Thanks dTom on helping to sort out the BOM List.
This BOM List is licensed under GPL.
- lasercut acrylic 3mm x 1
- bearing 603zz x 6
- bearing 604uu (for extruder) x 1
- bearing LM4UU x 12
- Phillips head M2.5 5mm x 10
- Phillips head M2 8mm x 6
- Phillips head M3 5mm x 16
- hex screw M3 10mm x 15
- hex screw M3 12mm x 17
- hex screw M3 16mm x 5
- hex screw M3 22mm x 4
- hex screw M4 10mm x 2
- hex screw M4 8mm x 4
- threaded rod M3 180mm x 1
- M3 nut x 17
- M3 brass stud 6mm x 6
- M3 washer 70.5 x 16
- M3 washer 9*0.8 (for belt bearing) x 6
- M4 washer x 2
- rod 4mm 130mm x 2
- rod 4mm 140mm x 2
- rod 4mm 180mm x 2
- fastener 2.5mm x 22
- stepper_28 NEMA11 x 3
- stepper_42 NEMA17 (for extruder) x 1
- pulley MXL 16T x 2
- coupling 3mm x 3mm x 1
- timing belts MXL - 4mm x 1m (Y axis 43cm, X axis 47cm)
- mega2560 ramps1.4 with 4 A4988 stepstick x 1
- micro switch (for endstop) x 3
- extruder (mk8) x 1
- hot end e3dv6 x 1
- PTFE OD 4mm ID 2mm L 60cm x 1
- 12V 6A Transformer x 1