Prepare a trained Keras model for ElasticHash.
Model requirements:
- Must contain a coding layer with 256 units
- Name of coding layer: "code"
Perform the following steps to first use an intermediate model to compute 256 bit codes. The codes are then decorrelated and 64 bit and a 256 bit layer added.
Specify the following settings
# Directory with images in subdirs IMAGE_DIR=/path/to/image_dir/ # Path to the trained Keras model (*.keras) TRAINED_MODEL=/path/to/model.keras GPU_IDS=0 IMG_WIDTH=450 IMG_HEIGHT=150
Create container for exporting the models
docker build -t export_model .
Export intermediate model
nvidia-docker run -it -e IMG_WIDTH=${IMG_WIDTH} -e IMG_HEIGHT=${IMG_HEIGHT} \ -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ -v ${TRAINED_MODEL}:/trained_model \ export_model \ python /code/ --keras_weights /trained_model --output_dir /code/intermediate_model
Start tf-serving container with intermediate model
INTERMEDIATE_MODEL_DIR="$(pwd)/prepare_model/intermediate_model/model" nvidia-docker run -d -p 8501:8501 -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -e MODEL_NAME=model \ -e IMG_WIDTH=${IMG_WIDTH} -e IMG_HEIGHT=${IMG_HEIGHT} -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ \ -v ${INTERMEDIATE_MODEL_DIR}/$(ls -t ${INTERMEDIATE_MODEL_DIR} | head -1):/models/model/1 --network "host" \ --name intermediate_model tensorflow/serving:2.4.1-gpu
Compute codes with the intermediate model and decorrelate bits
- Generate a list of all images in subdirs
nvidia-docker run -it -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ -v ${IMAGE_DIR}:/images/\ export_model \ python /code/ --images_dir /images/ --allowed_files png --output /code/images.csv --filter_prefix "2_"
- Compute codes for images
nvidia-docker run -it -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -e TF_SERVING_HOST= \ -e IMG_WIDTH=${IMG_WIDTH} -e IMG_HEIGHT=${IMG_HEIGHT} \ -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ -v ${IMAGE_DIR}:/images/ --network "host" \ export_model \ python /code/ --image_dir /images --input_list /code/images.csv \ --output_list /code/
- Compute correlations and decorrelate
shuf prepare_model/ > prepare_model/ nvidia-docker run -it -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ export_model \ python /code/ --num_codes 50000 --input_list /code/ --output_dir /code/ nvidia-docker run -it -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ export_model \ python /code/ --corr_file /code/256_corr.txt --output_dir /code/
- Generate a list of all images in subdirs
Export final model
nvidia-docker run -it -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ -v ${TRAINED_MODEL}:/trained_model \ -e IMG_WIDTH=${IMG_WIDTH} -e IMG_HEIGHT=${IMG_HEIGHT} export_model \ python /code/ --keras_weights /trained_model --output_dir /code/final_model --split_and_permute \ --permute_64 /code/64_16_from_256_perm.pkl --permute_256 /code/256_16_perm.pkl
Serve final model
FINAL_MODEL_DIR="$(pwd)/prepare_model/final_model/model" nvidia-docker stop intermediate_model nvidia-docker run -d -p 8501:8501 -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU_IDS} -e MODEL_NAME=model -v $(pwd)/prepare_model:/code/ \ -v ${FINAL_MODEL_DIR}/$(ls -t ${FINAL_MODEL_DIR} | head -1):/models/model/1 --network "host" \ --name final_model tensorflow/serving:2.4.1-gpu
Finally you can put the exported model to
and use it for similarity search (to index your data follow the steps to index a custom image dataset)