[x] Open up Slab Data
Double Agent has a large cache of data representing profiles of known browsers, “probes” to identify their characteristics, and currently popular browser engine/operating system combinations. It currently lives in a giant compressed zip file. This data catalog needs to find a “git” based home. [x] Convert to one or more data projects [x] Submodule(s) to DoubleAgent
We would like to automate the updating of DoubleAgent profiles and statistics. [x] Automate Statistics Refresh [x] Test New Profiles as Available [x] Automatic Commits to Data Projects
We currently detect consistency across a limited number of machines for all “Collect” data. We would like to initiate a wider collection of data to determine which variables have variety or consistency across many machines.
- Manual User Testing
- Improve UI for Collect Testing
Double Agent has many more layers of collect and analysis to perform.
- Frame DOM Environments (Sandboxed, Cross-site, etc)
- Worker Environments (Service, Shared, Dedicated)
- WebGL
- Canvas
- Audio
- VM Detection
- User Interaction
- Javascript Evasion Detection (JS Proxies, etc) [x] UA Hints
- UDP/Quic