New Features
feat: MardownShortcutPlugin - Create a markdown shortcuts plugin
feat: clear formatting command
feat: subscript and superscript support
feat: show empty paragraph formatting in dev tool
feat: toolbar - move Strikethrough into more formatting drop down
feat: support SvelteKit for MardownShortcutPlugin
, LinkPlugin
and AutoLinkPlugin
feat: allow transformers to be specified when defining Markdown Shortcuts Plugin
feat: upgrade lexical from 0.14.2 to 0.14.5
perf: build size reduced by ~10kb after lexical ESM changes
bug: prettier v3 async not working with synchronous lexical update calls; also required estree plugin
bug: wrong logic for FloatingLinkEditorPlugin bad node
bug: Numbered list does not increment in ImageNode caption
bug: respect CSS zoom
bug: return unregister callback from onMount
bug: fix bulletting a node selection
bug: Unbullet one list item not the whole list
bug: support multiple windows
bug: Preserve bullet item indent on newline
test: passing tests increased from 137 to 287
test: fix strike through test
docs: new examples
docs: list of plugins
docs: react to svelte porting tips are moved under porting plugins page
build: CI action script version upgrade to 4
build: upgrade y-websocket to v1.5.4
build: include @lexical/text as dependency after ESM fix
build: move plantext-editor and richtext-editor packages to vite 5
build: import 'IS_' and 'CAN_*' environment constants from @lexical/utils
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