML, rT.HTML], - [tT.I, rT.I], - [tT.IMG, rT.IMG], - [tT.IMAGE, rT.IMAGE], - [tT.INPUT, rT.INPUT], - [tT.IFRAME, rT.IFRAME], - [tT.KEYGEN, rT.KEYGEN], - [tT.LABEL, rT.LABEL], - [tT.LI, rT.LI], - [tT.LINK, rT.LINK], - [tT.LISTING, rT.LISTING], - [tT.MAIN, rT.MAIN], - [tT.MALIGNMARK, rT.MALIGNMARK], - [tT.MARQUEE, rT.MARQUEE], - [tT.MATH, rT.MATH], - [tT.MENU, rT.MENU], - [tT.META, rT.META], - [tT.MGLYPH, rT.MGLYPH], - [tT.MI, rT.MI], - [tT.MO, rT.MO], - [tT.MN, rT.MN], - [tT.MS, rT.MS], - [tT.MTEXT, rT.MTEXT], - [tT.NAV, rT.NAV], - [tT.NOBR, rT.NOBR], - [tT.NOFRAMES, rT.NOFRAMES], - [tT.NOEMBED, rT.NOEMBED], - [tT.NOSCRIPT, rT.NOSCRIPT], - [tT.OBJECT, rT.OBJECT], - [tT.OL, rT.OL], - [tT.OPTGROUP, rT.OPTGROUP], - [tT.OPTION, rT.OPTION], - [tT.P, rT.P], - [tT.PARAM, rT.PARAM], - [tT.PLAINTEXT, rT.PLAINTEXT], - [tT.PRE, rT.PRE], - [tT.RB, rT.RB], - [tT.RP, rT.RP], - [tT.RT, rT.RT], - [tT.RTC, rT.RTC], - [tT.RUBY, rT.RUBY], - [tT.S, rT.S], - [tT.SCRIPT, rT.SCRIPT], - [tT.SECTION, rT.SECTION], - [tT.SELECT, rT.SELECT], - [tT.SOURCE, rT.SOURCE], - [tT.SMALL, rT.SMALL], - [tT.SPAN, rT.SPAN], - [tT.STRIKE, rT.STRIKE], - [tT.STRONG, rT.STRONG], - [tT.STYLE, rT.STYLE], - [tT.SUB, rT.SUB], - [tT.SUMMARY, rT.SUMMARY], - [tT.SUP, rT.SUP], - [tT.TABLE, rT.TABLE], - [tT.TBODY, rT.TBODY], - [tT.TEMPLATE, rT.TEMPLATE], - [tT.TEXTAREA, rT.TEXTAREA], - [tT.TFOOT, rT.TFOOT], - [tT.TD, rT.TD], - [tT.TH, rT.TH], - [tT.THEAD, rT.THEAD], - [tT.TITLE, rT.TITLE], - [tT.TR, rT.TR], - [tT.TRACK, rT.TRACK], - [tT.TT, rT.TT], - [tT.U, rT.U], - [tT.UL, rT.UL], - [tT.SVG, rT.SVG], - [tT.VAR, rT.VAR], - [tT.WBR, rT.WBR], - [tT.XMP, rT.XMP], - ]) - function uT(e) { - var t - return null !== (t = dT.get(e)) && void 0 !== t ? t : rT.UNKNOWN - } - const pT = rT, - hT = { - [XE.HTML]: new Set([ - pT.ADDRESS, - pT.APPLET, - pT.AREA, - pT.ARTICLE, - pT.ASIDE, - pT.BASE, - pT.BASEFONT, - pT.BGSOUND, - pT.BLOCKQUOTE, - pT.BODY, - pT.BR, - pT.BUTTON, - pT.CAPTION, - pT.CENTER, - pT.COL, - pT.COLGROUP, - pT.DD, - pT.DETAILS, - pT.DIR, - pT.DIV, - pT.DL, - pT.DT, - pT.EMBED, - pT.FIELDSET, - pT.FIGCAPTION, - pT.FIGURE, - pT.FOOTER, - pT.FORM, - pT.FRAME, - pT.FRAMESET, - pT.H1, - pT.H2, - pT.H3, - pT.H4, - pT.H5, - pT.H6, - pT.HEAD, - pT.HEADER, - pT.HGROUP, - pT.HR, - pT.HTML, - pT.IFRAME, - pT.IMG, - pT.INPUT, - pT.LI, - pT.LINK, - pT.LISTING, - pT.MAIN, - pT.MARQUEE, - pT.MENU, - pT.META, - pT.NAV, - pT.NOEMBED, - pT.NOFRAMES, - pT.NOSCRIPT, - pT.OBJECT, - pT.OL, - pT.P, - pT.PARAM, - pT.PLAINTEXT, - pT.PRE, - pT.SCRIPT, - pT.SECTION, - pT.SELECT, - pT.SOURCE, - pT.STYLE, - pT.SUMMARY, - pT.TABLE, - pT.TBODY, - pT.TD, - pT.TEMPLATE, - pT.TEXTAREA, - pT.TFOOT, - pT.TH, - pT.THEAD, - pT.TITLE, - pT.TR, - pT.TRACK, - pT.UL, - pT.WBR, - pT.XMP, - ]), - [XE.MATHML]: new Set([pT.MI, pT.MO, pT.MN, pT.MS, pT.MTEXT, pT.ANNOTATION_XML]), - [XE.SVG]: new Set([pT.TITLE, pT.FOREIGN_OBJECT, pT.DESC]), - [XE.XLINK]: new Set(), - [XE.XML]: new Set(), - [XE.XMLNS]: new Set(), - } - function fT(e) { - return e === pT.H1 || e === pT.H2 || e === pT.H3 || e === pT.H4 || e === pT.H5 || e === pT.H6 - } - tT.STYLE, tT.SCRIPT, tT.XMP, tT.IFRAME, tT.NOEMBED, tT.NOFRAMES, tT.PLAINTEXT - const mT = new Map([ - [128, 8364], - [130, 8218], - [131, 402], - [132, 8222], - [133, 8230], - [134, 8224], - [135, 8225], - [136, 710], - [137, 8240], - [138, 352], - [139, 8249], - [140, 338], - [142, 381], - [145, 8216], - [146, 8217], - [147, 8220], - [148, 8221], - [149, 8226], - [150, 8211], - [151, 8212], - [152, 732], - [153, 8482], - [154, 353], - [155, 8250], - [156, 339], - [158, 382], - [159, 376], - ]) - var gT, bT - ;((bT = gT || (gT = {}))[(bT.DATA = 0)] = "DATA"), - (bT[(bT.RCDATA = 1)] = "RCDATA"), - (bT[(bT.RAWTEXT = 2)] = "RAWTEXT"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA = 3)] = "SCRIPT_DATA"), - (bT[(bT.PLAINTEXT = 4)] = "PLAINTEXT"), - (bT[(bT.TAG_OPEN = 5)] = "TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.END_TAG_OPEN = 6)] = "END_TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.TAG_NAME = 7)] = "TAG_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 8)] = "RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN = 9)] = "RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME = 10)] = "RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 11)] = "RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN = 12)] = "RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME = 13)] = "RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 14)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN = 15)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME = 16)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START = 17)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH = 18)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED = 19)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH = 20)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH = 21)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 22)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN = 23)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME = 24)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START = 25)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED = 26)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH = 27)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH = 28)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 29)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END = 30)] = "SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END"), - (bT[(bT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 31)] = "BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 32)] = "ATTRIBUTE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 33)] = "AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 34)] = "BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE"), - (bT[(bT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 35)] = "ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED = 36)] = "ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED = 37)] = "ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED = 38)] = "AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG = 39)] = "SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG"), - (bT[(bT.BOGUS_COMMENT = 40)] = "BOGUS_COMMENT"), - (bT[(bT.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN = 41)] = "MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_START = 42)] = "COMMENT_START"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_START_DASH = 43)] = "COMMENT_START_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT = 44)] = "COMMENT"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 45)] = "COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG = 46)] = "COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH = 47)] = "COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH = 48)] = "COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_END_DASH = 49)] = "COMMENT_END_DASH"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_END = 50)] = "COMMENT_END"), - (bT[(bT.COMMENT_END_BANG = 51)] = "COMMENT_END_BANG"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE = 52)] = "DOCTYPE"), - (bT[(bT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME = 53)] = "BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE_NAME = 54)] = "DOCTYPE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME = 55)] = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD = 56)] = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD"), - (bT[(bT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER = 57)] = "BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 58)] = "DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED = 59)] = "DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER = 60)] = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER"), - (bT[(bT.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS = 61)] = "BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD = 62)] = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD"), - (bT[(bT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER = 63)] = "BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 64)] = "DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED = 65)] = "DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED"), - (bT[(bT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER = 66)] = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER"), - (bT[(bT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE = 67)] = "BOGUS_DOCTYPE"), - (bT[(bT.CDATA_SECTION = 68)] = "CDATA_SECTION"), - (bT[(bT.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET = 69)] = "CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET"), - (bT[(bT.CDATA_SECTION_END = 70)] = "CDATA_SECTION_END"), - (bT[(bT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 71)] = "CHARACTER_REFERENCE"), - (bT[(bT.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 72)] = "NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE"), - (bT[(bT.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND = 73)] = "AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND"), - (bT[(bT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 74)] = "NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE"), - (bT[(bT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START = 75)] = "HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START"), - (bT[(bT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 76)] = "HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE"), - (bT[(bT.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 77)] = "DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE"), - (bT[(bT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END = 78)] = "NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END") - const vT = { - DATA: gT.DATA, - RCDATA: gT.RCDATA, - RAWTEXT: gT.RAWTEXT, - SCRIPT_DATA: gT.SCRIPT_DATA, - PLAINTEXT: gT.PLAINTEXT, - CDATA_SECTION: gT.CDATA_SECTION, - } - function yT(e) { - return e >= xE.DIGIT_0 && e <= xE.DIGIT_9 - } - function OT(e) { - return e >= xE.LATIN_CAPITAL_A && e <= xE.LATIN_CAPITAL_Z - } - function wT(e) { - return ( - (function (e) { - return e >= xE.LATIN_SMALL_A && e <= xE.LATIN_SMALL_Z - })(e) || OT(e) - ) - } - function xT(e) { - return wT(e) || yT(e) - } - function kT(e) { - return e >= xE.LATIN_CAPITAL_A && e <= xE.LATIN_CAPITAL_F - } - function _T(e) { - return e >= xE.LATIN_SMALL_A && e <= xE.LATIN_SMALL_F - } - function ST(e) { - return e + 32 - } - function ET(e) { - return e === xE.SPACE || e === xE.LINE_FEED || e === xE.TABULATION || e === xE.FORM_FEED - } - function TT(e) { - return ET(e) || e === xE.SOLIDUS || e === xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN - } - class AT { - constructor(e, t) { - ;(this.options = e), - (this.handler = t), - (this.paused = !1), - (this.inLoop = !1), - (this.inForeignNode = !1), - (this.lastStartTagName = ""), - (this.active = !1), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - (this.returnState = gT.DATA), - (this.charRefCode = -1), - (this.consumedAfterSnapshot = -1), - (this.currentCharacterToken = null), - (this.currentToken = null), - (this.currentAttr = { name: "", value: "" }), - (this.preprocessor = new $E(t)), - (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(-1)) - } - _err(e) { - var t, n - null === (n = (t = this.handler).onParseError) || void 0 === n || n.call(t, this.preprocessor.getError(e)) - } - getCurrentLocation(e) { - return this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo - ? { - startLine: this.preprocessor.line, - startCol: this.preprocessor.col - e, - startOffset: this.preprocessor.offset - e, - endLine: -1, - endCol: -1, - endOffset: -1, - } - : null - } - _runParsingLoop() { - if (!this.inLoop) { - for (this.inLoop = !0; this.active && !this.paused; ) { - this.consumedAfterSnapshot = 0 - const e = this._consume() - this._ensureHibernation() || this._callState(e) - } - this.inLoop = !1 - } - } - pause() { - this.paused = !0 - } - resume(e) { - if (!this.paused) throw new Error("Parser was already resumed") - ;(this.paused = !1), this.inLoop || (this._runParsingLoop(), this.paused || null == e || e()) - } - write(e, t, n) { - ;(this.active = !0), this.preprocessor.write(e, t), this._runParsingLoop(), this.paused || null == n || n() - } - insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(e) { - ;(this.active = !0), this.preprocessor.insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(e), this._runParsingLoop() - } - _ensureHibernation() { - return ( - !!this.preprocessor.endOfChunkHit && (this._unconsume(this.consumedAfterSnapshot), (this.active = !1), !0) - ) - } - _consume() { - return this.consumedAfterSnapshot++, this.preprocessor.advance() - } - _unconsume(e) { - ;(this.consumedAfterSnapshot -= e), this.preprocessor.retreat(e) - } - _reconsumeInState(e, t) { - ;(this.state = e), this._callState(t) - } - _advanceBy(e) { - this.consumedAfterSnapshot += e - for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) this.preprocessor.advance() - } - _consumeSequenceIfMatch(e, t) { - return !!this.preprocessor.startsWith(e, t) && (this._advanceBy(e.length - 1), !0) - } - _createStartTagToken() { - this.currentToken = { - type: RE.START_TAG, - tagName: "", - tagID: rT.UNKNOWN, - selfClosing: !1, - ackSelfClosing: !1, - attrs: [], - location: this.getCurrentLocation(1), - } - } - _createEndTagToken() { - this.currentToken = { - type: RE.END_TAG, - tagName: "", - tagID: rT.UNKNOWN, - selfClosing: !1, - ackSelfClosing: !1, - attrs: [], - location: this.getCurrentLocation(2), - } - } - _createCommentToken(e) { - this.currentToken = { type: RE.COMMENT, data: "", location: this.getCurrentLocation(e) } - } - _createDoctypeToken(e) { - this.currentToken = { - type: RE.DOCTYPE, - name: e, - forceQuirks: !1, - publicId: null, - systemId: null, - location: this.currentLocation, - } - } - _createCharacterToken(e, t) { - this.currentCharacterToken = { type: e, chars: t, location: this.currentLocation } - } - _createAttr(e) { - ;(this.currentAttr = { name: e, value: "" }), (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(0)) - } - _leaveAttrName() { - var e, t - const n = this.currentToken - null === IE(n, this.currentAttr.name) - ? (n.attrs.push(this.currentAttr), - n.location && - this.currentLocation && - (((null !== (e = (t = n.location).attrs) && void 0 !== e ? e : (t.attrs = Object.create(null)))[ - this.currentAttr.name - ] = this.currentLocation), - this._leaveAttrValue())) - : this._err(PE.duplicateAttribute) - } - _leaveAttrValue() { - this.currentLocation && - ((this.currentLocation.endLine = this.preprocessor.line), - (this.currentLocation.endCol = this.preprocessor.col), - (this.currentLocation.endOffset = this.preprocessor.offset)) - } - prepareToken(e) { - this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(e.location), - (this.currentToken = null), - e.location && - ((e.location.endLine = this.preprocessor.line), - (e.location.endCol = this.preprocessor.col + 1), - (e.location.endOffset = this.preprocessor.offset + 1)), - (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(-1)) - } - emitCurrentTagToken() { - const e = this.currentToken - this.prepareToken(e), - (e.tagID = uT(e.tagName)), - e.type === RE.START_TAG - ? ((this.lastStartTagName = e.tagName), this.handler.onStartTag(e)) - : (e.attrs.length > 0 && this._err(PE.endTagWithAttributes), - e.selfClosing && this._err(PE.endTagWithTrailingSolidus), - this.handler.onEndTag(e)), - this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() - } - emitCurrentComment(e) { - this.prepareToken(e), this.handler.onComment(e), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() - } - emitCurrentDoctype(e) { - this.prepareToken(e), this.handler.onDoctype(e), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() - } - _emitCurrentCharacterToken(e) { - if (this.currentCharacterToken) { - switch ( - (e && - this.currentCharacterToken.location && - ((this.currentCharacterToken.location.endLine = e.startLine), - (this.currentCharacterToken.location.endCol = e.startCol), - (this.currentCharacterToken.location.endOffset = e.startOffset)), - this.currentCharacterToken.type) - ) { - case RE.CHARACTER: - this.handler.onCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) - break - case RE.NULL_CHARACTER: - this.handler.onNullCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) - break - case RE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: - this.handler.onWhitespaceCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) - } - this.currentCharacterToken = null - } - } - _emitEOFToken() { - const e = this.getCurrentLocation(0) - e && ((e.endLine = e.startLine), (e.endCol = e.startCol), (e.endOffset = e.startOffset)), - this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(e), - this.handler.onEof({ type: RE.EOF, location: e }), - (this.active = !1) - } - _appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(e, t) { - if (this.currentCharacterToken) { - if (this.currentCharacterToken.type === e) return void (this.currentCharacterToken.chars += t) - ;(this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(0)), - this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(this.currentLocation), - this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() - } - this._createCharacterToken(e, t) - } - _emitCodePoint(e) { - const t = ET(e) ? RE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER : e === xE.NULL ? RE.NULL_CHARACTER : RE.CHARACTER - this._appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(t, String.fromCodePoint(e)) - } - _emitChars(e) { - this._appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(RE.CHARACTER, e) - } - _matchNamedCharacterReference(e) { - let t = null, - n = 0, - r = !1 - for (let o = 0, i = ME[0]; o >= 0 && ((o = cT(ME, i, o + 1, e)), !(o < 0)); e = this._consume()) { - ;(n += 1), (i = ME[o]) - const s = i & zE.VALUE_LENGTH - if (s) { - const i = (s >> 14) - 1 - if ( - (e !== xE.SEMICOLON && - this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() && - ((a = this.preprocessor.peek(1)) === xE.EQUALS_SIGN || xT(a)) - ? ((t = [xE.AMPERSAND]), (o += i)) - : ((t = 0 === i ? [ME[o] & ~zE.VALUE_LENGTH] : 1 === i ? [ME[++o]] : [ME[++o], ME[++o]]), - (n = 0), - (r = e !== xE.SEMICOLON)), - 0 === i) - ) { - this._consume() - break - } - } - } - var a - return ( - this._unconsume(n), - r && !this.preprocessor.endOfChunkHit && this._err(PE.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), - this._unconsume(1), - t - ) - } - _isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() { - return ( - this.returnState === gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED || - this.returnState === gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED || - this.returnState === gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED - ) - } - _flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(e) { - this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() - ? (this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(e)) - : this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - _callState(e) { - switch (this.state) { - case gT.DATA: - this._stateData(e) - break - case gT.RCDATA: - this._stateRcdata(e) - break - case gT.RAWTEXT: - this._stateRawtext(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA: - this._stateScriptData(e) - break - case gT.PLAINTEXT: - this._statePlaintext(e) - break - case gT.TAG_OPEN: - this._stateTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.END_TAG_OPEN: - this._stateEndTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.TAG_NAME: - this._stateTagName(e) - break - case gT.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateRcdataLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN: - this._stateRcdataEndTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME: - this._stateRcdataEndTagName(e) - break - case gT.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateRawtextLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN: - this._stateRawtextEndTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME: - this._stateRawtextEndTagName(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateScriptDataLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN: - this._stateScriptDataEndTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME: - this._stateScriptDataEndTagName(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START: - this._stateScriptDataEscapeStart(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH: - this._stateScriptDataEscapeStartDash(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED: - this._stateScriptDataEscaped(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH: - this._stateScriptDataEscapedDash(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH: - this._stateScriptDataEscapedDashDash(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateScriptDataEscapedLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN: - this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagOpen(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME: - this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagName(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeStart(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedDash(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDash(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END: - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd(e) - break - case gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: - this._stateBeforeAttributeName(e) - break - case gT.ATTRIBUTE_NAME: - this._stateAttributeName(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: - this._stateAfterAttributeName(e) - break - case gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: - this._stateBeforeAttributeValue(e) - break - case gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED: - this._stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED: - this._stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED: - this._stateAttributeValueUnquoted(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED: - this._stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(e) - break - case gT.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG: - this._stateSelfClosingStartTag(e) - break - case gT.BOGUS_COMMENT: - this._stateBogusComment(e) - break - case gT.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN: - this._stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_START: - this._stateCommentStart(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_START_DASH: - this._stateCommentStartDash(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT: - this._stateComment(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._stateCommentLessThanSign(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG: - this._stateCommentLessThanSignBang(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH: - this._stateCommentLessThanSignBangDash(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH: - this._stateCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_END_DASH: - this._stateCommentEndDash(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_END: - this._stateCommentEnd(e) - break - case gT.COMMENT_END_BANG: - this._stateCommentEndBang(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE: - this._stateDoctype(e) - break - case gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME: - this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE_NAME: - this._stateDoctypeName(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME: - this._stateAfterDoctypeName(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD: - this._stateAfterDoctypePublicKeyword(e) - break - case gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: - this._stateBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED: - this._stateDoctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED: - this._stateDoctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: - this._stateAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier(e) - break - case gT.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS: - this._stateBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD: - this._stateAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword(e) - break - case gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: - this._stateBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED: - this._stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED: - this._stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted(e) - break - case gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: - this._stateAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier(e) - break - case gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE: - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - break - case gT.CDATA_SECTION: - this._stateCdataSection(e) - break - case gT.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET: - this._stateCdataSectionBracket(e) - break - case gT.CDATA_SECTION_END: - this._stateCdataSectionEnd(e) - break - case gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE: - this._stateCharacterReference(e) - break - case gT.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: - this._stateNamedCharacterReference(e) - break - case gT.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND: - this._stateAmbiguousAmpersand(e) - break - case gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: - this._stateNumericCharacterReference(e) - break - case gT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START: - this._stateHexademicalCharacterReferenceStart(e) - break - case gT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: - this._stateHexademicalCharacterReference(e) - break - case gT.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: - this._stateDecimalCharacterReference(e) - break - case gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END: - this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(e) - break - default: - throw new Error("Unknown state") - } - } - _stateData(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this.state = gT.TAG_OPEN - break - case xE.AMPERSAND: - ;(this.returnState = gT.DATA), (this.state = gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitCodePoint(e) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateRcdata(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.AMPERSAND: - ;(this.returnState = gT.RCDATA), (this.state = gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - break - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this.state = gT.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateRawtext(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this.state = gT.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateScriptData(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _statePlaintext(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateTagOpen(e) { - if (wT(e)) this._createStartTagToken(), (this.state = gT.TAG_NAME), this._stateTagName(e) - else - switch (e) { - case xE.EXCLAMATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN - break - case xE.SOLIDUS: - this.state = gT.END_TAG_OPEN - break - case xE.QUESTION_MARK: - this._err(PE.unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName), - this._createCommentToken(1), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_COMMENT), - this._stateBogusComment(e) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofBeforeTagName), this._emitChars("<"), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName), - this._emitChars("<"), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - this._stateData(e) - } - } - _stateEndTagOpen(e) { - if (wT(e)) this._createEndTagToken(), (this.state = gT.TAG_NAME), this._stateTagName(e) - else - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingEndTagName), (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofBeforeTagName), this._emitChars("") - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateScriptDataEscapedLessThanSign(e) { - e === xE.SOLIDUS - ? (this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN) - : wT(e) - ? (this._emitChars("<"), - (this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START), - this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeStart(e)) - : (this._emitChars("<"), (this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataEscaped(e)) - } - _stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagOpen(e) { - wT(e) - ? ((this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME), this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagName(e)) - : (this._emitChars("") - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._emitChars(wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSign(e) { - e === xE.SOLIDUS - ? ((this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END), this._emitChars("/")) - : ((this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(e)) - } - _stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd(e) { - if (this.preprocessor.startsWith(EE, !1) && TT(this.preprocessor.peek(6))) { - this._emitCodePoint(e) - for (let e = 0; e < 6; e++) this._emitCodePoint(this._consume()) - this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED - } else - this._ensureHibernation() || - ((this.state = gT.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(e)) - } - _stateBeforeAttributeName(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.SOLIDUS: - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - case xE.EOF: - ;(this.state = gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAfterAttributeName(e) - break - case xE.EQUALS_SIGN: - this._err(PE.unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName), - this._createAttr("="), - (this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_NAME) - break - default: - this._createAttr(""), (this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAttributeName(e) - } - } - _stateAttributeName(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - case xE.SOLIDUS: - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - case xE.EOF: - this._leaveAttrName(), (this.state = gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAfterAttributeName(e) - break - case xE.EQUALS_SIGN: - this._leaveAttrName(), (this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName), (this.currentAttr.name += String.fromCodePoint(e)) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.name += wE) - break - default: - this.currentAttr.name += String.fromCodePoint(OT(e) ? ST(e) : e) - } - } - _stateAfterAttributeName(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.SOLIDUS: - this.state = gT.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG - break - case xE.EQUALS_SIGN: - this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._createAttr(""), (this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAttributeName(e) - } - } - _stateBeforeAttributeValue(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingAttributeValue), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() - break - default: - ;(this.state = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED), this._stateAttributeValueUnquoted(e) - } - } - _stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED - break - case xE.AMPERSAND: - ;(this.returnState = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED), (this.state = gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this.state = gT.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED - break - case xE.AMPERSAND: - ;(this.returnState = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED), (this.state = gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateAttributeValueUnquoted(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) - break - case xE.AMPERSAND: - ;(this.returnState = gT.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED), (this.state = gT.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += wE) - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - case xE.EQUALS_SIGN: - case xE.GRAVE_ACCENT: - this._err(PE.unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue), - (this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(e)) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) - break - case xE.SOLIDUS: - this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = gT.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes), - (this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), - this._stateBeforeAttributeName(e) - } - } - _stateSelfClosingStartTag(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.currentToken.selfClosing = !0), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.unexpectedSolidusInTag), - (this.state = gT.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), - this._stateBeforeAttributeName(e) - } - } - _stateBogusComment(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.data += wE) - break - default: - t.data += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(e) { - this._consumeSequenceIfMatch("--", !0) - ? (this._createCommentToken(3), (this.state = gT.COMMENT_START)) - : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(SE, !1) - ? ((this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(8)), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE)) - : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(_E, !0) - ? this.inForeignNode - ? (this.state = gT.CDATA_SECTION) - : (this._err(PE.cdataInHtmlContent), - this._createCommentToken(8), - (this.currentToken.data = "[CDATA["), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_COMMENT)) - : this._ensureHibernation() || - (this._err(PE.incorrectlyOpenedComment), - this._createCommentToken(2), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_COMMENT), - this._stateBogusComment(e)) - } - _stateCommentStart(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - this.state = gT.COMMENT_START_DASH - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { - this._err(PE.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment), (this.state = gT.DATA) - const e = this.currentToken - this.emitCurrentComment(e) - break - } - default: - ;(this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateCommentStartDash(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - this.state = gT.COMMENT_END - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(t.data += "-"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateComment(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - this.state = gT.COMMENT_END_DASH - break - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - ;(t.data += "<"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.data += wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.data += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateCommentLessThanSign(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.EXCLAMATION_MARK: - ;(t.data += "!"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG) - break - case xE.LESS_THAN_SIGN: - t.data += "<" - break - default: - ;(this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateCommentLessThanSignBang(e) { - e === xE.HYPHEN_MINUS - ? (this.state = gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH) - : ((this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e)) - } - _stateCommentLessThanSignBangDash(e) { - e === xE.HYPHEN_MINUS - ? (this.state = gT.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH) - : ((this.state = gT.COMMENT_END_DASH), this._stateCommentEndDash(e)) - } - _stateCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash(e) { - e !== xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN && e !== xE.EOF && this._err(PE.nestedComment), - (this.state = gT.COMMENT_END), - this._stateCommentEnd(e) - } - _stateCommentEndDash(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - this.state = gT.COMMENT_END - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(t.data += "-"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateCommentEnd(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(t) - break - case xE.EXCLAMATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.COMMENT_END_BANG - break - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - t.data += "-" - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(t.data += "--"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateCommentEndBang(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.HYPHEN_MINUS: - ;(t.data += "--!"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT_END_DASH) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.incorrectlyClosedComment), (this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - ;(t.data += "--!"), (this.state = gT.COMMENT), this._stateComment(e) - } - } - _stateDoctype(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this.state = gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME), this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(e) - break - case xE.EOF: { - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), this._createDoctypeToken(null) - const e = this.currentToken - ;(e.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(e), this._emitEOFToken() - break - } - default: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName), - (this.state = gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME), - this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(e) - } - } - _stateBeforeDoctypeName(e) { - if (OT(e)) this._createDoctypeToken(String.fromCharCode(ST(e))), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_NAME) - else - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._createDoctypeToken(wE), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_NAME) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { - this._err(PE.missingDoctypeName), this._createDoctypeToken(null) - const e = this.currentToken - ;(e.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(e), (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - } - case xE.EOF: { - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), this._createDoctypeToken(null) - const e = this.currentToken - ;(e.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(e), this._emitEOFToken() - break - } - default: - this._createDoctypeToken(String.fromCodePoint(e)), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_NAME) - } - } - _stateDoctypeName(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.name += wE) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.name += String.fromCodePoint(OT(e) ? ST(e) : e) - } - } - _stateAfterDoctypeName(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._consumeSequenceIfMatch("public", !1) - ? (this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD) - : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch("system", !1) - ? (this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD) - : this._ensureHibernation() || - (this._err(PE.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e)) - } - } - _stateAfterDoctypePublicKeyword(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this.state = gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword), - (t.publicId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword), - (t.publicId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - ;(t.publicId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - ;(t.publicId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateDoctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.publicId += wE) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), - (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.publicId += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateDoctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.publicId += wE) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), - (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.publicId += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this.state = gT.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - ;(this.state = gT.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers), - (t.systemId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers), - (t.systemId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - ;(t.systemId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - ;(t.systemId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - this.state = gT.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword), - (t.systemId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this._err(PE.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword), - (t.systemId = ""), - (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - ;(t.systemId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - ;(t.systemId = ""), (this.state = gT.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.DATA), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.QUOTATION_MARK: - this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.systemId += wE) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), - (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.systemId += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.APOSTROPHE: - this.state = gT.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter), (t.systemId += wE) - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this._err(PE.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (t.forceQuirks = !0), - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), - (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - t.systemId += String.fromCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.SPACE: - case xE.LINE_FEED: - case xE.TABULATION: - case xE.FORM_FEED: - break - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInDoctype), (t.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._err(PE.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier), - (this.state = gT.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), - this._stateBogusDoctype(e) - } - } - _stateBogusDoctype(e) { - const t = this.currentToken - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), (this.state = gT.DATA) - break - case xE.NULL: - this._err(PE.unexpectedNullCharacter) - break - case xE.EOF: - this.emitCurrentDoctype(t), this._emitEOFToken() - } - } - _stateCdataSection(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: - this.state = gT.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET - break - case xE.EOF: - this._err(PE.eofInCdata), this._emitEOFToken() - break - default: - this._emitCodePoint(e) - } - } - _stateCdataSectionBracket(e) { - e === xE.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET - ? (this.state = gT.CDATA_SECTION_END) - : (this._emitChars("]"), (this.state = gT.CDATA_SECTION), this._stateCdataSection(e)) - } - _stateCdataSectionEnd(e) { - switch (e) { - case xE.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: - this.state = gT.DATA - break - case xE.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: - this._emitChars("]") - break - default: - this._emitChars("]]"), (this.state = gT.CDATA_SECTION), this._stateCdataSection(e) - } - } - _stateCharacterReference(e) { - e === xE.NUMBER_SIGN - ? (this.state = gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE) - : xT(e) - ? ((this.state = gT.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateNamedCharacterReference(e)) - : (this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.AMPERSAND), - this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, e)) - } - _stateNamedCharacterReference(e) { - const t = this._matchNamedCharacterReference(e) - if (this._ensureHibernation()); - else if (t) { - for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(t[e]) - this.state = this.returnState - } else this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.AMPERSAND), (this.state = gT.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND) - } - _stateAmbiguousAmpersand(e) { - xT(e) - ? this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(e) - : (e === xE.SEMICOLON && this._err(PE.unknownNamedCharacterReference), - this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, e)) - } - _stateNumericCharacterReference(e) { - ;(this.charRefCode = 0), - e === xE.LATIN_SMALL_X || e === xE.LATIN_CAPITAL_X - ? (this.state = gT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START) - : yT(e) - ? ((this.state = gT.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateDecimalCharacterReference(e)) - : (this._err(PE.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference), - this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.AMPERSAND), - this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.NUMBER_SIGN), - this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, e)) - } - _stateHexademicalCharacterReferenceStart(e) { - !(function (e) { - return yT(e) || kT(e) || _T(e) - })(e) - ? (this._err(PE.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference), - this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.AMPERSAND), - this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(xE.NUMBER_SIGN), - this._unconsume(2), - (this.state = this.returnState)) - : ((this.state = gT.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateHexademicalCharacterReference(e)) - } - _stateHexademicalCharacterReference(e) { - kT(e) - ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 55) - : _T(e) - ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 87) - : yT(e) - ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 48) - : e === xE.SEMICOLON - ? (this.state = gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END) - : (this._err(PE.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), - (this.state = gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END), - this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(e)) - } - _stateDecimalCharacterReference(e) { - yT(e) - ? (this.charRefCode = 10 * this.charRefCode + e - 48) - : e === xE.SEMICOLON - ? (this.state = gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END) - : (this._err(PE.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), - (this.state = gT.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END), - this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(e)) - } - _stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(e) { - if (this.charRefCode === xE.NULL) - this._err(PE.nullCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = xE.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) - else if (this.charRefCode > 1114111) - this._err(PE.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange), (this.charRefCode = xE.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) - else if (TE(this.charRefCode)) - this._err(PE.surrogateCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = xE.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) - else if (CE(this.charRefCode)) this._err(PE.noncharacterCharacterReference) - else if (AE(this.charRefCode) || this.charRefCode === xE.CARRIAGE_RETURN) { - this._err(PE.controlCharacterReference) - const e = mT.get(this.charRefCode) - void 0 !== e && (this.charRefCode = e) - } - this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(this.charRefCode), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, e) - } - } - const CT = new Set([rT.DD, rT.DT, rT.LI, rT.OPTGROUP, rT.OPTION, rT.P, rT.RB, rT.RP, rT.RT, rT.RTC]), - PT = new Set([...CT, rT.CAPTION, rT.COLGROUP, rT.TBODY, rT.TD, rT.TFOOT, rT.TH, rT.THEAD, rT.TR]), - DT = new Map([ - [rT.APPLET, XE.HTML], - [rT.CAPTION, XE.HTML], - [rT.HTML, XE.HTML], - [rT.MARQUEE, XE.HTML], - [rT.OBJECT, XE.HTML], - [rT.TABLE, XE.HTML], - [rT.TD, XE.HTML], - [rT.TEMPLATE, XE.HTML], - [rT.TH, XE.HTML], - [rT.ANNOTATION_XML, XE.MATHML], - [rT.MI, XE.MATHML], - [rT.MN, XE.MATHML], - [rT.MO, XE.MATHML], - [rT.MS, XE.MATHML], - [rT.MTEXT, XE.MATHML], - [rT.DESC, XE.SVG], - [rT.FOREIGN_OBJECT, XE.SVG], - [rT.TITLE, XE.SVG], - ]), - RT = [rT.H1, rT.H2, rT.H3, rT.H4, rT.H5, rT.H6], - NT = [rT.TR, rT.TEMPLATE, rT.HTML], - $T = [rT.TBODY, rT.TFOOT, rT.THEAD, rT.TEMPLATE, rT.HTML], - IT = [rT.TABLE, rT.TEMPLATE, rT.HTML], - MT = [rT.TD, rT.TH] - class LT { - get currentTmplContentOrNode() { - return this._isInTemplate() ? this.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(this.current) : this.current - } - constructor(e, t, n) { - ;(this.treeAdapter = t), - (this.handler = n), - (this.items = []), - (this.tagIDs = []), - (this.stackTop = -1), - (this.tmplCount = 0), - (this.currentTagId = rT.UNKNOWN), - (this.current = e) - } - _indexOf(e) { - return this.items.lastIndexOf(e, this.stackTop) - } - _isInTemplate() { - return this.currentTagId === rT.TEMPLATE && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.current) === XE.HTML - } - _updateCurrentElement() { - ;(this.current = this.items[this.stackTop]), (this.currentTagId = this.tagIDs[this.stackTop]) - } - push(e, t) { - this.stackTop++, - (this.items[this.stackTop] = e), - (this.current = e), - (this.tagIDs[this.stackTop] = t), - (this.currentTagId = t), - this._isInTemplate() && this.tmplCount++, - this.handler.onItemPush(e, t, !0) - } - pop() { - const e = this.current - this.tmplCount > 0 && this._isInTemplate() && this.tmplCount--, - this.stackTop--, - this._updateCurrentElement(), - this.handler.onItemPop(e, !0) - } - replace(e, t) { - const n = this._indexOf(e) - ;(this.items[n] = t), n === this.stackTop && (this.current = t) - } - insertAfter(e, t, n) { - const r = this._indexOf(e) + 1 - this.items.splice(r, 0, t), - this.tagIDs.splice(r, 0, n), - this.stackTop++, - r === this.stackTop && this._updateCurrentElement(), - this.handler.onItemPush(this.current, this.currentTagId, r === this.stackTop) - } - popUntilTagNamePopped(e) { - let t = this.stackTop + 1 - do { - t = this.tagIDs.lastIndexOf(e, t - 1) - } while (t > 0 && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) !== XE.HTML) - this.shortenToLength(t < 0 ? 0 : t) - } - shortenToLength(e) { - for (; this.stackTop >= e; ) { - const t = this.current - this.tmplCount > 0 && this._isInTemplate() && (this.tmplCount -= 1), - this.stackTop--, - this._updateCurrentElement(), - this.handler.onItemPop(t, this.stackTop < e) - } - } - popUntilElementPopped(e) { - const t = this._indexOf(e) - this.shortenToLength(t < 0 ? 0 : t) - } - popUntilPopped(e, t) { - const n = this._indexOfTagNames(e, t) - this.shortenToLength(n < 0 ? 0 : n) - } - popUntilNumberedHeaderPopped() { - this.popUntilPopped(RT, XE.HTML) - } - popUntilTableCellPopped() { - this.popUntilPopped(MT, XE.HTML) - } - popAllUpToHtmlElement() { - ;(this.tmplCount = 0), this.shortenToLength(1) - } - _indexOfTagNames(e, t) { - for (let n = this.stackTop; n >= 0; n--) - if (e.includes(this.tagIDs[n]) && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[n]) === t) return n - return -1 - } - clearBackTo(e, t) { - const n = this._indexOfTagNames(e, t) - this.shortenToLength(n + 1) - } - clearBackToTableContext() { - this.clearBackTo(IT, XE.HTML) - } - clearBackToTableBodyContext() { - this.clearBackTo($T, XE.HTML) - } - clearBackToTableRowContext() { - this.clearBackTo(NT, XE.HTML) - } - remove(e) { - const t = this._indexOf(e) - t >= 0 && - (t === this.stackTop - ? this.pop() - : (this.items.splice(t, 1), - this.tagIDs.splice(t, 1), - this.stackTop--, - this._updateCurrentElement(), - this.handler.onItemPop(e, !1))) - } - tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() { - return this.stackTop >= 1 && this.tagIDs[1] === rT.BODY ? this.items[1] : null - } - contains(e) { - return this._indexOf(e) > -1 - } - getCommonAncestor(e) { - const t = this._indexOf(e) - 1 - return t >= 0 ? this.items[t] : null - } - isRootHtmlElementCurrent() { - return 0 === this.stackTop && this.tagIDs[0] === rT.HTML - } - hasInScope(e) { - for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const n = this.tagIDs[t], - r = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) - if (n === e && r === XE.HTML) return !0 - if (DT.get(n) === r) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - hasNumberedHeaderInScope() { - for (let e = this.stackTop; e >= 0; e--) { - const t = this.tagIDs[e], - n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[e]) - if (fT(t) && n === XE.HTML) return !0 - if (DT.get(t) === n) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - hasInListItemScope(e) { - for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const n = this.tagIDs[t], - r = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) - if (n === e && r === XE.HTML) return !0 - if (((n === rT.UL || n === rT.OL) && r === XE.HTML) || DT.get(n) === r) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - hasInButtonScope(e) { - for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const n = this.tagIDs[t], - r = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) - if (n === e && r === XE.HTML) return !0 - if ((n === rT.BUTTON && r === XE.HTML) || DT.get(n) === r) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - hasInTableScope(e) { - for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const n = this.tagIDs[t] - if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) === XE.HTML) { - if (n === e) return !0 - if (n === rT.TABLE || n === rT.TEMPLATE || n === rT.HTML) return !1 - } - } - return !0 - } - hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() { - for (let e = this.stackTop; e >= 0; e--) { - const t = this.tagIDs[e] - if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[e]) === XE.HTML) { - if (t === rT.TBODY || t === rT.THEAD || t === rT.TFOOT) return !0 - if (t === rT.TABLE || t === rT.HTML) return !1 - } - } - return !0 - } - hasInSelectScope(e) { - for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const n = this.tagIDs[t] - if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) === XE.HTML) { - if (n === e) return !0 - if (n !== rT.OPTION && n !== rT.OPTGROUP) return !1 - } - } - return !0 - } - generateImpliedEndTags() { - for (; CT.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() - } - generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly() { - for (; PT.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() - } - generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(e) { - for (; this.currentTagId !== e && PT.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() - } - } - var QT, BT - ;((BT = QT = QT || (QT = {}))[(BT.Marker = 0)] = "Marker"), (BT[(BT.Element = 1)] = "Element") - const jT = { type: QT.Marker } - class UT { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.treeAdapter = e), (this.entries = []), (this.bookmark = null) - } - _getNoahArkConditionCandidates(e, t) { - const n = [], - r = t.length, - a = this.treeAdapter.getTagName(e), - o = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e) - for (let e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++) { - const t = this.entries[e] - if (t.type === QT.Marker) break - const { element: i } = t - if (this.treeAdapter.getTagName(i) === a && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(i) === o) { - const t = this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(i) - t.length === r && n.push({ idx: e, attrs: t }) - } - } - return n - } - _ensureNoahArkCondition(e) { - if (this.entries.length < 3) return - const t = this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(e), - n = this._getNoahArkConditionCandidates(e, t) - if (n.length < 3) return - const r = new Map(t.map((e) => [e.name, e.value])) - let a = 0 - for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { - const t = n[e] - t.attrs.every((e) => r.get(e.name) === e.value) && ((a += 1), a >= 3 && this.entries.splice(t.idx, 1)) - } - } - insertMarker() { - this.entries.unshift(jT) - } - pushElement(e, t) { - this._ensureNoahArkCondition(e), this.entries.unshift({ type: QT.Element, element: e, token: t }) - } - insertElementAfterBookmark(e, t) { - const n = this.entries.indexOf(this.bookmark) - this.entries.splice(n, 0, { type: QT.Element, element: e, token: t }) - } - removeEntry(e) { - const t = this.entries.indexOf(e) - t >= 0 && this.entries.splice(t, 1) - } - clearToLastMarker() { - const e = this.entries.indexOf(jT) - e >= 0 ? this.entries.splice(0, e + 1) : (this.entries.length = 0) - } - getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(e) { - const t = this.entries.find((t) => t.type === QT.Marker || this.treeAdapter.getTagName(t.element) === e) - return t && t.type === QT.Element ? t : null - } - getElementEntry(e) { - return this.entries.find((t) => t.type === QT.Element && t.element === e) - } - } - function FT(e) { - return { nodeName: "#text", value: e, parentNode: null } - } - const zT = { - createDocument: () => ({ nodeName: "#document", mode: JE.NO_QUIRKS, childNodes: [] }), - createDocumentFragment: () => ({ nodeName: "#document-fragment", childNodes: [] }), - createElement: (e, t, n) => ({ - nodeName: e, - tagName: e, - attrs: n, - namespaceURI: t, - childNodes: [], - parentNode: null, - }), - createCommentNode: (e) => ({ nodeName: "#comment", data: e, parentNode: null }), - appendChild(e, t) { - e.childNodes.push(t), (t.parentNode = e) - }, - insertBefore(e, t, n) { - const r = e.childNodes.indexOf(n) - e.childNodes.splice(r, 0, t), (t.parentNode = e) - }, - setTemplateContent(e, t) { - e.content = t - }, - getTemplateContent: (e) => e.content, - setDocumentType(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.childNodes.find((e) => "#documentType" === e.nodeName) - if (a) (a.name = t), (a.publicId = n), (a.systemId = r) - else { - const a = { nodeName: "#documentType", name: t, publicId: n, systemId: r, parentNode: null } - zT.appendChild(e, a) - } - }, - setDocumentMode(e, t) { - e.mode = t - }, - getDocumentMode: (e) => e.mode, - detachNode(e) { - if (e.parentNode) { - const t = e.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(e) - e.parentNode.childNodes.splice(t, 1), (e.parentNode = null) - } - }, - insertText(e, t) { - if (e.childNodes.length > 0) { - const n = e.childNodes[e.childNodes.length - 1] - if (zT.isTextNode(n)) return void (n.value += t) - } - zT.appendChild(e, FT(t)) - }, - insertTextBefore(e, t, n) { - const r = e.childNodes[e.childNodes.indexOf(n) - 1] - r && zT.isTextNode(r) ? (r.value += t) : zT.insertBefore(e, FT(t), n) - }, - adoptAttributes(e, t) { - const n = new Set(e.attrs.map((e) => e.name)) - for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) n.has(t[r].name) || e.attrs.push(t[r]) - }, - getFirstChild: (e) => e.childNodes[0], - getChildNodes: (e) => e.childNodes, - getParentNode: (e) => e.parentNode, - getAttrList: (e) => e.attrs, - getTagName: (e) => e.tagName, - getNamespaceURI: (e) => e.namespaceURI, - getTextNodeContent: (e) => e.value, - getCommentNodeContent: (e) => e.data, - getDocumentTypeNodeName: (e) => e.name, - getDocumentTypeNodePublicId: (e) => e.publicId, - getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId: (e) => e.systemId, - isTextNode: (e) => "#text" === e.nodeName, - isCommentNode: (e) => "#comment" === e.nodeName, - isDocumentTypeNode: (e) => "#documentType" === e.nodeName, - isElementNode: (e) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "tagName"), - setNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, t) { - e.sourceCodeLocation = t - }, - getNodeSourceCodeLocation: (e) => e.sourceCodeLocation, - updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, t) { - e.sourceCodeLocation = { ...e.sourceCodeLocation, ...t } - }, - }, - qT = "html", - ZT = [ - "+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//", - "-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//", - "-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 1//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//", - "-//ietf//dtd html 3//", - "-//ietf//dtd html level 0//", - "-//ietf//dtd html level 1//", - "-//ietf//dtd html level 2//", - "-//ietf//dtd html level 3//", - "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//", - "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//", - "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//", - "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//", - "-//ietf//dtd html strict//", - "-//ietf//dtd html//", - "-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 tables//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//", - "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 tables//", - "-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd html//", - "-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd strict html//", - "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html 2.0//", - "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended 1.0//", - "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended relaxed 1.0//", - "-//sq//dtd html 2.0 hotmetal + extensions//", - "-//softquad software//dtd hotmetal pro 6.0::19990601::extensions to html 4.0//", - "-//softquad//dtd hotmetal pro 4.0::19971010::extensions to html 4.0//", - "-//spyglass//dtd html 2.0 extended//", - "-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava html//", - "-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava strict html//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 3 1995-03-24//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 draft//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 frameset//", - "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//", - "-//w3c//dtd html experimental 19960712//", - "-//w3c//dtd html experimental 970421//", - "-//w3c//dtd w3 html//", - "-//w3o//dtd w3 html 3.0//", - "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//", - "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//", - ], - HT = [...ZT, "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//", "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//"], - VT = new Set(["-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//", "-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en", "html"]), - WT = ["-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//", "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//"], - XT = [...WT, "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//", "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//"] - function YT(e, t) { - return t.some((t) => e.startsWith(t)) - } - const GT = "text/html", - KT = "application/xhtml+xml", - JT = "definitionurl", - eA = "definitionURL", - tA = new Map( - [ - "attributeName", - "attributeType", - "baseFrequency", - "baseProfile", - "calcMode", - "clipPathUnits", - "diffuseConstant", - "edgeMode", - "filterUnits", - "glyphRef", - "gradientTransform", - "gradientUnits", - "kernelMatrix", - "kernelUnitLength", - "keyPoints", - "keySplines", - "keyTimes", - "lengthAdjust", - "limitingConeAngle", - "markerHeight", - "markerUnits", - "markerWidth", - "maskContentUnits", - "maskUnits", - "numOctaves", - "pathLength", - "patternContentUnits", - "patternTransform", - "patternUnits", - "pointsAtX", - "pointsAtY", - "pointsAtZ", - "preserveAlpha", - "preserveAspectRatio", - "primitiveUnits", - "refX", - "refY", - "repeatCount", - "repeatDur", - "requiredExtensions", - "requiredFeatures", - "specularConstant", - "specularExponent", - "spreadMethod", - "startOffset", - "stdDeviation", - "stitchTiles", - "surfaceScale", - "systemLanguage", - "tableValues", - "targetX", - "targetY", - "textLength", - "viewBox", - "viewTarget", - "xChannelSelector", - "yChannelSelector", - "zoomAndPan", - ].map((e) => [e.toLowerCase(), e]), - ), - nA = new Map([ - ["xlink:actuate", { prefix: "xlink", name: "actuate", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:arcrole", { prefix: "xlink", name: "arcrole", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:href", { prefix: "xlink", name: "href", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:role", { prefix: "xlink", name: "role", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:show", { prefix: "xlink", name: "show", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:title", { prefix: "xlink", name: "title", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xlink:type", { prefix: "xlink", name: "type", namespace: XE.XLINK }], - ["xml:base", { prefix: "xml", name: "base", namespace: XE.XML }], - ["xml:lang", { prefix: "xml", name: "lang", namespace: XE.XML }], - ["xml:space", { prefix: "xml", name: "space", namespace: XE.XML }], - ["xmlns", { prefix: "", name: "xmlns", namespace: XE.XMLNS }], - ["xmlns:xlink", { prefix: "xmlns", name: "xlink", namespace: XE.XMLNS }], - ]), - rA = new Map( - [ - "altGlyph", - "altGlyphDef", - "altGlyphItem", - "animateColor", - "animateMotion", - "animateTransform", - "clipPath", - "feBlend", - "feColorMatrix", - "feComponentTransfer", - "feComposite", - "feConvolveMatrix", - "feDiffuseLighting", - "feDisplacementMap", - "feDistantLight", - "feFlood", - "feFuncA", - "feFuncB", - "feFuncG", - "feFuncR", - "feGaussianBlur", - "feImage", - "feMerge", - "feMergeNode", - "feMorphology", - "feOffset", - "fePointLight", - "feSpecularLighting", - "feSpotLight", - "feTile", - "feTurbulence", - "foreignObject", - "glyphRef", - "linearGradient", - "radialGradient", - "textPath", - ].map((e) => [e.toLowerCase(), e]), - ), - aA = new Set([ - rT.B, - rT.BIG, - rT.BLOCKQUOTE, - rT.BODY, - rT.BR, - rT.CENTER, - rT.CODE, - rT.DD, - rT.DIV, - rT.DL, - rT.DT, - rT.EM, - rT.EMBED, - rT.H1, - rT.H2, - rT.H3, - rT.H4, - rT.H5, - rT.H6, - rT.HEAD, - rT.HR, - rT.I, - rT.IMG, - rT.LI, - rT.LISTING, - rT.MENU, - rT.META, - rT.NOBR, - rT.OL, - rT.P, - rT.PRE, - rT.RUBY, - rT.S, - rT.SMALL, - rT.SPAN, - rT.STRONG, - rT.STRIKE, - rT.SUB, - rT.SUP, - rT.TABLE, - rT.TT, - rT.U, - rT.UL, - rT.VAR, - ]) - function oA(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) - if (e.attrs[t].name === JT) { - e.attrs[t].name = eA - break - } - } - function iA(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) { - const n = tA.get(e.attrs[t].name) - null != n && (e.attrs[t].name = n) - } - } - function sA(e) { - for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) { - const n = nA.get(e.attrs[t].name) - n && ((e.attrs[t].prefix = n.prefix), (e.attrs[t].name = n.name), (e.attrs[t].namespace = n.namespace)) - } - } - const lA = "hidden", - cA = 8, - dA = 3 - var uA, pA - ;((pA = uA || (uA = {}))[(pA.INITIAL = 0)] = "INITIAL"), - (pA[(pA.BEFORE_HTML = 1)] = "BEFORE_HTML"), - (pA[(pA.BEFORE_HEAD = 2)] = "BEFORE_HEAD"), - (pA[(pA.IN_HEAD = 3)] = "IN_HEAD"), - (pA[(pA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT = 4)] = "IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT"), - (pA[(pA.AFTER_HEAD = 5)] = "AFTER_HEAD"), - (pA[(pA.IN_BODY = 6)] = "IN_BODY"), - (pA[(pA.TEXT = 7)] = "TEXT"), - (pA[(pA.IN_TABLE = 8)] = "IN_TABLE"), - (pA[(pA.IN_TABLE_TEXT = 9)] = "IN_TABLE_TEXT"), - (pA[(pA.IN_CAPTION = 10)] = "IN_CAPTION"), - (pA[(pA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP = 11)] = "IN_COLUMN_GROUP"), - (pA[(pA.IN_TABLE_BODY = 12)] = "IN_TABLE_BODY"), - (pA[(pA.IN_ROW = 13)] = "IN_ROW"), - (pA[(pA.IN_CELL = 14)] = "IN_CELL"), - (pA[(pA.IN_SELECT = 15)] = "IN_SELECT"), - (pA[(pA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE = 16)] = "IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE"), - (pA[(pA.IN_TEMPLATE = 17)] = "IN_TEMPLATE"), - (pA[(pA.AFTER_BODY = 18)] = "AFTER_BODY"), - (pA[(pA.IN_FRAMESET = 19)] = "IN_FRAMESET"), - (pA[(pA.AFTER_FRAMESET = 20)] = "AFTER_FRAMESET"), - (pA[(pA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY = 21)] = "AFTER_AFTER_BODY"), - (pA[(pA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET = 22)] = "AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET") - const hA = { startLine: -1, startCol: -1, startOffset: -1, endLine: -1, endCol: -1, endOffset: -1 }, - fA = new Set([rT.TABLE, rT.TBODY, rT.TFOOT, rT.THEAD, rT.TR]), - mA = { scriptingEnabled: !0, sourceCodeLocationInfo: !1, treeAdapter: zT, onParseError: null } - let gA = class { - constructor(e, t, n = null, r = null) { - ;(this.fragmentContext = n), - (this.scriptHandler = r), - (this.currentToken = null), - (this.stopped = !1), - (this.insertionMode = uA.INITIAL), - (this.originalInsertionMode = uA.INITIAL), - (this.headElement = null), - (this.formElement = null), - (this.currentNotInHTML = !1), - (this.tmplInsertionModeStack = []), - (this.pendingCharacterTokens = []), - (this.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !1), - (this.framesetOk = !0), - (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), - (this.fosterParentingEnabled = !1), - (this.options = { ...mA, ...e }), - (this.treeAdapter = this.options.treeAdapter), - (this.onParseError = this.options.onParseError), - this.onParseError && (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo = !0), - (this.document = null != t ? t : this.treeAdapter.createDocument()), - (this.tokenizer = new AT(this.options, this)), - (this.activeFormattingElements = new UT(this.treeAdapter)), - (this.fragmentContextID = n ? uT(this.treeAdapter.getTagName(n)) : rT.UNKNOWN), - this._setContextModes(null != n ? n : this.document, this.fragmentContextID), - (this.openElements = new LT(this.document, this.treeAdapter, this)) - } - static parse(e, t) { - const n = new this(t) - return n.tokenizer.write(e, !0), n.document - } - static getFragmentParser(e, t) { - const n = { ...mA, ...t } - null != e || (e = n.treeAdapter.createElement(tT.TEMPLATE, XE.HTML, [])) - const r = n.treeAdapter.createElement("documentmock", XE.HTML, []), - a = new this(n, r, e) - return ( - a.fragmentContextID === rT.TEMPLATE && a.tmplInsertionModeStack.unshift(uA.IN_TEMPLATE), - a._initTokenizerForFragmentParsing(), - a._insertFakeRootElement(), - a._resetInsertionMode(), - a._findFormInFragmentContext(), - a - ) - } - getFragment() { - const e = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(this.document), - t = this.treeAdapter.createDocumentFragment() - return this._adoptNodes(e, t), t - } - _err(e, t, n) { - var r - if (!this.onParseError) return - const a = null !== (r = e.location) && void 0 !== r ? r : hA, - o = { - code: t, - startLine: a.startLine, - startCol: a.startCol, - startOffset: a.startOffset, - endLine: n ? a.startLine : a.endLine, - endCol: n ? a.startCol : a.endCol, - endOffset: n ? a.startOffset : a.endOffset, - } - this.onParseError(o) - } - onItemPush(e, t, n) { - var r, a - null === (a = (r = this.treeAdapter).onItemPush) || void 0 === a || a.call(r, e), - n && this.openElements.stackTop > 0 && this._setContextModes(e, t) - } - onItemPop(e, t) { - var n, r - if ( - (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this._setEndLocation(e, this.currentToken), - null === (r = (n = this.treeAdapter).onItemPop) || void 0 === r || r.call(n, e, this.openElements.current), - t) - ) { - let e, t - 0 === this.openElements.stackTop && this.fragmentContext - ? ((e = this.fragmentContext), (t = this.fragmentContextID)) - : ({ current: e, currentTagId: t } = this.openElements), - this._setContextModes(e, t) - } - } - _setContextModes(e, t) { - const n = e === this.document || this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e) === XE.HTML - ;(this.currentNotInHTML = !n), (this.tokenizer.inForeignNode = !n && !this._isIntegrationPoint(t, e)) - } - _switchToTextParsing(e, t) { - this._insertElement(e, XE.HTML), - (this.tokenizer.state = t), - (this.originalInsertionMode = this.insertionMode), - (this.insertionMode = uA.TEXT) - } - switchToPlaintextParsing() { - ;(this.insertionMode = uA.TEXT), - (this.originalInsertionMode = uA.IN_BODY), - (this.tokenizer.state = vT.PLAINTEXT) - } - _getAdjustedCurrentElement() { - return 0 === this.openElements.stackTop && this.fragmentContext - ? this.fragmentContext - : this.openElements.current - } - _findFormInFragmentContext() { - let e = this.fragmentContext - for (; e; ) { - if (this.treeAdapter.getTagName(e) === tT.FORM) { - this.formElement = e - break - } - e = this.treeAdapter.getParentNode(e) - } - } - _initTokenizerForFragmentParsing() { - if (this.fragmentContext && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.fragmentContext) === XE.HTML) - switch (this.fragmentContextID) { - case rT.TITLE: - case rT.TEXTAREA: - this.tokenizer.state = vT.RCDATA - break - case rT.STYLE: - case rT.XMP: - case rT.IFRAME: - case rT.NOEMBED: - case rT.NOFRAMES: - case rT.NOSCRIPT: - this.tokenizer.state = vT.RAWTEXT - break - case rT.SCRIPT: - this.tokenizer.state = vT.SCRIPT_DATA - break - case rT.PLAINTEXT: - this.tokenizer.state = vT.PLAINTEXT - } - } - _setDocumentType(e) { - const t = e.name || "", - n = e.publicId || "", - r = e.systemId || "" - if ((this.treeAdapter.setDocumentType(this.document, t, n, r), e.location)) { - const t = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(this.document).find((e) => this.treeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode(e)) - t && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(t, e.location) - } - } - _attachElementToTree(e, t) { - if (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo) { - const n = t && { ...t, startTag: t } - this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, n) - } - if (this._shouldFosterParentOnInsertion()) this._fosterParentElement(e) - else { - const t = this.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode - this.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, e) - } - } - _appendElement(e, t) { - const n = this.treeAdapter.createElement(e.tagName, t, e.attrs) - this._attachElementToTree(n, e.location) - } - _insertElement(e, t) { - const n = this.treeAdapter.createElement(e.tagName, t, e.attrs) - this._attachElementToTree(n, e.location), this.openElements.push(n, e.tagID) - } - _insertFakeElement(e, t) { - const n = this.treeAdapter.createElement(e, XE.HTML, []) - this._attachElementToTree(n, null), this.openElements.push(n, t) - } - _insertTemplate(e) { - const t = this.treeAdapter.createElement(e.tagName, XE.HTML, e.attrs), - n = this.treeAdapter.createDocumentFragment() - this.treeAdapter.setTemplateContent(t, n), - this._attachElementToTree(t, e.location), - this.openElements.push(t, e.tagID), - this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(n, null) - } - _insertFakeRootElement() { - const e = this.treeAdapter.createElement(tT.HTML, XE.HTML, []) - this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, null), - this.treeAdapter.appendChild(this.openElements.current, e), - this.openElements.push(e, rT.HTML) - } - _appendCommentNode(e, t) { - const n = this.treeAdapter.createCommentNode(e.data) - this.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, n), - this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(n, e.location) - } - _insertCharacters(e) { - let t, n - if ( - (this._shouldFosterParentOnInsertion() - ? (({ parent: t, beforeElement: n } = this._findFosterParentingLocation()), - n ? this.treeAdapter.insertTextBefore(t, e.chars, n) : this.treeAdapter.insertText(t, e.chars)) - : ((t = this.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode), this.treeAdapter.insertText(t, e.chars)), - !e.location) - ) - return - const r = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(t), - a = n ? r.lastIndexOf(n) : r.length, - o = r[a - 1] - if (this.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(o)) { - const { endLine: t, endCol: n, endOffset: r } = e.location - this.treeAdapter.updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(o, { endLine: t, endCol: n, endOffset: r }) - } else this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(o, e.location) - } - _adoptNodes(e, t) { - for (let n = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(e); n; n = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(e)) - this.treeAdapter.detachNode(n), this.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, n) - } - _setEndLocation(e, t) { - if (this.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(e) && t.location) { - const n = t.location, - r = this.treeAdapter.getTagName(e), - a = - t.type === RE.END_TAG && r === t.tagName - ? { endTag: { ...n }, endLine: n.endLine, endCol: n.endCol, endOffset: n.endOffset } - : { endLine: n.startLine, endCol: n.startCol, endOffset: n.startOffset } - this.treeAdapter.updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, a) - } - } - shouldProcessStartTagTokenInForeignContent(e) { - if (!this.currentNotInHTML) return !1 - let t, n - return ( - 0 === this.openElements.stackTop && this.fragmentContext - ? ((t = this.fragmentContext), (n = this.fragmentContextID)) - : ({ current: t, currentTagId: n } = this.openElements), - (e.tagID !== rT.SVG || - this.treeAdapter.getTagName(t) !== tT.ANNOTATION_XML || - this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) !== XE.MATHML) && - (this.tokenizer.inForeignNode || - ((e.tagID === rT.MGLYPH || e.tagID === rT.MALIGNMARK) && !this._isIntegrationPoint(n, t, XE.HTML))) - ) - } - _processToken(e) { - switch (e.type) { - case RE.CHARACTER: - this.onCharacter(e) - break - case RE.NULL_CHARACTER: - this.onNullCharacter(e) - break - case RE.COMMENT: - this.onComment(e) - break - case RE.DOCTYPE: - this.onDoctype(e) - break - case RE.START_TAG: - this._processStartTag(e) - break - case RE.END_TAG: - this.onEndTag(e) - break - case RE.EOF: - this.onEof(e) - break - case RE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: - this.onWhitespaceCharacter(e) - } - } - _isIntegrationPoint(e, t, n) { - return (function (e, t, n, r) { - return ( - ((!r || r === XE.HTML) && - (function (e, t, n) { - if (t === XE.MATHML && e === rT.ANNOTATION_XML) - for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) - if (n[e].name === GE.ENCODING) { - const t = n[e].value.toLowerCase() - return t === GT || t === KT - } - return t === XE.SVG && (e === rT.FOREIGN_OBJECT || e === rT.DESC || e === rT.TITLE) - })(e, t, n)) || - ((!r || r === XE.MATHML) && - (function (e, t) { - return t === XE.MATHML && (e === rT.MI || e === rT.MO || e === rT.MN || e === rT.MS || e === rT.MTEXT) - })(e, t)) - ) - })(e, this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t), this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(t), n) - } - _reconstructActiveFormattingElements() { - const e = this.activeFormattingElements.entries.length - if (e) { - const t = this.activeFormattingElements.entries.findIndex( - (e) => e.type === QT.Marker || this.openElements.contains(e.element), - ) - for (let n = t < 0 ? e - 1 : t - 1; n >= 0; n--) { - const e = this.activeFormattingElements.entries[n] - this._insertElement(e.token, this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e.element)), - (e.element = this.openElements.current) - } - } - } - _closeTableCell() { - this.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - this.openElements.popUntilTableCellPopped(), - this.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW) - } - _closePElement() { - this.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(rT.P), this.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.P) - } - _resetInsertionMode() { - for (let e = this.openElements.stackTop; e >= 0; e--) - switch (0 === e && this.fragmentContext ? this.fragmentContextID : this.openElements.tagIDs[e]) { - case rT.TR: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW) - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.TFOOT: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY) - case rT.CAPTION: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_CAPTION) - case rT.COLGROUP: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP) - case rT.TABLE: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE) - case rT.BODY: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY) - case rT.FRAMESET: - return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_FRAMESET) - case rT.SELECT: - return void this._resetInsertionModeForSelect(e) - case rT.TEMPLATE: - return void (this.insertionMode = this.tmplInsertionModeStack[0]) - case rT.HTML: - return void (this.insertionMode = this.headElement ? uA.AFTER_HEAD : uA.BEFORE_HEAD) - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - if (e > 0) return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_CELL) - break - case rT.HEAD: - if (e > 0) return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD) - } - this.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY - } - _resetInsertionModeForSelect(e) { - if (e > 0) - for (let t = e - 1; t > 0; t--) { - const e = this.openElements.tagIDs[t] - if (e === rT.TEMPLATE) break - if (e === rT.TABLE) return void (this.insertionMode = uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE) - } - this.insertionMode = uA.IN_SELECT - } - _isElementCausesFosterParenting(e) { - return fA.has(e) - } - _shouldFosterParentOnInsertion() { - return this.fosterParentingEnabled && this._isElementCausesFosterParenting(this.openElements.currentTagId) - } - _findFosterParentingLocation() { - for (let e = this.openElements.stackTop; e >= 0; e--) { - const t = this.openElements.items[e] - switch (this.openElements.tagIDs[e]) { - case rT.TEMPLATE: - if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) === XE.HTML) - return { parent: this.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(t), beforeElement: null } - break - case rT.TABLE: { - const n = this.treeAdapter.getParentNode(t) - return n - ? { parent: n, beforeElement: t } - : { parent: this.openElements.items[e - 1], beforeElement: null } - } - } - } - return { parent: this.openElements.items[0], beforeElement: null } - } - _fosterParentElement(e) { - const t = this._findFosterParentingLocation() - t.beforeElement - ? this.treeAdapter.insertBefore(t.parent, e, t.beforeElement) - : this.treeAdapter.appendChild(t.parent, e) - } - _isSpecialElement(e, t) { - const n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e) - return hT[n].has(t) - } - onCharacter(e) { - if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.tokenizer.inForeignNode)) - !(function (e, t) { - e._insertCharacters(t), (e.framesetOk = !1) - })(this, e) - else - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - EA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - TA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - AA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD: - DA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - RA(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - NA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_BODY: - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - case uA.IN_CELL: - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - MA(this, e) - break - case uA.TEXT: - case uA.IN_SELECT: - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - this._insertCharacters(e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - case uA.IN_ROW: - ZA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - YA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - eC(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - cC(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - dC(this, e) - } - } - onNullCharacter(e) { - if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.tokenizer.inForeignNode)) - !(function (e, t) { - ;(t.chars = wE), e._insertCharacters(t) - })(this, e) - else - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - EA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - TA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - AA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD: - DA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - RA(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - NA(this, e) - break - case uA.TEXT: - this._insertCharacters(e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - case uA.IN_ROW: - ZA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - eC(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - cC(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - dC(this, e) - } - } - onComment(e) { - if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.currentNotInHTML)) _A(this, e) - else - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - case uA.IN_HEAD: - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - case uA.IN_BODY: - case uA.IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - case uA.IN_ROW: - case uA.IN_CELL: - case uA.IN_SELECT: - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - case uA.IN_FRAMESET: - case uA.AFTER_FRAMESET: - _A(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - GA(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - !(function (e, t) { - e._appendCommentNode(t, e.openElements.items[0]) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - e._appendCommentNode(t, e.document) - })(this, e) - } - } - onDoctype(e) { - switch (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.insertionMode)) { - case uA.INITIAL: - !(function (e, t) { - e._setDocumentType(t) - const n = t.forceQuirks - ? JE.QUIRKS - : (function (e) { - if (e.name !== qT) return JE.QUIRKS - const { systemId: t } = e - if (t && "http://www.ibm.com/data/dtd/v11/ibmxhtml1-transitional.dtd" === t.toLowerCase()) - return JE.QUIRKS - let { publicId: n } = e - if (null !== n) { - if (((n = n.toLowerCase()), VT.has(n))) return JE.QUIRKS - let e = null === t ? HT : ZT - if (YT(n, e)) return JE.QUIRKS - if (((e = null === t ? WT : XT), YT(n, e))) return JE.LIMITED_QUIRKS - } - return JE.NO_QUIRKS - })(t) - ;(function (e) { - return ( - e.name === qT && null === e.publicId && (null === e.systemId || "about:legacy-compat" === e.systemId) - ) - })(t) || e._err(t, PE.nonConformingDoctype), - e.treeAdapter.setDocumentMode(e.document, n), - (e.insertionMode = uA.BEFORE_HTML) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - case uA.IN_HEAD: - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - this._err(e, PE.misplacedDoctype) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - GA(this, e) - } - } - onStartTag(e) { - ;(this.skipNextNewLine = !1), - (this.currentToken = e), - this._processStartTag(e), - e.selfClosing && !e.ackSelfClosing && this._err(e, PE.nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus) - } - _processStartTag(e) { - this.shouldProcessStartTagTokenInForeignContent(e) - ? (function (e, t) { - if ( - (function (e) { - const t = e.tagID - return ( - (t === rT.FONT && - e.attrs.some(({ name: e }) => e === GE.COLOR || e === GE.SIZE || e === GE.FACE)) || - aA.has(t) - ) - })(t) - ) - uC(e), e._startTagOutsideForeignContent(t) - else { - const n = e._getAdjustedCurrentElement(), - r = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(n) - r === XE.MATHML - ? oA(t) - : r === XE.SVG && - ((function (e) { - const t = rA.get(e.tagName) - null != t && ((e.tagName = t), (e.tagID = uT(e.tagName))) - })(t), - iA(t)), - sA(t), - t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, r) : e._insertElement(t, r), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - } - })(this, e) - : this._startTagOutsideForeignContent(e) - } - _startTagOutsideForeignContent(e) { - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - EA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID === rT.HTML ? (e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.insertionMode = uA.BEFORE_HEAD)) : TA(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.HEAD: - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.headElement = e.openElements.current), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD) - break - default: - AA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD: - CA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.BASEFONT: - case rT.BGSOUND: - case rT.HEAD: - case rT.LINK: - case rT.META: - case rT.NOFRAMES: - case rT.STYLE: - CA(e, t) - break - case rT.NOSCRIPT: - e._err(t, PE.nestedNoscriptInHead) - break - default: - RA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.BODY: - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY) - break - case rT.FRAMESET: - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_FRAMESET) - break - case rT.BASE: - case rT.BASEFONT: - case rT.BGSOUND: - case rT.LINK: - case rT.META: - case rT.NOFRAMES: - case rT.SCRIPT: - case rT.STYLE: - case rT.TEMPLATE: - case rT.TITLE: - e._err(t, PE.abandonedHeadElementChild), - e.openElements.push(e.headElement, rT.HEAD), - CA(e, t), - e.openElements.remove(e.headElement) - break - case rT.HEAD: - e._err(t, PE.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement) - break - default: - NA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_BODY: - UA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE: - HA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - GA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - KA.has(n) - ? e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.CAPTION) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.CAPTION), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), - HA(e, t)) - : UA(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - JA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - tC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_ROW: - rC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_CELL: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - KA.has(n) - ? (e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TD) || e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TH)) && - (e._closeTableCell(), rC(e, t)) - : UA(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_SELECT: - oC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - n === rT.CAPTION || - n === rT.TABLE || - n === rT.TBODY || - n === rT.TFOOT || - n === rT.THEAD || - n === rT.TR || - n === rT.TD || - n === rT.TH - ? (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode(), e._processStartTag(t)) - : oC(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.BASE: - case rT.BASEFONT: - case rT.BGSOUND: - case rT.LINK: - case rT.META: - case rT.NOFRAMES: - case rT.SCRIPT: - case rT.STYLE: - case rT.TEMPLATE: - case rT.TITLE: - CA(e, t) - break - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = uA.IN_TABLE), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), HA(e, t) - break - case rT.COL: - ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), JA(e, t) - break - case rT.TR: - ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), tC(e, t) - break - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = uA.IN_ROW), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW), rC(e, t) - break - default: - ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = uA.IN_BODY), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY), UA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID === rT.HTML ? UA(e, t) : cC(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.FRAMESET: - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - break - case rT.FRAME: - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - break - case rT.NOFRAMES: - CA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.NOFRAMES: - CA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID === rT.HTML ? UA(e, t) : dC(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.NOFRAMES: - CA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - } - } - onEndTag(e) { - ;(this.skipNextNewLine = !1), - (this.currentToken = e), - this.currentNotInHTML - ? (function (e, t) { - if (t.tagID === rT.P || t.tagID === rT.BR) return uC(e), void e._endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) - for (let n = e.openElements.stackTop; n > 0; n--) { - const r = e.openElements.items[n] - if (e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r) === XE.HTML) { - e._endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) - break - } - const a = e.treeAdapter.getTagName(r) - if (a.toLowerCase() === t.tagName) { - ;(t.tagName = a), e.openElements.shortenToLength(n) - break - } - } - })(this, e) - : this._endTagOutsideForeignContent(e) - } - _endTagOutsideForeignContent(e) { - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - EA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - ;(n !== rT.HTML && n !== rT.HEAD && n !== rT.BODY && n !== rT.BR) || TA(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - n === rT.HEAD || n === rT.BODY || n === rT.HTML || n === rT.BR - ? AA(e, t) - : e._err(t, PE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HEAD: - e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_HEAD) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.BR: - case rT.HTML: - DA(e, t) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - break - default: - e._err(t, PE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.NOSCRIPT: - e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD) - break - case rT.BR: - RA(e, t) - break - default: - e._err(t, PE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.BODY: - case rT.HTML: - case rT.BR: - NA(e, t) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - break - default: - e._err(t, PE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_BODY: - zA(this, e) - break - case uA.TEXT: - !(function (e, t) { - var n - t.tagID === rT.SCRIPT && - (null === (n = e.scriptHandler) || void 0 === n || n.call(e, e.openElements.current)), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE: - VA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - GA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - switch (n) { - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.TABLE: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.CAPTION) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.CAPTION), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), - n === rT.TABLE && VA(e, t)) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.HTML: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TD: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.TH: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.TR: - break - default: - zA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - !(function (e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.COLGROUP: - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.COLGROUP && (e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE)) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - break - case rT.COL: - break - default: - eC(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - nC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_ROW: - aC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_CELL: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - switch (n) { - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(n) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(n), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW)) - break - case rT.TABLE: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.TR: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(n) && (e._closeTableCell(), aC(e, t)) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.HTML: - break - default: - zA(e, t) - } - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_SELECT: - iC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - n === rT.CAPTION || - n === rT.TABLE || - n === rT.TBODY || - n === rT.TFOOT || - n === rT.THEAD || - n === rT.TR || - n === rT.TD || - n === rT.TH - ? e.openElements.hasInTableScope(n) && - (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode(), e.onEndTag(t)) - : iC(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID === rT.TEMPLATE && PA(e, t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - lC(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID !== rT.FRAMESET || - e.openElements.isRootHtmlElementCurrent() || - (e.openElements.pop(), - e.fragmentContext || - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.FRAMESET || - (e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_FRAMESET)) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - t.tagID === rT.HTML && (e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - dC(this, e) - } - } - onEof(e) { - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.INITIAL: - EA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HTML: - TA(this, e) - break - case uA.BEFORE_HEAD: - AA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD: - DA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - RA(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - NA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_BODY: - case uA.IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - case uA.IN_ROW: - case uA.IN_CELL: - case uA.IN_SELECT: - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - qA(this, e) - break - case uA.TEXT: - !(function (e, t) { - e._err(t, PE.eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode), - e.onEof(t) - })(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - GA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - sC(this, e) - break - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - case uA.IN_FRAMESET: - case uA.AFTER_FRAMESET: - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: - SA(this, e) - } - } - onWhitespaceCharacter(e) { - if (this.skipNextNewLine && ((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), e.chars.charCodeAt(0) === xE.LINE_FEED)) { - if (1 === e.chars.length) return - e.chars = e.chars.substr(1) - } - if (this.tokenizer.inForeignNode) this._insertCharacters(e) - else - switch (this.insertionMode) { - case uA.IN_HEAD: - case uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: - case uA.AFTER_HEAD: - case uA.TEXT: - case uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: - case uA.IN_SELECT: - case uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_FRAMESET: - case uA.AFTER_FRAMESET: - this._insertCharacters(e) - break - case uA.IN_BODY: - case uA.IN_CAPTION: - case uA.IN_CELL: - case uA.IN_TEMPLATE: - case uA.AFTER_BODY: - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: - case uA.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: - IA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE: - case uA.IN_TABLE_BODY: - case uA.IN_ROW: - ZA(this, e) - break - case uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT: - XA(this, e) - } - } - } - function bA(e, t) { - let n = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(t.tagName) - return ( - n - ? e.openElements.contains(n.element) - ? e.openElements.hasInScope(t.tagID) || (n = null) - : (e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(n), (n = null)) - : FA(e, t), - n - ) - } - function vA(e, t) { - let n = null, - r = e.openElements.stackTop - for (; r >= 0; r--) { - const a = e.openElements.items[r] - if (a === t.element) break - e._isSpecialElement(a, e.openElements.tagIDs[r]) && (n = a) - } - return n || (e.openElements.shortenToLength(r < 0 ? 0 : r), e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(t)), n - } - function yA(e, t, n) { - let r = t, - a = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(t) - for (let o = 0, i = a; i !== n; o++, i = a) { - a = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(i) - const n = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntry(i), - s = n && o >= dA - !n || s - ? (s && e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(n), e.openElements.remove(i)) - : ((i = OA(e, n)), - r === t && (e.activeFormattingElements.bookmark = n), - e.treeAdapter.detachNode(r), - e.treeAdapter.appendChild(i, r), - (r = i)) - } - return r - } - function OA(e, t) { - const n = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t.element), - r = e.treeAdapter.createElement(t.token.tagName, n, t.token.attrs) - return e.openElements.replace(t.element, r), (t.element = r), r - } - function wA(e, t, n) { - const r = uT(e.treeAdapter.getTagName(t)) - if (e._isElementCausesFosterParenting(r)) e._fosterParentElement(n) - else { - const a = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) - r === rT.TEMPLATE && a === XE.HTML && (t = e.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(t)), e.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, n) - } - } - function xA(e, t, n) { - const r = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(n.element), - { token: a } = n, - o = e.treeAdapter.createElement(a.tagName, r, a.attrs) - e._adoptNodes(t, o), - e.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, o), - e.activeFormattingElements.insertElementAfterBookmark(o, a), - e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(n), - e.openElements.remove(n.element), - e.openElements.insertAfter(t, o, a.tagID) - } - function kA(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n < cA; n++) { - const n = bA(e, t) - if (!n) break - const r = vA(e, n) - if (!r) break - e.activeFormattingElements.bookmark = n - const a = yA(e, r, n.element), - o = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(n.element) - e.treeAdapter.detachNode(a), o && wA(e, o, a), xA(e, r, n) - } - } - function _A(e, t) { - e._appendCommentNode(t, e.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode) - } - function SA(e, t) { - if (((e.stopped = !0), t.location)) { - const n = e.fragmentContext ? 0 : 2 - for (let r = e.openElements.stackTop; r >= n; r--) e._setEndLocation(e.openElements.items[r], t) - if (!e.fragmentContext && e.openElements.stackTop >= 0) { - const n = e.openElements.items[0], - r = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(n) - if (r && !r.endTag && (e._setEndLocation(n, t), e.openElements.stackTop >= 1)) { - const n = e.openElements.items[1], - r = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(n) - r && !r.endTag && e._setEndLocation(n, t) - } - } - } - } - function EA(e, t) { - e._err(t, PE.missingDoctype, !0), - e.treeAdapter.setDocumentMode(e.document, JE.QUIRKS), - (e.insertionMode = uA.BEFORE_HTML), - e._processToken(t) - } - function TA(e, t) { - e._insertFakeRootElement(), (e.insertionMode = uA.BEFORE_HEAD), e._processToken(t) - } - function AA(e, t) { - e._insertFakeElement(tT.HEAD, rT.HEAD), - (e.headElement = e.openElements.current), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD), - e._processToken(t) - } - function CA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.BASE: - case rT.BASEFONT: - case rT.BGSOUND: - case rT.LINK: - case rT.META: - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - break - case rT.TITLE: - e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RCDATA) - break - case rT.NOSCRIPT: - e.options.scriptingEnabled - ? e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RAWTEXT) - : (e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT)) - break - case rT.NOFRAMES: - case rT.STYLE: - e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RAWTEXT) - break - case rT.SCRIPT: - e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.SCRIPT_DATA) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - e._insertTemplate(t), - e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TEMPLATE), - e.tmplInsertionModeStack.unshift(uA.IN_TEMPLATE) - break - case rT.HEAD: - e._err(t, PE.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement) - break - default: - DA(e, t) - } - } - function PA(e, t) { - e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 - ? (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly(), - e.openElements.currentTagId !== rT.TEMPLATE && e._err(t, PE.closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements), - e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.TEMPLATE), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - e.tmplInsertionModeStack.shift(), - e._resetInsertionMode()) - : e._err(t, PE.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) - } - function DA(e, t) { - e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_HEAD), e._processToken(t) - } - function RA(e, t) { - const n = t.type === RE.EOF ? PE.openElementsLeftAfterEof : PE.disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead - e._err(t, n), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_HEAD), e._processToken(t) - } - function NA(e, t) { - e._insertFakeElement(tT.BODY, rT.BODY), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY), $A(e, t) - } - function $A(e, t) { - switch (t.type) { - case RE.CHARACTER: - MA(e, t) - break - case RE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: - IA(e, t) - break - case RE.COMMENT: - _A(e, t) - break - case RE.START_TAG: - UA(e, t) - break - case RE.END_TAG: - zA(e, t) - break - case RE.EOF: - qA(e, t) - } - } - function IA(e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertCharacters(t) - } - function MA(e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertCharacters(t), (e.framesetOk = !1) - } - function LA(e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - } - function QA(e) { - const t = IE(e, GE.TYPE) - return null != t && t.toLowerCase() === lA - } - function BA(e, t) { - e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RAWTEXT) - } - function jA(e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - } - function UA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.I: - case rT.S: - case rT.B: - case rT.U: - case rT.EM: - case rT.TT: - case rT.BIG: - case rT.CODE: - case rT.FONT: - case rT.SMALL: - case rT.STRIKE: - case rT.STRONG: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.A: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(tT.A) - n && (kA(e, t), e.openElements.remove(n.element), e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(n)), - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.H1: - case rT.H2: - case rT.H3: - case rT.H4: - case rT.H5: - case rT.H6: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - fT(e.openElements.currentTagId) && e.openElements.pop(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.P: - case rT.DL: - case rT.OL: - case rT.UL: - case rT.DIV: - case rT.DIR: - case rT.NAV: - case rT.MAIN: - case rT.MENU: - case rT.ASIDE: - case rT.CENTER: - case rT.FIGURE: - case rT.FOOTER: - case rT.HEADER: - case rT.HGROUP: - case rT.DIALOG: - case rT.DETAILS: - case rT.ADDRESS: - case rT.ARTICLE: - case rT.SECTION: - case rT.SUMMARY: - case rT.FIELDSET: - case rT.BLOCKQUOTE: - case rT.FIGCAPTION: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.LI: - case rT.DD: - case rT.DT: - !(function (e, t) { - e.framesetOk = !1 - const n = t.tagID - for (let t = e.openElements.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { - const r = e.openElements.tagIDs[t] - if ((n === rT.LI && r === rT.LI) || ((n === rT.DD || n === rT.DT) && (r === rT.DD || r === rT.DT))) { - e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(r), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(r) - break - } - if (r !== rT.ADDRESS && r !== rT.DIV && r !== rT.P && e._isSpecialElement(e.openElements.items[t], r)) - break - } - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.BR: - case rT.IMG: - case rT.WBR: - case rT.AREA: - case rT.EMBED: - case rT.KEYGEN: - LA(e, t) - break - case rT.HR: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.RB: - case rT.RTC: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.RUBY) && e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.RT: - case rT.RP: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.RUBY) && e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(rT.RTC), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.PRE: - case rT.LISTING: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.skipNextNewLine = !0), - (e.framesetOk = !1) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.XMP: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RAWTEXT) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.SVG: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - iA(t), - sA(t), - t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, XE.SVG) : e._insertElement(t, XE.SVG), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.HTML: - !(function (e, t) { - 0 === e.openElements.tmplCount && e.treeAdapter.adoptAttributes(e.openElements.items[0], t.attrs) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.BASE: - case rT.LINK: - case rT.META: - case rT.STYLE: - case rT.TITLE: - case rT.SCRIPT: - case rT.BGSOUND: - case rT.BASEFONT: - case rT.TEMPLATE: - CA(e, t) - break - case rT.BODY: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() - n && 0 === e.openElements.tmplCount && ((e.framesetOk = !1), e.treeAdapter.adoptAttributes(n, t.attrs)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.FORM: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 - ;(e.formElement && !n) || - (e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - n || (e.formElement = e.openElements.current)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.NOBR: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.NOBR) && (kA(e, t), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements()), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.MATH: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - oA(t), - sA(t), - t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, XE.MATHML) : e._insertElement(t, XE.MATHML), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.TABLE: - !(function (e, t) { - e.treeAdapter.getDocumentMode(e.document) !== JE.QUIRKS && - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && - e._closePElement(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.INPUT: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), - QA(t) || (e.framesetOk = !1), - (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.PARAM: - case rT.TRACK: - case rT.SOURCE: - !(function (e, t) { - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.IMAGE: - !(function (e, t) { - ;(t.tagName = tT.IMG), (t.tagID = rT.IMG), LA(e, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.BUTTON: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.BUTTON) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.BUTTON)), - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.framesetOk = !1) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.APPLET: - case rT.OBJECT: - case rT.MARQUEE: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), - (e.framesetOk = !1) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.IFRAME: - !(function (e, t) { - ;(e.framesetOk = !1), e._switchToTextParsing(t, vT.RAWTEXT) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.SELECT: - !(function (e, t) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (e.insertionMode = - e.insertionMode === uA.IN_TABLE || - e.insertionMode === uA.IN_CAPTION || - e.insertionMode === uA.IN_TABLE_BODY || - e.insertionMode === uA.IN_ROW || - e.insertionMode === uA.IN_CELL - ? uA.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE - : uA.IN_SELECT) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.OPTION: - case rT.OPTGROUP: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.NOEMBED: - BA(e, t) - break - case rT.FRAMESET: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() - e.framesetOk && - n && - (e.treeAdapter.detachNode(n), - e.openElements.popAllUpToHtmlElement(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_FRAMESET)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.TEXTAREA: - !(function (e, t) { - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.skipNextNewLine = !0), - (e.tokenizer.state = vT.RCDATA), - (e.originalInsertionMode = e.insertionMode), - (e.framesetOk = !1), - (e.insertionMode = uA.TEXT) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.NOSCRIPT: - e.options.scriptingEnabled ? BA(e, t) : jA(e, t) - break - case rT.PLAINTEXT: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) && e._closePElement(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.tokenizer.state = vT.PLAINTEXT) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.COL: - case rT.TH: - case rT.TD: - case rT.TR: - case rT.HEAD: - case rT.FRAME: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COLGROUP: - break - default: - jA(e, t) - } - } - function FA(e, t) { - const n = t.tagName, - r = t.tagID - for (let t = e.openElements.stackTop; t > 0; t--) { - const a = e.openElements.items[t], - o = e.openElements.tagIDs[t] - if (r === o && (r !== rT.UNKNOWN || e.treeAdapter.getTagName(a) === n)) { - e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(r), - e.openElements.stackTop >= t && e.openElements.shortenToLength(t) - break - } - if (e._isSpecialElement(a, o)) break - } - } - function zA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.A: - case rT.B: - case rT.I: - case rT.S: - case rT.U: - case rT.EM: - case rT.TT: - case rT.BIG: - case rT.CODE: - case rT.FONT: - case rT.NOBR: - case rT.SMALL: - case rT.STRIKE: - case rT.STRONG: - kA(e, t) - break - case rT.P: - !(function (e) { - e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(rT.P) || e._insertFakeElement(tT.P, rT.P), e._closePElement() - })(e) - break - case rT.DL: - case rT.UL: - case rT.OL: - case rT.DIR: - case rT.DIV: - case rT.NAV: - case rT.PRE: - case rT.MAIN: - case rT.MENU: - case rT.ASIDE: - case rT.BUTTON: - case rT.CENTER: - case rT.FIGURE: - case rT.FOOTER: - case rT.HEADER: - case rT.HGROUP: - case rT.DIALOG: - case rT.ADDRESS: - case rT.ARTICLE: - case rT.DETAILS: - case rT.SECTION: - case rT.SUMMARY: - case rT.LISTING: - case rT.FIELDSET: - case rT.BLOCKQUOTE: - case rT.FIGCAPTION: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - e.openElements.hasInScope(n) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(n)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.LI: - !(function (e) { - e.openElements.hasInListItemScope(rT.LI) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(rT.LI), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.LI)) - })(e) - break - case rT.DD: - case rT.DT: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - e.openElements.hasInScope(n) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(n), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(n)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.H1: - case rT.H2: - case rT.H3: - case rT.H4: - case rT.H5: - case rT.H6: - !(function (e) { - e.openElements.hasNumberedHeaderInScope() && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilNumberedHeaderPopped()) - })(e) - break - case rT.BR: - !(function (e) { - e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), - e._insertFakeElement(tT.BR, rT.BR), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.framesetOk = !1) - })(e) - break - case rT.BODY: - !(function (e, t) { - if ( - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.BODY) && - ((e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_BODY), e.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo) - ) { - const n = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() - n && e._setEndLocation(n, t) - } - })(e, t) - break - case rT.HTML: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.BODY) && ((e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_BODY), lC(e, t)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.FORM: - !(function (e) { - const t = e.openElements.tmplCount > 0, - { formElement: n } = e - t || (e.formElement = null), - (n || t) && - e.openElements.hasInScope(rT.FORM) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - t ? e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.FORM) : n && e.openElements.remove(n)) - })(e) - break - case rT.APPLET: - case rT.OBJECT: - case rT.MARQUEE: - !(function (e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - e.openElements.hasInScope(n) && - (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), - e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(n), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker()) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - break - default: - FA(e, t) - } - } - function qA(e, t) { - e.tmplInsertionModeStack.length > 0 ? sC(e, t) : SA(e, t) - } - function ZA(e, t) { - if (fA.has(e.openElements.currentTagId)) - switch ( - ((e.pendingCharacterTokens.length = 0), - (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !1), - (e.originalInsertionMode = e.insertionMode), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_TEXT), - t.type) - ) { - case RE.CHARACTER: - YA(e, t) - break - case RE.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: - XA(e, t) - } - else WA(e, t) - } - function HA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - case rT.TR: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), - e._insertFakeElement(tT.TBODY, rT.TBODY), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), - tC(e, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.STYLE: - case rT.SCRIPT: - case rT.TEMPLATE: - CA(e, t) - break - case rT.COL: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), - e._insertFakeElement(tT.COLGROUP, rT.COLGROUP), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), - JA(e, t) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.FORM: - !(function (e, t) { - e.formElement || - 0 !== e.openElements.tmplCount || - (e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.formElement = e.openElements.current), e.openElements.pop()) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.TABLE: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TABLE) && - (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.TABLE), e._resetInsertionMode(), e._processStartTag(t)) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.INPUT: - !(function (e, t) { - QA(t) ? e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML) : WA(e, t), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.CAPTION: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), - e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_CAPTION) - })(e, t) - break - case rT.COLGROUP: - !(function (e, t) { - e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_COLUMN_GROUP) - })(e, t) - break - default: - WA(e, t) - } - } - function VA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TABLE: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TABLE) && - (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.TABLE), e._resetInsertionMode()) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.HTML: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TD: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.TH: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.TR: - break - default: - WA(e, t) - } - } - function WA(e, t) { - const n = e.fosterParentingEnabled - ;(e.fosterParentingEnabled = !0), $A(e, t), (e.fosterParentingEnabled = n) - } - function XA(e, t) { - e.pendingCharacterTokens.push(t) - } - function YA(e, t) { - e.pendingCharacterTokens.push(t), (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !0) - } - function GA(e, t) { - let n = 0 - if (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken) - for (; n < e.pendingCharacterTokens.length; n++) WA(e, e.pendingCharacterTokens[n]) - else for (; n < e.pendingCharacterTokens.length; n++) e._insertCharacters(e.pendingCharacterTokens[n]) - ;(e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode), e._processToken(t) - } - const KA = new Set([rT.CAPTION, rT.COL, rT.COLGROUP, rT.TBODY, rT.TD, rT.TFOOT, rT.TH, rT.THEAD, rT.TR]) - function JA(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.COL: - e._appendElement(t, XE.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - CA(e, t) - break - default: - eC(e, t) - } - } - function eC(e, t) { - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.COLGROUP && - (e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), e._processToken(t)) - } - function tC(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TR: - e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW) - break - case rT.TH: - case rT.TD: - e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), - e._insertFakeElement(tT.TR, rT.TR), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_ROW), - rC(e, t) - break - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - e.openElements.hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), - HA(e, t)) - break - default: - HA(e, t) - } - } - function nC(e, t) { - const n = t.tagID - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(n) && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE)) - break - case rT.TABLE: - e.openElements.hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE), - VA(e, t)) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.HTML: - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - case rT.TR: - break - default: - VA(e, t) - } - } - function rC(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TH: - case rT.TD: - e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_CELL), - e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker() - break - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - case rT.TR: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TR) && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), - tC(e, t)) - break - default: - HA(e, t) - } - } - function aC(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.TR: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TR) && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY)) - break - case rT.TABLE: - e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TR) && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), - nC(e, t)) - break - case rT.TBODY: - case rT.TFOOT: - case rT.THEAD: - ;(e.openElements.hasInTableScope(t.tagID) || e.openElements.hasInTableScope(rT.TR)) && - (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), - e.openElements.pop(), - (e.insertionMode = uA.IN_TABLE_BODY), - nC(e, t)) - break - case rT.BODY: - case rT.CAPTION: - case rT.COL: - case rT.COLGROUP: - case rT.HTML: - case rT.TD: - case rT.TH: - break - default: - VA(e, t) - } - } - function oC(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.HTML: - UA(e, t) - break - case rT.OPTION: - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - break - case rT.OPTGROUP: - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTGROUP && e.openElements.pop(), - e._insertElement(t, XE.HTML) - break - case rT.INPUT: - case rT.KEYGEN: - case rT.TEXTAREA: - case rT.SELECT: - e.openElements.hasInSelectScope(rT.SELECT) && - (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.SELECT), - e._resetInsertionMode(), - t.tagID !== rT.SELECT && e._processStartTag(t)) - break - case rT.SCRIPT: - case rT.TEMPLATE: - CA(e, t) - } - } - function iC(e, t) { - switch (t.tagID) { - case rT.OPTGROUP: - e.openElements.stackTop > 0 && - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTION && - e.openElements.tagIDs[e.openElements.stackTop - 1] === rT.OPTGROUP && - e.openElements.pop(), - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTGROUP && e.openElements.pop() - break - case rT.OPTION: - e.openElements.currentTagId === rT.OPTION && e.openElements.pop() - break - case rT.SELECT: - e.openElements.hasInSelectScope(rT.SELECT) && - (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode()) - break - case rT.TEMPLATE: - PA(e, t) - } - } - function sC(e, t) { - e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 - ? (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(rT.TEMPLATE), - e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), - e.tmplInsertionModeStack.shift(), - e._resetInsertionMode(), - e.onEof(t)) - : SA(e, t) - } - function lC(e, t) { - var n - if (t.tagID === rT.HTML) { - if ( - (e.fragmentContext || (e.insertionMode = uA.AFTER_AFTER_BODY), - e.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && e.openElements.tagIDs[0] === rT.HTML) - ) { - e._setEndLocation(e.openElements.items[0], t) - const r = e.openElements.items[1] - r && - !(null === (n = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(r)) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.endTag) && - e._setEndLocation(r, t) - } - } else cC(e, t) - } - function cC(e, t) { - ;(e.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY), $A(e, t) - } - function dC(e, t) { - ;(e.insertionMode = uA.IN_BODY), $A(e, t) - } - function uC(e) { - for ( - ; - e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e.openElements.current) !== XE.HTML && - !e._isIntegrationPoint(e.openElements.currentTagId, e.openElements.current); - - ) - e.openElements.pop() - } - function pC(e, t) { - return gA.parse(e, t) - } - function hC(e, t, n) { - "string" == typeof e && ((n = t), (t = e), (e = null)) - const r = gA.getFragmentParser(e, n) - return r.tokenizer.write(t, !0), r.getFragment() - } - tT.AREA, - tT.BASE, - tT.BASEFONT, - tT.BGSOUND, - tT.BR, - tT.COL, - tT.EMBED, - tT.FRAME, - tT.HR, - tT.IMG, - tT.INPUT, - tT.KEYGEN, - tT.LINK, - tT.META, - tT.PARAM, - tT.SOURCE, - tT.TRACK, - tT.WBR - const fC = gC("end"), - mC = gC("start") - function gC(e) { - return function (t) { - const n = (t && t.position && t.position[e]) || {} - if ("number" == typeof n.line && n.line > 0 && "number" == typeof n.column && n.column > 0) - return { - line: n.line, - column: n.column, - offset: "number" == typeof n.offset && n.offset > -1 ? n.offset : void 0, - } - } - } - function bC(e) { - const t = mC(e), - n = fC(e) - if (t && n) return { start: t, end: n } - } - const vC = new Set([ - "mdxFlowExpression", - "mdxJsxFlowElement", - "mdxJsxTextElement", - "mdxTextExpression", - "mdxjsEsm", - ]), - yC = { sourceCodeLocationInfo: !0, scriptingEnabled: !1 } - function OC(e, t) { - const n = (function (e) { - const t = "root" === e.type ? e.children[0] : e - return Boolean(t && ("doctype" === t.type || ("element" === t.type && "html" === t.tagName.toLowerCase()))) - })(e), - r = pE("type", { - handlers: { root: xC, element: kC, text: _C, comment: EC, doctype: SC, raw: TC }, - unknown: AC, - }), - a = { - parser: n ? new gA(yC) : gA.getFragmentParser(void 0, yC), - handle(e) { - r(e, a) - }, - stitches: !1, - options: t || {}, - } - r(e, a), CC(a, mC()) - const o = oE(n ? a.parser.document : a.parser.getFragment(), { file: a.options.file }) - return ( - a.stitches && - m_(o, "comment", function (e, t, n) { - const r = e - if (r.value.stitch && n && void 0 !== t) return (n.children[t] = r.value.stitch), t - }), - "root" === o.type && 1 === o.children.length && o.children[0].type === e.type ? o.children[0] : o - ) - } - function wC(e, t) { - let n = -1 - if (e) for (; ++n < e.length; ) t.handle(e[n]) - } - function xC(e, t) { - wC(e.children, t) - } - function kC(e, t) { - !(function (e, t) { - const n = e.tagName.toLowerCase() - if (t.parser.tokenizer.state === vT.PLAINTEXT) return - CC(t, mC(e)) - const r = t.parser.openElements.current - let a = "namespaceURI" in r ? r.namespaceURI : nE.html - a === nE.html && "svg" === n && (a = nE.svg) - const o = (function (e, t) { - const n = (t || hE).space - return mE(e, "svg" === n ? zS : FS) - })({ ...e, children: [] }, { space: a === nE.svg ? "svg" : "html" }), - i = { - type: RE.START_TAG, - tagName: n, - tagID: uT(n), - selfClosing: !1, - ackSelfClosing: !1, - attrs: "attrs" in o ? o.attrs : [], - location: DC(e), - } - ;(t.parser.currentToken = i), - t.parser._processToken(t.parser.currentToken), - (t.parser.tokenizer.lastStartTagName = n) - })(e, t), - wC(e.children, t), - (function (e, t) { - const n = e.tagName.toLowerCase() - if (!t.parser.tokenizer.inForeignNode && yE.includes(n)) return - if (t.parser.tokenizer.state === vT.PLAINTEXT) return - CC(t, fC(e)) - const r = { - type: RE.END_TAG, - tagName: n, - tagID: uT(n), - selfClosing: !1, - ackSelfClosing: !1, - attrs: [], - location: DC(e), - } - ;(t.parser.currentToken = r), - t.parser._processToken(t.parser.currentToken), - n !== t.parser.tokenizer.lastStartTagName || - (t.parser.tokenizer.state !== vT.RCDATA && - t.parser.tokenizer.state !== vT.RAWTEXT && - t.parser.tokenizer.state !== vT.SCRIPT_DATA) || - (t.parser.tokenizer.state = vT.DATA) - })(e, t) - } - function _C(e, t) { - const n = { type: RE.CHARACTER, chars: e.value, location: DC(e) } - CC(t, mC(e)), (t.parser.currentToken = n), t.parser._processToken(t.parser.currentToken) - } - function SC(e, t) { - const n = { type: RE.DOCTYPE, name: "html", forceQuirks: !1, publicId: "", systemId: "", location: DC(e) } - CC(t, mC(e)), (t.parser.currentToken = n), t.parser._processToken(t.parser.currentToken) - } - function EC(e, t) { - const n = e.value, - r = { type: RE.COMMENT, data: n, location: DC(e) } - CC(t, mC(e)), (t.parser.currentToken = r), t.parser._processToken(t.parser.currentToken) - } - function TC(e, t) { - if ( - ((t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.html = ""), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.pos = -1), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.lastGapPos = -2), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.gapStack = []), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.skipNextNewLine = !1), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = !1), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.endOfChunkHit = !1), - (t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.isEol = !1), - PC(t, mC(e)), - t.parser.tokenizer.write(e.value, !1), - t.parser.tokenizer._runParsingLoop(), - 72 === t.parser.tokenizer.state || 78 === t.parser.tokenizer.state) - ) { - t.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = !0 - const e = t.parser.tokenizer._consume() - t.parser.tokenizer._callState(e) - } - } - function AC(e, t) { - const n = e - if (!t.options.passThrough || !t.options.passThrough.includes(n.type)) { - let e = "" - throw ( - (vC.has(n.type) && - (e = - ". It looks like you are using MDX nodes with `hast-util-raw` (or `rehype-raw`). If you use this because you are using remark or rehype plugins that inject `'html'` nodes, then please raise an issue with that plugin, as its a bad and slow idea. If you use this because you are using markdown syntax, then you have to configure this utility (or plugin) to pass through these nodes (see `passThrough` in docs), but you can also migrate to use the MDX syntax"), - new Error("Cannot compile `" + n.type + "` node" + e)) - ) - } - !(function (e, t) { - t.stitches = !0 - const n = (function (e) { - return E_("children" in e ? { ...e, children: [] } : e) - })(e) - if ("children" in e && "children" in n) { - const r = OC({ type: "root", children: e.children }, t.options) - n.children = r.children - } - EC({ type: "comment", value: { stitch: n } }, t) - })(n, t) - } - function CC(e, t) { - PC(e, t) - const n = e.parser.tokenizer.currentCharacterToken - n && - n.location && - ((n.location.endLine = e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.line), - (n.location.endCol = e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.col + 1), - (n.location.endOffset = e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.offset + 1), - (e.parser.currentToken = n), - e.parser._processToken(e.parser.currentToken)), - (e.parser.tokenizer.paused = !1), - (e.parser.tokenizer.inLoop = !1), - (e.parser.tokenizer.active = !1), - (e.parser.tokenizer.returnState = vT.DATA), - (e.parser.tokenizer.charRefCode = -1), - (e.parser.tokenizer.consumedAfterSnapshot = -1), - (e.parser.tokenizer.currentLocation = null), - (e.parser.tokenizer.currentCharacterToken = null), - (e.parser.tokenizer.currentToken = null), - (e.parser.tokenizer.currentAttr = { name: "", value: "" }) - } - function PC(e, t) { - if (t && void 0 !== t.offset) { - const n = { - startLine: t.line, - startCol: t.column, - startOffset: t.offset, - endLine: -1, - endCol: -1, - endOffset: -1, - } - ;(e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.lineStartPos = 1 - t.column), - (e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.droppedBufferSize = t.offset), - (e.parser.tokenizer.preprocessor.line = t.line), - (e.parser.tokenizer.currentLocation = n) - } - } - function DC(e) { - const t = mC(e) || { line: void 0, column: void 0, offset: void 0 }, - n = fC(e) || { line: void 0, column: void 0, offset: void 0 } - return { - startLine: t.line, - startCol: t.column, - startOffset: t.offset, - endLine: n.line, - endCol: n.column, - endOffset: n.offset, - } - } - function RC(e) { - return function (t, n) { - return OC(t, { ...e, file: n }) - } - } - const NC = ["ariaDescribedBy", "ariaLabel", "ariaLabelledBy"], - $C = { - ancestors: { - tbody: ["table"], - td: ["table"], - th: ["table"], - thead: ["table"], - tfoot: ["table"], - tr: ["table"], - }, - attributes: { - a: [...NC, "dataFootnoteBackref", "dataFootnoteRef", ["className", "data-footnote-backref"], "href"], - blockquote: ["cite"], - code: [["className", /^language-./]], - del: ["cite"], - div: ["itemScope", "itemType"], - dl: [...NC], - h2: [["className", "sr-only"]], - img: [...NC, "longDesc", "src"], - input: [ - ["disabled", !0], - ["type", "checkbox"], - ], - ins: ["cite"], - li: [["className", "task-list-item"]], - ol: [...NC, ["className", "contains-task-list"]], - q: ["cite"], - section: ["dataFootnotes", ["className", "footnotes"]], - source: ["srcSet"], - summary: [...NC], - table: [...NC], - ul: [...NC, ["className", "contains-task-list"]], - "*": [ - "abbr", - "accept", - "acceptCharset", - "accessKey", - "action", - "align", - "alt", - "axis", - "border", - "cellPadding", - "cellSpacing", - "char", - "charOff", - "charSet", - "checked", - "clear", - "colSpan", - "color", - "cols", - "compact", - "coords", - "dateTime", - "dir", - "encType", - "frame", - "hSpace", - "headers", - "height", - "hrefLang", - "htmlFor", - "id", - "isMap", - "itemProp", - "label", - "lang", - "maxLength", - "media", - "method", - "multiple", - "name", - "noHref", - "noShade", - "noWrap", - "open", - "prompt", - "readOnly", - "rev", - "rowSpan", - "rows", - "rules", - "scope", - "selected", - "shape", - "size", - "span", - "start", - "summary", - "tabIndex", - "title", - "useMap", - "vAlign", - "value", - "width", - ], - }, - clobber: ["ariaDescribedBy", "ariaLabelledBy", "id", "name"], - clobberPrefix: "user-content-", - protocols: { - cite: ["http", "https"], - href: ["http", "https", "irc", "ircs", "mailto", "xmpp"], - longDesc: ["http", "https"], - src: ["http", "https"], - }, - required: { input: { disabled: !0, type: "checkbox" } }, - strip: ["script"], - tagNames: [ - "a", - "b", - "blockquote", - "br", - "code", - "dd", - "del", - "details", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "em", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "hr", - "i", - "img", - "input", - "ins", - "kbd", - "li", - "ol", - "p", - "picture", - "pre", - "q", - "rp", - "rt", - "ruby", - "s", - "samp", - "section", - "source", - "span", - "strike", - "strong", - "sub", - "summary", - "sup", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - "tfoot", - "th", - "thead", - "tr", - "tt", - "ul", - "var", - ], - }, - IC = {}.hasOwnProperty - function MC(e, t) { - if (t && "object" == typeof t) { - const n = t - switch ("string" == typeof n.type ? n.type : "") { - case "comment": - return (function (e, t) { - if (e.schema.allowComments) { - const e = "string" == typeof t.value ? t.value : "", - n = e.indexOf("--\x3e"), - r = { type: "comment", value: n < 0 ? e : e.slice(0, n) } - return jC(r, t), r - } - })(e, n) - case "doctype": - return (function (e, t) { - if (e.schema.allowDoctypes) { - const e = { type: "doctype" } - return jC(e, t), e - } - })(e, n) - case "element": - return (function (e, t) { - const n = "string" == typeof t.tagName ? t.tagName : "" - e.stack.push(n) - const r = LC(e, t.children), - a = (function (e, t) { - const n = e.stack[e.stack.length - 1], - r = e.schema.attributes, - a = e.schema.required, - o = r && IC.call(r, n) ? r[n] : void 0, - i = r && IC.call(r, "*") ? r["*"] : void 0, - s = t && "object" == typeof t ? t : {}, - l = {} - let c - for (c in s) - if (IC.call(s, c)) { - const t = s[c] - let n = QC(e, UC(o, c), c, t) - null == n && (n = QC(e, UC(i, c), c, t)), null != n && (l[c] = n) - } - if (a && IC.call(a, n)) { - const e = a[n] - for (c in e) IC.call(e, c) && !IC.call(l, c) && (l[c] = e[c]) - } - return l - })(e, t.properties) - e.stack.pop() - let o = !1 - if ( - n && - "*" !== n && - (!e.schema.tagNames || e.schema.tagNames.includes(n)) && - ((o = !0), e.schema.ancestors && IC.call(e.schema.ancestors, n)) - ) { - const t = e.schema.ancestors[n] - let r = -1 - for (o = !1; ++r < t.length; ) e.stack.includes(t[r]) && (o = !0) - } - if (!o) return e.schema.strip && !e.schema.strip.includes(n) ? r : void 0 - const i = { type: "element", tagName: n, properties: a, children: r } - return jC(i, t), i - })(e, n) - case "root": - return (function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "root", children: LC(e, t.children) } - return jC(n, t), n - })(e, n) - case "text": - return (function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "text", value: "string" == typeof t.value ? t.value : "" } - return jC(n, t), n - })(0, n) - } - } - } - function LC(e, t) { - const n = [] - if (Array.isArray(t)) { - const r = t - let a = -1 - for (; ++a < r.length; ) { - const t = MC(e, r[a]) - t && (Array.isArray(t) ? n.push(...t) : n.push(t)) - } - } - return n - } - function QC(e, t, n, r) { - return t - ? Array.isArray(r) - ? (function (e, t, n, r) { - let a = -1 - const o = [] - for (; ++a < r.length; ) { - const i = BC(e, t, n, r[a]) - ;("number" != typeof i && "string" != typeof i) || o.push(i) - } - return o - })(e, t, n, r) - : BC(e, t, n, r) - : void 0 - } - function BC(e, t, n, r) { - if ( - ("boolean" == typeof r || "number" == typeof r || "string" == typeof r) && - (function (e, t, n) { - const r = e.schema.protocols && IC.call(e.schema.protocols, t) ? e.schema.protocols[t] : void 0 - if (!r || 0 === r.length) return !0 - const a = String(n), - o = a.indexOf(":"), - i = a.indexOf("?"), - s = a.indexOf("#"), - l = a.indexOf("/") - if (o < 0 || (l > -1 && o > l) || (i > -1 && o > i) || (s > -1 && o > s)) return !0 - let c = -1 - for (; ++c < r.length; ) { - const e = r[c] - if (o === e.length && a.slice(0, e.length) === e) return !0 - } - return !1 - })(e, n, r) - ) { - if ("object" == typeof t && t.length > 1) { - let e = !1, - n = 0 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) { - const a = t[n] - if (a && "object" == typeof a && "flags" in a) { - if (a.test(String(r))) { - e = !0 - break - } - } else if (a === r) { - e = !0 - break - } - } - if (!e) return - } - return e.schema.clobber && e.schema.clobberPrefix && e.schema.clobber.includes(n) - ? e.schema.clobberPrefix + r - : r - } - } - function jC(e, t) { - const n = bC(t) - t.data && (e.data = E_(t.data)), n && (e.position = n) - } - function UC(e, t) { - let n, - r = -1 - if (e) - for (; ++r < e.length; ) { - const a = e[r], - o = "string" == typeof a ? a : a[0] - if (o === t) return a - "data*" === o && (n = a) - } - if (t.length > 4 && "data" === t.slice(0, 4).toLowerCase()) return n - } - function FC(e) { - return function (t) { - const n = (function (e, t) { - let n = { type: "root", children: [] } - const r = MC({ schema: t ? { ...$C, ...t } : $C, stack: [] }, e) - return r && (Array.isArray(r) ? (1 === r.length ? (n = r[0]) : (n.children = r)) : (n = r)), n - })(t, e) - return n - } - } - const zC = /["&'<>`]/g, - qC = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, - ZC = /[\x01-\t\v\f\x0E-\x1F\x7F\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\x9D\xA0-\uFFFF]/g, - HC = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, - VC = new WeakMap() - const WC = /[\dA-Fa-f]/, - XC = /\d/, - YC = [ - "AElig", - "AMP", - "Aacute", - "Acirc", - "Agrave", - "Aring", - "Atilde", - "Auml", - "COPY", - "Ccedil", - "ETH", - "Eacute", - "Ecirc", - "Egrave", - "Euml", - "GT", - "Iacute", - "Icirc", - "Igrave", - "Iuml", - "LT", - "Ntilde", - "Oacute", - "Ocirc", - "Ograve", - "Oslash", - "Otilde", - "Ouml", - "QUOT", - "REG", - "THORN", - "Uacute", - "Ucirc", - "Ugrave", - "Uuml", - "Yacute", - "aacute", - "acirc", - "acute", - "aelig", - "agrave", - "amp", - "aring", - "atilde", - "auml", - "brvbar", - "ccedil", - "cedil", - "cent", - "copy", - "curren", - "deg", - "divide", - "eacute", - "ecirc", - "egrave", - "eth", - "euml", - "frac12", - "frac14", - "frac34", - "gt", - "iacute", - "icirc", - "iexcl", - "igrave", - "iquest", - "iuml", - "laquo", - "lt", - "macr", - "micro", - "middot", - "nbsp", - "not", - "ntilde", - "oacute", - "ocirc", - "ograve", - "ordf", - "ordm", - "oslash", - "otilde", - "ouml", - "para", - "plusmn", - "pound", - "quot", - "raquo", - "reg", - "sect", - "shy", - "sup1", - "sup2", - "sup3", - "szlig", - "thorn", - "times", - "uacute", - "ucirc", - "ugrave", - "uml", - "uuml", - "yacute", - "yen", - "yuml", - ], - GC = { - nbsp: " ", - iexcl: "¡", - cent: "¢", - pound: "£", - curren: "¤", - yen: "¥", - brvbar: "¦", - sect: "§", - uml: "¨", - copy: "©", - ordf: "ª", - laquo: "«", - not: "¬", - shy: "­", - reg: "®", - macr: "¯", - deg: "°", - plusmn: "±", - sup2: "²", - sup3: "³", - acute: "´", - micro: "µ", - para: "¶", - middot: "·", - cedil: "¸", - sup1: "¹", - ordm: "º", - raquo: "»", - frac14: "¼", - frac12: "½", - frac34: "¾", - iquest: "¿", - Agrave: "À", - Aacute: "Á", - Acirc: "Â", - Atilde: "Ã", - Auml: "Ä", - Aring: "Å", - AElig: "Æ", - Ccedil: "Ç", - Egrave: "È", - Eacute: "É", - Ecirc: "Ê", - Euml: "Ë", - Igrave: "Ì", - Iacute: "Í", - Icirc: "Î", - Iuml: "Ï", - ETH: "Ð", - Ntilde: "Ñ", - Ograve: "Ò", - Oacute: "Ó", - Ocirc: "Ô", - Otilde: "Õ", - Ouml: "Ö", - times: "×", - Oslash: "Ø", - Ugrave: "Ù", - Uacute: "Ú", - Ucirc: "Û", - Uuml: "Ü", - Yacute: "Ý", - THORN: "Þ", - szlig: "ß", - agrave: "à", - aacute: "á", - acirc: "â", - atilde: "ã", - auml: "ä", - aring: "å", - aelig: "æ", - ccedil: "ç", - egrave: "è", - eacute: "é", - ecirc: "ê", - euml: "ë", - igrave: "ì", - iacute: "í", - icirc: "î", - iuml: "ï", - eth: "ð", - ntilde: "ñ", - ograve: "ò", - oacute: "ó", - ocirc: "ô", - otilde: "õ", - ouml: "ö", - divide: "÷", - oslash: "ø", - ugrave: "ù", - uacute: "ú", - ucirc: "û", - uuml: "ü", - yacute: "ý", - thorn: "þ", - yuml: "ÿ", - fnof: "ƒ", - Alpha: "Α", - Beta: "Β", - Gamma: "Γ", - Delta: "Δ", - Epsilon: "Ε", - Zeta: "Ζ", - Eta: "Η", - Theta: "Θ", - Iota: "Ι", - Kappa: "Κ", - Lambda: "Λ", - Mu: "Μ", - Nu: "Ν", - Xi: "Ξ", - Omicron: "Ο", - Pi: "Π", - Rho: "Ρ", - Sigma: "Σ", - Tau: "Τ", - Upsilon: "Υ", - Phi: "Φ", - Chi: "Χ", - Psi: "Ψ", - Omega: "Ω", - alpha: "α", - beta: "β", - gamma: "γ", - delta: "δ", - epsilon: "ε", - zeta: "ζ", - eta: "η", - theta: "θ", - iota: "ι", - kappa: "κ", - lambda: "λ", - mu: "μ", - nu: "ν", - xi: "ξ", - omicron: "ο", - pi: "π", - rho: "ρ", - sigmaf: "ς", - sigma: "σ", - tau: "τ", - upsilon: "υ", - phi: "φ", - chi: "χ", - psi: "ψ", - omega: "ω", - thetasym: "ϑ", - upsih: "ϒ", - piv: "ϖ", - bull: "•", - hellip: "…", - prime: "′", - Prime: "″", - oline: "‾", - frasl: "⁄", - weierp: "℘", - image: "ℑ", - real: "ℜ", - trade: "™", - alefsym: "ℵ", - larr: "←", - uarr: "↑", - rarr: "→", - darr: "↓", - harr: "↔", - crarr: "↵", - lArr: "⇐", - uArr: "⇑", - rArr: "⇒", - dArr: "⇓", - hArr: "⇔", - forall: "∀", - part: "∂", - exist: "∃", - empty: "∅", - nabla: "∇", - isin: "∈", - notin: "∉", - ni: "∋", - prod: "∏", - sum: "∑", - minus: "−", - lowast: "∗", - radic: "√", - prop: "∝", - infin: "∞", - ang: "∠", - and: "∧", - or: "∨", - cap: "∩", - cup: "∪", - int: "∫", - there4: "∴", - sim: "∼", - cong: "≅", - asymp: "≈", - ne: "≠", - equiv: "≡", - le: "≤", - ge: "≥", - sub: "⊂", - sup: "⊃", - nsub: "⊄", - sube: "⊆", - supe: "⊇", - oplus: "⊕", - otimes: "⊗", - perp: "⊥", - sdot: "⋅", - lceil: "⌈", - rceil: "⌉", - lfloor: "⌊", - rfloor: "⌋", - lang: "〈", - rang: "〉", - loz: "◊", - spades: "♠", - clubs: "♣", - hearts: "♥", - diams: "♦", - quot: '"', - amp: "&", - lt: "<", - gt: ">", - OElig: "Œ", - oelig: "œ", - Scaron: "Š", - scaron: "š", - Yuml: "Ÿ", - circ: "ˆ", - tilde: "˜", - ensp: " ", - emsp: " ", - thinsp: " ", - zwnj: "‌", - zwj: "‍", - lrm: "‎", - rlm: "‏", - ndash: "–", - mdash: "—", - lsquo: "‘", - rsquo: "’", - sbquo: "‚", - ldquo: "“", - rdquo: "”", - bdquo: "„", - dagger: "†", - Dagger: "‡", - permil: "‰", - lsaquo: "‹", - rsaquo: "›", - euro: "€", - }, - KC = ["cent", "copy", "divide", "gt", "lt", "not", "para", "times"], - JC = {}.hasOwnProperty, - eP = {} - let tP - for (tP in GC) JC.call(GC, tP) && (eP[GC[tP]] = tP) - const nP = /[^\dA-Za-z]/ - function rP(e, t, n) { - let r, - a = (function (e, t, n) { - const r = "&#x" + e.toString(16).toUpperCase() - return n && t && !WC.test(String.fromCharCode(t)) ? r : r + ";" - })(e, t, n.omitOptionalSemicolons) - if ( - ((n.useNamedReferences || n.useShortestReferences) && - (r = (function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = String.fromCharCode(e) - if (JC.call(eP, a)) { - const e = eP[a], - o = "&" + e - return n && - YC.includes(e) && - !KC.includes(e) && - (!r || (t && 61 !== t && nP.test(String.fromCharCode(t)))) - ? o - : o + ";" - } - return "" - })(e, t, n.omitOptionalSemicolons, n.attribute)), - (n.useShortestReferences || !r) && n.useShortestReferences) - ) { - const r = (function (e, t, n) { - const r = "&#" + String(e) - return n && t && !XC.test(String.fromCharCode(t)) ? r : r + ";" - })(e, t, n.omitOptionalSemicolons) - r.length < a.length && (a = r) - } - return r && (!n.useShortestReferences || r.length < a.length) ? r : a - } - function aP(e, t) { - return (function (e, t) { - return ( - (e = e.replace( - t.subset - ? (function (e) { - let t = VC.get(e) - return ( - t || - ((t = (function (e) { - const t = [] - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) t.push(e[n].replace(HC, "\\$&")) - return new RegExp("(?:" + t.join("|") + ")", "g") - })(e)), - VC.set(e, t)), - t - ) - })(t.subset) - : zC, - n, - )), - t.subset || t.escapeOnly - ? e - : e - .replace(qC, function (e, n, r) { - return t.format( - 1024 * (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320 + 65536, - r.charCodeAt(n + 2), - t, - ) - }) - .replace(ZC, n) - ) - function n(e, n, r) { - return t.format(e.charCodeAt(0), r.charCodeAt(n + 1), t) - } - })(e, Object.assign({ format: rP }, t)) - } - const oP = /^>|^->||--!>|"], - sP = ["<", ">"] - function lP(e, t) { - const n = String(e) - if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Expected character") - let r = 0, - a = n.indexOf(t) - for (; -1 !== a; ) r++, (a = n.indexOf(t, a + t.length)) - return r - } - const cP = pP(1), - dP = pP(-1), - uP = [] - function pP(e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - const a = t ? t.children : uP - let o = (n || 0) + e, - i = a[o] - if (!r) for (; i && F_(i); ) (o += e), (i = a[o]) - return i - } - } - const hP = {}.hasOwnProperty - function fP(e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - return hP.call(e, t.tagName) && e[t.tagName](t, n, r) - } - } - const mP = fP({ - body: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || "comment" !== r.type - }, - caption: gP, - colgroup: gP, - dd: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && ("dt" === r.tagName || "dd" === r.tagName)) - }, - dt: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return Boolean(r && "element" === r.type && ("dt" === r.tagName || "dd" === r.tagName)) - }, - head: gP, - html: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || "comment" !== r.type - }, - li: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && "li" === r.tagName) - }, - optgroup: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && "optgroup" === r.tagName) - }, - option: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && ("option" === r.tagName || "optgroup" === r.tagName)) - }, - p: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return r - ? "element" === r.type && - ("address" === r.tagName || - "article" === r.tagName || - "aside" === r.tagName || - "blockquote" === r.tagName || - "details" === r.tagName || - "div" === r.tagName || - "dl" === r.tagName || - "fieldset" === r.tagName || - "figcaption" === r.tagName || - "figure" === r.tagName || - "footer" === r.tagName || - "form" === r.tagName || - "h1" === r.tagName || - "h2" === r.tagName || - "h3" === r.tagName || - "h4" === r.tagName || - "h5" === r.tagName || - "h6" === r.tagName || - "header" === r.tagName || - "hgroup" === r.tagName || - "hr" === r.tagName || - "main" === r.tagName || - "menu" === r.tagName || - "nav" === r.tagName || - "ol" === r.tagName || - "p" === r.tagName || - "pre" === r.tagName || - "section" === r.tagName || - "table" === r.tagName || - "ul" === r.tagName) - : !n || - !( - "element" === n.type && - ("a" === n.tagName || - "audio" === n.tagName || - "del" === n.tagName || - "ins" === n.tagName || - "map" === n.tagName || - "noscript" === n.tagName || - "video" === n.tagName) - ) - }, - rp: bP, - rt: bP, - tbody: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && ("tbody" === r.tagName || "tfoot" === r.tagName)) - }, - td: vP, - tfoot: function (e, t, n) { - return !cP(n, t) - }, - th: vP, - thead: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return Boolean(r && "element" === r.type && ("tbody" === r.tagName || "tfoot" === r.tagName)) - }, - tr: function (e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && "tr" === r.tagName) - }, - }) - function gP(e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t, !0) - return !r || ("comment" !== r.type && !("text" === r.type && F_(r.value.charAt(0)))) - } - function bP(e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && ("rp" === r.tagName || "rt" === r.tagName)) - } - function vP(e, t, n) { - const r = cP(n, t) - return !r || ("element" === r.type && ("td" === r.tagName || "th" === r.tagName)) - } - const yP = fP({ - body: function (e) { - const t = cP(e, -1, !0) - return !( - t && - ("comment" === t.type || - ("text" === t.type && F_(t.value.charAt(0))) || - ("element" === t.type && - ("meta" === t.tagName || - "link" === t.tagName || - "script" === t.tagName || - "style" === t.tagName || - "template" === t.tagName))) - ) - }, - colgroup: function (e, t, n) { - const r = dP(n, t), - a = cP(e, -1, !0) - return ( - !(n && r && "element" === r.type && "colgroup" === r.tagName && mP(r, n.children.indexOf(r), n)) && - Boolean(a && "element" === a.type && "col" === a.tagName) - ) - }, - head: function (e) { - const t = e.children, - n = [] - let r = -1 - for (; ++r < t.length; ) { - const e = t[r] - if ("element" === e.type && ("title" === e.tagName || "base" === e.tagName)) { - if (n.includes(e.tagName)) return !1 - n.push(e.tagName) - } - } - return t.length > 0 - }, - html: function (e) { - const t = cP(e, -1) - return !t || "comment" !== t.type - }, - tbody: function (e, t, n) { - const r = dP(n, t), - a = cP(e, -1) - return ( - (!n || - !r || - "element" !== r.type || - ("thead" !== r.tagName && "tbody" !== r.tagName) || - !mP(r, n.children.indexOf(r), n)) && - Boolean(a && "element" === a.type && "tr" === a.tagName) - ) - }, - }), - OP = { - name: [ - ["\t\n\f\r &/=>".split(""), "\t\n\f\r \"&'/=>`".split("")], - ["\0\t\n\f\r \"&'/<=>".split(""), "\0\t\n\f\r \"&'/<=>`".split("")], - ], - unquoted: [ - ["\t\n\f\r &>".split(""), "\0\t\n\f\r \"&'<=>`".split("")], - ["\0\t\n\f\r \"&'<=>`".split(""), "\0\t\n\f\r \"&'<=>`".split("")], - ], - single: [ - ["&'".split(""), "\"&'`".split("")], - ["\0&'".split(""), "\0\"&'`".split("")], - ], - double: [ - ['"&'.split(""), "\"&'`".split("")], - ['\0"&'.split(""), "\0\"&'`".split("")], - ], - } - function wP(e, t, n) { - const r = BS(e.schema, t), - a = e.settings.allowParseErrors && "html" === e.schema.space ? 0 : 1, - o = e.settings.allowDangerousCharacters ? 0 : 1 - let i, - s = e.quote - if ( - (!r.overloadedBoolean || (n !== r.attribute && "" !== n) - ? (r.boolean || (r.overloadedBoolean && "string" != typeof n)) && (n = Boolean(n)) - : (n = !0), - null == n || !1 === n || ("number" == typeof n && Number.isNaN(n))) - ) - return "" - const l = aP(r.attribute, Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { subset: OP.name[a][o] })) - return !0 === n - ? l - : ((n = Array.isArray(n) - ? (r.commaSeparated ? ZS : P_)(n, { padLeft: !e.settings.tightCommaSeparatedLists }) - : String(n)), - e.settings.collapseEmptyAttributes && !n - ? l - : (e.settings.preferUnquoted && - (i = aP( - n, - Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { attribute: !0, subset: OP.unquoted[a][o] }), - )), - i !== n && - (e.settings.quoteSmart && lP(n, s) > lP(n, e.alternative) && (s = e.alternative), - (i = - s + - aP( - n, - Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { - subset: ("'" === s ? OP.single : OP.double)[a][o], - attribute: !0, - }), - ) + - s)), - l + (i ? "=" + i : i))) - } - const xP = ["<", "&"] - function kP(e, t, n, r) { - return !n || "element" !== n.type || ("script" !== n.tagName && "style" !== n.tagName) - ? aP(e.value, Object.assign({}, r.settings.characterReferences, { subset: xP })) - : e.value - } - const _P = pE("type", { - invalid: function (e) { - throw new Error("Expected node, not `" + e + "`") - }, - unknown: function (e) { - throw new Error("Cannot compile unknown node `" + e.type + "`") - }, - handlers: { - comment: function (e, t, n, r) { - return r.settings.bogusComments - ? "" - : "\x3c!--" + - e.value.replace(oP, function (e) { - return aP(e, Object.assign({}, r.settings.characterReferences, { subset: sP })) - }) + - "--\x3e" - }, - doctype: function (e, t, n, r) { - return ( - "" - ) - }, - element: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = r.schema, - o = "svg" !== a.space && r.settings.omitOptionalTags - let i = - "svg" === a.space ? r.settings.closeEmptyElements : r.settings.voids.includes(e.tagName.toLowerCase()) - const s = [] - let l - "html" === a.space && "svg" === e.tagName && (r.schema = zS) - const c = (function (e, t) { - const n = [] - let r, - a = -1 - if (t) - for (r in t) - if (null !== t[r] && void 0 !== t[r]) { - const a = wP(e, r, t[r]) - a && n.push(a) - } - for (; ++a < n.length; ) { - const t = e.settings.tightAttributes ? n[a].charAt(n[a].length - 1) : void 0 - a !== n.length - 1 && '"' !== t && "'" !== t && (n[a] += " ") - } - return n.join("") - })(r, e.properties), - d = r.all("html" === a.space && "template" === e.tagName ? e.content : e) - return ( - (r.schema = a), - d && (i = !1), - (!c && o && yP(e, t, n)) || - (s.push("<", e.tagName, c ? " " + c : ""), - i && - ("svg" === a.space || r.settings.closeSelfClosing) && - ((l = c.charAt(c.length - 1)), - (!r.settings.tightSelfClosing || "/" === l || (l && '"' !== l && "'" !== l)) && s.push(" "), - s.push("/")), - s.push(">")), - s.push(d), - i || (o && mP(e, t, n)) || s.push(""), - s.join("") - ) - }, - raw: function (e, t, n, r) { - return r.settings.allowDangerousHtml ? e.value : kP(e, 0, n, r) - }, - root: function (e, t, n, r) { - return r.all(e) - }, - text: kP, - }, - }), - SP = {}, - EP = {}, - TP = [] - function AP(e, t, n) { - return _P(e, t, n, this) - } - function CP(e) { - const t = [], - n = (e && e.children) || TP - let r = -1 - for (; ++r < n.length; ) t[r] = this.one(n[r], r, e) - return t.join("") - } - function PP(e) { - const t = { ...this.data("settings"), ...e } - this.compiler = function (e) { - return (function (e, t) { - const n = t || SP, - r = n.quote || '"', - a = '"' === r ? "'" : '"' - if ('"' !== r && "'" !== r) throw new Error("Invalid quote `" + r + "`, expected `'` or `\"`") - return { - one: AP, - all: CP, - settings: { - omitOptionalTags: n.omitOptionalTags || !1, - allowParseErrors: n.allowParseErrors || !1, - allowDangerousCharacters: n.allowDangerousCharacters || !1, - quoteSmart: n.quoteSmart || !1, - preferUnquoted: n.preferUnquoted || !1, - tightAttributes: n.tightAttributes || !1, - upperDoctype: n.upperDoctype || !1, - tightDoctype: n.tightDoctype || !1, - bogusComments: n.bogusComments || !1, - tightCommaSeparatedLists: n.tightCommaSeparatedLists || !1, - tightSelfClosing: n.tightSelfClosing || !1, - collapseEmptyAttributes: n.collapseEmptyAttributes || !1, - allowDangerousHtml: n.allowDangerousHtml || !1, - voids: n.voids || yE, - characterReferences: n.characterReferences || EP, - closeSelfClosing: n.closeSelfClosing || !1, - closeEmptyElements: n.closeEmptyElements || !1, - }, - schema: "svg" === n.space ? zS : FS, - quote: r, - alternative: a, - }.one(Array.isArray(e) ? { type: "root", children: e } : e, void 0, void 0) - })(e, t) - } - } - const DP = zP(/[A-Za-z]/), - RP = zP(/[\dA-Za-z]/), - NP = zP(/[#-'*+\--9=?A-Z^-~]/) - function $P(e) { - return null !== e && (e < 32 || 127 === e) - } - const IP = zP(/\d/), - MP = zP(/[\dA-Fa-f]/), - LP = zP(/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/) - function QP(e) { - return null !== e && e < -2 - } - function BP(e) { - return null !== e && (e < 0 || 32 === e) - } - function jP(e) { - return -2 === e || -1 === e || 32 === e - } - const UP = zP(new RegExp("\\p{P}|\\p{S}", "u")), - FP = zP(/\s/) - function zP(e) { - return function (t) { - return null !== t && t > -1 && e.test(String.fromCharCode(t)) - } - } - function qP(e) { - return "string" == typeof e - ? new RegExp( - (function (e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a string") - return e.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, "\\$&").replace(/-/g, "\\x2d") - })(e), - "g", - ) - : e - } - function ZP(e) { - return "function" == typeof e - ? e - : function () { - return e - } - } - const HP = "phrasing", - VP = ["autolink", "link", "image", "label"] - function WP(e) { - this.enter({ type: "link", title: null, url: "", children: [] }, e) - } - function XP(e) { - this.config.enter.autolinkProtocol.call(this, e) - } - function YP(e) { - this.config.exit.autolinkProtocol.call(this, e) - } - function GP(e) { - this.config.exit.data.call(this, e) - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - t.type, (t.url = "http://" + this.sliceSerialize(e)) - } - function KP(e) { - this.config.exit.autolinkEmail.call(this, e) - } - function JP(e) { - this.exit(e) - } - function eD(e) { - !(function (e, t, n) { - const r = bw((n || {}).ignore || []), - a = (function (e) { - const t = [] - if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected find and replace tuple or list of tuples") - const n = !e[0] || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? e : [e] - let r = -1 - for (; ++r < n.length; ) { - const e = n[r] - t.push([qP(e[0]), ZP(e[1])]) - } - return t - })(t) - let o = -1 - for (; ++o < a.length; ) f_(e, "text", i) - function i(e, t) { - let n, - i = -1 - for (; ++i < t.length; ) { - const e = t[i], - a = n ? n.children : void 0 - if (r(e, a ? a.indexOf(e) : void 0, n)) return - n = e - } - if (n) - return (function (e, t) { - const n = t[t.length - 1], - r = a[o][0], - i = a[o][1] - let s = 0 - const l = n.children.indexOf(e) - let c = !1, - d = [] - r.lastIndex = 0 - let u = r.exec(e.value) - for (; u; ) { - const n = u.index, - a = { index: u.index, input: u.input, stack: [...t, e] } - let o = i(...u, a) - if ( - ("string" == typeof o && (o = o.length > 0 ? { type: "text", value: o } : void 0), - !1 === o - ? (r.lastIndex = n + 1) - : (s !== n && d.push({ type: "text", value: e.value.slice(s, n) }), - Array.isArray(o) ? d.push(...o) : o && d.push(o), - (s = n + u[0].length), - (c = !0)), - !r.global) - ) - break - u = r.exec(e.value) - } - return ( - c - ? (s < e.value.length && d.push({ type: "text", value: e.value.slice(s) }), - n.children.splice(l, 1, ...d)) - : (d = [e]), - l + d.length - ) - })(e, t) - } - })( - e, - [ - [/(https?:\/\/|www(?=\.))([-.\w]+)([^ \t\r\n]*)/gi, tD], - [/([-.\w+]+)@([-\w]+(?:\.[-\w]+)+)/g, nD], - ], - { ignore: ["link", "linkReference"] }, - ) - } - function tD(e, t, n, r, a) { - let o = "" - if (!rD(a)) return !1 - if ( - (/^w/i.test(t) && ((n = t + n), (t = ""), (o = "http://")), - !(function (e) { - const t = e.split(".") - return !( - t.length < 2 || - (t[t.length - 1] && (/_/.test(t[t.length - 1]) || !/[a-zA-Z\d]/.test(t[t.length - 1]))) || - (t[t.length - 2] && (/_/.test(t[t.length - 2]) || !/[a-zA-Z\d]/.test(t[t.length - 2]))) - ) - })(n)) - ) - return !1 - const i = (function (e) { - const t = /[!"&'),.:;<>?\]}]+$/.exec(e) - if (!t) return [e, void 0] - e = e.slice(0, t.index) - let n = t[0], - r = n.indexOf(")") - const a = lP(e, "(") - let o = lP(e, ")") - for (; -1 !== r && a > o; ) (e += n.slice(0, r + 1)), (n = n.slice(r + 1)), (r = n.indexOf(")")), o++ - return [e, n] - })(n + r) - if (!i[0]) return !1 - const s = { type: "link", title: null, url: o + t + i[0], children: [{ type: "text", value: t + i[0] }] } - return i[1] ? [s, { type: "text", value: i[1] }] : s - } - function nD(e, t, n, r) { - return ( - !(!rD(r, !0) || /[-\d_]$/.test(n)) && { - type: "link", - title: null, - url: "mailto:" + t + "@" + n, - children: [{ type: "text", value: t + "@" + n }], - } - ) - } - function rD(e, t) { - const n = e.input.charCodeAt(e.index - 1) - return (0 === e.index || FP(n) || UP(n)) && (!t || 47 !== n) - } - function aD(e) { - return e - .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, " ") - .replace(/^ | $/g, "") - .toLowerCase() - .toUpperCase() - } - function oD(e) { - this.enter({ type: "footnoteDefinition", identifier: "", label: "", children: [] }, e) - } - function iD() { - this.buffer() - } - function sD(e) { - const t = this.resume(), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - n.type, (n.label = t), (n.identifier = aD(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()) - } - function lD(e) { - this.exit(e) - } - function cD(e) { - this.enter({ type: "footnoteReference", identifier: "", label: "" }, e) - } - function dD() { - this.buffer() - } - function uD(e) { - const t = this.resume(), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - n.type, (n.label = t), (n.identifier = aD(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()) - } - function pD(e) { - this.exit(e) - } - function hD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.createTracker(r) - let o = a.move("[^") - const i = n.enter("footnoteReference"), - s = n.enter("reference") - return ( - (o += a.move(n.safe(n.associationId(e), { ...a.current(), before: o, after: "]" }))), - s(), - i(), - (o += a.move("]")), - o - ) - } - function fD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.createTracker(r) - let o = a.move("[^") - const i = n.enter("footnoteDefinition"), - s = n.enter("label") - return ( - (o += a.move(n.safe(n.associationId(e), { ...a.current(), before: o, after: "]" }))), - s(), - (o += a.move("]:" + (e.children && e.children.length > 0 ? " " : ""))), - a.shift(4), - (o += a.move(n.indentLines(n.containerFlow(e, a.current()), mD))), - i(), - o - ) - } - function mD(e, t, n) { - return 0 === t ? e : (n ? "" : " ") + e - } - hD.peek = function () { - return "[" - } - const gD = ["autolink", "destinationLiteral", "destinationRaw", "reference", "titleQuote", "titleApostrophe"] - function bD(e) { - this.enter({ type: "delete", children: [] }, e) - } - function vD(e) { - this.exit(e) - } - function yD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.createTracker(r), - o = n.enter("strikethrough") - let i = a.move("~~") - return (i += n.containerPhrasing(e, { ...a.current(), before: i, after: "~" })), (i += a.move("~~")), o(), i - } - function OD(e) { - return e.length - } - function wD(e) { - const t = "string" == typeof e ? e.codePointAt(0) : 0 - return 67 === t || 99 === t ? 99 : 76 === t || 108 === t ? 108 : 82 === t || 114 === t ? 114 : 0 - } - function xD(e, t, n) { - return ">" + (n ? "" : " ") + e - } - function kD(e, t, n) { - if (("string" == typeof t && (t = [t]), !t || 0 === t.length)) return n - let r = -1 - for (; ++r < t.length; ) if (e.includes(t[r])) return !0 - return !1 - } - function _D(e, t, n, r) { - let a = -1 - for (; ++a < n.unsafe.length; ) - if ( - "\n" === n.unsafe[a].character && - kD((o = n.stack), (i = n.unsafe[a]).inConstruct, !0) && - !kD(o, i.notInConstruct, !1) - ) - return /[ \t]/.test(r.before) ? "" : " " - var o, i - return "\\\n" - } - function SD(e, t, n) { - return (n ? "" : " ") + e - } - function ED(e) { - const t = e.options.quote || '"' - if ('"' !== t && "'" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize title with `" + t + "` for `options.quote`, expected `\"`, or `'`") - return t - } - function TD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = (function (e) { - const t = e.options.emphasis || "*" - if ("*" !== t && "_" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize emphasis with `" + t + "` for `options.emphasis`, expected `*`, or `_`") - return t - })(n), - o = n.enter("emphasis"), - i = n.createTracker(r) - let s = i.move(a) - return (s += i.move(n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: s, after: a, ...i.current() }))), (s += i.move(a)), o(), s - } - ;(yD.peek = function () { - return "~" - }), - (TD.peek = function (e, t, n) { - return n.options.emphasis || "*" - }) - const AD = {} - function CD(e, t) { - const n = AD - return PD( - e, - "boolean" != typeof n.includeImageAlt || n.includeImageAlt, - "boolean" != typeof n.includeHtml || n.includeHtml, - ) - } - function PD(e, t, n) { - if ( - (function (e) { - return Boolean(e && "object" == typeof e) - })(e) - ) { - if ("value" in e) return "html" !== e.type || n ? e.value : "" - if (t && "alt" in e && e.alt) return e.alt - if ("children" in e) return DD(e.children, t, n) - } - return Array.isArray(e) ? DD(e, t, n) : "" - } - function DD(e, t, n) { - const r = [] - let a = -1 - for (; ++a < e.length; ) r[a] = PD(e[a], t, n) - return r.join("") - } - function RD(e) { - return e.value || "" - } - function ND(e, t, n, r) { - const a = ED(n), - o = '"' === a ? "Quote" : "Apostrophe", - i = n.enter("image") - let s = n.enter("label") - const l = n.createTracker(r) - let c = l.move("![") - return ( - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.alt, { before: c, after: "]", ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move("](")), - s(), - (!e.url && e.title) || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) - ? ((s = n.enter("destinationLiteral")), - (c += l.move("<")), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: ">", ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move(">"))) - : ((s = n.enter("destinationRaw")), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: e.title ? " " : ")", ...l.current() })))), - s(), - e.title && - ((s = n.enter(`title${o}`)), - (c += l.move(" " + a)), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.title, { before: c, after: a, ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move(a)), - s()), - (c += l.move(")")), - i(), - c - ) - } - function $D(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.referenceType, - o = n.enter("imageReference") - let i = n.enter("label") - const s = n.createTracker(r) - let l = s.move("![") - const c = n.safe(e.alt, { before: l, after: "]", ...s.current() }) - ;(l += s.move(c + "][")), i() - const d = n.stack - ;(n.stack = []), (i = n.enter("reference")) - const u = n.safe(n.associationId(e), { before: l, after: "]", ...s.current() }) - return ( - i(), - (n.stack = d), - o(), - "full" !== a && c && c === u - ? "shortcut" === a - ? (l = l.slice(0, -1)) - : (l += s.move("]")) - : (l += s.move(u + "]")), - l - ) - } - function ID(e, t, n) { - let r = e.value || "", - a = "`", - o = -1 - for (; new RegExp("(^|[^`])" + a + "([^`]|$)").test(r); ) a += "`" - for ( - /[^ \r\n]/.test(r) && ((/^[ \r\n]/.test(r) && /[ \r\n]$/.test(r)) || /^`|`$/.test(r)) && (r = " " + r + " "); - ++o < n.unsafe.length; - - ) { - const e = n.unsafe[o], - t = n.compilePattern(e) - let a - if (e.atBreak) - for (; (a = t.exec(r)); ) { - let e = a.index - 10 === r.charCodeAt(e) && 13 === r.charCodeAt(e - 1) && e--, - (r = r.slice(0, e) + " " + r.slice(a.index + 1)) - } - } - return a + r + a - } - function MD(e, t) { - const n = CD(e) - return Boolean( - !t.options.resourceLink && - e.url && - !e.title && - e.children && - 1 === e.children.length && - "text" === e.children[0].type && - (n === e.url || "mailto:" + n === e.url) && - /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:/i.test(e.url) && - !/[\0- <>\u007F]/.test(e.url), - ) - } - function LD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = ED(n), - o = '"' === a ? "Quote" : "Apostrophe", - i = n.createTracker(r) - let s, l - if (MD(e, n)) { - const t = n.stack - ;(n.stack = []), (s = n.enter("autolink")) - let r = i.move("<") - return ( - (r += i.move(n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: r, after: ">", ...i.current() }))), - (r += i.move(">")), - s(), - (n.stack = t), - r - ) - } - ;(s = n.enter("link")), (l = n.enter("label")) - let c = i.move("[") - return ( - (c += i.move(n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: c, after: "](", ...i.current() }))), - (c += i.move("](")), - l(), - (!e.url && e.title) || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) - ? ((l = n.enter("destinationLiteral")), - (c += i.move("<")), - (c += i.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: ">", ...i.current() }))), - (c += i.move(">"))) - : ((l = n.enter("destinationRaw")), - (c += i.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: e.title ? " " : ")", ...i.current() })))), - l(), - e.title && - ((l = n.enter(`title${o}`)), - (c += i.move(" " + a)), - (c += i.move(n.safe(e.title, { before: c, after: a, ...i.current() }))), - (c += i.move(a)), - l()), - (c += i.move(")")), - s(), - c - ) - } - function QD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.referenceType, - o = n.enter("linkReference") - let i = n.enter("label") - const s = n.createTracker(r) - let l = s.move("[") - const c = n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: l, after: "]", ...s.current() }) - ;(l += s.move(c + "][")), i() - const d = n.stack - ;(n.stack = []), (i = n.enter("reference")) - const u = n.safe(n.associationId(e), { before: l, after: "]", ...s.current() }) - return ( - i(), - (n.stack = d), - o(), - "full" !== a && c && c === u - ? "shortcut" === a - ? (l = l.slice(0, -1)) - : (l += s.move("]")) - : (l += s.move(u + "]")), - l - ) - } - function BD(e) { - const t = e.options.bullet || "*" - if ("*" !== t && "+" !== t && "-" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize items with `" + t + "` for `options.bullet`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`") - return t - } - function jD(e) { - const t = e.options.rule || "*" - if ("*" !== t && "-" !== t && "_" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize rules with `" + t + "` for `options.rule`, expected `*`, `-`, or `_`") - return t - } - ;(RD.peek = function () { - return "<" - }), - (ND.peek = function () { - return "!" - }), - ($D.peek = function () { - return "!" - }), - (ID.peek = function () { - return "`" - }), - (LD.peek = function (e, t, n) { - return MD(e, n) ? "<" : "[" - }), - (QD.peek = function () { - return "[" - }) - const UD = bw([ - "break", - "delete", - "emphasis", - "footnote", - "footnoteReference", - "image", - "imageReference", - "inlineCode", - "inlineMath", - "link", - "linkReference", - "mdxJsxTextElement", - "mdxTextExpression", - "strong", - "text", - "textDirective", - ]) - function FD(e, t, n, r) { - const a = (function (e) { - const t = e.options.strong || "*" - if ("*" !== t && "_" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize strong with `" + t + "` for `options.strong`, expected `*`, or `_`") - return t - })(n), - o = n.enter("strong"), - i = n.createTracker(r) - let s = i.move(a + a) - return ( - (s += i.move(n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: s, after: a, ...i.current() }))), (s += i.move(a + a)), o(), s - ) - } - FD.peek = function (e, t, n) { - return n.options.strong || "*" - } - const zD = { - blockquote: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.enter("blockquote"), - o = n.createTracker(r) - o.move("> "), o.shift(2) - const i = n.indentLines(n.containerFlow(e, o.current()), xD) - return a(), i - }, - break: _D, - code: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = (function (e) { - const t = e.options.fence || "`" - if ("`" !== t && "~" !== t) - throw new Error("Cannot serialize code with `" + t + "` for `options.fence`, expected `` ` `` or `~`") - return t - })(n), - o = e.value || "", - i = "`" === a ? "GraveAccent" : "Tilde" - if ( - (function (e, t) { - return Boolean( - !1 === t.options.fences && - e.value && - !e.lang && - /[^ \r\n]/.test(e.value) && - !/^[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|$)|(?:^|[\r\n])[\t ]*$/.test(e.value), - ) - })(e, n) - ) { - const e = n.enter("codeIndented"), - t = n.indentLines(o, SD) - return e(), t - } - const s = n.createTracker(r), - l = a.repeat( - Math.max( - (function (e, t) { - const n = String(e) - let r = n.indexOf(t), - a = r, - o = 0, - i = 0 - if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Expected substring") - for (; -1 !== r; ) r === a ? ++o > i && (i = o) : (o = 1), (a = r + t.length), (r = n.indexOf(t, a)) - return i - })(o, a) + 1, - 3, - ), - ), - c = n.enter("codeFenced") - let d = s.move(l) - if (e.lang) { - const t = n.enter(`codeFencedLang${i}`) - ;(d += s.move(n.safe(e.lang, { before: d, after: " ", encode: ["`"], ...s.current() }))), t() - } - if (e.lang && e.meta) { - const t = n.enter(`codeFencedMeta${i}`) - ;(d += s.move(" ")), - (d += s.move(n.safe(e.meta, { before: d, after: "\n", encode: ["`"], ...s.current() }))), - t() - } - return (d += s.move("\n")), o && (d += s.move(o + "\n")), (d += s.move(l)), c(), d - }, - definition: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = ED(n), - o = '"' === a ? "Quote" : "Apostrophe", - i = n.enter("definition") - let s = n.enter("label") - const l = n.createTracker(r) - let c = l.move("[") - return ( - (c += l.move(n.safe(n.associationId(e), { before: c, after: "]", ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move("]: ")), - s(), - !e.url || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) - ? ((s = n.enter("destinationLiteral")), - (c += l.move("<")), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: ">", ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move(">"))) - : ((s = n.enter("destinationRaw")), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.url, { before: c, after: e.title ? " " : "\n", ...l.current() })))), - s(), - e.title && - ((s = n.enter(`title${o}`)), - (c += l.move(" " + a)), - (c += l.move(n.safe(e.title, { before: c, after: a, ...l.current() }))), - (c += l.move(a)), - s()), - i(), - c - ) - }, - emphasis: TD, - hardBreak: _D, - heading: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = Math.max(Math.min(6, e.depth || 1), 1), - o = n.createTracker(r) - if ( - (function (e, t) { - let n = !1 - return ( - m_(e, function (e) { - if (("value" in e && /\r?\n|\r/.test(e.value)) || "break" === e.type) return (n = !0), p_ - }), - Boolean((!e.depth || e.depth < 3) && CD(e) && (t.options.setext || n)) - ) - })(e, n) - ) { - const t = n.enter("headingSetext"), - r = n.enter("phrasing"), - i = n.containerPhrasing(e, { ...o.current(), before: "\n", after: "\n" }) - return ( - r(), - t(), - i + - "\n" + - (1 === a ? "=" : "-").repeat(i.length - (Math.max(i.lastIndexOf("\r"), i.lastIndexOf("\n")) + 1)) - ) - } - const i = "#".repeat(a), - s = n.enter("headingAtx"), - l = n.enter("phrasing") - o.move(i + " ") - let c = n.containerPhrasing(e, { before: "# ", after: "\n", ...o.current() }) - return ( - /^[\t ]/.test(c) && (c = "&#x" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";" + c.slice(1)), - (c = c ? i + " " + c : i), - n.options.closeAtx && (c += " " + i), - l(), - s(), - c - ) - }, - html: RD, - image: ND, - imageReference: $D, - inlineCode: ID, - link: LD, - linkReference: QD, - list: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.enter("list"), - o = n.bulletCurrent - let i = e.ordered - ? (function (e) { - const t = e.options.bulletOrdered || "." - if ("." !== t && ")" !== t) - throw new Error( - "Cannot serialize items with `" + t + "` for `options.bulletOrdered`, expected `.` or `)`", - ) - return t - })(n) - : BD(n) - const s = e.ordered - ? "." === i - ? ")" - : "." - : (function (e) { - const t = BD(e), - n = e.options.bulletOther - if (!n) return "*" === t ? "-" : "*" - if ("*" !== n && "+" !== n && "-" !== n) - throw new Error( - "Cannot serialize items with `" + n + "` for `options.bulletOther`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`", - ) - if (n === t) - throw new Error("Expected `bullet` (`" + t + "`) and `bulletOther` (`" + n + "`) to be different") - return n - })(n) - let l = !(!t || !n.bulletLastUsed) && i === n.bulletLastUsed - if (!e.ordered) { - const t = e.children ? e.children[0] : void 0 - if ( - (("*" !== i && "-" !== i) || - !t || - (t.children && t.children[0]) || - "list" !== n.stack[n.stack.length - 1] || - "listItem" !== n.stack[n.stack.length - 2] || - "list" !== n.stack[n.stack.length - 3] || - "listItem" !== n.stack[n.stack.length - 4] || - 0 !== n.indexStack[n.indexStack.length - 1] || - 0 !== n.indexStack[n.indexStack.length - 2] || - 0 !== n.indexStack[n.indexStack.length - 3] || - (l = !0), - jD(n) === i && t) - ) { - let t = -1 - for (; ++t < e.children.length; ) { - const n = e.children[t] - if ( - n && - "listItem" === n.type && - n.children && - n.children[0] && - "thematicBreak" === n.children[0].type - ) { - l = !0 - break - } - } - } - } - l && (i = s), (n.bulletCurrent = i) - const c = n.containerFlow(e, r) - return (n.bulletLastUsed = i), (n.bulletCurrent = o), a(), c - }, - listItem: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = (function (e) { - const t = e.options.listItemIndent || "one" - if ("tab" !== t && "one" !== t && "mixed" !== t) - throw new Error( - "Cannot serialize items with `" + - t + - "` for `options.listItemIndent`, expected `tab`, `one`, or `mixed`", - ) - return t - })(n) - let o = n.bulletCurrent || BD(n) - t && - "list" === t.type && - t.ordered && - (o = - ("number" == typeof t.start && t.start > -1 ? t.start : 1) + - (!1 === n.options.incrementListMarker ? 0 : t.children.indexOf(e)) + - o) - let i = o.length + 1 - ;("tab" === a || ("mixed" === a && ((t && "list" === t.type && t.spread) || e.spread))) && - (i = 4 * Math.ceil(i / 4)) - const s = n.createTracker(r) - s.move(o + " ".repeat(i - o.length)), s.shift(i) - const l = n.enter("listItem"), - c = n.indentLines(n.containerFlow(e, s.current()), function (e, t, n) { - return t ? (n ? "" : " ".repeat(i)) + e : (n ? o : o + " ".repeat(i - o.length)) + e - }) - return l(), c - }, - paragraph: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.enter("paragraph"), - o = n.enter("phrasing"), - i = n.containerPhrasing(e, r) - return o(), a(), i - }, - root: function (e, t, n, r) { - return ( - e.children.some(function (e) { - return UD(e) - }) - ? n.containerPhrasing - : n.containerFlow - ).call(n, e, r) - }, - strong: FD, - text: function (e, t, n, r) { - return n.safe(e.value, r) - }, - thematicBreak: function (e, t, n) { - const r = (jD(n) + (n.options.ruleSpaces ? " " : "")).repeat( - (function (e) { - const t = e.options.ruleRepetition || 3 - if (t < 3) - throw new Error( - "Cannot serialize rules with repetition `" + - t + - "` for `options.ruleRepetition`, expected `3` or more", - ) - return t - })(n), - ) - return n.options.ruleSpaces ? r.slice(0, -1) : r - }, - }, - qD = document.createElement("i") - function ZD(e) { - const t = "&" + e + ";" - qD.innerHTML = t - const n = qD.textContent - return (59 !== n.charCodeAt(n.length - 1) || "semi" === e) && n !== t && n - } - function HD(e, t) { - const n = Number.parseInt(e, t) - return n < 9 || - 11 === n || - (n > 13 && n < 32) || - (n > 126 && n < 160) || - (n > 55295 && n < 57344) || - (n > 64975 && n < 65008) || - !(65535 & ~n) || - 65534 == (65535 & n) || - n > 1114111 - ? "�" - : String.fromCodePoint(n) - } - const VD = /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])|&(#(?:\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi - function WD(e, t, n) { - if (t) return t - if (35 === n.charCodeAt(0)) { - const e = n.charCodeAt(1), - t = 120 === e || 88 === e - return HD(n.slice(t ? 2 : 1), t ? 16 : 10) - } - return ZD(n) || e - } - function XD(e) { - const t = e._align - this.enter( - { - type: "table", - align: t.map(function (e) { - return "none" === e ? null : e - }), - children: [], - }, - e, - ), - (this.data.inTable = !0) - } - function YD(e) { - this.exit(e), (this.data.inTable = void 0) - } - function GD(e) { - this.enter({ type: "tableRow", children: [] }, e) - } - function KD(e) { - this.exit(e) - } - function JD(e) { - this.enter({ type: "tableCell", children: [] }, e) - } - function eR(e) { - let t = this.resume() - this.data.inTable && (t = t.replace(/\\([\\|])/g, tR)) - const n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - n.type, (n.value = t), this.exit(e) - } - function tR(e, t) { - return "|" === t ? t : e - } - function nR(e) { - const t = e || {}, - n = t.tableCellPadding, - r = t.tablePipeAlign, - a = t.stringLength, - o = n ? " " : "|" - return { - unsafe: [ - { character: "\r", inConstruct: "tableCell" }, - { character: "\n", inConstruct: "tableCell" }, - { atBreak: !0, character: "|", after: "[\t :-]" }, - { character: "|", inConstruct: "tableCell" }, - { atBreak: !0, character: ":", after: "-" }, - { atBreak: !0, character: "-", after: "[:|-]" }, - ], - handlers: { - inlineCode: function (e, t, n) { - let r = zD.inlineCode(e, t, n) - return n.stack.includes("tableCell") && (r = r.replace(/\|/g, "\\$&")), r - }, - table: function (e, t, n, r) { - return s( - (function (e, t, n) { - const r = e.children - let a = -1 - const o = [], - i = t.enter("table") - for (; ++a < r.length; ) o[a] = l(r[a], t, n) - return i(), o - })(e, n, r), - e.align, - ) - }, - tableCell: i, - tableRow: function (e, t, n, r) { - const a = s([l(e, n, r)]) - return a.slice(0, a.indexOf("\n")) - }, - }, - } - function i(e, t, n, r) { - const a = n.enter("tableCell"), - i = n.enter("phrasing"), - s = n.containerPhrasing(e, { ...r, before: o, after: o }) - return i(), a(), s - } - function s(e, t) { - return (function (e, t = {}) { - const n = (t.align || []).concat(), - r = t.stringLength || OD, - a = [], - o = [], - i = [], - s = [] - let l = 0, - c = -1 - for (; ++c < e.length; ) { - const n = [], - a = [] - let u = -1 - for (e[c].length > l && (l = e[c].length); ++u < e[c].length; ) { - const o = null == (d = e[c][u]) ? "" : String(d) - if (!1 !== t.alignDelimiters) { - const e = r(o) - ;(a[u] = e), (void 0 === s[u] || e > s[u]) && (s[u] = e) - } - n.push(o) - } - ;(o[c] = n), (i[c] = a) - } - var d - let u = -1 - if ("object" == typeof n && "length" in n) for (; ++u < l; ) a[u] = wD(n[u]) - else { - const e = wD(n) - for (; ++u < l; ) a[u] = e - } - u = -1 - const p = [], - h = [] - for (; ++u < l; ) { - const e = a[u] - let n = "", - r = "" - 99 === e ? ((n = ":"), (r = ":")) : 108 === e ? (n = ":") : 114 === e && (r = ":") - let o = !1 === t.alignDelimiters ? 1 : Math.max(1, s[u] - n.length - r.length) - const i = n + "-".repeat(o) + r - !1 !== t.alignDelimiters && ((o = n.length + o + r.length), o > s[u] && (s[u] = o), (h[u] = o)), (p[u] = i) - } - o.splice(1, 0, p), i.splice(1, 0, h), (c = -1) - const f = [] - for (; ++c < o.length; ) { - const e = o[c], - n = i[c] - u = -1 - const r = [] - for (; ++u < l; ) { - const o = e[u] || "" - let i = "", - c = "" - if (!1 !== t.alignDelimiters) { - const e = s[u] - (n[u] || 0), - t = a[u] - 114 === t - ? (i = " ".repeat(e)) - : 99 === t - ? e % 2 - ? ((i = " ".repeat(e / 2 + 0.5)), (c = " ".repeat(e / 2 - 0.5))) - : ((i = " ".repeat(e / 2)), (c = i)) - : (c = " ".repeat(e)) - } - !1 === t.delimiterStart || u || r.push("|"), - !1 === t.padding || - (!1 === t.alignDelimiters && "" === o) || - (!1 === t.delimiterStart && !u) || - r.push(" "), - !1 !== t.alignDelimiters && r.push(i), - r.push(o), - !1 !== t.alignDelimiters && r.push(c), - !1 !== t.padding && r.push(" "), - (!1 === t.delimiterEnd && u === l - 1) || r.push("|") - } - f.push(!1 === t.delimiterEnd ? r.join("").replace(/ +$/, "") : r.join("")) - } - return f.join("\n") - })(e, { align: t, alignDelimiters: r, padding: n, stringLength: a }) - } - function l(e, t, n) { - const r = e.children - let a = -1 - const o = [], - s = t.enter("tableRow") - for (; ++a < r.length; ) o[a] = i(r[a], 0, t, n) - return s(), o - } - } - function rR(e) { - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] - t.type, (t.checked = "taskListCheckValueChecked" === e.type) - } - function aR(e) { - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] - if (t && "listItem" === t.type && "boolean" == typeof t.checked) { - const e = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - e.type - const n = e.children[0] - if (n && "text" === n.type) { - const r = t.children - let a, - o = -1 - for (; ++o < r.length; ) { - const e = r[o] - if ("paragraph" === e.type) { - a = e - break - } - } - a === e && - ((n.value = n.value.slice(1)), - 0 === n.value.length - ? e.children.shift() - : e.position && - n.position && - "number" == typeof n.position.start.offset && - (n.position.start.column++, - n.position.start.offset++, - (e.position.start = Object.assign({}, n.position.start)))) - } - } - this.exit(e) - } - function oR(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.children[0], - o = "boolean" == typeof e.checked && a && "paragraph" === a.type, - i = "[" + (e.checked ? "x" : " ") + "] ", - s = n.createTracker(r) - o && s.move(i) - let l = zD.listItem(e, t, n, { ...r, ...s.current() }) - return ( - o && - (l = l.replace(/^(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)([\r\n]| {1,3})/, function (e) { - return e + i - })), - l - ) - } - function iR(e, t, n, r) { - const a = e.length - let o, - i = 0 - if (((t = t < 0 ? (-t > a ? 0 : a + t) : t > a ? a : t), (n = n > 0 ? n : 0), r.length < 1e4)) - (o = Array.from(r)), o.unshift(t, n), e.splice(...o) - else - for (n && e.splice(t, n); i < r.length; ) - (o = r.slice(i, i + 1e4)), o.unshift(t, 0), e.splice(...o), (i += 1e4), (t += 1e4) - } - function sR(e, t) { - return e.length > 0 ? (iR(e, e.length, 0, t), e) : t - } - const lR = {}.hasOwnProperty - function cR(e) { - const t = {} - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) dR(t, e[n]) - return t - } - function dR(e, t) { - let n - for (n in t) { - const r = (lR.call(e, n) ? e[n] : void 0) || (e[n] = {}), - a = t[n] - let o - if (a) - for (o in a) { - lR.call(r, o) || (r[o] = []) - const e = a[o] - uR(r[o], Array.isArray(e) ? e : e ? [e] : []) - } - } - } - function uR(e, t) { - let n = -1 - const r = [] - for (; ++n < t.length; ) ("after" === t[n].add ? e : r).push(t[n]) - iR(e, 0, 0, r) - } - const pR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r = 0 - return function t(o) { - return (87 === o || 119 === o) && r < 3 - ? (r++, e.consume(o), t) - : 46 === o && 3 === r - ? (e.consume(o), a) - : n(o) - } - function a(e) { - return null === e ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - hR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r, a, o - return i - function i(t) { - return 46 === t || 95 === t - ? e.check(mR, l, s)(t) - : null === t || BP(t) || FP(t) || (45 !== t && UP(t)) - ? l(t) - : ((o = !0), e.consume(t), i) - } - function s(t) { - return 95 === t ? (r = !0) : ((a = r), (r = void 0)), e.consume(t), i - } - function l(e) { - return a || r || !o ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - fR = { - tokenize: function (e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = 0 - return a - function a(i) { - return 40 === i - ? (n++, e.consume(i), a) - : 41 === i && r < n - ? o(i) - : 33 === i || - 34 === i || - 38 === i || - 39 === i || - 41 === i || - 42 === i || - 44 === i || - 46 === i || - 58 === i || - 59 === i || - 60 === i || - 63 === i || - 93 === i || - 95 === i || - 126 === i - ? e.check(mR, t, o)(i) - : null === i || BP(i) || FP(i) - ? t(i) - : (e.consume(i), a) - } - function o(t) { - return 41 === t && r++, e.consume(t), a - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - mR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return r - function r(i) { - return 33 === i || - 34 === i || - 39 === i || - 41 === i || - 42 === i || - 44 === i || - 46 === i || - 58 === i || - 59 === i || - 63 === i || - 95 === i || - 126 === i - ? (e.consume(i), r) - : 38 === i - ? (e.consume(i), o) - : 93 === i - ? (e.consume(i), a) - : 60 === i || null === i || BP(i) || FP(i) - ? t(i) - : n(i) - } - function a(e) { - return null === e || 40 === e || 91 === e || BP(e) || FP(e) ? t(e) : r(e) - } - function o(e) { - return DP(e) ? i(e) : n(e) - } - function i(t) { - return 59 === t ? (e.consume(t), r) : DP(t) ? (e.consume(t), i) : n(t) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - gR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return e.consume(t), r - } - function r(e) { - return RP(e) ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - bR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return (87 !== t && 119 !== t) || !xR.call(r, r.previous) || ER(r.events) - ? n(t) - : (e.enter("literalAutolink"), - e.enter("literalAutolinkWww"), - e.check(pR, e.attempt(hR, e.attempt(fR, a), n), n)(t)) - } - function a(n) { - return e.exit("literalAutolinkWww"), e.exit("literalAutolink"), t(n) - } - }, - previous: xR, - }, - vR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a = "", - o = !1 - return function (t) { - return (72 !== t && 104 !== t) || !kR.call(r, r.previous) || ER(r.events) - ? n(t) - : (e.enter("literalAutolink"), - e.enter("literalAutolinkHttp"), - (a += String.fromCodePoint(t)), - e.consume(t), - i) - } - function i(t) { - if (DP(t) && a.length < 5) return (a += String.fromCodePoint(t)), e.consume(t), i - if (58 === t) { - const n = a.toLowerCase() - if ("http" === n || "https" === n) return e.consume(t), s - } - return n(t) - } - function s(t) { - return 47 === t ? (e.consume(t), o ? l : ((o = !0), s)) : n(t) - } - function l(t) { - return null === t || $P(t) || BP(t) || FP(t) || UP(t) ? n(t) : e.attempt(hR, e.attempt(fR, c), n)(t) - } - function c(n) { - return e.exit("literalAutolinkHttp"), e.exit("literalAutolink"), t(n) - } - }, - previous: kR, - }, - yR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, o - return function (t) { - return SR(t) && _R.call(r, r.previous) && !ER(r.events) - ? (e.enter("literalAutolink"), e.enter("literalAutolinkEmail"), i(t)) - : n(t) - } - function i(t) { - return SR(t) ? (e.consume(t), i) : 64 === t ? (e.consume(t), s) : n(t) - } - function s(t) { - return 46 === t ? e.check(gR, c, l)(t) : 45 === t || 95 === t || RP(t) ? ((o = !0), e.consume(t), s) : c(t) - } - function l(t) { - return e.consume(t), (a = !0), s - } - function c(i) { - return o && a && DP(r.previous) ? (e.exit("literalAutolinkEmail"), e.exit("literalAutolink"), t(i)) : n(i) - } - }, - previous: _R, - }, - OR = {} - let wR = 48 - for (; wR < 123; ) (OR[wR] = yR), wR++, 58 === wR ? (wR = 65) : 91 === wR && (wR = 97) - function xR(e) { - return null === e || 40 === e || 42 === e || 95 === e || 91 === e || 93 === e || 126 === e || BP(e) - } - function kR(e) { - return !DP(e) - } - function _R(e) { - return !(47 === e || SR(e)) - } - function SR(e) { - return 43 === e || 45 === e || 46 === e || 95 === e || RP(e) - } - function ER(e) { - let t = e.length, - n = !1 - for (; t--; ) { - const r = e[t][1] - if (("labelLink" === r.type || "labelImage" === r.type) && !r._balanced) { - n = !0 - break - } - if (r._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto) { - n = !1 - break - } - } - return e.length > 0 && !n && (e[e.length - 1][1]._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto = !0), n - } - function TR(e) { - const t = [] - let n = -1, - r = 0, - a = 0 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) { - const o = e.charCodeAt(n) - let i = "" - if (37 === o && RP(e.charCodeAt(n + 1)) && RP(e.charCodeAt(n + 2))) a = 2 - else if (o < 128) /[!#$&-;=?-Z_a-z~]/.test(String.fromCharCode(o)) || (i = String.fromCharCode(o)) - else if (o > 55295 && o < 57344) { - const t = e.charCodeAt(n + 1) - o < 56320 && t > 56319 && t < 57344 ? ((i = String.fromCharCode(o, t)), (a = 1)) : (i = "�") - } else i = String.fromCharCode(o) - i && (t.push(e.slice(r, n), encodeURIComponent(i)), (r = n + a + 1), (i = "")), a && ((n += a), (a = 0)) - } - return t.join("") + e.slice(r) - } - function AR(e) { - return null === e || BP(e) || FP(e) ? 1 : UP(e) ? 2 : void 0 - } - function CR(e, t, n) { - const r = [] - let a = -1 - for (; ++a < e.length; ) { - const o = e[a].resolveAll - o && !r.includes(o) && ((t = o(t, n)), r.push(o)) - } - return t - } - ;(OR[43] = yR), - (OR[45] = yR), - (OR[46] = yR), - (OR[95] = yR), - (OR[72] = [yR, vR]), - (OR[104] = [yR, vR]), - (OR[87] = [yR, bR]), - (OR[119] = [yR, bR]) - const PR = { - name: "attention", - tokenize: function (e, t) { - const n = this.parser.constructs.attentionMarkers.null, - r = this.previous, - a = AR(r) - let o - return function (t) { - return (o = t), e.enter("attentionSequence"), i(t) - } - function i(s) { - if (s === o) return e.consume(s), i - const l = e.exit("attentionSequence"), - c = AR(s), - d = !c || (2 === c && a) || n.includes(s), - u = !a || (2 === a && c) || n.includes(r) - return ( - (l._open = Boolean(42 === o ? d : d && (a || !u))), - (l._close = Boolean(42 === o ? u : u && (c || !d))), - t(s) - ) - } - }, - resolveAll: function (e, t) { - let n, - r, - a, - o, - i, - s, - l, - c, - d = -1 - for (; ++d < e.length; ) - if ("enter" === e[d][0] && "attentionSequence" === e[d][1].type && e[d][1]._close) - for (n = d; n--; ) - if ( - "exit" === e[n][0] && - "attentionSequence" === e[n][1].type && - e[n][1]._open && - t.sliceSerialize(e[n][1]).charCodeAt(0) === t.sliceSerialize(e[d][1]).charCodeAt(0) - ) { - if ( - (e[n][1]._close || e[d][1]._open) && - (e[d][1].end.offset - e[d][1].start.offset) % 3 && - !((e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset + e[d][1].end.offset - e[d][1].start.offset) % 3) - ) - continue - s = - e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset > 1 && e[d][1].end.offset - e[d][1].start.offset > 1 ? 2 : 1 - const u = Object.assign({}, e[n][1].end), - p = Object.assign({}, e[d][1].start) - DR(u, -s), - DR(p, s), - (o = { - type: s > 1 ? "strongSequence" : "emphasisSequence", - start: u, - end: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].end), - }), - (i = { - type: s > 1 ? "strongSequence" : "emphasisSequence", - start: Object.assign({}, e[d][1].start), - end: p, - }), - (a = { - type: s > 1 ? "strongText" : "emphasisText", - start: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].end), - end: Object.assign({}, e[d][1].start), - }), - (r = { - type: s > 1 ? "strong" : "emphasis", - start: Object.assign({}, o.start), - end: Object.assign({}, i.end), - }), - (e[n][1].end = Object.assign({}, o.start)), - (e[d][1].start = Object.assign({}, i.end)), - (l = []), - e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset && - (l = sR(l, [ - ["enter", e[n][1], t], - ["exit", e[n][1], t], - ])), - (l = sR(l, [ - ["enter", r, t], - ["enter", o, t], - ["exit", o, t], - ["enter", a, t], - ])), - (l = sR(l, CR(t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, e.slice(n + 1, d), t))), - (l = sR(l, [ - ["exit", a, t], - ["enter", i, t], - ["exit", i, t], - ["exit", r, t], - ])), - e[d][1].end.offset - e[d][1].start.offset - ? ((c = 2), - (l = sR(l, [ - ["enter", e[d][1], t], - ["exit", e[d][1], t], - ]))) - : (c = 0), - iR(e, n - 1, d - n + 3, l), - (d = n + l.length - c - 2) - break - } - for (d = -1; ++d < e.length; ) "attentionSequence" === e[d][1].type && (e[d][1].type = "data") - return e - }, - } - function DR(e, t) { - ;(e.column += t), (e.offset += t), (e._bufferIndex += t) - } - const RR = { - name: "autolink", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("autolink"), - e.enter("autolinkMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("autolinkMarker"), - e.enter("autolinkProtocol"), - a - ) - } - function a(t) { - return DP(t) ? (e.consume(t), o) : 64 === t ? n(t) : l(t) - } - function o(e) { - return 43 === e || 45 === e || 46 === e || RP(e) ? ((r = 1), i(e)) : l(e) - } - function i(t) { - return 58 === t - ? (e.consume(t), (r = 0), s) - : (43 === t || 45 === t || 46 === t || RP(t)) && r++ < 32 - ? (e.consume(t), i) - : ((r = 0), l(t)) - } - function s(r) { - return 62 === r - ? (e.exit("autolinkProtocol"), - e.enter("autolinkMarker"), - e.consume(r), - e.exit("autolinkMarker"), - e.exit("autolink"), - t) - : null === r || 32 === r || 60 === r || $P(r) - ? n(r) - : (e.consume(r), s) - } - function l(t) { - return 64 === t ? (e.consume(t), c) : NP(t) ? (e.consume(t), l) : n(t) - } - function c(e) { - return RP(e) ? d(e) : n(e) - } - function d(n) { - return 46 === n - ? (e.consume(n), (r = 0), c) - : 62 === n - ? ((e.exit("autolinkProtocol").type = "autolinkEmail"), - e.enter("autolinkMarker"), - e.consume(n), - e.exit("autolinkMarker"), - e.exit("autolink"), - t) - : u(n) - } - function u(t) { - if ((45 === t || RP(t)) && r++ < 63) { - const n = 45 === t ? u : d - return e.consume(t), n - } - return n(t) - } - }, - } - function NR(e, t, n, r) { - const a = r ? r - 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY - let o = 0 - return function (r) { - return jP(r) ? (e.enter(n), i(r)) : t(r) - } - function i(r) { - return jP(r) && o++ < a ? (e.consume(r), i) : (e.exit(n), t(r)) - } - } - const $R = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return jP(t) ? NR(e, r, "linePrefix")(t) : r(t) - } - function r(e) { - return null === e || QP(e) ? t(e) : n(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - IR = { - name: "blockQuote", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - if (62 === t) { - const n = r.containerState - return ( - n.open || (e.enter("blockQuote", { _container: !0 }), (n.open = !0)), - e.enter("blockQuotePrefix"), - e.enter("blockQuoteMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("blockQuoteMarker"), - a - ) - } - return n(t) - } - function a(n) { - return jP(n) - ? (e.enter("blockQuotePrefixWhitespace"), - e.consume(n), - e.exit("blockQuotePrefixWhitespace"), - e.exit("blockQuotePrefix"), - t) - : (e.exit("blockQuotePrefix"), t(n)) - } - }, - continuation: { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return jP(t) - ? NR(e, a, "linePrefix", r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4)(t) - : a(t) - } - function a(r) { - return e.attempt(IR, t, n)(r) - } - }, - }, - exit: function (e) { - e.exit("blockQuote") - }, - }, - MR = { - name: "characterEscape", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return e.enter("characterEscape"), e.enter("escapeMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("escapeMarker"), r - } - function r(r) { - return LP(r) - ? (e.enter("characterEscapeValue"), - e.consume(r), - e.exit("characterEscapeValue"), - e.exit("characterEscape"), - t) - : n(r) - } - }, - }, - LR = { - name: "characterReference", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, - o, - i = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("characterReference"), - e.enter("characterReferenceMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("characterReferenceMarker"), - s - ) - } - function s(t) { - return 35 === t - ? (e.enter("characterReferenceMarkerNumeric"), e.consume(t), e.exit("characterReferenceMarkerNumeric"), l) - : (e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), (a = 31), (o = RP), c(t)) - } - function l(t) { - return 88 === t || 120 === t - ? (e.enter("characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal"), - e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), - (a = 6), - (o = MP), - c) - : (e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), (a = 7), (o = IP), c(t)) - } - function c(s) { - if (59 === s && i) { - const a = e.exit("characterReferenceValue") - return o !== RP || ZD(r.sliceSerialize(a)) - ? (e.enter("characterReferenceMarker"), - e.consume(s), - e.exit("characterReferenceMarker"), - e.exit("characterReference"), - t) - : n(s) - } - return o(s) && i++ < a ? (e.consume(s), c) : n(s) - } - }, - }, - QR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return null === t ? n(t) : (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), a) - } - function a(e) { - return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - BR = { - name: "codeFenced", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this, - a = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let a = 0 - return function (t) { - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), i - } - function i(t) { - return ( - e.enter("codeFencedFence"), - jP(t) - ? NR( - e, - l, - "linePrefix", - r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4, - )(t) - : l(t) - ) - } - function l(t) { - return t === o ? (e.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"), c(t)) : n(t) - } - function c(t) { - return t === o - ? (a++, e.consume(t), c) - : a >= s - ? (e.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"), jP(t) ? NR(e, d, "whitespace")(t) : d(t)) - : n(t) - } - function d(r) { - return null === r || QP(r) ? (e.exit("codeFencedFence"), t(r)) : n(r) - } - }, - partial: !0, - } - let o, - i = 0, - s = 0 - return function (t) { - return (function (t) { - const n = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return ( - (i = n && "linePrefix" === n[1].type ? n[2].sliceSerialize(n[1], !0).length : 0), - (o = t), - e.enter("codeFenced"), - e.enter("codeFencedFence"), - e.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"), - l(t) - ) - })(t) - } - function l(t) { - return t === o - ? (s++, e.consume(t), l) - : s < 3 - ? n(t) - : (e.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"), jP(t) ? NR(e, c, "whitespace")(t) : c(t)) - } - function c(n) { - return null === n || QP(n) - ? (e.exit("codeFencedFence"), r.interrupt ? t(n) : e.check(QR, h, v)(n)) - : (e.enter("codeFencedFenceInfo"), e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), d(n)) - } - function d(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) - ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"), c(t)) - : jP(t) - ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"), NR(e, u, "whitespace")(t)) - : 96 === t && t === o - ? n(t) - : (e.consume(t), d) - } - function u(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) - ? c(t) - : (e.enter("codeFencedFenceMeta"), e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), p(t)) - } - function p(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) - ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceMeta"), c(t)) - : 96 === t && t === o - ? n(t) - : (e.consume(t), p) - } - function h(t) { - return e.attempt(a, v, f)(t) - } - function f(t) { - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), m - } - function m(t) { - return i > 0 && jP(t) ? NR(e, g, "linePrefix", i + 1)(t) : g(t) - } - function g(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? e.check(QR, h, v)(t) : (e.enter("codeFlowValue"), b(t)) - } - function b(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? (e.exit("codeFlowValue"), g(t)) : (e.consume(t), b) - } - function v(n) { - return e.exit("codeFenced"), t(n) - } - }, - concrete: !0, - }, - jR = { - name: "codeIndented", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return e.enter("codeIndented"), NR(e, a, "linePrefix", 5)(t) - } - function a(e) { - const t = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return t && "linePrefix" === t[1].type && t[2].sliceSerialize(t[1], !0).length >= 4 ? o(e) : n(e) - } - function o(t) { - return null === t ? s(t) : QP(t) ? e.attempt(UR, o, s)(t) : (e.enter("codeFlowValue"), i(t)) - } - function i(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? (e.exit("codeFlowValue"), o(t)) : (e.consume(t), i) - } - function s(n) { - return e.exit("codeIndented"), t(n) - } - }, - }, - UR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return a - function a(t) { - return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] - ? n(t) - : QP(t) - ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), a) - : NR(e, o, "linePrefix", 5)(t) - } - function o(e) { - const o = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return o && "linePrefix" === o[1].type && o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1], !0).length >= 4 - ? t(e) - : QP(e) - ? a(e) - : n(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - FR = { - name: "codeText", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r, - a, - o = 0 - return function (t) { - return e.enter("codeText"), e.enter("codeTextSequence"), i(t) - } - function i(t) { - return 96 === t ? (e.consume(t), o++, i) : (e.exit("codeTextSequence"), s(t)) - } - function s(t) { - return null === t - ? n(t) - : 32 === t - ? (e.enter("space"), e.consume(t), e.exit("space"), s) - : 96 === t - ? ((a = e.enter("codeTextSequence")), (r = 0), c(t)) - : QP(t) - ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), s) - : (e.enter("codeTextData"), l(t)) - } - function l(t) { - return null === t || 32 === t || 96 === t || QP(t) ? (e.exit("codeTextData"), s(t)) : (e.consume(t), l) - } - function c(n) { - return 96 === n - ? (e.consume(n), r++, c) - : r === o - ? (e.exit("codeTextSequence"), e.exit("codeText"), t(n)) - : ((a.type = "codeTextData"), l(n)) - } - }, - resolve: function (e) { - let t, - n, - r = e.length - 4, - a = 3 - if ( - !( - ("lineEnding" !== e[a][1].type && "space" !== e[a][1].type) || - ("lineEnding" !== e[r][1].type && "space" !== e[r][1].type) - ) - ) - for (t = a; ++t < r; ) - if ("codeTextData" === e[t][1].type) { - ;(e[a][1].type = "codeTextPadding"), (e[r][1].type = "codeTextPadding"), (a += 2), (r -= 2) - break - } - for (t = a - 1, r++; ++t <= r; ) - void 0 === n - ? t !== r && "lineEnding" !== e[t][1].type && (n = t) - : (t !== r && "lineEnding" !== e[t][1].type) || - ((e[n][1].type = "codeTextData"), - t !== n + 2 && - ((e[n][1].end = e[t - 1][1].end), e.splice(n + 2, t - n - 2), (r -= t - n - 2), (t = n + 2)), - (n = void 0)) - return e - }, - previous: function (e) { - return 96 !== e || "characterEscape" === this.events[this.events.length - 1][1].type - }, - } - class zR { - constructor(e) { - ;(this.left = e ? [...e] : []), (this.right = []) - } - get(e) { - if (e < 0 || e >= this.left.length + this.right.length) - throw new RangeError( - "Cannot access index `" + - e + - "` in a splice buffer of size `" + - (this.left.length + this.right.length) + - "`", - ) - return e < this.left.length ? this.left[e] : this.right[this.right.length - e + this.left.length - 1] - } - get length() { - return this.left.length + this.right.length - } - shift() { - return this.setCursor(0), this.right.pop() - } - slice(e, t) { - const n = null == t ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : t - return n < this.left.length - ? this.left.slice(e, n) - : e > this.left.length - ? this.right - .slice(this.right.length - n + this.left.length, this.right.length - e + this.left.length) - .reverse() - : this.left.slice(e).concat(this.right.slice(this.right.length - n + this.left.length).reverse()) - } - splice(e, t, n) { - const r = t || 0 - this.setCursor(Math.trunc(e)) - const a = this.right.splice(this.right.length - r, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) - return n && qR(this.left, n), a.reverse() - } - pop() { - return this.setCursor(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), this.left.pop() - } - push(e) { - this.setCursor(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), this.left.push(e) - } - pushMany(e) { - this.setCursor(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), qR(this.left, e) - } - unshift(e) { - this.setCursor(0), this.right.push(e) - } - unshiftMany(e) { - this.setCursor(0), qR(this.right, e.reverse()) - } - setCursor(e) { - if ( - !( - e === this.left.length || - (e > this.left.length && 0 === this.right.length) || - (e < 0 && 0 === this.left.length) - ) - ) - if (e < this.left.length) { - const t = this.left.splice(e, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) - qR(this.right, t.reverse()) - } else { - const t = this.right.splice(this.left.length + this.right.length - e, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) - qR(this.left, t.reverse()) - } - } - } - function qR(e, t) { - let n = 0 - if (t.length < 1e4) e.push(...t) - else for (; n < t.length; ) e.push(...t.slice(n, n + 1e4)), (n += 1e4) - } - function ZR(e) { - const t = {} - let n, - r, - a, - o, - i, - s, - l, - c = -1 - const d = new zR(e) - for (; ++c < d.length; ) { - for (; c in t; ) c = t[c] - if ( - ((n = d.get(c)), - c && - "chunkFlow" === n[1].type && - "listItemPrefix" === d.get(c - 1)[1].type && - ((s = n[1]._tokenizer.events), - (a = 0), - a < s.length && "lineEndingBlank" === s[a][1].type && (a += 2), - a < s.length && "content" === s[a][1].type)) - ) - for (; ++a < s.length && "content" !== s[a][1].type; ) - "chunkText" === s[a][1].type && ((s[a][1]._isInFirstContentOfListItem = !0), a++) - if ("enter" === n[0]) n[1].contentType && (Object.assign(t, HR(d, c)), (c = t[c]), (l = !0)) - else if (n[1]._container) { - for ( - a = c, r = void 0; - a-- && ((o = d.get(a)), "lineEnding" === o[1].type || "lineEndingBlank" === o[1].type); - - ) - "enter" === o[0] && (r && (d.get(r)[1].type = "lineEndingBlank"), (o[1].type = "lineEnding"), (r = a)) - r && - ((n[1].end = Object.assign({}, d.get(r)[1].start)), - (i = d.slice(r, c)), - i.unshift(n), - d.splice(r, c - r + 1, i)) - } - } - return iR(e, 0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, d.slice(0)), !l - } - function HR(e, t) { - const n = e.get(t)[1], - r = e.get(t)[2] - let a = t - 1 - const o = [], - i = n._tokenizer || r.parser[n.contentType](n.start), - s = i.events, - l = [], - c = {} - let d, - u, - p = -1, - h = n, - f = 0, - m = 0 - const g = [m] - for (; h; ) { - for (; e.get(++a)[1] !== h; ); - o.push(a), - h._tokenizer || - ((d = r.sliceStream(h)), - h.next || d.push(null), - u && i.defineSkip(h.start), - h._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (i._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = !0), - i.write(d), - h._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (i._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = void 0)), - (u = h), - (h = h.next) - } - for (h = n; ++p < s.length; ) - "exit" === s[p][0] && - "enter" === s[p - 1][0] && - s[p][1].type === s[p - 1][1].type && - s[p][1].start.line !== s[p][1].end.line && - ((m = p + 1), g.push(m), (h._tokenizer = void 0), (h.previous = void 0), (h = h.next)) - for (i.events = [], h ? ((h._tokenizer = void 0), (h.previous = void 0)) : g.pop(), p = g.length; p--; ) { - const t = s.slice(g[p], g[p + 1]), - n = o.pop() - l.push([n, n + t.length - 1]), e.splice(n, 2, t) - } - for (l.reverse(), p = -1; ++p < l.length; ) (c[f + l[p][0]] = f + l[p][1]), (f += l[p][1] - l[p][0] - 1) - return c - } - const VR = { - tokenize: function (e, t) { - let n - return function (t) { - return e.enter("content"), (n = e.enter("chunkContent", { contentType: "content" })), r(t) - } - function r(t) { - return null === t ? a(t) : QP(t) ? e.check(WR, o, a)(t) : (e.consume(t), r) - } - function a(n) { - return e.exit("chunkContent"), e.exit("content"), t(n) - } - function o(t) { - return ( - e.consume(t), - e.exit("chunkContent"), - (n.next = e.enter("chunkContent", { contentType: "content", previous: n })), - (n = n.next), - r - ) - } - }, - resolve: function (e) { - return ZR(e), e - }, - }, - WR = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return ( - e.exit("chunkContent"), e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), NR(e, a, "linePrefix") - ) - } - function a(a) { - if (null === a || QP(a)) return n(a) - const o = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return !r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") && - o && - "linePrefix" === o[1].type && - o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1], !0).length >= 4 - ? t(a) - : e.interrupt(r.parser.constructs.flow, n, t)(a) - } - }, - partial: !0, - } - function XR(e, t, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) { - const c = l || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY - let d = 0 - return function (t) { - return 60 === t - ? (e.enter(r), e.enter(a), e.enter(o), e.consume(t), e.exit(o), u) - : null === t || 32 === t || 41 === t || $P(t) - ? n(t) - : (e.enter(r), e.enter(i), e.enter(s), e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), f(t)) - } - function u(n) { - return 62 === n - ? (e.enter(o), e.consume(n), e.exit(o), e.exit(a), e.exit(r), t) - : (e.enter(s), e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), p(n)) - } - function p(t) { - return 62 === t - ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit(s), u(t)) - : null === t || 60 === t || QP(t) - ? n(t) - : (e.consume(t), 92 === t ? h : p) - } - function h(t) { - return 60 === t || 62 === t || 92 === t ? (e.consume(t), p) : p(t) - } - function f(a) { - return d || (null !== a && 41 !== a && !BP(a)) - ? d < c && 40 === a - ? (e.consume(a), d++, f) - : 41 === a - ? (e.consume(a), d--, f) - : null === a || 32 === a || 40 === a || $P(a) - ? n(a) - : (e.consume(a), 92 === a ? m : f) - : (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit(s), e.exit(i), e.exit(r), t(a)) - } - function m(t) { - return 40 === t || 41 === t || 92 === t ? (e.consume(t), f) : f(t) - } - } - function YR(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = this - let s, - l = 0 - return function (t) { - return e.enter(r), e.enter(a), e.consume(t), e.exit(a), e.enter(o), c - } - function c(u) { - return l > 999 || - null === u || - 91 === u || - (93 === u && !s) || - (94 === u && !l && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in i.parser.constructs) - ? n(u) - : 93 === u - ? (e.exit(o), e.enter(a), e.consume(u), e.exit(a), e.exit(r), t) - : QP(u) - ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(u), e.exit("lineEnding"), c) - : (e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), d(u)) - } - function d(t) { - return null === t || 91 === t || 93 === t || QP(t) || l++ > 999 - ? (e.exit("chunkString"), c(t)) - : (e.consume(t), s || (s = !jP(t)), 92 === t ? u : d) - } - function u(t) { - return 91 === t || 92 === t || 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), l++, d) : d(t) - } - } - function GR(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - let i - return function (t) { - return 34 === t || 39 === t || 40 === t - ? (e.enter(r), e.enter(a), e.consume(t), e.exit(a), (i = 40 === t ? 41 : t), s) - : n(t) - } - function s(n) { - return n === i ? (e.enter(a), e.consume(n), e.exit(a), e.exit(r), t) : (e.enter(o), l(n)) - } - function l(t) { - return t === i - ? (e.exit(o), s(i)) - : null === t - ? n(t) - : QP(t) - ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), NR(e, l, "linePrefix")) - : (e.enter("chunkString", { contentType: "string" }), c(t)) - } - function c(t) { - return t === i || null === t || QP(t) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), l(t)) : (e.consume(t), 92 === t ? d : c) - } - function d(t) { - return t === i || 92 === t ? (e.consume(t), c) : c(t) - } - } - function KR(e, t) { - let n - return function r(a) { - return QP(a) - ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(a), e.exit("lineEnding"), (n = !0), r) - : jP(a) - ? NR(e, r, n ? "linePrefix" : "lineSuffix")(a) - : t(a) - } - } - const JR = { - name: "definition", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("definition"), - (function (t) { - return YR.call(r, e, o, n, "definitionLabel", "definitionLabelMarker", "definitionLabelString")(t) - })(t) - ) - } - function o(t) { - return ( - (a = aD(r.sliceSerialize(r.events[r.events.length - 1][1]).slice(1, -1))), - 58 === t ? (e.enter("definitionMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("definitionMarker"), i) : n(t) - ) - } - function i(t) { - return BP(t) ? KR(e, s)(t) : s(t) - } - function s(t) { - return XR( - e, - l, - n, - "definitionDestination", - "definitionDestinationLiteral", - "definitionDestinationLiteralMarker", - "definitionDestinationRaw", - "definitionDestinationString", - )(t) - } - function l(t) { - return e.attempt(eN, c, c)(t) - } - function c(t) { - return jP(t) ? NR(e, d, "whitespace")(t) : d(t) - } - function d(o) { - return null === o || QP(o) ? (e.exit("definition"), r.parser.defined.push(a), t(o)) : n(o) - } - }, - }, - eN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return BP(t) ? KR(e, r)(t) : n(t) - } - function r(t) { - return GR(e, a, n, "definitionTitle", "definitionTitleMarker", "definitionTitleString")(t) - } - function a(t) { - return jP(t) ? NR(e, o, "whitespace")(t) : o(t) - } - function o(e) { - return null === e || QP(e) ? t(e) : n(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - tN = { - name: "hardBreakEscape", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return e.enter("hardBreakEscape"), e.consume(t), r - } - function r(r) { - return QP(r) ? (e.exit("hardBreakEscape"), t(r)) : n(r) - } - }, - }, - nN = { - name: "headingAtx", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("atxHeading"), - (function (t) { - return e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"), a(t) - })(t) - ) - } - function a(t) { - return 35 === t && r++ < 6 - ? (e.consume(t), a) - : null === t || BP(t) - ? (e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"), o(t)) - : n(t) - } - function o(n) { - return 35 === n - ? (e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"), i(n)) - : null === n || QP(n) - ? (e.exit("atxHeading"), t(n)) - : jP(n) - ? NR(e, o, "whitespace")(n) - : (e.enter("atxHeadingText"), s(n)) - } - function i(t) { - return 35 === t ? (e.consume(t), i) : (e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"), o(t)) - } - function s(t) { - return null === t || 35 === t || BP(t) ? (e.exit("atxHeadingText"), o(t)) : (e.consume(t), s) - } - }, - resolve: function (e, t) { - let n, - r, - a = e.length - 2, - o = 3 - return ( - "whitespace" === e[o][1].type && (o += 2), - a - 2 > o && "whitespace" === e[a][1].type && (a -= 2), - "atxHeadingSequence" === e[a][1].type && - (o === a - 1 || (a - 4 > o && "whitespace" === e[a - 2][1].type)) && - (a -= o + 1 === a ? 2 : 4), - a > o && - ((n = { type: "atxHeadingText", start: e[o][1].start, end: e[a][1].end }), - (r = { type: "chunkText", start: e[o][1].start, end: e[a][1].end, contentType: "text" }), - iR(e, o, a - o + 1, [ - ["enter", n, t], - ["enter", r, t], - ["exit", r, t], - ["exit", n, t], - ])), - e - ) - }, - }, - rN = [ - "address", - "article", - "aside", - "base", - "basefont", - "blockquote", - "body", - "caption", - "center", - "col", - "colgroup", - "dd", - "details", - "dialog", - "dir", - "div", - "dl", - "dt", - "fieldset", - "figcaption", - "figure", - "footer", - "form", - "frame", - "frameset", - "h1", - "h2", - "h3", - "h4", - "h5", - "h6", - "head", - "header", - "hr", - "html", - "iframe", - "legend", - "li", - "link", - "main", - "menu", - "menuitem", - "nav", - "noframes", - "ol", - "optgroup", - "option", - "p", - "param", - "search", - "section", - "summary", - "table", - "tbody", - "td", - "tfoot", - "th", - "thead", - "title", - "tr", - "track", - "ul", - ], - aN = ["pre", "script", "style", "textarea"], - oN = { - name: "htmlFlow", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, o, i, s, l - return function (t) { - return (function (t) { - return e.enter("htmlFlow"), e.enter("htmlFlowData"), e.consume(t), c - })(t) - } - function c(s) { - return 33 === s - ? (e.consume(s), d) - : 47 === s - ? (e.consume(s), (o = !0), h) - : 63 === s - ? (e.consume(s), (a = 3), r.interrupt ? t : $) - : DP(s) - ? (e.consume(s), (i = String.fromCharCode(s)), f) - : n(s) - } - function d(o) { - return 45 === o - ? (e.consume(o), (a = 2), u) - : 91 === o - ? (e.consume(o), (a = 5), (s = 0), p) - : DP(o) - ? (e.consume(o), (a = 4), r.interrupt ? t : $) - : n(o) - } - function u(a) { - return 45 === a ? (e.consume(a), r.interrupt ? t : $) : n(a) - } - function p(a) { - return a === "CDATA[".charCodeAt(s++) ? (e.consume(a), 6 === s ? (r.interrupt ? t : E) : p) : n(a) - } - function h(t) { - return DP(t) ? (e.consume(t), (i = String.fromCharCode(t)), f) : n(t) - } - function f(s) { - if (null === s || 47 === s || 62 === s || BP(s)) { - const l = 47 === s, - c = i.toLowerCase() - return l || o || !aN.includes(c) - ? rN.includes(i.toLowerCase()) - ? ((a = 6), l ? (e.consume(s), m) : r.interrupt ? t(s) : E(s)) - : ((a = 7), r.interrupt && !r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(s) : o ? g(s) : b(s)) - : ((a = 1), r.interrupt ? t(s) : E(s)) - } - return 45 === s || RP(s) ? (e.consume(s), (i += String.fromCharCode(s)), f) : n(s) - } - function m(a) { - return 62 === a ? (e.consume(a), r.interrupt ? t : E) : n(a) - } - function g(t) { - return jP(t) ? (e.consume(t), g) : _(t) - } - function b(t) { - return 47 === t - ? (e.consume(t), _) - : 58 === t || 95 === t || DP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), v) - : jP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), b) - : _(t) - } - function v(t) { - return 45 === t || 46 === t || 58 === t || 95 === t || RP(t) ? (e.consume(t), v) : y(t) - } - function y(t) { - return 61 === t ? (e.consume(t), O) : jP(t) ? (e.consume(t), y) : b(t) - } - function O(t) { - return null === t || 60 === t || 61 === t || 62 === t || 96 === t - ? n(t) - : 34 === t || 39 === t - ? (e.consume(t), (l = t), w) - : jP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), O) - : x(t) - } - function w(t) { - return t === l ? (e.consume(t), (l = null), k) : null === t || QP(t) ? n(t) : (e.consume(t), w) - } - function x(t) { - return null === t || - 34 === t || - 39 === t || - 47 === t || - 60 === t || - 61 === t || - 62 === t || - 96 === t || - BP(t) - ? y(t) - : (e.consume(t), x) - } - function k(e) { - return 47 === e || 62 === e || jP(e) ? b(e) : n(e) - } - function _(t) { - return 62 === t ? (e.consume(t), S) : n(t) - } - function S(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? E(t) : jP(t) ? (e.consume(t), S) : n(t) - } - function E(t) { - return 45 === t && 2 === a - ? (e.consume(t), P) - : 60 === t && 1 === a - ? (e.consume(t), D) - : 62 === t && 4 === a - ? (e.consume(t), I) - : 63 === t && 3 === a - ? (e.consume(t), $) - : 93 === t && 5 === a - ? (e.consume(t), N) - : !QP(t) || (6 !== a && 7 !== a) - ? null === t || QP(t) - ? (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), T(t)) - : (e.consume(t), E) - : (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), e.check(iN, M, T)(t)) - } - function T(t) { - return e.check(sN, A, M)(t) - } - function A(t) { - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), C - } - function C(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? T(t) : (e.enter("htmlFlowData"), E(t)) - } - function P(t) { - return 45 === t ? (e.consume(t), $) : E(t) - } - function D(t) { - return 47 === t ? (e.consume(t), (i = ""), R) : E(t) - } - function R(t) { - if (62 === t) { - const n = i.toLowerCase() - return aN.includes(n) ? (e.consume(t), I) : E(t) - } - return DP(t) && i.length < 8 ? (e.consume(t), (i += String.fromCharCode(t)), R) : E(t) - } - function N(t) { - return 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), $) : E(t) - } - function $(t) { - return 62 === t ? (e.consume(t), I) : 45 === t && 2 === a ? (e.consume(t), $) : E(t) - } - function I(t) { - return null === t || QP(t) ? (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), M(t)) : (e.consume(t), I) - } - function M(n) { - return e.exit("htmlFlow"), t(n) - } - }, - resolveTo: function (e) { - let t = e.length - for (; t-- && ("enter" !== e[t][0] || "htmlFlow" !== e[t][1].type); ); - return ( - t > 1 && - "linePrefix" === e[t - 2][1].type && - ((e[t][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start), (e[t + 1][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start), e.splice(t - 2, 2)), - e - ) - }, - concrete: !0, - }, - iN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (r) { - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(r), e.exit("lineEnding"), e.attempt($R, t, n) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - sN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return QP(t) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), a) : n(t) - } - function a(e) { - return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - partial: !0, - }, - lN = { - name: "htmlText", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, o, i - return function (t) { - return e.enter("htmlText"), e.enter("htmlTextData"), e.consume(t), s - } - function s(t) { - return 33 === t - ? (e.consume(t), l) - : 47 === t - ? (e.consume(t), O) - : 63 === t - ? (e.consume(t), v) - : DP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), k) - : n(t) - } - function l(t) { - return 45 === t - ? (e.consume(t), c) - : 91 === t - ? (e.consume(t), (o = 0), h) - : DP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), b) - : n(t) - } - function c(t) { - return 45 === t ? (e.consume(t), p) : n(t) - } - function d(t) { - return null === t ? n(t) : 45 === t ? (e.consume(t), u) : QP(t) ? ((i = d), R(t)) : (e.consume(t), d) - } - function u(t) { - return 45 === t ? (e.consume(t), p) : d(t) - } - function p(e) { - return 62 === e ? D(e) : 45 === e ? u(e) : d(e) - } - function h(t) { - return t === "CDATA[".charCodeAt(o++) ? (e.consume(t), 6 === o ? f : h) : n(t) - } - function f(t) { - return null === t ? n(t) : 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), m) : QP(t) ? ((i = f), R(t)) : (e.consume(t), f) - } - function m(t) { - return 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), g) : f(t) - } - function g(t) { - return 62 === t ? D(t) : 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), g) : f(t) - } - function b(t) { - return null === t || 62 === t ? D(t) : QP(t) ? ((i = b), R(t)) : (e.consume(t), b) - } - function v(t) { - return null === t ? n(t) : 63 === t ? (e.consume(t), y) : QP(t) ? ((i = v), R(t)) : (e.consume(t), v) - } - function y(e) { - return 62 === e ? D(e) : v(e) - } - function O(t) { - return DP(t) ? (e.consume(t), w) : n(t) - } - function w(t) { - return 45 === t || RP(t) ? (e.consume(t), w) : x(t) - } - function x(t) { - return QP(t) ? ((i = x), R(t)) : jP(t) ? (e.consume(t), x) : D(t) - } - function k(t) { - return 45 === t || RP(t) ? (e.consume(t), k) : 47 === t || 62 === t || BP(t) ? _(t) : n(t) - } - function _(t) { - return 47 === t - ? (e.consume(t), D) - : 58 === t || 95 === t || DP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), S) - : QP(t) - ? ((i = _), R(t)) - : jP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), _) - : D(t) - } - function S(t) { - return 45 === t || 46 === t || 58 === t || 95 === t || RP(t) ? (e.consume(t), S) : E(t) - } - function E(t) { - return 61 === t ? (e.consume(t), T) : QP(t) ? ((i = E), R(t)) : jP(t) ? (e.consume(t), E) : _(t) - } - function T(t) { - return null === t || 60 === t || 61 === t || 62 === t || 96 === t - ? n(t) - : 34 === t || 39 === t - ? (e.consume(t), (a = t), A) - : QP(t) - ? ((i = T), R(t)) - : jP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), T) - : (e.consume(t), C) - } - function A(t) { - return t === a - ? (e.consume(t), (a = void 0), P) - : null === t - ? n(t) - : QP(t) - ? ((i = A), R(t)) - : (e.consume(t), A) - } - function C(t) { - return null === t || 34 === t || 39 === t || 60 === t || 61 === t || 96 === t - ? n(t) - : 47 === t || 62 === t || BP(t) - ? _(t) - : (e.consume(t), C) - } - function P(e) { - return 47 === e || 62 === e || BP(e) ? _(e) : n(e) - } - function D(r) { - return 62 === r ? (e.consume(r), e.exit("htmlTextData"), e.exit("htmlText"), t) : n(r) - } - function R(t) { - return e.exit("htmlTextData"), e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(t), e.exit("lineEnding"), N - } - function N(t) { - return jP(t) - ? NR(e, $, "linePrefix", r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4)(t) - : $(t) - } - function $(t) { - return e.enter("htmlTextData"), i(t) - } - }, - }, - cN = { - name: "labelEnd", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, - o, - i = r.events.length - for (; i--; ) - if ( - ("labelImage" === r.events[i][1].type || "labelLink" === r.events[i][1].type) && - !r.events[i][1]._balanced - ) { - a = r.events[i][1] - break - } - return function (t) { - return a - ? a._inactive - ? d(t) - : ((o = r.parser.defined.includes(aD(r.sliceSerialize({ start: a.end, end: r.now() })))), - e.enter("labelEnd"), - e.enter("labelMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("labelMarker"), - e.exit("labelEnd"), - s) - : n(t) - } - function s(t) { - return 40 === t - ? e.attempt(dN, c, o ? c : d)(t) - : 91 === t - ? e.attempt(uN, c, o ? l : d)(t) - : o - ? c(t) - : d(t) - } - function l(t) { - return e.attempt(pN, c, d)(t) - } - function c(e) { - return t(e) - } - function d(e) { - return (a._balanced = !0), n(e) - } - }, - resolveTo: function (e, t) { - let n, - r, - a, - o, - i = e.length, - s = 0 - for (; i--; ) - if (((n = e[i][1]), r)) { - if ("link" === n.type || ("labelLink" === n.type && n._inactive)) break - "enter" === e[i][0] && "labelLink" === n.type && (n._inactive = !0) - } else if (a) { - if ( - "enter" === e[i][0] && - ("labelImage" === n.type || "labelLink" === n.type) && - !n._balanced && - ((r = i), "labelLink" !== n.type) - ) { - s = 2 - break - } - } else "labelEnd" === n.type && (a = i) - const l = { - type: "labelLink" === e[r][1].type ? "link" : "image", - start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), - end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), - }, - c = { type: "label", start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, e[a][1].end) }, - d = { - type: "labelText", - start: Object.assign({}, e[r + s + 2][1].end), - end: Object.assign({}, e[a - 2][1].start), - } - return ( - (o = [ - ["enter", l, t], - ["enter", c, t], - ]), - (o = sR(o, e.slice(r + 1, r + s + 3))), - (o = sR(o, [["enter", d, t]])), - (o = sR(o, CR(t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, e.slice(r + s + 4, a - 3), t))), - (o = sR(o, [["exit", d, t], e[a - 2], e[a - 1], ["exit", c, t]])), - (o = sR(o, e.slice(a + 1))), - (o = sR(o, [["exit", l, t]])), - iR(e, r, e.length, o), - e - ) - }, - resolveAll: function (e) { - let t = -1 - for (; ++t < e.length; ) { - const n = e[t][1] - ;("labelImage" !== n.type && "labelLink" !== n.type && "labelEnd" !== n.type) || - (e.splice(t + 1, "labelImage" === n.type ? 4 : 2), (n.type = "data"), t++) - } - return e - }, - }, - dN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return e.enter("resource"), e.enter("resourceMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("resourceMarker"), r - } - function r(t) { - return BP(t) ? KR(e, a)(t) : a(t) - } - function a(t) { - return 41 === t - ? c(t) - : XR( - e, - o, - i, - "resourceDestination", - "resourceDestinationLiteral", - "resourceDestinationLiteralMarker", - "resourceDestinationRaw", - "resourceDestinationString", - 32, - )(t) - } - function o(t) { - return BP(t) ? KR(e, s)(t) : c(t) - } - function i(e) { - return n(e) - } - function s(t) { - return 34 === t || 39 === t || 40 === t - ? GR(e, l, n, "resourceTitle", "resourceTitleMarker", "resourceTitleString")(t) - : c(t) - } - function l(t) { - return BP(t) ? KR(e, c)(t) : c(t) - } - function c(r) { - return 41 === r - ? (e.enter("resourceMarker"), e.consume(r), e.exit("resourceMarker"), e.exit("resource"), t) - : n(r) - } - }, - }, - uN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return YR.call(r, e, a, o, "reference", "referenceMarker", "referenceString")(t) - } - function a(e) { - return r.parser.defined.includes(aD(r.sliceSerialize(r.events[r.events.length - 1][1]).slice(1, -1))) - ? t(e) - : n(e) - } - function o(e) { - return n(e) - } - }, - }, - pN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return function (t) { - return e.enter("reference"), e.enter("referenceMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("referenceMarker"), r - } - function r(r) { - return 93 === r - ? (e.enter("referenceMarker"), e.consume(r), e.exit("referenceMarker"), e.exit("reference"), t) - : n(r) - } - }, - }, - hN = { - name: "labelStartImage", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return e.enter("labelImage"), e.enter("labelImageMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("labelImageMarker"), a - } - function a(t) { - return 91 === t - ? (e.enter("labelMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("labelMarker"), e.exit("labelImage"), o) - : n(t) - } - function o(e) { - return 94 === e && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in r.parser.constructs ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - resolveAll: cN.resolveAll, - }, - fN = { - name: "labelStartLink", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("labelLink"), e.enter("labelMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("labelMarker"), e.exit("labelLink"), a - ) - } - function a(e) { - return 94 === e && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in r.parser.constructs ? n(e) : t(e) - } - }, - resolveAll: cN.resolveAll, - }, - mN = { - name: "lineEnding", - tokenize: function (e, t) { - return function (n) { - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(n), e.exit("lineEnding"), NR(e, t, "linePrefix") - } - }, - }, - gN = { - name: "thematicBreak", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - let r, - a = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("thematicBreak"), - (function (e) { - return (r = e), o(e) - })(t) - ) - } - function o(o) { - return o === r - ? (e.enter("thematicBreakSequence"), i(o)) - : a >= 3 && (null === o || QP(o)) - ? (e.exit("thematicBreak"), t(o)) - : n(o) - } - function i(t) { - return t === r - ? (e.consume(t), a++, i) - : (e.exit("thematicBreakSequence"), jP(t) ? NR(e, o, "whitespace")(t) : o(t)) - } - }, - }, - bN = { - name: "list", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this, - a = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - let o = a && "linePrefix" === a[1].type ? a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length : 0, - i = 0 - return function (t) { - const a = r.containerState.type || (42 === t || 43 === t || 45 === t ? "listUnordered" : "listOrdered") - if ("listUnordered" === a ? !r.containerState.marker || t === r.containerState.marker : IP(t)) { - if ( - (r.containerState.type || ((r.containerState.type = a), e.enter(a, { _container: !0 })), - "listUnordered" === a) - ) - return e.enter("listItemPrefix"), 42 === t || 45 === t ? e.check(gN, n, l)(t) : l(t) - if (!r.interrupt || 49 === t) return e.enter("listItemPrefix"), e.enter("listItemValue"), s(t) - } - return n(t) - } - function s(t) { - return IP(t) && ++i < 10 - ? (e.consume(t), s) - : (!r.interrupt || i < 2) && - (r.containerState.marker ? t === r.containerState.marker : 41 === t || 46 === t) - ? (e.exit("listItemValue"), l(t)) - : n(t) - } - function l(t) { - return ( - e.enter("listItemMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("listItemMarker"), - (r.containerState.marker = r.containerState.marker || t), - e.check($R, r.interrupt ? n : c, e.attempt(vN, u, d)) - ) - } - function c(e) { - return (r.containerState.initialBlankLine = !0), o++, u(e) - } - function d(t) { - return jP(t) - ? (e.enter("listItemPrefixWhitespace"), e.consume(t), e.exit("listItemPrefixWhitespace"), u) - : n(t) - } - function u(n) { - return (r.containerState.size = o + r.sliceSerialize(e.exit("listItemPrefix"), !0).length), t(n) - } - }, - continuation: { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return ( - (r.containerState._closeFlow = void 0), - e.check( - $R, - function (n) { - return ( - (r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = - r.containerState.furtherBlankLines || r.containerState.initialBlankLine), - NR(e, t, "listItemIndent", r.containerState.size + 1)(n) - ) - }, - function (n) { - return r.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !jP(n) - ? ((r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0), - (r.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0), - a(n)) - : ((r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0), - (r.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0), - e.attempt(yN, t, a)(n)) - }, - ) - ) - function a(a) { - return ( - (r.containerState._closeFlow = !0), - (r.interrupt = void 0), - NR( - e, - e.attempt(bN, t, n), - "linePrefix", - r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4, - )(a) - ) - } - }, - }, - exit: function (e) { - e.exit(this.containerState.type) - }, - }, - vN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return NR( - e, - function (e) { - const a = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return !jP(e) && a && "listItemPrefixWhitespace" === a[1].type ? t(e) : n(e) - }, - "listItemPrefixWhitespace", - r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 5, - ) - }, - partial: !0, - }, - yN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return NR( - e, - function (e) { - const a = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return a && - "listItemIndent" === a[1].type && - a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length === r.containerState.size - ? t(e) - : n(e) - }, - "listItemIndent", - r.containerState.size + 1, - ) - }, - partial: !0, - }, - ON = { - name: "setextUnderline", - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a - return function (t) { - let i, - s = r.events.length - for (; s--; ) - if ( - "lineEnding" !== r.events[s][1].type && - "linePrefix" !== r.events[s][1].type && - "content" !== r.events[s][1].type - ) { - i = "paragraph" === r.events[s][1].type - break - } - return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] || (!r.interrupt && !i) - ? n(t) - : (e.enter("setextHeadingLine"), - (a = t), - (function (t) { - return e.enter("setextHeadingLineSequence"), o(t) - })(t)) - } - function o(t) { - return t === a - ? (e.consume(t), o) - : (e.exit("setextHeadingLineSequence"), jP(t) ? NR(e, i, "lineSuffix")(t) : i(t)) - } - function i(r) { - return null === r || QP(r) ? (e.exit("setextHeadingLine"), t(r)) : n(r) - } - }, - resolveTo: function (e, t) { - let n, - r, - a, - o = e.length - for (; o--; ) - if ("enter" === e[o][0]) { - if ("content" === e[o][1].type) { - n = o - break - } - "paragraph" === e[o][1].type && (r = o) - } else "content" === e[o][1].type && e.splice(o, 1), a || "definition" !== e[o][1].type || (a = o) - const i = { - type: "setextHeading", - start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), - end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), - } - return ( - (e[r][1].type = "setextHeadingText"), - a - ? (e.splice(r, 0, ["enter", i, t]), - e.splice(a + 1, 0, ["exit", e[n][1], t]), - (e[n][1].end = Object.assign({}, e[a][1].end))) - : (e[n][1] = i), - e.push(["exit", i, t]), - e - ) - }, - }, - wN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return NR( - e, - function (e) { - const a = r.events[r.events.length - 1] - return a && "gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent" === a[1].type && 4 === a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length - ? t(e) - : n(e) - }, - "gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent", - 5, - ) - }, - partial: !0, - } - function xN(e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a = r.events.length - const o = r.parser.gfmFootnotes || (r.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) - let i - for (; a--; ) { - const e = r.events[a][1] - if ("labelImage" === e.type) { - i = e - break - } - if ( - "gfmFootnoteCall" === e.type || - "labelLink" === e.type || - "label" === e.type || - "image" === e.type || - "link" === e.type - ) - break - } - return function (a) { - if (!i || !i._balanced) return n(a) - const s = aD(r.sliceSerialize({ start: i.end, end: r.now() })) - return 94 === s.codePointAt(0) && o.includes(s.slice(1)) - ? (e.enter("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), e.consume(a), e.exit("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), t(a)) - : n(a) - } - } - function kN(e, t) { - let n = e.length - for (; n--; ) - if ("labelImage" === e[n][1].type && "enter" === e[n][0]) { - e[n][1] - break - } - ;(e[n + 1][1].type = "data"), (e[n + 3][1].type = "gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker") - const r = { - type: "gfmFootnoteCall", - start: Object.assign({}, e[n + 3][1].start), - end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), - }, - a = { - type: "gfmFootnoteCallMarker", - start: Object.assign({}, e[n + 3][1].end), - end: Object.assign({}, e[n + 3][1].end), - } - a.end.column++, a.end.offset++, a.end._bufferIndex++ - const o = { - type: "gfmFootnoteCallString", - start: Object.assign({}, a.end), - end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].start), - }, - i = { - type: "chunkString", - contentType: "string", - start: Object.assign({}, o.start), - end: Object.assign({}, o.end), - }, - s = [ - e[n + 1], - e[n + 2], - ["enter", r, t], - e[n + 3], - e[n + 4], - ["enter", a, t], - ["exit", a, t], - ["enter", o, t], - ["enter", i, t], - ["exit", i, t], - ["exit", o, t], - e[e.length - 2], - e[e.length - 1], - ["exit", r, t], - ] - return e.splice(n, e.length - n + 1, ...s), e - } - function _N(e, t, n) { - const r = this, - a = r.parser.gfmFootnotes || (r.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) - let o, - i = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - e.enter("gfmFootnoteCall"), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), - s - ) - } - function s(t) { - return 94 !== t - ? n(t) - : (e.enter("gfmFootnoteCallMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteCallMarker"), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteCallString"), - (e.enter("chunkString").contentType = "string"), - l) - } - function l(s) { - if (i > 999 || (93 === s && !o) || null === s || 91 === s || BP(s)) return n(s) - if (93 === s) { - e.exit("chunkString") - const o = e.exit("gfmFootnoteCallString") - return a.includes(aD(r.sliceSerialize(o))) - ? (e.enter("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), - e.consume(s), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker"), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteCall"), - t) - : n(s) - } - return BP(s) || (o = !0), i++, e.consume(s), 92 === s ? c : l - } - function c(t) { - return 91 === t || 92 === t || 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), i++, l) : l(t) - } - } - function SN(e, t, n) { - const r = this, - a = r.parser.gfmFootnotes || (r.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) - let o, - i, - s = 0 - return function (t) { - return ( - (e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinition")._container = !0), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel"), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker"), - l - ) - } - function l(t) { - return 94 === t - ? (e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker"), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString"), - (e.enter("chunkString").contentType = "string"), - c) - : n(t) - } - function c(t) { - if (s > 999 || (93 === t && !i) || null === t || 91 === t || BP(t)) return n(t) - if (93 === t) { - e.exit("chunkString") - const n = e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString") - return ( - (o = aD(r.sliceSerialize(n))), - e.enter("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker"), - e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel"), - u - ) - } - return BP(t) || (i = !0), s++, e.consume(t), 92 === t ? d : c - } - function d(t) { - return 91 === t || 92 === t || 93 === t ? (e.consume(t), s++, c) : c(t) - } - function u(t) { - return 58 === t - ? (e.enter("definitionMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("definitionMarker"), - a.includes(o) || a.push(o), - NR(e, p, "gfmFootnoteDefinitionWhitespace")) - : n(t) - } - function p(e) { - return t(e) - } - } - function EN(e, t, n) { - return e.check($R, t, e.attempt(wN, t, n)) - } - function TN(e) { - e.exit("gfmFootnoteDefinition") - } - function AN(e) { - let t = (e || {}).singleTilde - const n = { - tokenize: function (e, n, r) { - const a = this.previous, - o = this.events - let i = 0 - return function (t) { - return 126 === a && "characterEscape" !== o[o.length - 1][1].type - ? r(t) - : (e.enter("strikethroughSequenceTemporary"), s(t)) - } - function s(o) { - const l = AR(a) - if (126 === o) return i > 1 ? r(o) : (e.consume(o), i++, s) - if (i < 2 && !t) return r(o) - const c = e.exit("strikethroughSequenceTemporary"), - d = AR(o) - return (c._open = !d || (2 === d && Boolean(l))), (c._close = !l || (2 === l && Boolean(d))), n(o) - } - }, - resolveAll: function (e, t) { - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) - if ("enter" === e[n][0] && "strikethroughSequenceTemporary" === e[n][1].type && e[n][1]._close) { - let r = n - for (; r--; ) - if ( - "exit" === e[r][0] && - "strikethroughSequenceTemporary" === e[r][1].type && - e[r][1]._open && - e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset == e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset - ) { - ;(e[n][1].type = "strikethroughSequence"), (e[r][1].type = "strikethroughSequence") - const a = { - type: "strikethrough", - start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), - end: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].end), - }, - o = { - type: "strikethroughText", - start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].end), - end: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start), - }, - i = [ - ["enter", a, t], - ["enter", e[r][1], t], - ["exit", e[r][1], t], - ["enter", o, t], - ], - s = t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null - s && iR(i, i.length, 0, CR(s, e.slice(r + 1, n), t)), - iR(i, i.length, 0, [ - ["exit", o, t], - ["enter", e[n][1], t], - ["exit", e[n][1], t], - ["exit", a, t], - ]), - iR(e, r - 1, n - r + 3, i), - (n = r + i.length - 2) - break - } - } - for (n = -1; ++n < e.length; ) "strikethroughSequenceTemporary" === e[n][1].type && (e[n][1].type = "data") - return e - }, - } - return null == t && (t = !0), { text: { 126: n }, insideSpan: { null: [n] }, attentionMarkers: { null: [126] } } - } - class CN { - constructor() { - this.map = [] - } - add(e, t, n) { - !(function (e, t, n, r) { - let a = 0 - if (0 !== n || 0 !== r.length) { - for (; a < e.map.length; ) { - if (e.map[a][0] === t) return (e.map[a][1] += n), void e.map[a][2].push(...r) - a += 1 - } - e.map.push([t, n, r]) - } - })(this, e, t, n) - } - consume(e) { - if ( - (this.map.sort(function (e, t) { - return e[0] - t[0] - }), - 0 === this.map.length) - ) - return - let t = this.map.length - const n = [] - for (; t > 0; ) - (t -= 1), n.push(e.slice(this.map[t][0] + this.map[t][1]), this.map[t][2]), (e.length = this.map[t][0]) - n.push([...e]), (e.length = 0) - let r = n.pop() - for (; r; ) e.push(...r), (r = n.pop()) - this.map.length = 0 - } - } - function PN(e, t) { - let n = !1 - const r = [] - for (; t < e.length; ) { - const a = e[t] - if (n) { - if ("enter" === a[0]) - "tableContent" === a[1].type && r.push("tableDelimiterMarker" === e[t + 1][1].type ? "left" : "none") - else if ("tableContent" === a[1].type) { - if ("tableDelimiterMarker" === e[t - 1][1].type) { - const e = r.length - 1 - r[e] = "left" === r[e] ? "center" : "right" - } - } else if ("tableDelimiterRow" === a[1].type) break - } else "enter" === a[0] && "tableDelimiterRow" === a[1].type && (n = !0) - t += 1 - } - return r - } - function DN(e, t, n) { - const r = this - let a, - o = 0, - i = 0 - return function (e) { - let t = r.events.length - 1 - for (; t > -1; ) { - const e = r.events[t][1].type - if ("lineEnding" !== e && "linePrefix" !== e) break - t-- - } - const a = t > -1 ? r.events[t][1].type : null, - o = "tableHead" === a || "tableRow" === a ? O : s - return o === O && r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(e) : o(e) - } - function s(t) { - return ( - e.enter("tableHead"), - e.enter("tableRow"), - (function (e) { - return 124 === e || ((a = !0), (i += 1)), l(e) - })(t) - ) - } - function l(t) { - return null === t - ? n(t) - : QP(t) - ? i > 1 - ? ((i = 0), - (r.interrupt = !0), - e.exit("tableRow"), - e.enter("lineEnding"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("lineEnding"), - u) - : n(t) - : jP(t) - ? NR(e, l, "whitespace")(t) - : ((i += 1), - a && ((a = !1), (o += 1)), - 124 === t - ? (e.enter("tableCellDivider"), e.consume(t), e.exit("tableCellDivider"), (a = !0), l) - : (e.enter("data"), c(t))) - } - function c(t) { - return null === t || 124 === t || BP(t) ? (e.exit("data"), l(t)) : (e.consume(t), 92 === t ? d : c) - } - function d(t) { - return 92 === t || 124 === t ? (e.consume(t), c) : c(t) - } - function u(t) { - return ( - (r.interrupt = !1), - r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] - ? n(t) - : (e.enter("tableDelimiterRow"), - (a = !1), - jP(t) - ? NR(e, p, "linePrefix", r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4)(t) - : p(t)) - ) - } - function p(t) { - return 45 === t || 58 === t - ? f(t) - : 124 === t - ? ((a = !0), e.enter("tableCellDivider"), e.consume(t), e.exit("tableCellDivider"), h) - : y(t) - } - function h(t) { - return jP(t) ? NR(e, f, "whitespace")(t) : f(t) - } - function f(t) { - return 58 === t - ? ((i += 1), (a = !0), e.enter("tableDelimiterMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("tableDelimiterMarker"), m) - : 45 === t - ? ((i += 1), m(t)) - : null === t || QP(t) - ? v(t) - : y(t) - } - function m(t) { - return 45 === t ? (e.enter("tableDelimiterFiller"), g(t)) : y(t) - } - function g(t) { - return 45 === t - ? (e.consume(t), g) - : 58 === t - ? ((a = !0), - e.exit("tableDelimiterFiller"), - e.enter("tableDelimiterMarker"), - e.consume(t), - e.exit("tableDelimiterMarker"), - b) - : (e.exit("tableDelimiterFiller"), b(t)) - } - function b(t) { - return jP(t) ? NR(e, v, "whitespace")(t) : v(t) - } - function v(n) { - return 124 === n - ? p(n) - : (null === n || QP(n)) && a && o === i - ? (e.exit("tableDelimiterRow"), e.exit("tableHead"), t(n)) - : y(n) - } - function y(e) { - return n(e) - } - function O(t) { - return e.enter("tableRow"), w(t) - } - function w(n) { - return 124 === n - ? (e.enter("tableCellDivider"), e.consume(n), e.exit("tableCellDivider"), w) - : null === n || QP(n) - ? (e.exit("tableRow"), t(n)) - : jP(n) - ? NR(e, w, "whitespace")(n) - : (e.enter("data"), x(n)) - } - function x(t) { - return null === t || 124 === t || BP(t) ? (e.exit("data"), w(t)) : (e.consume(t), 92 === t ? k : x) - } - function k(t) { - return 92 === t || 124 === t ? (e.consume(t), x) : x(t) - } - } - function RN(e, t) { - let n, - r, - a, - o = -1, - i = !0, - s = 0, - l = [0, 0, 0, 0], - c = [0, 0, 0, 0], - d = !1, - u = 0 - const p = new CN() - for (; ++o < e.length; ) { - const h = e[o], - f = h[1] - "enter" === h[0] - ? "tableHead" === f.type - ? ((d = !1), - 0 !== u && ($N(p, t, u, n, r), (r = void 0), (u = 0)), - (n = { type: "table", start: Object.assign({}, f.start), end: Object.assign({}, f.end) }), - p.add(o, 0, [["enter", n, t]])) - : "tableRow" === f.type || "tableDelimiterRow" === f.type - ? ((i = !0), - (a = void 0), - (l = [0, 0, 0, 0]), - (c = [0, o + 1, 0, 0]), - d && - ((d = !1), - (r = { type: "tableBody", start: Object.assign({}, f.start), end: Object.assign({}, f.end) }), - p.add(o, 0, [["enter", r, t]])), - (s = "tableDelimiterRow" === f.type ? 2 : r ? 3 : 1)) - : !s || ("data" !== f.type && "tableDelimiterMarker" !== f.type && "tableDelimiterFiller" !== f.type) - ? "tableCellDivider" === f.type && - (i - ? (i = !1) - : (0 !== l[1] && ((c[0] = c[1]), (a = NN(p, t, l, s, void 0, a))), (l = c), (c = [l[1], o, 0, 0]))) - : ((i = !1), - 0 === c[2] && - (0 !== l[1] && ((c[0] = c[1]), (a = NN(p, t, l, s, void 0, a)), (l = [0, 0, 0, 0])), (c[2] = o))) - : "tableHead" === f.type - ? ((d = !0), (u = o)) - : "tableRow" === f.type || "tableDelimiterRow" === f.type - ? ((u = o), - 0 !== l[1] ? ((c[0] = c[1]), (a = NN(p, t, l, s, o, a))) : 0 !== c[1] && (a = NN(p, t, c, s, o, a)), - (s = 0)) - : !s || - ("data" !== f.type && "tableDelimiterMarker" !== f.type && "tableDelimiterFiller" !== f.type) || - (c[3] = o) - } - for (0 !== u && $N(p, t, u, n, r), p.consume(t.events), o = -1; ++o < t.events.length; ) { - const e = t.events[o] - "enter" === e[0] && "table" === e[1].type && (e[1]._align = PN(t.events, o)) - } - return e - } - function NN(e, t, n, r, a, o) { - const i = 1 === r ? "tableHeader" : 2 === r ? "tableDelimiter" : "tableData" - 0 !== n[0] && ((o.end = Object.assign({}, IN(t.events, n[0]))), e.add(n[0], 0, [["exit", o, t]])) - const s = IN(t.events, n[1]) - if ( - ((o = { type: i, start: Object.assign({}, s), end: Object.assign({}, s) }), - e.add(n[1], 0, [["enter", o, t]]), - 0 !== n[2]) - ) { - const a = IN(t.events, n[2]), - o = IN(t.events, n[3]), - i = { type: "tableContent", start: Object.assign({}, a), end: Object.assign({}, o) } - if ((e.add(n[2], 0, [["enter", i, t]]), 2 !== r)) { - const r = t.events[n[2]], - a = t.events[n[3]] - if ( - ((r[1].end = Object.assign({}, a[1].end)), - (r[1].type = "chunkText"), - (r[1].contentType = "text"), - n[3] > n[2] + 1) - ) { - const t = n[2] + 1, - r = n[3] - n[2] - 1 - e.add(t, r, []) - } - } - e.add(n[3] + 1, 0, [["exit", i, t]]) - } - return ( - void 0 !== a && ((o.end = Object.assign({}, IN(t.events, a))), e.add(a, 0, [["exit", o, t]]), (o = void 0)), o - ) - } - function $N(e, t, n, r, a) { - const o = [], - i = IN(t.events, n) - a && ((a.end = Object.assign({}, i)), o.push(["exit", a, t])), - (r.end = Object.assign({}, i)), - o.push(["exit", r, t]), - e.add(n + 1, 0, o) - } - function IN(e, t) { - const n = e[t], - r = "enter" === n[0] ? "start" : "end" - return n[1][r] - } - const MN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - const r = this - return function (t) { - return null === r.previous && r._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem - ? (e.enter("taskListCheck"), e.enter("taskListCheckMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("taskListCheckMarker"), a) - : n(t) - } - function a(t) { - return BP(t) - ? (e.enter("taskListCheckValueUnchecked"), e.consume(t), e.exit("taskListCheckValueUnchecked"), o) - : 88 === t || 120 === t - ? (e.enter("taskListCheckValueChecked"), e.consume(t), e.exit("taskListCheckValueChecked"), o) - : n(t) - } - function o(t) { - return 93 === t - ? (e.enter("taskListCheckMarker"), e.consume(t), e.exit("taskListCheckMarker"), e.exit("taskListCheck"), i) - : n(t) - } - function i(r) { - return QP(r) ? t(r) : jP(r) ? e.check({ tokenize: LN }, t, n)(r) : n(r) - } - }, - } - function LN(e, t, n) { - return NR( - e, - function (e) { - return null === e ? n(e) : t(e) - }, - "whitespace", - ) - } - const QN = {} - function BN(e) { - const t = e || QN, - n = this.data(), - r = n.micromarkExtensions || (n.micromarkExtensions = []), - a = n.fromMarkdownExtensions || (n.fromMarkdownExtensions = []), - o = n.toMarkdownExtensions || (n.toMarkdownExtensions = []) - r.push( - (function (e) { - return cR([ - { text: OR }, - { - document: { 91: { tokenize: SN, continuation: { tokenize: EN }, exit: TN } }, - text: { 91: { tokenize: _N }, 93: { add: "after", tokenize: xN, resolveTo: kN } }, - }, - AN(e), - { flow: { null: { tokenize: DN, resolveAll: RN } } }, - { text: { 91: MN } }, - ]) - })(t), - ), - a.push([ - { - transforms: [eD], - enter: { literalAutolink: WP, literalAutolinkEmail: XP, literalAutolinkHttp: XP, literalAutolinkWww: XP }, - exit: { literalAutolink: JP, literalAutolinkEmail: KP, literalAutolinkHttp: YP, literalAutolinkWww: GP }, - }, - { - enter: { - gfmFootnoteDefinition: oD, - gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: iD, - gfmFootnoteCall: cD, - gfmFootnoteCallString: dD, - }, - exit: { - gfmFootnoteDefinition: lD, - gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: sD, - gfmFootnoteCall: pD, - gfmFootnoteCallString: uD, - }, - }, - { canContainEols: ["delete"], enter: { strikethrough: bD }, exit: { strikethrough: vD } }, - { - enter: { table: XD, tableData: JD, tableHeader: JD, tableRow: GD }, - exit: { codeText: eR, table: YD, tableData: KD, tableHeader: KD, tableRow: KD }, - }, - { exit: { taskListCheckValueChecked: rR, taskListCheckValueUnchecked: rR, paragraph: aR } }, - ]), - o.push( - (function (e) { - return { - extensions: [ - { - unsafe: [ - { character: "@", before: "[+\\-.\\w]", after: "[\\-.\\w]", inConstruct: HP, notInConstruct: VP }, - { character: ".", before: "[Ww]", after: "[\\-.\\w]", inConstruct: HP, notInConstruct: VP }, - { character: ":", before: "[ps]", after: "\\/", inConstruct: HP, notInConstruct: VP }, - ], - }, - { - unsafe: [{ character: "[", inConstruct: ["phrasing", "label", "reference"] }], - handlers: { footnoteDefinition: fD, footnoteReference: hD }, - }, - { unsafe: [{ character: "~", inConstruct: "phrasing", notInConstruct: gD }], handlers: { delete: yD } }, - nR(e), - { unsafe: [{ atBreak: !0, character: "-", after: "[:|-]" }], handlers: { listItem: oR } }, - ], - } - })(t), - ) - } - const jN = { - tokenize: function (e) { - const t = e.attempt( - this.parser.constructs.contentInitial, - function (n) { - if (null !== n) return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(n), e.exit("lineEnding"), NR(e, t, "linePrefix") - e.consume(n) - }, - function (t) { - return e.enter("paragraph"), r(t) - }, - ) - let n - return t - function r(t) { - const r = e.enter("chunkText", { contentType: "text", previous: n }) - return n && (n.next = r), (n = r), a(t) - } - function a(t) { - return null === t - ? (e.exit("chunkText"), e.exit("paragraph"), void e.consume(t)) - : QP(t) - ? (e.consume(t), e.exit("chunkText"), r) - : (e.consume(t), a) - } - }, - }, - UN = { - tokenize: function (e) { - const t = this, - n = [] - let r, - a, - o, - i = 0 - return s - function s(r) { - if (i < n.length) { - const a = n[i] - return (t.containerState = a[1]), e.attempt(a[0].continuation, l, c)(r) - } - return c(r) - } - function l(e) { - if ((i++, t.containerState._closeFlow)) { - ;(t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0), r && v() - const n = t.events.length - let a, - o = n - for (; o--; ) - if ("exit" === t.events[o][0] && "chunkFlow" === t.events[o][1].type) { - a = t.events[o][1].end - break - } - b(i) - let s = n - for (; s < t.events.length; ) (t.events[s][1].end = Object.assign({}, a)), s++ - return iR(t.events, o + 1, 0, t.events.slice(n)), (t.events.length = s), c(e) - } - return s(e) - } - function c(a) { - if (i === n.length) { - if (!r) return p(a) - if (r.currentConstruct && r.currentConstruct.concrete) return f(a) - t.interrupt = Boolean(r.currentConstruct && !r._gfmTableDynamicInterruptHack) - } - return (t.containerState = {}), e.check(FN, d, u)(a) - } - function d(e) { - return r && v(), b(i), p(e) - } - function u(e) { - return (t.parser.lazy[t.now().line] = i !== n.length), (o = t.now().offset), f(e) - } - function p(n) { - return (t.containerState = {}), e.attempt(FN, h, f)(n) - } - function h(e) { - return i++, n.push([t.currentConstruct, t.containerState]), p(e) - } - function f(n) { - return null === n - ? (r && v(), b(0), void e.consume(n)) - : ((r = r || t.parser.flow(t.now())), - e.enter("chunkFlow", { contentType: "flow", previous: a, _tokenizer: r }), - m(n)) - } - function m(n) { - return null === n - ? (g(e.exit("chunkFlow"), !0), b(0), void e.consume(n)) - : QP(n) - ? (e.consume(n), g(e.exit("chunkFlow")), (i = 0), (t.interrupt = void 0), s) - : (e.consume(n), m) - } - function g(e, n) { - const s = t.sliceStream(e) - if ( - (n && s.push(null), - (e.previous = a), - a && (a.next = e), - (a = e), - r.defineSkip(e.start), - r.write(s), - t.parser.lazy[e.start.line]) - ) { - let e = r.events.length - for (; e--; ) - if (r.events[e][1].start.offset < o && (!r.events[e][1].end || r.events[e][1].end.offset > o)) return - const n = t.events.length - let a, - s, - l = n - for (; l--; ) - if ("exit" === t.events[l][0] && "chunkFlow" === t.events[l][1].type) { - if (a) { - s = t.events[l][1].end - break - } - a = !0 - } - for (b(i), e = n; e < t.events.length; ) (t.events[e][1].end = Object.assign({}, s)), e++ - iR(t.events, l + 1, 0, t.events.slice(n)), (t.events.length = e) - } - } - function b(r) { - let a = n.length - for (; a-- > r; ) { - const r = n[a] - ;(t.containerState = r[1]), r[0].exit.call(t, e) - } - n.length = r - } - function v() { - r.write([null]), (a = void 0), (r = void 0), (t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0) - } - }, - }, - FN = { - tokenize: function (e, t, n) { - return NR( - e, - e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.document, t, n), - "linePrefix", - this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4, - ) - }, - }, - zN = { - tokenize: function (e) { - const t = this, - n = e.attempt( - $R, - function (r) { - if (null !== r) - return ( - e.enter("lineEndingBlank"), - e.consume(r), - e.exit("lineEndingBlank"), - (t.currentConstruct = void 0), - n - ) - e.consume(r) - }, - e.attempt( - this.parser.constructs.flowInitial, - r, - NR(e, e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.flow, r, e.attempt(VR, r)), "linePrefix"), - ), - ) - return n - function r(r) { - if (null !== r) - return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(r), e.exit("lineEnding"), (t.currentConstruct = void 0), n - e.consume(r) - } - }, - }, - qN = { resolveAll: WN() }, - ZN = VN("string"), - HN = VN("text") - function VN(e) { - return { - tokenize: function (t) { - const n = this, - r = this.parser.constructs[e], - a = t.attempt(r, o, i) - return o - function o(e) { - return l(e) ? a(e) : i(e) - } - function i(e) { - if (null !== e) return t.enter("data"), t.consume(e), s - t.consume(e) - } - function s(e) { - return l(e) ? (t.exit("data"), a(e)) : (t.consume(e), s) - } - function l(e) { - if (null === e) return !0 - const t = r[e] - let a = -1 - if (t) - for (; ++a < t.length; ) { - const e = t[a] - if (!e.previous || e.previous.call(n, n.previous)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - }, - resolveAll: WN("text" === e ? XN : void 0), - } - } - function WN(e) { - return function (t, n) { - let r, - a = -1 - for (; ++a <= t.length; ) - void 0 === r - ? t[a] && "data" === t[a][1].type && ((r = a), a++) - : (t[a] && "data" === t[a][1].type) || - (a !== r + 2 && ((t[r][1].end = t[a - 1][1].end), t.splice(r + 2, a - r - 2), (a = r + 2)), (r = void 0)) - return e ? e(t, n) : t - } - } - function XN(e, t) { - let n = 0 - for (; ++n <= e.length; ) - if ((n === e.length || "lineEnding" === e[n][1].type) && "data" === e[n - 1][1].type) { - const r = e[n - 1][1], - a = t.sliceStream(r) - let o, - i = a.length, - s = -1, - l = 0 - for (; i--; ) { - const e = a[i] - if ("string" == typeof e) { - for (s = e.length; 32 === e.charCodeAt(s - 1); ) l++, s-- - if (s) break - s = -1 - } else if (-2 === e) (o = !0), l++ - else if (-1 !== e) { - i++ - break - } - } - if (l) { - const a = { - type: n === e.length || o || l < 2 ? "lineSuffix" : "hardBreakTrailing", - start: { - line: r.end.line, - column: r.end.column - l, - offset: r.end.offset - l, - _index: r.start._index + i, - _bufferIndex: i ? s : r.start._bufferIndex + s, - }, - end: Object.assign({}, r.end), - } - ;(r.end = Object.assign({}, a.start)), - r.start.offset === r.end.offset - ? Object.assign(r, a) - : (e.splice(n, 0, ["enter", a, t], ["exit", a, t]), (n += 2)) - } - n++ - } - return e - } - function YN(e, t, n) { - let r = Object.assign(n ? Object.assign({}, n) : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }, { - _index: 0, - _bufferIndex: -1, - }) - const a = {}, - o = [] - let i = [], - s = [] - const l = { - consume: function (e) { - QP(e) - ? (r.line++, (r.column = 1), (r.offset += -3 === e ? 2 : 1), b()) - : -1 !== e && (r.column++, r.offset++), - r._bufferIndex < 0 - ? r._index++ - : (r._bufferIndex++, r._bufferIndex === i[r._index].length && ((r._bufferIndex = -1), r._index++)), - (c.previous = e) - }, - enter: function (e, t) { - const n = t || {} - return (n.type = e), (n.start = p()), c.events.push(["enter", n, c]), s.push(n), n - }, - exit: function (e) { - const t = s.pop() - return (t.end = p()), c.events.push(["exit", t, c]), t - }, - attempt: m(function (e, t) { - g(e, t.from) - }), - check: m(f), - interrupt: m(f, { interrupt: !0 }), - }, - c = { - previous: null, - code: null, - containerState: {}, - events: [], - parser: e, - sliceStream: u, - sliceSerialize: function (e, t) { - return (function (e, t) { - let n = -1 - const r = [] - let a - for (; ++n < e.length; ) { - const o = e[n] - let i - if ("string" == typeof o) i = o - else - switch (o) { - case -5: - i = "\r" - break - case -4: - i = "\n" - break - case -3: - i = "\r\n" - break - case -2: - i = t ? " " : "\t" - break - case -1: - if (!t && a) continue - i = " " - break - default: - i = String.fromCharCode(o) - } - ;(a = -2 === o), r.push(i) - } - return r.join("") - })(u(e), t) - }, - now: p, - defineSkip: function (e) { - ;(a[e.line] = e.column), b() - }, - write: function (e) { - return ( - (i = sR(i, e)), - (function () { - let e - for (; r._index < i.length; ) { - const t = i[r._index] - if ("string" == typeof t) - for ( - e = r._index, r._bufferIndex < 0 && (r._bufferIndex = 0); - r._index === e && r._bufferIndex < t.length; - - ) - h(t.charCodeAt(r._bufferIndex)) - else h(t) - } - })(), - null !== i[i.length - 1] ? [] : (g(t, 0), (c.events = CR(o, c.events, c)), c.events) - ) - }, - } - let d = t.tokenize.call(c, l) - return t.resolveAll && o.push(t), c - function u(e) { - return (function (e, t) { - const n = t.start._index, - r = t.start._bufferIndex, - a = t.end._index, - o = t.end._bufferIndex - let i - if (n === a) i = [e[n].slice(r, o)] - else { - if (((i = e.slice(n, a)), r > -1)) { - const e = i[0] - "string" == typeof e ? (i[0] = e.slice(r)) : i.shift() - } - o > 0 && i.push(e[a].slice(0, o)) - } - return i - })(i, e) - } - function p() { - const { line: e, column: t, offset: n, _index: a, _bufferIndex: o } = r - return { line: e, column: t, offset: n, _index: a, _bufferIndex: o } - } - function h(e) { - d = d(e) - } - function f(e, t) { - t.restore() - } - function m(e, t) { - return function (n, a, o) { - let i, d, u, h - return Array.isArray(n) - ? f(n) - : "tokenize" in n - ? f([n]) - : (function (e) { - return function (t) { - const n = null !== t && e[t], - r = null !== t && e.null - return f([...(Array.isArray(n) ? n : n ? [n] : []), ...(Array.isArray(r) ? r : r ? [r] : [])])(t) - } - })(n) - function f(e) { - return (i = e), (d = 0), 0 === e.length ? o : m(e[d]) - } - function m(e) { - return function (n) { - return ( - (h = (function () { - const e = p(), - t = c.previous, - n = c.currentConstruct, - a = c.events.length, - o = Array.from(s) - return { - restore: function () { - ;(r = e), (c.previous = t), (c.currentConstruct = n), (c.events.length = a), (s = o), b() - }, - from: a, - } - })()), - (u = e), - e.partial || (c.currentConstruct = e), - e.name && c.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes(e.name) - ? v() - : e.tokenize.call(t ? Object.assign(Object.create(c), t) : c, l, g, v)(n) - ) - } - } - function g(t) { - return e(u, h), a - } - function v(e) { - return h.restore(), ++d < i.length ? m(i[d]) : o - } - } - } - function g(e, t) { - e.resolveAll && !o.includes(e) && o.push(e), - e.resolve && iR(c.events, t, c.events.length - t, e.resolve(c.events.slice(t), c)), - e.resolveTo && (c.events = e.resolveTo(c.events, c)) - } - function b() { - r.line in a && r.column < 2 && ((r.column = a[r.line]), (r.offset += a[r.line] - 1)) - } - } - const GN = { - 42: bN, - 43: bN, - 45: bN, - 48: bN, - 49: bN, - 50: bN, - 51: bN, - 52: bN, - 53: bN, - 54: bN, - 55: bN, - 56: bN, - 57: bN, - 62: IR, - }, - KN = { 91: JR }, - JN = { [-2]: jR, [-1]: jR, 32: jR }, - e$ = { 35: nN, 42: gN, 45: [ON, gN], 60: oN, 61: ON, 95: gN, 96: BR, 126: BR }, - t$ = { 38: LR, 92: MR }, - n$ = { - [-5]: mN, - [-4]: mN, - [-3]: mN, - 33: hN, - 38: LR, - 42: PR, - 60: [RR, lN], - 91: fN, - 92: [tN, MR], - 93: cN, - 95: PR, - 96: FR, - }, - r$ = { null: [PR, qN] }, - a$ = Object.freeze( - Object.defineProperty( - { - __proto__: null, - attentionMarkers: { null: [42, 95] }, - contentInitial: KN, - disable: { null: [] }, - document: GN, - flow: e$, - flowInitial: JN, - insideSpan: r$, - string: t$, - text: n$, - }, - Symbol.toStringTag, - { value: "Module" }, - ), - ), - o$ = /[\0\t\n\r]/g - function i$(e) { - return e && "object" == typeof e - ? "position" in e || "type" in e - ? l$(e.position) - : "start" in e || "end" in e - ? l$(e) - : "line" in e || "column" in e - ? s$(e) - : "" - : "" - } - function s$(e) { - return c$(e && e.line) + ":" + c$(e && e.column) - } - function l$(e) { - return s$(e && e.start) + "-" + s$(e && e.end) - } - function c$(e) { - return e && "number" == typeof e ? e : 1 - } - const d$ = {}.hasOwnProperty - function u$(e, t, n) { - return ( - "string" != typeof t && ((n = t), (t = void 0)), - (function (e) { - const t = { - transforms: [], - canContainEols: ["emphasis", "fragment", "heading", "paragraph", "strong"], - enter: { - autolink: a(v), - autolinkProtocol: d, - autolinkEmail: d, - atxHeading: a(m), - blockQuote: a(function () { - return { type: "blockquote", children: [] } - }), - characterEscape: d, - characterReference: d, - codeFenced: a(f), - codeFencedFenceInfo: o, - codeFencedFenceMeta: o, - codeIndented: a(f, o), - codeText: a(function () { - return { type: "inlineCode", value: "" } - }, o), - codeTextData: d, - data: d, - codeFlowValue: d, - definition: a(function () { - return { type: "definition", identifier: "", label: null, title: null, url: "" } - }), - definitionDestinationString: o, - definitionLabelString: o, - definitionTitleString: o, - emphasis: a(function () { - return { type: "emphasis", children: [] } - }), - hardBreakEscape: a(g), - hardBreakTrailing: a(g), - htmlFlow: a(b, o), - htmlFlowData: d, - htmlText: a(b, o), - htmlTextData: d, - image: a(function () { - return { type: "image", title: null, url: "", alt: null } - }), - label: o, - link: a(v), - listItem: a(function (e) { - return { type: "listItem", spread: e._spread, checked: null, children: [] } - }), - listItemValue: function (e) { - this.data.expectingFirstListItemValue && - ((this.stack[this.stack.length - 2].start = Number.parseInt(this.sliceSerialize(e), 10)), - (this.data.expectingFirstListItemValue = void 0)) - }, - listOrdered: a(y, function () { - this.data.expectingFirstListItemValue = !0 - }), - listUnordered: a(y), - paragraph: a(function () { - return { type: "paragraph", children: [] } - }), - reference: function () { - this.data.referenceType = "collapsed" - }, - referenceString: o, - resourceDestinationString: o, - resourceTitleString: o, - setextHeading: a(m), - strong: a(function () { - return { type: "strong", children: [] } - }), - thematicBreak: a(function () { - return { type: "thematicBreak" } - }), - }, - exit: { - atxHeading: s(), - atxHeadingSequence: function (e) { - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - if (!t.depth) { - const n = this.sliceSerialize(e).length - t.depth = n - } - }, - autolink: s(), - autolinkEmail: function (e) { - u.call(this, e), (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = "mailto:" + this.sliceSerialize(e)) - }, - autolinkProtocol: function (e) { - u.call(this, e), (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = this.sliceSerialize(e)) - }, - blockQuote: s(), - characterEscapeValue: u, - characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: h, - characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: h, - characterReferenceValue: function (e) { - const t = this.sliceSerialize(e), - n = this.data.characterReferenceType - let r - n - ? ((r = HD(t, "characterReferenceMarkerNumeric" === n ? 10 : 16)), - (this.data.characterReferenceType = void 0)) - : (r = ZD(t)) - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value += r - }, - characterReference: function (e) { - this.stack.pop().position.end = p$(e.end) - }, - codeFenced: s(function () { - const e = this.resume() - ;(this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = e.replace(/^(\r?\n|\r)|(\r?\n|\r)$/g, "")), - (this.data.flowCodeInside = void 0) - }), - codeFencedFence: function () { - this.data.flowCodeInside || (this.buffer(), (this.data.flowCodeInside = !0)) - }, - codeFencedFenceInfo: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].lang = e - }, - codeFencedFenceMeta: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].meta = e - }, - codeFlowValue: u, - codeIndented: s(function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = e.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)$/g, "") - }), - codeText: s(function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = e - }), - codeTextData: u, - data: u, - definition: s(), - definitionDestinationString: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = e - }, - definitionLabelString: function (e) { - const t = this.resume(), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - ;(n.label = t), (n.identifier = aD(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()) - }, - definitionTitleString: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].title = e - }, - emphasis: s(), - hardBreakEscape: s(p), - hardBreakTrailing: s(p), - htmlFlow: s(function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = e - }), - htmlFlowData: u, - htmlText: s(function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = e - }), - htmlTextData: u, - image: s(function () { - const e = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - if (this.data.inReference) { - const t = this.data.referenceType || "shortcut" - ;(e.type += "Reference"), (e.referenceType = t), delete e.url, delete e.title - } else delete e.identifier, delete e.label - this.data.referenceType = void 0 - }), - label: function () { - const e = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], - t = this.resume(), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - if (((this.data.inReference = !0), "link" === n.type)) { - const t = e.children - n.children = t - } else n.alt = t - }, - labelText: function (e) { - const t = this.sliceSerialize(e), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] - ;(n.label = (function (e) { - return e.replace(VD, WD) - })(t)), - (n.identifier = aD(t).toLowerCase()) - }, - lineEnding: function (e) { - const n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - if (this.data.atHardBreak) - return ( - (n.children[n.children.length - 1].position.end = p$(e.end)), void (this.data.atHardBreak = void 0) - ) - !this.data.setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding && - t.canContainEols.includes(n.type) && - (d.call(this, e), u.call(this, e)) - }, - link: s(function () { - const e = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - if (this.data.inReference) { - const t = this.data.referenceType || "shortcut" - ;(e.type += "Reference"), (e.referenceType = t), delete e.url, delete e.title - } else delete e.identifier, delete e.label - this.data.referenceType = void 0 - }), - listItem: s(), - listOrdered: s(), - listUnordered: s(), - paragraph: s(), - referenceString: function (e) { - const t = this.resume(), - n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - ;(n.label = t), - (n.identifier = aD(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()), - (this.data.referenceType = "full") - }, - resourceDestinationString: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = e - }, - resourceTitleString: function () { - const e = this.resume() - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].title = e - }, - resource: function () { - this.data.inReference = void 0 - }, - setextHeading: s(function () { - this.data.setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding = void 0 - }), - setextHeadingLineSequence: function (e) { - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].depth = 61 === this.sliceSerialize(e).codePointAt(0) ? 1 : 2 - }, - setextHeadingText: function () { - this.data.setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding = !0 - }, - strong: s(), - thematicBreak: s(), - }, - } - h$(t, (e || {}).mdastExtensions || []) - const n = {} - return function (e) { - let a = { type: "root", children: [] } - const s = { stack: [a], tokenStack: [], config: t, enter: i, exit: l, buffer: o, resume: c, data: n }, - d = [] - let u = -1 - for (; ++u < e.length; ) - ("listOrdered" !== e[u][1].type && "listUnordered" !== e[u][1].type) || - ("enter" === e[u][0] ? d.push(u) : (u = r(e, d.pop(), u))) - for (u = -1; ++u < e.length; ) { - const n = t[e[u][0]] - d$.call(n, e[u][1].type) && - n[e[u][1].type].call(Object.assign({ sliceSerialize: e[u][2].sliceSerialize }, s), e[u][1]) - } - if (s.tokenStack.length > 0) { - const e = s.tokenStack[s.tokenStack.length - 1] - ;(e[1] || m$).call(s, void 0, e[0]) - } - for ( - a.position = { - start: p$(e.length > 0 ? e[0][1].start : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }), - end: p$(e.length > 0 ? e[e.length - 2][1].end : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }), - }, - u = -1; - ++u < t.transforms.length; - - ) - a = t.transforms[u](a) || a - return a - } - function r(e, t, n) { - let r, - a, - o, - i, - s = t - 1, - l = -1, - c = !1 - for (; ++s <= n; ) { - const t = e[s] - switch (t[1].type) { - case "listUnordered": - case "listOrdered": - case "blockQuote": - "enter" === t[0] ? l++ : l--, (i = void 0) - break - case "lineEndingBlank": - "enter" === t[0] && (!r || i || l || o || (o = s), (i = void 0)) - break - case "linePrefix": - case "listItemValue": - case "listItemMarker": - case "listItemPrefix": - case "listItemPrefixWhitespace": - break - default: - i = void 0 - } - if ( - (!l && "enter" === t[0] && "listItemPrefix" === t[1].type) || - (-1 === l && "exit" === t[0] && ("listUnordered" === t[1].type || "listOrdered" === t[1].type)) - ) { - if (r) { - let i = s - for (a = void 0; i--; ) { - const t = e[i] - if ("lineEnding" === t[1].type || "lineEndingBlank" === t[1].type) { - if ("exit" === t[0]) continue - a && ((e[a][1].type = "lineEndingBlank"), (c = !0)), (t[1].type = "lineEnding"), (a = i) - } else if ( - "linePrefix" !== t[1].type && - "blockQuotePrefix" !== t[1].type && - "blockQuotePrefixWhitespace" !== t[1].type && - "blockQuoteMarker" !== t[1].type && - "listItemIndent" !== t[1].type - ) - break - } - o && (!a || o < a) && (r._spread = !0), - (r.end = Object.assign({}, a ? e[a][1].start : t[1].end)), - e.splice(a || s, 0, ["exit", r, t[2]]), - s++, - n++ - } - if ("listItemPrefix" === t[1].type) { - const a = { type: "listItem", _spread: !1, start: Object.assign({}, t[1].start), end: void 0 } - ;(r = a), e.splice(s, 0, ["enter", a, t[2]]), s++, n++, (o = void 0), (i = !0) - } - } - } - return (e[t][1]._spread = c), n - } - function a(e, t) { - return function (n) { - i.call(this, e(n), n), t && t.call(this, n) - } - } - function o() { - this.stack.push({ type: "fragment", children: [] }) - } - function i(e, t, n) { - this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(e), - this.stack.push(e), - this.tokenStack.push([t, n]), - (e.position = { start: p$(t.start), end: void 0 }) - } - function s(e) { - return function (t) { - e && e.call(this, t), l.call(this, t) - } - } - function l(e, t) { - const n = this.stack.pop(), - r = this.tokenStack.pop() - if (!r) - throw new Error( - "Cannot close `" + e.type + "` (" + i$({ start: e.start, end: e.end }) + "): it’s not open", - ) - r[0].type !== e.type && (t ? t.call(this, e, r[0]) : (r[1] || m$).call(this, e, r[0])), - (n.position.end = p$(e.end)) - } - function c() { - return CD(this.stack.pop()) - } - function d(e) { - const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children - let n = t[t.length - 1] - ;(n && "text" === n.type) || - ((n = { type: "text", value: "" }), (n.position = { start: p$(e.start), end: void 0 }), t.push(n)), - this.stack.push(n) - } - function u(e) { - const t = this.stack.pop() - ;(t.value += this.sliceSerialize(e)), (t.position.end = p$(e.end)) - } - function p() { - this.data.atHardBreak = !0 - } - function h(e) { - this.data.characterReferenceType = e.type - } - function f() { - return { type: "code", lang: null, meta: null, value: "" } - } - function m() { - return { type: "heading", depth: 0, children: [] } - } - function g() { - return { type: "break" } - } - function b() { - return { type: "html", value: "" } - } - function v() { - return { type: "link", title: null, url: "", children: [] } - } - function y(e) { - return { type: "list", ordered: "listOrdered" === e.type, start: null, spread: e._spread, children: [] } - } - })(n)( - (function (e) { - for (; !ZR(e); ); - return e - })( - (function (e) { - const t = { - defined: [], - lazy: {}, - constructs: cR([a$, ...((e || {}).extensions || [])]), - content: n(jN), - document: n(UN), - flow: n(zN), - string: n(ZN), - text: n(HN), - } - return t - function n(e) { - return function (n) { - return YN(t, e, n) - } - } - })(n) - .document() - .write( - (function () { - let e, - t = 1, - n = "", - r = !0 - return function (a, o, i) { - const s = [] - let l, c, d, u, p - for ( - a = n + ("string" == typeof a ? a.toString() : new TextDecoder(o || void 0).decode(a)), - d = 0, - n = "", - r && (65279 === a.charCodeAt(0) && d++, (r = void 0)); - d < a.length; - - ) { - if ( - ((o$.lastIndex = d), - (l = o$.exec(a)), - (u = l && void 0 !== l.index ? l.index : a.length), - (p = a.charCodeAt(u)), - !l) - ) { - n = a.slice(d) - break - } - if (10 === p && d === u && e) s.push(-3), (e = void 0) - else - switch ((e && (s.push(-5), (e = void 0)), d < u && (s.push(a.slice(d, u)), (t += u - d)), p)) { - case 0: - s.push(65533), t++ - break - case 9: - for (c = 4 * Math.ceil(t / 4), s.push(-2); t++ < c; ) s.push(-1) - break - case 10: - s.push(-4), (t = 1) - break - default: - ;(e = !0), (t = 1) - } - d = u + 1 - } - return i && (e && s.push(-5), n && s.push(n), s.push(null)), s - } - })()(e, t, !0), - ), - ), - ) - ) - } - function p$(e) { - return { line: e.line, column: e.column, offset: e.offset } - } - function h$(e, t) { - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) { - const r = t[n] - Array.isArray(r) ? h$(e, r) : f$(e, r) - } - } - function f$(e, t) { - let n - for (n in t) - if (d$.call(t, n)) - switch (n) { - case "canContainEols": { - const r = t[n] - r && e[n].push(...r) - break - } - case "transforms": { - const r = t[n] - r && e[n].push(...r) - break - } - case "enter": - case "exit": { - const r = t[n] - r && Object.assign(e[n], r) - break - } - } - } - function m$(e, t) { - throw e - ? new Error( - "Cannot close `" + - e.type + - "` (" + - i$({ start: e.start, end: e.end }) + - "): a different token (`" + - t.type + - "`, " + - i$({ start: t.start, end: t.end }) + - ") is open", - ) - : new Error( - "Cannot close document, a token (`" + - t.type + - "`, " + - i$({ start: t.start, end: t.end }) + - ") is still open", - ) - } - function g$(e) { - const t = this - t.parser = function (n) { - return u$(n, { - ...t.data("settings"), - ...e, - extensions: t.data("micromarkExtensions") || [], - mdastExtensions: t.data("fromMarkdownExtensions") || [], - }) - } - } - function b$(e, t) { - const n = t.referenceType - let r = "]" - if ( - ("collapsed" === n ? (r += "[]") : "full" === n && (r += "[" + (t.label || t.identifier) + "]"), - "imageReference" === t.type) - ) - return [{ type: "text", value: "![" + t.alt + r }] - const a = e.all(t), - o = a[0] - o && "text" === o.type ? (o.value = "[" + o.value) : a.unshift({ type: "text", value: "[" }) - const i = a[a.length - 1] - return i && "text" === i.type ? (i.value += r) : a.push({ type: "text", value: r }), a - } - function v$(e) { - const t = e.spread - return null == t ? e.children.length > 1 : t - } - const y$ = 9, - O$ = 32 - function w$(e) { - const t = String(e), - n = /\r?\n|\r/g - let r = n.exec(t), - a = 0 - const o = [] - for (; r; ) o.push(x$(t.slice(a, r.index), a > 0, !0), r[0]), (a = r.index + r[0].length), (r = n.exec(t)) - return o.push(x$(t.slice(a), a > 0, !1)), o.join("") - } - function x$(e, t, n) { - let r = 0, - a = e.length - if (t) { - let t = e.codePointAt(r) - for (; t === y$ || t === O$; ) r++, (t = e.codePointAt(r)) - } - if (n) { - let t = e.codePointAt(a - 1) - for (; t === y$ || t === O$; ) a--, (t = e.codePointAt(a - 1)) - } - return a > r ? e.slice(r, a) : "" - } - const k$ = { - blockquote: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "blockquote", properties: {}, children: e.wrap(e.all(t), !0) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - break: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "br", properties: {}, children: [] } - return e.patch(t, n), [e.applyData(t, n), { type: "text", value: "\n" }] - }, - code: function (e, t) { - const n = t.value ? t.value + "\n" : "", - r = {} - t.lang && (r.className = ["language-" + t.lang]) - let a = { type: "element", tagName: "code", properties: r, children: [{ type: "text", value: n }] } - return ( - t.meta && (a.data = { meta: t.meta }), - e.patch(t, a), - (a = e.applyData(t, a)), - (a = { type: "element", tagName: "pre", properties: {}, children: [a] }), - e.patch(t, a), - a - ) - }, - delete: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "del", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - emphasis: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "em", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - footnoteReference: function (e, t) { - const n = "string" == typeof e.options.clobberPrefix ? e.options.clobberPrefix : "user-content-", - r = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), - a = TR(r.toLowerCase()), - o = e.footnoteOrder.indexOf(r) - let i, - s = e.footnoteCounts.get(r) - void 0 === s ? ((s = 0), e.footnoteOrder.push(r), (i = e.footnoteOrder.length)) : (i = o + 1), - (s += 1), - e.footnoteCounts.set(r, s) - const l = { - type: "element", - tagName: "a", - properties: { - href: "#" + n + "fn-" + a, - id: n + "fnref-" + a + (s > 1 ? "-" + s : ""), - dataFootnoteRef: !0, - ariaDescribedBy: ["footnote-label"], - }, - children: [{ type: "text", value: String(i) }], - } - e.patch(t, l) - const c = { type: "element", tagName: "sup", properties: {}, children: [l] } - return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c) - }, - heading: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "h" + t.depth, properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - html: function (e, t) { - if (e.options.allowDangerousHtml) { - const n = { type: "raw", value: t.value } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - } - }, - imageReference: function (e, t) { - const n = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), - r = e.definitionById.get(n) - if (!r) return b$(e, t) - const a = { src: TR(r.url || ""), alt: t.alt } - null !== r.title && void 0 !== r.title && (a.title = r.title) - const o = { type: "element", tagName: "img", properties: a, children: [] } - return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o) - }, - image: function (e, t) { - const n = { src: TR(t.url) } - null !== t.alt && void 0 !== t.alt && (n.alt = t.alt), - null !== t.title && void 0 !== t.title && (n.title = t.title) - const r = { type: "element", tagName: "img", properties: n, children: [] } - return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) - }, - inlineCode: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "text", value: t.value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ") } - e.patch(t, n) - const r = { type: "element", tagName: "code", properties: {}, children: [n] } - return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) - }, - linkReference: function (e, t) { - const n = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), - r = e.definitionById.get(n) - if (!r) return b$(e, t) - const a = { href: TR(r.url || "") } - null !== r.title && void 0 !== r.title && (a.title = r.title) - const o = { type: "element", tagName: "a", properties: a, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o) - }, - link: function (e, t) { - const n = { href: TR(t.url) } - null !== t.title && void 0 !== t.title && (n.title = t.title) - const r = { type: "element", tagName: "a", properties: n, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) - }, - listItem: function (e, t, n) { - const r = e.all(t), - a = n - ? (function (e) { - let t = !1 - if ("list" === e.type) { - t = e.spread || !1 - const n = e.children - let r = -1 - for (; !t && ++r < n.length; ) t = v$(n[r]) - } - return t - })(n) - : v$(t), - o = {}, - i = [] - if ("boolean" == typeof t.checked) { - const e = r[0] - let n - e && "element" === e.type && "p" === e.tagName - ? (n = e) - : ((n = { type: "element", tagName: "p", properties: {}, children: [] }), r.unshift(n)), - n.children.length > 0 && n.children.unshift({ type: "text", value: " " }), - n.children.unshift({ - type: "element", - tagName: "input", - properties: { type: "checkbox", checked: t.checked, disabled: !0 }, - children: [], - }), - (o.className = ["task-list-item"]) - } - let s = -1 - for (; ++s < r.length; ) { - const e = r[s] - ;(a || 0 !== s || "element" !== e.type || "p" !== e.tagName) && i.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }), - "element" !== e.type || "p" !== e.tagName || a ? i.push(e) : i.push(...e.children) - } - const l = r[r.length - 1] - l && (a || "element" !== l.type || "p" !== l.tagName) && i.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }) - const c = { type: "element", tagName: "li", properties: o, children: i } - return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c) - }, - list: function (e, t) { - const n = {}, - r = e.all(t) - let a = -1 - for ("number" == typeof t.start && 1 !== t.start && (n.start = t.start); ++a < r.length; ) { - const e = r[a] - if ( - "element" === e.type && - "li" === e.tagName && - e.properties && - Array.isArray(e.properties.className) && - e.properties.className.includes("task-list-item") - ) { - n.className = ["contains-task-list"] - break - } - } - const o = { type: "element", tagName: t.ordered ? "ol" : "ul", properties: n, children: e.wrap(r, !0) } - return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o) - }, - paragraph: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "p", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - root: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "root", children: e.wrap(e.all(t)) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - strong: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "strong", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - table: function (e, t) { - const n = e.all(t), - r = n.shift(), - a = [] - if (r) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "thead", properties: {}, children: e.wrap([r], !0) } - e.patch(t.children[0], n), a.push(n) - } - if (n.length > 0) { - const r = { type: "element", tagName: "tbody", properties: {}, children: e.wrap(n, !0) }, - o = mC(t.children[1]), - i = fC(t.children[t.children.length - 1]) - o && i && (r.position = { start: o, end: i }), a.push(r) - } - const o = { type: "element", tagName: "table", properties: {}, children: e.wrap(a, !0) } - return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o) - }, - tableCell: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "td", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - tableRow: function (e, t, n) { - const r = n ? n.children : void 0, - a = 0 === (r ? r.indexOf(t) : 1) ? "th" : "td", - o = n && "table" === n.type ? n.align : void 0, - i = o ? o.length : t.children.length - let s = -1 - const l = [] - for (; ++s < i; ) { - const n = t.children[s], - r = {}, - i = o ? o[s] : void 0 - i && (r.align = i) - let c = { type: "element", tagName: a, properties: r, children: [] } - n && ((c.children = e.all(n)), e.patch(n, c), (c = e.applyData(n, c))), l.push(c) - } - const c = { type: "element", tagName: "tr", properties: {}, children: e.wrap(l, !0) } - return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c) - }, - text: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "text", value: w$(String(t.value)) } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - thematicBreak: function (e, t) { - const n = { type: "element", tagName: "hr", properties: {}, children: [] } - return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n) - }, - toml: _$, - yaml: _$, - definition: _$, - footnoteDefinition: _$, - } - function _$() {} - function S$(e, t) { - const n = [{ type: "text", value: "↩" }] - return ( - t > 1 && - n.push({ type: "element", tagName: "sup", properties: {}, children: [{ type: "text", value: String(t) }] }), - n - ) - } - function E$(e, t) { - return "Back to reference " + (e + 1) + (t > 1 ? "-" + t : "") - } - const T$ = {}.hasOwnProperty, - A$ = {} - function C$(e, t) { - e.position && (t.position = bC(e)) - } - function P$(e, t) { - let n = t - if (e && e.data) { - const t = e.data.hName, - r = e.data.hChildren, - a = e.data.hProperties - "string" == typeof t && - ("element" === n.type - ? (n.tagName = t) - : (n = { type: "element", tagName: t, properties: {}, children: "children" in n ? n.children : [n] })), - "element" === n.type && a && Object.assign(n.properties, E_(a)), - "children" in n && n.children && null != r && (n.children = r) - } - return n - } - function D$(e, t) { - const n = t.data || {}, - r = - !("value" in t) || T$.call(n, "hProperties") || T$.call(n, "hChildren") - ? { type: "element", tagName: "div", properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } - : { type: "text", value: t.value } - return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) - } - function R$(e, t) { - const n = [] - let r = -1 - for (t && n.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }); ++r < e.length; ) - r && n.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }), n.push(e[r]) - return t && e.length > 0 && n.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }), n - } - function N$(e) { - let t = 0, - n = e.charCodeAt(t) - for (; 9 === n || 32 === n; ) t++, (n = e.charCodeAt(t)) - return e.slice(t) - } - function $$(e, t) { - const n = (function (e, t) { - const n = t || A$, - r = new Map(), - a = new Map(), - o = new Map(), - i = { ...k$, ...n.handlers }, - s = { - all: function (e) { - const t = [] - if ("children" in e) { - const n = e.children - let r = -1 - for (; ++r < n.length; ) { - const a = s.one(n[r], e) - if (a) { - if ( - r && - "break" === n[r - 1].type && - (Array.isArray(a) || "text" !== a.type || (a.value = N$(a.value)), - !Array.isArray(a) && "element" === a.type) - ) { - const e = a.children[0] - e && "text" === e.type && (e.value = N$(e.value)) - } - Array.isArray(a) ? t.push(...a) : t.push(a) - } - } - } - return t - }, - applyData: P$, - definitionById: r, - footnoteById: a, - footnoteCounts: o, - footnoteOrder: [], - handlers: i, - one: function (e, t) { - const n = e.type, - r = s.handlers[n] - if (T$.call(s.handlers, n) && r) return r(s, e, t) - if (s.options.passThrough && s.options.passThrough.includes(n)) { - if ("children" in e) { - const { children: t, ...n } = e, - r = E_(n) - return (r.children = s.all(e)), r - } - return E_(e) - } - return (s.options.unknownHandler || D$)(s, e, t) - }, - options: n, - patch: C$, - wrap: R$, - } - return ( - m_(e, function (e) { - if ("definition" === e.type || "footnoteDefinition" === e.type) { - const t = "definition" === e.type ? r : a, - n = String(e.identifier).toUpperCase() - t.has(n) || t.set(n, e) - } - }), - s - ) - })(e, t), - r = n.one(e, void 0), - a = (function (e) { - const t = "string" == typeof e.options.clobberPrefix ? e.options.clobberPrefix : "user-content-", - n = e.options.footnoteBackContent || S$, - r = e.options.footnoteBackLabel || E$, - a = e.options.footnoteLabel || "Footnotes", - o = e.options.footnoteLabelTagName || "h2", - i = e.options.footnoteLabelProperties || { className: ["sr-only"] }, - s = [] - let l = -1 - for (; ++l < e.footnoteOrder.length; ) { - const a = e.footnoteById.get(e.footnoteOrder[l]) - if (!a) continue - const o = e.all(a), - i = String(a.identifier).toUpperCase(), - c = TR(i.toLowerCase()) - let d = 0 - const u = [], - p = e.footnoteCounts.get(i) - for (; void 0 !== p && ++d <= p; ) { - u.length > 0 && u.push({ type: "text", value: " " }) - let e = "string" == typeof n ? n : n(l, d) - "string" == typeof e && (e = { type: "text", value: e }), - u.push({ - type: "element", - tagName: "a", - properties: { - href: "#" + t + "fnref-" + c + (d > 1 ? "-" + d : ""), - dataFootnoteBackref: "", - ariaLabel: "string" == typeof r ? r : r(l, d), - className: ["data-footnote-backref"], - }, - children: Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e], - }) - } - const h = o[o.length - 1] - if (h && "element" === h.type && "p" === h.tagName) { - const e = h.children[h.children.length - 1] - e && "text" === e.type ? (e.value += " ") : h.children.push({ type: "text", value: " " }), - h.children.push(...u) - } else o.push(...u) - const f = { type: "element", tagName: "li", properties: { id: t + "fn-" + c }, children: e.wrap(o, !0) } - e.patch(a, f), s.push(f) - } - if (0 !== s.length) - return { - type: "element", - tagName: "section", - properties: { dataFootnotes: !0, className: ["footnotes"] }, - children: [ - { - type: "element", - tagName: o, - properties: { ...E_(i), id: "footnote-label" }, - children: [{ type: "text", value: a }], - }, - { type: "text", value: "\n" }, - { type: "element", tagName: "ol", properties: {}, children: e.wrap(s, !0) }, - { type: "text", value: "\n" }, - ], - } - })(n), - o = Array.isArray(r) ? { type: "root", children: r } : r || { type: "root", children: [] } - return a && o.children.push({ type: "text", value: "\n" }, a), o - } - function I$(e, t) { - return e && "run" in e - ? async function (n, r) { - const a = $$(n, { file: r, ...t }) - await e.run(a, r) - } - : function (n, r) { - return $$(n, { file: r, ...(t || e) }) - } - } - function M$(e) { - if (e) throw e - } - var L$ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - Q$ = Object.prototype.toString, - B$ = Object.defineProperty, - j$ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, - U$ = function (e) { - return "function" == typeof Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(e) : "[object Array]" === Q$.call(e) - }, - F$ = function (e) { - if (!e || "[object Object]" !== Q$.call(e)) return !1 - var t, - n = L$.call(e, "constructor"), - r = e.constructor && e.constructor.prototype && L$.call(e.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") - if (e.constructor && !n && !r) return !1 - for (t in e); - return void 0 === t || L$.call(e, t) - }, - z$ = function (e, t) { - B$ && "__proto__" === t.name - ? B$(e, t.name, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, value: t.newValue, writable: !0 }) - : (e[t.name] = t.newValue) - }, - q$ = function (e, t) { - if ("__proto__" === t) { - if (!L$.call(e, t)) return - if (j$) return j$(e, t).value - } - return e[t] - } - const Z$ = em(function e() { - var t, - n, - r, - a, - o, - i, - s = arguments[0], - l = 1, - c = arguments.length, - d = !1 - for ( - "boolean" == typeof s && ((d = s), (s = arguments[1] || {}), (l = 2)), - (null == s || ("object" != typeof s && "function" != typeof s)) && (s = {}); - l < c; - ++l - ) - if (null != (t = arguments[l])) - for (n in t) - (r = q$(s, n)), - s !== (a = q$(t, n)) && - (d && a && (F$(a) || (o = U$(a))) - ? (o ? ((o = !1), (i = r && U$(r) ? r : [])) : (i = r && F$(r) ? r : {}), - z$(s, { name: n, newValue: e(d, i, a) })) - : void 0 !== a && z$(s, { name: n, newValue: a })) - return s - }) - function H$(e) { - if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) return !1 - const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e) - return !( - (null !== t && t !== Object.prototype && null !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t)) || - Symbol.toStringTag in e || - Symbol.iterator in e - ) - } - class V$ extends Error { - constructor(e, t, n) { - super(), "string" == typeof t && ((n = t), (t = void 0)) - let r = "", - a = {}, - o = !1 - if ( - (t && - (a = - ("line" in t && "column" in t) || ("start" in t && "end" in t) - ? { place: t } - : "type" in t - ? { ancestors: [t], place: t.position } - : { ...t }), - "string" == typeof e ? (r = e) : !a.cause && e && ((o = !0), (r = e.message), (a.cause = e)), - !a.ruleId && !a.source && "string" == typeof n) - ) { - const e = n.indexOf(":") - ;-1 === e ? (a.ruleId = n) : ((a.source = n.slice(0, e)), (a.ruleId = n.slice(e + 1))) - } - if (!a.place && a.ancestors && a.ancestors) { - const e = a.ancestors[a.ancestors.length - 1] - e && (a.place = e.position) - } - const i = a.place && "start" in a.place ? a.place.start : a.place - ;(this.ancestors = a.ancestors || void 0), - (this.cause = a.cause || void 0), - (this.column = i ? i.column : void 0), - (this.fatal = void 0), - this.file, - (this.message = r), - (this.line = i ? i.line : void 0), - (this.name = i$(a.place) || "1:1"), - (this.place = a.place || void 0), - (this.reason = this.message), - (this.ruleId = a.ruleId || void 0), - (this.source = a.source || void 0), - (this.stack = o && a.cause && "string" == typeof a.cause.stack ? a.cause.stack : ""), - this.actual, - this.expected, - this.note, - this.url - } - } - ;(V$.prototype.file = ""), - (V$.prototype.name = ""), - (V$.prototype.reason = ""), - (V$.prototype.message = ""), - (V$.prototype.stack = ""), - (V$.prototype.column = void 0), - (V$.prototype.line = void 0), - (V$.prototype.ancestors = void 0), - (V$.prototype.cause = void 0), - (V$.prototype.fatal = void 0), - (V$.prototype.place = void 0), - (V$.prototype.ruleId = void 0), - (V$.prototype.source = void 0) - const W$ = function (e, t) { - if (void 0 !== t && "string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string') - J$(e) - let n, - r = 0, - a = -1, - o = e.length - if (void 0 === t || 0 === t.length || t.length > e.length) { - for (; o--; ) - if (47 === e.codePointAt(o)) { - if (n) { - r = o + 1 - break - } - } else a < 0 && ((n = !0), (a = o + 1)) - return a < 0 ? "" : e.slice(r, a) - } - if (t === e) return "" - let i = -1, - s = t.length - 1 - for (; o--; ) - if (47 === e.codePointAt(o)) { - if (n) { - r = o + 1 - break - } - } else - i < 0 && ((n = !0), (i = o + 1)), - s > -1 && (e.codePointAt(o) === t.codePointAt(s--) ? s < 0 && (a = o) : ((s = -1), (a = i))) - return r === a ? (a = i) : a < 0 && (a = e.length), e.slice(r, a) - }, - X$ = function (e) { - if ((J$(e), 0 === e.length)) return "." - let t, - n = -1, - r = e.length - for (; --r; ) - if (47 === e.codePointAt(r)) { - if (t) { - n = r - break - } - } else t || (t = !0) - return n < 0 ? (47 === e.codePointAt(0) ? "/" : ".") : 1 === n && 47 === e.codePointAt(0) ? "//" : e.slice(0, n) - }, - Y$ = function (e) { - J$(e) - let t, - n = e.length, - r = -1, - a = 0, - o = -1, - i = 0 - for (; n--; ) { - const s = e.codePointAt(n) - if (47 !== s) - r < 0 && ((t = !0), (r = n + 1)), 46 === s ? (o < 0 ? (o = n) : 1 !== i && (i = 1)) : o > -1 && (i = -1) - else if (t) { - a = n + 1 - break - } - } - return o < 0 || r < 0 || 0 === i || (1 === i && o === r - 1 && o === a + 1) ? "" : e.slice(o, r) - }, - G$ = function (...e) { - let t, - n = -1 - for (; ++n < e.length; ) J$(e[n]), e[n] && (t = void 0 === t ? e[n] : t + "/" + e[n]) - return void 0 === t - ? "." - : (function (e) { - J$(e) - const t = 47 === e.codePointAt(0) - let n = (function (e, t) { - let n, - r, - a = "", - o = 0, - i = -1, - s = 0, - l = -1 - for (; ++l <= e.length; ) { - if (l < e.length) n = e.codePointAt(l) - else { - if (47 === n) break - n = 47 - } - if (47 === n) { - if (i === l - 1 || 1 === s); - else if (i !== l - 1 && 2 === s) { - if ( - a.length < 2 || - 2 !== o || - 46 !== a.codePointAt(a.length - 1) || - 46 !== a.codePointAt(a.length - 2) - ) - if (a.length > 2) { - if (((r = a.lastIndexOf("/")), r !== a.length - 1)) { - r < 0 - ? ((a = ""), (o = 0)) - : ((a = a.slice(0, r)), (o = a.length - 1 - a.lastIndexOf("/"))), - (i = l), - (s = 0) - continue - } - } else if (a.length > 0) { - ;(a = ""), (o = 0), (i = l), (s = 0) - continue - } - t && ((a = a.length > 0 ? a + "/.." : ".."), (o = 2)) - } else a.length > 0 ? (a += "/" + e.slice(i + 1, l)) : (a = e.slice(i + 1, l)), (o = l - i - 1) - ;(i = l), (s = 0) - } else 46 === n && s > -1 ? s++ : (s = -1) - } - return a - })(e, !t) - return ( - 0 !== n.length || t || (n = "."), - n.length > 0 && 47 === e.codePointAt(e.length - 1) && (n += "/"), - t ? "/" + n : n - ) - })(t) - }, - K$ = "/" - function J$(e) { - if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(e)) - } - const eI = function () { - return "/" - } - function tI(e) { - return Boolean( - null !== e && - "object" == typeof e && - "href" in e && - e.href && - "protocol" in e && - e.protocol && - void 0 === e.auth, - ) - } - const nI = ["history", "path", "basename", "stem", "extname", "dirname"] - class rI { - constructor(e) { - let t - ;(t = e - ? tI(e) - ? { path: e } - : "string" == typeof e || - (function (e) { - return Boolean(e && "object" == typeof e && "byteLength" in e && "byteOffset" in e) - })(e) - ? { value: e } - : e - : {}), - (this.cwd = eI()), - (this.data = {}), - (this.history = []), - (this.messages = []), - this.value, - this.map, - this.result, - this.stored - let n, - r = -1 - for (; ++r < nI.length; ) { - const e = nI[r] - e in t && void 0 !== t[e] && null !== t[e] && (this[e] = "history" === e ? [...t[e]] : t[e]) - } - for (n in t) nI.includes(n) || (this[n] = t[n]) - } - get basename() { - return "string" == typeof this.path ? W$(this.path) : void 0 - } - set basename(e) { - oI(e, "basename"), aI(e, "basename"), (this.path = G$(this.dirname || "", e)) - } - get dirname() { - return "string" == typeof this.path ? X$(this.path) : void 0 - } - set dirname(e) { - iI(this.basename, "dirname"), (this.path = G$(e || "", this.basename)) - } - get extname() { - return "string" == typeof this.path ? Y$(this.path) : void 0 - } - set extname(e) { - if ((aI(e, "extname"), iI(this.dirname, "extname"), e)) { - if (46 !== e.codePointAt(0)) throw new Error("`extname` must start with `.`") - if (e.includes(".", 1)) throw new Error("`extname` cannot contain multiple dots") - } - this.path = G$(this.dirname, this.stem + (e || "")) - } - get path() { - return this.history[this.history.length - 1] - } - set path(e) { - tI(e) && - (e = (function (e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) e = new URL(e) - else if (!tI(e)) { - const t = new TypeError( - 'The "path" argument must be of type string or an instance of URL. Received `' + e + "`", - ) - throw ((t.code = "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE"), t) - } - if ("file:" !== e.protocol) { - const e = new TypeError("The URL must be of scheme file") - throw ((e.code = "ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME"), e) - } - return (function (e) { - if ("" !== e.hostname) { - const e = new TypeError('File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on darwin') - throw ((e.code = "ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST"), e) - } - const t = e.pathname - let n = -1 - for (; ++n < t.length; ) - if (37 === t.codePointAt(n) && 50 === t.codePointAt(n + 1)) { - const e = t.codePointAt(n + 2) - if (70 === e || 102 === e) { - const e = new TypeError("File URL path must not include encoded / characters") - throw ((e.code = "ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH"), e) - } - } - return decodeURIComponent(t) - })(e) - })(e)), - oI(e, "path"), - this.path !== e && this.history.push(e) - } - get stem() { - return "string" == typeof this.path ? W$(this.path, this.extname) : void 0 - } - set stem(e) { - oI(e, "stem"), aI(e, "stem"), (this.path = G$(this.dirname || "", e + (this.extname || ""))) - } - fail(e, t, n) { - const r = this.message(e, t, n) - throw ((r.fatal = !0), r) - } - info(e, t, n) { - const r = this.message(e, t, n) - return (r.fatal = void 0), r - } - message(e, t, n) { - const r = new V$(e, t, n) - return ( - this.path && ((r.name = this.path + ":" + r.name), (r.file = this.path)), - (r.fatal = !1), - this.messages.push(r), - r - ) - } - toString(e) { - return void 0 === this.value - ? "" - : "string" == typeof this.value - ? this.value - : new TextDecoder(e || void 0).decode(this.value) - } - } - function aI(e, t) { - if (e && e.includes(K$)) throw new Error("`" + t + "` cannot be a path: did not expect `" + K$ + "`") - } - function oI(e, t) { - if (!e) throw new Error("`" + t + "` cannot be empty") - } - function iI(e, t) { - if (!e) throw new Error("Setting `" + t + "` requires `path` to be set too") - } - const sI = function (e) { - const t = this.constructor.prototype, - n = t[e], - r = function () { - return n.apply(r, arguments) - } - Object.setPrototypeOf(r, t) - const a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n) - for (const e of a) { - const t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e) - t && Object.defineProperty(r, e, t) - } - return r - }, - lI = {}.hasOwnProperty - class cI extends sI { - constructor() { - super("copy"), - (this.Compiler = void 0), - (this.Parser = void 0), - (this.attachers = []), - (this.compiler = void 0), - (this.freezeIndex = -1), - (this.frozen = void 0), - (this.namespace = {}), - (this.parser = void 0), - (this.transformers = (function () { - const e = [], - t = { - run: function (...t) { - let n = -1 - const r = t.pop() - if ("function" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("Expected function as last argument, not " + r) - !(function a(o, ...i) { - const s = e[++n] - let l = -1 - if (o) r(o) - else { - for (; ++l < t.length; ) (null !== i[l] && void 0 !== i[l]) || (i[l] = t[l]) - ;(t = i), - s - ? (function (e, t) { - let n - return function (...t) { - const o = e.length > t.length - let i - o && t.push(r) - try { - i = e.apply(this, t) - } catch (e) { - if (o && n) throw e - return r(e) - } - o || - (i && i.then && "function" == typeof i.then - ? i.then(a, r) - : i instanceof Error - ? r(i) - : a(i)) - } - function r(e, ...r) { - n || ((n = !0), t(e, ...r)) - } - function a(e) { - r(null, e) - } - })( - s, - a, - )(...i) - : r(null, ...i) - } - })(null, ...t) - }, - use: function (n) { - if ("function" != typeof n) throw new TypeError("Expected `middelware` to be a function, not " + n) - return e.push(n), t - }, - } - return t - })()) - } - copy() { - const e = new cI() - let t = -1 - for (; ++t < this.attachers.length; ) { - const n = this.attachers[t] - e.use(...n) - } - return e.data(Z$(!0, {}, this.namespace)), e - } - data(e, t) { - return "string" == typeof e - ? 2 === arguments.length - ? (hI("data", this.frozen), (this.namespace[e] = t), this) - : (lI.call(this.namespace, e) && this.namespace[e]) || void 0 - : e - ? (hI("data", this.frozen), (this.namespace = e), this) - : this.namespace - } - freeze() { - if (this.frozen) return this - const e = this - for (; ++this.freezeIndex < this.attachers.length; ) { - const [t, ...n] = this.attachers[this.freezeIndex] - if (!1 === n[0]) continue - !0 === n[0] && (n[0] = void 0) - const r = t.call(e, ...n) - "function" == typeof r && this.transformers.use(r) - } - return (this.frozen = !0), (this.freezeIndex = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), this - } - parse(e) { - this.freeze() - const t = gI(e), - n = this.parser || this.Parser - return uI("parse", n), n(String(t), t) - } - process(e, t) { - const n = this - return ( - this.freeze(), - uI("process", this.parser || this.Parser), - pI("process", this.compiler || this.Compiler), - t ? r(void 0, t) : new Promise(r) - ) - function r(r, a) { - const o = gI(e), - i = n.parse(o) - function s(e, n) { - e || !n ? a(e) : r ? r(n) : t(void 0, n) - } - n.run(i, o, function (e, t, r) { - if (e || !t || !r) return s(e) - const a = t, - o = n.stringify(a, r) - var i - "string" == typeof (i = o) || - (function (e) { - return Boolean(e && "object" == typeof e && "byteLength" in e && "byteOffset" in e) - })(i) - ? (r.value = o) - : (r.result = o), - s(e, r) - }) - } - } - processSync(e) { - let t, - n = !1 - return ( - this.freeze(), - uI("processSync", this.parser || this.Parser), - pI("processSync", this.compiler || this.Compiler), - this.process(e, function (e, r) { - ;(n = !0), M$(e), (t = r) - }), - mI("processSync", "process", n), - t - ) - } - run(e, t, n) { - fI(e), this.freeze() - const r = this.transformers - return n || "function" != typeof t || ((n = t), (t = void 0)), n ? a(void 0, n) : new Promise(a) - function a(a, o) { - const i = gI(t) - r.run(e, i, function (t, r, i) { - const s = r || e - t ? o(t) : a ? a(s) : n(void 0, s, i) - }) - } - } - runSync(e, t) { - let n, - r = !1 - return ( - this.run(e, t, function (e, t) { - M$(e), (n = t), (r = !0) - }), - mI("runSync", "run", r), - n - ) - } - stringify(e, t) { - this.freeze() - const n = gI(t), - r = this.compiler || this.Compiler - return pI("stringify", r), fI(e), r(e, n) - } - use(e, ...t) { - const n = this.attachers, - r = this.namespace - if ((hI("use", this.frozen), null == e)); - else if ("function" == typeof e) s(e, t) - else { - if ("object" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected usable value, not `" + e + "`") - Array.isArray(e) ? i(e) : o(e) - } - return this - function a(e) { - if ("function" == typeof e) s(e, []) - else { - if ("object" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected usable value, not `" + e + "`") - if (Array.isArray(e)) { - const [t, ...n] = e - s(t, n) - } else o(e) - } - } - function o(e) { - if (!("plugins" in e) && !("settings" in e)) - throw new Error( - "Expected usable value but received an empty preset, which is probably a mistake: presets typically come with `plugins` and sometimes with `settings`, but this has neither", - ) - i(e.plugins), e.settings && (r.settings = Z$(!0, r.settings, e.settings)) - } - function i(e) { - let t = -1 - if (null == e); - else { - if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected a list of plugins, not `" + e + "`") - for (; ++t < e.length; ) a(e[t]) - } - } - function s(e, t) { - let r = -1, - a = -1 - for (; ++r < n.length; ) - if (n[r][0] === e) { - a = r - break - } - if (-1 === a) n.push([e, ...t]) - else if (t.length > 0) { - let [r, ...o] = t - const i = n[a][1] - H$(i) && H$(r) && (r = Z$(!0, i, r)), (n[a] = [e, r, ...o]) - } - } - } - } - const dI = new cI().freeze() - function uI(e, t) { - if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Cannot `" + e + "` without `parser`") - } - function pI(e, t) { - if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Cannot `" + e + "` without `compiler`") - } - function hI(e, t) { - if (t) - throw new Error( - "Cannot call `" + - e + - "` on a frozen processor.\nCreate a new processor first, by calling it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`.", - ) - } - function fI(e) { - if (!H$(e) || "string" != typeof e.type) throw new TypeError("Expected node, got `" + e + "`") - } - function mI(e, t, n) { - if (!n) throw new Error("`" + e + "` finished async. Use `" + t + "` instead") - } - function gI(e) { - return (function (e) { - return Boolean(e && "object" == typeof e && "message" in e && "messages" in e) - })(e) - ? e - : new rI(e) - } - const bI = { - bash: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = {}, - r = { begin: /\$\{/, end: /\}/, contains: ["self", { begin: /:-/, contains: [n] }] } - Object.assign(n, { - className: "variable", - variants: [{ begin: t.concat(/\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/, "(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])") }, r], - }) - const a = { className: "subst", begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - o = { - begin: /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/, - starts: { contains: [e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(\w+)/, end: /(\w+)/, className: "string" })] }, - }, - i = { className: "string", begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, n, a] } - a.contains.push(i) - const s = { - begin: /\$?\(\(/, - end: /\)\)/, - contains: [{ begin: /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/, className: "number" }, e.NUMBER_MODE, n], - }, - l = e.SHEBANG({ - binary: `(${["fish", "bash", "zsh", "sh", "csh", "ksh", "tcsh", "dash", "scsh"].join("|")})`, - relevance: 10, - }), - c = { - className: "function", - begin: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: /\w[\w\d_]*/ })], - relevance: 0, - } - return { - name: "Bash", - aliases: ["sh"], - keywords: { - $pattern: /\b[a-z][a-z0-9._-]+\b/, - keyword: [ - "if", - "then", - "else", - "elif", - "fi", - "for", - "while", - "until", - "in", - "do", - "done", - "case", - "esac", - "function", - "select", - ], - literal: ["true", "false"], - built_in: [ - "break", - "cd", - "continue", - "eval", - "exec", - "exit", - "export", - "getopts", - "hash", - "pwd", - "readonly", - "return", - "shift", - "test", - "times", - "trap", - "umask", - "unset", - "alias", - "bind", - "builtin", - "caller", - "command", - "declare", - "echo", - "enable", - "help", - "let", - "local", - "logout", - "mapfile", - "printf", - "read", - "readarray", - "source", - "type", - "typeset", - "ulimit", - "unalias", - "set", - "shopt", - "autoload", - "bg", - "bindkey", - "bye", - "cap", - "chdir", - "clone", - "comparguments", - "compcall", - "compctl", - "compdescribe", - "compfiles", - "compgroups", - "compquote", - "comptags", - "comptry", - "compvalues", - "dirs", - "disable", - "disown", - "echotc", - "echoti", - "emulate", - "fc", - "fg", - "float", - "functions", - "getcap", - "getln", - "history", - "integer", - "jobs", - "kill", - "limit", - "log", - "noglob", - "popd", - "print", - "pushd", - "pushln", - "rehash", - "sched", - "setcap", - "setopt", - "stat", - "suspend", - "ttyctl", - "unfunction", - "unhash", - "unlimit", - "unsetopt", - "vared", - "wait", - "whence", - "where", - "which", - "zcompile", - "zformat", - "zftp", - "zle", - "zmodload", - "zparseopts", - "zprof", - "zpty", - "zregexparse", - "zsocket", - "zstyle", - "ztcp", - "chcon", - "chgrp", - "chown", - "chmod", - "cp", - "dd", - "df", - "dir", - "dircolors", - "ln", - "ls", - "mkdir", - "mkfifo", - "mknod", - "mktemp", - "mv", - "realpath", - "rm", - "rmdir", - "shred", - "sync", - "touch", - "truncate", - "vdir", - "b2sum", - "base32", - "base64", - "cat", - "cksum", - "comm", - "csplit", - "cut", - "expand", - "fmt", - "fold", - "head", - "join", - "md5sum", - "nl", - "numfmt", - "od", - "paste", - "ptx", - "pr", - "sha1sum", - "sha224sum", - "sha256sum", - "sha384sum", - "sha512sum", - "shuf", - "sort", - "split", - "sum", - "tac", - "tail", - "tr", - "tsort", - "unexpand", - "uniq", - "wc", - "arch", - "basename", - "chroot", - "date", - "dirname", - "du", - "echo", - "env", - "expr", - "factor", - "groups", - "hostid", - "id", - "link", - "logname", - "nice", - "nohup", - "nproc", - "pathchk", - "pinky", - "printenv", - "printf", - "pwd", - "readlink", - "runcon", - "seq", - "sleep", - "stat", - "stdbuf", - "stty", - "tee", - "test", - "timeout", - "tty", - "uname", - "unlink", - "uptime", - "users", - "who", - "whoami", - "yes", - ], - }, - contains: [ - l, - e.SHEBANG(), - c, - s, - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - o, - { match: /(\/[a-z._-]+)+/ }, - i, - { match: /\\"/ }, - { className: "string", begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - { match: /\\'/ }, - n, - ], - } - }, - c: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = e.COMMENT("//", "$", { contains: [{ begin: /\\\n/ }] }), - r = "decltype\\(auto\\)", - a = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::", - o = "(" + r + "|" + t.optional(a) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + t.optional("<[^<>]+>") + ")", - i = { className: "type", variants: [{ begin: "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" }, { match: /\batomic_[a-z]{3,6}\b/ }] }, - s = { - className: "string", - variants: [ - { begin: '(u8?|U|L)?"', end: '"', illegal: "\\n", contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - { - begin: "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)", - end: "'", - illegal: ".", - }, - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/, end: /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ }), - ], - }, - l = { - className: "number", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\b(0b[01']+)" }, - { begin: "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)" }, - { begin: "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - c = { - className: "meta", - begin: /#\s*[a-z]+\b/, - end: /$/, - keywords: { - keyword: "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include", - }, - contains: [ - { begin: /\\\n/, relevance: 0 }, - e.inherit(s, { className: "string" }), - { className: "string", begin: /<.*?>/ }, - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - }, - d = { className: "title", begin: t.optional(a) + e.IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, - u = t.optional(a) + e.IDENT_RE + "\\s*\\(", - p = { - keyword: [ - "asm", - "auto", - "break", - "case", - "continue", - "default", - "do", - "else", - "enum", - "extern", - "for", - "fortran", - "goto", - "if", - "inline", - "register", - "restrict", - "return", - "sizeof", - "struct", - "switch", - "typedef", - "union", - "volatile", - "while", - "_Alignas", - "_Alignof", - "_Atomic", - "_Generic", - "_Noreturn", - "_Static_assert", - "_Thread_local", - "alignas", - "alignof", - "noreturn", - "static_assert", - "thread_local", - "_Pragma", - ], - type: [ - "float", - "double", - "signed", - "unsigned", - "int", - "short", - "long", - "char", - "void", - "_Bool", - "_Complex", - "_Imaginary", - "_Decimal32", - "_Decimal64", - "_Decimal128", - "const", - "static", - "complex", - "bool", - "imaginary", - ], - literal: "true false NULL", - built_in: - "std string wstring cin cout cerr clog stdin stdout stderr stringstream istringstream ostringstream auto_ptr deque list queue stack vector map set pair bitset multiset multimap unordered_set unordered_map unordered_multiset unordered_multimap priority_queue make_pair array shared_ptr abort terminate abs acos asin atan2 atan calloc ceil cosh cos exit exp fabs floor fmod fprintf fputs free frexp fscanf future isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper labs ldexp log10 log malloc realloc memchr memcmp memcpy memset modf pow printf putchar puts scanf sinh sin snprintf sprintf sqrt sscanf strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr tanh tan vfprintf vprintf vsprintf endl initializer_list unique_ptr", - }, - h = [c, i, n, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, l, s], - f = { - variants: [ - { begin: /=/, end: /;/ }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/ }, - { beginKeywords: "new throw return else", end: /;/ }, - ], - keywords: p, - contains: h.concat([{ begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, keywords: p, contains: h.concat(["self"]), relevance: 0 }]), - relevance: 0, - }, - m = { - begin: "(" + o + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + u, - returnBegin: !0, - end: /[{;=]/, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: p, - illegal: /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/, - contains: [ - { begin: r, keywords: p, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: u, returnBegin: !0, contains: [e.inherit(d, { className: "title.function" })], relevance: 0 }, - { relevance: 0, match: /,/ }, - { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: p, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - s, - l, - i, - { - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: p, - relevance: 0, - contains: ["self", n, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, s, l, i], - }, - ], - }, - i, - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - c, - ], - } - return { - name: "C", - aliases: ["h"], - keywords: p, - disableAutodetect: !0, - illegal: "=]/, - contains: [{ beginKeywords: "final class struct" }, e.TITLE_MODE], - }, - ]), - exports: { preprocessor: c, strings: s, keywords: p }, - } - }, - clojure: function (e) { - const t = "a-zA-Z_\\-!.?+*=<>&'", - n = "[#]?[" + t + "][" + t + "0-9/;:$#]*", - r = "def defonce defprotocol defstruct defmulti defmethod defn- defn defmacro deftype defrecord", - a = { - $pattern: n, - built_in: - r + - " cond apply if-not if-let if not not= =|0 <|0 >|0 <=|0 >=|0 ==|0 +|0 /|0 *|0 -|0 rem quot neg? pos? delay? symbol? keyword? true? false? integer? empty? coll? list? set? ifn? fn? associative? sequential? sorted? counted? reversible? number? decimal? class? distinct? isa? float? rational? reduced? ratio? odd? even? char? seq? vector? string? map? nil? contains? zero? instance? not-every? not-any? libspec? -> ->> .. . inc compare do dotimes mapcat take remove take-while drop letfn drop-last take-last drop-while while intern condp case reduced cycle split-at split-with repeat replicate iterate range merge zipmap declare line-seq sort comparator sort-by dorun doall nthnext nthrest partition eval doseq await await-for let agent atom send send-off release-pending-sends add-watch mapv filterv remove-watch agent-error restart-agent set-error-handler error-handler set-error-mode! error-mode shutdown-agents quote var fn loop recur throw try monitor-enter monitor-exit macroexpand macroexpand-1 for dosync and or when when-not when-let comp juxt partial sequence memoize constantly complement identity assert peek pop doto proxy first rest cons cast coll last butlast sigs reify second ffirst fnext nfirst nnext meta with-meta ns in-ns create-ns import refer keys select-keys vals key val rseq name namespace promise into transient persistent! conj! assoc! dissoc! pop! disj! use class type num float double short byte boolean bigint biginteger bigdec print-method print-dup throw-if printf format load compile get-in update-in pr pr-on newline flush read slurp read-line subvec with-open memfn time re-find re-groups rand-int rand mod locking assert-valid-fdecl alias resolve ref deref refset swap! reset! set-validator! compare-and-set! alter-meta! reset-meta! commute get-validator alter ref-set ref-history-count ref-min-history ref-max-history ensure sync io! new next conj set! to-array future future-call into-array aset gen-class reduce map filter find empty hash-map hash-set sorted-map sorted-map-by sorted-set sorted-set-by vec vector seq flatten reverse assoc dissoc list disj get union difference intersection extend extend-type extend-protocol int nth delay count concat chunk chunk-buffer chunk-append chunk-first chunk-rest max min dec unchecked-inc-int unchecked-inc unchecked-dec-inc unchecked-dec unchecked-negate unchecked-add-int unchecked-add unchecked-subtract-int unchecked-subtract chunk-next chunk-cons chunked-seq? prn vary-meta lazy-seq spread list* str find-keyword keyword symbol gensym force rationalize", - }, - o = { begin: n, relevance: 0 }, - i = { - scope: "number", - relevance: 0, - variants: [ - { match: /[-+]?0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+N?/ }, - { match: /[-+]?0[0-7]+N?/ }, - { match: /[-+]?[1-9][0-9]?[rR][0-9a-zA-Z]+N?/ }, - { match: /[-+]?[0-9]+\/[0-9]+N?/ }, - { match: /[-+]?[0-9]+((\.[0-9]*([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?M?)|([eE][+-]?[0-9]+M?|M))/ }, - { match: /[-+]?([1-9][0-9]*|0)N?/ }, - ], - }, - s = { - scope: "character", - variants: [ - { match: /\\o[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}/ }, - { match: /\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/ }, - { match: /\\(newline|space|tab|formfeed|backspace|return)/ }, - { match: /\\\S/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - l = { scope: "regex", begin: /#"/, end: /"/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - c = e.inherit(e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }), - d = { scope: "punctuation", match: /,/, relevance: 0 }, - u = e.COMMENT(";", "$", { relevance: 0 }), - p = { className: "literal", begin: /\b(true|false|nil)\b/ }, - h = { begin: "\\[|(#::?" + n + ")?\\{", end: "[\\]\\}]", relevance: 0 }, - f = { className: "symbol", begin: "[:]{1,2}" + n }, - m = { begin: "\\(", end: "\\)" }, - g = { endsWithParent: !0, relevance: 0 }, - b = { keywords: a, className: "name", begin: n, relevance: 0, starts: g }, - v = [d, m, s, l, c, u, f, h, i, p, o], - y = { - beginKeywords: r, - keywords: { $pattern: n, keyword: r }, - end: '(\\[|#|\\d|"|:|\\{|\\)|\\(|$)', - contains: [{ className: "title", begin: n, relevance: 0, excludeEnd: !0, endsParent: !0 }].concat(v), - } - return ( - (m.contains = [y, b, g]), - (g.contains = v), - (h.contains = v), - { name: "Clojure", aliases: ["clj", "edn"], illegal: /\S/, contains: [d, m, s, l, c, u, f, h, i, p] } - ) - }, - cpp: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = e.COMMENT("//", "$", { contains: [{ begin: /\\\n/ }] }), - r = "decltype\\(auto\\)", - a = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::", - o = "(?!struct)(" + r + "|" + t.optional(a) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + t.optional("<[^<>]+>") + ")", - i = { className: "type", begin: "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" }, - s = { - className: "string", - variants: [ - { begin: '(u8?|U|L)?"', end: '"', illegal: "\\n", contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - { - begin: "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)", - end: "'", - illegal: ".", - }, - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/, end: /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ }), - ], - }, - l = { - className: "number", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\b(0b[01']+)" }, - { begin: "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)" }, - { begin: "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - c = { - className: "meta", - begin: /#\s*[a-z]+\b/, - end: /$/, - keywords: { - keyword: "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include", - }, - contains: [ - { begin: /\\\n/, relevance: 0 }, - e.inherit(s, { className: "string" }), - { className: "string", begin: /<.*?>/ }, - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - }, - d = { className: "title", begin: t.optional(a) + e.IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, - u = t.optional(a) + e.IDENT_RE + "\\s*\\(", - p = { - type: [ - "bool", - "char", - "char16_t", - "char32_t", - "char8_t", - "double", - "float", - "int", - "long", - "short", - "void", - "wchar_t", - "unsigned", - "signed", - "const", - "static", - ], - keyword: [ - "alignas", - "alignof", - "and", - "and_eq", - "asm", - "atomic_cancel", - "atomic_commit", - "atomic_noexcept", - "auto", - "bitand", - "bitor", - "break", - "case", - "catch", - "class", - "co_await", - "co_return", - "co_yield", - "compl", - "concept", - "const_cast|10", - "consteval", - "constexpr", - "constinit", - "continue", - "decltype", - "default", - "delete", - "do", - "dynamic_cast|10", - "else", - "enum", - "explicit", - "export", - "extern", - "false", - "final", - "for", - "friend", - "goto", - "if", - "import", - "inline", - "module", - "mutable", - "namespace", - "new", - "noexcept", - "not", - "not_eq", - "nullptr", - "operator", - "or", - "or_eq", - "override", - "private", - "protected", - "public", - "reflexpr", - "register", - "reinterpret_cast|10", - "requires", - "return", - "sizeof", - "static_assert", - "static_cast|10", - "struct", - "switch", - "synchronized", - "template", - "this", - "thread_local", - "throw", - "transaction_safe", - "transaction_safe_dynamic", - "true", - "try", - "typedef", - "typeid", - "typename", - "union", - "using", - "virtual", - "volatile", - "while", - "xor", - "xor_eq", - ], - literal: ["NULL", "false", "nullopt", "nullptr", "true"], - built_in: ["_Pragma"], - _type_hints: [ - "any", - "auto_ptr", - "barrier", - "binary_semaphore", - "bitset", - "complex", - "condition_variable", - "condition_variable_any", - "counting_semaphore", - "deque", - "false_type", - "future", - "imaginary", - "initializer_list", - "istringstream", - "jthread", - "latch", - "lock_guard", - "multimap", - "multiset", - "mutex", - "optional", - "ostringstream", - "packaged_task", - "pair", - "promise", - "priority_queue", - "queue", - "recursive_mutex", - "recursive_timed_mutex", - "scoped_lock", - "set", - "shared_future", - "shared_lock", - "shared_mutex", - "shared_timed_mutex", - "shared_ptr", - "stack", - "string_view", - "stringstream", - "timed_mutex", - "thread", - "true_type", - "tuple", - "unique_lock", - "unique_ptr", - "unordered_map", - "unordered_multimap", - "unordered_multiset", - "unordered_set", - "variant", - "vector", - "weak_ptr", - "wstring", - "wstring_view", - ], - }, - h = { - className: "function.dispatch", - relevance: 0, - keywords: { - _hint: [ - "abort", - "abs", - "acos", - "apply", - "as_const", - "asin", - "atan", - "atan2", - "calloc", - "ceil", - "cerr", - "cin", - "clog", - "cos", - "cosh", - "cout", - "declval", - "endl", - "exchange", - "exit", - "exp", - "fabs", - "floor", - "fmod", - "forward", - "fprintf", - "fputs", - "free", - "frexp", - "fscanf", - "future", - "invoke", - "isalnum", - "isalpha", - "iscntrl", - "isdigit", - "isgraph", - "islower", - "isprint", - "ispunct", - "isspace", - "isupper", - "isxdigit", - "labs", - "launder", - "ldexp", - "log", - "log10", - "make_pair", - "make_shared", - "make_shared_for_overwrite", - "make_tuple", - "make_unique", - "malloc", - "memchr", - "memcmp", - "memcpy", - "memset", - "modf", - "move", - "pow", - "printf", - "putchar", - "puts", - "realloc", - "scanf", - "sin", - "sinh", - "snprintf", - "sprintf", - "sqrt", - "sscanf", - "std", - "stderr", - "stdin", - "stdout", - "strcat", - "strchr", - "strcmp", - "strcpy", - "strcspn", - "strlen", - "strncat", - "strncmp", - "strncpy", - "strpbrk", - "strrchr", - "strspn", - "strstr", - "swap", - "tan", - "tanh", - "terminate", - "to_underlying", - "tolower", - "toupper", - "vfprintf", - "visit", - "vprintf", - "vsprintf", - ], - }, - begin: t.concat( - /\b/, - /(?!decltype)/, - /(?!if)/, - /(?!for)/, - /(?!switch)/, - /(?!while)/, - e.IDENT_RE, - t.lookahead(/(<[^<>]+>|)\s*\(/), - ), - }, - f = [h, c, i, n, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, l, s], - m = { - variants: [ - { begin: /=/, end: /;/ }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/ }, - { beginKeywords: "new throw return else", end: /;/ }, - ], - keywords: p, - contains: f.concat([{ begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, keywords: p, contains: f.concat(["self"]), relevance: 0 }]), - relevance: 0, - }, - g = { - className: "function", - begin: "(" + o + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + u, - returnBegin: !0, - end: /[{;=]/, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: p, - illegal: /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/, - contains: [ - { begin: r, keywords: p, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: u, returnBegin: !0, contains: [d], relevance: 0 }, - { begin: /::/, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: /:/, endsWithParent: !0, contains: [s, l] }, - { relevance: 0, match: /,/ }, - { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: p, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - s, - l, - i, - { - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: p, - relevance: 0, - contains: ["self", n, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, s, l, i], - }, - ], - }, - i, - n, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - c, - ], - } - return { - name: "C++", - aliases: ["cc", "c++", "h++", "hpp", "hh", "hxx", "cxx"], - keywords: p, - illegal: "", - keywords: p, - contains: ["self", i], - }, - { begin: e.IDENT_RE + "::", keywords: p }, - { - match: [/\b(?:enum(?:\s+(?:class|struct))?|class|struct|union)/, /\s+/, /\w+/], - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.class" }, - }, - ]), - } - }, - css: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = ((e) => ({ - IMPORTANT: { scope: "meta", begin: "!important" }, - BLOCK_COMMENT: e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - HEXCOLOR: { scope: "number", begin: /#(([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}))\b/ }, - FUNCTION_DISPATCH: { className: "built_in", begin: /[\w-]+(?=\()/ }, - ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE: { - scope: "selector-attr", - begin: /\[/, - end: /\]/, - illegal: "$", - contains: [e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE], - }, - CSS_NUMBER_MODE: { - scope: "number", - begin: - e.NUMBER_RE + - "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?", - relevance: 0, - }, - CSS_VARIABLE: { className: "attr", begin: /--[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*/ }, - }))(e), - r = [e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE] - return { - name: "CSS", - case_insensitive: !0, - illegal: /[=|'\$]/, - keywords: { keyframePosition: "from to" }, - classNameAliases: { keyframePosition: "selector-tag" }, - contains: [ - n.BLOCK_COMMENT, - { begin: /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-(?=[a-z])/ }, - n.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - { className: "selector-id", begin: /#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "selector-class", begin: "\\.[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*", relevance: 0 }, - n.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE, - { - className: "selector-pseudo", - variants: [{ begin: ":(" + Uw.join("|") + ")" }, { begin: ":(:)?(" + Fw.join("|") + ")" }], - }, - n.CSS_VARIABLE, - { className: "attribute", begin: "\\b(" + zw.join("|") + ")\\b" }, - { - begin: /:/, - end: /[;}{]/, - contains: [ - n.BLOCK_COMMENT, - n.HEXCOLOR, - n.IMPORTANT, - n.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - ...r, - { - begin: /(url|data-uri)\(/, - end: /\)/, - relevance: 0, - keywords: { built_in: "url data-uri" }, - contains: [...r, { className: "string", begin: /[^)]/, endsWithParent: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }], - }, - n.FUNCTION_DISPATCH, - ], - }, - { - begin: t.lookahead(/@/), - end: "[{;]", - relevance: 0, - illegal: /:/, - contains: [ - { className: "keyword", begin: /@-?\w[\w]*(-\w+)*/ }, - { - begin: /\s/, - endsWithParent: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - relevance: 0, - keywords: { $pattern: /[a-z-]+/, keyword: "and or not only", attribute: jw.join(" ") }, - contains: [{ begin: /[a-z-]+(?=:)/, className: "attribute" }, ...r, n.CSS_NUMBER_MODE], - }, - ], - }, - { className: "selector-tag", begin: "\\b(" + Bw.join("|") + ")\\b" }, - ], - } - }, - curl: em(function (e) { - const t = { - className: "string", - begin: /"/, - end: /"/, - contains: [ - e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, - { className: "variable", begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - n = { className: "number", variants: [{ begin: e.C_NUMBER_RE }], relevance: 0 } - return { - name: "curl", - aliases: ["curl"], - keywords: "curl", - case_insensitive: !0, - contains: [ - { - className: "literal", - begin: /(--request|-X)\s/, - contains: [ - { - className: "symbol", - begin: /(get|post|delete|options|head|put|patch|trace|connect)/, - end: /\s/, - returnEnd: !0, - }, - ], - returnEnd: !0, - relevance: 10, - }, - { className: "literal", begin: /--/, end: /[\s"]/, returnEnd: !0, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "literal", begin: /-\w/, end: /[\s"]/, returnEnd: !0, relevance: 0 }, - t, - { className: "string", begin: /\\"/, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "string", begin: /'/, end: /'/, relevance: 0 }, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - n, - { match: /(\/[a-z._-]+)+/ }, - ], - } - }), - csharp: function (e) { - const t = { - keyword: [ - "abstract", - "as", - "base", - "break", - "case", - "catch", - "class", - "const", - "continue", - "do", - "else", - "event", - "explicit", - "extern", - "finally", - "fixed", - "for", - "foreach", - "goto", - "if", - "implicit", - "in", - "interface", - "internal", - "is", - "lock", - "namespace", - "new", - "operator", - "out", - "override", - "params", - "private", - "protected", - "public", - "readonly", - "record", - "ref", - "return", - "scoped", - "sealed", - "sizeof", - "stackalloc", - "static", - "struct", - "switch", - "this", - "throw", - "try", - "typeof", - "unchecked", - "unsafe", - "using", - "virtual", - "void", - "volatile", - "while", - ].concat([ - "add", - "alias", - "and", - "ascending", - "async", - "await", - "by", - "descending", - "equals", - "from", - "get", - "global", - "group", - "init", - "into", - "join", - "let", - "nameof", - "not", - "notnull", - "on", - "or", - "orderby", - "partial", - "remove", - "select", - "set", - "unmanaged", - "value|0", - "var", - "when", - "where", - "with", - "yield", - ]), - built_in: [ - "bool", - "byte", - "char", - "decimal", - "delegate", - "double", - "dynamic", - "enum", - "float", - "int", - "long", - "nint", - "nuint", - "object", - "sbyte", - "short", - "string", - "ulong", - "uint", - "ushort", - ], - literal: ["default", "false", "null", "true"], - }, - n = e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: "[a-zA-Z](\\.?\\w)*" }), - r = { - className: "number", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\b(0b[01']+)" }, - { begin: "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)(u|U|l|L|ul|UL|f|F|b|B)" }, - { begin: "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - a = { className: "string", begin: '@"', end: '"', contains: [{ begin: '""' }] }, - o = e.inherit(a, { illegal: /\n/ }), - i = { className: "subst", begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, keywords: t }, - s = e.inherit(i, { illegal: /\n/ }), - l = { - className: "string", - begin: /\$"/, - end: '"', - illegal: /\n/, - contains: [{ begin: /\{\{/ }, { begin: /\}\}/ }, e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, s], - }, - c = { - className: "string", - begin: /\$@"/, - end: '"', - contains: [{ begin: /\{\{/ }, { begin: /\}\}/ }, { begin: '""' }, i], - }, - d = e.inherit(c, { illegal: /\n/, contains: [{ begin: /\{\{/ }, { begin: /\}\}/ }, { begin: '""' }, s] }) - ;(i.contains = [c, l, a, e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, r, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE]), - (s.contains = [ - d, - l, - o, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - r, - e.inherit(e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, { illegal: /\n/ }), - ]) - const u = { variants: [c, l, a, e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE] }, - p = { begin: "<", end: ">", contains: [{ beginKeywords: "in out" }, n] }, - h = e.IDENT_RE + "(<" + e.IDENT_RE + "(\\s*,\\s*" + e.IDENT_RE + ")*>)?(\\[\\])?", - f = { begin: "@" + e.IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 } - return { - name: "C#", - aliases: ["cs", "c#"], - keywords: t, - illegal: /::/, - contains: [ - e.COMMENT("///", "$", { - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [ - { - className: "doctag", - variants: [{ begin: "///", relevance: 0 }, { begin: "\x3c!--|--\x3e" }, { begin: "" }], - }, - ], - }), - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - { - className: "meta", - begin: "#", - end: "$", - keywords: { - keyword: "if else elif endif define undef warning error line region endregion pragma checksum", - }, - }, - u, - r, - { - beginKeywords: "class interface", - relevance: 0, - end: /[{;=]/, - illegal: /[^\s:,]/, - contains: [{ beginKeywords: "where class" }, n, p, e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - { - beginKeywords: "namespace", - relevance: 0, - end: /[{;=]/, - illegal: /[^\s:]/, - contains: [n, e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - { - beginKeywords: "record", - relevance: 0, - end: /[{;=]/, - illegal: /[^\s:]/, - contains: [n, p, e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - { - className: "meta", - begin: "^\\s*\\[(?=[\\w])", - excludeBegin: !0, - end: "\\]", - excludeEnd: !0, - contains: [{ className: "string", begin: /"/, end: /"/ }], - }, - { beginKeywords: "new return throw await else", relevance: 0 }, - { - className: "function", - begin: "(" + h + "\\s+)+" + e.IDENT_RE + "\\s*(<[^=]+>\\s*)?\\(", - returnBegin: !0, - end: /\s*[{;=]/, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: t, - contains: [ - { - beginKeywords: [ - "public", - "private", - "protected", - "static", - "internal", - "protected", - "abstract", - "async", - "extern", - "override", - "unsafe", - "virtual", - "new", - "sealed", - "partial", - ].join(" "), - relevance: 0, - }, - { - begin: e.IDENT_RE + "\\s*(<[^=]+>\\s*)?\\(", - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [e.TITLE_MODE, p], - relevance: 0, - }, - { match: /\(\)/ }, - { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: t, - relevance: 0, - contains: [u, r, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - }, - f, - ], - } - }, - elixir: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*(!|\\?)?", - r = { - $pattern: n, - keyword: [ - "after", - "alias", - "and", - "case", - "catch", - "cond", - "defstruct", - "defguard", - "do", - "else", - "end", - "fn", - "for", - "if", - "import", - "in", - "not", - "or", - "quote", - "raise", - "receive", - "require", - "reraise", - "rescue", - "try", - "unless", - "unquote", - "unquote_splicing", - "use", - "when", - "with|0", - ], - literal: ["false", "nil", "true"], - }, - a = { className: "subst", begin: /#\{/, end: /\}/, keywords: r }, - o = { match: /\\[\s\S]/, scope: "char.escape", relevance: 0 }, - i = "[/|([{<\"']", - s = [ - { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, - { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - { begin: /\//, end: /\// }, - { begin: /\|/, end: /\|/ }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/ }, - { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/ }, - { begin: /\{/, end: /\}/ }, - { begin: // }, - ], - l = (e) => ({ scope: "char.escape", begin: t.concat(/\\/, e), relevance: 0 }), - c = { - className: "string", - begin: "~[a-z](?=" + i + ")", - contains: s.map((t) => e.inherit(t, { contains: [l(t.end), o, a] })), - }, - d = { - className: "string", - begin: "~[A-Z](?=" + i + ")", - contains: s.map((t) => e.inherit(t, { contains: [l(t.end)] })), - }, - u = { - className: "regex", - variants: [ - { - begin: "~r(?=" + i + ")", - contains: s.map((n) => - e.inherit(n, { end: t.concat(n.end, /[uismxfU]{0,7}/), contains: [l(n.end), o, a] }), - ), - }, - { - begin: "~R(?=" + i + ")", - contains: s.map((n) => - e.inherit(n, { end: t.concat(n.end, /[uismxfU]{0,7}/), contains: [l(n.end)] }), - ), - }, - ], - }, - p = { - className: "string", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, a], - variants: [ - { begin: /"""/, end: /"""/ }, - { begin: /'''/, end: /'''/ }, - { begin: /~S"""/, end: /"""/, contains: [] }, - { begin: /~S"/, end: /"/, contains: [] }, - { begin: /~S'''/, end: /'''/, contains: [] }, - { begin: /~S'/, end: /'/, contains: [] }, - { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, - ], - }, - h = { - className: "function", - beginKeywords: "def defp defmacro defmacrop", - end: /\B\b/, - contains: [e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n, endsParent: !0 })], - }, - f = e.inherit(h, { - className: "class", - beginKeywords: "defimpl defmodule defprotocol defrecord", - end: /\bdo\b|$|;/, - }), - m = [ - p, - u, - d, - c, - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - f, - h, - { begin: "::" }, - { - className: "symbol", - begin: ":(?![\\s:])", - contains: [ - p, - { begin: "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - { className: "symbol", begin: n + ":(?!:)", relevance: 0 }, - { className: "title.class", begin: /(\b[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/, relevance: 0 }, - { - className: "number", - begin: - "(\\b0o[0-7_]+)|(\\b0b[01_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(-?\\b[0-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)?)", - relevance: 0, - }, - { className: "variable", begin: "(\\$\\W)|((\\$|@@?)(\\w+))" }, - ] - return (a.contains = m), { name: "Elixir", aliases: ["ex", "exs"], keywords: r, contains: m } - }, - go: function (e) { - const t = { - keyword: [ - "break", - "case", - "chan", - "const", - "continue", - "default", - "defer", - "else", - "fallthrough", - "for", - "func", - "go", - "goto", - "if", - "import", - "interface", - "map", - "package", - "range", - "return", - "select", - "struct", - "switch", - "type", - "var", - ], - type: [ - "bool", - "byte", - "complex64", - "complex128", - "error", - "float32", - "float64", - "int8", - "int16", - "int32", - "int64", - "string", - "uint8", - "uint16", - "uint32", - "uint64", - "int", - "uint", - "uintptr", - "rune", - ], - literal: ["true", "false", "iota", "nil"], - built_in: [ - "append", - "cap", - "close", - "complex", - "copy", - "imag", - "len", - "make", - "new", - "panic", - "print", - "println", - "real", - "recover", - "delete", - ], - } - return { - name: "Go", - aliases: ["golang"], - keywords: t, - illegal: ")?", /~~~/g, 2), - a = { - keyword: [ - "synchronized", - "abstract", - "private", - "var", - "static", - "if", - "const ", - "for", - "while", - "strictfp", - "finally", - "protected", - "import", - "native", - "final", - "void", - "enum", - "else", - "break", - "transient", - "catch", - "instanceof", - "volatile", - "case", - "assert", - "package", - "default", - "public", - "try", - "switch", - "continue", - "throws", - "protected", - "public", - "private", - "module", - "requires", - "exports", - "do", - "sealed", - "yield", - "permits", - ], - literal: ["false", "true", "null"], - type: ["char", "boolean", "long", "float", "int", "byte", "short", "double"], - built_in: ["super", "this"], - }, - o = { className: "meta", begin: "@" + n, contains: [{ begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: ["self"] }] }, - i = { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: a, - relevance: 0, - contains: [e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - endsParent: !0, - } - return { - name: "Java", - aliases: ["jsp"], - keywords: a, - illegal: /<\/|#/, - contains: [ - e.COMMENT("/\\*\\*", "\\*/", { - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { begin: /\w+@/, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "doctag", begin: "@[A-Za-z]+" }, - ], - }), - { begin: /import java\.[a-z]+\./, keywords: "import", relevance: 2 }, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - { begin: /"""/, end: /"""/, className: "string", contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - { - match: [/\b(?:class|interface|enum|extends|implements|new)/, /\s+/, n], - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.class" }, - }, - { match: /non-sealed/, scope: "keyword" }, - { - begin: [t.concat(/(?!else)/, n), /\s+/, n, /\s+/, /=(?!=)/], - className: { 1: "type", 3: "variable", 5: "operator" }, - }, - { - begin: [/record/, /\s+/, n], - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.class" }, - contains: [i, e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - { beginKeywords: "new throw return else", relevance: 0 }, - { - begin: ["(?:" + r + "\\s+)", e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, /\s*(?=\()/], - className: { 2: "title.function" }, - keywords: a, - contains: [ - { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: a, - relevance: 0, - contains: [o, e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, Vw, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - }, - Vw, - o, - ], - } - }, - javascript: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = Xw, - r = { - begin: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/, - end: /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/, - isTrulyOpeningTag: (e, t) => { - const n = e[0].length + e.index, - r = e.input[n] - if ("<" === r || "," === r) return void t.ignoreMatch() - let a - ">" === r && - (((e, { after: t }) => { - const n = "", - T = { - match: [/const|var|let/, /\s+/, n, /\s*/, /=\s*/, /(async\s*)?/, t.lookahead(E)], - keywords: "async", - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.function" }, - contains: [v], - } - return { - name: "JavaScript", - aliases: ["js", "jsx", "mjs", "cjs"], - keywords: a, - exports: { PARAMS_CONTAINS: b, CLASS_REFERENCE: O }, - illegal: /#(?![$_A-z])/, - contains: [ - e.SHEBANG({ label: "shebang", binary: "node", relevance: 5 }), - { label: "use_strict", className: "meta", relevance: 10, begin: /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/ }, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - d, - u, - p, - h, - f, - { match: /\$\d+/ }, - l, - O, - { className: "attr", begin: n + t.lookahead(":"), relevance: 0 }, - T, - { - begin: "(" + e.RE_STARTERS_RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*", - keywords: "return throw case", - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - f, - e.REGEXP_MODE, - { - className: "function", - begin: E, - returnBegin: !0, - end: "\\s*=>", - contains: [ - { - className: "params", - variants: [ - { begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, - { className: null, begin: /\(\s*\)/, skip: !0 }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: a, contains: b }, - ], - }, - ], - }, - { begin: /,/, relevance: 0 }, - { match: /\s+/, relevance: 0 }, - { - variants: [ - { begin: "<>", end: "" }, - { match: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+\s*\/>/ }, - { begin: r.begin, "on:begin": r.isTrulyOpeningTag, end: r.end }, - ], - subLanguage: "xml", - contains: [{ begin: r.begin, end: r.end, skip: !0, contains: ["self"] }], - }, - ], - }, - w, - { beginKeywords: "while if switch catch for" }, - { - begin: - "\\b(?!function)" + - e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + - "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{", - returnBegin: !0, - label: "func.def", - contains: [v, e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n, className: "title.function" })], - }, - { match: /\.\.\./, relevance: 0 }, - _, - { match: "\\$" + n, relevance: 0 }, - { match: [/\bconstructor(?=\s*\()/], className: { 1: "title.function" }, contains: [v] }, - x, - { relevance: 0, match: /\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\b/, className: "variable.constant" }, - y, - S, - { match: /\$[(.]/ }, - ], - } - }, - json: function (e) { - const t = ["true", "false", "null"], - n = { scope: "literal", beginKeywords: t.join(" ") } - return { - name: "JSON", - keywords: { literal: t }, - contains: [ - { className: "attr", begin: /"(\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?=\s*:)/, relevance: 1.01 }, - { match: /[{}[\],:]/, className: "punctuation", relevance: 0 }, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - n, - e.C_NUMBER_MODE, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - illegal: "\\S", - } - }, - kotlin: function (e) { - const t = { - keyword: - "abstract as val var vararg get set class object open private protected public noinline crossinline dynamic final enum if else do while for when throw try catch finally import package is in fun override companion reified inline lateinit init interface annotation data sealed internal infix operator out by constructor super tailrec where const inner suspend typealias external expect actual", - built_in: "Byte Short Char Int Long Boolean Float Double Void Unit Nothing", - literal: "true false null", - }, - n = { className: "symbol", begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "@" }, - r = { className: "subst", begin: /\$\{/, end: /\}/, contains: [e.C_NUMBER_MODE] }, - a = { className: "variable", begin: "\\$" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE }, - o = { - className: "string", - variants: [ - { begin: '"""', end: '"""(?=[^"])', contains: [a, r] }, - { begin: "'", end: "'", illegal: /\n/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - { begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: /\n/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, a, r] }, - ], - } - r.contains.push(o) - const i = { - className: "meta", - begin: - "@(?:file|property|field|get|set|receiver|param|setparam|delegate)\\s*:(?:\\s*" + - e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + - ")?", - }, - s = { - className: "meta", - begin: "@" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, - contains: [{ begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [e.inherit(o, { className: "string" }), "self"] }], - }, - l = ix, - c = e.COMMENT("/\\*", "\\*/", { contains: [e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE] }), - d = { - variants: [ - { className: "type", begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [] }, - ], - }, - u = d - return ( - (u.variants[1].contains = [d]), - (d.variants[1].contains = [u]), - { - name: "Kotlin", - aliases: ["kt", "kts"], - keywords: t, - contains: [ - e.COMMENT("/\\*\\*", "\\*/", { - relevance: 0, - contains: [{ className: "doctag", begin: "@[A-Za-z]+" }], - }), - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - c, - { - className: "keyword", - begin: /\b(break|continue|return|this)\b/, - starts: { contains: [{ className: "symbol", begin: /@\w+/ }] }, - }, - n, - i, - s, - { - className: "function", - beginKeywords: "fun", - end: "[(]|$", - returnBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: t, - relevance: 5, - contains: [ - { - begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "\\s*\\(", - returnBegin: !0, - relevance: 0, - contains: [e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE], - }, - { className: "type", begin: //, keywords: "reified", relevance: 0 }, - { - className: "params", - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - endsParent: !0, - keywords: t, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { - begin: /:/, - end: /[=,\/]/, - endsWithParent: !0, - contains: [d, e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, c], - relevance: 0, - }, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - c, - i, - s, - o, - e.C_NUMBER_MODE, - ], - }, - c, - ], - }, - { - begin: [/class|interface|trait/, /\s+/, e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE], - beginScope: { 3: "title.class" }, - keywords: "class interface trait", - end: /[:\{(]|$/, - excludeEnd: !0, - illegal: "extends implements", - contains: [ - { beginKeywords: "public protected internal private constructor" }, - e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, - { className: "type", begin: //, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "type", begin: /[,:]\s*/, end: /[<\(,){\s]|$/, excludeBegin: !0, returnEnd: !0 }, - i, - s, - ], - }, - o, - { className: "meta", begin: "^#!/usr/bin/env", end: "$", illegal: "\n" }, - l, - ], - } - ) - }, - less: function (e) { - const t = ((e) => ({ - IMPORTANT: { scope: "meta", begin: "!important" }, - BLOCK_COMMENT: e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - HEXCOLOR: { scope: "number", begin: /#(([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}))\b/ }, - FUNCTION_DISPATCH: { className: "built_in", begin: /[\w-]+(?=\()/ }, - ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE: { - scope: "selector-attr", - begin: /\[/, - end: /\]/, - illegal: "$", - contains: [e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE], - }, - CSS_NUMBER_MODE: { - scope: "number", - begin: - e.NUMBER_RE + - "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?", - relevance: 0, - }, - CSS_VARIABLE: { className: "attr", begin: /--[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*/ }, - }))(e), - n = px, - r = "[\\w-]+", - a = "(" + r + "|@\\{" + r + "\\})", - o = [], - i = [], - s = function (e) { - return { className: "string", begin: "~?" + e + ".*?" + e } - }, - l = function (e, t, n) { - return { className: e, begin: t, relevance: n } - }, - c = { $pattern: /[a-z-]+/, keyword: "and or not only", attribute: lx.join(" ") }, - d = { begin: "\\(", end: "\\)", contains: i, keywords: c, relevance: 0 } - i.push( - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - s("'"), - s('"'), - t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - { begin: "(url|data-uri)\\(", starts: { className: "string", end: "[\\)\\n]", excludeEnd: !0 } }, - t.HEXCOLOR, - d, - l("variable", "@@?" + r, 10), - l("variable", "@\\{" + r + "\\}"), - l("built_in", "~?`[^`]*?`"), - { className: "attribute", begin: r + "\\s*:", end: ":", returnBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }, - t.IMPORTANT, - { beginKeywords: "and not" }, - t.FUNCTION_DISPATCH, - ) - const u = i.concat({ begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, contains: o }), - p = { beginKeywords: "when", endsWithParent: !0, contains: [{ beginKeywords: "and not" }].concat(i) }, - h = { - begin: a + "\\s*:", - returnBegin: !0, - end: /[;}]/, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { begin: /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-/ }, - t.CSS_VARIABLE, - { - className: "attribute", - begin: "\\b(" + ux.join("|") + ")\\b", - end: /(?=:)/, - starts: { endsWithParent: !0, illegal: "[<=$]", relevance: 0, contains: i }, - }, - ], - }, - f = { - className: "keyword", - begin: - "@(import|media|charset|font-face|(-[a-z]+-)?keyframes|supports|document|namespace|page|viewport|host)\\b", - starts: { end: "[;{}]", keywords: c, returnEnd: !0, contains: i, relevance: 0 }, - }, - m = { - className: "variable", - variants: [{ begin: "@" + r + "\\s*:", relevance: 15 }, { begin: "@" + r }], - starts: { end: "[;}]", returnEnd: !0, contains: u }, - }, - g = { - variants: [ - { begin: "[\\.#:&\\[>]", end: "[;{}]" }, - { begin: a, end: /\{/ }, - ], - returnBegin: !0, - returnEnd: !0, - illegal: "[<='$\"]", - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - p, - l("keyword", "all\\b"), - l("variable", "@\\{" + r + "\\}"), - { begin: "\\b(" + sx.join("|") + ")\\b", className: "selector-tag" }, - t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - l("selector-tag", a, 0), - l("selector-id", "#" + a), - l("selector-class", "\\." + a, 0), - l("selector-tag", "&", 0), - t.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE, - { className: "selector-pseudo", begin: ":(" + cx.join("|") + ")" }, - { className: "selector-pseudo", begin: ":(:)?(" + dx.join("|") + ")" }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, relevance: 0, contains: u }, - { begin: "!important" }, - t.FUNCTION_DISPATCH, - ], - }, - b = { begin: r + `:(:)?(${n.join("|")})`, returnBegin: !0, contains: [g] } - return ( - o.push(e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, f, m, b, h, g, p, t.FUNCTION_DISPATCH), - { name: "Less", case_insensitive: !0, illegal: "[=>'/<($\"]", contains: o } - ) - }, - makefile: function (e) { - const t = { - className: "variable", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\$\\(" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "\\)", contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, - { begin: /\$[@%", subLanguage: "xml", relevance: 0 }, - n = { - variants: [ - { begin: /\[.+?\]\[.*?\]/, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: /\[.+?\]\(((data|javascript|mailto):|(?:http|ftp)s?:\/\/).*?\)/, relevance: 2 }, - { begin: e.regex.concat(/\[.+?\]\(/, /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*/, /:\/\/.*?\)/), relevance: 2 }, - { begin: /\[.+?\]\([./?&#].*?\)/, relevance: 1 }, - { begin: /\[.*?\]\(.*?\)/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [ - { match: /\[(?=\])/ }, - { className: "string", relevance: 0, begin: "\\[", end: "\\]", excludeBegin: !0, returnEnd: !0 }, - { className: "link", relevance: 0, begin: "\\]\\(", end: "\\)", excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }, - { className: "symbol", relevance: 0, begin: "\\]\\[", end: "\\]", excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }, - ], - }, - r = { - className: "strong", - contains: [], - variants: [ - { begin: /_{2}(?!\s)/, end: /_{2}/ }, - { begin: /\*{2}(?!\s)/, end: /\*{2}/ }, - ], - }, - a = { - className: "emphasis", - contains: [], - variants: [ - { begin: /\*(?![*\s])/, end: /\*/ }, - { begin: /_(?![_\s])/, end: /_/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - o = e.inherit(r, { contains: [] }), - i = e.inherit(a, { contains: [] }) - r.contains.push(i), a.contains.push(o) - let s = [t, n] - return ( - [r, a, o, i].forEach((e) => { - e.contains = e.contains.concat(s) - }), - (s = s.concat(r, a)), - { - name: "Markdown", - aliases: ["md", "mkdown", "mkd"], - contains: [ - { - className: "section", - variants: [ - { begin: "^#{1,6}", end: "$", contains: s }, - { - begin: "(?=^.+?\\n[=-]{2,}$)", - contains: [{ begin: "^[=-]*$" }, { begin: "^", end: "\\n", contains: s }], - }, - ], - }, - t, - { className: "bullet", begin: "^[ \t]*([*+-]|(\\d+\\.))(?=\\s+)", end: "\\s+", excludeEnd: !0 }, - r, - a, - { className: "quote", begin: "^>\\s+", contains: s, end: "$" }, - { - className: "code", - variants: [ - { begin: "(`{3,})[^`](.|\\n)*?\\1`*[ ]*" }, - { begin: "(~{3,})[^~](.|\\n)*?\\1~*[ ]*" }, - { begin: "```", end: "```+[ ]*$" }, - { begin: "~~~", end: "~~~+[ ]*$" }, - { begin: "`.+?`" }, - { begin: "(?=^( {4}|\\t))", contains: [{ begin: "^( {4}|\\t)", end: "(\\n)$" }], relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - { begin: "^[-\\*]{3,}", end: "$" }, - n, - { - begin: /^\[[^\n]+\]:/, - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [ - { className: "symbol", begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }, - { className: "link", begin: /:\s*/, end: /$/, excludeBegin: !0 }, - ], - }, - ], - } - ) - }, - matlab: function (e) { - const t = "('|\\.')+", - n = { relevance: 0, contains: [{ begin: t }] } - return { - name: "Matlab", - keywords: { - keyword: - "arguments break case catch classdef continue else elseif end enumeration events for function global if methods otherwise parfor persistent properties return spmd switch try while", - built_in: - "sin sind sinh asin asind asinh cos cosd cosh acos acosd acosh tan tand tanh atan atand atan2 atanh sec secd sech asec asecd asech csc cscd csch acsc acscd acsch cot cotd coth acot acotd acoth hypot exp expm1 log log1p log10 log2 pow2 realpow reallog realsqrt sqrt nthroot nextpow2 abs angle complex conj imag real unwrap isreal cplxpair fix floor ceil round mod rem sign airy besselj bessely besselh besseli besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint gamma gammainc gammaln psi legendre cross dot factor isprime primes gcd lcm rat rats perms nchoosek factorial cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart hsv2rgb rgb2hsv zeros ones eye repmat rand randn linspace logspace freqspace meshgrid accumarray size length ndims numel disp isempty isequal isequalwithequalnans cat reshape diag blkdiag tril triu fliplr flipud flipdim rot90 find sub2ind ind2sub bsxfun ndgrid permute ipermute shiftdim circshift squeeze isscalar isvector ans eps realmax realmin pi i|0 inf nan isnan isinf isfinite j|0 why compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb magic pascal rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson max min nanmax nanmin mean nanmean type table readtable writetable sortrows sort figure plot plot3 scatter scatter3 cellfun legend intersect ismember procrustes hold num2cell ", - }, - illegal: '(//|"|#|/\\*|\\s+/\\w+)', - contains: [ - { - className: "function", - beginKeywords: "function", - end: "$", - contains: [ - e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, - { - className: "params", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\(", end: "\\)" }, - { begin: "\\[", end: "\\]" }, - ], - }, - ], - }, - { className: "built_in", begin: /true|false/, relevance: 0, starts: n }, - { begin: "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" + t, relevance: 0 }, - { className: "number", begin: e.C_NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0, starts: n }, - { className: "string", begin: "'", end: "'", contains: [{ begin: "''" }] }, - { begin: /\]|\}|\)/, relevance: 0, starts: n }, - { className: "string", begin: '"', end: '"', contains: [{ begin: '""' }], starts: n }, - e.COMMENT("^\\s*%\\{\\s*$", "^\\s*%\\}\\s*$"), - e.COMMENT("%", "$"), - ], - } - }, - nginx: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = { - className: "variable", - variants: [ - { begin: /\$\d+/ }, - { begin: /\$\{\w+\}/ }, - { begin: t.concat(/[$@]/, e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE) }, - ], - }, - r = { - endsWithParent: !0, - keywords: { - $pattern: /[a-z_]{2,}|\/dev\/poll/, - literal: [ - "on", - "off", - "yes", - "no", - "true", - "false", - "none", - "blocked", - "debug", - "info", - "notice", - "warn", - "error", - "crit", - "select", - "break", - "last", - "permanent", - "redirect", - "kqueue", - "rtsig", - "epoll", - "poll", - "/dev/poll", - ], - }, - relevance: 0, - illegal: "=>", - contains: [ - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - { - className: "string", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, n], - variants: [ - { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, - { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - ], - }, - { begin: "([a-z]+):/", end: "\\s", endsWithParent: !0, excludeEnd: !0, contains: [n] }, - { - className: "regexp", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, n], - variants: [ - { begin: "\\s\\^", end: "\\s|\\{|;", returnEnd: !0 }, - { begin: "~\\*?\\s+", end: "\\s|\\{|;", returnEnd: !0 }, - { begin: "\\*(\\.[a-z\\-]+)+" }, - { begin: "([a-z\\-]+\\.)+\\*" }, - ], - }, - { className: "number", begin: "\\b\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}(:\\d{1,5})?\\b" }, - { className: "number", begin: "\\b\\d+[kKmMgGdshdwy]?\\b", relevance: 0 }, - n, - ], - } - return { - name: "Nginx config", - aliases: ["nginxconf"], - contains: [ - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - { - beginKeywords: "upstream location", - end: /;|\{/, - contains: r.contains, - keywords: { section: "upstream location" }, - }, - { className: "section", begin: t.concat(e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + t.lookahead(/\s+\{/)), relevance: 0 }, - { - begin: t.lookahead(e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "\\s"), - end: ";|\\{", - contains: [{ className: "attribute", begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, starts: r }], - relevance: 0, - }, - ], - illegal: "[^\\s\\}\\{]", - } - }, - objectivec: function (e) { - const t = /[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, - n = { $pattern: t, keyword: ["@interface", "@class", "@protocol", "@implementation"] } - return { - name: "Objective-C", - aliases: ["mm", "objc", "obj-c", "obj-c++", "objective-c++"], - keywords: { - "variable.language": ["this", "super"], - $pattern: t, - keyword: [ - "while", - "export", - "sizeof", - "typedef", - "const", - "struct", - "for", - "union", - "volatile", - "static", - "mutable", - "if", - "do", - "return", - "goto", - "enum", - "else", - "break", - "extern", - "asm", - "case", - "default", - "register", - "explicit", - "typename", - "switch", - "continue", - "inline", - "readonly", - "assign", - "readwrite", - "self", - "@synchronized", - "id", - "typeof", - "nonatomic", - "IBOutlet", - "IBAction", - "strong", - "weak", - "copy", - "in", - "out", - "inout", - "bycopy", - "byref", - "oneway", - "__strong", - "__weak", - "__block", - "__autoreleasing", - "@private", - "@protected", - "@public", - "@try", - "@property", - "@end", - "@throw", - "@catch", - "@finally", - "@autoreleasepool", - "@synthesize", - "@dynamic", - "@selector", - "@optional", - "@required", - "@encode", - "@package", - "@import", - "@defs", - "@compatibility_alias", - "__bridge", - "__bridge_transfer", - "__bridge_retained", - "__bridge_retain", - "__covariant", - "__contravariant", - "__kindof", - "_Nonnull", - "_Nullable", - "_Null_unspecified", - "__FUNCTION__", - "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__", - "__attribute__", - "getter", - "setter", - "retain", - "unsafe_unretained", - "nonnull", - "nullable", - "null_unspecified", - "null_resettable", - "class", - "instancetype", - "NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER", - "NS_UNAVAILABLE", - "NS_REQUIRES_SUPER", - "NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER", - "NS_INLINE", - "NS_AVAILABLE", - "NS_DEPRECATED", - "NS_ENUM", - "NS_OPTIONS", - "NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE", - "NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN", - "NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END", - "NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT", - "NS_SWIFT_NAME", - "NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW", - "NS_DURING", - "NS_HANDLER", - "NS_ENDHANDLER", - "NS_VALUERETURN", - "NS_VOIDRETURN", - ], - literal: ["false", "true", "FALSE", "TRUE", "nil", "YES", "NO", "NULL"], - built_in: ["dispatch_once_t", "dispatch_queue_t", "dispatch_sync", "dispatch_async", "dispatch_once"], - type: [ - "int", - "float", - "char", - "unsigned", - "signed", - "short", - "long", - "double", - "wchar_t", - "unichar", - "void", - "bool", - "BOOL", - "id|0", - "_Bool", - ], - }, - illegal: "/, end: /$/, illegal: "\\n" }, - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - ], - }, - { - className: "class", - begin: "(" + n.keyword.join("|") + ")\\b", - end: /(\{|$)/, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: n, - contains: [e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE], - }, - { begin: "\\." + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, - ], - } - }, - ocaml: function (e) { - return { - name: "OCaml", - aliases: ["ml"], - keywords: { - $pattern: "[a-z_]\\w*!?", - keyword: - "and as assert asr begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external for fun function functor if in include inherit! inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method!|10 method mod module mutable new object of open! open or private rec sig struct then to try type val! val virtual when while with parser value", - built_in: - "array bool bytes char exn|5 float int int32 int64 list lazy_t|5 nativeint|5 string unit in_channel out_channel ref", - literal: "true false", - }, - illegal: /\/\/|>>/, - contains: [ - { className: "literal", begin: "\\[(\\|\\|)?\\]|\\(\\)", relevance: 0 }, - e.COMMENT("\\(\\*", "\\*\\)", { contains: ["self"] }), - { className: "symbol", begin: "'[A-Za-z_](?!')[\\w']*" }, - { className: "type", begin: "`[A-Z][\\w']*" }, - { className: "type", begin: "\\b[A-Z][\\w']*", relevance: 0 }, - { begin: "[a-z_]\\w*'[\\w']*", relevance: 0 }, - e.inherit(e.APOS_STRING_MODE, { className: "string", relevance: 0 }), - e.inherit(e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }), - { - className: "number", - begin: - "\\b(0[xX][a-fA-F0-9_]+[Lln]?|0[oO][0-7_]+[Lln]?|0[bB][01_]+[Lln]?|[0-9][0-9_]*([Lln]|(\\.[0-9_]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)?)", - relevance: 0, - }, - { begin: /->/ }, - ], - } - }, - php: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = /(?![A-Za-z0-9])(?![$])/, - r = t.concat(/[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/, n), - a = t.concat(/(\\?[A-Z][a-z0-9_\x7f-\xff]+|\\?[A-Z]+(?=[A-Z][a-z0-9_\x7f-\xff])){1,}/, n), - o = { scope: "variable", match: "\\$+" + r }, - i = { scope: "subst", variants: [{ begin: /\$\w+/ }, { begin: /\{\$/, end: /\}/ }] }, - s = e.inherit(e.APOS_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }), - l = "[ \t\n]", - c = { - scope: "string", - variants: [ - e.inherit(e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null, contains: e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE.contains.concat(i) }), - s, - { - begin: /<<<[ \t]*(?:(\w+)|"(\w+)")\n/, - end: /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/, - contains: e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE.contains.concat(i), - "on:begin": (e, t) => { - t.data._beginMatch = e[1] || e[2] - }, - "on:end": (e, t) => { - t.data._beginMatch !== e[1] && t.ignoreMatch() - }, - }, - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /<<<[ \t]*'(\w+)'\n/, end: /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/ }), - ], - }, - d = { - scope: "number", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\b0[bB][01]+(?:_[01]+)*\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[oO][0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[xX][\\da-fA-F]+(?:_[\\da-fA-F]+)*\\b" }, - { begin: "(?:\\b\\d+(?:_\\d+)*(\\.(?:\\d+(?:_\\d+)*))?|\\B\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?" }, - ], - relevance: 0, - }, - u = ["false", "null", "true"], - p = [ - "__CLASS__", - "__DIR__", - "__FILE__", - "__FUNCTION__", - "__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__", - "__LINE__", - "__METHOD__", - "__NAMESPACE__", - "__TRAIT__", - "die", - "echo", - "exit", - "include", - "include_once", - "print", - "require", - "require_once", - "array", - "abstract", - "and", - "as", - "binary", - "bool", - "boolean", - "break", - "callable", - "case", - "catch", - "class", - "clone", - "const", - "continue", - "declare", - "default", - "do", - "double", - "else", - "elseif", - "empty", - "enddeclare", - "endfor", - "endforeach", - "endif", - "endswitch", - "endwhile", - "enum", - "eval", - "extends", - "final", - "finally", - "float", - "for", - "foreach", - "from", - "global", - "goto", - "if", - "implements", - "instanceof", - "insteadof", - "int", - "integer", - "interface", - "isset", - "iterable", - "list", - "match|0", - "mixed", - "new", - "never", - "object", - "or", - "private", - "protected", - "public", - "readonly", - "real", - "return", - "string", - "switch", - "throw", - "trait", - "try", - "unset", - "use", - "var", - "void", - "while", - "xor", - "yield", - ], - h = [ - "Error|0", - "AppendIterator", - "ArgumentCountError", - "ArithmeticError", - "ArrayIterator", - "ArrayObject", - "AssertionError", - "BadFunctionCallException", - "BadMethodCallException", - "CachingIterator", - "CallbackFilterIterator", - "CompileError", - "Countable", - "DirectoryIterator", - "DivisionByZeroError", - "DomainException", - "EmptyIterator", - "ErrorException", - "Exception", - "FilesystemIterator", - "FilterIterator", - "GlobIterator", - "InfiniteIterator", - "InvalidArgumentException", - "IteratorIterator", - "LengthException", - "LimitIterator", - "LogicException", - "MultipleIterator", - "NoRewindIterator", - "OutOfBoundsException", - "OutOfRangeException", - "OuterIterator", - "OverflowException", - "ParentIterator", - "ParseError", - "RangeException", - "RecursiveArrayIterator", - "RecursiveCachingIterator", - "RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator", - "RecursiveDirectoryIterator", - "RecursiveFilterIterator", - "RecursiveIterator", - "RecursiveIteratorIterator", - "RecursiveRegexIterator", - "RecursiveTreeIterator", - "RegexIterator", - "RuntimeException", - "SeekableIterator", - "SplDoublyLinkedList", - "SplFileInfo", - "SplFileObject", - "SplFixedArray", - "SplHeap", - "SplMaxHeap", - "SplMinHeap", - "SplObjectStorage", - "SplObserver", - "SplPriorityQueue", - "SplQueue", - "SplStack", - "SplSubject", - "SplTempFileObject", - "TypeError", - "UnderflowException", - "UnexpectedValueException", - "UnhandledMatchError", - "ArrayAccess", - "BackedEnum", - "Closure", - "Fiber", - "Generator", - "Iterator", - "IteratorAggregate", - "Serializable", - "Stringable", - "Throwable", - "Traversable", - "UnitEnum", - "WeakReference", - "WeakMap", - "Directory", - "__PHP_Incomplete_Class", - "parent", - "php_user_filter", - "self", - "static", - "stdClass", - ], - f = { - keyword: p, - literal: ((e) => { - const t = [] - return ( - e.forEach((e) => { - t.push(e), e.toLowerCase() === e ? t.push(e.toUpperCase()) : t.push(e.toLowerCase()) - }), - t - ) - })(u), - built_in: h, - }, - m = (e) => e.map((e) => e.replace(/\|\d+$/, "")), - g = { - variants: [ - { - match: [/new/, t.concat(l, "+"), t.concat("(?!", m(h).join("\\b|"), "\\b)"), a], - scope: { 1: "keyword", 4: "title.class" }, - }, - ], - }, - b = t.concat(r, "\\b(?!\\()"), - v = { - variants: [ - { match: [t.concat(/::/, t.lookahead(/(?!class\b)/)), b], scope: { 2: "variable.constant" } }, - { match: [/::/, /class/], scope: { 2: "variable.language" } }, - { - match: [a, t.concat(/::/, t.lookahead(/(?!class\b)/)), b], - scope: { 1: "title.class", 3: "variable.constant" }, - }, - { match: [a, t.concat("::", t.lookahead(/(?!class\b)/))], scope: { 1: "title.class" } }, - { match: [a, /::/, /class/], scope: { 1: "title.class", 3: "variable.language" } }, - ], - }, - y = { scope: "attr", match: t.concat(r, t.lookahead(":"), t.lookahead(/(?!::)/)) }, - O = { - relevance: 0, - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: f, - contains: [y, o, v, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, c, d, g], - }, - w = { - relevance: 0, - match: [ - /\b/, - t.concat("(?!fn\\b|function\\b|", m(p).join("\\b|"), "|", m(h).join("\\b|"), "\\b)"), - r, - t.concat(l, "*"), - t.lookahead(/(?=\()/), - ], - scope: { 3: "title.function.invoke" }, - contains: [O], - } - O.contains.push(w) - const x = [y, v, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, c, d, g] - return { - case_insensitive: !1, - keywords: f, - contains: [ - { - begin: t.concat(/#\[\s*/, a), - beginScope: "meta", - end: /]/, - endScope: "meta", - keywords: { literal: u, keyword: ["new", "array"] }, - contains: [ - { - begin: /\[/, - end: /]/, - keywords: { literal: u, keyword: ["new", "array"] }, - contains: ["self", ...x], - }, - ...x, - { scope: "meta", match: a }, - ], - }, - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - e.COMMENT("//", "$"), - e.COMMENT("/\\*", "\\*/", { contains: [{ scope: "doctag", match: "@[A-Za-z]+" }] }), - { - match: /__halt_compiler\(\);/, - keywords: "__halt_compiler", - starts: { - scope: "comment", - end: e.MATCH_NOTHING_RE, - contains: [{ match: /\?>/, scope: "meta", endsParent: !0 }], - }, - }, - { - scope: "meta", - variants: [ - { begin: /<\?php/, relevance: 10 }, - { begin: /<\?=/ }, - { begin: /<\?/, relevance: 0.1 }, - { begin: /\?>/ }, - ], - }, - { scope: "variable.language", match: /\$this\b/ }, - o, - w, - v, - { match: [/const/, /\s/, r], scope: { 1: "keyword", 3: "variable.constant" } }, - g, - { - scope: "function", - relevance: 0, - beginKeywords: "fn function", - end: /[;{]/, - excludeEnd: !0, - illegal: "[$%\\[]", - contains: [ - { beginKeywords: "use" }, - e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, - { begin: "=>", endsParent: !0 }, - { - scope: "params", - begin: "\\(", - end: "\\)", - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: f, - contains: ["self", o, v, e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, c, d], - }, - ], - }, - { - scope: "class", - variants: [ - { beginKeywords: "enum", illegal: /[($"]/ }, - { beginKeywords: "class interface trait", illegal: /[:($"]/ }, - ], - relevance: 0, - end: /\{/, - excludeEnd: !0, - contains: [{ beginKeywords: "extends implements" }, e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE], - }, - { - beginKeywords: "namespace", - relevance: 0, - end: ";", - illegal: /[.']/, - contains: [e.inherit(e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, { scope: "title.class" })], - }, - { - beginKeywords: "use", - relevance: 0, - end: ";", - contains: [{ match: /\b(as|const|function)\b/, scope: "keyword" }, e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE], - }, - c, - d, - ], - } - }, - plaintext: function (e) { - return { name: "Plain text", aliases: ["text", "txt"], disableAutodetect: !0 } - }, - powershell: function (e) { - const t = { - $pattern: /-?[A-z\.\-]+\b/, - keyword: - "if else foreach return do while until elseif begin for trap data dynamicparam end break throw param continue finally in switch exit filter try process catch hidden static parameter", - built_in: - "ac asnp cat cd CFS chdir clc clear clhy cli clp cls clv cnsn compare copy cp cpi cpp curl cvpa dbp del diff dir dnsn ebp echo|0 epal epcsv epsn erase etsn exsn fc fhx fl ft fw gal gbp gc gcb gci gcm gcs gdr gerr ghy gi gin gjb gl gm gmo gp gps gpv group gsn gsnp gsv gtz gu gv gwmi h history icm iex ihy ii ipal ipcsv ipmo ipsn irm ise iwmi iwr kill lp ls man md measure mi mount move mp mv nal ndr ni nmo npssc nsn nv ogv oh popd ps pushd pwd r rbp rcjb rcsn rd rdr ren ri rjb rm rmdir rmo rni rnp rp rsn rsnp rujb rv rvpa rwmi sajb sal saps sasv sbp sc scb select set shcm si sl sleep sls sort sp spjb spps spsv start stz sujb sv swmi tee trcm type wget where wjb write", - }, - n = { begin: "`[\\s\\S]", relevance: 0 }, - r = { - className: "variable", - variants: [{ begin: /\$\B/ }, { className: "keyword", begin: /\$this/ }, { begin: /\$[\w\d][\w\d_:]*/ }], - }, - a = { - className: "string", - variants: [ - { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, - { begin: /@"/, end: /^"@/ }, - ], - contains: [n, r, { className: "variable", begin: /\$[A-z]/, end: /[^A-z]/ }], - }, - o = { - className: "string", - variants: [ - { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - { begin: /@'/, end: /^'@/ }, - ], - }, - i = e.inherit(e.COMMENT(null, null), { - variants: [ - { begin: /#/, end: /$/ }, - { begin: /<#/, end: /#>/ }, - ], - contains: [ - { - className: "doctag", - variants: [ - { - begin: /\.(synopsis|description|example|inputs|outputs|notes|link|component|role|functionality)/, - }, - { - begin: - /\.(parameter|forwardhelptargetname|forwardhelpcategory|remotehelprunspace|externalhelp)\s+\S+/, - }, - ], - }, - ], - }), - s = { - className: "built_in", - variants: [ - { - begin: "(".concat( - "Add|Clear|Close|Copy|Enter|Exit|Find|Format|Get|Hide|Join|Lock|Move|New|Open|Optimize|Pop|Push|Redo|Remove|Rename|Reset|Resize|Search|Select|Set|Show|Skip|Split|Step|Switch|Undo|Unlock|Watch|Backup|Checkpoint|Compare|Compress|Convert|ConvertFrom|ConvertTo|Dismount|Edit|Expand|Export|Group|Import|Initialize|Limit|Merge|Mount|Out|Publish|Restore|Save|Sync|Unpublish|Update|Approve|Assert|Build|Complete|Confirm|Deny|Deploy|Disable|Enable|Install|Invoke|Register|Request|Restart|Resume|Start|Stop|Submit|Suspend|Uninstall|Unregister|Wait|Debug|Measure|Ping|Repair|Resolve|Test|Trace|Connect|Disconnect|Read|Receive|Send|Write|Block|Grant|Protect|Revoke|Unblock|Unprotect|Use|ForEach|Sort|Tee|Where", - ")+(-)[\\w\\d]+", - ), - }, - ], - }, - l = { - className: "class", - beginKeywords: "class enum", - end: /\s*[{]/, - excludeEnd: !0, - relevance: 0, - contains: [e.TITLE_MODE], - }, - c = { - className: "function", - begin: /function\s+/, - end: /\s*\{|$/, - excludeEnd: !0, - returnBegin: !0, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { begin: "function", relevance: 0, className: "keyword" }, - { className: "title", begin: /\w[\w\d]*((-)[\w\d]+)*/, relevance: 0 }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, className: "params", relevance: 0, contains: [r] }, - ], - }, - d = { - begin: /using\s/, - end: /$/, - returnBegin: !0, - contains: [a, o, { className: "keyword", begin: /(using|assembly|command|module|namespace|type)/ }], - }, - u = { - variants: [ - { - className: "operator", - begin: "(".concat( - "-and|-as|-band|-bnot|-bor|-bxor|-casesensitive|-ccontains|-ceq|-cge|-cgt|-cle|-clike|-clt|-cmatch|-cne|-cnotcontains|-cnotlike|-cnotmatch|-contains|-creplace|-csplit|-eq|-exact|-f|-file|-ge|-gt|-icontains|-ieq|-ige|-igt|-ile|-ilike|-ilt|-imatch|-in|-ine|-inotcontains|-inotlike|-inotmatch|-ireplace|-is|-isnot|-isplit|-join|-le|-like|-lt|-match|-ne|-not|-notcontains|-notin|-notlike|-notmatch|-or|-regex|-replace|-shl|-shr|-split|-wildcard|-xor", - ")\\b", - ), - }, - { className: "literal", begin: /(-){1,2}[\w\d-]+/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - p = { - className: "function", - begin: /\[.*\]\s*[\w]+[ ]??\(/, - end: /$/, - returnBegin: !0, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { - className: "keyword", - begin: "(".concat(t.keyword.toString().replace(/\s/g, "|"), ")\\b"), - endsParent: !0, - relevance: 0, - }, - e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { endsParent: !0 }), - ], - }, - h = [ - p, - i, - n, - e.NUMBER_MODE, - a, - o, - s, - r, - { className: "literal", begin: /\$(null|true|false)\b/ }, - { className: "selector-tag", begin: /@\B/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - f = { - begin: /\[/, - end: /\]/, - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - relevance: 0, - contains: [].concat( - "self", - h, - { - begin: - "(" + - [ - "string", - "char", - "byte", - "int", - "long", - "bool", - "decimal", - "single", - "double", - "DateTime", - "xml", - "array", - "hashtable", - "void", - ].join("|") + - ")", - className: "built_in", - relevance: 0, - }, - { className: "type", begin: /[\.\w\d]+/, relevance: 0 }, - ), - } - return ( - p.contains.unshift(f), - { - name: "PowerShell", - aliases: ["pwsh", "ps", "ps1"], - case_insensitive: !0, - keywords: t, - contains: h.concat(l, c, d, u, f), - } - ) - }, - python: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = new RegExp("[\\p{XID_Start}_]\\p{XID_Continue}*", "u"), - r = [ - "and", - "as", - "assert", - "async", - "await", - "break", - "case", - "class", - "continue", - "def", - "del", - "elif", - "else", - "except", - "finally", - "for", - "from", - "global", - "if", - "import", - "in", - "is", - "lambda", - "match", - "nonlocal|10", - "not", - "or", - "pass", - "raise", - "return", - "try", - "while", - "with", - "yield", - ], - a = { - $pattern: /[A-Za-z]\w+|__\w+__/, - keyword: r, - built_in: [ - "__import__", - "abs", - "all", - "any", - "ascii", - "bin", - "bool", - "breakpoint", - "bytearray", - "bytes", - "callable", - "chr", - "classmethod", - "compile", - "complex", - "delattr", - "dict", - "dir", - "divmod", - "enumerate", - "eval", - "exec", - "filter", - "float", - "format", - "frozenset", - "getattr", - "globals", - "hasattr", - "hash", - "help", - "hex", - "id", - "input", - "int", - "isinstance", - "issubclass", - "iter", - "len", - "list", - "locals", - "map", - "max", - "memoryview", - "min", - "next", - "object", - "oct", - "open", - "ord", - "pow", - "print", - "property", - "range", - "repr", - "reversed", - "round", - "set", - "setattr", - "slice", - "sorted", - "staticmethod", - "str", - "sum", - "super", - "tuple", - "type", - "vars", - "zip", - ], - literal: ["__debug__", "Ellipsis", "False", "None", "NotImplemented", "True"], - type: [ - "Any", - "Callable", - "Coroutine", - "Dict", - "List", - "Literal", - "Generic", - "Optional", - "Sequence", - "Set", - "Tuple", - "Type", - "Union", - ], - }, - o = { className: "meta", begin: /^(>>>|\.\.\.) / }, - i = { className: "subst", begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, keywords: a, illegal: /#/ }, - s = { begin: /\{\{/, relevance: 0 }, - l = { - className: "string", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE], - variants: [ - { - begin: /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?'''/, - end: /'''/, - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, o], - relevance: 10, - }, - { - begin: /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?"""/, - end: /"""/, - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, o], - relevance: 10, - }, - { begin: /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'''/, end: /'''/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, o, s, i] }, - { begin: /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"""/, end: /"""/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, o, s, i] }, - { begin: /([uU]|[rR])'/, end: /'/, relevance: 10 }, - { begin: /([uU]|[rR])"/, end: /"/, relevance: 10 }, - { begin: /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])'/, end: /'/ }, - { begin: /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])"/, end: /"/ }, - { begin: /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'/, end: /'/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, s, i] }, - { begin: /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"/, end: /"/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, s, i] }, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - ], - }, - c = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*", - d = `(\\b(${c}))?\\.(${c})|\\b(${c})\\.`, - u = `\\b|${r.join("|")}`, - p = { - className: "number", - relevance: 0, - variants: [ - { begin: `(\\b(${c})|(${d}))[eE][+-]?(${c})[jJ]?(?=${u})` }, - { begin: `(${d})[jJ]?` }, - { begin: `\\b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0+(_?0)*)[lLjJ]?(?=${u})` }, - { begin: `\\b0[bB](_?[01])+[lL]?(?=${u})` }, - { begin: `\\b0[oO](_?[0-7])+[lL]?(?=${u})` }, - { begin: `\\b0[xX](_?[0-9a-fA-F])+[lL]?(?=${u})` }, - { begin: `\\b(${c})[jJ](?=${u})` }, - ], - }, - h = { - className: "comment", - begin: t.lookahead(/# type:/), - end: /$/, - keywords: a, - contains: [{ begin: /# type:/ }, { begin: /#/, end: /\b\B/, endsWithParent: !0 }], - }, - f = { - className: "params", - variants: [ - { className: "", begin: /\(\s*\)/, skip: !0 }, - { - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: a, - contains: ["self", o, p, l, e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE], - }, - ], - } - return ( - (i.contains = [l, p, o]), - { - name: "Python", - aliases: ["py", "gyp", "ipython"], - unicodeRegex: !0, - keywords: a, - illegal: /(<\/|\?)|=>/, - contains: [ - o, - p, - { begin: /\bself\b/ }, - { beginKeywords: "if", relevance: 0 }, - l, - h, - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - { match: [/\bdef/, /\s+/, n], scope: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.function" }, contains: [f] }, - { - variants: [ - { match: [/\bclass/, /\s+/, n, /\s*/, /\(\s*/, n, /\s*\)/] }, - { match: [/\bclass/, /\s+/, n] }, - ], - scope: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.class", 6: "title.class.inherited" }, - }, - { className: "meta", begin: /^[\t ]*@/, end: /(?=#)|$/, contains: [p, f, l] }, - ], - } - ) - }, - r: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = /(?:(?:[a-zA-Z]|\.[._a-zA-Z])[._a-zA-Z0-9]*)|\.(?!\d)/, - r = t.either( - /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\.[0-9a-fA-F]*[pP][+-]?\d+i?/, - /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+(?:[pP][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/, - /(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/, - ), - a = /[=!<>:]=|\|\||&&|:::?|<-|<<-|->>|->|\|>|[-+*\/?!$&|:<=>@^~]|\*\*/, - o = t.either(/[()]/, /[{}]/, /\[\[/, /[[\]]/, /\\/, /,/) - return { - name: "R", - keywords: { - $pattern: n, - keyword: "function if in break next repeat else for while", - literal: "NULL NA TRUE FALSE Inf NaN NA_integer_|10 NA_real_|10 NA_character_|10 NA_complex_|10", - built_in: - "LETTERS letters month.abb month.name pi T F abs acos acosh all any anyNA Arg as.call as.character as.complex as.double as.environment as.integer as.logical as.null.default as.numeric as.raw asin asinh atan atanh attr attributes baseenv browser c call ceiling class Conj cos cosh cospi cummax cummin cumprod cumsum digamma dim dimnames emptyenv exp expression floor forceAndCall gamma gc.time globalenv Im interactive invisible is.array is.atomic is.call is.character is.complex is.double is.environment is.expression is.finite is.function is.infinite is.integer is.language is.list is.logical is.matrix is.na is.name is.nan is.null is.numeric is.object is.pairlist is.raw is.recursive is.single is.symbol lazyLoadDBfetch length lgamma list log max min missing Mod names nargs nzchar oldClass on.exit pos.to.env proc.time prod quote range Re rep retracemem return round seq_along seq_len seq.int sign signif sin sinh sinpi sqrt standardGeneric substitute sum switch tan tanh tanpi tracemem trigamma trunc unclass untracemem UseMethod xtfrm", - }, - contains: [ - e.COMMENT(/#'/, /$/, { - contains: [ - { - scope: "doctag", - match: /@examples/, - starts: { end: t.lookahead(t.either(/\n^#'\s*(?=@[a-zA-Z]+)/, /\n^(?!#')/)), endsParent: !0 }, - }, - { - scope: "doctag", - begin: "@param", - end: /$/, - contains: [ - { scope: "variable", variants: [{ match: n }, { match: /`(?:\\.|[^`\\])+`/ }], endsParent: !0 }, - ], - }, - { scope: "doctag", match: /@[a-zA-Z]+/ }, - { scope: "keyword", match: /\\[a-zA-Z]+/ }, - ], - }), - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - { - scope: "string", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE], - variants: [ - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]"(-*)\(/, end: /\)(-*)"/ }), - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]"(-*)\{/, end: /\}(-*)"/ }), - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]"(-*)\[/, end: /\](-*)"/ }), - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]'(-*)\(/, end: /\)(-*)'/ }), - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]'(-*)\{/, end: /\}(-*)'/ }), - e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /[rR]'(-*)\[/, end: /\](-*)'/ }), - { begin: '"', end: '"', relevance: 0 }, - { begin: "'", end: "'", relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - { - relevance: 0, - variants: [ - { scope: { 1: "operator", 2: "number" }, match: [a, r] }, - { scope: { 1: "operator", 2: "number" }, match: [/%[^%]*%/, r] }, - { scope: { 1: "punctuation", 2: "number" }, match: [o, r] }, - { scope: { 2: "number" }, match: [/[^a-zA-Z0-9._]|^/, r] }, - ], - }, - { scope: { 3: "operator" }, match: [n, /\s+/, /<-/, /\s+/] }, - { scope: "operator", relevance: 0, variants: [{ match: a }, { match: /%[^%]*%/ }] }, - { scope: "punctuation", relevance: 0, match: o }, - { begin: "`", end: "`", contains: [{ begin: /\\./ }] }, - ], - } - }, - ruby: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = "([a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?)", - r = t.either(/\b([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+)+/, /\b([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+)+[A-Z]+/), - a = t.concat(r, /(::\w+)*/), - o = { - "variable.constant": ["__FILE__", "__LINE__", "__ENCODING__"], - "variable.language": ["self", "super"], - keyword: [ - "alias", - "and", - "begin", - "BEGIN", - "break", - "case", - "class", - "defined", - "do", - "else", - "elsif", - "end", - "END", - "ensure", - "for", - "if", - "in", - "module", - "next", - "not", - "or", - "redo", - "require", - "rescue", - "retry", - "return", - "then", - "undef", - "unless", - "until", - "when", - "while", - "yield", - "include", - "extend", - "prepend", - "public", - "private", - "protected", - "raise", - "throw", - ], - built_in: [ - "proc", - "lambda", - "attr_accessor", - "attr_reader", - "attr_writer", - "define_method", - "private_constant", - "module_function", - ], - literal: ["true", "false", "nil"], - }, - i = { className: "doctag", begin: "@[A-Za-z]+" }, - s = { begin: "#<", end: ">" }, - l = [ - e.COMMENT("#", "$", { contains: [i] }), - e.COMMENT("^=begin", "^=end", { contains: [i], relevance: 10 }), - e.COMMENT("^__END__", e.MATCH_NOTHING_RE), - ], - c = { className: "subst", begin: /#\{/, end: /\}/, keywords: o }, - d = { - className: "string", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, c], - variants: [ - { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, - { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, - { begin: /`/, end: /`/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?\(/, end: /\)/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?\[/, end: /\]/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?\{/, end: /\}/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?\//, end: /\// }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?%/, end: /%/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?-/, end: /-/ }, - { begin: /%[qQwWx]?\|/, end: /\|/ }, - { begin: /\B\?(\\\d{1,3})/ }, - { begin: /\B\?(\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2})/ }, - { begin: /\B\?(\\u\{?[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6}\}?)/ }, - { begin: /\B\?(\\M-\\C-|\\M-\\c|\\c\\M-|\\M-|\\C-\\M-)[\x20-\x7e]/ }, - { begin: /\B\?\\(c|C-)[\x20-\x7e]/ }, - { begin: /\B\?\\?\S/ }, - { - begin: t.concat(/<<[-~]?'?/, t.lookahead(/(\w+)(?=\W)[^\n]*\n(?:[^\n]*\n)*?\s*\1\b/)), - contains: [e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(\w+)/, end: /(\w+)/, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, c] })], - }, - ], - }, - u = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*", - p = { - className: "number", - relevance: 0, - variants: [ - { begin: `\\b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0)(\\.(${u}))?([eE][+-]?(${u})|r)?i?\\b` }, - { begin: "\\b0[dD][0-9](_?[0-9])*r?i?\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*r?i?\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*r?i?\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*r?i?\\b" }, - { begin: "\\b0(_?[0-7])+r?i?\\b" }, - ], - }, - h = { - variants: [ - { match: /\(\)/ }, - { className: "params", begin: /\(/, end: /(?=\))/, excludeBegin: !0, endsParent: !0, keywords: o }, - ], - }, - f = [ - d, - { - variants: [{ match: [/class\s+/, a, /\s+<\s+/, a] }, { match: [/\b(class|module)\s+/, a] }], - scope: { 2: "title.class", 4: "title.class.inherited" }, - keywords: o, - }, - { match: [/(include|extend)\s+/, a], scope: { 2: "title.class" }, keywords: o }, - { relevance: 0, match: [a, /\.new[. (]/], scope: { 1: "title.class" } }, - { relevance: 0, match: /\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\b/, className: "variable.constant" }, - { relevance: 0, match: r, scope: "title.class" }, - { match: [/def/, /\s+/, n], scope: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.function" }, contains: [h] }, - { begin: e.IDENT_RE + "::" }, - { className: "symbol", begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "(!|\\?)?:", relevance: 0 }, - { className: "symbol", begin: ":(?!\\s)", contains: [d, { begin: n }], relevance: 0 }, - p, - { className: "variable", begin: "(\\$\\W)|((\\$|@@?)(\\w+))(?=[^@$?])(?![A-Za-z])(?![@$?'])" }, - { - className: "params", - begin: /\|/, - end: /\|/, - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - relevance: 0, - keywords: o, - }, - { - begin: "(" + e.RE_STARTERS_RE + "|unless)\\s*", - keywords: "unless", - contains: [ - { - className: "regexp", - contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, c], - illegal: /\n/, - variants: [ - { begin: "/", end: "/[a-z]*" }, - { begin: /%r\{/, end: /\}[a-z]*/ }, - { begin: "%r\\(", end: "\\)[a-z]*" }, - { begin: "%r!", end: "![a-z]*" }, - { begin: "%r\\[", end: "\\][a-z]*" }, - ], - }, - ].concat(s, l), - relevance: 0, - }, - ].concat(s, l) - ;(c.contains = f), (h.contains = f) - const m = [ - { begin: /^\s*=>/, starts: { end: "$", contains: f } }, - { - className: "meta.prompt", - begin: "^([>?]>|[\\w#]+\\(\\w+\\):\\d+:\\d+[>*]|(\\w+-)?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+(p\\d+)?[^\\d][^>]+>)(?=[ ])", - starts: { end: "$", keywords: o, contains: f }, - }, - ] - return ( - l.unshift(s), - { - name: "Ruby", - aliases: ["rb", "gemspec", "podspec", "thor", "irb"], - keywords: o, - illegal: /\/\*/, - contains: [e.SHEBANG({ binary: "ruby" })].concat(m).concat(l).concat(f), - } - ) - }, - rust: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = { - className: "title.function.invoke", - relevance: 0, - begin: t.concat(/\b/, /(?!let|for|while|if|else|match\b)/, e.IDENT_RE, t.lookahead(/\s*\(/)), - }, - r = "([ui](8|16|32|64|128|size)|f(32|64))?", - a = [ - "drop ", - "Copy", - "Send", - "Sized", - "Sync", - "Drop", - "Fn", - "FnMut", - "FnOnce", - "ToOwned", - "Clone", - "Debug", - "PartialEq", - "PartialOrd", - "Eq", - "Ord", - "AsRef", - "AsMut", - "Into", - "From", - "Default", - "Iterator", - "Extend", - "IntoIterator", - "DoubleEndedIterator", - "ExactSizeIterator", - "SliceConcatExt", - "ToString", - "assert!", - "assert_eq!", - "bitflags!", - "bytes!", - "cfg!", - "col!", - "concat!", - "concat_idents!", - "debug_assert!", - "debug_assert_eq!", - "env!", - "eprintln!", - "panic!", - "file!", - "format!", - "format_args!", - "include_bytes!", - "include_str!", - "line!", - "local_data_key!", - "module_path!", - "option_env!", - "print!", - "println!", - "select!", - "stringify!", - "try!", - "unimplemented!", - "unreachable!", - "vec!", - "write!", - "writeln!", - "macro_rules!", - "assert_ne!", - "debug_assert_ne!", - ], - o = [ - "i8", - "i16", - "i32", - "i64", - "i128", - "isize", - "u8", - "u16", - "u32", - "u64", - "u128", - "usize", - "f32", - "f64", - "str", - "char", - "bool", - "Box", - "Option", - "Result", - "String", - "Vec", - ] - return { - name: "Rust", - aliases: ["rs"], - keywords: { - $pattern: e.IDENT_RE + "!?", - type: o, - keyword: [ - "abstract", - "as", - "async", - "await", - "become", - "box", - "break", - "const", - "continue", - "crate", - "do", - "dyn", - "else", - "enum", - "extern", - "false", - "final", - "fn", - "for", - "if", - "impl", - "in", - "let", - "loop", - "macro", - "match", - "mod", - "move", - "mut", - "override", - "priv", - "pub", - "ref", - "return", - "self", - "Self", - "static", - "struct", - "super", - "trait", - "true", - "try", - "type", - "typeof", - "unsafe", - "unsized", - "use", - "virtual", - "where", - "while", - "yield", - ], - literal: ["true", "false", "Some", "None", "Ok", "Err"], - built_in: a, - }, - illegal: "" }, - n, - ], - } - }, - scss: function (e) { - const t = ((e) => ({ - IMPORTANT: { scope: "meta", begin: "!important" }, - BLOCK_COMMENT: e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - HEXCOLOR: { scope: "number", begin: /#(([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}))\b/ }, - FUNCTION_DISPATCH: { className: "built_in", begin: /[\w-]+(?=\()/ }, - ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE: { - scope: "selector-attr", - begin: /\[/, - end: /\]/, - illegal: "$", - contains: [e.APOS_STRING_MODE, e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE], - }, - CSS_NUMBER_MODE: { - scope: "number", - begin: - e.NUMBER_RE + - "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?", - relevance: 0, - }, - CSS_VARIABLE: { className: "attr", begin: /--[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*/ }, - }))(e), - n = gx, - r = mx, - a = "@[a-z-]+", - o = { className: "variable", begin: "(\\$[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\\b", relevance: 0 } - return { - name: "SCSS", - case_insensitive: !0, - illegal: "[=/|']", - contains: [ - e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - { className: "selector-id", begin: "#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+", relevance: 0 }, - { className: "selector-class", begin: "\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+", relevance: 0 }, - t.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE, - { className: "selector-tag", begin: "\\b(" + hx.join("|") + ")\\b", relevance: 0 }, - { className: "selector-pseudo", begin: ":(" + r.join("|") + ")" }, - { className: "selector-pseudo", begin: ":(:)?(" + n.join("|") + ")" }, - o, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE] }, - t.CSS_VARIABLE, - { className: "attribute", begin: "\\b(" + bx.join("|") + ")\\b" }, - { - begin: - "\\b(whitespace|wait|w-resize|visible|vertical-text|vertical-ideographic|uppercase|upper-roman|upper-alpha|underline|transparent|top|thin|thick|text|text-top|text-bottom|tb-rl|table-header-group|table-footer-group|sw-resize|super|strict|static|square|solid|small-caps|separate|se-resize|scroll|s-resize|rtl|row-resize|ridge|right|repeat|repeat-y|repeat-x|relative|progress|pointer|overline|outside|outset|oblique|nowrap|not-allowed|normal|none|nw-resize|no-repeat|no-drop|newspaper|ne-resize|n-resize|move|middle|medium|ltr|lr-tb|lowercase|lower-roman|lower-alpha|loose|list-item|line|line-through|line-edge|lighter|left|keep-all|justify|italic|inter-word|inter-ideograph|inside|inset|inline|inline-block|inherit|inactive|ideograph-space|ideograph-parenthesis|ideograph-numeric|ideograph-alpha|horizontal|hidden|help|hand|groove|fixed|ellipsis|e-resize|double|dotted|distribute|distribute-space|distribute-letter|distribute-all-lines|disc|disabled|default|decimal|dashed|crosshair|collapse|col-resize|circle|char|center|capitalize|break-word|break-all|bottom|both|bolder|bold|block|bidi-override|below|baseline|auto|always|all-scroll|absolute|table|table-cell)\\b", - }, - { - begin: /:/, - end: /[;}{]/, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - t.BLOCK_COMMENT, - o, - t.HEXCOLOR, - t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - t.IMPORTANT, - t.FUNCTION_DISPATCH, - ], - }, - { begin: "@(page|font-face)", keywords: { $pattern: a, keyword: "@page @font-face" } }, - { - begin: "@", - end: "[{;]", - returnBegin: !0, - keywords: { $pattern: /[a-z-]+/, keyword: "and or not only", attribute: fx.join(" ") }, - contains: [ - { begin: a, className: "keyword" }, - { begin: /[a-z-]+(?=:)/, className: "attribute" }, - o, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - t.HEXCOLOR, - t.CSS_NUMBER_MODE, - ], - }, - t.FUNCTION_DISPATCH, - ], - } - }, - shell: function (e) { - return { - name: "Shell Session", - aliases: ["console", "shellsession"], - contains: [ - { - className: "meta.prompt", - begin: /^\s{0,3}[/~\w\d[\]()@-]*[>%$#][ ]?/, - starts: { end: /[^\\](?=\s*$)/, subLanguage: "bash" }, - }, - ], - } - }, - sql: function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = e.COMMENT("--", "$"), - r = ["true", "false", "unknown"], - a = [ - "bigint", - "binary", - "blob", - "boolean", - "char", - "character", - "clob", - "date", - "dec", - "decfloat", - "decimal", - "float", - "int", - "integer", - "interval", - "nchar", - "nclob", - "national", - "numeric", - "real", - "row", - "smallint", - "time", - "timestamp", - "varchar", - "varying", - "varbinary", - ], - o = [ - "abs", - "acos", - "array_agg", - "asin", - "atan", - "avg", - "cast", - "ceil", - "ceiling", - "coalesce", - "corr", - "cos", - "cosh", - "count", - "covar_pop", - "covar_samp", - "cume_dist", - "dense_rank", - "deref", - "element", - "exp", - "extract", - "first_value", - "floor", - "json_array", - "json_arrayagg", - "json_exists", - "json_object", - "json_objectagg", - "json_query", - "json_table", - "json_table_primitive", - "json_value", - "lag", - "last_value", - "lead", - "listagg", - "ln", - "log", - "log10", - "lower", - "max", - "min", - "mod", - "nth_value", - "ntile", - "nullif", - "percent_rank", - "percentile_cont", - "percentile_disc", - "position", - "position_regex", - "power", - "rank", - "regr_avgx", - "regr_avgy", - "regr_count", - "regr_intercept", - "regr_r2", - "regr_slope", - "regr_sxx", - "regr_sxy", - "regr_syy", - "row_number", - "sin", - "sinh", - "sqrt", - "stddev_pop", - "stddev_samp", - "substring", - "substring_regex", - "sum", - "tan", - "tanh", - "translate", - "translate_regex", - "treat", - "trim", - "trim_array", - "unnest", - "upper", - "value_of", - "var_pop", - "var_samp", - "width_bucket", - ], - i = [ - "create table", - "insert into", - "primary key", - "foreign key", - "not null", - "alter table", - "add constraint", - "grouping sets", - "on overflow", - "character set", - "respect nulls", - "ignore nulls", - "nulls first", - "nulls last", - "depth first", - "breadth first", - ], - s = o, - l = [ - "abs", - "acos", - "all", - "allocate", - "alter", - "and", - "any", - "are", - "array", - "array_agg", - "array_max_cardinality", - "as", - "asensitive", - "asin", - "asymmetric", - "at", - "atan", - "atomic", - "authorization", - "avg", - "begin", - "begin_frame", - "begin_partition", - "between", - "bigint", - "binary", - "blob", - "boolean", - "both", - "by", - "call", - "called", - "cardinality", - "cascaded", - "case", - "cast", - "ceil", - "ceiling", - "char", - "char_length", - "character", - "character_length", - "check", - "classifier", - "clob", - "close", - "coalesce", - "collate", - "collect", - "column", - "commit", - "condition", - "connect", - "constraint", - "contains", - "convert", - "copy", - "corr", - "corresponding", - "cos", - "cosh", - "count", - "covar_pop", - "covar_samp", - "create", - "cross", - "cube", - "cume_dist", - "current", - "current_catalog", - "current_date", - "current_default_transform_group", - "current_path", - "current_role", - "current_row", - "current_schema", - "current_time", - "current_timestamp", - "current_path", - "current_role", - "current_transform_group_for_type", - "current_user", - "cursor", - "cycle", - "date", - "day", - "deallocate", - "dec", - "decimal", - "decfloat", - "declare", - "default", - "define", - "delete", - "dense_rank", - "deref", - "describe", - "deterministic", - "disconnect", - "distinct", - "double", - "drop", - "dynamic", - "each", - "element", - "else", - "empty", - "end", - "end_frame", - "end_partition", - "end-exec", - "equals", - "escape", - "every", - "except", - "exec", - "execute", - "exists", - "exp", - "external", - "extract", - "false", - "fetch", - "filter", - "first_value", - "float", - "floor", - "for", - "foreign", - "frame_row", - "free", - "from", - "full", - "function", - "fusion", - "get", - "global", - "grant", - "group", - "grouping", - "groups", - "having", - "hold", - "hour", - "identity", - "in", - "indicator", - "initial", - "inner", - "inout", - "insensitive", - "insert", - "int", - "integer", - "intersect", - "intersection", - "interval", - "into", - "is", - "join", - "json_array", - "json_arrayagg", - "json_exists", - "json_object", - "json_objectagg", - "json_query", - "json_table", - "json_table_primitive", - "json_value", - "lag", - "language", - "large", - "last_value", - "lateral", - "lead", - "leading", - "left", - "like", - "like_regex", - "listagg", - "ln", - "local", - "localtime", - "localtimestamp", - "log", - "log10", - "lower", - "match", - "match_number", - "match_recognize", - "matches", - "max", - "member", - "merge", - "method", - "min", - "minute", - "mod", - "modifies", - "module", - "month", - "multiset", - "national", - "natural", - "nchar", - "nclob", - "new", - "no", - "none", - "normalize", - "not", - "nth_value", - "ntile", - "null", - "nullif", - "numeric", - "octet_length", - "occurrences_regex", - "of", - "offset", - "old", - "omit", - "on", - "one", - "only", - "open", - "or", - "order", - "out", - "outer", - "over", - "overlaps", - "overlay", - "parameter", - "partition", - "pattern", - "per", - "percent", - "percent_rank", - "percentile_cont", - "percentile_disc", - "period", - "portion", - "position", - "position_regex", - "power", - "precedes", - "precision", - "prepare", - "primary", - "procedure", - "ptf", - "range", - "rank", - "reads", - "real", - "recursive", - "ref", - "references", - "referencing", - "regr_avgx", - "regr_avgy", - "regr_count", - "regr_intercept", - "regr_r2", - "regr_slope", - "regr_sxx", - "regr_sxy", - "regr_syy", - "release", - "result", - "return", - "returns", - "revoke", - "right", - "rollback", - "rollup", - "row", - "row_number", - "rows", - "running", - "savepoint", - "scope", - "scroll", - "search", - "second", - "seek", - "select", - "sensitive", - "session_user", - "set", - "show", - "similar", - "sin", - "sinh", - "skip", - "smallint", - "some", - "specific", - "specifictype", - "sql", - "sqlexception", - "sqlstate", - "sqlwarning", - "sqrt", - "start", - "static", - "stddev_pop", - "stddev_samp", - "submultiset", - "subset", - "substring", - "substring_regex", - "succeeds", - "sum", - "symmetric", - "system", - "system_time", - "system_user", - "table", - "tablesample", - "tan", - "tanh", - "then", - "time", - "timestamp", - "timezone_hour", - "timezone_minute", - "to", - "trailing", - "translate", - "translate_regex", - "translation", - "treat", - "trigger", - "trim", - "trim_array", - "true", - "truncate", - "uescape", - "union", - "unique", - "unknown", - "unnest", - "update", - "upper", - "user", - "using", - "value", - "values", - "value_of", - "var_pop", - "var_samp", - "varbinary", - "varchar", - "varying", - "versioning", - "when", - "whenever", - "where", - "width_bucket", - "window", - "with", - "within", - "without", - "year", - "add", - "asc", - "collation", - "desc", - "final", - "first", - "last", - "view", - ].filter((e) => !o.includes(e)), - c = { begin: t.concat(/\b/, t.either(...s), /\s*\(/), relevance: 0, keywords: { built_in: s } } - return { - name: "SQL", - case_insensitive: !0, - illegal: /[{}]|<\//, - keywords: { - $pattern: /\b[\w\.]+/, - keyword: (function (e, { exceptions: t, when: n } = {}) { - const r = n - return (t = t || []), e.map((e) => (e.match(/\|\d+$/) || t.includes(e) ? e : r(e) ? `${e}|0` : e)) - })(l, { when: (e) => e.length < 3 }), - literal: r, - type: a, - built_in: [ - "current_catalog", - "current_date", - "current_default_transform_group", - "current_path", - "current_role", - "current_schema", - "current_transform_group_for_type", - "current_user", - "session_user", - "system_time", - "system_user", - "current_time", - "localtime", - "current_timestamp", - "localtimestamp", - ], - }, - contains: [ - { - begin: t.either(...i), - relevance: 0, - keywords: { $pattern: /[\w\.]+/, keyword: l.concat(i), literal: r, type: a }, - }, - { - className: "type", - begin: t.either("double precision", "large object", "with timezone", "without timezone"), - }, - c, - { className: "variable", begin: /@[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]*/ }, - { className: "string", variants: [{ begin: /'/, end: /'/, contains: [{ begin: /''/ }] }] }, - { begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [{ begin: /""/ }] }, - e.C_NUMBER_MODE, - e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, - n, - { className: "operator", begin: /[-+*/=%^~]|&&?|\|\|?|!=?|<(?:=>?|<|>)?|>[>=]?/, relevance: 0 }, - ], - } - }, - swift: function (e) { - const t = { match: /\s+/, relevance: 0 }, - n = e.COMMENT("/\\*", "\\*/", { contains: ["self"] }), - r = [e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, n], - a = { match: [/\./, wx(...kx, ..._x)], className: { 2: "keyword" } }, - o = { match: Ox(/\./, wx(...Ex)), relevance: 0 }, - i = Ex.filter((e) => "string" == typeof e).concat(["_|0"]), - s = { - variants: [ - { - className: "keyword", - match: wx( - ...Ex.filter((e) => "string" != typeof e) - .concat(Sx) - .map(xx), - ..._x, - ), - }, - ], - }, - l = { $pattern: wx(/\b\w+/, /#\w+/), keyword: i.concat(Cx), literal: Tx }, - c = [a, o, s], - d = [ - { match: Ox(/\./, wx(...Px)), relevance: 0 }, - { className: "built_in", match: Ox(/\b/, wx(...Px), /(?=\()/) }, - ], - u = { match: /->/, relevance: 0 }, - p = [u, { className: "operator", relevance: 0, variants: [{ match: Nx }, { match: `\\.(\\.|${Rx})+` }] }], - h = "([0-9]_*)+", - f = "([0-9a-fA-F]_*)+", - m = { - className: "number", - relevance: 0, - variants: [ - { match: `\\b(${h})(\\.(${h}))?([eE][+-]?(${h}))?\\b` }, - { match: `\\b0x(${f})(\\.(${f}))?([pP][+-]?(${h}))?\\b` }, - { match: /\b0o([0-7]_*)+\b/ }, - { match: /\b0b([01]_*)+\b/ }, - ], - }, - g = (e = "") => ({ - className: "subst", - variants: [{ match: Ox(/\\/, e, /[0\\tnr"']/) }, { match: Ox(/\\/, e, /u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}\}/) }], - }), - b = (e = "") => ({ className: "subst", match: Ox(/\\/, e, /[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|\r\n)/) }), - v = (e = "") => ({ className: "subst", label: "interpol", begin: Ox(/\\/, e, /\(/), end: /\)/ }), - y = (e = "") => ({ begin: Ox(e, /"""/), end: Ox(/"""/, e), contains: [g(e), b(e), v(e)] }), - O = (e = "") => ({ begin: Ox(e, /"/), end: Ox(/"/, e), contains: [g(e), v(e)] }), - w = { className: "string", variants: [y(), y("#"), y("##"), y("###"), O(), O("#"), O("##"), O("###")] }, - x = [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, relevance: 0, contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }], - k = { begin: /\/[^\s](?=[^/\n]*\/)/, end: /\//, contains: x }, - _ = (e) => { - const t = Ox(e, /\//), - n = Ox(/\//, e) - return { begin: t, end: n, contains: [...x, { scope: "comment", begin: `#(?!.*${n})`, end: /$/ }] } - }, - S = { scope: "regexp", variants: [_("###"), _("##"), _("#"), k] }, - E = { match: Ox(/`/, Mx, /`/) }, - T = [E, { className: "variable", match: /\$\d+/ }, { className: "variable", match: `\\$${Ix}+` }], - A = [ - { - match: /(@|#(un)?)available/, - scope: "keyword", - starts: { contains: [{ begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, keywords: Bx, contains: [...p, m, w] }] }, - }, - { scope: "keyword", match: Ox(/@/, wx(...Qx)) }, - { scope: "meta", match: Ox(/@/, Mx) }, - ], - C = { - match: yx(/\b[A-Z]/), - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { - className: "type", - match: Ox(/(AV|CA|CF|CG|CI|CL|CM|CN|CT|MK|MP|MTK|MTL|NS|SCN|SK|UI|WK|XC)/, Ix, "+"), - }, - { className: "type", match: Lx, relevance: 0 }, - { match: /[?!]+/, relevance: 0 }, - { match: /\.\.\./, relevance: 0 }, - { match: Ox(/\s+&\s+/, yx(Lx)), relevance: 0 }, - ], - }, - P = { begin: //, keywords: l, contains: [...r, ...c, ...A, u, C] } - C.contains.push(P) - const D = { - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - relevance: 0, - keywords: l, - contains: [ - "self", - { match: Ox(Mx, /\s*:/), keywords: "_|0", relevance: 0 }, - ...r, - S, - ...c, - ...d, - ...p, - m, - w, - ...T, - ...A, - C, - ], - }, - R = { begin: //, keywords: "repeat each", contains: [...r, C] }, - N = { - begin: /\(/, - end: /\)/, - keywords: l, - contains: [ - { - begin: wx(yx(Ox(Mx, /\s*:/)), yx(Ox(Mx, /\s+/, Mx, /\s*:/))), - end: /:/, - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - { className: "keyword", match: /\b_\b/ }, - { className: "params", match: Mx }, - ], - }, - ...r, - ...c, - ...p, - m, - w, - ...A, - C, - D, - ], - endsParent: !0, - illegal: /["']/, - }, - $ = { - match: [/(func|macro)/, /\s+/, wx(E.match, Mx, Nx)], - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.function" }, - contains: [R, N, t], - illegal: [/\[/, /%/], - }, - I = { - match: [/\b(?:subscript|init[?!]?)/, /\s*(?=[<(])/], - className: { 1: "keyword" }, - contains: [R, N, t], - illegal: /\[|%/, - }, - M = { match: [/operator/, /\s+/, Nx], className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title" } }, - L = { - begin: [/precedencegroup/, /\s+/, Lx], - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title" }, - contains: [C], - keywords: [...Ax, ...Tx], - end: /}/, - } - for (const e of w.variants) { - const t = e.contains.find((e) => "interpol" === e.label) - t.keywords = l - const n = [...c, ...d, ...p, m, w, ...T] - t.contains = [...n, { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: ["self", ...n] }] - } - return { - name: "Swift", - keywords: l, - contains: [ - ...r, - $, - I, - { - beginKeywords: "struct protocol class extension enum actor", - end: "\\{", - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: l, - contains: [ - e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { className: "title.class", begin: /[A-Za-z$_][\u00C0-\u02B80-9A-Za-z$_]*/ }), - ...c, - ], - }, - M, - L, - { beginKeywords: "import", end: /$/, contains: [...r], relevance: 0 }, - S, - ...c, - ...d, - ...p, - m, - w, - ...T, - ...A, - C, - D, - ], - } - }, - typescript: function (e) { - const t = (function (e) { - const t = e.regex, - n = jx, - r = { - begin: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/, - end: /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/, - isTrulyOpeningTag: (e, t) => { - const n = e[0].length + e.index, - r = e.input[n] - if ("<" === r || "," === r) return void t.ignoreMatch() - let a - ">" === r && - (((e, { after: t }) => { - const n = "", - T = { - match: [/const|var|let/, /\s+/, n, /\s*/, /=\s*/, /(async\s*)?/, t.lookahead(E)], - keywords: "async", - className: { 1: "keyword", 3: "title.function" }, - contains: [v], - } - return { - name: "JavaScript", - aliases: ["js", "jsx", "mjs", "cjs"], - keywords: a, - exports: { PARAMS_CONTAINS: b, CLASS_REFERENCE: O }, - illegal: /#(?![$_A-z])/, - contains: [ - e.SHEBANG({ label: "shebang", binary: "node", relevance: 5 }), - { label: "use_strict", className: "meta", relevance: 10, begin: /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/ }, - e.APOS_STRING_MODE, - e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, - d, - u, - p, - h, - f, - { match: /\$\d+/ }, - l, - O, - { className: "attr", begin: n + t.lookahead(":"), relevance: 0 }, - T, - { - begin: "(" + e.RE_STARTERS_RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*", - keywords: "return throw case", - relevance: 0, - contains: [ - f, - e.REGEXP_MODE, - { - className: "function", - begin: E, - returnBegin: !0, - end: "\\s*=>", - contains: [ - { - className: "params", - variants: [ - { begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, - { className: null, begin: /\(\s*\)/, skip: !0 }, - { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: a, contains: b }, - ], - }, - ], - }, - { begin: /,/, relevance: 0 }, - { match: /\s+/, relevance: 0 }, - { - variants: [ - { begin: "<>", end: "" }, - { match: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+\s*\/>/ }, - { begin: r.begin, "on:begin": r.isTrulyOpeningTag, end: r.end }, - ], - subLanguage: "xml", - contains: [{ begin: r.begin, end: r.end, skip: !0, contains: ["self"] }], - }, - ], - }, - w, - { beginKeywords: "while if switch catch for" }, - { - begin: - "\\b(?!function)" + - e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + - "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{", - returnBegin: !0, - label: "func.def", - contains: [v, e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n, className: "title.function" })], - }, - { match: /\.\.\./, relevance: 0 }, - _, - { match: "\\$" + n, relevance: 0 }, - { match: [/\bconstructor(?=\s*\()/], className: { 1: "title.function" }, contains: [v] }, - x, - { relevance: 0, match: /\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\b/, className: "variable.constant" }, - y, - S, - { match: /\$[(.]/ }, - ], - } - })(e), - n = jx, - r = ["any", "void", "number", "boolean", "string", "object", "never", "symbol", "bigint", "unknown"], - a = { beginKeywords: "namespace", end: /\{/, excludeEnd: !0, contains: [t.exports.CLASS_REFERENCE] }, - o = { - beginKeywords: "interface", - end: /\{/, - excludeEnd: !0, - keywords: { keyword: "interface extends", built_in: r }, - contains: [t.exports.CLASS_REFERENCE], - }, - i = { - $pattern: jx, - keyword: Ux.concat([ - "type", - "namespace", - "interface", - "public", - "private", - "protected", - "implements", - "declare", - "abstract", - "readonly", - "enum", - "override", - ]), - literal: Fx, - built_in: Vx.concat(r), - "variable.language": Hx, - }, - s = { className: "meta", begin: "@" + n }, - l = (e, t, n) => { - const r = e.contains.findIndex((e) => e.label === t) - if (-1 === r) throw new Error("can not find mode to replace") - e.contains.splice(r, 1, n) - } - return ( - Object.assign(t.keywords, i), - t.exports.PARAMS_CONTAINS.push(s), - (t.contains = t.contains.concat([s, a, o])), - l(t, "shebang", e.SHEBANG()), - l(t, "use_strict", { className: "meta", relevance: 10, begin: /^\s*['"]use strict['"]/ }), - (t.contains.find((e) => "func.def" === e.label).relevance = 0), - Object.assign(t, { name: "TypeScript", aliases: ["ts", "tsx", "mts", "cts"] }), - t - ) - }, - xml: Wx, - yaml: function (e) { - const t = "true false yes no null", - n = "[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*'()[\\]]+", - r = { - className: "string", - relevance: 0, - variants: [{ begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, { begin: /\S+/ }], - contains: [ - e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, - { - className: "template-variable", - variants: [ - { begin: /\{\{/, end: /\}\}/ }, - { begin: /%\{/, end: /\}/ }, - ], - }, - ], - }, - a = e.inherit(r, { - variants: [{ begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, { begin: /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ }], - }), - o = { end: ",", endsWithParent: !0, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: t, relevance: 0 }, - i = { begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, contains: [o], illegal: "\\n", relevance: 0 }, - s = { begin: "\\[", end: "\\]", contains: [o], illegal: "\\n", relevance: 0 }, - l = [ - { - className: "attr", - variants: [ - { begin: "\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ \t]|$)" }, - { begin: '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ \t]|$)' }, - { begin: "'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*':(?=[ \t]|$)" }, - ], - }, - { className: "meta", begin: "^---\\s*$", relevance: 10 }, - { className: "string", begin: "[\\|>]([1-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( +)[^ ][^\\n]*\\n(\\2[^\\n]+\\n?)*" }, - { - begin: "<%[%=-]?", - end: "[%-]?%>", - subLanguage: "ruby", - excludeBegin: !0, - excludeEnd: !0, - relevance: 0, - }, - { className: "type", begin: "!\\w+!" + n }, - { className: "type", begin: "!<" + n + ">" }, - { className: "type", begin: "!" + n }, - { className: "type", begin: "!!" + n }, - { className: "meta", begin: "&" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "$" }, - { className: "meta", begin: "\\*" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "$" }, - { className: "bullet", begin: "-(?=[ ]|$)", relevance: 0 }, - e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, - { beginKeywords: t, keywords: { literal: t } }, - { - className: "number", - begin: - "\\b[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?(\\.[0-9]*)?([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?\\b", - }, - { className: "number", begin: e.C_NUMBER_RE + "\\b", relevance: 0 }, - i, - s, - r, - ], - c = [...l] - return ( - c.pop(), c.push(a), (o.contains = c), { name: "YAML", case_insensitive: !0, aliases: ["yml"], contains: l } - ) - }, - }, - vI = { - abandonedHeadElementChild: { - reason: "Unexpected metadata element after head", - description: "Unexpected element after head. Expected the element before ``", - url: !1, - }, - abruptClosingOfEmptyComment: { - reason: "Unexpected abruptly closed empty comment", - description: "Unexpected `>` or `->`. Expected `--\x3e` to close comments", - }, - abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier: { - reason: "Unexpected abruptly closed public identifier", - description: "Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `\"` or `'` after the public identifier", - }, - abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier: { - reason: "Unexpected abruptly closed system identifier", - description: "Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `\"` or `'` after the identifier identifier", - }, - absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference: { - reason: "Unexpected non-digit at start of numeric character reference", - description: - "Unexpected `%c`. Expected `[0-9]` for decimal references or `[0-9a-fA-F]` for hexadecimal references", - }, - cdataInHtmlContent: { - reason: "Unexpected CDATA section in HTML", - description: "Unexpected `` in ``", - description: "Unexpected text character `%c`. Only use text in `