Project done during Full Stack Software Engineering studies at ALX School. Its aims is to learn C .
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
FileNames | Descriptions |
0. Preprocessor |
Write a script that runs a C file through the preprocessor and save the result into another file The C file name will be saved in the variable $CFILE The output should be saved in the file c |
1. Compiler |
Write a script that compiles a C file but does not link. |
`2. Assembler | Write a script that generates the assembly code of a C code and save it in an output file. |
3. Name |
Write a script that compiles a C file and creates an executable named cisfun. |
4. Hello, puts |
Write a C program that prints exactly "Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle, followed by a new line. |
5. Hello, printf |
Write a C program that prints exactly with proper grammar, but the outcome is a piece of art,, followed by a new line. |
6. Size is not grandeur, and territory does not make a nation |
Write a C program that prints the size of various types on the computer it is compiled and run on. |
7. Intel |
Write a script that generates the assembly code (Intel syntax) of a C code and save it in an output file. |
8. UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity |
Write a C program that prints exactly and that piece of art is useful" - Dora Korpar, 2015-10-19, followed by a new line, to the standard error. |