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ufrisk edited this page Apr 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

Memory Acquisition Method: File

The LeechCore library supports reading memory from memory dump files in various formats.

Facts in short:

  • Is supported on all supported platforms.
  • Acquires memory in read-only mode (unless otherwise specified).
  • Acquired memory is assumed to be static (unless otherwise specified).
  • No additional requirements.

The currently supported formats are:

  • Raw Memory Dump File.
  • Full Microsoft Crash Dump File.
  • Full ELF Core Dump.
  • LiME v1 Dump File.
  • VMware memory save file.

The dump file must be a minimum of 16MB to be recognized as a dump file. i.e. - if the file opened contains the crash dump header it will be treated as a crash dump file. If no special file format is detected the file will be treated as a raw linear memory dump file.

Memory dumps are assumed to be static (non changing) by default. This will allow PCILeech and MemProcFS to optimize internal access. It's possible to override this behavior by setting the parameter volatile=1 which will cause the file to be treated as volatile (live/changing). It's also possible to change the read-only behavior to read/write. See below for examples.

VMware note: Please copy both the .vmem and .vmss/.vmsn files. In some cases the .vmss file is required in order to properly parse the .vmem memory file.

Connection string:

LeechCore API:

Please specify the file name in LC_CONFIG.szDevice when calling LcCreate If a dump file have the same name as another device it's also possible to set the file name on the format file://file=<file_name>.


file= Specify the file name to open.

volatile=1 Specify that the file/device contains live volatile updating memory.

write=1 Specify that the file/device is writable.

PCILeech / MemProcFS:

Please specify the file name in the -device option.


Open a memory dump file: -device c:\temp\mydumpfile.dmp

Open a memory dump file: -device "file://file=c:\temp\mydumpfile.dmp"

Open a memory dump file and set it to volatile and writable: -device "file://file=/dev/my-volatile-memdump.raw,volatile=1,write=1"


No additional requirements exist.