diff --git a/.yarn/plugins/@yarnpkg/plugin-workspace-tools.cjs b/.yarn/plugins/@yarnpkg/plugin-workspace-tools.cjs deleted file mode 100644 index 4e89c7c3..00000000 --- a/.yarn/plugins/@yarnpkg/plugin-workspace-tools.cjs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint-disable */ -//prettier-ignore -module.exports = { -name: "@yarnpkg/plugin-workspace-tools", -factory: function (require) { -var plugin=(()=>{var yr=Object.create;var we=Object.defineProperty;var _r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var Er=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var br=Object.getPrototypeOf,xr=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var W=(e=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(r,t)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:r)[t]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw new Error('Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported')});var q=(e,r)=>()=>(r||e((r={exports:{}}).exports,r),r.exports),Cr=(e,r)=>{for(var t in r)we(e,t,{get:r[t],enumerable:!0})},Je=(e,r,t,n)=>{if(r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function")for(let s of Er(r))!xr.call(e,s)&&s!==t&&we(e,s,{get:()=>r[s],enumerable:!(n=_r(r,s))||n.enumerable});return e};var Be=(e,r,t)=>(t=e!=null?yr(br(e)):{},Je(r||!e||!e.__esModule?we(t,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):t,e)),wr=e=>Je(we({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var ve=q(ee=>{"use strict";ee.isInteger=e=>typeof e=="number"?Number.isInteger(e):typeof e=="string"&&e.trim()!==""?Number.isInteger(Number(e)):!1;ee.find=(e,r)=>e.nodes.find(t=>t.type===r);ee.exceedsLimit=(e,r,t=1,n)=>n===!1||!ee.isInteger(e)||!ee.isInteger(r)?!1:(Number(r)-Number(e))/Number(t)>=n;ee.escapeNode=(e,r=0,t)=>{let n=e.nodes[r];!n||(t&&n.type===t||n.type==="open"||n.type==="close")&&n.escaped!==!0&&(n.value="\\"+n.value,n.escaped=!0)};ee.encloseBrace=e=>e.type!=="brace"?!1:e.commas>>0+e.ranges>>0===0?(e.invalid=!0,!0):!1;ee.isInvalidBrace=e=>e.type!=="brace"?!1:e.invalid===!0||e.dollar?!0:e.commas>>0+e.ranges>>0===0||e.open!==!0||e.close!==!0?(e.invalid=!0,!0):!1;ee.isOpenOrClose=e=>e.type==="open"||e.type==="close"?!0:e.open===!0||e.close===!0;ee.reduce=e=>e.reduce((r,t)=>(t.type==="text"&&r.push(t.value),t.type==="range"&&(t.type="text"),r),[]);ee.flatten=(...e)=>{let r=[],t=n=>{for(let s=0;s{"use strict";var tt=ve();rt.exports=(e,r={})=>{let t=(n,s={})=>{let i=r.escapeInvalid&&tt.isInvalidBrace(s),a=n.invalid===!0&&r.escapeInvalid===!0,c="";if(n.value)return(i||a)&&tt.isOpenOrClose(n)?"\\"+n.value:n.value;if(n.value)return n.value;if(n.nodes)for(let p of n.nodes)c+=t(p);return c};return t(e)}});var st=q((Vn,nt)=>{"use strict";nt.exports=function(e){return typeof e=="number"?e-e===0:typeof e=="string"&&e.trim()!==""?Number.isFinite?Number.isFinite(+e):isFinite(+e):!1}});var ht=q((Jn,pt)=>{"use strict";var at=st(),le=(e,r,t)=>{if(at(e)===!1)throw new TypeError("toRegexRange: expected the first argument to be a number");if(r===void 0||e===r)return String(e);if(at(r)===!1)throw new TypeError("toRegexRange: expected the second argument to be a number.");let n={relaxZeros:!0,...t};typeof n.strictZeros=="boolean"&&(n.relaxZeros=n.strictZeros===!1);let s=String(n.relaxZeros),i=String(n.shorthand),a=String(n.capture),c=String(n.wrap),p=e+":"+r+"="+s+i+a+c;if(le.cache.hasOwnProperty(p))return le.cache[p].result;let m=Math.min(e,r),h=Math.max(e,r);if(Math.abs(m-h)===1){let y=e+"|"+r;return n.capture?`(${y})`:n.wrap===!1?y:`(?:${y})`}let R=ft(e)||ft(r),f={min:e,max:r,a:m,b:h},$=[],_=[];if(R&&(f.isPadded=R,f.maxLen=String(f.max).length),m<0){let y=h<0?Math.abs(h):1;_=it(y,Math.abs(m),f,n),m=f.a=0}return h>=0&&($=it(m,h,f,n)),f.negatives=_,f.positives=$,f.result=Sr(_,$,n),n.capture===!0?f.result=`(${f.result})`:n.wrap!==!1&&$.length+_.length>1&&(f.result=`(?:${f.result})`),le.cache[p]=f,f.result};function Sr(e,r,t){let n=Pe(e,r,"-",!1,t)||[],s=Pe(r,e,"",!1,t)||[],i=Pe(e,r,"-?",!0,t)||[];return n.concat(i).concat(s).join("|")}function vr(e,r){let t=1,n=1,s=ut(e,t),i=new Set([r]);for(;e<=s&&s<=r;)i.add(s),t+=1,s=ut(e,t);for(s=ct(r+1,n)-1;e1&&c.count.pop(),c.count.push(h.count[0]),c.string=c.pattern+lt(c.count),a=m+1;continue}t.isPadded&&(R=Lr(m,t,n)),h.string=R+h.pattern+lt(h.count),i.push(h),a=m+1,c=h}return i}function Pe(e,r,t,n,s){let i=[];for(let a of e){let{string:c}=a;!n&&!ot(r,"string",c)&&i.push(t+c),n&&ot(r,"string",c)&&i.push(t+c)}return i}function $r(e,r){let t=[];for(let n=0;nr?1:r>e?-1:0}function ot(e,r,t){return e.some(n=>n[r]===t)}function ut(e,r){return Number(String(e).slice(0,-r)+"9".repeat(r))}function ct(e,r){return e-e%Math.pow(10,r)}function lt(e){let[r=0,t=""]=e;return t||r>1?`{${r+(t?","+t:"")}}`:""}function kr(e,r,t){return`[${e}${r-e===1?"":"-"}${r}]`}function ft(e){return/^-?(0+)\d/.test(e)}function Lr(e,r,t){if(!r.isPadded)return e;let n=Math.abs(r.maxLen-String(e).length),s=t.relaxZeros!==!1;switch(n){case 0:return"";case 1:return s?"0?":"0";case 2:return s?"0{0,2}":"00";default:return s?`0{0,${n}}`:`0{${n}}`}}le.cache={};le.clearCache=()=>le.cache={};pt.exports=le});var Ue=q((es,Et)=>{"use strict";var Or=W("util"),At=ht(),dt=e=>e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e),Nr=e=>r=>e===!0?Number(r):String(r),Me=e=>typeof e=="number"||typeof e=="string"&&e!=="",Ae=e=>Number.isInteger(+e),De=e=>{let r=`${e}`,t=-1;if(r[0]==="-"&&(r=r.slice(1)),r==="0")return!1;for(;r[++t]==="0";);return t>0},Ir=(e,r,t)=>typeof e=="string"||typeof r=="string"?!0:t.stringify===!0,Br=(e,r,t)=>{if(r>0){let n=e[0]==="-"?"-":"";n&&(e=e.slice(1)),e=n+e.padStart(n?r-1:r,"0")}return t===!1?String(e):e},gt=(e,r)=>{let t=e[0]==="-"?"-":"";for(t&&(e=e.slice(1),r--);e.length{e.negatives.sort((a,c)=>ac?1:0),e.positives.sort((a,c)=>ac?1:0);let t=r.capture?"":"?:",n="",s="",i;return e.positives.length&&(n=e.positives.join("|")),e.negatives.length&&(s=`-(${t}${e.negatives.join("|")})`),n&&s?i=`${n}|${s}`:i=n||s,r.wrap?`(${t}${i})`:i},mt=(e,r,t,n)=>{if(t)return At(e,r,{wrap:!1,...n});let s=String.fromCharCode(e);if(e===r)return s;let i=String.fromCharCode(r);return`[${s}-${i}]`},Rt=(e,r,t)=>{if(Array.isArray(e)){let n=t.wrap===!0,s=t.capture?"":"?:";return n?`(${s}${e.join("|")})`:e.join("|")}return At(e,r,t)},yt=(...e)=>new RangeError("Invalid range arguments: "+Or.inspect(...e)),_t=(e,r,t)=>{if(t.strictRanges===!0)throw yt([e,r]);return[]},Mr=(e,r)=>{if(r.strictRanges===!0)throw new TypeError(`Expected step "${e}" to be a number`);return[]},Dr=(e,r,t=1,n={})=>{let s=Number(e),i=Number(r);if(!Number.isInteger(s)||!Number.isInteger(i)){if(n.strictRanges===!0)throw yt([e,r]);return[]}s===0&&(s=0),i===0&&(i=0);let a=s>i,c=String(e),p=String(r),m=String(t);t=Math.max(Math.abs(t),1);let h=De(c)||De(p)||De(m),R=h?Math.max(c.length,p.length,m.length):0,f=h===!1&&Ir(e,r,n)===!1,$=n.transform||Nr(f);if(n.toRegex&&t===1)return mt(gt(e,R),gt(r,R),!0,n);let _={negatives:[],positives:[]},y=T=>_[T<0?"negatives":"positives"].push(Math.abs(T)),E=[],S=0;for(;a?s>=i:s<=i;)n.toRegex===!0&&t>1?y(s):E.push(Br($(s,S),R,f)),s=a?s-t:s+t,S++;return n.toRegex===!0?t>1?Pr(_,n):Rt(E,null,{wrap:!1,...n}):E},Ur=(e,r,t=1,n={})=>{if(!Ae(e)&&e.length>1||!Ae(r)&&r.length>1)return _t(e,r,n);let s=n.transform||(f=>String.fromCharCode(f)),i=`${e}`.charCodeAt(0),a=`${r}`.charCodeAt(0),c=i>a,p=Math.min(i,a),m=Math.max(i,a);if(n.toRegex&&t===1)return mt(p,m,!1,n);let h=[],R=0;for(;c?i>=a:i<=a;)h.push(s(i,R)),i=c?i-t:i+t,R++;return n.toRegex===!0?Rt(h,null,{wrap:!1,options:n}):h},$e=(e,r,t,n={})=>{if(r==null&&Me(e))return[e];if(!Me(e)||!Me(r))return _t(e,r,n);if(typeof t=="function")return $e(e,r,1,{transform:t});if(dt(t))return $e(e,r,0,t);let s={...n};return s.capture===!0&&(s.wrap=!0),t=t||s.step||1,Ae(t)?Ae(e)&&Ae(r)?Dr(e,r,t,s):Ur(e,r,Math.max(Math.abs(t),1),s):t!=null&&!dt(t)?Mr(t,s):$e(e,r,1,t)};Et.exports=$e});var Ct=q((ts,xt)=>{"use strict";var Gr=Ue(),bt=ve(),qr=(e,r={})=>{let t=(n,s={})=>{let i=bt.isInvalidBrace(s),a=n.invalid===!0&&r.escapeInvalid===!0,c=i===!0||a===!0,p=r.escapeInvalid===!0?"\\":"",m="";if(n.isOpen===!0||n.isClose===!0)return p+n.value;if(n.type==="open")return c?p+n.value:"(";if(n.type==="close")return c?p+n.value:")";if(n.type==="comma")return n.prev.type==="comma"?"":c?n.value:"|";if(n.value)return n.value;if(n.nodes&&n.ranges>0){let h=bt.reduce(n.nodes),R=Gr(...h,{...r,wrap:!1,toRegex:!0});if(R.length!==0)return h.length>1&&R.length>1?`(${R})`:R}if(n.nodes)for(let h of n.nodes)m+=t(h,n);return m};return t(e)};xt.exports=qr});var vt=q((rs,St)=>{"use strict";var Kr=Ue(),wt=He(),he=ve(),fe=(e="",r="",t=!1)=>{let n=[];if(e=[].concat(e),r=[].concat(r),!r.length)return e;if(!e.length)return t?he.flatten(r).map(s=>`{${s}}`):r;for(let s of e)if(Array.isArray(s))for(let i of s)n.push(fe(i,r,t));else for(let i of r)t===!0&&typeof i=="string"&&(i=`{${i}}`),n.push(Array.isArray(i)?fe(s,i,t):s+i);return he.flatten(n)},Wr=(e,r={})=>{let t=r.rangeLimit===void 0?1e3:r.rangeLimit,n=(s,i={})=>{s.queue=[];let a=i,c=i.queue;for(;a.type!=="brace"&&a.type!=="root"&&a.parent;)a=a.parent,c=a.queue;if(s.invalid||s.dollar){c.push(fe(c.pop(),wt(s,r)));return}if(s.type==="brace"&&s.invalid!==!0&&s.nodes.length===2){c.push(fe(c.pop(),["{}"]));return}if(s.nodes&&s.ranges>0){let R=he.reduce(s.nodes);if(he.exceedsLimit(...R,r.step,t))throw new RangeError("expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.");let f=Kr(...R,r);f.length===0&&(f=wt(s,r)),c.push(fe(c.pop(),f)),s.nodes=[];return}let p=he.encloseBrace(s),m=s.queue,h=s;for(;h.type!=="brace"&&h.type!=="root"&&h.parent;)h=h.parent,m=h.queue;for(let R=0;R{"use strict";Ht.exports={MAX_LENGTH:1024*64,CHAR_0:"0",CHAR_9:"9",CHAR_UPPERCASE_A:"A",CHAR_LOWERCASE_A:"a",CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z:"Z",CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z:"z",CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:"(",CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:")",CHAR_ASTERISK:"*",CHAR_AMPERSAND:"&",CHAR_AT:"@",CHAR_BACKSLASH:"\\",CHAR_BACKTICK:"`",CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN:"\r",CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT:"^",CHAR_COLON:":",CHAR_COMMA:",",CHAR_DOLLAR:"$",CHAR_DOT:".",CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:'"',CHAR_EQUAL:"=",CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK:"!",CHAR_FORM_FEED:"\f",CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH:"/",CHAR_HASH:"#",CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS:"-",CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET:"<",CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:"{",CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:"[",CHAR_LINE_FEED:` -`,CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE:"\xA0",CHAR_PERCENT:"%",CHAR_PLUS:"+",CHAR_QUESTION_MARK:"?",CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET:">",CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:"}",CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:"]",CHAR_SEMICOLON:";",CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:"'",CHAR_SPACE:" ",CHAR_TAB:" ",CHAR_UNDERSCORE:"_",CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE:"|",CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE:"\uFEFF"}});var Nt=q((ss,Ot)=>{"use strict";var jr=He(),{MAX_LENGTH:Tt,CHAR_BACKSLASH:Ge,CHAR_BACKTICK:Fr,CHAR_COMMA:Qr,CHAR_DOT:Xr,CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:Zr,CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:Yr,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:zr,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:Vr,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:kt,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:Lt,CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:Jr,CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:en,CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE:tn,CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE:rn}=$t(),nn=(e,r={})=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");let t=r||{},n=typeof t.maxLength=="number"?Math.min(Tt,t.maxLength):Tt;if(e.length>n)throw new SyntaxError(`Input length (${e.length}), exceeds max characters (${n})`);let s={type:"root",input:e,nodes:[]},i=[s],a=s,c=s,p=0,m=e.length,h=0,R=0,f,$={},_=()=>e[h++],y=E=>{if(E.type==="text"&&c.type==="dot"&&(c.type="text"),c&&c.type==="text"&&E.type==="text"){c.value+=E.value;return}return a.nodes.push(E),E.parent=a,E.prev=c,c=E,E};for(y({type:"bos"});h0){if(a.ranges>0){a.ranges=0;let E=a.nodes.shift();a.nodes=[E,{type:"text",value:jr(a)}]}y({type:"comma",value:f}),a.commas++;continue}if(f===Xr&&R>0&&a.commas===0){let E=a.nodes;if(R===0||E.length===0){y({type:"text",value:f});continue}if(c.type==="dot"){if(a.range=[],c.value+=f,c.type="range",a.nodes.length!==3&&a.nodes.length!==5){a.invalid=!0,a.ranges=0,c.type="text";continue}a.ranges++,a.args=[];continue}if(c.type==="range"){E.pop();let S=E[E.length-1];S.value+=c.value+f,c=S,a.ranges--;continue}y({type:"dot",value:f});continue}y({type:"text",value:f})}do if(a=i.pop(),a.type!=="root"){a.nodes.forEach(T=>{T.nodes||(T.type==="open"&&(T.isOpen=!0),T.type==="close"&&(T.isClose=!0),T.nodes||(T.type="text"),T.invalid=!0)});let E=i[i.length-1],S=E.nodes.indexOf(a);E.nodes.splice(S,1,...a.nodes)}while(i.length>0);return y({type:"eos"}),s};Ot.exports=nn});var Pt=q((as,Bt)=>{"use strict";var It=He(),sn=Ct(),an=vt(),on=Nt(),Z=(e,r={})=>{let t=[];if(Array.isArray(e))for(let n of e){let s=Z.create(n,r);Array.isArray(s)?t.push(...s):t.push(s)}else t=[].concat(Z.create(e,r));return r&&r.expand===!0&&r.nodupes===!0&&(t=[...new Set(t)]),t};Z.parse=(e,r={})=>on(e,r);Z.stringify=(e,r={})=>It(typeof e=="string"?Z.parse(e,r):e,r);Z.compile=(e,r={})=>(typeof e=="string"&&(e=Z.parse(e,r)),sn(e,r));Z.expand=(e,r={})=>{typeof e=="string"&&(e=Z.parse(e,r));let t=an(e,r);return r.noempty===!0&&(t=t.filter(Boolean)),r.nodupes===!0&&(t=[...new Set(t)]),t};Z.create=(e,r={})=>e===""||e.length<3?[e]:r.expand!==!0?Z.compile(e,r):Z.expand(e,r);Bt.exports=Z});var me=q((is,qt)=>{"use strict";var un=W("path"),se="\\\\/",Mt=`[^${se}]`,ie="\\.",cn="\\+",ln="\\?",Te="\\/",fn="(?=.)",Dt="[^/]",qe=`(?:${Te}|$)`,Ut=`(?:^|${Te})`,Ke=`${ie}{1,2}${qe}`,pn=`(?!${ie})`,hn=`(?!${Ut}${Ke})`,dn=`(?!${ie}{0,1}${qe})`,gn=`(?!${Ke})`,An=`[^.${Te}]`,mn=`${Dt}*?`,Gt={DOT_LITERAL:ie,PLUS_LITERAL:cn,QMARK_LITERAL:ln,SLASH_LITERAL:Te,ONE_CHAR:fn,QMARK:Dt,END_ANCHOR:qe,DOTS_SLASH:Ke,NO_DOT:pn,NO_DOTS:hn,NO_DOT_SLASH:dn,NO_DOTS_SLASH:gn,QMARK_NO_DOT:An,STAR:mn,START_ANCHOR:Ut},Rn={...Gt,SLASH_LITERAL:`[${se}]`,QMARK:Mt,STAR:`${Mt}*?`,DOTS_SLASH:`${ie}{1,2}(?:[${se}]|$)`,NO_DOT:`(?!${ie})`,NO_DOTS:`(?!(?:^|[${se}])${ie}{1,2}(?:[${se}]|$))`,NO_DOT_SLASH:`(?!${ie}{0,1}(?:[${se}]|$))`,NO_DOTS_SLASH:`(?!${ie}{1,2}(?:[${se}]|$))`,QMARK_NO_DOT:`[^.${se}]`,START_ANCHOR:`(?:^|[${se}])`,END_ANCHOR:`(?:[${se}]|$)`},yn={alnum:"a-zA-Z0-9",alpha:"a-zA-Z",ascii:"\\x00-\\x7F",blank:" \\t",cntrl:"\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F",digit:"0-9",graph:"\\x21-\\x7E",lower:"a-z",print:"\\x20-\\x7E 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\\t\\r\\n\\v\\f",upper:"A-Z",word:"A-Za-z0-9_",xdigit:"A-Fa-f0-9"};qt.exports={MAX_LENGTH:1024*64,POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE:yn,REGEX_BACKSLASH:/\\(?![*+?^${}(|)[\]])/g,REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS:/^[^@![\].,$*+?^{}()|\\/]+/,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS:/[-*+?.^${}(|)[\]]/,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF:/(\\?)((\W)(\3*))/g,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL:/([-*+?.^${}(|)[\]])/g,REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH:/(?:\[.*?[^\\]\]|\\(?=.))/g,REPLACEMENTS:{"***":"*","**/**":"**","**/**/**":"**"},CHAR_0:48,CHAR_9:57,CHAR_UPPERCASE_A:65,CHAR_LOWERCASE_A:97,CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z:90,CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z:122,CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:40,CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:41,CHAR_ASTERISK:42,CHAR_AMPERSAND:38,CHAR_AT:64,CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH:92,CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN:13,CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT:94,CHAR_COLON:58,CHAR_COMMA:44,CHAR_DOT:46,CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:34,CHAR_EQUAL:61,CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK:33,CHAR_FORM_FEED:12,CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH:47,CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT:96,CHAR_HASH:35,CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS:45,CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET:60,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:123,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:91,CHAR_LINE_FEED:10,CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE:160,CHAR_PERCENT:37,CHAR_PLUS:43,CHAR_QUESTION_MARK:63,CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET:62,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:125,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:93,CHAR_SEMICOLON:59,CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:39,CHAR_SPACE:32,CHAR_TAB:9,CHAR_UNDERSCORE:95,CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE:124,CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE:65279,SEP:un.sep,extglobChars(e){return{"!":{type:"negate",open:"(?:(?!(?:",close:`))${e.STAR})`},"?":{type:"qmark",open:"(?:",close:")?"},"+":{type:"plus",open:"(?:",close:")+"},"*":{type:"star",open:"(?:",close:")*"},"@":{type:"at",open:"(?:",close:")"}}},globChars(e){return e===!0?Rn:Gt}}});var Re=q(Q=>{"use strict";var _n=W("path"),En=process.platform==="win32",{REGEX_BACKSLASH:bn,REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH:xn,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS:Cn,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL:wn}=me();Q.isObject=e=>e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e);Q.hasRegexChars=e=>Cn.test(e);Q.isRegexChar=e=>e.length===1&&Q.hasRegexChars(e);Q.escapeRegex=e=>e.replace(wn,"\\$1");Q.toPosixSlashes=e=>e.replace(bn,"/");Q.removeBackslashes=e=>e.replace(xn,r=>r==="\\"?"":r);Q.supportsLookbehinds=()=>{let e=process.version.slice(1).split(".").map(Number);return e.length===3&&e[0]>=9||e[0]===8&&e[1]>=10};Q.isWindows=e=>e&&typeof e.windows=="boolean"?e.windows:En===!0||_n.sep==="\\";Q.escapeLast=(e,r,t)=>{let n=e.lastIndexOf(r,t);return n===-1?e:e[n-1]==="\\"?Q.escapeLast(e,r,n-1):`${e.slice(0,n)}\\${e.slice(n)}`};Q.removePrefix=(e,r={})=>{let t=e;return t.startsWith("./")&&(t=t.slice(2),r.prefix="./"),t};Q.wrapOutput=(e,r={},t={})=>{let n=t.contains?"":"^",s=t.contains?"":"$",i=`${n}(?:${e})${s}`;return r.negated===!0&&(i=`(?:^(?!${i}).*$)`),i}});var Yt=q((us,Zt)=>{"use strict";var Kt=Re(),{CHAR_ASTERISK:We,CHAR_AT:Sn,CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH:ye,CHAR_COMMA:vn,CHAR_DOT:je,CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK:Fe,CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH:Xt,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:Qe,CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:Xe,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:Hn,CHAR_PLUS:$n,CHAR_QUESTION_MARK:Wt,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:Tn,CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:jt,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:kn}=me(),Ft=e=>e===Xt||e===ye,Qt=e=>{e.isPrefix!==!0&&(e.depth=e.isGlobstar?1/0:1)},Ln=(e,r)=>{let t=r||{},n=e.length-1,s=t.parts===!0||t.scanToEnd===!0,i=[],a=[],c=[],p=e,m=-1,h=0,R=0,f=!1,$=!1,_=!1,y=!1,E=!1,S=!1,T=!1,L=!1,z=!1,I=!1,re=0,K,g,v={value:"",depth:0,isGlob:!1},k=()=>m>=n,l=()=>p.charCodeAt(m+1),H=()=>(K=g,p.charCodeAt(++m));for(;m0&&(B=p.slice(0,h),p=p.slice(h),R-=h),w&&_===!0&&R>0?(w=p.slice(0,R),o=p.slice(R)):_===!0?(w="",o=p):w=p,w&&w!==""&&w!=="/"&&w!==p&&Ft(w.charCodeAt(w.length-1))&&(w=w.slice(0,-1)),t.unescape===!0&&(o&&(o=Kt.removeBackslashes(o)),w&&T===!0&&(w=Kt.removeBackslashes(w)));let u={prefix:B,input:e,start:h,base:w,glob:o,isBrace:f,isBracket:$,isGlob:_,isExtglob:y,isGlobstar:E,negated:L,negatedExtglob:z};if(t.tokens===!0&&(u.maxDepth=0,Ft(g)||a.push(v),u.tokens=a),t.parts===!0||t.tokens===!0){let P;for(let b=0;b{"use strict";var ke=me(),Y=Re(),{MAX_LENGTH:Le,POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE:On,REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS:Nn,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF:In,REPLACEMENTS:zt}=ke,Bn=(e,r)=>{if(typeof r.expandRange=="function")return r.expandRange(...e,r);e.sort();let t=`[${e.join("-")}]`;try{new RegExp(t)}catch{return e.map(s=>Y.escapeRegex(s)).join("..")}return t},de=(e,r)=>`Missing ${e}: "${r}" - use "\\\\${r}" to match literal characters`,Vt=(e,r)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");e=zt[e]||e;let t={...r},n=typeof t.maxLength=="number"?Math.min(Le,t.maxLength):Le,s=e.length;if(s>n)throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${s}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${n}`);let i={type:"bos",value:"",output:t.prepend||""},a=[i],c=t.capture?"":"?:",p=Y.isWindows(r),m=ke.globChars(p),h=ke.extglobChars(m),{DOT_LITERAL:R,PLUS_LITERAL:f,SLASH_LITERAL:$,ONE_CHAR:_,DOTS_SLASH:y,NO_DOT:E,NO_DOT_SLASH:S,NO_DOTS_SLASH:T,QMARK:L,QMARK_NO_DOT:z,STAR:I,START_ANCHOR:re}=m,K=A=>`(${c}(?:(?!${re}${A.dot?y:R}).)*?)`,g=t.dot?"":E,v=t.dot?L:z,k=t.bash===!0?K(t):I;t.capture&&(k=`(${k})`),typeof t.noext=="boolean"&&(t.noextglob=t.noext);let l={input:e,index:-1,start:0,dot:t.dot===!0,consumed:"",output:"",prefix:"",backtrack:!1,negated:!1,brackets:0,braces:0,parens:0,quotes:0,globstar:!1,tokens:a};e=Y.removePrefix(e,l),s=e.length;let H=[],w=[],B=[],o=i,u,P=()=>l.index===s-1,b=l.peek=(A=1)=>e[l.index+A],V=l.advance=()=>e[++l.index]||"",J=()=>e.slice(l.index+1),X=(A="",O=0)=>{l.consumed+=A,l.index+=O},Ee=A=>{l.output+=A.output!=null?A.output:A.value,X(A.value)},mr=()=>{let A=1;for(;b()==="!"&&(b(2)!=="("||b(3)==="?");)V(),l.start++,A++;return A%2===0?!1:(l.negated=!0,l.start++,!0)},be=A=>{l[A]++,B.push(A)},oe=A=>{l[A]--,B.pop()},C=A=>{if(o.type==="globstar"){let O=l.braces>0&&(A.type==="comma"||A.type==="brace"),d=A.extglob===!0||H.length&&(A.type==="pipe"||A.type==="paren");A.type!=="slash"&&A.type!=="paren"&&!O&&!d&&(l.output=l.output.slice(0,-o.output.length),o.type="star",o.value="*",o.output=k,l.output+=o.output)}if(H.length&&A.type!=="paren"&&(H[H.length-1].inner+=A.value),(A.value||A.output)&&Ee(A),o&&o.type==="text"&&A.type==="text"){o.value+=A.value,o.output=(o.output||"")+A.value;return}A.prev=o,a.push(A),o=A},xe=(A,O)=>{let d={...h[O],conditions:1,inner:""};d.prev=o,d.parens=l.parens,d.output=l.output;let x=(t.capture?"(":"")+d.open;be("parens"),C({type:A,value:O,output:l.output?"":_}),C({type:"paren",extglob:!0,value:V(),output:x}),H.push(d)},Rr=A=>{let O=A.close+(t.capture?")":""),d;if(A.type==="negate"){let x=k;A.inner&&A.inner.length>1&&A.inner.includes("/")&&(x=K(t)),(x!==k||P()||/^\)+$/.test(J()))&&(O=A.close=`)$))${x}`),A.inner.includes("*")&&(d=J())&&/^\.[^\\/.]+$/.test(d)&&(O=A.close=`)${d})${x})`),A.prev.type==="bos"&&(l.negatedExtglob=!0)}C({type:"paren",extglob:!0,value:u,output:O}),oe("parens")};if(t.fastpaths!==!1&&!/(^[*!]|[/()[\]{}"])/.test(e)){let A=!1,O=e.replace(In,(d,x,M,j,G,Ie)=>j==="\\"?(A=!0,d):j==="?"?x?x+j+(G?L.repeat(G.length):""):Ie===0?v+(G?L.repeat(G.length):""):L.repeat(M.length):j==="."?R.repeat(M.length):j==="*"?x?x+j+(G?k:""):k:x?d:`\\${d}`);return A===!0&&(t.unescape===!0?O=O.replace(/\\/g,""):O=O.replace(/\\+/g,d=>d.length%2===0?"\\\\":d?"\\":"")),O===e&&t.contains===!0?(l.output=e,l):(l.output=Y.wrapOutput(O,l,r),l)}for(;!P();){if(u=V(),u==="\0")continue;if(u==="\\"){let d=b();if(d==="/"&&t.bash!==!0||d==="."||d===";")continue;if(!d){u+="\\",C({type:"text",value:u});continue}let x=/^\\+/.exec(J()),M=0;if(x&&x[0].length>2&&(M=x[0].length,l.index+=M,M%2!==0&&(u+="\\")),t.unescape===!0?u=V():u+=V(),l.brackets===0){C({type:"text",value:u});continue}}if(l.brackets>0&&(u!=="]"||o.value==="["||o.value==="[^")){if(t.posix!==!1&&u===":"){let d=o.value.slice(1);if(d.includes("[")&&(o.posix=!0,d.includes(":"))){let x=o.value.lastIndexOf("["),M=o.value.slice(0,x),j=o.value.slice(x+2),G=On[j];if(G){o.value=M+G,l.backtrack=!0,V(),!i.output&&a.indexOf(o)===1&&(i.output=_);continue}}}(u==="["&&b()!==":"||u==="-"&&b()==="]")&&(u=`\\${u}`),u==="]"&&(o.value==="["||o.value==="[^")&&(u=`\\${u}`),t.posix===!0&&u==="!"&&o.value==="["&&(u="^"),o.value+=u,Ee({value:u});continue}if(l.quotes===1&&u!=='"'){u=Y.escapeRegex(u),o.value+=u,Ee({value:u});continue}if(u==='"'){l.quotes=l.quotes===1?0:1,t.keepQuotes===!0&&C({type:"text",value:u});continue}if(u==="("){be("parens"),C({type:"paren",value:u});continue}if(u===")"){if(l.parens===0&&t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("opening","("));let d=H[H.length-1];if(d&&l.parens===d.parens+1){Rr(H.pop());continue}C({type:"paren",value:u,output:l.parens?")":"\\)"}),oe("parens");continue}if(u==="["){if(t.nobracket===!0||!J().includes("]")){if(t.nobracket!==!0&&t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("closing","]"));u=`\\${u}`}else be("brackets");C({type:"bracket",value:u});continue}if(u==="]"){if(t.nobracket===!0||o&&o.type==="bracket"&&o.value.length===1){C({type:"text",value:u,output:`\\${u}`});continue}if(l.brackets===0){if(t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("opening","["));C({type:"text",value:u,output:`\\${u}`});continue}oe("brackets");let d=o.value.slice(1);if(o.posix!==!0&&d[0]==="^"&&!d.includes("/")&&(u=`/${u}`),o.value+=u,Ee({value:u}),t.literalBrackets===!1||Y.hasRegexChars(d))continue;let x=Y.escapeRegex(o.value);if(l.output=l.output.slice(0,-o.value.length),t.literalBrackets===!0){l.output+=x,o.value=x;continue}o.value=`(${c}${x}|${o.value})`,l.output+=o.value;continue}if(u==="{"&&t.nobrace!==!0){be("braces");let d={type:"brace",value:u,output:"(",outputIndex:l.output.length,tokensIndex:l.tokens.length};w.push(d),C(d);continue}if(u==="}"){let d=w[w.length-1];if(t.nobrace===!0||!d){C({type:"text",value:u,output:u});continue}let x=")";if(d.dots===!0){let M=a.slice(),j=[];for(let G=M.length-1;G>=0&&(a.pop(),M[G].type!=="brace");G--)M[G].type!=="dots"&&j.unshift(M[G].value);x=Bn(j,t),l.backtrack=!0}if(d.comma!==!0&&d.dots!==!0){let M=l.output.slice(0,d.outputIndex),j=l.tokens.slice(d.tokensIndex);d.value=d.output="\\{",u=x="\\}",l.output=M;for(let G of j)l.output+=G.output||G.value}C({type:"brace",value:u,output:x}),oe("braces"),w.pop();continue}if(u==="|"){H.length>0&&H[H.length-1].conditions++,C({type:"text",value:u});continue}if(u===","){let d=u,x=w[w.length-1];x&&B[B.length-1]==="braces"&&(x.comma=!0,d="|"),C({type:"comma",value:u,output:d});continue}if(u==="/"){if(o.type==="dot"&&l.index===l.start+1){l.start=l.index+1,l.consumed="",l.output="",a.pop(),o=i;continue}C({type:"slash",value:u,output:$});continue}if(u==="."){if(l.braces>0&&o.type==="dot"){o.value==="."&&(o.output=R);let d=w[w.length-1];o.type="dots",o.output+=u,o.value+=u,d.dots=!0;continue}if(l.braces+l.parens===0&&o.type!=="bos"&&o.type!=="slash"){C({type:"text",value:u,output:R});continue}C({type:"dot",value:u,output:R});continue}if(u==="?"){if(!(o&&o.value==="(")&&t.noextglob!==!0&&b()==="("&&b(2)!=="?"){xe("qmark",u);continue}if(o&&o.type==="paren"){let x=b(),M=u;if(x==="<"&&!Y.supportsLookbehinds())throw new Error("Node.js v10 or higher is required for regex lookbehinds");(o.value==="("&&!/[!=<:]/.test(x)||x==="<"&&!/<([!=]|\w+>)/.test(J()))&&(M=`\\${u}`),C({type:"text",value:u,output:M});continue}if(t.dot!==!0&&(o.type==="slash"||o.type==="bos")){C({type:"qmark",value:u,output:z});continue}C({type:"qmark",value:u,output:L});continue}if(u==="!"){if(t.noextglob!==!0&&b()==="("&&(b(2)!=="?"||!/[!=<:]/.test(b(3)))){xe("negate",u);continue}if(t.nonegate!==!0&&l.index===0){mr();continue}}if(u==="+"){if(t.noextglob!==!0&&b()==="("&&b(2)!=="?"){xe("plus",u);continue}if(o&&o.value==="("||t.regex===!1){C({type:"plus",value:u,output:f});continue}if(o&&(o.type==="bracket"||o.type==="paren"||o.type==="brace")||l.parens>0){C({type:"plus",value:u});continue}C({type:"plus",value:f});continue}if(u==="@"){if(t.noextglob!==!0&&b()==="("&&b(2)!=="?"){C({type:"at",extglob:!0,value:u,output:""});continue}C({type:"text",value:u});continue}if(u!=="*"){(u==="$"||u==="^")&&(u=`\\${u}`);let d=Nn.exec(J());d&&(u+=d[0],l.index+=d[0].length),C({type:"text",value:u});continue}if(o&&(o.type==="globstar"||o.star===!0)){o.type="star",o.star=!0,o.value+=u,o.output=k,l.backtrack=!0,l.globstar=!0,X(u);continue}let A=J();if(t.noextglob!==!0&&/^\([^?]/.test(A)){xe("star",u);continue}if(o.type==="star"){if(t.noglobstar===!0){X(u);continue}let d=o.prev,x=d.prev,M=d.type==="slash"||d.type==="bos",j=x&&(x.type==="star"||x.type==="globstar");if(t.bash===!0&&(!M||A[0]&&A[0]!=="/")){C({type:"star",value:u,output:""});continue}let G=l.braces>0&&(d.type==="comma"||d.type==="brace"),Ie=H.length&&(d.type==="pipe"||d.type==="paren");if(!M&&d.type!=="paren"&&!G&&!Ie){C({type:"star",value:u,output:""});continue}for(;A.slice(0,3)==="/**";){let Ce=e[l.index+4];if(Ce&&Ce!=="/")break;A=A.slice(3),X("/**",3)}if(d.type==="bos"&&P()){o.type="globstar",o.value+=u,o.output=K(t),l.output=o.output,l.globstar=!0,X(u);continue}if(d.type==="slash"&&d.prev.type!=="bos"&&!j&&P()){l.output=l.output.slice(0,-(d.output+o.output).length),d.output=`(?:${d.output}`,o.type="globstar",o.output=K(t)+(t.strictSlashes?")":"|$)"),o.value+=u,l.globstar=!0,l.output+=d.output+o.output,X(u);continue}if(d.type==="slash"&&d.prev.type!=="bos"&&A[0]==="/"){let Ce=A[1]!==void 0?"|$":"";l.output=l.output.slice(0,-(d.output+o.output).length),d.output=`(?:${d.output}`,o.type="globstar",o.output=`${K(t)}${$}|${$}${Ce})`,o.value+=u,l.output+=d.output+o.output,l.globstar=!0,X(u+V()),C({type:"slash",value:"/",output:""});continue}if(d.type==="bos"&&A[0]==="/"){o.type="globstar",o.value+=u,o.output=`(?:^|${$}|${K(t)}${$})`,l.output=o.output,l.globstar=!0,X(u+V()),C({type:"slash",value:"/",output:""});continue}l.output=l.output.slice(0,-o.output.length),o.type="globstar",o.output=K(t),o.value+=u,l.output+=o.output,l.globstar=!0,X(u);continue}let O={type:"star",value:u,output:k};if(t.bash===!0){O.output=".*?",(o.type==="bos"||o.type==="slash")&&(O.output=g+O.output),C(O);continue}if(o&&(o.type==="bracket"||o.type==="paren")&&t.regex===!0){O.output=u,C(O);continue}(l.index===l.start||o.type==="slash"||o.type==="dot")&&(o.type==="dot"?(l.output+=S,o.output+=S):t.dot===!0?(l.output+=T,o.output+=T):(l.output+=g,o.output+=g),b()!=="*"&&(l.output+=_,o.output+=_)),C(O)}for(;l.brackets>0;){if(t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("closing","]"));l.output=Y.escapeLast(l.output,"["),oe("brackets")}for(;l.parens>0;){if(t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("closing",")"));l.output=Y.escapeLast(l.output,"("),oe("parens")}for(;l.braces>0;){if(t.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(de("closing","}"));l.output=Y.escapeLast(l.output,"{"),oe("braces")}if(t.strictSlashes!==!0&&(o.type==="star"||o.type==="bracket")&&C({type:"maybe_slash",value:"",output:`${$}?`}),l.backtrack===!0){l.output="";for(let A of l.tokens)l.output+=A.output!=null?A.output:A.value,A.suffix&&(l.output+=A.suffix)}return l};Vt.fastpaths=(e,r)=>{let t={...r},n=typeof t.maxLength=="number"?Math.min(Le,t.maxLength):Le,s=e.length;if(s>n)throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${s}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${n}`);e=zt[e]||e;let i=Y.isWindows(r),{DOT_LITERAL:a,SLASH_LITERAL:c,ONE_CHAR:p,DOTS_SLASH:m,NO_DOT:h,NO_DOTS:R,NO_DOTS_SLASH:f,STAR:$,START_ANCHOR:_}=ke.globChars(i),y=t.dot?R:h,E=t.dot?f:h,S=t.capture?"":"?:",T={negated:!1,prefix:""},L=t.bash===!0?".*?":$;t.capture&&(L=`(${L})`);let z=g=>g.noglobstar===!0?L:`(${S}(?:(?!${_}${g.dot?m:a}).)*?)`,I=g=>{switch(g){case"*":return`${y}${p}${L}`;case".*":return`${a}${p}${L}`;case"*.*":return`${y}${L}${a}${p}${L}`;case"*/*":return`${y}${L}${c}${p}${E}${L}`;case"**":return y+z(t);case"**/*":return`(?:${y}${z(t)}${c})?${E}${p}${L}`;case"**/*.*":return`(?:${y}${z(t)}${c})?${E}${L}${a}${p}${L}`;case"**/.*":return`(?:${y}${z(t)}${c})?${a}${p}${L}`;default:{let v=/^(.*?)\.(\w+)$/.exec(g);if(!v)return;let k=I(v[1]);return k?k+a+v[2]:void 0}}},re=Y.removePrefix(e,T),K=I(re);return K&&t.strictSlashes!==!0&&(K+=`${c}?`),K};Jt.exports=Vt});var rr=q((ls,tr)=>{"use strict";var Pn=W("path"),Mn=Yt(),Ze=er(),Ye=Re(),Dn=me(),Un=e=>e&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e),D=(e,r,t=!1)=>{if(Array.isArray(e)){let h=e.map(f=>D(f,r,t));return f=>{for(let $ of h){let _=$(f);if(_)return _}return!1}}let n=Un(e)&&e.tokens&&e.input;if(e===""||typeof e!="string"&&!n)throw new TypeError("Expected pattern to be a non-empty string");let s=r||{},i=Ye.isWindows(r),a=n?D.compileRe(e,r):D.makeRe(e,r,!1,!0),c=a.state;delete a.state;let p=()=>!1;if(s.ignore){let h={...r,ignore:null,onMatch:null,onResult:null};p=D(s.ignore,h,t)}let m=(h,R=!1)=>{let{isMatch:f,match:$,output:_}=D.test(h,a,r,{glob:e,posix:i}),y={glob:e,state:c,regex:a,posix:i,input:h,output:_,match:$,isMatch:f};return typeof s.onResult=="function"&&s.onResult(y),f===!1?(y.isMatch=!1,R?y:!1):p(h)?(typeof s.onIgnore=="function"&&s.onIgnore(y),y.isMatch=!1,R?y:!1):(typeof s.onMatch=="function"&&s.onMatch(y),R?y:!0)};return t&&(m.state=c),m};D.test=(e,r,t,{glob:n,posix:s}={})=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected input to be a string");if(e==="")return{isMatch:!1,output:""};let i=t||{},a=i.format||(s?Ye.toPosixSlashes:null),c=e===n,p=c&&a?a(e):e;return c===!1&&(p=a?a(e):e,c=p===n),(c===!1||i.capture===!0)&&(i.matchBase===!0||i.basename===!0?c=D.matchBase(e,r,t,s):c=r.exec(p)),{isMatch:Boolean(c),match:c,output:p}};D.matchBase=(e,r,t,n=Ye.isWindows(t))=>(r instanceof RegExp?r:D.makeRe(r,t)).test(Pn.basename(e));D.isMatch=(e,r,t)=>D(r,t)(e);D.parse=(e,r)=>Array.isArray(e)?e.map(t=>D.parse(t,r)):Ze(e,{...r,fastpaths:!1});D.scan=(e,r)=>Mn(e,r);D.compileRe=(e,r,t=!1,n=!1)=>{if(t===!0)return e.output;let s=r||{},i=s.contains?"":"^",a=s.contains?"":"$",c=`${i}(?:${e.output})${a}`;e&&e.negated===!0&&(c=`^(?!${c}).*$`);let p=D.toRegex(c,r);return n===!0&&(p.state=e),p};D.makeRe=(e,r={},t=!1,n=!1)=>{if(!e||typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a non-empty string");let s={negated:!1,fastpaths:!0};return r.fastpaths!==!1&&(e[0]==="."||e[0]==="*")&&(s.output=Ze.fastpaths(e,r)),s.output||(s=Ze(e,r)),D.compileRe(s,r,t,n)};D.toRegex=(e,r)=>{try{let t=r||{};return new RegExp(e,t.flags||(t.nocase?"i":""))}catch(t){if(r&&r.debug===!0)throw t;return/$^/}};D.constants=Dn;tr.exports=D});var sr=q((fs,nr)=>{"use strict";nr.exports=rr()});var cr=q((ps,ur)=>{"use strict";var ir=W("util"),or=Pt(),ae=sr(),ze=Re(),ar=e=>e===""||e==="./",N=(e,r,t)=>{r=[].concat(r),e=[].concat(e);let n=new Set,s=new Set,i=new Set,a=0,c=h=>{i.add(h.output),t&&t.onResult&&t.onResult(h)};for(let h=0;h!n.has(h));if(t&&m.length===0){if(t.failglob===!0)throw new Error(`No matches found for "${r.join(", ")}"`);if(t.nonull===!0||t.nullglob===!0)return t.unescape?r.map(h=>h.replace(/\\/g,"")):r}return m};N.match=N;N.matcher=(e,r)=>ae(e,r);N.isMatch=(e,r,t)=>ae(r,t)(e);N.any=N.isMatch;N.not=(e,r,t={})=>{r=[].concat(r).map(String);let n=new Set,s=[],a=N(e,r,{...t,onResult:c=>{t.onResult&&t.onResult(c),s.push(c.output)}});for(let c of s)a.includes(c)||n.add(c);return[...n]};N.contains=(e,r,t)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError(`Expected a string: "${ir.inspect(e)}"`);if(Array.isArray(r))return r.some(n=>N.contains(e,n,t));if(typeof r=="string"){if(ar(e)||ar(r))return!1;if(e.includes(r)||e.startsWith("./")&&e.slice(2).includes(r))return!0}return N.isMatch(e,r,{...t,contains:!0})};N.matchKeys=(e,r,t)=>{if(!ze.isObject(e))throw new TypeError("Expected the first argument to be an object");let n=N(Object.keys(e),r,t),s={};for(let i of n)s[i]=e[i];return s};N.some=(e,r,t)=>{let n=[].concat(e);for(let s of[].concat(r)){let i=ae(String(s),t);if(n.some(a=>i(a)))return!0}return!1};N.every=(e,r,t)=>{let n=[].concat(e);for(let s of[].concat(r)){let i=ae(String(s),t);if(!n.every(a=>i(a)))return!1}return!0};N.all=(e,r,t)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError(`Expected a string: "${ir.inspect(e)}"`);return[].concat(r).every(n=>ae(n,t)(e))};N.capture=(e,r,t)=>{let n=ze.isWindows(t),i=ae.makeRe(String(e),{...t,capture:!0}).exec(n?ze.toPosixSlashes(r):r);if(i)return i.slice(1).map(a=>a===void 0?"":a)};N.makeRe=(...e)=>ae.makeRe(...e);N.scan=(...e)=>ae.scan(...e);N.parse=(e,r)=>{let t=[];for(let n of[].concat(e||[]))for(let s of or(String(n),r))t.push(ae.parse(s,r));return t};N.braces=(e,r)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");return r&&r.nobrace===!0||!/\{.*\}/.test(e)?[e]:or(e,r)};N.braceExpand=(e,r)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");return N.braces(e,{...r,expand:!0})};ur.exports=N});var fr=q((hs,lr)=>{"use strict";lr.exports=(e,...r)=>new Promise(t=>{t(e(...r))})});var hr=q((ds,Ve)=>{"use strict";var Gn=fr(),pr=e=>{if(e<1)throw new TypeError("Expected `concurrency` to be a number from 1 and up");let r=[],t=0,n=()=>{t--,r.length>0&&r.shift()()},s=(c,p,...m)=>{t++;let h=Gn(c,...m);p(h),h.then(n,n)},i=(c,p,...m)=>{tnew Promise(m=>i(c,m,...p));return Object.defineProperties(a,{activeCount:{get:()=>t},pendingCount:{get:()=>r.length}}),a};Ve.exports=pr;Ve.exports.default=pr});var jn={};Cr(jn,{default:()=>Wn});var Se=W("@yarnpkg/cli"),ne=W("@yarnpkg/core"),et=W("@yarnpkg/core"),ue=W("clipanion"),ce=class extends Se.BaseCommand{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.json=ue.Option.Boolean("--json",!1,{description:"Format the output as an NDJSON stream"});this.production=ue.Option.Boolean("--production",!1,{description:"Only install regular dependencies by omitting dev dependencies"});this.all=ue.Option.Boolean("-A,--all",!1,{description:"Install the entire project"});this.workspaces=ue.Option.Rest()}async execute(){let t=await ne.Configuration.find(this.context.cwd,this.context.plugins),{project:n,workspace:s}=await ne.Project.find(t,this.context.cwd),i=await ne.Cache.find(t);await n.restoreInstallState({restoreResolutions:!1});let a;if(this.all)a=new Set(n.workspaces);else if(this.workspaces.length===0){if(!s)throw new Se.WorkspaceRequiredError(n.cwd,this.context.cwd);a=new Set([s])}else a=new Set(this.workspaces.map(p=>n.getWorkspaceByIdent(et.structUtils.parseIdent(p))));for(let p of a)for(let m of this.production?["dependencies"]:ne.Manifest.hardDependencies)for(let h of p.manifest.getForScope(m).values()){let R=n.tryWorkspaceByDescriptor(h);R!==null&&a.add(R)}for(let p of n.workspaces)a.has(p)?this.production&&p.manifest.devDependencies.clear():(p.manifest.installConfig=p.manifest.installConfig||{},p.manifest.installConfig.selfReferences=!1,p.manifest.dependencies.clear(),p.manifest.devDependencies.clear(),p.manifest.peerDependencies.clear(),p.manifest.scripts.clear());return(await ne.StreamReport.start({configuration:t,json:this.json,stdout:this.context.stdout,includeLogs:!0},async p=>{await n.install({cache:i,report:p,persistProject:!1})})).exitCode()}};ce.paths=[["workspaces","focus"]],ce.usage=ue.Command.Usage({category:"Workspace-related commands",description:"install a single workspace and its dependencies",details:"\n This command will run an install as if the specified workspaces (and all other workspaces they depend on) were the only ones in the project. If no workspaces are explicitly listed, the active one will be assumed.\n\n Note that this command is only very moderately useful when using zero-installs, since the cache will contain all the packages anyway - meaning that the only difference between a full install and a focused install would just be a few extra lines in the `.pnp.cjs` file, at the cost of introducing an extra complexity.\n\n If the `-A,--all` flag is set, the entire project will be installed. Combine with `--production` to replicate the old `yarn install --production`.\n "});var Ne=W("@yarnpkg/cli"),ge=W("@yarnpkg/core"),_e=W("@yarnpkg/core"),F=W("@yarnpkg/core"),gr=W("@yarnpkg/plugin-git"),U=W("clipanion"),Oe=Be(cr()),Ar=Be(hr()),te=Be(W("typanion")),pe=class extends Ne.BaseCommand{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.recursive=U.Option.Boolean("-R,--recursive",!1,{description:"Find packages via dependencies/devDependencies instead of using the workspaces field"});this.from=U.Option.Array("--from",[],{description:"An array of glob pattern idents from which to base any recursion"});this.all=U.Option.Boolean("-A,--all",!1,{description:"Run the command on all workspaces of a project"});this.verbose=U.Option.Boolean("-v,--verbose",!1,{description:"Prefix each output line with the name of the originating workspace"});this.parallel=U.Option.Boolean("-p,--parallel",!1,{description:"Run the commands in parallel"});this.interlaced=U.Option.Boolean("-i,--interlaced",!1,{description:"Print the output of commands in real-time instead of buffering it"});this.jobs=U.Option.String("-j,--jobs",{description:"The maximum number of parallel tasks that the execution will be limited to; or `unlimited`",validator:te.isOneOf([te.isEnum(["unlimited"]),te.applyCascade(te.isNumber(),[te.isInteger(),te.isAtLeast(1)])])});this.topological=U.Option.Boolean("-t,--topological",!1,{description:"Run the command after all workspaces it depends on (regular) have finished"});this.topologicalDev=U.Option.Boolean("--topological-dev",!1,{description:"Run the command after all workspaces it depends on (regular + dev) have finished"});this.include=U.Option.Array("--include",[],{description:"An array of glob pattern idents; only matching workspaces will be traversed"});this.exclude=U.Option.Array("--exclude",[],{description:"An array of glob pattern idents; matching workspaces won't be traversed"});this.publicOnly=U.Option.Boolean("--no-private",{description:"Avoid running the command on private workspaces"});this.since=U.Option.String("--since",{description:"Only include workspaces that have been changed since the specified ref.",tolerateBoolean:!0});this.commandName=U.Option.String();this.args=U.Option.Proxy()}async execute(){let t=await ge.Configuration.find(this.context.cwd,this.context.plugins),{project:n,workspace:s}=await ge.Project.find(t,this.context.cwd);if(!this.all&&!s)throw new Ne.WorkspaceRequiredError(n.cwd,this.context.cwd);await n.restoreInstallState();let i=this.cli.process([this.commandName,...this.args]),a=i.path.length===1&&i.path[0]==="run"&&typeof i.scriptName<"u"?i.scriptName:null;if(i.path.length===0)throw new U.UsageError("Invalid subcommand name for iteration - use the 'run' keyword if you wish to execute a script");let c=this.all?n.topLevelWorkspace:s,p=this.since?Array.from(await gr.gitUtils.fetchChangedWorkspaces({ref:this.since,project:n})):[c,...this.from.length>0?c.getRecursiveWorkspaceChildren():[]],m=g=>Oe.default.isMatch(F.structUtils.stringifyIdent(g.locator),this.from),h=this.from.length>0?p.filter(m):p,R=new Set([...h,...h.map(g=>[...this.recursive?this.since?g.getRecursiveWorkspaceDependents():g.getRecursiveWorkspaceDependencies():g.getRecursiveWorkspaceChildren()]).flat()]),f=[],$=!1;if(a!=null&&a.includes(":")){for(let g of n.workspaces)if(g.manifest.scripts.has(a)&&($=!$,$===!1))break}for(let g of R)a&&!g.manifest.scripts.has(a)&&!$&&!(await ge.scriptUtils.getWorkspaceAccessibleBinaries(g)).has(a)||a===process.env.npm_lifecycle_event&&g.cwd===s.cwd||this.include.length>0&&!Oe.default.isMatch(F.structUtils.stringifyIdent(g.locator),this.include)||this.exclude.length>0&&Oe.default.isMatch(F.structUtils.stringifyIdent(g.locator),this.exclude)||this.publicOnly&&g.manifest.private===!0||f.push(g);let _=this.parallel?this.jobs==="unlimited"?1/0:Number(this.jobs)||Math.ceil(F.nodeUtils.availableParallelism()/2):1,y=_===1?!1:this.parallel,E=y?this.interlaced:!0,S=(0,Ar.default)(_),T=new Map,L=new Set,z=0,I=null,re=!1,K=await _e.StreamReport.start({configuration:t,stdout:this.context.stdout,includePrefix:!1},async g=>{let v=async(k,{commandIndex:l})=>{if(re)return-1;!y&&this.verbose&&l>1&&g.reportSeparator();let H=qn(k,{configuration:t,verbose:this.verbose,commandIndex:l}),[w,B]=dr(g,{prefix:H,interlaced:E}),[o,u]=dr(g,{prefix:H,interlaced:E});try{this.verbose&&g.reportInfo(null,`${H} Process started`);let P=Date.now(),b=await this.cli.run([this.commandName,...this.args],{cwd:k.cwd,stdout:w,stderr:o})||0;w.end(),o.end(),await B,await u;let V=Date.now();if(this.verbose){let J=t.get("enableTimers")?`, completed in ${F.formatUtils.pretty(t,V-P,F.formatUtils.Type.DURATION)}`:"";g.reportInfo(null,`${H} Process exited (exit code ${b})${J}`)}return b===130&&(re=!0,I=b),b}catch(P){throw w.end(),o.end(),await B,await u,P}};for(let k of f)T.set(k.anchoredLocator.locatorHash,k);for(;T.size>0&&!g.hasErrors();){let k=[];for(let[w,B]of T){if(L.has(B.anchoredDescriptor.descriptorHash))continue;let o=!0;if(this.topological||this.topologicalDev){let u=this.topologicalDev?new Map([...B.manifest.dependencies,...B.manifest.devDependencies]):B.manifest.dependencies;for(let P of u.values()){let b=n.tryWorkspaceByDescriptor(P);if(o=b===null||!T.has(b.anchoredLocator.locatorHash),!o)break}}if(!!o&&(L.add(B.anchoredDescriptor.descriptorHash),k.push(S(async()=>{let u=await v(B,{commandIndex:++z});return T.delete(w),L.delete(B.anchoredDescriptor.descriptorHash),u})),!y))break}if(k.length===0){let w=Array.from(T.values()).map(B=>F.structUtils.prettyLocator(t,B.anchoredLocator)).join(", ");g.reportError(_e.MessageName.CYCLIC_DEPENDENCIES,`Dependency cycle detected (${w})`);return}let H=(await Promise.all(k)).find(w=>w!==0);I===null&&(I=typeof H<"u"?1:I),(this.topological||this.topologicalDev)&&typeof H<"u"&&g.reportError(_e.MessageName.UNNAMED,"The command failed for workspaces that are depended upon by other workspaces; can't satisfy the dependency graph")}});return I!==null?I:K.exitCode()}};pe.paths=[["workspaces","foreach"]],pe.usage=U.Command.Usage({category:"Workspace-related commands",description:"run a command on all workspaces",details:"\n This command will run a given sub-command on current and all its descendant workspaces. Various flags can alter the exact behavior of the command:\n\n - If `-p,--parallel` is set, the commands will be ran in parallel; they'll by default be limited to a number of parallel tasks roughly equal to half your core number, but that can be overridden via `-j,--jobs`, or disabled by setting `-j unlimited`.\n\n - If `-p,--parallel` and `-i,--interlaced` are both set, Yarn will print the lines from the output as it receives them. If `-i,--interlaced` wasn't set, it would instead buffer the output from each process and print the resulting buffers only after their source processes have exited.\n\n - If `-t,--topological` is set, Yarn will only run the command after all workspaces that it depends on through the `dependencies` field have successfully finished executing. If `--topological-dev` is set, both the `dependencies` and `devDependencies` fields will be considered when figuring out the wait points.\n\n - If `-A,--all` is set, Yarn will run the command on all the workspaces of a project. By default yarn runs the command only on current and all its descendant workspaces.\n\n - If `-R,--recursive` is set, Yarn will find workspaces to run the command on by recursively evaluating `dependencies` and `devDependencies` fields, instead of looking at the `workspaces` fields.\n\n - If `--from` is set, Yarn will use the packages matching the 'from' glob as the starting point for any recursive search.\n\n - If `--since` is set, Yarn will only run the command on workspaces that have been modified since the specified ref. By default Yarn will use the refs specified by the `changesetBaseRefs` configuration option.\n\n - The command may apply to only some workspaces through the use of `--include` which acts as a whitelist. The `--exclude` flag will do the opposite and will be a list of packages that mustn't execute the script. Both flags accept glob patterns (if valid Idents and supported by [micromatch](https://github.com/micromatch/micromatch)). Make sure to escape the patterns, to prevent your own shell from trying to expand them.\n\n Adding the `-v,--verbose` flag will cause Yarn to print more information; in particular the name of the workspace that generated the output will be printed at the front of each line.\n\n If the command is `run` and the script being run does not exist the child workspace will be skipped without error.\n ",examples:[["Publish current and all descendant packages","yarn workspaces foreach npm publish --tolerate-republish"],["Run build script on current and all descendant packages","yarn workspaces foreach run build"],["Run build script on current and all descendant packages in parallel, building package dependencies first","yarn workspaces foreach -pt run build"],["Run build script on several packages and all their dependencies, building dependencies first","yarn workspaces foreach -ptR --from '{workspace-a,workspace-b}' run build"]]});function dr(e,{prefix:r,interlaced:t}){let n=e.createStreamReporter(r),s=new F.miscUtils.DefaultStream;s.pipe(n,{end:!1}),s.on("finish",()=>{n.end()});let i=new Promise(c=>{n.on("finish",()=>{c(s.active)})});if(t)return[s,i];let a=new F.miscUtils.BufferStream;return a.pipe(s,{end:!1}),a.on("finish",()=>{s.end()}),[a,i]}function qn(e,{configuration:r,commandIndex:t,verbose:n}){if(!n)return null;let i=`[${F.structUtils.stringifyIdent(e.locator)}]:`,a=["#2E86AB","#A23B72","#F18F01","#C73E1D","#CCE2A3"],c=a[t%a.length];return F.formatUtils.pretty(r,i,c)}var Kn={commands:[ce,pe]},Wn=Kn;return wr(jn);})(); -/*! - * fill-range - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ -/*! - * is-number - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ -/*! - * to-regex-range - * - * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ -return plugin; -} -}; diff --git a/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.6.3.cjs b/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.6.3.cjs deleted file mode 100755 index 9837c302..00000000 --- a/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.6.3.cjs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,874 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env node -/* eslint-disable */ -//prettier-ignore -(()=>{var Dge=Object.create;var lS=Object.defineProperty;var kge=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var Rge=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var Fge=Object.getPrototypeOf,Nge=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var J=(r=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(r,{get:(e,t)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:e)[t]}):r)(function(r){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw new Error('Dynamic require of "'+r+'" is not supported')});var Tge=(r,e)=>()=>(r&&(e=r(r=0)),e);var w=(r,e)=>()=>(e||r((e={exports:{}}).exports,e),e.exports),ut=(r,e)=>{for(var t in e)lS(r,t,{get:e[t],enumerable:!0})},Lge=(r,e,t,i)=>{if(e&&typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function")for(let n of Rge(e))!Nge.call(r,n)&&n!==t&&lS(r,n,{get:()=>e[n],enumerable:!(i=kge(e,n))||i.enumerable});return r};var Pe=(r,e,t)=>(t=r!=null?Dge(Fge(r)):{},Lge(e||!r||!r.__esModule?lS(t,"default",{value:r,enumerable:!0}):t,r));var PK=w((z7e,xK)=>{xK.exports=vK;vK.sync=ife;var QK=J("fs");function rfe(r,e){var t=e.pathExt!==void 0?e.pathExt:process.env.PATHEXT;if(!t||(t=t.split(";"),t.indexOf("")!==-1))return!0;for(var i=0;i{FK.exports=kK;kK.sync=nfe;var DK=J("fs");function kK(r,e,t){DK.stat(r,function(i,n){t(i,i?!1:RK(n,e))})}function nfe(r,e){return RK(DK.statSync(r),e)}function RK(r,e){return r.isFile()&&sfe(r,e)}function sfe(r,e){var t=r.mode,i=r.uid,n=r.gid,s=e.uid!==void 0?e.uid:process.getuid&&process.getuid(),o=e.gid!==void 0?e.gid:process.getgid&&process.getgid(),a=parseInt("100",8),l=parseInt("010",8),c=parseInt("001",8),u=a|l,g=t&c||t&l&&n===o||t&a&&i===s||t&u&&s===0;return g}});var LK=w((Z7e,TK)=>{var X7e=J("fs"),lI;process.platform==="win32"||global.TESTING_WINDOWS?lI=PK():lI=NK();TK.exports=SS;SS.sync=ofe;function SS(r,e,t){if(typeof e=="function"&&(t=e,e={}),!t){if(typeof 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Promise((u,g)=>{if(c===i.length)return e.all&&o.length?u(o):g(KK(r));let f=i[c],h=/^".*"$/.test(f)?f.slice(1,-1):f,p=MK.join(h,r),C=!h&&/^\.[\\\/]/.test(r)?r.slice(0,2)+p:p;u(l(C,c,0))}),l=(c,u,g)=>new Promise((f,h)=>{if(g===n.length)return f(a(u+1));let p=n[g];OK(c+p,{pathExt:s},(C,y)=>{if(!C&&y)if(e.all)o.push(c+p);else return f(c+p);return f(l(c,u,g+1))})});return t?a(0).then(c=>t(null,c),t):a(0)},Afe=(r,e)=>{e=e||{};let{pathEnv:t,pathExt:i,pathExtExe:n}=UK(r,e),s=[];for(let o=0;o{"use strict";var jK=(r={})=>{let e=r.env||process.env;return(r.platform||process.platform)!=="win32"?"PATH":Object.keys(e).reverse().find(i=>i.toUpperCase()==="PATH")||"Path"};vS.exports=jK;vS.exports.default=jK});var VK=w((eZe,zK)=>{"use strict";var JK=J("path"),lfe=YK(),cfe=qK();function WK(r,e){let t=r.options.env||process.env,i=process.cwd(),n=r.options.cwd!=null,s=n&&process.chdir!==void 0&&!process.chdir.disabled;if(s)try{process.chdir(r.options.cwd)}catch{}let o;try{o=lfe.sync(r.command,{path:t[cfe({env:t})],pathExt:e?JK.delimiter:void 0})}catch{}finally{s&&process.chdir(i)}return o&&(o=JK.resolve(n?r.options.cwd:"",o)),o}function ufe(r){return WK(r)||WK(r,!0)}zK.exports=ufe});var XK=w((tZe,PS)=>{"use strict";var xS=/([()\][%!^"`<>&|;, *?])/g;function gfe(r){return r=r.replace(xS,"^$1"),r}function ffe(r,e){return r=`${r}`,r=r.replace(/(\\*)"/g,'$1$1\\"'),r=r.replace(/(\\*)$/,"$1$1"),r=`"${r}"`,r=r.replace(xS,"^$1"),e&&(r=r.replace(xS,"^$1")),r}PS.exports.command=gfe;PS.exports.argument=ffe});var _K=w((rZe,ZK)=>{"use strict";ZK.exports=/^#!(.*)/});var eU=w((iZe,$K)=>{"use strict";var hfe=_K();$K.exports=(r="")=>{let e=r.match(hfe);if(!e)return null;let[t,i]=e[0].replace(/#! ?/,"").split(" "),n=t.split("/").pop();return n==="env"?i:i?`${n} ${i}`:n}});var rU=w((nZe,tU)=>{"use strict";var DS=J("fs"),pfe=eU();function dfe(r){let t=Buffer.alloc(150),i;try{i=DS.openSync(r,"r"),DS.readSync(i,t,0,150,0),DS.closeSync(i)}catch{}return pfe(t.toString())}tU.exports=dfe});var oU=w((sZe,sU)=>{"use strict";var Cfe=J("path"),iU=VK(),nU=XK(),mfe=rU(),Efe=process.platform==="win32",Ife=/\.(?:com|exe)$/i,yfe=/node_modules[\\/].bin[\\/][^\\/]+\.cmd$/i;function wfe(r){r.file=iU(r);let e=r.file&&mfe(r.file);return e?(r.args.unshift(r.file),r.command=e,iU(r)):r.file}function Bfe(r){if(!Efe)return r;let e=wfe(r),t=!Ife.test(e);if(r.options.forceShell||t){let i=yfe.test(e);r.command=Cfe.normalize(r.command),r.command=nU.command(r.command),r.args=r.args.map(s=>nU.argument(s,i));let n=[r.command].concat(r.args).join(" ");r.args=["/d","/s","/c",`"${n}"`],r.command=process.env.comspec||"cmd.exe",r.options.windowsVerbatimArguments=!0}return r}function bfe(r,e,t){e&&!Array.isArray(e)&&(t=e,e=null),e=e?e.slice(0):[],t=Object.assign({},t);let i={command:r,args:e,options:t,file:void 0,original:{command:r,args:e}};return t.shell?i:Bfe(i)}sU.exports=bfe});var lU=w((oZe,AU)=>{"use strict";var kS=process.platform==="win32";function RS(r,e){return Object.assign(new Error(`${e} ${r.command} ENOENT`),{code:"ENOENT",errno:"ENOENT",syscall:`${e} ${r.command}`,path:r.command,spawnargs:r.args})}function Qfe(r,e){if(!kS)return;let t=r.emit;r.emit=function(i,n){if(i==="exit"){let s=aU(n,e,"spawn");if(s)return t.call(r,"error",s)}return t.apply(r,arguments)}}function aU(r,e){return kS&&r===1&&!e.file?RS(e.original,"spawn"):null}function Sfe(r,e){return kS&&r===1&&!e.file?RS(e.original,"spawnSync"):null}AU.exports={hookChildProcess:Qfe,verifyENOENT:aU,verifyENOENTSync:Sfe,notFoundError:RS}});var TS=w((aZe,kg)=>{"use strict";var cU=J("child_process"),FS=oU(),NS=lU();function uU(r,e,t){let i=FS(r,e,t),n=cU.spawn(i.command,i.args,i.options);return NS.hookChildProcess(n,i),n}function vfe(r,e,t){let i=FS(r,e,t),n=cU.spawnSync(i.command,i.args,i.options);return n.error=n.error||NS.verifyENOENTSync(n.status,i),n}kg.exports=uU;kg.exports.spawn=uU;kg.exports.sync=vfe;kg.exports._parse=FS;kg.exports._enoent=NS});var fU=w((AZe,gU)=>{"use strict";function xfe(r,e){function t(){this.constructor=r}t.prototype=e.prototype,r.prototype=new t}function Zl(r,e,t,i){this.message=r,this.expected=e,this.found=t,this.location=i,this.name="SyntaxError",typeof Error.captureStackTrace=="function"&&Error.captureStackTrace(this,Zl)}xfe(Zl,Error);Zl.buildMessage=function(r,e){var t={literal:function(c){return'"'+n(c.text)+'"'},class:function(c){var u="",g;for(g=0;g0){for(g=1,f=1;g>",ie=me(">>",!1),de=">&",_e=me(">&",!1),Pt=">",It=me(">",!1),Mr="<<<",ii=me("<<<",!1),gi="<&",hr=me("<&",!1),fi="<",ni=me("<",!1),Ks=function(m){return{type:"argument",segments:[].concat(...m)}},pr=function(m){return m},Ii="$'",rs=me("$'",!1),fa="'",dA=me("'",!1),cg=function(m){return[{type:"text",text:m}]},is='""',CA=me('""',!1),ha=function(){return{type:"text",text:""}},wp='"',mA=me('"',!1),EA=function(m){return 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m},Ig="*",BA=me("*",!1),Rr="/",GE=me("/",!1),Ys=function(m,Q,N){return{type:Q==="*"?"multiplication":"division",right:N}},js=function(m,Q){return Q.reduce((N,U)=>({left:N,...U}),m)},yg=function(m,Q,N){return{type:Q==="+"?"addition":"subtraction",right:N}},bA="$((",R=me("$((",!1),q="))",Ce=me("))",!1),Ke=function(m){return m},Re="$(",ze=me("$(",!1),dt=function(m){return m},Ft="${",Ln=me("${",!1),JQ=":-",k1=me(":-",!1),R1=function(m,Q){return{name:m,defaultValue:Q}},WQ=":-}",F1=me(":-}",!1),N1=function(m){return{name:m,defaultValue:[]}},zQ=":+",T1=me(":+",!1),L1=function(m,Q){return{name:m,alternativeValue:Q}},VQ=":+}",M1=me(":+}",!1),O1=function(m){return{name:m,alternativeValue:[]}},XQ=function(m){return{name:m}},K1="$",U1=me("$",!1),H1=function(m){return e.isGlobPattern(m)},G1=function(m){return m},ZQ=/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]/,_Q=Je([["a","z"],["A","Z"],["0","9"],"_"],!1,!1),$Q=function(){return L()},eS=/^[$@*?#a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/,tS=Je(["$","@","*","?","#",["a","z"],["A","Z"],["0","9"],"_","-"],!1,!1),Y1=/^[(){}<>$|&; \t"']/,wg=Je(["(",")","{","}","<",">","$","|","&",";"," "," ",'"',"'"],!1,!1),rS=/^[<>&; \t"']/,iS=Je(["<",">","&",";"," "," ",'"',"'"],!1,!1),YE=/^[ \t]/,jE=Je([" "," "],!1,!1),b=0,Oe=0,QA=[{line:1,column:1}],d=0,E=[],I=0,k;if("startRule"in e){if(!(e.startRule in i))throw new Error(`Can't start parsing from rule "`+e.startRule+'".');n=i[e.startRule]}function L(){return r.substring(Oe,b)}function Z(){return Et(Oe,b)}function te(m,Q){throw Q=Q!==void 0?Q:Et(Oe,b),Ri([lt(m)],r.substring(Oe,b),Q)}function we(m,Q){throw Q=Q!==void 0?Q:Et(Oe,b),Mn(m,Q)}function me(m,Q){return{type:"literal",text:m,ignoreCase:Q}}function Je(m,Q,N){return{type:"class",parts:m,inverted:Q,ignoreCase:N}}function nt(){return{type:"any"}}function wt(){return{type:"end"}}function lt(m){return{type:"other",description:m}}function it(m){var Q=QA[m],N;if(Q)return Q;for(N=m-1;!QA[N];)N--;for(Q=QA[N],Q={line:Q.line,column:Q.column};Nd&&(d=b,E=[]),E.push(m))}function Mn(m,Q){return new Zl(m,null,null,Q)}function Ri(m,Q,N){return new Zl(Zl.buildMessage(m,Q),m,Q,N)}function SA(){var m,Q;return m=b,Q=Or(),Q===t&&(Q=null),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=s(Q)),m=Q,m}function Or(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;if(m=b,Q=Kr(),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=He();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=He();N!==t?(U=Ea(),U!==t?(ce=os(),ce===t&&(ce=null),ce!==t?(Oe=m,Q=o(Q,U,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;if(m===t)if(m=b,Q=Kr(),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=He();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=He();N!==t?(U=Ea(),U===t&&(U=null),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=a(Q,U),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;return m}function os(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t)if(N=Or(),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=l(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;return m}function Ea(){var m;return r.charCodeAt(b)===59?(m=c,b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(u)),m===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===38?(m=g,b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(f))),m}function Kr(){var m,Q,N;return m=b,Q=j1(),Q!==t?(N=fge(),N===t&&(N=null),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=h(Q,N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function fge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t)if(N=hge(),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();if(U!==t)if(ce=Kr(),ce!==t){for(Se=[],ht=He();ht!==t;)Se.push(ht),ht=He();Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=p(N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;return m}function hge(){var m;return r.substr(b,2)===C?(m=C,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(y)),m===t&&(r.substr(b,2)===B?(m=B,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(v))),m}function j1(){var m,Q,N;return m=b,Q=Cge(),Q!==t?(N=pge(),N===t&&(N=null),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=D(Q,N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function pge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t)if(N=dge(),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();if(U!==t)if(ce=j1(),ce!==t){for(Se=[],ht=He();ht!==t;)Se.push(ht),ht=He();Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=T(N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;return m}function dge(){var m;return r.substr(b,2)===H?(m=H,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(j)),m===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===124?(m=$,b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(V))),m}function qE(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se;if(m=b,Q=rK(),Q!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===61?(N=W,b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(_)),N!==t)if(U=W1(),U!==t){for(ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();ce!==t?(Oe=m,Q=A(Q,U),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;if(m===t)if(m=b,Q=rK(),Q!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===61?(N=W,b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(_)),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Ae(Q),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;return m}function Cge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht,Bt,qr,hi,as;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===40?(N=ge,b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(re)),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();if(U!==t)if(ce=Or(),ce!==t){for(Se=[],ht=He();ht!==t;)Se.push(ht),ht=He();if(Se!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===41?(ht=M,b++):(ht=t,I===0&&be(F)),ht!==t){for(Bt=[],qr=He();qr!==t;)Bt.push(qr),qr=He();if(Bt!==t){for(qr=[],hi=Np();hi!==t;)qr.push(hi),hi=Np();if(qr!==t){for(hi=[],as=He();as!==t;)hi.push(as),as=He();hi!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ue(ce,qr),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;if(m===t){for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===123?(N=pe,b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(ke)),N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();if(U!==t)if(ce=Or(),ce!==t){for(Se=[],ht=He();ht!==t;)Se.push(ht),ht=He();if(Se!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===125?(ht=Fe,b++):(ht=t,I===0&&be(Ne)),ht!==t){for(Bt=[],qr=He();qr!==t;)Bt.push(qr),qr=He();if(Bt!==t){for(qr=[],hi=Np();hi!==t;)qr.push(hi),hi=Np();if(qr!==t){for(hi=[],as=He();as!==t;)hi.push(as),as=He();hi!==t?(Oe=m,Q=oe(ce,qr),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t;if(m===t){for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t){for(N=[],U=qE();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=qE();if(N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();if(U!==t){if(ce=[],Se=J1(),Se!==t)for(;Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=J1();else ce=t;if(ce!==t){for(Se=[],ht=He();ht!==t;)Se.push(ht),ht=He();Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=le(N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;if(m===t){for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t){if(N=[],U=qE(),U!==t)for(;U!==t;)N.push(U),U=qE();else N=t;if(N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Be(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}}}return m}function q1(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t){if(N=[],U=JE(),U!==t)for(;U!==t;)N.push(U),U=JE();else N=t;if(N!==t){for(U=[],ce=He();ce!==t;)U.push(ce),ce=He();U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=fe(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;return m}function J1(){var m,Q,N;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();if(Q!==t?(N=Np(),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ae(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t){for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();Q!==t?(N=JE(),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ae(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}return m}function Np(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();return Q!==t?(qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(ne)),N===t&&(N=null),N!==t?(U=mge(),U!==t?(ce=JE(),ce!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Y(N,U,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function mge(){var m;return r.substr(b,2)===he?(m=he,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(ie)),m===t&&(r.substr(b,2)===de?(m=de,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(_e)),m===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===62?(m=Pt,b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(It)),m===t&&(r.substr(b,3)===Mr?(m=Mr,b+=3):(m=t,I===0&&be(ii)),m===t&&(r.substr(b,2)===gi?(m=gi,b+=2):(m=t,I===0&&be(hr)),m===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===60?(m=fi,b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(ni))))))),m}function JE(){var m,Q,N;for(m=b,Q=[],N=He();N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=He();return Q!==t?(N=W1(),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ae(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function W1(){var m,Q,N;if(m=b,Q=[],N=z1(),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=z1();else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Ks(Q)),m=Q,m}function z1(){var m,Q;return m=b,Q=Ege(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=pr(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=Ige(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=pr(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=yge(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=pr(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=wge(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=pr(Q)),m=Q))),m}function Ege(){var m,Q,N,U;return m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ii?(Q=Ii,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(rs)),Q!==t?(N=Qge(),N!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===39?(U=fa,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(dA)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=cg(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function Ige(){var m,Q,N,U;return m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===39?(Q=fa,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(dA)),Q!==t?(N=Bge(),N!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===39?(U=fa,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(dA)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=cg(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function yge(){var m,Q,N,U;if(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===is?(Q=is,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(CA)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=ha()),m=Q,m===t)if(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===34?(Q=wp,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(mA)),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=V1();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=V1();N!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===34?(U=wp,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(mA)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=EA(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;return m}function wge(){var m,Q,N;if(m=b,Q=[],N=X1(),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=X1();else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=EA(Q)),m=Q,m}function V1(){var m,Q;return m=b,Q=eK(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=wr(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=tK(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Tl(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=aS(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=ug(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=bge(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=yo(Q)),m=Q))),m}function X1(){var m,Q;return m=b,Q=eK(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=gg(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=tK(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Bp(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=aS(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=bp(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=xge(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=vr(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=vge(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=yo(Q)),m=Q)))),m}function Bge(){var m,Q,N;for(m=b,Q=[],se.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(wo));N!==t;)Q.push(N),se.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(wo));return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Fn(Q)),m=Q,m}function bge(){var m,Q,N;if(m=b,Q=[],N=Z1(),N===t&&(fg.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(bt))),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=Z1(),N===t&&(fg.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(bt)));else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Fn(Q)),m=Q,m}function Z1(){var m,Q,N;return m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ll?(Q=Ll,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Nn)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=ns()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(Q=ss,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(gt)),Q!==t?(Bo.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(At)),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ln(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)),m}function Qge(){var m,Q,N;for(m=b,Q=[],N=_1(),N===t&&(se.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(wo)));N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=_1(),N===t&&(se.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(wo)));return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Fn(Q)),m=Q,m}function _1(){var m,Q,N;return m=b,r.substr(b,2)===S?(Q=S,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Lt)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=hg()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ml?(Q=Ml,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Qp)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Sp()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(Q=ss,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(gt)),Q!==t?(vp.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(xp)),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Pp(),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===G?(Q=G,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(yt)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=IA()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===zi?(Q=zi,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ol)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Xe()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===pa?(Q=pa,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(pg)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=ME()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Dp?(Q=Dp,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(OE)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=ar()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Tn?(Q=Tn,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Kl)),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=kp()),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(Q=ss,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(gt)),Q!==t?(Us.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(da)),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=ln(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=Sge()))))))))),m}function Sge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht,Bt,qr,hi,as,AS;return m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(Q=ss,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(gt)),Q!==t?(N=nS(),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=cn(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Le?(Q=Le,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(dg)),Q!==t?(N=b,U=b,ce=nS(),ce!==t?(Se=On(),Se!==t?(ce=[ce,Se],U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t),U===t&&(U=nS()),U!==t?N=r.substring(N,b):N=U,N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=cn(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ul?(Q=Ul,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Hs)),Q!==t?(N=b,U=b,ce=On(),ce!==t?(Se=On(),Se!==t?(ht=On(),ht!==t?(Bt=On(),Bt!==t?(ce=[ce,Se,ht,Bt],U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t),U!==t?N=r.substring(N,b):N=U,N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=cn(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Hl?(Q=Hl,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(yA)),Q!==t?(N=b,U=b,ce=On(),ce!==t?(Se=On(),Se!==t?(ht=On(),ht!==t?(Bt=On(),Bt!==t?(qr=On(),qr!==t?(hi=On(),hi!==t?(as=On(),as!==t?(AS=On(),AS!==t?(ce=[ce,Se,ht,Bt,qr,hi,as,AS],U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t),U!==t?N=r.substring(N,b):N=U,N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Cg(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)))),m}function nS(){var m;return mg.test(r.charAt(b))?(m=r.charAt(b),b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(Ca)),m}function On(){var m;return ma.test(r.charAt(b))?(m=r.charAt(b),b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(rt)),m}function vge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;if(m=b,Q=[],N=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(U=ss,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(gt)),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t),N===t&&(N=b,U=b,I++,ce=iK(),I--,ce===t?U=void 0:(b=U,U=t),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t)),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===92?(U=ss,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(gt)),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t),N===t&&(N=b,U=b,I++,ce=iK(),I--,ce===t?U=void 0:(b=U,U=t),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t));else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Fn(Q)),m=Q,m}function sS(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se;if(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===45?(Q=wA,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Gl)),Q===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===43?(Q=Gs,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Yl))),Q===t&&(Q=null),Q!==t){if(N=[],qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(U=r.charAt(b),b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(ne)),U!==t)for(;U!==t;)N.push(U),qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(U=r.charAt(b),b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(ne));else N=t;if(N!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===46?(U=KE,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(Rp)),U!==t){if(ce=[],qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(Se=r.charAt(b),b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(ne)),Se!==t)for(;Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(Se=r.charAt(b),b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(ne));else ce=t;ce!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Eg(Q,N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;if(m===t){if(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===45?(Q=wA,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Gl)),Q===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===43?(Q=Gs,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Yl))),Q===t&&(Q=null),Q!==t){if(N=[],qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(U=r.charAt(b),b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(ne)),U!==t)for(;U!==t;)N.push(U),qe.test(r.charAt(b))?(U=r.charAt(b),b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(ne));else N=t;N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Fp(Q,N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;if(m===t&&(m=b,Q=aS(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=UE(Q)),m=Q,m===t&&(m=b,Q=ql(),Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=jl(Q)),m=Q,m===t)))if(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===40?(Q=ge,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(re)),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=He();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=He();if(N!==t)if(U=$1(),U!==t){for(ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();ce!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===41?(Se=M,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(F)),Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=HE(U),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t}return m}function oS(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht,Bt;if(m=b,Q=sS(),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=b,ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();if(ce!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===42?(Se=Ig,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(BA)),Se===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===47?(Se=Rr,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(GE))),Se!==t){for(ht=[],Bt=He();Bt!==t;)ht.push(Bt),Bt=He();ht!==t?(Bt=sS(),Bt!==t?(Oe=U,ce=Ys(Q,Se,Bt),U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)}else b=U,U=t;else b=U,U=t;for(;U!==t;){for(N.push(U),U=b,ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();if(ce!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===42?(Se=Ig,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(BA)),Se===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===47?(Se=Rr,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(GE))),Se!==t){for(ht=[],Bt=He();Bt!==t;)ht.push(Bt),Bt=He();ht!==t?(Bt=sS(),Bt!==t?(Oe=U,ce=Ys(Q,Se,Bt),U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)}else b=U,U=t;else b=U,U=t}N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=js(Q,N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;return m}function $1(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se,ht,Bt;if(m=b,Q=oS(),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=b,ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();if(ce!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===43?(Se=Gs,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Yl)),Se===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===45?(Se=wA,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Gl))),Se!==t){for(ht=[],Bt=He();Bt!==t;)ht.push(Bt),Bt=He();ht!==t?(Bt=oS(),Bt!==t?(Oe=U,ce=yg(Q,Se,Bt),U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)}else b=U,U=t;else b=U,U=t;for(;U!==t;){for(N.push(U),U=b,ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();if(ce!==t)if(r.charCodeAt(b)===43?(Se=Gs,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Yl)),Se===t&&(r.charCodeAt(b)===45?(Se=wA,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Gl))),Se!==t){for(ht=[],Bt=He();Bt!==t;)ht.push(Bt),Bt=He();ht!==t?(Bt=oS(),Bt!==t?(Oe=U,ce=yg(Q,Se,Bt),U=ce):(b=U,U=t)):(b=U,U=t)}else b=U,U=t;else b=U,U=t}N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=js(Q,N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;return m}function eK(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se;if(m=b,r.substr(b,3)===bA?(Q=bA,b+=3):(Q=t,I===0&&be(R)),Q!==t){for(N=[],U=He();U!==t;)N.push(U),U=He();if(N!==t)if(U=$1(),U!==t){for(ce=[],Se=He();Se!==t;)ce.push(Se),Se=He();ce!==t?(r.substr(b,2)===q?(Se=q,b+=2):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Ce)),Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=Ke(U),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)}else b=m,m=t;else b=m,m=t}else b=m,m=t;return m}function tK(){var m,Q,N,U;return m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Re?(Q=Re,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(ze)),Q!==t?(N=Or(),N!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===41?(U=M,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(F)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=dt(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function aS(){var m,Q,N,U,ce,Se;return m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ft?(Q=Ft,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ln)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(r.substr(b,2)===JQ?(U=JQ,b+=2):(U=t,I===0&&be(k1)),U!==t?(ce=q1(),ce!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===125?(Se=Fe,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Ne)),Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=R1(N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ft?(Q=Ft,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ln)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(r.substr(b,3)===WQ?(U=WQ,b+=3):(U=t,I===0&&be(F1)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=N1(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ft?(Q=Ft,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ln)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(r.substr(b,2)===zQ?(U=zQ,b+=2):(U=t,I===0&&be(T1)),U!==t?(ce=q1(),ce!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===125?(Se=Fe,b++):(Se=t,I===0&&be(Ne)),Se!==t?(Oe=m,Q=L1(N,ce),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ft?(Q=Ft,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ln)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(r.substr(b,3)===VQ?(U=VQ,b+=3):(U=t,I===0&&be(M1)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=O1(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.substr(b,2)===Ft?(Q=Ft,b+=2):(Q=t,I===0&&be(Ln)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(r.charCodeAt(b)===125?(U=Fe,b++):(U=t,I===0&&be(Ne)),U!==t?(Oe=m,Q=XQ(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m===t&&(m=b,r.charCodeAt(b)===36?(Q=K1,b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(U1)),Q!==t?(N=ql(),N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=XQ(N),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t)))))),m}function xge(){var m,Q,N;return m=b,Q=Pge(),Q!==t?(Oe=b,N=H1(Q),N?N=void 0:N=t,N!==t?(Oe=m,Q=G1(Q),m=Q):(b=m,m=t)):(b=m,m=t),m}function Pge(){var m,Q,N,U,ce;if(m=b,Q=[],N=b,U=b,I++,ce=nK(),I--,ce===t?U=void 0:(b=U,U=t),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),N=b,U=b,I++,ce=nK(),I--,ce===t?U=void 0:(b=U,U=t),U!==t?(r.length>b?(ce=r.charAt(b),b++):(ce=t,I===0&&be(bo)),ce!==t?(Oe=N,U=ln(ce),N=U):(b=N,N=t)):(b=N,N=t);else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=Fn(Q)),m=Q,m}function rK(){var m,Q,N;if(m=b,Q=[],ZQ.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(_Q)),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),ZQ.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(_Q));else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=$Q()),m=Q,m}function ql(){var m,Q,N;if(m=b,Q=[],eS.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(tS)),N!==t)for(;N!==t;)Q.push(N),eS.test(r.charAt(b))?(N=r.charAt(b),b++):(N=t,I===0&&be(tS));else Q=t;return Q!==t&&(Oe=m,Q=$Q()),m=Q,m}function iK(){var m;return Y1.test(r.charAt(b))?(m=r.charAt(b),b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(wg)),m}function nK(){var m;return rS.test(r.charAt(b))?(m=r.charAt(b),b++):(m=t,I===0&&be(iS)),m}function He(){var m,Q;if(m=[],YE.test(r.charAt(b))?(Q=r.charAt(b),b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(jE)),Q!==t)for(;Q!==t;)m.push(Q),YE.test(r.charAt(b))?(Q=r.charAt(b),b++):(Q=t,I===0&&be(jE));else m=t;return m}if(k=n(),k!==t&&b===r.length)return k;throw k!==t&&b{"use strict";function Dfe(r,e){function t(){this.constructor=r}t.prototype=e.prototype,r.prototype=new t}function $l(r,e,t,i){this.message=r,this.expected=e,this.found=t,this.location=i,this.name="SyntaxError",typeof Error.captureStackTrace=="function"&&Error.captureStackTrace(this,$l)}Dfe($l,Error);$l.buildMessage=function(r,e){var t={literal:function(c){return'"'+n(c.text)+'"'},class:function(c){var u="",g;for(g=0;g0){for(g=1,f=1;gH&&(H=v,j=[]),j.push(ne))}function Ne(ne,Y){return new $l(ne,null,null,Y)}function oe(ne,Y,he){return new $l($l.buildMessage(ne,Y),ne,Y,he)}function le(){var ne,Y,he,ie;return ne=v,Y=Be(),Y!==t?(r.charCodeAt(v)===47?(he=s,v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(o)),he!==t?(ie=Be(),ie!==t?(D=ne,Y=a(Y,ie),ne=Y):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t),ne===t&&(ne=v,Y=Be(),Y!==t&&(D=ne,Y=l(Y)),ne=Y),ne}function Be(){var ne,Y,he,ie;return ne=v,Y=fe(),Y!==t?(r.charCodeAt(v)===64?(he=c,v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(u)),he!==t?(ie=qe(),ie!==t?(D=ne,Y=g(Y,ie),ne=Y):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t),ne===t&&(ne=v,Y=fe(),Y!==t&&(D=ne,Y=f(Y)),ne=Y),ne}function fe(){var ne,Y,he,ie,de;return ne=v,r.charCodeAt(v)===64?(Y=c,v++):(Y=t,$===0&&Fe(u)),Y!==t?(he=ae(),he!==t?(r.charCodeAt(v)===47?(ie=s,v++):(ie=t,$===0&&Fe(o)),ie!==t?(de=ae(),de!==t?(D=ne,Y=h(),ne=Y):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t)):(v=ne,ne=t),ne===t&&(ne=v,Y=ae(),Y!==t&&(D=ne,Y=h()),ne=Y),ne}function ae(){var ne,Y,he;if(ne=v,Y=[],p.test(r.charAt(v))?(he=r.charAt(v),v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(C)),he!==t)for(;he!==t;)Y.push(he),p.test(r.charAt(v))?(he=r.charAt(v),v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(C));else Y=t;return Y!==t&&(D=ne,Y=h()),ne=Y,ne}function qe(){var ne,Y,he;if(ne=v,Y=[],y.test(r.charAt(v))?(he=r.charAt(v),v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(B)),he!==t)for(;he!==t;)Y.push(he),y.test(r.charAt(v))?(he=r.charAt(v),v++):(he=t,$===0&&Fe(B));else Y=t;return Y!==t&&(D=ne,Y=h()),ne=Y,ne}if(V=n(),V!==t&&v===r.length)return V;throw V!==t&&v{"use strict";function mU(r){return typeof r>"u"||r===null}function Rfe(r){return typeof r=="object"&&r!==null}function Ffe(r){return Array.isArray(r)?r:mU(r)?[]:[r]}function Nfe(r,e){var t,i,n,s;if(e)for(s=Object.keys(e),t=0,i=s.length;t{"use strict";function Vp(r,e){Error.call(this),this.name="YAMLException",this.reason=r,this.mark=e,this.message=(this.reason||"(unknown reason)")+(this.mark?" "+this.mark.toString():""),Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=new Error().stack||""}Vp.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype);Vp.prototype.constructor=Vp;Vp.prototype.toString=function(e){var t=this.name+": ";return t+=this.reason||"(unknown reason)",!e&&this.mark&&(t+=" "+this.mark.toString()),t};EU.exports=Vp});var wU=w((SZe,yU)=>{"use strict";var IU=tc();function HS(r,e,t,i,n){this.name=r,this.buffer=e,this.position=t,this.line=i,this.column=n}HS.prototype.getSnippet=function(e,t){var i,n,s,o,a;if(!this.buffer)return null;for(e=e||4,t=t||75,i="",n=this.position;n>0&&`\0\r -\x85\u2028\u2029`.indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(n-1))===-1;)if(n-=1,this.position-n>t/2-1){i=" ... ",n+=5;break}for(s="",o=this.position;ot/2-1){s=" ... 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t},this.instanceOf=e.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=e.predicate||null,this.represent=e.represent||null,this.defaultStyle=e.defaultStyle||null,this.styleAliases=Kfe(e.styleAliases||null),Ofe.indexOf(this.kind)===-1)throw new BU('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+r+'" YAML type.')}bU.exports=Ufe});var rc=w((xZe,SU)=>{"use strict";var QU=tc(),dI=Ng(),Hfe=si();function GS(r,e,t){var i=[];return r.include.forEach(function(n){t=GS(n,e,t)}),r[e].forEach(function(n){t.forEach(function(s,o){s.tag===n.tag&&s.kind===n.kind&&i.push(o)}),t.push(n)}),t.filter(function(n,s){return i.indexOf(s)===-1})}function Gfe(){var r={scalar:{},sequence:{},mapping:{},fallback:{}},e,t;function i(n){r[n.kind][n.tag]=r.fallback[n.tag]=n}for(e=0,t=arguments.length;e{"use strict";var Yfe=si();vU.exports=new Yfe("tag:yaml.org,2002:str",{kind:"scalar",construct:function(r){return r!==null?r:""}})});var DU=w((DZe,PU)=>{"use strict";var jfe=si();PU.exports=new 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lhe("tag:yaml.org,2002:float",{kind:"scalar",resolve:uhe,construct:ghe,predicate:phe,represent:hhe,defaultStyle:"lowercase"})});var YS=w((MZe,YU)=>{"use strict";var dhe=rc();YU.exports=new dhe({include:[CI()],implicit:[TU(),MU(),KU(),GU()]})});var jS=w((OZe,jU)=>{"use strict";var Che=rc();jU.exports=new Che({include:[YS()]})});var zU=w((KZe,WU)=>{"use strict";var mhe=si(),qU=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$"),JU=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$");function Ehe(r){return r===null?!1:qU.exec(r)!==null||JU.exec(r)!==null}function Ihe(r){var e,t,i,n,s,o,a,l=0,c=null,u,g,f;if(e=qU.exec(r),e===null&&(e=JU.exec(r)),e===null)throw new Error("Date resolve error");if(t=+e[1],i=+e[2]-1,n=+e[3],!e[4])return new Date(Date.UTC(t,i,n));if(s=+e[4],o=+e[5],a=+e[6],e[7]){for(l=e[7].slice(0,3);l.length<3;)l+="0";l=+l}return e[9]&&(u=+e[10],g=+(e[11]||0),c=(u*60+g)*6e4,e[9]==="-"&&(c=-c)),f=new Date(Date.UTC(t,i,n,s,o,a,l)),c&&f.setTime(f.getTime()-c),f}function yhe(r){return r.toISOString()}WU.exports=new mhe("tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:Ehe,construct:Ihe,instanceOf:Date,represent:yhe})});var XU=w((UZe,VU)=>{"use strict";var whe=si();function Bhe(r){return r==="<<"||r===null}VU.exports=new whe("tag:yaml.org,2002:merge",{kind:"scalar",resolve:Bhe})});var $U=w((HZe,_U)=>{"use strict";var ic;try{ZU=J,ic=ZU("buffer").Buffer}catch{}var ZU,bhe=si(),qS=`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= -\r`;function Qhe(r){if(r===null)return!1;var e,t,i=0,n=r.length,s=qS;for(t=0;t64)){if(e<0)return!1;i+=6}return i%8===0}function She(r){var e,t,i=r.replace(/[\r\n=]/g,""),n=i.length,s=qS,o=0,a=[];for(e=0;e>16&255),a.push(o>>8&255),a.push(o&255)),o=o<<6|s.indexOf(i.charAt(e));return t=n%4*6,t===0?(a.push(o>>16&255),a.push(o>>8&255),a.push(o&255)):t===18?(a.push(o>>10&255),a.push(o>>2&255)):t===12&&a.push(o>>4&255),ic?ic.from?ic.from(a):new ic(a):a}function vhe(r){var e="",t=0,i,n,s=r.length,o=qS;for(i=0;i>18&63],e+=o[t>>12&63],e+=o[t>>6&63],e+=o[t&63]),t=(t<<8)+r[i];return n=s%3,n===0?(e+=o[t>>18&63],e+=o[t>>12&63],e+=o[t>>6&63],e+=o[t&63]):n===2?(e+=o[t>>10&63],e+=o[t>>4&63],e+=o[t<<2&63],e+=o[64]):n===1&&(e+=o[t>>2&63],e+=o[t<<4&63],e+=o[64],e+=o[64]),e}function xhe(r){return ic&&ic.isBuffer(r)}_U.exports=new bhe("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary",{kind:"scalar",resolve:Qhe,construct:She,predicate:xhe,represent:vhe})});var t2=w((YZe,e2)=>{"use strict";var Phe=si(),Dhe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,khe=Object.prototype.toString;function Rhe(r){if(r===null)return!0;var e=[],t,i,n,s,o,a=r;for(t=0,i=a.length;t{"use strict";var Nhe=si(),The=Object.prototype.toString;function Lhe(r){if(r===null)return!0;var e,t,i,n,s,o=r;for(s=new Array(o.length),e=0,t=o.length;e{"use strict";var Ohe=si(),Khe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function Uhe(r){if(r===null)return!0;var e,t=r;for(e in t)if(Khe.call(t,e)&&t[e]!==null)return!1;return!0}function Hhe(r){return r!==null?r:{}}n2.exports=new Ohe("tag:yaml.org,2002:set",{kind:"mapping",resolve:Uhe,construct:Hhe})});var Lg=w((JZe,o2)=>{"use strict";var Ghe=rc();o2.exports=new Ghe({include:[jS()],implicit:[zU(),XU()],explicit:[$U(),t2(),i2(),s2()]})});var A2=w((WZe,a2)=>{"use strict";var Yhe=si();function jhe(){return!0}function qhe(){}function Jhe(){return""}function Whe(r){return typeof r>"u"}a2.exports=new Yhe("tag:yaml.org,2002:js/undefined",{kind:"scalar",resolve:jhe,construct:qhe,predicate:Whe,represent:Jhe})});var c2=w((zZe,l2)=>{"use strict";var zhe=si();function Vhe(r){if(r===null||r.length===0)return!1;var e=r,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(r),i="";return!(e[0]==="/"&&(t&&(i=t[1]),i.length>3||e[e.length-i.length-1]!=="/"))}function Xhe(r){var e=r,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(r),i="";return e[0]==="/"&&(t&&(i=t[1]),e=e.slice(1,e.length-i.length-1)),new RegExp(e,i)}function Zhe(r){var e="/"+r.source+"/";return r.global&&(e+="g"),r.multiline&&(e+="m"),r.ignoreCase&&(e+="i"),e}function _he(r){return Object.prototype.toString.call(r)==="[object RegExp]"}l2.exports=new zhe("tag:yaml.org,2002:js/regexp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:Vhe,construct:Xhe,predicate:_he,represent:Zhe})});var f2=w((VZe,g2)=>{"use strict";var mI;try{u2=J,mI=u2("esprima")}catch{typeof window<"u"&&(mI=window.esprima)}var u2,$he=si();function epe(r){if(r===null)return!1;try{var e="("+r+")",t=mI.parse(e,{range:!0});return!(t.type!=="Program"||t.body.length!==1||t.body[0].type!=="ExpressionStatement"||t.body[0].expression.type!=="ArrowFunctionExpression"&&t.body[0].expression.type!=="FunctionExpression")}catch{return!1}}function tpe(r){var e="("+r+")",t=mI.parse(e,{range:!0}),i=[],n;if(t.type!=="Program"||t.body.length!==1||t.body[0].type!=="ExpressionStatement"||t.body[0].expression.type!=="ArrowFunctionExpression"&&t.body[0].expression.type!=="FunctionExpression")throw new Error("Failed to resolve function");return t.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function(s){i.push(s.name)}),n=t.body[0].expression.body.range,t.body[0].expression.body.type==="BlockStatement"?new Function(i,e.slice(n[0]+1,n[1]-1)):new Function(i,"return "+e.slice(n[0],n[1]))}function rpe(r){return r.toString()}function ipe(r){return Object.prototype.toString.call(r)==="[object Function]"}g2.exports=new $he("tag:yaml.org,2002:js/function",{kind:"scalar",resolve:epe,construct:tpe,predicate:ipe,represent:rpe})});var Xp=w((ZZe,p2)=>{"use strict";var h2=rc();p2.exports=h2.DEFAULT=new h2({include:[Lg()],explicit:[A2(),c2(),f2()]})});var N2=w((_Ze,Zp)=>{"use strict";var Ba=tc(),w2=Ng(),npe=wU(),B2=Lg(),spe=Xp(),kA=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,EI=1,b2=2,Q2=3,II=4,JS=1,ope=2,d2=3,ape=/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,Ape=/[\x85\u2028\u2029]/,lpe=/[,\[\]\{\}]/,S2=/^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i,v2=/^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;function C2(r){return Object.prototype.toString.call(r)}function xo(r){return r===10||r===13}function sc(r){return r===9||r===32}function fn(r){return r===9||r===32||r===10||r===13}function Mg(r){return r===44||r===91||r===93||r===123||r===125}function cpe(r){var e;return 48<=r&&r<=57?r-48:(e=r|32,97<=e&&e<=102?e-97+10:-1)}function upe(r){return r===120?2:r===117?4:r===85?8:0}function gpe(r){return 48<=r&&r<=57?r-48:-1}function m2(r){return r===48?"\0":r===97?"\x07":r===98?"\b":r===116||r===9?" ":r===110?` -`:r===118?"\v":r===102?"\f":r===114?"\r":r===101?"\x1B":r===32?" ":r===34?'"':r===47?"/":r===92?"\\":r===78?"\x85":r===95?"\xA0":r===76?"\u2028":r===80?"\u2029":""}function fpe(r){return r<=65535?String.fromCharCode(r):String.fromCharCode((r-65536>>10)+55296,(r-65536&1023)+56320)}var x2=new Array(256),P2=new Array(256);for(nc=0;nc<256;nc++)x2[nc]=m2(nc)?1:0,P2[nc]=m2(nc);var nc;function hpe(r,e){this.input=r,this.filename=e.filename||null,this.schema=e.schema||spe,this.onWarning=e.onWarning||null,this.legacy=e.legacy||!1,this.json=e.json||!1,this.listener=e.listener||null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.typeMap=this.schema.compiledTypeMap,this.length=r.length,this.position=0,this.line=0,this.lineStart=0,this.lineIndent=0,this.documents=[]}function D2(r,e){return new w2(e,new npe(r.filename,r.input,r.position,r.line,r.position-r.lineStart))}function ft(r,e){throw D2(r,e)}function yI(r,e){r.onWarning&&r.onWarning.call(null,D2(r,e))}var E2={YAML:function(e,t,i){var n,s,o;e.version!==null&&ft(e,"duplication of %YAML directive"),i.length!==1&&ft(e,"YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),n=/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(i[0]),n===null&&ft(e,"ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),s=parseInt(n[1],10),o=parseInt(n[2],10),s!==1&&ft(e,"unacceptable YAML version of the document"),e.version=i[0],e.checkLineBreaks=o<2,o!==1&&o!==2&&yI(e,"unsupported YAML version of the document")},TAG:function(e,t,i){var n,s;i.length!==2&&ft(e,"TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),n=i[0],s=i[1],S2.test(n)||ft(e,"ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),kA.call(e.tagMap,n)&&ft(e,'there is a previously declared suffix for "'+n+'" tag handle'),v2.test(s)||ft(e,"ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive"),e.tagMap[n]=s}};function DA(r,e,t,i){var n,s,o,a;if(e1&&(r.result+=Ba.repeat(` -`,e-1))}function ppe(r,e,t){var i,n,s,o,a,l,c,u,g=r.kind,f=r.result,h;if(h=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),fn(h)||Mg(h)||h===35||h===38||h===42||h===33||h===124||h===62||h===39||h===34||h===37||h===64||h===96||(h===63||h===45)&&(n=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position+1),fn(n)||t&&Mg(n)))return!1;for(r.kind="scalar",r.result="",s=o=r.position,a=!1;h!==0;){if(h===58){if(n=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position+1),fn(n)||t&&Mg(n))break}else if(h===35){if(i=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position-1),fn(i))break}else{if(r.position===r.lineStart&&wI(r)||t&&Mg(h))break;if(xo(h))if(l=r.line,c=r.lineStart,u=r.lineIndent,zr(r,!1,-1),r.lineIndent>=e){a=!0,h=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position);continue}else{r.position=o,r.line=l,r.lineStart=c,r.lineIndent=u;break}}a&&(DA(r,s,o,!1),zS(r,r.line-l),s=o=r.position,a=!1),sc(h)||(o=r.position+1),h=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position)}return DA(r,s,o,!1),r.result?!0:(r.kind=g,r.result=f,!1)}function dpe(r,e){var t,i,n;if(t=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),t!==39)return!1;for(r.kind="scalar",r.result="",r.position++,i=n=r.position;(t=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position))!==0;)if(t===39)if(DA(r,i,r.position,!0),t=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),t===39)i=r.position,r.position++,n=r.position;else return!0;else xo(t)?(DA(r,i,n,!0),zS(r,zr(r,!1,e)),i=n=r.position):r.position===r.lineStart&&wI(r)?ft(r,"unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"):(r.position++,n=r.position);ft(r,"unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")}function Cpe(r,e){var t,i,n,s,o,a;if(a=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),a!==34)return!1;for(r.kind="scalar",r.result="",r.position++,t=i=r.position;(a=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position))!==0;){if(a===34)return DA(r,t,r.position,!0),r.position++,!0;if(a===92){if(DA(r,t,r.position,!0),a=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),xo(a))zr(r,!1,e);else if(a<256&&x2[a])r.result+=P2[a],r.position++;else if((o=upe(a))>0){for(n=o,s=0;n>0;n--)a=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),(o=cpe(a))>=0?s=(s<<4)+o:ft(r,"expected hexadecimal character");r.result+=fpe(s),r.position++}else ft(r,"unknown escape sequence");t=i=r.position}else xo(a)?(DA(r,t,i,!0),zS(r,zr(r,!1,e)),t=i=r.position):r.position===r.lineStart&&wI(r)?ft(r,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(r.position++,i=r.position)}ft(r,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}function mpe(r,e){var t=!0,i,n=r.tag,s,o=r.anchor,a,l,c,u,g,f={},h,p,C,y;if(y=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),y===91)l=93,g=!1,s=[];else if(y===123)l=125,g=!0,s={};else return!1;for(r.anchor!==null&&(r.anchorMap[r.anchor]=s),y=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);y!==0;){if(zr(r,!0,e),y=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),y===l)return r.position++,r.tag=n,r.anchor=o,r.kind=g?"mapping":"sequence",r.result=s,!0;t||ft(r,"missed comma between flow collection entries"),p=h=C=null,c=u=!1,y===63&&(a=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position+1),fn(a)&&(c=u=!0,r.position++,zr(r,!0,e))),i=r.line,Kg(r,e,EI,!1,!0),p=r.tag,h=r.result,zr(r,!0,e),y=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),(u||r.line===i)&&y===58&&(c=!0,y=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),zr(r,!0,e),Kg(r,e,EI,!1,!0),C=r.result),g?Og(r,s,f,p,h,C):c?s.push(Og(r,null,f,p,h,C)):s.push(h),zr(r,!0,e),y=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),y===44?(t=!0,y=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position)):t=!1}ft(r,"unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection")}function Epe(r,e){var t,i,n=JS,s=!1,o=!1,a=e,l=0,c=!1,u,g;if(g=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),g===124)i=!1;else if(g===62)i=!0;else return!1;for(r.kind="scalar",r.result="";g!==0;)if(g=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),g===43||g===45)JS===n?n=g===43?d2:ope:ft(r,"repeat of a chomping mode identifier");else if((u=gpe(g))>=0)u===0?ft(r,"bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"):o?ft(r,"repeat of an indentation width identifier"):(a=e+u-1,o=!0);else break;if(sc(g)){do g=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);while(sc(g));if(g===35)do g=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);while(!xo(g)&&g!==0)}for(;g!==0;){for(WS(r),r.lineIndent=0,g=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position);(!o||r.lineIndenta&&(a=r.lineIndent),xo(g)){l++;continue}if(r.lineIndente)&&l!==0)ft(r,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(r.lineIndente)&&(Kg(r,e,II,!0,n)&&(p?f=r.result:h=r.result),p||(Og(r,c,u,g,f,h,s,o),g=f=h=null),zr(r,!0,-1),y=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position)),r.lineIndent>e&&y!==0)ft(r,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(r.lineIndente?l=1:r.lineIndent===e?l=0:r.lineIndente?l=1:r.lineIndent===e?l=0:r.lineIndent tag; it should be "scalar", not "'+r.kind+'"'),g=0,f=r.implicitTypes.length;g tag; it should be "'+h.kind+'", not "'+r.kind+'"'),h.resolve(r.result)?(r.result=h.construct(r.result),r.anchor!==null&&(r.anchorMap[r.anchor]=r.result)):ft(r,"cannot resolve a node with !<"+r.tag+"> explicit tag")):ft(r,"unknown tag !<"+r.tag+">");return r.listener!==null&&r.listener("close",r),r.tag!==null||r.anchor!==null||u}function bpe(r){var e=r.position,t,i,n,s=!1,o;for(r.version=null,r.checkLineBreaks=r.legacy,r.tagMap={},r.anchorMap={};(o=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position))!==0&&(zr(r,!0,-1),o=r.input.charCodeAt(r.position),!(r.lineIndent>0||o!==37));){for(s=!0,o=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position),t=r.position;o!==0&&!fn(o);)o=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);for(i=r.input.slice(t,r.position),n=[],i.length<1&&ft(r,"directive name must not be less than one character in length");o!==0;){for(;sc(o);)o=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);if(o===35){do o=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);while(o!==0&&!xo(o));break}if(xo(o))break;for(t=r.position;o!==0&&!fn(o);)o=r.input.charCodeAt(++r.position);n.push(r.input.slice(t,r.position))}o!==0&&WS(r),kA.call(E2,i)?E2[i](r,i,n):yI(r,'unknown document directive "'+i+'"')}if(zr(r,!0,-1),r.lineIndent===0&&r.input.charCodeAt(r.position)===45&&r.input.charCodeAt(r.position+1)===45&&r.input.charCodeAt(r.position+2)===45?(r.position+=3,zr(r,!0,-1)):s&&ft(r,"directives end mark is expected"),Kg(r,r.lineIndent-1,II,!1,!0),zr(r,!0,-1),r.checkLineBreaks&&Ape.test(r.input.slice(e,r.position))&&yI(r,"non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"),r.documents.push(r.result),r.position===r.lineStart&&wI(r)){r.input.charCodeAt(r.position)===46&&(r.position+=3,zr(r,!0,-1));return}if(r.position"u"&&(t=e,e=null);var i=k2(r,t);if(typeof e!="function")return i;for(var n=0,s=i.length;n"u"&&(t=e,e=null),R2(r,e,Ba.extend({schema:B2},t))}function Spe(r,e){return F2(r,Ba.extend({schema:B2},e))}Zp.exports.loadAll=R2;Zp.exports.load=F2;Zp.exports.safeLoadAll=Qpe;Zp.exports.safeLoad=Spe});var iH=w(($Ze,_S)=>{"use strict";var $p=tc(),ed=Ng(),vpe=Xp(),xpe=Lg(),G2=Object.prototype.toString,Y2=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Ppe=9,_p=10,Dpe=13,kpe=32,Rpe=33,Fpe=34,j2=35,Npe=37,Tpe=38,Lpe=39,Mpe=42,q2=44,Ope=45,J2=58,Kpe=61,Upe=62,Hpe=63,Gpe=64,W2=91,z2=93,Ype=96,V2=123,jpe=124,X2=125,Ni={};Ni[0]="\\0";Ni[7]="\\a";Ni[8]="\\b";Ni[9]="\\t";Ni[10]="\\n";Ni[11]="\\v";Ni[12]="\\f";Ni[13]="\\r";Ni[27]="\\e";Ni[34]='\\"';Ni[92]="\\\\";Ni[133]="\\N";Ni[160]="\\_";Ni[8232]="\\L";Ni[8233]="\\P";var qpe=["y","Y","yes","Yes","YES","on","On","ON","n","N","no","No","NO","off","Off","OFF"];function Jpe(r,e){var t,i,n,s,o,a,l;if(e===null)return{};for(t={},i=Object.keys(e),n=0,s=i.length;n0?r.charCodeAt(s-1):null,f=f&&M2(o,a)}else{for(s=0;si&&r[g+1]!==" ",g=s);else if(!Ug(o))return BI;a=s>0?r.charCodeAt(s-1):null,f=f&&M2(o,a)}c=c||u&&s-g-1>i&&r[g+1]!==" "}return!l&&!c?f&&!n(r)?_2:$2:t>9&&Z2(r)?BI:c?tH:eH}function _pe(r,e,t,i){r.dump=function(){if(e.length===0)return"''";if(!r.noCompatMode&&qpe.indexOf(e)!==-1)return"'"+e+"'";var n=r.indent*Math.max(1,t),s=r.lineWidth===-1?-1:Math.max(Math.min(r.lineWidth,40),r.lineWidth-n),o=i||r.flowLevel>-1&&t>=r.flowLevel;function a(l){return zpe(r,l)}switch(Zpe(e,o,r.indent,s,a)){case _2:return e;case $2:return"'"+e.replace(/'/g,"''")+"'";case eH:return"|"+O2(e,r.indent)+K2(L2(e,n));case tH:return">"+O2(e,r.indent)+K2(L2($pe(e,s),n));case BI:return'"'+ede(e,s)+'"';default:throw new ed("impossible error: invalid scalar style")}}()}function O2(r,e){var t=Z2(r)?String(e):"",i=r[r.length-1]===` -`,n=i&&(r[r.length-2]===` -`||r===` -`),s=n?"+":i?"":"-";return t+s+` -`}function K2(r){return r[r.length-1]===` -`?r.slice(0,-1):r}function $pe(r,e){for(var t=/(\n+)([^\n]*)/g,i=function(){var c=r.indexOf(` -`);return c=c!==-1?c:r.length,t.lastIndex=c,U2(r.slice(0,c),e)}(),n=r[0]===` -`||r[0]===" ",s,o;o=t.exec(r);){var a=o[1],l=o[2];s=l[0]===" ",i+=a+(!n&&!s&&l!==""?` -`:"")+U2(l,e),n=s}return i}function U2(r,e){if(r===""||r[0]===" ")return r;for(var t=/ [^ ]/g,i,n=0,s,o=0,a=0,l="";i=t.exec(r);)a=i.index,a-n>e&&(s=o>n?o:a,l+=` -`+r.slice(n,s),n=s+1),o=a;return l+=` -`,r.length-n>e&&o>n?l+=r.slice(n,o)+` -`+r.slice(o+1):l+=r.slice(n),l.slice(1)}function ede(r){for(var e="",t,i,n,s=0;s=55296&&t<=56319&&(i=r.charCodeAt(s+1),i>=56320&&i<=57343)){e+=T2((t-55296)*1024+i-56320+65536),s++;continue}n=Ni[t],e+=!n&&Ug(t)?r[s]:n||T2(t)}return e}function tde(r,e,t){var i="",n=r.tag,s,o;for(s=0,o=t.length;s1024&&(u+="? "),u+=r.dump+(r.condenseFlow?'"':"")+":"+(r.condenseFlow?"":" "),oc(r,e,c,!1,!1)&&(u+=r.dump,i+=u));r.tag=n,r.dump="{"+i+"}"}function nde(r,e,t,i){var n="",s=r.tag,o=Object.keys(t),a,l,c,u,g,f;if(r.sortKeys===!0)o.sort();else if(typeof r.sortKeys=="function")o.sort(r.sortKeys);else if(r.sortKeys)throw new ed("sortKeys must be a boolean or a function");for(a=0,l=o.length;a1024,g&&(r.dump&&_p===r.dump.charCodeAt(0)?f+="?":f+="? "),f+=r.dump,g&&(f+=VS(r,e)),oc(r,e+1,u,!0,g)&&(r.dump&&_p===r.dump.charCodeAt(0)?f+=":":f+=": ",f+=r.dump,n+=f));r.tag=s,r.dump=n||"{}"}function H2(r,e,t){var i,n,s,o,a,l;for(n=t?r.explicitTypes:r.implicitTypes,s=0,o=n.length;s tag resolver accepts not "'+l+'" style');r.dump=i}return!0}return!1}function oc(r,e,t,i,n,s){r.tag=null,r.dump=t,H2(r,t,!1)||H2(r,t,!0);var o=G2.call(r.dump);i&&(i=r.flowLevel<0||r.flowLevel>e);var a=o==="[object Object]"||o==="[object Array]",l,c;if(a&&(l=r.duplicates.indexOf(t),c=l!==-1),(r.tag!==null&&r.tag!=="?"||c||r.indent!==2&&e>0)&&(n=!1),c&&r.usedDuplicates[l])r.dump="*ref_"+l;else{if(a&&c&&!r.usedDuplicates[l]&&(r.usedDuplicates[l]=!0),o==="[object Object]")i&&Object.keys(r.dump).length!==0?(nde(r,e,r.dump,n),c&&(r.dump="&ref_"+l+r.dump)):(ide(r,e,r.dump),c&&(r.dump="&ref_"+l+" "+r.dump));else if(o==="[object Array]"){var u=r.noArrayIndent&&e>0?e-1:e;i&&r.dump.length!==0?(rde(r,u,r.dump,n),c&&(r.dump="&ref_"+l+r.dump)):(tde(r,u,r.dump),c&&(r.dump="&ref_"+l+" "+r.dump))}else if(o==="[object String]")r.tag!=="?"&&_pe(r,r.dump,e,s);else{if(r.skipInvalid)return!1;throw new ed("unacceptable kind of an object to dump "+o)}r.tag!==null&&r.tag!=="?"&&(r.dump="!<"+r.tag+"> "+r.dump)}return!0}function sde(r,e){var t=[],i=[],n,s;for(XS(r,t,i),n=0,s=i.length;n{"use strict";var bI=N2(),nH=iH();function QI(r){return function(){throw new Error("Function "+r+" is deprecated and cannot be used.")}}Fr.exports.Type=si();Fr.exports.Schema=rc();Fr.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA=CI();Fr.exports.JSON_SCHEMA=YS();Fr.exports.CORE_SCHEMA=jS();Fr.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA=Lg();Fr.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA=Xp();Fr.exports.load=bI.load;Fr.exports.loadAll=bI.loadAll;Fr.exports.safeLoad=bI.safeLoad;Fr.exports.safeLoadAll=bI.safeLoadAll;Fr.exports.dump=nH.dump;Fr.exports.safeDump=nH.safeDump;Fr.exports.YAMLException=Ng();Fr.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA=CI();Fr.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA=Lg();Fr.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA=Xp();Fr.exports.scan=QI("scan");Fr.exports.parse=QI("parse");Fr.exports.compose=QI("compose");Fr.exports.addConstructor=QI("addConstructor")});var aH=w((t_e,oH)=>{"use strict";var ade=sH();oH.exports=ade});var lH=w((r_e,AH)=>{"use strict";function Ade(r,e){function t(){this.constructor=r}t.prototype=e.prototype,r.prototype=new t}function ac(r,e,t,i){this.message=r,this.expected=e,this.found=t,this.location=i,this.name="SyntaxError",typeof Error.captureStackTrace=="function"&&Error.captureStackTrace(this,ac)}Ade(ac,Error);ac.buildMessage=function(r,e){var t={literal:function(c){return'"'+n(c.text)+'"'},class:function(c){var u="",g;for(g=0;g0){for(g=1,f=1;g({[Ke]:Ce})))},H=function(R){return R},j=function(R){return R},$=Us("correct indentation"),V=" ",W=ar(" ",!1),_=function(R){return R.length===bA*yg},A=function(R){return R.length===(bA+1)*yg},Ae=function(){return bA++,!0},ge=function(){return bA--,!0},re=function(){return pg()},M=Us("pseudostring"),F=/^[^\r\n\t ?:,\][{}#&*!|>'"%@`\-]/,ue=Tn(["\r",` -`," "," ","?",":",",","]","[","{","}","#","&","*","!","|",">","'",'"',"%","@","`","-"],!0,!1),pe=/^[^\r\n\t ,\][{}:#"']/,ke=Tn(["\r",` -`," "," ",",","]","[","{","}",":","#",'"',"'"],!0,!1),Fe=function(){return pg().replace(/^ *| *$/g,"")},Ne="--",oe=ar("--",!1),le=/^[a-zA-Z\/0-9]/,Be=Tn([["a","z"],["A","Z"],"/",["0","9"]],!1,!1),fe=/^[^\r\n\t :,]/,ae=Tn(["\r",` -`," "," ",":",","],!0,!1),qe="null",ne=ar("null",!1),Y=function(){return null},he="true",ie=ar("true",!1),de=function(){return!0},_e="false",Pt=ar("false",!1),It=function(){return!1},Mr=Us("string"),ii='"',gi=ar('"',!1),hr=function(){return""},fi=function(R){return R},ni=function(R){return R.join("")},Ks=/^[^"\\\0-\x1F\x7F]/,pr=Tn(['"',"\\",["\0",""],"\x7F"],!0,!1),Ii='\\"',rs=ar('\\"',!1),fa=function(){return'"'},dA="\\\\",cg=ar("\\\\",!1),is=function(){return"\\"},CA="\\/",ha=ar("\\/",!1),wp=function(){return"/"},mA="\\b",EA=ar("\\b",!1),wr=function(){return"\b"},Tl="\\f",ug=ar("\\f",!1),yo=function(){return"\f"},gg="\\n",Bp=ar("\\n",!1),bp=function(){return` -`},vr="\\r",se=ar("\\r",!1),wo=function(){return"\r"},Fn="\\t",fg=ar("\\t",!1),bt=function(){return" "},Ll="\\u",Nn=ar("\\u",!1),ns=function(R,q,Ce,Ke){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(`0x${R}${q}${Ce}${Ke}`))},ss=/^[0-9a-fA-F]/,gt=Tn([["0","9"],["a","f"],["A","F"]],!1,!1),Bo=Us("blank space"),At=/^[ \t]/,ln=Tn([" "," "],!1,!1),S=Us("white space"),Lt=/^[ \t\n\r]/,hg=Tn([" "," ",` -`,"\r"],!1,!1),Ml=`\r -`,Qp=ar(`\r -`,!1),Sp=` -`,vp=ar(` -`,!1),xp="\r",Pp=ar("\r",!1),G=0,yt=0,IA=[{line:1,column:1}],zi=0,Ol=[],Xe=0,pa;if("startRule"in e){if(!(e.startRule in i))throw new Error(`Can't start parsing from rule "`+e.startRule+'".');n=i[e.startRule]}function pg(){return r.substring(yt,G)}function ME(){return cn(yt,G)}function Dp(R,q){throw q=q!==void 0?q:cn(yt,G),Ul([Us(R)],r.substring(yt,G),q)}function OE(R,q){throw q=q!==void 0?q:cn(yt,G),dg(R,q)}function ar(R,q){return{type:"literal",text:R,ignoreCase:q}}function Tn(R,q,Ce){return{type:"class",parts:R,inverted:q,ignoreCase:Ce}}function Kl(){return{type:"any"}}function kp(){return{type:"end"}}function Us(R){return{type:"other",description:R}}function da(R){var q=IA[R],Ce;if(q)return q;for(Ce=R-1;!IA[Ce];)Ce--;for(q=IA[Ce],q={line:q.line,column:q.column};Cezi&&(zi=G,Ol=[]),Ol.push(R))}function dg(R,q){return new ac(R,null,null,q)}function Ul(R,q,Ce){return new ac(ac.buildMessage(R,q),R,q,Ce)}function Hs(){var R;return R=Cg(),R}function Hl(){var R,q,Ce;for(R=G,q=[],Ce=yA();Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),Ce=yA();return q!==t&&(yt=R,q=s(q)),R=q,R}function yA(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re;return R=G,q=ma(),q!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===45?(Ce=o,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(a)),Ce!==t?(Ke=Rr(),Ke!==t?(Re=Ca(),Re!==t?(yt=R,q=l(Re),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R}function Cg(){var R,q,Ce;for(R=G,q=[],Ce=mg();Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),Ce=mg();return q!==t&&(yt=R,q=c(q)),R=q,R}function mg(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re,ze,dt,Ft,Ln;if(R=G,q=Rr(),q===t&&(q=null),q!==t){if(Ce=G,r.charCodeAt(G)===35?(Ke=u,G++):(Ke=t,Xe===0&&Le(g)),Ke!==t){if(Re=[],ze=G,dt=G,Xe++,Ft=js(),Xe--,Ft===t?dt=void 0:(G=dt,dt=t),dt!==t?(r.length>G?(Ft=r.charAt(G),G++):(Ft=t,Xe===0&&Le(f)),Ft!==t?(dt=[dt,Ft],ze=dt):(G=ze,ze=t)):(G=ze,ze=t),ze!==t)for(;ze!==t;)Re.push(ze),ze=G,dt=G,Xe++,Ft=js(),Xe--,Ft===t?dt=void 0:(G=dt,dt=t),dt!==t?(r.length>G?(Ft=r.charAt(G),G++):(Ft=t,Xe===0&&Le(f)),Ft!==t?(dt=[dt,Ft],ze=dt):(G=ze,ze=t)):(G=ze,ze=t);else Re=t;Re!==t?(Ke=[Ke,Re],Ce=Ke):(G=Ce,Ce=t)}else G=Ce,Ce=t;if(Ce===t&&(Ce=null),Ce!==t){if(Ke=[],Re=Ys(),Re!==t)for(;Re!==t;)Ke.push(Re),Re=Ys();else Ke=t;Ke!==t?(yt=R,q=h(),R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t}else G=R,R=t;if(R===t&&(R=G,q=ma(),q!==t?(Ce=Gl(),Ce!==t?(Ke=Rr(),Ke===t&&(Ke=null),Ke!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===58?(Re=p,G++):(Re=t,Xe===0&&Le(C)),Re!==t?(ze=Rr(),ze===t&&(ze=null),ze!==t?(dt=Ca(),dt!==t?(yt=R,q=y(Ce,dt),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R===t&&(R=G,q=ma(),q!==t?(Ce=Gs(),Ce!==t?(Ke=Rr(),Ke===t&&(Ke=null),Ke!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===58?(Re=p,G++):(Re=t,Xe===0&&Le(C)),Re!==t?(ze=Rr(),ze===t&&(ze=null),ze!==t?(dt=Ca(),dt!==t?(yt=R,q=y(Ce,dt),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R===t))){if(R=G,q=ma(),q!==t)if(Ce=Gs(),Ce!==t)if(Ke=Rr(),Ke!==t)if(Re=KE(),Re!==t){if(ze=[],dt=Ys(),dt!==t)for(;dt!==t;)ze.push(dt),dt=Ys();else ze=t;ze!==t?(yt=R,q=y(Ce,Re),R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;else G=R,R=t;else G=R,R=t;else G=R,R=t;if(R===t)if(R=G,q=ma(),q!==t)if(Ce=Gs(),Ce!==t){if(Ke=[],Re=G,ze=Rr(),ze===t&&(ze=null),ze!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===44?(dt=B,G++):(dt=t,Xe===0&&Le(v)),dt!==t?(Ft=Rr(),Ft===t&&(Ft=null),Ft!==t?(Ln=Gs(),Ln!==t?(yt=Re,ze=D(Ce,Ln),Re=ze):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t),Re!==t)for(;Re!==t;)Ke.push(Re),Re=G,ze=Rr(),ze===t&&(ze=null),ze!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===44?(dt=B,G++):(dt=t,Xe===0&&Le(v)),dt!==t?(Ft=Rr(),Ft===t&&(Ft=null),Ft!==t?(Ln=Gs(),Ln!==t?(yt=Re,ze=D(Ce,Ln),Re=ze):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t)):(G=Re,Re=t);else Ke=t;Ke!==t?(Re=Rr(),Re===t&&(Re=null),Re!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===58?(ze=p,G++):(ze=t,Xe===0&&Le(C)),ze!==t?(dt=Rr(),dt===t&&(dt=null),dt!==t?(Ft=Ca(),Ft!==t?(yt=R,q=T(Ce,Ke,Ft),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;else G=R,R=t}return R}function Ca(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re,ze,dt;if(R=G,q=G,Xe++,Ce=G,Ke=js(),Ke!==t?(Re=rt(),Re!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===45?(ze=o,G++):(ze=t,Xe===0&&Le(a)),ze!==t?(dt=Rr(),dt!==t?(Ke=[Ke,Re,ze,dt],Ce=Ke):(G=Ce,Ce=t)):(G=Ce,Ce=t)):(G=Ce,Ce=t)):(G=Ce,Ce=t),Xe--,Ce!==t?(G=q,q=void 0):q=t,q!==t?(Ce=Ys(),Ce!==t?(Ke=bo(),Ke!==t?(Re=Hl(),Re!==t?(ze=wA(),ze!==t?(yt=R,q=H(Re),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R===t&&(R=G,q=js(),q!==t?(Ce=bo(),Ce!==t?(Ke=Cg(),Ke!==t?(Re=wA(),Re!==t?(yt=R,q=H(Ke),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R===t))if(R=G,q=Yl(),q!==t){if(Ce=[],Ke=Ys(),Ke!==t)for(;Ke!==t;)Ce.push(Ke),Ke=Ys();else Ce=t;Ce!==t?(yt=R,q=j(q),R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;return R}function ma(){var R,q,Ce;for(Xe++,R=G,q=[],r.charCodeAt(G)===32?(Ce=V,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(W));Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),r.charCodeAt(G)===32?(Ce=V,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(W));return q!==t?(yt=G,Ce=_(q),Ce?Ce=void 0:Ce=t,Ce!==t?(q=[q,Ce],R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),Xe--,R===t&&(q=t,Xe===0&&Le($)),R}function rt(){var R,q,Ce;for(R=G,q=[],r.charCodeAt(G)===32?(Ce=V,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(W));Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),r.charCodeAt(G)===32?(Ce=V,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(W));return q!==t?(yt=G,Ce=A(q),Ce?Ce=void 0:Ce=t,Ce!==t?(q=[q,Ce],R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R}function bo(){var R;return yt=G,R=Ae(),R?R=void 0:R=t,R}function wA(){var R;return yt=G,R=ge(),R?R=void 0:R=t,R}function Gl(){var R;return R=jl(),R===t&&(R=Rp()),R}function Gs(){var R,q,Ce;if(R=jl(),R===t){if(R=G,q=[],Ce=Eg(),Ce!==t)for(;Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),Ce=Eg();else q=t;q!==t&&(yt=R,q=re()),R=q}return R}function Yl(){var R;return R=Fp(),R===t&&(R=UE(),R===t&&(R=jl(),R===t&&(R=Rp()))),R}function KE(){var R;return R=Fp(),R===t&&(R=jl(),R===t&&(R=Eg())),R}function Rp(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re,ze;if(Xe++,R=G,F.test(r.charAt(G))?(q=r.charAt(G),G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ue)),q!==t){for(Ce=[],Ke=G,Re=Rr(),Re===t&&(Re=null),Re!==t?(pe.test(r.charAt(G))?(ze=r.charAt(G),G++):(ze=t,Xe===0&&Le(ke)),ze!==t?(Re=[Re,ze],Ke=Re):(G=Ke,Ke=t)):(G=Ke,Ke=t);Ke!==t;)Ce.push(Ke),Ke=G,Re=Rr(),Re===t&&(Re=null),Re!==t?(pe.test(r.charAt(G))?(ze=r.charAt(G),G++):(ze=t,Xe===0&&Le(ke)),ze!==t?(Re=[Re,ze],Ke=Re):(G=Ke,Ke=t)):(G=Ke,Ke=t);Ce!==t?(yt=R,q=Fe(),R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;return Xe--,R===t&&(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(M)),R}function Eg(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re;if(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===Ne?(q=Ne,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(oe)),q===t&&(q=null),q!==t)if(le.test(r.charAt(G))?(Ce=r.charAt(G),G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(Be)),Ce!==t){for(Ke=[],fe.test(r.charAt(G))?(Re=r.charAt(G),G++):(Re=t,Xe===0&&Le(ae));Re!==t;)Ke.push(Re),fe.test(r.charAt(G))?(Re=r.charAt(G),G++):(Re=t,Xe===0&&Le(ae));Ke!==t?(yt=R,q=Fe(),R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;else G=R,R=t;return R}function Fp(){var R,q;return R=G,r.substr(G,4)===qe?(q=qe,G+=4):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ne)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=Y()),R=q,R}function UE(){var R,q;return R=G,r.substr(G,4)===he?(q=he,G+=4):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ie)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=de()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,5)===_e?(q=_e,G+=5):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(Pt)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=It()),R=q),R}function jl(){var R,q,Ce,Ke;return Xe++,R=G,r.charCodeAt(G)===34?(q=ii,G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(gi)),q!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===34?(Ce=ii,G++):(Ce=t,Xe===0&&Le(gi)),Ce!==t?(yt=R,q=hr(),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t),R===t&&(R=G,r.charCodeAt(G)===34?(q=ii,G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(gi)),q!==t?(Ce=HE(),Ce!==t?(r.charCodeAt(G)===34?(Ke=ii,G++):(Ke=t,Xe===0&&Le(gi)),Ke!==t?(yt=R,q=fi(Ce),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)),Xe--,R===t&&(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(Mr)),R}function HE(){var R,q,Ce;if(R=G,q=[],Ce=Ig(),Ce!==t)for(;Ce!==t;)q.push(Ce),Ce=Ig();else q=t;return q!==t&&(yt=R,q=ni(q)),R=q,R}function Ig(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re,ze;return Ks.test(r.charAt(G))?(R=r.charAt(G),G++):(R=t,Xe===0&&Le(pr)),R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===Ii?(q=Ii,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(rs)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=fa()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===dA?(q=dA,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(cg)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=is()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===CA?(q=CA,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ha)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=wp()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===mA?(q=mA,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(EA)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=wr()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===Tl?(q=Tl,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ug)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=yo()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===gg?(q=gg,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(Bp)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=bp()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===vr?(q=vr,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(se)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=wo()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===Fn?(q=Fn,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(fg)),q!==t&&(yt=R,q=bt()),R=q,R===t&&(R=G,r.substr(G,2)===Ll?(q=Ll,G+=2):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(Nn)),q!==t?(Ce=BA(),Ce!==t?(Ke=BA(),Ke!==t?(Re=BA(),Re!==t?(ze=BA(),ze!==t?(yt=R,q=ns(Ce,Ke,Re,ze),R=q):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)):(G=R,R=t)))))))))),R}function BA(){var R;return ss.test(r.charAt(G))?(R=r.charAt(G),G++):(R=t,Xe===0&&Le(gt)),R}function Rr(){var R,q;if(Xe++,R=[],At.test(r.charAt(G))?(q=r.charAt(G),G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ln)),q!==t)for(;q!==t;)R.push(q),At.test(r.charAt(G))?(q=r.charAt(G),G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(ln));else R=t;return Xe--,R===t&&(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(Bo)),R}function GE(){var R,q;if(Xe++,R=[],Lt.test(r.charAt(G))?(q=r.charAt(G),G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(hg)),q!==t)for(;q!==t;)R.push(q),Lt.test(r.charAt(G))?(q=r.charAt(G),G++):(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(hg));else R=t;return Xe--,R===t&&(q=t,Xe===0&&Le(S)),R}function Ys(){var R,q,Ce,Ke,Re,ze;if(R=G,q=js(),q!==t){for(Ce=[],Ke=G,Re=Rr(),Re===t&&(Re=null),Re!==t?(ze=js(),ze!==t?(Re=[Re,ze],Ke=Re):(G=Ke,Ke=t)):(G=Ke,Ke=t);Ke!==t;)Ce.push(Ke),Ke=G,Re=Rr(),Re===t&&(Re=null),Re!==t?(ze=js(),ze!==t?(Re=[Re,ze],Ke=Re):(G=Ke,Ke=t)):(G=Ke,Ke=t);Ce!==t?(q=[q,Ce],R=q):(G=R,R=t)}else G=R,R=t;return R}function js(){var R;return r.substr(G,2)===Ml?(R=Ml,G+=2):(R=t,Xe===0&&Le(Qp)),R===t&&(r.charCodeAt(G)===10?(R=Sp,G++):(R=t,Xe===0&&Le(vp)),R===t&&(r.charCodeAt(G)===13?(R=xp,G++):(R=t,Xe===0&&Le(Pp)))),R}let yg=2,bA=0;if(pa=n(),pa!==t&&G===r.length)return pa;throw pa!==t&&G{"use strict";var hde=r=>{let e=!1,t=!1,i=!1;for(let n=0;n{if(!(typeof r=="string"||Array.isArray(r)))throw new TypeError("Expected the input to be `string | string[]`");e=Object.assign({pascalCase:!1},e);let t=n=>e.pascalCase?n.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+n.slice(1):n;return Array.isArray(r)?r=r.map(n=>n.trim()).filter(n=>n.length).join("-"):r=r.trim(),r.length===0?"":r.length===1?e.pascalCase?r.toUpperCase():r.toLowerCase():(r!==r.toLowerCase()&&(r=hde(r)),r=r.replace(/^[_.\- ]+/,"").toLowerCase().replace(/[_.\- ]+(\w|$)/g,(n,s)=>s.toUpperCase()).replace(/\d+(\w|$)/g,n=>n.toUpperCase()),t(r))};ev.exports=hH;ev.exports.default=hH});var dH=w((A_e,pde)=>{pde.exports=[{name:"AppVeyor",constant:"APPVEYOR",env:"APPVEYOR",pr:"APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER"},{name:"Azure Pipelines",constant:"AZURE_PIPELINES",env:"SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI",pr:"SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTID"},{name:"Appcircle",constant:"APPCIRCLE",env:"AC_APPCIRCLE"},{name:"Bamboo",constant:"BAMBOO",env:"bamboo_planKey"},{name:"Bitbucket Pipelines",constant:"BITBUCKET",env:"BITBUCKET_COMMIT",pr:"BITBUCKET_PR_ID"},{name:"Bitrise",constant:"BITRISE",env:"BITRISE_IO",pr:"BITRISE_PULL_REQUEST"},{name:"Buddy",constant:"BUDDY",env:"BUDDY_WORKSPACE_ID",pr:"BUDDY_EXECUTION_PULL_REQUEST_ID"},{name:"Buildkite",constant:"BUILDKITE",env:"BUILDKITE",pr:{env:"BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST",ne:"false"}},{name:"CircleCI",constant:"CIRCLE",env:"CIRCLECI",pr:"CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST"},{name:"Cirrus CI",constant:"CIRRUS",env:"CIRRUS_CI",pr:"CIRRUS_PR"},{name:"AWS CodeBuild",constant:"CODEBUILD",env:"CODEBUILD_BUILD_ARN"},{name:"Codefresh",constant:"CODEFRESH",env:"CF_BUILD_ID",pr:{any:["CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER","CF_PULL_REQUEST_ID"]}},{name:"Codeship",constant:"CODESHIP",env:{CI_NAME:"codeship"}},{name:"Drone",constant:"DRONE",env:"DRONE",pr:{DRONE_BUILD_EVENT:"pull_request"}},{name:"dsari",constant:"DSARI",env:"DSARI"},{name:"GitHub Actions",constant:"GITHUB_ACTIONS",env:"GITHUB_ACTIONS",pr:{GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:"pull_request"}},{name:"GitLab CI",constant:"GITLAB",env:"GITLAB_CI",pr:"CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID"},{name:"GoCD",constant:"GOCD",env:"GO_PIPELINE_LABEL"},{name:"LayerCI",constant:"LAYERCI",env:"LAYERCI",pr:"LAYERCI_PULL_REQUEST"},{name:"Hudson",constant:"HUDSON",env:"HUDSON_URL"},{name:"Jenkins",constant:"JENKINS",env:["JENKINS_URL","BUILD_ID"],pr:{any:["ghprbPullId","CHANGE_ID"]}},{name:"Magnum CI",constant:"MAGNUM",env:"MAGNUM"},{name:"Netlify CI",constant:"NETLIFY",env:"NETLIFY",pr:{env:"PULL_REQUEST",ne:"false"}},{name:"Nevercode",constant:"NEVERCODE",env:"NEVERCODE",pr:{env:"NEVERCODE_PULL_REQUEST",ne:"false"}},{name:"Render",constant:"RENDER",env:"RENDER",pr:{IS_PULL_REQUEST:"true"}},{name:"Sail CI",constant:"SAIL",env:"SAILCI",pr:"SAIL_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER"},{name:"Semaphore",constant:"SEMAPHORE",env:"SEMAPHORE",pr:"PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER"},{name:"Screwdriver",constant:"SCREWDRIVER",env:"SCREWDRIVER",pr:{env:"SD_PULL_REQUEST",ne:"false"}},{name:"Shippable",constant:"SHIPPABLE",env:"SHIPPABLE",pr:{IS_PULL_REQUEST:"true"}},{name:"Solano CI",constant:"SOLANO",env:"TDDIUM",pr:"TDDIUM_PR_ID"},{name:"Strider CD",constant:"STRIDER",env:"STRIDER"},{name:"TaskCluster",constant:"TASKCLUSTER",env:["TASK_ID","RUN_ID"]},{name:"TeamCity",constant:"TEAMCITY",env:"TEAMCITY_VERSION"},{name:"Travis CI",constant:"TRAVIS",env:"TRAVIS",pr:{env:"TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST",ne:"false"}},{name:"Vercel",constant:"VERCEL",env:"NOW_BUILDER"},{name:"Visual Studio App Center",constant:"APPCENTER",env:"APPCENTER_BUILD_ID"}]});var Ac=w(Un=>{"use strict";var mH=dH(),Po=process.env;Object.defineProperty(Un,"_vendors",{value:mH.map(function(r){return r.constant})});Un.name=null;Un.isPR=null;mH.forEach(function(r){let t=(Array.isArray(r.env)?r.env:[r.env]).every(function(i){return CH(i)});if(Un[r.constant]=t,t)switch(Un.name=r.name,typeof r.pr){case"string":Un.isPR=!!Po[r.pr];break;case"object":"env"in r.pr?Un.isPR=r.pr.env in Po&&Po[r.pr.env]!==r.pr.ne:"any"in r.pr?Un.isPR=r.pr.any.some(function(i){return!!Po[i]}):Un.isPR=CH(r.pr);break;default:Un.isPR=null}});Un.isCI=!!(Po.CI||Po.CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION||Po.BUILD_NUMBER||Po.RUN_ID||Un.name);function CH(r){return typeof r=="string"?!!Po[r]:Object.keys(r).every(function(e){return Po[e]===r[e]})}});var hn={};ut(hn,{KeyRelationship:()=>lc,applyCascade:()=>od,base64RegExp:()=>BH,colorStringAlphaRegExp:()=>wH,colorStringRegExp:()=>yH,computeKey:()=>RA,getPrintable:()=>Vr,hasExactLength:()=>xH,hasForbiddenKeys:()=>Wde,hasKeyRelationship:()=>av,hasMaxLength:()=>Dde,hasMinLength:()=>Pde,hasMutuallyExclusiveKeys:()=>zde,hasRequiredKeys:()=>Jde,hasUniqueItems:()=>kde,isArray:()=>yde,isAtLeast:()=>Nde,isAtMost:()=>Tde,isBase64:()=>jde,isBoolean:()=>mde,isDate:()=>Ide,isDict:()=>Bde,isEnum:()=>Zi,isHexColor:()=>Yde,isISO8601:()=>Gde,isInExclusiveRange:()=>Mde,isInInclusiveRange:()=>Lde,isInstanceOf:()=>Qde,isInteger:()=>Ode,isJSON:()=>qde,isLiteral:()=>dde,isLowerCase:()=>Kde,isNegative:()=>Rde,isNullable:()=>xde,isNumber:()=>Ede,isObject:()=>bde,isOneOf:()=>Sde,isOptional:()=>vde,isPositive:()=>Fde,isString:()=>sd,isTuple:()=>wde,isUUID4:()=>Hde,isUnknown:()=>vH,isUpperCase:()=>Ude,iso8601RegExp:()=>ov,makeCoercionFn:()=>cc,makeSetter:()=>SH,makeTrait:()=>QH,makeValidator:()=>Qt,matchesRegExp:()=>ad,plural:()=>kI,pushError:()=>pt,simpleKeyRegExp:()=>IH,uuid4RegExp:()=>bH});function Qt({test:r}){return QH(r)()}function Vr(r){return r===null?"null":r===void 0?"undefined":r===""?"an empty string":JSON.stringify(r)}function RA(r,e){var t,i,n;return typeof e=="number"?`${(t=r==null?void 0:r.p)!==null&&t!==void 0?t:"."}[${e}]`:IH.test(e)?`${(i=r==null?void 0:r.p)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:""}.${e}`:`${(n=r==null?void 0:r.p)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"."}[${JSON.stringify(e)}]`}function cc(r,e){return t=>{let i=r[e];return r[e]=t,cc(r,e).bind(null,i)}}function SH(r,e){return t=>{r[e]=t}}function kI(r,e,t){return r===1?e:t}function pt({errors:r,p:e}={},t){return r==null||r.push(`${e!=null?e:"."}: ${t}`),!1}function dde(r){return Qt({test:(e,t)=>e!==r?pt(t,`Expected a literal (got ${Vr(r)})`):!0})}function Zi(r){let e=Array.isArray(r)?r:Object.values(r),t=new Set(e);return Qt({test:(i,n)=>t.has(i)?!0:pt(n,`Expected a valid enumeration value (got ${Vr(i)})`)})}var IH,yH,wH,BH,bH,ov,QH,vH,sd,Cde,mde,Ede,Ide,yde,wde,Bde,bde,Qde,Sde,od,vde,xde,Pde,Dde,xH,kde,Rde,Fde,Nde,Tde,Lde,Mde,Ode,ad,Kde,Ude,Hde,Gde,Yde,jde,qde,Jde,Wde,zde,lc,Vde,av,ls=Tge(()=>{IH=/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/,yH=/^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i,wH=/^#[0-9a-f]{6}([0-9a-f]{2})?$/i,BH=/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/,bH=/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/i,ov=/^(?:[1-9]\d{3}(-?)(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])(?:\1)31|00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3(?:[0-5]\d|6[0-5]))|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)(?:(-?)02(?:\2)29|-?366))T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3])(:?)[0-5]\d(?:\3[0-5]\d)?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?:\3[0-5]\d)?)$/,QH=r=>()=>r;vH=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>!0});sd=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>typeof r!="string"?pt(e,`Expected a string (got ${Vr(r)})`):!0});Cde=new Map([["true",!0],["True",!0],["1",!0],[1,!0],["false",!1],["False",!1],["0",!1],[0,!1]]),mde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>{var t;if(typeof r!="boolean"){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercions)<"u"){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercion)>"u")return pt(e,"Unbound coercion result");let i=Cde.get(r);if(typeof i<"u")return e.coercions.push([(t=e.p)!==null&&t!==void 0?t:".",e.coercion.bind(null,i)]),!0}return pt(e,`Expected a boolean (got ${Vr(r)})`)}return!0}}),Ede=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>{var t;if(typeof r!="number"){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercions)<"u"){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercion)>"u")return pt(e,"Unbound coercion result");let i;if(typeof r=="string"){let n;try{n=JSON.parse(r)}catch{}if(typeof n=="number")if(JSON.stringify(n)===r)i=n;else return pt(e,`Received a number that can't be safely represented by the runtime (${r})`)}if(typeof i<"u")return e.coercions.push([(t=e.p)!==null&&t!==void 0?t:".",e.coercion.bind(null,i)]),!0}return pt(e,`Expected a number (got ${Vr(r)})`)}return!0}}),Ide=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>{var t;if(!(r instanceof Date)){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercions)<"u"){if(typeof(e==null?void 0:e.coercion)>"u")return pt(e,"Unbound coercion result");let i;if(typeof r=="string"&&ov.test(r))i=new Date(r);else{let n;if(typeof r=="string"){let s;try{s=JSON.parse(r)}catch{}typeof s=="number"&&(n=s)}else typeof r=="number"&&(n=r);if(typeof n<"u")if(Number.isSafeInteger(n)||!Number.isSafeInteger(n*1e3))i=new Date(n*1e3);else return pt(e,`Received a timestamp that can't be safely represented by the runtime (${r})`)}if(typeof i<"u")return e.coercions.push([(t=e.p)!==null&&t!==void 0?t:".",e.coercion.bind(null,i)]),!0}return pt(e,`Expected a date (got ${Vr(r)})`)}return!0}}),yde=(r,{delimiter:e}={})=>Qt({test:(t,i)=>{var n;if(typeof t=="string"&&typeof e<"u"&&typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercions)<"u"){if(typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercion)>"u")return pt(i,"Unbound coercion result");t=t.split(e),i.coercions.push([(n=i.p)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:".",i.coercion.bind(null,t)])}if(!Array.isArray(t))return pt(i,`Expected an array (got ${Vr(t)})`);let s=!0;for(let o=0,a=t.length;o{let t=xH(r.length);return Qt({test:(i,n)=>{var s;if(typeof i=="string"&&typeof e<"u"&&typeof(n==null?void 0:n.coercions)<"u"){if(typeof(n==null?void 0:n.coercion)>"u")return pt(n,"Unbound coercion result");i=i.split(e),n.coercions.push([(s=n.p)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:".",n.coercion.bind(null,i)])}if(!Array.isArray(i))return pt(n,`Expected a tuple (got ${Vr(i)})`);let o=t(i,Object.assign({},n));for(let a=0,l=i.length;aQt({test:(t,i)=>{if(typeof t!="object"||t===null)return pt(i,`Expected an object (got ${Vr(t)})`);let n=Object.keys(t),s=!0;for(let o=0,a=n.length;o{let t=Object.keys(r);return Qt({test:(i,n)=>{if(typeof i!="object"||i===null)return pt(n,`Expected an object (got ${Vr(i)})`);let s=new Set([...t,...Object.keys(i)]),o={},a=!0;for(let l of s){if(l==="constructor"||l==="__proto__")a=pt(Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{p:RA(n,l)}),"Unsafe property name");else{let c=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,l)?r[l]:void 0,u=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,l)?i[l]:void 0;typeof c<"u"?a=c(u,Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{p:RA(n,l),coercion:cc(i,l)}))&&a:e===null?a=pt(Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{p:RA(n,l)}),`Extraneous property (got ${Vr(u)})`):Object.defineProperty(o,l,{enumerable:!0,get:()=>u,set:SH(i,l)})}if(!a&&(n==null?void 0:n.errors)==null)break}return e!==null&&(a||(n==null?void 0:n.errors)!=null)&&(a=e(o,n)&&a),a}})},Qde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e instanceof r?!0:pt(t,`Expected an instance of ${r.name} (got ${Vr(e)})`)}),Sde=(r,{exclusive:e=!1}={})=>Qt({test:(t,i)=>{var n,s,o;let a=[],l=typeof(i==null?void 0:i.errors)<"u"?[]:void 0;for(let c=0,u=r.length;c1?pt(i,`Expected to match exactly a single predicate (matched ${a.join(", ")})`):(o=i==null?void 0:i.errors)===null||o===void 0||o.push(...l),!1}}),od=(r,e)=>Qt({test:(t,i)=>{var n,s;let o={value:t},a=typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercions)<"u"?cc(o,"value"):void 0,l=typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercions)<"u"?[]:void 0;if(!r(t,Object.assign(Object.assign({},i),{coercion:a,coercions:l})))return!1;let c=[];if(typeof l<"u")for(let[,u]of l)c.push(u());try{if(typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercions)<"u"){if(o.value!==t){if(typeof(i==null?void 0:i.coercion)>"u")return pt(i,"Unbound coercion result");i.coercions.push([(n=i.p)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:".",i.coercion.bind(null,o.value)])}(s=i==null?void 0:i.coercions)===null||s===void 0||s.push(...l)}return e.every(u=>u(o.value,i))}finally{for(let u of c)u()}}}),vde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>typeof e>"u"?!0:r(e,t)}),xde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e===null?!0:r(e,t)}),Pde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e.length>=r?!0:pt(t,`Expected to have a length of at least ${r} elements (got ${e.length})`)}),Dde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e.length<=r?!0:pt(t,`Expected to have a length of at most ${r} elements (got ${e.length})`)}),xH=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e.length!==r?pt(t,`Expected to have a length of exactly ${r} elements (got ${e.length})`):!0}),kde=({map:r}={})=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>{let i=new Set,n=new Set;for(let s=0,o=e.length;sQt({test:(r,e)=>r<=0?!0:pt(e,`Expected to be negative (got ${r})`)}),Fde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>r>=0?!0:pt(e,`Expected to be positive (got ${r})`)}),Nde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e>=r?!0:pt(t,`Expected to be at least ${r} (got ${e})`)}),Tde=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>e<=r?!0:pt(t,`Expected to be at most ${r} (got ${e})`)}),Lde=(r,e)=>Qt({test:(t,i)=>t>=r&&t<=e?!0:pt(i,`Expected to be in the [${r}; ${e}] range (got ${t})`)}),Mde=(r,e)=>Qt({test:(t,i)=>t>=r&&tQt({test:(e,t)=>e!==Math.round(e)?pt(t,`Expected to be an integer (got ${e})`):Number.isSafeInteger(e)?!0:pt(t,`Expected to be a safe integer (got ${e})`)}),ad=r=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>r.test(e)?!0:pt(t,`Expected to match the pattern ${r.toString()} (got ${Vr(e)})`)}),Kde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>r!==r.toLowerCase()?pt(e,`Expected to be all-lowercase (got ${r})`):!0}),Ude=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>r!==r.toUpperCase()?pt(e,`Expected to be all-uppercase (got ${r})`):!0}),Hde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>bH.test(r)?!0:pt(e,`Expected to be a valid UUID v4 (got ${Vr(r)})`)}),Gde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>ov.test(r)?!1:pt(e,`Expected to be a valid ISO 8601 date string (got ${Vr(r)})`)}),Yde=({alpha:r=!1})=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>(r?yH.test(e):wH.test(e))?!0:pt(t,`Expected to be a valid hexadecimal color string (got ${Vr(e)})`)}),jde=()=>Qt({test:(r,e)=>BH.test(r)?!0:pt(e,`Expected to be a valid base 64 string (got ${Vr(r)})`)}),qde=(r=vH())=>Qt({test:(e,t)=>{let i;try{i=JSON.parse(e)}catch{return pt(t,`Expected to be a valid JSON string (got ${Vr(e)})`)}return r(i,t)}}),Jde=r=>{let e=new Set(r);return Qt({test:(t,i)=>{let n=new Set(Object.keys(t)),s=[];for(let o of e)n.has(o)||s.push(o);return s.length>0?pt(i,`Missing required ${kI(s.length,"property","properties")} ${s.map(o=>`"${o}"`).join(", ")}`):!0}})},Wde=r=>{let e=new Set(r);return Qt({test:(t,i)=>{let n=new Set(Object.keys(t)),s=[];for(let o of e)n.has(o)&&s.push(o);return s.length>0?pt(i,`Forbidden ${kI(s.length,"property","properties")} ${s.map(o=>`"${o}"`).join(", ")}`):!0}})},zde=r=>{let e=new Set(r);return Qt({test:(t,i)=>{let n=new Set(Object.keys(t)),s=[];for(let o of e)n.has(o)&&s.push(o);return s.length>1?pt(i,`Mutually exclusive properties ${s.map(o=>`"${o}"`).join(", ")}`):!0}})};(function(r){r.Forbids="Forbids",r.Requires="Requires"})(lc||(lc={}));Vde={[lc.Forbids]:{expect:!1,message:"forbids using"},[lc.Requires]:{expect:!0,message:"requires using"}},av=(r,e,t,{ignore:i=[]}={})=>{let n=new Set(i),s=new Set(t),o=Vde[e];return Qt({test:(a,l)=>{let c=new Set(Object.keys(a));if(!c.has(r)||n.has(a[r]))return!0;let u=[];for(let g of s)(c.has(g)&&!n.has(a[g]))!==o.expect&&u.push(g);return u.length>=1?pt(l,`Property "${r}" ${o.message} ${kI(u.length,"property","properties")} ${u.map(g=>`"${g}"`).join(", ")}`):!0}})}});var qH=w((A$e,jH)=>{"use strict";jH.exports=(r,...e)=>new Promise(t=>{t(r(...e))})});var Jg=w((l$e,pv)=>{"use strict";var gCe=qH(),JH=r=>{if(r<1)throw new TypeError("Expected `concurrency` to be a number from 1 and up");let e=[],t=0,i=()=>{t--,e.length>0&&e.shift()()},n=(a,l,...c)=>{t++;let u=gCe(a,...c);l(u),u.then(i,i)},s=(a,l,...c)=>{tnew Promise(c=>s(a,c,...l));return Object.defineProperties(o,{activeCount:{get:()=>t},pendingCount:{get:()=>e.length}}),o};pv.exports=JH;pv.exports.default=JH});var gd=w((u$e,WH)=>{var fCe="2.0.0",hCe=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||9007199254740991,pCe=16;WH.exports={SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:fCe,MAX_LENGTH:256,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:hCe,MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH:pCe}});var fd=w((g$e,zH)=>{var dCe=typeof process=="object"&&process.env&&process.env.NODE_DEBUG&&/\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)?(...r)=>console.error("SEMVER",...r):()=>{};zH.exports=dCe});var uc=w((NA,VH)=>{var{MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH:dv}=gd(),CCe=fd();NA=VH.exports={};var mCe=NA.re=[],et=NA.src=[],tt=NA.t={},ECe=0,St=(r,e,t)=>{let i=ECe++;CCe(i,e),tt[r]=i,et[i]=e,mCe[i]=new RegExp(e,t?"g":void 0)};St("NUMERICIDENTIFIER","0|[1-9]\\d*");St("NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE","[0-9]+");St("NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER","\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*");St("MAINVERSION",`(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);St("MAINVERSIONLOOSE",`(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})`);St("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER",`(?:${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|${et[tt.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);St("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE",`(?:${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|${et[tt.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);St("PRERELEASE",`(?:-(${et[tt.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${et[tt.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]})*))`);St("PRERELEASELOOSE",`(?:-?(${et[tt.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}(?:\\.${et[tt.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})*))`);St("BUILDIDENTIFIER","[0-9A-Za-z-]+");St("BUILD",`(?:\\+(${et[tt.BUILDIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${et[tt.BUILDIDENTIFIER]})*))`);St("FULLPLAIN",`v?${et[tt.MAINVERSION]}${et[tt.PRERELEASE]}?${et[tt.BUILD]}?`);St("FULL",`^${et[tt.FULLPLAIN]}$`);St("LOOSEPLAIN",`[v=\\s]*${et[tt.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]}${et[tt.PRERELEASELOOSE]}?${et[tt.BUILD]}?`);St("LOOSE",`^${et[tt.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`);St("GTLT","((?:<|>)?=?)");St("XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE",`${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|x|X|\\*`);St("XRANGEIDENTIFIER",`${et[tt.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`);St("XRANGEPLAIN",`[v=\\s]*(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:${et[tt.PRERELEASE]})?${et[tt.BUILD]}?)?)?`);St("XRANGEPLAINLOOSE",`[v=\\s]*(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${et[tt.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:${et[tt.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${et[tt.BUILD]}?)?)?`);St("XRANGE",`^${et[tt.GTLT]}\\s*${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);St("XRANGELOOSE",`^${et[tt.GTLT]}\\s*${et[tt.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);St("COERCE",`(^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,${dv}})(?:\\.(\\d{1,${dv}}))?(?:\\.(\\d{1,${dv}}))?(?:$|[^\\d])`);St("COERCERTL",et[tt.COERCE],!0);St("LONETILDE","(?:~>?)");St("TILDETRIM",`(\\s*)${et[tt.LONETILDE]}\\s+`,!0);NA.tildeTrimReplace="$1~";St("TILDE",`^${et[tt.LONETILDE]}${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);St("TILDELOOSE",`^${et[tt.LONETILDE]}${et[tt.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);St("LONECARET","(?:\\^)");St("CARETTRIM",`(\\s*)${et[tt.LONECARET]}\\s+`,!0);NA.caretTrimReplace="$1^";St("CARET",`^${et[tt.LONECARET]}${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);St("CARETLOOSE",`^${et[tt.LONECARET]}${et[tt.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);St("COMPARATORLOOSE",`^${et[tt.GTLT]}\\s*(${et[tt.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`);St("COMPARATOR",`^${et[tt.GTLT]}\\s*(${et[tt.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`);St("COMPARATORTRIM",`(\\s*)${et[tt.GTLT]}\\s*(${et[tt.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]})`,!0);NA.comparatorTrimReplace="$1$2$3";St("HYPHENRANGE",`^\\s*(${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s+-\\s+(${et[tt.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s*$`);St("HYPHENRANGELOOSE",`^\\s*(${et[tt.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s+-\\s+(${et[tt.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s*$`);St("STAR","(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*");St("GTE0","^\\s*>=\\s*0.0.0\\s*$");St("GTE0PRE","^\\s*>=\\s*0.0.0-0\\s*$")});var hd=w((f$e,XH)=>{var ICe=["includePrerelease","loose","rtl"],yCe=r=>r?typeof r!="object"?{loose:!0}:ICe.filter(e=>r[e]).reduce((e,t)=>(e[t]=!0,e),{}):{};XH.exports=yCe});var MI=w((h$e,$H)=>{var ZH=/^[0-9]+$/,_H=(r,e)=>{let t=ZH.test(r),i=ZH.test(e);return t&&i&&(r=+r,e=+e),r===e?0:t&&!i?-1:i&&!t?1:r_H(e,r);$H.exports={compareIdentifiers:_H,rcompareIdentifiers:wCe}});var Li=w((p$e,iG)=>{var OI=fd(),{MAX_LENGTH:eG,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:KI}=gd(),{re:tG,t:rG}=uc(),BCe=hd(),{compareIdentifiers:pd}=MI(),Yn=class{constructor(e,t){if(t=BCe(t),e instanceof Yn){if(e.loose===!!t.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!t.includePrerelease)return e;e=e.version}else if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${e}`);if(e.length>eG)throw new TypeError(`version is longer than ${eG} characters`);OI("SemVer",e,t),this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!t.includePrerelease;let i=e.trim().match(t.loose?tG[rG.LOOSE]:tG[rG.FULL]);if(!i)throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${e}`);if(this.raw=e,this.major=+i[1],this.minor=+i[2],this.patch=+i[3],this.major>KI||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>KI||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>KI||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");i[4]?this.prerelease=i[4].split(".").map(n=>{if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(n)){let s=+n;if(s>=0&&s=0;)typeof this.prerelease[i]=="number"&&(this.prerelease[i]++,i=-2);i===-1&&this.prerelease.push(0)}t&&(this.prerelease[0]===t?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=[t,0]):this.prerelease=[t,0]);break;default:throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${e}`)}return this.format(),this.raw=this.version,this}};iG.exports=Yn});var gc=w((d$e,aG)=>{var{MAX_LENGTH:bCe}=gd(),{re:nG,t:sG}=uc(),oG=Li(),QCe=hd(),SCe=(r,e)=>{if(e=QCe(e),r instanceof oG)return r;if(typeof r!="string"||r.length>bCe||!(e.loose?nG[sG.LOOSE]:nG[sG.FULL]).test(r))return null;try{return new oG(r,e)}catch{return null}};aG.exports=SCe});var lG=w((C$e,AG)=>{var vCe=gc(),xCe=(r,e)=>{let t=vCe(r,e);return t?t.version:null};AG.exports=xCe});var uG=w((m$e,cG)=>{var PCe=gc(),DCe=(r,e)=>{let t=PCe(r.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/,""),e);return t?t.version:null};cG.exports=DCe});var fG=w((E$e,gG)=>{var kCe=Li(),RCe=(r,e,t,i)=>{typeof t=="string"&&(i=t,t=void 0);try{return new kCe(r,t).inc(e,i).version}catch{return null}};gG.exports=RCe});var cs=w((I$e,pG)=>{var hG=Li(),FCe=(r,e,t)=>new hG(r,t).compare(new hG(e,t));pG.exports=FCe});var UI=w((y$e,dG)=>{var NCe=cs(),TCe=(r,e,t)=>NCe(r,e,t)===0;dG.exports=TCe});var EG=w((w$e,mG)=>{var CG=gc(),LCe=UI(),MCe=(r,e)=>{if(LCe(r,e))return null;{let t=CG(r),i=CG(e),n=t.prerelease.length||i.prerelease.length,s=n?"pre":"",o=n?"prerelease":"";for(let a in t)if((a==="major"||a==="minor"||a==="patch")&&t[a]!==i[a])return s+a;return o}};mG.exports=MCe});var yG=w((B$e,IG)=>{var OCe=Li(),KCe=(r,e)=>new OCe(r,e).major;IG.exports=KCe});var BG=w((b$e,wG)=>{var UCe=Li(),HCe=(r,e)=>new UCe(r,e).minor;wG.exports=HCe});var QG=w((Q$e,bG)=>{var GCe=Li(),YCe=(r,e)=>new GCe(r,e).patch;bG.exports=YCe});var vG=w((S$e,SG)=>{var jCe=gc(),qCe=(r,e)=>{let t=jCe(r,e);return t&&t.prerelease.length?t.prerelease:null};SG.exports=qCe});var PG=w((v$e,xG)=>{var JCe=cs(),WCe=(r,e,t)=>JCe(e,r,t);xG.exports=WCe});var kG=w((x$e,DG)=>{var zCe=cs(),VCe=(r,e)=>zCe(r,e,!0);DG.exports=VCe});var HI=w((P$e,FG)=>{var RG=Li(),XCe=(r,e,t)=>{let i=new RG(r,t),n=new RG(e,t);return i.compare(n)||i.compareBuild(n)};FG.exports=XCe});var TG=w((D$e,NG)=>{var ZCe=HI(),_Ce=(r,e)=>r.sort((t,i)=>ZCe(t,i,e));NG.exports=_Ce});var MG=w((k$e,LG)=>{var $Ce=HI(),eme=(r,e)=>r.sort((t,i)=>$Ce(i,t,e));LG.exports=eme});var dd=w((R$e,OG)=>{var tme=cs(),rme=(r,e,t)=>tme(r,e,t)>0;OG.exports=rme});var GI=w((F$e,KG)=>{var ime=cs(),nme=(r,e,t)=>ime(r,e,t)<0;KG.exports=nme});var Cv=w((N$e,UG)=>{var sme=cs(),ome=(r,e,t)=>sme(r,e,t)!==0;UG.exports=ome});var YI=w((T$e,HG)=>{var ame=cs(),Ame=(r,e,t)=>ame(r,e,t)>=0;HG.exports=Ame});var jI=w((L$e,GG)=>{var lme=cs(),cme=(r,e,t)=>lme(r,e,t)<=0;GG.exports=cme});var mv=w((M$e,YG)=>{var ume=UI(),gme=Cv(),fme=dd(),hme=YI(),pme=GI(),dme=jI(),Cme=(r,e,t,i)=>{switch(e){case"===":return typeof r=="object"&&(r=r.version),typeof t=="object"&&(t=t.version),r===t;case"!==":return typeof r=="object"&&(r=r.version),typeof t=="object"&&(t=t.version),r!==t;case"":case"=":case"==":return ume(r,t,i);case"!=":return gme(r,t,i);case">":return fme(r,t,i);case">=":return hme(r,t,i);case"<":return pme(r,t,i);case"<=":return dme(r,t,i);default:throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${e}`)}};YG.exports=Cme});var qG=w((O$e,jG)=>{var mme=Li(),Eme=gc(),{re:qI,t:JI}=uc(),Ime=(r,e)=>{if(r instanceof mme)return r;if(typeof r=="number"&&(r=String(r)),typeof r!="string")return null;e=e||{};let t=null;if(!e.rtl)t=r.match(qI[JI.COERCE]);else{let i;for(;(i=qI[JI.COERCERTL].exec(r))&&(!t||t.index+t[0].length!==r.length);)(!t||i.index+i[0].length!==t.index+t[0].length)&&(t=i),qI[JI.COERCERTL].lastIndex=i.index+i[1].length+i[2].length;qI[JI.COERCERTL].lastIndex=-1}return t===null?null:Eme(`${t[2]}.${t[3]||"0"}.${t[4]||"0"}`,e)};jG.exports=Ime});var WG=w((K$e,JG)=>{"use strict";JG.exports=function(r){r.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function*(){for(let e=this.head;e;e=e.next)yield e.value}}});var WI=w((U$e,zG)=>{"use strict";zG.exports=Ht;Ht.Node=fc;Ht.create=Ht;function Ht(r){var e=this;if(e instanceof Ht||(e=new Ht),e.tail=null,e.head=null,e.length=0,r&&typeof r.forEach=="function")r.forEach(function(n){e.push(n)});else if(arguments.length>0)for(var t=0,i=arguments.length;t1)t=e;else if(this.head)i=this.head.next,t=this.head.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=0;i!==null;n++)t=r(t,i.value,n),i=i.next;return t};Ht.prototype.reduceReverse=function(r,e){var t,i=this.tail;if(arguments.length>1)t=e;else if(this.tail)i=this.tail.prev,t=this.tail.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=this.length-1;i!==null;n--)t=r(t,i.value,n),i=i.prev;return t};Ht.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var r=new Array(this.length),e=0,t=this.head;t!==null;e++)r[e]=t.value,t=t.next;return r};Ht.prototype.toArrayReverse=function(){for(var r=new Array(this.length),e=0,t=this.tail;t!==null;e++)r[e]=t.value,t=t.prev;return r};Ht.prototype.slice=function(r,e){e=e||this.length,e<0&&(e+=this.length),r=r||0,r<0&&(r+=this.length);var t=new Ht;if(ethis.length&&(e=this.length);for(var i=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&ithis.length&&(e=this.length);for(var i=this.length,n=this.tail;n!==null&&i>e;i--)n=n.prev;for(;n!==null&&i>r;i--,n=n.prev)t.push(n.value);return t};Ht.prototype.splice=function(r,e,...t){r>this.length&&(r=this.length-1),r<0&&(r=this.length+r);for(var i=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&i{"use strict";var bme=WI(),hc=Symbol("max"),va=Symbol("length"),Wg=Symbol("lengthCalculator"),md=Symbol("allowStale"),pc=Symbol("maxAge"),Sa=Symbol("dispose"),VG=Symbol("noDisposeOnSet"),di=Symbol("lruList"),Zs=Symbol("cache"),ZG=Symbol("updateAgeOnGet"),Ev=()=>1,yv=class{constructor(e){if(typeof e=="number"&&(e={max:e}),e||(e={}),e.max&&(typeof e.max!="number"||e.max<0))throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");let t=this[hc]=e.max||1/0,i=e.length||Ev;if(this[Wg]=typeof i!="function"?Ev:i,this[md]=e.stale||!1,e.maxAge&&typeof e.maxAge!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");this[pc]=e.maxAge||0,this[Sa]=e.dispose,this[VG]=e.noDisposeOnSet||!1,this[ZG]=e.updateAgeOnGet||!1,this.reset()}set max(e){if(typeof e!="number"||e<0)throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[hc]=e||1/0,Cd(this)}get max(){return this[hc]}set allowStale(e){this[md]=!!e}get allowStale(){return this[md]}set maxAge(e){if(typeof e!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a non-negative number");this[pc]=e,Cd(this)}get maxAge(){return this[pc]}set lengthCalculator(e){typeof e!="function"&&(e=Ev),e!==this[Wg]&&(this[Wg]=e,this[va]=0,this[di].forEach(t=>{t.length=this[Wg](t.value,t.key),this[va]+=t.length})),Cd(this)}get lengthCalculator(){return this[Wg]}get length(){return this[va]}get itemCount(){return this[di].length}rforEach(e,t){t=t||this;for(let i=this[di].tail;i!==null;){let n=i.prev;XG(this,e,i,t),i=n}}forEach(e,t){t=t||this;for(let i=this[di].head;i!==null;){let n=i.next;XG(this,e,i,t),i=n}}keys(){return this[di].toArray().map(e=>e.key)}values(){return this[di].toArray().map(e=>e.value)}reset(){this[Sa]&&this[di]&&this[di].length&&this[di].forEach(e=>this[Sa](e.key,e.value)),this[Zs]=new Map,this[di]=new bme,this[va]=0}dump(){return this[di].map(e=>zI(this,e)?!1:{k:e.key,v:e.value,e:e.now+(e.maxAge||0)}).toArray().filter(e=>e)}dumpLru(){return this[di]}set(e,t,i){if(i=i||this[pc],i&&typeof i!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");let n=i?Date.now():0,s=this[Wg](t,e);if(this[Zs].has(e)){if(s>this[hc])return zg(this,this[Zs].get(e)),!1;let l=this[Zs].get(e).value;return this[Sa]&&(this[VG]||this[Sa](e,l.value)),l.now=n,l.maxAge=i,l.value=t,this[va]+=s-l.length,l.length=s,this.get(e),Cd(this),!0}let o=new wv(e,t,s,n,i);return o.length>this[hc]?(this[Sa]&&this[Sa](e,t),!1):(this[va]+=o.length,this[di].unshift(o),this[Zs].set(e,this[di].head),Cd(this),!0)}has(e){if(!this[Zs].has(e))return!1;let t=this[Zs].get(e).value;return!zI(this,t)}get(e){return Iv(this,e,!0)}peek(e){return Iv(this,e,!1)}pop(){let e=this[di].tail;return e?(zg(this,e),e.value):null}del(e){zg(this,this[Zs].get(e))}load(e){this.reset();let t=Date.now();for(let i=e.length-1;i>=0;i--){let n=e[i],s=n.e||0;if(s===0)this.set(n.k,n.v);else{let o=s-t;o>0&&this.set(n.k,n.v,o)}}}prune(){this[Zs].forEach((e,t)=>Iv(this,t,!1))}},Iv=(r,e,t)=>{let i=r[Zs].get(e);if(i){let n=i.value;if(zI(r,n)){if(zg(r,i),!r[md])return}else t&&(r[ZG]&&(i.value.now=Date.now()),r[di].unshiftNode(i));return n.value}},zI=(r,e)=>{if(!e||!e.maxAge&&!r[pc])return!1;let t=Date.now()-e.now;return e.maxAge?t>e.maxAge:r[pc]&&t>r[pc]},Cd=r=>{if(r[va]>r[hc])for(let e=r[di].tail;r[va]>r[hc]&&e!==null;){let t=e.prev;zg(r,e),e=t}},zg=(r,e)=>{if(e){let t=e.value;r[Sa]&&r[Sa](t.key,t.value),r[va]-=t.length,r[Zs].delete(t.key),r[di].removeNode(e)}},wv=class{constructor(e,t,i,n,s){this.key=e,this.value=t,this.length=i,this.now=n,this.maxAge=s||0}},XG=(r,e,t,i)=>{let n=t.value;zI(r,n)&&(zg(r,t),r[md]||(n=void 0)),n&&e.call(i,n.value,n.key,r)};_G.exports=yv});var us=w((G$e,iY)=>{var dc=class{constructor(e,t){if(t=Sme(t),e instanceof dc)return e.loose===!!t.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!t.includePrerelease?e:new dc(e.raw,t);if(e instanceof Bv)return this.raw=e.value,this.set=[[e]],this.format(),this;if(this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!t.includePrerelease,this.raw=e,this.set=e.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map(i=>this.parseRange(i.trim())).filter(i=>i.length),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${e}`);if(this.set.length>1){let i=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter(n=>!tY(n[0])),this.set.length===0)this.set=[i];else if(this.set.length>1){for(let n of this.set)if(n.length===1&&kme(n[0])){this.set=[n];break}}}this.format()}format(){return this.range=this.set.map(e=>e.join(" ").trim()).join("||").trim(),this.range}toString(){return this.range}parseRange(e){e=e.trim();let i=`parseRange:${Object.keys(this.options).join(",")}:${e}`,n=eY.get(i);if(n)return n;let s=this.options.loose,o=s?Mi[bi.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:Mi[bi.HYPHENRANGE];e=e.replace(o,Hme(this.options.includePrerelease)),Hr("hyphen replace",e),e=e.replace(Mi[bi.COMPARATORTRIM],xme),Hr("comparator trim",e,Mi[bi.COMPARATORTRIM]),e=e.replace(Mi[bi.TILDETRIM],Pme),e=e.replace(Mi[bi.CARETTRIM],Dme),e=e.split(/\s+/).join(" ");let a=s?Mi[bi.COMPARATORLOOSE]:Mi[bi.COMPARATOR],l=e.split(" ").map(f=>Rme(f,this.options)).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map(f=>Ume(f,this.options)).filter(this.options.loose?f=>!!f.match(a):()=>!0).map(f=>new Bv(f,this.options)),c=l.length,u=new Map;for(let f of l){if(tY(f))return[f];u.set(f.value,f)}u.size>1&&u.has("")&&u.delete("");let g=[...u.values()];return eY.set(i,g),g}intersects(e,t){if(!(e instanceof dc))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some(i=>rY(i,t)&&e.set.some(n=>rY(n,t)&&i.every(s=>n.every(o=>s.intersects(o,t)))))}test(e){if(!e)return!1;if(typeof e=="string")try{e=new vme(e,this.options)}catch{return!1}for(let t=0;tr.value==="<0.0.0-0",kme=r=>r.value==="",rY=(r,e)=>{let t=!0,i=r.slice(),n=i.pop();for(;t&&i.length;)t=i.every(s=>n.intersects(s,e)),n=i.pop();return t},Rme=(r,e)=>(Hr("comp",r,e),r=Tme(r,e),Hr("caret",r),r=Fme(r,e),Hr("tildes",r),r=Mme(r,e),Hr("xrange",r),r=Kme(r,e),Hr("stars",r),r),$i=r=>!r||r.toLowerCase()==="x"||r==="*",Fme=(r,e)=>r.trim().split(/\s+/).map(t=>Nme(t,e)).join(" "),Nme=(r,e)=>{let t=e.loose?Mi[bi.TILDELOOSE]:Mi[bi.TILDE];return r.replace(t,(i,n,s,o,a)=>{Hr("tilde",r,i,n,s,o,a);let l;return $i(n)?l="":$i(s)?l=`>=${n}.0.0 <${+n+1}.0.0-0`:$i(o)?l=`>=${n}.${s}.0 <${n}.${+s+1}.0-0`:a?(Hr("replaceTilde pr",a),l=`>=${n}.${s}.${o}-${a} <${n}.${+s+1}.0-0`):l=`>=${n}.${s}.${o} <${n}.${+s+1}.0-0`,Hr("tilde return",l),l})},Tme=(r,e)=>r.trim().split(/\s+/).map(t=>Lme(t,e)).join(" "),Lme=(r,e)=>{Hr("caret",r,e);let t=e.loose?Mi[bi.CARETLOOSE]:Mi[bi.CARET],i=e.includePrerelease?"-0":"";return r.replace(t,(n,s,o,a,l)=>{Hr("caret",r,n,s,o,a,l);let c;return $i(s)?c="":$i(o)?c=`>=${s}.0.0${i} <${+s+1}.0.0-0`:$i(a)?s==="0"?c=`>=${s}.${o}.0${i} <${s}.${+o+1}.0-0`:c=`>=${s}.${o}.0${i} <${+s+1}.0.0-0`:l?(Hr("replaceCaret pr",l),s==="0"?o==="0"?c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a}-${l} <${s}.${o}.${+a+1}-0`:c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a}-${l} <${s}.${+o+1}.0-0`:c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a}-${l} <${+s+1}.0.0-0`):(Hr("no pr"),s==="0"?o==="0"?c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a}${i} <${s}.${o}.${+a+1}-0`:c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a}${i} <${s}.${+o+1}.0-0`:c=`>=${s}.${o}.${a} <${+s+1}.0.0-0`),Hr("caret return",c),c})},Mme=(r,e)=>(Hr("replaceXRanges",r,e),r.split(/\s+/).map(t=>Ome(t,e)).join(" ")),Ome=(r,e)=>{r=r.trim();let t=e.loose?Mi[bi.XRANGELOOSE]:Mi[bi.XRANGE];return r.replace(t,(i,n,s,o,a,l)=>{Hr("xRange",r,i,n,s,o,a,l);let c=$i(s),u=c||$i(o),g=u||$i(a),f=g;return n==="="&&f&&(n=""),l=e.includePrerelease?"-0":"",c?n===">"||n==="<"?i="<0.0.0-0":i="*":n&&f?(u&&(o=0),a=0,n===">"?(n=">=",u?(s=+s+1,o=0,a=0):(o=+o+1,a=0)):n==="<="&&(n="<",u?s=+s+1:o=+o+1),n==="<"&&(l="-0"),i=`${n+s}.${o}.${a}${l}`):u?i=`>=${s}.0.0${l} <${+s+1}.0.0-0`:g&&(i=`>=${s}.${o}.0${l} <${s}.${+o+1}.0-0`),Hr("xRange 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t=this.options.loose?nY[sY.COMPARATORLOOSE]:nY[sY.COMPARATOR],i=e.match(t);if(!i)throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${e}`);this.operator=i[1]!==void 0?i[1]:"",this.operator==="="&&(this.operator=""),i[2]?this.semver=new oY(i[2],this.options.loose):this.semver=Id}toString(){return this.value}test(e){if(Qv("Comparator.test",e,this.options.loose),this.semver===Id||e===Id)return!0;if(typeof e=="string")try{e=new oY(e,this.options)}catch{return!1}return bv(e,this.operator,this.semver,this.options)}intersects(e,t){if(!(e instanceof Vg))throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required");if((!t||typeof t!="object")&&(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),this.operator==="")return this.value===""?!0:new aY(e.value,t).test(this.value);if(e.operator==="")return e.value===""?!0:new aY(this.value,t).test(e.semver);let i=(this.operator===">="||this.operator===">")&&(e.operator===">="||e.operator===">"),n=(this.operator==="<="||this.operator==="<")&&(e.operator==="<="||e.operator==="<"),s=this.semver.version===e.semver.version,o=(this.operator===">="||this.operator==="<=")&&(e.operator===">="||e.operator==="<="),a=bv(this.semver,"<",e.semver,t)&&(this.operator===">="||this.operator===">")&&(e.operator==="<="||e.operator==="<"),l=bv(this.semver,">",e.semver,t)&&(this.operator==="<="||this.operator==="<")&&(e.operator===">="||e.operator===">");return i||n||s&&o||a||l}};AY.exports=Vg;var Yme=hd(),{re:nY,t:sY}=uc(),bv=mv(),Qv=fd(),oY=Li(),aY=us()});var yd=w((j$e,lY)=>{var jme=us(),qme=(r,e,t)=>{try{e=new jme(e,t)}catch{return!1}return e.test(r)};lY.exports=qme});var uY=w((q$e,cY)=>{var Jme=us(),Wme=(r,e)=>new Jme(r,e).set.map(t=>t.map(i=>i.value).join(" ").trim().split(" "));cY.exports=Wme});var fY=w((J$e,gY)=>{var zme=Li(),Vme=us(),Xme=(r,e,t)=>{let i=null,n=null,s=null;try{s=new Vme(e,t)}catch{return null}return r.forEach(o=>{s.test(o)&&(!i||n.compare(o)===-1)&&(i=o,n=new zme(i,t))}),i};gY.exports=Xme});var pY=w((W$e,hY)=>{var Zme=Li(),_me=us(),$me=(r,e,t)=>{let i=null,n=null,s=null;try{s=new _me(e,t)}catch{return null}return r.forEach(o=>{s.test(o)&&(!i||n.compare(o)===1)&&(i=o,n=new Zme(i,t))}),i};hY.exports=$me});var mY=w((z$e,CY)=>{var Sv=Li(),eEe=us(),dY=dd(),tEe=(r,e)=>{r=new eEe(r,e);let t=new Sv("0.0.0");if(r.test(t)||(t=new Sv("0.0.0-0"),r.test(t)))return t;t=null;for(let i=0;i{let a=new Sv(o.semver.version);switch(o.operator){case">":a.prerelease.length===0?a.patch++:a.prerelease.push(0),a.raw=a.format();case"":case">=":(!s||dY(a,s))&&(s=a);break;case"<":case"<=":break;default:throw new Error(`Unexpected operation: ${o.operator}`)}}),s&&(!t||dY(t,s))&&(t=s)}return t&&r.test(t)?t:null};CY.exports=tEe});var IY=w((V$e,EY)=>{var rEe=us(),iEe=(r,e)=>{try{return new rEe(r,e).range||"*"}catch{return null}};EY.exports=iEe});var VI=w((X$e,bY)=>{var nEe=Li(),BY=Ed(),{ANY:sEe}=BY,oEe=us(),aEe=yd(),yY=dd(),wY=GI(),AEe=jI(),lEe=YI(),cEe=(r,e,t,i)=>{r=new nEe(r,i),e=new oEe(e,i);let n,s,o,a,l;switch(t){case">":n=yY,s=AEe,o=wY,a=">",l=">=";break;case"<":n=wY,s=lEe,o=yY,a="<",l="<=";break;default:throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')}if(aEe(r,e,i))return!1;for(let c=0;c{h.semver===sEe&&(h=new BY(">=0.0.0")),g=g||h,f=f||h,n(h.semver,g.semver,i)?g=h:o(h.semver,f.semver,i)&&(f=h)}),g.operator===a||g.operator===l||(!f.operator||f.operator===a)&&s(r,f.semver))return!1;if(f.operator===l&&o(r,f.semver))return!1}return!0};bY.exports=cEe});var SY=w((Z$e,QY)=>{var uEe=VI(),gEe=(r,e,t)=>uEe(r,e,">",t);QY.exports=gEe});var xY=w((_$e,vY)=>{var fEe=VI(),hEe=(r,e,t)=>fEe(r,e,"<",t);vY.exports=hEe});var kY=w(($$e,DY)=>{var PY=us(),pEe=(r,e,t)=>(r=new PY(r,t),e=new PY(e,t),r.intersects(e));DY.exports=pEe});var FY=w((eet,RY)=>{var dEe=yd(),CEe=cs();RY.exports=(r,e,t)=>{let i=[],n=null,s=null,o=r.sort((u,g)=>CEe(u,g,t));for(let u of o)dEe(u,e,t)?(s=u,n||(n=u)):(s&&i.push([n,s]),s=null,n=null);n&&i.push([n,null]);let a=[];for(let[u,g]of i)u===g?a.push(u):!g&&u===o[0]?a.push("*"):g?u===o[0]?a.push(`<=${g}`):a.push(`${u} - ${g}`):a.push(`>=${u}`);let l=a.join(" || "),c=typeof e.raw=="string"?e.raw:String(e);return l.length{var NY=us(),XI=Ed(),{ANY:vv}=XI,wd=yd(),xv=cs(),mEe=(r,e,t={})=>{if(r===e)return!0;r=new NY(r,t),e=new NY(e,t);let i=!1;e:for(let n of r.set){for(let s of e.set){let o=EEe(n,s,t);if(i=i||o!==null,o)continue e}if(i)return!1}return!0},EEe=(r,e,t)=>{if(r===e)return!0;if(r.length===1&&r[0].semver===vv){if(e.length===1&&e[0].semver===vv)return!0;t.includePrerelease?r=[new XI(">=0.0.0-0")]:r=[new XI(">=0.0.0")]}if(e.length===1&&e[0].semver===vv){if(t.includePrerelease)return!0;e=[new XI(">=0.0.0")]}let i=new Set,n,s;for(let h of r)h.operator===">"||h.operator===">="?n=TY(n,h,t):h.operator==="<"||h.operator==="<="?s=LY(s,h,t):i.add(h.semver);if(i.size>1)return null;let o;if(n&&s){if(o=xv(n.semver,s.semver,t),o>0)return null;if(o===0&&(n.operator!==">="||s.operator!=="<="))return null}for(let h of i){if(n&&!wd(h,String(n),t)||s&&!wd(h,String(s),t))return null;for(let p of e)if(!wd(h,String(p),t))return!1;return!0}let a,l,c,u,g=s&&!t.includePrerelease&&s.semver.prerelease.length?s.semver:!1,f=n&&!t.includePrerelease&&n.semver.prerelease.length?n.semver:!1;g&&g.prerelease.length===1&&s.operator==="<"&&g.prerelease[0]===0&&(g=!1);for(let h of e){if(u=u||h.operator===">"||h.operator===">=",c=c||h.operator==="<"||h.operator==="<=",n){if(f&&h.semver.prerelease&&h.semver.prerelease.length&&h.semver.major===f.major&&h.semver.minor===f.minor&&h.semver.patch===f.patch&&(f=!1),h.operator===">"||h.operator===">="){if(a=TY(n,h,t),a===h&&a!==n)return!1}else if(n.operator===">="&&!wd(n.semver,String(h),t))return!1}if(s){if(g&&h.semver.prerelease&&h.semver.prerelease.length&&h.semver.major===g.major&&h.semver.minor===g.minor&&h.semver.patch===g.patch&&(g=!1),h.operator==="<"||h.operator==="<="){if(l=LY(s,h,t),l===h&&l!==s)return!1}else if(s.operator==="<="&&!wd(s.semver,String(h),t))return!1}if(!h.operator&&(s||n)&&o!==0)return!1}return!(n&&c&&!s&&o!==0||s&&u&&!n&&o!==0||f||g)},TY=(r,e,t)=>{if(!r)return e;let i=xv(r.semver,e.semver,t);return i>0?r:i<0||e.operator===">"&&r.operator===">="?e:r},LY=(r,e,t)=>{if(!r)return e;let i=xv(r.semver,e.semver,t);return i<0?r:i>0||e.operator==="<"&&r.operator==="<="?e:r};MY.exports=mEe});var Xr=w((ret,KY)=>{var Pv=uc();KY.exports={re:Pv.re,src:Pv.src,tokens:Pv.t,SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:gd().SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,SemVer:Li(),compareIdentifiers:MI().compareIdentifiers,rcompareIdentifiers:MI().rcompareIdentifiers,parse:gc(),valid:lG(),clean:uG(),inc:fG(),diff:EG(),major:yG(),minor:BG(),patch:QG(),prerelease:vG(),compare:cs(),rcompare:PG(),compareLoose:kG(),compareBuild:HI(),sort:TG(),rsort:MG(),gt:dd(),lt:GI(),eq:UI(),neq:Cv(),gte:YI(),lte:jI(),cmp:mv(),coerce:qG(),Comparator:Ed(),Range:us(),satisfies:yd(),toComparators:uY(),maxSatisfying:fY(),minSatisfying:pY(),minVersion:mY(),validRange:IY(),outside:VI(),gtr:SY(),ltr:xY(),intersects:kY(),simplifyRange:FY(),subset:OY()}});var Dv=w(ZI=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(ZI,"__esModule",{value:!0});ZI.VERSION=void 0;ZI.VERSION="9.1.0"});var Gt=w((exports,module)=>{"use strict";var __spreadArray=exports&&exports.__spreadArray||function(r,e,t){if(t||arguments.length===2)for(var i=0,n=e.length,s;i{(function(r,e){typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define([],e):typeof _I=="object"&&_I.exports?_I.exports=e():r.regexpToAst=e()})(typeof self<"u"?self:UY,function(){function r(){}r.prototype.saveState=function(){return{idx:this.idx,input:this.input,groupIdx:this.groupIdx}},r.prototype.restoreState=function(p){this.idx=p.idx,this.input=p.input,this.groupIdx=p.groupIdx},r.prototype.pattern=function(p){this.idx=0,this.input=p,this.groupIdx=0,this.consumeChar("/");var C=this.disjunction();this.consumeChar("/");for(var y={type:"Flags",loc:{begin:this.idx,end:p.length},global:!1,ignoreCase:!1,multiLine:!1,unicode:!1,sticky:!1};this.isRegExpFlag();)switch(this.popChar()){case"g":o(y,"global");break;case"i":o(y,"ignoreCase");break;case"m":o(y,"multiLine");break;case"u":o(y,"unicode");break;case"y":o(y,"sticky");break}if(this.idx!==this.input.length)throw Error("Redundant input: "+this.input.substring(this.idx));return{type:"Pattern",flags:y,value:C,loc:this.loc(0)}},r.prototype.disjunction=function(){var p=[],C=this.idx;for(p.push(this.alternative());this.peekChar()==="|";)this.consumeChar("|"),p.push(this.alternative());return{type:"Disjunction",value:p,loc:this.loc(C)}},r.prototype.alternative=function(){for(var p=[],C=this.idx;this.isTerm();)p.push(this.term());return{type:"Alternative",value:p,loc:this.loc(C)}},r.prototype.term=function(){return this.isAssertion()?this.assertion():this.atom()},r.prototype.assertion=function(){var p=this.idx;switch(this.popChar()){case"^":return{type:"StartAnchor",loc:this.loc(p)};case"$":return{type:"EndAnchor",loc:this.loc(p)};case"\\":switch(this.popChar()){case"b":return{type:"WordBoundary",loc:this.loc(p)};case"B":return{type:"NonWordBoundary",loc:this.loc(p)}}throw Error("Invalid Assertion Escape");case"(":this.consumeChar("?");var C;switch(this.popChar()){case"=":C="Lookahead";break;case"!":C="NegativeLookahead";break}a(C);var y=this.disjunction();return this.consumeChar(")"),{type:C,value:y,loc:this.loc(p)}}l()},r.prototype.quantifier=function(p){var C,y=this.idx;switch(this.popChar()){case"*":C={atLeast:0,atMost:1/0};break;case"+":C={atLeast:1,atMost:1/0};break;case"?":C={atLeast:0,atMost:1};break;case"{":var B=this.integerIncludingZero();switch(this.popChar()){case"}":C={atLeast:B,atMost:B};break;case",":var v;this.isDigit()?(v=this.integerIncludingZero(),C={atLeast:B,atMost:v}):C={atLeast:B,atMost:1/0},this.consumeChar("}");break}if(p===!0&&C===void 0)return;a(C);break}if(!(p===!0&&C===void 0))return a(C),this.peekChar(0)==="?"?(this.consumeChar("?"),C.greedy=!1):C.greedy=!0,C.type="Quantifier",C.loc=this.loc(y),C},r.prototype.atom=function(){var p,C=this.idx;switch(this.peekChar()){case".":p=this.dotAll();break;case"\\":p=this.atomEscape();break;case"[":p=this.characterClass();break;case"(":p=this.group();break}return p===void 0&&this.isPatternCharacter()&&(p=this.patternCharacter()),a(p),p.loc=this.loc(C),this.isQuantifier()&&(p.quantifier=this.quantifier()),p},r.prototype.dotAll=function(){return this.consumeChar("."),{type:"Set",complement:!0,value:[n(` -`),n("\r"),n("\u2028"),n("\u2029")]}},r.prototype.atomEscape=function(){switch(this.consumeChar("\\"),this.peekChar()){case"1":case"2":case"3":case"4":case"5":case"6":case"7":case"8":case"9":return this.decimalEscapeAtom();case"d":case"D":case"s":case"S":case"w":case"W":return this.characterClassEscape();case"f":case"n":case"r":case"t":case"v":return this.controlEscapeAtom();case"c":return this.controlLetterEscapeAtom();case"0":return this.nulCharacterAtom();case"x":return this.hexEscapeSequenceAtom();case"u":return this.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom();default:return this.identityEscapeAtom()}},r.prototype.decimalEscapeAtom=function(){var p=this.positiveInteger();return{type:"GroupBackReference",value:p}},r.prototype.characterClassEscape=function(){var p,C=!1;switch(this.popChar()){case"d":p=u;break;case"D":p=u,C=!0;break;case"s":p=f;break;case"S":p=f,C=!0;break;case"w":p=g;break;case"W":p=g,C=!0;break}return a(p),{type:"Set",value:p,complement:C}},r.prototype.controlEscapeAtom=function(){var p;switch(this.popChar()){case"f":p=n("\f");break;case"n":p=n(` -`);break;case"r":p=n("\r");break;case"t":p=n(" ");break;case"v":p=n("\v");break}return a(p),{type:"Character",value:p}},r.prototype.controlLetterEscapeAtom=function(){this.consumeChar("c");var p=this.popChar();if(/[a-zA-Z]/.test(p)===!1)throw Error("Invalid ");var C=p.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)-64;return{type:"Character",value:C}},r.prototype.nulCharacterAtom=function(){return this.consumeChar("0"),{type:"Character",value:n("\0")}},r.prototype.hexEscapeSequenceAtom=function(){return this.consumeChar("x"),this.parseHexDigits(2)},r.prototype.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom=function(){return this.consumeChar("u"),this.parseHexDigits(4)},r.prototype.identityEscapeAtom=function(){var p=this.popChar();return{type:"Character",value:n(p)}},r.prototype.classPatternCharacterAtom=function(){switch(this.peekChar()){case` -`:case"\r":case"\u2028":case"\u2029":case"\\":case"]":throw Error("TBD");default:var p=this.popChar();return{type:"Character",value:n(p)}}},r.prototype.characterClass=function(){var p=[],C=!1;for(this.consumeChar("["),this.peekChar(0)==="^"&&(this.consumeChar("^"),C=!0);this.isClassAtom();){var y=this.classAtom(),B=y.type==="Character";if(B&&this.isRangeDash()){this.consumeChar("-");var v=this.classAtom(),D=v.type==="Character";if(D){if(v.value=this.input.length)throw Error("Unexpected end of input");this.idx++},r.prototype.loc=function(p){return{begin:p,end:this.idx}};var e=/[0-9a-fA-F]/,t=/[0-9]/,i=/[1-9]/;function n(p){return p.charCodeAt(0)}function s(p,C){p.length!==void 0?p.forEach(function(y){C.push(y)}):C.push(p)}function o(p,C){if(p[C]===!0)throw"duplicate flag "+C;p[C]=!0}function a(p){if(p===void 0)throw Error("Internal Error - Should never get here!")}function l(){throw Error("Internal Error - Should never get here!")}var c,u=[];for(c=n("0");c<=n("9");c++)u.push(c);var g=[n("_")].concat(u);for(c=n("a");c<=n("z");c++)g.push(c);for(c=n("A");c<=n("Z");c++)g.push(c);var f=[n(" "),n("\f"),n(` -`),n("\r"),n(" "),n("\v"),n(" "),n("\xA0"),n("\u1680"),n("\u2000"),n("\u2001"),n("\u2002"),n("\u2003"),n("\u2004"),n("\u2005"),n("\u2006"),n("\u2007"),n("\u2008"),n("\u2009"),n("\u200A"),n("\u2028"),n("\u2029"),n("\u202F"),n("\u205F"),n("\u3000"),n("\uFEFF")];function h(){}return h.prototype.visitChildren=function(p){for(var C in p){var y=p[C];p.hasOwnProperty(C)&&(y.type!==void 0?this.visit(y):Array.isArray(y)&&y.forEach(function(B){this.visit(B)},this))}},h.prototype.visit=function(p){switch(p.type){case"Pattern":this.visitPattern(p);break;case"Flags":this.visitFlags(p);break;case"Disjunction":this.visitDisjunction(p);break;case"Alternative":this.visitAlternative(p);break;case"StartAnchor":this.visitStartAnchor(p);break;case"EndAnchor":this.visitEndAnchor(p);break;case"WordBoundary":this.visitWordBoundary(p);break;case"NonWordBoundary":this.visitNonWordBoundary(p);break;case"Lookahead":this.visitLookahead(p);break;case"NegativeLookahead":this.visitNegativeLookahead(p);break;case"Character":this.visitCharacter(p);break;case"Set":this.visitSet(p);break;case"Group":this.visitGroup(p);break;case"GroupBackReference":this.visitGroupBackReference(p);break;case"Quantifier":this.visitQuantifier(p);break}this.visitChildren(p)},h.prototype.visitPattern=function(p){},h.prototype.visitFlags=function(p){},h.prototype.visitDisjunction=function(p){},h.prototype.visitAlternative=function(p){},h.prototype.visitStartAnchor=function(p){},h.prototype.visitEndAnchor=function(p){},h.prototype.visitWordBoundary=function(p){},h.prototype.visitNonWordBoundary=function(p){},h.prototype.visitLookahead=function(p){},h.prototype.visitNegativeLookahead=function(p){},h.prototype.visitCharacter=function(p){},h.prototype.visitSet=function(p){},h.prototype.visitGroup=function(p){},h.prototype.visitGroupBackReference=function(p){},h.prototype.visitQuantifier=function(p){},{RegExpParser:r,BaseRegExpVisitor:h,VERSION:"0.5.0"}})});var ty=w(Xg=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Xg,"__esModule",{value:!0});Xg.clearRegExpParserCache=Xg.getRegExpAst=void 0;var IEe=$I(),ey={},yEe=new IEe.RegExpParser;function wEe(r){var e=r.toString();if(ey.hasOwnProperty(e))return ey[e];var t=yEe.pattern(e);return ey[e]=t,t}Xg.getRegExpAst=wEe;function BEe(){ey={}}Xg.clearRegExpParserCache=BEe});var qY=w(Cn=>{"use strict";var bEe=Cn&&Cn.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Cn,"__esModule",{value:!0});Cn.canMatchCharCode=Cn.firstCharOptimizedIndices=Cn.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices=Cn.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg=void 0;var GY=$I(),gs=Gt(),YY=ty(),xa=Rv(),jY="Complement Sets are not supported for first char optimization";Cn.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg=`Unable to use "first char" lexer optimizations: -`;function QEe(r,e){e===void 0&&(e=!1);try{var t=(0,YY.getRegExpAst)(r),i=iy(t.value,{},t.flags.ignoreCase);return i}catch(s){if(s.message===jY)e&&(0,gs.PRINT_WARNING)(""+Cn.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg+(" Unable to optimize: < "+r.toString()+` > -`)+` Complement Sets cannot be automatically optimized. - This will disable the lexer's first char optimizations. - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#COMPLEMENT for details.`);else{var n="";e&&(n=` - This will disable the lexer's first char optimizations. - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#REGEXP_PARSING for details.`),(0,gs.PRINT_ERROR)(Cn.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg+` -`+(" Failed parsing: < "+r.toString()+` > -`)+(" Using the regexp-to-ast library version: "+GY.VERSION+` -`)+" Please open an issue at: https://github.com/bd82/regexp-to-ast/issues"+n)}}return[]}Cn.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices=QEe;function iy(r,e,t){switch(r.type){case"Disjunction":for(var i=0;i=xa.minOptimizationVal)for(var f=u.from>=xa.minOptimizationVal?u.from:xa.minOptimizationVal,h=u.to,p=(0,xa.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(f),C=(0,xa.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(h),y=p;y<=C;y++)e[y]=y}}});break;case"Group":iy(o.value,e,t);break;default:throw Error("Non Exhaustive Match")}var a=o.quantifier!==void 0&&o.quantifier.atLeast===0;if(o.type==="Group"&&kv(o)===!1||o.type!=="Group"&&a===!1)break}break;default:throw Error("non exhaustive match!")}return(0,gs.values)(e)}Cn.firstCharOptimizedIndices=iy;function ry(r,e,t){var i=(0,xa.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(r);e[i]=i,t===!0&&SEe(r,e)}function SEe(r,e){var t=String.fromCharCode(r),i=t.toUpperCase();if(i!==t){var n=(0,xa.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(i.charCodeAt(0));e[n]=n}else{var s=t.toLowerCase();if(s!==t){var n=(0,xa.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(s.charCodeAt(0));e[n]=n}}}function HY(r,e){return(0,gs.find)(r.value,function(t){if(typeof t=="number")return(0,gs.contains)(e,t);var i=t;return(0,gs.find)(e,function(n){return i.from<=n&&n<=i.to})!==void 0})}function kv(r){return r.quantifier&&r.quantifier.atLeast===0?!0:r.value?(0,gs.isArray)(r.value)?(0,gs.every)(r.value,kv):kv(r.value):!1}var vEe=function(r){bEe(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this)||this;return i.targetCharCodes=t,i.found=!1,i}return e.prototype.visitChildren=function(t){if(this.found!==!0){switch(t.type){case"Lookahead":this.visitLookahead(t);return;case"NegativeLookahead":this.visitNegativeLookahead(t);return}r.prototype.visitChildren.call(this,t)}},e.prototype.visitCharacter=function(t){(0,gs.contains)(this.targetCharCodes,t.value)&&(this.found=!0)},e.prototype.visitSet=function(t){t.complement?HY(t,this.targetCharCodes)===void 0&&(this.found=!0):HY(t,this.targetCharCodes)!==void 0&&(this.found=!0)},e}(GY.BaseRegExpVisitor);function xEe(r,e){if(e instanceof RegExp){var t=(0,YY.getRegExpAst)(e),i=new vEe(r);return i.visit(t),i.found}else return(0,gs.find)(e,function(n){return(0,gs.contains)(r,n.charCodeAt(0))})!==void 0}Cn.canMatchCharCode=xEe});var Rv=w(Ve=>{"use strict";var JY=Ve&&Ve.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Ve,"__esModule",{value:!0});Ve.charCodeToOptimizedIndex=Ve.minOptimizationVal=Ve.buildLineBreakIssueMessage=Ve.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester=Ve.isShortPattern=Ve.isCustomPattern=Ve.cloneEmptyGroups=Ve.performWarningRuntimeChecks=Ve.performRuntimeChecks=Ve.addStickyFlag=Ve.addStartOfInput=Ve.findUnreachablePatterns=Ve.findModesThatDoNotExist=Ve.findInvalidGroupType=Ve.findDuplicatePatterns=Ve.findUnsupportedFlags=Ve.findStartOfInputAnchor=Ve.findEmptyMatchRegExps=Ve.findEndOfInputAnchor=Ve.findInvalidPatterns=Ve.findMissingPatterns=Ve.validatePatterns=Ve.analyzeTokenTypes=Ve.enableSticky=Ve.disableSticky=Ve.SUPPORT_STICKY=Ve.MODES=Ve.DEFAULT_MODE=void 0;var WY=$I(),ir=Bd(),xe=Gt(),Zg=qY(),zY=ty(),ko="PATTERN";Ve.DEFAULT_MODE="defaultMode";Ve.MODES="modes";Ve.SUPPORT_STICKY=typeof new RegExp("(?:)").sticky=="boolean";function PEe(){Ve.SUPPORT_STICKY=!1}Ve.disableSticky=PEe;function DEe(){Ve.SUPPORT_STICKY=!0}Ve.enableSticky=DEe;function kEe(r,e){e=(0,xe.defaults)(e,{useSticky:Ve.SUPPORT_STICKY,debug:!1,safeMode:!1,positionTracking:"full",lineTerminatorCharacters:["\r",` -`],tracer:function(v,D){return D()}});var t=e.tracer;t("initCharCodeToOptimizedIndexMap",function(){HEe()});var i;t("Reject Lexer.NA",function(){i=(0,xe.reject)(r,function(v){return v[ko]===ir.Lexer.NA})});var n=!1,s;t("Transform Patterns",function(){n=!1,s=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){var D=v[ko];if((0,xe.isRegExp)(D)){var T=D.source;return T.length===1&&T!=="^"&&T!=="$"&&T!=="."&&!D.ignoreCase?T:T.length===2&&T[0]==="\\"&&!(0,xe.contains)(["d","D","s","S","t","r","n","t","0","c","b","B","f","v","w","W"],T[1])?T[1]:e.useSticky?Tv(D):Nv(D)}else{if((0,xe.isFunction)(D))return n=!0,{exec:D};if((0,xe.has)(D,"exec"))return n=!0,D;if(typeof D=="string"){if(D.length===1)return D;var H=D.replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,"\\$&"),j=new RegExp(H);return e.useSticky?Tv(j):Nv(j)}else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}})});var o,a,l,c,u;t("misc mapping",function(){o=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){return v.tokenTypeIdx}),a=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){var D=v.GROUP;if(D!==ir.Lexer.SKIPPED){if((0,xe.isString)(D))return D;if((0,xe.isUndefined)(D))return!1;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}),l=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){var D=v.LONGER_ALT;if(D){var T=(0,xe.isArray)(D)?(0,xe.map)(D,function(H){return(0,xe.indexOf)(i,H)}):[(0,xe.indexOf)(i,D)];return T}}),c=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){return v.PUSH_MODE}),u=(0,xe.map)(i,function(v){return(0,xe.has)(v,"POP_MODE")})});var g;t("Line Terminator Handling",function(){var v=Aj(e.lineTerminatorCharacters);g=(0,xe.map)(i,function(D){return!1}),e.positionTracking!=="onlyOffset"&&(g=(0,xe.map)(i,function(D){if((0,xe.has)(D,"LINE_BREAKS"))return D.LINE_BREAKS;if(oj(D,v)===!1)return(0,Zg.canMatchCharCode)(v,D.PATTERN)}))});var f,h,p,C;t("Misc Mapping #2",function(){f=(0,xe.map)(i,Mv),h=(0,xe.map)(s,sj),p=(0,xe.reduce)(i,function(v,D){var T=D.GROUP;return(0,xe.isString)(T)&&T!==ir.Lexer.SKIPPED&&(v[T]=[]),v},{}),C=(0,xe.map)(s,function(v,D){return{pattern:s[D],longerAlt:l[D],canLineTerminator:g[D],isCustom:f[D],short:h[D],group:a[D],push:c[D],pop:u[D],tokenTypeIdx:o[D],tokenType:i[D]}})});var y=!0,B=[];return e.safeMode||t("First Char Optimization",function(){B=(0,xe.reduce)(i,function(v,D,T){if(typeof D.PATTERN=="string"){var H=D.PATTERN.charCodeAt(0),j=Lv(H);Fv(v,j,C[T])}else if((0,xe.isArray)(D.START_CHARS_HINT)){var $;(0,xe.forEach)(D.START_CHARS_HINT,function(W){var _=typeof W=="string"?W.charCodeAt(0):W,A=Lv(_);$!==A&&($=A,Fv(v,A,C[T]))})}else if((0,xe.isRegExp)(D.PATTERN))if(D.PATTERN.unicode)y=!1,e.ensureOptimizations&&(0,xe.PRINT_ERROR)(""+Zg.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg+(" Unable to analyze < "+D.PATTERN.toString()+` > pattern. -`)+` The regexp unicode flag is not currently supported by the regexp-to-ast library. - This will disable the lexer's first char optimizations. - For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNICODE_OPTIMIZE`);else{var V=(0,Zg.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices)(D.PATTERN,e.ensureOptimizations);(0,xe.isEmpty)(V)&&(y=!1),(0,xe.forEach)(V,function(W){Fv(v,W,C[T])})}else e.ensureOptimizations&&(0,xe.PRINT_ERROR)(""+Zg.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg+(" TokenType: <"+D.name+`> is using a custom token pattern without providing parameter. -`)+` This will disable the lexer's first char optimizations. - For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_OPTIMIZE`),y=!1;return v},[])}),t("ArrayPacking",function(){B=(0,xe.packArray)(B)}),{emptyGroups:p,patternIdxToConfig:C,charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig:B,hasCustom:n,canBeOptimized:y}}Ve.analyzeTokenTypes=kEe;function REe(r,e){var t=[],i=VY(r);t=t.concat(i.errors);var n=XY(i.valid),s=n.valid;return t=t.concat(n.errors),t=t.concat(FEe(s)),t=t.concat(rj(s)),t=t.concat(ij(s,e)),t=t.concat(nj(s)),t}Ve.validatePatterns=REe;function FEe(r){var e=[],t=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(i){return(0,xe.isRegExp)(i[ko])});return e=e.concat(ZY(t)),e=e.concat($Y(t)),e=e.concat(ej(t)),e=e.concat(tj(t)),e=e.concat(_Y(t)),e}function VY(r){var e=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(n){return!(0,xe.has)(n,ko)}),t=(0,xe.map)(e,function(n){return{message:"Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- missing static 'PATTERN' property",type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MISSING_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[n]}}),i=(0,xe.difference)(r,e);return{errors:t,valid:i}}Ve.findMissingPatterns=VY;function XY(r){var e=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(n){var s=n[ko];return!(0,xe.isRegExp)(s)&&!(0,xe.isFunction)(s)&&!(0,xe.has)(s,"exec")&&!(0,xe.isString)(s)}),t=(0,xe.map)(e,function(n){return{message:"Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' can only be a RegExp, a Function matching the {CustomPatternMatcherFunc} type or an Object matching the {ICustomPattern} interface.",type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[n]}}),i=(0,xe.difference)(r,e);return{errors:t,valid:i}}Ve.findInvalidPatterns=XY;var NEe=/[^\\][\$]/;function ZY(r){var e=function(n){JY(s,n);function s(){var o=n!==null&&n.apply(this,arguments)||this;return o.found=!1,o}return s.prototype.visitEndAnchor=function(o){this.found=!0},s}(WY.BaseRegExpVisitor),t=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(n){var s=n[ko];try{var o=(0,zY.getRegExpAst)(s),a=new e;return a.visit(o),a.found}catch{return NEe.test(s.source)}}),i=(0,xe.map)(t,function(n){return{message:`Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error: - Token Type: ->`+n.name+`<- static 'PATTERN' cannot contain end of input anchor '$' - See chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#ANCHORS for details.`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,tokenTypes:[n]}});return i}Ve.findEndOfInputAnchor=ZY;function _Y(r){var e=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(i){var n=i[ko];return n.test("")}),t=(0,xe.map)(e,function(i){return{message:"Token Type: ->"+i.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' must not match an empty string",type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.EMPTY_MATCH_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[i]}});return t}Ve.findEmptyMatchRegExps=_Y;var TEe=/[^\\[][\^]|^\^/;function $Y(r){var e=function(n){JY(s,n);function s(){var o=n!==null&&n.apply(this,arguments)||this;return o.found=!1,o}return s.prototype.visitStartAnchor=function(o){this.found=!0},s}(WY.BaseRegExpVisitor),t=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(n){var s=n[ko];try{var o=(0,zY.getRegExpAst)(s),a=new e;return a.visit(o),a.found}catch{return TEe.test(s.source)}}),i=(0,xe.map)(t,function(n){return{message:`Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error: - Token Type: ->`+n.name+`<- static 'PATTERN' cannot contain start of input anchor '^' - See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#ANCHORS for details.`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.SOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,tokenTypes:[n]}});return i}Ve.findStartOfInputAnchor=$Y;function ej(r){var e=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(i){var n=i[ko];return n instanceof RegExp&&(n.multiline||n.global)}),t=(0,xe.map)(e,function(i){return{message:"Token Type: ->"+i.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' may NOT contain global('g') or multiline('m')",type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND,tokenTypes:[i]}});return t}Ve.findUnsupportedFlags=ej;function tj(r){var e=[],t=(0,xe.map)(r,function(s){return(0,xe.reduce)(r,function(o,a){return s.PATTERN.source===a.PATTERN.source&&!(0,xe.contains)(e,a)&&a.PATTERN!==ir.Lexer.NA&&(e.push(a),o.push(a)),o},[])});t=(0,xe.compact)(t);var i=(0,xe.filter)(t,function(s){return s.length>1}),n=(0,xe.map)(i,function(s){var o=(0,xe.map)(s,function(l){return l.name}),a=(0,xe.first)(s).PATTERN;return{message:"The same RegExp pattern ->"+a+"<-"+("has been used in all of the following Token Types: "+o.join(", ")+" <-"),type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND,tokenTypes:s}});return n}Ve.findDuplicatePatterns=tj;function rj(r){var e=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(i){if(!(0,xe.has)(i,"GROUP"))return!1;var n=i.GROUP;return n!==ir.Lexer.SKIPPED&&n!==ir.Lexer.NA&&!(0,xe.isString)(n)}),t=(0,xe.map)(e,function(i){return{message:"Token Type: ->"+i.name+"<- static 'GROUP' can only be Lexer.SKIPPED/Lexer.NA/A String",type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND,tokenTypes:[i]}});return t}Ve.findInvalidGroupType=rj;function ij(r,e){var t=(0,xe.filter)(r,function(n){return n.PUSH_MODE!==void 0&&!(0,xe.contains)(e,n.PUSH_MODE)}),i=(0,xe.map)(t,function(n){var s="Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- static 'PUSH_MODE' value cannot refer to a Lexer Mode ->"+n.PUSH_MODE+"<-which does not exist";return{message:s,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST,tokenTypes:[n]}});return i}Ve.findModesThatDoNotExist=ij;function nj(r){var e=[],t=(0,xe.reduce)(r,function(i,n,s){var o=n.PATTERN;return o===ir.Lexer.NA||((0,xe.isString)(o)?i.push({str:o,idx:s,tokenType:n}):(0,xe.isRegExp)(o)&&MEe(o)&&i.push({str:o.source,idx:s,tokenType:n})),i},[]);return(0,xe.forEach)(r,function(i,n){(0,xe.forEach)(t,function(s){var o=s.str,a=s.idx,l=s.tokenType;if(n"+i.name+"<-")+`in the lexer's definition. -See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNREACHABLE`;e.push({message:c,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.UNREACHABLE_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[i,l]})}})}),e}Ve.findUnreachablePatterns=nj;function LEe(r,e){if((0,xe.isRegExp)(e)){var t=e.exec(r);return t!==null&&t.index===0}else{if((0,xe.isFunction)(e))return e(r,0,[],{});if((0,xe.has)(e,"exec"))return e.exec(r,0,[],{});if(typeof e=="string")return e===r;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}function MEe(r){var e=[".","\\","[","]","|","^","$","(",")","?","*","+","{"];return(0,xe.find)(e,function(t){return r.source.indexOf(t)!==-1})===void 0}function Nv(r){var e=r.ignoreCase?"i":"";return new RegExp("^(?:"+r.source+")",e)}Ve.addStartOfInput=Nv;function Tv(r){var e=r.ignoreCase?"iy":"y";return new RegExp(""+r.source,e)}Ve.addStickyFlag=Tv;function OEe(r,e,t){var i=[];return(0,xe.has)(r,Ve.DEFAULT_MODE)||i.push({message:"A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <"+Ve.DEFAULT_MODE+`> property in its definition -`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE}),(0,xe.has)(r,Ve.MODES)||i.push({message:"A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <"+Ve.MODES+`> property in its definition -`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_MODES_PROPERTY}),(0,xe.has)(r,Ve.MODES)&&(0,xe.has)(r,Ve.DEFAULT_MODE)&&!(0,xe.has)(r.modes,r.defaultMode)&&i.push({message:"A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized with a "+Ve.DEFAULT_MODE+": <"+r.defaultMode+`>which does not exist -`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_DEFAULT_MODE_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST}),(0,xe.has)(r,Ve.MODES)&&(0,xe.forEach)(r.modes,function(n,s){(0,xe.forEach)(n,function(o,a){(0,xe.isUndefined)(o)&&i.push({message:"A Lexer cannot be initialized using an undefined Token Type. Mode:"+("<"+s+"> at index: <"+a+`> -`),type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED})})}),i}Ve.performRuntimeChecks=OEe;function KEe(r,e,t){var i=[],n=!1,s=(0,xe.compact)((0,xe.flatten)((0,xe.mapValues)(r.modes,function(l){return l}))),o=(0,xe.reject)(s,function(l){return l[ko]===ir.Lexer.NA}),a=Aj(t);return e&&(0,xe.forEach)(o,function(l){var c=oj(l,a);if(c!==!1){var u=aj(l,c),g={message:u,type:c.issue,tokenType:l};i.push(g)}else(0,xe.has)(l,"LINE_BREAKS")?l.LINE_BREAKS===!0&&(n=!0):(0,Zg.canMatchCharCode)(a,l.PATTERN)&&(n=!0)}),e&&!n&&i.push({message:`Warning: No LINE_BREAKS Found. - This Lexer has been defined to track line and column information, - But none of the Token Types can be identified as matching a line terminator. - See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#LINE_BREAKS - for details.`,type:ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS}),i}Ve.performWarningRuntimeChecks=KEe;function UEe(r){var e={},t=(0,xe.keys)(r);return(0,xe.forEach)(t,function(i){var n=r[i];if((0,xe.isArray)(n))e[i]=[];else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}),e}Ve.cloneEmptyGroups=UEe;function Mv(r){var e=r.PATTERN;if((0,xe.isRegExp)(e))return!1;if((0,xe.isFunction)(e))return!0;if((0,xe.has)(e,"exec"))return!0;if((0,xe.isString)(e))return!1;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}Ve.isCustomPattern=Mv;function sj(r){return(0,xe.isString)(r)&&r.length===1?r.charCodeAt(0):!1}Ve.isShortPattern=sj;Ve.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester={test:function(r){for(var e=r.length,t=this.lastIndex;t Token Type -`)+(" Root cause: "+e.errMsg+`. -`)+" For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR";if(e.issue===ir.LexerDefinitionErrorType.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK)return`Warning: A Custom Token Pattern should specify the option. -`+(" The problem is in the <"+r.name+`> Token Type -`)+" For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK";throw Error("non exhaustive match")}Ve.buildLineBreakIssueMessage=aj;function Aj(r){var e=(0,xe.map)(r,function(t){return(0,xe.isString)(t)&&t.length>0?t.charCodeAt(0):t});return e}function Fv(r,e,t){r[e]===void 0?r[e]=[t]:r[e].push(t)}Ve.minOptimizationVal=256;var ny=[];function Lv(r){return r255?255+~~(r/255):r}}});var _g=w(Nt=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Nt,"__esModule",{value:!0});Nt.isTokenType=Nt.hasExtendingTokensTypesMapProperty=Nt.hasExtendingTokensTypesProperty=Nt.hasCategoriesProperty=Nt.hasShortKeyProperty=Nt.singleAssignCategoriesToksMap=Nt.assignCategoriesMapProp=Nt.assignCategoriesTokensProp=Nt.assignTokenDefaultProps=Nt.expandCategories=Nt.augmentTokenTypes=Nt.tokenIdxToClass=Nt.tokenShortNameIdx=Nt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories=Nt.tokenStructuredMatcher=void 0;var Zr=Gt();function GEe(r,e){var t=r.tokenTypeIdx;return t===e.tokenTypeIdx?!0:e.isParent===!0&&e.categoryMatchesMap[t]===!0}Nt.tokenStructuredMatcher=GEe;function YEe(r,e){return r.tokenTypeIdx===e.tokenTypeIdx}Nt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories=YEe;Nt.tokenShortNameIdx=1;Nt.tokenIdxToClass={};function jEe(r){var e=lj(r);cj(e),gj(e),uj(e),(0,Zr.forEach)(e,function(t){t.isParent=t.categoryMatches.length>0})}Nt.augmentTokenTypes=jEe;function lj(r){for(var e=(0,Zr.cloneArr)(r),t=r,i=!0;i;){t=(0,Zr.compact)((0,Zr.flatten)((0,Zr.map)(t,function(s){return s.CATEGORIES})));var n=(0,Zr.difference)(t,e);e=e.concat(n),(0,Zr.isEmpty)(n)?i=!1:t=n}return e}Nt.expandCategories=lj;function cj(r){(0,Zr.forEach)(r,function(e){fj(e)||(Nt.tokenIdxToClass[Nt.tokenShortNameIdx]=e,e.tokenTypeIdx=Nt.tokenShortNameIdx++),Ov(e)&&!(0,Zr.isArray)(e.CATEGORIES)&&(e.CATEGORIES=[e.CATEGORIES]),Ov(e)||(e.CATEGORIES=[]),hj(e)||(e.categoryMatches=[]),pj(e)||(e.categoryMatchesMap={})})}Nt.assignTokenDefaultProps=cj;function uj(r){(0,Zr.forEach)(r,function(e){e.categoryMatches=[],(0,Zr.forEach)(e.categoryMatchesMap,function(t,i){e.categoryMatches.push(Nt.tokenIdxToClass[i].tokenTypeIdx)})})}Nt.assignCategoriesTokensProp=uj;function gj(r){(0,Zr.forEach)(r,function(e){Kv([],e)})}Nt.assignCategoriesMapProp=gj;function Kv(r,e){(0,Zr.forEach)(r,function(t){e.categoryMatchesMap[t.tokenTypeIdx]=!0}),(0,Zr.forEach)(e.CATEGORIES,function(t){var i=r.concat(e);(0,Zr.contains)(i,t)||Kv(i,t)})}Nt.singleAssignCategoriesToksMap=Kv;function fj(r){return(0,Zr.has)(r,"tokenTypeIdx")}Nt.hasShortKeyProperty=fj;function Ov(r){return(0,Zr.has)(r,"CATEGORIES")}Nt.hasCategoriesProperty=Ov;function hj(r){return(0,Zr.has)(r,"categoryMatches")}Nt.hasExtendingTokensTypesProperty=hj;function pj(r){return(0,Zr.has)(r,"categoryMatchesMap")}Nt.hasExtendingTokensTypesMapProperty=pj;function qEe(r){return(0,Zr.has)(r,"tokenTypeIdx")}Nt.isTokenType=qEe});var Uv=w(sy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(sy,"__esModule",{value:!0});sy.defaultLexerErrorProvider=void 0;sy.defaultLexerErrorProvider={buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage:function(r){return"Unable to pop Lexer Mode after encountering Token ->"+r.image+"<- The Mode Stack is empty"},buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage:function(r,e,t,i,n){return"unexpected character: ->"+r.charAt(e)+"<- at offset: "+e+","+(" skipped "+t+" characters.")}}});var Bd=w(Cc=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Cc,"__esModule",{value:!0});Cc.Lexer=Cc.LexerDefinitionErrorType=void 0;var _s=Rv(),nr=Gt(),JEe=_g(),WEe=Uv(),zEe=ty(),VEe;(function(r){r[r.MISSING_PATTERN=0]="MISSING_PATTERN",r[r.INVALID_PATTERN=1]="INVALID_PATTERN",r[r.EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND=2]="EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND",r[r.UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND=3]="UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND",r[r.DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND=4]="DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND",r[r.INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND=5]="INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND",r[r.PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=6]="PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST",r[r.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE=7]="MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE",r[r.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_MODES_PROPERTY=8]="MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_MODES_PROPERTY",r[r.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_DEFAULT_MODE_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=9]="MULTI_MODE_LEXER_DEFAULT_MODE_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST",r[r.LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED=10]="LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED",r[r.SOI_ANCHOR_FOUND=11]="SOI_ANCHOR_FOUND",r[r.EMPTY_MATCH_PATTERN=12]="EMPTY_MATCH_PATTERN",r[r.NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS=13]="NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS",r[r.UNREACHABLE_PATTERN=14]="UNREACHABLE_PATTERN",r[r.IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR=15]="IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR",r[r.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK=16]="CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK"})(VEe=Cc.LexerDefinitionErrorType||(Cc.LexerDefinitionErrorType={}));var bd={deferDefinitionErrorsHandling:!1,positionTracking:"full",lineTerminatorsPattern:/\n|\r\n?/g,lineTerminatorCharacters:[` -`,"\r"],ensureOptimizations:!1,safeMode:!1,errorMessageProvider:WEe.defaultLexerErrorProvider,traceInitPerf:!1,skipValidations:!1};Object.freeze(bd);var XEe=function(){function r(e,t){var i=this;if(t===void 0&&(t=bd),this.lexerDefinition=e,this.lexerDefinitionErrors=[],this.lexerDefinitionWarning=[],this.patternIdxToConfig={},this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig={},this.modes=[],this.emptyGroups={},this.config=void 0,this.trackStartLines=!0,this.trackEndLines=!0,this.hasCustom=!1,this.canModeBeOptimized={},typeof t=="boolean")throw Error(`The second argument to the Lexer constructor is now an ILexerConfig Object. -a boolean 2nd argument is no longer supported`);this.config=(0,nr.merge)(bd,t);var n=this.config.traceInitPerf;n===!0?(this.traceInitMaxIdent=1/0,this.traceInitPerf=!0):typeof n=="number"&&(this.traceInitMaxIdent=n,this.traceInitPerf=!0),this.traceInitIndent=-1,this.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Constructor",function(){var s,o=!0;i.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Config handling",function(){if(i.config.lineTerminatorsPattern===bd.lineTerminatorsPattern)i.config.lineTerminatorsPattern=_s.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester;else if(i.config.lineTerminatorCharacters===bd.lineTerminatorCharacters)throw Error(`Error: Missing property on the Lexer config. - For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#MISSING_LINE_TERM_CHARS`);if(t.safeMode&&t.ensureOptimizations)throw Error('"safeMode" and "ensureOptimizations" flags are mutually exclusive.');i.trackStartLines=/full|onlyStart/i.test(i.config.positionTracking),i.trackEndLines=/full/i.test(i.config.positionTracking),(0,nr.isArray)(e)?(s={modes:{}},s.modes[_s.DEFAULT_MODE]=(0,nr.cloneArr)(e),s[_s.DEFAULT_MODE]=_s.DEFAULT_MODE):(o=!1,s=(0,nr.cloneObj)(e))}),i.config.skipValidations===!1&&(i.TRACE_INIT("performRuntimeChecks",function(){i.lexerDefinitionErrors=i.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat((0,_s.performRuntimeChecks)(s,i.trackStartLines,i.config.lineTerminatorCharacters))}),i.TRACE_INIT("performWarningRuntimeChecks",function(){i.lexerDefinitionWarning=i.lexerDefinitionWarning.concat((0,_s.performWarningRuntimeChecks)(s,i.trackStartLines,i.config.lineTerminatorCharacters))})),s.modes=s.modes?s.modes:{},(0,nr.forEach)(s.modes,function(u,g){s.modes[g]=(0,nr.reject)(u,function(f){return(0,nr.isUndefined)(f)})});var a=(0,nr.keys)(s.modes);if((0,nr.forEach)(s.modes,function(u,g){i.TRACE_INIT("Mode: <"+g+"> processing",function(){if(i.modes.push(g),i.config.skipValidations===!1&&i.TRACE_INIT("validatePatterns",function(){i.lexerDefinitionErrors=i.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat((0,_s.validatePatterns)(u,a))}),(0,nr.isEmpty)(i.lexerDefinitionErrors)){(0,JEe.augmentTokenTypes)(u);var f;i.TRACE_INIT("analyzeTokenTypes",function(){f=(0,_s.analyzeTokenTypes)(u,{lineTerminatorCharacters:i.config.lineTerminatorCharacters,positionTracking:t.positionTracking,ensureOptimizations:t.ensureOptimizations,safeMode:t.safeMode,tracer:i.TRACE_INIT.bind(i)})}),i.patternIdxToConfig[g]=f.patternIdxToConfig,i.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[g]=f.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig,i.emptyGroups=(0,nr.merge)(i.emptyGroups,f.emptyGroups),i.hasCustom=f.hasCustom||i.hasCustom,i.canModeBeOptimized[g]=f.canBeOptimized}})}),i.defaultMode=s.defaultMode,!(0,nr.isEmpty)(i.lexerDefinitionErrors)&&!i.config.deferDefinitionErrorsHandling){var l=(0,nr.map)(i.lexerDefinitionErrors,function(u){return u.message}),c=l.join(`----------------------- -`);throw new Error(`Errors detected in definition of Lexer: -`+c)}(0,nr.forEach)(i.lexerDefinitionWarning,function(u){(0,nr.PRINT_WARNING)(u.message)}),i.TRACE_INIT("Choosing sub-methods implementations",function(){if(_s.SUPPORT_STICKY?(i.chopInput=nr.IDENTITY,i.match=i.matchWithTest):(i.updateLastIndex=nr.NOOP,i.match=i.matchWithExec),o&&(i.handleModes=nr.NOOP),i.trackStartLines===!1&&(i.computeNewColumn=nr.IDENTITY),i.trackEndLines===!1&&(i.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation=nr.NOOP),/full/i.test(i.config.positionTracking))i.createTokenInstance=i.createFullToken;else if(/onlyStart/i.test(i.config.positionTracking))i.createTokenInstance=i.createStartOnlyToken;else if(/onlyOffset/i.test(i.config.positionTracking))i.createTokenInstance=i.createOffsetOnlyToken;else throw Error('Invalid config option: "'+i.config.positionTracking+'"');i.hasCustom?(i.addToken=i.addTokenUsingPush,i.handlePayload=i.handlePayloadWithCustom):(i.addToken=i.addTokenUsingMemberAccess,i.handlePayload=i.handlePayloadNoCustom)}),i.TRACE_INIT("Failed Optimization Warnings",function(){var u=(0,nr.reduce)(i.canModeBeOptimized,function(g,f,h){return f===!1&&g.push(h),g},[]);if(t.ensureOptimizations&&!(0,nr.isEmpty)(u))throw Error("Lexer Modes: < "+u.join(", ")+` > cannot be optimized. - Disable the "ensureOptimizations" lexer config flag to silently ignore this and run the lexer in an un-optimized mode. - Or inspect the console log for details on how to resolve these issues.`)}),i.TRACE_INIT("clearRegExpParserCache",function(){(0,zEe.clearRegExpParserCache)()}),i.TRACE_INIT("toFastProperties",function(){(0,nr.toFastProperties)(i)})})}return r.prototype.tokenize=function(e,t){if(t===void 0&&(t=this.defaultMode),!(0,nr.isEmpty)(this.lexerDefinitionErrors)){var i=(0,nr.map)(this.lexerDefinitionErrors,function(o){return o.message}),n=i.join(`----------------------- -`);throw new Error(`Unable to Tokenize because Errors detected in definition of Lexer: -`+n)}var s=this.tokenizeInternal(e,t);return s},r.prototype.tokenizeInternal=function(e,t){var i=this,n,s,o,a,l,c,u,g,f,h,p,C,y,B,v,D,T=e,H=T.length,j=0,$=0,V=this.hasCustom?0:Math.floor(e.length/10),W=new Array(V),_=[],A=this.trackStartLines?1:void 0,Ae=this.trackStartLines?1:void 0,ge=(0,_s.cloneEmptyGroups)(this.emptyGroups),re=this.trackStartLines,M=this.config.lineTerminatorsPattern,F=0,ue=[],pe=[],ke=[],Fe=[];Object.freeze(Fe);var Ne=void 0;function oe(){return ue}function le(pr){var Ii=(0,_s.charCodeToOptimizedIndex)(pr),rs=pe[Ii];return rs===void 0?Fe:rs}var Be=function(pr){if(ke.length===1&&pr.tokenType.PUSH_MODE===void 0){var Ii=i.config.errorMessageProvider.buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage(pr);_.push({offset:pr.startOffset,line:pr.startLine!==void 0?pr.startLine:void 0,column:pr.startColumn!==void 0?pr.startColumn:void 0,length:pr.image.length,message:Ii})}else{ke.pop();var rs=(0,nr.last)(ke);ue=i.patternIdxToConfig[rs],pe=i.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[rs],F=ue.length;var fa=i.canModeBeOptimized[rs]&&i.config.safeMode===!1;pe&&fa?Ne=le:Ne=oe}};function fe(pr){ke.push(pr),pe=this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[pr],ue=this.patternIdxToConfig[pr],F=ue.length,F=ue.length;var Ii=this.canModeBeOptimized[pr]&&this.config.safeMode===!1;pe&&Ii?Ne=le:Ne=oe}fe.call(this,t);for(var ae;jc.length){c=a,u=g,ae=_e;break}}}break}}if(c!==null){if(f=c.length,h=ae.group,h!==void 0&&(p=ae.tokenTypeIdx,C=this.createTokenInstance(c,j,p,ae.tokenType,A,Ae,f),this.handlePayload(C,u),h===!1?$=this.addToken(W,$,C):ge[h].push(C)),e=this.chopInput(e,f),j=j+f,Ae=this.computeNewColumn(Ae,f),re===!0&&ae.canLineTerminator===!0){var It=0,Mr=void 0,ii=void 0;M.lastIndex=0;do Mr=M.test(c),Mr===!0&&(ii=M.lastIndex-1,It++);while(Mr===!0);It!==0&&(A=A+It,Ae=f-ii,this.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation(C,h,ii,It,A,Ae,f))}this.handleModes(ae,Be,fe,C)}else{for(var gi=j,hr=A,fi=Ae,ni=!1;!ni&&j <"+e+">");var n=(0,nr.timer)(t),s=n.time,o=n.value,a=s>10?console.warn:console.log;return this.traceInitIndent time: "+s+"ms"),this.traceInitIndent--,o}else return t()},r.SKIPPED="This marks a skipped Token pattern, this means each token identified by it willbe consumed and then thrown into oblivion, this can be used to for example to completely ignore whitespace.",r.NA=/NOT_APPLICABLE/,r}();Cc.Lexer=XEe});var TA=w(Qi=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Qi,"__esModule",{value:!0});Qi.tokenMatcher=Qi.createTokenInstance=Qi.EOF=Qi.createToken=Qi.hasTokenLabel=Qi.tokenName=Qi.tokenLabel=void 0;var $s=Gt(),ZEe=Bd(),Hv=_g();function _Ee(r){return bj(r)?r.LABEL:r.name}Qi.tokenLabel=_Ee;function $Ee(r){return r.name}Qi.tokenName=$Ee;function bj(r){return(0,$s.isString)(r.LABEL)&&r.LABEL!==""}Qi.hasTokenLabel=bj;var eIe="parent",dj="categories",Cj="label",mj="group",Ej="push_mode",Ij="pop_mode",yj="longer_alt",wj="line_breaks",Bj="start_chars_hint";function Qj(r){return tIe(r)}Qi.createToken=Qj;function tIe(r){var e=r.pattern,t={};if(t.name=r.name,(0,$s.isUndefined)(e)||(t.PATTERN=e),(0,$s.has)(r,eIe))throw`The parent property is no longer supported. -See: https://github.com/chevrotain/chevrotain/issues/564#issuecomment-349062346 for details.`;return(0,$s.has)(r,dj)&&(t.CATEGORIES=r[dj]),(0,Hv.augmentTokenTypes)([t]),(0,$s.has)(r,Cj)&&(t.LABEL=r[Cj]),(0,$s.has)(r,mj)&&(t.GROUP=r[mj]),(0,$s.has)(r,Ij)&&(t.POP_MODE=r[Ij]),(0,$s.has)(r,Ej)&&(t.PUSH_MODE=r[Ej]),(0,$s.has)(r,yj)&&(t.LONGER_ALT=r[yj]),(0,$s.has)(r,wj)&&(t.LINE_BREAKS=r[wj]),(0,$s.has)(r,Bj)&&(t.START_CHARS_HINT=r[Bj]),t}Qi.EOF=Qj({name:"EOF",pattern:ZEe.Lexer.NA});(0,Hv.augmentTokenTypes)([Qi.EOF]);function rIe(r,e,t,i,n,s,o,a){return{image:e,startOffset:t,endOffset:i,startLine:n,endLine:s,startColumn:o,endColumn:a,tokenTypeIdx:r.tokenTypeIdx,tokenType:r}}Qi.createTokenInstance=rIe;function iIe(r,e){return(0,Hv.tokenStructuredMatcher)(r,e)}Qi.tokenMatcher=iIe});var mn=w(zt=>{"use strict";var Pa=zt&&zt.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(zt,"__esModule",{value:!0});zt.serializeProduction=zt.serializeGrammar=zt.Terminal=zt.Alternation=zt.RepetitionWithSeparator=zt.Repetition=zt.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=zt.RepetitionMandatory=zt.Option=zt.Alternative=zt.Rule=zt.NonTerminal=zt.AbstractProduction=void 0;var Ar=Gt(),nIe=TA(),Ro=function(){function r(e){this._definition=e}return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"definition",{get:function(){return this._definition},set:function(e){this._definition=e},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),r.prototype.accept=function(e){e.visit(this),(0,Ar.forEach)(this.definition,function(t){t.accept(e)})},r}();zt.AbstractProduction=Ro;var Sj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,[])||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"definition",{get:function(){return this.referencedRule!==void 0?this.referencedRule.definition:[]},set:function(t){},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),e.prototype.accept=function(t){t.visit(this)},e}(Ro);zt.NonTerminal=Sj;var vj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.orgText="",(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.Rule=vj;var xj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.ignoreAmbiguities=!1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.Alternative=xj;var Pj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.Option=Pj;var Dj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.RepetitionMandatory=Dj;var kj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=kj;var Rj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.Repetition=Rj;var Fj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return e}(Ro);zt.RepetitionWithSeparator=Fj;var Nj=function(r){Pa(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this,t.definition)||this;return i.idx=1,i.ignoreAmbiguities=!1,i.hasPredicates=!1,(0,Ar.assign)(i,(0,Ar.pick)(t,function(n){return n!==void 0})),i}return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"definition",{get:function(){return this._definition},set:function(t){this._definition=t},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),e}(Ro);zt.Alternation=Nj;var oy=function(){function r(e){this.idx=1,(0,Ar.assign)(this,(0,Ar.pick)(e,function(t){return t!==void 0}))}return r.prototype.accept=function(e){e.visit(this)},r}();zt.Terminal=oy;function sIe(r){return(0,Ar.map)(r,Qd)}zt.serializeGrammar=sIe;function Qd(r){function e(s){return(0,Ar.map)(s,Qd)}if(r instanceof Sj){var t={type:"NonTerminal",name:r.nonTerminalName,idx:r.idx};return(0,Ar.isString)(r.label)&&(t.label=r.label),t}else{if(r instanceof xj)return{type:"Alternative",definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof Pj)return{type:"Option",idx:r.idx,definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof Dj)return{type:"RepetitionMandatory",idx:r.idx,definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof kj)return{type:"RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator",idx:r.idx,separator:Qd(new oy({terminalType:r.separator})),definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof Fj)return{type:"RepetitionWithSeparator",idx:r.idx,separator:Qd(new oy({terminalType:r.separator})),definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof Rj)return{type:"Repetition",idx:r.idx,definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof Nj)return{type:"Alternation",idx:r.idx,definition:e(r.definition)};if(r instanceof oy){var i={type:"Terminal",name:r.terminalType.name,label:(0,nIe.tokenLabel)(r.terminalType),idx:r.idx};(0,Ar.isString)(r.label)&&(i.terminalLabel=r.label);var n=r.terminalType.PATTERN;return r.terminalType.PATTERN&&(i.pattern=(0,Ar.isRegExp)(n)?n.source:n),i}else{if(r instanceof vj)return{type:"Rule",name:r.name,orgText:r.orgText,definition:e(r.definition)};throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}}zt.serializeProduction=Qd});var Ay=w(ay=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(ay,"__esModule",{value:!0});ay.RestWalker=void 0;var Gv=Gt(),En=mn(),oIe=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.walk=function(e,t){var i=this;t===void 0&&(t=[]),(0,Gv.forEach)(e.definition,function(n,s){var o=(0,Gv.drop)(e.definition,s+1);if(n instanceof En.NonTerminal)i.walkProdRef(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.Terminal)i.walkTerminal(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.Alternative)i.walkFlat(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.Option)i.walkOption(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.RepetitionMandatory)i.walkAtLeastOne(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator)i.walkAtLeastOneSep(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.RepetitionWithSeparator)i.walkManySep(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.Repetition)i.walkMany(n,o,t);else if(n instanceof En.Alternation)i.walkOr(n,o,t);else throw Error("non exhaustive match")})},r.prototype.walkTerminal=function(e,t,i){},r.prototype.walkProdRef=function(e,t,i){},r.prototype.walkFlat=function(e,t,i){var n=t.concat(i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkOption=function(e,t,i){var n=t.concat(i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkAtLeastOne=function(e,t,i){var n=[new En.Option({definition:e.definition})].concat(t,i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep=function(e,t,i){var n=Tj(e,t,i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkMany=function(e,t,i){var n=[new En.Option({definition:e.definition})].concat(t,i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkManySep=function(e,t,i){var n=Tj(e,t,i);this.walk(e,n)},r.prototype.walkOr=function(e,t,i){var n=this,s=t.concat(i);(0,Gv.forEach)(e.definition,function(o){var a=new En.Alternative({definition:[o]});n.walk(a,s)})},r}();ay.RestWalker=oIe;function Tj(r,e,t){var i=[new En.Option({definition:[new En.Terminal({terminalType:r.separator})].concat(r.definition)})],n=i.concat(e,t);return n}});var $g=w(ly=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(ly,"__esModule",{value:!0});ly.GAstVisitor=void 0;var Fo=mn(),aIe=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.visit=function(e){var t=e;switch(t.constructor){case Fo.NonTerminal:return this.visitNonTerminal(t);case Fo.Alternative:return this.visitAlternative(t);case Fo.Option:return this.visitOption(t);case Fo.RepetitionMandatory:return this.visitRepetitionMandatory(t);case Fo.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator:return this.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator(t);case Fo.RepetitionWithSeparator:return this.visitRepetitionWithSeparator(t);case Fo.Repetition:return this.visitRepetition(t);case Fo.Alternation:return this.visitAlternation(t);case Fo.Terminal:return this.visitTerminal(t);case Fo.Rule:return this.visitRule(t);default:throw Error("non exhaustive match")}},r.prototype.visitNonTerminal=function(e){},r.prototype.visitAlternative=function(e){},r.prototype.visitOption=function(e){},r.prototype.visitRepetition=function(e){},r.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory=function(e){},r.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=function(e){},r.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator=function(e){},r.prototype.visitAlternation=function(e){},r.prototype.visitTerminal=function(e){},r.prototype.visitRule=function(e){},r}();ly.GAstVisitor=aIe});var vd=w(Oi=>{"use strict";var AIe=Oi&&Oi.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Oi,"__esModule",{value:!0});Oi.collectMethods=Oi.DslMethodsCollectorVisitor=Oi.getProductionDslName=Oi.isBranchingProd=Oi.isOptionalProd=Oi.isSequenceProd=void 0;var Sd=Gt(),br=mn(),lIe=$g();function cIe(r){return r instanceof br.Alternative||r instanceof br.Option||r instanceof br.Repetition||r instanceof br.RepetitionMandatory||r instanceof br.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator||r instanceof br.RepetitionWithSeparator||r instanceof br.Terminal||r instanceof br.Rule}Oi.isSequenceProd=cIe;function Yv(r,e){e===void 0&&(e=[]);var t=r instanceof br.Option||r instanceof br.Repetition||r instanceof br.RepetitionWithSeparator;return t?!0:r instanceof br.Alternation?(0,Sd.some)(r.definition,function(i){return Yv(i,e)}):r instanceof br.NonTerminal&&(0,Sd.contains)(e,r)?!1:r instanceof br.AbstractProduction?(r instanceof br.NonTerminal&&e.push(r),(0,Sd.every)(r.definition,function(i){return Yv(i,e)})):!1}Oi.isOptionalProd=Yv;function uIe(r){return r instanceof br.Alternation}Oi.isBranchingProd=uIe;function gIe(r){if(r instanceof br.NonTerminal)return"SUBRULE";if(r instanceof br.Option)return"OPTION";if(r instanceof br.Alternation)return"OR";if(r instanceof br.RepetitionMandatory)return"AT_LEAST_ONE";if(r instanceof br.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator)return"AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP";if(r instanceof br.RepetitionWithSeparator)return"MANY_SEP";if(r instanceof br.Repetition)return"MANY";if(r instanceof br.Terminal)return"CONSUME";throw Error("non exhaustive match")}Oi.getProductionDslName=gIe;var Lj=function(r){AIe(e,r);function e(){var t=r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this;return t.separator="-",t.dslMethods={option:[],alternation:[],repetition:[],repetitionWithSeparator:[],repetitionMandatory:[],repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator:[]},t}return e.prototype.reset=function(){this.dslMethods={option:[],alternation:[],repetition:[],repetitionWithSeparator:[],repetitionMandatory:[],repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator:[]}},e.prototype.visitTerminal=function(t){var i=t.terminalType.name+this.separator+"Terminal";(0,Sd.has)(this.dslMethods,i)||(this.dslMethods[i]=[]),this.dslMethods[i].push(t)},e.prototype.visitNonTerminal=function(t){var i=t.nonTerminalName+this.separator+"Terminal";(0,Sd.has)(this.dslMethods,i)||(this.dslMethods[i]=[]),this.dslMethods[i].push(t)},e.prototype.visitOption=function(t){this.dslMethods.option.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator=function(t){this.dslMethods.repetitionWithSeparator.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory=function(t){this.dslMethods.repetitionMandatory.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=function(t){this.dslMethods.repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetition=function(t){this.dslMethods.repetition.push(t)},e.prototype.visitAlternation=function(t){this.dslMethods.alternation.push(t)},e}(lIe.GAstVisitor);Oi.DslMethodsCollectorVisitor=Lj;var cy=new Lj;function fIe(r){cy.reset(),r.accept(cy);var e=cy.dslMethods;return cy.reset(),e}Oi.collectMethods=fIe});var qv=w(No=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(No,"__esModule",{value:!0});No.firstForTerminal=No.firstForBranching=No.firstForSequence=No.first=void 0;var uy=Gt(),Mj=mn(),jv=vd();function gy(r){if(r instanceof Mj.NonTerminal)return gy(r.referencedRule);if(r instanceof Mj.Terminal)return Uj(r);if((0,jv.isSequenceProd)(r))return Oj(r);if((0,jv.isBranchingProd)(r))return Kj(r);throw Error("non exhaustive match")}No.first=gy;function Oj(r){for(var e=[],t=r.definition,i=0,n=t.length>i,s,o=!0;n&&o;)s=t[i],o=(0,jv.isOptionalProd)(s),e=e.concat(gy(s)),i=i+1,n=t.length>i;return(0,uy.uniq)(e)}No.firstForSequence=Oj;function Kj(r){var e=(0,uy.map)(r.definition,function(t){return gy(t)});return(0,uy.uniq)((0,uy.flatten)(e))}No.firstForBranching=Kj;function Uj(r){return[r.terminalType]}No.firstForTerminal=Uj});var Jv=w(fy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(fy,"__esModule",{value:!0});fy.IN=void 0;fy.IN="_~IN~_"});var qj=w(fs=>{"use strict";var hIe=fs&&fs.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(fs,"__esModule",{value:!0});fs.buildInProdFollowPrefix=fs.buildBetweenProdsFollowPrefix=fs.computeAllProdsFollows=fs.ResyncFollowsWalker=void 0;var pIe=Ay(),dIe=qv(),Hj=Gt(),Gj=Jv(),CIe=mn(),Yj=function(r){hIe(e,r);function e(t){var i=r.call(this)||this;return i.topProd=t,i.follows={},i}return e.prototype.startWalking=function(){return this.walk(this.topProd),this.follows},e.prototype.walkTerminal=function(t,i,n){},e.prototype.walkProdRef=function(t,i,n){var s=jj(t.referencedRule,t.idx)+this.topProd.name,o=i.concat(n),a=new CIe.Alternative({definition:o}),l=(0,dIe.first)(a);this.follows[s]=l},e}(pIe.RestWalker);fs.ResyncFollowsWalker=Yj;function mIe(r){var e={};return(0,Hj.forEach)(r,function(t){var i=new Yj(t).startWalking();(0,Hj.assign)(e,i)}),e}fs.computeAllProdsFollows=mIe;function jj(r,e){return r.name+e+Gj.IN}fs.buildBetweenProdsFollowPrefix=jj;function EIe(r){var e=r.terminalType.name;return e+r.idx+Gj.IN}fs.buildInProdFollowPrefix=EIe});var xd=w(Da=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Da,"__esModule",{value:!0});Da.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider=Da.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider=Da.defaultParserErrorProvider=void 0;var ef=TA(),IIe=Gt(),eo=Gt(),Wv=mn(),Jj=vd();Da.defaultParserErrorProvider={buildMismatchTokenMessage:function(r){var e=r.expected,t=r.actual,i=r.previous,n=r.ruleName,s=(0,ef.hasTokenLabel)(e),o=s?"--> "+(0,ef.tokenLabel)(e)+" <--":"token of type --> "+e.name+" <--",a="Expecting "+o+" but found --> '"+t.image+"' <--";return a},buildNotAllInputParsedMessage:function(r){var e=r.firstRedundant,t=r.ruleName;return"Redundant input, expecting EOF but found: "+e.image},buildNoViableAltMessage:function(r){var e=r.expectedPathsPerAlt,t=r.actual,i=r.previous,n=r.customUserDescription,s=r.ruleName,o="Expecting: ",a=(0,eo.first)(t).image,l=` -but found: '`+a+"'";if(n)return o+n+l;var c=(0,eo.reduce)(e,function(h,p){return h.concat(p)},[]),u=(0,eo.map)(c,function(h){return"["+(0,eo.map)(h,function(p){return(0,ef.tokenLabel)(p)}).join(", ")+"]"}),g=(0,eo.map)(u,function(h,p){return" "+(p+1)+". "+h}),f=`one of these possible Token sequences: -`+g.join(` -`);return o+f+l},buildEarlyExitMessage:function(r){var e=r.expectedIterationPaths,t=r.actual,i=r.customUserDescription,n=r.ruleName,s="Expecting: ",o=(0,eo.first)(t).image,a=` -but found: '`+o+"'";if(i)return s+i+a;var l=(0,eo.map)(e,function(u){return"["+(0,eo.map)(u,function(g){return(0,ef.tokenLabel)(g)}).join(",")+"]"}),c=`expecting at least one iteration which starts with one of these possible Token sequences:: - `+("<"+l.join(" ,")+">");return s+c+a}};Object.freeze(Da.defaultParserErrorProvider);Da.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider={buildRuleNotFoundError:function(r,e){var t="Invalid grammar, reference to a rule which is not defined: ->"+e.nonTerminalName+`<- -inside top level rule: ->`+r.name+"<-";return t}};Da.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider={buildDuplicateFoundError:function(r,e){function t(u){return u instanceof Wv.Terminal?u.terminalType.name:u instanceof Wv.NonTerminal?u.nonTerminalName:""}var i=r.name,n=(0,eo.first)(e),s=n.idx,o=(0,Jj.getProductionDslName)(n),a=t(n),l=s>0,c="->"+o+(l?s:"")+"<- "+(a?"with argument: ->"+a+"<-":"")+` - appears more than once (`+e.length+" times) in the top level rule: ->"+i+`<-. - For further details see: https://chevrotain.io/docs/FAQ.html#NUMERICAL_SUFFIXES - `;return c=c.replace(/[ \t]+/g," "),c=c.replace(/\s\s+/g,` -`),c},buildNamespaceConflictError:function(r){var e=`Namespace conflict found in grammar. -`+("The grammar has both a Terminal(Token) and a Non-Terminal(Rule) named: <"+r.name+`>. -`)+`To resolve this make sure each Terminal and Non-Terminal names are unique -This is easy to accomplish by using the convention that Terminal names start with an uppercase letter -and Non-Terminal names start with a lower case letter.`;return e},buildAlternationPrefixAmbiguityError:function(r){var e=(0,eo.map)(r.prefixPath,function(n){return(0,ef.tokenLabel)(n)}).join(", "),t=r.alternation.idx===0?"":r.alternation.idx,i="Ambiguous alternatives: <"+r.ambiguityIndices.join(" ,")+`> due to common lookahead prefix -`+("in inside <"+r.topLevelRule.name+`> Rule, -`)+("<"+e+`> may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives. -`)+`See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#COMMON_PREFIX -For Further details.`;return i},buildAlternationAmbiguityError:function(r){var e=(0,eo.map)(r.prefixPath,function(n){return(0,ef.tokenLabel)(n)}).join(", "),t=r.alternation.idx===0?"":r.alternation.idx,i="Ambiguous Alternatives Detected: <"+r.ambiguityIndices.join(" ,")+"> in "+(" inside <"+r.topLevelRule.name+`> Rule, -`)+("<"+e+`> may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives. -`);return i=i+`See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#AMBIGUOUS_ALTERNATIVES -For Further details.`,i},buildEmptyRepetitionError:function(r){var e=(0,Jj.getProductionDslName)(r.repetition);r.repetition.idx!==0&&(e+=r.repetition.idx);var t="The repetition <"+e+"> within Rule <"+r.topLevelRule.name+`> can never consume any tokens. -This could lead to an infinite loop.`;return t},buildTokenNameError:function(r){return"deprecated"},buildEmptyAlternationError:function(r){var e="Ambiguous empty alternative: <"+(r.emptyChoiceIdx+1)+">"+(" in inside <"+r.topLevelRule.name+`> Rule. -`)+"Only the last alternative may be an empty alternative.";return e},buildTooManyAlternativesError:function(r){var e=`An Alternation cannot have more than 256 alternatives: -`+(" inside <"+r.topLevelRule.name+`> Rule. - has `+(r.alternation.definition.length+1)+" alternatives.");return e},buildLeftRecursionError:function(r){var e=r.topLevelRule.name,t=IIe.map(r.leftRecursionPath,function(s){return s.name}),i=e+" --> "+t.concat([e]).join(" --> "),n=`Left Recursion found in grammar. -`+("rule: <"+e+`> can be invoked from itself (directly or indirectly) -`)+(`without consuming any Tokens. The grammar path that causes this is: - `+i+` -`)+` To fix this refactor your grammar to remove the left recursion. -see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LL_parser#Left_Factoring.`;return n},buildInvalidRuleNameError:function(r){return"deprecated"},buildDuplicateRuleNameError:function(r){var e;r.topLevelRule instanceof Wv.Rule?e=r.topLevelRule.name:e=r.topLevelRule;var t="Duplicate definition, rule: ->"+e+"<- is already defined in the grammar: ->"+r.grammarName+"<-";return t}}});var Vj=w(LA=>{"use strict";var yIe=LA&&LA.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(LA,"__esModule",{value:!0});LA.GastRefResolverVisitor=LA.resolveGrammar=void 0;var wIe=jn(),Wj=Gt(),BIe=$g();function bIe(r,e){var t=new zj(r,e);return t.resolveRefs(),t.errors}LA.resolveGrammar=bIe;var zj=function(r){yIe(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=r.call(this)||this;return n.nameToTopRule=t,n.errMsgProvider=i,n.errors=[],n}return e.prototype.resolveRefs=function(){var t=this;(0,Wj.forEach)((0,Wj.values)(this.nameToTopRule),function(i){t.currTopLevel=i,i.accept(t)})},e.prototype.visitNonTerminal=function(t){var i=this.nameToTopRule[t.nonTerminalName];if(i)t.referencedRule=i;else{var n=this.errMsgProvider.buildRuleNotFoundError(this.currTopLevel,t);this.errors.push({message:n,type:wIe.ParserDefinitionErrorType.UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF,ruleName:this.currTopLevel.name,unresolvedRefName:t.nonTerminalName})}},e}(BIe.GAstVisitor);LA.GastRefResolverVisitor=zj});var Dd=w(Nr=>{"use strict";var mc=Nr&&Nr.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Nr,"__esModule",{value:!0});Nr.nextPossibleTokensAfter=Nr.possiblePathsFrom=Nr.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker=Nr.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneWalker=Nr.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker=Nr.NextTerminalAfterManyWalker=Nr.AbstractNextTerminalAfterProductionWalker=Nr.NextAfterTokenWalker=Nr.AbstractNextPossibleTokensWalker=void 0;var Xj=Ay(),Kt=Gt(),QIe=qv(),kt=mn(),Zj=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=r.call(this)||this;return n.topProd=t,n.path=i,n.possibleTokTypes=[],n.nextProductionName="",n.nextProductionOccurrence=0,n.found=!1,n.isAtEndOfPath=!1,n}return e.prototype.startWalking=function(){if(this.found=!1,this.path.ruleStack[0]!==this.topProd.name)throw Error("The path does not start with the walker's top Rule!");return this.ruleStack=(0,Kt.cloneArr)(this.path.ruleStack).reverse(),this.occurrenceStack=(0,Kt.cloneArr)(this.path.occurrenceStack).reverse(),this.ruleStack.pop(),this.occurrenceStack.pop(),this.updateExpectedNext(),this.walk(this.topProd),this.possibleTokTypes},e.prototype.walk=function(t,i){i===void 0&&(i=[]),this.found||r.prototype.walk.call(this,t,i)},e.prototype.walkProdRef=function(t,i,n){if(t.referencedRule.name===this.nextProductionName&&t.idx===this.nextProductionOccurrence){var s=i.concat(n);this.updateExpectedNext(),this.walk(t.referencedRule,s)}},e.prototype.updateExpectedNext=function(){(0,Kt.isEmpty)(this.ruleStack)?(this.nextProductionName="",this.nextProductionOccurrence=0,this.isAtEndOfPath=!0):(this.nextProductionName=this.ruleStack.pop(),this.nextProductionOccurrence=this.occurrenceStack.pop())},e}(Xj.RestWalker);Nr.AbstractNextPossibleTokensWalker=Zj;var SIe=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=r.call(this,t,i)||this;return n.path=i,n.nextTerminalName="",n.nextTerminalOccurrence=0,n.nextTerminalName=n.path.lastTok.name,n.nextTerminalOccurrence=n.path.lastTokOccurrence,n}return e.prototype.walkTerminal=function(t,i,n){if(this.isAtEndOfPath&&t.terminalType.name===this.nextTerminalName&&t.idx===this.nextTerminalOccurrence&&!this.found){var s=i.concat(n),o=new kt.Alternative({definition:s});this.possibleTokTypes=(0,QIe.first)(o),this.found=!0}},e}(Zj);Nr.NextAfterTokenWalker=SIe;var Pd=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=r.call(this)||this;return n.topRule=t,n.occurrence=i,n.result={token:void 0,occurrence:void 0,isEndOfRule:void 0},n}return e.prototype.startWalking=function(){return this.walk(this.topRule),this.result},e}(Xj.RestWalker);Nr.AbstractNextTerminalAfterProductionWalker=Pd;var vIe=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(){return r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this}return e.prototype.walkMany=function(t,i,n){if(t.idx===this.occurrence){var s=(0,Kt.first)(i.concat(n));this.result.isEndOfRule=s===void 0,s instanceof kt.Terminal&&(this.result.token=s.terminalType,this.result.occurrence=s.idx)}else r.prototype.walkMany.call(this,t,i,n)},e}(Pd);Nr.NextTerminalAfterManyWalker=vIe;var xIe=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(){return r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this}return e.prototype.walkManySep=function(t,i,n){if(t.idx===this.occurrence){var s=(0,Kt.first)(i.concat(n));this.result.isEndOfRule=s===void 0,s instanceof kt.Terminal&&(this.result.token=s.terminalType,this.result.occurrence=s.idx)}else r.prototype.walkManySep.call(this,t,i,n)},e}(Pd);Nr.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker=xIe;var PIe=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(){return r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this}return e.prototype.walkAtLeastOne=function(t,i,n){if(t.idx===this.occurrence){var s=(0,Kt.first)(i.concat(n));this.result.isEndOfRule=s===void 0,s instanceof kt.Terminal&&(this.result.token=s.terminalType,this.result.occurrence=s.idx)}else r.prototype.walkAtLeastOne.call(this,t,i,n)},e}(Pd);Nr.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneWalker=PIe;var DIe=function(r){mc(e,r);function e(){return r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this}return e.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep=function(t,i,n){if(t.idx===this.occurrence){var s=(0,Kt.first)(i.concat(n));this.result.isEndOfRule=s===void 0,s instanceof kt.Terminal&&(this.result.token=s.terminalType,this.result.occurrence=s.idx)}else r.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep.call(this,t,i,n)},e}(Pd);Nr.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker=DIe;function _j(r,e,t){t===void 0&&(t=[]),t=(0,Kt.cloneArr)(t);var i=[],n=0;function s(c){return c.concat((0,Kt.drop)(r,n+1))}function o(c){var u=_j(s(c),e,t);return i.concat(u)}for(;t.length=0;ge--){var re=B.definition[ge],M={idx:p,def:re.definition.concat((0,Kt.drop)(h)),ruleStack:C,occurrenceStack:y};g.push(M),g.push(o)}else if(B instanceof kt.Alternative)g.push({idx:p,def:B.definition.concat((0,Kt.drop)(h)),ruleStack:C,occurrenceStack:y});else if(B instanceof kt.Rule)g.push(RIe(B,p,C,y));else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}return u}Nr.nextPossibleTokensAfter=kIe;function RIe(r,e,t,i){var n=(0,Kt.cloneArr)(t);n.push(r.name);var s=(0,Kt.cloneArr)(i);return s.push(1),{idx:e,def:r.definition,ruleStack:n,occurrenceStack:s}}});var kd=w(Zt=>{"use strict";var tq=Zt&&Zt.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Zt,"__esModule",{value:!0});Zt.areTokenCategoriesNotUsed=Zt.isStrictPrefixOfPath=Zt.containsPath=Zt.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd=Zt.getLookaheadPathsForOr=Zt.lookAheadSequenceFromAlternatives=Zt.buildSingleAlternativeLookaheadFunction=Zt.buildAlternativesLookAheadFunc=Zt.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd=Zt.buildLookaheadFuncForOr=Zt.getProdType=Zt.PROD_TYPE=void 0;var sr=Gt(),$j=Dd(),FIe=Ay(),hy=_g(),MA=mn(),NIe=$g(),oi;(function(r){r[r.OPTION=0]="OPTION",r[r.REPETITION=1]="REPETITION",r[r.REPETITION_MANDATORY=2]="REPETITION_MANDATORY",r[r.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR=3]="REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR",r[r.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR=4]="REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR",r[r.ALTERNATION=5]="ALTERNATION"})(oi=Zt.PROD_TYPE||(Zt.PROD_TYPE={}));function TIe(r){if(r instanceof MA.Option)return oi.OPTION;if(r instanceof MA.Repetition)return oi.REPETITION;if(r instanceof MA.RepetitionMandatory)return oi.REPETITION_MANDATORY;if(r instanceof MA.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator)return oi.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR;if(r instanceof MA.RepetitionWithSeparator)return oi.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR;if(r instanceof MA.Alternation)return oi.ALTERNATION;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}Zt.getProdType=TIe;function LIe(r,e,t,i,n,s){var o=iq(r,e,t),a=Xv(o)?hy.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories:hy.tokenStructuredMatcher;return s(o,i,a,n)}Zt.buildLookaheadFuncForOr=LIe;function MIe(r,e,t,i,n,s){var o=nq(r,e,n,t),a=Xv(o)?hy.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories:hy.tokenStructuredMatcher;return s(o[0],a,i)}Zt.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd=MIe;function OIe(r,e,t,i){var n=r.length,s=(0,sr.every)(r,function(l){return(0,sr.every)(l,function(c){return c.length===1})});if(e)return function(l){for(var c=(0,sr.map)(l,function(D){return D.GATE}),u=0;u{"use strict";var Zv=Vt&&Vt.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(Vt,"__esModule",{value:!0});Vt.checkPrefixAlternativesAmbiguities=Vt.validateSomeNonEmptyLookaheadPath=Vt.validateTooManyAlts=Vt.RepetionCollector=Vt.validateAmbiguousAlternationAlternatives=Vt.validateEmptyOrAlternative=Vt.getFirstNoneTerminal=Vt.validateNoLeftRecursion=Vt.validateRuleIsOverridden=Vt.validateRuleDoesNotAlreadyExist=Vt.OccurrenceValidationCollector=Vt.identifyProductionForDuplicates=Vt.validateGrammar=void 0;var er=Gt(),Qr=Gt(),To=jn(),_v=vd(),tf=kd(),YIe=Dd(),to=mn(),$v=$g();function jIe(r,e,t,i,n){var s=er.map(r,function(h){return qIe(h,i)}),o=er.map(r,function(h){return ex(h,h,i)}),a=[],l=[],c=[];(0,Qr.every)(o,Qr.isEmpty)&&(a=(0,Qr.map)(r,function(h){return cq(h,i)}),l=(0,Qr.map)(r,function(h){return uq(h,e,i)}),c=hq(r,e,i));var u=zIe(r,t,i),g=(0,Qr.map)(r,function(h){return fq(h,i)}),f=(0,Qr.map)(r,function(h){return lq(h,r,n,i)});return er.flatten(s.concat(c,o,a,l,u,g,f))}Vt.validateGrammar=jIe;function qIe(r,e){var t=new Aq;r.accept(t);var i=t.allProductions,n=er.groupBy(i,oq),s=er.pick(n,function(a){return a.length>1}),o=er.map(er.values(s),function(a){var l=er.first(a),c=e.buildDuplicateFoundError(r,a),u=(0,_v.getProductionDslName)(l),g={message:c,type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS,ruleName:r.name,dslName:u,occurrence:l.idx},f=aq(l);return f&&(g.parameter=f),g});return o}function oq(r){return(0,_v.getProductionDslName)(r)+"_#_"+r.idx+"_#_"+aq(r)}Vt.identifyProductionForDuplicates=oq;function aq(r){return r instanceof to.Terminal?r.terminalType.name:r instanceof to.NonTerminal?r.nonTerminalName:""}var Aq=function(r){Zv(e,r);function e(){var t=r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this;return t.allProductions=[],t}return e.prototype.visitNonTerminal=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitOption=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetition=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitAlternation=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitTerminal=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e}($v.GAstVisitor);Vt.OccurrenceValidationCollector=Aq;function lq(r,e,t,i){var n=[],s=(0,Qr.reduce)(e,function(a,l){return l.name===r.name?a+1:a},0);if(s>1){var o=i.buildDuplicateRuleNameError({topLevelRule:r,grammarName:t});n.push({message:o,type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME,ruleName:r.name})}return n}Vt.validateRuleDoesNotAlreadyExist=lq;function JIe(r,e,t){var i=[],n;return er.contains(e,r)||(n="Invalid rule override, rule: ->"+r+"<- cannot be overridden in the grammar: ->"+t+"<-as it is not defined in any of the super grammars ",i.push({message:n,type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE,ruleName:r})),i}Vt.validateRuleIsOverridden=JIe;function ex(r,e,t,i){i===void 0&&(i=[]);var n=[],s=Rd(e.definition);if(er.isEmpty(s))return[];var o=r.name,a=er.contains(s,r);a&&n.push({message:t.buildLeftRecursionError({topLevelRule:r,leftRecursionPath:i}),type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.LEFT_RECURSION,ruleName:o});var l=er.difference(s,i.concat([r])),c=er.map(l,function(u){var g=er.cloneArr(i);return g.push(u),ex(r,u,t,g)});return n.concat(er.flatten(c))}Vt.validateNoLeftRecursion=ex;function Rd(r){var e=[];if(er.isEmpty(r))return e;var t=er.first(r);if(t instanceof to.NonTerminal)e.push(t.referencedRule);else if(t instanceof to.Alternative||t instanceof to.Option||t instanceof to.RepetitionMandatory||t instanceof to.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator||t instanceof to.RepetitionWithSeparator||t instanceof to.Repetition)e=e.concat(Rd(t.definition));else if(t instanceof to.Alternation)e=er.flatten(er.map(t.definition,function(o){return Rd(o.definition)}));else if(!(t instanceof to.Terminal))throw Error("non exhaustive match");var i=(0,_v.isOptionalProd)(t),n=r.length>1;if(i&&n){var s=er.drop(r);return e.concat(Rd(s))}else return e}Vt.getFirstNoneTerminal=Rd;var tx=function(r){Zv(e,r);function e(){var t=r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this;return t.alternations=[],t}return e.prototype.visitAlternation=function(t){this.alternations.push(t)},e}($v.GAstVisitor);function cq(r,e){var t=new tx;r.accept(t);var i=t.alternations,n=er.reduce(i,function(s,o){var a=er.dropRight(o.definition),l=er.map(a,function(c,u){var g=(0,YIe.nextPossibleTokensAfter)([c],[],null,1);return er.isEmpty(g)?{message:e.buildEmptyAlternationError({topLevelRule:r,alternation:o,emptyChoiceIdx:u}),type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT,ruleName:r.name,occurrence:o.idx,alternative:u+1}:null});return s.concat(er.compact(l))},[]);return n}Vt.validateEmptyOrAlternative=cq;function uq(r,e,t){var i=new tx;r.accept(i);var n=i.alternations;n=(0,Qr.reject)(n,function(o){return o.ignoreAmbiguities===!0});var s=er.reduce(n,function(o,a){var l=a.idx,c=a.maxLookahead||e,u=(0,tf.getLookaheadPathsForOr)(l,r,c,a),g=WIe(u,a,r,t),f=pq(u,a,r,t);return o.concat(g,f)},[]);return s}Vt.validateAmbiguousAlternationAlternatives=uq;var gq=function(r){Zv(e,r);function e(){var t=r!==null&&r.apply(this,arguments)||this;return t.allProductions=[],t}return e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e.prototype.visitRepetition=function(t){this.allProductions.push(t)},e}($v.GAstVisitor);Vt.RepetionCollector=gq;function fq(r,e){var t=new tx;r.accept(t);var i=t.alternations,n=er.reduce(i,function(s,o){return o.definition.length>255&&s.push({message:e.buildTooManyAlternativesError({topLevelRule:r,alternation:o}),type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.TOO_MANY_ALTS,ruleName:r.name,occurrence:o.idx}),s},[]);return n}Vt.validateTooManyAlts=fq;function hq(r,e,t){var i=[];return(0,Qr.forEach)(r,function(n){var s=new gq;n.accept(s);var o=s.allProductions;(0,Qr.forEach)(o,function(a){var l=(0,tf.getProdType)(a),c=a.maxLookahead||e,u=a.idx,g=(0,tf.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd)(u,n,l,c),f=g[0];if((0,Qr.isEmpty)((0,Qr.flatten)(f))){var h=t.buildEmptyRepetitionError({topLevelRule:n,repetition:a});i.push({message:h,type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD,ruleName:n.name})}})}),i}Vt.validateSomeNonEmptyLookaheadPath=hq;function WIe(r,e,t,i){var n=[],s=(0,Qr.reduce)(r,function(a,l,c){return e.definition[c].ignoreAmbiguities===!0||(0,Qr.forEach)(l,function(u){var g=[c];(0,Qr.forEach)(r,function(f,h){c!==h&&(0,tf.containsPath)(f,u)&&e.definition[h].ignoreAmbiguities!==!0&&g.push(h)}),g.length>1&&!(0,tf.containsPath)(n,u)&&(n.push(u),a.push({alts:g,path:u}))}),a},[]),o=er.map(s,function(a){var l=(0,Qr.map)(a.alts,function(u){return u+1}),c=i.buildAlternationAmbiguityError({topLevelRule:t,alternation:e,ambiguityIndices:l,prefixPath:a.path});return{message:c,type:To.ParserDefinitionErrorType.AMBIGUOUS_ALTS,ruleName:t.name,occurrence:e.idx,alternatives:[a.alts]}});return o}function pq(r,e,t,i){var n=[],s=(0,Qr.reduce)(r,function(o,a,l){var c=(0,Qr.map)(a,function(u){return{idx:l,path:u}});return o.concat(c)},[]);return(0,Qr.forEach)(s,function(o){var a=e.definition[o.idx];if(a.ignoreAmbiguities!==!0){var l=o.idx,c=o.path,u=(0,Qr.findAll)(s,function(f){return e.definition[f.idx].ignoreAmbiguities!==!0&&f.idx{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(rf,"__esModule",{value:!0});rf.validateGrammar=rf.resolveGrammar=void 0;var ix=Gt(),VIe=Vj(),XIe=rx(),dq=xd();function ZIe(r){r=(0,ix.defaults)(r,{errMsgProvider:dq.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider});var e={};return(0,ix.forEach)(r.rules,function(t){e[t.name]=t}),(0,VIe.resolveGrammar)(e,r.errMsgProvider)}rf.resolveGrammar=ZIe;function _Ie(r){return r=(0,ix.defaults)(r,{errMsgProvider:dq.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider}),(0,XIe.validateGrammar)(r.rules,r.maxLookahead,r.tokenTypes,r.errMsgProvider,r.grammarName)}rf.validateGrammar=_Ie});var nf=w(In=>{"use strict";var Fd=In&&In.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(In,"__esModule",{value:!0});In.EarlyExitException=In.NotAllInputParsedException=In.NoViableAltException=In.MismatchedTokenException=In.isRecognitionException=void 0;var $Ie=Gt(),mq="MismatchedTokenException",Eq="NoViableAltException",Iq="EarlyExitException",yq="NotAllInputParsedException",wq=[mq,Eq,Iq,yq];Object.freeze(wq);function eye(r){return(0,$Ie.contains)(wq,r.name)}In.isRecognitionException=eye;var py=function(r){Fd(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=this.constructor,s=r.call(this,t)||this;return s.token=i,s.resyncedTokens=[],Object.setPrototypeOf(s,n.prototype),Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(s,s.constructor),s}return e}(Error),tye=function(r){Fd(e,r);function e(t,i,n){var s=r.call(this,t,i)||this;return s.previousToken=n,s.name=mq,s}return e}(py);In.MismatchedTokenException=tye;var rye=function(r){Fd(e,r);function e(t,i,n){var s=r.call(this,t,i)||this;return s.previousToken=n,s.name=Eq,s}return e}(py);In.NoViableAltException=rye;var iye=function(r){Fd(e,r);function e(t,i){var n=r.call(this,t,i)||this;return n.name=yq,n}return e}(py);In.NotAllInputParsedException=iye;var nye=function(r){Fd(e,r);function e(t,i,n){var s=r.call(this,t,i)||this;return s.previousToken=n,s.name=Iq,s}return e}(py);In.EarlyExitException=nye});var sx=w(Ki=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Ki,"__esModule",{value:!0});Ki.attemptInRepetitionRecovery=Ki.Recoverable=Ki.InRuleRecoveryException=Ki.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION=Ki.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY=void 0;var dy=TA(),hs=Gt(),sye=nf(),oye=Jv(),aye=jn();Ki.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY={};Ki.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION="InRuleRecoveryException";function nx(r){this.name=Ki.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION,this.message=r}Ki.InRuleRecoveryException=nx;nx.prototype=Error.prototype;var Aye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initRecoverable=function(e){this.firstAfterRepMap={},this.resyncFollows={},this.recoveryEnabled=(0,hs.has)(e,"recoveryEnabled")?e.recoveryEnabled:aye.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.recoveryEnabled,this.recoveryEnabled&&(this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery=Bq)},r.prototype.getTokenToInsert=function(e){var t=(0,dy.createTokenInstance)(e,"",NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN);return t.isInsertedInRecovery=!0,t},r.prototype.canTokenTypeBeInsertedInRecovery=function(e){return!0},r.prototype.tryInRepetitionRecovery=function(e,t,i,n){for(var s=this,o=this.findReSyncTokenType(),a=this.exportLexerState(),l=[],c=!1,u=this.LA(1),g=this.LA(1),f=function(){var h=s.LA(0),p=s.errorMessageProvider.buildMismatchTokenMessage({expected:n,actual:u,previous:h,ruleName:s.getCurrRuleFullName()}),C=new sye.MismatchedTokenException(p,u,s.LA(0));C.resyncedTokens=(0,hs.dropRight)(l),s.SAVE_ERROR(C)};!c;)if(this.tokenMatcher(g,n)){f();return}else if(i.call(this)){f(),e.apply(this,t);return}else this.tokenMatcher(g,o)?c=!0:(g=this.SKIP_TOKEN(),this.addToResyncTokens(g,l));this.importLexerState(a)},r.prototype.shouldInRepetitionRecoveryBeTried=function(e,t,i){return!(i===!1||e===void 0||t===void 0||this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),e)||this.isBackTracking()||this.canPerformInRuleRecovery(e,this.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery(e,t)))},r.prototype.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery=function(e,t){var i=this.getCurrentGrammarPath(e,t),n=this.getNextPossibleTokenTypes(i);return n},r.prototype.tryInRuleRecovery=function(e,t){if(this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion(e,t)){var i=this.getTokenToInsert(e);return i}if(this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion(e)){var n=this.SKIP_TOKEN();return this.consumeToken(),n}throw new nx("sad sad panda")},r.prototype.canPerformInRuleRecovery=function(e,t){return this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion(e,t)||this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion(e)},r.prototype.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion=function(e,t){var i=this;if(!this.canTokenTypeBeInsertedInRecovery(e)||(0,hs.isEmpty)(t))return!1;var n=this.LA(1),s=(0,hs.find)(t,function(o){return i.tokenMatcher(n,o)})!==void 0;return s},r.prototype.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion=function(e){var t=this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(2),e);return t},r.prototype.isInCurrentRuleReSyncSet=function(e){var t=this.getCurrFollowKey(),i=this.getFollowSetFromFollowKey(t);return(0,hs.contains)(i,e)},r.prototype.findReSyncTokenType=function(){for(var e=this.flattenFollowSet(),t=this.LA(1),i=2;;){var n=t.tokenType;if((0,hs.contains)(e,n))return n;t=this.LA(i),i++}},r.prototype.getCurrFollowKey=function(){if(this.RULE_STACK.length===1)return Ki.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY;var e=this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName(),t=this.getLastExplicitRuleOccurrenceIndex(),i=this.getPreviousExplicitRuleShortName();return{ruleName:this.shortRuleNameToFullName(e),idxInCallingRule:t,inRule:this.shortRuleNameToFullName(i)}},r.prototype.buildFullFollowKeyStack=function(){var e=this,t=this.RULE_STACK,i=this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK;return(0,hs.map)(t,function(n,s){return s===0?Ki.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY:{ruleName:e.shortRuleNameToFullName(n),idxInCallingRule:i[s],inRule:e.shortRuleNameToFullName(t[s-1])}})},r.prototype.flattenFollowSet=function(){var e=this,t=(0,hs.map)(this.buildFullFollowKeyStack(),function(i){return e.getFollowSetFromFollowKey(i)});return(0,hs.flatten)(t)},r.prototype.getFollowSetFromFollowKey=function(e){if(e===Ki.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY)return[dy.EOF];var t=e.ruleName+e.idxInCallingRule+oye.IN+e.inRule;return this.resyncFollows[t]},r.prototype.addToResyncTokens=function(e,t){return this.tokenMatcher(e,dy.EOF)||t.push(e),t},r.prototype.reSyncTo=function(e){for(var t=[],i=this.LA(1);this.tokenMatcher(i,e)===!1;)i=this.SKIP_TOKEN(),this.addToResyncTokens(i,t);return(0,hs.dropRight)(t)},r.prototype.attemptInRepetitionRecovery=function(e,t,i,n,s,o,a){},r.prototype.getCurrentGrammarPath=function(e,t){var i=this.getHumanReadableRuleStack(),n=(0,hs.cloneArr)(this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK),s={ruleStack:i,occurrenceStack:n,lastTok:e,lastTokOccurrence:t};return s},r.prototype.getHumanReadableRuleStack=function(){var e=this;return(0,hs.map)(this.RULE_STACK,function(t){return e.shortRuleNameToFullName(t)})},r}();Ki.Recoverable=Aye;function Bq(r,e,t,i,n,s,o){var a=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(i,n),l=this.firstAfterRepMap[a];if(l===void 0){var c=this.getCurrRuleFullName(),u=this.getGAstProductions()[c],g=new s(u,n);l=g.startWalking(),this.firstAfterRepMap[a]=l}var f=l.token,h=l.occurrence,p=l.isEndOfRule;this.RULE_STACK.length===1&&p&&f===void 0&&(f=dy.EOF,h=1),this.shouldInRepetitionRecoveryBeTried(f,h,o)&&this.tryInRepetitionRecovery(r,e,t,f)}Ki.attemptInRepetitionRecovery=Bq});var Cy=w(Jt=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Jt,"__esModule",{value:!0});Jt.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead=Jt.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX=Jt.MANY_SEP_IDX=Jt.AT_LEAST_ONE_IDX=Jt.MANY_IDX=Jt.OPTION_IDX=Jt.OR_IDX=Jt.BITS_FOR_ALT_IDX=Jt.BITS_FOR_RULE_IDX=Jt.BITS_FOR_OCCURRENCE_IDX=Jt.BITS_FOR_METHOD_TYPE=void 0;Jt.BITS_FOR_METHOD_TYPE=4;Jt.BITS_FOR_OCCURRENCE_IDX=8;Jt.BITS_FOR_RULE_IDX=12;Jt.BITS_FOR_ALT_IDX=8;Jt.OR_IDX=1<{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(my,"__esModule",{value:!0});my.LooksAhead=void 0;var ka=kd(),ro=Gt(),bq=jn(),Ra=Cy(),Ec=vd(),cye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initLooksAhead=function(e){this.dynamicTokensEnabled=(0,ro.has)(e,"dynamicTokensEnabled")?e.dynamicTokensEnabled:bq.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.dynamicTokensEnabled,this.maxLookahead=(0,ro.has)(e,"maxLookahead")?e.maxLookahead:bq.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.maxLookahead,this.lookAheadFuncsCache=(0,ro.isES2015MapSupported)()?new Map:[],(0,ro.isES2015MapSupported)()?(this.getLaFuncFromCache=this.getLaFuncFromMap,this.setLaFuncCache=this.setLaFuncCacheUsingMap):(this.getLaFuncFromCache=this.getLaFuncFromObj,this.setLaFuncCache=this.setLaFuncUsingObj)},r.prototype.preComputeLookaheadFunctions=function(e){var t=this;(0,ro.forEach)(e,function(i){t.TRACE_INIT(i.name+" Rule Lookahead",function(){var n=(0,Ec.collectMethods)(i),s=n.alternation,o=n.repetition,a=n.option,l=n.repetitionMandatory,c=n.repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator,u=n.repetitionWithSeparator;(0,ro.forEach)(s,function(g){var f=g.idx===0?"":g.idx;t.TRACE_INIT(""+(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g)+f,function(){var h=(0,ka.buildLookaheadFuncForOr)(g.idx,i,g.maxLookahead||t.maxLookahead,g.hasPredicates,t.dynamicTokensEnabled,t.lookAheadBuilderForAlternatives),p=(0,Ra.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead)(t.fullRuleNameToShort[i.name],Ra.OR_IDX,g.idx);t.setLaFuncCache(p,h)})}),(0,ro.forEach)(o,function(g){t.computeLookaheadFunc(i,g.idx,Ra.MANY_IDX,ka.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION,g.maxLookahead,(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g))}),(0,ro.forEach)(a,function(g){t.computeLookaheadFunc(i,g.idx,Ra.OPTION_IDX,ka.PROD_TYPE.OPTION,g.maxLookahead,(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g))}),(0,ro.forEach)(l,function(g){t.computeLookaheadFunc(i,g.idx,Ra.AT_LEAST_ONE_IDX,ka.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY,g.maxLookahead,(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g))}),(0,ro.forEach)(c,function(g){t.computeLookaheadFunc(i,g.idx,Ra.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX,ka.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR,g.maxLookahead,(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g))}),(0,ro.forEach)(u,function(g){t.computeLookaheadFunc(i,g.idx,Ra.MANY_SEP_IDX,ka.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR,g.maxLookahead,(0,Ec.getProductionDslName)(g))})})})},r.prototype.computeLookaheadFunc=function(e,t,i,n,s,o){var a=this;this.TRACE_INIT(""+o+(t===0?"":t),function(){var l=(0,ka.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd)(t,e,s||a.maxLookahead,a.dynamicTokensEnabled,n,a.lookAheadBuilderForOptional),c=(0,Ra.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead)(a.fullRuleNameToShort[e.name],i,t);a.setLaFuncCache(c,l)})},r.prototype.lookAheadBuilderForOptional=function(e,t,i){return(0,ka.buildSingleAlternativeLookaheadFunction)(e,t,i)},r.prototype.lookAheadBuilderForAlternatives=function(e,t,i,n){return(0,ka.buildAlternativesLookAheadFunc)(e,t,i,n)},r.prototype.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead=function(e,t){var i=this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName();return(0,Ra.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead)(i,e,t)},r.prototype.getLaFuncFromCache=function(e){},r.prototype.getLaFuncFromMap=function(e){return this.lookAheadFuncsCache.get(e)},r.prototype.getLaFuncFromObj=function(e){return this.lookAheadFuncsCache[e]},r.prototype.setLaFuncCache=function(e,t){},r.prototype.setLaFuncCacheUsingMap=function(e,t){this.lookAheadFuncsCache.set(e,t)},r.prototype.setLaFuncUsingObj=function(e,t){this.lookAheadFuncsCache[e]=t},r}();my.LooksAhead=cye});var Sq=w(Lo=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Lo,"__esModule",{value:!0});Lo.addNoneTerminalToCst=Lo.addTerminalToCst=Lo.setNodeLocationFull=Lo.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset=void 0;function uye(r,e){isNaN(r.startOffset)===!0?(r.startOffset=e.startOffset,r.endOffset=e.endOffset):r.endOffset{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(OA,"__esModule",{value:!0});OA.defineNameProp=OA.functionName=OA.classNameFromInstance=void 0;var pye=Gt();function dye(r){return xq(r.constructor)}OA.classNameFromInstance=dye;var vq="name";function xq(r){var e=r.name;return e||"anonymous"}OA.functionName=xq;function Cye(r,e){var t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,vq);return(0,pye.isUndefined)(t)||t.configurable?(Object.defineProperty(r,vq,{enumerable:!1,configurable:!0,writable:!1,value:e}),!0):!1}OA.defineNameProp=Cye});var Fq=w(Si=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Si,"__esModule",{value:!0});Si.validateRedundantMethods=Si.validateMissingCstMethods=Si.validateVisitor=Si.CstVisitorDefinitionError=Si.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults=Si.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor=Si.defaultVisit=void 0;var ps=Gt(),Nd=ox();function Pq(r,e){for(var t=(0,ps.keys)(r),i=t.length,n=0;n: - `+(""+s.join(` - -`).replace(/\n/g,` - `)))}}};return t.prototype=i,t.prototype.constructor=t,t._RULE_NAMES=e,t}Si.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor=mye;function Eye(r,e,t){var i=function(){};(0,Nd.defineNameProp)(i,r+"BaseSemanticsWithDefaults");var n=Object.create(t.prototype);return(0,ps.forEach)(e,function(s){n[s]=Pq}),i.prototype=n,i.prototype.constructor=i,i}Si.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults=Eye;var ax;(function(r){r[r.REDUNDANT_METHOD=0]="REDUNDANT_METHOD",r[r.MISSING_METHOD=1]="MISSING_METHOD"})(ax=Si.CstVisitorDefinitionError||(Si.CstVisitorDefinitionError={}));function Dq(r,e){var t=kq(r,e),i=Rq(r,e);return t.concat(i)}Si.validateVisitor=Dq;function kq(r,e){var t=(0,ps.map)(e,function(i){if(!(0,ps.isFunction)(r[i]))return{msg:"Missing visitor method: <"+i+"> on "+(0,Nd.functionName)(r.constructor)+" CST Visitor.",type:ax.MISSING_METHOD,methodName:i}});return(0,ps.compact)(t)}Si.validateMissingCstMethods=kq;var Iye=["constructor","visit","validateVisitor"];function Rq(r,e){var t=[];for(var i in r)(0,ps.isFunction)(r[i])&&!(0,ps.contains)(Iye,i)&&!(0,ps.contains)(e,i)&&t.push({msg:"Redundant visitor method: <"+i+"> on "+(0,Nd.functionName)(r.constructor)+` CST Visitor -There is no Grammar Rule corresponding to this method's name. -`,type:ax.REDUNDANT_METHOD,methodName:i});return t}Si.validateRedundantMethods=Rq});var Tq=w(Ey=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Ey,"__esModule",{value:!0});Ey.TreeBuilder=void 0;var sf=Sq(),_r=Gt(),Nq=Fq(),yye=jn(),wye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initTreeBuilder=function(e){if(this.CST_STACK=[],this.outputCst=e.outputCst,this.nodeLocationTracking=(0,_r.has)(e,"nodeLocationTracking")?e.nodeLocationTracking:yye.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.nodeLocationTracking,!this.outputCst)this.cstInvocationStateUpdate=_r.NOOP,this.cstFinallyStateUpdate=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostTerminal=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostNonTerminal=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostRule=_r.NOOP;else if(/full/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking))this.recoveryEnabled?(this.setNodeLocationFromToken=sf.setNodeLocationFull,this.setNodeLocationFromNode=sf.setNodeLocationFull,this.cstPostRule=_r.NOOP,this.setInitialNodeLocation=this.setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery):(this.setNodeLocationFromToken=_r.NOOP,this.setNodeLocationFromNode=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostRule=this.cstPostRuleFull,this.setInitialNodeLocation=this.setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular);else if(/onlyOffset/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking))this.recoveryEnabled?(this.setNodeLocationFromToken=sf.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset,this.setNodeLocationFromNode=sf.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset,this.cstPostRule=_r.NOOP,this.setInitialNodeLocation=this.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery):(this.setNodeLocationFromToken=_r.NOOP,this.setNodeLocationFromNode=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostRule=this.cstPostRuleOnlyOffset,this.setInitialNodeLocation=this.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular);else if(/none/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking))this.setNodeLocationFromToken=_r.NOOP,this.setNodeLocationFromNode=_r.NOOP,this.cstPostRule=_r.NOOP,this.setInitialNodeLocation=_r.NOOP;else throw Error('Invalid config option: "'+e.nodeLocationTracking+'"')},r.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery=function(e){e.location={startOffset:NaN,endOffset:NaN}},r.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular=function(e){e.location={startOffset:this.LA(1).startOffset,endOffset:NaN}},r.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery=function(e){e.location={startOffset:NaN,startLine:NaN,startColumn:NaN,endOffset:NaN,endLine:NaN,endColumn:NaN}},r.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular=function(e){var t=this.LA(1);e.location={startOffset:t.startOffset,startLine:t.startLine,startColumn:t.startColumn,endOffset:NaN,endLine:NaN,endColumn:NaN}},r.prototype.cstInvocationStateUpdate=function(e,t){var i={name:e,children:{}};this.setInitialNodeLocation(i),this.CST_STACK.push(i)},r.prototype.cstFinallyStateUpdate=function(){this.CST_STACK.pop()},r.prototype.cstPostRuleFull=function(e){var t=this.LA(0),i=e.location;i.startOffset<=t.startOffset?(i.endOffset=t.endOffset,i.endLine=t.endLine,i.endColumn=t.endColumn):(i.startOffset=NaN,i.startLine=NaN,i.startColumn=NaN)},r.prototype.cstPostRuleOnlyOffset=function(e){var t=this.LA(0),i=e.location;i.startOffset<=t.startOffset?i.endOffset=t.endOffset:i.startOffset=NaN},r.prototype.cstPostTerminal=function(e,t){var i=this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length-1];(0,sf.addTerminalToCst)(i,t,e),this.setNodeLocationFromToken(i.location,t)},r.prototype.cstPostNonTerminal=function(e,t){var i=this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length-1];(0,sf.addNoneTerminalToCst)(i,t,e),this.setNodeLocationFromNode(i.location,e.location)},r.prototype.getBaseCstVisitorConstructor=function(){if((0,_r.isUndefined)(this.baseCstVisitorConstructor)){var e=(0,Nq.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor)(this.className,(0,_r.keys)(this.gastProductionsCache));return this.baseCstVisitorConstructor=e,e}return this.baseCstVisitorConstructor},r.prototype.getBaseCstVisitorConstructorWithDefaults=function(){if((0,_r.isUndefined)(this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor)){var e=(0,Nq.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults)(this.className,(0,_r.keys)(this.gastProductionsCache),this.getBaseCstVisitorConstructor());return this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor=e,e}return this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor},r.prototype.getLastExplicitRuleShortName=function(){var e=this.RULE_STACK;return e[e.length-1]},r.prototype.getPreviousExplicitRuleShortName=function(){var e=this.RULE_STACK;return e[e.length-2]},r.prototype.getLastExplicitRuleOccurrenceIndex=function(){var e=this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK;return e[e.length-1]},r}();Ey.TreeBuilder=wye});var Mq=w(Iy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Iy,"__esModule",{value:!0});Iy.LexerAdapter=void 0;var Lq=jn(),Bye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initLexerAdapter=function(){this.tokVector=[],this.tokVectorLength=0,this.currIdx=-1},Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"input",{get:function(){return this.tokVector},set:function(e){if(this.selfAnalysisDone!==!0)throw Error("Missing invocation at the end of the Parser's constructor.");this.reset(),this.tokVector=e,this.tokVectorLength=e.length},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),r.prototype.SKIP_TOKEN=function(){return this.currIdx<=this.tokVector.length-2?(this.consumeToken(),this.LA(1)):Lq.END_OF_FILE},r.prototype.LA=function(e){var t=this.currIdx+e;return t<0||this.tokVectorLength<=t?Lq.END_OF_FILE:this.tokVector[t]},r.prototype.consumeToken=function(){this.currIdx++},r.prototype.exportLexerState=function(){return this.currIdx},r.prototype.importLexerState=function(e){this.currIdx=e},r.prototype.resetLexerState=function(){this.currIdx=-1},r.prototype.moveToTerminatedState=function(){this.currIdx=this.tokVector.length-1},r.prototype.getLexerPosition=function(){return this.exportLexerState()},r}();Iy.LexerAdapter=Bye});var Kq=w(yy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(yy,"__esModule",{value:!0});yy.RecognizerApi=void 0;var Oq=Gt(),bye=nf(),Ax=jn(),Qye=xd(),Sye=rx(),vye=mn(),xye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.ACTION=function(e){return e.call(this)},r.prototype.consume=function(e,t,i){return this.consumeInternal(t,e,i)},r.prototype.subrule=function(e,t,i){return this.subruleInternal(t,e,i)},r.prototype.option=function(e,t){return this.optionInternal(t,e)},r.prototype.or=function(e,t){return this.orInternal(t,e)},r.prototype.many=function(e,t){return this.manyInternal(e,t)},r.prototype.atLeastOne=function(e,t){return this.atLeastOneInternal(e,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,0,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME1=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,1,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME2=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,2,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME3=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,3,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME4=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,4,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME5=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,5,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME6=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,6,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME7=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,7,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME8=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,8,t)},r.prototype.CONSUME9=function(e,t){return this.consumeInternal(e,9,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,0,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE1=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,1,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE2=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,2,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE3=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,3,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE4=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,4,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE5=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,5,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE6=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,6,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE7=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,7,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE8=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,8,t)},r.prototype.SUBRULE9=function(e,t){return this.subruleInternal(e,9,t)},r.prototype.OPTION=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,0)},r.prototype.OPTION1=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,1)},r.prototype.OPTION2=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,2)},r.prototype.OPTION3=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,3)},r.prototype.OPTION4=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,4)},r.prototype.OPTION5=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,5)},r.prototype.OPTION6=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,6)},r.prototype.OPTION7=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,7)},r.prototype.OPTION8=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,8)},r.prototype.OPTION9=function(e){return this.optionInternal(e,9)},r.prototype.OR=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,0)},r.prototype.OR1=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,1)},r.prototype.OR2=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,2)},r.prototype.OR3=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,3)},r.prototype.OR4=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,4)},r.prototype.OR5=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,5)},r.prototype.OR6=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,6)},r.prototype.OR7=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,7)},r.prototype.OR8=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,8)},r.prototype.OR9=function(e){return this.orInternal(e,9)},r.prototype.MANY=function(e){this.manyInternal(0,e)},r.prototype.MANY1=function(e){this.manyInternal(1,e)},r.prototype.MANY2=function(e){this.manyInternal(2,e)},r.prototype.MANY3=function(e){this.manyInternal(3,e)},r.prototype.MANY4=function(e){this.manyInternal(4,e)},r.prototype.MANY5=function(e){this.manyInternal(5,e)},r.prototype.MANY6=function(e){this.manyInternal(6,e)},r.prototype.MANY7=function(e){this.manyInternal(7,e)},r.prototype.MANY8=function(e){this.manyInternal(8,e)},r.prototype.MANY9=function(e){this.manyInternal(9,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(0,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP1=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(1,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP2=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(2,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP3=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(3,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP4=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(4,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP5=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(5,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP6=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(6,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP7=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(7,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP8=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(8,e)},r.prototype.MANY_SEP9=function(e){this.manySepFirstInternal(9,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(0,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE1=function(e){return this.atLeastOneInternal(1,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE2=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(2,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE3=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(3,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE4=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(4,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE5=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(5,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE6=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(6,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE7=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(7,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE8=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(8,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE9=function(e){this.atLeastOneInternal(9,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(0,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP1=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(1,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP2=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(2,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP3=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(3,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP4=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(4,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP5=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(5,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP6=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(6,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP7=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(7,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP8=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(8,e)},r.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP9=function(e){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(9,e)},r.prototype.RULE=function(e,t,i){if(i===void 0&&(i=Ax.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG),(0,Oq.contains)(this.definedRulesNames,e)){var n=Qye.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider.buildDuplicateRuleNameError({topLevelRule:e,grammarName:this.className}),s={message:n,type:Ax.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME,ruleName:e};this.definitionErrors.push(s)}this.definedRulesNames.push(e);var o=this.defineRule(e,t,i);return this[e]=o,o},r.prototype.OVERRIDE_RULE=function(e,t,i){i===void 0&&(i=Ax.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG);var n=[];n=n.concat((0,Sye.validateRuleIsOverridden)(e,this.definedRulesNames,this.className)),this.definitionErrors=this.definitionErrors.concat(n);var s=this.defineRule(e,t,i);return this[e]=s,s},r.prototype.BACKTRACK=function(e,t){return function(){this.isBackTrackingStack.push(1);var i=this.saveRecogState();try{return e.apply(this,t),!0}catch(n){if((0,bye.isRecognitionException)(n))return!1;throw n}finally{this.reloadRecogState(i),this.isBackTrackingStack.pop()}}},r.prototype.getGAstProductions=function(){return this.gastProductionsCache},r.prototype.getSerializedGastProductions=function(){return(0,vye.serializeGrammar)((0,Oq.values)(this.gastProductionsCache))},r}();yy.RecognizerApi=xye});var Yq=w(By=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(By,"__esModule",{value:!0});By.RecognizerEngine=void 0;var Pr=Gt(),qn=Cy(),wy=nf(),Uq=kd(),of=Dd(),Hq=jn(),Pye=sx(),Gq=TA(),Td=_g(),Dye=ox(),kye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initRecognizerEngine=function(e,t){if(this.className=(0,Dye.classNameFromInstance)(this),this.shortRuleNameToFull={},this.fullRuleNameToShort={},this.ruleShortNameIdx=256,this.tokenMatcher=Td.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories,this.definedRulesNames=[],this.tokensMap={},this.isBackTrackingStack=[],this.RULE_STACK=[],this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK=[],this.gastProductionsCache={},(0,Pr.has)(t,"serializedGrammar"))throw Error(`The Parser's configuration can no longer contain a property. - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_6-0-0 - For Further details.`);if((0,Pr.isArray)(e)){if((0,Pr.isEmpty)(e))throw Error(`A Token Vocabulary cannot be empty. - Note that the first argument for the parser constructor - is no longer a Token vector (since v4.0).`);if(typeof e[0].startOffset=="number")throw Error(`The Parser constructor no longer accepts a token vector as the first argument. - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_4-0-0 - For Further details.`)}if((0,Pr.isArray)(e))this.tokensMap=(0,Pr.reduce)(e,function(o,a){return o[a.name]=a,o},{});else if((0,Pr.has)(e,"modes")&&(0,Pr.every)((0,Pr.flatten)((0,Pr.values)(e.modes)),Td.isTokenType)){var i=(0,Pr.flatten)((0,Pr.values)(e.modes)),n=(0,Pr.uniq)(i);this.tokensMap=(0,Pr.reduce)(n,function(o,a){return o[a.name]=a,o},{})}else if((0,Pr.isObject)(e))this.tokensMap=(0,Pr.cloneObj)(e);else throw new Error(" argument must be An Array of Token constructors, A dictionary of Token constructors or an IMultiModeLexerDefinition");this.tokensMap.EOF=Gq.EOF;var s=(0,Pr.every)((0,Pr.values)(e),function(o){return(0,Pr.isEmpty)(o.categoryMatches)});this.tokenMatcher=s?Td.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories:Td.tokenStructuredMatcher,(0,Td.augmentTokenTypes)((0,Pr.values)(this.tokensMap))},r.prototype.defineRule=function(e,t,i){if(this.selfAnalysisDone)throw Error("Grammar rule <"+e+`> may not be defined after the 'performSelfAnalysis' method has been called' -Make sure that all grammar rule definitions are done before 'performSelfAnalysis' is called.`);var n=(0,Pr.has)(i,"resyncEnabled")?i.resyncEnabled:Hq.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG.resyncEnabled,s=(0,Pr.has)(i,"recoveryValueFunc")?i.recoveryValueFunc:Hq.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG.recoveryValueFunc,o=this.ruleShortNameIdx<t},r.prototype.orInternal=function(e,t){var i=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(qn.OR_IDX,t),n=(0,Pr.isArray)(e)?e:e.DEF,s=this.getLaFuncFromCache(i),o=s.call(this,n);if(o!==void 0){var a=n[o];return a.ALT.call(this)}this.raiseNoAltException(t,e.ERR_MSG)},r.prototype.ruleFinallyStateUpdate=function(){if(this.RULE_STACK.pop(),this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK.pop(),this.cstFinallyStateUpdate(),this.RULE_STACK.length===0&&this.isAtEndOfInput()===!1){var e=this.LA(1),t=this.errorMessageProvider.buildNotAllInputParsedMessage({firstRedundant:e,ruleName:this.getCurrRuleFullName()});this.SAVE_ERROR(new wy.NotAllInputParsedException(t,e))}},r.prototype.subruleInternal=function(e,t,i){var n;try{var s=i!==void 0?i.ARGS:void 0;return n=e.call(this,t,s),this.cstPostNonTerminal(n,i!==void 0&&i.LABEL!==void 0?i.LABEL:e.ruleName),n}catch(o){this.subruleInternalError(o,i,e.ruleName)}},r.prototype.subruleInternalError=function(e,t,i){throw(0,wy.isRecognitionException)(e)&&e.partialCstResult!==void 0&&(this.cstPostNonTerminal(e.partialCstResult,t!==void 0&&t.LABEL!==void 0?t.LABEL:i),delete e.partialCstResult),e},r.prototype.consumeInternal=function(e,t,i){var n;try{var s=this.LA(1);this.tokenMatcher(s,e)===!0?(this.consumeToken(),n=s):this.consumeInternalError(e,s,i)}catch(o){n=this.consumeInternalRecovery(e,t,o)}return this.cstPostTerminal(i!==void 0&&i.LABEL!==void 0?i.LABEL:e.name,n),n},r.prototype.consumeInternalError=function(e,t,i){var n,s=this.LA(0);throw i!==void 0&&i.ERR_MSG?n=i.ERR_MSG:n=this.errorMessageProvider.buildMismatchTokenMessage({expected:e,actual:t,previous:s,ruleName:this.getCurrRuleFullName()}),this.SAVE_ERROR(new wy.MismatchedTokenException(n,t,s))},r.prototype.consumeInternalRecovery=function(e,t,i){if(this.recoveryEnabled&&i.name==="MismatchedTokenException"&&!this.isBackTracking()){var n=this.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery(e,t);try{return this.tryInRuleRecovery(e,n)}catch(s){throw s.name===Pye.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION?i:s}}else throw i},r.prototype.saveRecogState=function(){var e=this.errors,t=(0,Pr.cloneArr)(this.RULE_STACK);return{errors:e,lexerState:this.exportLexerState(),RULE_STACK:t,CST_STACK:this.CST_STACK}},r.prototype.reloadRecogState=function(e){this.errors=e.errors,this.importLexerState(e.lexerState),this.RULE_STACK=e.RULE_STACK},r.prototype.ruleInvocationStateUpdate=function(e,t,i){this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK.push(i),this.RULE_STACK.push(e),this.cstInvocationStateUpdate(t,e)},r.prototype.isBackTracking=function(){return this.isBackTrackingStack.length!==0},r.prototype.getCurrRuleFullName=function(){var e=this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName();return this.shortRuleNameToFull[e]},r.prototype.shortRuleNameToFullName=function(e){return this.shortRuleNameToFull[e]},r.prototype.isAtEndOfInput=function(){return this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),Gq.EOF)},r.prototype.reset=function(){this.resetLexerState(),this.isBackTrackingStack=[],this.errors=[],this.RULE_STACK=[],this.CST_STACK=[],this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK=[]},r}();By.RecognizerEngine=kye});var qq=w(by=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(by,"__esModule",{value:!0});by.ErrorHandler=void 0;var lx=nf(),cx=Gt(),jq=kd(),Rye=jn(),Fye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initErrorHandler=function(e){this._errors=[],this.errorMessageProvider=(0,cx.has)(e,"errorMessageProvider")?e.errorMessageProvider:Rye.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.errorMessageProvider},r.prototype.SAVE_ERROR=function(e){if((0,lx.isRecognitionException)(e))return e.context={ruleStack:this.getHumanReadableRuleStack(),ruleOccurrenceStack:(0,cx.cloneArr)(this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK)},this._errors.push(e),e;throw Error("Trying to save an Error which is not a RecognitionException")},Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"errors",{get:function(){return(0,cx.cloneArr)(this._errors)},set:function(e){this._errors=e},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),r.prototype.raiseEarlyExitException=function(e,t,i){for(var n=this.getCurrRuleFullName(),s=this.getGAstProductions()[n],o=(0,jq.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd)(e,s,t,this.maxLookahead),a=o[0],l=[],c=1;c<=this.maxLookahead;c++)l.push(this.LA(c));var u=this.errorMessageProvider.buildEarlyExitMessage({expectedIterationPaths:a,actual:l,previous:this.LA(0),customUserDescription:i,ruleName:n});throw this.SAVE_ERROR(new lx.EarlyExitException(u,this.LA(1),this.LA(0)))},r.prototype.raiseNoAltException=function(e,t){for(var i=this.getCurrRuleFullName(),n=this.getGAstProductions()[i],s=(0,jq.getLookaheadPathsForOr)(e,n,this.maxLookahead),o=[],a=1;a<=this.maxLookahead;a++)o.push(this.LA(a));var l=this.LA(0),c=this.errorMessageProvider.buildNoViableAltMessage({expectedPathsPerAlt:s,actual:o,previous:l,customUserDescription:t,ruleName:this.getCurrRuleFullName()});throw this.SAVE_ERROR(new lx.NoViableAltException(c,this.LA(1),l))},r}();by.ErrorHandler=Fye});var zq=w(Qy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Qy,"__esModule",{value:!0});Qy.ContentAssist=void 0;var Jq=Dd(),Wq=Gt(),Nye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initContentAssist=function(){},r.prototype.computeContentAssist=function(e,t){var i=this.gastProductionsCache[e];if((0,Wq.isUndefined)(i))throw Error("Rule ->"+e+"<- does not exist in this grammar.");return(0,Jq.nextPossibleTokensAfter)([i],t,this.tokenMatcher,this.maxLookahead)},r.prototype.getNextPossibleTokenTypes=function(e){var t=(0,Wq.first)(e.ruleStack),i=this.getGAstProductions(),n=i[t],s=new Jq.NextAfterTokenWalker(n,e).startWalking();return s},r}();Qy.ContentAssist=Nye});var rJ=w(xy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(xy,"__esModule",{value:!0});xy.GastRecorder=void 0;var yn=Gt(),Mo=mn(),Tye=Bd(),_q=_g(),$q=TA(),Lye=jn(),Mye=Cy(),vy={description:"This Object indicates the Parser is during Recording Phase"};Object.freeze(vy);var Vq=!0,Xq=Math.pow(2,Mye.BITS_FOR_OCCURRENCE_IDX)-1,eJ=(0,$q.createToken)({name:"RECORDING_PHASE_TOKEN",pattern:Tye.Lexer.NA});(0,_q.augmentTokenTypes)([eJ]);var tJ=(0,$q.createTokenInstance)(eJ,`This IToken indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details`,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1);Object.freeze(tJ);var Oye={name:`This CSTNode indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details`,children:{}},Kye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initGastRecorder=function(e){this.recordingProdStack=[],this.RECORDING_PHASE=!1},r.prototype.enableRecording=function(){var e=this;this.RECORDING_PHASE=!0,this.TRACE_INIT("Enable Recording",function(){for(var t=function(n){var s=n>0?n:"";e["CONSUME"+s]=function(o,a){return this.consumeInternalRecord(o,n,a)},e["SUBRULE"+s]=function(o,a){return this.subruleInternalRecord(o,n,a)},e["OPTION"+s]=function(o){return this.optionInternalRecord(o,n)},e["OR"+s]=function(o){return this.orInternalRecord(o,n)},e["MANY"+s]=function(o){this.manyInternalRecord(n,o)},e["MANY_SEP"+s]=function(o){this.manySepFirstInternalRecord(n,o)},e["AT_LEAST_ONE"+s]=function(o){this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(n,o)},e["AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP"+s]=function(o){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord(n,o)}},i=0;i<10;i++)t(i);e.consume=function(n,s,o){return this.consumeInternalRecord(s,n,o)},e.subrule=function(n,s,o){return this.subruleInternalRecord(s,n,o)},e.option=function(n,s){return this.optionInternalRecord(s,n)},e.or=function(n,s){return this.orInternalRecord(s,n)},e.many=function(n,s){this.manyInternalRecord(n,s)},e.atLeastOne=function(n,s){this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(n,s)},e.ACTION=e.ACTION_RECORD,e.BACKTRACK=e.BACKTRACK_RECORD,e.LA=e.LA_RECORD})},r.prototype.disableRecording=function(){var e=this;this.RECORDING_PHASE=!1,this.TRACE_INIT("Deleting Recording methods",function(){for(var t=0;t<10;t++){var i=t>0?t:"";delete e["CONSUME"+i],delete e["SUBRULE"+i],delete e["OPTION"+i],delete e["OR"+i],delete e["MANY"+i],delete e["MANY_SEP"+i],delete e["AT_LEAST_ONE"+i],delete e["AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP"+i]}delete e.consume,delete e.subrule,delete e.option,delete e.or,delete e.many,delete e.atLeastOne,delete e.ACTION,delete e.BACKTRACK,delete e.LA})},r.prototype.ACTION_RECORD=function(e){},r.prototype.BACKTRACK_RECORD=function(e,t){return function(){return!0}},r.prototype.LA_RECORD=function(e){return Lye.END_OF_FILE},r.prototype.topLevelRuleRecord=function(e,t){try{var i=new Mo.Rule({definition:[],name:e});return i.name=e,this.recordingProdStack.push(i),t.call(this),this.recordingProdStack.pop(),i}catch(n){if(n.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR!==!0)try{n.message=n.message+` - This error was thrown during the "grammar recording phase" For more info see: - https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording`}catch{throw n}throw n}},r.prototype.optionInternalRecord=function(e,t){return Ld.call(this,Mo.Option,e,t)},r.prototype.atLeastOneInternalRecord=function(e,t){Ld.call(this,Mo.RepetitionMandatory,t,e)},r.prototype.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord=function(e,t){Ld.call(this,Mo.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator,t,e,Vq)},r.prototype.manyInternalRecord=function(e,t){Ld.call(this,Mo.Repetition,t,e)},r.prototype.manySepFirstInternalRecord=function(e,t){Ld.call(this,Mo.RepetitionWithSeparator,t,e,Vq)},r.prototype.orInternalRecord=function(e,t){return Uye.call(this,e,t)},r.prototype.subruleInternalRecord=function(e,t,i){if(Sy(t),!e||(0,yn.has)(e,"ruleName")===!1){var n=new Error(" argument is invalid"+(" expecting a Parser method reference but got: <"+JSON.stringify(e)+">")+(` - inside top level rule: <`+this.recordingProdStack[0].name+">"));throw n.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,n}var s=(0,yn.peek)(this.recordingProdStack),o=e.ruleName,a=new Mo.NonTerminal({idx:t,nonTerminalName:o,label:i==null?void 0:i.LABEL,referencedRule:void 0});return s.definition.push(a),this.outputCst?Oye:vy},r.prototype.consumeInternalRecord=function(e,t,i){if(Sy(t),!(0,_q.hasShortKeyProperty)(e)){var n=new Error(" argument is invalid"+(" expecting a TokenType reference but got: <"+JSON.stringify(e)+">")+(` - inside top level rule: <`+this.recordingProdStack[0].name+">"));throw n.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,n}var s=(0,yn.peek)(this.recordingProdStack),o=new Mo.Terminal({idx:t,terminalType:e,label:i==null?void 0:i.LABEL});return s.definition.push(o),tJ},r}();xy.GastRecorder=Kye;function Ld(r,e,t,i){i===void 0&&(i=!1),Sy(t);var n=(0,yn.peek)(this.recordingProdStack),s=(0,yn.isFunction)(e)?e:e.DEF,o=new r({definition:[],idx:t});return i&&(o.separator=e.SEP),(0,yn.has)(e,"MAX_LOOKAHEAD")&&(o.maxLookahead=e.MAX_LOOKAHEAD),this.recordingProdStack.push(o),s.call(this),n.definition.push(o),this.recordingProdStack.pop(),vy}function Uye(r,e){var t=this;Sy(e);var i=(0,yn.peek)(this.recordingProdStack),n=(0,yn.isArray)(r)===!1,s=n===!1?r:r.DEF,o=new Mo.Alternation({definition:[],idx:e,ignoreAmbiguities:n&&r.IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES===!0});(0,yn.has)(r,"MAX_LOOKAHEAD")&&(o.maxLookahead=r.MAX_LOOKAHEAD);var a=(0,yn.some)(s,function(l){return(0,yn.isFunction)(l.GATE)});return o.hasPredicates=a,i.definition.push(o),(0,yn.forEach)(s,function(l){var c=new Mo.Alternative({definition:[]});o.definition.push(c),(0,yn.has)(l,"IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES")?c.ignoreAmbiguities=l.IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES:(0,yn.has)(l,"GATE")&&(c.ignoreAmbiguities=!0),t.recordingProdStack.push(c),l.ALT.call(t),t.recordingProdStack.pop()}),vy}function Zq(r){return r===0?"":""+r}function Sy(r){if(r<0||r>Xq){var e=new Error("Invalid DSL Method idx value: <"+r+`> - `+("Idx value must be a none negative value smaller than "+(Xq+1)));throw e.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,e}}});var nJ=w(Py=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Py,"__esModule",{value:!0});Py.PerformanceTracer=void 0;var iJ=Gt(),Hye=jn(),Gye=function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.initPerformanceTracer=function(e){if((0,iJ.has)(e,"traceInitPerf")){var t=e.traceInitPerf,i=typeof t=="number";this.traceInitMaxIdent=i?t:1/0,this.traceInitPerf=i?t>0:t}else this.traceInitMaxIdent=0,this.traceInitPerf=Hye.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.traceInitPerf;this.traceInitIndent=-1},r.prototype.TRACE_INIT=function(e,t){if(this.traceInitPerf===!0){this.traceInitIndent++;var i=new Array(this.traceInitIndent+1).join(" ");this.traceInitIndent <"+e+">");var n=(0,iJ.timer)(t),s=n.time,o=n.value,a=s>10?console.warn:console.log;return this.traceInitIndent time: "+s+"ms"),this.traceInitIndent--,o}else return t()},r}();Py.PerformanceTracer=Gye});var sJ=w(Dy=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Dy,"__esModule",{value:!0});Dy.applyMixins=void 0;function Yye(r,e){e.forEach(function(t){var i=t.prototype;Object.getOwnPropertyNames(i).forEach(function(n){if(n!=="constructor"){var s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i,n);s&&(s.get||s.set)?Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,n,s):r.prototype[n]=t.prototype[n]}})})}Dy.applyMixins=Yye});var jn=w(dr=>{"use strict";var AJ=dr&&dr.__extends||function(){var r=function(e,t){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(i,n){i.__proto__=n}||function(i,n){for(var s in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,s)&&(i[s]=n[s])},r(e,t)};return function(e,t){if(typeof t!="function"&&t!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(t)+" is not a constructor or null");r(e,t);function i(){this.constructor=e}e.prototype=t===null?Object.create(t):(i.prototype=t.prototype,new i)}}();Object.defineProperty(dr,"__esModule",{value:!0});dr.EmbeddedActionsParser=dr.CstParser=dr.Parser=dr.EMPTY_ALT=dr.ParserDefinitionErrorType=dr.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG=dr.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG=dr.END_OF_FILE=void 0;var en=Gt(),jye=qj(),oJ=TA(),lJ=xd(),aJ=Cq(),qye=sx(),Jye=Qq(),Wye=Tq(),zye=Mq(),Vye=Kq(),Xye=Yq(),Zye=qq(),_ye=zq(),$ye=rJ(),ewe=nJ(),twe=sJ();dr.END_OF_FILE=(0,oJ.createTokenInstance)(oJ.EOF,"",NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN);Object.freeze(dr.END_OF_FILE);dr.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG=Object.freeze({recoveryEnabled:!1,maxLookahead:3,dynamicTokensEnabled:!1,outputCst:!0,errorMessageProvider:lJ.defaultParserErrorProvider,nodeLocationTracking:"none",traceInitPerf:!1,skipValidations:!1});dr.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG=Object.freeze({recoveryValueFunc:function(){},resyncEnabled:!0});var rwe;(function(r){r[r.INVALID_RULE_NAME=0]="INVALID_RULE_NAME",r[r.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME=1]="DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME",r[r.INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE=2]="INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE",r[r.DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS=3]="DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS",r[r.UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF=4]="UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF",r[r.LEFT_RECURSION=5]="LEFT_RECURSION",r[r.NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT=6]="NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT",r[r.AMBIGUOUS_ALTS=7]="AMBIGUOUS_ALTS",r[r.CONFLICT_TOKENS_RULES_NAMESPACE=8]="CONFLICT_TOKENS_RULES_NAMESPACE",r[r.INVALID_TOKEN_NAME=9]="INVALID_TOKEN_NAME",r[r.NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD=10]="NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD",r[r.AMBIGUOUS_PREFIX_ALTS=11]="AMBIGUOUS_PREFIX_ALTS",r[r.TOO_MANY_ALTS=12]="TOO_MANY_ALTS"})(rwe=dr.ParserDefinitionErrorType||(dr.ParserDefinitionErrorType={}));function iwe(r){return r===void 0&&(r=void 0),function(){return r}}dr.EMPTY_ALT=iwe;var ky=function(){function r(e,t){this.definitionErrors=[],this.selfAnalysisDone=!1;var i=this;if(i.initErrorHandler(t),i.initLexerAdapter(),i.initLooksAhead(t),i.initRecognizerEngine(e,t),i.initRecoverable(t),i.initTreeBuilder(t),i.initContentAssist(),i.initGastRecorder(t),i.initPerformanceTracer(t),(0,en.has)(t,"ignoredIssues"))throw new Error(`The IParserConfig property has been deprecated. - Please use the flag on the relevant DSL method instead. - See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#IGNORING_AMBIGUITIES - For further details.`);this.skipValidations=(0,en.has)(t,"skipValidations")?t.skipValidations:dr.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.skipValidations}return r.performSelfAnalysis=function(e){throw Error("The **static** `performSelfAnalysis` method has been deprecated. \nUse the **instance** method with the same name instead.")},r.prototype.performSelfAnalysis=function(){var e=this;this.TRACE_INIT("performSelfAnalysis",function(){var t;e.selfAnalysisDone=!0;var i=e.className;e.TRACE_INIT("toFastProps",function(){(0,en.toFastProperties)(e)}),e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Recording",function(){try{e.enableRecording(),(0,en.forEach)(e.definedRulesNames,function(s){var o=e[s],a=o.originalGrammarAction,l=void 0;e.TRACE_INIT(s+" Rule",function(){l=e.topLevelRuleRecord(s,a)}),e.gastProductionsCache[s]=l})}finally{e.disableRecording()}});var n=[];if(e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Resolving",function(){n=(0,aJ.resolveGrammar)({rules:(0,en.values)(e.gastProductionsCache)}),e.definitionErrors=e.definitionErrors.concat(n)}),e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Validations",function(){if((0,en.isEmpty)(n)&&e.skipValidations===!1){var s=(0,aJ.validateGrammar)({rules:(0,en.values)(e.gastProductionsCache),maxLookahead:e.maxLookahead,tokenTypes:(0,en.values)(e.tokensMap),errMsgProvider:lJ.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider,grammarName:i});e.definitionErrors=e.definitionErrors.concat(s)}}),(0,en.isEmpty)(e.definitionErrors)&&(e.recoveryEnabled&&e.TRACE_INIT("computeAllProdsFollows",function(){var s=(0,jye.computeAllProdsFollows)((0,en.values)(e.gastProductionsCache));e.resyncFollows=s}),e.TRACE_INIT("ComputeLookaheadFunctions",function(){e.preComputeLookaheadFunctions((0,en.values)(e.gastProductionsCache))})),!r.DEFER_DEFINITION_ERRORS_HANDLING&&!(0,en.isEmpty)(e.definitionErrors))throw t=(0,en.map)(e.definitionErrors,function(s){return s.message}),new Error(`Parser Definition Errors detected: - `+t.join(` -------------------------------- -`))})},r.DEFER_DEFINITION_ERRORS_HANDLING=!1,r}();dr.Parser=ky;(0,twe.applyMixins)(ky,[qye.Recoverable,Jye.LooksAhead,Wye.TreeBuilder,zye.LexerAdapter,Xye.RecognizerEngine,Vye.RecognizerApi,Zye.ErrorHandler,_ye.ContentAssist,$ye.GastRecorder,ewe.PerformanceTracer]);var nwe=function(r){AJ(e,r);function e(t,i){i===void 0&&(i=dr.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG);var n=this,s=(0,en.cloneObj)(i);return s.outputCst=!0,n=r.call(this,t,s)||this,n}return e}(ky);dr.CstParser=nwe;var swe=function(r){AJ(e,r);function e(t,i){i===void 0&&(i=dr.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG);var n=this,s=(0,en.cloneObj)(i);return s.outputCst=!1,n=r.call(this,t,s)||this,n}return e}(ky);dr.EmbeddedActionsParser=swe});var uJ=w(Ry=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Ry,"__esModule",{value:!0});Ry.createSyntaxDiagramsCode=void 0;var cJ=Dv();function owe(r,e){var t=e===void 0?{}:e,i=t.resourceBase,n=i===void 0?"https://unpkg.com/chevrotain@"+cJ.VERSION+"/diagrams/":i,s=t.css,o=s===void 0?"https://unpkg.com/chevrotain@"+cJ.VERSION+"/diagrams/diagrams.css":s,a=` - - - - - -`,l=` - -`,c=` - + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/package.json b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/package.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ead331e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +{ + "name": "@gfld/example-canvas-compositor", + "version": "1.0.0-rc1", + "type": "module", + "description": "HTML5 Wayland Demo Web Client Simple Shm", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield.git" + }, + "keywords": [ + "wayland", + "html5", + "client", + "demo", + "web" + ], + "author": "Erik De Rijcke (http://www.udev.be)", + "license": "AGPL-3.0", + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield/issues" + }, + "homepage": "https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield#readme", + "scripts": { + "start": "yarn run vite dev", + "build": "yarn run vite build", + "preview": "yarn run vite preview" + }, + "dependencies": { + "@gfld/compositor": "workspace:^" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "typescript": "^5.5.2", + "vite": "^5.3.1", + "vite-plugin-glsl": "^1.3.0" + } +} diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/GTK_logo.svg b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/GTK_logo.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2b3a750 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/GTK_logo.svg @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/app.webmanifest b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/app.webmanifest new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd8047f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/public/app.webmanifest @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "name": "gtk4-demo", + "display": "standalone", + "start_url": ".", + "icons": [ + { + "src": "GTK_logo.svg", + "sizes": "any" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/src/index.ts b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/src/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4abb4a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/src/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import { createAppLauncher, createCompositorSession, initWasm } from '@gfld/compositor' + +const wasmLibs = initWasm() + +async function main() { + await wasmLibs + + // create new compositor context + const session = await createCompositorSession({ mode: 'experimental-fullscreen' }) + // notify user of errors + session.userShell.events.notify = (variant: string, message: string) => window.alert(message) + + // Get an HTML5 canvas for use as an output for the compositor. + const canvas = document.getElementById('output') as HTMLCanvasElement + // hook up the canvas to our compositor + session.userShell.actions.initScene(() => ({ canvas, id: canvas.id })) + // make compositor global protocol objects available to client + session.globals.register() + + const appContext = createAppLauncher(session, 'remote').launch(new URL('http://localhost:8081/gtk4-demo'), (childAppContext) => { + childAppContext.onStateChange = (state) => { + // log child app state + console.log(`Child app is ${state}`) + } + }) + + // log app state + appContext.onStateChange = (state) => { + console.log(`App state is ${state}`) + } + + appContext.onNameChanged = (name) => { + window.document.title = name + } + window.document.title = appContext.name ?? "" +} + +window.onload = () => { + main() +} diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/tsconfig.json b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d7c32f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "moduleResolution": "Node16", + "target": "es2018", + "module": "esnext", + "esModuleInterop": true, + "strict": true, + "sourceMap": true, + "outDir": "dist", + "lib": [ + "dom", + "dom.iterable", + "esnext" + ] + }, + "include": ["src"] +} diff --git a/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/vite.config.ts b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e72fa47 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/compositor/experimental-fullscreen/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "vite"; + +export default defineConfig({ + base: "./", + server: { + host: 'localhost', + port: 8080, + strictPort: true, + cors: false, + headers: { + 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin', + 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp', + }, + } +}); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/.gitignore b/examples/sdk/gtk4/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c795b054 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +build \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/README.md b/examples/sdk/gtk4/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ce34630 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/README.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Currently broken because of a stack overflow bug. If you're feeling adventurous you can enable the gtk4 build in the sdk and gives this example a try. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/build-aux/meson/gen-demo-header.py b/examples/sdk/gtk4/build-aux/meson/gen-demo-header.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..b84a6a9a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/build-aux/meson/gen-demo-header.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import os +import subprocess +import sys + +repodir = sys.argv[1] +profile = sys.argv[2] + +sys.stdout.write("/* This file is auto-generated. Do not edit. */\n") +sys.stdout.write("#pragma once\n") +sys.stdout.write("\n") +sys.stdout.write(f"#define PROFILE \"{profile}\"\n") + +short_sha = os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA') +if short_sha is None: + cmd = ["git", "-C", repodir, "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"] + try: + with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p: + short_sha = p.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').rstrip("\n") + except FileNotFoundError: + short_sha = '' + if profile != 'default': + short_sha = 'devel' + +sys.stdout.write(f"#define VCS_TAG \"{short_sha}\"\n") diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/build.sh b/examples/sdk/gtk4/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..d9823f8a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e + +source ../../../sdk/sdk_env.sh + +CURRENT_SCRIPT= +DIR="." + +if [ -n "${BASH_SOURCE-}" ]; then + CURRENT_SCRIPT="$BASH_SOURCE" +elif [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ]; then + CURRENT_SCRIPT="${(%):-%x}" +elif [ -n "${KSH_VERSION-}" ]; then + CURRENT_SCRIPT=${.sh.file} +fi +DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$CURRENT_SCRIPT")") + + +EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-g -sTOTAL_MEMORY=256MB --preload-file $DIR/fonts/inter@/usr/share/fonts/opentype/inter" + +meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-cross.ini" --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-toolchain.ini" -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" \ +-Dbuild-examples=true -Ddemos=false -Dc_link_args="$EXTRA_LDFLAGS" +ninja -C build/ -j10 + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0eef96ac --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.c @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "constraint-editor-application.h" +#include "constraint-editor-window.h" + +struct _ConstraintEditorApplication +{ + GtkApplication parent_instance; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ConstraintEditorApplication, constraint_editor_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +constraint_editor_application_init (ConstraintEditorApplication *app) +{ +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer data) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (data)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +constraint_editor_application_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + const char *open_accels[2] = { "O", NULL }; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (constraint_editor_application_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), "app.quit", quit_accels); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), "win.open", open_accels); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/org/gtk/gtk4/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_application_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ConstraintEditorWindow *win; + + win = constraint_editor_window_new (CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_APPLICATION (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_application_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + ConstraintEditorWindow *win; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + { + win = constraint_editor_window_new (CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_APPLICATION (app)); + constraint_editor_window_load (win, files[i]); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + } +} + +static void +constraint_editor_application_class_init (ConstraintEditorApplicationClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *application_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + + application_class->startup = constraint_editor_application_startup; + application_class->activate = constraint_editor_application_activate; + application_class->open = constraint_editor_application_open; +} + +ConstraintEditorApplication * +constraint_editor_application_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_APPLICATION_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.gtk4.ConstraintEditor", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7d9fd30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-application.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#define CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_APPLICATION_TYPE (constraint_editor_application_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintEditorApplication, constraint_editor_application, CONSTRAINT, EDITOR_APPLICATION, GtkApplication) + +ConstraintEditorApplication *constraint_editor_application_new (void); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab084ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.c @@ -0,0 +1,650 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "constraint-editor-window.h" +#include "constraint-view.h" +#include "constraint-editor.h" +#include "guide-editor.h" + +struct _ConstraintEditorWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *paned; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkWidget *list; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ConstraintEditorWindow, constraint_editor_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + +static GtkConstraintTarget * +find_target (GListModel *model, + GtkConstraintTarget *orig) +{ + const char *name; + const char *model_name; + gpointer item; + int i; + + if (orig == NULL) + return NULL; + + if (GTK_IS_LABEL (orig)) + name = gtk_label_get_label (GTK_LABEL (orig)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (orig)) + name = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (orig)); + else + { + g_warning ("Don't know how to handle %s targets", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (orig)); + return NULL; + } + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (model); i++) + { + item = g_list_model_get_item (model, i); + g_object_unref (item); + if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + model_name = gtk_widget_get_name (GTK_WIDGET (item)); + else + model_name = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); + + if (strcmp (name, model_name) == 0) + return GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (item); + } + g_warning ("Failed to find target '%s'", name); + + return NULL; +} + +gboolean +constraint_editor_window_load (ConstraintEditorWindow *self, + GFile *file) +{ + char *path; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GError *error = NULL; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkLayoutManager *layout; + GtkWidget *child; + const char *name; + gpointer item; + int i; + GListModel *list; + + path = g_file_get_path (file); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, path, &error)) + { + g_print ("Could not load %s: %s", path, error->message); + g_error_free (error); + g_free (path); + g_object_unref (builder); + return FALSE; + } + + view = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "view")); + if (!GTK_IS_BOX (view)) + { + g_print ("Could not load %s: No GtkBox named 'view'", path); + g_free (path); + g_object_unref (builder); + return FALSE; + } + layout = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (view); + if (!GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (layout)) + { + g_print ("Could not load %s: Widget 'view' does not use GtkConstraintLayout", path); + g_free (path); + g_object_unref (builder); + return FALSE; + } + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (view); + child; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + if (!GTK_IS_LABEL (child)) + { + g_print ("Skipping non-GtkLabel child\n"); + continue; + } + + name = gtk_label_get_label (GTK_LABEL (child)); + constraint_view_add_child (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view), name); + } + + list = gtk_constraint_layout_observe_guides (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (layout)); + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (list); i++) + { + GtkConstraintGuide *guide, *clone; + int w, h; + + item = g_list_model_get_item (list, i); + guide = GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item); + + /* need to clone here, to attach to the right targets */ + clone = gtk_constraint_guide_new (); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_name (clone, gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (guide)); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_strength (clone, gtk_constraint_guide_get_strength (guide)); + gtk_constraint_guide_get_min_size (guide, &w, &h); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_min_size (clone, w, h); + gtk_constraint_guide_get_nat_size (guide, &w, &h); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_nat_size (clone, w, h); + gtk_constraint_guide_get_max_size (guide, &w, &h); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_max_size (clone, w, h); + constraint_view_add_guide (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view), clone); + g_object_unref (guide); + g_object_unref (clone); + } + g_object_unref (list); + + list = gtk_constraint_layout_observe_constraints (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (layout)); + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (list); i++) + { + GtkConstraint *constraint; + GtkConstraint *clone; + GtkConstraintTarget *target; + GtkConstraintTarget *source; + GtkConstraintAttribute source_attr; + + item = g_list_model_get_item (list, i); + constraint = GTK_CONSTRAINT (item); + + target = gtk_constraint_get_target (constraint); + source = gtk_constraint_get_source (constraint); + source_attr = gtk_constraint_get_source_attribute (constraint); + + if (source == NULL && source_attr == GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_NONE) + clone = gtk_constraint_new_constant (find_target (constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view)), target), + gtk_constraint_get_target_attribute (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_relation (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_constant (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_strength (constraint)); + else + clone = gtk_constraint_new (find_target (constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view)), target), + gtk_constraint_get_target_attribute (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_relation (constraint), + find_target (constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view)), source), + source_attr, + gtk_constraint_get_multiplier (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_constant (constraint), + gtk_constraint_get_strength (constraint)); + + constraint_view_add_constraint (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view), clone); + + g_object_unref (constraint); + g_object_unref (clone); + } + g_object_unref (list); + + g_free (path); + g_object_unref (builder); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +open_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + ConstraintEditorWindow *self = user_data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + constraint_editor_window_load (self, file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +open_cb (GtkWidget *button, + ConstraintEditorWindow *self) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GFile *cwd; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Open file"); + cwd = g_file_new_for_path ("."); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_folder (dialog, cwd); + g_object_unref (cwd); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (self), NULL, open_response_cb, self); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +serialize_child (GString *str, + int indent, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + const char *name; + + name = gtk_widget_get_name (child); + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s\n", indent, ""); + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s \n", indent, "", name); + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s %s\n", indent, "", name); + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s \n", indent, ""); + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s\n", indent, ""); +} + +static char * +serialize_model (GListModel *list) +{ + GString *str = g_string_new (""); + int i; + + g_string_append (str, "\n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (list); i++) + { + gpointer item = g_list_model_get_item (list, i); + g_object_unref (item); + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + constraint_editor_serialize_constraint (str, 10, GTK_CONSTRAINT (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + guide_editor_serialize_guide (str, 10, GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); + } + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (list); i++) + { + gpointer item = g_list_model_get_item (list, i); + g_object_unref (item); + if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + serialize_child (str, 4, GTK_WIDGET (item)); + } + g_string_append (str, " \n"); + g_string_append (str, "\n"); + + return g_string_free (str, FALSE); +} + + +static void +save_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + ConstraintEditorWindow *self = user_data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_save_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + GListModel *model; + char *text; + GError *error = NULL; + + model = constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view)); + text = serialize_model (model); + g_file_replace_contents (file, text, strlen (text), + NULL, FALSE, + G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, + NULL, + NULL, + &error); + if (error != NULL) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Saving failed"); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (self)))); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_error_free (error); + } + + g_free (text); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +save_cb (GtkWidget *button, + ConstraintEditorWindow *self) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GFile *cwd; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Save constraints"); + cwd = g_file_new_for_path ("."); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_folder (dialog, cwd); + g_object_unref (cwd); + gtk_file_dialog_save (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (button))), + NULL, + save_response_cb, self); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (object), CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (constraint_editor_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static int child_counter; +static int guide_counter; + +static void +add_child (ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + char *name; + + child_counter++; + name = g_strdup_printf ("Child %d", child_counter); + constraint_view_add_child (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), name); + g_free (name); +} + +static void +add_guide (ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + char *name; + GtkConstraintGuide *guide; + + guide_counter++; + name = g_strdup_printf ("Guide %d", guide_counter); + guide = gtk_constraint_guide_new (); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_name (guide, name); + g_free (name); + + constraint_view_add_guide (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), guide); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_done (ConstraintEditor *editor, + GtkConstraint *constraint, + ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + GtkConstraint *old_constraint; + + g_object_get (editor, "constraint", &old_constraint, NULL); + + if (old_constraint) + constraint_view_remove_constraint (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), old_constraint); + + constraint_view_add_constraint (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), constraint); + + g_clear_object (&old_constraint); + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (editor), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW))); +} + +static void +edit_constraint (ConstraintEditorWindow *win, + GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + ConstraintEditor *editor; + GListModel *model; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + if (constraint) + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Edit Constraint"); + else + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Create Constraint"); + + model = constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view)); + + editor = constraint_editor_new (model, constraint); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIDGET (editor)); + + g_signal_connect (editor, "done", G_CALLBACK (constraint_editor_done), win); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +add_constraint (ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + edit_constraint (win, NULL); +} + +static void +guide_editor_done (GuideEditor *editor, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide, + ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (editor), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW))); +} + +static void +edit_guide (ConstraintEditorWindow *win, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GuideEditor *editor; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Edit Guide"); + + editor = guide_editor_new (guide); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIDGET (editor)); + + g_signal_connect (editor, "done", G_CALLBACK (guide_editor_done), win); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +row_activated (GtkListBox *list, + GtkListBoxRow *row, + ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + GObject *item; + + item = G_OBJECT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "item")); + + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + edit_constraint (win, GTK_CONSTRAINT (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + edit_guide (win, GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_window_class_init (ConstraintEditorWindowClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = constraint_editor_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, + "/org/gtk/gtk4/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditorWindow, paned); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditorWindow, view); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditorWindow, list); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, open_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, save_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, add_child); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, add_guide); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, add_constraint); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, row_activated); +} + +static void +row_edit (GtkButton *button, + ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + GtkWidget *row; + GObject *item; + + row = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW); + item = (GObject *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "item"); + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + edit_constraint (win, GTK_CONSTRAINT (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + edit_guide (win, GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); +} + +static void +mark_constraints_invalid (ConstraintEditorWindow *win, + gpointer removed) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + GObject *item; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (win->list); + child; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + item = (GObject *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "item"); + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + { + GtkConstraint *constraint = GTK_CONSTRAINT (item); + + if (gtk_constraint_get_target (constraint) == (GtkConstraintTarget *)removed || + gtk_constraint_get_source (constraint) == (GtkConstraintTarget *)removed) + { + GtkWidget *button; + button = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "edit"); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "dialog-warning-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Constraint is invalid"); + } + } + } +} + +static void +row_delete (GtkButton *button, + ConstraintEditorWindow *win) +{ + GtkWidget *row; + GObject *item; + + row = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW); + item = (GObject *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "item"); + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + constraint_view_remove_constraint (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), + GTK_CONSTRAINT (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + { + mark_constraints_invalid (win, item); + constraint_view_remove_guide (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); + } + else if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + { + mark_constraints_invalid (win, item); + constraint_view_remove_child (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (win->view), + GTK_WIDGET (item)); + } +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_widget_func (gpointer item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + ConstraintEditorWindow *win = user_data; + const char *name; + char *freeme = NULL; + GtkWidget *row, *box, *label, *button; + + if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + name = gtk_widget_get_name (GTK_WIDGET (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + name = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + name = freeme = constraint_editor_constraint_to_string (GTK_CONSTRAINT (item)); + else + name = ""; + + row = gtk_list_box_row_new (); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (row), "item", g_object_ref (item), g_object_unref); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + label = gtk_label_new (name); + if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item) || GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + g_object_bind_property (item, "name", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 10); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_list_box_row_set_child (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), box); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item) || GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + { + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("document-edit-symbolic"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (button), FALSE); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (row_edit), win); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (row), "edit", button); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("edit-delete-symbolic"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (button), FALSE); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (row_delete), win); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + } + else if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + { + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("edit-delete-symbolic"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (button), FALSE); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (row_delete), win); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + } + + g_free (freeme); + + return row; +} + +static void +constraint_editor_window_init (ConstraintEditorWindow *self) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + gtk_list_box_bind_model (GTK_LIST_BOX (self->list), + constraint_view_get_model (CONSTRAINT_VIEW (self->view)), + create_widget_func, + self, + NULL); +} + +ConstraintEditorWindow * +constraint_editor_window_new (ConstraintEditorApplication *application) +{ + return g_object_new (CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE, + "application", application, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9096c6e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#include "constraint-editor-application.h" + + +#define CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE (constraint_editor_window_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintEditorWindow, constraint_editor_window, CONSTRAINT, EDITOR_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + +ConstraintEditorWindow * constraint_editor_window_new (ConstraintEditorApplication *application); + +gboolean constraint_editor_window_load (ConstraintEditorWindow *self, + GFile *file); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fab5b8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor-window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f08e3210 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.c @@ -0,0 +1,683 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "constraint-editor.h" + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +struct _ConstraintEditor +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *target; + GtkWidget *target_attr; + GtkWidget *relation; + GtkWidget *source; + GtkWidget *source_attr; + GtkWidget *multiplier; + GtkWidget *constant; + GtkWidget *strength; + GtkWidget *preview; + GtkWidget *button; + + GtkConstraint *constraint; + GListModel *model; + + gboolean constructed; +}; + +enum { + PROP_MODEL = 1, + PROP_CONSTRAINT, + LAST_PROP +}; + +static GParamSpec *pspecs[LAST_PROP]; + +enum { + DONE, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL]; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ConstraintEditor, constraint_editor, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET); + +static const char * +get_target_name (GtkConstraintTarget *target) +{ + if (target == NULL) + return "super"; + else if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (target)) + return gtk_widget_get_name (GTK_WIDGET (target)); + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (target)) + return gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (target)); + else + return ""; +} + +static void +constraint_target_combo (GListModel *model, + GtkWidget *combo, + gboolean is_source) +{ + int i; + + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "super", "Super"); + + if (model) + { + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (model); i++) + { + GObject *item = g_list_model_get_object (model, i); + const char *name; + + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + continue; + + name = get_target_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (item)); + + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), name, name); + g_object_unref (item); + } + } +} + +static void +constraint_attribute_combo (GtkWidget *combo, + gboolean is_source) +{ + if (is_source) + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "none", "None"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "left", "Left"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "right", "Right"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "top", "Top"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "bottom", "Bottom"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "start", "Start"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "end", "End"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "width", "Width"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "height", "Height"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "center-x", "Center X"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "center-y", "Center Y"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "baseline", "Baseline"); +} + +static void +constraint_relation_combo (GtkWidget *combo) +{ + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "le", "≤"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "eq", "="); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "ge", "≥"); +} + +static void +constraint_strength_combo (GtkWidget *combo) +{ + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "weak", "Weak"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "medium", "Medium"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "strong", "Strong"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "required", "Required"); +} + +static gpointer +get_target (GListModel *model, + const char *id) +{ + int i; + + if (id == NULL) + return NULL; + + if (strcmp ("super", id) == 0) + return NULL; + + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (model); i++) + { + GObject *item = g_list_model_get_object (model, i); + g_object_unref (item); + if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT (item)) + continue; + else if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item)) + { + if (strcmp (id, gtk_widget_get_name (GTK_WIDGET (item))) == 0) + return item; + } + else if (GTK_IS_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item)) + { + if (strcmp (id, gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (GTK_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE (item))) == 0) + return item; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +static GtkConstraintAttribute +get_target_attr (const char *id) +{ + GtkConstraintAttribute attr; + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value_by_nick (class, id); + attr = value->value; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return attr; +} + +static const char * +get_attr_nick (GtkConstraintAttribute attr) +{ + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value (class, attr); + const char *nick = value->value_nick; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return nick; +} + +static GtkConstraintRelation +get_relation (const char *id) +{ + GtkConstraintRelation relation; + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_RELATION); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value_by_nick (class, id); + relation = value->value; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return relation; +} + +static const char * +get_relation_nick (GtkConstraintRelation relation) +{ + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_RELATION); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value (class, relation); + const char *nick = value->value_nick; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return nick; +} + +static const char * +get_relation_display_name (GtkConstraintRelation relation) +{ + switch (relation) + { + case GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_LE: + return "≤"; + case GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ: + return "="; + case GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_GE: + return "≥"; + default: + return "?"; + } +} + +static GtkConstraintStrength +get_strength (const char *id) +{ + GtkConstraintStrength strength; + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value_by_nick (class, id); + strength = value->value; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return strength; +} + +static const char * +get_strength_nick (GtkConstraintStrength strength) +{ + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value (class, strength); + const char *nick = value->value_nick; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return nick; +} + +void +constraint_editor_serialize_constraint (GString *str, + int indent, + GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + const char *target; + const char *target_attr; + const char *relation; + const char *source; + const char *source_attr; + double multiplier; + double constant; + const char *strength; + + target = get_target_name (gtk_constraint_get_target (constraint)); + target_attr = get_attr_nick (gtk_constraint_get_target_attribute (constraint)); + relation = get_relation_nick (gtk_constraint_get_relation (constraint)); + source = get_target_name (gtk_constraint_get_source (constraint)); + source_attr = get_attr_nick (gtk_constraint_get_source_attribute (constraint)); + multiplier = gtk_constraint_get_multiplier (constraint); + constant = gtk_constraint_get_constant (constraint); + strength = get_strength_nick (gtk_constraint_get_strength (constraint)); + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s\n", indent, "", strength); +} + +static void +create_constraint (GtkButton *button, + ConstraintEditor *editor) +{ + const char *id; + gpointer target; + GtkConstraintAttribute target_attr; + gpointer source; + GtkConstraintAttribute source_attr; + GtkConstraintRelation relation; + double multiplier; + double constant; + int strength; + GtkConstraint *constraint; + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target)); + target = get_target (editor->model, id); + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target_attr)); + target_attr = get_target_attr (id); + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source)); + source = get_target (editor->model, id); + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr)); + source_attr = get_target_attr (id); + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->relation)); + relation = get_relation (id); + + multiplier = g_ascii_strtod (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier)), NULL); + + constant = g_ascii_strtod (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->constant)), NULL); + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength)); + strength = get_strength (id); + + constraint = gtk_constraint_new (target, target_attr, + relation, + source, source_attr, + multiplier, + constant, + strength); + g_signal_emit (editor, signals[DONE], 0, constraint); + g_object_unref (constraint); +} + +static void +source_attr_changed (ConstraintEditor *editor) +{ + const char *id; + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr)); + if (strcmp (id, "none") == 0) + { + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source), -1); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier), ""); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->source, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->multiplier, FALSE); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->source, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->multiplier, TRUE); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier), "1"); + } +} + +char * +constraint_editor_constraint_to_string (GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + GString *str; + const char *name; + const char *attr; + const char *relation; + double c, m; + + str = g_string_new (""); + + name = get_target_name (gtk_constraint_get_target (constraint)); + attr = get_attr_nick (gtk_constraint_get_target_attribute (constraint)); + relation = get_relation_display_name (gtk_constraint_get_relation (constraint)); + + if (name == NULL) + name = "[ ]"; + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%s.%s %s ", name, attr, relation); + + c = gtk_constraint_get_constant (constraint); + + attr = get_attr_nick (gtk_constraint_get_source_attribute (constraint)); + if (strcmp (attr, "none") != 0) + { + name = get_target_name (gtk_constraint_get_source (constraint)); + m = gtk_constraint_get_multiplier (constraint); + + if (name == NULL) + name = "[ ]"; + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%s.%s", name, attr); + + if (m != 1.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " × %g", m); + + if (c > 0.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " + %g", c); + else if (c < 0.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " - %g", -c); + } + else + g_string_append_printf (str, "%g", c); + + return g_string_free (str, FALSE); +} + +static void +update_preview (ConstraintEditor *editor) +{ + GString *str; + const char *name; + const char *attr; + char *relation; + const char *multiplier; + const char *constant; + double c, m; + + if (!editor->constructed) + return; + + str = g_string_new (""); + + name = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target)); + attr = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target_attr)); + relation = gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (editor->relation)); + + if (name == NULL) + name = "[ ]"; + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%s.%s %s ", name, attr, relation); + g_free (relation); + + constant = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->constant)); + c = g_ascii_strtod (constant, NULL); + + attr = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr)); + if (strcmp (attr, "none") != 0) + { + name = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source)); + multiplier = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier)); + m = g_ascii_strtod (multiplier, NULL); + + if (name == NULL) + name = "[ ]"; + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%s.%s", name, attr); + + if (m != 1.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " × %g", m); + + if (c > 0.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " + %g", c); + else if (c < 0.0) + g_string_append_printf (str, " - %g", -c); + } + else + g_string_append_printf (str, "%g", c); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (editor->preview), str->str); + + g_string_free (str, TRUE); +} + +static void +update_button (ConstraintEditor *editor) +{ + const char *target = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target)); + const char *source = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source)); + const char *source_attr = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr)); + + if (target && + (source || (source_attr && get_target_attr (source_attr) == GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_NONE))) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->button, TRUE); + else + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (editor->button, FALSE); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_init (ConstraintEditor *editor) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (editor)); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_constructed (GObject *object) +{ + ConstraintEditor *editor = CONSTRAINT_EDITOR (object); + + constraint_target_combo (editor->model, editor->target, FALSE); + constraint_attribute_combo (editor->target_attr, FALSE); + constraint_relation_combo (editor->relation); + constraint_target_combo (editor->model, editor->source, TRUE); + constraint_attribute_combo (editor->source_attr, TRUE); + + constraint_strength_combo (editor->strength); + + if (editor->constraint) + { + GtkConstraintTarget *target; + GtkConstraintAttribute attr; + GtkConstraintRelation relation; + GtkConstraintStrength strength; + const char *nick; + char *val; + double multiplier; + double constant; + + target = gtk_constraint_get_target (editor->constraint); + nick = get_target_name (target); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target), nick); + + attr = gtk_constraint_get_target_attribute (editor->constraint); + nick = get_attr_nick (attr); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target_attr), nick); + + target = gtk_constraint_get_source (editor->constraint); + nick = get_target_name (target); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source), nick); + + attr = gtk_constraint_get_source_attribute (editor->constraint); + nick = get_attr_nick (attr); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr), nick); + + relation = gtk_constraint_get_relation (editor->constraint); + nick = get_relation_nick (relation); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->relation), nick); + + multiplier = gtk_constraint_get_multiplier (editor->constraint); + val = g_strdup_printf ("%g", multiplier); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier), val); + g_free (val); + + constant = gtk_constraint_get_constant (editor->constraint); + val = g_strdup_printf ("%g", constant); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->constant), val); + g_free (val); + + strength = gtk_constraint_get_strength (editor->constraint); + nick = get_strength_nick (strength); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength), nick); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (editor->button), "Apply"); + } + else + { + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->target_attr), "left"); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->source_attr), "left"); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->relation), "eq"); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength), "required"); + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->multiplier), "1.0"); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->constant), "0.0"); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (editor->button), "Create"); + } + + editor->constructed = TRUE; + update_preview (editor); + update_button (editor); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + ConstraintEditor *self = CONSTRAINT_EDITOR (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_MODEL: + self->model = g_value_dup_object (value); + break; + + case PROP_CONSTRAINT: + self->constraint = g_value_dup_object (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +constraint_editor_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + ConstraintEditor *self = CONSTRAINT_EDITOR (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_MODEL: + g_value_set_object (value, self->model); + break; + + case PROP_CONSTRAINT: + g_value_set_object (value, self->constraint); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +constraint_editor_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ConstraintEditor *self = (ConstraintEditor *)object; + + g_clear_object (&self->model); + g_clear_object (&self->constraint); + + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (object), CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_TYPE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (constraint_editor_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +constraint_editor_class_init (ConstraintEditorClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->constructed = constraint_editor_constructed; + object_class->dispose = constraint_editor_dispose; + object_class->set_property = constraint_editor_set_property; + object_class->get_property = constraint_editor_get_property; + + pspecs[PROP_CONSTRAINT] = + g_param_spec_object ("constraint", "constraint", "constraint", + GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT, + G_PARAM_READWRITE|G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + + pspecs[PROP_MODEL] = + g_param_spec_object ("model", "model", "model", + G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE|G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, LAST_PROP, pspecs); + + signals[DONE] = + g_signal_new ("done", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + 0, + NULL, NULL, + NULL, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT); + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BIN_LAYOUT); + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, + "/org/gtk/gtk4/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, grid); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, target); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, target_attr); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, relation); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, source); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, source_attr); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, multiplier); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, constant); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, strength); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, preview); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, ConstraintEditor, button); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, update_preview); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, update_button); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, create_constraint); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, source_attr_changed); +} + +ConstraintEditor * +constraint_editor_new (GListModel *model, + GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + return g_object_new (CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_TYPE, + "model", model, + "constraint", constraint, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9538bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.css @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +constraintview { + background: black; + color: white; +} + +constraintview .child { + background: red; +} + +constraintview .guide { + background: blue; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e57964b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + constraint-editor-window.ui + constraint-editor.ui + guide-editor.ui + constraint-editor.css + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b6125bf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#define CONSTRAINT_EDITOR_TYPE (constraint_editor_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintEditor, constraint_editor, CONSTRAINT, EDITOR, GtkWidget) + +ConstraintEditor * constraint_editor_new (GListModel *model, + GtkConstraint *constraint); + +void constraint_editor_serialize_constraint (GString *str, + int indent, + GtkConstraint *constraint); +char *constraint_editor_constraint_to_string (GtkConstraint *constraint); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d201aae3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-editor.ui @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..272054a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.c @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "constraint-view-child.h" + +struct _ConstraintViewChild +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + char *name; +}; + +enum { + PROP_NAME = 1, + LAST_PROP +}; + +static GParamSpec props[LAST_PROP]; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ConstraintViewChild, constraint_view_child, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +constraint_view_child_init (ConstraintViewChild *child) +{ +} + +static void +constraint_view_child_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + ConstraintViewChild *child = CONSTRAINT_VIEW_CHILD (object); + + g_free (child->name); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (constraint_view_child_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +constraint_view_child_set_property (GObject *object, + +static void +constraint_view_child_class_init (ConstraintViewChildClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = constraint_view_child_finalize; + object_class->get_property = constraint_view_child_get_property; + object_class->set_property = constraint_view_child_set_property; + + props[PROP_NAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("name", "name", "name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, LAST_PROP, props); +} + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_CHILD_TYPE (constraint_view_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_TYPE (ConstraintViewChild, constraint_view_child, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_CHILD, GObject) + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_WIDGET_TYPE (constraint_view_widget_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewWidget, constraint_view_widget, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_WIDGET, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewWidget * constraint_view_widget_new (void); + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_GUIDE_TYPE (constraint_view_guide_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewGuide, constraint_view_guide, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_GUIDE, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewGuide * constraint_view_guide_new (void); + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_CONSTRAINT_TYPE (constraint_view_constraint_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewConstraint, constraint_view_constraint, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_CONSTRAINT, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewGuide * constraint_view_constraint_new (void); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f2120ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view-child.h @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_CHILD_TYPE (constraint_view_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_TYPE (ConstraintViewChild, constraint_view_child, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_CHILD, GObject) + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_WIDGET_TYPE (constraint_view_widget_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewWidget, constraint_view_widget, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_WIDGET, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewWidget * constraint_view_widget_new (void); + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_GUIDE_TYPE (constraint_view_guide_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewGuide, constraint_view_guide, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_GUIDE, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewGuide * constraint_view_guide_new (void); + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_CONSTRAINT_TYPE (constraint_view_constraint_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintViewConstraint, constraint_view_constraint, CONSTRAINT, VIEW_CONSTRAINT, ConstraintViewChild) + +ConstraintViewGuide * constraint_view_constraint_new (void); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc5b11c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.c @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include "constraint-view.h" + +struct _ConstraintView +{ + GtkWidget parent; + + GListModel *model; + + GtkWidget *drag_widget; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ConstraintView, constraint_view, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET); + +static void +constraint_view_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ConstraintView *view = CONSTRAINT_VIEW (object); + GtkWidget *child; + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (view))) != NULL) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + g_clear_object (&view->model); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (constraint_view_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +constraint_view_class_init (ConstraintViewClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = constraint_view_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "constraintview"); +} + +static void +update_weak_position (ConstraintView *self, + GtkWidget *child, + double x, + double y) +{ + GtkLayoutManager *manager; + GtkConstraint *constraint; + + manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + constraint = (GtkConstraint *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "x-constraint"); + if (constraint) + { + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + constraint); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (child), "x-constraint", NULL); + } + if (x != -100) + { + constraint = gtk_constraint_new_constant (child, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_CENTER_X, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + x, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_WEAK); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (constraint), "internal", (char *)"yes"); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + constraint); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (child), "x-constraint", constraint); + } + + constraint = (GtkConstraint *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "y-constraint"); + if (constraint) + { + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + constraint); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (child), "y-constraint", NULL); + } + if (y != -100) + { + constraint = gtk_constraint_new_constant (child, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_CENTER_Y, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + y, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_WEAK); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (constraint), "internal", (char *)"yes"); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + constraint); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (child), "y-constraint", constraint); + } +} + +static void +drag_begin (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double start_x, + double start_y, + ConstraintView *self) +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + + widget = gtk_widget_pick (GTK_WIDGET (self), start_x, start_y, GTK_PICK_DEFAULT); + + if (GTK_IS_LABEL (widget)) + { + widget = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_FRAME); + if (widget && + gtk_widget_get_parent (widget) == (GtkWidget *)self) + { + self->drag_widget = widget; + } + } +} + +static void +drag_update (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double offset_x, + double offset_y, + ConstraintView *self) +{ + double x, y; + + if (!self->drag_widget) + return; + + gtk_gesture_drag_get_start_point (drag, &x, &y); + update_weak_position (self, self->drag_widget, x + offset_x, y + offset_y); +} + +static void +drag_end (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double offset_x, + double offset_y, + ConstraintView *self) +{ + self->drag_widget = NULL; +} + +static gboolean +omit_internal (gpointer item, gpointer user_data) +{ + if (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "internal")) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +constraint_view_init (ConstraintView *self) +{ + GtkLayoutManager *manager; + GtkEventController *controller; + GListStore *list; + GListModel *all_children; + GListModel *all_constraints; + GListModel *guides; + GListModel *children; + GListModel *constraints; + GtkFilter *filter; + + manager = gtk_constraint_layout_new (); + gtk_widget_set_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self), manager); + + guides = gtk_constraint_layout_observe_guides (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager)); + + all_constraints = gtk_constraint_layout_observe_constraints (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager)); + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_custom_filter_new (omit_internal, NULL, NULL)); + constraints = (GListModel *)gtk_filter_list_model_new (all_constraints, filter); + + all_children = gtk_widget_observe_children (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_custom_filter_new (omit_internal, NULL, NULL)); + children = (GListModel *)gtk_filter_list_model_new (all_children, filter); + + list = g_list_store_new (G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL); + g_list_store_append (list, children); + g_list_store_append (list, guides); + g_list_store_append (list, constraints); + g_object_unref (children); + g_object_unref (guides); + g_object_unref (constraints); + + self->model = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_flatten_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (list))); + + controller = (GtkEventController *)gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + g_signal_connect (controller, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), self); + g_signal_connect (controller, "drag-update", G_CALLBACK (drag_update), self); + g_signal_connect (controller, "drag-end", G_CALLBACK (drag_end), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (self), controller); +} + +ConstraintView * +constraint_view_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (CONSTRAINT_VIEW_TYPE, NULL); +} + +void +constraint_view_add_child (ConstraintView *view, + const char *name) +{ + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *label; + + label = gtk_label_new (name); + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (frame, "child"); + gtk_widget_set_name (frame, name); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), label); + gtk_widget_set_parent (frame, GTK_WIDGET (view)); + + update_weak_position (view, frame, 100, 100); +} + +void +constraint_view_remove_child (ConstraintView *view, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + update_weak_position (view, child, -100, -100); + gtk_widget_unparent (child); +} + +void +constraint_view_add_guide (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide) +{ + GtkConstraintLayout *layout; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *label; + const char *name; + GtkConstraint *constraint; + struct { + const char *name; + GtkConstraintAttribute attr; + } names[] = { + { "left-constraint", GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_LEFT }, + { "top-constraint", GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP }, + { "width-constraint", GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH }, + { "height-constraint", GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT }, + }; + int i; + + name = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (guide); + label = gtk_label_new (name); + g_object_bind_property (guide, "name", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (frame, "guide"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (frame), "internal", (char *)"yes"); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), label); + gtk_widget_insert_after (frame, GTK_WIDGET (view), NULL); + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (guide), "frame", frame); + + layout = GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (view))); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_guide (layout, g_object_ref (guide)); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (names); i++) + { + constraint = gtk_constraint_new (frame, + names[i].attr, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + guide, + names[i].attr, + 1.0, 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (constraint), "internal", (char *)"yes"); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (layout, constraint); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (guide), names[i].name, constraint); + } + + update_weak_position (view, frame, 150, 150); +} + +void +constraint_view_remove_guide (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide) +{ + GtkConstraintLayout *layout; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkConstraint *constraint; + const char *names[] = { + "left-constraint", + "top-constraint", + "width-constraint", + "height-constraint" + }; + int i; + + layout = GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (view))); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (names); i++) + { + constraint = (GtkConstraint*)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (guide), names[i]); + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_constraint (layout, constraint); + } + + frame = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (guide), "frame"); + update_weak_position (view, frame, -100, -100); + gtk_widget_unparent (frame); + + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_guide (layout, guide); +} + +void +constraint_view_add_constraint (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + GtkLayoutManager *manager; + + manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (view)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + g_object_ref (constraint)); +} + +void +constraint_view_remove_constraint (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraint *constraint) +{ + GtkLayoutManager *manager; + + manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (view)); + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_constraint (GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager), + constraint); +} + +GListModel * +constraint_view_get_model (ConstraintView *view) +{ + return view->model; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..834e606e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/constraint-view.h @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#define CONSTRAINT_VIEW_TYPE (constraint_view_get_type ()) + +G_MODULE_EXPORT +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintView, constraint_view, CONSTRAINT, VIEW, GtkWidget) + +ConstraintView * constraint_view_new (void); + +void constraint_view_add_child (ConstraintView *view, + const char *name); +void constraint_view_remove_child (ConstraintView *view, + GtkWidget *child); +void constraint_view_add_guide (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide); +void constraint_view_remove_guide (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide); +void constraint_view_guide_changed (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide); +void constraint_view_add_constraint (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraint *constraint); +void constraint_view_remove_constraint (ConstraintView *view, + GtkConstraint *constraint); +GListModel * constraint_view_get_model (ConstraintView *view); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a54c560 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.c @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "guide-editor.h" + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +struct _GuideEditor +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *name; + GtkWidget *min_width; + GtkWidget *min_height; + GtkWidget *nat_width; + GtkWidget *nat_height; + GtkWidget *max_width; + GtkWidget *max_height; + GtkWidget *strength; + GtkWidget *button; + + GtkConstraintGuide *guide; + + gboolean constructed; +}; + +enum { + PROP_GUIDE = 1, + LAST_PROP +}; + +static GParamSpec *pspecs[LAST_PROP]; + +enum { + DONE, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL]; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(GuideEditor, guide_editor, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET); + +static void +guide_strength_combo (GtkWidget *combo) +{ + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "weak", "Weak"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "medium", "Medium"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "strong", "Strong"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "required", "Required"); +} + +static GtkConstraintStrength +get_strength (const char *id) +{ + GtkConstraintStrength strength; + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value_by_nick (class, id); + strength = value->value; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return strength; +} + +static const char * +get_strength_nick (GtkConstraintStrength strength) +{ + GEnumClass *class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH); + GEnumValue *value = g_enum_get_value (class, strength); + const char *nick = value->value_nick; + g_type_class_unref (class); + + return nick; +} + +void +guide_editor_serialize_guide (GString *str, + int indent, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide) +{ + int min_width, min_height; + int nat_width, nat_height; + int max_width, max_height; + const char *name; + const char *strength; + + gtk_constraint_guide_get_min_size (guide, &min_width, &min_height); + gtk_constraint_guide_get_nat_size (guide, &nat_width, &nat_height); + gtk_constraint_guide_get_max_size (guide, &max_width, &max_height); + name = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (guide); + strength = get_strength_nick (gtk_constraint_guide_get_strength (guide)); + + g_string_append_printf (str, "%*s\n", indent, "", name, strength); +} + +static void +create_guide (GtkButton *button, + GuideEditor *editor) +{ + const char *id; + int strength; + const char *name; + int w, h; + GtkConstraintGuide *guide; + + if (editor->guide) + guide = g_object_ref (editor->guide); + else + guide = gtk_constraint_guide_new (); + + name = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->name)); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_name (guide, name); + + w = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_width)); + h = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_height)); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_min_size (guide, w, h); + + w = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_width)); + h = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_height)); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_nat_size (guide, w, h); + + w = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_width)); + h = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_height)); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_max_size (guide, w, h); + + id = gtk_combo_box_get_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength)); + strength = get_strength (id); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_strength (guide, strength); + + g_signal_emit (editor, signals[DONE], 0, guide); + g_object_unref (guide); +} + +static void +guide_editor_init (GuideEditor *editor) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (editor)); +} + +static int guide_counter; + +static int +min_input (GtkSpinButton *spin_button, + double *new_val) +{ + if (strcmp (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)), "") == 0) + { + *new_val = 0.0; + return TRUE; + } + + return FALSE; +} + +static int +max_input (GtkSpinButton *spin_button, + double *new_val) +{ + if (strcmp (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)), "") == 0) + { + *new_val = G_MAXINT; + return TRUE; + } + + return FALSE; +} + +static void +guide_editor_constructed (GObject *object) +{ + GuideEditor *editor = GUIDE_EDITOR (object); + + guide_strength_combo (editor->strength); + + g_signal_connect (editor->min_width, "input", G_CALLBACK (min_input), NULL); + + g_signal_connect (editor->min_height, "input", G_CALLBACK (min_input), NULL); + + g_signal_connect (editor->max_width, "input", G_CALLBACK (max_input), NULL); + + g_signal_connect (editor->max_height, "input", G_CALLBACK (max_input), NULL); + + if (editor->guide) + { + GtkConstraintStrength strength; + const char *nick; + int w, h; + + nick = gtk_constraint_guide_get_name (editor->guide); + if (nick) + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->name), nick); + + gtk_constraint_guide_get_min_size (editor->guide, &w, &h); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_width), w); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_height), h); + + gtk_constraint_guide_get_nat_size (editor->guide, &w, &h); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_width), w); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_height), h); + + gtk_constraint_guide_get_max_size (editor->guide, &w, &h); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_width), w); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_height), h); + + strength = gtk_constraint_guide_get_strength (editor->guide); + nick = get_strength_nick (strength); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength), nick); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (editor->button), "Apply"); + } + else + { + char *name; + + guide_counter++; + name = g_strdup_printf ("Guide %d", guide_counter); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (editor->name), name); + g_free (name); + + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_width), 0.0); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->min_height), 0.0); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_width), 0.0); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->nat_height), 0.0); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_width), G_MAXINT); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (editor->max_height), G_MAXINT); + + gtk_combo_box_set_active_id (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editor->strength), "medium"); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (editor->button), "Create"); + } + + editor->constructed = TRUE; +} + +static void +guide_editor_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GuideEditor *self = GUIDE_EDITOR (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_GUIDE: + self->guide = g_value_dup_object (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +guide_editor_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GuideEditor *self = GUIDE_EDITOR (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_GUIDE: + g_value_set_object (value, self->guide); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +guide_editor_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GuideEditor *self = (GuideEditor *)object; + + g_clear_object (&self->guide); + + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (self), GUIDE_EDITOR_TYPE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (guide_editor_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +guide_editor_class_init (GuideEditorClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->constructed = guide_editor_constructed; + object_class->dispose = guide_editor_dispose; + object_class->set_property = guide_editor_set_property; + object_class->get_property = guide_editor_get_property; + + pspecs[PROP_GUIDE] = + g_param_spec_object ("guide", "guide", "guide", + GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE|G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, LAST_PROP, pspecs); + + signals[DONE] = + g_signal_new ("done", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + 0, + NULL, NULL, + NULL, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE); + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BIN_LAYOUT); + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, + "/org/gtk/gtk4/constraint-editor/guide-editor.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, grid); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, name); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, min_width); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, min_height); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, nat_width); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, nat_height); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, max_width); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, max_height); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, strength); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GuideEditor, button); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, create_guide); +} + +GuideEditor * +guide_editor_new (GtkConstraintGuide *guide) +{ + return g_object_new (GUIDE_EDITOR_TYPE, + "guide", guide, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56ccbfd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#pragma once + +#include + +#define GUIDE_EDITOR_TYPE (guide_editor_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GuideEditor, guide_editor, GUIDE, EDITOR, GtkWidget) + +GuideEditor * guide_editor_new (GtkConstraintGuide *guide); + +void guide_editor_serialize_guide (GString *str, + int indent, + GtkConstraintGuide *guide); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00bf8be0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/guide-editor.ui @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ + + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + 0 + 2147483647 + 1 + 10 + 0 + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..771774c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (constraint_editor_application_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ccb967f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/constraint-editor/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +constraint_editor_sources = [ + 'main.c', + 'constraint-editor-application.c', + 'constraint-editor-window.c', + 'constraint-view.c', + 'constraint-editor.c', + 'guide-editor.c', +] + +constraint_editor_resources = gnome.compile_resources('constraint_editor_resources', + 'constraint-editor.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir(), +) + +executable('gtk4-constraint-editor', + sources: [ constraint_editor_sources, constraint_editor_resources, ], + c_args: common_cflags, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: false, + name_suffix: 'html' +) diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alias_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alias_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70a79563 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alias_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alienplanet.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alienplanet.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad77fb15 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alienplanet.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wsjBD3 +// License CC0: A battered alien planet +// Been experimenting with space inspired shaders + +#define PI 3.141592654 +#define TAU (2.0*PI) + +#define TOLERANCE 0.00001 +#define MAX_ITER 65 +#define MIN_DISTANCE 0.01 +#define MAX_DISTANCE 9.0 + +const vec3 skyCol1 = vec3(0.35, 0.45, 0.6); +const vec3 skyCol2 = vec3(0.4, 0.7, 1.0); +const vec3 skyCol3 = pow(skyCol1, vec3(0.25)); +const vec3 sunCol1 = vec3(1.0,0.6,0.4); +const vec3 sunCol2 = vec3(1.0,0.9,0.7); +const vec3 smallSunCol1 = vec3(1.0,0.5,0.25)*0.5; +const vec3 smallSunCol2 = vec3(1.0,0.5,0.25)*0.5; +const vec3 mountainColor = 1.0*sqrt(vec3(0.95, 0.65, 0.45)); +const float cellWidth = 1.0; +const vec4 planet = vec4(80.0, -20.0, 100.0, 50.0)*1000.0; + +void rot(inout vec2 p, float a) { + float c = cos(a); + float s = sin(a); + p = vec2(p.x*c + p.y*s, -p.x*s + p.y*c); +} + +vec2 mod2(inout vec2 p, vec2 size) { + vec2 c = floor((p + size*0.5)/size); + p = mod(p + size*0.5,size) - size*0.5; + return c; +} + +float circle(vec2 p, float r) { + return length(p) - r; +} + +float egg(vec2 p, float ra, float rb) { + const float k = sqrt(3.0); + p.x = abs(p.x); + float r = ra - rb; + return ((p.y<0.0) ? length(vec2(p.x, p.y )) - r : + (k*(p.x+r) 0.0 && b > 0.0) return vec2(-1.0, -1.0); + float discr = b * b - c; + if(discr < 0.0) return vec2(-1.0); + float normalMultiplier = 1.0; + float s = sqrt(discr); + float t0 = -b - s; + float t1 = -b + s;; + return vec2(t0, t1); +} + +float noize1(vec2 p) { + vec2 n = mod2(p, vec2(cellWidth)); + vec2 hh = hash(sqrt(2.0)*(n+1000.0)); + hh.x *= hh.y; + + float r = 0.225*cellWidth; + + float d = circle(p, 2.0*r); + + float h = hh.x*smoothstep(0.0, r, -d); + + return h*0.25; +} + +float noize2(vec2 p) { + vec2 n = mod2(p, vec2(cellWidth)); + vec2 hh = hash(sqrt(2.0)*(n+1000.0)); + hh.x *= hh.y; + + rot(p, TAU*hh.y); + float r = 0.45*cellWidth; + +// float d = circle(p, 1.0*r); + float d = egg(p, 0.75*r, 0.5*r*abs(hh.y)); + + float h = (hh.x)*smoothstep(0.0, r, -2.0*d); + + return h*0.275; +} + + +float height(vec2 p, float dd, int mx) { + const float aa = 0.45; + const float ff = 2.03; + const float tt = 1.2; + const float oo = 3.93; + const float near = 0.25; + const float far = 0.65; + + float a = 1.0; + float o = 0.2; + float s = 0.0; + float d = 0.0; + + int i = 0; + + for (; i < 4;++i) { + float nn = a*noize2(p); + s += nn; + d += abs(a); + p += o; + a *= aa; + p *= ff; + o *= oo; + rot(p, tt); + } + + float lod = s/d; + + float rdd = dd/MAX_DISTANCE; + mx = int(mix(float(4), float(mx), step(rdd, far))); + + for (; i < mx; ++i) { + float nn = a*noize1(p); + s += nn; + d += abs(a); + p += o; + a *= aa; + p *= ff; + o *= oo; + rot(p, tt); + } + + float hid = (s/d); + + return mix(hid, lod, smoothstep(near, far, rdd)); +} + +float loheight(vec2 p, float d) { + return height(p, d, 0); +} + +float height(vec2 p, float d) { + return height(p, d, 6); +} + +float hiheight(vec2 p, float d) { + return height(p, d, 8); +} + +vec3 normal(vec2 p, float d) { + vec2 eps = vec2(0.00125, 0.0); + + vec3 n; + + n.x = (hiheight(p - eps.xy, d) - hiheight(p + eps.xy, d)); + n.y = 2.0*eps.x; + n.z = (hiheight(p - eps.yx, d) - hiheight(p + eps.yx, d)); + + return normalize(n); +} + +const float stepLength[] = float[](0.9, 0.25); + + +float march(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, out int max_iter) { + float dt = 0.1; + float d = MIN_DISTANCE; + int currentStep = 0; + float lastd = d; + for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; ++i) + { + vec3 p = ro + d*rd; + float h = height(p.xz, d); + + if (d > MAX_DISTANCE) { + max_iter = i; + return MAX_DISTANCE; + } + + float hd = p.y - h; + + if (hd < TOLERANCE) { + ++currentStep; + if (currentStep >= stepLength.length()) { + max_iter = i; + return d; + } + + d = lastd; + continue; + } + + float sl = stepLength[currentStep]; + + dt = max(hd, TOLERANCE)*sl + 0.0025*d; + lastd = d; + d += dt; + } + + max_iter = MAX_ITER; + return MAX_DISTANCE; +} + +vec3 sunDirection() { + return normalize(vec3(-0.5, 0.085, 1.0)); +} + +vec3 smallSunDirection() { + return normalize(vec3(-0.2, -0.05, 1.0)); +} + +float psin(float f) { + return 0.5 + 0.5*sin(f); +} + +vec3 skyColor(vec3 ro, vec3 rd) { + vec3 sunDir = sunDirection(); + vec3 smallSunDir = smallSunDirection(); + + float sunDot = max(dot(rd, sunDir), 0.0); + float smallSunDot = max(dot(rd, smallSunDir), 0.0); + + float angle = atan(rd.y, length(rd.xz))*2.0/PI; + + vec3 skyCol = mix(mix(skyCol1, skyCol2, max(0.0, angle)), skyCol3, clamp(-angle*2.0, 0.0, 1.0)); + + vec3 sunCol = 0.5*sunCol1*pow(sunDot, 20.0) + 8.0*sunCol2*pow(sunDot, 2000.0); + vec3 smallSunCol = 0.5*smallSunCol1*pow(smallSunDot, 200.0) + 8.0*smallSunCol2*pow(smallSunDot, 20000.0); + + vec3 dust = pow(sunCol2*mountainColor, vec3(1.75))*smoothstep(0.05, -0.1, rd.y)*0.5; + + vec2 si = raySphere(ro, rd, planet); + + vec3 planetSurface = ro + si.x*rd; + vec3 planetNormal = normalize(planetSurface - planet.xyz); + float planetDiff = max(dot(planetNormal, sunDir), 0.0); + float planetBorder = max(dot(planetNormal, -rd), 0.0); + float planetLat = (planetSurface.x+planetSurface.y)*0.0005; + vec3 planetCol = mix(1.3*vec3(0.9, 0.8, 0.7), 0.3*vec3(0.9, 0.8, 0.7), pow(psin(planetLat+1.0)*psin(sqrt(2.0)*planetLat+2.0)*psin(sqrt(3.5)*planetLat+3.0), 0.5)); + + vec3 final = vec3(0.0); + + final += step(0.0, si.x)*pow(planetDiff, 0.75)*planetCol*smoothstep(-0.075, 0.0, rd.y)*smoothstep(0.0, 0.1, planetBorder); + + final += skyCol + sunCol + smallSunCol + dust; + + return final; +} + +vec3 getColor(vec3 ro, vec3 rd) { + int max_iter = 0; + vec3 skyCol = skyColor(ro, rd); + vec3 col = vec3(0); + + float d = march(ro, rd, max_iter); + + if (d < MAX_DISTANCE) { + vec3 sunDir = sunDirection(); + vec3 osunDir = sunDir*vec3(-1.0, .0, -1.0); + vec3 p = ro + d*rd; + + vec3 normal = normal(p.xz, d); + + float amb = 0.2; + + float dif1 = max(0.0, dot(sunDir, normal)); + vec3 shd1 = sunCol2*mix(amb, 1.0, pow(dif1, 0.75)); + + float dif2 = max(0.0, dot(osunDir, normal)); + vec3 shd2 = sunCol1*mix(amb, 1.0, pow(dif2, 0.75)); + + vec3 ref = reflect(rd, normal); + vec3 rcol = skyColor(p, ref); + + col = mountainColor*amb*skyCol3; + col += mix(shd1, shd2, -0.5)*mountainColor; + float fre = max(dot(normal, -rd), 0.0); + fre = pow(1.0 - fre, 5.0); + col += rcol*fre*0.5; + col += (1.0*p.y); + col = tanh(col); + col = mix(col, skyCol, smoothstep(0.5*MAX_DISTANCE, 1.0*MAX_DISTANCE, d)); + + } else { + col = skyCol; + } + +// col += vec3(1.1, 0.0, 0.0)* smoothstep(0.25, 1.0,(float(max_iter)/float(MAX_ITER))); + return col; +} + +vec3 getSample1(vec2 p, float time) { + float off = 0.5*iTime; + + vec3 ro = vec3(0.5, 1.0-0.25, -2.0 + off); + vec3 la = ro + vec3(0.0, -0.30, 2.0); + + vec3 ww = normalize(la - ro); + vec3 uu = normalize(cross(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), ww)); + vec3 vv = normalize(cross(ww, uu)); + vec3 rd = normalize(p.x*uu + p.y*vv + 2.0*ww); + + vec3 col = getColor(ro, rd) ; + + return col; +} + +vec3 getSample2(vec2 p, float time) { + p.y-=time*0.25; + float h = height(p, 0.0); + vec3 n = normal(p, 0.0); + + vec3 lp = vec3(10.0, -1.2, 0.0); + + vec3 ld = normalize(vec3(p.x, h, p.y)- lp); + + float d = max(dot(ld, n), 0.0); + + vec3 col = vec3(0.0); + + col = vec3(1.0)*(h+0.1); + col += vec3(1.5)*pow(d, 0.75); + + return col; +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) { + vec2 q = fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy; + vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0*q; + p.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y; + + vec3 col = getSample1(p, iTime); + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/all_scroll_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/all_scroll_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b42ae85b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/all_scroll_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alphatest.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alphatest.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb5885f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/alphatest.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/apple-red.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/apple-red.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0a24e94 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/apple-red.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76982361 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.c @@ -0,0 +1,525 @@ +#include "config.h" + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +typedef GtkApplication DemoApplication; +typedef GtkApplicationClass DemoApplicationClass; + +static GType demo_application_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoApplication, demo_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION) + +typedef struct { + GtkApplicationWindow parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *message; + GtkWidget *infobar; + GtkWidget *status; + GtkWidget *menubutton; + GMenuModel *toolmenu; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + int width; + int height; + gboolean maximized; + gboolean fullscreen; +} DemoApplicationWindow; +typedef GtkApplicationWindowClass DemoApplicationWindowClass; + +static GType demo_application_window_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoApplicationWindow, demo_application_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void create_window (GApplication *app, const char *contents); + +static void +show_action_dialog (GSimpleAction *action) +{ + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("You activated action: \"%s\n", + g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action))); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +show_action_infobar (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer data) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window = data; + char *text; + const char *name; + const char *value; + + name = g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action)); + value = g_variant_get_string (parameter, NULL); + + text = g_strdup_printf ("You activated radio action: \"%s\".\n" + "Current value: %s", name, value); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (window->message), text); + gtk_widget_set_visible (window->infobar, TRUE); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +activate_action (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + show_action_dialog (action); +} + +static void +activate_new (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GApplication *app = user_data; + + create_window (app, NULL); +} + +static void +open_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GApplication *app = G_APPLICATION (user_data); + GFile *file; + GError *error = NULL; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, &error); + if (file) + { + char *contents; + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, NULL, NULL, &error)) + { + create_window (app, contents); + g_free (contents); + } + } + + if (error) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Error loading file: \"%s\"", error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, NULL); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_error_free (error); + } + + g_object_unref (app); +} + + +static void +activate_open (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GApplication *app = user_data; + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, NULL, NULL, open_response_cb, g_object_ref (app)); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +activate_toggle (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariant *state; + + show_action_dialog (action); + + state = g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action)); + g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), g_variant_new_boolean (!g_variant_get_boolean (state))); + g_variant_unref (state); +} + +static void +activate_radio (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + show_action_infobar (action, parameter, user_data); + + g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), parameter); +} + +static void +activate_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + + const char *authors[] = { + "Peter Mattis", + "Spencer Kimball", + "Josh MacDonald", + "and many more...", + NULL + }; + + const char *documentors[] = { + "Owen Taylor", + "Tony Gale", + "Matthias Clasen ", + "and many more...", + NULL + }; + + gtk_show_about_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (window), + "program-name", "GTK Code Demos", + "version", g_strdup_printf ("%s,\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()), + "copyright", "(C) 1997-2013 The GTK Team", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to demonstrate GTK functions.", + "authors", authors, + "documenters", documentors, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.Demo4", + "title", "About GTK Code Demos", + NULL); +} + +static void +activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWidget *win; + GList *list, *next; + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (app); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static void +update_statusbar (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + DemoApplicationWindow *window) +{ + char *msg; + int row, col; + int count; + GtkTextIter iter; + + /* clear any previous message, underflow is allowed */ + gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->status), 0); + + count = gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (buffer); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, + &iter, + gtk_text_buffer_get_insert (buffer)); + + row = gtk_text_iter_get_line (&iter); + col = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset (&iter); + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Cursor at row %d column %d - %d chars in document", + row, col, count); + + gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->status), 0, msg); + + g_free (msg); +} + +static void +mark_set_callback (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + const GtkTextIter *new_location, + GtkTextMark *mark, + DemoApplicationWindow *window) +{ + update_statusbar (buffer, window); +} + +static void +change_theme_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (settings), + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", + g_variant_get_boolean (state), + NULL); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +change_radio_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "new", activate_new, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open", activate_open, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save-as", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "dark", activate_toggle, NULL, "false", change_theme_state } +}; + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "shape", activate_radio, "s", "'oval'", change_radio_state }, + { "bold", activate_toggle, NULL, "false", NULL }, + { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "file1", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "logo", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +clicked_cb (GtkWidget *widget, DemoApplicationWindow *window) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (window->infobar, FALSE); +} + +static void +startup (GApplication *app) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (demo_application_parent_class)->startup (app); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/application_demo/menus.ui", NULL); + + gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar"))); + + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +create_window (GApplication *app, + const char *content) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window; + + window = (DemoApplicationWindow *)g_object_new (demo_application_window_get_type (), + "application", app, + "show-menubar", TRUE, + NULL); + if (content) + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (window->buffer, content, -1); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +activate (GApplication *app) +{ + create_window (app, NULL); +} + +static void +demo_application_init (DemoApplication *app) +{ + GSettings *settings; + GAction *action; + + settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.Demo4"); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + + action = g_settings_create_action (settings, "color"); + + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), action); + + g_object_unref (settings); +} + +static void +demo_application_class_init (DemoApplicationClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *app_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + + app_class->startup = startup; + app_class->activate = activate; +} + +static void +demo_application_window_store_state (DemoApplicationWindow *win) +{ + GSettings *settings; + + settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.Demo4"); + g_settings_set (settings, "window-size", "(ii)", win->width, win->height); + g_settings_set_boolean (settings, "maximized", win->maximized); + g_settings_set_boolean (settings, "fullscreen", win->fullscreen); + g_object_unref (settings); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_load_state (DemoApplicationWindow *win) +{ + GSettings *settings; + + settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.Demo4"); + g_settings_get (settings, "window-size", "(ii)", &win->width, &win->height); + win->maximized = g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "maximized"); + win->fullscreen = g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "fullscreen"); + g_object_unref (settings); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_init (DemoApplicationWindow *window) +{ + GtkWidget *popover; + + window->width = -1; + window->height = -1; + window->maximized = FALSE; + window->fullscreen = FALSE; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (window)); + + popover = gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model (window->toolmenu); + gtk_menu_button_set_popover (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (window->menubutton), popover); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (window), + win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), + window); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_constructed (GObject *object) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window = (DemoApplicationWindow *)object; + + demo_application_window_load_state (window); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), window->width, window->height); + + if (window->maximized) + gtk_window_maximize (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + if (window->fullscreen) + gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_application_window_parent_class)->constructed (object); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window = (DemoApplicationWindow *)widget; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (demo_application_window_parent_class)->size_allocate (widget, + width, + height, + baseline); + + if (!window->maximized && !window->fullscreen) + gtk_window_get_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), &window->width, &window->height); +} + +static void +surface_state_changed (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window = (DemoApplicationWindow *)widget; + GdkToplevelState new_state; + + new_state = gdk_toplevel_get_state (GDK_TOPLEVEL (gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (widget)))); + window->maximized = (new_state & GDK_TOPLEVEL_STATE_MAXIMIZED) != 0; + window->fullscreen = (new_state & GDK_TOPLEVEL_STATE_FULLSCREEN) != 0; +} + +static void +demo_application_window_realize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (demo_application_window_parent_class)->realize (widget); + + g_signal_connect_swapped (gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (widget)), "notify::state", + G_CALLBACK (surface_state_changed), widget); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (widget)), + surface_state_changed, widget); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (demo_application_window_parent_class)->unrealize (widget); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + DemoApplicationWindow *window = (DemoApplicationWindow *)object; + + demo_application_window_store_state (window); + + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (window), demo_application_window_get_type ()); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_application_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_application_window_class_init (DemoApplicationWindowClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->constructed = demo_application_window_constructed; + object_class->dispose = demo_application_window_dispose; + + widget_class->size_allocate = demo_application_window_size_allocate; + widget_class->realize = demo_application_window_realize; + widget_class->unrealize = demo_application_window_unrealize; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/application_demo/application.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, message); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, infobar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, status); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, buffer); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, menubutton); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, DemoApplicationWindow, toolmenu); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, clicked_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, update_statusbar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, mark_set_callback); +} + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + + app = GTK_APPLICATION (g_object_new (demo_application_get_type (), + "application-id", "org.gtk.Demo4.App", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL)); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), 0, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b54e6088 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application.ui @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + + + + File1 + win.file1 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application_demo.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application_demo.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..987ef0da --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/application_demo.c @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* Application Class + * + * Demonstrates a simple application. + * + * This example uses GtkApplication, GtkApplicationWindow, GtkBuilder + * as well as GMenu and GResource. Due to the way GtkApplication is structured, + * it is run as a separate process. + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +static gboolean name_seen; +static GtkWidget *placeholder; + +static void +on_name_appeared (GDBusConnection *connection, + const char *name, + const char *name_owner, + gpointer user_data) +{ + name_seen = TRUE; +} + +static void +on_name_vanished (GDBusConnection *connection, + const char *name, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (!name_seen) + return; + + g_clear_object (&placeholder); +} + +#ifdef G_OS_WIN32 +#define APP_EXTENSION ".exe" +#else +#define APP_EXTENSION +#endif + +GtkWidget * +do_application_demo (GtkWidget *toplevel) +{ + static guint watch = 0; + + if (watch == 0) + watch = g_bus_watch_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, + "org.gtk.Demo4.App", + 0, + on_name_appeared, + on_name_vanished, + NULL, NULL); + + if (placeholder == NULL) + { + const char *command; + GError *error = NULL; + + if (g_file_test ("./gtk4-demo-application" APP_EXTENSION, G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE)) + command = "./gtk4-demo-application" APP_EXTENSION; + else + command = "gtk4-demo-application"; + + if (!g_spawn_command_line_async (command, &error)) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } + + placeholder = gtk_label_new (""); + g_object_ref_sink (placeholder); + } + else + { + g_dbus_connection_call_sync (g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, NULL), + "org.gtk.Demo4.App", + "/org/gtk/Demo4/App", + "org.gtk.Actions", + "Activate", + g_variant_new ("(sava{sv})", "quit", NULL, NULL), + NULL, + 0, + G_MAXINT, + NULL, NULL); + } + + return placeholder; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/assistant.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/assistant.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..322cd5c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/assistant.c @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* Assistant + * + * Demonstrates a sample multi-step assistant with GtkAssistant. Assistants + * are used to divide an operation into several simpler sequential steps, + * and to guide the user through these steps. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *progress_bar = NULL; + +static gboolean +apply_changes_gradually (gpointer data) +{ + double fraction; + + /* Work, work, work... */ + fraction = gtk_progress_bar_get_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress_bar)); + fraction += 0.05; + + if (fraction < 1.0) + { + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress_bar), fraction); + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; + } + else + { + /* Close automatically once changes are fully applied. */ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (data)); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } +} + +static void +on_assistant_apply (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +{ + /* Start a timer to simulate changes taking a few seconds to apply. */ + g_timeout_add (100, apply_changes_gradually, widget); +} + +static void +on_assistant_close_cancel (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (widget)); +} + +static void +on_assistant_prepare (GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *page, gpointer data) +{ + int current_page, n_pages; + char *title; + + current_page = gtk_assistant_get_current_page (GTK_ASSISTANT (widget)); + n_pages = gtk_assistant_get_n_pages (GTK_ASSISTANT (widget)); + + title = g_strdup_printf ("Sample assistant (%d of %d)", current_page + 1, n_pages); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (widget), title); + g_free (title); + + /* The fourth page (counting from zero) is the progress page. The + * user clicked Apply to get here so we tell the assistant to commit, + * which means the changes up to this point are permanent and cannot + * be cancelled or revisited. */ + if (current_page == 3) + gtk_assistant_commit (GTK_ASSISTANT (widget)); +} + +static void +on_entry_changed (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +{ + GtkAssistant *assistant = GTK_ASSISTANT (data); + GtkWidget *current_page; + int page_number; + const char *text; + + page_number = gtk_assistant_get_current_page (assistant); + current_page = gtk_assistant_get_nth_page (assistant, page_number); + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (widget)); + + if (text && *text) + gtk_assistant_set_page_complete (assistant, current_page, TRUE); + else + gtk_assistant_set_page_complete (assistant, current_page, FALSE); +} + +static void +create_page1 (GtkWidget *assistant) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *label, *entry; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 12); + + label = gtk_label_new ("You must fill out this entry to continue:"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_accessible_update_relation (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (entry), + GTK_ACCESSIBLE_RELATION_LABELLED_BY, label, NULL, + -1); + gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (entry), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_valign (entry, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (entry), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (on_entry_changed), assistant); + + gtk_assistant_append_page (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box); + gtk_assistant_set_page_title (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box, "Page 1"); + gtk_assistant_set_page_type (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box, GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_INTRO); +} + +static void +create_page2 (GtkWidget *assistant) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *checkbutton; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 12); + + checkbutton = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("This is optional data, you may continue " + "even if you do not check this"); + gtk_widget_set_valign (checkbutton, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), checkbutton); + + gtk_assistant_append_page (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box); + gtk_assistant_set_page_complete (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box, TRUE); + gtk_assistant_set_page_title (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), box, "Page 2"); +} + +static void +create_page3 (GtkWidget *assistant) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + + label = gtk_label_new ("This is a confirmation page, press 'Apply' to apply changes"); + + gtk_assistant_append_page (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), label); + gtk_assistant_set_page_type (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), label, GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM); + gtk_assistant_set_page_complete (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), label, TRUE); + gtk_assistant_set_page_title (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), label, "Confirmation"); +} + +static void +create_page4 (GtkWidget *assistant) +{ + progress_bar = gtk_progress_bar_new (); + gtk_widget_set_halign (progress_bar, GTK_ALIGN_FILL); + gtk_widget_set_valign (progress_bar, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (progress_bar, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (progress_bar, 40); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (progress_bar, 40); + + gtk_assistant_append_page (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), progress_bar); + gtk_assistant_set_page_type (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), progress_bar, GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_PROGRESS); + gtk_assistant_set_page_title (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), progress_bar, "Applying changes"); + + /* This prevents the assistant window from being + * closed while we're "busy" applying changes. + */ + gtk_assistant_set_page_complete (GTK_ASSISTANT (assistant), progress_bar, FALSE); +} + +GtkWidget* +do_assistant (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *assistant; + + if (!assistant) + { + assistant = gtk_assistant_new (); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (assistant), -1, 300); + + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (assistant), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (assistant), (gpointer *)&assistant); + + create_page1 (assistant); + create_page2 (assistant); + create_page3 (assistant); + create_page4 (assistant); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (assistant), "cancel", + G_CALLBACK (on_assistant_close_cancel), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (assistant), "close", + G_CALLBACK (on_assistant_close_cancel), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (assistant), "apply", + G_CALLBACK (on_assistant_apply), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (assistant), "prepare", + G_CALLBACK (on_assistant_prepare), NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (assistant)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (assistant, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (assistant)); + + return assistant; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..348cd16a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +uniform float u_time; + +void +mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + vec2 pos = (fragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution.xy)/ min (resolution.x, resolution.y) ; + + float t0 = sin ((u_time + 0.00)*1.0); + float t1 = sin ((u_time + 0.30)*0.4); + float t2 = cos ((u_time + 0.23)*0.9); + float t3 = cos ((u_time + 0.41)*0.6); + float t4 = cos ((u_time + 0.11)*0.3); + + vec2 p0 = vec2 (t1, t0) ; + vec2 p1 = vec2 (t2, t3) ; + vec2 p2 = vec2 (t4, t3) ; + + float r = 1.0/distance (pos, p0); + float g = 1.0/distance (pos, p1); + float b = 1.0/distance (pos, p2); + float sum = r + g + b; + + float alpha = 1.0 - pow (1.0/(sum), 40.0)*pow (10.0, 40.0*0.7); + + fragColor = vec4 (r*0.5, g*0.5, b*0.5, 1.0) * alpha; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86c006aa Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/background.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bbb.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bbb.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4c9e415 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bbb.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blendmodes.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blendmodes.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a74ba7e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blendmodes.ui @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + + + + 0 + CSS Blend Modes + 400 + 300 + + + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + + + Blend mode: + 0 + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 150 + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + center + 1 + stack + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + crossfade + + + page0 + Ducky + + + center + center + 1 + 12 + 12 + + + Duck + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Background + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + +Blended picture + + 0 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + center + + + 0 + 3 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + page1 + Blends + + + center + center + 1 + 12 + 12 + + + Red + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Blue + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + +Blended picture + + 0 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + center + + + 0 + 3 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + page2 + CMYK + + + center + center + 1 + 1 + 6 + 12 + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + center + + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + Cyan + 0 + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Magenta + 0 + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + Yellow + 0 + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + Blended picture + 0 + + + + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blends.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blends.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afc6c4ab Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/blends.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a7585ff --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.c @@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ +/* + * bluroverlay.c + * This file is part of gtk + * + * Copyright (C) 2011 - Ignacio Casal Quinteiro, Mike Krüger + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include "bluroverlay.h" + +/* + * This is a cut-down copy of gtkoverlay.c with a custom snapshot + * function that support a limited form of blur-under. + */ +typedef struct _BlurOverlayChild BlurOverlayChild; + +struct _BlurOverlayChild +{ + double blur; +}; + +enum { + GET_CHILD_POSITION, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; +static GQuark child_data_quark = 0; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (BlurOverlay, blur_overlay, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +blur_overlay_set_overlay_child (GtkWidget *widget, + BlurOverlayChild *child_data) +{ + g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (widget), child_data_quark, child_data, g_free); +} + +static BlurOverlayChild * +blur_overlay_get_overlay_child (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + return (BlurOverlayChild *) g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (widget), child_data_quark); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + int child_min, child_nat, child_min_baseline, child_nat_baseline; + + gtk_widget_measure (child, + orientation, + for_size, + &child_min, &child_nat, + &child_min_baseline, &child_nat_baseline); + + *minimum = MAX (*minimum, child_min); + *natural = MAX (*natural, child_nat); + if (child_min_baseline > -1) + *minimum_baseline = MAX (*minimum_baseline, child_min_baseline); + if (child_nat_baseline > -1) + *natural_baseline = MAX (*natural_baseline, child_nat_baseline); + } +} + +static void +blur_overlay_compute_child_allocation (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + BlurOverlayChild *child, + GtkAllocation *widget_allocation) +{ + GtkAllocation allocation; + gboolean result; + + g_signal_emit (overlay, signals[GET_CHILD_POSITION], + 0, widget, &allocation, &result); + + widget_allocation->x = allocation.x; + widget_allocation->y = allocation.y; + widget_allocation->width = allocation.width; + widget_allocation->height = allocation.height; +} + +static GtkAlign +effective_align (GtkAlign align, + GtkTextDirection direction) +{ + switch (align) + { + case GTK_ALIGN_START: + return direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL ? GTK_ALIGN_END : GTK_ALIGN_START; + case GTK_ALIGN_END: + return direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL ? GTK_ALIGN_START : GTK_ALIGN_END; + case GTK_ALIGN_FILL: + case GTK_ALIGN_CENTER: + case GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE: + default: + return align; + } +} + +static void +blur_overlay_child_update_style_classes (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *child, + GtkAllocation *child_allocation) +{ + int width, height; + GtkAlign valign, halign; + gboolean is_left, is_right, is_top, is_bottom; + gboolean has_left, has_right, has_top, has_bottom; + + has_left = gtk_widget_has_css_class (child, "left"); + has_right = gtk_widget_has_css_class (child, "right"); + has_top = gtk_widget_has_css_class (child, "top"); + has_bottom = gtk_widget_has_css_class (child, "bottom"); + + is_left = is_right = is_top = is_bottom = FALSE; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (GTK_WIDGET (overlay)); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (GTK_WIDGET (overlay)); + + halign = effective_align (gtk_widget_get_halign (child), + gtk_widget_get_direction (child)); + + if (halign == GTK_ALIGN_START) + is_left = (child_allocation->x == 0); + else if (halign == GTK_ALIGN_END) + is_right = (child_allocation->x + child_allocation->width == width); + + valign = gtk_widget_get_valign (child); + + if (valign == GTK_ALIGN_START) + is_top = (child_allocation->y == 0); + else if (valign == GTK_ALIGN_END) + is_bottom = (child_allocation->y + child_allocation->height == height); + + if (has_left && !is_left) + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (child, "left"); + else if (!has_left && is_left) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (child, "left"); + + if (has_right && !is_right) + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (child, "right"); + else if (!has_right && is_right) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (child, "right"); + + if (has_top && !is_top) + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (child, "top"); + else if (!has_top && is_top) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (child, "top"); + + if (has_bottom && !is_bottom) + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (child, "bottom"); + else if (!has_bottom && is_bottom) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (child, "bottom"); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_child_allocate (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + BlurOverlayChild *child) +{ + GtkAllocation child_allocation; + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (widget)) + return; + + blur_overlay_compute_child_allocation (overlay, widget, child, &child_allocation); + + blur_overlay_child_update_style_classes (overlay, widget, &child_allocation); + gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget, &child_allocation, -1); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + BlurOverlay *overlay = BLUR_OVERLAY (widget); + GtkWidget *child; + GtkWidget *main_widget; + + main_widget = overlay->main_widget; + if (main_widget && gtk_widget_get_visible (main_widget)) + gtk_widget_size_allocate (main_widget, + &(GtkAllocation) { + 0, 0, + width, height + }, -1); + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + if (child != main_widget) + { + BlurOverlayChild *child_data = blur_overlay_get_overlay_child (child); + blur_overlay_child_allocate (overlay, child, child_data); + } + } +} + +static gboolean +blur_overlay_get_child_position (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + GtkAllocation *alloc) +{ + GtkRequisition min, req; + GtkAlign halign; + GtkTextDirection direction; + int width, height; + + gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (widget, &min, &req); + width = gtk_widget_get_width (GTK_WIDGET (overlay)); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (GTK_WIDGET (overlay)); + + alloc->x = 0; + alloc->width = MAX (min.width, MIN (width, req.width)); + + direction = gtk_widget_get_direction (widget); + + halign = gtk_widget_get_halign (widget); + switch (effective_align (halign, direction)) + { + case GTK_ALIGN_START: + /* nothing to do */ + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_FILL: + alloc->width = MAX (alloc->width, width); + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_CENTER: + alloc->x += width / 2 - alloc->width / 2; + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_END: + alloc->x += width - alloc->width; + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE: + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + break; + } + + alloc->y = 0; + alloc->height = MAX (min.height, MIN (height, req.height)); + + switch (gtk_widget_get_valign (widget)) + { + case GTK_ALIGN_START: + /* nothing to do */ + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_FILL: + alloc->height = MAX (alloc->height, height); + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_CENTER: + alloc->y += height / 2 - alloc->height / 2; + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_END: + alloc->y += height - alloc->height; + break; + case GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE: + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + break; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +blur_overlay_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + GtkWidget *main_widget; + GskRenderNode *main_widget_node = NULL; + GtkWidget *child; + GtkAllocation main_alloc; + cairo_region_t *clip = NULL; + int i; + + main_widget = BLUR_OVERLAY (widget)->main_widget; + gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &main_alloc); + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + BlurOverlayChild *child_info = blur_overlay_get_overlay_child (child); + double blur = 0; + if (child_info) + blur = child_info->blur; + + if (blur > 0) + { + GtkAllocation alloc; + graphene_rect_t bounds; + + if (main_widget_node == NULL) + { + GtkSnapshot *child_snapshot; + + child_snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, main_widget, child_snapshot); + main_widget_node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (child_snapshot); + } + + gtk_widget_get_allocation (child, &alloc); + graphene_rect_init (&bounds, alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height); + gtk_snapshot_push_blur (snapshot, blur); + gtk_snapshot_push_clip (snapshot, &bounds); + gtk_snapshot_append_node (snapshot, main_widget_node); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + + if (clip == NULL) + { + cairo_rectangle_int_t rect; + rect.x = rect.y = 0; + rect.width = main_alloc.width; + rect.height = main_alloc.height; + clip = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&rect); + } + cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (clip, (cairo_rectangle_int_t *)&alloc); + } + } + + if (clip == NULL) + { + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, child, snapshot); + } + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (clip); i++) + { + cairo_rectangle_int_t rect; + graphene_rect_t bounds; + + cairo_region_get_rectangle (clip, i, &rect); + graphene_rect_init (&bounds, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); + gtk_snapshot_push_clip (snapshot, &bounds); + gtk_snapshot_append_node (snapshot, main_widget_node); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + } + + cairo_region_destroy (clip); + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + if (child != main_widget) + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, child, snapshot); + } + + gsk_render_node_unref (main_widget_node); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + BlurOverlay *overlay = BLUR_OVERLAY (object); + GtkWidget *child; + + g_clear_pointer (&overlay->main_widget, gtk_widget_unparent); + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (overlay)))) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (blur_overlay_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_class_init (BlurOverlayClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = blur_overlay_dispose; + + widget_class->measure = blur_overlay_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = blur_overlay_size_allocate; + widget_class->snapshot = blur_overlay_snapshot; + + klass->get_child_position = blur_overlay_get_child_position; + + signals[GET_CHILD_POSITION] = + g_signal_new ("get-child-position", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + G_STRUCT_OFFSET (BlurOverlayClass, get_child_position), + g_signal_accumulator_true_handled, NULL, + NULL, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 2, + GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, + GDK_TYPE_RECTANGLE | G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE); + + child_data_quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("gtk-overlay-child-data"); + + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "overlay"); +} + +static void +blur_overlay_init (BlurOverlay *overlay) +{ +} + +GtkWidget * +blur_overlay_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY, NULL); +} + +void +blur_overlay_add_overlay (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + double blur) +{ + BlurOverlayChild *child = g_new0 (BlurOverlayChild, 1); + + gtk_widget_insert_before (widget, GTK_WIDGET (overlay), NULL); + + child->blur = blur; + + blur_overlay_set_overlay_child (widget, child); +} + +void +blur_overlay_set_child (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + gtk_widget_insert_after (widget, GTK_WIDGET (overlay), NULL); + overlay->main_widget = widget; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57aa1fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/bluroverlay.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* + * bluroverlay.h + * This file is part of gtk + * + * Copyright (C) 2011 - Ignacio Casal Quinteiro, Mike Krüger + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __BLUR_OVERLAY_H__ +#define __BLUR_OVERLAY_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY (blur_overlay_get_type ()) +#define BLUR_OVERLAY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY, BlurOverlay)) +#define BLUR_OVERLAY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY, BlurOverlayClass)) +#define BLUR_IS_OVERLAY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY)) +#define BLUR_IS_OVERLAY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY)) +#define BLUR_OVERLAY_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), BLUR_TYPE_OVERLAY, BlurOverlayClass)) + +typedef struct _BlurOverlay BlurOverlay; +typedef struct _BlurOverlayClass BlurOverlayClass; + +struct _BlurOverlay +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *main_widget; +}; + +struct _BlurOverlayClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; + + gboolean (*get_child_position) (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + GtkAllocation *allocation); +}; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType blur_overlay_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkWidget *blur_overlay_new (void); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void blur_overlay_add_overlay (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget, + double blur); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void blur_overlay_set_child (BlurOverlay *overlay, + GtkWidget *widget); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUR_OVERLAY_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d413cd28 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick2.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cfcd079f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/brick2.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/builder.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/builder.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..126ea9c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/builder.c @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +/* Builder + * #Keywords: GMenu, GtkPopoverMenuBar, GtkBuilder, GtkStatusBar, GtkShortcutController, toolbar + * + * Demonstrates a traditional interface, loaded from a XML description, + * and shows how to connect actions to the menu items and toolbar buttons. + */ + +#include + +static void +quit_activate (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +about_activate (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *about_dlg; + + about_dlg = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "about")); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (about_dlg)); +} + +static void +remove_timeout (gpointer data) +{ + guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data); + + g_source_remove (id); +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static gboolean +pop_status (gpointer data) +{ + gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (data), 0); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (data), "timeout", NULL); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +status_message (GtkStatusbar *status, + const char *text) +{ + guint id; + + gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (status), 0, text); + id = g_timeout_add (5000, pop_status, status); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (status), "timeout", GUINT_TO_POINTER (id), remove_timeout); +} + +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +help_activate (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *status; + + status = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (user_data), "status")); + status_message (GTK_STATUSBAR (status), "Help not available"); +} + +static void +not_implemented (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *status; + char *text; + + text = g_strdup_printf ("Action “%s” not implemented", g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action))); + status = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (user_data), "status")); + status_message (GTK_STATUSBAR (status), text); + g_free (text); +} + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "new", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save-as", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "copy", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "cut", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "paste", not_implemented, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activate, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "about", about_activate, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "help", help_activate, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +GtkWidget * +do_builder (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GActionGroup *actions; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *about; + GtkWidget *status; + GtkEventController *controller; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/builder/demo.ui"); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + actions = (GActionGroup*)g_simple_action_group_new (); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), + win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), + window); + gtk_widget_insert_action_group (window, "win", actions); + + controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new (); + gtk_shortcut_controller_set_scope (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GTK_SHORTCUT_SCOPE_GLOBAL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (window, controller); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_n, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.new"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_o, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.open"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_s, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.save"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_s, GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.save-as"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_q, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.quit"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_c, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.copy"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_x, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.cut"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_v, GDK_CONTROL_MASK), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.paste"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_F1, 0), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.help"))); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_F7, 0), + gtk_named_action_new ("win.about"))); + + about = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "aboutdialog1")); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (about), GTK_WINDOW (window)); + gtk_window_set_hide_on_close (GTK_WINDOW (about), TRUE); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "about", + about, (GDestroyNotify)gtk_window_destroy); + + status = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "statusbar1")); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "status", status); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cell_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cell_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0bb0935d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cell_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..672a51ac --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.c @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +/* Clipboard + * #Keywords: drag-and-drop, dnd + * + * GdkClipboard is used for clipboard handling. This demo shows how to + * copy and paste text, images, colors or files to and from the clipboard. + * + * You can also use Drag-And-Drop to copy the data from the source to the + * target. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "demoimage.h" + +static void +copy_button_clicked (GtkStack *source_stack, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + const char *visible_child_name; + GtkWidget *visible_child; + + clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (source_stack)); + + visible_child = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (source_stack); + visible_child_name = gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name (source_stack); + + if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "Text") == 0) + { + gdk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (visible_child))); + } + else if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "Image") == 0) + { + GtkWidget *child; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (visible_child); child; child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (child))) + { + GtkWidget *image = gtk_widget_get_first_child (child); + GdkPaintable *paintable = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)); + + if (GDK_IS_TEXTURE (paintable)) + gdk_clipboard_set (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, paintable); + else + gdk_clipboard_set (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, paintable); + break; + } + } + } + else if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "Color") == 0) + { + const GdkRGBA *color; + + color = gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (visible_child)); + gdk_clipboard_set (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_RGBA, color); + } + else if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "File") == 0) + { + gdk_clipboard_set (clipboard, G_TYPE_FILE, g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (visible_child), "file"), NULL); + } + else + { + g_print ("TODO"); + } +} + +static void +present_value (GtkStack *dest_stack, + const GValue *value) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_FILE)) + { + GFile *file; + + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (dest_stack, "File"); + child = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (dest_stack); + + file = g_value_get_object (value); + g_object_set (child, "label", g_file_peek_path (file), NULL); + } + else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, GDK_TYPE_RGBA)) + { + GdkRGBA *color; + + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (dest_stack, "Color"); + child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (gtk_stack_get_visible_child (dest_stack)); + + color = g_value_get_boxed (value); + g_object_set (child, "rgba", color, NULL); + } + else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE) || + G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE)) + { + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (dest_stack, "Image"); + child = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (dest_stack); + + paintable = g_value_get_object (value); + g_object_set (child, "paintable", paintable, NULL); + } + else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING)) + { + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (dest_stack, "Text"); + child = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (dest_stack); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (child), g_value_get_string (value)); + } +} + +static void +paste_received (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkStack *dest_stack = user_data; + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + const GValue *value; + GError *error = NULL; + + clipboard = GDK_CLIPBOARD (source_object); + + value = gdk_clipboard_read_value_finish (clipboard, result, &error); + if (value) + { + present_value (dest_stack, value); + } + else + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + +static void +paste_button_clicked (GtkStack *dest_stack, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + GdkContentFormats *formats; + + clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (dest_stack)); + formats = gdk_clipboard_get_formats (clipboard); + + if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE)) + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, 0, NULL, paste_received, dest_stack); + else if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE)) + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, 0, NULL, paste_received, dest_stack); + else if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_RGBA)) + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, GDK_TYPE_RGBA, 0, NULL, paste_received, dest_stack); + else if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, G_TYPE_FILE)) + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, G_TYPE_FILE, 0, NULL, paste_received, dest_stack); + else if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, G_TYPE_STRING)) + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, G_TYPE_STRING, 0, NULL, paste_received, dest_stack); +} + +static void +update_copy_button_sensitivity (GtkWidget *source_stack) +{ + GtkButton *copy_button; + const char *visible_child_name; + GtkWidget *visible_child; + gboolean sensitive; + + copy_button = GTK_BUTTON (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (source_stack), "copy-button")); + + visible_child = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (source_stack)); + visible_child_name = gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (source_stack)); + if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "Text") == 0) + { + sensitive = strlen (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (visible_child))) > 0; + } + else if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "Color") == 0 || + strcmp (visible_child_name, "Image") == 0) + { + sensitive = TRUE; + } + else if (strcmp (visible_child_name, "File") == 0) + { + sensitive = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (visible_child), "file") != NULL; + } + else + { + sensitive = FALSE; + } + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (copy_button), sensitive); +} + +static void +source_changed_cb (GtkButton *copy_button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkWidget *source_stack) +{ + update_copy_button_sensitivity (source_stack); +} + +static void +text_changed_cb (GtkButton *copy_button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkWidget *entry) +{ + update_copy_button_sensitivity (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (entry, GTK_TYPE_STACK)); +} + +static void +file_button_set_file (GtkButton *button, + GFile *file) +{ + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (gtk_button_get_child (button)), g_file_peek_path (file)); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (button), "file", g_object_ref (file), g_object_unref); +} + +static void +file_chooser_response (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GtkButton *button = GTK_BUTTON (user_data); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + file_button_set_file (button, file); + g_object_unref (file); + + update_copy_button_sensitivity (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_TYPE_STACK)); + } +} + +static void +open_file_cb (GtkWidget *button) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW)), + NULL, + file_chooser_response, button); + + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +folder_chooser_response (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GtkButton *button = GTK_BUTTON (user_data); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_select_folder_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + file_button_set_file (button, file); + g_object_unref (file); + + update_copy_button_sensitivity (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_TYPE_STACK)); + } +} + +static void +open_folder_cb (GtkWidget *button) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + + gtk_file_dialog_select_folder (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW)), + NULL, + folder_chooser_response, button); + + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +update_paste_button_sensitivity (GdkClipboard *clipboard, + GtkWidget *paste_button) +{ + GdkContentFormats *formats; + gboolean sensitive = FALSE; + + formats = gdk_clipboard_get_formats (clipboard); + + if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, G_TYPE_FILE) || + gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_RGBA) || + gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE) || + gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE) || + gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (formats, G_TYPE_STRING)) + sensitive = TRUE; + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (paste_button, sensitive); +} + +static void +unset_clipboard_handler (gpointer data) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (data)); + + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (clipboard, update_paste_button_sensitivity, data); +} + +static gboolean +on_drop (GtkStack *dest_stack, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + present_value (dest_stack, value); + return TRUE; +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +drag_prepare (GtkDragSource *drag_source, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *button; + GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; + + button = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drag_source)); + + if (GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)) + { + GtkWidget *image = gtk_widget_get_first_child (button); + GdkPaintable *paintable = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)); + + if (GDK_IS_TEXTURE (paintable)) + { + g_value_init (&value, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE); + g_value_set_object (&value, paintable); + } + else + { + g_value_init (&value, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE); + g_value_set_object (&value, paintable); + } + } + else + { + GFile *file = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), "file"); + + if (file) + { + g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_FILE); + g_value_set_object (&value, file); + } + else + return NULL; + } + + return gdk_content_provider_new_for_value (&value); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_clipboard (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *button; + + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, copy_button_clicked); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, paste_button_clicked); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, source_changed_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, text_changed_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, open_file_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, open_folder_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_drop); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, drag_prepare); + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/clipboard/clipboard.ui", NULL); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + + button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "copy_button")); + g_object_set_data (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "source_stack"), "copy-button", button); + + button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "paste_button")); + g_signal_connect (gtk_widget_get_clipboard (button), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (update_paste_button_sensitivity), button); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (button), "clipboard-handler", button, unset_clipboard_handler); + + g_object_unref (builder); + g_object_unref (scope); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a373537f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/clipboard.ui @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ + + + + + 1 + Clipboard + + + vertical + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + + + “Copy” will copy the selected data the clipboard, “Paste” will show the current clipboard contents. You can also drag the data to the bottom. + 1 + 40 + + + + + 12 + + + center + + + + Text + Color + Image + File + Folder + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + source_chooser + + + + + + Text + + + center + + Copy this! + + + + + + + Color + + + + + + + center + purple + + + + + + + Image + + + center + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + resource:///transparent/portland-rose.jpg + + + + + + + image_rose + + + + + + + + + resource:///images/floppybuddy.gif + + + + + + + + + + + + + + File + + + + + capture + + + + center + + + + 0 + start + + + + + + + + + + Folder + + + + + capture + + + + center + + + + 0 + start + + + + + + + + + + + + center + _Copy + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 12 + + + copy + GdkTexture GdkPaintable GFile GdkRGBA gchararray + + + + + + _Paste + + 1 + + + + + 0 + + + dest_stack + + + + + + + end + center + + + + + + + + + + + + Text + + + end + center + 0 + end + + + + + + + Image + + + end + center + + + + + + + + Color + + + end + center + + + img + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + File + + + end + center + 0 + 1 + start + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cmy.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cmy.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f44d0966 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cmy.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee6ddb30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3ljyDD +// License CC0: Hexagonal tiling + cog wheels +// Nothing fancy, just hexagonal tiling + cog wheels + +#define PI 3.141592654 +#define TAU (2.0*PI) +#define MROT(a) mat2(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)) + +float hash(in vec2 co) { + return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,58.233))) * 13758.5453); +} + +float pcos(float a) { + return 0.5 + 0.5*cos(a); +} + +void rot(inout vec2 p, float a) { + float c = cos(a); + float s = sin(a); + p = vec2(c*p.x + s*p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.y); +} + +float modPolar(inout vec2 p, float repetitions) { + float angle = 2.0*PI/repetitions; + float a = atan(p.y, p.x) + angle/2.; + float r = length(p); + float c = floor(a/angle); + a = mod(a,angle) - angle/2.; + p = vec2(cos(a), sin(a))*r; + // For an odd number of repetitions, fix cell index of the cell in -x direction + // (cell index would be e.g. -5 and 5 in the two halves of the cell): + if (abs(c) >= (repetitions/2.0)) c = abs(c); + return c; +} + +float pmin(float a, float b, float k) { + float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); + return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); +} + +const vec2 sz = vec2(1.0, sqrt(3.0)); +const vec2 hsz = 0.5*sz; +const float smallCount = 16.0; + +vec2 hextile(inout vec2 p) { + // See Art of Code: Hexagonal Tiling Explained! + // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrIDyYiJBA + + vec2 p1 = mod(p, sz)-hsz; + vec2 p2 = mod(p - hsz*1.0, sz)-hsz; + vec2 p3 = mix(p2, p1, vec2(length(p1) < length(p2))); + vec2 n = p3 - p; + p = p3; + + return n; +} + +float circle(vec2 p, float r) { + return length(p) - r; +} + +float box(vec2 p, vec2 b) { + vec2 d = abs(p)-b; + return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); +} + +float unevenCapsule(vec2 p, float r1, float r2, float h) { + p.x = abs(p.x); + float b = (r1-r2)/h; + float a = sqrt(1.0-b*b); + float k = dot(p,vec2(-b,a)); + if( k < 0.0 ) return length(p) - r1; + if( k > a*h ) return length(p-vec2(0.0,h)) - r2; + return dot(p, vec2(a,b) ) - r1; +} + +float cogwheel(vec2 p, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float cogs, float holes) { + float cogWidth = 0.25*innerRadius*TAU/cogs; + + float d0 = circle(p, innerRadius); + + vec2 icp = p; + modPolar(icp, holes); + icp -= vec2(innerRadius*0.55, 0.0); + float d1 = circle(icp, innerRadius*0.25); + + vec2 cp = p; + modPolar(cp, cogs); + cp -= vec2(innerRadius, 0.0); + float d2 = unevenCapsule(cp.yx, cogWidth, cogWidth*0.75, (outerRadius-innerRadius)); + + float d3 = circle(p, innerRadius*0.20); + + float d = 1E6; + d = min(d, d0); + d = pmin(d, d2, 0.5*cogWidth); + d = min(d, d2); + d = max(d, -d1); + d = max(d, -d3); + + return d; +} + +float ccell1(vec2 p, float r) { + float d = 1E6; + const float bigCount = 60.0; + + vec2 cp0 = p; + rot(cp0, -iTime*TAU/bigCount); + float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.36, 0.38, bigCount, 5.0); + + vec2 cp1 = p; + float nm = modPolar(cp1, 6.0); + + cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0); + rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount); + float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0); + + d = min(d, d0); + d = min(d, d1); + return d; +} + +float ccell2(vec2 p, float r) { + float d = 1E6; + vec2 cp0 = p; + float nm = modPolar(cp0, 6.0); + vec2 cp1 = cp0; + const float off = 0.275; + const float count = smallCount + 2.0; + cp0 -= vec2(off, 0.0); + rot(cp0, 0.+TAU*nm/2.0 - iTime*TAU/count); + float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.09, 0.105, count, 5.0); + + + cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0); + rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount); + float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0); + + float l = length(p); + float d2 = l - (off+0.055); + float d3 = d2 + 0.020;; + + vec2 tp0 = p; + modPolar(tp0, 60.0); + tp0.x -= off; + float d4 = box(tp0, vec2(0.0125, 0.005)); + + float ctime = -(iTime*0.05 + r)*TAU; + + vec2 tp1 = p; + rot(tp1, ctime*12.0); + tp1.x -= 0.13; + float d5 = box(tp1, vec2(0.125, 0.005)); + + vec2 tp2 = p; + rot(tp2, ctime); + tp2.x -= 0.13*0.5; + float d6 = box(tp2, vec2(0.125*0.5, 0.0075)); + + float d7 = l - 0.025; + float d8 = l - 0.0125; + + d = min(d, d0); + d = min(d, d1); + d = min(d, d2); + d = max(d, -d3); + d = min(d, d4); + d = min(d, d5); + d = min(d, d6); + d = min(d, d7); + d = max(d, -d8); + + return d; +} + +float df(vec2 p, float scale, inout vec2 nn) { + p /= scale; + nn = hextile(p); + nn = floor(nn + 0.5); + float r = hash(nn); + + float d;; + + if (r < 0.5) { + d = ccell1(p, r); + } else { + d = ccell2(p, r); + } + + return d*scale; +} + +vec3 postProcess(vec3 col, vec2 q) { + //col = saturate(col); + col=pow(clamp(col,0.0,1.0),vec3(0.75)); + col=col*0.6+0.4*col*col*(3.0-2.0*col); // contrast + col=mix(col, vec3(dot(col, vec3(0.33))), -0.4); // satuation + col*=0.5+0.5*pow(19.0*q.x*q.y*(1.0-q.x)*(1.0-q.y),0.7); // vigneting + return col; +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) { + vec2 q = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; + vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0*q; + p.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y; + float tm = iTime*0.1; + p += vec2(cos(tm), sin(tm*sqrt(0.5))); + float z = mix(0.5, 1.0, pcos(tm*sqrt(0.3))); + float aa = 4.0 / iResolution.y; + + vec2 nn = vec2(0.0); + float d = df(p, z, nn); + + vec3 col = vec3(160.0)/vec3(255.0); + vec3 baseCol = vec3(0.3); + vec4 logoCol = vec4(baseCol, 1.0)*smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -d); + col = mix(col, logoCol.xyz, pow(logoCol.w, 8.0)); + col += 0.4*pow(abs(sin(20.0*d)), 0.6); + + col = postProcess(col, q); + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs2.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs2.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..518ae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cogs2.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +uniform float iTime; + +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3ljyDD +// License CC0: Hexagonal tiling + cog wheels +// Nothing fancy, just hexagonal tiling + cog wheels + +#define PI 3.141592654 +#define TAU (2.0*PI) +#define MROT(a) mat2(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)) + +float hash(in vec2 co) { + return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,58.233))) * 13758.5453); +} + +float pcos(float a) { + return 0.5 + 0.5*cos(a); +} + +void rot(inout vec2 p, float a) { + float c = cos(a); + float s = sin(a); + p = vec2(c*p.x + s*p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.y); +} + +float modPolar(inout vec2 p, float repetitions) { + float angle = 2.0*PI/repetitions; + float a = atan(p.y, p.x) + angle/2.; + float r = length(p); + float c = floor(a/angle); + a = mod(a,angle) - angle/2.; + p = vec2(cos(a), sin(a))*r; + // For an odd number of repetitions, fix cell index of the cell in -x direction + // (cell index would be e.g. -5 and 5 in the two halves of the cell): + if (abs(c) >= (repetitions/2.0)) c = abs(c); + return c; +} + +float pmin(float a, float b, float k) { + float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); + return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); +} + +const vec2 sz = vec2(1.0, sqrt(3.0)); +const vec2 hsz = 0.5*sz; +const float smallCount = 16.0; + +vec2 hextile(inout vec2 p) { + // See Art of Code: Hexagonal Tiling Explained! + // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrIDyYiJBA + + vec2 p1 = mod(p, sz)-hsz; + vec2 p2 = mod(p - hsz*1.0, sz)-hsz; + vec2 p3 = mix(p2, p1, vec2(length(p1) < length(p2))); + vec2 n = p3 - p; + p = p3; + + return n; +} + +float circle(vec2 p, float r) { + return length(p) - r; +} + +float box(vec2 p, vec2 b) { + vec2 d = abs(p)-b; + return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); +} + +float unevenCapsule(vec2 p, float r1, float r2, float h) { + p.x = abs(p.x); + float b = (r1-r2)/h; + float a = sqrt(1.0-b*b); + float k = dot(p,vec2(-b,a)); + if( k < 0.0 ) return length(p) - r1; + if( k > a*h ) return length(p-vec2(0.0,h)) - r2; + return dot(p, vec2(a,b) ) - r1; +} + +float cogwheel(vec2 p, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float cogs, float holes) { + float cogWidth = 0.25*innerRadius*TAU/cogs; + + float d0 = circle(p, innerRadius); + + vec2 icp = p; + modPolar(icp, holes); + icp -= vec2(innerRadius*0.55, 0.0); + float d1 = circle(icp, innerRadius*0.25); + + vec2 cp = p; + modPolar(cp, cogs); + cp -= vec2(innerRadius, 0.0); + float d2 = unevenCapsule(cp.yx, cogWidth, cogWidth*0.75, (outerRadius-innerRadius)); + + float d3 = circle(p, innerRadius*0.20); + + float d = 1E6; + d = min(d, d0); + d = pmin(d, d2, 0.5*cogWidth); + d = min(d, d2); + d = max(d, -d1); + d = max(d, -d3); + + return d; +} + +float ccell1(vec2 p, float r) { + float d = 1E6; + const float bigCount = 60.0; + + vec2 cp0 = p; + rot(cp0, -iTime*TAU/bigCount); + float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.36, 0.38, bigCount, 5.0); + + vec2 cp1 = p; + float nm = modPolar(cp1, 6.0); + + cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0); + rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount); + float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0); + + d = min(d, d0); + d = min(d, d1); + return d; +} + +float ccell2(vec2 p, float r) { + float d = 1E6; + vec2 cp0 = p; + float nm = modPolar(cp0, 6.0); + vec2 cp1 = cp0; + const float off = 0.275; + const float count = smallCount + 2.0; + cp0 -= vec2(off, 0.0); + rot(cp0, 0.+TAU*nm/2.0 - iTime*TAU/count); + float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.09, 0.105, count, 5.0); + + + cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0); + rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount); + float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0); + + float l = length(p); + float d2 = l - (off+0.055); + float d3 = d2 + 0.020;; + + vec2 tp0 = p; + modPolar(tp0, 60.0); + tp0.x -= off; + float d4 = box(tp0, vec2(0.0125, 0.005)); + + float ctime = -(iTime*0.05 + r)*TAU; + + vec2 tp1 = p; + rot(tp1, ctime*12.0); + tp1.x -= 0.13; + float d5 = box(tp1, vec2(0.125, 0.005)); + + vec2 tp2 = p; + rot(tp2, ctime); + tp2.x -= 0.13*0.5; + float d6 = box(tp2, vec2(0.125*0.5, 0.0075)); + + float d7 = l - 0.025; + float d8 = l - 0.0125; + + d = min(d, d0); + d = min(d, d1); + d = min(d, d2); + d = max(d, -d3); + d = min(d, d4); + d = min(d, d5); + d = min(d, d6); + d = min(d, d7); + d = max(d, -d8); + + return d; +} + +float df(vec2 p, float scale, inout vec2 nn) { + p /= scale; + nn = hextile(p); + nn = floor(nn + 0.5); + float r = hash(nn); + + float d;; + + if (r < 0.5) { + d = ccell1(p, r); + } else { + d = ccell2(p, r); + } + + return d*scale; +} + +vec3 postProcess(vec3 col, vec2 q) { + //col = saturate(col); + col=pow(clamp(col,0.0,1.0),vec3(0.75)); + col=col*0.6+0.4*col*col*(3.0-2.0*col); // contrast + col=mix(col, vec3(dot(col, vec3(0.33))), -0.4); // satuation + col*=0.5+0.5*pow(19.0*q.x*q.y*(1.0-q.x)*(1.0-q.y),0.7); // vigneting + return col; +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) { + vec2 q = fragCoord/resolution.xy; + vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0*q; + p.x *= resolution.x/resolution.y; + float tm = iTime*0.1; + p += vec2(cos(tm), sin(tm*sqrt(0.5))); + float z = mix(0.5, 1.0, pcos(tm*sqrt(0.3))); + float aa = 4.0 / resolution.y; + + vec2 nn = vec2(0.0); + float d = df(p, z, nn); + + vec3 col = vec3(160.0)/vec3(255.0); + vec3 baseCol = vec3(0.3); + vec4 logoCol = vec4(baseCol, 1.0)*smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -d); + col = mix(col, logoCol.xyz, pow(logoCol.w, 8.0)); + col += 0.4*pow(abs(sin(20.0*d)), 0.6); + + col = postProcess(col, q); + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/col_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/col_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8dbd462b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/col_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/color.names.txt b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/color.names.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc000954 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/color.names.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9344 @@ +################################################################# +# +# Comprehensive list of color names and their color space coordinates +# +# 9,284 colors +# +# Sources: bang-v2, colorhexa, crayola, n3, +# ntc, pantone, raveling, resene, rgb.txt, +# steve.hollasch, wikipedia, xkcd +# +# Martin Krzywinski +# http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/colornames +# v0.33 +# 16 Oct 2017 +# +# The fields are +# +# rgb R G B hex HEX h s v H S V xyz X Y Z lab L A B lch L C H cmyk C M Y K +# NEIGHBOUR_STR NUM_NEIGHBOURS_MAXDE WORD_TAGS +# +# where +# +# R G B components in RGB color space +# HEX encoding of RGB values (without leading #) +# H S V components in HSV color space +# X Y Z components in XYZ color space +# L A B components in Lab color space +# L C H components in LCH (LCHab) color space +# C M Y K components in CMYK color space +# +# NEIGHBOUR_STR list of 5 nearest colors from the color name database (see below) +# as a list using : separator +# +# n1:n2:n3:n4:n5 +# +# where each ni entry is +# +# NAME[IDX][R,G,B](DELTAE) +# +# NAME name of neighbour +# IDX index of neighbour, as used in the color name lookup file +# R G B components of neighbour in RGB color space +# deltaE distance between the color and the neighbour in Lab color space +# +# NUM_NEIGHBOURS_MAXDE number of neighbours with deltaE <= 5. These are used for WORDS_TAGS below +# +# WORD_TAGS list of unique words seen in names of neighbours with deltaE < 5. If +# no neighbours within deltaE < 5 are found, the nearest neighbour is used. +# +# +# The WORD_TAGS are your best bet for the name of the RGB color. +# Depending on the neighbours, similar hues may appear (e.g. red, rose). +# +################################################################ +# +# The color name database is always available at +# +# http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/colornames/color.names.txt +# +################################################################ +0 PMS100 rgb 244 237 124 hex #F4ED7C hsv 57 49 96 xyz 0.71 0.81 0.31 lab 92 -12 55 lch 92 56 103 cmyk 0 3 47 4 manz[5518][238,239,120](4.5):texas[8315][236,230,126](4.5):sunny[8138][242,242,122](4.6):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](5.1):PMS393[470][242,239,135](5.2) 3 PMS393:fever:manz:spring:sunny:texas +1 PMS101 rgb 244 237 71 hex #F4ED47 hsv 58 71 96 xyz 0.69 0.8 0.18 lab 92 -16 76 lch 92 78 102 cmyk 0 3 68 4 gorse[3951][255,241,79](3.6):holiday[4522][245,235,79](3.7):lemon_yellow[4982][255,244,79](3.7):buzz[1963][251,235,80](4.5):paris_daisy[6486][251,235,80](4.5) 6 buzz:daisy:gorse:holiday:paris:lemon:yellow +2 PMS102 rgb 249 232 20 hex #F9E814 hsv 56 92 98 xyz 0.68 0.78 0.12 lab 91 -13 88 lch 91 89 98 cmyk 0 7 90 2 lemon[4962][253,233,16](1.4):broom[1831][255,236,19](1.7):turbo[8568][250,230,0](1.7):aureolin[1197][253,238,0](3.7):canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](3.7) 10 aureolin:broom:canary:turbo:lemon:yellow +3 PMS103 rgb 198 173 15 hex #C6AD0F hsv 52 92 78 xyz 0.38 0.42 0.07 lab 71 -5 71 lch 71 72 94 cmyk 0 10 72 22 brownish_yellow[1870][201,176,3](3.2):muddy_yellow[5931][191,172,5](3.3):gold[3893][205,173,0](4.2):mustard[5953][206,179,1](4.5):funk[3810][198,170,36](5.5) 4 brownish:funk:gold:muddy:mustard:yellow +4 PMS104 rgb 173 155 12 hex #AD9B0C hsv 53 93 68 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.05 lab 64 -7 65 lch 64 66 96 cmyk 0 7 63 32 lucky[5351][175,159,28](2.2):PMS613[792][175,160,12](2.4):sahara[7416][183,162,20](3.0):lucky[5350][171,154,28](3.2):strong_gold[8034][168,147,0](3.6) 9 strong:PMS613:gold:lucky:sahara +5 PMS105 rgb 130 117 15 hex #82750F hsv 53 88 51 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.03 lab 49 -6 51 lch 49 52 96 cmyk 0 5 45 49 PMS620[799][132,119,17](1.4):ugly_brown[8630][125,113,3](2.8):PMS119[20][137,119,25](3.3):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](5.1):hazel[4444][142,118,24](6.1) 3 PMS119:PMS620:bronze:hazel:ugly:brown:yellow +6 PMS106 rgb 247 232 89 hex #F7E859 hsv 54 64 97 xyz 0.69 0.78 0.21 lab 91 -11 69 lch 91 70 99 cmyk 0 6 62 3 candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](1.0):corn[2520][251,236,93](1.0):maize[5471][251,236,93](1.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](2.4):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](3.7) 10 PMS113:candy:corn:maize:yellowish +7 PMS107 rgb 249 229 38 hex #F9E526 hsv 54 85 98 xyz 0.67 0.76 0.13 lab 90 -11 84 lch 90 85 97 cmyk 0 8 83 2 PMS803[916][255,237,56](3.7):PMS102[2][249,232,20](4.6):PMS108[8][249,221,22](4.6):PMS3955[475][237,226,17](4.9):dandelion[2667][240,225,48](4.9) 7 PMS102:PMS108:PMS3955:PMS803:dandelion +8 PMS108 rgb 249 221 22 hex #F9DD16 hsv 53 91 98 xyz 0.65 0.72 0.11 lab 88 -7 85 lch 88 86 95 cmyk 0 11 89 2 sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](1.7):lemon[4961][244,216,28](2.8):ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](2.8):candlelight[2041][252,217,23](3.2):moon_yellow[5890][252,217,23](3.2) 16 candlelight:moon:ripe:sun:lemon:yellow +9 PMS109 rgb 249 214 22 hex #F9D616 hsv 51 91 98 xyz 0.63 0.68 0.11 lab 86 -4 84 lch 86 84 93 cmyk 0 14 89 2 candlelight[2041][252,217,23](1.4):moon_yellow[5890][252,217,23](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.4):lemon[4961][244,216,28](3.2):ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](3.2) 19 2X:PMS803:candlelight:moon:ripe:lemon:yellow +10 PMS110 rgb 216 181 17 hex #D8B511 hsv 49 92 85 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.07 lab 75 -1 75 lch 75 75 91 cmyk 0 14 78 15 gold_tips[3907][222,186,19](1.4):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](2.0):gold[3895][219,180,12](2.2):galliano[3826][220,178,12](3.2):gold[3893][205,173,0](4.2) 7 dark:galliano:gold:tips:yellow +11 PMS111 rgb 170 147 10 hex #AA930A hsv 51 94 67 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.05 lab 61 -4 64 lch 61 64 93 cmyk 0 9 63 33 strong_gold[8034][168,147,0](1.4):baby_poo[1245][171,144,4](2.2):baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](3.2):PMS118[19][170,142,10](3.3):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](3.5) 8 strong:PMS118:baby:gold:poo:shit:brown:yellow +12 PMS112 rgb 153 132 10 hex #99840A hsv 51 93 60 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.04 lab 55 -3 59 lch 55 59 93 cmyk 0 8 56 40 dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](1.4):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](2.4):PMS456[548][153,135,20](3.0):diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](3.3):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](5.1) 4 dark:PMS456:baby:diarrhea:hacienda:poop:yellow +13 PMS113 rgb 249 229 91 hex #F9E55B hsv 52 63 98 xyz 0.69 0.77 0.21 lab 90 -9 68 lch 90 68 97 cmyk 0 8 62 2 PMS106[6][247,232,89](2.4):candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](3.0):corn[2520][251,236,93](3.0):maize[5471][251,236,93](3.0):minion_yellow[5759][245,220,80](3.0) 11 PMS106:candy:corn:maize:minion:yellow +14 PMS114 rgb 249 226 76 hex #F9E24C hsv 52 69 98 xyz 0.68 0.75 0.18 lab 89 -8 72 lch 89 73 96 cmyk 0 9 68 2 PMS115[15][249,224,76](1.0):minion_yellow[5759][245,220,80](3.3):sandstorm[7470][236,213,64](4.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](4.2):PMS106[6][247,232,89](4.7) 6 PMS106:PMS113:PMS115:minion:sandstorm:yellow +15 PMS115 rgb 249 224 76 hex #F9E04C hsv 51 69 98 xyz 0.67 0.74 0.18 lab 89 -7 72 lch 89 72 96 cmyk 0 10 68 2 PMS114[14][249,226,76](1.0):minion_yellow[5759][245,220,80](3.2):sandstorm[7470][236,213,64](4.1):gargoyle_gas[3831][255,223,70](4.2):PMS113[13][249,229,91](4.6) 5 PMS113:PMS114:gargoyle:gas:minion:sandstorm:yellow +16 PMS116 rgb 252 209 22 hex #FCD116 hsv 49 91 99 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.1 lab 85 0 83 lch 85 83 90 cmyk 0 17 90 1 jonquil[4777][244,202,22](2.8):cyber_yellow[2649][255,211,0](3.2):yellow[9200][255,211,0](3.2):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](3.5):gold[3897][238,201,0](3.6) 18 2X:PMS803:cyber:gold:jonquil:yellow +17 PMS116_2X rgb 247 181 12 hex #F7B50C hsv 43 95 97 xyz 0.55 0.53 0.08 lab 78 12 79 lch 78 80 81 cmyk 0 26 92 3 orangey_yellow[6229][253,185,21](1.4):PMS1235[28][252,181,20](2.0):PMS810_2X[931][255,188,33](2.2):dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](3.0):medium_goldenrod[5612][255,185,15](3.0) 15 medium:dark:2X:PMS1235:PMS810:goldenrod:orangey:yellow +18 PMS117 rgb 198 160 12 hex #C6A00C hsv 48 94 78 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.06 lab 67 2 69 lch 67 69 88 cmyk 0 15 73 22 buddha_gold[1890][193,160,4](2.2):ocre[6104][198,156,4](2.4):ocher[6101][191,155,12](2.8):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](3.7):yellow_ochre[9214][203,157,6](4.1) 6 buddha:curry:gold:ocher:ochre:ocre:lemon:yellow +19 PMS118 rgb 170 142 10 hex #AA8E0A hsv 50 94 67 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.04 lab 60 -1 63 lch 60 63 91 cmyk 0 11 63 33 baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](1.0):baby_poo[1245][171,144,4](1.4):dark_mustard[2805][168,137,5](3.0):PMS111[11][170,147,10](3.3):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](3.7) 8 dark:PMS111:baby:gold:mustard:poo:shit:brown +20 PMS119 rgb 137 119 25 hex #897719 hsv 50 82 54 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.04 lab 50 -3 50 lch 50 50 94 cmyk 0 7 44 46 hazel[4444][142,118,24](3.2):PMS105[5][130,117,15](3.3):PMS620[799][132,119,17](3.6):lemon_ginger[4970][150,132,40](5.1):ugly_brown[8630][125,113,3](5.2) 3 PMS105:PMS620:ginger:hazel:ugly:brown:lemon +21 PMS120 rgb 249 226 127 hex #F9E27F hsv 49 49 98 xyz 0.7 0.76 0.31 lab 90 -5 51 lch 90 51 95 cmyk 0 9 48 2 yellow[9197][252,232,131](2.2):jasmine[4745][248,222,126](2.4):mellow_yellow[5662][248,222,126](2.4):sandy[7473][241,218,122](3.3):golden_sand[3925][240,219,125](3.6) 15 golden:jasmine:mellow:sand:sandy:yellow +22 PMS1205 rgb 247 232 170 hex #F7E8AA hsv 48 31 97 xyz 0.74 0.8 0.5 lab 92 -4 32 lch 92 32 97 cmyk 0 6 30 3 medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](2.2):vanilla[8678][243,229,171](2.2):light_tan[5219][251,238,172](3.0):buttermilk[1959][255,241,181](3.2):PMS600[779][244,237,175](3.3) 16 medium:light:PMS600:buttermilk:champagne:tan:vanilla +23 PMS121 rgb 249 224 112 hex #F9E070 hsv 49 55 98 xyz 0.69 0.75 0.26 lab 89 -5 57 lch 89 57 95 cmyk 0 10 54 2 sweet_corn[8179][249,225,118](2.2):pale_gold[6337][253,222,108](2.8):yellow_tan[9224][255,227,110](3.3):kournikova[4888][255,231,114](3.7):dandelion[2668][253,219,109](4.2) 6 pale:corn:dandelion:gold:kournikova:sweet:tan:yellow +24 PMS1215 rgb 249 224 140 hex #F9E08C hsv 46 44 98 xyz 0.7 0.75 0.36 lab 90 -2 44 lch 90 44 93 cmyk 0 10 43 2 golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](3.3):vis[8881][249,228,150](3.3):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](3.7):salomie[7434][254,219,141](4.2):buff[1892][240,220,130](4.7) 6 01:beer:buff:glow:golden:salomie:srm:vis +25 PMS122 rgb 252 216 86 hex #FCD856 hsv 47 66 99 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.19 lab 87 -1 66 lch 87 66 91 cmyk 0 14 65 1 mustard[5954][255,219,88](1.7):dandelion[2669][254,216,93](2.2):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.4):kournikova[4887][249,208,84](3.0):energy_yellow[3485][245,215,82](3.3) 12 light:dandelion:energy:gold:kournikova:mustard:yellow +26 PMS1225 rgb 255 204 73 hex #FFCC49 hsv 43 71 100 xyz 0.64 0.65 0.15 lab 84 5 69 lch 84 69 86 cmyk 0 20 71 0 sunglow[8136][255,207,72](1.7):teddy[8296][239,199,65](4.5):bright_spark[1749][243,190,51](5.4):kournikova[4887][249,208,84](5.7):beer_srm_04[1344][252,193,67](5.9) 2 04:beer:bright:kournikova:spark:srm:sunglow:teddy +27 PMS123 rgb 255 198 30 hex #FFC61E hsv 45 88 100 xyz 0.62 0.62 0.1 lab 83 7 80 lch 83 81 85 cmyk 0 22 88 0 golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](2.0):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](2.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](2.8):lightning_yellow[5253][252,192,30](3.0):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](3.3) 18 golden:goldenrod:lightning:mikado:sunflower:yellow +28 PMS1235 rgb 252 181 20 hex #FCB514 hsv 42 92 99 xyz 0.57 0.54 0.08 lab 78 14 79 lch 78 80 80 cmyk 0 28 91 1 orangey_yellow[6229][253,185,21](1.4):PMS116_2X[17][247,181,12](2.0):amber[1033][254,179,8](2.2):dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](2.2):medium_goldenrod[5612][255,185,15](2.2) 15 medium:dark:2X:PMS116:amber:goldenrod:orangey:yellow +29 PMS124 rgb 224 170 15 hex #E0AA0F hsv 44 93 88 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.07 lab 73 8 74 lch 73 74 84 cmyk 0 21 82 12 urobilin[8662][225,173,33](3.3):vivid_amber[8892][231,174,0](3.3):PMS130[38][234,175,15](3.5):starstruck[7960][230,172,0](3.7):goldenrod[3934][238,180,34](4.1) 6 vivid:PMS130:amber:goldenrod:starstruck:urobilin +30 PMS1245 rgb 191 145 12 hex #BF910C hsv 45 94 75 xyz 0.32 0.31 0.05 lab 63 7 66 lch 63 66 84 cmyk 0 18 70 25 ochre[6102][191,144,5](0.0):PMS131[40][198,147,10](2.4):pizza[6731][201,148,21](3.6):PMS125[31][181,140,10](4.1):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](4.1) 8 PMS125:PMS131:goldenrod:ochre:pizza +31 PMS125 rgb 181 140 10 hex #B58C0A hsv 46 94 71 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.04 lab 60 5 64 lch 60 64 85 cmyk 0 16 67 29 yellowy_brown[9234][174,139,12](3.0):PMS1245[30][191,145,12](4.1):ochre[6102][191,144,5](4.1):dark_mustard[2805][168,137,5](4.9):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](5.0) 6 dark:PMS1245:gold:mustard:ochre:yellowy:brown +32 PMS1255 rgb 163 127 20 hex #A37F14 hsv 45 88 64 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.04 lab 55 4 57 lch 55 57 86 cmyk 0 14 56 36 PMS132[41][158,124,10](1.4):yellowish_brown[9228][155,122,1](2.4):PMS126[33][163,130,5](3.7):reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](4.4):puke_brown[6838][148,119,6](4.6) 6 PMS126:PMS132:gold:puke:reef:yellowish:brown +33 PMS126 rgb 163 130 5 hex #A38205 hsv 47 97 64 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.04 lab 56 2 60 lch 56 60 88 cmyk 0 13 62 36 diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](2.0):dark_mustard[2805][168,137,5](3.0):PMS132[41][158,124,10](3.5):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](3.7):yellowish_brown[9228][155,122,1](3.7) 6 dark:PMS1255:PMS132:diarrhea:mustard:yellowish:brown +34 PMS1265 rgb 124 99 22 hex #7C6316 hsv 45 82 49 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.03 lab 43 2 44 lch 43 44 87 cmyk 0 10 40 51 fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](2.2):mud[5924][115,92,18](3.6):mustard[5952][124,103,32](3.7):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](3.7):PMS133[42][112,91,10](4.1) 6 PMS133:fiddlesticks:gold:mud:mustard:yukon +35 PMS127 rgb 244 226 135 hex #F4E287 hsv 50 45 96 xyz 0.69 0.75 0.34 lab 90 -6 47 lch 90 47 97 cmyk 0 7 43 4 light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](2.0):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](2.0):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](2.0):buff[1892][240,220,130](2.2):moonbeam[5891][242,226,137](2.4) 24 light:buff:goldenrod:moonbeam:old:oldgoldenrod +36 PMS128 rgb 244 219 96 hex #F4DB60 hsv 50 61 96 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.21 lab 87 -6 62 lch 87 62 95 cmyk 0 10 58 4 confetti[2455][233,215,90](2.8):sand_yellow[7459][252,225,102](3.2):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](3.3):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](3.3):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](3.3) 15 confetti:energy:jonquil:naples:sand:yellow +37 PMS129 rgb 242 209 61 hex #F2D13D hsv 49 75 95 xyz 0.6 0.65 0.14 lab 84 -3 73 lch 84 73 92 cmyk 0 13 71 5 twentyfourseven[8610][250,212,67](3.0):wild_thing[9111][250,212,67](3.0):banana_split[1280][241,204,43](4.2):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](4.2):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](4.7) 6 banana:bite:dream:golden:me:split:thing:twentyfourseven:wild +38 PMS130 rgb 234 175 15 hex #EAAF0F hsv 44 94 92 xyz 0.49 0.48 0.07 lab 75 10 76 lch 75 77 83 cmyk 0 23 86 8 starstruck[7960][230,172,0](1.4):vivid_amber[8892][231,174,0](1.7):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](3.0):goldenrod[3934][238,180,34](3.0):medium_goldenrod[5611][238,173,14](3.0) 9 medium:dark:vivid:amber:goldenrod:starstruck +39 PMS130_2X rgb 226 145 0 hex #E29100 hsv 38 100 89 xyz 0.41 0.36 0.05 lab 67 22 72 lch 67 75 73 cmyk 0 32 89 11 beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](1.4):vivid_gamboge[8914][231,145,0](2.2):PMS144[60][226,140,5](3.3):dixie[3147][226,148,24](3.3):harvest_gold[4428][218,145,0](3.3) 9 vivid:08:PMS144:beer:dixie:gamboge:gold:harvest:srm +40 PMS131 rgb 198 147 10 hex #C6930A hsv 44 95 78 xyz 0.34 0.33 0.05 lab 64 9 67 lch 64 68 82 cmyk 0 20 74 22 pizza[6731][201,148,21](1.7):PMS1245[30][191,145,12](2.4):dark_goldenrod[2731][205,149,12](2.4):medium_goldenrod[5609][205,149,12](2.4):ochre[6102][191,144,5](2.4) 7 medium:dark:PMS1245:goldenrod:ochre:pizza +41 PMS132 rgb 158 124 10 hex #9E7C0A hsv 46 94 62 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.03 lab 54 4 58 lch 54 58 87 cmyk 0 13 58 38 PMS1255[32][163,127,20](1.4):yellowish_brown[9228][155,122,1](1.4):PMS126[33][163,130,5](3.5):puke_brown[6838][148,119,6](4.1):strong_amber[8016][168,126,0](4.4) 6 strong:PMS1255:PMS126:amber:puke:yellowish:brown +42 PMS133 rgb 112 91 10 hex #705B0A hsv 48 91 44 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.02 lab 39 1 44 lch 39 44 89 cmyk 0 8 40 56 mud[5924][115,92,18](2.4):olive_brown[6153][100,84,3](3.7):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](4.1):PMS140[55][122,91,17](5.4):fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](5.5) 3 PMS1265:PMS140:fiddlesticks:mud:olive:brown +43 PMS134 rgb 255 216 127 hex #FFD87F hsv 42 50 100 xyz 0.7 0.72 0.3 lab 88 3 49 lch 88 49 87 cmyk 0 15 50 0 oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](1.4):salomie[7435][255,214,123](1.4):la_luna[4899][255,216,122](2.2):golden_glow[3918][249,215,126](2.4):sweet_dreams[8181][249,215,126](2.4) 8 daisy:dreams:glow:golden:la:luna:oopsy:salomie:sweet +44 PMS1345 rgb 255 214 145 hex #FFD691 hsv 38 43 100 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.37 lab 88 5 39 lch 88 40 82 cmyk 0 16 43 0 cherokee[2259][252,218,152](2.8):grandis[3965][255,211,140](3.0):PMS1355[46][252,206,135](4.1):very_light_gamboge[8761][255,219,158](4.2):caramel[2071][255,213,154](4.5) 6 light:very:PMS1355:caramel:cherokee:gamboge:grandis +45 PMS135 rgb 252 201 99 hex #FCC963 hsv 40 61 99 xyz 0.63 0.63 0.21 lab 84 7 57 lch 84 57 83 cmyk 0 20 60 1 cream_can[2588][245,200,92](3.7):bardot[1294][243,199,98](4.1):beer_srm_03[1343][253,203,90](4.1):golden_tainoi[3927][255,204,92](4.2):light_brilliant_gamboge[5042][255,197,101](4.6) 7 light:brilliant:03:bardot:beer:can:cream:gamboge:golden:srm:tainoi +46 PMS1355 rgb 252 206 135 hex #FCCE87 hsv 36 46 99 xyz 0.67 0.67 0.32 lab 85 7 41 lch 85 42 80 cmyk 0 18 46 1 grandis[3965][255,211,140](2.0):cherokee[2258][245,205,130](2.4):chardonnay[2226][255,205,140](3.6):PMS1345[44][255,214,145](4.1):marzipan[5562][235,200,129](5.1) 4 PMS1345:chardonnay:cherokee:grandis:marzipan +47 PMS136 rgb 252 191 73 hex #FCBF49 hsv 40 71 99 xyz 0.6 0.58 0.14 lab 81 11 65 lch 81 66 81 cmyk 0 24 70 1 beer_srm_04[1344][252,193,67](3.2):charger[2227][249,194,78](3.2):golden_tainoi[3926][255,193,82](3.3):PMS142[58][242,191,73](4.2):macaroni_and_cheese[5420][239,180,53](5.1) 4 04:PMS142:and:beer:charger:cheese:golden:macaroni:srm:tainoi +48 PMS1365 rgb 252 186 94 hex #FCBA5E hsv 35 63 99 xyz 0.6 0.57 0.18 lab 80 15 55 lch 80 57 75 cmyk 0 26 62 1 koromiko[4885][255,189,95](1.7):daybreak_yellow[2939][252,191,102](3.0):casablanca[2116][240,178,83](3.7):vegas[8686][252,179,88](3.7):texas_rose[8318][255,181,85](4.4) 10 casablanca:daybreak:koromiko:texas:vegas:rose:yellow +49 PMS137 rgb 252 163 17 hex #FCA311 hsv 37 93 99 xyz 0.53 0.47 0.07 lab 74 24 76 lch 74 80 73 cmyk 0 35 92 1 dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.4):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.4):bright_yellow[1757][255,170,29](3.0):orange[6206][255,165,0](3.2):web_orange[9038][255,165,0](3.2) 16 deep:dark:bright:naples:tangerine:web:orange:yellow +50 PMS1375 rgb 249 155 12 hex #F99B0C hsv 36 95 98 xyz 0.51 0.44 0.06 lab 72 27 75 lch 72 80 70 cmyk 0 37 93 2 orange[6201][251,153,2](2.2):california[2011][254,157,4](2.4):tree_poppy[8467][252,156,29](2.4):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](3.0):april_sun[1096][253,152,0](3.6) 12 april:cadmium:california:poppy:sun:tree:orange:yellow +51 PMS138 rgb 216 140 2 hex #D88C02 hsv 39 99 85 xyz 0.38 0.33 0.05 lab 64 21 70 lch 64 73 73 cmyk 0 30 84 15 harvest_gold[4428][218,145,0](3.0):PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](3.7):dixie[3147][226,148,24](4.1):orange[6198][205,133,0](4.4):PMS144[60][226,140,5](4.6) 6 2X:PMS130:PMS144:dixie:gold:harvest:orange +52 PMS1385 rgb 204 122 2 hex #CC7A02 hsv 36 99 80 xyz 0.32 0.27 0.04 lab 59 25 65 lch 59 70 69 cmyk 0 32 79 20 meteor[5696][208,125,18](2.2):dirty_orange[3138][200,118,6](3.0):cool_copper[2470][217,135,25](4.1):beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](4.9):PMS145[61][198,127,7](5.1) 4 10:PMS145:beer:cool:copper:dirty:meteor:srm:orange +53 PMS139 rgb 175 117 5 hex #AF7505 hsv 40 97 69 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.03 lab 54 15 59 lch 54 61 76 cmyk 0 23 67 31 golden_brown[3913][178,122,1](2.4):zion[9266][172,121,17](3.7):caramel[2070][175,111,9](4.6):bronze[1822][168,121,0](5.1):high_noon[4481][188,127,12](5.1) 3 bronze:caramel:golden:high:noon:zion:brown +54 PMS1395 rgb 153 96 7 hex #996007 hsv 37 95 60 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.02 lab 46 17 52 lch 46 55 72 cmyk 0 22 57 40 raw_sienna[7082][154,98,0](2.2):golden_brown[3912][153,101,21](3.7):PMS154[75][153,89,5](4.6):reno_sand[7185][168,101,21](5.0):gamboge_orange[3828][152,102,0](5.1) 4 PMS154:gamboge:golden:raw:reno:sand:sienna:brown:orange +55 PMS140 rgb 122 91 17 hex #7A5B11 hsv 42 86 48 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.02 lab 41 6 44 lch 41 44 83 cmyk 0 12 41 52 shit_brown[7670][123,88,4](3.7):poop_brown[6770][122,89,1](4.1):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](4.5):mud[5924][115,92,18](4.6):brazil[1699][136,98,33](5.2) 4 PMS1265:brazil:mud:poop:shit:brown +56 PMS1405 rgb 107 71 20 hex #6B4714 hsv 35 81 42 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.02 lab 33 11 35 lch 33 37 73 cmyk 0 14 34 58 raw_umber[7086][115,74,18](3.7):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](4.2):pullman_brown[6842][100,65,23](4.5):PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](5.0):sepia[7612][112,66,20](5.0) 5 2X:PMS464:cafe:pullman:raw:royale:sepia:umber:brown +57 PMS141 rgb 242 206 104 hex #F2CE68 hsv 44 57 95 xyz 0.61 0.64 0.22 lab 84 1 55 lch 84 55 89 cmyk 0 14 54 5 orange_yellow[6223][248,213,104](3.0):bardot[1294][243,199,98](3.6):golden_sand[3924][234,206,106](3.7):goldenrod[3937][252,217,117](4.6):goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](5.0) 5 bardot:golden:goldenrod:sand:orange:yellow +58 PMS142 rgb 242 191 73 hex #F2BF49 hsv 42 70 95 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.14 lab 80 7 64 lch 80 64 84 cmyk 0 20 66 5 charger[2227][249,194,78](1.4):meat_brown[5593][229,183,59](4.1):PMS136[47][252,191,73](4.2):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](4.5):tulip_tree[8558][234,179,59](4.6) 5 PMS136:can:charger:cream:meat:tree:tulip:brown +59 PMS143 rgb 239 178 45 hex #EFB22D hsv 41 81 94 xyz 0.52 0.5 0.09 lab 76 11 71 lch 76 71 81 cmyk 0 24 76 6 filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](3.0):macaroni_and_cheese[5420][239,180,53](3.3):fuel_yellow[3803][236,169,39](3.7):goldenrod[3934][238,180,34](3.7):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](4.4) 6 05:and:beer:cheese:filmpro:fuel:golden:goldenrod:macaroni:srm:yellow +60 PMS144 rgb 226 140 5 hex #E28C05 hsv 37 98 89 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.05 lab 66 25 71 lch 66 75 71 cmyk 0 34 87 11 beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](1.7):vivid_gamboge[8914][231,145,0](2.4):beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](3.0):PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](3.3):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](3.7) 9 vivid:08:09:2X:PMS130:beer:bell:gamboge:golden:srm +61 PMS145 rgb 198 127 7 hex #C67F07 hsv 38 96 78 xyz 0.31 0.27 0.04 lab 59 20 64 lch 59 67 73 cmyk 0 28 75 22 orange[6198][205,133,0](3.6):high_noon[4481][188,127,12](4.6):PMS1385[52][204,122,2](5.1):meteor[5696][208,125,18](5.2):pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](5.2) 2 PMS1385:gold:high:meteor:noon:pirate:orange +62 PMS146 rgb 158 107 5 hex #9E6B05 hsv 40 97 62 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 49 13 55 lch 49 57 77 cmyk 0 20 60 38 gamboge_orange[3828][152,102,0](2.0):raw_sienna[7082][154,98,0](4.4):buttered_rum[1953][161,117,13](5.1):mandalay[5493][173,120,27](5.1):PMS1395[54][153,96,7](5.8) 2 PMS1395:buttered:gamboge:mandalay:raw:rum:sienna:orange +63 PMS147 rgb 114 94 38 hex #725E26 hsv 44 67 45 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.04 lab 41 1 34 lch 41 34 88 cmyk 0 8 30 55 kumera[4894][117,91,39](3.3):acorn[958][115,99,48](3.7):himalaya[4494][115,99,48](3.7):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](5.0):acorn[957][106,93,27](5.7) 4 acorn:drab:field:himalaya:kumera +64 PMS148 rgb 255 214 155 hex #FFD69B hsv 35 39 100 xyz 0.71 0.72 0.41 lab 88 7 34 lch 88 35 79 cmyk 0 16 39 0 caramel[2071][255,213,154](1.0):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](1.4):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](1.4):circus[2341][255,215,160](2.0):frangipani[3736][255,215,160](2.0) 10 burly:burlywood:caramel:circus:frangipani:wood +65 PMS1485 rgb 255 183 119 hex #FFB777 hsv 28 53 100 xyz 0.62 0.56 0.25 lab 80 19 43 lch 80 47 66 cmyk 0 28 53 0 macaroni_and_cheese[5421][255,185,123](2.0):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](3.7):consuela[2463][253,183,109](4.1):apricot[1092][255,177,109](4.7):very_light_tangelo[8791][255,176,119](4.9) 5 light:very:and:apricot:cheese:consuela:macaroni:mellow:tangelo +66 PMS149 rgb 252 204 147 hex #FCCC93 hsv 33 42 99 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.37 lab 85 10 35 lch 85 36 74 cmyk 0 19 41 1 burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](3.0):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](3.0):peach_orange[6546][255,204,153](3.2):PMS156[79][242,198,140](3.6):chardonnay[2226][255,205,140](4.0) 9 PMS156:burly:burlywood:chardonnay:wood:orange:peach +67 PMS1495 rgb 255 153 63 hex #FF993F hsv 28 75 100 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.1 lab 72 31 61 lch 72 69 63 cmyk 0 40 75 0 PMS804[918][255,147,56](3.7):sun[8120][239,142,56](4.6):deep_saffron[3046][255,153,51](5.0):neon_carrot[6011][255,153,51](5.0):PMS715[894][252,158,73](5.1) 4 deep:PMS715:PMS804:carrot:neon:saffron:sun +68 PMS150 rgb 252 173 86 hex #FCAD56 hsv 31 66 99 xyz 0.57 0.51 0.16 lab 77 21 55 lch 77 59 69 cmyk 0 31 65 1 texas_rose[8317][252,176,87](2.2):vegas[8686][252,179,88](3.3):rajah[7055][252,174,96](4.0):pale_orange[6395][255,167,86](4.2):texas_rose[8318][255,181,85](4.7) 5 pale:rajah:texas:vegas:orange:rose +69 PMS1505 rgb 244 124 0 hex #F47C00 hsv 30 100 96 xyz 0.45 0.34 0.04 lab 65 41 72 lch 65 82 61 cmyk 0 47 96 4 PMS151[70][247,127,0](1.7):university_of_tennessee_orange[8652][247,127,0](1.7):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](2.2):dark_orange[2824][238,118,0](2.8):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](3.2) 16 dark:PMS151:of:pumpkin:sorbus:tennessee:university:orange +70 PMS151 rgb 247 127 0 hex #F77F00 hsv 31 100 97 xyz 0.46 0.35 0.04 lab 66 40 73 lch 66 83 61 cmyk 0 47 97 3 university_of_tennessee_orange[8652][247,127,0](0.0):PMS1505[69][244,124,0](1.7):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](3.2):coral[2498][255,127,0](3.3):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](3.3) 19 dark:PMS1505:coral:of:pumpkin:tennessee:university:orange +71 PMS152 rgb 221 117 0 hex #DD7500 hsv 32 100 87 xyz 0.36 0.28 0.04 lab 60 35 67 lch 60 76 63 cmyk 0 41 87 13 pumpkin[6849][225,119,1](1.4):PMS717[896][211,109,0](3.6):tahiti_gold[8207][233,124,7](3.7):PMS158[83][232,117,17](4.6):beer_srm_11[1351][211,116,0](4.6) 6 11:PMS158:PMS717:beer:gold:pumpkin:srm:tahiti +72 PMS1525 rgb 181 84 0 hex #B55400 hsv 28 100 71 xyz 0.22 0.16 0.02 lab 47 36 57 lch 47 67 58 cmyk 0 38 71 29 beer_srm_15[1355][181,83,0](0.0):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](2.2):beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](2.8):PMS718[897][191,91,0](3.6):beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](3.6) 7 burnt:14:15:16:PMS718:beer:siena:srm +73 PMS153 rgb 188 109 10 hex #BC6D0A hsv 33 95 74 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.03 lab 54 25 59 lch 54 64 67 cmyk 0 31 70 26 brown_orange[1852][185,105,2](2.4):ginger[3864][176,101,0](4.2):umber[8645][178,100,0](4.2):indochine[4653][194,107,3](4.5):ochre[6103][204,119,34](4.9) 5 ginger:indochine:ochre:umber:brown:orange +74 PMS1535 rgb 140 68 0 hex #8C4400 hsv 29 100 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.01 lab 37 27 47 lch 37 55 60 cmyk 0 28 55 45 dark_orange[2821][139,69,0](1.0):PMS724[903][142,73,5](2.8):korma[4883][143,75,14](3.5):brown[1836][150,75,0](4.2):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](5.1) 4 dark:PMS724:korma:warm:brown:orange +75 PMS154 rgb 153 89 5 hex #995905 hsv 34 97 60 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.02 lab 44 21 51 lch 44 55 68 cmyk 0 25 58 40 PMS1395[54][153,96,7](4.6):PMS160[87][158,84,10](5.1):reno_sand[7185][168,101,21](5.1):hawaiian_tan[4439][157,86,22](5.7):raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](5.8) 1 PMS1395:PMS160:hawaiian:raw:reno:sand:tan:umber +76 PMS1545 rgb 76 40 15 hex #4C280F hsv 25 80 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.01 lab 20 14 23 lch 20 27 58 cmyk 0 14 24 70 PMS4625[555][71,35,17](4.6):morocco_brown[5900][68,29,0](5.1):brown_derby[1845][73,38,21](5.2):bronze[1819][63,33,9](5.4):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](5.4) 1 PMS4625:bronze:chocolate:derby:morocco:brown +77 PMS155 rgb 244 219 170 hex #F4DBAA hsv 40 30 96 xyz 0.7 0.73 0.48 lab 88 2 27 lch 88 27 87 cmyk 0 10 29 4 triple_dutch_white[8491][243,218,169](0.0):peach_yellow[6553][250,223,173](2.2):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](2.4):astra[1167][237,213,166](2.4):latte[4920][237,213,166](2.4) 35 aquashield:astra:dutch:latte:triple:peach:white:yellow +78 PMS1555 rgb 249 191 158 hex #F9BF9E hsv 22 37 98 xyz 0.64 0.6 0.41 lab 82 17 25 lch 82 30 56 cmyk 0 23 36 2 very_light_tangelo[8792][255,194,158](2.2):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](3.7):romantic[7284][255,198,158](4.1):wax_flower[9028][255,192,168](4.6):PMS473[578][244,196,160](5.1) 4 light:very:PMS473:flower:mandys:romantic:tangelo:wax:pink +79 PMS156 rgb 242 198 140 hex #F2C68C hsv 34 42 95 xyz 0.62 0.61 0.33 lab 82 8 35 lch 82 36 77 cmyk 0 17 40 5 burlywood[1917][238,197,145](3.0):PMS149[66][252,204,147](3.6):maize[5468][227,185,130](4.1):light_gamboge[5102][231,197,139](4.2):gold_sand[3906][230,190,138](4.4) 7 light:PMS149:burlywood:gamboge:gold:maize:sand +80 PMS1565 rgb 252 165 119 hex #FCA577 hsv 21 53 99 xyz 0.57 0.49 0.24 lab 75 27 37 lch 75 46 53 cmyk 0 34 52 1 atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](2.8):hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](3.2):hit_pink[4515][255,171,129](3.7):light_salmon[5191][255,160,122](4.5):PMS163[93][252,158,112](4.6) 5 light:PMS163:atomic:hit:salmon:tangerine:pink +81 PMS157 rgb 237 160 79 hex #EDA04F hsv 31 67 93 xyz 0.49 0.44 0.13 lab 72 21 53 lch 72 57 68 cmyk 0 30 62 7 tan[8226][238,154,73](3.3):brilliant_orange[1790][231,156,81](3.6):fire_bush[3636][224,152,66](3.7):lolly_scramble[5335][233,155,65](4.5):party_animal[6495][219,146,65](5.1) 4 brilliant:animal:bush:fire:lolly:party:scramble:tan:orange +82 PMS1575 rgb 252 135 68 hex #FC8744 hsv 22 73 99 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.1 lab 68 40 54 lch 68 67 54 cmyk 0 46 72 1 mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](3.0):sienna[7699][255,130,71](3.2):PMS164[95][252,127,63](3.3):orangeish[6225][253,141,73](3.6):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](3.6) 7 PMS164:mango:orangeish:shirley:sienna:tango:temple +83 PMS158 rgb 232 117 17 hex #E87511 hsv 28 93 91 xyz 0.4 0.3 0.04 lab 62 39 66 lch 62 77 59 cmyk 0 45 84 9 tango[8244][237,122,28](1.4):christine[2319][231,115,10](1.7):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](3.2):mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](3.3):chocolate[2308][238,118,33](4.4) 12 vivid:chocolate:christine:mango:tango:orange +84 PMS1585 rgb 249 107 7 hex #F96B07 hsv 25 97 98 xyz 0.44 0.31 0.04 lab 62 51 70 lch 62 86 54 cmyk 0 56 95 2 PMS165[97][249,99,2](3.2):blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](4.1):safety_orange[7402][255,103,0](4.1):orange[6200][249,115,6](4.6):pumpkin[6850][255,117,24](4.7) 5 PMS165:blaze:pumpkin:safety:orange +85 PMS159 rgb 198 96 5 hex #C66005 hsv 28 97 78 xyz 0.28 0.2 0.03 lab 52 36 60 lch 52 70 59 cmyk 0 40 76 22 PMS718[897][191,91,0](2.2):beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](2.2):beer_srm_13[1353][198,100,1](2.4):alloy_orange[1004][196,98,16](3.2):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](3.3) 8 13:14:PMS718:alloy:beer:raw:sienna:srm:orange +86 PMS1595 rgb 209 91 5 hex #D15B05 hsv 25 98 82 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.03 lab 53 43 61 lch 53 75 55 cmyk 0 46 80 18 tawny[8265][205,87,0](1.4):tenn[8301][205,87,0](1.4):tenne[8302][205,87,0](1.4):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](2.2):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](2.2) 10 burnt:rusty:tawny:tenn:tenne:orange +87 PMS160 rgb 158 84 10 hex #9E540A hsv 30 94 62 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.02 lab 44 26 50 lch 44 57 62 cmyk 0 29 58 38 chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](2.4):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](3.0):hawaiian_tan[4439][157,86,22](3.2):brown[1836][150,75,0](4.1):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](4.6) 5 PMS1605:chelsea:gem:hawaiian:tan:warm:brown +88 PMS1605 rgb 160 79 17 hex #A04F11 hsv 26 89 63 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.02 lab 43 30 48 lch 43 56 58 cmyk 0 32 56 37 sienna[7696][169,86,30](3.6):alert_tan[992][155,71,3](4.1):oregon[6247][155,71,3](4.1):PMS160[87][158,84,10](4.6):PMS470[571][155,79,25](4.6) 9 PMS160:PMS470:alert:oregon:sienna:tan +89 PMS161 rgb 99 58 17 hex #633A11 hsv 30 83 39 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.01 lab 29 15 32 lch 29 35 65 cmyk 0 16 32 61 PMS732[911][96,51,10](3.6):pullman_brown[6842][100,65,23](4.6):PMS469[569][96,51,17](4.7):PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](5.1):sepia[7612][112,66,20](5.1) 3 2X:PMS464:PMS469:PMS732:pullman:sepia:brown +90 PMS1615 rgb 132 63 15 hex #843F0F hsv 25 89 52 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.01 lab 35 27 40 lch 35 48 56 cmyk 0 27 46 48 chocolate[2305][139,69,19](2.4):saddle_brown[7400][139,69,19](2.4):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](3.6):new_amber[6036][123,56,1](3.7):red_beech[7113][123,56,1](3.7) 5 amber:beech:chocolate:new:peru:saddle:tan:brown:red +91 PMS162 rgb 249 198 170 hex #F9C6AA hsv 21 32 98 xyz 0.67 0.63 0.47 lab 84 14 21 lch 84 25 56 cmyk 0 20 31 2 apricot[1090][251,206,177](3.0):apricot_peach[1093][251,206,177](3.0):peach[6542][255,207,171](4.1):romantic[7285][255,210,183](4.1):PMS488[597][242,196,175](4.2) 8 PMS488:apricot:romantic:peach +92 PMS1625 rgb 249 165 140 hex #F9A58C hsv 14 44 98 xyz 0.57 0.49 0.31 lab 75 28 26 lch 75 38 42 cmyk 0 33 43 2 goddess[3889][251,171,143](2.8):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](3.0):PMS486[595][237,158,132](3.6):vivid_tangerine[8956][255,160,137](5.1):tonys_pink[8415][231,158,136](5.2) 3 light:vivid:PMS486:goddess:salmon:tangerine:tonys:pink +93 PMS163 rgb 252 158 112 hex #FC9E70 hsv 20 56 99 xyz 0.55 0.46 0.21 lab 74 31 39 lch 74 49 52 cmyk 0 37 55 1 atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](2.2):hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](3.3):light_salmon[5191][255,160,122](4.1):PMS1565[80][252,165,119](4.6):atomic_tangerine[1187][255,153,102](5.1) 4 light:PMS1565:atomic:hit:salmon:tangerine:pink +94 PMS1635 rgb 249 142 109 hex #F98E6D hsv 14 56 98 xyz 0.52 0.41 0.2 lab 70 37 35 lch 70 51 43 cmyk 0 42 55 2 salmon[7430][255,140,105](4.2):salmon[7427][238,130,98](4.6):PMS170[107][249,137,114](5.1):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](6.4):light_brilliant_vermilion[5071][255,139,101](6.4) 2 burnt:light:brilliant:PMS170:salmon:sienna:vermilion +95 PMS164 rgb 252 127 63 hex #FC7F3F hsv 20 75 99 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.09 lab 67 43 55 lch 67 70 52 cmyk 0 49 74 1 mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](1.4):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](1.4):sienna[7699][255,130,71](2.2):flesh[3686][255,125,64](3.0):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](3.3) 6 PMS1575:flesh:mango:shirley:sienna:tango:temple +96 PMS1645 rgb 249 114 66 hex #F97242 hsv 16 73 98 xyz 0.46 0.33 0.09 lab 64 49 50 lch 64 70 46 cmyk 0 53 72 2 PMS811[932][255,114,71](2.4):pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](3.7):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](5.0):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](5.1):coral[2499][255,127,80](5.8) 3 burnt:PMS811:coral:outrageous:pinkish:orange +97 PMS165 rgb 249 99 2 hex #F96302 hsv 24 99 98 xyz 0.44 0.29 0.03 lab 61 54 70 lch 61 88 52 cmyk 0 59 97 2 blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](1.7):safety_orange[7402][255,103,0](1.7):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](3.0):PMS1585[84][249,107,7](3.2):luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](4.1) 7 luminous:vivid:PMS1585:blaze:cadmium:safety:tangelo:orange +98 PMS1655 rgb 249 86 2 hex #F95602 hsv 20 99 98 xyz 0.42 0.27 0.03 lab 59 60 69 lch 59 91 49 cmyk 0 64 97 2 willpower_orange[9125][253,88,0](1.4):orange[6207][255,88,0](1.7):bright_orange[1740][255,91,0](2.2):adrenalin[962][255,82,0](3.2):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](3.3) 11 adrenalin:bright:tangelo:willpower:orange +99 PMS165_2X rgb 234 79 0 hex #EA4F00 hsv 20 100 92 xyz 0.37 0.23 0.03 lab 55 57 66 lch 55 87 49 cmyk 0 61 92 8 trinidad[8476][230,78,3](2.2):persimmon[6614][236,88,0](3.7):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](4.1):deep_orange[3024][220,77,1](5.2):PMS1655[98][249,86,2](5.8) 3 deep:vivid:PMS1655:persimmon:tangelo:trinidad:orange +100 PMS166 rgb 221 89 0 hex #DD5900 hsv 24 100 87 xyz 0.33 0.23 0.03 lab 55 49 64 lch 55 81 53 cmyk 0 52 87 13 spanish_orange[7876][232,97,0](4.2):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](4.6):PMS1665[101][221,79,5](4.9):deep_orange[3024][220,77,1](5.9):bamboo[1274][218,99,4](6.1) 3 deep:vivid:PMS1665:bamboo:spanish:tangelo:orange +101 PMS1665 rgb 221 79 5 hex #DD4F05 hsv 21 98 87 xyz 0.33 0.21 0.02 lab 53 53 62 lch 53 82 50 cmyk 0 56 85 13 deep_orange[3024][220,77,1](1.7):grenadier[4097][213,70,0](3.3):trinidad[8476][230,78,3](4.6):PMS166[100][221,89,0](4.9):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](5.0) 5 deep:vivid:PMS166:grenadier:tangelo:trinidad:orange +102 PMS167 rgb 188 79 7 hex #BC4F07 hsv 24 96 74 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.02 lab 47 41 56 lch 47 69 54 cmyk 0 43 71 26 burnt_orange[1929][192,78,1](3.0):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](3.0):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](3.5):rust_orange[7384][196,85,8](3.6):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](4.1) 8 burnt:brick:of:rust:sharon:siena:orange:rose +103 PMS1675 rgb 165 63 15 hex #A53F0F hsv 19 91 65 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.02 lab 41 40 47 lch 41 62 49 cmyk 0 40 59 35 russet[7375][161,57,5](2.4):rust[7381][168,60,9](2.8):beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](3.3):ayers_rock[1219][174,69,29](3.7):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](3.7) 7 18:19:ayers:beer:rock:russet:rust:srm +104 PMS168 rgb 109 48 17 hex #6D3011 hsv 20 84 43 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.01 lab 28 25 31 lch 28 40 51 cmyk 0 24 36 57 toast_lmu_30[8384][104,39,11](4.2):hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](4.7):teak_wood_finish[8282][107,42,20](4.7):toast_lmu_35[8385][118,55,17](5.0):van_dyke_brown[8675][94,38,5](5.1) 4 30:35:dyke:finish:hairy:heath:lmu:teak:toast:van:wood:brown +105 PMS1685 rgb 132 53 17 hex #843511 hsv 19 87 52 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.01 lab 33 32 37 lch 33 49 49 cmyk 0 31 45 48 burnt_sienna[1935][138,54,15](3.7):reddish_brown[7151][127,43,10](4.4):copper_canyon[2480][126,58,21](5.4):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](5.4):cumin[2622][146,67,33](5.5) 2 burnt:canyon:copper:cumin:pueblo:reddish:sienna:brown +106 PMS169 rgb 249 186 170 hex #F9BAAA hsv 12 32 98 xyz 0.64 0.58 0.46 lab 81 21 17 lch 81 27 40 cmyk 0 25 31 2 melon[5665][254,186,173](2.2):wax_flower[9027][238,179,158](4.1):melon[5664][253,188,180](4.2):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](4.6):PMS487[596][239,181,160](4.7) 6 PMS487:bud:flower:melon:wax:rose +107 PMS170 rgb 249 137 114 hex #F98972 hsv 10 54 98 xyz 0.51 0.39 0.21 lab 69 40 31 lch 69 51 38 cmyk 0 44 53 2 PMS1635[94][249,142,109](5.1):salmon[7428][250,128,114](5.7):salmon[7427][238,130,98](5.9):vivid_tangerine[8955][255,153,128](6.0):congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](6.5) 0 vivid:PMS1635:congo:salmon:tangerine:pink +108 PMS171 rgb 249 96 58 hex #F9603A hsv 12 77 98 xyz 0.44 0.29 0.07 lab 61 57 51 lch 61 76 42 cmyk 0 60 75 2 orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](3.0):outrageous_orange[6272][255,96,55](3.7):portland_orange[6791][255,90,54](4.5):flamingo[3661][242,85,42](5.1):tomato[8412][255,99,71](5.2) 3 flamingo:outrageous:portland:soda:tomato:orange +109 PMS172 rgb 247 73 2 hex #F74902 hsv 17 99 97 xyz 0.41 0.25 0.03 lab 57 64 67 lch 57 93 46 cmyk 0 68 96 3 tangelo[8237][249,77,0](1.7):blood_orange[1522][254,75,3](2.4):orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](2.4):vermilion[8707][255,77,0](3.0):international_orange[4663][255,79,0](3.6) 10 blood:international:orioles:tangelo:vermilion:orange +110 PMS173 rgb 209 68 20 hex #D14414 hsv 15 90 82 xyz 0.28 0.18 0.03 lab 49 54 55 lch 49 77 46 cmyk 0 55 74 18 sinopia[7727][203,65,11](1.7):english_red[3492][212,61,26](3.6):orange_red[6213][205,55,0](5.4):grenadier[4097][213,70,0](6.1):mahogany[5462][192,64,0](6.7) 2 english:grenadier:mahogany:sinopia:orange:red +111 PMS174 rgb 147 51 17 hex #933311 hsv 16 88 58 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.01 lab 35 39 40 lch 35 56 46 cmyk 0 38 51 42 cognac[2426][159,56,29](4.1):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](4.6):prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](4.6):rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](4.9):PMS484[592][155,48,28](5.1) 4 22:PMS484:beer:cognac:prairie:rust:sand:srm:brown +112 PMS175 rgb 109 51 33 hex #6D3321 hsv 14 70 43 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.02 lab 29 24 23 lch 29 34 44 cmyk 0 23 30 57 PMS483[591][107,48,33](1.7):liver[5309][108,46,31](2.8):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](3.2):warm_kwila[9001][117,58,42](3.2):desperado[3111][117,57,41](3.3) 6 PMS483:desperado:kwila:liver:pueblo:warm +113 PMS176 rgb 249 175 173 hex #F9AFAD hsv 2 31 98 xyz 0.62 0.54 0.47 lab 78 27 12 lch 78 29 24 cmyk 0 29 30 2 PMS707[886][252,173,175](2.2):sundown[8127][248,175,169](2.2):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](2.4):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](2.4):sundown[8128][255,177,179](3.5) 8 PMS707:cornflower:lilac:sundown +114 PMS1765 rgb 249 158 163 hex #F99EA3 hsv 357 37 98 xyz 0.58 0.47 0.41 lab 74 34 12 lch 74 36 19 cmyk 0 36 34 2 sweet_pink[8183][253,159,162](1.7):sea_pink[7572][237,152,158](3.0):light_pink[5172][255,158,158](3.7):very_light_amaranth[8740][255,158,170](4.4):PMS197[155][239,153,163](4.6) 5 light:very:PMS197:amaranth:sea:sweet:pink +115 PMS1767 rgb 249 178 183 hex #F9B2B7 hsv 356 29 98 xyz 0.64 0.55 0.52 lab 79 27 8 lch 79 28 16 cmyk 0 28 26 2 PMS494[602][242,173,178](2.2):sundown[8128][255,177,179](3.0):PMS707[886][252,173,175](3.7):light_pink[5174][255,182,193](3.7):pink_light[6683][255,182,193](3.7) 8 light:PMS494:PMS707:sundown:pink +116 PMS177 rgb 249 130 127 hex #F9827F hsv 1 49 98 xyz 0.51 0.38 0.25 lab 68 45 22 lch 68 50 27 cmyk 0 47 48 2 coral_light[2502][240,128,128](3.5):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](3.5):light_coral[5083][240,128,128](3.5):congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](4.1):coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](4.1) 7 light:congo:coral:geraldine:pink +117 PMS1775 rgb 249 132 142 hex #F9848E hsv 355 47 98 xyz 0.52 0.39 0.3 lab 68 45 15 lch 68 48 18 cmyk 0 46 42 2 blush_pink[1629][254,130,140](3.7):tulip[8556][255,135,141](3.7):PMS183[134][252,140,153](4.4):PMS708[887][249,142,153](5.2):coral_light[2502][240,128,128](5.7) 3 light:PMS183:PMS708:blush:coral:tulip:pink +118 PMS1777 rgb 252 102 117 hex #FC6675 hsv 354 60 99 xyz 0.48 0.31 0.2 lab 63 58 22 lch 63 62 20 cmyk 0 59 53 1 light_brilliant_amaranth[5025][255,101,120](2.2):PMS184[135][252,94,114](3.2):PMS709[888][242,104,119](5.1):material_girl[5573][232,85,96](6.7):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](6.7) 2 light:brilliant:PMS184:PMS709:amaranth:girl:material:watermelon:wild +119 PMS178 rgb 249 94 89 hex #F95E59 hsv 2 64 98 xyz 0.45 0.29 0.13 lab 61 59 35 lch 61 68 30 cmyk 0 61 63 2 grapefruit[3980][253,89,86](3.2):PMS805[920][249,89,81](3.7):pastel_red[6516][255,105,97](3.7):sunset_orange[8144][253,94,83](4.1):coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](4.2) 7 PMS805:coral:grapefruit:pastel:sunset:orange:pink:red +120 PMS1785 rgb 252 79 89 hex #FC4F59 hsv 357 69 99 xyz 0.45 0.27 0.12 lab 59 66 33 lch 59 73 26 cmyk 0 68 64 1 watermelon[9018][253,70,89](3.7):rapture[7066][246,72,76](4.5):PMS1787[121][244,63,79](4.6):grapefruit[3980][253,89,86](5.4):carnation[2101][249,90,97](6.5) 3 PMS1787:carnation:grapefruit:rapture:watermelon +121 PMS1787 rgb 244 63 79 hex #F43F4F hsv 355 74 96 xyz 0.4 0.23 0.1 lab 55 68 34 lch 55 76 26 cmyk 0 71 65 4 rapture[7066][246,72,76](4.1):watermelon[9018][253,70,89](4.4):PMS1785[120][252,79,89](4.6):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](5.7):sunburnt_cyclops[8123][255,64,76](5.8) 3 PMS1785:cyclops:rapture:salsa:sunburnt:watermelon:red +122 PMS1788 rgb 239 43 45 hex #EF2B2D hsv 359 82 94 xyz 0.37 0.2 0.04 lab 52 71 49 lch 52 86 34 cmyk 0 77 76 6 firebrick[3645][238,44,44](0.0):red[7105][237,28,36](3.7):lust[5411][230,32,32](4.2):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](5.0):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](5.1) 4 2X:PMS805:cadmium:firebrick:lust:red +123 PMS1788_2X rgb 214 33 0 hex #D62100 hsv 9 100 84 xyz 0.28 0.15 0.01 lab 46 66 59 lch 46 89 42 cmyk 0 71 84 16 PMS485[593][216,30,5](1.4):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](2.4):PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](3.7):boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](4.1):red[7103][205,0,0](4.1) 6 2X:PMS185:PMS485:boston:university:red +124 PMS179 rgb 226 61 40 hex #E23D28 hsv 7 82 89 xyz 0.33 0.2 0.04 lab 51 62 50 lch 51 80 39 cmyk 0 65 73 11 vermilion[8705][217,56,30](3.0):pursuit[6907][217,37,29](5.7):tomato[8411][239,64,38](5.8):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](6.0):trubridge_red[8542][237,60,52](6.0) 1 cg:pursuit:tomato:trubridge:vermilion:red +125 PMS1795 rgb 214 40 40 hex #D62828 hsv 0 81 84 xyz 0.29 0.16 0.04 lab 47 65 45 lch 47 79 34 cmyk 0 68 68 16 brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](1.4):permanent_geranium_lake[6598][225,44,44](3.0):firebrick[3644][205,38,38](3.5):lava[4926][207,16,32](3.6):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](3.7) 8 deep:firebrick:geranium:lake:lava:madder:permanent:brown +126 PMS1797 rgb 204 45 48 hex #CC2D30 hsv 359 78 80 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.04 lab 46 61 38 lch 46 72 32 cmyk 0 62 61 20 PMS711[890][209,45,51](1.4):brown[1840][205,51,51](2.2):persian_red[6612][204,51,51](2.2):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](3.6):jasper[4747][215,59,62](4.4) 5 PMS711:flush:jasper:mahogany:persian:brown:red +127 PMS180 rgb 193 56 40 hex #C13828 hsv 6 79 76 xyz 0.24 0.14 0.04 lab 45 54 41 lch 45 67 37 cmyk 0 54 60 24 international_orange[4662][192,54,44](3.2):dark_pastel_red[2838][194,59,34](4.1):blaze[1507][190,65,35](5.8):brown[1840][205,51,51](6.5):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](6.5) 2 dark:blaze:flush:international:mahogany:pastel:brown:orange:red +128 PMS1805 rgb 175 38 38 hex #AF2626 hsv 0 78 69 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.03 lab 39 54 35 lch 39 64 33 cmyk 0 54 54 31 tall_poppy[8213][179,45,41](2.2):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](3.5):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](3.6):upsdell_red[8658][174,32,41](3.7):bonfire[1649][166,42,32](4.2) 7 bonfire:firebrick:mexican:poppy:tall:upsdell:red +129 PMS1807 rgb 160 48 51 hex #A03033 hsv 358 70 63 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.04 lab 38 46 25 lch 38 52 28 cmyk 0 44 43 37 milano_red[5735][158,51,50](2.0):punch[6853][168,50,57](2.4):stiletto[7980][156,51,54](3.0):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](3.5):kachow[4805][162,58,52](4.1) 13 carmine:japanese:kachow:milano:punch:stiletto:red +130 PMS181 rgb 124 45 35 hex #7C2D23 hsv 7 72 49 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.02 lab 30 34 24 lch 30 42 36 cmyk 0 31 35 51 dawnbreaker[2938][129,49,37](2.2):vixen[8966][129,52,43](3.0):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](3.2):erica[3504][129,51,45](3.7):metallic_copper[5691][113,41,29](4.2) 10 bull:copper:dawnbreaker:erica:metallic:raging:vixen +131 PMS1810 rgb 124 33 30 hex #7C211E hsv 2 76 49 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.02 lab 28 39 25 lch 28 46 33 cmyk 0 36 37 51 crown_of_thorns[2608][119,31,31](2.4):red[7100][131,43,41](4.4):style_pasifika_red_frangipani[8091][131,43,41](4.4):persian_plum[6609][112,28,28](4.7):prune[6825][112,28,28](4.7) 6 crown:frangipani:of:pasifika:persian:plum:prune:style:thorns:red +132 PMS1817 rgb 91 45 40 hex #5B2D28 hsv 6 56 36 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 24 20 13 lch 24 24 32 cmyk 0 18 20 64 dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](1.0):hukanui[4578][87,42,35](1.4):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](2.2):moccaccino[5799][88,47,43](3.0):scoria[7537][83,38,32](3.2) 18 dark:hukanui:moccaccino:scarlet:scoria:sienna:red +133 PMS182 rgb 249 191 193 hex #F9BFC1 hsv 358 23 98 xyz 0.67 0.61 0.59 lab 83 21 7 lch 83 22 19 cmyk 0 23 22 2 azalea[1221][249,192,196](1.0):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](1.4):PMS699[878][247,191,191](1.7):pale_pink[6405][255,194,194](1.7):spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](1.7) 19 pale:PMS699:azalea:spanish:pink:rose +134 PMS183 rgb 252 140 153 hex #FC8C99 hsv 353 44 99 xyz 0.55 0.42 0.35 lab 71 44 12 lch 71 45 16 cmyk 0 44 39 1 PMS708[887][249,142,153](2.0):rose_pink[7311][247,135,154](3.6):pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](4.2):salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](4.2):PMS1775[117][249,132,142](4.4) 5 PMS1775:PMS708:salmon:pink:rose +135 PMS184 rgb 252 94 114 hex #FC5E72 hsv 352 63 99 xyz 0.47 0.3 0.19 lab 62 61 22 lch 62 65 19 cmyk 0 62 54 1 light_brilliant_amaranth[5025][255,101,120](1.7):PMS1777[118][252,102,117](3.2):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](4.6):fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](5.2):brilliant_amaranth[1760][231,81,100](6.4) 3 light:brilliant:PMS1777:amaranth:fiery:watermelon:wild:rose +136 PMS185 rgb 232 17 45 hex #E8112D hsv 352 93 91 xyz 0.34 0.18 0.04 lab 49 74 45 lch 49 87 32 cmyk 0 84 73 9 medium_candy_apple_red[5602][226,6,44](1.7):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](3.3):spanish_red[7878][230,0,38](3.3):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](4.1):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](5.2) 4 medium:apple:cadmium:candy:geranium:imperial:lake:spanish:red +137 PMS185_2X rgb 209 22 0 hex #D11600 hsv 6 100 82 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.01 lab 44 67 58 lch 44 88 41 cmyk 0 73 82 18 PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](1.4):boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](1.7):red[7103][205,0,0](1.7):PMS485[593][216,30,5](2.0):PMS1788_2X[123][214,33,0](2.4) 6 2X:PMS1788:PMS485:boston:university:red +138 PMS186 rgb 206 17 38 hex #CE1126 hsv 353 92 81 xyz 0.26 0.14 0.03 lab 44 67 42 lch 44 79 32 cmyk 0 74 66 19 fire_engine_red[3638][206,32,41](2.4):flame_red[3657][199,3,30](2.8):monza[5879][199,3,30](2.8):amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](3.0):lava[4926][207,16,32](3.0) 7 amaranth:engine:fire:flame:lava:monza:red +139 PMS187 rgb 175 30 45 hex #AF1E2D hsv 354 83 69 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.03 lab 38 57 30 lch 38 64 28 cmyk 0 57 51 31 upsdell_red[8658][174,32,41](2.2):hot_spot[4570][178,40,51](3.0):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](4.1):strong_crimson[8029][168,0,42](4.7):shiraz[7667][178,9,49](5.0) 5 strong:alabama:hot:shiraz:spot:upsdell:crimson:red +140 PMS188 rgb 124 33 40 hex #7C2128 hsv 355 73 49 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.03 lab 28 39 19 lch 28 44 25 cmyk 0 36 33 51 bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.4):brown[1834][128,42,42](3.0):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.2):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.2):rocket[7266][134,40,46](3.2) 12 bullseye:flame:monza:rocket:brown:red +141 PMS189 rgb 255 163 178 hex #FFA3B2 hsv 350 36 100 xyz 0.62 0.51 0.49 lab 76 36 7 lch 76 36 10 cmyk 0 36 30 0 very_light_amaranth[8740][255,158,170](2.4):salmon[7431][255,155,170](3.3):wewak[9060][241,155,171](4.1):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](4.7):very_light_crimson[8757][255,158,182](5.0) 5 light:very:PMS1905:amaranth:salmon:wewak:crimson +142 PMS1895 rgb 252 191 201 hex #FCBFC9 hsv 350 24 99 xyz 0.69 0.62 0.64 lab 83 23 4 lch 83 24 9 cmyk 0 24 20 1 pale_amaranth[6304][255,194,201](1.4):bubble_gum[1876][255,193,204](1.7):pink[6672][255,192,203](1.7):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](2.2):light_rose[5184][255,197,203](2.4) 11 pale:light:amaranth:bubble:gum:pink:rose +143 PMS190 rgb 252 117 142 hex #FC758E hsv 349 54 99 xyz 0.51 0.35 0.3 lab 66 54 12 lch 66 55 12 cmyk 0 53 43 1 glamour_puss[3872][248,116,139](1.4):carnation[2102][253,121,143](2.2):ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](4.1):wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](4.1):froly[3775][245,117,132](5.7) 4 carnation:froly:glamour:puss:ultra:watermelon:wild:red +144 PMS1905 rgb 252 155 178 hex #FC9BB2 hsv 346 38 99 xyz 0.6 0.47 0.48 lab 74 39 4 lch 74 39 5 cmyk 0 38 29 1 very_light_crimson[8757][255,158,182](2.2):mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](3.2):vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](3.7):salmon[7431][255,155,170](4.1):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](4.4) 8 light:very:ice:mauvelous:salmon:sherbet:vanilla:crimson:pink +145 PMS191 rgb 244 71 107 hex #F4476B hsv 348 71 96 xyz 0.42 0.25 0.16 lab 57 67 19 lch 57 70 16 cmyk 0 68 54 4 fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](4.6):radical_red[7039][255,73,108](4.7):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](5.7):magic_potion[5451][255,68,102](6.5):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](7.9) 2 PMS1915:fiery:magic:potion:radical:watermelon:wild:red:rose +146 PMS1915 rgb 244 84 124 hex #F4547C hsv 345 66 96 xyz 0.44 0.27 0.22 lab 59 64 12 lch 59 65 11 cmyk 0 63 47 4 warm_pink[9002][251,85,129](2.4):brilliant_crimson[1774][231,81,119](4.4):brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](5.2):light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](5.7):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](6.4) 2 light:brilliant:brink:warm:watermelon:wild:crimson:pink +147 PMS192 rgb 229 5 58 hex #E5053A hsv 346 98 90 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.06 lab 48 74 37 lch 48 83 26 cmyk 0 88 67 10 vivid_crimson[8910][231,0,58](1.4):red_ribbon[7137][237,10,63](3.0):crimson[2599][220,20,60](4.4):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](5.1):pinkish_red[6701][241,12,69](5.2) 3 vivid:geranium:lake:pinkish:ribbon:crimson:red +148 PMS1925 rgb 224 7 71 hex #E00747 hsv 342 97 88 xyz 0.32 0.16 0.07 lab 48 74 28 lch 48 79 21 cmyk 0 85 60 12 spanish_crimson[7871][229,26,76](1.7):carmine[2095][215,0,64](3.7):rich_carmine[7214][215,0,64](3.7):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](4.2):red[7108][238,32,77](4.5) 5 carmine:rich:spanish:utah:crimson:red +149 PMS193 rgb 219 130 140 hex #DB828C hsv 353 41 86 xyz 0.42 0.33 0.29 lab 64 35 9 lch 64 37 15 cmyk 0 35 31 14 shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](3.3):light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](4.1):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](5.0):PMS701[880][232,135,142](5.2):dusty_pink[3310][213,138,148](5.5) 3 light:PMS701:amaranth:blush:dusty:ruddy:shimmering:pink +150 PMS1935 rgb 193 5 56 hex #C10538 hsv 344 97 76 xyz 0.23 0.12 0.05 lab 41 66 27 lch 41 71 23 cmyk 0 74 54 24 knock_out[4871][200,22,65](2.8):rose_red[7314][190,1,60](3.2):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](3.3):PMS200[158][196,30,58](3.7):cardinal[2081][196,30,58](3.7) 6 PMS200:cardinal:glory:knock:out:crimson:red:rose +151 PMS194 rgb 153 33 53 hex #992135 hsv 350 78 60 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.04 lab 34 50 19 lch 34 53 21 cmyk 0 47 39 40 candy_floss[2044][159,38,61](2.8):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](3.3):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.7):roadster[7240][159,44,55](4.1):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](4.9) 5 vivid:PMS201:burgundy:candy:carmine:floss:japanese:roadster +152 PMS1945 rgb 168 12 53 hex #A80C35 hsv 344 93 66 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.04 lab 36 58 22 lch 36 62 20 cmyk 0 61 45 34 rouge[7338][171,18,57](1.7):rock_n_roll[7260][157,0,47](3.3):deep_carmine[2967][169,32,62](5.4):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](5.5):shiraz[7667][178,9,49](6.2) 2 deep:vivid:burgundy:carmine:n:rock:roll:rouge:shiraz +153 PMS1955 rgb 147 22 56 hex #931638 hsv 344 85 58 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.04 lab 32 51 14 lch 32 53 15 cmyk 0 49 36 42 red_wine[7148][140,0,52](4.1):big_dip_o_ruby[1404][156,37,66](4.2):candy_floss[2044][159,38,61](5.1):filmpro_deep_red[3607][144,36,58](5.1):pink_raspberry[6688][152,0,54](5.1) 2 deep:big:candy:dip:filmpro:floss:o:raspberry:ruby:wine:pink:red +154 PMS196 rgb 244 201 201 hex #F4C9C9 hsv 360 18 96 xyz 0.69 0.65 0.64 lab 85 15 6 lch 85 16 21 cmyk 0 17 17 4 PMS502[615][242,198,196](1.4):PMS496[604][247,201,198](2.2):PMS510[625][244,198,201](2.4):PMS684[863][239,204,206](2.8):PMS698[877][247,209,204](3.0) 16 PMS496:PMS502:PMS510:PMS684:PMS698 +155 PMS197 rgb 239 153 163 hex #EF99A3 hsv 353 36 94 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.4 lab 72 33 8 lch 72 34 14 cmyk 0 34 30 6 sea_pink[7572][237,152,158](2.0):wewak[9060][241,155,171](3.3):light_pink[5171][238,162,173](4.1):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](4.2):mauvelous[5583][239,152,170](4.5) 6 light:mauvelous:ruddy:sea:wewak:pink +156 PMS198 rgb 119 45 53 hex #772D35 hsv 354 62 47 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.04 lab 30 33 12 lch 30 35 20 cmyk 0 29 26 53 paprika[6477][124,45,55](2.0):tamarillo[8216][117,43,47](2.2):adrenalin_junkie[963][127,49,54](3.0):puce_red[6832][114,47,55](3.7):wine[9136][114,47,55](3.7) 10 adrenalin:junkie:paprika:puce:tamarillo:wine:red +157 PMS199 rgb 216 28 63 hex #D81C3F hsv 349 87 85 xyz 0.3 0.16 0.06 lab 47 69 31 lch 47 76 24 cmyk 0 74 60 15 permanent_red_violet[6601][219,38,69](2.4):rusty_red[7392][218,44,67](3.2):crimson[2599][220,20,60](3.6):carmine[2095][215,0,64](4.1):rich_carmine[7214][215,0,64](4.1) 8 carmine:permanent:rich:rusty:crimson:red:violet +158 PMS200 rgb 196 30 58 hex #C41E3A hsv 350 85 77 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.05 lab 43 63 28 lch 43 69 24 cmyk 0 65 54 23 cardinal[2081][196,30,58](0.0):PMS1935[150][193,5,56](3.7):memphis_belle[5673][202,47,67](3.7):brick_red[1710][198,45,66](4.1):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](4.1) 6 PMS1935:belle:brick:cardinal:glory:memphis:crimson:red +159 PMS201 rgb 163 38 56 hex #A32638 hsv 351 77 64 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.05 lab 37 51 21 lch 37 55 22 cmyk 0 49 42 36 roadster[7240][159,44,55](3.0):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](3.0):bombshell[1637][174,47,62](3.3):glitterbug[3878][169,42,55](3.3):crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](3.6) 11 vivid:bombshell:burgundy:crash:glitterbug:hot:roadster +160 PMS202 rgb 140 38 51 hex #8C2633 hsv 352 73 55 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.04 lab 32 44 17 lch 32 47 22 cmyk 0 40 35 45 fast_lane[3562][137,36,49](1.4):antique_ruby[1066][132,27,45](3.2):filmpro_deep_red[3607][144,36,58](3.7):pirate[6715][144,47,55](3.7):bright_red[1744][146,42,49](4.5) 13 antique:deep:bright:fast:filmpro:lane:pirate:ruby:red +161 PMS203 rgb 242 175 193 hex #F2AFC1 hsv 344 28 95 xyz 0.62 0.53 0.58 lab 78 27 1 lch 78 27 1 cmyk 0 26 19 5 cupid[2625][245,178,197](1.4):pink[6669][238,169,184](2.2):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](3.7):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](3.7):pink[6671][255,181,197](4.1) 8 blossom:cherry:cupid:soft:pink +162 PMS204 rgb 237 122 158 hex #ED7A9E hsv 341 49 93 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.36 lab 65 48 1 lch 65 48 2 cmyk 0 45 31 7 pale_violet_red[6452][238,121,159](1.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](2.8):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](4.6):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](4.6):pale_violet_red[6451][219,112,147](4.6) 6 pale:deep:medium:blush:red:violet +163 PMS205 rgb 229 76 124 hex #E54C7C hsv 341 67 90 xyz 0.39 0.23 0.22 lab 55 62 7 lch 55 63 6 cmyk 0 60 41 10 dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](3.0):cabaret[1969][217,73,114](3.7):brilliant_crimson[1774][231,81,119](4.2):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](4.2):darkish_pink[2926][218,70,125](5.4) 4 dark:brilliant:cabaret:cranberry:darkish:crimson:pink +164 PMS206 rgb 211 5 71 hex #D30547 hsv 341 98 83 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.07 lab 45 71 24 lch 45 75 19 cmyk 0 81 55 17 spanish_carmine[7870][209,0,71](1.4):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](3.0):lipstick[5300][213,23,78](3.3):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](4.0):ruby[7362][202,1,71](4.1) 5 carmine:lipstick:ruby:spanish:ua:utah:crimson:red +165 PMS207 rgb 186 170 158 hex #BAAA9E hsv 26 15 73 xyz 0.41 0.42 0.38 lab 71 4 8 lch 71 9 66 cmyk 0 6 11 27 silk[7702][187,173,161](1.4):serene[7620][189,176,163](2.8):silk[7703][189,177,168](3.0):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](3.2):PMS436[520][188,165,158](3.3) 27 PMS436:pravda:quarter:serene:silk +166 PMS208 rgb 142 35 68 hex #8E2344 hsv 341 75 56 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.06 lab 33 47 7 lch 33 47 8 cmyk 0 42 29 44 sensual_red[7606][144,39,66](2.4):geronimo[3846][136,33,60](4.1):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](5.8):claret[2356][127,23,52](6.2):lipstick[5298][150,44,84](6.7) 2 claret:geronimo:lipstick:rosehip:sensual:red +167 PMS209 rgb 117 38 61 hex #75263D hsv 343 68 46 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.05 lab 28 37 4 lch 28 37 7 cmyk 0 31 22 54 extrovert[3533][117,38,66](3.0):hot_wired[4574][111,38,55](3.7):PMS229[187][109,33,63](4.6):claret[2355][110,34,51](4.9):PMS216[174][124,30,63](5.0) 5 PMS216:PMS229:claret:extrovert:hot:wired +168 PMS210 rgb 255 160 191 hex #FFA0BF hsv 340 37 100 xyz 0.63 0.5 0.56 lab 76 39 -1 lch 76 39 359 cmyk 0 37 25 0 very_light_raspberry[8783][255,158,194](2.8):very_light_crimson[8757][255,158,182](4.0):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](4.1):carnation_pink[2104][255,166,201](4.1):pale_pink[6404][255,170,200](5.1) 4 pale:light:very:amaranth:carnation:raspberry:crimson:pink +169 PMS211 rgb 255 119 168 hex #FF77A8 hsv 338 53 100 xyz 0.55 0.37 0.41 lab 67 57 -1 lch 67 57 359 cmyk 0 53 34 0 french_pink[3756][253,108,158](4.1):medium_pink[5628][255,125,179](4.9):carnation_pink[2103][255,127,167](5.4):pale_violet_red[6453][255,130,171](5.9):medium_pink[5626][238,116,167](6.7) 2 pale:medium:carnation:french:pink:red:violet +170 PMS212 rgb 249 79 142 hex #F94F8E hsv 338 68 98 xyz 0.47 0.28 0.28 lab 60 69 2 lch 60 69 2 cmyk 0 67 42 2 french_rose[3760][246,74,138](2.2):violet_red[8870][247,70,138](2.8):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](3.6):cerise_pink[2179][236,59,131](5.4):strawberry[8008][252,90,141](6.0) 3 cerise:french:strawberry:pink:red:rose:violet +171 PMS213 rgb 234 15 107 hex #EA0F6B hsv 335 94 92 xyz 0.37 0.19 0.16 lab 51 77 10 lch 51 78 7 cmyk 0 86 50 8 cerise[2177][222,12,98](4.4):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](5.1):dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](5.8):ruby[7363][224,17,95](5.8):raspberry[7070][227,11,92](6.6) 1 dark:cerise:hot:raspberry:razzmatazz:ruby:pink +172 PMS214 rgb 204 2 86 hex #CC0256 hsv 335 99 80 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.1 lab 44 70 12 lch 44 71 10 cmyk 0 79 46 20 rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](3.0):pictorial_carmine[6645][195,11,78](4.7):cerise[2177][222,12,98](5.7):ruby[7363][224,17,95](6.0):rose_red[7315][194,30,86](6.2) 2 carmine:cerise:pictorial:rubine:ruby:red:rose +173 PMS215 rgb 165 5 68 hex #A50544 hsv 336 97 65 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.06 lab 35 59 11 lch 35 60 10 cmyk 0 63 38 35 raspberry[7069][176,1,73](4.5):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](4.5):cranberry[2576][158,0,58](4.6):purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](5.1):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](5.4) 3 strong:cranberry:french:purplish:raspberry:wine:red +174 PMS216 rgb 124 30 63 hex #7C1E3F hsv 339 76 49 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.05 lab 28 42 4 lch 28 43 5 cmyk 0 37 24 51 PMS209[167][117,38,61](5.0):PMS222[180][112,25,61](5.4):disco[3143][137,45,79](5.8):extrovert[3533][117,38,66](5.8):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](5.8) 1 PMS209:PMS222:disco:extrovert:letter:red +175 PMS217 rgb 244 191 209 hex #F4BFD1 hsv 340 22 96 xyz 0.67 0.61 0.69 lab 82 22 -2 lch 82 22 356 cmyk 0 21 14 4 orchid_pink[6244][242,189,205](1.4):cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](1.7):PMS2365[195][247,196,216](2.4):chantilly[2213][237,184,199](3.0):princess[6815][237,184,199](3.0) 12 PMS2365:cameo:chantilly:orchid:princess:pink +176 PMS218 rgb 237 114 170 hex #ED72AA hsv 333 52 93 xyz 0.48 0.33 0.42 lab 64 53 -7 lch 64 54 352 cmyk 0 48 26 7 medium_pink[5626][238,116,167](2.4):hot_pink[4563][238,106,167](4.2):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](5.0):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](5.0):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](5.0) 5 medium:china:hot:liseran:thulian:pink:purple +177 PMS219 rgb 226 40 130 hex #E22882 hsv 331 82 89 xyz 0.36 0.19 0.23 lab 51 73 -3 lch 51 73 357 cmyk 0 73 38 11 vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](3.7):violet_red[8869][238,58,140](4.0):mexican_pink[5700][228,0,124](5.5):cerise[2175][218,50,135](5.7):deep_cerise[2971][218,50,135](5.7) 2 deep:vivid:cerise:mexican:pink:red:violet +178 PMS220 rgb 170 0 79 hex #AA004F hsv 332 100 67 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.08 lab 36 62 6 lch 36 62 5 cmyk 0 67 36 33 colour_me_pink[2437][169,12,80](2.4):strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](4.0):purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](4.6):raspberry[7069][176,1,73](5.2):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.9) 3 strong:PMS215:colour:me:purplish:raspberry:pink:red:rose +179 PMS221 rgb 147 0 66 hex #930042 hsv 333 100 58 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.06 lab 31 56 6 lch 31 56 6 cmyk 0 58 32 42 purple_red[6888][153,1,71](1.7):berry[1397][153,15,75](3.6):red_wine[7148][140,0,52](7.0):PMS215[173][165,5,68](7.1):mulberry[5938][146,10,78](7.1) 2 PMS215:berry:mulberry:wine:purple:red +180 PMS222 rgb 112 25 61 hex #70193D hsv 335 78 44 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.05 lab 25 40 0 lch 25 40 0 cmyk 0 34 20 56 PMS690[869][112,35,66](3.7):lip_service[5297][101,21,56](3.7):PMS229[187][109,33,63](4.1):extrovert[3533][117,38,66](4.4):PMS216[174][124,30,63](5.4) 4 PMS216:PMS229:PMS690:extrovert:lip:service +181 PMS223 rgb 249 147 196 hex #F993C4 hsv 331 41 98 xyz 0.59 0.45 0.58 lab 73 44 -9 lch 73 45 349 cmyk 0 40 21 2 pale_magenta_pink[6388][255,153,204](2.4):very_light_rose[8784][255,158,207](3.7):light_rose[5183][231,139,185](5.0):PMS230[188][255,160,204](5.1):pastel_magenta[6507][244,154,194](5.9) 3 pale:light:very:PMS230:magenta:pastel:pink:rose +182 PMS224 rgb 244 107 175 hex #F46BAF hsv 330 56 96 xyz 0.5 0.33 0.44 lab 64 59 -10 lch 64 60 350 cmyk 0 54 27 4 hot_pink[4563][238,106,167](3.0):hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](3.7):PMS231[189][252,112,186](4.1):magenta[5439][246,100,175](4.2):bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](4.5) 5 PMS231:bubblegum:hot:magenta:pink +183 PMS225 rgb 237 40 147 hex #ED2893 hsv 327 83 93 xyz 0.41 0.22 0.3 lab 54 77 -10 lch 54 78 353 cmyk 0 77 35 7 barbie_pink[1292][224,33,138](4.6):deep_pink[3032][238,18,137](5.4):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](5.7):vivid_cerise[8903][231,0,145](5.8):PMS232[190][244,63,165](6.0) 1 deep:vivid:PMS232:barbie:bonbon:cerise:pink:rose +184 PMS226 rgb 214 2 112 hex #D60270 hsv 329 99 84 xyz 0.31 0.16 0.17 lab 46 74 0 lch 46 74 0 cmyk 0 83 40 16 red_purple[7136][228,0,120](5.0):mexican_pink[5700][228,0,124](5.4):deep_pink[3031][205,16,118](5.5):PMS219[177][226,40,130](5.9):deep_pink[3030][203,1,98](6.2) 1 deep:PMS219:mexican:pink:purple:red +185 PMS227 rgb 173 0 91 hex #AD005B hsv 328 100 68 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.11 lab 37 64 -1 lch 37 64 359 cmyk 0 68 32 32 strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](3.7):violet_red[8865][165,0,85](3.7):jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](4.4):scrumptious[7547][183,29,98](4.9):PMS676[855][160,0,84](5.0) 5 strong:PMS676:jam:jazzberry:scrumptious:red:rose:violet +186 PMS228 rgb 140 0 76 hex #8C004C hsv 327 100 55 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.07 lab 30 55 -3 lch 30 55 357 cmyk 0 55 25 45 reddish_purple[7158][145,9,81](1.0):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](2.8):mulberry[5938][146,10,78](2.8):PMS235[193][142,5,84](4.1):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](4.1) 6 deep:dark:PMS235:magenta:mulberry:reddish:pink:purple +187 PMS229 rgb 109 33 63 hex #6D213F hsv 336 70 43 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.05 lab 26 36 0 lch 26 36 359 cmyk 0 30 18 57 PMS690[869][112,35,66](1.7):extrovert[3533][117,38,66](2.4):PMS222[180][112,25,61](4.1):tawny_port[8267][105,37,69](4.5):PMS209[167][117,38,61](4.6) 6 PMS209:PMS222:PMS690:extrovert:port:tawny +188 PMS230 rgb 255 160 204 hex #FFA0CC hsv 332 37 100 xyz 0.65 0.51 0.64 lab 77 41 -8 lch 77 42 350 cmyk 0 37 20 0 very_light_rose[8784][255,158,207](2.4):pastel_magenta[6507][244,154,194](4.1):pale_magenta_pink[6388][255,153,204](4.9):PMS223[181][249,147,196](5.1):very_light_raspberry[8783][255,158,194](5.1) 3 pale:light:very:PMS223:magenta:pastel:raspberry:pink:rose +189 PMS231 rgb 252 112 186 hex #FC70BA hsv 328 56 99 xyz 0.55 0.36 0.5 lab 66 61 -13 lch 66 62 348 cmyk 0 55 26 1 bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](3.6):hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](3.7):PMS224[182][244,107,175](4.1):hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](4.1):magenta[5439][246,100,175](4.1) 5 PMS224:bubblegum:hot:magenta:pink +190 PMS232 rgb 244 63 165 hex #F43FA5 hsv 326 74 96 xyz 0.46 0.26 0.38 lab 58 75 -14 lch 58 76 349 cmyk 0 71 31 4 barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](4.5):wild_strawberry[9110][255,67,164](4.9):PMS225[183][237,40,147](6.0):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](6.1):maroon[5548][238,48,167](6.6) 2 PMS225:barbie:bonbon:maroon:strawberry:wild:pink:rose +191 PMS233 rgb 206 0 124 hex #CE007C hsv 324 100 81 xyz 0.29 0.15 0.2 lab 45 74 -9 lch 45 74 353 cmyk 0 81 32 19 magenta[5434][194,0,120](4.1):PMS813_2X[937][209,0,132](4.2):deep_pink[3031][205,16,118](4.5):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](4.7):vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](5.0) 5 deep:vivid:2X:PMS239:PMS813:cerise:magenta:pink +192 PMS234 rgb 170 0 102 hex #AA0066 hsv 324 100 67 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.13 lab 37 64 -8 lch 37 65 353 cmyk 0 67 27 33 lipstick[5299][171,5,99](2.2):strong_cerise[8024][168,0,105](3.0):deep_magenta[3012][160,2,92](4.1):jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](5.1):red_violet[7145][158,1,104](5.7) 3 deep:strong:cerise:jam:jazzberry:lipstick:magenta:red:violet +193 PMS235 rgb 142 5 84 hex #8E0554 hsv 325 96 56 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.09 lab 31 55 -7 lch 31 56 353 cmyk 0 54 23 44 deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](3.0):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](3.7):reddish_purple[7158][145,9,81](4.0):PMS228[186][140,0,76](4.1):disco[3142][135,21,80](5.5) 4 deep:dark:PMS228:disco:magenta:reddish:pink:purple +194 PMS236 rgb 249 175 211 hex #F9AFD3 hsv 331 30 98 xyz 0.66 0.56 0.69 lab 79 32 -7 lch 79 33 347 cmyk 0 29 15 2 lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](1.0):lavender[4932][252,180,213](2.4):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](3.6):cotton_candy[2553][255,183,213](4.1):light_hot_pink[5127][255,179,222](4.1) 8 light:candy:cotton:hot:powder:lavender:pink +195 PMS2365 rgb 247 196 216 hex #F7C4D8 hsv 336 21 97 xyz 0.7 0.64 0.74 lab 84 21 -3 lch 84 21 352 cmyk 0 20 12 3 azalea[1220][247,200,218](2.2):PMS217[175][244,191,209](2.4):classic_rose[2357][244,200,219](2.4):orchid_pink[6244][242,189,205](2.8):cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](3.6) 15 PMS217:azalea:cameo:classic:orchid:pink:rose +196 PMS237 rgb 244 132 196 hex #F484C4 hsv 326 46 96 xyz 0.56 0.4 0.57 lab 69 50 -14 lch 69 52 344 cmyk 0 44 19 4 persian_pink[6607][247,127,190](3.6):bubblegum_pink[1881][254,131,204](5.7):pink[6670][255,129,192](5.9):princess_perfume[6816][255,133,207](6.2):light_cerise[5078][231,139,197](7.1) 1 light:bubblegum:cerise:perfume:persian:princess:pink +197 PMS2375 rgb 234 107 191 hex #EA6BBF hsv 320 54 92 xyz 0.49 0.32 0.53 lab 63 59 -21 lch 63 62 341 cmyk 0 50 17 8 neon_pink[6018][255,110,199](6.7):purplish_pink[6901][206,93,174](8.7):PMS231[189][252,112,186](8.8):pale_magenta[6385][215,103,173](9.0):light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](9.3) 0 pale:light:brilliant:PMS231:cerise:magenta:neon:purplish:pink +198 PMS238 rgb 237 79 175 hex #ED4FAF hsv 324 67 93 xyz 0.45 0.27 0.43 lab 59 69 -18 lch 59 71 345 cmyk 0 62 24 7 brilliant_cerise[1769][231,81,175](2.4):light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](6.4):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](6.4):PMS232[190][244,63,165](7.3):frostbite[3779][233,54,167](7.5) 1 light:brilliant:PMS232:cerise:frostbite:fuchsia:neon +199 PMS2385 rgb 219 40 165 hex #DB28A5 hsv 318 82 86 xyz 0.37 0.19 0.37 lab 51 75 -24 lch 51 79 342 cmyk 0 70 21 14 PMS239[200][224,33,158](4.5):PMS807[924][214,0,158](5.1):frostbite[3779][233,54,167](5.7):maroon[5548][238,48,167](7.1):PMS246[212][204,0,160](7.3) 1 PMS239:PMS246:PMS807:frostbite:maroon +200 PMS239 rgb 224 33 158 hex #E0219E hsv 321 85 88 xyz 0.37 0.19 0.34 lab 51 77 -20 lch 51 80 345 cmyk 0 75 26 12 maroon[5548][238,48,167](4.2):PMS2385[199][219,40,165](4.5):PMS813[936][229,0,153](4.5):frostbite[3779][233,54,167](4.5):PMS807[924][214,0,158](6.2) 4 PMS2385:PMS807:PMS813:frostbite:maroon +201 PMS2395 rgb 196 0 140 hex #C4008C hsv 317 100 77 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.26 lab 44 73 -21 lch 44 76 344 cmyk 0 77 22 23 PMS240[203][196,15,137](2.2):PMS807_2X[925][191,0,140](2.4):violet_red[8868][208,32,144](5.7):PMS247[213][183,0,142](6.2):maroon[5547][205,41,144](6.4) 2 2X:PMS240:PMS247:PMS807:maroon:red:violet +202 PMS239_2X rgb 196 5 124 hex #C4057C hsv 323 97 77 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.2 lab 43 71 -12 lch 43 72 350 cmyk 0 75 28 23 magenta[5434][194,0,120](1.0):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](3.6):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](3.6):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](3.6):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](3.6) 6 medium:magenta:red:violet +203 PMS240 rgb 196 15 137 hex #C40F89 hsv 320 92 77 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.25 lab 44 72 -19 lch 44 74 345 cmyk 0 71 23 23 PMS2395[201][196,0,140](2.2):PMS807_2X[925][191,0,140](4.1):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](4.2):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](4.2):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](4.2) 8 medium:2X:PMS2395:PMS807:red:violet +204 PMS2405 rgb 168 0 122 hex #A8007A hsv 316 100 66 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.19 lab 37 66 -20 lch 37 69 343 cmyk 0 66 18 34 strong_fuchsia[8032][168,0,126](2.2):PMS241[205][173,0,117](4.1):PMS248[214][163,5,127](4.1):PMS2415[206][155,0,112](5.1):flirt[3692][162,0,109](5.9) 3 strong:PMS241:PMS2415:PMS248:flirt:fuchsia +205 PMS241 rgb 173 0 117 hex #AD0075 hsv 319 100 68 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.18 lab 38 66 -16 lch 38 68 347 cmyk 0 68 22 32 flirt[3692][162,0,109](3.7):PMS2405[204][168,0,122](4.1):maroon[5543][176,36,124](5.0):strong_cerise[8024][168,0,105](5.5):red_violet[7145][158,1,104](5.8) 3 strong:PMS2405:cerise:flirt:maroon:red:violet +206 PMS2415 rgb 155 0 112 hex #9B0070 hsv 317 100 61 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.16 lab 34 62 -19 lch 34 65 343 cmyk 0 61 17 39 flirt[3692][162,0,109](4.6):PMS2405[204][168,0,122](5.1):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](5.5):red_violet[7145][158,1,104](6.1):PMS241[205][173,0,117](6.4) 1 PMS2405:PMS241:eggplant:flirt:fresh:red:violet +207 PMS242 rgb 124 28 81 hex #7C1C51 hsv 327 77 49 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.08 lab 29 45 -8 lch 29 46 350 cmyk 0 38 17 51 smooch[7799][126,32,86](2.2):pansy_purple[6470][120,24,74](2.8):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](3.6):raspberry[7068][135,38,87](3.6):french_plum[3757][129,20,83](4.1) 5 dark:french:pansy:plum:raspberry:smooch:purple +208 PMS2425 rgb 135 0 91 hex #87005B hsv 320 100 53 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.1 lab 29 55 -14 lch 29 57 346 cmyk 0 53 17 47 cardinal[2080][140,5,94](2.4):cardinal_pink[2082][140,5,94](2.4):maroon[5541][139,28,98](5.1):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](6.4):maroon[5542][142,35,107](6.7) 2 cardinal:eggplant:fresh:maroon:pink +209 PMS243 rgb 242 186 216 hex #F2BAD8 hsv 328 23 95 xyz 0.67 0.59 0.73 lab 81 25 -7 lch 81 26 344 cmyk 0 22 10 5 PMS516[636][242,186,211](2.2):cupid[2626][251,190,218](3.0):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](3.6):cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](4.1):pale_light_grayish_rose[6374][231,184,208](4.2) 8 pale:light:PMS516:candy:chantilly:cotton:cupid:grayish:rose +210 PMS244 rgb 237 160 211 hex #EDA0D3 hsv 320 32 93 xyz 0.59 0.48 0.68 lab 75 36 -14 lch 75 39 338 cmyk 0 30 10 7 light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](4.1):PMS251[217][226,158,214](4.9):shocking[7672][226,146,192](5.9):light_orchid[5160][230,168,215](6.2):orchid[6239][230,168,215](6.2) 2 light:PMS251:orchid:shocking +211 PMS245 rgb 232 127 201 hex #E87FC9 hsv 318 45 91 xyz 0.51 0.37 0.6 lab 67 50 -21 lch 67 54 338 cmyk 0 41 12 9 light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](5.4):PMS237[196][244,132,196](7.3):light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](7.3):princess_perfume[6816][255,133,207](7.5):lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](8.1) 0 light:PMS237:fuchsia:orchid:perfume:princess:lavender:pink +212 PMS246 rgb 204 0 160 hex #CC00A0 hsv 313 100 80 xyz 0.31 0.15 0.35 lab 46 77 -29 lch 46 83 339 cmyk 0 80 17 20 PMS807[924][214,0,158](4.9):PMS2385[199][219,40,165](7.3):PMS247[213][183,0,142](8.4):PMS807_2X[925][191,0,140](8.4):PMS2395[201][196,0,140](9.2) 1 2X:PMS2385:PMS2395:PMS247:PMS807 +213 PMS247 rgb 183 0 142 hex #B7008E hsv 313 100 72 xyz 0.24 0.12 0.27 lab 41 71 -26 lch 41 76 340 cmyk 0 72 16 28 PMS807_2X[925][191,0,140](3.7):PMS2395[201][196,0,140](6.2):strong_fuchsia[8032][168,0,126](7.1):PMS248[214][163,5,127](7.5):PMS240[203][196,15,137](7.7) 1 strong:2X:PMS2395:PMS240:PMS248:PMS807:fuchsia +214 PMS248 rgb 163 5 127 hex #A3057F hsv 314 97 64 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.21 lab 37 65 -24 lch 37 69 339 cmyk 0 62 14 36 strong_fuchsia[8032][168,0,126](2.4):PMS2405[204][168,0,122](4.1):PMS2415[206][155,0,112](6.6):PMS513[630][158,35,135](6.8):PMS247[213][183,0,142](7.5) 2 strong:PMS2405:PMS2415:PMS247:PMS513:fuchsia +215 PMS249 rgb 127 40 96 hex #7F2860 hsv 321 69 50 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.12 lab 32 43 -13 lch 32 45 343 cmyk 0 34 12 50 carnival[2107][126,42,101](3.0):sassy[7502][126,42,101](3.0):smooch[7799][126,32,86](4.1):boysenberry[1687][135,50,96](5.4):PMS242[207][124,28,81](6.2) 3 PMS242:boysenberry:carnival:sassy:smooch +216 PMS250 rgb 237 196 221 hex #EDC4DD hsv 323 17 93 xyz 0.68 0.63 0.77 lab 83 19 -7 lch 83 20 340 cmyk 0 16 6 7 classic_rose[2357][244,200,219](3.6):pale_light_grayish_rose[6374][231,184,208](3.7):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](4.1):azalea[1220][247,200,218](4.5):classic_rose[2358][251,204,231](4.5) 8 pale:light:azalea:chantilly:classic:grayish:rose +217 PMS251 rgb 226 158 214 hex #E29ED6 hsv 311 30 89 xyz 0.56 0.45 0.69 lab 73 34 -18 lch 73 39 332 cmyk 0 27 5 11 light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](1.0):medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](4.1):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](4.1):plum[6746][221,160,221](4.1):PMS244[210][237,160,211](4.9) 5 pale:medium:light:PMS244:magenta:orchid:plum:lavender +218 PMS252 rgb 211 107 198 hex #D36BC6 hsv 308 49 83 xyz 0.42 0.28 0.57 lab 60 53 -29 lch 60 61 331 cmyk 0 41 5 17 orchid[6236][205,105,201](4.1):deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](5.9):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](5.9):fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](5.9):orchid[6237][218,112,214](6.2) 1 deep:french:fuchsia:mauve:orchid +219 PMS253 rgb 175 35 165 hex #AF23A5 hsv 304 80 69 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.37 lab 43 67 -38 lch 43 77 331 cmyk 0 55 4 31 barney_purple[1307][160,4,152](5.2):strong_orchid[8046][168,0,147](6.0):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](6.6):purpley_pink[6896][200,60,185](8.1):byzantine[1964][189,51,164](8.3) 0 strong:barney:byzantine:eggplant:orchid:purpley:pink:purple:violet +220 PMS254 rgb 160 45 150 hex #A02D96 hsv 305 72 63 xyz 0.21 0.12 0.3 lab 40 58 -33 lch 40 67 331 cmyk 0 45 4 37 warm_purple[9003][149,46,143](4.6):PMS513[630][158,35,135](6.4):ugly_purple[8633][164,66,160](7.1):PMS2593[237][135,43,147](8.1):medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](8.1) 1 medium:PMS2593:PMS513:ugly:warm:purple +221 PMS255 rgb 119 45 107 hex #772D6B hsv 310 62 47 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.15 lab 31 40 -21 lch 31 45 333 cmyk 0 29 5 53 belladonna[1390][119,44,104](2.0):fun_fair[3807][119,44,104](2.0):byzantium[1965][112,41,99](3.0):PMS260[239][104,30,91](5.1):PMS520[644][112,53,114](5.1) 3 PMS260:PMS520:belladonna:byzantium:fair:fun +222 PMS256 rgb 229 196 214 hex #E5C4D6 hsv 327 14 90 xyz 0.64 0.61 0.72 lab 82 15 -5 lch 82 15 342 cmyk 0 13 6 10 melanie[5657][228,194,213](0.0):PMS531[666][229,198,219](1.7):PMS250[216][237,196,221](4.6):maverick[5586][216,194,213](4.6):PMS671[850][239,198,211](4.9) 7 PMS250:PMS531:PMS671:maverick:melanie +223 PMS2562 rgb 216 168 216 hex #D8A8D8 hsv 300 22 85 xyz 0.55 0.48 0.71 lab 75 26 -18 lch 75 31 326 cmyk 0 19 0 15 PMS529[662][206,163,211](3.6):PMS2563[224][209,160,204](4.4):light_orchid[5160][230,168,215](5.1):orchid[6239][230,168,215](5.1):pale_light_grayish_magenta[6370][231,184,231](5.2) 2 pale:light:PMS2563:PMS529:grayish:magenta:orchid +224 PMS2563 rgb 209 160 204 hex #D1A0CC hsv 306 23 82 xyz 0.5 0.43 0.63 lab 72 25 -15 lch 72 30 329 cmyk 0 19 2 18 PMS529[662][206,163,211](3.2):PMS257[226][211,165,201](3.7):pastel_violet[6517][203,153,201](4.1):light_medium_orchid[5144][211,155,203](4.2):lilac[5255][200,162,200](4.2) 6 medium:light:PMS257:PMS529:lilac:orchid:pastel:violet +225 PMS2567 rgb 191 147 204 hex #BF93CC hsv 286 28 80 xyz 0.43 0.36 0.62 lab 67 27 -23 lch 67 35 319 cmyk 5 22 0 20 light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](4.6):light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](4.6):wisteria[9156][201,160,220](4.6):plum[6745][205,150,205](4.7):PMS2645[254][181,145,209](5.5) 4 light:PMS2645:grayish:magenta:plum:wisteria +226 PMS257 rgb 211 165 201 hex #D3A5C9 hsv 313 22 83 xyz 0.51 0.45 0.61 lab 73 23 -12 lch 73 26 333 cmyk 0 18 4 17 lilac[5255][200,162,200](3.5):PMS2563[224][209,160,204](3.7):PMS530[664][214,175,214](4.1):PMS522[648][198,163,193](5.5):pink_lavender[6682][216,178,209](6.0) 3 PMS2563:PMS522:PMS530:lilac:lavender:pink +227 PMS2572 rgb 198 135 209 hex #C687D1 hsv 291 35 82 xyz 0.43 0.34 0.65 lab 65 36 -29 lch 65 46 322 cmyk 4 29 0 18 PMS2573[228][186,124,188](7.1):bright_lavender[1727][191,148,228](7.7):lenurple[4987][186,147,216](8.3):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](8.7):PMS528[660][175,114,193](8.8) 0 PMS2573:PMS528:bright:lenurple:ube:lavender +228 PMS2573 rgb 186 124 188 hex #BA7CBC hsv 298 34 74 xyz 0.37 0.28 0.51 lab 60 35 -24 lch 60 42 325 cmyk 1 25 0 26 soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](6.5):PMS2572[227][198,135,209](7.1):african_violet[973][178,132,190](7.1):wisteria[9155][168,125,194](8.5):PMS2577[229][170,114,191](9.0) 0 PMS2572:PMS2577:african:soft:wisteria:purple:violet +229 PMS2577 rgb 170 114 191 hex #AA72BF hsv 284 40 75 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.52 lab 56 36 -32 lch 56 48 318 cmyk 8 30 0 25 PMS528[660][175,114,193](2.2):soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](4.6):deep_lilac[3008][150,110,189](7.1):wisteria[9155][168,125,194](7.9):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](8.2) 2 deep:PMS2655:PMS528:lilac:soft:wisteria:purple +230 PMS258 rgb 155 79 150 hex #9B4F96 hsv 304 49 61 xyz 0.22 0.15 0.31 lab 45 42 -25 lch 45 49 329 cmyk 0 30 2 39 orchid[6234][139,71,137](5.1):plum[6744][142,69,133](5.4):light_eggplant[5096][137,69,133](6.7):vivid_violet[8962][143,80,157](6.8):moderate_fuchsia[5823][168,74,145](7.3) 0 moderate:light:vivid:eggplant:fuchsia:orchid:plum:violet +231 PMS2582 rgb 170 71 186 hex #AA47BA hsv 292 62 73 xyz 0.28 0.17 0.48 lab 48 57 -43 lch 48 71 323 cmyk 6 45 0 27 medium_orchid[5619][180,82,205](5.7):purply[6903][152,63,178](6.2):medium_orchid[5620][186,85,211](7.5):orchid_medium[6243][186,85,211](7.5):deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](8.5) 0 deep:medium:fuchsia:orchid:purply +232 PMS2583 rgb 158 79 165 hex #9E4FA5 hsv 295 52 65 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.37 lab 46 46 -32 lch 46 56 325 cmyk 3 34 0 35 moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](4.6):moderate_magenta[5831][168,74,168](5.2):medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](5.7):moderate_orchid[5837][168,74,156](5.8):purpureus[6906][154,78,174](6.1) 1 medium:moderate:heliotrope:magenta:orchid:purpureus:purple +233 PMS2587 rgb 142 71 173 hex #8E47AD hsv 282 59 68 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.41 lab 43 47 -42 lch 43 63 318 cmyk 12 40 0 32 purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](4.1):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](4.6):purpureus[6906][154,78,174](5.0):deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](5.2):moderate_purple[5841][133,74,168](5.2) 3 deep:moderate:lilac:mulberry:plum:purpureus:purple +234 PMS259 rgb 114 22 107 hex #72166B hsv 305 81 45 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.14 lab 27 48 -27 lch 27 55 331 cmyk 0 36 3 55 PMS2612[244][112,30,114](3.7):darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](3.7):midnight[5715][112,38,112](5.4):PMS2613[245][102,17,109](6.4):dark_purple[2852][135,31,120](7.9) 2 dark:PMS2612:PMS2613:darkish:midnight:purple +235 PMS2592 rgb 147 15 165 hex #930FA5 hsv 293 91 65 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.36 lab 36 66 -48 lch 36 82 324 cmyk 7 59 0 35 strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](4.2):strong_magenta[8040][168,0,168](7.8):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](7.9):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](8.1):barney[1306][172,29,184](8.7) 1 deep:strong:barney:cobalt:eggplant:heliotrope:magenta:violet +236 PMS2592_2X rgb 114 0 130 hex #720082 hsv 293 100 51 xyz 0.11 0.05 0.22 lab 27 57 -42 lch 27 71 324 cmyk 6 51 0 49 PMS2602[240][130,12,142](5.8):seance[7584][115,30,143](6.0):patriarch[6523][128,0,128](7.0):purple[6863][128,0,128](7.0):web_purple[9039][128,0,128](7.0) 0 PMS2602:patriarch:seance:web:purple +237 PMS2593 rgb 135 43 147 hex #872B93 hsv 293 71 58 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.28 lab 36 53 -38 lch 36 65 324 cmyk 5 41 0 42 warm_purple[9003][149,46,143](6.4):seance[7584][115,30,143](7.8):PMS254[220][160,45,150](8.1):vivid_violet[8961][128,55,144](8.3):PMS2603[241][112,20,122](8.5) 0 vivid:PMS254:PMS2603:seance:warm:purple:violet +238 PMS2597 rgb 102 0 140 hex #66008C hsv 284 100 55 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.25 lab 26 57 -50 lch 26 76 318 cmyk 15 55 0 45 PMS267[259][89,17,142](5.9):PMS2685[261][86,0,140](6.2):purple[6862][126,30,156](7.3):PMS2607[242][91,2,122](7.7):PMS527[658][122,30,153](7.7) 0 PMS2607:PMS267:PMS2685:PMS527:purple +239 PMS260 rgb 104 30 91 hex #681E5B hsv 311 71 41 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.1 lab 26 40 -20 lch 26 45 334 cmyk 0 29 5 59 byzantium[1965][112,41,99](3.3):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](4.2):palatinate_purple[6302][104,40,96](4.5):PMS255[221][119,45,107](5.1):belladonna[1390][119,44,104](5.1) 3 PMS255:belladonna:byzantium:grape:palatinate:purple +240 PMS2602 rgb 130 12 142 hex #820C8E hsv 294 92 56 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.26 lab 32 60 -42 lch 32 73 325 cmyk 5 51 0 44 dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](4.4):magenta[5433][139,0,139](4.4):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](5.1):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](5.1):PMS2592_2X[236][114,0,130](5.8) 2 deep:dark:2X:PMS2592:cobalt:gras:magenta:mardi:violet +241 PMS2603 rgb 112 20 122 hex #70147A hsv 294 84 48 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.19 lab 28 51 -36 lch 28 63 325 cmyk 4 40 0 52 PMS2613[245][102,17,109](5.8):PMS526[656][104,33,122](6.0):darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](6.4):PMS2612[244][112,30,114](7.8):patriarch[6523][128,0,128](8.2) 0 PMS2612:PMS2613:PMS526:darkish:patriarch:purple +242 PMS2607 rgb 91 2 122 hex #5B027A hsv 285 98 48 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.19 lab 23 52 -45 lch 23 68 319 cmyk 12 47 0 52 PMS2592_2X[236][114,0,130](7.1):royal_purple[7355][75,0,110](7.1):dark_orchid[2828][104,34,139](7.3):purple[6859][85,26,139](7.5):dark_slate_blue[2888][107,35,142](7.6) 0 slate:dark:2X:PMS2592:orchid:royal:blue:purple +243 PMS261 rgb 94 33 84 hex #5E2154 hsv 310 65 37 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.09 lab 24 35 -18 lch 24 39 333 cmyk 0 24 4 63 dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](4.6):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](4.6):palatinate_purple[6302][104,40,96](4.6):dark_orchid[2827][89,39,83](5.4):troubadour[8539][86,34,90](5.5) 3 dark:grape:magenta:orchid:palatinate:troubadour:purple +244 PMS2612 rgb 112 30 114 hex #701E72 hsv 299 74 45 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.16 lab 28 46 -30 lch 28 55 327 cmyk 1 33 0 55 darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](3.2):PMS259[234][114,22,107](3.7):PMS2613[245][102,17,109](4.4):midnight[5715][112,38,112](4.4):PMS526[656][104,33,122](6.1) 4 PMS259:PMS2613:PMS526:darkish:midnight:purple +245 PMS2613 rgb 102 17 109 hex #66116D hsv 295 84 43 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.15 lab 25 47 -33 lch 25 58 325 cmyk 3 36 0 57 PMS2612[244][112,30,114](4.4):PMS526[656][104,33,122](4.7):darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](5.4):PMS2603[241][112,20,122](5.8):PMS259[234][114,22,107](6.4) 2 PMS259:PMS2603:PMS2612:PMS526:darkish:purple +246 PMS2617 rgb 86 12 112 hex #560C70 hsv 284 89 44 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.16 lab 22 46 -40 lch 22 61 319 cmyk 10 39 0 56 royal_purple[7355][75,0,110](5.7):PMS526[656][104,33,122](7.3):honey_flower[4529][79,28,112](7.3):PMS2613[245][102,17,109](7.7):PMS2607[242][91,2,122](7.9) 0 PMS2607:PMS2613:PMS526:flower:honey:royal:purple +247 PMS262 rgb 84 35 68 hex #542344 hsv 320 58 33 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.06 lab 22 27 -10 lch 22 29 340 cmyk 0 19 6 67 dark_cerise[2701][89,39,70](2.2):dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](4.1):PMS5115[627][79,33,58](4.9):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](5.2):japanese_violet[4738][91,50,86](6.7) 3 dark:PMS5115:cerise:fuchsia:japanese:rose:violet +248 PMS2622 rgb 96 45 89 hex #602D59 hsv 308 53 38 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.1 lab 27 30 -16 lch 27 34 331 cmyk 0 20 3 62 PMS519[642][99,48,94](1.4):dark_orchid[2827][89,39,83](3.0):grape[3977][108,52,97](4.1):dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](4.4):dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](4.6) 5 dark:PMS519:fuchsia:grape:magenta:orchid +249 PMS2623 rgb 91 25 94 hex #5B195E hsv 297 73 37 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.11 lab 23 39 -26 lch 23 47 326 cmyk 1 27 0 63 plum_purple[6751][78,5,80](6.1):troubadour[8539][86,34,90](6.7):PMS260[239][104,30,91](6.8):ultramarine_violet[8642][92,36,110](6.8):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](7.1) 0 PMS260:grape:plum:troubadour:ultramarine:purple:violet +250 PMS2627 rgb 76 20 94 hex #4C145E hsv 285 79 37 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.11 lab 19 38 -32 lch 19 49 320 cmyk 7 29 0 63 clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](3.7):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](3.7):scarlet_gum[7521][67,21,96](3.7):deep_heliotrope[2998][78,0,89](6.3):PMS268[260][79,33,112](6.5) 3 deep:PMS268:clairvoyant:gum:heliotrope:hot:scarlet:purple +251 PMS263 rgb 224 206 224 hex #E0CEE0 hsv 300 8 88 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.8 lab 85 9 -7 lch 85 12 325 cmyk 0 7 0 12 twilight[8613][228,207,222](2.2):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](2.4):languid_lavender[4910][214,202,221](2.4):lola[5333][223,207,219](3.2):snuff[7817][228,215,229](3.5) 9 chalk:languid:lola:snuff:twilight:blue:lavender +252 PMS2635 rgb 201 173 216 hex #C9ADD8 hsv 279 20 85 xyz 0.51 0.47 0.71 lab 74 18 -18 lch 74 25 315 cmyk 6 17 0 15 PMS264[253][198,170,219](3.3):perfume[6587][194,169,219](4.1):pale_light_grayish_violet[6379][208,184,231](4.6):PMS530[664][214,175,214](5.4):lilac[5255][200,162,200](5.8) 3 pale:light:PMS264:PMS530:grayish:lilac:perfume:violet +253 PMS264 rgb 198 170 219 hex #C6AADB hsv 274 22 86 xyz 0.5 0.46 0.73 lab 73 19 -21 lch 73 28 313 cmyk 8 19 0 14 perfume[6587][194,169,219](1.4):PMS2635[252][201,173,216](3.3):pale_light_grayish_violet[6379][208,184,231](5.5):PMS529[662][206,163,211](5.9):pale_light_grayish_mulberry[6372][220,184,231](6.6) 2 pale:light:PMS2635:PMS529:grayish:mulberry:perfume:violet +254 PMS2645 rgb 181 145 209 hex #B591D1 hsv 274 31 82 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.65 lab 65 26 -28 lch 65 38 313 cmyk 11 25 0 18 pale_purple[6411][183,144,212](1.7):lenurple[4987][186,147,216](3.5):east_side[3336][172,145,206](4.0):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](5.5):african_violet[973][178,132,190](6.7) 3 pale:PMS2567:african:east:lenurple:side:purple:violet +255 PMS265 rgb 150 99 196 hex #9663C4 hsv 272 49 77 xyz 0.27 0.19 0.55 lab 51 39 -43 lch 51 58 312 cmyk 18 38 0 23 PMS814[938][140,96,193](2.4):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](3.0):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](3.2):deep_lavender[3006][141,94,183](4.7):rich_lavender[7219][167,107,207](5.0) 5 deep:PMS814:amethyst:rich:lavender +256 PMS2655 rgb 155 109 198 hex #9B6DC6 hsv 271 45 78 xyz 0.29 0.22 0.56 lab 54 36 -40 lch 54 53 312 cmyk 17 35 0 22 lilac_bush[5258][152,116,211](4.9):dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](5.1):lilac_bush[5257][148,112,196](5.1):PMS265[255][150,99,196](5.2):deep_lavender[3006][141,94,183](6.1) 1 deep:PMS265:bush:dancing:girl:lilac:lavender +257 PMS266 rgb 109 40 170 hex #6D28AA hsv 272 76 67 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.39 lab 33 54 -57 lch 33 78 313 cmyk 24 51 0 33 grape[3978][111,45,168](4.4):purple[6860][102,0,153](8.5):PMS267[259][89,17,142](9.2):purple[6862][126,30,156](9.5):daisy_bush[2657][79,35,152](10.0) 1 PMS267:bush:daisy:grape:purple +258 PMS2665 rgb 137 79 191 hex #894FBF hsv 271 59 75 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.51 lab 45 46 -50 lch 45 68 313 cmyk 21 44 0 25 PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](7.5):deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](7.6):studio[8065][113,74,178](8.1):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](8.3):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](8.5) 0 deep:2X:PMS2587:PMS2725:PMS814:lilac:studio +259 PMS267 rgb 89 17 142 hex #59118E hsv 275 88 56 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.26 lab 25 52 -53 lch 25 74 314 cmyk 21 49 0 44 PMS2685[261][86,0,140](4.1):purple[6859][85,26,139](4.5):indigo[4647][75,0,130](5.0):pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](5.0):PMS2597[238][102,0,140](5.9) 4 PMS2597:PMS2685:pigment:indigo:purple +260 PMS268 rgb 79 33 112 hex #4F2170 hsv 275 71 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.16 lab 23 37 -37 lch 23 52 315 cmyk 13 31 0 56 honey_flower[4529][79,28,112](2.2):scarlet_gum[7521][67,21,96](5.5):ultramarine_violet[8642][92,36,110](5.9):regalia[7171][82,45,128](6.0):PMS2627[250][76,20,94](6.5) 1 PMS2627:flower:gum:honey:regalia:scarlet:ultramarine:violet +261 PMS2685 rgb 86 0 140 hex #56008C hsv 277 100 55 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.25 lab 23 55 -55 lch 23 78 315 cmyk 21 55 0 45 PMS267[259][89,17,142](4.1):indigo[4647][75,0,130](4.7):pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](4.7):PMS2735[280][79,0,147](5.1):PMS2597[238][102,0,140](6.2) 3 PMS2597:PMS267:PMS2735:pigment:indigo +262 PMS269 rgb 68 35 89 hex #442359 hsv 277 61 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.1 lab 21 27 -26 lch 21 38 315 cmyk 8 21 0 65 dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](2.4):PMS2695[263][68,35,94](3.2):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](3.6):dark_violet[2916][64,39,89](4.0):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](5.1) 4 dark:PMS2695:bossanova:mulberry:purple:violet +263 PMS2695 rgb 68 35 94 hex #44235E hsv 274 63 37 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.11 lab 21 28 -29 lch 21 41 314 cmyk 10 23 0 63 PMS269[262][68,35,89](3.2):dancing_queen[2666][74,45,104](4.6):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](5.1):grape[3975][56,26,81](5.2):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](5.4) 2 dark:PMS269:dancing:grape:pukeko:queen:purple +264 PMS270 rgb 186 175 211 hex #BAAFD3 hsv 258 17 83 xyz 0.47 0.46 0.68 lab 73 11 -17 lch 73 20 303 cmyk 10 14 0 17 moon_raker[5887][192,178,215](2.2):melrose[5668][195,185,221](4.1):logan[5331][170,169,205](4.4):prelude[6806][202,180,212](5.8):bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](5.9) 3 bauhaus:logan:melrose:moon:prelude:raker +265 PMS2705 rgb 173 158 211 hex #AD9ED3 hsv 257 25 83 xyz 0.41 0.38 0.67 lab 68 16 -25 lch 68 30 303 cmyk 15 21 0 17 cold_purple[2431][171,160,217](2.2):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](3.3):PMS2716[271][165,160,214](3.6):light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](5.0):PMS271[269][158,145,198](5.1) 4 light:PMS271:PMS2716:biloba:cold:flower:pastel:purple +266 PMS2706 rgb 209 206 221 hex #D1CEDD hsv 252 7 87 xyz 0.61 0.63 0.77 lab 83 4 -7 lch 83 8 298 cmyk 5 6 0 13 confederate_grey[2453][203,203,222](2.2):mischka[5780][209,210,221](2.4):ghost[3851][199,201,213](3.0):sonique[7849][213,206,226](3.0):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](3.6) 13 confederate:ghost:mischka:sonique:titan:grey:white +267 PMS2707 rgb 191 209 229 hex #BFD1E5 hsv 212 17 90 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.83 lab 83 -2 -12 lch 83 12 261 cmyk 15 8 0 10 beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](2.2):pale_aqua[6308][188,212,230](2.2):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](2.4):PMS277[298][181,209,232](2.8):periwinkle[6593][197,208,230](3.0) 15 pale:light:PMS277:aqua:beau:grayish:periwinkle:azure:blue +268 PMS2708 rgb 175 188 219 hex #AFBCDB hsv 222 20 86 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.74 lab 76 2 -17 lch 76 17 277 cmyk 17 12 0 14 echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](1.4):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](1.4):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.3):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.3):pale_light_grayish_sapphire_blue[6375][184,196,231](3.7) 13 pale:light:echo:grayish:nemo:pigeon:post:sapphire:serendipity:blue +269 PMS271 rgb 158 145 198 hex #9E91C6 hsv 255 27 78 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.58 lab 63 16 -26 lch 63 30 302 cmyk 16 21 0 22 cold_purple[2430][157,138,191](3.0):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](5.0):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](5.1):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](5.4):lavender[4927][159,144,208](5.8) 2 PMS2705:bell:biloba:cold:flower:blue:lavender:purple +270 PMS2715 rgb 147 122 204 hex #937ACC hsv 258 40 80 xyz 0.3 0.24 0.6 lab 57 27 -39 lch 57 48 305 cmyk 22 32 0 20 true_v[8548][142,114,199](3.7):ube[8625][136,120,195](4.9):dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](5.0):lilac_bush[5257][148,112,196](5.0):bubblegum[1879][131,120,199](5.1) 4 bubblegum:bush:dancing:girl:lilac:true:ube:v +271 PMS2716 rgb 165 160 214 hex #A5A0D6 hsv 246 25 84 xyz 0.4 0.38 0.69 lab 68 13 -27 lch 68 30 296 cmyk 19 21 0 16 cold_purple[2431][171,160,217](3.2):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](3.6):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](3.7):wistful[9158][162,158,205](4.6):blue_bell[1549][162,162,208](5.0) 5 PMS2705:bell:cold:wistful:blue:purple +272 PMS2717 rgb 165 186 224 hex #A5BAE0 hsv 219 26 88 xyz 0.47 0.48 0.77 lab 75 1 -21 lch 75 21 273 cmyk 23 15 0 12 PMS278[299][153,186,221](4.1):carolina_blue[2110][153,186,221](4.1):time_out[8367][170,194,227](4.1):PMS2708[268][175,188,219](4.2):oxymoron[6280][156,191,227](4.2) 8 PMS2708:PMS278:carolina:out:oxymoron:time:blue +273 PMS2718 rgb 91 119 204 hex #5B77CC hsv 225 55 80 xyz 0.22 0.2 0.6 lab 52 15 -47 lch 52 50 287 cmyk 44 33 0 20 indigo[4649][93,118,203](1.4):skydiver[7752][70,119,200](6.3):indigo[4648][79,105,198](8.1):PMS285[306][58,117,196](8.5):soft_blue[7827][100,136,234](8.5) 1 PMS285:skydiver:soft:blue:indigo +274 PMS272 rgb 137 119 186 hex #8977BA hsv 256 36 73 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.49 lab 54 22 -33 lch 54 39 303 cmyk 19 26 0 27 long_shot[5341][135,118,182](2.4):ube[8625][136,120,195](4.2):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](5.5):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](5.5):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](6.3) 2 long:majesty:mountain:mountain's:shot:ube:lavender:purple +275 PMS2725 rgb 114 81 188 hex #7251BC hsv 259 57 74 xyz 0.19 0.13 0.49 lab 43 38 -52 lch 43 64 306 cmyk 29 42 0 26 studio[8065][113,74,178](3.0):fuchsia[3788][122,88,193](3.7):fuchsia_blue[3794][122,88,193](3.7):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](5.0):iris[4670][98,88,196](5.9) 4 PMS2726:fuchsia:iris:studio:blue +276 PMS2726 rgb 102 86 188 hex #6656BC hsv 249 54 74 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.49 lab 43 33 -52 lch 43 61 302 cmyk 34 40 0 26 blue_violet[1594][100,86,183](3.0):iris[4670][98,88,196](3.2):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](5.0):fuchsia[3788][122,88,193](5.4):fuchsia_blue[3794][122,88,193](5.4) 3 PMS2725:fuchsia:iris:blue:violet +277 PMS2727 rgb 94 104 196 hex #5E68C4 hsv 234 52 77 xyz 0.2 0.16 0.54 lab 47 22 -49 lch 47 54 294 cmyk 40 36 0 23 indigo[4648][79,105,198](4.2):blue_violet[1595][115,102,189](6.5):toolbox[8417][116,108,192](7.0):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](7.1):gypsy_queen[4266][78,86,172](7.3) 1 gypsy:queen:rich:toolbox:blue:indigo:violet +278 PMS2728 rgb 48 68 181 hex #3044B5 hsv 231 73 71 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.45 lab 34 32 -62 lch 34 70 297 cmyk 52 44 0 29 governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](4.9):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](4.9):absolute_zero[950][0,72,186](5.0):PMS286[307][0,56,168](5.4):royal_azure[7344][0,56,168](5.4) 3 PMS286:absolute:bay:governor:royal:sapphire:zero:azure +279 PMS273 rgb 56 25 122 hex #38197A hsv 259 80 48 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.19 lab 20 39 -49 lch 20 63 308 cmyk 26 38 0 52 persian_indigo[6605][50,18,122](4.1):meteorite[5697][60,31,118](5.7):filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](6.2):christalle[2314][51,3,107](6.5):PMS2748[287][30,28,119](6.6) 1 PMS2748:christalle:digital:filmpro:meteorite:persian:blue:indigo +280 PMS2735 rgb 79 0 147 hex #4F0093 hsv 272 100 58 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.28 lab 23 56 -60 lch 23 82 313 cmyk 27 58 0 42 PMS2685[261][86,0,140](5.1):purple[6860][102,0,153](6.4):PMS2738[282][45,0,142](8.1):PMS267[259][89,17,142](8.3):indigo[4647][75,0,130](8.6) 0 PMS267:PMS2685:PMS2738:indigo:purple +281 PMS2736 rgb 73 48 173 hex #4930AD hsv 252 72 68 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.4 lab 31 45 -63 lch 31 77 305 cmyk 39 49 0 32 blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](8.1):daisy_bush[2657][79,35,152](8.1):bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](8.5):cornflower_blue[2533][34,34,152](8.9):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](9.1) 0 a:bay:bluey:bush:cornflower:daisy:governor:hint:of:with:blue:purple +282 PMS2738 rgb 45 0 142 hex #2D008E hsv 259 100 56 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.26 lab 18 52 -65 lch 18 84 309 cmyk 38 56 0 44 ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](4.6):blue_gem[1561][44,14,140](5.1):blue[1527][0,0,139](5.4):dark_blue[2684][0,0,139](5.4):navy[5993][0,0,128](6.4) 1 dark:gem:navy:ultramarine:blue +283 PMS274 rgb 43 17 102 hex #2B1166 hsv 258 83 40 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.13 lab 15 35 -45 lch 15 57 308 cmyk 23 33 0 60 violent_violet[8847][41,12,94](2.8):PMS2747[286][28,20,107](4.6):cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](5.4):midnight_blue[5719][25,25,112](5.9):meteorite[5697][60,31,118](6.0) 2 PMS2747:cherry:meteorite:midnight:pie:violent:blue:violet +284 PMS2745 rgb 63 0 119 hex #3F0077 hsv 272 100 47 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.18 lab 17 48 -51 lch 17 70 313 cmyk 22 47 0 53 blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](3.2):windsor[9132][60,8,120](3.2):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](4.1):kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](4.6):indigo[4647][75,0,130](5.4) 4 PMS2755:daisy:diamond:kingfisher:windsor:blue:indigo +285 PMS2746 rgb 63 40 147 hex #3F2893 hsv 253 73 58 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.28 lab 26 40 -55 lch 26 68 306 cmyk 33 42 0 42 navy_blue[6000][35,35,142](5.8):daisy_bush[2657][79,35,152](6.2):navy[5995][34,34,139](6.6):navy_blue[5999][34,34,139](6.6):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](6.7) 0 bush:daisy:jacksons:navy:blue:purple +286 PMS2747 rgb 28 20 107 hex #1C146B hsv 246 81 42 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.14 lab 14 33 -49 lch 14 59 304 cmyk 31 34 0 58 midnight_blue[5719][25,25,112](2.4):PMS2748[287][30,28,119](4.5):PMS662[841][12,25,117](4.5):PMS274[283][43,17,102](4.6):darkblue[2922][3,7,100](5.8) 4 PMS274:PMS2748:PMS662:darkblue:midnight:blue +287 PMS2748 rgb 30 28 119 hex #1E1C77 hsv 241 76 47 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.18 lab 18 33 -51 lch 18 61 303 cmyk 35 36 0 53 midnight_blue[5719][25,25,112](2.4):PMS662[841][12,25,117](2.8):filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](3.2):PMS2747[286][28,20,107](4.5):PMS273[279][56,25,122](6.6) 4 PMS273:PMS2747:PMS662:digital:filmpro:midnight:blue +288 PMS275 rgb 38 15 84 hex #260F54 hsv 260 82 33 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.09 lab 12 30 -37 lch 12 48 308 cmyk 18 27 0 67 PMS2765[294][43,12,86](3.2):indigo[4645][46,8,84](4.0):jagger[4722][53,14,87](4.6):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](4.9):tolopea[8402][27,2,69](6.1) 4 dark:PMS2765:jagger:tolopea:indigo +289 PMS2755 rgb 53 0 109 hex #35006D hsv 269 100 43 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.15 lab 15 45 -49 lch 15 67 312 cmyk 22 43 0 57 blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](2.2):christalle[2314][51,3,107](2.2):deep_violet[3077][51,0,102](3.0):windsor[9132][60,8,120](3.6):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](4.1) 6 deep:PMS2745:christalle:diamond:windsor:blue:violet +290 PMS2756 rgb 51 40 117 hex #332875 hsv 249 66 46 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.17 lab 22 28 -43 lch 22 51 303 cmyk 26 30 0 54 minsk[5762][63,48,127](4.0):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](4.6):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](4.6):believe[1389][53,47,119](4.9):blue_bell[1547][57,45,115](5.4) 4 believe:bell:minsk:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +291 PMS2757 rgb 20 22 84 hex #141654 hsv 238 76 33 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.09 lab 12 23 -38 lch 12 44 301 cmyk 25 24 0 67 cove_grey[2562][5,22,87](3.3):gulf_blue[4243][5,22,87](3.3):deep_sapphire_blue[3049][0,22,89](4.1):royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](6.9):PMS275[288][38,15,84](7.1) 3 deep:PMS275:cove:gulf:royal:sapphire:blue:grey +292 PMS2758 rgb 25 33 104 hex #192168 hsv 234 76 41 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.13 lab 17 23 -43 lch 17 49 299 cmyk 31 28 0 59 royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](4.2):midnight_blue[5718][25,25,100](4.6):deep_sapphire[3048][8,37,103](5.4):lucky_point[5354][26,26,104](5.7):capri[2066][6,42,120](5.9) 2 deep:capri:lucky:midnight:point:royal:sapphire:blue +293 PMS276 rgb 43 33 71 hex #2B2147 hsv 256 54 28 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.06 lab 16 15 -22 lch 16 27 304 cmyk 11 15 0 72 violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](1.4):sonic_boom[7847][37,32,66](3.3):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](3.7):hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](4.5):paua[6528][42,37,81](4.5) 7 PMS5255:boom:hip:hop:paua:sonic:violent:violet +294 PMS2765 rgb 43 12 86 hex #2B0C56 hsv 265 86 34 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.09 lab 12 33 -38 lch 12 50 311 cmyk 17 29 0 66 indigo[4645][46,8,84](1.4):jagger[4722][53,14,87](3.0):PMS275[288][38,15,84](3.2):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](3.7):violent_violet[8847][41,12,94](5.5) 4 dark:PMS275:jagger:violent:indigo:violet +295 PMS2766 rgb 43 38 91 hex #2B265B hsv 246 58 36 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.1 lab 19 18 -31 lch 19 36 301 cmyk 19 21 0 64 dark_persian_blue[2841][45,39,89](2.0):dark_blue[2687][39,39,89](2.4):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](3.3):paris_m[6490][49,39,96](3.7):port_gore[6781][37,31,79](4.5) 6 dark:gore:m:paris:persian:port:blue:indigo +296 PMS2767 rgb 20 33 61 hex #14213D hsv 221 67 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 13 5 -20 lch 13 20 284 cmyk 16 11 0 76 yankees_blue[9189][28,40,65](4.7):redemption_blue[7160][35,37,69](5.0):surfs_up[8164][31,33,66](5.2):regatta[7172][25,44,73](5.4):PMS289[310][0,38,73](5.7) 2 PMS289:redemption:regatta:surfs:up:yankees:blue +297 PMS2768 rgb 17 33 81 hex #112151 hsv 225 79 32 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.08 lab 14 13 -31 lch 14 34 292 cmyk 25 19 0 68 bunting[1906][21,31,76](2.0):downriver[3259][9,34,86](3.2):licorice[4994][9,34,86](3.2):PMS655[834][12,28,71](3.5):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](4.6) 5 PMS655:blast:bunting:downriver:licorice:off +298 PMS277 rgb 181 209 232 hex #B5D1E8 hsv 207 22 91 xyz 0.56 0.61 0.85 lab 83 -4 -14 lch 83 15 253 cmyk 20 9 0 9 spindle[7900][182,209,234](1.0):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](1.4):beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](2.2):pale_aqua[6308][188,212,230](2.2):slate_grey[7772][185,211,238](2.2) 11 pale:slate:light:aqua:beau:grayish:spindle:azure:blue:grey +299 PMS278 rgb 153 186 221 hex #99BADD hsv 211 31 87 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.75 lab 74 -3 -21 lch 74 21 262 cmyk 27 14 0 13 carolina_blue[2110][153,186,221](0.0):oxymoron[6280][156,191,227](2.2):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](4.1):relax[7177][153,174,208](4.4):time_out[8367][170,194,227](4.9) 5 PMS2717:carolina:out:oxymoron:relax:time:blue +300 PMS279 rgb 102 137 204 hex #6689CC hsv 219 50 80 xyz 0.25 0.25 0.61 lab 57 6 -38 lch 57 39 280 cmyk 40 26 0 20 havelock_blue[4436][87,132,193](4.4):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](4.6):float[3693][76,129,195](5.4):danube[2672][96,147,209](5.9):havelock_blue[4435][85,144,217](6.2) 2 dark:danube:float:havelock:blue:turquoise +301 PMS280 rgb 0 43 127 hex #002B7F hsv 220 100 50 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.2 lab 21 24 -51 lch 21 56 295 cmyk 50 33 0 50 capri[2066][6,42,120](3.7):catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](3.7):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](3.7):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](4.5):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](4.5) 5 capri:catalina:cobalt:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +302 PMS281 rgb 0 40 104 hex #002868 hsv 217 100 41 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.13 lab 18 16 -41 lch 18 44 291 cmyk 41 25 0 59 deep_sapphire[3048][8,37,103](2.2):royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](3.7):madison[5428][9,37,93](5.7):deep_cobalt_blue[2978][0,33,89](6.0):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](7.3) 2 deep:PMS2758:cobalt:madison:royal:sapphire:blue +303 PMS282 rgb 0 38 84 hex #002654 hsv 213 100 33 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.09 lab 16 8 -31 lch 16 33 285 cmyk 33 18 0 67 PMS654[833][15,43,91](2.4):marine[5530][4,46,96](3.6):deep_azure[2956][0,45,89](3.7):space_cadet[7865][30,41,82](4.9):blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](5.0) 5 deep:PMS654:cadet:marine:space:zodiac:azure:blue +304 PMS283 rgb 155 196 226 hex #9BC4E2 hsv 205 31 89 xyz 0.47 0.52 0.79 lab 77 -7 -19 lch 77 20 251 cmyk 28 12 0 11 pale_cerulean[6321][155,196,226](0.0):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.2):sail[7418][165,206,236](4.0):splat[7907][165,206,236](4.0):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](4.4) 10 pale:PMS2905:cerulean:cornflower:sail:splat +305 PMS284 rgb 117 170 219 hex #75AADB hsv 209 47 86 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.72 lab 68 -4 -30 lch 68 31 262 cmyk 40 19 0 14 jordy_blue[4779][122,170,224](2.8):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](3.5):PMS292[315][117,178,221](4.9):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](5.4):light_cobalt_blue[5081][136,172,224](5.4) 3 light:dark:PMS292:cobalt:iceberg:jordy:pastel:blue +306 PMS285 rgb 58 117 196 hex #3A75C4 hsv 214 70 77 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.55 lab 49 7 -47 lch 49 47 279 cmyk 54 31 0 23 skydiver[7752][70,119,200](2.2):medium_blue[5599][44,111,187](3.3):PMS300[332][0,114,198](4.9):mid_blue[5705][39,106,179](5.7):windows_blue[9131][55,120,191](5.7) 3 medium:PMS300:mid:skydiver:windows:blue +307 PMS286 rgb 0 56 168 hex #0038A8 hsv 220 100 66 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.38 lab 29 32 -64 lch 29 71 296 cmyk 66 44 0 34 royal_azure[7344][0,56,168](0.0):egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](2.2):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](2.2):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](5.0):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](5.1) 4 bay:egyptian:governor:royal:sapphire:torea:azure:blue +308 PMS287 rgb 0 56 147 hex #003893 hsv 217 100 58 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.28 lab 27 23 -54 lch 27 59 293 cmyk 58 36 0 42 air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](5.4):PMS661[840][45,51,142](5.9):PMS280[301][0,43,127](6.8):cobalt[2393][0,71,171](7.2):cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](7.2) 0 PMS280:PMS661:air:cobalt:force:blue +309 PMS288 rgb 0 51 127 hex #00337F hsv 216 100 50 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.21 lab 23 18 -47 lch 23 50 291 cmyk 50 30 0 50 capri[2066][6,42,120](5.1):catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](5.1):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](5.1):bay_of_many[1324][39,58,129](6.4):flat_medium_blue[3667][39,64,139](6.4) 0 medium:flat:bay:capri:catalina:cobalt:many:of:blue +310 PMS289 rgb 0 38 73 hex #002649 hsv 209 100 29 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.07 lab 15 3 -25 lch 15 26 277 cmyk 29 14 0 71 green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](3.0):oxford_blue[6274][0,33,71](4.1):prussian_blue[6826][0,49,83](5.0):blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](5.2):PMS2767[296][20,33,61](5.7) 3 PMS2767:oxford:prussian:vogue:zodiac:blue:green +311 PMS290 rgb 196 216 226 hex #C4D8E2 hsv 200 13 89 xyz 0.61 0.66 0.82 lab 85 -5 -7 lch 85 9 237 cmyk 12 4 0 11 columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](0.0):PMS545[687][196,211,221](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](2.4):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.2):ziggurat[9260][191,219,226](3.2) 11 PMS545:altitude:botticelli:columbia:ziggurat:blue +312 PMS2905 rgb 147 198 224 hex #93C6E0 hsv 200 34 88 xyz 0.46 0.52 0.78 lab 77 -10 -18 lch 77 21 240 cmyk 30 10 0 12 PMS283[304][155,196,226](3.2):pale_cerulean[6321][155,196,226](3.2):dark_sky_blue[2883][140,190,214](3.3):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](3.6):cornflower[2529][147,204,234](3.7) 8 pale:dark:PMS283:cerulean:cornflower:sky:blue +313 PMS291 rgb 168 206 226 hex #A8CEE2 hsv 201 26 89 xyz 0.52 0.58 0.8 lab 81 -8 -14 lch 81 16 240 cmyk 23 8 0 11 regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](3.7):light_sky_blue[5204][164,211,238](4.2):PMS277[298][181,209,232](4.5):french_pass[3754][164,210,224](4.5):spindle[7900][182,209,234](4.6) 5 light:PMS277:french:pass:regent:sky:spindle:st:blue +314 PMS2915 rgb 96 175 221 hex #60AFDD hsv 202 57 87 xyz 0.33 0.38 0.74 lab 68 -11 -31 lch 68 33 250 cmyk 49 18 0 13 malibu[5481][102,183,225](4.1):PMS292[315][117,178,221](4.7):brilliant_cornflower_blue[1773][81,175,231](5.0):picton_blue[6643][69,177,232](5.4):PMS298[327][81,181,224](5.5) 3 brilliant:PMS292:PMS298:cornflower:malibu:picton:blue +315 PMS292 rgb 117 178 221 hex #75B2DD hsv 205 47 87 xyz 0.36 0.41 0.74 lab 70 -8 -28 lch 70 29 254 cmyk 41 17 0 13 aero[965][124,185,232](3.7):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](4.5):sky_blue[7742][108,166,205](4.5):PMS2915[314][96,175,221](4.7):PMS284[305][117,170,219](4.9) 5 PMS284:PMS2915:aero:iceberg:sky:blue +316 PMS2925 rgb 0 142 214 hex #008ED6 hsv 200 100 84 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.67 lab 56 -5 -46 lch 56 46 263 cmyk 84 28 0 16 water_blue[9010][14,135,204](2.8):PMS3005[333][0,132,201](3.6):cerulean[2183][4,133,209](4.4):lochmara[5323][0,126,199](5.8):rich_electric_blue[7216][8,146,208](7.1) 3 PMS3005:cerulean:electric:lochmara:rich:water:blue +317 PMS293 rgb 0 81 186 hex #0051BA hsv 214 100 73 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.48 lab 37 22 -61 lch 37 65 290 cmyk 73 41 0 27 sapphire[7493][15,82,186](1.0):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](3.2):cobalt[2393][0,71,171](5.1):cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](5.1):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](5.9) 2 cerulean:cobalt:sapphire:blue:violet +318 PMS2935 rgb 0 91 191 hex #005BBF hsv 211 100 75 xyz 0.13 0.11 0.51 lab 40 17 -59 lch 40 61 286 cmyk 75 39 0 25 medium_teal_blue[5646][0,84,180](3.6):science_blue[7533][0,102,204](4.6):denim[3092][21,96,189](5.4):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](5.9):PMS293[317][0,81,186](6.2) 2 medium:PMS293:denim:sapphire:science:teal:blue +319 PMS294 rgb 0 63 135 hex #003F87 hsv 212 100 53 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.24 lab 28 13 -45 lch 28 47 286 cmyk 53 28 0 47 flat_medium_blue[3667][39,64,139](4.1):royal_blue[7347][39,64,139](4.1):bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](4.2):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](4.2):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](4.6) 5 medium:flat:bondi:cobalt:congress:royal:blue +320 PMS2945 rgb 0 84 160 hex #0054A0 hsv 209 100 63 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.34 lab 36 9 -47 lch 36 48 281 cmyk 63 30 0 37 usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](2.2):fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](3.0):endeavour[3482][0,86,167](3.7):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](3.7):strong_azure[8020][0,84,168](5.0) 6 medium:strong:electric:endeavour:fun:usafa:azure:blue +321 PMS295 rgb 0 56 107 hex #00386B hsv 209 100 42 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.14 lab 23 5 -34 lch 23 35 279 cmyk 42 20 0 58 marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](0.0):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](2.8):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](2.8):whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](2.8):apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](3.3) 9 dark:apollo:marine:midnight:tail:whale:blue +322 PMS2955 rgb 0 61 107 hex #003D6B hsv 206 100 42 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.15 lab 25 2 -32 lch 25 32 274 cmyk 42 18 0 58 whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](2.2):regal_blue[7169][1,63,106](3.0):prussian_blue[6827][0,69,119](3.6):PMS295[321][0,56,107](4.1):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](4.1) 8 PMS295:marine:prussian:regal:tail:whale:blue +323 PMS296 rgb 0 45 71 hex #002D47 hsv 202 100 28 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.06 lab 17 -3 -20 lch 17 20 261 cmyk 28 10 0 72 PMS539[675][0,48,73](1.4):blue_whale[1598][4,46,76](3.0):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](3.6):big_stone[1406][22,42,64](5.1):nile_blue[6058][25,55,81](5.2) 3 PMS2965:PMS539:big:nile:stone:whale:blue +324 PMS2965 rgb 0 51 76 hex #00334C hsv 200 100 30 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.07 lab 20 -5 -20 lch 20 20 256 cmyk 30 10 0 70 PMS539[675][0,48,73](2.2):tarawera[8253][7,58,80](3.5):PMS296[323][0,45,71](3.6):nile_blue[6058][25,55,81](3.7):barometer[1308][17,57,76](4.9) 9 PMS296:PMS539:barometer:nile:tarawera:blue +325 PMS297 rgb 130 198 226 hex #82C6E2 hsv 198 42 89 xyz 0.43 0.51 0.79 lab 76 -14 -21 lch 76 25 235 cmyk 38 11 0 11 seagull[7581][128,204,234](3.0):anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.2):sky_blue[7747][135,206,235](3.2):cornflower[2529][147,204,234](4.2):light_cornflower_blue[5085][147,204,234](4.2) 7 light:anakiwa:cornflower:seagull:sky:blue +326 PMS2975 rgb 186 224 226 hex #BAE0E2 hsv 183 18 89 xyz 0.61 0.69 0.82 lab 87 -12 -5 lch 87 13 203 cmyk 16 1 0 11 PMS635[814][186,224,224](1.0):jagged_ice[4720][194,232,229](3.0):PMS629[808][178,216,216](3.2):onahau[6179][194,230,236](3.5):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](3.6) 11 pale:light:PMS629:PMS635:cyan:grayish:ice:jagged:onahau +327 PMS298 rgb 81 181 224 hex #51B5E0 hsv 198 64 88 xyz 0.33 0.4 0.77 lab 70 -16 -30 lch 70 34 242 cmyk 56 17 0 12 malibu[5481][102,183,225](3.3):shakespeare[7633][78,171,209](4.5):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](4.7):PMS2915[314][96,175,221](5.5):PMS2985[328][81,191,226](6.6) 3 PMS2915:PMS2985:malibu:shakespeare:sky:summer +328 PMS2985 rgb 81 191 226 hex #51BFE2 hsv 194 64 89 xyz 0.36 0.44 0.79 lab 73 -21 -27 lch 73 34 232 cmyk 57 14 0 11 brilliant_cerulean[1770][81,194,231](1.4):PMS298[327][81,181,224](6.6):PMS306[342][0,188,226](6.6):PMS638[817][0,181,214](7.8):parachute[6479][101,184,209](7.9) 1 brilliant:PMS298:PMS306:PMS638:cerulean:parachute +329 PMS299 rgb 0 163 221 hex #00A3DD hsv 196 100 87 xyz 0.26 0.31 0.73 lab 63 -15 -39 lch 63 42 249 cmyk 87 23 0 13 PMS2995[330][0,165,219](2.8):vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](4.5):deep_sky_blue[3057][0,154,205](5.1):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](5.5):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](5.8) 2 deep:vivid:PMS2995:cerulean:sky:blue +330 PMS2995 rgb 0 165 219 hex #00A5DB hsv 195 100 86 xyz 0.26 0.32 0.72 lab 63 -17 -37 lch 63 41 246 cmyk 86 21 0 14 PMS299[329][0,163,221](2.8):cerulean[2182][2,164,211](3.6):deep_sky_blue[3057][0,154,205](4.2):vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](4.5):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](4.6) 5 deep:vivid:2X:PMS299:PMS306:cerulean:sky:blue +331 PMS299_2X rgb 0 127 204 hex #007FCC hsv 203 100 80 xyz 0.18 0.2 0.6 lab 51 0 -48 lch 51 48 269 cmyk 80 30 0 20 lochmara[5323][0,126,199](2.8):cerulean[2183][4,133,209](3.0):ocean_boat_blue[6096][0,119,190](4.4):french_blue[3744][0,114,187](5.5):bluish[1615][41,118,187](5.9) 3 bluish:boat:cerulean:french:lochmara:ocean:blue +332 PMS300 rgb 0 114 198 hex #0072C6 hsv 205 100 78 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.56 lab 47 5 -51 lch 47 51 276 cmyk 78 33 0 22 dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](3.7):PMS285[306][58,117,196](4.9):true_blue[8543][0,115,207](5.1):medium_blue[5599][44,111,187](5.2):denim[3093][43,108,196](6.2) 2 medium:PMS285:denim:dodger:true:blue +333 PMS3005 rgb 0 132 201 hex #0084C9 hsv 201 100 79 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.58 lab 53 -5 -44 lch 53 44 264 cmyk 79 27 0 21 water_blue[9010][14,135,204](1.0):PMS2925[316][0,142,214](3.6):lochmara[5323][0,126,199](4.1):cerulean[2183][4,133,209](4.2):star_command_blue[7952][0,123,184](5.7) 4 PMS2925:cerulean:command:lochmara:star:water:blue +334 PMS301 rgb 0 91 153 hex #005B99 hsv 204 100 60 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.32 lab 37 2 -40 lch 37 40 272 cmyk 60 24 0 40 lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](3.6):dusk_blue[3294][38,83,141](4.7):bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](5.0):dodger_blue[3151][16,78,139](5.1):matisse[5574][27,101,157](5.8) 3 bedazzled:dodger:dusk:lapis:lazuli:matisse:blue +335 PMS3015 rgb 0 112 158 hex #00709E hsv 197 100 62 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.34 lab 44 -9 -32 lch 44 34 254 cmyk 62 18 0 38 yeehaa[9192][0,108,152](1.4):sea_blue[7549][0,105,148](2.2):ocean_blue[6094][3,113,156](2.4):allports[1005][0,118,163](2.8):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](3.6) 6 allports:ocean:peacock:sea:yeehaa:blue +336 PMS302 rgb 0 79 109 hex #004F6D hsv 197 100 43 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.15 lab 31 -9 -23 lch 31 25 249 cmyk 43 12 0 57 guru[4265][21,76,101](3.3):blumine[1622][24,88,122](4.9):chathams_blue[2246][23,85,121](5.2):orient[6250][37,91,119](5.5):PMS3025[337][0,84,107](6.0) 2 PMS3025:blumine:chathams:guru:orient:blue +337 PMS3025 rgb 0 84 107 hex #00546B hsv 193 100 42 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.15 lab 33 -13 -19 lch 33 23 237 cmyk 42 9 0 58 PMS308[345][0,96,124](5.8):chathams_blue[2247][44,89,113](5.9):guru[4265][21,76,101](5.9):PMS302[336][0,79,109](6.0):blumine[1623][48,92,113](6.0) 0 PMS302:PMS308:blumine:chathams:guru:blue +338 PMS303 rgb 0 63 84 hex #003F54 hsv 195 100 33 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.09 lab 24 -9 -18 lch 24 20 242 cmyk 33 8 0 67 PMS547[692][0,63,84](0.0):PMS548[695][0,68,89](2.2):deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](2.2):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](2.2):tarawera[8253][7,58,80](2.8) 8 deep:PMS547:PMS548:cerulean:tarawera:teal:blue +339 PMS3035 rgb 0 68 84 hex #004454 hsv 191 100 33 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.09 lab 26 -12 -15 lch 26 19 230 cmyk 33 6 0 67 st_kilda[7947][0,69,89](2.4):PMS548[695][0,68,89](3.6):deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](3.6):deep_south[3061][0,72,83](4.4):PMS303[338][0,63,84](4.7) 8 deep:PMS303:PMS548:cerulean:kilda:south:st +340 PMS304 rgb 165 221 226 hex #A5DDE2 hsv 185 27 89 xyz 0.55 0.65 0.82 lab 85 -17 -8 lch 85 19 206 cmyk 24 2 0 11 blizzard_blue[1518][172,229,238](3.0):blue_lagoon[1575][172,229,238](3.0):powder_blue[6799][176,224,230](3.2):blizzard_blue[1517][163,227,237](3.3):charlotte[2230][164,220,230](3.3) 10 blizzard:charlotte:lagoon:powder:blue +341 PMS305 rgb 112 206 226 hex #70CEE2 hsv 191 50 89 xyz 0.42 0.53 0.8 lab 78 -23 -19 lch 78 29 219 cmyk 45 8 0 11 PMS637[816][107,201,219](2.2):sky_blue[7744][118,215,234](3.3):viking[8839][100,204,219](3.7):spray[7913][126,205,221](4.2):medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](4.5) 7 medium:PMS637:sky:spray:viking:blue +342 PMS306 rgb 0 188 226 hex #00BCE2 hsv 190 100 89 xyz 0.32 0.41 0.78 lab 70 -26 -30 lch 70 40 229 cmyk 89 15 0 11 PMS638[817][0,181,214](3.7):PMS2985[328][81,191,226](6.6):ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](6.6):PMS801[912][0,170,204](6.6):brilliant_cerulean[1770][81,194,231](6.7) 1 brilliant:PMS2985:PMS638:PMS801:ball:cerulean:blue +343 PMS306_2X rgb 0 163 209 hex #00A3D1 hsv 193 100 82 xyz 0.25 0.31 0.65 lab 62 -19 -33 lch 62 38 240 cmyk 82 18 0 18 cerulean[2182][2,164,211](1.4):pacific_blue[6290][0,157,196](3.7):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](4.1):cerulean[2185][29,172,214](4.1):peacock[6558][51,161,201](4.5) 6 bright:cerulean:pacific:peacock:blue +344 PMS307 rgb 0 122 165 hex #007AA5 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.38 lab 48 -13 -31 lch 48 33 248 cmyk 65 17 0 35 PMS641[820][0,122,165](0.0):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](0.0):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](1.0):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](1.0):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](1.0) 9 deep:PMS641:celadon:cerulean:cg:blue +345 PMS308 rgb 0 96 124 hex #00607C hsv 194 100 49 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.21 lab 38 -13 -22 lch 38 26 240 cmyk 49 11 0 51 blue_sapphire[1588][18,97,128](2.8):PMS634[813][0,102,127](3.7):deep_sky_blue[3056][0,104,139](5.1):orient[6250][37,91,119](5.5):PMS3025[337][0,84,107](5.8) 2 deep:PMS3025:PMS634:orient:sapphire:sky:blue +346 PMS309 rgb 0 63 73 hex #003F49 hsv 188 100 29 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.07 lab 24 -14 -11 lch 24 18 219 cmyk 29 4 0 71 deep_south[3061][0,72,83](3.3):midnight_green[5724][0,73,83](4.6):PMS3035[339][0,68,84](4.9):PMS546[689][12,56,68](5.1):blue_dianne[1559][32,72,82](5.1) 3 deep:PMS3035:PMS546:dianne:midnight:south:blue:green +347 PMS310 rgb 114 209 221 hex #72D1DD hsv 187 48 87 xyz 0.43 0.54 0.77 lab 79 -25 -15 lch 79 29 210 cmyk 42 5 0 13 viking[8839][100,204,219](3.0):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](3.7):sky_blue[7744][118,215,234](3.7):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](3.7):medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](4.1) 12 medium:sky:viking:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +348 PMS3105 rgb 127 214 219 hex #7FD6DB hsv 183 42 86 xyz 0.46 0.58 0.76 lab 81 -25 -11 lch 81 27 203 cmyk 36 2 0 14 aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](2.4):light_arctic_blue[5005][139,220,231](4.1):onepoto[6181][129,211,209](4.1):turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](4.1):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](4.2) 7 light:arctic:onepoto:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +349 PMS311 rgb 40 196 216 hex #28C4D8 hsv 187 81 85 xyz 0.33 0.45 0.72 lab 73 -31 -21 lch 73 38 214 cmyk 69 8 0 15 scooter[7534][46,191,212](2.2):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](2.8):cerulean[2184][5,184,204](4.0):vivid_arctic_blue[8895][0,202,231](5.4):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](5.7) 3 vivid:PMS3115:PMS3125:arctic:cerulean:scooter:blue +350 PMS3115 rgb 45 198 214 hex #2DC6D6 hsv 186 79 84 xyz 0.33 0.46 0.71 lab 73 -33 -19 lch 73 38 210 cmyk 66 6 0 16 PMS311[349][40,196,216](2.8):dark_turquoise[2908][0,195,205](3.7):scooter[7534][46,191,212](4.1):cerulean[2184][5,184,204](4.9):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](5.0) 5 dark:PMS311:PMS3125:cerulean:scooter:turquoise +351 PMS312 rgb 0 173 198 hex #00ADC6 hsv 188 100 78 xyz 0.25 0.34 0.59 lab 65 -28 -23 lch 65 36 220 cmyk 78 10 0 22 turquoise_blue[8583][6,177,196](3.7):PMS632[811][0,160,186](5.0):PMS638[817][0,181,214](5.1):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](5.1):cerulean[2184][5,184,204](5.4) 2 PMS632:PMS638:cerulean:pacific:blue:turquoise +352 PMS3125 rgb 0 183 198 hex #00B7C6 hsv 185 100 78 xyz 0.27 0.38 0.59 lab 68 -33 -19 lch 68 38 210 cmyk 78 6 0 22 cerulean[2184][5,184,204](3.0):turquoise_blue[8583][6,177,196](3.7):scooter[7534][46,191,212](4.7):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](5.0):dark_turquoise[2908][0,195,205](5.4) 4 dark:PMS3115:cerulean:scooter:blue:turquoise +353 PMS313 rgb 0 153 181 hex #0099B5 hsv 189 100 71 xyz 0.2 0.26 0.48 lab 58 -24 -24 lch 58 34 226 cmyk 71 11 0 29 blue[1532][0,147,175](2.2):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](2.8):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](3.0):eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](3.2):PMS632[811][0,160,186](3.3) 8 PMS632:eastern:pelorous:blue:green +354 PMS3135 rgb 0 155 170 hex #009BAA hsv 185 100 67 xyz 0.19 0.26 0.42 lab 58 -28 -18 lch 58 33 212 cmyk 67 6 0 33 strong_arctic_blue[8019][0,147,168](4.1):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.4):eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](5.1):hullabaloo[4579][0,139,151](5.9):yabbadabbadoo[9187][0,139,151](5.9) 2 strong:arctic:eastern:hullabaloo:seeker:yabbadabbadoo:blue +355 PMS314 rgb 0 130 155 hex #00829B hsv 190 100 61 xyz 0.14 0.18 0.34 lab 50 -21 -22 lch 50 30 227 cmyk 61 10 0 39 PMS633[812][0,127,153](1.4):eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](2.4):teal_blue[8285][1,136,159](2.4):ocean[6093][1,123,146](3.3):scooter[7535][48,142,160](6.4) 4 PMS633:eastern:ocean:scooter:teal:blue +356 PMS3145 rgb 0 132 142 hex #00848E hsv 184 100 56 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.28 lab 50 -26 -14 lch 50 30 208 cmyk 56 4 0 44 blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](3.0):hullabaloo[4579][0,139,151](3.3):yabbadabbadoo[9187][0,139,151](3.3):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](3.7):metallic_seaweed[5692][10,126,140](4.1) 7 chill:hullabaloo:metallic:seaweed:yabbadabbadoo:blue:turquoise +357 PMS315 rgb 0 107 119 hex #006B77 hsv 186 100 47 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.19 lab 41 -21 -14 lch 41 25 214 cmyk 47 5 0 53 PMS3155[358][0,109,117](3.0):dauntless[2931][22,111,127](3.5):blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](3.6):atoll[1182][10,111,117](3.7):kitsch[4866][0,108,127](4.6) 5 PMS3155:atoll:dauntless:kitsch:lagoon:blue +358 PMS3155 rgb 0 109 117 hex #006D75 hsv 184 100 46 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.19 lab 42 -23 -12 lch 42 26 208 cmyk 46 3 0 54 atoll[1182][10,111,117](1.0):PMS315[357][0,107,119](3.0):mosque[5909][3,106,110](3.0):deep_aqua[2952][8,120,127](4.5):dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](4.6) 6 deep:dark:PMS315:aqua:atoll:mosque +359 PMS316 rgb 0 73 79 hex #00494F hsv 185 100 31 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.08 lab 28 -17 -9 lch 28 20 208 cmyk 31 2 0 69 sherpa_blue[7650][0,73,78](1.0):sherpa_blue[7651][0,73,80](1.0):midnight_green[5724][0,73,83](3.2):dark_teal[2906][1,77,78](3.7):deep_arctic_blue[2955][0,78,89](3.7) 10 deep:dark:arctic:midnight:sherpa:teal:blue:green +360 PMS3165 rgb 0 86 91 hex #00565B hsv 183 100 36 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.11 lab 33 -20 -9 lch 33 22 205 cmyk 36 2 0 64 deep_teal[3070][0,85,90](1.0):deep_sea_green[3055][9,88,89](2.2):sea_green[7555][9,88,89](2.2):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](3.0):retro[7191][27,82,86](4.2) 6 deep:cyan:retro:sea:teal:green +361 PMS317 rgb 201 232 221 hex #C9E8DD hsv 159 13 91 xyz 0.66 0.75 0.79 lab 90 -12 2 lch 90 12 171 cmyk 12 0 4 9 skeptic[7737][202,230,218](1.7):mint_tulip[5772][198,234,221](2.0):humming_bird[4580][206,239,228](2.2):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](2.4):PMS573[743][204,229,214](3.3) 10 PMS573:bird:edgewater:humming:skeptic:tulip:mint +362 PMS318 rgb 147 221 219 hex #93DDDB hsv 178 33 87 xyz 0.51 0.63 0.77 lab 83 -23 -6 lch 83 24 195 cmyk 29 0 1 13 morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](3.3):onepoto[6181][129,211,209](3.7):aqua[1100][161,218,215](4.5):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](4.5):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](4.6) 5 aqua:glory:island:morning:onepoto:sinbad +363 PMS319 rgb 76 206 209 hex #4CCED1 hsv 181 64 82 xyz 0.37 0.5 0.68 lab 76 -34 -12 lch 76 36 199 cmyk 52 1 0 18 sea_serpent[7573][75,199,207](4.1):medium_turquoise[5648][72,209,204](5.1):turquoise_medium[8589][72,209,204](5.1):PMS325[373][86,201,193](6.1):medium_turquoise[5649][112,219,219](6.2) 1 medium:PMS325:sea:serpent:turquoise +364 PMS320 rgb 0 158 160 hex #009EA0 hsv 181 100 63 xyz 0.19 0.27 0.37 lab 59 -33 -11 lch 59 35 198 cmyk 63 1 0 37 viridian_green[8877][0,150,152](3.2):strong_cyan[8030][0,168,168](3.7):java[4749][37,151,151](4.1):sea[7548][60,153,146](7.3):cyan[2634][0,139,139](7.5) 3 strong:cyan:java:sea:viridian:green +365 PMS320_2X rgb 0 127 130 hex #007F82 hsv 181 100 51 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.24 lab 48 -28 -10 lch 48 29 200 cmyk 51 1 0 49 stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](2.2):teal[8283][0,128,128](2.2):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.8):elm[3462][28,124,125](3.0):PMS321[366][0,135,137](3.2) 16 PMS321:bluegreen:elm:stormcloud:teal +366 PMS321 rgb 0 135 137 hex #008789 hsv 181 100 54 xyz 0.13 0.19 0.27 lab 51 -29 -10 lch 51 31 199 cmyk 54 1 0 46 dark_cyan[2714][10,136,138](0.0):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](1.4):cyan[2634][0,139,139](2.4):dark_cyan[2713][0,139,139](2.4):blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](3.0) 10 dark:chill:cyan:blue:turquoise +367 PMS322 rgb 0 114 114 hex #007272 hsv 180 100 45 xyz 0.09 0.13 0.18 lab 43 -27 -8 lch 43 28 196 cmyk 45 0 0 55 dark_aquamarine[2679][1,115,113](1.0):skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](1.0):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](1.4):free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](3.0):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](3.2) 13 deep:dark:bluegreen:free:skobeloff:spirit:aquamarine:turquoise +368 PMS323 rgb 0 102 99 hex #006663 hsv 178 100 40 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.13 lab 39 -26 -6 lch 39 26 192 cmyk 40 0 1 60 dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](3.0):blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](3.3):cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](3.3):mosque[5908][0,95,91](3.3):PMS329[390][0,109,102](3.5) 10 dark:PMS329:aqua:cowabunga:mosque:stone:blue +369 PMS324 rgb 170 221 214 hex #AADDD6 hsv 172 23 87 xyz 0.55 0.65 0.73 lab 85 -18 -2 lch 85 18 186 cmyk 20 0 3 13 scandal[7513][173,217,209](2.4):aqua[1100][161,218,215](3.0):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](3.0):cruise[2611][180,226,213](3.3):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](3.3) 8 aqua:cold:cruise:ice:island:scandal +370 PMS3242 rgb 135 221 209 hex #87DDD1 hsv 172 39 87 xyz 0.47 0.61 0.7 lab 83 -29 -2 lch 83 29 185 cmyk 34 0 5 13 PMS3245[371][140,224,209](1.4):riptide[7233][139,230,216](3.2):light_opal[5156][139,231,220](3.3):riptide[7232][137,217,200](3.7):bermuda[1393][125,216,198](4.1) 7 light:PMS3245:bermuda:opal:riptide +371 PMS3245 rgb 140 224 209 hex #8CE0D1 hsv 169 38 88 xyz 0.49 0.63 0.7 lab 84 -29 -1 lch 84 29 181 cmyk 33 0 6 12 PMS3242[370][135,221,209](1.4):riptide[7233][139,230,216](2.4):light_opal[5156][139,231,220](3.0):riptide[7232][137,217,200](3.7):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](4.0) 7 pale:light:PMS3242:egg:opal:riptide:robin:blue +372 PMS3248 rgb 122 211 193 hex #7AD3C1 hsv 168 42 83 xyz 0.41 0.55 0.59 lab 79 -31 1 lch 79 31 179 cmyk 35 0 7 17 bermuda[1393][125,216,198](1.4):downy[3262][111,210,190](3.2):riptide[7232][137,217,200](3.6):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](3.7):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](4.0) 8 aqua:bermuda:downy:pearl:riptide +373 PMS325 rgb 86 201 193 hex #56C9C1 hsv 176 57 79 xyz 0.34 0.48 0.58 lab 75 -34 -6 lch 75 35 190 cmyk 45 0 3 21 medium_turquoise[5648][72,209,204](4.1):turquoise_medium[8589][72,209,204](4.1):downy[3261][111,208,197](5.2):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](6.0):PMS319[363][76,206,209](6.1) 2 medium:PMS319:PMS3252:downy:turquoise +374 PMS3252 rgb 86 214 201 hex #56D6C9 hsv 174 60 84 xyz 0.38 0.54 0.64 lab 79 -38 -4 lch 79 38 186 cmyk 50 0 5 16 medium_turquoise[5648][72,209,204](4.6):turquoise_medium[8589][72,209,204](4.6):turquoise[8578][48,213,200](5.2):PMS3255[375][71,214,193](5.9):PMS325[373][86,201,193](6.0) 2 medium:PMS325:PMS3255:turquoise +375 PMS3255 rgb 71 214 193 hex #47D6C1 hsv 171 67 84 xyz 0.36 0.53 0.59 lab 78 -43 -1 lch 78 43 181 cmyk 56 0 8 16 turquoise[8578][48,213,200](4.0):turquoise[8579][64,224,208](4.4):PMS333[400][94,221,193](5.1):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](5.9):PMS3258[376][53,196,175](6.2) 2 PMS3252:PMS3258:PMS333:turquoise +376 PMS3258 rgb 53 196 175 hex #35C4AF hsv 171 73 77 xyz 0.29 0.43 0.47 lab 72 -42 0 lch 72 42 180 cmyk 56 0 8 23 puerto_rico[6835][63,193,170](1.7):tealish[8293][36,188,168](3.2):turquoise[8577][6,194,172](3.2):PMS3265[379][0,198,178](4.5):PMS3262[378][0,193,181](5.2) 4 PMS3262:PMS3265:puerto:rico:tealish:turquoise +377 PMS326 rgb 0 178 170 hex #00B2AA hsv 177 100 70 xyz 0.23 0.35 0.44 lab 66 -39 -7 lch 66 40 190 cmyk 70 0 3 30 light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](1.4):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](1.4):tiffany_blue[8354][10,186,181](2.8):topaz[8421][19,187,175](4.1):PMS3272[382][0,170,158](4.2) 6 light:PMS3272:sea:tiffany:topaz:blue:green +378 PMS3262 rgb 0 193 181 hex #00C1B5 hsv 176 100 76 xyz 0.27 0.41 0.5 lab 71 -43 -5 lch 71 43 187 cmyk 76 0 5 24 topaz[8421][19,187,175](2.8):PMS3265[379][0,198,178](4.4):tealish[8293][36,188,168](4.6):PMS3258[376][53,196,175](5.2):turquoise[8577][6,194,172](5.4) 3 PMS3258:PMS3265:tealish:topaz:turquoise +379 PMS3265 rgb 0 198 178 hex #00C6B2 hsv 174 100 78 xyz 0.28 0.44 0.49 lab 72 -46 -2 lch 72 46 182 cmyk 78 0 8 22 turquoise[8577][6,194,172](2.4):PMS3262[378][0,193,181](4.4):PMS3258[376][53,196,175](4.5):tealish[8293][36,188,168](5.1):puerto_rico[6835][63,193,170](5.9) 3 PMS3258:PMS3262:puerto:rico:tealish:turquoise +380 PMS3268 rgb 0 175 153 hex #00AF99 hsv 172 100 69 xyz 0.21 0.33 0.35 lab 64 -43 1 lch 64 43 179 cmyk 69 0 9 31 strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](2.8):PMS808[926][0,181,155](3.0):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](3.3):persian_green[6604][0,166,147](3.7):tealish[8293][36,188,168](5.5) 4 strong:PMS3275:PMS808:opal:persian:tealish:green +381 PMS327 rgb 0 140 130 hex #008C82 hsv 176 100 55 xyz 0.13 0.2 0.24 lab 52 -34 -4 lch 52 34 186 cmyk 55 0 4 45 PMS3282[387][0,140,130](0.0):teal[8284][2,147,134](4.1):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](4.2):windfall[9130][0,133,117](4.6):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](5.1) 4 PMS3282:greenish:lochinvar:teal:windfall:blue +382 PMS3272 rgb 0 170 158 hex #00AA9E hsv 176 100 67 xyz 0.21 0.31 0.37 lab 63 -39 -4 lch 63 39 186 cmyk 67 0 5 33 manganese_blue[5502][3,168,158](1.7):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](3.7):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](3.7):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](4.1):PMS326[377][0,178,170](4.2) 7 light:PMS326:PMS3275:manganese:sea:blue:green +383 PMS3275 rgb 0 178 160 hex #00B2A0 hsv 174 100 70 xyz 0.22 0.34 0.39 lab 65 -42 -2 lch 65 42 182 cmyk 70 0 7 30 PMS3268[380][0,175,153](3.3):PMS3272[382][0,170,158](4.1):tealish[8293][36,188,168](4.1):strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](4.4):persian_green[6604][0,166,147](4.6) 5 strong:PMS3268:PMS3272:opal:persian:tealish:green +384 PMS3278 rgb 0 155 132 hex #009B84 hsv 171 100 61 xyz 0.16 0.25 0.26 lab 57 -40 2 lch 57 40 177 cmyk 61 0 9 39 gossamer[3952][6,155,129](2.2):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](2.4):niagara[6045][6,161,137](2.4):origin[6253][0,156,138](2.4):PMS3285[388][0,153,135](2.8) 9 2X:PMS3285:PMS808:gossamer:niagara:origin +385 PMS327_2X rgb 0 137 119 hex #008977 hsv 172 100 54 xyz 0.12 0.19 0.21 lab 51 -36 1 lch 51 36 179 cmyk 54 0 7 46 windfall[9130][0,133,117](1.7):PMS569[739][0,135,114](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](2.4):PMS3288[389][0,130,112](3.2):observatory[6092][2,134,111](3.3) 10 PMS3288:PMS569:elf:observatory:windfall:green +386 PMS328 rgb 0 119 112 hex #007770 hsv 176 100 47 xyz 0.1 0.14 0.18 lab 45 -30 -4 lch 45 30 188 cmyk 47 0 3 53 pine_green[6658][1,121,111](1.4):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](2.4):genoa[3841][21,115,107](3.0):pine_green[6660][21,128,120](3.0):PMS562[728][30,122,109](4.2) 11 PMS562:genoa:pine:surfie:green +387 PMS3282 rgb 0 140 130 hex #008C82 hsv 176 100 55 xyz 0.13 0.2 0.24 lab 52 -34 -4 lch 52 34 186 cmyk 55 0 4 45 PMS327[381][0,140,130](0.0):teal[8284][2,147,134](4.1):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](4.2):windfall[9130][0,133,117](4.6):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](5.1) 4 PMS327:greenish:lochinvar:teal:windfall:blue +388 PMS3285 rgb 0 153 135 hex #009987 hsv 173 100 60 xyz 0.16 0.25 0.27 lab 57 -38 0 lch 57 38 180 cmyk 60 0 7 40 origin[6253][0,156,138](1.4):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](2.8):teal[8284][2,147,134](3.5):blue/green[1539][15,155,142](3.7):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](4.7) 9 2X:PMS3278:PMS808:blue/green:origin:teal +389 PMS3288 rgb 0 130 112 hex #008270 hsv 172 100 51 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.18 lab 48 -35 1 lch 48 35 178 cmyk 51 0 7 49 PMS3295[392][0,130,114](1.4):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](1.4):blue_green[1565][19,126,109](2.2):tropical_rain_forest[8537][23,128,109](2.2):windfall[9130][0,133,117](2.2) 11 PMS3295:elf:forest:rain:tropical:windfall:blue:green +390 PMS329 rgb 0 109 102 hex #006D66 hsv 176 100 43 xyz 0.08 0.12 0.14 lab 41 -28 -4 lch 41 28 187 cmyk 43 0 3 57 genoa[3841][21,115,107](2.2):PMS323[368][0,102,99](3.5):dark_aquamarine[2679][1,115,113](3.7):PMS328[386][0,119,112](4.5):PMS322[367][0,114,114](4.6) 5 dark:PMS322:PMS323:PMS328:genoa:aquamarine +391 PMS3292 rgb 0 96 86 hex #006056 hsv 174 100 38 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.1 lab 36 -27 -1 lch 36 27 183 cmyk 38 0 4 62 deep_opal[3023][0,89,78](3.3):PMS330[394][0,89,81](3.7):dark_green_blue[2765][31,99,87](4.1):cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](4.5):mosque[5908][0,95,91](4.5) 6 deep:dark:PMS330:cowabunga:mosque:opal:blue:green +392 PMS3295 rgb 0 130 114 hex #008272 hsv 173 100 51 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.19 lab 48 -34 0 lch 48 34 180 cmyk 51 0 6 49 PMS3288[389][0,130,112](1.4):blue_green[1565][19,126,109](1.7):tropical_rain_forest[8537][23,128,109](2.2):windfall[9130][0,133,117](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](2.4) 9 PMS3288:elf:forest:rain:tropical:windfall:blue:green +393 PMS3298 rgb 0 107 91 hex #006B5B hsv 171 100 42 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.12 lab 40 -30 2 lch 40 31 177 cmyk 42 0 6 58 teal_green[8290][0,109,91](1.7):PMS336[403][0,104,84](2.4):PMS564[732][5,112,94](2.8):bingo[1415][0,116,96](4.4):PMS342[414][0,107,84](5.0) 5 PMS336:PMS342:PMS564:bingo:teal:green +394 PMS330 rgb 0 89 81 hex #005951 hsv 175 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.09 lab 33 -25 -2 lch 33 25 184 cmyk 35 0 3 65 deep_opal[3023][0,89,78](2.2):eden[3361][16,88,82](2.2):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](2.4):PMS3292[391][0,96,86](3.7):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](4.1) 9 deep:dark:PMS3292:eden:opal:blue:green:turquoise +395 PMS3302 rgb 0 73 63 hex #00493F hsv 172 100 29 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.06 lab 27 -23 0 lch 27 23 179 cmyk 29 0 4 71 aqua_deep[1102][1,75,67](1.7):aquamarine[1113][1,75,67](1.7):evening_sea[3522][2,78,70](2.2):PMS3308[397][0,68,56](2.8):PMS3305[396][0,79,66](3.5) 9 deep:PMS3305:PMS3308:aqua:evening:sea:aquamarine +396 PMS3305 rgb 0 79 66 hex #004F42 hsv 170 100 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.06 lab 29 -25 2 lch 29 25 176 cmyk 31 0 5 69 jackpot[4710][20,83,70](2.8):PMS3302[395][0,73,63](3.5):evening_sea[3522][2,78,70](3.6):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.7):filmpro_pthalo_green[3617][0,86,69](4.1) 11 dark:PMS3302:evening:filmpro:jackpot:pthalo:sea:blue:green +397 PMS3308 rgb 0 68 56 hex #004438 hsv 169 100 27 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -23 2 lch 25 23 175 cmyk 27 0 5 73 PMS3302[395][0,73,63](2.8):aqua_deep[1102][1,75,67](4.4):aquamarine[1113][1,75,67](4.4):PMS3305[396][0,79,66](4.5):brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](4.9) 7 deep:PMS3302:PMS3305:aqua:brunswick:aquamarine:green +398 PMS331 rgb 186 234 214 hex #BAEAD6 hsv 155 21 92 xyz 0.62 0.74 0.75 lab 89 -19 5 lch 89 20 166 cmyk 19 0 8 8 pale_light_grayish_spring_green[6376][184,231,208](1.7):aero_blue[966][192,232,213](2.0):PMS572[742][188,226,206](3.7):cruise[2612][181,236,223](4.1):water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](4.1) 7 pale:light:PMS572:aero:cruise:grayish:leaf:spring:water:blue:green +399 PMS332 rgb 160 229 206 hex #A0E5CE hsv 160 30 90 xyz 0.54 0.68 0.69 lab 86 -26 4 lch 86 27 171 cmyk 27 0 9 10 PMS337[404][155,219,193](3.6):vitra[8889][161,220,199](4.2):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](5.5):renew[7184][140,215,197](5.5):magic_mint[5450][170,240,209](6.0) 2 pale:PMS337:egg:magic:renew:robin:vitra:blue:mint +400 PMS333 rgb 94 221 193 hex #5EDDC1 hsv 167 57 87 xyz 0.4 0.58 0.6 lab 81 -42 3 lch 81 42 176 cmyk 50 0 11 13 PMS3255[375][71,214,193](5.1):brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](6.8):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](7.0):turquoise[8579][64,224,208](7.3):tiffany_blue[8355][123,242,218](7.9) 0 brilliant:PMS3255:opal:tiffany:blue:turquoise +401 PMS334 rgb 0 153 124 hex #00997C hsv 169 100 60 xyz 0.15 0.24 0.23 lab 56 -41 6 lch 56 42 172 cmyk 60 0 11 40 paolo_veronese_green[6472][0,155,125](1.4):gossamer[3952][6,155,129](2.2):PMS340[410][0,153,119](2.8):observatory[6091][0,143,112](3.3):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](4.2) 7 PMS3278:PMS340:gossamer:observatory:paolo:veronese:green +402 PMS335 rgb 0 124 102 hex #007C66 hsv 169 100 49 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.15 lab 46 -35 4 lch 46 35 174 cmyk 49 0 9 51 generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](1.7):deep_sea[3051][1,130,107](2.2):deep_sea[3052][22,126,101](2.4):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](2.4):deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](3.0) 14 deep:cyan:forest:generic:rain:sea:tropical:viridian:green:turquoise +403 PMS336 rgb 0 104 84 hex #006854 hsv 168 100 41 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -31 4 lch 39 31 173 cmyk 41 0 8 59 teal_green[8290][0,109,91](2.2):PMS3298[393][0,107,91](2.4):PMS342[414][0,107,84](3.0):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](3.5):PMS564[732][5,112,94](3.7) 10 PMS3298:PMS342:PMS564:teal:watercourse:green +404 PMS337 rgb 155 219 193 hex #9BDBC1 hsv 156 29 86 xyz 0.48 0.61 0.6 lab 83 -26 6 lch 83 26 166 cmyk 25 0 10 14 PMS332[399][160,229,206](3.6):vitra[8889][161,220,199](3.6):renew[7184][140,215,197](4.6):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](4.9):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](4.9) 5 PMS332:aqua:pearl:renew:sea:vitra:green +405 PMS3375 rgb 142 226 188 hex #8EE2BC hsv 153 37 89 xyz 0.47 0.64 0.57 lab 84 -34 11 lch 84 35 163 cmyk 33 0 15 11 zeal[9250][145,224,183](1.7):algae_green[996][147,223,184](2.4):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](2.4):light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](3.3):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](5.1) 4 light:algae:spring:teal:zeal:aquamarine:green +406 PMS338 rgb 122 209 181 hex #7AD1B5 hsv 161 42 82 xyz 0.39 0.53 0.52 lab 78 -33 6 lch 78 33 170 cmyk 34 0 11 18 seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](1.0):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](4.7):downy[3262][111,210,190](5.1):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](5.5):pale_teal[6437][130,203,178](5.5) 2 pale:PMS3248:aqua:downy:pearl:seafoam:teal:blue +407 PMS3385 rgb 84 216 168 hex #54D8A8 hsv 158 61 85 xyz 0.35 0.54 0.46 lab 78 -47 13 lch 78 49 165 cmyk 52 0 19 15 eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](3.2):medium_aquamarine[5597][102,221,170](3.5):shamrock[7640][69,206,162](3.6):shamrock[7639][51,204,153](5.7):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](6.7) 3 medium:eucalyptus:shamrock:aquamarine +408 PMS339 rgb 0 178 140 hex #00B28C hsv 167 100 70 xyz 0.21 0.34 0.3 lab 65 -47 9 lch 65 48 170 cmyk 70 0 15 30 green_blue[4035][6,180,139](1.4):mountain_meadow[5917][26,179,133](4.1):mountain_meadow[5918][48,186,143](4.4):jungle_green[4791][41,171,135](4.5):strong_turquoise[8062][0,168,126](5.0) 5 strong:jungle:meadow:mountain:blue:green:turquoise +409 PMS3395 rgb 0 201 147 hex #00C993 hsv 164 100 79 xyz 0.26 0.44 0.35 lab 72 -55 15 lch 72 57 164 cmyk 79 0 21 21 caribbean_green[2087][0,204,153](1.7):turquoise_blue[8581][0,199,140](3.3):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](3.6):green/blue[4032][1,192,141](3.7):greenblue[4075][35,196,139](3.7) 6 medium:caribbean:green/blue:greenblue:aquamarine:blue:green:turquoise +410 PMS340 rgb 0 153 119 hex #009977 hsv 167 100 60 xyz 0.15 0.24 0.21 lab 56 -43 8 lch 56 44 169 cmyk 60 0 13 40 paolo_veronese_green[6472][0,155,125](2.4):PMS334[401][0,153,124](2.8):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](4.4):observatory[6091][0,143,112](4.4):gossamer[3952][6,155,129](4.6) 5 PMS334:earth:gossamer:mother:observatory:paolo:veronese:green +411 PMS3405 rgb 0 178 122 hex #00B27A hsv 161 100 70 xyz 0.19 0.33 0.24 lab 64 -52 18 lch 64 55 161 cmyk 70 0 22 30 dark_seafoam[2879][31,181,122](3.0):green_teal[4063][12,181,119](3.3):bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](4.1):green[4030][28,172,120](4.2):jade[4713][0,168,107](4.4) 6 dark:bluey:jade:seafoam:teal:green +412 PMS341 rgb 0 122 94 hex #007A5E hsv 166 100 48 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.13 lab 45 -36 7 lch 45 37 169 cmyk 48 0 11 52 deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](1.4):generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](2.8):deep_sea[3052][22,126,101](3.0):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](3.0):PMS335[402][0,124,102](3.3) 9 deep:PMS335:cyan:forest:generic:rain:sea:tropical:viridian:green:turquoise +413 PMS3415 rgb 0 124 89 hex #007C59 hsv 163 100 49 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.12 lab 46 -38 11 lch 46 40 164 cmyk 49 0 14 51 spanish_viridian[7881][0,127,92](1.4):PMS341[412][0,122,94](4.6):deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](5.0):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](5.8):elf_green[3461][27,138,107](5.8) 3 deep:dark:PMS341:cyan:elf:sea:spanish:viridian:green:turquoise +414 PMS342 rgb 0 107 84 hex #006B54 hsv 167 100 42 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.1 lab 40 -33 6 lch 40 33 170 cmyk 42 0 9 58 watercourse[9014][5,111,87](1.0):PMS555[714][7,109,84](1.4):bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](2.4):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](2.4):robin_hood[7253][22,112,87](2.4) 12 PMS555:bangladesh:bottle:hood:robin:watercourse:green +415 PMS3425 rgb 0 104 71 hex #006847 hsv 161 100 41 xyz 0.06 0.1 0.08 lab 38 -35 11 lch 38 37 162 cmyk 41 0 13 59 watercourse[9013][0,110,78](3.2):bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](3.3):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](3.3):jewel[4765][19,104,67](3.3):emerald_green[3469][0,108,70](4.1) 7 bangladesh:bottle:emerald:jewel:watercourse:green +416 PMS343 rgb 0 86 63 hex #00563F hsv 164 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -29 7 lch 32 30 166 cmyk 34 0 9 66 castleton_green[2128][0,86,63](0.0):sacramento_state_green[7395][0,86,63](0.0):deep_turquoise[3072][0,89,67](1.4):PMS554[712][25,94,71](3.6):filmpro_pthalo_green[3617][0,86,69](3.6) 5 deep:PMS554:castleton:filmpro:pthalo:sacramento:state:green:turquoise +417 PMS3435 rgb 2 73 48 hex #024930 hsv 159 97 29 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.04 lab 27 -27 9 lch 27 29 161 cmyk 28 0 10 71 evergreen[3527][5,71,42](3.2):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](4.2):zuccini[9278][23,70,46](4.2):county_green[2560][27,75,53](5.2):sherwood_green[7652][2,64,44](5.4) 3 british:county:evergreen:racing:sherwood:zuccini:green +418 PMS344 rgb 181 226 191 hex #B5E2BF hsv 133 20 89 xyz 0.56 0.68 0.59 lab 86 -21 12 lch 86 25 150 cmyk 18 0 14 11 fringy_flower[3770][177,226,193](1.4):fringy_flower[3771][180,225,187](2.2):pale_light_grayish_malachite_green[6371][184,231,196](2.2):padua[6299][173,230,196](4.2):PMS351[425][181,232,191](4.7) 5 pale:light:PMS351:flower:fringy:grayish:malachite:padua:green +419 PMS345 rgb 150 216 175 hex #96D8AF hsv 143 31 85 xyz 0.45 0.59 0.5 lab 81 -29 14 lch 81 32 155 cmyk 26 0 16 15 chinook[2298][157,211,168](3.7):vista_blue[8886][151,213,179](3.7):algae_green[996][147,223,184](4.1):vista_blue[8885][143,214,180](4.1):zeal[9250][145,224,183](4.9) 5 algae:chinook:vista:zeal:blue:green +420 PMS346 rgb 112 206 155 hex #70CE9B hsv 147 46 81 xyz 0.35 0.5 0.39 lab 76 -39 17 lch 76 43 157 cmyk 37 0 20 19 silver_tree[7722][103,190,144](5.7):de_york[2943][122,196,136](7.3):medium_aquamarine[5597][102,221,170](7.5):PMS353[427][132,226,168](7.7):ocean_green[6099][72,191,145](8.4) 0 medium:PMS353:de:ocean:silver:tree:york:aquamarine:green +421 PMS347 rgb 0 158 96 hex #009E60 hsv 156 100 62 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.15 lab 57 -50 23 lch 57 55 156 cmyk 62 0 24 38 shamrock_green[7641][0,158,96](0.0):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](2.8):howzat[4577][0,158,89](3.2):jade[4713][0,168,107](4.6):spanish_green[7872][0,145,80](4.6) 6 haze:howzat:jade:shamrock:spanish:green +422 PMS348 rgb 0 135 81 hex #008751 hsv 156 100 53 xyz 0.1 0.18 0.11 lab 49 -45 20 lch 49 49 155 cmyk 53 0 21 47 salem[7422][9,127,75](3.6):sea_green[7558][46,139,87](5.8):eucalyptus[3516][39,138,91](6.2):jungle_green[4789][4,130,67](6.3):PMS356[430][0,122,61](6.5) 1 PMS356:eucalyptus:jungle:salem:sea:green +423 PMS349 rgb 0 107 63 hex #006B3F hsv 155 100 42 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.06 lab 39 -38 17 lch 39 42 155 cmyk 42 0 17 58 dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](1.0):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](2.2):jewel[4764][18,107,64](2.2):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](3.3):emerald_green[3469][0,108,70](3.3) 8 dark:cadmium:dartmouth:emerald:jewel:spring:green +424 PMS350 rgb 35 79 51 hex #234F33 hsv 142 56 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.04 lab 30 -23 12 lch 30 26 152 cmyk 17 0 11 69 kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](1.4):mid_green[5706][36,83,54](1.4):cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](3.7):cal_poly_pomona_green[2007][30,77,43](3.7):zuccini[9278][23,70,46](4.5) 8 cal:kaitoke:mid:poly:pomona:zuccini:green +425 PMS351 rgb 181 232 191 hex #B5E8BF hsv 132 22 91 xyz 0.57 0.71 0.6 lab 88 -24 15 lch 88 28 149 cmyk 20 0 16 9 fringy_flower[3771][180,225,187](3.0):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](3.2):pale_light_grayish_malachite_green[6371][184,231,196](3.6):chinook[2299][168,227,189](4.1):padua[6299][173,230,196](4.2) 7 pale:light:chinook:flower:fringy:grayish:malachite:padua:green +426 PMS352 rgb 153 229 178 hex #99E5B2 hsv 140 33 90 xyz 0.49 0.66 0.52 lab 85 -34 18 lch 85 38 153 cmyk 30 0 20 10 teal_deer[8289][153,230,179](1.0):hospital_green[4549][155,229,170](4.1):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](5.7):light_sea_green[5197][139,231,174](6.1):zeal[9250][145,224,183](6.4) 2 light:deer:hospital:sea:spring:teal:zeal:green +427 PMS353 rgb 132 226 168 hex #84E2A8 hsv 143 42 89 xyz 0.44 0.62 0.47 lab 83 -40 20 lch 83 45 154 cmyk 37 0 23 11 light_sea_green[5197][139,231,174](2.2):hospital_green[4549][155,229,170](5.7):light_malachite_green[5141][139,231,162](5.7):PMS352[426][153,229,178](6.6):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](6.6) 1 light:PMS352:hospital:malachite:sea:spring:green +428 PMS354 rgb 0 183 96 hex #00B760 hsv 151 100 72 xyz 0.19 0.35 0.17 lab 66 -59 33 lch 66 68 150 cmyk 72 0 34 28 algae_green[995][33,195,111](4.6):cool_green[2471][51,184,100](5.0):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](6.2):strong_spring_green[8060][0,168,84](6.7):green[4023][0,165,80](8.1) 2 dark:strong:algae:cool:spring:green:mint +429 PMS355 rgb 0 158 73 hex #009E49 hsv 148 100 62 xyz 0.13 0.25 0.1 lab 57 -54 34 lch 57 64 148 cmyk 62 0 33 38 emerald[3467][1,160,73](1.7):green[4023][0,165,80](2.2):PMS452_2X[542][0,153,68](2.4):strong_spring_green[8060][0,168,84](3.7):kelley_green[4825][0,147,55](6.5) 4 strong:2X:PMS452:emerald:kelley:spring:green +430 PMS356 rgb 0 122 61 hex #007A3D hsv 150 100 48 xyz 0.08 0.14 0.07 lab 45 -44 25 lch 45 51 150 cmyk 48 0 24 52 jungle_green[4789][4,130,67](2.4):salem[7422][9,127,75](5.7):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](5.9):la_salle_green[4904][8,120,48](6.2):PMS348[422][0,135,81](6.5) 1 PMS348:darkish:jungle:la:salem:salle:green +431 PMS357 rgb 33 91 51 hex #215B33 hsv 139 64 36 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.04 lab 34 -29 18 lch 34 34 149 cmyk 23 0 16 64 pine[6653][43,93,52](2.4):crusoe[2615][22,91,49](3.0):dark_emerald_green[2720][39,89,45](3.0):grass_stain[3988][22,91,49](3.0):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](3.6) 7 dark:crusoe:emerald:grass:malachite:pine:stain:green +432 PMS358 rgb 170 221 150 hex #AADD96 hsv 103 32 87 xyz 0.48 0.62 0.38 lab 83 -29 30 lch 83 42 135 cmyk 20 0 28 13 PMS359[433][160,219,142](4.6):granny_smith_apple[3974][168,228,160](4.7):gossip[3954][159,211,133](5.4):light_grey_green[5124][183,225,161](5.4):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](5.4) 2 light:PMS359:apple:frutti:gossip:granny:smith:tutti:green:grey +433 PMS359 rgb 160 219 142 hex #A0DB8E hsv 106 35 86 xyz 0.45 0.6 0.35 lab 82 -33 32 lch 82 46 136 cmyk 23 0 30 14 feijoa[3569][159,221,140](2.8):granny_smith_apple[3973][157,224,147](3.3):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](3.7):gossip[3954][159,211,133](3.7):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](3.7) 6 apple:feijoa:frutti:gossip:granny:smith:tutti +434 PMS360 rgb 96 198 89 hex #60C659 hsv 116 55 78 xyz 0.27 0.44 0.16 lab 72 -51 45 lch 72 68 139 cmyk 40 0 43 22 filmpro_digital_green[3609][68,197,83](7.1):pastel_green[6504][119,221,119](9.0):apple[1080][102,179,72](9.3):leafy_green[4955][81,183,59](9.4):mantis[5511][116,195,101](9.4) 0 apple:digital:filmpro:leafy:mantis:pastel:green +435 PMS361 rgb 30 181 58 hex #1EB53A hsv 131 83 71 xyz 0.18 0.34 0.1 lab 65 -62 50 lch 65 79 141 cmyk 59 0 48 29 kelly_green[4826][2,171,46](4.1):strong_malachite_green[8041][0,168,42](5.2):dark_pastel_green[2835][3,192,60](5.8):shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](6.4):green[4025][0,173,67](7.9) 1 dark:strong:kelly:malachite:pastel:shamrock:green +436 PMS362 rgb 51 158 53 hex #339E35 hsv 121 68 62 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -51 45 lch 57 68 139 cmyk 42 0 41 38 irish_green[4673][1,149,41](5.0):forest_green[3724][35,142,35](5.2):forest_green[3723][34,139,34](6.1):emerald_green[3471][2,143,30](6.2):apple[1079][79,168,61](6.5) 1 apple:emerald:forest:irish:green +437 PMS363 rgb 61 142 51 hex #3D8E33 hsv 113 64 56 xyz 0.12 0.21 0.06 lab 52 -43 40 lch 52 59 137 cmyk 32 0 36 44 la_palma[4901][66,137,41](3.7):cobalt_green[2400][61,145,64](5.4):bilbao[1409][62,128,39](6.4):tree_green[8465][42,126,25](7.3):may_green[5588][76,145,65](7.3) 1 bilbao:cobalt:la:may:palma:tree:green +438 PMS364 rgb 58 119 40 hex #3A7728 hsv 106 66 47 xyz 0.09 0.14 0.04 lab 45 -36 36 lch 45 51 134 cmyk 24 0 31 53 lucky_break[5352][62,118,45](3.7):kermit[4837][54,129,54](5.2):bilbao[1409][62,128,39](5.4):topspin[8425][66,113,32](5.7):japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](6.2) 1 bilbao:break:japanese:kermit:laurel:lucky:topspin +439 PMS365 rgb 211 232 163 hex #D3E8A3 hsv 78 30 91 xyz 0.62 0.74 0.46 lab 89 -18 31 lch 89 36 120 cmyk 8 0 27 9 geneva[3839][210,224,158](3.6):sherbert[7649][210,224,158](3.6):caper[2063][220,237,180](6.2):deco[2948][210,218,151](6.5):lucky_dip[5353][209,239,159](7.3) 2 caper:deco:dip:geneva:lucky:sherbert +440 PMS366 rgb 196 229 142 hex #C4E58E hsv 83 38 90 xyz 0.56 0.7 0.36 lab 87 -25 39 lch 87 46 123 cmyk 13 0 34 10 light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](2.2):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](4.1):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](4.4):PMS372[447][216,237,150](5.1):light_chartreuse_green[5080][185,231,139](5.1) 3 light:PMS372:bud:chartreuse:spring:green:lime:yellow +441 PMS367 rgb 170 221 109 hex #AADD6D hsv 87 51 87 xyz 0.45 0.61 0.24 lab 83 -35 49 lch 83 60 125 cmyk 20 0 44 13 sulu[8114][193,240,124](6.6):dark_olive_green[2816][162,205,90](7.3):green_yellow[4070][147,219,112](7.5):sulu[8115][198,234,128](8.8):pistachio[6722][192,250,139](9.4) 0 dark:olive:pistachio:sulu:green:yellow +442 PMS368 rgb 91 191 33 hex #5BBF21 hsv 98 83 75 xyz 0.23 0.4 0.08 lab 69 -55 64 lch 69 84 131 cmyk 39 0 62 25 frog_green[3773][88,188,8](3.2):kelly_green[4827][76,187,23](3.6):PMS375_2X[451][84,188,0](4.2):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](6.7):apple[1081][110,203,60](7.1) 3 2X:PMS375:apple:frog:kelly:kermit:green +443 PMS368_2X rgb 0 158 15 hex #009E0F hsv 126 100 62 xyz 0.12 0.24 0.05 lab 57 -60 56 lch 57 82 137 cmyk 62 0 56 38 strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](4.1):true_green[8546][8,148,4](5.1):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](5.9):strong_malachite_green[8041][0,168,42](5.9):strong_sap_green[8055][21,168,0](6.2) 1 strong:emerald:harlequin:malachite:sap:true:green +444 PMS369 rgb 86 170 28 hex #56AA1C hsv 95 84 67 xyz 0.18 0.31 0.06 lab 62 -48 59 lch 62 76 129 cmyk 33 0 56 33 lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](2.4):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](4.1):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](4.1):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](4.1):grassy_green[3990][65,156,3](5.4) 4 strong:chartreuse:cinnabar:grassy:lawn:leaf:green +445 PMS370 rgb 86 142 20 hex #568E14 hsv 88 86 56 xyz 0.14 0.21 0.04 lab 53 -37 53 lch 53 65 125 cmyk 22 0 48 44 vida_loca[8835][84,144,25](2.4):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](3.2):kakapo[4809][92,150,37](4.4):limeade[5276][95,151,39](5.0):chartreuse[2235][69,139,0](5.5) 4 chartreuse:kakapo:limeade:loca:sap:vida:green +446 PMS371 rgb 86 107 33 hex #566B21 hsv 77 69 42 xyz 0.09 0.13 0.03 lab 42 -20 37 lch 42 42 118 cmyk 8 0 29 58 camouflage_green[2029][75,97,19](4.5):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](4.9):PMS378[454][86,99,20](5.4):fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](5.4):army_green[1144][75,93,22](5.5) 2 PMS378:army:camo:camouflage:fiji:green +447 PMS372 rgb 216 237 150 hex #D8ED96 hsv 74 37 93 xyz 0.64 0.77 0.4 lab 90 -21 40 lch 90 45 117 cmyk 8 0 34 7 light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](3.0):lucky_dip[5353][209,239,159](4.6):reef[7165][209,239,159](4.6):PMS366[440][196,229,142](5.1):medium_spring_bud[5642][201,220,135](5.1) 3 medium:light:PMS366:bud:dip:lucky:reef:spring:green:lime +448 PMS373 rgb 206 234 130 hex #CEEA82 hsv 76 44 92 xyz 0.59 0.74 0.32 lab 89 -25 47 lch 89 54 118 cmyk 11 0 41 8 yellow_green[9209][197,225,122](3.0):sulu[8115][198,234,128](3.2):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](5.0):hypnotic[4592][209,225,130](5.7):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](5.9) 3 light:hypnotic:sulu:green:lime:yellow +449 PMS374 rgb 186 232 96 hex #BAE860 hsv 80 59 91 xyz 0.51 0.69 0.22 lab 87 -35 60 lch 87 69 120 cmyk 18 0 53 9 dark_olive_green[2817][188,238,104](1.7):conifer[2462][177,221,82](4.6):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](5.4):inchworm[4624][178,236,93](5.4):conifer[2461][172,221,77](6.2) 2 dark:conifer:inch:inchworm:olive:worm:green +450 PMS375 rgb 140 214 0 hex #8CD600 hsv 81 100 84 xyz 0.35 0.54 0.09 lab 78 -48 77 lch 78 91 122 cmyk 29 0 84 16 sheen_green[7646][143,212,0](1.0):alien_armpit[999][132,222,2](6.4):vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](9.3):vivid_spring_bud[8951][145,231,0](9.4):slime_green[7776][153,204,4](9.4) 1 vivid:alien:armpit:bud:sheen:slime:spring:green:lime +451 PMS375_2X rgb 84 188 0 hex #54BC00 hsv 93 100 74 xyz 0.22 0.38 0.06 lab 68 -56 68 lch 68 88 130 cmyk 41 0 74 26 frog_green[3773][88,188,8](1.4):PMS368[442][91,191,33](4.2):kelly_green[4827][76,187,23](4.6):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](7.0):chartreuse[2236][102,205,0](7.9) 3 PMS368:chartreuse:frog:kelly:kermit:green +452 PMS376 rgb 127 186 0 hex #7FBA00 hsv 79 100 73 xyz 0.26 0.4 0.06 lab 69 -41 70 lch 69 81 121 cmyk 23 0 73 27 dark_lime_green[2789][126,189,1](2.2):dark_lime[2787][132,183,1](3.2):lima[5265][118,189,23](5.9):apple_green[1085][141,182,0](7.0):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](7.5) 2 dark:apple:atlantis:lima:green:lime +453 PMS377 rgb 112 147 2 hex #709302 hsv 74 99 58 xyz 0.17 0.24 0.04 lab 56 -30 59 lch 56 66 117 cmyk 14 0 57 42 dark_yellow_green[2921][114,143,2](3.3):ugly_green[8631][122,151,3](4.1):limeade[5277][111,157,2](6.6):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](8.6):sushi[8166][124,159,47](8.7) 2 dark:limeade:sap:sushi:ugly:green:yellow +454 PMS378 rgb 86 99 20 hex #566314 hsv 70 80 39 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.02 lab 40 -16 40 lch 40 43 112 cmyk 5 0 31 61 fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](4.0):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](4.4):camouflage_green[2029][75,97,19](4.6):deep_apple_green[2951][78,89,0](5.1):PMS371[446][86,107,33](5.4) 3 deep:PMS371:apple:camouflage:fiji:saratoga:green +455 PMS379 rgb 224 234 104 hex #E0EA68 hsv 65 56 92 xyz 0.63 0.76 0.24 lab 90 -21 61 lch 90 64 109 cmyk 4 0 51 8 honeysuckle[4536][232,237,105](2.4):mindaro[5751][218,234,111](4.2):curiosity[2627][211,229,104](4.7):PMS386[463][232,237,96](5.5):booger_buster[1651][221,226,106](5.8) 3 PMS386:booger:buster:curiosity:honeysuckle:mindaro +456 PMS380 rgb 214 229 66 hex #D6E542 hsv 66 71 90 xyz 0.57 0.71 0.16 lab 87 -24 73 lch 87 77 109 cmyk 6 0 64 10 PMS387[464][224,237,68](3.6):bitter_lemon[1441][210,219,50](4.1):las_palmas[4912][198,218,54](4.5):pear[6563][209,226,49](4.6):canary[2033][226,230,77](4.9) 5 PMS387:bitter:canary:las:palmas:pear:lemon +457 PMS381 rgb 204 226 38 hex #CCE226 hsv 67 83 89 xyz 0.52 0.67 0.12 lab 86 -28 79 lch 86 84 110 cmyk 9 0 74 11 sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](1.4):pear[6563][209,226,49](2.8):spritzer[7934][194,226,37](4.1):PMS389[466][206,224,7](4.2):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.2) 5 PMS389:bitter:pear:sickly:spritzer:lemon:yellow +458 PMS382 rgb 186 216 10 hex #BAD80A hsv 69 95 85 xyz 0.45 0.6 0.09 lab 82 -31 80 lch 82 86 111 cmyk 12 0 81 15 fuego[3800][190,222,13](3.0):spritzer[7934][194,226,37](3.3):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.7):PMS381[457][204,226,38](5.1):green/yellow[4033][181,206,8](5.4) 3 PMS381:bitter:fuego:green/yellow:spritzer:lemon +459 PMS382_2X rgb 158 196 0 hex #9EC400 hsv 72 100 77 xyz 0.34 0.47 0.07 lab 74 -34 74 lch 74 81 114 cmyk 15 0 77 23 citrus[2348][161,197,10](1.4):limerick[5288][157,194,9](1.7):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](1.7):snot_green[7805][157,193,0](1.7):bahia[1257][165,203,12](3.2) 5 bahia:citrus:limerick:pistachio:snot:green +460 PMS383 rgb 163 175 7 hex #A3AF07 hsv 64 96 69 xyz 0.3 0.38 0.06 lab 68 -21 69 lch 68 72 107 cmyk 5 0 66 31 mustard_green[5956][168,181,4](3.0):puke_green[6839][154,174,7](4.2):strong_olive[8043][168,168,0](5.1):snot[7804][172,187,13](5.4):strong_apple_green[8017][147,168,0](5.4) 2 strong:apple:mustard:olive:puke:snot:green +461 PMS384 rgb 147 153 5 hex #939905 hsv 62 97 60 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.05 lab 61 -17 63 lch 61 66 105 cmyk 2 0 58 40 pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](1.4):baby_poop_green[1247][143,152,5](2.2):PMS391[468][158,158,7](3.5):vomit[8971][162,164,21](4.6):citron[2346][158,169,31](5.8) 4 PMS391:baby:citron:pea:poop:soup:vomit:green +462 PMS385 rgb 112 112 20 hex #707014 hsv 60 82 44 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -11 47 lch 46 48 103 cmyk 0 0 36 56 olivetone[6175][113,110,16](1.4):brown_green[1847][112,108,17](2.2):brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](2.4):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](2.4):olive[6151][110,117,14](4.6) 5 brownish:browny:olive:olivetone:brown:green +463 PMS386 rgb 232 237 96 hex #E8ED60 hsv 62 59 93 xyz 0.66 0.79 0.23 lab 91 -19 66 lch 91 69 106 cmyk 2 0 55 7 honeysuckle[4536][232,237,105](4.0):PMS603[782][237,232,91](4.2):brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](4.6):PMS379[455][224,234,104](5.5):canary[2033][226,230,77](5.5) 3 brilliant:PMS379:PMS603:canary:honeysuckle:yellow +464 PMS387 rgb 224 237 68 hex #E0ED44 hsv 65 71 93 xyz 0.62 0.77 0.17 lab 90 -24 75 lch 90 79 108 cmyk 5 0 66 7 PMS380[456][214,229,66](3.6):starship[7959][236,242,69](4.1):pear[6563][209,226,49](4.9):canary[2033][226,230,77](5.7):sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](5.8) 3 PMS380:canary:pear:sickly:starship:yellow +465 PMS388 rgb 214 232 15 hex #D6E80F hsv 65 94 91 xyz 0.57 0.72 0.11 lab 88 -27 85 lch 88 89 108 cmyk 7 0 85 9 PMS389[466][206,224,7](3.6):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.1):vivid_apple_green[8893][202,231,0](5.1):sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](6.1):PMS395[474][229,232,17](6.2) 2 vivid:PMS389:PMS395:apple:bitter:sickly:green:lemon:yellow +466 PMS389 rgb 206 224 7 hex #CEE007 hsv 65 97 88 xyz 0.52 0.66 0.1 lab 85 -27 83 lch 85 88 108 cmyk 7 0 85 12 bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](2.0):PMS388[465][214,232,15](3.6):PMS381[457][204,226,38](4.2):sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](4.5):neva[6032][198,214,13](4.7) 5 PMS381:PMS388:bitter:neva:sickly:lemon:yellow +467 PMS390 rgb 186 196 5 hex #BAC405 hsv 63 97 77 xyz 0.4 0.5 0.08 lab 76 -22 76 lch 76 79 106 cmyk 4 0 75 23 baby_puke_green[1249][182,196,6](2.0):bile[1410][181,195,6](2.4):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](2.4):la_rioja[4903][186,192,14](3.0):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](3.6) 7 baby:bile:key:la:pie:puke:rioja:green:lime +468 PMS391 rgb 158 158 7 hex #9E9E07 hsv 60 96 62 xyz 0.26 0.32 0.05 lab 63 -15 65 lch 63 67 103 cmyk 0 0 59 38 vomit[8971][162,164,21](2.2):PMS384[461][147,153,5](3.5):pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](3.7):puke[6837][165,165,2](4.4):baby_poop_green[1247][143,152,5](5.4) 4 PMS384:baby:pea:poop:puke:soup:vomit:green +469 PMS392 rgb 132 130 5 hex #848205 hsv 59 96 52 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.03 lab 53 -12 57 lch 53 58 102 cmyk 0 1 50 48 heart_gold[4446][128,128,0](1.4):olive[6152][128,128,0](1.4):PMS582[767][135,137,5](3.0):yellow[9193][139,139,0](4.7):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](6.4) 4 PMS582:gold:heart:olive:shit:green:yellow +470 PMS393 rgb 242 239 135 hex #F2EF87 hsv 58 44 95 xyz 0.72 0.82 0.35 lab 93 -13 50 lch 93 52 105 cmyk 0 1 42 5 PMS602[781][242,234,135](3.0):milan[5733][246,244,147](3.2):texas[8315][236,230,126](3.3):khaki[4850][255,246,143](3.6):tidal[8349][240,245,144](3.7) 11 PMS602:khaki:milan:texas:tidal +471 PMS3935 rgb 242 237 109 hex #F2ED6D hsv 58 55 95 xyz 0.7 0.81 0.26 lab 92 -14 61 lch 92 63 103 cmyk 0 2 52 5 dolly[3159][245,241,113](1.4):smiles[7784][251,240,115](2.2):witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](2.2):straw[8006][252,246,121](3.2):sandy_yellow[7479][253,238,115](4.2) 7 dolly:haze:sandy:smiles:straw:witch:yellow +472 PMS394 rgb 234 237 53 hex #EAED35 hsv 61 78 93 xyz 0.65 0.78 0.15 lab 91 -21 81 lch 91 84 104 cmyk 1 0 72 7 off_yellow[6112][241,243,63](2.4):starship[7959][236,242,69](3.3):golden_fizz[3917][245,251,61](4.9):PMS395[474][229,232,17](5.4):PMS396[476][224,226,12](5.7) 3 PMS395:PMS396:fizz:golden:off:starship:yellow +473 PMS3945 rgb 239 234 7 hex #EFEA07 hsv 59 97 94 xyz 0.65 0.77 0.12 lab 90 -18 88 lch 90 90 102 cmyk 0 2 91 6 titanium_yellow[8378][238,230,0](1.4):peridot[6589][230,226,0](2.2):vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](2.2):yellow[9195][238,238,0](3.0):PMS395[474][229,232,17](3.7) 7 vivid:PMS395:peridot:titanium:yellow +474 PMS395 rgb 229 232 17 hex #E5E811 hsv 61 93 91 xyz 0.61 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -21 86 lch 89 89 104 cmyk 1 0 84 9 vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](2.2):PMS396[476][224,226,12](2.4):peridot[6589][230,226,0](3.3):PMS809[928][221,224,15](3.6):PMS3945[473][239,234,7](3.7) 7 vivid:PMS3945:PMS396:PMS809:peridot:yellow +475 PMS3955 rgb 237 226 17 hex #EDE211 hsv 57 93 93 xyz 0.62 0.72 0.11 lab 88 -15 86 lch 88 87 100 cmyk 0 4 86 7 PMS3965[477][232,221,17](2.8):titanium_yellow[8378][238,230,0](3.0):peridot[6589][230,226,0](3.2):PMS102[2][249,232,20](4.1):PMS3945[473][239,234,7](4.1) 8 PMS102:PMS3945:PMS3965:peridot:titanium:yellow +476 PMS396 rgb 224 226 12 hex #E0E20C hsv 61 95 89 xyz 0.58 0.7 0.11 lab 87 -20 85 lch 87 87 103 cmyk 1 0 84 11 PMS809[928][221,224,15](1.7):PMS395[474][229,232,17](2.4):peridot[6589][230,226,0](3.0):vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](3.6):PMS3945[473][239,234,7](4.7) 6 vivid:PMS3945:PMS395:PMS809:peridot:yellow +477 PMS3965 rgb 232 221 17 hex #E8DD11 hsv 57 93 91 xyz 0.59 0.69 0.11 lab 86 -15 84 lch 86 86 100 cmyk 0 4 84 9 PMS604[783][232,221,33](2.2):PMS3955[475][237,226,17](2.8):barberry[1291][222,215,23](3.7):piss_yellow[6718][221,214,24](3.7):peridot[6589][230,226,0](4.7) 6 PMS3955:PMS604:barberry:peridot:piss:yellow +478 PMS397 rgb 193 191 10 hex #C1BF0A hsv 59 95 76 xyz 0.41 0.49 0.08 lab 75 -16 75 lch 75 77 102 cmyk 0 1 72 24 puke_yellow[6840][194,190,14](1.0):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](1.7):PMS612[791][196,186,0](3.3):la_rioja[4903][186,192,14](4.1):olive_yellow[6169][194,183,9](4.6) 6 PMS612:la:olive:puke:rioja:vomit:yellow +479 PMS3975 rgb 181 168 12 hex #B5A80C hsv 55 93 71 xyz 0.33 0.38 0.06 lab 68 -10 69 lch 68 70 98 cmyk 0 5 66 29 PMS398[480][175,168,10](3.2):PMS613[792][175,160,12](4.1):muddy_yellow[5931][191,172,5](4.1):sahara[7416][183,162,20](4.9):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](5.8) 4 PMS398:PMS613:earls:muddy:sahara:green:yellow +480 PMS398 rgb 175 168 10 hex #AFA80A hsv 57 94 69 xyz 0.32 0.37 0.06 lab 67 -13 69 lch 67 70 100 cmyk 0 3 65 31 strong_olive[8043][168,168,0](3.0):PMS3975[479][181,168,12](3.2):puke[6837][165,165,2](3.3):vomit[8971][162,164,21](5.4):PMS613[792][175,160,12](5.7) 3 strong:PMS3975:PMS613:olive:puke:vomit +481 PMS3985 rgb 153 140 10 hex #998C0A hsv 55 93 60 xyz 0.23 0.26 0.04 lab 58 -8 60 lch 58 61 97 cmyk 0 5 56 40 PMS399[482][153,142,7](1.4):dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](4.6):PMS456[548][153,135,20](4.7):lucky[5350][171,154,28](5.5):PMS112[12][153,132,10](5.9) 3 dark:PMS112:PMS399:PMS456:lucky:yellow +482 PMS399 rgb 153 142 7 hex #998E07 hsv 55 95 60 xyz 0.23 0.26 0.04 lab 58 -9 61 lch 58 62 98 cmyk 0 4 57 40 PMS3985[481][153,140,10](1.4):lucky[5350][171,154,28](5.5):yellow[9193][139,139,0](5.5):dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](5.7):PMS456[548][153,135,20](6.0) 1 dark:PMS3985:PMS456:lucky:yellow +483 PMS3995 rgb 109 96 2 hex #6D6002 hsv 53 98 43 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.02 lab 41 -4 47 lch 41 47 95 cmyk 0 5 42 57 greeny_brown[4093][105,96,6](2.4):mustard[5951][116,100,13](2.4):spicy_mustard[7895][116,100,13](2.4):yukon_gold[9240][123,102,8](4.7):greenish_brown[4080][105,97,18](5.4) 4 gold:greenish:greeny:mustard:spicy:yukon:brown +484 PMS400 rgb 209 198 181 hex #D1C6B5 hsv 36 13 82 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.52 lab 80 1 10 lch 80 10 84 cmyk 0 4 11 18 soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](0.0):acropolis[959][206,198,181](1.0):aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](1.0):half_tea[4401][206,198,181](1.0):sandspit_brown[7466][210,198,182](1.0) 68 acropolis:amber:aquashield:half:sandspit:soft:tea:brown +485 PMS401 rgb 193 181 165 hex #C1B5A5 hsv 34 15 76 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.42 lab 74 2 10 lch 74 10 81 cmyk 0 5 11 24 half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](1.0):malta[5486][189,178,161](1.4):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](1.4):antidote[1058][193,176,159](1.7):nomad[6067][186,177,162](1.7) 46 antidote:half:malta:nomad:quarter:sandcastle +486 PMS402 rgb 175 165 147 hex #AFA593 hsv 39 16 69 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.33 lab 68 1 11 lch 68 11 87 cmyk 0 4 11 31 double_tea[3247][178,168,148](1.7):cougar[2557][170,160,141](2.2):half_malta[4351][181,166,149](2.2):napa[5977][172,164,148](2.2):quarter_gargoyle[6950][178,164,149](2.2) 44 cougar:double:gargoyle:half:malta:napa:quarter:tea +487 PMS403 rgb 153 140 124 hex #998C7C hsv 33 19 60 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.23 lab 59 2 10 lch 59 11 78 cmyk 0 5 11 40 double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](1.7):heirloom[4460][157,139,124](2.0):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](2.2):half_arrowtown[4281][152,144,127](2.2):heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](2.2) 33 arrowtown:cougar:double:half:heathered:heirloom:perfect:taupe:grey +488 PMS404 rgb 130 117 102 hex #827566 hsv 32 22 51 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.15 lab 50 2 10 lch 50 10 77 cmyk 0 5 11 49 half_talisman[4396][125,116,102](1.7):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](1.7):triple_napa[8504][128,115,97](2.2):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.4):arrowtown[1146][130,122,103](3.0) 37 arrowtown:dune:half:mondo:napa:quarter:sand:talisman:triple +489 PMS405 rgb 107 94 79 hex #6B5E4F hsv 32 26 42 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.09 lab 41 3 11 lch 41 11 76 cmyk 0 5 11 58 domino[3163][108,91,76](1.4):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](1.4):coffee[2419][112,101,85](2.2):makara[5474][105,95,80](2.2):soya_bean[7862][106,96,81](2.2) 31 bean:coffee:domino:makara:pravda:soya:triple +490 PMS406 rgb 206 193 181 hex #CEC1B5 hsv 29 12 81 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.51 lab 79 3 8 lch 79 8 72 cmyk 0 5 10 19 quarter_joss[6960][206,195,184](1.4):toast_lmu_70[8392][201,193,180](2.2):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](2.4):quarter_cougar[6935][202,193,181](2.4):sandspit_brown[7466][210,198,182](2.4) 49 antique:70:cougar:joss:lmu:quarter:sandspit:toast:brown:white +491 PMS408 rgb 168 153 140 hex #A8998C hsv 28 17 66 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.29 lab 64 3 9 lch 64 9 70 cmyk 0 6 11 34 effervescent[3368][168,152,142](2.2):triple_truffle[8528][163,155,142](2.2):zorba[9275][162,149,137](2.2):settlement[7622][161,152,139](2.4):zorba[9276][165,155,145](2.4) 34 effervescent:settlement:triple:truffle:zorba +492 PMS409 rgb 153 137 124 hex #99897C hsv 27 19 60 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.23 lab 58 4 9 lch 58 10 67 cmyk 0 6 11 40 heirloom[4460][157,139,124](1.4):almond_frost[1013][154,134,120](1.7):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](1.7):PMS403[487][153,140,124](2.4):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](2.8) 25 PMS403:double:frost:heirloom:ironhide:perfect:taupe:almond +493 PMS410 rgb 124 109 99 hex #7C6D63 hsv 24 20 49 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.14 lab 47 4 8 lch 47 9 62 cmyk 0 6 10 51 sandstone[7468][121,109,98](1.0):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](1.4):sand_dune[7456][130,111,101](2.2):sandstone[7467][120,109,95](2.2):riverstone[7239][121,112,103](3.0) 22 break:coffee:dune:riverstone:sand:sandstone +494 PMS411 rgb 102 89 76 hex #66594C hsv 30 25 40 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.08 lab 39 3 9 lch 39 10 72 cmyk 0 5 10 60 kiwi[4867][107,90,79](2.2):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.2):domino[3163][108,91,76](2.4):half_mondo[4356][98,89,77](2.4):kabul[4804][108,94,83](2.4) 28 domino:half:kabul:kiwi:mondo:talisman +495 PMS412 rgb 61 48 40 hex #3D3028 hsv 23 34 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 21 4 7 lch 21 9 59 cmyk 0 5 8 76 bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](1.4):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](1.4):sambuca[7443][59,46,37](1.4):bark[1298][62,47,40](2.0):PMS440[524][63,48,43](2.2) 46 deep:PMS440:bark:bushtrack:oak:sambuca +496 PMS413 rgb 198 193 178 hex #C6C1B2 hsv 45 10 78 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.5 lab 78 -1 8 lch 78 8 96 cmyk 0 2 8 22 quarter_napa[6972][199,194,181](1.0):triple_white_pointer[8530][200,195,181](1.0):ash[1154][198,195,181](1.4):toast_lmu_70[8392][201,193,180](2.0):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](2.2) 77 70:ash:chrome:lmu:napa:pointer:quarter:toast:triple:white +497 PMS414 rgb 181 175 160 hex #B5AFA0 hsv 43 12 71 xyz 0.41 0.43 0.39 lab 72 0 8 lch 72 8 93 cmyk 0 2 8 29 bedrock[1340][179,172,156](1.4):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](1.4):half_napa[4358][180,173,158](1.4):nomad[6067][186,177,162](1.7):copyrite[2489][180,178,166](2.2) 57 bedrock:copyrite:eighth:half:napa:nomad:stonewall +498 PMS415 rgb 163 158 140 hex #A39E8C hsv 47 14 64 xyz 0.32 0.34 0.3 lab 65 -1 10 lch 65 10 98 cmyk 0 2 9 36 half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](1.4):quarter_stonewall[7000][166,159,142](1.4):treetops[8470][166,162,143](1.4):cougar[2557][170,160,141](1.7):napa[5976][163,154,135](1.7) 41 cougar:craigieburn:half:napa:quarter:stonewall:treetops +499 PMS416 rgb 142 140 122 hex #8E8C7A hsv 54 14 56 xyz 0.24 0.26 0.22 lab 58 -3 10 lch 58 10 104 cmyk 0 1 8 44 light_yellow[5233][139,139,122](1.4):cornsilk[2537][139,136,120](1.7):half_stonewall[4393][147,141,123](2.2):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](2.4):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.4) 26 light:cornsilk:double:granite:grass:half:stonewall:green:lemon:yellow +500 PMS417 rgb 119 114 99 hex #777263 hsv 45 17 47 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.14 lab 48 -1 9 lch 48 9 95 cmyk 0 2 8 53 internet[4664][115,112,98](1.4):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](1.7):synchronise[8196][121,117,100](1.7):climate[2374][110,109,94](2.2):flint[3690][113,110,97](2.2) 30 climate:double:flint:friar:internet:synchronise:grey +501 PMS418 rgb 96 94 79 hex #605E4F hsv 53 18 38 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.09 lab 40 -2 9 lch 40 9 103 cmyk 0 1 7 62 evolution[3530][103,100,85](2.0):dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.8):karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](3.0):pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](3.0):talisman[8211][101,93,80](3.0) 22 dragon:evolution:karens:pewter:pure:talisman +502 PMS419 rgb 40 40 33 hex #282821 hsv 60 18 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 -2 5 lch 16 5 109 cmyk 0 0 3 84 asphalt[1164][42,41,34](1.0):maire[5467][42,41,34](1.0):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](2.2):jungle_green[4792][41,41,36](2.2):karaka[4817][45,45,36](2.2) 22 asphalt:jungle:karaka:maire:waterloo:green +503 PMS420 rgb 209 204 191 hex #D1CCBF hsv 43 9 82 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.58 lab 82 -1 7 lch 82 7 94 cmyk 0 2 7 18 double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.4):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.4):ivory[4697][205,205,193](1.4):triple_merino[8501][213,207,195](1.4):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.7) 86 double:half:ivory:merino:pointer:triple:truffle:westar:white +504 PMS421 rgb 191 186 175 hex #BFBAAF hsv 41 8 75 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.48 lab 76 0 6 lch 76 6 92 cmyk 0 2 6 25 cloud[2379][194,188,177](0.0):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](0.0):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.0):eighth_pravda[3415][195,188,176](1.0):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.0) 68 cloud:cotton:eighth:friar:pravda:seed:tea:grey +505 PMS422 rgb 175 170 163 hex #AFAAA3 hsv 35 7 69 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.4 lab 70 1 4 lch 70 4 83 cmyk 0 2 5 31 cloudy[2385][172,165,159](2.0):cloudy[2386][176,169,159](2.0):quarter_stonehenge[6999][171,165,158](2.0):quarter_taupe_grey[7007][175,173,163](2.4):fantail[3557][186,174,169](2.8) 48 cloudy:fantail:quarter:stonehenge:taupe:grey +506 PMS423 rgb 150 147 142 hex #96938E hsv 37 5 59 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.3 lab 61 0 3 lch 61 3 87 cmyk 0 1 3 41 grey[4159][149,145,140](1.4):silver_fern[7711][153,147,140](1.4):grey[4157][146,149,145](2.2):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](2.2):archive_grey[1137][154,153,145](2.4) 43 archive:fern:friar:half:silver:grey +507 PMS424 rgb 130 127 119 hex #827F77 hsv 44 8 51 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.2 lab 53 0 5 lch 53 5 95 cmyk 0 1 4 49 concord[2449][130,127,121](1.0):stonehenge[7987][130,122,113](1.7):friar_grey[3768][128,126,121](2.0):friar_grey[3769][134,131,122](2.2):tapa[8248][124,124,114](2.2) 45 concord:friar:stonehenge:tapa:grey +508 PMS425 rgb 96 96 91 hex #60605B hsv 60 5 38 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.12 lab 41 -1 3 lch 41 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 62 storm_dust[7993][101,100,95](1.0):triple_stack[8520][101,102,96](2.2):chicago[2279][91,93,86](2.4):chicago[2280][93,92,88](2.4):condor[2452][91,96,92](2.4) 33 chicago:condor:dust:stack:storm:triple +509 PMS426 rgb 43 43 40 hex #2B2B28 hsv 60 7 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 17 -1 2 lch 17 2 110 cmyk 0 0 1 83 jungle_green[4792][41,41,36](1.4):bokara_grey[1633][42,39,37](2.2):grey[4114][41,41,41](2.2):filmpro_black[3603][40,40,40](2.4):grey[4115][43,43,43](2.4) 55 bokara:filmpro:jungle:black:green:grey +510 PMS427 rgb 221 219 209 hex #DDDBD1 hsv 50 5 87 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.7 lab 87 -1 5 lch 87 5 102 cmyk 0 1 5 13 double_sea_fog[3235][223,221,212](1.0):milk_white[5744][220,217,205](1.0):barely_there[1295][223,221,213](1.4):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](1.4):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](1.4) 128 barely:ceramic:double:fog:haze:milk:sea:there:black:white +511 PMS428 rgb 209 206 198 hex #D1CEC6 hsv 44 5 82 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.62 lab 83 0 4 lch 83 4 95 cmyk 0 1 4 18 lighthouse[5247][209,204,195](1.4):quarter_silver_sand[6992][211,208,202](1.4):swirl[8186][211,205,197](1.4):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](2.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](2.0) 91 fog:lighthouse:quarter:sand:sea:silver:swirl:triple:westar +512 PMS429 rgb 173 175 170 hex #ADAFAA hsv 84 3 69 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.44 lab 71 -2 2 lch 71 3 125 cmyk 1 0 2 31 silver_chalice[7710][172,174,169](0.0):half_delta[4315][174,176,170](1.4):quarter_stack[6998][175,178,175](1.4):atmosphere[1181][168,170,166](2.2):bombay[1635][174,174,173](2.2) 54 atmosphere:bombay:chalice:delta:half:quarter:silver:stack +513 PMS430 rgb 145 150 147 hex #919693 hsv 144 3 59 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.32 lab 62 -2 1 lch 62 3 158 cmyk 2 0 1 41 grey[4157][146,149,145](1.4):white_metal[9088][148,149,148](1.4):half_stack[4391][152,156,153](2.0):gannet_grey[3829][142,145,143](2.2):grey[4160][150,150,150](2.2) 45 gannet:half:metal:stack:grey:white +514 PMS431 rgb 102 109 112 hex #666D70 hsv 198 9 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.17 lab 46 -2 -3 lch 46 3 232 cmyk 4 1 0 56 pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](1.4):mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](1.7):quarter_tuna[7011][101,106,112](1.7):nevada[6033][100,110,117](2.0):infinity[4655][106,115,118](2.2) 30 pale:infinity:mid:nevada:quarter:sky:tuna:grey +515 PMS432 rgb 68 79 81 hex #444F51 hsv 189 16 32 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.09 lab 33 -4 -3 lch 33 5 214 cmyk 5 1 0 68 abbey[944][73,81,84](2.2):balderdash[1264][70,86,89](2.4):dark_slate[2885][70,83,82](2.4):outer_space[6269][65,74,76](2.4):trout[8541][76,83,86](2.8) 24 slate:dark:abbey:balderdash:outer:space:trout +516 PMS433 rgb 48 56 58 hex #30383A hsv 192 17 23 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 23 -3 -2 lch 23 4 220 cmyk 4 1 0 77 outer_space[6268][45,56,58](1.4):atom[1184][55,58,60](2.2):charcoal[2220][52,56,55](2.2):onyx[6185][53,56,57](2.2):traccia[8447][42,51,53](2.2) 56 atom:charcoal:onyx:outer:space:traccia +517 PMS433_2X rgb 10 12 17 hex #0A0C11 hsv 223 41 7 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 3 0 -3 lch 3 3 277 cmyk 3 2 0 93 bunker[1904][13,17,23](2.2):gunmetal[4256][2,13,21](2.2):rich_black[7209][1,11,19](2.2):woodsmoke[9173][12,13,15](2.2):almost_black[1014][7,13,13](2.8) 22 almost:bunker:gunmetal:rich:woodsmoke:black +518 PMS434 rgb 224 209 198 hex #E0D1C6 hsv 25 12 88 xyz 0.64 0.66 0.63 lab 85 3 7 lch 85 8 65 cmyk 0 6 10 12 pearl_bush[6567][222,209,198](0.0):half_sandspit_brown[4379][218,210,198](2.0):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](2.4):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](2.4):swirl[8187][215,206,197](2.4) 67 PMS5245:bush:dawn:half:pearl:sandspit:swirl:brown:pink +519 PMS435 rgb 211 191 183 hex #D3BFB7 hsv 17 13 83 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.52 lab 79 6 7 lch 79 9 49 cmyk 0 8 11 17 wafer[8980][212,187,177](1.7):blanched_pink[1497][208,187,181](2.2):PMS406[490][206,193,181](3.2):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](3.7):quarter_joss[6960][206,195,184](4.0) 16 PMS406:blanched:joss:quarter:soulmate:wafer:pink +520 PMS436 rgb 188 165 158 hex #BCA59E hsv 14 16 74 xyz 0.4 0.4 0.38 lab 70 7 7 lch 70 10 43 cmyk 0 9 12 26 martini[5559][183,168,163](2.8):PMS207[165][186,170,158](3.3):thatch[8320][182,157,152](3.3):cherish[2257][198,171,169](3.5):pristine_lavender[6818][178,164,155](3.7) 9 PMS207:cherish:martini:pristine:thatch:lavender +521 PMS437 rgb 140 112 107 hex #8C706B hsv 9 24 55 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.16 lab 50 10 7 lch 50 12 34 cmyk 0 11 13 45 dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](2.2):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](2.2):ferra[3585][135,106,104](2.4):half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](3.3):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.3) 14 buffalo:dusky:ferra:half:hemp:kubrick:pink +522 PMS438 rgb 89 63 61 hex #593F3D hsv 4 31 35 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.05 lab 29 11 6 lch 29 12 27 cmyk 0 10 11 65 van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](2.0):dark_grayish_reddish_brown[2752][89,66,66](2.4):earlybird[3327][81,57,57](2.8):dark_liver[2791][84,61,55](3.0):cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](3.2) 11 dark:bean:cleef:cocoa:earlybird:grayish:liver:reddish:van:brown +523 PMS439 rgb 73 53 51 hex #493533 hsv 5 30 29 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.04 lab 24 9 5 lch 24 10 29 cmyk 0 8 9 71 bean[1330][74,53,49](1.0):mahogany[5458][72,50,48](1.4):woody_brown[9178][72,49,49](1.7):cedar[2147][70,52,48](2.2):old_burgundy[6126][67,48,46](2.2) 31 bean:burgundy:cedar:mahogany:old:woody:brown +524 PMS440 rgb 63 48 43 hex #3F302B hsv 15 32 25 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 21 6 6 lch 21 8 44 cmyk 0 6 8 75 bark[1298][62,47,40](1.0):marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](1.4):PMS412[495][61,48,40](2.2):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](2.2):nala[5973][65,47,40](2.2) 45 deep:PMS412:bark:marbaroda:nala:oak +525 PMS441 rgb 209 209 198 hex #D1D1C6 hsv 60 5 82 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.63 lab 84 -2 5 lch 84 6 110 cmyk 0 0 4 18 celeste[2160][209,210,202](1.0):pastel_grey[6506][207,207,196](1.0):PMS5527[709][206,209,198](1.4):triple_black_white[8482][215,213,204](1.4):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](2.0) 100 PMS5527:celeste:nurse:pastel:triple:black:grey:white +526 PMS442 rgb 186 191 183 hex #BABFB7 hsv 97 4 75 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.52 lab 77 -3 3 lch 77 5 133 cmyk 2 0 3 25 half_atmosphere[4284][190,191,183](1.4):duck_egg_blue[3278][183,193,188](2.2):pumice[6845][186,192,180](2.2):quarter_delta[6938][191,192,187](2.2):silver_sand[7717][190,189,182](2.2) 65 atmosphere:delta:duck:egg:half:pumice:quarter:sand:silver:blue +527 PMS443 rgb 163 168 163 hex #A3A8A3 hsv 120 3 66 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.4 lab 68 -3 2 lch 68 3 144 cmyk 2 0 2 34 atmosphere[1181][168,170,166](2.2):hit_grey[4512][161,169,168](2.2):quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](2.4):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](2.8):delta[3087][164,164,157](3.0) 50 atmosphere:delta:friar:hit:quarter:tapa:grey +528 PMS444 rgb 137 142 140 hex #898E8C hsv 156 4 56 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.29 lab 59 -2 0 lch 59 2 169 cmyk 2 0 1 44 avatar[1206][139,143,142](0.0):gannet_grey[3829][142,145,143](1.7):grey[4155][143,143,143](2.0):grey[4154][140,140,140](2.2):grey[4156][145,145,145](2.2) 48 avatar:gannet:grey +529 PMS445 rgb 86 89 89 hex #565959 hsv 180 3 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.11 lab 38 -1 0 lch 38 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 65 grey[4133][89,89,89](1.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.4):grey[4134][92,92,92](1.4):dark_cyanish_grey[2716][83,89,89](1.7):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](1.7) 45 dark:baltic:cyanish:half:sea:grey +530 PMS446 rgb 73 76 73 hex #494C49 hsv 120 4 30 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -2 1 lch 32 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 70 cathedral[2137][75,77,74](1.0):armadillo[1141][72,74,70](1.4):gravel[3992][74,75,70](2.2):ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](2.2):thunder[8337][77,77,75](2.2) 54 armadillo:cathedral:gravel:ship:thunder:grey +531 PMS447 rgb 63 63 56 hex #3F3F38 hsv 60 11 25 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -1 4 lch 26 5 109 cmyk 0 0 3 75 black_olive[1467][59,60,54](1.4):squall[7941][58,59,53](1.4):triple_masala[8500][65,62,55](1.4):half_ironsand[4343][67,64,60](1.7):merlin[5681][65,60,55](2.0) 38 half:ironsand:masala:merlin:olive:squall:triple:black +532 PMS448 rgb 84 71 45 hex #54472D hsv 40 46 33 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.03 lab 31 1 18 lch 31 18 86 cmyk 0 5 15 67 punga[6856][83,73,49](2.2):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](3.6):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](3.7):PMS449[534][84,71,38](4.0):deep_bronze[2964][81,65,45](4.7) 7 deep:PMS449:bronze:punga:thatch:tumbleweed:green +533 PMS4485 rgb 96 76 17 hex #604C11 hsv 45 82 38 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.02 lab 33 2 36 lch 33 36 87 cmyk 0 8 31 62 horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](3.0):mud_brown[5925][96,70,15](3.3):west_coast[9049][98,81,25](3.5):deep_amber[2950][89,67,0](4.4):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](4.9) 5 deep:amber:coast:drab:field:horses:mud:neck:west:brown +534 PMS449 rgb 84 71 38 hex #544726 hsv 43 55 33 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.03 lab 31 1 22 lch 31 22 89 cmyk 0 5 18 67 dark_gamboge[2725][89,70,39](3.0):dark_amber[2676][89,77,39](3.5):PMS448[532][84,71,45](4.0):bronze_olive[1826][88,76,37](4.1):trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](4.1) 8 dark:PMS448:amber:bronze:gamboge:olive:trailblazer +535 PMS4495 rgb 135 117 48 hex #877530 hsv 48 64 53 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.05 lab 50 -2 40 lch 50 40 92 cmyk 0 7 34 47 ventura[8696][144,124,56](3.3):spanish_bistre[7868][128,117,50](3.7):grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](5.0):pesto[6620][122,114,41](5.0):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](5.4) 4 bistre:gold:grass:hopper:pesto:spanish:ventura:yukon +536 PMS450 rgb 96 84 43 hex #60542B hsv 46 55 38 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.04 lab 36 -1 26 lch 36 26 92 cmyk 0 5 21 62 filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](2.2):abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](2.4):bronze_olive[1826][88,76,37](3.2):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](3.2):dark_amber[2676][89,77,39](3.6) 8 dark:abel:amber:bronze:filmpro:gold:olive:raw:sienna:tasman +537 PMS4505 rgb 160 145 81 hex #A09151 hsv 49 49 63 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.12 lab 60 -3 36 lch 60 36 95 cmyk 0 6 31 37 gold[3891][159,143,83](2.2):dark_khaki[2780][155,143,85](4.2):moderate_amber[5808][168,145,74](5.1):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](5.7):jewelled_yellow[4766][154,136,62](5.8) 2 moderate:dark:PMS5835:amber:gold:jewelled:khaki:yellow +538 PMS451 rgb 173 160 122 hex #ADA07A hsv 45 29 68 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.23 lab 66 -1 22 lch 66 22 93 cmyk 0 5 20 32 grayish_amber[3996][168,158,125](3.3):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](3.3):double_pavlova[3224][169,152,119](3.5):hillary[4491][167,160,126](3.6):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](4.2) 12 amber:double:grayish:hillary:mongoose:pavlova +539 PMS4515 rgb 188 173 117 hex #BCAD75 hsv 47 38 74 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.23 lab 71 -3 31 lch 71 31 95 cmyk 0 6 28 26 coromandel[2541][185,168,115](2.4):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](3.6):ecru[3355][194,178,128](3.7):iko[4609][179,171,110](3.7):sand[7451][194,178,128](3.7) 9 PMS5845:coromandel:ecru:iko:sand +540 PMS452 rgb 196 183 150 hex #C4B796 hsv 43 23 77 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.36 lab 75 -1 18 lch 75 18 92 cmyk 0 5 18 23 triple_fossil[8492][190,178,145](2.0):beachcomber[1328][199,186,149](2.2):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](3.0):half_pavlova[4365][203,191,160](3.2):sisal[7732][197,186,160](3.3) 31 65:beachcomber:fossil:half:lmu:pavlova:sisal:toast:triple +541 PMS4525 rgb 204 191 142 hex #CCBF8E hsv 47 30 80 xyz 0.48 0.52 0.33 lab 77 -3 26 lch 77 27 96 cmyk 0 5 24 20 yuma[9243][206,194,145](1.0):PMS466[563][209,191,145](2.2):PMS5855[774][204,198,147](3.6):yuma[9242][199,184,130](3.6):straw[8003][212,191,141](3.7) 14 PMS466:PMS5855:straw:yuma +542 PMS452_2X rgb 0 153 68 hex #009944 hsv 147 100 60 xyz 0.12 0.23 0.09 lab 55 -53 35 lch 55 64 147 cmyk 60 0 33 40 PMS355[429][0,158,73](2.4):emerald[3467][1,160,73](3.6):kelley_green[4825][0,147,55](4.5):green[4023][0,165,80](4.6):north_texas_green[6072][5,144,51](5.0) 5 PMS355:emerald:kelley:north:texas:green +543 PMS453 rgb 214 204 175 hex #D6CCAF hsv 45 18 84 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.49 lab 82 -1 16 lch 82 16 95 cmyk 0 4 15 16 double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):half_sisal[4385][213,201,174](1.7):aths_special[1177][213,203,178](2.0):fossil[3731][213,203,178](2.0):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](2.2) 39 aths:double:fossil:half:pompeii:sisal:special:wheatfield +544 PMS4535 rgb 219 206 165 hex #DBCEA5 hsv 46 25 86 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.44 lab 83 -2 22 lch 83 22 95 cmyk 0 5 21 14 PMS467[565][221,204,165](2.0):PMS5865[776][214,206,163](2.2):hampton[4416][229,216,175](3.0):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](3.2):smooth_cream[7800][218,199,156](3.5) 25 PMS467:PMS5865:chandelier:cream:double:hampton:smooth +545 PMS454 rgb 226 216 191 hex #E2D8BF hsv 43 15 89 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.59 lab 87 -1 14 lch 87 14 93 cmyk 0 4 14 11 wheatfield[9070][223,215,189](1.4):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](1.7):eighth_canterbury_clay[3393][227,215,191](1.7):double_travertine[3249][219,213,186](2.2):eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](2.2) 49 canterbury:clay:double:eighth:pavlova:travertine:villa:wheatfield:white +546 PMS4545 rgb 229 219 186 hex #E5DBBA hsv 46 19 90 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.57 lab 87 -2 17 lch 87 18 96 cmyk 0 4 17 10 coconut_cream[2412][225,218,187](1.4):PMS468[567][226,214,181](1.7):PMS5807[764][224,221,188](2.2):double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](2.2):grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](2.2) 47 PMS468:PMS5807:coconut:cream:double:grain:spanish:brown:white +547 PMS455 rgb 102 86 20 hex #665614 hsv 48 80 40 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.02 lab 37 -1 38 lch 37 38 92 cmyk 0 6 32 60 acorn[957][106,93,27](3.6):himalaya[4493][106,93,27](3.6):west_coast[9049][98,81,25](4.6):antique_bronze[1063][102,93,30](4.9):olive_brown[6153][100,84,3](5.1) 4 antique:acorn:bronze:coast:himalaya:olive:west:brown +548 PMS456 rgb 153 135 20 hex #998714 hsv 52 87 60 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.04 lab 56 -5 57 lch 56 57 95 cmyk 0 7 52 40 dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](2.2):PMS112[12][153,132,10](3.0):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](4.4):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](4.4):PMS3985[481][153,140,10](4.7) 5 dark:PMS112:PMS3985:baby:hacienda:poop:yellow +549 PMS457 rgb 181 155 12 hex #B59B0C hsv 51 93 71 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.05 lab 64 -3 66 lch 64 66 93 cmyk 0 10 66 29 brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](1.4):PMS111[11][170,147,10](3.7):buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](3.7):sahara[7416][183,162,20](3.7):strong_gold[8034][168,147,0](3.7) 9 strong:PMS111:buddha:gold:sahara:brown:yellow +550 PMS458 rgb 221 204 107 hex #DDCC6B hsv 51 52 87 xyz 0.54 0.6 0.23 lab 82 -7 50 lch 82 50 97 cmyk 0 7 45 13 chenin[2256][223,205,111](1.4):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](2.2):tacha[8204][214,197,98](3.2):arylide_yellow[1152][233,214,107](5.0):hansa_yellow[4420][233,214,107](5.0) 5 arylide:chenin:hansa:rice:tacha:wild:yellow +551 PMS459 rgb 226 214 124 hex #E2D67C hsv 53 45 89 xyz 0.59 0.66 0.29 lab 85 -8 46 lch 85 46 100 cmyk 0 5 40 11 flax[3680][238,220,130](2.8):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](2.8):old_goldenrod[6132][238,220,130](2.8):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](3.3):light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](3.7) 11 light:flax:goldenrod:old:rice:wild +552 PMS460 rgb 234 221 150 hex #EADD96 hsv 51 36 92 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.39 lab 88 -6 36 lch 88 37 99 cmyk 0 5 33 8 sandwisp[7472][245,231,162](3.3):mellow_yellow[5661][234,216,149](3.7):primrose[6813][228,222,142](5.1):wild_rice[9106][236,224,144](5.2):PMS609[788][234,229,150](5.4) 2 PMS609:mellow:primrose:rice:sandwisp:wild:yellow +553 PMS461 rgb 237 229 173 hex #EDE5AD hsv 53 27 93 xyz 0.7 0.77 0.51 lab 90 -6 28 lch 90 29 102 cmyk 0 3 25 7 double_colonial_white[3192][238,227,173](2.0):PMS608[787][239,232,173](2.4):first_light[3649][229,225,172](2.4):medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](3.0):vanilla[8678][243,229,171](3.0) 14 medium:light:PMS608:champagne:colonial:double:first:vanilla:white +554 PMS462 rgb 91 71 35 hex #5B4723 hsv 39 62 36 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.03 lab 31 4 25 lch 31 25 81 cmyk 0 8 22 64 trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](2.2):dark_gamboge[2725][89,70,39](3.0):donkey_brown[3167][102,76,40](3.6):PMS449[534][84,71,38](4.2):kakadu[4808][85,65,35](4.6) 6 dark:PMS449:donkey:gamboge:kakadu:trailblazer:brown +555 PMS4625 rgb 71 35 17 hex #472311 hsv 20 76 28 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.01 lab 18 15 19 lch 18 25 52 cmyk 0 14 21 72 brown_derby[1845][73,38,21](1.4):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](2.8):paco[6295][65,31,16](2.8):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](3.0):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](3.0) 11 deep:dark:derby:ironbark:oak:paco:rum:brown +556 PMS463 rgb 117 84 38 hex #755426 hsv 35 68 46 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.03 lab 38 9 32 lch 38 33 75 cmyk 0 13 31 54 brazil[1698][129,91,40](5.1):hot_curry[4555][129,91,40](5.1):dallas[2664][110,75,38](5.4):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](5.5):kumera[4894][117,91,39](5.5) 0 brazil:curry:dallas:drab:field:hot:kumera +557 PMS4635 rgb 140 89 51 hex #8C5933 hsv 26 64 55 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.05 lab 43 17 30 lch 43 35 61 cmyk 0 20 35 45 natural[5985][136,89,49](2.4):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](3.7):rope[7292][142,89,60](4.5):toffee[8398][142,89,60](4.5):korma[4882][128,78,44](5.2) 4 clay:korma:natural:potters:rope:toffee +558 PMS464 rgb 135 96 40 hex #876028 hsv 35 70 53 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.04 lab 44 10 37 lch 44 39 75 cmyk 0 15 37 47 brazil[1698][129,91,40](2.8):hot_curry[4555][129,91,40](2.8):brazil[1699][136,98,33](4.1):hot_curry[4556][136,98,33](4.1):kumera[4895][136,98,33](4.1) 7 brazil:curry:hot:kumera +559 PMS4645 rgb 178 130 96 hex #B28260 hsv 25 46 70 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.15 lab 58 14 26 lch 58 29 61 cmyk 0 19 32 30 café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](3.7):french_beige[3742][166,123,91](3.7):tuscan_tan[8598][166,123,91](3.7):biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](4.0):kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](4.0) 6 au:beige:biscuit:café:french:kalgoorie:lait:sands:tan:tuscan:brown +560 PMS464_2X rgb 112 66 20 hex #704214 hsv 30 82 44 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.02 lab 33 16 35 lch 33 38 65 cmyk 0 18 36 56 sepia[7612][112,66,20](0.0):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](3.6):PMS731[910][114,63,10](3.7):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](5.0):PMS161[89][99,58,17](5.1) 4 PMS1405:PMS161:PMS731:cafe:royale:sepia +561 PMS465 rgb 193 168 117 hex #C1A875 hsv 40 39 76 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.23 lab 70 2 30 lch 70 30 86 cmyk 0 10 30 24 toupe[8443][199,172,125](3.0):double_canterbury_clay[3187][184,159,111](3.6):sandstone[7469][201,174,116](3.6):fawn[3564][207,175,123](3.7):light_french_beige[5099][200,173,127](3.7) 8 light:beige:canterbury:clay:double:fawn:french:sandstone:toupe +562 PMS4655 rgb 196 153 119 hex #C49977 hsv 26 39 77 xyz 0.37 0.36 0.22 lab 66 11 24 lch 66 27 64 cmyk 0 17 30 23 half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](1.7):cameo[2022][204,164,131](4.2):flesh[3684][204,164,131](4.2):quarter_sorrell_brown[6995][193,160,125](4.6):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](4.7) 5 cameo:dust:flesh:half:kalgoorie:quarter:rodeo:sands:sorrell:brown +563 PMS466 rgb 209 191 145 hex #D1BF91 hsv 43 31 82 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.34 lab 78 -1 26 lch 78 26 91 cmyk 0 7 25 18 yuma[9243][206,194,145](2.0):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](2.2):straw[8003][212,191,141](2.2):pavlova[6530][215,196,152](2.4):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](3.5) 15 PMS4525:pavlova:sorrell:straw:yuma:brown +564 PMS4665 rgb 216 181 150 hex #D8B596 hsv 28 31 85 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.36 lab 76 8 21 lch 76 22 68 cmyk 0 14 26 15 cameo[2023][217,185,155](2.4):PMS727[906][226,191,155](3.7):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](4.2):double_biscotti[3181][213,186,158](4.4):tan[8223][210,180,140](4.4) 7 PMS727:biscotti:cameo:cashmere:double:tan +565 PMS467 rgb 221 204 165 hex #DDCCA5 hsv 42 25 87 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.44 lab 83 0 22 lch 83 22 90 cmyk 0 7 22 13 PMS4535[544][219,206,165](2.0):haystack[4442][222,199,161](2.8):raffia[7041][220,198,160](2.8):sand[7452][220,197,159](2.8):sand[7453][220,198,160](2.8) 26 PMS4535:haystack:raffia:sand +566 PMS4675 rgb 229 198 170 hex #E5C6AA hsv 28 26 90 xyz 0.6 0.6 0.46 lab 82 7 18 lch 82 19 70 cmyk 0 12 23 10 desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](2.2):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](3.0):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](3.0):light_wood[5231][233,194,166](3.3):triple_solitaire[8518][228,203,171](3.3) 14 light:desert:peachpuff:puff:sand:solitaire:triple:wood:peach +567 PMS468 rgb 226 214 181 hex #E2D6B5 hsv 44 20 89 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.53 lab 86 -1 18 lch 86 18 94 cmyk 0 5 18 11 double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](1.4):grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](1.4):quarter_pavlova[6976][222,211,180](1.4):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](1.7):rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](2.2) 40 PMS4545:double:grain:pavlova:quarter:rock:salt:spanish:brown:white +568 PMS4685 rgb 237 211 188 hex #EDD3BC hsv 28 21 93 xyz 0.67 0.68 0.57 lab 86 5 15 lch 86 16 70 cmyk 0 10 19 7 pale_light_grayish_brown[6360][231,208,184](1.4):enchante[3479][238,213,186](2.2):almond[1009][238,217,196](3.0):PMS726[905][237,211,181](3.2):bisque[1433][238,213,183](3.3) 21 pale:light:PMS726:bisque:enchante:grayish:almond:brown +569 PMS469 rgb 96 51 17 hex #603311 hsv 26 82 38 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.01 lab 26 17 29 lch 26 34 59 cmyk 0 18 31 62 PMS732[911][96,51,10](3.0):jambalaya[4727][91,48,19](3.2):baker's_chocolate[1262][92,51,23](4.1):PMS161[89][99,58,17](4.7):cioccolato[2339][85,40,12](4.9) 5 PMS161:PMS732:baker's:chocolate:cioccolato:jambalaya +570 PMS4695 rgb 81 38 28 hex #51261C hsv 11 65 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.01 lab 21 19 16 lch 21 25 40 cmyk 0 17 21 68 scoria[7537][83,38,32](2.2):hukanui[4578][87,42,35](3.0):caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](3.6):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](4.2):PMS1817[132][91,45,40](4.4) 6 dark:PMS1817:caput:hukanui:mortuum:scarlet:scoria +571 PMS470 rgb 155 79 25 hex #9B4F19 hsv 25 84 61 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.02 lab 42 28 44 lch 42 52 57 cmyk 0 30 51 39 korma[4883][143,75,14](4.4):mars_orange[5552][150,69,20](4.4):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](4.6):hawaiian_tan[4439][157,86,22](4.7):sienna[7696][169,86,30](4.9) 5 PMS1605:hawaiian:korma:mars:sienna:tan:orange +572 PMS4705 rgb 124 81 61 hex #7C513D hsv 19 51 49 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.06 lab 39 16 19 lch 39 25 51 cmyk 0 17 25 51 cigar[2325][125,78,56](2.4):spicy_mix[7893][136,83,66](4.5):boomerang[1654][121,78,51](4.6):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](4.6):old_copper[6128][115,80,59](4.6) 6 boomerang:cigar:copper:mix:nutmeg:old:spicy +573 PMS471 rgb 188 94 30 hex #BC5E1E hsv 24 84 74 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.04 lab 50 34 51 lch 50 61 56 cmyk 0 37 62 26 fiery_orange[3598][179,82,19](3.6):piper[6710][201,99,35](4.4):ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](5.4):cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](5.5):christine[2318][191,101,46](5.7) 2 christine:cinnamon:fiery:piper:ruddy:brown:orange +574 PMS4715 rgb 153 112 91 hex #99705B hsv 20 41 60 xyz 0.21 0.19 0.12 lab 51 13 18 lch 51 22 53 cmyk 0 16 24 40 leather[4957][150,112,89](1.7):beaver[1336][146,111,91](3.0):leather[4956][144,106,84](3.2):toast[8380][159,113,95](3.3):brownish[1863][156,109,87](3.7) 7 beaver:brownish:leather:toast +575 PMS471_2X rgb 163 68 2 hex #A34402 hsv 25 99 64 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.01 lab 41 37 51 lch 41 63 54 cmyk 0 37 63 36 beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](1.7):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](3.0):fire[3635][170,66,3](3.3):burnt_sienna[1936][176,78,15](4.0):strong_tangelo[8061][168,63,0](4.1) 10 burnt:strong:17:18:beer:fire:sienna:srm:tangelo +576 PMS472 rgb 234 170 122 hex #EAAA7A hsv 26 48 92 xyz 0.52 0.48 0.25 lab 75 18 34 lch 75 38 62 cmyk 0 25 44 8 tacao[8201][237,179,129](3.6):PMS721[900][232,178,130](4.6):tacao[8202][246,174,120](4.9):fawn[3565][229,170,112](5.1):manhattan[5507][226,175,128](5.8) 3 PMS721:fawn:manhattan:tacao +577 PMS4725 rgb 181 145 124 hex #B5917C hsv 22 31 71 xyz 0.33 0.32 0.23 lab 63 10 16 lch 63 19 57 cmyk 0 14 22 29 sandrift[7465][175,147,125](3.0):pale_taupe[6436][188,152,126](3.6):sandrift[7464][171,145,122](4.1):rickshaw[7223][170,145,123](4.2):PMS479[587][175,137,112](4.4) 5 pale:PMS479:rickshaw:sandrift:taupe +578 PMS473 rgb 244 196 160 hex #F4C4A0 hsv 26 34 96 xyz 0.63 0.61 0.42 lab 83 12 25 lch 83 27 64 cmyk 0 19 33 4 PMS713[892][249,201,163](1.0):PMS720[899][239,196,158](2.2):deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](2.4):flesh[3687][255,203,164](2.4):peach[6541][255,203,164](2.4) 11 deep:PMS713:PMS720:flesh:peach +579 PMS4735 rgb 204 175 155 hex #CCAF9B hsv 24 24 80 xyz 0.46 0.46 0.37 lab 73 7 14 lch 73 16 62 cmyk 0 11 19 20 moleskin[5859][198,170,151](1.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](2.4):PMS480[588][211,183,163](3.0):peach_puff[6548][205,175,149](3.0):peachpuff[6555][205,175,149](3.0) 13 PMS480:dust:moleskin:peachpuff:puff:rodeo:peach +580 PMS474 rgb 244 204 170 hex #F4CCAA hsv 28 30 96 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.47 lab 85 9 22 lch 85 24 67 cmyk 0 16 29 4 PMS719[898][244,209,175](2.4):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](2.4):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](2.4):negroni[6005][238,199,162](2.8):PMS475[582][247,211,181](3.0) 24 PMS475:PMS719:negroni:peachpuff:puff:peach +581 PMS4745 rgb 216 191 170 hex #D8BFAA hsv 27 21 85 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.46 lab 79 6 14 lch 79 15 68 cmyk 0 10 18 15 eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](1.4):just_right[4801][220,191,172](1.4):bone[1645][219,194,171](1.7):nougat[6077][214,193,171](2.0):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](3.0) 18 alpaca:bone:eighth:just:kalgoorie:nougat:right:sands +582 PMS475 rgb 247 211 181 hex #F7D3B5 hsv 27 27 97 xyz 0.7 0.7 0.53 lab 87 8 20 lch 87 21 67 cmyk 0 14 26 3 PMS719[898][244,209,175](1.7):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](2.2):PMS474[580][244,204,170](3.0):apricot[1091][253,217,181](3.0):flesh[3685][245,204,176](3.0) 25 PMS474:PMS719:apricot:flesh:puff:peach +583 PMS4755 rgb 226 204 186 hex #E2CCBA hsv 27 18 89 xyz 0.62 0.63 0.55 lab 83 5 12 lch 83 13 68 cmyk 0 9 16 11 PMS481[589][224,204,186](1.4):bone[1647][228,209,192](2.4):half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](3.6):PMS482[590][229,211,193](3.7):just_right[4802][236,205,185](3.7) 19 PMS481:PMS482:biscotti:bone:half:just:right +584 PMS476 rgb 89 61 43 hex #593D2B hsv 23 52 35 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.03 lab 28 10 16 lch 28 19 58 cmyk 0 11 18 65 dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](1.4):bracken[1689][91,61,39](3.2):dark_brown[2694][92,64,51](3.6):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](3.6):very_dark_brown[8717][92,64,51](3.6) 13 dark:very:bracken:nutmeg:tangelo:brown +585 PMS477 rgb 99 56 38 hex #633826 hsv 18 62 39 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 28 17 19 lch 28 26 48 cmyk 0 17 24 61 hairy_heath[4270][99,53,40](2.8):fudge[3799][106,62,42](3.2):cedar[2148][101,57,44](3.3):komakorau[4878][100,53,42](4.2):dark_vermilion[2914][89,52,39](4.9) 6 dark:cedar:fudge:hairy:heath:komakorau:vermilion +586 PMS478 rgb 122 63 40 hex #7A3F28 hsv 17 67 48 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.03 lab 34 23 25 lch 34 35 47 cmyk 0 23 32 52 nutmeg[6084][129,66,44](2.2):copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](2.8):warm_kwila[9001][117,58,42](3.7):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](4.1):desperado[3111][117,57,41](4.1) 12 bull:canyon:copper:desperado:kwila:nutmeg:shot:warm +587 PMS479 rgb 175 137 112 hex #AF8970 hsv 24 36 69 xyz 0.3 0.28 0.19 lab 60 11 19 lch 60 22 60 cmyk 0 15 25 31 light_taupe[5221][179,139,109](3.2):medium_wood[5655][166,128,100](3.6):sandal[7461][170,141,111](4.2):PMS4725[577][181,145,124](4.4):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](5.0) 5 medium:light:PMS4725:mongoose:sandal:taupe:wood +588 PMS480 rgb 211 183 163 hex #D3B7A3 hsv 25 23 83 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.42 lab 76 7 14 lch 76 15 63 cmyk 0 11 19 17 eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](2.4):PMS4735[579][204,175,155](3.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](3.0):PMS4745[581][216,191,170](3.2):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](3.2) 23 PMS4735:PMS4745:cashmere:dust:eighth:kalgoorie:rodeo:sands +589 PMS481 rgb 224 204 186 hex #E0CCBA hsv 28 17 88 xyz 0.61 0.63 0.55 lab 83 4 11 lch 83 12 70 cmyk 0 8 15 12 PMS4755[583][226,204,186](1.4):bone[1647][228,209,192](2.0):half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](2.2):PMS482[590][229,211,193](3.2):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](3.2) 25 PMS4755:PMS482:biscotti:bone:drought:half:quarter +590 PMS482 rgb 229 211 193 hex #E5D3C1 hsv 30 16 90 xyz 0.65 0.67 0.6 lab 86 3 11 lch 86 12 73 cmyk 0 7 14 10 bone[1647][228,209,192](1.4):almond[1010][239,219,197](2.8):almond[1009][238,217,196](3.0):quarter_biscotti[6923][227,215,199](3.0):PMS481[589][224,204,186](3.2) 44 PMS481:biscotti:bone:quarter:almond +591 PMS483 rgb 107 48 33 hex #6B3021 hsv 12 69 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.02 lab 28 25 22 lch 28 33 41 cmyk 0 23 29 58 PMS175[112][109,51,33](1.7):liver[5309][108,46,31](1.7):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](2.2):desperado[3111][117,57,41](4.0):dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](4.1) 11 dark:PMS175:desperado:liver:oak:pueblo +592 PMS484 rgb 155 48 28 hex #9B301C hsv 9 82 61 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.02 lab 36 43 37 lch 36 57 40 cmyk 0 42 50 39 brick[1707][160,54,35](2.8):brownish_red[1869][158,54,35](3.0):cognac[2426][159,56,29](3.0):prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](3.3):countdown[2558][146,47,29](4.1) 5 brick:brownish:cognac:countdown:prairie:sand:red +593 PMS485 rgb 216 30 5 hex #D81E05 hsv 7 98 85 xyz 0.29 0.16 0.02 lab 46 67 58 lch 46 89 41 cmyk 0 73 83 15 PMS1788_2X[123][214,33,0](1.4):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](2.0):PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](3.2):boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](3.3):red[7103][205,0,0](3.3) 7 2X:PMS1788:PMS185:PMS485:boston:university:red +594 PMS485_2X rgb 204 12 0 hex #CC0C00 hsv 4 100 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.01 lab 43 67 57 lch 43 88 41 cmyk 0 75 80 20 boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](1.0):red[7103][205,0,0](1.0):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](1.4):PMS485[593][216,30,5](3.2):rosso_corsa[7323][212,0,0](3.3) 6 2X:PMS185:PMS485:boston:corsa:rosso:university:red +595 PMS486 rgb 237 158 132 hex #ED9E84 hsv 15 44 93 xyz 0.51 0.44 0.28 lab 72 26 26 lch 72 37 44 cmyk 0 31 41 7 tonys_pink[8415][231,158,136](3.2):dark_salmon[2866][233,150,122](3.5):PMS1625[92][249,165,140](3.6):copper[2478][221,148,117](4.9):goddess[3889][251,171,143](5.0) 5 dark:PMS1625:copper:goddess:salmon:tonys:pink +596 PMS487 rgb 239 181 160 hex #EFB5A0 hsv 16 33 94 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.41 lab 78 18 19 lch 78 26 46 cmyk 0 23 31 6 wax_flower[9027][238,179,158](1.0):PMS169[106][249,186,170](4.7):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](5.2):sakura[7421][233,183,169](5.4):wax_flower[9028][255,192,168](5.5) 2 PMS169:flower:mandys:sakura:wax:pink +597 PMS488 rgb 242 196 175 hex #F2C4AF hsv 19 28 95 xyz 0.64 0.61 0.49 lab 83 13 17 lch 83 21 51 cmyk 0 18 26 5 mandys_pink[5500][242,195,178](2.4):zinnwaldite[9264][235,194,175](3.0):cashmere[2123][230,190,165](3.7):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](4.1):flesh[3685][245,204,176](4.1) 13 cashmere:desert:flesh:mandys:sand:zinnwaldite:pink +598 PMS489 rgb 242 209 191 hex #F2D1BF hsv 21 21 95 xyz 0.69 0.68 0.59 lab 86 9 13 lch 86 16 56 cmyk 0 13 20 5 soft_pink[7832][242,205,187](1.7):watusi[9023][242,205,187](1.7):desert_sand[3105][239,205,184](2.2):just_right[4802][236,205,185](2.4):tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](2.4) 12 bush:desert:just:right:sand:soft:tuft:watusi:pink +599 PMS490 rgb 91 38 38 hex #5B2626 hsv 360 58 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 23 24 12 lch 23 27 26 cmyk 0 21 21 64 reddish_brown[7150][89,39,39](1.4):burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](3.0):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](3.2):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](3.2):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](3.7) 23 burnt:dark:buccaneer:ochre:reddish:tan:brown:crimson:red +600 PMS491 rgb 117 40 40 hex #752828 hsv 360 66 46 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.03 lab 28 34 18 lch 28 38 28 cmyk 0 30 30 54 lusty[5412][120,46,44](2.8):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](3.7):hot_n_spicy[4560][107,35,32](3.7):brown[1834][128,42,42](4.1):heatwave[4457][110,38,32](4.1) 10 dynamite:heatwave:hot:lusty:n:spicy:brown +601 PMS492 rgb 145 51 56 hex #913338 hsv 357 65 57 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.05 lab 35 40 18 lch 35 44 25 cmyk 0 37 35 43 pirate[6715][144,47,55](1.4):well_read[9044][142,53,55](2.2):old_brick[6124][138,51,53](3.2):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](4.1):monza[5878][134,40,46](4.1) 14 brick:flame:monza:old:pirate:read:well:red +602 PMS494 rgb 242 173 178 hex #F2ADB2 hsv 356 29 95 xyz 0.6 0.52 0.49 lab 77 26 8 lch 77 27 16 cmyk 0 27 25 5 PMS1767[115][249,178,183](2.2):PMS700[879][242,165,170](3.7):PMS176[113][249,175,173](4.2):PMS508[623][232,165,175](4.2):PMS707[886][252,173,175](4.4) 6 PMS176:PMS1767:PMS508:PMS700:PMS707 +603 PMS495 rgb 244 188 191 hex #F4BCBF hsv 357 23 96 xyz 0.65 0.59 0.57 lab 81 21 6 lch 81 21 17 cmyk 0 22 21 4 PMS509[624][242,186,191](1.0):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](2.2):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](2.2):PMS699[878][247,191,191](2.4) 19 pale:PMS182:PMS509:PMS699:azalea:rose +604 PMS496 rgb 247 201 198 hex #F7C9C6 hsv 4 20 97 xyz 0.69 0.66 0.62 lab 85 16 8 lch 85 18 26 cmyk 0 18 19 3 PMS502[615][242,198,196](1.7):PMS706[885][252,201,198](2.0):PMS196[154][244,201,201](2.2):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](3.0):beauty_bush[1335][238,193,190](3.0) 16 PMS196:PMS502:PMS706:baby:beauty:bush:pink +605 PMS497 rgb 81 40 38 hex #512826 hsv 3 53 32 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 22 19 10 lch 22 21 28 cmyk 0 16 17 68 nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](1.7):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](2.4):volcano[8967][78,39,40](2.4):filmpro_burnt_sienna[3604][82,44,43](3.0):rialto[7200][76,35,34](3.0) 18 burnt:filmpro:nelson:pasifika:rialto:sienna:soil:style:volcano:red +606 PMS4975 rgb 68 30 28 hex #441E1C hsv 3 59 27 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 18 10 lch 17 21 29 cmyk 0 15 16 73 rialto[7200][76,35,34](2.2):cocoa_bean[2406][72,28,28](3.0):cedar[2146][62,28,20](4.1):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](4.1):dark_sienna[2881][60,20,20](4.5) 11 dark:bean:cedar:cocoa:mahogany:rialto:sienna +607 PMS498 rgb 109 51 43 hex #6D332B hsv 7 61 43 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 29 25 17 lch 29 30 34 cmyk 0 23 26 57 kwila[4897][109,51,42](1.0):mocha[5803][111,55,45](1.7):kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](2.0):meranti[5675][107,52,42](2.2):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](3.0) 12 copper:kenyan:kwila:meranti:mocha:pueblo +608 PMS4985 rgb 132 73 73 hex #844949 hsv 0 45 52 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.08 lab 38 25 11 lch 38 27 24 cmyk 0 23 23 48 solid_pink[7840][133,73,76](1.4):hot_stuff[4571][135,71,72](2.2):orbit[6233][135,71,72](2.2):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](2.4):tuscan_red[8597][124,72,72](3.3) 7 hot:intrigue:orbit:solid:stuff:tuscan:pink:red +609 PMS499 rgb 122 56 45 hex #7A382D hsv 9 63 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.03 lab 32 28 20 lch 32 34 36 cmyk 0 26 30 52 western_red_cedar[9056][122,55,42](2.0):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](2.4):teranova[8305][122,58,43](2.4):scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](3.0):desperado[3111][117,57,41](3.6) 11 cedar:clay:desperado:scorched:sunspot:teranova:western:red +610 PMS4995 rgb 165 107 109 hex #A56B6D hsv 358 35 65 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.17 lab 51 23 8 lch 51 25 20 cmyk 0 23 22 35 coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](2.4):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](2.8):turkish_rose[8569][165,110,117](3.2):warhol[8994][155,97,95](5.0):au_chico[1190][151,96,93](5.1) 4 au:chico:copper:coral:tree:turkish:warhol:rose +611 PMS500 rgb 206 137 140 hex #CE898C hsv 357 33 81 xyz 0.39 0.33 0.29 lab 64 27 9 lch 64 28 19 cmyk 0 27 26 19 dusty_pink[3310][213,138,148](3.7):PMS694[873][201,140,140](4.0):light_pink[5170][205,140,149](4.2):old_rose[6145][192,128,129](4.6):old_rose[6146][200,127,137](5.2) 4 light:PMS694:dusty:old:pink:rose +612 PMS5005 rgb 188 135 135 hex #BC8787 hsv 0 28 74 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.27 lab 61 20 8 lch 61 22 22 cmyk 0 21 21 26 brandy_rose[1696][187,137,131](3.7):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](4.0):PMS694[873][201,140,140](4.4):oriental_pink[6251][194,142,136](4.4):pink[6665][188,143,143](4.4) 7 PMS694:brandy:oriental:pink:rose +613 PMS501 rgb 234 178 178 hex #EAB2B2 hsv 360 24 92 xyz 0.58 0.53 0.49 lab 78 20 8 lch 78 22 21 cmyk 0 22 22 8 rosy_brown[7327][238,180,180](1.4):rosybrown[7333][238,180,180](1.4):sweet_spot[8184][234,183,183](2.4):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](3.6):PMS495[603][244,188,191](3.7) 12 PMS495:doll:paper:rosy:rosybrown:spot:sweet:brown +614 PMS5015 rgb 216 173 168 hex #D8ADA8 hsv 6 22 85 xyz 0.5 0.47 0.44 lab 74 15 9 lch 74 17 30 cmyk 0 17 19 15 eunry[3520][207,163,157](3.0):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](3.0):PMS693[872][219,168,165](3.2):eunry[3519][205,165,156](3.7):pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](4.4) 6 pale:PMS693:chestnut:doll:eunry:paper +615 PMS502 rgb 242 198 196 hex #F2C6C4 hsv 3 19 95 xyz 0.67 0.63 0.61 lab 84 15 7 lch 84 17 24 cmyk 0 17 18 5 PMS196[154][244,201,201](1.4):PMS496[604][247,201,198](1.7):beauty_bush[1335][238,193,190](2.4):PMS510[625][244,198,201](2.8):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](3.2) 15 PMS196:PMS496:PMS510:baby:beauty:bush:pink +616 PMS5025 rgb 226 188 183 hex #E2BCB7 hsv 7 19 89 xyz 0.58 0.56 0.52 lab 79 13 8 lch 79 15 31 cmyk 0 15 17 11 cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](1.4):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](1.7):PMS692[871][232,191,186](2.2):rose[7296][231,188,180](2.4):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](2.4) 15 PMS692:as:cavern:fog:sweet:pink:rose +617 PMS503 rgb 244 209 204 hex #F4D1CC hsv 8 16 96 xyz 0.71 0.69 0.67 lab 87 11 7 lch 87 13 31 cmyk 0 14 16 4 pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](1.4):coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](1.7):PMS698[877][247,209,204](2.0):PMS5035[618][237,206,198](2.4):PMS691[870][239,209,201](2.4) 26 PMS5035:PMS691:PMS698:candy:coral:terrace:pink +618 PMS5035 rgb 237 206 198 hex #EDCEC6 hsv 12 16 93 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.63 lab 85 10 8 lch 85 12 40 cmyk 0 12 15 7 PMS691[870][239,209,201](1.4):coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](2.2):PMS503[617][244,209,204](2.4):dust_storm[3301][229,202,192](2.8):pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](2.8) 16 PMS503:PMS691:candy:coral:dust:storm:terrace:pink +619 PMS504 rgb 81 30 38 hex #511E26 hsv 351 63 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 25 7 lch 19 26 15 cmyk 0 20 17 68 bordeaux[1657][76,28,36](1.7):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](2.0):mayhem[5590][77,27,37](2.2):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](3.2):persian_red[6610][79,33,42](3.7) 11 baron:bordeaux:demon:mayhem:persian:speed:red +620 PMS505 rgb 102 30 43 hex #661E2B hsv 349 71 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 23 33 10 lch 23 35 16 cmyk 0 28 23 60 pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](2.0):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](2.0):x_factor[9183][104,27,43](2.0):breakfree[1702][101,25,42](2.4):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.7) 8 blood:breakfree:chile:factor:hibiscus:hot:pasifika:pohutukawa:style:x +621 PMS506 rgb 122 38 56 hex #7A2638 hsv 347 69 48 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.04 lab 29 38 9 lch 29 39 13 cmyk 0 33 26 52 lollipop[5334][127,40,56](2.4):raspberry[7067][127,40,56](2.4):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](3.7):claret[2355][110,34,51](4.4):paprika[6477][124,45,55](4.4) 5 c:claret:i:lollipop:paprika:raspberry:red +622 PMS507 rgb 216 137 155 hex #D8899B hsv 346 37 85 xyz 0.43 0.35 0.35 lab 66 32 3 lch 66 33 6 cmyk 0 31 24 15 dull_pink[3286][213,134,157](2.4):can[2031][208,138,155](3.3):shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](3.7):kobi[4873][224,147,171](4.2):can[2032][213,145,164](4.6) 7 blush:can:dull:kobi:shimmering:pink +623 PMS508 rgb 232 165 175 hex #E8A5AF hsv 351 29 91 xyz 0.54 0.47 0.47 lab 74 26 5 lch 74 27 10 cmyk 0 26 22 9 pink[6669][238,169,184](3.7):light_pink[5171][238,162,173](4.1):PMS494[602][242,173,178](4.2):faded_pink[3538][222,157,172](4.2):floyd[3699][218,156,166](4.2) 5 light:PMS494:faded:floyd:pink +624 PMS509 rgb 242 186 191 hex #F2BABF hsv 355 23 95 xyz 0.64 0.58 0.57 lab 81 21 5 lch 81 22 14 cmyk 0 22 20 5 PMS495[603][244,188,191](1.0):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.2):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](2.4):PMS182[133][249,191,193](2.8):PMS1895[142][252,191,201](3.0) 20 pale:PMS182:PMS1895:PMS495:azalea:rose +625 PMS510 rgb 244 198 201 hex #F4C6C9 hsv 356 19 96 xyz 0.68 0.64 0.64 lab 84 17 5 lch 84 17 16 cmyk 0 18 17 4 PMS196[154][244,201,201](2.4):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](2.4):tea_rose[8277][244,194,194](2.4):PMS502[615][242,198,196](2.8):PMS496[604][247,201,198](3.3) 15 PMS196:PMS496:PMS502:baby:tea:pink:rose +626 PMS511 rgb 96 33 68 hex #602144 hsv 327 66 38 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.06 lab 24 33 -7 lch 24 33 347 cmyk 0 25 11 62 tawny_port[8267][105,37,69](3.7):nightclub[6056][106,31,68](4.6):pompadour[6765][106,31,68](4.6):finn[3630][105,45,84](5.7):dark_cerise[2701][89,39,70](6.3) 3 dark:cerise:finn:nightclub:pompadour:port:tawny +627 PMS5115 rgb 79 33 58 hex #4F213A hsv 327 58 31 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.04 lab 20 25 -6 lch 20 26 347 cmyk 0 18 8 69 dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](3.3):blackberry[1485][67,24,47](4.2):PMS262[247][84,35,68](4.9):dark_cerise[2701][89,39,70](5.4):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](5.8) 3 dark:PMS262:blackberry:cerise:raspberry:rose +628 PMS512 rgb 132 33 107 hex #84216B hsv 315 75 52 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.15 lab 32 49 -20 lch 32 53 338 cmyk 0 39 10 48 maroon[5542][142,35,107](4.9):centre_stage[2172][131,49,116](5.9):plum[6742][132,49,121](6.4):rich_purple[7222][114,0,88](7.1):carnival[2107][126,42,101](7.2) 1 carnival:centre:maroon:plum:rich:stage:purple +629 PMS5125 rgb 117 71 96 hex #754760 hsv 327 39 46 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.12 lab 36 24 -6 lch 36 24 345 cmyk 0 18 8 54 dirty_purple[3140][115,74,101](3.7):cosmic[2545][121,77,96](4.1):cordite[2509][109,70,88](4.6):halayà_úbe[4274][102,55,84](6.4):halayà_úbe[4275][102,56,84](6.4) 3 cordite:cosmic:dirty:halayà:úbe:purple +630 PMS513 rgb 158 35 135 hex #9E2387 hsv 311 78 62 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.24 lab 38 59 -27 lch 38 65 335 cmyk 0 48 9 38 PMS254[220][160,45,150](6.4):PMS248[214][163,5,127](6.8):warm_purple[9003][149,46,143](7.1):dark_purple[2852][135,31,120](7.9):strong_fuchsia[8032][168,0,126](8.6) 0 dark:strong:PMS248:PMS254:fuchsia:warm:purple +631 PMS5135 rgb 147 107 127 hex #936B7F hsv 330 27 58 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.22 lab 50 19 -5 lch 50 20 346 cmyk 0 16 8 42 strikemaster[8010][148,106,129](2.2):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](3.7):arabella[1134][133,99,110](6.4):mountbatten_pink[5921][153,122,141](6.5):grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](7.1) 2 PMS5205:arabella:grayish:mountbatten:strikemaster:pink:rose +632 PMS514 rgb 216 132 188 hex #D884BC hsv 320 39 85 xyz 0.46 0.35 0.52 lab 66 40 -16 lch 66 43 339 cmyk 0 33 11 15 light_cerise[5078][231,139,197](4.4):shocking[7672][226,146,192](7.1):light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](7.7):light_rose[5183][231,139,185](7.7):sky_magenta[7751][207,113,175](7.9) 1 light:cerise:fuchsia:magenta:shocking:sky:rose +633 PMS5145 rgb 173 135 153 hex #AD8799 hsv 332 22 68 xyz 0.32 0.29 0.34 lab 60 17 -4 lch 60 18 347 cmyk 0 15 8 32 bouquet[1680][167,129,153](4.1):grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](4.4):english_lavender[3490][180,131,149](5.4):mountbatten_pink[5921][153,122,141](5.7):grayish_crimson[4002][168,125,136](5.9) 2 bouquet:english:grayish:mountbatten:crimson:lavender:pink:rose +634 PMS515 rgb 232 163 201 hex #E8A3C9 hsv 327 30 91 xyz 0.57 0.48 0.61 lab 75 31 -9 lch 75 32 344 cmyk 0 27 12 9 kobi[4874][231,159,196](2.4):pink_pearl[6686][231,172,207](4.5):PMS236[194][249,175,211](4.6):lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](4.9):illusion[4612][246,164,201](5.1) 4 PMS236:illusion:kobi:pearl:lavender:pink +635 PMS5155 rgb 204 175 183 hex #CCAFB7 hsv 343 14 80 xyz 0.49 0.47 0.51 lab 74 12 0 lch 74 12 359 cmyk 0 11 8 20 PMS5225[649][204,173,175](3.2):alluring[1007][196,171,185](4.6):gelato[3837][219,183,190](4.6):pink_flare[6676][216,180,182](4.6):kidman[4853][204,183,185](4.9) 5 PMS5225:alluring:flare:gelato:kidman:pink +636 PMS516 rgb 242 186 211 hex #F2BAD3 hsv 333 23 95 xyz 0.66 0.59 0.69 lab 81 24 -5 lch 81 24 349 cmyk 0 22 12 5 PMS243[209][242,186,216](2.2):cupid[2626][251,190,218](2.8):pale_light_grayish_rose[6374][231,184,208](3.3):PMS217[175][244,191,209](3.7):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](3.7) 10 pale:light:PMS217:PMS243:chantilly:cupid:grayish:rose +637 PMS5165 rgb 224 201 204 hex #E0C9CC hsv 352 10 88 xyz 0.63 0.62 0.66 lab 83 9 1 lch 83 9 10 cmyk 0 9 8 12 PMS524[652][226,204,211](2.2):lullaby[5356][226,205,213](2.2):prim[6809][226,205,213](2.2):devoted[3114][232,205,208](2.4):PMS5235[651][221,198,196](3.3) 18 PMS5235:PMS524:devoted:lullaby:prim +638 PMS517 rgb 244 204 216 hex #F4CCD8 hsv 342 16 96 xyz 0.71 0.67 0.74 lab 86 16 -1 lch 86 16 358 cmyk 0 16 11 4 pink_lace[6678][246,204,215](1.4):PMS671[850][239,198,211](2.2):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](2.8):pig_pink[6647][253,215,228](3.2):pastel_pink[6512][255,209,220](3.5) 9 light:PMS671:lace:pastel:pig:pink +639 PMS5175 rgb 232 214 209 hex #E8D6D1 hsv 13 10 91 xyz 0.69 0.7 0.7 lab 87 5 5 lch 87 7 41 cmyk 0 7 9 9 PMS5245[653][229,211,204](1.4):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](1.4):ebb[3342][230,216,212](1.4):cest_la_vie[2189][228,215,209](2.0):pot_pourri[6793][239,220,212](2.2) 32 PMS5245:cest:dawn:ebb:la:pot:pourri:vie:pink +640 PMS518 rgb 81 45 68 hex #512D44 hsv 322 44 32 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.06 lab 24 20 -7 lch 24 22 340 cmyk 0 14 5 68 broadway[1816][85,49,70](1.4):PMS5195[643][89,51,68](4.5):fandango[3554][90,56,81](4.6):loulou[5347][76,51,71](5.2):dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](5.9) 3 dark:PMS5195:broadway:byzantium:fandango:loulou +641 PMS5185 rgb 71 40 53 hex #472835 hsv 335 44 28 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.04 lab 20 17 -2 lch 20 17 352 cmyk 0 12 7 72 castro[2129][68,35,47](1.7):toledo[8401][62,38,49](4.2):tempo[8298][70,43,49](4.4):conundrum[2467][60,32,44](4.5):barossa[1311][69,46,57](4.6) 5 barossa:castro:conundrum:tempo:toledo +642 PMS519 rgb 99 48 94 hex #63305E hsv 306 52 39 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.11 lab 28 30 -17 lch 28 35 330 cmyk 0 20 2 61 PMS2622[248][96,45,89](1.4):grape[3977][108,52,97](3.3):dark_orchid[2827][89,39,83](4.1):harlequin[4423][106,57,104](4.2):style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](4.2) 6 dark:PMS2622:clam:grape:harlequin:ocean:orchid:pasifika:style +643 PMS5195 rgb 89 51 68 hex #593344 hsv 333 43 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.06 lab 26 20 -3 lch 26 20 351 cmyk 0 15 8 65 broadway[1816][85,49,70](3.2):PMS518[640][81,45,68](4.5):tawny_port[8266][100,58,72](4.6):verve[8711][93,46,60](5.0):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](5.9) 4 PMS518:broadway:port:tawny:verve:black:rose +644 PMS520 rgb 112 53 114 hex #703572 hsv 298 54 45 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.17 lab 32 36 -24 lch 32 43 326 cmyk 1 24 0 55 giggle[3857][105,50,110](2.8):seance[7583][105,50,110](2.8):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](2.8):eminence[3474][110,57,116](3.2):PMS255[221][119,45,107](5.1) 4 PMS255:eminence:flax:giggle:pasifika:seance:style:purple +645 PMS5205 rgb 142 104 119 hex #8E6877 hsv 336 27 56 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.2 lab 48 18 -2 lch 48 18 352 cmyk 0 15 9 44 arabella[1134][133,99,110](3.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](3.6):PMS5135[631][147,107,127](3.7):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](4.9):raspberry_glace[7072][145,95,109](4.9) 6 PMS5135:arabella:glace:mauve:raspberry:taupe:pink +646 PMS521 rgb 181 140 178 hex #B58CB2 hsv 304 23 71 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.46 lab 63 22 -14 lch 63 26 328 cmyk 0 16 1 29 dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](4.1):wonderland[9163][187,151,187](4.5):opera_mauve[6190][183,132,167](4.7):heather[4452][164,132,172](5.4):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](5.7) 3 dusty:grayish:heather:magenta:mauve:opera:wonderland:lavender +647 PMS5215 rgb 181 147 155 hex #B5939B hsv 346 19 71 xyz 0.35 0.33 0.36 lab 64 14 1 lch 64 14 2 cmyk 0 13 10 29 mesmerise[5686][181,152,163](3.7):anticipation[1057][168,138,142](4.6):wisteria[9154][164,135,139](5.5):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](5.9):careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](6.4) 2 anticipation:careys:mesmerise:tuscany:wisteria:pink +648 PMS522 rgb 198 163 193 hex #C6A3C1 hsv 309 18 78 xyz 0.46 0.42 0.56 lab 71 18 -11 lch 71 21 330 cmyk 0 14 2 22 london_hue[5337][190,166,195](4.1):lilac[5255][200,162,200](4.2):wonderland[9163][187,151,187](5.4):PMS257[226][211,165,201](5.5):lily[5261][193,159,179](5.7) 2 PMS257:hue:lilac:lily:london:wonderland +649 PMS5225 rgb 204 173 175 hex #CCADAF hsv 356 15 80 xyz 0.48 0.46 0.47 lab 73 12 3 lch 73 12 15 cmyk 0 12 11 20 pinkish_grey[6697][200,172,169](2.8):PMS5155[635][204,175,183](3.2):pink_flare[6676][216,180,182](3.3):cherish[2257][198,171,169](3.7):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](4.0) 5 PMS5155:cherish:flare:pinkish:silver:grey:pink +650 PMS523 rgb 211 183 204 hex #D3B7CC hsv 315 13 83 xyz 0.55 0.52 0.64 lab 77 14 -7 lch 77 15 333 cmyk 0 11 3 17 thistle[8326][205,181,205](2.4):thistle[8327][216,191,216](3.7):lily[5262][200,170,191](4.0):maverick[5585][200,177,192](4.1):maverick[5586][216,194,213](5.0) 5 lily:maverick:thistle +651 PMS5235 rgb 221 198 196 hex #DDC6C4 hsv 5 11 87 xyz 0.6 0.6 0.61 lab 82 8 4 lch 82 9 27 cmyk 0 9 10 13 dust_storm[3302][229,204,201](2.2):wafer[8981][222,203,198](2.4):oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](3.2):PMS5165[637][224,201,204](3.3):devoted[3114][232,205,208](4.1) 10 PMS5165:devoted:dust:oyster:storm:wafer:pink +652 PMS524 rgb 226 204 211 hex #E2CCD3 hsv 341 10 89 xyz 0.65 0.64 0.71 lab 84 9 -1 lch 84 9 356 cmyk 0 9 6 11 lullaby[5356][226,205,213](0.0):prim[6809][226,205,213](0.0):PMS5165[637][224,201,204](2.2):devoted[3114][232,205,208](3.3):lola[5333][223,207,219](3.3) 13 PMS5165:devoted:lola:lullaby:prim +653 PMS5245 rgb 229 211 204 hex #E5D3CC hsv 17 11 90 xyz 0.67 0.68 0.67 lab 86 5 6 lch 86 8 48 cmyk 0 7 10 10 PMS5175[639][232,214,209](1.4):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](1.4):bizarre[1448][231,210,200](2.2):PMS434[518][224,209,198](2.4):cest_la_vie[2189][228,215,209](2.4) 34 PMS434:PMS5175:bizarre:cest:dawn:la:vie:pink +654 PMS525 rgb 81 38 84 hex #512654 hsv 296 55 33 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.09 lab 23 28 -19 lch 23 34 325 cmyk 1 18 0 67 dark_heliotrope[2773][83,39,89](2.4):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](3.7):dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](3.7):dark_orchid[2827][89,39,83](3.7):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](4.1) 6 dark:bossanova:heliotrope:magenta:mulberry:orchid +655 PMS5255 rgb 53 38 79 hex #35264F hsv 262 52 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 19 17 -23 lch 19 29 307 cmyk 10 16 0 69 violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](2.4):PMS276[293][43,33,71](3.7):hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](3.7):paua[6528][42,37,81](3.7):style_pasifika_purple_deep[8089][42,37,81](3.7) 7 deep:PMS276:hip:hop:pasifika:paua:style:violent:purple:violet +656 PMS526 rgb 104 33 122 hex #68217A hsv 288 73 48 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.19 lab 28 45 -36 lch 28 57 321 cmyk 7 35 0 52 PMS2613[245][102,17,109](4.7):PMS2603[241][112,20,122](6.0):PMS2612[244][112,30,114](6.1):eminence[3473][108,48,130](6.5):PMS2617[246][86,12,112](7.3) 1 PMS2603:PMS2612:PMS2613:PMS2617:eminence +657 PMS5265 rgb 73 61 99 hex #493D63 hsv 259 38 39 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.13 lab 29 14 -21 lch 29 25 305 cmyk 10 15 0 61 glitter[3875][65,58,93](3.0):zodiac[9269][65,58,93](3.0):adventure[964][65,64,98](5.1):corn_flower_blue[2523][66,66,111](5.5):vortex[8976][58,56,91](5.7) 2 adventure:corn:flower:glitter:vortex:zodiac:blue +658 PMS527 rgb 122 30 153 hex #7A1E99 hsv 285 80 60 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.31 lab 33 56 -47 lch 33 73 320 cmyk 12 48 0 40 purple[6862][126,30,156](1.4):seance[7584][115,30,143](4.7):PMS2602[240][130,12,142](6.5):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](6.9):PMS2597[238][102,0,140](7.7) 2 deep:PMS2597:PMS2602:cobalt:seance:purple:violet +659 PMS5275 rgb 96 86 119 hex #605677 hsv 258 28 47 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.19 lab 39 11 -17 lch 39 21 304 cmyk 9 13 0 53 covert[2564][100,89,119](2.2):high_society[4482][105,91,124](3.0):enigma[3497][81,80,114](4.9):centaurian[2171][110,89,119](5.4):smoky[7794][96,91,115](5.7) 3 centaurian:covert:enigma:high:smoky:society +660 PMS528 rgb 175 114 193 hex #AF72C1 hsv 286 41 76 xyz 0.33 0.25 0.54 lab 57 38 -32 lch 57 49 320 cmyk 7 31 0 24 PMS2577[229][170,114,191](2.2):soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](6.0):orchid[6235][200,117,196](8.2):PMS2572[227][198,135,209](8.8):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](8.8) 1 PMS2572:PMS2577:PMS2655:orchid:soft:purple +661 PMS5285 rgb 140 130 153 hex #8C8299 hsv 266 15 60 xyz 0.25 0.24 0.33 lab 56 8 -11 lch 56 14 307 cmyk 5 9 0 40 amethyst_smoke[1043][149,135,156](3.0):raincloud[7048][123,124,148](4.7):waterloo[9017][123,124,148](4.7):mamba[5489][142,129,144](5.0):mobster[5797][127,117,137](5.1) 4 amethyst:mamba:mobster:raincloud:smoke:waterloo +662 PMS529 rgb 206 163 211 hex #CEA3D3 hsv 294 23 83 xyz 0.5 0.44 0.67 lab 72 24 -18 lch 72 30 323 cmyk 2 19 0 17 PMS2563[224][209,160,204](3.2):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](3.6):pastel_violet[6517][203,153,201](4.4):light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](5.1):lilac[5255][200,162,200](5.1) 3 light:PMS2562:PMS2563:grayish:lilac:magenta:pastel:violet +663 PMS5295 rgb 178 168 181 hex #B2A8B5 hsv 286 7 71 xyz 0.41 0.41 0.49 lab 70 6 -5 lch 70 8 318 cmyk 1 5 0 29 chatelle[2244][179,171,182](1.4):lola[5332][185,172,187](2.4):ashen_lavender[1159][177,169,177](2.8):abbey_road[946][175,168,188](4.0):magentaish_grey[5447][168,156,168](4.1) 9 abbey:ashen:chatelle:lola:magentaish:road:grey:lavender +664 PMS530 rgb 214 175 214 hex #D6AFD6 hsv 300 18 84 xyz 0.55 0.5 0.7 lab 76 21 -14 lch 76 25 325 cmyk 0 15 0 16 flower_power[3698][222,183,217](3.7):french_lilac[3750][222,183,217](3.7):PMS257[226][211,165,201](4.1):pink_lavender[6682][216,178,209](4.6):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](4.9) 6 pale:light:PMS257:flower:french:fuchsia:grayish:lilac:power:lavender:pink +665 PMS5305 rgb 204 193 198 hex #CCC1C6 hsv 333 5 80 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.61 lab 79 5 -1 lch 79 5 347 cmyk 0 4 2 20 lavender_blush[4936][205,193,197](1.0):lavenderblush[4949][205,193,197](1.0):i_do[4594][204,188,198](3.0):pale_slate[6431][195,191,193](3.2):surf_spray_grey[8161][200,196,197](3.2) 19 pale:slate:blush:do:i:lavenderblush:spray:surf:grey:lavender +666 PMS531 rgb 229 198 219 hex #E5C6DB hsv 319 14 90 xyz 0.65 0.62 0.76 lab 83 14 -6 lch 83 16 336 cmyk 0 12 4 10 PMS256[222][229,196,214](1.7):melanie[5657][228,194,213](1.7):maverick[5586][216,194,213](3.7):thistle[8327][216,191,216](4.4):twilight[8613][228,207,222](4.6) 6 PMS256:maverick:melanie:thistle:twilight +667 PMS5315 rgb 219 211 211 hex #DBD3D3 hsv 360 4 86 xyz 0.64 0.66 0.71 lab 85 3 1 lch 85 3 20 cmyk 0 3 3 14 swiss_coffee[8189][221,214,213](1.4):urbane[8661][217,209,207](1.7):PMS538[674][214,211,214](2.2):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](2.2):mercury[5676][213,210,209](2.2) 51 PMS538:coffee:flotsam:half:mercury:swiss:urbane +668 PMS532 rgb 53 56 66 hex #353842 hsv 226 20 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.06 lab 24 1 -7 lch 24 7 281 cmyk 5 4 0 74 high_tide[4484][50,55,63](1.7):tuna[8563][53,53,66](2.4):black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](3.0):catch[2136][52,52,60](3.0):gotham[3956][48,59,68](3.0) 18 catch:gotham:high:marlin:tide:tuna:black +669 PMS533 rgb 53 63 91 hex #353F5B hsv 224 42 36 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.11 lab 27 4 -18 lch 27 18 282 cmyk 15 11 0 64 cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](1.0):gulf_blue[4244][52,63,92](1.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](1.7):biscay[1423][47,60,83](3.5):dotcom[3172][65,65,93](3.7) 17 biscay:cove:dotcom:gulf:true:blue:grey +670 PMS534 rgb 58 73 114 hex #3A4972 hsv 224 49 45 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.17 lab 32 6 -25 lch 32 26 284 cmyk 22 16 0 55 style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](1.7):takaka[8210][61,77,120](1.7):night_moves[6049][69,76,115](3.0):capri[2067][48,67,106](3.2):magik[5452][62,76,122](3.7) 9 capri:magik:moves:night:pasifika:style:takaka:whale:blue +671 PMS535 rgb 155 163 183 hex #9BA3B7 hsv 223 15 72 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.5 lab 67 1 -11 lch 67 11 277 cmyk 11 8 0 28 santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](3.0):smokescreen[7790][147,162,183](3.0):style_pasifika_lagoon_spray[8082][147,162,183](3.0):rock_blue[7258][147,162,186](3.3):PMS651[830][155,170,191](3.5) 9 PMS651:lagoon:pasifika:rock:santas:smokescreen:spray:style:blue:grey +672 PMS536 rgb 173 178 193 hex #ADB2C1 hsv 225 10 76 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.57 lab 73 1 -8 lch 73 8 279 cmyk 8 6 0 24 cadet_blue[1985][176,183,198](1.0):cadet_blue[1984][169,178,195](2.4):longitude[5343][174,183,192](3.0):shinto[7659][166,181,198](3.6):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.7) 11 alaska:cadet:longitude:shinto:blue +673 PMS537 rgb 196 198 206 hex #C4C6CE hsv 228 5 81 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.66 lab 80 1 -4 lch 80 4 281 cmyk 4 3 0 19 PMS650[829][191,198,209](2.2):breathless[1704][193,200,210](2.2):ghost[3850][192,191,199](2.2):ghost[3851][199,201,213](2.4):in_the_mauve[4621][206,203,209](2.4) 30 PMS650:breathless:ghost:in:mauve:the +674 PMS538 rgb 214 211 214 hex #D6D3D6 hsv 300 1 84 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.73 lab 85 2 -1 lch 85 2 324 cmyk 0 1 0 16 PMS5315[667][219,211,211](2.2):PMS649[828][214,214,216](2.2):grey[4186][212,212,212](2.2):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](2.2):light_grey[5121][211,211,211](2.2) 51 light:PMS5315:PMS649:half:iron:grey +675 PMS539 rgb 0 48 73 hex #003049 hsv 201 100 29 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.07 lab 18 -4 -20 lch 18 20 258 cmyk 29 10 0 71 PMS296[323][0,45,71](1.4):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](2.2):blue_whale[1598][4,46,76](3.6):nile_blue[6058][25,55,81](4.6):tarawera[8253][7,58,80](5.4) 4 PMS296:PMS2965:nile:tarawera:whale:blue +676 PMS5395 rgb 2 40 58 hex #02283A hsv 199 97 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 15 -5 -15 lch 15 16 251 cmyk 22 7 0 77 prussian_blue[6828][25,47,65](4.4):billabong[1411][23,49,65](4.6):elephant[3457][18,52,71](5.0):mosaic[5904][18,52,71](5.0):big_stone[1406][22,42,64](5.2) 4 big:billabong:elephant:mosaic:prussian:stone:blue +677 PMS540 rgb 0 51 91 hex #00335B hsv 206 100 36 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.1 lab 21 2 -28 lch 21 28 274 cmyk 36 16 0 64 prussian_blue[6826][0,49,83](4.1):cello[2164][30,56,91](4.6):green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](4.6):whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](4.6):deep_azure[2956][0,45,89](4.7) 5 deep:cello:prussian:tail:vogue:whale:azure:blue:green +678 PMS5405 rgb 63 96 117 hex #3F6075 hsv 203 46 46 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.18 lab 39 -6 -16 lch 39 17 249 cmyk 21 8 0 54 blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](3.7):blumine[1623][48,92,113](3.7):chathams_blue[2247][44,89,113](4.1):undercurrent[8648][54,92,108](4.7):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](5.8) 4 bayoux:blumine:chathams:undercurrent:wavelength:blue +679 PMS541 rgb 0 63 119 hex #003F77 hsv 208 100 47 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.18 lab 26 6 -37 lch 26 37 279 cmyk 47 22 0 53 twilight_blue[8614][10,67,122](2.4):dark_cerulean[2702][8,69,126](3.2):PMS295[321][0,56,107](4.4):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](4.4):darkish_blue[2924][1,65,130](5.4) 4 dark:PMS295:cerulean:darkish:marine:twilight:blue +680 PMS5415 rgb 96 124 140 hex #607C8C hsv 202 31 55 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.28 lab 50 -6 -12 lch 50 13 243 cmyk 17 6 0 45 light_sky_blue[5201][96,123,139](0.0):grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](1.4):blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](1.7):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](3.3):elevate[3459][96,118,139](3.7) 9 light:elevate:grey/blue:sky:tsunami:blue:grey +681 PMS542 rgb 102 147 188 hex #6693BC hsv 209 46 74 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.52 lab 59 -4 -26 lch 59 26 261 cmyk 34 16 0 26 cerulean_frost[2188][109,155,195](3.3):subzero[8107][91,141,189](4.6):faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](4.7):dusty_blue[3304][90,134,173](5.1):off_blue[6106][86,132,174](5.1) 3 cerulean:dusty:faded:frost:off:subzero:blue +682 PMS5425 rgb 132 153 165 hex #8499A5 hsv 202 20 65 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.4 lab 62 -5 -9 lch 62 10 242 cmyk 13 5 0 35 bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](1.4):bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](2.8):regent_grey[7174][134,148,159](3.0):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.7):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](4.1) 10 bali:bluegrey:bluey:hai:regent:grey +683 PMS543 rgb 147 183 209 hex #93B7D1 hsv 205 30 82 xyz 0.4 0.45 0.67 lab 73 -6 -17 lch 73 18 250 cmyk 24 10 0 18 light_sky_blue[5203][141,182,205](2.4):light_grey_blue[5123][157,188,212](3.0):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](4.2):PMS283[304][155,196,226](4.6):comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](4.6) 7 slate:light:PMS283:comfort:sky:zone:blue:grey +684 PMS5435 rgb 175 188 191 hex #AFBCBF hsv 191 8 75 xyz 0.45 0.49 0.56 lab 75 -4 -3 lch 75 5 218 cmyk 6 1 0 25 coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](1.4):tower_grey[8445][169,189,191](2.0):casper[2124][170,181,184](2.2):heather[4453][174,187,193](2.2):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](3.7) 18 casper:coastal:eskimo:heather:tower:blue:grey +685 PMS544 rgb 183 204 219 hex #B7CCDB hsv 205 16 86 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.75 lab 81 -4 -10 lch 81 11 248 cmyk 14 6 0 14 sweetwaters[8185][195,209,223](3.0):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.2):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](3.5):beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](3.6):pale_aqua[6308][188,212,230](3.6) 13 pale:PMS2707:altitude:aqua:beau:sweetwaters:blue +686 PMS5445 rgb 196 204 204 hex #C4CCCC hsv 180 4 80 xyz 0.55 0.59 0.66 lab 81 -3 -1 lch 81 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 20 azure[1231][193,205,205](1.4):half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](1.7):silver[7705][197,201,199](2.2):geyser[3848][203,208,207](2.4):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.4) 42 duck:egg:geyser:half:periglacial:silver:azure:blue +687 PMS545 rgb 196 211 221 hex #C4D3DD hsv 204 11 87 xyz 0.59 0.64 0.78 lab 84 -3 -7 lch 84 7 245 cmyk 10 4 0 13 PMS290[311][196,216,226](2.2):columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](2.2):sweetwaters[8185][195,209,223](2.4):PMS643[822][198,209,214](3.2):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.6) 9 PMS290:PMS643:altitude:columbia:sweetwaters:blue +688 PMS5455 rgb 214 216 211 hex #D6D8D3 hsv 84 2 85 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.71 lab 86 -2 2 lch 86 3 125 cmyk 1 0 2 15 light_grey[5122][216,220,214](1.0):quill_grey[7029][214,214,209](1.0):half_emerge[4323][206,213,207](1.4):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](1.7):quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](1.7) 96 light:emerge:half:quarter:quill:tasman:grey +689 PMS546 rgb 12 56 68 hex #0C3844 hsv 193 82 27 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.06 lab 21 -10 -12 lch 21 15 230 cmyk 22 5 0 73 loch_ness[5320][7,47,55](5.0):PMS309[346][0,63,73](5.1):barometer[1308][17,57,76](5.1):elephant[3457][18,52,71](5.9):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](5.9) 1 PMS309:barometer:elephant:loch:ness:vogue:green +690 PMS5463 rgb 0 53 58 hex #00353A hsv 185 100 23 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.04 lab 19 -14 -8 lch 19 16 209 cmyk 23 2 0 77 tiber[8344][6,53,55](2.0):loch_ness[5320][7,47,55](4.6):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](5.4):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](5.4):PMS309[346][0,63,73](5.8) 2 PMS309:cyprus:greenstone:loch:ness:tiber +691 PMS5467 rgb 25 56 51 hex #193833 hsv 170 55 22 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -13 0 lch 21 13 182 cmyk 12 0 2 78 gable_green[3818][22,53,49](1.4):medium_jungle_green[5615][28,53,45](2.4):timber_green[8361][22,50,44](2.4):city_limits[2349][12,58,55](4.4):ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](5.1) 4 medium:city:gable:ivy:jungle:limits:timber:green +692 PMS547 rgb 0 63 84 hex #003F54 hsv 195 100 33 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.09 lab 24 -9 -18 lch 24 20 242 cmyk 33 8 0 67 PMS303[338][0,63,84](0.0):PMS548[695][0,68,89](2.2):deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](2.2):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](2.2):tarawera[8253][7,58,80](2.8) 8 deep:PMS303:PMS548:cerulean:tarawera:teal:blue +693 PMS5473 rgb 38 104 109 hex #26686D hsv 184 65 43 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.16 lab 40 -19 -9 lch 40 21 205 cmyk 28 2 0 57 muse[5948][46,105,109](1.7):caesar[1999][27,103,103](3.7):casal[2118][47,97,104](4.5):william[9119][58,104,108](4.6):atoll[1182][10,111,117](4.9) 6 atoll:caesar:casal:muse:william +694 PMS5477 rgb 58 86 79 hex #3A564F hsv 165 33 34 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.09 lab 34 -12 1 lch 34 12 177 cmyk 11 0 3 66 dark_grayish_turquoise[2756][66,89,84](3.0):plantation[6733][62,89,76](3.3):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](3.7):dark_grayish_spring_green[2755][66,89,78](3.7):eureka[3521][65,91,78](3.7) 9 dark:dianne:eureka:grayish:plantation:spring:blue:green:turquoise +695 PMS548 rgb 0 68 89 hex #004459 hsv 194 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 26 -10 -18 lch 26 21 240 cmyk 35 8 0 65 deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](0.0):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](1.4):st_kilda[7947][0,69,89](1.7):PMS303[338][0,63,84](2.2):PMS547[692][0,63,84](2.2) 9 deep:PMS303:PMS547:cerulean:kilda:st:teal:blue +696 PMS5483 rgb 96 145 145 hex #609191 hsv 180 34 57 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.31 lab 57 -16 -5 lch 57 17 198 cmyk 19 0 0 43 bounce[1678][103,147,148](1.4):wishlist[9150][101,146,149](2.4):steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](2.8):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.2):juniper[4797][109,146,146](3.3) 10 bounce:cyan:desaturated:juniper:steel:teal:wishlist +697 PMS5487 rgb 102 124 114 hex #667C72 hsv 153 18 49 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.19 lab 50 -10 3 lch 50 11 165 cmyk 9 0 4 51 scaramanga[7515][96,120,108](2.4):thor[8331][105,127,121](2.4):yucca[9239][104,120,107](2.4):sirocco[7730][104,118,110](3.6):smoke[7787][115,130,118](4.1) 7 scaramanga:sirocco:smoke:thor:yucca +698 PMS549 rgb 94 153 170 hex #5E99AA hsv 193 45 67 xyz 0.23 0.28 0.42 lab 60 -15 -15 lch 60 21 226 cmyk 30 7 0 33 hippie_blue[4507][88,154,175](2.0):toto[8438][81,157,175](3.7):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](5.1):wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](5.8):awash[1213][115,156,169](6.0) 2 moderate:awash:cerulean:eva:hippie:toto:wot:blue +699 PMS5493 rgb 140 175 173 hex #8CAFAD hsv 177 20 69 xyz 0.34 0.39 0.45 lab 69 -12 -3 lch 69 13 193 cmyk 14 0 1 31 cascade[2120][139,169,165](3.0):grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](4.1):ziggurat[9259][129,166,170](4.2):cascade[2121][140,168,160](4.6):sea_nymph[7570][138,174,164](4.6) 7 cascade:cyan:grayish:nymph:sea:ziggurat +700 PMS5497 rgb 145 163 153 hex #91A399 hsv 147 11 64 xyz 0.31 0.35 0.35 lab 65 -8 3 lch 65 9 160 cmyk 7 0 4 36 edward[3365][151,164,154](1.7):mantle[5513][139,156,144](2.2):pewter[6626][145,160,146](2.2):pewter[6627][150,168,161](2.8):boulevard[1677][142,165,160](3.3) 11 boulevard:edward:mantle:pewter +701 PMS550 rgb 135 175 191 hex #87AFBF hsv 197 29 75 xyz 0.35 0.4 0.55 lab 69 -10 -13 lch 69 16 232 cmyk 22 6 0 25 glacier[3869][128,179,196](3.3):moby[5798][142,178,190](3.3):pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](4.1):light_sky_blue[5203][141,182,205](4.7):glacier[3868][120,177,191](5.0) 5 light:glacier:moby:pewter:sky:blue +702 PMS5503 rgb 170 196 191 hex #AAC4BF hsv 168 13 77 xyz 0.46 0.52 0.57 lab 77 -10 0 lch 77 10 183 cmyk 10 0 2 23 opal[6188][168,195,188](0.0):opal[6189][169,198,194](1.7):rivendell[7235][169,189,182](3.0):ashanti[1158][166,187,179](3.7):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](3.7) 6 ashanti:jungle:mist:opal:rivendell +703 PMS5507 rgb 175 186 178 hex #AFBAB2 hsv 136 6 73 xyz 0.43 0.47 0.49 lab 74 -5 3 lch 74 6 153 cmyk 4 0 3 27 hermitage[4473][177,185,180](1.4):emerge[3472][173,186,181](2.0):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](2.2):bel_air[1387][173,181,170](2.2):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](2.4) 28 air:ash:bel:emerge:hermitage:loblolly:grey +704 PMS551 rgb 163 193 201 hex #A3C1C9 hsv 193 19 79 xyz 0.45 0.5 0.63 lab 76 -8 -7 lch 76 11 221 cmyk 15 3 0 21 escape[3507][158,192,202](2.2):pastel_blue[6501][174,198,207](2.8):chi[2278][159,191,194](3.0):light_blue[5013][154,192,205](4.6):tower_grey[8445][169,189,191](4.6) 5 light:chi:escape:pastel:tower:blue:grey +705 PMS5513 rgb 206 216 209 hex #CED8D1 hsv 138 5 85 xyz 0.62 0.67 0.7 lab 85 -5 2 lch 85 5 154 cmyk 4 0 3 15 nebula[6004][203,219,214](1.7):conch[2447][201,217,210](2.0):half_emerge[4323][206,213,207](2.0):carefree[2083][209,221,213](2.2):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](2.2) 35 carefree:conch:emerge:half:nebula:tasman +706 PMS5517 rgb 201 206 196 hex #C9CEC4 hsv 90 5 81 xyz 0.56 0.61 0.61 lab 82 -4 4 lch 82 6 129 cmyk 2 0 4 19 PMS5527[709][206,209,198](1.7):pumice[6846][194,202,196](2.2):eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](2.4):honeydew[4532][193,205,193](2.4):kangaroo[4815][198,200,189](2.4) 54 PMS5527:eighth:grass:honeydew:kangaroo:pumice:lemon +707 PMS552 rgb 196 214 214 hex #C4D6D6 hsv 180 8 84 xyz 0.59 0.65 0.73 lab 84 -6 -2 lch 84 6 199 cmyk 7 0 0 16 tiara[8343][195,209,209](1.4):cut_glass[2631][201,219,220](2.2):breeze[1705][204,219,217](2.4):light_blue[5017][192,217,217](2.4):azure[1231][193,205,205](3.0) 22 light:breeze:cut:glass:tiara:azure:blue +708 PMS5523 rgb 214 221 214 hex #D6DDD6 hsv 120 3 87 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.74 lab 87 -4 3 lch 87 4 144 cmyk 3 0 3 13 carefree[2083][209,221,213](1.0):quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](1.0):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](1.4):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](2.2):light_grey[5122][216,220,214](2.2) 78 light:aqua:carefree:half:haze:quarter:tasman:grey +709 PMS5527 rgb 206 209 198 hex #CED1C6 hsv 76 5 82 xyz 0.58 0.63 0.62 lab 83 -3 5 lch 83 6 120 cmyk 1 0 4 18 pastel_grey[6506][207,207,196](1.0):PMS441[525][209,209,198](1.4):PMS5517[706][201,206,196](1.7):celeste[2160][209,210,202](1.7):ivory[4697][205,205,193](1.7) 75 PMS441:PMS5517:celeste:ivory:pastel:grey +710 PMS553 rgb 35 68 53 hex #234435 hsv 153 49 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -16 5 lch 26 17 162 cmyk 13 0 6 73 burnham[1920][35,69,55](0.0):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](1.4):bush[1945][37,70,54](1.4):everglade[3526][38,67,52](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](2.2) 19 bottle:burnham:bush:english:everglade:holly:green +711 PMS5535 rgb 33 61 48 hex #213D30 hsv 152 46 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 23 -14 5 lch 23 15 162 cmyk 11 0 5 76 palm_green[6457][32,57,44](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](2.0):PMS5605[725][35,58,45](2.2):nikau[6057][42,64,50](3.0):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](3.3) 16 PMS5605:earthsong:english:holly:nikau:palm:green +712 PMS554 rgb 25 94 71 hex #195E47 hsv 160 73 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.07 lab 35 -27 7 lch 35 28 165 cmyk 27 0 9 63 deep_turquoise[3072][0,89,67](3.0):PMS343[416][0,86,63](3.6):castleton_green[2128][0,86,63](3.6):sacramento_state_green[7395][0,86,63](3.6):dark_spring_green[2896][39,89,64](3.7) 8 deep:dark:PMS343:castleton:sacramento:spring:state:green:turquoise +713 PMS5545 rgb 79 109 94 hex #4F6D5E hsv 150 28 43 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.13 lab 43 -14 5 lch 43 15 161 cmyk 12 0 6 57 PMS5615[727][84,104,86](4.4):stromboli[8014][64,99,86](4.9):style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](4.9):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](5.1):mineral_green[5756][80,99,85](5.1) 3 PMS5615:finlandia:mineral:pasifika:stromboli:style:whirlpool:green +714 PMS555 rgb 7 109 84 hex #076D54 hsv 165 94 43 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.1 lab 41 -33 7 lch 41 34 169 cmyk 40 0 10 57 watercourse[9014][5,111,87](1.0):PMS342[414][0,107,84](1.4):robin_hood[7253][22,112,87](1.4):bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](2.4):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](2.4) 11 PMS342:bangladesh:bottle:hood:robin:watercourse:green +715 PMS5555 rgb 119 145 130 hex #779182 hsv 145 18 57 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.25 lab 58 -12 5 lch 58 13 158 cmyk 10 0 6 43 spanish_green[7874][129,152,133](3.6):bluegrass[1607][131,151,131](3.7):granny_smith[3971][123,148,140](4.2):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](4.5):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](5.2) 4 bluegrass:granny:smith:spanish:xanadu:green +716 PMS556 rgb 122 168 145 hex #7AA891 hsv 150 27 66 xyz 0.27 0.34 0.32 lab 65 -20 7 lch 65 22 161 cmyk 18 0 9 34 grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](1.4):acapulco[953][117,170,148](2.2):bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](3.2):oxley[6278][119,158,134](3.7):PMS624[803][127,160,140](4.5) 5 PMS624:acapulco:bay:grayish:leaf:oxley:spring:green +717 PMS5565 rgb 150 170 153 hex #96AA99 hsv 129 12 67 xyz 0.33 0.38 0.36 lab 68 -10 6 lch 68 12 148 cmyk 8 0 7 33 mantle[5514][150,167,147](2.2):PMS5635[731][158,170,153](3.2):greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](3.2):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](3.2):robins_egg_blue[7254][158,170,158](3.2) 13 PMS5635:egg:greenish:mantle:robin:robins:blue:grey +718 PMS557 rgb 163 193 173 hex #A3C1AD hsv 140 16 76 xyz 0.42 0.49 0.47 lab 75 -14 7 lch 75 16 155 cmyk 12 0 8 24 cambridge_blue[2017][163,193,173](0.0):PMS623[802][165,191,170](1.4):gum_leaf[4249][172,201,178](3.2):summer_green[8118][150,187,171](4.1):zanah[9247][178,198,177](4.4) 5 PMS623:cambridge:gum:leaf:summer:zanah:blue:green +719 PMS5575 rgb 175 191 173 hex #AFBFAD hsv 113 9 75 xyz 0.44 0.49 0.47 lab 76 -9 7 lch 76 11 141 cmyk 6 0 7 25 rainee[7050][179,193,177](1.7):zanah[9247][178,198,177](3.0):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](3.2):clay_ash[2361][189,200,179](3.7):robins_egg_blue[7255][189,200,179](3.7) 9 ash:clay:egg:rainee:robins:spring:zanah:blue:green +720 PMS558 rgb 183 206 188 hex #B7CEBC hsv 133 11 81 xyz 0.51 0.58 0.56 lab 81 -11 6 lch 81 13 150 cmyk 9 0 7 19 sea_mist[7567][194,213,196](2.2):PMS622[801][193,209,191](2.4):gum_leaf[4250][182,211,191](2.4):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](3.0):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](3.2) 17 PMS622:edgewater:fertile:gum:leaf:mind:mist:sea +721 PMS5585 rgb 196 206 191 hex #C4CEBF hsv 100 7 81 xyz 0.54 0.6 0.58 lab 82 -6 6 lch 82 9 134 cmyk 4 0 6 19 honeydew[4532][193,205,193](1.4):paris_white[6491][191,205,192](1.7):harp[4425][203,206,192](2.2):PMS5655[735][198,204,186](2.4):secrets[7599][198,202,187](2.4) 28 PMS5655:harp:honeydew:paris:secrets:white +722 PMS559 rgb 198 214 196 hex #C6D6C4 hsv 113 8 84 xyz 0.57 0.64 0.62 lab 84 -9 7 lch 84 11 141 cmyk 6 0 7 16 sea_mist[7567][194,213,196](1.7):PMS622[801][193,209,191](2.0):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](2.0):sea_mist[7568][197,219,202](2.4):tasman[8259][207,220,207](3.5) 17 PMS622:edgewater:mist:sea:tasman +723 PMS5595 rgb 216 219 204 hex #D8DBCC hsv 72 7 86 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.67 lab 87 -4 7 lch 87 8 118 cmyk 1 0 6 14 PMS621[800][216,221,206](0.0):feta[3592][219,224,208](1.4):quarter_beryl_green[6921][217,217,202](1.4):gin[3860][217,223,205](1.7):helium[4465][216,217,200](1.7) 81 PMS621:beryl:feta:gin:helium:quarter:green +724 PMS560 rgb 43 76 63 hex #2B4C3F hsv 156 43 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.06 lab 30 -16 4 lch 30 16 166 cmyk 13 0 5 70 roulette[7340][42,77,62](1.4):te_papa_green[8271][43,75,64](1.7):PMS567[738][38,81,66](3.2):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](3.6):bush[1945][37,70,54](3.6) 10 PMS567:bottle:bush:papa:roulette:te:green +725 PMS5605 rgb 35 58 45 hex #233A2D hsv 146 40 23 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 22 -12 5 lch 22 14 157 cmyk 9 0 5 77 palm_green[6457][32,57,44](1.0):PMS5535[711][33,61,48](2.2):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](2.4):black_leather_jacket[1461][37,53,41](2.8):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](3.2) 14 PMS5535:cardin:earthsong:jacket:leather:palm:black:green +726 PMS561 rgb 38 102 89 hex #266659 hsv 168 63 40 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.11 lab 39 -24 1 lch 39 24 177 cmyk 25 0 5 60 dark_green_blue[2765][31,99,87](1.0):eden[3362][38,98,85](2.4):evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](3.6):globe[3879][37,103,97](4.6):PMS3292[391][0,96,86](4.7) 5 dark:PMS3292:eden:evening:globe:sea:blue:green +727 PMS5615 rgb 84 104 86 hex #546856 hsv 126 19 41 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.11 lab 42 -11 8 lch 42 14 146 cmyk 8 0 7 59 mineral_green[5756][80,99,85](3.0):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](4.1):pickled_aspen[6638][91,100,82](4.2):PMS5545[713][79,109,94](4.4):nandor[5975][78,93,78](4.6) 6 PMS5545:aspen:finlandia:mineral:nandor:pickled:green +728 PMS562 rgb 30 122 109 hex #1E7A6D hsv 172 75 48 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.17 lab 46 -29 0 lch 46 29 181 cmyk 36 0 5 52 genoa[3842][49,121,109](3.0):pine_green[6658][1,121,111](3.7):PMS328[386][0,119,112](4.2):blue_green[1565][19,126,109](4.2):genoa[3841][21,115,107](4.4) 7 PMS328:genoa:pine:blue:green +729 PMS5625 rgb 114 132 112 hex #728470 hsv 114 15 52 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.18 lab 53 -11 9 lch 53 14 141 cmyk 7 0 8 48 xanadu[9185][117,135,110](2.4):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](3.0):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](4.2):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](4.2):ranger[7059][109,128,99](4.9) 6 camouflage:ranger:spanish:xanadu:green +730 PMS563 rgb 127 188 170 hex #7FBCAA hsv 162 32 74 xyz 0.34 0.43 0.45 lab 72 -24 3 lch 72 24 173 cmyk 24 0 7 26 monte_carlo[5875][122,197,180](4.1):PMS570[740][127,198,178](4.2):acapulco[954][124,176,161](5.7):green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](5.8):gulf_stream[4245][116,178,168](6.0) 2 PMS570:acapulco:carlo:gulf:monte:sheen:stream:green +731 PMS5635 rgb 158 170 153 hex #9EAA99 hsv 102 10 67 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.36 lab 68 -7 7 lch 68 10 135 cmyk 5 0 7 33 greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](2.0):robins_egg_blue[7254][158,170,158](2.0):half_washed_green[4410][161,168,148](2.2):PMS5565[717][150,170,153](3.2) 13 PMS5565:egg:greenish:half:robin:robins:washed:blue:green:grey +732 PMS564 rgb 5 112 94 hex #05705E hsv 170 96 44 xyz 0.08 0.12 0.13 lab 42 -32 2 lch 42 32 176 cmyk 42 0 7 56 bingo[1415][0,116,96](1.7):teal_green[8290][0,109,91](1.7):PMS3298[393][0,107,91](2.8):PMS336[403][0,104,84](3.7):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](4.1) 8 PMS3298:PMS336:bingo:forest:rain:teal:tropical:green +733 PMS5645 rgb 188 193 178 hex #BCC1B2 hsv 80 8 76 xyz 0.48 0.52 0.5 lab 77 -4 7 lch 77 8 123 cmyk 2 0 6 24 aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](1.0):quarter_lemon_grass[6962][186,190,175](1.0):tasman[8258][186,192,179](1.0):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](2.0):pumice[6845][186,192,180](2.0) 51 aquashield:grass:pumice:quarter:spring:tasman:green:lemon +734 PMS565 rgb 188 219 204 hex #BCDBCC hsv 151 14 86 xyz 0.57 0.66 0.67 lab 85 -13 4 lch 85 14 163 cmyk 12 0 6 14 sea_mist[7568][197,219,202](2.8):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](3.6):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](3.7):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](3.7):PMS572[742][188,226,206](4.1) 11 PMS572:edgewater:fertile:mind:mist:sea +735 PMS5655 rgb 198 204 186 hex #C6CCBA hsv 80 9 80 xyz 0.54 0.59 0.55 lab 81 -5 8 lch 81 10 123 cmyk 2 0 7 20 secrets[7599][198,202,187](1.4):harp[4425][203,206,192](1.7):PMS5585[721][196,206,191](2.4):foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](2.8):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](3.2) 43 PMS5585:chrome:foggy:harp:secrets:grey:white +736 PMS566 rgb 209 226 211 hex #D1E2D3 hsv 127 8 89 xyz 0.65 0.73 0.72 lab 88 -8 5 lch 88 10 147 cmyk 7 0 6 11 light_greenish_grey[5119][218,231,218](2.2):tasman[8259][207,220,207](2.2):PMS573[743][204,229,214](3.2):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](3.2):ottoman[6262][211,219,203](3.5) 29 light:PMS573:apple:greenish:ottoman:tasman:green:grey +737 PMS5665 rgb 214 214 198 hex #D6D6C6 hsv 60 7 84 xyz 0.62 0.66 0.63 lab 85 -3 8 lch 85 8 109 cmyk 0 0 6 16 helium[4465][216,217,200](1.0):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.0):celeste[2161][210,210,192](1.4):quarter_beryl_green[6921][217,217,202](1.4):half_beryl_green[4291][215,218,200](1.7) 85 beryl:celeste:half:helium:quarter:tana:green +738 PMS567 rgb 38 81 66 hex #265142 hsv 159 53 32 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.06 lab 31 -19 4 lch 31 20 167 cmyk 17 0 6 68 roulette[7340][42,77,62](2.4):brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](2.8):english_green[3487][27,77,62](2.8):PMS560[724][43,76,63](3.2):dark_turquoise[2911][39,89,77](3.7) 11 dark:PMS560:brunswick:english:roulette:green:turquoise +739 PMS569 rgb 0 135 114 hex #008772 hsv 171 100 53 xyz 0.12 0.19 0.19 lab 50 -36 3 lch 50 36 176 cmyk 53 0 8 47 observatory[6092][2,134,111](1.4):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](1.7):PMS327_2X[385][0,137,119](2.2):deep_sea[3051][1,130,107](2.2):PMS3288[389][0,130,112](3.0) 12 deep:2X:PMS327:PMS3288:elf:observatory:sea:green +740 PMS570 rgb 127 198 178 hex #7FC6B2 hsv 163 36 78 xyz 0.37 0.48 0.49 lab 75 -27 3 lch 75 27 174 cmyk 28 0 8 22 monte_carlo[5875][122,197,180](2.2):pale_teal[6437][130,203,178](2.4):PMS563[730][127,188,170](4.2):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](4.5):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](6.0) 4 pale:PMS3248:PMS563:bermuda:carlo:monte:teal +741 PMS571 rgb 170 219 198 hex #AADBC6 hsv 154 22 86 xyz 0.52 0.63 0.63 lab 84 -20 5 lch 84 21 166 cmyk 19 0 8 14 vitra[8889][161,220,199](3.3):pale_light_grayish_spring_green[6376][184,231,208](4.1):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](4.6):PMS331[398][186,234,214](5.1):PMS572[742][188,226,206](5.1) 3 pale:light:PMS331:PMS572:cold:grayish:ice:spring:vitra:green +742 PMS572 rgb 188 226 206 hex #BCE2CE hsv 148 17 89 xyz 0.59 0.7 0.69 lab 87 -16 6 lch 87 17 161 cmyk 15 0 8 11 aero_blue[966][192,232,213](2.4):granny_apple[3969][197,231,205](3.6):PMS331[398][186,234,214](3.7):PMS565[734][188,219,204](4.1):pale_light_grayish_spring_green[6376][184,231,208](4.1) 5 pale:light:PMS331:PMS565:aero:apple:granny:grayish:spring:blue:green +743 PMS573 rgb 204 229 214 hex #CCE5D6 hsv 144 11 90 xyz 0.65 0.74 0.74 lab 89 -11 5 lch 89 12 158 cmyk 10 0 6 10 pea_soup[6537][207,229,210](2.0):skeptic[7737][202,230,218](2.0):surf_crest[8160][207,229,210](2.0):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](2.2):PMS566[736][209,226,211](3.2) 19 PMS566:crest:edgewater:pea:skeptic:soup:surf +744 PMS574 rgb 73 89 40 hex #495928 hsv 80 55 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.03 lab 35 -15 26 lch 35 30 120 cmyk 6 0 19 65 dark_spring_bud[2894][70,89,39](2.0):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](2.4):army_green[1143][75,83,32](3.7):dark_chartreuse_green[2704][64,89,39](4.0):dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](4.6) 7 dark:apple:army:bud:chartreuse:spring:green:lime +745 PMS5743 rgb 63 73 38 hex #3F4926 hsv 77 48 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.03 lab 29 -11 20 lch 29 22 119 cmyk 4 0 14 71 bronzetone[1828][67,76,40](2.2):turtle_green[8592][54,62,29](4.2):clover[2389][71,86,47](5.5):fervent_green[3589][57,79,43](5.5):butterfly_creek[1957][60,73,47](6.0) 2 bronzetone:butterfly:clover:creek:fervent:turtle:green +746 PMS5747 rgb 66 71 22 hex #424716 hsv 66 69 28 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.02 lab 29 -10 28 lch 29 30 109 cmyk 2 0 19 72 waiouru[8984][54,60,13](5.1):army_green[1143][75,83,32](5.4):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](5.5):dark_olive[2810][55,62,2](5.7):clover[2388][56,73,16](6.4) 0 dark:PMS5815:army:clover:olive:waiouru:green +747 PMS575 rgb 84 119 48 hex #547730 hsv 90 60 47 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.05 lab 46 -25 34 lch 46 43 126 cmyk 14 0 28 53 swamp[8172][105,131,57](6.2):PMS371[446][86,107,33](7.1):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](7.1):military_green[5739][102,124,62](7.3):sap_green[7489][80,125,42](7.3) 0 PMS371:leaf:military:sap:swamp:green +748 PMS5753 rgb 94 102 58 hex #5E663A hsv 71 43 40 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.06 lab 42 -11 24 lch 42 26 114 cmyk 3 0 17 60 fern_frond[3580][87,94,46](4.5):verdigris[8700][93,94,55](5.4):chalet_green[2197][90,110,65](5.5):saratoga[7499][85,91,44](5.5):woodland[9170][98,103,70](6.7) 1 chalet:fern:frond:saratoga:verdigris:woodland:green +749 PMS5757 rgb 107 112 43 hex #6B702B hsv 64 62 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.05 lab 45 -12 37 lch 45 39 108 cmyk 2 0 27 56 secret_garden[7597][109,109,38](2.2):pistachio[6719][103,105,39](3.0):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](3.2):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](3.2):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](3.2) 8 forest:garden:pacifika:palm:pasifika:pistachio:rain:secret:style:green +750 PMS576 rgb 96 142 58 hex #608E3A hsv 93 59 56 xyz 0.15 0.22 0.07 lab 54 -31 39 lch 54 50 128 cmyk 18 0 33 44 moss_green[5911][101,139,56](3.0):sap_green[7489][80,125,42](6.1):fern_green[3583][84,141,68](6.4):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](6.4):dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](8.1) 1 dark:flat:fern:moss:olive:sap:green +751 PMS5763 rgb 119 124 79 hex #777C4F hsv 67 36 49 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.1 lab 51 -10 24 lch 51 26 112 cmyk 2 0 18 51 style_pasifika_dry_bamboo[8078][136,136,91](5.8):wilderness[9117][136,136,91](5.8):flax[3679][130,133,98](6.6):avocado[1209][136,141,101](6.8):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](6.8) 0 avocado:bamboo:dry:flax:malachite:pasifika:style:wilderness:green +752 PMS5767 rgb 140 145 79 hex #8C914F hsv 65 46 57 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.11 lab 58 -12 34 lch 58 36 109 cmyk 2 0 26 43 awol[1215][136,140,77](1.7):crisp_green[2602][149,149,82](3.0):camo[2025][127,143,78](5.2):drab[3263][130,131,68](5.4):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](5.7) 2 PMS5835:awol:camo:crisp:drab:green +753 PMS577 rgb 181 204 142 hex #B5CC8E hsv 82 30 80 xyz 0.46 0.55 0.34 lab 79 -18 28 lch 79 34 123 cmyk 9 0 24 20 caper[2062][175,193,130](4.6):PMS578[756][198,214,160](5.8):pine_glade[6657][199,205,144](6.6):pale_olive[6392][185,204,129](7.1):PMS579[759][201,214,163](8.1) 1 pale:PMS578:PMS579:caper:glade:olive:pine +754 PMS5773 rgb 155 158 114 hex #9B9E72 hsv 64 28 62 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.21 lab 64 -8 23 lch 64 24 111 cmyk 1 0 17 38 avocado[1211][149,152,107](2.2):malachite_green[5480][151,151,111](3.0):sage[7411][152,159,122](4.1):grayish_olive[4012][168,168,125](4.2):grayish_lime_green[4008][158,168,125](4.7) 6 avocado:grayish:malachite:olive:sage:green:lime +755 PMS5777 rgb 170 173 117 hex #AAAD75 hsv 63 32 68 xyz 0.35 0.4 0.23 lab 69 -10 28 lch 69 30 109 cmyk 1 0 22 32 quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](4.7):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](5.0):pea_soup[6536][185,184,128](5.5):green_smoke[4060][164,175,110](5.7):iko[4609][179,171,110](5.7) 2 PMS5845:crisp:iko:pea:quarter:smoke:soup:green +756 PMS578 rgb 198 214 160 hex #C6D6A0 hsv 78 25 84 xyz 0.54 0.63 0.43 lab 83 -15 25 lch 83 29 120 cmyk 6 0 21 16 PMS579[759][201,214,163](2.4):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](5.1):PMS577[753][181,204,142](5.8):pine_glade[6657][199,205,144](6.2):soft_apple[7826][184,202,157](6.5) 1 PMS577:PMS579:apple:glade:paper:pine:rice:soft +757 PMS5783 rgb 181 181 142 hex #B5B58E hsv 60 22 71 xyz 0.4 0.45 0.32 lab 73 -7 20 lch 73 21 108 cmyk 0 0 15 29 fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](2.4):coriander[2513][187,181,141](3.2):earthstone[3332][181,175,139](3.7):swamp_green[8174][172,183,142](4.0):gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](4.2) 8 coriander:earthstone:fawn:gooseberry:swamp:green +758 PMS5787 rgb 198 198 153 hex #C6C699 hsv 60 23 78 xyz 0.49 0.55 0.38 lab 79 -7 23 lch 79 24 108 cmyk 0 0 18 22 gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](3.0):green_mist[4052][191,194,152](3.0):PMS5855[774][204,198,147](3.2):PMS5865[776][214,206,163](4.4):nirvana[6060][195,191,139](4.5) 10 PMS5855:PMS5865:gooseberry:mist:nirvana:green +759 PMS579 rgb 201 214 163 hex #C9D6A3 hsv 75 24 84 xyz 0.55 0.63 0.44 lab 84 -13 24 lch 84 27 119 cmyk 5 0 20 16 PMS578[756][198,214,160](2.4):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](4.5):old_medium_goldenrod[6139][205,205,150](5.8):pale_light_grayish_lime_green[6369][220,231,184](6.4):soft_apple[7826][184,202,157](6.5) 2 pale:medium:light:PMS578:apple:goldenrod:grayish:old:paper:rice:soft:green:lime +760 PMS5793 rgb 198 198 165 hex #C6C6A5 hsv 60 17 78 xyz 0.5 0.55 0.44 lab 79 -6 17 lch 79 17 109 cmyk 0 0 13 22 thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.2):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](2.4):lemonchiffon[4985][205,201,165](2.4):chino[2297][206,199,167](3.2) 12 chiffon:chino:lemonchiffon:thistle:green:lemon +761 PMS5797 rgb 211 209 170 hex #D3D1AA hsv 57 19 83 xyz 0.57 0.62 0.47 lab 83 -6 20 lch 83 20 106 cmyk 0 1 16 17 miso[5781][210,204,168](2.4):PMS5865[776][214,206,163](3.0):zen[9251][210,208,174](3.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](3.3):lemonchiffon[4985][205,201,165](3.3) 14 PMS5865:chiffon:lemonchiffon:miso:zen:lemon +762 PMS580 rgb 216 221 181 hex #D8DDB5 hsv 67 18 87 xyz 0.63 0.7 0.54 lab 87 -8 19 lch 87 21 114 cmyk 2 0 16 13 beryl_green[1399][222,229,192](3.7):chill_out[2288][226,231,186](3.7):PMS5875[778][224,219,181](4.0):ying_yang[9236][218,220,190](4.5):PMS5797[761][211,209,170](4.6) 7 PMS5797:PMS5875:beryl:chill:out:yang:ying:green +763 PMS5803 rgb 216 214 183 hex #D8D6B7 hsv 56 15 85 xyz 0.61 0.66 0.54 lab 85 -4 16 lch 85 16 106 cmyk 0 1 13 15 coconut_cream[2412][225,218,187](2.2):orinoco[6254][210,211,179](2.2):zen[9251][210,208,174](2.4):double_travertine[3249][219,213,186](2.8):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](3.0) 35 PMS4545:coconut:cream:double:orinoco:travertine:zen +764 PMS5807 rgb 224 221 188 hex #E0DDBC hsv 55 16 88 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.58 lab 88 -4 17 lch 88 17 105 cmyk 0 1 14 12 coconut_cream[2412][225,218,187](1.7):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.2):PMS5875[778][224,219,181](2.2):pale_light_grayish_amber[6357][231,220,184](2.8):arrowroot[1145][231,226,197](3.0) 28 pale:light:PMS4545:PMS5875:amber:arrowroot:coconut:cream:grayish +765 PMS581 rgb 96 94 17 hex #605E11 hsv 58 82 38 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.02 lab 39 -9 41 lch 39 42 102 cmyk 0 1 31 62 greenish_brown[4080][105,97,18](3.7):deep_olive[3022][89,89,0](4.4):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](4.9):greeny_brown[4093][105,96,6](5.9):antique_bronze[1063][102,93,30](6.4) 3 antique:deep:bronze:greenish:greeny:olive:saratoga:brown +766 PMS5815 rgb 73 68 17 hex #494411 hsv 55 77 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.01 lab 28 -5 30 lch 28 31 99 cmyk 0 2 22 71 bronze_olive[1825][78,66,12](4.5):bronzetone[1829][77,64,15](5.0):PMS5747[746][66,71,22](5.5):dark_olive[2810][55,62,2](7.0):camouflage[2027][60,57,16](7.1) 2 dark:PMS5747:bronze:bronzetone:camouflage:olive +767 PMS582 rgb 135 137 5 hex #878905 hsv 61 96 54 xyz 0.19 0.23 0.04 lab 55 -14 58 lch 55 60 104 cmyk 1 0 52 46 yellow[9193][139,139,0](2.2):PMS392[469][132,130,5](3.0):heart_gold[4446][128,128,0](3.3):olive[6152][128,128,0](3.3):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](6.0) 4 PMS392:gold:heart:olive:shit:green:yellow +768 PMS5825 rgb 117 112 43 hex #75702B hsv 56 63 46 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.05 lab 46 -8 38 lch 46 39 101 cmyk 0 2 29 54 olivetone[6176][116,112,40](1.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](1.7):secret_garden[7597][109,109,38](2.2):grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](3.0):pesto[6620][122,114,41](3.0) 10 crete:garden:grass:hopper:olivetone:pesto:secret +769 PMS583 rgb 170 186 10 hex #AABA0A hsv 65 95 73 xyz 0.34 0.44 0.07 lab 72 -24 72 lch 72 76 108 cmyk 6 0 69 27 snot[7804][172,187,13](1.0):acid_green[956][176,191,26](2.4):mustard_green[5956][168,181,4](3.0):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](3.7):bahia[1258][169,192,28](4.1) 8 acid:bahia:la:mustard:rioja:snot:green +770 PMS5835 rgb 158 153 89 hex #9E9959 hsv 56 44 62 xyz 0.27 0.31 0.14 lab 62 -8 34 lch 62 35 103 cmyk 0 2 27 38 crisp_green[2602][149,149,82](3.0):khaki[4843][159,159,95](3.0):gingko[3865][165,156,85](4.6):dark_khaki[2780][155,143,85](5.4):khaki[4844][170,166,98](5.5) 3 dark:crisp:gingko:khaki:green +771 PMS584 rgb 206 214 73 hex #CED649 hsv 63 66 84 xyz 0.51 0.62 0.16 lab 83 -20 66 lch 83 69 107 cmyk 3 0 55 16 wattle[9022][220,215,71](5.5):brilliant_apple_green[1762][213,231,81](7.3):brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](7.5):PMS611[790][214,206,73](7.5):manz[5517][228,219,85](7.7) 0 brilliant:PMS611:apple:manz:wattle:green:yellow +772 PMS5845 rgb 178 170 112 hex #B2AA70 hsv 53 37 70 xyz 0.36 0.39 0.21 lab 69 -6 31 lch 69 32 101 cmyk 0 3 26 30 iko[4609][179,171,110](1.0):style_pasifika_sand_frond[8094][179,171,110](1.0):quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](3.3):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](3.6):coromandel[2541][185,168,115](4.1) 7 PMS4515:coromandel:crisp:frond:iko:pasifika:quarter:sand:style:green +773 PMS585 rgb 219 224 107 hex #DBE06B hsv 63 52 88 xyz 0.59 0.69 0.24 lab 87 -17 56 lch 87 59 107 cmyk 2 0 46 12 booger_buster[1651][221,226,106](1.4):tiger_lily[8358][221,229,116](2.4):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](4.1):manz[5518][238,239,120](5.2):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](5.4) 3 booger:buster:fever:goldenrod:lily:manz:spring:tiger +774 PMS5855 rgb 204 198 147 hex #CCC693 hsv 54 28 80 xyz 0.5 0.55 0.36 lab 79 -6 26 lch 79 27 103 cmyk 0 2 22 20 nirvana[6060][195,191,139](2.4):PMS5787[758][198,198,153](3.2):yuma[9243][206,194,145](3.2):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](3.6):old_medium_goldenrod[6139][205,205,150](3.7) 6 medium:PMS4525:PMS5787:goldenrod:nirvana:old:yuma +775 PMS586 rgb 226 229 132 hex #E2E584 hsv 62 42 90 xyz 0.64 0.74 0.33 lab 89 -15 47 lch 89 49 108 cmyk 1 0 38 10 light_yellow[5235][231,231,139](3.0):light_apple_green[5000][220,231,139](3.6):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](4.5):somerset[7846][223,221,120](4.7):PMS602[781][242,234,135](4.9) 5 light:PMS602:apple:jonquil:somerset:green:yellow +776 PMS5865 rgb 214 206 163 hex #D6CEA3 hsv 51 24 84 xyz 0.56 0.61 0.43 lab 82 -4 22 lch 82 23 100 cmyk 0 3 20 16 PMS4535[544][219,206,165](2.2):PMS5797[761][211,209,170](3.0):miso[5781][210,204,168](3.0):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](3.7):lemonchiffon[4985][205,201,165](3.7) 13 PMS4535:PMS5797:chiffon:lemonchiffon:miso:lemon +777 PMS587 rgb 232 232 155 hex #E8E89B hsv 60 33 91 xyz 0.68 0.77 0.42 lab 90 -11 38 lch 90 39 107 cmyk 0 0 30 9 PMS609[788][234,229,150](1.4):primrose[6814][237,234,153](2.2):PMS601[780][242,237,158](3.3):primrose[6813][228,222,142](4.1):portafino[6784][244,240,155](5.0) 6 PMS601:PMS609:portafino:primrose +778 PMS5875 rgb 224 219 181 hex #E0DBB5 hsv 53 19 88 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.54 lab 87 -4 19 lch 87 20 103 cmyk 0 2 17 12 PMS5807[764][224,221,188](2.2):brie[1716][227,218,178](2.2):pale_light_grayish_amber[6357][231,220,184](2.2):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.8):coconut_cream[2412][225,218,187](3.2) 27 pale:light:PMS4545:PMS5807:amber:brie:coconut:cream:grayish +779 PMS600 rgb 244 237 175 hex #F4EDAF hsv 54 28 96 xyz 0.75 0.83 0.53 lab 93 -7 31 lch 93 32 103 cmyk 0 3 27 4 goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](2.0):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](2.0):PMS608[787][239,232,173](2.2):old_medium_goldenrod[6140][238,238,174](3.0):old_medium_goldenrod[6141][238,238,175](3.0) 13 pale:medium:PMS608:goldenrod:old +780 PMS601 rgb 242 237 158 hex #F2ED9E hsv 56 35 95 xyz 0.73 0.82 0.44 lab 93 -10 39 lch 93 40 104 cmyk 0 2 33 5 primrose[6814][237,234,153](2.4):shalimar[7635][248,246,168](2.4):PMS609[788][234,229,150](3.0):portafino[6784][244,240,155](3.2):PMS587[777][232,232,155](3.3) 13 PMS587:PMS609:portafino:primrose:shalimar +781 PMS602 rgb 242 234 135 hex #F2EA87 hsv 56 44 95 xyz 0.7 0.79 0.35 lab 91 -11 49 lch 91 50 102 cmyk 0 3 42 5 khaki[4847][238,230,133](1.7):khaki[4848][238,230,134](1.7):sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](2.2):texas[8315][236,230,126](2.4):PMS393[470][242,239,135](3.0) 12 PMS393:khaki:sahara:sand:texas +782 PMS603 rgb 237 232 91 hex #EDE85B hsv 58 62 93 xyz 0.66 0.76 0.21 lab 90 -15 67 lch 90 69 103 cmyk 0 2 57 7 PMS386[463][232,237,96](4.2):brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](4.4):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](4.4):PMS106[6][247,232,89](4.6):candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](4.9) 8 brilliant:PMS106:PMS386:candy:corn:yellowish:yellow +783 PMS604 rgb 232 221 33 hex #E8DD21 hsv 57 86 91 xyz 0.59 0.69 0.12 lab 86 -14 82 lch 86 83 100 cmyk 0 4 78 9 PMS3965[477][232,221,17](2.2):barberry[1291][222,215,23](3.0):dandelion[2667][240,225,48](3.0):piss_yellow[6718][221,214,24](3.0):golden_fizz[3916][235,222,49](3.3) 10 PMS3965:barberry:dandelion:fizz:golden:piss:yellow +784 PMS605 rgb 221 206 17 hex #DDCE11 hsv 56 92 87 xyz 0.52 0.6 0.09 lab 82 -12 80 lch 82 81 98 cmyk 0 6 80 13 sunflower[8130][228,212,34](2.4):citrine[2342][228,208,10](3.0):bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](3.2):bird_flower[1419][212,205,22](3.7):barberry[1291][222,215,23](4.6) 9 barberry:bird:bright:citrine:flower:lights:sunflower +785 PMS606 rgb 211 191 17 hex #D3BF11 hsv 54 92 83 xyz 0.46 0.51 0.08 lab 77 -8 76 lch 77 77 96 cmyk 0 8 76 17 mustard_yellow[5957][210,189,10](1.4):sunflower[8129][218,192,26](2.2):tweet[8609][212,188,0](2.4):bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](3.2):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](3.6) 6 bird:flower:mustard:sunflower:tweet:ugly:yellow +786 PMS607 rgb 242 234 188 hex #F2EABC hsv 51 22 95 xyz 0.75 0.81 0.59 lab 92 -4 23 lch 92 24 101 cmyk 0 3 21 5 sidecar[7689][243,231,187](1.0):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](1.4):PMS614[793][234,226,183](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](2.2):lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](2.2) 32 PMS614:chiffon:lemonchiffon:meringue:sidecar:lemon +787 PMS608 rgb 239 232 173 hex #EFE8AD hsv 54 28 94 xyz 0.72 0.79 0.51 lab 91 -7 30 lch 91 30 103 cmyk 0 3 26 6 goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](1.0):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](1.0):PMS600[779][244,237,175](2.2):medium_goldenrod[5610][234,234,174](2.2):PMS461[553][237,229,173](2.4) 13 pale:medium:PMS461:PMS600:goldenrod +788 PMS609 rgb 234 229 150 hex #EAE596 hsv 56 36 92 xyz 0.67 0.76 0.4 lab 90 -10 39 lch 90 40 104 cmyk 0 2 33 8 PMS587[777][232,232,155](1.4):primrose[6814][237,234,153](1.7):PMS601[780][242,237,158](3.0):primrose[6813][228,222,142](3.3):wild_rice[9106][236,224,144](3.7) 9 PMS587:PMS601:primrose:rice:wild +789 PMS610 rgb 226 219 114 hex #E2DB72 hsv 56 50 89 xyz 0.6 0.68 0.26 lab 86 -12 52 lch 86 53 102 cmyk 0 3 44 11 goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](2.2):somerset[7846][223,221,120](2.2):straw[8005][228,217,111](2.2):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](3.3):texas[8315][236,230,126](4.1) 5 fever:goldenrod:somerset:spring:straw:texas +790 PMS611 rgb 214 206 73 hex #D6CE49 hsv 57 66 84 xyz 0.51 0.59 0.15 lab 81 -13 64 lch 81 66 101 cmyk 0 3 55 16 confetti[2454][221,203,70](4.5):wattle[9021][214,202,61](4.6):manz[5517][228,219,85](5.1):wattle[9022][220,215,71](5.4):brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](5.7) 2 brilliant:confetti:gold:manz:wattle +791 PMS612 rgb 196 186 0 hex #C4BA00 hsv 57 100 77 xyz 0.4 0.47 0.07 lab 74 -13 76 lch 74 77 100 cmyk 0 4 77 23 olive_yellow[6169][194,183,9](2.4):puke_yellow[6840][194,190,14](2.4):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](2.8):PMS397[478][193,191,10](3.3):bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](3.7) 7 PMS397:bird:flower:olive:puke:vomit:yellow +792 PMS613 rgb 175 160 12 hex #AFA00C hsv 54 93 69 xyz 0.3 0.34 0.05 lab 65 -8 67 lch 65 67 97 cmyk 0 6 64 31 sahara[7416][183,162,20](2.2):PMS104[4][173,155,12](2.4):PMS3975[479][181,168,12](4.1):lucky[5351][175,159,28](4.1):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](4.4) 5 PMS104:PMS3975:earls:lucky:sahara:green +793 PMS614 rgb 234 226 183 hex #EAE2B7 hsv 51 22 92 xyz 0.7 0.75 0.56 lab 90 -4 22 lch 90 22 100 cmyk 0 3 20 8 PMS607[786][242,234,188](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](2.4):lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](2.4):sidecar[7689][243,231,187](2.4):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](2.8) 29 PMS607:chiffon:lemonchiffon:sidecar:spring:green:lemon +794 PMS615 rgb 226 219 170 hex #E2DBAA hsv 52 25 89 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.48 lab 87 -5 25 lch 87 26 102 cmyk 0 3 22 11 mint_julep[5769][224,216,167](1.0):beige[1385][230,218,166](2.2):sapling[7491][222,212,164](2.2):sapling[7492][225,213,166](2.8):first_light[3649][229,225,172](3.0) 17 light:beige:first:julep:sapling:mint +795 PMS616 rgb 221 214 155 hex #DDD69B hsv 54 30 87 xyz 0.6 0.66 0.41 lab 85 -7 30 lch 85 31 102 cmyk 0 3 26 13 weathered_yellow[9034][224,218,159](1.0):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](2.2):zombie[9271][228,214,155](3.2):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](4.6):beige[1385][230,218,166](4.7) 6 beige:hazel:paper:rice:weathered:winter:zombie:yellow +796 PMS617 rgb 204 196 124 hex #CCC47C hsv 54 39 80 xyz 0.48 0.54 0.27 lab 78 -8 37 lch 78 38 102 cmyk 0 3 31 20 winter_hazel[9143][208,195,131](4.4):lemon_twist[4980][215,207,140](5.1):light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](5.1):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](5.1):khaki[4846][205,198,115](5.2) 1 light:goldenrod:hazel:khaki:old:twist:winter:lemon +797 PMS618 rgb 181 170 89 hex #B5AA59 hsv 53 51 71 xyz 0.35 0.39 0.15 lab 69 -7 43 lch 69 43 99 cmyk 0 4 36 29 gimblet[3859][185,173,97](3.3):husk[4590][183,164,88](4.2):olive_green[6164][181,179,92](4.6):moderate_gold[5825][168,156,74](5.2):gimblet[3858][184,181,106](5.8) 3 moderate:gimblet:gold:husk:olive:green +798 PMS619 rgb 150 140 40 hex #968C28 hsv 55 73 59 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.06 lab 57 -8 52 lch 57 52 99 cmyk 0 4 43 41 lemon_ginger[4970][150,132,40](4.9):alibi[997][152,132,34](5.4):PMS456[548][153,135,20](5.9):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](6.6):PMS620[799][132,119,17](7.3) 1 PMS456:PMS620:alibi:ginger:hacienda:lemon +799 PMS620 rgb 132 119 17 hex #847711 hsv 53 87 52 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.03 lab 50 -6 52 lch 50 52 96 cmyk 0 5 45 48 PMS105[5][130,117,15](1.4):ugly_brown[8630][125,113,3](3.2):PMS119[20][137,119,25](3.6):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](5.7):gold[3890][139,117,0](5.7) 3 PMS105:PMS119:bronze:gold:ugly:brown:yellow +800 PMS621 rgb 216 221 206 hex #D8DDCE hsv 80 7 87 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.69 lab 87 -4 7 lch 87 8 123 cmyk 2 0 6 13 PMS5595[723][216,219,204](0.0):feta[3592][219,224,208](1.4):quarter_beryl_green[6921][217,217,202](1.4):gin[3860][217,223,205](1.7):helium[4465][216,217,200](1.7) 81 PMS5595:beryl:feta:gin:helium:quarter:green +801 PMS622 rgb 193 209 191 hex #C1D1BF hsv 113 9 82 xyz 0.54 0.61 0.58 lab 82 -9 7 lch 82 11 141 cmyk 6 0 7 18 sea_mist[7567][194,213,196](1.7):PMS559[722][198,214,196](2.0):PMS558[720][183,206,188](2.4):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](2.8):paris_white[6491][191,205,192](3.0) 20 PMS558:PMS559:edgewater:mist:paris:sea:white +802 PMS623 rgb 165 191 170 hex #A5BFAA hsv 132 14 75 xyz 0.41 0.48 0.45 lab 75 -13 8 lch 75 15 149 cmyk 10 0 8 25 PMS557[718][163,193,173](1.4):cambridge_blue[2017][163,193,173](1.4):gum_leaf[4249][172,201,178](3.2):zanah[9247][178,198,177](3.6):PMS5575[719][175,191,173](4.2) 6 PMS557:PMS5575:cambridge:gum:leaf:zanah:blue +803 PMS624 rgb 127 160 140 hex #7FA08C hsv 144 21 63 xyz 0.26 0.32 0.3 lab 63 -16 7 lch 63 17 157 cmyk 13 0 8 37 oxley[6278][119,158,134](2.4):envy[3498][139,165,143](3.7):envy[3499][139,166,144](3.7):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](3.7):marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](3.7) 7 envy:grayish:marsh:oxley:spring:green +804 PMS625 rgb 91 135 114 hex #5B8772 hsv 151 33 53 xyz 0.16 0.21 0.19 lab 53 -20 7 lch 53 21 162 cmyk 17 0 8 47 viridian_green[8879][103,137,117](4.1):como[2444][81,124,102](5.0):patina[6520][99,146,131](5.7):laurel[4922][110,141,113](5.8):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](6.0) 2 como:cutty:laurel:patina:sark:viridian:green +805 PMS626 rgb 33 84 63 hex #21543F hsv 155 61 33 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -23 7 lch 32 24 162 cmyk 20 0 8 67 dark_aquamarine[2680][39,89,70](2.4):dark_spring_green[2896][39,89,64](3.0):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](3.6):county_green[2560][27,75,53](4.2):brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](4.7) 8 dark:brunswick:county:spring:aquamarine:green +806 PMS627 rgb 12 48 38 hex #0C3026 hsv 163 75 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 17 -16 3 lch 17 16 170 cmyk 14 0 4 81 burnham[1919][0,46,32](3.7):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](4.1):celtic[2166][22,50,34](4.2):phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](4.9):timber_green[8361][22,50,44](4.9) 5 burnham:cardin:celtic:phthalo:timber:green +807 PMS628 rgb 204 226 221 hex #CCE2DD hsv 166 10 89 xyz 0.65 0.72 0.79 lab 88 -8 0 lch 88 8 180 cmyk 9 0 2 11 iceberg[4601][202,225,217](1.4):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](2.4):paris_white[6492][202,220,212](2.8):nebula[6004][203,219,214](3.0):breeze[1705][204,219,217](3.7) 21 breeze:ice:iceberg:jagged:nebula:paris:white +808 PMS629 rgb 178 216 216 hex #B2D8D8 hsv 180 18 85 xyz 0.55 0.64 0.74 lab 84 -12 -4 lch 84 13 198 cmyk 15 0 0 15 PMS635[814][186,224,224](3.0):PMS2975[326][186,224,226](3.2):jet_stream[4760][181,210,206](4.1):light_blue[5017][192,217,217](4.2):reservoir[7187][191,226,220](4.4) 8 light:PMS2975:PMS635:jet:reservoir:stream:blue +809 PMS630 rgb 140 204 211 hex #8CCCD3 hsv 186 34 83 xyz 0.44 0.53 0.7 lab 78 -19 -10 lch 78 21 208 cmyk 28 3 0 17 half_baked[4286][133,196,204](3.2):cadet_blue[1981][122,197,205](3.7):PMS636[815][153,214,221](4.1):pale_turquoise[6439][150,205,205](4.2):morning_glory[5896][158,209,211](5.4) 4 pale:PMS636:baked:cadet:glory:half:morning:blue:turquoise +810 PMS631 rgb 84 183 198 hex #54B7C6 hsv 188 58 78 xyz 0.31 0.4 0.59 lab 69 -25 -16 lch 69 29 214 cmyk 45 6 0 22 fountain_blue[3733][86,180,190](2.2):pelorous[6578][62,171,191](5.1):viking[8838][77,177,200](5.4):turquoise_blue[8583][6,177,196](7.1):refresh[7168][113,184,202](7.3) 1 fountain:pelorous:refresh:viking:blue:turquoise +811 PMS632 rgb 0 160 186 hex #00A0BA hsv 188 100 73 xyz 0.21 0.29 0.51 lab 61 -25 -23 lch 61 34 222 cmyk 73 10 0 27 eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](3.0):PMS313[353][0,153,181](3.3):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](3.7):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](4.4):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](4.4) 6 PMS313:eastern:pacific:pelorous:blue:green +812 PMS633 rgb 0 127 153 hex #007F99 hsv 190 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.33 lab 49 -20 -22 lch 49 30 228 cmyk 60 10 0 40 PMS314[355][0,130,155](1.4):ocean[6093][1,123,146](2.2):eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](3.7):teal_blue[8285][1,136,159](3.7):jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](6.4) 4 PMS314:bean:eastern:jelly:ocean:teal:blue +813 PMS634 rgb 0 102 127 hex #00667F hsv 192 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.22 lab 40 -16 -21 lch 40 26 234 cmyk 50 10 0 50 PMS308[345][0,96,124](3.7):allports[1006][31,106,125](4.1):kitsch[4866][0,108,127](4.7):blue_sapphire[1588][18,97,128](6.2):calypso[2013][49,114,141](6.4) 3 PMS308:allports:calypso:kitsch:sapphire:blue +814 PMS635 rgb 186 224 224 hex #BAE0E0 hsv 180 17 88 xyz 0.6 0.69 0.81 lab 87 -12 -4 lch 87 13 199 cmyk 15 0 0 12 PMS2975[326][186,224,226](1.0):jagged_ice[4720][194,232,229](2.4):PMS629[808][178,216,216](3.0):reservoir[7187][191,226,220](3.2):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](3.7) 10 pale:light:PMS2975:PMS629:cyan:grayish:ice:jagged:reservoir +815 PMS636 rgb 153 214 221 hex #99D6DD hsv 186 31 87 xyz 0.5 0.6 0.77 lab 82 -18 -10 lch 82 20 209 cmyk 27 3 0 13 charlotte[2230][164,220,230](3.0):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.7):PMS630[809][140,204,211](4.1):blizzard_blue[1517][163,227,237](4.1):morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](4.1) 7 PMS304:PMS630:blizzard:charlotte:glory:morning:blue +816 PMS637 rgb 107 201 219 hex #6BC9DB hsv 190 51 86 xyz 0.4 0.5 0.75 lab 76 -23 -18 lch 76 29 217 cmyk 44 7 0 14 PMS305[341][112,206,226](2.2):viking[8839][100,204,219](3.3):spray[7913][126,205,221](4.1):PMS310[347][114,209,221](4.7):sky_blue[7744][118,215,234](5.1) 4 PMS305:PMS310:sky:spray:viking:blue +817 PMS638 rgb 0 181 214 hex #00B5D6 hsv 189 100 84 xyz 0.29 0.38 0.69 lab 68 -27 -27 lch 68 38 226 cmyk 84 13 0 16 PMS306[342][0,188,226](3.7):ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](5.0):PMS312[351][0,173,198](5.1):PMS801[912][0,170,204](5.1):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](5.1) 2 PMS306:PMS312:PMS801:ball:pacific:blue +818 PMS639 rgb 0 160 196 hex #00A0C4 hsv 191 100 77 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.57 lab 61 -22 -28 lch 61 36 232 cmyk 77 14 0 23 pacific_blue[6290][0,157,196](3.0):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](3.2):blue_green[1564][13,152,186](3.3):PMS801[912][0,170,204](3.6):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](4.1) 7 PMS801:pacific:blue:green +819 PMS640 rgb 0 140 178 hex #008CB2 hsv 193 100 70 xyz 0.17 0.22 0.45 lab 54 -18 -29 lch 54 34 238 cmyk 70 15 0 30 PMS801_2X[913][0,137,175](1.4):bowie[1685][0,132,172](3.7):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](5.2):boston_blue[1664][59,145,180](5.2):blue_green[1564][13,152,186](5.4) 2 2X:PMS801:bondi:boston:bowie:blue:green +820 PMS641 rgb 0 122 165 hex #007AA5 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.38 lab 48 -13 -31 lch 48 33 248 cmyk 65 17 0 35 PMS307[344][0,122,165](0.0):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](0.0):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](1.0):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](1.0):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](1.0) 9 deep:PMS307:celadon:cerulean:cg:blue +821 PMS642 rgb 209 216 216 hex #D1D8D8 hsv 180 3 85 xyz 0.63 0.68 0.75 lab 86 -2 -1 lch 86 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 15 iron[4677][212,215,217](1.0):quarter_surrender[7002][214,216,216](1.4):zumthor[9280][205,213,213](1.4):PMS649[828][214,214,216](2.0):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](2.0) 61 PMS649:half:iron:quarter:surrender:zumthor +822 PMS643 rgb 198 209 214 hex #C6D1D6 hsv 199 7 84 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.73 lab 83 -3 -4 lch 83 5 234 cmyk 6 2 0 16 tiara[8343][195,209,209](2.8):loblolly[5319][189,201,206](3.0):PMS545[687][196,211,221](3.2):azure[1231][193,205,205](3.3):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](3.6) 26 PMS5445:PMS545:loblolly:tiara:azure +823 PMS644 rgb 155 175 196 hex #9BAFC4 hsv 211 21 77 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.58 lab 71 -2 -13 lch 71 13 260 cmyk 16 8 0 23 PMS651[830][155,170,191](2.2):light_steel_blue[5214][162,181,205](2.4):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](2.4):comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](3.6):shinto[7659][166,181,198](3.6) 10 slate:light:PMS651:comfort:shinto:steel:zone:blue:grey +824 PMS645 rgb 119 150 178 hex #7796B2 hsv 208 33 70 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.46 lab 61 -4 -18 lch 61 19 258 cmyk 23 11 0 30 grayish_azure[3997][125,147,168](4.2):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](4.4):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](5.1):weldon_blue[9043][124,152,171](5.1):grey_blue[4206][107,139,164](5.2) 2 blue/grey:grayish:moon:weldon:azure:blue:grey +825 PMS646 rgb 94 130 163 hex #5E82A3 hsv 209 42 64 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.38 lab 53 -4 -22 lch 53 22 260 cmyk 27 13 0 36 dusty_blue[3304][90,134,173](3.2):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](3.2):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](3.3):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](3.6):air_force_blue[977][93,138,168](3.7) 10 slate:air:dusty:force:greyish:stormy:blue +826 PMS647 rgb 38 84 124 hex #26547C hsv 208 69 49 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.2 lab 34 -2 -27 lch 34 27 266 cmyk 34 16 0 51 bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](3.0):chathams_blue[2246][23,85,121](4.1):limitless[5289][37,75,117](4.4):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](4.6):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](4.7) 5 light:bahama:chathams:limitless:navy:venice:blue +827 PMS648 rgb 0 48 94 hex #00305E hsv 209 100 37 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.11 lab 20 5 -32 lch 20 32 280 cmyk 37 18 0 63 deep_azure[2956][0,45,89](2.8):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](3.0):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](3.0):marine[5530][4,46,96](3.3):PMS295[321][0,56,107](3.6) 10 deep:dark:PMS295:marine:midnight:azure:blue +828 PMS649 rgb 214 214 216 hex #D6D6D8 hsv 240 1 85 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.75 lab 86 0 -1 lch 86 1 290 cmyk 1 1 0 15 half_iron[4342][213,215,216](0.0):white_thunder[9096][213,215,216](0.0):grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0):iron[4677][212,215,217](1.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.4) 64 alto:half:iron:thunder:grey:white +829 PMS650 rgb 191 198 209 hex #BFC6D1 hsv 217 9 82 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.68 lab 80 0 -6 lch 80 6 268 cmyk 7 4 0 18 breathless[1704][193,200,210](0.0):link_water[5294][199,205,216](2.0):PMS537[673][196,198,206](2.2):ghost[3851][199,201,213](2.2):lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](3.2) 17 PMS537:breathless:ghost:link:water:grey:lavender +830 PMS651 rgb 155 170 191 hex #9BAABF hsv 215 19 75 xyz 0.37 0.39 0.55 lab 69 -1 -13 lch 69 13 267 cmyk 14 8 0 25 PMS644[823][155,175,196](2.2):smokescreen[7790][147,162,183](3.0):style_pasifika_lagoon_spray[8082][147,162,183](3.0):rock_blue[7258][147,162,186](3.3):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.5) 10 PMS535:PMS644:lagoon:pasifika:rock:smokescreen:spray:style:blue +831 PMS652 rgb 109 135 168 hex #6D87A8 hsv 214 35 66 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.4 lab 55 -1 -20 lch 55 20 267 cmyk 23 13 0 34 lynch[5417][105,126,154](3.6):PMS646[825][94,130,163](4.1):steel_blue[7968][96,124,154](4.2):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](4.5):ship_cove[7662][121,136,171](4.5) 6 PMS646:cove:lynch:shadow:ship:steel:blue +832 PMS653 rgb 51 86 135 hex #335687 hsv 215 62 53 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.24 lab 36 3 -31 lch 36 31 276 cmyk 33 19 0 47 st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](1.4):endeavour[3483][41,89,139](3.0):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](3.0):filmpro_sky_blue[3622][53,93,144](3.2):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](3.3) 9 light:endeavour:filmpro:navy:sky:splash:splish:st:tropaz:blue +833 PMS654 rgb 15 43 91 hex #0F2B5B hsv 218 84 36 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.1 lab 18 9 -32 lch 18 33 286 cmyk 30 19 0 64 marine[5530][4,46,96](1.7):PMS282[303][0,38,84](2.4):biscay[1422][27,49,98](3.2):cool_black[2468][0,46,99](3.2):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](4.1) 8 dark:PMS282:biscay:cool:marine:midnight:black:blue +834 PMS655 rgb 12 28 71 hex #0C1C47 hsv 224 83 28 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.06 lab 12 11 -29 lch 12 31 292 cmyk 23 17 0 72 bunting[1906][21,31,76](2.8):PMS2768[297][17,33,81](3.5):navy[5994][1,21,62](4.0):tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](4.6):PMS282[303][0,38,84](5.4) 4 PMS2768:PMS282:bunting:navy:tangaroa +835 PMS656 rgb 214 219 224 hex #D6DBE0 hsv 210 4 88 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.81 lab 87 -1 -3 lch 87 3 256 cmyk 4 2 0 12 geyser[3849][212,223,226](2.2):iron[4677][212,215,217](2.2):PMS642[821][209,216,216](2.4):PMS649[828][214,214,216](2.4):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](2.4) 32 PMS642:PMS649:geyser:half:iron +836 PMS657 rgb 193 201 221 hex #C1C9DD hsv 223 13 87 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.77 lab 81 1 -11 lch 81 11 276 cmyk 11 8 0 13 periwinkle[6593][197,208,230](2.2):periwinkle_grey[6597][195,205,230](2.4):oxygen[6279][187,198,213](3.5):pacify[6294][187,198,213](3.5):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](3.7) 11 PMS2707:oxygen:pacify:periwinkle:grey +837 PMS658 rgb 165 175 214 hex #A5AFD6 hsv 228 23 84 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.7 lab 72 5 -21 lch 72 21 283 cmyk 19 15 0 16 bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](1.4):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](2.4):logan[5331][170,169,205](4.7):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](5.0):relax[7177][153,174,208](5.2) 4 PMS2717:bauhaus:logan:relax:wild:yonder:blue +838 PMS659 rgb 127 140 191 hex #7F8CBF hsv 228 34 75 xyz 0.28 0.27 0.53 lab 59 8 -28 lch 59 29 285 cmyk 25 20 0 25 wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](3.0):ship_cove[7661][120,139,186](3.3):masquerade[5568][114,133,188](4.4):light_steel_blue[5213][143,143,189](4.9):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](7.0) 4 light:bell:cove:masquerade:ship:steel:wild:yonder:blue +839 PMS660 rgb 89 96 168 hex #5960A8 hsv 235 47 66 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.39 lab 43 17 -40 lch 43 43 293 cmyk 31 28 0 34 liberty[4990][84,90,167](3.5):moderate_sapphire_blue[5846][74,97,168](4.1):governor_bay[3960][81,85,155](4.2):scampi[7511][103,95,166](5.1):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](6.5) 3 moderate:bay:governor:liberty:rich:sapphire:scampi:blue +840 PMS661 rgb 45 51 142 hex #2D338E hsv 236 68 56 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.26 lab 26 28 -51 lch 26 59 299 cmyk 38 36 0 44 cosmic_cobalt[2546][46,45,136](2.8):air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](5.5):PMS287[308][0,56,147](5.9):PMS280[301][0,43,127](6.4):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](6.7) 1 PMS280:PMS287:air:cobalt:cosmic:force:patrick:saint:blue +841 PMS662 rgb 12 25 117 hex #0C1975 hsv 233 90 46 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.17 lab 16 33 -53 lch 16 62 302 cmyk 41 36 0 54 PMS2748[287][30,28,119](2.8):midnight_blue[5719][25,25,112](3.2):PMS2747[286][28,20,107](4.5):arapawa[1135][17,12,108](5.7):filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](5.8) 3 PMS2747:PMS2748:arapawa:digital:filmpro:midnight:blue +842 PMS663 rgb 226 211 214 hex #E2D3D6 hsv 348 7 89 xyz 0.67 0.68 0.73 lab 86 6 0 lch 86 6 4 cmyk 0 6 5 11 PMS5315[667][219,211,211](3.3):PMS664[843][216,204,209](3.3):abercrombie[948][236,220,227](3.3):bambina[1272][233,213,211](3.3):pinkish_grey[6698][231,218,218](3.5) 25 PMS5315:PMS664:abercrombie:bambina:pinkish:grey +843 PMS664 rgb 216 204 209 hex #D8CCD1 hsv 335 6 85 xyz 0.61 0.62 0.69 lab 83 5 -1 lch 83 5 349 cmyk 0 5 3 15 PMS663[842][226,211,214](3.3):PMS5315[667][219,211,211](3.5):PMS538[674][214,211,214](3.6):in_the_mauve[4621][206,203,209](3.7):PMS5305[665][204,193,198](4.0) 20 PMS5305:PMS5315:PMS538:PMS663:in:mauve:the +844 PMS665 rgb 198 181 196 hex #C6B5C4 hsv 307 9 78 xyz 0.5 0.49 0.59 lab 75 9 -5 lch 75 10 328 cmyk 0 7 1 22 maverick[5585][200,177,192](2.0):alluring[1007][196,171,185](3.7):lola[5332][185,172,187](3.7):i_do[4594][204,188,198](4.1):chatelle[2245][189,179,199](4.6) 5 alluring:chatelle:do:i:lola:maverick +845 PMS666 rgb 168 147 173 hex #A893AD hsv 288 15 68 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.44 lab 64 13 -11 lch 64 17 320 cmyk 2 10 0 32 marionette[5534][171,148,179](2.2):london_hue[5336][174,148,171](3.2):amethyst_smoke[1044][163,151,180](3.6):glossy_grape[3881][171,146,179](3.6):ooh_la[6186][160,136,166](4.6) 6 amethyst:glossy:grape:hue:la:london:marionette:ooh:smoke +846 PMS667 rgb 127 102 137 hex #7F6689 hsv 283 26 54 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.26 lab 47 17 -16 lch 47 23 317 cmyk 4 14 0 46 de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](4.1):grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](4.1):rum[7371][121,105,137](4.1):plum[6743][139,102,139](4.2):greyish_purple[4232][136,113,145](4.9) 5 de:greyish:janeiro:plum:rum:grey:purple +847 PMS668 rgb 102 73 117 hex #664975 hsv 280 38 46 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.18 lab 36 21 -20 lch 36 29 316 cmyk 6 17 0 54 jupiter[4799][106,81,119](4.1):honey_flower[4530][92,60,109](6.6):style_pasifika_coconut_crab[8073][92,60,109](6.6):affair[969][116,80,133](6.9):muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](8.3) 1 affair:coconut:crab:flower:honey:jupiter:muted:pasifika:style:purple +848 PMS669 rgb 71 43 89 hex #472B59 hsv 277 52 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.1 lab 23 23 -23 lch 23 32 315 cmyk 7 18 0 65 dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](3.0):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](3.3):scarlet_gum[7522][74,45,87](3.3):dark_violet[2916][64,39,89](3.6):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](4.0) 7 dark:bossanova:gum:mulberry:scarlet:purple:violet +849 PMS670 rgb 242 214 216 hex #F2D6D8 hsv 356 12 95 xyz 0.73 0.72 0.75 lab 88 10 3 lch 88 10 14 cmyk 0 11 10 5 PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.2):pale_rose[6417][239,214,218](2.2):pretty_in_pink[6808][239,214,218](2.2):cherub[2268][245,215,220](2.4):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](2.4) 27 pale:PMS677:cherub:ice:in:pretty:vanilla:pink:rose +850 PMS671 rgb 239 198 211 hex #EFC6D3 hsv 341 17 94 xyz 0.68 0.63 0.7 lab 84 17 -1 lch 84 17 357 cmyk 0 16 11 6 PMS517[638][244,204,216](2.2):pink_lace[6678][246,204,215](2.2):azalea[1220][247,200,218](3.0):classic_rose[2357][244,200,219](3.7):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](4.1) 13 light:PMS517:azalea:classic:lace:pink:rose +851 PMS672 rgb 234 170 196 hex #EAAAC4 hsv 336 27 92 xyz 0.58 0.5 0.59 lab 76 27 -4 lch 76 28 352 cmyk 0 25 15 8 nadeshiko_pink[5972][246,173,198](4.1):cupid[2625][245,178,197](5.0):pink_pearl[6686][231,172,207](5.1):PMS203[161][242,175,193](5.4):PMS516[636][242,186,211](5.9) 2 PMS203:PMS516:cupid:nadeshiko:pearl:pink +852 PMS673 rgb 224 140 178 hex #E08CB2 hsv 333 38 88 xyz 0.48 0.38 0.47 lab 68 37 -6 lch 68 38 350 cmyk 0 33 18 12 light_raspberry[5180][231,139,174](3.6):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](4.6):shocking[7673][232,153,190](4.6):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](5.1):light_rose[5183][231,139,185](5.1) 3 light:ballerina:charm:raspberry:shocking:pink:rose +853 PMS674 rgb 211 107 158 hex #D36B9E hsv 331 49 83 xyz 0.38 0.27 0.36 lab 59 47 -9 lch 59 48 350 cmyk 0 41 21 17 hopbush[4542][208,109,161](2.2):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](2.2):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](3.5):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](3.5):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](3.5) 5 china:hopbush:liseran:orchid:thulian:wild:pink:purple +854 PMS675 rgb 188 56 119 hex #BC3877 hsv 331 70 74 xyz 0.25 0.15 0.19 lab 45 58 -6 lch 45 58 354 cmyk 0 52 27 26 cranberry[2578][182,49,108](3.7):hibiscus[4478][182,49,108](3.7):smitten[7786][200,65,134](5.1):smitten[7785][200,64,134](5.4):royal_heath[7353][171,52,114](5.8) 2 cranberry:heath:hibiscus:royal:smitten +855 PMS676 rgb 160 0 84 hex #A00054 hsv 329 100 63 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.09 lab 34 60 -1 lch 34 60 359 cmyk 0 63 30 37 violet_red[8865][165,0,85](1.7):dark_fuchsia[2724][157,7,89](3.2):jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](3.7):strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](4.1):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](4.9) 6 dark:strong:fuchsia:jam:jazzberry:magenta:red:rose:violet +856 PMS677 rgb 237 214 214 hex #EDD6D6 hsv 360 10 93 xyz 0.71 0.71 0.74 lab 87 8 3 lch 87 8 20 cmyk 0 9 9 7 bambina[1272][233,213,211](1.0):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](1.7):misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](2.0):mistyrose[5794][238,213,210](2.0):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.2) 29 misty:PMS670:bambina:ice:mistyrose:vanilla:rose +857 PMS678 rgb 234 204 206 hex #EACCCE hsv 356 13 92 xyz 0.67 0.65 0.67 lab 85 11 3 lch 85 11 15 cmyk 0 12 11 8 devoted[3114][232,205,208](1.4):PMS684[863][239,204,206](2.2):oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](2.2):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](2.4):PMS670[849][242,214,216](3.2) 22 PMS670:PMS684:devoted:ice:oyster:vanilla:pink +858 PMS679 rgb 229 191 198 hex #E5BFC6 hsv 349 17 90 xyz 0.61 0.58 0.61 lab 81 15 2 lch 81 15 6 cmyk 0 15 12 10 PMS685[864][234,191,196](1.4):pink_flare[6677][225,192,200](2.8):gelato[3837][219,183,190](3.3):cavern_pink[2143][227,190,190](3.7):melanie[5656][224,183,194](3.7) 11 PMS685:cavern:flare:gelato:melanie:pink +859 PMS680 rgb 211 158 175 hex #D39EAF hsv 341 25 83 xyz 0.47 0.41 0.46 lab 70 22 -1 lch 70 22 357 cmyk 0 21 14 17 careys_pink[2085][210,158,170](2.2):PMS686[865][224,170,186](5.1):faded_pink[3538][222,157,172](5.1):light_mauve[5143][194,146,161](5.4):viola[8845][197,143,157](5.5) 1 light:PMS686:careys:faded:mauve:viola:pink +860 PMS681 rgb 183 114 142 hex #B7728E hsv 336 38 72 xyz 0.3 0.24 0.29 lab 56 31 -4 lch 56 31 353 cmyk 0 27 16 28 PMS688[867][178,102,132](4.4):tapestry[8250][179,112,132](4.6):mauve[5580][174,113,129](7.3):turkish_rose[8570][181,114,129](7.6):tapestry[8249][176,94,129](8.5) 2 PMS688:mauve:tapestry:turkish:rose +861 PMS682 rgb 160 81 117 hex #A05175 hsv 333 49 63 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.19 lab 45 37 -5 lch 45 37 352 cmyk 0 31 17 37 tapestry[8249][176,94,129](5.0):PMS689[868][147,66,102](5.1):china_rose[2293][168,81,110](5.5):bordello[1660][151,68,98](5.7):bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](6.0) 1 PMS689:bedazzle:bordello:china:tapestry:rose +862 PMS683 rgb 127 40 79 hex #7F284F hsv 333 69 50 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.08 lab 31 41 -3 lch 31 41 355 cmyk 0 34 19 50 rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](4.1):camelot[2021][137,52,86](4.2):disco[3143][137,45,79](4.6):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](5.1):flirt[3691][122,46,77](5.1) 3 dark:bud:camelot:cherry:disco:flirt:raspberry:rose +863 PMS684 rgb 239 204 206 hex #EFCCCE hsv 357 15 94 xyz 0.68 0.66 0.68 lab 85 13 4 lch 85 13 16 cmyk 0 14 13 6 PMS678[857][234,204,206](2.2):PMS196[154][244,201,201](2.8):PMS698[877][247,209,204](3.6):devoted[3114][232,205,208](3.6):PMS502[615][242,198,196](3.7) 17 PMS196:PMS502:PMS678:PMS698:devoted +864 PMS685 rgb 234 191 196 hex #EABFC4 hsv 353 18 92 xyz 0.63 0.59 0.6 lab 81 16 3 lch 81 16 12 cmyk 0 17 15 8 PMS679[858][229,191,198](1.4):PMS510[625][244,198,201](3.7):cavern_pink[2143][227,190,190](3.7):pale_grayish_pink[6340][231,184,184](3.7):gelato[3837][219,183,190](4.1) 12 pale:PMS510:PMS679:cavern:gelato:grayish:pink +865 PMS686 rgb 224 170 186 hex #E0AABA hsv 342 24 88 xyz 0.54 0.48 0.53 lab 75 22 0 lch 75 22 359 cmyk 0 21 15 12 boutique[1684][223,172,183](2.8):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](5.0):PMS680[859][211,158,175](5.1):chantilly[2213][237,184,199](5.1):princess[6815][237,184,199](5.1) 2 pale:light:PMS680:boutique:chantilly:grayish:princess:crimson +866 PMS687 rgb 201 137 158 hex #C9899E hsv 340 32 79 xyz 0.39 0.33 0.37 lab 64 27 -1 lch 64 27 358 cmyk 0 25 17 21 puce[6831][204,136,153](3.2):can[2031][208,138,155](3.7):can[2032][213,145,164](3.7):pink[6666][205,145,158](4.1):viola[8846][203,143,169](4.5) 6 can:puce:viola:pink +867 PMS688 rgb 178 102 132 hex #B26684 hsv 336 43 70 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.24 lab 53 34 -3 lch 53 34 355 cmyk 0 30 18 30 PMS681[860][183,114,142](4.4):tapestry[8249][176,94,129](4.7):tapestry[8250][179,112,132](6.2):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](8.1):PMS682[861][160,81,117](8.8) 2 PMS681:PMS682:minnelli:tapestry +868 PMS689 rgb 147 66 102 hex #934266 hsv 333 55 58 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.14 lab 40 38 -5 lch 40 39 353 cmyk 0 32 18 42 bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](3.7):hot_pink[4561][139,58,98](3.7):bordello[1660][151,68,98](4.1):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](4.2):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](4.6) 6 medium:bedazzle:bordello:enchanted:hot:pink +869 PMS690 rgb 112 35 66 hex #702342 hsv 336 69 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.06 lab 27 37 -1 lch 27 37 359 cmyk 0 30 18 56 PMS229[187][109,33,63](1.7):extrovert[3533][117,38,66](2.2):PMS222[180][112,25,61](3.7):flirt[3691][122,46,77](4.2):tawny_port[8267][105,37,69](4.4) 7 PMS222:PMS229:extrovert:flirt:port:tawny +870 PMS691 rgb 239 209 201 hex #EFD1C9 hsv 13 16 94 xyz 0.69 0.68 0.65 lab 86 9 8 lch 86 12 40 cmyk 0 12 15 6 PMS5035[618][237,206,198](1.4):PMS503[617][244,209,204](2.4):bizarre[1448][231,210,200](3.0):coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](3.0):dust_storm[3301][229,202,192](3.2) 21 PMS503:PMS5035:bizarre:candy:coral:dust:storm +871 PMS692 rgb 232 191 186 hex #E8BFBA hsv 7 20 91 xyz 0.61 0.58 0.54 lab 81 14 8 lch 81 16 30 cmyk 0 16 18 9 PMS5025[616][226,188,183](2.2):beauty_bush[1335][238,193,190](2.2):rose[7296][231,188,180](2.2):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](2.2):shilo[7655][232,185,179](3.0) 17 PMS5025:beauty:bush:fog:shilo:rose +872 PMS693 rgb 219 168 165 hex #DBA8A5 hsv 3 25 86 xyz 0.5 0.46 0.42 lab 73 18 9 lch 73 20 26 cmyk 0 20 21 14 pastel_pink[6510][222,165,164](3.0):PMS5015[614][216,173,168](3.2):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](3.3):eunry[3520][207,163,157](3.6):pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](3.6) 8 pale:PMS5015:chestnut:doll:eunry:paper:pastel:pink +873 PMS694 rgb 201 140 140 hex #C98C8C hsv 0 30 79 xyz 0.38 0.33 0.29 lab 64 23 9 lch 64 25 22 cmyk 0 24 24 21 oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](3.3):PMS500[611][206,137,140](4.0):greyish_pink[4231][200,141,148](4.1):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.4):oriental_pink[6251][194,142,136](4.5) 6 PMS500:PMS5005:greyish:oriental:pink +874 PMS695 rgb 178 107 112 hex #B26B70 hsv 356 40 70 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.18 lab 53 29 9 lch 53 30 18 cmyk 0 28 26 30 foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](3.7):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](3.7):dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](4.5):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](5.1):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](5.2) 3 coral:dusty:foxtrot:gold:minnelli:tree:rose +875 PMS696 rgb 142 71 73 hex #8E4749 hsv 358 50 56 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.08 lab 39 30 13 lch 39 33 23 cmyk 0 28 27 44 ameile[1037][144,73,71](2.2):copper_rust[2485][148,71,71](3.0):cordovan[2510][137,63,69](3.0):hot_stuff[4571][135,71,72](3.3):orbit[6233][135,71,72](3.3) 10 ameile:copper:cordovan:hot:orbit:rust:stuff +876 PMS697 rgb 127 56 58 hex #7F383A hsv 358 56 50 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.05 lab 33 31 14 lch 33 34 24 cmyk 0 28 27 50 stiletto[7979][131,61,62](2.2):lotus[5344][134,60,60](2.4):adrenalin_junkie[963][127,49,54](3.2):zinger[9263][135,61,66](3.7):PMS198[156][119,45,53](4.1) 9 PMS198:adrenalin:junkie:lotus:stiletto:zinger +877 PMS698 rgb 247 209 204 hex #F7D1CC hsv 7 17 97 xyz 0.72 0.7 0.67 lab 87 13 7 lch 87 15 31 cmyk 0 15 17 3 cosmos[2549][252,213,207](1.4):pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](1.4):coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](1.7):PMS503[617][244,209,204](2.0):PMS196[154][244,201,201](3.0) 19 PMS196:PMS503:candy:coral:cosmos:terrace:pink +878 PMS699 rgb 247 191 191 hex #F7BFBF hsv 360 23 97 xyz 0.66 0.61 0.58 lab 82 20 8 lch 82 22 21 cmyk 0 22 22 3 spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](0.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](1.7):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.4):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.4):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](2.4) 24 PMS182:PMS495:azalea:baby:spanish:pink +879 PMS700 rgb 242 165 170 hex #F2A5AA hsv 356 32 95 xyz 0.57 0.49 0.44 lab 75 29 9 lch 75 30 17 cmyk 0 30 28 5 light_pink[5171][238,162,173](3.3):PMS707[886][252,173,175](3.6):PMS494[602][242,173,178](3.7):PMS1767[115][249,178,183](4.6):PMS176[113][249,175,173](4.7) 5 light:PMS176:PMS1767:PMS494:PMS707:pink +880 PMS701 rgb 232 135 142 hex #E8878E hsv 356 42 91 xyz 0.47 0.36 0.3 lab 67 38 12 lch 67 40 18 cmyk 0 38 35 9 wewak[9059][241,145,154](3.3):light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](3.7):pink[6668][231,139,139](4.4):PMS193[149][219,130,140](5.2):PMS708[887][249,142,153](5.7) 3 light:PMS193:PMS708:amaranth:wewak:pink +881 PMS702 rgb 214 96 109 hex #D6606D hsv 353 55 84 xyz 0.35 0.24 0.17 lab 56 48 16 lch 56 50 18 cmyk 0 46 41 16 light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](5.4):froly[3774][229,109,117](5.5):mandy[5498][205,82,91](5.7):candy_pink[2045][228,113,122](5.8):tango_pink[8245][228,113,122](5.8) 0 light:candy:carmine:froly:mandy:tango:pink +882 PMS703 rgb 183 56 68 hex #B73844 hsv 354 69 72 xyz 0.22 0.13 0.07 lab 43 52 22 lch 43 56 24 cmyk 0 50 45 28 bombshell[1637][174,47,62](3.0):crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](3.3):bliss[1516][179,57,62](3.6):vibe[8829][172,49,66](4.4):get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](5.4) 4 bliss:bombshell:crash:get:hot:reddy:vibe +883 PMS704 rgb 158 40 40 hex #9E2828 hsv 360 75 62 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.03 lab 36 48 29 lch 36 56 32 cmyk 0 46 46 38 auburn[1196][165,42,42](3.5):brown[1837][165,42,42](3.5):brown[1838][166,42,42](3.5):red_brown[7118][165,42,42](3.5):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](4.2) 7 auburn:brick:old:brown:red +884 PMS705 rgb 249 221 214 hex #F9DDD6 hsv 12 14 98 xyz 0.77 0.77 0.74 lab 90 9 7 lch 90 11 39 cmyk 0 11 14 2 coral_candy[2501][255,220,214](2.0):peach_schnapps[6552][255,220,214](2.0):cinderella[2330][253,225,220](2.2):marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](2.2):pippin[6713][252,219,210](2.2) 29 candy:cinderella:coral:marshmallow:pippin:schnapps:peach +885 PMS706 rgb 252 201 198 hex #FCC9C6 hsv 3 21 99 xyz 0.71 0.67 0.63 lab 85 18 8 lch 85 20 25 cmyk 0 20 21 1 PMS496[604][247,201,198](2.0):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](2.2):tea_rose[8277][244,194,194](2.2):pale_scarlet[6424][255,201,194](3.0):PMS502[615][242,198,196](3.3) 17 pale:PMS496:PMS502:baby:scarlet:tea:pink:rose +886 PMS707 rgb 252 173 175 hex #FCADAF hsv 358 31 99 xyz 0.63 0.54 0.48 lab 78 29 11 lch 78 31 20 cmyk 0 31 30 1 PMS176[113][249,175,173](2.2):sundown[8128][255,177,179](2.2):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](3.3):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](3.3):PMS700[879][242,165,170](3.6) 8 PMS176:PMS700:cornflower:lilac:sundown +887 PMS708 rgb 249 142 153 hex #F98E99 hsv 354 43 98 xyz 0.54 0.42 0.35 lab 71 42 12 lch 71 43 16 cmyk 0 42 38 2 PMS183[134][252,140,153](2.0):rose_pink[7311][247,135,154](4.1):pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](4.2):salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](4.2):PMS1775[117][249,132,142](5.2) 4 PMS1775:PMS183:salmon:pink:rose +888 PMS709 rgb 242 104 119 hex #F26877 hsv 353 57 95 xyz 0.45 0.3 0.21 lab 62 54 19 lch 62 57 19 cmyk 0 54 48 5 light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](4.5):PMS1777[118][252,102,117](5.1):froly[3775][245,117,132](5.8):ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](6.2):wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](6.2) 1 light:PMS1777:carmine:froly:ultra:watermelon:wild:pink:red +889 PMS710 rgb 224 66 81 hex #E04251 hsv 354 71 88 xyz 0.34 0.2 0.1 lab 52 61 28 lch 52 67 24 cmyk 0 62 56 12 desire[3110][234,60,83](6.1):memphis_belle[5673][202,47,67](6.1):brilliant_red[1797][231,81,81](6.4):material_girl[5573][232,85,96](6.6):rusty_red[7392][218,44,67](7.1) 0 brilliant:belle:desire:girl:material:memphis:rusty:red +890 PMS711 rgb 209 45 51 hex #D12D33 hsv 358 78 82 xyz 0.28 0.16 0.05 lab 47 62 38 lch 47 73 31 cmyk 0 64 62 18 PMS1797[126][204,45,48](1.4):brown[1840][205,51,51](3.3):persian_red[6612][204,51,51](3.3):jasper[4747][215,59,62](4.1):amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](4.6) 7 PMS1797:amaranth:jasper:persian:brown:red +891 PMS712 rgb 255 211 170 hex #FFD3AA hsv 29 33 100 xyz 0.72 0.71 0.48 lab 87 10 26 lch 87 28 69 cmyk 0 17 33 0 peach[6542][255,207,171](3.0):feldspar[3573][253,213,177](3.3):light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](3.3):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](3.5):deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](3.6) 13 deep:light:apricot:feldspar:peach +892 PMS713 rgb 249 201 163 hex #F9C9A3 hsv 27 35 98 xyz 0.67 0.65 0.44 lab 84 12 25 lch 84 28 65 cmyk 0 19 34 2 PMS473[578][244,196,160](1.0):deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](1.7):flesh[3687][255,203,164](1.7):peach[6541][255,203,164](1.7):peach[6542][255,207,171](2.2) 11 deep:PMS473:flesh:peach +893 PMS714 rgb 249 186 130 hex #F9BA82 hsv 28 48 98 xyz 0.61 0.57 0.29 lab 80 16 37 lch 80 41 66 cmyk 0 25 47 2 macaroni_and_cheese[5422][255,189,136](3.0):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](4.1):tacao[8201][237,179,129](4.4):macaroni_and_cheese[5421][255,185,123](5.0):tacao[8202][246,174,120](5.1) 4 and:apricot:cheese:macaroni:mellow:tacao +894 PMS715 rgb 252 158 73 hex #FC9E49 hsv 28 71 99 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.12 lab 73 28 57 lch 73 64 64 cmyk 0 37 70 1 sunshade[8146][250,157,73](0.0):tan[8228][255,165,79](2.8):touche[8441][255,165,85](4.1):PMS1495[67][255,153,63](5.1):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](5.1) 3 PMS1495:buckthorn:sea:sunshade:tan:touche +895 PMS716 rgb 242 132 17 hex #F28411 hsv 31 93 95 xyz 0.45 0.35 0.05 lab 66 36 70 lch 66 79 63 cmyk 0 43 88 5 gold_drop[3901][241,130,0](2.2):tahiti_gold[8207][233,124,7](3.2):tangerine[8240][242,133,0](3.2):PMS151[70][247,127,0](5.0):university_of_tennessee_orange[8652][247,127,0](5.0) 5 PMS151:drop:gold:of:tahiti:tangerine:tennessee:university:orange +896 PMS717 rgb 211 109 0 hex #D36D00 hsv 31 100 83 xyz 0.32 0.25 0.03 lab 57 35 65 lch 57 74 62 cmyk 0 40 83 17 dark_orange[2823][205,102,0](3.0):PMS152[71][221,117,0](3.6):beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](4.1):browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](4.1):beer_srm_11[1351][211,116,0](4.2) 6 dark:11:12:PMS152:beer:browny:srm:orange +897 PMS718 rgb 191 91 0 hex #BF5B00 hsv 29 100 75 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.02 lab 50 36 59 lch 50 69 59 cmyk 0 39 75 25 beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](0.0):PMS159[85][198,96,5](2.2):alloy_orange[1004][196,98,16](3.0):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](3.3):PMS1525[72][181,84,0](3.6) 9 14:PMS1525:PMS159:alloy:beer:of:sharon:srm:orange:rose +898 PMS719 rgb 244 209 175 hex #F4D1AF hsv 30 28 96 xyz 0.68 0.68 0.5 lab 86 7 21 lch 86 23 71 cmyk 0 14 27 4 PMS475[582][247,211,181](1.7):pancho[6466][237,205,171](2.2):PMS474[580][244,204,170](2.4):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](2.4):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](2.4) 21 PMS474:PMS475:pancho:peachpuff:puff:peach +899 PMS720 rgb 239 196 158 hex #EFC49E hsv 28 34 94 xyz 0.62 0.6 0.41 lab 82 10 25 lch 82 27 68 cmyk 0 17 32 6 negroni[6005][238,199,162](1.7):PMS473[578][244,196,160](2.2):PMS713[892][249,201,163](2.8):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](3.0):PMS474[580][244,204,170](4.4) 11 PMS473:PMS474:PMS713:negroni:new:tan +900 PMS721 rgb 232 178 130 hex #E8B282 hsv 28 44 91 xyz 0.53 0.51 0.28 lab 76 14 32 lch 76 35 67 cmyk 0 21 40 9 manhattan[5507][226,175,128](1.7):tacao[8201][237,179,129](2.4):light_orange[5157][231,185,139](4.1):PMS472[576][234,170,122](4.6):corvette[2542][233,186,129](5.4) 4 light:PMS472:corvette:manhattan:tacao:orange +901 PMS722 rgb 209 142 84 hex #D18E54 hsv 28 60 82 xyz 0.38 0.34 0.13 lab 65 20 41 lch 65 45 64 cmyk 0 26 49 18 persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](2.2):di_serria[3117][212,145,93](3.2):di_serria[3118][219,153,94](3.2):whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](3.2):whiskey_sour[9076][219,153,94](3.2) 5 di:persian:serria:sour:whiskey:orange +902 PMS723 rgb 186 117 48 hex #BA7530 hsv 30 74 73 xyz 0.27 0.23 0.06 lab 55 21 48 lch 55 52 66 cmyk 0 27 54 27 meteor[5695][187,116,49](1.4):high_five[4480][178,111,44](2.2):copper[2476][184,115,51](3.2):pirate_gold[6716][186,120,42](3.7):liver[5310][184,109,41](4.5) 5 copper:five:gold:high:liver:meteor:pirate +903 PMS724 rgb 142 73 5 hex #8E4905 hsv 30 96 56 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.01 lab 39 25 47 lch 39 53 62 cmyk 0 27 54 44 korma[4883][143,75,14](2.0):dark_orange[2821][139,69,0](2.2):PMS1535[74][140,68,0](2.8):brown[1836][150,75,0](3.7):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](3.7) 6 dark:PMS1535:korma:warm:brown:orange +904 PMS725 rgb 117 56 2 hex #753802 hsv 28 98 46 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.01 lab 31 24 41 lch 31 47 60 cmyk 0 24 45 54 new_amber[6036][123,56,1](2.4):red_beech[7113][123,56,1](2.4):chocolate[2304][123,63,0](4.1):cinnamon[2334][123,63,0](4.1):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](4.1) 5 amber:beech:chocolate:cinnamon:new:peru:tan:red +905 PMS726 rgb 237 211 181 hex #EDD3B5 hsv 32 24 93 xyz 0.67 0.68 0.53 lab 86 4 18 lch 86 19 76 cmyk 0 10 22 7 bisque[1433][238,213,183](1.0):periwinkle[6595][236,214,183](1.4):enchante[3479][238,213,186](1.7):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](2.2):double_solitaire[3238][228,210,182](3.0) 27 bisque:double:enchante:half:haystack:periwinkle:solitaire +906 PMS727 rgb 226 191 155 hex #E2BF9B hsv 30 31 89 xyz 0.56 0.56 0.39 lab 79 7 23 lch 79 24 72 cmyk 0 14 28 11 pancho[6465][223,185,146](2.4):calico[2009][224,192,149](3.6):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](3.6):PMS4665[564][216,181,150](3.7):brandy[1692][222,193,150](3.7) 11 PMS4665:brandy:calico:new:pancho:tan +907 PMS728 rgb 211 168 124 hex #D3A87C hsv 30 41 83 xyz 0.45 0.43 0.25 lab 72 10 29 lch 72 30 71 cmyk 0 17 34 17 deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](2.2):muka[5935][210,172,125](2.2):burlywood[1915][205,170,125](3.2):bowman[1686][213,177,133](4.1):calico[2008][213,177,133](4.1) 8 bowman:burlywood:calico:deja:muka:vu +908 PMS729 rgb 193 142 96 hex #C18E60 hsv 28 50 76 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.15 lab 63 14 32 lch 63 35 67 cmyk 0 20 38 24 deer[3079][186,135,89](3.0):brown_yellow[1861][204,153,102](4.6):muddy_waters[5930][183,142,92](5.1):alamo[986][186,140,102](5.2):beethoven[1383][209,148,108](5.4) 2 alamo:beethoven:deer:muddy:waters:brown:yellow +909 PMS730 rgb 170 117 63 hex #AA753F hsv 30 63 67 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.08 lab 54 15 38 lch 54 41 68 cmyk 0 21 42 33 toast_lmu_50[8388][170,120,61](2.8):bungy[1903][172,113,60](3.2):leather[4958][172,116,52](5.1):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](5.1):roasted_orange[7242][166,119,71](5.4) 2 50:bungy:leather:lmu:pendragon:roasted:toast:orange +910 PMS731 rgb 114 63 10 hex #723F0A hsv 31 91 45 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.01 lab 32 18 38 lch 32 43 64 cmyk 0 20 41 55 PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](3.7):sepia[7612][112,66,20](3.7):brown[1833][101,55,0](4.1):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](4.1):nutmeg_wood_finish[6085][104,54,0](4.2) 5 2X:PMS464:cafe:finish:nutmeg:royale:sepia:wood:brown +911 PMS732 rgb 96 51 10 hex #60330A hsv 29 90 38 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.01 lab 26 17 32 lch 26 37 62 cmyk 0 18 34 62 deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](2.8):PMS469[569][96,51,17](3.0):carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](3.0):PMS161[89][99,58,17](3.6):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](5.1) 4 deep:PMS161:PMS469:bramble:carnaby:tan:brown +912 PMS801 rgb 0 170 204 hex #00AACC hsv 190 100 80 xyz 0.25 0.33 0.62 lab 64 -24 -28 lch 64 37 229 cmyk 80 13 0 20 ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](1.7):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](2.0):PMS639[818][0,160,196](3.6):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](4.4):cerulean[2185][29,172,214](4.4) 5 PMS639:ball:bright:cerulean:pacific:blue +913 PMS801_2X rgb 0 137 175 hex #0089AF hsv 193 100 69 xyz 0.17 0.21 0.44 lab 53 -17 -29 lch 53 33 239 cmyk 69 15 0 31 PMS640[819][0,140,178](1.4):bowie[1685][0,132,172](2.4):strong_cerulean[8025][0,126,168](5.1):boston_blue[1664][59,145,180](5.4):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](6.4) 2 strong:PMS640:bondi:boston:bowie:cerulean:blue +914 PMS802 rgb 96 221 73 hex #60DD49 hsv 111 67 87 xyz 0.32 0.55 0.15 lab 79 -61 60 lch 79 86 136 cmyk 49 0 58 13 brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](3.6):brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](5.1):fresh_green[3767][105,216,79](5.7):brilliant_green[1780][81,231,81](6.8):lightish_green[5249][97,225,96](8.1) 1 brilliant:fresh:harlequin:lightish:sap:green +915 PMS802_2X rgb 28 206 40 hex #1CCE28 hsv 124 86 81 xyz 0.23 0.45 0.09 lab 73 -71 64 lch 73 96 138 cmyk 70 0 65 19 permanent_green[6599][10,201,43](3.0):vivid_malachite[8925][0,204,51](4.1):lime_green[5272][50,205,50](5.0):green[4026][0,205,0](7.3):harlequin_green[4424][70,203,24](8.1) 3 vivid:harlequin:malachite:permanent:green:lime +916 PMS803 rgb 255 237 56 hex #FFED38 hsv 55 78 100 xyz 0.72 0.82 0.16 lab 93 -12 82 lch 93 83 98 cmyk 0 7 78 0 PMS107[7][249,229,38](3.7):gorse[3950][253,227,54](5.4):shooting_star[7678][253,227,54](5.4):dandelion[2667][240,225,48](5.5):lemon_yellow[4982][255,244,79](5.7) 1 PMS107:dandelion:gorse:shooting:star:lemon:yellow +917 PMS803_2X rgb 255 216 22 hex #FFD816 hsv 50 91 100 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.11 lab 87 -2 85 lch 87 85 91 cmyk 0 15 91 0 candlelight[2041][252,217,23](2.0):gold[3898][255,215,0](2.0):moon_yellow[5890][252,217,23](2.0):school_bus_yellow[7530][255,216,0](2.0):southern_cross[7861][255,215,0](2.0) 13 bus:candlelight:cross:gold:moon:school:southern:yellow +918 PMS804 rgb 255 147 56 hex #FF9338 hsv 27 78 100 xyz 0.52 0.42 0.09 lab 71 34 63 lch 71 71 61 cmyk 0 42 78 0 PMS1495[67][255,153,63](3.7):deep_saffron[3046][255,153,51](4.4):neon_carrot[6011][255,153,51](4.4):cadmium_orange[1991][237,135,45](5.5):sun[8120][239,142,56](6.4) 3 deep:PMS1495:cadmium:carrot:neon:saffron:sun:orange +919 PMS804_2X rgb 255 127 30 hex #FF7F1E hsv 26 88 100 xyz 0.49 0.37 0.06 lab 67 44 68 lch 67 81 57 cmyk 0 50 88 0 chocolate[2309][255,127,36](2.0):ecstasy[3360][250,120,20](2.4):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](4.1):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](4.2):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](4.2) 6 chilean:chocolate:ecstasy:fire:pumpkin:sorbus:orange +920 PMS805 rgb 249 89 81 hex #F95951 hsv 3 67 98 xyz 0.44 0.28 0.11 lab 60 61 38 lch 60 71 32 cmyk 0 63 66 2 coral[2496][252,90,80](1.0):sunset_orange[8144][253,94,83](1.7):grapefruit[3980][253,89,86](2.4):PMS178[119][249,94,89](3.7):carmine_pink[2097][235,76,66](5.5) 4 PMS178:carmine:coral:grapefruit:sunset:orange:pink +921 PMS805_2X rgb 249 58 43 hex #F93A2B hsv 4 83 98 xyz 0.41 0.23 0.05 lab 55 70 53 lch 55 88 37 cmyk 0 75 81 2 red_orange[7128][255,63,52](2.8):firebrick[3646][255,48,48](4.2):orangey_red[6228][250,66,36](4.6):PMS1788[122][239,43,45](5.1):firebrick[3645][238,44,44](5.1) 3 PMS1788:firebrick:orangey:orange:red +922 PMS806 rgb 255 0 147 hex #FF0093 hsv 325 100 100 xyz 0.47 0.23 0.3 lab 55 86 -6 lch 55 86 356 cmyk 0 100 42 0 electric_pink[3448][255,4,144](1.0):magenta[5440][255,0,144](1.0):deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](1.4):fluorescent_pink[3702][255,20,147](1.4):hot_pink[4566][255,2,141](3.2) 5 deep:electric:fluorescent:hot:magenta:pink +923 PMS806_2X rgb 247 2 124 hex #F7027C hsv 330 99 97 xyz 0.42 0.21 0.21 lab 53 82 4 lch 53 82 3 cmyk 0 96 48 3 bright_pink[1742][255,0,127](3.0):rose[7297][255,0,127](3.0):winter_sky[9145][255,0,124](3.5):luminous_vivid_rose[5395][255,0,128](3.6):vivid_rose[8945][231,0,116](5.1) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:sky:winter:pink:rose +924 PMS807 rgb 214 0 158 hex #D6009E hsv 316 100 84 xyz 0.34 0.17 0.34 lab 48 79 -25 lch 48 83 342 cmyk 0 84 22 16 PMS246[212][204,0,160](4.9):PMS2385[199][219,40,165](5.1):PMS239[200][224,33,158](6.2):vivid_fuchsia[8913][231,0,174](7.1):PMS813[936][229,0,153](7.9) 1 vivid:PMS2385:PMS239:PMS246:PMS813:fuchsia +925 PMS807_2X rgb 191 0 140 hex #BF008C hsv 316 100 75 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.26 lab 43 72 -23 lch 43 76 343 cmyk 0 75 20 25 PMS2395[201][196,0,140](2.4):PMS247[213][183,0,142](3.7):PMS240[203][196,15,137](4.1):violet_red[8866][204,50,153](7.5):royal_fuchsia[7352][202,44,146](7.5) 3 PMS2395:PMS240:PMS247:fuchsia:royal:red:violet +926 PMS808 rgb 0 181 155 hex #00B59B hsv 171 100 71 xyz 0.22 0.35 0.37 lab 66 -45 2 lch 66 45 177 cmyk 71 0 10 29 PMS3268[380][0,175,153](3.0):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](5.1):tealish[8293][36,188,168](5.2):turquoise[8577][6,194,172](5.4):strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](5.7) 1 strong:PMS3268:PMS3275:opal:tealish:turquoise +927 PMS808_2X rgb 0 160 135 hex #00A087 hsv 171 100 63 xyz 0.17 0.27 0.27 lab 59 -41 3 lch 59 41 176 cmyk 63 0 10 37 niagara[6045][6,161,137](0.0):gossamer[3952][6,155,129](2.2):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](2.4):persian_green[6604][0,166,147](3.6):strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](3.6) 11 strong:PMS3278:gossamer:niagara:opal:persian:green +928 PMS809 rgb 221 224 15 hex #DDE00F hsv 61 93 88 xyz 0.57 0.69 0.11 lab 86 -21 84 lch 86 87 104 cmyk 1 0 82 12 PMS396[476][224,226,12](1.7):PMS395[474][229,232,17](3.6):PMS809_2X[929][214,214,12](4.1):bright_gold[1722][217,217,25](4.1):peridot[6589][230,226,0](4.7) 5 2X:PMS395:PMS396:PMS809:bright:gold:peridot +929 PMS809_2X rgb 214 214 12 hex #D6D60C hsv 60 94 84 xyz 0.52 0.62 0.1 lab 83 -19 82 lch 83 84 103 cmyk 0 0 79 16 bright_gold[1722][217,217,25](1.4):barberry[1291][222,215,23](3.3):piss_yellow[6718][221,214,24](3.3):yellow[9194][205,205,0](3.7):PMS809[928][221,224,15](4.1) 5 PMS809:barberry:bright:gold:piss:yellow +930 PMS810 rgb 255 204 30 hex #FFCC1E hsv 46 88 100 xyz 0.63 0.65 0.1 lab 84 4 82 lch 84 82 87 cmyk 0 20 88 0 tangerine_yellow[8242][255,204,0](3.0):usc_gold[8665][255,204,0](3.0):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](3.2):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](3.2):supernova[8156][255,201,1](3.3) 13 gold:golden:sunflower:supernova:tangerine:usc:yellow +931 PMS810_2X rgb 255 188 33 hex #FFBC21 hsv 42 87 100 xyz 0.59 0.57 0.09 lab 80 12 78 lch 80 79 81 cmyk 0 26 87 0 orangey_yellow[6229][253,185,21](1.7):PMS116_2X[17][247,181,12](2.2):dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](2.8):golden_rod[3923][255,193,37](2.8):goldenrod[3938][255,193,37](2.8) 11 dark:2X:PMS116:golden:goldenrod:orangey:rod:yellow +932 PMS811 rgb 255 114 71 hex #FF7247 hsv 14 72 100 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.1 lab 65 51 49 lch 65 71 44 cmyk 0 55 72 0 pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](2.0):PMS1645[96][249,114,66](2.4):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](3.0):melon[5666][255,120,85](6.4):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](6.4) 3 PMS1645:melon:outrageous:pinkish:orange:pink +933 PMS811_2X rgb 255 84 22 hex #FF5416 hsv 16 91 100 xyz 0.45 0.28 0.04 lab 60 63 65 lch 60 90 46 cmyk 0 67 91 0 orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](2.0):flesh_ochre[3688][255,87,33](3.2):giants_orange[3854][254,90,29](3.6):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](3.6):PMS172[109][247,73,2](3.7) 7 PMS172:flesh:giants:ochre:orioles:tangelo:orange +934 PMS812 rgb 252 35 102 hex #FC2366 hsv 341 86 99 xyz 0.43 0.23 0.15 lab 55 79 20 lch 55 81 14 cmyk 0 85 59 1 luminous_vivid_raspberry[5393][255,0,96](4.6):vivid_raspberry[8940][231,0,87](6.3):vivid_raspberry[8941][255,0,108](6.5):raspberry[7070][227,11,92](8.2):raspberry[7071][227,11,93](8.2) 1 luminous:vivid:raspberry +935 PMS812_2X rgb 252 7 79 hex #FC074F hsv 342 97 99 xyz 0.42 0.21 0.09 lab 53 81 31 lch 53 87 21 cmyk 0 96 68 1 folly[3714][255,0,79](1.7):awesome[1214][255,32,82](3.0):pink_red[6689][245,5,79](3.0):pinkish_red[6701][241,12,69](5.4):red_pink[7133][250,42,85](5.7) 3 awesome:folly:pinkish:pink:red +936 PMS813 rgb 229 0 153 hex #E50099 hsv 320 100 90 xyz 0.38 0.19 0.32 lab 51 81 -18 lch 51 83 348 cmyk 0 90 30 10 PMS239[200][224,33,158](4.5):vivid_cerise[8903][231,0,145](5.0):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](5.1):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](5.1):maroon[5548][238,48,167](5.1) 2 vivid:PMS239:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:maroon +937 PMS813_2X rgb 209 0 132 hex #D10084 hsv 322 100 82 xyz 0.3 0.15 0.23 lab 46 75 -13 lch 46 76 350 cmyk 0 82 30 18 PMS233[191][206,0,124](4.2):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](4.6):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](4.6):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](4.6):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](4.6) 5 medium:PMS233:red:violet +938 PMS814 rgb 140 96 193 hex #8C60C1 hsv 267 50 76 xyz 0.25 0.18 0.53 lab 49 38 -44 lch 49 58 310 cmyk 21 38 0 24 PMS265[255][150,99,196](2.4):deep_lavender[3006][141,94,183](4.2):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](4.6):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](4.9):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](5.4) 4 deep:medium:PMS265:amethyst:lavender:purple +939 PMS814_2X rgb 112 63 175 hex #703FAF hsv 266 64 69 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.42 lab 38 44 -52 lch 38 68 310 cmyk 25 44 0 31 studio[8065][113,74,178](6.2):purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](6.5):rebecca_purple[7096][102,51,153](7.1):rebecca_purple[7097][102,52,153](7.3):PMS2665[258][137,79,191](7.5) 0 PMS2665:heart:rebecca:studio:purple +940 a_b_sea rgb 51 80 131 hex #335083 hsv 218 61 51 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.23 lab 34 6 -32 lch 34 32 281 cmyk 31 20 0 49 fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](0.0):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](3.3):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.7):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](3.7):light_navy[5151][21,80,132](4.6) 9 light:PMS653:fun:navy:sapphire:st:tropaz:blue +941 ab_fab rgb 50 27 47 hex #321B2F hsv 308 46 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 14 15 -9 lch 14 17 331 cmyk 0 9 1 80 upstage[8659][51,32,51](2.2):mardi_gras[5523][53,34,53](2.8):dark_purple[2849][48,25,52](4.6):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](5.2):montana[5873][41,30,48](5.2) 3 dark:bleached:cedar:gras:mardi:montana:upstage:purple +942 abacus rgb 118 137 147 hex #768993 hsv 201 20 58 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.31 lab 56 -5 -8 lch 56 9 239 cmyk 11 4 0 42 bluish_grey[1618][116,139,151](1.0):pigeon_post[6648][119,132,142](3.0):steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](3.2):steel[7961][115,133,149](3.7):gothic[3957][105,136,144](4.1) 14 bluish:gothic:pigeon:post:steel:grey +943 abanakee rgb 146 138 109 hex #928A6D hsv 47 25 57 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.18 lab 57 -2 17 lch 57 17 97 cmyk 0 3 15 43 double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](1.4):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.0):brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](2.4):bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](2.8):granite_green[3966][139,130,101](3.2) 24 bandicoot:double:granite:olive:techno:brown:green:grey +944 abbey rgb 73 81 84 hex #495154 hsv 196 13 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.1 lab 34 -2 -3 lch 34 4 229 cmyk 4 1 0 67 trout[8541][76,83,86](1.0):half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](1.7):PMS432[515][68,79,81](2.2):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](2.4):mako[5477][80,85,85](2.8) 40 PMS432:foundry:friars:half:mako:quarter:trout:grey +945 abbey rgb 76 79 86 hex #4C4F56 hsv 222 12 34 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.1 lab 34 0 -5 lch 34 5 275 cmyk 4 3 0 66 jimmy_dean[4768][81,83,93](1.7):dark_bluish_grey[2692][83,83,89](2.4):trout[8541][76,83,86](3.0):half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](3.3):trout[8540][74,78,90](3.3) 28 dark:bluish:dean:friars:half:jimmy:trout:grey +946 abbey_road rgb 175 168 188 hex #AFA8BC hsv 261 11 74 xyz 0.41 0.41 0.53 lab 70 6 -9 lch 70 11 304 cmyk 5 8 0 26 lola[5332][185,172,187](3.7):PMS5295[663][178,168,181](4.0):chatelle[2245][189,179,199](4.1):chatelle[2244][179,171,182](4.2):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](5.0) 6 PMS5295:chatelle:lola:santas:grey +947 abel_tasman rgb 103 89 46 hex #67592E hsv 45 55 40 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.04 lab 38 0 27 lch 38 27 91 cmyk 0 5 22 60 filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](1.0):PMS450[536][96,84,43](2.4):horses_neck[4548][109,86,44](4.1):yellow_metal[9212][113,99,56](4.2):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](5.1) 4 dark:PMS450:filmpro:gold:horses:metal:neck:raw:sienna:yellow +948 abercrombie rgb 236 220 227 hex #ECDCE3 hsv 334 7 93 xyz 0.74 0.75 0.83 lab 89 7 -1 lch 89 7 348 cmyk 0 6 4 7 lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](1.4):lavenderblush[4950][238,224,229](1.4):pale_rose[6417][239,214,218](3.0):pretty_in_pink[6808][239,214,218](3.0):prim[6810][240,226,236](3.0) 21 pale:blush:in:lavenderblush:pretty:prim:lavender:pink:rose +949 abracadabra rgb 86 73 133 hex #564985 hsv 253 45 52 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.23 lab 35 20 -32 lch 35 38 302 cmyk 18 24 0 48 victoria[8834][86,73,133](0.0):gigas[3856][86,71,134](2.4):cyber_grape[2648][88,66,124](4.1):fascinator[3560][79,64,129](5.2):twilight[8611][78,81,139](5.5) 3 cyber:fascinator:gigas:grape:twilight:victoria +950 absolute_zero rgb 0 72 186 hex #0048BA hsv 217 100 73 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.47 lab 34 28 -65 lch 34 71 293 cmyk 73 45 0 27 new_car[6037][33,79,198](4.6):PMS2728[278][48,68,181](5.0):strong_cobalt_blue[8027][0,63,168](5.7):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](6.4):PMS286[307][0,56,168](6.5) 2 strong:PMS2728:PMS286:car:cerulean:cobalt:new:blue +951 acadia rgb 27 20 4 hex #1B1404 hsv 42 85 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 7 1 8 lch 7 8 85 cmyk 0 3 9 89 el_paso[3432][30,23,8](1.4):karaka[4816][30,22,9](1.4):bokara_grey[1632][28,18,8](3.0):crowshead[2609][28,18,8](3.0):eternity[3513][33,26,14](3.2) 9 bokara:crowshead:el:eternity:karaka:paso:grey +952 acadia rgb 53 49 44 hex #35312C hsv 33 17 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 1 4 lch 21 4 79 cmyk 0 2 4 79 dark_ebony[2717][55,49,43](1.0):banjul[1288][52,50,45](1.4):treehouse[8469][60,52,46](1.7):helter_skelter[4466][51,51,45](2.0):black_pepper[1471][60,55,49](2.2) 72 dark:banjul:ebony:helter:pepper:skelter:treehouse:black +953 acapulco rgb 117 170 148 hex #75AA94 hsv 155 31 67 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.33 lab 65 -22 6 lch 65 23 165 cmyk 21 0 9 33 PMS556[716][122,168,145](2.2):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](3.0):bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](4.1):oxley[6278][119,158,134](5.4):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](5.8) 3 PMS556:bay:grayish:greyish:leaf:oxley:spring:teal:green +954 acapulco rgb 124 176 161 hex #7CB0A1 hsv 163 30 69 xyz 0.3 0.38 0.39 lab 68 -20 2 lch 68 21 174 cmyk 20 0 6 31 gulf_stream[4245][116,178,168](3.6):grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](4.1):green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](4.6):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](5.1):gulf_stream[4246][128,179,174](5.5) 3 grayish:gulf:sheen:spring:stream:green:turquoise +955 acid_green rgb 143 254 9 hex #8FFE09 hsv 87 96 100 xyz 0.47 0.77 0.13 lab 90 -63 86 lch 90 106 126 cmyk 44 0 96 0 lime_green[5273][137,254,5](2.0):bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](2.2):bright_yellow_green[1759][157,255,0](4.2):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](5.0):luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](5.0) 6 luminous:vivid:bright:chartreuse:green:lime:yellow +956 acid_green rgb 176 191 26 hex #B0BF1A hsv 65 86 75 xyz 0.37 0.47 0.08 lab 74 -23 71 lch 74 75 108 cmyk 6 0 65 25 snot[7804][172,187,13](2.2):PMS583[769][170,186,10](2.4):lime[5269][183,197,44](2.8):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](3.0):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](3.2) 11 PMS583:grande:la:rio:rioja:snot:lime +957 acorn rgb 106 93 27 hex #6A5D1B hsv 50 75 42 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.03 lab 40 -3 38 lch 40 38 94 cmyk 0 5 31 58 himalaya[4493][106,93,27](0.0):antique_bronze[1063][102,93,30](3.0):PMS455[547][102,86,20](3.6):greenish_brown[4080][105,97,18](5.1):PMS147[63][114,94,38](5.7) 3 antique:PMS147:PMS455:bronze:greenish:himalaya:brown +958 acorn rgb 115 99 48 hex #736330 hsv 46 58 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.05 lab 42 -1 31 lch 42 31 91 cmyk 0 6 26 55 himalaya[4494][115,99,48](0.0):PMS147[63][114,94,38](3.7):yellow_metal[9212][113,99,56](5.0):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](5.7):abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](5.7) 3 PMS147:abel:filmpro:himalaya:metal:raw:sienna:tasman:yellow +959 acropolis rgb 206 198 181 hex #CEC6B5 hsv 41 12 81 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.52 lab 80 0 10 lch 80 10 91 cmyk 0 3 10 19 aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](0.0):half_tea[4401][206,198,181](0.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.0):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.7) 67 PMS400:acropolis:amber:aquashield:bison:half:hide:quarter:soft:tea +960 adobe rgb 189 108 72 hex #BD6C48 hsv 18 62 74 xyz 0.28 0.22 0.09 lab 54 29 34 lch 54 45 50 cmyk 0 32 46 26 evermore[3529][190,106,63](4.1):rhapsody[7195][173,96,60](5.1):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](5.4):tuscany[8599][173,98,66](5.4):clay[2360][182,106,80](6.2) 1 clay:damask:evermore:rhapsody:tuscany:red +961 adore rgb 203 107 103 hex #CB6B67 hsv 2 49 80 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.16 lab 56 37 20 lch 56 42 28 cmyk 0 38 39 20 fuzzy_wuzzy[3815][204,102,102](3.3):fuzzy_wuzzy_brown[3817][204,102,102](3.3):chestnut[2273][188,93,88](5.2):contessa[2464][193,111,104](5.4):contessa[2465][198,114,107](5.5) 2 chestnut:contessa:fuzzy:wuzzy:brown +962 adrenalin rgb 255 82 0 hex #FF5200 hsv 19 100 100 xyz 0.44 0.27 0.03 lab 59 63 70 lch 59 94 48 cmyk 0 68 100 0 international_orange[4663][255,79,0](1.0):orange[6207][255,88,0](2.2):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](2.2):vermilion[8707][255,77,0](2.2):blood_orange[1522][254,75,3](2.4) 9 blood:international:tangelo:vermilion:orange +963 adrenalin_junkie rgb 127 49 54 hex #7F3136 hsv 356 61 50 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.04 lab 32 34 14 lch 32 37 23 cmyk 0 31 29 50 PMS198[156][119,45,53](3.0):paprika[6477][124,45,55](3.0):PMS697[876][127,56,58](3.2):tamarillo[8216][117,43,47](3.2):lotus[5344][134,60,60](3.7) 12 PMS198:PMS697:lotus:paprika:tamarillo +964 adventure rgb 65 64 98 hex #414062 hsv 242 35 38 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.12 lab 29 9 -20 lch 29 22 295 cmyk 13 13 0 62 digital_blue[3124][62,65,99](1.0):dotcom[3172][65,65,93](3.6):glitter[3875][65,58,93](3.6):zodiac[9269][65,58,93](3.6):vortex[8976][58,56,91](4.2) 10 digital:dotcom:glitter:vortex:zodiac:blue +965 aero rgb 124 185 232 hex #7CB9E8 hsv 206 47 91 xyz 0.4 0.45 0.83 lab 73 -7 -30 lch 73 30 256 cmyk 42 18 0 9 sky_blue[7745][126,192,238](3.0):PMS292[315][117,178,221](3.7):light_azure[5006][139,185,231](3.7):sky[7739][130,202,252](5.7):PMS284[305][117,170,219](5.8) 3 light:PMS284:PMS292:sky:azure:blue +966 aero_blue rgb 192 232 213 hex #C0E8D5 hsv 152 17 91 xyz 0.63 0.74 0.74 lab 89 -17 5 lch 89 17 163 cmyk 16 0 7 9 PMS331[398][186,234,214](2.0):PMS572[742][188,226,206](2.4):pale_light_grayish_spring_green[6376][184,231,208](3.3):granny_apple[3969][197,231,205](4.1):mint_tulip[5772][198,234,221](4.4) 8 pale:light:PMS331:PMS572:apple:granny:grayish:spring:tulip:green:mint +967 aero_blue rgb 201 255 229 hex #C9FFE5 hsv 151 21 100 xyz 0.74 0.9 0.88 lab 96 -22 7 lch 96 23 163 cmyk 21 0 10 0 pale_aquamarine[6309][194,255,232](2.8):pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](3.7):pale_aqua[6307][184,255,235](5.7):pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](6.0):snowy_mint[7815][214,255,219](6.3) 2 pale:aqua:snowy:spring:aquamarine:green:mint:turquoise +968 affair rgb 113 70 147 hex #714693 hsv 274 52 58 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.29 lab 38 34 -36 lch 38 49 313 cmyk 13 30 0 42 dark_lavender[2784][115,79,150](5.4):ferris_wheel[3587][114,74,161](5.5):studio[8066][114,74,161](5.5):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](6.5):daisy_bush[2658][91,62,144](7.3) 0 dark:bush:daisy:ferris:royal:studio:wheel:lavender:purple +969 affair rgb 116 80 133 hex #745085 hsv 281 40 52 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.24 lab 40 25 -24 lch 40 35 317 cmyk 7 21 0 48 muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](6.7):butterfly_bush[1956][104,87,140](6.8):PMS668[847][102,73,117](6.9):french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](7.9):pomp_and_power[6763][134,96,142](7.9) 0 PMS668:and:bush:butterfly:french:lilac:muted:pomp:power:purple +970 afficionado rgb 69 54 56 hex #453638 hsv 352 22 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 7 1 lch 24 7 10 cmyk 0 6 5 73 horoscope[4546][67,55,58](1.4):cowboy[2566][68,55,54](2.2):barista[1297][69,56,55](2.4):platypus[6738][61,51,52](2.8):caffeine[2002][60,49,53](3.0) 29 barista:caffeine:cowboy:horoscope:platypus +971 afghan_tan rgb 134 86 10 hex #86560A hsv 37 93 53 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.02 lab 41 14 46 lch 41 49 73 cmyk 0 19 49 47 natural[5984][134,86,10](0.0):rusty_nail[7388][134,86,10](0.0):grizzly[4235][136,88,24](3.2):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](4.5):orange[6197][139,90,0](5.1) 4 medium:grizzly:nail:natural:rusty:brown:orange +972 afghan_tan rgb 144 94 38 hex #905E26 hsv 32 74 56 xyz 0.16 0.14 0.04 lab 44 15 39 lch 44 42 69 cmyk 0 20 42 44 rusty_nail[7389][141,95,44](3.2):tan[8220][139,90,43](4.1):sepia[7613][152,94,43](4.2):grizzly[4235][136,88,24](4.6):sunshine[8148][156,101,49](4.6) 5 grizzly:nail:rusty:sepia:sunshine:tan +973 african_violet rgb 178 132 190 hex #B284BE hsv 288 31 75 xyz 0.36 0.3 0.53 lab 61 28 -23 lch 61 36 320 cmyk 5 23 0 25 PMS2567[225][191,147,204](6.1):PMS2645[254][181,145,209](6.7):PMS2573[228][186,124,188](7.1):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](7.3):purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](7.3) 0 PMS2567:PMS2573:PMS2645:majesty:mountain's:mountains:purple +974 afterburner rgb 152 61 57 hex #983D39 hsv 3 63 60 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.05 lab 38 38 22 lch 38 44 30 cmyk 0 36 37 40 style_pasifika_red_pineapple[8092][152,61,57](0.0):mexican_red[5701][155,61,61](2.4):terracotta_pink[8312][155,61,61](2.4):roller_coaster[7273][146,56,48](3.7):thunderbird[8338][146,56,48](3.7) 12 coaster:mexican:pasifika:pineapple:roller:style:terracotta:thunderbird:pink:red +975 afterglow rgb 206 151 50 hex #CE9732 hsv 39 76 81 xyz 0.37 0.35 0.08 lab 66 11 58 lch 66 59 79 cmyk 0 22 61 19 dixie_chick[3148][196,143,42](3.0):nugget[6079][188,146,41](5.8):fuel_yellow[3802][209,144,51](6.2):saffron[7405][220,159,69](6.4):satin_sheen_gold[7506][203,161,53](6.4) 1 chick:dixie:fuel:gold:nugget:saffron:satin:sheen:yellow +976 air_force_blue rgb 0 48 143 hex #00308F hsv 220 100 56 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.26 lab 24 27 -56 lch 24 62 296 cmyk 56 37 0 44 dark_powder_blue[2847][0,51,153](4.1):smalt[7780][0,51,153](4.1):PMS287[308][0,56,147](5.4):PMS661[840][45,51,142](5.5):cosmic_cobalt[2546][46,45,136](5.8) 2 dark:PMS287:PMS661:cobalt:cosmic:powder:smalt:blue +977 air_force_blue rgb 93 138 168 hex #5D8AA8 hsv 204 45 66 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.4 lab 55 -7 -21 lch 55 22 251 cmyk 29 12 0 34 rackley[7036][93,138,168](0.0):PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.7):horizon[4544][90,135,160](3.7):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](4.1):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](4.1) 9 moderate:PMS646:cornflower:greyish:horizon:rackley:blue +978 air_superiority_blue rgb 114 160 193 hex #72A0C1 hsv 205 41 76 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.55 lab 64 -7 -22 lch 64 23 253 cmyk 31 13 0 24 cerulean_frost[2188][109,155,195](4.1):sky_blue[7742][108,166,205](4.6):shakespeare[7634][96,154,184](5.1):blake[1493][136,167,200](5.4):PMS645[824][119,150,178](5.8) 2 PMS645:blake:cerulean:frost:shakespeare:sky:blue +979 ajay rgb 176 172 174 hex #B0ACAE hsv 330 2 69 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.46 lab 71 2 -1 lch 71 2 344 cmyk 0 2 1 31 eighth_sidewinder[3418][176,172,174](0.0):grey[4169][173,173,173](2.2):grey[4168][171,171,171](2.4):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.4):silver_chalice[7709][172,172,172](2.4) 40 chalice:eighth:sidewinder:silver:grey +980 akaroa rgb 190 178 154 hex #BEB29A hsv 40 19 75 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.37 lab 73 0 14 lch 73 14 89 cmyk 0 5 14 25 aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](0.0):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](1.7):triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](1.7):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.2):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](2.2) 46 akaroa:aquashield:bison:colins:double:eighth:fossil:hide:parchment:triple:wicket +981 akaroa rgb 212 196 168 hex #D4C4A8 hsv 38 21 83 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.45 lab 80 1 16 lch 80 16 86 cmyk 0 6 17 17 half_sisal[4385][213,201,174](1.7):triple_wheatfield[8529][209,198,166](2.2):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](2.4):double_spanish_white[3239][210,195,163](2.4):soft_amber[7824][207,190,165](2.4) 39 amber:biscotti:double:half:sisal:soft:spanish:triple:wheatfield:white +982 alabama_crimson rgb 175 0 42 hex #AF002A hsv 346 100 69 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.03 lab 37 61 30 lch 37 68 26 cmyk 0 69 52 31 red_tape[7144][179,0,47](2.2):strong_crimson[8029][168,0,42](3.0):shiraz[7667][178,9,49](3.2):PMS187[139][175,30,45](4.1):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](5.0) 5 strong:PMS187:glory:shiraz:tape:crimson:red +983 alabaster rgb 242 240 230 hex #F2F0E6 hsv 50 5 95 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.87 lab 95 -1 5 lch 95 5 102 cmyk 0 1 5 5 half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](0.0):eighth_thorndon_cream[3427][240,238,229](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.0):half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0) 110 bianca:cake:cream:eighth:half:orchid:rice:thorndon:wheatfield:white +984 alabaster rgb 250 250 250 hex #FAFAFA hsv 330 0 98 xyz 0.91 0.96 1.04 lab 98 0 0 lch 98 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 2 desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](0.0):grey[4201][250,250,250](0.0):hint_of_red[4501][249,249,249](0.0):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](1.0) 85 cultured:desert:haze:hint:of:storm:black:grey:red +985 alabaster rgb 255 255 255 hex #FFFFFF hsv 300 0 100 xyz 0.95 1 1.09 lab 100 0 0 lch 100 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 0 rock_salt[7262][255,255,255](0.0):white[9081][255,255,255](0.0):grey[4202][252,252,252](1.0):pale_grey[6349][253,253,254](1.0):romance[7283][255,254,253](1.0) 58 pale:rock:romance:salt:grey:white +986 alamo rgb 186 140 102 hex #BA8C66 hsv 27 45 73 xyz 0.32 0.3 0.17 lab 62 13 27 lch 62 30 65 cmyk 0 18 33 27 biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](1.4):kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](1.4):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](4.2):gold_coast[3899][179,139,94](5.1):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](5.1) 3 PMS4645:biscuit:coast:gold:half:kalgoorie:sands:brown +987 alaska rgb 178 185 205 hex #B2B9CD hsv 224 13 80 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.65 lab 75 2 -11 lch 75 11 278 cmyk 11 8 0 20 icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](3.2):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.2):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.2):blue_haze[1569][189,186,206](3.3):cadet_blue[1985][176,183,198](3.3) 13 cadet:haze:icebreaker:nemo:serendipity:blue +988 albescent_white rgb 225 218 203 hex #E1DACB hsv 41 10 88 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.67 lab 87 0 8 lch 87 8 91 cmyk 0 3 9 12 bone[1646][227,218,201](1.0):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.0):eighth_bison_hide[3389][222,215,203](1.4):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](1.4):half_ecru_white[4322][224,220,204](1.4) 110 bison:bone:caraway:ecru:eighth:half:hide:joss:quarter:white +989 albescent_white rgb 245 233 211 hex #F5E9D3 hsv 39 14 96 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.73 lab 93 0 12 lch 93 12 88 cmyk 0 5 13 4 blanc[1495][245,233,211](0.0):janna[4731][244,235,211](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](1.4):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](1.4):clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](2.0) 77 blanc:clotted:cream:janna:parchment:spanish:white +990 alcatraz rgb 90 80 75 hex #5A504B hsv 20 17 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.08 lab 35 3 4 lch 35 5 54 cmyk 0 4 6 65 artefact[1149][93,82,80](1.7):half_felix[4325][98,83,78](3.0):tundora[8566][88,84,82](3.0):blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](3.2):electric[3436][85,83,79](3.2) 38 artefact:blast:electric:felix:half:tundora:grey +991 alert_tan rgb 149 78 44 hex #954E2C hsv 19 70 58 xyz 0.16 0.12 0.04 lab 41 27 33 lch 41 42 51 cmyk 0 28 41 42 hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](3.0):piper[6709][157,84,50](3.0):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](3.2):sienna[7692][139,71,38](3.3):sienna[7695][160,82,45](4.7) 5 chelsea:gem:hawaiian:piper:sienna:tan +992 alert_tan rgb 155 71 3 hex #9B4703 hsv 27 98 61 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.01 lab 40 32 50 lch 40 59 57 cmyk 0 33 60 39 oregon[6247][155,71,3](0.0):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](4.1):burnt_umber[1941][160,69,14](4.4):brown[1836][150,75,0](5.0):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](5.2) 4 burnt:2X:PMS1605:PMS471:oregon:umber:brown +993 alfresco rgb 52 102 79 hex #34664F hsv 152 49 40 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.09 lab 39 -23 8 lch 39 24 161 cmyk 20 0 9 60 evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](4.6):leprechaun[4988][54,98,67](5.1):dark_spring_green[2896][39,89,64](5.2):dark_aquamarine[2680][39,89,70](5.5):PMS554[712][25,94,71](5.7) 1 dark:PMS554:evening:leprechaun:sea:spring:aquamarine:green +994 algae rgb 84 172 104 hex #54AC68 hsv 134 51 67 xyz 0.21 0.32 0.18 lab 64 -42 27 lch 64 50 147 cmyk 35 0 27 33 moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](3.0):chateau_green[2242][64,168,96](4.9):fern[3578][99,183,108](5.1):chateau_green[2243][65,159,89](5.2):boring_green[1661][99,179,101](5.5) 2 moderate:boring:chateau:fern:malachite:green +995 algae_green rgb 33 195 111 hex #21C36F hsv 149 83 76 xyz 0.23 0.4 0.22 lab 70 -58 31 lch 70 66 152 cmyk 64 0 33 24 dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](3.3):PMS354[428][0,183,96](4.6):seaweed[7592][24,209,123](5.7):cool_green[2471][51,184,100](6.0):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](6.4) 2 dark:PMS354:cool:sea:seaweed:green:mint +996 algae_green rgb 147 223 184 hex #93DFB8 hsv 149 34 87 xyz 0.47 0.62 0.55 lab 83 -32 12 lch 83 34 160 cmyk 30 0 15 13 zeal[9250][145,224,183](1.0):PMS3375[405][142,226,188](2.4):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](3.7):PMS345[419][150,216,175](4.1):vista_blue[8885][143,214,180](4.7) 6 light:PMS3375:PMS345:teal:vista:zeal:blue +997 alibi rgb 152 132 34 hex #988422 hsv 50 78 60 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.05 lab 55 -3 52 lch 55 52 93 cmyk 0 8 46 40 hacienda[4268][152,129,27](2.2):lemon_ginger[4970][150,132,40](2.2):reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](4.6):hacienda[4269][158,128,34](5.0):PMS119[20][137,119,25](5.4) 4 PMS119:ginger:gold:hacienda:reef:lemon +998 alice_blue rgb 240 248 255 hex #F0F8FF hsv 208 6 100 xyz 0.88 0.93 1.08 lab 97 -1 -4 lch 97 4 253 cmyk 6 3 0 0 zircon[9268][244,248,255](1.0):zumthor[9281][237,246,255](1.4):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](2.4):solitude[7845][234,246,255](2.4):white_lilac[9085][248,247,252](2.8) 41 ghost:lilac:solitude:zircon:zumthor:white +999 alien_armpit rgb 132 222 2 hex #84DE02 hsv 85 99 87 xyz 0.36 0.57 0.09 lab 80 -54 78 lch 80 95 125 cmyk 35 0 86 13 vivid_spring_bud[8951][145,231,0](5.0):PMS375[450][140,214,0](6.4):sheen_green[7646][143,212,0](7.3):chartreuse[2236][102,205,0](8.4):vivid_chartreuse_green[8906][116,231,0](9.4) 1 vivid:PMS375:bud:chartreuse:sheen:spring:green +1000 alizarin_crimson rgb 227 38 54 hex #E32636 hsv 355 83 89 xyz 0.33 0.18 0.05 lab 49 69 40 lch 49 80 30 cmyk 0 74 68 11 rose_madder[7307][227,38,54](0.0):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](4.1):red[7106][237,41,57](4.1):amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](4.2):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](4.6) 7 amaranth:geranium:imperial:lake:madder:red:rose +1001 all_black rgb 24 24 24 hex #181818 hsv 0 0 9 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 8 0 0 lch 8 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 91 charcoal[2219][25,24,24](0.0):grey[4107][23,23,23](0.0):grey[4108][26,26,26](1.0):eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](2.0):grey[4106][20,20,20](2.0) 29 charcoal:eerie:black:grey +1002 allegro rgb 36 46 59 hex #242E3B hsv 214 39 23 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.05 lab 19 0 -10 lch 19 10 268 cmyk 9 5 0 77 blueprint[1610][42,49,63](1.4):tornado[8430][39,45,60](2.0):midnight[5714][33,48,62](2.2):coast[2391][36,52,66](3.0):style_pasifika_ocean_deep[8085][30,47,60](3.0) 17 deep:blueprint:coast:midnight:ocean:pasifika:style:tornado +1003 alloy rgb 145 129 94 hex #91815E hsv 41 35 57 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.14 lab 55 1 21 lch 55 21 88 cmyk 0 6 20 43 colins_wicket[2434][149,130,93](2.2):mojito[5856][152,135,98](2.2):clay_creek[2363][137,126,89](3.7):clay_creek[2364][138,131,96](4.1):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](4.2) 12 clay:colins:creek:goldmine:mojito:wicket +1004 alloy_orange rgb 196 98 16 hex #C46210 hsv 27 92 77 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.03 lab 52 35 57 lch 52 67 59 cmyk 0 38 71 23 raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](2.2):PMS718[897][191,91,0](3.0):beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](3.0):PMS159[85][198,96,5](3.2):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](3.7) 11 14:PMS159:PMS718:beer:chocolate:raw:sienna:srm +1005 allports rgb 0 118 163 hex #0076A3 hsv 197 100 64 xyz 0.13 0.16 0.37 lab 46 -11 -32 lch 46 34 251 cmyk 64 18 0 36 ocean_blue[6094][3,113,156](1.4):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](2.4):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](2.4):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](2.4):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](2.8) 11 deep:PMS3015:celadon:cerulean:ocean:blue +1006 allports rgb 31 106 125 hex #1F6A7D hsv 192 75 49 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.21 lab 41 -16 -17 lch 41 23 227 cmyk 37 7 0 51 kitsch[4866][0,108,127](3.3):dauntless[2931][22,111,127](3.7):PMS634[813][0,102,127](4.1):blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](5.2):teal_blue[8288][54,117,136](5.5) 3 PMS634:dauntless:kitsch:lagoon:teal:blue +1007 alluring rgb 196 171 185 hex #C4ABB9 hsv 326 13 77 xyz 0.46 0.44 0.52 lab 72 11 -4 lch 72 12 342 cmyk 0 10 4 23 maverick[5585][200,177,192](3.2):PMS665[844][198,181,196](3.7):lily[5262][200,170,191](4.4):lola[5332][185,172,187](4.5):PMS5155[635][204,175,183](4.6) 5 PMS5155:PMS665:lily:lola:maverick +1008 allusive rgb 139 150 149 hex #8B9695 hsv 175 7 59 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.33 lab 61 -4 -1 lch 61 4 191 cmyk 4 0 0 41 forcefield[3717][137,150,148](1.0):half_innocence[4341][138,151,148](1.4):PMS430[513][145,150,147](3.0):PMS444[528][137,142,140](3.0):avatar[1206][139,143,142](3.0) 35 PMS430:PMS444:avatar:forcefield:half:innocence +1009 almond rgb 238 217 196 hex #EED9C4 hsv 30 18 93 xyz 0.7 0.72 0.62 lab 88 4 13 lch 88 14 73 cmyk 0 8 16 7 solitaire[7842][234,218,194](2.2):quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](2.4):PMS4685[568][237,211,188](3.0):PMS482[590][229,211,193](3.0):antique_white[1069][238,223,204](3.5) 22 antique:PMS4685:PMS482:haystack:quarter:solitaire:white +1010 almond rgb 239 219 197 hex #EFDBC5 hsv 31 18 94 xyz 0.71 0.73 0.63 lab 88 3 13 lch 88 14 76 cmyk 0 8 16 6 solitaire[7842][234,218,194](1.4):quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](1.7):PMS482[590][229,211,193](2.8):anglaise[1054][238,222,196](3.0):antique_white[1069][238,223,204](3.0) 30 antique:PMS482:anglaise:haystack:quarter:solitaire:white +1011 almond rgb 239 222 205 hex #EFDECD hsv 30 14 94 xyz 0.73 0.75 0.68 lab 89 3 10 lch 89 11 74 cmyk 0 7 13 6 antique_white[1069][238,223,204](1.7):half_solitaire[4388][241,229,209](3.0):quarter_biscotti[6923][227,215,199](3.0):PMS482[590][229,211,193](3.2):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](3.2) 51 antique:PMS482:biscotti:cake:half:quarter:rice:solitaire:triple:white +1012 almond_frost rgb 144 123 113 hex #907B71 hsv 19 22 56 xyz 0.22 0.21 0.19 lab 53 6 8 lch 53 11 53 cmyk 0 8 12 44 otter[6260][143,123,112](1.0):incognito[4625][142,124,110](2.2):americano[1039][135,117,110](2.8):americano[1040][138,125,114](3.0):half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](3.0) 19 americano:buffalo:half:incognito:otter +1013 almond_frost rgb 154 134 120 hex #9A8678 hsv 25 22 60 xyz 0.25 0.25 0.21 lab 57 5 10 lch 57 12 63 cmyk 0 8 13 40 PMS409[492][153,137,124](1.7):heirloom[4460][157,139,124](2.2):jetsam_brown[4762][148,133,117](2.4):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](3.3):stonewall[7989][146,133,115](3.3) 21 PMS409:heirloom:ironhide:jetsam:stonewall:brown +1014 almost_black rgb 7 13 13 hex #070D0D hsv 180 46 5 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 -2 -1 lch 3 2 199 cmyk 2 0 0 95 cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](2.2):grey[4102][10,10,10](2.2):woodsmoke[9173][12,13,15](2.2):grey[4101][8,8,8](2.4):grey[4103][13,13,13](2.4) 20 cod:woodsmoke:grey +1015 alo rgb 209 203 27 hex #D1CB1B hsv 58 87 82 xyz 0.48 0.56 0.09 lab 80 -15 77 lch 80 78 101 cmyk 0 2 71 18 bird_flower[1419][212,205,22](1.4):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](2.4):barberry[1290][210,198,31](3.7):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](4.1):yellow[9194][205,205,0](4.2) 6 barberry:bird:dirty:flower:vomit:yellow +1016 alpaca rgb 211 192 170 hex #D3C0AA hsv 32 19 83 xyz 0.53 0.54 0.46 lab 79 3 14 lch 79 14 77 cmyk 0 7 16 17 biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.0):dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](1.0):manilla[5509][213,195,172](1.0):nougat[6077][214,193,171](1.0):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](1.0) 40 dark:biscotti:dough:manilla:nougat:sour:vanilla +1017 alpine rgb 173 138 59 hex #AD8A3B hsv 42 66 68 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.08 lab 59 4 46 lch 59 46 84 cmyk 0 14 45 32 luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](2.4):classius[2359][179,141,66](3.0):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](3.0):intrepid[4666][171,132,57](3.3):reef_gold[7167][169,141,54](4.4) 6 classius:gold:intrepid:luxor:reef:turmeric +1018 alpine rgb 175 143 44 hex #AF8F2C hsv 45 75 69 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.06 lab 61 2 54 lch 61 54 88 cmyk 0 13 51 31 luxor_gold[5414][167,136,44](4.2):reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](5.1):reef_gold[7167][169,141,54](5.2):marigold[5526][185,141,40](5.8):nugget[6079][188,146,41](6.0) 1 gold:luxor:marigold:nugget:reef +1019 alter_ego rgb 171 76 72 hex #AB4C48 hsv 2 58 67 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.08 lab 45 39 21 lch 45 44 29 cmyk 0 37 39 33 moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](2.2):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.6):apple_blossom[1082][169,82,73](4.2):aphrodisiac[1077][166,77,78](4.6):apple_blossom[1083][175,77,67](5.0) 5 moderate:aphrodisiac:apple:blossom:roof:terracotta:red +1020 altitude rgb 188 212 226 hex #BCD4E2 hsv 202 17 89 xyz 0.58 0.63 0.81 lab 84 -5 -10 lch 84 11 242 cmyk 15 5 0 11 beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](2.2):pale_aqua[6308][188,212,230](2.2):PMS290[311][196,216,226](3.2):PMS544[685][183,204,219](3.2):columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](3.2) 13 pale:PMS290:PMS544:aqua:beau:columbia:blue +1021 alto rgb 205 198 197 hex #CDC6C5 hsv 7 4 80 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.61 lab 80 2 1 lch 80 3 31 cmyk 0 3 3 20 silver[7706][205,197,194](1.0):half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.4):surf_spray_grey[8161][200,196,197](1.4):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](1.7):snow[7807][205,201,201](1.7) 59 flotsam:half:rakaia:silver:snow:spray:surf:grey +1022 alto rgb 219 219 219 hex #DBDBDB hsv 0 0 86 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.77 lab 87 0 0 lch 87 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 14 grey[4188][217,217,217](0.0):grey[4189][219,219,219](0.0):athens_grey[1175][220,221,221](1.0):gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](1.0):grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0) 84 athens:gainsboro:grey +1023 aluminium rgb 118 115 111 hex #76736F hsv 34 6 46 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.18 lab 49 0 3 lch 49 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 54 detroit[3113][120,119,116](1.4):dove_grey[3257][119,118,114](1.4):quarter_masala[6967][116,115,111](1.4):half_chicago[4305][119,119,112](1.7):tapa[8247][123,120,116](2.0) 46 chicago:detroit:dove:half:masala:quarter:tapa:grey +1024 aluminium rgb 132 135 137 hex #848789 hsv 204 4 54 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.27 lab 56 -1 -1 lch 56 2 244 cmyk 2 1 0 46 grey[4151][133,133,133](1.4):grey[4152][135,135,135](1.4):gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](1.4):grey[4153][138,138,138](1.7):ricochet[7224][132,132,132](1.7) 52 gunsmoke:ricochet:grey +1025 aluminium rgb 169 172 182 hex #A9ACB6 hsv 226 7 71 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.5 lab 70 1 -5 lch 70 6 279 cmyk 5 4 0 29 freestyling[3741][164,168,176](1.4):mischka[5779][165,169,178](1.4):spun_pearl[7939][170,171,183](1.4):bombay[1636][175,177,184](2.2):forecast[3718][162,170,177](2.2) 23 bombay:forecast:freestyling:mischka:pearl:spun +1026 amaranth rgb 229 43 80 hex #E52B50 hsv 348 81 90 xyz 0.35 0.19 0.09 lab 51 70 26 lch 51 75 21 cmyk 0 73 58 10 spanish_crimson[7871][229,26,76](3.7):desire[3110][234,60,83](4.1):permanent_red_violet[6601][219,38,69](4.7):PMS1925[148][224,7,71](5.4):red[7108][238,32,77](5.7) 3 PMS1925:desire:permanent:spanish:crimson:red:violet +1027 amaranth_deep_purple rgb 171 39 79 hex #AB274F hsv 342 77 67 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.08 lab 39 55 10 lch 39 56 10 cmyk 0 52 36 33 amaranth_purple[1029][171,39,79](0.0):hibiscus[4477][179,54,84](5.4):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](5.5):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.7):big_dip_o_ruby[1404][156,37,66](6.6) 1 PMS215:amaranth:big:dip:french:hibiscus:o:ruby:wine:purple +1028 amaranth_pink rgb 241 156 187 hex #F19CBB hsv 338 35 95 xyz 0.57 0.46 0.53 lab 74 36 -3 lch 74 36 356 cmyk 0 33 21 5 illusion[4612][246,164,201](3.7):PMS210[168][255,160,191](4.1):carnation_pink[2104][255,166,201](4.2):pastel_magenta[6507][244,154,194](4.2):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](4.6) 6 PMS210:ballerina:carnation:illusion:magenta:pastel:pink +1029 amaranth_purple rgb 171 39 79 hex #AB274F hsv 342 77 67 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.08 lab 39 55 10 lch 39 56 10 cmyk 0 52 36 33 amaranth_deep_purple[1027][171,39,79](0.0):hibiscus[4477][179,54,84](5.4):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](5.5):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.7):big_dip_o_ruby[1404][156,37,66](6.6) 1 deep:PMS215:amaranth:big:dip:french:hibiscus:o:ruby:wine:purple +1030 amaranth_red rgb 211 33 45 hex #D3212D hsv 356 84 83 xyz 0.28 0.15 0.04 lab 46 66 40 lch 46 77 32 cmyk 0 70 65 17 fire_engine_red[3638][206,32,41](1.7):PMS186[138][206,17,38](3.0):alizarin_crimson[1000][227,38,54](4.2):rose_madder[7307][227,38,54](4.2):firebrick[3644][205,38,38](4.4) 6 PMS186:alizarin:engine:fire:firebrick:madder:crimson:red:rose +1031 amazon rgb 56 123 84 hex #387B54 hsv 145 54 48 xyz 0.1 0.16 0.11 lab 47 -31 15 lch 47 34 154 cmyk 26 0 15 52 goblin[3887][61,125,82](2.0):green_room[4057][56,129,96](4.5):greenstone[4091][36,108,70](7.1):killarney[4859][73,118,79](7.3):PMS3415[413][0,124,89](8.1) 2 PMS3415:goblin:greenstone:killarney:room:green +1032 amazon rgb 59 122 87 hex #3B7A57 hsv 147 52 48 xyz 0.1 0.16 0.11 lab 46 -29 13 lch 46 32 156 cmyk 25 0 14 52 green_room[4057][56,129,96](4.1):goblin[3887][61,125,82](4.6):killarney[4859][73,118,79](6.4):killarney[4858][58,106,71](6.7):greenstone[4091][36,108,70](7.0) 2 goblin:greenstone:killarney:room:green +1033 amber rgb 254 179 8 hex #FEB308 hsv 42 97 100 xyz 0.57 0.53 0.08 lab 78 16 80 lch 78 82 79 cmyk 0 29 96 0 saffron[7408][254,178,9](1.0):ucla_gold[8627][255,179,0](1.4):yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](1.4):PMS1235[28][252,181,20](2.2):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.4) 15 light:PMS1235:cadmium:gold:saffron:ucla:orange:yellow +1034 amber rgb 255 126 0 hex #FF7E00 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.04 lab 67 44 74 lch 67 86 59 cmyk 0 51 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](1.0):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](1.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](1.0):orange[6204][255,127,0](1.0) 16 luminous:dark:vivid:coral:flush:orange +1035 amber rgb 255 191 0 hex #FFBF00 hsv 45 100 100 xyz 0.6 0.59 0.08 lab 81 10 83 lch 81 84 83 cmyk 0 25 100 0 fluorescent_orange[3701][255,191,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_amber[5360][255,191,0](0.0):marigold[5528][252,192,6](1.4):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](2.0):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](2.2) 14 luminous:vivid:amber:fluorescent:golden:marigold:mikado:poppy:orange:yellow +1036 amber_grey rgb 146 150 152 hex #929698 hsv 200 4 60 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.34 lab 62 -1 -2 lch 62 2 236 cmyk 2 1 0 40 white_metal[9088][148,149,148](2.0):grey[4160][150,150,150](2.2):triple_surrender[8523][153,156,157](2.2):clouded_blue[2384][137,146,150](2.4):grey[4158][148,148,148](2.4) 37 clouded:metal:surrender:triple:blue:grey:white +1037 ameile rgb 144 73 71 hex #904947 hsv 2 51 56 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.07 lab 40 30 15 lch 40 33 27 cmyk 0 28 29 44 copper_rust[2485][148,71,71](2.0):PMS696[875][142,71,73](2.2):cha[2192][140,63,66](4.4):copper_rust[2486][149,82,76](4.4):tosca[8435][141,63,63](4.4) 10 PMS696:cha:copper:rust:tosca +1038 american_rose rgb 255 3 62 hex #FF033E hsv 346 99 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.07 lab 54 81 42 lch 54 91 27 cmyk 0 99 76 0 carmine[2096][255,0,64](1.0):electric_crimson[3439][255,0,63](1.0):luminous_vivid_crimson[5372][255,0,64](1.0):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](2.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](3.0) 5 luminous:vivid:carmine:electric:neon:crimson:red +1039 americano rgb 135 117 110 hex #87756E hsv 17 19 53 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.17 lab 51 6 6 lch 51 9 48 cmyk 0 7 10 47 half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](1.0):almond_frost[1012][144,123,113](2.8):quarter_oilskin[6974][130,119,110](3.0):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.6):hurricane[4588][139,126,119](3.6) 18 buffalo:frost:half:hemp:hurricane:oilskin:quarter:almond +1040 americano rgb 138 125 114 hex #8A7D72 hsv 28 17 54 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.19 lab 53 3 8 lch 53 8 69 cmyk 0 5 9 46 triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](1.0):stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](1.4):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](2.0):makara[5475][137,125,109](2.2):half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](2.4) 30 half:makara:perfect:sandstone:squirrel:stonewashed:taupe:triple +1041 amethyst rgb 153 102 204 hex #9966CC hsv 270 50 80 xyz 0.29 0.21 0.6 lab 53 40 -45 lch 53 61 312 cmyk 20 40 0 20 PMS265[255][150,99,196](3.0):rich_lavender[7219][167,107,207](3.5):PMS814[938][140,96,193](4.6):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](4.7):medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](6.2) 4 medium:dark:PMS265:PMS814:orchid:pastel:rich:lavender:purple +1042 amethyst rgb 155 95 192 hex #9B5FC0 hsv 277 51 75 xyz 0.27 0.19 0.52 lab 51 42 -42 lch 51 59 315 cmyk 15 38 0 25 PMS265[255][150,99,196](3.2):rich_lavender[7219][167,107,207](4.1):PMS814[938][140,96,193](4.9):deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](5.1):deep_lavender[3006][141,94,183](6.2) 3 deep:PMS265:PMS814:lilac:rich:lavender +1043 amethyst_smoke rgb 149 135 156 hex #95879C hsv 280 13 61 xyz 0.27 0.26 0.35 lab 58 9 -9 lch 58 13 315 cmyk 3 8 0 39 PMS5285[661][140,130,153](3.0):nitro[6062][151,131,149](3.0):party_pink[6498][151,131,149](3.0):mamba[5489][142,129,144](3.7):purpley_grey[6895][148,126,148](5.0) 6 PMS5285:mamba:nitro:party:purpley:grey:pink +1044 amethyst_smoke rgb 163 151 180 hex #A397B4 hsv 265 16 71 xyz 0.34 0.33 0.48 lab 64 10 -13 lch 64 17 307 cmyk 7 11 0 29 PMS666[845][168,147,173](3.6):marionette[5534][171,148,179](4.0):birdcage[1420][157,156,183](4.2):vision[8883][160,155,178](4.6):glossy_grape[3881][171,146,179](5.1) 4 PMS666:birdcage:glossy:grape:marionette:vision +1045 amour rgb 245 230 234 hex #F5E6EA hsv 344 6 96 xyz 0.81 0.82 0.89 lab 93 6 0 lch 93 6 359 cmyk 0 6 4 4 lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](3.2):lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](3.2):lavenderblush[4950][238,224,229](3.2):magnolia[5455][238,232,235](3.2):soft_peach[7831][245,237,239](3.2) 24 blush:lavenderblush:magnolia:soft:lavender:peach +1046 amour rgb 249 234 243 hex #F9EAF3 hsv 324 6 98 xyz 0.85 0.85 0.97 lab 94 7 -3 lch 94 7 339 cmyk 0 6 2 2 remy[7180][254,235,243](1.7):tutu[8608][255,241,249](2.4):lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](3.0):prim[6810][240,226,236](3.2):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](4.5) 12 blush:magentaish:prim:remy:tutu:lavender:white +1047 amulet rgb 123 159 128 hex #7B9F80 hsv 128 23 62 xyz 0.24 0.31 0.25 lab 62 -19 12 lch 62 22 147 cmyk 14 0 12 38 grayish_malachite_green[4010][125,168,136](3.6):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](4.0):bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](4.1):oxley[6278][119,158,134](4.1):oxley[6277][109,154,120](4.6) 5 bay:grayish:greeny:leaf:malachite:oxley:green:grey +1048 amulet rgb 125 157 114 hex #7D9D72 hsv 105 27 62 xyz 0.24 0.3 0.2 lab 61 -20 19 lch 61 27 136 cmyk 13 0 17 38 english_sage[3493][125,157,114](0.0):grey_green[4214][120,155,115](2.2):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](3.3):seagrass[7579][134,164,117](3.7):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](4.5) 5 english:greeny:greyish:sage:seagrass:green:grey +1049 anakiwa rgb 140 206 234 hex #8CCEEA hsv 198 40 92 xyz 0.48 0.56 0.86 lab 79 -14 -20 lch 79 25 236 cmyk 37 11 0 8 sky_blue[7747][135,206,235](1.4):light_cerulean[5079][139,208,231](3.0):seagull[7581][128,204,234](3.0):PMS297[325][130,198,226](3.2):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](3.2) 9 light:PMS297:baby:cerulean:seagull:sky:blue +1050 anakiwa rgb 157 229 255 hex #9DE5FF hsv 196 38 100 xyz 0.6 0.7 1.05 lab 87 -16 -20 lch 87 25 231 cmyk 38 10 0 0 winter_wizard[9146][160,230,255](1.4):very_light_cerulean[8753][158,231,255](1.7):fresh_air[3765][166,231,255](2.4):columbia_blue[2438][155,221,255](5.4):non_photo_blue[6068][164,221,237](6.6) 3 light:very:air:cerulean:columbia:fresh:non:photo:winter:wizard:blue +1051 anchor rgb 82 109 178 hex #526DB2 hsv 223 54 70 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.44 lab 47 10 -40 lch 47 41 285 cmyk 38 27 0 30 french_blue[3745][67,107,173](3.7):san_marino[7448][69,108,172](4.6):moderate_sapphire_blue[5846][74,97,168](5.1):chetwode_blue[2276][102,111,180](5.7):mariner[5533][66,99,159](7.1) 2 moderate:chetwode:french:mariner:marino:san:sapphire:blue +1052 android_green rgb 164 198 57 hex #A4C639 hsv 74 71 78 xyz 0.36 0.49 0.11 lab 75 -30 63 lch 75 70 116 cmyk 13 0 55 22 sick_green[7685][157,185,44](4.5):happy_hour[4421][169,201,73](5.2):pea[6533][164,191,32](6.6):gross_green[4237][160,191,22](7.3):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](7.3) 1 gross:happy:hour:pea:sick:sickly:green +1053 anemone_green rgb 136 140 108 hex #888C6C hsv 68 23 55 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.18 lab 57 -7 17 lch 57 18 113 cmyk 2 0 13 45 bitter[1439][136,137,108](2.4):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.2):bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](3.6):flax[3679][130,133,98](3.6):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](4.2) 13 medium:bandicoot:bitter:chiffon:flax:goldenrod:old:lemon +1054 anglaise rgb 238 222 196 hex #EEDEC4 hsv 37 18 93 xyz 0.71 0.74 0.63 lab 89 1 15 lch 89 15 85 cmyk 0 6 16 7 triple_pearl_lusta[8508][235,223,195](1.0):quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](1.4):wildflower[9118][241,226,201](1.4):double_pearl_lusta[3225][233,220,190](1.7):solitaire[7842][234,218,194](1.7) 56 double:haystack:lusta:pearl:quarter:solitaire:triple:wildflower +1055 anise rgb 167 214 125 hex #A7D67D hsv 92 42 84 xyz 0.44 0.58 0.28 lab 81 -31 39 lch 81 50 128 cmyk 18 0 35 16 feijoa[3570][165,215,133](4.0):light_pistachio[5176][174,231,139](5.8):light_chartreuse_green[5080][185,231,139](6.2):pale_olive_green[6393][177,210,123](6.2):gossip[3954][159,211,133](6.3) 1 pale:light:chartreuse:feijoa:gossip:olive:pistachio:green +1056 anti_flash_white rgb 242 243 244 hex #F2F3F4 hsv 210 1 96 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.98 lab 96 0 -1 lch 96 1 256 cmyk 1 0 0 4 munsell[5946][242,243,244](0.0):wild_sand[9108][244,244,244](1.0):athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](1.4):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.4):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.4) 77 athens:concrete:haze:munsell:sand:wild:black:grey +1057 anticipation rgb 168 138 142 hex #A88A8E hsv 352 18 66 xyz 0.3 0.28 0.29 lab 60 12 2 lch 60 12 10 cmyk 0 12 10 34 wisteria[9154][164,135,139](1.0):high_tea[4483][161,140,144](3.2):PMS5215[647][181,147,155](4.6):vintage[8844][167,128,135](5.0):opium[6192][152,126,126](5.7) 4 PMS5215:high:opium:tea:vintage:wisteria +1058 antidote rgb 193 176 159 hex #C1B09F hsv 30 18 76 xyz 0.44 0.45 0.39 lab 73 3 11 lch 73 11 73 cmyk 0 7 13 24 half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](1.4):PMS401[485][193,181,165](1.7):eighth_nullarbor[3410][194,180,160](1.7):malta[5486][189,178,161](2.2):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](2.2) 34 PMS401:eighth:half:malta:nullarbor:quarter:sandcastle +1059 antique_brass rgb 108 70 31 hex #6C461F hsv 30 71 42 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.02 lab 33 12 30 lch 33 32 67 cmyk 0 15 30 58 pullman_brown[6842][100,65,23](2.4):dallas[2664][110,75,38](3.0):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](3.2):flattery[3676][107,68,35](3.2):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](3.2) 8 dallas:flattery:kobicha:nose:pullman:brown +1060 antique_brass rgb 112 74 7 hex #704A07 hsv 38 94 44 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.01 lab 35 11 41 lch 35 43 75 cmyk 0 15 41 56 antique_bronze[1064][112,74,7](0.0):raw_umber[7086][115,74,18](3.2):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](4.7):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](5.1):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](6.3) 3 antique:medium:PMS1405:bronze:cafe:raw:royale:umber:brown +1061 antique_brass rgb 200 138 101 hex #C88A65 hsv 22 50 78 xyz 0.35 0.31 0.17 lab 63 19 29 lch 63 35 56 cmyk 0 24 39 22 beethoven[1383][209,148,108](3.3):feldspar[3572][209,146,117](5.1):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](5.5):baroque[1309][202,146,116](5.7):tan[8224][219,147,112](5.7) 1 baroque:beethoven:feldspar:tan:whiskey +1062 antique_brass rgb 205 149 117 hex #CD9575 hsv 22 43 80 xyz 0.39 0.36 0.22 lab 66 17 25 lch 66 30 56 cmyk 0 22 35 20 baroque[1309][202,146,116](1.4):feldspar[3572][209,146,117](3.0):beethoven[1383][209,148,108](5.1):biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](5.1):kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](5.1) 2 baroque:beethoven:biscuit:feldspar:kalgoorie:sands:brown +1063 antique_bronze rgb 102 93 30 hex #665D1E hsv 53 71 40 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.03 lab 39 -5 36 lch 39 36 97 cmyk 0 4 28 60 acorn[957][106,93,27](3.0):himalaya[4493][106,93,27](3.0):PMS455[547][102,86,20](4.9):costa_del_sol[2552][98,93,42](6.1):planter[6735][98,93,42](6.1) 3 PMS455:acorn:costa:del:himalaya:planter:sol +1064 antique_bronze rgb 112 74 7 hex #704A07 hsv 38 94 44 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.01 lab 35 11 41 lch 35 43 75 cmyk 0 15 41 56 antique_brass[1060][112,74,7](0.0):raw_umber[7086][115,74,18](3.2):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](4.7):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](5.1):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](6.3) 3 antique:medium:PMS1405:brass:cafe:raw:royale:umber:brown +1065 antique_fuchsia rgb 145 92 131 hex #915C83 hsv 316 37 57 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.23 lab 46 28 -13 lch 46 31 335 cmyk 0 21 5 43 strikemaster[8011][149,99,135](3.0):sugar_and_spice[8109][155,98,139](3.2):dull_purple[3287][132,89,126](4.6):dusky_purple[3298][137,91,123](5.1):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](6.7) 3 and:chinese:dull:dusky:spice:strikemaster:sugar:purple:violet +1066 antique_ruby rgb 132 27 45 hex #841B2D hsv 350 80 52 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.03 lab 29 45 17 lch 29 48 21 cmyk 0 41 34 48 fast_lane[3562][137,36,49](2.8):PMS202[160][140,38,51](3.2):salsa[7437][119,12,37](4.2):wine_red[9141][123,3,35](4.6):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](5.0) 5 PMS202:bullseye:fast:lane:salsa:wine:red +1067 antique_white rgb 139 131 120 hex #8B8378 hsv 35 14 55 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.21 lab 55 1 7 lch 55 7 82 cmyk 0 3 7 45 half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](1.0):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](1.0):schooner[7532][141,132,120](1.4):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](2.2):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](2.2) 39 half:quarter:sandstone:schooner:squirrel:talisman:taupe:grey +1068 antique_white rgb 205 192 176 hex #CDC0B0 hsv 33 14 80 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.49 lab 78 2 10 lch 78 10 79 cmyk 0 5 11 20 triple_blanc[8483][206,195,175](1.7):sandspit_brown[7466][210,198,182](2.0):stark_white[7956][210,198,182](2.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](2.2):half_bison_hide[4294][199,189,171](2.2) 65 PMS400:bison:blanc:half:hide:sandspit:stark:triple:brown:white +1069 antique_white rgb 238 223 204 hex #EEDFCC hsv 34 14 93 xyz 0.73 0.75 0.68 lab 90 2 11 lch 90 11 80 cmyk 0 6 13 7 half_solitaire[4388][241,229,209](1.4):almond[1011][239,222,205](1.7):bleach_white[1509][235,225,206](2.0):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](2.8):half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](2.8) 62 bleach:cararra:eighth:half:sisal:solitaire:almond:white +1070 antique_white rgb 250 235 215 hex #FAEBD7 hsv 34 14 98 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.76 lab 94 2 12 lch 94 12 81 cmyk 0 6 14 2 moccasin[5801][250,235,215](0.0):peach[6544][255,240,219](1.0):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](1.0):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.4):forget_me_not[3727][253,239,219](1.7) 52 cream:derby:forget:me:moccasin:not:peach +1071 antique_white rgb 255 239 219 hex #FFEFDB hsv 33 14 100 xyz 0.85 0.88 0.8 lab 95 2 12 lch 95 12 79 cmyk 0 6 14 0 peach[6544][255,240,219](0.0):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](0.0):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.0):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](1.0):forget_me_not[3727][253,239,219](1.4) 51 cream:derby:forget:me:moccasin:not:peach +1072 anzac rgb 198 142 63 hex #C68E3F hsv 35 68 78 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.09 lab 63 13 49 lch 63 51 75 cmyk 0 22 53 22 pizza[6730][191,141,60](2.2):marigold[5525][184,138,61](4.9):filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](5.5):jandal[4729][183,130,57](5.8):style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](5.8) 2 filmpro:jandal:marigold:oxide:pasifika:pizza:sandalwood:style:yellow +1073 anzac rgb 224 182 70 hex #E0B646 hsv 44 69 88 xyz 0.49 0.5 0.13 lab 76 4 60 lch 76 61 87 cmyk 0 16 60 12 cream_can[2587][238,192,81](4.1):starbell[7955][235,193,85](4.6):ronchi[7286][234,184,82](4.7):brilliant_amber[1761][231,194,81](5.0):gold[3894][212,175,55](5.2) 4 brilliant:amber:can:cream:gold:ronchi:starbell +1074 ao rgb 0 128 0 hex #008000 hsv 120 100 50 xyz 0.08 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -52 50 lch 46 72 136 cmyk 50 0 50 50 green[4020][0,128,0](0.0):office_green[6115][0,128,0](0.0):web_green[9035][0,128,0](0.0):india_green[4627][19,136,8](3.2):green[4021][0,139,0](5.8) 4 india:office:web:green +1075 apache rgb 211 169 92 hex #D3A95C hsv 39 56 83 xyz 0.43 0.43 0.16 lab 72 6 45 lch 72 46 82 cmyk 0 16 47 17 equator[3501][218,177,96](3.0):desert[3102][204,173,96](4.5):sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](4.5):camel[2019][198,159,89](5.0):essential_cream[3512][220,182,111](5.7) 4 camel:cream:desert:equator:essential:sand:brown +1076 apache rgb 223 190 111 hex #DFBE6F hsv 42 50 87 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.23 lab 78 2 44 lch 78 44 88 cmyk 0 13 44 13 chenin[2255][222,195,113](3.2):rob_roy[7244][234,198,116](3.7):essential_cream[3512][220,182,111](4.7):equator[3502][225,188,100](5.1):harvest_gold[4429][224,185,116](5.1) 3 chenin:cream:equator:essential:gold:harvest:rob:roy +1077 aphrodisiac rgb 166 77 78 hex #A64D4E hsv 359 54 65 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.09 lab 44 37 17 lch 44 41 25 cmyk 0 35 35 35 rose_vale[7317][171,78,82](1.7):moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](2.8):english_red[3491][171,75,82](3.7):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](4.5):alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](4.6) 6 moderate:alter:ego:english:roof:terracotta:vale:red:rose +1078 apollo_blue rgb 22 57 104 hex #163968 hsv 214 79 41 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.14 lab 24 6 -31 lch 24 32 280 cmyk 32 18 0 59 into_the_blue[4665][25,55,102](1.4):PMS295[321][0,56,107](3.3):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](3.3):whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](3.3):PMS2955[322][0,61,107](4.2) 10 PMS295:PMS2955:into:marine:tail:the:whale:blue +1079 apple rgb 79 168 61 hex #4FA83D hsv 110 64 66 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.09 lab 62 -47 46 lch 62 66 136 cmyk 35 0 42 34 tree_frog[8464][80,167,67](3.3):mid_green[5707][80,167,71](5.5):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](6.0):PMS362[436][51,158,53](6.5):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](6.7) 1 moderate:PMS362:frog:mid:sap:tree:green +1080 apple rgb 102 179 72 hex #66B348 hsv 103 60 70 xyz 0.23 0.36 0.12 lab 66 -44 46 lch 66 64 133 cmyk 30 0 42 30 turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](4.5):nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](5.8):tree_frog[8464][80,167,67](6.2):wham[9062][95,179,58](6.7):moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](7.1) 1 moderate:frog:harlequin:nasty:tree:turtle:wham:green +1081 apple rgb 110 203 60 hex #6ECB3C hsv 99 70 80 xyz 0.29 0.46 0.12 lab 74 -52 60 lch 74 79 131 cmyk 36 0 56 20 PMS368[442][91,191,33](7.1):fresh_green[3767][105,216,79](7.5):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](8.1):dizzy_lizzy[3149][129,202,43](8.5):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](9.2) 0 PMS368:apple:cinnabar:dizzy:fresh:lizzy:green +1082 apple_blossom rgb 169 82 73 hex #A95249 hsv 6 57 66 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.08 lab 46 35 22 lch 46 41 32 cmyk 0 34 38 34 moderate_scarlet[5847][168,85,74](2.0):giant's_club[3853][176,92,82](3.7):crail[2574][166,86,72](4.1):matrix[5577][176,93,84](4.1):alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](4.2) 6 moderate:alter:club:crail:ego:giant's:matrix:scarlet +1083 apple_blossom rgb 175 77 67 hex #AF4D43 hsv 6 62 69 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.07 lab 45 39 26 lch 45 47 33 cmyk 0 38 42 31 moulin_rouge[5916][173,70,63](3.2):forbidden[3716][176,70,64](4.1):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](4.6):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](4.6):alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](5.0) 5 deep:alter:chestnut:ego:forbidden:moulin:rouge +1084 apple_green rgb 118 205 38 hex #76CD26 hsv 91 81 80 xyz 0.3 0.48 0.09 lab 75 -51 68 lch 75 85 127 cmyk 34 0 65 20 dizzy_lizzy[3149][129,202,43](5.5):lima[5265][118,189,23](7.1):chartreuse[2236][102,205,0](7.9):kiwi_green[4869][142,229,63](8.1):apple[1081][110,203,60](8.1) 0 apple:chartreuse:dizzy:kiwi:lima:lizzy:green +1085 apple_green rgb 141 182 0 hex #8DB600 hsv 74 100 71 xyz 0.28 0.39 0.06 lab 69 -34 70 lch 69 78 116 cmyk 16 0 71 29 dark_lime[2787][132,183,1](4.1):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](4.9):booger_green[1652][150,180,3](5.0):limerick[5288][157,194,9](5.1):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](5.1) 3 dark:booger:bright:limerick:olive:pistachio:green:lime +1086 apple_green rgb 222 234 220 hex #DEEADC hsv 111 6 92 xyz 0.72 0.8 0.79 lab 91 -7 5 lch 91 8 140 cmyk 5 0 5 8 light_greenish_grey[5119][218,231,218](1.0):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](2.0):off_green[6108][223,240,226](2.2):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](2.2):swans_down[8175][218,230,221](2.4) 35 light:down:greenish:honeydew:off:soft:swans:green:grey:mint +1087 apple_green rgb 226 243 236 hex #E2F3EC hsv 155 7 95 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.92 lab 94 -7 1 lch 94 7 168 cmyk 7 0 3 5 clear_day[2367][223,239,234](1.4):swans_down[8176][220,240,234](1.4):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](2.2):harp[4426][230,242,234](2.2):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](2.2) 36 bubbles:clear:day:down:harp:i:spy:swans +1088 apricot rgb 228 143 103 hex #E48F67 hsv 19 55 89 xyz 0.44 0.37 0.18 lab 67 28 35 lch 67 45 51 cmyk 0 33 49 11 copper[2477][218,138,103](4.6):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](4.6):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](4.6):light_salmon[5189][238,149,114](4.7):raw_sienna[7085][214,138,89](5.8) 4 pale:light:copper:copperfield:raw:salmon:sienna +1089 apricot rgb 235 147 115 hex #EB9373 hsv 16 51 92 xyz 0.48 0.4 0.21 lab 69 30 31 lch 69 43 46 cmyk 0 35 47 8 light_salmon[5189][238,149,114](1.4):dark_salmon[2866][233,150,122](3.7):copper[2477][218,138,103](5.0):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](5.0):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](5.0) 5 pale:light:dark:copper:copperfield:salmon +1090 apricot rgb 251 206 177 hex #FBCEB1 hsv 24 29 98 xyz 0.7 0.68 0.51 lab 86 12 20 lch 86 24 60 cmyk 0 18 29 2 apricot_peach[1093][251,206,177](0.0):romantic[7285][255,210,183](1.4):flesh[3685][245,204,176](2.4):PMS162[91][249,198,170](3.0):PMS474[580][244,204,170](3.7) 13 PMS162:PMS474:apricot:flesh:romantic:peach +1091 apricot rgb 253 217 181 hex #FDD9B5 hsv 30 28 99 xyz 0.74 0.74 0.54 lab 89 7 22 lch 89 24 72 cmyk 0 14 28 1 sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](0.0):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](1.4):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](2.2):feldspar[3573][253,213,177](2.4):light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](2.4) 14 light:apricot:beach:feldspar:puff:sandy:peach +1092 apricot rgb 255 177 109 hex #FFB16D hsv 28 57 100 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.22 lab 78 22 46 lch 78 51 65 cmyk 0 31 57 0 sandy_brown[7477][244,164,96](4.2):light_brilliant_orange[5053][255,178,101](4.5):rajah[7054][251,171,96](4.5):consuela[2463][253,183,109](4.6):PMS1485[65][255,183,119](4.7) 5 light:brilliant:PMS1485:consuela:rajah:sandy:brown:orange +1093 apricot_peach rgb 251 206 177 hex #FBCEB1 hsv 24 29 98 xyz 0.7 0.68 0.51 lab 86 12 20 lch 86 24 60 cmyk 0 18 29 2 apricot[1090][251,206,177](0.0):romantic[7285][255,210,183](1.4):flesh[3685][245,204,176](2.4):PMS162[91][249,198,170](3.0):PMS474[580][244,204,170](3.7) 13 PMS162:PMS474:apricot:flesh:romantic +1094 apricot_white rgb 247 240 219 hex #F7F0DB hsv 45 11 97 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.8 lab 95 -1 11 lch 95 11 96 cmyk 0 3 11 3 quarter_dutch_white[6941][251,244,223](1.0):early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.4):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.4):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.7):forget_me_not[3727][253,239,219](2.0) 83 dawn:dutch:early:egg:forget:me:not:off:quarter:sour:white:yellow +1095 apricot_white rgb 255 254 236 hex #FFFEEC hsv 57 7 100 xyz 0.92 0.98 0.93 lab 99 -3 9 lch 99 9 107 cmyk 0 0 7 0 buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](1.0):half_pearl_lusta[4367][255,252,234](1.0):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](1.0):travertine[8460][255,253,232](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](2.0) 44 light:buttery:chilean:half:heath:lusta:pearl:travertine:white:yellow +1096 april_sun rgb 253 152 0 hex #FD9800 hsv 36 100 99 xyz 0.52 0.43 0.06 lab 72 30 77 lch 72 82 69 cmyk 0 40 99 1 vivid_gamboge[8915][255,153,0](0.0):orange[6201][251,153,2](1.4):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](2.0):california[2011][254,157,4](2.2):tangerine[8241][255,148,8](3.3) 11 vivid:cadmium:california:gamboge:tangerine:orange:yellow +1097 aqua rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0):spanish_sky_blue[7879][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:electric:sky:spanish:blue +1098 aqua rgb 19 234 201 hex #13EAC9 hsv 171 92 92 xyz 0.4 0.63 0.65 lab 84 -54 3 lch 84 54 177 cmyk 84 0 13 8 vivid_opal[8929][0,231,202](2.4):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](6.2):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](6.8):luminous_vivid_opal[5386][0,255,223](7.0):aquamarine[1114][4,216,178](7.7) 1 luminous:brilliant:vivid:aqua:marine:opal:aquamarine:turquoise +1099 aqua rgb 146 211 202 hex #92D3CA hsv 172 31 83 xyz 0.46 0.57 0.64 lab 80 -22 -2 lch 80 23 185 cmyk 25 0 4 17 sinbad[7724][159,215,211](4.1):monte_carlo[5876][131,208,198](4.6):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](4.7):PMS318[362][147,221,219](5.1):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](5.1) 3 pale:PMS318:aqua:carlo:egg:island:monte:robin:sinbad:blue +1100 aqua rgb 161 218 215 hex #A1DAD7 hsv 177 26 85 xyz 0.52 0.63 0.74 lab 83 -19 -4 lch 83 19 193 cmyk 22 0 1 15 aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](0.0):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](1.0):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.0):morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](3.3):sinbad[7725][166,213,208](3.3) 10 PMS324:aqua:glory:island:morning:sinbad +1101 aqua_blue rgb 2 216 233 hex #02D8E9 hsv 184 99 91 xyz 0.39 0.55 0.86 lab 79 -37 -21 lch 79 43 209 cmyk 91 7 0 9 medium_turquoise[5647][0,227,238](5.8):brilliant_arctic_blue[1764][81,213,231](7.3):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](7.5):turquoise[8575][0,229,238](7.5):dark_turquoise[2908][0,195,205](8.1) 0 medium:dark:brilliant:PMS3115:arctic:blue:turquoise +1102 aqua_deep rgb 1 75 67 hex #014B43 hsv 174 99 29 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 28 -22 -1 lch 28 23 183 cmyk 29 0 3 71 aquamarine[1113][1,75,67](0.0):evening_sea[3522][2,78,70](1.4):PMS3302[395][0,73,63](1.7):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.6):deep_jungle_green[3001][0,75,73](4.1) 9 deep:dark:PMS3302:evening:jungle:sea:aquamarine:blue:green +1103 aqua_forest rgb 95 167 119 hex #5FA777 hsv 140 43 65 xyz 0.22 0.31 0.22 lab 63 -33 18 lch 63 38 152 cmyk 28 0 19 35 shiny_shamrock[7660][95,167,120](1.0):tea[8272][101,171,124](1.4):forest_green[3726][109,174,129](3.7):moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](6.4):ocean_green[6100][76,169,115](7.3) 3 moderate:forest:ocean:shamrock:shiny:spring:tea:green +1104 aqua_green rgb 18 225 147 hex #12E193 hsv 157 92 88 xyz 0.32 0.56 0.37 lab 80 -63 26 lch 80 68 158 cmyk 81 0 31 12 vivid_aquamarine[8894][0,231,145](4.4):sea_green[7560][78,238,148](7.5):brilliant_spring_green[1806][81,231,156](7.7):seaweed[7592][24,209,123](7.9):brilliant_sea_green[1804][81,231,137](8.8) 1 brilliant:vivid:sea:seaweed:spring:aquamarine:green +1105 aqua_haze rgb 217 221 213 hex #D9DDD5 hsv 90 4 87 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.73 lab 88 -3 3 lch 88 4 129 cmyk 2 0 3 13 quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](1.0):PMS5523[708][214,221,214](1.4):light_grey[5122][216,220,214](1.7):catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](2.0):aqua_squeeze[1111][219,228,220](2.2) 103 light:PMS5523:aqua:catskill:quarter:squeeze:tasman:grey:white +1106 aqua_haze rgb 237 245 245 hex #EDF5F5 hsv 180 3 96 xyz 0.84 0.9 0.99 lab 96 -3 -1 lch 96 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 4 catskill_white[2139][238,246,247](1.0):black_squeeze[1481][242,250,250](2.0):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](2.2):porcelain[6778][239,242,243](2.2):white[9080][245,245,242](2.8) 76 aqua:catskill:porcelain:squeeze:black:white +1107 aqua_island rgb 161 218 215 hex #A1DAD7 hsv 177 26 85 xyz 0.52 0.63 0.74 lab 83 -19 -4 lch 83 19 193 cmyk 22 0 1 15 aqua[1100][161,218,215](0.0):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](1.0):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.0):morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](3.3):sinbad[7725][166,213,208](3.3) 11 PMS324:aqua:glory:morning:sinbad +1108 aqua_marine rgb 46 232 187 hex #2EE8BB hsv 165 80 91 xyz 0.39 0.62 0.57 lab 83 -55 9 lch 83 55 170 cmyk 73 0 18 9 aqua[1098][19,234,201](6.2):aquamarine[1114][4,216,178](7.0):brilliant_aquamarine[1763][81,231,175](7.3):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](7.6):caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](7.7) 0 brilliant:aqua:caribbean:aquamarine:green:turquoise +1109 aqua_spring rgb 232 243 232 hex #E8F3E8 hsv 120 5 95 xyz 0.8 0.87 0.89 lab 95 -6 4 lch 95 7 144 cmyk 4 0 4 5 polar[6757][229,242,231](1.0):ottoman[6263][233,248,237](1.4):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.7):gin[3861][232,242,235](2.2):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](2.4) 37 bubbles:dew:gin:ottoman:polar +1110 aqua_spring rgb 234 249 245 hex #EAF9F5 hsv 164 6 98 xyz 0.84 0.92 1 lab 97 -6 0 lch 97 6 178 cmyk 6 0 2 2 aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](1.4):off_green[6109][230,248,243](1.4):clear_day[2368][233,255,253](1.7):polar[6758][229,249,246](1.7):narvik[5982][237,249,241](2.2) 37 aqua:clear:day:narvik:off:polar:squeeze:green +1111 aqua_squeeze rgb 219 228 220 hex #DBE4DC hsv 127 4 89 xyz 0.7 0.76 0.79 lab 90 -4 3 lch 90 5 147 cmyk 4 0 3 11 catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](1.0):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](1.7):swans_down[8175][218,230,221](2.0):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](2.2):black_squeeze[1480][229,230,223](2.2) 78 aqua:carefree:catskill:down:half:haze:squeeze:swans:black:white +1112 aqua_squeeze rgb 232 245 242 hex #E8F5F2 hsv 166 5 96 xyz 0.82 0.89 0.97 lab 96 -5 0 lch 96 5 180 cmyk 5 0 1 4 aqua_spring[1110][234,249,245](1.4):off_green[6109][230,248,243](2.0):panache[6463][234,246,238](2.0):aqua_haze[1106][237,245,245](2.2):gin[3861][232,242,235](2.2) 43 aqua:gin:haze:off:panache:spring:green +1113 aquamarine rgb 1 75 67 hex #014B43 hsv 174 99 29 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 28 -22 -1 lch 28 23 183 cmyk 29 0 3 71 aqua_deep[1102][1,75,67](0.0):evening_sea[3522][2,78,70](1.4):PMS3302[395][0,73,63](1.7):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.6):deep_jungle_green[3001][0,75,73](4.1) 9 deep:dark:PMS3302:aqua:evening:jungle:sea:blue:green +1114 aquamarine rgb 4 216 178 hex #04D8B2 hsv 169 98 85 xyz 0.33 0.52 0.51 lab 77 -53 6 lch 77 53 173 cmyk 83 0 15 15 caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](6.2):eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](6.8):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](7.0):aqua[1098][19,234,201](7.7):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](7.8) 0 brilliant:aqua:caribbean:eucalyptus:marine:green:turquoise +1115 aquamarine rgb 32 89 72 hex #205948 hsv 162 64 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.07 lab 34 -23 4 lch 34 24 169 cmyk 22 0 7 65 dark_aquamarine[2680][39,89,70](2.2):push_play[6908][33,88,76](2.8):evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](3.2):PMS626[805][33,84,63](3.6):dark_turquoise[2911][39,89,77](3.6) 9 dark:PMS626:evening:play:push:sea:aquamarine:turquoise +1116 aquamarine rgb 69 139 116 hex #458B74 hsv 160 50 55 xyz 0.15 0.21 0.2 lab 53 -28 6 lch 53 28 169 cmyk 27 0 9 45 deep_aquamarine[2954][64,130,109](3.7):viridian[8876][64,130,109](3.7):illuminating_emerald[4610][49,145,119](6.1):green_room[4057][56,129,96](7.1):landmark[4907][62,152,137](7.5) 2 deep:emerald:illuminating:landmark:room:viridian:aquamarine:green +1117 aquamarine rgb 102 205 170 hex #66CDAA hsv 160 50 80 xyz 0.35 0.49 0.46 lab 76 -38 8 lch 76 39 168 cmyk 40 0 14 20 aquamarine_medium[1123][102,205,170](0.0):medium_aquamarine[5596][102,205,170](0.0):PMS338[406][122,209,181](5.7):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](6.2):PMS333[400][94,221,193](8.1) 2 medium:PMS333:PMS338:seafoam:aquamarine:blue +1118 aquamarine rgb 112 219 147 hex #70DB93 hsv 140 49 86 xyz 0.37 0.56 0.36 lab 80 -47 26 lch 80 53 151 cmyk 42 0 28 14 light_emerald_green[5097][139,231,150](7.1):light_malachite_green[5141][139,231,162](7.1):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](9.4):brilliant_spring_green[1806][81,231,156](9.5):PMS353[427][132,226,168](9.7) 0 light:brilliant:PMS353:emerald:malachite:sea:spring:green +1119 aquamarine rgb 118 238 198 hex #76EEC6 hsv 160 50 93 xyz 0.48 0.69 0.64 lab 87 -43 9 lch 87 44 168 cmyk 47 0 16 7 light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](2.0):light_aqua[5002][140,255,219](6.6):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](7.1):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](7.3):light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](8.3) 1 light:brilliant:aqua:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +1120 aquamarine rgb 120 219 226 hex #78DBE2 hsv 184 47 89 xyz 0.47 0.6 0.81 lab 82 -27 -12 lch 82 30 205 cmyk 42 3 0 11 turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](2.2):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](2.4):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](2.4):spray[7912][121,222,236](4.2):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](4.2) 8 PMS3105:spray:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +1121 aquamarine rgb 127 255 212 hex #7FFFD4 hsv 160 50 100 xyz 0.56 0.81 0.75 lab 92 -46 10 lch 92 47 168 cmyk 50 0 17 0 light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](4.4):light_brilliant_turquoise[5070][101,255,216](5.1):light_aquamarine[5003][123,253,199](5.5):light_aqua[5002][140,255,219](5.9):very_light_spring_green[8790][158,255,207](8.1) 1 light:brilliant:very:aqua:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +1122 aquamarine_blue rgb 113 217 226 hex #71D9E2 hsv 185 50 89 xyz 0.45 0.59 0.81 lab 81 -28 -14 lch 81 31 206 cmyk 44 4 0 11 turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](2.0):turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](2.2):aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](2.4):spray[7912][121,222,236](3.5):PMS310[347][114,209,221](3.7) 7 PMS310:spray:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +1123 aquamarine_medium rgb 102 205 170 hex #66CDAA hsv 160 50 80 xyz 0.35 0.49 0.46 lab 76 -38 8 lch 76 39 168 cmyk 40 0 14 20 aquamarine[1117][102,205,170](0.0):medium_aquamarine[5596][102,205,170](0.0):PMS338[406][122,209,181](5.7):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](6.2):PMS333[400][94,221,193](8.1) 2 medium:PMS333:PMS338:seafoam:aquamarine:blue +1124 aquarium rgb 37 60 72 hex #253C48 hsv 201 49 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.07 lab 24 -5 -10 lch 24 11 243 cmyk 14 5 0 72 tarawera[8254][37,60,72](0.0):nile_blue[6059][37,63,78](2.2):elephant[3458][36,54,64](2.4):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](3.0):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](3.3) 11 elephant:nile:tarawera:vogue:whale:blue:green +1125 aquarius rgb 67 168 197 hex #43A8C5 hsv 193 66 77 xyz 0.26 0.33 0.58 lab 64 -20 -23 lch 64 31 229 cmyk 51 11 0 23 viking[8838][77,177,200](4.7):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](4.9):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](5.0):ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](5.1):pelorous[6578][62,171,191](5.7) 3 ball:pacific:pelorous:viking:blue:green +1126 aquashield_acropolis rgb 206 198 181 hex #CEC6B5 hsv 41 12 81 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.52 lab 80 0 10 lch 80 10 91 cmyk 0 3 10 19 acropolis[959][206,198,181](0.0):half_tea[4401][206,198,181](0.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.0):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.7) 67 PMS400:acropolis:amber:bison:half:hide:quarter:soft:tea +1127 aquashield_akaroa rgb 190 178 154 hex #BEB29A hsv 40 19 75 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.37 lab 73 0 14 lch 73 14 89 cmyk 0 5 14 25 akaroa[980][190,178,154](0.0):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](1.7):triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](1.7):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.2):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](2.2) 46 akaroa:bison:colins:double:eighth:fossil:hide:parchment:triple:wicket +1128 aquashield_astra rgb 237 213 166 hex #EDD5A6 hsv 40 30 93 xyz 0.66 0.68 0.46 lab 86 1 26 lch 86 26 87 cmyk 0 9 28 7 astra[1167][237,213,166](0.0):latte[4920][237,213,166](0.0):hampton[4417][232,212,162](1.7):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.7):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.2) 29 astra:beeswax:hampton:latte:popcorn +1129 aquashield_canterbury_clay rgb 198 174 131 hex #C6AE83 hsv 39 34 78 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.28 lab 72 2 25 lch 72 25 85 cmyk 0 9 26 22 canterbury_clay[2052][198,174,131](0.0):light_french_beige[5099][200,173,127](2.2):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](2.4):toupe[8443][199,172,125](3.2):matchstick[5572][195,179,141](3.7) 12 light:beige:canterbury:clay:french:matchstick:navajo:toupe:white +1130 aquashield_half_tapa rgb 146 146 136 hex #929288 hsv 60 7 57 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.27 lab 60 -2 5 lch 60 6 110 cmyk 0 0 4 43 half_tapa[4398][146,146,136](0.0):half_cobblestone[4308][146,143,132](1.7):ivory[4696][139,139,131](2.2):proton[6822][150,152,140](2.4):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](2.8) 33 cobblestone:friar:half:ivory:proton:tapa:grey +1131 aquashield_spanish_white rgb 222 209 183 hex #DED1B7 hsv 40 18 87 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.54 lab 84 0 15 lch 84 15 89 cmyk 0 5 15 13 janna[4730][222,209,183](0.0):spanish_white[7882][222,209,183](0.0):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](1.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](2.2) 41 double:janna:pompeii:spanish:stark:wheatfield:white +1132 aquashield_stonewall rgb 128 118 97 hex #807661 hsv 41 24 50 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.14 lab 50 0 13 lch 50 13 89 cmyk 0 4 12 50 stonewall[7988][128,118,97](0.0):arrowtown[1146][130,122,103](1.4):quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](1.4):pablo[6289][122,113,92](2.0):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](2.4) 25 arrowtown:mondo:pablo:quarry:quarter:stone:stonewall +1133 aquashield_tasman rgb 186 192 179 hex #BAC0B3 hsv 88 7 75 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.5 lab 77 -4 6 lch 77 7 127 cmyk 2 0 5 25 tasman[8258][186,192,179](0.0):PMS5645[733][188,193,178](1.0):pumice[6845][186,192,180](1.0):quarter_lemon_grass[6962][186,190,175](1.4):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](2.2) 54 PMS5645:grass:pumice:quarter:spring:tasman:green:lemon +1134 arabella rgb 133 99 110 hex #85636E hsv 341 26 52 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.17 lab 46 16 -1 lch 46 16 357 cmyk 0 13 9 48 falcon[3549][127,98,109](2.4):pink[6664][139,99,108](2.8):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](3.0):memory[5672][124,91,99](4.6):renaissance[7181][136,90,100](5.8) 4 PMS5205:falcon:memory:renaissance:pink +1135 arapawa rgb 17 12 108 hex #110C6C hsv 243 89 42 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.14 lab 12 37 -53 lch 12 64 305 cmyk 36 38 0 58 darkblue[2922][3,7,100](2.4):paua[6527][38,3,104](5.0):dark_royal_blue[2861][2,6,111](5.1):paris_m[6489][38,5,106](5.1):PMS662[841][12,25,117](5.7) 2 dark:PMS662:darkblue:m:paris:paua:royal:blue +1136 arapawa rgb 39 74 93 hex #274A5D hsv 201 58 36 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.11 lab 30 -6 -15 lch 30 16 247 cmyk 21 7 0 64 style_pasifika_turquoise_sea[8098][39,74,93](0.0):astronaut_blue[1174][33,69,89](2.2):dark_cornflower_blue[2709][39,70,89](2.2):navigate[5992][48,78,94](2.8):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.0) 11 dark:astronaut:cornflower:navigate:pasifika:sea:style:blue:grey:turquoise +1137 archive_grey rgb 154 153 145 hex #9A9991 hsv 53 6 60 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.31 lab 63 -1 4 lch 63 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 40 delta[3086][153,155,149](1.7):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](1.7):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](2.2):PMS423[506][150,147,142](2.4):silver_fern[7711][153,147,140](2.8) 44 PMS423:delta:fern:friar:half:silver:taupe:grey +1138 arctic_lime rgb 208 255 20 hex #D0FF14 hsv 72 92 100 xyz 0.62 0.85 0.14 lab 94 -40 89 lch 94 98 114 cmyk 18 0 92 0 lime_yellow[5275][208,254,29](1.0):electric_lime[3447][206,255,29](1.4):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](1.4):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](1.7):electric_lime[3446][204,255,0](2.2) 10 electric:greenish:neon:lime:yellow +1139 area rgb 60 128 67 hex #3C8043 hsv 126 53 50 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.08 lab 48 -35 27 lch 48 44 143 cmyk 27 0 24 50 japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](5.4):jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](5.4):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](7.0):light_forest_green[5098][79,145,83](7.0):san_felix[7445][44,110,49](7.1) 0 light:darkish:felix:forest:japanese:juice:jungle:laurel:san:green +1140 armadillo rgb 67 62 55 hex #433E37 hsv 35 18 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 1 5 lch 26 5 82 cmyk 0 2 5 74 merlin[5681][65,60,55](1.0):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](1.0):triple_masala[8500][65,62,55](1.0):kina_brown[4862][67,61,56](1.4):PMS447[531][63,63,56](2.2) 37 PMS447:ash:kina:masala:merlin:smokey:triple:brown +1141 armadillo rgb 72 74 70 hex #484A46 hsv 90 5 29 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 31 -2 2 lch 31 3 129 cmyk 1 0 2 71 PMS446[530][73,76,73](1.4):tuatara[8552][69,70,66](1.4):cathedral[2137][75,77,74](1.7):gravel[3992][74,75,70](1.7):deep_space[3062][76,73,69](2.2) 45 deep:PMS446:cathedral:gravel:space:tuatara +1142 army rgb 48 52 45 hex #30342D hsv 94 13 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -3 4 lch 21 5 131 cmyk 2 0 3 80 rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](1.0):helter_skelter[4466][51,51,45](2.0):canopy[2051][53,51,44](2.2):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](2.2):eternity[3514][45,47,40](2.2) 51 canopy:earth:eternity:helter:rockpool:skelter:green +1143 army_green rgb 75 83 32 hex #4B5320 hsv 69 61 33 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.03 lab 34 -12 28 lch 34 31 112 cmyk 3 0 20 67 dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](2.2):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](2.4):PMS574[744][73,89,40](3.7):verdun_green[8702][72,83,26](3.7):saratoga[7499][85,91,44](4.1) 7 dark:PMS574:apple:saratoga:verdun:green:lime +1144 army_green rgb 75 93 22 hex #4B5D16 hsv 75 76 36 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.02 lab 37 -18 36 lch 37 41 116 cmyk 7 0 28 64 camouflage_green[2029][75,97,19](3.7):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](4.2):PMS378[454][86,99,20](5.4):PMS371[446][86,107,33](5.5):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](5.8) 2 PMS371:PMS378:camo:camouflage:saratoga:green +1145 arrowroot rgb 231 226 197 hex #E7E2C5 hsv 51 15 91 xyz 0.7 0.75 0.64 lab 90 -3 15 lch 90 15 102 cmyk 0 2 13 9 half_and[4279][237,231,200](1.4):scotch_mist[7540][238,231,200](1.4):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](2.4):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](2.4):PMS5807[764][224,221,188](3.0) 41 PMS5807:and:aths:cornsilk:half:mist:scotch:special +1146 arrowtown rgb 130 122 103 hex #827A67 hsv 42 21 51 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.16 lab 51 0 12 lch 51 12 91 cmyk 0 3 11 49 aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](1.4):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](1.4):stonewall[7988][128,118,97](1.4):quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](2.4):bisque[1430][139,125,107](2.8) 27 aquashield:bisque:mondo:quarry:quarter:stone:stonewall +1147 arrowtown rgb 148 135 113 hex #948771 hsv 38 24 58 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.19 lab 57 1 14 lch 57 14 85 cmyk 0 5 14 42 craigieburn[2573][146,136,116](2.2):pale_oyster[6398][152,141,119](2.4):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](2.8):piston[6723][140,132,109](2.8):techno[8295][142,136,110](3.2) 30 pale:craigieburn:oyster:piston:techno +1148 arsenic rgb 59 68 75 hex #3B444B hsv 206 21 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.07 lab 28 -2 -5 lch 28 6 251 cmyk 6 3 0 71 majestic_blue[5472][54,67,74](1.4):new_denim_blue[6038][57,65,73](1.7):charade[2218][57,64,67](2.2):mirage[5777][55,63,67](2.2):liquid_metal[5302][62,65,71](2.4) 25 charade:denim:liquid:majestic:metal:mirage:new:blue +1149 artefact rgb 93 82 80 hex #5D5250 hsv 9 14 36 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.09 lab 36 4 3 lch 36 5 34 cmyk 0 4 5 64 alcatraz[990][90,80,75](1.7):half_felix[4325][98,83,78](2.4):wenge[9047][100,84,82](2.4):reddish_brownish_grey[7153][89,83,83](2.8):tundora[8566][88,84,82](3.2) 30 alcatraz:brownish:felix:half:reddish:tundora:wenge:grey +1150 arthouse rgb 77 32 46 hex #4D202E hsv 341 58 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 19 23 1 lch 19 23 2 cmyk 0 18 12 70 persian_red[6610][79,33,42](3.2):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](4.6):mayhem[5590][77,27,37](4.6):red_earth[7123][70,32,40](4.6):zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](4.6) 7 earth:mayhem:persian:zibibbo:black:red:rose +1151 artichoke rgb 143 151 121 hex #8F9779 hsv 76 20 59 xyz 0.26 0.29 0.22 lab 61 -8 15 lch 61 17 119 cmyk 3 0 12 41 battleship_grey[1318][130,143,114](3.7):frontier[3776][153,157,122](4.2):anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](4.6):bach[1253][131,146,112](4.6):sage[7412][158,165,135](5.0) 5 anemone:bach:battleship:frontier:sage:green:grey +1152 arylide_yellow rgb 233 214 107 hex #E9D66B hsv 51 54 91 xyz 0.6 0.66 0.24 lab 85 -7 54 lch 85 55 97 cmyk 0 7 49 9 hansa_yellow[4420][233,214,107](0.0):straw[8005][228,217,111](3.3):PMS458[550][221,204,107](5.0):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](5.1):PMS121[23][249,224,112](5.4) 3 PMS121:PMS458:hansa:rice:straw:wild:yellow +1153 ash rgb 190 186 167 hex #BEBAA7 hsv 50 12 75 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.44 lab 75 -2 10 lch 75 10 101 cmyk 0 2 9 25 bone_white[1648][184,183,166](1.7):linen[5291][186,183,162](1.7):quarter_grey_olive[6953][194,188,171](1.7):mist_grey[5784][186,185,169](2.0):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](2.0) 56 bone:craigieburn:linen:mist:olive:quarter:grey:white +1154 ash rgb 198 195 181 hex #C6C3B5 hsv 49 9 78 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.52 lab 79 -1 7 lch 79 8 101 cmyk 0 1 7 22 half_ash[4282][203,200,186](1.0):quarter_napa[6972][199,194,181](1.0):titania[8376][202,199,185](1.0):triple_white_pointer[8530][200,195,181](1.0):PMS413[496][198,193,178](1.4) 82 PMS413:ash:half:napa:pointer:quarter:titania:triple:white +1155 ash_brown rgb 46 25 5 hex #2E1905 hsv 29 89 18 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 8 15 lch 11 17 61 cmyk 0 8 16 82 jacko_bean[4708][46,25,5](0.0):zinnwaldite_brown[9265][44,22,8](3.7):dark_brown[2693][52,28,2](4.6):clinker[2375][55,29,9](4.7):sambuca[7442][58,32,16](5.1) 4 dark:bean:clinker:jacko:sambuca:zinnwaldite:brown +1156 ash_brown rgb 73 63 47 hex #493F2F hsv 37 36 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 27 1 11 lch 27 12 83 cmyk 0 4 10 71 english_walnut[3496][71,59,47](3.0):double_mondo[3218][74,66,55](3.2):suburban[8106][72,64,44](3.2):bronze[1820][73,59,47](3.3):mondo[5866][74,60,48](3.3) 19 bronze:double:english:mondo:suburban:walnut +1157 ash_grey rgb 178 190 181 hex #B2BEB5 hsv 135 6 75 xyz 0.45 0.5 0.51 lab 76 -6 3 lch 76 7 152 cmyk 5 0 4 25 half_robin_egg_blue[4377][181,192,181](1.4):PMS5507[703][175,186,178](2.2):duck_egg_blue[3278][183,193,188](3.0):emerge[3472][173,186,181](3.0):hermitage[4473][177,185,180](3.0) 26 PMS5507:duck:egg:emerge:half:hermitage:robin:blue +1158 ashanti rgb 166 187 179 hex #A6BBB3 hsv 157 11 73 xyz 0.42 0.47 0.5 lab 74 -9 2 lch 74 9 170 cmyk 8 0 3 27 rivendell[7235][169,189,182](1.7):skeptic[7736][157,180,170](3.2):PMS5503[702][170,196,191](3.7):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](3.7):opal[6188][168,195,188](3.7) 11 PMS5503:ash:opal:rivendell:skeptic:grey +1159 ashen_lavender rgb 177 169 177 hex #B1A9B1 hsv 300 5 69 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.47 lab 70 4 -3 lch 70 5 325 cmyk 0 3 0 31 chatelle[2244][179,171,182](2.4):PMS5295[663][178,168,181](2.8):ajay[979][176,172,174](3.0):eighth_sidewinder[3418][176,172,174](3.0):shady_lady[7632][170,165,169](3.0) 16 PMS5295:ajay:chatelle:eighth:lady:shady:sidewinder +1160 asparagus rgb 119 171 86 hex #77AB56 hsv 97 50 67 xyz 0.24 0.34 0.14 lab 65 -33 38 lch 65 50 131 cmyk 20 0 33 33 bud_green[1888][123,182,97](3.7):off_green[6107][107,163,83](3.7):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](5.2):moderate_chartreuse_green[5817][121,168,74](5.2):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](5.4) 2 moderate:flat:bud:chartreuse:off:pistachio:green +1161 asparagus rgb 123 160 91 hex #7BA05B hsv 92 43 63 xyz 0.23 0.3 0.15 lab 62 -25 32 lch 62 41 128 cmyk 15 0 27 37 moss[5910][118,153,88](3.7):drab_green[3266][116,149,81](4.1):chelsea_cucumber[2251][131,170,93](4.7):chelsea_cucumber[2252][136,169,91](5.0):dull_green[3283][116,166,98](5.5) 4 chelsea:cucumber:drab:dull:moss:green +1162 asparagus rgb 135 169 107 hex #87A96B hsv 93 37 66 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.19 lab 65 -23 28 lch 65 36 129 cmyk 13 0 24 34 sage[7410][135,174,115](3.0):jigsaw[4767][142,164,103](5.2):sage_green[7414][136,179,120](5.4):lichen[4992][143,182,123](5.5):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](5.7) 1 jigsaw:lichen:sage:woodstock:green +1163 asphalt rgb 19 10 6 hex #130A06 hsv 18 68 7 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 2 3 lch 3 4 46 cmyk 0 4 5 93 banjul[1287][19,10,6](0.0):maire[5466][19,10,6](0.0):smoky_black[7796][16,12,8](1.7):nero[6026][20,6,0](2.2):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](3.6) 23 banjul:cod:maire:nero:smoky:black:grey +1164 asphalt rgb 42 41 34 hex #2A2922 hsv 53 19 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 -1 5 lch 16 5 103 cmyk 0 0 3 84 maire[5467][42,41,34](0.0):PMS419[502][40,40,33](1.0):jungle_green[4792][41,41,36](2.0):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](2.4):karaka[4817][45,45,36](2.4) 21 PMS419:jungle:karaka:maire:waterloo:green +1165 aspiring rgb 187 187 161 hex #BBBBA1 hsv 60 14 73 xyz 0.45 0.49 0.41 lab 75 -5 13 lch 75 14 109 cmyk 0 0 10 27 eagle[3322][182,186,164](2.0):beryl_green[1398][188,191,168](2.8):linen[5291][186,183,162](3.0):kidnapper[4854][191,192,171](3.7):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](4.1) 14 beryl:double:eagle:fossil:kidnapper:linen:green +1166 asteroid rgb 165 150 146 hex #A59692 hsv 13 12 65 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.32 lab 63 5 4 lch 63 6 40 cmyk 0 6 7 35 hazy_lavender[4445][164,149,145](0.0):triple_milestone[8502][165,149,145](0.0):imagine[4613][163,152,148](2.2):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](3.0):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](3.0) 20 dusty:hazy:imagine:milestone:reddish:triple:grey:lavender +1167 astra rgb 237 213 166 hex #EDD5A6 hsv 40 30 93 xyz 0.66 0.68 0.46 lab 86 1 26 lch 86 26 87 cmyk 0 9 28 7 aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](0.0):latte[4920][237,213,166](0.0):hampton[4417][232,212,162](1.7):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.7):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.2) 29 aquashield:astra:beeswax:hampton:latte:popcorn +1168 astra rgb 250 234 185 hex #FAEAB9 hsv 45 26 98 xyz 0.78 0.83 0.58 lab 93 -2 26 lch 93 26 94 cmyk 0 6 25 2 colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](1.4):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](1.7):banana_mania[1278][251,231,178](2.4):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](2.4):blond[1519][250,240,190](2.4) 22 banana:barley:blond:colonial:mania:white +1169 astral rgb 50 125 160 hex #327DA0 hsv 199 69 63 xyz 0.15 0.18 0.36 lab 49 -12 -26 lch 49 28 246 cmyk 43 14 0 37 jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](3.0):waterfront[9015][62,127,157](4.2):strong_cerulean[8025][0,126,168](4.5):sea_blue[7550][4,116,149](5.0):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](5.1) 4 strong:bean:celadon:cerulean:jelly:sea:waterfront:blue +1170 astral rgb 55 111 137 hex #376F89 hsv 199 60 54 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.26 lab 44 -10 -20 lch 44 22 243 cmyk 32 10 0 46 calypso[2014][61,113,136](2.2):calypso[2013][49,114,141](2.4):sky_blue[7741][74,112,139](4.6):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](4.6):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](5.1) 4 bean:calypso:jelly:sky:wavelength:blue +1171 astronaut rgb 40 58 119 hex #283A77 hsv 226 66 47 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.18 lab 26 14 -37 lch 26 40 291 cmyk 31 24 0 53 submerge[8105][17,55,117](3.5):jack_in_the_box[4707][61,63,125](4.4):jacksons_purple[4712][61,63,125](4.4):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](4.5):vroom[8977][53,61,117](4.5) 7 bay:box:in:jack:jacksons:submerge:the:torea:vroom:purple +1172 astronaut rgb 68 81 114 hex #445172 hsv 223 40 45 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.17 lab 35 4 -21 lch 35 21 281 cmyk 18 13 0 55 quayside[7020][66,79,113](1.0):chambray[2202][71,88,119](3.0):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](3.5):east_bay[3334][71,82,110](4.1):independence[4626][76,81,109](4.1) 6 bay:chambray:east:hendrix:independence:quayside +1173 astronaut_blue rgb 1 62 98 hex #013E62 hsv 202 99 38 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.12 lab 25 -3 -26 lch 25 26 264 cmyk 38 14 0 62 deep_cornflower_blue[2980][0,56,89](3.6):dark_imperial_blue[2776][0,65,106](3.7):regal_blue[7169][1,63,106](5.1):shipshape[7665][33,66,95](5.5):cello[2164][30,56,91](6.6) 2 deep:dark:cello:cornflower:imperial:regal:shipshape:blue +1174 astronaut_blue rgb 33 69 89 hex #214559 hsv 201 63 35 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.1 lab 28 -6 -16 lch 28 17 249 cmyk 22 8 0 65 dark_cornflower_blue[2709][39,70,89](1.4):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](2.0):arapawa[1136][39,74,93](2.2):style_pasifika_turquoise_sea[8098][39,74,93](2.2):dark_slate_blue[2886][33,71,97](3.3) 14 slate:dark:arapawa:cornflower:pasifika:sea:style:blue:grey:turquoise +1175 athens_grey rgb 220 221 221 hex #DCDDDD hsv 180 0 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.79 lab 88 0 0 lch 88 0 200 cmyk 0 0 0 13 gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](0.0):grey[4190][222,222,222](0.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.0):grey[4188][217,217,217](1.0):grey[4189][219,219,219](1.0) 87 alto:gainsboro:grey +1176 athens_grey rgb 238 240 243 hex #EEF0F3 hsv 216 2 95 xyz 0.83 0.87 0.97 lab 95 0 -2 lch 95 2 266 cmyk 2 1 0 5 anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](1.4):munsell[5946][242,243,244](1.4):porcelain[6778][239,242,243](1.4):concrete[2451][242,242,242](2.0):grey[4197][240,240,240](2.0) 62 anti:concrete:flash:munsell:porcelain:grey:white +1177 aths_special rgb 213 203 178 hex #D5CBB2 hsv 43 16 84 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.51 lab 82 -1 14 lch 82 14 93 cmyk 0 4 14 16 fossil[3731][213,203,178](0.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):parchment[6483][208,200,176](1.4):half_sisal[4385][213,201,174](1.7):PMS453[543][214,204,175](2.0) 50 PMS453:double:fossil:half:parchment:sisal:wheatfield +1178 aths_special rgb 236 235 206 hex #ECEBCE hsv 58 13 93 xyz 0.75 0.82 0.7 lab 92 -4 14 lch 92 15 108 cmyk 0 0 12 7 light_yellow[5236][238,238,209](1.4):rum_swizzle[7372][241,237,212](1.7):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](2.0):arrowroot[1145][231,226,197](2.4):half_and[4279][237,231,200](2.4) 36 light:and:arrowroot:cornsilk:half:rum:swizzle:yellow +1179 atlantis rgb 151 205 45 hex #97CD2D hsv 80 78 80 xyz 0.35 0.5 0.1 lab 76 -39 68 lch 76 78 120 cmyk 21 0 63 20 olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](1.7):olivedrab[6172][154,205,50](1.7):yellow_green[9207][154,205,50](1.7):yellow_green[9206][153,204,50](2.2):lickety_split[4993][163,217,45](6.5) 4 drab:lickety:olive:olivedrab:split:green:yellow +1180 atlantis rgb 156 208 59 hex #9CD03B hsv 81 72 82 xyz 0.37 0.52 0.12 lab 78 -38 65 lch 78 75 121 cmyk 20 0 58 18 olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](2.2):olivedrab[6172][154,205,50](2.2):yellow_green[9206][153,204,50](2.2):yellow_green[9207][154,205,50](2.2):conifer[2461][172,221,77](4.6) 5 conifer:drab:olive:olivedrab:green:yellow +1181 atmosphere rgb 168 170 166 hex #A8AAA6 hsv 90 2 67 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.42 lab 69 -1 2 lch 69 2 129 cmyk 1 0 2 33 PMS429[512][173,175,170](2.2):PMS443[527][163,168,163](2.2):dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](2.2):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](2.2):grey[4167][168,168,168](2.2) 49 medium:dark:PMS429:PMS443:grey +1182 atoll rgb 10 111 117 hex #0A6F75 hsv 183 91 46 xyz 0.09 0.13 0.19 lab 42 -23 -11 lch 42 26 205 cmyk 42 2 0 54 PMS3155[358][0,109,117](1.0):mosque[5909][3,106,110](2.4):PMS315[357][0,107,119](3.7):dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](3.7):free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](4.4) 8 dark:PMS315:PMS3155:aqua:free:mosque:spirit +1183 atoll rgb 43 121 122 hex #2B797A hsv 181 65 48 xyz 0.11 0.16 0.21 lab 46 -23 -8 lch 46 24 198 cmyk 31 0 0 52 elm[3462][28,124,125](3.2):paradiso[6481][49,125,130](3.5):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](3.6):free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](3.7):myrtle_green[5967][49,120,115](4.0) 12 deep:elm:free:myrtle:paradiso:spirit:green:turquoise +1184 atom rgb 55 58 60 hex #373A3C hsv 204 8 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 24 -1 -2 lch 24 2 245 cmyk 2 1 0 76 montana[5874][57,59,60](1.4):onyx[6185][53,56,57](1.4):shark[7645][52,54,58](1.7):vulcan[8979][54,56,60](1.7):PMS433[516][48,56,58](2.2) 61 PMS433:montana:onyx:shark:vulcan +1185 atomic rgb 49 68 89 hex #314459 hsv 212 45 35 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.1 lab 28 -1 -15 lch 28 15 265 cmyk 16 8 0 65 pickled_bluewood[6641][49,68,89](0.0):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.2):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](3.3):dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](3.6):wind_talker[9128][58,72,89](3.6) 15 dark:avalanche:bluewood:pickled:talker:wind:azure:blue:grey +1186 atomic rgb 61 75 82 hex #3D4B52 hsv 200 26 32 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.09 lab 31 -4 -6 lch 31 7 238 cmyk 8 3 0 68 dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](1.4):limed_spruce[5284][57,72,81](1.4):deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](2.4):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](2.8):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](3.0) 18 slate:deep:dark:cove:ivanhoe:jetsetter:limed:spruce +1187 atomic_tangerine rgb 255 153 102 hex #FF9966 hsv 20 60 100 xyz 0.55 0.45 0.18 lab 73 34 43 lch 73 54 52 cmyk 0 40 60 0 pink_orange[6684][255,153,102](0.0):light_brilliant_tangelo[5069][255,159,101](4.6):PMS163[93][252,158,112](5.1):guggenheim[4242][255,142,89](5.8):crusta[2616][243,134,83](7.0) 2 light:brilliant:PMS163:crusta:guggenheim:tangelo:orange:pink +1188 atomic_tangerine rgb 255 164 116 hex #FFA474 hsv 21 55 100 xyz 0.58 0.49 0.23 lab 75 29 39 lch 75 48 53 cmyk 0 36 55 0 hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](1.4):PMS163[93][252,158,112](2.2):PMS1565[80][252,165,119](2.8):light_salmon[5191][255,160,122](4.5):tan[8227][250,167,108](5.7) 4 light:PMS1565:PMS163:hit:salmon:tan:pink +1189 attitude rgb 83 43 50 hex #532B32 hsv 350 48 33 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 23 19 4 lch 23 20 11 cmyk 0 16 13 67 wine_berry[9138][82,44,53](2.0):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](2.2):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](2.2):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](2.8):heath[4450][79,42,44](3.0) 13 berry:cowboy:heath:livid:wine:black:brown:rose +1190 au_chico rgb 151 96 93 hex #97605D hsv 3 38 59 xyz 0.19 0.16 0.12 lab 47 22 11 lch 47 25 27 cmyk 0 22 23 41 warhol[8994][155,97,95](1.0):rose_taupe[7316][144,93,93](3.0):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](3.7):dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](4.9):PMS4995[610][165,107,109](5.1) 4 dark:PMS4995:chestnut:copper:taupe:warhol:rose +1191 au_chico rgb 158 103 89 hex #9E6759 hsv 12 44 62 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.12 lab 49 20 17 lch 49 27 40 cmyk 0 22 27 38 sienna[7694][158,103,89](0.0):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](4.2):dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](4.5):toast[8380][159,113,95](5.0):brownish[1863][156,109,87](5.1) 4 dark:blast:bronze:brownish:chestnut:off:sienna:toast +1192 aubergine rgb 55 37 40 hex #372528 hsv 350 33 22 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 17 9 1 lch 17 9 9 cmyk 0 7 6 78 havana[4434][59,43,44](2.4):jarrah[4742][59,43,44](2.4):double_caffeine[3186][51,39,41](3.0):toorak[8418][57,37,35](4.0):cocoa_brown[2408][48,31,30](4.4) 12 caffeine:cocoa:double:havana:jarrah:toorak:brown +1193 aubergine rgb 59 9 16 hex #3B0910 hsv 352 85 23 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 10 25 9 lch 10 26 20 cmyk 0 20 17 77 beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](1.4):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](2.4):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.0):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](3.3):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](4.0) 8 37:38:39:40:beer:chocolate:srm +1194 aubergine rgb 61 7 52 hex #3D0734 hsv 310 89 24 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.03 lab 12 31 -15 lch 12 34 334 cmyk 0 21 4 76 eggplant[3375][56,8,53](3.0):dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](5.5):loulou[5346][70,11,65](5.8):jacaranda[4703][46,3,41](6.5):barossa[1310][68,1,45](6.7) 1 dark:barossa:eggplant:jacaranda:loulou:plum +1195 auburn rgb 154 48 1 hex #9A3001 hsv 18 99 60 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.01 lab 36 43 48 lch 36 64 48 cmyk 0 42 60 40 russet[7375][161,57,5](3.6):beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](4.1):beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](4.1):beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](4.5):brown_red[1855][146,43,5](4.6) 5 19:20:21:beer:russet:srm:brown:red +1196 auburn rgb 165 42 42 hex #A52A2A hsv 360 75 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.03 lab 38 50 31 lch 38 58 32 cmyk 0 48 48 35 brown[1837][165,42,42](0.0):brown[1838][166,42,42](0.0):red_brown[7118][165,42,42](0.0):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](3.0):PMS704[883][158,40,40](3.5) 8 PMS704:mexican:brown:red +1197 aureolin rgb 253 238 0 hex #FDEE00 hsv 56 100 99 xyz 0.71 0.82 0.12 lab 93 -14 91 lch 93 92 99 cmyk 0 6 99 1 canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](0.0):yellow[9201][255,239,0](0.0):yellow_rose[9219][255,240,0](1.0):broom[1831][255,236,19](3.0):lemon[4962][253,233,16](3.5) 11 broom:canary:lemon:rose:yellow +1198 aureoline_yellow rgb 255 168 36 hex #FFA824 hsv 36 86 100 xyz 0.56 0.49 0.08 lab 76 23 73 lch 76 77 73 cmyk 0 34 86 0 bright_yellow[1757][255,170,29](2.2):mango[5503][255,166,43](2.4):PMS137[49][252,163,17](3.7):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](4.0):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](4.0) 6 deep:dark:PMS137:bright:mango:naples:tangerine:yellow +1199 aurometalsaurus rgb 110 127 128 hex #6E7F80 hsv 183 14 50 xyz 0.18 0.2 0.23 lab 52 -6 -3 lch 52 7 204 cmyk 7 0 0 50 sirocco[7731][113,128,128](1.4):bluff[1614][113,129,135](3.0):regent_grey[7173][121,132,136](3.7):rolling_stone[7276][116,125,131](4.1):blue_bayoux[1545][98,119,126](4.2) 11 bayoux:bluff:regent:rolling:sirocco:stone:blue:grey +1200 aurora rgb 90 77 96 hex #5A4D60 hsv 281 20 38 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.12 lab 35 9 -9 lch 35 13 316 cmyk 2 7 0 62 chapta_and_verse[2216][87,76,94](1.4):berlin[1392][85,74,88](3.0):fedora[3567][98,86,101](3.7):mulled_wine[5944][82,77,91](4.6):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](5.7) 4 and:berlin:chapta:fedora:flow:mulled:scarpa:verse:wine +1201 australian_mint rgb 239 248 170 hex #EFF8AA hsv 67 31 97 xyz 0.76 0.88 0.51 lab 95 -15 37 lch 95 39 112 cmyk 4 0 31 3 light_khaki[5130][230,242,162](2.2):tidal[8350][241,255,173](3.0):shalimar[7635][248,246,168](4.1):parchment[6485][254,252,175](5.0):portafino[6785][255,255,180](5.1) 4 light:khaki:parchment:portafino:shalimar:tidal +1202 australian_mint rgb 245 255 190 hex #F5FFBE hsv 69 25 100 xyz 0.83 0.95 0.63 lab 98 -14 30 lch 98 33 114 cmyk 4 0 25 0 pale_lime_green[6384][240,255,194](2.2):pale_apple_green[6306][247,255,194](2.8):shalimar[7636][251,255,186](3.6):pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](4.2):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](4.2) 6 pale:very:apple:prim:shalimar:green:lime:yellow +1203 authentic rgb 138 104 67 hex #8A6843 hsv 31 51 54 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.07 lab 47 9 26 lch 47 27 71 cmyk 0 13 28 46 driftwood[3271][143,111,72](2.8):coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](3.2):brown_sugar[1857][142,101,64](3.3):dirt[3133][138,110,69](3.3):raw_umber[7087][130,102,68](4.1) 7 coyote:dirt:driftwood:raw:sugar:umber:brown +1204 avalanche rgb 53 65 82 hex #354152 hsv 215 35 32 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.09 lab 27 0 -12 lch 27 12 269 cmyk 11 7 0 68 cloud_burst[2382][53,62,79](1.4):blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](2.4):oxford_blue[6276][56,69,85](2.4):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](3.0):wind_talker[9128][58,72,89](3.2) 16 bright:burst:cloud:oxford:talker:wind:zodiac:blue:grey +1205 avant_garde rgb 92 44 48 hex #5C2C30 hsv 355 52 36 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 25 22 8 lch 25 24 19 cmyk 0 19 17 64 jazz[4750][95,44,47](1.4):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](2.4):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](3.0):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](3.7):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](3.7) 13 dark:amaranth:buccaneer:jazz:ochre:tan:red +1206 avatar rgb 139 143 142 hex #8B8F8E hsv 165 3 56 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.29 lab 59 -2 0 lch 59 2 179 cmyk 2 0 0 44 PMS444[528][137,142,140](0.0):gannet_grey[3829][142,145,143](1.7):grey[4155][143,143,143](2.0):grey[4154][140,140,140](2.2):grey[4156][145,145,145](2.2) 48 PMS444:gannet:grey +1207 aviator rgb 42 48 87 hex #2A3057 hsv 232 52 34 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.09 lab 21 10 -24 lch 21 26 292 cmyk 18 15 0 66 dark_sapphire_blue[2869][39,52,89](3.2):cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](3.3):lucky_point[5355][41,45,79](3.3):storm[7991][54,54,93](3.3):dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](3.7) 11 dark:burst:cloud:lucky:phthalo:point:sapphire:storm:blue +1208 avocado rgb 86 130 3 hex #568203 hsv 81 98 51 xyz 0.12 0.18 0.03 lab 49 -32 53 lch 49 62 121 cmyk 17 0 50 49 sap_green[7490][92,139,21](4.6):PMS370[445][86,142,20](6.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](7.5):olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](7.5):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](7.5) 1 PMS370:drab:mossy:olive:olivedrab:sap:green +1209 avocado rgb 136 141 101 hex #888D65 hsv 68 28 55 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.16 lab 57 -9 21 lch 57 23 113 cmyk 2 0 16 45 malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](0.0):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.2):style_pasifika_dry_bamboo[8078][136,136,91](3.7):wilderness[9117][136,136,91](3.7):flax[3679][130,133,98](4.1) 6 medium:bamboo:dry:flax:goldenrod:malachite:old:pasifika:style:wilderness:green +1210 avocado rgb 144 177 52 hex #90B134 hsv 76 71 69 xyz 0.28 0.38 0.09 lab 68 -29 57 lch 68 64 117 cmyk 13 0 49 31 booger[1650][155,181,60](3.7):limerick[5287][137,172,39](3.7):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](4.4):sushi[8167][135,171,57](5.0):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](5.1) 4 avocado:booger:icky:limerick:sushi:green +1211 avocado rgb 149 152 107 hex #95986B hsv 64 30 60 xyz 0.26 0.3 0.18 lab 62 -9 23 lch 62 25 110 cmyk 1 0 18 40 PMS5773[754][155,158,114](2.2):malachite_green[5480][151,151,111](2.8):sage[7411][152,159,122](4.5):westwood[9057][144,155,103](5.0):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](5.4) 4 PMS5773:malachite:sage:westwood:green +1212 avocado_green rgb 135 169 34 hex #87A922 hsv 75 80 66 xyz 0.24 0.34 0.07 lab 65 -30 60 lch 65 67 116 cmyk 13 0 53 34 limerick[5287][137,172,39](1.0):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](3.0):avocado[1210][144,177,52](4.4):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](5.5):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](5.9) 3 avocado:icky:limerick:pea:sickly:green +1213 awash rgb 115 156 169 hex #739CA9 hsv 194 32 66 xyz 0.26 0.3 0.42 lab 62 -11 -11 lch 62 16 226 cmyk 21 5 0 34 grayish_cerulean[4000][125,158,168](3.0):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](4.5):gothic[3958][109,146,161](4.6):greyblue[4226][119,161,181](4.9):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](5.0) 5 bluegrey:cerulean:gothic:grayish:greyblue:gumbo +1214 awesome rgb 255 32 82 hex #FF2052 hsv 347 87 100 xyz 0.43 0.23 0.1 lab 55 79 32 lch 55 85 22 cmyk 0 87 68 0 PMS812_2X[935][252,7,79](3.0):folly[3714][255,0,79](3.2):reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](3.3):pink_red[6689][245,5,79](4.2):red_pink[7133][250,42,85](4.2) 6 2X:PMS812:folly:reddish:pink:red +1215 awol rgb 136 140 77 hex #888C4D hsv 64 45 55 xyz 0.21 0.25 0.11 lab 57 -11 33 lch 57 35 109 cmyk 2 0 25 45 PMS5767[752][140,145,79](1.7):crisp_green[2602][149,149,82](3.7):drab[3263][130,131,68](4.2):khaki[4842][139,134,78](4.9):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](5.9) 4 PMS5767:PMS5835:crisp:drab:khaki:green +1216 axis rgb 132 108 85 hex #846C55 hsv 29 36 52 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.11 lab 47 6 16 lch 47 18 70 cmyk 0 9 18 48 pastel_brown[6502][130,105,83](1.4):pastel_brown[6503][131,105,83](1.4):dark_taupe[2905][127,104,78](2.4):cement[2168][133,113,88](3.0):ignition[4608][139,115,90](3.2) 13 dark:cement:ignition:pastel:taupe:brown +1217 axolotl rgb 78 102 73 hex #4E6649 hsv 110 28 40 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.08 lab 41 -15 14 lch 41 20 138 cmyk 9 0 11 60 tom_thumb[8406][79,99,72](2.4):cactus[1972][88,113,86](4.5):ozone[6285][71,99,75](4.6):cactus[1973][91,111,85](4.9):gecko[3834][69,99,75](4.9) 5 cactus:gecko:ozone:thumb:tom +1218 axolotl rgb 99 119 90 hex #63775A hsv 101 24 47 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.12 lab 48 -13 14 lch 48 19 134 cmyk 8 0 11 53 finlandia[3629][97,117,91](2.2):ranger[7059][109,128,99](3.2):cactus[1973][91,111,85](3.6):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](3.7):cactus[1972][88,113,86](4.1) 8 cactus:finlandia:gondwana:ranger +1219 ayers_rock rgb 174 69 29 hex #AE451D hsv 17 83 68 xyz 0.2 0.13 0.03 lab 43 41 44 lch 43 60 47 cmyk 0 41 57 32 PMS1675[103][165,63,15](3.7):rust[7381][168,60,9](5.5):russet[7375][161,57,5](5.7):chinese_red[2294][170,56,30](6.4):beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](6.7) 1 19:PMS1675:beer:chinese:russet:rust:srm:red +1220 azalea rgb 247 200 218 hex #F7C8DA hsv 337 19 97 xyz 0.72 0.66 0.75 lab 85 19 -3 lch 85 20 352 cmyk 0 18 11 3 classic_rose[2357][244,200,219](1.0):PMS2365[195][247,196,216](2.2):PMS671[850][239,198,211](3.0):PMS517[638][244,204,216](3.7):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](3.7) 12 light:PMS2365:PMS517:PMS671:classic:pink:rose +1221 azalea rgb 249 192 196 hex #F9C0C4 hsv 356 23 98 xyz 0.68 0.62 0.61 lab 83 21 6 lch 83 22 16 cmyk 0 22 21 2 PMS182[133][249,191,193](1.0):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](1.0):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.0):PMS509[624][242,186,191](2.2):PMS699[878][247,191,191](2.4) 20 pale:PMS182:PMS495:PMS509:PMS699:rose +1222 aztec rgb 13 28 25 hex #0D1C19 hsv 168 54 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 9 -7 0 lch 9 7 180 cmyk 6 0 1 89 very_dark_spring_green[8726][17,29,23](2.0):very_dark_cyan[8719][17,29,29](3.0):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](3.6):black_bean[1453][8,25,16](3.7):very_deep_cyan[8732][0,29,29](4.2) 7 deep:dark:very:bean:cyan:racing:spring:black:green +1223 aztec rgb 41 52 50 hex #293432 hsv 169 21 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -5 0 lch 21 5 183 cmyk 4 0 1 80 raglan[7045][41,51,49](1.0):woodsmoke[9174][43,50,48](1.4):swamp[8171][37,47,47](2.4):racing_green[7035][35,47,44](3.2):dna[3150][51,54,51](3.3) 30 dna:racing:raglan:swamp:woodsmoke:green +1224 aztec_gold rgb 195 153 83 hex #C39953 hsv 38 57 76 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.13 lab 66 8 42 lch 66 43 80 cmyk 0 16 44 24 camel[2019][198,159,89](2.8):kowhai[4889][192,147,74](3.0):bittersweet[1443][194,154,77](3.6):double_putty[3229][192,155,89](3.6):tussock[8604][191,145,75](3.7) 7 bittersweet:camel:double:kowhai:putty:tussock +1225 azul rgb 29 93 236 hex #1D5DEC hsv 221 88 93 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.81 lab 44 35 -77 lch 44 84 294 cmyk 81 56 0 7 vivid_cobalt_blue[8907][0,87,231](2.4):bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](5.0):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](5.4):blue_ribbon[1585][0,102,255](6.4):luminous_vivid_cobalt_blue[5370][0,96,255](8.3) 2 luminous:vivid:bright:cobalt:ribbon:ultramarine:blue +1226 azure rgb 0 127 255 hex #007FFF hsv 210 100 100 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.98 lab 54 19 -71 lch 54 74 285 cmyk 100 50 0 0 azure_radiance[1236][0,127,255](0.0):slate_blue[7756][0,127,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_azure[5364][0,128,255](1.0):clear_blue[2366][36,122,253](4.2):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](4.6) 5 luminous:slate:vivid:clear:dodger:radiance:azure:blue +1227 azure rgb 6 154 243 hex #069AF3 hsv 203 98 95 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.89 lab 61 -1 -54 lch 61 54 269 cmyk 93 35 0 5 vivid_cornflower_blue[8908][0,145,231](3.6):luminous_vivid_cornflower_blue[5371][0,159,255](3.7):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](7.2):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](7.8):brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](8.7) 2 luminous:dark:brilliant:vivid:bleu:cornflower:de:france:sky:azure:blue +1228 azure rgb 49 91 161 hex #315BA1 hsv 218 70 63 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.35 lab 39 9 -42 lch 39 43 283 cmyk 44 27 0 37 cyan_cobalt_blue[2642][40,88,156](1.4):st_tropaz[7948][45,86,155](2.2):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](5.5):moderate_sapphire_blue[5846][74,97,168](5.7):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](5.8) 2 medium:moderate:PMS2945:cobalt:cyan:electric:sapphire:st:tropaz:blue +1229 azure rgb 78 105 154 hex #4E699A hsv 219 49 60 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.33 lab 44 4 -30 lch 44 30 278 cmyk 30 19 0 40 style_pasifika_lagoon_blue[8081][78,105,154](0.0):san_marino[7449][78,108,157](1.4):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](3.2):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](4.0):blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](4.1) 9 breakwater:jeans:lagoon:marino:pasifika:san:style:ucla:blue +1230 azure rgb 131 139 139 hex #838B8B hsv 180 6 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.28 lab 57 -3 -1 lch 57 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 45 cold_grey[2429][128,138,135](1.4):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](1.4):gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](1.7):aluminium[1024][132,135,137](2.2):PMS444[528][137,142,140](2.4) 47 PMS444:aluminium:cold:gunsmoke:oslo:grey +1231 azure rgb 193 205 205 hex #C1CDCD hsv 180 6 80 xyz 0.55 0.59 0.66 lab 82 -4 -1 lch 82 4 199 cmyk 5 0 0 20 PMS5445[686][196,204,204](1.4):tiara[8343][195,209,209](1.7):half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](2.2):geyser[3848][203,208,207](2.4):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.8) 41 PMS5445:duck:egg:geyser:half:periglacial:tiara:blue +1232 azure rgb 224 238 238 hex #E0EEEE hsv 180 6 93 xyz 0.77 0.83 0.93 lab 93 -5 -2 lch 93 5 199 cmyk 5 0 0 7 mystic[5970][226,235,237](2.2):light_cyanish_grey[5094][218,231,231](2.4):tranquil[8455][221,237,233](2.4):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](3.2):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](3.6) 26 light:aqua:clear:cyanish:day:mystic:squeeze:tranquil:grey +1233 azure rgb 240 255 255 hex #F0FFFF hsv 180 6 100 xyz 0.9 0.97 1.09 lab 99 -5 -2 lch 99 5 199 cmyk 6 0 0 0 azure_mist[1234][240,255,255](0.0):azure_mist/web[1235][240,255,255](0.0):twilight_blue[8615][238,253,255](1.4):cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](2.2):dew[3116][234,255,254](2.2) 25 cyanish:dew:mist:mist/web:twilight:azure:blue:white +1234 azure_mist rgb 240 255 255 hex #F0FFFF hsv 180 6 100 xyz 0.9 0.97 1.09 lab 99 -5 -2 lch 99 5 199 cmyk 6 0 0 0 azure[1233][240,255,255](0.0):azure_mist/web[1235][240,255,255](0.0):twilight_blue[8615][238,253,255](1.4):cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](2.2):dew[3116][234,255,254](2.2) 25 cyanish:dew:mist/web:twilight:azure:blue:white +1235 azure_mist/web rgb 240 255 255 hex #F0FFFF hsv 180 6 100 xyz 0.9 0.97 1.09 lab 99 -5 -2 lch 99 5 199 cmyk 6 0 0 0 azure[1233][240,255,255](0.0):azure_mist[1234][240,255,255](0.0):twilight_blue[8615][238,253,255](1.4):cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](2.2):dew[3116][234,255,254](2.2) 25 cyanish:dew:mist:twilight:azure:blue:white +1236 azure_radiance rgb 0 127 255 hex #007FFF hsv 210 100 100 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.98 lab 54 19 -71 lch 54 74 285 cmyk 100 50 0 0 azure[1226][0,127,255](0.0):slate_blue[7756][0,127,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_azure[5364][0,128,255](1.0):clear_blue[2366][36,122,253](4.2):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](4.6) 5 luminous:slate:vivid:clear:dodger:azure:blue +1237 azureish_white rgb 219 233 244 hex #DBE9F4 hsv 206 10 96 xyz 0.75 0.8 0.97 lab 92 -3 -7 lch 92 7 250 cmyk 10 4 0 4 dreamer[3268][211,229,239](2.2):pattens_blue[6525][211,229,239](2.2):very_pale_azure[8798][226,240,255](3.0):pattens_blue[6526][222,245,255](4.2):solitude[7845][234,246,255](4.2) 9 pale:very:dreamer:pattens:solitude:azure:blue +1238 baby_blue rgb 137 207 240 hex #89CFF0 hsv 199 43 94 xyz 0.48 0.56 0.91 lab 80 -14 -23 lch 80 27 240 cmyk 40 13 0 6 pale_cyan[6330][135,211,248](2.2):sky_blue[7747][135,206,235](2.4):seagull[7581][128,204,234](3.0):anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.2):cornflower[2529][147,204,234](3.7) 9 pale:anakiwa:cornflower:cyan:seagull:sky:blue +1239 baby_blue rgb 162 207 254 hex #A2CFFE hsv 211 36 100 xyz 0.55 0.59 1.02 lab 82 -4 -28 lch 82 28 263 cmyk 36 18 0 0 very_light_azure[8746][158,207,255](1.4):light_blue[5012][149,208,252](4.1):powder_blue[6800][177,209,252](4.4):baby_blue_eyes[1241][161,202,241](4.5):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](6.2) 4 light:very:baby:eyes:powder:sky:azure:blue +1240 baby_blue rgb 224 255 255 hex #E0FFFF hsv 180 12 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 1.08 lab 98 -10 -3 lch 98 10 199 cmyk 12 0 0 0 cyan_white[2644][224,255,255](0.0):light_cyan[5093][224,255,255](0.0):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](2.0):foam[3708][216,252,250](2.8) 21 pale:light:very:cyan:foam:tranquil:white +1241 baby_blue_eyes rgb 161 202 241 hex #A1CAF1 hsv 209 33 95 xyz 0.52 0.56 0.91 lab 80 -4 -24 lch 80 24 259 cmyk 31 15 0 5 pale_cornflower_blue[6327][171,205,239](4.1):powder_blue[6800][177,209,252](4.4):baby_blue[1239][162,207,254](4.5):tropical_blue[8534][174,201,235](4.5):oxymoron[6280][156,191,227](4.6) 5 pale:baby:cornflower:oxymoron:powder:tropical:blue +1242 baby_green rgb 140 255 158 hex #8CFF9E hsv 129 45 100 xyz 0.53 0.8 0.45 lab 91 -52 36 lch 91 64 145 cmyk 45 0 38 0 mint_green[5767][143,255,159](1.4):pale_green[6346][154,255,154](4.4):mint_green[5768][152,255,152](4.6):green_pale[4054][152,251,152](5.0):pale_green[6345][152,251,152](5.0) 5 pale:green:mint +1243 baby_pink rgb 244 194 194 hex #F4C2C2 hsv 360 20 96 xyz 0.66 0.62 0.59 lab 83 18 7 lch 83 19 21 cmyk 0 20 20 4 tea_rose[8277][244,194,194](0.0):PMS706[885][252,201,198](2.2):PMS510[625][244,198,201](2.4):PMS699[878][247,191,191](2.4):beauty_bush[1335][238,193,190](2.4) 24 PMS510:PMS699:PMS706:beauty:bush:tea:rose +1244 baby_pink rgb 255 183 206 hex #FFB7CE hsv 341 28 100 xyz 0.69 0.6 0.66 lab 82 29 -1 lch 82 29 358 cmyk 0 28 19 0 pastel_pink[6511][255,186,205](1.4):cupid[2625][245,178,197](3.7):cotton_candy[2553][255,183,213](4.1):pink[6671][255,181,197](4.1):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](4.2) 10 blossom:candy:cherry:cotton:cupid:pastel:pink +1245 baby_poo rgb 171 144 4 hex #AB9004 hsv 50 98 67 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.04 lab 60 -2 64 lch 60 64 91 cmyk 0 11 65 33 PMS118[19][170,142,10](1.4):baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](1.7):PMS111[11][170,147,10](2.2):strong_gold[8034][168,147,0](3.3):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](3.6) 8 strong:PMS111:PMS118:baby:gold:shit:brown:yellow +1246 baby_poop rgb 147 124 0 hex #937C00 hsv 51 100 58 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.03 lab 53 -2 58 lch 53 58 92 cmyk 0 9 58 42 PMS112[12][153,132,10](2.4):gold[3890][139,117,0](3.6):dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](3.7):diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](4.1):PMS456[548][153,135,20](4.4) 8 dark:PMS112:PMS456:diarrhea:gold:yellow +1247 baby_poop_green rgb 143 152 5 hex #8F9805 hsv 64 97 60 xyz 0.23 0.28 0.04 lab 60 -19 63 lch 60 65 107 cmyk 4 0 58 40 pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](1.7):PMS384[461][147,153,5](2.2):PMS391[468][158,158,7](5.4):baby_shit_green[1252][136,151,23](5.5):citron[2345][142,154,33](6.1) 2 PMS384:PMS391:baby:citron:pea:shit:soup:green +1248 baby_powder rgb 254 254 250 hex #FEFEFA hsv 60 2 100 xyz 0.94 0.99 1.05 lab 100 -1 2 lch 100 2 110 cmyk 0 0 2 0 ceramic[2174][252,255,249](1.4):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](1.4):romance[7283][255,254,253](1.4):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](1.4):wan_white[8990][252,255,249](1.4) 60 ceramic:fog:hint:of:romance:sea:wan:grey:white +1249 baby_puke_green rgb 182 196 6 hex #B6C406 hsv 64 97 77 xyz 0.39 0.49 0.08 lab 76 -24 76 lch 76 79 107 cmyk 5 0 75 23 bile[1410][181,195,6](1.4):PMS390[467][186,196,5](2.0):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](2.4):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](3.0):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](4.1) 8 PMS390:bile:grande:key:la:pie:rio:rioja:lime +1250 baby_purple rgb 202 155 247 hex #CA9BF7 hsv 271 37 97 xyz 0.53 0.43 0.93 lab 71 35 -39 lch 71 52 311 cmyk 18 36 0 3 pastel_purple[6514][202,160,255](3.0):very_light_violet[8795][207,158,255](3.0):lilac[5256][206,162,253](3.6):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](5.1):very_light_blue_violet[8750][194,158,255](5.1) 3 light:very:lilac:pastel:blue:purple:violet +1251 baby_shit_brown rgb 173 144 13 hex #AD900D hsv 49 92 68 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.05 lab 61 -1 63 lch 61 63 91 cmyk 0 11 63 32 PMS118[19][170,142,10](1.0):baby_poo[1245][171,144,4](1.7):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](3.0):PMS111[11][170,147,10](3.2):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](3.7) 11 dark:PMS111:PMS118:baby:gold:poo:brown:yellow +1252 baby_shit_green rgb 136 151 23 hex #889717 hsv 67 85 59 xyz 0.21 0.27 0.05 lab 59 -21 58 lch 59 62 110 cmyk 6 0 50 41 citron[2345][142,154,33](3.0):baby_poop_green[1247][143,152,5](5.5):PMS384[461][147,153,5](6.7):ugly_green[8631][122,151,3](6.8):pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](7.0) 1 PMS384:baby:citron:pea:poop:soup:ugly:green +1253 bach rgb 131 146 112 hex #839270 hsv 86 23 57 xyz 0.23 0.27 0.19 lab 59 -12 16 lch 59 20 126 cmyk 6 0 13 43 battleship_grey[1318][130,143,114](3.0):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.2):artichoke[1151][143,151,121](4.6):anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](5.5):grey/green[4204][134,161,125](5.7) 3 anemone:artichoke:battleship:grey/green:green:grey +1254 backcountry rgb 171 142 107 hex #AB8E6B hsv 33 37 67 xyz 0.29 0.29 0.18 lab 61 6 23 lch 61 23 76 cmyk 0 11 25 33 pale_brown[6317][177,145,110](1.4):double_doeskin[3197][172,145,110](1.7):sandal[7461][170,141,111](3.2):gold_rush[3905][162,138,100](3.7):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](4.1) 9 pale:doeskin:double:gold:mongoose:rush:sandal:brown +1255 bahama_blue rgb 2 99 149 hex #026395 hsv 200 99 58 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.3 lab 40 -5 -34 lch 40 34 262 cmyk 58 20 0 42 captain_cook[2068][0,104,155](2.4):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](3.0):yarra[9190][32,96,142](3.7):venice_blue[8694][5,89,137](4.6):matisse[5574][27,101,157](5.1) 4 captain:cook:matisse:peacock:venice:yarra:blue +1256 bahama_blue rgb 37 89 127 hex #25597F hsv 205 71 50 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.21 lab 36 -4 -26 lch 36 27 261 cmyk 35 15 0 50 chathams_blue[2246][23,85,121](2.8):PMS647[826][38,84,124](3.0):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](3.2):blumine[1622][24,88,122](3.3):matisse[5575][54,92,125](3.7) 7 PMS647:blumine:chathams:matisse:venice:blue +1257 bahia rgb 165 203 12 hex #A5CB0C hsv 72 94 80 xyz 0.37 0.51 0.08 lab 77 -34 75 lch 77 82 114 cmyk 15 0 75 20 citrus[2348][161,197,10](2.4):PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](3.2):limerick[5288][157,194,9](4.6):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](4.6):snot_green[7805][157,193,0](4.6) 5 2X:PMS382:citrus:limerick:pistachio:snot:green +1258 bahia rgb 169 192 28 hex #A9C01C hsv 68 85 75 xyz 0.35 0.46 0.08 lab 74 -27 70 lch 74 75 111 cmyk 9 0 64 25 pea[6533][164,191,32](1.7):gross_green[4237][160,191,22](3.2):citrus[2347][159,183,10](4.0):PMS583[769][170,186,10](4.1):acid_green[956][176,191,26](4.1) 9 PMS583:acid:citrus:gross:pea:green +1259 baja_white rgb 240 223 187 hex #F0DFBB hsv 41 22 94 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.58 lab 89 0 20 lch 89 20 89 cmyk 0 7 21 6 dutch_white[3317][239,223,187](0.0):dutch_white[3318][240,223,187](0.0):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](1.4):raffia[7042][234,218,184](1.4):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.2) 44 champagne:chandelier:dutch:raffia:white +1260 baja_white rgb 255 248 209 hex #FFF8D1 hsv 51 18 100 xyz 0.86 0.93 0.74 lab 97 -4 20 lch 97 20 101 cmyk 0 3 18 0 dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](0.0):pale[6303][255,249,208](0.0):pipi[6712][254,244,204](1.7):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.2):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](2.2) 31 pale:light:barley:dutch:goldenrod:pipi:white +1261 baked_earth rgb 73 48 40 hex #493028 hsv 15 45 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 23 10 10 lch 23 14 44 cmyk 0 10 13 71 timberland[8363][76,51,42](1.0):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](1.7):milk_chocolate[5740][76,52,41](1.7):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](2.2):mission_brown[5783][68,48,40](2.4) 23 dark:chocolate:ginger:milk:mission:timberland:warmed:brown +1262 baker's_chocolate rgb 92 51 23 hex #5C3317 hsv 24 75 36 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.01 lab 26 16 25 lch 26 30 58 cmyk 0 16 27 64 jambalaya[4727][91,48,19](1.7):PMS469[569][96,51,17](4.1):cioccolato[2339][85,40,12](5.4):semi_sweet_chocolate[7605][107,66,38](6.2):PMS477[585][99,56,38](6.4) 2 PMS469:PMS477:chocolate:cioccolato:jambalaya:semi:sweet +1263 baker_miller_pink rgb 255 145 175 hex #FF91AF hsv 344 43 100 xyz 0.59 0.45 0.46 lab 73 45 3 lch 73 45 3 cmyk 0 43 31 0 schauss_pink[7527][255,145,175](0.0):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](1.0):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](3.5):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](4.1):vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](4.5) 5 flamingo:ice:me:schauss:sherbet:tickle:vanilla:pink +1264 balderdash rgb 70 86 89 hex #465659 hsv 189 21 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.11 lab 35 -5 -4 lch 35 7 215 cmyk 7 1 0 65 dark_grayish_cerulean[2739][66,84,89](1.7):PMS432[515][68,79,81](2.4):casal[2119][63,84,90](2.4):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](2.8):dark_slate[2885][70,83,82](3.2) 21 slate:dark:PMS432:bluewood:casal:cerulean:grayish:pickled +1265 bali_hai rgb 132 156 169 hex #849CA9 hsv 201 22 66 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.42 lab 63 -5 -10 lch 63 11 240 cmyk 15 5 0 34 PMS5425[682][132,153,165](1.4):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](2.4):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](3.0):weldon_blue[9043][124,152,171](3.6):cadet_grey[1986][145,163,176](3.7) 10 PMS5425:bluegrey:bluey:cadet:weldon:blue:grey +1266 bali_hai rgb 133 159 175 hex #859FAF hsv 203 24 69 xyz 0.3 0.33 0.45 lab 64 -5 -11 lch 64 13 245 cmyk 16 6 0 31 bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](1.4):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](2.2):PMS5425[682][132,153,165](2.8):cadet_grey[1986][145,163,176](3.5):pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](3.6) 11 PMS5425:bluegrey:bluey:cadet:pewter:blue:grey +1267 ball_blue rgb 33 171 205 hex #21ABCD hsv 192 84 80 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.63 lab 65 -23 -27 lch 65 36 230 cmyk 67 13 0 20 PMS801[912][0,170,204](1.7):pacific_blue[6291][28,169,201](1.7):PMS639[818][0,160,196](4.2):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](4.5):cerulean[2185][29,172,214](4.5) 6 PMS639:PMS801:bright:cerulean:pacific:blue +1268 ballerina rgb 232 153 190 hex #E899BE hsv 332 34 91 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.54 lab 72 35 -7 lch 72 35 349 cmyk 0 31 16 9 shocking[7673][232,153,190](0.0):kobi[4874][231,159,196](3.3):illusion[4612][246,164,201](4.1):PMS673[852][224,140,178](4.6):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](4.6) 7 PMS673:amaranth:illusion:kobi:shocking:pink +1269 balloon rgb 193 77 54 hex #C14D36 hsv 10 72 76 xyz 0.25 0.17 0.05 lab 48 45 37 lch 48 58 39 cmyk 0 45 55 24 grenadier[4096][193,77,54](0.0):clementine[2369][193,79,59](2.4):orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](3.3):trinidad[8475][197,79,51](3.3):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](3.7) 7 atan:catalyst:clementine:grenadier:orang:trinidad +1270 baltic_sea rgb 42 38 48 hex #2A2630 hsv 264 21 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 16 4 -6 lch 16 7 306 cmyk 2 4 0 81 double_revolver[3231][41,39,47](1.4):haiti[4273][44,42,53](2.2):silhouette[7701][42,37,44](2.2):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](3.0):charade[2217][41,41,55](3.2) 18 charade:double:haiti:jaguar:revolver:silhouette +1271 baltic_sea rgb 60 61 62 hex #3C3D3E hsv 210 3 24 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.05 lab 26 0 -1 lch 26 1 256 cmyk 1 0 0 76 grey[4122][61,61,61](1.0):grey[4121][59,59,59](1.4):grey[4123][64,64,64](1.4):montana[5874][57,59,60](1.4):fuscous_grey[3812][60,59,60](1.7) 56 fuscous:montana:grey +1272 bambina rgb 233 213 211 hex #E9D5D3 hsv 5 9 91 xyz 0.69 0.7 0.71 lab 87 7 3 lch 87 7 28 cmyk 0 8 9 9 PMS677[856][237,214,214](1.0):misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](2.2):mistyrose[5794][238,213,210](2.2):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](2.4):PMS5175[639][232,214,209](2.8) 29 misty:PMS5175:PMS677:ice:mistyrose:vanilla:rose +1273 bamboo rgb 186 111 63 hex #BA6F3F hsv 23 66 73 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.08 lab 54 25 39 lch 54 46 57 cmyk 0 29 48 27 oregon[6248][177,108,57](2.8):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](4.0):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](4.7):light_tan[5218][175,108,62](4.7):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](5.0) 5 light:bourbon:clay:oregon:pendragon:tan:brown +1274 bamboo rgb 218 99 4 hex #DA6304 hsv 27 98 85 xyz 0.33 0.24 0.03 lab 56 43 64 lch 56 77 56 cmyk 0 47 84 15 smoke_tree[7789][218,99,4](0.0):red_stage[7143][208,95,4](3.5):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](4.2):tawny[8265][205,87,0](5.1):tenn[8301][205,87,0](5.1) 3 PMS1595:smoke:stage:tawny:tenn:tree:red +1275 banana rgb 227 207 87 hex #E3CF57 hsv 51 62 89 xyz 0.56 0.62 0.18 lab 83 -7 60 lch 83 61 97 cmyk 0 8 55 11 confetti[2455][233,215,90](3.0):ipanema[4668][220,198,75](3.7):PMS128[36][244,219,96](4.6):brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](5.7):portica[6788][240,213,85](5.7) 3 brilliant:PMS128:confetti:gold:ipanema:portica +1276 banana rgb 255 255 126 hex #FFFF7E hsv 60 51 100 xyz 0.81 0.94 0.34 lab 98 -17 61 lch 98 63 105 cmyk 0 0 51 0 faded_yellow[3541][254,255,127](1.0):butter[1948][255,255,129](1.4):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](1.4):custard[2630][255,253,120](2.4):laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](3.2) 10 light:butter:custard:faded:laser:lemon:yellow +1277 banana_mania rgb 250 231 181 hex #FAE7B5 hsv 43 28 98 xyz 0.76 0.81 0.55 lab 92 -1 27 lch 92 27 92 cmyk 0 7 27 2 astra[1168][250,234,185](1.7):honeymoon[4535][244,225,175](2.0):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](2.2):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.2):rising_star[7234][247,229,183](2.2) 24 astra:barley:colonial:honeymoon:rising:star:white +1278 banana_mania rgb 251 231 178 hex #FBE7B2 hsv 44 29 98 xyz 0.76 0.81 0.54 lab 92 -1 28 lch 92 28 92 cmyk 0 8 29 2 honeymoon[4535][244,225,175](2.2):astra[1168][250,234,185](2.4):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.8):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](3.2):cape_honey[2059][254,229,172](3.2) 18 astra:barley:cape:colonial:honey:honeymoon:white +1279 banana_mania rgb 252 233 189 hex #FCE9BD hsv 42 25 99 xyz 0.78 0.83 0.6 lab 93 0 24 lch 93 24 90 cmyk 0 7 25 1 wheat[9069][255,231,186](2.2):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](2.4):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.4):rising_star[7234][247,229,183](2.4):astra[1168][250,234,185](2.8) 27 astra:barley:colonial:rising:star:wheat:white +1280 banana_split rgb 241 204 43 hex #F1CC2B hsv 49 82 95 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.11 lab 83 -2 77 lch 83 77 91 cmyk 0 15 78 5 golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](0.0):broom[1830][238,204,36](1.4):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](2.4):fizz[3651][245,204,35](2.8):turbo[8567][245,204,35](2.8) 10 bite:broom:dream:fizz:golden:me:turbo +1281 banana_yellow rgb 250 254 75 hex #FAFE4B hsv 61 70 100 xyz 0.76 0.92 0.2 lab 97 -21 80 lch 97 83 105 cmyk 2 0 70 0 lemon[4963][253,255,82](2.2):canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](4.1):golden_fizz[3917][245,251,61](4.1):off_yellow[6112][241,243,63](4.1):starship[7959][236,242,69](5.5) 4 canary:fizz:golden:off:starship:lemon:yellow +1282 banana_yellow rgb 255 225 53 hex #FFE135 hsv 51 79 100 xyz 0.69 0.75 0.14 lab 90 -6 80 lch 90 81 94 cmyk 0 12 79 0 gorse[3950][253,227,54](2.0):shooting_star[7678][253,227,54](2.0):sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](4.1):lemon[4961][244,216,28](5.1):ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](5.1) 3 gorse:ripe:shooting:star:sun:lemon:yellow +1283 bandicoot rgb 133 132 112 hex #858470 hsv 57 16 52 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.19 lab 55 -3 11 lch 55 11 107 cmyk 0 0 8 48 bitter[1438][134,137,116](2.2):olive_haze[6168][139,132,112](2.2):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](2.4):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.4):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](2.4) 23 bitter:double:granite:grass:haze:isotonic:olive:green:lemon +1284 bandicoot rgb 135 132 102 hex #878466 hsv 55 24 53 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.16 lab 55 -4 17 lch 55 17 104 cmyk 0 1 13 47 olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](2.4):abanakee[943][146,138,109](2.8):bitter[1439][136,137,108](3.0):brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](3.2):clay_creek[2364][138,131,96](3.2) 23 abanakee:bitter:clay:creek:haze:olive:brown:grey +1285 bandit rgb 114 98 79 hex #72624F hsv 33 31 45 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.09 lab 43 3 13 lch 43 14 76 cmyk 0 6 14 55 coffee[2419][112,101,85](2.2):coffee[2420][114,103,81](2.4):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.4):PMS405[489][107,94,79](2.8):beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](3.0) 22 PMS405:beaten:coffee:cone:pine:track +1286 bangladesh_green rgb 0 106 78 hex #006A4E hsv 164 100 42 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.09 lab 39 -34 8 lch 39 35 166 cmyk 42 0 11 58 bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](0.0):PMS342[414][0,107,84](2.4):PMS555[714][7,109,84](2.4):watercourse[9013][0,110,78](3.0):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](3.0) 9 PMS342:PMS555:bottle:watercourse:green +1287 banjul rgb 19 10 6 hex #130A06 hsv 18 68 7 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 2 3 lch 3 4 46 cmyk 0 4 5 93 asphalt[1163][19,10,6](0.0):maire[5466][19,10,6](0.0):smoky_black[7796][16,12,8](1.7):nero[6026][20,6,0](2.2):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](3.6) 23 asphalt:cod:maire:nero:smoky:black:grey +1288 banjul rgb 52 50 45 hex #34322D hsv 43 13 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 0 3 lch 21 4 93 cmyk 0 1 3 80 acadia[952][53,49,44](1.4):crowshead[2610][50,49,46](1.4):helter_skelter[4466][51,51,45](1.4):shadow_match[7628][49,47,44](1.4):dune[3291][56,53,51](1.7) 70 acadia:crowshead:dune:helter:match:shadow:skelter +1289 barbecue rgb 54 48 48 hex #363030 hsv 360 11 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 3 1 lch 20 3 20 cmyk 0 2 2 79 sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](1.0):diesel[3122][50,44,43](1.4):half_diesel[4316][53,49,49](1.4):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.4):style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal[8072][50,44,43](1.4) 50 burnt:charcoal:diesel:half:night:pasifika:rider:sheer:style:black +1290 barberry rgb 210 198 31 hex #D2C61F hsv 56 85 82 xyz 0.47 0.54 0.09 lab 79 -12 75 lch 79 76 99 cmyk 0 5 70 18 bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](2.2):alo[1015][209,203,27](3.7):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](3.7):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](3.7):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](4.4) 8 alo:bird:dirty:flower:ugly:vomit:yellow +1291 barberry rgb 222 215 23 hex #DED717 hsv 58 90 87 xyz 0.55 0.64 0.1 lab 84 -16 81 lch 84 83 101 cmyk 0 3 78 13 piss_yellow[6718][221,214,24](0.0):PMS604[783][232,221,33](3.0):bright_gold[1722][217,217,25](3.0):PMS809_2X[929][214,214,12](3.3):PMS3965[477][232,221,17](3.7) 9 2X:PMS3965:PMS604:PMS809:bright:gold:piss:yellow +1292 barbie_pink rgb 224 33 138 hex #E0218A hsv 327 85 88 xyz 0.36 0.19 0.26 lab 50 75 -9 lch 50 76 353 cmyk 0 75 34 12 vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](3.3):PMS225[183][237,40,147](4.6):PMS233[191][206,0,124](5.1):PMS813_2X[937][209,0,132](5.7):deep_pink[3032][238,18,137](6.2) 2 deep:vivid:2X:PMS225:PMS233:PMS813:cerise:pink +1293 barbie_pink rgb 254 70 165 hex #FE46A5 hsv 329 72 100 xyz 0.5 0.28 0.38 lab 60 75 -10 lch 60 76 352 cmyk 0 72 35 0 wild_strawberry[9110][255,67,164](2.0):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](2.2):PMS232[190][244,63,165](4.5):brilliant_rose[1799][246,83,166](6.0):PMS225[183][237,40,147](6.3) 3 brilliant:PMS225:PMS232:bonbon:strawberry:wild:rose +1294 bardot rgb 243 199 98 hex #F3C762 hsv 42 60 95 xyz 0.6 0.61 0.2 lab 82 4 55 lch 82 56 85 cmyk 0 17 57 5 PMS141[57][242,206,104](3.6):starbell[7955][235,193,85](3.7):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.1):cream_can[2588][245,200,92](4.1):ronchi[7286][234,184,82](5.4) 4 PMS135:PMS141:can:cream:ronchi:starbell +1295 barely_there rgb 223 221 213 hex #DFDDD5 hsv 48 4 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.73 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 100 cmyk 0 1 4 13 black_haze[1459][224,222,215](0.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](0.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](0.0):sea_fog[7553][223,221,214](0.0):style_pasifika_white_cloud[8101][223,221,214](0.0) 131 ceramic:cloud:fog:haze:hint:of:pasifika:sea:style:black:grey:white +1296 barf_green rgb 148 172 2 hex #94AC02 hsv 68 99 67 xyz 0.27 0.36 0.06 lab 66 -26 68 lch 66 73 111 cmyk 9 0 67 33 puke_green[6839][154,174,7](1.4):strong_apple_green[8017][147,168,0](1.7):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](3.6):vomit_green[8972][137,162,3](4.2):citrus[2347][159,183,10](4.6) 8 strong:apple:citrus:pea:puke:vomit:green +1297 barista rgb 69 56 55 hex #453837 hsv 4 20 27 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.04 lab 25 6 3 lch 25 6 27 cmyk 0 5 5 73 cowboy[2566][68,55,54](1.0):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](1.0):echo[3350][72,60,58](1.4):stingray[7983][69,53,51](1.7):afficionado[970][69,54,56](2.4) 39 afficionado:cowboy:echo:rattlesnake:stingray +1298 bark rgb 62 47 40 hex #3E2F28 hsv 19 35 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 21 6 7 lch 21 9 52 cmyk 0 6 9 76 PMS440[524][63,48,43](1.0):nala[5973][65,47,40](1.4):PMS412[495][61,48,40](2.0):marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](2.2):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](2.4) 45 deep:PMS412:PMS440:marbaroda:nala:oak +1299 barley_corn rgb 166 139 91 hex #A68B5B hsv 38 45 65 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.14 lab 59 4 29 lch 59 30 83 cmyk 0 11 29 35 muesli[5933][170,139,91](1.7):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](3.2):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](3.6):sanctuary[7450][166,132,89](3.7):dark_sand[2867][168,143,89](4.1) 9 dark:beige:boardwalk:muesli:sanctuary:sand +1300 barley_corn rgb 182 147 92 hex #B6935C hsv 37 49 71 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.15 lab 63 6 34 lch 63 34 80 cmyk 0 14 35 29 papier_mache[6476][183,148,93](0.0):toast_lmu_60[8390][187,149,97](2.4):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.0):limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](3.2):teak[8280][177,148,97](3.6) 11 60:buff:limed:lmu:mache:oak:papier:teak:toast +1301 barley_white rgb 247 229 183 hex #F7E5B7 hsv 43 26 97 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.56 lab 91 -1 25 lch 91 25 92 cmyk 0 7 25 3 rising_star[7234][247,229,183](0.0):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](2.2):honeymoon[4535][244,225,175](2.2):astra[1168][250,234,185](2.4):banana_mania[1279][252,233,189](2.4) 36 astra:banana:honeymoon:mania:rising:star +1302 barley_white rgb 255 244 206 hex #FFF4CE hsv 47 19 100 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.71 lab 96 -2 20 lch 96 20 97 cmyk 0 4 19 0 pipi[6712][254,244,204](1.4):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](2.2):double_pearl_lusta[3226][252,244,208](2.2):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](2.2):pale[6303][255,249,208](2.2) 29 pale:baja:double:dutch:lusta:pearl:pipi:white +1303 barmy_army rgb 96 118 64 hex #607640 hsv 84 46 46 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.07 lab 47 -18 27 lch 47 32 124 cmyk 9 0 21 54 dingley[3131][96,124,71](3.0):cross_country[2605][104,127,69](3.7):dingley[3130][93,119,71](4.1):military_green[5739][102,124,62](4.6):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](4.9) 5 country:cross:dingley:military:wimbledon:green +1304 barn_red rgb 96 40 33 hex #602821 hsv 7 66 38 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 24 25 17 lch 24 30 34 cmyk 0 22 25 62 tipping_point[8372][97,44,37](2.4):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](3.2):caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](3.3):red_planet[7134][90,32,25](3.3):rata[7076][93,31,30](3.7) 11 caput:mortuum:pioneer:planet:point:rata:tipping:red +1305 barn_red rgb 124 10 2 hex #7C0A02 hsv 4 98 49 xyz 0.08 0.05 0 lab 25 45 37 lch 25 58 39 cmyk 0 45 48 51 blood[1521][119,0,1](3.0):maroon[5540][128,0,0](3.3):web_maroon[9037][128,0,0](3.3):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](3.6):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](3.6) 9 dark:blood:burgundy:maroon:web +1306 barney rgb 172 29 184 hex #AC1DB8 hsv 295 84 72 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.47 lab 43 71 -49 lch 43 86 325 cmyk 5 61 0 28 strong_magenta[8040][168,0,168](5.1):heliotrope_magenta[4464][170,0,187](6.0):strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](7.5):PMS2592[235][147,15,165](8.7):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](9.2) 0 strong:PMS2592:heliotrope:magenta:steel:pink +1307 barney_purple rgb 160 4 152 hex #A00498 hsv 303 98 63 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.31 lab 38 68 -39 lch 38 78 330 cmyk 0 61 3 37 violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](3.3):PMS253[219][175,35,165](5.2):strong_orchid[8046][168,0,147](5.2):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](7.1):magenta[5433][139,0,139](7.1) 1 dark:strong:PMS253:eggplant:magenta:orchid:violet +1308 barometer rgb 17 57 76 hex #11394C hsv 199 78 30 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.07 lab 22 -7 -16 lch 22 17 247 cmyk 23 7 0 70 tarawera[8253][7,58,80](2.0):elephant[3457][18,52,71](3.0):mosaic[5904][18,52,71](3.0):PMS303[338][0,63,84](3.5):PMS547[692][0,63,84](3.5) 7 PMS303:PMS547:elephant:mosaic:tarawera +1309 baroque rgb 202 146 116 hex #CA9274 hsv 21 43 79 xyz 0.38 0.34 0.21 lab 65 17 24 lch 65 30 54 cmyk 0 22 34 21 antique_brass[1062][205,149,117](1.4):feldspar[3572][209,146,117](3.3):biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](4.7):kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](4.7):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](5.1) 4 antique:biscuit:brass:feldspar:half:kalgoorie:sands:brown +1310 barossa rgb 68 1 45 hex #44012D hsv 321 99 27 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.03 lab 12 34 -9 lch 12 35 345 cmyk 0 26 9 73 dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](1.7):blackberry[1486][77,1,53](4.7):aubergine[1194][61,7,52](6.7):toledo[8400][58,0,32](7.1):plum[6741][88,15,65](8.2) 2 dark:aubergine:blackberry:plum:toledo +1311 barossa rgb 69 46 57 hex #452E39 hsv 331 33 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 22 13 -3 lch 22 13 348 cmyk 0 9 5 73 toledo[8401][62,38,49](3.0):chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](3.7):voodoo[8974][68,50,64](3.7):tempo[8298][70,43,49](4.2):PMS5185[641][71,40,53](4.6) 6 PMS5185:chocolate:fish:tempo:toledo:voodoo +1312 basalt rgb 82 78 80 hex #524E50 hsv 330 5 32 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.09 lab 34 2 -1 lch 34 2 344 cmyk 0 2 1 68 mortar[5903][86,80,81](1.7):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.2):grey[4129][79,79,79](2.2):liver[5307][83,75,79](2.2):sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](2.2) 63 dark:liver:mortar:sidewinder:grey +1313 bastille rgb 41 33 48 hex #292130 hsv 272 31 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 14 7 -8 lch 14 11 311 cmyk 3 6 0 81 woody_bay[9176][41,33,48](0.0):rasputin[7075][47,39,53](3.0):steel_grey[7971][38,35,53](3.3):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](3.7):montana[5873][41,30,48](3.7) 9 bay:bleached:cedar:montana:rasputin:steel:woody:grey +1314 bastille rgb 44 44 50 hex #2C2C32 hsv 240 12 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 18 1 -4 lch 18 4 291 cmyk 2 2 0 80 style_pasifika_night_fox[8083][44,44,50](0.0):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](1.4):foundry[3732][44,46,50](1.7):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.7):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](2.2) 39 foundry:fox:jaguar:night:pasifika:shadowland:style:trail:wine +1315 bathurst rgb 60 64 39 hex #3C4027 hsv 70 39 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.03 lab 26 -7 15 lch 26 16 114 cmyk 2 0 10 75 seaweed[7594][55,65,42](2.8):mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](3.7):olive_green[6162][53,63,42](3.7):green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](4.2):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](4.2) 6 kelp:mediterranean:olive:rifle:seaweed:green +1316 battleship_grey rgb 81 87 79 hex #51574F hsv 105 9 34 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -4 4 lch 36 6 137 cmyk 2 0 3 66 calm_green[2012][81,87,79](0.0):dark_greenish_grey[2767][83,89,83](1.4):knave[4870][80,83,76](1.4):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](3.2):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](3.2) 26 dark:calm:cliffhanger:fuscous:greenish:knave:green:grey +1317 battleship_grey rgb 107 124 133 hex #6B7C85 hsv 201 20 52 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.25 lab 51 -4 -7 lch 51 8 239 cmyk 10 4 0 48 lynch[5416][105,125,137](2.0):steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](2.2):bluff[1614][113,129,135](2.8):blue_bayoux[1545][98,119,126](3.0):hoki[4520][100,125,134](3.2) 20 bayoux:bluff:hoki:lynch:steel:blue:grey +1318 battleship_grey rgb 130 143 114 hex #828F72 hsv 87 20 56 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.2 lab 58 -10 14 lch 58 17 126 cmyk 5 0 11 44 bach[1253][131,146,112](3.0):artichoke[1151][143,151,121](3.7):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](4.1):anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](4.4):bitter[1439][136,137,108](4.6) 5 anemone:artichoke:bach:bitter:camouflage:green +1319 battleship_grey rgb 132 132 130 hex #848482 hsv 60 2 52 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.24 lab 55 0 1 lch 55 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 48 old_silver[6147][132,132,130](0.0):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](1.0):ricochet[7224][132,132,132](1.0):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](1.0):grey[4149][128,128,128](1.4) 58 jumbo:old:ricochet:silver:steel:grey +1320 bauhaus rgb 169 174 213 hex #A9AED5 hsv 233 21 84 xyz 0.44 0.44 0.69 lab 72 6 -20 lch 72 21 288 cmyk 17 15 0 16 PMS658[837][165,175,214](1.4):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](2.4):logan[5331][170,169,205](3.5):echo_blue[3351][164,175,205](5.0):squirt[7945][164,175,205](5.0) 5 PMS658:echo:logan:squirt:wild:yonder:blue +1321 bavarian_cream rgb 229 214 167 hex #E5D6A7 hsv 45 27 90 xyz 0.63 0.68 0.46 lab 86 -2 25 lch 86 25 94 cmyk 0 6 24 10 sapling[7492][225,213,166](1.4):sidecar[7688][233,217,169](1.4):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](2.0):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.2):colonial_white[2435][233,215,171](2.2) 28 beeswax:chandelier:colonial:double:sapling:sidecar:white +1322 bay_leaf rgb 123 177 141 hex #7BB18D hsv 140 31 69 xyz 0.29 0.38 0.31 lab 68 -25 13 lch 68 28 153 cmyk 21 0 14 31 padua[6298][126,179,148](3.3):grayish_malachite_green[4010][125,168,136](5.1):grayish_green[4005][125,168,125](6.2):dark_sea_green[2875][143,188,143](6.5):flat_medium_green[3672][143,188,143](6.5) 1 medium:dark:flat:grayish:malachite:padua:sea:green +1323 bay_leaf rgb 125 169 141 hex #7DA98D hsv 142 26 66 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.3 lab 65 -21 10 lch 65 23 155 cmyk 17 0 11 34 grayish_malachite_green[4010][125,168,136](2.0):PMS556[716][122,168,145](3.2):acapulco[953][117,170,148](4.1):amulet[1047][123,159,128](4.1):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](4.5) 7 PMS556:acapulco:amulet:grayish:malachite:spring:green +1324 bay_of_many rgb 39 58 129 hex #273A81 hsv 227 70 51 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.21 lab 27 18 -42 lch 27 46 293 cmyk 35 28 0 49 flat_medium_blue[3667][39,64,139](3.7):royal_blue[7347][39,64,139](3.7):PMS294[319][0,63,135](5.9):PMS288[309][0,51,127](6.4):jack_in_the_box[4707][61,63,125](6.4) 2 medium:flat:PMS288:PMS294:box:in:jack:royal:the:blue +1325 bay_of_many rgb 53 62 100 hex #353E64 hsv 229 47 39 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.13 lab 27 8 -24 lch 27 25 288 cmyk 18 15 0 61 port_gore[6782][59,67,108](2.4):filmpro_pthalo_blue[3616][43,56,96](3.2):capri[2067][48,67,106](3.7):filmpro_ultramarine_blue[3623][44,62,107](4.0):rhino[7196][46,63,98](4.1) 11 capri:filmpro:gore:port:pthalo:rhino:ultramarine:blue +1326 bazaar rgb 143 119 119 hex #8F7777 hsv 0 17 56 xyz 0.21 0.2 0.2 lab 52 9 3 lch 52 10 21 cmyk 0 9 9 44 kubrick[4892][142,116,113](2.4):spicy_pink[7897][137,117,120](2.4):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.2):opium[6192][152,126,126](3.3):half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](3.7) 14 buffalo:half:hemp:kubrick:opium:spicy:pink +1327 bazaar rgb 152 119 123 hex #98777B hsv 353 22 60 xyz 0.23 0.21 0.22 lab 53 14 3 lch 53 14 11 cmyk 0 13 11 40 bona_fide[1640][151,119,123](1.0):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.7):opium[6192][152,126,126](4.6):vintage[8844][167,128,135](4.6):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](4.9) 5 bona:fide:kubrick:opium:vintage +1328 beachcomber rgb 199 186 149 hex #C7BA95 hsv 44 25 78 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.36 lab 76 -1 20 lch 76 20 94 cmyk 0 5 20 22 PMS452[540][196,183,150](2.2):wheat[9064][205,186,150](2.2):fawn[3563][199,189,149](3.0):thistle[8324][199,189,149](3.0):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](3.5) 20 PMS452:canterbury:clay:fawn:half:thistle:wheat +1329 bean rgb 61 12 2 hex #3D0C02 hsv 10 97 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 23 16 lch 11 28 35 cmyk 0 19 23 76 black_bean[1455][61,12,2](0.0):rebel[7098][60,18,6](3.2):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](3.7):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](4.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](4.2) 5 20:36:37:bean:beer:lmu:rebel:srm:toast:black +1330 bean rgb 74 53 49 hex #4A3531 hsv 10 34 29 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 9 6 lch 24 11 35 cmyk 0 8 10 71 PMS439[523][73,53,51](1.0):mahogany[5458][72,50,48](1.7):cedar[2147][70,52,48](2.0):cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](2.2):rock[7256][77,56,51](2.2) 33 PMS439:bean:cedar:cocoa:mahogany:rock +1331 beaten_track rgb 114 103 86 hex #726756 hsv 36 25 45 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.11 lab 44 1 11 lch 44 11 83 cmyk 0 4 11 55 coffee[2419][112,101,85](1.4):double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](2.2):double_pravda[3228][118,108,92](2.2):bandit[1285][114,98,79](3.0):coffee[2420][114,103,81](3.0) 34 arrowtown:bandit:coffee:double:pravda +1332 beatnik rgb 31 79 84 hex #1F4F54 hsv 186 63 33 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.09 lab 31 -14 -8 lch 31 16 209 cmyk 21 2 0 67 dark_arctic_blue[2681][39,83,89](2.2):retro[7191][27,82,86](2.2):PMS316[359][0,73,79](4.4):dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](4.5):slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](4.5) 9 slate:dark:PMS316:arctic:retro:blue:grey +1333 beau_blue rgb 188 212 230 hex #BCD4E6 hsv 206 18 90 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.84 lab 84 -4 -12 lch 84 12 250 cmyk 16 7 0 10 pale_aqua[6308][188,212,230](0.0):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](2.2):PMS277[298][181,209,232](2.2):altitude[1020][188,212,226](2.2):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](3.0) 9 pale:light:PMS2707:PMS277:altitude:aqua:grayish:azure +1334 beauty_bush rgb 235 185 179 hex #EBB9B3 hsv 6 24 92 xyz 0.6 0.56 0.5 lab 79 17 10 lch 79 20 30 cmyk 0 20 22 8 shilo[7655][232,185,179](1.4):rose[7296][231,188,180](3.2):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](3.2):sweet_spot[8184][234,183,183](3.2):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](3.6) 16 doll:fog:paper:shilo:spot:sweet:rose +1335 beauty_bush rgb 238 193 190 hex #EEC1BE hsv 4 20 93 xyz 0.64 0.6 0.57 lab 82 16 8 lch 82 17 26 cmyk 0 18 19 7 PMS692[871][232,191,186](2.2):PMS502[615][242,198,196](2.4):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](2.4):tea_rose[8277][244,194,194](2.4):PMS496[604][247,201,198](3.0) 18 PMS496:PMS502:PMS692:baby:tea:pink:rose +1336 beaver rgb 146 111 91 hex #926F5B hsv 22 38 57 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.12 lab 50 11 16 lch 50 20 56 cmyk 0 14 22 43 PMS4715[574][153,112,91](3.0):leather[4956][144,106,84](3.0):leather[4957][150,112,89](3.2):triple_rickshaw[8514][144,115,89](4.4):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](5.0) 5 dark:PMS4715:leather:rickshaw:tangelo:triple:brown +1337 beaver rgb 159 129 112 hex #9F8170 hsv 22 30 62 xyz 0.25 0.24 0.19 lab 56 9 14 lch 56 16 57 cmyk 0 12 18 38 seismic[7601][156,125,103](3.2):dusty_road[3313][151,126,102](4.4):grayish_vermilion[4018][168,136,125](4.4):triple_joss[8496][156,135,115](4.5):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](5.1) 4 double:dusty:grayish:joss:malta:road:seismic:triple:vermilion +1338 bedazzle rgb 156 67 103 hex #9C4367 hsv 336 57 61 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.14 lab 41 41 -3 lch 41 41 356 cmyk 0 35 21 39 vin_rouge[8842][152,61,97](2.4):bordello[1660][151,68,98](3.6):PMS689[868][147,66,102](3.7):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](4.4):moderate_raspberry[5842][168,74,109](4.6) 6 moderate:PMS689:bordello:enchanted:raspberry:rouge:vin +1339 bedazzled_blue rgb 46 88 148 hex #2E5894 hsv 215 69 58 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.29 lab 37 6 -37 lch 37 38 279 cmyk 40 24 0 42 dusk_blue[3294][38,83,141](2.2):denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](3.6):dodger_blue[3151][16,78,139](4.6):PMS301[334][0,91,153](5.0):lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](5.1) 4 PMS301:denim:dodger:dusk:lapis:lazuli:blue +1340 bedrock rgb 179 172 156 hex #B3AC9C hsv 42 13 70 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.37 lab 71 0 9 lch 71 9 92 cmyk 0 3 9 30 half_napa[4358][180,173,158](0.0):PMS414[497][181,175,160](1.4):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](1.4):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](1.7):nomad[6067][186,177,162](2.2) 55 PMS414:eighth:half:napa:nomad:pravda:quarter:stonewall +1341 beer_srm_01 rgb 254 231 153 hex #FEE799 hsv 46 40 100 xyz 0.75 0.81 0.42 lab 92 -3 41 lch 92 41 94 cmyk 0 9 40 0 vis[8881][249,228,150](1.0):golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](2.2):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](2.2):vis[8882][255,239,161](3.0):drover[3274][251,235,155](3.2) 11 light:very:amber:drover:glow:golden:vis +1342 beer_srm_02 rgb 253 217 121 hex #FDD979 hsv 44 52 99 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.28 lab 88 1 51 lch 88 51 89 cmyk 0 14 52 1 la_luna[4899][255,216,122](1.0):goldenrod[3937][252,217,117](2.2):oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](2.4):salomie[7435][255,214,123](2.4):wheat[9068][251,221,126](2.4) 10 daisy:goldenrod:la:luna:oopsy:salomie:wheat +1343 beer_srm_03 rgb 253 203 90 hex #FDCB5A hsv 42 64 99 xyz 0.64 0.64 0.19 lab 84 6 61 lch 84 62 84 cmyk 0 20 64 1 golden_tainoi[3927][255,204,92](1.0):cream_can[2588][245,200,92](3.0):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.1):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](4.2):charger[2227][249,194,78](4.7) 5 PMS135:can:charger:cream:golden:tainoi +1344 beer_srm_04 rgb 252 193 67 hex #FCC143 hsv 41 73 99 xyz 0.6 0.59 0.14 lab 81 10 68 lch 81 69 82 cmyk 0 23 73 1 PMS136[47][252,191,73](3.2):macaroni_and_cheese[5420][239,180,53](4.0):charger[2227][249,194,78](4.5):PMS142[58][242,191,73](5.1):bright_spark[1749][243,190,51](5.1) 3 PMS136:PMS142:and:bright:charger:cheese:macaroni:spark +1345 beer_srm_05 rgb 247 179 36 hex #F7B324 hsv 41 85 97 xyz 0.55 0.52 0.09 lab 77 14 74 lch 77 76 80 cmyk 0 27 83 3 filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](2.4):squash[7942][242,171,21](2.4):buttercup[1951][243,173,22](3.0):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](3.0):medium_goldenrod[5611][238,173,14](3.0) 10 medium:dark:buttercup:filmpro:golden:goldenrod:squash:yellow +1346 beer_srm_06 rgb 246 168 3 hex #F6A803 hsv 41 99 96 xyz 0.52 0.48 0.07 lab 75 19 78 lch 75 80 77 cmyk 0 31 95 4 sun[8121][251,172,19](1.4):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](2.2):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.4):yellow_sea[9221][254,169,4](2.4):orange_yellow[6224][255,173,1](3.0) 16 light:cadmium:sea:sun:yellowish:orange:yellow +1347 beer_srm_07 rgb 238 158 3 hex #EE9E03 hsv 40 99 93 xyz 0.48 0.43 0.06 lab 71 20 75 lch 71 78 75 cmyk 0 31 92 7 orange[6199][238,154,0](3.2):gamboge[3827][228,155,15](4.1):PMS137[49][252,163,17](5.1):beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](5.1):beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](5.2) 2 06:08:PMS137:beer:gamboge:srm:orange +1348 beer_srm_08 rgb 230 146 3 hex #E69203 hsv 38 99 90 xyz 0.43 0.37 0.05 lab 68 23 72 lch 68 76 72 cmyk 0 33 89 10 PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](1.4):vivid_gamboge[8914][231,145,0](1.7):PMS144[60][226,140,5](3.0):dixie[3147][226,148,24](3.6):orange[6199][238,154,0](3.6) 8 vivid:2X:PMS130:PMS144:dixie:gamboge:orange +1349 beer_srm_09 rgb 227 138 4 hex #E38A04 hsv 36 98 89 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.05 lab 65 26 70 lch 65 75 69 cmyk 0 35 87 11 PMS144[60][226,140,5](1.7):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](2.2):fulvous[3804][228,132,0](4.1):vivid_gamboge[8914][231,145,0](4.1):carrot[2114][237,145,33](4.4) 8 vivid:PMS144:bell:carrot:fulvous:gamboge:golden +1350 beer_srm_10 rgb 217 126 3 hex #D97E03 hsv 34 99 85 xyz 0.36 0.3 0.04 lab 61 29 67 lch 61 73 67 cmyk 0 36 84 15 beer_srm_11[1351][211,116,0](3.7):yellow_ochre[9215][227,130,23](3.7):zest[9255][229,132,27](4.1):fulvous[3804][228,132,0](4.4):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](4.6) 6 11:beer:bell:fulvous:golden:ochre:srm:zest:yellow +1351 beer_srm_11 rgb 211 116 0 hex #D37400 hsv 33 100 83 xyz 0.33 0.26 0.03 lab 58 31 66 lch 58 73 64 cmyk 0 37 83 17 beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](3.7):PMS717[896][211,109,0](4.2):beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](4.4):browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](4.4):PMS152[71][221,117,0](4.6) 5 10:12:PMS152:PMS717:beer:browny:srm:orange +1352 beer_srm_12 rgb 202 108 0 hex #CA6C00 hsv 32 100 79 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.03 lab 55 32 63 lch 55 71 63 cmyk 0 37 79 21 browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](0.0):beer_srm_13[1353][198,100,1](3.5):indochine[4653][194,107,3](3.7):dark_orange[2823][205,102,0](4.0):PMS717[896][211,109,0](4.1) 7 dark:13:PMS717:beer:browny:indochine:srm:orange +1353 beer_srm_13 rgb 198 100 1 hex #C66401 hsv 30 99 78 xyz 0.28 0.21 0.03 lab 53 34 61 lch 53 70 61 cmyk 0 38 77 22 PMS159[85][198,96,5](2.4):orange_brown[6208][190,100,0](3.3):beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](3.5):browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](3.5):dark_orange[2823][205,102,0](3.5) 9 dark:12:PMS159:beer:browny:srm:brown:orange +1354 beer_srm_14 rgb 191 92 1 hex #BF5C01 hsv 29 99 75 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.02 lab 50 36 59 lch 50 69 59 cmyk 0 39 75 25 PMS718[897][191,91,0](0.0):PMS159[85][198,96,5](2.2):alloy_orange[1004][196,98,16](3.0):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](3.3):PMS1525[72][181,84,0](3.6) 9 PMS1525:PMS159:PMS718:alloy:of:sharon:orange:rose +1355 beer_srm_15 rgb 181 83 0 hex #B55300 hsv 28 100 71 xyz 0.22 0.16 0.02 lab 47 36 57 lch 47 67 57 cmyk 0 38 71 29 PMS1525[72][181,84,0](0.0):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](2.2):beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](2.8):PMS718[897][191,91,0](3.6):beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](3.6) 7 burnt:14:16:PMS1525:PMS718:beer:siena:srm +1356 beer_srm_16 rgb 176 79 0 hex #B04F00 hsv 27 100 69 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.02 lab 45 36 55 lch 45 66 57 cmyk 0 38 69 31 cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](2.2):PMS1525[72][181,84,0](2.8):beer_srm_15[1355][181,83,0](2.8):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](3.0):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](3.5) 8 burnt:15:17:PMS1525:beer:cinnamon:siena:srm +1357 beer_srm_17 rgb 171 71 3 hex #AB4703 hsv 24 98 67 xyz 0.19 0.13 0.02 lab 43 38 53 lch 43 65 54 cmyk 0 39 66 33 fire[3635][170,66,3](2.4):vesuvius[8827][177,74,11](2.4):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](3.0):burnt_sienna[1936][176,78,15](3.0):beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](3.5) 10 burnt:16:2X:PMS471:beer:fire:sienna:srm:vesuvius +1358 beer_srm_18 rgb 162 64 3 hex #A24003 hsv 23 98 64 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.01 lab 40 38 50 lch 40 63 53 cmyk 0 38 62 36 PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](1.7):beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](3.0):fire[3635][170,66,3](3.5):PMS1675[103][165,63,15](3.7):russet[7375][161,57,5](3.7) 9 19:2X:PMS1675:PMS471:beer:fire:russet:srm +1359 beer_srm_19 rgb 156 57 3 hex #9C3903 hsv 21 98 61 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.01 lab 38 39 48 lch 38 62 51 cmyk 0 39 60 39 beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](2.2):russet[7375][161,57,5](2.2):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](3.0):PMS1675[103][165,63,15](3.3):rust[7381][168,60,9](4.4) 8 18:20:PMS1675:beer:russet:rust:srm +1360 beer_srm_20 rgb 150 53 3 hex #963503 hsv 20 98 59 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.01 lab 36 39 47 lch 36 61 50 cmyk 0 38 58 41 beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](2.2):beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](2.4):russet[7375][161,57,5](3.7):auburn[1195][154,48,1](4.1):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](4.4) 7 19:21:22:auburn:beer:russet:srm +1361 beer_srm_21 rgb 145 47 0 hex #912F00 hsv 19 100 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.01 lab 34 40 46 lch 34 61 49 cmyk 0 38 57 43 beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](2.4):brown_red[1855][146,43,5](2.8):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](3.0):rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](3.7):auburn[1195][154,48,1](4.1) 7 20:22:auburn:beer:rust:srm:brown:red +1362 beer_srm_22 rgb 140 46 2 hex #8C2E02 hsv 19 99 55 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.01 lab 33 38 44 lch 33 58 49 cmyk 0 37 54 45 rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](1.0):beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](3.0):beer_srm_23[1363][131,37,1](3.7):brown_red[1855][146,43,5](4.1):beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](4.4) 7 20:21:23:beer:rust:srm:brown:red +1363 beer_srm_23 rgb 131 37 1 hex #832501 hsv 17 99 51 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.01 lab 30 39 42 lch 30 57 47 cmyk 0 37 51 49 beer_srm_24[1364][126,31,1](3.0):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](3.7):orange_red[6212][139,37,0](3.7):rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](4.1):PMS174[111][147,51,17](5.4) 4 22:24:PMS174:beer:rust:srm:brown:orange:red +1364 beer_srm_24 rgb 126 31 1 hex #7E1F01 hsv 14 99 49 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.01 lab 28 40 40 lch 28 56 45 cmyk 0 37 49 51 beer_srm_23[1363][131,37,1](3.0):kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](3.2):oiled_cedar[6121][124,28,5](3.2):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](4.1):orange_red[6212][139,37,0](5.4) 4 23:25:beer:cedar:copper:kenyan:oiled:srm:orange:red +1365 beer_srm_25 rgb 119 28 1 hex #771C01 hsv 14 99 47 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.01 lab 26 38 37 lch 26 53 44 cmyk 0 36 46 53 beer_srm_26[1366][114,27,0](1.7):kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](2.2):oiled_cedar[6121][124,28,5](2.2):cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](2.4):beer_srm_24[1364][126,31,1](4.1) 5 24:26:beer:cedar:copper:finish:kenyan:oiled:srm:wood +1366 beer_srm_26 rgb 114 27 0 hex #721B00 hsv 14 100 45 xyz 0.07 0.04 0 lab 25 37 36 lch 25 52 45 cmyk 0 34 45 55 cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](1.0):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](1.7):beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](3.6):kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](3.7):oiled_cedar[6121][124,28,5](3.7) 6 25:27:beer:cedar:copper:finish:kenyan:oiled:srm:wood +1367 beer_srm_27 rgb 108 22 3 hex #6C1603 hsv 11 97 42 xyz 0.06 0.04 0 lab 23 37 33 lch 23 49 42 cmyk 0 34 41 58 reddy_brown[7159][110,16,5](2.2):cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](3.2):beer_srm_26[1366][114,27,0](3.6):beer_srm_28[1368][103,16,3](3.6):red_oxide[7131][110,9,2](4.2) 5 26:28:beer:cedar:finish:oxide:reddy:srm:wood:brown:red +1368 beer_srm_28 rgb 103 16 3 hex #671003 hsv 8 97 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0 lab 21 37 30 lch 21 48 39 cmyk 0 34 39 60 beer_srm_29[1369][98,15,3](1.7):reddy_brown[7159][110,16,5](3.5):beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](3.6):red_oxide[7131][110,9,2](4.6):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](5.0) 5 dark:27:29:beer:oxide:reddy:srm:tan:brown:red +1369 beer_srm_29 rgb 98 15 3 hex #620F03 hsv 8 97 38 xyz 0.05 0.03 0 lab 20 36 29 lch 20 46 39 cmyk 0 33 37 62 beer_srm_28[1368][103,16,3](1.7):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](4.1):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.2):deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](4.7):beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](5.1) 4 deep:dark:27:28:30:beer:scarlet:srm:tan +1370 beer_srm_30 rgb 91 13 3 hex #5B0D03 hsv 7 97 36 xyz 0.04 0.03 0 lab 18 34 26 lch 18 43 38 cmyk 0 31 35 64 deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](1.0):beer_srm_31[1371][86,12,3](2.4):deep_reddish_brown[3042][89,0,0](3.7):beer_srm_29[1369][98,15,3](4.1):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.4) 7 deep:dark:29:31:beer:reddish:scarlet:srm:tan:brown +1371 beer_srm_31 rgb 86 12 3 hex #560C03 hsv 7 97 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0 lab 17 33 24 lch 17 41 37 cmyk 0 29 33 66 deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](2.2):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](2.4):beer_srm_32[1372][83,11,6](2.4):deep_reddish_brown[3042][89,0,0](4.2):beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](4.9) 5 deep:30:32:33:beer:reddish:scarlet:srm:brown +1372 beer_srm_32 rgb 83 11 6 hex #530B06 hsv 4 93 33 xyz 0.04 0.02 0 lab 16 32 22 lch 16 39 35 cmyk 0 28 30 67 beer_srm_31[1371][86,12,3](2.4):beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](2.4):mahogany[5461][78,6,6](2.8):dried_blood[3270][75,1,1](3.7):heath[4451][84,16,18](4.2) 9 31:33:beer:blood:dried:heath:mahogany:srm +1373 beer_srm_33 rgb 80 11 8 hex #500B08 hsv 3 90 31 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 15 31 20 lch 15 37 33 cmyk 0 27 28 69 mahogany[5461][78,6,6](1.4):beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](2.2):beer_srm_32[1372][83,11,6](2.4):dried_blood[3270][75,1,1](2.8):heath[4451][84,16,18](2.8) 9 32:34:beer:blood:dried:heath:mahogany:srm +1374 beer_srm_34 rgb 74 6 5 hex #4A0605 hsv 1 93 29 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 13 31 19 lch 13 36 31 cmyk 0 27 27 71 rustic_red[7387][72,4,4](1.4):mahogany[5460][74,1,0](1.7):mahogany[5461][78,6,6](1.7):beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](2.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](2.2) 12 33:beer:bulgarian:mahogany:rustic:srm:red:rose +1375 beer_srm_35 rgb 68 7 5 hex #440705 hsv 2 93 27 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 12 28 17 lch 12 33 30 cmyk 0 24 25 73 burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](1.7):maroon[5538][66,3,3](1.7):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](2.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](2.2):deep_brown[2965][65,2,0](2.4) 9 deep:burnt:36:beer:bulgarian:maroon:srm:brown:rose +1376 beer_srm_36 rgb 66 8 7 hex #420807 hsv 1 89 26 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 12 27 15 lch 12 31 29 cmyk 0 23 23 74 beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](2.2):burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](2.4):maroon[5538][66,3,3](2.4):deep_brown[2965][65,2,0](3.0):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](3.5) 9 deep:burnt:35:37:beer:maroon:srm:brown +1377 beer_srm_37 rgb 60 9 8 hex #3C0908 hsv 1 87 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 10 25 13 lch 10 28 28 cmyk 0 20 20 76 beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](2.4):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.0):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](3.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](3.2):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](3.5) 11 20:36:38:39:beer:chocolate:lmu:srm:toast +1378 beer_srm_38 rgb 57 7 8 hex #390708 hsv 359 88 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 9 24 11 lch 9 27 25 cmyk 0 20 19 78 beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](1.4):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](2.2):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](2.2):aubergine[1193][59,9,16](2.4):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](2.4) 7 37:39:40:aubergine:beer:chocolate:srm +1379 beer_srm_39 rgb 57 8 11 hex #39080B hsv 356 86 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 10 24 10 lch 10 26 23 cmyk 0 19 18 78 aubergine[1193][59,9,16](1.4):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](1.4):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](2.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](2.8):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.0) 7 20:38:40:aubergine:beer:chocolate:lmu:srm:toast +1380 beer_srm_40 rgb 53 9 10 hex #35090A hsv 359 83 21 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 9 22 10 lch 9 24 24 cmyk 0 17 17 79 beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](2.2):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](2.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](2.2):aubergine[1193][59,9,16](3.3):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](4.2) 7 20:38:39:aubergine:beer:chocolate:lmu:srm:toast +1381 beeswax rgb 233 215 171 hex #E9D7AB hsv 43 27 91 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.48 lab 86 0 24 lch 86 24 91 cmyk 0 7 24 9 colonial_white[2435][233,215,171](0.0):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.4):wheat[9066][238,216,174](1.4):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](2.2):astra[1167][237,213,166](2.2) 33 aquashield:astra:colonial:popcorn:wheat:white +1382 beeswax rgb 254 242 199 hex #FEF2C7 hsv 47 22 100 xyz 0.83 0.89 0.67 lab 95 -3 22 lch 95 22 97 cmyk 0 5 22 0 pipi[6712][254,244,204](1.4):egg_white[3374][255,239,193](2.2):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](2.2):pale_amber[6305][255,240,194](2.2):splash[7906][255,239,193](2.2) 36 pale:amber:egg:meringue:pipi:splash:lemon:white +1383 beethoven rgb 209 148 108 hex #D1946C hsv 24 48 82 xyz 0.4 0.36 0.19 lab 66 18 30 lch 66 35 59 cmyk 0 24 40 18 whiskey[9074][213,154,111](2.4):antique_brass[1061][200,138,101](3.3):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](4.6):antique_brass[1062][205,149,117](5.1):tan[8224][219,147,112](5.1) 3 antique:brass:tan:whiskey +1384 beige rgb 163 148 128 hex #A39480 hsv 34 21 64 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.25 lab 62 2 13 lch 62 13 80 cmyk 0 6 14 36 half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](1.0):bronco[1817][167,151,129](1.4):malta[5485][165,151,132](1.4):double_joss[3209][166,147,128](2.0):grullo[4239][169,154,134](2.0) 33 bronco:double:gargoyle:grullo:half:joss:malta +1385 beige rgb 230 218 166 hex #E6DAA6 hsv 49 28 90 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.46 lab 87 -4 27 lch 87 27 98 cmyk 0 5 25 10 PMS615[794][226,219,170](2.2):sidecar[7688][233,217,169](2.2):mint_julep[5769][224,216,167](2.4):sapling[7491][222,212,164](2.8):bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](3.0) 18 PMS615:bavarian:cream:julep:sapling:sidecar:mint +1386 beige rgb 245 245 220 hex #F5F5DC hsv 60 10 96 xyz 0.83 0.9 0.81 lab 96 -4 12 lch 96 13 109 cmyk 0 0 10 4 light_beige[5008][245,245,220](0.0):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](1.4):promenade[6819][248,246,223](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](2.4) 66 light:beige:chilean:coconut:cream:dutch:half:heath:promenade:white +1387 bel_air rgb 173 181 170 hex #ADB5AA hsv 104 6 71 xyz 0.41 0.45 0.45 lab 73 -5 5 lch 73 7 136 cmyk 3 0 4 29 PMS5507[703][175,186,178](2.2):hermitage[4473][177,185,180](3.3):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](3.7):half_delta[4315][174,176,170](3.7):quarter_lemon_grass[6962][186,190,175](3.7) 30 PMS5507:ash:delta:grass:half:hermitage:quarter:grey:lemon +1388 belgion rgb 173 216 230 hex #ADD8E6 hsv 195 25 90 xyz 0.56 0.64 0.84 lab 84 -11 -11 lch 84 16 227 cmyk 22 5 0 10 blue_light[1576][173,216,230](0.0):light_blue[5014][173,216,230](0.0):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](2.2):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](2.2):french_pass[3754][164,210,224](3.3) 11 light:french:pass:regent:st:blue +1389 believe rgb 53 47 119 hex #352F77 hsv 245 61 47 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.18 lab 24 24 -41 lch 24 47 301 cmyk 26 28 0 53 blue_bell[1547][57,45,115](2.2):PMS2756[290][51,40,117](4.9):minsk[5762][63,48,127](4.9):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](6.3):windsor[9133][70,44,119](6.4) 3 PMS2756:bell:jacarta:minsk:windsor:blue +1390 belladonna rgb 119 44 104 hex #772C68 hsv 312 63 47 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.14 lab 31 40 -19 lch 31 45 335 cmyk 0 29 6 53 fun_fair[3807][119,44,104](0.0):PMS255[221][119,45,107](2.0):byzantium[1965][112,41,99](2.2):carnival[2107][126,42,101](4.4):sassy[7502][126,42,101](4.4) 5 PMS255:byzantium:carnival:fair:fun:sassy +1391 bellbottom_blue rgb 44 76 109 hex #2C4C6D hsv 210 60 43 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.15 lab 31 -1 -23 lch 31 23 268 cmyk 25 13 0 57 san_juan[7446][48,75,106](2.2):shipshape[7665][33,66,95](4.6):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](5.0):PMS647[826][38,84,124](5.1):limitless[5289][37,75,117](5.4) 3 PMS647:juan:limitless:san:shipshape:venice:blue +1392 berlin rgb 85 74 88 hex #554A58 hsv 287 16 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.1 lab 33 8 -7 lch 33 10 319 cmyk 1 5 0 65 chapta_and_verse[2216][87,76,94](2.2):aurora[1200][90,77,96](3.0):mortar[5902][80,67,81](3.2):mulled_wine[5944][82,77,91](3.2):purple_taupe[6889][80,64,77](4.9) 6 and:aurora:chapta:mortar:mulled:taupe:verse:wine:purple +1393 bermuda rgb 125 216 198 hex #7DD8C6 hsv 168 42 85 xyz 0.43 0.58 0.62 lab 80 -31 0 lch 80 31 179 cmyk 36 0 7 15 PMS3248[372][122,211,193](1.4):riptide[7232][137,217,200](3.3):downy[3261][111,208,197](3.6):downy[3262][111,210,190](3.7):PMS3242[370][135,221,209](4.1) 8 PMS3242:PMS3248:downy:riptide +1394 bermuda rgb 134 210 193 hex #86D2C1 hsv 167 36 82 xyz 0.43 0.55 0.59 lab 79 -27 1 lch 79 27 178 cmyk 30 0 7 18 renew[7184][140,215,197](2.2):riptide[7232][137,217,200](2.2):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](4.0):monte_carlo[5876][131,208,198](4.2):PMS570[740][127,198,178](4.5) 7 PMS3248:PMS570:carlo:monte:renew:riptide +1395 bermuda_grey rgb 107 139 162 hex #6B8BA2 hsv 205 34 64 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.38 lab 56 -5 -16 lch 56 17 251 cmyk 22 9 0 36 grey_blue[4206][107,139,164](1.0):hoki[4521][101,134,159](2.2):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](3.5):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](4.1):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](4.5) 10 blue/grey:hoki:scotty:shadow:silver:blue:grey +1396 bermuda_grey rgb 111 140 159 hex #6F8C9F hsv 204 30 62 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.36 lab 57 -6 -13 lch 57 15 247 cmyk 19 7 0 38 blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](3.3):gothic[3958][109,146,161](3.3):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](3.3):treasure[8462][117,138,156](3.3):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](3.7) 14 blue/grey:gothic:moon:scotty:silver:treasure:blue +1397 berry rgb 153 15 75 hex #990F4B hsv 334 90 60 xyz 0.15 0.08 0.07 lab 33 56 3 lch 33 56 3 cmyk 0 54 31 40 purple_red[6888][153,1,71](2.4):PMS221[179][147,0,66](3.6):mulberry[5938][146,10,78](4.2):PMS676[855][160,0,84](5.7):colour_me_pink[2437][169,12,80](6.0) 3 PMS221:PMS676:colour:me:mulberry:pink:purple:red +1398 beryl_green rgb 188 191 168 hex #BCBFA8 hsv 68 12 75 xyz 0.46 0.51 0.44 lab 77 -5 11 lch 77 12 114 cmyk 1 0 9 25 kidnapper[4854][191,192,171](1.4):eagle[3322][182,186,164](2.0):kangaroo[4814][197,195,176](2.4):aspiring[1165][187,187,161](2.8):double_joanna[3208][201,197,176](3.6) 22 aspiring:double:eagle:joanna:kangaroo:kidnapper +1399 beryl_green rgb 222 229 192 hex #DEE5C0 hsv 71 16 90 xyz 0.68 0.75 0.61 lab 90 -9 17 lch 90 19 116 cmyk 3 0 15 10 frost[3777][225,228,197](3.6):PMS580[762][216,221,181](3.7):chill_out[2288][226,231,186](4.0):ying_yang[9236][218,220,190](4.7):tahuna_sands[8209][238,240,200](4.9) 5 PMS580:chill:frost:out:sands:tahuna:yang:ying +1400 beyond rgb 128 138 172 hex #808AAC hsv 226 26 67 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.43 lab 58 4 -19 lch 58 20 282 cmyk 17 13 0 33 grayish_sapphire_blue[4015][125,136,168](1.7):ship_cove[7662][121,136,171](1.7):PMS652[831][109,135,168](5.9):cool_grey[2472][140,146,172](5.9):gray_blue[3995][140,146,172](5.9) 2 PMS652:cool:cove:grayish:sapphire:ship:blue:gray:grey +1401 bianca rgb 244 239 224 hex #F4EFE0 hsv 45 8 96 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.83 lab 94 -1 8 lch 94 8 96 cmyk 0 2 8 4 half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](0.0):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](0.0):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](1.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.4):ivory[4698][238,238,224](1.4) 110 buttery:half:ivory:lusta:pearl:quarter:solitaire:villa:white +1402 bianca rgb 252 251 243 hex #FCFBF3 hsv 53 4 99 xyz 0.91 0.96 0.99 lab 98 -1 4 lch 98 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 1 eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.0):quarter_bianca[6922][249,248,240](1.0):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.4):floral_white[3694][255,250,240](1.4):orchid_white[6246][255,253,243](1.4) 98 bianca:eighth:filmpro:floral:lusta:orchid:pearl:quarter:white +1403 big_bang rgb 255 80 60 hex #FF503C hsv 6 76 100 xyz 0.45 0.27 0.07 lab 59 65 49 lch 59 81 37 cmyk 0 69 76 0 ogre_odor[6116][253,82,64](2.2):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](3.2):red_orange[7128][255,63,52](5.7):portland_orange[6791][255,90,54](6.0):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](6.1) 2 odor:ogre:portland:soda:sunset:orange:red +1404 big_dip_o_ruby rgb 156 37 66 hex #9C2542 hsv 345 76 61 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.06 lab 36 50 13 lch 36 52 14 cmyk 0 47 35 39 candy_floss[2044][159,38,61](4.0):PMS1955[153][147,22,56](4.2):filmpro_deep_red[3607][144,36,58](5.1):sensual_red[7606][144,39,66](6.0):PMS194[151][153,33,53](6.3) 2 deep:PMS194:PMS1955:candy:filmpro:floss:sensual:red +1405 big_foot_feet rgb 232 142 90 hex #E88E5A hsv 22 61 91 xyz 0.45 0.37 0.15 lab 67 29 42 lch 67 51 55 cmyk 0 35 56 9 roxy[7342][223,136,80](3.0):brilliant_tangelo[1807][231,137,81](3.7):raw_sienna[7084][210,125,70](6.2):apricot[1088][228,143,103](7.1):raw_sienna[7085][214,138,89](7.1) 2 brilliant:apricot:raw:roxy:sienna:tangelo +1406 big_stone rgb 22 42 64 hex #162A40 hsv 211 66 25 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 16 0 -16 lch 16 16 270 cmyk 16 9 0 75 yankees_blue[9189][28,40,65](3.2):crescendo[2594][34,47,68](3.3):prussian_blue[6828][25,47,65](3.5):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](4.5):stratos[8001][33,38,58](4.5) 7 crescendo:express:midnight:prussian:stratos:yankees:blue +1407 big_stone rgb 51 64 70 hex #334046 hsv 199 27 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 26 -4 -5 lch 26 7 236 cmyk 7 2 0 73 mirage[5777][55,63,67](2.2):warrior[9005][45,59,66](2.2):majestic_blue[5472][54,67,74](2.4):arsenic[1148][59,68,75](2.8):mine_shaft[5754][55,62,65](2.8) 19 arsenic:majestic:mine:mirage:shaft:warrior:blue +1408 bilbao rgb 50 124 20 hex #327C14 hsv 103 84 49 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -42 45 lch 46 62 133 cmyk 29 0 41 51 tree_green[8465][42,126,25](2.2):sap_green[7488][48,128,20](3.0):dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](5.1):la_palma[4901][66,137,41](5.5):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](5.8) 2 dark:grass:la:palma:sap:tree:green +1409 bilbao rgb 62 128 39 hex #3E8027 hsv 104 70 50 xyz 0.1 0.17 0.05 lab 48 -38 40 lch 48 56 133 cmyk 26 0 35 50 la_palma[4901][66,137,41](5.2):PMS364[438][58,119,40](5.4):PMS363[437][61,142,51](6.4):kermit[4837][54,129,54](7.1):tree_green[8465][42,126,25](7.5) 0 PMS363:PMS364:kermit:la:palma:tree:green +1410 bile rgb 181 195 6 hex #B5C306 hsv 64 97 76 xyz 0.39 0.49 0.08 lab 75 -24 75 lch 75 79 107 cmyk 5 0 74 24 baby_puke_green[1249][182,196,6](1.4):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](1.4):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](2.2):PMS390[467][186,196,5](2.4):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](4.1) 10 PMS390:baby:grande:key:la:pie:puke:rio:rioja:green:lime +1411 billabong rgb 23 49 65 hex #173141 hsv 203 65 25 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.05 lab 19 -4 -13 lch 19 14 252 cmyk 16 6 0 75 elephant[3457][18,52,71](2.4):mosaic[5904][18,52,71](2.4):prussian_blue[6828][25,47,65](2.4):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](2.8):midnight[5714][33,48,62](2.8) 11 elephant:midnight:mosaic:prussian:whale:blue +1412 billy_t rgb 193 185 67 hex #C1B943 hsv 56 65 76 xyz 0.4 0.46 0.12 lab 74 -11 59 lch 74 60 101 cmyk 0 3 49 24 turmeric[8572][202,187,72](3.3):earls_green[3324][201,185,59](5.0):old_gold[6129][207,181,59](7.6):ipanema[4668][220,198,75](8.4):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](8.8) 2 earls:gold:ipanema:old:turmeric:green +1413 biloba_flower rgb 174 153 210 hex #AE99D2 hsv 262 27 82 xyz 0.4 0.36 0.66 lab 67 19 -26 lch 67 32 306 cmyk 14 22 0 18 light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](2.4):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](3.3):cold_purple[2431][171,160,217](3.7):east_side[3336][172,145,206](4.1):PMS271[269][158,145,198](5.0) 5 light:PMS2705:PMS271:cold:east:pastel:side:purple +1414 biloba_flower rgb 178 161 234 hex #B2A1EA hsv 254 31 92 xyz 0.46 0.41 0.83 lab 70 21 -34 lch 70 41 302 cmyk 22 29 0 8 dull_lavender[3284][168,153,230](4.4):lavender[4928][168,153,230](4.4):light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](6.4):east_side[3336][172,145,206](7.9):lavender[4927][159,144,208](7.9) 2 light:dull:east:pastel:side:lavender:purple +1415 bingo rgb 0 116 96 hex #007460 hsv 170 100 45 xyz 0.08 0.13 0.13 lab 43 -33 3 lch 43 33 174 cmyk 45 0 8 55 PMS564[732][5,112,94](1.7):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](2.4):teal_green[8290][0,109,91](2.8):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](3.6):PMS335[402][0,124,102](3.7) 11 PMS335:PMS564:forest:rain:teal:tropical:watercourse:green +1416 birch rgb 55 48 33 hex #373021 hsv 41 40 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 0 11 lch 20 11 88 cmyk 0 3 9 78 touch_wood[8439][55,48,33](0.0):creole[2593][57,50,39](3.3):jacko_bean[4709][65,54,40](3.6):black_magic[1463][51,44,34](3.7):cannon_black[2048][51,44,34](3.7) 13 bean:cannon:creole:jacko:magic:touch:wood:black +1417 birch rgb 63 55 38 hex #3F3726 hsv 41 40 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 23 0 12 lch 23 12 88 cmyk 0 3 10 75 mikado[5731][63,54,35](1.4):jacko_bean[4709][65,54,40](2.2):triple_mondo[8503][64,55,42](3.0):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](3.2):touch_wood[8439][55,48,33](3.2) 19 bean:drab:jacko:mikado:mondo:olive:touch:triple:wood +1418 bird_flower rgb 208 193 23 hex #D0C117 hsv 55 89 82 xyz 0.45 0.52 0.08 lab 77 -11 75 lch 77 76 98 cmyk 0 6 73 18 barberry[1290][210,198,31](2.2):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](3.0):PMS606[785][211,191,17](3.2):PMS612[791][196,186,0](3.7):mustard_yellow[5957][210,189,10](3.7) 9 PMS606:PMS612:barberry:mustard:ugly:yellow +1419 bird_flower rgb 212 205 22 hex #D4CD16 hsv 58 90 83 xyz 0.49 0.58 0.09 lab 81 -15 78 lch 81 80 101 cmyk 0 3 75 17 alo[1015][209,203,27](1.4):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](3.2):PMS605[784][221,206,17](3.7):yellow[9194][205,205,0](3.7):barberry[1291][222,215,23](4.4) 7 PMS605:alo:barberry:dirty:yellow +1420 birdcage rgb 157 156 183 hex #9D9CB7 hsv 242 15 72 xyz 0.34 0.34 0.5 lab 65 6 -14 lch 65 15 293 cmyk 10 11 0 28 logan[5330][157,156,180](2.2):vision[8883][160,155,178](3.0):amethyst_smoke[1044][163,151,180](4.2):cool_grey[2472][140,146,172](5.0):gray_blue[3995][140,146,172](5.0) 5 amethyst:cool:logan:smoke:vision:blue:gray:grey +1421 birthday_suit rgb 212 167 152 hex #D4A798 hsv 15 28 83 xyz 0.47 0.44 0.36 lab 72 14 14 lch 72 20 44 cmyk 0 18 24 17 rose[7295][211,161,148](3.2):eunry[3519][205,165,156](4.2):eunry[3520][207,163,157](5.2):PMS5015[614][216,173,168](5.5):shilo[7654][230,178,166](5.9) 2 PMS5015:eunry:shilo:rose +1422 biscay rgb 27 49 98 hex #1B3162 hsv 221 72 38 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.12 lab 21 10 -32 lch 21 33 287 cmyk 28 19 0 62 marine[5530][4,46,96](3.0):PMS654[833][15,43,91](3.2):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](3.6):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](3.6):confidante[2456][35,49,103](3.7) 7 dark:PMS654:confidante:marine:midnight:blue +1423 biscay rgb 47 60 83 hex #2F3C53 hsv 218 43 33 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.09 lab 25 2 -16 lch 25 16 276 cmyk 14 9 0 67 madison[5429][45,60,84](1.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](1.7):sputnik[7940][55,62,84](2.4):downriver[3260][42,52,74](3.2):PMS533[669][53,63,91](3.5) 19 PMS533:downriver:madison:sputnik:true:blue +1424 biscotti rgb 210 193 169 hex #D2C1A9 hsv 35 20 82 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.45 lab 79 2 14 lch 79 14 82 cmyk 0 7 16 18 alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](1.4):manilla[5509][213,195,172](1.4):soft_amber[7824][207,190,165](1.4):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](1.4) 49 dark:alpaca:amber:dough:manilla:soft:sour:vanilla +1425 biscuit_brown rgb 187 139 103 hex #BB8B67 hsv 26 45 73 xyz 0.32 0.3 0.17 lab 62 14 26 lch 62 30 63 cmyk 0 19 33 27 kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](0.0):alamo[986][186,140,102](1.4):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](4.0):baroque[1309][202,146,116](4.7):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](4.7) 5 PMS4645:alamo:baroque:half:kalgoorie:sands +1426 bismark rgb 72 108 122 hex #486C7A hsv 197 41 48 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.2 lab 44 -9 -12 lch 44 15 233 cmyk 20 5 0 52 seachange[7575][78,110,129](3.7):streetwise[8009][79,105,113](4.6):blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](4.9):dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](5.2):payne's_grey[6531][83,104,120](5.2) 3 dark:bayoux:electric:payne's:seachange:streetwise:blue:grey +1427 bismark rgb 73 113 131 hex #497183 hsv 199 44 51 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.24 lab 45 -9 -14 lch 45 17 238 cmyk 23 7 0 49 seachange[7575][78,110,129](3.0):calypso[2014][61,113,136](4.1):norwester[6076][72,121,138](4.2):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](4.7):blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](5.0) 5 bayoux:bean:calypso:jelly:norwester:seachange:blue +1428 bison_hide rgb 181 172 148 hex #B5AC94 hsv 44 18 71 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.34 lab 71 -1 14 lch 71 14 93 cmyk 0 4 13 29 heathered_grey[4456][182,176,149](1.7):taupe_grey[8264][179,175,149](2.0):akaroa[980][190,178,154](2.2):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](2.2):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](2.2) 32 akaroa:aquashield:glitterati:heathered:taupe:grey +1429 bison_hide rgb 193 183 164 hex #C1B7A4 hsv 39 15 76 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.42 lab 75 0 11 lch 75 11 88 cmyk 0 4 11 24 quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](1.0):tea[8273][191,181,162](1.0):corkscrew[2517][189,182,165](1.4):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](2.0):triple_thorndon_cream[8527][197,189,170](2.0) 54 corkscrew:craigieburn:cream:malta:quarter:tea:thorndon:triple +1430 bisque rgb 139 125 107 hex #8B7D6B hsv 34 23 55 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.17 lab 53 2 12 lch 53 12 79 cmyk 0 5 13 45 double_napa[3219][138,127,107](1.4):makara[5475][137,125,109](2.0):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.2):squirrel[7943][143,125,107](2.2):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.4) 36 double:dune:gargoyle:makara:napa:sand:squirrel +1431 bisque rgb 205 183 158 hex #CDB79E hsv 32 23 80 xyz 0.48 0.49 0.39 lab 76 4 16 lch 76 16 76 cmyk 0 9 18 20 sour_dough[7859][201,181,154](1.4):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](1.4):grain_brown[3962][202,184,162](2.2):tabby[8200][197,178,152](2.2):double_biscotti[3181][213,186,158](2.4) 35 biscotti:double:dough:grain:sour:tabby:vanilla:brown +1432 bisque rgb 214 205 184 hex #D6CDB8 hsv 42 14 84 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.54 lab 83 0 12 lch 83 12 92 cmyk 0 4 12 16 double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](1.0):half_caraway[4302][215,206,187](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](2.2):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](2.2):aths_special[1177][213,203,178](2.4) 66 aths:blanc:caraway:double:drought:fossil:half:quarter:special +1433 bisque rgb 238 213 183 hex #EED5B7 hsv 33 23 93 xyz 0.68 0.69 0.55 lab 87 4 18 lch 87 18 77 cmyk 0 10 22 7 PMS726[905][237,211,181](1.0):periwinkle[6595][236,214,183](1.0):enchante[3479][238,213,186](1.4):pink_lady[6680][243,215,182](2.4):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](2.8) 31 PMS726:enchante:half:haystack:lady:periwinkle:pink +1434 bisque rgb 255 228 196 hex #FFE4C4 hsv 33 23 100 xyz 0.79 0.81 0.64 lab 92 4 19 lch 92 20 77 cmyk 0 11 23 0 tequila[8304][255,230,199](1.4):derby[3096][249,228,198](2.2):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.2):eggshell[3380][252,230,201](2.2):negroni[6006][255,226,197](2.2) 23 derby:egg:eggshell:negroni:sour:tequila +1435 bistre rgb 61 43 31 hex #3D2B1F hsv 24 49 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 6 11 lch 19 13 60 cmyk 0 7 12 76 cola[2427][60,47,35](2.4):english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](3.0):tobago[8396][62,43,35](3.0):treehouse[8468][59,40,32](3.0):black_marlin[1465][62,44,28](3.2) 23 cola:english:marlin:tobago:treehouse:walnut:black +1436 bistre_brown rgb 150 113 23 hex #967117 hsv 43 85 59 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 50 6 51 lch 50 51 83 cmyk 0 15 50 41 drab[3264][150,113,23](0.0):mode_beige[5806][150,113,23](0.0):sand_dune[7458][150,113,23](0.0):sandy_taupe[7478][150,113,23](0.0):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6) 8 beige:corn:drab:dune:harvest:mode:sand:sandy:taupe +1437 bite_me rgb 235 197 37 hex #EBC525 hsv 48 84 92 xyz 0.55 0.58 0.1 lab 81 -1 76 lch 81 76 91 cmyk 0 15 78 8 banana_split[1280][241,204,43](2.4):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](2.4):broom[1830][238,204,36](3.5):moon_yellow[5889][240,196,32](3.6):fizz[3651][245,204,35](3.7) 9 banana:broom:dream:fizz:golden:moon:split:yellow +1438 bitter rgb 134 137 116 hex #868974 hsv 69 15 54 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.2 lab 56 -5 11 lch 56 12 115 cmyk 1 0 8 46 double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](1.7):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](1.7):bandicoot[1283][133,132,112](2.2):schist[7528][135,135,111](2.2):PMS416[499][142,140,122](3.0) 13 PMS416:bandicoot:double:grass:isotonic:schist:lemon +1439 bitter rgb 136 137 108 hex #88896C hsv 62 21 54 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.18 lab 56 -6 15 lch 56 16 110 cmyk 0 0 11 46 anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](2.4):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](2.4):lemonchiffon[4984][139,137,112](2.4):schist[7528][135,135,111](2.8):bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](3.0) 17 anemone:bandicoot:chiffon:lemonchiffon:schist:green:lemon +1440 bitter_lemon rgb 202 224 13 hex #CAE00D hsv 66 94 88 xyz 0.51 0.66 0.1 lab 85 -29 83 lch 85 87 109 cmyk 9 0 83 12 PMS389[466][206,224,7](2.0):PMS388[465][214,232,15](4.1):las_palmas[4913][198,230,16](4.1):vivid_apple_green[8893][202,231,0](4.1):PMS381[457][204,226,38](4.2) 9 vivid:PMS381:PMS388:PMS389:apple:las:palmas:green +1441 bitter_lemon rgb 210 219 50 hex #D2DB32 hsv 63 77 86 xyz 0.52 0.65 0.13 lab 84 -22 75 lch 84 78 106 cmyk 4 0 66 14 PMS380[456][214,229,66](4.1):fuego[3801][194,214,46](4.6):las_palmas[4912][198,218,54](4.6):pear[6563][209,226,49](4.9):neva[6032][198,214,13](6.2) 4 PMS380:fuego:las:neva:palmas:pear +1442 bitter_lime rgb 191 255 0 hex #BFFF00 hsv 75 100 100 xyz 0.57 0.83 0.13 lab 93 -47 89 lch 93 101 118 cmyk 25 0 100 0 lemon_lime[4977][191,255,0](0.0):lime[5271][191,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_lime_green[5382][191,255,0](0.0):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.0):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.9) 5 luminous:vivid:chartreuse:yellowgreen:green:lemon:lime +1443 bittersweet rgb 194 154 77 hex #C29A4D hsv 39 60 76 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.12 lab 66 6 45 lch 66 46 82 cmyk 0 16 46 24 tussock[8605][197,153,75](2.2):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](3.6):camel[2019][198,159,89](3.6):kowhai[4889][192,147,74](3.7):classius[2359][179,141,66](5.0) 5 aztec:camel:classius:gold:kowhai:tussock +1444 bittersweet rgb 253 124 110 hex #FD7C6E hsv 6 57 99 xyz 0.51 0.36 0.19 lab 67 48 31 lch 67 57 33 cmyk 0 51 56 1 salmon[7429][255,121,108](2.2):salmon[7428][250,128,114](3.6):light_brilliant_scarlet[5065][255,120,101](4.6):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](5.4):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](5.4) 3 light:brilliant:fingers:persimmon:salmon:scarlet:sticky +1445 bittersweet rgb 254 111 94 hex #FE6F5E hsv 6 63 100 xyz 0.49 0.33 0.14 lab 64 53 37 lch 64 65 34 cmyk 0 56 63 0 light_brilliant_scarlet[5065][255,120,101](4.1):pastel_red[6516][255,105,97](5.0):coral[2497][255,114,86](5.2):coral[2495][238,106,80](5.4):persimmon[6616][255,107,83](5.4) 2 light:brilliant:coral:pastel:persimmon:scarlet:red +1446 bittersweet_shimmer rgb 191 79 81 hex #BF4F51 hsv 359 59 75 xyz 0.26 0.17 0.1 lab 49 45 22 lch 49 50 26 cmyk 0 44 43 25 fuzzy_wuzzy_brown[3816][196,86,85](2.2):dusty_red[3312][185,72,78](3.7):chestnut[2274][205,92,92](4.0):chestnut_rose[2275][205,92,92](4.0):indian_red[4635][205,92,92](4.0) 9 chestnut:dusty:fuzzy:indian:wuzzy:brown:red:rose +1447 bivouac_green rgb 64 50 37 hex #403225 hsv 29 42 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 22 4 11 lch 22 11 69 cmyk 0 5 11 75 cola[2427][60,47,35](2.2):jacko_bean[4709][65,54,40](2.2):lignite[5254][66,52,41](2.2):woodburn[9168][70,54,41](2.2):dark_rum[2863][69,54,43](3.0) 31 dark:bean:cola:jacko:lignite:rum:woodburn +1448 bizarre rgb 231 210 200 hex #E7D2C8 hsv 19 13 91 xyz 0.66 0.67 0.64 lab 86 6 8 lch 86 9 53 cmyk 0 8 12 9 PMS5245[653][229,211,204](2.2):PMS691[870][239,209,201](3.0):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](3.0):PMS434[518][224,209,198](3.3):PMS5175[639][232,214,209](3.3) 21 PMS434:PMS5175:PMS5245:PMS691:dawn:pink +1449 bizarre rgb 238 222 218 hex #EEDEDA hsv 12 8 93 xyz 0.74 0.75 0.77 lab 90 5 4 lch 90 6 39 cmyk 0 6 8 7 soft_peach[7830][238,223,222](2.0):pot_pourri[6793][239,220,212](2.2):pinkish_grey[6698][231,218,218](3.0):tutu[8607][248,228,227](3.0):PMS5175[639][232,214,209](3.2) 42 PMS5175:pinkish:pot:pourri:soft:tutu:grey:peach +1450 black rgb 0 0 0 hex #000000 hsv 0 0 0 xyz 0 0 0 lab 0 0 0 lch 0 0 0 cmyk 0 0 0 100 grey[4098][0,0,0](0.0):grey[4099][3,3,3](1.0):grey[4100][5,5,5](1.0):rich_black[7210][1,2,3](1.0):grey[4101][8,8,8](2.0) 19 rich:black:grey +1451 black rgb 30 30 30 hex #1E1E1E hsv 300 0 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 0 0 lch 11 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 88 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gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](2.2):midnight_moss[5726][36,46,40](2.2):moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](2.4):holly[4524][37,52,43](2.8):heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](3.0) 18 gordons:heavy:holly:metal:midnight:moroccan:moss:palm:green +1455 black_bean rgb 61 12 2 hex #3D0C02 hsv 10 97 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 23 16 lch 11 28 35 cmyk 0 19 23 76 bean[1329][61,12,2](0.0):rebel[7098][60,18,6](3.2):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](3.7):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](4.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](4.2) 5 20:36:37:bean:beer:lmu:rebel:srm:toast +1456 black_coral rgb 84 98 111 hex #54626F hsv 209 24 44 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.17 lab 41 -2 -9 lch 41 9 257 cmyk 11 5 0 56 slate[7755][81,101,114](2.4):shuttle_grey[7681][95,102,114](3.0):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](3.3):slate_grey[7768][89,101,109](3.3):dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](3.5) 13 slate:dark:electric:quadrant:shuttle:blue:grey +1457 black_forest rgb 11 19 4 hex #0B1304 hsv 92 79 7 xyz 0 0.01 0 lab 5 -5 6 lch 5 8 132 cmyk 3 0 6 93 green_waterloo[4066][16,20,5](1.4):midnight_moss[5725][4,16,4](2.2):gordons_green[3948][11,17,7](2.4):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](4.1):black_bean[1453][8,25,16](4.7) 5 bean:gordons:midnight:moss:racing:waterloo:black:green +1458 black_forest rgb 44 50 39 hex #2C3227 hsv 93 22 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 -5 6 lch 20 8 130 cmyk 2 0 4 80 heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](1.0):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](1.4):pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](1.4):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](2.2):hunter_green[4585][47,49,37](2.2) 29 earth:gordons:heavy:hunter:metal:pine:tree:green +1459 black_haze rgb 224 222 215 hex #E0DED7 hsv 47 4 88 xyz 0.69 0.73 0.75 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 12 barely_there[1295][223,221,213](0.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](0.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](0.0):sea_fog[7553][223,221,214](0.0):style_pasifika_white_cloud[8101][223,221,214](0.0) 131 barely:ceramic:cloud:fog:hint:of:pasifika:sea:style:there:grey:white +1460 black_haze rgb 246 247 247 hex #F6F7F7 hsv 180 0 97 xyz 0.88 0.93 1.01 lab 97 0 0 lch 97 0 200 cmyk 0 0 0 3 cultured[2620][245,245,245](0.0):grey[4199][245,245,245](0.0):grey[4200][247,247,247](0.0):white_smoke[9095][245,245,245](0.0):alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.0) 90 alabaster:cultured:smoke:grey:white +1461 black_leather_jacket rgb 37 53 41 hex #253529 hsv 135 30 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -10 5 lch 20 11 150 cmyk 6 0 5 79 holly[4524][37,52,43](1.4):ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](2.2):PMS5605[725][35,58,45](2.8):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](3.2):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](3.5) 15 PMS5605:cardin:evergreen:holly:ivy:green +1462 black_magic rgb 37 23 6 hex #251706 hsv 33 84 15 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 9 5 11 lch 9 12 67 cmyk 0 5 12 85 cannon_black[2047][37,23,6](0.0):graphite[3982][37,22,7](1.4):karaka[4816][30,22,9](4.4):el_paso[3432][30,23,8](4.6):eternity[3513][33,26,14](4.6) 11 cannon:el:eternity:graphite:karaka:paso:black +1463 black_magic rgb 51 44 34 hex #332C22 hsv 35 33 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 18 1 8 lch 18 8 81 cmyk 0 3 7 80 cannon_black[2048][51,44,34](0.0):coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](3.0):creole[2593][57,50,39](3.0):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](3.0):marlin[5536][54,45,38](3.0) 29 bean:cannon:coffee:creole:cuban:marlin:tan:black +1464 black_marlin rgb 56 55 64 hex #383740 hsv 247 14 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 3 -5 lch 23 6 296 cmyk 3 4 0 75 revolver[7194][55,54,63](0.0):catch[2136][52,52,60](1.4):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](2.4):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](2.4):PMS532[668][53,56,66](3.0) 17 PMS532:bay:catch:revolver:ship:woody:grey +1465 black_marlin rgb 62 44 28 hex #3E2C1C hsv 28 55 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.01 lab 20 6 14 lch 20 15 66 cmyk 0 7 13 76 iroko[4674][67,49,32](2.0):space_shuttle[7866][67,49,32](2.0):bistre[1435][61,43,31](3.2):cork[2515][64,41,29](3.7):mash[5566][64,41,29](3.7) 10 bistre:cork:iroko:mash:shuttle:space +1466 black_olive rgb 36 46 22 hex #242E16 hsv 85 52 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 17 -9 14 lch 17 17 124 cmyk 4 0 9 82 olive_green[6161][36,46,22](0.0):green_kelp[4046][37,49,28](3.0):mallard[5483][35,52,24](5.1):rangitoto[7060][46,50,34](6.4):scrub[7545][46,50,34](6.4) 2 kelp:mallard:olive:rangitoto:scrub:green +1467 black_olive rgb 59 60 54 hex #3B3C36 hsv 70 10 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -2 4 lch 25 4 116 cmyk 0 0 2 76 squall[7941][58,59,53](0.0):PMS447[531][63,63,56](1.4):double_gravel[3204][58,60,57](2.0):zeus[9257][59,60,56](2.2):triple_dune[8490][58,56,51](2.4) 41 PMS447:double:dune:gravel:squall:triple:zeus +1468 black_pearl rgb 4 19 34 hex #041322 hsv 210 88 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.02 lab 5 0 -12 lch 5 12 269 cmyk 12 6 0 87 blue_bark[1542][4,19,34](0.0):very_deep_azure[8728][0,14,29](1.4):blue_charcoal[1552][1,13,26](3.6):ebony[3344][12,11,29](4.2):vulcan[8978][16,18,29](4.6) 6 deep:very:bark:charcoal:ebony:vulcan:azure:blue +1469 black_pearl rgb 30 39 44 hex #1E272C hsv 201 32 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 -2 -5 lch 15 5 242 cmyk 5 2 0 83 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dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](3.6):very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](3.7):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](4.1):dark_navy_blue[2807][0,2,46](5.2):midnight[5713][3,1,45](5.2) 3 dark:very:midnight:navy:blue +1473 black_rock rgb 44 45 60 hex #2C2D3C hsv 236 27 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 19 4 -10 lch 19 10 290 cmyk 6 6 0 76 quarterback[7016][40,43,60](1.7):tornado[8430][39,45,60](2.0):charade[2217][41,41,55](2.2):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](3.0):blueprint[1610][42,49,63](3.2) 16 blueprint:charade:clay:ebony:quarterback:tornado +1474 black_rose rgb 83 41 52 hex #532934 hsv 344 51 33 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.04 lab 23 21 2 lch 23 21 5 cmyk 0 16 12 67 wine_berry[9138][82,44,53](2.0):attitude[1189][83,43,50](2.8):verve[8711][93,46,60](3.7):zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](3.7):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](4.1) 11 attitude:berry:cowboy:verve:wine:zibibbo +1475 black_rose rgb 103 3 45 hex #67032D hsv 335 97 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.03 lab 21 42 4 lch 21 43 6 cmyk 0 39 23 60 burgundy[1908][97,0,35](5.5):deep_raspberry[3039][89,0,33](5.8):PMS222[180][112,25,61](6.0):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](6.4):lip_service[5297][101,21,56](6.5) 0 deep:PMS222:burgundy:letter:lip:raspberry:service:red +1476 black_russian rgb 10 0 28 hex #0A001C hsv 261 100 11 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 1 8 -13 lch 1 16 301 cmyk 7 11 0 89 very_deep_violet[8739][14,0,29](1.7):very_deep_blue[8729][0,0,29](2.8):ebony[3344][12,11,29](5.4):very_dark_violet[8727][23,17,29](8.1):very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](8.1) 2 deep:dark:very:ebony:blue:violet +1477 black_russian rgb 36 37 43 hex #24252B hsv 231 16 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 1 -4 lch 15 4 285 cmyk 3 2 0 83 shadowland[7629][38,39,44](1.4):shark[7644][37,39,44](1.4):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](2.2):double_revolver[3231][41,39,47](2.4):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](2.4) 31 double:jaguar:revolver:shadowland:shark:trail:wine +1478 black_shadows rgb 191 175 178 hex #BFAFB2 hsv 349 8 75 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.48 lab 73 6 1 lch 73 6 5 cmyk 0 6 5 25 pink_swan[6692][190,181,183](2.4):pink_swan[6693][191,179,178](2.4):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](2.8):milestone[5737][190,177,172](3.6):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](3.7) 13 cold:milestone:silver:swan:turkey:pink +1479 black_sheep rgb 62 57 58 hex #3E393A hsv 348 8 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 25 2 0 lch 25 2 4 cmyk 0 2 2 76 fuscous_grey[3812][60,59,60](1.0):rockstar[7269][61,58,60](1.0):eclipse[3354][63,57,57](1.4):grey[4121][59,59,59](2.0):blast_grey[1500][61,60,58](2.2) 61 blast:eclipse:fuscous:rockstar:grey +1480 black_squeeze rgb 229 230 223 hex #E5E6DF hsv 69 3 90 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.81 lab 91 -2 3 lch 91 4 116 cmyk 0 0 3 10 quarter_iron[6957][229,230,223](0.0):catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](1.4):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](1.4):half_wan_white[4409][233,232,226](1.4):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.4) 124 carefree:catskill:drift:half:iron:quarter:snow:wan:white +1481 black_squeeze rgb 242 250 250 hex #F2FAFA hsv 180 3 98 xyz 0.88 0.94 1.04 lab 98 -3 -1 lch 98 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 2 cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](1.0):aqua_haze[1106][237,245,245](2.0):catskill_white[2139][238,246,247](2.2):snow_drift[7811][247,250,247](2.2):azure[1233][240,255,255](2.4) 66 aqua:catskill:cyanish:drift:haze:snow:azure:white +1482 black_white rgb 229 228 219 hex #E5E4DB hsv 54 4 90 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.78 lab 90 -1 5 lch 90 5 105 cmyk 0 0 4 10 double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](0.0):double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](1.0):eighth_ash[3386][227,226,218](1.0):marble[5521][230,228,216](1.0):narvik[5981][233,230,220](1.0) 141 ash:barely:double:eighth:marble:narvik:there:black:white +1483 black_white rgb 255 254 246 hex #FFFEF6 hsv 53 4 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 1.01 lab 100 -1 4 lch 100 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 0 yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.0):ceramic[2174][252,255,249](1.4):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](1.4):orchid_white[6246][255,253,243](1.4):quarter_pearl_lusta[6978][255,253,244](1.4) 57 ceramic:hint:lusta:of:orchid:pearl:quarter:yellowish:grey:white +1484 blackadder rgb 56 45 50 hex #382D32 hsv 333 20 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 6 -1 lch 20 6 348 cmyk 0 4 2 78 caffeine[2002][60,49,53](2.0):thunder[8336][51,41,47](2.2):melanzane[5659][52,41,49](3.0):platypus[6738][61,51,52](3.0):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](3.3) 26 caffeine:cave:melanzane:platypus:rock:thunder +1485 blackberry rgb 67 24 47 hex #43182F hsv 328 64 26 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.03 lab 16 24 -5 lch 16 24 348 cmyk 0 17 8 74 PMS5115[627][79,33,58](4.2):arthouse[1150][77,32,46](6.8):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](7.3):castro[2129][68,35,47](7.8):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](8.1) 1 dark:PMS5115:arthouse:castro:raspberry:rose +1486 blackberry rgb 77 1 53 hex #4D0135 hsv 319 99 30 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.04 lab 15 37 -11 lch 15 39 344 cmyk 0 30 9 70 plum[6741][88,15,65](4.1):barossa[1310][68,1,45](4.7):dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](5.7):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](5.8):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](7.1) 2 deep:dark:barossa:cerise:fuchsia:plum +1487 blackcurrant rgb 46 24 59 hex #2E183B hsv 278 59 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 13 19 -18 lch 13 26 316 cmyk 5 14 0 77 revolver[7193][44,22,50](4.6):dark_purple[2849][48,25,52](5.4):plum[6739][56,26,56](5.5):PMS276[293][43,33,71](6.4):violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](6.4) 1 dark:PMS276:plum:revolver:violent:purple:violet +1488 blackcurrant rgb 50 41 58 hex #32293A hsv 272 29 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 18 8 -9 lch 18 12 311 cmyk 3 7 0 77 rasputin[7075][47,39,53](1.7):showtime[7680][47,38,58](2.4):tarot[8256][56,41,61](3.3):valentino[8670][56,44,56](3.6):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](3.7) 15 bleached:cedar:rasputin:showtime:tarot:valentino +1489 blackjack rgb 29 32 32 hex #1D2020 hsv 180 9 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.02 lab 12 -1 0 lch 12 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 87 double_cod_grey[3189][29,32,32](0.0):grey[4110][31,31,31](1.0):black[1451][30,30,30](1.4):grey[4111][33,33,33](1.4):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](2.0) 32 cod:cyanish:double:black:grey +1490 blackout rgb 33 25 22 hex #211916 hsv 16 33 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 3 4 lch 10 5 47 cmyk 0 3 4 87 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cmyk 25 13 0 22 polo_blue[6761][141,168,204](2.4):polo_blue[6760][138,167,204](3.0):relax[7177][153,174,208](5.0):air_superiority_blue[978][114,160,193](5.4):nepal[6022][142,171,193](5.7) 3 air:nepal:polo:relax:superiority:blue +1494 blanc rgb 217 208 193 hex #D9D0C1 hsv 38 11 85 xyz 0.61 0.64 0.6 lab 84 1 9 lch 84 9 86 cmyk 0 4 9 15 style_pasifika_sky_white[8097][217,208,193](0.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.4):half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](1.7):ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](2.0) 78 biscotti:drought:ecru:fossil:half:pasifika:quarter:sky:style:white +1495 blanc rgb 245 233 211 hex #F5E9D3 hsv 39 14 96 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.73 lab 93 0 12 lch 93 12 88 cmyk 0 5 13 4 albescent_white[989][245,233,211](0.0):janna[4731][244,235,211](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](1.4):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](1.4):clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](2.0) 77 albescent:clotted:cream:janna:parchment:spanish:white +1496 blanched_almond rgb 255 235 205 hex #FFEBCD hsv 36 20 100 xyz 0.82 0.85 0.7 lab 94 2 17 lch 94 17 83 cmyk 0 8 20 0 champagne[2211][250,236,204](2.0):sandy_beach[7475][255,234,200](2.0):derby[3096][249,228,198](2.2):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.2):eggshell[3380][252,230,201](2.2) 35 beach:champagne:derby:egg:eggshell:sandy:sour +1497 blanched_pink rgb 208 187 181 hex #D0BBB5 hsv 13 13 82 xyz 0.52 0.52 0.51 lab 77 6 6 lch 77 9 42 cmyk 0 8 11 18 PMS435[519][211,191,183](2.2):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.2):wafer[8980][212,187,177](2.4):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](3.0):misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](3.0) 22 misty:PMS435:cold:soulmate:turkey:wafer:rose +1498 bland rgb 175 168 139 hex #AFA88B hsv 48 21 69 xyz 0.36 0.39 0.3 lab 69 -2 16 lch 69 16 98 cmyk 0 3 14 31 stone[7985][173,165,135](1.4):hillary[4492][172,165,134](1.7):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](1.7):double_akaroa[3173][177,165,137](2.2):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](3.0) 34 akaroa:bison:double:hide:hillary:neutral:stone:green +1499 blank_canvas rgb 221 199 165 hex #DDC7A5 hsv 36 25 87 xyz 0.57 0.59 0.44 lab 81 3 20 lch 81 20 83 cmyk 0 9 22 13 cocoon[2414][218,195,159](1.4):haystack[4442][222,199,161](2.2):raffia[7041][220,198,160](2.2):sand[7452][220,197,159](2.2):sand[7453][220,198,160](2.2) 18 cocoon:haystack:raffia:sand +1500 blast_grey rgb 61 60 58 hex #3D3C3A hsv 40 5 24 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.05 lab 25 0 1 lch 25 1 91 cmyk 0 0 1 76 grey[4121][59,59,59](1.0):fuscous_grey[3812][60,59,60](1.4):grey[4120][56,56,56](1.4):grey[4122][61,61,61](1.4):zeus[9257][59,60,56](1.4) 65 fuscous:zeus:grey +1501 blast_grey rgb 80 78 75 hex #504E4B hsv 36 6 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 2 lch 33 2 85 cmyk 0 1 2 69 quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](0.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](0.0):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.0):ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](1.0):thunder[8337][77,77,75](1.0) 53 ironsand:quarter:rampart:ship:silver:streak:thunder:grey +1502 blast_grey rgb 84 81 77 hex #54514D hsv 34 8 33 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.08 lab 35 0 3 lch 35 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 67 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25 35 toast[8380][159,113,95](3.3):toast[8379][154,110,97](4.1):au_chico[1191][158,103,89](4.2):sienna[7694][158,103,89](4.2):coral_tree[2508][171,110,103](4.5) 5 au:chico:coral:sienna:toast:tree +1506 blast_yellow rgb 126 91 63 hex #7E5B3F hsv 27 50 49 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.06 lab 42 11 22 lch 42 24 64 cmyk 0 14 25 51 dark_wood[2918][133,94,66](1.4):potters_clay[6795][132,92,64](2.4):cocoa[2405][135,95,66](3.0):palm_sugar[6460][121,85,56](3.2):shingle_fawn[7658][116,89,55](4.9) 7 dark:clay:cocoa:fawn:palm:potters:shingle:sugar:wood +1507 blaze rgb 190 65 35 hex #BE4123 hsv 12 82 75 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.03 lab 45 49 44 lch 45 66 42 cmyk 0 49 61 25 dark_pastel_red[2838][194,59,34](4.1):satin_orange[7505][198,64,32](4.7):PMS180[127][193,56,40](5.8):orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](6.4):trinidad[8475][197,79,51](6.4) 2 dark:PMS180:atan:orang:pastel:satin:trinidad:orange:red +1508 blaze_orange rgb 255 102 0 hex #FF6600 hsv 24 100 100 xyz 0.46 0.31 0.04 lab 62 55 71 lch 62 90 52 cmyk 0 60 100 0 safety_orange[7402][255,103,0](0.0):PMS165[97][249,99,2](1.7):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](2.4):luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](3.2):vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](3.2) 6 luminous:vivid:PMS165:cadmium:safety:tangelo:orange +1509 bleach_white rgb 235 225 206 hex #EBE1CE hsv 39 12 92 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.69 lab 90 0 11 lch 90 11 89 cmyk 0 4 11 8 half_solitaire[4388][241,229,209](1.4):orange_white[6221][234,227,205](1.4):half_wheatfield[4411][234,228,208](1.7):antique_white[1069][238,223,204](2.0):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](2.0) 78 antique:eighth:half:sisal:solitaire:wheatfield:orange:white +1510 bleach_white rgb 254 243 216 hex #FEF3D8 hsv 43 15 100 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.78 lab 96 -1 14 lch 96 14 93 cmyk 0 4 15 0 half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.0):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.0):cornsilk[2540][255,248,220](1.4):half_dutch_white[4320][251,240,214](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](1.7) 69 cornsilk:dutch:half:lusta:pearl:spanish:white +1511 bleached_cedar rgb 44 33 51 hex #2C2133 hsv 277 35 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 10 -10 lch 15 14 314 cmyk 3 7 0 80 montana[5873][41,30,48](2.0):showtime[7680][47,38,58](2.4):upstage[8659][51,32,51](3.2):mardi_gras[5523][53,34,53](3.3):violet[8850][47,38,60](3.6) 11 gras:mardi:montana:showtime:upstage:violet +1512 bleached_cedar rgb 69 70 71 hex #454647 hsv 210 3 28 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.07 lab 30 0 -1 lch 30 1 256 cmyk 1 0 0 72 grey[4126][71,71,71](1.0):grey[4125][69,69,69](1.4):grey[4127][74,74,74](1.4):half_fuscous_grey[4331][73,70,72](2.0):half_nocturnal[4360][67,67,69](2.0) 52 fuscous:half:nocturnal:grey +1513 bledisloe rgb 25 40 43 hex #19282B hsv 190 42 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 -5 -4 lch 15 7 217 cmyk 7 1 0 83 sentry[7608][28,39,40](2.2):dark_gunmetal[2771][31,38,42](3.0):black_pearl[1469][30,39,44](3.2):blue_bark[1543][30,39,44](3.2):cinder[2328][36,42,46](3.7) 9 dark:bark:cinder:gunmetal:pearl:sentry:black:blue +1514 bleu_de_france rgb 49 140 231 hex #318CE7 hsv 210 79 91 xyz 0.25 0.25 0.79 lab 57 5 -54 lch 57 54 275 cmyk 71 36 0 9 dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](4.1):brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](6.1):vivid_cornflower_blue[8908][0,145,231](6.4):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](7.0):brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](7.1) 1 dark:brilliant:vivid:cobalt:cornflower:nations:sky:united:azure:blue +1515 bling rgb 127 114 74 hex #7F724A hsv 45 42 50 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.09 lab 48 -1 24 lch 48 24 93 cmyk 0 5 21 50 gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](2.2):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](3.6):timbuktu[8366][127,108,67](3.7):triple_hillary[8495][131,122,83](3.7):go_ben[3884][120,110,76](4.2) 7 ben:colins:double:fusion:go:gold:hillary:timbuktu:triple:wicket +1516 bliss rgb 179 57 62 hex #B3393E hsv 358 68 70 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.06 lab 43 50 25 lch 43 56 27 cmyk 0 48 46 30 get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](2.4):havoc[4437][173,53,57](2.4):PMS703[882][183,56,68](3.6):dull_red[3288][187,63,63](3.6):punch[6853][168,50,57](4.6) 6 PMS703:dull:get:havoc:punch:reddy:red +1517 blizzard_blue rgb 163 227 237 hex #A3E3ED hsv 188 31 93 xyz 0.58 0.69 0.9 lab 86 -18 -11 lch 86 21 213 cmyk 29 4 0 7 blue_lagoon[1575][172,229,238](2.4):charlotte[2230][164,220,230](2.8):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.3):PMS636[815][153,214,221](4.1):morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](4.9) 6 PMS304:PMS636:charlotte:glory:lagoon:morning:blue +1518 blizzard_blue rgb 172 229 238 hex #ACE5EE hsv 188 28 93 xyz 0.6 0.71 0.91 lab 87 -16 -10 lch 87 19 213 cmyk 26 4 0 7 blue_lagoon[1575][172,229,238](0.0):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.0):powder_blue[6799][176,224,230](3.0):charlotte[2230][164,220,230](3.2):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](4.6) 6 PMS304:charlotte:lagoon:powder:blue +1519 blond rgb 250 240 190 hex #FAF0BE hsv 50 24 98 xyz 0.8 0.86 0.61 lab 94 -4 25 lch 94 26 100 cmyk 0 4 24 2 astra[1168][250,234,185](2.4):egg_white[3374][255,239,193](2.4):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](2.4):pale_amber[6305][255,240,194](2.4):splash[7906][255,239,193](2.4) 30 pale:amber:astra:egg:meringue:splash:lemon:white +1520 blondee rgb 244 227 187 hex #F4E3BB hsv 42 23 96 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.58 lab 91 0 22 lch 91 22 91 cmyk 0 7 22 4 dairy_cream[2656][249,228,188](1.0):givry[3867][248,228,191](1.4):double_dutch_white[3199][247,225,183](1.7):milk_punch[5742][243,229,192](2.2):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](2.4) 41 chandelier:cream:dairy:double:dutch:givry:milk:punch:white +1521 blood rgb 119 0 1 hex #770001 hsv 359 100 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0 lab 23 46 35 lch 23 57 37 cmyk 0 47 46 53 barn_red[1305][124,10,2](3.0):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](3.2):jazz[4751][120,1,9](3.2):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](3.7):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](3.7) 8 dark:barn:burgundy:japanese:jazz:maple:red +1522 blood_orange rgb 254 75 3 hex #FE4B03 hsv 17 99 100 xyz 0.43 0.26 0.03 lab 58 65 69 lch 58 95 46 cmyk 0 70 98 0 vermilion[8707][255,77,0](1.0):international_orange[4663][255,79,0](1.7):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](2.2):PMS172[109][247,73,2](2.4):adrenalin[962][255,82,0](2.4) 10 PMS172:adrenalin:international:tangelo:vermilion:orange +1523 blood_red rgb 152 0 2 hex #980002 hsv 359 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 54 44 lch 31 70 39 cmyk 0 60 59 40 crimson_red[2601][153,0,0](1.4):ou_crimson_red[6264][153,0,0](1.4):stizza[7984][153,0,0](1.4):usc_cardinal[8664][153,0,0](1.4):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](1.7) 8 deep:cardinal:ou:stizza:usc:crimson:red +1524 bloom rgb 111 91 108 hex #6F5B6C hsv 309 18 44 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.16 lab 41 11 -7 lch 41 13 330 cmyk 0 8 1 56 salt_box[7438][104,94,110](4.1):fedora[3567][98,86,101](4.2):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](5.2):rum[7370][113,102,117](5.7):eggplant[3377][110,81,96](5.8) 2 box:eggplant:fedora:old:rum:salt:lavender +1525 blossom rgb 220 180 188 hex #DCB4BC hsv 348 18 86 xyz 0.55 0.51 0.55 lab 77 16 1 lch 77 16 5 cmyk 0 16 13 14 melanie[5656][224,183,194](1.4):gelato[3837][219,183,190](2.2):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](3.7):PMS679[858][229,191,198](4.2):pink_flare[6676][216,180,182](4.4) 7 pale:light:PMS679:flare:gelato:grayish:melanie:crimson:pink +1526 blossom rgb 223 177 182 hex #DFB1B6 hsv 353 21 87 xyz 0.55 0.51 0.51 lab 76 17 4 lch 76 18 12 cmyk 0 18 16 13 pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](2.4):pale_grayish_pink[6340][231,184,184](3.6):boutique[1684][223,172,183](3.7):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](4.0):pink_flare[6676][216,180,182](4.0) 9 pale:boutique:chestnut:doll:flare:grayish:paper:pink +1527 blue rgb 0 0 139 hex #00008B hsv 240 100 55 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.25 lab 15 50 -69 lch 15 85 306 cmyk 55 55 0 45 dark_blue[2684][0,0,139](0.0):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](3.5):navy[5993][0,0,128](4.9):navy_blue[5996][0,0,128](4.9):PMS2738[282][45,0,142](5.4) 4 dark:PMS2738:navy:ultramarine:blue +1528 blue rgb 0 0 205 hex #0000CD hsv 240 100 80 xyz 0.11 0.04 0.58 lab 25 67 -92 lch 25 114 306 cmyk 80 80 0 20 blue_medium[1580][0,0,205](0.0):medium_blue[5598][0,0,205](0.0):dark_blue[2685][0,0,200](2.4):true_blue[8544][1,15,204](4.4):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](5.2) 4 medium:dark:true:ultramarine:blue +1529 blue rgb 0 0 238 hex #0000EE hsv 240 100 93 xyz 0.15 0.06 0.81 lab 30 75 -102 lch 30 127 306 cmyk 93 93 0 7 strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](3.0):vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](3.0):vivid_persian_blue[8935][29,0,231](3.3):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](4.1):rich_blue[7211][2,27,249](4.4) 5 strong:vivid:persian:primary:rich:blue +1530 blue rgb 0 0 255 hex #0000FF hsv 240 100 100 xyz 0.18 0.07 0.95 lab 32 79 -108 lch 32 134 306 cmyk 100 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_blue[5365][0,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_persian_blue[5389][32,0,255](1.4):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](3.6):strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](5.0):electric_ultramarine[3451][63,0,255](5.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:electric:persian:primary:ultramarine:blue +1531 blue rgb 0 135 189 hex #0087BD hsv 197 100 74 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.51 lab 53 -11 -37 lch 53 38 253 cmyk 74 21 0 26 cyan_cornflower_blue[2643][24,139,194](2.2):freefall[3740][29,149,201](5.5):rich_electric_blue[7216][8,146,208](5.7):nice_blue[6047][16,122,176](5.9):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](6.4) 1 cornflower:curious:cyan:electric:freefall:nice:rich:blue +1532 blue rgb 0 147 175 hex #0093AF hsv 190 100 69 xyz 0.18 0.24 0.44 lab 56 -23 -24 lch 56 33 227 cmyk 69 11 0 31 PMS313[353][0,153,181](2.2):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](3.0):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](3.0):blue_green[1564][13,152,186](4.1):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](4.2) 7 PMS313:bondi:pelorous:blue:green +1533 blue rgb 0 24 168 hex #0018A8 hsv 231 100 66 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 22 50 -75 lch 22 90 304 cmyk 66 56 0 34 strong_phthalo_blue[8048][0,21,168](1.4):zaffre[9244][0,20,168](2.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](5.7):indigo_blue[4650][58,24,177](6.7):duke_blue[3280][0,0,156](7.1) 2 strong:cobalt:duke:phthalo:zaffre:blue:indigo +1534 blue rgb 2 71 254 hex #0247FE hsv 224 99 100 xyz 0.2 0.12 0.95 lab 41 54 -93 lch 41 108 300 cmyk 99 72 0 0 luminous_vivid_sapphire_blue[5397][0,64,255](5.4):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](5.9):vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](6.5):electric_blue[3437][6,82,255](7.0):vibrant_blue[8830][3,57,248](7.8) 0 luminous:vivid:electric:neon:sapphire:vibrant:blue +1535 blue rgb 3 67 223 hex #0343DF hsv 223 99 87 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.71 lab 37 45 -82 lch 37 94 299 cmyk 86 61 0 13 palatinate_blue[6301][39,59,226](7.7):medium_blue[5600][50,50,205](7.8):brilliant_blue[1767][81,81,231](8.5):electric_blue[3437][6,82,255](10.4):vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](10.7) 0 medium:brilliant:vivid:electric:palatinate:sapphire:blue +1536 blue rgb 31 117 254 hex #1F75FE hsv 217 88 100 xyz 0.25 0.2 0.96 lab 52 26 -75 lch 52 79 289 cmyk 87 54 0 0 clear_blue[2366][36,122,253](4.4):deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](4.4):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](4.6):brandeis_blue[1690][0,112,255](4.7):flat_medium_blue[3670][72,118,255](4.9) 6 deep:medium:flat:brandeis:clear:lightish:sky:blue +1537 blue rgb 34 66 199 hex #2242C7 hsv 228 83 78 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.55 lab 35 38 -72 lch 35 81 298 cmyk 65 52 0 22 persian_blue[6603][28,57,187](4.6):warm_blue[8997][75,87,219](8.6):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](8.8):vivid_cobalt_blue[8907][0,87,231](9.4):blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](9.5) 1 vivid:a:bay:cobalt:governor:hint:of:persian:warm:with:blue:purple +1538 blue rgb 51 51 153 hex #333399 hsv 240 67 60 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.31 lab 28 33 -56 lch 28 65 301 cmyk 40 40 0 40 dark_powder_blue[2847][0,51,153](5.4):smalt[7780][0,51,153](5.4):cosmic_cobalt[2546][46,45,136](7.1):air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](7.2):PMS2746[285][63,40,147](7.3) 0 dark:PMS2746:air:cobalt:cosmic:force:powder:smalt:blue +1539 blue/green rgb 15 155 142 hex #0F9B8E hsv 174 90 61 xyz 0.17 0.25 0.3 lab 58 -36 -3 lch 58 37 184 cmyk 55 0 5 39 teal[8284][2,147,134](3.2):PMS3285[388][0,153,135](3.7):origin[6253][0,156,138](4.2):manganese_blue[5502][3,168,158](4.9):PMS3272[382][0,170,158](5.9) 4 PMS3272:PMS3285:manganese:origin:teal:blue +1540 blue/grey rgb 117 141 163 hex #758DA3 hsv 209 28 64 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.38 lab 58 -3 -14 lch 58 15 257 cmyk 18 9 0 36 grayish_azure[3997][125,147,168](2.0):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](2.8):treasure[8462][117,138,156](2.8):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](3.0):bermuda_grey[1396][111,140,159](3.3) 12 bermuda:grayish:scotty:shadow:silver:treasure:azure:blue:grey +1541 blue/purple rgb 90 6 239 hex #5A06EF hsv 262 97 94 xyz 0.2 0.09 0.82 lab 35 77 -94 lch 35 121 309 cmyk 58 91 0 6 vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](3.0):blue_violet[1593][93,6,233](3.6):purplish_blue[6898][96,30,249](3.6):han_purple[4419][82,24,250](4.6):purply_blue[6904][102,26,238](5.4) 4 vivid:han:purplish:purply:blue:purple:violet +1542 blue_bark rgb 4 19 34 hex #041322 hsv 210 88 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.02 lab 5 0 -12 lch 5 12 269 cmyk 12 6 0 87 black_pearl[1468][4,19,34](0.0):very_deep_azure[8728][0,14,29](1.4):blue_charcoal[1552][1,13,26](3.6):ebony[3344][12,11,29](4.2):vulcan[8978][16,18,29](4.6) 6 deep:very:charcoal:ebony:pearl:vulcan:azure:black:blue +1543 blue_bark rgb 30 39 44 hex #1E272C hsv 201 32 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 -2 -5 lch 15 5 242 cmyk 5 2 0 83 black_pearl[1469][30,39,44](0.0):dark_gunmetal[2771][31,38,42](1.0):shark[7644][37,39,44](2.4):cinder[2328][36,42,46](2.8):blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](3.0) 20 dark:charcoal:cinder:gunmetal:pearl:shark:black:blue +1544 blue_bayoux rgb 73 102 121 hex #496679 hsv 204 40 47 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.2 lab 42 -5 -14 lch 42 15 249 cmyk 19 7 0 53 seachange[7575][78,110,129](3.2):dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](3.3):payne's_grey[6531][83,104,120](3.3):payne_grey[6532][83,104,120](3.3):PMS5405[678][63,96,117](3.7) 8 dark:PMS5405:electric:payne:payne's:seachange:blue:grey +1545 blue_bayoux rgb 98 119 126 hex #62777E hsv 195 22 49 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.22 lab 49 -6 -6 lch 49 9 227 cmyk 11 3 0 51 battleship_grey[1317][107,124,133](3.0):hoki[4520][100,125,134](3.0):gateway[3832][94,113,117](3.2):obelisk[6090][97,114,116](3.6):half_smalt_blue[4386][94,124,128](4.1) 13 battleship:gateway:half:hoki:obelisk:smalt:blue:grey +1546 blue_bell rgb 34 8 120 hex #220878 hsv 254 93 47 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.18 lab 15 43 -57 lch 15 71 307 cmyk 34 44 0 53 deep_blue[2959][34,8,120](0.0):deep_koamaru[3003][27,18,123](3.3):deep_blue[2958][4,2,115](4.5):dark_royal_blue[2861][2,6,111](5.0):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](5.5) 4 deep:dark:imperial:koamaru:royal:blue +1547 blue_bell rgb 57 45 115 hex #392D73 hsv 250 61 45 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.17 lab 24 25 -39 lch 24 46 303 cmyk 23 27 0 55 believe[1389][53,47,119](2.2):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](4.6):windsor[9133][70,44,119](5.1):PMS2756[290][51,40,117](5.4):minsk[5762][63,48,127](5.4) 2 PMS2756:believe:jacarta:minsk:windsor +1548 blue_bell rgb 153 153 204 hex #9999CC hsv 240 25 80 xyz 0.35 0.34 0.62 lab 65 11 -26 lch 65 28 293 cmyk 20 20 0 20 wistful[9158][162,158,205](3.6):PMS2716[271][165,160,214](3.7):light_steel_blue[5213][143,143,189](4.6):stratosphere[8002][151,160,206](4.6):PMS271[269][158,145,198](5.4) 4 light:PMS271:PMS2716:steel:stratosphere:wistful:blue +1549 blue_bell rgb 162 162 208 hex #A2A2D0 hsv 240 22 82 xyz 0.39 0.38 0.65 lab 68 10 -23 lch 68 25 293 cmyk 18 18 0 18 wistful[9158][162,158,205](1.4):wistful[9159][164,166,211](1.4):stratosphere[8002][151,160,206](3.7):PMS2716[271][165,160,214](5.0):ceil[2151][146,161,207](5.5) 4 PMS2716:ceil:stratosphere:wistful +1550 blue_chalk rgb 227 214 233 hex #E3D6E9 hsv 281 8 91 xyz 0.7 0.7 0.87 lab 87 8 -8 lch 87 11 316 cmyk 2 7 0 9 snuff[7816][226,216,237](1.7):PMS263[251][224,206,224](2.4):snuff[7817][228,215,229](3.2):light_magentaish_grey[5140][231,218,231](3.3):sonique[7849][213,206,226](3.7) 8 light:PMS263:magentaish:snuff:sonique:grey +1551 blue_chalk rgb 241 233 255 hex #F1E9FF hsv 262 9 100 xyz 0.83 0.84 1.06 lab 94 7 -10 lch 94 12 305 cmyk 5 9 0 0 lavender[4931][230,230,250](3.6):lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](3.6):titan_white[8375][240,238,255](3.7):very_pale_violet[8822][240,226,255](4.1):very_pale_indigo[8809][233,226,255](4.4) 7 pale:very:mist:titan:indigo:lavender:violet:white +1552 blue_charcoal rgb 1 13 26 hex #010D1A hsv 211 96 10 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 3 0 -9 lch 3 9 268 cmyk 10 5 0 90 very_deep_azure[8728][0,14,29](2.2):black_pearl[1468][4,19,34](3.6):blue_bark[1542][4,19,34](3.6):black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](3.7):cinder[2327][14,14,24](3.7) 10 deep:very:bark:cinder:pearl:pepper:azure:black:blue +1553 blue_charcoal rgb 38 43 47 hex #262B2F hsv 207 19 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 -1 -3 lch 17 4 251 cmyk 4 2 0 82 cinder[2328][36,42,46](1.0):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.0):bunker[1905][41,44,47](1.4):double_foundry[3202][40,42,44](1.4):shark[7644][37,39,44](1.7) 43 bunker:cinder:double:foundry:shark:trail:wine +1554 blue_chill rgb 12 137 144 hex #0C8990 hsv 183 92 56 xyz 0.14 0.2 0.29 lab 52 -27 -12 lch 52 30 204 cmyk 52 3 0 44 turquoise[8573][0,134,139](1.7):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](3.0):PMS321[366][0,135,137](3.0):dark_cyan[2714][10,136,138](3.0):hullabaloo[4579][0,139,151](3.2) 9 dark:PMS3145:PMS321:cyan:hullabaloo:turquoise +1555 blue_chill rgb 64 143 144 hex #408F90 hsv 181 56 56 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.3 lab 55 -24 -8 lch 55 25 198 cmyk 31 0 0 44 patriot[6524][79,146,146](3.3):dark_slate_grey[2890][82,139,139](5.5):half_baked[4285][85,143,147](6.1):retreat[7190][57,144,155](6.3):java[4749][37,151,151](6.4) 1 slate:dark:baked:half:java:patriot:retreat:grey +1556 blue_clouds rgb 39 60 90 hex #273C5A hsv 215 57 35 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 25 2 -21 lch 25 21 274 cmyk 20 12 0 65 catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](0.0):cobalt[2396][39,60,90](0.0):dark_cobalt_blue[2706][39,58,89](1.4):midnight_oil[5727][40,56,84](2.8):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](3.5) 13 dark:catalina:cobalt:cove:midnight:oil:blue:grey +1557 blue_diamond rgb 56 4 116 hex #380474 hsv 268 97 45 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.17 lab 16 45 -51 lch 16 68 312 cmyk 24 44 0 55 windsor[9132][60,8,120](2.0):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](2.2):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](3.2):christalle[2314][51,3,107](3.7):persian_indigo[6605][50,18,122](4.6) 6 PMS2745:PMS2755:christalle:persian:windsor:indigo +1558 blue_diamond rgb 75 45 114 hex #4B2D72 hsv 266 61 45 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.16 lab 26 29 -35 lch 26 46 310 cmyk 15 27 0 55 windsor[9133][70,44,119](4.2):funtasia[3811][76,51,113](4.4):gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](5.4):kingfisher_daisy[4865][88,53,128](5.4):dancing_queen[2666][74,45,104](5.9) 2 daisy:dancing:funtasia:gobstopper:kingfisher:queen:windsor +1559 blue_dianne rgb 32 72 82 hex #204852 hsv 192 61 32 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.09 lab 28 -11 -10 lch 28 15 224 cmyk 20 4 0 68 dark_cerulean[2703][39,77,89](3.3):teal_blue[8287][37,72,85](3.7):deep_south[3061][0,72,83](4.6):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](4.6):beatnik[1332][31,79,84](4.7) 6 deep:dark:beatnik:cerulean:south:teal:vogue:blue:green +1560 blue_dianne rgb 53 81 79 hex #35514F hsv 176 35 32 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.08 lab 32 -11 -2 lch 32 11 191 cmyk 11 0 1 68 dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](2.4):oracle[6195][57,85,85](2.4):slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](2.4):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](3.7):espirit[3509][53,78,81](3.7) 11 slate:dark:PMS5477:espirit:oracle:grey +1561 blue_gem rgb 44 14 140 hex #2C0E8C hsv 254 90 55 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.25 lab 19 48 -62 lch 19 78 307 cmyk 38 49 0 45 indigo[4646][56,2,130](4.2):PMS2738[282][45,0,142](5.1):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](5.4):royal[7343][12,23,147](5.7):phthalo_blue[6633][0,15,137](5.8) 1 PMS2738:phthalo:royal:ultramarine:blue:indigo +1562 blue_gem rgb 75 60 142 hex #4B3C8E hsv 251 58 56 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.26 lab 31 28 -44 lch 31 52 303 cmyk 26 32 0 44 blueberry[1604][70,65,150](2.4):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](2.4):dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](2.8):slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](2.8):gigas[3855][82,60,148](4.2) 7 slate:dark:blueberry:gigas:blue +1563 blue_gray rgb 102 153 204 hex #6699CC hsv 210 50 80 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.61 lab 62 -3 -31 lch 62 32 265 cmyk 40 20 0 20 blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](0.0):livid[5313][102,153,204](0.0):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.6):picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](5.1):snap[7802][91,160,208](5.1) 3 dark:livid:pastel:picton:snap:blue:grey +1564 blue_green rgb 13 152 186 hex #0D98BA hsv 192 93 73 xyz 0.2 0.26 0.5 lab 58 -21 -27 lch 58 34 232 cmyk 68 13 0 27 bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](1.4):PMS639[818][0,160,196](3.3):pacific_blue[6290][0,157,196](3.7):blue[1532][0,147,175](4.1):PMS313[353][0,153,181](4.2) 5 PMS313:PMS639:bondi:pacific:blue +1565 blue_green rgb 19 126 109 hex #137E6D hsv 170 85 49 xyz 0.1 0.16 0.17 lab 47 -33 1 lch 47 33 178 cmyk 42 0 7 51 tropical_rain_forest[8537][23,128,109](1.4):PMS3295[392][0,130,114](1.7):PMS3288[389][0,130,112](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](3.0):PMS335[402][0,124,102](3.7) 13 PMS3288:PMS3295:PMS335:elf:forest:rain:tropical:green +1566 blue_green rgb 25 158 189 hex #199EBD hsv 191 87 74 xyz 0.22 0.28 0.52 lab 60 -22 -25 lch 60 34 229 cmyk 64 12 0 26 PMS313[353][0,153,181](3.0):PMS639[818][0,160,196](3.2):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](3.3):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](3.6):PMS632[811][0,160,186](3.7) 9 PMS313:PMS632:PMS639:bondi:pelorous:blue +1567 blue_grey rgb 96 124 142 hex #607C8E hsv 203 32 56 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.28 lab 51 -5 -13 lch 51 14 247 cmyk 18 7 0 44 grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](1.0):PMS5415[680][96,124,140](1.7):light_sky_blue[5201][96,123,139](1.7):escapade[3506][102,124,145](2.2):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](2.8) 12 light:PMS5415:escapade:grey/blue:sky:tsunami:blue +1568 blue_grey rgb 102 153 204 hex #6699CC hsv 210 50 80 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.61 lab 62 -3 -31 lch 62 32 265 cmyk 40 20 0 20 blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](0.0):livid[5313][102,153,204](0.0):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.6):picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](5.1):snap[7802][91,160,208](5.1) 3 dark:livid:pastel:picton:snap:blue:gray +1569 blue_haze rgb 189 186 206 hex #BDBACE hsv 249 10 81 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.65 lab 76 5 -10 lch 76 11 297 cmyk 7 8 0 19 poet[6753][192,188,212](2.4):chatelle[2245][189,179,199](3.0):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.3):grey_suit[4224][193,190,205](3.7):heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](3.7) 11 alaska:chatelle:heartbreaker:poet:suit:grey +1570 blue_haze rgb 191 190 216 hex #BFBED8 hsv 242 12 85 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.72 lab 78 5 -13 lch 78 14 293 cmyk 10 10 0 15 heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](1.7):lavender_grey[4939][189,187,215](1.7):poet[6753][192,188,212](1.7):fairytale[3547][198,196,219](2.8):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.7) 9 fairytale:heartbreaker:nemo:poet:grey:lavender +1571 blue_jeans rgb 78 101 144 hex #4E6590 hsv 219 46 56 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.28 lab 43 4 -26 lch 43 27 278 cmyk 26 17 0 44 jasper[4746][78,101,144](0.0):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](1.0):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](1.7):azure[1229][78,105,154](4.1):style_pasifika_lagoon_blue[8081][78,105,154](4.1) 7 breakwater:jasper:lagoon:pasifika:style:ucla:azure:blue +1572 blue_jeans rgb 93 173 236 hex #5DADEC hsv 206 61 93 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.85 lab 68 -6 -39 lch 68 39 261 cmyk 56 25 0 7 steel_blue[7967][92,172,238](1.4):steel_blue[7969][99,184,255](5.7):brilliant_cornflower_blue[1773][81,175,231](5.8):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](6.2):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](6.3) 1 light:brilliant:very:cornflower:sky:steel:azure:blue +1573 blue_lagoon rgb 0 98 111 hex #00626F hsv 187 100 44 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.17 lab 38 -19 -14 lch 38 24 217 cmyk 44 5 0 56 petrol[6625][0,95,106](2.2):maestro[5432][0,94,109](2.4):PMS315[357][0,107,119](3.6):allports[1006][31,106,125](5.2):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](5.4) 3 PMS315:PMS5473:allports:maestro:petrol +1574 blue_lagoon rgb 1 121 135 hex #017987 hsv 186 99 53 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.25 lab 46 -23 -16 lch 46 28 214 cmyk 53 5 0 47 metallic_seaweed[5692][10,126,140](2.0):deep_aqua[2952][8,120,127](4.5):dauntless[2931][22,111,127](5.0):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](5.4):PMS3155[358][0,109,117](5.7) 3 deep:PMS3145:PMS3155:aqua:dauntless:metallic:seaweed +1575 blue_lagoon rgb 172 229 238 hex #ACE5EE hsv 188 28 93 xyz 0.6 0.71 0.91 lab 87 -16 -10 lch 87 19 213 cmyk 26 4 0 7 blizzard_blue[1518][172,229,238](0.0):blizzard_blue[1517][163,227,237](2.4):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.0):powder_blue[6799][176,224,230](3.0):charlotte[2230][164,220,230](3.2) 7 PMS304:blizzard:charlotte:powder:blue +1576 blue_light rgb 173 216 230 hex #ADD8E6 hsv 195 25 90 xyz 0.56 0.64 0.84 lab 84 -11 -11 lch 84 16 227 cmyk 22 5 0 10 belgion[1388][173,216,230](0.0):light_blue[5014][173,216,230](0.0):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](2.2):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](2.2):french_pass[3754][164,210,224](3.3) 11 light:belgion:french:pass:regent:st:blue +1577 blue_magenta_violet rgb 85 53 146 hex #553592 hsv 261 64 57 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.28 lab 31 36 -46 lch 31 59 308 cmyk 24 36 0 43 gigas[3855][82,60,148](4.2):spanish_violet[7880][76,40,130](5.2):royal_purple[7356][107,63,160](5.8):rebecca_purple[7097][102,52,153](6.4):regalia[7171][82,45,128](6.5) 1 gigas:rebecca:regalia:royal:spanish:purple:violet +1578 blue_marguerite rgb 106 91 177 hex #6A5BB1 hsv 250 49 69 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.43 lab 44 27 -44 lch 44 52 302 cmyk 28 34 0 31 blue_violet[1595][115,102,189](4.1):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](5.4):fuchsia[3789][123,92,183](6.3):toolbox[8417][116,108,192](6.8):butterfly_bush[1955][98,78,154](7.1) 1 bush:butterfly:fuchsia:rich:toolbox:blue:violet +1579 blue_marguerite rgb 118 102 198 hex #7666C6 hsv 250 48 78 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.56 lab 49 30 -48 lch 49 57 302 cmyk 31 38 0 22 medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](5.4):blue_violet[1595][115,102,189](5.7):fuchsia[3789][123,92,183](5.8):true_v[8547][138,115,214](6.1):moody_blue[5880][127,118,211](6.5) 0 medium:fuchsia:moody:true:v:blue:purple:violet +1580 blue_medium rgb 0 0 205 hex #0000CD hsv 240 100 80 xyz 0.11 0.04 0.58 lab 25 67 -92 lch 25 114 306 cmyk 80 80 0 20 blue[1528][0,0,205](0.0):medium_blue[5598][0,0,205](0.0):dark_blue[2685][0,0,200](2.4):true_blue[8544][1,15,204](4.4):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](5.2) 4 medium:dark:true:ultramarine:blue +1581 blue_moon rgb 114 150 171 hex #7296AB hsv 202 33 67 xyz 0.25 0.28 0.43 lab 60 -7 -15 lch 60 17 244 cmyk 22 8 0 33 weldon_blue[9043][124,152,171](3.0):bermuda_grey[1396][111,140,159](3.7):gothic[3958][109,146,161](4.1):grayish_azure[3997][125,147,168](4.1):PMS645[824][119,150,178](4.4) 9 PMS645:bermuda:gothic:grayish:weldon:azure:blue:grey +1582 blue_night rgb 31 38 59 hex #1F263B hsv 225 47 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 15 4 -14 lch 15 15 284 cmyk 11 8 0 77 outer_space[6267][31,38,59](0.0):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](1.0):stratos[8001][33,38,58](1.0):nite_life[6061][29,33,52](2.2):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](3.0) 12 clay:ebony:express:life:midnight:nite:outer:space:stratos +1583 blue_purple rgb 87 41 206 hex #5729CE hsv 257 80 81 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.59 lab 34 59 -77 lch 34 97 308 cmyk 47 65 0 19 purple/blue[6869][93,33,208](4.1):burple[1943][104,50,227](7.1):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](8.3):medium_blue[5600][50,50,205](8.3):purpley_blue[6894][95,52,231](8.4) 1 medium:bluish:burple:purple/blue:purpley:blue:purple +1584 blue_purple rgb 138 43 226 hex #8A2BE2 hsv 271 81 89 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.73 lab 42 70 -75 lch 42 102 313 cmyk 35 72 0 11 blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](0.0):purple[6864][138,43,226](0.0):purple[6865][145,44,238](4.7):french_violet[3762][136,6,206](6.4):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](8.1) 3 dark:french:blue:purple:violet +1585 blue_ribbon rgb 0 102 255 hex #0066FF hsv 216 100 100 xyz 0.23 0.17 0.97 lab 48 35 -82 lch 48 89 293 cmyk 100 60 0 0 bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](1.4):luminous_vivid_cobalt_blue[5370][0,96,255](4.9):azul[1225][29,93,236](6.4):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](7.1):vivid_cobalt_blue[8907][0,87,231](7.3) 2 luminous:vivid:azul:bright:cobalt:ultramarine:blue +1586 blue_romance rgb 210 246 222 hex #D2F6DE hsv 140 15 96 xyz 0.73 0.85 0.82 lab 94 -16 8 lch 94 18 155 cmyk 14 0 9 4 granny_apple[3970][213,246,227](2.8):very_pale_green[8807][226,255,226](4.4):very_pale_malachite_green[8812][226,255,233](4.4):granny_apple[3969][197,231,205](5.1):hint_of_green[4497][230,255,233](5.7) 3 pale:very:apple:granny:hint:malachite:of:green +1587 blue_romance rgb 216 240 210 hex #D8F0D2 hsv 108 13 94 xyz 0.71 0.82 0.73 lab 92 -13 12 lch 92 18 138 cmyk 9 0 12 6 hint_of_green[4496][223,241,214](2.4):snowy_mint[7814][214,240,205](2.8):zanah[9248][218,236,214](4.2):tara[8251][222,241,221](5.1):granny_apple[3969][197,231,205](5.2) 3 apple:granny:hint:of:snowy:tara:zanah:green:mint +1588 blue_sapphire rgb 18 97 128 hex #126180 hsv 197 86 50 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.22 lab 38 -11 -24 lch 38 26 245 cmyk 43 12 0 50 PMS308[345][0,96,124](2.8):deep_sky_blue[3056][0,104,139](3.7):steel_blue[7962][35,107,142](4.6):orient[6250][37,91,119](4.7):blumine[1622][24,88,122](5.1) 4 deep:PMS308:blumine:orient:sky:steel:blue +1589 blue_smoke rgb 116 136 129 hex #748881 hsv 159 15 53 xyz 0.2 0.23 0.24 lab 55 -9 1 lch 55 9 171 cmyk 8 0 3 47 smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](3.6):thor[8331][105,127,121](4.0):gumbo[4251][113,143,138](4.1):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](4.2):granny_smith[3971][123,148,140](4.5) 9 granny:gumbo:smith:smoky:thor:xanadu:green +1590 blue_smoke rgb 120 133 122 hex #78857A hsv 129 10 52 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.22 lab 54 -7 4 lch 54 8 148 cmyk 5 0 4 48 smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](1.0):smoke[7787][115,130,118](1.7):windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](2.4):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](3.2):honeydew[4531][131,139,131](3.7) 12 honeydew:smoke:smoky:windblown:xanadu:green +1591 blue_stone rgb 1 97 98 hex #016162 hsv 181 99 38 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.13 lab 37 -23 -8 lch 37 24 198 cmyk 38 0 0 62 caesar[1999][27,103,103](2.4):dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](3.2):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](3.3):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](3.6):cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](3.7) 11 deep:dark:aqua:caesar:cowabunga:cyan:turquoise +1592 blue_stone rgb 22 100 97 hex #166461 hsv 178 78 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.13 lab 38 -23 -5 lch 38 24 192 cmyk 31 0 1 61 sea_green[7556][31,99,97](2.0):caesar[1999][27,103,103](2.4):cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](2.8):mosque[5908][0,95,91](2.8):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](3.0) 9 dark:caesar:cowabunga:mosque:sea:green:turquoise +1593 blue_violet rgb 93 6 233 hex #5D06E9 hsv 263 97 91 xyz 0.19 0.08 0.78 lab 35 75 -91 lch 35 118 310 cmyk 55 89 0 9 vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](1.4):purply_blue[6904][102,26,238](2.4):blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](3.6):purplish_blue[6898][96,30,249](4.2):vivid_violet[8960][116,0,231](5.7) 4 vivid:blue/purple:purplish:purply:blue:violet +1594 blue_violet rgb 100 86 183 hex #6456B7 hsv 249 53 72 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.46 lab 42 31 -50 lch 42 58 302 cmyk 33 38 0 28 PMS2726[276][102,86,188](3.0):moderate_persian_blue[5838][85,74,168](5.2):moderate_indigo[5829][97,74,168](5.4):iris[4670][98,88,196](5.7):moderate_blue[5813][74,74,168](6.8) 1 moderate:PMS2726:iris:persian:blue:indigo +1595 blue_violet rgb 115 102 189 hex #7366BD hsv 249 46 74 xyz 0.21 0.17 0.5 lab 48 26 -44 lch 48 51 301 cmyk 29 34 0 26 toolbox[8417][116,108,192](3.0):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](4.1):blue_marguerite[1579][118,102,198](5.7):PMS2727[277][94,104,196](6.5):moody_blue[5880][127,118,211](6.7) 2 PMS2727:marguerite:moody:toolbox:blue +1596 blue_violet rgb 138 43 226 hex #8A2BE2 hsv 271 81 89 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.73 lab 42 70 -75 lch 42 102 313 cmyk 35 72 0 11 blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](0.0):purple[6864][138,43,226](0.0):purple[6865][145,44,238](4.7):french_violet[3762][136,6,206](6.4):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](8.1) 3 dark:french:blue:purple:violet +1597 blue_violet rgb 159 95 159 hex #9F5F9F hsv 300 40 62 xyz 0.25 0.18 0.35 lab 50 36 -24 lch 50 43 327 cmyk 0 25 0 38 purpleish[6890][152,86,141](6.4):soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](6.7):violet[8855][143,94,153](6.7):purplish[6897][148,86,140](7.3):dark_lilac[2786][156,109,165](7.7) 0 dark:lilac:purpleish:purplish:soft:purple:violet +1598 blue_whale rgb 4 46 76 hex #042E4C hsv 205 95 30 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.07 lab 18 -1 -22 lch 18 22 268 cmyk 28 12 0 70 PMS296[323][0,45,71](3.0):prussian_blue[6826][0,49,83](3.3):PMS539[675][0,48,73](3.6):regatta[7172][25,44,73](4.5):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](4.9) 6 PMS296:PMS2965:PMS539:prussian:regatta:blue +1599 blue_whale rgb 30 52 66 hex #1E3442 hsv 203 55 26 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.06 lab 21 -4 -11 lch 21 12 250 cmyk 14 5 0 74 coast[2391][36,52,66](2.0):elephant[3458][36,54,64](2.2):style_pasifika_ocean_deep[8085][30,47,60](2.4):tangaroa[8236][30,47,60](2.4):billabong[1411][23,49,65](2.8) 15 deep:billabong:coast:elephant:ocean:pasifika:style:tangaroa +1600 blue_with_a_hint_of_purple rgb 83 60 198 hex #533CC6 hsv 250 70 78 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.54 lab 36 47 -69 lch 36 83 305 cmyk 45 54 0 22 bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](5.0):blurple[1624][85,57,204](5.0):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](7.3):PMS2736[281][73,48,173](8.1):purple_heart[6874][101,45,193](9.1) 2 PMS2736:bluey:blurple:heart:majorelle:blue:purple +1601 blue_yonder rgb 80 114 167 hex #5072A7 hsv 217 52 65 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.39 lab 48 3 -32 lch 48 32 276 cmyk 34 21 0 35 san_marino[7449][78,108,157](3.6):moderate_cobalt_blue[5818][74,109,168](4.1):azure[1229][78,105,154](4.6):flat_blue[3665][60,115,168](4.6):primetime[6812][57,115,169](4.6) 6 moderate:flat:cobalt:marino:primetime:san:azure:blue +1602 blue_zodiac rgb 19 38 77 hex #13264D hsv 220 75 30 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.07 lab 16 8 -26 lch 16 27 286 cmyk 23 15 0 70 space_cadet[7864][29,41,81](2.2):space_cadet[7865][30,41,82](3.0):oxford_blue[6274][0,33,71](3.7):cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](4.2):green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](4.2) 6 burst:cadet:cloud:oxford:space:vogue:blue:green +1603 blue_zodiac rgb 60 67 84 hex #3C4354 hsv 223 29 33 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.09 lab 28 2 -11 lch 28 11 278 cmyk 9 7 0 67 bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](1.0):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](2.4):catwalk[2140][61,62,76](2.4):cloud_burst[2382][53,62,79](2.4):dark_grayish_sapphire_blue[2754][66,72,89](3.0) 17 dark:avalanche:bright:burst:catwalk:cloud:grayish:sapphire:blue:grey +1604 blueberry rgb 70 65 150 hex #464196 hsv 244 57 59 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.3 lab 32 27 -46 lch 32 53 300 cmyk 31 33 0 41 blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](2.4):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](3.7):dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](4.2):kudos[4893][53,58,139](4.2):slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](4.2) 5 slate:dark:gem:kudos:blue +1605 blueberry rgb 79 134 247 hex #4F86F7 hsv 220 68 97 xyz 0.29 0.25 0.91 lab 57 18 -62 lch 57 65 286 cmyk 66 44 0 3 light_brilliant_sapphire_blue[5064][101,139,255](4.2):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](5.5):brilliant_sapphire_blue[1802][81,119,231](5.7):vivid_azure[8897][0,116,231](8.1):dodger_blue[3153][28,134,238](8.3) 1 light:brilliant:vivid:dodger:sapphire:azure:blue +1606 bluebonnet rgb 28 28 240 hex #1C1CF0 hsv 240 88 94 xyz 0.17 0.07 0.83 lab 33 70 -99 lch 33 121 305 cmyk 83 83 0 6 rich_blue[7211][2,27,249](4.5):vivid_phthalo_blue[8936][0,29,231](4.7):vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](5.1):vivid_blue[8899][21,46,255](5.4):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](5.4) 2 vivid:phthalo:rich:blue:indigo +1607 bluegrass rgb 131 151 131 hex #839783 hsv 120 13 59 xyz 0.25 0.29 0.26 lab 60 -11 8 lch 60 14 144 cmyk 8 0 8 41 spanish_green[7874][129,152,133](1.7):PMS5555[715][119,145,130](3.7):envy[3498][139,165,143](5.4):marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](5.4):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](5.4) 2 PMS5555:envy:marsh:spanish:green +1608 bluegreen rgb 1 122 121 hex #017A79 hsv 180 99 48 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.2 lab 46 -28 -8 lch 46 29 195 cmyk 47 0 0 52 surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](1.4):elm[3462][28,124,125](2.2):skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](2.2):stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](2.2):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](2.2) 17 elm:skobeloff:stormcloud:surfie:green +1609 bluegrey rgb 133 163 178 hex #85A3B2 hsv 200 25 70 xyz 0.31 0.34 0.47 lab 65 -7 -11 lch 65 13 238 cmyk 18 6 0 30 pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](2.0):bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](2.2):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](3.0):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.0):grayish_cerulean[4000][125,158,168](3.5) 11 bali:bluey:cerulean:grayish:hai:pewter:blue:grey +1610 blueprint rgb 42 49 63 hex #2A313F hsv 220 33 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 20 1 -10 lch 20 10 276 cmyk 8 5 0 75 allegro[1002][36,46,59](1.4):tornado[8430][39,45,60](1.4):quarterback[7016][40,43,60](3.0):black_rock[1473][44,45,60](3.2):coast[2391][36,52,66](3.3) 17 allegro:coast:quarterback:rock:tornado:black +1611 bluey_green rgb 43 177 121 hex #2BB179 hsv 155 76 69 xyz 0.2 0.33 0.23 lab 64 -48 19 lch 64 52 159 cmyk 53 0 22 31 green[4030][28,172,120](2.2):dark_seafoam_green[2880][62,175,118](3.2):dark_seafoam[2879][31,181,122](3.7):jade[4714][31,167,116](3.7):PMS3405[411][0,178,122](4.1) 8 dark:PMS3405:jade:seafoam:green +1612 bluey_grey rgb 137 160 176 hex #89A0B0 hsv 205 22 69 xyz 0.31 0.34 0.46 lab 65 -4 -11 lch 65 12 248 cmyk 15 6 0 31 bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](1.4):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](2.4):cadet_grey[1986][145,163,176](2.4):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](3.0):nepal[6023][147,170,185](3.3) 11 bali:bluegrey:cadet:hai:nepal:grey +1613 bluey_purple rgb 98 65 199 hex #6241C7 hsv 255 67 78 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.55 lab 39 47 -65 lch 39 80 306 cmyk 40 53 0 22 purple_heart[6876][116,66,200](4.7):blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](5.0):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](6.7):iris[4669][90,79,207](7.6):PMS2736[281][73,48,173](8.5) 2 PMS2736:a:heart:hint:iris:majorelle:of:with:blue:purple +1614 bluff rgb 113 129 135 hex #718187 hsv 196 16 53 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116 hex #10A674 hsv 160 90 65 xyz 0.17 0.29 0.21 lab 60 -48 16 lch 60 50 162 cmyk 59 0 20 35 green[4024][0,168,119](1.7):jade[4714][31,167,116](1.7):green[4022][0,159,107](2.2):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](2.8):green[4030][28,172,120](3.2) 8 jade:teal:green +1618 bluish_grey rgb 116 139 151 hex #748B97 hsv 201 23 59 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.33 lab 56 -5 -9 lch 56 11 239 cmyk 14 5 0 41 abacus[942][118,137,147](1.0):steel[7961][115,133,149](3.0):pigeon_post[6648][119,132,142](3.5):light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](3.6):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](3.6) 14 slate:light:abacus:pigeon:post:scotty:silver:steel:grey +1619 bluish_grey rgb 156 156 168 hex #9C9CA8 hsv 240 7 66 xyz 0.33 0.34 0.42 lab 65 2 -6 lch 65 7 291 cmyk 5 5 0 34 spun_pearl[7938][162,161,172](2.2):santas_grey[7485][153,152,167](3.0):manatee[5492][151,154,170](3.2):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](3.3):el_nino[3431][146,160,172](4.5) 12 el:manatee:nino:pearl:santas:spun:grey +1620 bluish_purple rgb 112 59 231 hex #703BE7 hsv 258 74 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199 58 44 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.17 lab 37 -9 -17 lch 37 19 243 cmyk 25 8 0 56 chathams_blue[2247][44,89,113](1.7):PMS5405[678][63,96,117](3.7):undercurrent[8648][54,92,108](4.0):orient[6250][37,91,119](4.2):marathon[5519][48,85,99](5.8) 4 PMS5405:chathams:marathon:orient:undercurrent:blue +1624 blurple rgb 85 57 204 hex #5539CC hsv 251 72 80 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.58 lab 36 51 -72 lch 36 88 305 cmyk 47 58 0 20 blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](5.0):purple_heart[6874][101,45,193](6.5):medium_blue[5600][50,50,205](7.6):bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](8.6):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](9.4) 1 medium:a:bluey:heart:hint:majorelle:of:with:blue:purple +1625 blush rgb 180 70 104 hex #B44668 hsv 341 61 71 xyz 0.24 0.15 0.15 lab 46 48 4 lch 46 48 4 cmyk 0 43 30 29 irresistible[4686][179,68,108](3.3):raspberry_rose[7074][179,68,108](3.3):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](4.1):rouge[7337][169,64,100](4.1):hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](4.7) 5 cadillac:hippie:irresistible:raspberry:rouge:pink:rose +1626 blush rgb 181 80 103 hex #B55067 hsv 346 56 71 xyz 0.24 0.17 0.15 lab 48 43 7 lch 48 44 9 cmyk 0 40 31 29 hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](3.7):hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](4.5):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](4.6):moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](4.6):dark_rose[2860][181,72,93](5.4) 4 moderate:dark:cadillac:hippie:crimson:pink:rose +1627 blush rgb 222 93 131 hex #DE5D83 hsv 342 58 87 xyz 0.38 0.25 0.24 lab 57 54 5 lch 57 54 5 cmyk 0 51 36 13 cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.1):mystic[5968][214,82,130](5.4):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](6.1):fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](6.7):light_crimson[5087][245,105,145](6.8) 0 light:dark:cranberry:fandango:mystic:crimson:pink +1628 blush rgb 242 158 142 hex #F29E8E hsv 10 41 95 xyz 0.54 0.45 0.32 lab 73 29 21 lch 73 36 36 cmyk 0 33 39 5 light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](4.2):mona_lisa[5863][255,161,148](4.5):tonys_pink[8415][231,158,136](4.6):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](5.0):rose_bud[7300][254,171,154](5.1) 4 light:bud:lisa:mona:salmon:scarlet:tonys:pink:rose +1629 blush_pink rgb 254 130 140 hex #FE828C hsv 355 49 100 xyz 0.54 0.39 0.3 lab 69 48 17 lch 69 51 19 cmyk 0 49 45 0 tulip[8556][255,135,141](2.4):PMS1775[117][249,132,142](3.7):froly[3775][245,117,132](4.6):PMS177[116][249,130,127](5.9):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](5.9) 3 PMS177:PMS1775:froly:geraldine:tulip +1630 blush_pink rgb 255 111 255 hex #FF6FFF hsv 300 56 100 xyz 0.65 0.4 0.99 lab 69 73 -46 lch 69 86 327 cmyk 0 56 0 0 shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](0.0):ultra_pink[8636][255,111,255](0.0):pink_flamingo[6674][252,116,253](4.2):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](4.4):fuchsia_pink[3796][255,119,255](4.9) 5 flamingo:fuchsia:shocking:ultra:pink +1631 boardwalk rgb 159 131 83 hex #9F8353 hsv 38 48 62 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.12 lab 56 4 30 lch 56 30 82 cmyk 0 11 30 38 barley_corn[1299][166,139,91](3.2):muesli[5932][158,126,83](3.7):sanctuary[7450][166,132,89](3.7):gold_dust[3902][146,119,72](4.0):solid_gold[7839][146,119,72](4.0) 6 barley:corn:dust:gold:muesli:sanctuary:solid +1632 bokara_grey rgb 28 18 8 hex #1C1208 hsv 30 71 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 6 3 6 lch 6 7 63 cmyk 0 4 8 89 crowshead[2609][28,18,8](0.0):creole[2592][30,15,4](2.2):very_brown[8712][29,23,17](2.4):acadia[951][27,20,4](3.0):karaka[4816][30,22,9](3.0) 16 very:acadia:creole:crowshead:karaka:brown +1633 bokara_grey rgb 42 39 37 hex #2A2725 hsv 24 12 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 1 2 lch 16 2 63 cmyk 0 1 2 84 ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](1.7):maxwell_smart[5587][42,37,37](1.7):PMS426[509][43,43,40](2.2):filmpro_black[3603][40,40,40](2.2):jungle_green[4792][41,41,36](2.2) 44 PMS426:filmpro:ivory:jungle:maxwell:smart:black:green +1634 bole rgb 121 68 59 hex #79443B hsv 9 51 47 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.05 lab 35 22 15 lch 35 27 35 cmyk 0 21 24 53 medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](0.0):crown_of_thorns[2607][118,60,51](3.5):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.5):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.6):red_robin[7138][125,65,56](3.6) 7 medium:copper:crown:intrigue:metallic:of:robin:thorns:tuscan:red +1635 bombay rgb 174 174 173 hex #AEAEAD hsv 60 1 68 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.46 lab 71 0 1 lch 71 1 110 cmyk 0 0 0 32 grey[4169][173,173,173](1.0):grey[4168][171,171,171](1.4):grey[4170][176,176,176](1.4):silver_chalice[7709][172,172,172](1.4):PMS429[512][173,175,170](2.2) 44 PMS429:chalice:silver:grey +1636 bombay rgb 175 177 184 hex #AFB1B8 hsv 227 5 72 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.52 lab 72 1 -4 lch 72 4 280 cmyk 4 3 0 28 aluminium[1025][169,172,182](2.2):misty_lavender[5786][182,181,185](2.8):spun_pearl[7939][170,171,183](3.0):ajay[979][176,172,174](3.3):eighth_sidewinder[3418][176,172,174](3.3) 29 misty:ajay:aluminium:eighth:pearl:sidewinder:spun:lavender +1637 bombshell rgb 174 47 62 hex #AE2F3E hsv 353 73 68 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.06 lab 40 52 22 lch 40 56 23 cmyk 0 50 44 32 crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](1.4):glitterbug[3878][169,42,55](2.8):PMS703[882][183,56,68](3.0):vibe[8829][172,49,66](3.2):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.3) 7 PMS201:PMS703:crash:glitterbug:hot:vibe +1638 bon_jour rgb 223 215 210 hex #DFD7D2 hsv 23 6 87 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.71 lab 86 2 3 lch 86 4 61 cmyk 0 3 5 13 gallery[3823][220,215,209](1.4):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.7):swiss_coffee[8189][221,214,213](2.0):timberwolf[8365][219,215,210](2.0):quarter_rakaia[6985][215,214,211](2.2) 98 coffee:flotsam:gallery:half:quarter:rakaia:swiss:timberwolf +1639 bon_jour rgb 229 224 225 hex #E5E0E1 hsv 348 2 90 xyz 0.73 0.75 0.82 lab 90 2 0 lch 90 2 3 cmyk 0 2 2 10 ditto[3144][231,226,228](0.0):ebb[3343][233,227,227](1.4):seashell[7587][227,225,224](1.4):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](1.7):grey[4192][227,227,227](2.0) 71 ditto:ebb:lilac:seashell:grey:white +1640 bona_fide rgb 151 119 123 hex #97777B hsv 353 21 59 xyz 0.23 0.21 0.22 lab 53 13 3 lch 53 13 11 cmyk 0 13 11 41 bazaar[1327][152,119,123](1.0):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.3):opium[6192][152,126,126](3.7):bazaar[1326][143,119,119](4.1):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](4.1) 8 bazaar:kubrick:opium +1641 bonanza rgb 183 125 110 hex #B77D6E hsv 12 40 72 xyz 0.3 0.26 0.18 lab 58 21 17 lch 58 27 40 cmyk 0 23 29 28 pinkish_brown[6696][177,114,97](5.4):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](5.5):brandy_rose[1695][182,133,122](6.0):brownish_pink[1867][194,126,121](6.2):coral_tree[2508][171,110,103](6.2) 0 blast:brandy:bronze:brownish:coral:off:pinkish:tree:brown:pink:rose +1642 bondi_blue rgb 0 149 182 hex #0095B6 hsv 191 100 71 xyz 0.19 0.25 0.48 lab 57 -21 -26 lch 57 34 231 cmyk 71 13 0 29 blue_green[1564][13,152,186](1.4):blue[1532][0,147,175](3.0):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](3.3):PMS313[353][0,153,181](3.7):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](4.2) 6 PMS313:pelorous:blue:green +1643 bondi_blue rgb 2 71 142 hex #02478E hsv 210 99 56 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.26 lab 31 10 -45 lch 31 46 283 cmyk 55 28 0 44 congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](0.0):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](3.0):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](3.0):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](3.3):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](3.7) 6 medium:cobalt:congress:electric:usafa:yale:blue +1644 bondi_blue rgb 38 65 107 hex #26416B hsv 217 64 42 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.15 lab 27 4 -28 lch 27 28 279 cmyk 27 16 0 58 capri[2067][48,67,106](3.7):filmpro_ultramarine_blue[3623][44,62,107](4.0):regal_blue[7169][1,63,106](4.6):apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](4.7):midnight_blue[5720][26,72,118](4.7) 8 apollo:capri:filmpro:midnight:regal:ultramarine:blue +1645 bone rgb 219 194 171 hex #DBC2AB hsv 29 22 86 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.47 lab 80 5 15 lch 80 16 70 cmyk 0 10 19 14 PMS4745[581][216,191,170](1.7):nougat[6077][214,193,171](1.7):eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](2.2):manilla[5509][213,195,172](2.2):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](2.4) 19 PMS4745:alpaca:eighth:kalgoorie:manilla:nougat:sands +1646 bone rgb 227 218 201 hex #E3DAC9 hsv 39 11 89 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.65 lab 87 0 9 lch 87 9 89 cmyk 0 4 10 11 albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.0):quarter_biscotti[6923][227,215,199](1.0):quarter_fossil[6946][228,220,203](1.0):bubble_white[1878][220,215,198](1.4):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.4) 101 albescent:biscotti:bubble:caraway:fossil:quarter:white +1647 bone rgb 228 209 192 hex #E4D1C0 hsv 28 16 89 xyz 0.64 0.66 0.59 lab 85 4 11 lch 85 11 70 cmyk 0 7 14 11 PMS482[590][229,211,193](1.4):PMS481[589][224,204,186](2.0):PMS4755[583][226,204,186](2.4):half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](3.0):almond[1009][238,217,196](3.6) 26 PMS4755:PMS481:PMS482:biscotti:half:almond +1648 bone_white rgb 184 183 166 hex #B8B7A6 hsv 57 10 72 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.43 lab 74 -3 9 lch 74 9 107 cmyk 0 0 7 28 ash[1153][190,186,167](1.7):mist_grey[5784][186,185,169](1.7):pebble_grey[6575][180,179,164](1.7):linen[5291][186,183,162](2.0):tana[8232][184,181,161](2.4) 46 ash:linen:mist:pebble:tana:grey +1649 bonfire rgb 166 42 32 hex #A62A20 hsv 4 81 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.02 lab 38 50 36 lch 38 62 36 cmyk 0 49 53 35 roof_terracotta[7289][166,47,32](2.2):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](3.7):pulse[6844][164,29,25](4.1):PMS1805[128][175,38,38](4.2):tall_poppy[8213][179,45,41](4.4) 9 PMS1805:mexican:poppy:pulse:roof:tall:terracotta:red +1650 booger rgb 155 181 60 hex #9BB53C hsv 73 67 71 xyz 0.31 0.4 0.1 lab 70 -26 56 lch 70 62 115 cmyk 10 0 47 29 avocado[1210][144,177,52](3.7):sushi[8167][135,171,57](6.6):limerick[5287][137,172,39](6.9):happy_hour[4421][169,201,73](7.0):limelight[5286][153,173,37](7.0) 1 avocado:happy:hour:limelight:limerick:sushi +1651 booger_buster rgb 221 226 106 hex #DDE26A hsv 63 53 89 xyz 0.6 0.71 0.24 lab 87 -18 57 lch 87 60 107 cmyk 2 0 47 11 PMS585[773][219,224,107](1.4):tiger_lily[8358][221,229,116](3.2):mindaro[5751][218,234,111](4.5):curiosity[2627][211,229,104](5.1):manz[5518][238,239,120](5.4) 3 PMS585:curiosity:lily:manz:mindaro:tiger +1652 booger_green rgb 150 180 3 hex #96B403 hsv 70 98 71 xyz 0.29 0.39 0.06 lab 69 -29 70 lch 69 76 113 cmyk 12 0 69 29 citrus[2347][159,183,10](2.2):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](3.0):gross_green[4237][160,191,22](4.1):pea[6533][164,191,32](4.2):barf_green[1296][148,172,2](4.7) 7 barf:bright:citrus:gross:olive:pea:green +1653 boogie_wonderland rgb 132 87 155 hex #84579B hsv 280 44 61 xyz 0.19 0.14 0.33 lab 44 31 -30 lch 44 43 316 cmyk 9 27 0 39 dark_lavender[2784][115,79,150](5.1):violet[8855][143,94,153](6.8):vivid_violet[8962][143,80,157](8.1):affair[968][113,70,147](9.0):violet[8856][146,110,174](9.0) 0 dark:vivid:affair:lavender:violet +1654 boomerang rgb 121 78 51 hex #794E33 hsv 23 58 47 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.04 lab 37 15 23 lch 37 28 57 cmyk 0 17 27 53 cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](2.2):old_copper[6127][114,74,47](2.2):cigar[2325][125,78,56](3.0):walnut[8988][121,77,46](3.0):matai[5569][118,76,44](3.3) 9 cape:cigar:copper:matai:old:palliser:walnut +1655 boomtown rgb 52 102 114 hex #346672 hsv 192 54 45 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.18 lab 40 -13 -12 lch 40 18 222 cmyk 24 5 0 55 casal[2118][47,97,104](4.1):undercurrent[8648][54,92,108](5.1):william[9119][58,104,108](5.5):bismark[1426][72,108,122](5.7):allports[1006][31,106,125](5.9) 1 allports:bismark:casal:undercurrent:william +1656 bootleg rgb 60 36 27 hex #3C241B hsv 16 55 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 10 11 lch 17 15 46 cmyk 0 9 13 76 brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](0.0):chocolate_brownie[2311][60,36,27](0.0):deep_chocolate[2977][60,36,27](0.0):cork[2515][64,41,29](2.4):mash[5566][64,41,29](2.4) 15 deep:brownie:chocolate:cork:mash:pod:brown +1657 bordeaux rgb 76 28 36 hex #4C1C24 hsv 350 63 30 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.02 lab 18 24 6 lch 18 24 14 cmyk 0 19 16 70 mayhem[5590][77,27,37](1.4):PMS504[619][81,30,38](1.7):persian_red[6610][79,33,42](3.0):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.3):zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](3.7) 7 PMS504:baron:mayhem:persian:zibibbo:red +1658 bordeaux rgb 92 1 32 hex #5C0120 hsv 340 99 36 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.02 lab 17 39 9 lch 17 40 13 cmyk 0 36 24 64 deep_raspberry[3039][89,0,33](2.0):burgundy[1908][97,0,35](2.8):castro[2130][82,0,31](4.1):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](4.4):maroon[5539][101,0,33](4.7) 5 deep:dark:burgundy:castro:maroon:raspberry:scarlet +1659 bordeaux rgb 123 0 44 hex #7B002C hsv 339 100 48 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.03 lab 25 48 12 lch 25 50 14 cmyk 0 48 31 52 claret[2356][127,23,52](4.7):salsa[7437][119,12,37](5.7):wine_red[9141][123,3,35](6.1):red_wine[7148][140,0,52](6.4):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](6.7) 1 claret:letter:salsa:wine:red +1660 bordello rgb 151 68 98 hex #974462 hsv 338 55 59 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.13 lab 41 38 -1 lch 41 38 359 cmyk 0 33 21 41 bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](3.6):cadillac[1987][152,73,97](3.7):PMS689[868][147,66,102](4.1):quinacridone_magenta[7030][142,58,89](4.1):vin_rouge[8842][152,61,97](4.6) 5 PMS689:bedazzle:cadillac:magenta:quinacridone:rouge:vin +1661 boring_green rgb 99 179 101 hex #63B365 hsv 122 45 70 xyz 0.24 0.36 0.18 lab 66 -41 32 lch 66 52 142 cmyk 31 0 31 30 fern[3578][99,183,108](2.8):algae[994][84,172,104](5.5):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](6.1):moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](6.4):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](6.7) 1 moderate:dark:algae:fern:malachite:pastel:soft:green +1662 bossanova rgb 76 61 78 hex #4C3D4E hsv 293 22 31 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.08 lab 28 10 -8 lch 28 13 322 cmyk 1 7 0 69 purple_taupe[6889][80,64,77](3.2):mortar[5902][80,67,81](3.5):warlord[8995][69,64,79](4.0):dark_grayish_fuchsia[2743][89,66,84](4.4):dark_grayish_violet[2758][78,66,89](4.5) 5 dark:fuchsia:grayish:mortar:taupe:warlord:purple:violet +1663 bossanova rgb 78 42 90 hex #4E2A5A hsv 285 53 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.1 lab 24 26 -22 lch 24 34 319 cmyk 5 19 0 65 dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](1.7):dark_heliotrope[2773][83,39,89](3.2):PMS669[848][71,43,89](3.3):PMS525[654][81,38,84](3.7):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](3.7) 7 dark:PMS525:PMS669:heliotrope:mulberry:purple +1664 boston_blue rgb 59 145 180 hex #3B91B4 hsv 197 67 71 xyz 0.2 0.24 0.47 lab 57 -15 -26 lch 57 30 241 cmyk 47 14 0 29 endorphin[3484][65,144,173](4.1):PMS640[819][0,140,178](5.2):hemisphere[4467][78,147,186](5.2):PMS801_2X[913][0,137,175](5.4):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](6.0) 1 2X:PMS640:PMS801:bondi:endorphin:hemisphere:blue +1665 boston_blue rgb 67 142 172 hex #438EAC hsv 197 61 67 xyz 0.19 0.24 0.43 lab 56 -14 -23 lch 56 27 238 cmyk 41 12 0 33 endorphin[3484][65,144,173](1.4):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](4.6):dirty_blue[3136][63,130,157](5.5):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](5.9):hemisphere[4467][78,147,186](6.0) 2 moderate:cerulean:cornflower:dirty:endorphin:hemisphere:blue +1666 boston_university_red rgb 204 0 0 hex #CC0000 hsv 360 100 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.01 lab 43 68 57 lch 43 88 40 cmyk 0 80 80 20 red[7103][205,0,0](0.0):PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](1.0):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](1.7):rosso_corsa[7323][212,0,0](2.4):PMS485[593][216,30,5](3.3) 6 2X:PMS185:PMS485:corsa:rosso:red +1667 botanic rgb 33 64 43 hex #21402B hsv 139 48 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 24 -17 9 lch 24 20 151 cmyk 12 0 8 75 permanent_green[6600][37,68,47](2.0):everglade[3525][28,64,46](2.2):deep_fir[2987][25,57,37](3.0):kea[4824][40,62,42](3.2):everglade[3526][38,67,52](4.1) 10 deep:everglade:fir:kea:permanent:green +1668 botany_bay rgb 55 56 55 hex #373837 hsv 120 2 22 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 -1 0 lch 23 1 144 cmyk 0 0 0 78 charcoal[2220][52,56,55](1.0):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.0):grey[4119][54,54,54](1.0):onyx[6185][53,56,57](1.0):slate[7754][53,54,53](1.0) 71 slate:dark:charcoal:onyx:grey +1669 botticelli rgb 146 172 180 hex #92ACB4 hsv 194 19 71 xyz 0.35 0.39 0.49 lab 69 -7 -7 lch 69 10 225 cmyk 13 3 0 29 moby[5798][142,178,190](3.7):nepal[6023][147,170,185](3.7):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](4.1):gull_grey[4247][157,172,183](4.1):hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](4.2) 6 eskimo:gull:hit:moby:nepal:grey +1670 botticelli rgb 199 221 229 hex #C7DDE5 hsv 196 13 90 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.84 lab 87 -6 -6 lch 87 9 228 cmyk 12 3 0 10 PMS290[311][196,216,226](2.4):columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](2.4):ziggurat[9260][191,219,226](2.4):cut_glass[2631][201,219,220](3.2):dreamer[3268][211,229,239](3.7) 13 PMS290:columbia:cut:dreamer:glass:ziggurat:blue +1671 bottle_green rgb 0 106 78 hex #006A4E hsv 164 100 42 xyz 0.07 0.11 0.09 lab 39 -34 8 lch 39 35 166 cmyk 42 0 11 58 bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](0.0):PMS342[414][0,107,84](2.4):PMS555[714][7,109,84](2.4):watercourse[9013][0,110,78](3.0):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](3.0) 9 PMS342:PMS555:bangladesh:watercourse:green +1672 bottle_green rgb 4 74 5 hex #044A05 hsv 121 95 29 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.01 lab 27 -34 32 lch 27 47 137 cmyk 27 0 27 71 darkgreen[2923][5,73,7](1.4):racing_green[7033][1,70,0](2.0):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](4.2):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](4.6):fern[3575][10,72,13](4.6) 6 dark:british:darkgreen:fern:racing:green +1673 bottle_green rgb 9 54 36 hex #093624 hsv 156 83 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -20 7 lch 19 21 161 cmyk 18 0 7 79 phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](2.0):dark_green[2761][1,50,32](2.2):burnham[1919][0,46,32](3.7):deep_fir[2987][25,57,37](4.1):bush[1944][13,46,28](4.4) 5 deep:dark:burnham:bush:fir:phthalo:green +1674 bottle_green rgb 37 70 54 hex #254636 hsv 151 47 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 27 -16 6 lch 27 18 160 cmyk 13 0 6 73 bush[1945][37,70,54](0.0):PMS553[710][35,68,53](1.4):burnham[1920][35,69,55](1.4):everglade[3526][38,67,52](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](3.0) 16 PMS553:burnham:bush:english:everglade:holly +1675 boulder rgb 122 122 122 hex #7A7A7A hsv 330 0 48 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.21 lab 51 0 0 lch 51 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 52 grey[4146][122,122,122](0.0):grey[4145][120,120,120](1.0):grey[4147][125,125,125](1.0):concord[2448][124,123,122](1.4):trojan[8532][117,120,120](1.4) 47 concord:trojan:grey +1676 boulder rgb 124 129 124 hex #7C817C hsv 120 4 51 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.22 lab 53 -3 2 lch 53 4 144 cmyk 2 0 2 49 gunsmoke[4260][122,124,118](1.7):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](2.2):medium_grey[5614][125,127,124](2.2):double_delta[3195][131,133,127](2.4):triple_delta[8487][120,121,115](2.4) 52 medium:delta:double:gunsmoke:industrial:silver:triple:grey +1677 boulevard rgb 142 165 160 hex #8EA5A0 hsv 167 14 65 xyz 0.31 0.35 0.38 lab 66 -9 0 lch 66 9 181 cmyk 9 0 2 35 pewter[6627][150,168,161](1.7):cascade[2120][139,169,165](2.4):cascade[2121][140,168,160](2.4):PMS5497[700][145,163,153](3.3):destiny[3112][136,158,157](3.7) 13 PMS5497:cascade:destiny:pewter +1678 bounce rgb 103 147 148 hex #679394 hsv 181 30 58 xyz 0.21 0.26 0.32 lab 58 -15 -5 lch 58 16 200 cmyk 18 0 0 42 PMS5483[696][96,145,145](1.4):wishlist[9150][101,146,149](1.4):juniper[4797][109,146,146](2.2):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](2.8):steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](3.2) 9 PMS5483:cyan:desaturated:juniper:steel:teal:wishlist +1679 bounty rgb 145 159 160 hex #919FA0 hsv 184 9 63 xyz 0.3 0.33 0.38 lab 64 -5 -2 lch 64 5 205 cmyk 6 0 0 37 submarine[8103][140,156,156](1.4):dusted_blue[3303][146,159,162](1.7):powder_blue[6798][146,159,162](1.7):half_regent_grey[4374][147,157,161](2.2):cool_grey[2473][149,163,166](2.4) 21 cool:dusted:half:powder:regent:submarine:blue:grey +1680 bouquet rgb 167 129 153 hex #A78199 hsv 322 23 65 xyz 0.3 0.26 0.34 lab 58 19 -7 lch 58 20 339 cmyk 0 15 5 35 grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](2.4):PMS5145[633][173,135,153](4.1):grayish_fuchsia[4004][168,125,158](5.0):mountbatten_pink[5921][153,122,141](5.1):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](5.5) 3 PMS5145:dusty:fuchsia:grayish:mountbatten:lavender:pink:rose +1681 bouquet rgb 174 128 158 hex #AE809E hsv 321 26 68 xyz 0.31 0.27 0.36 lab 59 23 -9 lch 59 24 338 cmyk 0 18 6 32 grayish_fuchsia[4004][168,125,158](2.4):opera_mauve[6190][183,132,167](3.5):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](4.4):grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](5.4):PMS521[646][181,140,178](6.5) 3 PMS521:dusty:fuchsia:grayish:mauve:opera:lavender:rose +1682 bourbon rgb 175 108 62 hex #AF6C3E hsv 24 65 69 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.07 lab 52 22 36 lch 52 43 59 cmyk 0 26 44 31 light_tan[5218][175,108,62](0.0):oregon[6248][177,108,57](3.2):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](3.7):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](4.1):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](4.2) 10 light:clay:oregon:pendragon:pumpkin:tan:brown +1683 bourbon rgb 186 111 30 hex #BA6F1E hsv 31 84 73 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.04 lab 54 24 54 lch 54 59 66 cmyk 0 29 61 27 gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](4.2):omega[6178][181,101,25](4.4):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](4.5):PMS153[73][188,109,10](5.1):light_brown[5075][181,101,29](5.2) 3 light:PMS153:gold:mai:ochre:omega:tai:brown +1684 boutique rgb 223 172 183 hex #DFACB7 hsv 347 23 87 xyz 0.54 0.49 0.51 lab 75 20 2 lch 75 20 4 cmyk 0 20 16 13 PMS686[865][224,170,186](2.8):blossom[1526][223,177,182](3.7):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](4.4):pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](4.5):blossom[1525][220,180,188](4.6) 6 pale:PMS686:blossom:chestnut:mamma:mia +1685 bowie rgb 0 132 172 hex #0084AC hsv 194 100 67 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.42 lab 51 -16 -30 lch 51 33 242 cmyk 67 16 0 33 PMS801_2X[913][0,137,175](2.4):strong_cerulean[8025][0,126,168](2.8):PMS640[819][0,140,178](3.7):PMS307[344][0,122,165](4.4):PMS641[820][0,122,165](4.4) 6 strong:2X:PMS307:PMS640:PMS641:PMS801:cerulean +1686 bowman rgb 213 177 133 hex #D5B185 hsv 33 38 84 xyz 0.47 0.47 0.29 lab 74 7 27 lch 74 28 76 cmyk 0 14 31 16 calico[2008][213,177,133](0.0):drab[3265][213,177,133](0.0):burlywood[1915][205,170,125](2.2):brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):muka[5935][210,172,125](2.4) 16 brandy:burlywood:calico:drab:muka +1687 boysenberry rgb 135 50 96 hex #873260 hsv 328 63 53 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.12 lab 35 41 -9 lch 35 42 348 cmyk 0 33 15 47 hot_pink[4561][139,58,98](3.5):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](4.4):PMS249[215][127,40,96](5.4):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](5.8):raspberry[7068][135,38,87](5.8) 2 dark:PMS249:enchanted:hot:raspberry:pink +1688 bracken rgb 74 42 4 hex #4A2A04 hsv 33 95 29 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.01 lab 21 12 28 lch 21 30 67 cmyk 0 13 27 71 deep_bronze[2963][74,48,4](4.6):PMS1545[76][76,40,15](5.5):cola[2428][63,37,0](5.8):jambalaya[4727][91,48,19](6.7):baker's_chocolate[1262][92,51,23](7.1) 1 deep:PMS1545:baker's:bronze:chocolate:cola:jambalaya +1689 bracken rgb 91 61 39 hex #5B3D27 hsv 25 57 36 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.03 lab 29 10 19 lch 29 21 61 cmyk 0 12 20 64 dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](2.2):irish_coffee[4671][95,61,38](2.2):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](2.2):carnaby_tan[2099][91,58,36](2.4):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](2.4) 13 dark:carnaby:coffee:irish:nutmeg:rimu:tan:tangelo +1690 brandeis_blue rgb 0 112 255 hex #0070FF hsv 214 100 100 xyz 0.24 0.19 0.97 lab 50 29 -78 lch 50 83 290 cmyk 100 56 0 0 blue[1536][31,117,254](4.7):flat_medium_blue[3670][72,118,255](6.5):royal_blue[7351][72,118,255](6.5):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](6.8):bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](7.3) 1 medium:flat:bright:royal:ultramarine:blue +1691 brandy rgb 220 182 138 hex #DCB68A hsv 32 37 86 xyz 0.51 0.51 0.31 lab 76 8 28 lch 76 29 74 cmyk 0 15 32 14 bowman[1686][213,177,133](2.4):burlywood[1916][222,184,135](2.4):calico[2008][213,177,133](2.4):deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](2.4):drab[3265][213,177,133](2.4) 13 bowman:burlywood:calico:deja:drab:vu +1692 brandy rgb 222 193 150 hex #DEC196 hsv 36 32 87 xyz 0.55 0.56 0.37 lab 80 4 25 lch 80 26 81 cmyk 0 11 28 13 calico[2009][224,192,149](1.7):saloon[7436][213,191,152](3.5):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](3.6):quarter_putty[6984][224,203,159](3.6):PMS727[906][226,191,155](3.7) 20 PMS727:calico:new:putty:quarter:saloon:tan +1693 brandy_punch rgb 192 124 64 hex #C07C40 hsv 28 67 75 xyz 0.3 0.26 0.08 lab 58 21 43 lch 58 48 64 cmyk 0 27 50 25 copper[2476][184,115,51](3.7):meteor[5695][187,116,49](5.1):reno_sand[7186][178,110,51](5.1):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](5.7):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](5.7) 1 clay:copper:meteor:pendragon:reno:sand:brown +1694 brandy_punch rgb 205 132 41 hex #CD8429 hsv 33 80 80 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.06 lab 61 21 57 lch 61 61 70 cmyk 0 29 64 20 dixie[3146][205,132,49](3.0):geebung[3835][197,131,46](4.4):gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](5.4):fuel_yellow[3802][209,144,51](5.7):bronze[1823][205,127,50](5.9) 2 bronze:dixie:fuel:geebung:gold:ochre:yellow +1695 brandy_rose rgb 182 133 122 hex #B6857A hsv 11 33 71 xyz 0.31 0.28 0.22 lab 60 17 13 lch 60 22 38 cmyk 0 19 24 29 oriental_pink[6251][194,142,136](4.9):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](5.9):bonanza[1641][183,125,110](6.0):grayish_red[4013][168,125,125](6.7):quicksand[7025][195,152,139](6.7) 1 PMS5005:bonanza:grayish:oriental:quicksand:pink:red +1696 brandy_rose rgb 187 137 131 hex #BB8983 hsv 6 30 73 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.26 lab 62 18 11 lch 62 21 30 cmyk 0 20 22 27 oriental_pink[6251][194,142,136](2.2):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](3.7):pink[6665][188,143,143](4.6):rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](4.6):rosybrown[7331][188,143,143](4.6) 6 PMS5005:oriental:rosy:rosybrown:brown:pink +1697 brass rgb 181 166 66 hex #B5A642 hsv 52 64 71 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.11 lab 68 -7 52 lch 68 53 97 cmyk 0 6 45 29 karma[4819][182,162,55](4.6):style_pasifika_dark_sun[8077][182,162,55](4.6):sundance[8124][196,170,77](5.7):vegas_gold[8687][197,179,88](6.7):moderate_olive[5834][168,168,74](7.3) 2 moderate:dark:gold:karma:olive:pasifika:style:sun:sundance:vegas +1698 brazil rgb 129 91 40 hex #815B28 hsv 34 69 51 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.04 lab 42 10 35 lch 42 36 74 cmyk 0 15 35 49 hot_curry[4555][129,91,40](0.0):PMS464[558][135,96,40](2.8):rusty_nail[7389][141,95,44](4.6):PMS463[556][117,84,38](5.1):tan[8220][139,90,43](5.1) 3 PMS463:PMS464:curry:hot:nail:rusty:tan +1699 brazil rgb 136 98 33 hex #886221 hsv 38 76 53 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.03 lab 44 9 41 lch 44 42 78 cmyk 0 15 40 47 hot_curry[4556][136,98,33](0.0):kumera[4895][136,98,33](0.0):PMS464[558][135,96,40](4.1):cheers[2250][145,106,45](4.5):sienna[7693][142,107,35](4.7) 5 PMS464:cheers:curry:hot:kumera:sienna +1700 breaker_bay rgb 81 123 120 hex #517B78 hsv 176 34 48 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.2 lab 49 -15 -3 lch 49 16 191 cmyk 16 0 1 52 cutty_sark[2632][80,118,114](2.4):green_copper[4038][82,127,118](4.4):william[9120][83,115,111](4.4):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](4.7):faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](4.9) 7 dark:copper:cutty:faded:jade:sark:william:green +1701 breaker_bay rgb 93 161 159 hex #5DA19F hsv 178 42 63 xyz 0.24 0.3 0.37 lab 62 -22 -6 lch 62 23 195 cmyk 27 0 1 37 cadet_blue[1980][95,159,159](2.2):cadet[1975][95,158,160](2.4):cadet_blue[1979][95,158,160](2.4):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](5.5):fountain_blue[3734][101,173,178](5.7) 3 cadet:cyan:desaturated:fountain:blue +1702 breakfree rgb 101 25 42 hex #65192A hsv 347 75 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 22 35 9 lch 22 36 14 cmyk 0 30 23 60 x_factor[9183][104,27,43](1.4):PMS505[620][102,30,43](2.4):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](3.7):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](3.7):claret[2355][110,34,51](4.1) 5 PMS505:blood:claret:factor:hibiscus:pasifika:pohutukawa:style:x +1703 breakwater rgb 83 104 147 hex #536893 hsv 220 44 58 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.3 lab 44 4 -26 lch 44 26 279 cmyk 25 17 0 42 blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](1.0):jasper[4746][78,101,144](1.0):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](1.4):waikawa_grey[8982][90,110,156](3.3):azure[1229][78,105,154](4.0) 7 jasper:jeans:ucla:waikawa:azure:blue:grey +1704 breathless rgb 193 200 210 hex #C1C8D2 hsv 215 8 82 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.69 lab 80 0 -6 lch 80 6 265 cmyk 7 4 0 18 PMS650[829][191,198,209](0.0):link_water[5294][199,205,216](2.0):PMS537[673][196,198,206](2.2):ghost[3851][199,201,213](2.2):lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](3.2) 17 PMS537:PMS650:ghost:link:water:grey:lavender +1705 breeze rgb 204 219 217 hex #CCDBD9 hsv 172 7 86 xyz 0.63 0.69 0.76 lab 86 -5 -1 lch 86 5 188 cmyk 6 0 1 14 cut_glass[2631][201,219,220](2.2):nebula[6004][203,219,214](2.2):zumthor[9280][205,213,213](2.2):PMS552[707][196,214,214](2.4):PMS642[821][209,216,216](3.0) 34 PMS552:PMS642:cut:glass:nebula:zumthor +1706 brick rgb 156 102 31 hex #9C661F hsv 34 80 61 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.04 lab 48 16 46 lch 48 49 71 cmyk 0 21 49 39 golden_brown[3912][153,101,21](3.3):toast_lmu_45[8387][156,95,33](4.9):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](5.8):PMS1395[54][153,96,7](6.4):leather[4958][172,116,52](6.7) 2 45:PMS1395:golden:hot:leather:lmu:toast:toddy:brown +1707 brick rgb 160 54 35 hex #A03623 hsv 9 78 63 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.03 lab 38 43 35 lch 38 55 39 cmyk 0 42 49 37 brownish_red[1869][158,54,35](1.0):PMS484[592][155,48,28](2.8):prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](3.3):cognac[2426][159,56,29](3.6):countdown[2558][146,47,29](4.6) 5 PMS484:brownish:cognac:countdown:prairie:sand:red +1708 brick_orange rgb 193 74 9 hex #C14A09 hsv 21 95 76 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.02 lab 47 45 55 lch 47 72 51 cmyk 0 47 72 24 rock_spray[7264][186,69,12](2.8):burnt_orange[1929][192,78,1](3.7):tia_maria[8341][193,68,14](3.7):PMS167[102][188,79,7](4.1):dark_orange[2822][198,81,2](4.6) 6 burnt:dark:PMS167:maria:rock:spray:tia:orange +1709 brick_red rgb 143 20 2 hex #8F1402 hsv 8 99 56 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.01 lab 30 49 43 lch 30 65 41 cmyk 0 48 55 44 lusty[5413][153,27,7](3.2):totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](3.2):red_berry[7116][142,0,0](3.3):dark_red[2856][139,0,0](3.5):red[7101][139,0,0](3.5) 7 dark:berry:lusty:pole:totem:red +1710 brick_red rgb 198 45 66 hex #C62D42 hsv 352 77 78 xyz 0.25 0.14 0.07 lab 45 60 26 lch 45 65 23 cmyk 0 60 52 22 memphis_belle[5673][202,47,67](1.7):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](3.2):PMS200[158][196,30,58](4.1):cardinal[2081][196,30,58](4.1):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](6.4) 4 PMS200:belle:cardinal:french:knock:memphis:out:raspberry +1711 brick_red rgb 203 65 84 hex #CB4154 hsv 352 68 80 xyz 0.28 0.17 0.1 lab 48 56 20 lch 48 59 20 cmyk 0 54 47 20 dingy_dungeon[3132][197,49,81](5.2):dark_terra_cotta[2907][204,78,92](5.9):maroon[5546][200,56,90](6.4):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](6.6):PMS703[882][183,56,68](6.7) 0 dark:PMS703:cotta:dingy:dungeon:french:maroon:raspberry:terra +1712 bridal_heath rgb 248 235 221 hex #F8EBDD hsv 31 11 97 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.8 lab 94 2 8 lch 94 9 76 cmyk 0 5 11 3 chardon[2223][248,234,223](1.4):eighth_spanish_white[3420][246,238,226](1.4):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](2.0):island_spice[4690][248,237,219](2.2):linen[5293][250,240,230](2.2) 93 chardon:eighth:island:linen:quarter:solitaire:spanish:spice:white +1713 bridal_heath rgb 255 250 244 hex #FFFAF4 hsv 33 4 100 xyz 0.92 0.96 0.99 lab 98 1 3 lch 98 4 80 cmyk 0 2 4 0 provincial_pink[6824][254,245,241](1.4):spring_wood[7933][248,246,241](1.4):quarter_alabaster[6916][247,246,242](1.7):vista_white[8888][252,248,247](2.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](2.2) 91 alabaster:bianca:provincial:quarter:spring:vista:wood:pink:white +1714 bridesmaid rgb 250 230 223 hex #FAE6DF hsv 16 11 98 xyz 0.81 0.82 0.81 lab 93 6 6 lch 93 8 46 cmyk 0 8 11 2 very_pale_vermilion[8821][255,233,226](1.0):wisp_pink[9151][249,232,226](1.4):chablis[2193][253,233,224](1.7):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](1.7):pot_pourri[6794][245,231,226](2.8) 28 pale:very:chablis:pot:pourri:provincial:vermilion:wisp:pink +1715 bridesmaid rgb 254 240 236 hex #FEF0EC hsv 13 7 100 xyz 0.87 0.89 0.92 lab 96 4 4 lch 96 5 42 cmyk 0 5 7 0 forget_me_not[3728][255,241,238](1.0):fair_pink[3544][255,239,236](1.4):rose_white[7318][251,238,232](1.4):chablis[2194][255,244,243](2.2):chardon[2224][255,243,241](2.2) 55 chablis:chardon:fair:forget:me:not:pink:rose:white +1716 brie rgb 227 218 178 hex #E3DAB2 hsv 49 22 89 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.52 lab 87 -3 21 lch 87 21 99 cmyk 0 4 19 11 hampton[4416][229,216,175](1.7):eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](2.0):PMS5875[778][224,219,181](2.2):vienna[8837][232,216,175](2.2):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](2.4) 31 PMS5875:chandelier:double:eighth:hampton:putty:vienna +1717 bright_aqua rgb 11 249 234 hex #0BF9EA hsv 176 96 98 xyz 0.49 0.74 0.89 lab 89 -51 -7 lch 89 52 187 cmyk 93 0 6 2 turquoise_blue[8582][0,255,239](2.8):bright_turquoise[1754][15,254,249](5.7):bright_turquoise[1753][8,232,222](7.3):light_brilliant_opal[5052][101,255,236](7.8):aqua[1097][0,255,255](7.9) 1 light:brilliant:aqua:bright:opal:blue:turquoise +1718 bright_blue rgb 1 101 252 hex #0165FC hsv 216 100 99 xyz 0.22 0.16 0.94 lab 47 35 -81 lch 47 88 293 cmyk 98 59 0 1 blue_ribbon[1585][0,102,255](1.4):azul[1225][29,93,236](5.0):luminous_vivid_cobalt_blue[5370][0,96,255](5.1):vivid_cobalt_blue[8907][0,87,231](5.9):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](6.3) 2 luminous:vivid:azul:cobalt:ribbon:ultramarine:blue +1719 bright_cerulean rgb 29 172 214 hex #1DACD6 hsv 194 86 84 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.69 lab 65 -21 -31 lch 65 38 236 cmyk 73 16 0 16 cerulean[2185][29,172,214](0.0):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](4.1):cerulean[2182][2,164,211](4.1):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](4.1):PMS801[912][0,170,204](4.4) 6 2X:PMS306:PMS801:cerulean:sky:summer +1720 bright_charcoal rgb 51 52 53 hex #333435 hsv 210 4 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 22 0 -1 lch 22 1 256 cmyk 1 0 0 79 jet[4759][52,52,52](1.0):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.0):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.4):grey[4118][51,51,51](1.4):grey[4119][54,54,54](1.4) 66 dark:jet:tao:grey +1721 bright_cyan rgb 65 253 254 hex #41FDFE hsv 180 74 100 xyz 0.55 0.79 1.06 lab 91 -44 -14 lch 91 46 197 cmyk 74 0 0 0 bright_light_blue[1729][38,247,253](2.8):aqua[1097][0,255,255](4.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](4.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](4.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](4.0) 10 light:/:aqua:bright:cyan:electric:blue +1722 bright_gold rgb 217 217 25 hex #D9D919 hsv 60 88 85 xyz 0.54 0.64 0.11 lab 84 -19 81 lch 84 83 103 cmyk 0 0 75 15 PMS809_2X[929][214,214,12](1.4):barberry[1291][222,215,23](3.0):piss_yellow[6718][221,214,24](3.0):PMS809[928][221,224,15](4.1):yellow[9194][205,205,0](4.2) 5 2X:PMS809:barberry:piss:yellow +1723 bright_green rgb 1 255 7 hex #01FF07 hsv 121 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 119 136 cmyk 100 0 97 0 electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0):lime[5267][0,255,0](0.0) 13 electric:fluorescent:fluro:green:lime +1724 bright_green rgb 102 255 0 hex #66FF00 hsv 96 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -74 85 lch 89 113 131 cmyk 60 0 100 0 bright_lime_green[1735][101,254,8](1.0):luminous_vivid_pistachio[5391][96,255,0](2.0):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](6.0):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](6.2):chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](6.2) 2 luminous:vivid:bright:chartreuse:chlorophyll:lawn:pistachio:green:lime +1725 bright_grey rgb 60 65 81 hex #3C4151 hsv 226 26 32 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.09 lab 28 2 -10 lch 28 11 281 cmyk 8 6 0 68 blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](1.0):catwalk[2140][61,62,76](1.7):rhino[7197][61,70,83](2.4):shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](2.4):skywater[7753][64,70,83](2.4) 17 catwalk:rhino:shapeshifter:skywater:zodiac:blue +1726 bright_grey rgb 87 89 93 hex #57595D hsv 220 6 36 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.12 lab 38 0 -3 lch 38 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 64 half_tuna[4405][85,88,92](1.0):quarter_fuscous_grey[6949][89,90,94](1.0):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](2.2):landscape_grey[4909][85,87,89](2.2):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](2.4) 37 baltic:foundry:fuscous:half:landscape:quarter:sea:tuna:grey +1727 bright_lavender rgb 191 148 228 hex #BF94E4 hsv 272 35 89 xyz 0.46 0.38 0.78 lab 68 31 -34 lch 68 46 312 cmyk 15 31 0 11 lavender[4930][199,159,239](4.2):lenurple[4987][186,147,216](5.1):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](5.7):pale_purple[6411][183,144,212](6.7):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](7.1) 1 pale:baby:bright:lenurple:ube:lavender:purple +1728 bright_lavender rgb 199 96 255 hex #C760FF hsv 279 62 100 xyz 0.46 0.28 0.98 lab 60 66 -62 lch 60 91 317 cmyk 22 62 0 0 bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](1.4):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](3.2):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](5.1):medium_orchid[5622][224,102,255](7.8):brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](7.9) 2 medium:light:brilliant:bright:lilac:mulberry:orchid:purple +1729 bright_light_blue rgb 38 247 253 hex #26F7FD hsv 182 85 99 xyz 0.52 0.74 1.04 lab 89 -44 -16 lch 89 47 200 cmyk 84 2 0 1 turquoise[8576][0,245,255](2.2):bright_cyan[1721][65,253,254](2.8):cyan[2637][0,238,238](4.7):aqua[1097][0,255,255](4.9):cyan[2638][0,255,255](4.9) 10 aqua:bright:cyan:turquoise +1730 bright_light_green rgb 45 254 84 hex #2DFE54 hsv 131 82 100 xyz 0.38 0.72 0.2 lab 88 -80 65 lch 88 103 141 cmyk 82 0 67 0 light_neon_green[5153][78,253,84](5.0):luminous_vivid_sea_green[5399][0,255,96](5.1):light_bright_green[5024][83,254,92](6.4):luminous_vivid_malachite_green[5384][0,255,64](8.1):vivid_malachite_green[8926][0,231,58](8.3) 1 luminous:light:vivid:bright:malachite:neon:sea:green +1731 bright_lights rgb 233 215 37 hex #E9D725 hsv 54 84 91 xyz 0.58 0.66 0.11 lab 85 -11 80 lch 85 81 98 cmyk 0 7 77 9 sunflower[8130][228,212,34](1.4):citrine[2342][228,208,10](3.0):golden_fizz[3916][235,222,49](3.0):PMS605[784][221,206,17](3.2):dandelion[2667][240,225,48](3.6) 7 PMS605:citrine:dandelion:fizz:golden:sunflower +1732 bright_lilac rgb 201 94 251 hex #C95EFB hsv 281 63 98 xyz 0.46 0.27 0.94 lab 59 66 -61 lch 59 90 318 cmyk 20 62 0 2 bright_lavender[1728][199,96,255](1.4):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](3.2):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](5.1):brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](6.5):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](7.3) 2 light:brilliant:bright:mulberry:lavender:purple +1733 bright_lilac rgb 216 145 239 hex #D891EF hsv 285 39 94 xyz 0.54 0.41 0.87 lab 70 42 -37 lch 70 56 319 cmyk 9 37 0 6 light_mulberry[5149][208,139,231](2.2):light_heliotrope[5126][220,139,231](4.4):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](5.1):very_light_mulberry[8773][231,158,255](5.2):very_light_purple[8781][219,158,255](5.4) 2 light:very:heliotrope:mulberry:purple +1734 bright_lime rgb 135 253 5 hex #87FD05 hsv 89 98 99 xyz 0.45 0.75 0.12 lab 90 -65 85 lch 90 107 127 cmyk 46 0 97 1 lime_green[5273][137,254,5](1.0):acid_green[955][143,254,9](2.2):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](3.2):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](3.2):luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](3.2) 7 luminous:vivid:acid:chartreuse:lawn:green:lime +1735 bright_lime_green rgb 101 254 8 hex #65FE08 hsv 97 97 100 xyz 0.41 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -74 84 lch 89 112 131 cmyk 60 0 96 0 bright_green[1724][102,255,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_pistachio[5391][96,255,0](2.2):chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](6.1):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](6.1):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](6.4) 2 luminous:vivid:bright:chartreuse:chlorophyll:lawn:pistachio:green +1736 bright_magenta rgb 255 8 232 hex #FF08E8 hsv 306 97 100 xyz 0.56 0.27 0.79 lab 59 95 -50 lch 59 107 332 cmyk 0 97 9 0 luminous_vivid_orchid[5388][255,0,223](4.1):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](6.2):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](7.5):vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](8.2):magenta[5438][238,0,238](8.8) 1 luminous:vivid:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:pink/purple +1737 bright_maroon rgb 195 33 72 hex #C32148 hsv 346 83 76 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.07 lab 43 63 20 lch 43 66 18 cmyk 0 64 48 24 maroon[5545][195,33,72](0.0):maroon_flush[5550][195,33,72](0.0):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](4.1):dingy_dungeon[3132][197,49,81](5.4):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](5.8) 3 dingy:dungeon:flush:french:knock:maroon:out:raspberry +1738 bright_navy_blue rgb 25 116 210 hex #1974D2 hsv 210 88 82 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.63 lab 49 10 -55 lch 49 56 280 cmyk 73 37 0 18 navy_blue[5998][25,116,210](0.0):true_blue[8543][0,115,207](2.2):dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](3.0):denim[3093][43,108,196](4.4):mariner[5532][40,106,205](6.2) 4 denim:dodger:mariner:navy:true:blue +1739 bright_olive rgb 156 187 4 hex #9CBB04 hsv 70 98 73 xyz 0.32 0.43 0.07 lab 71 -30 72 lch 71 78 113 cmyk 12 0 72 27 gross_green[4237][160,191,22](2.8):booger_green[1652][150,180,3](3.0):citrus[2347][159,183,10](3.7):limerick[5288][157,194,9](3.7):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](3.7) 9 booger:citrus:gross:limerick:pistachio:green +1740 bright_orange rgb 255 91 0 hex #FF5B00 hsv 21 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.29 0.03 lab 61 60 70 lch 61 92 50 cmyk 0 64 100 0 willpower_orange[9125][253,88,0](1.0):orange[6207][255,88,0](1.4):PMS1655[98][249,86,2](2.2):luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](2.2):vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](2.2) 9 luminous:vivid:PMS1655:tangelo:willpower:orange +1741 bright_pink rgb 254 1 177 hex #FE01B1 hsv 318 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.24 0.44 lab 56 89 -23 lch 56 91 346 cmyk 0 99 30 0 spicy_pink[7898][255,28,174](4.4):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](7.1):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](7.5):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](7.5):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](8.1) 1 luminous:vivid:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:shocking:spicy:pink +1742 bright_pink rgb 255 0 127 hex #FF007F hsv 330 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.23 0.22 lab 55 84 5 lch 55 85 3 cmyk 0 100 50 0 rose[7297][255,0,127](0.0):winter_sky[9145][255,0,124](1.0):luminous_vivid_rose[5395][255,0,128](1.4):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](3.0):strong_pink[8049][255,7,137](6.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:2X:PMS806:sky:winter:pink:rose +1743 bright_purple rgb 190 3 253 hex #BE03FD hsv 285 99 99 xyz 0.39 0.18 0.94 lab 50 89 -78 lch 50 118 319 cmyk 25 98 0 1 electric_purple[3450][191,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_mulberry[5385][191,0,255](0.0):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](2.0):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](4.1):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](5.8) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:mulberry:neon:orchid:purple:violet +1744 bright_red rgb 146 42 49 hex #922A31 hsv 356 71 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.04 lab 34 44 21 lch 34 49 26 cmyk 0 41 38 43 chaos[2215][146,42,49](0.0):vermilion[8704][146,42,49](0.0):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](1.0):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](1.4):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](2.4) 10 chaos:flash:guardsman:hot:point:vermilion:red +1745 bright_red rgb 177 0 0 hex #B10000 hsv 360 100 69 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.01 lab 37 61 51 lch 37 79 40 cmyk 0 69 69 31 milano_red[5736][184,17,4](2.0):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](2.2):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](2.2):guardsman_red[4241][186,1,1](3.5):strong_red[8053][168,0,0](3.5) 6 strong:19:guardsman:milano:mordant:red +1746 bright_red rgb 255 0 13 hex #FF000D hsv 357 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 64 lch 53 103 39 cmyk 0 100 95 0 cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](0.0):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](2.0):candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](3.0):luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](3.0):red[7111][255,0,0](3.0) 7 luminous:light:vivid:apple:cadmium:candy:engine:fire:red +1747 bright_sea_green rgb 5 255 166 hex #05FFA6 hsv 159 98 100 xyz 0.43 0.74 0.48 lab 89 -70 29 lch 89 76 158 cmyk 98 0 35 0 luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](3.2):medium_spring_green[5643][0,250,154](3.7):spring_green_medium[7926][0,250,154](3.7):sea_green[7561][83,252,161](7.3):sea_green[7562][84,255,159](7.3) 3 luminous:medium:vivid:sea:spring:aquamarine:green +1748 bright_sky_blue rgb 2 204 254 hex #02CCFE hsv 192 99 100 xyz 0.4 0.5 1.01 lab 76 -25 -36 lch 76 44 236 cmyk 99 20 0 0 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twentyfourseven[8610][250,212,67](3.6):wild_thing[9111][250,212,67](3.6):sunglow[8135][255,204,51](4.6):banana_split[1280][241,204,43](4.7):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](4.7) 6 banana:dream:golden:split:sunglow:thing:twentyfourseven:wild +1752 bright_teal rgb 1 249 198 hex #01F9C6 hsv 168 100 98 xyz 0.44 0.72 0.65 lab 88 -61 11 lch 88 62 170 cmyk 97 0 20 2 vivid_turquoise[8957][0,231,174](7.3):luminous_vivid_turquoise[5403][0,255,191](7.5):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](8.1):light_brilliant_aquamarine[5028][101,255,197](9.1):greenish_cyan[4081][42,254,183](9.5) 0 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:aqua:cyan:greenish:marine:aquamarine:turquoise +1753 bright_turquoise rgb 8 232 222 hex #08E8DE hsv 177 97 91 xyz 0.42 0.63 0.79 lab 83 -47 -8 lch 83 48 190 cmyk 88 0 4 9 turquoise[8579][64,224,208](5.4):vivid_cyan[8911][0,231,231](5.4):cyan[2637][0,238,238](5.9):brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](6.5):turquoise[8578][48,213,200](7.1) 0 brilliant:vivid:cyan:opal:turquoise +1754 bright_turquoise rgb 15 254 249 hex #0FFEF9 hsv 179 94 100 xyz 0.53 0.78 1.02 lab 91 -49 -12 lch 91 50 193 cmyk 94 0 2 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](2.2):cyan[2638][0,255,255](2.2):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](2.2):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](2.2):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](2.2) 7 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:electric +1755 bright_ube rgb 209 159 232 hex #D19FE8 hsv 281 31 91 xyz 0.53 0.44 0.82 lab 72 31 -30 lch 72 43 317 cmyk 9 29 0 9 lavender[4930][199,159,239](5.1):bright_lavender[1727][191,148,228](5.7):lenurple[4987][186,147,216](5.8):pale_violet[6447][206,174,250](7.1):light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](7.1) 0 pale:light:bright:lenurple:wisteria:lavender:violet +1756 bright_violet rgb 173 10 253 hex #AD0AFD hsv 280 96 99 xyz 0.35 0.16 0.94 lab 47 86 -82 lch 47 119 317 cmyk 31 95 0 1 electric_purple[3449][170,35,255](4.2):luminous_vivid_purple[5392][159,0,255](4.5):vivid_violet[8963][159,0,255](4.5):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](5.1):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](5.4) 3 luminous:vivid:electric:neon:purple:violet +1757 bright_yellow rgb 255 170 29 hex #FFAA1D hsv 37 89 100 xyz 0.56 0.5 0.08 lab 76 22 75 lch 76 79 74 cmyk 0 33 89 0 aureoline_yellow[1198][255,168,36](2.2):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.2):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.2):PMS137[49][252,163,17](3.0):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](3.2) 12 deep:dark:PMS137:aureoline:naples:tangerine:yellowish:orange:yellow +1758 bright_yellow rgb 255 253 1 hex #FFFD01 hsv 60 100 100 xyz 0.76 0.92 0.14 lab 97 -21 94 lch 97 96 102 cmyk 0 1 100 0 electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](1.0):lemon_glacier[4972][253,255,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_yellow[5406][255,255,0](1.0):yellow[9202][255,255,0](1.0):yellow[9203][255,255,20](1.0) 10 luminous:vivid:electric:glacier:lemon:yellow +1759 bright_yellow_green rgb 157 255 0 hex #9DFF00 hsv 83 100 100 xyz 0.5 0.79 0.13 lab 91 -59 87 lch 91 105 124 cmyk 38 0 100 0 luminous_vivid_spring_bud[5400][159,255,0](1.0):acid_green[955][143,254,9](4.2):electric_lime[3445][168,255,4](4.2):spring_bud[7915][167,252,0](5.0):lime_green[5273][137,254,5](6.2) 4 luminous:vivid:acid:bud:electric:spring:green:lime +1760 brilliant_amaranth rgb 231 81 100 hex #E75164 hsv 352 65 91 xyz 0.38 0.24 0.15 lab 56 59 21 lch 56 63 20 cmyk 0 59 51 9 mandy[5499][226,84,101](3.2):material_girl[5573][232,85,96](4.2):PMS184[135][252,94,114](6.4):light_brilliant_amaranth[5025][255,101,120](7.1):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](7.1) 2 light:brilliant:PMS184:amaranth:girl:mandy:material:watermelon:wild +1761 brilliant_amber rgb 231 194 81 hex #E7C251 hsv 45 65 91 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.16 lab 80 1 60 lch 80 60 89 cmyk 0 15 59 9 starbell[7955][235,193,85](2.8):ronchi[7287][236,197,78](3.2):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](4.0):cream_can[2588][245,200,92](4.4):anzac[1073][224,182,70](5.0) 5 anzac:can:cream:ronchi:starbell +1762 brilliant_apple_green rgb 213 231 81 hex #D5E751 hsv 67 65 91 xyz 0.58 0.72 0.19 lab 88 -25 68 lch 88 73 110 cmyk 7 0 59 9 PMS380[456][214,229,66](5.2):canary[2033][226,230,77](5.9):sublime[8102][205,230,93](6.4):PMS386[463][232,237,96](7.0):las_palmas[4912][198,218,54](7.1) 0 PMS380:PMS386:canary:las:palmas:sublime +1763 brilliant_aquamarine rgb 81 231 175 hex #51E7AF hsv 158 65 91 xyz 0.4 0.62 0.5 lab 83 -53 16 lch 83 55 163 cmyk 59 0 22 9 eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](7.1):vivid_turquoise[8957][0,231,174](7.1):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](7.3):light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](7.3):light_brilliant_aquamarine[5028][101,255,197](8.1) 0 light:brilliant:vivid:aqua:eucalyptus:greenish:marine:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +1764 brilliant_arctic_blue rgb 81 213 231 hex #51D5E7 hsv 187 65 91 xyz 0.42 0.55 0.84 lab 79 -30 -19 lch 79 36 213 cmyk 59 7 0 9 turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](4.1):viking[8839][100,204,219](4.9):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](5.7):PMS310[347][114,209,221](6.4):PMS311[349][40,196,216](6.4) 2 PMS310:PMS311:viking:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +1765 brilliant_azure rgb 51 153 255 hex #3399FF hsv 210 80 100 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.99 lab 62 6 -59 lch 62 59 276 cmyk 80 40 0 0 dodger_blue[3154][30,144,255](6.4):luminous_vivid_cornflower_blue[5371][0,159,255](6.4):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](7.1):dodger_blue[3153][28,134,238](7.3):light_brilliant_cobalt_blue[5036][101,159,255](8.2) 0 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:bleu:cobalt:cornflower:de:dodger:france:blue +1766 brilliant_azure rgb 81 156 231 hex #519CE7 hsv 210 65 91 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.8 lab 63 0 -45 lch 63 45 270 cmyk 59 29 0 9 havelock_blue[4435][85,144,217](5.4):light_brilliant_azure[5030][101,178,255](8.1):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](8.2):danube[2672][96,147,209](8.6):PMS2925[316][0,142,214](8.7) 0 light:brilliant:PMS2925:danube:havelock:nations:united:azure:blue +1767 brilliant_blue rgb 81 81 231 hex #5151E7 hsv 240 65 91 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.77 lab 43 45 -76 lch 43 88 301 cmyk 59 59 0 9 brilliant_persian_blue[1792][100,81,231](4.1):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](6.0):very_light_blue[8747][102,102,255](8.1):light_brilliant_blue[5031][101,101,255](8.1):brilliant_indigo[1783][119,81,231](8.4) 1 light:brilliant:very:majorelle:persian:blue:indigo +1768 brilliant_blue_violet rgb 137 81 231 hex #8951E7 hsv 262 65 91 xyz 0.28 0.17 0.77 lab 48 55 -68 lch 48 87 309 cmyk 37 59 0 9 lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](3.6):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](3.6):purpley[6893][135,86,228](5.1):brilliant_indigo[1783][119,81,231](5.4):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](5.4) 2 brilliant:navy:purpley:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +1769 brilliant_cerise rgb 231 81 175 hex #E751AF hsv 322 65 91 xyz 0.44 0.26 0.43 lab 58 67 -19 lch 58 69 344 cmyk 0 59 22 9 PMS238[198][237,79,175](2.4):light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](7.1):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](7.7):frostbite[3779][233,54,167](8.6):violet_red[8866][204,50,153](9.3) 1 light:brilliant:PMS238:cerise:frostbite:fuchsia:neon:red:violet +1770 brilliant_cerulean rgb 81 194 231 hex #51C2E7 hsv 195 65 91 xyz 0.37 0.46 0.83 lab 74 -21 -28 lch 74 35 233 cmyk 59 15 0 9 PMS2985[328][81,191,226](1.4):PMS298[327][81,181,224](6.7):PMS306[342][0,188,226](6.7):light_brilliant_cerulean[5034][101,216,255](7.1):PMS638[817][0,181,214](8.5) 1 light:brilliant:PMS298:PMS2985:PMS306:PMS638:cerulean +1771 brilliant_chartreuse_green rgb 156 231 81 hex #9CE751 hsv 90 65 91 xyz 0.44 0.65 0.18 lab 84 -47 63 lch 84 79 126 cmyk 29 0 59 9 brilliant_pistachio[1794][137,231,81](6.2):kiwi_green[4869][142,229,63](7.1):brilliant_spring_bud[1805][175,231,81](7.3):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](7.3):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](7.7) 0 light:brilliant:bud:grass:inch:kiwi:pistachio:spring:worm:green +1772 brilliant_cobalt_blue rgb 81 137 231 hex #5189E7 hsv 218 65 91 xyz 0.27 0.25 0.79 lab 57 11 -53 lch 57 54 282 cmyk 59 37 0 9 soft_blue[7827][100,136,234](5.1):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](6.1):cornflower[2527][100,149,237](6.7):cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](6.7):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](6.8) 0 dark:bleu:cornflower:de:france:sky:soft:blue +1773 brilliant_cornflower_blue rgb 81 175 231 hex #51AFE7 hsv 202 65 91 xyz 0.33 0.38 0.81 lab 68 -11 -36 lch 68 38 253 cmyk 59 22 0 9 picton_blue[6643][69,177,232](2.0):PMS2915[314][96,175,221](5.0):blue_jeans[1572][93,173,236](5.8):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](6.6):vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](6.8) 2 vivid:PMS2915:carolina:cerulean:jeans:picton:blue +1774 brilliant_crimson rgb 231 81 119 hex #E75177 hsv 345 65 91 xyz 0.39 0.24 0.2 lab 56 61 11 lch 56 62 10 cmyk 0 59 44 9 PMS205[163][229,76,124](4.2):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](4.4):cabaret[1969][217,73,114](4.7):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](5.2):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](6.2) 3 dark:PMS1915:PMS205:cabaret:cranberry:pink +1775 brilliant_cyan rgb 81 231 231 hex #51E7E7 hsv 180 65 91 xyz 0.46 0.65 0.86 lab 84 -39 -12 lch 84 40 197 cmyk 59 0 0 9 turquoise[8575][0,229,238](5.9):vivid_cyan[8911][0,231,231](6.2):medium_turquoise[5647][0,227,238](6.6):cyan[2637][0,238,238](7.3):light_brilliant_cyan[5039][101,255,255](8.1) 0 medium:light:brilliant:vivid:cyan:turquoise +1776 brilliant_emerald_green rgb 81 231 100 hex #51E764 hsv 128 65 91 xyz 0.34 0.6 0.22 lab 82 -65 52 lch 82 83 142 cmyk 59 0 51 9 lightish_green[5249][97,225,96](5.4):brilliant_green[1780][81,231,81](7.3):brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](8.2):light_brilliant_emerald_green[5040][101,255,120](8.2):screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](8.2) 0 light:brilliant:emerald:lightish:sap:screamin:green +1777 brilliant_fuchsia rgb 231 81 194 hex #E751C2 hsv 315 65 91 xyz 0.46 0.27 0.54 lab 59 69 -29 lch 59 75 337 cmyk 0 59 15 9 purpleish_pink[6892][223,78,200](6.3):light_deep_pink[5095][255,92,205](7.1):light_brilliant_fuchsia[5041][255,101,216](7.3):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](8.6):rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](8.6) 0 deep:light:brilliant:fuchsia:neon:purpleish:pink:rose +1778 brilliant_gamboge rgb 231 175 81 hex #E7AF51 hsv 38 65 91 xyz 0.5 0.48 0.14 lab 75 11 55 lch 75 56 79 cmyk 0 22 59 9 casablanca[2116][240,178,83](3.0):fish_n_chips[3650][220,171,75](3.6):sunkissed[8137][230,181,83](4.1):rob_roy[7243][221,173,86](5.1):sunray[8140][227,171,87](5.2) 3 casablanca:chips:fish:n:rob:roy:sunkissed:sunray +1779 brilliant_gold rgb 231 213 81 hex #E7D551 hsv 53 65 91 xyz 0.58 0.65 0.17 lab 85 -9 65 lch 85 66 98 cmyk 0 7 59 9 dull_yellow[3290][238,220,91](2.2):confetti[2455][233,215,90](3.2):portica[6788][240,213,85](4.0):confetti[2454][221,203,70](4.1):manz[5517][228,219,85](4.1) 7 confetti:dull:manz:portica:yellow +1780 brilliant_green rgb 81 231 81 hex #51E751 hsv 120 65 91 xyz 0.33 0.59 0.18 lab 82 -67 59 lch 82 90 139 cmyk 59 0 59 9 brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](4.1):PMS802[914][96,221,73](6.8):brilliant_emerald_green[1776][81,231,100](7.3):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](7.3):lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](7.5) 1 light:brilliant:PMS802:emerald:lighter:sap:green +1781 brilliant_harlequin rgb 119 231 81 hex #77E751 hsv 105 65 91 xyz 0.38 0.62 0.18 lab 83 -58 61 lch 83 84 134 cmyk 44 0 59 9 PMS802[914][96,221,73](5.1):brilliant_pistachio[1794][137,231,81](5.1):brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](5.2):fresh_green[3767][105,216,79](7.1):light_brilliant_harlequin[5045][139,255,101](8.3) 0 light:brilliant:PMS802:fresh:harlequin:pistachio:sap:green +1782 brilliant_heliotrope rgb 213 81 231 hex #D551E7 hsv 293 65 91 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.78 lab 58 71 -52 lch 58 88 324 cmyk 7 59 0 9 brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](6.4):medium_orchid[5621][209,95,238](6.4):pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](6.4):brilliant_magenta[1786][231,81,231](6.7):light_brilliant_heliotrope[5046][236,101,255](7.1) 0 medium:light:brilliant:heliotrope:magenta:mulberry:orchid:pinkish:purple +1783 brilliant_indigo rgb 119 81 231 hex #7751E7 hsv 255 65 91 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.77 lab 46 51 -71 lch 46 87 306 cmyk 44 59 0 9 brilliant_persian_blue[1792][100,81,231](4.4):brilliant_blue_violet[1768][137,81,231](5.4):purpley[6893][135,86,228](6.7):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](6.8):light_brilliant_persian_blue[5055][120,101,255](7.8) 1 light:brilliant:majorelle:persian:purpley:blue:violet +1784 brilliant_lavender rgb 244 187 255 hex #F4BBFF hsv 290 27 100 xyz 0.73 0.62 1.03 lab 83 32 -26 lch 83 41 321 cmyk 4 27 0 0 electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](0.0):plum[6750][255,187,255](3.7):pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](4.7):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](5.0):plum[6748][238,174,238](5.4) 4 pale:electric:heliotrope:magenta:plum:lavender +1785 brilliant_lime_green rgb 194 231 81 hex #C2E751 hsv 75 65 91 xyz 0.52 0.69 0.18 lab 87 -33 66 lch 87 74 116 cmyk 15 0 59 9 conifer[2462][177,221,82](5.7):pear[6562][203,248,95](5.9):PMS374[449][186,232,96](6.3):conifer[2461][172,221,77](7.1):sublime[8102][205,230,93](7.2) 0 PMS374:conifer:pear:sublime +1786 brilliant_magenta rgb 231 81 231 hex #E751E7 hsv 300 65 91 xyz 0.5 0.29 0.78 lab 60 75 -47 lch 60 89 328 cmyk 0 59 0 9 pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](4.7):purple_pink[6883][224,63,216](4.9):pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](5.1):light_magenta[5139][250,95,247](6.4):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](6.7) 2 light:brilliant:heliotrope:magenta:pinkish:pink:purple +1787 brilliant_malachite_green rgb 81 231 119 hex #51E777 hsv 135 65 91 xyz 0.35 0.6 0.27 lab 82 -63 43 lch 82 76 146 cmyk 59 0 44 9 weird_green[9042][58,229,127](5.5):tealish_green[8294][12,220,115](6.9):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](8.1):light_brilliant_malachite_green[5050][101,255,139](8.2):very_light_malachite_green[8771][100,233,134](8.5) 0 light:brilliant:vivid:very:malachite:spring:tealish:weird:green +1788 brilliant_mulberry rgb 194 81 231 hex #C251E7 hsv 285 65 91 xyz 0.4 0.23 0.78 lab 55 67 -56 lch 55 87 320 cmyk 15 59 0 9 medium_orchid[5621][209,95,238](6.2):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](6.4):bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](6.5):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](6.7):bright_lavender[1728][199,96,255](7.9) 0 medium:brilliant:bright:heliotrope:lilac:orchid:lavender:purple +1789 brilliant_opal rgb 81 231 213 hex #51E7D5 hsv 173 65 91 xyz 0.44 0.64 0.73 lab 84 -43 -3 lch 84 44 184 cmyk 59 0 7 9 turquoise[8579][64,224,208](3.3):PMS3255[375][71,214,193](6.3):turquoise[8578][48,213,200](6.3):bright_turquoise[1753][8,232,222](6.5):PMS333[400][94,221,193](6.8) 1 PMS3255:PMS333:bright:turquoise +1790 brilliant_orange rgb 231 156 81 hex #E79C51 hsv 30 65 91 xyz 0.46 0.41 0.13 lab 70 21 50 lch 70 54 67 cmyk 0 29 59 9 PMS157[81][237,160,79](3.6):tan[8225][225,146,70](3.7):party_animal[6495][219,146,65](4.4):fire_bush[3636][224,152,66](4.6):tan[8226][238,154,73](5.1) 4 PMS157:animal:bush:fire:party:tan +1791 brilliant_orchid rgb 231 81 213 hex #E751D5 hsv 307 65 91 xyz 0.48 0.28 0.66 lab 60 72 -39 lch 60 82 332 cmyk 0 59 7 9 purpleish_pink[6892][223,78,200](5.8):pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](6.7):candy_pink[2046][255,99,233](7.3):light_brilliant_orchid[5054][255,101,236](7.3):pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](8.1) 0 light:brilliant:candy:orchid:pinkish:purpleish:pink:purple +1792 brilliant_persian_blue rgb 100 81 231 hex #6451E7 hsv 248 65 91 xyz 0.23 0.14 0.77 lab 45 48 -74 lch 45 88 303 cmyk 51 59 0 9 brilliant_blue[1767][81,81,231](4.1):brilliant_indigo[1783][119,81,231](4.4):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](5.4):light_brilliant_persian_blue[5055][120,101,255](7.1):very_light_blue[8747][102,102,255](7.5) 2 light:brilliant:very:majorelle:persian:blue:indigo +1793 brilliant_phthalo_blue rgb 81 100 231 hex #5164E7 hsv 232 65 91 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.78 lab 48 34 -69 lch 48 77 296 cmyk 59 51 0 9 warm_blue[8997][75,87,219](5.8):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](6.2):flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](6.3):royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](6.3):light_brilliant_phthalo_blue[5056][101,120,255](8.1) 0 medium:light:flat:brilliant:phthalo:royal:ultramarine:warm:blue +1794 brilliant_pistachio rgb 137 231 81 hex #89E751 hsv 98 65 91 xyz 0.4 0.63 0.18 lab 83 -53 62 lch 83 82 130 cmyk 37 0 59 9 brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](5.1):kiwi_green[4869][142,229,63](6.1):brilliant_chartreuse_green[1771][156,231,81](6.2):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](6.2):fresh_green[3767][105,216,79](8.8) 0 light:brilliant:chartreuse:fresh:grass:harlequin:kiwi:green +1795 brilliant_purple rgb 175 81 231 hex #AF51E7 hsv 278 65 91 xyz 0.35 0.21 0.78 lab 53 62 -60 lch 53 87 316 cmyk 22 59 0 9 lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](3.0):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](6.4):brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](6.7):lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](6.8):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](7.1) 1 light:brilliant:lighter:lightish:mulberry:purple:violet +1796 brilliant_raspberry rgb 231 81 137 hex #E75189 hsv 338 65 91 xyz 0.4 0.25 0.26 lab 57 62 1 lch 57 62 1 cmyk 0 59 37 9 fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](3.6):darkish_pink[2926][218,70,125](4.1):medium_pink[5627][243,97,150](4.2):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](5.4):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](6.2) 3 medium:dark:darkish:fandango:pink:red:violet +1797 brilliant_red rgb 231 81 81 hex #E75151 hsv 360 65 91 xyz 0.37 0.23 0.1 lab 56 58 32 lch 56 66 29 cmyk 0 59 59 9 carnation[2101][249,90,97](5.8):PMS178[119][249,94,89](5.9):pale_red[6414][217,84,77](6.3):PMS710[889][224,66,81](6.4):coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](6.4) 0 pale:PMS178:PMS710:carnation:coral:pink:red +1798 brilliant_rose rgb 231 81 156 hex #E7519C hsv 330 65 91 xyz 0.42 0.25 0.34 lab 57 64 -9 lch 57 65 352 cmyk 0 59 29 9 raspberry_pink[7073][226,80,152](1.4):cerise[2176][221,68,146](3.2):pink[6667][215,72,148](4.9):magenta[5439][246,100,175](6.4):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](8.1) 3 bubble:cerise:gum:magenta:raspberry:pink +1799 brilliant_rose rgb 246 83 166 hex #F653A6 hsv 329 66 96 xyz 0.48 0.29 0.39 lab 60 69 -10 lch 60 70 351 cmyk 0 64 31 4 magenta[5442][255,85,163](4.6):light_brilliant_rose[5062][255,101,178](5.9):barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](6.0):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](6.4):magenta[5439][246,100,175](6.8) 1 light:brilliant:barbie:bonbon:magenta:pink:rose +1800 brilliant_rose rgb 255 85 163 hex #FF55A3 hsv 332 67 100 xyz 0.51 0.3 0.38 lab 62 70 -6 lch 62 71 355 cmyk 0 67 36 0 magenta[5442][255,85,163](0.0):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](6.2):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](6.2):barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](6.7):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](7.0) 1 barbie:bonbon:bubble:gum:magenta:pink:red:rose:violet +1801 brilliant_sap_green rgb 100 231 81 hex #64E751 hsv 112 65 91 xyz 0.35 0.6 0.18 lab 82 -63 60 lch 82 87 136 cmyk 51 0 59 9 PMS802[914][96,221,73](3.6):brilliant_green[1780][81,231,81](4.1):brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](5.2):lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](7.3):brilliant_emerald_green[1776][81,231,100](8.2) 2 brilliant:PMS802:emerald:harlequin:lighter:green +1802 brilliant_sapphire_blue rgb 81 119 231 hex #5177E7 hsv 225 65 91 xyz 0.24 0.21 0.78 lab 53 22 -61 lch 53 65 290 cmyk 59 44 0 9 blueberry[1605][79,134,247](5.7):cornflower_blue[2534][81,112,215](5.9):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](7.0):light_brilliant_sapphire_blue[5064][101,139,255](7.1):royal_blue[7349][65,105,225](7.5) 0 light:brilliant:blueberry:cornflower:dodger:royal:sapphire:blue +1803 brilliant_scarlet rgb 231 100 81 hex #E76451 hsv 8 65 91 xyz 0.39 0.27 0.11 lab 59 50 36 lch 59 61 36 cmyk 0 51 59 9 flamingo[3660][225,99,79](2.4):coral[2495][238,106,80](3.7):jelly_bean[4758][218,97,78](5.4):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](5.9):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](6.0) 2 bean:bittersweet:coral:flamingo:jelly:persimmon +1804 brilliant_sea_green rgb 81 231 137 hex #51E789 hsv 142 65 91 xyz 0.36 0.61 0.33 lab 82 -60 34 lch 82 69 150 cmyk 59 0 37 9 sea_green[7560][78,238,148](3.0):very_light_malachite_green[8771][100,233,134](4.4):weird_green[9042][58,229,127](6.5):light_green_blue[5117][86,252,162](7.9):vivid_aquamarine[8894][0,231,145](7.9) 2 light:vivid:very:malachite:sea:weird:aquamarine:blue:green +1805 brilliant_spring_bud rgb 175 231 81 hex #AFE751 hsv 82 65 91 xyz 0.48 0.67 0.18 lab 85 -40 65 lch 85 76 122 cmyk 22 0 59 9 inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](3.6):inchworm[4624][178,236,93](3.6):conifer[2461][172,221,77](4.7):conifer[2462][177,221,82](7.0):atlantis[1180][156,208,59](7.3) 3 atlantis:conifer:inch:inchworm:worm +1806 brilliant_spring_green rgb 81 231 156 hex #51E79C hsv 150 65 91 xyz 0.38 0.61 0.41 lab 83 -56 25 lch 83 62 156 cmyk 59 0 29 9 light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](6.5):seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](7.5):aqua_green[1104][18,225,147](7.7):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](8.2):light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](8.7) 0 light:brilliant:aqua:greenish:seafoam:spring:blue:green +1807 brilliant_tangelo rgb 231 137 81 hex #E78951 hsv 22 65 91 xyz 0.43 0.35 0.12 lab 66 31 45 lch 66 54 55 cmyk 0 37 59 9 roxy[7342][223,136,80](3.3):big_foot_feet[1405][232,142,90](3.7):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](5.4):flashback[3664][223,128,62](5.8):crusta[2616][243,134,83](6.1) 2 big:crusta:feet:flamenco:flashback:foot:roxy +1808 brilliant_turquoise rgb 81 231 194 hex #51E7C2 hsv 165 65 91 xyz 0.42 0.63 0.61 lab 83 -48 6 lch 83 49 172 cmyk 59 0 15 9 aqua[1098][19,234,201](6.8):PMS333[400][94,221,193](7.0):aquamarine[1119][118,238,198](7.1):vivid_opal[8929][0,231,202](7.1):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](7.6) 0 vivid:PMS333:aqua:marine:opal:aquamarine +1809 brilliant_vermilion rgb 231 119 81 hex #E77751 hsv 15 65 91 xyz 0.41 0.31 0.12 lab 62 40 40 lch 62 57 45 cmyk 0 44 59 9 burnt_sienna[1937][233,116,81](3.0):light_red_ochre[5182][233,116,81](3.0):clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](3.5):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](4.6):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](5.1) 4 burnt:light:clementine:damask:ochre:sienna:orange:red +1810 brilliant_violet rgb 156 81 231 hex #9C51E7 hsv 270 65 91 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.78 lab 50 58 -64 lch 50 87 312 cmyk 29 59 0 9 lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](3.5):lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](3.7):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](3.7):lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](4.6):brilliant_blue_violet[1768][137,81,231](5.4) 4 brilliant:lighter:lightish:navy:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +1811 brilliant_yellow rgb 231 231 81 hex #E7E751 hsv 60 65 91 xyz 0.63 0.75 0.19 lab 89 -18 70 lch 89 72 104 cmyk 0 0 59 9 canary[2033][226,230,77](2.2):PMS603[782][237,232,91](4.4):PMS386[463][232,237,96](4.6):holiday[4522][245,235,79](5.4):starship[7958][227,221,57](6.2) 3 PMS386:PMS603:canary:holiday:starship +1812 bring_it_on rgb 195 66 59 hex #C3423B hsv 3 70 76 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.06 lab 47 51 33 lch 47 61 33 cmyk 0 51 53 24 reddish[7149][196,66,64](3.2):daredevil[2673][203,72,59](3.6):mojo[5858][192,71,55](3.6):dull_red[3288][187,63,63](5.5):well_read[9045][180,51,50](5.5) 3 daredevil:dull:mojo:read:reddish:well:red +1813 brink_pink rgb 251 96 127 hex #FB607F hsv 348 62 98 xyz 0.48 0.3 0.23 lab 62 61 15 lch 62 63 13 cmyk 0 61 49 2 wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](3.7):ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](4.6):wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](4.6):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](5.2):light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](5.5) 3 light:brilliant:PMS1915:ultra:watermelon:wild:crimson:red +1814 british_racing_green rgb 0 66 37 hex #004225 hsv 154 100 26 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.02 lab 24 -27 12 lch 24 30 155 cmyk 26 0 11 74 zuccini[9277][4,64,34](1.7):evergreen[3527][5,71,42](2.0):PMS3435[417][2,73,48](4.2):forest_green[3720][1,68,33](4.5):up_forest_green[8656][1,68,33](4.5) 6 PMS3435:evergreen:forest:up:zuccini:green +1815 british_racing_green rgb 5 72 13 hex #05480D hsv 127 93 28 xyz 0.02 0.05 0.01 lab 26 -33 28 lch 26 43 139 cmyk 26 0 23 72 dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](1.0):fern[3575][10,72,13](1.0):forest_green[3721][6,71,12](1.4):darkgreen[2923][5,73,7](3.2):crusoe[2614][0,72,22](4.1) 8 dark:crusoe:darkgreen:fern:forest:green +1816 broadway rgb 85 49 70 hex #553146 hsv 325 42 33 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.06 lab 25 20 -6 lch 25 21 343 cmyk 0 14 6 67 PMS518[640][81,45,68](1.4):PMS5195[643][89,51,68](3.2):fandango[3554][90,56,81](4.4):loulou[5347][76,51,71](5.4):dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](5.7) 3 dark:PMS518:PMS5195:byzantium:fandango:loulou +1817 bronco rgb 167 151 129 hex #A79781 hsv 35 23 65 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.25 lab 63 2 14 lch 63 14 81 cmyk 0 6 15 35 beige[1384][163,148,128](1.4):grullo[4239][169,154,134](1.4):routeburn[7341][165,153,130](1.4):half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](1.7):malta[5485][165,151,132](2.0) 27 beige:gargoyle:grullo:half:malta:routeburn +1818 bronco rgb 171 161 150 hex #ABA196 hsv 31 12 67 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.34 lab 67 2 7 lch 67 7 76 cmyk 0 4 8 33 perfect_taupe[6586][170,159,148](1.0):zorba[9276][165,155,145](2.0):double_truffle[3251][165,159,147](2.2):viaduct[8828][169,159,151](2.2):pristine_lavender[6818][178,164,155](2.4) 51 double:perfect:pristine:taupe:truffle:viaduct:zorba:lavender +1819 bronze rgb 63 33 9 hex #3F2109 hsv 27 86 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 12 20 lch 16 24 59 cmyk 0 12 21 75 dark_ebony[2718][60,32,5](1.4):woodburn[9167][60,32,5](1.4):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](2.4):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](3.6):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](3.6) 13 deep:dark:chocolate:ebony:oak:rum:woodburn +1820 bronze rgb 73 59 47 hex #493B2F hsv 28 36 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 26 4 10 lch 26 11 67 cmyk 0 5 10 71 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gold[3892][205,127,50](0.0):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](2.2):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](3.2):dixie[3146][205,132,49](3.7):gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](3.7) 6 bell:dixie:dull:gold:golden:ochre:orange +1824 bronze_ii rgb 166 125 61 hex #A67D3D hsv 37 63 65 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.08 lab 55 9 40 lch 55 41 78 cmyk 0 16 41 35 toast_lmu_50[8388][170,120,61](4.1):dark_tan[2901][175,136,74](4.2):buttered_rum[1952][157,112,46](4.9):metallic_sunburst[5693][156,124,56](5.2):moderate_gamboge[5824][168,133,74](5.2) 3 moderate:dark:50:buttered:gamboge:lmu:metallic:rum:sunburst:tan:toast +1825 bronze_olive rgb 78 66 12 hex #4E420C hsv 49 85 31 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.01 lab 28 -1 32 lch 28 32 92 cmyk 0 5 26 69 bronzetone[1829][77,64,15](2.2):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](4.5):punga[6855][77,61,20](5.9):horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](6.7):PMS4485[533][96,76,17](7.1) 2 PMS4485:PMS5815:bronzetone:horses:neck:punga +1826 bronze_olive rgb 88 76 37 hex #584C25 hsv 46 58 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.03 lab 33 -1 25 lch 33 25 92 cmyk 0 5 20 65 dark_amber[2676][89,77,39](1.0):PMS450[536][96,84,43](3.2):west_coast[9048][92,81,47](3.6):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](3.7):trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](4.0) 6 dark:PMS450:amber:coast:gold:trailblazer:west +1827 bronze_yellow rgb 115 112 0 hex #737000 hsv 58 100 45 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.02 lab 46 -10 52 lch 46 53 101 cmyk 0 1 45 55 ugly_brown[8630][125,113,3](4.2):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](4.5):PMS105[5][130,117,15](5.1):PMS385[462][112,112,20](5.1):brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](5.1) 2 PMS105:PMS385:brownish:browny:ugly:brown:green +1828 bronzetone rgb 67 76 40 hex #434C28 hsv 75 47 30 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.03 lab 31 -10 20 lch 31 23 117 cmyk 4 0 14 70 PMS5743[745][63,73,38](2.2):clover[2389][71,86,47](4.4):dark_olive_green[2813][79,79,47](4.6):woodland[9169][77,83,40](5.0):waiouru[8985][76,78,49](5.1) 4 dark:PMS5743:clover:olive:waiouru:woodland:green +1829 bronzetone rgb 77 64 15 hex #4D400F hsv 47 81 30 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.01 lab 28 0 30 lch 28 30 91 cmyk 0 5 24 70 bronze_olive[1825][78,66,12](2.2):punga[6855][77,61,20](3.7):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](5.0):horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](6.9):PMS462[554][91,71,35](7.1) 3 PMS462:PMS5815:bronze:horses:neck:olive:punga +1830 broom rgb 238 204 36 hex #EECC24 hsv 50 85 93 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.11 lab 83 -3 78 lch 83 78 92 cmyk 0 13 79 7 banana_split[1280][241,204,43](1.4):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](1.4):filmpro_lemon_yellow[3613][243,213,44](3.0):fizz[3651][245,204,35](3.2):turbo[8567][245,204,35](3.2) 9 banana:dream:filmpro:fizz:golden:split:turbo:lemon:yellow +1831 broom rgb 255 236 19 hex #FFEC13 hsv 55 93 100 xyz 0.71 0.81 0.13 lab 92 -12 89 lch 92 90 98 cmyk 0 7 93 0 lemon[4962][253,233,16](1.0):PMS102[2][249,232,20](1.7):turbo[8568][250,230,0](2.0):aureolin[1197][253,238,0](3.0):canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](3.0) 9 PMS102:aureolin:canary:turbo:lemon:yellow +1832 brown rgb 89 64 39 hex #594027 hsv 30 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.03 lab 29 7 19 lch 29 21 69 cmyk 0 10 20 65 kakadu[4808][85,65,35](2.8):bracken[1689][91,61,39](3.0):saddle_brown[7398][80,56,30](3.2):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](3.7):PMS476[584][89,61,43](4.4) 9 PMS476:bracken:kakadu:nutmeg:saddle:brown +1833 brown rgb 101 55 0 hex #653700 hsv 33 100 40 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.01 lab 28 17 38 lch 28 42 66 cmyk 0 18 40 60 nutmeg_wood_finish[6085][104,54,0](2.2):PMS731[910][114,63,10](4.1):deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](5.7):carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](5.7):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](5.8) 2 deep:PMS731:cafe:carnaby:finish:nutmeg:royale:tan:wood:brown +1834 brown rgb 128 42 42 hex #802A2A hsv 360 67 50 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.03 lab 30 37 20 lch 30 42 29 cmyk 0 34 34 50 red[7100][131,43,41](2.4):style_pasifika_red_frangipani[8091][131,43,41](2.4):PMS188[140][124,33,40](3.0):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.3):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.3) 17 PMS188:flame:frangipani:monza:pasifika:style:red +1835 brown rgb 139 35 35 hex #8B2323 hsv 360 75 55 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.02 lab 31 43 26 lch 31 51 31 cmyk 0 41 41 45 firebrick[3642][142,35,35](1.7):vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](3.0):falu_red[3552][128,24,24](3.6):merlot[5685][131,25,35](4.4):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](5.0) 6 vivid:auburn:falu:firebrick:flash:merlot:point:red +1836 brown rgb 150 75 0 hex #964B00 hsv 30 100 59 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.01 lab 40 27 50 lch 40 57 61 cmyk 0 29 59 41 warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](1.4):chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](3.6):PMS724[903][142,73,5](3.7):PMS160[87][158,84,10](4.1):PMS1535[74][140,68,0](4.2) 9 PMS1535:PMS160:PMS724:chelsea:gem:warm:brown +1837 brown rgb 165 42 42 hex #A52A2A hsv 360 75 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.03 lab 38 50 31 lch 38 58 32 cmyk 0 48 48 35 auburn[1196][165,42,42](0.0):red_brown[7118][165,42,42](0.0):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](3.0):PMS704[883][158,40,40](3.5):well_read[9045][180,51,50](4.5) 7 PMS704:auburn:mexican:read:well:brown:red +1838 brown rgb 166 42 42 hex #A62A2A hsv 0 75 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.03 lab 38 50 31 lch 38 59 32 cmyk 0 49 49 35 auburn[1196][165,42,42](0.0):red_brown[7118][165,42,42](0.0):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](3.0):PMS704[883][158,40,40](3.5):well_read[9045][180,51,50](4.5) 7 PMS704:auburn:mexican:read:well:brown:red +1839 brown rgb 180 103 77 hex #B4674D hsv 15 57 71 xyz 0.25 0.2 0.1 lab 52 28 28 lch 52 40 45 cmyk 0 30 40 29 clay[2360][182,106,80](1.0):tuscany[8599][173,98,66](3.7):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](4.6):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](4.7):claypot[2365][171,105,80](5.1) 4 moderate:clay:claypot:fe:santa:tuscany:vermilion +1840 brown rgb 205 51 51 hex #CD3333 hsv 360 75 80 xyz 0.27 0.16 0.05 lab 46 59 37 lch 46 70 32 cmyk 0 60 60 20 persian_red[6612][204,51,51](0.0):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](1.4):PMS1797[126][204,45,48](2.2):PMS711[890][209,45,51](3.3):jasper[4747][215,59,62](3.7) 5 PMS1797:PMS711:flush:jasper:mahogany:persian:red +1841 brown rgb 238 59 59 hex #EE3B3B hsv 360 75 93 xyz 0.38 0.22 0.06 lab 54 67 43 lch 54 79 32 cmyk 0 70 70 7 deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](3.2):trubridge_red[8542][237,60,52](3.3):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](4.1):rose_madder[7308][227,54,56](4.1):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](4.6) 7 deep:carmine:imperial:lake:madder:trubridge:pink:red:rose +1842 brown rgb 255 64 64 hex #FF4040 hsv 360 75 100 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.07 lab 57 71 45 lch 57 84 32 cmyk 0 75 75 0 coral_red[2505][255,64,64](0.0):deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](4.6):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](5.5):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](5.8):red[7106][237,41,57](5.8) 2 deep:carmine:coral:imperial:sunset:orange:pink:red +1843 brown_bramble rgb 83 51 30 hex #53331E hsv 24 64 33 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 25 12 19 lch 25 23 58 cmyk 0 13 21 67 indian_tan[4639][79,48,31](2.8):carnaby_tan[2099][91,58,36](3.2):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](3.7):dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](4.1):irish_coffee[4671][95,61,38](4.1) 7 dark:carnaby:coffee:indian:irish:rimu:tan:tangelo +1844 brown_bramble rgb 89 40 4 hex #592804 hsv 25 96 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 22 20 31 lch 22 37 57 cmyk 0 19 33 65 carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](4.1):cioccolato[2339][85,40,12](4.1):deep_tangelo[3067][89,33,0](4.1):van_dyke_brown[8675][94,38,5](4.1):deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](4.7) 5 deep:carnaby:cioccolato:dyke:tan:tangelo:van:brown +1845 brown_derby rgb 73 38 21 hex #492615 hsv 20 71 29 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.01 lab 19 15 18 lch 19 23 51 cmyk 0 14 20 71 PMS4625[555][71,35,17](1.4):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](3.2):paco[6295][65,31,16](3.2):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](3.3):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](3.3) 8 deep:dark:PMS4625:ironbark:oak:paco:rum +1846 brown_derby rgb 89 69 55 hex #594537 hsv 25 38 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.05 lab 31 6 12 lch 31 13 62 cmyk 0 8 13 65 judge_grey[4782][84,67,51](1.4):millbrook[5747][89,68,51](2.0):rocky_road[7270][87,70,58](2.2):soho[7837][90,70,58](2.2):kabul[4803][94,72,62](3.5) 12 judge:kabul:millbrook:road:rocky:soho:grey +1847 brown_green rgb 112 108 17 hex #706C11 hsv 57 85 44 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.03 lab 45 -9 47 lch 45 47 101 cmyk 0 2 37 56 olivetone[6175][113,110,16](1.0):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](1.7):PMS385[462][112,112,20](2.2):brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](4.1):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](5.2) 4 PMS385:bronze:brownish:browny:olivetone:green:yellow +1848 brown_grey rgb 141 132 104 hex #8D8468 hsv 45 26 55 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.16 lab 55 -1 16 lch 55 16 95 cmyk 0 4 15 45 granite_green[3966][139,130,101](1.4):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](1.4):piston[6723][140,132,109](2.0):abanakee[943][146,138,109](2.4):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.4) 25 abanakee:granite:haze:olive:piston:techno:green +1849 brown_madder rgb 219 41 41 hex #DB2929 hsv 360 81 86 xyz 0.3 0.17 0.04 lab 48 66 45 lch 48 80 34 cmyk 0 70 70 14 PMS1795[125][214,40,40](1.4):permanent_geranium_lake[6598][225,44,44](1.7):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](2.4):lava[4926][207,16,32](4.1):venetian_red[8693][212,26,31](4.4) 6 deep:PMS1795:geranium:lake:lava:madder:permanent:venetian:red +1850 brown_nose rgb 107 68 35 hex #6B4423 hsv 28 67 42 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.03 lab 33 13 27 lch 33 30 63 cmyk 0 15 28 58 flattery[3676][107,68,35](0.0):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](0.0):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](1.4):dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](2.4):otter_brown[6261][101,67,33](2.4) 15 dark:bean:flattery:kobicha:otter:pickled:brown +1851 brown_ochre rgb 135 66 31 hex #87421F hsv 20 77 53 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.02 lab 36 27 34 lch 36 43 52 cmyk 0 27 41 47 sienna[7692][139,71,38](3.0):copper_canyon[2480][126,58,21](3.2):cumin[2622][146,67,33](4.6):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](5.1):toast_lmu_35[8385][118,55,17](5.5) 3 35:alert:canyon:copper:cumin:lmu:sienna:tan:toast +1852 brown_orange rgb 185 105 2 hex #B96902 hsv 34 99 73 xyz 0.25 0.2 0.03 lab 52 26 60 lch 52 65 66 cmyk 0 31 72 27 PMS153[73][188,109,10](2.4):umber[8645][178,100,0](2.8):ginger[3864][176,101,0](3.5):indochine[4653][194,107,3](3.7):orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](4.7) 7 PMS153:ginger:indochine:orangey:umber:brown +1853 brown_pod rgb 60 36 27 hex #3C241B hsv 16 55 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 10 11 lch 17 15 46 cmyk 0 9 13 76 bootleg[1656][60,36,27](0.0):chocolate_brownie[2311][60,36,27](0.0):deep_chocolate[2977][60,36,27](0.0):cork[2515][64,41,29](2.4):mash[5566][64,41,29](2.4) 15 deep:bootleg:brownie:chocolate:cork:mash +1854 brown_pod rgb 64 24 1 hex #401801 hsv 22 98 25 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 14 18 21 lch 14 28 49 cmyk 0 16 25 75 chocolate_brown[2310][65,25,0](1.4):morocco_brown[5900][68,29,0](3.7):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](4.1):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](5.4):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](5.4) 3 PMS4625:chocolate:ironbark:morocco:brown +1855 brown_red rgb 146 43 5 hex #922B05 hsv 16 97 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.01 lab 34 42 44 lch 34 61 46 cmyk 0 40 55 43 beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](2.8):orange_red[6212][139,37,0](3.0):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](4.1):auburn[1195][154,48,1](4.6):beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](4.7) 5 20:21:22:auburn:beer:srm:orange:red +1856 brown_rust rgb 175 89 62 hex #AF593E hsv 14 65 69 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.07 lab 48 33 31 lch 48 45 44 cmyk 0 34 44 31 orange_roughy[6218][168,83,53](3.6):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](4.9):flame_pea[3654][190,92,72](5.9):rhapsody[7195][173,96,60](5.9):tuscany[8599][173,98,66](6.3) 2 flame:pea:rhapsody:roughy:tuscany:vesuvius:orange +1857 brown_sugar rgb 142 101 64 hex #8E6540 hsv 28 55 56 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.07 lab 46 12 27 lch 46 30 66 cmyk 0 16 31 44 triumph[8531][137,96,58](2.2):authentic[1203][138,104,67](3.3):mckenzie[5591][140,99,56](4.1):bullion[1899][149,106,62](4.5):cocoa[2405][135,95,66](4.6) 6 authentic:bullion:cocoa:mckenzie:triumph +1858 brown_sugar rgb 175 110 77 hex #AF6E4D hsv 20 56 69 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.1 lab 53 22 29 lch 53 37 52 cmyk 0 25 38 31 moderate_tangelo[5851][168,109,74](2.2):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](3.6):cape_palliser[2061][162,102,69](4.1):sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](4.5):claypot[2365][171,105,80](4.9) 5 moderate:cape:claypot:fe:palliser:santa:sante:tangelo +1859 brown_tumbleweed rgb 55 41 14 hex #37290E hsv 40 75 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 18 3 20 lch 18 20 82 cmyk 0 5 16 78 tumbleweed[8559][55,41,14](0.0):onion[6182][47,39,14](4.7):woodrush[9171][48,42,15](5.5):metallic_bronze[5688][73,55,27](6.1):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](6.4) 2 bronze:metallic:onion:pullman:tumbleweed:woodrush:green +1860 brown_yellow rgb 178 151 5 hex #B29705 hsv 51 97 70 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.05 lab 63 -2 66 lch 63 66 92 cmyk 0 11 68 30 PMS457[549][181,155,12](1.4):PMS111[11][170,147,10](3.5):buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](3.5):baby_poo[1245][171,144,4](3.6):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](3.6) 10 dark:PMS111:PMS457:baby:buddha:gold:poo +1861 brown_yellow rgb 204 153 102 hex #CC9966 hsv 30 50 80 xyz 0.39 0.37 0.18 lab 67 13 34 lch 67 36 69 cmyk 0 20 40 20 twine[8619][194,149,93](4.1):PMS729[908][193,142,96](4.6):whiskey[9074][213,154,111](5.1):cappuccino[2064][193,145,86](5.4):twine[8618][193,145,86](5.4) 2 PMS729:cappuccino:twine:whiskey +1862 brownie_points rgb 110 66 51 hex #6E4233 hsv 15 54 43 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.04 lab 33 17 17 lch 33 24 45 cmyk 0 17 23 57 fudge[3799][106,62,42](3.6):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.7):cedar[2148][101,57,44](4.2):spice[7891][106,68,46](4.2):quincy[7031][98,63,45](5.0) 5 cedar:copper:fudge:metallic:quincy:spice +1863 brownish rgb 156 109 87 hex #9C6D57 hsv 19 44 61 xyz 0.21 0.19 0.12 lab 50 16 20 lch 50 25 51 cmyk 0 18 27 39 dark_tan[2900][151,105,79](2.4):toast[8380][159,113,95](3.6):PMS4715[574][153,112,91](3.7):leather[4957][150,112,89](4.1):leather[4956][144,106,84](4.9) 5 dark:PMS4715:leather:tan:toast +1864 brownish_green rgb 106 110 9 hex #6A6E09 hsv 62 92 43 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.02 lab 45 -13 48 lch 45 50 105 cmyk 2 0 40 57 PMS385[462][112,112,20](2.4):olive[6151][110,117,14](3.0):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](3.2):olivetone[6175][113,110,16](3.2):brown_green[1847][112,108,17](4.1) 6 PMS385:browny:olive:olivetone:brown:green +1865 brownish_grey rgb 134 119 95 hex #86775F hsv 37 29 53 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.14 lab 51 2 15 lch 51 15 83 cmyk 0 6 15 47 wheat[9063][139,126,102](2.2):navajo_white[5987][139,121,94](2.4):aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](3.0):milky_way[5746][142,127,104](3.0):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](3.0) 30 aquashield:milky:navajo:nullarbor:stonewall:way:wheat:white +1866 brownish_orange rgb 203 119 35 hex #CB7723 hsv 30 83 80 xyz 0.32 0.26 0.05 lab 58 27 56 lch 58 62 64 cmyk 0 33 66 20 ochre[6103][204,119,34](1.0):gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](2.2):PMS153[73][188,109,10](5.4):bourbon[1683][186,111,30](5.4):bronze[1823][205,127,50](5.4) 2 PMS153:bourbon:bronze:gold:ochre +1867 brownish_pink rgb 194 126 121 hex #C27E79 hsv 4 38 76 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.22 lab 60 26 14 lch 60 29 28 cmyk 0 27 29 24 old_rose[6145][192,128,129](4.1):foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](5.7):bonanza[1641][183,125,110](6.2):dirty_pink[3139][202,123,128](6.4):PMS500[611][206,137,140](6.5) 1 PMS500:bonanza:dirty:foxtrot:old:pink:rose +1868 brownish_purple rgb 118 66 78 hex #76424E hsv 346 44 46 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.08 lab 35 24 3 lch 35 24 6 cmyk 0 20 16 54 catawba[2135][112,54,66](5.4):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](5.5):matchmaker[5571][109,53,64](5.7):tosca[8434][116,64,66](6.2):purple_brown[6872][103,58,63](6.6) 0 catawba:matchmaker:purplish:tosca:brown:purple +1869 brownish_red rgb 158 54 35 hex #9E3623 hsv 9 78 62 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.03 lab 38 42 35 lch 38 55 39 cmyk 0 41 48 38 brick[1707][160,54,35](1.0):prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](2.4):PMS484[592][155,48,28](3.0):cognac[2426][159,56,29](3.2):countdown[2558][146,47,29](4.2) 5 PMS484:brick:cognac:countdown:prairie:sand +1870 brownish_yellow rgb 201 176 3 hex #C9B003 hsv 52 99 79 xyz 0.4 0.43 0.06 lab 72 -5 74 lch 72 74 94 cmyk 0 10 78 21 mustard[5953][206,179,1](1.4):PMS103[3][198,173,15](3.2):gold[3893][205,173,0](3.2):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](3.7):muddy_yellow[5931][191,172,5](4.1) 5 dark:PMS103:gold:muddy:mustard:yellow +1871 browny_green rgb 111 108 10 hex #6F6C0A hsv 58 91 44 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.02 lab 44 -10 48 lch 44 49 101 cmyk 0 1 40 56 olivetone[6175][113,110,16](1.4):brown_green[1847][112,108,17](1.7):PMS385[462][112,112,20](2.4):brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](3.2):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](4.5) 5 PMS385:bronze:brownish:olivetone:brown:green:yellow +1872 browny_orange rgb 202 107 2 hex #CA6B02 hsv 32 99 79 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.03 lab 55 32 63 lch 55 70 63 cmyk 0 37 78 21 beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](0.0):beer_srm_13[1353][198,100,1](3.5):indochine[4653][194,107,3](3.7):dark_orange[2823][205,102,0](4.0):PMS717[896][211,109,0](4.1) 7 dark:12:13:PMS717:beer:indochine:srm:orange +1873 bruise rgb 126 64 113 hex #7E4071 hsv 313 49 49 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.17 lab 37 34 -16 lch 37 38 334 cmyk 0 24 5 51 genie[3840][131,62,119](5.0):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](6.5):grape[3977][108,52,97](6.7):harlequin[4423][106,57,104](7.3):style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](7.3) 1 berry:clam:genie:grape:harlequin:ocean:pasifika:razzmic:style +1874 brunette rgb 99 64 65 hex #634041 hsv 358 35 39 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.06 lab 31 15 6 lch 31 16 20 cmyk 0 14 13 61 rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](3.6):congo_brown[2457][89,55,55](4.0):solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](4.1):PMS438[522][89,63,61](4.5):spellbound[7890][109,74,78](4.6) 7 PMS438:congo:ebony:flare:solar:spellbound:brown:rose +1875 brunswick_green rgb 27 77 62 hex #1B4D3E hsv 162 65 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.05 lab 29 -21 4 lch 29 21 169 cmyk 20 0 6 70 english_green[3487][27,77,62](0.0):PMS567[738][38,81,66](2.8):jackpot[4710][20,83,70](3.5):sherwood_green[7653][27,70,54](3.7):county_green[2560][27,75,53](4.2) 10 PMS567:county:english:jackpot:sherwood:green +1876 bubble_gum rgb 255 193 204 hex #FFC1CC hsv 349 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.64 0.66 lab 84 24 3 lch 84 24 8 cmyk 0 24 20 0 pink[6672][255,192,203](0.0):PMS1895[142][252,191,201](1.7):pale_crimson[6329][255,194,209](2.0):pale_amaranth[6304][255,194,201](2.2):light_rose[5184][255,197,203](3.0) 9 pale:light:PMS1895:amaranth:crimson:pink:rose +1877 bubble_gum_pink rgb 255 105 175 hex #FF69AF hsv 332 59 100 xyz 0.54 0.34 0.44 lab 65 64 -8 lch 65 64 353 cmyk 0 59 31 0 bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](2.4):hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](2.4):hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](3.0):light_brilliant_rose[5062][255,101,178](3.6):magenta[5439][246,100,175](3.7) 5 light:brilliant:bubblegum:hot:magenta:pink:rose +1878 bubble_white rgb 220 215 198 hex #DCD7C6 hsv 46 10 86 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.63 lab 86 -1 9 lch 86 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 14 thorndon_cream[8332][220,215,198](0.0):bone[1646][227,218,201](1.4):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.4):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.7):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.7) 99 albescent:bone:caraway:cream:quarter:tana:thorndon:white +1879 bubblegum rgb 131 120 199 hex #8378C7 hsv 248 40 78 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.57 lab 54 23 -40 lch 54 46 300 cmyk 27 31 0 22 moody_blue[5881][131,120,199](0.0):ube[8625][136,120,195](3.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](5.1):toolbox[8417][116,108,192](5.1):true_v[8548][142,114,199](6.0) 2 PMS2715:moody:toolbox:true:ube:v:blue +1880 bubblegum rgb 255 108 181 hex #FF6CB5 hsv 330 58 100 xyz 0.55 0.35 0.48 lab 66 63 -10 lch 66 64 351 cmyk 0 58 29 0 hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](1.4):hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](1.7):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](2.4):magenta[5439][246,100,175](3.2):light_brilliant_rose[5062][255,101,178](3.3) 7 light:brilliant:bubble:gum:hot:magenta:pink:rose +1881 bubblegum_pink rgb 254 131 204 hex #FE83CC hsv 324 48 100 xyz 0.6 0.42 0.62 lab 71 55 -16 lch 71 58 343 cmyk 0 48 20 0 princess_perfume[6816][255,133,207](1.0):persian_pink[6607][247,127,190](4.9):pink[6670][255,129,192](5.1):PMS237[196][244,132,196](5.7):PMS245[211][232,127,201](8.1) 2 PMS237:PMS245:perfume:persian:princess:pink +1882 bubbles rgb 230 242 234 hex #E6F2EA hsv 140 5 95 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.9 lab 94 -5 2 lch 94 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 5 harp[4426][230,242,234](0.0):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](0.0):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.0):gin[3861][232,242,235](1.0):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](1.7) 58 clear:day:dew:gin:harp:i:spy +1883 bubbles rgb 231 254 255 hex #E7FEFF hsv 183 9 100 xyz 0.86 0.95 1.08 lab 98 -7 -3 lch 98 8 203 cmyk 9 0 0 0 dew[3116][234,255,254](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](1.0):clear_day[2368][233,255,253](2.0):twilight_blue[8615][238,253,255](2.0):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](2.0) 23 pale:very:clear:cyan:day:dew:tranquil:twilight:blue +1884 buccaneer rgb 98 47 48 hex #622F30 hsv 359 52 38 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 23 10 lch 26 25 23 cmyk 0 20 20 62 dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](1.4):jazz[4750][95,44,47](1.4):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](1.4):avant_garde[1205][92,44,48](2.4):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](2.4) 16 dark:avant:garde:japanese:jazz:maple:ochre:tan:red +1885 buccaneer rgb 110 81 80 hex #6E5150 hsv 2 27 43 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.09 lab 37 12 5 lch 37 13 24 cmyk 0 11 12 57 ferra[3584][112,79,80](2.0):liver[5308][103,76,71](3.0):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](3.0):rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](3.3):congo_brown[2458][101,77,73](3.7) 9 medium:congo:ebony:ferra:liver:taupe:brown:rose +1886 bud rgb 165 168 143 hex #A5A88F hsv 67 15 66 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.32 lab 68 -6 13 lch 68 14 114 cmyk 1 0 10 34 green_spring[4061][169,175,153](2.8):canvas[2054][168,165,137](3.0):tallow[8215][168,165,137](3.0):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](3.2):double_tana[3245][168,164,140](3.2) 17 canvas:double:linen:spring:tallow:tana:green +1887 bud rgb 168 174 156 hex #A8AE9C hsv 80 10 68 xyz 0.37 0.41 0.37 lab 70 -5 9 lch 70 10 122 cmyk 2 0 7 32 terrain[8313][173,173,153](1.4):green_spring[4061][169,175,153](2.2):half_lemon_grass[4348][172,173,158](2.2):half_washed_green[4410][161,168,148](2.2):PMS5635[731][158,170,153](3.5) 25 PMS5635:grass:half:spring:terrain:washed:green:lemon +1888 bud_green rgb 123 182 97 hex #7BB661 hsv 102 47 71 xyz 0.27 0.39 0.17 lab 68 -35 37 lch 68 51 133 cmyk 23 0 33 29 asparagus[1160][119,171,86](3.7):dollar_bill[3158][133,187,101](3.7):off_green[6107][107,163,83](6.2):fern[3577][99,169,80](6.7):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](7.1) 2 moderate:asparagus:bill:dollar:fern:off:pistachio:green +1889 buddha_gold rgb 188 155 27 hex #BC9B1B hsv 48 86 74 xyz 0.33 0.34 0.06 lab 65 0 64 lch 65 64 90 cmyk 0 13 63 26 dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](2.2):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](3.5):ocher[6101][191,155,12](3.6):PMS457[549][181,155,12](3.7):hokey_pokey[4519][200,165,40](4.1) 8 dark:PMS457:gold:hokey:ocher:pokey:brown:yellow +1890 buddha_gold rgb 193 160 4 hex #C1A004 hsv 50 98 76 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.05 lab 67 0 70 lch 67 70 90 cmyk 0 13 74 24 PMS117[18][198,160,12](2.2):ocher[6101][191,155,12](4.1):ocre[6104][198,156,4](4.1):yellow_brown[9205][183,148,0](5.4):PMS457[549][181,155,12](5.8) 3 PMS117:PMS457:ocher:ocre:brown:yellow +1891 buff rgb 179 140 88 hex #B38C58 hsv 34 51 70 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.13 lab 61 8 33 lch 61 34 76 cmyk 0 15 36 30 muddy_waters[5930][183,142,92](1.7):limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](2.2):barley_corn[1300][182,147,92](3.0):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](3.0):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](3.0) 15 barley:corn:driftwood:limed:mckenzie:muddy:oak:waters +1892 buff rgb 240 220 130 hex #F0DC82 hsv 49 46 94 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.31 lab 88 -5 47 lch 88 47 96 cmyk 0 8 43 6 light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](1.0):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](1.0):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](1.0):flax[3680][238,220,130](1.7):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](1.7) 19 light:flax:goldenrod:old:oldgoldenrod +1893 buff rgb 254 246 158 hex #FEF69E hsv 55 38 100 xyz 0.8 0.89 0.45 lab 96 -10 43 lch 96 44 103 cmyk 0 3 38 0 pale_prim[6409][249,245,159](1.7):picasso[6636][255,243,157](2.2):dark_cream[2710][255,243,154](2.4):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](2.4):portafino[6784][244,240,155](3.3) 8 pale:light:dark:very:cream:gold:picasso:portafino:prim +1894 buffalo rgb 118 95 87 hex #765F57 hsv 15 26 46 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.11 lab 42 8 8 lch 42 11 45 cmyk 0 9 12 54 dakota[2660][116,93,85](0.0):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.2):russett[7377][125,101,92](3.2):echidna[3349][116,95,82](3.6):quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](3.6) 13 dakota:double:echidna:lignite:otter:quarter:russett +1895 bulgarian_rose rgb 72 36 39 hex #482427 hsv 355 50 28 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 17 6 lch 19 18 18 cmyk 0 14 13 72 crater_brown[2581][70,36,37](1.0):contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.0):courage[2561][75,37,42](2.4):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](2.4):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](3.0) 20 contraband:courage:cowboy:crater:mahogany:brown +1896 bulgarian_rose rgb 72 6 7 hex #480607 hsv 359 92 28 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 13 30 17 lch 13 35 30 cmyk 0 26 25 72 rustic_red[7387][72,4,4](1.7):beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](2.2):beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](2.2):burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](2.4):maroon[5538][66,3,3](2.4) 12 burnt:34:35:beer:maroon:rustic:srm:red +1897 bull_shot rgb 117 68 43 hex #75442B hsv 20 63 46 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.03 lab 34 19 24 lch 34 30 52 cmyk 0 19 29 54 dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](1.4):copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](2.2):cumin[2621][120,68,48](2.4):cinnamon[2335][123,72,43](2.8):new_amber[6035][109,59,36](3.2) 10 dark:amber:canyon:cinnamon:copper:cumin:new:rimu +1898 bull_shot rgb 134 77 30 hex #864D1E hsv 27 78 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.03 lab 39 20 37 lch 39 42 61 cmyk 0 22 41 47 russet[7374][128,70,27](3.7):milk_chocolate[5741][127,78,30](4.2):rope[7291][142,77,30](4.2):toast_lmu_40[8386][139,77,21](5.4):sepia[7613][152,94,43](6.2) 3 40:chocolate:lmu:milk:rope:russet:sepia:toast +1899 bullion rgb 149 106 62 hex #956A3E hsv 30 58 58 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.07 lab 48 12 31 lch 48 34 69 cmyk 0 17 34 42 mckenzie[5591][140,99,56](3.0):dark_buff[2697][151,102,56](4.4):brown_sugar[1857][142,101,64](4.5):triumph[8531][137,96,58](5.0):authentic[1203][138,104,67](5.9) 4 dark:authentic:buff:mckenzie:sugar:triumph:brown +1900 bullitt rgb 39 37 60 hex #27253C hsv 245 38 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 16 7 -14 lch 16 16 297 cmyk 8 9 0 76 valhalla[8671][42,43,65](2.2):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](3.0):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](3.0):stratos[8001][33,38,58](3.0):blue_night[1582][31,38,59](3.2) 12 clay:ebony:express:midnight:night:stratos:valhalla:blue +1901 bullseye rgb 125 34 43 hex #7D222B hsv 354 73 49 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.03 lab 29 40 17 lch 29 43 24 cmyk 0 36 32 51 scarlett[7523][126,37,48](2.2):PMS188[140][124,33,40](2.4):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](2.8):monza[5878][134,40,46](2.8):rocket[7266][134,40,46](2.8) 11 PMS188:flame:monza:rocket:scarlett:red +1902 bullwhip rgb 143 112 64 hex #8F7040 hsv 36 55 56 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.07 lab 49 6 31 lch 49 32 79 cmyk 0 12 31 44 gold_dust[3902][146,119,72](3.7):solid_gold[7839][146,119,72](3.7):dirt[3133][138,110,69](4.1):dirt_brown[3135][131,101,57](4.5):driftwood[3271][143,111,72](5.1) 4 dirt:driftwood:dust:gold:solid:brown +1903 bungy rgb 172 113 60 hex #AC713C hsv 28 65 67 xyz 0.24 0.21 0.07 lab 53 18 38 lch 53 42 65 cmyk 0 23 44 33 pendragon[6580][178,114,62](2.4):PMS730[909][170,117,63](3.2):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](3.3):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](4.1):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](4.6) 6 PMS730:bourbon:clay:pendragon:pumpkin:brown +1904 bunker rgb 13 17 23 hex #0D1117 hsv 216 43 9 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 5 0 -4 lch 5 4 270 cmyk 4 2 0 91 PMS433_2X[517][10,12,17](2.2):gunmetal[4256][2,13,21](2.4):rich_black[7209][1,11,19](2.4):very_dark_azure[8713][17,23,29](2.4):black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](3.0) 22 dark:very:2X:PMS433:gunmetal:pepper:rich:azure:black +1905 bunker rgb 41 44 47 hex #292C2F hsv 210 13 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 18 -1 -2 lch 18 2 257 cmyk 2 1 0 82 blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](1.4):double_foundry[3202][40,42,44](1.4):cinder[2328][36,42,46](1.7):foundry[3732][44,46,50](1.7):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.7) 56 charcoal:cinder:double:foundry:trail:wine:blue +1906 bunting rgb 21 31 76 hex #151F4C hsv 229 72 30 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.07 lab 14 13 -29 lch 14 32 294 cmyk 22 18 0 70 PMS2768[297][17,33,81](2.0):PMS655[834][12,28,71](2.8):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](4.1):dark_blue[2687][39,39,89](5.1):downriver[3259][9,34,86](5.1) 3 dark:PMS2768:PMS655:blast:downriver:off:blue +1907 bunting rgb 43 52 73 hex #2B3449 hsv 222 41 29 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.07 lab 22 2 -14 lch 22 14 280 cmyk 12 8 0 71 downriver[3260][42,52,74](1.0):licorice[4996][46,55,73](2.4):checkmate[2248][47,50,74](3.2):crescendo[2594][34,47,68](3.3):biscay[1423][47,60,83](3.6) 10 biscay:checkmate:crescendo:downriver:licorice +1908 burgundy rgb 97 0 35 hex #610023 hsv 338 100 38 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 19 41 9 lch 19 42 12 cmyk 0 38 24 62 maroon[5539][101,0,33](2.4):bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](2.8):deep_raspberry[3039][89,0,33](3.5):black_rose[1475][103,3,45](5.5):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](6.1) 3 deep:bordeaux:letter:maroon:raspberry:black:red:rose +1909 burgundy rgb 101 37 37 hex #652525 hsv 360 63 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 24 29 15 lch 24 33 27 cmyk 0 25 25 60 coco[2404][104,40,40](2.0):deep_impact[2999][103,39,41](2.2):rata[7076][93,31,30](2.4):red_oxide[7130][93,31,30](2.4):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](3.2) 13 deep:coco:impact:oxide:pioneer:rata:red +1910 burgundy rgb 119 15 5 hex #770F05 hsv 5 96 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.01 lab 25 43 34 lch 25 55 39 cmyk 0 41 45 53 dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](0.0):barn_red[1305][124,10,2](3.6):blood[1521][119,0,1](3.7):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](3.7):jazz[4751][120,1,9](3.7) 10 dark:barn:blood:burgundy:japanese:jazz:maple:red +1911 burgundy rgb 128 0 32 hex #800020 hsv 345 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.02 lab 26 49 21 lch 26 53 24 cmyk 0 50 38 50 code_red[2417][136,0,37](2.8):wine_red[9141][123,3,35](3.7):hot_chile[4552][139,7,35](4.1):monarch[5865][139,7,35](4.1):western_red[9055][139,7,35](4.1) 6 chile:code:hot:monarch:western:wine:red +1912 burgundy rgb 144 0 32 hex #900020 hsv 347 100 56 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.02 lab 30 53 26 lch 30 59 27 cmyk 0 56 44 44 pohutukawa[6755][143,2,28](3.3):hot_chile[4552][139,7,35](3.7):monarch[5865][139,7,35](3.7):western_red[9055][139,7,35](3.7):paprika[6478][141,2,38](4.2) 5 chile:hot:monarch:paprika:pohutukawa:western:red +1913 burly_wood rgb 255 211 155 hex #FFD39B hsv 34 39 100 xyz 0.7 0.7 0.41 lab 87 8 34 lch 87 34 76 cmyk 0 17 39 0 burlywood[1918][255,211,155](0.0):PMS148[64][255,214,155](1.4):caramel[2071][255,213,154](1.7):circus[2341][255,215,160](2.4):frangipani[3736][255,215,160](2.4) 10 PMS148:burlywood:caramel:circus:frangipani +1914 burlywood rgb 139 115 85 hex #8B7355 hsv 33 39 55 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.11 lab 50 5 20 lch 50 21 76 cmyk 0 9 21 45 limed_oak[5282][140,114,84](1.0):lodestar[5327][138,114,82](1.0):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](2.2):shadow[7623][131,112,80](3.0):ignition[4608][139,115,90](3.2) 15 bistre:french:ignition:limed:lodestar:oak:shadow +1915 burlywood rgb 205 170 125 hex #CDAA7D hsv 34 39 80 xyz 0.43 0.43 0.25 lab 72 7 28 lch 72 29 77 cmyk 0 14 31 20 muka[5935][210,172,125](1.7):bowman[1686][213,177,133](2.2):calico[2008][213,177,133](2.2):drab[3265][213,177,133](2.2):deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](3.0) 10 bowman:calico:deja:drab:muka:vu +1916 burlywood rgb 222 184 135 hex #DEB887 hsv 34 39 87 xyz 0.52 0.52 0.3 lab 77 7 30 lch 77 31 77 cmyk 0 15 34 13 brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):gold_sand[3906][230,190,138](2.8):pale_gold[6336][230,190,138](2.8):moscato[5906][222,186,142](3.2):deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](3.7) 14 pale:brandy:deja:gold:moscato:sand:vu +1917 burlywood rgb 238 197 145 hex #EEC591 hsv 34 39 93 xyz 0.6 0.6 0.35 lab 82 8 32 lch 82 32 76 cmyk 0 16 36 7 PMS156[79][242,198,140](3.0):manhattan[5508][245,201,153](3.0):gold_sand[3906][230,190,138](3.2):pale_gold[6336][230,190,138](3.2):peach_orange[6546][255,204,153](4.2) 10 pale:PMS156:gold:manhattan:sand:orange:peach +1918 burlywood rgb 255 211 155 hex #FFD39B hsv 34 39 100 xyz 0.7 0.7 0.41 lab 87 8 34 lch 87 34 76 cmyk 0 17 39 0 burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](0.0):PMS148[64][255,214,155](1.4):caramel[2071][255,213,154](1.7):circus[2341][255,215,160](2.4):frangipani[3736][255,215,160](2.4) 10 PMS148:burly:caramel:circus:frangipani:wood +1919 burnham rgb 0 46 32 hex #002E20 hsv 162 100 18 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.02 lab 16 -19 5 lch 16 20 166 cmyk 18 0 5 82 dark_green[2761][1,50,32](3.0):bush[1944][13,46,28](3.6):PMS627[806][12,48,38](3.7):bottle_green[1673][9,54,36](3.7):phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](3.7) 6 dark:PMS627:bottle:bush:phthalo:green +1920 burnham rgb 35 69 55 hex #234537 hsv 155 49 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -16 5 lch 26 17 164 cmyk 13 0 5 73 PMS553[710][35,68,53](0.0):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](1.4):bush[1945][37,70,54](1.4):everglade[3526][38,67,52](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](2.2) 19 PMS553:bottle:bush:english:everglade:holly:green +1921 burning_orange rgb 255 112 52 hex #FF7034 hsv 18 80 100 xyz 0.48 0.33 0.07 lab 64 51 58 lch 64 77 48 cmyk 0 56 80 0 orange[6203][255,117,56](2.4):flesh[3686][255,125,64](6.6):crusta[2617][253,123,51](6.6):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](6.7):vivid_vermilion[8958][229,96,36](7.3) 1 deep:vivid:carrot:crusta:flesh:vermilion:orange +1922 burning_sand rgb 208 131 99 hex #D08363 hsv 18 52 82 xyz 0.36 0.31 0.16 lab 62 26 30 lch 62 40 48 cmyk 0 30 43 18 florentine_pink[3695][208,131,99](0.0):light_salmon[5188][205,129,98](1.4):copper[2477][218,138,103](3.3):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](3.3):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](3.3) 6 pale:light:copper:copperfield:florentine:salmon:pink +1923 burning_sand rgb 217 147 118 hex #D99376 hsv 18 46 85 xyz 0.42 0.37 0.22 lab 67 23 26 lch 67 35 48 cmyk 0 27 39 15 copper[2478][221,148,117](2.4):feldspar[3572][209,146,117](3.3):tan[8224][219,147,112](4.0):pinkish_tan[6702][217,155,130](5.4):PMS486[595][237,158,132](5.8) 3 PMS486:copper:feldspar:pinkish:tan +1924 burnished_brown rgb 161 122 116 hex #A17A74 hsv 8 28 63 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.2 lab 55 14 9 lch 55 17 33 cmyk 0 15 18 37 pharlap[6630][163,128,123](2.4):reddish_grey[7154][153,117,112](2.4):quarter_lumberjack[6965][150,112,107](4.0):grayish_red[4013][168,125,125](4.1):dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](4.7) 6 dusky:grayish:lumberjack:pharlap:quarter:reddish:grey:pink:red +1925 burnished_orange rgb 146 84 58 hex #92543A hsv 18 60 57 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.06 lab 42 23 26 lch 42 35 48 cmyk 0 24 35 43 terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](1.0):twizel[8621][142,80,55](1.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](2.4):legend[4959][140,86,59](4.1):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](4.1) 12 clay:coconut:hit:legend:potters:terracotta:twizel +1926 burnt_crimson rgb 88 33 36 hex #582124 hsv 357 63 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 21 26 11 lch 21 28 23 cmyk 0 22 20 65 lava[4925][89,31,37](1.4):renegade[7183][89,34,40](2.2):venetian_red[8690][91,31,34](2.8):PMS490[599][91,38,38](3.0):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.0) 10 PMS490:baron:lava:renegade:venetian:red +1927 burnt_crimson rgb 101 0 11 hex #65000B hsv 353 100 40 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 19 41 25 lch 19 48 31 cmyk 0 40 35 60 rosewood[7321][101,0,11](0.0):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.5):venetian_red[8691][114,1,15](4.7):deep_reddish_brown[3042][89,0,0](5.0):claret[2354][104,0,24](6.2) 4 deep:dark:claret:reddish:rosewood:tan:venetian:brown:red +1928 burnt_maroon rgb 66 3 3 hex #420303 hsv 0 95 26 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 29 16 lch 11 33 28 cmyk 0 25 25 74 maroon[5538][66,3,3](0.0):deep_brown[2965][65,2,0](1.0):beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](1.7):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](2.4):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](2.4) 7 deep:35:36:beer:bulgarian:maroon:srm:brown:rose +1929 burnt_orange rgb 192 78 1 hex #C04E01 hsv 24 99 75 xyz 0.24 0.17 0.02 lab 48 43 58 lch 48 72 53 cmyk 0 45 75 25 dark_orange[2822][198,81,2](1.7):rust_orange[7384][196,85,8](2.8):PMS167[102][188,79,7](3.0):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](3.7):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](4.1) 6 dark:PMS167:brick:of:rust:sharon:orange:rose +1930 burnt_orange rgb 204 85 0 hex #CC5500 hsv 25 100 80 xyz 0.28 0.19 0.02 lab 51 44 61 lch 51 75 54 cmyk 0 47 80 20 tawny[8265][205,87,0](1.0):tenn[8301][205,87,0](1.0):tenne[8302][205,87,0](1.0):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](2.2):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](2.4) 8 PMS1595:rusty:tawny:tenn:tenne:orange +1931 burnt_orange rgb 255 127 73 hex #FF7F49 hsv 18 71 100 xyz 0.5 0.37 0.11 lab 67 45 51 lch 67 68 49 cmyk 0 50 71 0 sienna[7699][255,130,71](3.0):orangish[6230][252,130,74](3.2):mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](3.7):coral[2499][255,127,80](4.0):flesh[3686][255,125,64](4.1) 7 coral:flesh:mango:orangish:sienna:tango +1932 burnt_red rgb 159 35 5 hex #9F2305 hsv 12 97 62 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.01 lab 35 49 46 lch 35 67 43 cmyk 0 49 60 38 lusty[5413][153,27,7](3.7):totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](3.7):crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](4.2):embers[3466][160,39,18](4.2):tabasco[8199][160,39,18](4.2) 6 apple:crab:embers:lusty:pole:tabasco:totem +1933 burnt_siena rgb 183 82 3 hex #B75203 hsv 26 98 72 xyz 0.23 0.16 0.02 lab 47 38 56 lch 47 67 56 cmyk 0 40 71 28 PMS1525[72][181,84,0](2.2):beer_srm_15[1355][181,83,0](2.2):PMS167[102][188,79,7](3.0):beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](3.0):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](3.0) 12 15:16:PMS1525:PMS167:beer:of:sharon:srm:rose +1934 burnt_sienna rgb 104 51 50 hex #683332 hsv 1 52 41 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.04 lab 28 24 12 lch 28 26 26 cmyk 0 21 21 59 persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](0.0):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](1.7):cajun[2005][102,47,43](2.2):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](2.2):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](2.2) 15 dark:cajun:japanese:maple:ochre:persian:plum:tan:red +1935 burnt_sienna rgb 138 54 15 hex #8A360F hsv 19 89 54 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.01 lab 34 34 40 lch 34 52 50 cmyk 0 33 48 46 PMS1685[105][132,53,17](3.7):reddish_brown[7151][127,43,10](4.6):PMS174[111][147,51,17](5.1):rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](5.1):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](5.7) 2 22:PMS1685:PMS174:beer:reddish:rust:srm:brown +1936 burnt_sienna rgb 176 78 15 hex #B04E0F hsv 23 91 69 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.02 lab 45 37 51 lch 45 63 54 cmyk 0 38 63 31 fiery_orange[3598][179,82,19](2.2):vesuvius[8827][177,74,11](2.2):cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](2.8):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](3.0):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](4.0) 7 17:2X:PMS471:beer:cinnamon:fiery:srm:vesuvius:orange +1937 burnt_sienna rgb 233 116 81 hex #E97451 hsv 14 65 91 xyz 0.41 0.3 0.11 lab 62 43 40 lch 62 58 43 cmyk 0 46 60 9 light_red_ochre[5182][233,116,81](0.0):brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](3.0):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](5.4):clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](5.7):coral[2495][238,106,80](6.2) 2 light:brilliant:clementine:coral:damask:ochre:vermilion:orange:red +1938 burnt_sienna rgb 234 126 93 hex #EA7E5D hsv 14 60 92 xyz 0.43 0.33 0.14 lab 64 39 36 lch 64 53 43 cmyk 0 42 55 8 salmon[7427][238,130,98](2.0):brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](4.6):terra_cotta[8307][226,114,91](5.2):terracotta[8310][226,114,91](5.2):dark_peach[2839][222,126,93](5.5) 2 dark:brilliant:cotta:salmon:terra:terracotta:vermilion:peach +1939 burnt_umber rgb 64 53 44 hex #40352C hsv 27 31 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 3 8 lch 23 8 67 cmyk 0 4 8 75 lignite[5254][66,52,41](1.4):blackwood[1492][63,55,46](1.7):slugger[7779][66,52,43](2.0):tobago[8397][68,54,45](2.2):PMS412[495][61,48,40](2.4) 43 PMS412:blackwood:lignite:slugger:tobago +1940 burnt_umber rgb 138 51 36 hex #8A3324 hsv 9 74 54 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.03 lab 34 36 29 lch 34 46 38 cmyk 0 34 40 46 tomato[8408][139,54,38](1.7):red_robin[7139][128,52,31](4.5):roller_coaster[7273][146,56,48](4.6):thunderbird[8338][146,56,48](4.6):dawnbreaker[2938][129,49,37](4.9) 6 coaster:dawnbreaker:robin:roller:thunderbird:tomato:red +1941 burnt_umber rgb 160 69 14 hex #A0450E hsv 23 91 63 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.02 lab 41 35 47 lch 41 59 53 cmyk 0 36 57 37 alert_tan[992][155,71,3](4.4):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](4.4):oregon[6247][155,71,3](4.4):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](4.5):PMS1675[103][165,63,15](5.0) 5 18:2X:PMS1675:PMS471:alert:beer:oregon:srm:tan +1942 burnt_yellow rgb 213 171 9 hex #D5AB09 hsv 48 96 84 xyz 0.42 0.43 0.06 lab 72 3 74 lch 72 74 88 cmyk 0 16 80 16 galliano[3826][220,178,12](2.4):gold[3895][219,180,12](4.1):lemon[4960][217,178,32](4.1):gold_tips[3908][226,178,39](4.7):PMS110[10][216,181,17](5.1) 4 PMS110:galliano:gold:tips:lemon +1943 burple rgb 104 50 227 hex #6832E3 hsv 258 78 89 xyz 0.21 0.11 0.74 lab 39 63 -80 lch 39 102 308 cmyk 48 69 0 11 purpley_blue[6894][95,52,231](3.2):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](4.1):purple/blue[6869][93,33,208](5.4):purple_blue[6871][99,45,233](5.8):purpleish_blue[6891][97,64,239](5.8) 2 bluish:purple/blue:purpleish:purpley:blue:purple +1944 bush rgb 13 46 28 hex #0D2E1C hsv 147 72 18 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.01 lab 16 -17 8 lch 16 19 155 cmyk 13 0 7 82 celtic[2166][22,50,34](3.0):phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](3.3):burnham[1919][0,46,32](3.6):dark_green[2761][1,50,32](4.2):bottle_green[1673][9,54,36](4.4) 5 dark:bottle:burnham:celtic:phthalo:green +1945 bush rgb 37 70 54 hex #254636 hsv 151 47 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 27 -16 6 lch 27 18 160 cmyk 13 0 6 73 bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](0.0):PMS553[710][35,68,53](1.4):burnham[1920][35,69,55](1.4):everglade[3526][38,67,52](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](3.0) 16 PMS553:bottle:burnham:english:everglade:holly:green +1946 bushtrack rgb 58 49 42 hex #3A312A hsv 26 28 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 3 6 lch 21 7 66 cmyk 0 4 6 77 PMS412[495][61,48,40](1.4):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](1.4):treehouse[8469][60,52,46](1.7):coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](2.0):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](2.0) 47 deep:PMS412:bean:coffee:cuban:oak:tan:treehouse +1947 butter rgb 222 203 129 hex #DECB81 hsv 48 42 87 xyz 0.55 0.6 0.29 lab 82 -4 39 lch 82 39 95 cmyk 0 7 36 13 sandwisp[7471][222,203,129](0.0):light_amber[4999][231,208,139](4.1):putty[6911][231,205,140](5.1):light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](5.5):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](5.5) 2 light:amber:goldenrod:old:putty:sandwisp +1948 butter rgb 255 255 129 hex #FFFF81 hsv 60 49 100 xyz 0.81 0.94 0.35 lab 98 -16 60 lch 98 62 105 cmyk 0 0 49 0 faded_yellow[3541][254,255,127](1.0):banana[1276][255,255,126](1.4):pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](2.0):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](2.2):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](2.4) 10 pale:light:banana:faded:tan:yellowish:yellow +1949 butter_yellow rgb 255 253 116 hex #FFFD74 hsv 59 55 100 xyz 0.8 0.93 0.3 lab 97 -17 65 lch 97 67 104 cmyk 0 1 55 0 laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](1.0):pastel_yellow[6519][255,254,113](1.0):unmellow_yellow[8653][253,252,116](1.0):custard[2630][255,253,120](2.2):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](3.0) 7 light:custard:laser:pastel:unmellow:lemon:yellow +1950 buttercup rgb 218 148 41 hex #DA9429 hsv 36 81 85 xyz 0.4 0.36 0.07 lab 67 18 63 lch 67 65 74 cmyk 0 27 69 15 geebung[3836][209,143,27](3.7):candlelight[2040][224,157,55](4.7):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](5.2):desert_yellow[3108][202,141,22](5.7):fuel_yellow[3802][209,144,51](6.4) 2 bush:candlelight:desert:fire:fuel:geebung:yellow +1951 buttercup rgb 243 173 22 hex #F3AD16 hsv 41 91 95 xyz 0.52 0.49 0.07 lab 75 15 76 lch 75 77 79 cmyk 0 27 87 5 squash[7942][242,171,21](1.0):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](2.0):medium_goldenrod[5611][238,173,14](2.0):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](3.0):my_sin[5965][255,179,31](3.7) 11 medium:dark:05:beer:goldenrod:my:sin:squash:srm +1952 buttered_rum rgb 157 112 46 hex #9D702E hsv 36 71 62 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.05 lab 51 11 42 lch 51 44 75 cmyk 0 18 44 38 toast_lmu_50[8388][170,120,61](4.1):cheers[2250][145,106,45](4.7):bronze_ii[1824][166,125,61](4.9):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](4.9):leather[4958][172,116,52](5.9) 4 50:bronze:cheers:hot:ii:leather:lmu:toast:toddy +1953 buttered_rum rgb 161 117 13 hex #A1750D hsv 42 92 63 xyz 0.21 0.2 0.03 lab 52 9 56 lch 52 57 81 cmyk 0 17 58 37 zion[9266][172,121,17](4.4):bronze[1822][168,121,0](4.6):mandalay[5493][173,120,27](4.9):PMS146[62][158,107,5](5.1):PMS132[41][158,124,10](5.7) 3 PMS132:PMS146:bronze:mandalay:zion +1954 butterfly rgb 164 107 155 hex #A46B9B hsv 309 35 64 xyz 0.26 0.21 0.34 lab 53 30 -17 lch 53 35 331 cmyk 0 22 4 36 taffeta[8205][153,110,158](4.6):sugar_and_spice[8109][155,98,139](5.7):dark_lilac[2786][156,109,165](6.1):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](7.7):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](7.9) 1 dark:and:grayish:lilac:magenta:spice:sugar:taffeta:trendy:pink +1955 butterfly_bush rgb 98 78 154 hex #624E9A hsv 256 49 60 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.32 lab 39 27 -39 lch 39 47 304 cmyk 22 30 0 40 victoria[8833][83,68,145](5.5):medium_purple[5629][93,71,139](6.0):dark_lavender[2784][115,79,150](6.8):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](7.1):affair[968][113,70,147](7.7) 0 medium:dark:affair:marguerite:victoria:blue:lavender:purple +1956 butterfly_bush rgb 104 87 140 hex #68578C hsv 259 38 55 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.26 lab 41 19 -27 lch 41 33 305 cmyk 14 21 0 45 scampi[7512][111,99,160](5.7):affair[969][116,80,133](6.8):kimberly[4860][105,93,135](7.1):dark_blue_gray[2688][102,102,153](7.3):abracadabra[949][86,73,133](7.9) 0 dark:abracadabra:affair:kimberly:scampi:blue:gray +1957 butterfly_creek rgb 60 73 47 hex #3C492F hsv 90 36 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.04 lab 29 -11 14 lch 29 18 128 cmyk 5 0 10 71 palm_leaf[6459][54,72,47](2.4):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.7):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](3.7):filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](4.1):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](4.5) 7 chrome:filmpro:leaf:mallard:palm:rifle:seaweed:green +1958 buttermilk rgb 246 224 164 hex #F6E0A4 hsv 44 33 96 xyz 0.71 0.76 0.46 lab 90 -1 32 lch 90 32 92 cmyk 0 9 32 4 sing_song[7726][246,224,164](0.0):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](2.2):cape_honey[2059][254,229,172](2.4):pale_peach[6400][255,229,173](3.0):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.2) 15 pale:cape:honey:melting:moment:sing:song:peach +1959 buttermilk rgb 255 241 181 hex #FFF1B5 hsv 49 29 100 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.56 lab 95 -4 31 lch 95 31 98 cmyk 0 5 29 0 PMS1205[22][247,232,170](3.2):light_tan[5219][251,238,172](3.3):PMS600[779][244,237,175](3.6):medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](4.1):vanilla[8678][243,229,171](4.1) 9 medium:light:PMS1205:PMS600:champagne:tan:vanilla +1960 butterscotch rgb 253 177 71 hex #FDB147 hsv 35 72 99 xyz 0.57 0.53 0.13 lab 78 18 63 lch 78 65 74 cmyk 0 30 71 1 pastel_orange[6509][255,179,71](1.0):my_sin[5964][253,174,69](2.2):yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](3.3):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](4.2):yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](4.2) 6 koromiko:my:pastel:sin:orange:yellow +1961 buttery_white rgb 241 235 218 hex #F1EBDA hsv 44 10 95 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.78 lab 93 -1 9 lch 93 9 95 cmyk 0 2 9 5 orchid_white[6245][241,235,217](0.0):softly[7836][241,235,217](0.0):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](1.0):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4) 107 bianca:eggshell:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:softly:white +1962 buttery_white rgb 255 252 234 hex #FFFCEA hsv 51 8 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.92 lab 99 -2 9 lch 99 9 103 cmyk 0 1 8 0 half_pearl_lusta[4367][255,252,234](0.0):apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](1.0):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](1.4):travertine[8460][255,253,232](1.4):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.7) 48 light:apricot:dawn:early:half:lusta:pearl:travertine:white:yellow +1963 buzz rgb 251 235 80 hex #FBEB50 hsv 54 68 98 xyz 0.71 0.81 0.19 lab 92 -12 74 lch 92 74 99 cmyk 0 6 67 2 paris_daisy[6486][251,235,80](0.0):holiday[4522][245,235,79](2.4):gorse[3951][255,241,79](3.0):PMS101[1][244,237,71](4.5):lemon_yellow[4982][255,244,79](4.7) 5 PMS101:daisy:gorse:holiday:paris:lemon:yellow +1964 byzantine rgb 189 51 164 hex #BD33A4 hsv 311 73 74 xyz 0.29 0.16 0.37 lab 47 65 -31 lch 47 72 335 cmyk 0 54 10 26 purpley_pink[6896][200,60,185](7.8):pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](8.1):PMS253[219][175,35,165](8.3):strong_orchid[8046][168,0,147](9.4):PMS247[213][183,0,142](9.8) 0 strong:PMS247:PMS253:orchid:pinky:purpley:pink:purple +1965 byzantium rgb 112 41 99 hex #702963 hsv 311 63 44 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.12 lab 29 39 -19 lch 29 43 334 cmyk 0 28 5 56 belladonna[1390][119,44,104](2.2):fun_fair[3807][119,44,104](2.2):PMS255[221][119,45,107](3.0):PMS260[239][104,30,91](3.3):palatinate_purple[6302][104,40,96](3.3) 5 PMS255:PMS260:belladonna:fair:fun:palatinate:purple +1966 cab_sav rgb 74 46 50 hex #4A2E32 hsv 351 38 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 22 14 3 lch 22 14 12 cmyk 0 11 9 71 tempo[8298][70,43,49](2.2):indian_red[4630][78,47,47](3.2):dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](4.0):maroon[5537][64,35,39](4.0):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](4.2) 13 dark:cowboy:indian:maroon:tempo:crimson:red +1967 cab_sav rgb 77 10 24 hex #4D0A18 hsv 347 87 30 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 15 31 10 lch 15 33 19 cmyk 0 26 21 70 maroon_oak[5551][82,12,23](3.3):persian_red[6611][82,12,23](3.3):rendezvous[7182][86,20,38](5.1):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](5.4):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](5.5) 2 dark:demon:maroon:oak:persian:rendezvous:scarlet:speed:red +1968 cabaret rgb 205 82 108 hex #CD526C hsv 347 60 80 xyz 0.31 0.2 0.16 lab 52 51 11 lch 52 52 12 cmyk 0 48 38 20 deep_rose[3044][199,71,103](4.1):miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](4.2):popstar[6775][190,78,98](5.1):popstar[6776][190,79,98](5.9):rose[7294][207,98,117](6.8) 2 deep:hussy:miss:popstar:rose +1969 cabaret rgb 217 73 114 hex #D94972 hsv 343 66 85 xyz 0.34 0.21 0.18 lab 53 59 8 lch 53 60 8 cmyk 0 56 40 15 cranberry[2579][219,80,121](2.4):PMS205[163][229,76,124](3.7):dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](4.6):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](4.6):brilliant_crimson[1774][231,81,119](4.7) 5 dark:brilliant:PMS205:cranberry:crimson:pink +1970 cabbage_pont rgb 63 76 58 hex #3F4C3A hsv 103 24 30 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.05 lab 31 -9 9 lch 31 13 135 cmyk 5 0 7 70 pickled_aspen[6637][63,76,58](0.0):lunar_green[5407][60,73,58](2.8):rifle_green[7226][68,76,56](2.8):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.6):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](4.1) 11 aspen:lunar:mallard:pickled:rifle:green +1971 cabbage_pont rgb 76 85 68 hex #4C5544 hsv 92 20 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.07 lab 35 -7 9 lch 35 11 129 cmyk 4 0 7 67 lunar_green[5408][78,85,65](2.0):rivergum[7238][73,89,71](3.3):kelp[4829][77,80,60](3.5):magnetic[5454][85,90,76](3.5):modular_green[5855][76,78,63](3.6) 14 kelp:lunar:magnetic:modular:rivergum:green +1972 cactus rgb 88 113 86 hex #587156 hsv 116 24 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.11 lab 45 -15 12 lch 45 19 141 cmyk 10 0 11 56 gondwana[3946][91,117,92](2.2):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](2.4):finlandia[3629][97,117,91](2.8):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](4.1):axolotl[1217][78,102,73](4.5) 5 axolotl:finlandia:gondwana +1973 cactus rgb 91 111 85 hex #5B6F55 hsv 106 23 44 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.11 lab 45 -13 12 lch 45 18 137 cmyk 8 0 10 56 finlandia[3629][97,117,91](2.0):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](2.4):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](3.0):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](3.6):willow_grove[9123][101,116,93](3.7) 8 axolotl:finlandia:gondwana:grove:willow +1974 cadet rgb 83 104 114 hex #536872 hsv 199 27 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.18 lab 43 -5 -8 lch 43 10 237 cmyk 12 4 0 55 streetwise[8009][79,105,113](2.0):slate[7755][81,101,114](2.4):deep_space_sparkle[3063][74,100,108](2.8):slate_grey[7768][89,101,109](3.0):dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](3.2) 15 slate:deep:dark:electric:space:sparkle:streetwise:blue:grey +1975 cadet rgb 95 158 160 hex #5F9EA0 hsv 182 41 63 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.38 lab 61 -20 -7 lch 61 21 201 cmyk 25 1 0 37 cadet_blue[1979][95,158,160](0.0):cadet_blue[1980][95,159,159](1.0):breaker_bay[1701][93,161,159](2.4):cadet_blue[1978][95,153,159](3.7):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.7) 5 bay:breaker:cadet:cyan:desaturated:blue +1976 cadet_blue rgb 78 116 150 hex #4E7496 hsv 208 48 59 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.31 lab 47 -4 -23 lch 47 23 261 cmyk 28 13 0 41 dull_blue[3281][73,117,156](3.2):kashmir_blue[4822][80,112,150](3.3):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](3.3):metallic_blue[5687][79,115,142](4.1):panorama[6469][89,116,153](4.1) 7 dull:kashmir:metallic:panorama:stormy:blue +1977 cadet_blue rgb 83 134 139 hex #53868B hsv 185 40 55 xyz 0.17 0.21 0.28 lab 53 -16 -8 lch 53 18 207 cmyk 22 2 0 45 paradiso[6482][72,128,132](3.2):half_baked[4285][85,143,147](3.6):dark_slate_grey[2890][82,139,139](3.7):steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](4.1):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](5.0) 5 slate:dark:PMS5483:baked:half:paradiso:steel:teal:grey +1978 cadet_blue rgb 95 153 159 hex #5F999F hsv 186 40 62 xyz 0.22 0.28 0.37 lab 60 -17 -9 lch 60 20 208 cmyk 25 2 0 38 cadet[1975][95,158,160](3.7):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](4.0):half_baked[4285][85,143,147](4.2):wishlist[9150][101,146,149](4.7):bounce[1678][103,147,148](4.9) 5 baked:bounce:cadet:cyan:desaturated:half:wishlist +1979 cadet_blue rgb 95 158 160 hex #5F9EA0 hsv 182 41 63 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.38 lab 61 -20 -7 lch 61 21 201 cmyk 25 1 0 37 cadet[1975][95,158,160](0.0):breaker_bay[1701][93,161,159](2.4):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.7):patriot[6524][79,146,146](5.1):paradise[6480][106,156,149](5.4) 3 bay:breaker:cadet:cyan:desaturated:paradise:patriot +1980 cadet_blue rgb 95 159 159 hex #5F9F9F hsv 180 40 62 xyz 0.23 0.3 0.37 lab 61 -20 -6 lch 61 21 198 cmyk 25 0 0 38 cadet[1975][95,158,160](1.0):breaker_bay[1701][93,161,159](2.2):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.3):paradise[6480][106,156,149](4.5):patriot[6524][79,146,146](5.2) 4 bay:breaker:cadet:cyan:desaturated:paradise:patriot +1981 cadet_blue rgb 122 197 205 hex #7AC5CD hsv 186 40 80 xyz 0.39 0.48 0.65 lab 75 -21 -11 lch 75 24 208 cmyk 33 3 0 20 half_baked[4286][133,196,204](3.2):PMS630[809][140,204,211](3.7):dark_slate_grey[2891][121,205,205](5.4):neptune[6025][124,183,187](5.8):spray[7913][126,205,221](5.9) 2 slate:dark:PMS630:baked:half:neptune:spray:grey +1982 cadet_blue rgb 142 229 238 hex #8EE5EE hsv 186 40 93 xyz 0.55 0.68 0.91 lab 86 -24 -13 lch 86 27 208 cmyk 38 4 0 7 light_arctic_blue[5005][139,220,231](3.6):robin's_egg_blue[7248][152,239,249](4.0):turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](4.4):spray[7912][121,222,236](4.7):light_cyan[5089][139,231,231](5.0) 5 light:arctic:cyan:egg:robin's:spray:blue:turquoise +1983 cadet_blue rgb 152 245 255 hex #98F5FF hsv 186 40 100 xyz 0.64 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -25 -14 lch 91 29 208 cmyk 40 4 0 0 robin's_egg_blue[7248][152,239,249](1.7):very_light_arctic_blue[8744][158,243,255](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7251][138,241,254](3.0):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](4.5):dark_slate_grey[2892][141,238,238](7.1) 4 slate:light:dark:very:arctic:egg:robin:robin's:waterspout:blue:grey +1984 cadet_blue rgb 169 178 195 hex #A9B2C3 hsv 219 13 76 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.58 lab 72 0 -10 lch 72 10 272 cmyk 10 7 0 24 shinto[7659][166,181,198](2.2):PMS536[672][173,178,193](2.4):icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](2.4):PMS644[823][155,175,196](3.7):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.7) 11 PMS536:PMS644:alaska:icebreaker:shinto +1985 cadet_blue rgb 176 183 198 hex #B0B7C6 hsv 221 11 78 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.6 lab 74 1 -8 lch 74 8 274 cmyk 9 6 0 22 PMS536[672][173,178,193](1.0):longitude[5343][174,183,192](2.8):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.3):icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](3.6):morepork[5895][184,181,194](3.6) 13 PMS536:alaska:icebreaker:longitude:morepork +1986 cadet_grey rgb 145 163 176 hex #91A3B0 hsv 205 18 69 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.46 lab 66 -3 -9 lch 66 10 248 cmyk 12 5 0 31 el_nino[3431][146,160,172](1.7):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](2.4):nepal[6023][147,170,185](3.0):bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](3.5):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](3.7) 14 bali:bluey:el:hai:nepal:nino:grey +1987 cadillac rgb 152 73 97 hex #984961 hsv 342 52 60 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.13 lab 42 36 2 lch 42 36 3 cmyk 0 31 22 40 bordello[1660][151,68,98](3.7):china_rose[2293][168,81,110](5.4):vin_rouge[8841][149,82,100](6.1):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](6.2):quinacridone_magenta[7030][142,58,89](6.6) 1 pale:bordello:china:magenta:quinacridone:rouge:vin:red:rose:violet +1988 cadillac rgb 176 76 106 hex #B04C6A hsv 342 57 69 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.15 lab 46 44 3 lch 46 44 4 cmyk 0 39 27 31 rouge[7337][169,64,100](3.7):blush[1625][180,70,104](4.1):blush[1626][181,80,103](4.6):hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](4.6):moderate_raspberry[5842][168,74,109](4.6) 6 moderate:blush:hippie:raspberry:rouge:pink +1989 cadmium_green rgb 0 107 60 hex #006B3C hsv 154 100 42 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.06 lab 39 -39 19 lch 39 43 154 cmyk 42 0 18 58 PMS349[423][0,107,63](2.2):dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](2.8):dartmouth_green[2930][0,112,60](3.0):moxie[5922][0,111,60](3.0):fun_green[3808][1,109,57](3.3) 8 PMS349:dartmouth:fun:moxie:green +1990 cadmium_lemon rgb 255 227 3 hex #FFE303 hsv 53 99 100 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.11 lab 90 -8 89 lch 90 89 95 cmyk 0 11 99 0 vivid_yellow[8965][255,227,2](0.0):golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](2.2):luminous_vivid_gold[5377][255,223,0](2.2):dandelion[2670][254,223,8](2.4):yellow[9198][254,223,0](2.4) 10 luminous:vivid:dandelion:gold:golden:yellow +1991 cadmium_orange rgb 237 135 45 hex #ED872D hsv 28 81 93 xyz 0.44 0.36 0.07 lab 66 33 61 lch 66 70 62 cmyk 0 40 75 7 sun[8120][239,142,56](4.1):zest[9255][229,132,27](4.9):PMS804[918][255,147,56](5.5):california[2010][233,140,58](5.7):yellow_ochre[9215][227,130,23](5.7) 2 PMS804:california:ochre:sun:zest:yellow +1992 cadmium_orange rgb 255 97 3 hex #FF6103 hsv 22 99 100 xyz 0.46 0.3 0.03 lab 61 57 70 lch 61 91 51 cmyk 0 62 99 0 luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](1.4):vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](1.4):blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](2.4):safety_orange[7402][255,103,0](2.4):PMS165[97][249,99,2](3.0) 9 luminous:vivid:PMS165:blaze:safety:tangelo:orange +1993 cadmium_red rgb 227 0 34 hex #E30022 hsv 351 100 89 xyz 0.32 0.16 0.03 lab 48 74 49 lch 48 89 34 cmyk 0 89 76 11 spanish_red[7878][230,0,38](1.4):PMS185[136][232,17,45](4.1):vivid_amaranth[8890][231,0,29](4.1):lust[5411][230,32,32](4.4):red[7105][237,28,36](4.4) 7 vivid:PMS185:amaranth:lust:spanish:red +1994 cadmium_red_deep rgb 227 23 13 hex #E3170D hsv 3 94 89 xyz 0.32 0.17 0.02 lab 48 71 58 lch 48 92 39 cmyk 0 80 84 11 ku_crimson[4891][232,0,13](4.1):rosso_corsa[7323][212,0,0](4.1):PMS485[593][216,30,5](4.5):red[7104][229,0,0](5.0):vivid_red[8942][231,0,0](5.0) 5 vivid:PMS485:corsa:ku:rosso:crimson:red +1995 cadmium_red_light rgb 255 3 13 hex #FF030D hsv 358 99 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 64 lch 53 102 39 cmyk 0 99 95 0 bright_red[1746][255,0,13](0.0):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](2.0):candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](3.0):luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](3.0):red[7111][255,0,0](3.0) 7 luminous:vivid:apple:bright:candy:engine:fire:red +1996 cadmium_yellow rgb 255 153 18 hex #FF9912 hsv 34 93 100 xyz 0.53 0.44 0.06 lab 72 30 75 lch 72 81 68 cmyk 0 40 93 0 orange[6201][251,153,2](1.4):april_sun[1096][253,152,0](2.0):vivid_gamboge[8915][255,153,0](2.0):PMS1375[50][249,155,12](3.0):california[2011][254,157,4](3.0) 12 vivid:PMS1375:april:california:gamboge:sun:orange +1997 cadmium_yellow rgb 255 246 0 hex #FFF600 hsv 58 100 100 xyz 0.74 0.87 0.13 lab 95 -17 93 lch 95 94 101 cmyk 0 4 100 0 lemon[4964][255,247,0](1.0):yellow_sunshine[9223][255,247,0](1.0):sunny_yellow[8139][255,249,23](2.4):yellow_rose[9219][255,240,0](3.7):aureolin[1197][253,238,0](4.1) 10 aureolin:sunny:sunshine:lemon:rose:yellow +1998 cadmium_yellow_light rgb 255 176 15 hex #FFB00F hsv 40 94 100 xyz 0.57 0.52 0.08 lab 77 18 79 lch 77 81 77 cmyk 0 31 94 0 yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](1.4):saffron[7408][254,178,9](1.7):orange_yellow[6224][255,173,1](2.2):amber[1033][254,179,8](2.4):beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](2.4) 12 06:amber:beer:saffron:srm:orange:yellow +1999 caesar rgb 27 103 103 hex #1B6767 hsv 180 74 40 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.15 lab 39 -22 -7 lch 39 23 197 cmyk 30 0 0 60 blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](2.4):blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](2.4):dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](2.4):sea_green[7556][31,99,97](2.4):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](3.7) 13 dark:PMS5473:aqua:sea:stone:blue:green +2000 cafe_royale rgb 106 73 40 hex #6A4928 hsv 30 62 42 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.03 lab 34 10 25 lch 34 27 68 cmyk 0 13 26 58 ironbark[4679][109,77,44](1.4):dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](2.4):otter_brown[6261][101,67,33](2.4):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](2.8):dallas[2664][110,75,38](3.3) 14 dark:bean:dallas:ironbark:otter:pickled:brown +2001 cafe_royale rgb 111 68 12 hex #6F440C hsv 34 89 44 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.01 lab 33 14 38 lch 33 41 70 cmyk 0 17 39 56 raw_umber[7086][115,74,18](2.8):PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](3.6):sepia[7612][112,66,20](3.6):PMS731[910][114,63,10](4.1):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](4.2) 7 2X:PMS1405:PMS464:PMS731:raw:sepia:umber +2002 caffeine rgb 60 49 53 hex #3C3135 hsv 338 18 24 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.04 lab 22 6 -1 lch 22 6 353 cmyk 0 4 3 76 blackadder[1484][56,45,50](2.0):horoscope[4546][67,55,58](2.2):platypus[6738][61,51,52](2.2):half_barbecue[4288][60,53,55](2.4):urban_legend[8660][66,51,58](2.4) 24 barbecue:blackadder:half:horoscope:legend:platypus:urban +2003 café_au_lait rgb 166 123 91 hex #A67B5B hsv 26 45 65 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.13 lab 55 13 24 lch 55 27 62 cmyk 0 17 29 35 french_beige[3742][166,123,91](0.0):tuscan_tan[8598][166,123,91](0.0):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](1.7):mocha[5805][157,118,81](3.5):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](3.7) 11 PMS4645:beige:chamoisee:french:mocha:tan:tuscan +2004 café_noir rgb 75 54 33 hex #4B3621 hsv 30 56 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 6 17 lch 24 18 69 cmyk 0 8 16 71 clinker[2376][70,54,35](2.8):iroko[4674][67,49,32](3.6):metallic_bronze[5688][73,55,27](3.6):space_shuttle[7866][67,49,32](3.6):rimutaka[7227][75,60,35](3.7) 7 bronze:clinker:iroko:metallic:rimutaka:shuttle:space +2005 cajun rgb 102 47 43 hex #662F2B hsv 4 58 40 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 27 24 14 lch 27 28 30 cmyk 0 22 23 60 fahrenheit[3542][103,46,43](1.0):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.2):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.2):kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](2.4):patio_red[6522][109,51,49](3.0) 22 burnt:copper:fahrenheit:kenyan:patio:persian:plum:sienna:red +2006 cal_poly_green rgb 30 77 43 hex #1E4D2B hsv 137 61 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.03 lab 29 -25 15 lch 29 29 148 cmyk 18 0 13 70 cal_poly_pomona_green[2007][30,77,43](0.0):PMS350[424][35,79,51](3.7):kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](3.7):mid_green[5706][36,83,54](3.7):evergreen[3527][5,71,42](4.7) 5 PMS350:cal:evergreen:kaitoke:mid:poly:pomona:green +2007 cal_poly_pomona_green rgb 30 77 43 hex #1E4D2B hsv 137 61 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.03 lab 29 -25 15 lch 29 29 148 cmyk 18 0 13 70 cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](0.0):PMS350[424][35,79,51](3.7):kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](3.7):mid_green[5706][36,83,54](3.7):evergreen[3527][5,71,42](4.7) 5 PMS350:cal:evergreen:kaitoke:mid:poly:green +2008 calico rgb 213 177 133 hex #D5B185 hsv 33 38 84 xyz 0.47 0.47 0.29 lab 74 7 27 lch 74 28 76 cmyk 0 14 31 16 bowman[1686][213,177,133](0.0):drab[3265][213,177,133](0.0):burlywood[1915][205,170,125](2.2):brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):muka[5935][210,172,125](2.4) 16 bowman:brandy:burlywood:drab:muka +2009 calico rgb 224 192 149 hex #E0C095 hsv 34 33 88 xyz 0.55 0.56 0.36 lab 79 5 26 lch 79 26 79 cmyk 0 13 29 12 brandy[1692][222,193,150](1.7):moscato[5906][222,186,142](2.4):double_haystack[3206][214,184,138](3.3):pancho[6465][223,185,146](3.3):PMS727[906][226,191,155](3.6) 12 PMS727:brandy:double:haystack:moscato:pancho +2010 california rgb 233 140 58 hex #E98C3A hsv 28 75 91 xyz 0.44 0.36 0.09 lab 67 29 57 lch 67 64 63 cmyk 0 36 69 9 sun[8120][239,142,56](2.4):tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](5.1):tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](5.1):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](5.4):cadmium_orange[1991][237,135,45](5.7) 1 buckthorn:cadmium:eye:sea:sun:tiger:tiger's:orange +2011 california rgb 254 157 4 hex #FE9D04 hsv 37 98 100 xyz 0.53 0.45 0.06 lab 73 28 77 lch 73 82 70 cmyk 0 38 98 0 luminous_vivid_gamboge[5376][255,159,0](1.7):orange[6201][251,153,2](1.7):orange_peel[6209][255,159,0](1.7):orange_peel[6210][255,160,0](1.7):vivid_orange_peel[8932][255,160,0](1.7) 13 luminous:vivid:gamboge:peel:orange +2012 calm_green rgb 81 87 79 hex #51574F hsv 105 9 34 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -4 4 lch 36 6 137 cmyk 2 0 3 66 battleship_grey[1316][81,87,79](0.0):dark_greenish_grey[2767][83,89,83](1.4):knave[4870][80,83,76](1.4):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](3.2):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](3.2) 26 dark:battleship:cliffhanger:fuscous:greenish:knave:grey +2013 calypso rgb 49 114 141 hex #31728D hsv 198 65 55 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.27 lab 45 -12 -21 lch 45 24 240 cmyk 36 11 0 45 astral[1170][55,111,137](2.4):jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](4.7):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](5.1):waterfront[9015][62,127,157](5.2):teal_blue[8288][54,117,136](5.5) 2 astral:bean:jelly:teal:waterfront:blue +2014 calypso rgb 61 113 136 hex #3D7188 hsv 198 55 53 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.25 lab 45 -10 -18 lch 45 21 240 cmyk 29 9 0 47 astral[1170][55,111,137](2.2):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](3.3):bismark[1427][73,113,131](4.1):sky_blue[7741][74,112,139](4.2):teal_blue[8288][54,117,136](4.6) 5 astral:bean:bismark:jelly:sky:teal:blue +2015 camarone rgb 0 88 26 hex #00581A hsv 138 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.02 lab 32 -37 29 lch 32 47 143 cmyk 35 0 24 65 deep_malachite_green[3014][0,89,22](2.2):deep_sea_green[3054][0,89,33](3.0):hunter_green[4584][33,94,33](5.0):forest[3719][11,85,9](5.1):deep_green[2994][2,89,15](5.4) 3 deep:forest:hunter:malachite:sea:green +2016 camarone rgb 32 105 55 hex #206937 hsv 139 70 41 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.05 lab 39 -35 22 lch 39 41 148 cmyk 29 0 20 59 cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](5.0):fun_green[3808][1,109,57](5.1):jewel[4764][18,107,64](5.2):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](5.4):dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](5.4) 1 dark:cadmium:dartmouth:fun:jewel:spring:green +2017 cambridge_blue rgb 163 193 173 hex #A3C1AD hsv 140 16 76 xyz 0.42 0.49 0.47 lab 75 -14 7 lch 75 16 155 cmyk 12 0 8 24 PMS557[718][163,193,173](0.0):PMS623[802][165,191,170](1.4):gum_leaf[4249][172,201,178](3.2):summer_green[8118][150,187,171](4.1):zanah[9247][178,198,177](4.4) 5 PMS557:PMS623:gum:leaf:summer:zanah:green +2018 camel rgb 193 154 107 hex #C19A6B hsv 33 45 76 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.19 lab 66 8 30 lch 66 31 74 cmyk 0 15 34 24 desert[3101][193,154,107](0.0):fallow[3551][193,154,107](0.0):lion[5296][193,154,107](0.0):wood_brown[9166][193,154,107](0.0):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.2) 8 desert:fallow:lion:uluru:wood:brown +2019 camel rgb 198 159 89 hex #C69F59 hsv 39 55 78 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.15 lab 68 6 42 lch 68 42 82 cmyk 0 15 43 22 sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](2.2):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](2.8):bittersweet[1443][194,154,77](3.6):double_putty[3229][192,155,89](3.6):sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](4.6) 7 aztec:bittersweet:double:gold:putty:sand:sandy:brown +2020 camelot rgb 128 58 75 hex #803A4B hsv 345 55 50 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.08 lab 34 32 4 lch 34 32 8 cmyk 0 27 21 50 catawba[2135][112,54,66](5.9):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](6.5):ribbon[7202][113,51,60](6.9):matchmaker[5571][109,53,64](7.3):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](7.3) 0 pale:deep:catawba:matchmaker:ribbon:ruby:red:violet +2021 camelot rgb 137 52 86 hex #893456 hsv 336 62 54 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.1 lab 35 40 -2 lch 35 40 358 cmyk 0 33 20 46 quinacridone_magenta[7030][142,58,89](2.4):rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](3.3):disco[3143][137,45,79](4.1):PMS683[862][127,40,79](4.2):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.5) 6 PMS683:bud:cherry:disco:highlight:magenta:quinacridone:rose +2022 cameo rgb 204 164 131 hex #CCA483 hsv 27 36 80 xyz 0.42 0.41 0.27 lab 70 10 23 lch 70 25 66 cmyk 0 16 29 20 flesh[3684][204,164,131](0.0):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](2.4):quarter_sorrell_brown[6995][193,160,125](3.6):PMS4655[562][196,153,119](4.2):quarter_kalgoorie_sands[6961][205,170,143](4.6) 5 PMS4655:dust:flesh:kalgoorie:quarter:rodeo:sands:sorrell:brown +2023 cameo rgb 217 185 155 hex #D9B99B hsv 29 29 85 xyz 0.52 0.52 0.38 lab 77 7 19 lch 77 21 70 cmyk 0 13 24 15 double_biscotti[3181][213,186,158](2.2):PMS4665[564][216,181,150](2.4):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](2.8):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](4.1):eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](4.2) 11 PMS4665:biscotti:cashmere:double:eighth:kalgoorie:sands:vanilla +2024 cameo_pink rgb 239 187 204 hex #EFBBCC hsv 340 22 94 xyz 0.64 0.58 0.65 lab 81 21 -1 lch 81 21 356 cmyk 0 20 14 6 orchid_pink[6244][242,189,205](1.0):chantilly[2213][237,184,199](1.4):princess[6815][237,184,199](1.4):PMS217[175][244,191,209](1.7):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](3.0) 10 pale:light:PMS217:chantilly:grayish:orchid:princess:crimson:pink +2025 camo rgb 127 143 78 hex #7F8F4E hsv 75 45 56 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.11 lab 57 -17 33 lch 57 37 117 cmyk 6 0 25 44 koru[4886][119,142,70](3.7):moss_green[5912][138,154,91](4.6):PMS5767[752][140,145,79](5.2):awol[1215][136,140,77](6.0):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](6.0) 2 PMS5767:awol:koru:moss:woodstock:green +2026 camo_green rgb 82 101 37 hex #526525 hsv 78 63 40 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.03 lab 40 -18 33 lch 40 38 118 cmyk 7 0 25 60 dark_olive_green[2814][85,107,47](3.0):deep_spring_bud[3065][85,107,47](3.0):olive_green_dark[6166][85,107,47](3.0):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](3.5):army_green[1144][75,93,22](4.2) 7 deep:dark:army:bud:leaf:olive:spring:green +2027 camouflage rgb 60 57 16 hex #3C3910 hsv 56 73 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.01 lab 23 -5 25 lch 23 26 101 cmyk 0 1 17 76 thatch_green[8321][64,61,25](3.7):waiouru[8984][54,60,13](5.5):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](7.1):turtle_green[8592][54,62,29](8.1):madras[5430][63,48,2](8.3) 1 PMS5815:madras:thatch:turtle:waiouru:green +2028 camouflage rgb 79 77 50 hex #4F4D32 hsv 56 37 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.04 lab 32 -4 16 lch 32 17 104 cmyk 0 1 11 69 style_pasifika_dark_moss[8074][79,77,50](0.0):waiouru[8985][76,78,49](2.2):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](3.0):dark_olive_green[2813][79,79,47](3.7):lisbon_brown[5304][84,79,58](4.1) 9 dark:lisbon:moss:olive:pasifika:style:thatch:waiouru:brown:green +2029 camouflage_green rgb 75 97 19 hex #4B6113 hsv 77 80 38 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.02 lab 38 -20 39 lch 38 44 118 cmyk 9 0 31 62 army_green[1144][75,93,22](3.7):deep_lime_green[3010][67,89,0](4.4):PMS371[446][86,107,33](4.5):PMS378[454][86,99,20](4.6):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](6.6) 4 deep:PMS371:PMS378:army:camo:green:lime +2030 camouflage_green rgb 120 134 107 hex #78866B hsv 91 20 53 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.17 lab 54 -10 13 lch 54 17 129 cmyk 5 0 11 47 xanadu[9185][117,135,110](2.8):flax[3678][123,130,101](3.0):flax_smoke[3681][123,130,101](3.0):limed_ash[5279][116,125,99](3.6):battleship_grey[1318][130,143,114](4.1) 8 ash:battleship:flax:limed:smoke:xanadu:grey +2031 can rgb 208 138 155 hex #D08A9B hsv 345 34 82 xyz 0.41 0.34 0.35 lab 65 29 2 lch 65 29 4 cmyk 0 27 21 18 puce[6831][204,136,153](1.4):PMS507[622][216,137,155](3.3):PMS687[866][201,137,158](3.7):dull_pink[3286][213,134,157](4.1):pink[6666][205,145,158](4.1) 6 PMS507:PMS687:dull:puce:pink +2032 can rgb 213 145 164 hex #D591A4 hsv 343 32 84 xyz 0.44 0.37 0.4 lab 67 28 1 lch 67 28 1 cmyk 0 27 19 16 puce[6831][204,136,153](3.2):pink[6666][205,145,158](3.3):PMS687[866][201,137,158](3.7):PMS507[622][216,137,155](4.6):faded_pink[3538][222,157,172](4.6) 7 PMS507:PMS687:faded:puce:pink +2033 canary rgb 226 230 77 hex #E2E64D hsv 62 67 90 xyz 0.61 0.73 0.18 lab 89 -20 71 lch 89 73 105 cmyk 2 0 60 10 brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](2.2):PMS380[456][214,229,66](4.9):PMS386[463][232,237,96](5.5):PMS387[464][224,237,68](5.7):brilliant_apple_green[1762][213,231,81](5.9) 2 brilliant:PMS380:PMS386:PMS387:apple:green:yellow +2034 canary rgb 243 251 98 hex #F3FB62 hsv 63 61 98 xyz 0.74 0.89 0.25 lab 96 -22 70 lch 96 73 107 cmyk 3 0 60 2 light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](3.7):light_brilliant_apple_green[5027][236,255,101](4.1):laser_lemon[4918][255,255,102](4.6):unmellow_yellow[8654][255,255,102](4.6):icterine[4606][252,247,94](6.4) 4 light:brilliant:apple:icterine:laser:unmellow:green:lemon:yellow +2035 canary rgb 253 255 99 hex #FDFF63 hsv 61 61 100 xyz 0.79 0.93 0.26 lab 97 -19 72 lch 97 74 105 cmyk 1 0 61 0 light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](1.4):laser_lemon[4918][255,255,102](1.7):unmellow_yellow[8654][255,255,102](1.7):icterine[4606][252,247,94](3.6):lemon[4963][253,255,82](6.1) 4 light:brilliant:icterine:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +2036 canary rgb 255 253 173 hex #FFFDAD hsv 59 32 100 xyz 0.84 0.95 0.53 lab 98 -11 39 lch 98 40 106 cmyk 0 1 32 0 parchment[6485][254,252,175](2.0):portafino[6785][255,255,180](3.0):shalimar[7635][248,246,168](3.2):creme[2589][255,255,182](4.0):drover[3275][253,247,173](4.1) 8 creme:drover:parchment:portafino:shalimar +2037 canary rgb 255 255 153 hex #FFFF99 hsv 60 40 100 xyz 0.83 0.95 0.44 lab 98 -14 49 lch 98 51 106 cmyk 0 0 40 0 pale_canary[6318][255,255,153](0.0):pastel_yellow[6518][253,253,150](1.0):creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](1.7):witch_haze[9161][255,252,153](1.7):very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](3.0) 9 pale:light:very:banane:canary:creme:de:haze:pastel:witch:yellow +2038 canary_yellow rgb 255 239 0 hex #FFEF00 hsv 56 100 100 xyz 0.72 0.83 0.12 lab 93 -14 91 lch 93 93 99 cmyk 0 6 100 0 aureolin[1197][253,238,0](0.0):yellow[9201][255,239,0](0.0):yellow_rose[9219][255,240,0](1.0):broom[1831][255,236,19](3.0):lemon[4962][253,233,16](3.5) 11 aureolin:broom:lemon:rose:yellow +2039 canary_yellow rgb 255 254 64 hex #FFFE40 hsv 60 75 100 xyz 0.78 0.93 0.19 lab 97 -20 84 lch 97 86 103 cmyk 0 0 75 0 sunshine_yellow[8149][255,253,55](2.0):lemon_yellow[4981][253,255,56](2.2):yellow[9199][254,254,51](3.2):golden_fizz[3917][245,251,61](3.7):banana_yellow[1281][250,254,75](4.1) 7 banana:fizz:golden:sunshine:lemon:yellow +2040 candlelight rgb 224 157 55 hex #E09D37 hsv 36 75 88 xyz 0.43 0.4 0.09 lab 70 16 60 lch 70 62 75 cmyk 0 26 66 12 lemoncello[4983][231,169,62](4.4):buttercup[1950][218,148,41](4.7):lolly_scramble[5335][233,155,65](5.8):fuel_yellow[3802][209,144,51](5.9):saffron[7405][220,159,69](6.3) 2 buttercup:fuel:lemoncello:lolly:saffron:scramble:yellow +2041 candlelight rgb 252 217 23 hex #FCD917 hsv 51 91 99 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.11 lab 87 -4 85 lch 87 85 93 cmyk 0 14 90 1 moon_yellow[5890][252,217,23](0.0):PMS109[9][249,214,22](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.0):sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](2.4):gold[3898][255,215,0](2.8) 22 2X:PMS109:PMS803:gold:moon:sunflower:yellow +2042 candy_apple_red rgb 255 8 0 hex #FF0800 hsv 2 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 67 lch 53 104 40 cmyk 0 97 100 0 luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](0.0):red[7111][255,0,0](0.0):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](1.0):bright_red[1746][255,0,13](3.0):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](3.0) 8 luminous:light:vivid:bright:cadmium:engine:fire:red +2043 candy_corn rgb 251 236 93 hex #FBEC5D hsv 54 63 98 xyz 0.72 0.81 0.22 lab 92 -11 69 lch 92 70 99 cmyk 0 6 62 2 corn[2520][251,236,93](0.0):maize[5471][251,236,93](0.0):PMS106[6][247,232,89](1.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](3.0):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](3.3) 7 PMS106:PMS113:corn:maize:yellowish +2044 candy_floss rgb 159 38 61 hex #9F263D hsv 349 76 62 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.05 lab 36 50 17 lch 36 53 18 cmyk 0 47 38 38 PMS194[151][153,33,53](2.8):big_dip_o_ruby[1404][156,37,66](4.0):PMS201[159][163,38,56](4.2):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](4.4):roadster[7240][159,44,55](4.6) 6 vivid:PMS194:PMS201:big:burgundy:dip:o:roadster:ruby +2045 candy_pink rgb 228 113 122 hex #E4717A hsv 355 50 89 xyz 0.41 0.3 0.22 lab 61 45 16 lch 61 48 20 cmyk 0 45 42 11 tango_pink[8245][228,113,122](0.0):froly[3774][229,109,117](2.8):PMS702[881][214,96,109](5.8):light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](5.9):froly[3775][245,117,132](6.4) 2 light:PMS702:carmine:froly:tango:pink +2046 candy_pink rgb 255 99 233 hex #FF63E9 hsv 308 61 100 xyz 0.6 0.36 0.81 lab 67 74 -39 lch 67 84 332 cmyk 0 61 9 0 light_brilliant_orchid[5054][255,101,236](1.0):purple_pizzazz[6884][254,78,218](7.1):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](7.3):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](7.3):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](7.3) 1 light:brilliant:blush:orchid:pizzazz:shocking:pink:purple +2047 cannon_black rgb 37 23 6 hex #251706 hsv 33 84 15 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 9 5 11 lch 9 12 67 cmyk 0 5 12 85 black_magic[1462][37,23,6](0.0):graphite[3982][37,22,7](1.4):karaka[4816][30,22,9](4.4):el_paso[3432][30,23,8](4.6):eternity[3513][33,26,14](4.6) 11 el:eternity:graphite:karaka:magic:paso:black +2048 cannon_black rgb 51 44 34 hex #332C22 hsv 35 33 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 18 1 8 lch 18 8 81 cmyk 0 3 7 80 black_magic[1463][51,44,34](0.0):coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](3.0):creole[2593][57,50,39](3.0):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](3.0):marlin[5536][54,45,38](3.0) 29 bean:coffee:creole:cuban:magic:marlin:tan:black +2049 cannon_pink rgb 137 67 103 hex #894367 hsv 329 51 54 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.14 lab 38 34 -7 lch 38 35 348 cmyk 0 27 13 46 twilight_lavender[8617][138,73,107](2.8):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](3.2):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](4.6):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.7):PMS689[868][147,66,102](4.9) 5 deep:medium:PMS689:highlight:ruby:twilight:lavender:pink +2050 cannon_pink rgb 142 81 100 hex #8E5164 hsv 341 43 56 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.14 lab 42 28 0 lch 42 28 0 cmyk 0 24 16 44 dark_mauve[2798][135,76,98](2.8):vin_rouge[8841][149,82,100](3.0):impulse[4620][137,73,97](4.1):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](4.2):rose_dust[7303][158,94,111](6.3) 4 pale:dark:dust:impulse:mauve:rouge:vin:red:rose:violet +2051 canopy rgb 53 51 44 hex #35332C hsv 47 17 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -1 5 lch 21 5 97 cmyk 0 1 4 79 helter_skelter[4466][51,51,45](1.0):rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](1.4):dark_ebony[2717][55,49,43](2.0):acadia[952][53,49,44](2.2):army[1142][48,52,45](2.2) 50 dark:acadia:army:ebony:helter:rockpool:skelter:green +2052 canterbury_clay rgb 198 174 131 hex #C6AE83 hsv 39 34 78 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.28 lab 72 2 25 lch 72 25 85 cmyk 0 9 26 22 aquashield_canterbury_clay[1129][198,174,131](0.0):light_french_beige[5099][200,173,127](2.2):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](2.4):toupe[8443][199,172,125](3.2):matchstick[5572][195,179,141](3.7) 12 light:aquashield:beige:canterbury:clay:french:matchstick:navajo:toupe:white +2053 canvas rgb 163 153 119 hex #A39977 hsv 46 27 64 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.22 lab 63 -2 19 lch 63 19 96 cmyk 0 4 17 36 tallow[8214][163,153,119](0.0):grayish_amber[3996][168,158,125](2.0):triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](2.8):gurkha[4264][154,149,119](3.0):hillary[4491][167,160,126](3.2) 15 akaroa:amber:grayish:gurkha:hillary:tallow:triple +2054 canvas rgb 168 165 137 hex #A8A589 hsv 54 18 66 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.29 lab 67 -4 15 lch 67 15 104 cmyk 0 1 12 34 tallow[8215][168,165,137](0.0):platinum[6736][165,160,131](1.7):double_tana[3245][168,164,140](2.2):hillary[4492][172,165,134](2.4):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](2.4) 24 double:hillary:neutral:platinum:tallow:tana:green +2055 canyon rgb 67 78 70 hex #434E46 hsv 136 14 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -6 3 lch 32 7 152 cmyk 4 0 3 69 corduroy[2511][64,77,73](2.0):middle_earth[5711][67,78,67](2.2):mangrove[5506][72,78,69](2.8):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](3.0):trainspotter[8454][68,73,63](3.5) 17 cliffhanger:corduroy:earth:mangrove:middle:trainspotter +2056 cape_cod rgb 60 68 67 hex #3C4443 hsv 173 12 27 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.06 lab 28 -4 -1 lch 28 4 188 cmyk 3 0 0 73 mica[5704][60,69,67](1.0):charcoal_grey[2222][60,65,66](2.2):pioneer[6707][57,69,65](2.8):charade[2218][57,64,67](3.0):isobar[4692][55,72,70](3.2) 31 charade:charcoal:isobar:mica:pioneer:grey +2057 cape_cod rgb 78 85 82 hex #4E5552 hsv 154 8 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.09 lab 35 -3 1 lch 35 4 167 cmyk 3 0 1 67 mako[5477][80,85,85](2.4):dark_cyanish_grey[2716][83,89,89](3.0):dark_greenish_grey[2767][83,89,83](3.0):dark_slate[2885][70,83,82](3.0):knave[4870][80,83,76](3.0) 50 slate:dark:cyanish:greenish:knave:mako:grey +2058 cape_honey rgb 254 224 165 hex #FEE0A5 hsv 40 35 100 xyz 0.74 0.77 0.47 lab 90 2 33 lch 90 33 86 cmyk 0 12 35 0 marzipan[5563][248,219,157](2.4):pale_peach[6400][255,229,173](3.0):very_light_gamboge[8761][255,219,158](3.0):buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](3.2):new_orleans[6041][243,214,157](3.2) 11 pale:light:very:buttermilk:gamboge:marzipan:new:orleans:peach +2059 cape_honey rgb 254 229 172 hex #FEE5AC hsv 42 32 100 xyz 0.76 0.8 0.5 lab 92 0 31 lch 92 31 89 cmyk 0 10 32 0 pale_peach[6400][255,229,173](1.0):buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](2.4):sing_song[7726][246,224,164](2.4):banana_mania[1278][251,231,178](3.2):PMS1205[22][247,232,170](4.1) 13 pale:PMS1205:banana:buttermilk:mania:sing:song:peach +2060 cape_palliser rgb 117 72 47 hex #75482F hsv 21 60 46 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.04 lab 35 16 23 lch 35 28 54 cmyk 0 18 27 54 old_copper[6127][114,74,47](2.0):boomerang[1654][121,78,51](2.2):dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](3.0):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](3.3):semi_sweet_chocolate[7605][107,66,38](3.3) 12 dark:boomerang:bull:chocolate:copper:old:rimu:semi:shot:sweet +2061 cape_palliser rgb 162 102 69 hex #A26645 hsv 21 57 64 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.08 lab 49 21 29 lch 49 35 54 cmyk 0 24 36 36 earth[3328][162,101,62](3.0):moderate_tangelo[5851][168,109,74](3.2):brown_sugar[1858][175,110,77](4.1):desert[3099][161,95,59](4.1):sepia[7614][165,105,79](4.1) 7 moderate:desert:earth:sepia:sugar:tangelo:brown +2062 caper rgb 175 193 130 hex #AFC182 hsv 77 33 76 xyz 0.41 0.49 0.28 lab 75 -17 30 lch 75 34 119 cmyk 7 0 25 24 PMS577[753][181,204,142](4.6):pale_olive[6392][185,204,129](6.7):pine_glade[6656][189,192,126](6.8):green_smoke[4060][164,175,110](7.0):olivine[6177][154,185,115](7.5) 1 pale:PMS577:glade:olive:olivine:pine:smoke:green +2063 caper rgb 220 237 180 hex #DCEDB4 hsv 78 24 93 xyz 0.68 0.79 0.55 lab 91 -15 26 lch 91 30 120 cmyk 7 0 22 7 pale_light_grayish_lime_green[6369][220,231,184](5.1):chiffon[2282][240,245,187](5.7):PMS365[439][211,232,163](6.2):tusk[8602][227,229,177](6.2):geneva[3839][210,224,158](6.4) 0 pale:light:PMS365:chiffon:geneva:grayish:tusk:green:lime +2064 cappuccino rgb 193 145 86 hex #C19156 hsv 33 55 76 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.13 lab 64 11 38 lch 64 40 73 cmyk 0 19 42 24 twine[8618][193,145,86](0.0):twine[8619][194,149,93](2.4):triple_putty[8511][183,139,75](4.1):tussock[8604][191,145,75](5.2):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](5.4) 3 aztec:gold:putty:triple:tussock:twine +2065 capri rgb 0 191 255 hex #00BFFF hsv 195 100 100 xyz 0.37 0.44 1.01 lab 73 -18 -43 lch 73 46 247 cmyk 100 25 0 0 deep_sky_blue[3059][0,191,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cerulean[5368][0,191,255](0.0):sky_blue_deep[7749][0,191,255](0.0):spiro_disco_ball[7902][15,192,252](2.2):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](5.9) 4 luminous:deep:vivid:ball:cerulean:disco:sky:spiro:blue +2066 capri rgb 6 42 120 hex #062A78 hsv 221 95 47 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.18 lab 20 22 -48 lch 20 52 295 cmyk 45 31 0 53 catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](0.0):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](0.0):PMS280[301][0,43,127](3.7):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](4.2):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](4.2) 5 PMS280:catalina:cobalt:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +2067 capri rgb 48 67 106 hex #30436A hsv 220 55 42 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.14 lab 29 5 -25 lch 29 26 281 cmyk 23 15 0 58 rhino[7196][46,63,98](3.0):super_sonic[8153][55,68,103](3.0):time_warp[8368][55,68,103](3.0):PMS534[670][58,73,114](3.2):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](3.7) 10 PMS534:bay:many:of:rhino:sonic:super:time:warp +2068 captain_cook rgb 0 104 155 hex #00689B hsv 200 100 61 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.33 lab 42 -6 -35 lch 42 35 261 cmyk 61 20 0 39 bahama_blue[1255][2,99,149](2.4):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](3.3):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](4.7):lochmara[5324][49,110,160](4.7):sea_blue[7549][0,105,148](5.0) 5 PMS3015:bahama:lochmara:peacock:sea:blue +2069 caput_mortuum rgb 89 39 32 hex #592720 hsv 7 64 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 23 22 16 lch 23 27 35 cmyk 0 20 22 65 tipping_point[8372][97,44,37](2.2):hukanui[4578][87,42,35](2.8):barn_red[1304][96,40,33](3.3):scoria[7537][83,38,32](3.5):PMS4695[570][81,38,28](3.6) 11 PMS4695:barn:hukanui:point:scoria:tipping:red +2070 caramel rgb 175 111 9 hex #AF6F09 hsv 37 95 69 xyz 0.23 0.21 0.03 lab 52 19 58 lch 52 61 72 cmyk 0 25 65 31 strong_gamboge[8033][168,105,0](2.2):PMS139[53][175,117,5](4.6):ginger[3864][176,101,0](5.4):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](5.7):PMS153[73][188,109,10](6.4) 2 strong:PMS139:PMS153:gamboge:ginger:mai:tai +2071 caramel rgb 255 213 154 hex #FFD59A hsv 35 40 100 xyz 0.71 0.71 0.41 lab 88 7 35 lch 88 35 79 cmyk 0 16 40 0 PMS148[64][255,214,155](1.0):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](1.7):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](1.7):circus[2341][255,215,160](3.0):frangipani[3736][255,215,160](3.0) 10 PMS148:burly:burlywood:circus:frangipani:wood +2072 caramel rgb 255 221 175 hex #FFDDAF hsv 35 31 100 xyz 0.75 0.76 0.51 lab 90 5 27 lch 90 27 79 cmyk 0 13 31 0 navajo_white[5990][255,222,173](1.0):frangipani[3737][255,222,179](2.0):champagne[2210][250,214,165](3.0):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](3.0):sunset[8143][250,214,165](3.0) 18 deep:champagne:frangipani:navajo:sunset:white +2073 cararra rgb 235 229 213 hex #EBE5D5 hsv 44 9 92 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.74 lab 91 -1 9 lch 91 9 95 cmyk 0 2 9 8 fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):half_wheatfield[4411][234,228,208](1.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.4):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.4):half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](1.4) 102 cake:cararra:double:eighth:fleece:half:rice:sisal:wheatfield +2074 cararra rgb 238 238 232 hex #EEEEE8 hsv 60 3 93 xyz 0.8 0.85 0.89 lab 94 -1 3 lch 94 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 7 half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](0.0):filmpro_reduction_base[3621][241,240,233](1.0):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.0):quarter_wan_white[7013][237,236,230](1.0):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.4) 143 alabaster:base:filmpro:fog:half:merino:quarter:reduction:sea:wan:white +2075 carat rgb 134 125 96 hex #867D60 hsv 46 28 53 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.14 lab 52 -1 17 lch 52 17 95 cmyk 0 4 15 47 triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](1.0):granite_green[3966][139,130,101](2.0):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](2.4):wheat[9063][139,126,102](3.0):brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](3.2) 18 granite:haze:olive:triple:wheat:brown:green:grey +2076 caraway rgb 199 191 168 hex #C7BFA8 hsv 45 16 78 xyz 0.49 0.52 0.45 lab 77 -1 13 lch 77 13 95 cmyk 0 3 12 22 double_parchment[3223][199,187,163](1.7):coral[2493][199,188,162](2.2):coral_reef[2506][199,188,162](2.2):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](2.2):half_drought[4318][202,189,169](2.2) 53 coral:double:drought:fossil:half:parchment:reef +2077 cardin_green rgb 1 54 28 hex #01361C hsv 151 98 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -24 12 lch 19 27 154 cmyk 21 0 10 79 county_green[2559][1,55,26](2.2):zuccini[9277][4,64,34](4.6):english_holly[3488][2,45,21](5.0):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](5.8):dark_green[2761][1,50,32](6.2) 3 dark:british:county:english:holly:racing:zuccini:green +2078 cardin_green rgb 27 52 39 hex #1B3427 hsv 149 48 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -13 5 lch 19 14 159 cmyk 10 0 5 80 celtic[2166][22,50,34](3.0):palm_green[6457][32,57,44](3.0):PMS5605[725][35,58,45](3.2):black_leather_jacket[1461][37,53,41](3.2):medium_jungle_green[5615][28,53,45](3.3) 10 medium:PMS5605:celtic:jacket:jungle:leather:palm:black:green +2079 cardinal rgb 138 36 78 hex #8A244E hsv 335 74 54 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.08 lab 32 46 0 lch 32 46 360 cmyk 0 40 24 46 violet_red[8864][139,34,82](3.2):rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](3.7):disco[3143][137,45,79](4.2):lipstick[5298][150,44,84](4.2):tickled_pink[8348][150,44,84](4.2) 5 bud:cherry:disco:lipstick:tickled:pink:red:rose:violet +2080 cardinal rgb 140 5 94 hex #8C055E hsv 320 96 55 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.11 lab 31 56 -13 lch 31 57 347 cmyk 0 53 18 45 cardinal_pink[2082][140,5,94](0.0):PMS2425[208][135,0,91](2.4):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](4.6):maroon[5541][139,28,98](5.1):PMS235[193][142,5,84](6.1) 3 PMS235:PMS2425:cardinal:eggplant:fresh:maroon:pink +2081 cardinal rgb 196 30 58 hex #C41E3A hsv 350 85 77 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.05 lab 43 63 28 lch 43 69 24 cmyk 0 65 54 23 PMS200[158][196,30,58](0.0):PMS1935[150][193,5,56](3.7):memphis_belle[5673][202,47,67](3.7):brick_red[1710][198,45,66](4.1):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](4.1) 6 PMS1935:PMS200:belle:brick:glory:memphis:crimson:red +2082 cardinal_pink rgb 140 5 94 hex #8C055E hsv 320 96 55 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.11 lab 31 56 -13 lch 31 57 347 cmyk 0 53 18 45 cardinal[2080][140,5,94](0.0):PMS2425[208][135,0,91](2.4):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](4.6):maroon[5541][139,28,98](5.1):PMS235[193][142,5,84](6.1) 3 PMS235:PMS2425:cardinal:eggplant:fresh:maroon +2083 carefree rgb 209 221 213 hex #D1DDD5 hsv 140 5 87 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.73 lab 87 -5 3 lch 87 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 13 PMS5523[708][214,221,214](1.0):quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](2.0):PMS5513[705][206,216,209](2.2):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](2.2):nebula[6004][203,219,214](2.4) 51 PMS5513:PMS5523:aqua:haze:nebula:quarter:tasman +2084 careys_pink rgb 201 154 160 hex #C99AA0 hsv 352 23 79 xyz 0.42 0.38 0.38 lab 68 18 4 lch 68 19 11 cmyk 0 18 16 21 rosy_brown[7326][205,155,155](3.3):rosybrown[7332][205,155,155](3.3):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](3.7):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](4.2):grey_pink[4221][195,144,155](4.7) 5 mamma:mia:rosy:rosybrown:tuscany:brown:grey:pink +2085 careys_pink rgb 210 158 170 hex #D29EAA hsv 346 25 82 xyz 0.46 0.41 0.44 lab 70 21 1 lch 70 21 4 cmyk 0 20 16 18 PMS680[859][211,158,175](2.2):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](4.9):floyd[3699][218,156,166](5.0):grey_pink[4221][195,144,155](5.1):PMS686[865][224,170,186](5.2) 3 PMS680:PMS686:floyd:mamma:mia:grey:pink +2086 cargo rgb 155 143 117 hex #9B8F75 hsv 41 25 61 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.21 lab 60 0 15 lch 60 15 89 cmyk 0 5 15 39 triple_bison_hide[8481][154,143,119](1.0):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](1.7):pale_oyster[6398][152,141,119](2.2):double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](3.0):triple_sisal[8517][165,149,120](3.0) 29 pale:bison:double:hide:olive:oyster:sisal:triple:grey +2087 caribbean_green rgb 0 204 153 hex #00CC99 hsv 165 100 80 xyz 0.27 0.45 0.37 lab 73 -54 14 lch 73 56 166 cmyk 80 0 20 20 PMS3395[409][0,201,147](1.7):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](2.4):shamrock[7639][51,204,153](3.2):green/blue[4032][1,192,141](4.1):greenblue[4075][35,196,139](4.6) 6 medium:PMS3395:green/blue:greenblue:shamrock:aquamarine +2088 caribbean_green rgb 28 211 162 hex #1CD3A2 hsv 164 87 83 xyz 0.3 0.49 0.42 lab 76 -54 12 lch 76 55 167 cmyk 72 0 19 17 medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](4.1):shamrock[7639][51,204,153](4.1):eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](4.5):PMS3395[409][0,201,147](5.1):aquamarine[1114][4,216,178](6.2) 3 medium:PMS3395:eucalyptus:shamrock:aquamarine +2089 carissma rgb 230 128 149 hex #E68095 hsv 348 44 90 xyz 0.46 0.34 0.33 lab 65 41 6 lch 65 42 9 cmyk 0 40 32 10 light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](5.2):charm[2232][208,116,139](5.7):rose_pink[7311][247,135,154](5.8):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](6.2):light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](6.6) 0 light:amaranth:charm:sherbet:crimson:pink:rose +2090 carissma rgb 234 136 168 hex #EA88A8 hsv 340 42 92 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.42 lab 68 41 -1 lch 68 41 359 cmyk 0 38 26 8 light_raspberry[5180][231,139,174](2.8):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](4.1):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](4.1):light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](5.0):vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](5.0) 5 light:charm:ice:raspberry:thulian:vanilla:crimson:pink +2091 carla rgb 243 255 216 hex #F3FFD8 hsv 78 15 100 xyz 0.85 0.96 0.79 lab 98 -10 17 lch 98 20 121 cmyk 5 0 15 0 orinoco[6255][243,251,212](1.7):spring_sun[7931][246,255,220](1.7):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](3.2):moon_glow[5884][252,254,218](3.2):nyanza[6086][233,255,219](3.6) 12 glow:mimosa:moon:nyanza:orinoco:spring:sun +2092 carla rgb 245 249 203 hex #F5F9CB hsv 65 18 98 xyz 0.82 0.91 0.7 lab 97 -9 22 lch 97 23 112 cmyk 2 0 18 2 corn_field[2522][248,250,205](1.4):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](2.2):eggshell[3381][255,255,212](3.0):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](3.0):cream[2583][255,253,208](3.2) 21 corn:cream:eggshell:field:mimosa +2093 carmine rgb 150 0 24 hex #960018 hsv 350 100 59 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 54 33 lch 31 64 31 cmyk 0 59 49 41 scarlett[7524][149,0,21](2.0):ruby_red[7364][155,17,30](2.4):crimson[2598][140,0,15](4.1):pohutukawa[6755][143,2,28](4.9):spartan_crimson[7885][158,19,22](5.1) 4 pohutukawa:ruby:scarlett:spartan:crimson:red +2094 carmine rgb 157 2 22 hex #9D0216 hsv 352 99 62 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.01 lab 32 56 36 lch 32 67 33 cmyk 0 61 53 38 scarlett[7524][149,0,21](2.4):spartan_crimson[7885][158,19,22](3.7):sangria[7481][146,0,10](4.7):ruby_red[7364][155,17,30](5.1):pulse[6844][164,29,25](5.4) 3 pulse:ruby:sangria:scarlett:spartan:crimson:red +2095 carmine rgb 215 0 64 hex #D70040 hsv 342 100 84 xyz 0.29 0.15 0.06 lab 45 72 29 lch 45 77 22 cmyk 0 84 59 16 rich_carmine[7214][215,0,64](0.0):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](1.4):PMS1925[148][224,7,71](3.7):PMS199[157][216,28,63](4.1):spanish_crimson[7871][229,26,76](4.6) 6 PMS1925:PMS199:carmine:rich:spanish:utah:crimson +2096 carmine rgb 255 0 64 hex #FF0040 hsv 345 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.07 lab 54 81 41 lch 54 91 27 cmyk 0 100 75 0 electric_crimson[3439][255,0,63](0.0):luminous_vivid_crimson[5372][255,0,64](0.0):american_rose[1038][255,3,62](1.0):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](4.0) 6 luminous:vivid:american:carmine:electric:neon:crimson:red:rose +2097 carmine_pink rgb 235 76 66 hex #EB4C42 hsv 4 72 92 xyz 0.38 0.23 0.08 lab 55 60 40 lch 55 73 34 cmyk 0 62 66 8 valencia[8668][216,68,55](5.0):cinnabar[2332][227,66,52](5.1):vermilion[8706][227,66,52](5.1):coral[2496][252,90,80](5.2):punch[6854][220,67,51](5.4) 1 cinnabar:coral:punch:valencia:vermilion +2098 carmine_red rgb 255 0 56 hex #FF0038 hsv 347 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.06 lab 54 81 45 lch 54 93 29 cmyk 0 100 78 0 neon_red[6020][255,7,58](1.0):american_rose[1038][255,3,62](3.0):scarlet[7519][253,14,53](3.0):torch_red[8427][253,14,53](3.0):tractor_red[8448][253,14,53](3.0) 8 american:neon:scarlet:torch:tractor:red:rose +2099 carnaby_tan rgb 91 58 36 hex #5B3A24 hsv 24 60 36 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.02 lab 28 12 20 lch 28 23 59 cmyk 0 13 22 64 dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](1.0):irish_coffee[4671][95,61,38](1.0):bracken[1689][91,61,39](2.4):brown_bramble[1843][83,51,30](3.2):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](3.2) 10 dark:bracken:bramble:coffee:irish:rimu:tangelo:brown +2100 carnaby_tan rgb 92 46 1 hex #5C2E01 hsv 30 99 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 24 18 34 lch 24 39 62 cmyk 0 18 36 64 deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](1.0):PMS732[911][96,51,10](3.0):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](4.1):PMS469[569][96,51,17](5.5):brown[1833][101,55,0](5.7) 3 deep:PMS469:PMS732:bramble:brown +2101 carnation rgb 249 90 97 hex #F95A61 hsv 357 64 98 xyz 0.45 0.28 0.14 lab 60 61 29 lch 60 68 26 cmyk 0 62 60 2 coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](3.0):light_brilliant_red[5061][255,101,101](4.1):indian_red[4637][255,106,106](5.7):indianred[4644][255,106,106](5.7):brilliant_red[1797][231,81,81](5.8) 2 light:brilliant:coral:indian:indianred:pink:red +2102 carnation rgb 253 121 143 hex #FD798F hsv 350 52 99 xyz 0.52 0.37 0.3 lab 67 52 12 lch 67 54 13 cmyk 0 52 43 1 PMS190[143][252,117,142](2.2):glamour_puss[3872][248,116,139](2.2):froly[3775][245,117,132](4.9):ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](6.2):wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](6.2) 3 PMS190:froly:glamour:puss:ultra:watermelon:wild:red +2103 carnation_pink rgb 255 127 167 hex #FF7FA7 hsv 341 50 100 xyz 0.56 0.39 0.41 lab 69 53 2 lch 69 53 2 cmyk 0 50 35 0 tickle_me_pink[8346][252,128,165](2.0):pale_violet_red[6453][255,130,171](2.4):pinky[6704][252,134,170](4.1):rosa[7293][254,134,164](5.1):PMS211[169][255,119,168](5.4) 3 pale:PMS211:me:pinky:rosa:tickle:pink:red:violet +2104 carnation_pink rgb 255 166 201 hex #FFA6C9 hsv 336 35 100 xyz 0.65 0.53 0.62 lab 78 37 -4 lch 78 38 354 cmyk 0 35 21 0 pale_pink[6404][255,170,200](3.0):illusion[4612][246,164,201](3.5):PMS210[168][255,160,191](4.1):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](4.2):very_light_raspberry[8783][255,158,194](4.6) 6 pale:light:very:PMS210:amaranth:illusion:raspberry:pink +2105 carnation_pink rgb 255 170 204 hex #FFAACC hsv 336 33 100 xyz 0.67 0.54 0.64 lab 79 36 -4 lch 79 36 353 cmyk 0 33 20 0 pale_pink[6404][255,170,200](2.2):illusion[4612][246,164,201](3.7):lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](4.2):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](4.5):PMS236[194][249,175,211](5.0) 5 pale:PMS236:illusion:powder:lavender:pink +2106 carnelian rgb 179 27 27 hex #B31B1B hsv 0 85 70 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.02 lab 39 58 41 lch 39 71 35 cmyk 0 60 60 30 cornell_red[2526][179,27,27](0.0):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](3.2):del_toro[3083][177,29,32](3.3):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](3.6):poppy[6773][172,0,25](4.1) 6 cornell:del:firebrick:indian:poppy:toro:red +2107 carnival rgb 126 42 101 hex #7E2A65 hsv 318 67 49 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.13 lab 32 43 -16 lch 32 46 339 cmyk 0 33 10 51 sassy[7502][126,42,101](0.0):PMS249[215][127,40,96](3.0):belladonna[1390][119,44,104](4.4):fun_fair[3807][119,44,104](4.4):byzantium[1965][112,41,99](5.8) 4 PMS249:belladonna:byzantium:fair:fun:sassy +2108 carolina_blue rgb 86 160 211 hex #56A0D3 hsv 204 59 83 xyz 0.28 0.32 0.66 lab 63 -8 -33 lch 63 34 256 cmyk 49 20 0 17 picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](2.0):snap[7802][91,160,208](2.0):celestial_blue[2163][73,151,208](4.7):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](5.4):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](5.5) 3 celestial:picton:sky:snap:blue:gray +2109 carolina_blue rgb 138 184 254 hex #8AB8FE hsv 216 46 100 xyz 0.46 0.47 1 lab 74 3 -39 lch 74 39 274 cmyk 45 27 0 0 french_sky_blue[3761][119,181,254](4.7):very_light_sapphire_blue[8786][158,182,255](6.1):pastel_blue[6500][162,191,254](6.2):very_light_cobalt_blue[8755][158,194,255](6.4):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](7.0) 1 light:very:cobalt:french:pastel:sapphire:sky:blue +2110 carolina_blue rgb 153 186 221 hex #99BADD hsv 211 31 87 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.75 lab 74 -3 -21 lch 74 21 262 cmyk 27 14 0 13 PMS278[299][153,186,221](0.0):oxymoron[6280][156,191,227](2.2):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](4.1):relax[7177][153,174,208](4.4):time_out[8367][170,194,227](4.9) 5 PMS2717:PMS278:out:oxymoron:relax:time +2111 carousel_pink rgb 248 219 224 hex #F8DBE0 hsv 350 12 97 xyz 0.77 0.76 0.81 lab 90 11 1 lch 90 11 6 cmyk 0 11 9 3 cherub[2268][245,215,220](1.0):piggy_pink[6650][253,221,230](1.7):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](1.7):pale_pink[6403][250,218,221](2.2):very_pale_crimson[8803][255,226,233](2.2) 18 pale:very:cherub:ice:piggy:vanilla:crimson:pink +2112 carousel_pink rgb 249 224 237 hex #F9E0ED hsv 329 10 98 xyz 0.81 0.8 0.91 lab 91 11 -3 lch 91 11 343 cmyk 0 10 5 2 we_peep[9030][247,219,230](1.4):very_pale_rose[8817][255,226,240](2.2):cherub[2269][248,217,233](2.4):pale_rose[6420][255,225,242](2.4):piggy_pink[6650][253,221,230](3.2) 12 pale:very:cherub:peep:piggy:we:pink:rose +2113 carpe_diem rgb 228 148 61 hex #E4943D hsv 31 73 89 xyz 0.43 0.38 0.09 lab 68 23 56 lch 68 61 68 cmyk 0 31 65 11 lolly_scramble[5335][233,155,65](3.0):tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](3.5):tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](3.5):tan[8226][238,154,73](3.7):party_animal[6495][219,146,65](4.4) 6 animal:eye:lolly:party:scramble:tan:tiger:tiger's +2114 carrot rgb 237 145 33 hex #ED9121 hsv 33 86 93 xyz 0.45 0.38 0.06 lab 68 27 67 lch 68 73 68 cmyk 0 36 80 7 carrot_orange[2115][237,145,33](0.0):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](3.2):beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](4.4):PMS144[60][226,140,5](4.9):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](5.5) 4 09:PMS144:beer:bell:carrot:golden:srm:sunshade:orange +2115 carrot_orange rgb 237 145 33 hex #ED9121 hsv 33 86 93 xyz 0.45 0.38 0.06 lab 68 27 67 lch 68 73 68 cmyk 0 36 80 7 carrot[2114][237,145,33](0.0):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](3.2):beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](4.4):PMS144[60][226,140,5](4.9):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](5.5) 4 09:PMS144:beer:bell:carrot:golden:srm:sunshade +2116 casablanca rgb 240 178 83 hex #F0B253 hsv 36 65 94 xyz 0.53 0.51 0.15 lab 77 13 56 lch 77 58 77 cmyk 0 24 62 6 brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](3.0):PMS1365[48][252,186,94](3.7):koromiko[4885][255,189,95](4.1):daybreak_yellow[2939][252,191,102](5.0):vegas[8686][252,179,88](5.1) 4 brilliant:PMS1365:daybreak:gamboge:koromiko:vegas:yellow +2117 casablanca rgb 248 184 83 hex #F8B853 hsv 37 67 97 xyz 0.57 0.55 0.16 lab 79 13 59 lch 79 60 77 cmyk 0 25 65 3 saffron[7407][249,191,88](3.6):saffron_mango[7409][249,191,88](3.6):koromiko[4885][255,189,95](3.7):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](4.0):yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](4.0) 7 koromiko:mango:saffron:orange:yellow +2118 casal rgb 47 97 104 hex #2F6168 hsv 187 55 41 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.15 lab 38 -15 -9 lch 38 17 212 cmyk 22 3 0 59 william[9119][58,104,108](3.6):boomtown[1655][52,102,114](4.1):muse[5948][46,105,109](4.4):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](4.5):dark_cyan[2715][39,89,89](5.4) 4 dark:PMS5473:boomtown:cyan:muse:william +2119 casal rgb 63 84 90 hex #3F545A hsv 193 30 35 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.11 lab 34 -6 -6 lch 34 9 224 cmyk 11 2 0 65 dark_grayish_cerulean[2739][66,84,89](1.0):balderdash[1264][70,86,89](2.4):deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](3.0):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](3.0):san_juan[7447][68,87,97](3.0) 20 deep:dark:balderdash:cerulean:cove:grayish:jetsetter:juan:san +2120 cascade rgb 139 169 165 hex #8BA9A5 hsv 172 18 66 xyz 0.32 0.37 0.41 lab 67 -11 -1 lch 67 11 187 cmyk 12 0 2 34 boulevard[1677][142,165,160](2.4):PMS5493[699][140,175,173](3.0):pewter[6627][150,168,161](3.6):granny_smith[3972][132,160,160](3.7):sea_nymph[7570][138,174,164](3.7) 6 PMS5493:boulevard:granny:nymph:pewter:sea:smith +2121 cascade rgb 140 168 160 hex #8CA8A0 hsv 163 17 66 xyz 0.31 0.36 0.39 lab 67 -11 1 lch 67 11 175 cmyk 11 0 3 34 boulevard[1677][142,165,160](2.4):pewter[6627][150,168,161](3.0):sea_nymph[7570][138,174,164](3.2):PMS5497[700][145,163,153](4.1):skeptic[7736][157,180,170](4.2) 8 PMS5497:boulevard:nymph:pewter:sea:skeptic +2122 cashmere rgb 209 179 153 hex #D1B399 hsv 28 27 82 xyz 0.48 0.48 0.37 lab 75 7 17 lch 75 19 68 cmyk 0 12 22 18 peach_puff[6548][205,175,149](2.0):peachpuff[6555][205,175,149](2.0):cameo[2023][217,185,155](2.8):double_biscotti[3181][213,186,158](3.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](3.0) 15 biscotti:cameo:double:dust:peachpuff:puff:rodeo:peach +2123 cashmere rgb 230 190 165 hex #E6BEA5 hsv 23 28 90 xyz 0.58 0.56 0.43 lab 80 11 18 lch 80 21 59 cmyk 0 16 25 10 light_wood[5231][233,194,166](1.7):zinnwaldite[9264][235,194,175](3.3):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](3.6):PMS488[597][242,196,175](3.7):PMS4675[566][229,198,170](4.5) 6 light:PMS4675:PMS488:desert:sand:wood:zinnwaldite +2124 casper rgb 170 181 184 hex #AAB5B8 hsv 193 8 72 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.52 lab 73 -3 -3 lch 73 4 221 cmyk 5 1 0 28 coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](1.7):PMS5435[684][175,188,191](2.2):heather[4453][174,187,193](2.8):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](3.0):gull_grey[4248][164,173,176](3.0) 28 PMS5435:coastal:eskimo:gull:heather:blue:grey +2125 casper rgb 173 190 209 hex #ADBED1 hsv 212 17 82 xyz 0.47 0.5 0.68 lab 76 -2 -11 lch 76 12 261 cmyk 14 7 0 18 icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](2.2):spindle[7899][179,196,216](2.2):shinto[7659][166,181,198](3.2):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](3.3):heather[4454][183,195,208](3.6) 16 cloudy:heather:icebreaker:shinto:spindle:blue +2126 castle_rock rgb 133 132 119 hex #858477 hsv 56 11 52 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.21 lab 55 -2 7 lch 55 7 106 cmyk 0 0 5 48 cobblestone[2402][128,127,115](2.0):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.0):friar_grey[3769][134,131,122](2.2):cornsilk[2537][139,136,120](2.8):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](2.8) 31 cobblestone:cornsilk:friar:quarter:talisman:taupe:grey +2127 castlepoint rgb 173 149 105 hex #AD9569 hsv 39 39 68 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.18 lab 63 3 27 lch 63 27 84 cmyk 0 9 27 32 dust[3300][178,153,110](1.4):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](2.4):goldie[3942][179,155,105](3.0):triple_canterbury_clay[8484][181,148,101](3.6):teak[8280][177,148,97](4.1) 10 dark:beige:canterbury:clay:dust:goldie:teak:triple +2128 castleton_green rgb 0 86 63 hex #00563F hsv 164 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -29 7 lch 32 30 166 cmyk 34 0 9 66 PMS343[416][0,86,63](0.0):sacramento_state_green[7395][0,86,63](0.0):deep_turquoise[3072][0,89,67](1.4):PMS554[712][25,94,71](3.6):filmpro_pthalo_green[3617][0,86,69](3.6) 5 deep:PMS343:PMS554:filmpro:pthalo:sacramento:state:green:turquoise +2129 castro rgb 68 35 47 hex #44232F hsv 338 49 27 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 18 -1 lch 19 18 357 cmyk 0 13 8 73 PMS5185[641][71,40,53](1.7):red_earth[7123][70,32,40](4.2):conundrum[2467][60,32,44](4.4):tempo[8298][70,43,49](4.9):contraband[2466][70,36,41](5.1) 4 PMS5185:contraband:conundrum:earth:tempo:red +2130 castro rgb 82 0 31 hex #52001F hsv 337 100 32 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 15 37 6 lch 15 37 9 cmyk 0 32 20 68 deep_raspberry[3039][89,0,33](3.0):bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](4.1):rendezvous[7182][86,20,38](5.8):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](6.2):burgundy[1908][97,0,35](6.4) 2 deep:dark:bordeaux:burgundy:raspberry:rendezvous:scarlet +2131 catalina_blue rgb 6 42 120 hex #062A78 hsv 221 95 47 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.18 lab 20 22 -48 lch 20 52 295 cmyk 45 31 0 53 capri[2066][6,42,120](0.0):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](0.0):PMS280[301][0,43,127](3.7):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](4.2):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](4.2) 5 PMS280:capri:cobalt:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +2132 catalina_blue rgb 39 60 90 hex #273C5A hsv 215 57 35 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 25 2 -21 lch 25 21 274 cmyk 20 12 0 65 blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](0.0):cobalt[2396][39,60,90](0.0):dark_cobalt_blue[2706][39,58,89](1.4):midnight_oil[5727][40,56,84](2.8):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](3.5) 13 dark:clouds:cobalt:cove:midnight:oil:blue:grey +2133 catalyst rgb 200 82 65 hex #C85241 hsv 8 68 78 xyz 0.28 0.19 0.07 lab 50 46 34 lch 50 57 36 cmyk 0 46 53 22 clementine[2369][193,79,59](2.4):balloon[1269][193,77,54](3.7):coral[2494][205,91,69](3.7):dark_coral[2707][205,91,69](3.7):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](3.7) 8 dark:balloon:clementine:coral:grenadier +2134 catapult rgb 104 81 67 hex #685143 hsv 23 36 41 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.07 lab 36 7 12 lch 36 14 58 cmyk 0 9 15 59 quincy[7032][106,84,69](2.0):spark[7884][105,83,65](2.4):umber[8644][99,81,71](3.2):spice[7892][108,79,63](3.6):kabul[4803][94,72,62](3.7) 8 kabul:quincy:spark:spice:umber +2135 catawba rgb 112 54 66 hex #703642 hsv 348 52 44 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.06 lab 31 27 5 lch 31 27 9 cmyk 0 23 18 56 matchmaker[5571][109,53,64](1.4):ribbon[7202][113,51,60](3.3):merlot[5684][115,52,58](5.2):brownish_purple[1868][118,66,78](5.4):camelot[2020][128,58,75](5.9) 2 brownish:camelot:matchmaker:merlot:ribbon:purple +2136 catch rgb 52 52 60 hex #34343C hsv 240 13 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 22 2 -5 lch 22 5 291 cmyk 3 3 0 76 black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](1.4):revolver[7194][55,54,63](1.4):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](1.4):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](2.4):high_tide[4484][50,55,63](2.4) 24 bay:double:high:marlin:revolver:tide:tuna:woody:black +2137 cathedral rgb 75 77 74 hex #4B4D4A hsv 100 4 30 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 32 -1 1 lch 32 2 135 cmyk 1 0 1 70 PMS446[530][73,76,73](1.0):ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](1.4):thunder[8337][77,77,75](1.4):armadillo[1141][72,74,70](1.7):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.7) 54 PMS446:armadillo:blast:ship:thunder:grey +2138 catskill_white rgb 224 228 220 hex #E0E4DC hsv 90 4 89 xyz 0.71 0.77 0.79 lab 90 -3 3 lch 90 4 129 cmyk 2 0 3 11 aqua_squeeze[1111][219,228,220](1.0):black_squeeze[1480][229,230,223](1.4):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](1.4):quarter_iron[6957][229,230,223](1.4):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](2.0) 104 aqua:carefree:half:haze:iron:quarter:squeeze:black +2139 catskill_white rgb 238 246 247 hex #EEF6F7 hsv 187 4 97 xyz 0.85 0.91 1.01 lab 96 -2 -1 lch 96 3 210 cmyk 4 0 0 3 aqua_haze[1106][237,245,245](1.0):porcelain[6778][239,242,243](1.4):anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](2.0):munsell[5946][242,243,244](2.0):black_squeeze[1481][242,250,250](2.2) 81 anti:aqua:flash:haze:munsell:porcelain:squeeze:black:white +2140 catwalk rgb 61 62 76 hex #3D3E4C hsv 236 20 30 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.08 lab 27 3 -9 lch 27 9 289 cmyk 6 5 0 70 bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](1.7):grape[3976][65,61,75](2.2):blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](2.4):warlord[8995][69,64,79](3.3):rhino[7197][61,70,83](3.6) 19 bright:grape:rhino:warlord:zodiac:blue:grey +2141 cave_rock rgb 55 44 44 hex #372C2C hsv 360 20 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 5 2 lch 19 5 21 cmyk 0 4 4 78 diesel[3122][50,44,43](2.0):style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal[8072][50,44,43](2.0):double_barista[3179][57,44,42](2.2):livid_brown[5314][49,42,41](2.2):sepia[7610][58,47,45](2.2) 36 burnt:barista:charcoal:diesel:double:livid:pasifika:sepia:style:brown +2142 cavern_pink rgb 224 184 177 hex #E0B8B1 hsv 9 21 88 xyz 0.56 0.53 0.49 lab 78 13 9 lch 78 16 34 cmyk 0 16 18 12 PMS5025[616][226,188,183](1.4):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](2.2):rose[7296][231,188,180](2.4):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](2.4):shilo[7655][232,185,179](3.2) 13 PMS5025:as:fog:shilo:sweet:rose +2143 cavern_pink rgb 227 190 190 hex #E3BEBE hsv 0 16 89 xyz 0.59 0.57 0.57 lab 80 13 5 lch 80 14 21 cmyk 0 15 15 11 sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](3.0):PMS5025[616][226,188,183](3.2):PMS692[871][232,191,186](3.3):PMS679[858][229,191,198](3.7):PMS685[864][234,191,196](3.7) 10 PMS5025:PMS679:PMS685:PMS692:as:sweet +2144 ce_soir rgb 146 113 167 hex #9271A7 hsv 277 32 65 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.39 lab 53 23 -24 lch 53 34 314 cmyk 8 21 0 35 lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](4.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.6):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.6):dark_lavender[2785][133,103,152](5.5):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](5.5) 3 dark:majesty:mountain:mountain's:mountain's:lavender:purple +2145 ce_soir rgb 151 113 181 hex #9771B5 hsv 274 38 71 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.46 lab 54 28 -30 lch 54 41 313 cmyk 12 27 0 29 wisteria[9153][151,113,181](0.0):violet[8856][146,110,174](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.6):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.6):wisteria[9155][168,125,194](5.1) 4 majesty:mountain:mountain's:wisteria:purple:violet +2146 cedar rgb 62 28 20 hex #3E1C14 hsv 11 68 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 15 16 13 lch 15 20 40 cmyk 0 13 16 76 short_black[7679][66,35,27](3.7):PMS4975[606][68,30,28](4.1):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](4.2):paco[6295][65,31,16](4.2):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](4.6) 7 dark:PMS4975:ironbark:paco:rum:short:black +2147 cedar rgb 70 52 48 hex #463430 hsv 11 31 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 24 7 6 lch 24 9 37 cmyk 0 7 9 73 rebel[7099][69,52,48](1.4):bean[1330][74,53,49](2.0):stingray[7983][69,53,51](2.0):PMS439[523][73,53,51](2.2):double_felix[3200][69,55,50](2.2) 44 PMS439:bean:double:felix:rebel:stingray +2148 cedar rgb 101 57 44 hex #65392C hsv 14 56 40 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 29 18 16 lch 29 24 42 cmyk 0 17 22 60 hairy_heath[4270][99,53,40](1.7):komakorau[4878][100,53,42](2.2):oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](2.2):PMS477[585][99,56,38](3.3):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.7) 10 PMS477:cedar:copper:hairy:heath:komakorau:metallic:oiled +2149 cedar_chest rgb 201 90 73 hex #C95A49 hsv 8 64 79 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.09 lab 52 43 31 lch 52 53 36 cmyk 0 44 50 21 oh_behave[6117][190,82,63](3.3):coral[2494][205,91,69](4.2):dark_coral[2707][205,91,69](4.2):crail[2575][185,81,64](4.5):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](4.7) 7 dark:behave:catalyst:coral:crail:oh +2150 cedar_wood_finish rgb 113 26 0 hex #711A00 hsv 14 100 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0 lab 24 37 36 lch 24 51 44 cmyk 0 34 44 56 beer_srm_26[1366][114,27,0](1.0):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](2.4):beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](3.2):kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](4.4):oiled_cedar[6121][124,28,5](4.4) 6 25:26:27:beer:cedar:copper:kenyan:oiled:srm +2151 ceil rgb 146 161 207 hex #92A1CF hsv 225 29 81 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.64 lab 67 5 -25 lch 67 26 282 cmyk 24 18 0 19 stratosphere[8002][151,160,206](2.0):wistful[9159][164,166,211](4.9):zephyr[9252][128,154,198](5.1):blue_bell[1549][162,162,208](5.5):wistful[9158][162,158,205](6.3) 2 bell:stratosphere:wistful:zephyr:blue +2152 celadon rgb 172 225 175 hex #ACE1AF hsv 123 24 88 xyz 0.52 0.66 0.51 lab 85 -27 19 lch 85 33 144 cmyk 21 0 20 12 light_moss_green[5148][173,223,173](1.4):moss_green[5913][173,223,173](1.4):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](3.7):madang[5426][183,240,190](5.2):dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](5.4) 3 pale:light:dark:grayish:madang:moss:sea:green +2153 celadon rgb 190 253 183 hex #BEFDB7 hsv 114 28 99 xyz 0.65 0.85 0.58 lab 94 -33 27 lch 94 43 140 cmyk 25 0 27 1 light_mint[5145][182,255,187](2.8):pale_green[6348][199,253,181](3.6):dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](3.7):flat_medium_green[3675][193,255,193](3.7):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](5.1) 4 pale:medium:light:dark:flat:sea:green:mint +2154 celadon_blue rgb 0 123 167 hex #007BA7 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.39 lab 48 -12 -31 lch 48 34 249 cmyk 65 17 0 35 cerulean[2181][0,123,167](0.0):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](0.0):PMS307[344][0,122,165](1.0):PMS641[820][0,122,165](1.0):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](1.0) 8 deep:PMS307:PMS641:cerulean:cg:blue +2155 celadon_green rgb 47 132 124 hex #2F847C hsv 174 64 52 xyz 0.13 0.19 0.22 lab 50 -27 -3 lch 50 27 187 cmyk 33 0 3 48 elm[3463][41,123,118](3.7):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](3.7):pine_green[6660][21,128,120](3.7):genoa[3842][49,121,109](5.1):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](5.1) 3 elm:genoa:lochinvar:pine:teal:green +2156 celery rgb 180 192 76 hex #B4C04C hsv 66 60 75 xyz 0.39 0.48 0.14 lab 75 -20 55 lch 75 59 110 cmyk 5 0 45 25 wild_willow[9116][190,202,96](5.1):booger[1650][155,181,60](7.9):happy_hour[4421][169,201,73](9.5):billy_t[1412][193,185,67](9.9):light_olive_green[5155][164,190,92](10.0) 0 light:billy:booger:happy:hour:olive:t:wild:willow:green +2157 celery rgb 184 194 93 hex #B8C25D hsv 66 52 76 xyz 0.41 0.5 0.18 lab 76 -18 49 lch 76 52 110 cmyk 4 0 40 24 wild_willow[9116][190,202,96](3.0):vermont[8709][178,190,97](4.5):wild_willow[9115][185,196,106](5.2):light_olive_green[5155][164,190,92](7.3):light_olive[5154][172,191,105](8.5) 2 light:olive:vermont:wild:willow:green +2158 celery rgb 193 253 149 hex #C1FD95 hsv 95 41 99 xyz 0.63 0.84 0.41 lab 93 -36 44 lch 93 57 130 cmyk 24 0 41 1 pistachio[6722][192,250,139](3.3):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](4.1):reef[7164][201,255,162](6.2):very_light_chartreuse_green[8754][207,255,158](6.2):light_yellowish_green[5241][194,255,137](6.4) 2 light:very:chartreuse:pistachio:reef:yellowish:green +2159 celeste rgb 178 255 255 hex #B2FFFF hsv 180 30 100 xyz 0.72 0.88 1.08 lab 95 -23 -8 lch 95 25 198 cmyk 30 0 0 0 italian_sky_blue[4694][178,255,255](0.0):pale_turquoise[6443][187,255,255](2.4):pale_cyan[6331][183,255,250](3.0):light_cyan[5090][172,255,252](3.2):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](4.5) 6 pale:light:cyan:italian:sky:waterspout:blue:turquoise +2160 celeste rgb 209 210 202 hex #D1D2CA hsv 68 4 82 xyz 0.6 0.64 0.65 lab 84 -2 4 lch 84 4 115 cmyk 0 0 3 18 PMS441[525][209,209,198](1.0):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](1.0):pastel_grey[6506][207,207,196](1.4):PMS5527[709][206,209,198](1.7):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](1.7) 98 PMS441:PMS5527:half:nurse:pastel:tasman:grey +2161 celeste rgb 210 210 192 hex #D2D2C0 hsv 60 9 82 xyz 0.59 0.64 0.59 lab 84 -3 9 lch 84 9 109 cmyk 0 0 7 18 PMS5665[737][214,214,198](1.4):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.7):ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](2.0):eighth_hillary[3402][214,211,190](2.0):joanna[4770][214,209,192](2.0) 73 PMS5665:ecru:eighth:hillary:joanna:quarter:tana:white +2162 celestial_blue rgb 26 32 47 hex #1A202F hsv 223 45 18 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.03 lab 12 2 -11 lch 12 11 281 cmyk 8 6 0 82 dark[2674][27,36,49](3.0):nite_life[6061][29,33,52](3.0):mirage[5776][22,25,40](3.2):magnum[5457][17,35,49](4.1):daytona[2941][30,34,44](4.2) 8 dark:daytona:life:magnum:mirage:nite +2163 celestial_blue rgb 73 151 208 hex #4997D0 hsv 205 65 82 xyz 0.25 0.28 0.64 lab 60 -6 -36 lch 60 37 260 cmyk 53 22 0 18 steel_blue[7965][79,148,205](1.4):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](4.7):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](5.1):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](6.1):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](6.2) 2 carolina:curious:sky:steel:blue:gray +2164 cello rgb 30 56 91 hex #1E385B hsv 214 67 36 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 23 3 -24 lch 23 24 276 cmyk 24 14 0 64 dark_cobalt_blue[2706][39,58,89](3.2):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](3.7):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](3.7):cobalt[2396][39,60,90](3.7):dark_sapphire_blue[2869][39,52,89](4.1) 7 dark:catalina:clouds:cobalt:sapphire:blue +2165 cello rgb 58 78 95 hex #3A4E5F hsv 208 39 37 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.12 lab 32 -3 -12 lch 32 13 257 cmyk 15 7 0 63 wind_talker[9128][58,72,89](2.8):navigate[5992][48,78,94](3.2):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](3.3):oxford_blue[6276][56,69,85](3.7):lucifer[5349][46,80,96](4.1) 13 ivanhoe:lucifer:navigate:oxford:talker:wind:blue +2166 celtic rgb 22 50 34 hex #163222 hsv 146 56 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -15 7 lch 18 17 155 cmyk 11 0 6 80 bush[1944][13,46,28](3.0):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](3.0):phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](3.2):deep_fir[2987][25,57,37](4.1):PMS627[806][12,48,38](4.2) 7 deep:PMS627:bush:cardin:fir:phthalo:green +2167 celtic rgb 43 63 54 hex #2B3F36 hsv 153 32 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -10 3 lch 25 11 164 cmyk 8 0 4 75 petanque[6622][46,62,52](1.4):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](1.7):tile_green[8360][38,67,58](3.3):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](3.6):nikau[6057][42,64,50](3.6) 13 earthsong:evergreen:nikau:petanque:tile:green +2168 cement rgb 133 113 88 hex #857158 hsv 33 34 52 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.12 lab 49 4 17 lch 49 17 77 cmyk 0 8 18 48 ignition[4608][139,115,90](2.2):axis[1216][132,108,85](3.0):domino[3164][142,119,94](3.2):navajo_white[5987][139,121,94](3.2):burlywood[1914][139,115,85](3.3) 23 axis:burlywood:domino:ignition:navajo:white +2169 cement rgb 141 118 98 hex #8D7662 hsv 28 30 55 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.14 lab 51 6 14 lch 51 15 68 cmyk 0 9 17 45 triple_malta[8499][140,118,98](1.0):peach_puff[6547][139,119,101](1.4):peachpuff[6554][139,119,101](1.4):ignition[4608][139,115,90](3.2):domino[3164][142,119,94](3.3) 18 domino:ignition:malta:peachpuff:puff:triple:peach +2170 cement rgb 165 163 145 hex #A5A391 hsv 54 12 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.32 lab 67 -2 10 lch 67 10 105 cmyk 0 1 8 35 double_ash[3176][167,163,146](1.0):grey_olive[4220][169,164,145](1.0):treetops[8470][166,162,143](1.0):delta_grey[3089][165,163,149](2.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](2.2) 41 PMS415:ash:delta:double:olive:treetops:grey +2171 centaurian rgb 110 89 119 hex #6E5977 hsv 282 25 47 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.19 lab 41 15 -14 lch 41 20 317 cmyk 4 12 0 53 high_society[4482][105,91,124](2.8):covert[2564][100,89,119](4.2):PMS5275[659][96,86,119](5.4):jupiter[4799][106,81,119](5.8):rum[7371][121,105,137](6.4) 2 PMS5275:covert:high:jupiter:rum:society +2172 centre_stage rgb 131 49 116 hex #833174 hsv 311 63 51 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.17 lab 35 44 -21 lch 35 49 334 cmyk 0 32 6 49 plum[6742][132,49,121](3.2):PMS255[221][119,45,107](5.7):PMS512[628][132,33,107](5.9):carnival[2107][126,42,101](5.9):sassy[7502][126,42,101](5.9) 1 PMS255:PMS512:carnival:plum:sassy +2173 ceramic rgb 223 221 214 hex #DFDDD6 hsv 47 4 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.74 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 13 barely_there[1295][223,221,213](0.0):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](0.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](0.0):sea_fog[7553][223,221,214](0.0):style_pasifika_white_cloud[8101][223,221,214](0.0) 131 barely:cloud:fog:haze:hint:of:pasifika:sea:style:there:black:grey:white +2174 ceramic rgb 252 255 249 hex #FCFFF9 hsv 90 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 1.04 lab 100 -2 3 lch 100 3 129 cmyk 1 0 2 0 hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](0.0):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](0.0):wan_white[8990][252,255,249](0.0):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.0):baby_powder[1248][254,254,250](1.4) 60 baby:fog:hint:of:powder:sea:wan:yellowish:grey:white +2175 cerise rgb 218 50 135 hex #DA3287 hsv 330 77 85 xyz 0.34 0.19 0.25 lab 51 69 -7 lch 51 70 354 cmyk 0 66 33 15 deep_cerise[2971][218,50,135](0.0):magenta[5435][202,31,123](5.1):vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](5.5):PMS219[177][226,40,130](5.7):barbie_pink[1292][224,33,138](6.4) 1 deep:vivid:PMS219:barbie:cerise:magenta:pink +2176 cerise rgb 221 68 146 hex #DD4492 hsv 329 69 87 xyz 0.37 0.22 0.29 lab 54 65 -9 lch 54 66 352 cmyk 0 60 29 13 raspberry_pink[7073][226,80,152](2.8):brilliant_rose[1798][231,81,156](3.2):pink[6667][215,72,148](3.7):deep_cerise[2971][218,50,135](5.4):smitten[7785][200,64,134](7.1) 3 deep:brilliant:cerise:raspberry:smitten:pink:rose +2177 cerise rgb 222 12 98 hex #DE0C62 hsv 335 95 87 xyz 0.32 0.17 0.13 lab 48 74 11 lch 48 75 9 cmyk 0 82 49 13 razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](3.0):ruby[7363][224,17,95](3.0):dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](4.1):PMS213[171][234,15,107](4.4):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](4.7) 5 dark:PMS213:hot:razzmatazz:rubine:ruby:pink:red +2178 cerise rgb 222 49 99 hex #DE3163 hsv 343 78 87 xyz 0.33 0.19 0.14 lab 50 68 14 lch 50 69 12 cmyk 0 68 48 13 cerise_red[2180][222,49,99](0.0):cherry[2261][222,49,99](0.0):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](5.7):ruby[7363][224,17,95](6.3):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](6.4) 2 cerise:cherry:razzmatazz:rubine:ruby:red +2179 cerise_pink rgb 236 59 131 hex #EC3B83 hsv 336 75 93 xyz 0.4 0.23 0.24 lab 55 71 2 lch 55 71 1 cmyk 0 69 41 7 violet_red[8870][247,70,138](3.0):french_rose[3760][246,74,138](3.7):PMS212[170][249,79,142](5.4):violet_red[8869][238,58,140](5.4):french_fuchsia[3746][253,63,146](6.4) 2 PMS212:french:fuchsia:red:rose:violet +2180 cerise_red rgb 222 49 99 hex #DE3163 hsv 343 78 87 xyz 0.33 0.19 0.14 lab 50 68 14 lch 50 69 12 cmyk 0 68 48 13 cerise[2178][222,49,99](0.0):cherry[2261][222,49,99](0.0):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](5.7):ruby[7363][224,17,95](6.3):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](6.4) 2 cerise:cherry:razzmatazz:rubine:ruby:red +2181 cerulean rgb 0 123 167 hex #007BA7 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.39 lab 48 -12 -31 lch 48 34 249 cmyk 65 17 0 35 celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](0.0):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](0.0):PMS307[344][0,122,165](1.0):PMS641[820][0,122,165](1.0):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](1.0) 8 deep:PMS307:PMS641:celadon:cerulean:cg:blue +2182 cerulean rgb 2 164 211 hex #02A4D3 hsv 193 99 83 xyz 0.25 0.31 0.66 lab 63 -19 -34 lch 63 39 241 cmyk 82 18 0 17 PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](1.4):PMS2995[330][0,165,219](3.6):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](4.1):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](4.2):pacific_blue[6290][0,157,196](5.1) 4 2X:PMS2995:PMS306:bright:cerulean:pacific:sky:summer:blue +2183 cerulean rgb 4 133 209 hex #0485D1 hsv 202 98 82 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.63 lab 53 -2 -47 lch 53 47 268 cmyk 80 30 0 18 lochmara[5323][0,126,199](2.2):PMS299_2X[331][0,127,204](3.0):PMS3005[333][0,132,201](4.2):PMS2925[316][0,142,214](4.4):water_blue[9010][14,135,204](4.4) 5 2X:PMS2925:PMS299:PMS3005:lochmara:water:blue +2184 cerulean rgb 5 184 204 hex #05B8CC hsv 186 98 80 xyz 0.28 0.39 0.63 lab 69 -31 -21 lch 69 38 214 cmyk 78 8 0 20 scooter[7534][46,191,212](2.2):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](3.0):turquoise_blue[8583][6,177,196](3.3):PMS311[349][40,196,216](4.0):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](4.9) 5 PMS311:PMS3115:PMS3125:scooter:blue:turquoise +2185 cerulean rgb 29 172 214 hex #1DACD6 hsv 194 86 84 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.69 lab 65 -21 -31 lch 65 38 236 cmyk 73 16 0 16 bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](0.0):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](4.1):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](4.1):PMS801[912][0,170,204](4.4):ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](4.5) 5 2X:PMS306:PMS801:ball:bright:cerulean:sky:summer:blue +2186 cerulean_blue rgb 5 110 238 hex #056EEE hsv 213 98 93 xyz 0.21 0.17 0.83 lab 49 24 -71 lch 49 75 288 cmyk 91 50 0 7 deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](2.4):clear_blue[2366][36,122,253](4.2):flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](4.6):royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](4.6):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](5.1) 4 deep:medium:flat:clear:lightish:royal:sky:blue +2187 cerulean_blue rgb 42 82 190 hex #2A52BE hsv 224 78 75 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.5 lab 38 25 -61 lch 38 66 293 cmyk 58 42 0 25 PMS293[317][0,81,186](3.2):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](3.3):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](4.1):flat_medium_blue[3668][58,95,205](5.1):royal_blue[7348][58,95,205](5.1) 3 medium:flat:PMS293:royal:sapphire:blue:violet +2188 cerulean_frost rgb 109 155 195 hex #6D9BC3 hsv 208 44 76 xyz 0.28 0.31 0.56 lab 62 -5 -25 lch 62 26 259 cmyk 34 16 0 24 PMS542[681][102,147,188](3.3):air_superiority_blue[978][114,160,193](4.1):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.1):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](5.1):sky_blue[7742][108,166,205](5.1) 3 dark:PMS542:air:iceberg:pastel:sky:superiority:blue +2189 cest_la_vie rgb 228 215 209 hex #E4D7D1 hsv 19 8 89 xyz 0.68 0.7 0.7 lab 87 3 5 lch 87 6 53 cmyk 0 5 7 11 dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](1.4):ebb[3342][230,216,212](1.4):PMS5175[639][232,214,209](2.0):quarter_sandspit_brown[6988][225,218,207](2.2):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](2.4) 82 PMS5175:PMS5245:dawn:ebb:quarter:sandspit:brown:pink +2190 cg_blue rgb 0 122 165 hex #007AA5 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.38 lab 48 -13 -31 lch 48 33 248 cmyk 65 17 0 35 PMS307[344][0,122,165](0.0):PMS641[820][0,122,165](0.0):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](1.0):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](1.0):deep_cerulean[2972][0,123,167](1.0) 9 deep:PMS307:PMS641:celadon:cerulean:blue +2191 cg_red rgb 224 60 49 hex #E03C31 hsv 4 78 88 xyz 0.33 0.19 0.05 lab 51 62 44 lch 51 76 36 cmyk 0 64 69 12 cinnabar[2332][227,66,52](1.4):vermilion[8706][227,66,52](1.4):punch[6854][220,67,51](4.1):sunset[8142][220,67,51](4.1):rose_madder[7308][227,54,56](4.2) 6 cinnabar:madder:punch:sunset:vermilion:rose +2192 cha rgb 140 63 66 hex #8C3F42 hsv 358 55 55 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.06 lab 37 33 14 lch 37 36 23 cmyk 0 30 29 45 tosca[8435][141,63,63](2.0):cordovan[2510][137,63,69](2.2):rosewood[7322][143,62,63](2.2):lotus[5344][134,60,60](2.4):zinger[9263][135,61,66](2.4) 16 cordovan:lotus:rosewood:tosca:zinger +2193 chablis rgb 253 233 224 hex #FDE9E0 hsv 19 11 99 xyz 0.83 0.85 0.82 lab 94 5 7 lch 94 9 52 cmyk 0 8 11 1 very_pale_vermilion[8821][255,233,226](1.4):bridesmaid[1714][250,230,223](1.7):chardon[2223][248,234,223](2.0):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](2.0):wisp_pink[9151][249,232,226](2.2) 34 pale:very:bridesmaid:chardon:provincial:vermilion:wisp:pink +2194 chablis rgb 255 244 243 hex #FFF4F3 hsv 5 5 100 xyz 0.9 0.92 0.98 lab 97 4 2 lch 97 4 27 cmyk 0 4 5 0 chardon[2224][255,243,241](0.0):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.0):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.0):forget_me_not[3728][255,241,238](1.4):rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.4) 59 light:very:chardon:forget:me:not:sauvignon:pink:rose:white +2195 chain_reaction rgb 108 105 90 hex #6C695A hsv 50 17 42 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.12 lab 44 -2 9 lch 44 9 101 cmyk 0 1 7 58 climate[2374][110,109,94](2.0):evolution[3530][103,100,85](2.0):flint[3690][113,110,97](2.4):double_stonehenge[3242][112,103,91](3.2):double_tapa[3246][106,106,95](3.2) 32 climate:double:evolution:flint:stonehenge:tapa +2196 chalet_green rgb 81 110 61 hex #516E3D hsv 96 45 43 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.06 lab 43 -20 24 lch 43 31 130 cmyk 11 0 19 57 dingley[3130][93,119,71](4.2):dell[3085][72,101,49](4.6):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](5.0):barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](5.4):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](5.9) 3 army:barmy:dell:dingley:fields:wimbledon:green +2197 chalet_green rgb 90 110 65 hex #5A6E41 hsv 87 41 43 xyz 0.11 0.14 0.07 lab 44 -16 23 lch 44 28 125 cmyk 8 0 18 57 dingley[3130][93,119,71](4.2):barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](5.4):PMS5753[748][94,102,58](5.5):dingley[3131][96,124,71](7.1):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](7.3) 1 PMS5753:army:barmy:dingley:wimbledon +2198 chalk_lavender rgb 228 222 231 hex #E4DEE7 hsv 280 4 91 xyz 0.73 0.75 0.86 lab 89 4 -4 lch 89 5 315 cmyk 1 4 0 9 selago[7602][230,223,231](1.4):dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](3.0):prim[6810][240,226,236](3.0):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](3.2):light_magentaish_grey[5140][231,218,231](3.3) 16 light:dreamweaver:magentaish:prim:selago:titan:grey:white +2199 chalky rgb 223 194 129 hex #DFC281 hsv 41 42 87 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.29 lab 80 2 36 lch 80 36 88 cmyk 0 11 37 13 manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.4):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](1.4):sandbar[7462][226,195,133](1.4):light_beige[5007][221,194,131](1.7):zombie[9270][221,194,131](1.7) 11 light:beige:honey:manuka:new:orleans:sandbar:zombie +2200 chalky rgb 238 215 148 hex #EED794 hsv 45 38 93 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.38 lab 86 -1 36 lch 86 36 92 cmyk 0 9 35 7 light_amber[4999][231,208,139](2.2):mellow_yellow[5661][234,216,149](2.2):putty[6911][231,205,140](3.2):marzipan[5563][248,219,157](3.5):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](3.6) 7 light:amber:marzipan:mellow:melting:moment:putty:yellow +2201 chambray rgb 53 78 140 hex #354E8C hsv 223 62 55 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.26 lab 34 11 -37 lch 34 39 286 cmyk 34 24 0 45 superhero[8154][55,78,136](2.2):tory_blue[8433][55,78,136](2.2):zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](4.2):bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](5.8):st_tropaz[7948][45,86,155](5.9) 3 bedazzled:de:loop:st:superhero:tory:tropaz:zoop:blue +2202 chambray rgb 71 88 119 hex #475877 hsv 219 40 47 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.19 lab 37 2 -20 lch 37 20 276 cmyk 19 12 0 53 astronaut[1172][68,81,114](3.0):lifesaver[4997][83,94,127](3.6):east_bay[3334][71,82,110](3.7):quayside[7020][66,79,113](3.7):independence[4626][76,81,109](4.7) 6 astronaut:bay:east:independence:lifesaver:quayside +2203 chameleon rgb 152 183 79 hex #98B74F hsv 78 57 72 xyz 0.31 0.41 0.14 lab 70 -27 49 lch 70 55 119 cmyk 12 0 41 28 light_olive_green[5155][164,190,92](5.2):sushi[8167][135,171,57](6.7):booger[1650][155,181,60](7.1):moderate_spring_bud[5849][133,168,74](7.1):moderate_lime_green[5830][145,168,74](8.1) 0 moderate:light:booger:bud:olive:spring:sushi:green:lime +2204 chamois rgb 230 204 154 hex #E6CC9A hsv 39 33 90 xyz 0.6 0.62 0.39 lab 83 2 28 lch 83 28 86 cmyk 0 10 30 10 pearl[6564][230,204,154](0.0):dairy_cream[2655][237,210,164](3.0):hampton[4417][232,212,162](3.0):navajo_white[5989][238,207,161](3.0):gold[3896][231,198,151](3.2) 14 cream:dairy:gold:hampton:navajo:pearl:white +2205 chamois rgb 232 205 154 hex #E8CD9A hsv 39 34 91 xyz 0.61 0.63 0.4 lab 84 2 29 lch 84 29 86 cmyk 0 11 31 9 pearl[6564][230,204,154](1.4):hampton[4417][232,212,162](3.0):navajo_white[5989][238,207,161](3.0):double_colonial_white[3191][228,207,153](3.2):dairy_cream[2655][237,210,164](3.3) 16 colonial:cream:dairy:double:hampton:navajo:pearl:white +2206 chamois rgb 237 220 177 hex #EDDCB1 hsv 43 25 93 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.52 lab 88 -1 23 lch 88 23 92 cmyk 0 7 24 7 vienna[8837][232,216,175](1.4):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](2.2):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](2.2):eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](2.2):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.4) 42 beeswax:chandelier:double:eighth:putty:vienna +2207 chamoisee rgb 160 120 90 hex #A0785A hsv 26 44 63 xyz 0.23 0.22 0.13 lab 54 12 23 lch 54 25 63 cmyk 0 16 27 37 café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](1.7):french_beige[3742][166,123,91](1.7):tuscan_tan[8598][166,123,91](1.7):liver_chestnut[5311][152,116,86](3.0):quasar[7019][161,125,96](3.0) 10 au:beige:café:chestnut:french:lait:liver:quasar:tan:tuscan +2208 champagne rgb 238 217 182 hex #EED9B6 hsv 38 24 93 xyz 0.69 0.71 0.54 lab 88 2 20 lch 88 20 85 cmyk 0 8 22 7 baja_white[1259][240,223,187](2.2):dutch_white[3317][239,223,187](2.2):dutch_white[3318][240,223,187](2.2):raffia[7042][234,218,184](2.2):periwinkle[6595][236,214,183](2.4) 42 baja:dutch:periwinkle:raffia:white +2209 champagne rgb 247 231 206 hex #F7E7CE hsv 37 17 97 xyz 0.78 0.81 0.7 lab 92 1 14 lch 92 14 84 cmyk 0 6 16 3 clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](1.4):wildflower[9118][241,226,201](2.0):albescent_white[989][245,233,211](2.4):blanc[1495][245,233,211](2.4):janna[4731][244,235,211](2.4) 65 albescent:blanc:clotted:cream:janna:wildflower:white +2210 champagne rgb 250 214 165 hex #FAD6A5 hsv 35 34 98 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.46 lab 88 6 29 lch 88 29 79 cmyk 0 14 33 2 deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](0.0):sunset[8143][250,214,165](0.0):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](0.0):corvette[2543][250,211,162](1.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](2.4) 17 deep:champagne:corvette:maize:sunset:tuscan +2211 champagne rgb 250 236 204 hex #FAECCC hsv 42 18 98 xyz 0.8 0.85 0.69 lab 94 0 17 lch 94 17 91 cmyk 0 5 18 2 gin_fizz[3862][248,234,202](1.0):soft_whisper[7835][248,234,202](1.0):oasis[6089][254,239,206](1.4):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.0):pipi[6711][245,230,196](2.2) 43 blanched:fizz:gin:oasis:pipi:soft:whisper:almond +2212 chandelier rgb 237 223 184 hex #EDDFB8 hsv 44 22 93 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.56 lab 89 -1 21 lch 89 21 94 cmyk 0 5 21 7 baja_white[1259][240,223,187](1.4):dutch_white[3317][239,223,187](1.4):dutch_white[3318][240,223,187](1.4):eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](2.0):chamois[2206][237,220,177](2.2) 43 baja:chamois:dutch:eighth:putty:white +2213 chantilly rgb 237 184 199 hex #EDB8C7 hsv 343 22 93 xyz 0.62 0.56 0.62 lab 80 21 0 lch 80 21 360 cmyk 0 21 15 7 princess[6815][237,184,199](0.0):cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](1.4):orchid_pink[6244][242,189,205](2.2):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](2.2):PMS217[175][244,191,209](3.0) 6 pale:light:PMS217:cameo:grayish:orchid:princess:crimson:pink +2214 chantilly rgb 248 195 223 hex #F8C3DF hsv 328 21 97 xyz 0.72 0.64 0.78 lab 84 23 -7 lch 84 24 344 cmyk 0 21 10 3 pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](3.3):PMS243[209][242,186,216](3.6):classic_rose[2358][251,204,231](3.6):PMS516[636][242,186,211](3.7):cupid[2626][251,190,218](3.7) 9 pale:PMS243:PMS516:classic:cupid:rose +2215 chaos rgb 146 42 49 hex #922A31 hsv 356 71 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.04 lab 34 44 21 lch 34 49 26 cmyk 0 41 38 43 bright_red[1744][146,42,49](0.0):vermilion[8704][146,42,49](0.0):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](1.0):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](1.4):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](2.4) 10 bright:flash:guardsman:hot:point:vermilion:red +2216 chapta_and_verse rgb 87 76 94 hex #574C5E hsv 277 19 37 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.12 lab 34 8 -9 lch 34 12 314 cmyk 3 7 0 63 aurora[1200][90,77,96](1.4):berlin[1392][85,74,88](2.2):mulled_wine[5944][82,77,91](3.6):fedora[3567][98,86,101](4.5):mortar[5902][80,67,81](5.0) 5 aurora:berlin:fedora:mortar:mulled:wine +2217 charade rgb 41 41 55 hex #292937 hsv 240 25 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 17 4 -9 lch 17 10 293 cmyk 5 5 0 78 black_rock[1473][44,45,60](2.2):haiti[4273][44,42,53](2.2):quarterback[7016][40,43,60](2.4):tornado[8430][39,45,60](3.0):baltic_sea[1270][42,38,48](3.2) 15 baltic:haiti:quarterback:rock:sea:tornado:black +2218 charade rgb 57 64 67 hex #394043 hsv 198 15 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 -2 -3 lch 27 4 233 cmyk 4 1 0 74 mine_shaft[5754][55,62,65](1.0):mirage[5777][55,63,67](1.4):charcoal_grey[2222][60,65,66](2.0):half_foundry[4329][62,65,69](2.0):arsenic[1148][59,68,75](2.2) 41 arsenic:charcoal:foundry:half:mine:mirage:shaft:grey +2219 charcoal rgb 25 24 24 hex #191818 hsv 360 4 10 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 8 0 0 lch 8 1 19 cmyk 0 0 0 90 all_black[1001][24,24,24](0.0):grey[4107][23,23,23](0.0):grey[4108][26,26,26](1.0):eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](2.0):grey[4106][20,20,20](2.0) 29 all:eerie:black:grey +2220 charcoal rgb 52 56 55 hex #343837 hsv 165 7 22 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 -2 0 lch 23 2 179 cmyk 2 0 0 78 botany_bay[1668][55,56,55](1.0):dna[3150][51,54,51](1.4):onyx[6185][53,56,57](1.4):possessed[6792][55,59,56](1.4):slate[7754][53,54,53](1.4) 67 slate:bay:botany:dna:onyx:possessed +2221 charcoal rgb 54 69 79 hex #36454F hsv 204 32 31 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.08 lab 28 -3 -8 lch 28 9 248 cmyk 10 4 0 69 majestic_blue[5472][54,67,74](2.0):dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](2.4):limed_spruce[5284][57,72,81](2.4):new_denim_blue[6038][57,65,73](3.0):arsenic[1148][59,68,75](3.2) 19 slate:dark:arsenic:denim:limed:majestic:new:spruce:blue +2222 charcoal_grey rgb 60 65 66 hex #3C4142 hsv 190 9 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 -2 -1 lch 27 2 216 cmyk 2 0 0 74 gravity[3993][61,64,64](1.4):charade[2218][57,64,67](2.0):baltic_sea[1271][60,61,62](2.2):cape_cod[2056][60,68,67](2.2):grey[4123][64,64,64](2.2) 49 baltic:cape:charade:cod:gravity:sea:grey +2223 chardon rgb 248 234 223 hex #F8EADF hsv 26 10 97 xyz 0.81 0.84 0.82 lab 94 3 7 lch 94 8 67 cmyk 0 5 10 3 bridal_heath[1712][248,235,221](1.4):linen[5293][250,240,230](1.7):chablis[2193][253,233,224](2.0):eighth_spanish_white[3420][246,238,226](2.0):fair_pink[3543][243,229,220](2.2) 69 bridal:chablis:eighth:fair:heath:linen:spanish:pink:white +2224 chardon rgb 255 243 241 hex #FFF3F1 hsv 9 5 100 xyz 0.89 0.92 0.96 lab 97 4 2 lch 97 4 33 cmyk 0 5 5 0 chablis[2194][255,244,243](0.0):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.0):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.0):forget_me_not[3728][255,241,238](1.4):rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.4) 59 light:very:chablis:forget:me:not:sauvignon:pink:rose:white +2225 chardonnay rgb 255 200 120 hex #FFC878 hsv 36 53 100 xyz 0.65 0.64 0.27 lab 84 10 47 lch 84 48 78 cmyk 0 22 53 0 topaz[8424][255,200,124](2.2):grandis[3964][255,205,115](5.1):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](6.1):PMS1355[46][252,206,135](6.8):cherokee[2258][245,205,130](7.1) 1 PMS1355:cherokee:gold:grandis:harvest:topaz +2226 chardonnay rgb 255 205 140 hex #FFCD8C hsv 34 45 100 xyz 0.68 0.67 0.34 lab 85 10 39 lch 85 40 76 cmyk 0 20 45 0 PMS1355[46][252,206,135](3.6):PMS149[66][252,204,147](4.0):grandis[3965][255,211,140](4.1):PMS156[79][242,198,140](5.4):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](5.7) 3 PMS1355:PMS149:PMS156:burly:grandis:wood +2227 charger rgb 249 194 78 hex #F9C24E hsv 41 69 98 xyz 0.6 0.59 0.16 lab 81 8 64 lch 81 64 83 cmyk 0 22 67 2 PMS142[58][242,191,73](1.4):PMS136[47][252,191,73](3.2):beer_srm_04[1344][252,193,67](4.5):golden_tainoi[3926][255,193,82](4.6):beer_srm_03[1343][253,203,90](4.7) 5 03:04:PMS136:PMS142:beer:golden:srm:tainoi +2228 charisma rgb 133 73 38 hex #854926 hsv 22 71 52 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.03 lab 38 22 31 lch 38 39 55 cmyk 0 24 37 48 waiwherowhero[8986][134,73,44](3.2):sienna[7692][139,71,38](4.1):korma[4882][128,78,44](4.5):russet[7374][128,70,27](4.6):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](4.9) 5 chelsea:gem:korma:russet:sienna:waiwherowhero +2229 charleston_green rgb 35 43 43 hex #232B2B hsv 180 19 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 -3 -1 lch 17 4 199 cmyk 3 0 0 83 cinder[2328][36,42,46](2.2):swamp[8171][37,47,47](2.2):bunker[1905][41,44,47](2.4):sentry[7608][28,39,40](2.4):blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](2.8) 41 bunker:charcoal:cinder:sentry:swamp:blue +2230 charlotte rgb 164 220 230 hex #A4DCE6 hsv 189 29 90 xyz 0.55 0.65 0.84 lab 84 -16 -11 lch 84 19 215 cmyk 26 4 0 10 blizzard_blue[1517][163,227,237](2.8):PMS636[815][153,214,221](3.0):blizzard_blue[1518][172,229,238](3.2):blue_lagoon[1575][172,229,238](3.2):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.3) 10 PMS304:PMS636:blizzard:lagoon:blue +2231 charlotte rgb 186 238 249 hex #BAEEF9 hsv 190 25 98 xyz 0.68 0.78 1.01 lab 91 -14 -11 lch 91 18 217 cmyk 25 4 0 2 diamond[3119][185,242,255](1.7):french_pass[3755][189,237,253](2.8):light_blue[5016][191,239,255](3.0):pale_sky_blue[6429][189,246,254](3.0):pale_cerulean[6322][194,240,255](3.3) 8 pale:light:cerulean:diamond:french:pass:sky:blue +2232 charm rgb 208 116 139 hex #D0748B hsv 345 44 82 xyz 0.37 0.28 0.28 lab 60 39 4 lch 60 39 5 cmyk 0 36 27 18 muted_pink[5960][209,118,143](2.2):ugly_pink[8632][205,117,132](4.4):dusky_pink[3297][204,122,139](5.1):carissma[2089][230,128,149](5.7):pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](6.4) 2 pale:carissma:dusky:muted:ugly:pink:red:violet +2233 charm rgb 212 116 148 hex #D47494 hsv 340 45 83 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.32 lab 60 41 0 lch 60 41 359 cmyk 0 38 25 17 muted_pink[5960][209,118,143](3.6):pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](3.6):hopbush[4541][205,109,147](4.6):hopskotch[4543][205,109,147](4.6):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](5.1) 4 pale:medium:hopbush:hopskotch:muted:pink:red:violet +2234 charm_pink rgb 230 143 172 hex #E68FAC hsv 340 38 90 xyz 0.5 0.39 0.44 lab 69 37 -1 lch 69 37 358 cmyk 0 34 23 10 light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](0.0):illusion[4611][239,149,174](2.8):light_raspberry[5180][231,139,174](3.0):pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](3.0):carissma[2090][234,136,168](4.1) 7 light:carissma:illusion:pig:raspberry:thulian:pink +2235 chartreuse rgb 69 139 0 hex #458B00 hsv 90 100 55 xyz 0.12 0.2 0.03 lab 52 -42 55 lch 52 69 128 cmyk 27 0 55 45 vida_loca[8835][84,144,25](4.7):PMS370[445][86,142,20](5.5):dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](7.1):kakapo[4809][92,150,37](7.5):napier_green[5978][42,128,0](7.5) 1 dark:PMS370:grass:kakapo:loca:napier:vida:green +2236 chartreuse rgb 102 205 0 hex #66CD00 hsv 90 100 80 xyz 0.27 0.46 0.08 lab 74 -57 73 lch 74 93 128 cmyk 40 0 80 20 PMS375_2X[451][84,188,0](7.9):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](7.9):green_apple[4034][94,220,31](8.1):alien_armpit[999][132,222,2](8.4):frog_green[3773][88,188,8](8.7) 0 2X:PMS375:alien:apple:armpit:frog:green +2237 chartreuse rgb 118 238 0 hex #76EE00 hsv 90 100 93 xyz 0.38 0.65 0.11 lab 84 -65 81 lch 84 104 128 cmyk 47 0 93 7 vivid_chartreuse_green[8906][116,231,0](3.0):spring_frost[7917][135,255,42](6.0):vivid_pistachio[8937][87,231,0](6.2):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](7.1):bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](7.2) 1 vivid:bright:chartreuse:frost:lawn:pistachio:spring:green:lime +2238 chartreuse rgb 127 255 0 hex #7FFF00 hsv 90 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.76 0.12 lab 90 -68 86 lch 90 110 128 cmyk 50 0 100 0 luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](0.0):medium_spring_green[5644][127,255,0](0.0):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](1.4):lime_green[5273][137,254,5](3.0):bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](3.2) 6 luminous:medium:vivid:bright:chartreuse:lawn:spring:green:lime +2239 chartreuse rgb 193 248 10 hex #C1F80A hsv 74 96 97 xyz 0.56 0.78 0.13 lab 91 -43 87 lch 91 97 116 cmyk 22 0 93 3 greeny_yellow[4095][198,248,8](2.2):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](2.4):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.0):electric_lime[3447][206,255,29](3.7):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](4.1) 17 electric:greenish:greeny:yellowgreen:green:lime:yellow +2240 chartreuse rgb 223 255 0 hex #DFFF00 hsv 68 100 100 xyz 0.66 0.87 0.13 lab 95 -35 92 lch 95 98 111 cmyk 13 0 100 0 chartreuse_yellow[2241][223,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_apple_green[5361][223,255,0](0.0):lemon_lime[4978][227,255,0](2.0):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](5.9):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](6.4) 3 luminous:vivid:apple:arctic:chartreuse:neon:green:lemon:lime:yellow +2241 chartreuse_yellow rgb 223 255 0 hex #DFFF00 hsv 68 100 100 xyz 0.66 0.87 0.13 lab 95 -35 92 lch 95 98 111 cmyk 13 0 100 0 chartreuse[2240][223,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_apple_green[5361][223,255,0](0.0):lemon_lime[4978][227,255,0](2.0):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](5.9):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](6.4) 3 luminous:vivid:apple:arctic:chartreuse:neon:green:lemon:lime:yellow +2242 chateau_green rgb 64 168 96 hex #40A860 hsv 138 62 66 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.16 lab 62 -46 29 lch 62 54 148 cmyk 41 0 28 34 moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](2.2):seaweed_green[7595][53,173,107](4.6):algae[994][84,172,104](4.9):moderate_emerald_green[5822][74,168,85](5.0):jade_green[4717][43,175,106](6.2) 4 moderate:algae:emerald:jade:malachite:seaweed:green +2243 chateau_green rgb 65 159 89 hex #419F59 hsv 135 59 62 xyz 0.16 0.27 0.14 lab 59 -43 28 lch 59 52 147 cmyk 37 0 27 38 moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](3.2):algae[994][84,172,104](5.2):fruit_salad[3787][79,157,93](5.4):greenish[4076][64,163,104](6.1):moderate_sea_green[5848][74,168,109](7.0) 1 moderate:algae:fruit:greenish:malachite:salad:sea:green +2244 chatelle rgb 179 171 182 hex #B3ABB6 hsv 284 6 71 xyz 0.42 0.42 0.5 lab 71 5 -5 lch 71 7 317 cmyk 1 4 0 29 PMS5295[663][178,168,181](1.4):ashen_lavender[1159][177,169,177](2.4):lola[5332][185,172,187](2.4):morepork[5895][184,181,194](3.3):spun_pearl[7939][170,171,183](3.3) 12 PMS5295:ashen:lola:morepork:pearl:spun:lavender +2245 chatelle rgb 189 179 199 hex #BDB3C7 hsv 270 10 78 xyz 0.47 0.47 0.61 lab 74 7 -9 lch 74 11 310 cmyk 4 8 0 22 blue_haze[1569][189,186,206](3.0):lola[5332][185,172,187](3.6):abbey_road[946][175,168,188](4.1):morepork[5895][184,181,194](4.2):poet[6753][192,188,212](4.4) 6 abbey:haze:lola:morepork:poet:road:blue +2246 chathams_blue rgb 23 85 121 hex #175579 hsv 202 81 47 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.19 lab 34 -6 -26 lch 34 27 257 cmyk 38 14 0 53 blumine[1622][24,88,122](1.7):bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](2.8):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](3.7):PMS647[826][38,84,124](4.1):orient[6249][1,94,133](4.1) 6 PMS647:bahama:blumine:orient:venice:blue +2247 chathams_blue rgb 44 89 113 hex #2C5971 hsv 201 61 44 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.17 lab 36 -8 -18 lch 36 20 247 cmyk 27 9 0 56 blumine[1623][48,92,113](1.7):orient[6250][37,91,119](3.0):PMS5405[678][63,96,117](4.1):spray_drift[7914][45,88,119](5.0):undercurrent[8648][54,92,108](5.2) 4 PMS5405:blumine:drift:orient:spray:undercurrent +2248 checkmate rgb 47 50 74 hex #2F324A hsv 233 36 29 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.07 lab 22 5 -15 lch 22 16 290 cmyk 11 9 0 71 downriver[3260][42,52,74](3.0):bunting[1907][43,52,73](3.2):valhalla[8671][42,43,65](4.2):biscay[1423][47,60,83](4.4):sputnik[7940][55,62,84](4.6) 7 biscay:bunting:downriver:sputnik:valhalla +2249 cheeky rgb 204 95 89 hex #CC5F59 hsv 3 56 80 xyz 0.31 0.22 0.12 lab 54 43 24 lch 54 49 30 cmyk 0 43 45 20 dark_salmon[2865][200,90,83](2.8):chestnut[2274][205,92,92](3.0):chestnut_rose[2275][205,92,92](3.0):indian_red[4635][205,92,92](3.0):fuzzy_wuzzy_brown[3816][196,86,85](3.7) 8 dark:chestnut:fuzzy:indian:salmon:wuzzy:brown:red:rose +2250 cheers rgb 145 106 45 hex #916A2D hsv 37 69 57 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.05 lab 48 9 39 lch 48 40 77 cmyk 0 15 39 43 brazil[1699][136,98,33](4.5):hot_curry[4556][136,98,33](4.5):kumera[4895][136,98,33](4.5):PMS464[558][135,96,40](4.6):buttered_rum[1952][157,112,46](4.7) 5 PMS464:brazil:buttered:curry:hot:kumera:rum +2251 chelsea_cucumber rgb 131 170 93 hex #83AA5D hsv 90 45 67 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.16 lab 65 -27 35 lch 65 44 127 cmyk 15 0 30 33 asparagus[1161][123,160,91](4.7):dull_green[3283][116,166,98](6.2):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](6.7):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](7.3):off_green[6107][107,163,83](7.7) 1 flat:asparagus:dull:off:green +2252 chelsea_cucumber rgb 136 169 91 hex #88A95B hsv 85 46 66 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.15 lab 65 -25 36 lch 65 44 124 cmyk 13 0 31 34 asparagus[1161][123,160,91](5.0):olivine[6177][154,185,115](7.5):dull_green[3283][116,166,98](8.1):drab_green[3266][116,149,81](8.1):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](8.2) 1 asparagus:drab:dull:olivine:green +2253 chelsea_gem rgb 149 83 47 hex #95532F hsv 21 68 58 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.04 lab 42 24 33 lch 42 41 53 cmyk 0 26 40 42 hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](3.0):moroccan_spice[5899][152,89,52](3.0):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](3.2):indochine[4652][156,91,52](3.2):piper[6709][157,84,50](3.6) 7 alert:hawaiian:indochine:moroccan:piper:spice:tan +2254 chelsea_gem rgb 158 83 2 hex #9E5302 hsv 31 99 62 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.02 lab 43 27 52 lch 43 58 63 cmyk 0 29 61 38 PMS160[87][158,84,10](2.4):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](3.0):windsor_tan[9134][167,85,2](3.5):brown[1836][150,75,0](3.6):strong_orange[8045][168,84,0](4.1) 8 strong:PMS160:tan:warm:windsor:brown:orange +2255 chenin rgb 222 195 113 hex #DEC371 hsv 45 49 87 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.24 lab 79 -1 44 lch 79 44 91 cmyk 0 11 43 13 apache[1076][223,190,111](3.2):souffle[7856][213,193,113](3.3):sand[7454][226,202,118](3.7):rob_roy[7244][234,198,116](4.9):tacha[8203][210,185,96](5.1) 4 apache:rob:roy:sand:souffle:tacha +2256 chenin rgb 223 205 111 hex #DFCD6F hsv 50 50 87 xyz 0.55 0.6 0.24 lab 82 -6 49 lch 82 49 97 cmyk 0 7 44 13 PMS458[550][221,204,107](1.4):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](2.2):tacha[8204][214,197,98](3.7):PMS459[551][226,214,124](4.7):sand[7454][226,202,118](5.0) 5 PMS458:PMS459:rice:sand:tacha:wild +2257 cherish rgb 198 171 169 hex #C6ABA9 hsv 4 15 78 xyz 0.45 0.44 0.44 lab 72 9 5 lch 72 11 26 cmyk 0 11 11 22 pinkish_grey[6697][200,172,169](1.4):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](2.4):PMS436[520][188,165,158](3.5):PMS5225[649][204,173,175](3.7):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](3.7) 10 PMS436:PMS5225:cold:pinkish:silver:turkey:grey:pink +2258 cherokee rgb 245 205 130 hex #F5CD82 hsv 39 47 96 xyz 0.64 0.65 0.3 lab 84 5 42 lch 84 43 84 cmyk 0 16 45 4 PMS1355[46][252,206,135](2.4):marzipan[5562][235,200,129](3.5):grandis[3965][255,211,140](3.7):PMS1345[44][255,214,145](5.0):rob_roy[7244][234,198,116](5.4) 4 PMS1345:PMS1355:grandis:marzipan:rob:roy +2259 cherokee rgb 252 218 152 hex #FCDA98 hsv 40 40 99 xyz 0.71 0.73 0.4 lab 88 3 37 lch 88 37 85 cmyk 0 13 39 1 very_light_gamboge[8761][255,219,158](2.4):PMS1345[44][255,214,145](2.8):marzipan[5563][248,219,157](3.6):caramel[2071][255,213,154](4.5):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](4.6) 9 light:very:PMS1345:cape:caramel:gamboge:honey:marzipan +2260 cherry rgb 207 2 52 hex #CF0234 hsv 345 99 81 xyz 0.26 0.14 0.04 lab 44 69 34 lch 44 77 26 cmyk 0 80 61 19 vivid_crimson[8909][204,0,51](1.4):crimson[2599][220,20,60](3.6):PMS199[157][216,28,63](4.2):red[7102][196,2,51](4.7):rusty_red[7392][218,44,67](5.8) 4 vivid:PMS199:rusty:crimson:red +2261 cherry rgb 222 49 99 hex #DE3163 hsv 343 78 87 xyz 0.33 0.19 0.14 lab 50 68 14 lch 50 69 12 cmyk 0 68 48 13 cerise[2178][222,49,99](0.0):cerise_red[2180][222,49,99](0.0):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](5.7):ruby[7363][224,17,95](6.3):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](6.4) 2 cerise:razzmatazz:rubine:ruby:red +2262 cherry_blossom_pink rgb 255 183 197 hex #FFB7C5 hsv 348 28 100 xyz 0.68 0.59 0.61 lab 81 28 3 lch 81 28 7 cmyk 0 28 23 0 pink[6671][255,181,197](1.0):light_pink[5174][255,182,193](2.0):pink_light[6683][255,182,193](2.0):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](2.8):pastel_pink[6511][255,186,205](3.2) 11 light:pastel:soft:pink +2263 cherry_pie rgb 42 3 89 hex #2A0359 hsv 267 97 35 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.1 lab 11 37 -42 lch 11 56 312 cmyk 18 34 0 65 deep_violet[3076][45,0,89](2.0):violent_violet[8847][41,12,94](3.0):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](3.7):deep_purple[3037][56,0,89](4.7):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](5.2) 4 deep:dark:violent:blue:indigo:purple:violet +2264 cherry_pie rgb 55 45 82 hex #372D52 hsv 256 45 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 21 14 -21 lch 21 25 304 cmyk 11 15 0 68 filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](1.4):wicked[9101][54,47,80](3.0):martinique[5560][54,48,80](3.7):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](4.1):violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](4.6) 8 PMS5255:filmpro:martinique:violent:wicked:purple:violet +2265 cherry_red rgb 247 2 42 hex #F7022A hsv 350 99 97 xyz 0.39 0.2 0.04 lab 52 79 50 lch 52 93 33 cmyk 0 96 80 3 scarlet[7519][253,14,53](3.2):torch_red[8427][253,14,53](3.2):tractor_red[8448][253,14,53](3.2):ruddy[7365][255,0,40](3.7):light_brilliant_red[5060][254,46,46](5.4) 4 light:brilliant:ruddy:scarlet:torch:tractor:red +2266 cherrywood rgb 78 49 46 hex #4E312E hsv 6 41 31 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 13 7 lch 24 15 30 cmyk 0 11 13 69 espresso[3510][78,49,45](1.0):indian_red[4630][78,47,47](1.7):jarrah_tree[4744][82,49,47](2.2):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](2.4):hinau[4495][72,42,37](3.6) 23 espresso:hinau:indian:jarrah:tree:warmed:brown:red +2267 cherrywood rgb 101 26 20 hex #651A14 hsv 4 80 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.01 lab 22 33 23 lch 22 41 35 cmyk 0 29 32 60 volcano[8968][101,26,20](0.0):moccaccino[5800][110,29,20](4.1):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.6):heatwave[4457][110,38,32](4.6):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](5.1) 4 dark:30:beer:heatwave:moccaccino:srm:tan:volcano +2268 cherub rgb 245 215 220 hex #F5D7DC hsv 350 12 96 xyz 0.75 0.73 0.78 lab 89 11 1 lch 89 11 7 cmyk 0 12 10 4 carousel_pink[2111][248,219,224](1.0):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](1.4):pale_rose[6417][239,214,218](2.2):pretty_in_pink[6808][239,214,218](2.2):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.4) 19 pale:PMS670:carousel:ice:in:pretty:vanilla:pink:rose +2269 cherub rgb 248 217 233 hex #F8D9E9 hsv 329 13 97 xyz 0.78 0.75 0.88 lab 90 13 -4 lch 90 14 344 cmyk 0 12 6 3 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lch 75 11 207 cmyk 14 1 0 24 PMS551[704][163,193,201](3.0):escape[3507][158,192,202](4.2):tower_grey[8445][169,189,191](4.5):half_kumutoto[4347][156,200,202](5.1):opal[6189][169,198,194](5.1) 3 PMS551:escape:half:kumutoto:opal:tower:grey +2279 chicago rgb 91 93 86 hex #5B5D56 hsv 77 8 36 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -2 4 lch 39 4 121 cmyk 1 0 3 64 half_gravel[4334][92,93,86](0.0):dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](1.7):triple_tapa[8525][91,90,80](2.2):PMS425[508][96,96,91](2.4):condor[2452][91,96,92](2.4) 36 dark:PMS425:condor:gravel:half:olivish:tapa:triple:grey +2280 chicago rgb 93 92 88 hex #5D5C58 hsv 48 5 36 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.11 lab 39 0 2 lch 39 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 64 tinpan_alley[8371][92,91,89](1.0):dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](1.7):grey[4134][92,92,92](2.0):grey[4133][89,89,89](2.2):grey[4135][94,94,94](2.2) 40 dark:alley:olivish:tinpan:grey +2281 chicane rgb 104 103 101 hex #686765 hsv 40 3 41 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.14 lab 44 0 1 lch 44 1 91 cmyk 0 0 1 59 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0.22 0.06 lab 54 43 45 lch 54 62 46 cmyk 0 45 61 18 tangerine[8238][205,93,52](1.7):traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](1.7):medium_vermilion[5651][217,96,59](3.0):fireball[3640][204,92,57](4.2):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](4.9) 5 medium:light:damask:fireball:tangerine:traffic:vermilion:red +2285 chilean_fire rgb 247 119 3 hex #F77703 hsv 29 99 97 xyz 0.45 0.33 0.04 lab 64 44 71 lch 64 84 58 cmyk 0 50 96 3 sorbus[7852][253,124,7](2.2):ecstasy[3360][250,120,20](2.4):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](2.4):flamenco[3659][255,125,7](2.8):orange[6200][249,115,6](3.0) 20 ecstasy:flamenco:pumpkin:sorbus:orange +2286 chilean_heath rgb 249 247 222 hex #F9F7DE hsv 56 11 98 xyz 0.86 0.92 0.82 lab 97 -3 12 lch 97 13 106 cmyk 0 1 11 2 beige[1386][245,245,220](1.4):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](1.4):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](1.4):light_beige[5008][245,245,220](1.4) 65 light:beige:coconut:cream:dutch:fizz:gin:half:white +2287 chilean_heath rgb 255 253 230 hex #FFFDE6 hsv 55 10 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.89 lab 99 -3 11 lch 99 12 106 cmyk 0 1 10 0 travertine[8460][255,253,232](1.0):off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](1.4):solitaire[7843][254,248,226](1.4):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.7):apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](2.0) 48 apricot:fizz:gin:off:solitaire:travertine:white:yellow +2288 chill_out rgb 226 231 186 hex #E2E7BA hsv 67 19 91 xyz 0.69 0.77 0.58 lab 90 -9 21 lch 90 23 113 cmyk 2 0 18 9 pale_light_grayish_olive[6373][231,231,184](2.4):pale_light_grayish_lime_green[6369][220,231,184](3.2):fall_green[3550][236,235,189](3.5):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](3.5):PMS580[762][216,221,181](3.7) 14 pale:light:PMS580:bud:fall:grayish:olive:spring:green:lime +2289 chimney_sweep rgb 28 29 31 hex #1C1D1F hsv 220 10 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 0 -2 lch 11 2 272 cmyk 1 1 0 88 black[1451][30,30,30](2.0):bluish_black[1616][26,26,29](2.2):eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](2.2):grey[4109][28,28,28](2.2):grey[4110][31,31,31](2.2) 27 bluish:eerie:black:grey +2290 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0 47 dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](1.4):plum[6743][139,102,139](2.4):trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](3.0):dull_purple[3287][132,89,126](3.5):french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](3.6) 7 dull:dusty:french:lilac:plum:trendy:pink:purple +2296 chino rgb 184 173 138 hex #B8AD8A hsv 46 25 72 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.3 lab 71 -2 19 lch 71 20 95 cmyk 0 4 18 28 toi[8399][183,173,139](0.0):earthstone[3332][181,175,139](2.0):triple_fossil[8492][190,178,145](2.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](3.0):putty[6909][190,174,138](3.0) 24 earthstone:fossil:pavlova:putty:toi:triple +2297 chino rgb 206 199 167 hex #CEC7A7 hsv 49 19 81 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.45 lab 80 -3 17 lch 80 17 99 cmyk 0 3 15 19 hitchhiker[4516][208,199,168](1.0):triple_wheatfield[8529][209,198,166](2.0):thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.2):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.2):half_pavlova[4365][203,191,160](2.8) 24 half:hitchhiker:pavlova:thistle:triple:wheatfield:green +2298 chinook rgb 157 211 168 hex #9DD3A8 hsv 132 26 83 xyz 0.44 0.57 0.46 lab 80 -26 16 lch 80 30 149 cmyk 21 0 17 17 PMS345[419][150,216,175](3.7):dark_sea_green[2876][155,205,155](4.5):flat_medium_green[3673][155,205,155](4.5):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](4.9):light_moss_green[5148][173,223,173](5.0) 6 medium:light:dark:flat:PMS345:eton:moss:sea:blue:green +2299 chinook rgb 168 227 189 hex #A8E3BD hsv 141 26 89 xyz 0.53 0.67 0.58 lab 85 -26 13 lch 85 29 154 cmyk 23 0 15 11 padua[6299][173,230,196](3.0):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](3.6):PMS351[425][181,232,191](4.1):fringy_flower[3771][180,225,187](4.2):fringy_flower[3770][177,226,193](4.6) 6 PMS351:flower:fringy:padua:sea:green +2300 chlorophyll_green rgb 74 255 0 hex #4AFF00 hsv 103 100 100 xyz 0.39 0.73 0.12 lab 88 -80 84 lch 88 116 134 cmyk 71 0 100 0 luminous_vivid_harlequin[5379][64,255,0](1.0):harlequin[4422][63,255,0](2.0):poison_green[6756][64,253,20](2.2):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](2.8):luminous_vivid_pistachio[5391][96,255,0](4.2) 7 luminous:vivid:harlequin:neon:pistachio:poison:green +2301 chocolate rgb 55 2 2 hex #370202 hsv 0 96 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 8 26 11 lch 8 28 24 cmyk 0 21 21 78 beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](2.2):aubergine[1193][59,9,16](3.0):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](3.0):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](3.0):dark_maroon[2797][60,0,8](3.2) 8 dark:37:38:39:aubergine:beer:maroon:srm +2302 chocolate rgb 61 28 2 hex #3D1C02 hsv 26 97 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 15 14 21 lch 15 25 56 cmyk 0 13 23 76 bronze[1819][63,33,9](2.4):dark_ebony[2718][60,32,5](3.2):woodburn[9167][60,32,5](3.2):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](3.7):brown_pod[1854][64,24,1](4.1) 12 dark:PMS4625:bronze:ebony:pod:woodburn:brown +2303 chocolate rgb 61 35 39 hex #3D2327 hsv 351 43 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 17 13 3 lch 17 13 11 cmyk 0 10 9 76 dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](1.4):maroon[5537][64,35,39](1.4):temptress[8300][60,33,38](1.7):jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](2.2):jon[4773][59,31,31](3.3) 11 dark:jon:jumpstart:maroon:temptress:crimson +2304 chocolate rgb 123 63 0 hex #7B3F00 hsv 31 100 48 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.01 lab 33 22 44 lch 33 49 63 cmyk 0 24 48 52 cinnamon[2334][123,63,0](0.0):PMS725[904][117,56,2](4.1):new_amber[6036][123,56,1](4.6):red_beech[7113][123,56,1](4.6):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](5.1) 4 PMS725:amber:beech:cinnamon:new:peru:tan:red +2305 chocolate rgb 139 69 19 hex #8B4513 hsv 25 86 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.02 lab 37 26 41 lch 37 49 57 cmyk 0 27 47 45 saddle_brown[7400][139,69,19](0.0):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](2.4):korma[4883][143,75,14](4.6):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](4.6):toast_lmu_40[8386][139,77,21](4.6) 6 40:PMS1615:korma:lmu:peru:saddle:tan:toast:brown +2306 chocolate rgb 205 102 29 hex #CD661D hsv 25 86 80 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.04 lab 55 37 56 lch 55 67 57 cmyk 0 40 69 20 cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](1.4):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](1.4):hot_cinnamon[4554][210,105,30](1.4):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](2.2):alloy_orange[1004][196,98,16](3.7) 7 alloy:cinnamon:cocoa:hot:raw:sienna:brown:orange +2307 chocolate rgb 210 105 30 hex #D2691E hsv 25 86 82 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.04 lab 56 37 57 lch 56 68 57 cmyk 0 41 71 18 cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](0.0):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](0.0):hot_cinnamon[4554][210,105,30](0.0):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](3.0):tahiti_gold[8206][220,114,42](3.2) 6 cinnamon:cocoa:gold:hot:raw:sienna:tahiti:brown +2308 chocolate rgb 238 118 33 hex #EE7621 hsv 25 86 93 xyz 0.42 0.31 0.05 lab 63 42 63 lch 63 75 57 cmyk 0 47 80 7 vivid_tangelo[8954][240,116,39](2.2):tango[8244][237,122,28](3.6):mars_yellow[5553][227,112,26](3.7):PMS158[83][232,117,17](4.4):christine[2319][231,115,10](4.9) 5 vivid:PMS158:christine:mars:tangelo:tango:yellow +2309 chocolate rgb 255 127 36 hex #FF7F24 hsv 25 86 100 xyz 0.49 0.37 0.06 lab 67 44 66 lch 67 79 57 cmyk 0 50 86 0 PMS804_2X[919][255,127,30](2.0):ecstasy[3360][250,120,20](3.7):pumpkin[6850][255,117,24](4.9):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](5.8):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](6.1) 3 2X:PMS804:chilean:ecstasy:fire:pumpkin:sorbus +2310 chocolate_brown rgb 65 25 0 hex #411900 hsv 23 100 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 15 18 22 lch 15 28 51 cmyk 0 16 25 75 brown_pod[1854][64,24,1](1.4):morocco_brown[5900][68,29,0](2.4):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](4.1):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](5.2):indian_tan[4638][77,30,1](5.4) 3 PMS4625:chocolate:indian:morocco:pod:tan:brown +2311 chocolate_brownie rgb 60 36 27 hex #3C241B hsv 16 55 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 10 11 lch 17 15 46 cmyk 0 9 13 76 bootleg[1656][60,36,27](0.0):brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](0.0):deep_chocolate[2977][60,36,27](0.0):cork[2515][64,41,29](2.4):mash[5566][64,41,29](2.4) 15 deep:bootleg:chocolate:cork:mash:pod:brown +2312 chocolate_fish rgb 58 40 51 hex #3A2833 hsv 323 31 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 11 -4 lch 19 11 340 cmyk 0 7 3 77 zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](2.0):toledo[8401][62,38,49](2.2):passion[6499][59,42,57](3.2):barossa[1311][69,46,57](3.7):valentino[8670][56,44,56](3.7) 8 barossa:passion:toledo:valentino:zeppelin +2313 chocolate_lounge rgb 69 60 67 hex #453C43 hsv 313 13 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 26 5 -3 lch 26 6 332 cmyk 0 4 1 73 light_year[5232][70,60,66](1.7):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](3.3):horoscope[4546][67,55,58](3.7):rockstar[7269][61,58,60](3.7):black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](4.1) 19 light:horoscope:marlin:rockstar:ship:year:black:grey +2314 christalle rgb 51 3 107 hex #33036B hsv 268 97 42 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.14 lab 15 43 -48 lch 15 65 312 cmyk 22 41 0 58 deep_violet[3077][51,0,102](1.4):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](2.2):paris_m[6489][38,5,106](3.5):blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](3.7):paua[6527][38,3,104](4.1) 6 deep:PMS2755:diamond:m:paris:paua:blue:violet +2315 christalle rgb 56 33 97 hex #382161 hsv 262 66 38 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.12 lab 19 27 -34 lch 19 44 308 cmyk 16 25 0 62 clowning_around[2390][56,33,97](0.0):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](4.4):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](5.4):PMS2695[263][68,35,94](5.5):paris_m[6490][49,39,96](6.2) 2 PMS2695:around:clowning:jacarta:m:paris:pukeko +2316 christi rgb 103 167 18 hex #67A712 hsv 86 89 65 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.05 lab 62 -42 61 lch 62 74 124 cmyk 25 0 58 35 strong_spring_bud[8059][105,168,0](3.2):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](5.4):PMS369[444][86,170,28](6.3):lima[5266][122,172,33](6.8):top_secret[8420][122,172,33](6.8) 1 strong:PMS369:bud:leaf:lima:secret:spring:top:green +2317 christi rgb 113 169 29 hex #71A91D hsv 84 83 66 xyz 0.21 0.32 0.06 lab 63 -39 60 lch 63 71 123 cmyk 22 0 55 34 lima[5266][122,172,33](3.6):top_secret[8420][122,172,33](3.6):strong_spring_bud[8059][105,168,0](5.0):limeade[5277][111,157,2](6.0):strong_lime_green[8039][126,168,0](7.1) 3 strong:bud:lima:limeade:secret:spring:top:green:lime +2318 christine rgb 191 101 46 hex #BF652E hsv 23 76 75 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.05 lab 52 32 46 lch 52 56 55 cmyk 0 35 57 25 ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](2.8):copper[2475][182,99,37](3.7):tuscany[8600][189,94,46](3.7):clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](4.4):zest[9254][198,114,59](5.4) 4 clockwork:copper:ruddy:tuscany:zest:brown:orange +2319 christine rgb 231 115 10 hex #E7730A hsv 29 96 91 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.04 lab 61 40 67 lch 61 78 59 cmyk 0 45 87 9 PMS158[83][232,117,17](1.7):mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](2.0):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](2.2):tango[8244][237,122,28](3.0):clementine[2370][233,110,0](3.3) 9 vivid:PMS158:clementine:mango:tango:orange +2320 chrome_oxide_green rgb 102 128 20 hex #668014 hsv 74 84 50 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.03 lab 50 -24 50 lch 50 56 116 cmyk 10 0 42 50 olive_green[6163][103,122,4](4.1):wasabi[9006][120,138,37](5.1):murky_green[5947][108,122,14](5.5):olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](5.7):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](5.7) 1 drab:murky:olive:olivedrab:wasabi:green +2321 chrome_white rgb 202 199 183 hex #CAC7B7 hsv 51 9 79 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.53 lab 80 -2 8 lch 80 9 102 cmyk 0 1 7 21 froth_green[3784][202,199,183](0.0):half_ash[4282][203,200,186](1.4):half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.4):titania[8376][202,199,185](1.4):triple_white_pointer[8530][200,195,181](1.4) 79 ash:froth:half:linen:pointer:titania:triple:green:white +2322 chrome_white rgb 232 241 212 hex #E8F1D4 hsv 79 12 95 xyz 0.77 0.85 0.75 lab 94 -8 13 lch 94 15 122 cmyk 4 0 11 5 frost[3778][237,245,221](2.4):light_yellow[5236][238,238,209](3.3):hint_of_green[4496][223,241,214](3.7):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](3.7):loafer[5317][238,244,222](3.7) 15 light:frost:hint:kidnapper:loafer:of:green:yellow +2323 chrome_yellow rgb 255 167 0 hex #FFA700 hsv 39 100 100 xyz 0.55 0.49 0.07 lab 75 23 79 lch 75 82 74 cmyk 0 35 100 0 orange[6206][255,165,0](1.0):web_orange[9038][255,165,0](1.0):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.2):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.2):yellow_sea[9221][254,169,4](2.2) 15 deep:dark:naples:sea:tangerine:web:orange:yellow +2324 cigar rgb 119 63 26 hex #773F1A hsv 24 78 47 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.02 lab 33 21 32 lch 33 39 57 cmyk 0 22 36 53 walnut[8987][119,63,26](0.0):deep_ochre[3021][115,61,26](1.4):peru_tan[6618][115,61,31](4.1):russet[7374][128,70,27](4.2):charisma[2228][133,73,38](5.2) 4 deep:charisma:ochre:peru:russet:tan:walnut +2325 cigar rgb 125 78 56 hex #7D4E38 hsv 19 55 49 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.05 lab 38 17 21 lch 38 27 51 cmyk 0 18 27 51 PMS4705[572][124,81,61](2.4):boomerang[1654][121,78,51](3.0):cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](3.7):cumin[2621][120,68,48](4.4):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](4.4) 10 PMS4705:boomerang:cape:cumin:nutmeg:palliser +2326 cincinnati rgb 165 64 63 hex #A5403F hsv 1 62 65 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.06 lab 41 42 22 lch 41 47 28 cmyk 0 40 40 35 mexican_red[5701][155,61,61](4.1):terracotta_pink[8312][155,61,61](4.1):stiletto[7980][156,51,54](4.6):milano_red[5735][158,51,50](4.7):afterburner[974][152,61,57](5.0) 8 afterburner:mexican:milano:stiletto:terracotta:pink:red +2327 cinder rgb 14 14 24 hex #0E0E18 hsv 240 42 9 xyz 0.01 0 0.01 lab 4 2 -6 lch 4 6 290 cmyk 4 4 0 91 black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](0.0):very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](2.4):vulcan[8978][16,18,29](2.8):bunker[1904][13,17,23](3.0):gunmetal[4256][2,13,21](3.3) 11 dark:very:bunker:gunmetal:pepper:vulcan:black:blue +2328 cinder rgb 36 42 46 hex #242A2E hsv 204 22 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 -2 -3 lch 17 4 246 cmyk 4 2 0 82 blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](1.0):bunker[1905][41,44,47](1.7):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](2.0):charleston_green[2229][35,43,43](2.2):dark_gunmetal[2771][31,38,42](2.2) 43 dark:bunker:charcoal:charleston:gunmetal:trail:wine:blue:green +2329 cinderella rgb 251 215 204 hex #FBD7CC hsv 14 19 98 xyz 0.75 0.73 0.67 lab 89 11 10 lch 89 15 43 cmyk 0 14 18 2 marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](1.7):pippin[6713][252,219,210](1.7):watusi[9024][255,221,207](2.4):cosmos[2549][252,213,207](3.0):pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](3.0) 17 cosmos:marshmallow:pippin:terrace:watusi:pink +2330 cinderella rgb 253 225 220 hex #FDE1DC hsv 9 13 99 xyz 0.8 0.8 0.79 lab 92 9 6 lch 92 11 34 cmyk 0 11 13 1 misty_rose[5791][255,228,225](1.4):mistyrose[5795][255,228,225](1.4):pippin[6714][255,225,223](1.4):PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.2):very_pale_pink[8816][255,226,226](2.2) 20 pale:misty:very:PMS705:mistyrose:pippin:pink:rose +2331 cinereous rgb 152 129 123 hex #98817B hsv 12 19 60 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.22 lab 56 8 7 lch 56 10 40 cmyk 0 9 11 40 dry_creek[3277][154,127,124](2.2):hemp[4471][152,125,115](2.4):quarter_buffalo[6927][153,134,130](3.0):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.3):tom[8404][146,130,127](3.6) 13 buffalo:creek:dry:hemp:quarter:tom +2332 cinnabar rgb 227 66 52 hex #E34234 hsv 5 77 89 xyz 0.34 0.2 0.05 lab 52 61 44 lch 52 76 36 cmyk 0 63 69 11 vermilion[8706][227,66,52](0.0):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](1.4):punch[6854][220,67,51](3.3):sunset[8142][220,67,51](3.3):carmine_pink[2097][235,76,66](5.1) 4 carmine:cg:punch:sunset:vermilion:pink:red +2333 cinnabar_green rgb 97 179 41 hex #61B329 hsv 96 77 70 xyz 0.21 0.35 0.08 lab 66 -48 58 lch 66 75 129 cmyk 32 0 54 30 PMS369[444][86,170,28](4.1):grass[3984][92,172,45](5.4):green[4031][102,176,50](5.7):wham[9062][95,179,58](6.1):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](6.4) 1 PMS369:grass:lawn:wham:green +2334 cinnamon rgb 123 63 0 hex #7B3F00 hsv 31 100 48 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.01 lab 33 22 44 lch 33 49 63 cmyk 0 24 48 52 chocolate[2304][123,63,0](0.0):PMS725[904][117,56,2](4.1):new_amber[6036][123,56,1](4.6):red_beech[7113][123,56,1](4.6):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](5.1) 4 PMS725:amber:beech:chocolate:new:peru:tan:red +2335 cinnamon rgb 123 72 43 hex #7B482B hsv 22 65 48 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.03 lab 36 19 26 lch 36 32 54 cmyk 0 20 31 52 root_beer[7290][129,77,48](2.0):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](2.8):dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](3.7):korma[4882][128,78,44](3.7):copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](4.1) 12 dark:beer:bull:canyon:copper:korma:rimu:root:shot +2336 cinnamon rgb 172 79 6 hex #AC4F06 hsv 26 97 67 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.02 lab 45 35 53 lch 45 63 57 cmyk 0 36 65 33 beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](2.2):burnt_sienna[1936][176,78,15](2.8):fiery_orange[3598][179,82,19](3.0):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](3.6):rich_gold[7218][168,83,7](4.1) 10 burnt:16:17:beer:fiery:gold:rich:sienna:srm:orange +2337 cinnamon rgb 210 105 30 hex #D2691E hsv 25 86 82 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.04 lab 56 37 57 lch 56 68 57 cmyk 0 41 71 18 chocolate[2307][210,105,30](0.0):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](0.0):hot_cinnamon[4554][210,105,30](0.0):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](1.4):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](3.0) 7 chocolate:cinnamon:cocoa:hot:raw:sienna:brown +2338 cinnamon_satin rgb 205 96 126 hex #CD607E hsv 343 53 80 xyz 0.33 0.23 0.22 lab 55 46 4 lch 55 46 5 cmyk 0 43 31 20 pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](5.4):rose[7294][207,98,117](6.1):pinkish[6695][212,106,126](6.2):deep_blush[2961][227,111,138](7.0):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](7.2) 0 pale:deep:medium:blush:pinkish:red:rose:violet +2339 cioccolato rgb 85 40 12 hex #55280C hsv 23 86 33 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 22 19 27 lch 22 32 55 cmyk 0 18 29 67 jambalaya[4727][91,48,19](3.7):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](4.1):indian_tan[4638][77,30,1](4.2):PMS469[569][96,51,17](4.9):baker's_chocolate[1262][92,51,23](5.4) 4 PMS469:baker's:bramble:chocolate:indian:jambalaya:tan:brown +2340 cioccolato rgb 93 59 46 hex #5D3B2E hsv 17 51 36 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 29 13 14 lch 29 19 47 cmyk 0 13 18 64 double_lumberjack[3213][99,62,54](3.0):quincy[7031][98,63,45](3.2):dark_brown[2694][92,64,51](3.3):very_dark_brown[8717][92,64,51](3.3):triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](3.5) 9 dark:very:double:lumberjack:quincy:triple:brown +2341 circus rgb 255 215 160 hex #FFD7A0 hsv 35 37 100 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.43 lab 88 7 32 lch 88 33 78 cmyk 0 16 37 0 frangipani[3736][255,215,160](0.0):rich_cream[7215][255,215,160](0.0):PMS148[64][255,214,155](2.0):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](2.4):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](2.4) 17 PMS148:burly:burlywood:cream:frangipani:rich:wood +2342 citrine rgb 228 208 10 hex #E4D00A hsv 54 96 89 xyz 0.55 0.62 0.09 lab 83 -10 82 lch 83 83 97 cmyk 0 8 85 11 PMS605[784][221,206,17](3.0):bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](3.0):sunflower[8130][228,212,34](3.3):safety_yellow[7404][238,210,2](3.7):lemon[4961][244,216,28](4.4) 8 PMS605:bright:lights:safety:sunflower:lemon:yellow +2343 citrine_white rgb 222 221 203 hex #DEDDCB hsv 57 9 87 xyz 0.67 0.72 0.67 lab 88 -3 9 lch 88 9 107 cmyk 0 0 7 13 green_white[4068][222,221,203](0.0):moon_mist[5886][220,221,204](1.0):eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](2.2):gin[3860][217,223,205](2.2):half_beryl_green[4291][215,218,200](2.2) 84 beryl:eighth:gin:half:mist:moon:tana:green:white +2344 citrine_white rgb 250 247 214 hex #FAF7D6 hsv 55 14 98 xyz 0.85 0.92 0.77 lab 97 -4 16 lch 97 17 105 cmyk 0 1 14 2 scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](1.4):white_nectar[9089][248,246,216](1.4):hint_of_yellow[4503][246,245,215](1.7):china_ivory[2290][251,243,211](2.2):half_colonial_white[4311][253,246,211](2.2) 39 china:colonial:half:hint:ivory:mist:nectar:of:scotch:white:yellow +2345 citron rgb 142 154 33 hex #8E9A21 hsv 66 79 60 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.06 lab 61 -19 57 lch 61 60 109 cmyk 5 0 47 40 baby_shit_green[1252][136,151,23](3.0):baby_poop_green[1247][143,152,5](6.1):PMS384[461][147,153,5](6.3):pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](7.1):yellow[9193][139,139,0](7.7) 1 PMS384:baby:pea:poop:shit:soup:green:yellow +2346 citron rgb 158 169 31 hex #9EA91F hsv 65 82 66 xyz 0.29 0.36 0.07 lab 66 -20 63 lch 66 66 108 cmyk 4 0 54 34 pea_soup_green[6538][148,166,23](3.2):limelight[5286][153,173,37](4.2):vomit[8971][162,164,21](4.6):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](5.5):pea_soup[6535][146,153,1](5.5) 3 impromptu:limelight:pea:soup:vomit:green +2347 citrus rgb 159 183 10 hex #9FB70A hsv 68 95 72 xyz 0.31 0.41 0.07 lab 70 -27 70 lch 70 75 111 cmyk 9 0 68 28 booger_green[1652][150,180,3](2.2):pea[6533][164,191,32](3.3):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](3.7):bahia[1258][169,192,28](4.0):PMS583[769][170,186,10](4.1) 9 PMS583:bahia:booger:bright:olive:pea:green +2348 citrus rgb 161 197 10 hex #A1C50A hsv 72 95 77 xyz 0.35 0.48 0.08 lab 75 -33 74 lch 75 81 114 cmyk 14 0 73 23 PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](1.4):limerick[5288][157,194,9](2.2):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](2.2):snot_green[7805][157,193,0](2.2):bahia[1257][165,203,12](2.4) 5 2X:PMS382:bahia:limerick:pistachio:snot:green +2349 city_limits rgb 12 58 55 hex #0C3A37 hsv 176 79 23 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.04 lab 22 -16 -3 lch 22 16 189 cmyk 18 0 1 77 deep_teal[3069][0,53,50](3.2):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](3.3):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](3.3):rich_black[7208][0,64,64](3.5):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](4.1) 10 deep:cyprus:gable:greenstone:rich:teal:black:green +2350 clairvoyant rgb 72 6 86 hex #480656 hsv 290 93 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.09 lab 16 40 -31 lch 16 51 322 cmyk 5 31 0 66 hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](0.0):PMS2627[250][76,20,94](3.7):deep_heliotrope[2998][78,0,89](4.2):plum[6740][65,0,86](4.6):ripe_plum[7231][65,0,86](4.6) 5 deep:PMS2627:heliotrope:hot:plum:ripe:purple +2351 clairvoyant rgb 104 59 125 hex #683B7D hsv 281 53 49 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.2 lab 33 32 -30 lch 33 44 317 cmyk 8 26 0 51 eminence[3474][110,57,116](6.1):imperial[4614][96,47,107](6.4):giggle[3857][105,50,110](7.0):seance[7583][105,50,110](7.0):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](7.0) 0 eminence:flax:giggle:imperial:pasifika:seance:style:purple +2352 clam_shell rgb 210 179 169 hex #D2B3A9 hsv 15 20 82 xyz 0.5 0.49 0.44 lab 75 10 9 lch 75 13 44 cmyk 0 12 16 18 oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](2.2):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](3.7):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](4.1):cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](4.2):wafer[8980][212,187,177](4.4) 6 as:cavern:oyster:soulmate:sweet:wafer:pink +2353 clam_shell rgb 212 182 175 hex #D4B6AF hsv 11 17 83 xyz 0.52 0.51 0.48 lab 76 10 8 lch 76 12 38 cmyk 0 12 15 17 oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](1.0):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.8):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](3.0):wafer[8980][212,187,177](3.6):cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](3.7) 11 as:cavern:oyster:soulmate:sweet:wafer:pink +2354 claret rgb 104 0 24 hex #680018 hsv 346 100 41 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.01 lab 20 42 19 lch 20 46 24 cmyk 0 41 31 59 burnt_crimson[1927][101,0,11](6.2):rosewood[7321][101,0,11](6.2):salsa[7437][119,12,37](6.2):deep_amaranth[2949][89,0,11](6.7):deep_crimson[2983][89,0,22](6.9) 0 deep:burnt:amaranth:rosewood:salsa:crimson +2355 claret rgb 110 34 51 hex #6E2233 hsv 347 69 43 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.04 lab 26 35 8 lch 26 36 12 cmyk 0 30 23 57 hot_wired[4574][111,38,55](2.4):x_factor[9183][104,27,43](3.6):PMS505[620][102,30,43](4.1):breakfree[1702][101,25,42](4.1):PMS506[621][122,38,56](4.4) 9 PMS505:PMS506:breakfree:factor:hot:wired:x +2356 claret rgb 127 23 52 hex #7F1734 hsv 343 82 50 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.04 lab 28 45 10 lch 28 46 13 cmyk 0 41 29 50 rosehip[7320][132,33,57](2.8):geronimo[3846][136,33,60](3.0):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](4.4):bordeaux[1659][123,0,44](4.7):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](5.4) 4 bordeaux:c:geronimo:i:letter:rosehip:red +2357 classic_rose rgb 244 200 219 hex #F4C8DB hsv 334 18 96 xyz 0.71 0.66 0.76 lab 85 19 -4 lch 85 19 349 cmyk 0 17 10 4 azalea[1220][247,200,218](1.0):PMS2365[195][247,196,216](2.4):PMS250[216][237,196,221](3.6):PMS671[850][239,198,211](3.7):PMS517[638][244,204,216](4.4) 10 PMS2365:PMS250:PMS517:PMS671:azalea +2358 classic_rose rgb 251 204 231 hex #FBCCE7 hsv 326 19 98 xyz 0.76 0.69 0.85 lab 87 21 -7 lch 87 22 341 cmyk 0 18 8 2 shampoo[7637][255,207,241](3.3):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](3.6):PMS250[216][237,196,221](4.5):azalea[1220][247,200,218](4.9):PMS2365[195][247,196,216](5.0) 5 PMS2365:PMS250:azalea:chantilly:shampoo +2359 classius rgb 179 141 66 hex #B38D42 hsv 40 63 70 xyz 0.29 0.29 0.09 lab 61 6 45 lch 61 45 82 cmyk 0 15 44 30 alpine[1017][173,138,59](3.0):intrepid[4666][171,132,57](3.2):marigold[5525][184,138,61](3.6):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](4.0):luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](4.1) 8 alpine:gold:intrepid:luxor:marigold:turmeric +2360 clay rgb 182 106 80 hex #B66A50 hsv 15 56 71 xyz 0.26 0.21 0.1 lab 53 28 28 lch 53 39 45 cmyk 0 30 40 29 brown[1839][180,103,77](1.0):tuscany[8599][173,98,66](4.4):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](4.5):claypot[2365][171,105,80](5.4):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](5.4) 3 moderate:claypot:fe:santa:tuscany:vermilion:brown +2361 clay_ash rgb 189 200 179 hex #BDC8B3 hsv 91 11 78 xyz 0.5 0.55 0.51 lab 79 -8 9 lch 79 12 129 cmyk 4 0 8 22 robins_egg_blue[7255][189,200,179](0.0):zanah[9247][178,198,177](3.3):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](3.5):rainee[7050][179,193,177](3.6):rainee[7051][185,200,172](3.6) 16 egg:rainee:robins:spring:zanah:blue:green +2362 clay_brown rgb 178 113 61 hex #B2713D hsv 27 66 70 xyz 0.25 0.22 0.07 lab 54 21 39 lch 54 44 62 cmyk 0 25 46 30 pendragon[6580][178,114,62](1.0):oregon[6248][177,108,57](2.8):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](3.2):bungy[1903][172,113,60](3.3):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](3.7) 10 bourbon:bungy:oregon:pendragon:pumpkin +2363 clay_creek rgb 137 126 89 hex #897E59 hsv 46 35 54 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.12 lab 53 -2 22 lch 53 22 95 cmyk 0 4 19 46 triple_hillary[8495][131,122,83](2.4):alloy[1003][145,129,94](3.7):gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](4.1):rutherford[7393][127,123,89](4.1):triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](4.2) 8 alloy:fusion:gold:hillary:olive:rutherford:triple:grey +2364 clay_creek rgb 138 131 96 hex #8A8360 hsv 50 30 54 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.14 lab 55 -3 20 lch 55 20 99 cmyk 0 3 16 46 bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](3.2):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.6):abanakee[943][146,138,109](3.7):granite_green[3966][139,130,101](3.7):alloy[1003][145,129,94](4.1) 15 medium:abanakee:alloy:bandicoot:goldenrod:granite:old:green +2365 claypot rgb 171 105 80 hex #AB6950 hsv 16 53 67 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.1 lab 51 24 25 lch 51 35 47 cmyk 0 26 36 33 sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](2.0):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](2.2):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](2.8):sepia[7614][165,105,79](3.2):brown_sugar[1858][175,110,77](4.9) 5 moderate:fe:santa:sante:sepia:sugar:vermilion:brown +2366 clear_blue rgb 36 122 253 hex #247AFD hsv 216 86 99 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.96 lab 53 23 -72 lch 53 76 288 cmyk 85 51 0 1 deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](2.0):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](2.4):azure[1226][0,127,255](4.2):azure_radiance[1236][0,127,255](4.2):cerulean_blue[2186][5,110,238](4.2) 8 deep:cerulean:lightish:radiance:sky:azure:blue +2367 clear_day rgb 223 239 234 hex #DFEFEA hsv 161 7 94 xyz 0.76 0.83 0.9 lab 93 -6 1 lch 93 6 175 cmyk 6 0 2 6 apple_green[1087][226,243,236](1.4):tranquil[8455][221,237,233](1.4):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](1.7):harp[4426][230,242,234](1.7):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](1.7) 40 apple:bubbles:harp:i:spy:tranquil:green +2368 clear_day rgb 233 255 253 hex #E9FFFD hsv 175 9 100 xyz 0.87 0.96 1.07 lab 98 -7 -1 lch 98 8 191 cmyk 9 0 1 0 dew[3116][234,255,254](1.0):aqua_spring[1110][234,249,245](1.7):bubbles[1883][231,254,255](2.0):polar[6758][229,249,246](2.0):off_green[6109][230,248,243](2.2) 28 aqua:bubbles:dew:off:polar:spring:green +2369 clementine rgb 193 79 59 hex #C14F3B hsv 9 69 76 xyz 0.26 0.17 0.06 lab 49 44 35 lch 49 56 38 cmyk 0 45 53 24 balloon[1269][193,77,54](2.4):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](2.4):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](2.4):oh_behave[6117][190,82,63](3.6):mexican_wave[5703][182,74,50](3.7) 8 balloon:behave:catalyst:grenadier:mexican:oh:wave +2370 clementine rgb 233 110 0 hex #E96E00 hsv 28 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.28 0.03 lab 60 43 68 lch 60 81 58 cmyk 0 48 91 9 tangerine[8239][233,110,0](0.0):christine[2319][231,115,10](3.3):mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](3.3):dark_orange[2824][238,118,0](4.1):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](4.2) 6 dark:vivid:christine:mango:tangerine:tango:orange +2371 clementine_orange rgb 222 115 72 hex #DE7348 hsv 17 68 87 xyz 0.37 0.28 0.1 lab 60 38 42 lch 60 57 48 cmyk 0 42 59 13 brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](3.5):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](3.7):jaffa[4718][226,121,69](4.6):melon_orange[5667][226,121,69](4.6):sienna[7697][205,104,57](5.5) 4 brilliant:damask:jaffa:melon:sienna:vermilion:orange:red +2372 cliff_face_grey rgb 108 110 109 hex #6C6E6D hsv 150 2 43 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.17 lab 46 -1 0 lch 46 1 164 cmyk 1 0 0 57 dove_grey[3256][109,108,108](1.0):grey[4141][110,110,110](1.0):double_stack[3241][111,113,110](1.4):grey[4140][107,107,107](1.4):grey[4142][112,112,112](1.4) 47 double:dove:stack:grey +2373 cliffhanger rgb 74 79 70 hex #4A4F46 hsv 93 11 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.07 lab 33 -4 5 lch 33 6 131 cmyk 2 0 4 69 mangrove[5506][72,78,69](1.0):knave[4870][80,83,76](2.4):canyon[2055][67,78,70](3.0):trainspotter[8454][68,73,63](3.0):battleship_grey[1316][81,87,79](3.2) 31 battleship:canyon:knave:mangrove:trainspotter:grey +2374 climate rgb 110 109 94 hex #6E6D5E hsv 56 15 43 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.13 lab 46 -2 9 lch 46 9 106 cmyk 0 0 6 57 flint[3690][113,110,97](1.4):internet[4664][115,112,98](1.7):chain_reaction[2195][108,105,90](2.0):PMS417[500][119,114,99](2.2):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](2.4) 24 PMS417:chain:double:flint:friar:internet:reaction:grey +2375 clinker rgb 55 29 9 hex #371D09 hsv 26 84 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 14 11 17 lch 14 20 58 cmyk 0 10 18 78 sambuca[7442][58,32,16](1.4):dark_brown[2693][52,28,2](3.0):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](3.6):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](3.6):slugger[7778][65,32,16](3.6) 12 deep:dark:oak:rum:sambuca:slugger:brown +2376 clinker rgb 70 54 35 hex #463623 hsv 33 50 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 4 15 lch 24 15 74 cmyk 0 6 14 73 café_noir[2004][75,54,33](2.8):iroko[4674][67,49,32](3.0):space_shuttle[7866][67,49,32](3.0):mikado[5731][63,54,35](3.7):rimutaka[7227][75,60,35](3.7) 17 café:iroko:mikado:noir:rimutaka:shuttle:space +2377 clockwork_orange rgb 191 96 49 hex #BF6031 hsv 20 74 75 xyz 0.26 0.2 0.05 lab 51 35 43 lch 51 55 51 cmyk 0 37 56 25 tuscany[8600][189,94,46](1.0):smoke_tree[7788][187,95,52](2.2):style_pasifika_orange_wood[8086][187,95,52](2.2):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](4.1):christine[2318][191,101,46](4.4) 8 christine:cotta:pasifika:smoke:style:terra:tree:tuscany:wood:orange +2378 clotted_cream rgb 245 234 208 hex #F5EAD0 hsv 42 15 96 xyz 0.78 0.83 0.72 lab 93 0 14 lch 93 14 92 cmyk 0 4 15 4 champagne[2209][247,231,206](1.4):janna[4731][244,235,211](1.4):quarter_popcorn[6981][245,234,206](1.4):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](1.4):albescent_white[989][245,233,211](2.0) 70 albescent:champagne:janna:popcorn:quarter:spanish:white +2379 cloud rgb 194 188 177 hex #C2BCB1 hsv 39 9 76 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.49 lab 76 0 6 lch 76 6 88 cmyk 0 2 7 24 PMS421[504][191,186,175](0.0):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](0.0):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.0):eighth_pravda[3415][195,188,176](1.0):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.0) 67 PMS421:cotton:eighth:friar:pravda:seed:tea:grey +2380 cloud rgb 199 196 191 hex #C7C4BF hsv 38 4 78 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.57 lab 79 0 3 lch 79 3 87 cmyk 0 1 3 22 grey_nickel[4216][195,195,189](1.0):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](1.4):mist_grey[5785][196,196,188](1.4):quarter_foggy_grey[6945][196,195,188](1.4):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](2.0) 83 concrete:double:flotsam:foggy:mist:nickel:quarter:grey +2381 cloud_burst rgb 32 46 84 hex #202E54 hsv 224 62 33 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.09 lab 20 7 -25 lch 20 26 286 cmyk 20 15 0 67 dark_sapphire_blue[2869][39,52,89](2.2):space_cadet[7864][29,41,81](3.0):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.3):filmpro_pthalo_blue[3616][43,56,96](4.1):space_cadet[7865][30,41,82](4.1) 8 dark:aviator:cadet:filmpro:pthalo:sapphire:space:blue +2382 cloud_burst rgb 53 62 79 hex #353E4F hsv 219 33 31 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.08 lab 26 1 -12 lch 26 12 275 cmyk 10 7 0 69 avalanche[1204][53,65,82](1.4):blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](2.4):sputnik[7940][55,62,84](2.8):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](3.0):licorice[4996][46,55,73](3.0) 16 avalanche:bright:licorice:sputnik:zodiac:blue:grey +2383 cloud_nine rgb 235 247 228 hex #EBF7E4 hsv 98 8 97 xyz 0.82 0.9 0.86 lab 96 -7 8 lch 96 11 133 cmyk 5 0 7 3 panache[6464][235,247,228](0.0):feta[3593][240,252,234](2.2):peppermint[6582][227,245,225](2.2):loafer[5317][238,244,222](2.4):frost[3778][237,245,221](3.2) 29 feta:frost:loafer:panache:peppermint +2384 clouded_blue rgb 137 146 150 hex #899296 hsv 198 9 59 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.33 lab 60 -2 -3 lch 60 4 233 cmyk 5 2 0 41 voltage[8970][141,144,148](2.0):oslo_grey[6259][135,141,145](2.2):amber_grey[1036][146,150,152](2.4):allusive[1008][139,150,149](3.0):instinct[4659][140,151,157](3.0) 32 allusive:amber:instinct:oslo:voltage:grey +2385 cloudy rgb 172 165 159 hex #ACA59F hsv 28 8 67 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.38 lab 68 1 4 lch 68 4 70 cmyk 0 3 5 33 quarter_stonehenge[6999][171,165,158](0.0):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.7):PMS422[505][175,170,163](2.0):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](2.0):delta[3087][164,164,157](2.2) 51 PMS422:dawn:delta:friar:quarter:stonehenge:grey +2386 cloudy rgb 176 169 159 hex #B0A99F hsv 35 10 69 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.39 lab 70 1 6 lch 70 6 83 cmyk 0 3 7 31 quarter_stonewashed[7001][178,169,157](1.0):PMS422[505][175,170,163](2.0):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](2.0):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](2.2):quarter_taupe_grey[7007][175,173,163](2.4) 45 PMS422:off:piste:pravda:quarter:stonewashed:taupe:grey +2387 cloudy_blue rgb 172 194 217 hex #ACC2D9 hsv 211 21 85 xyz 0.49 0.52 0.73 lab 77 -3 -14 lch 77 14 260 cmyk 18 9 0 15 light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](2.4):spindle[7899][179,196,216](2.4):steel_blue_light[7970][176,196,222](2.4):light_grey_blue[5123][157,188,212](3.0):casper[2125][173,190,209](3.3) 13 light:casper:spindle:steel:blue:grey +2388 clover rgb 56 73 16 hex #384910 hsv 78 78 29 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.01 lab 28 -16 30 lch 28 34 118 cmyk 7 0 22 71 verdun_green[8702][72,83,26](5.5):dark_olive[2810][55,62,2](6.2):PMS5747[746][66,71,22](6.4):dark_olive_green[2812][60,77,3](7.3):army_green[1143][75,83,32](7.5) 0 dark:PMS5747:army:olive:verdun:green +2389 clover rgb 71 86 47 hex #47562F hsv 83 45 34 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.04 lab 34 -13 21 lch 34 25 123 cmyk 6 0 15 66 woodland[9169][77,83,40](4.2):bronzetone[1828][67,76,40](4.4):fervent_green[3589][57,79,43](4.7):PMS574[744][73,89,40](5.5):PMS5743[745][63,73,38](5.5) 3 PMS574:PMS5743:bronzetone:fervent:woodland:green +2390 clowning_around rgb 56 33 97 hex #382161 hsv 262 66 38 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.12 lab 19 27 -34 lch 19 44 308 cmyk 16 25 0 62 christalle[2315][56,33,97](0.0):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](4.4):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](5.4):PMS2695[263][68,35,94](5.5):paris_m[6490][49,39,96](6.2) 2 PMS2695:christalle:jacarta:m:paris:pukeko +2391 coast rgb 36 52 66 hex #243442 hsv 208 45 26 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.06 lab 21 -2 -11 lch 21 11 258 cmyk 12 5 0 74 blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](2.0):midnight[5714][33,48,62](2.0):style_pasifika_ocean_deep[8085][30,47,60](2.4):tangaroa[8236][30,47,60](2.4):allegro[1002][36,46,59](3.0) 16 deep:allegro:midnight:ocean:pasifika:style:tangaroa:whale:blue +2392 coastal_blue rgb 170 183 187 hex #AAB7BB hsv 194 9 73 xyz 0.42 0.46 0.54 lab 74 -4 -4 lch 74 5 224 cmyk 7 2 0 27 PMS5435[684][175,188,191](1.4):casper[2124][170,181,184](1.7):heather[4453][174,187,193](1.7):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](2.4):tower_grey[8445][169,189,191](2.4) 10 PMS5435:casper:eskimo:heather:tower:grey +2393 cobalt rgb 0 71 171 hex #0047AB hsv 215 100 67 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.39 lab 33 23 -58 lch 33 63 291 cmyk 67 39 0 33 cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](0.0):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](4.6):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](5.0):PMS293[317][0,81,186](5.1):strong_cobalt_blue[8027][0,63,168](5.8) 3 strong:PMS293:cobalt:sapphire:blue:violet +2394 cobalt rgb 6 42 120 hex #062A78 hsv 221 95 47 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.18 lab 20 22 -48 lch 20 52 295 cmyk 45 31 0 53 capri[2066][6,42,120](0.0):catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](0.0):PMS280[301][0,43,127](3.7):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](4.2):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](4.2) 5 PMS280:capri:catalina:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +2395 cobalt rgb 30 72 143 hex #1E488F hsv 218 79 56 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.27 lab 32 12 -43 lch 32 45 286 cmyk 44 28 0 44 bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](3.0):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](3.0):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](3.2):PMS294[319][0,63,135](4.6):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](4.6) 6 medium:PMS294:bondi:congress:electric:yale:blue +2396 cobalt rgb 39 60 90 hex #273C5A hsv 215 57 35 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 25 2 -21 lch 25 21 274 cmyk 20 12 0 65 blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](0.0):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](0.0):dark_cobalt_blue[2706][39,58,89](1.4):midnight_oil[5727][40,56,84](2.8):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](3.5) 13 dark:catalina:clouds:cobalt:cove:midnight:oil:blue:grey +2397 cobalt rgb 61 89 171 hex #3D59AB hsv 225 64 67 xyz 0.13 0.11 0.4 lab 40 16 -47 lch 40 50 289 cmyk 43 32 0 33 sapphire[7495][47,81,158](4.2):moderate_phthalo_blue[5839][74,85,168](5.2):fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](5.5):liberty[4990][84,90,167](5.9):gypsy_queen[4266][78,86,172](6.0) 1 moderate:fun:gypsy:liberty:phthalo:queen:sapphire:blue +2398 cobalt_blue rgb 0 71 171 hex #0047AB hsv 215 100 67 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.39 lab 33 23 -58 lch 33 63 291 cmyk 67 39 0 33 cobalt[2393][0,71,171](0.0):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](4.6):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](5.0):PMS293[317][0,81,186](5.1):strong_cobalt_blue[8027][0,63,168](5.8) 3 strong:PMS293:cobalt:sapphire:blue:violet +2399 cobalt_blue rgb 3 10 167 hex #030AA7 hsv 237 98 65 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 20 55 -77 lch 20 95 306 cmyk 64 62 0 35 royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](2.8):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](3.2):zaffre[9244][0,20,168](3.3):duke_blue[3280][0,0,156](3.6):new_midnight_blue[6039][0,0,156](3.6) 8 strong:duke:midnight:new:persian:royal:zaffre:blue +2400 cobalt_green rgb 61 145 64 hex #3D9140 hsv 122 58 57 xyz 0.13 0.22 0.08 lab 54 -43 35 lch 54 55 141 cmyk 33 0 32 43 may_green[5588][76,145,65](5.0):PMS363[437][61,142,51](5.4):fruit_salad[3786][75,163,81](6.1):filmpro_emerald_green[3610][44,129,57](7.5):kermit[4837][54,129,54](7.5) 1 PMS363:emerald:filmpro:fruit:kermit:may:salad:green +2401 cobalt_violet_deep rgb 145 33 158 hex #91219E hsv 294 79 62 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.33 lab 37 60 -43 lch 37 74 324 cmyk 5 49 0 38 PMS2602[240][130,12,142](5.1):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](5.8):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](6.4):magenta[5433][139,0,139](6.4):PMS527[658][122,30,153](6.9) 0 dark:PMS2602:PMS527:eggplant:magenta:violet +2402 cobblestone rgb 128 127 115 hex #807F73 hsv 55 10 50 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.19 lab 53 -2 7 lch 53 7 106 cmyk 0 0 5 50 castle_rock[2126][133,132,119](2.0):portland[6790][132,126,113](2.2):tapa[8248][124,124,114](2.2):PMS424[507][130,127,119](2.8):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.8) 27 PMS424:castle:portland:rock:tapa:taupe:grey +2403 cocktail rgb 47 29 37 hex #2F1D25 hsv 333 38 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 13 10 -2 lch 13 11 350 cmyk 0 7 4 82 loyal[5348][40,25,29](3.5):aubergine[1192][55,37,40](5.1):conundrum[2467][60,32,44](5.8):melanzane[5659][52,41,49](5.9):chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](6.4) 1 aubergine:chocolate:conundrum:fish:loyal:melanzane +2404 coco rgb 104 40 40 hex #682828 hsv 360 62 41 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 29 15 lch 26 32 27 cmyk 0 25 25 59 burgundy[1909][101,37,37](2.0):deep_impact[2999][103,39,41](2.2):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](3.2):red_devil[7121][102,42,44](3.6):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](3.7) 15 deep:burgundy:devil:dynamite:impact:pioneer:red +2405 cocoa rgb 135 95 66 hex #875F42 hsv 25 51 53 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.07 lab 44 13 23 lch 44 26 61 cmyk 0 16 27 47 potters_clay[6795][132,92,64](1.0):dark_wood[2918][133,94,66](1.7):blast_yellow[1506][126,91,63](3.0):brown_sugar[1857][142,101,64](4.6):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](4.9) 5 dark:blast:clay:potters:sugar:tangelo:wood:brown:yellow +2406 cocoa_bean rgb 72 28 28 hex #481C1C hsv 360 61 28 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 21 10 lch 17 23 26 cmyk 0 17 17 72 rialto[7200][76,35,34](2.8):PMS4975[606][68,30,28](3.0):dark_sienna[2881][60,20,20](4.1):lonestar[5339][82,36,38](4.2):nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](4.2) 6 dark:PMS4975:lonestar:nelson:rialto:sienna:red +2407 cocoa_bean rgb 79 56 53 hex #4F3835 hsv 7 33 31 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 10 6 lch 26 11 31 cmyk 0 9 10 69 rock[7256][77,56,51](1.4):van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](1.4):bean[1330][74,53,49](2.2):PMS439[523][73,53,51](2.4):earlybird[3327][81,57,57](2.4) 25 PMS439:bean:cleef:earlybird:rock:van +2408 cocoa_brown rgb 48 31 30 hex #301F1E hsv 3 38 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 14 8 4 lch 14 9 26 cmyk 0 7 7 81 toorak[8418][57,37,35](3.3):sooty[7850][40,29,25](3.7):aubergine[1192][55,37,40](4.4):eclipse[3353][49,28,23](4.6):wood_bark[9165][48,38,33](4.6) 7 aubergine:bark:eclipse:sooty:toorak:wood +2409 cocoa_brown rgb 53 40 30 hex #35281E hsv 26 43 21 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 17 4 9 lch 17 10 64 cmyk 0 5 9 79 cola[2427][60,47,35](3.2):sambuca[7443][59,46,37](3.2):black_magic[1463][51,44,34](3.3):cannon_black[2048][51,44,34](3.3):bistre[1435][61,43,31](3.5) 17 bistre:cannon:cola:magic:sambuca:black +2410 cocoa_brown rgb 210 105 30 hex #D2691E hsv 25 86 82 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.04 lab 56 37 57 lch 56 68 57 cmyk 0 41 71 18 chocolate[2307][210,105,30](0.0):cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](0.0):hot_cinnamon[4554][210,105,30](0.0):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](1.4):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](3.0) 7 chocolate:cinnamon:hot:raw:sienna +2411 coconut rgb 150 90 62 hex #965A3E hsv 19 59 59 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.06 lab 44 22 27 lch 44 34 51 cmyk 0 24 35 41 burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](2.4):rope[7292][142,89,60](3.3):terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](3.3):toffee[8398][142,89,60](3.3):twizel[8621][142,80,55](3.3) 9 burnished:hit:rope:terracotta:toffee:twizel:orange +2412 coconut_cream rgb 225 218 187 hex #E1DABB hsv 49 17 88 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.57 lab 87 -3 16 lch 87 16 99 cmyk 0 3 15 12 PMS4545[546][229,219,186](1.4):PMS5807[764][224,221,188](1.7):PMS5803[763][216,214,183](2.2):wheatfield[9070][223,215,189](2.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.8) 44 PMS454:PMS4545:PMS5803:PMS5807:wheatfield +2413 coconut_cream rgb 248 247 220 hex #F8F7DC hsv 58 11 97 xyz 0.85 0.92 0.81 lab 97 -4 13 lch 97 14 108 cmyk 0 0 11 3 beige[1386][245,245,220](1.4):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):light_beige[5008][245,245,220](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](2.0):off_white[6111][255,255,228](2.0) 56 light:beige:chilean:dutch:half:heath:off:white +2414 cocoon rgb 218 195 159 hex #DAC39F hsv 37 27 85 xyz 0.55 0.56 0.41 lab 80 3 21 lch 80 21 83 cmyk 0 9 23 15 blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](1.4):haystack[4442][222,199,161](1.7):raffia[7041][220,198,160](1.7):sand[7452][220,197,159](1.7):sand[7453][220,198,160](1.7) 20 blank:canvas:haystack:raffia:sand +2415 cod_grey rgb 11 11 11 hex #0B0B0B hsv 340 0 4 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 0 0 lch 3 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 96 grey[4102][10,10,10](0.0):grey[4101][8,8,8](1.0):grey[4103][13,13,13](1.0):grey[4104][15,15,15](1.0):onyx[6184][15,15,15](1.0) 24 onyx:grey +2416 cod_grey rgb 45 48 50 hex #2D3032 hsv 204 10 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -1 -2 lch 20 2 245 cmyk 2 1 0 80 grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](1.0):ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.7):foundry[3732][44,46,50](1.7):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.7):bunker[1905][41,44,47](2.0) 65 bunker:ebony:foundry:friars:gumboot:grey +2417 code_red rgb 136 0 37 hex #880025 hsv 344 100 53 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.02 lab 28 51 21 lch 28 55 22 cmyk 0 53 39 47 paprika[6478][141,2,38](1.7):hot_chile[4552][139,7,35](2.2):monarch[5865][139,7,35](2.2):western_red[9055][139,7,35](2.2):burgundy[1911][128,0,32](2.8) 5 burgundy:chile:hot:monarch:paprika:western:red +2418 coffee rgb 111 78 55 hex #6F4E37 hsv 25 50 44 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.05 lab 36 11 19 lch 36 22 60 cmyk 0 13 22 56 tuscan_brown[8595][111,78,55](0.0):old_copper[6128][115,80,59](1.7):jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](3.6):pickled_bean[6640][115,85,62](3.7):drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](4.2) 9 bean:copper:drumbeat:jambalaya:old:pickled:tuscan:brown +2419 coffee rgb 112 101 85 hex #706555 hsv 36 24 44 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.1 lab 43 2 11 lch 43 11 82 cmyk 0 4 11 56 beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](1.4):PMS405[489][107,94,79](2.2):bandit[1285][114,98,79](2.2):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.2):makara[5474][105,95,80](2.4) 36 PMS405:bandit:beaten:cone:makara:pine:track +2420 coffee rgb 114 103 81 hex #726751 hsv 40 29 45 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.1 lab 44 1 14 lch 44 14 88 cmyk 0 4 13 55 double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](1.4):soya_bean[7863][111,99,75](2.2):bandit[1285][114,98,79](2.4):double_stonewall[3243][108,99,78](2.4):peat[6573][113,107,86](2.4) 20 arrowtown:bandit:bean:double:peat:soya:stonewall +2421 coffee rgb 166 129 76 hex #A6814C hsv 35 54 65 xyz 0.25 0.24 0.1 lab 56 8 34 lch 56 35 77 cmyk 0 15 35 35 muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](2.0):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](2.4):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](3.3):light_brown[5074][173,129,80](3.3):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](3.3) 10 light:55:driftwood:lmu:mckenzie:muddy:toast:waters:brown +2422 coffee_bean rgb 42 20 14 hex #2A140E hsv 13 67 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 9 11 8 lch 9 13 37 cmyk 0 9 11 84 cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](0.0):marlin[5535][42,20,14](0.0):blackwood[1491][38,17,5](3.0):kilamanjaro[4856][36,12,2](3.0):wood_bark[9164][38,17,5](3.0) 10 bark:blackwood:cuban:kilamanjaro:marlin:tan:wood +2423 coffee_bean rgb 54 45 38 hex #362D26 hsv 26 30 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 3 6 lch 19 7 66 cmyk 0 4 6 79 cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](0.0):marlin[5536][54,45,38](0.0):style_pasifika_dark_soil[8075][54,45,38](0.0):monkey[5870][53,46,40](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.0) 35 dark:bushtrack:cuban:marlin:monkey:pasifika:soil:style:tan +2424 coffee_break rgb 121 105 94 hex #79695E hsv 24 22 47 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.13 lab 46 4 9 lch 46 10 63 cmyk 0 6 11 53 PMS410[493][124,109,99](1.4):sandstone[7468][121,109,98](1.7):sandstone[7467][120,109,95](2.2):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.8):sand_dune[7456][130,111,101](3.0) 23 PMS410:cone:dune:pine:sand:sandstone +2425 cognac rgb 154 70 61 hex #9A463D hsv 6 60 60 xyz 0.16 0.12 0.06 lab 41 34 22 lch 41 41 33 cmyk 0 33 36 40 hot_august[4550][154,70,59](1.0):fusion[3814][152,70,62](1.4):mojo[5857][151,70,60](1.4):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.3):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](4.2) 9 august:el:fusion:hot:mojo:roof:salva:terracotta +2426 cognac rgb 159 56 29 hex #9F381D hsv 12 82 62 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.02 lab 38 41 38 lch 38 56 43 cmyk 0 40 51 38 prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](2.4):PMS484[592][155,48,28](3.0):brownish_red[1869][158,54,35](3.2):brick[1707][160,54,35](3.6):PMS174[111][147,51,17](4.1) 6 PMS174:PMS484:brick:brownish:prairie:sand:red +2427 cola rgb 60 47 35 hex #3C2F23 hsv 29 42 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 4 10 lch 20 11 69 cmyk 0 5 10 76 sambuca[7443][59,46,37](2.0):bivouac_green[1447][64,50,37](2.2):bistre[1435][61,43,31](2.4):PMS412[495][61,48,40](3.2):cocoa_brown[2409][53,40,30](3.2) 34 PMS412:bistre:bivouac:cocoa:sambuca:brown:green +2428 cola rgb 63 37 0 hex #3F2500 hsv 35 100 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 17 9 25 lch 17 27 71 cmyk 0 10 25 75 dark_ebony[2718][60,32,5](4.6):woodburn[9167][60,32,5](4.6):bracken[1688][74,42,4](5.8):bronze[1819][63,33,9](5.9):PMS1545[76][76,40,15](6.2) 2 dark:PMS1545:bracken:bronze:ebony:woodburn +2429 cold_grey rgb 128 138 135 hex #808A87 hsv 162 7 54 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.26 lab 57 -4 0 lch 57 4 175 cmyk 4 0 1 46 azure[1230][131,139,139](1.4):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](1.4):grey_granite[4211][128,135,130](2.2):gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](2.2):inside_back[4658][132,142,136](2.4) 45 back:granite:gunsmoke:inside:oslo:azure:grey +2430 cold_purple rgb 157 138 191 hex #9D8ABF hsv 262 28 75 xyz 0.32 0.29 0.53 lab 61 18 -25 lch 61 31 306 cmyk 13 21 0 25 PMS271[269][158,145,198](3.0):east_side[3335][170,140,188](4.6):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](5.1):purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](5.1):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](6.2) 2 PMS271:biloba:east:flower:majesty:mountain's:mountains:side:purple +2431 cold_purple rgb 171 160 217 hex #ABA0D9 hsv 252 26 85 xyz 0.42 0.39 0.71 lab 69 16 -27 lch 69 32 300 cmyk 18 22 0 15 PMS2705[265][173,158,211](2.2):PMS2716[271][165,160,214](3.2):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](3.7):light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](4.2):PMS271[269][158,145,198](6.1) 4 light:PMS2705:PMS271:PMS2716:biloba:flower:pastel:purple +2432 cold_turkey rgb 202 181 178 hex #CAB5B2 hsv 8 12 79 xyz 0.49 0.49 0.49 lab 75 7 4 lch 75 8 31 cmyk 0 8 9 21 misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](1.4):mistyrose[5793][205,183,181](1.4):kidman[4853][204,183,185](2.4):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](2.4):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.4) 15 misty:kidman:mistyrose:silver:soulmate:pink:rose +2433 cold_turkey rgb 206 186 186 hex #CEBABA hsv 360 10 81 xyz 0.52 0.52 0.54 lab 77 7 3 lch 77 8 20 cmyk 0 8 8 19 kidman[4853][204,183,185](1.7):misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](1.7):mistyrose[5793][205,183,181](1.7):blanched_pink[1497][208,187,181](3.2):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](3.3) 15 misty:blanched:kidman:mistyrose:soulmate:pink:rose +2434 colins_wicket rgb 149 130 93 hex #95825D hsv 40 38 58 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.14 lab 55 2 23 lch 55 23 86 cmyk 0 7 22 42 alloy[1003][145,129,94](2.2):mojito[5856][152,135,98](2.4):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](3.3):triple_doeskin[8488][159,132,96](3.6):bronze[1821][140,120,83](4.0) 10 alloy:bronze:doeskin:goldmine:mojito:triple +2435 colonial_white rgb 233 215 171 hex #E9D7AB hsv 43 27 91 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.48 lab 86 0 24 lch 86 24 91 cmyk 0 7 24 9 beeswax[1381][233,215,171](0.0):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.4):wheat[9066][238,216,174](1.4):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](2.2):astra[1167][237,213,166](2.2) 33 aquashield:astra:beeswax:popcorn:wheat +2436 colonial_white rgb 255 237 188 hex #FFEDBC hsv 44 26 100 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.6 lab 94 -1 26 lch 94 26 93 cmyk 0 7 26 0 astra[1168][250,234,185](1.4):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](2.2):banana_mania[1279][252,233,189](2.4):egg_white[3374][255,239,193](2.4):pale_amber[6305][255,240,194](2.4) 20 pale:amber:astra:banana:egg:mania:white +2437 colour_me_pink rgb 169 12 80 hex #A90C50 hsv 334 93 66 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.08 lab 37 60 5 lch 37 61 5 cmyk 0 62 35 34 PMS220[178][170,0,79](2.4):strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](3.7):violet_red[8865][165,0,85](5.5):purple_red[6888][153,1,71](5.8):purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](5.9) 2 strong:PMS220:purplish:purple:red:rose:violet +2438 columbia_blue rgb 155 221 255 hex #9BDDFF hsv 200 39 100 xyz 0.57 0.66 1.04 lab 85 -12 -23 lch 85 26 242 cmyk 39 13 0 0 very_light_cornflower_blue[8756][158,219,255](1.4):pale_cyan[6330][135,211,248](4.9):anakiwa[1050][157,229,255](5.4):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](5.4):light_sky_blue[5205][176,226,255](5.4) 2 pale:light:very:anakiwa:baby:cornflower:cyan:sky:blue +2439 columbia_blue rgb 196 216 226 hex #C4D8E2 hsv 200 13 89 xyz 0.61 0.66 0.82 lab 85 -5 -7 lch 85 9 237 cmyk 12 4 0 11 PMS290[311][196,216,226](0.0):PMS545[687][196,211,221](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](2.4):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.2):ziggurat[9260][191,219,226](3.2) 11 PMS290:PMS545:altitude:botticelli:ziggurat +2440 comet rgb 92 93 117 hex #5C5D75 hsv 238 21 46 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.18 lab 40 5 -14 lch 40 15 291 cmyk 10 9 0 54 smoky[7794][96,91,115](2.2):dolphin[3161][100,96,119](3.5):hammerhead[4415][81,87,105](5.2):independence[4626][76,81,109](5.8):covert[2564][100,89,119](6.1) 2 covert:dolphin:hammerhead:independence:smoky +2441 comet rgb 99 99 115 hex #636373 hsv 240 14 45 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.18 lab 42 4 -9 lch 42 10 292 cmyk 6 6 0 55 mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](1.7):smoky[7795][96,93,107](2.2):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](3.3):mobster[5796][96,90,103](3.7):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](3.7) 9 box:mid:mobster:quadrant:salt:smoky:grey +2442 comfort_zone rgb 162 185 210 hex #A2B9D2 hsv 211 23 82 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.68 lab 74 -2 -15 lch 74 15 261 cmyk 19 10 0 18 light_steel_blue[5214][162,181,205](1.7):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](1.7):rock_blue[7259][158,177,205](3.0):light_grey_blue[5123][157,188,212](3.2):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](3.3) 15 slate:light:cloudy:rock:steel:blue:grey +2443 como rgb 76 120 92 hex #4C785C hsv 142 37 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.13 lab 47 -22 11 lch 47 24 154 cmyk 17 0 11 53 spring_green[7922][87,131,99](4.5):spring_leaves[7927][87,131,99](4.5):killarney[4859][73,118,79](6.4):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](7.0):amazon[1032][59,122,87](7.3) 2 amazon:gondwana:killarney:leaves:spring:green +2444 como rgb 81 124 102 hex #517C66 hsv 149 35 49 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.15 lab 48 -20 7 lch 48 21 160 cmyk 17 0 9 51 hooker's_green[4539][73,121,107](4.1):hooker_green[4540][73,121,107](4.1):PMS625[804][91,135,114](5.0):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](6.4):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](6.5) 3 PMS625:cutty:gondwana:hooker:hooker's:sark:green +2445 compass rgb 75 87 97 hex #4B5761 hsv 207 23 38 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.13 lab 36 -2 -7 lch 36 8 253 cmyk 9 4 0 62 fiord[3633][75,90,98](2.2):dark_grayish_azure[2736][66,78,89](3.2):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](3.2):san_juan[7447][68,87,97](3.2):jimmy_dean[4768][81,83,93](3.3) 20 dark:dean:denim:fiord:grayish:half:jimmy:juan:new:san:azure:blue +2446 conch rgb 160 177 174 hex #A0B1AE hsv 169 10 69 xyz 0.38 0.42 0.46 lab 71 -6 0 lch 71 6 184 cmyk 7 0 1 31 edward[3366][162,174,171](1.4):sorrento[7855][154,176,172](2.4):periglacial_blue[6590][172,182,178](3.0):tower_grey[8444][156,172,165](3.0):emerge[3472][173,186,181](3.3) 21 edward:emerge:periglacial:sorrento:tower:blue:grey +2447 conch rgb 201 217 210 hex #C9D9D2 hsv 154 7 85 xyz 0.61 0.67 0.71 lab 85 -7 2 lch 85 7 167 cmyk 6 0 3 15 paris_white[6492][202,220,212](1.4):nebula[6004][203,219,214](1.7):PMS5513[705][206,216,209](2.0):carefree[2083][209,221,213](3.0):tasman[8259][207,220,207](3.2) 21 PMS5513:carefree:nebula:paris:tasman:white +2448 concord rgb 124 123 122 hex #7C7B7A hsv 30 2 49 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.21 lab 52 0 1 lch 52 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 51 grey[4147][125,125,125](1.0):silver_lining[7714][127,127,125](1.0):boulder[1675][122,122,122](1.4):grey[4146][122,122,122](1.4):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.4) 53 boulder:lining:silver:grey +2449 concord rgb 130 127 121 hex #827F79 hsv 40 7 51 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.21 lab 53 0 4 lch 53 4 90 cmyk 0 1 4 49 PMS424[507][130,127,119](1.0):friar_grey[3768][128,126,121](1.0):tapa[8247][123,120,116](2.2):friar_grey[3769][134,131,122](2.4):gunsmoke[4260][122,124,118](2.4) 55 PMS424:friar:gunsmoke:tapa:grey +2450 concrete rgb 210 209 205 hex #D2D1CD hsv 48 2 82 xyz 0.6 0.64 0.67 lab 84 0 2 lch 84 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 18 quarter_silver_sand[6992][211,208,202](1.0):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.4):mercury[5676][213,210,209](1.4):grey[4185][209,209,209](2.0):quarter_rakaia[6985][215,214,211](2.0) 95 flotsam:half:mercury:quarter:rakaia:sand:silver:grey +2451 concrete rgb 242 242 242 hex #F2F2F2 hsv 0 0 95 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.97 lab 95 0 0 lch 95 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 5 grey[4197][240,240,240](0.0):grey[4198][242,242,242](0.0):seashell[7589][241,241,241](0.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](1.0):grey[4196][237,237,237](1.0) 103 gallery:seashell:grey +2452 condor rgb 91 96 92 hex #5B605C hsv 132 5 38 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.12 lab 40 -3 2 lch 40 3 150 cmyk 2 0 2 62 PMS425[508][96,96,91](2.4):chicago[2279][91,93,86](2.4):half_gravel[4334][92,93,86](2.4):dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](3.0):storm_dust[7993][101,100,95](3.0) 29 dark:PMS425:chicago:dust:gravel:half:olivish:storm:grey +2453 confederate_grey rgb 203 203 222 hex #CBCBDE hsv 240 9 87 xyz 0.59 0.61 0.78 lab 82 4 -9 lch 82 10 291 cmyk 7 7 0 13 PMS2706[266][209,206,221](2.2):sonique[7849][213,206,226](2.8):fairytale[3547][198,196,219](3.0):PMS657[836][193,201,221](3.7):ghost[3851][199,201,213](3.7) 13 PMS2706:PMS657:fairytale:ghost:sonique +2454 confetti rgb 221 203 70 hex #DDCB46 hsv 53 68 87 xyz 0.52 0.59 0.14 lab 81 -9 66 lch 81 66 97 cmyk 0 7 59 13 wattle[9021][214,202,61](3.0):brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](4.1):PMS611[790][214,206,73](4.5):ipanema[4668][220,198,75](5.1):portica[6788][240,213,85](5.7) 3 brilliant:PMS611:gold:ipanema:portica:wattle +2455 confetti rgb 233 215 90 hex #E9D75A hsv 52 61 91 xyz 0.6 0.67 0.19 lab 85 -8 62 lch 85 63 98 cmyk 0 7 56 9 PMS128[36][244,219,96](2.8):banana[1275][227,207,87](3.0):dull_yellow[3290][238,220,91](3.0):brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](3.2):portica[6788][240,213,85](4.2) 5 brilliant:PMS128:banana:dull:gold:portica:yellow +2456 confidante rgb 35 49 103 hex #233167 hsv 228 66 40 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.13 lab 22 13 -34 lch 22 36 292 cmyk 27 21 0 60 biscay[1422][27,49,98](3.7):decadence[2946][49,54,105](4.4):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](4.4):deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](4.9):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](4.9) 6 deep:biscay:decadence:koamaru:topsy:turvy +2457 congo_brown rgb 89 55 55 hex #593737 hsv 360 38 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.04 lab 27 15 6 lch 27 16 23 cmyk 0 13 13 65 jarrah_tree[4744][82,49,47](3.6):cherrywood[2266][78,49,46](3.7):brunette[1874][99,64,65](4.0):van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](4.0):espresso[3510][78,49,45](4.1) 9 brunette:cherrywood:cleef:espresso:jarrah:tree:van +2458 congo_brown rgb 101 77 73 hex #654D49 hsv 9 28 40 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 35 9 6 lch 35 11 34 cmyk 0 9 11 60 double_buffalo[3185][100,78,70](2.2):liver[5308][103,76,71](2.2):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](2.2):quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](3.2):rough_n_tumble[7339][91,76,72](3.3) 14 medium:barista:buffalo:double:liver:n:quarter:rough:taupe:tumble +2459 congo_pink rgb 248 131 121 hex #F88379 hsv 5 51 97 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.23 lab 68 44 26 lch 68 51 31 cmyk 0 46 50 3 coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](0.0):tea_rose[8278][248,131,121](0.0):salmon[7428][250,128,114](3.3):PMS177[116][249,130,127](4.1):glorious[3880][240,119,113](4.6) 5 PMS177:coral:glorious:salmon:tea:pink:rose +2460 congress_blue rgb 2 71 142 hex #02478E hsv 210 99 56 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.26 lab 31 10 -45 lch 31 46 283 cmyk 55 28 0 44 bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](0.0):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](3.0):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](3.0):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](3.3):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](3.7) 6 medium:bondi:cobalt:electric:usafa:yale:blue +2461 conifer rgb 172 221 77 hex #ACDD4D hsv 80 65 87 xyz 0.44 0.61 0.16 lab 82 -37 63 lch 82 73 120 cmyk 19 0 56 13 atlantis[1180][156,208,59](4.6):brilliant_spring_bud[1805][175,231,81](4.7):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](5.9):inchworm[4624][178,236,93](5.9):PMS374[449][186,232,96](6.2) 2 brilliant:PMS374:atlantis:bud:inch:inchworm:spring:worm +2462 conifer rgb 177 221 82 hex #B1DD52 hsv 79 63 87 xyz 0.46 0.62 0.17 lab 83 -34 62 lch 83 70 119 cmyk 17 0 55 13 PMS374[449][186,232,96](4.6):brilliant_lime_green[1785][194,231,81](5.7):dark_olive_green[2817][188,238,104](6.2):june_bud[4788][189,218,87](6.3):brilliant_spring_bud[1805][175,231,81](7.0) 1 dark:brilliant:PMS374:bud:june:olive:spring:green:lime +2463 consuela rgb 253 183 109 hex #FDB76D hsv 31 57 99 xyz 0.6 0.56 0.22 lab 80 18 47 lch 80 50 70 cmyk 0 27 56 1 rajah[7053][247,182,104](3.3):PMS1485[65][255,183,119](4.1):light_brilliant_orange[5053][255,178,101](4.1):apricot[1092][255,177,109](4.6):rajah[7055][252,174,96](5.8) 4 light:brilliant:PMS1485:apricot:rajah:orange +2464 contessa rgb 193 111 104 hex #C16F68 hsv 5 46 76 xyz 0.3 0.24 0.16 lab 56 32 18 lch 56 36 30 cmyk 0 32 35 24 adore[961][203,107,103](5.4):foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](7.3):matrix[5577][176,93,84](7.3):giant's_club[3853][176,92,82](7.7):fuzzy_wuzzy[3815][204,102,102](8.1) 0 adore:club:foxtrot:fuzzy:giant's:matrix:wuzzy +2465 contessa rgb 198 114 107 hex #C6726B hsv 5 46 78 xyz 0.32 0.25 0.17 lab 57 32 18 lch 57 37 30 cmyk 0 33 36 22 adore[961][203,107,103](5.5):new_york_pink[6043][215,131,127](7.3):sea_pink[7571][219,129,126](7.3):foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](7.5):brownish_pink[1867][194,126,121](7.8) 0 adore:brownish:foxtrot:new:sea:york:pink +2466 contraband rgb 70 36 41 hex #462429 hsv 351 49 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 17 4 lch 19 17 13 cmyk 0 13 11 73 bulgarian_rose[1895][72,36,39](2.0):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](2.2):crater_brown[2581][70,36,37](2.2):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](2.2):courage[2561][75,37,42](2.4) 21 bulgarian:courage:cowboy:crater:livid:brown:rose +2467 conundrum rgb 60 32 44 hex #3C202C hsv 334 47 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.03 lab 16 15 -2 lch 16 16 352 cmyk 0 11 6 76 toledo[8401][62,38,49](3.7):temptress[8300][60,33,38](4.1):castro[2129][68,35,47](4.4):PMS5185[641][71,40,53](4.5):spitfire[7904][56,25,33](4.6) 6 PMS5185:castro:spitfire:temptress:toledo +2468 cool_black rgb 0 46 99 hex #002E63 hsv 212 100 39 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.12 lab 19 9 -35 lch 19 36 285 cmyk 39 21 0 61 marine[5530][4,46,96](2.2):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](3.0):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](3.0):PMS654[833][15,43,91](3.2):biscay[1422][27,49,98](3.7) 5 dark:PMS654:biscay:marine:midnight:blue +2469 cool_blue rgb 73 132 184 hex #4984B8 hsv 208 60 72 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.48 lab 53 -3 -33 lch 53 33 264 cmyk 44 20 0 28 cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](1.4):steel_blue[7964][70,130,180](1.7):curious_blue[2629][61,133,184](3.0):sports_star[7910][61,133,184](3.0):danube[2671][91,137,192](4.2) 7 curious:cyan:danube:sports:star:steel:azure:blue +2470 cool_copper rgb 217 135 25 hex #D98719 hsv 34 88 85 xyz 0.37 0.32 0.05 lab 63 24 65 lch 63 69 70 cmyk 0 32 75 15 meteor[5696][208,125,18](3.7):PMS1385[52][204,122,2](4.1):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](4.7):orange[6198][205,133,0](4.9):PMS145[61][198,127,7](5.7) 4 PMS1385:PMS145:bell:golden:meteor:orange +2471 cool_green rgb 51 184 100 hex #33B864 hsv 142 72 72 xyz 0.21 0.36 0.18 lab 66 -54 33 lch 66 63 149 cmyk 52 0 33 28 PMS354[428][0,183,96](5.0):dark_mint[2801][72,192,114](5.8):algae_green[995][33,195,111](6.0):strong_spring_green[8060][0,168,84](6.3):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](6.6) 1 dark:strong:PMS354:algae:spring:green:mint +2472 cool_grey rgb 140 146 172 hex #8C92AC hsv 229 19 67 xyz 0.29 0.29 0.43 lab 61 3 -14 lch 61 15 283 cmyk 13 10 0 33 gray_blue[3995][140,146,172](0.0):tiebreaker[8353][142,151,171](3.0):logan[5330][157,156,180](4.9):birdcage[1420][157,156,183](5.0):manatee[5491][141,144,161](5.2) 4 birdcage:logan:manatee:tiebreaker:blue:gray +2473 cool_grey rgb 149 163 166 hex #95A3A6 hsv 191 10 65 xyz 0.32 0.35 0.41 lab 66 -4 -3 lch 66 5 217 cmyk 7 1 0 35 dusted_blue[3303][146,159,162](1.0):powder_blue[6798][146,159,162](1.0):half_regent_grey[4374][147,157,161](2.2):bounty[1679][145,159,160](2.4):cyanish_grey[2646][156,168,168](2.8) 18 bounty:cyanish:dusted:half:powder:regent:blue:grey +2474 cooled_green rgb 196 211 180 hex #C4D3B4 hsv 89 15 83 xyz 0.54 0.62 0.52 lab 83 -11 14 lch 83 17 128 cmyk 6 0 12 17 symphony[8195][196,211,180](0.0):coriander[2514][196,208,176](1.7):green_mist[4053][203,211,176](2.8):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](3.0):pixie_green[6726][192,216,182](3.2) 10 pale:coriander:leaf:mist:pixie:symphony:green +2475 copper rgb 182 99 37 hex #B66325 hsv 26 80 71 xyz 0.24 0.19 0.04 lab 51 29 48 lch 51 56 59 cmyk 0 33 57 29 ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](1.4):desert[3100][174,96,32](2.8):light_brown[5075][181,101,29](3.6):christine[2318][191,101,46](3.7):liver[5310][184,109,41](4.5) 5 light:christine:desert:liver:ruddy:brown +2476 copper rgb 184 115 51 hex #B87333 hsv 29 72 72 xyz 0.26 0.23 0.06 lab 55 22 45 lch 55 50 64 cmyk 0 27 52 28 meteor[5695][187,116,49](2.0):reno_sand[7186][178,110,51](2.8):high_five[4480][178,111,44](3.0):PMS723[902][186,117,48](3.2):brandy_punch[1693][192,124,64](3.7) 6 PMS723:brandy:five:high:meteor:punch:reno:sand +2477 copper rgb 218 138 103 hex #DA8A67 hsv 18 53 85 xyz 0.4 0.34 0.17 lab 65 27 31 lch 65 41 49 cmyk 0 31 45 15 copperfield[2487][218,138,103](0.0):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](0.0):burning_sand[1922][208,131,99](3.3):florentine_pink[3695][208,131,99](3.3):apricot[1088][228,143,103](4.6) 8 pale:apricot:burning:copper:copperfield:florentine:sand:pink +2478 copper rgb 221 148 117 hex #DD9475 hsv 18 47 87 xyz 0.44 0.38 0.22 lab 68 24 28 lch 68 37 49 cmyk 0 29 41 13 burning_sand[1923][217,147,118](2.4):tan[8224][219,147,112](2.4):dark_salmon[2866][233,150,122](4.5):PMS486[595][237,158,132](4.9):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](5.2) 4 dark:PMS486:burning:copperfield:salmon:sand:tan +2479 copper_canyon rgb 119 66 44 hex #77422C hsv 18 63 47 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.03 lab 34 21 23 lch 34 31 48 cmyk 0 21 29 53 cumin[2621][120,68,48](1.7):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](2.2):PMS478[586][122,63,40](2.8):dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](3.3):new_amber[6035][109,59,36](3.3) 11 dark:PMS478:amber:bull:cumin:new:rimu:shot +2480 copper_canyon rgb 126 58 21 hex #7E3A15 hsv 21 83 49 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.02 lab 33 27 35 lch 33 44 53 cmyk 0 27 41 51 toast_lmu_35[8385][118,55,17](2.8):brown_ochre[1851][135,66,31](3.2):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](5.4):PMS1685[105][132,53,17](5.4):peanut[6560][120,47,22](5.8) 2 35:PMS1615:PMS1685:lmu:ochre:peanut:toast:brown +2481 copper_fire rgb 146 83 69 hex #925345 hsv 11 53 57 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.07 lab 42 25 20 lch 42 32 38 cmyk 0 25 30 43 el_salva[3435][143,78,69](3.3):salmon[7425][139,76,57](3.6):matrix[5576][142,77,69](3.7):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](3.7):ironstone[4684][134,72,60](4.1) 9 el:fawn:ironstone:matrix:mule:salmon:salva +2482 copper_penny rgb 173 111 105 hex #AD6F69 hsv 5 39 68 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.16 lab 53 24 14 lch 53 27 30 cmyk 0 24 27 32 coral_tree[2508][171,110,103](1.0):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](4.1):foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](4.9):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](5.4):quickstep[7027][167,97,95](5.7) 3 blast:bronze:coral:foxtrot:off:quickstep:tree +2483 copper_red rgb 203 109 81 hex #CB6D51 hsv 14 60 80 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.11 lab 56 35 32 lch 56 47 43 cmyk 0 37 48 20 salmon[7426][205,112,84](1.4):japonica[4739][206,114,89](3.0):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](4.6):mischief[5778][203,105,70](5.2):flame_pea[3654][190,92,72](6.2) 3 damask:flame:japonica:mischief:pea:salmon:red +2484 copper_rose rgb 153 102 102 hex #996666 hsv 360 33 60 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.15 lab 49 21 8 lch 49 22 22 cmyk 0 20 20 40 PMS4995[610][165,107,109](2.8):au_chico[1190][151,96,93](3.7):rose_taupe[7316][144,93,93](4.1):warhol[8994][155,97,95](4.1):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](4.7) 6 PMS4995:au:chico:coral:taupe:tree:warhol:rose +2485 copper_rust rgb 148 71 71 hex #944747 hsv 360 52 58 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.07 lab 40 32 15 lch 40 36 25 cmyk 0 30 30 42 ameile[1037][144,73,71](2.0):PMS696[875][142,71,73](3.0):cha[2192][140,63,66](3.3):tosca[8435][141,63,63](3.3):rosewood[7322][143,62,63](3.7) 8 PMS696:ameile:cha:rosewood:tosca +2486 copper_rust rgb 149 82 76 hex #95524C hsv 5 49 58 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.08 lab 43 27 16 lch 43 31 30 cmyk 0 26 29 42 el_salva[3435][143,78,69](2.4):matrix[5576][142,77,69](3.3):lotus[5345][139,80,75](4.1):ameile[1037][144,73,71](4.4):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](4.6) 6 ameile:copper:el:fire:lotus:matrix:salva +2487 copperfield rgb 218 138 103 hex #DA8A67 hsv 18 53 85 xyz 0.4 0.34 0.17 lab 65 27 31 lch 65 41 49 cmyk 0 31 45 15 copper[2477][218,138,103](0.0):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](0.0):burning_sand[1922][208,131,99](3.3):florentine_pink[3695][208,131,99](3.3):apricot[1088][228,143,103](4.6) 8 pale:apricot:burning:copper:florentine:sand:pink +2488 copperhead rgb 117 81 72 hex #755148 hsv 12 38 46 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.07 lab 38 14 11 lch 38 18 39 cmyk 0 14 18 54 lumberjack[5358][114,75,67](2.4):half_lumberjack[4350][132,90,83](5.4):spice[7892][108,79,63](5.4):liver[5308][103,76,71](5.8):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](5.8) 1 medium:half:liver:lumberjack:spice:taupe +2489 copyrite rgb 180 178 166 hex #B4B2A6 hsv 51 8 71 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.42 lab 72 -1 6 lch 72 7 103 cmyk 0 1 5 29 quarter_taupe_grey[7007][175,173,163](1.4):PMS414[497][181,175,160](2.2):eighth_arrowtown[3385][186,181,168](2.2):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](2.2):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](2.2) 51 PMS414:arrowtown:eighth:off:piste:quarter:stonewall:taupe:grey +2490 coquelicot rgb 255 56 0 hex #FF3800 hsv 13 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.24 0.02 lab 56 72 68 lch 56 99 44 cmyk 0 78 100 0 red_orange[7127][253,60,6](2.2):greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](3.0):ferrari_red[3586][255,40,0](3.2):luminous_vivid_vermilion[5404][255,64,0](3.3):orange_red[6216][255,36,0](4.1) 9 luminous:vivid:ferrari:greenish:umber:vermilion:orange:red +2491 coral rgb 139 62 47 hex #8B3E2F hsv 10 66 55 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.04 lab 36 32 25 lch 36 40 38 cmyk 0 30 36 45 embers[3465][140,63,48](1.0):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](2.4):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](3.2):prairie_sand[6803][136,60,50](3.2):tandoori[8234][141,69,50](3.6) 12 chestnut:el:embers:prairie:salva:sand:tandoori +2492 coral rgb 192 176 147 hex #C0B093 hsv 39 23 75 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.34 lab 72 1 17 lch 72 17 86 cmyk 0 6 18 25 half_doeskin[4317][193,175,147](1.0):indian_khaki[4629][195,176,145](1.7):khaki[4845][195,176,145](1.7):triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](2.0):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](2.2) 31 65:doeskin:half:indian:khaki:lmu:parchment:toast:triple +2493 coral rgb 199 188 162 hex #C7BCA2 hsv 42 19 78 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.41 lab 77 0 15 lch 77 15 92 cmyk 0 4 15 22 coral_reef[2506][199,188,162](0.0):sisal[7732][197,186,160](1.0):double_parchment[3223][199,187,163](1.4):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):soft_amber[7824][207,190,165](2.2) 45 amber:caraway:coral:double:parchment:reef:sisal:soft +2494 coral rgb 205 91 69 hex #CD5B45 hsv 10 66 80 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.08 lab 53 44 35 lch 53 56 38 cmyk 0 45 53 20 dark_coral[2707][205,91,69](0.0):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](3.7):jelly_bean[4758][218,97,78](3.7):clementine[2369][193,79,59](4.0):cedar_chest[2149][201,90,73](4.2) 6 dark:bean:catalyst:cedar:chest:clementine:coral:jelly +2495 coral rgb 238 106 80 hex #EE6A50 hsv 10 66 93 xyz 0.42 0.29 0.11 lab 61 49 39 lch 61 63 39 cmyk 0 52 62 7 brilliant_scarlet[1803][231,100,81](3.7):flamingo[3660][225,99,79](5.1):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](5.4):burnt_sienna[1937][233,116,81](6.2):light_red_ochre[5182][233,116,81](6.2) 1 burnt:light:brilliant:bittersweet:flamingo:ochre:scarlet:sienna:red +2496 coral rgb 252 90 80 hex #FC5A50 hsv 3 68 99 xyz 0.45 0.29 0.11 lab 60 61 39 lch 60 73 33 cmyk 0 64 67 1 PMS805[920][249,89,81](1.0):sunset_orange[8144][253,94,83](1.4):grapefruit[3980][253,89,86](3.3):PMS178[119][249,94,89](4.6):red_orange[7129][255,83,73](5.0) 5 PMS178:PMS805:grapefruit:sunset:orange:red +2497 coral rgb 255 114 86 hex #FF7256 hsv 10 66 100 xyz 0.49 0.34 0.13 lab 65 52 42 lch 65 67 39 cmyk 0 55 66 0 orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](1.7):persimmon[6616][255,107,83](3.2):melon[5666][255,120,85](3.3):pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](5.1):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](5.2) 3 bittersweet:melon:persimmon:pinkish:orange:pink +2498 coral rgb 255 127 0 hex #FF7F00 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.04 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](0.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](0.0):orange[6204][255,127,0](0.0):orange[6205][255,128,0](0.0) 15 luminous:dark:vivid:flush:orange +2499 coral rgb 255 127 80 hex #FF7F50 hsv 16 69 100 xyz 0.5 0.37 0.12 lab 67 45 47 lch 67 66 46 cmyk 0 50 69 0 mandarin[5496][243,122,72](3.0):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](4.0):orangish[6230][252,130,74](4.2):melon[5666][255,120,85](5.7):PMS1645[96][249,114,66](5.8) 3 burnt:PMS1645:mandarin:melon:orangish:orange +2500 coral_candy rgb 245 208 201 hex #F5D0C9 hsv 10 18 96 xyz 0.71 0.69 0.65 lab 86 12 8 lch 86 14 35 cmyk 0 15 17 4 pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](1.0):PMS503[617][244,209,204](1.7):PMS698[877][247,209,204](1.7):PMS5035[618][237,206,198](2.2):cosmos[2549][252,213,207](2.2) 16 PMS503:PMS5035:PMS698:cosmos:terrace:pink +2501 coral_candy rgb 255 220 214 hex #FFDCD6 hsv 9 16 100 xyz 0.79 0.77 0.74 lab 90 11 7 lch 90 13 34 cmyk 0 14 16 0 peach_schnapps[6552][255,220,214](0.0):PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.0):marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](2.2):pippin[6713][252,219,210](2.2):PMS503[617][244,209,204](3.0) 24 PMS503:PMS705:marshmallow:pippin:schnapps:peach +2502 coral_light rgb 240 128 128 hex #F08080 hsv 360 47 94 xyz 0.48 0.36 0.25 lab 66 43 20 lch 66 47 25 cmyk 0 44 44 6 light_coral[5083][240,128,128](0.0):PMS177[116][249,130,127](3.5):geraldine[3843][231,123,117](3.5):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](4.0):tulip[8556][255,135,141](5.4) 4 light:PMS177:coral:geraldine:tulip +2503 coral_pink rgb 248 131 121 hex #F88379 hsv 5 51 97 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.23 lab 68 44 26 lch 68 51 31 cmyk 0 46 50 3 congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](0.0):tea_rose[8278][248,131,121](0.0):salmon[7428][250,128,114](3.3):PMS177[116][249,130,127](4.1):glorious[3880][240,119,113](4.6) 5 PMS177:congo:glorious:salmon:tea:pink:rose +2504 coral_pink rgb 255 97 99 hex #FF6163 hsv 359 62 100 xyz 0.48 0.31 0.15 lab 62 60 31 lch 62 68 27 cmyk 0 62 61 0 light_brilliant_red[5061][255,101,101](1.4):carnation[2101][249,90,97](3.0):indian_red[4637][255,106,106](4.1):indianred[4644][255,106,106](4.1):PMS178[119][249,94,89](4.2) 6 light:brilliant:PMS178:carnation:indian:indianred:red +2505 coral_red rgb 255 64 64 hex #FF4040 hsv 360 75 100 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.07 lab 57 71 45 lch 57 84 32 cmyk 0 75 75 0 brown[1842][255,64,64](0.0):deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](4.6):brown[1841][238,59,59](5.4):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](5.5):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](5.8) 2 deep:carmine:imperial:sunset:brown:orange:pink:red +2506 coral_reef rgb 199 188 162 hex #C7BCA2 hsv 42 19 78 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.41 lab 77 0 15 lch 77 15 92 cmyk 0 4 15 22 coral[2493][199,188,162](0.0):sisal[7732][197,186,160](1.0):double_parchment[3223][199,187,163](1.4):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):soft_amber[7824][207,190,165](2.2) 45 amber:caraway:coral:double:parchment:sisal:soft +2507 coral_tree rgb 168 107 107 hex #A86B6B hsv 360 36 66 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.16 lab 52 24 10 lch 52 26 23 cmyk 0 24 24 34 PMS4995[610][165,107,109](2.4):copper_penny[2482][173,111,105](4.1):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](4.7):turkish_rose[8569][165,110,117](5.1):PMS695[874][178,107,112](5.2) 3 PMS4995:PMS695:copper:penny:turkish:rose +2508 coral_tree rgb 171 110 103 hex #AB6E67 hsv 6 40 67 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.16 lab 53 23 14 lch 53 27 31 cmyk 0 24 27 33 copper_penny[2482][173,111,105](1.0):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](4.5):foxtrot[3735][182,112,111](5.7):au_chico[1191][158,103,89](5.8):sienna[7694][158,103,89](5.8) 2 au:blast:bronze:chico:copper:foxtrot:off:penny:sienna +2509 cordite rgb 109 70 88 hex #6D4658 hsv 332 36 43 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.1 lab 35 20 -4 lch 35 20 349 cmyk 0 15 8 57 finn[3631][105,69,84](2.4):cosmic[2545][121,77,96](3.7):PMS5125[629][117,71,96](4.6):eggplant[3376][97,64,81](5.0):dirty_purple[3140][115,74,101](5.7) 4 PMS5125:cosmic:dirty:eggplant:finn:purple +2510 cordovan rgb 137 63 69 hex #893F45 hsv 355 54 54 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.07 lab 37 32 12 lch 37 34 20 cmyk 0 29 27 46 zinger[9263][135,61,66](1.0):cha[2192][140,63,66](2.2):PMS696[875][142,71,73](3.0):stiletto[7979][131,61,62](3.5):lotus[5344][134,60,60](3.6) 12 PMS696:cha:lotus:stiletto:zinger +2511 corduroy rgb 64 77 73 hex #404D49 hsv 162 17 30 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -6 1 lch 32 6 174 cmyk 5 0 2 70 canyon[2055][67,78,70](2.0):hauraki[4432][58,77,73](2.4):dark_slate[2885][70,83,82](3.0):isobar[4692][55,72,70](3.7):PMS446[530][73,76,73](4.0) 18 slate:dark:PMS446:canyon:hauraki:isobar +2512 corduroy rgb 96 110 104 hex #606E68 hsv 154 13 43 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.15 lab 45 -7 2 lch 45 7 167 cmyk 5 0 2 57 sirocco[7730][104,118,110](3.2):limed_ash[5278][103,109,99](4.2):innocence[4656][109,119,115](4.6):lattitude[4921][109,114,108](4.6):imprint[4618][92,118,112](4.9) 6 ash:imprint:innocence:lattitude:limed:sirocco +2513 coriander rgb 187 181 141 hex #BBB58D hsv 52 25 73 xyz 0.42 0.46 0.32 lab 73 -4 21 lch 73 22 102 cmyk 0 2 18 27 fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](1.4):earthstone[3332][181,175,139](2.8):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](3.2):chino[2296][184,173,138](3.5):toi[8399][183,173,139](3.5) 15 PMS5783:chino:earthstone:fawn:toi:green +2514 coriander rgb 196 208 176 hex #C4D0B0 hsv 82 15 82 xyz 0.53 0.6 0.5 lab 82 -10 15 lch 82 17 124 cmyk 5 0 13 18 cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](1.7):green_mist[4053][203,211,176](1.7):symphony[8195][196,211,180](1.7):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](2.2):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](4.2) 11 pale:cooled:leaf:mist:symphony:green +2515 cork rgb 64 41 29 hex #40291D hsv 21 55 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 9 12 lch 19 15 53 cmyk 0 9 14 75 mash[5566][64,41,29](0.0):morocco_brown[5901][68,45,33](2.0):bootleg[1656][60,36,27](2.4):brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](2.4):chocolate_brownie[2311][60,36,27](2.4) 20 bootleg:brownie:chocolate:mash:morocco:pod:brown +2516 cork rgb 90 76 66 hex #5A4C42 hsv 25 27 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.06 lab 33 4 8 lch 33 9 63 cmyk 0 5 9 65 mash[5567][90,76,66](0.0):rock[7257][90,77,65](1.7):saddle[7397][93,78,70](1.7):rambler[7057][83,71,61](2.2):dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](2.4) 24 dark:grayish:mash:rambler:rock:saddle:brown +2517 corkscrew rgb 189 182 165 hex #BDB6A5 hsv 42 13 74 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.42 lab 74 0 10 lch 74 10 93 cmyk 0 3 9 26 half_cougar[4313][188,181,166](1.0):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](1.0):tea[8273][191,181,162](1.0):bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](1.4):malta[5486][189,178,161](1.4) 54 bison:cougar:craigieburn:half:hide:malta:quarter:tea +2518 corn rgb 223 170 40 hex #DFAA28 hsv 43 82 87 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.08 lab 73 8 68 lch 73 69 83 cmyk 0 21 72 13 galliano[3825][216,167,35](2.2):golden_grass[3920][218,165,32](2.4):goldenrod[3932][218,165,32](2.4):urobilin[8662][225,173,33](3.3):sundial[8126][221,177,44](4.1) 8 galliano:golden:goldenrod:grass:sundial:urobilin +2519 corn rgb 231 191 5 hex #E7BF05 hsv 49 98 91 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.08 lab 79 0 80 lch 79 80 90 cmyk 0 16 89 9 moon_yellow[5889][240,196,32](3.5):deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](3.6):fizz[3651][245,204,35](4.1):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](4.1):turbo[8567][245,204,35](4.1) 7 deep:fizz:jonquil:moon:turbo:lemon:yellow +2520 corn rgb 251 236 93 hex #FBEC5D hsv 54 63 98 xyz 0.72 0.81 0.22 lab 92 -11 69 lch 92 70 99 cmyk 0 6 62 2 candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](0.0):maize[5471][251,236,93](0.0):PMS106[6][247,232,89](1.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](3.0):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](3.3) 7 PMS106:PMS113:candy:corn:maize:yellowish +2521 corn_field rgb 248 243 196 hex #F8F3C4 hsv 54 21 97 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.65 lab 95 -6 23 lch 95 24 104 cmyk 0 2 20 3 daisy_chain[2659][248,243,196](0.0):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](2.2):spring_sun[7930][241,241,198](2.4):cumulus[2623][245,244,193](2.8):blond[1519][250,240,190](3.0) 33 blond:chain:cumulus:daisy:julep:spring:sun:mint +2522 corn_field rgb 248 250 205 hex #F8FACD hsv 63 18 98 xyz 0.84 0.93 0.71 lab 97 -8 21 lch 97 23 110 cmyk 1 0 18 2 carla[2092][245,249,203](1.4):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](1.7):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](1.7):eggshell[3381][255,255,212](2.2):cream[2583][255,253,208](2.4) 27 carla:cream:eggshell:mimosa +2523 corn_flower_blue rgb 66 66 111 hex #42426F hsv 240 41 44 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.16 lab 30 12 -26 lch 30 29 295 cmyk 18 18 0 56 wave_rider[9025][65,63,110](2.4):port_gore[6782][59,67,108](3.3):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](5.4):east_bay[3333][65,76,125](5.4):filmpro_ultramarine_blue[3623][44,62,107](5.4) 2 bay:east:filmpro:gore:many:of:port:rider:ultramarine:wave:blue +2524 corn_harvest rgb 139 107 11 hex #8B6B0B hsv 45 92 55 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.03 lab 47 4 51 lch 47 51 85 cmyk 0 13 50 45 stinger[7981][139,107,11](0.0):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](1.0):bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](3.6):drab[3264][150,113,23](3.6):goldenrod[3930][139,105,20](3.6) 11 bistre:drab:goldenrod:muddy:stinger:brown +2525 corn_harvest rgb 141 112 42 hex #8D702A hsv 42 70 55 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.05 lab 49 4 42 lch 49 42 85 cmyk 0 11 39 45 stinger[7982][141,112,42](0.0):sienna[7693][142,107,35](4.1):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](4.2):metallic_sunburst[5693][156,124,56](5.1):fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](5.4) 3 fiddlesticks:gold:metallic:sienna:stinger:sunburst:yukon +2526 cornell_red rgb 179 27 27 hex #B31B1B hsv 0 85 70 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.02 lab 39 58 41 lch 39 71 35 cmyk 0 60 60 30 carnelian[2106][179,27,27](0.0):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](3.2):del_toro[3083][177,29,32](3.3):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](3.6):poppy[6773][172,0,25](4.1) 6 carnelian:del:firebrick:indian:poppy:toro:red +2527 cornflower rgb 100 149 237 hex #6495ED hsv 219 58 93 xyz 0.31 0.3 0.84 lab 62 9 -49 lch 62 50 281 cmyk 54 35 0 7 cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](0.0):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](3.0):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](5.7):light_brilliant_cobalt_blue[5036][101,159,255](5.7):brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](6.7) 2 light:dark:brilliant:cobalt:cornflower:nations:sky:united:blue +2528 cornflower rgb 106 121 247 hex #6A79F7 hsv 234 57 97 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.91 lab 56 30 -65 lch 56 72 295 cmyk 55 49 0 3 light_brilliant_phthalo_blue[5056][101,120,255](5.8):flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](7.5):royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](7.5):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](8.1):periwinkle[6592][142,130,254](8.1) 0 medium:light:flat:brilliant:lightish:periwinkle:phthalo:royal:blue +2529 cornflower rgb 147 204 234 hex #93CCEA hsv 201 37 92 xyz 0.48 0.55 0.86 lab 79 -11 -21 lch 79 23 242 cmyk 34 12 0 8 light_cornflower_blue[5085][147,204,234](0.0):light_cornflower_blue[5084][139,197,231](3.0):anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.2):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.7):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](3.7) 12 light:PMS2905:anakiwa:baby:cornflower:blue +2530 cornflower rgb 154 206 235 hex #9ACEEB hsv 201 34 92 xyz 0.5 0.57 0.87 lab 80 -10 -20 lch 80 22 243 cmyk 32 11 0 8 light_cornflower_blue[5085][147,204,234](1.7):light_sky_blue[5204][164,211,238](3.0):sail[7418][165,206,236](3.3):splat[7907][165,206,236](3.3):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.6) 10 light:PMS2905:cornflower:sail:sky:splat:blue +2531 cornflower rgb 255 171 160 hex #FFABA0 hsv 7 37 100 xyz 0.62 0.53 0.4 lab 78 30 18 lch 78 35 32 cmyk 0 33 37 0 very_light_scarlet[8787][255,170,158](1.0):rose_bud[7300][254,171,154](3.6):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](4.6):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](5.1):mona_lisa[5863][255,161,148](5.2) 3 light:very:bud:cornflower:lilac:lisa:mona:scarlet:rose +2532 cornflower rgb 255 176 172 hex #FFB0AC hsv 3 33 100 xyz 0.64 0.55 0.46 lab 79 28 14 lch 79 32 26 cmyk 0 31 33 0 cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](0.0):sundown[8127][248,175,169](2.2):PMS176[113][249,175,173](2.4):PMS707[886][252,173,175](3.3):sundown[8128][255,177,179](4.2) 6 PMS176:PMS707:cornflower:lilac:sundown +2533 cornflower_blue rgb 34 34 152 hex #222298 hsv 240 78 60 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.3 lab 23 41 -63 lch 23 76 303 cmyk 46 46 0 40 indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](3.6):imperial_blue[4615][0,35,149](3.7):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](5.4):royal[7343][12,23,147](5.8):strong_sapphire_blue[8056][0,42,168](6.3) 2 strong:dye:imperial:jacksons:royal:sapphire:blue:indigo:purple +2534 cornflower_blue rgb 81 112 215 hex #5170D7 hsv 226 62 84 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.67 lab 50 21 -56 lch 50 60 290 cmyk 53 40 0 16 han_blue[4418][68,108,207](3.7):indigo[4648][79,105,198](5.4):brilliant_sapphire_blue[1802][81,119,231](5.9):mariner[5532][40,106,205](7.3):PMS2727[277][94,104,196](7.7) 1 brilliant:PMS2727:han:mariner:sapphire:blue:indigo +2535 cornflower_blue rgb 100 149 237 hex #6495ED hsv 219 58 93 xyz 0.31 0.3 0.84 lab 62 9 -49 lch 62 50 281 cmyk 54 35 0 7 cornflower[2527][100,149,237](0.0):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](3.0):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](5.7):light_brilliant_cobalt_blue[5036][101,159,255](5.7):brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](6.7) 2 light:dark:brilliant:cobalt:cornflower:nations:sky:united:blue +2536 cornflower_lilac rgb 255 176 172 hex #FFB0AC hsv 3 33 100 xyz 0.64 0.55 0.46 lab 79 28 14 lch 79 32 26 cmyk 0 31 33 0 cornflower[2532][255,176,172](0.0):sundown[8127][248,175,169](2.2):PMS176[113][249,175,173](2.4):PMS707[886][252,173,175](3.3):sundown[8128][255,177,179](4.2) 7 PMS176:PMS707:cornflower:sundown +2537 cornsilk rgb 139 136 120 hex #8B8878 hsv 51 14 55 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.21 lab 57 -2 9 lch 57 9 101 cmyk 0 1 7 45 light_yellow[5233][139,139,122](1.0):PMS416[499][142,140,122](1.7):sterling[7976][139,139,126](2.2):half_stonewall[4393][147,141,123](2.4):castle_rock[2126][133,132,119](2.8) 35 light:PMS416:castle:half:rock:sterling:stonewall:yellow +2538 cornsilk rgb 205 200 177 hex #CDC8B1 hsv 49 14 80 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.5 lab 80 -2 12 lch 80 12 100 cmyk 0 2 11 20 double_joanna[3208][201,197,176](1.4):quarter_hillary[6955][202,197,172](1.4):parchment[6483][208,200,176](1.7):double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](2.2):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](2.2) 52 akaroa:cream:double:half:hillary:joanna:parchment:quarter:thorndon +2539 cornsilk rgb 238 232 205 hex #EEE8CD hsv 49 14 93 xyz 0.75 0.8 0.69 lab 92 -2 14 lch 92 14 100 cmyk 0 2 13 7 janna[4731][244,235,211](1.7):quarter_popcorn[6981][245,234,206](1.7):rum_swizzle[7372][241,237,212](1.7):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](1.7):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](2.0) 59 aths:janna:popcorn:quarter:rum:spanish:special:swizzle:white +2540 cornsilk rgb 255 248 220 hex #FFF8DC hsv 48 14 100 xyz 0.88 0.94 0.81 lab 97 -2 14 lch 97 14 99 cmyk 0 3 14 0 half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](1.0):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](1.4):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.7):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.7):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](2.2) 63 bleach:chilean:dutch:half:heath:lusta:pearl:spanish:white +2541 coromandel rgb 185 168 115 hex #B9A873 hsv 45 38 73 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.22 lab 69 -2 30 lch 69 30 93 cmyk 0 7 27 27 PMS4515[539][188,173,117](2.4):PMS465[561][193,168,117](4.1):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](4.1):ecru[3355][194,178,128](4.5):iko[4609][179,171,110](4.5) 8 PMS4515:PMS465:PMS5845:ecru:iko +2542 corvette rgb 233 186 129 hex #E9BA81 hsv 33 45 91 xyz 0.55 0.54 0.28 lab 78 10 35 lch 78 37 75 cmyk 0 18 41 9 maize[5468][227,185,130](2.2):gold_sand[3906][230,190,138](4.4):pale_gold[6336][230,190,138](4.4):PMS156[79][242,198,140](4.5):coyote[2568][221,183,123](4.6) 5 pale:PMS156:coyote:gold:maize:sand +2543 corvette rgb 250 211 162 hex #FAD3A2 hsv 33 35 98 xyz 0.69 0.7 0.44 lab 87 7 29 lch 87 30 77 cmyk 0 15 35 2 champagne[2210][250,214,165](1.4):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](1.4):sunset[8143][250,214,165](1.4):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](1.4):tequila[8303][244,208,164](2.4) 15 deep:champagne:sunset:tequila:tuscan +2544 cosmic rgb 118 57 93 hex #76395D hsv 325 52 46 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.11 lab 33 31 -9 lch 33 33 344 cmyk 0 24 10 54 finn[3630][105,45,84](5.5):cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](6.2):halayà_úbe[4274][102,55,84](6.8):halayà_úbe[4275][102,56,84](6.8):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](7.0) 0 deep:cannon:finn:halayà:ruby:úbe:pink +2545 cosmic rgb 121 77 96 hex #794D60 hsv 334 36 47 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.12 lab 38 22 -3 lch 38 22 351 cmyk 0 17 10 53 cordite[2509][109,70,88](3.7):PMS5125[629][117,71,96](4.1):finn[3631][105,69,84](5.7):dirty_purple[3140][115,74,101](6.1):dark_mauve[2798][135,76,98](6.4) 2 dark:PMS5125:cordite:dirty:finn:mauve:purple +2546 cosmic_cobalt rgb 46 45 136 hex #2E2D88 hsv 241 67 53 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.24 lab 24 30 -51 lch 24 59 301 cmyk 35 36 0 47 PMS661[840][45,51,142](2.8):filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](4.4):air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](5.8):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](6.4):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](6.4) 2 PMS661:air:digital:filmpro:force:patrick:patrick's:saint:st.:blue +2547 cosmic_latte rgb 255 248 231 hex #FFF8E7 hsv 42 9 100 xyz 0.89 0.94 0.89 lab 98 0 9 lch 98 9 93 cmyk 0 3 9 0 early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.4):old_lace[6135][253,245,230](1.4):oldlace[6149][253,245,230](1.4):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](2.2):double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](2.2) 65 bianca:buttery:dawn:double:early:lace:old:oldlace:white +2548 cosmonaut rgb 38 33 31 hex #26211F hsv 17 18 15 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 13 2 2 lch 13 3 49 cmyk 0 2 3 85 double_diesel[3196][40,32,29](1.4):double_barbecue[3177][40,32,32](2.2):ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](2.2):maxwell_smart[5587][42,37,37](2.2):grey[4111][33,33,33](2.8) 34 barbecue:diesel:double:ivory:maxwell:smart:black:grey +2549 cosmos rgb 252 213 207 hex #FCD5CF hsv 8 18 99 xyz 0.75 0.73 0.69 lab 88 13 8 lch 88 15 32 cmyk 0 15 18 1 PMS698[877][247,209,204](1.4):pink_terrace[6694][245,209,202](1.4):coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](2.2):PMS503[617][244,209,204](2.4):cinderella[2329][251,215,204](3.0) 17 PMS503:PMS698:candy:cinderella:coral:terrace:pink +2550 cosmos rgb 255 216 217 hex #FFD8D9 hsv 358 15 100 xyz 0.78 0.75 0.76 lab 90 14 5 lch 90 14 18 cmyk 0 15 15 0 we_peep[9031][253,215,216](1.7):pale_pink[6403][250,218,221](2.8):coral_candy[2501][255,220,214](3.6):peach_schnapps[6552][255,220,214](3.6):PMS698[877][247,209,204](3.7) 11 pale:PMS698:candy:coral:peep:schnapps:we:peach:pink +2551 costa_del_sol rgb 97 93 48 hex #615D30 hsv 55 51 38 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.04 lab 39 -5 26 lch 39 27 102 cmyk 0 2 19 62 planter[6734][97,93,48](0.0):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](4.1):planter[6735][98,93,42](4.1):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](4.2):verdigris[8700][93,94,55](4.5) 8 dark:filmpro:gold:planter:raw:sienna:verdigris +2552 costa_del_sol rgb 98 93 42 hex #625D2A hsv 55 57 38 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.04 lab 39 -6 30 lch 39 30 101 cmyk 0 2 22 62 planter[6735][98,93,42](0.0):dark_olive[2811][89,89,39](3.0):planter[6734][97,93,48](4.1):acorn[958][115,99,48](5.9):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](5.9) 3 dark:acorn:filmpro:olive:planter:raw:sienna +2553 cotton_candy rgb 255 183 213 hex #FFB7D5 hsv 335 28 100 xyz 0.7 0.6 0.71 lab 82 30 -5 lch 82 31 351 cmyk 0 28 16 0 lavender[4932][252,180,213](1.7):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](2.4):PMS236[194][249,175,211](4.1):baby_pink[1244][255,183,206](4.1):cupid[2626][251,190,218](4.1) 7 PMS236:baby:cupid:powder:lavender:pink +2554 cotton_candy rgb 255 188 217 hex #FFBCD9 hsv 334 26 100 xyz 0.72 0.62 0.74 lab 83 28 -5 lch 83 29 350 cmyk 0 26 15 0 cupid[2626][251,190,218](2.0):pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](3.0):lavender[4932][252,180,213](3.7):pale_raspberry[6413][255,194,217](3.7):PMS243[209][242,186,216](4.1) 8 pale:PMS243:cupid:raspberry:lavender:rose +2555 cotton_seed rgb 191 186 175 hex #BFBAAF hsv 41 8 75 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.48 lab 76 0 6 lch 76 6 92 cmyk 0 2 6 25 PMS421[504][191,186,175](0.0):cloud[2379][194,188,177](0.0):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.0):eighth_pravda[3415][195,188,176](1.0):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.0) 67 PMS421:cloud:eighth:friar:pravda:tea:grey +2556 cotton_seed rgb 194 189 182 hex #C2BDB6 hsv 35 6 76 xyz 0.49 0.51 0.52 lab 77 1 4 lch 77 4 83 cmyk 0 2 5 24 half_cloudy[4307][198,190,183](1.4):pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](1.4):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](1.4):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.7):pale_slate[6430][195,190,187](2.0) 69 pale:slate:cloudy:eighth:friar:half:rust:silver:grey +2557 cougar rgb 170 160 141 hex #AAA08D hsv 39 17 67 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.3 lab 66 0 11 lch 66 11 88 cmyk 0 4 11 33 half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](1.0):quarter_stonewall[7000][166,159,142](1.0):triple_tea[8526][170,159,139](1.4):PMS415[498][163,158,140](1.7):napa[5976][163,154,135](2.0) 45 PMS415:craigieburn:half:napa:quarter:stonewall:tea:triple +2558 countdown rgb 146 47 29 hex #922F1D hsv 9 80 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.02 lab 34 41 34 lch 34 53 40 cmyk 0 39 46 43 red_brown[7117][139,46,22](3.3):kobe[4872][136,45,23](3.6):sienna[7691][136,45,23](3.6):prairie_sand[6804][154,56,32](3.7):PMS484[592][155,48,28](4.1) 7 PMS484:kobe:prairie:sand:sienna:brown:red +2559 county_green rgb 1 55 26 hex #01371A hsv 148 98 22 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.01 lab 19 -25 14 lch 19 28 151 cmyk 21 0 11 78 cardin_green[2077][1,54,28](2.2):zuccini[9277][4,64,34](4.2):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](5.7):english_holly[3488][2,45,21](6.0):forest_green[3720][1,68,33](6.7) 2 british:cardin:english:forest:holly:racing:zuccini:green +2560 county_green rgb 27 75 53 hex #1B4B35 hsv 153 64 29 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.04 lab 28 -22 8 lch 28 24 159 cmyk 19 0 9 71 zuccini[9278][23,70,46](3.0):PMS626[805][33,84,63](4.2):brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](4.2):english_green[3487][27,77,62](4.2):PMS350[424][35,79,51](4.6) 6 PMS350:PMS626:brunswick:english:zuccini:green +2561 courage rgb 75 37 42 hex #4B252A hsv 352 51 29 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 20 19 5 lch 20 19 14 cmyk 0 15 13 71 cowboy[2567][77,40,45](1.7):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](1.7):bulgarian_rose[1895][72,36,39](2.4):contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.4):red_earth[7123][70,32,40](2.8) 17 bulgarian:contraband:cowboy:earth:livid:brown:red:rose +2562 cove_grey rgb 5 22 87 hex #051657 hsv 228 94 34 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.09 lab 11 22 -41 lch 11 46 299 cmyk 32 25 0 66 gulf_blue[4243][5,22,87](0.0):deep_sapphire_blue[3049][0,22,89](1.4):PMS2757[291][20,22,84](3.3):royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](5.9):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](6.4) 3 deep:PMS2757:PMS2758:gulf:royal:sapphire:blue +2563 cove_grey rgb 52 63 92 hex #343F5C hsv 224 43 36 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.11 lab 27 4 -19 lch 27 19 282 cmyk 16 11 0 64 gulf_blue[4244][52,63,92](0.0):PMS533[669][53,63,91](1.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](2.4):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](3.5):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](3.5) 15 PMS533:catalina:clouds:gulf:true:blue +2564 covert rgb 100 89 119 hex #645977 hsv 262 25 47 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.19 lab 40 11 -15 lch 40 19 306 cmyk 7 12 0 53 PMS5275[659][96,86,119](2.2):high_society[4482][105,91,124](2.4):centaurian[2171][110,89,119](4.2):smoky[7794][96,91,115](4.5):dolphin[3161][100,96,119](5.4) 4 PMS5275:centaurian:dolphin:high:smoky:society +2565 cowabunga rgb 0 95 91 hex #005F5B hsv 177 100 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.11 lab 36 -25 -5 lch 36 25 191 cmyk 37 0 2 63 mosque[5908][0,95,91](0.0):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](2.2):blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](2.8):PMS323[368][0,102,99](3.3):blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](3.7) 11 dark:PMS323:mosque:stone:blue:turquoise +2566 cowboy rgb 68 55 54 hex #443736 hsv 4 21 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 6 3 lch 24 6 27 cmyk 0 5 5 73 barista[1297][69,56,55](1.0):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](1.4):stingray[7983][69,53,51](1.4):afficionado[970][69,54,56](2.2):double_felix[3200][69,55,50](2.2) 37 afficionado:barista:double:felix:rattlesnake:stingray +2567 cowboy rgb 77 40 45 hex #4D282D hsv 352 48 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 21 18 4 lch 21 18 14 cmyk 0 15 13 70 livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](0.0):courage[2561][75,37,42](1.7):attitude[1189][83,43,50](2.2):contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.2):heath[4450][79,42,44](2.4) 18 attitude:contraband:courage:heath:livid:brown +2568 coyote rgb 221 183 123 hex #DDB77B hsv 37 44 87 xyz 0.5 0.51 0.26 lab 76 6 36 lch 76 36 81 cmyk 0 15 38 13 maize[5468][227,185,130](3.5):pencarrow[6579][227,191,126](4.1):harvest_gold[4429][224,185,116](4.2):putty[6910][205,174,112](4.2):style_pasifika_pink_night[8088][205,174,112](4.2) 8 gold:harvest:maize:night:pasifika:pencarrow:putty:style:pink +2569 coyote_brown rgb 129 97 60 hex #81613C hsv 32 53 51 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.06 lab 44 8 26 lch 44 27 73 cmyk 0 13 27 49 stowaway[7999][125,93,57](2.0):authentic[1203][138,104,67](3.2):raw_umber[7087][130,102,68](3.3):dirt_brown[3135][131,101,57](3.7):triumph[8531][137,96,58](4.5) 9 authentic:dirt:raw:stowaway:triumph:umber:brown +2570 crab_apple rgb 135 56 47 hex #87382F hsv 6 65 53 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.04 lab 34 33 22 lch 34 40 34 cmyk 0 31 35 47 prairie_sand[6803][136,60,50](1.4):vixen[8966][129,52,43](2.0):erica[3504][129,51,45](2.2):totem_pole[8436][136,53,49](2.2):mustang[5950][127,53,46](3.0) 16 erica:mustang:pole:prairie:sand:totem:vixen +2571 crab_apple rgb 160 39 18 hex #A02712 hsv 9 89 63 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.01 lab 36 48 42 lch 36 64 41 cmyk 0 47 56 37 embers[3466][160,39,18](0.0):tabasco[8199][160,39,18](0.0):lusty[5413][153,27,7](3.7):totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](3.7):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](4.2) 5 burnt:embers:lusty:pole:tabasco:totem:red +2572 cracker rgb 150 49 40 hex #963128 hsv 5 73 59 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.03 lab 36 42 29 lch 36 51 35 cmyk 0 40 43 41 vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](3.7):kachow[4805][162,58,52](4.6):whizz_bang[9100][162,58,52](4.6):firebrick[3642][142,35,35](4.9):milano_red[5735][158,51,50](4.9) 5 vivid:auburn:bang:firebrick:kachow:milano:whizz:red +2573 craigieburn rgb 146 136 116 hex #928874 hsv 40 21 57 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.2 lab 57 0 12 lch 57 12 89 cmyk 0 4 12 43 granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.0):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](2.2):olive_haze[6168][139,132,112](2.2):pale_oyster[6398][152,141,119](2.2):stonewall[7989][146,133,115](2.4) 40 pale:arrowtown:granite:haze:olive:oyster:stonewall:green +2574 crail rgb 166 86 72 hex #A65648 hsv 9 57 65 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.08 lab 46 31 23 lch 46 39 36 cmyk 0 31 37 35 moderate_scarlet[5847][168,85,74](2.2):apple_blossom[1082][169,82,73](4.1):giant's_club[3853][176,92,82](4.1):wild_west[9114][154,84,64](4.6):matrix[5577][176,93,84](4.7) 6 moderate:apple:blossom:club:giant's:matrix:scarlet:west:wild +2575 crail rgb 185 81 64 hex #B95140 hsv 8 65 73 xyz 0.24 0.17 0.07 lab 48 41 31 lch 48 51 37 cmyk 0 41 47 27 oh_behave[6117][190,82,63](1.7):flair[3652][185,75,66](4.4):flame_pea[3654][190,92,72](4.4):cedar_chest[2149][201,90,73](4.5):clementine[2369][193,79,59](5.1) 4 behave:cedar:chest:clementine:flair:flame:oh:pea +2576 cranberry rgb 158 0 58 hex #9E003A hsv 338 100 62 xyz 0.15 0.08 0.05 lab 33 58 15 lch 33 60 14 cmyk 0 62 39 38 pink_raspberry[6688][152,0,54](2.2):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](3.6):PMS215[173][165,5,68](4.6):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](5.1):rock_n_roll[7260][157,0,47](6.1) 3 strong:PMS215:french:n:raspberry:rock:roll:wine:pink +2577 cranberry rgb 180 56 100 hex #B43864 hsv 339 69 71 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.13 lab 43 53 3 lch 43 53 3 cmyk 0 49 31 29 pink_panther[6685][180,56,100](0.0):maroon[5544][176,48,96](2.4):rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](2.4):filmpro_magenta[3614][170,48,93](3.2):night_shadz[6054][170,55,90](4.7) 7 filmpro:magenta:maroon:night:panther:rich:shadz:pink +2578 cranberry rgb 182 49 108 hex #B6316C hsv 333 73 71 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.16 lab 43 57 -3 lch 43 57 357 cmyk 0 52 29 29 hibiscus[4478][182,49,108](0.0):PMS675[854][188,56,119](3.7):maroon[5544][176,48,96](5.5):rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](5.5):scrumptious[7547][183,29,98](6.7) 2 PMS675:hibiscus:maroon:rich:scrumptious +2579 cranberry rgb 219 80 121 hex #DB5079 hsv 342 63 86 xyz 0.36 0.22 0.2 lab 54 58 6 lch 54 58 6 cmyk 0 55 38 14 cabaret[1969][217,73,114](2.4):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](3.6):PMS205[163][229,76,124](4.2):blush[1627][222,93,131](5.1):ruber[7360][206,70,118](5.1) 3 dark:PMS205:blush:cabaret:ruber:pink +2580 crash_hot rgb 175 46 64 hex #AF2E40 hsv 352 74 69 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.06 lab 40 53 21 lch 40 57 22 cmyk 0 51 44 31 bombshell[1637][174,47,62](1.4):vibe[8829][172,49,66](2.8):PMS703[882][183,56,68](3.3):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.6):glitterbug[3878][169,42,55](3.7) 6 PMS201:PMS703:bombshell:glitterbug:vibe +2581 crater_brown rgb 70 36 37 hex #462425 hsv 358 49 27 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 16 6 lch 19 17 22 cmyk 0 13 13 73 bulgarian_rose[1895][72,36,39](1.0):contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.2):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](2.2):heath[4450][79,42,44](3.2):courage[2561][75,37,42](3.3) 21 bulgarian:contraband:courage:heath:mahogany:rose +2582 crater_brown rgb 77 62 60 hex #4D3E3C hsv 7 22 30 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.05 lab 28 6 4 lch 28 7 31 cmyk 0 6 7 70 tomahawk[8407][82,67,64](2.0):echo[3350][72,60,58](2.4):half_barista[4290][81,63,63](2.4):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](3.0):barista[1297][69,56,55](3.2) 27 barista:echo:half:rattlesnake:tomahawk +2583 cream rgb 255 253 208 hex #FFFDD0 hsv 57 18 100 xyz 0.88 0.96 0.74 lab 98 -6 22 lch 98 23 107 cmyk 0 1 18 0 lemon_chiffon[4968][255,250,205](1.0):eggshell[3381][255,255,212](1.7):corn_field[2522][248,250,205](2.4):cumulus[2624][253,255,213](2.4):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](3.0) 22 baja:chiffon:corn:cumulus:eggshell:field:lemon:white +2584 cream rgb 255 255 194 hex #FFFFC2 hsv 60 24 100 xyz 0.87 0.97 0.65 lab 99 -9 29 lch 99 31 108 cmyk 0 0 24 0 pale_yellow[6455][255,255,194](0.0):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](2.2):egg_shell[3370][255,252,196](2.4):pale_apple_green[6306][247,255,194](3.3):ecru[3356][254,255,202](4.0) 10 pale:very:apple:ecru:egg:shell:green:yellow +2585 cream_brulee rgb 255 227 155 hex #FFE39B hsv 43 39 100 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.42 lab 91 0 39 lch 91 39 90 cmyk 0 11 39 0 golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](2.2):hathaway[4431][247,222,148](2.2):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](2.2):vis[8881][249,228,150](3.6):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](3.7) 7 light:very:01:amber:beer:glow:golden:hathaway:srm:vis +2586 cream_brulee rgb 255 229 160 hex #FFE5A0 hsv 44 37 100 xyz 0.76 0.8 0.45 lab 92 -1 37 lch 92 37 91 cmyk 0 10 37 0 very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](2.2):hathaway[4431][247,222,148](3.6):golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](4.1):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](4.2):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](4.5) 7 light:very:01:amber:beer:glow:golden:hathaway:melting:moment:srm +2587 cream_can rgb 238 192 81 hex #EEC051 hsv 42 66 93 xyz 0.56 0.56 0.16 lab 80 5 60 lch 80 61 85 cmyk 0 18 62 7 starbell[7955][235,193,85](2.8):brilliant_amber[1761][231,194,81](4.0):anzac[1073][224,182,70](4.1):ronchi[7286][234,184,82](4.1):beer_srm_03[1343][253,203,90](4.2) 6 brilliant:03:amber:anzac:beer:ronchi:srm:starbell +2588 cream_can rgb 245 200 92 hex #F5C85C hsv 42 62 96 xyz 0.6 0.61 0.19 lab 83 4 59 lch 83 59 86 cmyk 0 18 60 4 beer_srm_03[1343][253,203,90](3.0):starbell[7955][235,193,85](3.3):golden_tainoi[3927][255,204,92](3.5):PMS135[45][252,201,99](3.7):bardot[1294][243,199,98](4.1) 7 03:PMS135:bardot:beer:golden:srm:starbell:tainoi +2589 creme rgb 255 255 182 hex #FFFFB6 hsv 60 29 100 xyz 0.85 0.96 0.58 lab 98 -11 35 lch 98 37 107 cmyk 0 0 29 0 light_beige[5009][255,254,182](1.0):portafino[6785][255,255,180](1.0):pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](2.0):parchment[6485][254,252,175](2.0):shalimar[7636][251,255,186](2.2) 10 pale:light:beige:parchment:portafino:prim:shalimar +2590 creme_de_banane rgb 224 193 97 hex #E0C161 hsv 45 57 88 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.19 lab 79 0 52 lch 79 52 90 cmyk 0 12 50 12 equator[3502][225,188,100](4.4):golden_sand[3924][234,206,106](4.6):tacha[8203][210,185,96](5.4):bardot[1294][243,199,98](5.8):PMS141[57][242,206,104](5.9) 2 PMS141:bardot:equator:golden:sand:tacha +2591 creme_de_banane rgb 255 252 153 hex #FFFC99 hsv 58 40 100 xyz 0.82 0.93 0.44 lab 97 -13 48 lch 97 49 105 cmyk 0 1 40 0 witch_haze[9161][255,252,153](0.0):pastel_yellow[6518][253,253,150](1.4):canary[2037][255,255,153](1.7):pale_canary[6318][255,255,153](1.7):very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](2.4) 10 pale:light:very:canary:haze:pastel:witch:yellow +2592 creole rgb 30 15 4 hex #1E0F04 hsv 25 87 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 6 5 7 lch 6 9 52 cmyk 0 6 10 88 very_deep_brown[8730][29,14,0](1.4):bokara_grey[1632][28,18,8](2.2):crowshead[2609][28,18,8](2.2):night_rider[6051][31,18,15](3.3):karaka[4816][30,22,9](3.7) 14 deep:very:bokara:crowshead:karaka:night:rider:brown:grey +2593 creole rgb 57 50 39 hex #393227 hsv 37 32 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 21 1 8 lch 21 8 83 cmyk 0 3 7 78 graphite[3983][56,52,40](2.2):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.8):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.8):black_magic[1463][51,44,34](3.0):cannon_black[2048][51,44,34](3.0) 41 burnt:bushtrack:cannon:graphite:magic:umber:black +2594 crescendo rgb 34 47 68 hex #222F44 hsv 217 50 27 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.06 lab 19 1 -15 lch 19 15 275 cmyk 13 8 0 73 downriver[3260][42,52,74](3.2):big_stone[1406][22,42,64](3.3):bunting[1907][43,52,73](3.3):prussian_blue[6828][25,47,65](3.3):yankees_blue[9189][28,40,65](4.1) 11 big:bunting:downriver:prussian:stone:yankees:blue +2595 crescent rgb 131 149 150 hex #839596 hsv 183 13 59 xyz 0.26 0.29 0.33 lab 60 -6 -3 lch 60 7 204 cmyk 7 0 0 41 forcefield[3717][137,150,148](2.4):allusive[1008][139,150,149](3.0):quicksilver[7026][136,154,151](3.0):light_cyan[5088][122,139,139](3.2):submarine[8103][140,156,156](3.2) 13 light:allusive:cyan:forcefield:quicksilver:submarine +2596 crete rgb 115 120 41 hex #737829 hsv 64 66 47 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.05 lab 49 -13 41 lch 49 43 108 cmyk 2 0 31 53 fern_frond[3581][101,114,32](5.1):fiji_green[3602][101,114,32](5.1):olive_drab[6157][111,118,50](5.1):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](5.4):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](5.4) 0 drab:fern:fiji:forest:frond:olive:pacifika:rain:green +2597 crete rgb 119 113 43 hex #77712B hsv 55 64 47 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.05 lab 47 -7 39 lch 47 39 101 cmyk 0 2 30 53 grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](1.4):olivetone[6176][116,112,40](1.4):pesto[6620][122,114,41](1.4):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](1.7):grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](2.2) 9 PMS5825:grass:hopper:olivetone:pesto +2598 crimson rgb 140 0 15 hex #8C000F hsv 354 100 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.01 lab 28 52 35 lch 28 62 34 cmyk 0 55 49 45 scarlett[7524][149,0,21](3.6):red_devil[7122][134,1,17](3.7):carmine[2093][150,0,24](4.1):sangria[7481][146,0,10](4.6):deep_red[3040][133,1,1](5.1) 4 deep:carmine:devil:sangria:scarlett:red +2599 crimson rgb 220 20 60 hex #DC143C hsv 348 91 86 xyz 0.31 0.16 0.06 lab 47 71 34 lch 47 78 25 cmyk 0 78 63 14 PMS199[157][216,28,63](3.6):cherry[2260][207,2,52](3.6):PMS192[147][229,5,58](4.4):vivid_crimson[8909][204,0,51](4.6):vivid_crimson[8910][231,0,58](5.4) 4 vivid:PMS192:PMS199:cherry:crimson +2600 crimson_glory rgb 190 0 50 hex #BE0032 hsv 344 100 75 xyz 0.22 0.11 0.04 lab 40 65 30 lch 40 72 24 cmyk 0 75 55 25 lipstick_red[5301][192,2,47](2.0):red[7102][196,2,51](2.4):PMS1935[150][193,5,56](3.3):PMS200[158][196,30,58](4.1):cardinal[2081][196,30,58](4.1) 8 PMS1935:PMS200:cardinal:lipstick:red +2601 crimson_red rgb 153 0 0 hex #990000 hsv 360 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 55 45 lch 31 71 40 cmyk 0 60 60 40 ou_crimson_red[6264][153,0,0](0.0):stizza[7984][153,0,0](0.0):usc_cardinal[8664][153,0,0](0.0):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](1.0):blood_red[1523][152,0,2](1.4) 6 deep:blood:cardinal:ou:stizza:usc:crimson:red +2602 crisp_green rgb 149 149 82 hex #959552 hsv 60 45 58 xyz 0.25 0.28 0.12 lab 60 -10 35 lch 60 37 106 cmyk 0 0 26 42 PMS5767[752][140,145,79](3.0):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](3.0):awol[1215][136,140,77](3.7):khaki[4843][159,159,95](4.5):gingko[3865][165,156,85](5.8) 4 PMS5767:PMS5835:awol:gingko:khaki +2603 crocodile rgb 112 105 80 hex #706950 hsv 47 29 44 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.1 lab 44 -2 15 lch 44 15 96 cmyk 0 3 13 56 peat[6573][113,107,86](2.4):peat[6574][118,109,82](2.4):double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](2.8):coffee[2420][114,103,81](3.2):lichen[4991][122,112,85](3.3) 17 arrowtown:coffee:double:lichen:peat +2604 crocodile rgb 115 109 88 hex #736D58 hsv 47 23 45 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.11 lab 46 -1 13 lch 46 13 96 cmyk 0 2 11 55 peat[6573][113,107,86](1.0):socrates[7822][113,109,89](1.4):equilibrium[3503][119,110,91](1.7):double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](2.2):pablo[6289][122,113,92](2.2) 27 arrowtown:double:equilibrium:pablo:peat:socrates +2605 cross_country rgb 104 127 69 hex #687F45 hsv 84 46 50 xyz 0.14 0.19 0.08 lab 50 -19 29 lch 50 34 123 cmyk 9 0 23 50 military_green[5739][102,124,62](2.2):dingley[3131][96,124,71](3.3):barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](3.7):dingley[3130][93,119,71](6.7):muddy_green[5928][101,116,50](7.1) 3 army:barmy:dingley:military:muddy:green +2606 crossroads rgb 115 73 73 hex #734949 hsv 0 37 45 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.07 lab 36 18 7 lch 36 19 23 cmyk 0 16 16 55 salmon[7424][111,66,66](3.7):spellbound[7890][109,74,78](3.7):deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](4.1):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](4.1):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](4.4) 6 deep:coffee:purplish:roast:salmon:spellbound:brown +2607 crown_of_thorns rgb 118 60 51 hex #763C33 hsv 8 57 46 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.04 lab 33 24 17 lch 33 30 35 cmyk 0 23 26 54 red_robin[7138][125,65,56](2.2):mocha[5803][111,55,45](3.2):bole[1634][121,68,59](3.5):medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](3.5):PMS498[607][109,51,43](4.1) 10 medium:PMS498:bole:mocha:robin:tuscan:red +2608 crown_of_thorns rgb 119 31 31 hex #771F1F hsv 0 74 47 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.02 lab 27 38 23 lch 27 44 31 cmyk 0 35 35 53 PMS1810[131][124,33,30](2.4):persian_plum[6609][112,28,28](2.4):prune[6825][112,28,28](2.4):red[7100][131,43,41](4.1):style_pasifika_red_frangipani[8091][131,43,41](4.1) 7 PMS1810:frangipani:pasifika:persian:plum:prune:style:red +2609 crowshead rgb 28 18 8 hex #1C1208 hsv 30 71 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 6 3 6 lch 6 7 63 cmyk 0 4 8 89 bokara_grey[1632][28,18,8](0.0):creole[2592][30,15,4](2.2):very_brown[8712][29,23,17](2.4):acadia[951][27,20,4](3.0):karaka[4816][30,22,9](3.0) 16 very:acadia:bokara:creole:karaka:brown:grey +2610 crowshead rgb 50 49 46 hex #32312E hsv 45 8 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 0 2 lch 20 2 96 cmyk 0 0 2 80 shadow_match[7628][49,47,44](0.0):banjul[1288][52,50,45](1.4):grey[4117][48,48,48](2.0):dune[3291][56,53,51](2.2):grey[4116][46,46,46](2.2) 64 banjul:dune:match:shadow:grey +2611 cruise rgb 180 226 213 hex #B4E2D5 hsv 163 20 89 xyz 0.58 0.69 0.73 lab 86 -17 1 lch 86 18 175 cmyk 18 0 5 11 ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](2.0):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](2.2):scandal[7513][173,217,209](3.0):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.3):water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](4.2) 7 pale:light:PMS324:cold:grayish:ice:leaf:scandal:water:turquoise +2612 cruise rgb 181 236 223 hex #B5ECDF hsv 166 23 93 xyz 0.62 0.75 0.81 lab 89 -20 1 lch 89 20 178 cmyk 22 0 5 7 water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](0.0):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](3.2):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](3.3):PMS331[398][186,234,214](4.1):aero_blue[966][192,232,213](5.0) 5 pale:light:PMS331:aero:cold:grayish:ice:leaf:water:blue:turquoise +2613 crusade rgb 205 182 146 hex #CDB692 hsv 37 29 80 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.34 lab 75 3 21 lch 75 22 83 cmyk 0 9 23 20 wheat[9064][205,186,150](2.2):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](3.2):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](3.5):tan[8223][210,180,140](3.6):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](3.7) 18 65:canterbury:clay:half:lmu:navajo:tan:toast:wheat:white +2614 crusoe rgb 0 72 22 hex #004816 hsv 138 100 28 xyz 0.02 0.05 0.02 lab 26 -32 24 lch 26 40 144 cmyk 28 0 20 72 parsley[6493][19,79,25](3.7):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](4.0):fern[3575][10,72,13](4.0):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](4.1):forest_green[3721][6,71,12](4.1) 6 dark:british:fern:forest:parsley:racing:green +2615 crusoe rgb 22 91 49 hex #165B31 hsv 143 76 36 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.04 lab 34 -32 18 lch 34 37 150 cmyk 27 0 16 64 grass_stain[3988][22,91,49](0.0):PMS357[431][33,91,51](3.0):spruce[7937][10,95,56](3.0):deep_spring_green[3066][0,89,45](3.3):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](4.4) 5 deep:PMS357:fun:grass:spring:spruce:stain:green +2616 crusta rgb 243 134 83 hex #F38653 hsv 19 66 95 xyz 0.47 0.37 0.13 lab 67 37 45 lch 67 59 50 cmyk 0 43 63 5 guggenheim[4242][255,142,89](3.3):jaffa[4718][226,121,69](5.1):melon_orange[5667][226,121,69](5.1):brilliant_tangelo[1807][231,137,81](6.1):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](6.5) 1 brilliant:flamenco:guggenheim:jaffa:melon:tangelo:orange +2617 crusta rgb 253 123 51 hex #FD7B33 hsv 21 80 99 xyz 0.48 0.35 0.07 lab 66 45 60 lch 66 75 53 cmyk 0 51 79 1 vivid_tangelo[8954][240,116,39](3.7):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](4.9):orange[6203][255,117,56](5.1):chocolate[2308][238,118,33](5.2):flesh[3686][255,125,64](5.2) 2 vivid:chocolate:flesh:shirley:tangelo:temple:orange +2618 cuban_tan rgb 42 20 14 hex #2A140E hsv 13 67 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 9 11 8 lch 9 13 37 cmyk 0 9 11 84 coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](0.0):marlin[5535][42,20,14](0.0):blackwood[1491][38,17,5](3.0):kilamanjaro[4856][36,12,2](3.0):wood_bark[9164][38,17,5](3.0) 10 bark:bean:blackwood:coffee:kilamanjaro:marlin:wood +2619 cuban_tan rgb 54 45 38 hex #362D26 hsv 26 30 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 3 6 lch 19 7 66 cmyk 0 4 6 79 coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](0.0):marlin[5536][54,45,38](0.0):style_pasifika_dark_soil[8075][54,45,38](0.0):monkey[5870][53,46,40](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.0) 35 dark:bean:bushtrack:coffee:marlin:monkey:pasifika:soil:style +2620 cultured rgb 245 245 245 hex #F5F5F5 hsv 300 0 96 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.99 lab 97 0 0 lch 97 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 4 black_haze[1460][246,247,247](0.0):grey[4199][245,245,245](0.0):grey[4200][247,247,247](0.0):white_smoke[9095][245,245,245](0.0):alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.0) 90 alabaster:haze:smoke:black:grey:white +2621 cumin rgb 120 68 48 hex #784430 hsv 17 60 47 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.04 lab 35 20 22 lch 35 30 47 cmyk 0 20 28 53 copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](1.7):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](2.4):peanut[6561][122,68,52](2.8):dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](3.5):cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](4.1) 12 dark:bull:canyon:cape:copper:palliser:peanut:rimu:shot +2622 cumin rgb 146 67 33 hex #924321 hsv 18 77 57 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.03 lab 38 31 35 lch 38 47 49 cmyk 0 31 44 43 brown_ochre[1851][135,66,31](4.6):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](5.4):PMS1685[105][132,53,17](5.5):sienna[7692][139,71,38](5.8):tia_maria[8340][151,66,45](5.9) 1 PMS1685:alert:maria:ochre:sienna:tan:tia:brown +2623 cumulus rgb 245 244 193 hex #F5F4C1 hsv 59 21 96 xyz 0.8 0.88 0.63 lab 95 -8 25 lch 95 26 107 cmyk 0 0 20 4 tusk[8603][238,243,195](2.4):corn_field[2521][248,243,196](2.8):daisy_chain[2659][248,243,196](2.8):chiffon[2282][240,245,187](3.6):egg_shell[3370][255,252,196](3.6) 18 chain:chiffon:corn:daisy:egg:field:shell:tusk +2624 cumulus rgb 253 255 213 hex #FDFFD5 hsv 63 16 100 xyz 0.88 0.97 0.77 lab 99 -7 20 lch 99 21 111 cmyk 1 0 16 0 eggshell[3381][255,255,212](1.0):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](2.2):corn_field[2522][248,250,205](2.4):cream[2583][255,253,208](2.4):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](2.4) 18 light:corn:cream:eggshell:field:goldenrod:mimosa +2625 cupid rgb 245 178 197 hex #F5B2C5 hsv 343 27 96 xyz 0.64 0.55 0.6 lab 79 27 0 lch 79 27 0 cmyk 0 26 19 4 PMS203[161][242,175,193](1.4):pastel_pink[6511][255,186,205](3.2):pink[6669][238,169,184](3.6):baby_pink[1244][255,183,206](3.7):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](3.7) 9 PMS203:baby:blossom:cherry:pastel:pink +2626 cupid rgb 251 190 218 hex #FBBEDA hsv 332 24 98 xyz 0.71 0.62 0.75 lab 83 26 -5 lch 83 27 348 cmyk 0 24 13 2 cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](2.0):pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](2.2):pale_raspberry[6413][255,194,217](2.4):PMS516[636][242,186,211](2.8):PMS243[209][242,186,216](3.0) 7 pale:PMS243:PMS516:candy:cotton:raspberry:rose +2627 curiosity rgb 211 229 104 hex #D3E568 hsv 69 55 90 xyz 0.57 0.71 0.24 lab 87 -23 58 lch 87 62 112 cmyk 7 0 49 10 mindaro[5751][218,234,111](2.4):PMS379[455][224,234,104](4.7):booger_buster[1651][221,226,106](5.1):sublime[8102][205,230,93](5.7):PMS585[773][219,224,107](6.3) 2 PMS379:PMS585:booger:buster:mindaro:sublime +2628 curious_blue rgb 37 150 209 hex #2596D1 hsv 201 82 82 xyz 0.23 0.27 0.64 lab 59 -10 -39 lch 59 40 256 cmyk 67 23 0 18 rich_electric_blue[7216][8,146,208](2.8):freefall[3740][29,149,201](4.4):cyan_cornflower_blue[2643][24,139,194](4.5):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](4.6):celestial_blue[2163][73,151,208](5.1) 4 celestial:cornflower:cyan:electric:freefall:rich:sky:blue +2629 curious_blue rgb 61 133 184 hex #3D85B8 hsv 205 67 72 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.48 lab 53 -6 -33 lch 53 34 260 cmyk 48 20 0 28 sports_star[7910][61,133,184](0.0):steel_blue[7964][70,130,180](2.4):cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](3.0):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](4.1):lure[5409][47,119,169](5.1) 4 cool:cyan:lure:sports:star:steel:azure:blue +2630 custard rgb 255 253 120 hex #FFFD78 hsv 59 53 100 xyz 0.8 0.93 0.31 lab 97 -16 63 lch 97 65 104 cmyk 0 1 53 0 laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](1.4):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](1.4):unmellow_yellow[8653][253,252,116](1.4):butter_yellow[1949][255,253,116](2.2):banana[1276][255,255,126](2.4) 12 light:banana:butter:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +2631 cut_glass rgb 201 219 220 hex #C9DBDC hsv 183 9 86 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.78 lab 86 -6 -3 lch 86 6 204 cmyk 7 0 0 14 PMS552[707][196,214,214](2.2):breeze[1705][204,219,217](2.2):light_blue[5017][192,217,217](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](3.2):tiara[8343][195,209,209](3.3) 16 light:PMS552:botticelli:breeze:tiara:blue +2632 cutty_sark rgb 80 118 114 hex #507672 hsv 174 32 46 xyz 0.13 0.16 0.18 lab 47 -14 -2 lch 47 14 188 cmyk 15 0 2 54 william[9120][83,115,111](2.2):breaker_bay[1700][81,123,120](2.4):imprint[4618][92,118,112](3.6):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](3.7):odyssey[6105][79,109,105](3.7) 6 dark:bay:breaker:copper:imprint:odyssey:william:green +2633 cutty_sark rgb 92 129 115 hex #5C8173 hsv 157 29 51 xyz 0.15 0.19 0.19 lab 51 -16 3 lch 51 17 168 cmyk 15 0 5 49 green_copper[4038][82,127,118](3.7):wintergreen_dream[9148][86,136,125](4.1):viridian_green[8879][103,137,117](5.0):hooker's_green[4539][73,121,107](5.7):hooker_green[4540][73,121,107](5.7) 3 copper:dream:hooker:hooker's:viridian:wintergreen:green +2634 cyan rgb 0 139 139 hex #008B8B hsv 180 100 55 xyz 0.14 0.2 0.28 lab 52 -31 -9 lch 52 32 196 cmyk 55 0 0 45 dark_cyan[2713][0,139,139](0.0):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](2.0):PMS321[366][0,135,137](2.4):dark_cyan[2714][10,136,138](2.4):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](3.7) 10 dark:PMS321:cyan:greenish:teal:blue:green +2635 cyan rgb 0 183 235 hex #00B7EB hsv 193 100 92 xyz 0.32 0.4 0.85 lab 69 -20 -37 lch 69 42 241 cmyk 92 20 0 8 vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](4.1):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](4.4):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](4.9):spiro_disco_ball[7902][15,192,252](5.7):PMS2995[330][0,165,219](6.7) 3 deep:vivid:PMS2995:ball:cerulean:disco:sky:spiro:summer:blue +2636 cyan rgb 0 205 205 hex #00CDCD hsv 180 100 80 xyz 0.33 0.48 0.65 lab 75 -41 -12 lch 75 43 196 cmyk 80 0 0 20 robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](0.0):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](0.0):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](2.0):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](2.2) 6 dark:egg:robin:robin's:robin's:blue:turquoise +2637 cyan rgb 0 238 238 hex #00EEEE hsv 180 100 93 xyz 0.46 0.67 0.91 lab 86 -46 -13 lch 86 48 196 cmyk 93 0 0 7 vivid_cyan[8911][0,231,231](3.2):bright_light_blue[1729][38,247,253](4.7):aqua[1097][0,255,255](5.5):bright_cyan[1721][65,253,254](5.5):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](5.5) 2 light:vivid:/:aqua:bright:cyan:blue +2638 cyan rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0):spanish_sky_blue[7879][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:electric:sky:spanish:blue +2639 cyan_/_aqua rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0):spanish_sky_blue[7879][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:aqua:cyan:electric:sky:spanish:blue +2640 cyan_azure rgb 78 130 180 hex #4E82B4 hsv 209 57 71 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.46 lab 53 -2 -32 lch 53 32 266 cmyk 40 20 0 29 cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](1.4):steel_blue[7964][70,130,180](2.2):danube[2671][91,137,192](3.7):silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](3.7):curious_blue[2629][61,133,184](4.1) 9 cool:curious:danube:lake:silver:steel:blue +2641 cyan_blue_azure rgb 70 130 191 hex #4682BF hsv 210 63 75 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.52 lab 53 0 -38 lch 53 38 269 cmyk 47 24 0 25 havelock_blue[4436][87,132,193](3.3):float[3693][76,129,195](3.6):tufts_blue[8555][65,125,193](4.1):cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](5.8):danube[2671][91,137,192](5.8) 3 cool:danube:float:havelock:tufts:blue +2642 cyan_cobalt_blue rgb 40 88 156 hex #28589C hsv 215 74 61 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.33 lab 38 8 -42 lch 38 43 281 cmyk 45 27 0 39 azure[1228][49,91,161](1.4):st_tropaz[7948][45,86,155](2.2):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](4.5):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](5.2):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](5.5) 3 medium:PMS2945:electric:st:tropaz:yale:azure:blue +2643 cyan_cornflower_blue rgb 24 139 194 hex #188BC2 hsv 199 88 76 xyz 0.19 0.23 0.54 lab 55 -10 -37 lch 55 38 255 cmyk 67 22 0 24 blue[1531][0,135,189](2.2):freefall[3740][29,149,201](4.4):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](4.5):rich_electric_blue[7216][8,146,208](4.5):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](5.7) 4 curious:electric:freefall:rich:sky:blue +2644 cyan_white rgb 224 255 255 hex #E0FFFF hsv 180 12 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 1.08 lab 98 -10 -3 lch 98 10 199 cmyk 12 0 0 0 baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](0.0):light_cyan[5093][224,255,255](0.0):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](2.0):foam[3708][216,252,250](2.8) 21 pale:light:very:baby:cyan:foam:tranquil:blue +2645 cyanish_black rgb 26 29 29 hex #1A1D1D hsv 180 10 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 -1 0 lch 10 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 89 eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](1.0):grey[4109][28,28,28](1.0):black[1451][30,30,30](1.4):grey[4108][26,26,26](1.4):blackjack[1489][29,32,32](2.0) 23 blackjack:eerie:black:grey +2646 cyanish_grey rgb 156 168 168 hex #9CA8A8 hsv 180 7 66 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.43 lab 68 -4 -1 lch 68 4 199 cmyk 5 0 0 34 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gigas[3855][82,60,148](4.1):gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](5.0):kingfisher_daisy[4865][88,53,128](5.0):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](5.4):victoria[8833][83,68,145](6.1) 3 daisy:gem:gigas:gobstopper:kingfisher:victoria:blue +2659 daisy_chain rgb 248 243 196 hex #F8F3C4 hsv 54 21 97 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.65 lab 95 -6 23 lch 95 24 104 cmyk 0 2 20 3 corn_field[2521][248,243,196](0.0):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](2.2):spring_sun[7930][241,241,198](2.4):cumulus[2623][245,244,193](2.8):blond[1519][250,240,190](3.0) 34 blond:corn:cumulus:field:julep:spring:sun:mint +2660 dakota rgb 116 93 85 hex #745D55 hsv 15 27 45 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.1 lab 42 8 8 lch 42 11 45 cmyk 0 9 12 55 buffalo[1894][118,95,87](0.0):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.2):russett[7377][125,101,92](3.2):echidna[3349][116,95,82](3.6):quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](3.6) 13 buffalo:double:echidna:lignite:otter:quarter:russett +2661 dalek rgb 71 87 105 hex #475769 hsv 212 32 41 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.15 lab 36 -1 -12 lch 36 12 263 cmyk 13 7 0 59 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pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](1.7):antique_brass[1059][108,70,31](3.0):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](3.0):flattery[3676][107,68,35](3.0):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](3.0) 14 antique:bean:brass:flattery:kobicha:nose:pickled:brown +2665 dancing_girl rgb 148 112 196 hex #9470C4 hsv 266 43 77 xyz 0.28 0.22 0.55 lab 54 31 -39 lch 54 50 309 cmyk 19 33 0 23 lilac_bush[5257][148,112,196](0.0):true_v[8548][142,114,199](2.2):deep_lilac[3008][150,110,189](3.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](5.0):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2655:PMS2715:bush:lilac:true:v +2666 dancing_queen rgb 74 45 104 hex #4A2D68 hsv 269 57 41 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.14 lab 25 26 -30 lch 25 40 312 cmyk 12 23 0 59 funtasia[3811][76,51,113](2.8):PMS2695[263][68,35,94](4.6):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](5.1):PMS269[262][68,35,89](5.7):blue_diamond[1558][75,45,114](5.9) 2 PMS269:PMS2695:diamond:funtasia:pukeko:blue +2667 dandelion rgb 240 225 48 hex #F0E130 hsv 55 80 94 xyz 0.63 0.73 0.13 lab 88 -13 80 lch 88 81 99 cmyk 0 6 75 6 golden_fizz[3916][235,222,49](1.4):PMS604[783][232,221,33](3.0):bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](3.6):sunflower[8130][228,212,34](4.6):PMS107[7][249,229,38](4.9) 6 PMS107:PMS604:bright:fizz:golden:lights:sunflower +2668 dandelion rgb 253 219 109 hex #FDDB6D hsv 46 57 99 xyz 0.69 0.73 0.25 lab 88 -1 58 lch 88 58 91 cmyk 0 13 56 1 goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](2.4):orange_yellow[6223][248,213,104](2.4):pale_gold[6337][253,222,108](2.4):light_brilliant_amber[5026][255,216,101](2.8):tinkerbell[8370][252,215,99](3.3) 8 pale:light:brilliant:amber:gold:goldenrod:tinkerbell:orange:yellow +2669 dandelion rgb 254 216 93 hex #FED85D hsv 46 63 100 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.21 lab 87 0 64 lch 87 64 90 cmyk 0 15 63 0 PMS122[25][252,216,86](2.2):kournikova[4887][249,208,84](2.4):tinkerbell[8370][252,215,99](3.0):maize[5469][244,208,84](3.2):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](3.3) 12 PMS122:jonquil:kournikova:maize:tinkerbell +2670 dandelion rgb 254 223 8 hex #FEDF08 hsv 52 97 100 xyz 0.67 0.74 0.11 lab 89 -6 88 lch 89 88 94 cmyk 0 12 96 0 yellow[9198][254,223,0](0.0):golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_gold[5377][255,223,0](1.0):sizzling_sunrise[7735][255,219,0](2.2):cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](2.4) 14 luminous:vivid:cadmium:gold:golden:sizzling:sunrise:lemon:yellow +2671 danube rgb 91 137 192 hex #5B89C0 hsv 213 53 75 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.53 lab 56 0 -33 lch 56 33 270 cmyk 40 22 0 25 silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](3.2):glaucous[3873][96,130,182](3.5):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](3.7):cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](4.2):faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](4.2) 6 cool:cyan:faded:glaucous:lake:silver:azure:blue +2672 danube rgb 96 147 209 hex #6093D1 hsv 213 54 82 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.64 lab 60 1 -37 lch 60 37 271 cmyk 44 24 0 18 little_boy_blue[5306][108,160,220](5.5):PMS279[300][102,137,204](5.9):steel_blue[7965][79,148,205](6.2):havelock_blue[4436][87,132,193](6.3):havelock_blue[4435][85,144,217](6.4) 0 PMS279:boy:havelock:little:steel:blue +2673 daredevil rgb 203 72 59 hex #CB483B hsv 5 71 80 xyz 0.28 0.18 0.06 lab 49 51 36 lch 49 62 35 cmyk 0 51 56 20 bring_it_on[1812][195,66,59](3.6):mojo[5858][192,71,55](3.7):tomato[8409][205,79,57](4.1):filmpro_orange[3615][212,80,60](4.2):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](5.5) 4 bring:catalyst:filmpro:it:mojo:on:tomato:orange +2674 dark rgb 27 36 49 hex #1B2431 hsv 215 45 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 14 0 -10 lch 14 10 271 cmyk 9 5 0 81 magnum[5457][17,35,49](2.4):celestial_blue[2162][26,32,47](3.0):indian_ink[4628][35,39,50](3.0):daytona[2941][30,34,44](3.3):allegro[1002][36,46,59](5.0) 5 allegro:celestial:daytona:indian:ink:magnum:blue +2675 dark_amaranth rgb 89 39 45 hex #59272D hsv 353 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 23 24 7 lch 23 25 17 cmyk 0 20 17 65 avant_garde[1205][92,44,48](3.0):jazz[4750][95,44,47](3.0):renegade[7183][89,34,40](3.0):lonestar[5339][82,36,38](3.5):zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](3.5) 18 avant:garde:jazz:lonestar:renegade:zibibbo +2676 dark_amber rgb 89 77 39 hex #594D27 hsv 46 56 35 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.03 lab 33 -1 24 lch 33 24 91 cmyk 0 5 20 65 bronze_olive[1826][88,76,37](1.0):west_coast[9048][92,81,47](2.8):PMS449[534][84,71,38](3.5):PMS450[536][96,84,43](3.6):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](4.1) 6 dark:PMS449:PMS450:bronze:coast:gold:olive:west +2677 dark_apple_green rgb 83 89 39 hex #535927 hsv 67 56 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.03 lab 36 -11 28 lch 36 30 111 cmyk 2 0 20 65 army_green[1143][75,83,32](2.2):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](2.2):saratoga[7499][85,91,44](2.4):fern_frond[3580][87,94,46](2.8):dark_olive[2811][89,89,39](3.3) 7 dark:army:fern:frond:olive:saratoga:green:lime +2678 dark_aqua rgb 5 105 107 hex #05696B hsv 181 95 42 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.16 lab 40 -24 -8 lch 40 25 199 cmyk 40 1 0 58 mosque[5909][3,106,110](2.0):caesar[1999][27,103,103](2.4):PMS323[368][0,102,99](3.0):blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](3.2):atoll[1182][10,111,117](3.7) 12 PMS323:atoll:caesar:mosque:stone:blue +2679 dark_aquamarine rgb 1 115 113 hex #017371 hsv 179 99 45 xyz 0.09 0.13 0.18 lab 43 -27 -7 lch 43 28 194 cmyk 45 0 1 55 PMS322[367][0,114,114](1.0):skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](1.4):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](1.7):surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](3.0):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](3.3) 14 deep:PMS322:bluegreen:skobeloff:surfie:green:turquoise +2680 dark_aquamarine rgb 39 89 70 hex #275946 hsv 157 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.07 lab 34 -22 6 lch 34 23 165 cmyk 20 0 7 65 aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](2.2):PMS626[805][33,84,63](2.4):dark_spring_green[2896][39,89,64](3.6):evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](4.1):push_play[6908][33,88,76](4.1) 7 dark:PMS626:evening:play:push:sea:spring:aquamarine:green +2681 dark_arctic_blue rgb 39 83 89 hex #275359 hsv 187 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.11 lab 33 -13 -8 lch 33 16 212 cmyk 20 2 0 65 beatnik[1332][31,79,84](2.2):retro[7191][27,82,86](3.2):dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](4.6):slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](4.6):dark_cerulean[2703][39,77,89](4.7) 5 slate:dark:beatnik:cerulean:retro:grey +2682 dark_azure rgb 39 64 89 hex #274059 hsv 210 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 26 -1 -18 lch 26 18 265 cmyk 20 10 0 65 regal_blue[7170][32,63,88](2.2):madison[5429][45,60,84](3.0):shipshape[7665][33,66,95](3.3):atomic[1185][49,68,89](3.6):pickled_bluewood[6641][49,68,89](3.6) 14 atomic:bluewood:madison:pickled:regal:shipshape:blue +2683 dark_beige rgb 172 147 98 hex #AC9362 hsv 40 43 67 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.16 lab 62 2 29 lch 62 29 85 cmyk 0 10 29 33 castlepoint[2127][173,149,105](2.4):goldie[3942][179,155,105](3.0):teak[8280][177,148,97](3.0):dark_sand[2867][168,143,89](3.2):barley_corn[1299][166,139,91](3.6) 9 dark:barley:castlepoint:corn:goldie:sand:teak +2684 dark_blue rgb 0 0 139 hex #00008B hsv 240 100 55 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.25 lab 15 50 -69 lch 15 85 306 cmyk 55 55 0 45 blue[1527][0,0,139](0.0):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](3.5):navy[5993][0,0,128](4.9):navy_blue[5996][0,0,128](4.9):PMS2738[282][45,0,142](5.4) 4 PMS2738:navy:ultramarine:blue +2685 dark_blue rgb 0 0 200 hex #0000C8 hsv 240 100 78 xyz 0.1 0.04 0.55 lab 24 66 -90 lch 24 111 306 cmyk 78 78 0 22 blue[1528][0,0,205](2.4):blue_medium[1580][0,0,205](2.4):medium_blue[5598][0,0,205](2.4):true_blue[8544][1,15,204](3.0):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](7.5) 4 medium:true:ultramarine:blue +2686 dark_blue rgb 0 3 91 hex #00035B hsv 238 100 36 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 7 35 -50 lch 7 61 305 cmyk 36 35 0 64 deep_blue[2957][0,0,89](1.0):deep_persian_blue[3027][11,0,89](2.2):darkblue[2922][3,7,100](3.7):deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](3.7):arapawa[1135][17,12,108](6.2) 4 deep:arapawa:darkblue:persian:blue:indigo +2687 dark_blue rgb 39 39 89 hex #272759 hsv 240 56 35 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.1 lab 18 16 -30 lch 18 34 298 cmyk 20 20 0 65 blast_off[1504][38,40,87](2.2):PMS2766[295][43,38,91](2.4):dark_persian_blue[2841][45,39,89](2.4):port_gore[6781][37,31,79](3.7):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](4.1) 8 dark:PMS2766:blast:gore:off:persian:port:blue:indigo +2688 dark_blue_gray rgb 102 102 153 hex #666699 hsv 240 33 60 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.32 lab 45 13 -28 lch 45 30 294 cmyk 20 20 0 40 kimberly[4861][115,108,159](3.3):scampi[7512][111,99,160](6.7):kimberly[4860][105,93,135](6.8):butterfly_bush[1956][104,87,140](7.3):deluge[3091][130,114,164](7.8) 1 bush:butterfly:deluge:kimberly:scampi +2689 dark_blue_green rgb 0 82 73 hex #005249 hsv 173 100 32 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.07 lab 31 -24 -1 lch 31 24 182 cmyk 32 0 4 68 evening_sea[3522][2,78,70](2.2):PMS330[394][0,89,81](2.4):deep_opal[3023][0,89,78](3.0):eden[3361][16,88,82](3.0):jackpot[4710][20,83,70](3.2) 9 deep:PMS330:eden:evening:jackpot:opal:sea +2690 dark_blue_grey rgb 31 59 77 hex #1F3B4D hsv 203 60 30 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.08 lab 24 -5 -14 lch 24 15 252 cmyk 18 7 0 70 nile_blue[6059][37,63,78](2.2):barometer[1308][17,57,76](3.5):aquarium[1124][37,60,72](4.0):tarawera[8254][37,60,72](4.0):dark_cornflower_blue[2709][39,70,89](4.1) 13 dark:aquarium:barometer:cornflower:nile:tarawera:blue +2691 dark_blue_violet rgb 58 39 89 hex #3A2759 hsv 263 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.1 lab 20 21 -27 lch 20 34 308 cmyk 12 20 0 65 dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](2.2):dark_violet[2916][64,39,89](2.4):dark_persian_blue[2841][45,39,89](3.7):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](4.6):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](4.9) 5 dark:persian:pukeko:blue:indigo:purple:violet +2692 dark_bluish_grey rgb 83 83 89 hex #535359 hsv 240 7 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.11 lab 35 1 -3 lch 35 4 291 cmyk 2 2 0 65 half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](2.2):half_tuna[4405][85,88,92](2.2):abbey[945][76,79,86](2.4):basalt[1312][82,78,80](2.4):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](2.4) 43 abbey:basalt:foundry:friars:half:quarter:tuna:grey +2693 dark_brown rgb 52 28 2 hex #341C02 hsv 31 96 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 13 9 19 lch 13 21 64 cmyk 0 9 20 80 clinker[2375][55,29,9](3.0):dark_ebony[2718][60,32,5](4.1):sambuca[7442][58,32,16](4.1):woodburn[9167][60,32,5](4.1):bronze[1819][63,33,9](4.4) 7 dark:bronze:clinker:ebony:sambuca:woodburn +2694 dark_brown rgb 92 64 51 hex #5C4033 hsv 19 45 36 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.04 lab 30 10 13 lch 30 16 51 cmyk 0 11 16 64 very_dark_brown[8717][92,64,51](0.0):cioccolato[2340][93,59,46](3.3):PMS476[584][89,61,43](3.6):brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](4.2):millbrook[5747][89,68,51](4.2) 9 dark:very:PMS476:cioccolato:derby:millbrook:brown +2695 dark_brown rgb 101 67 33 hex #654321 hsv 30 67 40 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.02 lab 32 11 26 lch 32 28 67 cmyk 0 13 27 60 otter_brown[6261][101,67,33](0.0):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](2.4):cafe_royale[2000][106,73,40](2.4):flattery[3676][107,68,35](2.4):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](2.4) 11 cafe:flattery:kobicha:nose:otter:royale:brown +2696 dark_brown_tangelo rgb 136 101 78 hex #88654E hsv 24 43 53 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.09 lab 46 11 19 lch 46 21 59 cmyk 0 14 23 47 leather[4956][144,106,84](2.4):lone_ranger[5338][135,97,79](3.7):leather[4957][150,112,89](4.1):dark_wood[2918][133,94,66](4.4):cocoa[2405][135,95,66](4.9) 9 dark:cocoa:leather:lone:ranger:wood +2697 dark_buff rgb 151 102 56 hex #976638 hsv 29 63 59 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.06 lab 47 15 34 lch 47 37 66 cmyk 0 19 37 41 rusty_nail[7389][141,95,44](3.7):tan[8220][139,90,43](4.1):bullion[1899][149,106,62](4.4):sunshine[8148][156,101,49](4.6):mckenzie[5591][140,99,56](4.7) 5 bullion:mckenzie:nail:rusty:sunshine:tan +2698 dark_burgundy rgb 119 15 5 hex #770F05 hsv 5 96 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.01 lab 25 43 34 lch 25 55 39 cmyk 0 41 45 53 burgundy[1910][119,15,5](0.0):barn_red[1305][124,10,2](3.6):blood[1521][119,0,1](3.7):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](3.7):jazz[4751][120,1,9](3.7) 10 barn:blood:burgundy:japanese:jazz:maple:red +2699 dark_byzantium rgb 93 57 84 hex #5D3954 hsv 315 39 36 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.09 lab 29 21 -10 lch 29 23 335 cmyk 0 14 4 64 fandango[3554][90,56,81](2.4):halayà_úbe[4274][102,55,84](4.6):halayà_úbe[4275][102,56,84](4.6):voodoo[8975][83,52,85](4.6):violet[8851][79,47,79](5.7) 4 fandango:halayà:voodoo:úbe:violet +2700 dark_candy_apple_red rgb 164 0 0 hex #A40000 hsv 0 100 64 xyz 0.15 0.08 0.01 lab 34 58 48 lch 34 75 40 cmyk 0 64 64 36 strong_red[8053][168,0,0](1.7):darkish_red[2928][169,3,8](2.4):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](3.0):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](3.7):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](3.7) 7 strong:19:darkish:mordant:scarlet:red +2701 dark_cerise rgb 89 39 70 hex #592746 hsv 323 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.06 lab 24 27 -9 lch 24 29 342 cmyk 0 20 7 65 PMS262[247][84,35,68](2.2):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](4.2):dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](4.5):PMS5115[627][79,33,58](5.4):japanese_violet[4738][91,50,86](6.2) 3 dark:PMS262:PMS5115:fuchsia:japanese:rose:violet +2702 dark_cerulean rgb 8 69 126 hex #08457E hsv 209 94 49 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.21 lab 29 5 -37 lch 29 38 278 cmyk 46 22 0 51 twilight_blue[8614][10,67,122](1.4):PMS541[679][0,63,119](3.2):prussian_blue[6827][0,69,119](4.4):dodger_blue[3151][16,78,139](4.5):zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](5.2) 4 PMS541:de:dodger:loop:prussian:twilight:zoop:blue +2703 dark_cerulean rgb 39 77 89 hex #274D59 hsv 194 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.1 lab 31 -10 -11 lch 31 15 229 cmyk 20 5 0 65 teal_blue[8287][37,72,85](3.0):blue_dianne[1559][32,72,82](3.3):marathon[5519][48,85,99](3.3):lucifer[5349][46,80,96](3.7):explorer[3531][55,78,89](4.6) 8 dianne:explorer:lucifer:marathon:teal:blue +2704 dark_chartreuse_green rgb 64 89 39 hex #405927 hsv 90 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.03 lab 35 -19 26 lch 35 32 127 cmyk 10 0 20 65 dark_spring_bud[2894][70,89,39](2.0):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](3.3):PMS574[744][73,89,40](4.0):olive[6150][59,94,43](4.2):dell[3085][72,101,49](4.5) 6 dark:PMS574:bud:dell:olive:pistachio:spring +2705 dark_chestnut rgb 152 105 96 hex #986960 hsv 10 37 60 xyz 0.2 0.18 0.13 lab 49 18 13 lch 49 22 36 cmyk 0 18 22 40 promise[6821][147,105,98](3.0):toast[8379][154,110,97](3.0):au_chico[1191][158,103,89](4.5):sienna[7694][158,103,89](4.5):au_chico[1190][151,96,93](4.9) 5 au:chico:promise:sienna:toast +2706 dark_cobalt_blue rgb 39 58 89 hex #273A59 hsv 217 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 24 3 -21 lch 24 21 277 cmyk 20 12 0 65 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3 lch 23 25 6 cmyk 0 20 15 65 persian_red[6610][79,33,42](3.7):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](4.0):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](4.1):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](4.1):verve[8711][93,46,60](4.1) 7 dark:amaranth:persian:raspberry:verve:black:red:rose +2713 dark_cyan rgb 0 139 139 hex #008B8B hsv 180 100 55 xyz 0.14 0.2 0.28 lab 52 -31 -9 lch 52 32 196 cmyk 55 0 0 45 cyan[2634][0,139,139](0.0):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](2.0):PMS321[366][0,135,137](2.4):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](3.7):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](3.7) 9 PMS321:cyan:greenish:teal:blue:green:turquoise +2714 dark_cyan rgb 10 136 138 hex #0A888A hsv 181 93 54 xyz 0.14 0.2 0.27 lab 51 -29 -10 lch 51 31 199 cmyk 50 1 0 46 PMS321[366][0,135,137](0.0):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](1.4):cyan[2634][0,139,139](2.4):blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](3.0):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](3.2) 9 2X:PMS320:PMS321:chill:cyan:blue:turquoise +2715 dark_cyan rgb 39 89 89 hex #275959 hsv 180 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.11 lab 35 -17 -5 lch 35 17 197 cmyk 20 0 0 65 spectra[7887][47,90,87](2.2):dark_opal[2820][39,89,83](3.3):retro[7191][27,82,86](4.4):deep_sea_green[3055][9,88,89](4.9):sea_green[7555][9,88,89](4.9) 6 deep:dark:opal:retro:sea:spectra:green +2716 dark_cyanish_grey rgb 83 89 89 hex #535959 hsv 180 7 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.11 lab 37 -2 -1 lch 37 3 199 cmyk 2 0 0 65 mako[5477][80,85,85](1.0):PMS445[529][86,89,89](1.7):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](1.7):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](2.0):landscape_grey[4909][85,87,89](2.0) 45 PMS445:baltic:foundry:half:landscape:mako:quarter:sea:grey +2717 dark_ebony rgb 55 49 43 hex #37312B hsv 30 22 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 1 5 lch 21 5 73 cmyk 0 2 5 78 acadia[952][53,49,44](1.0):treehouse[8469][60,52,46](1.4):black_pepper[1471][60,55,49](2.0):canopy[2051][53,51,44](2.0):banjul[1288][52,50,45](2.2) 58 acadia:banjul:canopy:pepper:treehouse:black +2718 dark_ebony rgb 60 32 5 hex #3C2005 hsv 29 92 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 16 11 21 lch 16 24 62 cmyk 0 11 22 76 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#425959 hsv 180 26 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.11 lab 36 -9 -3 lch 36 9 198 cmyk 9 0 0 65 timekeeper[8369][65,89,90](1.0):green_meets_blue[4051][69,91,88](2.2):oracle[6195][57,85,85](2.2):dark_grayish_turquoise[2756][66,89,84](3.2):dark_grayish_cerulean[2739][66,84,89](4.1) 10 dark:cerulean:grayish:meets:oracle:timekeeper:blue:green:turquoise +2743 dark_grayish_fuchsia rgb 89 66 84 hex #594254 hsv 313 26 35 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.09 lab 31 13 -7 lch 31 15 333 cmyk 0 9 2 65 dark_grayish_magenta[2748][89,66,89](3.2):dark_grayish_mulberry[2750][84,66,89](4.0):dark_grayish_rose[2753][89,66,78](4.1):purple_taupe[6889][80,64,77](4.1):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](4.4) 6 dark:bossanova:grayish:magenta:mulberry:taupe:purple:rose +2744 dark_grayish_green rgb 66 89 66 hex #425942 hsv 120 26 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.06 lab 35 -14 11 lch 35 17 143 cmyk 9 0 9 65 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gray_asparagus[3994][70,89,69](2.2):grey_asparagus[4205][70,89,69](2.2):eureka[3521][65,91,78](3.0):plantation[6733][62,89,76](3.2):rivergum[7238][73,89,71](3.2) 10 asparagus:eureka:plantation:rivergum:gray:grey +2750 dark_grayish_mulberry rgb 84 66 89 hex #544259 hsv 287 26 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.1 lab 31 13 -11 lch 31 16 319 cmyk 2 9 0 65 dark_grayish_magenta[2748][89,66,89](1.4):dark_grayish_violet[2758][78,66,89](3.3):dark_grayish_fuchsia[2743][89,66,84](4.0):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](5.2):mulled_wine[5943][78,69,98](5.4) 3 dark:bossanova:fuchsia:grayish:magenta:mulled:wine:violet +2751 dark_grayish_olive rgb 89 89 66 hex #595942 hsv 60 26 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.07 lab 37 -4 13 lch 37 14 108 cmyk 0 0 9 65 vault[8685][86,87,64](1.4):dark_grayish_lime_green[2747][84,89,66](2.0):raptor[7065][88,88,71](3.2):triple_stonewall[8522][97,90,71](3.3):lisbon_brown[5304][84,79,58](3.6) 10 dark:grayish:lisbon:raptor:stonewall:triple:vault:brown:green:lime +2752 dark_grayish_reddish_brown rgb 89 66 66 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bed:bright:river:shapeshifter:skywater:zodiac:blue:grey +2755 dark_grayish_spring_green rgb 66 89 78 hex #42594E hsv 151 26 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -11 4 lch 36 12 163 cmyk 9 0 4 65 eureka[3521][65,91,78](2.0):plantation[6733][62,89,76](2.2):viridian_green[8878][75,95,86](2.4):nandor[5974][75,93,82](2.8):dark_grayish_malachite_green[2749][66,89,72](3.6) 12 dark:eureka:grayish:malachite:nandor:plantation:viridian:green +2756 dark_grayish_turquoise rgb 66 89 84 hex #425954 hsv 167 26 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.1 lab 36 -10 0 lch 36 10 180 cmyk 9 0 2 65 green_meets_blue[4051][69,91,88](1.7):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](3.0):dark_grayish_cyan[2742][66,89,89](3.2):oracle[6195][57,85,85](3.6):viridian_green[8878][75,95,86](3.6) 13 dark:PMS5477:cyan:grayish:meets:oracle:viridian:blue:green +2757 dark_grayish_vermilion rgb 89 72 66 hex #594842 hsv 16 26 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.06 lab 32 6 6 lch 32 9 46 cmyk 0 7 9 65 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dark_sap_green[2868][45,89,39](2.2):mughal_green[5934][48,96,48](3.7):dark_emerald_green[2720][39,89,45](4.1):dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](4.2):parsley[6493][19,79,25](5.4) 4 dark:emerald:harlequin:mughal:parsley:sap:green +2764 dark_green rgb 47 79 47 hex #2F4F2F hsv 120 41 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.04 lab 30 -19 15 lch 30 25 142 cmyk 13 0 13 69 lush[5410][53,76,40](4.5):PMS350[424][35,79,51](5.0):fervent_green[3589][57,79,43](5.1):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](5.7):kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](5.9) 2 PMS350:fervent:feverpitch:kaitoke:lush:green +2765 dark_green_blue rgb 31 99 87 hex #1F6357 hsv 169 69 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.11 lab 38 -24 1 lch 38 24 179 cmyk 27 0 5 61 PMS561[726][38,102,89](1.0):eden[3362][38,98,85](1.7):evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](3.2):PMS3292[391][0,96,86](4.1):globe[3879][37,103,97](4.9) 5 PMS3292:PMS561:eden:evening:globe:sea +2766 dark_green_copper rgb 74 118 110 hex #4A766E hsv 169 37 46 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.17 lab 46 -17 0 lch 46 17 181 cmyk 17 0 3 54 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cmyk 15 0 20 65 dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](2.0):dark_sap_green[2868][45,89,39](2.2):olive[6150][59,94,43](2.2):dark_green[2763][39,89,39](4.2):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](4.6) 7 dark:fields:olive:pistachio:sap:green +2773 dark_heliotrope rgb 83 39 89 hex #532759 hsv 293 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.1 lab 24 29 -21 lch 24 36 323 cmyk 2 20 0 65 PMS525[654][81,38,84](2.4):dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](2.4):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](3.0):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](3.2):troubadour[8539][86,34,90](4.6) 5 dark:PMS525:bossanova:magenta:mulberry:troubadour +2774 dark_hot_pink rgb 217 1 102 hex #D90166 hsv 332 100 85 xyz 0.31 0.16 0.14 lab 47 74 7 lch 47 75 5 cmyk 0 85 45 15 dogwood_rose[3157][215,24,104](2.2):cerise[2177][222,12,98](4.1):deep_pink[3030][203,1,98](4.7):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](4.7):PMS213[171][234,15,107](5.8) 4 deep:PMS213:cerise:dogwood:razzmatazz:pink:rose +2775 dark_imperial_blue rgb 0 20 126 hex #00147E hsv 230 100 49 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.2 lab 16 38 -59 lch 16 70 303 cmyk 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0.06 lab 69 -38 69 lch 69 79 119 cmyk 20 0 71 28 PMS376[452][127,186,0](3.2):apple_green[1085][141,182,0](4.1):dark_lime_green[2789][126,189,1](5.2):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](7.1):limerick[5288][157,194,9](7.5) 2 dark:PMS376:apple:atlantis:limerick:green:lime +2788 dark_lime_green rgb 77 89 39 hex #4D5927 hsv 74 56 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.03 lab 36 -13 27 lch 36 30 116 cmyk 5 0 20 65 dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](2.2):PMS574[744][73,89,40](2.4):army_green[1143][75,83,32](2.4):fern_frond[3580][87,94,46](3.0):saratoga[7499][85,91,44](3.3) 7 dark:PMS574:apple:army:fern:frond:saratoga:green +2789 dark_lime_green rgb 126 189 1 hex #7EBD01 hsv 80 99 74 xyz 0.27 0.41 0.06 lab 70 -43 70 lch 70 82 122 cmyk 25 0 74 26 PMS376[452][127,186,0](2.2):lima[5265][118,189,23](4.2):dark_lime[2787][132,183,1](5.2):dizzy_lizzy[3149][129,202,43](6.4):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](7.5) 2 dark:PMS376:atlantis:dizzy:lima:lizzy:lime +2790 dark_liver rgb 83 75 79 hex #534B4F hsv 330 10 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 33 4 -1 lch 33 4 344 cmyk 0 3 2 67 liver[5307][83,75,79](0.0):sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](1.4):yasna[9191][84,74,80](1.4):emperor[3475][80,73,74](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](1.7) 35 emperor:liver:shadowy:sidewinder:yasna:lavender +2791 dark_liver rgb 84 61 55 hex #543D37 hsv 12 35 33 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.04 lab 28 9 8 lch 28 12 40 cmyk 0 9 11 67 rock[7256][77,56,51](2.2):PMS438[522][89,63,61](3.0):cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](3.0):van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](3.0):paco[6296][79,64,55](4.0) 15 PMS438:bean:cleef:cocoa:paco:rock:van +2792 dark_magenta rgb 89 39 89 hex #592759 hsv 300 56 35 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.1 lab 25 31 -20 lch 25 37 327 cmyk 0 20 0 65 dark_heliotrope[2773][83,39,89](2.4):PMS525[654][81,38,84](3.7):troubadour[8539][86,34,90](4.1):dark_orchid[2827][89,39,83](4.2):PMS519[642][99,48,94](4.4) 7 dark:PMS519:PMS525:heliotrope:orchid:troubadour +2793 dark_magenta rgb 139 0 139 hex #8B008B hsv 300 100 55 xyz 0.15 0.07 0.25 lab 33 63 -39 lch 33 74 328 cmyk 0 55 0 45 magenta[5433][139,0,139](0.0):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](3.0):PMS2602[240][130,12,142](4.4):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](4.6):patriarch[6523][128,0,128](5.8) 4 PMS2602:eggplant:gras:magenta:mardi:patriarch:violet +2794 dark_magenta rgb 150 0 86 hex #960056 hsv 326 100 59 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.09 lab 32 58 -5 lch 32 58 355 cmyk 0 59 25 41 dark_fuchsia[2724][157,7,89](2.4):PMS235[193][142,5,84](3.7):reddish_purple[7158][145,9,81](3.7):PMS228[186][140,0,76](4.1):deep_magenta[3012][160,2,92](4.4) 7 deep:dark:PMS228:PMS235:fuchsia:magenta:reddish:purple +2795 dark_magentaish_grey rgb 89 83 89 hex #595359 hsv 300 7 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.11 lab 36 4 -3 lch 36 5 325 cmyk 0 2 0 65 zulu[9279][88,81,86](1.4):maltese[5487][88,86,96](2.4):dark_bluish_grey[2692][83,83,89](3.2):don_juan[3165][90,79,81](3.3):mortar[5903][86,80,81](3.3) 26 dark:bluish:don:juan:maltese:mortar:zulu:grey +2796 dark_malachite_green rgb 39 89 52 hex #275934 hsv 136 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.04 lab 34 -26 16 lch 34 31 148 cmyk 20 0 15 65 parsley[6494][48,93,53](2.4):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](3.2):pine[6653][43,93,52](3.3):PMS357[431][33,91,51](3.6):deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](3.6) 9 deep:dark:PMS357:moss:parsley:pine:sea:green +2797 dark_maroon rgb 60 0 8 hex #3C0008 hsv 352 100 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 9 29 11 lch 9 31 20 cmyk 0 24 20 76 temptress[8299][59,0,11](2.0):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.2):aubergine[1193][59,9,16](4.6):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](4.6):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](5.0) 5 37:38:aubergine:beer:chocolate:srm:temptress +2798 dark_mauve rgb 135 76 98 hex #874C62 hsv 338 44 53 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.13 lab 40 28 -2 lch 40 28 356 cmyk 0 23 15 47 impulse[4620][137,73,97](2.2):cannon_pink[2050][142,81,100](2.8):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](3.7):vin_rouge[8841][149,82,100](5.4):cosmic[2545][121,77,96](6.4) 3 pale:cannon:cosmic:impulse:rouge:vin:pink:red:violet +2799 dark_medium_grey rgb 169 169 169 hex #A9A9A9 hsv 300 0 66 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.43 lab 69 0 0 lch 69 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 34 dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](0.0):grey[4167][168,168,168](0.0):light_grey[5120][168,168,168](0.0):grey[4166][166,166,166](1.0):grey[4168][171,171,171](1.0) 48 light:dark:grey +2800 dark_midnight_blue rgb 0 51 102 hex #003366 hsv 210 100 40 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.13 lab 21 7 -34 lch 21 35 281 cmyk 40 20 0 60 midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](0.0):marine[5530][4,46,96](2.4):PMS295[321][0,56,107](2.8):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](2.8):PMS648[827][0,48,94](3.0) 11 PMS295:PMS648:marine:midnight:blue +2801 dark_mint rgb 72 192 114 hex #48C072 hsv 141 63 75 xyz 0.25 0.4 0.22 lab 70 -51 30 lch 70 59 150 cmyk 47 0 31 25 emerald[3468][80,200,120](2.0):paris_green[6488][80,200,120](2.0):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](5.4):cool_green[2471][51,184,100](5.8):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](6.4) 2 dark:cool:emerald:paris:sea:green:mint +2802 dark_mint_green rgb 32 192 115 hex #20C073 hsv 151 83 75 xyz 0.23 0.39 0.23 lab 69 -57 28 lch 69 63 154 cmyk 63 0 30 25 algae_green[995][33,195,111](3.3):home_run[4526][0,190,120](4.1):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](5.8):PMS354[428][0,183,96](6.2):dark_mint[2801][72,192,114](6.4) 2 dark:PMS354:algae:home:run:sea:green:mint +2803 dark_moss_green rgb 74 93 35 hex #4A5D23 hsv 80 62 36 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.03 lab 37 -17 30 lch 37 35 120 cmyk 7 0 23 64 camo_green[2026][82,101,37](4.4):dark_spring_bud[2894][70,89,39](4.5):PMS574[744][73,89,40](4.9):dark_chartreuse_green[2704][64,89,39](4.9):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](5.1) 4 dark:PMS574:bud:camo:chartreuse:spring:green:lime +2804 dark_mulberry rgb 77 39 89 hex #4D2759 hsv 286 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.1 lab 23 27 -23 lch 23 35 320 cmyk 5 20 0 65 bossanova[1663][78,42,90](1.7):dark_heliotrope[2773][83,39,89](3.0):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](3.0):PMS269[262][68,35,89](3.6):PMS669[848][71,43,89](4.0) 7 dark:PMS269:PMS669:bossanova:heliotrope:purple +2805 dark_mustard rgb 168 137 5 hex #A88905 hsv 49 97 66 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.04 lab 58 1 62 lch 58 62 89 cmyk 0 12 64 34 yellowy_brown[9234][174,139,12](2.2):PMS118[19][170,142,10](3.0):PMS126[33][163,130,5](3.0):diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](3.0):baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](3.7) 7 PMS118:PMS126:baby:diarrhea:shit:yellowy:brown +2806 dark_navy rgb 0 4 53 hex #000435 hsv 235 100 21 xyz 0.01 0 0.03 lab 3 15 -30 lch 3 33 296 cmyk 21 19 0 79 very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](1.0):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](2.4):black_rock[1472][13,3,50](3.6):deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](4.6):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](4.6) 5 deep:dark:very:cove:midnight:outer:rock:space:black:blue +2807 dark_navy_blue rgb 0 2 46 hex #00022E hsv 237 100 18 xyz 0.01 0 0.03 lab 2 12 -26 lch 2 29 294 cmyk 18 17 0 82 midnight[5713][3,1,45](0.0):very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](5.0):dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](5.1):black_rock[1472][13,3,50](5.2):tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](6.4) 2 dark:very:midnight:navy:rock:tangaroa:black:blue +2808 dark_oak rgb 85 52 43 hex #55342B hsv 13 49 33 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 25 14 12 lch 25 18 41 cmyk 0 13 16 67 jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](1.4):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](2.2):triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](2.2):dark_vermilion[2914][89,52,39](3.3):redwood[7161][91,52,46](3.3) 14 dark:jarrah:lumberjack:pepperwood:redwood:stain:triple:vermilion +2809 dark_oak rgb 97 39 24 hex #612718 hsv 12 75 38 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.01 lab 24 25 23 lch 24 34 42 cmyk 0 23 29 62 espresso[3511][97,39,24](0.0):sepia[7611][94,38,18](2.4):liver[5309][108,46,31](3.2):PMS483[591][107,48,33](4.1):meranti[5674][93,30,15](4.7) 6 PMS483:espresso:liver:meranti:sepia +2810 dark_olive rgb 55 62 2 hex #373E02 hsv 67 97 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.01 lab 25 -11 32 lch 25 34 109 cmyk 3 0 24 76 waiouru[8984][54,60,13](5.2):PMS5747[746][66,71,22](5.7):clover[2388][56,73,16](6.2):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](7.0):turtle_green[8591][42,56,11](8.6) 0 PMS5747:PMS5815:clover:turtle:waiouru:green +2811 dark_olive rgb 89 89 39 hex #595927 hsv 60 56 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.03 lab 37 -8 29 lch 37 30 105 cmyk 0 0 20 65 costa_del_sol[2552][98,93,42](3.0):planter[6735][98,93,42](3.0):dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](3.3):saratoga[7499][85,91,44](3.6):fern_frond[3580][87,94,46](4.4) 7 dark:apple:costa:del:fern:frond:planter:saratoga:sol:green +2812 dark_olive_green rgb 60 77 3 hex #3C4D03 hsv 74 96 30 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.01 lab 30 -17 37 lch 30 41 115 cmyk 7 0 29 70 verdun_green[8703][73,84,0](5.4):navy_green[6001][53,83,10](6.4):army_green[1144][75,93,22](7.1):clover[2388][56,73,16](7.3):verdun_green[8702][72,83,26](7.3) 0 army:clover:navy:verdun:green +2813 dark_olive_green rgb 79 79 47 hex #4F4F2F hsv 60 41 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.04 lab 33 -6 19 lch 33 20 107 cmyk 0 0 13 69 waiouru[8985][76,78,49](2.2):grey_green[4213][82,86,54](2.4):camouflage[2028][79,77,50](3.7):style_pasifika_dark_moss[8074][79,77,50](3.7):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](4.1) 7 dark:camouflage:moss:pasifika:style:thatch:waiouru:green:grey +2814 dark_olive_green rgb 85 107 47 hex #556B2F hsv 82 56 42 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.05 lab 42 -19 31 lch 42 36 122 cmyk 9 0 24 58 deep_spring_bud[3065][85,107,47](0.0):olive_green_dark[6166][85,107,47](0.0):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](1.0):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](2.4):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](3.0) 5 deep:dark:bud:camo:leaf:olive:spring:wimbledon:green +2815 dark_olive_green rgb 110 139 61 hex #6E8B3D hsv 82 56 55 xyz 0.17 0.22 0.08 lab 54 -23 38 lch 54 45 122 cmyk 11 0 31 45 khaki_green[4852][114,134,57](3.2):swamp[8172][105,131,57](3.7):koru[4886][119,142,70](4.7):moss_green[5911][101,139,56](5.1):dirty_green[3137][102,126,44](5.9) 3 dirty:khaki:koru:moss:swamp:green +2816 dark_olive_green rgb 162 205 90 hex #A2CD5A hsv 82 56 80 xyz 0.39 0.52 0.18 lab 77 -32 52 lch 77 61 122 cmyk 17 0 45 20 happy_hour[4421][169,201,73](6.8):PMS367[441][170,221,109](7.3):chameleon[2203][152,183,79](9.1):booger[1650][155,181,60](10.0):avocado[1210][144,177,52](10.7) 0 PMS367:avocado:booger:chameleon:happy:hour +2817 dark_olive_green rgb 188 238 104 hex #BCEE68 hsv 82 56 93 xyz 0.54 0.73 0.24 lab 88 -36 59 lch 88 69 122 cmyk 20 0 53 7 PMS374[449][186,232,96](1.7):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](5.1):inchworm[4624][178,236,93](5.1):conifer[2462][177,221,82](6.2):pale_lime[6382][190,253,115](7.1) 1 pale:PMS374:conifer:inch:inchworm:worm:lime +2818 dark_olive_green rgb 202 255 112 hex #CAFF70 hsv 82 56 100 xyz 0.63 0.85 0.28 lab 94 -38 62 lch 94 73 122 cmyk 21 0 56 0 pale_lime[6382][190,253,115](4.4):light_brilliant_spring_bud[5067][197,255,101](5.0):pear[6562][203,248,95](5.7):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](7.3):inchworm[4624][178,236,93](7.3) 2 pale:light:brilliant:bud:inch:inchworm:pear:spring:worm:lime +2819 dark_olivish_grey rgb 89 89 83 hex #595953 hsv 60 7 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.1 lab 38 -1 3 lch 38 4 110 cmyk 0 0 2 65 chicago[2279][91,93,86](1.7):chicago[2280][93,92,88](1.7):half_gravel[4334][92,93,86](1.7):smokey_ash[7792][93,89,82](2.2):tinpan_alley[8371][92,91,89](2.4) 42 alley:ash:chicago:gravel:half:smokey:tinpan +2820 dark_opal rgb 39 89 83 hex #275953 hsv 173 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.09 lab 34 -18 -2 lch 34 19 185 cmyk 20 0 2 65 spectra[7887][47,90,87](2.4):dark_cyan[2715][39,89,89](3.3):plantation[6732][39,80,75](3.6):dark_turquoise[2911][39,89,77](4.5):stromboli[8013][50,93,82](4.5) 6 dark:cyan:plantation:spectra:stromboli:turquoise +2821 dark_orange rgb 139 69 0 hex #8B4500 hsv 30 100 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.01 lab 37 26 47 lch 37 54 61 cmyk 0 27 55 45 PMS1535[74][140,68,0](1.0):PMS724[903][142,73,5](2.2):korma[4883][143,75,14](3.0):brown[1836][150,75,0](4.4):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](5.0) 5 PMS1535:PMS724:korma:warm:brown +2822 dark_orange rgb 198 81 2 hex #C65102 hsv 24 99 78 xyz 0.26 0.18 0.02 lab 49 44 59 lch 49 73 53 cmyk 0 46 77 22 burnt_orange[1929][192,78,1](1.7):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](2.8):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](3.2):rust_orange[7384][196,85,8](3.3):tawny[8265][205,87,0](3.6) 10 burnt:rust:rusty:tawny:orange +2823 dark_orange rgb 205 102 0 hex #CD6600 hsv 30 100 80 xyz 0.3 0.22 0.03 lab 55 36 63 lch 55 72 60 cmyk 0 40 80 20 PMS717[896][211,109,0](3.0):beer_srm_13[1353][198,100,1](3.5):beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](4.0):browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](4.0):PMS159[85][198,96,5](4.2) 5 12:13:PMS159:PMS717:beer:browny:srm:orange +2824 dark_orange rgb 238 118 0 hex #EE7600 hsv 30 100 93 xyz 0.42 0.31 0.04 lab 63 41 70 lch 63 81 60 cmyk 0 47 93 7 mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](2.4):PMS1505[69][244,124,0](2.8):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](3.0):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](3.3):christine[2319][231,115,10](3.7) 13 vivid:PMS1505:chilean:christine:fire:mango:tango:orange +2825 dark_orange rgb 255 127 0 hex #FF7F00 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.04 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](0.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](0.0):orange[6204][255,127,0](0.0):orange[6205][255,128,0](0.0) 15 luminous:vivid:coral:flush:orange +2826 dark_orange rgb 255 140 0 hex #FF8C00 hsv 33 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.4 0.05 lab 69 37 75 lch 69 84 64 cmyk 0 45 100 0 juicy[4784][255,139,0](0.0):pizazz[6729][255,144,0](2.4):princeton_orange[6817][255,143,0](2.4):west_side[9051][255,145,15](3.7):tangerine[8240][242,133,0](4.1) 8 juicy:pizazz:princeton:side:tangerine:west:orange +2827 dark_orchid rgb 89 39 83 hex #592753 hsv 307 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.09 lab 24 30 -16 lch 24 34 331 cmyk 0 20 2 65 PMS2622[248][96,45,89](3.0):dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](3.2):PMS525[654][81,38,84](3.7):PMS519[642][99,48,94](4.1):dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](4.2) 5 dark:PMS2622:PMS519:PMS525:fuchsia:magenta +2828 dark_orchid rgb 104 34 139 hex #68228B hsv 280 76 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.25 lab 29 48 -44 lch 29 65 317 cmyk 14 41 0 45 dark_slate_blue[2888][107,35,142](1.7):seance[7584][115,30,143](5.4):rebecca_purple[7096][102,51,153](7.1):PMS2607[242][91,2,122](7.3):purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](7.7) 1 slate:dark:PMS2607:heart:rebecca:seance:blue:purple +2829 dark_orchid rgb 153 50 204 hex #9932CC hsv 280 75 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.58 lab 43 65 -60 lch 43 89 317 cmyk 20 60 0 20 orchid_dark[6242][153,50,204](0.0):violet[8853][134,1,175](9.7):purple[6861][125,38,205](10.3):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](10.4):lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](10.5) 1 dark:brilliant:lightish:orchid:purple:violet +2830 dark_orchid rgb 153 50 205 hex #9932CD hsv 280 76 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.59 lab 43 65 -61 lch 43 89 317 cmyk 20 61 0 20 orchid_dark[6242][153,50,204](1.0):purple[6861][125,38,205](9.4):violet[8853][134,1,175](9.9):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](10.3):lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](10.3) 1 dark:brilliant:lightish:orchid:purple:violet +2831 dark_orchid rgb 154 50 205 hex #9A32CD hsv 280 76 80 xyz 0.25 0.14 0.59 lab 44 66 -60 lch 44 89 317 cmyk 20 61 0 20 orchid_dark[6242][153,50,204](1.4):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](9.8):purple[6867][159,0,197](9.9):lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](10.2):violet[8853][134,1,175](10.4) 1 dark:brilliant:lightish:orchid:purple:violet +2832 dark_orchid rgb 178 58 238 hex #B23AEE hsv 280 76 93 xyz 0.35 0.19 0.83 lab 50 74 -68 lch 50 100 317 cmyk 24 71 0 7 vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](8.6):vivid_mulberry[8928][184,12,227](9.5):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](10.4):violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](10.4):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](11.0) 0 dark:vivid:mulberry:vibrant:purple:violet +2833 dark_orchid rgb 191 62 255 hex #BF3EFF hsv 280 76 100 xyz 0.41 0.22 0.97 lab 54 78 -72 lch 54 106 317 cmyk 25 76 0 0 vivid_mulberry[8928][184,12,227](9.9):vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](10.3):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](10.3):purple[6868][160,32,240](10.3):veronica[8710][160,32,240](10.3) 0 vivid:mulberry:veronica:vibrant:purple +2834 dark_pastel_blue rgb 119 158 203 hex #779ECB hsv 212 41 80 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.61 lab 64 -2 -27 lch 64 27 266 cmyk 33 18 0 20 cerulean_frost[2188][109,155,195](4.1):zephyr[9252][128,154,198](4.2):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](4.6):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](4.6):delta_blue[3088][124,154,205](4.6) 7 cerulean:delta:frost:zephyr:blue:gray:grey +2835 dark_pastel_green rgb 3 192 60 hex #03C03C hsv 138 98 75 xyz 0.2 0.38 0.11 lab 68 -66 53 lch 68 85 141 cmyk 74 0 52 25 PMS361[435][30,181,58](5.8):shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](7.1):kelly_green[4826][2,171,46](8.3):green[4029][21,176,26](8.4):emerald_green[3470][0,201,87](8.5) 0 PMS361:emerald:kelly:shamrock:green +2836 dark_pastel_green rgb 86 174 87 hex #56AE57 hsv 121 51 68 xyz 0.21 0.33 0.14 lab 64 -45 37 lch 64 58 141 cmyk 35 0 34 32 moderate_emerald_green[5822][74,168,85](3.7):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](3.7):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](4.1):fruit_salad[3786][75,163,81](4.6):mid_green[5707][80,167,71](5.0) 5 moderate:emerald:fruit:mid:salad:sap:green +2837 dark_pastel_purple rgb 150 111 214 hex #966FD6 hsv 263 48 84 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.66 lab 55 37 -48 lch 55 60 308 cmyk 25 40 0 16 medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](2.0):medium_purple[5631][147,112,219](2.0):purple_medium[6877][147,112,219](2.0):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](4.5):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](4.7) 5 medium:amethyst:orchid:purple +2838 dark_pastel_red rgb 194 59 34 hex #C23B22 hsv 9 82 76 xyz 0.24 0.15 0.03 lab 45 53 45 lch 45 69 40 cmyk 0 53 63 24 satin_orange[7505][198,64,32](3.0):PMS180[127][193,56,40](4.1):blaze[1507][190,65,35](4.1):thunderbird[8339][192,43,24](4.9):rusty_red[7391][175,47,13](6.6) 4 PMS180:blaze:rusty:satin:thunderbird:orange:red +2839 dark_peach rgb 222 126 93 hex #DE7E5D hsv 15 58 87 xyz 0.4 0.31 0.14 lab 63 34 34 lch 63 48 45 cmyk 0 38 51 13 japonica[4740][216,124,99](5.2):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](5.5):salmon[7427][238,130,98](6.2):salmon[7426][205,112,84](6.3):japonica[4739][206,114,89](6.4) 0 burnt:japonica:salmon:sienna +2840 dark_periwinkle rgb 102 95 209 hex #665FD1 hsv 244 55 82 xyz 0.21 0.16 0.62 lab 46 33 -58 lch 46 67 300 cmyk 42 45 0 18 slate_blue[7759][105,89,205](3.2):slate_blue[7760][106,90,205](3.2):iris[4670][98,88,196](3.6):light_indigo[5128][109,90,207](4.0):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](6.7) 4 slate:light:PMS2726:iris:blue:indigo +2841 dark_persian_blue rgb 45 39 89 hex #2D2759 hsv 247 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.1 lab 19 18 -29 lch 19 34 301 cmyk 17 20 0 65 dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](1.7):PMS2766[295][43,38,91](2.0):dark_blue[2687][39,39,89](2.4):dark_blue_violet[2691][58,39,89](3.7):port_gore[6781][37,31,79](4.0) 9 dark:PMS2766:gore:port:blue:indigo:violet +2842 dark_phthalo_blue rgb 39 45 89 hex #272D59 hsv 233 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.1 lab 20 12 -27 lch 20 30 293 cmyk 20 17 0 65 space_cadet[7865][30,41,82](2.8):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](3.5):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.7):hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](3.7):paua[6528][42,37,81](3.7) 7 aviator:blast:cadet:hip:hop:off:paua:space +2843 dark_pink rgb 203 65 107 hex #CB416B hsv 342 68 80 xyz 0.29 0.18 0.16 lab 49 57 7 lch 49 58 7 cmyk 0 54 38 20 ruber[7360][206,70,118](4.1):deep_rose[3044][199,71,103](4.5):cabaret[1969][217,73,114](4.6):jazzberry_jam[4753][198,48,97](5.1):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.2) 3 deep:cabaret:cranberry:jam:jazzberry:ruber:rose +2844 dark_pink rgb 231 84 128 hex #E75480 hsv 342 64 91 xyz 0.4 0.25 0.23 lab 57 60 6 lch 57 61 6 cmyk 0 58 40 9 PMS205[163][229,76,124](3.0):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](3.6):cabaret[1969][217,73,114](4.6):brilliant_crimson[1774][231,81,119](5.2):brilliant_raspberry[1796][231,81,137](5.4) 3 brilliant:PMS205:cabaret:cranberry:raspberry:crimson +2845 dark_pistachio rgb 58 89 39 hex #3A5927 hsv 97 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.03 lab 34 -22 25 lch 34 33 131 cmyk 12 0 20 65 dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](2.0):olive[6150][59,94,43](2.2):dark_chartreuse_green[2704][64,89,39](3.3):dark_sap_green[2868][45,89,39](4.1):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](4.6) 6 dark:chartreuse:fields:harlequin:olive:sap:green +2846 dark_plum rgb 63 1 44 hex #3F012C hsv 318 98 25 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.02 lab 11 33 -10 lch 11 34 343 cmyk 0 24 7 75 barossa[1310][68,1,45](1.7):aubergine[1194][61,7,52](5.5):blackberry[1486][77,1,53](5.7):toledo[8400][58,0,32](7.0):eggplant[3375][56,8,53](8.1) 1 aubergine:barossa:blackberry:eggplant:toledo +2847 dark_powder_blue rgb 0 51 153 hex #003399 hsv 220 100 60 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.31 lab 26 29 -59 lch 26 66 296 cmyk 60 40 0 40 smalt[7780][0,51,153](0.0):air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](4.1):strong_cobalt_blue[8027][0,63,168](4.9):blue[1538][51,51,153](5.4):PMS286[307][0,56,168](6.6) 3 strong:PMS286:air:cobalt:force:smalt:blue +2848 dark_puce rgb 79 58 60 hex #4F3A3C hsv 354 27 31 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.05 lab 27 10 2 lch 27 10 14 cmyk 0 8 7 69 earlybird[3327][81,57,57](2.2):matterhorn[5578][78,59,65](2.2):half_barista[4290][81,63,63](3.0):night_owl[6050][72,51,53](3.0):satellite[7503][85,66,68](3.2) 18 barista:earlybird:half:matterhorn:night:owl:satellite +2849 dark_purple rgb 48 25 52 hex #301934 hsv 291 52 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 13 17 -13 lch 13 21 322 cmyk 2 11 0 80 revolver[7193][44,22,50](1.4):plum[6739][56,26,56](3.6):ab_fab[941][50,27,47](4.6):blackcurrant[1487][46,24,59](5.4):upstage[8659][51,32,51](6.0) 3 ab:blackcurrant:fab:plum:revolver:upstage +2850 dark_purple rgb 53 6 62 hex #35063E hsv 290 90 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.05 lab 11 31 -24 lch 11 39 323 cmyk 4 22 0 76 valentino[8669][53,14,66](3.2):deep_purple[3036][54,1,63](3.3):dark_violet[2915][52,1,63](3.7):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](4.1):midnight_purple[5728][40,1,55](4.6) 6 deep:dark:gras:mardi:midnight:valentino:purple:violet +2851 dark_purple rgb 70 39 89 hex #462759 hsv 277 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.1 lab 22 25 -25 lch 22 35 315 cmyk 7 20 0 65 PMS269[262][68,35,89](2.4):dark_violet[2916][64,39,89](2.4):PMS669[848][71,43,89](3.0):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](3.0):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](3.7) 7 dark:PMS269:PMS669:bossanova:mulberry:violet +2852 dark_purple rgb 135 31 120 hex #871F78 hsv 309 77 53 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.18 lab 33 53 -26 lch 33 59 333 cmyk 0 41 6 47 darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](6.9):PMS512[628][132,33,107](7.3):PMS259[234][114,22,107](7.9):PMS513[630][158,35,135](7.9):warm_purple[9003][149,46,143](7.9) 0 PMS259:PMS512:PMS513:darkish:warm:purple +2853 dark_raspberry rgb 89 39 58 hex #59273A hsv 337 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.04 lab 23 25 -1 lch 23 25 357 cmyk 0 20 12 65 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dark_green[2763][39,89,39](2.2):dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](2.2):mughal_green[5934][48,96,48](3.0):olive[6150][59,94,43](3.7):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](4.1) 6 dark:harlequin:mughal:olive:pistachio:green +2869 dark_sapphire_blue rgb 39 52 89 hex #273459 hsv 224 56 35 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.1 lab 22 7 -24 lch 22 25 286 cmyk 20 15 0 65 cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](2.2):filmpro_pthalo_blue[3616][43,56,96](2.4):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.2):cello[2164][30,56,91](4.1):galactica[3821][48,54,85](4.1) 9 aviator:burst:cello:cloud:filmpro:galactica:pthalo:blue +2870 dark_scarlet rgb 86 3 25 hex #560319 hsv 344 97 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 16 36 12 lch 16 38 18 cmyk 0 33 24 66 deep_crimson[2983][89,0,22](3.6):maroon_oak[5551][82,12,23](4.1):persian_red[6611][82,12,23](4.1):bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](4.4):madam_m[5424][97,12,29](4.6) 5 deep:bordeaux:m:madam:maroon:oak:persian:crimson:red +2871 dark_scarlet rgb 89 45 39 hex #592D27 hsv 7 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 24 19 13 lch 24 23 34 cmyk 0 17 20 65 PMS1817[132][91,45,40](1.0):hukanui[4578][87,42,35](1.7):moccaccino[5799][88,47,43](2.4):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](2.4):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](3.2) 13 PMS1817:hukanui:moccaccino:pepperwood:sienna:red +2872 dark_sea_green rgb 17 135 93 hex #11875D hsv 159 87 53 xyz 0.11 0.18 0.13 lab 50 -41 14 lch 50 43 161 cmyk 46 0 16 47 viridian[8875][30,145,103](3.0):eucalyptus[3516][39,138,91](3.3):sea_green[7557][35,142,104](4.1):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](4.4):spanish_viridian[7881][0,127,92](4.7) 5 earth:eucalyptus:mother:sea:spanish:viridian:green +2873 dark_sea_green rgb 39 89 58 hex #27593A hsv 143 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.05 lab 34 -25 13 lch 34 28 153 cmyk 20 0 12 65 dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](3.2):kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](3.3):mid_green[5706][36,83,54](3.3):dark_spring_green[2896][39,89,64](4.1):deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](4.1) 10 deep:dark:kaitoke:malachite:mid:moss:spring:green +2874 dark_sea_green rgb 105 139 105 hex #698B69 hsv 120 24 55 xyz 0.18 0.22 0.17 lab 55 -19 14 lch 55 24 143 cmyk 13 0 13 45 flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](0.0):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](2.2):glade_green[3871][97,132,95](3.7):laurel[4922][110,141,113](3.7):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.4) 5 slate:medium:flat:glade:laurel:green:grey +2875 dark_sea_green rgb 143 188 143 hex #8FBC8F hsv 120 24 74 xyz 0.34 0.44 0.33 lab 72 -24 18 lch 72 30 143 cmyk 18 0 18 26 flat_medium_green[3672][143,188,143](0.0):pale_green[6343][143,188,143](0.0):sea_green_dark[7564][143,188,143](0.0):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](5.7):bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](6.5) 3 pale:medium:dark:flat:bay:eton:leaf:sea:blue:green +2876 dark_sea_green rgb 155 205 155 hex #9BCD9B hsv 120 24 80 xyz 0.41 0.53 0.39 lab 78 -26 20 lch 78 33 143 cmyk 20 0 20 20 flat_medium_green[3673][155,205,155](0.0):chinook[2298][157,211,168](4.5):light_moss_green[5148][173,223,173](6.1):moss_green[5913][173,223,173](6.1):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](6.6) 2 medium:light:flat:chinook:eton:moss:blue:green +2877 dark_sea_green rgb 180 238 180 hex #B4EEB4 hsv 120 24 93 xyz 0.58 0.74 0.54 lab 89 -29 22 lch 89 37 143 cmyk 23 0 23 7 flat_medium_green[3674][180,238,180](0.0):madang[5426][183,240,190](4.2):light_sage[5186][188,236,172](4.5):celadon[2152][172,225,175](5.4):madang[5425][183,227,168](5.4) 3 medium:light:flat:celadon:madang:sage:green +2878 dark_sea_green rgb 193 255 193 hex #C1FFC1 hsv 120 24 100 xyz 0.67 0.87 0.64 lab 95 -31 24 lch 95 39 143 cmyk 24 0 24 0 flat_medium_green[3675][193,255,193](0.0):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](1.4):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](3.0):celadon[2153][190,253,183](3.7):light_mint[5145][182,255,187](4.2) 6 pale:medium:light:flat:celadon:sap:green:mint +2879 dark_seafoam rgb 31 181 122 hex #1FB57A hsv 156 83 71 xyz 0.21 0.35 0.24 lab 66 -51 20 lch 66 55 159 cmyk 59 0 23 29 green_teal[4063][12,181,119](2.4):PMS3405[411][0,178,122](3.0):greenish_teal[4085][50,191,132](3.2):bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](3.7):jade[4713][0,168,107](5.1) 4 PMS3405:bluey:greenish:jade:teal:green +2880 dark_seafoam_green rgb 62 175 118 hex #3EAF76 hsv 150 65 69 xyz 0.21 0.33 0.22 lab 64 -45 20 lch 64 49 156 cmyk 44 0 22 31 bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](3.2):green[4030][28,172,120](4.4):ocean_green[6098][65,170,120](4.4):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](4.6):jade[4714][31,167,116](4.7) 7 bluey:jade:ocean:teal:green +2881 dark_sienna rgb 60 20 20 hex #3C1414 hsv 360 67 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 13 20 10 lch 13 22 27 cmyk 0 16 16 76 cocoa_bean[2406][72,28,28](4.1):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](4.1):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](4.2):PMS4975[606][68,30,28](4.5):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](4.5) 6 20:40:PMS4975:bean:beer:cocoa:lmu:rustic:srm:toast:red +2882 dark_sky_blue rgb 68 142 228 hex #448EE4 hsv 212 70 89 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.77 lab 58 5 -50 lch 58 51 276 cmyk 63 34 0 11 united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](3.5):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](4.1):cornflower[2527][100,149,237](5.7):cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](5.7):vivid_cornflower_blue[8908][0,145,231](6.3) 2 vivid:bleu:cornflower:de:france:nations:united:blue +2883 dark_sky_blue rgb 140 190 214 hex #8CBED6 hsv 199 35 84 xyz 0.41 0.47 0.71 lab 74 -11 -17 lch 74 20 239 cmyk 29 9 0 16 PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.3):light_sky_blue[5203][141,182,205](3.7):seagull[7580][119,183,208](4.7):PMS543[683][147,183,209](5.1):PMS283[304][155,196,226](5.4) 3 light:PMS283:PMS2905:PMS543:seagull:sky:blue +2884 dark_slate rgb 57 72 81 hex #394851 hsv 203 30 32 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.09 lab 30 -4 -7 lch 30 8 244 cmyk 9 4 0 68 limed_spruce[5284][57,72,81](0.0):atomic[1186][61,75,82](1.4):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](2.2):charcoal[2221][54,69,79](2.4):deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](2.4) 17 deep:atomic:charcoal:cove:ivanhoe:limed:spruce +2885 dark_slate rgb 70 83 82 hex #465352 hsv 175 16 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.09 lab 34 -5 -1 lch 34 5 192 cmyk 5 0 0 67 PMS432[515][68,79,81](2.4):cape_cod[2057][78,85,82](3.0):corduroy[2511][64,77,73](3.0):balderdash[1264][70,86,89](3.2):abbey[944][73,81,84](3.6) 19 PMS432:abbey:balderdash:cape:cod:corduroy +2886 dark_slate_blue rgb 33 71 97 hex #214761 hsv 204 66 38 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.12 lab 29 -5 -19 lch 29 20 257 cmyk 25 10 0 62 wanaka[8991][40,73,98](1.7):astronaut_blue[1174][33,69,89](3.3):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.3):guru[4265][21,76,101](3.3):spinnaker[7901][47,77,102](3.7) 11 dark:astronaut:guru:spinnaker:wanaka:blue:grey +2887 dark_slate_blue rgb 72 61 139 hex #483D8B hsv 248 56 55 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.25 lab 31 26 -42 lch 31 49 302 cmyk 26 31 0 45 slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](0.0):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](1.4):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](2.8):victoria[8833][83,68,145](3.2):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](4.2) 6 slate:dark:blueberry:gem:victoria:blue +2888 dark_slate_blue rgb 107 35 142 hex #6B238E hsv 280 75 56 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.26 lab 30 49 -45 lch 30 66 317 cmyk 14 42 0 44 dark_orchid[2828][104,34,139](1.7):seance[7584][115,30,143](4.2):rebecca_purple[7096][102,51,153](7.0):purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](7.5):PMS2607[242][91,2,122](7.6) 2 dark:PMS2607:heart:orchid:rebecca:seance:purple +2889 dark_slate_grey rgb 47 79 79 hex #2F4F4F hsv 180 41 31 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.08 lab 31 -12 -4 lch 31 12 198 cmyk 13 0 0 69 slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](0.0):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](2.4):espirit[3509][53,78,81](3.2):oracle[6195][57,85,85](3.7):beatnik[1332][31,79,84](4.5) 7 slate:dark:beatnik:dianne:espirit:oracle:blue:grey +2890 dark_slate_grey rgb 82 139 139 hex #528B8B hsv 180 41 55 xyz 0.17 0.22 0.28 lab 54 -19 -6 lch 54 20 198 cmyk 22 0 0 45 half_baked[4285][85,143,147](3.0):patriot[6524][79,146,146](3.0):cadet_blue[1977][83,134,139](3.7):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](4.4):paradiso[6482][72,128,132](4.9) 5 PMS5483:baked:cadet:half:paradiso:patriot:blue +2891 dark_slate_grey rgb 121 205 205 hex #79CDCD hsv 180 41 80 xyz 0.41 0.52 0.66 lab 77 -25 -8 lch 77 27 197 cmyk 33 0 0 20 onepoto[6181][129,211,209](3.2):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](5.0):monte_carlo[5876][131,208,198](5.2):cadet_blue[1981][122,197,205](5.4):PMS630[809][140,204,211](6.4) 2 PMS3105:PMS630:cadet:carlo:monte:onepoto:blue +2892 dark_slate_grey rgb 141 238 238 hex #8DEEEE hsv 180 41 93 xyz 0.57 0.73 0.92 lab 88 -29 -9 lch 88 30 197 cmyk 38 0 0 7 light_cyan[5089][139,231,231](2.8):very_light_cyan[8758][158,255,255](6.0):light_opal[5156][139,231,220](6.4):cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](6.7):robin's_egg_blue[7248][152,239,249](6.7) 1 light:very:cadet:cyan:egg:opal:robin's:blue +2893 dark_slate_grey rgb 151 255 255 hex #97FFFF hsv 180 41 100 xyz 0.67 0.85 1.08 lab 94 -30 -9 lch 94 32 197 cmyk 41 0 0 0 very_light_cyan[8758][158,255,255](1.0):light_cyan[5090][172,255,252](4.6):very_light_opal[8774][158,255,243](6.1):electric_blue[3438][125,249,255](6.6):celeste[2159][178,255,255](7.1) 2 light:very:celeste:cyan:electric:opal:blue +2894 dark_spring_bud rgb 70 89 39 hex #465927 hsv 83 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.03 lab 35 -17 26 lch 35 31 122 cmyk 7 0 20 65 PMS574[744][73,89,40](2.0):dark_chartreuse_green[2704][64,89,39](2.0):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](4.2):dark_moss_green[2803][74,93,35](4.5):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](5.2) 4 dark:PMS574:chartreuse:moss:pistachio:green:lime +2895 dark_spring_green rgb 23 114 69 hex #177245 hsv 150 80 45 xyz 0.07 0.13 0.08 lab 42 -37 18 lch 42 41 154 cmyk 36 0 18 55 jewel[4764][18,107,64](2.4):dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](3.2):PMS349[423][0,107,63](3.3):salem[7423][23,123,77](3.6):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](3.7) 8 PMS349:cadmium:dartmouth:jewel:salem:green +2896 dark_spring_green rgb 39 89 64 hex #275940 hsv 150 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.06 lab 34 -24 9 lch 34 25 158 cmyk 20 0 10 65 PMS626[805][33,84,63](3.0):dark_aquamarine[2680][39,89,70](3.6):PMS554[712][25,94,71](3.7):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](4.1):kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](4.2) 6 dark:PMS554:PMS626:kaitoke:sea:aquamarine:green +2897 dark_tan rgb 97 45 45 hex #612D2D hsv 0 54 38 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 26 24 11 lch 26 26 25 cmyk 0 20 20 62 red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](0.0):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](1.4):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](1.4):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.2):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.2) 18 burnt:buccaneer:japanese:maple:ochre:persian:plum:sienna:red +2898 dark_tan rgb 102 16 16 hex #661010 hsv 360 84 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.01 lab 21 37 25 lch 21 44 33 cmyk 0 34 34 60 moccaccino[5800][110,29,20](3.7):beer_srm_29[1369][98,15,3](4.2):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](4.4):burnt_crimson[1927][101,0,11](4.5):rosewood[7321][101,0,11](4.5) 11 burnt:29:30:beer:moccaccino:rosewood:srm:crimson +2899 dark_tan rgb 145 129 81 hex #918151 hsv 45 44 57 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.11 lab 54 -1 28 lch 54 28 92 cmyk 0 6 25 43 fortune[3730][146,128,83](1.4):twister[8620][147,130,85](1.7):light_goldenrod[5105][139,129,76](3.6):old_goldenrod[6130][139,129,76](3.6):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](5.7) 4 light:boardwalk:fortune:goldenrod:old:twister +2900 dark_tan rgb 151 105 79 hex #97694F hsv 22 48 59 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.1 lab 49 15 22 lch 49 27 55 cmyk 0 18 28 41 brownish[1863][156,109,87](2.4):leather[4957][150,112,89](4.4):PMS4715[574][153,112,91](4.9):leather[4956][144,106,84](5.1):cocoa[2405][135,95,66](5.5) 3 PMS4715:brownish:cocoa:leather +2901 dark_tan rgb 175 136 74 hex #AF884A hsv 37 58 69 xyz 0.28 0.27 0.1 lab 59 8 39 lch 59 39 79 cmyk 0 15 40 31 triple_putty[8511][183,139,75](2.4):moderate_gamboge[5824][168,133,74](3.0):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](4.1):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](4.1):bronze_ii[1824][166,125,61](4.2) 5 moderate:bronze:driftwood:gamboge:ii:mckenzie:putty:triple +2902 dark_tangelo rgb 89 58 39 hex #593A27 hsv 23 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 28 11 17 lch 28 21 57 cmyk 0 12 20 65 PMS476[584][89,61,43](1.4):bracken[1689][91,61,39](2.4):quincy[7031][98,63,45](2.8):carnaby_tan[2099][91,58,36](3.2):dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](3.3) 16 dark:PMS476:bracken:carnaby:quincy:rimu:tan +2903 dark_tangerine rgb 255 168 18 hex #FFA812 hsv 38 93 100 xyz 0.55 0.49 0.07 lab 76 23 77 lch 76 80 74 cmyk 0 34 93 0 naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](0.0):bright_yellow[1757][255,170,29](2.2):chrome_yellow[2323][255,167,0](2.2):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](2.2):PMS137[49][252,163,17](2.4) 16 deep:PMS137:bright:chrome:naples:yellowish:orange:yellow +2904 dark_taupe rgb 72 60 50 hex #483C32 hsv 27 31 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 3 8 lch 26 9 67 cmyk 0 5 9 72 dark_lava[2783][72,60,50](0.0):taupe[8260][72,60,50](0.0):english_walnut[3496][71,59,47](1.0):bronze[1820][73,59,47](2.2):mondo[5866][74,60,48](2.2) 33 dark:bronze:english:lava:mondo:taupe:walnut +2905 dark_taupe rgb 127 104 78 hex #7F684E hsv 32 39 50 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.09 lab 46 5 18 lch 46 19 74 cmyk 0 9 19 50 double_nullarbor[3220][125,102,75](1.4):axis[1216][132,108,85](2.4):pastel_brown[6502][130,105,83](2.8):pastel_brown[6503][131,105,83](2.8):greyish_brown[4229][122,106,79](3.0) 13 axis:double:greyish:nullarbor:pastel:brown +2906 dark_teal rgb 1 77 78 hex #014D4E hsv 181 99 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.08 lab 29 -20 -7 lch 29 21 198 cmyk 30 0 0 69 deep_jungle_green[3001][0,75,73](2.4):sherpa_blue[7650][0,73,78](3.0):deep_teal[3070][0,85,90](3.6):PMS316[359][0,73,79](3.7):deep_sea_green[3055][9,88,89](4.1) 10 deep:PMS316:jungle:sea:sherpa:teal:blue:green +2907 dark_terra_cotta rgb 204 78 92 hex #CC4E5C hsv 353 62 80 xyz 0.3 0.19 0.12 lab 51 51 19 lch 51 54 20 cmyk 0 49 44 20 mandy[5498][205,82,91](2.4):brick_red[1711][203,65,84](5.9):indian_red[4634][205,85,85](5.9):indianred[4642][205,85,85](5.9):PMS702[881][214,96,109](6.6) 1 PMS702:brick:indian:indianred:mandy:red +2908 dark_turquoise rgb 0 195 205 hex #00C3CD hsv 183 100 80 xyz 0.31 0.43 0.65 lab 72 -36 -17 lch 72 40 205 cmyk 80 4 0 20 turquoise[8574][0,197,205](1.4):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](3.7):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](5.4):turquoise_dark[8586][0,206,209](5.8):sea_serpent[7573][75,199,207](6.2) 2 dark:PMS3115:PMS3125:sea:serpent:turquoise +2909 dark_turquoise rgb 0 206 209 hex #00CED1 hsv 181 100 82 xyz 0.34 0.49 0.68 lab 75 -40 -14 lch 75 42 199 cmyk 82 1 0 18 turquoise_dark[8586][0,206,209](0.0):cyan[2636][0,205,205](2.2):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](2.2):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](2.2):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](4.1) 7 dark:cyan:egg:robin:robin's:robin's:blue:turquoise +2910 dark_turquoise rgb 4 92 90 hex #045C5A hsv 179 96 36 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.11 lab 35 -23 -5 lch 35 24 193 cmyk 35 0 1 64 cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](2.2):mosque[5908][0,95,91](2.2):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](2.4):eden[3361][16,88,82](2.8):blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](3.0) 11 deep:cowabunga:cyan:eden:mosque:stone:blue +2911 dark_turquoise rgb 39 89 77 hex #27594D hsv 166 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.08 lab 34 -20 2 lch 34 20 175 cmyk 20 0 5 65 push_play[6908][33,88,76](1.0):stromboli[8013][50,93,82](2.8):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](3.6):PMS567[738][38,81,66](3.7):spectra[7888][55,93,79](4.1) 10 PMS567:play:push:spectra:stromboli:aquamarine +2912 dark_turquoise rgb 112 147 219 hex #7093DB hsv 220 49 86 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.71 lab 61 7 -40 lch 61 41 280 cmyk 42 28 0 14 PMS279[300][102,137,204](4.6):havelock_blue[4435][85,144,217](5.4):danube[2672][96,147,209](6.8):light_sapphire_blue[5194][139,162,231](7.0):magic_carpet[5449][139,152,216](7.8) 1 light:PMS279:carpet:danube:havelock:magic:sapphire:blue +2913 dark_vanilla rgb 209 190 168 hex #D1BEA8 hsv 32 20 82 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.45 lab 78 3 14 lch 78 14 77 cmyk 0 7 16 18 sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](0.0):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](0.0):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):quarter_doeskin[6939][209,191,169](1.0):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.4) 43 alpaca:biscotti:doeskin:dough:quarter:sour:vanilla +2914 dark_vermilion rgb 89 52 39 hex #593427 hsv 16 56 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 26 15 15 lch 26 21 45 cmyk 0 15 20 65 triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](3.2):dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](3.3):cioccolato[2340][93,59,46](3.7):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](3.7):jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](4.1) 15 dark:cioccolato:jarrah:lumberjack:oak:pepperwood:stain:triple +2915 dark_violet rgb 52 1 63 hex #34013F hsv 289 98 25 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.05 lab 10 34 -26 lch 10 42 322 cmyk 4 24 0 75 deep_purple[3036][54,1,63](1.0):dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](3.7):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](5.2):midnight_purple[5728][40,1,55](5.9):eggplant_purple[3378][67,5,65](6.5) 2 deep:dark:eggplant:gras:mardi:midnight:purple +2916 dark_violet rgb 64 39 89 hex #402759 hsv 270 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.1 lab 21 23 -26 lch 21 35 312 cmyk 10 20 0 65 dark_blue_violet[2691][58,39,89](2.4):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](2.4):PMS669[848][71,43,89](3.6):PMS269[262][68,35,89](4.0):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](4.6) 6 dark:PMS269:PMS669:blue:indigo:purple:violet +2917 dark_violet rgb 148 0 211 hex #9400D3 hsv 282 100 83 xyz 0.24 0.11 0.62 lab 40 76 -70 lch 40 104 317 cmyk 25 83 0 17 violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](0.0):french_violet[3762][136,6,206](3.7):vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](7.3):blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](8.1):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](8.1) 2 dark:french:vibrant:blue:purple:violet +2918 dark_wood rgb 133 94 66 hex #855E42 hsv 25 50 52 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.07 lab 43 12 22 lch 43 26 61 cmyk 0 15 26 48 blast_yellow[1506][126,91,63](1.4):potters_clay[6795][132,92,64](1.4):cocoa[2405][135,95,66](1.7):palm_sugar[6460][121,85,56](4.2):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](4.4) 5 dark:blast:clay:cocoa:palm:potters:sugar:tangelo:brown:yellow +2919 dark_yellow rgb 155 135 12 hex #9B870C hsv 52 92 61 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.04 lab 56 -4 59 lch 56 59 94 cmyk 0 8 56 39 PMS112[12][153,132,10](1.4):PMS456[548][153,135,20](2.2):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](3.7):diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](4.1):PMS3985[481][153,140,10](4.6) 5 PMS112:PMS3985:PMS456:baby:diarrhea:poop +2920 dark_yellow rgb 213 182 10 hex #D5B60A hsv 51 95 84 xyz 0.44 0.48 0.07 lab 75 -3 75 lch 75 76 92 cmyk 0 12 80 16 PMS110[10][216,181,17](2.0):gold_tips[3907][222,186,19](2.4):mustard[5953][206,179,1](2.8):brownish_yellow[1870][201,176,3](3.7):gold[3895][219,180,12](4.1) 7 PMS110:brownish:gold:mustard:tips:yellow +2921 dark_yellow_green rgb 114 143 2 hex #728F02 hsv 72 99 56 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.04 lab 55 -27 58 lch 55 64 115 cmyk 11 0 55 44 PMS377[453][112,147,2](3.3):ugly_green[8631][122,151,3](4.2):swamp_green[8173][116,133,0](6.8):baby_shit_green[1252][136,151,23](7.2):medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](8.1) 2 medium:PMS377:baby:forest:shit:swamp:ugly:green +2922 darkblue rgb 3 7 100 hex #030764 hsv 238 97 39 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.12 lab 10 36 -52 lch 10 63 305 cmyk 38 36 0 61 arapawa[1135][17,12,108](2.4):deep_blue[2957][0,0,89](3.6):dark_blue[2686][0,3,91](3.7):deep_persian_blue[3027][11,0,89](4.4):deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](5.5) 4 deep:dark:arapawa:persian:blue:indigo +2923 darkgreen rgb 5 73 7 hex #054907 hsv 122 93 29 xyz 0.02 0.05 0.01 lab 26 -34 31 lch 26 46 137 cmyk 27 0 26 71 bottle_green[1672][4,74,5](1.4):racing_green[7033][1,70,0](1.4):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](3.2):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](3.6):fern[3575][10,72,13](3.6) 6 dark:bottle:british:fern:racing:green +2924 darkish_blue rgb 1 65 130 hex #014182 hsv 210 99 51 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.22 lab 28 9 -41 lch 28 43 283 cmyk 51 25 0 49 zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](3.7):bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](5.1):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](5.1):PMS541[679][0,63,119](5.4):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](5.4) 1 PMS541:bondi:cobalt:congress:de:loop:zoop:blue +2925 darkish_green rgb 40 124 55 hex #287C37 hsv 131 68 49 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.06 lab 46 -41 30 lch 46 51 143 cmyk 33 0 27 51 filmpro_emerald_green[3610][44,129,57](2.2):kermit[4837][54,129,54](4.1):japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](4.5):jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](4.5):la_salle_green[4904][8,120,48](4.6) 5 emerald:filmpro:japanese:juice:jungle:kermit:la:laurel:salle:green +2926 darkish_pink rgb 218 70 125 hex #DA467D hsv 338 68 85 xyz 0.35 0.21 0.22 lab 53 62 2 lch 53 62 2 cmyk 0 58 36 15 fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](3.7):brilliant_raspberry[1796][231,81,137](4.1):magenta[5437][208,65,126](5.1):PMS205[163][229,76,124](5.4):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.7) 2 brilliant:PMS205:cranberry:fandango:magenta:raspberry:pink +2927 darkish_purple rgb 117 25 115 hex #751973 hsv 301 79 46 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.17 lab 29 49 -30 lch 29 58 329 cmyk 0 36 1 54 PMS2612[244][112,30,114](3.2):PMS259[234][114,22,107](3.7):PMS2613[245][102,17,109](5.4):PMS2603[241][112,20,122](6.4):midnight[5715][112,38,112](6.7) 2 PMS259:PMS2603:PMS2612:PMS2613:midnight +2928 darkish_red rgb 169 3 8 hex #A90308 hsv 358 98 66 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.01 lab 35 59 46 lch 35 74 38 cmyk 0 65 63 34 dark_candy_apple_red[2700][164,0,0](2.4):strong_red[8053][168,0,0](3.0):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](4.4):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](5.1):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](5.1) 3 deep:dark:strong:apple:candy:mordant:scarlet:red +2929 dartmouth_green rgb 0 105 62 hex #00693E hsv 155 100 41 xyz 0.06 0.1 0.06 lab 39 -37 17 lch 39 41 155 cmyk 41 0 17 59 PMS349[423][0,107,63](1.0):jewel[4764][18,107,64](1.4):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](2.8):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](3.2):emerald_green[3469][0,108,70](3.2) 7 dark:PMS349:cadmium:emerald:jewel:spring:green +2930 dartmouth_green rgb 0 112 60 hex #00703C hsv 152 100 44 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.06 lab 41 -40 21 lch 41 46 152 cmyk 44 0 20 56 moxie[5922][0,111,60](0.0):fun_green[3808][1,109,57](1.4):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](3.0):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](4.4):PMS349[423][0,107,63](4.9) 5 dark:PMS349:cadmium:fun:moxie:spring:green +2931 dauntless rgb 22 111 127 hex #166F7F hsv 189 83 50 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.22 lab 43 -19 -16 lch 43 25 220 cmyk 41 6 0 50 kitsch[4866][0,108,127](2.2):PMS315[357][0,107,119](3.5):allports[1006][31,106,125](3.7):blue_lagoon[1574][1,121,135](5.0):blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](5.4) 4 PMS315:allports:kitsch:lagoon:blue +2932 davy's_grey rgb 85 85 85 hex #555555 hsv 330 0 33 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.1 lab 36 0 0 lch 36 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 67 davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](0.0):dim_grey[3125][84,84,84](0.0):grey[4131][84,84,84](0.0):grey[4130][82,82,82](1.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.0) 54 davy:dim:grey +2933 davy_grey rgb 85 85 85 hex #555555 hsv 330 0 33 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.1 lab 36 0 0 lch 36 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 67 davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](0.0):dim_grey[3125][84,84,84](0.0):grey[4131][84,84,84](0.0):grey[4130][82,82,82](1.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.0) 54 davy's:dim:grey +2934 dawn rgb 159 157 145 hex #9F9D91 hsv 51 9 62 xyz 0.31 0.34 0.32 lab 65 -1 7 lch 65 7 103 cmyk 0 1 5 38 double_truffle[3251][165,159,147](1.4):greyish[4227][168,164,149](2.2):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](2.2):delta_grey[3089][165,163,149](2.4):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](2.4) 45 delta:double:greyish:half:rockbottom:taupe:truffle:grey +2935 dawn rgb 166 162 154 hex #A6A29A hsv 40 7 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.36 lab 67 0 5 lch 67 5 90 cmyk 0 2 5 35 delta[3087][164,164,157](1.4):foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](1.4):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](1.4):cloudy[2385][172,165,159](1.7):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](1.7) 42 cloudy:delta:foggy:friar:quarter:swordfish:grey +2936 dawn_pink rgb 230 214 205 hex #E6D6CD hsv 22 11 90 xyz 0.68 0.69 0.68 lab 87 4 6 lch 87 8 58 cmyk 0 6 10 10 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PMS1365[48][252,186,94](3.0):koromiko[4885][255,189,95](3.2):light_brilliant_gamboge[5042][255,197,101](3.5):casablanca[2116][240,178,83](5.0):rajah[7053][247,182,104](5.7) 4 light:brilliant:PMS1365:casablanca:gamboge:koromiko:rajah +2940 daydream rgb 222 220 195 hex #DEDCC3 hsv 56 12 87 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.62 lab 87 -4 13 lch 87 13 106 cmyk 0 1 11 13 wheat[9065][216,216,191](1.4):loafer[5316][219,217,194](1.7):tana[8233][217,220,193](2.0):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](2.2):wheatfield[9070][223,215,189](2.4) 33 half:loafer:parchment:tana:wheat:wheatfield +2941 daytona rgb 30 34 44 hex #1E222C hsv 223 32 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 13 1 -7 lch 13 7 278 cmyk 5 4 0 83 indian_ink[4628][35,39,50](3.2):dark[2674][27,36,49](3.3):black_russian[1477][36,37,43](3.6):black_pearl[1469][30,39,44](4.1):blue_bark[1543][30,39,44](4.1) 13 dark:bark:indian:ink:pearl:russian:black:blue +2942 de_janeiro rgb 133 102 132 hex #856684 hsv 302 23 52 xyz 0.19 0.16 0.24 lab 47 18 -12 lch 47 21 327 cmyk 0 12 0 48 PMS667[846][127,102,137](4.1):plum[6743][139,102,139](4.4):trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](4.7):grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](4.9):greyish_purple[4232][136,113,145](5.4) 4 PMS667:greyish:plum:trendy:grey:pink:purple +2943 de_york rgb 122 196 136 hex #7AC488 hsv 131 38 77 xyz 0.32 0.45 0.3 lab 73 -36 23 lch 73 42 147 cmyk 29 0 24 23 fern[3579][113,188,120](5.4):PMS346[420][112,206,155](7.3):silver_tree[7722][103,190,144](8.3):faded_green[3535][123,178,116](8.4):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](9.5) 0 PMS346:faded:fern:silver:soft:tree:green +2944 de_york rgb 133 202 135 hex #85CA87 hsv 122 34 79 xyz 0.35 0.49 0.31 lab 75 -35 27 lch 75 44 143 cmyk 27 0 26 21 fern[3579][113,188,120](5.8):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](7.8):gossip[3954][159,211,133](8.2):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](8.2):pale_green[6342][124,205,124](8.5) 0 pale:fern:frutti:gossip:soft:tutti:green +2945 debian_red rgb 215 10 83 hex #D70A53 hsv 339 95 84 xyz 0.3 0.15 0.1 lab 46 72 18 lch 46 74 14 cmyk 0 80 52 16 lipstick[5300][213,23,78](3.6):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](4.1):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](4.1):raspberry[7070][227,11,92](4.7):raspberry[7071][227,11,93](4.7) 7 lipstick:raspberry:rubine:ua:red +2946 decadence rgb 49 54 105 hex #313669 hsv 235 53 41 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.14 lab 25 14 -31 lch 25 34 294 cmyk 22 20 0 59 topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](0.0):deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](1.7):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](1.7):wow[9181][52,52,103](1.7):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](3.6) 9 deep:bay:koamaru:topsy:torea:turvy:wow +2947 deco rgb 204 207 130 hex #CCCF82 hsv 62 37 81 xyz 0.51 0.59 0.3 lab 81 -13 38 lch 81 40 108 cmyk 1 0 30 19 poprock[6774][192,201,117](4.7):greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](5.5):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.9):greenish_beige[4077][201,209,121](5.9):khaki[4846][205,198,115](6.0) 1 PMS617:beige:greenish:khaki:poprock:tan +2948 deco rgb 210 218 151 hex #D2DA97 hsv 67 31 85 xyz 0.57 0.66 0.39 lab 85 -13 32 lch 85 35 112 cmyk 3 0 26 15 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35 65 verdun_green[8703][73,84,0](3.6):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](4.6):PMS378[454][86,99,20](5.1):deep_olive[3022][89,89,0](5.1):deep_lime_green[3010][67,89,0](6.2) 2 deep:PMS378:olive:saratoga:verdun:green:lime +2952 deep_aqua rgb 8 120 127 hex #08787F hsv 184 94 50 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.22 lab 46 -25 -12 lch 46 27 205 cmyk 47 3 0 50 free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](2.4):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](4.1):elm[3462][28,124,125](4.2):PMS3155[358][0,109,117](4.5):atoll[1183][43,121,122](4.5) 13 2X:PMS3155:PMS320:atoll:elm:free:spirit +2953 deep_aquamarine rgb 0 89 56 hex #005938 hsv 158 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.05 lab 33 -32 13 lch 33 35 158 cmyk 35 0 13 65 spruce[7937][10,95,56](4.1):green_pea[4055][29,97,66](4.4):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](4.6):freedom[3739][0,98,70](5.0):crusoe[2615][22,91,49](5.1) 4 crusoe:freedom:fun:pea:spruce:green +2954 deep_aquamarine rgb 64 130 109 hex #40826D hsv 161 51 51 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.17 lab 50 -26 5 lch 50 27 169 cmyk 26 0 8 49 viridian[8876][64,130,109](0.0):aquamarine[1116][69,139,116](3.7):genoa[3842][49,121,109](6.4):como[2444][81,124,102](6.6):PMS625[804][91,135,114](7.0) 2 PMS625:como:genoa:viridian:aquamarine +2955 deep_arctic_blue rgb 0 78 89 hex #004E59 hsv 187 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.1 lab 30 -16 -12 lch 30 21 217 cmyk 35 4 0 65 midnight_green[5724][0,73,83](2.0):sherpa_blue[7651][0,73,80](3.0):deep_south[3061][0,72,83](3.2):PMS316[359][0,73,79](3.7):sherpa_blue[7650][0,73,78](4.1) 7 deep:PMS316:midnight:sherpa:south:blue:green +2956 deep_azure rgb 0 45 89 hex #002D59 hsv 210 100 35 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.1 lab 18 5 -30 lch 18 31 280 cmyk 35 17 0 65 PMS648[827][0,48,94](2.8):green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](3.3):PMS282[303][0,38,84](3.7):marine[5530][4,46,96](4.4):PMS654[833][15,43,91](4.5) 6 PMS282:PMS648:PMS654:marine:vogue:green +2957 deep_blue rgb 0 0 89 hex #000059 hsv 240 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.09 lab 7 36 -50 lch 7 62 306 cmyk 35 35 0 65 dark_blue[2686][0,3,91](1.0):deep_persian_blue[3027][11,0,89](1.4):deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](3.3):darkblue[2922][3,7,100](3.6):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](5.7) 4 deep:dark:darkblue:persian:blue:indigo:violet +2958 deep_blue rgb 4 2 115 hex #040273 hsv 241 98 45 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.16 lab 11 43 -59 lch 11 73 306 cmyk 44 44 0 55 dark_royal_blue[2861][2,6,111](3.6):blue_bell[1546][34,8,120](4.5):deep_koamaru[3003][27,18,123](6.6):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](7.1):phthalo_blue[6633][0,15,137](7.9) 2 deep:dark:bell:imperial:koamaru:phthalo:royal:blue +2959 deep_blue rgb 34 8 120 hex #220878 hsv 254 93 47 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.18 lab 15 43 -57 lch 15 71 307 cmyk 34 44 0 53 blue_bell[1546][34,8,120](0.0):deep_koamaru[3003][27,18,123](3.3):dark_royal_blue[2861][2,6,111](5.0):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](5.5):pixie_powder[6727][57,18,133](5.5) 3 deep:dark:bell:imperial:koamaru:pixie:powder:royal:blue +2960 deep_blue_violet rgb 33 0 89 hex #210059 hsv 262 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 9 38 -45 lch 9 59 310 cmyk 22 35 0 65 deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](2.4):cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](3.7):deep_violet[3076][45,0,89](3.7):deep_persian_blue[3027][11,0,89](4.6):violent_violet[8847][41,12,94](5.4) 4 deep:cherry:persian:pie:violent:blue:indigo:violet +2961 deep_blush rgb 227 111 138 hex #E36F8A hsv 346 51 89 xyz 0.42 0.3 0.28 lab 61 48 7 lch 61 48 8 cmyk 0 45 35 11 pinkish[6695][212,106,126](5.4):cinnamon_satin[2338][205,96,126](7.0):PMS204[162][237,122,158](7.2):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](7.3):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](7.3) 0 pale:medium:PMS204:cinnamon:pinkish:satin:red:violet +2962 deep_blush rgb 228 118 152 hex #E47698 hsv 341 48 89 xyz 0.44 0.32 0.34 lab 63 46 1 lch 63 46 2 cmyk 0 43 30 11 medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](2.2):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](2.2):pale_violet_red[6451][219,112,147](2.2):violet_red_pale[8874][219,112,147](2.2):PMS204[162][237,122,158](2.8) 6 pale:medium:PMS204:red:violet +2963 deep_bronze rgb 74 48 4 hex #4A3004 hsv 38 95 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.01 lab 22 8 30 lch 22 31 75 cmyk 0 10 27 71 bracken[1688][74,42,4](4.6):pineapple[6663][86,60,13](5.5):madras[5430][63,48,2](6.2):saddle_brown[7399][88,52,1](7.1):cola[2428][63,37,0](7.1) 1 bracken:cola:madras:pineapple:saddle:brown +2964 deep_bronze rgb 81 65 45 hex #51412D hsv 33 44 32 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.03 lab 29 4 15 lch 29 15 76 cmyk 0 6 14 68 millbrook[5747][89,68,51](3.0):judge_grey[4782][84,67,51](3.3):brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](4.1):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](4.2):rimutaka[7227][75,60,35](4.4) 10 derby:judge:millbrook:rimutaka:tumbleweed:brown:grey +2965 deep_brown rgb 65 2 0 hex #410200 hsv 2 100 25 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 10 29 16 lch 10 33 29 cmyk 0 25 25 75 burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](1.0):maroon[5538][66,3,3](1.0):beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](2.4):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](3.0):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](3.3) 8 burnt:35:36:beer:bulgarian:maroon:srm:rose +2966 deep_brown rgb 89 45 0 hex #592D00 hsv 30 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 24 17 34 lch 24 38 63 cmyk 0 17 35 65 carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](1.0):PMS732[911][96,51,10](2.8):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](4.7):saddle_brown[7399][88,52,1](5.2):PMS469[569][96,51,17](5.4) 3 PMS469:PMS732:bramble:carnaby:saddle:tan:brown +2967 deep_carmine rgb 169 32 62 hex #A9203E hsv 347 81 66 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.06 lab 38 55 18 lch 38 58 18 cmyk 0 54 42 34 french_wine[3763][172,30,68](3.6):crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](4.1):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](4.1):vibe[8829][172,49,66](4.6):PMS201[159][163,38,56](5.1) 4 vivid:PMS201:burgundy:crash:french:hot:vibe:wine +2968 deep_carmine_pink rgb 239 48 56 hex #EF3038 hsv 357 80 94 xyz 0.37 0.21 0.06 lab 53 70 43 lch 53 83 32 cmyk 0 75 72 6 imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](1.7):red[7106][237,41,57](1.7):brown[1841][238,59,59](3.2):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](4.4):brown[1842][255,64,64](4.6) 7 deep:imperial:lake:madder:brown:red +2969 deep_carrot_orange rgb 233 105 44 hex #E9692C hsv 19 81 91 xyz 0.39 0.28 0.06 lab 60 46 56 lch 60 72 50 cmyk 0 50 74 9 vivid_red_tangelo[8944][223,97,36](4.0):vivid_vermilion[8958][229,96,36](4.4):hyperactive[4591][227,108,54](5.9):orange[6203][255,117,56](5.9):vivid_tangelo[8954][240,116,39](6.6) 2 vivid:hyperactive:tangelo:vermilion:orange:red +2970 deep_cerise rgb 89 0 56 hex #590038 hsv 322 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.04 lab 18 41 -8 lch 18 42 348 cmyk 0 35 13 65 mulberry[5936][92,5,54](3.3):mulberry_wood[5940][92,5,54](3.3):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](4.7):tyrian_purple[8622][102,2,60](4.7):plum[6741][88,15,65](5.7) 4 imperial:mulberry:plum:tyrian:wood:purple +2971 deep_cerise rgb 218 50 135 hex #DA3287 hsv 330 77 85 xyz 0.34 0.19 0.25 lab 51 69 -7 lch 51 70 354 cmyk 0 66 33 15 cerise[2175][218,50,135](0.0):magenta[5435][202,31,123](5.1):cerise[2176][221,68,146](5.4):vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](5.5):PMS219[177][226,40,130](5.7) 1 vivid:PMS219:cerise:magenta +2972 deep_cerulean rgb 0 123 167 hex #007BA7 hsv 196 100 65 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.39 lab 48 -12 -31 lch 48 34 249 cmyk 65 17 0 35 celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](0.0):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](0.0):PMS307[344][0,122,165](1.0):PMS641[820][0,122,165](1.0):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](1.0) 8 PMS307:PMS641:celadon:cerulean:cg:blue +2973 deep_cerulean rgb 0 67 89 hex #004359 hsv 195 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 26 -10 -18 lch 26 21 242 cmyk 35 9 0 65 PMS548[695][0,68,89](0.0):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](1.4):st_kilda[7947][0,69,89](1.7):PMS303[338][0,63,84](2.2):PMS547[692][0,63,84](2.2) 9 PMS303:PMS547:PMS548:kilda:st:teal:blue +2974 deep_champagne rgb 250 214 165 hex #FAD6A5 hsv 35 34 98 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.46 lab 88 6 29 lch 88 29 79 cmyk 0 14 33 2 champagne[2210][250,214,165](0.0):sunset[8143][250,214,165](0.0):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](0.0):corvette[2543][250,211,162](1.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](2.4) 17 champagne:corvette:maize:sunset:tuscan +2975 deep_chartreuse_green rgb 45 89 0 hex #2D5900 hsv 90 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.01 lab 33 -30 40 lch 33 50 127 cmyk 17 0 35 65 deep_pistachio[3034][33,89,0](4.1):terre_verte[8314][56,94,15](4.7):deep_spring_bud[3064][56,89,0](5.2):dell[3084][57,100,19](5.5):lincoln_green[5290][25,89,5](6.7) 2 deep:bud:dell:lincoln:pistachio:spring:terre:verte:green +2976 deep_chestnut rgb 185 78 72 hex #B94E48 hsv 3 61 73 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.08 lab 47 43 25 lch 47 50 31 cmyk 0 42 44 27 chestnut[2272][185,78,72](0.0):sunset[8141][192,81,74](3.0):flair[3652][185,75,66](3.2):forbidden[3716][176,70,64](3.2):moulin_rouge[5916][173,70,63](3.3) 7 chestnut:flair:forbidden:moulin:rouge:sunset +2977 deep_chocolate rgb 60 36 27 hex #3C241B hsv 16 55 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 10 11 lch 17 15 46 cmyk 0 9 13 76 bootleg[1656][60,36,27](0.0):brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](0.0):chocolate_brownie[2311][60,36,27](0.0):cork[2515][64,41,29](2.4):mash[5566][64,41,29](2.4) 15 bootleg:brownie:chocolate:cork:mash:pod:brown +2978 deep_cobalt_blue rgb 0 33 89 hex #002159 hsv 218 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.1 lab 14 14 -37 lch 14 39 291 cmyk 35 22 0 65 madison[5428][9,37,93](2.2):downriver[3259][9,34,86](3.3):licorice[4994][9,34,86](3.3):PMS281[302][0,40,104](6.0):PMS2768[297][17,33,81](6.1) 3 PMS2768:PMS281:downriver:licorice:madison +2979 deep_coffee rgb 112 66 65 hex #704241 hsv 1 42 44 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.06 lab 33 20 9 lch 33 22 25 cmyk 0 18 18 56 roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](0.0):salmon[7424][111,66,66](1.0):solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](3.0):tosca[8434][116,64,66](3.2):crossroads[2606][115,73,73](4.1) 9 coffee:crossroads:flare:roast:salmon:solar:tosca +2980 deep_cornflower_blue rgb 0 56 89 hex #003859 hsv 202 100 35 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.1 lab 22 -3 -24 lch 22 25 264 cmyk 35 13 0 65 astronaut_blue[1173][1,62,98](3.6):prussian_blue[6826][0,49,83](4.4):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](4.9):blue_whale[1598][4,46,76](4.9):nile_blue[6058][25,55,81](5.1) 4 PMS2965:astronaut:nile:prussian:whale:blue +2981 deep_cove rgb 5 16 64 hex #051040 hsv 229 92 25 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.05 lab 7 16 -32 lch 7 36 297 cmyk 23 19 0 75 outer_space[6266][5,16,64](0.0):navy_blue[5997][0,17,70](3.7):dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](4.6):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](5.2):very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](5.5) 3 dark:very:midnight:navy:outer:space:blue +2982 deep_cove rgb 58 78 88 hex #3A4E58 hsv 200 34 35 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.1 lab 32 -5 -8 lch 32 10 239 cmyk 12 4 0 65 explorer[3531][55,78,89](1.4):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](1.4):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](1.7):atomic[1186][61,75,82](2.4):dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](2.4) 14 slate:dark:atomic:explorer:ivanhoe:jetsetter +2983 deep_crimson rgb 89 0 22 hex #590016 hsv 345 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 16 38 15 lch 16 41 21 cmyk 0 35 26 65 dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](3.6):madam_m[5424][97,12,29](4.2):deep_amaranth[2949][89,0,11](6.1):bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](6.2):maroon_oak[5551][82,12,23](6.3) 2 deep:dark:amaranth:bordeaux:m:madam:maroon:oak:scarlet +2984 deep_cyan rgb 0 89 89 hex #005959 hsv 180 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.11 lab 34 -22 -7 lch 34 23 196 cmyk 35 0 0 65 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botanic[1667][33,64,43](3.0):phthalo_green[6634][18,53,36](3.0):everglade[3525][28,64,46](3.7):bottle_green[1673][9,54,36](4.1):celtic[2166][22,50,34](4.1) 7 botanic:bottle:celtic:everglade:phthalo:green +2988 deep_forest_green rgb 24 45 9 hex #182D09 hsv 95 80 18 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.01 lab 16 -16 19 lch 16 25 130 cmyk 8 0 14 82 forest_green[3722][24,45,9](0.0):seaweed[7593][27,47,17](2.4):palm_leaf[6458][25,51,14](3.0):mallard[5483][35,52,24](6.4):turtle_green[8591][42,56,11](8.1) 3 forest:leaf:mallard:palm:seaweed:turtle:green +2989 deep_fuchsia rgb 89 0 67 hex #590043 hsv 315 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.06 lab 18 42 -15 lch 18 45 340 cmyk 0 35 9 65 nightclub[6055][102,0,69](5.2):pompadour[6764][102,0,69](5.2):ribbon[7201][102,0,69](5.2):plum[6741][88,15,65](5.9):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](6.4) 0 grape:nightclub:plum:pompadour:ribbon:purple +2990 deep_fuchsia rgb 193 84 193 hex #C154C1 hsv 300 56 76 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.53 lab 54 58 -37 lch 54 69 327 cmyk 0 43 0 24 fuchsia[3790][193,84,193](0.0):fuchsia_pink[3795][193,84,193](0.0):pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](5.2):fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](7.3):orchid[6236][205,105,201](8.1) 2 fuchsia:orchid:pinky:pink:purple +2991 deep_gamboge rgb 89 56 0 hex #593800 hsv 38 100 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.01 lab 27 10 36 lch 27 38 74 cmyk 0 13 35 65 saddle_brown[7399][88,52,1](3.0):pineapple[6663][86,60,13](5.0):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](6.2):pullman_brown[6842][100,65,23](6.5):PMS161[89][99,58,17](6.7) 2 PMS1405:PMS161:pineapple:pullman:saddle:brown +2992 deep_gold rgb 89 78 0 hex #594E00 hsv 53 100 35 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.01 lab 33 -4 41 lch 33 42 95 cmyk 0 4 35 65 green_brown[4037][84,78,3](2.2):olive_brown[6153][100,84,3](4.7):PMS455[547][102,86,20](5.8):deep_olive[3022][89,89,0](7.3):acorn[957][106,93,27](7.7) 2 deep:PMS455:acorn:olive:brown:green +2993 deep_green rgb 0 89 0 hex #005900 hsv 120 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.01 lab 32 -40 39 lch 32 56 136 cmyk 35 0 35 65 deep_sap_green[3047][11,89,0](1.0):deep_harlequin[2997][22,89,0](3.2):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.5):deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](4.1):san_felix[7444][11,98,7](4.1) 6 deep:dark:emerald:felix:harlequin:san:sap:green +2994 deep_green rgb 2 89 15 hex #02590F hsv 129 98 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.02 lab 32 -39 34 lch 32 51 139 cmyk 34 0 29 65 deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](1.0):forest[3719][11,85,9](2.2):deep_malachite_green[3014][0,89,22](3.2):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.7):lincoln_green[5290][25,89,5](4.4) 6 deep:dark:emerald:forest:lincoln:malachite:green +2995 deep_green rgb 5 102 8 hex #056608 hsv 122 95 40 xyz 0.05 0.1 0.02 lab 37 -43 40 lch 37 59 137 cmyk 38 0 37 60 dark_green[2759][0,100,0](2.2):green_dark[4040][0,100,0](2.2):pakistan_green[6300][0,102,0](2.2):japanese_laurel[4734][10,105,6](2.4):san_felix[7444][11,98,7](2.4) 5 dark:felix:japanese:laurel:pakistan:san:green +2996 deep_green_cyan_turquoise rgb 14 124 97 hex #0E7C61 hsv 165 89 49 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.14 lab 46 -35 7 lch 46 36 169 cmyk 43 0 11 51 PMS341[412][0,122,94](1.4):deep_sea[3052][22,126,101](1.7):generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](2.4):PMS335[402][0,124,102](3.0):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](3.0) 8 deep:PMS335:PMS341:forest:generic:rain:sea:tropical:viridian +2997 deep_harlequin rgb 22 89 0 hex #165900 hsv 105 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.01 lab 33 -37 39 lch 33 54 133 cmyk 26 0 35 65 deep_sap_green[3047][11,89,0](2.2):lincoln_green[5290][25,89,5](2.2):deep_pistachio[3034][33,89,0](3.0):deep_green[2993][0,89,0](3.2):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.7) 7 deep:dark:lincoln:pistachio:sap:green +2998 deep_heliotrope rgb 78 0 89 hex #4E0059 hsv 293 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.1 lab 17 44 -32 lch 17 54 324 cmyk 4 35 0 65 clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](4.2):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](4.2):deep_magenta[3011][89,0,89](4.9):deep_mulberry[3018][67,0,89](4.9):plum[6740][65,0,86](5.2) 4 deep:clairvoyant:hot:magenta:mulberry:plum:purple +2999 deep_impact rgb 103 39 41 hex #672729 hsv 358 62 40 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.03 lab 25 29 13 lch 25 32 25 cmyk 0 25 24 60 burgundy[1909][101,37,37](2.2):coco[2404][104,40,40](2.2):red_devil[7121][102,42,44](2.4):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.3):monarch[5864][107,37,44](3.3) 15 burgundy:chile:coco:devil:hot:monarch:red +3000 deep_indigo rgb 22 0 89 hex #160059 hsv 255 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 8 37 -47 lch 8 60 308 cmyk 26 35 0 65 deep_persian_blue[3027][11,0,89](2.2):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](2.4):deep_blue[2957][0,0,89](3.3):dark_blue[2686][0,3,91](3.7):darkblue[2922][3,7,100](5.5) 4 deep:dark:darkblue:persian:blue:violet +3001 deep_jungle_green rgb 0 75 73 hex #004B49 hsv 178 100 29 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.07 lab 28 -21 -5 lch 28 21 193 cmyk 29 0 1 71 dark_teal[2906][1,77,78](2.4):aqua_deep[1102][1,75,67](4.1):aquamarine[1113][1,75,67](4.1):warm_black[8996][0,66,66](4.2):cyprus[2651][15,70,69](4.5) 8 deep:dark:aqua:cyprus:teal:warm:aquamarine:black +3002 deep_khaki rgb 61 64 49 hex #3D4031 hsv 72 23 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -4 9 lch 26 10 117 cmyk 1 0 6 75 scrub[7546][61,64,49](0.0):grasslands[3989][61,61,46](1.4):log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](2.2):el_paso[3433][57,57,44](2.4):rangitoto[7061][58,65,51](2.4) 9 cabin:el:grasslands:log:paso:rangitoto:scrub +3003 deep_koamaru rgb 27 18 123 hex #1B127B hsv 245 85 48 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.19 lab 16 40 -56 lch 16 69 305 cmyk 38 41 0 52 blue_bell[1546][34,8,120](3.3):deep_blue[2959][34,8,120](3.3):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](3.6):persian_indigo[6605][50,18,122](4.6):dark_royal_blue[2861][2,6,111](5.1) 4 deep:dark:bell:imperial:persian:royal:blue:indigo +3004 deep_koamaru rgb 51 51 102 hex #333366 hsv 240 50 40 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.13 lab 24 15 -30 lch 24 34 297 cmyk 20 20 0 60 wow[9181][52,52,103](0.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](1.7):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](1.7):jelly[4755][62,50,103](4.2):minsk[5761][62,50,103](4.2) 6 decadence:jelly:minsk:topsy:turvy:wow +3005 deep_koamaru rgb 52 52 103 hex #343467 hsv 240 50 40 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.13 lab 24 15 -30 lch 24 34 297 cmyk 20 20 0 60 wow[9181][52,52,103](0.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](1.7):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](1.7):jelly[4755][62,50,103](4.2):minsk[5761][62,50,103](4.2) 6 decadence:jelly:minsk:topsy:turvy:wow +3006 deep_lavender rgb 141 94 183 hex #8D5EB7 hsv 272 49 72 xyz 0.24 0.17 0.47 lab 48 37 -40 lch 48 54 312 cmyk 16 35 0 28 PMS814[938][140,96,193](4.2):PMS265[255][150,99,196](4.7):fuchsia[3789][123,92,183](6.0):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](6.1):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](6.2) 2 PMS265:PMS2655:PMS814:amethyst:fuchsia +3007 deep_lemon rgb 245 199 26 hex #F5C71A hsv 47 89 96 xyz 0.58 0.6 0.1 lab 82 2 80 lch 82 80 88 cmyk 0 18 86 4 moon_yellow[5889][240,196,32](2.2):fizz[3651][245,204,35](2.4):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](2.4):turbo[8567][245,204,35](2.4):PMS810[930][255,204,30](3.5) 10 PMS810:fizz:jonquil:moon:turbo:yellow +3008 deep_lilac rgb 150 110 189 hex #966EBD hsv 270 42 74 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.51 lab 53 31 -36 lch 53 48 311 cmyk 15 31 0 26 dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](3.2):lilac_bush[5257][148,112,196](3.2):true_v[8548][142,114,199](4.6):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](6.4):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](6.5) 3 PMS2655:PMS2715:bush:dancing:girl:lilac:true:v +3009 deep_lilac rgb 153 85 187 hex #9955BB hsv 280 55 73 xyz 0.25 0.17 0.49 lab 48 46 -43 lch 48 63 317 cmyk 13 40 0 27 purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](2.4):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](5.1):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](5.2):purpureus[6906][154,78,174](5.5):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](6.5) 1 moderate:PMS2587:amethyst:mulberry:plum:purpureus:purple +3010 deep_lime_green rgb 67 89 0 hex #435900 hsv 75 100 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.01 lab 35 -21 42 lch 35 46 116 cmyk 9 0 35 65 deep_spring_bud[3064][56,89,0](4.2):camouflage_green[2029][75,97,19](4.4):deep_apple_green[2951][78,89,0](6.2):verdun_green[8703][73,84,0](6.4):army_green[1144][75,93,22](7.0) 2 deep:apple:army:bud:camouflage:spring:verdun:green +3011 deep_magenta rgb 89 0 89 hex #590059 hsv 300 100 35 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.1 lab 19 46 -28 lch 19 54 328 cmyk 0 35 0 65 deep_heliotrope[2998][78,0,89](4.9):deep_orchid[3025][89,0,78](6.3):plum_purple[6751][78,5,80](6.6):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](7.3):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](7.3) 1 deep:clairvoyant:heliotrope:hot:orchid:plum:purple +3012 deep_magenta rgb 160 2 92 hex #A0025C hsv 326 99 63 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.11 lab 35 61 -6 lch 35 61 355 cmyk 0 62 27 37 jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](2.2):lipstick[5299][171,5,99](2.8):dark_fuchsia[2724][157,7,89](3.0):PMS234[192][170,0,102](4.1):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](4.4) 5 dark:PMS234:fuchsia:jam:jazzberry:lipstick:magenta +3013 deep_magenta rgb 204 0 204 hex #CC00CC hsv 300 100 80 xyz 0.36 0.17 0.59 lab 49 83 -51 lch 49 98 328 cmyk 0 80 0 20 magenta[5436][205,0,205](1.0):purple/pink[6870][215,37,222](5.0):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](9.0):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](9.2):vivid_orchid[8934][231,0,202](10.6) 2 vivid:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:purple/pink:steel:pink +3014 deep_malachite_green rgb 0 89 22 hex #005916 hsv 135 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.02 lab 32 -38 31 lch 32 49 141 cmyk 35 0 26 65 camarone[2015][0,88,26](2.2):deep_green[2994][2,89,15](3.2):forest[3719][11,85,9](3.3):deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](4.1):deep_sea_green[3054][0,89,33](5.1) 4 deep:camarone:emerald:forest:sea:green +3015 deep_maroon rgb 130 0 0 hex #820000 hsv 360 100 51 xyz 0.09 0.05 0 lab 26 49 39 lch 26 62 39 cmyk 0 51 51 49 dark_red[2855][132,0,0](0.0):deep_red[3040][133,1,1](1.0):maroon[5540][128,0,0](1.4):web_maroon[9037][128,0,0](1.4):indian_red[4631][133,14,4](2.8) 8 deep:dark:indian:maroon:web:red +3016 deep_mauve rgb 212 115 212 hex #D473D4 hsv 300 46 83 xyz 0.45 0.31 0.66 lab 63 52 -34 lch 63 62 327 cmyk 0 38 0 17 french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](0.0):orchid[6237][218,112,214](3.0):orchid[6236][205,105,201](4.2):orchid[6238][219,112,219](5.0):PMS252[218][211,107,198](5.9) 4 PMS252:french:mauve:orchid +3017 deep_moss_green rgb 53 94 59 hex #355E3B hsv 129 44 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.06 lab 36 -23 16 lch 36 28 145 cmyk 16 0 14 63 hunter_green[4586][53,94,59](0.0):parsley[6494][48,93,53](3.0):fern[3576][54,92,52](3.2):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](3.6):leprechaun[4988][54,98,67](3.6) 6 dark:fern:hunter:leprechaun:malachite:parsley:green +3018 deep_mulberry rgb 67 0 89 hex #430059 hsv 285 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.1 lab 15 42 -36 lch 15 55 320 cmyk 9 35 0 65 plum[6740][65,0,86](1.7):ripe_plum[7231][65,0,86](1.7):deep_purple[3037][56,0,89](4.1):deep_heliotrope[2998][78,0,89](4.9):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](5.5) 4 deep:clairvoyant:heliotrope:plum:ripe:purple +3019 deep_oak rgb 61 50 44 hex #3D322C hsv 21 28 24 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 22 4 6 lch 22 7 56 cmyk 0 4 7 76 PMS412[495][61,48,40](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](1.4):marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](1.7):rangitoto_rock[7062][67,56,49](2.0):PMS440[524][63,48,43](2.2) 49 PMS412:PMS440:bushtrack:marbaroda:rangitoto:rock +3020 deep_oak rgb 65 32 16 hex #412010 hsv 20 75 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 14 17 lch 16 23 51 cmyk 0 13 19 75 dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](0.0):slugger[7778][65,32,16](0.0):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](1.0):paco[6295][65,31,16](1.0):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](3.0) 13 dark:PMS4625:ironbark:paco:rum:slugger +3021 deep_ochre rgb 115 61 26 hex #733D1A hsv 24 77 45 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.02 lab 32 21 31 lch 32 37 56 cmyk 0 21 35 55 cigar[2324][119,63,26](1.4):walnut[8987][119,63,26](1.4):peru_tan[6618][115,61,31](3.0):PMS168[104][109,48,17](5.7):russet[7374][128,70,27](5.7) 3 PMS168:cigar:peru:russet:tan:walnut +3022 deep_olive rgb 89 89 0 hex #595900 hsv 60 100 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.01 lab 36 -10 44 lch 36 45 103 cmyk 0 0 35 65 PMS581[765][96,94,17](4.4):deep_apple_green[2951][78,89,0](5.1):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](5.9):greeny_brown[4093][105,96,6](6.0):green_brown[4037][84,78,3](6.4) 1 deep:PMS581:apple:greeny:saratoga:brown:green +3023 deep_opal rgb 0 89 78 hex #00594E hsv 173 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.08 lab 33 -26 0 lch 33 26 180 cmyk 35 0 4 65 PMS330[394][0,89,81](2.2):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.0):PMS3292[391][0,96,86](3.3):jackpot[4710][20,83,70](4.1):eden[3361][16,88,82](4.2) 7 dark:PMS3292:PMS330:eden:jackpot:blue:green +3024 deep_orange rgb 220 77 1 hex #DC4D01 hsv 21 100 86 xyz 0.32 0.21 0.02 lab 52 54 63 lch 52 82 50 cmyk 0 56 86 14 PMS1665[101][221,79,5](1.7):grenadier[4097][213,70,0](2.8):trinidad[8476][230,78,3](3.7):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](5.1):PMS165_2X[99][234,79,0](5.2) 3 vivid:2X:PMS165:PMS1665:grenadier:tangelo:trinidad +3025 deep_orchid rgb 89 0 78 hex #59004E hsv 307 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.07 lab 19 44 -22 lch 19 49 333 cmyk 0 35 4 65 plum_purple[6751][78,5,80](6.0):deep_magenta[3011][89,0,89](6.3):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](6.6):deep_violet[3078][73,6,72](6.8):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](7.3) 0 deep:fuchsia:grape:magenta:plum:purple:violet +3026 deep_peach rgb 255 203 164 hex #FFCBA4 hsv 26 36 100 xyz 0.69 0.67 0.44 lab 85 13 26 lch 85 30 63 cmyk 0 20 36 0 flesh[3687][255,203,164](0.0):peach[6541][255,203,164](0.0):PMS713[892][249,201,163](1.7):PMS473[578][244,196,160](2.4):peach[6542][255,207,171](2.4) 10 PMS473:PMS713:flesh:peach +3027 deep_persian_blue rgb 11 0 89 hex #0B0059 hsv 247 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 7 37 -49 lch 7 61 307 cmyk 31 35 0 65 deep_blue[2957][0,0,89](1.4):dark_blue[2686][0,3,91](2.2):deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](2.2):darkblue[2922][3,7,100](4.4):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](4.6) 5 deep:dark:darkblue:blue:indigo:violet +3028 deep_phthalo_blue rgb 0 11 89 hex #000B59 hsv 233 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 9 30 -46 lch 9 55 303 cmyk 35 31 0 65 dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](5.5):lucky_point[5354][26,26,104](6.4):PMS2747[286][28,20,107](6.6):dark_blue[2686][0,3,91](6.7):midnight_blue[5718][25,25,100](7.0) 0 dark:PMS2747:lucky:midnight:point:blue:indigo +3029 deep_pink rgb 139 10 80 hex #8B0A50 hsv 327 93 55 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.08 lab 30 53 -5 lch 30 54 355 cmyk 0 51 23 45 PMS228[186][140,0,76](2.8):PMS235[193][142,5,84](3.0):disco[3142][135,21,80](3.0):reddish_purple[7158][145,9,81](3.0):red_purple[7135][130,7,71](3.5) 7 PMS228:PMS235:disco:reddish:purple:red +3030 deep_pink rgb 203 1 98 hex #CB0162 hsv 331 100 80 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.13 lab 44 71 5 lch 44 71 4 cmyk 0 79 41 20 dogwood_rose[3157][215,24,104](3.3):dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](4.7):PMS226[184][214,2,112](6.2):PMS214[172][204,2,86](7.1):cerise[2177][222,12,98](7.8) 2 dark:PMS214:PMS226:cerise:dogwood:hot:pink:rose +3031 deep_pink rgb 205 16 118 hex #CD1076 hsv 328 92 80 xyz 0.29 0.15 0.18 lab 45 72 -5 lch 45 72 356 cmyk 0 74 34 20 magenta[5435][202,31,123](4.4):PMS233[191][206,0,124](4.5):vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](4.6):PMS226[184][214,2,112](5.5):PMS219[177][226,40,130](6.4) 3 vivid:PMS219:PMS226:PMS233:cerise:magenta +3032 deep_pink rgb 238 18 137 hex #EE1289 hsv 328 92 93 xyz 0.4 0.2 0.26 lab 52 80 -6 lch 52 80 356 cmyk 0 86 40 7 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7 lch 48 33 12 cmyk 0 30 25 34 dusky_rose[3299][186,104,115](6.2):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](6.6):PMS695[874][178,107,112](6.7):rose_dust[7303][158,94,111](7.1):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](7.7) 0 PMS695:dusky:dust:gold:minnelli:rose +3036 deep_purple rgb 54 1 63 hex #36013F hsv 291 98 25 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.05 lab 10 34 -25 lch 10 42 323 cmyk 4 24 0 75 dark_violet[2915][52,1,63](1.0):dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](3.3):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](4.2):eggplant_purple[3378][67,5,65](5.7):midnight_purple[5728][40,1,55](5.8) 3 dark:eggplant:gras:mardi:midnight:purple:violet +3037 deep_purple rgb 56 0 89 hex #380059 hsv 278 100 35 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.1 lab 13 40 -39 lch 13 56 316 cmyk 13 35 0 65 deep_violet[3076][45,0,89](3.7):deep_mulberry[3018][67,0,89](4.1):plum[6740][65,0,86](4.2):ripe_plum[7231][65,0,86](4.2):cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](4.7) 5 deep:cherry:mulberry:pie:plum:ripe:violet +3038 deep_purple rgb 69 35 80 hex #452350 hsv 285 56 31 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.08 lab 20 25 -21 lch 20 33 320 cmyk 4 18 0 69 grapevine[3981][67,37,79](2.2):PMS669[848][71,43,89](4.1):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](4.1):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](4.2):dark_purple[2851][70,39,89](4.5) 6 dark:PMS669:bossanova:grapevine:mulberry:purple +3039 deep_raspberry rgb 89 0 33 hex #590021 hsv 338 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.02 lab 17 39 7 lch 17 39 10 cmyk 0 35 22 65 bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](2.0):castro[2130][82,0,31](3.0):burgundy[1908][97,0,35](3.5):black_rose[1475][103,3,45](5.8):maroon[5539][101,0,33](5.8) 3 bordeaux:burgundy:castro:maroon:black:rose +3040 deep_red rgb 133 1 1 hex #850101 hsv 360 99 52 xyz 0.1 0.05 0 lab 27 49 39 lch 27 63 39 cmyk 0 52 52 48 dark_red[2855][132,0,0](1.0):deep_maroon[3015][130,0,0](1.0):maroon[5540][128,0,0](1.7):web_maroon[9037][128,0,0](1.7):indian_red[4631][133,14,4](2.2) 11 deep:dark:indian:maroon:web:red +3041 deep_red rgb 154 2 0 hex #9A0200 hsv 1 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 32 55 45 lch 32 71 40 cmyk 0 60 60 40 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miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](3.3):cabaret[1968][205,82,108](4.1):dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](4.5):popstar[6775][190,78,98](6.7):hibiscus[4477][179,54,84](6.8) 3 dark:cabaret:hibiscus:hussy:miss:popstar:pink +3045 deep_ruby rgb 132 63 91 hex #843F5B hsv 336 52 52 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.11 lab 36 33 -3 lch 36 33 355 cmyk 0 27 16 48 highlight[4489][131,56,89](3.3):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](3.3):impulse[4620][137,73,97](4.4):cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](4.6):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](4.7) 5 pale:medium:cannon:highlight:impulse:pink:red:violet +3046 deep_saffron rgb 255 153 51 hex #FF9933 hsv 30 80 100 xyz 0.53 0.44 0.09 lab 72 31 66 lch 72 73 65 cmyk 0 40 80 0 neon_carrot[6011][255,153,51](0.0):PMS804[918][255,147,56](4.4):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](4.4):PMS1495[67][255,153,63](5.0):carrot[2114][237,145,33](5.7) 4 PMS1495:PMS804:carrot:neon:sunshade +3047 deep_sap_green rgb 11 89 0 hex #0B5900 hsv 113 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.01 lab 32 -39 39 lch 32 55 135 cmyk 31 0 35 65 deep_green[2993][0,89,0](1.0):deep_harlequin[2997][22,89,0](2.2):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.0):lincoln_green[5290][25,89,5](3.7):deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](4.0) 7 deep:dark:emerald:harlequin:lincoln:green +3048 deep_sapphire rgb 8 37 103 hex #082567 hsv 222 92 40 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.13 lab 17 18 -41 lch 17 45 294 cmyk 37 26 0 60 royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](1.7):PMS281[302][0,40,104](2.2):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](5.4):deep_cobalt_blue[2978][0,33,89](6.4):madison[5428][9,37,93](6.5) 2 deep:PMS2758:PMS281:cobalt:madison:royal:blue +3049 deep_sapphire_blue rgb 0 22 89 hex #001659 hsv 225 100 35 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.1 lab 11 23 -42 lch 11 48 298 cmyk 35 26 0 65 cove_grey[2562][5,22,87](1.4):gulf_blue[4243][5,22,87](1.4):PMS2757[291][20,22,84](4.1):midnight_blue[5718][25,25,100](6.0):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](6.1) 3 PMS2757:PMS2758:cove:gulf:midnight:blue:grey +3050 deep_scarlet rgb 89 11 0 hex #590B00 hsv 7 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.02 0 lab 17 34 26 lch 17 43 38 cmyk 0 31 35 65 beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](1.0):beer_srm_31[1371][86,12,3](2.2):deep_reddish_brown[3042][89,0,0](3.3):beer_srm_32[1372][83,11,6](4.6):beer_srm_29[1369][98,15,3](4.7) 6 deep:29:30:31:32:beer:reddish:srm:brown +3051 deep_sea rgb 1 130 107 hex #01826B hsv 169 99 51 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.17 lab 48 -36 4 lch 48 36 174 cmyk 51 0 9 49 generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](1.4):PMS335[402][0,124,102](2.2):PMS569[739][0,135,114](2.2):observatory[6092][2,134,111](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](2.4) 14 PMS335:PMS569:elf:generic:observatory:viridian:green +3052 deep_sea rgb 22 126 101 hex #167E65 hsv 166 83 49 xyz 0.1 0.16 0.15 lab 47 -34 6 lch 47 35 171 cmyk 41 0 10 51 deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](1.7):generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](2.2):PMS335[402][0,124,102](2.4):PMS341[412][0,122,94](3.0):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](3.2) 9 deep:PMS335:PMS341:cyan:forest:generic:rain:tropical:viridian:green:turquoise +3053 deep_sea_blue rgb 1 84 130 hex #015482 hsv 201 99 51 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.22 lab 34 -3 -32 lch 34 32 264 cmyk 51 18 0 49 venice_blue[8694][5,89,137](2.2):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](4.7):PMS647[826][38,84,124](5.1):endeavour[3483][41,89,139](5.1):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](5.1) 2 light:PMS647:endeavour:navy:splash:splish:venice:blue +3054 deep_sea_green rgb 0 89 33 hex #005921 hsv 142 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.03 lab 32 -37 26 lch 32 45 145 cmyk 35 0 22 65 camarone[2015][0,88,26](3.0):deep_malachite_green[3014][0,89,22](5.1):hunter_green[4584][33,94,33](5.8):parsley[6493][19,79,25](6.7):deep_spring_green[3066][0,89,45](7.3) 1 deep:camarone:hunter:malachite:parsley:spring:green +3055 deep_sea_green rgb 9 88 89 hex #095859 hsv 181 90 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.11 lab 33 -21 -7 lch 33 22 198 cmyk 31 0 0 65 sea_green[7555][9,88,89](0.0):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](1.4):PMS3165[360][0,86,91](2.2):deep_teal[3070][0,85,90](2.4):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](3.5) 9 deep:dark:PMS3165:cyan:sea:teal:green:turquoise +3056 deep_sky_blue rgb 0 104 139 hex #00688B hsv 195 100 55 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.26 lab 41 -12 -26 lch 41 29 245 cmyk 55 14 0 45 steel_blue[7962][35,107,142](2.2):blue_sapphire[1588][18,97,128](3.7):sea_blue[7550][4,116,149](5.0):PMS308[345][0,96,124](5.1):optimist[6193][43,104,141](5.1) 3 PMS308:optimist:sapphire:sea:steel:blue +3057 deep_sky_blue rgb 0 154 205 hex #009ACD hsv 195 100 80 xyz 0.23 0.28 0.62 lab 59 -16 -36 lch 59 39 246 cmyk 80 20 0 20 freefall[3740][29,149,201](3.2):PMS2995[330][0,165,219](4.2):sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](4.2):PMS299[329][0,163,221](5.1):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](5.2) 3 2X:PMS299:PMS2995:PMS306:freefall:sky:blue +3058 deep_sky_blue rgb 0 178 238 hex #00B2EE hsv 195 100 93 xyz 0.31 0.38 0.87 lab 68 -17 -40 lch 68 44 248 cmyk 93 24 0 7 vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](1.4):cyan[2635][0,183,235](4.4):PMS299[329][0,163,221](5.5):spiro_disco_ball[7902][15,192,252](5.5):picton_blue[6643][69,177,232](5.7) 2 vivid:PMS299:ball:cerulean:cyan:disco:picton:spiro:blue +3059 deep_sky_blue rgb 0 191 255 hex #00BFFF hsv 195 100 100 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#4C4945 hsv 34 9 30 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 31 0 3 lch 31 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 70 relic[7178][75,72,66](1.0):gravel[3992][74,75,70](1.4):tuatara[8552][69,70,66](1.7):rampart[7058][79,78,74](2.0):winchester[9127][81,78,74](2.0) 43 gravel:rampart:relic:tuatara:winchester +3063 deep_space_sparkle rgb 74 100 108 hex #4A646C hsv 194 31 42 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.16 lab 41 -7 -8 lch 41 11 226 cmyk 13 3 0 58 streetwise[8009][79,105,113](2.0):smalt_blue[7781][73,98,103](2.4):cadet[1974][83,104,114](2.8):tax_break[8268][73,101,105](2.8):stormcloud[7997][79,102,106](3.3) 12 break:cadet:smalt:stormcloud:streetwise:tax:blue +3064 deep_spring_bud rgb 56 89 0 hex #385900 hsv 82 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.01 lab 34 -25 41 lch 34 48 122 cmyk 13 0 35 65 terre_verte[8314][56,94,15](4.1):deep_lime_green[3010][67,89,0](4.2):deep_chartreuse_green[2975][45,89,0](5.2):navy_green[6001][53,83,10](5.7):dell[3084][57,100,19](6.4) 2 deep:chartreuse:dell:navy:terre:verte:green:lime +3065 deep_spring_bud rgb 85 107 47 hex #556B2F hsv 82 56 42 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.05 lab 42 -19 31 lch 42 36 122 cmyk 9 0 24 58 dark_olive_green[2814][85,107,47](0.0):olive_green_dark[6166][85,107,47](0.0):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](1.0):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](2.4):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](3.0) 5 dark:camo:leaf:olive:wimbledon:green +3066 deep_spring_green rgb 0 89 45 hex #00592D hsv 150 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.04 lab 33 -35 19 lch 33 40 151 cmyk 35 0 17 65 crusoe[2615][22,91,49](3.3):grass_stain[3988][22,91,49](3.3):spruce[7937][10,95,56](3.7):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](6.0):PMS357[431][33,91,51](6.2) 3 PMS357:crusoe:fun:grass:spruce:stain:green +3067 deep_tangelo rgb 89 33 0 hex #592100 hsv 22 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0 lab 21 24 31 lch 21 39 52 cmyk 0 22 35 65 van_dyke_brown[8675][94,38,5](2.0):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](4.1):toast_lmu_30[8384][104,39,11](5.7):sepia[7611][94,38,18](6.3):cioccolato[2339][85,40,12](6.5) 2 30:bramble:cioccolato:dyke:lmu:sepia:toast:van:brown +3068 deep_taupe rgb 126 94 96 hex #7E5E60 hsv 356 25 49 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.13 lab 43 13 4 lch 43 14 16 cmyk 0 13 12 51 dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](2.4):russett[7376][117,90,87](3.5):memory[5672][124,91,99](3.7):pharlap[6629][130,102,99](4.1):rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](5.2) 4 dusty:memory:pharlap:rosy:russett:brown:rose +3069 deep_teal rgb 0 53 50 hex #003532 hsv 177 100 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 19 -17 -3 lch 19 17 189 cmyk 21 0 1 79 city_limits[2349][12,58,55](3.2):tiber[8344][6,53,55](4.2):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](4.6):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](5.0):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](5.0) 5 city:cyprus:gable:greenstone:limits:tiber:green +3070 deep_teal rgb 0 85 90 hex #00555A hsv 183 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.11 lab 32 -20 -9 lch 32 22 205 cmyk 35 2 0 65 PMS3165[360][0,86,91](1.0):deep_sea_green[3055][9,88,89](2.4):sea_green[7555][9,88,89](2.4):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](3.5):dark_teal[2906][1,77,78](3.6) 8 deep:dark:PMS3165:cyan:sea:teal:green +3071 deep_teal rgb 25 68 60 hex #19443C hsv 169 63 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.05 lab 26 -17 0 lch 26 17 179 cmyk 17 0 3 73 msu_green[5923][24,69,59](1.4):te_papa_green[8270][30,67,60](2.0):zydeco[9283][32,72,63](2.2):tiber[8345][24,67,67](4.5):tile_green[8360][38,67,58](4.5) 7 msu:papa:te:tiber:tile:zydeco:green +3072 deep_turquoise rgb 0 89 67 hex #005943 hsv 165 100 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.07 lab 33 -29 6 lch 33 30 168 cmyk 35 0 9 65 PMS343[416][0,86,63](1.4):castleton_green[2128][0,86,63](1.4):sacramento_state_green[7395][0,86,63](1.4):PMS554[712][25,94,71](3.0):filmpro_pthalo_green[3617][0,86,69](3.0) 5 PMS343:PMS554:castleton:filmpro:pthalo:sacramento:state:green +3073 deep_turquoise rgb 1 115 116 hex #017374 hsv 181 99 45 xyz 0.09 0.14 0.19 lab 44 -26 -8 lch 44 28 198 cmyk 45 0 0 55 skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](1.0):PMS322[367][0,114,114](1.4):dark_aquamarine[2679][1,115,113](1.7):free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](2.2):surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](2.4) 17 dark:PMS322:free:skobeloff:spirit:surfie:aquamarine:green +3074 deep_tuscan_red rgb 102 66 77 hex #66424D hsv 342 35 40 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.08 lab 32 17 0 lch 32 17 359 cmyk 0 14 10 60 tuscan_red[8596][102,66,77](0.0):finn[3631][105,69,84](3.7):eggplant[3376][97,64,81](4.1):galaxy[3822][99,70,75](4.6):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](4.6) 6 eggplant:finn:galaxy:purplish:tuscan:brown:red +3075 deep_vermilion rgb 89 22 0 hex #591600 hsv 15 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.03 0 lab 19 30 28 lch 19 41 44 cmyk 0 26 35 65 meranti[5674][93,30,15](4.1):redwood[7162][93,30,15](4.1):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](4.6):deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](4.9):beer_srm_31[1371][86,12,3](5.4) 4 deep:30:31:beer:meranti:redwood:scarlet:srm +3076 deep_violet rgb 45 0 89 hex #2D0059 hsv 270 100 35 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.1 lab 11 39 -42 lch 11 57 313 cmyk 17 35 0 65 cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](2.0):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](3.7):deep_purple[3037][56,0,89](3.7):violent_violet[8847][41,12,94](4.6):deep_indigo[3000][22,0,89](6.2) 4 deep:cherry:pie:violent:blue:indigo:purple:violet +3077 deep_violet rgb 51 0 102 hex #330066 hsv 270 100 40 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.13 lab 14 43 -47 lch 14 63 313 cmyk 20 40 0 60 christalle[2314][51,3,107](1.4):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](3.0):paris_m[6489][38,5,106](3.7):paua[6527][38,3,104](4.1):blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](4.9) 5 PMS2755:christalle:diamond:m:paris:paua:blue +3078 deep_violet rgb 73 6 72 hex #490648 hsv 301 92 29 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.06 lab 16 38 -23 lch 16 44 329 cmyk 0 26 0 71 plum_purple[6751][78,5,80](3.7):eggplant_purple[3378][67,5,65](4.1):loulou[5346][70,11,65](5.7):deep_orchid[3025][89,0,78](6.8):grape_purple[3979][93,20,81](7.3) 2 deep:eggplant:grape:loulou:orchid:plum:purple +3079 deer rgb 186 135 89 hex #BA8759 hsv 28 52 73 xyz 0.31 0.28 0.13 lab 60 14 32 lch 60 35 66 cmyk 0 20 38 27 PMS729[908][193,142,96](3.0):light_brown[5074][173,129,80](4.4):tan_brown[8229][171,126,76](4.9):moderate_orange[5836][168,121,74](5.2):muddy_waters[5930][183,142,92](5.4) 3 moderate:light:PMS729:muddy:tan:waters:brown:orange +3080 deja_vu rgb 215 174 129 hex #D7AE81 hsv 31 40 84 xyz 0.47 0.46 0.27 lab 74 9 29 lch 74 30 73 cmyk 0 16 34 16 muka[5935][210,172,125](1.4):PMS728[907][211,168,124](2.2):brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):bowman[1686][213,177,133](2.8):calico[2008][213,177,133](2.8) 11 PMS728:bowman:brandy:calico:muka +3081 del_rio rgb 176 154 149 hex #B09A95 hsv 11 15 69 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.33 lab 65 7 6 lch 65 9 38 cmyk 0 9 11 31 thatch[8320][182,157,152](2.2):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](3.0):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](3.0):effervescent[3368][168,152,142](3.3):thatch[8319][177,148,143](3.3) 13 buffalo:double:effervescent:eighth:milestone:thatch +3082 del_rio rgb 181 153 142 hex #B5998E hsv 17 22 71 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.3 lab 65 9 10 lch 65 13 48 cmyk 0 11 15 29 thatch[8319][177,148,143](3.3):quicksand[7024][189,151,142](4.1):thatch[8320][182,157,152](4.6):paperback[6475][179,161,144](5.5):mushroom[5949][186,158,136](5.7) 3 mushroom:paperback:quicksand:thatch +3083 del_toro rgb 177 29 32 hex #B11D20 hsv 359 84 69 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.02 lab 38 57 38 lch 38 68 34 cmyk 0 58 57 31 indian_red[4633][176,23,31](1.0):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](1.4):carnelian[2106][179,27,27](3.3):cornell_red[2526][179,27,27](3.3):poppy[6773][172,0,25](3.7) 9 carnelian:cornell:firebrick:indian:poppy:red +3084 dell rgb 57 100 19 hex #396413 hsv 92 81 39 xyz 0.06 0.1 0.02 lab 38 -29 38 lch 38 48 127 cmyk 17 0 32 61 terre_verte[8314][56,94,15](2.8):green_leaf[4048][67,106,13](5.4):topspin[8425][66,113,32](5.4):deep_chartreuse_green[2975][45,89,0](5.5):deep_spring_bud[3064][56,89,0](6.4) 1 deep:bud:chartreuse:leaf:spring:terre:topspin:verte:green +3085 dell rgb 72 101 49 hex #486531 hsv 93 51 40 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.05 lab 39 -21 26 lch 39 33 129 cmyk 11 0 20 60 green_fields[4041][62,99,52](3.7):green_house[4045][62,99,52](3.7):olive[6150][59,94,43](3.7):dark_chartreuse_green[2704][64,89,39](4.5):chalet_green[2196][81,110,61](4.6) 5 dark:chalet:chartreuse:fields:house:olive:green +3086 delta rgb 153 155 149 hex #999B95 hsv 80 4 61 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.33 lab 64 -2 3 lch 64 3 123 cmyk 1 0 2 39 kensington_grey[4830][157,159,154](1.4):archive_grey[1137][154,153,145](1.7):star_dust[7953][159,159,156](1.7):half_stack[4391][152,156,153](2.0):mountain_mist[5920][160,159,156](2.4) 43 archive:dust:half:kensington:mist:mountain:stack:star:grey +3087 delta rgb 164 164 157 hex #A4A49D hsv 60 4 64 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.37 lab 67 -1 4 lch 67 4 110 cmyk 0 0 3 36 quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](1.0):quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](1.0):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.4):foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](1.4):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](1.4) 47 dawn:foggy:friar:quarter:swordfish:tapa:grey +3088 delta_blue rgb 124 154 205 hex #7C9ACD hsv 218 40 80 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.62 lab 63 2 -29 lch 63 30 275 cmyk 32 20 0 20 zephyr[9252][128,154,198](3.0):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.6):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](5.5):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](5.5):livid[5313][102,153,204](5.5) 2 dark:livid:pastel:zephyr:blue:gray:grey +3089 delta_grey rgb 165 163 149 hex #A5A395 hsv 52 10 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.34 lab 67 -2 8 lch 67 8 104 cmyk 0 1 6 35 double_ash[3176][167,163,146](1.0):greyish[4227][168,164,149](1.0):cement[2170][165,163,145](2.0):quarter_arrowtown[6918][168,162,147](2.2):treetops[8470][166,162,143](2.2) 49 arrowtown:ash:cement:double:greyish:quarter:treetops +3090 deluge rgb 117 99 168 hex #7563A8 hsv 256 41 66 xyz 0.19 0.16 0.39 lab 46 23 -35 lch 46 41 303 cmyk 20 27 0 34 scampi[7511][103,95,166](3.5):scampi[7512][111,99,160](5.7):PMS272[274][137,119,186](8.3):long_shot[5341][135,118,182](8.3):PMS660[839][89,96,168](8.4) 1 PMS272:PMS660:long:scampi:shot +3091 deluge rgb 130 114 164 hex #8272A4 hsv 259 30 64 xyz 0.22 0.19 0.38 lab 51 17 -25 lch 51 30 305 cmyk 13 20 0 36 kimberly[4861][115,108,159](4.7):ce_soir[2144][146,113,167](6.4):dark_lavender[2785][133,103,152](6.6):grayish_indigo[4007][136,125,168](6.9):grayish_violet[4019][147,125,168](7.1) 1 dark:ce:grayish:kimberly:soir:indigo:lavender:violet +3092 denim rgb 21 96 189 hex #1560BD hsv 213 89 74 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.5 lab 42 14 -55 lch 42 57 284 cmyk 66 36 0 26 mariner[5532][40,106,205](4.6):PMS2935[318][0,91,191](5.4):science_blue[7533][0,102,204](5.5):medium_teal_blue[5646][0,84,180](6.2):tory_blue[8432][20,80,170](7.0) 1 medium:PMS2935:mariner:science:teal:tory:blue +3093 denim rgb 43 108 196 hex #2B6CC4 hsv 215 78 77 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.54 lab 46 11 -52 lch 46 53 282 cmyk 60 35 0 23 dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](3.7):bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](4.4):navy_blue[5998][25,116,210](4.4):true_blue[8543][0,115,207](4.7):green_blue[4036][17,100,180](5.8) 4 bright:dodger:navy:true:blue:green +3094 denim rgb 59 99 140 hex #3B638C hsv 210 58 55 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.26 lab 41 -1 -27 lch 41 27 267 cmyk 32 16 0 45 steel_blue[7963][54,100,139](2.2):queen_blue[7021][67,107,149](3.0):yarra[9190][32,96,142](4.9):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](5.1):matisse[5575][54,92,125](5.4) 3 light:matisse:navy:queen:steel:yarra:blue +3095 denim_blue rgb 59 91 146 hex #3B5B92 hsv 218 60 57 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.29 lab 39 6 -34 lch 39 34 280 cmyk 34 22 0 43 dusky_blue[3295][71,95,148](3.0):bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](3.6):filmpro_sky_blue[3622][53,93,144](3.6):mariner[5533][66,99,159](3.7):super_duper[8151][66,99,159](3.7) 5 bedazzled:duper:dusky:filmpro:mariner:sky:super:blue +3096 derby rgb 249 228 198 hex #F9E4C6 hsv 35 20 98 xyz 0.77 0.8 0.65 lab 92 3 17 lch 92 17 82 cmyk 0 8 20 2 eggshell[3380][252,230,201](0.0):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](1.4):tequila[8304][255,230,199](1.7):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.2) 32 bisque:blanched:egg:eggshell:sour:tequila:almond +3097 derby rgb 255 238 216 hex #FFEED8 hsv 34 15 100 xyz 0.84 0.87 0.77 lab 95 2 13 lch 95 13 80 cmyk 0 7 15 0 antique_white[1071][255,239,219](1.0):peach[6544][255,240,219](1.0):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](1.0):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](1.4):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](1.4) 45 antique:cream:moccasin:peach:white +3098 desaturated_cyan rgb 102 153 153 hex #669999 hsv 180 33 60 xyz 0.23 0.28 0.34 lab 60 -17 -5 lch 60 18 198 cmyk 20 0 0 40 bounce[1678][103,147,148](2.8):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](3.2):cadet_blue[1980][95,159,159](3.3):paradise[6480][106,156,149](3.3):cadet[1975][95,158,160](3.7) 9 PMS5483:bounce:cadet:paradise:blue +3099 desert rgb 161 95 59 hex #A15F3B hsv 21 63 63 xyz 0.2 0.16 0.06 lab 47 23 32 lch 47 39 54 cmyk 0 26 40 37 footloose[3715][164,97,58](1.7):red_beech[7114][161,98,59](1.7):indochine[4652][156,91,52](2.2):earth[3328][162,101,62](2.8):moroccan_spice[5899][152,89,52](3.2) 6 beech:earth:footloose:indochine:moroccan:spice:red +3100 desert rgb 174 96 32 hex #AE6020 hsv 27 82 68 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.04 lab 49 27 48 lch 49 55 60 cmyk 0 31 56 32 copper[2475][182,99,37](2.8):light_brown[5075][181,101,29](3.6):ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](4.2):liver[5310][184,109,41](4.5):sienna[7696][169,86,30](4.7) 5 light:copper:liver:ruddy:sienna:brown +3101 desert rgb 193 154 107 hex #C19A6B hsv 33 45 76 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.19 lab 66 8 30 lch 66 31 74 cmyk 0 15 34 24 camel[2018][193,154,107](0.0):fallow[3551][193,154,107](0.0):lion[5296][193,154,107](0.0):wood_brown[9166][193,154,107](0.0):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.2) 8 camel:fallow:lion:uluru:wood:brown +3102 desert rgb 204 173 96 hex #CCAD60 hsv 43 53 80 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.17 lab 72 2 43 lch 72 43 88 cmyk 0 12 42 20 laser[4914][198,169,94](2.4):sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](4.2):apache[1075][211,169,92](4.5):sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](4.9):equator[3501][218,177,96](5.4) 4 apache:equator:laser:sand:sandy:brown +3103 desert_sand rgb 173 152 122 hex #AD987A hsv 35 29 68 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.23 lab 64 3 19 lch 64 19 81 cmyk 0 8 20 32 double_drought[3198][172,152,125](2.0):double_pavlova[3224][169,152,119](2.2):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](3.0):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](3.2):shelter[7648][180,161,131](3.3) 20 doeskin:double:drought:howlin:pavlova:shelter:wolf +3104 desert_sand rgb 237 201 175 hex #EDC9AF hsv 25 26 93 xyz 0.64 0.63 0.49 lab 83 9 18 lch 83 20 63 cmyk 0 14 24 7 PMS4675[566][229,198,170](2.2):flesh[3685][245,204,176](2.4):light_wood[5231][233,194,166](2.4):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](2.4):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](2.4) 17 light:PMS4675:flesh:peachpuff:puff:wood:peach +3105 desert_sand rgb 239 205 184 hex #EFCDB8 hsv 23 23 94 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.55 lab 85 9 15 lch 85 17 59 cmyk 0 13 22 6 soft_pink[7832][242,205,187](1.4):watusi[9023][242,205,187](1.4):just_right[4802][236,205,185](1.7):PMS489[598][242,209,191](2.2):tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](2.2) 13 PMS489:bush:just:right:soft:tuft:watusi:pink +3106 desert_storm rgb 237 231 224 hex #EDE7E0 hsv 32 5 93 xyz 0.77 0.81 0.82 lab 92 1 4 lch 92 4 79 cmyk 0 2 5 7 eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.0):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.4):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.4):half_soapstone[4387][240,235,228](1.4):pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.4) 139 blanc:eighth:fossil:half:milk:pampas:soapstone:white +3107 desert_storm rgb 248 248 247 hex #F8F8F7 hsv 60 0 97 xyz 0.89 0.94 1.01 lab 98 0 0 lch 98 1 110 cmyk 0 0 0 3 alabaster[984][250,250,250](0.0):grey[4201][250,250,250](0.0):hint_of_red[4501][249,249,249](0.0):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](1.0) 86 alabaster:cultured:haze:hint:of:black:grey:red +3108 desert_yellow rgb 202 141 22 hex #CA8D16 hsv 40 89 79 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.05 lab 63 14 64 lch 63 66 78 cmyk 0 24 71 21 geebung[3836][209,143,27](2.2):pizza[6731][201,148,21](4.9):pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](5.2):dark_goldenrod[2731][205,149,12](5.4):medium_goldenrod[5609][205,149,12](5.4) 2 medium:dark:geebung:gold:goldenrod:pirate:pizza +3109 designer_white rgb 215 217 226 hex #D7D9E2 hsv 229 5 89 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.82 lab 87 1 -5 lch 87 5 282 cmyk 4 4 0 11 light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](1.4):rolling_fog[7274][218,215,223](1.7):PMS656[835][214,219,224](2.8):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](3.2):dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](3.3) 17 light:PMS656:bluish:dreamweaver:fog:rolling:titan:grey:white +3110 desire rgb 234 60 83 hex #EA3C53 hsv 352 74 92 xyz 0.37 0.21 0.1 lab 53 67 28 lch 53 72 23 cmyk 0 68 59 8 amaranth[1026][229,43,80](4.1):permanent_red_violet[6601][219,38,69](5.2):rusty_red[7392][218,44,67](5.9):PMS710[889][224,66,81](6.1):watermelon[9018][253,70,89](6.2) 1 PMS710:amaranth:permanent:rusty:watermelon:red:violet +3111 desperado rgb 117 57 41 hex #753929 hsv 13 65 46 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.03 lab 32 25 22 lch 32 33 41 cmyk 0 24 30 54 warm_kwila[9001][117,58,42](1.0):teranova[8305][122,58,43](2.2):scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](2.8):western_red_cedar[9056][122,55,42](3.0):PMS175[112][109,51,33](3.3) 14 PMS175:cedar:clay:kwila:scorched:teranova:warm:western:red +3112 destiny rgb 136 158 157 hex #889E9D hsv 177 14 62 xyz 0.28 0.32 0.37 lab 63 -8 -2 lch 63 8 195 cmyk 9 0 0 38 quicksilver[7026][136,154,151](1.7):submarine[8103][140,156,156](2.0):granny_smith[3972][132,160,160](2.4):bounty[1679][145,159,160](3.2):boulevard[1677][142,165,160](3.7) 13 boulevard:bounty:granny:quicksilver:smith:submarine +3113 detroit rgb 120 119 116 hex #787774 hsv 45 3 47 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.19 lab 50 0 2 lch 50 2 97 cmyk 0 0 2 53 dove_grey[3257][119,118,114](0.0):aluminium[1023][118,115,111](1.4):tapa[8247][123,120,116](1.4):grey[4145][120,120,120](2.0):quarter_masala[6967][116,115,111](2.0) 49 aluminium:dove:masala:quarter:tapa:grey +3114 devoted rgb 232 205 208 hex #E8CDD0 hsv 353 12 91 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.69 lab 85 10 2 lch 85 10 11 cmyk 0 11 9 9 PMS678[857][234,204,206](1.4):oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](2.2):PMS5165[637][224,201,204](2.4):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](2.4):PMS677[856][237,214,214](3.0) 21 PMS5165:PMS677:PMS678:ice:oyster:vanilla:pink +3115 dew rgb 231 242 233 hex #E7F2E9 hsv 131 5 95 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.9 lab 94 -5 3 lch 94 6 150 cmyk 4 0 4 5 bubbles[1882][230,242,234](1.0):harp[4426][230,242,234](1.0):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](1.0):gin[3861][232,242,235](1.4):polar[6757][229,242,231](1.4) 61 bubbles:gin:harp:i:polar:spy +3116 dew rgb 234 255 254 hex #EAFFFE hsv 177 8 100 xyz 0.88 0.96 1.08 lab 98 -7 -2 lch 98 7 195 cmyk 8 0 0 0 bubbles[1883][231,254,255](1.0):clear_day[2368][233,255,253](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](1.4):azure[1233][240,255,255](2.2):azure_mist[1234][240,255,255](2.2) 28 bubbles:clear:day:mist:tranquil:azure +3117 di_serria rgb 212 145 93 hex #D4915D hsv 26 56 83 xyz 0.39 0.35 0.15 lab 66 20 38 lch 66 43 62 cmyk 0 26 47 17 whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](0.0):PMS722[901][209,142,84](3.2):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](3.6):whiskey_sour[9076][219,153,94](3.7):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](4.1) 6 PMS722:persian:sour:whiskey:orange +3118 di_serria rgb 219 153 94 hex #DB995E hsv 28 57 86 xyz 0.43 0.39 0.16 lab 68 19 41 lch 68 45 65 cmyk 0 26 49 14 whiskey_sour[9076][219,153,94](0.0):PMS722[901][209,142,84](3.2):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](3.6):porsche[6779][223,157,91](3.7):whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](3.7) 5 PMS722:persian:porsche:sour:whiskey:orange +3119 diamond rgb 185 242 255 hex #B9F2FF hsv 191 27 100 xyz 0.7 0.81 1.07 lab 92 -15 -12 lch 92 19 219 cmyk 27 5 0 0 charlotte[2231][186,238,249](1.7):pale_sky_blue[6429][189,246,254](2.4):light_blue[5016][191,239,255](3.2):french_pass[3755][189,237,253](3.3):pale_arctic_blue[6310][194,247,255](3.6) 6 pale:light:arctic:charlotte:french:pass:sky:blue +3120 diarrhea rgb 159 131 3 hex #9F8303 hsv 49 98 62 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.03 lab 56 0 60 lch 56 60 90 cmyk 0 11 61 38 PMS126[33][163,130,5](2.0):dark_mustard[2805][168,137,5](3.0):PMS112[12][153,132,10](3.3):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](4.1):dark_yellow[2919][155,135,12](4.1) 8 dark:PMS112:PMS126:baby:mustard:poop:yellow +3121 diesel rgb 19 0 0 hex #130000 hsv 360 100 7 xyz 0 0 0 lab 1 6 2 lch 1 6 19 cmyk 0 7 7 93 nero[6026][20,6,0](3.5):asphalt[1163][19,10,6](4.6):banjul[1287][19,10,6](4.6):maire[5466][19,10,6](4.6):very_dark_brown[8716][29,2,0](4.9) 6 dark:very:asphalt:banjul:maire:nero:brown +3122 diesel rgb 50 44 43 hex #322C2B hsv 9 14 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 3 2 lch 19 3 33 cmyk 0 2 3 80 style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal[8072][50,44,43](0.0):livid_brown[5314][49,42,41](1.0):barbecue[1289][54,48,48](1.4):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.4):sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](1.7) 54 burnt:barbecue:charcoal:livid:night:pasifika:rider:sheer:style:black:brown +3123 digeridoo rgb 69 41 36 hex #452924 hsv 9 48 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 20 12 9 lch 20 15 35 cmyk 0 11 13 73 style_pasifika_brown_earth[8071][69,41,36](0.0):hinau[4495][72,42,37](1.4):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](3.3):hot_chocolate[4553][61,38,34](3.5):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](3.6) 23 dark:chocolate:earth:ginger:hinau:hot:pasifika:style:warmed:brown +3124 digital_blue rgb 62 65 99 hex #3E4163 hsv 235 37 39 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.13 lab 29 8 -20 lch 29 22 291 cmyk 15 13 0 61 adventure[964][65,64,98](1.0):dotcom[3172][65,65,93](3.2):super_sonic[8153][55,68,103](3.6):time_warp[8368][55,68,103](3.6):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](4.5) 12 adventure:bay:dotcom:many:of:sonic:super:time:warp +3125 dim_grey rgb 84 84 84 hex #545454 hsv 180 0 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.1 lab 36 0 0 lch 36 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 67 davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](0.0):davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](0.0):grey[4131][84,84,84](0.0):grey[4130][82,82,82](1.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.0) 54 davy:davy's:grey +3126 dim_grey rgb 105 105 105 hex #696969 hsv 300 0 41 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.15 lab 44 0 0 lch 44 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 59 dimgray[3128][105,105,105](0.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](0.0):granite_grey[3968][103,103,103](0.0):grey[4139][105,105,105](0.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.0) 42 chicane:dimgray:dimgrey:granite:grey +3127 dimension rgb 113 112 86 hex #717056 hsv 58 24 44 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.11 lab 47 -4 15 lch 47 15 106 cmyk 0 0 11 56 strobe[8012][121,115,92](2.4):kokoda[4876][110,109,87](3.2):lichen[4991][122,112,85](3.2):go_ben[3883][114,109,78](3.3):peat[6574][118,109,82](3.3) 16 ben:go:kokoda:lichen:peat:strobe +3128 dimgray rgb 105 105 105 hex #696969 hsv 300 0 41 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.15 lab 44 0 0 lch 44 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 59 dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](0.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](0.0):granite_grey[3968][103,103,103](0.0):grey[4139][105,105,105](0.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.0) 42 chicane:dim:dimgrey:granite:grey +3129 dimgrey rgb 105 105 105 hex #696969 hsv 300 0 41 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.15 lab 44 0 0 lch 44 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 59 dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](0.0):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](0.0):granite_grey[3968][103,103,103](0.0):grey[4139][105,105,105](0.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.0) 42 chicane:dim:dimgray:granite:grey +3130 dingley rgb 93 119 71 hex #5D7747 hsv 93 40 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.08 lab 47 -19 23 lch 47 30 129 cmyk 10 0 19 53 barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](4.1):chalet_green[2196][81,110,61](4.2):chalet_green[2197][90,110,65](4.2):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](4.4):cross_country[2605][104,127,69](6.7) 4 army:barmy:chalet:country:cross:glade:green +3131 dingley rgb 96 124 71 hex #607C47 hsv 92 43 49 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.09 lab 49 -20 26 lch 49 33 128 cmyk 11 0 21 51 barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](3.0):cross_country[2605][104,127,69](3.3):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](4.6):military_green[5739][102,124,62](5.1):chalet_green[2196][81,110,61](6.3) 3 army:barmy:chalet:country:cross:glade:military:green +3132 dingy_dungeon rgb 197 49 81 hex #C53151 hsv 347 75 77 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.09 lab 45 59 17 lch 45 62 16 cmyk 0 58 45 23 maroon[5546][200,56,90](3.7):brick_red[1711][203,65,84](5.2):bright_maroon[1737][195,33,72](5.4):maroon[5545][195,33,72](5.4):maroon_flush[5550][195,33,72](5.4) 1 brick:bright:flush:maroon:red +3133 dirt rgb 138 110 69 hex #8A6E45 hsv 36 50 54 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.08 lab 48 6 27 lch 48 28 78 cmyk 0 11 27 46 driftwood[3271][143,111,72](1.7):authentic[1203][138,104,67](3.3):dirt_brown[3135][131,101,57](3.6):bullwhip[1902][143,112,64](4.1):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](4.1) 7 authentic:bullwhip:dirt:driftwood:dull:brown +3134 dirt rgb 155 118 83 hex #9B7653 hsv 29 46 61 xyz 0.22 0.21 0.11 lab 52 10 25 lch 52 27 68 cmyk 0 15 28 39 moscow_mule[5907][158,120,83](1.4):pale_brown[6316][152,118,84](1.4):mocha[5805][157,118,81](1.7):liver_chestnut[5311][152,116,86](3.0):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.5) 10 pale:chamoisee:chestnut:liver:mocha:moscow:mule:brown +3135 dirt_brown rgb 131 101 57 hex #836539 hsv 36 56 51 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.06 lab 45 6 29 lch 45 30 78 cmyk 0 12 29 49 dirt[3133][138,110,69](3.6):coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](3.7):bullwhip[1902][143,112,64](4.5):authentic[1203][138,104,67](4.7):stowaway[7999][125,93,57](4.7) 5 authentic:bullwhip:coyote:dirt:stowaway:brown +3136 dirty_blue rgb 63 130 157 hex #3F829D hsv 197 60 62 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.35 lab 51 -13 -21 lch 51 25 238 cmyk 37 11 0 38 waterfront[9015][62,127,157](2.4):jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](4.4):wedgewood[9041][78,127,158](5.1):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](5.4):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](5.4) 2 moderate:bean:cornflower:jelly:waterfront:wedgewood:blue +3137 dirty_green rgb 102 126 44 hex #667E2C hsv 78 65 49 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.05 lab 49 -22 41 lch 49 46 118 cmyk 9 0 32 51 khaki_green[4852][114,134,57](5.4):swamp[8172][105,131,57](5.4):dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](5.9):fern_frond[3581][101,114,32](5.9):fiji_green[3602][101,114,32](5.9) 0 dark:fern:fiji:frond:khaki:olive:swamp:green +3138 dirty_orange rgb 200 118 6 hex #C87606 hsv 35 97 78 xyz 0.3 0.25 0.03 lab 57 26 63 lch 57 68 68 cmyk 0 32 76 22 PMS1385[52][204,122,2](3.0):meteor[5696][208,125,18](3.2):indochine[4653][194,107,3](4.7):PMS153[73][188,109,10](5.1):brown_orange[1852][185,105,2](5.8) 3 PMS1385:PMS153:indochine:meteor:brown:orange +3139 dirty_pink rgb 202 123 128 hex #CA7B80 hsv 356 39 79 xyz 0.35 0.28 0.24 lab 60 31 10 lch 60 33 18 cmyk 0 31 29 21 dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](3.2):old_pink[6144][199,121,134](4.2):old_rose[6146][200,127,137](4.2):PMS193[149][219,130,140](5.7):PMS500[611][206,137,140](5.7) 3 PMS193:PMS500:dusty:old:pink:rose +3140 dirty_purple rgb 115 74 101 hex #734A65 hsv 320 36 45 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.14 lab 37 22 -9 lch 37 24 339 cmyk 0 16 5 55 PMS5125[629][117,71,96](3.7):cordite[2509][109,70,88](5.7):cosmic[2545][121,77,96](6.1):halayà_úbe[4274][102,55,84](7.7):halayà_úbe[4275][102,56,84](7.7) 1 PMS5125:cordite:cosmic:halayà:úbe +3141 dirty_yellow rgb 205 197 10 hex #CDC50A hsv 58 95 80 xyz 0.45 0.53 0.08 lab 78 -14 78 lch 78 79 100 cmyk 0 3 76 20 alo[1015][209,203,27](2.4):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](3.0):bird_flower[1419][212,205,22](3.2):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](3.2):barberry[1290][210,198,31](3.7) 11 alo:barberry:bird:flower:ugly:vomit:yellow +3142 disco rgb 135 21 80 hex #871550 hsv 329 84 53 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.08 lab 30 50 -5 lch 30 50 354 cmyk 0 45 22 47 rose_bud_cherry[7301][128,11,71](2.8):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](3.0):red_purple[7135][130,7,71](3.0):violet_red[8864][139,34,82](4.1):french_plum[3757][129,20,83](4.2) 5 deep:bud:cherry:french:plum:pink:purple:red:rose:violet +3143 disco rgb 137 45 79 hex #892D4F hsv 338 67 54 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.08 lab 33 42 1 lch 33 42 1 cmyk 0 36 23 46 rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](2.4):camelot[2021][137,52,86](4.1):cardinal[2079][138,36,78](4.2):PMS683[862][127,40,79](4.6):quinacridone_magenta[7030][142,58,89](5.4) 4 PMS683:bud:camelot:cardinal:cherry:magenta:quinacridone:rose +3144 ditto rgb 231 226 228 hex #E7E2E4 hsv 336 2 91 xyz 0.74 0.77 0.84 lab 90 2 0 lch 90 2 350 cmyk 0 2 1 9 bon_jour[1639][229,224,225](0.0):ebb[3343][233,227,227](1.4):seashell[7587][227,225,224](1.4):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](1.7):grey[4192][227,227,227](2.0) 72 bon:ebb:jour:lilac:seashell:grey:white +3145 divine rgb 228 206 236 hex #E4CEEC hsv 284 13 93 xyz 0.69 0.67 0.89 lab 85 13 -12 lch 85 18 317 cmyk 3 12 0 7 thistle[8328][238,210,238](3.5):fairylight[3546][213,199,232](4.7):fog[3710][213,199,232](4.7):thistle[8327][216,191,216](5.8):PMS263[251][224,206,224](6.4) 3 PMS263:fairylight:fog:thistle +3146 dixie rgb 205 132 49 hex #CD8431 hsv 32 76 80 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.07 lab 61 21 54 lch 61 58 68 cmyk 0 29 61 20 brandy_punch[1694][205,132,41](3.0):geebung[3835][197,131,46](3.2):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](3.3):bronze[1823][205,127,50](3.7):gold[3892][205,127,50](3.7) 6 bell:brandy:bronze:geebung:gold:golden:punch +3147 dixie rgb 226 148 24 hex #E29418 hsv 37 89 89 xyz 0.42 0.37 0.06 lab 68 21 69 lch 68 72 73 cmyk 0 31 79 11 PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](3.3):harvest_gold[4428][218,145,0](3.5):beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](3.6):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](3.6):PMS138[51][216,140,2](4.1) 7 08:2X:PMS130:PMS138:beer:bush:fire:gold:harvest:srm +3148 dixie_chick rgb 196 143 42 hex #C48F2A hsv 39 79 77 xyz 0.33 0.32 0.07 lab 63 11 58 lch 63 59 79 cmyk 0 21 60 23 afterglow[975][206,151,50](3.0):marigold[5526][185,141,40](4.6):nugget[6079][188,146,41](5.0):university_of_california_gold[8651][183,135,39](5.1):wazzup[9029][188,148,37](6.3) 3 afterglow:california:gold:marigold:nugget:of:university:wazzup +3149 dizzy_lizzy rgb 129 202 43 hex #81CA2B hsv 88 79 79 xyz 0.31 0.47 0.1 lab 74 -46 66 lch 74 81 125 cmyk 29 0 62 21 lima[5265][118,189,23](4.1):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](5.5):dark_lime_green[2789][126,189,1](6.4):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](7.5):PMS376[452][127,186,0](8.1) 1 dark:PMS376:apple:atlantis:lima:green:lime +3150 dna rgb 51 54 51 hex #333633 hsv 120 6 21 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 22 -2 1 lch 22 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 79 charcoal[2220][52,56,55](1.4):oil[6119][49,51,48](1.4):slate[7754][53,54,53](1.4):botany_bay[1668][55,56,55](1.7):possessed[6792][55,59,56](2.0) 65 slate:bay:botany:charcoal:oil:possessed +3151 dodger_blue rgb 16 78 139 hex #104E8B hsv 210 88 55 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.25 lab 33 5 -39 lch 33 40 278 cmyk 48 24 0 45 dusk_blue[3294][38,83,141](2.8):dark_cerulean[2702][8,69,126](4.5):bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](4.6):PMS301[334][0,91,153](5.1):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](5.7) 3 dark:PMS301:bedazzled:cerulean:dusk:yale:blue +3152 dodger_blue rgb 24 116 205 hex #1874CD hsv 210 88 80 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.6 lab 48 8 -53 lch 48 54 278 cmyk 71 35 0 20 true_blue[8543][0,115,207](2.0):bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](3.0):navy_blue[5998][25,116,210](3.0):PMS300[332][0,114,198](3.7):denim[3093][43,108,196](3.7) 5 PMS300:bright:denim:navy:true:blue +3153 dodger_blue rgb 28 134 238 hex #1C86EE hsv 210 88 93 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.84 lab 56 10 -60 lch 56 61 279 cmyk 82 41 0 7 brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](7.1):brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](7.3):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](7.9):blueberry[1605][79,134,247](8.3):bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](8.6) 0 brilliant:bleu:blueberry:bright:cobalt:de:france:navy:azure:blue +3154 dodger_blue rgb 30 144 255 hex #1E90FF hsv 210 88 100 xyz 0.29 0.27 0.98 lab 59 10 -63 lch 59 64 279 cmyk 88 44 0 0 brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](6.4):blueberry[1605][79,134,247](8.3):brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](10.2):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](10.5):light_brilliant_sapphire_blue[5064][101,139,255](11.1) 0 light:brilliant:bleu:blueberry:cobalt:de:france:sapphire:azure:blue +3155 dodger_blue rgb 62 130 252 hex #3E82FC hsv 219 75 99 xyz 0.28 0.24 0.95 lab 56 20 -67 lch 56 70 287 cmyk 75 48 0 1 luminous_vivid_azure[5364][0,128,255](4.2):azure[1226][0,127,255](4.6):azure_radiance[1236][0,127,255](4.6):slate_blue[7756][0,127,255](4.6):blueberry[1605][79,134,247](5.5) 4 luminous:slate:vivid:blueberry:radiance:azure:blue +3156 doeskin rgb 182 160 129 hex #B6A081 hsv 35 29 71 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.26 lab 67 3 19 lch 67 19 80 cmyk 0 9 21 29 howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](1.0):shelter[7648][180,161,131](1.4):taupe[8261][185,162,129](1.4):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](2.2):navarone[5991][185,165,132](2.4) 17 howlin:mongoose:navarone:shelter:taupe:wolf +3157 dogwood_rose rgb 215 24 104 hex #D71868 hsv 335 89 84 xyz 0.31 0.16 0.15 lab 47 72 6 lch 47 72 5 cmyk 0 75 44 16 dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](2.2):deep_pink[3030][203,1,98](3.3):razzmatazz[7093][227,37,107](5.0):cerise[2177][222,12,98](5.5):PMS226[184][214,2,112](6.4) 3 deep:dark:PMS226:cerise:hot:razzmatazz:pink +3158 dollar_bill rgb 133 187 101 hex #85BB65 hsv 98 46 73 xyz 0.3 0.41 0.19 lab 71 -33 38 lch 71 50 131 cmyk 21 0 34 27 bud_green[1888][123,182,97](3.7):pistachio[6720][147,197,114](4.1):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](6.0):mantis[5512][127,193,92](8.5):moderate_chartreuse_green[5817][121,168,74](8.7) 2 moderate:asparagus:bud:chartreuse:mantis:pistachio:green +3159 dolly rgb 245 241 113 hex #F5F171 hsv 58 54 96 xyz 0.72 0.84 0.28 lab 93 -15 61 lch 93 63 104 cmyk 0 2 52 4 PMS3935[471][242,237,109](1.4):straw[8006][252,246,121](2.4):smiles[7784][251,240,115](3.0):witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](3.0):sunny[8138][242,242,122](4.1) 10 PMS3935:haze:smiles:straw:sunny:witch +3160 dolly rgb 249 255 139 hex #F9FF8B hsv 63 45 100 xyz 0.79 0.94 0.38 lab 97 -18 54 lch 97 57 108 cmyk 2 0 45 0 honeysuckle[4537][237,252,132](4.2):manilla[5510][255,250,134](4.5):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](4.5):pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](4.6):sunny[8138][242,242,122](5.4) 4 pale:honeysuckle:manilla:sunny:tan:yellowish:yellow +3161 dolphin rgb 100 96 119 hex #646077 hsv 250 19 47 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.19 lab 42 7 -12 lch 42 14 298 cmyk 7 9 0 53 smoky[7794][96,91,115](2.2):comet[2440][92,93,117](3.5):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](4.1):comet[2441][99,99,115](4.2):covert[2564][100,89,119](5.4) 4 box:comet:covert:salt:smoky +3162 dolphin rgb 106 104 115 hex #6A6873 hsv 251 10 45 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.18 lab 45 3 -6 lch 45 7 298 cmyk 4 4 0 55 rum[7370][113,102,117](4.1):shuttle_grey[7681][95,102,114](4.1):half_sidewinder[4383][111,103,108](4.2):comet[2441][99,99,115](4.4):mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](4.5) 8 comet:half:mid:rum:shuttle:sidewinder:grey +3163 domino rgb 108 91 76 hex #6C5B4C hsv 28 30 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.08 lab 40 4 11 lch 40 12 69 cmyk 0 7 13 58 PMS405[489][107,94,79](1.4):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](2.0):kiwi[4867][107,90,79](2.2):PMS411[494][102,89,76](2.4):echidna[3349][116,95,82](2.8) 29 PMS405:PMS411:echidna:kiwi:pravda:triple +3164 domino rgb 142 119 94 hex #8E775E hsv 31 34 56 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.13 lab 52 5 17 lch 52 18 73 cmyk 0 9 19 44 nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](1.7):navajo_white[5987][139,121,94](2.0):ignition[4608][139,115,90](2.2):cement[2168][133,113,88](3.2):dusty_road[3313][151,126,102](3.2) 22 cement:dusty:ignition:navajo:nullarbor:road:white +3165 don_juan rgb 90 79 81 hex #5A4F51 hsv 349 12 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.09 lab 35 5 0 lch 35 5 6 cmyk 0 4 4 65 sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](1.4):mortar[5903][86,80,81](2.0):zulu[9279][88,81,86](2.2):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.4):liver[5307][83,75,79](2.4) 24 dark:liver:mortar:sidewinder:zulu +3166 don_juan rgb 93 76 81 hex #5D4C51 hsv 342 18 36 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.09 lab 34 8 0 lch 34 8 358 cmyk 0 7 5 64 quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](3.2):yasna[9191][84,74,80](3.7):sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](4.0):zambezi[9245][104,85,88](4.1):dark_grayish_crimson[2741][89,66,72](4.2) 14 dark:barista:grayish:quarter:sidewinder:yasna:zambezi:crimson +3167 donkey_brown rgb 102 76 40 hex #664C28 hsv 35 61 40 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.03 lab 34 6 25 lch 34 26 76 cmyk 0 10 24 60 ironbark[4679][109,77,44](3.2):trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](3.2):PMS462[554][91,71,35](3.6):dallas[2663][102,74,45](3.6):cafe_royale[2000][106,73,40](4.0) 7 PMS462:cafe:dallas:ironbark:royale:trailblazer +3168 donkey_brown rgb 129 110 92 hex #816E5C hsv 29 29 51 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.12 lab 48 5 13 lch 48 14 71 cmyk 0 7 15 49 peach_puff[6547][139,119,101](3.0):peachpuff[6554][139,119,101](3.0):triple_malta[8499][140,118,98](3.2):axis[1216][132,108,85](3.3):cement[2169][141,118,98](3.3) 19 axis:cement:malta:peachpuff:puff:triple:peach +3169 donkey_brown rgb 166 146 121 hex #A69279 hsv 33 27 65 xyz 0.29 0.3 0.22 lab 62 3 16 lch 62 16 78 cmyk 0 8 18 35 grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](1.4):double_drought[3198][172,152,125](2.2):triple_sisal[8517][165,149,120](2.2):bronco[1817][167,151,129](2.4):half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](3.0) 26 bronco:double:drought:gargoyle:grayish:half:sisal:triple:brown +3170 dorado rgb 107 87 85 hex #6B5755 hsv 5 21 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.1 lab 39 8 4 lch 39 9 28 cmyk 0 8 9 58 zambezi[9246][107,90,90](1.7):falcon[3548][110,90,91](2.2):wenge[9047][100,84,82](2.8):zambezi[9245][104,85,88](3.2):half_felix[4325][98,83,78](3.7) 11 falcon:felix:half:wenge:zambezi +3171 dorado rgb 110 95 86 hex #6E5F56 hsv 23 22 43 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.11 lab 41 4 7 lch 41 9 59 cmyk 0 6 9 57 kabul[4804][108,94,83](1.0):pine_cone[6654][109,94,84](1.0):quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](1.7):half_oilskin[4362][114,100,89](2.2):triple_stonehenge[8521][102,92,82](2.2) 26 cone:half:kabul:lignite:oilskin:pine:quarter:stonehenge:triple +3172 dotcom rgb 65 65 93 hex #41415D hsv 240 30 36 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.11 lab 29 7 -17 lch 29 18 294 cmyk 11 11 0 64 dark_grayish_blue[2737][66,66,89](3.2):digital_blue[3124][62,65,99](3.2):adventure[964][65,64,98](3.6):PMS533[669][53,63,91](3.7):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](4.1) 10 dark:PMS533:adventure:cove:digital:grayish:blue:grey +3173 double_akaroa rgb 177 165 137 hex #B1A589 hsv 42 23 69 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.29 lab 68 0 16 lch 68 16 91 cmyk 0 5 16 31 double_sisal[3237][178,162,134](1.7):bland[1498][175,168,139](2.2):stone[7985][173,165,135](2.2):drought[3273][184,168,143](3.0):shelter[7648][180,161,131](3.0) 37 bland:double:drought:shelter:sisal:stone +3174 double_alabaster rgb 243 243 237 hex #F3F3ED hsv 60 2 95 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.93 lab 96 -1 3 lch 96 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 5 eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.0):filmpro_reduction_base[3621][241,240,233](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):quarter_rice_cake[6986][246,244,237](1.0):eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.4) 130 base:cake:eighth:filmpro:glistening:lusta:pearl:quarter:reduction:rice:black:white +3175 double_arrowtown rgb 113 103 83 hex #716753 hsv 40 27 44 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.1 lab 44 0 13 lch 44 13 88 cmyk 0 4 12 56 coffee[2420][114,103,81](1.4):peat[6573][113,107,86](1.4):double_stonewall[3243][108,99,78](2.0):beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](2.2):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](2.2) 26 beaten:coffee:crocodile:double:peat:stonewall:track +3176 double_ash rgb 167 163 146 hex #A7A392 hsv 49 13 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.32 lab 67 -2 9 lch 67 9 100 cmyk 0 2 8 35 cement[2170][165,163,145](1.0):delta_grey[3089][165,163,149](1.0):greyish[4227][168,164,149](1.4):treetops[8470][166,162,143](1.4):grey_olive[4220][169,164,145](2.0) 49 cement:delta:greyish:olive:treetops:grey +3177 double_barbecue rgb 40 32 32 hex #282020 hsv 0 20 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 13 4 1 lch 13 4 20 cmyk 0 3 3 84 cosmonaut[2548][38,33,31](2.2):double_diesel[3196][40,32,29](2.2):maxwell_smart[5587][42,37,37](2.8):ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](3.5):raisin_black[7052][36,33,36](3.6) 22 cosmonaut:diesel:double:ivory:maxwell:raisin:smart:black +3178 double_barely_there rgb 228 226 216 hex #E4E2D8 hsv 50 5 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.76 lab 90 -1 5 lch 90 5 102 cmyk 0 1 5 11 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0.52 0.4 lab 77 5 18 lch 77 19 73 cmyk 0 11 22 16 cameo[2023][217,185,155](2.2):bisque[1431][205,183,158](2.4):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](2.4):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](3.0):eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](3.3) 26 bisque:cameo:cashmere:eighth:kalgoorie:sands:vanilla +3182 double_bison_hide rgb 161 151 129 hex #A19781 hsv 41 20 63 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.25 lab 63 0 13 lch 63 13 90 cmyk 0 4 13 37 raincloud[7049][163,152,129](1.0):routeburn[7341][165,153,130](1.7):nomad[6066][161,153,134](2.0):beige[1384][163,148,128](2.2):bronco[1817][167,151,129](2.2) 32 beige:bronco:nomad:raincloud:routeburn +3183 double_black_white rgb 228 226 218 hex #E4E2DA hsv 48 4 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.77 lab 90 -1 4 lch 90 4 100 cmyk 0 1 4 11 eighth_ash[3386][227,226,218](0.0):black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.0):double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0) 129 ash:barely:double:drift:eighth:snow:there:truffle:black:white +3184 double_blanc rgb 216 206 186 hex #D8CEBA hsv 40 14 85 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.55 lab 83 0 11 lch 83 11 89 cmyk 0 4 12 15 half_caraway[4302][215,206,187](0.0):bisque[1432][214,205,184](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.4):quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](1.7) 70 akaroa:bisque:caraway:drought:fossil:half:quarter +3185 double_buffalo rgb 100 78 70 hex #644E46 hsv 16 30 39 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 35 8 8 lch 35 11 46 cmyk 0 9 12 61 congo_brown[2458][101,77,73](2.2):umber[8644][99,81,71](2.4):kabul[4803][94,72,62](2.8):liver[5308][103,76,71](3.2):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](3.2) 15 medium:congo:kabul:liver:taupe:umber:brown +3186 double_caffeine rgb 51 39 41 hex #332729 hsv 350 24 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 17 6 1 lch 17 6 8 cmyk 0 5 4 80 cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](2.4):aubergine[1192][55,37,40](3.0):havana[4434][59,43,44](3.0):jarrah[4742][59,43,44](3.0):thunder[8336][51,41,47](3.2) 23 aubergine:cave:havana:jarrah:rock:thunder +3187 double_canterbury_clay rgb 184 159 111 hex #B89F6F hsv 39 40 72 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.2 lab 67 2 28 lch 67 29 85 cmyk 0 10 29 28 goldie[3942][179,155,105](2.2):piha_sand[6652][183,160,119](3.0):PMS465[561][193,168,117](3.6):dust[3300][178,153,110](3.7):travis[8461][183,158,103](4.1) 7 PMS465:dust:goldie:piha:sand:travis +3188 double_chandelier rgb 229 215 173 hex #E5D7AD hsv 45 24 90 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.49 lab 86 -2 23 lch 86 23 94 cmyk 0 5 22 10 hampton[4416][229,216,175](1.0):vienna[8837][232,216,175](1.7):bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](2.0):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.2):chamois[2206][237,220,177](2.2) 34 bavarian:beeswax:chamois:cream:hampton:vienna +3189 double_cod_grey rgb 29 32 32 hex #1D2020 hsv 180 9 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.02 lab 12 -1 0 lch 12 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 87 blackjack[1489][29,32,32](0.0):grey[4110][31,31,31](1.0):black[1451][30,30,30](1.4):grey[4111][33,33,33](1.4):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](2.0) 32 blackjack:cyanish:black:grey +3190 double_colins_wicket rgb 130 111 76 hex #826F4C hsv 39 42 51 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.09 lab 48 2 22 lch 48 22 84 cmyk 0 7 21 49 shadow[7623][131,112,80](1.4):bronze[1821][140,120,83](3.2):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](3.2):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](3.2):gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](3.5) 14 bistre:bronze:dull:french:fusion:gold:shadow:brown +3191 double_colonial_white rgb 228 207 153 hex #E4CF99 hsv 43 33 89 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.39 lab 84 -1 30 lch 84 30 91 cmyk 0 8 29 11 chamois[2205][232,205,154](3.2):hampton[4417][232,212,162](3.3):zombie[9271][228,214,155](3.3):chamois[2204][230,204,154](3.7):pearl[6564][230,204,154](3.7) 12 chamois:hampton:pearl:zombie +3192 double_colonial_white rgb 238 227 173 hex #EEE3AD hsv 50 27 93 xyz 0.7 0.76 0.51 lab 90 -4 28 lch 90 28 99 cmyk 0 4 25 7 PMS461[553][237,229,173](2.0):medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](2.2):vanilla[8678][243,229,171](2.2):beige[1385][230,218,166](3.2):honeymoon[4535][244,225,175](3.2) 20 medium:PMS461:beige:champagne:honeymoon:vanilla +3193 double_concrete rgb 197 197 195 hex #C5C5C3 hsv 60 1 77 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.6 lab 79 0 1 lch 79 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 23 grey[4180][196,196,196](1.0):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.4):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](1.4):grey[4178][192,192,192](1.4):grey[4179][194,194,194](1.4) 69 eighth:flotsam:stack:grey +3194 double_cougar rgb 153 143 128 hex #998F80 hsv 36 16 60 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.24 lab 60 1 9 lch 60 9 83 cmyk 0 4 10 40 half_arrowtown[4281][152,144,127](1.4):heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](1.4):PMS403[487][153,140,124](1.7):eighth_mondo[3408][147,138,125](2.2):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](2.4) 40 PMS403:arrowtown:double:eighth:half:heathered:mondo:perfect:taupe:grey +3195 double_delta rgb 131 133 127 hex #83857F hsv 80 5 52 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.23 lab 55 -2 3 lch 55 4 123 cmyk 1 0 2 48 eighth_gravel[3401][136,138,132](2.0):eighth_masala[3407][138,137,132](2.2):friar_grey[3769][134,131,122](2.2):silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](2.2):stack[7950][133,136,133](2.2) 60 eighth:friar:gravel:masala:silver:stack:grey +3196 double_diesel rgb 40 32 29 hex #28201D hsv 16 28 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 13 3 3 lch 13 5 47 cmyk 0 3 4 84 cosmonaut[2548][38,33,31](1.4):double_barbecue[3177][40,32,32](2.2):ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](2.2):maxwell_smart[5587][42,37,37](3.0):sooty[7850][40,29,25](3.0) 21 barbecue:cosmonaut:double:ivory:maxwell:smart:sooty:black +3197 double_doeskin rgb 172 145 110 hex #AC916E hsv 34 36 67 xyz 0.3 0.3 0.19 lab 62 5 22 lch 62 23 77 cmyk 0 11 24 33 backcountry[1254][171,142,107](1.7):pale_brown[6317][177,145,110](2.2):sandal[7461][170,141,111](3.0):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](3.7):triple_drought[8489][164,141,112](3.7) 12 pale:backcountry:drought:mongoose:sandal:triple:brown +3198 double_drought rgb 172 152 125 hex #AC987D hsv 34 27 67 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.24 lab 64 3 17 lch 64 17 80 cmyk 0 8 18 33 desert_sand[3103][173,152,122](2.0):donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](2.2):triple_sisal[8517][165,149,120](2.8):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](3.0):triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](3.2) 25 akaroa:desert:donkey:grayish:sand:sisal:triple:brown +3199 double_dutch_white rgb 247 225 183 hex #F7E1B7 hsv 39 26 97 xyz 0.74 0.77 0.56 lab 90 1 23 lch 90 23 87 cmyk 0 9 25 3 dairy_cream[2656][249,228,188](1.4):blondee[1520][244,227,187](1.7):wheat[9067][245,222,179](1.7):givry[3867][248,228,191](2.2):chamois[2206][237,220,177](2.8) 42 blondee:chamois:cream:dairy:givry:wheat +3200 double_felix rgb 69 55 50 hex #453732 hsv 16 28 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 5 5 lch 24 8 46 cmyk 0 5 7 73 rangitoto_rock[7062][67,56,49](1.4):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](1.7):cedar[2147][70,52,48](2.2):cowboy[2566][68,55,54](2.2):rebel[7099][69,52,48](2.2) 48 cedar:cowboy:rangitoto:rattlesnake:rebel:rock +3201 double_fossil rgb 194 184 158 hex #C2B89E hsv 43 19 76 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.39 lab 75 -1 14 lch 75 15 93 cmyk 0 4 14 24 double_parchment[3223][199,187,163](1.4):sisal[7732][197,186,160](1.7):akaroa[980][190,178,154](2.2):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](2.2):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2) 45 akaroa:aquashield:caraway:double:parchment:sisal +3202 double_foundry rgb 40 42 44 hex #282A2C hsv 210 9 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 0 -2 lch 17 2 256 cmyk 2 1 0 83 wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.0):blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](1.4):bunker[1905][41,44,47](1.4):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](1.7):grey[4114][41,41,41](2.0) 51 bunker:charcoal:shadowland:trail:wine:blue:grey +3203 double_friar_grey rgb 117 111 98 hex #756F62 hsv 41 16 46 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.14 lab 47 0 8 lch 47 8 91 cmyk 0 2 7 54 internet[4664][115,112,98](1.0):flint[3690][113,110,97](1.4):pablo[6288][119,111,97](1.4):PMS417[500][119,114,99](1.7):sandstone[7467][120,109,95](2.2) 26 PMS417:flint:internet:pablo:sandstone +3204 double_gravel rgb 58 60 57 hex #3A3C39 hsv 100 5 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 25 -2 2 lch 25 2 134 cmyk 1 0 1 76 zeus[9257][59,60,56](1.0):possessed[6792][55,59,56](1.4):black_olive[1467][59,60,54](2.0):squall[7941][58,59,53](2.0):blast_grey[1500][61,60,58](2.2) 56 blast:olive:possessed:squall:zeus:black:grey +3205 double_grey_olive rgb 148 138 108 hex #948A6C hsv 45 27 58 xyz 0.24 0.26 0.18 lab 58 -1 17 lch 58 17 94 cmyk 0 4 16 42 abanakee[943][146,138,109](1.4):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](2.4):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.4):treasure_chest[8463][155,142,110](2.4):cargo[2086][155,143,117](3.0) 20 pale:abanakee:cargo:chest:oyster:techno:treasure +3206 double_haystack rgb 214 184 138 hex #D6B88A hsv 36 36 84 xyz 0.49 0.5 0.31 lab 76 4 27 lch 76 28 81 cmyk 0 12 30 16 smooth_operator[7801][210,184,138](1.0):calico[2009][224,192,149](3.3):tan[8223][210,180,140](3.3):very_light_brown[8751][211,182,131](3.3):bowman[1686][213,177,133](3.6) 22 light:very:bowman:calico:operator:smooth:tan:brown +3207 double_hillary rgb 151 142 105 hex #978E69 hsv 48 30 59 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.17 lab 59 -3 21 lch 59 21 97 cmyk 0 4 18 41 gurkha[4263][152,145,113](3.2):treasure_chest[8463][155,142,110](3.6):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.7):clay_creek[2364][138,131,96](4.1):gurkha[4264][154,149,119](4.5) 12 medium:chest:clay:creek:goldenrod:gurkha:old:treasure +3208 double_joanna rgb 201 197 176 hex #C9C5B0 hsv 50 12 79 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.49 lab 79 -2 11 lch 79 11 101 cmyk 0 2 10 21 cornsilk[2538][205,200,177](1.4):kangaroo[4814][197,195,176](1.7):quarter_hillary[6955][202,197,172](2.0):double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](2.2):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](2.2) 57 akaroa:cornsilk:cream:double:half:hillary:kangaroo:quarter:thorndon +3209 double_joss rgb 166 147 128 hex #A69380 hsv 30 23 65 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.25 lab 62 4 13 lch 62 13 73 cmyk 0 7 15 35 half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](1.0):beige[1384][163,148,128](2.0):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](2.0):bronco[1817][167,151,129](2.4):malta[5485][165,151,132](2.4) 25 beige:bronco:gargoyle:grayish:half:malta:brown +3210 double_kalgoorie_sands rgb 168 114 78 hex #A8724E hsv 24 54 66 xyz 0.24 0.21 0.1 lab 53 17 28 lch 53 33 59 cmyk 0 21 35 34 moderate_tangelo[5851][168,109,74](3.3):brown_sugar[1858][175,110,77](5.1):cape_palliser[2061][162,102,69](5.7):sepia[7614][165,105,79](5.8):café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](6.0) 1 moderate:au:café:cape:lait:palliser:sepia:sugar:tangelo:brown +3211 double_lemon_grass rgb 139 139 116 hex #8B8B74 hsv 60 17 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.2 lab 57 -4 12 lch 57 13 109 cmyk 0 0 9 45 isotonic[4693][140,139,116](0.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](1.4):bitter[1438][134,137,116](1.7):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.0):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](2.0) 20 bitter:chiffon:granite:isotonic:schist:green:lemon +3212 double_linen rgb 169 167 144 hex #A9A790 hsv 55 15 66 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.32 lab 68 -3 12 lch 68 13 105 cmyk 0 1 10 34 double_tana[3245][168,164,140](1.4):grey_olive[4220][169,164,145](1.7):eagle[3321][176,172,148](2.2):half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](2.2):mandrake[5497][176,169,148](2.2) 38 double:eagle:half:mandrake:olive:tana:grey +3213 double_lumberjack rgb 99 62 54 hex #633E36 hsv 11 45 39 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.04 lab 30 15 12 lch 30 19 38 cmyk 0 15 18 61 cioccolato[2340][93,59,46](3.0):triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](3.0):lexington[4989][104,62,55](3.2):redwood[7161][91,52,46](4.6):dark_vermilion[2914][89,52,39](5.0) 5 dark:cioccolato:lexington:lumberjack:redwood:triple:vermilion +3214 double_malta rgb 147 128 108 hex #93806C hsv 31 27 58 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.17 lab 55 4 14 lch 55 14 74 cmyk 0 7 15 42 gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](1.4):outback[6265][149,130,108](1.4):squirrel[7943][143,125,107](2.2):milky_way[5746][142,127,104](2.4):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](2.8) 27 gargoyle:milky:nullarbor:outback:squirrel:way +3215 double_masala rgb 69 65 57 hex #454139 hsv 40 17 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 28 0 5 lch 28 5 89 cmyk 0 2 5 73 triple_masala[8500][65,62,55](2.0):armadillo[1140][67,62,55](2.2):half_ironsand[4343][67,64,60](2.2):PMS447[531][63,63,56](2.4):merlin[5681][65,60,55](2.4) 32 PMS447:armadillo:half:ironsand:masala:merlin:triple +3216 double_merino rgb 237 228 216 hex #EDE4D8 hsv 34 9 93 xyz 0.75 0.78 0.76 lab 91 1 7 lch 91 7 82 cmyk 0 4 8 7 eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](1.4):pearl_bush[6568][232,224,213](1.4):quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](1.4):soapstone[7820][236,229,218](1.4):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.7) 132 albescent:biscotti:blanc:bush:eighth:pearl:quarter:soapstone:white +3217 double_milestone rgb 177 160 156 hex #B1A09C hsv 11 12 69 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.37 lab 67 6 4 lch 67 7 38 cmyk 0 7 8 31 eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](0.0):martini[5558][175,160,158](1.4):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](2.8):thatch[8320][182,157,152](2.8):del_rio[3081][176,154,149](3.0) 18 buffalo:del:dusty:eighth:martini:rio:thatch:grey +3218 double_mondo rgb 74 66 55 hex #4A4237 hsv 35 26 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.04 lab 28 1 8 lch 28 8 80 cmyk 0 3 7 71 nest_egg[6028][77,69,58](2.0):space_shuttle[7867][75,67,59](2.4):dark_lava[2783][72,60,50](2.8):dark_taupe[2904][72,60,50](2.8):double_oilskin[3221][80,69,58](2.8) 25 dark:double:egg:lava:nest:oilskin:shuttle:space:taupe +3219 double_napa rgb 138 127 107 hex #8A7F6B hsv 39 22 54 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.17 lab 54 1 12 lch 54 12 87 cmyk 0 4 12 46 bisque[1430][139,125,107](1.4):olive_haze[6168][139,132,112](2.2):makara[5475][137,125,109](2.4):stonewall[7989][146,133,115](2.4):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.8) 34 bisque:gargoyle:haze:makara:olive:stonewall +3220 double_nullarbor rgb 125 102 75 hex #7D664B hsv 32 40 49 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.09 lab 45 5 19 lch 45 19 75 cmyk 0 9 20 51 dark_taupe[2905][127,104,78](1.4):greyish_brown[4229][122,106,79](3.3):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](3.6):axis[1216][132,108,85](3.7):pastel_brown[6502][130,105,83](3.7) 12 dark:axis:bistre:french:greyish:pastel:taupe:brown +3221 double_oilskin rgb 80 69 58 hex #50453A hsv 30 28 31 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.05 lab 30 3 8 lch 30 9 72 cmyk 0 4 9 69 rambler[7057][83,71,61](1.0):nest_egg[6028][77,69,58](2.0):space_shuttle[7867][75,67,59](2.4):double_mondo[3218][74,66,55](2.8):paco[6296][79,64,55](2.8) 27 double:egg:mondo:nest:paco:rambler:shuttle:space +3222 double_otter rgb 121 96 83 hex #796053 hsv 21 31 47 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.1 lab 43 8 11 lch 43 14 54 cmyk 0 10 15 53 echidna[3349][116,95,82](2.2):russett[7377][125,101,92](2.8):roman_coffee[7280][125,103,87](3.0):slate_brown[7766][125,103,87](3.0):wrangler[9182][128,103,90](3.0) 12 slate:coffee:echidna:roman:russett:wrangler:brown +3223 double_parchment rgb 199 187 163 hex #C7BBA3 hsv 40 18 78 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.42 lab 76 0 14 lch 76 14 89 cmyk 0 5 14 22 sisal[7732][197,186,160](1.0):coral[2493][199,188,162](1.4):coral_reef[2506][199,188,162](1.4):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](1.4):caraway[2076][199,191,168](1.7) 50 caraway:coral:double:fossil:reef:sisal +3224 double_pavlova rgb 169 152 119 hex #A99877 hsv 40 30 66 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.22 lab 64 1 20 lch 64 20 87 cmyk 0 7 20 34 desert_sand[3103][173,152,122](2.2):half_colins_wicket[4309][164,147,111](2.2):canvas[2053][163,153,119](3.3):grayish_amber[3996][168,158,125](3.3):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](3.3) 18 amber:canvas:colins:desert:grayish:half:mongoose:sand:wicket +3225 double_pearl_lusta rgb 233 220 190 hex #E9DCBE hsv 42 18 91 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.59 lab 88 0 16 lch 88 16 91 cmyk 0 5 17 9 triple_pearl_lusta[8508][235,223,195](1.4):anglaise[1054][238,222,196](1.7):double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](2.2):grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](2.2):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.4) 55 PMS454:anglaise:double:grain:lusta:pearl:spanish:triple:brown:white +3226 double_pearl_lusta rgb 252 244 208 hex #FCF4D0 hsv 49 17 99 xyz 0.84 0.9 0.73 lab 96 -3 18 lch 96 19 99 cmyk 0 3 17 1 half_colonial_white[4311][253,246,211](1.0):milk_punch[5743][255,246,212](1.7):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.2):china_ivory[2290][251,243,211](2.2):moon_glow[5883][245,243,206](2.2) 34 barley:china:colonial:glow:half:ivory:milk:moon:punch:white +3227 double_perfect_taupe rgb 152 139 128 hex #988B80 hsv 28 16 60 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.24 lab 59 3 8 lch 59 8 69 cmyk 0 5 9 40 PMS409[492][153,137,124](1.7):PMS403[487][153,140,124](2.2):eighth_mondo[3408][147,138,125](2.2):heirloom[4460][157,139,124](2.2):double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](2.4) 28 PMS403:PMS409:cougar:double:eighth:heirloom:mondo +3228 double_pravda rgb 118 108 92 hex #766C5C hsv 37 22 46 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.12 lab 46 1 10 lch 46 10 84 cmyk 0 4 10 54 pablo[6288][119,111,97](1.4):sandstone[7467][120,109,95](1.7):beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](2.2):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](2.4):equilibrium[3503][119,110,91](2.4) 33 beaten:double:equilibrium:friar:pablo:sandstone:track:grey +3229 double_putty rgb 192 155 89 hex #C09B59 hsv 38 54 75 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.14 lab 66 6 39 lch 66 40 82 cmyk 0 15 40 25 aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](3.6):camel[2019][198,159,89](3.6):sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](4.5):sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](5.1):twine[8619][194,149,93](5.1) 3 aztec:camel:gold:sand:sandy:twine:brown +3230 double_rakaia rgb 169 165 165 hex #A9A5A5 hsv 0 2 66 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.41 lab 68 1 1 lch 68 2 19 cmyk 0 2 2 34 grey[4166][166,166,166](1.4):quick_silver[7023][166,166,166](1.4):dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](1.7):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](1.7):grey[4165][163,163,163](1.7) 50 medium:dark:quick:silver:grey +3231 double_revolver rgb 41 39 47 hex #29272F hsv 255 17 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 16 3 -5 lch 16 6 301 cmyk 2 3 0 82 baltic_sea[1270][42,38,48](1.4):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](1.7):silhouette[7701][42,37,44](1.7):black_russian[1477][36,37,43](2.4):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](2.8) 19 baltic:jaguar:russian:sea:shadowland:silhouette:black +3232 double_rice_cake rgb 231 226 211 hex #E7E2D3 hsv 45 9 91 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.73 lab 90 -1 8 lch 90 8 96 cmyk 0 2 8 9 ragamuffin[7043][232,227,211](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):half_secrets[4382][230,228,213](1.0):linen[5292][230,228,212](1.0):satin_linen[7504][230,228,212](1.0) 119 fleece:half:linen:ragamuffin:satin:secrets +3233 double_rickshaw rgb 157 127 101 hex #9D7F65 hsv 28 36 62 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.16 lab 55 8 19 lch 55 20 67 cmyk 0 12 22 38 seismic[7601][156,125,103](2.2):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](2.2):dusty_road[3313][151,126,102](2.8):quasar[7019][161,125,96](2.8):sandal[7460][163,135,106](3.7) 13 dusty:quasar:road:sandal:seismic:sorrell:brown +3234 double_schooner rgb 114 105 98 hex #726962 hsv 26 14 45 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.14 lab 45 2 5 lch 45 6 67 cmyk 0 4 6 55 flint[3689][111,106,97](2.2):gauntlet[3833][113,111,105](3.0):ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](3.2):riverstone[7239][121,112,103](3.2):double_stonehenge[3242][112,103,91](3.3) 31 double:flint:gauntlet:ironside:riverstone:stonehenge:grey +3235 double_sea_fog rgb 223 221 212 hex #DFDDD4 hsv 49 5 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.73 lab 88 -1 5 lch 88 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 13 PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.0):barely_there[1295][223,221,213](1.0):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](1.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](1.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](1.0) 135 PMS427:barely:ceramic:haze:hint:of:there:black:grey +3236 double_sidewinder rgb 71 63 64 hex #473F40 hsv 353 11 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 4 1 lch 27 4 10 cmyk 0 3 3 72 jon[4774][70,61,62](0.0):velocity[8688][75,64,66](1.4):eclipse[3354][63,57,57](2.2):tundora[8565][74,66,68](2.2):echo[3350][72,60,58](2.4) 40 echo:eclipse:jon:tundora:velocity +3237 double_sisal rgb 178 162 134 hex #B2A286 hsv 38 25 70 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.28 lab 67 1 17 lch 67 17 85 cmyk 0 6 17 30 shelter[7648][180,161,131](1.4):double_akaroa[3173][177,165,137](1.7):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](2.8):quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](2.8):quarter_nullarbor[6973][178,159,136](2.8) 26 akaroa:colins:doeskin:double:nullarbor:quarter:shelter:wicket +3238 double_solitaire rgb 228 210 182 hex #E4D2B6 hsv 37 20 89 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.54 lab 85 2 16 lch 85 16 84 cmyk 0 7 18 11 rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](1.7):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](1.7):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](2.0):pale_light_grayish_brown[6360][231,208,184](2.2):aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](2.4) 41 pale:light:aquashield:grayish:half:haystack:rock:salt:spanish:stark:brown:white +3239 double_spanish_white rgb 210 195 163 hex #D2C3A3 hsv 41 22 82 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.43 lab 79 0 18 lch 79 18 89 cmyk 0 6 18 18 half_pavlova[4365][203,191,160](1.7):triple_wheatfield[8529][209,198,166](1.7):akaroa[981][212,196,168](2.4):hitchhiker[4516][208,199,168](2.4):triple_spanish_white[8519][213,196,161](2.4) 26 akaroa:half:hitchhiker:pavlova:spanish:triple:wheatfield:white +3240 double_spanish_white rgb 230 215 185 hex #E6D7B9 hsv 40 20 90 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.56 lab 86 0 17 lch 86 17 89 cmyk 0 6 18 10 grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](0.0):rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](1.0):PMS468[567][226,214,181](1.4):quarter_pavlova[6976][222,211,180](1.4):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.2) 40 PMS4545:PMS468:grain:pavlova:quarter:rock:salt:brown +3241 double_stack rgb 111 113 110 hex #6F716E hsv 100 3 44 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.17 lab 47 -1 1 lch 47 2 135 cmyk 1 0 1 56 tarmac[8255][111,111,110](1.0):cliff_face_grey[2372][108,110,109](1.4):grey[4142][112,112,112](1.4):dove_grey[3256][109,108,108](1.7):grey[4141][110,110,110](1.7) 49 cliff:dove:face:tarmac:grey +3242 double_stonehenge rgb 112 103 91 hex #70675B hsv 34 19 44 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.12 lab 44 1 8 lch 44 8 80 cmyk 0 4 8 56 flint[3689][111,106,97](2.4):double_pravda[3228][118,108,92](2.8):flint[3690][113,110,97](2.8):beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](3.0):chain_reaction[2195][108,105,90](3.2) 34 beaten:chain:double:flint:pravda:reaction:track +3243 double_stonewall rgb 108 99 78 hex #6C634E hsv 42 28 42 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.09 lab 42 0 13 lch 42 13 90 cmyk 0 4 12 58 double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](2.0):soya_bean[7863][111,99,75](2.2):coffee[2420][114,103,81](2.4):dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.8):beaten_track[1331][114,103,86](3.0) 24 arrowtown:bean:beaten:coffee:double:dragon:soya:track +3244 double_surrender rgb 168 170 171 hex #A8AAAB hsv 200 2 67 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.44 lab 69 -1 -1 lch 69 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 33 dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](1.4):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](1.4):grey[4167][168,168,168](1.4):light_grey[5120][168,168,168](1.4):grey[4166][166,166,166](1.7) 43 medium:light:dark:grey +3245 double_tana rgb 168 164 140 hex #A8A48C hsv 51 17 66 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.3 lab 67 -3 13 lch 67 13 102 cmyk 0 2 11 34 double_linen[3212][169,167,144](1.4):canvas[2054][168,165,137](2.2):grey_olive[4220][169,164,145](2.2):tallow[8215][168,165,137](2.2):eagle[3321][176,172,148](3.0) 36 canvas:double:eagle:linen:olive:tallow:grey +3246 double_tapa rgb 106 106 95 hex #6A6A5F hsv 60 10 42 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.13 lab 45 -2 6 lch 45 7 109 cmyk 0 0 4 58 ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](1.7):flint[3689][111,106,97](2.0):limed_ash[5278][103,109,99](2.2):flint[3690][113,110,97](2.4):internet[4664][115,112,98](3.0) 25 ash:flint:internet:ironside:limed:grey +3247 double_tea rgb 178 168 148 hex #B2A894 hsv 40 17 70 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.34 lab 69 0 12 lch 69 12 89 cmyk 0 4 12 30 mandrake[5497][176,169,148](1.0):overland[6273][178,170,148](1.4):PMS402[486][175,165,147](1.7):half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](2.2):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](2.8) 44 PMS402:glitterati:half:mandrake:olive:overland:grey +3248 double_thorndon_cream rgb 205 200 181 hex #CDC8B5 hsv 48 12 80 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.52 lab 81 -2 10 lch 81 10 99 cmyk 0 2 9 20 half_tana[4397][204,201,182](0.0):foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](1.0):half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.4):moon_mist[5885][206,205,184](1.7) 63 bison:foggy:half:hide:linen:mist:moon:quarter:tana:grey +3249 double_travertine rgb 219 213 186 hex #DBD5BA hsv 49 15 86 xyz 0.62 0.66 0.56 lab 85 -2 14 lch 85 14 100 cmyk 0 2 13 14 wheatfield[9070][223,215,189](1.0):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](1.7):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2):white_rock[9093][212,207,180](2.2):aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](2.4) 52 PMS454:aquashield:pompeii:rock:spanish:wheatfield:white +3250 double_trojan rgb 101 102 100 hex #656664 hsv 90 2 40 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.14 lab 43 -1 1 lch 43 1 129 cmyk 0 0 1 60 chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.4):grey[4138][102,102,102](1.4):ironside_grey[4682][103,102,98](1.4):storm_dust[7992][100,100,99](1.4):dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](1.7) 39 chicane:dim:dust:ironside:storm:grey +3251 double_truffle rgb 165 159 147 hex #A59F93 hsv 40 11 65 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.33 lab 66 0 7 lch 66 7 90 cmyk 0 2 7 35 dawn[2934][159,157,145](1.4):greyish[4227][168,164,149](1.7):perfect_taupe[6586][170,159,148](2.0):bronco[1818][171,161,150](2.2):dawn[2935][166,162,154](2.2) 50 bronco:dawn:greyish:perfect:taupe +3252 double_tuna rgb 47 50 55 hex #2F3237 hsv 218 15 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 0 -4 lch 21 4 269 cmyk 3 2 0 78 ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.0):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.4):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](1.4):foundry[3732][44,46,50](2.2) 50 bay:clay:ebony:foundry:gumboot:woody +3253 double_villa_white rgb 230 220 197 hex #E6DCC5 hsv 42 14 90 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.63 lab 88 0 13 lch 88 13 92 cmyk 0 4 13 10 eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](1.4):pearl[6565][234,224,200](1.4):pearl_lusta[6570][234,224,200](1.4):quarter_sisal[6993][228,218,196](1.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](1.7) 60 PMS454:eighth:lusta:pavlova:pearl:quarter:sisal +3254 double_wheatfield rgb 217 207 179 hex #D9CFB3 hsv 44 18 85 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.52 lab 83 -1 15 lch 83 15 94 cmyk 0 4 15 15 pompeii[6766][220,209,181](1.0):PMS453[543][214,204,175](1.4):aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](1.4):aths_special[1177][213,203,178](1.4):fossil[3731][213,203,178](1.4) 42 PMS453:aquashield:aths:fossil:pompeii:spanish:special:white +3255 double_white_pointer rgb 209 204 193 hex #D1CCC1 hsv 41 8 82 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.59 lab 82 0 6 lch 82 6 92 cmyk 0 2 6 18 lighthouse[5247][209,204,195](1.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):PMS420[503][209,204,191](1.4):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.4):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.4) 89 PMS420:cloud:eighth:half:lighthouse:napa:westar +3256 dove_grey rgb 109 108 108 hex #6D6C6C hsv 360 1 43 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.16 lab 46 0 0 lch 46 0 19 cmyk 0 0 0 57 grey[4141][110,110,110](0.0):cliff_face_grey[2372][108,110,109](1.0):grey[4140][107,107,107](1.0):grey[4142][112,112,112](1.0):tarmac[8255][111,111,110](1.4) 48 cliff:face:tarmac:grey +3257 dove_grey rgb 119 118 114 hex #777672 hsv 48 4 47 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.19 lab 50 0 2 lch 50 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 53 detroit[3113][120,119,116](0.0):aluminium[1023][118,115,111](1.4):tapa[8247][123,120,116](1.4):grey[4145][120,120,120](2.0):quarter_masala[6967][116,115,111](2.0) 48 aluminium:detroit:masala:quarter:tapa:grey +3258 dover_white rgb 201 191 187 hex #C9BFBB hsv 17 7 79 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.55 lab 78 3 3 lch 78 4 49 cmyk 0 4 5 21 quarter_imagine[6956][201,191,187](0.0):pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](1.4):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](1.4):half_milestone[4354][209,196,193](2.2):cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](2.4) 54 pale:cotton:half:imagine:milestone:quarter:rust:seed:silver +3259 downriver rgb 9 34 86 hex #092256 hsv 221 90 34 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.09 lab 15 13 -34 lch 15 37 291 cmyk 30 20 0 66 licorice[4994][9,34,86](0.0):madison[5428][9,37,93](2.4):PMS2768[297][17,33,81](3.2):deep_cobalt_blue[2978][0,33,89](3.3):bunting[1906][21,31,76](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2768:bunting:cobalt:licorice:madison:blue +3260 downriver rgb 42 52 74 hex #2A344A hsv 221 43 29 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.07 lab 22 2 -15 lch 22 15 279 cmyk 13 9 0 71 bunting[1907][43,52,73](1.0):checkmate[2248][47,50,74](3.0):biscay[1423][47,60,83](3.2):crescendo[2594][34,47,68](3.2):licorice[4996][46,55,73](3.3) 9 biscay:bunting:checkmate:crescendo:licorice +3261 downy rgb 111 208 197 hex #6FD0C5 hsv 173 47 82 xyz 0.39 0.53 0.61 lab 78 -31 -3 lch 78 31 186 cmyk 38 0 4 18 bermuda[1393][125,216,198](3.6):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](4.1):monte_carlo[5876][131,208,198](5.0):PMS325[373][86,201,193](5.2):PMS3242[370][135,221,209](5.5) 3 PMS3242:PMS3248:PMS325:bermuda:carlo:monte +3262 downy rgb 111 210 190 hex #6FD2BE hsv 168 47 82 xyz 0.39 0.53 0.57 lab 78 -34 1 lch 78 34 178 cmyk 39 0 8 18 PMS3248[372][122,211,193](3.2):bermuda[1393][125,216,198](3.7):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](4.1):PMS338[406][122,209,181](5.1):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](5.8) 3 PMS3248:PMS338:aqua:bermuda:pearl:seafoam:blue +3263 drab rgb 130 131 68 hex #828344 hsv 61 48 51 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.09 lab 53 -10 34 lch 53 35 107 cmyk 0 0 25 49 awol[1215][136,140,77](4.2):khaki[4842][139,134,78](4.7):wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](5.2):PMS5767[752][140,145,79](5.4):old_moss_green[6143][134,126,54](5.9) 2 PMS5767:awol:khaki:moss:old:wanderlust:green +3264 drab rgb 150 113 23 hex #967117 hsv 43 85 59 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 50 6 51 lch 50 51 83 cmyk 0 15 50 41 bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](0.0):mode_beige[5806][150,113,23](0.0):sand_dune[7458][150,113,23](0.0):sandy_taupe[7478][150,113,23](0.0):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6) 8 beige:bistre:corn:dune:harvest:mode:sand:sandy:taupe:brown +3265 drab rgb 213 177 133 hex #D5B185 hsv 33 38 84 xyz 0.47 0.47 0.29 lab 74 7 27 lch 74 28 76 cmyk 0 14 31 16 bowman[1686][213,177,133](0.0):calico[2008][213,177,133](0.0):burlywood[1915][205,170,125](2.2):brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):muka[5935][210,172,125](2.4) 16 bowman:brandy:burlywood:calico:muka +3266 drab_green rgb 116 149 81 hex #749551 hsv 89 46 58 xyz 0.19 0.26 0.12 lab 58 -24 32 lch 58 40 126 cmyk 13 0 27 42 moss[5910][118,153,88](2.2):asparagus[1161][123,160,91](4.1):koru[4886][119,142,70](5.4):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](6.6):camo[2025][127,143,78](7.1) 2 asparagus:camo:koru:moss:woodstock +3267 dragon rgb 102 94 76 hex #665E4C hsv 42 25 40 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.08 lab 40 0 11 lch 40 11 90 cmyk 0 3 10 60 makara[5474][105,95,80](1.7):soya_bean[7862][106,96,81](1.7):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](2.0):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.2):triple_arrowtown[8478][97,88,71](2.2) 28 arrowtown:bean:makara:pravda:soya:talisman:triple +3268 dreamer rgb 211 229 239 hex #D3E5EF hsv 201 12 94 xyz 0.7 0.76 0.93 lab 90 -4 -7 lch 90 8 240 cmyk 11 4 0 6 pattens_blue[6525][211,229,239](0.0):azureish_white[1237][219,233,244](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](3.7):geyser[3849][212,223,226](4.6):very_pale_azure[8798][226,240,255](4.9) 7 pale:very:azureish:botticelli:geyser:pattens:azure:blue:white +3269 dreamweaver rgb 220 213 222 hex #DCD5DE hsv 287 4 87 xyz 0.66 0.68 0.79 lab 86 4 -4 lch 86 5 318 cmyk 1 4 0 13 titan_white[8374][221,214,225](1.0):rolling_fog[7274][218,215,223](2.0):chalk_lavender[2198][228,222,231](3.0):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](3.0):designer_white[3109][215,217,226](3.3) 18 light:bluish:chalk:designer:fog:rolling:titan:grey:lavender:white +3270 dried_blood rgb 75 1 1 hex #4B0101 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triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](2.2):half_doeskin[4317][193,175,147](2.8):coral[2492][192,176,147](3.0):double_akaroa[3173][177,165,137](3.0):joss[4781][185,168,150](3.2) 31 akaroa:coral:doeskin:double:half:joss:parchment:triple +3274 drover rgb 251 235 155 hex #FBEB9B hsv 50 38 98 xyz 0.75 0.82 0.43 lab 93 -6 41 lch 93 41 98 cmyk 0 6 38 2 picasso[6635][248,234,151](1.7):vis[8882][255,239,161](1.7):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](3.0):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](3.2):picasso[6636][255,243,157](3.5) 11 light:very:01:beer:gold:picasso:srm:vis +3275 drover rgb 253 247 173 hex #FDF7AD hsv 56 32 99 xyz 0.81 0.9 0.53 lab 96 -9 36 lch 96 37 104 cmyk 0 2 31 1 light_beige[5009][255,254,182](2.4):portafino[6785][255,255,180](2.8):creme[2589][255,255,182](3.0):parchment[6485][254,252,175](3.0):shalimar[7635][248,246,168](3.0) 11 light:beige:creme:parchment:portafino:shalimar +3276 drumbeat rgb 100 67 47 hex #64432F hsv 23 53 39 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.04 lab 32 12 18 lch 32 21 57 cmyk 0 13 21 61 jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](1.7):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](2.2):irish_coffee[4672][98,66,43](2.4):quincy[7031][98,63,45](2.4):spice[7891][106,68,46](3.0) 14 coffee:irish:jambalaya:nutmeg:quincy:spice +3277 dry_creek rgb 154 127 124 hex #9A7F7C hsv 6 19 60 xyz 0.25 0.24 0.22 lab 56 10 6 lch 56 11 29 cmyk 0 11 12 40 cinereous[2331][152,129,123](2.2):opium[6192][152,126,126](2.2):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.2):hemp[4471][152,125,115](3.3):pharlap[6630][163,128,123](3.7) 9 cinereous:hemp:opium:pharlap +3278 duck_egg_blue rgb 183 193 188 hex #B7C1BC hsv 150 5 76 xyz 0.48 0.52 0.55 lab 77 -4 1 lch 77 5 163 cmyk 4 0 2 24 tiara[8342][185,195,190](1.0):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](2.0):PMS442[526][186,191,183](2.2):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](3.0):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](3.0) 50 PMS442:ash:half:loblolly:periglacial:tiara:blue:grey +3279 duck_egg_blue rgb 195 251 244 hex #C3FBF4 hsv 173 22 98 xyz 0.73 0.87 0.99 lab 95 -19 -2 lch 95 19 187 cmyk 22 0 3 2 eggshell_blue[3382][196,255,247](1.4):pale_opal[6394][194,255,247](2.2):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](3.0):mint_tulip[5771][196,244,235](3.0):humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](4.0) 9 pale:light:bird:eggshell:humming:opal:tulip:blue:mint +3280 duke_blue rgb 0 0 156 hex #00009C hsv 240 100 61 xyz 0.06 0.02 0.32 lab 17 55 -75 lch 17 93 306 cmyk 61 61 0 39 new_midnight_blue[6039][0,0,156](0.0):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](3.6):zaffre[9244][0,20,168](5.1):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](5.2):royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](5.4) 2 strong:cobalt:midnight:new:persian:royal:zaffre:blue +3281 dull_blue rgb 73 117 156 hex #49759C hsv 208 53 61 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.34 lab 48 -4 -26 lch 48 26 262 cmyk 33 15 0 39 cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](3.2):kashmir_blue[4822][80,112,150](4.1):moderate_azure[5812][74,121,168](4.6):muted_blue[5958][59,113,159](4.6):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](4.6) 6 moderate:cadet:kashmir:muted:stormy:azure:blue +3282 dull_brown rgb 135 110 75 hex #876E4B hsv 35 44 53 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.09 lab 48 5 23 lch 48 24 78 cmyk 0 10 24 47 french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](2.0):lodestar[5327][138,114,82](2.8):shadow[7623][131,112,80](2.8):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](3.2):burlywood[1914][139,115,85](3.6) 13 bistre:burlywood:colins:double:french:lodestar:shadow:wicket +3283 dull_green rgb 116 166 98 hex #74A662 hsv 104 41 65 xyz 0.23 0.32 0.16 lab 63 -30 30 lch 63 42 135 cmyk 20 0 27 35 asparagus[1161][123,160,91](5.5):chelsea_cucumber[2251][131,170,93](6.2):faded_green[3535][123,178,116](6.4):moss[5910][118,153,88](7.2):off_green[6107][107,163,83](7.3) 0 asparagus:chelsea:cucumber:faded:moss:off:green +3284 dull_lavender rgb 168 153 230 hex #A899E6 hsv 252 33 90 xyz 0.42 0.37 0.8 lab 67 22 -37 lch 67 43 301 cmyk 24 30 0 10 lavender[4928][168,153,230](0.0):biloba_flower[1414][178,161,234](4.4):lavender[4927][159,144,208](7.8):unicorn[8649][159,144,208](7.8):light_phthalo_blue[5168][139,150,231](8.4) 2 light:biloba:flower:phthalo:unicorn:blue:lavender +3285 dull_orange rgb 216 134 59 hex #D8863B hsv 29 73 85 xyz 0.38 0.32 0.08 lab 63 25 52 lch 63 58 64 cmyk 0 32 62 15 bronze[1823][205,127,50](3.2):gold[3892][205,127,50](3.2):tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](3.6):tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](3.6):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](4.4) 8 bell:bronze:eye:gold:golden:tiger:tiger's +3286 dull_pink rgb 213 134 157 hex #D5869D hsv 343 37 84 xyz 0.42 0.34 0.36 lab 65 33 1 lch 65 33 1 cmyk 0 31 22 16 PMS507[622][216,137,155](2.4):can[2031][208,138,155](4.1):kobi[4873][224,147,171](4.2):shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](5.1):puce[6831][204,136,153](5.2) 3 PMS507:blush:can:kobi:puce:shimmering +3287 dull_purple rgb 132 89 126 hex #84597E hsv 308 33 52 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.21 lab 44 24 -14 lch 44 28 330 cmyk 0 17 2 48 trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](3.0):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](3.5):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](3.7):dusky_purple[3298][137,91,123](4.1):antique_fuchsia[1065][145,92,131](4.6) 6 antique:chinese:dusky:dusty:fuchsia:trendy:pink:purple:violet +3288 dull_red rgb 187 63 63 hex #BB3F3F hsv 360 66 73 xyz 0.23 0.14 0.06 lab 45 50 28 lch 45 57 29 cmyk 0 49 49 27 reddish[7149][196,66,64](3.5):bliss[1516][179,57,62](3.6):get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](4.6):havoc[4437][173,53,57](4.6):well_read[9045][180,51,50](4.7) 5 bliss:get:havoc:read:reddish:reddy:well +3289 dull_teal rgb 95 158 143 hex #5F9E8F hsv 166 40 62 xyz 0.22 0.29 0.3 lab 61 -24 1 lch 61 24 176 cmyk 25 0 6 38 grey_teal[4225][94,155,138](2.2):patina[6521][99,154,143](3.3):polished_pine[6759][93,164,147](3.3):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](5.2):green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](6.1) 3 greyish:patina:pine:polished:sheen:teal:green:grey +3290 dull_yellow rgb 238 220 91 hex #EEDC5B hsv 53 62 93 xyz 0.63 0.7 0.2 lab 87 -9 64 lch 87 64 98 cmyk 0 7 58 7 brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](2.2):confetti[2455][233,215,90](3.0):PMS128[36][244,219,96](3.6):portica[6789][249,230,99](4.0):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](4.2) 8 brilliant:PMS128:confetti:energy:gold:portica:yellow +3291 dune rgb 56 53 51 hex #383533 hsv 24 9 22 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 22 1 2 lch 22 2 63 cmyk 0 1 2 78 gondola[3945][55,51,50](1.4):ironsand[4681][57,55,53](1.4):tuatara[8551][54,53,52](1.4):banjul[1288][52,50,45](1.7):half_diesel[4316][53,49,49](1.7) 78 banjul:diesel:gondola:half:ironsand:tuatara +3292 dune rgb 81 79 74 hex #514F4A hsv 43 9 32 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 34 0 3 lch 34 3 94 cmyk 0 1 3 68 blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](1.0):electric[3436][85,83,79](1.0):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.0):winchester[9127][81,78,74](1.0):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.4) 56 blast:electric:rampart:winchester:grey +3293 dusk rgb 78 84 129 hex #4E5481 hsv 233 40 51 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.22 lab 37 10 -26 lch 37 28 290 cmyk 20 18 0 49 purple_navy[6882][78,81,128](1.7):east_bay[3333][65,76,125](4.2):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](4.7):magik[5452][62,76,122](4.9):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](5.0) 7 bay:east:hendrix:magik:navy:sapphire:purple +3294 dusk_blue rgb 38 83 141 hex #26538D hsv 214 73 55 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.26 lab 35 5 -37 lch 35 37 278 cmyk 40 23 0 45 bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](2.2):dodger_blue[3151][16,78,139](2.8):PMS301[334][0,91,153](4.7):light_navy[5151][21,80,132](4.7):denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](5.1) 4 light:PMS301:bedazzled:denim:dodger:navy:blue +3295 dusky_blue rgb 71 95 148 hex #475F94 hsv 221 52 58 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.3 lab 41 7 -32 lch 41 33 282 cmyk 30 21 0 42 denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](3.0):mariner[5533][66,99,159](4.1):super_duper[8151][66,99,159](4.1):filmpro_sky_blue[3622][53,93,144](4.5):azure[1229][78,105,154](4.7) 6 denim:duper:filmpro:mariner:sky:super:azure:blue +3296 dusky_pink rgb 146 117 113 hex #927571 hsv 7 23 57 xyz 0.21 0.2 0.18 lab 52 11 7 lch 52 13 31 cmyk 0 11 13 43 PMS437[521][140,112,107](2.2):hemp[4470][144,120,116](2.4):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](2.4):reddish_grey[7154][153,117,112](2.4):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.7) 15 PMS437:hemp:kubrick:opium:reddish:grey +3297 dusky_pink rgb 204 122 139 hex #CC7A8B hsv 348 40 80 xyz 0.37 0.29 0.28 lab 60 34 5 lch 60 34 8 cmyk 0 32 25 20 old_pink[6144][199,121,134](2.4):ugly_pink[8632][205,117,132](3.0):old_rose[6146][200,127,137](4.2):muted_pink[5960][209,118,143](5.0):charm[2232][208,116,139](5.1) 4 charm:muted:old:ugly:pink:rose +3298 dusky_purple rgb 137 91 123 hex #895B7B hsv 318 34 54 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.21 lab 45 24 -10 lch 45 26 337 cmyk 0 18 5 46 dull_purple[3287][132,89,126](4.1):strikemaster[8011][149,99,135](4.1):antique_fuchsia[1065][145,92,131](5.1):trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](5.1):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](6.4) 2 antique:chinese:dull:fuchsia:strikemaster:trendy:pink:purple:violet +3299 dusky_rose rgb 186 104 115 hex #BA6873 hsv 352 44 73 xyz 0.28 0.22 0.19 lab 54 34 8 lch 54 35 14 cmyk 0 32 28 27 dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](4.4):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](4.6):PMS695[874][178,107,112](5.2):ugly_pink[8632][205,117,132](5.5):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](5.7) 2 PMS695:dusty:gold:minnelli:ugly:pink:rose +3300 dust rgb 178 153 110 hex #B2996E hsv 38 38 70 xyz 0.33 0.33 0.19 lab 64 3 26 lch 64 26 83 cmyk 0 10 27 30 castlepoint[2127][173,149,105](1.4):goldie[3942][179,155,105](3.3):piha_sand[6652][183,160,119](3.3):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](3.7):double_canterbury_clay[3187][184,159,111](3.7) 7 dark:beige:canterbury:castlepoint:clay:double:goldie:piha:sand +3301 dust_storm rgb 229 202 192 hex #E5CAC0 hsv 16 16 90 xyz 0.63 0.63 0.59 lab 83 8 8 lch 83 12 47 cmyk 0 11 15 10 PMS5035[618][237,206,198](2.8):PMS691[870][239,209,201](3.2):bizarre[1448][231,210,200](3.6):wafer[8981][222,203,198](3.6):PMS5235[651][221,198,196](4.1) 14 PMS5035:PMS5235:PMS691:bizarre:wafer +3302 dust_storm rgb 229 204 201 hex #E5CCC9 hsv 6 12 90 xyz 0.64 0.64 0.64 lab 84 8 5 lch 84 9 30 cmyk 0 10 11 10 oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](1.7):PMS5235[651][221,198,196](2.2):wafer[8981][222,203,198](2.2):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](2.4):misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](3.0) 18 misty:PMS5235:ice:oyster:vanilla:wafer:pink:rose +3303 dusted_blue rgb 146 159 162 hex #929FA2 hsv 191 10 64 xyz 0.31 0.34 0.39 lab 65 -4 -3 lch 65 5 218 cmyk 6 1 0 36 powder_blue[6798][146,159,162](0.0):cool_grey[2473][149,163,166](1.0):half_regent_grey[4374][147,157,161](1.4):bounty[1679][145,159,160](1.7):submarine[8103][140,156,156](3.0) 18 bounty:cool:half:powder:regent:submarine:blue:grey +3304 dusty_blue rgb 90 134 173 hex #5A86AD hsv 208 48 68 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.43 lab 54 -4 -25 lch 54 26 261 cmyk 33 15 0 32 off_blue[6106][86,132,174](2.0):PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.2):PMS542[681][102,147,188](5.1):air_force_blue[977][93,138,168](5.1):rackley[7036][93,138,168](5.1) 2 PMS542:PMS646:air:force:off:rackley:blue +3305 dusty_green rgb 118 169 115 hex #76A973 hsv 117 32 66 xyz 0.25 0.33 0.21 lab 65 -28 23 lch 65 36 141 cmyk 20 0 21 34 faded_green[3535][123,178,116](4.7):sage[7410][135,174,115](5.4):sage_green[7414][136,179,120](5.4):epiphany[3500][106,154,98](6.2):forest_green[3726][109,174,129](6.8) 1 epiphany:faded:forest:sage:green +3306 dusty_grey rgb 168 152 155 hex #A8989B hsv 349 10 66 xyz 0.33 0.33 0.36 lab 64 6 1 lch 64 6 5 cmyk 0 6 5 34 tonto[8414][159,149,150](2.2):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.4):nobel[6063][169,157,157](3.0):asteroid[1166][165,150,146](3.3):hazy_lavender[4445][164,149,145](3.3) 14 asteroid:hazy:nobel:reddish:tonto:grey:lavender +3307 dusty_grey rgb 172 155 155 hex #AC9B9B hsv 360 10 67 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.36 lab 65 6 2 lch 65 7 20 cmyk 0 7 7 33 reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.0):nobel[6063][169,157,157](2.2):martini[5558][175,160,158](2.4):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](2.8):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](2.8) 14 buffalo:double:eighth:martini:milestone:nobel:reddish:grey +3308 dusty_lavender rgb 172 134 168 hex #AC86A8 hsv 306 22 67 xyz 0.33 0.29 0.41 lab 60 20 -12 lch 60 24 329 cmyk 0 15 2 33 grayish_fuchsia[4004][168,125,158](3.0):PMS521[646][181,140,178](4.1):bouquet[1681][174,128,158](4.4):ooh_la[6186][160,136,166](5.0):heather[4452][164,132,172](5.1) 4 PMS521:bouquet:fuchsia:grayish:heather:la:ooh +3309 dusty_orange rgb 240 131 58 hex #F0833A hsv 24 76 94 xyz 0.45 0.35 0.08 lab 66 37 56 lch 66 67 57 cmyk 0 43 71 6 jaffa[4719][239,134,63](2.8):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](4.1):mandarian_orange[5495][228,120,51](4.5):orangeish[6225][253,141,73](4.5):west_side[9050][229,130,58](4.9) 5 PMS1575:jaffa:mandarian:orangeish:side:west:orange +3310 dusty_pink rgb 213 138 148 hex #D58A94 hsv 352 35 84 xyz 0.42 0.34 0.32 lab 65 30 7 lch 65 31 12 cmyk 0 29 25 16 PMS500[611][206,137,140](3.7):old_rose[6146][200,127,137](4.1):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](4.1):shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](4.1):light_pink[5170][205,140,149](4.5) 6 light:PMS500:blush:old:ruddy:shimmering:pink:rose +3311 dusty_purple rgb 130 95 135 hex #825F87 hsv 293 30 53 xyz 0.18 0.15 0.25 lab 45 22 -17 lch 45 27 322 cmyk 2 16 0 47 chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](1.4):muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](2.4):french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](3.0):pomp_and_power[6763][134,96,142](3.0):trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](3.3) 7 and:chinese:french:lilac:muted:pomp:power:trendy:pink:purple:violet +3312 dusty_red rgb 185 72 78 hex #B9484E hsv 357 61 73 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.09 lab 46 46 20 lch 46 50 24 cmyk 0 44 42 27 bittersweet_shimmer[1446][191,79,81](3.7):fuzzy_wuzzy_brown[3816][196,86,85](5.7):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](5.9):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](5.9):cincinnati[2326][165,64,63](6.7) 1 deep:bittersweet:chestnut:cincinnati:fuzzy:shimmer:wuzzy:brown +3313 dusty_road rgb 151 126 102 hex #977E66 hsv 29 32 59 xyz 0.23 0.22 0.16 lab 55 6 17 lch 55 18 70 cmyk 0 10 19 41 double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](2.8):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](3.0):outback[6265][149,130,108](3.0):seismic[7601][156,125,103](3.0):domino[3164][142,119,94](3.2) 19 domino:double:nullarbor:outback:rickshaw:seismic +3314 dusty_rose rgb 133 99 99 hex #856363 hsv 360 26 52 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.14 lab 45 14 5 lch 45 15 21 cmyk 0 13 13 48 deep_taupe[3068][126,94,96](2.4):rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](3.0):rosybrown[7330][139,105,105](3.0):pharlap[6629][130,102,99](3.3):ferra[3585][135,106,104](4.4) 5 deep:ferra:pharlap:rosy:rosybrown:taupe:brown +3315 dusty_rose rgb 192 115 122 hex #C0737A hsv 355 40 75 xyz 0.31 0.25 0.22 lab 57 31 9 lch 57 32 16 cmyk 0 30 27 25 dirty_pink[3139][202,123,128](3.2):old_pink[6144][199,121,134](3.7):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](3.7):dusky_rose[3299][186,104,115](4.4):PMS695[874][178,107,112](4.5) 6 PMS695:dirty:dusky:gold:old:pink:rose +3316 dusty_teal rgb 76 144 133 hex #4C9085 hsv 170 47 56 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.26 lab 55 -24 -1 lch 55 24 182 cmyk 27 0 4 44 lochinvar[5322][72,144,132](2.0):wintergreen_dream[9148][86,136,125](5.7):patina[6521][99,154,143](5.9):celadon_green[2155][47,132,124](6.2):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](6.2) 1 celadon:dream:lochinvar:patina:wintergreen:green +3317 dutch_white rgb 239 223 187 hex #EFDFBB hsv 42 22 94 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.58 lab 89 0 20 lch 89 20 90 cmyk 0 6 20 6 baja_white[1259][240,223,187](0.0):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](1.4):raffia[7042][234,218,184](1.4):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.2):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](2.2) 43 baja:champagne:chandelier:half:popcorn:raffia:white +3318 dutch_white rgb 240 223 187 hex #F0DFBB hsv 41 22 94 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.58 lab 89 0 20 lch 89 20 89 cmyk 0 7 21 6 baja_white[1259][240,223,187](0.0):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](1.4):raffia[7042][234,218,184](1.4):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.2):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](2.2) 43 baja:champagne:chandelier:half:popcorn:raffia:white +3319 dutch_white rgb 255 248 209 hex #FFF8D1 hsv 51 18 100 xyz 0.86 0.93 0.74 lab 97 -4 20 lch 97 20 101 cmyk 0 3 18 0 baja_white[1260][255,248,209](0.0):pale[6303][255,249,208](0.0):pipi[6712][254,244,204](1.7):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.2):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](2.2) 31 pale:light:baja:barley:goldenrod:pipi:white +3320 dynamite rgb 111 40 43 hex #6F282B hsv 357 64 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.03 lab 27 32 15 lch 27 35 25 cmyk 0 28 27 56 tamarillo[8216][117,43,47](2.4):coco[2404][104,40,40](3.2):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.2):monarch[5864][107,37,44](3.2):western_red[9054][107,37,44](3.2) 14 chile:coco:hot:monarch:tamarillo:western:red +3321 eagle rgb 176 172 148 hex #B0AC94 hsv 51 16 69 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.34 lab 70 -3 13 lch 70 13 102 cmyk 0 2 11 31 half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](1.4):taupe_grey[8264][179,175,149](1.4):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](1.7):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](2.2):overland[6273][178,170,148](2.2) 32 double:glitterati:half:linen:olive:overland:taupe:grey +3322 eagle rgb 182 186 164 hex #B6BAA4 hsv 71 12 73 xyz 0.44 0.48 0.42 lab 75 -5 11 lch 75 12 116 cmyk 2 0 9 27 aspiring[1165][187,187,161](2.0):beryl_green[1398][188,191,168](2.0):linen[5291][186,183,162](2.2):kidnapper[4854][191,192,171](2.4):bone_white[1648][184,183,166](3.0) 18 aspiring:beryl:bone:kidnapper:linen:green:white +3323 earls_green rgb 184 167 34 hex #B8A722 hsv 53 82 72 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.07 lab 68 -7 64 lch 68 65 97 cmyk 0 7 59 28 lucky[5351][175,159,28](3.2):sahara[7416][183,162,20](3.7):PMS104[4][173,155,12](4.1):PMS613[792][175,160,12](4.4):funk[3810][198,170,36](4.9) 6 PMS104:PMS613:funk:lucky:sahara +3324 earls_green rgb 201 185 59 hex #C9B93B hsv 53 71 79 xyz 0.42 0.47 0.11 lab 74 -8 63 lch 74 63 98 cmyk 0 6 56 21 old_gold[6129][207,181,59](4.1):billy_t[1412][193,185,67](5.0):turmeric[8572][202,187,72](5.1):ipanema[4668][220,198,75](6.4):funk[3810][198,170,36](7.1) 2 billy:funk:gold:ipanema:old:t:turmeric +3325 early_dawn rgb 251 242 219 hex #FBF2DB hsv 43 13 98 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.8 lab 96 -1 12 lch 96 12 93 cmyk 0 4 13 2 off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](0.0):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.0):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.0):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.0):quarter_dutch_white[6941][251,244,223](1.0) 77 dutch:egg:half:lusta:off:pearl:quarter:sour:spanish:white:yellow +3326 early_dawn rgb 255 249 230 hex #FFF9E6 hsv 46 10 100 xyz 0.89 0.95 0.88 lab 98 -1 10 lch 98 10 97 cmyk 0 2 10 0 very_pale_amber[8797][255,248,226](1.0):cosmic_latte[2547][255,248,231](1.4):off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](1.4):solitaire[7843][254,248,226](1.4):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](1.7) 61 pale:very:amber:buttery:cosmic:latte:off:solitaire:white:yellow +3327 earlybird rgb 81 57 57 hex #513939 hsv 360 30 32 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.05 lab 27 11 4 lch 27 11 22 cmyk 0 9 9 68 van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](2.0):dark_puce[2848][79,58,60](2.2):cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](2.4):PMS438[522][89,63,61](2.8):dark_grayish_reddish_brown[2752][89,66,66](3.2) 18 dark:PMS438:bean:cleef:cocoa:grayish:puce:reddish:van:brown +3328 earth rgb 162 101 62 hex #A2653E hsv 23 62 64 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.07 lab 49 21 32 lch 49 38 57 cmyk 0 24 39 36 red_beech[7114][161,98,59](1.7):desert[3099][161,95,59](2.8):cape_palliser[2061][162,102,69](3.0):footloose[3715][164,97,58](3.3):moderate_tangelo[5851][168,109,74](4.4) 6 moderate:beech:cape:desert:footloose:palliser:tangelo:red +3329 earth_green rgb 46 52 43 hex #2E342B hsv 100 17 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -5 5 lch 21 7 134 cmyk 2 0 4 80 heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](1.0):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](1.4):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](1.7):army[1142][48,52,45](2.2):icon[4605][46,56,45](2.4) 27 army:forest:gordons:heavy:icon:metal:black:green +3330 earth_yellow rgb 225 169 95 hex #E1A95F hsv 34 58 88 xyz 0.47 0.45 0.17 lab 73 12 46 lch 73 47 75 cmyk 0 22 51 12 porsche[6780][234,174,105](3.5):indian_yellow[4640][227,168,87](4.1):sunray[8140][227,171,87](4.1):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](5.4):melon[5663][227,168,105](5.8) 3 gold:harvest:indian:melon:porsche:sunray:yellow +3331 earthsong rgb 42 62 51 hex #2A3E33 hsv 147 32 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 24 -11 4 lch 24 12 159 cmyk 8 0 4 76 celtic[2167][43,63,54](1.7):petanque[6622][46,62,52](2.2):PMS5605[725][35,58,45](2.4):nikau[6057][42,64,50](2.4):palm_green[6457][32,57,44](3.0) 18 PMS5605:celtic:nikau:palm:petanque:green +3332 earthstone rgb 181 175 139 hex #B5AF8B hsv 51 23 71 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.31 lab 71 -4 19 lch 71 20 101 cmyk 0 2 16 29 chino[2296][184,173,138](2.0):toi[8399][183,173,139](2.0):coriander[2513][187,181,141](2.8):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](3.7):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](3.7) 16 PMS5783:chino:coriander:fawn:toi:green +3333 east_bay rgb 65 76 125 hex #414C7D hsv 229 48 49 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.2 lab 34 10 -29 lch 34 31 289 cmyk 24 19 0 51 magik[5452][62,76,122](2.4):purple_navy[6882][78,81,128](3.0):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](3.2):dusk[3293][78,84,129](4.2):style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](4.4) 8 dusk:magik:navy:pasifika:sapphire:style:whale:blue:purple +3334 east_bay rgb 71 82 110 hex #47526E hsv 223 35 43 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.16 lab 35 3 -17 lch 35 18 280 cmyk 15 11 0 57 independence[4626][76,81,109](2.0):fiord[3632][64,81,105](3.3):chambray[2202][71,88,119](3.7):astronaut[1172][68,81,114](4.1):quayside[7020][66,79,113](4.2) 5 astronaut:chambray:fiord:independence:quayside +3335 east_side rgb 170 140 188 hex #AA8CBC hsv 278 26 74 xyz 0.35 0.31 0.52 lab 62 20 -21 lch 62 29 314 cmyk 7 19 0 26 cold_purple[2430][157,138,191](4.6):heather[4452][164,132,172](5.0):grayish_mulberry[4011][158,125,168](5.9):PMS271[269][158,145,198](6.5):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](6.7) 2 PMS271:cold:grayish:heather:majesty:mountain's:mulberry:purple +3336 east_side rgb 172 145 206 hex #AC91CE hsv 267 30 81 xyz 0.38 0.33 0.63 lab 65 22 -28 lch 65 35 309 cmyk 13 24 0 19 light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](3.6):PMS2645[254][181,145,209](4.0):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](4.1):lavender[4927][159,144,208](4.7):unicorn[8649][159,144,208](4.7) 5 light:PMS2645:biloba:flower:pastel:unicorn:lavender:purple +3337 easter_green rgb 140 253 126 hex #8CFD7E hsv 113 50 99 xyz 0.5 0.77 0.32 lab 90 -56 51 lch 90 76 138 cmyk 44 0 50 1 light_green[5115][150,249,123](4.0):lightgreen[5246][118,255,123](7.0):screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](7.1):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](10.8):lightish_green[5249][97,225,96](10.8) 1 light:grass:lightgreen:lightish:screamin:green +3338 easter_purple rgb 192 113 254 hex #C071FE hsv 274 56 100 xyz 0.46 0.3 0.97 lab 62 56 -58 lch 62 81 314 cmyk 24 55 0 0 light_urple[5226][179,111,246](4.5):light_purple[5178][191,119,246](7.1):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](7.9):light_brilliant_violet[5072][178,101,255](8.6):heliotrope[4462][223,115,255](10.0) 1 light:brilliant:heliotrope:urple:purple:violet +3339 eastern_blue rgb 0 135 159 hex #00879F hsv 189 100 62 xyz 0.15 0.2 0.36 lab 52 -22 -21 lch 52 31 224 cmyk 62 9 0 38 teal_blue[8285][1,136,159](0.0):PMS314[355][0,130,155](2.4):PMS633[812][0,127,153](3.7):scooter[7535][48,142,160](4.4):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.7) 5 PMS314:PMS633:scooter:seeker:teal:blue +3340 eastern_blue rgb 30 154 176 hex #1E9AB0 hsv 189 83 69 xyz 0.2 0.27 0.45 lab 59 -24 -21 lch 59 32 220 cmyk 57 9 0 31 pelorous[6577][37,153,178](2.4):PMS632[811][0,160,186](3.0):PMS313[353][0,153,181](3.2):strong_arctic_blue[8019][0,147,168](3.3):blue[1532][0,147,175](4.4) 7 strong:PMS313:PMS632:arctic:pelorous:blue +3341 easy_rider rgb 83 94 86 hex #535E56 hsv 136 12 37 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -6 3 lch 39 7 152 cmyk 4 0 3 63 feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](2.4):dark_greenish_grey[2767][83,89,83](2.8):ebony[3346][85,93,80](3.2):condor[2452][91,96,92](3.3):nandor[5974][75,93,82](3.3) 12 dark:condor:ebony:feldgrau:greenish:nandor:grey +3342 ebb rgb 230 216 212 hex #E6D8D4 hsv 13 8 90 xyz 0.69 0.71 0.72 lab 87 4 4 lch 87 6 42 cmyk 0 5 7 10 PMS5175[639][232,214,209](1.4):cest_la_vie[2189][228,215,209](1.4):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](2.0):pinkish_grey[6698][231,218,218](2.2):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](2.4) 52 PMS5175:PMS5245:cest:dawn:la:pinkish:vie:grey:pink +3343 ebb rgb 233 227 227 hex #E9E3E3 hsv 360 3 91 xyz 0.75 0.78 0.84 lab 91 2 1 lch 91 2 19 cmyk 0 2 2 9 bon_jour[1639][229,224,225](1.4):ditto[3144][231,226,228](1.4):seashell[7587][227,225,224](1.4):whisper[9077][239,230,230](1.4):half_whiteout[4414][235,228,224](2.0) 87 bon:ditto:half:jour:seashell:whisper:whiteout +3344 ebony rgb 12 11 29 hex #0C0B1D hsv 243 62 11 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 4 4 -11 lch 4 12 292 cmyk 7 7 0 89 very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](3.3):very_deep_azure[8728][0,14,29](4.0):vulcan[8978][16,18,29](4.1):black_pearl[1468][4,19,34](4.2):blue_bark[1542][4,19,34](4.2) 7 deep:dark:very:bark:pearl:vulcan:azure:black:blue +3345 ebony rgb 49 51 55 hex #313337 hsv 220 11 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 0 -3 lch 21 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 78 gumboot[4253][49,51,55](0.0):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](1.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.0):grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](1.4):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.4) 58 clay:double:ebony:friars:gumboot:tao:tuna:grey +3346 ebony rgb 85 93 80 hex #555D50 hsv 97 14 36 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.09 lab 38 -6 6 lch 38 9 132 cmyk 3 0 5 64 magnetic[5454][85,90,76](1.7):feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](2.8):easy_rider[3341][83,94,86](3.2):nandor[5975][78,93,78](3.2):battleship_grey[1316][81,87,79](3.5) 18 battleship:easy:feldgrau:magnetic:nandor:rider:grey +3347 ebony_clay rgb 38 40 59 hex #26283B hsv 234 36 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 17 5 -12 lch 17 13 290 cmyk 8 7 0 77 midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](2.4):quarterback[7016][40,43,60](2.4):steel_grey[7971][38,35,53](2.4):stratos[8001][33,38,58](2.4):valhalla[8671][42,43,65](2.4) 15 express:midnight:quarterback:steel:stratos:valhalla:grey +3348 ebony_clay rgb 50 52 56 hex #323438 hsv 220 11 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 22 0 -3 lch 22 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 78 ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.0):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.0):shark[7645][52,54,58](1.0):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.0):vulcan[8979][54,56,60](1.0) 61 ebony:gumboot:shark:tao:vulcan:grey +3349 echidna rgb 116 95 82 hex #745F52 hsv 23 29 45 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.1 lab 42 6 11 lch 42 12 59 cmyk 0 8 13 55 double_otter[3222][121,96,83](2.2):domino[3163][108,91,76](2.8):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.8):kiwi[4867][107,90,79](3.0):PMS405[489][107,94,79](3.2) 23 PMS405:cone:domino:double:kiwi:otter:pine +3350 echo rgb 72 60 58 hex #483C3A hsv 9 19 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 26 5 3 lch 26 6 33 cmyk 0 5 5 72 barista[1297][69,56,55](1.4):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](1.7):cowboy[2566][68,55,54](2.2):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](2.4):double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](2.4) 31 barista:cowboy:crater:double:rattlesnake:sidewinder:brown +3351 echo_blue rgb 164 175 205 hex #A4AFCD hsv 224 20 80 xyz 0.42 0.43 0.64 lab 72 3 -16 lch 72 17 279 cmyk 16 12 0 20 squirt[7945][164,175,205](0.0):rock_blue[7259][158,177,205](3.0):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](3.3):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.6):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.6) 9 nemo:rock:serendipity:squirt:wild:yonder:blue +3352 echo_blue rgb 175 189 217 hex #AFBDD9 hsv 220 19 85 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.73 lab 76 1 -16 lch 76 16 274 cmyk 16 11 0 15 pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](0.0):PMS2708[268][175,188,219](1.4):light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](3.0):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.0):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.0) 14 light:PMS2708:nemo:pigeon:post:serendipity:steel:blue +3353 eclipse rgb 49 28 23 hex #311C17 hsv 12 53 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 13 10 8 lch 13 12 39 cmyk 0 8 10 81 coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](4.1):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](4.1):marlin[5535][42,20,14](4.1):cocoa_brown[2408][48,31,30](4.6):bootleg[1656][60,36,27](5.0) 9 bean:bootleg:cocoa:coffee:cuban:marlin:tan:brown +3354 eclipse rgb 63 57 57 hex #3F3939 hsv 360 10 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 25 3 1 lch 25 3 20 cmyk 0 2 2 75 black_sheep[1479][62,57,58](1.4):double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](2.2):fuscous_grey[3812][60,59,60](2.2):jon[4774][70,61,62](2.2):masala[5564][64,59,56](2.2) 56 double:fuscous:jon:masala:sheep:sidewinder:black:grey +3355 ecru rgb 194 178 128 hex #C2B280 hsv 45 34 76 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.27 lab 73 -2 28 lch 73 28 94 cmyk 0 6 26 24 sand[7451][194,178,128](0.0):yuma[9242][199,184,130](2.4):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](3.7):coromandel[2541][185,168,115](4.5):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](4.6) 5 PMS4515:PMS4525:coromandel:sand:yuma +3356 ecru rgb 254 255 202 hex #FEFFCA hsv 61 21 100 xyz 0.87 0.97 0.7 lab 99 -9 25 lch 99 27 109 cmyk 0 0 21 0 ivory[4699][255,255,203](1.0):egg_shell[3370][255,252,196](2.4):carla[2092][245,249,203](3.6):cream[2584][255,255,194](4.0):pale_yellow[6455][255,255,194](4.0) 12 pale:carla:cream:egg:ivory:shell:yellow +3357 ecru_white rgb 214 209 192 hex #D6D1C0 hsv 46 10 84 xyz 0.6 0.64 0.59 lab 84 -1 9 lch 84 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 16 joanna[4770][214,209,192](0.0):quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.7):blanc[1494][217,208,193](2.0) 98 akaroa:blanc:fossil:half:joanna:quarter:tana +3358 ecru_white rgb 245 243 229 hex #F5F3E5 hsv 52 7 96 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.87 lab 96 -2 7 lch 96 7 104 cmyk 0 1 6 4 joanna[4771][245,243,229](0.0):eighth_dutch_white[3397][249,244,231](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.7):ivory[4698][238,238,224](2.0):twilight_blue[8616][244,246,236](2.0) 90 dutch:eighth:ivory:joanna:twilight:wheatfield:blue:white +3359 ecstasy rgb 201 97 56 hex #C96138 hsv 17 72 79 xyz 0.29 0.21 0.06 lab 53 39 42 lch 53 57 47 cmyk 0 41 57 21 terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](2.4):fireball[3640][204,92,57](3.2):sienna[7697][205,104,57](3.5):tangerine[8238][205,93,52](3.6):traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](3.6) 8 light:cotta:fireball:sienna:tangerine:terra:traffic +3360 ecstasy rgb 250 120 20 hex #FA7814 hsv 26 92 98 xyz 0.46 0.34 0.05 lab 65 45 69 lch 65 82 57 cmyk 0 51 90 2 PMS804_2X[919][255,127,30](2.4):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](2.4):orange[6200][249,115,6](3.0):pumpkin[6850][255,117,24](3.2):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](3.3) 13 2X:PMS804:chilean:fire:pumpkin:sorbus:orange +3361 eden rgb 16 88 82 hex #105852 hsv 175 82 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.09 lab 33 -23 -3 lch 33 23 187 cmyk 28 0 2 65 PMS330[394][0,89,81](2.2):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](2.8):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.0):cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](4.1):mosque[5908][0,95,91](4.1) 10 dark:PMS330:cowabunga:mosque:blue:green:turquoise +3362 eden rgb 38 98 85 hex #266255 hsv 167 61 38 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.1 lab 37 -23 2 lch 37 23 176 cmyk 24 0 5 62 dark_green_blue[2765][31,99,87](1.7):evening_sea[3523][38,96,79](2.2):PMS561[726][38,102,89](2.4):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](3.6):push_play[6908][33,88,76](3.6) 6 dark:PMS561:evening:play:push:sea:aquamarine:blue:green +3363 edgewater rgb 193 216 197 hex #C1D8C5 hsv 130 11 85 xyz 0.57 0.64 0.62 lab 84 -11 7 lch 84 13 149 cmyk 9 0 7 15 sea_mist[7568][197,219,202](1.4):sea_mist[7567][194,213,196](1.7):PMS559[722][198,214,196](2.0):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](2.2):surf[8158][187,215,193](2.4) 16 PMS559:fertile:mind:mist:sea:surf +3364 edgewater rgb 200 227 215 hex #C8E3D7 hsv 153 12 89 xyz 0.64 0.72 0.75 lab 88 -11 3 lch 88 12 166 cmyk 11 0 5 11 skeptic[7737][202,230,218](1.0):PMS573[743][204,229,214](2.2):PMS317[361][201,232,221](2.4):iceberg[4601][202,225,217](2.8):PMS566[736][209,226,211](3.6) 18 PMS317:PMS566:PMS573:iceberg:skeptic +3365 edward rgb 151 164 154 hex #97A49A hsv 134 8 64 xyz 0.32 0.35 0.36 lab 66 -7 4 lch 66 7 151 cmyk 5 0 4 36 PMS5497[700][145,163,153](1.7):greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](2.2):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](2.2):robins_egg_blue[7254][158,170,158](2.2):pewter[6626][145,160,146](2.4) 13 PMS5497:egg:greenish:pewter:robin:robins:blue:grey +3366 edward rgb 162 174 171 hex #A2AEAB hsv 165 7 68 xyz 0.37 0.41 0.44 lab 70 -5 0 lch 70 5 179 cmyk 5 0 1 32 conch[2446][160,177,174](1.4):hit_grey[4512][161,169,168](2.2):cyanish_grey[2646][156,168,168](2.4):tower_grey[8444][156,172,165](3.0):sorrento[7855][154,176,172](3.2) 22 conch:cyanish:hit:sorrento:tower:grey +3367 eerie_black rgb 27 27 27 hex #1B1B1B hsv 300 0 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 0 0 lch 10 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 89 grey[4109][28,28,28](0.0):black[1451][30,30,30](1.0):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](1.0):grey[4108][26,26,26](1.0):reddish_brownish_black[7152][29,26,26](1.4) 28 brownish:cyanish:reddish:black:grey +3368 effervescent rgb 168 152 142 hex #A8988E hsv 23 15 66 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.3 lab 64 4 7 lch 64 8 61 cmyk 0 6 10 34 PMS408[491][168,153,140](2.2):zorba[9276][165,155,145](2.2):zorba[9275][162,149,137](2.4):half_stonewashed[4394][158,148,137](2.8):perfect_taupe[6586][170,159,148](2.8) 24 PMS408:half:perfect:stonewashed:taupe:zorba +3369 effortless rgb 160 150 167 hex #A096A7 hsv 275 10 65 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.41 lab 63 7 -8 lch 63 10 313 cmyk 3 7 0 35 siesta[7700][165,154,168](2.8):grey_suit[4223][147,145,160](3.6):vision[8883][160,155,178](3.7):santas_grey[7485][153,152,167](4.0):heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](4.1) 9 heliotrope:santas:siesta:suit:vision:grey +3370 egg_shell rgb 255 252 196 hex #FFFCC4 hsv 57 23 100 xyz 0.86 0.95 0.66 lab 98 -8 27 lch 98 28 106 cmyk 0 1 23 0 ivory[4699][255,255,203](2.2):cream[2584][255,255,194](2.4):ecru[3356][254,255,202](2.4):pale_yellow[6455][255,255,194](2.4):pale_gold[6338][255,247,194](3.2) 9 pale:cream:ecru:gold:ivory:yellow +3371 egg_sour rgb 249 228 197 hex #F9E4C5 hsv 36 21 98 xyz 0.77 0.8 0.64 lab 92 2 18 lch 92 18 82 cmyk 0 8 20 2 derby[3096][249,228,198](1.4):eggshell[3380][252,230,201](1.4):peach[6539][251,229,194](2.0):pipi[6711][245,230,196](2.0):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2) 43 bisque:derby:eggshell:pipi:peach +3372 egg_sour rgb 255 244 221 hex #FFF4DD hsv 41 13 100 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.81 lab 96 0 12 lch 96 12 90 cmyk 0 4 13 0 early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.0):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.0):double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](1.4):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.4):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.4) 70 bianca:dawn:double:early:half:lusta:off:pearl:spanish:white:yellow +3373 egg_white rgb 224 200 141 hex #E0C88D hsv 43 37 88 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.34 lab 81 0 33 lch 81 33 90 cmyk 0 9 33 12 light_beige[5007][221,194,131](3.0):zombie[9270][221,194,131](3.0):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](3.5):putty[6911][231,205,140](3.6):chalky[2199][223,194,129](3.7) 11 light:beige:chalky:honey:manuka:putty:zombie +3374 egg_white rgb 255 239 193 hex #FFEFC1 hsv 45 24 100 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.63 lab 95 -2 24 lch 95 24 94 cmyk 0 6 24 0 pale_amber[6305][255,240,194](0.0):splash[7906][255,239,193](0.0):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.2):blond[1519][250,240,190](2.4):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.4) 27 pale:amber:beeswax:blond:colonial:splash:white +3375 eggplant rgb 56 8 53 hex #380835 hsv 304 86 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.03 lab 11 29 -17 lch 11 34 330 cmyk 0 19 1 78 aubergine[1194][61,7,52](3.0):jacaranda[4703][46,3,41](5.4):melanzane[5658][48,5,41](5.8):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](6.0):loulou[5346][70,11,65](6.7) 1 aubergine:gras:jacaranda:loulou:mardi:melanzane +3376 eggplant rgb 97 64 81 hex #614051 hsv 329 34 38 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.09 lab 31 17 -4 lch 31 18 346 cmyk 0 13 6 62 finn[3631][105,69,84](3.3):deep_tuscan_red[3074][102,66,77](4.1):tuscan_red[8596][102,66,77](4.1):cordite[2509][109,70,88](5.0):dark_grayish_fuchsia[2743][89,66,84](5.0) 5 deep:dark:cordite:finn:fuchsia:grayish:tuscan:red +3377 eggplant rgb 110 81 96 hex #6E5160 hsv 329 26 43 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.12 lab 38 15 -4 lch 38 15 345 cmyk 0 11 5 57 finn[3631][105,69,84](5.1):bloom[1524][111,91,108](5.8):cordite[2509][109,70,88](5.8):minx[5775][104,83,91](5.8):memory[5672][124,91,99](6.4) 0 bloom:cordite:finn:memory:minx +3378 eggplant_purple rgb 67 5 65 hex #430541 hsv 302 93 26 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.05 lab 14 35 -21 lch 14 41 329 cmyk 0 24 1 74 loulou[5346][70,11,65](2.4):deep_violet[3078][73,6,72](4.1):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](5.4):deep_purple[3036][54,1,63](5.7):dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](5.8) 2 deep:dark:gras:loulou:mardi:purple:violet +3379 eggshell rgb 240 234 214 hex #F0EAD6 hsv 46 11 94 xyz 0.77 0.82 0.75 lab 93 -1 10 lch 93 11 97 cmyk 0 2 10 6 half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](0.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.0):orchid_white[6245][241,235,217](1.0):softly[7836][241,235,217](1.0):villa_white[8840][240,233,214](1.0) 99 buttery:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:softly:villa:white +3380 eggshell rgb 252 230 201 hex #FCE6C9 hsv 34 20 99 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.67 lab 92 3 17 lch 92 17 80 cmyk 0 9 20 1 derby[3096][249,228,198](0.0):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](1.4):tequila[8304][255,230,199](1.7):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.2) 32 bisque:blanched:derby:egg:sour:tequila:almond +3381 eggshell rgb 255 255 212 hex #FFFFD4 hsv 60 17 100 xyz 0.89 0.98 0.76 lab 99 -7 21 lch 99 22 109 cmyk 0 0 17 0 cumulus[2624][253,255,213](1.0):cream[2583][255,253,208](1.7):corn_field[2522][248,250,205](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4968][255,250,205](2.4):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](2.4) 20 chiffon:corn:cream:cumulus:field:mimosa:lemon +3382 eggshell_blue rgb 196 255 247 hex #C4FFF7 hsv 172 23 100 xyz 0.75 0.9 1.01 lab 96 -20 -2 lch 96 20 186 cmyk 23 0 3 0 pale_opal[6394][194,255,247](1.0):duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](1.4):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](3.6):pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](3.6):pale_cyan[6332][194,255,255](4.1) 7 pale:light:cyan:duck:egg:opal:blue:turquoise +3383 egyptian_blue rgb 16 52 166 hex #1034A6 hsv 226 90 65 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.37 lab 28 34 -64 lch 28 72 298 cmyk 59 45 0 35 sapphire[7494][33,56,171](2.0):PMS286[307][0,56,168](2.2):royal_azure[7344][0,56,168](2.2):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](3.3):ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](3.7) 7 PMS286:bay:royal:sapphire:torea:ua:azure:blue +3384 eighth_akaroa rgb 230 221 208 hex #E6DDD0 hsv 35 10 90 xyz 0.7 0.73 0.7 lab 88 1 7 lch 88 8 83 cmyk 0 4 9 10 eighth_drought[3396][227,219,206](0.0):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](1.0):half_blanc[4296][229,222,212](1.4):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.4):quarter_sandspit_brown[6988][225,218,207](1.4) 116 blanc:drought:eighth:half:joss:merino:quarter:sandspit:brown +3385 eighth_arrowtown rgb 186 181 168 hex #BAB5A8 hsv 43 10 73 xyz 0.44 0.46 0.44 lab 74 -1 7 lch 74 7 94 cmyk 0 2 7 27 grey_nickel[4215][189,186,174](1.4):truffle[8549][190,185,173](1.4):mist_grey[5784][186,185,169](1.7):pebble_grey[6575][180,179,164](1.7):copyrite[2489][180,178,166](2.2) 63 copyrite:mist:nickel:pebble:truffle:grey +3386 eighth_ash rgb 227 226 218 hex #E3E2DA hsv 53 4 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.77 lab 90 -1 4 lch 90 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 11 double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](0.0):black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.0):double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0) 129 barely:double:drift:eighth:snow:there:truffle:black:white +3387 eighth_barista rgb 116 100 102 hex #746466 hsv 352 14 45 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.14 lab 44 7 1 lch 44 7 10 cmyk 0 6 5 55 innuendo[4657][119,105,111](2.8):quarter_felix[6944][116,103,101](3.0):scorpion[7538][105,95,98](3.7):identity[4607][110,103,103](4.0):spicy_pink[7896][129,110,113](4.1) 11 felix:identity:innuendo:quarter:scorpion:spicy:pink +3388 eighth_biscotti rgb 241 232 221 hex #F1E8DD hsv 33 8 95 xyz 0.78 0.82 0.8 lab 92 1 6 lch 92 7 80 cmyk 0 4 8 5 eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.0):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.0):white_linen[9086][238,231,220](1.0):double_merino[3216][237,228,216](1.4):pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.4) 135 albescent:double:eighth:fossil:linen:merino:pampas:quarter:white +3389 eighth_bison_hide rgb 222 215 203 hex #DED7CB hsv 38 9 87 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.66 lab 86 0 7 lch 86 7 87 cmyk 0 3 7 13 albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.4):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](1.4):half_sandspit_brown[4379][218,210,198](1.4):quarter_ash[6919][217,214,202](1.4):quarter_linen[6964][216,213,200](1.4) 116 albescent:ash:eighth:half:joss:linen:quarter:sandspit:brown:white +3390 eighth_black_white rgb 246 244 238 hex #F6F4EE hsv 45 3 96 xyz 0.86 0.9 0.94 lab 96 0 3 lch 96 3 97 cmyk 0 1 3 4 double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.0):eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.0):pampas[6462][244,242,238](1.0):spring_wood[7933][248,246,241](1.0):filmpro_reduction_base[3621][241,240,233](1.4) 126 alabaster:base:cake:double:eighth:filmpro:pampas:reduction:rice:spring:wood +3391 eighth_blanc rgb 240 235 228 hex #F0EBE4 hsv 35 5 94 xyz 0.8 0.84 0.85 lab 93 0 4 lch 93 4 83 cmyk 0 2 5 6 half_soapstone[4387][240,235,228](0.0):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.0):half_merino[4353][236,234,226](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.4) 135 barely:desert:half:merino:quarter:soapstone:storm:there +3392 eighth_buffalo rgb 177 160 156 hex #B1A09C hsv 11 12 69 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.37 lab 67 6 4 lch 67 7 38 cmyk 0 7 8 31 double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](0.0):martini[5558][175,160,158](1.4):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](2.8):thatch[8320][182,157,152](2.8):del_rio[3081][176,154,149](3.0) 18 del:double:dusty:martini:milestone:rio:thatch:grey +3393 eighth_canterbury_clay rgb 227 215 191 hex #E3D7BF hsv 40 16 89 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.59 lab 86 0 13 lch 86 13 89 cmyk 0 5 14 11 quarter_sisal[6993][228,218,196](1.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](1.7):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](2.0):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](2.2):wheatfield[9070][223,215,189](2.2) 63 PMS454:double:quarter:sisal:stark:villa:wheatfield:white +3394 eighth_castle_rock rgb 190 189 180 hex #BEBDB4 hsv 54 5 75 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.5 lab 76 -1 5 lch 76 5 105 cmyk 0 0 4 25 eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.0):PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.4):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.4):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.4):grey_nickel[4215][189,186,174](1.4) 65 PMS421:cloud:cotton:eighth:friar:nickel:seed:grey +3395 eighth_colins_wicket rgb 196 181 156 hex #C4B59C hsv 38 20 77 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.38 lab 74 1 15 lch 74 15 85 cmyk 0 6 16 23 akaroa[980][190,178,154](1.7):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](1.7):triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](2.0):sisal[7732][197,186,160](2.2):tabby[8200][197,178,152](2.2) 39 akaroa:aquashield:parchment:sisal:tabby:triple +3396 eighth_drought rgb 227 219 206 hex #E3DBCE hsv 37 9 89 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.69 lab 88 1 7 lch 88 7 86 cmyk 0 3 8 11 eighth_akaroa[3384][230,221,208](0.0):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](1.0):half_blanc[4296][229,222,212](1.4):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.4):quarter_sandspit_brown[6988][225,218,207](1.4) 116 akaroa:blanc:eighth:half:joss:merino:quarter:sandspit:brown +3397 eighth_dutch_white rgb 249 244 231 hex #F9F4E7 hsv 43 7 98 xyz 0.86 0.91 0.89 lab 96 -1 7 lch 96 7 94 cmyk 0 2 7 2 ecru_white[3358][245,243,229](1.0):joanna[4771][245,243,229](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.4):merino[5680][246,240,230](1.7):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](1.7) 99 ecru:eighth:joanna:merino:milk:wheatfield:white +3398 eighth_felix rgb 137 124 121 hex #897C79 hsv 11 12 54 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.21 lab 53 4 3 lch 53 6 38 cmyk 0 5 6 46 hurricane[4587][135,124,123](1.0):misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](1.4):mistyrose[5792][139,125,123](1.4):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.2):hurricane[4588][139,126,119](3.2) 31 misty:hurricane:metallic:mistyrose:rocket:rose +3399 eighth_fossil rgb 237 230 221 hex #EDE6DD hsv 34 7 93 xyz 0.76 0.8 0.8 lab 92 1 5 lch 92 5 81 cmyk 0 3 6 7 desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.0):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](1.0):pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.0):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.4):white_linen[9086][238,231,220](1.4) 134 albescent:biscotti:desert:eighth:linen:pampas:quarter:storm:white +3400 eighth_friar_grey rgb 193 188 180 hex #C1BCB4 hsv 37 7 76 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.5 lab 76 0 5 lch 76 5 86 cmyk 0 2 5 24 PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.0):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.0):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.0):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](1.0):eighth_stonehenge[3422][189,185,178](1.4) 65 PMS421:castle:cloud:cotton:eighth:rock:seed:stonehenge +3401 eighth_gravel rgb 136 138 132 hex #888A84 hsv 80 4 54 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.25 lab 57 -2 3 lch 57 4 123 cmyk 1 0 2 46 eighth_masala[3407][138,137,132](1.0):ivory[4696][139,139,131](1.4):double_delta[3195][131,133,127](2.0):silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](2.2):stack[7950][133,136,133](2.2) 61 delta:double:eighth:ivory:masala:silver:stack:grey +3402 eighth_hillary rgb 214 211 190 hex #D6D3BE hsv 52 11 84 xyz 0.6 0.65 0.58 lab 84 -3 11 lch 84 11 103 cmyk 0 1 9 16 celeste[2161][210,210,192](2.0):moon_mist[5885][206,205,184](2.0):loafer[5316][219,217,194](2.2):quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](2.2):light_yellow[5234][205,205,180](2.4) 58 light:akaroa:celeste:loafer:mist:moon:quarter:yellow +3403 eighth_joss rgb 224 216 204 hex #E0D8CC hsv 36 9 88 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.67 lab 87 1 7 lch 87 7 84 cmyk 0 3 8 12 eighth_akaroa[3384][230,221,208](1.0):eighth_drought[3396][227,219,206](1.0):quarter_sandspit_brown[6988][225,218,207](1.0):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.4):eighth_bison_hide[3389][222,215,203](1.4) 114 akaroa:albescent:bison:drought:eighth:hide:quarter:sandspit:brown:white +3404 eighth_kalgoorie_sands rgb 215 189 166 hex #D7BDA6 hsv 28 23 84 xyz 0.53 0.54 0.44 lab 78 6 15 lch 78 16 69 cmyk 0 10 19 16 PMS4745[581][216,191,170](1.4):bone[1645][219,194,171](2.2):PMS480[588][211,183,163](2.4):just_right[4801][220,191,172](2.4):nougat[6077][214,193,171](2.4) 22 PMS4745:PMS480:bone:just:nougat:right +3405 eighth_lemon_grass rgb 199 201 191 hex #C7C9BF hsv 72 5 79 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.58 lab 81 -2 5 lch 81 5 118 cmyk 1 0 4 21 quill_grey[7028][203,201,192](1.0):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.4):ivory[4697][205,205,193](1.4):kangaroo[4815][198,200,189](1.4):pastel_grey[6506][207,207,196](2.0) 72 half:ivory:kangaroo:pastel:quill:truffle:grey +3406 eighth_malta rgb 216 210 200 hex #D8D2C8 hsv 37 7 85 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.64 lab 84 0 6 lch 84 6 87 cmyk 0 2 6 15 last_chance[4919][216,210,200](0.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.4):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.4):quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.4) 101 chance:cloud:eighth:half:last:napa:quarter:truffle:westar +3407 eighth_masala rgb 138 137 132 hex #8A8984 hsv 50 4 54 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.25 lab 57 -1 3 lch 57 3 102 cmyk 0 0 2 46 eighth_gravel[3401][136,138,132](1.0):ivory[4696][139,139,131](1.7):double_delta[3195][131,133,127](2.2):seashell[7585][139,134,130](2.2):half_gauntlet[4333][139,138,136](2.4) 62 delta:double:eighth:gauntlet:gravel:half:ivory:seashell +3408 eighth_mondo rgb 147 138 125 hex #938A7D hsv 35 15 58 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.23 lab 58 1 8 lch 58 8 83 cmyk 0 4 9 42 heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](1.7):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](1.7):schooner[7532][141,132,120](2.0):double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](2.2):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](2.2) 42 cougar:double:heathered:perfect:quarter:schooner:talisman:taupe:grey +3409 eighth_napa rgb 212 205 194 hex #D4CDC2 hsv 37 8 83 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.6 lab 83 1 6 lch 83 6 85 cmyk 0 3 7 17 half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](0.0):swirl[8186][211,205,197](1.0):swirl[8187][215,206,197](1.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.4) 83 cloud:double:half:pointer:swirl:westar:white +3410 eighth_nullarbor rgb 194 180 160 hex #C2B4A0 hsv 35 18 76 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.4 lab 74 2 12 lch 74 12 82 cmyk 0 5 13 24 half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](1.0):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](1.4):antidote[1058][193,176,159](1.7):PMS401[485][193,181,165](2.0):tea[8273][191,181,162](2.2) 50 PMS401:antidote:half:malta:quarter:sandcastle:tea +3411 eighth_oilskin rgb 146 138 130 hex #928A82 hsv 30 11 57 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.25 lab 58 2 5 lch 58 6 74 cmyk 0 3 6 43 warm_grey[9000][151,138,132](2.0):half_stonehenge[4392][150,144,136](2.2):schooner[7531][139,132,126](2.2):natural_grey[5986][139,134,128](2.4):grey[4159][149,145,140](3.0) 38 half:natural:schooner:stonehenge:warm:grey +3412 eighth_parchment rgb 237 233 220 hex #EDE9DC hsv 46 7 93 xyz 0.77 0.81 0.79 lab 92 -1 7 lch 92 7 97 cmyk 0 2 7 7 quarter_wheatfield[7014][240,236,222](1.0):rice_cake[7203][239,236,222](1.0):whitewash[9098][239,236,222](1.0):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.4):quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.4) 134 albescent:cake:joanna:quarter:rice:wheatfield:whitewash:white +3413 eighth_pavlova rgb 234 224 199 hex #EAE0C7 hsv 43 15 92 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.65 lab 89 -1 13 lch 89 13 93 cmyk 0 4 14 8 pearl[6565][234,224,200](0.0):pearl_lusta[6570][234,224,200](0.0):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](1.4):orange_white[6221][234,227,205](1.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2) 66 PMS454:double:lusta:pearl:villa:orange:white +3414 eighth_pearl_lusta rgb 249 248 240 hex #F9F8F0 hsv 53 4 98 xyz 0.88 0.94 0.96 lab 97 -1 4 lch 97 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 2 quarter_bianca[6922][249,248,240](0.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.0):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):quarter_rice_cake[6986][246,244,237](1.0) 117 bianca:cake:filmpro:glistening:quarter:rice:white +3415 eighth_pravda rgb 195 188 176 hex #C3BCB0 hsv 38 10 76 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.48 lab 76 0 7 lch 76 7 87 cmyk 0 3 7 24 PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.0):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.0):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.0):truffle[8549][190,185,173](1.0):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.4) 69 PMS421:cloud:cotton:seed:tea:truffle +3416 eighth_putty rgb 232 216 177 hex #E8D8B1 hsv 43 24 91 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.52 lab 87 -1 21 lch 87 21 91 cmyk 0 6 22 9 vienna[8837][232,216,175](1.0):hampton[4416][229,216,175](1.7):brie[1716][227,218,178](2.0):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](2.0):chamois[2206][237,220,177](2.2) 41 brie:chamois:chandelier:hampton:vienna +3417 eighth_rice_cake rgb 244 243 240 hex #F4F3F0 hsv 45 2 96 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.95 lab 96 0 2 lch 96 2 97 cmyk 0 0 2 4 pampas[6462][244,242,238](0.0):eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.0):quarter_alabaster[6916][247,246,242](1.0):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.0):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.4) 118 alabaster:double:eighth:pampas:quarter:black:white +3418 eighth_sidewinder rgb 176 172 174 hex #B0ACAE hsv 330 2 69 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.46 lab 71 2 -1 lch 71 2 344 cmyk 0 2 1 31 ajay[979][176,172,174](0.0):grey[4169][173,173,173](2.2):grey[4168][171,171,171](2.4):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.4):silver_chalice[7709][172,172,172](2.4) 40 ajay:chalice:silver:grey +3419 eighth_sisal rgb 235 226 209 hex #EBE2D1 hsv 39 11 92 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.71 lab 90 0 9 lch 90 9 89 cmyk 0 4 10 8 half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](0.0):quarter_spanish_white[6996][235,226,210](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.4) 100 cake:cararra:fleece:half:quarter:rice:spanish:triple:white +3420 eighth_spanish_white rgb 246 238 226 hex #F6EEE2 hsv 36 8 96 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.84 lab 94 1 7 lch 94 7 84 cmyk 0 3 8 4 bridal_heath[1712][248,235,221](1.4):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](1.4):linen[5293][250,240,230](1.7):merino[5680][246,240,230](1.7):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](1.7) 110 bridal:heath:linen:merino:milk:quarter:solitaire:white +3421 eighth_stack rgb 192 193 191 hex #C0C1BF hsv 90 1 76 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.57 lab 78 -1 1 lch 78 1 129 cmyk 0 0 1 24 double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):grey[4178][192,192,192](1.4):grey[4179][194,194,194](1.4):quarter_delta[6938][191,192,187](1.4):silver[7704][192,192,192](1.4) 66 concrete:delta:double:quarter:silver:grey +3422 eighth_stonehenge rgb 189 185 178 hex #BDB9B2 hsv 38 6 74 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.49 lab 75 0 4 lch 75 4 88 cmyk 0 2 4 26 eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.4):eighth_tapa[3425][183,184,178](1.4):half_foggy_grey[4327][184,183,175](1.4):tide[8352][191,184,176](1.4):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](1.7) 73 castle:eighth:foggy:friar:half:rock:tapa:tide:grey +3423 eighth_stonewall rgb 178 173 158 hex #B2AD9E hsv 45 11 70 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.38 lab 71 -1 8 lch 71 8 96 cmyk 0 2 8 30 PMS414[497][181,175,160](1.4):bedrock[1340][179,172,156](1.4):half_napa[4358][180,173,158](1.4):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](1.4):copyrite[2489][180,178,166](2.2) 52 PMS414:bedrock:copyrite:half:napa:off:piste +3424 eighth_tana rgb 224 222 209 hex #E0DED1 hsv 52 7 88 xyz 0.68 0.73 0.71 lab 88 -2 7 lch 88 7 103 cmyk 0 1 6 12 half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.0):sponge[7909][220,219,205](1.0):half_ecru_white[4322][224,220,204](1.4):half_thorndon_cream[4402][229,225,211](1.4):moon_mist[5886][220,221,204](1.4) 114 cream:ecru:half:mist:moon:sponge:thorndon:titania:white +3425 eighth_tapa rgb 183 184 178 hex #B7B8B2 hsv 70 3 72 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.49 lab 75 -1 3 lch 75 3 116 cmyk 0 0 2 28 eighth_stonehenge[3422][189,185,178](1.4):half_foggy_grey[4327][184,183,175](1.4):half_silver_chalice[4384][183,186,182](1.4):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](2.2):quarter_delta[6938][191,192,187](2.2) 70 castle:chalice:delta:eighth:foggy:half:quarter:rock:silver:stonehenge:grey +3426 eighth_tea rgb 226 222 216 hex #E2DED8 hsv 36 4 89 xyz 0.7 0.73 0.75 lab 89 0 3 lch 89 3 85 cmyk 0 2 4 11 vista_white[8887][227,223,217](0.0):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.0):wan_white[8989][228,226,220](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.4):house_white[4575][223,221,217](1.4) 132 eighth:half:house:pointer:truffle:vista:wan:white +3427 eighth_thorndon_cream rgb 240 238 229 hex #F0EEE5 hsv 49 5 94 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.86 lab 94 -1 5 lch 94 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 6 alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0):quarter_cararra[6929][243,239,227](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.4):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.4) 129 alabaster:barely:cake:cararra:eighth:half:quarter:rice:there:wheatfield +3428 eighth_truffle rgb 230 225 218 hex #E6E1DA hsv 35 5 90 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.77 lab 90 0 4 lch 90 4 83 cmyk 0 2 5 10 double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](1.0):eighth_ash[3386][227,226,218](1.0):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.0):wan_white[8989][228,226,220](1.0):black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.4) 142 ash:double:eighth:half:milk:wan:black:white +3429 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hsv 7 52 56 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.07 lab 41 26 17 lch 41 32 33 cmyk 0 25 29 44 matrix[5576][142,77,69](1.0):copper_rust[2486][149,82,76](2.4):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](3.3):lotus[5345][139,80,75](3.6):ironstone[4684][134,72,60](3.7) 7 copper:fire:ironstone:lotus:matrix:rust +3436 electric rgb 85 83 79 hex #55534F hsv 40 7 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.09 lab 35 0 3 lch 35 3 90 cmyk 0 1 2 67 blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](0.0):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.0):wireless[9149][85,83,80](1.0):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](1.4):tundora[8566][88,84,82](1.7) 58 blast:dune:fuscous:tundora:wireless:grey +3437 electric_blue rgb 6 82 255 hex #0652FF hsv 222 98 100 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.96 lab 43 48 -90 lch 43 102 298 cmyk 98 68 0 0 blue[1534][2,71,254](7.0):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](7.3):vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](8.7):palatinate_blue[6301][39,59,226](9.5):blue[1535][3,67,223](10.4) 0 vivid:neon:palatinate:sapphire:blue +3438 electric_blue rgb 125 249 255 hex #7DF9FF hsv 183 51 100 xyz 0.6 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -33 -14 lch 91 36 202 cmyk 51 2 0 0 robin's_egg[7246][109,237,253](6.0):robin_egg_blue[7251][138,241,254](6.4):dark_slate_grey[2893][151,255,255](6.6):dark_slate_grey[2892][141,238,238](7.1):very_light_cyan[8758][158,255,255](7.1) 0 slate:light:dark:very:cyan:egg:robin:robin's:blue:grey +3439 electric_crimson rgb 255 0 63 hex #FF003F hsv 345 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.07 lab 54 81 41 lch 54 91 27 cmyk 0 100 75 0 carmine[2096][255,0,64](0.0):luminous_vivid_crimson[5372][255,0,64](0.0):american_rose[1038][255,3,62](1.0):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](4.0) 6 luminous:vivid:american:carmine:neon:crimson:red:rose +3440 electric_cyan rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0):spanish_sky_blue[7879][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:sky:spanish:blue +3441 electric_green rgb 0 255 0 hex #00FF00 hsv 120 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 120 136 cmyk 100 0 100 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0):lime[5267][0,255,0](0.0) 12 bright:fluorescent:fluro:green:lime +3442 electric_green rgb 33 252 13 hex #21FC0D hsv 115 95 99 xyz 0.36 0.7 0.12 lab 87 -84 82 lch 87 117 136 cmyk 86 0 94 1 highlighter_green[4490][27,252,6](0.0):luminous_vivid_sap_green[5396][32,255,0](1.7):neon_green[6015][12,255,12](2.2):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](2.2):bright_green[1723][1,255,7](2.4) 17 luminous:vivid:bright:highlighter:neon:sap:green +3443 electric_indigo rgb 111 0 255 hex #6F00FF hsv 266 100 100 xyz 0.25 0.11 0.95 lab 39 82 -97 lch 39 127 310 cmyk 56 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_blue_violet[5366][96,0,255](3.0):medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](3.7):violet[8852][127,0,255](3.7):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](4.6):han_purple[4419][82,24,250](6.4) 4 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-81 lch 48 116 315 cmyk 33 86 0 0 bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](4.2):purple[6866][155,48,255](5.5):purple[6868][160,32,240](5.8):veronica[8710][160,32,240](5.8):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](6.2) 1 bright:neon:veronica:purple:violet +3450 electric_purple rgb 191 0 255 hex #BF00FF hsv 285 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.18 0.96 lab 50 89 -78 lch 50 119 319 cmyk 25 100 0 0 bright_purple[1743][190,3,253](0.0):luminous_vivid_mulberry[5385][191,0,255](0.0):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](2.0):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](4.1):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](5.8) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:mulberry:neon:orchid:purple:violet +3451 electric_ultramarine rgb 63 0 255 hex #3F00FF hsv 255 100 100 xyz 0.2 0.08 0.95 lab 35 80 -104 lch 35 131 308 cmyk 75 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_indigo[5381][64,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_persian_blue[5389][32,0,255](3.7):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](4.4):strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](5.0):blue[1530][0,0,255](5.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:persian:primary:blue:indigo +3452 electric_violet rgb 139 0 255 hex #8B00FF hsv 273 100 100 xyz 0.29 0.13 0.96 lab 42 84 -91 lch 42 124 313 cmyk 45 100 0 0 violet[8854][143,0,255](1.4):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](2.4):medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](3.3):violet[8852][127,0,255](3.3):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](5.4) 4 luminous:slate:medium:vivid:blue:purple:violet +3453 electric_violet rgb 143 0 255 hex #8F00FF hsv 274 100 100 xyz 0.29 0.13 0.96 lab 43 84 -90 lch 43 123 313 cmyk 44 100 0 0 violet[8854][143,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](3.7):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](4.1):medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](4.6):violet[8852][127,0,255](4.6) 7 luminous:slate:medium:vivid:blue:purple:violet +3454 electric_yellow rgb 255 255 0 hex #FFFF00 hsv 60 100 100 xyz 0.77 0.93 0.14 lab 97 -22 94 lch 97 97 103 cmyk 0 0 100 0 lemon_glacier[4972][253,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_yellow[5406][255,255,0](0.0):yellow[9202][255,255,0](0.0):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](1.0):yellow[9203][255,255,20](1.4) 8 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36 54 64 hex #243640 hsv 201 44 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 22 -4 -9 lch 22 10 244 cmyk 11 4 0 75 mosaic[5905][41,55,65](1.4):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](2.2):aquarium[1124][37,60,72](2.4):tarawera[8254][37,60,72](2.4):coast[2391][36,52,66](3.0) 15 aquarium:coast:mosaic:tarawera:whale:blue +3459 elevate rgb 96 118 139 hex #60768B hsv 209 31 55 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.27 lab 49 -3 -14 lch 49 14 259 cmyk 17 8 0 45 escapade[3506][102,124,145](2.0):blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](3.0):grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](3.5):PMS5415[680][96,124,140](3.7):light_sky_blue[5201][96,123,139](3.7) 8 light:PMS5415:escapade:grey/blue:sky:blue:grey +3460 elf_green rgb 8 131 112 hex #088370 hsv 171 94 51 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.18 lab 49 -35 2 lch 49 35 177 cmyk 48 0 7 49 PMS3288[389][0,130,112](1.4):PMS569[739][0,135,114](1.7):tropical_rain_forest[8537][23,128,109](2.2):windfall[9130][0,133,117](2.2):PMS327_2X[385][0,137,119](2.4) 12 2X:PMS327:PMS3288:PMS569:forest:rain:tropical:windfall +3461 elf_green rgb 27 138 107 hex #1B8A6B hsv 163 80 54 xyz 0.12 0.19 0.17 lab 51 -38 8 lch 51 39 168 cmyk 44 0 12 46 observatory[6091][0,143,112](3.0):observatory[6092][2,134,111](4.2):sea_green[7557][35,142,104](4.6):spanish_viridian[7881][0,127,92](5.1):deep_sea[3051][1,130,107](5.4) 3 deep:observatory:sea:spanish:viridian:green +3462 elm rgb 28 124 125 hex #1C7C7D hsv 181 78 49 xyz 0.11 0.16 0.22 lab 47 -26 -8 lch 47 27 198 cmyk 38 0 0 51 surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](1.7):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.2):free_spirit[3738][0,119,123](2.8):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](3.0):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](3.0) 14 deep:2X:PMS320:bluegreen:free:spirit:surfie:green:turquoise +3463 elm rgb 41 123 118 hex #297B76 hsv 176 67 48 xyz 0.11 0.16 0.2 lab 47 -26 -5 lch 47 26 190 cmyk 32 0 2 52 surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](2.4):myrtle_green[5967][49,120,115](3.3):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](3.3):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](3.7):celadon_green[2155][47,132,124](3.7) 15 bluegreen:celadon:myrtle:surfie:green +3464 elvis rgb 22 72 155 hex #16489B hsv 217 86 61 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.32 lab 32 16 -50 lch 32 52 288 cmyk 52 33 0 39 tory_blue[8432][20,80,170](5.1):sapphire[7495][47,81,158](5.7):strong_azure[8020][0,84,168](5.7):flat_medium_blue[3667][39,64,139](5.9):royal_blue[7347][39,64,139](5.9) 0 medium:flat:strong:royal:sapphire:tory:azure:blue +3465 embers rgb 140 63 48 hex #8C3F30 hsv 10 66 55 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.04 lab 37 32 25 lch 37 40 38 cmyk 0 30 36 45 coral[2491][139,62,47](1.0):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](2.2):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](2.2):tandoori[8234][141,69,50](3.2):prairie_sand[6803][136,60,50](3.6) 11 chestnut:coral:el:prairie:salva:sand:tandoori +3466 embers rgb 160 39 18 hex #A02712 hsv 9 89 63 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.01 lab 36 48 42 lch 36 64 41 cmyk 0 47 56 37 crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](0.0):tabasco[8199][160,39,18](0.0):lusty[5413][153,27,7](3.7):totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](3.7):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](4.2) 5 burnt:apple:crab:lusty:pole:tabasco:totem:red +3467 emerald rgb 1 160 73 hex #01A049 hsv 147 99 63 xyz 0.14 0.26 0.11 lab 58 -55 35 lch 58 65 147 cmyk 62 0 34 37 green[4023][0,165,80](1.4):PMS355[429][0,158,73](1.7):strong_spring_green[8060][0,168,84](3.0):PMS452_2X[542][0,153,68](3.6):kelley_green[4825][0,147,55](6.7) 4 strong:2X:PMS355:PMS452:kelley:spring:green +3468 emerald rgb 80 200 120 hex #50C878 hsv 140 60 78 xyz 0.27 0.44 0.25 lab 72 -51 30 lch 72 60 149 cmyk 47 0 31 22 paris_green[6488][80,200,120](0.0):dark_mint[2801][72,192,114](2.0):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](4.1):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](7.0):algae_green[995][33,195,111](7.3) 3 dark:algae:paris:sea:green:mint +3469 emerald_green rgb 0 108 70 hex #006C46 hsv 159 100 42 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.08 lab 40 -37 14 lch 40 39 159 cmyk 42 0 15 58 dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](3.2):jewel[4764][18,107,64](3.2):jewel[4765][19,104,67](3.2):PMS349[423][0,107,63](3.3):PMS3425[415][0,104,71](4.1) 7 PMS3425:PMS349:dartmouth:jewel:green +3470 emerald_green rgb 0 201 87 hex #00C957 hsv 146 100 79 xyz 0.23 0.42 0.16 lab 71 -66 45 lch 71 80 146 cmyk 79 0 45 21 shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](2.4):spring_green[7919][0,205,102](6.4):filmpro_digital_green[3609][68,197,83](8.1):dark_pastel_green[2835][3,192,60](8.5):PMS361[435][30,181,58](8.8) 1 dark:PMS361:digital:filmpro:pastel:shamrock:spring:green +3471 emerald_green rgb 2 143 30 hex #028F1E hsv 132 99 56 xyz 0.1 0.2 0.05 lab 52 -54 47 lch 52 72 139 cmyk 55 0 44 44 irish_green[4673][1,149,41](3.0):forest_green[3724][35,142,35](4.1):forest_green[3723][34,139,34](4.6):india_green[4627][19,136,8](5.4):PMS362[436][51,158,53](6.2) 3 PMS362:forest:india:irish:green +3472 emerge rgb 173 186 181 hex #ADBAB5 hsv 157 7 73 xyz 0.43 0.47 0.51 lab 74 -5 1 lch 74 6 170 cmyk 5 0 2 27 hermitage[4473][177,185,180](1.4):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](1.4):periglacial_blue[6590][172,182,178](1.4):PMS5507[703][175,186,178](2.0):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](3.0) 26 PMS5507:ash:hermitage:loblolly:periglacial:blue:grey +3473 eminence rgb 108 48 130 hex #6C3082 hsv 284 63 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.22 lab 32 40 -35 lch 32 53 319 cmyk 9 32 0 49 medium_orchid[5617][122,55,139](4.4):PMS526[656][104,33,122](6.5):ultramarine_violet[8642][92,36,110](7.0):vivid_violet[8961][128,55,144](7.1):gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](8.5) 1 medium:vivid:PMS526:gobstopper:orchid:ultramarine:violet +3474 eminence rgb 110 57 116 hex #6E3974 hsv 294 51 45 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.17 lab 33 33 -24 lch 33 41 324 cmyk 2 23 0 55 PMS520[644][112,53,114](3.2):giggle[3857][105,50,110](3.2):seance[7583][105,50,110](3.2):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](3.2):imperial[4614][96,47,107](5.5) 4 PMS520:flax:giggle:imperial:pasifika:seance:style:purple +3475 emperor rgb 80 73 74 hex #50494A hsv 351 9 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.07 lab 32 3 0 lch 32 3 8 cmyk 0 3 2 69 matterhorn[5579][82,75,75](1.4):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](1.7):liver[5307][83,75,79](1.7):transformer[8457][79,72,75](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.0) 52 dark:liver:matterhorn:shadowy:transformer:lavender +3476 emperor rgb 81 70 73 hex #514649 hsv 344 14 32 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.07 lab 31 5 0 lch 31 5 359 cmyk 0 4 3 68 transformer[8457][79,72,75](1.4):tundora[8565][74,66,68](2.2):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.4):liver[5307][83,75,79](2.4):yasna[9191][84,74,80](2.8) 30 dark:liver:transformer:tundora:yasna +3477 empress rgb 124 113 115 hex #7C7173 hsv 349 9 49 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.19 lab 49 5 0 lch 49 5 5 cmyk 0 4 4 51 weathered_grey[9033][119,111,111](2.4):monsoon[5871][122,118,121](3.3):spicy_pink[7896][129,110,113](3.3):innuendo[4657][119,105,111](3.7):spicy_pink[7897][137,117,120](3.7) 10 innuendo:monsoon:spicy:weathered:grey:pink +3478 empress rgb 129 115 119 hex #817377 hsv 343 11 51 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.2 lab 50 6 0 lch 50 6 358 cmyk 0 5 4 49 spicy_pink[7897][137,117,120](2.4):spicy_pink[7896][129,110,113](3.0):weathered_grey[9033][119,111,111](3.7):hurricane[4587][135,124,123](4.1):monsoon[5871][122,118,121](4.1) 10 hurricane:monsoon:spicy:weathered:grey:pink +3479 enchante rgb 238 213 186 hex #EED5BA hsv 31 22 93 xyz 0.68 0.69 0.56 lab 87 5 17 lch 87 17 75 cmyk 0 10 20 7 bisque[1433][238,213,183](1.4):PMS726[905][237,211,181](1.7):PMS4685[568][237,211,188](2.2):periwinkle[6595][236,214,183](2.2):pale_light_grayish_brown[6360][231,208,184](3.0) 23 pale:light:PMS4685:PMS726:bisque:grayish:periwinkle:brown +3480 enchanted rgb 146 58 100 hex #923A64 hsv 331 60 57 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.13 lab 38 42 -6 lch 38 42 352 cmyk 0 35 18 43 hot_pink[4561][139,58,98](3.3):vin_rouge[8842][152,61,97](4.1):bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](4.4):boysenberry[1687][135,50,96](4.4):PMS689[868][147,66,102](4.6) 5 PMS689:bedazzle:boysenberry:hot:rouge:vin:pink +3481 encore rgb 84 22 44 hex #54162C hsv 339 74 33 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 19 31 2 lch 19 31 3 cmyk 0 24 16 67 wine_berry[9139][89,29,53](3.7):rendezvous[7182][86,20,38](4.2):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](6.7):mayhem[5590][77,27,37](6.8):siren[7728][105,41,59](7.1) 2 berry:demon:mayhem:rendezvous:siren:speed:wine +3482 endeavour rgb 0 86 167 hex #0056A7 hsv 209 100 65 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.38 lab 37 11 -50 lch 37 51 282 cmyk 65 32 0 35 strong_azure[8020][0,84,168](1.7):fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](2.2):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](3.7):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](5.4):sapphire[7495][47,81,158](5.7) 3 strong:PMS2945:fun:sapphire:usafa:azure:blue +3483 endeavour rgb 41 89 139 hex #29598B hsv 211 71 55 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.26 lab 37 1 -33 lch 37 33 272 cmyk 38 20 0 45 splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](0.0):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.0):filmpro_sky_blue[3622][53,93,144](3.0):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](3.2):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](4.1) 8 light:PMS653:filmpro:navy:sky:splash:splish:st:tropaz:blue +3484 endorphin rgb 65 144 173 hex #4190AD hsv 196 62 68 xyz 0.2 0.24 0.43 lab 56 -15 -22 lch 56 27 236 cmyk 42 11 0 32 boston_blue[1665][67,142,172](1.4):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](3.3):boston_blue[1664][59,145,180](4.1):dirty_blue[3136][63,130,157](5.5):hippie_blue[4507][88,154,175](6.4) 3 moderate:boston:cerulean:dirty:hippie:blue +3485 energy_yellow rgb 245 215 82 hex #F5D752 hsv 49 67 96 xyz 0.63 0.69 0.18 lab 86 -4 67 lch 86 67 93 cmyk 0 12 64 4 portica[6788][240,213,85](2.4):mustard[5954][255,219,88](2.8):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](3.0):PMS122[25][252,216,86](3.3):minion_yellow[5759][245,220,80](4.1) 11 light:PMS122:gold:minion:mustard:portica:yellow +3486 energy_yellow rgb 248 221 92 hex #F8DD5C hsv 50 63 97 xyz 0.66 0.72 0.21 lab 88 -5 65 lch 88 65 95 cmyk 0 11 61 3 light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.0):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](2.8):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](2.8):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](2.8):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](2.8) 13 light:de:gold:grain:jonquil:naples:royal:stil:yellow +3487 english_green rgb 27 77 62 hex #1B4D3E hsv 162 65 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.05 lab 29 -21 4 lch 29 21 169 cmyk 20 0 6 70 brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](0.0):PMS567[738][38,81,66](2.8):jackpot[4710][20,83,70](3.5):sherwood_green[7653][27,70,54](3.7):county_green[2560][27,75,53](4.2) 10 PMS567:brunswick:county:jackpot:sherwood:green +3488 english_holly rgb 2 45 21 hex #022D15 hsv 147 96 18 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.01 lab 15 -21 12 lch 15 24 152 cmyk 17 0 9 82 cardin_green[2077][1,54,28](5.0):dark_green[2761][1,50,32](5.4):bush[1944][13,46,28](5.7):county_green[2559][1,55,26](6.0):bottle_green[1673][9,54,36](6.5) 1 dark:bottle:bush:cardin:county:green +3489 english_holly rgb 39 66 52 hex #274234 hsv 149 41 26 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.04 lab 25 -14 5 lch 25 15 159 cmyk 11 0 5 74 everglade[3526][38,67,52](1.7):PMS5535[711][33,61,48](2.0):PMS553[710][35,68,53](2.2):burnham[1920][35,69,55](2.2):nikau[6057][42,64,50](2.2) 16 PMS553:PMS5535:burnham:everglade:nikau +3490 english_lavender rgb 180 131 149 hex #B48395 hsv 338 27 71 xyz 0.32 0.28 0.32 lab 60 22 -2 lch 60 22 354 cmyk 0 19 12 29 grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](4.7):PMS5145[633][173,135,153](5.4):light_mauve[5143][194,146,161](5.5):grayish_crimson[4002][168,125,136](5.8):viola[8845][197,143,157](5.9) 1 light:PMS5145:grayish:mauve:viola:crimson:rose +3491 english_red rgb 171 75 82 hex #AB4B52 hsv 356 56 67 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.1 lab 45 40 15 lch 45 43 21 cmyk 0 38 35 33 moderate_amaranth[5807][168,74,85](2.2):rose_vale[7317][171,78,82](2.2):aphrodisiac[1077][166,77,78](3.7):moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](4.2):la_bamba[4898][164,63,72](4.9) 5 moderate:amaranth:aphrodisiac:bamba:la:vale:red:rose +3492 english_red rgb 212 61 26 hex #D43D1A hsv 11 88 83 xyz 0.29 0.17 0.03 lab 49 57 53 lch 49 78 42 cmyk 0 59 73 17 PMS173[110][209,68,20](3.6):vermilion[8705][217,56,30](4.1):sinopia[7727][203,65,11](5.1):PMS179[124][226,61,40](6.2):orange_red[6213][205,55,0](6.3) 2 PMS173:PMS179:sinopia:vermilion:orange:red +3493 english_sage rgb 125 157 114 hex #7D9D72 hsv 105 27 62 xyz 0.24 0.3 0.2 lab 61 -20 19 lch 61 27 136 cmyk 13 0 17 38 amulet[1048][125,157,114](0.0):grey_green[4214][120,155,115](2.2):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](3.3):seagrass[7579][134,164,117](3.7):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](4.5) 5 amulet:greeny:greyish:seagrass:green:grey +3494 english_violet rgb 86 60 92 hex #563C5C hsv 289 35 36 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.11 lab 29 18 -15 lch 29 23 321 cmyk 2 13 0 64 voodoo[8975][83,52,85](3.0):violet[8851][79,47,79](5.1):dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](5.8):fandango[3554][90,56,81](6.2):dark_grayish_magenta[2748][89,66,89](6.7) 1 dark:byzantium:fandango:grayish:magenta:voodoo:violet +3495 english_walnut rgb 62 43 35 hex #3E2B23 hsv 18 44 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 8 9 lch 20 11 49 cmyk 0 7 11 76 tobago[8396][62,43,35](0.0):nala[5973][65,47,40](1.7):mission_brown[5783][68,48,40](2.0):treehouse[8468][59,40,32](2.0):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](2.2) 31 dark:ginger:mission:nala:tobago:treehouse:brown +3496 english_walnut rgb 71 59 47 hex #473B2F hsv 30 34 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 26 3 9 lch 26 10 72 cmyk 0 5 9 72 dark_lava[2783][72,60,50](1.0):dark_taupe[2904][72,60,50](1.0):taupe[8260][72,60,50](1.0):bronze[1820][73,59,47](1.4):mondo[5866][74,60,48](1.4) 26 dark:bronze:lava:mondo:taupe +3497 enigma rgb 81 80 114 hex #515072 hsv 242 30 45 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.17 lab 35 9 -19 lch 35 21 295 cmyk 13 13 0 55 independence[4626][76,81,109](4.5):night_moves[6049][69,76,115](4.6):PMS5275[659][96,86,119](4.9):astronaut[1172][68,81,114](5.4):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](5.4) 3 PMS5275:astronaut:hendrix:independence:moves:night +3498 envy rgb 139 165 143 hex #8BA58F hsv 129 16 65 xyz 0.29 0.34 0.31 lab 65 -13 8 lch 65 16 148 cmyk 10 0 9 35 marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](0.0):mantle[5514][150,167,147](3.6):PMS624[803][127,160,140](3.7):spanish_green[7874][129,152,133](4.2):PMS5565[717][150,170,153](4.7) 5 PMS5565:PMS624:mantle:marsh:spanish:green +3499 envy rgb 139 166 144 hex #8BA690 hsv 131 16 65 xyz 0.29 0.35 0.32 lab 66 -14 8 lch 66 16 149 cmyk 11 0 9 35 marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](1.4):PMS624[803][127,160,140](3.7):mantle[5514][150,167,147](4.1):PMS5565[717][150,170,153](4.9):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](5.5) 4 PMS5565:PMS624:grayish:mantle:marsh:spring:green +3500 epiphany rgb 106 154 98 hex #6A9A62 hsv 111 36 60 xyz 0.2 0.27 0.16 lab 59 -27 24 lch 59 37 138 cmyk 19 0 22 40 dusty_green[3305][118,169,115](6.2):moss[5910][118,153,88](6.7):pale_green[6341][84,139,84](6.7):russian_green[7378][103,146,103](7.0):hippie_green[4509][96,138,90](7.3) 0 pale:dusty:hippie:moss:russian:green +3501 equator rgb 218 177 96 hex #DAB160 hsv 40 56 85 xyz 0.47 0.47 0.18 lab 74 5 47 lch 74 47 83 cmyk 0 16 48 15 apache[1075][211,169,92](3.0):rob_roy[7243][221,173,86](5.0):desert[3102][204,173,96](5.4):apache[1076][223,190,111](5.8):essential_cream[3512][220,182,111](6.3) 2 apache:cream:desert:essential:rob:roy +3502 equator rgb 225 188 100 hex #E1BC64 hsv 42 56 88 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.2 lab 78 3 49 lch 78 49 87 cmyk 0 15 49 12 rob_roy[7244][234,198,116](4.2):creme_de_banane[2590][224,193,97](4.4):apache[1076][223,190,111](5.1):tacha[8203][210,185,96](5.5):chenin[2255][222,195,113](6.5) 2 apache:banane:chenin:creme:de:rob:roy:tacha +3503 equilibrium rgb 119 110 91 hex #776E5B hsv 41 24 47 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.12 lab 47 0 12 lch 47 12 89 cmyk 0 4 11 53 pablo[6289][122,113,92](1.4):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](1.7):socrates[7822][113,109,89](2.2):double_pravda[3228][118,108,92](2.4):peat[6573][113,107,86](2.4) 34 crocodile:double:pablo:peat:pravda:socrates +3504 erica rgb 129 51 45 hex #81332D hsv 4 65 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 32 33 21 lch 32 39 32 cmyk 0 31 33 49 vixen[8966][129,52,43](1.0):mustang[5950][127,53,46](1.4):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](1.4):crab_apple[2570][135,56,47](2.2):totem_pole[8436][136,53,49](2.8) 13 apple:bull:crab:mustang:pole:raging:totem:vixen +3505 erotic rgb 148 65 76 hex #94414C hsv 352 56 58 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.08 lab 39 36 11 lch 39 38 16 cmyk 0 33 28 42 solid_pink[7841][137,56,67](4.0):cordovan[2510][137,63,69](4.6):cha[2192][140,63,66](4.7):light_maroon[5142][162,72,87](5.1):zinger[9263][135,61,66](5.1) 3 light:cha:cordovan:maroon:solid:zinger:pink +3506 escapade rgb 102 124 145 hex #667C91 hsv 209 30 57 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.3 lab 51 -3 -14 lch 51 14 259 cmyk 17 8 0 43 elevate[3459][96,118,139](2.0):blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](2.2):grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](2.8):slate_grey[7769][108,123,139](3.2):PMS5415[680][96,124,140](3.7) 12 slate:PMS5415:elevate:grey/blue:blue:grey +3507 escape rgb 158 192 202 hex #9EC0CA hsv 194 22 79 xyz 0.44 0.49 0.63 lab 76 -9 -9 lch 76 13 224 cmyk 17 4 0 21 PMS551[704][163,193,201](2.2):light_blue[5013][154,192,205](2.4):pastel_blue[6501][174,198,207](4.1):chi[2278][159,191,194](4.2):frozen[3785][157,182,198](5.4) 4 light:PMS551:chi:frozen:pastel:blue +3508 eskimo rgb 162 180 186 hex #A2B4BA hsv 195 13 73 xyz 0.4 0.44 0.53 lab 72 -5 -5 lch 72 7 226 cmyk 9 2 0 27 coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](2.4):casper[2124][170,181,184](3.0):hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](3.0):gull_grey[4247][157,172,183](3.5):gull_grey[4248][164,173,176](3.5) 11 casper:coastal:gull:hit:blue:grey +3509 espirit rgb 53 78 81 hex #354E51 hsv 186 35 32 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.09 lab 31 -9 -5 lch 31 10 209 cmyk 11 1 0 68 dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](3.2):slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](3.2):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](3.7):oracle[6195][57,85,85](3.7):dark_grayish_cerulean[2739][66,84,89](4.2) 8 slate:dark:cerulean:dianne:grayish:oracle:blue:grey +3510 espresso rgb 78 49 45 hex #4E312D hsv 7 42 31 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 13 8 lch 24 15 32 cmyk 0 11 13 69 cherrywood[2266][78,49,46](1.0):jarrah_tree[4744][82,49,47](2.0):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](2.2):indian_red[4630][78,47,47](2.4):hinau[4495][72,42,37](3.2) 24 cherrywood:hinau:indian:jarrah:tree:warmed:brown:red +3511 espresso rgb 97 39 24 hex #612718 hsv 12 75 38 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.01 lab 24 25 23 lch 24 34 42 cmyk 0 23 29 62 dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](0.0):sepia[7611][94,38,18](2.4):liver[5309][108,46,31](3.2):PMS483[591][107,48,33](4.1):meranti[5674][93,30,15](4.7) 6 dark:PMS483:liver:meranti:oak:sepia +3512 essential_cream rgb 220 182 111 hex #DCB66F hsv 39 50 86 xyz 0.49 0.5 0.22 lab 76 5 41 lch 76 41 83 cmyk 0 15 43 14 harvest_gold[4429][224,185,116](1.4):pencarrow[6579][227,191,126](4.4):apache[1076][223,190,111](4.7):tan[8222][209,178,111](4.7):coyote[2568][221,183,123](5.1) 4 apache:coyote:gold:harvest:pencarrow:tan +3513 eternity rgb 33 26 14 hex #211A0E hsv 38 58 13 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 1 9 lch 10 9 82 cmyk 0 3 7 87 el_paso[3432][30,23,8](2.0):karaka[4816][30,22,9](2.4):jungle_green[4790][40,30,21](3.0):oil[6118][40,30,21](3.0):acadia[951][27,20,4](3.2) 12 acadia:el:jungle:karaka:oil:paso:green +3514 eternity rgb 45 47 40 hex #2D2F28 hsv 77 15 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -2 4 lch 19 5 121 cmyk 1 0 3 82 style_pasifika_volcanic_rock[8099][45,47,40](0.0):marshland[5556][43,46,38](1.7):rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](1.7):rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](2.0):army[1142][48,52,45](2.2) 46 army:marshland:pasifika:rangoon:rock:rockpool:style:volcanic:green +3515 eton_blue rgb 150 200 162 hex #96C8A2 hsv 134 25 78 xyz 0.4 0.5 0.42 lab 76 -24 14 lch 76 28 150 cmyk 20 0 15 22 chinook[2298][157,211,168](4.9):dark_sea_green[2875][143,188,143](5.7):flat_medium_green[3672][143,188,143](5.7):pale_green[6343][143,188,143](5.7):sea_green_dark[7564][143,188,143](5.7) 1 pale:medium:dark:flat:chinook:sea:green +3516 eucalyptus rgb 39 138 91 hex #278A5B hsv 152 72 54 xyz 0.12 0.19 0.13 lab 51 -40 17 lch 51 43 157 cmyk 39 0 18 46 sea_green[7558][46,139,87](3.2):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](3.3):viridian[8875][30,145,103](3.7):salem[7422][9,127,75](5.4):sea_green[7557][35,142,104](5.5) 3 dark:salem:sea:viridian:green +3517 eucalyptus rgb 50 151 96 hex #329760 hsv 147 67 59 xyz 0.14 0.24 0.15 lab 56 -42 21 lch 56 47 154 cmyk 40 0 22 41 greenish[4076][64,163,104](4.2):sea_green[7558][46,139,87](4.6):moderate_sea_green[5848][74,168,109](6.2):green_cyan[4039][0,153,102](6.4):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](6.4) 2 moderate:cyan:greenish:sea:teal:green +3518 eucalyptus rgb 68 215 168 hex #44D7A8 hsv 161 68 84 xyz 0.34 0.53 0.45 lab 78 -50 12 lch 78 51 166 cmyk 58 0 18 16 PMS3385[407][84,216,168](3.2):shamrock[7640][69,206,162](4.4):caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](4.5):shamrock[7639][51,204,153](4.6):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](5.4) 4 medium:PMS3385:caribbean:shamrock:aquamarine:green +3519 eunry rgb 205 165 156 hex #CDA59C hsv 11 24 80 xyz 0.45 0.42 0.37 lab 71 13 10 lch 71 17 38 cmyk 0 16 19 20 PMS5015[614][216,173,168](3.7):birthday_suit[1421][212,167,152](4.2):quicksand[7024][189,151,142](5.0):clam_shell[2352][210,179,169](5.1):PMS693[872][219,168,165](5.5) 3 PMS5015:PMS693:birthday:clam:quicksand:shell:suit +3520 eunry rgb 207 163 157 hex #CFA39D hsv 7 24 81 xyz 0.45 0.42 0.38 lab 71 15 9 lch 71 18 31 cmyk 0 17 20 19 PMS5015[614][216,173,168](3.0):PMS693[872][219,168,165](3.6):rosy_brown[7326][205,155,155](4.9):rosybrown[7332][205,155,155](4.9):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](5.0) 5 PMS5015:PMS693:rosy:rosybrown:tuscany:brown +3521 eureka rgb 65 91 78 hex #415B4E hsv 150 29 36 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -13 4 lch 36 14 161 cmyk 10 0 5 64 plantation[6733][62,89,76](1.0):dark_grayish_spring_green[2755][66,89,78](2.0):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](2.4):dark_grayish_malachite_green[2749][66,89,72](3.0):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](3.7) 12 dark:PMS5477:grayish:malachite:mineral:plantation:spring:green +3522 evening_sea rgb 2 78 70 hex #024E46 hsv 174 97 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.07 lab 29 -23 -1 lch 29 23 183 cmyk 30 0 3 69 aqua_deep[1102][1,75,67](1.4):aquamarine[1113][1,75,67](1.4):PMS3302[395][0,73,63](2.2):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](2.2):PMS3305[396][0,79,66](3.6) 10 deep:dark:PMS3302:PMS3305:aqua:aquamarine:blue:green +3523 evening_sea rgb 38 96 79 hex #26604F hsv 162 60 38 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.09 lab 37 -24 4 lch 37 24 170 cmyk 23 0 7 62 eden[3362][38,98,85](2.2):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](3.2):dark_green_blue[2765][31,99,87](3.2):PMS561[726][38,102,89](3.6):dark_aquamarine[2680][39,89,70](4.1) 8 dark:PMS561:eden:aquamarine:blue:green +3524 everest rgb 76 72 80 hex #4C4850 hsv 270 10 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.09 lab 31 3 -4 lch 31 5 309 cmyk 2 3 0 69 gravel[3991][74,68,75](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.2):thriller[8334][75,70,75](2.2):quartz[7017][81,72,79](2.4):gun_powder[4255][72,71,83](3.0) 28 gravel:gun:powder:quartz:shadowy:thriller:lavender +3525 everglade rgb 28 64 46 hex #1C402E hsv 150 56 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 24 -18 7 lch 24 19 158 cmyk 14 0 7 75 botanic[1667][33,64,43](2.2):permanent_green[6600][37,68,47](3.0):sherwood_green[7653][27,70,54](3.0):PMS553[710][35,68,53](3.5):burnham[1920][35,69,55](3.5) 12 PMS553:botanic:burnham:permanent:sherwood:green +3526 everglade rgb 38 67 52 hex #264334 hsv 149 43 26 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -15 6 lch 26 16 159 cmyk 11 0 6 74 PMS553[710][35,68,53](1.4):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](1.4):burnham[1920][35,69,55](1.4):bush[1945][37,70,54](1.4):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](1.7) 19 PMS553:bottle:burnham:bush:english:holly:green +3527 evergreen rgb 5 71 42 hex #05472A hsv 154 93 28 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.03 lab 26 -27 12 lch 26 30 156 cmyk 26 0 11 72 british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](2.0):PMS3435[417][2,73,48](3.2):zuccini[9277][4,64,34](3.3):zuccini[9278][23,70,46](4.5):cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](4.7) 8 PMS3435:british:cal:poly:racing:zuccini:green +3528 evergreen rgb 40 55 47 hex #28372F hsv 148 27 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 22 -8 3 lch 22 9 160 cmyk 6 0 3 78 ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](2.2):holly[4524][37,52,43](2.4):moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](2.8):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](3.0):icon[4605][46,56,45](3.2) 18 gordons:holly:icon:ivy:moroccan:palm:green +3529 evermore rgb 190 106 63 hex #BE6A3F hsv 20 67 75 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.07 lab 54 30 38 lch 54 48 52 cmyk 0 33 50 25 adobe[960][189,108,72](4.1):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](4.7):bamboo[1273][186,111,63](5.1):smoke_tree[7788][187,95,52](5.8):style_pasifika_orange_wood[8086][187,95,52](5.8) 2 adobe:bamboo:damask:pasifika:smoke:style:tree:wood:orange:red +3530 evolution rgb 103 100 85 hex #676455 hsv 50 17 40 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.1 lab 42 -2 9 lch 42 9 101 cmyk 0 1 7 60 PMS418[501][96,94,79](2.0):chain_reaction[2195][108,105,90](2.0):karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](3.0):pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](3.0):triple_friar_grey[8493][102,97,86](3.0) 23 PMS418:chain:friar:karens:pewter:pure:reaction:triple:grey +3531 explorer rgb 55 78 89 hex #374E59 hsv 199 38 35 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.1 lab 32 -6 -9 lch 32 11 239 cmyk 13 4 0 65 deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](1.4):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](2.2):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](2.4):dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](3.5):limed_spruce[5284][57,72,81](3.5) 16 slate:deep:dark:cove:ivanhoe:jetsetter:limed:spruce +3532 exponent rgb 136 143 152 hex #888F98 hsv 214 11 60 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.34 lab 59 -1 -6 lch 59 6 263 cmyk 6 4 0 40 neutral_bay[6029][133,141,153](1.7):regent_grey[7174][134,148,159](3.0):oslo_grey[6259][135,141,145](3.2):clouded_blue[2384][137,146,150](3.3):voltage[8970][141,144,148](3.3) 10 bay:clouded:neutral:oslo:regent:voltage:blue:grey +3533 extrovert rgb 117 38 66 hex #752642 hsv 339 68 46 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.06 lab 28 37 1 lch 28 37 2 cmyk 0 31 20 54 PMS690[869][112,35,66](2.2):PMS229[187][109,33,63](2.4):PMS209[167][117,38,61](3.0):PMS222[180][112,25,61](4.4):flirt[3691][122,46,77](4.4) 5 PMS209:PMS222:PMS229:PMS690:flirt +3534 faded_blue rgb 101 140 187 hex #658CBB hsv 213 46 73 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.51 lab 57 -1 -29 lch 57 29 269 cmyk 34 18 0 27 silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](1.4):subzero[8107][91,141,189](2.2):danube[2671][91,137,192](4.2):PMS542[681][102,147,188](4.7):glaucous[3873][96,130,182](4.7) 6 PMS542:danube:glaucous:lake:silver:subzero:blue +3535 faded_green rgb 123 178 116 hex #7BB274 hsv 113 35 70 xyz 0.27 0.37 0.22 lab 68 -30 26 lch 68 40 139 cmyk 22 0 24 30 sage_green[7414][136,179,120](4.1):dusty_green[3305][118,169,115](4.7):sage[7410][135,174,115](6.1):lichen[4992][143,182,123](6.3):dull_green[3283][116,166,98](6.4) 2 dull:dusty:lichen:sage:green +3536 faded_jade rgb 66 121 119 hex #427977 hsv 178 45 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.2 lab 47 -19 -5 lch 47 19 194 cmyk 22 0 1 53 jade[4716][66,121,119](0.0):oracle[6194][55,116,117](2.8):jade[4715][64,114,109](3.0):ming[5758][64,117,119](3.0):myrtle_green[5967][49,120,115](4.2) 7 jade:ming:myrtle:oracle:green +3537 faded_orange rgb 240 148 77 hex #F0944D hsv 26 68 94 xyz 0.48 0.4 0.12 lab 70 29 51 lch 70 59 61 cmyk 0 36 64 6 sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](2.8):tan_hide[8231][250,157,90](3.6):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](5.7):pastel_orange[6508][255,150,79](5.7):tan[8226][238,154,73](5.9) 2 buckthorn:flamenco:hide:pastel:sea:tan:orange +3538 faded_pink rgb 222 157 172 hex #DE9DAC hsv 346 29 87 xyz 0.5 0.43 0.45 lab 71 26 2 lch 71 26 4 cmyk 0 25 20 13 floyd[3699][218,156,166](2.4):PMS508[623][232,165,175](4.2):can[2032][213,145,164](4.6):PMS680[859][211,158,175](5.1):pink[6666][205,145,158](5.1) 3 PMS508:PMS680:can:floyd:pink +3539 faded_purple rgb 145 110 153 hex #916E99 hsv 289 28 60 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.33 lab 51 22 -18 lch 51 28 320 cmyk 3 17 0 40 taffeta[8205][153,110,158](4.2):plum[6743][139,102,139](4.4):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](4.7):dark_lavender[2785][133,103,152](5.0):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](5.4) 4 dark:chinese:plum:taffeta:trendy:lavender:pink:violet +3540 faded_red rgb 211 73 78 hex #D3494E hsv 358 65 83 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.09 lab 51 54 27 lch 51 61 27 cmyk 0 54 52 17 mahogany[5463][205,74,76](2.2):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](5.1):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](5.2):reddish[7149][196,66,64](5.4):pale_red[6414][217,84,77](6.2) 1 pale:dark:coral:mahogany:pastel:reddish:red +3541 faded_yellow rgb 254 255 127 hex #FEFF7F hsv 60 50 100 xyz 0.8 0.94 0.34 lab 98 -17 60 lch 98 63 106 cmyk 0 0 50 0 banana[1276][255,255,126](1.0):butter[1948][255,255,129](1.0):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](2.2):pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](2.2):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](2.4) 9 pale:light:banana:butter:tan:yellowish:yellow +3542 fahrenheit rgb 103 46 43 hex #672E2B hsv 3 58 40 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 27 25 14 lch 27 29 29 cmyk 0 22 24 60 cajun[2005][102,47,43](1.0):kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](2.2):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.4):patio_red[6522][109,51,49](2.4):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.4) 19 burnt:cajun:copper:kenyan:patio:persian:plum:sienna:red +3543 fair_pink rgb 243 229 220 hex #F3E5DC hsv 23 9 95 xyz 0.78 0.8 0.79 lab 92 3 6 lch 92 7 62 cmyk 0 5 9 5 fantasy[3558][242,230,221](0.0):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](2.0):chardon[2223][248,234,223](2.2):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](2.2):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](2.2) 88 biscotti:chardon:eighth:fantasy:fossil:provincial:pink +3544 fair_pink rgb 255 239 236 hex #FFEFEC hsv 9 7 100 xyz 0.87 0.89 0.92 lab 96 5 3 lch 96 6 35 cmyk 0 6 7 0 forget_me_not[3728][255,241,238](1.0):bridesmaid[1715][254,240,236](1.4):chablis[2194][255,244,243](1.7):chardon[2224][255,243,241](1.7):rose_white[7318][251,238,232](2.4) 37 bridesmaid:chablis:chardon:forget:me:not:rose:white +3545 fairground rgb 72 58 121 hex #483A79 hsv 253 52 47 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.19 lab 29 22 -34 lch 29 41 303 cmyk 19 25 0 53 fascinator[3560][79,64,129](3.3):funtasia[3811][76,51,113](4.9):gigas[3856][86,71,134](5.1):jack_in_the_box[4707][61,63,125](5.4):jacksons_purple[4712][61,63,125](5.4) 2 box:fascinator:funtasia:gigas:in:jack:jacksons:the:purple +3546 fairylight rgb 213 199 232 hex #D5C7E8 hsv 265 14 91 xyz 0.62 0.61 0.85 lab 82 11 -15 lch 82 18 307 cmyk 7 13 0 9 fog[3710][213,199,232](0.0):prelude[6807][208,192,229](3.0):soap[7819][206,200,239](3.2):zappo[9249][196,192,226](4.4):divine[3145][228,206,236](4.7) 5 divine:fog:prelude:soap:zappo +3547 fairytale rgb 198 196 219 hex #C6C4DB hsv 245 11 86 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.75 lab 80 5 -11 lch 80 12 295 cmyk 8 9 0 14 heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](1.7):blue_haze[1570][191,190,216](2.8):confederate_grey[2453][203,203,222](3.0):poet[6753][192,188,212](3.3):PMS657[836][193,201,221](4.1) 10 PMS657:confederate:haze:heartbreaker:poet:blue:grey +3548 falcon rgb 110 90 91 hex #6E5A5B hsv 357 18 43 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.11 lab 40 8 2 lch 40 9 17 cmyk 0 8 7 57 zambezi[9246][107,90,90](1.4):dorado[3170][107,87,85](2.2):zambezi[9245][104,85,88](2.2):scorpion[7538][105,95,98](3.7):minx[5775][104,83,91](4.1) 8 dorado:minx:scorpion:zambezi +3549 falcon rgb 127 98 109 hex #7F626D hsv 337 23 50 xyz 0.16 0.14 0.16 lab 45 14 -2 lch 45 14 353 cmyk 0 11 7 50 arabella[1134][133,99,110](2.4):memory[5672][124,91,99](4.4):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](5.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](5.1):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](5.7) 3 PMS5205:arabella:memory:old:lavender:pink +3550 fall_green rgb 236 235 189 hex #ECEBBD hsv 59 20 93 xyz 0.73 0.81 0.6 lab 92 -7 23 lch 92 24 107 cmyk 0 0 18 7 pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](0.0):pale_light_grayish_olive[6373][231,231,184](1.4):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](1.4):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.7):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](2.8) 21 pale:light:bud:chiffon:grayish:julep:olive:spring:green:lemon:mint +3551 fallow rgb 193 154 107 hex #C19A6B hsv 33 45 76 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.19 lab 66 8 30 lch 66 31 74 cmyk 0 15 34 24 camel[2018][193,154,107](0.0):desert[3101][193,154,107](0.0):lion[5296][193,154,107](0.0):wood_brown[9166][193,154,107](0.0):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.2) 8 camel:desert:lion:uluru:wood:brown +3552 falu_red rgb 128 24 24 hex #801818 hsv 360 81 50 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.01 lab 28 43 28 lch 28 52 33 cmyk 0 41 41 50 up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](2.4):brown[1835][139,35,35](3.6):firebrick[3642][142,35,35](4.2):firebrick[3641][139,26,26](4.7):PMS1810[131][124,33,30](5.0) 5 PMS1810:firebrick:maroon:up:brown +3553 famous rgb 255 0 255 hex #FF00FF hsv 300 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.28 0.97 lab 60 98 -61 lch 60 116 328 cmyk 0 100 0 0 fuchsia[3793][255,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_magenta[5383][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5441][255,0,255](0.0):magenta_/_fuchsia[5443][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5438][238,0,238](7.1) 4 luminous:vivid:/:fuchsia:magenta +3554 fandango rgb 90 56 81 hex #5A3851 hsv 316 38 35 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.08 lab 28 19 -9 lch 28 21 335 cmyk 0 13 4 65 dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](2.4):broadway[1816][85,49,70](4.4):PMS518[640][81,45,68](4.6):loulou[5347][76,51,71](5.1):voodoo[8975][83,52,85](5.2) 3 dark:PMS518:broadway:byzantium:loulou:voodoo +3555 fandango rgb 181 51 137 hex #B53389 hsv 320 72 71 xyz 0.25 0.14 0.25 lab 44 60 -19 lch 44 63 343 cmyk 0 51 17 29 medium_red_violet[5635][187,51,133](4.2):maroon[5543][176,36,124](4.7):red_violet[7146][192,68,143](7.1):royal_fuchsia[7352][202,44,146](8.9):PMS241[205][173,0,117](9.0) 2 medium:PMS241:fuchsia:maroon:royal:red:violet +3556 fandango_pink rgb 222 82 133 hex #DE5285 hsv 338 63 87 xyz 0.37 0.23 0.25 lab 55 59 1 lch 55 59 1 cmyk 0 55 35 13 mystic[5968][214,82,130](3.2):brilliant_raspberry[1796][231,81,137](3.6):darkish_pink[2926][218,70,125](3.7):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.2):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](5.5) 3 dark:brilliant:cranberry:darkish:mystic:raspberry:pink +3557 fantail rgb 186 174 169 hex #BAAEA9 hsv 18 9 73 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.44 lab 72 3 4 lch 72 5 50 cmyk 0 5 7 27 milestone[5737][190,177,172](1.4):silk[7703][189,177,168](2.2):half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](2.4):PMS422[505][175,170,163](2.8):martini[5559][183,168,163](3.0) 32 PMS422:half:martini:milestone:perfect:silk:taupe +3558 fantasy rgb 242 230 221 hex #F2E6DD hsv 26 9 95 xyz 0.78 0.81 0.8 lab 92 3 6 lch 92 6 66 cmyk 0 5 8 5 fair_pink[3543][243,229,220](0.0):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](2.0):chardon[2223][248,234,223](2.2):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](2.2):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](2.2) 88 biscotti:chardon:eighth:fair:fossil:provincial:pink +3559 fantasy rgb 250 243 240 hex #FAF3F0 hsv 18 4 98 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.95 lab 96 2 2 lch 96 3 51 cmyk 0 3 4 2 isabelline[4688][244,240,236](1.4):provincial_pink[6824][254,245,241](1.4):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.4):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.4):hint_of_red[4500][245,239,235](1.7) 107 light:very:hint:isabelline:of:provincial:sauvignon:pink:red +3560 fascinator rgb 79 64 129 hex #4F4081 hsv 254 50 51 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.22 lab 32 23 -35 lch 32 41 303 cmyk 20 25 0 49 gigas[3856][86,71,134](3.0):fairground[3545][72,58,121](3.3):medium_purple[5629][93,71,139](3.6):cyber_grape[2648][88,66,124](5.1):abracadabra[949][86,73,133](5.2) 3 medium:abracadabra:cyber:fairground:gigas:grape:purple +3561 fashion_fuchsia rgb 244 0 161 hex #F400A1 hsv 320 100 96 xyz 0.44 0.22 0.36 lab 54 85 -17 lch 54 87 348 cmyk 0 96 33 4 hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](0.0):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](3.5):spicy_pink[7898][255,28,174](4.4):luminous_vivid_cerise[5367][255,0,159](4.9):PMS813[936][229,0,153](5.1) 4 luminous:vivid:PMS813:cerise:hollywood:shocking:spicy:pink +3562 fast_lane rgb 137 36 49 hex #892431 hsv 352 74 54 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.04 lab 31 43 17 lch 31 47 22 cmyk 0 40 35 46 PMS202[160][140,38,51](1.4):antique_ruby[1066][132,27,45](2.8):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](3.6):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.6):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.6) 10 antique:PMS202:bullseye:flame:monza:ruby:red +3563 fawn rgb 199 189 149 hex #C7BD95 hsv 48 25 78 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.36 lab 77 -3 22 lch 77 22 97 cmyk 0 4 20 22 thistle[8324][199,189,149](0.0):beachcomber[1328][199,186,149](3.0):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](3.7):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](4.0):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](4.1) 16 PMS4525:beachcomber:canterbury:clay:fawn:half:thistle:green +3564 fawn rgb 207 175 123 hex #CFAF7B hsv 37 41 81 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.25 lab 73 4 31 lch 73 31 82 cmyk 0 13 33 19 very_light_brown[8751][211,182,131](2.4):sandstone[7469][201,174,116](3.0):toupe[8443][199,172,125](3.3):PMS465[561][193,168,117](3.7):light_french_beige[5099][200,173,127](4.2) 8 light:very:PMS465:beige:french:sandstone:toupe:brown +3565 fawn rgb 229 170 112 hex #E5AA70 hsv 30 51 90 xyz 0.5 0.47 0.22 lab 74 15 38 lch 74 41 69 cmyk 0 23 46 10 melon[5663][227,168,105](3.2):tacao[8201][237,179,129](5.0):PMS472[576][234,170,122](5.1):tacao[8202][246,174,120](5.8):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](5.9) 2 PMS472:apricot:mellow:melon:tacao +3566 fawn_green rgb 188 184 143 hex #BCB88F hsv 55 24 74 xyz 0.43 0.47 0.33 lab 74 -5 21 lch 74 22 104 cmyk 0 2 18 26 coriander[2513][187,181,141](1.4):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](2.4):sage[7413][188,184,138](3.2):earthstone[3332][181,175,139](3.7):fawn[3563][199,189,149](3.7) 12 PMS5783:coriander:earthstone:fawn:sage +3567 fedora rgb 98 86 101 hex #625665 hsv 288 15 40 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.14 lab 38 8 -7 lch 38 10 319 cmyk 1 6 0 60 mobster[5796][96,90,103](3.2):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](3.3):aurora[1200][90,77,96](3.7):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](4.1):bloom[1524][111,91,108](4.2) 9 aurora:bloom:box:flow:mobster:salt:scarpa +3568 fedora rgb 121 106 120 hex #796A78 hsv 304 12 47 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.2 lab 47 9 -6 lch 47 10 327 cmyk 0 6 0 53 old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](1.4):mamba[5488][118,109,124](2.2):rum[7370][113,102,117](3.0):labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](4.1):graceland[3961][135,116,130](4.2) 5 graceland:labyrinth:mamba:old:rum:lavender +3569 feijoa rgb 159 221 140 hex #9FDD8C hsv 106 37 87 xyz 0.45 0.61 0.34 lab 82 -35 34 lch 82 48 136 cmyk 24 0 32 13 PMS359[433][160,219,142](2.8):granny_smith_apple[3973][157,224,147](3.3):gossip[3954][159,211,133](5.1):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](5.1):light_harlequin[5125][162,231,139](5.8) 2 light:PMS359:apple:frutti:gossip:granny:harlequin:smith:tutti +3570 feijoa rgb 165 215 133 hex #A5D785 hsv 97 38 84 xyz 0.44 0.58 0.31 lab 81 -31 35 lch 81 47 131 cmyk 20 0 32 16 gossip[3954][159,211,133](2.8):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](2.8):PMS359[433][160,219,142](3.7):anise[1055][167,214,125](4.0):PMS358[432][170,221,150](5.7) 4 PMS358:PMS359:anise:frutti:gossip:tutti +3571 feldgrau rgb 77 93 83 hex #4D5D53 hsv 143 17 36 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.1 lab 38 -8 4 lch 38 9 156 cmyk 6 0 4 64 nandor[5974][75,93,82](1.0):viridian_green[8878][75,95,86](2.2):easy_rider[3341][83,94,86](2.4):ebony[3346][85,93,80](2.8):nandor[5975][78,93,78](3.2) 13 easy:ebony:nandor:rider:viridian:green +3572 feldspar rgb 209 146 117 hex #D19275 hsv 19 44 82 xyz 0.4 0.35 0.22 lab 66 20 25 lch 66 32 51 cmyk 0 25 36 18 antique_brass[1062][205,149,117](3.0):baroque[1309][202,146,116](3.3):burning_sand[1923][217,147,118](3.3):pinkish_tan[6702][217,155,130](4.2):antique_brass[1061][200,138,101](5.1) 4 antique:baroque:brass:burning:pinkish:sand:tan +3573 feldspar rgb 253 213 177 hex #FDD5B1 hsv 28 30 99 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.52 lab 88 9 23 lch 88 25 69 cmyk 0 16 30 1 light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](0.0):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](1.7):apricot[1091][253,217,181](2.4):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](2.4):sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](2.4) 15 light:apricot:beach:puff:sandy:peach +3574 felix rgb 83 69 65 hex #534541 hsv 13 22 33 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.06 lab 31 5 5 lch 31 7 42 cmyk 0 5 7 67 dark_grayish_vermilion[2757][89,72,66](1.7):tomahawk[8407][82,67,64](1.7):woody_brown[9179][85,69,69](2.8):rough_n_tumble[7339][91,76,72](3.2):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](3.3) 19 dark:crater:grayish:n:rough:tomahawk:tumble:vermilion:woody:brown +3575 fern rgb 10 72 13 hex #0A480D hsv 123 86 28 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.01 lab 26 -32 28 lch 26 43 138 cmyk 24 0 23 72 dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](0.0):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](1.0):forest_green[3721][6,71,12](1.0):darkgreen[2923][5,73,7](3.6):parsley[6493][19,79,25](3.7) 10 dark:british:darkgreen:fern:forest:parsley:racing:green +3576 fern rgb 54 92 52 hex #365C34 hsv 117 43 36 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.05 lab 35 -23 19 lch 35 30 140 cmyk 15 0 16 64 parsley[6494][48,93,53](2.2):deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](3.2):hunter_green[4586][53,94,59](3.2):pine[6653][43,93,52](4.0):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](4.4) 8 deep:dark:hunter:malachite:moss:parsley:pine:green +3577 fern rgb 99 169 80 hex #63A950 hsv 107 53 66 xyz 0.21 0.32 0.13 lab 63 -39 39 lch 63 55 135 cmyk 27 0 35 34 moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](2.2):groovy[4236][92,163,69](3.0):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](4.2):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](5.2):off_green[6107][107,163,83](5.9) 3 moderate:groovy:harlequin:off:pistachio:sap:green +3578 fern rgb 99 183 108 hex #63B76C hsv 126 46 72 xyz 0.25 0.38 0.2 lab 68 -41 30 lch 68 51 144 cmyk 33 0 29 28 boring_green[1661][99,179,101](2.8):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](4.1):algae[994][84,172,104](5.1):moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](7.0):chateau_green[2242][64,168,96](7.9) 2 moderate:algae:boring:chateau:malachite:soft:green +3579 fern rgb 113 188 120 hex #71BC78 hsv 126 40 74 xyz 0.28 0.41 0.24 lab 70 -38 27 lch 70 46 144 cmyk 29 0 27 26 de_york[2943][122,196,136](5.4):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](5.4):de_york[2944][133,202,135](5.8):boring_green[1661][99,179,101](7.1):algae[994][84,172,104](7.2) 0 algae:boring:de:soft:york:green +3580 fern_frond rgb 87 94 46 hex #575E2E hsv 69 51 37 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.04 lab 38 -11 26 lch 38 29 112 cmyk 3 0 19 63 saratoga[7499][85,91,44](1.4):dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](2.8):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](3.0):dark_olive[2811][89,89,39](4.4):PMS5753[748][94,102,58](4.5) 8 dark:PMS5753:apple:olive:saratoga:green:lime +3581 fern_frond rgb 101 114 32 hex #657220 hsv 70 72 45 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.04 lab 46 -17 42 lch 46 45 112 cmyk 5 0 32 55 fiji_green[3602][101,114,32](0.0):fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](3.0):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](4.6):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](4.6):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](4.6) 5 fiji:forest:pacifika:palm:pasifika:rain:style:green +3582 fern_green rgb 79 121 66 hex #4F7942 hsv 106 45 47 xyz 0.11 0.16 0.08 lab 47 -26 26 lch 47 36 135 cmyk 16 0 22 53 hippie_green[4508][83,130,75](3.7):dingley[3131][96,124,71](6.3):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](6.4):dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](6.5):medium_sea_green[5638][66,111,66](7.2) 1 medium:dark:dingley:glade:hippie:sage:sea:green +3583 fern_green rgb 84 141 68 hex #548D44 hsv 107 52 55 xyz 0.14 0.21 0.09 lab 53 -33 33 lch 53 47 135 cmyk 22 0 29 45 may_green[5588][76,145,65](5.5):PMS576[750][96,142,58](6.4):light_forest_green[5098][79,145,83](6.6):muted_green[5959][95,160,82](7.7):kermit[4837][54,129,54](7.8) 0 light:PMS576:forest:kermit:may:muted:green +3584 ferra rgb 112 79 80 hex #704F50 hsv 358 29 44 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.09 lab 37 14 5 lch 37 15 19 cmyk 0 13 13 56 buccaneer[1885][110,81,80](2.0):spellbound[7890][109,74,78](3.0):rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](3.3):liver[5308][103,76,71](4.1):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](4.1) 6 medium:buccaneer:ebony:liver:spellbound:taupe:rose +3585 ferra rgb 135 106 104 hex #876A68 hsv 4 23 53 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.15 lab 48 11 6 lch 48 13 26 cmyk 0 11 12 47 pharlap[6629][130,102,99](2.0):PMS437[521][140,112,107](2.4):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.0):rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](3.2):rosybrown[7330][139,105,105](3.2) 9 PMS437:opium:pharlap:rosy:rosybrown:brown +3586 ferrari_red rgb 255 40 0 hex #FF2800 hsv 9 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.02 lab 55 75 68 lch 55 101 42 cmyk 0 84 100 0 orange_red[6216][255,36,0](1.0):scarlet[7520][255,36,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_scarlet[5398][255,32,0](2.2):coquelicot[2490][255,56,0](3.2):red[7110][254,39,18](5.1) 4 luminous:vivid:coquelicot:scarlet:orange:red +3587 ferris_wheel rgb 114 74 161 hex #724AA1 hsv 268 54 63 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.35 lab 40 35 -41 lch 40 54 311 cmyk 18 34 0 37 studio[8066][114,74,161](0.0):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](2.0):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](4.1):moderate_violet[5854][121,74,168](4.6):affair[968][113,70,147](5.5) 4 moderate:affair:royal:studio:blue:purple:violet +3588 fertile_mind rgb 185 214 194 hex #B9D6C2 hsv 139 14 84 xyz 0.54 0.62 0.6 lab 83 -13 7 lch 83 15 154 cmyk 11 0 8 16 gum_leaf[4250][182,211,191](1.0):surf[8158][187,215,193](1.0):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](2.2):surf[8157][184,212,187](2.4):PMS558[720][183,206,188](3.0) 13 PMS558:edgewater:gum:leaf:surf +3589 fervent_green rgb 57 79 43 hex #394F2B hsv 97 46 31 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.03 lab 31 -16 19 lch 31 25 131 cmyk 9 0 14 69 lush[5410][53,76,40](1.4):clover[2389][71,86,47](4.7):dark_green[2764][47,79,47](5.1):PMS5743[745][63,73,38](5.5):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](5.9) 2 dark:PMS5743:clover:feverpitch:lush:green +3590 festival rgb 234 204 74 hex #EACC4A hsv 49 68 92 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.15 lab 82 -3 66 lch 82 66 93 cmyk 0 12 63 8 maize[5469][244,208,84](3.5):party_mix[6497][225,197,58](3.7):portica[6788][240,213,85](3.7):energy_yellow[3485][245,215,82](4.2):teddy[8296][239,199,65](5.0) 5 energy:maize:mix:party:portica:teddy:yellow +3591 festival rgb 251 233 108 hex #FBE96C hsv 52 57 98 xyz 0.72 0.8 0.26 lab 92 -9 62 lch 92 62 98 cmyk 0 7 56 2 portica[6789][249,230,99](2.2):marigold_yellow[5529][251,232,112](2.4):sandy_yellow[7479][253,238,115](2.4):smiles[7784][251,240,115](3.3):witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](3.3) 8 haze:marigold:portica:sandy:smiles:witch:yellow +3592 feta rgb 219 224 208 hex #DBE0D0 hsv 79 7 88 xyz 0.67 0.73 0.7 lab 88 -5 7 lch 88 9 122 cmyk 2 0 6 12 gin[3860][217,223,205](1.0):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](1.4):PMS621[800][216,221,206](1.4):moon_mist[5886][220,221,204](2.2):ottoman[6262][211,219,203](2.2) 62 PMS5595:PMS621:gin:mist:moon:ottoman +3593 feta rgb 240 252 234 hex #F0FCEA hsv 100 7 99 xyz 0.86 0.94 0.91 lab 98 -7 7 lch 98 10 134 cmyk 5 0 7 1 cloud_nine[2383][235,247,228](2.2):panache[6464][235,247,228](2.2):honeydew[4534][240,255,240](2.4):titanium_white[8377][252,255,240](3.2):ottoman[6263][233,248,237](3.6) 21 cloud:honeydew:nine:ottoman:panache:titanium:white +3594 feverpitch rgb 45 67 37 hex #2D4325 hsv 104 45 26 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.02 lab 26 -15 16 lch 26 22 135 cmyk 9 0 12 74 kereru[4835][40,62,35](2.8):palm_leaf[6459][54,72,47](4.1):filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](4.2):butterfly_creek[1957][60,73,47](5.4):lush[5410][53,76,40](5.4) 3 butterfly:chrome:creek:filmpro:kereru:leaf:lush:palm:green +3595 fiddlesticks rgb 125 100 29 hex #7D641D hsv 44 77 49 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.03 lab 44 2 42 lch 44 42 87 cmyk 0 10 38 51 PMS1265[34][124,99,22](2.2):mustard[5952][124,103,32](2.2):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](2.2):mud[5924][115,92,18](4.0):PMS140[55][122,91,17](5.4) 4 PMS1265:PMS140:gold:mud:mustard:yukon +3596 field_drab rgb 108 84 30 hex #6C541E hsv 42 72 42 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.03 lab 37 4 34 lch 37 34 84 cmyk 0 9 31 58 kumera[4894][117,91,39](3.2):west_coast[9049][98,81,25](4.5):PMS4485[533][96,76,17](4.9):PMS147[63][114,94,38](5.0):horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](5.0) 5 PMS147:PMS4485:coast:horses:kumera:neck:west +3597 fiery_orange rgb 177 89 47 hex #B1592F hsv 19 73 69 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.05 lab 48 33 40 lch 48 51 51 cmyk 0 35 51 31 smoke_tree[7788][187,95,52](3.3):style_pasifika_orange_wood[8086][187,95,52](3.3):red_stage[7142][173,82,46](3.5):rose_of_sharon[7309][172,81,45](4.1):paarl[6287][166,85,41](4.2) 7 of:paarl:pasifika:sharon:smoke:stage:style:tree:wood:orange:red:rose +3598 fiery_orange rgb 179 82 19 hex #B35213 hsv 24 89 70 xyz 0.22 0.16 0.02 lab 47 36 51 lch 47 63 55 cmyk 0 38 63 30 burnt_sienna[1936][176,78,15](2.2):cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](3.0):PMS471[573][188,94,30](3.6):vesuvius[8827][177,74,11](3.7):beer_srm_16[1356][176,79,0](4.5) 6 burnt:16:PMS471:beer:cinnamon:sienna:srm:vesuvius +3599 fiery_rose rgb 255 84 112 hex #FF5470 hsv 350 67 100 xyz 0.47 0.29 0.18 lab 61 66 21 lch 61 70 18 cmyk 0 67 56 0 wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](4.2):PMS191[145][244,71,107](4.6):radical_red[7039][255,73,108](4.6):PMS184[135][252,94,114](5.2):light_brilliant_amaranth[5025][255,101,120](6.3) 3 light:brilliant:PMS184:PMS191:amaranth:radical:watermelon:wild:red +3600 fiesta rgb 189 126 45 hex #BD7E2D hsv 34 76 74 xyz 0.29 0.26 0.06 lab 58 17 52 lch 58 54 71 cmyk 0 25 56 26 geebung[3835][197,131,46](3.0):pirate_gold[6716][186,120,42](3.0):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](3.7):filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](4.5):dixie[3146][205,132,49](5.4) 4 dixie:filmpro:geebung:gold:mandalay:oxide:pirate:yellow +3601 fiji_green rgb 99 111 34 hex #636F22 hsv 69 69 44 xyz 0.11 0.14 0.04 lab 44 -16 40 lch 44 43 112 cmyk 5 0 30 56 pacifika[6292][102,112,40](2.4):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](2.4):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](2.4):fern_frond[3581][101,114,32](3.0):PMS378[454][86,99,20](4.0) 5 PMS378:fern:forest:frond:pacifika:palm:pasifika:rain:style:green +3602 fiji_green rgb 101 114 32 hex #657220 hsv 70 72 45 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.04 lab 46 -17 42 lch 46 45 112 cmyk 5 0 32 55 fern_frond[3581][101,114,32](0.0):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](4.6):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](4.6):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](4.6):crete[2596][115,120,41](5.1) 4 crete:fern:forest:frond:pacifika:palm:pasifika:rain:style:green +3603 filmpro_black rgb 40 40 40 hex #282828 hsv 300 0 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 0 0 lch 16 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 84 grey[4113][38,38,38](1.0):grey[4114][41,41,41](1.0):nero[6027][37,37,37](1.0):style_pasifika_black_light[8068][37,37,37](1.0):uhi[8635][37,37,37](1.0) 50 light:nero:pasifika:style:uhi:black:grey +3604 filmpro_burnt_sienna rgb 82 44 43 hex #522C2B hsv 2 48 32 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 23 17 8 lch 23 19 26 cmyk 0 15 15 68 heath[4450][79,42,44](2.2):jarrah_tree[4744][82,49,47](2.2):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](2.2):volcano[8967][78,39,40](2.2):PMS497[605][81,40,38](3.0) 23 PMS497:heath:jarrah:pasifika:soil:style:tree:volcano:red +3605 filmpro_burnt_umber rgb 58 48 44 hex #3A302C hsv 17 24 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 4 4 lch 21 6 49 cmyk 0 4 5 77 marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](1.4):sepia[7610][58,47,45](1.4):style_pasifika_black_tan[8069][58,47,45](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.2):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](2.2) 56 deep:bushtrack:marbaroda:oak:pasifika:sepia:style:tan:black +3606 filmpro_chrome_green rgb 47 69 44 hex #2F452C hsv 113 36 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.03 lab 27 -14 12 lch 27 19 139 cmyk 9 0 10 73 palm_leaf[6459][54,72,47](1.7):landscape_green[4908][47,71,50](2.2):kea[4824][40,62,42](3.6):kereru[4835][40,62,35](3.7):butterfly_creek[1957][60,73,47](4.1) 7 butterfly:creek:kea:kereru:landscape:leaf:palm:green +3607 filmpro_deep_red rgb 144 36 58 hex #90243A hsv 348 75 56 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.05 lab 33 46 14 lch 33 48 17 cmyk 0 42 34 44 PMS202[160][140,38,51](3.7):geronimo[3846][136,33,60](4.6):fast_lane[3562][137,36,49](4.7):PMS1955[153][147,22,56](5.1):antique_ruby[1066][132,27,45](5.1) 3 antique:PMS1955:PMS202:fast:geronimo:lane:ruby +3608 filmpro_digital_blue rgb 45 36 128 hex #2D2480 hsv 246 72 50 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.21 lab 21 33 -50 lch 21 60 303 cmyk 33 36 0 50 PMS2748[287][30,28,119](3.2):cosmic_cobalt[2546][46,45,136](4.4):midnight_blue[5719][25,25,112](5.1):meteorite[5697][60,31,118](5.4):PMS662[841][12,25,117](5.8) 2 PMS2748:PMS662:cobalt:cosmic:meteorite:midnight:blue +3609 filmpro_digital_green rgb 68 197 83 hex #44C553 hsv 127 65 77 xyz 0.24 0.42 0.15 lab 71 -58 46 lch 71 74 142 cmyk 51 0 45 23 PMS360[434][96,198,89](7.1):shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](7.3):emerald_green[3470][0,201,87](8.1):PMS361[435][30,181,58](8.2):shamrock[7638][1,180,76](8.6) 0 PMS360:PMS361:emerald:shamrock:green +3610 filmpro_emerald_green rgb 44 129 57 hex #2C8139 hsv 129 66 51 xyz 0.1 0.17 0.07 lab 48 -41 31 lch 48 52 143 cmyk 33 0 28 49 darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](2.2):kermit[4837][54,129,54](2.8):la_salle_green[4904][8,120,48](5.7):japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](5.7):jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](5.7) 2 darkish:japanese:juice:jungle:kermit:la:laurel:salle:green +3611 filmpro_fire_red rgb 165 51 60 hex #A5333C hsv 355 69 65 xyz 0.18 0.11 0.05 lab 39 47 21 lch 39 52 24 cmyk 0 45 41 35 roadster[7240][159,44,55](2.2):punch[6853][168,50,57](3.2):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](3.7):stiletto[7980][156,51,54](4.1):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](4.2) 8 PMS1807:carmine:japanese:punch:roadster:stiletto +3612 filmpro_golden_yellow rgb 247 181 45 hex #F7B52D hsv 40 82 97 xyz 0.55 0.53 0.1 lab 78 13 72 lch 78 73 80 cmyk 0 26 79 3 beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](2.4):PMS143[59][239,178,45](3.0):fuel_yellow[3803][236,169,39](4.6):goldenrod[3934][238,180,34](4.6):rubber_duck[7359][255,180,55](4.6) 9 05:PMS143:beer:duck:fuel:goldenrod:rubber:srm:yellow +3613 filmpro_lemon_yellow rgb 243 213 44 hex #F3D52C hsv 51 82 95 xyz 0.61 0.67 0.12 lab 85 -5 79 lch 85 79 94 cmyk 0 12 78 5 golden_dream[3914][240,213,45](2.2):broom[1830][238,204,36](3.0):banana_split[1280][241,204,43](4.1):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](4.1):lemon[4961][244,216,28](4.6) 7 banana:broom:dream:golden:split:lemon +3614 filmpro_magenta rgb 170 48 93 hex #AA305D hsv 338 72 67 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.12 lab 40 53 2 lch 40 53 3 cmyk 0 48 30 33 maroon[5544][176,48,96](2.8):rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](2.8):cranberry[2577][180,56,100](3.2):pink_panther[6685][180,56,100](3.2):night_shadz[6054][170,55,90](5.1) 4 cranberry:maroon:night:panther:rich:shadz:pink +3615 filmpro_orange rgb 212 80 60 hex #D4503C hsv 8 72 83 xyz 0.31 0.2 0.07 lab 52 51 39 lch 52 64 37 cmyk 0 52 60 17 tomato[8409][205,79,57](2.2):daredevil[2673][203,72,59](4.2):orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](5.9):trinidad[8475][197,79,51](5.9):valencia[8668][216,68,55](6.2) 2 atan:daredevil:orang:tomato:trinidad:valencia +3616 filmpro_pthalo_blue rgb 43 56 96 hex #2B3860 hsv 225 55 38 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.12 lab 24 8 -25 lch 24 27 287 cmyk 21 16 0 62 dark_sapphire_blue[2869][39,52,89](2.4):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](3.2):storm[7991][54,54,93](3.6):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.7):cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](4.1) 7 dark:aviator:bay:burst:cloud:many:of:sapphire:storm:blue +3617 filmpro_pthalo_green rgb 0 86 69 hex #005645 hsv 168 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -27 4 lch 32 28 173 cmyk 34 0 7 66 deep_turquoise[3072][0,89,67](3.0):PMS343[416][0,86,63](3.6):castleton_green[2128][0,86,63](3.6):sacramento_state_green[7395][0,86,63](3.6):PMS3305[396][0,79,66](4.1) 10 deep:PMS3305:PMS343:castleton:sacramento:state:green:turquoise +3618 filmpro_purple rgb 54 42 77 hex #362A4D hsv 261 45 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.07 lab 20 14 -20 lch 20 24 306 cmyk 9 14 0 70 cherry_pie[2264][55,45,82](1.4):wicked[9101][54,47,80](3.0):martinique[5560][54,48,80](3.7):violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](4.1):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](4.4) 7 PMS5255:cherry:martinique:pie:violent:wicked:violet +3619 filmpro_raw_sienna rgb 102 89 46 hex #66592E hsv 46 55 40 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.04 lab 38 -1 27 lch 38 27 92 cmyk 0 5 22 60 abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](1.0):PMS450[536][96,84,43](2.2):yellow_metal[9212][113,99,56](4.1):costa_del_sol[2551][97,93,48](4.2):planter[6734][97,93,48](4.2) 6 PMS450:abel:costa:del:metal:planter:sol:tasman:yellow +3620 filmpro_raw_umber rgb 63 57 48 hex #3F3930 hsv 36 24 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 24 1 7 lch 24 7 83 cmyk 0 2 6 75 blackwood[1492][63,55,46](1.0):black_pepper[1471][60,55,49](2.2):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.4):touch_wood[8440][58,55,46](2.4):armadillo[1140][67,62,55](2.8) 44 burnt:armadillo:blackwood:pepper:touch:umber:wood:black +3621 filmpro_reduction_base rgb 241 240 233 hex #F1F0E9 hsv 53 3 95 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.9 lab 95 -1 3 lch 95 4 104 cmyk 0 0 3 5 cararra[2074][238,238,232](1.0):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.0):half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](1.0):manyana[5516][242,240,232](1.0):eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.4) 127 alabaster:cararra:double:eighth:fog:half:manyana:sea:black:white +3622 filmpro_sky_blue rgb 53 93 144 hex #355D90 hsv 214 63 56 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.28 lab 39 3 -32 lch 39 32 275 cmyk 36 20 0 44 endeavour[3483][41,89,139](3.0):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](3.0):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.2):denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](3.6):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](4.1) 7 light:PMS653:denim:endeavour:navy:splash:splish:blue +3623 filmpro_ultramarine_blue rgb 44 62 107 hex #2C3E6B hsv 223 59 42 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.15 lab 27 8 -28 lch 27 29 285 cmyk 25 18 0 58 port_gore[6782][59,67,108](3.7):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](4.0):bondi_blue[1644][38,65,107](4.0):filmpro_pthalo_blue[3616][43,56,96](4.2):wet_n_wild[9058][37,67,117](4.6) 7 bay:bondi:filmpro:gore:many:n:of:port:pthalo:wet:wild:blue +3624 filmpro_white rgb 249 246 237 hex #F9F6ED hsv 45 5 98 xyz 0.87 0.92 0.93 lab 97 -1 5 lch 97 5 97 cmyk 0 1 5 2 eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.0):half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0):quarter_bianca[6922][249,248,240](1.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.4) 94 bianca:eighth:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:quarter:white +3625 filmpro_yellow_oxide rgb 185 128 54 hex #B98036 hsv 34 71 73 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.07 lab 58 15 48 lch 58 50 72 cmyk 0 22 51 27 noosa[6069][183,128,56](2.2):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](2.4):jandal[4729][183,130,57](2.8):style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](2.8):fiesta[3600][189,126,45](4.5) 5 fiesta:jandal:mandalay:noosa:pasifika:sandalwood:style +3626 finch rgb 98 102 73 hex #626649 hsv 68 28 40 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.08 lab 42 -7 16 lch 42 17 114 cmyk 2 0 11 60 woodland[9170][98,103,70](2.2):hemlock[4469][105,104,75](2.4):siam[7684][104,107,80](2.4):siam[7683][100,106,84](4.5):paddock[6297][102,113,86](4.9) 6 hemlock:paddock:siam:woodland +3627 finch rgb 117 120 90 hex #75785A hsv 66 25 47 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.12 lab 49 -7 16 lch 49 17 112 cmyk 1 0 12 53 kokoda[4877][123,120,90](3.3):dimension[3127][113,112,86](3.7):limed_ash[5279][116,125,99](3.7):paddock[6297][102,113,86](4.1):flax[3678][123,130,101](4.2) 8 ash:dimension:flax:kokoda:limed:paddock +3628 finlandia rgb 85 109 86 hex #556D56 hsv 123 22 43 xyz 0.11 0.14 0.11 lab 44 -14 10 lch 44 17 144 cmyk 9 0 9 57 cactus[1972][88,113,86](2.4):cactus[1973][91,111,85](2.4):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](3.3):PMS5615[727][84,104,86](4.1):PMS5545[713][79,109,94](5.1) 4 PMS5545:PMS5615:cactus:gondwana +3629 finlandia rgb 97 117 91 hex #61755B hsv 106 22 46 xyz 0.13 0.16 0.12 lab 47 -13 12 lch 47 17 137 cmyk 8 0 10 54 cactus[1973][91,111,85](2.0):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](2.2):gondwana[3946][91,117,92](2.2):cactus[1972][88,113,86](2.8):willow_grove[9123][101,116,93](3.2) 8 axolotl:cactus:gondwana:grove:willow +3630 finn rgb 105 45 84 hex #692D54 hsv 321 57 41 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.09 lab 28 32 -11 lch 28 34 341 cmyk 0 24 8 59 dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](5.4):PMS2622[248][96,45,89](5.5):cosmic[2544][118,57,93](5.5):PMS511[626][96,33,68](5.7):grape[3977][108,52,97](5.9) 0 dark:PMS2622:PMS511:cosmic:fuchsia:grape +3631 finn rgb 105 69 84 hex #694554 hsv 335 34 41 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.09 lab 34 18 -3 lch 34 18 352 cmyk 0 14 8 59 cordite[2509][109,70,88](2.4):eggplant[3376][97,64,81](3.3):deep_tuscan_red[3074][102,66,77](3.7):tuscan_red[8596][102,66,77](3.7):eggplant[3377][110,81,96](5.1) 4 deep:cordite:eggplant:tuscan:red +3632 fiord rgb 64 81 105 hex #405169 hsv 215 39 41 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.15 lab 34 0 -16 lch 34 16 270 cmyk 16 9 0 59 east_bay[3334][71,82,110](3.3):spinnaker[7901][47,77,102](4.1):dalek[2661][71,87,105](4.6):independence[4626][76,81,109](5.2):cello[2165][58,78,95](5.4) 3 bay:cello:dalek:east:independence:spinnaker +3633 fiord rgb 75 90 98 hex #4B5A62 hsv 201 23 38 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.13 lab 37 -4 -7 lch 37 8 240 cmyk 9 3 0 62 san_juan[7447][68,87,97](1.7):compass[2445][75,87,97](2.2):snapshot[7803][80,95,103](2.2):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](3.0):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](3.2) 14 bluewood:compass:denim:half:juan:new:pickled:san:snapshot:blue +3634 fire rgb 143 63 42 hex #8F3F2A hsv 12 71 56 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.03 lab 37 32 29 lch 37 43 42 cmyk 0 31 40 44 tia_maria[8340][151,66,45](3.0):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](3.6):tomato[8408][139,54,38](3.7):embers[3465][140,63,48](4.0):coral[2491][139,62,47](4.1) 7 chestnut:coral:embers:maria:tia:tomato +3635 fire rgb 170 66 3 hex #AA4203 hsv 23 98 67 xyz 0.19 0.12 0.02 lab 42 40 52 lch 42 66 52 cmyk 0 41 65 33 strong_tangelo[8061][168,63,0](1.4):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](2.4):vesuvius[8827][177,74,11](3.2):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](3.3):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](3.5) 7 strong:17:18:2X:PMS471:beer:srm:tangelo:vesuvius +3636 fire_bush rgb 224 152 66 hex #E09842 hsv 33 71 88 xyz 0.43 0.39 0.1 lab 69 19 54 lch 69 58 70 cmyk 0 28 62 12 party_animal[6495][219,146,65](2.4):PMS157[81][237,160,79](3.7):lolly_scramble[5335][233,155,65](3.7):brilliant_orange[1790][231,156,81](4.6):carpe_diem[2113][228,148,61](4.6) 5 brilliant:PMS157:animal:carpe:diem:lolly:party:scramble:orange +3637 fire_bush rgb 232 153 40 hex #E89928 hsv 35 83 91 xyz 0.45 0.4 0.07 lab 70 21 66 lch 70 69 72 cmyk 0 31 75 9 yellow_sea[9220][244,159,53](3.5):dixie[3147][226,148,24](3.6):frenzee[3764][247,162,51](3.6):lightning_yellow[5252][247,162,51](3.6):buttercup[1950][218,148,41](5.2) 4 buttercup:dixie:frenzee:lightning:sea:yellow +3638 fire_engine_red rgb 206 32 41 hex #CE2029 hsv 357 84 81 xyz 0.26 0.14 0.03 lab 45 65 41 lch 45 77 33 cmyk 0 68 65 19 amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](1.7):PMS186[138][206,17,38](2.4):firebrick[3644][205,38,38](2.8):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](4.5):lava[4926][207,16,32](4.6) 8 PMS1795:PMS186:amaranth:firebrick:lava:red +3639 fire_engine_red rgb 254 0 2 hex #FE0002 hsv 360 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 66 lch 53 104 40 cmyk 0 100 99 0 candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](1.0):red[7111][255,0,0](1.0):bright_red[1746][255,0,13](2.0):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](2.0) 8 luminous:light:vivid:apple:bright:cadmium:candy:red +3640 fireball rgb 204 92 57 hex #CC5C39 hsv 14 72 80 xyz 0.29 0.21 0.06 lab 53 42 41 lch 53 59 44 cmyk 0 44 58 20 tangerine[8238][205,93,52](3.0):traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](3.0):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](3.2):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](4.2):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](5.1) 4 light:chilean:cotta:ecstasy:fire:tangerine:terra:traffic +3641 firebrick rgb 139 26 26 hex #8B1A1A hsv 360 81 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.02 lab 30 46 31 lch 30 55 34 cmyk 0 44 44 45 scarlet[7516][140,23,23](1.4):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](2.4):falu_red[3552][128,24,24](4.7):vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](4.7):up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](4.9) 5 vivid:auburn:brick:falu:maroon:old:scarlet:up:red +3642 firebrick rgb 142 35 35 hex #8E2323 hsv 360 75 56 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.02 lab 32 44 27 lch 32 52 32 cmyk 0 42 42 44 vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](1.4):brown[1835][139,35,35](1.7):falu_red[3552][128,24,24](4.2):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](4.2):cracker[2572][150,49,40](4.9) 5 vivid:auburn:brick:cracker:falu:old:brown:red +3643 firebrick rgb 178 34 34 hex #B22222 hsv 360 81 70 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.03 lab 39 56 38 lch 39 67 34 cmyk 0 56 56 30 del_toro[3083][177,29,32](1.4):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](2.2):PMS1805[128][175,38,38](3.6):carnelian[2106][179,27,27](3.6):cornell_red[2526][179,27,27](3.6) 7 PMS1805:carnelian:cornell:del:indian:toro:red +3644 firebrick rgb 205 38 38 hex #CD2626 hsv 0 81 80 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.03 lab 45 63 43 lch 45 76 34 cmyk 0 65 65 20 fire_engine_red[3638][206,32,41](2.8):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](3.5):PMS186[138][206,17,38](4.2):amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](4.4):lava[4926][207,16,32](4.6) 6 PMS1795:PMS186:amaranth:engine:fire:lava:red +3645 firebrick rgb 238 44 44 hex #EE2C2C hsv 360 82 93 xyz 0.37 0.2 0.04 lab 52 71 49 lch 52 86 35 cmyk 0 76 76 7 PMS1788[122][239,43,45](0.0):red[7105][237,28,36](3.7):lust[5411][230,32,32](4.2):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](5.0):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](5.1) 4 2X:PMS1788:PMS805:cadmium:lust:red +3646 firebrick rgb 255 48 48 hex #FF3030 hsv 360 81 100 xyz 0.43 0.24 0.05 lab 56 74 52 lch 56 90 35 cmyk 0 81 81 0 light_brilliant_red[5060][254,46,46](1.4):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](4.2):red_orange[7128][255,63,52](4.2):red[7105][237,28,36](5.1):PMS1788[122][239,43,45](5.8) 3 light:brilliant:2X:PMS1788:PMS805:orange:red +3647 firefly rgb 14 42 48 hex #0E2A30 hsv 191 71 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 -8 -7 lch 15 11 221 cmyk 13 2 0 81 daintree[2653][1,39,49](3.3):nordic[6070][1,39,49](3.3):loch_ness[5320][7,47,55](3.5):bledisloe[1513][25,40,43](4.2):madagascar[5423][23,46,44](5.7) 4 bledisloe:daintree:loch:madagascar:ness:nordic +3648 firefly rgb 49 70 67 hex #314643 hsv 171 30 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 28 -9 -1 lch 28 9 185 cmyk 8 0 1 73 gable_green[3819][44,70,65](2.2):isobar[4692][55,72,70](2.2):hauraki[4432][58,77,73](3.3):jurassic[4800][55,68,62](3.6):pioneer[6707][57,69,65](3.6) 10 gable:hauraki:isobar:jurassic:pioneer:green +3649 first_light rgb 229 225 172 hex #E5E1AC hsv 56 25 90 xyz 0.67 0.73 0.5 lab 89 -7 26 lch 89 27 105 cmyk 0 2 22 10 PMS461[553][237,229,173](2.4):tusk[8602][227,229,177](2.4):PMS615[794][226,219,170](3.0):beige[1385][230,218,166](3.7):double_colonial_white[3192][238,227,173](3.7) 12 PMS461:PMS615:beige:colonial:double:tusk:white +3650 fish_n_chips rgb 220 171 75 hex #DCAB4B hsv 40 66 86 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.13 lab 73 8 55 lch 73 55 82 cmyk 0 19 57 14 sunkissed[8137][230,181,83](3.2):brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](3.6):rob_roy[7243][221,173,86](4.1):ronchi[7286][234,184,82](5.5):casablanca[2116][240,178,83](6.5) 3 brilliant:casablanca:gamboge:rob:ronchi:roy:sunkissed +3651 fizz rgb 245 204 35 hex #F5CC23 hsv 48 86 96 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.11 lab 83 0 79 lch 83 79 90 cmyk 0 16 82 4 turbo[8567][245,204,35](0.0):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](2.0):deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](2.4):banana_split[1280][241,204,43](2.8):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](2.8) 12 deep:banana:dream:golden:jonquil:split:turbo:lemon +3652 flair rgb 185 75 66 hex #B94B42 hsv 5 64 73 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.07 lab 47 44 28 lch 47 52 33 cmyk 0 43 47 27 sunset[8141][192,81,74](2.2):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](3.2):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](3.2):forbidden[3716][176,70,64](3.7):moulin_rouge[5916][173,70,63](4.1) 7 deep:chestnut:forbidden:moulin:rouge:sunset +3653 flame rgb 226 88 34 hex #E25822 hsv 17 85 89 xyz 0.35 0.23 0.04 lab 55 51 56 lch 55 76 47 cmyk 0 54 75 11 vivid_vermilion[8958][229,96,36](3.0):vivid_red_tangelo[8944][223,97,36](5.1):PMS1665[101][221,79,5](6.6):PMS173[110][209,68,20](6.8):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](7.1) 1 deep:vivid:PMS1665:PMS173:carrot:tangelo:vermilion:orange:red +3654 flame_pea rgb 190 92 72 hex #BE5C48 hsv 10 62 75 xyz 0.26 0.19 0.08 lab 51 38 30 lch 51 48 38 cmyk 0 38 46 25 crail[2575][185,81,64](4.4):oh_behave[6117][190,82,63](4.9):sunglo[8133][199,97,85](4.9):cedar_chest[2149][201,90,73](5.2):brown_rust[1856][175,89,62](5.9) 3 behave:cedar:chest:crail:oh:rust:sunglo:brown +3655 flame_pea rgb 218 91 56 hex #DA5B38 hsv 13 74 85 xyz 0.33 0.23 0.06 lab 55 48 44 lch 55 65 43 cmyk 0 50 64 15 medium_vermilion[5651][217,96,59](3.2):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](5.2):sebedee[7596][233,97,57](5.8):tangerine[8238][205,93,52](6.3):traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](6.3) 1 medium:light:chilean:fire:sebedee:tangerine:traffic:vermilion +3656 flame_red rgb 134 40 46 hex #86282E hsv 356 70 53 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 31 40 19 lch 31 45 25 cmyk 0 37 35 47 monza[5878][134,40,46](0.0):rocket[7266][134,40,46](0.0):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.8):PMS188[140][124,33,40](3.2):brown[1834][128,42,42](3.3) 17 PMS188:bullseye:monza:rocket:brown +3657 flame_red rgb 199 3 30 hex #C7031E hsv 352 98 78 xyz 0.24 0.12 0.02 lab 42 67 44 lch 42 80 33 cmyk 0 77 66 22 monza[5879][199,3,30](0.0):lava[4926][207,16,32](2.2):PMS186[138][206,17,38](2.8):scarlet[7517][190,1,25](3.6):harvard_crimson[4427][201,0,22](4.0) 7 PMS186:harvard:lava:monza:scarlet:crimson +3658 flamenco rgb 234 134 69 hex #EA8645 hsv 24 71 92 xyz 0.44 0.35 0.1 lab 66 33 50 lch 66 60 57 cmyk 0 39 65 8 flashback[3664][223,128,62](3.6):hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](3.7):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](3.7):tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](3.7):jaffa[4719][239,134,63](4.5) 6 flashback:hi:jaffa:jinx:pizazz:poppy:tree +3659 flamenco rgb 255 125 7 hex #FF7D07 hsv 29 97 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.05 lab 66 44 73 lch 66 85 59 cmyk 0 51 97 0 sorbus[7852][253,124,7](1.0):amber[1034][255,126,0](1.4):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](1.4):coral[2498][255,127,0](1.7):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](1.7) 18 dark:amber:coral:pumpkin:sorbus:orange +3660 flamingo rgb 225 99 79 hex #E1634F hsv 8 65 88 xyz 0.37 0.25 0.1 lab 58 48 35 lch 58 60 37 cmyk 0 49 57 12 brilliant_scarlet[1803][231,100,81](2.4):jelly_bean[4758][218,97,78](3.0):coral[2495][238,106,80](5.1):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](5.5):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](5.5) 2 brilliant:bean:coral:fingers:jelly:persimmon:scarlet:sticky +3661 flamingo rgb 242 85 42 hex #F2552A hsv 13 83 95 xyz 0.4 0.26 0.05 lab 58 58 55 lch 58 80 43 cmyk 0 62 78 5 outrageous_orange[6272][255,96,55](4.2):portland_orange[6791][255,90,54](4.7):PMS171[108][249,96,58](5.1):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](6.4):pomegranate[6762][243,71,35](6.6) 2 PMS171:outrageous:pomegranate:portland:soda:orange +3662 flamingo_pink rgb 252 142 172 hex #FC8EAC hsv 344 44 99 xyz 0.57 0.43 0.44 lab 72 45 3 lch 72 45 4 cmyk 0 43 31 1 baker_miller_pink[1263][255,145,175](1.0):schauss_pink[7527][255,145,175](1.0):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](3.0):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](3.7):vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](4.1) 7 baker:ice:me:miller:schauss:sherbet:tickle:vanilla:pink +3663 flash_point rgb 147 44 49 hex #932C31 hsv 357 70 58 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.04 lab 34 43 22 lch 34 48 27 cmyk 0 40 38 42 bright_red[1744][146,42,49](1.4):chaos[2215][146,42,49](1.4):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](1.4):vermilion[8704][146,42,49](1.4):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](1.7) 8 bright:chaos:guardsman:hot:vermilion:red +3664 flashback rgb 223 128 62 hex #DF803E hsv 25 72 87 xyz 0.39 0.31 0.09 lab 63 31 50 lch 63 59 58 cmyk 0 37 63 13 tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](2.2):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](3.6):hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](3.6):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](3.6):hero[4474][211,124,57](4.2) 6 flamenco:hero:hi:jinx:pizazz:poppy:tree +3665 flat_blue rgb 60 115 168 hex #3C73A8 hsv 209 64 66 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.39 lab 47 -1 -34 lch 47 34 268 cmyk 42 21 0 34 primetime[6812][57,115,169](0.0):lochmara[5324][49,110,160](3.0):lure[5409][47,119,169](4.2):blue_yonder[1601][80,114,167](4.6):moderate_azure[5812][74,121,168](4.6) 6 moderate:lochmara:lure:primetime:yonder:azure:blue +3666 flat_green rgb 105 157 76 hex #699D4C hsv 99 52 62 xyz 0.19 0.28 0.11 lab 60 -32 37 lch 60 49 131 cmyk 20 0 32 38 off_green[6107][107,163,83](3.0):muted_green[5959][95,160,82](5.0):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](5.2):PMS576[750][96,142,58](6.4):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](7.1) 2 moderate:PMS576:asparagus:muted:off:pistachio:green +3667 flat_medium_blue rgb 39 64 139 hex #27408B hsv 225 72 55 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.25 lab 29 17 -45 lch 29 48 291 cmyk 39 29 0 45 royal_blue[7347][39,64,139](0.0):bay_of_many[1324][39,58,129](3.7):PMS294[319][0,63,135](4.1):elvis[3464][22,72,155](5.9):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](6.2) 3 PMS294:bay:cobalt:elvis:many:of:royal:blue +3668 flat_medium_blue rgb 58 95 205 hex #3A5FCD hsv 225 72 80 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.59 lab 43 24 -61 lch 43 66 292 cmyk 58 43 0 20 royal_blue[7348][58,95,205](0.0):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](5.1):PMS293[317][0,81,186](6.3):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](6.4):royal_blue[7349][65,105,225](6.7) 1 PMS293:cerulean:royal:sapphire:blue +3669 flat_medium_blue rgb 67 110 238 hex #436EEE hsv 225 72 93 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.83 lab 50 28 -69 lch 50 74 292 cmyk 67 50 0 7 royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](0.0):cerulean_blue[2186][5,110,238](4.6):royal_blue[7349][65,105,225](4.9):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](5.4):deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](5.9) 3 deep:cerulean:lightish:royal:sky:blue +3670 flat_medium_blue rgb 72 118 255 hex #4876FF hsv 225 72 100 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.97 lab 54 30 -73 lch 54 79 292 cmyk 72 54 0 0 royal_blue[7351][72,118,255](0.0):light_brilliant_phthalo_blue[5056][101,120,255](4.7):blue[1536][31,117,254](4.9):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](5.4):royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](6.0) 3 light:brilliant:lightish:phthalo:royal:blue +3671 flat_medium_green rgb 105 139 105 hex #698B69 hsv 120 24 55 xyz 0.18 0.22 0.17 lab 55 -19 14 lch 55 24 143 cmyk 13 0 13 45 dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](0.0):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](2.2):glade_green[3871][97,132,95](3.7):laurel[4922][110,141,113](3.7):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.4) 5 slate:dark:glade:laurel:sea:green:grey +3672 flat_medium_green rgb 143 188 143 hex #8FBC8F hsv 120 24 74 xyz 0.34 0.44 0.33 lab 72 -24 18 lch 72 30 143 cmyk 18 0 18 26 dark_sea_green[2875][143,188,143](0.0):pale_green[6343][143,188,143](0.0):sea_green_dark[7564][143,188,143](0.0):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](5.7):bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](6.5) 3 pale:dark:bay:eton:leaf:sea:blue:green +3673 flat_medium_green rgb 155 205 155 hex #9BCD9B hsv 120 24 80 xyz 0.41 0.53 0.39 lab 78 -26 20 lch 78 33 143 cmyk 20 0 20 20 dark_sea_green[2876][155,205,155](0.0):chinook[2298][157,211,168](4.5):light_moss_green[5148][173,223,173](6.1):moss_green[5913][173,223,173](6.1):dark_sea_green[2875][143,188,143](6.6) 2 light:dark:chinook:moss:sea:green +3674 flat_medium_green rgb 180 238 180 hex #B4EEB4 hsv 120 24 93 xyz 0.58 0.74 0.54 lab 89 -29 22 lch 89 37 143 cmyk 23 0 23 7 dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](0.0):madang[5426][183,240,190](4.2):light_sage[5186][188,236,172](4.5):celadon[2152][172,225,175](5.4):madang[5425][183,227,168](5.4) 3 light:dark:celadon:madang:sage:sea:green +3675 flat_medium_green rgb 193 255 193 hex #C1FFC1 hsv 120 24 100 xyz 0.67 0.87 0.64 lab 95 -31 24 lch 95 39 143 cmyk 24 0 24 0 dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](0.0):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](1.4):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](3.0):celadon[2153][190,253,183](3.7):light_mint[5145][182,255,187](4.2) 6 pale:light:dark:celadon:sap:sea:green:mint +3676 flattery rgb 107 68 35 hex #6B4423 hsv 28 67 42 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.03 lab 33 13 27 lch 33 30 63 cmyk 0 15 28 58 brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](0.0):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](0.0):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](1.4):dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](2.4):otter_brown[6261][101,67,33](2.4) 15 dark:bean:kobicha:nose:otter:pickled:brown +3677 flavescent rgb 247 233 142 hex #F7E98E hsv 52 43 97 xyz 0.72 0.8 0.37 lab 92 -8 46 lch 92 46 99 cmyk 0 5 41 3 sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](2.2):khaki[4849][240,230,140](2.4):light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](2.4):sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](2.4):PMS127[35][244,226,135](3.0) 19 light:PMS127:corn:khaki:sahara:sand:sweet +3678 flax rgb 123 130 101 hex #7B8265 hsv 74 22 51 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.15 lab 53 -8 15 lch 53 17 118 cmyk 3 0 11 49 flax_smoke[3681][123,130,101](0.0):limed_ash[5279][116,125,99](2.8):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](3.0):bitter[1439][136,137,108](3.6):finch[3627][117,120,90](4.2) 9 ash:bitter:camouflage:finch:flax:limed:smoke:green +3679 flax rgb 130 133 98 hex #828562 hsv 65 26 52 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.15 lab 54 -7 19 lch 54 20 111 cmyk 1 0 14 48 old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.3):anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](3.6):bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](3.7):avocado[1209][136,141,101](4.1):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](4.1) 9 medium:anemone:avocado:bandicoot:goldenrod:malachite:old:green +3680 flax rgb 238 220 130 hex #EEDC82 hsv 50 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.31 lab 87 -6 46 lch 87 47 97 cmyk 0 7 42 7 light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](0.0):old_goldenrod[6132][238,220,130](0.0):light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](1.4):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](1.4):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](1.4) 14 light:goldenrod:old:oldgoldenrod +3681 flax_smoke rgb 123 130 101 hex #7B8265 hsv 74 22 51 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.15 lab 53 -8 15 lch 53 17 118 cmyk 3 0 11 49 flax[3678][123,130,101](0.0):limed_ash[5279][116,125,99](2.8):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](3.0):bitter[1439][136,137,108](3.6):finch[3627][117,120,90](4.2) 10 ash:bitter:camouflage:finch:flax:limed:green +3682 fleece rgb 233 227 210 hex #E9E3D2 hsv 44 10 91 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.72 lab 90 -1 9 lch 90 9 95 cmyk 0 2 9 9 cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.0):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.0):half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](1.0):half_joanna[4344][228,223,206](1.0) 113 cake:cararra:double:eighth:half:joanna:rice:sisal +3683 fleetwood rgb 185 158 86 hex #B99E56 hsv 44 54 73 xyz 0.34 0.35 0.14 lab 66 1 41 lch 66 41 89 cmyk 0 11 39 27 sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](3.3):husk[4589][178,153,75](3.7):laser[4914][198,169,94](4.1):husk[4590][183,164,88](4.6):moderate_amber[5808][168,145,74](5.2) 4 moderate:amber:husk:laser:sandy:brown +3684 flesh rgb 204 164 131 hex #CCA483 hsv 27 36 80 xyz 0.42 0.41 0.27 lab 70 10 23 lch 70 25 66 cmyk 0 16 29 20 cameo[2022][204,164,131](0.0):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](2.4):quarter_sorrell_brown[6995][193,160,125](3.6):PMS4655[562][196,153,119](4.2):quarter_kalgoorie_sands[6961][205,170,143](4.6) 5 PMS4655:cameo:dust:kalgoorie:quarter:rodeo:sands:sorrell:brown +3685 flesh rgb 245 204 176 hex #F5CCB0 hsv 24 28 96 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.5 lab 85 10 19 lch 85 22 62 cmyk 0 16 27 4 apricot[1090][251,206,177](2.4):apricot_peach[1093][251,206,177](2.4):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](2.4):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](2.4):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](2.4) 20 apricot:desert:peachpuff:puff:sand:peach +3686 flesh rgb 255 125 64 hex #FF7D40 hsv 19 75 100 xyz 0.5 0.36 0.09 lab 67 46 55 lch 67 71 50 cmyk 0 51 75 0 PMS164[95][252,127,63](3.0):mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](3.3):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](3.3):sienna[7699][255,130,71](3.7):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](4.1) 6 burnt:PMS164:mango:shirley:sienna:tango:temple:orange +3687 flesh rgb 255 203 164 hex #FFCBA4 hsv 26 36 100 xyz 0.69 0.67 0.44 lab 85 13 26 lch 85 30 63 cmyk 0 20 36 0 deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](0.0):peach[6541][255,203,164](0.0):PMS713[892][249,201,163](1.7):PMS473[578][244,196,160](2.4):peach[6542][255,207,171](2.4) 10 deep:PMS473:PMS713:peach +3688 flesh_ochre rgb 255 87 33 hex #FF5721 hsv 15 87 100 xyz 0.45 0.28 0.05 lab 60 62 62 lch 60 87 45 cmyk 0 66 87 0 giants_orange[3854][254,90,29](2.2):PMS811_2X[933][255,84,22](3.2):orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](3.7):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](4.4):PMS172[109][247,73,2](6.2) 4 2X:PMS172:PMS811:giants:orioles:reddish:orange +3689 flint rgb 111 106 97 hex #6F6A61 hsv 39 13 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.13 lab 45 0 6 lch 45 6 88 cmyk 0 2 5 56 ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](1.7):double_tapa[3246][106,106,95](2.0):double_schooner[3234][114,105,98](2.2):double_stonehenge[3242][112,103,91](2.4):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](2.8) 32 double:friar:ironside:schooner:stonehenge:tapa:grey +3690 flint rgb 113 110 97 hex #716E61 hsv 49 14 44 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.14 lab 46 -1 8 lch 46 8 100 cmyk 0 1 6 56 internet[4664][115,112,98](1.0):climate[2374][110,109,94](1.4):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](1.4):PMS417[500][119,114,99](2.2):chain_reaction[2195][108,105,90](2.4) 26 PMS417:chain:climate:double:friar:internet:reaction:grey +3691 flirt rgb 122 46 77 hex #7A2E4D hsv 336 62 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.08 lab 31 36 -2 lch 31 36 357 cmyk 0 30 18 52 PMS690[869][112,35,66](4.2):extrovert[3533][117,38,66](4.4):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.5):PMS683[862][127,40,79](5.1):PMS229[187][109,33,63](5.4) 3 PMS229:PMS683:PMS690:extrovert:highlight +3692 flirt rgb 162 0 109 hex #A2006D hsv 320 100 64 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.15 lab 36 63 -15 lch 36 65 347 cmyk 0 64 21 36 red_violet[7145][158,1,104](2.4):PMS241[205][173,0,117](3.7):strong_cerise[8024][168,0,105](4.2):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](4.4):PMS2415[206][155,0,112](4.6) 5 strong:PMS241:PMS2415:cerise:eggplant:fresh:red:violet +3693 float rgb 76 129 195 hex #4C81C3 hsv 213 61 76 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.55 lab 53 3 -40 lch 53 40 274 cmyk 47 26 0 24 tufts_blue[8555][65,125,193](2.4):havelock_blue[4436][87,132,193](3.2):cyan_blue_azure[2641][70,130,191](3.6):windows_blue[9131][55,120,191](4.2):PMS279[300][102,137,204](5.4) 4 PMS279:cyan:havelock:tufts:windows:azure:blue +3694 floral_white rgb 255 250 240 hex #FFFAF0 hsv 40 6 100 xyz 0.91 0.96 0.96 lab 98 0 5 lch 98 5 90 cmyk 0 2 6 0 bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.4):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.4):orchid_white[6246][255,253,243](1.4):quarter_pearl_lusta[6978][255,253,244](1.4):eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.7) 86 bianca:eighth:filmpro:lusta:orchid:pearl:quarter:white +3695 florentine_pink rgb 208 131 99 hex #D08363 hsv 18 52 82 xyz 0.36 0.31 0.16 lab 62 26 30 lch 62 40 48 cmyk 0 30 43 18 burning_sand[1922][208,131,99](0.0):light_salmon[5188][205,129,98](1.4):copper[2477][218,138,103](3.3):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](3.3):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](3.3) 6 pale:light:burning:copper:copperfield:salmon:sand +3696 flotsam rgb 200 196 192 hex #C8C4C0 hsv 30 4 78 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.58 lab 79 1 2 lch 79 3 75 cmyk 0 2 3 22 cloud[2380][199,196,191](1.4):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):silver[7706][205,197,194](1.4):alto[1021][205,198,197](1.7):pale_slate[6430][195,190,187](2.0) 69 pale:slate:alto:cloud:concrete:double:silver +3697 flourish rgb 173 177 94 hex #ADB15E hsv 63 47 69 xyz 0.35 0.41 0.17 lab 70 -14 42 lch 70 44 108 cmyk 2 0 33 31 olive_green[6164][181,179,92](3.7):gimblet[3858][184,181,106](5.4):olive_green[6165][186,184,108](5.8):vermont[8709][178,190,97](6.4):dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](6.6) 1 dark:gimblet:khaki:olive:vermont:green +3698 flower_power rgb 222 183 217 hex #DEB7D9 hsv 308 18 87 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.73 lab 79 20 -12 lch 79 23 329 cmyk 0 15 2 13 french_lilac[3750][222,183,217](0.0):pink_lavender[6682][216,178,209](3.0):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](3.2):PMS530[664][214,175,214](3.7):french_lilac[3751][236,199,238](5.4) 4 pale:light:PMS530:french:fuchsia:grayish:lilac:lavender:pink +3699 floyd rgb 218 156 166 hex #DA9CA6 hsv 350 28 85 xyz 0.48 0.41 0.42 lab 70 25 4 lch 70 25 9 cmyk 0 24 20 15 faded_pink[3538][222,157,172](2.4):PMS508[623][232,165,175](4.2):pink[6666][205,145,158](4.5):careys_pink[2085][210,158,170](5.0):can[2032][213,145,164](5.2) 4 PMS508:can:careys:faded:pink +3700 fluorescent_green rgb 8 255 8 hex #08FF08 hsv 120 97 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 119 136 cmyk 97 0 97 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0):lime[5267][0,255,0](0.0) 13 bright:electric:fluro:green:lime +3701 fluorescent_orange rgb 255 191 0 hex #FFBF00 hsv 45 100 100 xyz 0.6 0.59 0.08 lab 81 10 83 lch 81 84 83 cmyk 0 25 100 0 amber[1035][255,191,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_amber[5360][255,191,0](0.0):marigold[5528][252,192,6](1.4):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](2.0):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](2.2) 14 luminous:vivid:amber:golden:marigold:mikado:poppy:yellow +3702 fluorescent_pink rgb 255 20 147 hex #FF1493 hsv 328 92 100 xyz 0.47 0.24 0.3 lab 56 85 -6 lch 56 85 356 cmyk 0 92 42 0 deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](0.0):PMS806[922][255,0,147](1.4):electric_pink[3448][255,4,144](1.7):magenta[5440][255,0,144](1.7):hot_pink[4566][255,2,141](3.2) 5 deep:PMS806:electric:hot:magenta:pink +3703 fluorescent_yellow rgb 204 255 0 hex #CCFF00 hsv 72 100 100 xyz 0.61 0.84 0.13 lab 94 -42 90 lch 94 100 115 cmyk 20 0 100 0 electric_lime[3446][204,255,0](0.0):volt[8969][205,255,0](0.0):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](1.0):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](1.4):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](2.2) 10 arctic:electric:greenish:neon:volt:lime:yellow +3704 fluro_green rgb 10 255 2 hex #0AFF02 hsv 118 99 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 119 136 cmyk 96 0 99 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0):lime[5267][0,255,0](0.0) 13 bright:electric:fluorescent:green:lime +3705 flush_mahogany rgb 202 52 53 hex #CA3435 hsv 360 74 79 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.05 lab 46 58 36 lch 46 68 31 cmyk 0 59 58 21 brown[1840][205,51,51](1.4):persian_red[6612][204,51,51](1.4):PMS1797[126][204,45,48](3.6):jasper[4747][215,59,62](3.7):PMS711[890][209,45,51](4.6) 6 PMS1797:PMS711:jasper:persian:brown:red +3706 flush_orange rgb 255 127 0 hex #FF7F00 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.04 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](0.0):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](0.0):orange[6204][255,127,0](0.0):orange[6205][255,128,0](0.0) 15 luminous:dark:vivid:coral:orange +3707 foam rgb 208 234 232 hex #D0EAE8 hsv 175 11 92 xyz 0.7 0.78 0.88 lab 91 -9 -2 lch 91 9 192 cmyk 10 0 1 8 light_cyan[5092][209,238,238](1.4):mabel[5418][203,232,232](1.4):oyster_bay[6281][209,234,234](1.4):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](2.4):iceberg[4602][218,244,240](3.2) 14 light:bay:cyan:ice:iceberg:jagged:mabel:oyster +3708 foam rgb 216 252 250 hex #D8FCFA hsv 177 14 99 xyz 0.8 0.91 1.04 lab 96 -12 -3 lch 96 12 194 cmyk 14 0 1 1 ice_blue[4597][215,255,254](1.7):very_light_blue[8749][213,255,255](1.7):very_pale_blue[8799][214,255,254](1.7):frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](2.4):ice[4596][214,255,250](2.4) 19 pale:light:very:frosted:ice:blue:mint +3709 foam_green rgb 144 253 169 hex #90FDA9 hsv 134 43 99 xyz 0.54 0.79 0.5 lab 91 -49 31 lch 91 58 148 cmyk 43 0 33 1 very_light_emerald_green[8759][158,255,170](4.2):seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](5.4):mint[5764][159,254,176](5.5):mint_green[5767][143,255,159](5.5):seafoam[7576][128,249,173](5.5) 1 light:very:emerald:seafoam:green:mint +3710 fog rgb 213 199 232 hex #D5C7E8 hsv 265 14 91 xyz 0.62 0.61 0.85 lab 82 11 -15 lch 82 18 307 cmyk 7 13 0 9 fairylight[3546][213,199,232](0.0):prelude[6807][208,192,229](3.0):soap[7819][206,200,239](3.2):zappo[9249][196,192,226](4.4):divine[3145][228,206,236](4.7) 5 divine:fairylight:prelude:soap:zappo +3711 fog rgb 215 208 255 hex #D7D0FF hsv 249 18 100 xyz 0.69 0.67 1.04 lab 85 12 -22 lch 85 25 298 cmyk 16 18 0 0 pale_lavender[6353][220,208,255](1.7):moon_raker[5888][214,206,246](3.6):lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](3.7):periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](3.7):soap[7819][206,200,239](5.4) 4 pale:moon:periwinkle:raker:soap:blue:lavender +3712 foggy_grey rgb 167 166 157 hex #A7A69D hsv 54 6 65 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.37 lab 68 -1 5 lch 68 5 105 cmyk 0 0 4 35 swordfish[8192][167,166,156](0.0):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](1.0):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.4):delta[3087][164,164,157](1.4):quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](1.7) 41 dawn:delta:friar:quarter:swordfish:tapa:grey +3713 foggy_grey rgb 203 202 182 hex #CBCAB6 hsv 57 10 80 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.53 lab 81 -3 10 lch 81 11 107 cmyk 0 0 8 20 double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](1.0):half_tana[4397][204,201,182](1.0):half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.4):moon_mist[5885][206,205,184](1.4):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](2.2) 53 bison:cream:double:half:hide:linen:mist:moon:quarter:tana:thorndon +3714 folly rgb 255 0 79 hex #FF004F hsv 341 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.22 0.09 lab 54 82 32 lch 54 88 21 cmyk 0 100 69 0 PMS812_2X[935][252,7,79](1.7):awesome[1214][255,32,82](3.2):pink_red[6689][245,5,79](4.7):pinkish_red[6701][241,12,69](6.2):reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](6.4) 3 2X:PMS812:awesome:pinkish:reddish:pink:red +3715 footloose rgb 164 97 58 hex #A4613A hsv 22 65 64 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.06 lab 48 24 33 lch 48 41 55 cmyk 0 26 42 36 desert[3099][161,95,59](1.7):red_beech[7114][161,98,59](2.0):indochine[4652][156,91,52](3.2):earth[3328][162,101,62](3.3):tuscany[8599][173,98,66](4.1) 8 beech:desert:earth:indochine:tuscany:red +3716 forbidden rgb 176 70 64 hex #B04640 hsv 3 64 69 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.06 lab 44 43 26 lch 44 50 31 cmyk 0 42 44 31 moulin_rouge[5916][173,70,63](1.0):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](3.2):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](3.2):flair[3652][185,75,66](3.7):apple_blossom[1083][175,77,67](4.1) 7 deep:apple:blossom:chestnut:flair:moulin:rouge +3717 forcefield rgb 137 150 148 hex #899694 hsv 171 9 59 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.32 lab 61 -5 -1 lch 61 5 186 cmyk 5 0 1 41 allusive[1008][139,150,149](1.0):half_innocence[4341][138,151,148](1.0):quicksilver[7026][136,154,151](2.2):crescent[2595][131,149,150](2.4):submarine[8103][140,156,156](2.4) 26 allusive:crescent:half:innocence:quicksilver:submarine +3718 forecast rgb 162 170 177 hex #A2AAB1 hsv 208 8 69 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.47 lab 69 -1 -5 lch 69 5 253 cmyk 6 3 0 31 freestyling[3741][164,168,176](1.0):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](1.0):mischka[5779][165,169,178](1.0):aluminium[1025][169,172,182](2.2):hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](2.4) 18 aluminium:chateau:freestyling:hit:mischka:grey +3719 forest rgb 11 85 9 hex #0B5509 hsv 118 89 33 xyz 0.03 0.07 0.01 lab 31 -37 34 lch 31 50 137 cmyk 29 0 30 67 deep_green[2994][2,89,15](2.2):deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](2.4):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.3):deep_malachite_green[3014][0,89,22](3.3):lincoln_green[5290][25,89,5](3.7) 5 deep:dark:emerald:lincoln:malachite:green +3720 forest_green rgb 1 68 33 hex #014421 hsv 149 99 27 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.02 lab 24 -29 16 lch 24 33 151 cmyk 26 0 14 73 up_forest_green[8656][1,68,33](0.0):kaitoke_green[4806][0,70,32](1.7):zuccini[9277][4,64,34](4.4):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](4.5):pine_green[6659][10,72,30](4.5) 6 british:forest:kaitoke:pine:racing:up:zuccini:green +3721 forest_green rgb 6 71 12 hex #06470C hsv 126 92 28 xyz 0.02 0.05 0.01 lab 25 -32 28 lch 25 43 139 cmyk 25 0 23 72 dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](1.0):fern[3575][10,72,13](1.0):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](1.4):darkgreen[2923][5,73,7](3.7):hunter_green[4582][11,64,8](3.7) 10 dark:british:darkgreen:fern:hunter:racing:green +3722 forest_green rgb 24 45 9 hex #182D09 hsv 95 80 18 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.01 lab 16 -16 19 lch 16 25 130 cmyk 8 0 14 82 deep_forest_green[2988][24,45,9](0.0):seaweed[7593][27,47,17](2.4):palm_leaf[6458][25,51,14](3.0):mallard[5483][35,52,24](6.4):turtle_green[8591][42,56,11](8.1) 3 deep:forest:leaf:mallard:palm:seaweed:turtle:green +3723 forest_green rgb 34 139 34 hex #228B22 hsv 120 76 55 xyz 0.1 0.19 0.05 lab 51 -50 45 lch 51 67 138 cmyk 41 0 41 45 emerald_green[3471][2,143,30](4.6):irish_green[4673][1,149,41](5.8):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](5.9):PMS362[436][51,158,53](6.1):india_green[4627][19,136,8](6.6) 1 PMS362:emerald:india:irish:la:palma:green +3724 forest_green rgb 35 142 35 hex #238E23 hsv 120 75 56 xyz 0.11 0.2 0.05 lab 52 -50 46 lch 52 68 138 cmyk 42 0 42 44 emerald_green[3471][2,143,30](4.1):PMS362[436][51,158,53](5.2):irish_green[4673][1,149,41](5.5):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](5.7):india_green[4627][19,136,8](6.2) 1 PMS362:emerald:india:irish:la:palma:green +3725 forest_green rgb 51 66 49 hex #334231 hsv 113 26 26 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -10 8 lch 26 13 140 cmyk 6 0 7 74 kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](1.4):timber_green[8362][50,67,54](2.2):nikau[6057][42,64,50](3.0):lunar_green[5407][60,73,58](3.3):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.7) 13 kombu:lunar:mallard:nikau:timber:green +3726 forest_green rgb 109 174 129 hex #6DAE81 hsv 138 37 68 xyz 0.25 0.35 0.26 lab 66 -31 17 lch 66 35 151 cmyk 25 0 18 32 tea[8272][101,171,124](2.8):shiny_shamrock[7660][95,167,120](3.6):aqua_forest[1103][95,167,119](3.7):silver_tree[7721][102,181,143](5.7):dusty_green[3305][118,169,115](6.8) 3 aqua:dusty:forest:shamrock:shiny:silver:tea:tree:green +3727 forget_me_not rgb 253 239 219 hex #FDEFDB hsv 35 13 99 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.8 lab 95 1 11 lch 95 11 83 cmyk 0 5 13 1 antique_white[1071][255,239,219](1.4):island_spice[4690][248,237,219](1.4):peach[6544][255,240,219](1.4):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](1.4):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](1.7) 70 antique:cream:island:spice:peach:white +3728 forget_me_not rgb 255 241 238 hex #FFF1EE hsv 11 7 100 xyz 0.88 0.9 0.94 lab 96 4 3 lch 96 5 37 cmyk 0 5 7 0 bridesmaid[1715][254,240,236](1.0):fair_pink[3544][255,239,236](1.0):chablis[2194][255,244,243](1.4):chardon[2224][255,243,241](1.4):rose_white[7318][251,238,232](1.7) 54 bridesmaid:chablis:chardon:fair:pink:rose:white +3729 forrest_green rgb 21 68 6 hex #154406 hsv 105 91 27 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.01 lab 25 -28 30 lch 25 41 133 cmyk 18 0 24 73 hunter_green[4582][11,64,8](3.7):forest_green[3721][6,71,12](4.5):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](4.6):fern[3575][10,72,13](4.6):green_house[4044][36,80,15](5.4) 4 dark:fern:forest:house:hunter:green +3730 fortune rgb 146 128 83 hex #928053 hsv 43 43 57 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.11 lab 54 0 27 lch 54 27 89 cmyk 0 7 25 43 twister[8620][147,130,85](1.0):dark_tan[2899][145,129,81](1.4):colins_wicket[2434][149,130,93](4.6):gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](5.0):light_goldenrod[5105][139,129,76](5.0) 6 light:dark:colins:fusion:gold:goldenrod:tan:twister:wicket +3731 fossil rgb 213 203 178 hex #D5CBB2 hsv 43 16 84 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.51 lab 82 -1 14 lch 82 14 93 cmyk 0 4 14 16 aths_special[1177][213,203,178](0.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):parchment[6483][208,200,176](1.4):half_sisal[4385][213,201,174](1.7):PMS453[543][214,204,175](2.0) 50 PMS453:aths:double:half:parchment:sisal:special:wheatfield +3732 foundry rgb 44 46 50 hex #2C2E32 hsv 220 12 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 0 -3 lch 19 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 80 bastille[1314][44,44,50](1.7):bunker[1905][41,44,47](1.7):cod_grey[2416][45,48,50](1.7):style_pasifika_night_fox[8083][44,44,50](1.7):ebony[3345][49,51,55](2.0) 59 bastille:bunker:cod:ebony:fox:night:pasifika:style:grey +3733 fountain_blue rgb 86 180 190 hex #56B4BE hsv 186 55 75 xyz 0.29 0.38 0.55 lab 68 -25 -14 lch 68 28 209 cmyk 41 4 0 25 PMS631[810][84,183,198](2.2):pelorous[6578][62,171,191](5.9):viking[8838][77,177,200](6.8):moderate_cyan[5821][74,168,168](7.5):refresh[7168][113,184,202](7.9) 1 moderate:PMS631:cyan:pelorous:refresh:viking +3734 fountain_blue rgb 101 173 178 hex #65ADB2 hsv 184 43 70 xyz 0.28 0.36 0.48 lab 66 -21 -10 lch 66 23 204 cmyk 30 2 0 30 kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](5.4):breaker_bay[1701][93,161,159](5.7):cadet[1975][95,158,160](5.9):cadet_blue[1979][95,158,160](5.9):neptune[6025][124,183,187](6.2) 0 bay:breaker:cadet:kumutoto:neptune:blue +3735 foxtrot rgb 182 112 111 hex #B6706F hsv 1 39 71 xyz 0.28 0.23 0.18 lab 55 28 12 lch 55 30 24 cmyk 0 27 28 29 PMS695[874][178,107,112](3.7):dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](4.7):copper_penny[2482][173,111,105](4.9):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](5.4):brownish_pink[1867][194,126,121](5.7) 3 PMS695:brownish:copper:coral:dusty:penny:tree:pink:rose +3736 frangipani rgb 255 215 160 hex #FFD7A0 hsv 35 37 100 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.43 lab 88 7 32 lch 88 33 78 cmyk 0 16 37 0 circus[2341][255,215,160](0.0):rich_cream[7215][255,215,160](0.0):PMS148[64][255,214,155](2.0):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](2.4):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](2.4) 17 PMS148:burly:burlywood:circus:cream:rich:wood +3737 frangipani rgb 255 222 179 hex #FFDEB3 hsv 34 30 100 xyz 0.75 0.77 0.53 lab 90 5 25 lch 90 26 78 cmyk 0 13 30 0 caramel[2072][255,221,175](2.0):navajo_white[5990][255,222,173](3.0):oscar[6257][244,213,172](3.2):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](3.3):wheat[9067][245,222,179](3.3) 21 light:caramel:navajo:oscar:wheat:peach:white +3738 free_spirit rgb 0 119 123 hex #00777B hsv 182 100 48 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.21 lab 45 -26 -10 lch 45 28 201 cmyk 48 2 0 52 deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](2.2):deep_aqua[2952][8,120,127](2.4):skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](2.4):elm[3462][28,124,125](2.8):PMS322[367][0,114,114](3.0) 14 deep:PMS322:aqua:elm:skobeloff:turquoise +3739 freedom rgb 0 98 70 hex #006246 hsv 163 100 38 xyz 0.05 0.09 0.07 lab 36 -32 9 lch 36 34 164 cmyk 38 0 11 62 bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](3.7):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](3.7):PMS3425[415][0,104,71](4.1):green_pea[4055][29,97,66](4.2):deep_aquamarine[2953][0,89,56](5.0) 5 deep:PMS3425:bangladesh:bottle:pea:aquamarine:green +3740 freefall rgb 29 149 201 hex #1D95C9 hsv 198 86 79 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.59 lab 58 -13 -36 lch 58 38 250 cmyk 67 20 0 21 sky_blue[7740][50,153,204](2.4):deep_sky_blue[3057][0,154,205](3.2):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](4.4):cyan_cornflower_blue[2643][24,139,194](4.4):blue[1531][0,135,189](5.5) 4 deep:cornflower:curious:cyan:sky:blue +3741 freestyling rgb 164 168 176 hex #A4A8B0 hsv 220 7 69 xyz 0.37 0.39 0.47 lab 69 0 -5 lch 69 5 272 cmyk 5 3 0 31 mischka[5779][165,169,178](0.0):forecast[3718][162,170,177](1.0):aluminium[1025][169,172,182](1.4):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](1.4):spun_pearl[7939][170,171,183](2.4) 21 aluminium:chateau:forecast:mischka:pearl:spun:grey +3742 french_beige rgb 166 123 91 hex #A67B5B hsv 26 45 65 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.13 lab 55 13 24 lch 55 27 62 cmyk 0 17 29 35 café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](0.0):tuscan_tan[8598][166,123,91](0.0):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](1.7):mocha[5805][157,118,81](3.5):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](3.7) 11 PMS4645:au:café:chamoisee:lait:mocha:tan:tuscan +3743 french_bistre rgb 133 109 77 hex #856D4D hsv 34 42 52 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.09 lab 48 5 21 lch 48 22 77 cmyk 0 9 22 48 dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](2.0):lodestar[5327][138,114,82](2.0):shadow[7623][131,112,80](2.0):burlywood[1914][139,115,85](2.2):limed_oak[5282][140,114,84](2.4) 16 burlywood:dull:limed:lodestar:oak:shadow:brown +3744 french_blue rgb 0 114 187 hex #0072BB hsv 203 100 73 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.49 lab 46 1 -46 lch 46 46 271 cmyk 73 29 0 27 spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](1.0):ocean_boat_blue[6096][0,119,190](3.0):bluish[1615][41,118,187](3.6):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](3.7):mid_blue[5705][39,106,179](4.6) 6 bluish:boat:honolulu:mid:ocean:spanish:blue +3745 french_blue rgb 67 107 173 hex #436BAD hsv 217 61 68 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.42 lab 45 7 -39 lch 45 40 280 cmyk 42 26 0 32 san_marino[7448][69,108,172](1.7):anchor[1051][82,109,178](3.7):mariner[5533][66,99,159](4.2):super_duper[8151][66,99,159](4.2):moderate_cobalt_blue[5818][74,109,168](4.6) 5 moderate:anchor:cobalt:duper:mariner:marino:san:super:blue +3746 french_fuchsia rgb 253 63 146 hex #FD3F92 hsv 334 75 99 xyz 0.47 0.27 0.3 lab 59 75 -1 lch 59 76 359 cmyk 0 75 42 1 violet_red[8872][255,62,150](2.8):violet_red[8869][238,58,140](4.9):violet_red[8870][247,70,138](5.1):cerise_pink[2179][236,59,131](6.4):PMS212[170][249,79,142](6.8) 2 PMS212:cerise:pink:red:violet +3747 french_grey rgb 189 189 198 hex #BDBDC6 hsv 240 5 78 xyz 0.49 0.51 0.61 lab 77 2 -5 lch 77 5 291 cmyk 4 4 0 22 ghost[3850][192,191,199](1.4):lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](2.4):grey_suit[4224][193,190,205](3.0):greywacke[4234][188,184,190](3.0):PMS537[673][196,198,206](3.3) 14 PMS537:ghost:greywacke:suit:grey:lavender +3748 french_grey rgb 191 189 193 hex #BFBDC1 hsv 270 2 76 xyz 0.49 0.51 0.58 lab 77 1 -2 lch 77 2 309 cmyk 1 2 0 24 half_grey_chateau[4335][186,189,193](1.4):pale_slate[6431][195,191,193](1.7):grey[4175][189,189,189](2.2):grey[4176][190,190,190](2.2):grey[4177][191,191,191](2.2) 40 pale:slate:chateau:half:grey +3749 french_lilac rgb 134 96 142 hex #86608E hsv 290 32 56 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.28 lab 46 24 -19 lch 46 31 321 cmyk 3 18 0 44 pomp_and_power[6763][134,96,142](0.0):muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](2.2):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](2.4):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](3.0):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](3.6) 6 and:chinese:dusty:muted:pomp:power:trendy:pink:purple:violet +3750 french_lilac rgb 222 183 217 hex #DEB7D9 hsv 308 18 87 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.73 lab 79 20 -12 lch 79 23 329 cmyk 0 15 2 13 flower_power[3698][222,183,217](0.0):pink_lavender[6682][216,178,209](3.0):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](3.2):PMS530[664][214,175,214](3.7):pale_light_grayish_rose[6374][231,184,208](6.2) 4 pale:light:PMS530:flower:fuchsia:grayish:power:lavender:pink:rose +3751 french_lilac rgb 236 199 238 hex #ECC7EE hsv 297 16 93 xyz 0.7 0.65 0.9 lab 84 20 -14 lch 84 24 324 cmyk 1 15 0 7 very_light_purple[8782][246,206,252](4.7):flower_power[3698][222,183,217](5.4):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](5.4):pale_lavender[6354][238,207,254](5.9):pale_mauve[6390][254,208,252](5.9) 1 pale:light:very:flower:fuchsia:grayish:mauve:power:lavender:purple +3752 french_lime rgb 158 253 56 hex #9EFD38 hsv 89 78 99 xyz 0.5 0.78 0.16 lab 91 -56 78 lch 91 96 126 cmyk 37 0 77 1 lime[5268][170,255,50](4.4):green_yellow[4071][173,255,47](5.7):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](6.3):vivid_spring_bud[8951][145,231,0](7.9):luminous_vivid_spring_bud[5400][159,255,0](9.2) 1 luminous:vivid:bud:lizard:spring:green:lime:yellow +3753 french_mauve rgb 212 115 212 hex #D473D4 hsv 300 46 83 xyz 0.45 0.31 0.66 lab 63 52 -34 lch 63 62 327 cmyk 0 38 0 17 deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](0.0):orchid[6237][218,112,214](3.0):orchid[6236][205,105,201](4.2):orchid[6238][219,112,219](5.0):PMS252[218][211,107,198](5.9) 4 deep:PMS252:mauve:orchid +3754 french_pass rgb 164 210 224 hex #A4D2E0 hsv 194 27 88 xyz 0.52 0.59 0.79 lab 81 -12 -12 lch 81 17 225 cmyk 24 5 0 12 regent_st_blue[7175][160,205,217](1.4):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](2.4):belgion[1388][173,216,230](3.3):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](3.3):light_blue[5014][173,216,230](3.3) 7 light:belgion:regent:st:blue +3755 french_pass rgb 189 237 253 hex #BDEDFD hsv 195 25 99 xyz 0.69 0.78 1.04 lab 91 -12 -13 lch 91 17 227 cmyk 25 6 0 1 light_blue[5016][191,239,255](1.0):pale_cerulean[6322][194,240,255](1.7):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](2.8):diamond[3119][185,242,255](3.3):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](5.2) 4 pale:light:cerulean:charlotte:diamond:blue +3756 french_pink rgb 253 108 158 hex #FD6C9E hsv 339 57 99 xyz 0.52 0.34 0.36 lab 65 60 1 lch 65 60 1 cmyk 0 57 37 1 PMS211[169][255,119,168](4.1):medium_pink[5627][243,97,150](4.2):light_brilliant_raspberry[5059][255,101,159](4.6):light_crimson[5087][245,105,145](6.2):rosy_pink[7329][246,104,142](6.6) 3 medium:light:brilliant:PMS211:raspberry:rosy:crimson:pink +3757 french_plum rgb 129 20 83 hex #811453 hsv 325 84 51 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.09 lab 29 49 -9 lch 29 50 350 cmyk 0 43 18 49 PMS242[207][124,28,81](4.1):disco[3142][135,21,80](4.2):smooch[7799][126,32,86](4.2):maroon[5541][139,28,98](5.4):pansy_purple[6470][120,24,74](5.4) 3 PMS242:disco:maroon:pansy:smooch:purple +3758 french_puce rgb 78 22 9 hex #4E1609 hsv 11 88 31 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 17 26 21 lch 17 33 40 cmyk 0 22 27 69 toast_lmu_25[8383][73,20,11](3.0):van_cleef[8673][73,23,12](3.7):red_planet[7134][90,32,25](5.0):beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](5.5):heath[4451][84,16,18](5.8) 3 25:33:beer:cleef:heath:lmu:planet:srm:toast:van:red +3759 french_raspberry rgb 199 44 72 hex #C72C48 hsv 349 78 78 xyz 0.26 0.14 0.08 lab 45 61 23 lch 45 65 20 cmyk 0 61 50 22 brick_red[1710][198,45,66](3.2):bright_maroon[1737][195,33,72](4.1):maroon[5545][195,33,72](4.1):maroon_flush[5550][195,33,72](4.1):memphis_belle[5673][202,47,67](4.1) 5 belle:brick:bright:flush:maroon:memphis:red +3760 french_rose rgb 246 74 138 hex #F64A8A hsv 338 70 96 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.27 lab 58 69 3 lch 58 69 2 cmyk 0 67 42 4 PMS212[170][249,79,142](2.2):violet_red[8870][247,70,138](2.2):cerise_pink[2179][236,59,131](3.7):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](4.9):strawberry[8008][252,90,141](6.4) 4 PMS212:cerise:strawberry:pink:red:violet +3761 french_sky_blue rgb 119 181 254 hex #77B5FE hsv 212 53 100 xyz 0.42 0.44 1 lab 72 0 -42 lch 72 42 270 cmyk 53 29 0 0 light_brilliant_azure[5030][101,178,255](3.3):carolina_blue[2109][138,184,254](4.7):steel_blue[7969][99,184,255](5.1):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](5.4):steel_blue[7967][92,172,238](6.7) 2 light:brilliant:carolina:sky:steel:azure:blue +3762 french_violet rgb 136 6 206 hex #8806CE hsv 279 97 81 xyz 0.21 0.1 0.59 lab 38 73 -71 lch 38 102 316 cmyk 27 78 0 19 dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](3.7):violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](3.7):blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](6.4):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](6.4):purple[6864][138,43,226](6.4) 2 dark:blue:purple:violet +3763 french_wine rgb 172 30 68 hex #AC1E44 hsv 344 83 67 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.06 lab 38 57 15 lch 38 59 15 cmyk 0 56 41 33 deep_carmine[2967][169,32,62](3.6):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](5.0):cranberry[2576][158,0,58](5.1):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.4):amaranth_deep_purple[1027][171,39,79](5.5) 2 deep:strong:PMS215:amaranth:carmine:cranberry:raspberry:purple +3764 frenzee rgb 247 162 51 hex #F7A233 hsv 34 79 97 xyz 0.52 0.46 0.09 lab 73 23 66 lch 73 70 71 cmyk 0 33 77 3 lightning_yellow[5252][247,162,51](0.0):yellow_sea[9220][244,159,53](2.2):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](3.6):sea_buckthorn[7552][251,161,41](4.6):yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](4.9) 5 buckthorn:bush:fire:lightning:sea:orange:yellow +3765 fresh_air rgb 166 231 255 hex #A6E7FF hsv 196 35 100 xyz 0.62 0.72 1.05 lab 88 -15 -18 lch 88 23 231 cmyk 35 9 0 0 winter_wizard[9146][160,230,255](1.4):very_light_cerulean[8753][158,231,255](2.2):anakiwa[1050][157,229,255](2.4):non_photo_blue[6068][164,221,237](5.1):light_sky_blue[5205][176,226,255](6.2) 3 light:very:anakiwa:cerulean:non:photo:sky:winter:wizard:blue +3766 fresh_eggplant rgb 153 0 102 hex #990066 hsv 320 100 60 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.13 lab 33 60 -14 lch 33 62 347 cmyk 0 60 20 40 red_violet[7145][158,1,104](3.0):flirt[3692][162,0,109](4.4):cardinal[2080][140,5,94](4.6):cardinal_pink[2082][140,5,94](4.6):PMS2415[206][155,0,112](5.5) 4 PMS2415:cardinal:flirt:pink:red:violet +3767 fresh_green rgb 105 216 79 hex #69D84F hsv 109 63 85 xyz 0.32 0.53 0.16 lab 78 -57 56 lch 78 80 135 cmyk 44 0 54 15 lightish_green[5249][97,225,96](5.4):PMS802[914][96,221,73](5.7):brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](7.1):apple[1081][110,203,60](7.5):brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](8.2) 0 brilliant:PMS802:apple:harlequin:lightish:sap:green +3768 friar_grey rgb 128 126 121 hex #807E79 hsv 43 5 50 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.21 lab 53 0 3 lch 53 3 94 cmyk 0 1 3 50 concord[2449][130,127,121](1.0):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](1.7):PMS424[507][130,127,119](2.0):silver_lining[7714][127,127,125](2.0):tapa[8247][123,120,116](2.0) 59 PMS424:concord:industrial:lining:silver:tapa +3769 friar_grey rgb 134 131 122 hex #86837A hsv 45 9 53 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.22 lab 55 -1 5 lch 55 5 96 cmyk 0 1 5 47 PMS424[507][130,127,119](2.2):castle_rock[2126][133,132,119](2.2):double_delta[3195][131,133,127](2.2):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.2):concord[2449][130,127,121](2.4) 44 PMS424:castle:concord:delta:double:rock:taupe:grey +3770 fringy_flower rgb 177 226 193 hex #B1E2C1 hsv 140 22 89 xyz 0.55 0.68 0.61 lab 86 -22 11 lch 86 25 154 cmyk 19 0 13 11 PMS344[418][181,226,191](1.4):pale_light_grayish_malachite_green[6371][184,231,196](2.2):padua[6299][173,230,196](3.2):chinook[2299][168,227,189](4.6):PMS351[425][181,232,191](4.9) 5 pale:light:PMS344:PMS351:chinook:grayish:malachite:padua:green +3771 fringy_flower rgb 180 225 187 hex #B4E1BB hsv 129 20 88 xyz 0.55 0.67 0.57 lab 86 -22 14 lch 86 26 148 cmyk 18 0 15 12 PMS344[418][181,226,191](2.2):pale_light_grayish_malachite_green[6371][184,231,196](2.8):PMS351[425][181,232,191](3.0):chinook[2299][168,227,189](4.2):padua[6299][173,230,196](4.4) 6 pale:light:PMS344:PMS351:chinook:grayish:malachite:padua:green +3772 frizzell rgb 173 129 47 hex #AD812F hsv 39 73 68 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.06 lab 57 9 49 lch 57 50 80 cmyk 0 17 49 32 marigold[5525][184,138,61](4.5):intrepid[4666][171,132,57](4.6):jandal[4729][183,130,57](5.1):style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](5.1):pizza[6730][191,141,60](5.4) 2 intrepid:jandal:marigold:pasifika:pizza:sandalwood:style +3773 frog_green rgb 88 188 8 hex #58BC08 hsv 93 96 74 xyz 0.22 0.38 0.06 lab 68 -55 67 lch 68 87 129 cmyk 39 0 71 26 PMS375_2X[451][84,188,0](1.4):PMS368[442][91,191,33](3.2):kelly_green[4827][76,187,23](4.4):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](5.9):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](8.1) 3 2X:PMS368:PMS375:apple:kelly:kermit:green +3774 froly rgb 229 109 117 hex #E56D75 hsv 356 52 90 xyz 0.41 0.29 0.2 lab 61 47 18 lch 61 51 21 cmyk 0 47 44 10 candy_pink[2045][228,113,122](2.8):tango_pink[8245][228,113,122](2.8):light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](3.3):PMS702[881][214,96,109](5.5):coral_light[2502][240,128,128](6.7) 3 light:PMS702:candy:carmine:coral:tango:pink +3775 froly rgb 245 117 132 hex #F57584 hsv 353 52 96 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.26 lab 65 50 16 lch 65 53 17 cmyk 0 50 44 4 blush_pink[1629][254,130,140](4.6):carnation[2102][253,121,143](4.9):glamour_puss[3872][248,116,139](5.0):PMS190[143][252,117,142](5.7):PMS709[888][242,104,119](5.8) 3 PMS190:PMS709:blush:carnation:glamour:puss:pink +3776 frontier rgb 153 157 122 hex #999D7A hsv 67 22 62 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.23 lab 64 -8 18 lch 64 19 113 cmyk 2 0 14 38 sage[7411][152,159,122](1.4):locust[5325][162,165,128](3.3):sage[7412][158,165,135](3.6):malachite_green[5480][151,151,111](3.7):artichoke[1151][143,151,121](4.2) 7 artichoke:locust:malachite:sage:green +3777 frost rgb 225 228 197 hex #E1E4C5 hsv 66 14 89 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.64 lab 90 -6 15 lch 90 16 113 cmyk 1 0 12 11 arrowroot[1145][231,226,197](3.0):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](3.0):ying_yang[9236][218,220,190](3.0):half_and[4279][237,231,200](3.3):light_yellow[5236][238,238,209](3.3) 16 light:and:arrowroot:aths:half:special:yang:ying:yellow +3778 frost rgb 237 245 221 hex #EDF5DD hsv 80 10 96 xyz 0.81 0.89 0.81 lab 95 -7 11 lch 95 13 123 cmyk 3 0 9 4 loafer[5317][238,244,222](1.4):chrome_white[2322][232,241,212](2.4):cloud_nine[2383][235,247,228](3.2):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](3.2):panache[6464][235,247,228](3.2) 26 chrome:cloud:kidnapper:loafer:nine:panache:white +3779 frostbite rgb 233 54 167 hex #E936A7 hsv 322 77 91 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.39 lab 55 75 -20 lch 55 78 345 cmyk 0 70 26 9 maroon[5548][238,48,167](3.2):PMS239[200][224,33,158](4.5):PMS2385[199][219,40,165](5.7):PMS232[190][244,63,165](6.7):PMS238[198][237,79,175](7.5) 2 PMS232:PMS238:PMS2385:PMS239:maroon +3780 frosted_mint rgb 219 255 248 hex #DBFFF8 hsv 168 14 100 xyz 0.82 0.93 1.03 lab 97 -13 -1 lch 97 13 182 cmyk 14 0 3 0 ice[4596][214,255,250](1.4):foam[3708][216,252,250](2.4):very_pale_turquoise[8820][226,255,248](2.4):humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](3.0):ice_blue[4597][215,255,254](3.0) 16 pale:very:bird:foam:humming:ice:blue:turquoise +3781 frosted_mint rgb 226 242 228 hex #E2F2E4 hsv 128 7 95 xyz 0.77 0.85 0.86 lab 94 -8 5 lch 94 9 148 cmyk 6 0 5 5 off_green[6108][223,240,226](1.0):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](1.0):frostee[3783][228,246,231](1.4):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](1.4):tara[8252][225,246,232](1.7) 30 frostee:honeydew:off:soft:tara:green:mint +3782 frostee rgb 219 229 210 hex #DBE5D2 hsv 92 8 90 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.72 lab 90 -7 8 lch 90 11 130 cmyk 4 0 7 10 peppermint[6581][215,231,208](2.2):willow_brook[9121][223,230,207](2.2):willow_brook[9122][223,236,218](2.4):gin[3860][217,223,205](2.8):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](2.8) 29 brook:gin:kidnapper:peppermint:willow +3783 frostee rgb 228 246 231 hex #E4F6E7 hsv 130 7 96 xyz 0.79 0.88 0.88 lab 95 -9 5 lch 95 10 149 cmyk 7 0 6 4 tara[8252][225,246,232](1.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](1.4):off_green[6108][223,240,226](2.2):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](2.2):ottoman[6263][233,248,237](2.4) 24 frosted:off:ottoman:soft:tara:green:mint +3784 froth_green rgb 202 199 183 hex #CAC7B7 hsv 51 9 79 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.53 lab 80 -2 8 lch 80 9 102 cmyk 0 1 7 21 chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](0.0):half_ash[4282][203,200,186](1.4):half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.4):titania[8376][202,199,185](1.4):triple_white_pointer[8530][200,195,181](1.4) 79 ash:chrome:half:linen:pointer:titania:triple:white +3785 frozen rgb 157 182 198 hex #9DB6C6 hsv 203 21 78 xyz 0.41 0.45 0.6 lab 73 -5 -11 lch 73 12 245 cmyk 16 6 0 22 shinto[7659][166,181,198](3.2):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](3.6):PMS644[823][155,175,196](4.1):icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](4.1):casper[2125][173,190,209](4.2) 7 slate:PMS644:casper:icebreaker:shinto:grey +3786 fruit_salad rgb 75 163 81 hex #4BA351 hsv 124 54 64 xyz 0.17 0.28 0.12 lab 60 -44 35 lch 60 56 142 cmyk 35 0 32 36 moderate_emerald_green[5822][74,168,85](3.0):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](4.6):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](5.4):cobalt_green[2400][61,145,64](6.1):mid_green[5707][80,167,71](6.2) 2 moderate:dark:cobalt:emerald:mid:pastel:sap:green +3787 fruit_salad rgb 79 157 93 hex #4F9D5D hsv 131 50 62 xyz 0.17 0.27 0.15 lab 59 -38 26 lch 59 46 146 cmyk 31 0 25 38 light_forest_green[5098][79,145,83](5.1):chateau_green[2243][65,159,89](5.4):moderate_sea_green[5848][74,168,109](5.8):algae[994][84,172,104](6.5):greenish[4076][64,163,104](6.5) 0 moderate:light:algae:chateau:forest:greenish:sea:green +3788 fuchsia rgb 122 88 193 hex #7A58C1 hsv 259 54 76 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.52 lab 46 37 -50 lch 46 63 307 cmyk 28 41 0 24 fuchsia_blue[3794][122,88,193](0.0):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](3.7):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](5.4):studio[8065][113,74,178](5.4):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](5.7) 2 medium:PMS2725:PMS2726:fuchsia:studio:blue:purple +3789 fuchsia rgb 123 92 183 hex #7B5CB7 hsv 260 50 72 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.47 lab 46 33 -44 lch 46 55 307 cmyk 24 36 0 28 royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](5.4):PMS814[938][140,96,193](5.8):blue_marguerite[1579][118,102,198](5.8):deep_lavender[3006][141,94,183](6.0):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](6.3) 0 deep:PMS814:marguerite:royal:blue:lavender:purple +3790 fuchsia rgb 193 84 193 hex #C154C1 hsv 300 56 76 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.53 lab 54 58 -37 lch 54 69 327 cmyk 0 43 0 24 deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](0.0):fuchsia_pink[3795][193,84,193](0.0):pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](5.2):orchid[6236][205,105,201](8.1):PMS2582[231][170,71,186](8.5) 2 deep:PMS2582:fuchsia:orchid:pinky:pink:purple +3791 fuchsia rgb 195 100 197 hex #C364C5 hsv 299 49 77 xyz 0.37 0.25 0.56 lab 57 52 -34 lch 57 62 326 cmyk 1 38 0 23 orchid[6236][205,105,201](2.4):PMS252[218][211,107,198](5.9):deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](6.0):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](6.0):orchid[6237][218,112,214](6.7) 1 deep:PMS252:french:mauve:orchid +3792 fuchsia rgb 237 13 217 hex #ED0DD9 hsv 305 95 93 xyz 0.48 0.23 0.68 lab 55 89 -48 lch 55 101 332 cmyk 0 88 8 7 pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](5.5):vivid_orchid[8934][231,0,202](6.6):luminous_vivid_orchid[5388][255,0,223](6.7):bright_magenta[1736][255,8,232](7.5):vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](8.2) 0 luminous:vivid:bright:magenta:orchid:pink/purple +3793 fuchsia rgb 255 0 255 hex #FF00FF hsv 300 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.28 0.97 lab 60 98 -61 lch 60 116 328 cmyk 0 100 0 0 famous[3553][255,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_magenta[5383][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5441][255,0,255](0.0):magenta_/_fuchsia[5443][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5438][238,0,238](7.1) 4 luminous:vivid:/:famous:fuchsia:magenta +3794 fuchsia_blue rgb 122 88 193 hex #7A58C1 hsv 259 54 76 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.52 lab 46 37 -50 lch 46 63 307 cmyk 28 41 0 24 fuchsia[3788][122,88,193](0.0):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](3.7):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](5.4):studio[8065][113,74,178](5.4):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](5.7) 2 medium:PMS2725:PMS2726:fuchsia:studio:purple +3795 fuchsia_pink rgb 193 84 193 hex #C154C1 hsv 300 56 76 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.53 lab 54 58 -37 lch 54 69 327 cmyk 0 43 0 24 deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](0.0):fuchsia[3790][193,84,193](0.0):pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](5.2):fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](7.3):orchid[6236][205,105,201](8.1) 2 deep:fuchsia:orchid:pinky:purple +3796 fuchsia_pink rgb 255 119 255 hex #FF77FF hsv 300 53 100 xyz 0.66 0.42 0.99 lab 71 69 -44 lch 71 82 327 cmyk 0 53 0 0 pink_flamingo[6674][252,116,253](1.4):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](4.9):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](4.9):ultra_pink[8636][255,111,255](4.9):shocking_pink[7674][251,126,253](5.1) 4 blush:flamingo:shocking:ultra:pink +3797 fuchsia_purple rgb 204 57 123 hex #CC397B hsv 333 72 80 xyz 0.3 0.17 0.2 lab 49 62 -3 lch 49 62 357 cmyk 0 58 32 20 magenta[5437][208,65,126](1.7):violet_red[8867][205,50,120](2.2):telemagenta[8297][207,52,118](3.0):smitten[7785][200,64,134](6.3):PMS675[854][188,56,119](6.4) 3 PMS675:magenta:smitten:telemagenta:red:violet +3798 fuchsia_rose rgb 199 67 117 hex #C74375 hsv 337 66 78 xyz 0.29 0.17 0.19 lab 49 56 1 lch 49 56 1 cmyk 0 52 32 22 ruber[7360][206,70,118](2.4):mystic[5968][214,82,130](5.0):magenta[5437][208,65,126](5.9):dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](6.1):fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](6.7) 2 dark:fandango:magenta:mystic:ruber:pink +3799 fudge rgb 106 62 42 hex #6A3E2A hsv 19 60 42 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.03 lab 31 17 20 lch 31 27 50 cmyk 0 17 25 58 PMS477[585][99,56,38](3.2):brownie_points[1862][110,66,51](3.6):spice[7891][106,68,46](3.6):cedar[2148][101,57,44](4.6):dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](4.6) 8 dark:PMS477:brownie:cedar:points:rimu:spice +3800 fuego rgb 190 222 13 hex #BEDE0D hsv 69 94 87 xyz 0.47 0.63 0.1 lab 84 -33 81 lch 84 87 112 cmyk 13 0 82 13 spritzer[7934][194,226,37](2.4):las_palmas[4913][198,230,16](2.8):PMS382[458][186,216,10](3.0):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.6):vivid_apple_green[8893][202,231,0](5.1) 4 vivid:PMS382:apple:bitter:las:palmas:spritzer:green:lemon +3801 fuego rgb 194 214 46 hex #C2D62E hsv 67 79 84 xyz 0.47 0.6 0.12 lab 82 -26 74 lch 82 78 110 cmyk 8 0 66 16 las_palmas[4912][198,218,54](1.4):bitter_lemon[1441][210,219,50](4.6):pear[6563][209,226,49](5.0):rio_grande[7229][187,208,9](5.1):PMS380[456][214,229,66](5.5) 3 PMS380:bitter:grande:las:palmas:pear:rio:lemon +3802 fuel_yellow rgb 209 144 51 hex #D19033 hsv 35 76 82 xyz 0.37 0.34 0.08 lab 65 17 57 lch 65 59 74 cmyk 0 25 62 18 fire_bush[3636][224,152,66](5.4):party_animal[6495][219,146,65](5.4):brandy_punch[1694][205,132,41](5.7):candlelight[2040][224,157,55](5.9):geebung[3835][197,131,46](5.9) 0 animal:brandy:bush:candlelight:fire:geebung:party:punch +3803 fuel_yellow rgb 236 169 39 hex #ECA927 hsv 40 83 93 xyz 0.49 0.46 0.08 lab 74 14 70 lch 74 72 78 cmyk 0 26 77 7 marigold[5527][234,162,33](3.6):PMS143[59][239,178,45](3.7):filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](4.6):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](5.0):squash[7942][242,171,21](5.2) 4 05:PMS143:beer:filmpro:golden:marigold:squash:srm:yellow +3804 fulvous rgb 228 132 0 hex #E48400 hsv 35 100 89 xyz 0.4 0.33 0.04 lab 64 30 70 lch 64 76 67 cmyk 0 38 89 11 golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](3.7):beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](4.1):yellow_ochre[9215][227,130,23](4.1):beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](4.4):zest[9255][229,132,27](5.1) 4 09:10:beer:bell:golden:ochre:srm:zest:yellow +3805 fun_blue rgb 25 89 168 hex #1959A8 hsv 213 85 66 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.38 lab 38 11 -48 lch 38 49 282 cmyk 56 31 0 34 endeavour[3482][0,86,167](2.2):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](3.0):strong_azure[8020][0,84,168](3.7):sapphire[7495][47,81,158](4.9):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](4.9) 5 strong:PMS2945:endeavour:sapphire:usafa:azure:blue +3806 fun_blue rgb 51 80 131 hex #335083 hsv 218 61 51 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.23 lab 34 6 -32 lch 34 32 281 cmyk 31 20 0 49 a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](0.0):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](3.3):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.7):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](3.7):light_navy[5151][21,80,132](4.6) 9 light:PMS653:a:b:navy:sapphire:sea:st:tropaz +3807 fun_fair rgb 119 44 104 hex #772C68 hsv 312 63 47 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.14 lab 31 40 -19 lch 31 45 335 cmyk 0 29 6 53 belladonna[1390][119,44,104](0.0):PMS255[221][119,45,107](2.0):byzantium[1965][112,41,99](2.2):carnival[2107][126,42,101](4.4):sassy[7502][126,42,101](4.4) 5 PMS255:belladonna:byzantium:carnival:sassy +3808 fun_green rgb 1 109 57 hex #016D39 hsv 151 99 43 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.06 lab 40 -40 22 lch 40 45 151 cmyk 42 0 20 57 dartmouth_green[2930][0,112,60](1.4):moxie[5922][0,111,60](1.4):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](3.3):camarone[2016][32,105,55](5.1):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](5.4) 3 dark:cadmium:camarone:dartmouth:moxie:spring:green +3809 fun_green rgb 21 99 61 hex #15633D hsv 151 79 39 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.06 lab 37 -33 15 lch 37 36 155 cmyk 31 0 15 61 jewel[4765][19,104,67](2.4):spruce[7937][10,95,56](2.4):greenstone[4091][36,108,70](3.2):crusoe[2615][22,91,49](4.4):grass_stain[3988][22,91,49](4.4) 9 crusoe:grass:greenstone:jewel:spruce:stain +3810 funk rgb 198 170 36 hex #C6AA24 hsv 50 82 78 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.08 lab 70 -3 66 lch 70 66 92 cmyk 0 11 64 22 style_pasifika_fallen_gold[8079][198,170,36](0.0):hokey_pokey[4519][200,165,40](4.6):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](4.9):sahara[7416][183,162,20](5.1):PMS103[3][198,173,15](5.5) 3 PMS103:earls:fallen:gold:hokey:pasifika:pokey:sahara:style:green +3811 funtasia rgb 76 51 113 hex #4C3371 hsv 264 55 44 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.16 lab 27 26 -32 lch 27 41 309 cmyk 15 24 0 56 dancing_queen[2666][74,45,104](2.8):blue_diamond[1558][75,45,114](4.4):fairground[3545][72,58,121](4.9):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](6.2):fascinator[3560][79,64,129](6.6) 3 dancing:diamond:fairground:fascinator:jacarta:queen:blue +3812 fuscous_grey rgb 60 59 60 hex #3C3B3C hsv 300 2 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 25 1 0 lch 25 1 324 cmyk 0 0 0 76 black_sheep[1479][62,57,58](1.0):grey[4121][59,59,59](1.0):blast_grey[1500][61,60,58](1.4):grey[4120][56,56,56](1.4):grey[4122][61,61,61](1.4) 63 blast:sheep:black:grey +3813 fuscous_grey rgb 84 83 77 hex #54534D hsv 51 8 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.08 lab 35 -1 4 lch 35 4 103 cmyk 0 0 3 67 blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](1.4):electric[3436][85,83,79](1.4):masala[5565][87,83,75](1.4):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.7):knave[4870][80,83,76](2.0) 49 blast:dune:electric:knave:masala:grey +3814 fusion rgb 152 70 62 hex #98463E hsv 5 59 60 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.06 lab 40 34 21 lch 40 40 32 cmyk 0 32 35 40 cognac[2425][154,70,61](1.4):mojo[5857][151,70,60](1.4):hot_august[4550][154,70,59](2.2):sanguine_brown[7483][141,61,56](3.2):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.6) 9 august:cognac:hot:mojo:roof:sanguine:terracotta:brown +3815 fuzzy_wuzzy rgb 204 102 102 hex #CC6666 hsv 0 50 80 xyz 0.32 0.23 0.15 lab 55 40 19 lch 55 45 25 cmyk 0 40 40 20 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0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 6 grey[4196][237,237,237](0.0):white[9079][237,237,237](0.0):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.0):grey[4195][235,235,235](1.0):grey[4197][240,240,240](1.0) 99 concrete:grey:white +3825 galliano rgb 216 167 35 hex #D8A723 hsv 44 84 85 xyz 0.42 0.42 0.08 lab 71 7 68 lch 71 68 84 cmyk 0 19 71 15 corn[2518][223,170,40](2.2):golden_grass[3920][218,165,32](2.2):goldenrod[3932][218,165,32](2.2):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](3.7):sundial[8126][221,177,44](4.2) 8 corn:curry:golden:goldenrod:grass:sundial:lemon +3826 galliano rgb 220 178 12 hex #DCB20C hsv 48 95 86 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.07 lab 74 2 75 lch 74 75 88 cmyk 0 16 82 14 gold[3895][219,180,12](1.7):burnt_yellow[1942][213,171,9](2.4):PMS110[10][216,181,17](3.2):gold_tips[3907][222,186,19](3.7):lemon[4960][217,178,32](4.1) 5 burnt:PMS110:gold:tips:lemon:yellow +3827 gamboge rgb 228 155 15 hex #E49B0F hsv 39 93 89 xyz 0.44 0.4 0.06 lab 69 18 72 lch 69 74 76 cmyk 0 29 84 11 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half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](1.0):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.0):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.4):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.4):quarter_periglacial_blue[6980][204,210,206](1.7) 61 duck:egg:half:iron:midwinter:mist:periglacial:quarter:surrender:blue +3849 geyser rgb 212 223 226 hex #D4DFE2 hsv 193 6 89 xyz 0.67 0.72 0.82 lab 88 -3 -3 lch 88 4 221 cmyk 5 1 0 11 PMS656[835][214,219,224](2.2):PMS642[821][209,216,216](3.0):zircon[9267][222,227,227](3.0):breeze[1705][204,219,217](3.5):iron[4677][212,215,217](3.5) 29 PMS642:PMS656:breeze:iron:zircon +3850 ghost rgb 192 191 199 hex #C0BFC7 hsv 248 4 78 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.62 lab 78 2 -4 lch 78 4 295 cmyk 3 3 0 22 french_grey[3747][189,189,198](1.4):PMS537[673][196,198,206](2.2):french_grey[3748][191,189,193](2.4):lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](2.4):pale_slate[6431][195,191,193](3.0) 28 pale:slate:PMS537:french:grey:lavender +3851 ghost rgb 199 201 213 hex #C7C9D5 hsv 231 7 84 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.71 lab 81 2 -6 lch 81 6 284 cmyk 5 5 0 16 PMS650[829][191,198,209](2.2):breathless[1704][193,200,210](2.2):lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](2.2):link_water[5294][199,205,216](2.2):PMS537[673][196,198,206](2.4) 13 PMS537:PMS650:breathless:link:water:grey:lavender +3852 ghost_white rgb 248 248 255 hex #F8F8FF hsv 240 3 100 xyz 0.9 0.94 1.08 lab 98 1 -3 lch 98 4 290 cmyk 3 3 0 0 white_lilac[9085][248,247,252](1.4):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](1.7):whisper[9078][247,245,250](1.7):zircon[9268][244,248,255](1.7):white_pointer[9092][254,248,255](2.0) 47 bluish:lilac:pointer:whisper:zircon:white +3853 giant's_club rgb 176 92 82 hex #B05C52 hsv 6 53 69 xyz 0.23 0.17 0.1 lab 49 33 21 lch 49 39 33 cmyk 0 33 37 31 matrix[5577][176,93,84](1.0):moderate_scarlet[5847][168,85,74](3.2):apple_blossom[1082][169,82,73](3.7):crail[2574][166,86,72](4.1):chestnut[2273][188,93,88](5.4) 4 moderate:apple:blossom:chestnut:crail:matrix:scarlet +3854 giants_orange rgb 254 90 29 hex #FE5A1D hsv 16 89 100 xyz 0.45 0.28 0.04 lab 60 60 63 lch 60 87 47 cmyk 0 64 88 0 flesh_ochre[3688][255,87,33](2.2):PMS811_2X[933][255,84,22](3.6):orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](4.1):PMS1655[98][249,86,2](6.1):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](6.2) 3 2X:PMS1655:PMS811:flesh:ochre:orioles:reddish:orange +3855 gigas rgb 82 60 148 hex #523C94 hsv 255 59 58 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.29 lab 32 32 -45 lch 32 55 305 cmyk 26 35 0 42 daisy_bush[2658][91,62,144](4.1):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](4.2):blue_magenta_violet[1577][85,53,146](4.2):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](5.1):moderate_indigo[5829][97,74,168](6.4) 3 moderate:blueberry:bush:daisy:gem:magenta:blue:indigo:violet +3856 gigas rgb 86 71 134 hex #564786 hsv 254 47 53 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.24 lab 34 22 -33 lch 34 40 303 cmyk 19 25 0 47 abracadabra[949][86,73,133](2.4):victoria[8834][86,73,133](2.4):fascinator[3560][79,64,129](3.0):cyber_grape[2648][88,66,124](3.3):medium_purple[5629][93,71,139](3.7) 5 medium:abracadabra:cyber:fascinator:grape:victoria:purple +3857 giggle rgb 105 50 110 hex #69326E hsv 295 55 43 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.15 lab 30 34 -24 lch 30 42 325 cmyk 2 24 0 57 seance[7583][105,50,110](0.0):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](0.0):PMS520[644][112,53,114](2.8):eminence[3474][110,57,116](3.2):imperial[4614][96,47,107](3.5) 6 PMS520:eminence:flax:imperial:pasifika:seance:style:purple +3858 gimblet rgb 184 181 106 hex #B8B56A hsv 58 42 72 xyz 0.39 0.44 0.2 lab 72 -10 39 lch 72 40 104 cmyk 0 1 31 28 olive_green[6165][186,184,108](1.0):dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](1.4):khaki_dark[4851][189,183,107](1.4):olive_green[6164][181,179,92](5.2):flourish[3697][173,177,94](5.4) 3 dark:flourish:khaki:olive:green +3859 gimblet rgb 185 173 97 hex #B9AD61 hsv 52 48 73 xyz 0.37 0.41 0.17 lab 70 -6 40 lch 70 41 99 cmyk 0 5 35 27 PMS618[797][181,170,89](3.3):husk[4590][183,164,88](4.1):dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](4.4):khaki_dark[4851][189,183,107](4.4):laser[4915][200,181,104](4.6) 5 dark:PMS618:husk:khaki:laser +3860 gin rgb 217 223 205 hex #D9DFCD hsv 80 8 87 xyz 0.66 0.72 0.68 lab 88 -5 8 lch 88 10 123 cmyk 2 0 7 13 feta[3592][219,224,208](1.0):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](1.7):PMS621[800][216,221,206](1.7):moon_mist[5886][220,221,204](2.0):citrine_white[2343][222,221,203](2.2) 49 PMS5595:PMS621:citrine:feta:mist:moon:white +3861 gin rgb 232 242 235 hex #E8F2EB hsv 138 4 95 xyz 0.8 0.87 0.91 lab 95 -5 2 lch 95 5 154 cmyk 4 0 3 5 bubbles[1882][230,242,234](1.0):harp[4426][230,242,234](1.0):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](1.0):panache[6463][234,246,238](1.0):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.4) 58 bubbles:dew:harp:i:panache:spy +3862 gin_fizz rgb 248 234 202 hex #F8EACA hsv 42 19 97 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.68 lab 93 0 17 lch 93 17 91 cmyk 0 5 18 3 soft_whisper[7835][248,234,202](0.0):champagne[2211][250,236,204](1.0):pipi[6711][245,230,196](1.4):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](1.7):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.2) 50 blanched:champagne:chandelier:half:pipi:soft:whisper:almond +3863 gin_fizz rgb 255 249 226 hex #FFF9E2 hsv 48 11 100 xyz 0.89 0.95 0.86 lab 98 -2 12 lch 98 12 99 cmyk 0 2 11 0 off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](1.0):solitaire[7843][254,248,226](1.0):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](1.4):varden[8684][255,246,223](1.4) 54 chilean:dutch:half:heath:off:solitaire:varden:white:yellow +3864 ginger rgb 176 101 0 hex #B06500 hsv 34 100 69 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.02 lab 50 24 58 lch 50 63 67 cmyk 0 29 69 31 mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](2.0):umber[8645][178,100,0](2.0):brown_orange[1852][185,105,2](3.5):PMS153[73][188,109,10](4.2):orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](4.2) 7 PMS153:mai:orangey:tai:umber:brown:orange +3865 gingko rgb 165 156 85 hex #A59C55 hsv 53 48 65 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.13 lab 64 -7 38 lch 64 39 100 cmyk 0 4 31 35 khaki[4844][170,166,98](4.1):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](4.6):crisp_green[2602][149,149,82](5.8):khaki[4843][159,159,95](5.8):PMS4505[537][160,145,81](6.0) 2 PMS4505:PMS5835:crisp:khaki:green +3866 givry rgb 235 212 174 hex #EBD4AE hsv 37 26 92 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.5 lab 86 2 22 lch 86 22 84 cmyk 0 9 24 8 quarter_canterbury_clay[6928][229,210,175](2.4):wheat[9066][238,216,174](2.4):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.8):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.8):colonial_white[2435][233,215,171](2.8) 38 beeswax:canterbury:champagne:clay:colonial:quarter:wheat:white +3867 givry rgb 248 228 191 hex #F8E4BF hsv 39 23 97 xyz 0.76 0.79 0.61 lab 91 1 21 lch 91 21 87 cmyk 0 8 22 3 dairy_cream[2656][249,228,188](1.0):blondee[1520][244,227,187](1.4):peach[6539][251,229,194](1.7):double_dutch_white[3199][247,225,183](2.2):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](2.2) 38 blondee:cream:dairy:double:dutch:half:popcorn:peach:white +3868 glacier rgb 120 177 191 hex #78B1BF hsv 192 37 75 xyz 0.33 0.39 0.55 lab 69 -15 -13 lch 69 20 221 cmyk 28 5 0 25 meltwater[5671][110,174,192](3.3):refresh[7168][113,184,202](4.7):PMS550[701][135,175,191](5.0):neptune[6025][124,183,187](6.2):kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](6.4) 3 PMS550:kumutoto:meltwater:neptune:refresh +3869 glacier rgb 128 179 196 hex #80B3C4 hsv 195 35 77 xyz 0.35 0.41 0.58 lab 70 -13 -14 lch 70 19 228 cmyk 27 7 0 23 PMS550[701][135,175,191](3.3):meltwater[5671][110,174,192](4.1):seagull[7580][119,183,208](5.2):dark_sky_blue[2883][140,190,214](5.4):refresh[7168][113,184,202](5.5) 2 dark:PMS550:meltwater:refresh:seagull:sky:blue +3870 glade_green rgb 95 129 81 hex #5F8151 hsv 103 37 51 xyz 0.14 0.19 0.11 lab 50 -22 22 lch 50 31 134 cmyk 13 0 19 49 dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](3.3):hippie_green[4509][96,138,90](3.7):dingley[3130][93,119,71](4.4):dingley[3131][96,124,71](4.6):spirulina[7903][104,140,96](5.4) 4 dark:dingley:hippie:sage:spirulina:green +3871 glade_green rgb 97 132 95 hex #61845F hsv 117 28 52 xyz 0.15 0.2 0.14 lab 52 -20 16 lch 52 26 141 cmyk 14 0 15 48 dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](3.7):flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](3.7):spring_green[7922][87,131,99](3.7):spring_leaves[7927][87,131,99](3.7):spring_green[7923][92,138,100](4.2) 6 medium:dark:flat:leaves:sea:spring:green +3872 glamour_puss rgb 248 116 139 hex #F8748B hsv 350 53 97 xyz 0.5 0.34 0.28 lab 65 53 12 lch 65 54 13 cmyk 0 52 43 3 PMS190[143][252,117,142](1.4):carnation[2102][253,121,143](2.2):ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](4.6):wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](4.6):froly[3775][245,117,132](5.0) 5 PMS190:carnation:froly:ultra:watermelon:wild:red +3873 glaucous rgb 96 130 182 hex #6082B6 hsv 216 47 71 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.47 lab 54 2 -31 lch 54 31 274 cmyk 34 20 0 29 danube[2671][91,137,192](3.5):silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](3.7):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](4.2):faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](4.7):masquerade[5568][114,133,188](5.4) 4 cyan:danube:faded:lake:masquerade:silver:azure:blue +3874 glistening_white rgb 244 244 236 hex #F4F4EC hsv 60 3 96 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.92 lab 96 -1 4 lch 96 4 110 cmyk 0 0 3 4 quarter_rice_cake[6986][246,244,237](0.0):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.0):eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.0):half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0) 126 alabaster:bianca:cake:double:eighth:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:quarter:rice:white +3875 glitter rgb 65 58 93 hex #413A5D hsv 252 38 36 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.11 lab 27 12 -20 lch 27 23 301 cmyk 11 14 0 64 zodiac[9269][65,58,93](0.0):PMS5265[657][73,61,99](3.0):vortex[8976][58,56,91](3.0):adventure[964][65,64,98](3.6):storm[7991][54,54,93](4.4) 6 PMS5265:adventure:storm:vortex:zodiac +3876 glitter rgb 230 232 250 hex #E6E8FA hsv 234 8 98 xyz 0.79 0.81 1.02 lab 92 3 -9 lch 92 9 287 cmyk 8 7 0 2 silver[7707][230,232,250](0.0):lavender[4931][230,230,250](1.4):lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](1.4):very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](2.2):titan_white[8375][240,238,255](3.3) 8 pale:very:mist:sapphire:silver:titan:blue:lavender:white +3877 glitterati rgb 179 173 151 hex #B3AD97 hsv 47 16 70 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.35 lab 71 -2 12 lch 71 12 98 cmyk 0 2 11 30 half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](1.0):overland[6273][178,170,148](1.4):eagle[3321][176,172,148](1.7):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.2):mandrake[5497][176,169,148](2.2) 42 bison:eagle:half:hide:mandrake:olive:overland:grey +3878 glitterbug rgb 169 42 55 hex #A92A37 hsv 354 75 66 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.05 lab 38 52 24 lch 38 57 25 cmyk 0 50 45 34 bombshell[1637][174,47,62](2.8):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.3):crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](3.7):punch[6853][168,50,57](4.1):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](4.6) 7 PMS201:bombshell:carmine:crash:hot:japanese:punch +3879 globe rgb 37 103 97 hex #256761 hsv 175 64 40 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.13 lab 40 -22 -3 lch 40 22 187 cmyk 26 0 2 60 blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](3.0):sea_green[7556][31,99,97](3.0):caesar[1999][27,103,103](4.1):PMS561[726][38,102,89](4.6):dark_green_blue[2765][31,99,87](4.9) 5 dark:PMS561:caesar:sea:stone:blue:green +3880 glorious rgb 240 119 113 hex #F07771 hsv 3 53 94 xyz 0.46 0.33 0.2 lab 64 46 25 lch 64 52 29 cmyk 0 47 50 6 congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](4.6):coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](4.6):tea_rose[8278][248,131,121](4.6):PMS177[116][249,130,127](5.1):salmon[7428][250,128,114](5.1) 3 PMS177:congo:coral:salmon:tea:pink:rose +3881 glossy_grape rgb 171 146 179 hex #AB92B3 hsv 285 18 70 xyz 0.35 0.32 0.47 lab 64 15 -14 lch 64 21 318 cmyk 3 13 0 30 marionette[5534][171,148,179](1.4):PMS666[845][168,147,173](3.6):ooh_la[6186][160,136,166](4.5):amethyst_smoke[1044][163,151,180](5.1):wonderland[9163][187,151,187](5.8) 3 PMS666:amethyst:la:marionette:ooh:smoke:wonderland +3882 go rgb 118 173 76 hex #76AD4C hsv 94 56 68 xyz 0.24 0.34 0.12 lab 65 -35 44 lch 65 56 129 cmyk 22 0 38 32 moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](3.0):moderate_chartreuse_green[5817][121,168,74](3.3):moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](6.2):turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](6.2):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](6.3) 2 moderate:asparagus:chartreuse:harlequin:pistachio:turtle:green +3883 go_ben rgb 114 109 78 hex #726D4E hsv 52 32 45 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.09 lab 46 -3 18 lch 46 18 101 cmyk 0 2 14 55 peat[6574][118,109,82](2.8):lichen[4991][122,112,85](3.0):dimension[3127][113,112,86](3.3):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](3.7):hemlock[4469][105,104,75](3.7) 10 crocodile:dimension:hemlock:lichen:peat +3884 go_ben rgb 120 110 76 hex #786E4C hsv 46 37 47 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.09 lab 47 -2 20 lch 47 20 95 cmyk 0 4 17 53 grey_brown[4207][127,112,83](3.7):lichen[4991][122,112,85](4.1):bling[1515][127,114,74](4.2):peat[6574][118,109,82](4.2):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](4.6) 8 bling:colins:double:lichen:peat:wicket:brown:grey +3885 go_green rgb 0 171 102 hex #00AB66 hsv 156 100 67 xyz 0.17 0.3 0.17 lab 62 -54 25 lch 62 59 155 cmyk 67 0 27 33 jade_green[4717][43,175,106](3.7):strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](3.7):green_teal[4063][12,181,119](5.1):jade[4713][0,168,107](5.1):howzat[4577][0,158,89](5.9) 2 strong:howzat:jade:teal:aquamarine:green +3886 goblin rgb 52 83 61 hex #34533D hsv 137 37 33 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -17 9 lch 32 19 151 cmyk 12 0 9 67 milford_green[5738][51,78,57](2.2):roulette[7340][42,77,62](4.5):dark_grayish_green[2744][66,89,66](4.7):landscape_green[4908][47,71,50](5.1):PMS560[724][43,76,63](5.5) 3 dark:PMS560:grayish:landscape:milford:roulette:green +3887 goblin rgb 61 125 82 hex #3D7D52 hsv 140 51 49 xyz 0.11 0.16 0.11 lab 47 -31 17 lch 47 35 151 cmyk 25 0 17 51 amazon[1031][56,123,84](2.0):amazon[1032][59,122,87](4.6):green_room[4057][56,129,96](6.3):killarney[4859][73,118,79](7.1):medium_sea_green[5638][66,111,66](7.1) 2 medium:amazon:killarney:room:sea:green +3888 gobstopper rgb 88 53 128 hex #583580 hsv 268 59 50 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.21 lab 30 32 -37 lch 30 49 311 cmyk 16 29 0 50 kingfisher_daisy[4865][88,53,128](0.0):daisy_bush[2658][91,62,144](5.0):blue_diamond[1558][75,45,114](5.4):windsor[9133][70,44,119](5.7):regalia[7171][82,45,128](5.8) 2 bush:daisy:diamond:kingfisher:regalia:windsor:blue +3889 goddess rgb 251 171 143 hex #FBAB8F hsv 16 43 98 xyz 0.59 0.52 0.33 lab 77 26 26 lch 77 37 45 cmyk 0 31 42 2 PMS1625[92][249,165,140](2.8):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](3.6):pale_salmon[6421][255,177,154](3.6):very_light_vermilion[8794][255,182,158](4.7):PMS486[595][237,158,132](5.0) 5 pale:light:very:PMS1625:PMS486:salmon:vermilion +3890 gold rgb 139 117 0 hex #8B7500 hsv 51 100 55 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.03 lab 50 -2 56 lch 50 56 92 cmyk 0 9 55 45 poo[6767][143,115,3](3.2):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](3.6):puke_brown[6838][148,119,6](4.1):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](5.4):hazel[4444][142,118,24](5.4) 3 baby:hacienda:hazel:poo:poop:puke:brown +3891 gold rgb 159 143 83 hex #9F8F53 hsv 47 48 62 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.12 lab 60 -2 34 lch 60 34 94 cmyk 0 6 30 38 PMS4505[537][160,145,81](2.2):dark_khaki[2780][155,143,85](3.0):dark_sand[2867][168,143,89](4.6):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](6.3):moderate_amber[5808][168,145,74](6.4) 3 moderate:dark:PMS4505:PMS5835:amber:khaki:sand +3892 gold rgb 205 127 50 hex #CD7F32 hsv 30 76 80 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.07 lab 60 24 52 lch 60 58 65 cmyk 0 31 61 20 bronze[1823][205,127,50](0.0):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](2.2):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](3.2):dixie[3146][205,132,49](3.7):gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](3.7) 6 bell:bronze:dixie:dull:gold:golden:ochre:orange +3893 gold rgb 205 173 0 hex #CDAD00 hsv 51 100 80 xyz 0.4 0.43 0.06 lab 71 -2 74 lch 71 74 91 cmyk 0 13 80 20 brownish_yellow[1870][201,176,3](3.2):mustard[5953][206,179,1](3.7):PMS103[3][198,173,15](4.2):PMS110[10][216,181,17](4.2):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](4.2) 5 dark:PMS103:PMS110:brownish:mustard:yellow +3894 gold rgb 212 175 55 hex #D4AF37 hsv 46 74 83 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.1 lab 73 1 63 lch 73 63 89 cmyk 0 15 62 17 hokey_pokey[4519][200,165,40](4.1):anzac[1073][224,182,70](5.2):old_gold[6129][207,181,59](5.2):funk[3810][198,170,36](5.8):style_pasifika_fallen_gold[8079][198,170,36](5.8) 1 anzac:fallen:funk:gold:hokey:old:pasifika:pokey:style +3895 gold rgb 219 180 12 hex #DBB40C hsv 49 95 86 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.07 lab 75 1 76 lch 75 76 89 cmyk 0 15 81 14 galliano[3826][220,178,12](1.7):PMS110[10][216,181,17](2.2):gold_tips[3907][222,186,19](2.2):burnt_yellow[1942][213,171,9](4.1):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](4.1) 5 burnt:dark:PMS110:galliano:gold:tips:yellow +3896 gold rgb 231 198 151 hex #E7C697 hsv 35 35 91 xyz 0.59 0.6 0.38 lab 82 5 28 lch 82 28 80 cmyk 0 13 31 9 chamois[2204][230,204,154](3.2):pearl[6564][230,204,154](3.2):navajo_white[5989][238,207,161](3.3):calico[2009][224,192,149](3.6):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](3.6) 13 calico:chamois:navajo:new:pearl:tan:white +3897 gold rgb 238 201 0 hex #EEC900 hsv 51 100 93 xyz 0.56 0.6 0.09 lab 82 -2 83 lch 82 83 91 cmyk 0 15 93 7 yellow[9196][239,204,0](1.4):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](3.0):switched_on[8190][237,206,0](3.3):PMS116[16][252,209,22](3.6):vivid_gold[8916][231,202,0](4.2) 10 vivid:PMS116:gold:jonquil:on:switched:yellow +3898 gold rgb 255 215 0 hex #FFD700 hsv 51 100 100 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.1 lab 87 -2 87 lch 87 87 91 cmyk 0 16 100 0 school_bus_yellow[7530][255,216,0](0.0):southern_cross[7861][255,215,0](0.0):sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.0):cyber_yellow[2649][255,211,0](2.4) 15 2X:PMS803:bus:cross:cyber:school:southern:sunflower:yellow +3899 gold_coast rgb 179 139 94 hex #B38B5E hsv 32 47 70 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.15 lab 61 9 30 lch 61 31 72 cmyk 0 16 33 30 muddy_waters[5930][183,142,92](2.2):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.2):triple_canterbury_clay[8484][181,148,101](3.7):muesli[5933][170,139,91](4.1):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](4.2) 8 55:buff:canterbury:clay:lmu:muddy:muesli:toast:triple:waters +3900 gold_drop rgb 213 108 48 hex #D56C30 hsv 22 77 84 xyz 0.33 0.25 0.06 lab 57 37 51 lch 57 63 54 cmyk 0 41 65 16 tango[8243][212,111,49](2.2):phoenix[6632][216,108,55](3.7):piper[6710][201,99,35](4.1):sorbus[7851][221,107,56](5.1):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](5.4) 3 chocolate:phoenix:piper:sorbus:tango +3901 gold_drop rgb 241 130 0 hex #F18200 hsv 32 100 95 xyz 0.44 0.35 0.04 lab 65 36 72 lch 65 81 63 cmyk 0 44 95 5 tangerine[8240][242,133,0](1.7):PMS716[895][242,132,17](2.2):tahiti_gold[8207][233,124,7](3.6):PMS151[70][247,127,0](4.2):university_of_tennessee_orange[8652][247,127,0](4.2) 6 PMS151:PMS716:gold:of:tahiti:tangerine:tennessee:university:orange +3902 gold_dust rgb 146 119 72 hex #927748 hsv 38 51 57 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.09 lab 52 4 30 lch 52 30 82 cmyk 0 11 29 43 solid_gold[7839][146,119,72](0.0):bullwhip[1902][143,112,64](3.7):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](4.0):muesli[5932][158,126,83](4.7):dirt[3133][138,110,69](5.4) 4 boardwalk:bullwhip:dirt:gold:muesli:solid +3903 gold_fusion rgb 133 117 78 hex #85754E hsv 43 41 52 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.1 lab 50 0 24 lch 50 24 89 cmyk 0 6 22 48 bling[1515][127,114,74](2.2):bronze[1821][140,120,83](2.4):triple_hillary[8495][131,122,83](3.3):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](3.5):clay_creek[2363][137,126,89](4.1) 8 bling:bronze:clay:colins:creek:double:hillary:triple:wicket +3904 gold_ochre rgb 199 120 38 hex #C77826 hsv 31 81 78 xyz 0.31 0.26 0.05 lab 58 25 55 lch 58 60 66 cmyk 0 31 63 22 brownish_orange[1866][203,119,35](2.2):ochre[6103][204,119,34](2.8):bronze[1823][205,127,50](3.7):gold[3892][205,127,50](3.7):bourbon[1683][186,111,30](4.2) 5 bourbon:bronze:brownish:gold:ochre:orange +3905 gold_rush rgb 162 138 100 hex #A28A64 hsv 37 38 64 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.16 lab 59 3 24 lch 59 24 82 cmyk 0 9 24 36 triple_doeskin[8488][159,132,96](3.0):mojito[5856][152,135,98](3.5):backcountry[1254][171,142,107](3.7):double_doeskin[3197][172,145,110](4.1):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](4.1) 9 backcountry:doeskin:double:goldmine:mojito:triple +3906 gold_sand rgb 230 190 138 hex #E6BE8A hsv 34 40 90 xyz 0.56 0.55 0.32 lab 79 7 32 lch 79 32 77 cmyk 0 16 36 10 pale_gold[6336][230,190,138](0.0):maize[5468][227,185,130](2.4):burlywood[1916][222,184,135](2.8):burlywood[1917][238,197,145](3.2):light_gamboge[5102][231,197,139](4.1) 8 pale:light:burlywood:gamboge:gold:maize +3907 gold_tips rgb 222 186 19 hex #DEBA13 hsv 49 91 87 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.08 lab 76 -1 76 lch 76 76 91 cmyk 0 14 80 13 PMS110[10][216,181,17](1.4):gold[3895][219,180,12](2.2):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](2.4):galliano[3826][220,178,12](3.7):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](5.0) 5 dark:PMS110:bite:galliano:gold:me:yellow +3908 gold_tips rgb 226 178 39 hex #E2B227 hsv 45 83 89 xyz 0.48 0.48 0.09 lab 75 5 71 lch 75 71 86 cmyk 0 19 73 11 urobilin[8662][225,173,33](2.2):sundial[8126][221,177,44](3.3):lemon[4960][217,178,32](4.1):bright_sun[1750][236,189,44](4.6):PMS124[29][224,170,15](4.7) 7 PMS124:bright:sun:sundial:urobilin:lemon +3909 golden rgb 245 191 3 hex #F5BF03 hsv 47 99 96 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.08 lab 80 6 82 lch 80 82 86 cmyk 0 21 95 4 spotlight[7911][248,191,0](1.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](1.4):hive[4517][239,189,0](1.7):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](2.4):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](3.0) 17 golden:goldenrod:hive:mikado:poppy:spotlight:yellow +3910 golden_bell rgb 202 129 54 hex #CA8136 hsv 30 73 79 xyz 0.33 0.29 0.07 lab 60 22 51 lch 60 55 67 cmyk 0 29 58 21 bronze[1823][205,127,50](2.2):gold[3892][205,127,50](2.2):dixie[3146][205,132,49](3.3):peru[6617][205,133,63](3.7):tan[8221][205,133,63](3.7) 8 bronze:dixie:gold:peru:tan +3911 golden_bell rgb 226 137 19 hex #E28913 hsv 34 92 89 xyz 0.4 0.34 0.05 lab 65 27 68 lch 65 73 69 cmyk 0 35 81 11 beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](2.2):carrot[2114][237,145,33](3.2):carrot_orange[2115][237,145,33](3.2):PMS144[60][226,140,5](3.7):fulvous[3804][228,132,0](3.7) 8 09:PMS144:beer:carrot:fulvous:srm:orange +3912 golden_brown rgb 153 101 21 hex #996515 hsv 36 86 60 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.03 lab 47 15 49 lch 47 51 74 cmyk 0 20 52 40 brick[1706][156,102,31](3.3):PMS1395[54][153,96,7](3.7):raw_sienna[7082][154,98,0](5.2):orange[6197][139,90,0](5.5):gamboge_orange[3828][152,102,0](6.3) 2 PMS1395:brick:gamboge:raw:sienna:orange +3913 golden_brown rgb 178 122 1 hex #B27A01 hsv 41 99 70 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.03 lab 55 14 61 lch 55 63 77 cmyk 0 22 69 30 PMS139[53][175,117,5](2.4):high_noon[4481][188,127,12](3.7):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](3.7):pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](3.7):bronze[1822][168,121,0](4.2) 6 PMS139:bronze:gold:high:hot:noon:pirate:toddy +3914 golden_dream rgb 240 213 45 hex #F0D52D hsv 52 81 94 xyz 0.6 0.66 0.12 lab 85 -7 78 lch 85 78 95 cmyk 0 11 76 6 filmpro_lemon_yellow[3613][243,213,44](2.2):yellow_submarine[9222][232,210,51](3.3):sunflower[8130][228,212,34](4.2):bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](4.5):broom[1830][238,204,36](4.5) 5 bright:broom:filmpro:lights:submarine:sunflower:lemon:yellow +3915 golden_dream rgb 241 204 43 hex #F1CC2B hsv 49 82 95 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.11 lab 83 -2 77 lch 83 77 91 cmyk 0 15 78 5 banana_split[1280][241,204,43](0.0):broom[1830][238,204,36](1.4):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](2.4):fizz[3651][245,204,35](2.8):turbo[8567][245,204,35](2.8) 10 banana:bite:broom:fizz:me:split:turbo +3916 golden_fizz rgb 235 222 49 hex #EBDE31 hsv 56 79 92 xyz 0.61 0.7 0.13 lab 87 -13 79 lch 87 80 99 cmyk 0 5 73 8 dandelion[2667][240,225,48](1.4):bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](3.0):PMS604[783][232,221,33](3.3):sunflower[8130][228,212,34](3.6):barberry[1291][222,215,23](4.7) 6 PMS604:barberry:bright:dandelion:lights:sunflower +3917 golden_fizz rgb 245 251 61 hex #F5FB3D hsv 62 76 98 xyz 0.73 0.89 0.18 lab 95 -23 83 lch 95 86 105 cmyk 2 0 75 2 canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](3.7):banana_yellow[1281][250,254,75](4.1):lemon_yellow[4981][253,255,56](4.1):off_yellow[6112][241,243,63](4.7):sunshine_yellow[8149][255,253,55](4.7) 7 banana:canary:off:sunshine:lemon:yellow +3918 golden_glow rgb 249 215 126 hex #F9D77E hsv 43 49 98 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.3 lab 87 1 48 lch 87 48 89 cmyk 0 13 48 2 sweet_dreams[8181][249,215,126](0.0):PMS134[43][255,216,127](2.4):oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](2.8):salomie[7435][255,214,123](2.8):beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](3.2) 9 02:PMS134:beer:daisy:dreams:oopsy:salomie:srm:sweet +3919 golden_glow rgb 253 226 149 hex #FDE295 hsv 44 41 99 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.4 lab 91 -1 41 lch 91 41 91 cmyk 0 11 41 1 vis[8881][249,228,150](2.0):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](2.2):cream_brulee[2585][255,227,155](2.2):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](2.4):hathaway[4431][247,222,148](2.8) 8 light:very:01:amber:beer:brulee:cream:hathaway:srm:vis +3920 golden_grass rgb 218 165 32 hex #DAA520 hsv 43 85 85 xyz 0.43 0.42 0.07 lab 71 9 69 lch 71 69 83 cmyk 0 21 73 15 goldenrod[3932][218,165,32](0.0):galliano[3825][216,167,35](2.2):corn[2518][223,170,40](2.4):urobilin[8662][225,173,33](4.1):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](5.1) 4 corn:galliano:goldenrod:urobilin +3921 golden_poppy rgb 252 194 0 hex #FCC200 hsv 46 100 99 xyz 0.59 0.59 0.08 lab 81 8 83 lch 81 84 85 cmyk 0 23 99 1 mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](1.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](1.4):marigold[5528][252,192,6](1.4):spotlight[7911][248,191,0](1.7):amber[1035][255,191,0](2.0) 15 amber:goldenrod:marigold:mikado:spotlight:yellow +3922 golden_rod rgb 249 188 8 hex #F9BC08 hsv 45 97 98 xyz 0.57 0.56 0.08 lab 80 9 81 lch 80 82 83 cmyk 0 24 95 2 marigold[5528][252,192,6](1.4):lightning_yellow[5253][252,192,30](2.2):spotlight[7911][248,191,0](2.2):amber[1035][255,191,0](2.4):fluorescent_orange[3701][255,191,0](2.4) 19 amber:fluorescent:lightning:marigold:spotlight:orange:yellow +3923 golden_rod rgb 255 193 37 hex #FFC125 hsv 43 85 100 xyz 0.61 0.6 0.1 lab 82 10 78 lch 82 78 83 cmyk 0 24 85 0 goldenrod[3938][255,193,37](0.0):lightning_yellow[5253][252,192,30](1.7):PMS810_2X[931][255,188,33](2.8):PMS123[27][255,198,30](3.7):marigold[5528][252,192,6](4.2) 9 2X:PMS123:PMS810:goldenrod:lightning:marigold:yellow +3924 golden_sand rgb 234 206 106 hex #EACE6A hsv 47 55 92 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.23 lab 83 -2 53 lch 83 53 93 cmyk 0 11 50 8 PMS141[57][242,206,104](3.7):creme_de_banane[2590][224,193,97](4.6):goldenrod[3937][252,217,117](5.4):orange_yellow[6223][248,213,104](5.4):sandy[7473][241,218,122](5.4) 2 PMS141:banane:creme:de:goldenrod:sandy:orange:yellow +3925 golden_sand rgb 240 219 125 hex #F0DB7D hsv 49 48 94 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.3 lab 87 -5 49 lch 87 49 96 cmyk 0 8 45 6 sandy[7473][241,218,122](1.4):buff[1892][240,220,130](2.2):light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](2.4):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](2.4):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](2.4) 16 light:buff:goldenrod:old:oldgoldenrod:sandy +3926 golden_tainoi rgb 255 193 82 hex #FFC152 hsv 38 68 100 xyz 0.62 0.6 0.16 lab 82 12 62 lch 82 64 80 cmyk 0 24 68 0 PMS136[47][252,191,73](3.3):saffron[7407][249,191,88](3.7):saffron_mango[7409][249,191,88](3.7):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](4.4):charger[2227][249,194,78](4.6) 5 PMS136:casablanca:charger:mango:saffron +3927 golden_tainoi rgb 255 204 92 hex #FFCC5C hsv 41 64 100 xyz 0.65 0.65 0.19 lab 85 6 61 lch 85 61 84 cmyk 0 20 64 0 beer_srm_03[1343][253,203,90](1.0):cream_can[2588][245,200,92](3.5):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.2):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](5.2):charger[2227][249,194,78](5.4) 3 03:PMS135:beer:can:charger:cream:srm +3928 golden_yellow rgb 254 198 21 hex #FEC615 hsv 46 92 100 xyz 0.61 0.62 0.09 lab 83 7 82 lch 83 82 85 cmyk 0 22 91 0 sunflower[8131][255,197,18](0.0):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](1.7):PMS123[27][255,198,30](2.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](2.0):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](2.4) 18 PMS123:golden:goldenrod:mikado:poppy:sunflower:yellow +3929 golden_yellow rgb 255 223 0 hex #FFDF00 hsv 52 100 100 xyz 0.68 0.74 0.11 lab 89 -6 89 lch 89 89 94 cmyk 0 13 100 0 luminous_vivid_gold[5377][255,223,0](0.0):dandelion[2670][254,223,8](1.0):yellow[9198][254,223,0](1.0):cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](2.2):vivid_yellow[8965][255,227,2](2.2) 14 luminous:vivid:cadmium:dandelion:gold:lemon:yellow +3930 goldenrod rgb 139 105 20 hex #8B6914 hsv 43 86 55 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.03 lab 47 6 48 lch 47 49 83 cmyk 0 13 47 45 corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6):stinger[7981][139,107,11](3.6):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](3.7):dark_goldenrod[2729][139,101,8](4.1):medium_goldenrod[5607][139,101,8](4.1) 11 medium:dark:corn:goldenrod:harvest:muddy:stinger:brown +3931 goldenrod rgb 205 155 29 hex #CD9B1D hsv 43 86 80 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.06 lab 67 8 66 lch 67 66 83 cmyk 0 20 69 20 pizza[6731][201,148,21](2.8):PMS131[40][198,147,10](3.3):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](3.3):nugget[6080][197,153,34](3.7):PMS1245[30][191,145,12](4.1) 11 PMS1245:PMS131:curry:nugget:pizza:lemon +3932 goldenrod rgb 218 165 32 hex #DAA520 hsv 43 85 85 xyz 0.43 0.42 0.07 lab 71 9 69 lch 71 69 83 cmyk 0 21 73 15 golden_grass[3920][218,165,32](0.0):galliano[3825][216,167,35](2.2):corn[2518][223,170,40](2.4):urobilin[8662][225,173,33](4.1):yellow_ochre[9214][203,157,6](5.1) 4 corn:galliano:golden:grass:ochre:urobilin:yellow +3933 goldenrod rgb 219 219 112 hex #DBDB70 hsv 60 49 86 xyz 0.57 0.67 0.25 lab 85 -14 52 lch 85 54 106 cmyk 0 0 42 14 PMS610[789][226,219,114](2.2):somerset[7846][223,221,120](2.4):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](3.7):straw[8005][228,217,111](4.2):PMS585[773][219,224,107](5.4) 4 PMS585:PMS610:fever:somerset:spring:straw +3934 goldenrod rgb 238 180 34 hex #EEB422 hsv 43 86 93 xyz 0.52 0.51 0.09 lab 77 9 74 lch 77 74 83 cmyk 0 23 80 7 PMS130[38][234,175,15](3.0):PMS143[59][239,178,45](3.7):PMS124[29][224,170,15](4.1):bright_spark[1749][243,190,51](4.1):vivid_amber[8892][231,174,0](4.2) 11 vivid:PMS124:PMS130:PMS143:amber:bright:spark +3935 goldenrod rgb 250 194 5 hex #FAC205 hsv 46 98 98 xyz 0.59 0.59 0.08 lab 81 7 82 lch 81 83 85 cmyk 0 22 96 2 spotlight[7911][248,191,0](1.0):golden[3909][245,191,3](1.4):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](1.4):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](1.7):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](2.0) 16 golden:mikado:poppy:spotlight:yellow +3936 goldenrod rgb 252 214 103 hex #FCD667 hsv 45 59 99 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.23 lab 87 1 59 lch 87 59 89 cmyk 0 15 58 1 light_brilliant_amber[5026][255,216,101](1.4):tinkerbell[8370][252,215,99](2.2):dandelion[2668][253,219,109](2.4):orange_yellow[6223][248,213,104](2.4):light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](3.0) 8 light:brilliant:amber:dandelion:mustard:tinkerbell:orange:yellow +3937 goldenrod rgb 252 217 117 hex #FCD975 hsv 44 54 99 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.27 lab 88 0 53 lch 88 53 90 cmyk 0 14 53 1 beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](2.2):la_luna[4899][255,216,122](2.8):wheat[9068][251,221,126](3.3):jasmine[4745][248,222,126](4.4):mellow_yellow[5662][248,222,126](4.4) 10 02:beer:jasmine:la:luna:mellow:srm:wheat:yellow +3938 goldenrod rgb 255 193 37 hex #FFC125 hsv 43 85 100 xyz 0.61 0.6 0.1 lab 82 10 78 lch 82 78 83 cmyk 0 24 85 0 golden_rod[3923][255,193,37](0.0):lightning_yellow[5253][252,192,30](1.7):PMS810_2X[931][255,188,33](2.8):PMS123[27][255,198,30](3.7):golden_rod[3922][249,188,8](3.7) 10 2X:PMS123:PMS810:golden:lightning:rod:yellow +3939 goldenrod_dark rgb 184 134 11 hex #B8860B hsv 43 94 72 xyz 0.28 0.27 0.04 lab 59 10 63 lch 59 64 81 cmyk 0 20 68 28 dark_goldenrod[2730][184,134,11](0.0):medium_goldenrod[5608][184,134,11](0.0):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](2.4):mustard_brown[5955][172,126,4](3.7):pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](5.1) 4 medium:dark:gold:goldenrod:hot:mustard:pirate:toddy:brown +3940 goldenrod_light rgb 250 250 210 hex #FAFAD2 hsv 60 16 98 xyz 0.85 0.93 0.74 lab 97 -6 19 lch 97 20 109 cmyk 0 0 16 2 light_goldenrod_yellow[5110][250,250,210](0.0):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](1.7):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](2.2):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](2.2):pale[6303][255,249,208](2.2) 35 pale:light:baja:dutch:goldenrod:mimosa:white:yellow +3941 goldenrod_pale rgb 238 232 170 hex #EEE8AA hsv 55 29 93 xyz 0.71 0.79 0.49 lab 91 -7 31 lch 91 32 103 cmyk 0 2 27 7 pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](0.0):PMS608[787][239,232,173](1.0):PMS600[779][244,237,175](2.0):medium_goldenrod[5610][234,234,174](2.8):medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](3.2) 14 pale:medium:PMS600:PMS608:champagne:goldenrod +3942 goldie rgb 179 155 105 hex #B39B69 hsv 41 41 70 xyz 0.33 0.34 0.18 lab 65 2 29 lch 65 30 87 cmyk 0 9 29 30 double_canterbury_clay[3187][184,159,111](2.2):castlepoint[2127][173,149,105](3.0):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](3.0):travis[8461][183,158,103](3.2):dust[3300][178,153,110](3.3) 9 dark:beige:canterbury:castlepoint:clay:double:dust:travis +3943 goldmine rgb 155 129 96 hex #9B8160 hsv 34 38 61 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.14 lab 56 5 22 lch 56 22 77 cmyk 0 10 23 39 secret_road[7598][157,130,97](1.0):triple_doeskin[8488][159,132,96](1.4):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](2.4):sandal[7460][163,135,106](3.0):colins_wicket[2434][149,130,93](3.3) 11 colins:doeskin:road:sandal:secret:sorrell:triple:wicket:brown +3944 gondola rgb 38 20 20 hex #261414 hsv 360 47 15 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 9 9 4 lch 9 10 22 cmyk 0 7 7 85 night_rider[6051][31,18,15](3.6):coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](4.5):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](4.5):marlin[5535][42,20,14](4.5):loyal[5348][40,25,29](4.6) 6 bean:coffee:cuban:loyal:marlin:night:rider:tan +3945 gondola rgb 55 51 50 hex #373332 hsv 12 9 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 22 2 1 lch 22 2 39 cmyk 0 2 2 78 half_diesel[4316][53,49,49](1.0):dune[3291][56,53,51](1.4):half_bokara_grey[4297][53,51,51](1.7):sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](2.0):tuatara[8551][54,53,52](2.0) 73 bokara:diesel:dune:half:sheer:tuatara:black:grey +3946 gondwana rgb 91 117 92 hex #5B755C hsv 122 22 46 xyz 0.13 0.16 0.12 lab 47 -15 11 lch 47 18 144 cmyk 10 0 10 54 cactus[1972][88,113,86](2.2):finlandia[3629][97,117,91](2.2):cactus[1973][91,111,85](3.0):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](3.3):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](3.7) 7 axolotl:cactus:finlandia +3947 gooseberry rgb 191 194 152 hex #BFC298 hsv 64 22 76 xyz 0.46 0.52 0.37 lab 77 -8 21 lch 77 22 111 cmyk 1 0 16 24 green_mist[4052][191,194,152](0.0):PMS5787[758][198,198,153](3.0):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](4.2):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](4.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](4.7) 8 PMS5783:PMS5787:chiffon:fawn:mist:green:lemon +3948 gordons_green rgb 11 17 7 hex #0B1107 hsv 96 59 7 xyz 0 0 0 lab 4 -4 4 lch 4 5 134 cmyk 2 0 4 93 midnight_moss[5725][4,16,4](1.0):black_forest[1457][11,19,4](2.4):green_waterloo[4066][16,20,5](2.8):marshland[5555][11,15,8](2.8):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](4.4) 5 forest:marshland:midnight:moss:racing:waterloo:black:green +3949 gordons_green rgb 41 51 43 hex #29332B hsv 132 20 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -6 4 lch 20 7 149 cmyk 4 0 3 80 moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](1.0):heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](1.4):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](1.7):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](2.2):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](2.2) 27 bean:earth:forest:heavy:metal:moroccan:palm:black:green +3950 gorse rgb 253 227 54 hex #FDE336 hsv 52 79 99 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.15 lab 90 -8 80 lch 90 81 96 cmyk 0 10 78 1 shooting_star[7678][253,227,54](0.0):banana_yellow[1282][255,225,53](2.0):sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](4.6):PMS107[7][249,229,38](5.0):lemon[4961][244,216,28](5.1) 4 PMS107:banana:shooting:star:sun:lemon:yellow +3951 gorse rgb 255 241 79 hex #FFF14F hsv 55 69 100 xyz 0.74 0.85 0.2 lab 94 -13 76 lch 94 77 100 cmyk 0 5 69 0 lemon_yellow[4982][255,244,79](1.7):buzz[1963][251,235,80](3.0):paris_daisy[6486][251,235,80](3.0):PMS101[1][244,237,71](3.6):holiday[4522][245,235,79](4.4) 5 PMS101:buzz:daisy:holiday:paris:lemon:yellow +3952 gossamer rgb 6 155 129 hex #069B81 hsv 170 96 61 xyz 0.16 0.25 0.25 lab 57 -41 4 lch 57 41 174 cmyk 58 0 10 39 PMS3278[384][0,155,132](2.2):PMS334[401][0,153,124](2.2):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](2.2):niagara[6045][6,161,137](2.2):paolo_veronese_green[6472][0,155,125](2.2) 8 2X:PMS3278:PMS334:PMS808:niagara:paolo:veronese:green +3953 gossamer rgb 57 159 134 hex #399F86 hsv 165 64 62 xyz 0.18 0.27 0.27 lab 59 -36 4 lch 59 36 173 cmyk 40 0 10 38 zomp[9272][57,167,141](3.2):zomp[9273][57,167,142](3.2):moderate_turquoise[5852][74,168,145](4.5):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](4.9):PMS3285[388][0,153,135](4.9) 5 moderate:PMS3278:PMS3285:zomp:turquoise +3954 gossip rgb 159 211 133 hex #9FD385 hsv 100 37 83 xyz 0.42 0.56 0.31 lab 79 -31 33 lch 79 45 133 cmyk 20 0 31 17 tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](0.0):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](2.8):PMS359[433][160,219,142](3.7):feijoa[3569][159,221,140](5.1):PMS358[432][170,221,150](5.4) 3 PMS358:PMS359:feijoa:frutti:tutti +3955 gossip rgb 210 248 176 hex #D2F8B0 hsv 92 29 97 xyz 0.68 0.84 0.54 lab 93 -25 31 lch 93 39 129 cmyk 15 0 28 3 very_light_green[8764][209,255,189](4.6):pale_green[6348][199,253,181](5.5):very_pale_green[8806][207,253,188](5.5):lucky_dip[5353][209,239,159](5.7):reef[7165][209,239,159](5.7) 1 pale:light:very:dip:lucky:reef:green +3956 gotham rgb 48 59 68 hex #303B44 hsv 207 29 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.06 lab 24 -2 -7 lch 24 7 254 cmyk 8 4 0 73 warrior[9005][45,59,66](2.2):high_tide[4484][50,55,63](2.4):mosaic[5905][41,55,65](2.4):PMS532[668][53,56,66](3.0):new_denim_blue[6038][57,65,73](3.3) 27 PMS532:denim:high:mosaic:new:tide:warrior:blue +3957 gothic rgb 105 136 144 hex #698890 hsv 192 27 56 xyz 0.2 0.23 0.3 lab 55 -9 -8 lch 55 12 221 cmyk 15 3 0 44 horizon[4545][100,136,148](2.0):light_blue[5010][104,131,139](2.4):abacus[942][118,137,147](4.1):bluish_grey[1618][116,139,151](4.2):hoki[4520][100,125,134](4.5) 6 light:abacus:bluish:hoki:horizon:blue:grey +3958 gothic rgb 109 146 161 hex #6D92A1 hsv 197 32 63 xyz 0.23 0.26 0.38 lab 58 -9 -12 lch 58 15 233 cmyk 20 6 0 37 bermuda_grey[1396][111,140,159](3.3):horizon[4545][100,136,148](3.6):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](4.1):awash[1213][115,156,169](4.6):weldon_blue[9043][124,152,171](5.1) 4 awash:bermuda:horizon:moon:weldon:blue:grey +3959 governor_bay rgb 47 60 179 hex #2F3CB3 hsv 234 74 70 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.43 lab 32 36 -64 lch 32 74 299 cmyk 52 47 0 30 sapphire[7494][33,56,171](2.8):egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](4.5):PMS2728[278][48,68,181](4.9):PMS286[307][0,56,168](5.0):royal_azure[7344][0,56,168](5.0) 5 PMS2728:PMS286:egyptian:royal:sapphire:azure:blue +3960 governor_bay rgb 81 85 155 hex #51559B hsv 237 48 61 xyz 0.13 0.11 0.32 lab 39 18 -39 lch 39 43 295 cmyk 29 27 0 39 liberty[4990][84,90,167](3.7):PMS660[839][89,96,168](4.2):scampi[7511][103,95,166](6.2):moderate_sapphire_blue[5846][74,97,168](6.7):twilight[8611][78,81,139](7.0) 2 moderate:PMS660:liberty:sapphire:scampi:twilight:blue +3961 graceland rgb 135 116 130 hex #877482 hsv 316 14 53 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.24 lab 51 10 -5 lch 51 11 334 cmyk 0 7 2 47 thistle[8323][139,123,139](3.3):fedora[3568][121,106,120](4.2):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](5.1):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](5.1):mamba[5488][118,109,124](5.4) 2 fedora:mamba:old:thistle:grey:lavender:purple +3962 grain_brown rgb 202 184 162 hex #CAB8A2 hsv 33 20 79 xyz 0.48 0.49 0.41 lab 76 3 14 lch 76 14 78 cmyk 0 7 16 21 dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](2.0):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](2.0):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](2.0):bisque[1431][205,183,158](2.2):quarter_doeskin[6939][209,191,169](2.2) 45 dark:bisque:doeskin:dough:quarter:sour:vanilla +3963 grain_brown rgb 228 213 183 hex #E4D5B7 hsv 40 20 89 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.54 lab 86 0 17 lch 86 17 89 cmyk 0 6 18 11 double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](0.0):rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](1.0):PMS468[567][226,214,181](1.4):quarter_pavlova[6976][222,211,180](1.4):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.2) 40 PMS4545:PMS468:double:pavlova:quarter:rock:salt:spanish:white +3964 grandis rgb 255 205 115 hex #FFCD73 hsv 39 55 100 xyz 0.66 0.66 0.26 lab 85 7 51 lch 85 52 82 cmyk 0 20 55 0 oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](4.6):salomie[7435][255,214,123](4.6):chardonnay[2225][255,200,120](5.1):PMS134[43][255,216,127](5.4):bardot[1294][243,199,98](5.8) 2 PMS134:bardot:chardonnay:daisy:oopsy:salomie +3965 grandis rgb 255 211 140 hex #FFD38C hsv 37 45 100 xyz 0.69 0.7 0.35 lab 87 7 41 lch 87 41 81 cmyk 0 17 45 0 PMS1355[46][252,206,135](2.0):PMS1345[44][255,214,145](3.0):cherokee[2258][245,205,130](3.7):chardonnay[2226][255,205,140](4.1):cherokee[2259][252,218,152](5.7) 4 PMS1345:PMS1355:chardonnay:cherokee +3966 granite_green rgb 139 130 101 hex #8B8265 hsv 46 27 55 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.16 lab 54 -1 17 lch 54 17 95 cmyk 0 4 15 45 brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](1.4):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](1.4):carat[2075][134,125,96](2.0):triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](2.2):wheat[9063][139,126,102](3.0) 20 carat:haze:olive:triple:wheat:brown:grey +3967 granite_green rgb 141 137 116 hex #8D8974 hsv 50 18 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.2 lab 57 -2 12 lch 57 12 101 cmyk 0 2 10 45 craigieburn[2573][146,136,116](2.0):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](2.0):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](2.0):olive_haze[6168][139,132,112](2.2):PMS416[499][142,140,122](2.4) 31 PMS416:craigieburn:double:grass:haze:isotonic:olive:lemon +3968 granite_grey rgb 103 103 103 hex #676767 hsv 240 0 40 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.15 lab 44 0 0 lch 44 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 60 dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](0.0):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](0.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](0.0):grey[4139][105,105,105](0.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.0) 42 chicane:dim:dimgray:dimgrey:grey +3969 granny_apple rgb 197 231 205 hex #C5E7CD hsv 134 15 91 xyz 0.63 0.73 0.69 lab 89 -16 9 lch 89 18 151 cmyk 13 0 10 9 PMS572[742][188,226,206](3.6):aero_blue[966][192,232,213](4.1):PMS331[398][186,234,214](5.0):blue_romance[1586][210,246,222](5.1):pale_light_grayish_spring_green[6376][184,231,208](5.1) 3 pale:light:PMS331:PMS572:aero:grayish:romance:spring:blue:green +3970 granny_apple rgb 213 246 227 hex #D5F6E3 hsv 145 13 96 xyz 0.74 0.86 0.85 lab 94 -14 6 lch 94 15 159 cmyk 13 0 7 4 blue_romance[1586][210,246,222](2.8):very_pale_malachite_green[8812][226,255,233](3.3):humming_bird[4580][206,239,228](4.6):tara[8251][222,241,221](4.6):hint_of_green[4497][230,255,233](4.9) 6 pale:very:bird:hint:humming:malachite:of:romance:tara:blue:green +3971 granny_smith rgb 123 148 140 hex #7B948C hsv 161 17 58 xyz 0.23 0.27 0.29 lab 59 -11 1 lch 59 11 173 cmyk 10 0 3 42 gumbo[4251][113,143,138](3.0):juniper[4798][116,145,142](3.2):metamorphis[5694][128,157,150](3.3):PMS5555[715][119,145,130](4.2):blue_smoke[1589][116,136,129](4.5) 5 PMS5555:gumbo:juniper:metamorphis:smoke:blue +3972 granny_smith rgb 132 160 160 hex #84A0A0 hsv 180 18 63 xyz 0.28 0.33 0.38 lab 64 -10 -3 lch 64 10 199 cmyk 11 0 0 37 destiny[3112][136,158,157](2.4):boulevard[1677][142,165,160](3.7):cascade[2120][139,169,165](3.7):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](4.1):metamorphis[5694][128,157,150](4.1) 9 boulevard:cascade:destiny:gumbo:metamorphis +3973 granny_smith_apple rgb 157 224 147 hex #9DE093 hsv 112 34 88 xyz 0.46 0.63 0.37 lab 83 -36 31 lch 83 47 139 cmyk 26 0 30 12 PMS359[433][160,219,142](3.3):feijoa[3569][159,221,140](3.3):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](6.7):gossip[3954][159,211,133](6.7):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](6.7) 2 PMS359:feijoa:frutti:gossip:tutti +3974 granny_smith_apple rgb 168 228 160 hex #A8E4A0 hsv 113 30 89 xyz 0.5 0.66 0.43 lab 85 -32 27 lch 85 42 139 cmyk 24 0 27 11 PMS358[432][170,221,150](4.7):hospital_green[4549][155,229,170](5.8):PMS359[433][160,219,142](5.9):light_sage[5186][188,236,172](6.5):light_grey_green[5124][183,225,161](7.0) 1 light:PMS358:PMS359:hospital:sage:green:grey +3975 grape rgb 56 26 81 hex #381A51 hsv 273 68 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 16 27 -28 lch 16 39 313 cmyk 10 22 0 68 russian_violet[7379][50,23,77](1.4):valhalla[8672][43,25,79](4.9):PMS2695[263][68,35,94](5.2):PMS269[262][68,35,89](5.4):valentino[8669][53,14,66](5.7) 2 PMS269:PMS2695:russian:valentino:valhalla:violet +3976 grape rgb 65 61 75 hex #413D4B hsv 257 19 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.07 lab 27 5 -8 lch 27 9 302 cmyk 4 5 0 71 warlord[8995][69,64,79](1.4):catwalk[2140][61,62,76](2.2):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](3.0):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](3.7):martinique[5561][60,55,72](3.7) 9 bright:catwalk:martinique:ship:warlord:grey +3977 grape rgb 108 52 97 hex #6C3461 hsv 312 52 42 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.12 lab 31 31 -16 lch 31 35 334 cmyk 0 22 4 58 harlequin[4423][106,57,104](3.0):style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](3.0):PMS519[642][99,48,94](3.3):PMS2622[248][96,45,89](4.1):finn[3630][105,45,84](5.9) 4 PMS2622:PMS519:clam:finn:harlequin:ocean:pasifika:style +3978 grape rgb 111 45 168 hex #6F2DA8 hsv 272 73 66 xyz 0.15 0.08 0.38 lab 34 51 -54 lch 34 75 313 cmyk 22 48 0 34 PMS266[257][109,40,170](4.4):PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](8.3):purple[6862][126,30,156](8.5):PMS527[658][122,30,153](8.7):daisy_bush[2657][79,35,152](8.8) 1 2X:PMS266:PMS527:PMS814:bush:daisy:purple +3979 grape_purple rgb 93 20 81 hex #5D1451 hsv 310 78 36 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.08 lab 22 39 -19 lch 22 44 334 cmyk 0 29 5 64 PMS260[239][104,30,91](4.2):PMS261[243][94,33,84](4.6):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](6.4):deep_orchid[3025][89,0,78](6.6):palatinate_purple[6302][104,40,96](6.8) 2 deep:PMS260:PMS261:fuchsia:orchid:palatinate:purple +3980 grapefruit rgb 253 89 86 hex #FD5956 hsv 1 66 99 xyz 0.46 0.29 0.12 lab 61 62 36 lch 61 72 30 cmyk 0 64 65 1 PMS805[920][249,89,81](2.4):PMS178[119][249,94,89](3.2):coral[2496][252,90,80](3.3):sunset_orange[8144][253,94,83](3.6):PMS1785[120][252,79,89](5.4) 4 PMS178:PMS1785:PMS805:coral:sunset:orange +3981 grapevine rgb 67 37 79 hex #43254F hsv 283 53 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 20 23 -20 lch 20 30 318 cmyk 5 16 0 69 deep_purple[3038][69,35,80](2.2):scarlet_gum[7522][74,45,87](4.1):PMS669[848][71,43,89](4.2):hot_purple[4568][78,46,83](5.1):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](5.4) 3 deep:PMS669:bossanova:gum:hot:scarlet:purple +3982 graphite rgb 37 22 7 hex #251607 hsv 30 81 15 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 9 6 10 lch 9 12 62 cmyk 0 6 12 85 black_magic[1462][37,23,6](1.4):cannon_black[2047][37,23,6](1.4):blackwood[1491][38,17,5](3.7):wood_bark[9164][38,17,5](3.7):creole[2592][30,15,4](4.4) 10 bark:blackwood:cannon:creole:magic:wood:black +3983 graphite rgb 56 52 40 hex #383428 hsv 45 29 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 22 -1 8 lch 22 8 94 cmyk 0 2 6 78 creole[2593][57,50,39](2.2):touch_wood[8440][58,55,46](2.2):el_paso[3433][57,57,44](2.8):filmpro_raw_umber[3620][63,57,48](3.0):hunter_green[4585][47,49,37](3.0) 30 creole:el:filmpro:hunter:paso:raw:touch:umber:wood:green +3984 grass rgb 92 172 45 hex #5CAC2D hsv 98 74 67 xyz 0.2 0.32 0.08 lab 63 -46 54 lch 63 71 130 cmyk 31 0 50 33 green[4031][102,176,50](2.8):wham[9062][95,179,58](3.7):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](5.4):PMS369[444][86,170,28](5.5):nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](6.6) 2 PMS369:cinnabar:nasty:wham:green +3985 grass_green rgb 63 155 11 hex #3F9B0B hsv 98 93 61 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.04 lab 57 -50 57 lch 57 76 131 cmyk 36 0 56 39 grassy_green[3990][65,156,3](2.0):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](4.4):PMS369[444][86,170,28](5.7):grass[3984][92,172,45](7.8):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](7.9) 2 strong:PMS369:chartreuse:grass:grassy:lawn:green +3986 grass_hopper rgb 122 114 41 hex #7A7229 hsv 54 66 48 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.04 lab 47 -6 40 lch 47 41 99 cmyk 0 3 32 52 pesto[6620][122,114,41](0.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](1.4):olivetone[6176][116,112,40](2.4):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](3.0):pesto[6621][124,118,49](3.0) 8 PMS5825:crete:olivetone:pesto +3987 grass_hopper rgb 124 118 49 hex #7C7631 hsv 55 60 49 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.05 lab 49 -7 38 lch 49 39 101 cmyk 0 2 29 51 pesto[6621][124,118,49](0.0):spanish_bistre[7868][128,117,50](2.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](2.2):pesto[6620][122,114,41](3.0):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](3.2) 8 PMS5825:bistre:crete:pesto:spanish +3988 grass_stain rgb 22 91 49 hex #165B31 hsv 143 76 36 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.04 lab 34 -32 18 lch 34 37 150 cmyk 27 0 16 64 crusoe[2615][22,91,49](0.0):PMS357[431][33,91,51](3.0):spruce[7937][10,95,56](3.0):deep_spring_green[3066][0,89,45](3.3):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](4.4) 5 deep:PMS357:crusoe:fun:spring:spruce:green +3989 grasslands rgb 61 61 46 hex #3D3D2E hsv 60 25 24 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.03 lab 25 -3 9 lch 25 10 108 cmyk 0 0 6 76 deep_khaki[3002][61,64,49](1.4):el_paso[3433][57,57,44](1.4):scrub[7546][61,64,49](1.4):log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](3.0):green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](3.6) 11 deep:cabin:el:kelp:khaki:log:paso:scrub:green +3990 grassy_green rgb 65 156 3 hex #419C03 hsv 96 98 61 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.04 lab 57 -50 59 lch 57 77 131 cmyk 36 0 60 39 grass_green[3985][63,155,11](2.0):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](3.3):PMS369[444][86,170,28](5.4):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](6.5):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](7.1) 2 strong:PMS369:chartreuse:grass:lawn:leaf:green +3991 gravel rgb 74 68 75 hex #4A444B hsv 291 9 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.08 lab 30 4 -3 lch 30 5 321 cmyk 0 3 0 71 thriller[8334][75,70,75](1.4):everest[3524][76,72,80](1.7):quartz[7017][81,72,79](2.2):transformer[8457][79,72,75](2.2):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.4) 30 everest:quartz:shadowy:thriller:transformer:lavender +3992 gravel rgb 74 75 70 hex #4A4B46 hsv 72 7 29 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -1 3 lch 32 3 118 cmyk 0 0 2 71 deep_space[3062][76,73,69](1.4):merlin[5682][79,78,72](1.4):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.4):winchester[9127][81,78,74](1.4):armadillo[1141][72,74,70](1.7) 41 deep:armadillo:merlin:rampart:space:winchester +3993 gravity rgb 61 64 64 hex #3D4040 hsv 180 5 25 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 -1 0 lch 27 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 75 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4 17 34 hillary[4491][167,160,126](1.4):canvas[2053][163,153,119](2.0):tallow[8214][163,153,119](2.0):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](3.0):PMS451[538][173,160,122](3.3) 23 PMS451:canvas:hillary:neutral:tallow:green +3997 grayish_azure rgb 125 147 168 hex #7D93A8 hsv 209 26 66 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.41 lab 60 -3 -14 lch 60 14 258 cmyk 17 8 0 34 blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](2.0):weldon_blue[9043][124,152,171](2.4):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](4.1):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](4.1):PMS645[824][119,150,178](4.2) 10 PMS645:blue/grey:moon:shadow:weldon:blue +3998 grayish_blue rgb 125 125 168 hex #7D7DA8 hsv 240 26 66 xyz 0.23 0.22 0.4 lab 54 10 -23 lch 54 25 293 cmyk 17 17 0 34 grayish_indigo[4007][136,125,168](3.7):rhythm[7199][120,118,151](6.2):wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](6.4):rhythm[7198][119,118,150](7.0):light_steel_blue[5213][143,143,189](7.1) 1 light:grayish:rhythm:steel:wild:yonder:blue:indigo +3999 grayish_brown rgb 168 147 125 hex #A8937D hsv 31 26 66 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.24 lab 62 4 15 lch 62 15 74 cmyk 0 8 17 34 donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](1.4):double_joss[3209][166,147,128](2.0):rickshaw[7223][170,145,123](2.0):half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](2.2):sandrift[7464][171,145,122](2.2) 24 donkey:double:gargoyle:half:joss:rickshaw:sandrift:brown +4000 grayish_cerulean rgb 125 158 168 hex #7D9EA8 hsv 194 26 66 xyz 0.28 0.32 0.42 lab 63 -9 -9 lch 63 13 225 cmyk 17 4 0 34 awash[1213][115,156,169](3.0):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](3.0):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](3.5):PMS5425[682][132,153,165](4.1):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](4.1) 7 PMS5425:awash:bali:bluegrey:gumbo:hai +4001 grayish_chartreuse_green rgb 147 168 125 hex #93A87D hsv 89 26 66 xyz 0.3 0.36 0.25 lab 66 -15 20 lch 66 25 127 cmyk 8 0 17 34 grayish_harlequin[4006][136,168,125](4.1):grayish_lime_green[4008][158,168,125](4.2):seagrass[7579][134,164,117](4.6):grey/green[4204][134,161,125](5.1):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](5.9) 3 grayish:grey/green:greyish:harlequin:seagrass:green:lime +4002 grayish_crimson rgb 168 125 136 hex #A87D88 hsv 345 26 66 xyz 0.28 0.25 0.27 lab 57 18 1 lch 57 18 2 cmyk 0 17 13 34 vintage[8844][167,128,135](2.2):english_lavender[3490][180,131,149](5.8):PMS5145[633][173,135,153](5.9):bazaar[1327][152,119,123](6.0):grayish_red[4013][168,125,125](6.1) 1 PMS5145:bazaar:english:grayish:vintage:lavender:red +4003 grayish_cyan rgb 125 168 168 hex #7DA8A8 hsv 180 26 66 xyz 0.3 0.35 0.42 lab 66 -14 -5 lch 66 15 198 cmyk 17 0 0 34 neptune[6024][119,168,171](2.2):ziggurat[9259][129,166,170](2.2):PMS5493[699][140,175,173](4.1):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](4.1):kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](4.1) 7 PMS5493:gumbo:kumutoto:neptune:ziggurat +4004 grayish_fuchsia rgb 168 125 158 hex #A87D9E hsv 314 26 66 xyz 0.3 0.25 0.36 lab 58 22 -11 lch 58 25 333 cmyk 0 17 4 34 bouquet[1681][174,128,158](2.4):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](3.0):opera_mauve[6190][183,132,167](4.2):bouquet[1680][167,129,153](5.0):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](5.4) 4 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#7DA888 hsv 135 26 66 xyz 0.27 0.34 0.28 lab 65 -21 12 lch 65 24 151 cmyk 17 0 13 34 bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](2.0):amulet[1047][123,159,128](3.6):PMS556[716][122,168,145](5.1):bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](5.1):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](5.1) 2 PMS556:amulet:bay:greyish:leaf:green +4011 grayish_mulberry rgb 158 125 168 hex #9E7DA8 hsv 286 26 66 xyz 0.29 0.25 0.4 lab 57 21 -18 lch 57 27 319 cmyk 4 17 0 34 heather[4452][164,132,172](2.4):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](3.7):grayish_violet[4019][147,125,168](4.6):east_side[3335][170,140,188](5.9):faded_purple[3539][145,110,153](6.1) 3 east:faded:grayish:heather:magenta:side:purple:violet +4012 grayish_olive rgb 168 168 125 hex #A8A87D hsv 60 26 66 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.25 lab 68 -7 22 lch 68 23 108 cmyk 0 0 17 34 locust[5325][162,165,128](3.2):PMS5773[754][155,158,114](4.2):grayish_lime_green[4008][158,168,125](4.2):stone_age[7986][182,178,133](4.6):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](5.1) 4 PMS5773:age:grayish:locust:neutral:stone:green:lime +4013 grayish_red rgb 168 125 125 hex #A87D7D hsv 360 26 66 xyz 0.27 0.24 0.23 lab 57 17 7 lch 57 18 21 cmyk 0 17 17 34 burnished_brown[1924][161,122,116](4.1):pharlap[6630][163,128,123](4.1):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](5.1):vintage[8844][167,128,135](5.1):reddish_grey[7154][153,117,112](5.7) 2 PMS5005:burnished:pharlap:reddish:vintage:brown:grey +4014 grayish_rose rgb 168 125 147 hex #A87D93 hsv 329 26 66 xyz 0.29 0.25 0.31 lab 57 20 -5 lch 57 21 345 cmyk 0 17 8 34 bouquet[1680][167,129,153](2.4):PMS5145[633][173,135,153](4.4):english_lavender[3490][180,131,149](4.7):bouquet[1681][174,128,158](5.4):mountbatten_pink[5921][153,122,141](5.5) 3 PMS5145:bouquet:english:mountbatten:lavender:pink +4015 grayish_sapphire_blue rgb 125 136 168 hex #7D88A8 hsv 225 26 66 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.41 lab 57 3 -18 lch 57 19 280 cmyk 17 13 0 34 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13 17 34 beaver[1337][159,129,112](4.4):hemp[4471][152,125,115](4.6):pharlap[6630][163,128,123](4.7):cinereous[2331][152,129,123](5.4):almond_frost[1013][154,134,120](5.5) 3 beaver:cinereous:frost:hemp:pharlap:almond +4019 grayish_violet rgb 147 125 168 hex #937DA8 hsv 271 26 66 xyz 0.26 0.24 0.4 lab 56 17 -20 lch 56 26 311 cmyk 8 17 0 34 grayish_indigo[4007][136,125,168](4.2):grayish_mulberry[4011][158,125,168](4.6):heather[4452][164,132,172](5.2):east_side[3335][170,140,188](6.8):deluge[3091][130,114,164](7.1) 2 deluge:east:grayish:heather:mulberry:side:indigo +4020 green rgb 0 128 0 hex #008000 hsv 120 100 50 xyz 0.08 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -52 50 lch 46 72 136 cmyk 50 0 50 50 ao[1074][0,128,0](0.0):office_green[6115][0,128,0](0.0):web_green[9035][0,128,0](0.0):india_green[4627][19,136,8](3.2):napier_green[5978][42,128,0](6.2) 4 ao:india:napier:office:web:green +4021 green rgb 0 139 0 hex #008B00 hsv 120 100 55 xyz 0.09 0.18 0.03 lab 50 -55 53 lch 50 76 136 cmyk 55 0 55 45 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lch 82 114 136 cmyk 93 0 93 7 vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](3.3):vivid_green[8917][0,231,0](3.5):vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](4.1):radioactive_green[7040][44,250,31](5.0):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](6.2) 4 vivid:electric:radioactive:sap:green +4028 green rgb 0 255 0 hex #00FF00 hsv 120 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 120 136 cmyk 100 0 100 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):lime[5267][0,255,0](0.0) 13 bright:electric:fluorescent:fluro:green:lime +4029 green rgb 21 176 26 hex #15B01A hsv 122 88 69 xyz 0.16 0.31 0.06 lab 63 -63 59 lch 63 86 137 cmyk 61 0 59 31 strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](3.3):strong_green[8035][0,168,0](3.6):strong_sap_green[8055][21,168,0](3.7):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](5.4):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](7.3) 3 strong:2X:PMS368:emerald:harlequin:sap:green +4030 green rgb 28 172 120 hex #1CAC78 hsv 158 84 67 xyz 0.19 0.31 0.23 lab 63 -48 17 lch 63 51 161 cmyk 56 0 20 33 bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](2.2):jade[4714][31,167,116](2.2):bluish_green[1617][16,166,116](3.2):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](3.7):PMS3405[411][0,178,122](4.2) 7 PMS3405:bluey:bluish:jade:teal:green +4031 green rgb 102 176 50 hex #66B032 hsv 95 72 69 xyz 0.22 0.34 0.08 lab 65 -44 54 lch 65 70 129 cmyk 29 0 49 31 grass[3984][92,172,45](2.8):wham[9062][95,179,58](3.7):nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](4.4):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](5.7):leaf[4953][113,170,52](6.4) 3 cinnabar:grass:leaf:nasty:wham:green +4032 green/blue rgb 1 192 141 hex #01C08D hsv 164 99 75 xyz 0.24 0.4 0.32 lab 69 -53 14 lch 69 55 165 cmyk 75 0 20 25 PMS3395[409][0,201,147](3.7):caribbean_green[2087][0,204,153](4.1):greenblue[4075][35,196,139](4.5):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](5.2):greenish_teal[4085][50,191,132](5.4) 3 medium:PMS3395:caribbean:greenblue:greenish:teal:aquamarine:green +4033 green/yellow rgb 181 206 8 hex #B5CE08 hsv 68 96 81 xyz 0.41 0.54 0.08 lab 78 -29 77 lch 78 83 110 cmyk 10 0 78 19 rio_grande[7229][187,208,9](2.4):PMS382[458][186,216,10](5.4):baby_puke_green[1249][182,196,6](5.5):bahia[1257][165,203,12](5.5):citrus[2348][161,197,10](5.8) 1 PMS382:baby:bahia:citrus:grande:puke:rio:green +4034 green_apple rgb 94 220 31 hex #5EDC1F hsv 100 86 86 xyz 0.3 0.54 0.1 lab 78 -64 72 lch 78 97 132 cmyk 49 0 74 14 toxic_green[8446][97,222,42](2.2):harlequin_green[4424][70,203,24](7.2):chartreuse[2236][102,205,0](8.1):vivid_chartreuse_green[8906][116,231,0](9.0):vivid_pistachio[8937][87,231,0](9.7) 1 vivid:chartreuse:harlequin:pistachio:toxic:green +4035 green_blue rgb 6 180 139 hex #06B48B hsv 166 97 71 xyz 0.21 0.35 0.3 lab 65 -48 10 lch 65 49 168 cmyk 68 0 16 29 PMS339[408][0,178,140](1.4):mountain_meadow[5917][26,179,133](3.0):mountain_meadow[5918][48,186,143](4.1):strong_turquoise[8062][0,168,126](4.6):jungle_green[4791][41,171,135](5.5) 4 strong:PMS339:jungle:meadow:mountain:green:turquoise +4036 green_blue rgb 17 100 180 hex #1164B4 hsv 209 91 71 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.45 lab 42 8 -49 lch 42 49 279 cmyk 64 31 0 29 fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](5.1):medium_blue[5599][44,111,187](5.4):mid_blue[5705][39,106,179](5.4):denim[3093][43,108,196](5.8):endeavour[3482][0,86,167](5.9) 0 medium:denim:endeavour:fun:mid:blue +4037 green_brown rgb 84 78 3 hex #544E03 hsv 56 96 33 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.01 lab 33 -6 40 lch 33 40 99 cmyk 0 2 32 67 deep_gold[2992][89,78,0](2.2):deep_olive[3022][89,89,0](6.4):olive_brown[6153][100,84,3](6.6):PMS455[547][102,86,20](6.7):PMS581[765][96,94,17](6.8) 1 deep:PMS455:PMS581:gold:olive:brown +4038 green_copper rgb 82 127 118 hex #527F76 hsv 168 35 50 xyz 0.14 0.18 0.2 lab 50 -18 0 lch 50 18 180 cmyk 18 0 4 50 wintergreen_dream[9148][86,136,125](3.3):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](3.7):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](4.1):breaker_bay[1700][81,123,120](4.4):hooker's_green[4539][73,121,107](4.7) 6 dark:bay:breaker:copper:cutty:dream:hooker's:sark:wintergreen:green +4039 green_cyan rgb 0 153 102 hex #009966 hsv 160 100 60 xyz 0.14 0.24 0.16 lab 56 -47 17 lch 56 50 160 cmyk 60 0 20 40 green[4022][0,159,107](2.2):bluish_green[1617][16,166,116](4.2):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](4.2):jade[4714][31,167,116](5.0):green[4024][0,168,119](5.7) 4 bluish:jade:teal:green +4040 green_dark rgb 0 100 0 hex #006400 hsv 120 100 39 xyz 0.05 0.09 0.02 lab 36 -43 42 lch 36 60 136 cmyk 39 0 39 61 dark_green[2759][0,100,0](0.0):pakistan_green[6300][0,102,0](1.4):deep_green[2995][5,102,8](2.2):japanese_laurel[4734][10,105,6](2.2):san_felix[7444][11,98,7](3.6) 5 deep:dark:felix:japanese:laurel:pakistan:san:green +4041 green_fields rgb 62 99 52 hex #3E6334 hsv 107 47 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.05 lab 38 -23 23 lch 38 32 136 cmyk 15 0 18 61 green_house[4045][62,99,52](0.0):olive[6150][59,94,43](2.8):dell[3085][72,101,49](3.7):dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](4.6):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](4.6) 7 dark:dell:harlequin:house:olive:pistachio:green +4042 green_grey rgb 119 146 111 hex #77926F hsv 106 24 57 xyz 0.21 0.26 0.19 lab 58 -16 15 lch 58 23 137 cmyk 11 0 14 43 laurel[4923][116,147,120](4.0):bach[1253][131,146,112](4.2):dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](4.4):flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](4.4):laurel[4922][110,141,113](4.6) 6 medium:dark:flat:bach:laurel:sea:green +4043 green_haze rgb 1 163 104 hex #01A368 hsv 158 99 64 xyz 0.16 0.27 0.18 lab 59 -50 21 lch 59 54 157 cmyk 64 0 23 36 jade[4713][0,168,107](2.2):PMS347[421][0,158,96](2.8):shamrock_green[7641][0,158,96](2.8):strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](3.0):green[4022][0,159,107](4.6) 5 strong:PMS347:jade:shamrock:aquamarine:green +4044 green_house rgb 36 80 15 hex #24500F hsv 101 81 31 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.01 lab 30 -28 32 lch 30 42 132 cmyk 17 0 25 69 forrest_green[3729][21,68,6](5.4):bottle_green[1672][4,74,5](6.7):navy_green[6001][53,83,10](6.7):parsley[6493][19,79,25](6.8):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](6.9) 0 dark:bottle:fern:forrest:navy:parsley:green +4045 green_house rgb 62 99 52 hex #3E6334 hsv 107 47 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.05 lab 38 -23 23 lch 38 32 136 cmyk 15 0 18 61 green_fields[4041][62,99,52](0.0):olive[6150][59,94,43](2.8):dell[3085][72,101,49](3.7):dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](4.6):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](4.6) 7 dark:dell:fields:harlequin:olive:pistachio:green +4046 green_kelp rgb 37 49 28 hex #25311C hsv 94 43 19 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -10 12 lch 19 15 130 cmyk 5 0 8 81 black_olive[1466][36,46,22](3.0):olive_green[6161][36,46,22](3.0):mallard[5483][35,52,24](4.4):rangitoto[7060][46,50,34](5.5):scrub[7545][46,50,34](5.5) 3 mallard:olive:rangitoto:scrub:black:green +4047 green_kelp rgb 57 61 42 hex #393D2A hsv 73 31 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 25 -6 11 lch 25 13 117 cmyk 2 0 7 76 log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](2.0):deep_khaki[3002][61,64,49](3.0):scrub[7546][61,64,49](3.0):mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](3.2):olive_green[6162][53,63,42](3.2) 13 deep:cabin:khaki:log:mediterranean:olive:scrub:green +4048 green_leaf rgb 67 106 13 hex #436A0D hsv 85 88 42 xyz 0.08 0.12 0.02 lab 40 -29 43 lch 40 51 124 cmyk 15 0 36 58 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-9 -1 lch 37 9 186 cmyk 9 0 1 64 dark_grayish_turquoise[2756][66,89,84](1.7):dark_grayish_cyan[2742][66,89,89](2.2):limed_spruce[5285][78,96,94](2.8):timekeeper[8369][65,89,90](3.2):oracle[6195][57,85,85](3.7) 8 dark:cyan:grayish:limed:oracle:spruce:timekeeper:turquoise +4052 green_mist rgb 191 194 152 hex #BFC298 hsv 64 22 76 xyz 0.46 0.52 0.37 lab 77 -8 21 lch 77 22 111 cmyk 1 0 16 24 gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](0.0):PMS5787[758][198,198,153](3.0):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](4.2):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](4.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](4.7) 8 PMS5783:PMS5787:chiffon:fawn:gooseberry:green:lemon +4053 green_mist rgb 203 211 176 hex #CBD3B0 hsv 74 17 83 xyz 0.56 0.62 0.5 lab 83 -9 16 lch 83 19 118 cmyk 3 0 14 17 coriander[2514][196,208,176](1.7):cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](2.8):symphony[8195][196,211,180](2.8):orinoco[6254][210,211,179](3.2):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](3.2) 9 pale:cooled:coriander:leaf:orinoco:symphony:green +4054 green_pale rgb 152 251 152 hex #98FB98 hsv 120 39 98 xyz 0.53 0.78 0.42 lab 91 -48 39 lch 91 62 141 cmyk 39 0 39 2 pale_green[6345][152,251,152](0.0):pale_green[6346][154,255,154](1.4):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](1.7):mint_green[5768][152,255,152](2.4):mint_green[5767][143,255,159](4.4) 9 pale:light:very:green:mint +4055 green_pea rgb 29 97 66 hex #1D6142 hsv 153 70 38 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.07 lab 36 -29 12 lch 36 32 158 cmyk 27 0 12 62 freedom[3739][0,98,70](4.2):deep_aquamarine[2953][0,89,56](4.4):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](4.6):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](5.1):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](5.4) 3 deep:dark:freedom:fun:malachite:sea:aquamarine:green +4056 green_pea rgb 38 98 66 hex #266242 hsv 148 61 38 xyz 0.06 0.1 0.07 lab 37 -28 13 lch 37 30 156 cmyk 24 0 13 62 dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](4.2):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](4.7):leprechaun[4988][54,98,67](5.1):fun_green[3809][21,99,61](5.4):greenstone[4091][36,108,70](5.4) 2 dark:fun:greenstone:leprechaun:malachite:sea:green +4057 green_room rgb 56 129 96 hex #388160 hsv 153 57 51 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.14 lab 49 -31 11 lch 49 33 160 cmyk 29 0 13 49 amazon[1032][59,122,87](4.1):amazon[1031][56,123,84](4.5):deep_sea[3052][22,126,101](6.2):goblin[3887][61,125,82](6.3):deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](6.4) 2 deep:amazon:cyan:goblin:sea:green:turquoise +4058 green_sheen rgb 110 174 161 hex #6EAEA1 hsv 168 37 68 xyz 0.28 0.36 0.39 lab 67 -24 0 lch 67 24 180 cmyk 25 0 5 32 gulf_stream[4245][116,178,168](2.4):tradewind[8450][109,175,167](3.2):acapulco[954][124,176,161](4.6):tradewind[8449][95,179,172](5.1):PMS563[730][127,188,170](5.8) 3 PMS563:acapulco:gulf:stream:tradewind +4059 green_smoke rgb 156 166 100 hex #9CA664 hsv 69 40 65 xyz 0.3 0.35 0.17 lab 66 -14 33 lch 66 36 113 cmyk 4 0 26 35 khaki[4843][159,159,95](4.5):moss_green[5912][138,154,91](5.7):khaki[4844][170,166,98](5.9):jigsaw[4767][142,164,103](6.0):PMS5777[755][170,173,117](7.1) 1 PMS5777:jigsaw:khaki:moss:green +4060 green_smoke rgb 164 175 110 hex #A4AF6E hsv 70 37 69 xyz 0.33 0.4 0.21 lab 69 -14 32 lch 69 35 114 cmyk 4 0 25 31 PMS5777[755][170,173,117](5.7):khaki[4843][159,159,95](6.5):khaki[4844][170,166,98](6.7):caper[2062][175,193,130](7.0):jigsaw[4767][142,164,103](7.1) 0 PMS5777:caper:jigsaw:khaki +4061 green_spring rgb 169 175 153 hex #A9AF99 hsv 76 13 69 xyz 0.37 0.41 0.36 lab 70 -6 11 lch 70 12 120 cmyk 2 0 9 31 bud[1887][168,174,156](2.2):terrain[8313][173,173,153](2.2):bud[1886][165,168,143](2.8):half_washed_green[4410][161,168,148](2.8):eagle[3321][176,172,148](3.6) 16 bud:eagle:half:terrain:washed:green +4062 green_spring rgb 184 193 177 hex #B8C1B1 hsv 94 8 76 xyz 0.47 0.52 0.49 lab 77 -6 7 lch 77 9 131 cmyk 4 0 6 24 PMS5645[733][188,193,178](2.0):aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](2.2):quarter_lemon_grass[6962][186,190,175](2.2):rainee[7050][179,193,177](2.2):tasman[8258][186,192,179](2.2) 25 PMS5645:aquashield:grass:quarter:rainee:tasman:lemon +4063 green_teal rgb 12 181 119 hex #0CB577 hsv 158 93 71 xyz 0.2 0.34 0.23 lab 65 -53 21 lch 65 57 158 cmyk 66 0 24 29 dark_seafoam[2879][31,181,122](2.4):PMS3405[411][0,178,122](3.3):strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](4.2):jade[4713][0,168,107](4.5):greenish_teal[4085][50,191,132](4.9) 5 dark:strong:PMS3405:greenish:jade:seafoam:teal:aquamarine +4064 green_vogue rgb 3 43 82 hex #032B52 hsv 210 96 32 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.08 lab 17 4 -27 lch 17 28 278 cmyk 31 15 0 68 PMS289[310][0,38,73](3.0):deep_azure[2956][0,45,89](3.3):blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](4.2):oxford_blue[6274][0,33,71](4.5):PMS540[677][0,51,91](4.6) 7 deep:PMS289:PMS540:oxford:zodiac:azure:blue +4065 green_vogue rgb 35 65 78 hex #23414E hsv 198 55 31 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.08 lab 26 -7 -11 lch 26 13 238 cmyk 17 5 0 69 nile_blue[6059][37,63,78](2.4):aquarium[1124][37,60,72](3.0):tarawera[8254][37,60,72](3.0):teal_blue[8287][37,72,85](3.3):dark_blue_grey[2690][31,59,77](4.1) 7 dark:aquarium:nile:tarawera:teal:blue:grey +4066 green_waterloo rgb 16 20 5 hex #101405 hsv 76 75 8 xyz 0 0.01 0 lab 6 -4 6 lch 6 7 123 cmyk 2 0 6 92 black_forest[1457][11,19,4](1.4):gordons_green[3948][11,17,7](2.8):midnight_moss[5725][4,16,4](3.0):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](4.4):hunter_green[4583][22,29,16](4.6) 8 forest:gordons:hunter:midnight:moss:racing:black:green +4067 green_waterloo rgb 44 45 36 hex #2C2D24 hsv 67 20 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -2 6 lch 18 6 113 cmyk 0 0 4 82 karaka[4817][45,45,36](0.0):style_pasifika_dark_stone[8076][45,45,36](0.0):marshland[5556][43,46,38](1.4):rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](1.4):PMS419[502][40,40,33](2.2) 33 dark:PMS419:karaka:marshland:pasifika:rangoon:stone:style:green +4068 green_white rgb 222 221 203 hex #DEDDCB hsv 57 9 87 xyz 0.67 0.72 0.67 lab 88 -3 9 lch 88 9 107 cmyk 0 0 7 13 citrine_white[2343][222,221,203](0.0):moon_mist[5886][220,221,204](1.0):eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](2.2):gin[3860][217,223,205](2.2):half_beryl_green[4291][215,218,200](2.2) 84 beryl:citrine:eighth:gin:half:mist:moon:tana:green:white +4069 green_white rgb 232 235 224 hex #E8EBE0 hsv 76 5 92 xyz 0.76 0.82 0.82 lab 93 -3 5 lch 93 6 120 cmyk 1 0 4 8 eighth_thorndon_cream[3427][240,238,229](2.2):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](2.2):half_merino[4353][236,234,226](2.2):ivory[4698][238,238,224](2.4):light_yellowish_grey[5242][231,231,218](2.4) 117 light:barely:cream:eighth:half:ivory:merino:there:thorndon:yellowish:grey +4070 green_yellow rgb 147 219 112 hex #93DB70 hsv 100 49 86 xyz 0.4 0.58 0.24 lab 81 -41 45 lch 81 61 132 cmyk 28 0 42 14 PMS367[441][170,221,109](7.5):light_harlequin[5125][162,231,139](8.6):light_sap_green[5193][150,231,139](9.0):mantis[5512][127,193,92](9.3):pastel_green[6504][119,221,119](9.9) 0 light:PMS367:harlequin:mantis:pastel:sap:green +4071 green_yellow rgb 173 255 47 hex #ADFF2F hsv 84 82 100 xyz 0.54 0.81 0.15 lab 92 -52 82 lch 92 97 123 cmyk 32 0 82 0 lime[5268][170,255,50](1.4):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](5.4):lemon_green[4975][173,248,2](5.5):spring_bud[7915][167,252,0](5.5):french_lime[3752][158,253,56](5.7) 1 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201 209 121 hex #C9D179 hsv 65 42 82 xyz 0.5 0.59 0.27 lab 82 -16 43 lch 82 45 110 cmyk 3 0 35 18 poprock[6774][192,201,117](3.6):wild_willow[9115][185,196,106](5.2):greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](5.4):medium_spring_bud[5642][201,220,135](5.8):deco[2947][204,207,130](5.9) 1 medium:bud:deco:greenish:poprock:spring:tan:wild:willow +4078 greenish_black rgb 26 29 26 hex #1A1D1A hsv 120 10 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 -2 2 lch 10 3 144 cmyk 1 0 1 89 yellowish_black[9227][29,29,26](1.4):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](2.2):eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](2.8):grey[4109][28,28,28](2.8):black[1451][30,30,30](3.0) 21 cyanish:eerie:yellowish:black:grey +4079 greenish_blue rgb 11 139 135 hex #0B8B87 hsv 178 92 55 xyz 0.14 0.2 0.26 lab 52 -31 -7 lch 52 32 192 cmyk 50 0 2 45 cyan[2634][0,139,139](2.0):dark_cyan[2713][0,139,139](2.0):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](3.2):PMS321[366][0,135,137](3.7):dark_cyan[2714][10,136,138](3.7) 10 dark:PMS321:cyan:teal:green +4080 greenish_brown rgb 105 97 18 hex #696112 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-19 16 lch 62 25 140 cmyk 13 0 15 37 grey_green[4214][120,155,115](2.4):grey/green[4204][134,161,125](3.2):amulet[1048][125,157,114](3.3):english_sage[3493][125,157,114](3.3):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](3.3) 7 amulet:english:grey/green:greyish:sage:green:grey +4095 greeny_yellow rgb 198 248 8 hex #C6F808 hsv 73 97 97 xyz 0.57 0.79 0.13 lab 91 -41 88 lch 91 97 115 cmyk 20 0 94 3 chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](2.2):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](2.8):electric_lime[3447][206,255,29](3.0):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](3.0):lime_yellow[5275][208,254,29](3.2) 10 chartreuse:electric:greenish:green:lime:yellow +4096 grenadier rgb 193 77 54 hex #C14D36 hsv 10 72 76 xyz 0.25 0.17 0.05 lab 48 45 37 lch 48 58 39 cmyk 0 45 55 24 balloon[1269][193,77,54](0.0):clementine[2369][193,79,59](2.4):orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](3.3):trinidad[8475][197,79,51](3.3):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](3.7) 7 atan:balloon:catalyst:clementine:orang:trinidad +4097 grenadier rgb 213 70 0 hex #D54600 hsv 20 100 84 xyz 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0 61 storm_dust[7992][100,100,99](1.0):double_trojan[3250][101,102,100](1.7):dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](2.0):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](2.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](2.0) 29 dim:dimgray:dimgrey:double:dust:storm:trojan:grey +4138 grey rgb 102 102 102 hex #666666 hsv 0 0 40 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.14 lab 43 0 0 lch 43 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 60 dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](1.0):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](1.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](1.0):granite_grey[3968][103,103,103](1.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.4) 32 chicane:dim:dimgray:dimgrey:granite:grey +4139 grey rgb 105 105 105 hex #696969 hsv 300 0 41 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.15 lab 44 0 0 lch 44 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 59 dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](0.0):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](0.0):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](0.0):granite_grey[3968][103,103,103](0.0):chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.0) 32 chicane:dim:dimgray:dimgrey:granite:grey +4140 grey rgb 107 107 107 hex #6B6B6B hsv 0 0 42 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.16 lab 45 0 0 lch 45 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 58 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silver[7704][192,192,192](1.0):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.7):silver_sand[7718][191,193,194](1.7):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](2.2):french_grey[3748][191,189,193](2.2) 47 concrete:double:eighth:french:sand:silver:stack:grey +4178 grey rgb 192 192 192 hex #C0C0C0 hsv 180 0 75 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.57 lab 78 0 0 lch 78 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 25 silver[7704][192,192,192](0.0):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.4):silver_sand[7718][191,193,194](1.4):triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.7) 50 athens:concrete:double:eighth:sand:silver:stack:triple:grey +4179 grey rgb 194 194 194 hex #C2C2C2 hsv 320 0 76 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.59 lab 78 0 0 lch 78 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 24 silver[7704][192,192,192](0.0):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.4):silver_sand[7718][191,193,194](1.4):triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.7) 50 athens:concrete:double:eighth:sand:silver:stack:triple:grey +4180 grey rgb 196 196 196 hex #C4C4C4 hsv 330 0 77 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.6 lab 79 0 0 lch 79 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 23 double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.0):silver[7704][192,192,192](1.0):triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.4):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.7):quarter_silver_chalice[6991][199,200,198](1.7) 53 athens:chalice:concrete:double:eighth:quarter:silver:stack:triple:grey +4181 grey rgb 199 199 199 hex #C7C7C7 hsv 300 0 78 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.62 lab 80 0 0 lch 80 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 22 double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):quarter_silver_chalice[6991][199,200,198](1.4):snow[7807][205,201,201](1.4):half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.7):triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.7) 52 athens:chalice:concrete:double:half:quarter:rakaia:silver:snow:triple:grey +4182 grey rgb 201 201 201 hex #C9C9C9 hsv 120 0 79 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.64 lab 81 0 0 lch 81 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 21 snow[7807][205,201,201](1.0):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.0):half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.4):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.4):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.4) 47 light:very:half:iron:rakaia:snow:surrender:grey +4183 grey rgb 204 204 204 hex #CCCCCC hsv 320 0 80 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.66 lab 82 0 0 lch 82 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 20 very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](0.0):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.0):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.0):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.4):snow[7807][205,201,201](1.4) 60 light:very:half:iron:midwinter:mist:snow:surrender:grey +4184 grey rgb 207 207 207 hex #CFCFCF hsv 180 0 81 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.68 lab 83 0 0 lch 83 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 19 midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.0):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.0):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.4):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.4):mercury[5676][213,210,209](1.7) 59 light:very:half:iron:mercury:midwinter:mist:surrender:grey +4185 grey rgb 209 209 209 hex #D1D1D1 hsv 300 0 82 xyz 0.61 0.64 0.69 lab 84 0 0 lch 84 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 18 light_grey[5121][211,211,211](1.0):mercury[5676][213,210,209](1.4):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.4):concrete[2450][210,209,205](2.0):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](2.0) 58 light:very:concrete:mercury:midwinter:mist:grey +4186 grey rgb 212 212 212 hex #D4D4D4 hsv 0 0 83 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.72 lab 85 0 0 lch 85 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 17 light_grey[5121][211,211,211](0.0):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.4):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.4):quarter_surrender[7002][214,216,216](1.4):white_thunder[9096][213,215,216](1.4) 56 light:PMS649:half:iron:quarter:surrender:thunder:grey:white +4187 grey rgb 214 214 214 hex #D6D6D6 hsv 300 0 84 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.73 lab 86 0 0 lch 86 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 16 PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.0):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.0):light_grey[5121][211,211,211](1.0):quarter_surrender[7002][214,216,216](1.0) 71 light:PMS649:alto:half:iron:quarter:surrender:grey +4188 grey rgb 217 217 217 hex #D9D9D9 hsv 300 0 85 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.76 lab 87 0 0 lch 87 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 15 alto[1022][219,219,219](0.0):athens_grey[1175][220,221,221](1.0):gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](1.0):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.4):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.4) 73 PMS649:alto:athens:gainsboro:half:iron:grey +4189 grey rgb 219 219 219 hex #DBDBDB hsv 0 0 86 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.77 lab 87 0 0 lch 87 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 14 alto[1022][219,219,219](0.0):athens_grey[1175][220,221,221](1.0):gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](1.0):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.4):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.4) 73 PMS649:alto:athens:gainsboro:half:iron:grey +4190 grey rgb 222 222 222 hex #DEDEDE hsv 270 0 87 xyz 0.69 0.73 0.8 lab 88 0 0 lch 88 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 13 athens_grey[1175][220,221,221](0.0):gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](0.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.0):porcelain[6777][221,220,219](1.0):house_white[4575][223,221,217](2.0) 76 alto:athens:gainsboro:house:porcelain:grey:white +4191 grey rgb 224 224 224 hex #E0E0E0 hsv 330 0 88 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.81 lab 89 0 0 lch 89 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 12 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cmyk 0 0 0 9 mercury[5677][229,229,229](1.0):platinum[6737][229,228,226](1.4):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](1.7):gallery[3824][239,239,239](2.0):white[9079][237,237,237](2.0) 85 gallery:lilac:mercury:platinum:white +4195 grey rgb 235 235 235 hex #EBEBEB hsv 240 0 92 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.9 lab 93 0 0 lch 93 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 8 gallery[3824][239,239,239](1.0):white[9079][237,237,237](1.0):concrete[2451][242,242,242](2.0):mercury[5677][229,229,229](2.0):seashell[7589][241,241,241](2.0) 87 concrete:gallery:mercury:seashell:white +4196 grey rgb 237 237 237 hex #EDEDED hsv 330 0 93 xyz 0.8 0.85 0.92 lab 94 0 0 lch 94 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 7 gallery[3824][239,239,239](0.0):white[9079][237,237,237](0.0):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.0):seashell[7589][241,241,241](1.0):porcelain[6778][239,242,243](1.7) 88 concrete:gallery:porcelain:seashell:white +4197 grey rgb 240 240 240 hex #F0F0F0 hsv 320 0 94 xyz 0.83 0.87 0.95 lab 95 0 0 lch 95 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 6 concrete[2451][242,242,242](0.0):seashell[7589][241,241,241](0.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](1.0):white[9079][237,237,237](1.0):wild_sand[9108][244,244,244](1.0) 93 concrete:gallery:sand:seashell:wild:white +4198 grey rgb 242 242 242 hex #F2F2F2 hsv 0 0 95 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.97 lab 95 0 0 lch 95 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 5 concrete[2451][242,242,242](0.0):seashell[7589][241,241,241](0.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](1.0):white[9079][237,237,237](1.0):wild_sand[9108][244,244,244](1.0) 93 concrete:gallery:sand:seashell:wild:white +4199 grey rgb 245 245 245 hex #F5F5F5 hsv 300 0 96 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.99 lab 97 0 0 lch 97 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 4 black_haze[1460][246,247,247](0.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](0.0):white_smoke[9095][245,245,245](0.0):alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.0):desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](1.0) 82 alabaster:cultured:desert:haze:smoke:storm:black:white +4200 grey rgb 247 247 247 hex #F7F7F7 hsv 300 0 97 xyz 0.88 0.93 1.01 lab 97 0 0 lch 97 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 3 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248 cmyk 16 7 0 44 blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](1.0):PMS5415[680][96,124,140](1.4):light_sky_blue[5201][96,123,139](1.4):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](2.2):escapade[3506][102,124,145](2.8) 13 light:PMS5415:escapade:sky:tsunami:blue:grey +4204 grey/green rgb 134 161 125 hex #86A17D hsv 105 22 63 xyz 0.26 0.32 0.24 lab 63 -16 16 lch 63 23 136 cmyk 11 0 14 37 greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](3.2):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](4.6):amulet[1047][123,159,128](5.1):grayish_chartreuse_green[4001][147,168,125](5.1):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](5.1) 2 amulet:chartreuse:grayish:greeny:greyish:green:grey +4205 grey_asparagus rgb 70 89 69 hex #465945 hsv 117 22 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.07 lab 36 -12 9 lch 36 15 142 cmyk 7 0 8 65 gray_asparagus[3994][70,89,69](0.0):dark_grayish_harlequin[2745][72,89,66](2.0):dark_grayish_malachite_green[2749][66,89,72](2.2):rivergum[7238][73,89,71](2.2):dark_grayish_green[2744][66,89,66](3.0) 7 dark:asparagus:grayish:harlequin:malachite:rivergum:gray:green +4206 grey_blue rgb 107 139 164 hex #6B8BA4 hsv 206 35 64 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.39 lab 56 -5 -17 lch 56 18 254 cmyk 22 10 0 36 bermuda_grey[1395][107,139,162](1.0):hoki[4521][101,134,159](2.0):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](4.1):bermuda_grey[1396][111,140,159](4.2):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](4.2) 10 bermuda:blue/grey:hoki:shadow:blue:grey +4207 grey_brown rgb 127 112 83 hex #7F7053 hsv 40 35 50 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.11 lab 48 1 18 lch 48 18 86 cmyk 0 6 17 50 greyish_brown[4229][122,106,79](2.2):lichen[4991][122,112,85](3.0):cement[2168][133,113,88](3.3):peat[6574][118,109,82](3.5):shadow[7623][131,112,80](3.6) 17 cement:greyish:lichen:peat:shadow:brown +4208 grey_chateau rgb 159 163 167 hex #9FA3A7 hsv 210 5 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.42 lab 67 -1 -3 lch 67 3 256 cmyk 3 2 0 35 silver_aluminium[7708][158,160,161](2.2):so_cool[7818][158,160,161](2.2):double_surrender[3244][168,170,171](2.8):forecast[3718][162,170,177](2.8):freestyling[3741][164,168,176](3.0) 35 aluminium:cool:double:forecast:freestyling:silver:so:surrender +4209 grey_chateau rgb 162 170 179 hex #A2AAB3 hsv 212 9 70 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.48 lab 69 -1 -6 lch 69 6 260 cmyk 7 4 0 30 forecast[3718][162,170,177](1.0):freestyling[3741][164,168,176](1.4):mischka[5779][165,169,178](1.4):hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](2.2):aluminium[1025][169,172,182](2.4) 16 aluminium:forecast:freestyling:hit:mischka:grey +4210 grey_friars rgb 49 52 54 hex #313436 hsv 204 9 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -1 -2 lch 21 2 245 cmyk 2 1 0 79 cod_grey[2416][45,48,50](1.0):ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.4):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.4):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.4):bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.7) 65 bright:charcoal:cod:ebony:gumboot:tao:grey +4211 grey_granite rgb 128 135 130 hex #808782 hsv 137 5 53 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.25 lab 56 -4 2 lch 56 4 153 cmyk 3 0 2 47 honeydew[4531][131,139,131](1.7):cold_grey[2429][128,138,135](2.2):inside_back[4658][132,142,136](2.2):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](2.2):silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](2.2) 42 back:cold:honeydew:inside:oslo:silver:grey +4212 grey_green rgb 69 73 54 hex #454936 hsv 73 26 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.04 lab 30 -5 11 lch 30 12 117 cmyk 2 0 7 71 kelp[4828][69,73,54](0.0):rifle_green[7226][68,76,56](2.2):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](2.4):kelp[4829][77,80,60](3.0):modular_green[5855][76,78,63](3.7) 11 kelp:modular:rifle:green +4213 grey_green rgb 82 86 54 hex #525636 hsv 68 37 34 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.05 lab 35 -7 18 lch 35 20 112 cmyk 2 0 13 66 dark_olive_green[2813][79,79,47](2.4):waiouru[8985][76,78,49](3.3):hibernate[4476][90,85,57](4.2):hemlock[4468][94,93,59](4.6):camouflage[2028][79,77,50](4.7) 6 dark:camouflage:hemlock:hibernate:olive:waiouru:green +4214 grey_green rgb 120 155 115 hex #789B73 hsv 112 26 61 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.21 lab 60 -20 17 lch 60 26 140 cmyk 14 0 16 39 amulet[1048][125,157,114](2.2):english_sage[3493][125,157,114](2.2):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](2.4):highland[4487][111,142,99](4.6):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.9) 7 amulet:english:greeny:highland:sage:green:grey +4215 grey_nickel rgb 189 186 174 hex #BDBAAE hsv 48 8 74 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.47 lab 75 -1 6 lch 75 7 99 cmyk 0 1 6 26 PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.4):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.4):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.4):eighth_arrowtown[3385][186,181,168](1.4):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](1.4) 59 PMS421:arrowtown:castle:cloud:cotton:eighth:rock:seed +4216 grey_nickel rgb 195 195 189 hex #C3C3BD hsv 60 3 76 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.56 lab 79 -1 3 lch 79 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 24 cloud[2380][199,196,191](1.0):mist_grey[5785][196,196,188](1.0):quarter_foggy_grey[6945][196,195,188](1.0):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](2.2):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](2.2) 85 cloud:concrete:double:eighth:foggy:mist:quarter:stack:grey +4217 grey_nurse rgb 209 211 204 hex #D1D3CC hsv 77 3 83 xyz 0.6 0.65 0.66 lab 84 -2 3 lch 84 4 121 cmyk 1 0 3 17 celeste[2160][209,210,202](1.0):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](1.4):half_emerge[4323][206,213,207](1.7):PMS441[525][209,209,198](2.0):quarter_silver_sand[6992][211,208,202](2.0) 100 PMS441:celeste:emerge:half:quarter:sand:silver:tasman +4218 grey_nurse rgb 231 236 230 hex #E7ECE6 hsv 110 3 93 xyz 0.77 0.83 0.87 lab 93 -3 2 lch 93 4 140 cmyk 2 0 2 7 lily_white[5264][233,238,235](1.7):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](2.0):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](2.2):harp[4426][230,242,234](2.2):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](2.2) 104 bubbles:carefree:half:harp:i:lily:spy:white +4219 grey_olive rgb 161 154 127 hex #A19A7F hsv 48 21 63 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.25 lab 64 -2 15 lch 64 15 98 cmyk 0 3 13 37 triple_tana[8524][159,155,130](1.4):platinum[6736][165,160,131](2.4):raincloud[7049][163,152,129](2.4):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](3.0):triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](3.0) 31 akaroa:bison:double:hide:platinum:raincloud:tana:triple +4220 grey_olive rgb 169 164 145 hex #A9A491 hsv 48 14 66 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.32 lab 67 -2 11 lch 67 11 98 cmyk 0 2 9 34 cement[2170][165,163,145](1.0):treetops[8470][166,162,143](1.4):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](1.7):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](2.0):cougar[2557][170,160,141](2.2) 40 ash:cement:cougar:double:linen:treetops +4221 grey_pink rgb 195 144 155 hex #C3909B hsv 347 26 76 xyz 0.38 0.34 0.36 lab 65 21 2 lch 65 21 5 cmyk 0 20 16 24 viola[8845][197,143,157](2.2):light_mauve[5143][194,146,161](3.2):greyish_pink[4231][200,141,148](3.6):pink[6666][205,145,158](4.1):careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](4.7) 5 light:careys:greyish:mauve:viola:pink +4222 grey_purple rgb 130 109 140 hex #826D8C hsv 281 22 55 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.27 lab 49 14 -14 lch 49 20 316 cmyk 4 12 0 45 greyish_purple[4232][136,113,145](2.2):rum[7371][121,105,137](2.4):PMS667[846][127,102,137](4.1):de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](4.9):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](5.2) 4 PMS667:de:greyish:janeiro:rum:grey:purple +4223 grey_suit rgb 147 145 160 hex #9391A0 hsv 248 9 63 xyz 0.29 0.29 0.37 lab 61 4 -8 lch 61 9 296 cmyk 5 6 0 37 santas_grey[7485][153,152,167](2.2):manatee[5491][141,144,161](2.4):effortless[3369][160,150,167](3.6):manatee[5492][151,154,170](3.7):bluish_grey[1619][156,156,168](4.9) 6 bluish:effortless:manatee:santas:grey +4224 grey_suit rgb 193 190 205 hex #C1BECD hsv 252 7 80 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.65 lab 78 4 -7 lch 78 8 299 cmyk 5 6 0 20 lavender_grey[4940][196,195,208](1.7):french_grey[3747][189,189,198](3.0):ghost[3850][192,191,199](3.6):blue_haze[1569][189,186,206](3.7):ghost[3851][199,201,213](3.7) 13 french:ghost:haze:blue:grey:lavender +4225 grey_teal rgb 94 155 138 hex #5E9B8A hsv 163 39 61 xyz 0.21 0.28 0.28 lab 60 -24 3 lch 60 24 174 cmyk 24 0 7 39 dull_teal[3289][95,158,143](2.2):polished_pine[6759][93,164,147](3.7):patina[6521][99,154,143](4.2):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](5.5):patina[6520][99,146,131](5.8) 3 dull:greyish:patina:pine:polished:teal +4226 greyblue rgb 119 161 181 hex #77A1B5 hsv 199 34 71 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.49 lab 64 -9 -15 lch 64 18 238 cmyk 24 8 0 29 moonstone_blue[5892][115,169,194](4.1):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](4.5):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](4.6):awash[1213][115,156,169](4.9):pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](5.4) 4 awash:bluegrey:moon:moonstone:pewter:blue +4227 greyish rgb 168 164 149 hex #A8A495 hsv 47 11 66 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.34 lab 67 -1 8 lch 67 8 98 cmyk 0 2 7 34 delta_grey[3089][165,163,149](1.0):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](1.4):quarter_arrowtown[6918][168,162,147](1.4):double_truffle[3251][165,159,147](1.7):napa[5977][172,164,148](1.7) 51 arrowtown:ash:delta:double:napa:quarter:truffle:grey +4228 greyish_blue rgb 94 129 157 hex #5E819D hsv 207 40 62 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.35 lab 52 -5 -19 lch 52 20 256 cmyk 25 11 0 38 steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](1.0):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](1.4):hoki[4521][101,134,159](2.8):steel_blue[7968][96,124,154](3.2):PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.3) 14 slate:PMS646:hoki:steel:blue +4229 greyish_brown rgb 122 106 79 hex #7A6A4F hsv 38 35 48 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.1 lab 46 2 18 lch 46 18 83 cmyk 0 6 17 52 grey_brown[4207][127,112,83](2.2):dark_taupe[2905][127,104,78](3.0):double_nullarbor[3220][125,102,75](3.3):peat[6574][118,109,82](3.6):cement[2168][133,113,88](3.7) 13 dark:cement:double:nullarbor:peat:taupe:brown:grey +4230 greyish_green rgb 130 166 125 hex #82A67D hsv 113 25 65 xyz 0.27 0.33 0.24 lab 65 -20 17 lch 65 27 140 cmyk 14 0 16 35 grayish_harlequin[4006][136,168,125](2.4):grayish_green[4005][125,168,125](3.2):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](3.3):seagrass[7579][134,164,117](4.2):amulet[1048][125,157,114](4.5) 8 amulet:grayish:greeny:harlequin:seagrass:green:grey +4231 greyish_pink rgb 200 141 148 hex #C88D94 hsv 353 30 78 xyz 0.39 0.33 0.32 lab 65 23 5 lch 65 24 13 cmyk 0 23 20 22 light_pink[5170][205,140,149](3.0):grey_pink[4221][195,144,155](3.6):pink[6666][205,145,158](3.7):viola[8845][197,143,157](4.0):PMS694[873][201,140,140](4.1) 6 light:PMS694:viola:grey:pink +4232 greyish_purple rgb 136 113 145 hex #887191 hsv 283 22 57 xyz 0.21 0.19 0.29 lab 51 15 -14 lch 51 21 317 cmyk 4 13 0 43 grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](2.2):rum[7371][121,105,137](4.6):PMS667[846][127,102,137](4.9):de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](5.4):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](5.5) 3 PMS667:de:janeiro:rum:grey:purple +4233 greyish_teal rgb 113 159 145 hex #719F91 hsv 162 29 62 xyz 0.24 0.3 0.31 lab 62 -19 2 lch 62 19 173 cmyk 18 0 5 38 patina[6521][99,154,143](3.5):paradise[6480][106,156,149](4.2):sea_nymph[7569][120,163,156](4.7):grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](4.9):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](5.0) 5 grayish:nymph:paradise:patina:sea:spring:green:turquoise +4234 greywacke rgb 188 184 190 hex #BCB8BE hsv 280 3 75 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.56 lab 75 3 -3 lch 75 4 315 cmyk 1 2 0 25 misty_lavender[5786][182,181,185](2.4):french_grey[3747][189,189,198](3.0):french_grey[3748][191,189,193](3.0):ghost[3850][192,191,199](3.3):half_grey_chateau[4335][186,189,193](3.3) 24 misty:chateau:french:ghost:half:grey:lavender +4235 grizzly rgb 136 88 24 hex #885818 hsv 34 82 53 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.03 lab 42 14 43 lch 42 45 71 cmyk 0 19 44 47 afghan_tan[971][134,86,10](3.2):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](3.2):natural[5984][134,86,10](3.2):rusty_nail[7388][134,86,10](3.2):afghan_tan[972][144,94,38](4.6) 5 medium:afghan:nail:natural:rusty:tan:brown +4236 groovy rgb 92 163 69 hex #5CA345 hsv 105 58 64 xyz 0.19 0.29 0.1 lab 61 -40 41 lch 61 58 134 cmyk 28 0 37 36 moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](2.0):fern[3577][99,169,80](3.0):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](4.2):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](4.6):mid_green[5707][80,167,71](5.0) 5 moderate:fern:harlequin:mid:pistachio:sap:green +4237 gross_green rgb 160 191 22 hex #A0BF16 hsv 71 88 75 xyz 0.33 0.45 0.08 lab 73 -30 70 lch 73 77 113 cmyk 12 0 66 25 pea[6533][164,191,32](2.2):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](2.8):bahia[1258][169,192,28](3.2):booger_green[1652][150,180,3](4.1):citrus[2347][159,183,10](4.2) 8 bahia:booger:bright:citrus:olive:pea:green +4238 groundbreaker rgb 90 79 64 hex #5A4F40 hsv 35 29 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.06 lab 34 2 11 lch 34 11 80 cmyk 0 4 10 65 iroko[4675][91,82,68](1.7):dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](2.0):metallic_bronze[5689][85,74,60](2.2):rock[7257][90,77,65](2.2):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](2.8) 19 dark:bronze:grayish:iroko:judge:metallic:rock:brown:grey +4239 grullo rgb 169 154 134 hex #A99A86 hsv 34 21 66 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.27 lab 64 2 13 lch 64 13 80 cmyk 0 6 14 34 bronco[1817][167,151,129](1.4):malta[5485][165,151,132](1.4):routeburn[7341][165,153,130](1.4):beige[1384][163,148,128](2.0):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](2.2) 31 beige:bison:bronco:double:hide:malta:routeburn +4240 guardsman_red rgb 149 46 49 hex #952E31 hsv 358 69 58 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.04 lab 35 43 23 lch 35 49 28 cmyk 0 40 39 42 flash_point[3663][147,44,49](1.4):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](2.2):stiletto[7980][156,51,54](2.2):bright_red[1744][146,42,49](2.4):chaos[2215][146,42,49](2.4) 9 bright:chaos:flash:hot:point:stiletto:red +4241 guardsman_red rgb 186 1 1 hex #BA0101 hsv 360 99 73 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.01 lab 39 63 53 lch 39 82 40 cmyk 0 73 73 27 milano_red[5736][184,17,4](2.8):bright_red[1745][177,0,0](3.5):international_orange[4661][186,22,12](5.1):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](5.4):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](5.4) 2 19:bright:international:milano:mordant:orange:red +4242 guggenheim rgb 255 142 89 hex #FF8E59 hsv 19 65 100 xyz 0.53 0.41 0.15 lab 70 38 46 lch 70 60 50 cmyk 0 44 65 0 crusta[2616][243,134,83](3.3):atomic_tangerine[1187][255,153,102](5.8):pink_orange[6684][255,153,102](5.8):orangish[6230][252,130,74](6.4):light_brilliant_vermilion[5071][255,139,101](6.7) 1 light:brilliant:atomic:crusta:orangish:tangerine:vermilion:orange:pink +4243 gulf_blue rgb 5 22 87 hex #051657 hsv 228 94 34 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.09 lab 11 22 -41 lch 11 46 299 cmyk 32 25 0 66 cove_grey[2562][5,22,87](0.0):deep_sapphire_blue[3049][0,22,89](1.4):PMS2757[291][20,22,84](3.3):royal_blue[7345][0,35,102](5.9):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](6.4) 3 deep:PMS2757:PMS2758:cove:royal:sapphire:blue:grey +4244 gulf_blue rgb 52 63 92 hex #343F5C hsv 224 43 36 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.11 lab 27 4 -19 lch 27 19 282 cmyk 16 11 0 64 cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](0.0):PMS533[669][53,63,91](1.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](2.4):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](3.5):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](3.5) 15 PMS533:catalina:clouds:cove:true:blue:grey +4245 gulf_stream rgb 116 178 168 hex #74B2A8 hsv 170 35 70 xyz 0.3 0.38 0.43 lab 68 -22 -1 lch 68 22 183 cmyk 24 0 4 30 green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](2.4):tradewind[8450][109,175,167](2.4):acapulco[954][124,176,161](3.6):grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](5.5):tradewind[8449][95,179,172](5.8) 3 acapulco:grayish:sheen:tradewind:green:turquoise +4246 gulf_stream rgb 128 179 174 hex #80B3AE hsv 174 28 70 xyz 0.33 0.4 0.46 lab 69 -18 -3 lch 69 18 189 cmyk 20 0 2 30 kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](4.2):grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](4.4):grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](5.4):neptune[6025][124,183,187](5.4):tradewind[8450][109,175,167](5.4) 2 cyan:grayish:kumutoto:neptune:tradewind:turquoise +4247 gull_grey rgb 157 172 183 hex #9DACB7 hsv 205 14 72 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.51 lab 70 -3 -7 lch 70 8 248 cmyk 10 4 0 28 hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](1.0):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](2.4):forecast[3718][162,170,177](3.0):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](3.5):freestyling[3741][164,168,176](3.7) 14 chateau:eskimo:forecast:freestyling:hit:grey +4248 gull_grey rgb 164 173 176 hex #A4ADB0 hsv 195 7 69 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.47 lab 70 -3 -3 lch 70 4 226 cmyk 5 1 0 31 casper[2124][170,181,184](3.0):cyanish_grey[2646][156,168,168](3.0):double_surrender[3244][168,170,171](3.0):forecast[3718][162,170,177](3.0):hit_grey[4513][161,173,181](3.0) 31 casper:cyanish:double:forecast:hit:surrender:grey +4249 gum_leaf rgb 172 201 178 hex #ACC9B2 hsv 132 14 79 xyz 0.46 0.54 0.5 lab 78 -14 8 lch 78 16 150 cmyk 11 0 9 21 spring_rain[7929][172,203,177](2.4):zanah[9247][178,198,177](3.0):PMS557[718][163,193,173](3.2):PMS623[802][165,191,170](3.2):cambridge_blue[2017][163,193,173](3.2) 7 PMS557:PMS623:cambridge:rain:spring:zanah:blue +4250 gum_leaf rgb 182 211 191 hex #B6D3BF hsv 139 14 83 xyz 0.52 0.6 0.58 lab 82 -13 7 lch 82 15 154 cmyk 11 0 8 17 fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](1.0):surf[8158][187,215,193](1.4):surf[8157][184,212,187](2.2):PMS558[720][183,206,188](2.4):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](2.8) 15 PMS558:edgewater:fertile:mind:surf +4251 gumbo rgb 113 143 138 hex #718F8A hsv 170 21 56 xyz 0.21 0.25 0.28 lab 57 -12 -1 lch 57 12 184 cmyk 12 0 2 44 juniper[4798][116,145,142](1.7):granny_smith[3971][123,148,140](3.0):juniper[4797][109,146,146](3.3):pale_turquoise[6438][102,139,139](3.7):undercover[8647][100,137,133](3.7) 7 pale:granny:juniper:smith:undercover:turquoise +4252 gumbo rgb 124 161 166 hex #7CA1A6 hsv 187 25 65 xyz 0.28 0.33 0.41 lab 64 -11 -7 lch 64 13 211 cmyk 16 2 0 35 ziggurat[9259][129,166,170](2.4):grayish_cerulean[4000][125,158,168](3.0):granny_smith[3972][132,160,160](4.1):grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](4.1):awash[1213][115,156,169](4.5) 6 awash:cerulean:cyan:granny:grayish:smith:ziggurat +4253 gumboot rgb 49 51 55 hex #313337 hsv 220 11 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 0 -3 lch 21 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 78 ebony[3345][49,51,55](0.0):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](1.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.0):grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](1.4):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.4) 58 clay:double:ebony:friars:tao:tuna:grey +4254 gun_powder rgb 65 66 87 hex #414257 hsv 237 25 34 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.1 lab 29 5 -13 lch 29 14 291 cmyk 9 8 0 66 dark_grayish_blue[2737][66,66,89](1.4):dark_grayish_indigo[2746][72,66,89](3.0):blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](3.7):sputnik[7940][55,62,84](3.7):dark_grayish_sapphire_blue[2754][66,72,89](4.1) 8 dark:grayish:sapphire:sputnik:zodiac:blue:indigo +4255 gun_powder rgb 72 71 83 hex #484753 hsv 245 14 33 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.09 lab 31 3 -7 lch 31 8 295 cmyk 4 5 0 67 mako[5476][68,73,84](2.0):everest[3524][76,72,80](3.0):shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](3.0):skywater[7753][64,70,83](3.0):trout[8540][74,78,90](3.0) 18 everest:mako:shapeshifter:skywater:trout +4256 gunmetal rgb 2 13 21 hex #020D15 hsv 205 90 8 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 3 -1 -5 lch 3 6 256 cmyk 7 3 0 92 rich_black[7209][1,11,19](0.0):PMS433_2X[517][10,12,17](2.2):bunker[1904][13,17,23](2.4):black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](3.3):cinder[2327][14,14,24](3.3) 9 2X:PMS433:bunker:cinder:pepper:rich:black +4257 gunmetal rgb 42 52 57 hex #2A3439 hsv 200 26 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -3 -5 lch 21 5 238 cmyk 6 2 0 78 oxford_blue[6275][40,53,58](1.0):traccia[8447][42,51,53](2.0):outer_space[6268][45,56,58](3.0):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](3.2):mosaic[5905][41,55,65](3.2) 27 double:mosaic:outer:oxford:space:traccia:tuna:blue +4258 gunmetal rgb 44 53 57 hex #2C3539 hsv 198 23 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -3 -4 lch 21 5 234 cmyk 5 2 0 78 traccia[8447][42,51,53](1.0):oxford_blue[6275][40,53,58](1.4):outer_space[6268][45,56,58](2.4):PMS433[516][48,56,58](2.8):grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](2.8) 40 PMS433:friars:outer:oxford:space:traccia:blue:grey +4259 gunmetal rgb 83 98 103 hex #536267 hsv 195 19 40 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.15 lab 40 -5 -5 lch 40 7 227 cmyk 8 2 0 60 snapshot[7803][80,95,103](1.7):slate_grey[7768][89,101,109](3.0):river_bed[7237][85,96,97](3.2):smalt_blue[7781][73,98,103](3.2):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](3.3) 14 slate:bed:denim:half:new:river:smalt:snapshot:blue:grey +4260 gunsmoke rgb 122 124 118 hex #7A7C76 hsv 80 5 49 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.2 lab 52 -2 3 lch 52 4 123 cmyk 1 0 2 51 triple_delta[8487][120,121,115](1.0):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](1.4):boulder[1676][124,129,124](1.7):tapa[8248][124,124,114](2.0):friar_grey[3768][128,126,121](2.2) 49 boulder:delta:friar:industrial:silver:tapa:triple:grey +4261 gunsmoke rgb 130 134 133 hex #828685 hsv 165 3 53 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.26 lab 56 -2 0 lch 56 2 179 cmyk 2 0 0 47 oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](1.0):silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](1.0):stack[7950][133,136,133](1.0):aluminium[1024][132,135,137](1.4):azure[1230][131,139,139](1.7) 51 aluminium:oslo:silver:stack:azure:grey +4262 guppie_green rgb 0 255 127 hex #00FF7F hsv 150 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.73 0.32 lab 88 -77 47 lch 88 90 149 cmyk 100 0 50 0 luminous_vivid_spring_green[5401][0,255,128](0.0):spring_green[7921][0,255,127](0.0):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](3.5):minty_green[5774][11,247,125](4.1):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](6.5) 4 luminous:vivid:minty:spearmint:spring:wintergreen:green +4263 gurkha rgb 152 145 113 hex #989171 hsv 49 26 60 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.2 lab 60 -3 18 lch 60 18 99 cmyk 0 3 15 40 double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](3.0):double_hillary[3207][151,142,105](3.2):abanakee[943][146,138,109](3.3):canvas[2053][163,153,119](3.3):tallow[8214][163,153,119](3.3) 13 abanakee:canvas:double:hillary:olive:tallow:grey +4264 gurkha rgb 154 149 119 hex #9A9577 hsv 51 23 60 xyz 0.27 0.3 0.22 lab 61 -3 17 lch 61 17 101 cmyk 0 2 14 40 canvas[2053][163,153,119](3.0):tallow[8214][163,153,119](3.0):double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](3.6):triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](3.6):cargo[2086][155,143,117](3.7) 16 akaroa:canvas:cargo:double:olive:tallow:triple:grey +4265 guru rgb 21 76 101 hex #154C65 hsv 199 79 40 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.13 lab 30 -8 -20 lch 30 21 247 cmyk 31 10 0 60 PMS302[336][0,79,109](3.3):dark_slate_blue[2886][33,71,97](3.3):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](4.2):wanaka[8991][40,73,98](4.5):PMS548[695][0,68,89](4.9) 7 slate:dark:PMS302:PMS548:teal:wanaka:blue +4266 gypsy_queen rgb 78 86 172 hex #4E56AC hsv 235 55 67 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.4 lab 40 22 -47 lch 40 52 295 cmyk 37 34 0 33 moderate_phthalo_blue[5839][74,85,168](1.7):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](3.6):liberty[4990][84,90,167](5.9):cobalt[2397][61,89,171](6.0):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](7.1) 2 moderate:cobalt:liberty:marguerite:phthalo:rich:blue +4267 haast_shale rgb 81 86 100 hex #515664 hsv 224 19 39 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.13 lab 37 1 -9 lch 37 9 279 cmyk 7 5 0 61 hammerhead[4415][81,87,105](2.2):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](3.2):jimmy_dean[4768][81,83,93](3.6):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](3.6):compass[2445][75,87,97](3.7) 14 compass:dean:flow:hammerhead:jimmy:quadrant:scarpa:grey +4268 hacienda rgb 152 129 27 hex #98811B hsv 49 82 60 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.04 lab 55 -2 54 lch 55 54 92 cmyk 0 9 49 40 alibi[997][152,132,34](2.2):reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](3.2):PMS456[548][153,135,20](4.4):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](4.5):lemon_ginger[4970][150,132,40](4.5) 5 PMS456:alibi:baby:ginger:gold:poop:reef:lemon +4269 hacienda rgb 158 128 34 hex #9E8022 hsv 45 78 62 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.05 lab 55 2 52 lch 55 52 88 cmyk 0 12 49 38 reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](2.4):luxor_gold[5414][167,136,44](3.2):alibi[997][152,132,34](5.0):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](5.4):hazel[4444][142,118,24](5.5) 3 PMS1255:alibi:gold:hazel:luxor:reef +4270 hairy_heath rgb 99 53 40 hex #633528 hsv 13 60 39 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 28 19 17 lch 28 26 42 cmyk 0 18 23 61 komakorau[4878][100,53,42](1.4):cedar[2148][101,57,44](1.7):oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](2.4):PMS477[585][99,56,38](2.8):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](3.7) 9 PMS477:cedar:komakorau:oiled:sienna:red +4271 hairy_heath rgb 107 42 20 hex #6B2A14 hsv 15 81 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.01 lab 26 28 28 lch 26 39 45 cmyk 0 25 34 58 teak_wood_finish[8282][107,42,20](0.0):toast_lmu_30[8384][104,39,11](3.2):PMS168[104][109,48,17](4.7):metallic_copper[5691][113,41,29](5.1):mocha[5804][120,45,25](5.1) 3 30:PMS168:copper:finish:lmu:metallic:mocha:teak:toast:wood +4272 haiti rgb 27 16 53 hex #1B1035 hsv 258 70 21 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.03 lab 8 16 -22 lch 8 28 306 cmyk 10 15 0 79 blackcurrant[1487][46,24,59](7.1):black_rock[1472][13,3,50](7.1):tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](7.8):PMS276[293][43,33,71](8.1):sonic_boom[7847][37,32,66](8.1) 0 PMS276:blackcurrant:boom:rock:sonic:tangaroa:black +4273 haiti rgb 44 42 53 hex #2C2A35 hsv 251 21 21 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.04 lab 18 4 -7 lch 18 8 299 cmyk 4 4 0 79 baltic_sea[1270][42,38,48](2.2):charade[2217][41,41,55](2.2):double_revolver[3231][41,39,47](3.0):black_rock[1473][44,45,60](3.2):rasputin[7075][47,39,53](3.3) 18 baltic:charade:double:rasputin:revolver:rock:sea:black +4274 halayà_úbe rgb 102 55 84 hex #663754 hsv 323 46 40 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.09 lab 30 25 -8 lch 30 27 342 cmyk 0 18 7 60 dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](4.6):PMS5125[629][117,71,96](6.4):dark_cerise[2701][89,39,70](6.4):fandango[3554][90,56,81](6.4):old_mauve[6137][103,49,71](6.6) 1 dark:PMS5125:byzantium:cerise:fandango:mauve:old +4275 halayà_úbe rgb 102 56 84 hex #663854 hsv 323 45 40 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.09 lab 30 25 -8 lch 30 26 342 cmyk 0 18 7 60 dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](4.6):PMS5125[629][117,71,96](6.4):dark_cerise[2701][89,39,70](6.4):fandango[3554][90,56,81](6.4):old_mauve[6137][103,49,71](6.6) 1 dark:PMS5125:byzantium:cerise:fandango:mauve:old +4276 half_akaroa rgb 203 194 173 hex #CBC2AD hsv 42 15 80 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.47 lab 79 0 12 lch 79 12 92 cmyk 0 4 12 20 sugar_loaf[8112][204,194,171](1.0):triple_blanc[8483][206,195,175](1.4):acropolis[959][206,198,181](2.2):aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](2.2):cornsilk[2538][205,200,177](2.2) 64 acropolis:aquashield:blanc:cornsilk:loaf:sugar:triple +4277 half_alabaster rgb 240 238 235 hex #F0EEEB hsv 36 2 94 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.91 lab 94 0 2 lch 94 2 85 cmyk 0 1 2 6 half_black_white[4295][240,238,234](0.0):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.0):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.0):cararra[2074][238,238,232](1.4):half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](1.4) 136 cararra:fog:half:merino:quarter:sea:black:white +4278 half_albescent_white rgb 229 223 212 hex #E5DFD4 hsv 39 7 90 xyz 0.71 0.74 0.73 lab 89 0 6 lch 89 6 89 cmyk 0 2 7 10 half_blanc[4296][229,222,212](1.0):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.0):quarter_ecru_white[6942][226,222,211](1.0):zinc_white[9261][225,219,208](1.0):half_thorndon_cream[4402][229,225,211](1.4) 131 blanc:cream:ecru:half:merino:quarter:thorndon:zinc:white +4279 half_and rgb 237 231 200 hex #EDE7C8 hsv 50 16 93 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.66 lab 91 -3 16 lch 91 16 101 cmyk 0 2 15 7 scotch_mist[7540][238,231,200](0.0):arrowroot[1145][231,226,197](1.4):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](2.2):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](2.4):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](2.4) 37 arrowroot:aths:chandelier:cornsilk:half:mist:scotch:special +4280 half_and rgb 255 254 225 hex #FFFEE1 hsv 58 12 100 xyz 0.9 0.98 0.85 lab 99 -4 14 lch 99 15 108 cmyk 0 0 12 0 off_white[6111][255,255,228](1.0):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](1.0):light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](1.4):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](1.4):yellow_light[9211][255,255,224](1.4) 37 pale:light:very:mist:off:scotch:white:yellow +4281 half_arrowtown rgb 152 144 127 hex #98907F hsv 41 16 60 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.24 lab 60 0 10 lch 60 10 90 cmyk 0 3 10 40 double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](1.4):half_stonewall[4393][147,141,123](1.4):heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](1.4):quarter_evolution[6943][152,146,128](1.4):PMS403[487][153,140,124](2.2) 39 PMS403:cougar:double:evolution:half:heathered:quarter:stonewall:grey +4282 half_ash rgb 203 200 186 hex #CBC8BA hsv 49 8 80 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.55 lab 80 -1 7 lch 80 7 101 cmyk 0 1 7 20 titania[8376][202,199,185](0.0):ash[1154][198,195,181](1.0):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](1.4):froth_green[3784][202,199,183](1.4):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.4) 89 ash:chrome:froth:half:titania:truffle:green:white +4283 half_athens_grey rgb 228 228 223 hex #E4E4DF hsv 60 2 89 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.81 lab 90 -1 2 lch 90 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 11 half_house_white[4340][226,227,223](0.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0):whitewater[9099][225,225,220](1.0):half_concrete[4312][226,225,224](1.4):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.4) 116 concrete:drift:half:house:pointer:snow:whitewater:white +4284 half_atmosphere rgb 190 191 183 hex #BEBFB7 hsv 68 4 75 xyz 0.48 0.52 0.52 lab 77 -2 4 lch 77 4 115 cmyk 0 0 3 25 silver_sand[7717][190,189,182](1.0):PMS442[526][186,191,183](1.4):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](1.7):mist_grey[5785][196,196,188](2.2):pumice[6845][186,192,180](2.2) 77 PMS442:castle:eighth:mist:pumice:rock:sand:silver:grey +4285 half_baked rgb 85 143 147 hex #558F93 hsv 184 42 58 xyz 0.19 0.24 0.31 lab 56 -18 -8 lch 56 20 204 cmyk 24 2 0 42 dark_slate_grey[2890][82,139,139](3.0):patriot[6524][79,146,146](3.2):cadet_blue[1977][83,134,139](3.6):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](3.7):cadet_blue[1978][95,153,159](4.2) 7 slate:dark:PMS5483:cadet:patriot:blue:grey +4286 half_baked rgb 133 196 204 hex #85C4CC hsv 187 35 80 xyz 0.4 0.49 0.64 lab 75 -18 -10 lch 75 21 210 cmyk 28 3 0 20 PMS630[809][140,204,211](3.2):cadet_blue[1981][122,197,205](3.2):neptune[6025][124,183,187](4.5):pale_turquoise[6439][150,205,205](5.7):half_kumutoto[4347][156,200,202](6.4) 3 pale:PMS630:cadet:half:kumutoto:neptune:blue:turquoise +4287 half_baltic_sea rgb 86 86 87 hex #565657 hsv 240 1 34 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.1 lab 37 0 -1 lch 37 1 290 cmyk 0 0 0 66 landscape_grey[4909][85,87,89](0.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.0):davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](1.4):davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](1.4):dim_grey[3125][84,84,84](1.4) 48 davy:davy's:dim:landscape:grey +4288 half_barbecue rgb 60 53 55 hex #3C3537 hsv 343 12 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 4 0 lch 23 4 358 cmyk 0 3 2 76 platypus[6738][61,51,52](1.7):horoscope[4546][67,55,58](2.2):caffeine[2002][60,49,53](2.4):eclipse[3354][63,57,57](2.4):gondola[3945][55,51,50](2.4) 51 caffeine:eclipse:gondola:horoscope:platypus +4289 half_barely_there rgb 237 236 228 hex #EDECE4 hsv 53 4 93 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.85 lab 93 -1 4 lch 93 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 7 half_merino[4353][236,234,226](0.0):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.0):half_soapstone[4387][240,235,228](1.0):quarter_wan_white[7013][237,236,230](1.0):quarter_white_pointer[7015][234,232,225](1.0) 148 blanc:eighth:half:merino:pointer:quarter:soapstone:wan:white +4290 half_barista rgb 81 63 63 hex #513F3F hsv 360 22 32 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.05 lab 29 8 3 lch 29 8 21 cmyk 0 7 7 68 satellite[7503][85,66,68](1.7):woody_brown[9179][85,69,69](2.2):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](2.4):dark_grayish_reddish_brown[2752][89,66,66](2.4):tomahawk[8407][82,67,64](2.4) 22 dark:crater:grayish:reddish:satellite:tomahawk:woody:brown +4291 half_beryl_green rgb 215 218 200 hex #D7DAC8 hsv 70 8 85 xyz 0.64 0.69 0.65 lab 86 -4 9 lch 86 9 116 cmyk 1 0 7 15 helium[4465][216,217,200](1.4):PMS5665[737][214,214,198](1.7):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](2.2):PMS621[800][216,221,206](2.2):celeste[2161][210,210,192](2.2) 54 PMS5595:PMS5665:PMS621:celeste:helium +4292 half_bianca rgb 246 243 233 hex #F6F3E9 hsv 46 5 96 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.9 lab 96 -1 5 lch 96 5 98 cmyk 0 1 5 4 half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](0.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0) 108 alabaster:cake:filmpro:glistening:half:orchid:rice:white +4293 half_biscotti rgb 217 204 187 hex #D9CCBB hsv 34 14 85 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.56 lab 83 2 10 lch 83 10 81 cmyk 0 5 12 15 quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.0):blanc[1494][217,208,193](1.7):style_pasifika_sky_white[8097][217,208,193](1.7):PMS481[589][224,204,186](2.2):double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](2.2) 55 PMS481:blanc:double:drought:pasifika:quarter:sky:style:white +4294 half_bison_hide rgb 199 189 171 hex #C7BDAB hsv 39 14 78 xyz 0.49 0.51 0.46 lab 77 0 10 lch 77 10 87 cmyk 0 4 11 22 triple_thorndon_cream[8527][197,189,170](1.0):quarter_grey_olive[6953][194,188,171](1.7):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](2.0):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](2.2):bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](2.2) 72 antique:bison:craigieburn:cream:hide:olive:quarter:thorndon:triple:grey:white +4295 half_black_white rgb 240 238 234 hex #F0EEEA hsv 40 3 94 xyz 0.81 0.86 0.9 lab 94 0 2 lch 94 2 91 cmyk 0 1 2 6 half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](0.0):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.0):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.0):cararra[2074][238,238,232](1.4):half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](1.4) 136 alabaster:cararra:fog:half:merino:quarter:sea:black:white +4296 half_blanc rgb 229 222 212 hex #E5DED4 hsv 35 7 90 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.73 lab 89 1 6 lch 89 6 83 cmyk 0 3 7 10 half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.0):pearl_bush[6568][232,224,213](1.0):eighth_akaroa[3384][230,221,208](1.4):eighth_drought[3396][227,219,206](1.4):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.4) 121 akaroa:albescent:bush:drought:eighth:half:merino:pearl:white +4297 half_bokara_grey rgb 53 51 51 hex #353333 hsv 0 4 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 1 0 lch 21 1 20 cmyk 0 1 1 79 grey[4118][51,51,51](1.0):mine_shaft[5753][50,50,50](1.0):grey[4117][48,48,48](1.4):half_diesel[4316][53,49,49](1.4):jet[4759][52,52,52](1.4) 74 diesel:half:jet:mine:shaft:grey +4298 half_breathless rgb 224 227 234 hex #E0E3EA hsv 222 4 92 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.89 lab 90 0 -4 lch 90 4 274 cmyk 4 3 0 8 solitude[7844][233,236,241](3.2):PMS656[835][214,219,224](3.3):designer_white[3109][215,217,226](3.3):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](3.3):zircon[9267][222,227,227](3.6) 32 PMS656:designer:lilac:solitude:zircon:white +4299 half_buffalo rgb 137 117 111 hex #89756F hsv 14 19 54 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.18 lab 51 7 6 lch 51 9 43 cmyk 0 8 10 46 americano[1039][135,117,110](1.0):hemp[4470][144,120,116](2.8):almond_frost[1012][144,123,113](3.0):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](3.2):PMS437[521][140,112,107](3.3) 18 PMS437:americano:frost:hemp:kubrick:almond +4300 half_canterbury_clay rgb 211 191 153 hex #D3BF99 hsv 39 27 83 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.38 lab 78 1 22 lch 78 22 87 cmyk 0 8 23 17 saloon[7436][213,191,152](1.4):wheat[9064][205,186,150](2.2):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](2.8):triple_spanish_white[8519][213,196,161](2.8):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](3.0) 21 cocoon:saloon:sorrell:spanish:triple:wheat:brown:white +4301 half_cararra rgb 233 226 210 hex #E9E2D2 hsv 42 10 91 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.72 lab 90 0 9 lch 90 9 92 cmyk 0 3 9 9 eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](0.0):quarter_spanish_white[6996][235,226,210](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.4) 100 cake:cararra:eighth:fleece:quarter:rice:sisal:spanish:triple:white +4302 half_caraway rgb 215 206 187 hex #D7CEBB hsv 41 13 84 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.56 lab 83 0 11 lch 83 11 90 cmyk 0 4 11 16 double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](0.0):bisque[1432][214,205,184](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.4):quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](1.7) 70 akaroa:bisque:blanc:double:drought:fossil:half:quarter +4303 half_carefree rgb 225 232 227 hex #E1E8E3 hsv 137 3 91 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.84 lab 91 -3 2 lch 91 4 154 cmyk 3 0 2 9 black_squeeze[1480][229,230,223](1.4):catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](1.4):quarter_iron[6957][229,230,223](1.4):aqua_squeeze[1111][219,228,220](1.7):grey_nurse[4218][231,236,230](2.0) 96 aqua:catskill:iron:nurse:quarter:squeeze:black:grey:white +4304 half_chandelier rgb 243 233 203 hex #F3E9CB hsv 45 16 95 xyz 0.77 0.82 0.68 lab 92 -1 16 lch 92 16 95 cmyk 0 4 16 5 quarter_popcorn[6981][245,234,206](1.4):gin_fizz[3862][248,234,202](1.7):soft_whisper[7835][248,234,202](1.7):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](2.2):half_and[4279][237,231,200](2.2) 49 and:cornsilk:fizz:gin:half:popcorn:quarter:soft:whisper +4305 half_chicago rgb 119 119 112 hex #777770 hsv 60 6 47 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.18 lab 50 -1 4 lch 50 4 110 cmyk 0 0 3 53 montoya[5877][119,121,114](1.0):aluminium[1023][118,115,111](1.7):tapa[8247][123,120,116](1.7):triple_delta[8487][120,121,115](1.7):detroit[3113][120,119,116](2.2) 39 aluminium:delta:detroit:montoya:tapa:triple +4306 half_cloud rgb 212 205 195 hex #D4CDC3 hsv 35 8 83 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.6 lab 83 1 6 lch 83 6 83 cmyk 0 3 7 17 eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](0.0):swirl[8186][211,205,197](1.0):swirl[8187][215,206,197](1.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.4) 83 double:eighth:napa:pointer:swirl:westar:white +4307 half_cloudy rgb 198 190 183 hex #C6BEB7 hsv 28 8 78 xyz 0.5 0.52 0.52 lab 77 2 5 lch 77 5 71 cmyk 0 3 6 22 cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](1.4):pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](1.4):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](1.4):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.7):quarter_perfect_taupe[6979][204,195,187](2.0) 56 pale:cotton:perfect:quarter:rust:seed:silver:taupe:tea +4308 half_cobblestone rgb 146 143 132 hex #928F84 hsv 47 10 57 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.26 lab 59 -1 6 lch 59 6 98 cmyk 0 1 5 43 aquashield_half_tapa[1130][146,146,136](1.7):half_tapa[4398][146,146,136](1.7):sterling[7976][139,139,126](1.7):half_stonehenge[4392][150,144,136](2.4):ivory[4696][139,139,131](2.4) 41 aquashield:half:ivory:sterling:stonehenge:tapa +4309 half_colins_wicket rgb 164 147 111 hex #A4936F hsv 41 32 64 xyz 0.29 0.3 0.19 lab 62 1 21 lch 62 21 88 cmyk 0 7 21 36 double_pavlova[3224][169,152,119](2.2):desert_sand[3103][173,152,122](3.5):canvas[2053][163,153,119](3.7):tallow[8214][163,153,119](3.7):treasure_chest[8463][155,142,110](3.7) 14 canvas:chest:desert:double:pavlova:sand:tallow:treasure +4310 half_colonial_white rgb 242 229 191 hex #F2E5BF hsv 45 21 95 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.61 lab 91 -2 20 lch 91 20 94 cmyk 0 5 20 5 milk_punch[5742][243,229,192](1.0):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](2.2):half_vienna[4406][243,229,195](2.2):chandelier[2212][237,223,184](2.4):baja_white[1259][240,223,187](2.8) 45 baja:chandelier:half:milk:popcorn:punch:vienna:white +4311 half_colonial_white rgb 253 246 211 hex #FDF6D3 hsv 50 17 99 xyz 0.85 0.91 0.75 lab 97 -3 18 lch 97 18 100 cmyk 0 3 16 1 double_pearl_lusta[3226][252,244,208](1.0):milk_punch[5743][255,246,212](1.4):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](2.2):citrine_white[2344][250,247,214](2.2):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](2.2) 32 baja:citrine:double:dutch:lusta:milk:pearl:punch:white +4312 half_concrete rgb 226 225 224 hex #E2E1E0 hsv 30 1 89 xyz 0.72 0.75 0.81 lab 90 0 1 lch 90 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 11 grey[4192][227,227,227](1.0):platinum[6737][229,228,226](1.0):seashell[7587][227,225,224](1.0):grey[4191][224,224,224](1.4):grey[4193][229,229,229](1.4) 106 platinum:seashell:grey +4313 half_cougar rgb 188 181 166 hex #BCB5A6 hsv 41 12 74 xyz 0.44 0.46 0.43 lab 74 0 9 lch 74 9 91 cmyk 0 3 9 26 corkscrew[2517][189,182,165](1.0):nomad[6067][186,177,162](1.4):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](1.4):malta[5486][189,178,161](1.7):tea[8273][191,181,162](2.0) 54 corkscrew:craigieburn:malta:nomad:quarter:tea +4314 half_craigieburn rgb 169 161 143 hex #A9A18F hsv 42 15 66 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.31 lab 66 0 10 lch 66 10 91 cmyk 0 3 10 34 quarter_stonewall[7000][166,159,142](0.0):cougar[2557][170,160,141](1.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](1.4):quarter_arrowtown[6918][168,162,147](1.4):treetops[8470][166,162,143](2.0) 43 PMS415:arrowtown:cougar:quarter:stonewall:treetops +4315 half_delta rgb 174 176 170 hex #AEB0AA hsv 80 3 69 xyz 0.4 0.43 0.44 lab 72 -2 3 lch 72 3 123 cmyk 1 0 2 31 PMS429[512][173,175,170](1.4):silver_chalice[7710][172,174,169](1.4):quarter_stack[6998][175,178,175](2.0):half_foggy_grey[4327][184,183,175](2.4):half_mountain_mist[4357][183,180,176](2.4) 49 PMS429:chalice:foggy:half:mist:mountain:quarter:silver:stack:grey +4316 half_diesel rgb 53 49 49 hex #353131 hsv 0 8 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 2 1 lch 21 2 20 cmyk 0 2 2 79 gondola[3945][55,51,50](1.0):sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](1.0):barbecue[1289][54,48,48](1.4):half_bokara_grey[4297][53,51,51](1.4):dune[3291][56,53,51](1.7) 70 barbecue:bokara:dune:gondola:half:sheer:black:grey +4317 half_doeskin rgb 193 175 147 hex #C1AF93 hsv 37 24 76 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.34 lab 72 2 17 lch 72 17 83 cmyk 0 7 18 24 coral[2492][192,176,147](1.0):indian_khaki[4629][195,176,145](1.4):khaki[4845][195,176,145](1.4):triple_parchment[8506][189,175,150](2.2):tabby[8200][197,178,152](2.4) 28 coral:indian:khaki:parchment:tabby:triple +4318 half_drought rgb 202 189 169 hex #CABDA9 hsv 36 16 79 xyz 0.5 0.52 0.45 lab 77 1 12 lch 77 12 84 cmyk 0 5 13 21 triple_thorndon_cream[8527][197,189,170](1.4):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](2.2):half_bison_hide[4294][199,189,171](2.2):triple_blanc[8483][206,195,175](2.2) 59 akaroa:bison:blanc:caraway:cream:half:hide:thorndon:triple +4319 half_duck_egg_blue rgb 198 204 202 hex #C6CCCA hsv 160 3 80 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.64 lab 82 -2 0 lch 82 2 173 cmyk 2 0 1 20 geyser[3848][203,208,207](1.0):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.0):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.0):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.4):silver[7705][197,201,199](1.4) 69 geyser:half:iron:midwinter:mist:silver:surrender +4320 half_dutch_white rgb 251 240 214 hex #FBF0D6 hsv 42 15 98 xyz 0.83 0.88 0.76 lab 95 0 14 lch 95 14 92 cmyk 0 4 15 2 varden[8683][253,239,211](1.0):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](1.4):papaya_whip[6473][255,239,213](1.4):pink_lady[6681][255,241,216](1.4):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.7) 59 bleach:half:lady:spanish:varden:whip:papaya:pink:white +4321 half_dutch_white rgb 254 247 222 hex #FEF7DE hsv 47 13 100 xyz 0.87 0.93 0.82 lab 97 -2 13 lch 97 13 98 cmyk 0 3 13 0 cornsilk[2540][255,248,220](1.0):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.4):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.4):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.4) 62 chilean:cornsilk:fizz:gin:half:heath:lusta:pearl:spanish:white +4322 half_ecru_white rgb 224 220 204 hex #E0DCCC hsv 48 9 88 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.67 lab 88 -1 8 lch 88 8 99 cmyk 0 2 8 12 half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.0):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.0):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.4):eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](1.4):half_joanna[4344][228,223,206](1.4) 110 albescent:caraway:eighth:half:joanna:quarter:tana:titania:white +4323 half_emerge rgb 206 213 207 hex #CED5CF hsv 129 3 84 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.68 lab 85 -3 2 lch 85 4 148 cmyk 3 0 2 16 half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](1.0):PMS5455[688][214,216,211](1.4):quarter_periglacial_blue[6980][204,210,206](1.4):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](1.7):PMS5513[705][206,216,209](2.0) 78 PMS5455:PMS5513:half:nurse:periglacial:quarter:tasman:blue:grey +4324 half_escape rgb 186 218 229 hex #BADAE5 hsv 195 19 90 xyz 0.59 0.66 0.84 lab 85 -8 -9 lch 85 12 227 cmyk 17 4 0 10 pale_light_grayish_cerulean[6361][184,220,231](1.4):ziggurat[9260][191,219,226](2.2):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.3):PMS290[311][196,216,226](3.6):columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](3.6) 11 pale:light:PMS290:altitude:cerulean:columbia:grayish:ziggurat:blue +4325 half_felix rgb 98 83 78 hex #62534E hsv 15 20 38 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.09 lab 37 5 5 lch 37 7 45 cmyk 0 6 8 62 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lch 84 10 89 cmyk 0 4 10 15 quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](1.0):blanc[1494][217,208,193](1.4):double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](1.4):ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](1.4):half_caraway[4302][215,206,187](1.4) 83 akaroa:blanc:caraway:double:ecru:half:quarter:white +4329 half_foundry rgb 62 65 69 hex #3E4145 hsv 214 10 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 0 -3 lch 27 3 264 cmyk 3 2 0 73 liquid_metal[5302][62,65,71](1.0):charade[2218][57,64,67](2.0):baltic_sea[1271][60,61,62](2.2):half_nocturnal[4360][67,67,69](2.2):mine_shaft[5754][55,62,65](2.2) 42 baltic:charade:half:liquid:metal:mine:nocturnal:sea:shaft +4330 half_friar_grey rgb 152 149 141 hex #98958D hsv 44 7 60 xyz 0.29 0.3 0.3 lab 62 0 5 lch 62 5 95 cmyk 0 1 4 40 half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](1.4):quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](1.4):archive_grey[1137][154,153,145](1.7):silver_fern[7711][153,147,140](1.7):PMS423[506][150,147,142](2.2) 42 PMS423:archive:fern:half:quarter:sandstone:silver:taupe:grey +4331 half_fuscous_grey rgb 73 70 72 hex #494648 hsv 320 4 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.07 lab 30 2 -1 lch 30 2 336 cmyk 0 1 0 71 thriller[8334][75,70,75](1.4):bleached_cedar[1512][69,70,71](2.0):grey[4126][71,71,71](2.2):transformer[8457][79,72,75](2.2):emperor[3475][80,73,74](2.4) 48 bleached:cedar:emperor:thriller:transformer:grey +4332 half_gargoyle rgb 163 146 126 hex #A3927E hsv 32 23 64 xyz 0.29 0.3 0.24 lab 62 3 13 lch 62 13 77 cmyk 0 7 15 36 beige[1384][163,148,128](1.0):double_joss[3209][166,147,128](1.0):bronco[1817][167,151,129](1.7):malta[5485][165,151,132](1.7):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](2.2) 29 beige:bronco:double:grayish:joss:malta:brown +4333 half_gauntlet rgb 139 138 136 hex #8B8A88 hsv 40 2 55 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.27 lab 58 0 1 lch 58 1 91 cmyk 0 0 1 45 grey[4154][140,140,140](1.0):grey[4153][138,138,138](1.4):grey[4155][143,143,143](1.4):snow[7806][139,137,137](1.7):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](2.0) 58 jumbo:snow:grey +4334 half_gravel rgb 92 93 86 hex #5C5D56 hsv 69 8 36 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -2 4 lch 39 4 115 cmyk 0 0 3 64 chicago[2279][91,93,86](0.0):dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](1.7):triple_tapa[8525][91,90,80](2.2):PMS425[508][96,96,91](2.4):condor[2452][91,96,92](2.4) 37 dark:PMS425:chicago:condor:olivish:tapa:triple:grey +4335 half_grey_chateau rgb 186 189 193 hex #BABDC1 hsv 214 4 76 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.58 lab 76 0 -2 lch 76 2 263 cmyk 3 2 0 24 french_grey[3748][191,189,193](1.4):grey[4174][186,186,186](2.0):grey[4173][184,184,184](2.2):grey[4175][189,189,189](2.2):grey[4176][190,190,190](2.2) 41 french:grey +4336 half_grey_friars rgb 79 82 85 hex #4F5255 hsv 210 7 33 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.1 lab 35 -1 -2 lch 35 2 256 cmyk 2 1 0 67 quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](1.0):trout[8541][76,83,86](1.4):abbey[944][73,81,84](1.7):mako[5477][80,85,85](1.7):dark_bluish_grey[2692][83,83,89](2.2) 47 dark:abbey:bluish:foundry:mako:quarter:trout:grey +4337 half_grey_olive rgb 177 171 149 hex #B1AB95 hsv 47 16 69 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.34 lab 70 -2 12 lch 70 12 98 cmyk 0 2 11 31 glitterati[3877][179,173,151](1.0):overland[6273][178,170,148](1.0):eagle[3321][176,172,148](1.4):mandrake[5497][176,169,148](1.4):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](2.2) 48 double:eagle:glitterati:linen:mandrake:overland +4338 half_haystack rgb 230 211 179 hex #E6D3B3 hsv 38 22 90 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.52 lab 85 2 18 lch 85 18 85 cmyk 0 7 20 10 rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](1.7):double_solitaire[3238][228,210,182](2.0):PMS726[905][237,211,181](2.2):periwinkle[6595][236,214,183](2.2):quarter_canterbury_clay[6928][229,210,175](2.2) 34 PMS726:canterbury:clay:double:periwinkle:quarter:rock:salt:solitaire +4339 half_hillary rgb 185 179 152 hex #B9B398 hsv 49 18 73 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.36 lab 73 -2 15 lch 73 15 99 cmyk 0 2 13 27 heathered_grey[4456][182,176,149](1.0):akaroa[980][190,178,154](2.2):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](2.2):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.4):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](2.4) 34 akaroa:aquashield:bison:double:fossil:heathered:hide:grey +4340 half_house_white rgb 226 227 223 hex #E2E3DF hsv 75 2 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.81 lab 90 -1 2 lch 90 2 120 cmyk 0 0 2 11 half_athens_grey[4283][228,228,223](0.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0):whitewater[9099][225,225,220](1.0):half_concrete[4312][226,225,224](1.4):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.4) 116 athens:concrete:drift:half:pointer:snow:whitewater:grey:white +4341 half_innocence rgb 138 151 148 hex #8A9794 hsv 166 9 59 xyz 0.27 0.3 0.32 lab 61 -5 0 lch 61 5 180 cmyk 5 0 1 41 forcefield[3717][137,150,148](1.0):allusive[1008][139,150,149](1.4):quicksilver[7026][136,154,151](2.4):submarine[8103][140,156,156](3.0):PMS430[513][145,150,147](3.3) 24 PMS430:allusive:forcefield:quicksilver:submarine +4342 half_iron rgb 213 215 216 hex #D5D7D8 hsv 200 1 85 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.75 lab 86 0 -1 lch 86 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 15 PMS649[828][214,214,216](0.0):white_thunder[9096][213,215,216](0.0):grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0):iron[4677][212,215,217](1.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.4) 64 PMS649:alto:iron:thunder:grey:white +4343 half_ironsand rgb 67 64 60 hex #43403C hsv 34 10 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 27 0 3 lch 27 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 74 PMS447[531][63,63,56](1.7):merlin[5681][65,60,55](1.7):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](1.7):double_masala[3215][69,65,57](2.2):tiri[8373][70,65,62](2.2) 48 PMS447:ash:double:masala:merlin:smokey:tiri +4344 half_joanna rgb 228 223 206 hex #E4DFCE hsv 46 10 89 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.69 lab 89 -1 9 lch 89 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 11 quarter_parchment[6975][230,225,207](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.4):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.4) 102 cake:double:eighth:fleece:parchment:quarter:rice:sisal:triple +4345 half_joss rgb 198 185 171 hex #C6B9AB hsv 31 14 78 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.46 lab 76 2 9 lch 76 9 76 cmyk 0 5 11 22 PMS401[485][193,181,165](2.2):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](2.2):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](2.2):half_bison_hide[4294][199,189,171](2.4):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](2.4) 57 antique:PMS401:bison:craigieburn:half:hide:malta:quarter:white +4346 half_kalgoorie_sands rgb 193 150 118 hex #C19676 hsv 26 39 76 xyz 0.36 0.34 0.22 lab 65 12 23 lch 65 26 63 cmyk 0 17 29 24 PMS4655[562][196,153,119](1.7):light_taupe[5221][179,139,109](4.2):pale_taupe[6436][188,152,126](4.5):biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](4.7):kalgoorie_sands[4811][187,139,103](4.7) 5 pale:light:PMS4655:biscuit:kalgoorie:sands:taupe:brown +4347 half_kumutoto rgb 156 200 202 hex #9CC8CA hsv 183 23 79 xyz 0.45 0.53 0.64 lab 78 -14 -6 lch 78 15 202 cmyk 18 1 0 21 morning_glory[5896][158,209,211](2.8):pale_turquoise[6439][150,205,205](4.1):chi[2278][159,191,194](5.1):sinbad[7725][166,213,208](5.4):regent_st_blue[7175][160,205,217](5.7) 2 pale:chi:glory:morning:regent:sinbad:st:blue:turquoise +4348 half_lemon_grass rgb 172 173 158 hex #ACAD9E hsv 64 9 68 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.38 lab 70 -3 8 lch 70 8 112 cmyk 0 0 6 32 bud[1887][168,174,156](2.2):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](2.2):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](2.2):terrain[8313][173,173,153](2.2):yellowish_grey[9230][168,168,156](2.4) 39 bud:eighth:off:piste:stonewall:terrain:yellowish:grey +4349 half_linen rgb 205 202 185 hex #CDCAB9 hsv 51 10 80 xyz 0.55 0.59 0.54 lab 81 -2 9 lch 81 9 102 cmyk 0 1 8 20 double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](1.0):half_tana[4397][204,201,182](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.0):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](1.4):foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](1.4) 73 bison:chrome:cream:double:foggy:half:hide:quarter:tana:thorndon:grey:white +4350 half_lumberjack rgb 132 90 83 hex #845A53 hsv 9 37 52 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.1 lab 43 16 11 lch 43 20 34 cmyk 0 16 19 48 promise[6821][147,105,98](5.0):copperhead[2488][117,81,72](5.4):rose_taupe[7316][144,93,93](5.7):lone_ranger[5338][135,97,79](6.2):dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](6.6) 1 dark:chestnut:copperhead:lone:promise:ranger:taupe:rose +4351 half_malta rgb 181 166 149 hex #B5A695 hsv 32 18 71 xyz 0.38 0.39 0.34 lab 69 3 11 lch 69 11 77 cmyk 0 6 13 29 joss[4781][185,168,150](1.4):quarter_gargoyle[6950][178,164,149](1.4):PMS402[486][175,165,147](2.2):paperback[6475][179,161,144](2.2):half_rickshaw[4376][189,167,147](3.0) 27 PMS402:gargoyle:half:joss:paperback:quarter:rickshaw +4352 half_masala rgb 103 99 92 hex #67635C hsv 38 11 40 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.12 lab 42 0 5 lch 42 5 87 cmyk 0 2 4 60 karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](2.2):pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](2.2):storm_dust[7993][101,100,95](2.2):triple_friar_grey[8493][102,97,86](2.2):PMS425[508][96,96,91](2.4) 32 PMS425:dust:friar:karens:pewter:pure:storm:triple:grey +4353 half_merino rgb 236 234 226 hex #ECEAE2 hsv 48 4 93 xyz 0.78 0.82 0.84 lab 93 -1 4 lch 93 4 100 cmyk 0 1 4 7 half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](0.0):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.0):half_soapstone[4387][240,235,228](1.0):quarter_wan_white[7013][237,236,230](1.0):quarter_white_pointer[7015][234,232,225](1.0) 148 barely:blanc:eighth:half:pointer:quarter:soapstone:there:wan:white +4354 half_milestone rgb 209 196 193 hex #D1C4C1 hsv 11 8 82 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.58 lab 80 4 3 lch 80 5 38 cmyk 0 5 6 18 dover_white[3258][201,191,187](2.2):quarter_imagine[6956][201,191,187](2.2):seashell[7586][205,197,191](2.2):silver[7706][205,197,194](2.2):alto[1021][205,198,197](2.8) 36 alto:dover:imagine:quarter:seashell:silver:white +4355 half_milk_white rgb 232 228 220 hex #E8E4DC hsv 40 5 91 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.79 lab 91 0 4 lch 91 4 90 cmyk 0 2 5 9 eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.0):quarter_concrete[6934][232,229,224](1.0):wild_sand[9107][231,228,222](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](1.4) 140 concrete:desert:double:eighth:quarter:sand:storm:truffle:wild:black:white +4356 half_mondo rgb 98 89 77 hex #62594D hsv 34 21 38 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.08 lab 38 1 8 lch 38 8 80 cmyk 0 4 8 62 talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.2):PMS411[494][102,89,76](2.4):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](2.4):triple_stonehenge[8521][102,92,82](2.4):millbrook[5748][89,86,72](3.0) 34 PMS411:judge:millbrook:stonehenge:talisman:triple:grey +4357 half_mountain_mist rgb 183 180 176 hex #B7B4B0 hsv 34 4 72 xyz 0.44 0.46 0.48 lab 73 0 2 lch 73 2 82 cmyk 0 1 3 28 triple_concrete[8486][183,182,181](1.4):grey[4171][179,179,179](2.0):bombay[1635][174,174,173](2.2):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.2):grey[4172][181,181,181](2.2) 59 bombay:concrete:triple:grey +4358 half_napa rgb 180 173 158 hex #B4AD9E hsv 41 12 71 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.38 lab 71 0 9 lch 71 9 91 cmyk 0 3 9 29 bedrock[1340][179,172,156](0.0):PMS414[497][181,175,160](1.4):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](1.4):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](1.7):nomad[6067][186,177,162](2.2) 55 PMS414:bedrock:eighth:nomad:pravda:quarter:stonewall +4359 half_new_denim_blue rgb 83 92 100 hex #535C64 hsv 208 17 39 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.14 lab 39 -2 -6 lch 39 6 254 cmyk 7 3 0 61 silvered_grey[7723][86,91,100](2.0):snapshot[7803][80,95,103](2.0):fiord[3633][75,90,98](3.0):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](3.0):compass[2445][75,87,97](3.2) 19 bluewood:compass:fiord:pickled:silvered:snapshot:grey +4360 half_nocturnal rgb 67 67 69 hex #434345 hsv 240 3 27 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.06 lab 28 0 -1 lch 28 1 290 cmyk 1 1 0 73 grey[4124][66,66,66](1.0):grey[4123][64,64,64](1.4):grey[4125][69,69,69](1.4):windswept[9135][67,65,65](1.4):gravity[3993][61,64,64](1.7) 49 gravity:windswept:grey +4361 half_nullarbor rgb 157 137 114 hex #9D8972 hsv 32 27 62 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.2 lab 58 4 15 lch 58 16 76 cmyk 0 8 17 38 triple_joss[8496][156,135,115](1.4):outback[6265][149,130,108](2.0):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](3.2):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](3.3):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](3.3) 25 pale:arrowtown:double:joss:malta:outback:oyster:triple +4362 half_oilskin rgb 114 100 89 hex #726459 hsv 26 22 45 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.11 lab 43 4 8 lch 43 9 66 cmyk 0 5 10 55 kabul[4804][108,94,83](2.0):pine_cone[6654][109,94,84](2.0):dorado[3171][110,95,86](2.2):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](3.2):double_stonehenge[3242][112,103,91](3.2) 34 break:coffee:cone:dorado:double:kabul:pine:stonehenge +4363 half_orchid_white rgb 247 244 234 hex #F7F4EA hsv 46 5 97 xyz 0.86 0.9 0.91 lab 96 -1 5 lch 96 5 98 cmyk 0 1 5 3 half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](0.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0) 108 alabaster:bianca:cake:filmpro:glistening:half:rice:white +4364 half_parchment rgb 224 218 195 hex #E0DAC3 hsv 48 13 88 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.62 lab 87 -2 12 lch 87 12 98 cmyk 0 2 11 12 half_white_rock[4413][223,219,198](1.0):loafer[5316][219,217,194](1.4):travertine[8459][226,221,199](1.4):quarter_sisal[6993][228,218,196](2.0):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2) 71 PMS454:half:loafer:quarter:rock:sisal:travertine:white +4365 half_pavlova rgb 203 191 160 hex #CBBFA0 hsv 43 21 80 xyz 0.5 0.52 0.41 lab 78 -1 17 lch 78 17 93 cmyk 0 5 17 20 double_spanish_white[3239][210,195,163](1.7):triple_wheatfield[8529][209,198,166](2.0):hitchhiker[4516][208,199,168](2.2):coral[2493][199,188,162](2.4):coral_reef[2506][199,188,162](2.4) 32 coral:double:hitchhiker:reef:spanish:triple:wheatfield:white +4366 half_pearl_lusta rgb 241 234 215 hex #F1EAD7 hsv 44 11 95 xyz 0.78 0.82 0.76 lab 93 -1 10 lch 93 10 95 cmyk 0 3 10 5 eggshell[3379][240,234,214](0.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.0):orchid_white[6245][241,235,217](1.0):softly[7836][241,235,217](1.0):villa_white[8840][240,233,214](1.0) 99 buttery:eggshell:orchid:softly:villa:white +4367 half_pearl_lusta rgb 255 252 234 hex #FFFCEA hsv 51 8 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.92 lab 99 -2 9 lch 99 9 103 cmyk 0 1 8 0 buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](0.0):apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](1.0):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](1.4):travertine[8460][255,253,232](1.4):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.7) 48 light:apricot:buttery:dawn:early:travertine:white:yellow +4368 half_perfect_taupe rgb 187 178 169 hex #BBB2A9 hsv 30 10 73 xyz 0.44 0.45 0.44 lab 73 2 6 lch 73 6 74 cmyk 0 4 7 27 silk[7703][189,177,168](1.0):tide[8351][190,180,171](1.0):serene[7620][189,176,163](2.0):fantail[3557][186,174,169](2.4):silk[7702][187,173,161](2.4) 47 fantail:serene:silk:tide +4369 half_periglacial_blue rgb 191 200 196 hex #BFC8C4 hsv 153 5 78 xyz 0.52 0.56 0.6 lab 80 -4 1 lch 80 4 166 cmyk 4 0 2 22 pumice[6846][194,202,196](1.4):tiara[8342][185,195,190](2.0):powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](2.2):powder_blue[6801][188,201,194](2.2):silver[7705][197,201,199](2.2) 49 ash:powder:pumice:silver:tiara:blue +4370 half_popcorn rgb 243 227 193 hex #F3E3C1 hsv 41 21 95 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.62 lab 91 0 19 lch 91 19 90 cmyk 0 6 20 5 half_vienna[4406][243,229,195](1.4):milk_punch[5742][243,229,192](1.4):pipi[6711][245,230,196](1.4):baja_white[1259][240,223,187](2.2):dutch_white[3317][239,223,187](2.2) 39 baja:dutch:half:milk:pipi:punch:vienna:white +4371 half_pravda rgb 160 153 138 hex #A0998A hsv 41 14 63 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.29 lab 63 0 9 lch 63 9 91 cmyk 0 3 9 37 settlement[7622][161,152,139](1.4):triple_truffle[8528][163,155,142](1.7):nomad[6066][161,153,134](2.0):napa[5976][163,154,135](2.2):PMS415[498][163,158,140](2.4) 45 PMS415:napa:nomad:settlement:triple:truffle +4372 half_putty rgb 216 191 139 hex #D8BF8B hsv 41 36 85 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.32 lab 78 1 30 lch 78 30 87 cmyk 0 10 30 15 straw[8003][212,191,141](2.2):very_light_brown[8751][211,182,131](3.6):smooth_operator[7801][210,184,138](4.1):straw[8004][218,190,130](4.1):egg_white[3373][224,200,141](4.4) 7 light:very:egg:operator:smooth:straw:brown:white +4373 half_rakaia rgb 204 201 200 hex #CCC9C8 hsv 15 2 80 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.63 lab 81 1 1 lch 81 1 45 cmyk 0 1 2 20 snow[7807][205,201,201](1.0):whiteout[9097][206,202,200](1.0):alto[1021][205,198,197](1.4):grey[4182][201,201,201](1.4):grey[4181][199,199,199](1.7) 72 alto:snow:whiteout:grey +4374 half_regent_grey rgb 147 157 161 hex #939DA1 hsv 197 9 63 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.38 lab 64 -3 -3 lch 64 4 230 cmyk 5 2 0 37 dusted_blue[3303][146,159,162](1.4):powder_blue[6798][146,159,162](1.4):bounty[1679][145,159,160](2.2):cool_grey[2473][149,163,166](2.2):instinct[4659][140,151,157](2.8) 30 bounty:cool:dusted:instinct:powder:blue:grey +4375 half_rice_cake rgb 242 240 231 hex #F2F0E7 hsv 49 5 95 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.88 lab 95 -1 5 lch 95 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 5 alabaster[983][242,240,230](0.0):eighth_thorndon_cream[3427][240,238,229](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.0):half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0) 110 alabaster:bianca:cream:eighth:half:orchid:thorndon:wheatfield:white +4376 half_rickshaw rgb 189 167 147 hex #BDA793 hsv 29 22 74 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.33 lab 70 5 13 lch 70 14 70 cmyk 0 9 16 26 joss[4781][185,168,150](2.2):half_malta[4351][181,166,149](3.0):moleskin[5859][198,170,151](3.0):drought[3273][184,168,143](3.6):PMS4735[579][204,175,155](3.7) 15 PMS4735:drought:half:joss:malta:moleskin +4377 half_robin_egg_blue rgb 181 192 181 hex #B5C0B5 hsv 120 6 75 xyz 0.46 0.51 0.51 lab 77 -6 4 lch 77 7 144 cmyk 4 0 4 25 ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](1.4):pumice[6845][186,192,180](2.2):aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](2.8):nebula[6003][184,198,190](2.8):rainee[7050][179,193,177](2.8) 30 aquashield:ash:nebula:pumice:rainee:tasman:grey +4378 half_sandcastle rgb 194 180 161 hex #C2B4A1 hsv 35 17 76 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.4 lab 74 2 11 lch 74 12 81 cmyk 0 5 13 24 PMS401[485][193,181,165](1.0):eighth_nullarbor[3410][194,180,160](1.0):quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](1.0):antidote[1058][193,176,159](1.4):malta[5486][189,178,161](1.7) 43 PMS401:antidote:eighth:malta:nullarbor:quarter +4379 half_sandspit_brown rgb 218 210 198 hex #DAD2C6 hsv 36 9 85 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.63 lab 85 1 7 lch 85 7 84 cmyk 0 3 8 15 eighth_bison_hide[3389][222,215,203](1.4):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](1.7):last_chance[4919][216,210,200](1.7):PMS434[518][224,209,198](2.0):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](2.0) 98 PMS434:bison:chance:eighth:hide:joss:last:malta +4380 half_sandstone rgb 139 129 118 hex #8B8176 hsv 31 15 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.2 lab 55 2 7 lch 55 8 76 cmyk 0 4 8 45 antique_white[1067][139,131,120](1.0):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](1.4):schooner[7532][141,132,120](1.7):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.0):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](2.2) 41 antique:ironhide:schooner:squirrel:taupe:grey:white +4381 half_sea_fog rgb 239 238 231 hex #EFEEE7 hsv 52 3 94 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.88 lab 94 -1 3 lch 94 4 104 cmyk 0 0 3 6 cararra[2074][238,238,232](0.0):filmpro_reduction_base[3621][241,240,233](1.0):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.0):quarter_wan_white[7013][237,236,230](1.0):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.4) 143 alabaster:base:cararra:filmpro:half:merino:quarter:reduction:wan:white +4382 half_secrets rgb 230 228 213 hex #E6E4D5 hsv 53 7 90 xyz 0.72 0.77 0.74 lab 90 -2 8 lch 90 8 104 cmyk 0 1 7 10 linen[5292][230,228,212](0.0):satin_linen[7504][230,228,212](0.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.0):ragamuffin[7043][232,227,211](1.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.4) 113 cake:double:fleece:linen:ragamuffin:rice:satin +4383 half_sidewinder rgb 111 103 108 hex #6F676C hsv 322 7 44 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.16 lab 44 4 -2 lch 44 4 338 cmyk 0 3 1 56 salt_box[7439][105,98,104](2.0):scorpion[7539][106,100,102](2.4):identity[4607][110,103,103](3.2):scarpa_flow[7526][107,106,108](3.3):matakana[5570][104,93,99](3.6) 20 box:flow:identity:matakana:salt:scarpa:scorpion +4384 half_silver_chalice rgb 183 186 182 hex #B7BAB6 hsv 105 2 73 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.51 lab 75 -2 2 lch 75 2 137 cmyk 1 0 2 27 eighth_tapa[3425][183,184,178](1.4):hermitage[4473][177,185,180](2.2):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](2.2):quarter_delta[6938][191,192,187](2.2):PMS442[526][186,191,183](2.4) 61 PMS442:delta:eighth:hermitage:loblolly:quarter:tapa +4385 half_sisal rgb 213 201 174 hex #D5C9AE hsv 42 18 84 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.48 lab 81 0 15 lch 81 15 91 cmyk 0 5 15 16 PMS453[543][214,204,175](1.7):akaroa[981][212,196,168](1.7):aths_special[1177][213,203,178](1.7):fossil[3731][213,203,178](1.7):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](2.2) 41 PMS453:akaroa:aths:double:fossil:special:wheatfield +4386 half_smalt_blue rgb 94 124 128 hex #5E7C80 hsv 187 27 50 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.23 lab 50 -10 -6 lch 50 11 210 cmyk 13 2 0 50 hoki[4520][100,125,134](3.7):light_blue[5010][104,131,139](3.7):sabbatical[7394][84,115,119](4.0):blue_bayoux[1545][98,119,126](4.1):aurometalsaurus[1199][110,127,128](5.4) 4 light:aurometalsaurus:bayoux:hoki:sabbatical:blue +4387 half_soapstone rgb 240 235 228 hex #F0EBE4 hsv 35 5 94 xyz 0.8 0.84 0.85 lab 93 0 4 lch 93 4 83 cmyk 0 2 5 6 eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](0.0):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.0):half_merino[4353][236,234,226](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.4) 135 barely:blanc:desert:eighth:half:merino:quarter:storm:there +4388 half_solitaire rgb 241 229 209 hex #F1E5D1 hsv 38 13 95 xyz 0.76 0.79 0.72 lab 91 1 11 lch 91 11 86 cmyk 0 5 13 5 antique_white[1069][238,223,204](1.4):bleach_white[1509][235,225,206](1.4):half_wheatfield[4411][234,228,208](2.2):albescent_white[989][245,233,211](2.4):blanc[1495][245,233,211](2.4) 81 antique:albescent:blanc:bleach:half:wheatfield:white +4389 half_spanish_white rgb 230 219 199 hex #E6DBC7 hsv 39 13 90 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.64 lab 88 0 11 lch 88 11 88 cmyk 0 4 12 10 quarter_sisal[6993][228,218,196](1.4):bleach_white[1509][235,225,206](2.0):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](2.0):quarter_fossil[6946][228,220,203](2.0):travertine[8459][226,221,199](2.0) 80 bleach:double:fossil:quarter:sisal:travertine:villa:white +4390 half_spanish_white rgb 254 244 219 hex #FEF4DB hsv 43 14 100 xyz 0.86 0.91 0.8 lab 96 -1 13 lch 96 13 93 cmyk 0 4 14 0 pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](0.0):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](1.0):early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.0):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.0):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.4) 67 bleach:dawn:early:egg:lusta:off:pearl:sour:white:yellow +4391 half_stack rgb 152 156 153 hex #989C99 hsv 135 3 61 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.35 lab 64 -2 1 lch 64 2 152 cmyk 2 0 1 39 kensington_grey[4830][157,159,154](1.4):star_dust[7953][159,159,156](1.7):PMS430[513][145,150,147](2.0):delta[3086][153,155,149](2.0):grey[4162][156,156,156](2.2) 44 PMS430:delta:dust:kensington:star:grey +4392 half_stonehenge rgb 150 144 136 hex #969088 hsv 34 9 59 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.27 lab 60 1 5 lch 60 5 82 cmyk 0 2 5 41 silver_fern[7711][153,147,140](1.4):grey[4159][149,145,140](2.0):eighth_oilskin[3411][146,138,130](2.2):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](2.2):quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](2.2) 35 eighth:fern:friar:half:oilskin:quarter:sandstone:silver:grey +4393 half_stonewall rgb 147 141 123 hex #938D7B hsv 45 16 58 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.23 lab 59 -1 10 lch 59 10 95 cmyk 0 2 9 42 half_arrowtown[4281][152,144,127](1.4):heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](1.4):quarter_evolution[6943][152,146,128](2.0):PMS416[499][142,140,122](2.2):cornsilk[2537][139,136,120](2.4) 30 PMS416:arrowtown:cornsilk:evolution:half:heathered:quarter:grey +4394 half_stonewashed rgb 158 148 137 hex #9E9489 hsv 31 13 62 xyz 0.29 0.3 0.28 lab 62 2 7 lch 62 7 76 cmyk 0 4 8 38 quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](1.4):zorba[9275][162,149,137](1.4):settlement[7622][161,152,139](1.7):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](2.2):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](2.4) 41 half:quarter:rockbottom:sandstone:settlement:taupe:zorba:grey +4395 half_surrender rgb 202 204 204 hex #CACCCC hsv 180 1 80 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.66 lab 82 -1 0 lch 82 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 20 iron[4676][203,205,205](0.0):grey[4183][204,204,204](1.0):half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](1.0):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.0):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.0) 68 light:very:duck:egg:half:iron:midwinter:mist:blue:grey +4396 half_talisman rgb 125 116 102 hex #7D7466 hsv 37 18 49 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.15 lab 49 1 9 lch 49 9 84 cmyk 0 4 9 51 PMS404[488][130,117,102](1.7):pablo[6288][119,111,97](2.0):PMS417[500][119,114,99](2.2):sandstone[7467][120,109,95](2.2):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](2.4) 29 PMS404:PMS417:double:friar:pablo:sandstone:grey +4397 half_tana rgb 204 201 182 hex #CCC9B6 hsv 52 11 80 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.53 lab 81 -2 10 lch 81 10 103 cmyk 0 1 9 20 double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](0.0):foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](1.0):half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.4):moon_mist[5885][206,205,184](1.7) 63 bison:cream:double:foggy:half:hide:linen:mist:moon:quarter:thorndon:grey +4398 half_tapa rgb 146 146 136 hex #929288 hsv 60 7 57 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.27 lab 60 -2 5 lch 60 6 110 cmyk 0 0 4 43 aquashield_half_tapa[1130][146,146,136](0.0):half_cobblestone[4308][146,143,132](1.7):ivory[4696][139,139,131](2.2):proton[6822][150,152,140](2.4):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](2.8) 33 aquashield:cobblestone:friar:half:ivory:proton:tapa:grey +4399 half_tasman rgb 208 213 205 hex #D0D5CD hsv 98 4 84 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.67 lab 85 -3 3 lch 85 5 133 cmyk 2 0 3 16 half_emerge[4323][206,213,207](1.0):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](1.4):PMS5455[688][214,216,211](1.7):celeste[2160][209,210,202](1.7):quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](2.0) 87 PMS5455:celeste:emerge:half:nurse:quarter:tasman:grey +4400 half_taupe_grey rgb 157 153 143 hex #9D998F hsv 43 9 62 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.31 lab 63 0 6 lch 63 6 94 cmyk 0 2 5 38 half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](1.4):quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](1.4):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](1.7):archive_grey[1137][154,153,145](2.2):settlement[7622][161,152,139](2.2) 48 archive:friar:half:quarter:rockbottom:sandstone:settlement:grey +4401 half_tea rgb 206 198 181 hex #CEC6B5 hsv 41 12 81 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.52 lab 80 0 10 lch 80 10 91 cmyk 0 3 10 19 acropolis[959][206,198,181](0.0):aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](0.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.0):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.0):quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.7) 67 PMS400:acropolis:amber:aquashield:bison:hide:quarter:soft +4402 half_thorndon_cream rgb 229 225 211 hex #E5E1D3 hsv 47 8 90 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.72 lab 89 -1 7 lch 89 7 98 cmyk 0 2 7 10 half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.0):quarter_ecru_white[6942][226,222,211](1.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.4):eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](1.4):half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.4) 127 albescent:cake:double:ecru:eighth:half:quarter:rice:tana:titania:white +4403 half_titania rgb 224 220 206 hex #E0DCCE hsv 47 8 88 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.69 lab 88 -1 7 lch 88 7 98 cmyk 0 2 7 12 eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](1.0):half_ecru_white[4322][224,220,204](1.0):half_thorndon_cream[4402][229,225,211](1.0):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.4):milk_white[5744][220,217,205](1.4) 121 cream:ecru:eighth:half:merino:milk:tana:thorndon:white +4404 half_truffle rgb 205 201 190 hex #CDC9BE hsv 44 7 80 xyz 0.55 0.58 0.57 lab 81 -1 6 lch 81 6 95 cmyk 0 2 6 20 quill_grey[7028][203,201,192](1.0):PMS420[503][209,204,191](1.4):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.4):eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](1.4):half_ash[4282][203,200,186](1.4) 81 PMS420:ash:double:eighth:grass:half:pointer:quill:grey:lemon:white +4405 half_tuna rgb 85 88 92 hex #55585C hsv 214 8 36 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.12 lab 37 0 -3 lch 37 3 264 cmyk 3 2 0 64 bright_grey[1726][87,89,93](1.0):quarter_fuscous_grey[6949][89,90,94](1.4):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](1.7):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](2.0):landscape_grey[4909][85,87,89](2.0) 38 baltic:bright:foundry:fuscous:half:landscape:quarter:sea:grey +4406 half_vienna rgb 243 229 195 hex #F3E5C3 hsv 43 20 95 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.63 lab 91 -1 18 lch 91 18 92 cmyk 0 5 19 5 half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](1.4):pipi[6711][245,230,196](1.4):milk_punch[5742][243,229,192](2.0):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](2.2):half_colonial_white[4310][242,229,191](2.2) 45 chandelier:colonial:half:milk:pipi:popcorn:punch:white +4407 half_villa_white rgb 243 238 223 hex #F3EEDF hsv 45 8 95 xyz 0.81 0.86 0.82 lab 94 -1 8 lch 94 8 96 cmyk 0 2 8 5 bianca[1401][244,239,224](0.0):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](0.0):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](1.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.4):ivory[4698][238,238,224](1.4) 110 bianca:buttery:ivory:lusta:pearl:quarter:solitaire:white +4408 half_vista_white rgb 238 234 230 hex #EEEAE6 hsv 30 3 93 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.87 lab 93 1 2 lch 93 2 75 cmyk 0 2 3 7 half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.4):half_black_white[4295][240,238,234](1.4):snow[7808][238,233,233](1.4):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.7):quarter_milk_white[6970][237,233,227](1.7) 130 alabaster:half:merino:milk:quarter:snow:black:white +4409 half_wan_white rgb 233 232 226 hex #E9E8E2 hsv 51 3 91 xyz 0.76 0.81 0.83 lab 92 -1 3 lch 92 3 103 cmyk 0 0 3 9 quarter_milk_white[6970][237,233,227](1.0):quarter_wan_white[7013][237,236,230](1.0):quarter_white_pointer[7015][234,232,225](1.0):black_squeeze[1480][229,230,223](1.4):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.4) 135 barely:half:milk:pointer:quarter:squeeze:there:wan:black:white +4410 half_washed_green rgb 161 168 148 hex #A1A894 hsv 81 12 66 xyz 0.34 0.38 0.34 lab 68 -6 9 lch 68 11 123 cmyk 3 0 8 34 PMS5635[731][158,170,153](2.2):bud[1887][168,174,156](2.2):green_spring[4061][169,175,153](2.8):terrain[8313][173,173,153](3.0):half_lemon_grass[4348][172,173,158](3.7) 18 PMS5635:bud:grass:half:spring:terrain:green:lemon +4411 half_wheatfield rgb 234 228 208 hex #EAE4D0 hsv 46 11 92 xyz 0.73 0.78 0.71 lab 91 -1 10 lch 91 11 97 cmyk 0 2 10 8 cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.0):villa_white[8840][240,233,214](1.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.4):bleach_white[1509][235,225,206](1.7):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.7) 95 bleach:cararra:eighth:fleece:sisal:villa:white +4412 half_white_pointer rgb 226 225 219 hex #E2E1DB hsv 51 3 89 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.78 lab 89 -1 3 lch 89 3 103 cmyk 0 0 3 11 eighth_tea[3426][226,222,216](1.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0):vista_white[8887][227,223,217](1.0):whitewater[9099][225,225,220](1.0):barely_there[1295][223,221,213](1.4) 124 barely:drift:eighth:snow:tea:there:vista:whitewater:white +4413 half_white_rock rgb 223 219 198 hex #DFDBC6 hsv 50 11 87 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.64 lab 87 -2 11 lch 87 11 101 cmyk 0 2 10 13 half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](1.0):travertine[8459][226,221,199](1.0):loafer[5316][219,217,194](1.7):half_spanish_white[4389][230,219,199](2.2):quarter_sisal[6993][228,218,196](2.2) 72 half:loafer:parchment:quarter:sisal:spanish:travertine:white +4414 half_whiteout rgb 235 228 224 hex #EBE4E0 hsv 22 5 92 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.82 lab 91 2 3 lch 91 3 59 cmyk 0 3 4 8 seashell[7588][238,229,222](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.7):ebb[3343][233,227,227](2.0):quarter_concrete[6934][232,229,224](2.0):wild_sand[9107][231,228,222](2.0) 112 concrete:desert:ebb:quarter:sand:seashell:storm:wild +4415 hammerhead rgb 81 87 105 hex #515769 hsv 225 23 41 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.15 lab 37 2 -11 lch 37 11 280 cmyk 9 7 0 59 haast_shale[4267][81,86,100](2.2):dalek[2661][71,87,105](3.3):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](4.4):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](4.5):smoky[7795][96,93,107](4.7) 5 dalek:flow:haast:quadrant:scarpa:shale:smoky:grey +4416 hampton rgb 229 216 175 hex #E5D8AF hsv 46 24 90 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.5 lab 86 -2 22 lch 86 22 95 cmyk 0 5 21 10 double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](1.0):vienna[8837][232,216,175](1.4):brie[1716][227,218,178](1.7):eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](1.7):chamois[2206][237,220,177](2.4) 33 brie:chamois:chandelier:double:eighth:putty:vienna +4417 hampton rgb 232 212 162 hex #E8D4A2 hsv 43 30 91 xyz 0.63 0.67 0.44 lab 85 0 27 lch 85 27 91 cmyk 0 8 27 9 aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](1.7):astra[1167][237,213,166](1.7):latte[4920][237,213,166](1.7):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](2.8):bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](3.0) 25 aquashield:astra:bavarian:cream:latte:popcorn +4418 han_blue rgb 68 108 207 hex #446CCF hsv 223 67 81 xyz 0.19 0.16 0.61 lab 48 18 -55 lch 48 58 288 cmyk 55 39 0 19 indigo[4648][79,105,198](3.3):cornflower_blue[2534][81,112,215](3.7):mariner[5532][40,106,205](4.1):science_blue[7533][0,102,204](7.1):denim[3092][21,96,189](7.2) 3 cornflower:denim:mariner:science:blue:indigo +4419 han_purple rgb 82 24 250 hex #5218FA hsv 255 90 98 xyz 0.21 0.09 0.91 lab 37 76 -98 lch 37 124 308 cmyk 66 89 0 2 purplish_blue[6898][96,30,249](4.2):blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](4.6):luminous_vivid_blue_violet[5366][96,0,255](5.1):electric_indigo[3443][111,0,255](6.4):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](6.6) 2 luminous:vivid:blue/purple:electric:purplish:blue:indigo:violet +4420 hansa_yellow rgb 233 214 107 hex #E9D66B hsv 51 54 91 xyz 0.6 0.66 0.24 lab 85 -7 54 lch 85 55 97 cmyk 0 7 49 9 arylide_yellow[1152][233,214,107](0.0):straw[8005][228,217,111](3.3):PMS458[550][221,204,107](5.0):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](5.1):PMS121[23][249,224,112](5.4) 3 PMS121:PMS458:arylide:rice:straw:wild:yellow +4421 happy_hour rgb 169 201 73 hex #A9C949 hsv 75 64 79 xyz 0.38 0.51 0.14 lab 76 -29 58 lch 76 65 116 cmyk 13 0 50 21 android_green[1052][164,198,57](5.2):dark_olive_green[2816][162,205,90](6.8):booger[1650][155,181,60](7.0):sick_green[7685][157,185,44](7.1):june_bud[4788][189,218,87](7.3) 0 dark:android:booger:bud:june:olive:sick:green +4422 harlequin rgb 63 255 0 hex #3FFF00 hsv 105 100 100 xyz 0.38 0.73 0.12 lab 88 -82 84 lch 88 117 134 cmyk 75 0 100 0 luminous_vivid_harlequin[5379][64,255,0](1.0):chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](2.0):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](2.0):poison_green[6756][64,253,20](2.2):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](3.0) 15 luminous:vivid:chlorophyll:electric:harlequin:neon:poison:green +4423 harlequin rgb 106 57 104 hex #6A3968 hsv 302 46 42 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.14 lab 32 29 -18 lch 32 35 328 cmyk 0 19 1 58 style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](0.0):grape[3977][108,52,97](3.0):PMS519[642][99,48,94](4.2):PMS2622[248][96,45,89](5.5):honey_flower[4530][92,60,109](7.1) 3 PMS2622:PMS519:clam:flower:grape:honey:ocean:pasifika:style +4424 harlequin_green rgb 70 203 24 hex #46CB18 hsv 105 88 80 xyz 0.24 0.44 0.08 lab 72 -64 68 lch 72 94 133 cmyk 52 0 70 20 green_apple[4034][94,220,31](7.2):toxic_green[8446][97,222,42](7.3):lime_green[5272][50,205,50](7.7):PMS802_2X[915][28,206,40](8.1):permanent_green[6599][10,201,43](8.5) 0 2X:PMS802:apple:permanent:toxic:green:lime +4425 harp rgb 203 206 192 hex #CBCEC0 hsv 73 7 81 xyz 0.56 0.61 0.59 lab 82 -4 7 lch 82 7 118 cmyk 1 0 5 19 secrets[7599][198,202,187](1.0):PMS5655[735][198,204,186](1.7):PMS5585[721][196,206,191](2.2):ivory[4697][205,205,193](2.2):PMS5527[709][206,209,198](2.4) 55 PMS5527:PMS5585:PMS5655:ivory:secrets +4426 harp rgb 230 242 234 hex #E6F2EA hsv 140 5 95 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.9 lab 94 -5 2 lch 94 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 5 bubbles[1882][230,242,234](0.0):i_spy[4595][230,242,234](0.0):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.0):gin[3861][232,242,235](1.0):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](1.7) 58 bubbles:clear:day:dew:gin:i:spy +4427 harvard_crimson rgb 201 0 22 hex #C90016 hsv 353 100 79 xyz 0.24 0.12 0.02 lab 42 67 48 lch 42 83 36 cmyk 0 79 70 21 venetian_red[8692][200,8,21](1.4):venetian_red[8693][212,26,31](3.0):lava[4926][207,16,32](3.6):flame_red[3657][199,3,30](4.0):monza[5879][199,3,30](4.0) 5 flame:lava:monza:venetian:red +4428 harvest_gold rgb 218 145 0 hex #DA9100 hsv 40 100 85 xyz 0.39 0.35 0.05 lab 66 19 71 lch 66 73 75 cmyk 0 29 85 15 PMS138[51][216,140,2](3.0):PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](3.3):gamboge[3827][228,155,15](3.3):dixie[3147][226,148,24](3.5):beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](4.6) 5 08:2X:PMS130:PMS138:beer:dixie:gamboge:srm +4429 harvest_gold rgb 224 185 116 hex #E0B974 hsv 38 48 88 xyz 0.51 0.52 0.24 lab 77 5 40 lch 77 40 82 cmyk 0 15 42 12 essential_cream[3512][220,182,111](1.4):pencarrow[6579][227,191,126](3.0):coyote[2568][221,183,123](4.2):tan[8222][209,178,111](4.7):apache[1076][223,190,111](5.1) 4 apache:coyote:cream:essential:pencarrow:tan +4430 harvest_gold rgb 234 183 106 hex #EAB76A hsv 36 55 92 xyz 0.53 0.52 0.21 lab 78 10 46 lch 78 47 78 cmyk 0 20 50 8 earth_yellow[3330][225,169,95](5.4):porsche[6780][234,174,105](5.4):rajah[7053][247,182,104](5.5):sunray[8140][227,171,87](6.0):chardonnay[2225][255,200,120](6.1) 0 chardonnay:earth:porsche:rajah:sunray:yellow +4431 hathaway rgb 247 222 148 hex #F7DE94 hsv 45 40 97 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.39 lab 89 -1 39 lch 89 39 92 cmyk 0 10 39 3 cream_brulee[2585][255,227,155](2.2):golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](2.8):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](3.2):vis[8881][249,228,150](3.5):cream_brulee[2586][255,229,160](3.6) 10 light:very:amber:brulee:cream:glow:golden:vis +4432 hauraki rgb 58 77 73 hex #3A4D49 hsv 167 25 30 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 31 -8 0 lch 31 8 180 cmyk 7 0 2 70 corduroy[2511][64,77,73](2.4):isobar[4692][55,72,70](2.4):firefly[3648][49,70,67](3.3):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](3.7):canyon[2055][67,78,70](3.7) 11 canyon:corduroy:dianne:firefly:isobar:blue +4433 havana rgb 52 21 21 hex #341515 hsv 0 60 20 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 11 16 7 lch 11 17 25 cmyk 0 12 12 80 jarrah[4741][52,21,21](0.0):tamarind[8218][52,21,21](0.0):seal_brown[7582][50,20,20](1.0):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](2.2):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](4.1) 5 15:jarrah:lmu:rustic:seal:tamarind:toast:brown:red +4434 havana rgb 59 43 44 hex #3B2B2C hsv 356 27 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 8 2 lch 19 8 16 cmyk 0 6 6 77 jarrah[4742][59,43,44](0.0):aubergine[1192][55,37,40](2.4):tamarind[8219][62,47,46](2.4):double_barista[3179][57,44,42](2.8):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](3.0) 20 aubergine:barista:cave:double:jarrah:rock:tamarind +4435 havelock_blue rgb 85 144 217 hex #5590D9 hsv 213 61 85 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.69 lab 59 3 -43 lch 59 43 274 cmyk 52 29 0 15 brilliant_azure[1766][81,156,231](5.4):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](5.4):PMS279[300][102,137,204](6.2):danube[2672][96,147,209](6.4):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](6.5) 0 dark:brilliant:PMS279:danube:nations:united:azure:blue:turquoise +4436 havelock_blue rgb 87 132 193 hex #5784C1 hsv 215 55 76 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.54 lab 54 3 -37 lch 54 37 274 cmyk 42 24 0 24 float[3693][76,129,195](3.2):cyan_blue_azure[2641][70,130,191](3.3):PMS279[300][102,137,204](4.4):tufts_blue[8555][65,125,193](5.1):danube[2671][91,137,192](5.4) 3 PMS279:cyan:danube:float:tufts:azure:blue +4437 havoc rgb 173 53 57 hex #AD3539 hsv 358 69 68 xyz 0.19 0.12 0.05 lab 41 49 26 lch 41 55 28 cmyk 0 47 45 32 get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](0.0):bliss[1516][179,57,62](2.4):punch[6853][168,50,57](3.0):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](4.4):sweet_brown[8178][168,55,49](4.4) 7 PMS1807:bliss:get:punch:reddy:sweet:brown +4438 hawaiian_tan rgb 153 82 43 hex #99522B hsv 21 72 60 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.04 lab 43 26 35 lch 43 44 53 cmyk 0 28 43 40 piper[6709][157,84,50](2.4):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](3.0):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](3.0):sienna[7695][160,82,45](3.3):indochine[4652][156,91,52](4.1) 6 alert:chelsea:gem:indochine:piper:sienna:tan +4439 hawaiian_tan rgb 157 86 22 hex #9D5616 hsv 28 86 62 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.03 lab 44 25 47 lch 44 53 62 cmyk 0 28 53 38 PMS160[87][158,84,10](3.2):warm_brown[8998][150,78,2](4.4):PMS470[571][155,79,25](4.7):PMS724[903][142,73,5](5.0):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](5.2) 4 PMS160:PMS1605:PMS470:PMS724:warm:brown +4440 hawkes_blue rgb 210 218 237 hex #D2DAED hsv 222 11 93 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.9 lab 87 1 -10 lch 87 10 275 cmyk 11 7 0 7 three_wishes[8333][210,218,237](0.0):link_water[5295][217,228,245](3.2):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](4.1):periwinkle[6593][197,208,230](4.5):designer_white[3109][215,217,226](5.0) 6 light:bluish:designer:link:periwinkle:three:water:wishes:grey:white +4441 hawkes_blue rgb 212 226 252 hex #D4E2FC hsv 219 16 99 xyz 0.72 0.75 1.03 lab 90 0 -14 lch 90 14 272 cmyk 16 10 0 1 light_steel_blue[5217][202,225,255](3.3):link_water[5295][217,228,245](4.0):very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](4.1):slate_grey[7773][198,226,255](4.4):three_wishes[8333][210,218,237](5.1) 4 pale:slate:light:very:link:sapphire:steel:three:water:wishes:blue:grey +4442 haystack rgb 222 199 161 hex #DEC7A1 hsv 37 27 87 xyz 0.57 0.59 0.42 lab 81 2 22 lch 81 22 84 cmyk 0 9 24 13 raffia[7041][220,198,160](0.0):sand[7452][220,197,159](0.0):sand[7453][220,198,160](0.0):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](1.7):blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.2) 18 blank:canvas:cocoon:raffia:sand +4443 hazard rgb 163 83 42 hex #A3532A hsv 20 74 64 xyz 0.19 0.14 0.04 lab 44 30 38 lch 44 48 52 cmyk 0 31 47 36 rich_gold[7217][161,82,38](1.4):paarl[6287][166,85,41](2.2):sienna[7695][160,82,45](2.2):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](3.7):hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](5.1) 4 gold:hawaiian:paarl:rich:sienna:tan:vesuvius +4444 hazel rgb 142 118 24 hex #8E7618 hsv 48 83 56 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.04 lab 50 0 51 lch 50 51 90 cmyk 0 9 46 44 PMS119[20][137,119,25](3.2):poo[6767][143,115,3](4.1):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](5.0):stinger[7981][139,107,11](5.0):gold[3890][139,117,0](5.4) 4 PMS119:corn:gold:harvest:poo:stinger +4445 hazy_lavender rgb 164 149 145 hex #A49591 hsv 13 12 64 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.31 lab 63 5 4 lch 63 6 40 cmyk 0 6 7 36 asteroid[1166][165,150,146](0.0):triple_milestone[8502][165,149,145](0.0):imagine[4613][163,152,148](2.2):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](3.0):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](3.0) 20 asteroid:dusty:imagine:milestone:reddish:triple:grey +4446 heart_gold rgb 128 128 0 hex #808000 hsv 60 100 50 xyz 0.17 0.2 0.03 lab 52 -13 57 lch 52 58 103 cmyk 0 0 50 50 olive[6152][128,128,0](0.0):PMS392[469][132,130,5](1.4):PMS582[767][135,137,5](3.3):yellow[9193][139,139,0](5.1):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](5.2) 3 PMS392:PMS582:olive:shit:green:yellow +4447 heartbreaker rgb 193 194 218 hex #C1C2DA hsv 238 11 85 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.74 lab 79 4 -12 lch 79 13 290 cmyk 10 9 0 15 blue_haze[1570][191,190,216](1.7):fairytale[3547][198,196,219](1.7):poet[6753][192,188,212](2.8):lavender_grey[4939][189,187,215](3.5):PMS657[836][193,201,221](3.7) 12 PMS657:fairytale:haze:poet:blue:grey:lavender +4448 heartwood rgb 166 96 47 hex #A6602F hsv 25 72 65 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.05 lab 48 24 39 lch 48 46 58 cmyk 0 27 47 35 mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](3.2):style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](3.2):oregon[6248][177,108,57](4.1):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](4.4):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](5.4) 4 bourbon:mai:oregon:pasifika:pumpkin:sand:shore:style:tai +4449 heat_wave rgb 255 122 0 hex #FF7A00 hsv 29 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.35 0.04 lab 66 46 73 lch 66 86 58 cmyk 0 52 100 0 safety_orange[7403][255,120,0](1.0):flamenco[3659][255,125,7](2.0):outrageous[6270][255,118,0](2.2):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](2.2):amber[1034][255,126,0](2.4) 15 amber:flamenco:outrageous:safety:sorbus:orange +4450 heath rgb 79 42 44 hex #4F2A2C hsv 357 47 31 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 22 17 6 lch 22 19 20 cmyk 0 15 14 69 filmpro_burnt_sienna[3604][82,44,43](2.2):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](2.4):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](2.4):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](2.4):volcano[8967][78,39,40](2.4) 19 burnt:cowboy:filmpro:livid:pasifika:sienna:soil:style:volcano:brown:red +4451 heath rgb 84 16 18 hex #541012 hsv 358 81 33 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 17 31 18 lch 17 36 30 cmyk 0 27 26 67 beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](2.8):mahogany[5461][78,6,6](3.7):beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](4.1):beer_srm_32[1372][83,11,6](4.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](4.2) 7 32:33:34:beer:bulgarian:mahogany:srm:rose +4452 heather rgb 164 132 172 hex #A484AC hsv 288 23 67 xyz 0.31 0.27 0.43 lab 59 20 -17 lch 59 26 320 cmyk 3 16 0 33 grayish_mulberry[4011][158,125,168](2.4):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](4.2):east_side[3335][170,140,188](5.0):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](5.1):grayish_violet[4019][147,125,168](5.2) 3 dusty:east:grayish:magenta:mulberry:side:lavender:violet +4453 heather rgb 174 187 193 hex #AEBBC1 hsv 199 10 76 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.57 lab 75 -3 -5 lch 75 6 234 cmyk 7 2 0 24 coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](1.7):PMS5435[684][175,188,191](2.2):longitude[5343][174,183,192](2.4):casper[2124][170,181,184](2.8):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](3.6) 9 PMS5435:casper:coastal:eskimo:longitude:blue +4454 heather rgb 183 195 208 hex #B7C3D0 hsv 211 12 82 xyz 0.5 0.54 0.67 lab 78 -2 -8 lch 78 8 259 cmyk 10 5 0 18 oxygen[6279][187,198,213](1.7):pacify[6294][187,198,213](1.7):PMS650[829][191,198,209](3.5):breathless[1704][193,200,210](3.5):casper[2125][173,190,209](3.6) 12 PMS650:breathless:casper:oxygen:pacify +4455 heathered_grey rgb 148 140 126 hex #948C7E hsv 38 15 58 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.24 lab 59 0 9 lch 59 9 87 cmyk 0 3 9 42 double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](1.4):half_arrowtown[4281][152,144,127](1.4):half_stonewall[4393][147,141,123](1.4):eighth_mondo[3408][147,138,125](1.7):PMS403[487][153,140,124](2.2) 39 PMS403:arrowtown:cougar:double:eighth:half:mondo:stonewall +4456 heathered_grey rgb 182 176 149 hex #B6B095 hsv 49 18 71 xyz 0.4 0.43 0.35 lab 72 -2 15 lch 72 15 99 cmyk 0 2 13 29 half_hillary[4339][185,179,152](1.0):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](1.7):taupe_grey[8264][179,175,149](1.7):akaroa[980][190,178,154](2.4):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](2.4) 33 akaroa:aquashield:bison:half:hide:hillary:taupe:grey +4457 heatwave rgb 110 38 32 hex #6E2620 hsv 5 71 43 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.02 lab 26 32 21 lch 26 38 33 cmyk 0 28 31 57 hot_n_spicy[4560][107,35,32](2.2):metallic_copper[5691][113,41,29](3.3):kakaramea[4810][110,44,37](3.7):PMS491[600][117,40,40](4.1):cherrywood[2267][101,26,20](4.6) 7 PMS491:cherrywood:copper:hot:kakaramea:metallic:n:spicy +4458 heavy_metal rgb 43 50 40 hex #2B3228 hsv 102 20 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 -5 5 lch 20 8 135 cmyk 3 0 4 80 black_forest[1458][44,50,39](1.0):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](1.0):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](1.4):moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](2.2):pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](2.2) 29 earth:forest:gordons:moroccan:palm:pine:tree:black:green +4459 heavy_metal rgb 70 71 62 hex #46473E hsv 67 13 28 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.05 lab 30 -2 5 lch 30 6 114 cmyk 0 0 4 72 trainspotter[8454][68,73,63](2.0):relic[7178][75,72,66](2.4):double_masala[3215][69,65,57](2.8):mangrove[5506][72,78,69](2.8):deep_space[3062][76,73,69](3.0) 28 deep:double:mangrove:masala:relic:space:trainspotter +4460 heirloom rgb 157 139 124 hex #9D8B7C hsv 27 21 62 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.23 lab 59 4 10 lch 59 11 68 cmyk 0 7 13 38 PMS409[492][153,137,124](1.4):PMS403[487][153,140,124](2.0):almond_frost[1013][154,134,120](2.2):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](2.2):double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](3.3) 23 PMS403:PMS409:cougar:double:frost:perfect:taupe:almond +4461 heliotrope rgb 217 79 245 hex #D94FF5 hsv 290 68 96 xyz 0.48 0.27 0.89 lab 59 75 -58 lch 59 95 322 cmyk 11 65 0 4 brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](7.3):medium_orchid[5622][224,102,255](8.1):light_brilliant_heliotrope[5046][236,101,255](8.4):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](8.9):brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](9.2) 0 medium:light:brilliant:heliotrope:mulberry:orchid +4462 heliotrope rgb 223 115 255 hex #DF73FF hsv 286 55 100 xyz 0.55 0.35 0.99 lab 66 63 -52 lch 66 82 320 cmyk 13 55 0 0 medium_orchid[5621][209,95,238](6.4):medium_orchid[5622][224,102,255](7.5):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](7.8):light_brilliant_heliotrope[5046][236,101,255](9.1):easter_purple[3338][192,113,254](10.0) 0 medium:light:brilliant:easter:heliotrope:mulberry:orchid:purple +4463 heliotrope_grey rgb 170 152 168 hex #AA98A8 hsv 307 11 67 xyz 0.35 0.34 0.42 lab 65 10 -6 lch 65 11 328 cmyk 0 7 1 33 rose_quartz[7313][170,152,169](0.0):lilac_luster[5259][174,152,170](1.0):siesta[7700][165,154,168](3.0):magentaish_grey[5447][168,156,168](3.3):effortless[3369][160,150,167](4.1) 7 effortless:lilac:luster:magentaish:quartz:siesta:grey:rose +4464 heliotrope_magenta rgb 170 0 187 hex #AA00BB hsv 295 100 73 xyz 0.26 0.12 0.48 lab 41 75 -53 lch 41 92 325 cmyk 7 73 0 27 barney[1306][172,29,184](6.0):purple[6867][159,0,197](8.1):strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](8.1):strong_magenta[8040][168,0,168](8.6):violet[8853][134,1,175](11.1) 0 strong:barney:heliotrope:magenta:purple:violet +4465 helium rgb 216 217 200 hex #D8D9C8 hsv 64 8 85 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.64 lab 86 -3 8 lch 86 9 112 cmyk 0 0 7 15 PMS5665[737][214,214,198](1.0):quarter_beryl_green[6921][217,217,202](1.0):half_beryl_green[4291][215,218,200](1.4):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.4):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](1.7) 88 PMS5595:PMS5665:beryl:half:quarter:tana:green +4466 helter_skelter rgb 51 51 45 hex #33332D hsv 60 12 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -1 4 lch 21 4 109 cmyk 0 0 2 80 canopy[2051][53,51,44](1.0):rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](1.0):banjul[1288][52,50,45](1.4):acadia[952][53,49,44](2.0):army[1142][48,52,45](2.0) 65 acadia:army:banjul:canopy:rockpool:green +4467 hemisphere rgb 78 147 186 hex #4E93BA hsv 202 58 73 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.5 lab 58 -10 -27 lch 58 29 249 cmyk 42 15 0 27 boston_blue[1664][59,145,180](5.2):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](5.9):boston_blue[1665][67,142,172](6.0):PMS542[681][102,147,188](6.2):cerulean_frost[2188][109,155,195](6.7) 0 moderate:PMS542:boston:cerulean:cornflower:frost:blue +4468 hemlock rgb 94 93 59 hex #5E5D3B hsv 58 37 37 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.06 lab 39 -6 20 lch 39 20 106 cmyk 0 0 14 63 verdigris[8701][98,96,62](1.4):verdigris[8700][93,94,55](2.2):woodland[9170][98,103,70](4.1):grey_green[4213][82,86,54](4.6):finch[3626][98,102,73](5.1) 4 finch:verdigris:woodland:green:grey +4469 hemlock rgb 105 104 75 hex #69684B hsv 58 29 41 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.09 lab 43 -5 17 lch 43 17 106 cmyk 0 0 12 59 finch[3626][98,102,73](2.4):siam[7684][104,107,80](2.4):woodland[9170][98,103,70](3.3):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](3.7):go_ben[3883][114,109,78](3.7) 7 ben:crocodile:finch:go:siam:woodland +4470 hemp rgb 144 120 116 hex #907874 hsv 9 19 56 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.19 lab 53 9 6 lch 53 10 33 cmyk 0 9 11 44 dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](2.4):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](2.4):half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](2.8):opium[6192][152,126,126](3.0):bazaar[1326][143,119,119](3.2) 15 bazaar:buffalo:dusky:half:kubrick:opium:pink +4471 hemp rgb 152 125 115 hex #987D73 hsv 16 24 60 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.19 lab 55 9 9 lch 55 13 47 cmyk 0 11 15 40 cinereous[2331][152,129,123](2.4):dry_creek[3277][154,127,124](3.3):otter[6260][143,123,112](3.6):almond_frost[1012][144,123,113](3.7):dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](4.1) 11 cinereous:creek:dry:dusky:frost:otter:almond:pink +4472 hendrix rgb 76 86 124 hex #4C567C hsv 228 39 49 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.2 lab 37 6 -23 lch 37 24 285 cmyk 19 15 0 51 astronaut[1172][68,81,114](3.5):quayside[7020][66,79,113](4.1):night_moves[6049][69,76,115](4.5):lifesaver[4997][83,94,127](4.7):chambray[2202][71,88,119](5.0) 6 astronaut:chambray:lifesaver:moves:night:quayside +4473 hermitage rgb 177 185 180 hex #B1B9B4 hsv 143 4 73 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.5 lab 74 -4 2 lch 74 4 157 cmyk 3 0 2 27 PMS5507[703][175,186,178](1.4):emerge[3472][173,186,181](1.4):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](1.4):periglacial_blue[6590][172,182,178](1.4):half_silver_chalice[4384][183,186,182](2.2) 37 PMS5507:chalice:emerge:half:loblolly:periglacial:silver:blue +4474 hero rgb 211 124 57 hex #D37C39 hsv 26 73 83 xyz 0.35 0.29 0.08 lab 60 28 50 lch 60 57 60 cmyk 0 34 60 17 flashback[3664][223,128,62](4.2):bronze[1823][205,127,50](4.5):gold[3892][205,127,50](4.5):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](4.7):tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](5.4) 4 bronze:dull:flashback:gold:poppy:tree:orange +4475 hi_jinx rgb 229 127 61 hex #E57F3D hsv 24 73 90 xyz 0.41 0.32 0.08 lab 63 34 52 lch 63 62 56 cmyk 0 40 66 10 pizazz[6728][229,127,61](0.0):tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](2.0):west_side[9050][229,130,58](2.4):flashback[3664][223,128,62](3.6):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](3.7) 7 flamenco:flashback:pizazz:poppy:side:tree:west +4476 hibernate rgb 90 85 57 hex #5A5539 hsv 51 37 35 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.05 lab 36 -3 17 lch 36 17 99 cmyk 0 2 13 65 thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](3.3):camouflage[2028][79,77,50](4.2):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](4.2):grey_green[4213][82,86,54](4.2):style_pasifika_dark_moss[8074][79,77,50](4.2) 10 dark:camouflage:grayish:moss:olive:pasifika:style:thatch:green:grey +4477 hibiscus rgb 179 54 84 hex #B33654 hsv 346 70 70 xyz 0.22 0.13 0.1 lab 43 52 12 lch 43 54 12 cmyk 0 49 37 30 miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](5.0):amaranth_deep_purple[1027][171,39,79](5.4):amaranth_purple[1029][171,39,79](5.4):night_shadz[6054][170,55,90](6.6):dark_rose[2860][181,72,93](6.8) 1 deep:dark:amaranth:hussy:miss:night:shadz:purple:rose +4478 hibiscus rgb 182 49 108 hex #B6316C hsv 333 73 71 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.16 lab 43 57 -3 lch 43 57 357 cmyk 0 52 29 29 cranberry[2578][182,49,108](0.0):PMS675[854][188,56,119](3.7):maroon[5544][176,48,96](5.5):rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](5.5):scrumptious[7547][183,29,98](6.7) 2 PMS675:cranberry:maroon:rich:scrumptious +4479 high_country rgb 64 99 38 hex #406326 hsv 94 62 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.03 lab 38 -24 30 lch 38 39 129 cmyk 14 0 24 61 dell[3085][72,101,49](5.1):olive[6150][59,94,43](5.5):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](5.7):dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](6.4):dark_olive_green[2814][85,107,47](6.5) 0 dark:dell:harlequin:leaf:olive:green +4480 high_five rgb 178 111 44 hex #B26F2C hsv 30 75 70 xyz 0.24 0.21 0.05 lab 53 21 47 lch 53 51 66 cmyk 0 26 53 30 PMS723[902][186,117,48](2.2):meteor[5695][187,116,49](2.2):copper[2476][184,115,51](3.0):liver[5310][184,109,41](4.1):reno_sand[7186][178,110,51](4.1) 5 PMS723:copper:liver:meteor:reno:sand +4481 high_noon rgb 188 127 12 hex #BC7F0C hsv 39 94 74 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.04 lab 58 16 62 lch 58 64 76 cmyk 0 24 69 26 pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](1.4):golden_brown[3913][178,122,1](3.7):PMS145[61][198,127,7](4.6):PMS139[53][175,117,5](5.1):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](5.1) 3 PMS139:PMS145:gold:golden:hot:pirate:toddy:brown +4482 high_society rgb 105 91 124 hex #695B7C hsv 265 27 49 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.21 lab 41 13 -16 lch 41 21 308 cmyk 7 13 0 51 covert[2564][100,89,119](2.4):centaurian[2171][110,89,119](2.8):PMS5275[659][96,86,119](3.0):rum[7371][121,105,137](6.1):jupiter[4799][106,81,119](6.2) 3 PMS5275:centaurian:covert:jupiter:rum +4483 high_tea rgb 161 140 144 hex #A18C90 hsv 349 13 63 xyz 0.29 0.28 0.3 lab 60 9 1 lch 60 9 5 cmyk 0 8 7 37 anticipation[1057][168,138,142](3.2):wisteria[9154][164,135,139](3.3):dusty_grey[3306][168,152,155](5.0):asteroid[1166][165,150,146](5.8):hazy_lavender[4445][164,149,145](5.8) 3 anticipation:asteroid:dusty:hazy:wisteria:grey:lavender +4484 high_tide rgb 50 55 63 hex #32373F hsv 217 21 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 0 -6 lch 23 6 269 cmyk 5 3 0 75 PMS532[668][53,56,66](1.7):catch[2136][52,52,60](2.4):gotham[3956][48,59,68](2.4):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](2.4):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](2.8) 31 PMS532:bay:catch:double:gotham:tuna:woody +4485 highball rgb 144 141 57 hex #908D39 hsv 58 60 56 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -10 44 lch 57 45 103 cmyk 0 1 34 44 sycamore[8193][144,141,57](0.0):sycamore[8194][146,140,60](1.4):kombi[4879][131,137,49](4.6):wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](5.9):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](7.5) 3 kombi:sycamore:trendy:wanderlust:green +4486 highball rgb 146 140 60 hex #928C3C hsv 56 59 57 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -9 43 lch 57 43 101 cmyk 0 2 34 43 sycamore[8194][146,140,60](0.0):sycamore[8193][144,141,57](1.4):wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](5.0):kombi[4879][131,137,49](5.7):jewelled_yellow[4766][154,136,62](6.3) 3 jewelled:kombi:sycamore:wanderlust:yellow +4487 highland rgb 111 142 99 hex #6F8E63 hsv 103 30 56 xyz 0.18 0.24 0.15 lab 56 -19 19 lch 56 28 135 cmyk 12 0 17 44 spirulina[7903][104,140,96](3.3):grey_green[4214][120,155,115](4.6):amulet[1048][125,157,114](5.1):dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](5.1):english_sage[3493][125,157,114](5.1) 2 dark:amulet:english:sage:sea:spirulina:green:grey +4488 highland rgb 122 148 97 hex #7A9461 hsv 91 34 58 xyz 0.21 0.26 0.15 lab 58 -19 24 lch 58 30 128 cmyk 10 0 20 42 spirulina[7903][104,140,96](5.8):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](5.8):amulet[1048][125,157,114](5.9):english_sage[3493][125,157,114](5.9):seagrass[7579][134,164,117](6.7) 0 amulet:english:sage:seagrass:spirulina:woodstock +4489 highlight rgb 131 56 89 hex #833859 hsv 334 57 51 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.1 lab 35 36 -4 lch 35 36 354 cmyk 0 29 16 49 deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](3.3):camelot[2021][137,52,86](4.5):flirt[3691][122,46,77](4.5):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](4.5):cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](4.7) 7 deep:medium:camelot:cannon:flirt:ruby:pink +4490 highlighter_green rgb 27 252 6 hex #1BFC06 hsv 115 98 99 xyz 0.35 0.7 0.12 lab 87 -84 82 lch 87 118 136 cmyk 88 0 96 1 electric_green[3442][33,252,13](0.0):luminous_vivid_sap_green[5396][32,255,0](1.7):neon_green[6015][12,255,12](2.2):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](2.2):bright_green[1723][1,255,7](2.4) 18 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:neon:sap:green +4491 hillary rgb 167 160 126 hex #A7A07E hsv 50 25 65 xyz 0.32 0.35 0.25 lab 66 -3 19 lch 66 19 99 cmyk 0 3 16 35 grayish_amber[3996][168,158,125](1.4):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](1.7):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](2.8):platinum[6736][165,160,131](3.0):stone[7985][173,165,135](3.0) 18 amber:grayish:neutral:platinum:stone:green +4492 hillary rgb 172 165 134 hex #ACA586 hsv 49 22 67 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.28 lab 68 -3 17 lch 68 17 99 cmyk 0 3 15 33 neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](0.0):stone[7985][173,165,135](1.0):bland[1498][175,168,139](1.7):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](1.7):platinum[6736][165,160,131](2.2) 24 bland:neutral:platinum:stone:green +4493 himalaya rgb 106 93 27 hex #6A5D1B hsv 50 75 42 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.03 lab 40 -3 38 lch 40 38 94 cmyk 0 5 31 58 acorn[957][106,93,27](0.0):antique_bronze[1063][102,93,30](3.0):PMS455[547][102,86,20](3.6):greenish_brown[4080][105,97,18](5.1):PMS147[63][114,94,38](5.7) 3 antique:PMS147:PMS455:acorn:bronze:greenish:brown +4494 himalaya rgb 115 99 48 hex #736330 hsv 46 58 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.05 lab 42 -1 31 lch 42 31 91 cmyk 0 6 26 55 acorn[958][115,99,48](0.0):PMS147[63][114,94,38](3.7):yellow_metal[9212][113,99,56](5.0):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](5.7):abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](5.7) 3 PMS147:abel:acorn:filmpro:metal:raw:sienna:tasman:yellow +4495 hinau rgb 72 42 37 hex #482A25 hsv 9 49 28 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 13 9 lch 21 16 35 cmyk 0 12 14 72 digeridoo[3123][69,41,36](1.4):style_pasifika_brown_earth[8071][69,41,36](1.4):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](3.0):espresso[3510][78,49,45](3.2):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](3.3) 18 digeridoo:earth:espresso:mahogany:pasifika:style:warmed:brown +4496 hint_of_green rgb 223 241 214 hex #DFF1D6 hsv 100 11 95 xyz 0.74 0.83 0.76 lab 93 -11 11 lch 93 15 134 cmyk 7 0 11 5 blue_romance[1587][216,240,210](2.4):zanah[9248][218,236,214](2.4):tara[8251][222,241,221](3.2):chrome_white[2322][232,241,212](3.7):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](4.1) 8 chrome:peppermint:romance:tara:zanah:blue:white +4497 hint_of_green rgb 230 255 233 hex #E6FFE9 hsv 127 10 100 xyz 0.83 0.94 0.91 lab 98 -12 8 lch 98 14 147 cmyk 10 0 9 0 very_pale_malachite_green[8812][226,255,233](1.7):very_pale_harlequin[8808][233,255,226](3.0):very_pale_spring_green[8819][226,255,240](4.0):rice_flower[7205][238,255,226](4.1):peppermint[6582][227,245,225](4.2) 8 pale:very:flower:harlequin:malachite:peppermint:rice:spring:green +4498 hint_of_grey rgb 223 221 214 hex #DFDDD6 hsv 47 4 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.74 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 13 barely_there[1295][223,221,213](0.0):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](0.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](0.0):sea_fog[7553][223,221,214](0.0):style_pasifika_white_cloud[8101][223,221,214](0.0) 131 barely:ceramic:cloud:fog:haze:pasifika:sea:style:there:black:white +4499 hint_of_grey rgb 252 255 249 hex #FCFFF9 hsv 90 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 1.04 lab 100 -2 3 lch 100 3 129 cmyk 1 0 2 0 ceramic[2174][252,255,249](0.0):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](0.0):wan_white[8990][252,255,249](0.0):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.0):baby_powder[1248][254,254,250](1.4) 60 baby:ceramic:fog:powder:sea:wan:yellowish:white +4500 hint_of_red rgb 245 239 235 hex #F5EFEB hsv 24 4 96 xyz 0.84 0.87 0.91 lab 95 1 3 lch 95 3 63 cmyk 0 2 4 4 isabelline[4688][244,240,236](1.0):eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.4):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.4):quarter_merino[6968][242,238,233](1.4):eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.7) 126 cake:eighth:isabelline:merino:quarter:rice:black:white +4501 hint_of_red rgb 249 249 249 hex #F9F9F9 hsv 0 0 98 xyz 0.9 0.95 1.03 lab 98 0 0 lch 98 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 2 alabaster[984][250,250,250](0.0):desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](0.0):grey[4201][250,250,250](0.0):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](1.0) 84 alabaster:cultured:desert:haze:storm:black:grey +4502 hint_of_red rgb 251 249 249 hex #FBF9F9 hsv 0 1 98 xyz 0.91 0.95 1.03 lab 98 1 0 lch 98 1 19 cmyk 0 1 1 2 alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.0):desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](1.0):grey[4201][250,250,250](1.0):vista_white[8888][252,248,247](1.0):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.4) 79 alabaster:desert:haze:storm:vista:black:grey:white +4503 hint_of_yellow rgb 246 245 215 hex #F6F5D7 hsv 58 13 96 xyz 0.83 0.9 0.77 lab 96 -5 15 lch 96 15 108 cmyk 0 0 12 4 white_nectar[9089][248,246,216](1.0):citrine_white[2344][250,247,214](1.7):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](2.2):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](2.4):wheatfield[9071][243,237,207](2.8) 42 citrine:coconut:cream:mist:nectar:scotch:wheatfield:white +4504 hint_of_yellow rgb 250 253 228 hex #FAFDE4 hsv 67 10 99 xyz 0.89 0.96 0.87 lab 99 -5 12 lch 99 13 114 cmyk 1 0 10 1 china_ivory[2291][252,255,231](1.0):promenade[6820][252,255,231](1.0):white_nectar[9090][252,255,231](1.0):off_white[6111][255,255,228](1.4):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](2.0) 36 pale:very:china:ivory:nectar:off:promenade:white:yellow +4505 hip_hop rgb 42 37 81 hex #2A2551 hsv 247 54 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 18 15 -26 lch 18 30 300 cmyk 15 17 0 68 paua[6528][42,37,81](0.0):style_pasifika_purple_deep[8089][42,37,81](0.0):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](3.2):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](3.7):dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](3.7) 10 deep:dark:PMS5255:blast:off:pasifika:paua:phthalo:style:blue:purple +4506 hippie_blue rgb 73 136 154 hex #49889A hsv 193 53 60 xyz 0.17 0.21 0.34 lab 53 -15 -16 lch 53 22 226 cmyk 32 7 0 40 smalt_blue[7782][81,128,143](4.7):tax_break[8269][81,128,143](4.7):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](5.1):dirty_blue[3136][63,130,157](5.7):norwester[6076][72,121,138](6.2) 2 moderate:break:cerulean:dirty:norwester:smalt:tax:blue +4507 hippie_blue rgb 88 154 175 hex #589AAF hsv 194 50 69 xyz 0.23 0.28 0.45 lab 60 -15 -17 lch 60 23 229 cmyk 34 8 0 31 PMS549[698][94,153,170](2.0):toto[8438][81,157,175](3.2):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](3.7):shakespeare[7634][96,154,184](5.7):wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](6.2) 3 moderate:PMS549:cerulean:eva:shakespeare:toto:wot +4508 hippie_green rgb 83 130 75 hex #53824B hsv 111 42 51 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.1 lab 50 -28 25 lch 50 37 138 cmyk 18 0 22 49 fern_green[3582][79,121,66](3.7):pale_green[6341][84,139,84](3.7):dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](5.1):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](6.7):area[1139][60,128,67](7.5) 2 pale:dark:area:fern:glade:sage:green +4509 hippie_green rgb 96 138 90 hex #608A5A hsv 113 35 54 xyz 0.16 0.21 0.13 lab 53 -24 21 lch 53 32 139 cmyk 16 0 19 46 dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](2.2):spirulina[7903][104,140,96](3.0):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](3.7):russian_green[7378][103,146,103](5.0):spring_green[7923][92,138,100](6.0) 4 dark:glade:russian:sage:spirulina:spring:green +4510 hippie_pink rgb 171 73 92 hex #AB495C hsv 348 57 67 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.12 lab 45 42 9 lch 45 43 12 cmyk 0 38 31 33 moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](3.3):blush[1626][181,80,103](3.7):light_maroon[5142][162,72,87](3.7):light_burgundy[5076][168,65,91](4.1):sargent_pepper[7500][163,64,83](4.2) 8 moderate:light:blush:burgundy:maroon:pepper:sargent:crimson +4511 hippie_pink rgb 174 69 96 hex #AE4560 hsv 345 60 68 xyz 0.22 0.14 0.13 lab 44 45 7 lch 44 46 8 cmyk 0 41 31 32 light_burgundy[5076][168,65,91](1.0):night_shadz[6053][162,61,84](3.3):moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](4.1):blush[1626][181,80,103](4.5):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](4.6) 8 moderate:light:blush:burgundy:cadillac:night:shadz:crimson +4512 hit_grey rgb 161 169 168 hex #A1A9A8 hsv 173 5 66 xyz 0.36 0.39 0.43 lab 69 -3 0 lch 69 3 189 cmyk 3 0 0 34 cyanish_grey[2646][156,168,168](1.7):PMS443[527][163,168,163](2.2):double_surrender[3244][168,170,171](2.2):edward[3366][162,174,171](2.2):atmosphere[1181][168,170,166](2.8) 41 PMS443:atmosphere:cyanish:double:edward:surrender:grey +4513 hit_grey rgb 161 173 181 hex #A1ADB5 hsv 204 11 71 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.5 lab 70 -3 -6 lch 70 6 245 cmyk 8 3 0 29 gull_grey[4247][157,172,183](1.0):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](2.2):forecast[3718][162,170,177](2.4):eskimo[3508][162,180,186](3.0):gull_grey[4248][164,173,176](3.0) 17 chateau:eskimo:forecast:gull:grey +4514 hit_pink rgb 253 164 112 hex #FDA470 hsv 22 56 99 xyz 0.57 0.49 0.22 lab 75 28 40 lch 75 49 55 cmyk 0 35 55 1 atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](1.4):PMS1565[80][252,165,119](3.2):PMS163[93][252,158,112](3.3):tan[8227][250,167,108](4.2):light_brilliant_tangelo[5069][255,159,101](5.5) 4 light:brilliant:PMS1565:PMS163:atomic:tan:tangelo:tangerine +4515 hit_pink rgb 255 171 129 hex #FFAB81 hsv 20 49 100 xyz 0.6 0.52 0.28 lab 77 26 34 lch 77 43 52 cmyk 0 33 49 0 PMS1565[80][252,165,119](3.7):peach[6540][255,176,124](5.1):light_salmon[5191][255,160,122](5.5):atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](6.2):tacao[8202][246,174,120](7.2) 1 light:PMS1565:atomic:salmon:tacao:tangerine:peach +4516 hitchhiker rgb 208 199 168 hex #D0C7A8 hsv 47 19 82 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.45 lab 80 -2 17 lch 80 17 97 cmyk 0 4 16 18 chino[2297][206,199,167](1.0):triple_wheatfield[8529][209,198,166](1.0):half_pavlova[4365][203,191,160](2.2):PMS453[543][214,204,175](2.4):double_spanish_white[3239][210,195,163](2.4) 31 PMS453:chino:double:half:pavlova:spanish:triple:wheatfield:white +4517 hive rgb 239 189 0 hex #EFBD00 hsv 47 100 94 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.08 lab 79 5 81 lch 79 81 87 cmyk 0 20 94 6 golden[3909][245,191,3](1.7):spotlight[7911][248,191,0](2.4):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](3.0):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](4.1):golden_rod[3922][249,188,8](4.1) 13 golden:goldenrod:poppy:rod:spotlight +4518 hokey_pokey rgb 187 142 52 hex #BB8E34 hsv 40 72 73 xyz 0.31 0.3 0.07 lab 62 8 52 lch 62 53 81 cmyk 0 18 53 27 pizza[6730][191,141,60](4.2):university_of_california_gold[8651][183,135,39](4.7):marigold[5525][184,138,61](5.2):marigold[5526][185,141,40](5.2):anzac[1072][198,142,63](5.9) 2 anzac:california:gold:marigold:of:pizza:university +4519 hokey_pokey rgb 200 165 40 hex #C8A528 hsv 47 80 78 xyz 0.38 0.39 0.08 lab 69 1 64 lch 69 64 89 cmyk 0 14 63 22 buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](4.1):gold[3894][212,175,55](4.1):funk[3810][198,170,36](4.6):style_pasifika_fallen_gold[8079][198,170,36](4.6):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](5.1) 4 buddha:curry:fallen:funk:gold:pasifika:style:lemon +4520 hoki rgb 100 125 134 hex #647D86 hsv 196 25 53 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.25 lab 51 -7 -8 lch 51 10 229 cmyk 13 4 0 47 light_blue[5010][104,131,139](2.4):blue_bayoux[1545][98,119,126](3.0):steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](3.0):battleship_grey[1317][107,124,133](3.2):lynch[5416][105,125,137](3.2) 13 light:battleship:bayoux:lynch:steel:blue:grey +4521 hoki rgb 101 134 159 hex #65869F hsv 206 36 62 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.36 lab 54 -5 -17 lch 54 18 253 cmyk 23 10 0 38 grey_blue[4206][107,139,164](2.0):bermuda_grey[1395][107,139,162](2.2):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](2.8):steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](3.6):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](3.7) 12 slate:bermuda:greyish:steel:blue:grey +4522 holiday rgb 245 235 79 hex #F5EB4F hsv 56 68 96 xyz 0.69 0.79 0.19 lab 91 -14 73 lch 91 75 101 cmyk 0 4 65 4 buzz[1963][251,235,80](2.4):paris_daisy[6486][251,235,80](2.4):PMS101[1][244,237,71](3.7):gorse[3951][255,241,79](4.4):icterine[4606][252,247,94](4.6) 6 PMS101:buzz:daisy:gorse:icterine:paris +4523 holly rgb 1 29 19 hex #011D13 hsv 159 97 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 8 -13 4 lch 8 13 165 cmyk 11 0 4 89 very_deep_spring_green[8738][0,29,14](2.2):very_dark_green[8721][17,29,17](4.6):black_bean[1453][8,25,16](5.2):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](6.2):very_dark_spring_green[8726][17,29,23](6.4) 2 deep:dark:very:bean:racing:spring:black:green +4524 holly rgb 37 52 43 hex #25342B hsv 144 29 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -9 4 lch 20 9 157 cmyk 6 0 4 80 ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](1.0):black_leather_jacket[1461][37,53,41](1.4):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](2.4):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](2.8):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](3.0) 18 bean:evergreen:gordons:ivy:jacket:leather:black:green +4525 hollywood_cerise rgb 244 0 161 hex #F400A1 hsv 320 100 96 xyz 0.44 0.22 0.36 lab 54 85 -17 lch 54 87 348 cmyk 0 96 33 4 fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](0.0):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](3.5):spicy_pink[7898][255,28,174](4.4):luminous_vivid_cerise[5367][255,0,159](4.9):PMS813[936][229,0,153](5.1) 4 luminous:vivid:PMS813:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:shocking:spicy:pink +4526 home_run rgb 0 190 120 hex #00BE78 hsv 158 100 75 xyz 0.22 0.38 0.24 lab 68 -57 24 lch 68 62 157 cmyk 75 0 27 25 dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](4.1):green_teal[4063][12,181,119](5.8):go_green[3885][0,171,102](6.8):turquoise_blue[8581][0,199,140](6.8):algae_green[995][33,195,111](7.3) 1 dark:algae:go:teal:blue:green:mint:turquoise +4527 homegrown rgb 54 97 84 hex #366154 hsv 162 44 38 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.1 lab 38 -18 3 lch 38 19 172 cmyk 17 0 5 62 stromboli[8013][50,93,82](2.2):stromboli[8014][64,99,86](2.2):style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](2.2):spectra[7888][55,93,79](2.4):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](4.2) 6 mineral:pasifika:spectra:stromboli:style:whirlpool:green +4528 honey rgb 252 237 197 hex #FCEDC5 hsv 44 22 99 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.65 lab 94 -1 21 lch 94 21 93 cmyk 0 6 22 1 oasis[6088][252,237,197](0.0):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.4):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.4):pipi[6712][254,244,204](2.8):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](3.0) 41 barley:beeswax:meringue:oasis:pipi:lemon:white +4529 honey_flower rgb 79 28 112 hex #4F1C70 hsv 276 75 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.16 lab 23 39 -38 lch 23 55 315 cmyk 13 33 0 56 PMS268[260][79,33,112](2.2):regalia[7171][82,45,128](6.4):scarlet_gum[7521][67,21,96](6.6):ultramarine_violet[8642][92,36,110](6.8):PMS2627[250][76,20,94](7.3) 1 PMS2627:PMS268:gum:regalia:scarlet:ultramarine:violet +4530 honey_flower rgb 92 60 109 hex #5C3C6D hsv 279 45 43 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.15 lab 31 24 -23 lch 31 33 316 cmyk 7 19 0 57 style_pasifika_coconut_crab[8073][92,60,109](0.0):PMS668[847][102,73,117](6.6):meteorite[5698][74,59,106](7.0):harlequin[4423][106,57,104](7.1):style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](7.1) 1 PMS668:clam:coconut:crab:harlequin:meteorite:ocean:pasifika:style +4531 honeydew rgb 131 139 131 hex #838B83 hsv 120 6 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.25 lab 57 -5 3 lch 57 6 144 cmyk 3 0 3 45 inside_back[4658][132,142,136](1.4):grey_granite[4211][128,135,130](1.7):mummy's_tomb[5945][130,142,132](1.7):windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](2.8):eighth_gravel[3401][136,138,132](3.0) 26 back:eighth:granite:gravel:inside:mummy's:tomb:windblown:green:grey +4532 honeydew rgb 193 205 193 hex #C1CDC1 hsv 120 6 80 xyz 0.53 0.59 0.59 lab 81 -6 5 lch 81 8 144 cmyk 5 0 5 20 paris_white[6491][191,205,192](1.0):PMS5585[721][196,206,191](1.4):PMS5517[706][201,206,196](2.4):secrets[7599][198,202,187](2.8):harp[4425][203,206,192](3.0) 31 PMS5517:PMS5585:harp:paris:secrets:white +4533 honeydew rgb 224 238 224 hex #E0EEE0 hsv 120 6 93 xyz 0.75 0.82 0.82 lab 93 -7 5 lch 93 9 144 cmyk 5 0 5 7 off_green[6108][223,240,226](1.0):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](1.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](1.4):polar[6757][229,242,231](1.7):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](2.0) 32 apple:frosted:off:polar:soft:green:mint +4534 honeydew rgb 240 255 240 hex #F0FFF0 hsv 120 6 100 xyz 0.87 0.96 0.96 lab 99 -8 5 lch 99 9 144 cmyk 6 0 6 0 feta[3593][240,252,234](2.4):ottoman[6263][233,248,237](3.3):greenish_white[4088][246,255,246](3.6):frostee[3783][228,246,231](4.1):sugar_cane[8111][249,255,246](4.1) 13 cane:feta:frostee:greenish:ottoman:sugar:white +4535 honeymoon rgb 244 225 175 hex #F4E1AF hsv 43 28 96 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.51 lab 90 -1 27 lch 90 27 92 cmyk 0 7 27 4 banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](2.0):banana_mania[1278][251,231,178](2.2):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](2.2):rising_star[7234][247,229,183](2.2):double_colonial_white[3192][238,227,173](3.2) 32 banana:barley:colonial:double:mania:rising:star:white +4536 honeysuckle rgb 232 237 105 hex #E8ED69 hsv 62 56 93 xyz 0.66 0.79 0.25 lab 91 -19 62 lch 91 65 107 cmyk 2 0 52 7 PMS379[455][224,234,104](2.4):PMS386[463][232,237,96](4.0):dolly[3159][245,241,113](4.6):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](5.2):manz[5518][238,239,120](5.9) 3 PMS379:PMS386:PMS3935:dolly:manz +4537 honeysuckle rgb 237 252 132 hex #EDFC84 hsv 68 48 99 xyz 0.74 0.89 0.35 lab 96 -22 55 lch 96 59 111 cmyk 6 0 47 1 mindaro[5752][227,249,136](4.1):dolly[3160][249,255,139](4.2):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](6.8):pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](7.0):sunny[8138][242,242,122](7.0) 2 pale:dolly:mindaro:sunny:tan:yellowish:yellow +4538 honolulu_blue rgb 0 109 176 hex #006DB0 hsv 203 100 69 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.43 lab 44 0 -43 lch 44 43 269 cmyk 69 26 0 31 strong_cornflower_blue[8028][0,105,168](2.4):spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](3.0):french_blue[3744][0,114,187](3.7):medium_persian_blue[5623][0,103,165](3.7):sapphire_blue[7497][0,103,165](3.7) 7 medium:strong:cornflower:french:persian:sapphire:spanish:blue +4539 hooker's_green rgb 73 121 107 hex #49796B hsv 163 40 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.16 lab 47 -20 3 lch 47 20 173 cmyk 19 0 5 53 hooker_green[4540][73,121,107](0.0):como[2444][81,124,102](4.1):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](4.4):green_copper[4038][82,127,118](4.7):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](5.7) 4 dark:como:copper:cutty:hooker:sark:green +4540 hooker_green rgb 73 121 107 hex #49796B hsv 163 40 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.16 lab 47 -20 3 lch 47 20 173 cmyk 19 0 5 53 hooker's_green[4539][73,121,107](0.0):como[2444][81,124,102](4.1):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](4.4):green_copper[4038][82,127,118](4.7):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](5.7) 4 dark:como:copper:cutty:hooker's:sark:green +4541 hopbush rgb 205 109 147 hex #CD6D93 hsv 336 47 80 xyz 0.36 0.26 0.31 lab 58 42 -4 lch 58 42 355 cmyk 0 38 23 20 hopskotch[4543][205,109,147](0.0):pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](4.2):charm[2233][212,116,148](4.6):medium_pink[5625][205,100,144](4.6):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](6.2) 4 pale:medium:charm:hopskotch:orchid:wild:pink:red:violet +4542 hopbush rgb 208 109 161 hex #D06DA1 hsv 328 48 82 xyz 0.38 0.27 0.37 lab 59 45 -10 lch 59 46 347 cmyk 0 39 18 18 wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](1.4):PMS674[853][211,107,158](2.2):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](5.4):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](5.4):super_pink[8152][207,107,169](5.4) 2 PMS674:china:liseran:orchid:super:wild:pink:purple +4543 hopskotch rgb 205 109 147 hex #CD6D93 hsv 336 47 80 xyz 0.36 0.26 0.31 lab 58 42 -4 lch 58 42 355 cmyk 0 38 23 20 hopbush[4541][205,109,147](0.0):pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](4.2):charm[2233][212,116,148](4.6):medium_pink[5625][205,100,144](4.6):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](6.2) 4 pale:medium:charm:hopbush:orchid:wild:pink:red:violet +4544 horizon rgb 90 135 160 hex #5A87A0 hsv 201 44 63 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.36 lab 54 -9 -18 lch 54 20 245 cmyk 27 10 0 37 air_force_blue[977][93,138,168](3.7):rackley[7036][93,138,168](3.7):hoki[4521][101,134,159](4.1):grey_blue[4206][107,139,164](4.6):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](4.6) 6 air:force:greyish:hoki:rackley:blue:grey +4545 horizon rgb 100 136 148 hex #648894 hsv 195 32 58 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.31 lab 55 -9 -10 lch 55 14 228 cmyk 19 5 0 42 gothic[3957][105,136,144](2.0):gothic[3958][109,146,161](3.6):light_blue[5010][104,131,139](3.7):bluish_grey[1618][116,139,151](4.2):abacus[942][118,137,147](4.6) 8 light:abacus:bluish:gothic:blue:grey +4546 horoscope rgb 67 55 58 hex #43373A hsv 345 18 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 24 6 0 lch 24 6 1 cmyk 0 5 4 74 afficionado[970][69,54,56](1.4):caffeine[2002][60,49,53](2.2):half_barbecue[4288][60,53,55](2.2):platypus[6738][61,51,52](2.4):cowboy[2566][68,55,54](3.0) 25 afficionado:barbecue:caffeine:cowboy:half:platypus +4547 horses_neck rgb 96 73 19 hex #604913 hsv 42 80 38 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.02 lab 32 4 34 lch 32 34 84 cmyk 0 9 30 62 mud_brown[5925][96,70,15](1.4):PMS4485[533][96,76,17](3.0):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](5.0):west_coast[9049][98,81,25](5.0):deep_amber[2950][89,67,0](5.5) 4 deep:PMS4485:amber:coast:drab:field:mud:west:brown +4548 horses_neck rgb 109 86 44 hex #6D562C hsv 39 60 43 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.04 lab 38 4 28 lch 38 28 82 cmyk 0 9 25 57 abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](4.1):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](5.1):donkey_brown[3167][102,76,40](5.4):kumera[4894][117,91,39](5.4):shingle_fawn[7658][116,89,55](5.4) 1 abel:donkey:fawn:filmpro:kumera:raw:shingle:sienna:tasman:brown +4549 hospital_green rgb 155 229 170 hex #9BE5AA hsv 132 32 90 xyz 0.49 0.66 0.48 lab 85 -35 22 lch 85 41 148 cmyk 29 0 23 10 PMS352[426][153,229,178](4.1):teal_deer[8289][153,230,179](5.1):PMS353[427][132,226,168](5.7):granny_smith_apple[3974][168,228,160](5.8):light_sea_green[5197][139,231,174](5.8) 1 light:PMS352:PMS353:apple:deer:granny:sea:smith:teal:green +4550 hot_august rgb 154 70 59 hex #9A463B hsv 7 62 60 xyz 0.16 0.12 0.06 lab 41 34 23 lch 41 41 34 cmyk 0 33 37 40 cognac[2425][154,70,61](1.0):mojo[5857][151,70,60](1.7):fusion[3814][152,70,62](2.2):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.7):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](4.1) 8 chestnut:cognac:fusion:mojo:roof:terracotta +4551 hot_chile rgb 107 37 44 hex #6B252C hsv 354 65 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 32 12 lch 26 34 21 cmyk 0 27 25 58 monarch[5864][107,37,44](0.0):western_red[9054][107,37,44](0.0):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](3.2):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](3.2):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](3.2) 18 blood:dynamite:hibiscus:monarch:pasifika:pohutukawa:style:western:red +4552 hot_chile rgb 139 7 35 hex #8B0723 hsv 347 95 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.02 lab 29 51 23 lch 29 56 25 cmyk 0 52 41 45 monarch[5865][139,7,35](0.0):western_red[9055][139,7,35](0.0):paprika[6478][141,2,38](1.4):code_red[2417][136,0,37](2.2):burgundy[1912][144,0,32](3.7) 6 burgundy:code:monarch:paprika:western:red +4553 hot_chocolate rgb 61 38 34 hex #3D2622 hsv 9 44 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 18 10 7 lch 18 12 35 cmyk 0 9 11 76 toorak[8418][57,37,35](2.4):treehouse[8468][59,40,32](2.8):digeridoo[3123][69,41,36](3.5):english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](3.5):style_pasifika_brown_earth[8071][69,41,36](3.5) 17 digeridoo:earth:english:pasifika:style:toorak:treehouse:walnut:brown +4554 hot_cinnamon rgb 210 105 30 hex #D2691E hsv 25 86 82 xyz 0.32 0.24 0.04 lab 56 37 57 lch 56 68 57 cmyk 0 41 71 18 chocolate[2307][210,105,30](0.0):cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](0.0):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](0.0):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](1.4):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](3.0) 7 chocolate:cinnamon:cocoa:raw:sienna:brown +4555 hot_curry rgb 129 91 40 hex #815B28 hsv 34 69 51 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.04 lab 42 10 35 lch 42 36 74 cmyk 0 15 35 49 brazil[1698][129,91,40](0.0):PMS464[558][135,96,40](2.8):rusty_nail[7389][141,95,44](4.6):PMS463[556][117,84,38](5.1):tan[8220][139,90,43](5.1) 3 PMS463:PMS464:brazil:nail:rusty:tan +4556 hot_curry rgb 136 98 33 hex #886221 hsv 38 76 53 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.03 lab 44 9 41 lch 44 42 78 cmyk 0 15 40 47 brazil[1699][136,98,33](0.0):kumera[4895][136,98,33](0.0):PMS464[558][135,96,40](4.1):cheers[2250][145,106,45](4.5):sienna[7693][142,107,35](4.7) 5 PMS464:brazil:cheers:kumera:sienna +4557 hot_green rgb 37 255 41 hex #25FF29 hsv 121 85 100 xyz 0.37 0.72 0.14 lab 88 -83 78 lch 88 114 137 cmyk 85 0 84 0 radioactive_green[7040][44,250,31](1.7):luminous_vivid_emerald_green[5374][0,255,32](3.6):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](4.1):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](4.2):highlighter_green[4490][27,252,6](4.2) 7 luminous:vivid:electric:emerald:highlighter:neon:radioactive:green +4558 hot_magenta rgb 245 4 201 hex #F504C9 hsv 311 98 96 xyz 0.48 0.24 0.57 lab 56 89 -38 lch 56 97 337 cmyk 0 95 17 4 purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](3.7):purple_pizzazz[6885][255,0,204](4.1):vivid_orchid[8934][231,0,202](5.4):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](7.1):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](7.5) 2 vivid:dazzle:orchid:pizzazz:razzle:shocking:pink:purple:rose +4559 hot_magenta rgb 255 29 206 hex #FF1DCE hsv 313 89 100 xyz 0.53 0.27 0.61 lab 59 90 -36 lch 59 96 338 cmyk 0 89 19 0 purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](0.0):purple_pizzazz[6885][255,0,204](2.2):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](5.5):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](5.9):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](6.3) 2 luminous:vivid:dazzle:fuchsia:pizzazz:razzle:shocking:pink:purple:rose +4560 hot_n_spicy rgb 107 35 32 hex #6B2320 hsv 2 70 42 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.02 lab 25 32 19 lch 25 37 31 cmyk 0 28 29 58 heatwave[4457][110,38,32](2.2):kakaramea[4810][110,44,37](3.6):PMS491[600][117,40,40](3.7):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](4.2):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](4.5) 5 PMS491:dynamite:heatwave:kakaramea:pioneer:red +4561 hot_pink rgb 139 58 98 hex #8B3A62 hsv 330 58 55 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.13 lab 37 39 -7 lch 37 40 350 cmyk 0 32 16 45 enchanted[3480][146,58,100](3.3):boysenberry[1687][135,50,96](3.5):PMS689[868][147,66,102](3.7):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.7):cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](5.1) 4 PMS689:boysenberry:cannon:enchanted:highlight:pink +4562 hot_pink rgb 205 96 144 hex #CD6090 hsv 334 53 80 xyz 0.34 0.23 0.29 lab 55 48 -6 lch 55 49 353 cmyk 0 43 24 20 medium_pink[5625][205,100,144](2.4):PMS674[853][211,107,158](5.1):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](6.2):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](6.2):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](6.2) 1 medium:PMS674:china:liseran:thulian:pink:purple +4563 hot_pink rgb 238 106 167 hex #EE6AA7 hsv 332 55 93 xyz 0.47 0.31 0.4 lab 63 57 -8 lch 63 58 352 cmyk 0 52 28 7 PMS224[182][244,107,175](3.0):PMS218[176][237,114,170](4.2):medium_pink[5626][238,116,167](6.2):magenta[5439][246,100,175](6.7):bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](7.0) 2 medium:PMS218:PMS224:bubblegum:magenta:pink +4564 hot_pink rgb 255 105 180 hex #FF69B4 hsv 330 59 100 xyz 0.55 0.35 0.47 lab 65 64 -11 lch 65 65 351 cmyk 0 59 29 0 bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](1.7):light_brilliant_rose[5062][255,101,178](2.0):magenta[5439][246,100,175](2.2):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](3.0):PMS231[189][252,112,186](3.7) 5 light:brilliant:PMS231:bubble:bubblegum:gum:magenta:pink:rose +4565 hot_pink rgb 255 110 180 hex #FF6EB4 hsv 331 57 100 xyz 0.55 0.36 0.47 lab 66 62 -9 lch 66 63 351 cmyk 0 57 29 0 bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](1.4):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](2.4):PMS224[182][244,107,175](3.7):magenta[5439][246,100,175](3.7):PMS231[189][252,112,186](4.1) 6 PMS224:PMS231:bubble:bubblegum:gum:magenta:pink +4566 hot_pink rgb 255 2 141 hex #FF028D hsv 327 99 100 xyz 0.46 0.23 0.27 lab 55 85 -3 lch 55 85 358 cmyk 0 99 45 0 strong_pink[8049][255,7,137](2.0):electric_pink[3448][255,4,144](2.2):magenta[5440][255,0,144](2.2):PMS806[922][255,0,147](3.2):deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](3.2) 6 deep:strong:PMS806:electric:magenta:pink +4567 hot_purple rgb 72 6 86 hex #480656 hsv 290 93 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.09 lab 16 40 -31 lch 16 51 322 cmyk 5 31 0 66 clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](0.0):PMS2627[250][76,20,94](3.7):deep_heliotrope[2998][78,0,89](4.2):plum[6740][65,0,86](4.6):ripe_plum[7231][65,0,86](4.6) 5 deep:PMS2627:clairvoyant:heliotrope:plum:ripe +4568 hot_purple rgb 78 46 83 hex #4E2E53 hsv 292 45 33 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.09 lab 24 22 -17 lch 24 27 323 cmyk 2 15 0 67 scarlet_gum[7522][74,45,87](3.0):violet[8851][79,47,79](3.3):voodoo[8975][83,52,85](4.7):grapevine[3981][67,37,79](5.1):japanese_violet[4738][91,50,86](5.2) 3 grapevine:gum:japanese:scarlet:voodoo:violet +4569 hot_purple rgb 203 0 245 hex #CB00F5 hsv 290 100 96 xyz 0.41 0.19 0.88 lab 51 89 -71 lch 51 114 322 cmyk 16 96 0 4 vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](4.6):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](6.4):luminous_vivid_heliotrope[5380][223,0,255](6.5):phlox[6631][223,0,255](6.5):psychedelic_purple[6829][223,0,255](6.5) 1 luminous:vivid:heliotrope:orchid:phlox:psychedelic:purple +4570 hot_spot rgb 178 40 51 hex #B22833 hsv 355 78 70 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.04 lab 40 55 29 lch 40 62 28 cmyk 0 54 50 30 PMS187[139][175,30,45](3.0):upsdell_red[8658][174,32,41](3.7):well_read[9045][180,51,50](4.1):auburn[1196][165,42,42](5.7):brown[1837][165,42,42](5.7) 3 PMS187:auburn:read:upsdell:well:brown:red +4571 hot_stuff rgb 135 71 72 hex #874748 hsv 359 47 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.07 lab 38 27 12 lch 38 30 23 cmyk 0 25 25 47 orbit[6233][135,71,72](0.0):PMS4985[608][132,73,73](2.2):solid_pink[7840][133,73,76](2.2):PMS696[875][142,71,73](3.3):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.3) 8 PMS4985:PMS696:intrigue:orbit:solid:pink +4572 hot_toddy rgb 167 117 44 hex #A7752C hsv 36 74 65 xyz 0.23 0.21 0.05 lab 53 13 46 lch 53 48 75 cmyk 0 20 48 35 leather[4958][172,116,52](4.4):buttered_rum[1952][157,112,46](4.9):jandal[4729][183,130,57](5.0):style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](5.0):noosa[6069][183,128,56](5.1) 4 buttered:jandal:leather:noosa:pasifika:rum:sandalwood:style +4573 hot_toddy rgb 179 128 7 hex #B38007 hsv 42 96 70 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.04 lab 57 11 62 lch 57 63 80 cmyk 0 20 67 30 dark_goldenrod[2730][184,134,11](2.4):goldenrod_dark[3939][184,134,11](2.4):medium_goldenrod[5608][184,134,11](2.4):mustard_brown[5955][172,126,4](2.4):bronze[1822][168,121,0](3.7) 8 medium:dark:bronze:goldenrod:mustard:brown +4574 hot_wired rgb 111 38 55 hex #6F2637 hsv 346 66 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.04 lab 27 34 6 lch 27 34 11 cmyk 0 29 22 56 claret[2355][110,34,51](2.4):PMS209[167][117,38,61](3.7):siren[7728][105,41,59](4.4):PMS506[621][122,38,56](5.4):PMS505[620][102,30,43](5.7) 3 PMS209:PMS505:PMS506:claret:siren +4575 house_white rgb 223 221 217 hex #DFDDD9 hsv 40 3 87 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.76 lab 88 0 2 lch 88 2 91 cmyk 0 1 2 13 porcelain[6777][221,220,219](1.0):eighth_tea[3426][226,222,216](1.4):vista_white[8887][227,223,217](1.4):whitewater[9099][225,225,220](1.4):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.7) 114 eighth:half:pointer:porcelain:tea:vista:whitewater:white +4576 howlin_wolf rgb 183 159 129 hex #B79F81 hsv 33 30 72 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.26 lab 67 4 19 lch 67 19 77 cmyk 0 9 21 28 doeskin[3156][182,160,129](1.0):taupe[8261][185,162,129](1.7):okey_dokey[6123][188,161,132](2.2):shelter[7648][180,161,131](2.2):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](2.8) 15 doeskin:dokey:mongoose:okey:shelter:taupe +4577 howzat rgb 0 158 89 hex #009E59 hsv 154 100 62 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.14 lab 57 -51 26 lch 57 58 153 cmyk 62 0 27 38 PMS347[421][0,158,96](3.2):shamrock_green[7641][0,158,96](3.2):spanish_green[7872][0,145,80](4.6):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](5.5):strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](5.7) 3 strong:PMS347:haze:shamrock:spanish:aquamarine:green +4578 hukanui rgb 87 42 35 hex #572A23 hsv 8 60 34 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 23 20 14 lch 23 24 35 cmyk 0 18 20 66 PMS1817[132][91,45,40](1.4):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](1.7):scoria[7537][83,38,32](2.0):caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](2.8):PMS4695[570][81,38,28](3.0) 12 dark:PMS1817:PMS4695:caput:mortuum:scarlet:scoria +4579 hullabaloo rgb 0 139 151 hex #008B97 hsv 185 100 59 xyz 0.15 0.21 0.32 lab 53 -27 -15 lch 53 31 210 cmyk 59 5 0 41 yabbadabbadoo[9187][0,139,151](0.0):blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](3.2):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](3.3):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](4.6):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.9) 5 PMS3145:chill:seeker:yabbadabbadoo:blue:turquoise +4580 humming_bird rgb 206 239 228 hex #CEEFE4 hsv 160 14 94 xyz 0.7 0.8 0.85 lab 92 -13 2 lch 92 13 172 cmyk 13 0 4 6 PMS317[361][201,232,221](2.2):mint_tulip[5772][198,234,221](2.2):skeptic[7737][202,230,218](3.7):white_ice[9082][215,238,228](4.0):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](4.6) 8 PMS317:edgewater:ice:skeptic:tulip:mint:white +4581 humming_bird rgb 207 249 243 hex #CFF9F3 hsv 171 17 98 xyz 0.76 0.87 0.98 lab 95 -15 -2 lch 95 15 186 cmyk 16 0 2 2 scandal[7514][207,250,244](0.0):ice[4596][214,255,250](2.2):frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](3.0):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](3.0):mint_tulip[5771][196,244,235](3.0) 12 light:frosted:ice:scandal:tulip:blue:mint +4582 hunter_green rgb 11 64 8 hex #0B4008 hsv 117 88 25 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.01 lab 23 -29 27 lch 23 40 137 cmyk 21 0 22 75 forest_green[3721][6,71,12](3.7):forrest_green[3729][21,68,6](3.7):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](4.4):fern[3575][10,72,13](4.4):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](5.1) 4 dark:british:fern:forest:forrest:racing:green +4583 hunter_green rgb 22 29 16 hex #161D10 hsv 92 45 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 -6 7 lch 10 10 131 cmyk 3 0 5 89 very_dark_chartreuse_green[8718][23,29,17](0.0):rangoon_green[7063][28,30,19](3.2):very_dark_olive[8723][29,29,17](3.2):very_dark_green[8721][17,29,17](3.3):green_waterloo[4066][16,20,5](4.6) 5 dark:very:chartreuse:olive:rangoon:waterloo:green +4584 hunter_green rgb 33 94 33 hex #215E21 hsv 120 65 37 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.03 lab 35 -33 29 lch 35 44 139 cmyk 24 0 24 63 camarone[2015][0,88,26](5.0):deep_sea_green[3054][0,89,33](5.8):deep_malachite_green[3014][0,89,22](6.2):san_felix[7445][44,110,49](6.4):parsley[6493][19,79,25](7.0) 1 deep:camarone:felix:malachite:parsley:san:sea:green +4585 hunter_green rgb 47 49 37 hex #2F3125 hsv 70 24 19 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 -3 7 lch 20 8 115 cmyk 1 0 5 81 black_forest[1458][44,50,39](2.2):pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](2.2):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](2.4):karaka[4817][45,45,36](2.4):style_pasifika_dark_stone[8076][45,45,36](2.4) 32 dark:forest:karaka:pasifika:pine:stone:style:tree:waterloo:black:green +4586 hunter_green rgb 53 94 59 hex #355E3B hsv 129 44 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.06 lab 36 -23 16 lch 36 28 145 cmyk 16 0 14 63 deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](0.0):parsley[6494][48,93,53](3.0):fern[3576][54,92,52](3.2):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](3.6):leprechaun[4988][54,98,67](3.6) 6 deep:dark:fern:leprechaun:malachite:moss:parsley:green +4587 hurricane rgb 135 124 123 hex #877C7B hsv 5 9 53 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.22 lab 53 4 2 lch 53 5 27 cmyk 0 4 5 47 eighth_felix[3398][137,124,121](1.0):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](1.4):misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](1.7):mistyrose[5792][139,125,123](1.7):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](3.7) 40 misty:eighth:felix:metallic:mistyrose:rocket:suva:grey:rose +4588 hurricane rgb 139 126 119 hex #8B7E77 hsv 21 14 55 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.21 lab 54 4 6 lch 54 7 57 cmyk 0 5 8 45 americano[1040][138,125,114](2.4):half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](2.4):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](2.4):almond_frost[1012][144,123,113](3.0):triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](3.0) 34 americano:frost:half:perfect:sandstone:squirrel:taupe:triple:almond +4589 husk rgb 178 153 75 hex #B2994B hsv 45 58 70 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.11 lab 64 0 44 lch 64 44 91 cmyk 0 10 40 30 fleetwood[3683][185,158,86](3.7):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](3.7):luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](4.6):roti[7334][182,150,66](4.6):moderate_amber[5808][168,145,74](5.0) 5 moderate:amber:fleetwood:gold:luxor:roti:turmeric +4590 husk rgb 183 164 88 hex #B7A458 hsv 48 52 72 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.15 lab 68 -3 42 lch 68 42 94 cmyk 0 7 37 28 gimblet[3859][185,173,97](4.1):PMS618[797][181,170,89](4.2):laser[4914][198,169,94](4.5):fleetwood[3683][185,158,86](4.6):moderate_gold[5825][168,156,74](5.4) 4 moderate:PMS618:fleetwood:gimblet:gold:laser +4591 hyperactive rgb 227 108 54 hex #E36C36 hsv 19 76 89 xyz 0.38 0.27 0.07 lab 59 43 51 lch 59 66 50 cmyk 0 47 68 11 sorbus[7851][221,107,56](3.7):phoenix[6632][216,108,55](5.1):sienna[7698][238,121,66](5.5):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](5.9):gold_drop[3900][213,108,48](6.3) 1 deep:carrot:drop:gold:phoenix:sienna:sorbus:orange +4592 hypnotic rgb 209 225 130 hex #D1E182 hsv 70 42 88 xyz 0.57 0.69 0.31 lab 87 -20 45 lch 87 49 114 cmyk 6 0 37 12 light_apple_green[5000][220,231,139](3.7):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](3.7):medium_spring_bud[5642][201,220,135](5.4):yellow_green[9209][197,225,122](5.5):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](5.5) 2 medium:light:apple:bud:spring:green:lime:yellow +4593 i_c_red rgb 122 32 49 hex #7A2031 hsv 349 74 48 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.03 lab 28 40 12 lch 28 42 17 cmyk 0 35 29 52 lollipop[5334][127,40,56](2.4):raspberry[7067][127,40,56](2.4):scarlett[7523][126,37,48](3.3):PMS506[621][122,38,56](3.7):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](4.1) 8 PMS506:lollipop:raspberry:rosehip:scarlett +4594 i_do rgb 204 188 198 hex #CCBCC6 hsv 323 8 80 xyz 0.53 0.53 0.61 lab 78 7 -3 lch 78 8 338 cmyk 0 6 2 20 PMS5305[665][204,193,198](3.0):lavender_blush[4936][205,193,197](3.7):lavenderblush[4949][205,193,197](3.7):PMS665[844][198,181,196](4.1):twilight[8612][218,192,205](4.5) 7 PMS5305:PMS665:blush:lavenderblush:twilight:lavender +4595 i_spy rgb 230 242 234 hex #E6F2EA hsv 140 5 95 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.9 lab 94 -5 2 lch 94 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 5 bubbles[1882][230,242,234](0.0):harp[4426][230,242,234](0.0):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.0):gin[3861][232,242,235](1.0):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](1.7) 58 bubbles:clear:day:dew:gin:harp +4596 ice rgb 214 255 250 hex #D6FFFA hsv 173 16 100 xyz 0.81 0.93 1.04 lab 97 -14 -2 lch 97 14 188 cmyk 16 0 2 0 frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](1.4):humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](2.2):ice_blue[4597][215,255,254](2.2):scandal[7514][207,250,244](2.2):very_light_blue[8749][213,255,255](2.2) 15 light:very:bird:frosted:humming:ice:scandal:blue:mint +4597 ice_blue rgb 215 255 254 hex #D7FFFE hsv 179 16 100 xyz 0.82 0.93 1.07 lab 97 -13 -4 lch 97 13 196 cmyk 16 0 0 0 very_light_blue[8749][213,255,255](0.0):very_pale_blue[8799][214,255,254](0.0):really_light_blue[7095][212,255,255](1.4):foam[3708][216,252,250](1.7):ice[4596][214,255,250](2.2) 17 pale:light:very:foam:ice:really:blue +4598 ice_cold rgb 175 227 214 hex #AFE3D6 hsv 165 23 89 xyz 0.57 0.69 0.74 lab 86 -19 1 lch 86 19 177 cmyk 20 0 5 11 cruise[2611][180,226,213](2.0):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](3.0):cruise[2612][181,236,223](3.2):water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](3.2):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.3) 8 pale:light:PMS324:cruise:grayish:leaf:water:turquoise +4599 ice_cold rgb 177 244 231 hex #B1F4E7 hsv 168 27 96 xyz 0.65 0.8 0.88 lab 92 -24 0 lch 92 24 181 cmyk 26 0 5 4 pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](4.6):water_leaf[9011][161,233,222](4.6):pale_aqua[6307][184,255,235](4.7):cruise[2612][181,236,223](5.1):water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](5.1) 3 pale:aqua:cruise:leaf:water:turquoise +4600 iceberg rgb 113 166 210 hex #71A6D2 hsv 207 46 82 xyz 0.32 0.35 0.66 lab 66 -6 -28 lch 66 28 258 cmyk 38 17 0 18 sky_blue[7742][108,166,205](2.8):PMS284[305][117,170,219](3.5):PMS292[315][117,178,221](4.5):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.6):picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](4.7) 6 dark:PMS284:PMS292:pastel:picton:sky:blue +4601 iceberg rgb 202 225 217 hex #CAE1D9 hsv 159 10 88 xyz 0.64 0.71 0.76 lab 88 -9 1 lch 88 9 172 cmyk 9 0 3 12 PMS628[807][204,226,221](1.4):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](2.4):paris_white[6492][202,220,212](2.4):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](2.8):skeptic[7737][202,230,218](3.0) 19 PMS628:edgewater:ice:jagged:paris:skeptic:white +4602 iceberg rgb 218 244 240 hex #DAF4F0 hsv 171 11 96 xyz 0.77 0.86 0.95 lab 94 -9 -1 lch 94 9 186 cmyk 10 0 2 4 swans_down[8176][220,240,234](2.4):apple_green[1087][226,243,236](2.8):light_cyan[5092][209,238,238](2.8):polar[6758][229,249,246](2.8):off_green[6109][230,248,243](3.0) 29 light:apple:cyan:down:off:polar:swans:green +4603 icebreaker rgb 169 183 201 hex #A9B7C9 hsv 214 16 79 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.62 lab 74 -1 -11 lch 74 11 264 cmyk 13 7 0 21 shinto[7659][166,181,198](1.7):casper[2125][173,190,209](2.2):cadet_blue[1984][169,178,195](2.4):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.2):light_steel_blue[5214][162,181,205](3.2) 14 light:alaska:cadet:casper:shinto:steel:blue +4604 icky_green rgb 143 174 34 hex #8FAE22 hsv 73 80 68 xyz 0.27 0.36 0.07 lab 67 -29 62 lch 67 68 115 cmyk 12 0 55 32 limerick[5287][137,172,39](2.4):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](3.0):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](3.2):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](3.3):sick_green[7685][157,185,44](4.2) 7 avocado:limerick:pea:sick:sickly:green +4605 icon rgb 46 56 45 hex #2E382D hsv 115 20 22 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 22 -7 6 lch 22 9 141 cmyk 4 0 4 78 earth_green[3329][46,52,43](2.4):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](2.8):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](3.0):heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](3.0):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](3.2) 19 earth:evergreen:forest:gordons:heavy:metal:black:green +4606 icterine rgb 252 247 94 hex #FCF75E hsv 58 63 99 xyz 0.75 0.88 0.24 lab 95 -16 72 lch 95 73 103 cmyk 0 2 62 1 canary[2035][253,255,99](3.6):laser_lemon[4918][255,255,102](3.7):unmellow_yellow[8654][255,255,102](3.7):light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](4.4):holiday[4522][245,235,79](4.6) 6 light:brilliant:canary:holiday:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +4607 identity rgb 110 103 103 hex #6E6767 hsv 0 6 43 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.15 lab 44 3 1 lch 44 3 20 cmyk 0 3 3 57 scorpion[7539][106,100,102](1.4):chicane[2281][104,103,101](3.0):quarter_felix[6944][116,103,101](3.0):scarpa_flow[7526][107,106,108](3.0):dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](3.2) 32 chicane:dim:felix:flow:quarter:scarpa:scorpion:grey +4608 ignition rgb 139 115 90 hex #8B735A hsv 31 35 55 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.12 lab 50 6 17 lch 50 18 72 cmyk 0 9 19 45 cement[2168][133,113,88](2.2):domino[3164][142,119,94](2.2):limed_oak[5282][140,114,84](3.0):triple_rickshaw[8514][144,115,89](3.0):axis[1216][132,108,85](3.2) 21 axis:cement:domino:limed:oak:rickshaw:triple +4609 iko rgb 179 171 110 hex #B3AB6E hsv 53 39 70 xyz 0.36 0.4 0.21 lab 69 -6 32 lch 69 33 101 cmyk 0 3 27 30 style_pasifika_sand_frond[8094][179,171,110](0.0):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](1.0):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](3.7):quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](3.7):misty_moss[5787][187,180,119](4.1) 6 misty:PMS4515:PMS5845:crisp:frond:moss:pasifika:quarter:sand:style:green +4610 illuminating_emerald rgb 49 145 119 hex #319177 hsv 164 66 57 xyz 0.15 0.22 0.21 lab 54 -34 6 lch 54 35 171 cmyk 38 0 10 43 PMS569[739][0,135,114](5.4):elf_green[3461][27,138,107](5.4):observatory[6092][2,134,111](5.4):gossamer[3953][57,159,134](5.7):aquamarine[1116][69,139,116](6.1) 0 PMS569:elf:gossamer:observatory:aquamarine:green +4611 illusion rgb 239 149 174 hex #EF95AE hsv 343 38 94 xyz 0.54 0.43 0.45 lab 71 37 1 lch 71 37 2 cmyk 0 35 25 6 pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](2.2):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](2.8):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](2.8):mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](2.8):light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](3.7) 8 light:charm:mauvelous:pig:thulian:crimson:pink +4612 illusion rgb 246 164 201 hex #F6A4C9 hsv 333 33 96 xyz 0.62 0.5 0.62 lab 76 35 -6 lch 76 36 350 cmyk 0 32 18 4 carnation_pink[2104][255,166,201](3.5):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](3.7):carnation_pink[2105][255,170,204](3.7):lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](3.7):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](4.1) 10 amaranth:ballerina:carnation:lavender:pink +4613 imagine rgb 163 152 148 hex #A39894 hsv 16 9 64 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.33 lab 64 3 4 lch 64 5 47 cmyk 0 4 6 36 asteroid[1166][165,150,146](2.2):hazy_lavender[4445][164,149,145](2.2):triple_milestone[8502][165,149,145](2.2):triple_rakaia[8512][161,154,152](2.2):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.4) 41 asteroid:hazy:milestone:rakaia:reddish:triple:grey:lavender +4614 imperial rgb 96 47 107 hex #602F6B hsv 289 56 42 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.15 lab 28 32 -26 lch 28 41 322 cmyk 4 24 0 58 giggle[3857][105,50,110](3.5):seance[7583][105,50,110](3.5):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](3.5):eminence[3474][110,57,116](5.5):troubadour[8539][86,34,90](5.9) 3 eminence:flax:giggle:pasifika:seance:style:troubadour:purple +4615 imperial_blue rgb 0 35 149 hex #002395 hsv 226 100 58 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.29 lab 21 38 -64 lch 21 74 301 cmyk 58 45 0 42 indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](1.7):cornflower_blue[2533][34,34,152](3.7):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](5.0):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](5.1):international_klein_blue[4660][0,47,167](5.9) 3 bay:cornflower:dye:international:jacksons:klein:torea:blue:indigo:purple +4616 imperial_purple rgb 102 2 60 hex #66023C hsv 325 98 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.05 lab 21 44 -6 lch 21 44 352 cmyk 0 39 16 60 tyrian_purple[8622][102,2,60](0.0):mulberry[5936][92,5,54](4.6):mulberry_wood[5940][92,5,54](4.6):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](4.7):nightclub[6055][102,0,69](6.1) 4 deep:cerise:mulberry:nightclub:tyrian:wood:purple +4617 imperial_red rgb 237 41 57 hex #ED2939 hsv 355 83 93 xyz 0.36 0.2 0.06 lab 52 71 42 lch 52 83 30 cmyk 0 77 71 7 red[7106][237,41,57](0.0):deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](1.7):alizarin_crimson[1000][227,38,54](4.1):rose_madder[7307][227,38,54](4.1):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](4.5) 8 deep:alizarin:carmine:geranium:lake:madder:crimson:pink:red:rose +4618 imprint rgb 92 118 112 hex #5C7670 hsv 166 22 46 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.18 lab 47 -11 0 lch 47 11 179 cmyk 10 0 2 54 william[9120][83,115,111](2.4):odyssey[6105][79,109,105](3.3):cutty_sark[2632][80,118,114](3.6):scaramanga[7515][96,120,108](4.1):PMS5487[697][102,124,114](4.4) 7 PMS5487:cutty:odyssey:sark:scaramanga:william +4619 impromptu rgb 155 177 35 hex #9BB123 hsv 69 80 69 xyz 0.3 0.39 0.07 lab 68 -25 64 lch 68 68 112 cmyk 9 0 56 31 limelight[5286][153,173,37](2.4):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](3.7):pea_soup_green[6538][148,166,23](3.7):puke_green[6839][154,174,7](4.1):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](4.1) 9 limelight:pea:puke:sickly:soup:green +4620 impulse rgb 137 73 97 hex #894961 hsv 338 47 54 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.13 lab 39 30 -2 lch 39 30 356 cmyk 0 25 16 46 dark_mauve[2798][135,76,98](2.2):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](2.2):cannon_pink[2050][142,81,100](4.1):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](4.4):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](4.5) 5 pale:deep:medium:dark:cannon:mauve:ruby:pink:red:violet +4621 in_the_mauve rgb 206 203 209 hex #CECBD1 hsv 270 3 82 xyz 0.58 0.6 0.69 lab 82 2 -3 lch 82 3 309 cmyk 1 2 0 18 PMS537[673][196,198,206](2.4):ghost[3851][199,201,213](3.2):snow[7807][205,201,201](3.3):PMS538[674][214,211,214](3.6):grey[4183][204,204,204](3.6) 39 PMS537:PMS538:ghost:snow:grey +4622 inch_worm rgb 176 227 19 hex #B0E313 hsv 75 92 89 xyz 0.45 0.64 0.11 lab 84 -40 81 lch 84 90 117 cmyk 20 0 82 11 yellowish_green[9229][176,221,22](3.5):vivid_lime_green[8923][174,231,0](3.7):yellowy_green[9235][191,241,40](5.0):vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](5.1):fuego[3800][190,222,13](7.0) 3 vivid:fuego:yellowish:yellowy:green:lime +4623 inch_worm rgb 178 236 93 hex #B2EC5D hsv 84 61 93 xyz 0.5 0.7 0.21 lab 87 -40 62 lch 87 74 123 cmyk 23 0 56 7 inchworm[4624][178,236,93](0.0):brilliant_spring_bud[1805][175,231,81](3.6):dark_olive_green[2817][188,238,104](5.1):PMS374[449][186,232,96](5.4):conifer[2461][172,221,77](5.9) 2 dark:brilliant:PMS374:bud:conifer:inchworm:olive:spring:green +4624 inchworm rgb 178 236 93 hex 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52 53 27 cmyk 0 47 47 20 indian_red[4634][205,85,85](0.0):jive[4769][205,88,81](3.6):chestnut[2274][205,92,92](3.7):chestnut_rose[2275][205,92,92](3.7):indian_red[4635][205,92,92](3.7) 9 chestnut:indian:jive:red:rose +4643 indianred rgb 238 99 99 hex #EE6363 hsv 360 58 93 xyz 0.42 0.28 0.15 lab 60 54 28 lch 60 60 27 cmyk 0 55 55 7 indian_red[4636][238,99,99](0.0):indian_red[4637][255,106,106](5.1):material_girl[5573][232,85,96](5.8):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](5.8):light_brilliant_red[5061][255,101,101](6.6) 1 light:brilliant:girl:indian:material:pastel:red +4644 indianred rgb 255 106 106 hex #FF6A6A hsv 360 58 100 xyz 0.49 0.33 0.17 lab 64 57 29 lch 64 64 27 cmyk 0 58 58 0 indian_red[4637][255,106,106](0.0):light_brilliant_red[5061][255,101,101](3.0):coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](4.1):pastel_red[6516][255,105,97](5.0):indian_red[4636][238,99,99](5.1) 4 light:brilliant:coral:indian:pastel:pink:red +4645 indigo rgb 46 8 84 hex #2E0854 hsv 270 90 33 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.09 lab 12 34 -37 lch 12 51 313 cmyk 15 30 0 67 PMS2765[294][43,12,86](1.4):jagger[4722][53,14,87](2.2):PMS275[288][38,15,84](4.0):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](4.9):cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](5.9) 4 dark:PMS275:PMS2765:cherry:jagger:pie:indigo +4646 indigo rgb 56 2 130 hex #380282 hsv 265 98 51 xyz 0.06 0.02 0.21 lab 18 49 -58 lch 18 76 311 cmyk 29 50 0 49 kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](3.2):blue_gem[1561][44,14,140](4.2):pixie_powder[6727][57,18,133](4.9):pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](6.2):blue_bell[1546][34,8,120](6.8) 3 bell:daisy:gem:kingfisher:pigment:pixie:powder:blue:indigo +4647 indigo rgb 75 0 130 hex #4B0082 hsv 275 100 51 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.21 lab 20 52 -53 lch 20 74 314 cmyk 22 51 0 49 pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](0.0):kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](3.7):PMS2685[261][86,0,140](4.7):PMS267[259][89,17,142](5.0):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](5.4) 4 PMS267:PMS2685:PMS2745:daisy:kingfisher:pigment:indigo +4648 indigo rgb 79 105 198 hex #4F69C6 hsv 227 60 78 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.56 lab 47 19 -52 lch 47 55 290 cmyk 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0.37 lab 26 37 -67 lch 26 76 299 cmyk 65 47 0 35 ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](1.4):strong_sapphire_blue[8056][0,42,168](4.6):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](4.6):egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](4.7):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](5.8) 4 strong:bay:egyptian:sapphire:torea:ua:blue +4661 international_orange rgb 186 22 12 hex #BA160C hsv 3 94 73 xyz 0.21 0.11 0.01 lab 40 60 49 lch 40 78 39 cmyk 0 64 68 27 milano_red[5736][184,17,4](2.4):bright_red[1745][177,0,0](3.7):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](4.6):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](4.6):thunderbird[8339][192,43,24](4.7) 5 19:bright:milano:mordant:thunderbird:red +4662 international_orange rgb 192 54 44 hex #C0362C hsv 4 77 75 xyz 0.24 0.14 0.04 lab 44 54 38 lch 44 66 35 cmyk 0 54 58 25 PMS180[127][193,56,40](3.2):tall_poppy[8213][179,45,41](4.4):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](4.9):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](5.4):brown[1840][205,51,51](5.5) 3 PMS180:firebrick:flush:mahogany:poppy:tall:brown +4663 international_orange rgb 255 79 0 hex #FF4F00 hsv 19 100 100 xyz 0.44 0.27 0.03 lab 59 64 70 lch 59 95 47 cmyk 0 69 100 0 adrenalin[962][255,82,0](1.0):vermilion[8707][255,77,0](1.4):blood_orange[1522][254,75,3](1.7):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](2.4):orange[6207][255,88,0](3.2) 10 adrenalin:blood:tangelo:vermilion:orange +4664 internet rgb 115 112 98 hex #737062 hsv 49 15 45 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.14 lab 47 -1 8 lch 47 8 100 cmyk 0 1 7 55 double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](1.0):flint[3690][113,110,97](1.0):PMS417[500][119,114,99](1.4):climate[2374][110,109,94](1.7):pablo[6288][119,111,97](2.2) 26 PMS417:climate:double:flint:friar:pablo:grey +4665 into_the_blue rgb 25 55 102 hex #193766 hsv 217 75 40 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.13 lab 23 7 -31 lch 23 32 282 cmyk 30 18 0 60 apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](1.4):PMS295[321][0,56,107](3.6):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](3.6):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](3.6):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](3.6) 9 dark:PMS295:apollo:marine:midnight:blue +4666 intrepid rgb 171 132 57 hex #AB8439 hsv 39 67 67 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.07 lab 58 7 45 lch 58 46 81 cmyk 0 15 45 33 classius[2359][179,141,66](3.2):alpine[1017][173,138,59](3.3):marigold[5525][184,138,61](4.1):frizzell[3772][173,129,47](4.6):luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](5.4) 4 alpine:classius:frizzell:gold:luxor:marigold +4667 intrigue rgb 129 71 67 hex #814743 hsv 4 48 51 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.07 lab 37 24 13 lch 37 28 29 cmyk 0 23 24 49 PMS4985[608][132,73,73](2.4):hot_stuff[4571][135,71,72](3.3):orbit[6233][135,71,72](3.3):bole[1634][121,68,59](3.5):medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](3.5) 9 medium:PMS4985:bole:hot:orbit:stuff:tuscan:red +4668 ipanema rgb 220 198 75 hex #DCC64B hsv 51 66 86 xyz 0.51 0.56 0.15 lab 80 -6 62 lch 80 62 96 cmyk 0 9 57 14 banana[1275][227,207,87](3.7):confetti[2454][221,203,70](5.1):confetti[2455][233,215,90](5.4):festival[3590][234,204,74](5.4):portica[6788][240,213,85](5.9) 1 banana:confetti:festival:portica +4669 iris rgb 90 79 207 hex #5A4FCF hsv 245 62 81 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.6 lab 42 40 -65 lch 42 76 302 cmyk 46 50 0 19 warm_blue[8997][75,87,219](5.1):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](7.1):bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](7.6):light_indigo[5128][109,90,207](8.6):slate_blue[7759][105,89,205](8.6) 0 slate:light:bluey:majorelle:warm:blue:indigo:purple +4670 iris rgb 98 88 196 hex #6258C4 hsv 246 55 77 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.54 lab 44 33 -55 lch 44 64 301 cmyk 38 42 0 23 PMS2726[276][102,86,188](3.2):dark_periwinkle[2840][102,95,209](3.6):slate_blue[7759][105,89,205](4.4):slate_blue[7760][106,90,205](4.4):light_indigo[5128][109,90,207](5.4) 4 slate:light:dark:PMS2726:periwinkle:blue:indigo +4671 irish_coffee rgb 95 61 38 hex #5F3D26 hsv 24 60 37 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 29 12 20 lch 29 24 59 cmyk 0 13 22 63 dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](0.0):carnaby_tan[2099][91,58,36](1.0):bracken[1689][91,61,39](2.2):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](3.3):quincy[7031][98,63,45](3.3) 10 dark:bracken:carnaby:quincy:rimu:tan:tangelo +4672 irish_coffee rgb 98 66 43 hex #62422B hsv 25 56 38 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.03 lab 31 11 20 lch 31 22 61 cmyk 0 13 22 62 dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](2.2):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](2.2):bracken[1689][91,61,39](2.4):drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](2.4):carnaby_tan[2099][91,58,36](3.2) 11 dark:bracken:carnaby:drumbeat:nutmeg:rimu:tan +4673 irish_green rgb 1 149 41 hex #019529 hsv 136 99 58 xyz 0.11 0.22 0.06 lab 54 -55 45 lch 54 72 141 cmyk 58 0 42 42 emerald_green[3471][2,143,30](3.0):PMS362[436][51,158,53](5.0):forest_green[3724][35,142,35](5.5):forest_green[3723][34,139,34](5.8):kelley_green[4825][0,147,55](6.4) 2 PMS362:emerald:forest:kelley:green +4674 iroko rgb 67 49 32 hex #433120 hsv 29 52 26 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 22 6 14 lch 22 15 68 cmyk 0 7 14 74 space_shuttle[7866][67,49,32](0.0):black_marlin[1465][62,44,28](2.0):clinker[2376][70,54,35](3.0):bivouac_green[1447][64,50,37](3.6):café_noir[2004][75,54,33](3.6) 13 bivouac:café:clinker:marlin:noir:shuttle:space:black:green +4675 iroko rgb 91 82 68 hex #5B5244 hsv 37 25 36 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.07 lab 35 1 10 lch 35 10 83 cmyk 0 4 9 64 dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](1.7):groundbreaker[4238][90,79,64](1.7):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](1.7):tabac[8197][88,80,68](2.2):dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](2.4) 22 dark:amber:grayish:groundbreaker:judge:tabac:brown:grey +4676 iron rgb 203 205 205 hex #CBCDCD hsv 180 1 80 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.66 lab 82 -1 0 lch 82 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 20 half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](0.0):grey[4183][204,204,204](1.0):half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](1.0):midwinter_mist[5729][204,206,206](1.0):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.0) 67 light:very:duck:egg:half:midwinter:mist:surrender:blue:grey +4677 iron rgb 212 215 217 hex #D4D7D9 hsv 204 2 85 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.75 lab 86 -1 -1 lch 86 1 244 cmyk 2 1 0 15 PMS642[821][209,216,216](1.0):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.0):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.0):quarter_surrender[7002][214,216,216](1.0):white_thunder[9096][213,215,216](1.0) 63 PMS642:PMS649:half:iron:quarter:surrender:thunder:white +4678 ironbark rgb 65 31 16 hex #411F10 hsv 18 75 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 15 17 lch 16 23 49 cmyk 0 13 19 75 paco[6295][65,31,16](0.0):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](1.0):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](1.0):slugger[7778][65,32,16](1.0):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](2.8) 11 deep:dark:PMS4625:oak:paco:rum:slugger +4679 ironbark rgb 109 77 44 hex #6D4D2C hsv 30 60 43 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.04 lab 35 9 25 lch 35 26 69 cmyk 0 13 25 57 cafe_royale[2000][106,73,40](1.4):donkey_brown[3167][102,76,40](3.2):dallas[2663][102,74,45](3.3):shingle_fawn[7657][107,78,49](3.3):dallas[2664][110,75,38](3.6) 13 cafe:dallas:donkey:fawn:royale:shingle:brown +4680 ironhide rgb 143 132 118 hex #8F8476 hsv 34 17 56 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.21 lab 56 2 9 lch 56 9 79 cmyk 0 4 10 44 schooner[7532][141,132,120](1.4):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](1.7):stonewall[7989][146,133,115](2.0):half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](2.2):jetsam_brown[4762][148,133,117](2.2) 38 half:jetsam:sandstone:schooner:squirrel:stonewall:brown +4681 ironsand rgb 57 55 53 hex #393735 hsv 30 7 22 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 0 2 lch 23 2 75 cmyk 0 1 2 78 dune[3291][56,53,51](1.4):triple_dune[8490][58,56,51](1.4):tuatara[8551][54,53,52](1.4):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](2.0):grey[4119][54,54,54](2.0) 75 dark:dune:triple:tuatara:grey +4682 ironside_grey rgb 103 102 98 hex #676662 hsv 48 5 40 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.13 lab 43 0 2 lch 43 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 60 chicane[2281][104,103,101](1.4):double_trojan[3250][101,102,100](1.4):storm_dust[7992][100,100,99](1.4):storm_dust[7993][101,100,95](1.7):grey[4138][102,102,102](2.0) 40 chicane:double:dust:storm:trojan:grey +4683 ironside_grey rgb 112 110 102 hex #706E66 hsv 48 9 44 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.15 lab 46 -1 5 lch 46 5 99 cmyk 0 1 4 56 double_tapa[3246][106,106,95](1.7):flint[3689][111,106,97](1.7):gauntlet[3833][113,111,105](1.7):traffic[8451][108,109,104](2.0):quarter_gravel[6951][113,114,106](2.4) 30 double:flint:gauntlet:gravel:quarter:tapa:traffic +4684 ironstone rgb 134 72 60 hex #86483C hsv 10 55 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.06 lab 38 25 19 lch 38 31 37 cmyk 0 24 29 47 matrix[5576][142,77,69](3.0):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](3.6):red_robin[7138][125,65,56](3.6):el_salva[3435][143,78,69](3.7):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](4.1) 8 copper:el:fawn:fire:matrix:mule:robin:salva:red +4685 ironstone rgb 134 80 64 hex #865040 hsv 14 52 53 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.06 lab 40 21 19 lch 40 28 42 cmyk 0 21 27 47 mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](1.0):spicy_mix[7893][136,83,66](1.4):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](3.3):light_salmon[5187][139,87,66](3.5):radiance[7037][143,87,67](3.6) 8 light:fawn:mix:mule:nutmeg:radiance:salmon:spicy +4686 irresistible rgb 179 68 108 hex #B3446C hsv 338 62 70 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.16 lab 45 49 1 lch 45 49 1 cmyk 0 44 28 30 raspberry_rose[7074][179,68,108](0.0):blush[1625][180,70,104](3.3):medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](3.5):royal_heath[7354][181,75,115](3.5):rouge[7337][169,64,100](3.7) 8 medium:blush:heath:raspberry:rouge:royal:ruby:rose +4687 irresistible rgb 185 0 76 hex #B9004C hsv 335 100 73 xyz 0.21 0.11 0.08 lab 39 65 12 lch 39 67 11 cmyk 0 73 43 27 purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](3.0):raspberry[7069][176,1,73](3.0):rose_red[7315][194,30,86](4.2):pictorial_carmine[6645][195,11,78](4.7):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](6.4) 4 strong:carmine:pictorial:purplish:raspberry:red:rose +4688 isabelline rgb 244 240 236 hex #F4F0EC hsv 30 3 96 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.92 lab 95 1 2 lch 95 2 75 cmyk 0 2 3 4 hint_of_red[4500][245,239,235](1.0):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.0):eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.4):fantasy[3559][250,243,240](1.4):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.4) 120 alabaster:cake:eighth:fantasy:half:hint:of:quarter:rice:black:red:white +4689 islamic_green rgb 0 144 0 hex #009000 hsv 120 100 56 xyz 0.1 0.2 0.03 lab 52 -56 54 lch 52 78 136 cmyk 56 0 56 44 true_green[8546][8,148,4](1.7):green[4021][0,139,0](2.4):india_green[4627][19,136,8](5.8):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](6.7):emerald_green[3471][2,143,30](7.3) 2 2X:PMS368:emerald:india:true:green +4690 island_spice rgb 248 237 219 hex #F8EDDB hsv 37 12 97 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.79 lab 94 1 10 lch 94 10 86 cmyk 0 4 11 3 forget_me_not[3727][253,239,219](1.4):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](2.2):bridal_heath[1712][248,235,221](2.2):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](2.2):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](2.2) 87 antique:bridal:eggshell:forget:half:heath:lusta:me:not:pearl:white +4691 island_spice rgb 255 252 238 hex #FFFCEE hsv 49 7 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.95 lab 99 -1 7 lch 99 7 101 cmyk 0 1 7 0 orange_white[6222][254,252,237](1.0):rice_cake[7204][255,254,240](1.0):orchid_white[6246][255,253,243](2.0):quarter_pearl_lusta[6978][255,253,244](2.0):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](2.2) 59 buttery:cake:lusta:orchid:pearl:quarter:rice:orange:white +4692 isobar rgb 55 72 70 hex #374846 hsv 173 24 28 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.07 lab 29 -7 -1 lch 29 7 188 cmyk 7 0 1 72 firefly[3648][49,70,67](2.2):hauraki[4432][58,77,73](2.4):pioneer[6707][57,69,65](2.4):cape_cod[2056][60,68,67](3.2):jurassic[4800][55,68,62](3.2) 10 cape:cod:firefly:hauraki:jurassic:pioneer +4693 isotonic rgb 140 139 116 hex #8C8B74 hsv 57 17 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.2 lab 57 -4 12 lch 57 13 107 cmyk 0 0 9 45 double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](0.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](1.4):bitter[1438][134,137,116](1.7):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.0):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](2.0) 20 bitter:chiffon:double:granite:grass:schist:green:lemon +4694 italian_sky_blue rgb 178 255 255 hex #B2FFFF hsv 180 30 100 xyz 0.72 0.88 1.08 lab 95 -23 -8 lch 95 25 198 cmyk 30 0 0 0 celeste[2159][178,255,255](0.0):pale_turquoise[6443][187,255,255](2.4):pale_cyan[6331][183,255,250](3.0):light_cyan[5090][172,255,252](3.2):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](4.5) 6 pale:light:celeste:cyan:waterspout:turquoise +4695 ivanhoe rgb 59 76 87 hex #3B4C57 hsv 204 32 34 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.1 lab 31 -4 -9 lch 31 9 247 cmyk 11 4 0 66 deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](1.7):dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](2.2):explorer[3531][55,78,89](2.2):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](2.2):limed_spruce[5284][57,72,81](2.2) 16 slate:deep:dark:cove:explorer:jetsetter:limed:spruce +4696 ivory rgb 139 139 131 hex #8B8B83 hsv 60 6 55 xyz 0.24 0.26 0.25 lab 58 -2 4 lch 58 5 110 cmyk 0 0 3 45 eighth_gravel[3401][136,138,132](1.4):eighth_masala[3407][138,137,132](1.7):aquashield_half_tapa[1130][146,146,136](2.2):half_tapa[4398][146,146,136](2.2):half_cobblestone[4308][146,143,132](2.4) 50 aquashield:cobblestone:eighth:gravel:half:masala:tapa +4697 ivory rgb 205 205 193 hex #CDCDC1 hsv 60 6 80 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.59 lab 82 -2 6 lch 82 6 110 cmyk 0 0 5 20 PMS420[503][209,204,191](1.4):eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](1.4):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.4):pastel_grey[6506][207,207,196](1.4):PMS5527[709][206,209,198](1.7) 74 PMS420:PMS5527:eighth:grass:half:pastel:truffle:grey:lemon +4698 ivory rgb 238 238 224 hex #EEEEE0 hsv 60 6 93 xyz 0.79 0.85 0.83 lab 94 -2 7 lch 94 7 110 cmyk 0 0 5 7 bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.4):quarter_cararra[6929][243,239,227](1.4):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](1.4):quarter_wheatfield[7014][240,236,222](1.4) 106 bianca:cararra:half:lusta:pearl:quarter:villa:wheatfield:white +4699 ivory rgb 255 255 203 hex #FFFFCB hsv 60 20 100 xyz 0.88 0.97 0.71 lab 99 -8 25 lch 99 26 108 cmyk 0 0 20 0 ecru[3356][254,255,202](1.0):egg_shell[3370][255,252,196](2.2):carla[2092][245,249,203](3.7):cream[2583][255,253,208](3.7):cumulus[2623][245,244,193](4.0) 13 carla:cream:cumulus:ecru:egg:shell +4700 ivory rgb 255 255 240 hex #FFFFF0 hsv 60 6 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 0.97 lab 100 -3 7 lch 100 8 110 cmyk 0 0 6 0 orange_white[6222][254,252,237](1.4):rice_cake[7204][255,254,240](1.4):titanium_white[8377][252,255,240](1.4):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](2.0):apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](2.2) 43 light:apricot:cake:rice:titanium:orange:white:yellow +4701 ivory_black rgb 41 36 33 hex #292421 hsv 23 20 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 2 3 lch 15 3 59 cmyk 0 2 3 84 bokara_grey[1633][42,39,37](1.7):maxwell_smart[5587][42,37,37](2.0):cosmonaut[2548][38,33,31](2.2):double_diesel[3196][40,32,29](2.2):wood_bark[9165][48,38,33](3.0) 31 bark:bokara:cosmonaut:diesel:double:maxwell:smart:wood:grey +4702 ivy_green rgb 35 53 45 hex #23352D hsv 153 34 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -9 3 lch 20 10 164 cmyk 7 0 3 79 holly[4524][37,52,43](1.0):black_leather_jacket[1461][37,53,41](2.2):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](2.2):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](3.0):moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](3.0) 19 bean:evergreen:holly:jacket:leather:moroccan:palm:black +4703 jacaranda rgb 46 3 41 hex #2E0329 hsv 307 93 18 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.02 lab 7 27 -14 lch 7 30 332 cmyk 0 17 2 82 melanzane[5658][48,5,41](1.7):eggplant[3375][56,8,53](5.4):aubergine[1194][61,7,52](6.5):dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](8.2):very_dark_purple[8724][42,1,52](9.2) 1 dark:very:aubergine:eggplant:melanzane:plum:purple +4704 jacaranda rgb 54 45 56 hex #362D38 hsv 289 20 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 20 7 -5 lch 20 9 320 cmyk 1 4 0 78 valentino[8670][56,44,56](1.4):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](2.4):melanzane[5659][52,41,49](2.8):thunder[8336][51,41,47](3.7):blackadder[1484][56,45,50](4.1) 14 blackadder:melanzane:thunder:valentino:zeppelin +4705 jacarta rgb 58 42 106 hex #3A2A6A hsv 255 60 42 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.14 lab 22 24 -35 lch 22 43 305 cmyk 19 25 0 58 paris_m[6490][49,39,96](4.1):pukeko[6841][58,40,96](4.2):christalle[2315][56,33,97](4.4):clowning_around[2390][56,33,97](4.4):blue_bell[1547][57,45,115](4.6) 5 around:bell:christalle:clowning:m:paris:pukeko:blue +4706 jacarta rgb 61 50 93 hex #3D325D hsv 255 46 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.11 lab 24 16 -24 lch 24 29 304 cmyk 13 17 0 64 meteorite[5698][74,59,106](4.6):cherry_pie[2264][55,45,82](4.7):storm[7991][54,54,93](5.1):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](5.2):jelly[4755][62,50,103](5.9) 2 PMS5255:cherry:jelly:meteorite:pie:storm +4707 jack_in_the_box rgb 61 63 125 hex #3D3F7D hsv 238 51 49 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.2 lab 29 17 -36 lch 29 40 296 cmyk 25 24 0 51 jacksons_purple[4712][61,63,125](0.0):astronaut[1171][40,58,119](4.4):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](4.4):vroom[8977][53,61,117](4.4):fairground[3545][72,58,121](5.4) 4 astronaut:bay:fairground:jacksons:torea:vroom:purple +4708 jacko_bean rgb 46 25 5 hex #2E1905 hsv 29 89 18 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 8 15 lch 11 17 61 cmyk 0 8 16 82 ash_brown[1155][46,25,5](0.0):zinnwaldite_brown[9265][44,22,8](3.7):dark_brown[2693][52,28,2](4.6):clinker[2375][55,29,9](4.7):sambuca[7442][58,32,16](5.1) 4 dark:ash:clinker:sambuca:zinnwaldite:brown +4709 jacko_bean rgb 65 54 40 hex #413628 hsv 34 38 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 2 11 lch 23 11 77 cmyk 0 4 10 75 triple_mondo[8503][64,55,42](1.4):birch[1417][63,55,38](2.2):bivouac_green[1447][64,50,37](2.2):mikado[5731][63,54,35](2.2):lignite[5254][66,52,41](2.8) 28 birch:bivouac:lignite:mikado:mondo:triple:green +4710 jackpot rgb 20 83 70 hex #145346 hsv 168 76 33 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.07 lab 31 -23 2 lch 31 23 175 cmyk 25 0 5 67 PMS3305[396][0,79,66](2.8):dark_blue_green[2689][0,82,73](3.2):brunswick_green[1875][27,77,62](3.5):english_green[3487][27,77,62](3.5):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](3.6) 15 dark:PMS3305:brunswick:english:aquamarine:blue:green +4711 jacksons_purple rgb 32 32 141 hex #20208D hsv 240 77 55 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.26 lab 21 38 -59 lch 21 71 303 cmyk 43 43 0 45 navy[5995][34,34,139](1.4):navy_blue[5999][34,34,139](1.4):navy_blue[6000][35,35,142](1.7):indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](4.2):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](5.0) 6 dark:dye:imperial:navy:blue:indigo +4712 jacksons_purple rgb 61 63 125 hex #3D3F7D hsv 238 51 49 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.2 lab 29 17 -36 lch 29 40 296 cmyk 25 24 0 51 jack_in_the_box[4707][61,63,125](0.0):astronaut[1171][40,58,119](4.4):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](4.4):vroom[8977][53,61,117](4.4):fairground[3545][72,58,121](5.4) 4 astronaut:bay:box:fairground:in:jack:the:torea:vroom +4713 jade rgb 0 168 107 hex #00A86B hsv 158 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.29 0.19 lab 61 -51 21 lch 61 56 157 cmyk 66 0 24 34 strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](1.4):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](2.2):PMS3405[411][0,178,122](4.4):green_teal[4063][12,181,119](4.5):PMS347[421][0,158,96](4.6) 7 strong:PMS3405:PMS347:haze:teal:aquamarine:green +4714 jade rgb 31 167 116 hex #1FA774 hsv 158 81 65 xyz 0.18 0.29 0.21 lab 61 -47 17 lch 61 50 160 cmyk 53 0 20 35 bluish_green[1617][16,166,116](1.7):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](1.7):green[4030][28,172,120](2.2):green[4024][0,168,119](2.8):green[4022][0,159,107](3.2) 9 bluish:teal:green +4715 jade rgb 64 114 109 hex #40726D hsv 174 44 45 xyz 0.11 0.14 0.17 lab 45 -18 -3 lch 45 18 188 cmyk 20 0 2 55 faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](3.0):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](3.3):oracle[6194][55,116,117](4.1):ming[5758][64,117,119](4.2):cutty_sark[2632][80,118,114](4.6) 6 dark:copper:cutty:faded:jade:ming:oracle:sark:green +4716 jade rgb 66 121 119 hex #427977 hsv 178 45 47 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.2 lab 47 -19 -5 lch 47 19 194 cmyk 22 0 1 53 faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](0.0):oracle[6194][55,116,117](2.8):ming[5758][64,117,119](3.0):myrtle_green[5967][49,120,115](4.2):paradiso[6482][72,128,132](4.7) 6 faded:jade:ming:myrtle:oracle:paradiso:green +4717 jade_green rgb 43 175 106 hex #2BAF6A hsv 149 75 69 xyz 0.19 0.32 0.19 lab 64 -51 26 lch 64 57 153 cmyk 52 0 27 31 seaweed_green[7595][53,173,107](3.3):go_green[3885][0,171,102](3.7):medium_sea_green[5637][60,179,113](3.7):sea_green_medium[7566][60,179,113](3.7):strong_aquamarine[8018][0,168,105](5.1) 4 medium:strong:go:sea:seaweed:aquamarine:green +4718 jaffa rgb 226 121 69 hex #E27945 hsv 20 69 89 xyz 0.39 0.3 0.09 lab 62 37 46 lch 62 59 51 cmyk 0 41 62 11 melon_orange[5667][226,121,69](0.0):clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](4.6):phoenix[6632][216,108,55](4.9):crusta[2616][243,134,83](5.1):sienna[7698][238,121,66](6.0) 3 clementine:crusta:melon:phoenix:sienna:orange +4719 jaffa rgb 239 134 63 hex #EF863F hsv 24 74 94 xyz 0.45 0.36 0.09 lab 66 35 54 lch 66 64 57 cmyk 0 41 69 6 dusty_orange[3309][240,131,58](2.8):west_side[9050][229,130,58](2.8):hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](3.7):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](3.7):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](4.5) 8 dusty:flamenco:hi:jinx:pizazz:side:west:orange +4720 jagged_ice rgb 194 232 229 hex #C2E8E5 hsv 175 16 91 xyz 0.65 0.75 0.85 lab 89 -13 -3 lch 89 13 192 cmyk 15 0 1 9 PMS635[814][186,224,224](2.4):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](2.8):reservoir[7187][191,226,220](2.8):PMS2975[326][186,224,226](3.0):mabel[5418][203,232,232](4.1) 8 pale:light:PMS2975:PMS635:cyan:grayish:mabel:reservoir +4721 jagged_ice rgb 202 231 226 hex #CAE7E2 hsv 170 13 91 xyz 0.67 0.75 0.83 lab 89 -10 -1 lch 89 10 184 cmyk 11 0 2 9 PMS628[807][204,226,221](2.4):foam[3707][208,234,232](2.4):iceberg[4601][202,225,217](2.4):mabel[5418][203,232,232](2.4):oyster_bay[6281][209,234,234](3.5) 16 PMS628:bay:foam:iceberg:mabel:oyster +4722 jagger rgb 53 14 87 hex #350E57 hsv 272 84 34 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.09 lab 14 34 -36 lch 14 49 313 cmyk 13 29 0 66 indigo[4645][46,8,84](2.2):PMS2765[294][43,12,86](3.0):PMS275[288][38,15,84](4.6):scarlet_gum[7521][67,21,96](4.6):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](6.7) 4 dark:PMS275:PMS2765:gum:scarlet:indigo +4723 jagger rgb 63 46 76 hex #3F2E4C hsv 274 39 30 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.07 lab 22 15 -16 lch 22 21 313 cmyk 5 12 0 70 wicked[9101][54,47,80](4.2):filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](4.6):martinique[5560][54,48,80](5.0):cherry_pie[2264][55,45,82](5.2):tolopea[8403][45,37,65](6.4) 3 cherry:filmpro:martinique:pie:tolopea:wicked:purple +4724 jaguar rgb 8 1 16 hex #080110 hsv 268 94 6 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 1 4 -5 lch 1 7 307 cmyk 3 6 0 94 black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](3.7):cinder[2327][14,14,24](3.7):PMS433_2X[517][10,12,17](4.9):very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](5.1):gunmetal[4256][2,13,21](5.4) 3 dark:very:2X:PMS433:cinder:gunmetal:pepper:black:blue +4725 jaguar rgb 41 41 47 hex #29292F hsv 240 13 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 2 -4 lch 17 4 291 cmyk 2 2 0 82 bastille[1314][44,44,50](1.4):style_pasifika_night_fox[8083][44,44,50](1.4):double_revolver[3231][41,39,47](1.7):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](1.7):black_russian[1477][36,37,43](2.2) 34 bastille:double:fox:night:pasifika:revolver:russian:shadowland:style:black +4726 jalapeno rgb 112 28 40 hex #701C28 hsv 351 75 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.02 lab 25 37 14 lch 25 40 21 cmyk 0 33 28 56 livewire[5312][109,28,39](1.4):razzamatazz[7089][112,31,40](1.4):red_berry[7115][112,31,40](1.4):scarlett[7523][126,37,48](4.6):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](4.7) 9 berry:c:i:livewire:razzamatazz:scarlett:red +4727 jambalaya rgb 91 48 19 hex #5B3013 hsv 24 79 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 25 17 26 lch 25 31 57 cmyk 0 17 28 64 baker's_chocolate[1262][92,51,23](1.7):PMS469[569][96,51,17](3.2):cioccolato[2339][85,40,12](3.7):PMS732[911][96,51,10](6.1):PMS1545[76][76,40,15](6.6) 3 PMS1545:PMS469:PMS732:baker's:chocolate:cioccolato +4728 jambalaya rgb 103 72 52 hex #674834 hsv 24 50 40 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.04 lab 33 11 17 lch 33 20 59 cmyk 0 12 20 60 drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](1.7):nutmeg[6082][95,66,45](2.4):coffee[2418][111,78,55](3.6):irish_coffee[4672][98,66,43](3.6):quincy[7031][98,63,45](3.6) 11 coffee:drumbeat:irish:nutmeg:quincy +4729 jandal rgb 183 130 57 hex #B78239 hsv 35 69 72 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.07 lab 58 13 46 lch 58 48 74 cmyk 0 21 49 28 style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](0.0):noosa[6069][183,128,56](1.0):filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](2.8):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](4.7):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](5.0) 5 filmpro:hot:mandalay:noosa:oxide:pasifika:sandalwood:style:toddy:yellow +4730 janna rgb 222 209 183 hex #DED1B7 hsv 40 18 87 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.54 lab 84 0 15 lch 84 15 89 cmyk 0 5 15 13 aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](0.0):spanish_white[7882][222,209,183](0.0):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](1.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](2.2) 41 aquashield:double:pompeii:spanish:stark:wheatfield:white +4731 janna rgb 244 235 211 hex #F4EBD3 hsv 44 14 96 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.74 lab 93 -1 13 lch 93 13 94 cmyk 0 4 13 4 spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](0.0):albescent_white[989][245,233,211](1.4):blanc[1495][245,233,211](1.4):clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](1.4) 74 albescent:blanc:clotted:cream:parchment:spanish:white +4732 japanese_carmine rgb 157 41 51 hex #9D2933 hsv 355 74 62 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.04 lab 36 48 23 lch 36 53 25 cmyk 0 45 42 38 roadster[7240][159,44,55](2.2):punch[6853][168,50,57](3.2):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](3.5):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.7):filmpro_fire_red[3611][165,51,60](3.7) 13 PMS1807:PMS201:filmpro:fire:punch:roadster:red +4733 japanese_indigo rgb 38 67 72 hex #264348 hsv 189 47 28 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.07 lab 26 -9 -6 lch 26 11 215 cmyk 13 2 0 72 daintree[2654][39,63,65](2.2):tiki_tour[8359][35,64,64](3.7):nordic[6071][29,57,60](4.2):blue_dianne[1559][32,72,82](4.9):big_stone[1407][51,64,70](5.1) 4 big:daintree:dianne:nordic:stone:tiki:tour:blue +4734 japanese_laurel rgb 10 105 6 hex #0A6906 hsv 118 94 41 xyz 0.05 0.1 0.02 lab 38 -44 42 lch 38 60 136 cmyk 37 0 39 59 pakistan_green[6300][0,102,0](1.0):dark_green[2759][0,100,0](2.2):green_dark[4040][0,100,0](2.2):deep_green[2995][5,102,8](2.4):san_felix[7444][11,98,7](4.7) 5 deep:dark:felix:pakistan:san:green +4735 japanese_laurel rgb 47 117 50 hex #2F7532 hsv 123 60 46 xyz 0.08 0.14 0.05 lab 44 -37 30 lch 44 48 141 cmyk 27 0 26 54 jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](0.0):san_felix[7445][44,110,49](4.1):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](4.5):area[1139][60,128,67](5.4):kermit[4837][54,129,54](5.4) 3 area:darkish:felix:juice:jungle:kermit:san:green +4736 japanese_maple rgb 103 47 48 hex #672F30 hsv 359 54 40 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 27 25 11 lch 27 28 24 cmyk 0 22 22 60 dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](1.4):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](1.4):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](1.7):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](1.7):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](2.4) 18 burnt:dark:buccaneer:ochre:persian:plum:sienna:tan:red +4737 japanese_maple rgb 120 1 9 hex #780109 hsv 356 99 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.01 lab 24 46 32 lch 24 56 35 cmyk 0 47 44 53 jazz[4751][120,1,9](0.0):blood[1521][119,0,1](3.2):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](3.7):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](3.7):up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](4.1) 7 dark:blood:burgundy:jazz:maroon:up +4738 japanese_violet rgb 91 50 86 hex #5B3256 hsv 307 45 36 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.09 lab 27 25 -14 lch 27 28 330 cmyk 0 16 2 64 violet[8851][79,47,79](4.5):voodoo[8975][83,52,85](5.0):dark_fuchsia[2723][89,39,77](5.1):hot_purple[4568][78,46,83](5.2):PMS2622[248][96,45,89](5.4) 2 dark:PMS2622:fuchsia:hot:voodoo:purple:violet +4739 japonica rgb 206 114 89 hex #CE7259 hsv 13 57 81 xyz 0.33 0.26 0.13 lab 58 34 30 lch 58 45 41 cmyk 0 36 46 19 salmon[7426][205,112,84](2.2):copper_red[2483][203,109,81](3.0):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](6.2):dark_peach[2839][222,126,93](6.4):adobe[960][189,108,72](7.5) 2 dark:adobe:copper:damask:salmon:peach:red +4740 japonica rgb 216 124 99 hex #D87C63 hsv 13 54 85 xyz 0.38 0.3 0.16 lab 62 33 29 lch 62 44 41 cmyk 0 36 46 15 dark_peach[2839][222,126,93](5.2):salmon[7426][205,112,84](5.9):new_york_pink[6044][221,131,116](6.3):copper[2477][218,138,103](7.0):copper_red[2483][203,109,81](7.0) 0 dark:copper:new:salmon:york:peach:pink:red +4741 jarrah rgb 52 21 21 hex #341515 hsv 0 60 20 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 11 16 7 lch 11 17 25 cmyk 0 12 12 80 havana[4433][52,21,21](0.0):tamarind[8218][52,21,21](0.0):seal_brown[7582][50,20,20](1.0):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](2.2):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](4.1) 5 15:havana:lmu:rustic:seal:tamarind:toast:brown:red +4742 jarrah rgb 59 43 44 hex #3B2B2C hsv 356 27 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 8 2 lch 19 8 16 cmyk 0 6 6 77 havana[4434][59,43,44](0.0):aubergine[1192][55,37,40](2.4):tamarind[8219][62,47,46](2.4):double_barista[3179][57,44,42](2.8):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](3.0) 20 aubergine:barista:cave:double:havana:rock:tamarind +4743 jarrah_stain rgb 87 51 44 hex #57332C hsv 10 49 34 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 25 15 11 lch 25 19 36 cmyk 0 14 17 66 dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](1.4):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](1.7):redwood[7161][91,52,46](2.2):triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](2.2):moccaccino[5799][88,47,43](3.0) 14 dark:lumberjack:moccaccino:oak:pepperwood:redwood:triple +4744 jarrah_tree rgb 82 49 47 hex #52312F hsv 3 43 32 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 15 8 lch 24 17 27 cmyk 0 13 14 68 espresso[3510][78,49,45](2.0):cherrywood[2266][78,49,46](2.2):filmpro_burnt_sienna[3604][82,44,43](2.2):indian_red[4630][78,47,47](2.4):jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](3.2) 18 burnt:cherrywood:espresso:filmpro:indian:jarrah:sienna:stain:red +4745 jasmine rgb 248 222 126 hex #F8DE7E hsv 47 49 97 xyz 0.69 0.74 0.3 lab 89 -3 50 lch 89 50 94 cmyk 0 10 48 3 mellow_yellow[5662][248,222,126](0.0):wheat[9068][251,221,126](2.0):sandy[7473][241,218,122](2.2):PMS120[21][249,226,127](2.4):golden_sand[3925][240,219,125](3.0) 15 PMS120:golden:mellow:sand:sandy:wheat:yellow +4746 jasper rgb 78 101 144 hex #4E6590 hsv 219 46 56 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.28 lab 43 4 -26 lch 43 27 278 cmyk 26 17 0 44 blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](0.0):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](1.0):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](1.7):azure[1229][78,105,154](4.1):style_pasifika_lagoon_blue[8081][78,105,154](4.1) 7 breakwater:jeans:lagoon:pasifika:style:ucla:azure:blue +4747 jasper rgb 215 59 62 hex #D73B3E hsv 359 73 84 xyz 0.3 0.18 0.06 lab 49 60 35 lch 49 70 30 cmyk 0 61 60 16 brown[1840][205,51,51](3.7):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](3.7):persian_red[6612][204,51,51](3.7):PMS711[890][209,45,51](4.1):PMS1797[126][204,45,48](4.4) 5 PMS1797:PMS711:flush:mahogany:persian:brown:red +4748 java rgb 31 194 194 hex #1FC2C2 hsv 180 84 76 xyz 0.3 0.43 0.58 lab 71 -38 -11 lch 71 39 196 cmyk 64 0 0 24 tiffany_blue[8354][10,186,181](3.7):cyan[2636][0,205,205](5.1):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](5.1):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](5.1):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](5.1) 1 cyan:egg:robin:robin's:robin's:tiffany:blue +4749 java rgb 37 151 151 hex #259797 hsv 180 75 59 xyz 0.17 0.25 0.33 lab 57 -30 -9 lch 57 31 197 cmyk 45 0 0 41 viridian_green[8877][0,150,152](3.0):PMS320[364][0,158,160](4.1):sea[7548][60,153,146](4.2):cyan[2634][0,139,139](5.1):dark_cyan[2713][0,139,139](5.1) 3 dark:PMS320:cyan:sea:viridian:green +4750 jazz rgb 95 44 47 hex #5F2C2F hsv 356 54 37 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 25 23 9 lch 25 25 21 cmyk 0 20 19 63 avant_garde[1205][92,44,48](1.4):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](1.4):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](2.4):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](2.4):reddish_brown[7150][89,39,39](2.8) 13 dark:avant:buccaneer:garde:ochre:reddish:tan:brown:red +4751 jazz rgb 120 1 9 hex #780109 hsv 356 99 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.01 lab 24 46 32 lch 24 56 35 cmyk 0 47 44 53 japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](0.0):blood[1521][119,0,1](3.2):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](3.7):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](3.7):up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](4.1) 7 dark:blood:burgundy:japanese:maple:maroon:up +4752 jazzberry_jam rgb 165 11 94 hex #A50B5E hsv 328 93 65 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.11 lab 36 61 -4 lch 36 61 356 cmyk 0 60 28 35 deep_magenta[3012][160,2,92](2.2):dark_fuchsia[2724][157,7,89](2.8):lipstick[5299][171,5,99](3.0):PMS676[855][160,0,84](3.7):violet_red[8865][165,0,85](4.1) 6 deep:dark:PMS676:fuchsia:lipstick:magenta:red:violet +4753 jazzberry_jam rgb 198 48 97 hex #C63061 hsv 340 76 78 xyz 0.27 0.15 0.13 lab 46 61 8 lch 46 62 8 cmyk 0 59 40 22 dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](5.1):rose_red[7315][194,30,86](5.2):maroon[5546][200,56,90](6.8):cabaret[1969][217,73,114](7.3):ruber[7360][206,70,118](7.5) 0 dark:cabaret:maroon:ruber:pink:red:rose +4754 jeepers_creepers rgb 41 169 139 hex #29A98B hsv 166 76 66 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.29 lab 62 -41 6 lch 62 42 172 cmyk 50 0 12 34 niagara[6046][41,169,139](0.0):jungle_green[4793][59,176,143](3.2):jungle_green[4791][41,171,135](3.7):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](4.2):niagara[6045][6,161,137](4.2) 9 2X:PMS808:jungle:niagara:green +4755 jelly rgb 62 50 103 hex #3E3267 hsv 254 51 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.13 lab 25 19 -29 lch 25 35 303 cmyk 16 21 0 60 minsk[5761][62,50,103](0.0):deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](4.2):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](4.2):wow[9181][52,52,103](4.2):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](5.1) 4 deep:dark:koamaru:minsk:wow:indigo +4756 jelly_bean rgb 41 123 154 hex #297B9A hsv 196 73 60 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.33 lab 48 -14 -24 lch 48 28 240 cmyk 44 12 0 40 astral[1169][50,125,160](3.0):sea_blue[7550][4,116,149](3.7):waterfront[9015][62,127,157](4.1):dirty_blue[3136][63,130,157](4.4):calypso[2013][49,114,141](4.7) 5 astral:calypso:dirty:sea:waterfront:blue +4757 jelly_bean rgb 68 121 142 hex #44798E hsv 197 52 56 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.28 lab 48 -11 -17 lch 48 20 236 cmyk 29 8 0 44 norwester[6076][72,121,138](3.2):calypso[2014][61,113,136](3.3):teal_blue[8288][54,117,136](3.7):bismark[1427][73,113,131](4.7):astral[1170][55,111,137](5.1) 4 astral:bismark:calypso:norwester:teal:blue +4758 jelly_bean rgb 218 97 78 hex #DA614E hsv 8 64 85 xyz 0.35 0.24 0.1 lab 56 46 34 lch 56 57 36 cmyk 0 47 55 15 flamingo[3660][225,99,79](3.0):coral[2494][205,91,69](3.7):dark_coral[2707][205,91,69](3.7):brilliant_scarlet[1803][231,100,81](5.4):cedar_chest[2149][201,90,73](5.8) 3 dark:brilliant:cedar:chest:coral:flamingo:scarlet +4759 jet rgb 52 52 52 hex #343434 hsv 300 0 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 22 0 0 lch 22 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 80 bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.0):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.0):grey[4118][51,51,51](1.0):grey[4119][54,54,54](1.0):mine_shaft[5753][50,50,50](1.0) 69 dark:bright:charcoal:mine:shaft:grey +4760 jet_stream rgb 181 210 206 hex #B5D2CE hsv 172 14 82 xyz 0.53 0.6 0.67 lab 82 -10 -1 lch 82 10 187 cmyk 11 0 2 18 light_cyan[5091][180,205,205](3.0):PMS629[808][178,216,216](4.1):light_blue[5017][192,217,217](4.1):opal[6189][169,198,194](4.1):PMS552[707][196,214,214](4.6) 6 light:PMS552:PMS629:cyan:opal:blue +4761 jet_stream rgb 187 208 201 hex #BBD0C9 hsv 160 10 82 xyz 0.54 0.6 0.64 lab 82 -8 1 lch 82 8 173 cmyk 8 0 3 18 powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](3.0):powder_blue[6801][188,201,194](3.0):conch[2447][201,217,210](3.3):nebula[6003][184,198,190](3.7):PMS552[707][196,214,214](4.1) 17 PMS552:ash:conch:nebula:powder:blue +4762 jetsam_brown rgb 148 133 117 hex #948575 hsv 31 21 58 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.2 lab 56 3 11 lch 56 11 75 cmyk 0 6 12 42 stonewall[7989][146,133,115](1.0):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](2.2):almond_frost[1013][154,134,120](2.4):squirrel[7943][143,125,107](2.4):stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](2.8) 34 frost:ironhide:squirrel:stonewall:stonewashed:almond +4763 jetsetter rgb 64 80 90 hex #40505A hsv 203 29 35 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.11 lab 33 -4 -8 lch 33 9 245 cmyk 10 4 0 65 deep_cove[2982][58,78,88](1.4):dark_grayish_azure[2736][66,78,89](2.0):ivanhoe[4695][59,76,87](2.2):explorer[3531][55,78,89](2.4):atomic[1186][61,75,82](2.8) 17 deep:dark:atomic:cove:explorer:grayish:ivanhoe:azure +4764 jewel rgb 18 107 64 hex #126B40 hsv 151 83 42 xyz 0.06 0.11 0.07 lab 40 -36 17 lch 40 40 154 cmyk 35 0 17 58 dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](1.4):PMS349[423][0,107,63](2.2):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](2.4):emerald_green[3469][0,108,70](3.2):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](3.7) 7 dark:PMS349:cadmium:dartmouth:emerald:spring:green +4765 jewel rgb 19 104 67 hex #136843 hsv 154 82 41 xyz 0.06 0.1 0.07 lab 39 -34 14 lch 39 37 157 cmyk 33 0 15 59 fun_green[3809][21,99,61](2.4):greenstone[4091][36,108,70](2.4):emerald_green[3469][0,108,70](3.2):PMS3425[415][0,104,71](3.3):dartmouth_green[2929][0,105,62](4.2) 8 PMS3425:dartmouth:emerald:fun:greenstone:green +4766 jewelled_yellow rgb 154 136 62 hex #9A883E hsv 48 60 60 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -3 41 lch 57 42 94 cmyk 0 7 36 40 ventura[8696][144,124,56](4.9):moderate_amber[5808][168,145,74](5.1):PMS4505[537][160,145,81](5.8):highball[4486][146,140,60](6.3):sycamore[8194][146,140,60](6.3) 1 moderate:PMS4505:amber:highball:sycamore:ventura +4767 jigsaw rgb 142 164 103 hex #8EA467 hsv 82 37 64 xyz 0.27 0.33 0.18 lab 64 -18 29 lch 64 34 122 cmyk 9 0 24 36 woodstock[9175][131,156,96](3.2):moss_green[5912][138,154,91](4.1):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](5.2):green_smoke[4059][156,166,100](6.0):westwood[9057][144,155,103](6.2) 2 asparagus:moss:smoke:westwood:woodstock:green +4768 jimmy_dean rgb 81 83 93 hex #51535D hsv 230 13 36 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.12 lab 35 1 -6 lch 35 6 284 cmyk 5 4 0 64 abbey[945][76,79,86](1.7):trout[8540][74,78,90](2.8):dark_bluish_grey[2692][83,83,89](3.0):maltese[5487][88,86,96](3.0):compass[2445][75,87,97](3.3) 24 dark:abbey:bluish:compass:maltese:trout:grey +4769 jive rgb 205 88 81 hex #CD5851 hsv 3 60 80 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.1 lab 52 46 27 lch 52 53 31 cmyk 0 46 49 20 dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](3.2):dark_salmon[2865][200,90,83](3.2):indian_red[4634][205,85,85](3.6):indianred[4642][205,85,85](3.6):sunset[8141][192,81,74](3.6) 9 dark:coral:indian:indianred:salmon:sunset:red +4770 joanna rgb 214 209 192 hex #D6D1C0 hsv 46 10 84 xyz 0.6 0.64 0.59 lab 84 -1 9 lch 84 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 16 ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](0.0):quarter_akaroa[6915][217,210,191](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.7):blanc[1494][217,208,193](2.0) 98 akaroa:blanc:ecru:fossil:half:quarter:tana:white +4771 joanna rgb 245 243 229 hex #F5F3E5 hsv 52 7 96 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.87 lab 96 -2 7 lch 96 7 104 cmyk 0 1 6 4 ecru_white[3358][245,243,229](0.0):eighth_dutch_white[3397][249,244,231](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.7):ivory[4698][238,238,224](2.0):twilight_blue[8616][244,246,236](2.0) 90 dutch:ecru:eighth:ivory:twilight:wheatfield:blue:white +4772 joie_de_vivre rgb 207 101 72 hex #CF6548 hsv 13 65 81 xyz 0.32 0.23 0.09 lab 55 40 36 lch 55 53 42 cmyk 0 42 53 19 mischief[5778][203,105,70](4.1):terracotta[8309][202,102,65](4.4):terracota[8308][203,104,67](4.5):coral[2494][205,91,69](4.6):dark_coral[2707][205,91,69](4.6) 5 dark:coral:mischief:terracota:terracotta +4773 jon rgb 59 31 31 hex #3B1F1F hsv 360 47 23 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 16 14 6 lch 16 15 23 cmyk 0 11 11 77 jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](3.2):chocolate[2303][61,35,39](3.3):crater_brown[2581][70,36,37](3.6):dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](3.6):maroon[5537][64,35,39](3.6) 12 dark:chocolate:crater:jumpstart:maroon:brown:crimson +4774 jon rgb 70 61 62 hex #463D3E hsv 353 13 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 27 4 1 lch 27 4 11 cmyk 0 4 3 73 double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](0.0):velocity[8688][75,64,66](1.4):eclipse[3354][63,57,57](2.2):tundora[8565][74,66,68](2.2):echo[3350][72,60,58](2.4) 40 double:echo:eclipse:sidewinder:tundora:velocity +4775 jonquil rgb 238 242 147 hex #EEF293 hsv 63 39 95 xyz 0.72 0.84 0.4 lab 93 -15 45 lch 93 48 108 cmyk 2 0 37 5 milan[5733][246,244,147](3.0):texas[8316][248,249,156](3.2):tidal[8349][240,245,144](3.3):light_yellow[5235][231,231,139](3.6):PMS586[775][226,229,132](4.5) 8 light:PMS586:milan:texas:tidal:yellow +4776 jonquil rgb 238 255 154 hex #EEFF9A hsv 70 40 100 xyz 0.77 0.92 0.44 lab 97 -21 46 lch 97 51 114 cmyk 7 0 40 0 very_light_lime_green[8769][231,255,158](3.0):very_light_apple_green[8742][243,255,158](3.2):key_lime[4840][232,244,140](5.4):tidal[8349][240,245,144](6.2):milan[5734][250,255,164](6.8) 2 light:very:apple:key:milan:tidal:green:lime +4777 jonquil rgb 244 202 22 hex #F4CA16 hsv 49 91 96 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.1 lab 83 0 81 lch 83 81 90 cmyk 0 16 87 4 fizz[3651][245,204,35](2.0):turbo[8567][245,204,35](2.0):deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](2.4):PMS116[16][252,209,22](2.8):gold[3897][238,201,0](3.0) 12 deep:PMS116:fizz:gold:turbo:lemon +4778 jonquil rgb 250 218 94 hex #FADA5E hsv 48 62 98 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.21 lab 88 -3 63 lch 88 63 92 cmyk 0 13 61 2 naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](0.0):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](0.0):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](0.0):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.0):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](2.8) 18 light:de:energy:gold:grain:naples:royal:stil:yellow +4779 jordy_blue rgb 122 170 224 hex #7AAAE0 hsv 212 46 88 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.76 lab 68 -2 -32 lch 68 32 267 cmyk 40 21 0 12 PMS284[305][117,170,219](2.8):light_cobalt_blue[5081][136,172,224](4.1):light_cobalt_blue[5082][139,174,231](5.0):little_boy_blue[5306][108,160,220](5.1):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](6.0) 3 light:PMS284:boy:cobalt:iceberg:little:blue +4780 jordy_blue rgb 138 185 241 hex #8AB9F1 hsv 213 43 95 xyz 0.44 0.46 0.9 lab 74 -1 -33 lch 74 33 268 cmyk 40 22 0 5 light_cobalt_blue[5082][139,174,231](4.4):light_cobalt_blue[5081][136,172,224](5.4):very_light_cobalt_blue[8755][158,194,255](5.7):light_azure[5006][139,185,231](5.8):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](6.4) 1 light:very:cobalt:azure:blue +4781 joss rgb 185 168 150 hex #B9A896 hsv 31 19 73 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.35 lab 70 3 12 lch 70 12 75 cmyk 0 7 14 27 half_malta[4351][181,166,149](1.4):half_rickshaw[4376][189,167,147](2.2):quarter_gargoyle[6950][178,164,149](2.8):PMS402[486][175,165,147](3.0):antidote[1058][193,176,159](3.2) 30 PMS402:antidote:gargoyle:half:malta:quarter:rickshaw +4782 judge_grey rgb 84 67 51 hex #544333 hsv 29 39 33 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.04 lab 30 5 12 lch 30 13 69 cmyk 0 7 13 67 brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](1.4):rocky_road[7270][87,70,58](2.2):millbrook[5747][89,68,51](2.4):soho[7837][90,70,58](3.0):deep_bronze[2964][81,65,45](3.3) 12 deep:bronze:derby:millbrook:road:rocky:soho:brown +4783 judge_grey rgb 93 83 70 hex #5D5346 hsv 34 25 36 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 36 2 9 lch 36 9 79 cmyk 0 4 9 64 iroko[4675][91,82,68](1.7):dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](2.0):rock[7257][90,77,65](2.2):half_mondo[4356][98,89,77](2.4):tabac[8197][88,80,68](2.4) 28 dark:grayish:half:iroko:mondo:rock:tabac:brown +4784 juicy rgb 255 139 0 hex #FF8B00 hsv 33 100 100 xyz 0.5 0.4 0.05 lab 69 37 75 lch 69 84 64 cmyk 0 45 100 0 dark_orange[2826][255,140,0](0.0):pizazz[6729][255,144,0](2.4):princeton_orange[6817][255,143,0](2.4):west_side[9051][255,145,15](3.7):tangerine[8240][242,133,0](4.1) 8 dark:pizazz:princeton:side:tangerine:west:orange +4785 jumbo rgb 124 123 130 hex #7C7B82 hsv 249 5 51 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.24 lab 52 2 -4 lch 52 4 296 cmyk 2 3 0 49 topaz[8423][129,124,135](2.4):rugged_lavender[7369][128,129,139](2.8):storm_grey[7995][116,120,128](3.0):eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](3.2):monsoon[5871][122,118,121](3.6) 21 eighth:monsoon:rugged:storm:topaz:tuna:grey:lavender +4786 jumbo rgb 135 135 133 hex #878785 hsv 60 1 53 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.26 lab 56 0 1 lch 56 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 47 silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](0.0):battleship_grey[1319][132,132,130](1.0):grey[4151][133,133,133](1.0):grey[4152][135,135,135](1.0):old_silver[6147][132,132,130](1.0) 59 battleship:old:silver:steel:grey +4787 jumpstart rgb 62 32 37 hex #3E2025 hsv 350 48 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 16 15 3 lch 16 15 11 cmyk 0 12 10 76 temptress[8300][60,33,38](1.4):chocolate[2303][61,35,39](2.2):dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](2.2):maroon[5537][64,35,39](2.2):spitfire[7904][56,25,33](2.4) 12 dark:chocolate:maroon:spitfire:temptress:crimson +4788 june_bud rgb 189 218 87 hex #BDDA57 hsv 73 60 85 xyz 0.48 0.62 0.18 lab 83 -28 60 lch 83 66 115 cmyk 11 0 51 15 sublime[8102][205,230,93](4.6):conifer[2462][177,221,82](6.3):curiosity[2627][211,229,104](6.7):happy_hour[4421][169,201,73](7.3):PMS374[449][186,232,96](8.1) 1 PMS374:conifer:curiosity:happy:hour:sublime +4789 jungle_green rgb 4 130 67 hex #048243 hsv 150 97 51 xyz 0.09 0.16 0.08 lab 47 -45 26 lch 47 52 150 cmyk 49 0 25 49 PMS356[430][0,122,61](2.4):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](5.7):la_salle_green[4904][8,120,48](5.8):spring_green[7918][0,139,69](5.8):PMS348[422][0,135,81](6.3) 1 PMS348:PMS356:darkish:la:salle:spring:green +4790 jungle_green rgb 40 30 21 hex #281E15 hsv 28 48 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 12 3 8 lch 12 9 68 cmyk 0 4 7 84 oil[6118][40,30,21](0.0):zeus[9256][41,35,25](2.8):eternity[3513][33,26,14](3.0):sooty[7850][40,29,25](3.6):karaka[4816][30,22,9](4.1) 11 eternity:karaka:oil:sooty:zeus +4791 jungle_green rgb 41 171 135 hex #29AB87 hsv 163 76 67 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.28 lab 63 -43 9 lch 63 44 168 cmyk 51 0 14 33 jeepers_creepers[4754][41,169,139](3.7):niagara[6046][41,169,139](3.7):mint[5763][62,180,137](4.2):PMS339[408][0,178,140](4.5):strong_turquoise[8062][0,168,126](5.4) 4 strong:PMS339:creepers:jeepers:niagara:mint:turquoise +4792 jungle_green rgb 41 41 36 hex #292924 hsv 60 12 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 -1 3 lch 16 3 109 cmyk 0 0 2 84 PMS426[509][43,43,40](1.4):asphalt[1164][42,41,34](2.0):maire[5467][42,41,34](2.0):PMS419[502][40,40,33](2.2):bokara_grey[1633][42,39,37](2.2) 39 PMS419:PMS426:asphalt:bokara:maire:grey +4793 jungle_green rgb 59 176 143 hex #3BB08F hsv 163 66 69 xyz 0.22 0.34 0.31 lab 65 -41 7 lch 65 41 170 cmyk 46 0 13 31 greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](2.4):jeepers_creepers[4754][41,169,139](3.2):niagara[6046][41,169,139](3.2):mint[5763][62,180,137](5.5):zomp[9272][57,167,141](5.8) 3 creepers:greeny:jeepers:niagara:zomp:blue:mint +4794 jungle_juice rgb 47 117 50 hex #2F7532 hsv 123 60 46 xyz 0.08 0.14 0.05 lab 44 -37 30 lch 44 48 141 cmyk 27 0 26 54 japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](0.0):san_felix[7445][44,110,49](4.1):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](4.5):area[1139][60,128,67](5.4):kermit[4837][54,129,54](5.4) 3 area:darkish:felix:japanese:kermit:laurel:san:green +4795 jungle_mist rgb 176 196 196 hex #B0C4C4 hsv 180 10 77 xyz 0.48 0.53 0.6 lab 78 -7 -2 lch 78 7 199 cmyk 8 0 0 23 light_cyan[5091][180,205,205](3.3):submarine[8104][186,199,201](3.3):tower_grey[8445][169,189,191](3.3):PMS5503[702][170,196,191](3.7):opal[6188][168,195,188](3.7) 15 light:PMS5503:cyan:opal:submarine:tower:grey +4796 jungle_mist rgb 180 207 211 hex #B4CFD3 hsv 188 15 83 xyz 0.53 0.59 0.7 lab 81 -8 -5 lch 81 10 212 cmyk 12 2 0 17 light_cyan[5091][180,205,205](2.0):pastel_blue[6501][174,198,207](4.1):light_blue[5017][192,217,217](4.5):jet_stream[4760][181,210,206](4.6):PMS552[707][196,214,214](4.7) 7 light:PMS552:cyan:jet:pastel:stream:blue +4797 juniper rgb 109 146 146 hex #6D9292 hsv 180 25 57 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.31 lab 58 -13 -4 lch 58 13 198 cmyk 15 0 0 43 bounce[1678][103,147,148](2.2):wishlist[9150][101,146,149](2.2):pale_turquoise[6438][102,139,139](3.0):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](3.3):gumbo[4251][113,143,138](3.3) 8 pale:PMS5483:bounce:gumbo:wishlist:turquoise +4798 juniper rgb 116 145 142 hex #74918E hsv 174 20 57 xyz 0.22 0.26 0.29 lab 58 -11 -2 lch 58 11 189 cmyk 11 0 1 43 gumbo[4251][113,143,138](1.7):granny_smith[3971][123,148,140](3.2):pale_turquoise[6438][102,139,139](4.1):metamorphis[5694][128,157,150](4.6):blue_smoke[1589][116,136,129](4.7) 8 pale:granny:gumbo:metamorphis:smith:smoke:blue:turquoise +4799 jupiter rgb 106 81 119 hex #6A5177 hsv 279 32 47 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.19 lab 38 18 -18 lch 38 25 316 cmyk 5 15 0 53 PMS668[847][102,73,117](4.1):centaurian[2171][110,89,119](5.8):high_society[4482][105,91,124](6.2):kimberly[4860][105,93,135](6.9):PMS5275[659][96,86,119](7.1) 1 PMS5275:PMS668:centaurian:high:kimberly:society +4800 jurassic rgb 55 68 62 hex #37443E hsv 152 19 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 28 -7 2 lch 28 7 164 cmyk 5 0 2 73 pioneer[6707][57,69,65](1.4):isobar[4692][55,72,70](3.2):firefly[3648][49,70,67](3.6):mica[5704][60,69,67](3.6):hauraki[4432][58,77,73](3.7) 13 firefly:hauraki:isobar:mica:pioneer +4801 just_right rgb 220 191 172 hex #DCBFAC hsv 24 22 86 xyz 0.56 0.55 0.47 lab 79 7 13 lch 79 15 61 cmyk 0 11 19 14 PMS4745[581][216,191,170](1.4):eighth_kalgoorie_sands[3404][215,189,166](2.4):bone[1645][219,194,171](3.0):PMS480[588][211,183,163](3.2):nougat[6077][214,193,171](3.2) 13 PMS4745:PMS480:bone:eighth:kalgoorie:nougat:sands +4802 just_right rgb 236 205 185 hex #ECCDB9 hsv 24 22 93 xyz 0.65 0.65 0.55 lab 84 8 14 lch 84 16 61 cmyk 0 12 20 7 desert_sand[3105][239,205,184](1.7):soft_pink[7832][242,205,187](2.2):watusi[9023][242,205,187](2.2):PMS489[598][242,209,191](2.4):PMS4685[568][237,211,188](3.7) 11 PMS4685:PMS489:desert:sand:soft:watusi:pink +4803 kabul rgb 94 72 62 hex #5E483E hsv 19 34 37 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.06 lab 33 8 10 lch 33 12 51 cmyk 0 9 13 63 soho[7837][90,70,58](2.2):double_buffalo[3185][100,78,70](2.8):brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](3.5):rocky_road[7270][87,70,58](3.6):catapult[2134][104,81,67](3.7) 17 buffalo:catapult:derby:double:road:rocky:soho:brown +4804 kabul rgb 108 94 83 hex #6C5E53 hsv 26 23 42 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.1 lab 41 4 8 lch 41 9 66 cmyk 0 5 10 58 pine_cone[6654][109,94,84](0.0):dorado[3171][110,95,86](1.0):quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](1.4):kiwi[4867][107,90,79](1.7):half_oilskin[4362][114,100,89](2.0) 23 cone:dorado:half:kiwi:lignite:oilskin:pine:quarter +4805 kachow rgb 162 58 52 hex #A23A34 hsv 3 68 64 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.04 lab 40 43 27 lch 40 50 32 cmyk 0 41 43 36 whizz_bang[9100][162,58,52](0.0):milano_red[5735][158,51,50](3.0):sweet_brown[8178][168,55,49](3.6):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](4.1):forbidden[3716][176,70,64](4.1) 8 PMS1807:bang:forbidden:milano:sweet:whizz:brown:red +4806 kaitoke_green rgb 0 70 32 hex #004620 hsv 147 100 27 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.02 lab 25 -30 17 lch 25 35 150 cmyk 27 0 15 73 forest_green[3720][1,68,33](1.7):up_forest_green[8656][1,68,33](1.7):pine_green[6659][10,72,30](3.3):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](5.9):evergreen[3527][5,71,42](5.9) 3 british:evergreen:forest:pine:racing:up:green +4807 kaitoke_green rgb 36 83 54 hex #245336 hsv 143 57 33 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.05 lab 31 -24 12 lch 31 27 153 cmyk 18 0 11 67 mid_green[5706][36,83,54](0.0):PMS350[424][35,79,51](1.4):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](3.3):cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](3.7):cal_poly_pomona_green[2007][30,77,43](3.7) 6 dark:PMS350:cal:mid:poly:pomona:sea:green +4808 kakadu rgb 85 65 35 hex #554123 hsv 36 59 33 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.02 lab 29 5 21 lch 29 22 78 cmyk 0 8 20 67 dark_gamboge[2725][89,70,39](2.4):brown[1832][89,64,39](2.8):saddle_brown[7398][80,56,30](3.7):PMS449[534][84,71,38](4.6):PMS462[554][91,71,35](4.6) 6 dark:PMS449:PMS462:gamboge:saddle:brown +4809 kakapo rgb 92 150 37 hex #5C9625 hsv 91 75 59 xyz 0.16 0.24 0.06 lab 56 -38 50 lch 56 63 127 cmyk 23 0 44 41 limeade[5276][95,151,39](1.4):vida_loca[8835][84,144,25](3.0):vida_loca[8836][95,146,40](3.7):PMS370[445][86,142,20](4.4):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](5.4) 4 PMS370:limeade:loca:sap:vida:green +4810 kakaramea rgb 110 44 37 hex #6E2C25 hsv 6 66 43 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.02 lab 27 29 19 lch 27 35 34 cmyk 0 26 29 57 pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](3.3):hot_n_spicy[4560][107,35,32](3.6):heatwave[4457][110,38,32](3.7):coco[2404][104,40,40](4.1):lusty[5412][120,46,44](4.4) 11 coco:heatwave:hot:lusty:n:pioneer:spicy:red +4811 kalgoorie_sands rgb 187 139 103 hex #BB8B67 hsv 26 45 73 xyz 0.32 0.3 0.17 lab 62 14 26 lch 62 30 63 cmyk 0 19 33 27 biscuit_brown[1425][187,139,103](0.0):alamo[986][186,140,102](1.4):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](4.0):baroque[1309][202,146,116](4.7):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](4.7) 5 PMS4645:alamo:baroque:biscuit:half:kalgoorie:sands:brown +4812 kamikaze rgb 164 63 48 hex #A43F30 hsv 8 71 64 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.04 lab 41 41 31 lch 41 51 37 cmyk 0 40 45 36 medium_carmine[5603][175,64,53](4.5):pale_carmine[6319][175,64,53](4.5):kachow[4805][162,58,52](4.6):whizz_bang[9100][162,58,52](4.6):brownish_red[1869][158,54,35](5.1) 4 pale:medium:bang:brownish:carmine:kachow:whizz:red +4813 kandinsky rgb 195 216 189 hex #C3D8BD hsv 107 13 85 xyz 0.56 0.64 0.58 lab 84 -12 11 lch 84 16 138 cmyk 8 0 11 15 pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](1.4):surf_crest[8159][195,214,189](1.4):cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](3.3):surf[8158][187,215,193](3.3):symphony[8195][196,211,180](3.3) 12 pale:cooled:crest:leaf:surf:symphony:green +4814 kangaroo rgb 197 195 176 hex #C5C3B0 hsv 54 11 77 xyz 0.5 0.54 0.49 lab 78 -3 10 lch 78 10 105 cmyk 0 1 8 23 kidnapper[4854][191,192,171](1.4):double_joanna[3208][201,197,176](1.7):beryl_green[1398][188,191,168](2.4):PMS413[496][198,193,178](2.8):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](3.0) 54 PMS413:beryl:chrome:double:joanna:kidnapper:green:white +4815 kangaroo rgb 198 200 189 hex #C6C8BD hsv 71 6 78 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.56 lab 80 -3 5 lch 80 6 117 cmyk 1 0 4 22 eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](1.4):quill_grey[7028][203,201,192](2.2):PMS5517[706][201,206,196](2.4):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](2.4):ivory[4697][205,205,193](2.4) 61 PMS5517:eighth:grass:half:ivory:quill:truffle:grey:lemon +4816 karaka rgb 30 22 9 hex #1E1609 hsv 37 70 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 8 2 8 lch 8 8 77 cmyk 0 3 8 88 acadia[951][27,20,4](1.4):el_paso[3432][30,23,8](1.4):eternity[3513][33,26,14](2.4):bokara_grey[1632][28,18,8](3.0):crowshead[2609][28,18,8](3.0) 14 acadia:bokara:crowshead:el:eternity:paso:grey +4817 karaka rgb 45 45 36 hex #2D2D24 hsv 60 20 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -2 6 lch 18 6 109 cmyk 0 0 4 82 green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](0.0):style_pasifika_dark_stone[8076][45,45,36](0.0):marshland[5556][43,46,38](1.4):rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](1.4):PMS419[502][40,40,33](2.2) 33 dark:PMS419:marshland:pasifika:rangoon:stone:style:waterloo:green +4818 karens_pewter rgb 102 97 86 hex #666156 hsv 41 16 40 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.11 lab 41 0 7 lch 41 7 91 cmyk 0 2 6 60 pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](0.0):triple_friar_grey[8493][102,97,86](0.0):half_masala[4352][103,99,92](2.2):triple_stonehenge[8521][102,92,82](2.2):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.4) 31 friar:half:masala:pewter:pure:stonehenge:talisman:triple:grey +4819 karma rgb 182 162 55 hex #B6A237 hsv 51 70 71 xyz 0.33 0.36 0.09 lab 67 -5 56 lch 67 56 95 cmyk 0 8 50 29 style_pasifika_dark_sun[8077][182,162,55](0.0):brass[1697][181,166,66](4.6):lemon_ginger[4971][172,158,34](6.6):sahara[7415][183,152,38](7.1):sundance[8124][196,170,77](7.3) 2 dark:brass:ginger:pasifika:sahara:style:sun:sundance:lemon +4820 karry rgb 254 220 193 hex #FEDCC1 hsv 27 24 100 xyz 0.76 0.76 0.61 lab 90 8 18 lch 90 19 66 cmyk 0 13 24 0 pale_orange[6396][255,224,194](2.4):negroni[6006][255,226,197](2.8):pale_tangelo[6435][255,217,194](3.0):very_pale_orange[8814][255,223,191](3.0):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](3.2) 17 pale:very:negroni:puff:tangelo:orange:peach +4821 karry rgb 255 234 212 hex #FFEAD4 hsv 31 17 100 xyz 0.83 0.85 0.74 lab 94 4 13 lch 94 14 75 cmyk 0 8 17 0 antique_white[1070][250,235,215](2.2):derby[3097][255,238,216](2.2):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](2.2):serenade[7617][252,233,215](2.2):antique_white[1071][255,239,219](2.4) 26 antique:derby:moccasin:serenade:white +4822 kashmir_blue rgb 80 112 150 hex #507096 hsv 213 47 59 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.31 lab 46 -1 -24 lch 46 24 268 cmyk 27 15 0 41 panorama[6469][89,116,153](2.4):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](3.0):cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](3.3):queen_blue[7021][67,107,149](3.6):dull_blue[3281][73,117,156](4.1) 8 cadet:dull:leap:panorama:quantum:queen:blue +4823 kashmir_blue rgb 87 109 142 hex #576D8E hsv 216 39 56 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.28 lab 46 1 -21 lch 46 21 272 cmyk 22 13 0 44 waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](1.0):kingfisher_blue[4863][89,106,139](1.7):waratah[8993][85,105,139](2.2):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](2.4):panorama[6469][89,116,153](3.0) 7 kingfisher:leap:panorama:quantum:waikawa:waratah:blue:grey +4824 kea rgb 40 62 42 hex #283E2A hsv 125 35 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.03 lab 24 -14 10 lch 24 17 145 cmyk 9 0 8 76 botanic[1667][33,64,43](3.2):filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](3.6):permanent_green[6600][37,68,47](3.7):landscape_green[4908][47,71,50](4.0):kereru[4835][40,62,35](4.1) 10 botanic:chrome:filmpro:kereru:landscape:permanent:green +4825 kelley_green rgb 0 147 55 hex #009337 hsv 142 100 58 xyz 0.11 0.21 0.07 lab 53 -53 39 lch 53 66 144 cmyk 58 0 36 42 north_texas_green[6072][5,144,51](1.0):PMS452_2X[542][0,153,68](4.5):irish_green[4673][1,149,41](6.4):PMS355[429][0,158,73](6.5):emerald[3467][1,160,73](6.7) 2 2X:PMS355:PMS452:emerald:irish:north:texas:green +4826 kelly_green rgb 2 171 46 hex #02AB2E hsv 136 99 67 xyz 0.15 0.29 0.07 lab 61 -62 51 lch 61 80 140 cmyk 66 0 49 33 strong_malachite_green[8041][0,168,42](1.4):PMS361[435][30,181,58](4.1):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](6.7):strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](7.1):dark_pastel_green[2835][3,192,60](8.3) 2 dark:strong:2X:PMS361:PMS368:emerald:malachite:pastel:green +4827 kelly_green rgb 76 187 23 hex #4CBB17 hsv 101 88 73 xyz 0.21 0.37 0.07 lab 67 -58 64 lch 67 86 132 cmyk 44 0 64 27 PMS368[442][91,191,33](3.6):frog_green[3773][88,188,8](4.4):PMS375_2X[451][84,188,0](4.6):strong_pistachio[8050][63,168,0](7.0):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](7.7) 3 strong:2X:PMS368:PMS375:frog:harlequin:pistachio:green +4828 kelp rgb 69 73 54 hex #454936 hsv 73 26 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.04 lab 30 -5 11 lch 30 12 117 cmyk 2 0 7 71 grey_green[4212][69,73,54](0.0):rifle_green[7226][68,76,56](2.2):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](2.4):modular_green[5855][76,78,63](3.7):rangitoto[7061][58,65,51](4.4) 10 modular:rangitoto:rifle:green:grey +4829 kelp rgb 77 80 60 hex #4D503C hsv 69 25 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.05 lab 33 -5 11 lch 33 13 114 cmyk 1 0 8 69 modular_green[5855][76,78,63](2.2):lunar_green[5408][78,85,65](2.8):rifle_green[7226][68,76,56](2.8):grey_green[4212][69,73,54](3.0):cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](3.5) 15 cabbage:lunar:modular:pont:rifle:green:grey +4830 kensington_grey rgb 157 159 154 hex #9D9F9A hsv 84 3 62 xyz 0.32 0.34 0.35 lab 65 -2 2 lch 65 3 125 cmyk 1 0 2 38 star_dust[7953][159,159,156](1.0):delta[3086][153,155,149](1.4):half_stack[4391][152,156,153](1.4):transmission[8458][159,161,158](1.7):mountain_mist[5920][160,159,156](2.0) 44 delta:dust:half:mist:mountain:stack:star:transmission +4831 kenyan_copper rgb 108 50 46 hex #6C322E hsv 4 57 42 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 29 25 15 lch 29 29 30 cmyk 0 23 24 58 PMS498[607][109,51,43](2.0):fahrenheit[3542][103,46,43](2.2):patio_red[6522][109,51,49](2.2):cajun[2005][102,47,43](2.4):kwila[4897][109,51,42](3.0) 17 PMS498:cajun:fahrenheit:kwila:patio:red +4832 kenyan_copper rgb 124 28 5 hex #7C1C05 hsv 12 96 49 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.01 lab 27 40 37 lch 27 55 43 cmyk 0 38 47 51 oiled_cedar[6121][124,28,5](0.0):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](2.2):beer_srm_24[1364][126,31,1](3.2):beer_srm_26[1366][114,27,0](3.7):cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](4.4) 7 24:25:26:beer:cedar:finish:oiled:srm:wood +4833 keppel rgb 58 176 158 hex #3AB09E hsv 171 67 69 xyz 0.23 0.34 0.38 lab 65 -37 0 lch 65 37 181 cmyk 46 0 7 31 PMS3272[382][0,170,158](4.9):zomp[9272][57,167,141](5.0):zomp[9273][57,167,142](5.0):strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](5.1):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](5.4) 3 strong:PMS3272:PMS3275:opal:zomp +4834 keppel rgb 95 182 156 hex #5FB69C hsv 162 48 71 xyz 0.27 0.38 0.37 lab 68 -33 5 lch 68 33 171 cmyk 34 0 10 29 puerto_rico[6836][89,186,163](2.4):moderate_turquoise[5852][74,168,145](5.2):greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](6.4):silver_tree[7721][102,181,143](7.0):zomp[9272][57,167,141](7.3) 1 moderate:greeny:puerto:rico:silver:tree:zomp:blue:turquoise +4835 kereru rgb 40 62 35 hex #283E23 hsv 109 44 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.02 lab 24 -15 14 lch 24 20 137 cmyk 9 0 11 76 feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](2.8):filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](3.7):kea[4824][40,62,42](4.1):mallard[5483][35,52,24](4.6):palm_leaf[6459][54,72,47](4.6) 5 chrome:feverpitch:filmpro:kea:leaf:mallard:palm:green +4836 kermadec rgb 29 44 42 hex #1D2C2A hsv 172 34 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 -7 -1 lch 17 7 186 cmyk 6 0 1 83 racing_green[7035][35,47,44](1.7):madagascar[5423][23,46,44](3.2):midnight_moss[5726][36,46,40](3.3):swamp[8171][37,47,47](3.6):raglan[7045][41,51,49](3.7) 11 madagascar:midnight:moss:racing:raglan:swamp:green +4837 kermit rgb 54 129 54 hex #368136 hsv 120 58 51 xyz 0.1 0.17 0.06 lab 48 -39 33 lch 48 52 140 cmyk 29 0 29 49 filmpro_emerald_green[3610][44,129,57](2.8):darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](4.1):PMS364[438][58,119,40](5.2):japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](5.4):jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](5.4) 2 PMS364:darkish:emerald:filmpro:japanese:juice:jungle:laurel:green +4838 kermit_green rgb 92 178 0 hex #5CB200 hsv 89 100 70 xyz 0.2 0.34 0.06 lab 65 -50 66 lch 65 83 127 cmyk 34 0 70 30 strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](4.4):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](5.2):frog_green[3773][88,188,8](5.9):lima[5265][118,189,23](6.5):PMS368[442][91,191,33](6.7) 1 strong:PMS368:chartreuse:frog:leaf:lima:green +4839 key_lime rgb 174 255 110 hex #AEFF6E hsv 94 57 100 xyz 0.56 0.82 0.28 lab 92 -48 60 lch 92 77 129 cmyk 32 0 57 0 light_lime[5135][174,253,108](1.4):spring_green[7924][169,249,113](3.7):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](4.0):light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](4.1):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](5.1) 4 pale:light:brilliant:chartreuse:grass:spring:green:lime +4840 key_lime rgb 232 244 140 hex #E8F48C hsv 67 43 96 xyz 0.7 0.84 0.37 lab 93 -19 49 lch 93 52 111 cmyk 5 0 41 4 tidal[8349][240,245,144](3.3):jonquil[4776][238,255,154](5.4):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](5.7):very_light_apple_green[8742][243,255,158](5.7):mindaro[5752][227,249,136](5.9) 1 light:very:apple:jonquil:mindaro:tidal:green +4841 key_lime_pie rgb 191 201 33 hex #BFC921 hsv 64 84 79 xyz 0.43 0.53 0.09 lab 78 -22 73 lch 78 77 107 cmyk 4 0 66 21 lime[5270][191,201,33](0.0):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](2.8):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](3.3):PMS390[467][186,196,5](3.6):la_rioja[4903][186,192,14](3.7) 9 PMS390:grande:la:rio:rioja:lime +4842 khaki rgb 139 134 78 hex #8B864E hsv 55 44 55 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.11 lab 55 -7 31 lch 55 31 102 cmyk 0 2 24 45 light_goldenrod[5105][139,129,76](3.3):old_goldenrod[6130][139,129,76](3.3):drab[3263][130,131,68](4.7):awol[1215][136,140,77](4.9):dark_khaki[2780][155,143,85](5.1) 4 light:dark:awol:drab:goldenrod:khaki:old +4843 khaki rgb 159 159 95 hex #9F9F5F hsv 60 40 62 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.16 lab 64 -10 33 lch 64 35 106 cmyk 0 0 25 38 PMS5835[770][158,153,89](3.0):crisp_green[2602][149,149,82](4.5):green_smoke[4059][156,166,100](4.5):gingko[3865][165,156,85](5.8):PMS5767[752][140,145,79](6.4) 3 PMS5767:PMS5835:crisp:gingko:smoke:green +4844 khaki rgb 170 166 98 hex #AAA662 hsv 57 42 67 xyz 0.32 0.37 0.17 lab 67 -9 36 lch 67 37 104 cmyk 0 2 28 33 gingko[3865][165,156,85](4.1):iko[4609][179,171,110](5.4):style_pasifika_sand_frond[8094][179,171,110](5.4):PMS5835[770][158,153,89](5.5):gimblet[3859][185,173,97](5.8) 1 PMS5835:frond:gimblet:gingko:iko:pasifika:sand:style +4845 khaki rgb 195 176 145 hex #C3B091 hsv 37 26 76 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.33 lab 73 2 18 lch 73 18 84 cmyk 0 7 20 24 indian_khaki[4629][195,176,145](0.0):half_doeskin[4317][193,175,147](1.4):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](1.4):coral[2492][192,176,147](1.7):tabby[8200][197,178,152](2.4) 30 65:coral:doeskin:half:indian:khaki:lmu:tabby:toast +4846 khaki rgb 205 198 115 hex #CDC673 hsv 55 44 80 xyz 0.48 0.55 0.24 lab 79 -9 42 lch 79 43 102 cmyk 0 3 35 20 light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](4.6):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](4.6):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.2):souffle[7856][213,193,113](5.2):deco[2947][204,207,130](6.0) 2 light:PMS617:deco:goldenrod:old:souffle +4847 khaki rgb 238 230 133 hex #EEE685 hsv 55 44 93 xyz 0.68 0.76 0.33 lab 90 -10 48 lch 90 49 102 cmyk 0 3 41 7 sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](1.4):PMS602[781][242,234,135](1.7):light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](3.2):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](3.5):sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](3.6) 13 light:PMS602:corn:flavescent:khaki:sahara:sand:sweet +4848 khaki rgb 238 230 134 hex #EEE686 hsv 55 44 93 xyz 0.68 0.76 0.34 lab 90 -10 48 lch 90 49 102 cmyk 0 3 41 7 sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](1.4):PMS602[781][242,234,135](1.7):light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](3.2):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](3.5):sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](3.6) 13 light:PMS602:corn:flavescent:khaki:sahara:sand:sweet +4849 khaki rgb 240 230 140 hex #F0E68C hsv 54 42 94 xyz 0.69 0.77 0.36 lab 90 -9 45 lch 90 46 101 cmyk 0 4 39 6 light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](0.0):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](2.2):moonbeam[5891][242,226,137](2.2):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](2.4):sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](2.4) 19 light:flavescent:khaki:moonbeam:sahara:sand:green:yellow +4850 khaki rgb 255 246 143 hex #FFF68F hsv 55 44 100 xyz 0.79 0.89 0.39 lab 96 -11 50 lch 96 52 102 cmyk 0 4 44 0 creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](3.0):witch_haze[9161][255,252,153](3.0):pastel_yellow[6518][253,253,150](3.3):PMS393[470][242,239,135](3.6):canary[2037][255,255,153](3.7) 7 PMS393:banane:canary:creme:de:haze:pastel:witch:yellow +4851 khaki_dark rgb 189 183 107 hex #BDB76B hsv 56 43 74 xyz 0.41 0.46 0.21 lab 73 -9 39 lch 73 40 103 cmyk 0 2 32 26 dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](0.0):olive_green[6165][186,184,108](1.0):gimblet[3858][184,181,106](1.4):gimblet[3859][185,173,97](4.4):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.5) 4 dark:PMS617:gimblet:khaki:olive:green +4852 khaki_green rgb 114 134 57 hex #728639 hsv 76 57 53 xyz 0.16 0.21 0.07 lab 53 -20 38 lch 53 43 117 cmyk 8 0 30 47 dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](3.2):swamp[8172][105,131,57](3.5):koru[4886][119,142,70](4.2):dirty_green[3137][102,126,44](5.4):camo[2025][127,143,78](7.1) 3 dark:camo:dirty:koru:olive:swamp:green +4853 kidman rgb 204 183 185 hex #CCB7B9 hsv 354 10 80 xyz 0.51 0.5 0.53 lab 76 8 2 lch 76 8 12 cmyk 0 8 7 20 cold_turkey[2433][206,186,186](1.7):misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](2.0):mistyrose[5793][205,183,181](2.0):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](2.4):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](3.2) 14 misty:cold:mistyrose:silver:turkey:pink:rose +4854 kidnapper rgb 191 192 171 hex #BFC0AB hsv 63 11 75 xyz 0.48 0.52 0.46 lab 77 -4 10 lch 77 11 111 cmyk 0 0 8 25 beryl_green[1398][188,191,168](1.4):kangaroo[4814][197,195,176](1.4):eagle[3322][182,186,164](2.4):ash[1153][190,186,167](2.8):PMS5645[733][188,193,178](3.0) 44 PMS5645:ash:beryl:eagle:kangaroo:green +4855 kidnapper rgb 225 234 212 hex #E1EAD4 hsv 85 9 92 xyz 0.72 0.8 0.74 lab 92 -7 10 lch 92 12 125 cmyk 4 0 9 8 willow_brook[9121][223,230,207](2.2):frostee[3782][219,229,210](2.8):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](3.0):frost[3778][237,245,221](3.2):lime_white[5274][234,236,214](3.2) 20 brook:frost:frostee:peppermint:willow:lime:white +4856 kilamanjaro rgb 36 12 2 hex #240C02 hsv 18 94 14 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 6 11 8 lch 6 13 37 cmyk 0 9 13 86 blackwood[1491][38,17,5](2.4):wood_bark[9164][38,17,5](2.4):coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](3.0):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](3.0):marlin[5535][42,20,14](3.0) 6 bark:bean:blackwood:coffee:cuban:marlin:tan:wood +4857 kilamanjaro rgb 58 53 50 hex #3A3532 hsv 22 14 23 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 2 3 lch 23 3 60 cmyk 0 2 3 77 dune[3291][56,53,51](1.7):masala[5564][64,59,56](2.0):black_pepper[1471][60,55,49](2.2):gondola[3945][55,51,50](2.2):ironsand[4681][57,55,53](2.2) 78 dune:gondola:ironsand:masala:pepper:black +4858 killarney rgb 58 106 71 hex #3A6A47 hsv 136 45 42 xyz 0.08 0.12 0.08 lab 41 -25 15 lch 41 29 149 cmyk 19 0 14 58 leprechaun[4988][54,98,67](4.1):green_pea[4056][38,98,66](5.4):deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](5.5):hunter_green[4586][53,94,59](5.5):medium_sea_green[5638][66,111,66](5.5) 1 deep:medium:hunter:leprechaun:moss:pea:sea:green +4859 killarney rgb 73 118 79 hex #49764F hsv 128 38 46 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.1 lab 46 -24 17 lch 46 30 145 cmyk 18 0 15 54 medium_sea_green[5638][66,111,66](4.7):amazon[1032][59,122,87](6.4):como[2443][76,120,92](6.4):dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](6.5):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](6.7) 1 medium:dark:amazon:como:glade:sage:sea:green +4860 kimberly rgb 105 93 135 hex #695D87 hsv 257 31 53 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.25 lab 42 14 -22 lch 42 26 303 cmyk 12 16 0 47 high_society[4482][105,91,124](6.2):PMS5275[659][96,86,119](6.6):dark_blue_gray[2688][102,102,153](6.8):jupiter[4799][106,81,119](6.9):butterfly_bush[1956][104,87,140](7.1) 0 dark:PMS5275:bush:butterfly:high:jupiter:society:blue:gray +4861 kimberly rgb 115 108 159 hex #736C9F hsv 248 32 62 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.35 lab 48 14 -27 lch 48 30 299 cmyk 17 20 0 38 dark_blue_gray[2688][102,102,153](3.3):deluge[3091][130,114,164](4.7):scampi[7512][111,99,160](7.1):grayish_blue[3998][125,125,168](8.2):butterfly_bush[1956][104,87,140](8.6) 2 dark:bush:butterfly:deluge:grayish:scampi:blue:gray +4862 kina_brown rgb 67 61 56 hex #433D38 hsv 27 16 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 2 4 lch 26 4 69 cmyk 0 2 4 74 merlin[5681][65,60,55](1.0):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](1.0):armadillo[1140][67,62,55](1.4):masala[5564][64,59,56](1.4):tiri[8373][70,65,62](2.2) 49 armadillo:ash:masala:merlin:smokey:tiri +4863 kingfisher_blue rgb 89 106 139 hex #596A8B hsv 220 36 55 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.26 lab 45 2 -20 lch 45 20 276 cmyk 20 13 0 45 waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](1.4):waratah[8993][85,105,139](1.4):kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](1.7):norwegian_blue[6075][88,100,131](2.4):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](3.0) 6 kashmir:leap:norwegian:quantum:waikawa:waratah:blue:grey +4864 kingfisher_daisy rgb 62 4 128 hex #3E0480 hsv 268 97 50 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.21 lab 19 49 -55 lch 19 74 312 cmyk 26 49 0 50 indigo[4646][56,2,130](3.2):indigo[4647][75,0,130](3.7):pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](3.7):pixie_powder[6727][57,18,133](4.2):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](4.6) 5 PMS2745:pigment:pixie:powder:indigo +4865 kingfisher_daisy rgb 88 53 128 hex #583580 hsv 268 59 50 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.21 lab 30 32 -37 lch 30 49 311 cmyk 16 29 0 50 gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](0.0):daisy_bush[2658][91,62,144](5.0):blue_diamond[1558][75,45,114](5.4):windsor[9133][70,44,119](5.7):regalia[7171][82,45,128](5.8) 2 bush:daisy:diamond:gobstopper:regalia:windsor:blue +4866 kitsch rgb 0 108 127 hex #006C7F hsv 189 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.22 lab 42 -19 -18 lch 42 26 224 cmyk 50 7 0 50 dauntless[2931][22,111,127](2.2):allports[1006][31,106,125](3.3):PMS315[357][0,107,119](4.6):PMS634[813][0,102,127](4.7):blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](5.7) 4 PMS315:PMS634:allports:dauntless:lagoon:blue +4867 kiwi rgb 107 90 79 hex #6B5A4F hsv 24 26 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.09 lab 40 5 9 lch 40 10 61 cmyk 0 7 11 58 quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](1.0):kabul[4804][108,94,83](1.7):pine_cone[6654][109,94,84](1.7):PMS411[494][102,89,76](2.2):domino[3163][108,91,76](2.2) 26 PMS411:cone:domino:kabul:lignite:pine:quarter +4868 kiwi rgb 156 239 67 hex #9CEF43 hsv 89 72 94 xyz 0.46 0.69 0.16 lab 87 -51 71 lch 87 87 126 cmyk 33 0 67 6 kiwi_green[4869][142,229,63](5.1):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](7.3):olive_drab[6159][179,238,58](9.0):olivedrab[6173][179,238,58](9.0):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](9.1) 0 pale:drab:kiwi:lizard:olive:olivedrab:green:lime +4869 kiwi_green rgb 142 229 63 hex #8EE53F hsv 91 72 90 xyz 0.4 0.62 0.15 lab 83 -52 68 lch 83 86 127 cmyk 34 0 65 10 kiwi[4868][156,239,67](5.1):brilliant_pistachio[1794][137,231,81](6.1):brilliant_chartreuse_green[1771][156,231,81](7.1):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](8.1):brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](9.2) 0 brilliant:apple:chartreuse:harlequin:kiwi:pistachio:green +4870 knave rgb 80 83 76 hex #50534C hsv 86 8 33 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.08 lab 35 -3 4 lch 35 5 126 cmyk 1 0 3 67 battleship_grey[1316][81,87,79](1.4):calm_green[2012][81,87,79](1.4):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](2.0):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](2.4):dark_greenish_grey[2767][83,89,83](2.4) 38 dark:battleship:calm:cliffhanger:fuscous:greenish:green:grey +4871 knock_out rgb 200 22 65 hex #C81641 hsv 346 89 78 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.06 lab 43 66 25 lch 43 70 21 cmyk 0 70 53 22 PMS1935[150][193,5,56](2.8):rose_red[7314][190,1,60](3.2):PMS200[158][196,30,58](4.2):cardinal[2081][196,30,58](4.2):ruby[7362][202,1,71](5.0) 5 PMS1935:PMS200:cardinal:ruby:red:rose +4872 kobe rgb 136 45 23 hex #882D17 hsv 12 83 53 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.02 lab 32 38 34 lch 32 51 42 cmyk 0 36 44 47 sienna[7691][136,45,23](0.0):red_brown[7117][139,46,22](1.4):countdown[2558][146,47,29](3.6):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](4.6):reddish_brown[7151][127,43,10](5.4) 4 countdown:pueblo:reddish:sienna:brown:red +4873 kobi rgb 224 147 171 hex #E093AB hsv 341 34 88 xyz 0.49 0.4 0.44 lab 69 32 0 lch 69 32 359 cmyk 0 30 21 12 PMS507[622][216,137,155](4.2):dull_pink[3286][213,134,157](4.2):can[2032][213,145,164](4.6):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](5.1):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](5.1) 3 light:PMS507:can:charm:dull:thulian:pink +4874 kobi rgb 231 159 196 hex #E79FC4 hsv 329 31 91 xyz 0.55 0.46 0.58 lab 73 32 -8 lch 73 33 346 cmyk 0 28 14 9 PMS515[634][232,163,201](2.4):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](3.3):shocking[7673][232,153,190](3.3):illusion[4612][246,164,201](4.7):PMS236[194][249,175,211](6.1) 4 PMS236:PMS515:ballerina:illusion:shocking +4875 kobicha rgb 107 68 35 hex #6B4423 hsv 28 67 42 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.03 lab 33 13 27 lch 33 30 63 cmyk 0 15 28 58 brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](0.0):flattery[3676][107,68,35](0.0):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](1.4):dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](2.4):otter_brown[6261][101,67,33](2.4) 15 dark:bean:flattery:nose:otter:pickled:brown +4876 kokoda rgb 110 109 87 hex #6E6D57 hsv 57 21 43 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.11 lab 46 -4 12 lch 46 13 106 cmyk 0 0 9 57 socrates[7822][113,109,89](2.0):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](3.2):dimension[3127][113,112,86](3.2):peat[6573][113,107,86](3.3):strobe[8012][121,115,92](3.5) 18 crocodile:dimension:peat:socrates:strobe +4877 kokoda rgb 123 120 90 hex #7B785A hsv 55 27 48 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.12 lab 50 -4 17 lch 50 17 104 cmyk 0 1 13 52 rutherford[7393][127,123,89](2.2):finch[3627][117,120,90](3.3):carat[2075][134,125,96](3.6):dimension[3127][113,112,86](3.6):triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](3.7) 14 carat:dimension:finch:olive:rutherford:triple:grey +4878 komakorau rgb 100 53 42 hex #64352A hsv 11 58 39 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 28 20 16 lch 28 26 39 cmyk 0 18 23 61 hairy_heath[4270][99,53,40](1.4):oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](1.4):cedar[2148][101,57,44](2.2):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](2.8):meranti[5675][107,52,42](3.7) 11 cedar:hairy:heath:meranti:oiled:sienna:red +4879 kombi rgb 131 137 49 hex #838931 hsv 64 64 54 xyz 0.19 0.23 0.06 lab 55 -14 45 lch 55 47 108 cmyk 2 0 35 46 trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](3.7):wasabi[9007][132,145,55](4.5):highball[4485][144,141,57](4.6):sycamore[8193][144,141,57](4.6):pacifika[6293][119,129,32](5.2) 4 highball:pacifika:sycamore:trendy:wasabi:green +4880 kombu_green rgb 53 66 48 hex #354230 hsv 103 27 26 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -9 9 lch 26 13 135 cmyk 5 0 7 74 forest_green[3725][51,66,49](1.4):mallard[5484][58,69,49](2.8):log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](3.2):mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](3.2):olive_green[6162][53,63,42](3.2) 16 cabin:forest:log:mallard:mediterranean:olive:green +4881 kookaburra rgb 129 131 146 hex #818392 hsv 233 12 57 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.3 lab 55 2 -8 lch 55 9 286 cmyk 7 6 0 43 roman_silver[7281][131,137,150](2.2):rugged_lavender[7369][128,129,139](2.2):neutral_bay[6029][133,141,153](3.7):topaz[8423][129,124,135](4.1):revolution[7192][126,132,139](4.2) 7 bay:neutral:revolution:roman:rugged:silver:topaz:lavender +4882 korma rgb 128 78 44 hex #804E2C hsv 24 66 50 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.04 lab 38 18 29 lch 38 34 58 cmyk 0 20 33 50 root_beer[7290][129,77,48](3.2):cinnamon[2335][123,72,43](3.7):walnut[8988][121,77,46](4.4):charisma[2228][133,73,38](4.5):momentum[5861][120,78,44](4.6) 6 beer:charisma:cinnamon:momentum:root:walnut +4883 korma rgb 143 75 14 hex #8F4B0E hsv 28 90 56 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.02 lab 39 25 45 lch 39 51 61 cmyk 0 27 51 44 PMS724[903][142,73,5](2.0):dark_orange[2821][139,69,0](3.0):PMS1535[74][140,68,0](3.5):toast_lmu_40[8386][139,77,21](4.2):PMS470[571][155,79,25](4.4) 7 dark:40:PMS1535:PMS470:PMS724:lmu:toast:orange +4884 koromiko rgb 254 181 82 hex #FEB552 hsv 35 68 100 xyz 0.59 0.55 0.15 lab 79 17 59 lch 79 62 74 cmyk 0 29 67 0 yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](0.0):texas_rose[8318][255,181,85](1.4):vegas[8686][252,179,88](3.3):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](4.0):butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](4.2) 7 butterscotch:casablanca:texas:vegas:orange:rose:yellow +4885 koromiko rgb 255 189 95 hex #FFBD5F hsv 35 63 100 xyz 0.62 0.58 0.19 lab 81 14 56 lch 81 58 76 cmyk 0 26 63 0 PMS1365[48][252,186,94](1.7):daybreak_yellow[2939][252,191,102](3.2):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](3.7):light_brilliant_gamboge[5042][255,197,101](3.7):casablanca[2116][240,178,83](4.1) 10 light:brilliant:PMS1365:casablanca:daybreak:gamboge:yellow +4886 koru rgb 119 142 70 hex #778E46 hsv 79 51 56 xyz 0.18 0.24 0.09 lab 56 -20 35 lch 56 41 120 cmyk 9 0 28 44 camo[2025][127,143,78](3.7):khaki_green[4852][114,134,57](4.2):dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](4.7):drab_green[3266][116,149,81](5.4):swamp[8172][105,131,57](5.5) 3 dark:camo:drab:khaki:olive:swamp:green +4887 kournikova rgb 249 208 84 hex #F9D054 hsv 45 66 98 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.18 lab 85 1 65 lch 85 65 89 cmyk 0 16 65 2 dandelion[2669][254,216,93](2.4):maize[5469][244,208,84](2.4):PMS122[25][252,216,86](3.0):ronchi[7287][236,197,78](4.5):light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](4.6) 9 light:PMS122:dandelion:maize:mustard:ronchi +4888 kournikova rgb 255 231 114 hex #FFE772 hsv 50 55 100 xyz 0.73 0.8 0.27 lab 92 -6 59 lch 92 59 96 cmyk 0 9 55 0 marigold_yellow[5529][251,232,112](2.4):yellow_tan[9224][255,227,110](3.0):PMS121[23][249,224,112](3.7):sand_yellow[7459][252,225,102](3.7):festival[3591][251,233,108](4.2) 8 PMS121:festival:marigold:sand:tan:yellow +4889 kowhai rgb 192 147 74 hex #C0934A hsv 37 61 75 xyz 0.33 0.33 0.11 lab 64 9 44 lch 64 45 79 cmyk 0 18 46 25 tussock[8604][191,145,75](1.7):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](3.0):tussock[8605][197,153,75](3.0):bittersweet[1443][194,154,77](3.7):marigold[5525][184,138,61](4.2) 7 aztec:bittersweet:gold:marigold:tussock +4890 krakatoa rgb 157 82 59 hex #9D523B hsv 14 62 62 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.06 lab 44 29 27 lch 44 40 43 cmyk 0 29 38 38 wild_west[9114][154,84,64](3.6):sepia_skin[7616][158,91,64](4.5):crail[2574][166,86,72](4.9):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](5.9):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](6.2) 3 moderate:chestnut:crail:sepia:skin:vermilion:west:wild +4891 ku_crimson rgb 232 0 13 hex #E8000D hsv 357 100 91 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.02 lab 48 75 59 lch 48 95 38 cmyk 0 91 86 9 red[7104][229,0,0](3.2):vivid_red[8942][231,0,0](3.2):cadmium_red_deep[1994][227,23,13](4.1):vivid_red[8943][247,13,26](4.6):red[7107][238,0,0](5.5) 4 deep:vivid:cadmium:red +4892 kubrick rgb 142 116 113 hex #8E7471 hsv 6 20 56 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.18 lab 51 10 5 lch 51 11 30 cmyk 0 10 11 44 PMS437[521][140,112,107](2.2):bazaar[1326][143,119,119](2.4):dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](2.4):hemp[4470][144,120,116](2.4):opium[6191][142,111,112](2.4) 15 PMS437:bazaar:dusky:hemp:opium:pink +4893 kudos rgb 53 58 139 hex #353A8B hsv 237 62 55 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.25 lab 29 24 -46 lch 29 52 298 cmyk 34 32 0 45 slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](3.7):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](4.2):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](4.9):dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](4.9):slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](4.9) 5 slate:dark:blueberry:gem:blue +4894 kumera rgb 117 91 39 hex #755B27 hsv 40 67 46 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.04 lab 40 4 33 lch 40 34 83 cmyk 0 10 31 54 field_drab[3596][108,84,30](3.2):PMS147[63][114,94,38](3.3):horses_neck[4548][109,86,44](5.4):PMS463[556][117,84,38](5.5):acorn[958][115,99,48](5.7) 2 PMS147:PMS463:acorn:drab:field:horses:neck +4895 kumera rgb 136 98 33 hex #886221 hsv 38 76 53 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.03 lab 44 9 41 lch 44 42 78 cmyk 0 15 40 47 brazil[1699][136,98,33](0.0):hot_curry[4556][136,98,33](0.0):PMS464[558][135,96,40](4.1):cheers[2250][145,106,45](4.5):sienna[7693][142,107,35](4.7) 5 PMS464:brazil:cheers:curry:hot:sienna +4896 kumutoto rgb 120 175 178 hex #78AFB2 hsv 183 33 70 xyz 0.31 0.38 0.48 lab 68 -17 -7 lch 68 19 203 cmyk 23 1 0 30 neptune[6024][119,168,171](2.8):neptune[6025][124,183,187](3.3):grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](4.1):gulf_stream[4246][128,179,174](4.2):fountain_blue[3734][101,173,178](5.4) 4 cyan:fountain:grayish:gulf:neptune:stream:blue +4897 kwila rgb 109 51 42 hex #6D332A hsv 8 61 43 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 29 25 18 lch 29 31 35 cmyk 0 23 26 57 PMS498[607][109,51,43](1.0):mocha[5803][111,55,45](1.4):meranti[5675][107,52,42](2.0):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](2.0):kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](3.0) 13 PMS498:copper:kenyan:meranti:mocha:pueblo +4898 la_bamba rgb 164 63 72 hex #A43F48 hsv 355 62 64 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.07 lab 41 42 17 lch 41 46 21 cmyk 0 40 36 36 mexican_red[5701][155,61,61](4.7):moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](4.7):terracotta_pink[8312][155,61,61](4.7):english_red[3491][171,75,82](4.9):cincinnati[2326][165,64,63](5.0) 5 moderate:cincinnati:english:mexican:terracotta:pink:red +4899 la_luna rgb 255 216 122 hex #FFD87A hsv 42 52 100 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.29 lab 88 2 51 lch 88 51 87 cmyk 0 15 52 0 beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](1.0):oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](1.7):salomie[7435][255,214,123](1.7):PMS134[43][255,216,127](2.2):goldenrod[3937][252,217,117](2.8) 8 02:PMS134:beer:daisy:goldenrod:oopsy:salomie:srm +4900 la_palma rgb 54 135 22 hex #368716 hsv 103 84 53 xyz 0.1 0.18 0.04 lab 50 -45 48 lch 50 66 133 cmyk 32 0 44 47 sap_green[7488][48,128,20](3.3):napier_green[5978][42,128,0](4.4):dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](4.7):forest_green[3724][35,142,35](5.7):tree_green[8465][42,126,25](5.7) 3 dark:forest:grass:napier:sap:tree:green +4901 la_palma rgb 66 137 41 hex #428929 hsv 104 70 54 xyz 0.12 0.19 0.05 lab 51 -41 43 lch 51 59 133 cmyk 28 0 38 46 PMS363[437][61,142,51](3.7):bilbao[1409][62,128,39](5.2):bilbao[1408][50,124,20](5.5):tree_green[8465][42,126,25](5.9):sap_green[7488][48,128,20](6.4) 1 PMS363:bilbao:sap:tree:green +4902 la_rioja rgb 179 193 16 hex #B3C110 hsv 65 92 76 xyz 0.38 0.48 0.08 lab 75 -23 74 lch 75 77 108 cmyk 5 0 69 24 bile[1410][181,195,6](1.4):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](1.7):PMS390[467][186,196,5](2.4):baby_puke_green[1249][182,196,6](2.4):acid_green[956][176,191,26](3.2) 9 PMS390:acid:baby:bile:grande:puke:rio:green +4903 la_rioja rgb 186 192 14 hex #BAC00E hsv 62 93 75 xyz 0.39 0.48 0.08 lab 75 -20 74 lch 75 77 105 cmyk 2 0 70 25 PMS390[467][186,196,5](3.0):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](3.7):lime[5270][191,201,33](3.7):PMS397[478][193,191,10](4.1):bile[1410][181,195,6](4.1) 9 PMS390:PMS397:bile:key:pie:lime +4904 la_salle_green rgb 8 120 48 hex #087830 hsv 141 93 47 xyz 0.07 0.14 0.05 lab 44 -45 31 lch 44 55 145 cmyk 44 0 28 53 darkish_green[2925][40,124,55](4.6):filmpro_emerald_green[3610][44,129,57](5.7):jungle_green[4789][4,130,67](5.8):PMS356[430][0,122,61](6.2):kermit[4837][54,129,54](7.5) 1 PMS356:darkish:emerald:filmpro:jungle:kermit:green +4905 labyrinth rgb 120 106 127 hex #786A7F hsv 280 17 50 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.22 lab 47 10 -10 lch 47 14 315 cmyk 3 8 0 50 purplish_grey[6900][122,104,127](2.2):fedora[3568][121,106,120](4.1):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](4.1):mamba[5488][118,109,124](4.2):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](4.4) 7 fedora:mamba:old:purplish:grey:lavender:purple +4906 lamp_black rgb 46 71 59 hex #2E473B hsv 151 35 28 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.05 lab 28 -13 4 lch 28 13 162 cmyk 10 0 5 72 te_papa_green[8271][43,75,64](2.4):tile_green[8360][38,67,58](2.8):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](3.3):everglade[3526][38,67,52](3.5):PMS560[724][43,76,63](3.6) 18 PMS560:english:everglade:holly:papa:te:tile:green +4907 landmark rgb 62 152 137 hex #3E9889 hsv 170 59 60 xyz 0.18 0.25 0.28 lab 57 -30 0 lch 57 30 180 cmyk 35 0 6 40 lochinvar[5322][72,144,132](4.6):sea[7548][60,153,146](5.2):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](5.7):polished_pine[6759][93,164,147](6.2):dusty_teal[3316][76,144,133](6.4) 1 dusty:lochinvar:pine:polished:sea:teal +4908 landscape_green rgb 47 71 50 hex #2F4732 hsv 128 34 28 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 28 -14 10 lch 28 17 146 cmyk 9 0 8 72 filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](2.2):palm_leaf[6459][54,72,47](3.2):milford_green[5738][51,78,57](3.3):permanent_green[6600][37,68,47](3.7):kea[4824][40,62,42](4.0) 9 chrome:filmpro:kea:leaf:milford:palm:permanent:green +4909 landscape_grey rgb 85 87 89 hex #555759 hsv 210 4 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.11 lab 37 0 -1 lch 37 1 256 cmyk 2 1 0 65 half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](0.0):grey[4132][87,87,87](1.0):davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](1.4):davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](1.4):dim_grey[3125][84,84,84](1.4) 48 baltic:davy:davy's:dim:half:sea:grey +4910 languid_lavender rgb 214 202 221 hex #D6CADD hsv 278 9 87 xyz 0.62 0.62 0.77 lab 83 8 -8 lch 83 11 314 cmyk 3 7 0 13 PMS263[251][224,206,224](2.4):sonique[7849][213,206,226](2.4):maverick[5586][216,194,213](3.7):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](4.0):PMS2706[266][209,206,221](4.1) 8 PMS263:PMS2706:chalk:maverick:sonique:blue +4911 lapis_lazuli rgb 38 97 156 hex #26619C hsv 210 76 61 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.33 lab 40 2 -38 lch 40 38 273 cmyk 46 23 0 39 matisse[5574][27,101,157](3.3):PMS301[334][0,91,153](3.6):medium_persian_blue[5623][0,103,165](4.1):sapphire_blue[7497][0,103,165](4.1):bedazzled_blue[1339][46,88,148](5.1) 4 medium:PMS301:bedazzled:matisse:persian:sapphire:blue +4912 las_palmas rgb 198 218 54 hex #C6DA36 hsv 67 75 85 xyz 0.49 0.62 0.13 lab 83 -26 73 lch 83 77 110 cmyk 8 0 64 15 fuego[3801][194,214,46](1.4):PMS380[456][214,229,66](4.5):bitter_lemon[1441][210,219,50](4.6):pear[6563][209,226,49](5.0):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](6.4) 4 PMS380:bitter:fuego:key:pear:pie:lemon:lime +4913 las_palmas rgb 198 230 16 hex #C6E610 hsv 69 93 90 xyz 0.52 0.69 0.11 lab 86 -33 83 lch 86 90 112 cmyk 13 0 84 10 vivid_apple_green[8893][202,231,0](2.4):fuego[3800][190,222,13](2.8):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.1):spritzer[7934][194,226,37](4.2):PMS382[458][186,216,10](5.4) 4 vivid:PMS382:apple:bitter:fuego:spritzer:green:lemon +4914 laser rgb 198 169 94 hex #C6A95E hsv 43 53 78 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.16 lab 70 1 42 lch 70 42 89 cmyk 0 11 41 22 desert[3102][204,173,96](2.4):sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](2.4):fleetwood[3683][185,158,86](4.1):husk[4590][183,164,88](4.5):sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](5.1) 4 desert:fleetwood:husk:sand:sandy:brown +4915 laser rgb 200 181 104 hex #C8B568 hsv 48 48 78 xyz 0.43 0.46 0.2 lab 74 -4 41 lch 74 42 95 cmyk 0 7 38 22 light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](3.2):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](3.2):souffle[7856][213,193,113](4.5):gimblet[3859][185,173,97](4.6):dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](5.5) 4 light:dark:gimblet:goldenrod:khaki:old:souffle +4916 laser_lemon rgb 253 252 116 hex #FDFC74 hsv 60 54 99 xyz 0.78 0.92 0.3 lab 97 -17 64 lch 97 66 105 cmyk 0 0 54 1 unmellow_yellow[8653][253,252,116](0.0):butter_yellow[1949][255,253,116](1.0):custard[2630][255,253,120](1.4):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](2.0):pastel_yellow[6519][255,254,113](2.0) 9 light:butter:custard:pastel:unmellow:yellow +4917 laser_lemon rgb 254 254 34 hex #FEFE22 hsv 60 87 100 xyz 0.77 0.92 0.15 lab 97 -21 91 lch 97 93 103 cmyk 0 0 86 0 yellow[9203][255,255,20](2.0):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](3.0):daffodil[2652][255,255,49](3.0):electric_yellow[3455][255,255,51](3.0):electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](3.2) 14 bright:daffodil:electric:yellow +4918 laser_lemon rgb 255 255 102 hex #FFFF66 hsv 60 60 100 xyz 0.79 0.94 0.26 lab 98 -18 71 lch 98 73 105 cmyk 0 0 60 0 unmellow_yellow[8654][255,255,102](0.0):light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](1.0):canary[2035][253,255,99](1.7):icterine[4606][252,247,94](3.7):canary[2034][243,251,98](4.6) 5 light:brilliant:canary:icterine:unmellow:yellow +4919 last_chance rgb 216 210 200 hex #D8D2C8 hsv 37 7 85 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.64 lab 84 0 6 lch 84 6 87 cmyk 0 2 6 15 eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](0.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.4):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.4):quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.4) 101 cloud:eighth:half:malta:napa:quarter:truffle:westar +4920 latte rgb 237 213 166 hex #EDD5A6 hsv 40 30 93 xyz 0.66 0.68 0.46 lab 86 1 26 lch 86 26 87 cmyk 0 9 28 7 aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](0.0):astra[1167][237,213,166](0.0):hampton[4417][232,212,162](1.7):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.7):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](2.2) 29 aquashield:astra:beeswax:hampton:popcorn +4921 lattitude rgb 109 114 108 hex #6D726C hsv 110 5 45 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.17 lab 47 -3 3 lch 47 4 140 cmyk 2 0 2 55 quarter_gravel[6951][113,114,106](1.7):traffic[8451][108,109,104](2.2):double_stack[3241][111,113,110](2.8):ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](3.0):limed_ash[5278][103,109,99](3.0) 36 ash:double:gravel:ironside:limed:quarter:stack:traffic:grey +4922 laurel rgb 110 141 113 hex #6E8D71 hsv 126 22 55 xyz 0.19 0.24 0.19 lab 56 -17 11 lch 56 20 146 cmyk 12 0 11 45 dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](3.7):flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](3.7):green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.6):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](4.6):viridian_green[8879][103,137,117](4.6) 5 slate:medium:dark:flat:sea:viridian:green:grey +4923 laurel rgb 116 147 120 hex #749378 hsv 128 21 58 xyz 0.21 0.26 0.22 lab 58 -16 11 lch 58 20 147 cmyk 12 0 11 42 green_grey[4042][119,146,111](4.0):amulet[1047][123,159,128](5.1):dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](5.2):flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](5.2):oxley[6278][119,158,134](5.4) 1 medium:dark:flat:amulet:oxley:sea:green:grey +4924 laurel_green rgb 169 186 157 hex #A9BA9D hsv 95 16 73 xyz 0.4 0.46 0.39 lab 74 -11 13 lch 74 17 131 cmyk 7 0 11 27 norway[6074][168,189,159](2.0):schist[7529][169,180,151](3.0):spring_rain[7928][163,189,156](4.1):rainee[7051][185,200,172](5.2):PMS623[802][165,191,170](5.5) 3 PMS623:norway:rain:rainee:schist:spring +4925 lava rgb 89 31 37 hex #591F25 hsv 354 65 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 21 27 10 lch 21 29 20 cmyk 0 23 20 65 burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](1.4):renegade[7183][89,34,40](1.7):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.0):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](3.0):venetian_red[8690][91,31,34](3.2) 10 burnt:baron:demon:renegade:speed:venetian:crimson:red +4926 lava rgb 207 16 32 hex #CF1020 hsv 355 92 81 xyz 0.26 0.14 0.03 lab 44 67 45 lch 44 81 34 cmyk 0 75 69 19 flame_red[3657][199,3,30](2.2):monza[5879][199,3,30](2.2):PMS186[138][206,17,38](3.0):venetian_red[8693][212,26,31](3.2):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](3.6) 10 PMS1795:PMS186:flame:monza:venetian:red +4927 lavender rgb 159 144 208 hex #9F90D0 hsv 254 31 82 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.64 lab 63 19 -31 lch 63 36 302 cmyk 19 25 0 18 unicorn[8649][159,144,208](0.0):east_side[3336][172,145,206](4.7):PMS271[269][158,145,198](5.8):light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](5.9):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](6.4) 2 light:PMS271:biloba:east:flower:pastel:side:unicorn:purple +4928 lavender rgb 168 153 230 hex #A899E6 hsv 252 33 90 xyz 0.42 0.37 0.8 lab 67 22 -37 lch 67 43 301 cmyk 24 30 0 10 dull_lavender[3284][168,153,230](0.0):biloba_flower[1414][178,161,234](4.4):unicorn[8649][159,144,208](7.8):light_phthalo_blue[5168][139,150,231](8.4):east_side[3336][172,145,206](9.2) 2 light:biloba:dull:east:flower:phthalo:side:unicorn:blue:lavender +4929 lavender rgb 181 126 220 hex #B57EDC hsv 275 43 86 xyz 0.39 0.3 0.71 lab 62 39 -40 lch 62 56 314 cmyk 15 37 0 14 light_violet[5228][185,139,231](5.0):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](5.5):light_blue_violet[5021][174,139,231](7.5):light_mulberry[5149][208,139,231](7.8):rich_lavender[7219][167,107,207](8.2) 1 light:mulberry:rich:blue:lavender:purple:violet +4930 lavender rgb 199 159 239 hex #C79FEF hsv 270 33 94 xyz 0.52 0.43 0.87 lab 72 30 -35 lch 72 46 311 cmyk 16 31 0 6 bright_lavender[1727][191,148,228](4.2):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](5.1):lilac[5256][206,162,253](5.4):pale_violet[6447][206,174,250](6.0):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](6.5) 1 pale:baby:bright:lilac:ube:lavender:purple:violet +4931 lavender rgb 230 230 250 hex #E6E6FA hsv 240 8 98 xyz 0.78 0.8 1.02 lab 92 4 -10 lch 92 10 291 cmyk 8 8 0 2 lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](0.0):glitter[3876][230,232,250](1.4):silver[7707][230,232,250](1.4):very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](2.2):blue_chalk[1551][241,233,255](3.6) 9 pale:very:chalk:glitter:mist:sapphire:silver:blue:lavender +4932 lavender rgb 252 180 213 hex #FCB4D5 hsv 333 29 99 xyz 0.68 0.58 0.71 lab 81 31 -6 lch 81 32 349 cmyk 0 28 15 1 cotton_candy[2553][255,183,213](1.7):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](2.2):PMS236[194][249,175,211](2.4):lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](3.0):cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](3.7) 6 PMS236:candy:cotton:powder:lavender:pink +4933 lavender_blue rgb 139 136 248 hex #8B88F8 hsv 242 45 97 xyz 0.36 0.3 0.93 lab 62 29 -56 lch 62 63 297 cmyk 43 44 0 3 periwinkle[6592][142,130,254](7.9):light_brilliant_sapphire_blue[5064][101,139,255](10.2):periwinkle_blue[6596][143,153,251](10.8):true_v[8547][138,115,214](10.8):cornflower[2528][106,121,247](10.9) 0 light:brilliant:cornflower:periwinkle:sapphire:true:v:blue +4934 lavender_blue rgb 204 204 255 hex #CCCCFF hsv 240 20 100 xyz 0.65 0.63 1.03 lab 84 10 -25 lch 84 27 292 cmyk 20 20 0 0 periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](0.0):pale_phthalo_blue[6402][194,201,255](3.0):light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](3.6):fog[3711][215,208,255](3.7):pale_sapphire_blue[6423][194,209,255](5.1) 4 pale:light:fog:periwinkle:phthalo:sapphire:blue +4935 lavender_blush rgb 139 131 134 hex #8B8386 hsv 337 6 55 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.26 lab 56 4 -1 lch 56 4 351 cmyk 0 3 2 45 lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](0.0):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](1.0):taupe_grey[8263][139,133,137](1.0):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](1.4):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.8) 31 lavenderblush:metallic:monsoon:rocket:suva:taupe:grey +4936 lavender_blush rgb 205 193 197 hex #CDC1C5 hsv 340 6 80 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.61 lab 79 5 0 lch 79 5 354 cmyk 0 5 3 20 lavenderblush[4949][205,193,197](0.0):PMS5305[665][204,193,198](1.0):surf_spray_grey[8161][200,196,197](3.0):alto[1021][205,198,197](3.3):half_milestone[4354][209,196,193](3.3) 19 PMS5305:alto:half:lavenderblush:milestone:spray:surf:grey +4937 lavender_blush rgb 238 224 229 hex #EEE0E5 hsv 339 6 93 xyz 0.76 0.77 0.85 lab 90 6 -1 lch 90 6 353 cmyk 0 5 4 7 lavenderblush[4950][238,224,229](0.0):abercrombie[948][236,220,227](1.4):prim[6810][240,226,236](2.2):selago[7602][230,223,231](2.8):amour[1045][245,230,234](3.2) 20 abercrombie:amour:lavenderblush:prim:selago +4938 lavender_blush rgb 255 240 245 hex #FFF0F5 hsv 340 6 100 xyz 0.89 0.9 0.99 lab 96 6 -1 lch 96 6 354 cmyk 0 6 4 0 tutu[8608][255,241,249](1.0):wisp_pink[9152][254,244,248](2.2):remy[7180][254,235,243](2.4):amour[1046][249,234,243](3.0):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](3.0) 20 amour:magentaish:remy:tutu:wisp:pink:white +4939 lavender_grey rgb 189 187 215 hex #BDBBD7 hsv 244 13 84 xyz 0.51 0.51 0.71 lab 77 6 -14 lch 77 15 294 cmyk 10 11 0 16 blue_haze[1570][191,190,216](1.7):poet[6753][192,188,212](2.0):heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](3.5):zappo[9249][196,192,226](3.5):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.6) 9 haze:heartbreaker:nemo:poet:zappo:blue +4940 lavender_grey rgb 196 195 208 hex #C4C3D0 hsv 245 6 82 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.68 lab 79 3 -6 lch 79 7 294 cmyk 5 5 0 18 grey_suit[4224][193,190,205](1.7):ghost[3851][199,201,213](2.2):french_grey[3747][189,189,198](2.4):ghost[3850][192,191,199](2.4):PMS537[673][196,198,206](3.0) 15 PMS537:french:ghost:suit:grey +4941 lavender_indigo rgb 148 87 235 hex #9457EB hsv 265 63 92 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.81 lab 51 55 -66 lch 51 86 310 cmyk 34 58 0 8 navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](0.0):brilliant_blue_violet[1768][137,81,231](3.6):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](3.7):purpley[6893][135,86,228](4.6):lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](5.0) 5 brilliant:lighter:navy:purpley:blue:purple:violet +4942 lavender_magenta rgb 238 130 238 hex #EE82EE hsv 300 45 93 xyz 0.59 0.4 0.86 lab 70 56 -37 lch 70 67 327 cmyk 0 42 0 7 violet[8858][238,130,238](0.0):orchid[6240][238,122,233](3.6):light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](4.4):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](6.8):orchid[6238][219,112,219](7.0) 3 light:fuchsia:orchid:purply:pink:violet +4943 lavender_mist rgb 230 230 250 hex #E6E6FA hsv 240 8 98 xyz 0.78 0.8 1.02 lab 92 4 -10 lch 92 10 291 cmyk 8 8 0 2 lavender[4931][230,230,250](0.0):glitter[3876][230,232,250](1.4):silver[7707][230,232,250](1.4):very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](2.2):blue_chalk[1551][241,233,255](3.6) 9 pale:very:chalk:glitter:sapphire:silver:blue:lavender +4944 lavender_pink rgb 221 133 215 hex #DD85D7 hsv 304 40 87 xyz 0.5 0.37 0.69 lab 67 46 -28 lch 67 54 329 cmyk 0 35 2 13 light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](3.3):light_magenta[5138][231,139,231](5.8):orchid[6235][200,117,196](6.3):light_heliotrope[5126][220,139,231](6.4):light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](7.3) 1 light:fuchsia:heliotrope:magenta:orchid +4945 lavender_pink rgb 251 174 210 hex #FBAED2 hsv 332 31 98 xyz 0.67 0.55 0.68 lab 79 33 -7 lch 79 34 348 cmyk 0 30 16 2 PMS236[194][249,175,211](1.0):lavender[4932][252,180,213](3.0):illusion[4612][246,164,201](3.7):light_hot_pink[5127][255,179,222](3.7):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](3.7) 8 light:PMS236:hot:illusion:powder:lavender:pink +4946 lavender_purple rgb 150 123 182 hex #967BB6 hsv 267 32 71 xyz 0.28 0.24 0.47 lab 56 22 -27 lch 56 35 309 cmyk 13 23 0 29 purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](2.2):purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](2.2):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](2.4):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](2.4):ce_soir[2144][146,113,167](4.4) 5 ce:majesty:mountain:mountain's:mountain's:mountains:soir:purple +4947 lavender_rose rgb 251 160 227 hex #FBA0E3 hsv 316 36 98 xyz 0.66 0.51 0.79 lab 77 43 -20 lch 77 48 335 cmyk 0 36 9 2 very_light_fuchsia[8760][255,158,231](3.6):very_light_cerise[8752][255,158,219](4.1):light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](8.3):very_light_orchid[8776][255,158,243](8.6):PMS244[210][237,160,211](9.4) 2 light:very:PMS244:cerise:fuchsia:orchid +4948 lavenderblush rgb 139 131 134 hex #8B8386 hsv 337 6 55 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.26 lab 56 4 -1 lch 56 4 351 cmyk 0 3 2 45 lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](0.0):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](1.0):taupe_grey[8263][139,133,137](1.0):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](1.4):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.8) 31 blush:metallic:monsoon:rocket:suva:taupe:grey:lavender +4949 lavenderblush rgb 205 193 197 hex #CDC1C5 hsv 340 6 80 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.61 lab 79 5 0 lch 79 5 354 cmyk 0 5 3 20 lavender_blush[4936][205,193,197](0.0):PMS5305[665][204,193,198](1.0):surf_spray_grey[8161][200,196,197](3.0):alto[1021][205,198,197](3.3):half_milestone[4354][209,196,193](3.3) 19 PMS5305:alto:blush:half:milestone:spray:surf:grey:lavender +4950 lavenderblush rgb 238 224 229 hex #EEE0E5 hsv 339 6 93 xyz 0.76 0.77 0.85 lab 90 6 -1 lch 90 6 353 cmyk 0 5 4 7 lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](0.0):abercrombie[948][236,220,227](1.4):prim[6810][240,226,236](2.2):selago[7602][230,223,231](2.8):amour[1045][245,230,234](3.2) 20 abercrombie:amour:blush:prim:selago:lavender +4951 lawn_green rgb 77 164 9 hex #4DA409 hsv 94 95 64 xyz 0.16 0.28 0.05 lab 60 -49 60 lch 60 78 129 cmyk 34 0 61 36 PMS369[444][86,170,28](2.4):grassy_green[3990][65,156,3](3.3):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](3.6):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](4.1):grass_green[3985][63,155,11](4.4) 5 strong:PMS369:chartreuse:grass:grassy:leaf:green +4952 lawn_green rgb 124 252 0 hex #7CFC00 hsv 90 100 99 xyz 0.43 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -68 85 lch 89 109 129 cmyk 50 0 99 1 chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](1.4):luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](1.4):medium_spring_green[5644][127,255,0](1.4):bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](3.2):lime_green[5273][137,254,5](3.3) 5 luminous:medium:vivid:bright:chartreuse:spring:green:lime +4953 leaf rgb 113 170 52 hex #71AA34 hsv 89 69 67 xyz 0.22 0.33 0.08 lab 64 -38 52 lch 64 65 126 cmyk 22 0 46 33 nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](3.7):green[4031][102,176,50](6.4):limeade[5276][95,151,39](7.3):turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](7.5):christi[2317][113,169,29](8.1) 1 christi:limeade:nasty:turtle:green +4954 leaf_green rgb 92 169 4 hex #5CA904 hsv 88 98 66 xyz 0.19 0.31 0.05 lab 62 -47 63 lch 62 78 127 cmyk 30 0 65 34 strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](2.0):PMS369[444][86,170,28](4.1):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](4.1):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](5.2):strong_spring_bud[8059][105,168,0](5.2) 3 strong:PMS369:bud:chartreuse:kermit:lawn:spring:green +4955 leafy_green rgb 81 183 59 hex #51B73B hsv 109 68 72 xyz 0.21 0.36 0.1 lab 66 -53 52 lch 66 74 135 cmyk 40 0 49 28 wham[9062][95,179,58](6.0):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](7.8):grass[3984][92,172,45](7.9):PMS361[435][30,181,58](9.3):filmpro_digital_green[3609][68,197,83](9.3) 0 PMS361:cinnabar:digital:filmpro:grass:wham:green +4956 leather rgb 144 106 84 hex #906A54 hsv 22 42 56 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.11 lab 48 12 18 lch 48 22 56 cmyk 0 15 24 44 dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](2.4):beaver[1336][146,111,91](3.0):PMS4715[574][153,112,91](3.2):lone_ranger[5338][135,97,79](3.7):brownish[1863][156,109,87](4.9) 6 dark:PMS4715:beaver:brownish:lone:ranger:tangelo:brown +4957 leather rgb 150 112 89 hex #967059 hsv 23 41 59 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.12 lab 50 12 19 lch 50 22 58 cmyk 0 15 24 41 PMS4715[574][153,112,91](1.7):beaver[1336][146,111,91](3.2):brownish[1863][156,109,87](4.1):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](4.1):liver_chestnut[5311][152,116,86](4.1) 8 dark:PMS4715:beaver:brownish:chestnut:liver:tangelo:brown +4958 leather rgb 172 116 52 hex #AC7434 hsv 32 70 67 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.06 lab 54 16 43 lch 54 46 70 cmyk 0 22 47 33 toast_lmu_50[8388][170,120,61](4.2):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](4.4):PMS730[909][170,117,63](5.1):noosa[6069][183,128,56](5.4):bungy[1903][172,113,60](5.5) 2 50:PMS730:bungy:hot:lmu:noosa:toast:toddy +4959 legend rgb 140 86 59 hex #8C563B hsv 20 58 55 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.06 lab 42 19 25 lch 42 32 52 cmyk 0 21 32 45 rope[7292][142,89,60](1.4):toffee[8398][142,89,60](1.4):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](2.0):magma[5453][135,86,57](2.2):light_salmon[5187][139,87,66](4.0) 11 light:clay:magma:potters:rope:salmon:toffee +4960 lemon rgb 217 178 32 hex #D9B220 hsv 47 85 85 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.08 lab 74 1 71 lch 74 71 89 cmyk 0 15 73 15 burnt_yellow[1942][213,171,9](4.1):galliano[3826][220,178,12](4.1):gold_tips[3908][226,178,39](4.1):sundial[8126][221,177,44](4.2):PMS110[10][216,181,17](4.6) 5 burnt:PMS110:galliano:gold:sundial:tips:yellow +4961 lemon rgb 244 216 28 hex #F4D81C hsv 52 89 96 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.11 lab 86 -7 83 lch 86 83 95 cmyk 0 11 85 4 ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](0.0):safety_yellow[7404][238,210,2](2.2):PMS108[8][249,221,22](2.8):PMS109[9][249,214,22](3.2):sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](3.3) 11 PMS108:PMS109:ripe:safety:sun:lemon:yellow +4962 lemon rgb 253 233 16 hex #FDE910 hsv 55 94 99 xyz 0.7 0.79 0.12 lab 91 -12 89 lch 91 90 97 cmyk 0 8 93 1 broom[1831][255,236,19](1.0):turbo[8568][250,230,0](1.0):PMS102[2][249,232,20](1.4):aureolin[1197][253,238,0](3.5):canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](3.5) 9 PMS102:aureolin:broom:canary:turbo:yellow +4963 lemon rgb 253 255 82 hex #FDFF52 hsv 61 68 100 xyz 0.78 0.93 0.22 lab 97 -20 78 lch 97 81 105 cmyk 1 0 68 0 banana_yellow[1281][250,254,75](2.2):off_yellow[6112][241,243,63](4.5):starship[7959][236,242,69](5.4):canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](6.0):canary[2035][253,255,99](6.1) 2 banana:canary:off:starship:yellow +4964 lemon rgb 255 247 0 hex #FFF700 hsv 58 100 100 xyz 0.75 0.88 0.13 lab 95 -18 93 lch 95 95 101 cmyk 0 3 100 0 yellow_sunshine[9223][255,247,0](0.0):cadmium_yellow[1997][255,246,0](1.0):sunny_yellow[8139][255,249,23](2.2):yellow[9203][255,255,20](3.6):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](3.7) 14 bright:cadmium:sunny:sunshine:yellow +4965 lemon_chiffon rgb 139 137 112 hex #8B8970 hsv 56 19 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.19 lab 57 -4 14 lch 57 14 105 cmyk 0 1 11 45 lemonchiffon[4984][139,137,112](0.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](1.4):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](2.0):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](2.0):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.2) 24 double:grass:isotonic:lemonchiffon:schist:techno:lemon +4966 lemon_chiffon rgb 205 201 165 hex #CDC9A5 hsv 54 20 80 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.44 lab 80 -5 19 lch 80 19 104 cmyk 0 2 16 20 lemonchiffon[4985][205,201,165](0.0):miso[5781][210,204,168](2.2):thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.2):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.2):PMS5793[760][198,198,165](2.4) 17 PMS5793:lemonchiffon:miso:thistle:green +4967 lemon_chiffon rgb 238 233 191 hex #EEE9BF hsv 54 20 93 xyz 0.74 0.8 0.61 lab 92 -5 21 lch 92 22 103 cmyk 0 2 18 7 lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](0.0):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](1.4):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.7):PMS607[786][242,234,188](2.2):PMS614[793][234,226,183](2.4) 26 PMS607:PMS614:julep:lemonchiffon:spring:green:mint +4968 lemon_chiffon rgb 255 250 205 hex #FFFACD hsv 54 20 100 xyz 0.86 0.94 0.71 lab 98 -5 22 lch 98 23 104 cmyk 0 2 20 0 cream[2583][255,253,208](1.0):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](2.4):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](2.4):eggshell[3381][255,255,212](2.4):pale[6303][255,249,208](2.4) 25 pale:baja:cream:dutch:eggshell:white +4969 lemon_curry rgb 204 160 29 hex #CCA01D hsv 45 86 80 xyz 0.38 0.38 0.07 lab 68 5 67 lch 68 67 86 cmyk 0 17 69 20 goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](3.3):yellow_ochre[9214][203,157,6](3.3):PMS117[18][198,160,12](3.7):galliano[3825][216,167,35](3.7):ocre[6104][198,156,4](3.7) 8 PMS117:galliano:goldenrod:ochre:ocre:yellow +4970 lemon_ginger rgb 150 132 40 hex #968428 hsv 50 73 59 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.05 lab 55 -4 50 lch 55 50 94 cmyk 0 7 43 41 alibi[997][152,132,34](2.2):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](4.5):PMS619[798][150,140,40](4.9):PMS119[20][137,119,25](5.1):PMS620[799][132,119,17](5.7) 3 PMS119:PMS619:PMS620:alibi:hacienda +4971 lemon_ginger rgb 172 158 34 hex #AC9E22 hsv 54 80 67 xyz 0.3 0.33 0.06 lab 64 -8 61 lch 64 61 98 cmyk 0 5 54 33 lucky[5350][171,154,28](1.7):lucky[5351][175,159,28](2.4):PMS104[4][173,155,12](4.1):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](5.1):PMS111[11][170,147,10](5.8) 3 PMS104:PMS111:earls:lucky:green +4972 lemon_glacier rgb 253 255 0 hex #FDFF00 hsv 60 100 100 xyz 0.76 0.92 0.14 lab 97 -22 94 lch 97 97 103 cmyk 1 0 100 0 electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_yellow[5406][255,255,0](0.0):yellow[9202][255,255,0](0.0):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](1.0):yellow[9203][255,255,20](1.4) 8 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:yellow +4973 lemon_grass rgb 153 154 134 hex #999A86 hsv 63 13 60 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.27 lab 63 -4 10 lch 63 11 111 cmyk 0 0 8 40 washed_green[9008][144,151,130](2.8):triple_ash[8479][159,155,134](3.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](3.6):quarter_evolution[6943][152,146,128](3.6):treetops[8470][166,162,143](3.6) 20 PMS415:ash:evolution:quarter:treetops:triple:washed:green +4974 lemon_grass rgb 155 158 143 hex #9B9E8F hsv 72 9 62 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.31 lab 64 -4 7 lch 64 8 117 cmyk 1 0 6 38 proton[6822][150,152,140](2.4):dawn[2934][159,157,145](3.2):star_dust[7954][160,161,151](3.5):delta_grey[3089][165,163,149](3.7):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](4.1) 24 ash:dawn:delta:double:dust:proton:star:grey +4975 lemon_green rgb 173 248 2 hex #ADF802 hsv 78 99 97 xyz 0.51 0.76 0.12 lab 90 -51 87 lch 90 100 120 cmyk 29 0 96 3 spring_bud[7915][167,252,0](3.2):electric_lime[3445][168,255,4](4.6):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](5.1):bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](5.4):lemon_lime[4977][191,255,0](5.4) 2 bitter:bud:electric:spring:yellowgreen:lemon:lime +4976 lemon_lime rgb 191 254 40 hex #BFFE28 hsv 78 84 100 xyz 0.57 0.82 0.15 lab 93 -46 84 lch 93 96 118 cmyk 25 0 84 0 yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](2.4):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.6):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](4.5):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.7):bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](5.1) 4 bitter:chartreuse:yellowgreen:green:lime:yellow +4977 lemon_lime rgb 191 255 0 hex #BFFF00 hsv 75 100 100 xyz 0.57 0.83 0.13 lab 93 -47 89 lch 93 101 118 cmyk 25 0 100 0 bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](0.0):lime[5271][191,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_lime_green[5382][191,255,0](0.0):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.0):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.9) 5 luminous:vivid:bitter:chartreuse:yellowgreen:green:lime +4978 lemon_lime rgb 227 255 0 hex #E3FF00 hsv 67 100 100 xyz 0.67 0.88 0.13 lab 95 -33 92 lch 95 98 110 cmyk 11 0 100 0 chartreuse[2240][223,255,0](2.0):chartreuse_yellow[2241][223,255,0](2.0):luminous_vivid_apple_green[5361][223,255,0](2.0):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](7.7):lime_yellow[5275][208,254,29](8.1) 3 luminous:vivid:apple:arctic:chartreuse:green:lime:yellow +4979 lemon_meringue rgb 246 234 190 hex #F6EABE hsv 47 23 96 xyz 0.77 0.82 0.61 lab 93 -3 23 lch 93 23 97 cmyk 0 5 22 4 sidecar[7689][243,231,187](1.0):PMS607[786][242,234,188](1.4):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.2):blond[1519][250,240,190](2.4):egg_white[3374][255,239,193](2.4) 34 PMS607:beeswax:blond:egg:sidecar:white +4980 lemon_twist rgb 215 207 140 hex #D7CF8C hsv 54 35 84 xyz 0.55 0.61 0.34 lab 82 -7 34 lch 82 35 102 cmyk 0 3 29 16 winter_hazel[9143][208,195,131](3.6):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](4.2):PMS616[795][221,214,155](5.0):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.1):zombie[9271][228,214,155](5.2) 3 PMS616:PMS617:hazel:winter:zombie +4981 lemon_yellow rgb 253 255 56 hex #FDFF38 hsv 61 78 100 xyz 0.77 0.93 0.18 lab 97 -21 86 lch 97 89 104 cmyk 1 0 78 0 sunshine_yellow[8149][255,253,55](1.0):yellow[9199][254,254,51](1.0):daffodil[2652][255,255,49](2.0):electric_yellow[3455][255,255,51](2.0):canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](2.2) 7 canary:daffodil:electric:sunshine:yellow +4982 lemon_yellow rgb 255 244 79 hex #FFF44F hsv 56 69 100 xyz 0.75 0.87 0.2 lab 95 -14 77 lch 95 78 101 cmyk 0 4 69 0 gorse[3951][255,241,79](1.7):PMS101[1][244,237,71](3.7):buzz[1963][251,235,80](4.7):paris_daisy[6486][251,235,80](4.7):icterine[4606][252,247,94](5.4) 4 PMS101:buzz:daisy:gorse:icterine:paris +4983 lemoncello rgb 231 169 62 hex #E7A93E hsv 38 73 91 xyz 0.48 0.46 0.11 lab 73 13 61 lch 73 63 78 cmyk 0 24 66 9 tulip_tree[8557][227,172,61](3.3):candlelight[2040][224,157,55](4.4):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](6.3):casablanca[2116][240,178,83](6.4):tulip_tree[8558][234,179,59](6.4) 2 candlelight:casablanca:tree:tulip +4984 lemonchiffon rgb 139 137 112 hex #8B8970 hsv 56 19 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.19 lab 57 -4 14 lch 57 14 105 cmyk 0 1 11 45 lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](0.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](1.4):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](2.0):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](2.0):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.2) 24 chiffon:double:grass:isotonic:schist:techno:lemon +4985 lemonchiffon rgb 205 201 165 hex #CDC9A5 hsv 54 20 80 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.44 lab 80 -5 19 lch 80 19 104 cmyk 0 2 16 20 lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](0.0):miso[5781][210,204,168](2.2):thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.2):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.2):PMS5793[760][198,198,165](2.4) 17 PMS5793:chiffon:miso:thistle:green:lemon +4986 lemonchiffon rgb 238 233 191 hex #EEE9BF hsv 54 20 93 xyz 0.74 0.8 0.61 lab 92 -5 21 lch 92 22 103 cmyk 0 2 18 7 lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](0.0):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](1.4):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.7):PMS607[786][242,234,188](2.2):PMS614[793][234,226,183](2.4) 26 PMS607:PMS614:chiffon:julep:spring:green:lemon:mint +4987 lenurple rgb 186 147 216 hex #BA93D8 hsv 274 32 85 xyz 0.43 0.36 0.7 lab 67 28 -30 lch 67 41 313 cmyk 12 27 0 15 pale_purple[6411][183,144,212](1.7):PMS2645[254][181,145,209](3.5):bright_lavender[1727][191,148,228](5.1):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](5.8):east_side[3336][172,145,206](6.6) 2 pale:PMS2645:bright:east:side:ube:lavender:purple +4988 leprechaun rgb 54 98 67 hex #366243 hsv 138 45 38 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.07 lab 38 -23 13 lch 38 26 150 cmyk 17 0 12 62 deep_moss_green[3017][53,94,59](3.6):hunter_green[4586][53,94,59](3.6):killarney[4858][58,106,71](4.1):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](4.5):alfresco[993][52,102,79](5.1) 4 deep:dark:alfresco:hunter:killarney:moss:sea:green +4989 lexington rgb 104 62 55 hex #683E37 hsv 9 47 41 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.04 lab 31 18 12 lch 31 21 35 cmyk 0 16 19 59 double_lumberjack[3213][99,62,54](3.2):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.7):deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](4.1):oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](4.1):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](4.1) 8 deep:cedar:coffee:copper:double:lumberjack:metallic:oiled:roast +4990 liberty rgb 84 90 167 hex #545AA7 hsv 236 50 65 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.38 lab 41 19 -42 lch 41 47 295 cmyk 33 30 0 35 PMS660[839][89,96,168](3.5):governor_bay[3960][81,85,155](3.7):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](3.7):moderate_phthalo_blue[5839][74,85,168](4.9):cobalt[2397][61,89,171](5.9) 4 moderate:PMS660:bay:cobalt:governor:phthalo:rich:blue +4991 lichen rgb 122 112 85 hex #7A7055 hsv 44 30 48 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.11 lab 47 -1 16 lch 47 16 92 cmyk 0 4 15 52 peat[6574][118,109,82](1.0):strobe[8012][121,115,92](2.4):go_ben[3883][114,109,78](3.0):grey_brown[4207][127,112,83](3.0):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](3.2) 19 ben:crocodile:go:peat:strobe:brown:grey +4992 lichen rgb 143 182 123 hex #8FB67B hsv 100 32 71 xyz 0.32 0.41 0.25 lab 70 -24 26 lch 70 35 133 cmyk 15 0 23 29 sage_green[7414][136,179,120](2.2):sage[7410][135,174,115](3.0):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](5.5):olivine[6177][154,185,115](6.2):faded_green[3535][123,178,116](6.3) 2 asparagus:faded:olivine:sage:green +4993 lickety_split rgb 163 217 45 hex #A3D92D hsv 79 79 85 xyz 0.4 0.58 0.11 lab 81 -40 72 lch 81 82 119 cmyk 21 0 67 15 wellywood[9046][163,217,45](0.0):slime_green[7776][153,204,4](5.9):vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](6.2):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](6.5):olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](6.7) 1 vivid:atlantis:drab:olive:slime:wellywood:green:lime +4994 licorice rgb 9 34 86 hex #092256 hsv 221 90 34 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.09 lab 15 13 -34 lch 15 37 291 cmyk 30 20 0 66 downriver[3259][9,34,86](0.0):madison[5428][9,37,93](2.4):PMS2768[297][17,33,81](3.2):deep_cobalt_blue[2978][0,33,89](3.3):bunting[1906][21,31,76](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2768:bunting:cobalt:downriver:madison:blue +4995 licorice rgb 26 17 16 hex #1A1110 hsv 6 38 10 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 6 4 2 lch 6 4 27 cmyk 0 4 4 90 very_reddish_brown[8825][29,17,17](2.0):night_rider[6051][31,18,15](3.0):nero[6026][20,6,0](3.6):smoky_black[7796][16,12,8](3.6):asphalt[1163][19,10,6](3.7) 19 very:asphalt:nero:night:reddish:rider:smoky:black:brown +4996 licorice rgb 46 55 73 hex #2E3749 hsv 220 37 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.07 lab 23 1 -12 lch 23 12 276 cmyk 11 7 0 71 bunting[1907][43,52,73](2.4):cloud_burst[2382][53,62,79](3.0):downriver[3260][42,52,74](3.3):blueprint[1610][42,49,63](3.6):coast[2391][36,52,66](3.7) 13 blueprint:bunting:burst:cloud:coast:downriver +4997 lifesaver rgb 83 94 127 hex #535E7F hsv 225 35 50 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.22 lab 40 4 -20 lch 40 20 282 cmyk 17 13 0 50 norwegian_blue[6075][88,100,131](3.3):chambray[2202][71,88,119](3.6):waratah[8993][85,105,139](4.6):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](4.7):astronaut[1172][68,81,114](5.1) 4 astronaut:chambray:hendrix:norwegian:waratah:blue +4998 light_amaranth rgb 231 139 150 hex #E78B96 hsv 353 40 91 xyz 0.48 0.38 0.34 lab 68 36 9 lch 68 37 14 cmyk 0 36 32 9 wewak[9059][241,145,154](3.0):PMS701[880][232,135,142](3.7):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](4.0):PMS193[149][219,130,140](4.1):shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](4.7) 5 PMS193:PMS701:blush:ruddy:shimmering:wewak:pink +4999 light_amber rgb 231 208 139 hex #E7D08B hsv 45 40 91 xyz 0.6 0.64 0.34 lab 84 -1 37 lch 84 37 92 cmyk 0 9 36 9 putty[6911][231,205,140](1.7):chalky[2200][238,215,148](2.2):mellow_yellow[5661][234,216,149](3.5):butter[1947][222,203,129](4.1):sandwisp[7471][222,203,129](4.1) 5 butter:chalky:mellow:putty:sandwisp:yellow +5000 light_apple_green rgb 220 231 139 hex #DCE78B hsv 67 40 91 xyz 0.63 0.74 0.35 lab 89 -17 44 lch 89 47 112 cmyk 4 0 36 9 PMS586[775][226,229,132](3.6):hypnotic[4592][209,225,130](3.7):light_yellow[5235][231,231,139](4.2):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](4.6):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](5.5) 4 light:PMS586:hypnotic:jonquil:green:lime:yellow +5001 light_apricot rgb 253 213 177 hex #FDD5B1 hsv 28 30 99 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.52 lab 88 9 23 lch 88 25 69 cmyk 0 16 30 1 feldspar[3573][253,213,177](0.0):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](1.7):apricot[1091][253,217,181](2.4):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](2.4):sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](2.4) 15 light:apricot:beach:feldspar:puff:sandy:peach +5002 light_aqua rgb 140 255 219 hex #8CFFDB hsv 161 45 100 xyz 0.59 0.82 0.8 lab 93 -41 7 lch 93 42 170 cmyk 45 0 14 0 light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](4.9):very_light_aquamarine[8743][158,255,219](5.1):aquamarine[1121][127,255,212](5.9):aquamarine[1119][118,238,198](6.6):very_light_spring_green[8790][158,255,207](7.3) 1 light:very:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +5003 light_aquamarine rgb 123 253 199 hex #7BFDC7 hsv 155 51 99 xyz 0.54 0.79 0.66 lab 91 -48 15 lch 91 51 163 cmyk 51 0 21 1 aquamarine[1121][127,255,212](5.5):light_brilliant_aquamarine[5028][101,255,197](6.1):light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](8.1):light_brilliant_turquoise[5070][101,255,216](8.2):aquamarine[1119][118,238,198](8.8) 0 light:brilliant:aquamarine:turquoise +5004 light_aquamarine rgb 139 231 197 hex #8BE7C5 hsv 158 40 91 xyz 0.49 0.67 0.63 lab 85 -35 8 lch 85 36 167 cmyk 36 0 13 9 light_teal[5222][144,228,193](2.2):PMS3375[405][142,226,188](3.3):zeal[9250][145,224,183](4.9):algae_green[996][147,223,184](5.4):light_turquoise[5225][139,231,208](5.5) 3 light:PMS3375:algae:teal:zeal:green:turquoise +5005 light_arctic_blue rgb 139 220 231 hex #8BDCE7 hsv 187 40 91 xyz 0.51 0.62 0.85 lab 83 -22 -13 lch 83 26 211 cmyk 36 4 0 9 cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](3.6):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](4.1):medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](4.2):sky_blue[7746][128,218,235](4.2):spray[7912][121,222,236](5.0) 5 medium:PMS3105:cadet:sky:spray:blue +5006 light_azure rgb 139 185 231 hex #8BB9E7 hsv 210 40 91 xyz 0.42 0.46 0.82 lab 74 -4 -28 lch 74 28 262 cmyk 36 18 0 9 aero[965][124,185,232](3.7):sky_blue[7745][126,192,238](5.2):PMS292[315][117,178,221](5.7):jordy_blue[4780][138,185,241](5.8):PMS284[305][117,170,219](6.3) 1 PMS284:PMS292:aero:jordy:sky:blue +5007 light_beige rgb 221 194 131 hex #DDC283 hsv 42 41 87 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.29 lab 79 1 35 lch 79 35 88 cmyk 0 11 35 13 zombie[9270][221,194,131](0.0):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.0):chalky[2199][223,194,129](1.7):straw[8004][218,190,130](1.7):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](2.2) 10 chalky:honey:manuka:new:orleans:straw:zombie +5008 light_beige rgb 245 245 220 hex #F5F5DC hsv 60 10 96 xyz 0.83 0.9 0.81 lab 96 -4 12 lch 96 13 109 cmyk 0 0 10 4 beige[1386][245,245,220](0.0):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](1.4):promenade[6819][248,246,223](1.4):half_dutch_white[4321][254,247,222](2.4) 66 beige:chilean:coconut:cream:dutch:half:heath:promenade:white +5009 light_beige rgb 255 254 182 hex #FFFEB6 hsv 59 29 100 xyz 0.85 0.96 0.58 lab 98 -10 35 lch 98 36 107 cmyk 0 0 29 0 creme[2589][255,255,182](1.0):portafino[6785][255,255,180](1.4):old_medium_goldenrod[6142][255,255,187](2.2):pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](2.2):parchment[6485][254,252,175](2.2) 10 pale:medium:creme:goldenrod:old:parchment:portafino:prim +5010 light_blue rgb 104 131 139 hex #68838B hsv 194 25 55 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.28 lab 53 -8 -7 lch 53 11 224 cmyk 14 3 0 45 gothic[3957][105,136,144](2.4):hoki[4520][100,125,134](2.4):steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](3.0):half_smalt_blue[4386][94,124,128](3.7):horizon[4545][100,136,148](3.7) 13 gothic:half:hoki:horizon:smalt:steel:blue:grey +5011 light_blue rgb 139 139 231 hex #8B8BE7 hsv 240 40 91 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.8 lab 61 22 -47 lch 61 52 296 cmyk 36 36 0 9 perrywinkle[6602][143,140,231](1.7):chetwode_blue[2277][133,129,217](3.7):light_persian_blue[5167][150,139,231](3.7):periwinkle_blue[6596][143,153,251](5.9):light_indigo[5129][162,139,231](7.0) 3 light:chetwode:periwinkle:perrywinkle:persian:blue:indigo +5012 light_blue rgb 149 208 252 hex #95D0FC hsv 206 41 99 xyz 0.53 0.59 1.01 lab 81 -8 -28 lch 81 29 254 cmyk 40 17 0 1 light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](3.3):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](3.3):sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](3.3):baby_blue[1239][162,207,254](4.1):very_light_azure[8746][158,207,255](4.1) 6 light:very:baby:sky:azure:blue +5013 light_blue rgb 154 192 205 hex #9AC0CD hsv 195 25 80 xyz 0.43 0.49 0.65 lab 75 -10 -11 lch 75 14 228 cmyk 20 5 0 20 escape[3507][158,192,202](2.4):PMS551[704][163,193,201](4.6):moby[5798][142,178,190](5.2):frozen[3785][157,182,198](5.4):regent_st_blue[7175][160,205,217](5.4) 2 PMS551:escape:frozen:moby:regent:st:blue +5014 light_blue rgb 173 216 230 hex #ADD8E6 hsv 195 25 90 xyz 0.56 0.64 0.84 lab 84 -11 -11 lch 84 16 227 cmyk 22 5 0 10 belgion[1388][173,216,230](0.0):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](0.0):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](2.2):french_pass[3754][164,210,224](3.3):pale_light_grayish_cerulean[6361][184,220,231](3.5) 10 pale:light:belgion:cerulean:french:grayish:pass:regent:st:blue +5015 light_blue rgb 178 223 238 hex #B2DFEE hsv 195 25 93 xyz 0.6 0.68 0.91 lab 86 -11 -12 lch 86 17 227 cmyk 24 6 0 7 belgion[1388][173,216,230](2.2):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](2.2):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](3.2):pale_light_grayish_cerulean[6361][184,220,231](3.6):non_photo_blue[6068][164,221,237](3.7) 7 pale:light:belgion:cerulean:grayish:non:photo:regent:st:blue +5016 light_blue rgb 191 239 255 hex #BFEFFF hsv 195 25 100 xyz 0.7 0.8 1.06 lab 92 -12 -13 lch 92 17 227 cmyk 25 6 0 0 french_pass[3755][189,237,253](1.0):pale_cerulean[6322][194,240,255](1.4):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](3.0):diamond[3119][185,242,255](3.2):onahau[6180][205,244,255](4.9) 5 pale:cerulean:charlotte:diamond:french:onahau:pass +5017 light_blue rgb 192 217 217 hex #C0D9D9 hsv 180 12 85 xyz 0.59 0.66 0.75 lab 85 -8 -3 lch 85 9 199 cmyk 10 0 0 15 cut_glass[2631][201,219,220](2.2):PMS552[707][196,214,214](2.4):breeze[1705][204,219,217](3.7):tiara[8343][195,209,209](3.7):light_cyan[5091][180,205,205](4.0) 18 light:PMS552:breeze:cut:cyan:glass:tiara +5018 light_blue rgb 202 255 251 hex #CAFFFB hsv 175 21 100 xyz 0.78 0.91 1.05 lab 96 -17 -4 lch 96 18 192 cmyk 21 0 2 0 pale_blue[6314][208,254,254](2.4):pale_cyan[6332][194,255,255](2.8):duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](3.0):humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](3.0):scandal[7514][207,250,244](3.0) 15 pale:bird:cyan:duck:egg:humming:scandal:blue +5019 light_blue_green rgb 126 251 179 hex #7EFBB3 hsv 145 50 98 xyz 0.51 0.77 0.55 lab 90 -51 24 lch 90 56 155 cmyk 49 0 28 2 seafoam[7576][128,249,173](2.0):seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](3.3):light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](5.4):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](7.1):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](7.2) 2 light:brilliant:bluish:greenish:seafoam:spring:blue:green +5020 light_blue_grey rgb 183 201 226 hex #B7C9E2 hsv 215 19 89 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.8 lab 80 -1 -14 lch 80 14 266 cmyk 17 10 0 11 light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](2.2):steel_blue_light[7970][176,196,222](2.2):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](2.8):spindle[7899][179,196,216](3.0):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](3.6) 15 pale:light:cloudy:grayish:spindle:steel:azure:blue +5021 light_blue_violet rgb 174 139 231 hex #AE8BE7 hsv 263 40 91 xyz 0.41 0.33 0.8 lab 64 32 -42 lch 64 53 307 cmyk 22 36 0 9 light_violet[5228][185,139,231](3.7):light_indigo[5129][162,139,231](4.6):lavender[4929][181,126,220](7.5):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](7.8):light_persian_blue[5167][150,139,231](7.9) 2 light:persian:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +5022 light_bluish_green rgb 118 253 168 hex #76FDA8 hsv 142 53 99 xyz 0.5 0.77 0.49 lab 90 -55 30 lch 90 63 152 cmyk 53 0 33 1 seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](4.4):seafoam[7576][128,249,173](5.7):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](5.9):foam_green[3709][144,253,169](6.2):baby_green[1242][140,255,158](6.8) 1 light:brilliant:baby:foam:seafoam:spring:green +5023 light_bluish_grey rgb 218 218 231 hex #DADAE7 hsv 240 6 91 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.86 lab 87 2 -6 lch 87 7 291 cmyk 5 5 0 9 designer_white[3109][215,217,226](1.4):rolling_fog[7274][218,215,223](2.2):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](2.4):dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](3.0):mischka[5780][209,210,221](3.0) 12 designer:dreamweaver:fog:mischka:rolling:titan:white +5024 light_bright_green rgb 83 254 92 hex #53FE5C hsv 123 67 100 xyz 0.41 0.73 0.22 lab 89 -74 63 lch 89 97 140 cmyk 67 0 64 0 light_neon_green[5153][78,253,84](2.4):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](5.8):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](5.9):bright_light_green[1730][45,254,84](6.4):luminous_vivid_sea_green[5399][0,255,96](7.7) 1 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:bright:neon:screamin':sea:green +5025 light_brilliant_amaranth rgb 255 101 120 hex #FF6578 hsv 353 60 100 xyz 0.49 0.32 0.21 lab 63 60 21 lch 63 63 19 cmyk 0 60 53 0 PMS184[135][252,94,114](1.7):PMS1777[118][252,102,117](2.2):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](4.7):brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](6.2):fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](6.3) 3 PMS1777:PMS184:brink:fiery:watermelon:wild:pink:rose +5026 light_brilliant_amber rgb 255 216 101 hex #FFD865 hsv 45 60 100 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.22 lab 88 1 60 lch 88 60 89 cmyk 0 15 60 0 goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](1.4):tinkerbell[8370][252,215,99](1.7):dandelion[2668][253,219,109](2.8):light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](3.0):orange_yellow[6223][248,213,104](3.7) 11 light:dandelion:goldenrod:mustard:tinkerbell:orange:yellow +5027 light_brilliant_apple_green rgb 236 255 101 hex #ECFF65 hsv 67 60 100 xyz 0.73 0.9 0.26 lab 96 -26 69 lch 96 74 111 cmyk 7 0 60 0 canary[2034][243,251,98](4.1):light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](7.5):canary[2035][253,255,99](7.7):brilliant_apple_green[1762][213,231,81](8.1):light_brilliant_lime_green[5048][216,255,101](8.1) 1 light:brilliant:apple:canary:green:lime:yellow +5028 light_brilliant_aquamarine rgb 101 255 197 hex #65FFC5 hsv 157 60 100 xyz 0.51 0.78 0.65 lab 91 -54 16 lch 91 56 164 cmyk 60 0 23 0 light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](5.9):light_aquamarine[5003][123,253,199](6.1):brilliant_aquamarine[1763][81,231,175](8.1):light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](8.6):bright_teal[1752][1,249,198](9.1) 0 light:brilliant:bright:greenish:teal:aquamarine:blue:green +5029 light_brilliant_arctic_blue rgb 101 236 255 hex #65ECFF hsv 187 60 100 xyz 0.53 0.7 1.05 lab 87 -31 -20 lch 87 37 213 cmyk 60 7 0 0 robin's_egg[7246][109,237,253](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7251][138,241,254](6.4):electric_blue[3438][125,249,255](7.5):spray[7912][121,222,236](7.5):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](7.8) 1 egg:electric:robin:robin's:spray:blue:turquoise +5030 light_brilliant_azure rgb 101 178 255 hex #65B2FF hsv 210 60 100 xyz 0.39 0.42 1.01 lab 71 -1 -45 lch 71 45 268 cmyk 60 30 0 0 french_sky_blue[3761][119,181,254](3.3):steel_blue[7969][99,184,255](4.6):steel_blue[7967][92,172,238](7.1):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](7.3):carolina_blue[2109][138,184,254](7.8) 2 carolina:french:sky:steel:blue +5031 light_brilliant_blue rgb 101 101 255 hex #6565FF hsv 240 60 100 xyz 0.28 0.19 0.97 lab 51 44 -77 lch 51 89 300 cmyk 60 60 0 0 very_light_blue[8747][102,102,255](1.0):light_brilliant_persian_blue[5055][120,101,255](4.4):brilliant_persian_blue[1792][100,81,231](7.8):brilliant_blue[1767][81,81,231](8.1):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](8.9) 2 slate:light:brilliant:very:persian:blue +5032 light_brilliant_blue_violet rgb 159 101 255 hex #9F65FF hsv 263 60 100 xyz 0.37 0.24 0.97 lab 56 55 -68 lch 56 88 309 cmyk 38 60 0 0 lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](4.9):lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](5.4):light_brilliant_violet[5072][178,101,255](5.4):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](5.4):light_brilliant_indigo[5047][139,101,255](6.0) 1 light:brilliant:lighter:navy:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +5033 light_brilliant_cerise rgb 255 101 197 hex #FF65C5 hsv 323 60 100 xyz 0.56 0.35 0.57 lab 65 68 -20 lch 65 71 343 cmyk 0 60 23 0 rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](4.2):neon_pink[6018][255,110,199](4.6):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](4.9):PMS238[198][237,79,175](6.4):brilliant_cerise[1769][231,81,175](7.1) 3 brilliant:PMS238:cerise:fuchsia:neon:pink:rose +5034 light_brilliant_cerulean rgb 101 216 255 hex #65D8FF hsv 195 60 100 xyz 0.48 0.59 1.03 lab 81 -21 -29 lch 81 36 233 cmyk 60 15 0 0 brilliant_cerulean[1770][81,194,231](7.1):pale_cyan[6330][135,211,248](8.1):PMS2985[328][81,191,226](8.2):seagull[7581][128,204,234](9.1):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](9.3) 0 pale:brilliant:PMS2985:baby:cerulean:cyan:seagull:blue +5035 light_brilliant_chartreuse_green rgb 178 255 101 hex #B2FF65 hsv 90 60 100 xyz 0.56 0.82 0.25 lab 93 -48 64 lch 93 80 126 cmyk 30 0 60 0 pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](1.0):light_lime_green[5136][185,255,102](3.2):light_lime[5135][174,253,108](3.3):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](4.1):light_brilliant_pistachio[5057][159,255,101](6.2) 4 pale:light:brilliant:key:pistachio:green:lime +5036 light_brilliant_cobalt_blue rgb 101 159 255 hex #659FFF hsv 217 60 100 xyz 0.36 0.35 0.99 lab 66 10 -53 lch 66 54 280 cmyk 60 38 0 0 cornflower[2527][100,149,237](5.7):cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](5.7):brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](8.2):united_nations_blue[8650][91,146,229](8.4):brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](9.1) 0 brilliant:cobalt:cornflower:nations:united:azure:blue +5037 light_brilliant_cornflower_blue rgb 101 197 255 hex #65C5FF hsv 203 60 100 xyz 0.43 0.5 1.02 lab 76 -12 -37 lch 76 39 253 cmyk 60 23 0 0 maya_blue[5589][115,194,251](3.2):sky[7739][130,202,252](6.2):lightblue[5243][123,200,246](7.1):malibu[5482][125,200,247](7.3):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](7.3) 1 light:very:lightblue:malibu:maya:sky:azure:blue +5038 light_brilliant_crimson rgb 255 101 139 hex #FF658B hsv 345 60 100 xyz 0.51 0.32 0.28 lab 64 62 10 lch 64 62 9 cmyk 0 60 45 0 rosy_pink[7329][246,104,142](5.1):strawberry[8008][252,90,141](5.4):brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](5.5):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](5.7):warm_pink[9002][251,85,129](5.7) 0 PMS1915:brink:rosy:strawberry:warm:pink +5039 light_brilliant_cyan rgb 101 255 255 hex #65FFFF hsv 180 60 100 xyz 0.59 0.82 1.07 lab 92 -40 -12 lch 92 42 197 cmyk 60 0 0 0 bright_cyan[1721][65,253,254](4.6):bright_light_blue[1729][38,247,253](6.4):electric_blue[3438][125,249,255](7.3):brilliant_cyan[1775][81,231,231](8.1):turquoise[8576][0,245,255](8.2) 1 light:brilliant:bright:cyan:electric:blue:turquoise +5040 light_brilliant_emerald_green rgb 101 255 120 hex #65FF78 hsv 127 60 100 xyz 0.45 0.76 0.3 lab 90 -67 52 lch 90 85 142 cmyk 60 0 53 0 screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](4.0):lightgreen[5246][118,255,123](4.1):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](4.1):brilliant_emerald_green[1776][81,231,100](8.2):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](8.2) 3 light:brilliant:emerald:lightgreen:screamin:screamin':viridian:green +5041 light_brilliant_fuchsia rgb 255 101 216 hex #FF65D8 hsv 315 60 100 xyz 0.58 0.36 0.69 lab 66 71 -30 lch 66 77 337 cmyk 0 60 15 0 light_deep_pink[5095][255,92,205](4.9):rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](6.3):brilliant_fuchsia[1777][231,81,194](7.3):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](8.6):candy_pink[2046][255,99,233](9.5) 1 deep:light:brilliant:candy:fuchsia:neon:pink:rose +5042 light_brilliant_gamboge rgb 255 197 101 hex #FFC565 hsv 37 60 100 xyz 0.64 0.62 0.21 lab 83 11 55 lch 83 56 79 cmyk 0 23 60 0 daybreak_yellow[2939][252,191,102](3.5):koromiko[4885][255,189,95](3.7):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.6):saffron[7407][249,191,88](4.6):saffron_mango[7409][249,191,88](4.6) 6 PMS135:daybreak:koromiko:mango:saffron:yellow +5043 light_brilliant_gold rgb 255 236 101 hex #FFEC65 hsv 53 60 100 xyz 0.74 0.82 0.24 lab 93 -9 66 lch 93 67 98 cmyk 0 7 60 0 portica[6789][249,230,99](2.8):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](3.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](3.6):candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](3.7):corn[2520][251,236,93](3.7) 9 PMS113:candy:corn:portica:yellowish +5044 light_brilliant_green rgb 101 255 101 hex #65FF65 hsv 120 60 100 xyz 0.43 0.75 0.25 lab 89 -69 60 lch 89 92 139 cmyk 60 0 60 0 screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](1.0):lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](4.1):light_brilliant_sap_green[5063][120,255,101](4.2):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.1):light_bright_green[5024][83,254,92](5.8) 3 light:brilliant:bright:lighter:sap:screamin':viridian:green +5045 light_brilliant_harlequin rgb 139 255 101 hex #8BFF65 hsv 105 60 100 xyz 0.49 0.78 0.25 lab 91 -60 62 lch 91 86 134 cmyk 45 0 60 0 light_brilliant_sap_green[5063][120,255,101](5.2):lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](5.5):light_brilliant_pistachio[5057][159,255,101](6.2):brilliant_harlequin[1781][119,231,81](8.3):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](8.3) 0 light:brilliant:grass:harlequin:lighter:pistachio:sap:green +5046 light_brilliant_heliotrope rgb 236 101 255 hex #EC65FF hsv 293 60 100 xyz 0.57 0.34 0.98 lab 65 72 -53 lch 65 90 324 cmyk 7 60 0 0 medium_orchid[5622][224,102,255](4.4):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](6.4):violet_pink[8863][251,95,252](6.8):light_brilliant_magenta[5049][255,101,255](7.1):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](7.1) 1 medium:light:brilliant:flamingo:heliotrope:magenta:orchid:pink:violet +5047 light_brilliant_indigo rgb 139 101 255 hex #8B65FF hsv 255 60 100 xyz 0.33 0.22 0.97 lab 54 51 -72 lch 54 88 305 cmyk 45 60 0 0 light_brilliant_persian_blue[5055][120,101,255](4.9):light_brilliant_blue_violet[5032][159,101,255](6.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](7.7):lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](7.8):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](7.8) 1 slate:light:brilliant:navy:persian:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +5048 light_brilliant_lime_green rgb 216 255 101 hex #D8FF65 hsv 75 60 100 xyz 0.66 0.87 0.26 lab 95 -34 68 lch 95 75 117 cmyk 15 0 60 0 pear[6562][203,248,95](3.7):dark_olive_green[2818][202,255,112](7.3):light_brilliant_spring_bud[5067][197,255,101](7.3):light_brilliant_apple_green[5027][236,255,101](8.1):brilliant_lime_green[1785][194,231,81](8.3) 1 light:dark:brilliant:apple:bud:olive:pear:spring:green:lime +5049 light_brilliant_magenta rgb 255 101 255 hex #FF65FF hsv 300 60 100 xyz 0.64 0.38 0.99 lab 68 77 -49 lch 68 91 327 cmyk 0 60 0 0 pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](1.0):light_magenta[5139][250,95,247](2.2):violet_pink[8863][251,95,252](2.4):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](5.1):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](5.1) 3 light:blush:flamingo:magenta:shocking:pink:violet +5050 light_brilliant_malachite_green rgb 101 255 139 hex #65FF8B hsv 135 60 100 xyz 0.46 0.76 0.37 lab 90 -65 43 lch 90 78 146 cmyk 60 0 45 0 brilliant_malachite_green[1787][81,231,119](8.2):lightgreen[5246][118,255,123](8.2):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](8.6):light_brilliant_emerald_green[5040][101,255,120](9.2):screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](9.2) 0 light:brilliant:emerald:lightgreen:malachite:screamin:wintergreen:green +5051 light_brilliant_mulberry rgb 216 101 255 hex #D865FF hsv 285 60 100 xyz 0.51 0.31 0.98 lab 63 67 -58 lch 63 89 320 cmyk 15 60 0 0 medium_orchid[5622][224,102,255](3.0):bright_lavender[1728][199,96,255](5.1):bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](5.1):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](5.8):medium_orchid[5621][209,95,238](6.2) 1 medium:light:brilliant:bright:lilac:orchid:lavender:purple +5052 light_brilliant_opal rgb 101 255 236 hex #65FFEC hsv 173 60 100 xyz 0.56 0.8 0.92 lab 92 -45 -3 lch 92 45 184 cmyk 60 0 7 0 bright_aqua[1717][11,249,234](7.8):brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](8.2):tiffany_blue[8355][123,242,218](8.2):turquoise_blue[8582][0,255,239](9.0):bright_turquoise[1754][15,254,249](9.9) 0 brilliant:aqua:bright:opal:tiffany:blue:turquoise +5053 light_brilliant_orange rgb 255 178 101 hex #FFB265 hsv 30 60 100 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.2 lab 78 20 50 lch 78 54 68 cmyk 0 30 60 0 rajah[7055][252,174,96](1.7):rajah[7054][251,171,96](2.8):consuela[2463][253,183,109](4.1):apricot[1092][255,177,109](4.5):texas_rose[8317][252,176,87](5.1) 4 apricot:consuela:rajah:texas:rose +5054 light_brilliant_orchid rgb 255 101 236 hex #FF65EC hsv 307 60 100 xyz 0.61 0.37 0.83 lab 67 74 -40 lch 67 84 332 cmyk 0 60 7 0 candy_pink[2046][255,99,233](1.0):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](6.4):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](6.4):ultra_pink[8636][255,111,255](6.4):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](7.3) 1 brilliant:blush:candy:orchid:shocking:ultra:pink +5055 light_brilliant_persian_blue rgb 120 101 255 hex #7865FF hsv 247 60 100 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.97 lab 52 47 -74 lch 52 88 302 cmyk 53 60 0 0 very_light_blue[8747][102,102,255](3.7):light_brilliant_blue[5031][101,101,255](4.4):light_brilliant_indigo[5047][139,101,255](4.9):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](6.6):brilliant_persian_blue[1792][100,81,231](7.1) 3 slate:light:brilliant:very:persian:blue:indigo +5056 light_brilliant_phthalo_blue rgb 101 120 255 hex #6578FF hsv 233 60 100 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.98 lab 56 33 -70 lch 56 77 295 cmyk 60 53 0 0 flat_medium_blue[3670][72,118,255](4.7):royal_blue[7351][72,118,255](4.7):cornflower[2528][106,121,247](5.8):flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](7.9):royal_blue[7350][67,110,238](7.9) 2 medium:flat:cornflower:royal:blue +5057 light_brilliant_pistachio rgb 159 255 101 hex #9FFF65 hsv 97 60 100 xyz 0.52 0.8 0.25 lab 92 -54 63 lch 92 83 130 cmyk 38 0 60 0 light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](4.1):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](6.1):light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](6.2):light_brilliant_harlequin[5045][139,255,101](6.2):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](6.7) 1 pale:light:brilliant:chartreuse:grass:harlequin:key:green:lime +5058 light_brilliant_purple rgb 197 101 255 hex #C565FF hsv 277 60 100 xyz 0.46 0.28 0.98 lab 60 63 -61 lch 60 88 316 cmyk 23 60 0 0 bright_lavender[1728][199,96,255](3.2):bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](3.2):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](5.8):light_brilliant_violet[5072][178,101,255](6.0):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](7.1) 2 light:brilliant:bright:lilac:mulberry:lavender:purple:violet +5059 light_brilliant_raspberry rgb 255 101 159 hex #FF659F hsv 337 60 100 xyz 0.52 0.33 0.36 lab 64 64 -1 lch 64 64 360 cmyk 0 60 38 0 medium_pink[5627][243,97,150](4.4):french_pink[3756][253,108,158](4.6):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](5.0):PMS212[170][249,79,142](7.1):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](7.1) 3 medium:PMS212:bubble:french:gum:pink:red:violet +5060 light_brilliant_red rgb 254 46 46 hex #FE2E2E hsv 0 82 100 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.05 lab 55 75 52 lch 55 91 35 cmyk 0 82 82 0 firebrick[3646][255,48,48](1.4):red[7105][237,28,36](4.5):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](5.1):cherry_red[2265][247,2,42](5.4):red_orange[7128][255,63,52](5.5) 2 2X:PMS805:cherry:firebrick:orange:red +5061 light_brilliant_red rgb 255 101 101 hex #FF6565 hsv 0 60 100 xyz 0.48 0.32 0.16 lab 63 59 31 lch 63 66 28 cmyk 0 60 60 0 coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](1.4):indian_red[4637][255,106,106](3.0):indianred[4644][255,106,106](3.0):pastel_red[6516][255,105,97](3.7):carnation[2101][249,90,97](4.1) 6 carnation:coral:indian:indianred:pastel:pink:red +5062 light_brilliant_rose rgb 255 101 178 hex #FF65B2 hsv 330 60 100 xyz 0.54 0.34 0.46 lab 65 66 -11 lch 65 67 351 cmyk 0 60 30 0 hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](2.0):bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](3.3):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](3.6):magenta[5439][246,100,175](3.6):hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](4.6) 5 bubble:bubblegum:gum:hot:magenta:pink +5063 light_brilliant_sap_green rgb 120 255 101 hex #78FF65 hsv 113 60 100 xyz 0.46 0.76 0.25 lab 90 -65 61 lch 90 89 137 cmyk 53 0 60 0 lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](1.0):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](4.1):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](4.2):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.1):light_brilliant_harlequin[5045][139,255,101](5.2) 3 light:brilliant:harlequin:lighter:screamin':viridian:green +5064 light_brilliant_sapphire_blue rgb 101 139 255 hex #658BFF hsv 225 60 100 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.98 lab 60 21 -62 lch 60 65 289 cmyk 60 45 0 0 blueberry[1605][79,134,247](4.2):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](6.5):brilliant_sapphire_blue[1802][81,119,231](7.1):lavender_blue[4933][139,136,248](10.2):cornflower[2528][106,121,247](10.3) 1 brilliant:blueberry:cornflower:dodger:sapphire:blue:lavender +5065 light_brilliant_scarlet rgb 255 120 101 hex #FF7865 hsv 7 60 100 xyz 0.5 0.36 0.17 lab 66 50 35 lch 66 61 35 cmyk 0 53 60 0 salmon[7429][255,121,108](3.2):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](4.1):bittersweet[1444][253,124,110](4.6):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](5.1):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](5.1) 3 bittersweet:fingers:persimmon:salmon:sticky +5066 light_brilliant_sea_green rgb 101 255 159 hex #65FF9F hsv 143 60 100 xyz 0.47 0.77 0.45 lab 90 -61 34 lch 90 70 151 cmyk 60 0 38 0 sea_green[7562][84,255,159](3.2):light_green_blue[5117][86,252,162](3.3):sea_green[7561][83,252,161](3.7):sea_green[7560][78,238,148](6.3):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](7.2) 3 light:bluish:sea:blue:green +5067 light_brilliant_spring_bud rgb 197 255 101 hex #C5FF65 hsv 83 60 100 xyz 0.61 0.84 0.25 lab 94 -41 66 lch 94 77 122 cmyk 23 0 60 0 light_lime_green[5136][185,255,102](4.2):dark_olive_green[2818][202,255,112](5.0):pear[6562][203,248,95](5.5):pale_lime[6382][190,253,115](7.1):light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](7.3) 2 pale:light:dark:brilliant:chartreuse:olive:pear:green:lime +5068 light_brilliant_spring_green rgb 101 255 178 hex #65FFB2 hsv 150 60 100 xyz 0.49 0.77 0.54 lab 91 -58 25 lch 91 63 157 cmyk 60 0 30 0 light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](5.8):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](5.9):seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](6.6):light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](7.1):seafoam[7576][128,249,173](7.1) 0 light:bluish:greenish:seafoam:blue:green +5069 light_brilliant_tangelo rgb 255 159 101 hex #FF9F65 hsv 23 60 100 xyz 0.56 0.47 0.18 lab 74 30 45 lch 74 54 56 cmyk 0 38 60 0 tan_hide[8231][250,157,90](4.2):atomic_tangerine[1187][255,153,102](4.6):pink_orange[6684][255,153,102](4.6):hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](5.5):tan[8227][250,167,108](5.5) 3 atomic:hide:hit:tan:tangerine:orange:pink +5070 light_brilliant_turquoise rgb 101 255 216 hex #65FFD8 hsv 165 60 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 0.77 lab 91 -50 7 lch 91 50 173 cmyk 60 0 15 0 aquamarine[1121][127,255,212](5.1):light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](7.5):light_aquamarine[5003][123,253,199](8.2):aquamarine[1119][118,238,198](8.3):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](8.3) 0 light:brilliant:aquamarine:turquoise +5071 light_brilliant_vermilion rgb 255 139 101 hex #FF8B65 hsv 15 60 100 xyz 0.53 0.41 0.17 lab 70 41 40 lch 70 57 44 cmyk 0 45 60 0 salmon[7430][255,140,105](2.2):salmon[7427][238,130,98](6.0):PMS1635[94][249,142,109](6.4):guggenheim[4242][255,142,89](6.7):crusta[2616][243,134,83](7.1) 1 PMS1635:crusta:guggenheim:salmon +5072 light_brilliant_violet rgb 178 101 255 hex #B265FF hsv 270 60 100 xyz 0.41 0.26 0.97 lab 58 59 -65 lch 58 88 312 cmyk 30 60 0 0 lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](4.1):light_brilliant_blue_violet[5032][159,101,255](5.4):light_brilliant_purple[5058][197,101,255](6.0):lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](6.8):brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](7.7) 1 light:brilliant:lighter:lightish:blue:purple:violet +5073 light_brilliant_yellow rgb 255 255 101 hex #FFFF65 hsv 60 60 100 xyz 0.79 0.94 0.26 lab 98 -19 71 lch 98 74 105 cmyk 0 0 60 0 laser_lemon[4918][255,255,102](1.0):unmellow_yellow[8654][255,255,102](1.0):canary[2035][253,255,99](1.4):canary[2034][243,251,98](3.7):icterine[4606][252,247,94](4.4) 5 canary:icterine:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +5074 light_brown rgb 173 129 80 hex #AD8150 hsv 32 54 68 xyz 0.27 0.25 0.11 lab 57 11 33 lch 57 35 71 cmyk 0 17 36 32 tan_brown[8229][171,126,76](1.7):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](2.2):moderate_orange[5836][168,121,74](2.8):coffee[2421][166,129,76](3.3):muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](3.3) 11 moderate:55:coffee:lmu:muddy:tan:toast:waters:brown:orange +5075 light_brown rgb 181 101 29 hex #B5651D hsv 28 84 71 xyz 0.24 0.19 0.04 lab 51 27 51 lch 51 58 62 cmyk 0 31 60 29 omega[6178][181,101,25](2.0):copper[2475][182,99,37](3.6):desert[3100][174,96,32](3.6):liver[5310][184,109,41](4.1):ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](4.4) 7 copper:desert:liver:omega:ruddy:brown +5076 light_burgundy rgb 168 65 91 hex #A8415B hsv 345 61 66 xyz 0.2 0.13 0.11 lab 43 45 7 lch 43 45 9 cmyk 0 40 30 34 hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](1.0):night_shadz[6053][162,61,84](2.4):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](4.1):sargent_pepper[7500][163,64,83](4.1):moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](4.2) 5 moderate:hippie:night:pepper:sargent:shadz:crimson:pink +5077 light_carmine_pink rgb 230 103 113 hex #E66771 hsv 355 55 90 xyz 0.4 0.28 0.19 lab 60 50 19 lch 60 54 21 cmyk 0 50 46 10 froly[3774][229,109,117](3.3):PMS709[888][242,104,119](4.5):PMS702[881][214,96,109](5.4):froly[3775][245,117,132](5.8):candy_pink[2045][228,113,122](5.9) 2 PMS702:PMS709:candy:froly:pink +5078 light_cerise rgb 231 139 197 hex #E78BC5 hsv 322 40 91 xyz 0.52 0.39 0.58 lab 69 43 -15 lch 69 45 341 cmyk 0 36 13 9 PMS514[632][216,132,188](4.4):light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](6.3):light_rose[5183][231,139,185](6.3):PMS237[196][244,132,196](7.1):PMS223[181][249,147,196](7.3) 1 light:PMS223:PMS237:PMS514:fuchsia:rose +5079 light_cerulean rgb 139 208 231 hex #8BD0E7 hsv 195 40 91 xyz 0.48 0.56 0.84 lab 80 -16 -18 lch 80 24 229 cmyk 36 9 0 9 anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.0):sky_blue[7747][135,206,235](3.3):seagull[7581][128,204,234](4.5):spray[7913][126,205,221](4.9):PMS297[325][130,198,226](5.4) 4 PMS297:anakiwa:seagull:sky:spray:blue +5080 light_chartreuse_green rgb 185 231 139 hex #B9E78B hsv 90 40 91 xyz 0.53 0.69 0.35 lab 87 -30 40 lch 87 50 127 cmyk 18 0 36 9 light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](4.1):light_pistachio[5176][174,231,139](4.2):PMS366[440][196,229,142](5.1):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](5.9):anise[1055][167,214,125](6.2) 2 light:PMS366:anise:bud:pistachio:spring:green:yellow +5081 light_cobalt_blue rgb 136 172 224 hex #88ACE0 hsv 215 39 88 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.76 lab 70 1 -30 lch 70 30 271 cmyk 35 20 0 12 jordy_blue[4779][122,170,224](4.1):PMS284[305][117,170,219](5.4):jordy_blue[4780][138,185,241](5.4):light_azure[5006][139,185,231](6.7):ceil[2151][146,161,207](7.1) 1 light:PMS284:ceil:jordy:azure:blue +5082 light_cobalt_blue rgb 139 174 231 hex #8BAEE7 hsv 217 40 91 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.81 lab 71 2 -32 lch 71 32 274 cmyk 36 22 0 9 jordy_blue[4780][138,185,241](4.4):jordy_blue[4779][122,170,224](5.0):vista_blue[8884][124,158,217](6.6):PMS284[305][117,170,219](7.0):pastel_blue[6500][162,191,254](7.0) 2 PMS284:jordy:pastel:vista:blue +5083 light_coral rgb 240 128 128 hex #F08080 hsv 360 47 94 xyz 0.48 0.36 0.25 lab 66 43 20 lch 66 47 25 cmyk 0 44 44 6 coral_light[2502][240,128,128](0.0):PMS177[116][249,130,127](3.5):geraldine[3843][231,123,117](3.5):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](4.0):tulip[8556][255,135,141](5.4) 4 light:PMS177:coral:geraldine:tulip +5084 light_cornflower_blue rgb 139 197 231 hex #8BC5E7 hsv 202 40 91 xyz 0.45 0.51 0.83 lab 77 -10 -23 lch 77 25 246 cmyk 36 13 0 9 cornflower[2529][147,204,234](3.0):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](4.2):PMS297[325][130,198,226](4.6):PMS283[304][155,196,226](5.0):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](5.0) 7 PMS283:PMS2905:PMS297:cornflower +5085 light_cornflower_blue rgb 147 204 234 hex #93CCEA hsv 201 37 92 xyz 0.48 0.55 0.86 lab 79 -11 -21 lch 79 23 242 cmyk 34 12 0 8 cornflower[2529][147,204,234](0.0):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](1.7):anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.2):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.7):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](3.7) 12 PMS2905:anakiwa:baby:cornflower:blue +5086 light_crimson rgb 231 139 162 hex #E78BA2 hsv 345 40 91 xyz 0.49 0.38 0.39 lab 68 38 3 lch 68 38 4 cmyk 0 36 27 9 pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](1.7):mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](3.2):illusion[4611][239,149,174](3.7):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](4.2):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](4.2) 7 light:charm:illusion:mauvelous:pig:thulian:pink +5087 light_crimson rgb 245 105 145 hex #F56991 hsv 343 57 96 xyz 0.48 0.32 0.3 lab 63 57 6 lch 63 58 6 cmyk 0 55 39 4 rosy_pink[7329][246,104,142](1.4):french_pink[3756][253,108,158](6.2):light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](6.5):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](6.7):blush[1627][222,93,131](6.8) 1 light:dark:brilliant:blush:french:rosy:crimson:pink +5088 light_cyan rgb 122 139 139 hex #7A8B8B hsv 180 12 55 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.28 lab 57 -6 -2 lch 57 6 199 cmyk 7 0 0 45 cold_grey[2429][128,138,135](2.8):azure[1230][131,139,139](3.2):crescent[2595][131,149,150](3.2):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](3.7):forcefield[3717][137,150,148](4.2) 14 cold:crescent:forcefield:oslo:azure:grey +5089 light_cyan rgb 139 231 231 hex #8BE7E7 hsv 180 40 91 xyz 0.54 0.68 0.86 lab 86 -27 -9 lch 86 29 198 cmyk 36 0 0 9 dark_slate_grey[2892][141,238,238](2.8):aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](5.0):cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](5.0):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](5.7):PMS318[362][147,221,219](5.8) 3 slate:dark:PMS3105:PMS318:cadet:aquamarine:blue:grey +5090 light_cyan rgb 172 255 252 hex #ACFFFC hsv 178 33 100 xyz 0.7 0.87 1.05 lab 95 -26 -7 lch 95 26 194 cmyk 33 0 1 0 celeste[2159][178,255,255](3.2):italian_sky_blue[4694][178,255,255](3.2):pale_cyan[6331][183,255,250](3.6):very_light_cyan[8758][158,255,255](3.7):dark_slate_grey[2893][151,255,255](4.6) 5 pale:slate:light:dark:very:celeste:cyan:italian:sky:blue:grey +5091 light_cyan rgb 180 205 205 hex #B4CDCD hsv 180 12 80 xyz 0.52 0.58 0.66 lab 81 -8 -3 lch 81 9 199 cmyk 10 0 0 20 jungle_mist[4796][180,207,211](2.0):jet_stream[4760][181,210,206](3.0):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](3.3):PMS552[707][196,214,214](3.7):tiara[8343][195,209,209](3.7) 10 PMS552:jet:jungle:mist:stream:tiara +5092 light_cyan rgb 209 238 238 hex #D1EEEE hsv 180 12 93 xyz 0.72 0.81 0.93 lab 92 -9 -3 lch 92 10 199 cmyk 11 0 0 7 foam[3707][208,234,232](1.4):oyster_bay[6281][209,234,234](1.4):mabel[5418][203,232,232](2.0):iceberg[4602][218,244,240](2.8):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](3.7) 14 bay:foam:ice:iceberg:jagged:mabel:oyster +5093 light_cyan rgb 224 255 255 hex #E0FFFF hsv 180 12 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 1.08 lab 98 -10 -3 lch 98 10 199 cmyk 12 0 0 0 baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](0.0):cyan_white[2644][224,255,255](0.0):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](2.0):foam[3708][216,252,250](2.8) 21 pale:very:baby:cyan:foam:tranquil:blue:white +5094 light_cyanish_grey rgb 218 231 231 hex #DAE7E7 hsv 180 6 91 xyz 0.72 0.78 0.87 lab 91 -4 -1 lch 91 5 199 cmyk 5 0 0 9 mystic[5970][226,235,237](1.7):zircon[9267][222,227,227](2.2):azure[1232][224,238,238](2.4):tranquil[8455][221,237,233](2.4):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](3.2) 35 carefree:half:mystic:tranquil:zircon:azure +5095 light_deep_pink rgb 255 92 205 hex #FF5CCD hsv 318 64 100 xyz 0.56 0.33 0.61 lab 64 73 -26 lch 64 77 340 cmyk 0 64 20 0 neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](4.2):light_brilliant_fuchsia[5041][255,101,216](4.9):rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](4.9):brilliant_fuchsia[1777][231,81,194](7.1):light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](7.9) 3 light:brilliant:cerise:fuchsia:neon:pink:rose +5096 light_eggplant rgb 137 69 133 hex #894585 hsv 304 50 54 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.23 lab 40 38 -23 lch 40 45 329 cmyk 0 27 2 46 orchid[6234][139,71,137](1.7):plum[6744][142,69,133](2.4):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](4.7):genie[3840][131,62,119](5.0):PMS258[230][155,79,150](6.7) 4 PMS258:berry:genie:orchid:plum:razzmic +5097 light_emerald_green rgb 139 231 150 hex #8BE796 hsv 127 40 91 xyz 0.45 0.65 0.39 lab 84 -44 31 lch 84 54 145 cmyk 36 0 32 9 light_green[5113][139,231,139](5.4):light_malachite_green[5141][139,231,162](6.4):light_sap_green[5193][150,231,139](6.4):light_green[5114][144,238,144](7.0):pale_green[6344][144,238,144](7.0) 0 pale:light:malachite:sap:green +5098 light_forest_green rgb 79 145 83 hex #4F9153 hsv 124 46 57 xyz 0.15 0.23 0.12 lab 55 -35 27 lch 55 44 143 cmyk 26 0 24 43 fruit_salad[3787][79,157,93](5.1):pale_green[6341][84,139,84](6.2):fern_green[3583][84,141,68](6.6):area[1139][60,128,67](7.0):may_green[5588][76,145,65](8.6) 0 pale:area:fern:fruit:may:salad:green +5099 light_french_beige rgb 200 173 127 hex #C8AD7F hsv 38 37 78 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.26 lab 72 3 27 lch 72 27 83 cmyk 0 11 29 22 toupe[8443][199,172,125](1.0):aquashield_canterbury_clay[1129][198,174,131](2.2):canterbury_clay[2052][198,174,131](2.2):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](3.6):PMS465[561][193,168,117](3.7) 14 PMS465:aquashield:canterbury:clay:navajo:toupe:white +5100 light_fuchsia rgb 231 139 208 hex #E78BD0 hsv 315 40 91 xyz 0.54 0.4 0.65 lab 69 45 -21 lch 69 49 335 cmyk 0 36 9 9 PMS245[211][232,127,201](5.4):light_cerise[5078][231,139,197](6.3):light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](6.4):lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](7.3):PMS514[632][216,132,188](7.7) 0 light:PMS245:PMS514:cerise:orchid:lavender:pink +5101 light_fuchsia_pink rgb 249 132 239 hex #F984EF hsv 305 47 98 xyz 0.63 0.43 0.87 lab 71 59 -34 lch 71 68 330 cmyk 0 46 4 2 orchid[6240][238,122,233](4.2):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](4.4):violet[8858][238,130,238](4.4):pale_magenta[6386][249,132,229](4.5):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](5.4) 4 pale:magenta:orchid:purply:lavender:pink:violet +5102 light_gamboge rgb 231 197 139 hex #E7C58B hsv 38 40 91 xyz 0.58 0.59 0.33 lab 81 4 34 lch 81 34 83 cmyk 0 13 36 9 new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](1.7):sandbar[7462][226,195,133](1.7):chalky[2199][223,194,129](3.0):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](3.0):straw[8004][218,190,130](3.6) 15 chalky:honey:manuka:new:orleans:sandbar:straw +5103 light_gold rgb 231 220 139 hex #E7DC8B hsv 53 40 91 xyz 0.63 0.7 0.35 lab 87 -8 41 lch 87 42 100 cmyk 0 4 36 9 primrose[6813][228,222,142](1.4):wild_rice[9106][236,224,144](2.2):PMS609[788][234,229,150](4.1):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](4.6):moonbeam[5891][242,226,137](4.6) 5 PMS609:moonbeam:primrose:rice:wild:green:yellow +5104 light_gold rgb 253 220 92 hex #FDDC5C hsv 48 64 99 xyz 0.68 0.73 0.21 lab 88 -3 65 lch 88 65 92 cmyk 0 13 63 1 energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](2.0):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](2.0):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](2.0):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](2.0):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](2.0) 15 de:energy:grain:jonquil:naples:royal:stil:yellow +5105 light_goldenrod rgb 139 129 76 hex #8B814C hsv 50 45 55 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.1 lab 54 -4 30 lch 54 30 98 cmyk 0 4 25 45 old_goldenrod[6130][139,129,76](0.0):khaki[4842][139,134,78](3.3):dark_tan[2899][145,129,81](3.6):fortune[3730][146,128,83](5.0):twister[8620][147,130,85](5.1) 4 dark:fortune:goldenrod:khaki:old:tan:twister +5106 light_goldenrod rgb 205 190 112 hex #CDBE70 hsv 50 45 80 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.23 lab 77 -5 41 lch 77 42 97 cmyk 0 6 36 20 old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](0.0):souffle[7856][213,193,113](2.4):laser[4915][200,181,104](3.2):khaki[4846][205,198,115](4.6):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.1) 4 PMS617:goldenrod:khaki:laser:old:souffle +5107 light_goldenrod rgb 238 220 130 hex #EEDC82 hsv 50 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.31 lab 87 -6 46 lch 87 47 97 cmyk 0 7 42 7 flax[3680][238,220,130](0.0):old_goldenrod[6132][238,220,130](0.0):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](1.4):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](1.4):buff[1892][240,220,130](1.7) 13 buff:flax:goldenrod:old:oldgoldenrod +5108 light_goldenrod rgb 238 221 130 hex #EEDD82 hsv 51 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.72 0.31 lab 88 -6 47 lch 88 47 98 cmyk 0 7 42 7 old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](0.0):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](0.0):buff[1892][240,220,130](1.0):flax[3680][238,220,130](1.4):old_goldenrod[6132][238,220,130](1.4) 21 buff:flax:goldenrod:old:oldgoldenrod +5109 light_goldenrod rgb 255 236 139 hex #FFEC8B hsv 50 45 100 xyz 0.76 0.83 0.36 lab 93 -6 49 lch 93 50 97 cmyk 0 7 45 0 old_goldenrod[6134][255,236,139](0.0):sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](1.7):yellow[9197][252,232,131](2.2):PMS127[35][244,226,135](3.6):PMS120[21][249,226,127](3.7) 7 PMS120:PMS127:corn:goldenrod:old:sweet:yellow +5110 light_goldenrod_yellow rgb 250 250 210 hex #FAFAD2 hsv 60 16 98 xyz 0.85 0.93 0.74 lab 97 -6 19 lch 97 20 109 cmyk 0 0 16 2 goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](0.0):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](1.7):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](2.2):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](2.2):pale[6303][255,249,208](2.2) 35 pale:light:baja:dutch:goldenrod:mimosa:white +5111 light_grass_green rgb 154 247 100 hex #9AF764 hsv 98 60 97 xyz 0.49 0.74 0.24 lab 89 -52 61 lch 89 80 131 cmyk 36 0 58 3 light_brilliant_pistachio[5057][159,255,101](4.1):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](5.1):light_lime[5135][174,253,108](5.8):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](5.8):brilliant_pistachio[1794][137,231,81](6.2) 1 pale:light:brilliant:key:pistachio:green:lime +5112 light_grayish_magenta rgb 204 153 204 hex #CC99CC hsv 300 25 80 xyz 0.47 0.4 0.62 lab 69 28 -19 lch 69 33 326 cmyk 0 20 0 20 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-52 51 lch 90 73 135 cmyk 39 0 49 2 easter_green[3337][140,253,126](4.0):spring_green[7924][169,249,113](7.8):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](10.0):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](10.0):lightgreen[5246][118,255,123](11.0) 1 light:easter:grass:key:lightgreen:spring:green:lime +5116 light_green rgb 200 255 176 hex #C8FFB0 hsv 102 31 100 xyz 0.67 0.87 0.54 lab 95 -31 32 lch 95 45 134 cmyk 22 0 31 0 pale_green[6348][199,253,181](3.3):washed_out_green[9009][188,245,166](4.1):tea_green[8275][189,248,163](5.2):celadon[2153][190,253,183](5.5):gossip[3955][210,248,176](6.4) 2 pale:celadon:gossip:out:tea:washed:green +5117 light_green_blue rgb 86 252 162 hex #56FCA2 hsv 147 66 99 xyz 0.45 0.74 0.46 lab 89 -62 31 lch 89 70 154 cmyk 65 0 35 1 sea_green[7561][83,252,161](1.0):sea_green[7562][84,255,159](3.0):light_brilliant_sea_green[5066][101,255,159](3.3):sea_green[7560][78,238,148](5.2):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](7.1) 3 light:brilliant:bluish:sea:green +5118 light_greenish_blue rgb 99 247 180 hex #63F7B4 hsv 153 60 97 xyz 0.47 0.72 0.55 lab 88 -55 21 lch 88 58 159 cmyk 58 0 26 3 light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](5.4):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](5.8):light_brilliant_aquamarine[5028][101,255,197](5.9):brilliant_spring_green[1806][81,231,156](6.5):seafoam[7576][128,249,173](6.7) 0 light:brilliant:seafoam:spring:aquamarine:blue:green +5119 light_greenish_grey rgb 218 231 218 hex #DAE7DA hsv 120 6 91 xyz 0.7 0.77 0.78 lab 90 -7 5 lch 90 8 144 cmyk 5 0 5 9 apple_green[1086][222,234,220](1.0):PMS566[736][209,226,211](2.2):swans_down[8175][218,230,221](2.2):frostee[3782][219,229,210](3.0):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](3.0) 32 PMS566:apple:down:frostee:honeydew:swans:green +5120 light_grey rgb 168 168 168 hex #A8A8A8 hsv 0 0 66 xyz 0.37 0.39 0.43 lab 69 0 0 lch 69 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 34 dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](0.0):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](0.0):grey[4167][168,168,168](0.0):grey[4166][166,166,166](1.0):grey[4168][171,171,171](1.0) 48 medium:dark:grey +5121 light_grey rgb 211 211 211 hex #D3D3D3 hsv 330 0 83 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.71 lab 85 0 0 lch 85 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 17 grey[4186][212,212,212](0.0):grey[4185][209,209,209](1.0):grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.4):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](1.4) 66 PMS649:half:iron:grey +5122 light_grey rgb 216 220 214 hex #D8DCD6 hsv 100 3 86 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.74 lab 87 -2 2 lch 87 3 135 cmyk 2 0 2 14 PMS5455[688][214,216,211](1.0):mystic[5969][216,221,218](1.4):quarter_tasman[7006][216,220,213](1.4):quill_grey[7029][214,214,209](1.4):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](1.7) 102 PMS5455:aqua:haze:mystic:quarter:quill:tasman:grey +5123 light_grey_blue rgb 157 188 212 hex #9DBCD4 hsv 206 26 83 xyz 0.44 0.48 0.69 lab 75 -5 -15 lch 75 16 252 cmyk 22 9 0 17 PMS543[683][147,183,209](3.0):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](3.0):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](3.0):comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](3.2):light_sky_blue[5203][141,182,205](4.4) 11 slate:light:PMS543:cloudy:comfort:sky:zone:blue:grey +5124 light_grey_green rgb 183 225 161 hex #B7E1A1 hsv 99 28 88 xyz 0.53 0.66 0.44 lab 85 -25 27 lch 85 37 133 cmyk 16 0 25 12 madang[5425][183,227,168](3.2):light_sage[5186][188,236,172](4.6):PMS358[432][170,221,150](5.4):granny_smith_apple[3974][168,228,160](7.0):dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](7.5) 2 light:dark:PMS358:apple:granny:madang:sage:sea:smith:green +5125 light_harlequin rgb 162 231 139 hex #A2E78B hsv 105 40 91 xyz 0.48 0.67 0.35 lab 85 -38 38 lch 85 54 135 cmyk 27 0 36 9 light_sap_green[5193][150,231,139](4.1):light_pistachio[5176][174,231,139](4.2):feijoa[3569][159,221,140](5.8):granny_smith_apple[3973][157,224,147](7.5):pale_light_green[6380][177,252,153](7.9) 2 pale:light:apple:feijoa:granny:pistachio:sap:smith:green +5126 light_heliotrope rgb 220 139 231 hex #DC8BE7 hsv 293 40 91 xyz 0.53 0.39 0.8 lab 69 45 -34 lch 69 57 323 cmyk 4 36 0 9 light_mulberry[5149][208,139,231](3.7):bright_lilac[1733][216,145,239](4.4):light_magenta[5138][231,139,231](4.6):lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](6.4):light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](7.3) 3 light:bright:lilac:magenta:mulberry:orchid:lavender:pink +5127 light_hot_pink rgb 255 179 222 hex #FFB3DE hsv 326 30 100 xyz 0.71 0.59 0.77 lab 81 34 -10 lch 81 35 343 cmyk 0 30 13 0 lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](3.7):PMS236[194][249,175,211](4.1):lavender[4932][252,180,213](5.0):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](6.3):cotton_candy[2553][255,183,213](6.5) 3 PMS236:candy:cotton:powder:lavender:pink +5128 light_indigo rgb 109 90 207 hex #6D5ACF hsv 250 57 81 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.61 lab 46 37 -58 lch 46 69 303 cmyk 38 46 0 19 slate_blue[7759][105,89,205](1.4):slate_blue[7760][106,90,205](1.4):dark_periwinkle[2840][102,95,209](4.0):iris[4670][98,88,196](5.4):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](6.8) 3 slate:dark:PMS2725:iris:periwinkle:blue +5129 light_indigo rgb 162 139 231 hex #A28BE7 hsv 255 40 91 xyz 0.39 0.32 0.8 lab 63 28 -44 lch 63 52 303 cmyk 27 36 0 9 light_persian_blue[5167][150,139,231](3.3):light_blue_violet[5021][174,139,231](4.6):perrywinkle[6602][143,140,231](5.5):light_blue[5011][139,139,231](7.0):chetwode_blue[2277][133,129,217](7.1) 2 light:chetwode:perrywinkle:persian:blue:violet +5130 light_khaki rgb 230 242 162 hex #E6F2A2 hsv 69 33 95 xyz 0.71 0.83 0.46 lab 93 -16 37 lch 93 41 114 cmyk 5 0 31 5 australian_mint[1201][239,248,170](2.2):tidal[8350][241,255,173](4.2):shalimar[7635][248,246,168](5.5):PMS587[777][232,232,155](5.9):primrose[6814][237,234,153](6.2) 2 PMS587:australian:primrose:shalimar:tidal:mint +5131 light_khaki rgb 240 230 140 hex #F0E68C hsv 54 42 94 xyz 0.69 0.77 0.36 lab 90 -9 45 lch 90 46 101 cmyk 0 4 39 6 khaki[4849][240,230,140](0.0):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](2.2):moonbeam[5891][242,226,137](2.2):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](2.4):sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](2.4) 21 flavescent:khaki:moonbeam:sahara:sand:green:yellow +5132 light_lavendar rgb 239 192 254 hex #EFC0FE hsv 285 24 100 xyz 0.72 0.63 1.02 lab 84 27 -24 lch 84 37 319 cmyk 6 24 0 0 pale_mulberry[6391][240,194,255](0.0):pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](2.4):pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](3.3):light_lilac[5134][237,200,255](4.6):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](5.5) 4 pale:light:brilliant:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry:lavender:purple +5133 light_lavender rgb 223 197 254 hex #DFC5FE hsv 267 22 100 xyz 0.68 0.63 1.02 lab 83 20 -25 lch 83 32 309 cmyk 12 22 0 0 pale_blue_violet[6315][217,194,255](2.2):pale_violet[6448][224,194,255](2.2):perfume[6588][208,190,248](3.7):pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](4.0):pale_lilac[6381][228,203,255](4.1) 7 pale:lilac:perfume:blue:purple:violet +5134 light_lilac rgb 237 200 255 hex #EDC8FF hsv 280 22 100 xyz 0.74 0.67 1.04 lab 85 23 -22 lch 85 32 316 cmyk 7 22 0 0 pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](3.7):light_lavendar[5132][239,192,254](4.6):pale_mulberry[6391][240,194,255](4.6):pale_violet[6448][224,194,255](4.6):light_lavender[5133][223,197,254](4.7) 6 pale:light:lavendar:mulberry:lavender:purple:violet +5135 light_lime rgb 174 253 108 hex #AEFD6C hsv 93 57 99 xyz 0.55 0.8 0.27 lab 92 -47 61 lch 92 77 128 cmyk 31 0 57 1 key_lime[4839][174,255,110](1.4):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](3.2):light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](3.3):spring_green[7924][169,249,113](4.5):light_lime_green[5136][185,255,102](4.6) 5 pale:light:brilliant:chartreuse:key:spring:green:lime +5136 light_lime_green rgb 185 255 102 hex #B9FF66 hsv 87 60 100 xyz 0.58 0.83 0.25 lab 93 -45 65 lch 93 79 125 cmyk 27 0 60 0 light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](3.2):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](3.3):light_brilliant_spring_bud[5067][197,255,101](4.2):light_lime[5135][174,253,108](4.6):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](5.9) 4 pale:light:brilliant:bud:chartreuse:key:spring:green:lime +5137 light_lime_green rgb 208 231 139 hex #D0E78B hsv 75 40 91 xyz 0.59 0.72 0.35 lab 88 -22 42 lch 88 48 117 cmyk 9 0 36 9 PMS372[447][216,237,150](3.0):hypnotic[4592][209,225,130](3.7):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](3.7):medium_spring_bud[5642][201,220,135](4.1):light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](4.2) 6 medium:light:PMS372:bud:hypnotic:spring:green:yellow +5138 light_magenta rgb 231 139 231 hex #E78BE7 hsv 300 40 91 xyz 0.57 0.41 0.81 lab 70 49 -32 lch 70 58 327 cmyk 0 36 0 9 light_heliotrope[5126][220,139,231](4.6):light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](5.4):lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](5.8):deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](7.9):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](7.9) 1 deep:light:french:heliotrope:mauve:orchid:lavender:pink +5139 light_magenta rgb 250 95 247 hex #FA5FF7 hsv 301 62 98 xyz 0.6 0.35 0.92 lab 66 77 -48 lch 66 90 328 cmyk 0 61 1 2 light_brilliant_magenta[5049][255,101,255](2.2):violet_pink[8863][251,95,252](2.2):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](2.4):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](5.4):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](5.4) 3 light:brilliant:blush:flamingo:magenta:shocking:pink:violet +5140 light_magentaish_grey rgb 231 218 231 hex #E7DAE7 hsv 300 6 91 xyz 0.72 0.73 0.86 lab 88 7 -5 lch 88 8 325 cmyk 0 5 0 9 snuff[7817][228,215,229](1.0):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](3.3):chalk_lavender[2198][228,222,231](3.3):lola[5333][223,207,219](3.3):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](3.6) 14 chalk:lola:snuff:titan:blue:lavender:white +5141 light_malachite_green rgb 139 231 162 hex #8BE7A2 hsv 135 40 91 xyz 0.46 0.65 0.44 lab 85 -42 25 lch 85 49 149 cmyk 36 0 27 9 light_sea_green[5198][152,246,176](5.0):PMS353[427][132,226,168](5.7):light_sea_green[5197][139,231,174](6.3):light_emerald_green[5097][139,231,150](6.4):aquamarine[1118][112,219,147](7.1) 1 light:PMS353:emerald:sea:aquamarine:green +5142 light_maroon rgb 162 72 87 hex #A24857 hsv 350 56 64 xyz 0.19 0.13 0.11 lab 43 39 10 lch 43 40 14 cmyk 0 35 29 36 moderate_amaranth[5807][168,74,85](3.3):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](3.7):sargent_pepper[7500][163,64,83](4.5):moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](4.6):erotic[3505][148,65,76](5.1) 4 moderate:amaranth:erotic:hippie:pepper:sargent:crimson:pink +5143 light_mauve rgb 194 146 161 hex #C292A1 hsv 341 25 76 xyz 0.39 0.35 0.38 lab 65 20 -1 lch 65 20 358 cmyk 0 19 13 24 grey_pink[4221][195,144,155](3.2):viola[8845][197,143,157](3.6):PMS680[859][211,158,175](5.4):careys_pink[2085][210,158,170](5.5):english_lavender[3490][180,131,149](5.5) 2 PMS680:careys:english:viola:grey:lavender:pink +5144 light_medium_orchid rgb 211 155 203 hex #D39BCB hsv 309 27 83 xyz 0.49 0.42 0.62 lab 71 29 -16 lch 71 33 330 cmyk 0 22 3 17 pastel_violet[6517][203,153,201](3.0):light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](3.7):PMS2563[224][209,160,204](4.2):plum[6745][205,150,205](4.6):light_orchid[5160][230,168,215](5.2) 4 light:PMS2563:grayish:magenta:orchid:pastel:plum:violet +5145 light_mint rgb 182 255 187 hex #B6FFBB hsv 124 29 100 xyz 0.64 0.85 0.6 lab 94 -35 25 lch 94 44 144 cmyk 29 0 27 0 celadon[2153][190,253,183](2.8):dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](4.2):flat_medium_green[3675][193,255,193](4.2):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](5.5):light_mint_green[5146][166,251,178](5.7) 3 pale:medium:light:dark:flat:celadon:sea:green:mint +5146 light_mint_green rgb 166 251 178 hex #A6FBB2 hsv 128 34 98 xyz 0.58 0.8 0.55 lab 92 -40 27 lch 92 48 146 cmyk 33 0 29 2 light_seafoam_green[5200][167,255,181](1.4):very_light_malachite_green[8772][158,255,182](3.3):light_sea_green[5198][152,246,176](3.5):mint[5764][159,254,176](4.5):light_seafoam[5199][160,254,191](5.2) 4 light:very:malachite:sea:seafoam:green:mint +5147 light_moss_green rgb 166 200 117 hex #A6C875 hsv 85 42 78 xyz 0.4 0.51 0.25 lab 76 -25 38 lch 76 45 124 cmyk 13 0 33 22 pale_olive_green[6393][177,210,123](4.5):tan_green[8230][169,190,112](5.5):light_olive[5154][172,191,105](6.2):pistachio[6720][147,197,114](6.6):pale_olive[6392][185,204,129](7.3) 1 pale:light:olive:pistachio:tan:green +5148 light_moss_green rgb 173 223 173 hex #ADDFAD hsv 120 22 87 xyz 0.51 0.65 0.49 lab 84 -26 19 lch 84 32 143 cmyk 20 0 20 13 moss_green[5913][173,223,173](0.0):celadon[2152][172,225,175](1.4):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](3.7):chinook[2298][157,211,168](5.0):madang[5425][183,227,168](5.5) 4 pale:light:celadon:chinook:grayish:madang:moss:green +5149 light_mulberry rgb 208 139 231 hex #D08BE7 hsv 285 40 91 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.8 lab 68 42 -36 lch 68 55 319 cmyk 9 36 0 9 bright_lilac[1733][216,145,239](2.2):light_heliotrope[5126][220,139,231](3.7):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](4.6):very_light_mulberry[8773][231,158,255](7.3):very_light_purple[8781][219,158,255](7.5) 3 light:very:bright:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry:purple +5150 light_mustard rgb 247 213 96 hex #F7D560 hsv 46 61 97 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.21 lab 86 -1 61 lch 86 61 91 cmyk 0 13 59 3 tinkerbell[8370][252,215,99](1.4):goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](3.0):light_brilliant_amber[5026][255,216,101](3.0):dandelion[2669][254,216,93](3.3):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](3.5) 14 light:brilliant:amber:dandelion:goldenrod:jonquil:tinkerbell +5151 light_navy rgb 21 80 132 hex #155084 hsv 208 84 52 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.23 lab 33 2 -34 lch 33 34 273 cmyk 44 20 0 48 endeavour[3483][41,89,139](4.2):midnight_blue[5720][26,72,118](4.2):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](4.2):PMS653[832][51,86,135](4.4):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](4.6) 9 PMS653:a:b:endeavour:midnight:sea:splash:splish:blue +5152 light_navy_blue rgb 46 90 136 hex #2E5A88 hsv 211 66 53 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.25 lab 37 0 -30 lch 37 30 271 cmyk 35 18 0 47 endeavour[3483][41,89,139](3.2):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](3.2):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.3):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](3.6):yarra[9190][32,96,142](3.7) 9 PMS653:endeavour:splash:splish:st:tropaz:yarra +5153 light_neon_green rgb 78 253 84 hex #4EFD54 hsv 122 69 99 xyz 0.4 0.73 0.2 lab 88 -75 65 lch 88 99 139 cmyk 69 0 66 1 light_bright_green[5024][83,254,92](2.4):bright_light_green[1730][45,254,84](5.0):luminous_vivid_sea_green[5399][0,255,96](7.8):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](7.9):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](8.1) 2 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:bright:screamin':sea:green +5154 light_olive rgb 172 191 105 hex #ACBF69 hsv 73 45 75 xyz 0.38 0.47 0.2 lab 74 -20 41 lch 74 46 116 cmyk 7 0 34 25 tan_green[8230][169,190,112](4.0):vermont[8709][178,190,97](4.5):wild_willow[9115][185,196,106](5.2):greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](5.7):light_moss_green[5147][166,200,117](6.2) 2 light:greenish:moss:tan:vermont:wild:willow:green +5155 light_olive_green rgb 164 190 92 hex #A4BE5C hsv 76 52 75 xyz 0.36 0.45 0.17 lab 73 -24 46 lch 73 52 117 cmyk 10 0 38 25 chameleon[2203][152,183,79](5.2):vermont[8709][178,190,97](6.2):light_olive[5154][172,191,105](6.5):celery[2157][184,194,93](7.3):moderate_lime_green[5830][145,168,74](8.3) 0 moderate:light:celery:chameleon:olive:vermont:green:lime +5156 light_opal rgb 139 231 220 hex #8BE7DC hsv 173 40 91 xyz 0.52 0.68 0.78 lab 86 -30 -3 lch 86 30 186 cmyk 36 0 4 9 riptide[7233][139,230,216](1.0):PMS3245[371][140,224,209](3.0):PMS3242[370][135,221,209](3.3):water_leaf[9011][161,233,222](5.5):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](5.7) 3 pale:PMS3242:PMS3245:egg:leaf:riptide:robin:water:blue +5157 light_orange rgb 231 185 139 hex #E7B98B hsv 30 40 91 xyz 0.55 0.54 0.32 lab 78 11 30 lch 78 31 70 cmyk 0 18 36 9 manhattan[5507][226,175,128](3.7):PMS721[900][232,178,130](4.1):brandy[1691][220,182,138](4.1):burlywood[1916][222,184,135](4.1):deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](4.6) 9 PMS721:brandy:burlywood:deja:manhattan:vu +5158 light_orange rgb 253 170 72 hex #FDAA48 hsv 32 72 99 xyz 0.56 0.5 0.13 lab 76 22 61 lch 76 65 70 cmyk 0 33 71 1 my_sin[5964][253,174,69](3.0):yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](3.3):neon_carrot[6012][255,163,67](4.2):butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](4.9):yellow_sea[9220][244,159,53](5.1) 4 butterscotch:carrot:my:neon:sea:sin:orange:yellow +5159 light_orchid rgb 226 156 210 hex #E29CD2 hsv 314 31 89 xyz 0.55 0.45 0.67 lab 73 34 -17 lch 73 38 334 cmyk 0 27 6 11 PMS251[217][226,158,214](1.0):PMS244[210][237,160,211](4.1):medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](5.1):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](5.1):plum[6746][221,160,221](5.1) 2 pale:medium:PMS244:PMS251:magenta:plum:lavender +5160 light_orchid rgb 230 168 215 hex #E6A8D7 hsv 315 27 90 xyz 0.59 0.5 0.71 lab 76 30 -15 lch 76 34 334 cmyk 0 24 6 10 orchid[6239][230,168,215](0.0):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](5.1):light_medium_orchid[5144][211,155,203](5.2):PMS251[217][226,158,214](5.8):PMS244[210][237,160,211](6.2) 1 medium:light:PMS244:PMS251:PMS2562:orchid +5161 light_orchid rgb 231 139 220 hex #E78BDC hsv 307 40 91 xyz 0.55 0.41 0.73 lab 70 47 -27 lch 70 54 330 cmyk 0 36 4 9 lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](3.3):light_magenta[5138][231,139,231](5.4):light_fuchsia[5100][231,139,208](6.4):very_light_orchid[8776][255,158,243](7.1):PMS245[211][232,127,201](7.3) 1 light:very:PMS245:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:lavender:pink +5162 light_pastel_green rgb 178 251 165 hex #B2FBA5 hsv 111 34 98 xyz 0.6 0.81 0.48 lab 92 -38 34 lch 92 51 138 cmyk 29 0 34 2 tea_green[8275][189,248,163](4.1):very_light_harlequin[8766][182,255,158](5.5):washed_out_green[9009][188,245,166](6.4):pastel_green[6505][176,255,157](6.5):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](6.6) 1 light:very:harlequin:out:pastel:pistachio:tea:washed:green +5163 light_pastel_purple rgb 177 156 217 hex #B19CD9 hsv 261 28 85 xyz 0.43 0.38 0.71 lab 68 20 -28 lch 68 35 305 cmyk 16 24 0 15 biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](2.4):east_side[3336][172,145,206](3.6):cold_purple[2431][171,160,217](4.2):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](5.0):lavender[4927][159,144,208](5.9) 4 PMS2705:biloba:cold:east:flower:side:lavender:purple +5164 light_pea_green rgb 196 254 130 hex #C4FE82 hsv 88 49 100 xyz 0.62 0.84 0.34 lab 94 -38 53 lch 94 65 126 cmyk 23 0 49 0 light_yellowish_green[5241][194,255,137](3.0):light_yellow_green[5240][204,253,127](3.6):pistachio[6722][192,250,139](6.4):pale_lime[6382][190,253,115](6.8):sulu[8114][193,240,124](7.3) 2 pale:light:pistachio:sulu:yellowish:green:lime:yellow +5165 light_peach rgb 255 216 177 hex #FFD8B1 hsv 30 31 100 xyz 0.74 0.74 0.52 lab 89 8 24 lch 89 26 72 cmyk 0 15 31 0 feldspar[3573][253,213,177](1.7):light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](1.7):apricot[1091][253,217,181](2.2):sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](2.2):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](3.0) 15 light:apricot:beach:feldspar:puff:sandy:peach +5166 light_periwinkle rgb 193 198 252 hex #C1C6FC hsv 235 23 99 xyz 0.6 0.59 1 lab 81 10 -27 lch 81 29 289 cmyk 23 21 0 1 pale_phthalo_blue[6402][194,201,255](1.4):lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](3.6):periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](3.6):pale_blue[6313][194,194,255](4.4):pale_persian_blue[6401][201,194,255](5.4) 4 pale:periwinkle:persian:phthalo:blue:lavender +5167 light_persian_blue rgb 150 139 231 hex #968BE7 hsv 247 40 91 xyz 0.36 0.31 0.8 lab 62 25 -45 lch 62 52 299 cmyk 32 36 0 9 perrywinkle[6602][143,140,231](2.2):light_indigo[5129][162,139,231](3.3):light_blue[5011][139,139,231](3.7):chetwode_blue[2277][133,129,217](4.5):periwinkle_blue[6596][143,153,251](7.5) 4 light:chetwode:periwinkle:perrywinkle:blue:indigo +5168 light_phthalo_blue rgb 139 150 231 hex #8B96E7 hsv 233 40 91 xyz 0.36 0.33 0.8 lab 64 16 -42 lch 64 45 291 cmyk 36 32 0 9 portage[6787][139,159,238](4.2):very_light_phthalo_blue[8778][158,170,255](8.1):perrywinkle[6602][143,140,231](8.3):dull_lavender[3284][168,153,230](8.4):lavender[4928][168,153,230](8.4) 1 light:very:dull:perrywinkle:phthalo:portage:blue:lavender +5169 light_pink rgb 139 95 101 hex #8B5F65 hsv 352 32 55 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.14 lab 45 19 4 lch 45 19 12 cmyk 0 17 15 45 renaissance[7181][136,90,100](3.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](3.3):dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](5.1):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](5.1):raspberry_glace[7072][145,95,109](5.1) 2 dusty:glace:mauve:raspberry:renaissance:taupe:pink:rose +5170 light_pink rgb 205 140 149 hex #CD8C95 hsv 352 32 80 xyz 0.4 0.34 0.33 lab 65 26 5 lch 65 27 12 cmyk 0 25 22 20 greyish_pink[4231][200,141,148](3.0):pink[6666][205,145,158](3.3):puce[6831][204,136,153](3.7):PMS500[611][206,137,140](4.2):can[2031][208,138,155](4.2) 8 PMS500:can:greyish:puce:pink +5171 light_pink rgb 238 162 173 hex #EEA2AD hsv 351 32 93 xyz 0.56 0.47 0.46 lab 74 30 6 lch 74 30 11 cmyk 0 30 25 7 PMS700[879][242,165,170](3.3):PMS197[155][239,153,163](4.1):PMS508[623][232,165,175](4.1):wewak[9060][241,155,171](4.2):PMS494[602][242,173,178](5.4) 4 PMS197:PMS494:PMS508:PMS700:wewak +5172 light_pink rgb 255 158 158 hex #FF9E9E hsv 360 38 100 xyz 0.6 0.48 0.39 lab 75 36 15 lch 75 39 23 cmyk 0 38 38 0 sweet_pink[8183][253,159,162](2.2):light_salmon_pink[5192][255,153,153](2.4):PMS1765[114][249,158,163](3.7):sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](5.5):very_light_amaranth[8740][255,158,170](6.1) 3 light:very:PMS1765:amaranth:salmon:sweet:pink +5173 light_pink rgb 255 174 185 hex #FFAEB9 hsv 352 32 100 xyz 0.65 0.55 0.53 lab 79 31 6 lch 79 32 12 cmyk 0 32 27 0 soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](3.2):pink_light[6683][255,182,193](3.7):pink[6671][255,181,197](4.1):PMS1767[115][249,178,183](4.5):sundown[8128][255,177,179](4.6) 6 light:PMS1767:soft:sundown:pink +5174 light_pink rgb 255 182 193 hex #FFB6C1 hsv 351 29 100 xyz 0.68 0.59 0.58 lab 81 28 5 lch 81 28 10 cmyk 0 29 24 0 pink_light[6683][255,182,193](0.0):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](2.0):pink[6671][255,181,197](2.2):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](3.5):PMS1767[115][249,178,183](3.7) 5 light:PMS1767:blossom:cherry:soft:pink +5175 light_pink rgb 255 209 223 hex #FFD1DF hsv 342 18 100 xyz 0.77 0.72 0.8 lab 88 18 -1 lch 88 18 357 cmyk 0 18 13 0 pale_pink[6406][255,207,220](1.4):pastel_pink[6512][255,209,220](2.0):pink_lace[6678][246,204,215](2.4):PMS517[638][244,204,216](2.8):pig_pink[6647][253,215,228](3.2) 8 pale:PMS517:lace:pastel:pig:pink +5176 light_pistachio rgb 174 231 139 hex #AEE78B hsv 97 40 91 xyz 0.51 0.68 0.35 lab 86 -34 39 lch 86 52 131 cmyk 22 0 36 9 light_chartreuse_green[5080][185,231,139](4.2):light_harlequin[5125][162,231,139](4.2):anise[1055][167,214,125](5.8):feijoa[3569][159,221,140](6.5):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](7.1) 2 light:anise:chartreuse:feijoa:harlequin:green +5177 light_plum rgb 157 87 131 hex #9D5783 hsv 322 45 62 xyz 0.21 0.16 0.23 lab 46 35 -12 lch 46 37 341 cmyk 0 27 10 38 sugar_plum[8113][145,78,117](4.9):sugar_and_spice[8109][155,98,139](6.8):antique_fuchsia[1065][145,92,131](7.1):purpleish[6890][152,86,141](7.1):purplish[6897][148,86,140](7.1) 1 antique:and:fuchsia:plum:purpleish:purplish:spice:sugar +5178 light_purple rgb 191 119 246 hex #BF77F6 hsv 274 52 96 xyz 0.45 0.31 0.91 lab 62 51 -53 lch 62 73 314 cmyk 22 50 0 4 light_urple[5226][179,111,246](5.5):easter_purple[3338][192,113,254](7.1):medium_purple[5634][171,130,255](9.9):medium_purple[5633][159,121,238](11.4):rich_lilac[7220][182,102,210](11.7) 0 medium:light:easter:lilac:rich:urple:purple +5179 light_purple rgb 197 139 231 hex #C58BE7 hsv 278 40 91 xyz 0.47 0.36 0.8 lab 67 38 -38 lch 67 54 315 cmyk 13 36 0 9 light_violet[5228][185,139,231](4.1):light_mulberry[5149][208,139,231](4.6):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](5.1):bright_lilac[1733][216,145,239](5.1):lavender[4929][181,126,220](5.5) 2 light:baby:bright:lilac:mulberry:lavender:purple:violet +5180 light_raspberry rgb 231 139 174 hex #E78BAE hsv 337 40 91 xyz 0.5 0.39 0.45 lab 68 39 -3 lch 68 40 355 cmyk 0 36 22 9 carissma[2090][234,136,168](2.8):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](3.0):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](3.0):PMS673[852][224,140,178](3.6):illusion[4611][239,149,174](5.4) 4 light:PMS673:carissma:charm:illusion:thulian:pink +5181 light_red rgb 255 71 76 hex #FF474C hsv 358 72 100 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.1 lab 58 69 39 lch 58 79 30 cmyk 0 72 70 0 sunburnt_cyclops[8123][255,64,76](2.2):rapture[7066][246,72,76](3.7):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](3.7):tart_orange[8257][251,77,70](5.0):PMS1787[121][244,63,79](5.9) 4 PMS1787:cyclops:rapture:salsa:sunburnt:tart:orange:red +5182 light_red_ochre rgb 233 116 81 hex #E97451 hsv 14 65 91 xyz 0.41 0.3 0.11 lab 62 43 40 lch 62 58 43 cmyk 0 46 60 9 burnt_sienna[1937][233,116,81](0.0):brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](3.0):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](5.4):clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](5.7):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](6.0) 2 burnt:brilliant:clementine:damask:sienna:vermilion:orange:red +5183 light_rose rgb 231 139 185 hex #E78BB9 hsv 330 40 91 xyz 0.51 0.39 0.51 lab 69 41 -9 lch 69 42 348 cmyk 0 36 18 9 shocking[7672][226,146,192](4.6):PMS223[181][249,147,196](5.0):PMS673[852][224,140,178](5.1):pastel_magenta[6507][244,154,194](6.2):light_cerise[5078][231,139,197](6.3) 2 light:PMS223:PMS673:cerise:magenta:pastel:shocking +5184 light_rose rgb 255 197 203 hex #FFC5CB hsv 354 23 100 xyz 0.72 0.66 0.65 lab 85 22 5 lch 85 22 13 cmyk 0 23 20 0 pale_amaranth[6304][255,194,201](1.4):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](2.2):PMS1895[142][252,191,201](2.4):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.4):PMS182[133][249,191,193](3.0) 17 pale:PMS182:PMS1895:amaranth:azalea:rose +5185 light_royal_blue rgb 58 46 254 hex #3A2EFE hsv 243 82 100 xyz 0.21 0.1 0.95 lab 38 68 -98 lch 38 119 305 cmyk 77 82 0 0 vivid_blue[8899][21,46,255](3.3):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](5.5):vivid_phthalo_blue[8936][0,29,231](7.3):luminous_vivid_phthalo_blue[5390][0,32,255](7.8):han_purple[4419][82,24,250](8.1) 1 luminous:vivid:bluebonnet:han:phthalo:blue:purple +5186 light_sage rgb 188 236 172 hex #BCECAC hsv 105 27 93 xyz 0.58 0.74 0.5 lab 89 -27 26 lch 89 38 136 cmyk 19 0 25 7 madang[5425][183,227,168](4.1):dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](4.5):flat_medium_green[3674][180,238,180](4.5):light_grey_green[5124][183,225,161](4.6):very_pale_green[8806][207,253,188](6.1) 4 pale:medium:light:dark:flat:very:madang:sea:green:grey +5187 light_salmon rgb 139 87 66 hex #8B5742 hsv 17 53 55 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.07 lab 42 19 21 lch 42 28 48 cmyk 0 20 29 45 radiance[7037][143,87,67](2.2):spicy_mix[7893][136,83,66](2.4):ironstone[4685][134,80,64](3.5):legend[4959][140,86,59](4.0):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](4.1) 8 fawn:ironstone:legend:mix:mule:radiance:spicy +5188 light_salmon rgb 205 129 98 hex #CD8162 hsv 17 52 80 xyz 0.35 0.3 0.15 lab 61 26 29 lch 61 39 48 cmyk 0 30 42 20 burning_sand[1922][208,131,99](1.4):florentine_pink[3695][208,131,99](1.4):peach_schnapps[6551][198,128,89](4.4):copper[2477][218,138,103](4.6):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](4.6) 6 burning:copper:copperfield:florentine:sand:schnapps:peach:pink +5189 light_salmon rgb 238 149 114 hex #EE9572 hsv 17 52 93 xyz 0.49 0.41 0.21 lab 70 30 32 lch 70 44 47 cmyk 0 35 49 7 apricot[1089][235,147,115](1.4):dark_salmon[2866][233,150,122](4.5):apricot[1088][228,143,103](4.7):copper[2477][218,138,103](5.9):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](5.9) 3 dark:apricot:copper:copperfield:salmon +5190 light_salmon rgb 254 169 147 hex #FEA993 hsv 12 42 100 xyz 0.6 0.52 0.34 lab 77 29 24 lch 77 38 40 cmyk 0 33 42 0 PMS1625[92][249,165,140](3.0):rose_bud[7300][254,171,154](3.3):goddess[3889][251,171,143](3.6):pale_salmon[6421][255,177,154](3.7):blush[1628][242,158,142](5.0) 5 pale:PMS1625:blush:bud:goddess:salmon:rose +5191 light_salmon rgb 255 160 122 hex #FFA07A hsv 17 52 100 xyz 0.57 0.48 0.25 lab 75 31 35 lch 75 47 48 cmyk 0 37 52 0 PMS163[93][252,158,112](4.1):PMS1565[80][252,165,119](4.5):atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](4.5):hit_pink[4515][255,171,129](5.5):hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](5.8) 3 PMS1565:PMS163:atomic:hit:tangerine:pink +5192 light_salmon_pink rgb 255 153 153 hex #FF9999 hsv 360 40 100 xyz 0.58 0.46 0.36 lab 74 38 16 lch 74 42 23 cmyk 0 40 40 0 light_pink[5172][255,158,158](2.4):sweet_pink[8183][253,159,162](4.4):sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](5.1):PMS1765[114][249,158,163](5.7):PMS708[887][249,142,153](6.4) 2 light:PMS1765:PMS708:sweet:pink +5193 light_sap_green rgb 150 231 139 hex #96E78B hsv 113 40 91 xyz 0.46 0.65 0.35 lab 85 -42 37 lch 85 56 139 cmyk 32 0 36 9 light_harlequin[5125][162,231,139](4.1):light_green[5113][139,231,139](4.2):light_green[5114][144,238,144](4.5):pale_green[6344][144,238,144](4.5):light_emerald_green[5097][139,231,150](6.4) 4 pale:light:emerald:harlequin:green +5194 light_sapphire_blue rgb 139 162 231 hex #8BA2E7 hsv 225 40 91 xyz 0.38 0.37 0.81 lab 67 9 -37 lch 67 38 284 cmyk 36 27 0 9 magic_carpet[5449][139,152,216](4.7):portage[6786][139,152,216](4.7):vista_blue[8884][124,158,217](6.2):portage[6787][139,159,238](6.4):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](7.0) 2 dark:carpet:magic:portage:vista:blue:turquoise +5195 light_scarlet rgb 231 150 139 hex #E7968B hsv 7 40 91 xyz 0.49 0.41 0.3 lab 70 29 18 lch 70 35 32 cmyk 0 32 36 9 blush[1628][242,158,142](4.2):my_pink[5962][214,139,128](5.4):petite_orchid[6624][219,150,144](5.7):my_pink[5963][214,145,136](5.8):sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](6.1) 1 blush:my:orchid:petite:sweet:pink +5196 light_sea_green rgb 32 178 170 hex #20B2AA hsv 177 82 70 xyz 0.24 0.35 0.44 lab 66 -38 -6 lch 66 38 190 cmyk 57 0 3 30 sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](0.0):PMS326[377][0,178,170](1.4):PMS3272[382][0,170,158](3.7):tiffany_blue[8354][10,186,181](3.7):manganese_blue[5502][3,168,158](4.1) 6 light:PMS326:PMS3272:manganese:sea:tiffany:blue:green +5197 light_sea_green rgb 139 231 174 hex #8BE7AE hsv 143 40 91 xyz 0.47 0.66 0.5 lab 85 -40 19 lch 85 44 154 cmyk 36 0 22 9 PMS353[427][132,226,168](2.2):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](5.4):hospital_green[4549][155,229,170](5.8):PMS352[426][153,229,178](6.1):light_malachite_green[5141][139,231,162](6.3) 1 light:PMS352:PMS353:hospital:malachite:spring:green +5198 light_sea_green rgb 152 246 176 hex #98F6B0 hsv 135 38 96 xyz 0.54 0.76 0.53 lab 90 -42 25 lch 90 49 149 cmyk 37 0 27 4 very_light_malachite_green[8772][158,255,182](3.3):light_mint_green[5146][166,251,178](3.5):light_seafoam_green[5200][167,255,181](3.7):light_seafoam[5199][160,254,191](4.4):mint[5764][159,254,176](4.9) 6 light:very:malachite:seafoam:green:mint +5199 light_seafoam rgb 160 254 191 hex #A0FEBF hsv 140 37 100 xyz 0.59 0.82 0.62 lab 93 -41 22 lch 93 46 152 cmyk 37 0 25 0 very_light_sea_green[8788][158,255,194](2.0):light_sea_green[5198][152,246,176](4.4):very_light_malachite_green[8772][158,255,182](4.5):light_seafoam_green[5200][167,255,181](5.0):light_mint_green[5146][166,251,178](5.2) 4 light:very:malachite:sea:seafoam:green:mint +5200 light_seafoam_green rgb 167 255 181 hex #A7FFB5 hsv 130 35 100 xyz 0.6 0.83 0.57 lab 93 -41 27 lch 93 49 146 cmyk 35 0 29 0 light_mint_green[5146][166,251,178](1.4):very_light_malachite_green[8772][158,255,182](2.2):light_sea_green[5198][152,246,176](3.7):mint[5764][159,254,176](3.7):light_seafoam[5199][160,254,191](5.0) 5 light:very:malachite:sea:seafoam:green:mint +5201 light_sky_blue rgb 96 123 139 hex #607B8B hsv 202 31 55 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.27 lab 50 -6 -12 lch 50 13 244 cmyk 17 6 0 45 PMS5415[680][96,124,140](0.0):grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](1.4):blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](1.7):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](3.3):elevate[3459][96,118,139](3.7) 9 PMS5415:elevate:grey/blue:tsunami:blue:grey +5202 light_sky_blue rgb 135 206 250 hex #87CEFA hsv 203 46 98 xyz 0.49 0.56 0.99 lab 80 -11 -29 lch 80 30 249 cmyk 45 17 0 2 sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](0.0):malibu[5482][125,200,247](2.2):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](2.8):light_blue[5012][149,208,252](3.3):lightblue[5243][123,200,246](3.3) 6 light:lightblue:malibu:sky:blue +5203 light_sky_blue rgb 141 182 205 hex #8DB6CD hsv 202 31 80 xyz 0.39 0.44 0.64 lab 72 -8 -16 lch 72 18 243 cmyk 25 9 0 20 PMS543[683][147,183,209](2.4):dark_sky_blue[2883][140,190,214](3.7):light_grey_blue[5123][157,188,212](4.4):nepal[6022][142,171,193](4.4):PMS550[701][135,175,191](4.7) 5 light:dark:PMS543:PMS550:nepal:sky:blue:grey +5204 light_sky_blue rgb 164 211 238 hex #A4D3EE hsv 202 31 93 xyz 0.54 0.61 0.9 lab 82 -9 -18 lch 82 20 244 cmyk 29 11 0 7 sail[7418][165,206,236](2.4):splat[7907][165,206,236](2.4):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](3.0):PMS291[313][168,206,226](4.2):cornflower[2529][147,204,234](4.7) 6 PMS291:cornflower:sail:splat +5205 light_sky_blue rgb 176 226 255 hex #B0E2FF hsv 202 31 100 xyz 0.63 0.71 1.05 lab 87 -9 -19 lch 87 21 244 cmyk 31 11 0 0 sail[7419][184,224,249](3.2):columbia_blue[2438][155,221,255](5.4):pale_cornflower_blue[6328][194,232,255](5.4):very_light_cornflower_blue[8756][158,219,255](5.7):fresh_air[3765][166,231,255](6.2) 1 pale:light:very:air:columbia:cornflower:fresh:sail:blue +5206 light_sky_blue rgb 198 252 255 hex #C6FCFF hsv 183 22 100 xyz 0.76 0.89 1.08 lab 96 -16 -7 lch 96 18 203 cmyk 22 1 0 0 pale_blue[6314][208,254,254](2.4):pale_arctic_blue[6310][194,247,255](3.0):really_light_blue[7095][212,255,255](3.0):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](3.2):pale_cyan[6332][194,255,255](3.2) 10 pale:light:arctic:cyan:really:blue +5207 light_slate rgb 132 112 255 hex #8470FF hsv 248 56 100 xyz 0.33 0.24 0.97 lab 56 43 -69 lch 56 81 302 cmyk 48 56 0 0 light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](0.0):slate_blue_light[7764][132,112,255](0.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](1.4):slate_blue[7761][122,103,238](5.4):medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](6.0) 3 slate:medium:light:blue +5208 light_slate_blue rgb 132 112 255 hex #8470FF hsv 248 56 100 xyz 0.33 0.24 0.97 lab 56 43 -69 lch 56 81 302 cmyk 48 56 0 0 light_slate[5207][132,112,255](0.0):slate_blue_light[7764][132,112,255](0.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](1.4):slate_blue[7761][122,103,238](5.4):medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](6.0) 3 slate:medium:light:blue +5209 light_slate_grey rgb 119 136 153 hex #778899 hsv 210 22 60 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.34 lab 56 -2 -11 lch 56 11 259 cmyk 13 7 0 40 slate_grey_light[7775][119,136,153](0.0):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](1.4):steel[7961][115,133,149](1.4):treasure[8462][117,138,156](1.4):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](3.0) 14 slate:light:scotty:silver:steel:treasure:grey +5210 light_spring_bud rgb 197 231 139 hex #C5E78B hsv 82 40 91 xyz 0.56 0.71 0.35 lab 87 -26 41 lch 87 49 122 cmyk 13 0 36 9 PMS366[440][196,229,142](2.2):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](2.4):light_chartreuse_green[5080][185,231,139](4.1):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](4.2):PMS372[447][216,237,150](5.9) 4 light:PMS366:PMS372:chartreuse:green:lime:yellow +5211 light_spring_green rgb 139 231 185 hex #8BE7B9 hsv 150 40 91 xyz 0.48 0.66 0.56 lab 85 -38 14 lch 85 40 160 cmyk 36 0 18 9 teal_deer[8289][153,230,179](5.0):PMS3375[405][142,226,188](5.1):light_sea_green[5197][139,231,174](5.4):PMS352[426][153,229,178](5.7):zeal[9250][145,224,183](5.7) 1 light:PMS3375:PMS352:deer:sea:teal:zeal:green +5212 light_steel_blue rgb 110 123 139 hex #6E7B8B hsv 213 21 55 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.27 lab 51 -1 -10 lch 51 10 264 cmyk 11 6 0 45 raven[7079][114,123,137](1.4):slate_grey[7769][108,123,139](1.4):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](2.2):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](2.4):weathered_blue[9032][103,117,131](2.4) 16 pale:slate:raven:sky:weathered:blue:grey +5213 light_steel_blue rgb 143 143 189 hex #8F8FBD hsv 240 24 74 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.52 lab 61 10 -24 lch 61 26 293 cmyk 18 18 0 26 blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](4.6):PMS659[838][127,140,191](4.9):wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](5.4):wistful[9158][162,158,205](6.2):ship_cove[7661][120,139,186](6.6) 2 PMS659:bell:cove:ship:wild:wistful:yonder:blue +5214 light_steel_blue rgb 162 181 205 hex #A2B5CD hsv 213 21 80 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.64 lab 73 -1 -14 lch 73 14 265 cmyk 17 9 0 20 comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](1.7):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](2.0):PMS644[823][155,175,196](2.4):rock_blue[7259][158,177,205](2.4):icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](3.2) 19 slate:PMS644:comfort:icebreaker:rock:zone:blue:grey +5215 light_steel_blue rgb 176 196 222 hex #B0C4DE hsv 214 21 87 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.77 lab 78 -1 -15 lch 78 15 265 cmyk 18 10 0 13 steel_blue_light[7970][176,196,222](0.0):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](2.2):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](2.4):echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](3.0):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](3.0) 12 light:cloudy:echo:pigeon:post:steel:blue:grey +5216 light_steel_blue rgb 188 210 238 hex #BCD2EE hsv 214 21 93 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.9 lab 83 -1 -16 lch 83 16 265 cmyk 20 11 0 7 slate_grey[7772][185,211,238](2.0):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](3.0):spindle[7900][182,209,234](3.2):PMS277[298][181,209,232](3.6):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](3.6) 9 pale:slate:light:PMS277:grayish:spindle:azure:blue:grey +5217 light_steel_blue rgb 202 225 255 hex #CAE1FF hsv 214 21 100 xyz 0.69 0.74 1.05 lab 89 -1 -17 lch 89 17 265 cmyk 21 12 0 0 slate_grey[7773][198,226,255](2.0):pale_azure[6311][194,224,255](2.4):tropical_blue[8535][195,221,249](2.8):hawkes_blue[4441][212,226,252](3.3):pale_cobalt_blue[6325][194,217,255](5.1) 4 pale:slate:cobalt:hawkes:tropical:azure:blue:grey +5218 light_tan rgb 175 108 62 hex #AF6C3E hsv 24 65 69 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.07 lab 52 22 36 lch 52 43 59 cmyk 0 26 44 31 bourbon[1682][175,108,62](0.0):oregon[6248][177,108,57](3.2):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](3.7):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](4.1):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](4.2) 10 bourbon:clay:oregon:pendragon:pumpkin:brown +5219 light_tan rgb 251 238 172 hex #FBEEAC hsv 50 31 98 xyz 0.78 0.85 0.51 lab 94 -5 34 lch 94 34 99 cmyk 0 5 31 2 PMS1205[22][247,232,170](3.0):sandwisp[7472][245,231,162](3.2):buttermilk[1959][255,241,181](3.3):PMS600[779][244,237,175](3.7):goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](4.7) 7 pale:PMS1205:PMS600:buttermilk:goldenrod:sandwisp +5220 light_tangelo rgb 231 174 139 hex #E7AE8B hsv 23 40 91 xyz 0.53 0.49 0.31 lab 76 16 26 lch 76 31 58 cmyk 0 22 36 9 tumbleweed[8562][222,170,136](2.4):tumbleweed[8561][222,166,129](4.1):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](4.7):manhattan[5507][226,175,128](5.9):PMS1555[78][249,191,158](6.2) 3 PMS1555:mandys:manhattan:tumbleweed:pink +5221 light_taupe rgb 179 139 109 hex #B38B6D hsv 26 39 70 xyz 0.31 0.29 0.18 lab 61 11 22 lch 61 25 63 cmyk 0 16 27 30 PMS479[587][175,137,112](3.2):medium_wood[5655][166,128,100](4.1):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](4.2):pale_brown[6317][177,145,110](4.2):sandal[7461][170,141,111](4.5) 5 pale:medium:PMS479:half:kalgoorie:sandal:sands:wood:brown +5222 light_teal rgb 144 228 193 hex #90E4C1 hsv 155 37 89 xyz 0.49 0.65 0.6 lab 85 -33 9 lch 85 34 165 cmyk 33 0 14 11 light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](2.2):PMS3375[405][142,226,188](2.4):zeal[9250][145,224,183](3.6):algae_green[996][147,223,184](3.7):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](5.1) 4 light:PMS3375:algae:sea:zeal:aquamarine:green +5223 light_thulian_pink rgb 230 143 172 hex #E68FAC hsv 340 38 90 xyz 0.5 0.39 0.44 lab 69 37 -1 lch 69 37 358 cmyk 0 34 23 10 charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](0.0):illusion[4611][239,149,174](2.8):light_raspberry[5180][231,139,174](3.0):pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](3.0):carissma[2090][234,136,168](4.1) 7 light:carissma:charm:illusion:pig:raspberry:pink +5224 light_turquoise rgb 126 244 204 hex #7EF4CC hsv 160 48 96 xyz 0.52 0.73 0.69 lab 89 -43 9 lch 89 44 168 cmyk 46 0 16 4 aquamarine[1119][118,238,198](2.0):aquamarine[1121][127,255,212](4.4):light_aqua[5002][140,255,219](4.9):light_brilliant_turquoise[5070][101,255,216](7.5):very_light_spring_green[8790][158,255,207](7.5) 3 light:brilliant:very:aqua:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +5225 light_turquoise rgb 139 231 208 hex #8BE7D0 hsv 165 40 91 xyz 0.51 0.67 0.7 lab 86 -33 3 lch 86 33 175 cmyk 36 0 9 9 light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](5.5):riptide[7233][139,230,216](5.8):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](5.9):PMS3245[371][140,224,209](6.0):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](6.1) 0 light:PMS3245:aqua:pearl:riptide:teal:aquamarine +5226 light_urple rgb 179 111 246 hex #B36FF6 hsv 270 55 96 xyz 0.41 0.28 0.9 lab 60 52 -58 lch 60 78 312 cmyk 26 53 0 4 easter_purple[3338][192,113,254](4.5):light_purple[5178][191,119,246](5.5):light_brilliant_violet[5072][178,101,255](10.1):medium_purple[5634][171,130,255](10.5):light_brilliant_blue_violet[5032][159,101,255](11.2) 1 medium:light:brilliant:easter:blue:purple:violet +5227 light_vermilion rgb 231 162 139 hex #E7A28B hsv 15 40 91 xyz 0.51 0.45 0.3 lab 73 23 22 lch 73 32 44 cmyk 0 27 36 9 tonys_pink[8416][231,159,140](1.7):tonys_pink[8415][231,158,136](2.4):pinkish_tan[6702][217,155,130](5.0):PMS486[595][237,158,132](5.1):blush[1628][242,158,142](6.1) 3 PMS486:blush:pinkish:tan:tonys:pink +5228 light_violet rgb 185 139 231 hex #B98BE7 hsv 270 40 91 xyz 0.44 0.35 0.8 lab 65 35 -40 lch 65 53 311 cmyk 18 36 0 9 light_blue_violet[5021][174,139,231](3.7):light_purple[5179][197,139,231](4.1):lavender[4929][181,126,220](5.0):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](6.1):bright_lavender[1727][191,148,228](7.8) 3 light:baby:bright:blue:lavender:purple:violet +5229 light_violet rgb 214 180 252 hex #D6B4FC hsv 268 29 99 xyz 0.62 0.54 0.99 lab 78 26 -31 lch 78 40 310 cmyk 15 28 0 1 pale_violet[6447][206,174,250](2.8):mauve[5581][224,176,255](6.2):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](7.9):pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](8.1):pale_violet[6448][224,194,255](8.1) 1 pale:bright:mauve:ube:purple:violet +5230 light_wisteria rgb 201 160 220 hex #C9A0DC hsv 281 27 86 xyz 0.5 0.43 0.73 lab 71 26 -25 lch 71 36 316 cmyk 7 24 0 14 wisteria[9156][201,160,220](0.0):tropical_violet[8538][205,164,222](2.4):wisteria[9157][205,164,222](2.4):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](4.6):pale_purple[6411][183,144,212](6.5) 4 pale:PMS2567:tropical:wisteria:purple:violet +5231 light_wood rgb 233 194 166 hex #E9C2A6 hsv 25 29 91 xyz 0.6 0.59 0.44 lab 81 10 19 lch 81 22 63 cmyk 0 15 26 9 cashmere[2123][230,190,165](1.7):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](2.4):PMS4675[566][229,198,170](3.3):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](3.7):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](3.7) 9 PMS4675:cashmere:desert:peachpuff:puff:sand:peach +5232 light_year rgb 70 60 66 hex #463C42 hsv 324 14 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 27 6 -2 lch 27 6 340 cmyk 0 4 2 73 chocolate_lounge[2313][69,60,67](1.7):moody_lavender[5882][80,67,73](3.2):velocity[8688][75,64,66](3.3):tundora[8565][74,66,68](3.5):double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](3.6) 19 chocolate:double:lounge:moody:sidewinder:tundora:velocity:lavender +5233 light_yellow rgb 139 139 122 hex #8B8B7A hsv 60 12 55 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.22 lab 57 -3 9 lch 57 10 109 cmyk 0 0 7 45 cornsilk[2537][139,136,120](1.0):PMS416[499][142,140,122](1.4):sterling[7976][139,139,126](2.4):bandicoot[1283][133,132,112](2.8):bitter[1438][134,137,116](3.0) 28 PMS416:bandicoot:bitter:cornsilk:sterling +5234 light_yellow rgb 205 205 180 hex #CDCDB4 hsv 60 12 80 xyz 0.55 0.6 0.52 lab 82 -4 12 lch 82 13 109 cmyk 0 0 10 20 moon_mist[5885][206,205,184](1.4):eighth_hillary[3402][214,211,190](2.4):foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](2.4):white_rock[9093][212,207,180](2.4):cornsilk[2538][205,200,177](2.8) 42 cornsilk:eighth:foggy:hillary:mist:moon:rock:grey:white +5235 light_yellow rgb 231 231 139 hex #E7E78B hsv 60 40 91 xyz 0.66 0.76 0.36 lab 90 -13 45 lch 90 47 106 cmyk 0 0 36 9 PMS586[775][226,229,132](3.0):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](3.6):sahara_sand[7417][241,231,136](3.7):khaki[4849][240,230,140](4.0):light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](4.0) 12 light:PMS586:jonquil:khaki:sahara:sand +5236 light_yellow rgb 238 238 209 hex #EEEED1 hsv 60 12 93 xyz 0.77 0.84 0.72 lab 93 -5 14 lch 93 15 109 cmyk 0 0 11 7 aths_special[1178][236,235,206](1.4):rum_swizzle[7372][241,237,212](2.2):wheatfield[9071][243,237,207](2.4):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](3.2):hint_of_yellow[4503][246,245,215](3.2) 34 aths:cornsilk:hint:of:rum:special:swizzle:wheatfield:yellow +5237 light_yellow rgb 255 254 122 hex #FFFE7A hsv 60 52 100 xyz 0.8 0.94 0.32 lab 97 -17 62 lch 97 64 105 cmyk 0 0 52 0 banana[1276][255,255,126](1.4):custard[2630][255,253,120](1.4):laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](2.0):unmellow_yellow[8653][253,252,116](2.0):faded_yellow[3541][254,255,127](2.2) 12 banana:custard:faded:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +5238 light_yellow rgb 255 255 224 hex #FFFFE0 hsv 60 12 100 xyz 0.9 0.98 0.85 lab 99 -5 15 lch 99 16 109 cmyk 0 0 12 0 yellow_light[9211][255,255,224](0.0):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](1.0):half_and[4280][255,254,225](1.4):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](1.4):off_white[6111][255,255,228](2.2) 30 pale:light:very:and:half:mist:off:scotch:white:yellow +5239 light_yellow rgb 255 255 237 hex #FFFFED hsv 60 7 100 xyz 0.92 0.99 0.94 lab 100 -3 9 lch 100 9 109 cmyk 0 0 7 0 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231 231 218 hex #E7E7DA hsv 60 6 91 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.78 lab 91 -2 6 lch 91 7 110 cmyk 0 0 5 9 quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.0):quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](1.0):marble[5521][230,228,216](1.4):narvik[5981][233,230,220](1.4):black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.7) 134 cream:joanna:marble:narvik:quarter:thorndon:black:white +5243 lightblue rgb 123 200 246 hex #7BC8F6 hsv 202 50 96 xyz 0.45 0.52 0.95 lab 77 -12 -30 lch 77 32 249 cmyk 48 18 0 4 malibu[5482][125,200,247](1.4):light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](3.3):sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](3.3):sky[7739][130,202,252](3.7):sky_blue[7745][126,192,238](3.7) 6 light:malibu:sky:blue +5244 lighter_green rgb 117 253 99 hex #75FD63 hsv 113 61 99 xyz 0.45 0.75 0.24 lab 89 -65 61 lch 89 89 137 cmyk 53 0 60 1 light_brilliant_sap_green[5063][120,255,101](1.0):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](4.1):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](4.2):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.2):light_brilliant_harlequin[5045][139,255,101](5.5) 3 light:brilliant:harlequin:sap:screamin':viridian:green +5245 lighter_purple rgb 165 90 244 hex #A55AF4 hsv 269 63 96 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.88 lab 54 59 -66 lch 54 88 312 cmyk 31 60 0 4 light_brilliant_violet[5072][178,101,255](4.1):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](4.6):lightish_purple[5250][165,82,230](4.6):light_brilliant_blue_violet[5032][159,101,255](4.9):lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](5.0) 6 light:brilliant:lightish:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +5246 lightgreen rgb 118 255 123 hex #76FF7B hsv 122 54 100 xyz 0.47 0.77 0.31 lab 90 -63 51 lch 90 81 141 cmyk 54 0 52 0 screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](1.0):light_brilliant_emerald_green[5040][101,255,120](4.1):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.8):easter_green[3337][140,253,126](7.0):light_brilliant_malachite_green[5050][101,255,139](8.2) 2 light:brilliant:easter:emerald:malachite:screamin:viridian:green +5247 lighthouse rgb 209 204 195 hex #D1CCC3 hsv 39 7 82 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.6 lab 82 0 5 lch 82 5 88 cmyk 0 2 5 18 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90 xyz 0.33 0.2 0.77 lab 52 60 -62 lch 52 86 314 cmyk 25 58 0 10 brilliant_purple[1795][175,81,231](3.0):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](3.5):lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](4.6):lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](6.5):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](6.5) 3 brilliant:lighter:navy:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +5251 lightish_red rgb 254 47 74 hex #FE2F4A hsv 352 81 100 xyz 0.43 0.24 0.09 lab 56 75 37 lch 56 84 26 cmyk 0 81 71 0 pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](1.7):scarlet[7518][252,40,71](1.7):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](3.2):strawberry[8007][251,41,67](3.2):sunburnt_cyclops[8123][255,64,76](4.6) 5 cyclops:pinky:salsa:scarlet:strawberry:sunburnt:red +5252 lightning_yellow rgb 247 162 51 hex #F7A233 hsv 34 79 97 xyz 0.52 0.46 0.09 lab 73 23 66 lch 73 70 71 cmyk 0 33 77 3 frenzee[3764][247,162,51](0.0):yellow_sea[9220][244,159,53](2.2):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](3.6):sea_buckthorn[7552][251,161,41](4.6):yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](4.9) 5 buckthorn:bush:fire:frenzee:sea:orange:yellow +5253 lightning_yellow rgb 252 192 30 hex #FCC01E hsv 44 88 99 xyz 0.59 0.58 0.09 lab 81 9 79 lch 81 79 84 cmyk 0 24 87 1 golden_rod[3923][255,193,37](1.7):goldenrod[3938][255,193,37](1.7):golden_rod[3922][249,188,8](2.2):PMS123[27][255,198,30](3.0):marigold[5528][252,192,6](3.0) 19 PMS123:golden:goldenrod:marigold:rod +5254 lignite rgb 66 52 41 hex #423429 hsv 26 38 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 4 9 lch 23 10 65 cmyk 0 5 10 74 burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](1.4):dark_rum[2863][69,54,43](1.4):slugger[7779][66,52,43](1.4):tobago[8397][68,54,45](1.7):bivouac_green[1447][64,50,37](2.2) 38 burnt:dark:bivouac:rum:slugger:tobago:umber:green +5255 lilac rgb 200 162 200 hex #C8A2C8 hsv 300 19 78 xyz 0.47 0.42 0.6 lab 71 21 -14 lch 71 25 325 cmyk 0 15 0 22 PMS257[226][211,165,201](3.5):wonderland[9163][187,151,187](4.1):PMS2563[224][209,160,204](4.2):PMS522[648][198,163,193](4.2):PMS530[664][214,175,214](5.0) 5 PMS2563:PMS257:PMS522:PMS530:wonderland +5256 lilac rgb 206 162 253 hex #CEA2FD hsv 269 36 99 xyz 0.56 0.46 0.99 lab 74 33 -39 lch 74 51 310 cmyk 18 36 0 1 pastel_purple[6514][202,160,255](2.4):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](3.6):very_light_violet[8795][207,158,255](3.7):very_light_blue_violet[8750][194,158,255](4.6):lavender[4930][199,159,239](5.4) 4 light:very:baby:pastel:blue:lavender:purple:violet +5257 lilac_bush rgb 148 112 196 hex #9470C4 hsv 266 43 77 xyz 0.28 0.22 0.55 lab 54 31 -39 lch 54 50 309 cmyk 19 33 0 23 dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](0.0):true_v[8548][142,114,199](2.2):deep_lilac[3008][150,110,189](3.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](5.0):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2655:PMS2715:dancing:girl:lilac:true:v +5258 lilac_bush rgb 152 116 211 hex #9874D3 hsv 263 45 83 xyz 0.31 0.24 0.65 lab 56 34 -44 lch 56 55 308 cmyk 23 37 0 17 PMS2655[256][155,109,198](4.9):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](5.1):true_v[8547][138,115,214](5.1):dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](6.2):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](6.5) 1 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159 cmyk 2 0 1 7 grey_nurse[4218][231,236,230](1.7):cararra[2074][238,238,232](2.2):gallery[3824][239,239,239](2.2):grey[4196][237,237,237](2.2):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](2.2) 109 alabaster:cararra:gallery:half:nurse:grey +5265 lima rgb 118 189 23 hex #76BD17 hsv 86 88 74 xyz 0.26 0.4 0.07 lab 70 -46 67 lch 70 81 124 cmyk 28 0 65 26 dizzy_lizzy[3149][129,202,43](4.1):dark_lime_green[2789][126,189,1](4.2):PMS376[452][127,186,0](5.9):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](6.5):apple_green[1084][118,205,38](7.1) 2 dark:PMS376:apple:dizzy:kermit:lizzy:green:lime +5266 lima rgb 122 172 33 hex #7AAC21 hsv 82 81 67 xyz 0.23 0.34 0.07 lab 65 -36 60 lch 65 70 121 cmyk 20 0 55 33 top_secret[8420][122,172,33](0.0):christi[2317][113,169,29](3.6):strong_lime_green[8039][126,168,0](5.5):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](6.0):limerick[5287][137,172,39](6.1) 2 strong:avocado:christi:limerick:secret:top:green:lime +5267 lime rgb 0 255 0 hex #00FF00 hsv 120 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 120 136 cmyk 100 0 100 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0) 13 bright:electric:fluorescent:fluro:green +5268 lime rgb 170 255 50 hex #AAFF32 hsv 85 80 100 xyz 0.53 0.8 0.16 lab 92 -53 81 lch 92 97 123 cmyk 33 0 80 0 green_yellow[4071][173,255,47](1.4):french_lime[3752][158,253,56](4.4):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](5.2):spring_bud[7915][167,252,0](6.2):lemon_green[4975][173,248,2](6.6) 2 bud:french:lizard:spring:green:lemon:lime:yellow +5269 lime rgb 183 197 44 hex #B7C52C hsv 65 78 77 xyz 0.4 0.5 0.1 lab 76 -23 69 lch 76 72 108 cmyk 5 0 60 23 acid_green[956][176,191,26](2.8):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](4.1):bahia[1258][169,192,28](4.6):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](4.6):snot[7804][172,187,13](5.0) 5 acid:bahia:grande:key:pie:rio:snot:green:lime +5270 lime rgb 191 201 33 hex #BFC921 hsv 64 84 79 xyz 0.43 0.53 0.09 lab 78 -22 73 lch 78 77 107 cmyk 4 0 66 21 key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](0.0):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](2.8):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](3.3):PMS390[467][186,196,5](3.6):la_rioja[4903][186,192,14](3.7) 8 PMS390:grande:key:la:pie:rio:rioja:lime +5271 lime rgb 191 255 0 hex #BFFF00 hsv 75 100 100 xyz 0.57 0.83 0.13 lab 93 -47 89 lch 93 101 118 cmyk 25 0 100 0 bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](0.0):lemon_lime[4977][191,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_lime_green[5382][191,255,0](0.0):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.0):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.9) 5 luminous:vivid:bitter:chartreuse:yellowgreen:green:lemon:lime +5272 lime_green rgb 50 205 50 hex #32CD32 hsv 120 76 80 xyz 0.24 0.45 0.1 lab 73 -67 61 lch 73 91 138 cmyk 61 0 61 20 permanent_green[6599][10,201,43](3.7):vivid_malachite[8925][0,204,51](4.2):PMS802_2X[915][28,206,40](5.0):harlequin_green[4424][70,203,24](7.7):PMS802[914][96,221,73](8.5) 3 vivid:2X:PMS802:harlequin:malachite:permanent:green +5273 lime_green rgb 137 254 5 hex #89FE05 hsv 88 98 100 xyz 0.46 0.76 0.12 lab 90 -65 86 lch 90 107 127 cmyk 46 0 98 0 bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](1.0):acid_green[955][143,254,9](2.0):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](3.0):luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](3.0):medium_spring_green[5644][127,255,0](3.0) 7 luminous:medium:vivid:acid:bright:chartreuse:spring:green:lime +5274 lime_white rgb 234 236 214 hex #EAECD6 hsv 65 9 93 xyz 0.76 0.82 0.76 lab 93 -4 10 lch 93 11 113 cmyk 1 0 9 7 white_rock[9094][234,232,212](1.4):whipped_cream[9072][241,236,214](2.2):sugar_cane[8110][238,239,223](2.4):loafer[5317][238,244,222](2.8):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](3.0) 59 cane:cream:eggshell:loafer:rock:sugar:whipped:white +5275 lime_yellow rgb 208 254 29 hex #D0FE1D hsv 72 89 100 xyz 0.62 0.84 0.14 lab 94 -40 88 lch 94 96 114 cmyk 18 0 88 0 arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](1.0):electric_lime[3447][206,255,29](1.0):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](2.2):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](2.4):electric_lime[3446][204,255,0](2.8) 10 arctic:electric:greenish:neon:lime:yellow +5276 limeade rgb 95 151 39 hex #5F9727 hsv 90 74 59 xyz 0.16 0.25 0.06 lab 57 -37 50 lch 57 62 126 cmyk 22 0 44 41 kakapo[4809][92,150,37](1.4):vida_loca[8836][95,146,40](3.5):vida_loca[8835][84,144,25](4.1):PMS370[445][86,142,20](5.0):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](5.4) 4 PMS370:kakapo:loca:sap:vida:green +5277 limeade rgb 111 157 2 hex #6F9D02 hsv 78 99 62 xyz 0.19 0.27 0.04 lab 59 -35 62 lch 59 71 119 cmyk 18 0 61 38 strong_lime_green[8039][126,168,0](5.9):christi[2317][113,169,29](6.0):lima[5266][122,172,33](6.4):top_secret[8420][122,172,33](6.4):PMS377[453][112,147,2](6.6) 0 strong:PMS377:christi:lima:secret:top:green:lime +5278 limed_ash rgb 103 109 99 hex #676D63 hsv 96 9 43 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.14 lab 45 -4 5 lch 45 6 132 cmyk 2 0 4 57 double_tapa[3246][106,106,95](2.2):lattitude[4921][109,114,108](3.0):ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](3.2):triple_stack[8520][101,102,96](3.5):quarter_gravel[6951][113,114,106](3.7) 16 double:gravel:ironside:lattitude:quarter:stack:tapa:triple:grey +5279 limed_ash rgb 116 125 99 hex #747D63 hsv 81 21 49 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.15 lab 51 -8 13 lch 51 16 122 cmyk 4 0 10 51 flax[3678][123,130,101](2.8):flax_smoke[3681][123,130,101](2.8):willow_grove[9124][105,117,92](3.3):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](3.6):finch[3627][117,120,90](3.7) 9 camouflage:finch:flax:grove:smoke:willow:green +5280 limed_gum rgb 66 57 33 hex #423921 hsv 44 50 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 0 16 lch 24 16 90 cmyk 0 4 13 74 lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](0.0):longbush[5342][65,57,34](0.0):panda[6467][66,57,33](0.0):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](2.0):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](2.2) 14 drab:lisbon:longbush:olive:panda:pullman:brown:green +5281 limed_gum rgb 107 91 61 hex #6B5B3D hsv 39 43 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.06 lab 39 2 20 lch 39 20 85 cmyk 0 6 18 58 toasted_green[8393][101,85,53](2.2):triple_nullarbor[8505][114,90,65](4.6):yellow_metal[9213][115,99,62](5.1):tobacco_brown[8395][113,93,71](5.4):west_coast[9048][92,81,47](5.4) 2 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14 0 52 33 avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](1.0):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](2.4):avocado[1210][144,177,52](3.7):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](5.4):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](5.5) 3 avocado:icky:pea:sickly:green +5288 limerick rgb 157 194 9 hex #9DC209 hsv 72 95 76 xyz 0.33 0.46 0.07 lab 73 -33 73 lch 73 80 114 cmyk 15 0 73 24 pistachio[6721][157,194,9](0.0):snot_green[7805][157,193,0](0.0):PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](1.7):citrus[2348][161,197,10](2.2):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](3.7) 7 2X:PMS382:bright:citrus:olive:pistachio:snot:green +5289 limitless rgb 37 75 117 hex #254B75 hsv 212 68 46 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.18 lab 31 1 -28 lch 31 28 272 cmyk 31 16 0 54 midnight_blue[5720][26,72,118](3.3):PMS647[826][38,84,124](4.4):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](4.9):bondi_blue[1644][38,65,107](5.0):bellbottom_blue[1391][44,76,109](5.4) 4 PMS647:bellbottom:bondi:midnight:st:tropaz:blue +5290 lincoln_green rgb 25 89 5 hex #195905 hsv 106 94 35 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.01 lab 33 -36 37 lch 33 52 134 cmyk 25 0 33 65 deep_harlequin[2997][22,89,0](2.2):deep_pistachio[3034][33,89,0](2.8):dark_green[2760][0,83,0](3.6):deep_emerald_green[2985][0,89,11](3.7):deep_sap_green[3047][11,89,0](3.7) 8 deep:dark:emerald:harlequin:pistachio:sap:green +5291 linen rgb 186 183 162 hex #BAB7A2 hsv 53 13 73 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.41 lab 74 -3 11 lch 74 11 103 cmyk 0 1 9 27 tana[8232][184,181,161](1.4):ash[1153][190,186,167](1.7):bone_white[1648][184,183,166](2.0):eagle[3322][182,186,164](2.2):aspiring[1165][187,187,161](3.0) 44 ash:aspiring:bone:eagle:tana:white +5292 linen rgb 230 228 212 hex #E6E4D4 hsv 53 8 90 xyz 0.72 0.77 0.73 lab 90 -2 8 lch 90 8 104 cmyk 0 1 7 10 half_secrets[4382][230,228,213](0.0):satin_linen[7504][230,228,212](0.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.0):ragamuffin[7043][232,227,211](1.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.4) 113 cake:double:fleece:half:linen:ragamuffin:rice:satin:secrets +5293 linen rgb 250 240 230 hex #FAF0E6 hsv 30 8 98 xyz 0.85 0.88 0.87 lab 95 2 6 lch 95 6 74 cmyk 0 4 8 2 white_linen[9087][248,240,232](1.4):chardon[2223][248,234,223](1.7):eighth_spanish_white[3420][246,238,226](1.7):merino[5680][246,240,230](2.0):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](2.0) 107 chardon:eighth:linen:merino:milk:spanish:white +5294 link_water rgb 199 205 216 hex #C7CDD8 hsv 219 8 85 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.74 lab 82 0 -6 lch 82 6 271 cmyk 7 4 0 15 PMS650[829][191,198,209](2.0):breathless[1704][193,200,210](2.0):ghost[3851][199,201,213](2.2):mischka[5780][209,210,221](2.8):PMS537[673][196,198,206](3.0) 18 PMS537:PMS650:breathless:ghost:mischka +5295 link_water rgb 217 228 245 hex #D9E4F5 hsv 216 11 96 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.97 lab 90 0 -10 lch 90 10 268 cmyk 11 7 0 4 very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](3.0):hawkes_blue[4440][210,218,237](3.2):three_wishes[8333][210,218,237](3.2):glitter[3876][230,232,250](3.7):silver[7707][230,232,250](3.7) 12 pale:very:glitter:hawkes:sapphire:silver:three:wishes:blue +5296 lion rgb 193 154 107 hex #C19A6B hsv 33 45 76 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.19 lab 66 8 30 lch 66 31 74 cmyk 0 15 34 24 camel[2018][193,154,107](0.0):desert[3101][193,154,107](0.0):fallow[3551][193,154,107](0.0):wood_brown[9166][193,154,107](0.0):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.2) 8 camel:desert:fallow:uluru:wood:brown +5297 lip_service rgb 101 21 56 hex #651538 hsv 334 79 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.04 lab 22 38 -1 lch 22 38 358 cmyk 0 31 18 60 PMS222[180][112,25,61](3.7):PMS229[187][109,33,63](4.6):PMS690[869][112,35,66](5.1):nightclub[6056][106,31,68](5.1):pompadour[6765][106,31,68](5.1) 2 PMS222:PMS229:PMS690:nightclub:pompadour +5298 lipstick rgb 150 44 84 hex #962C54 hsv 337 71 59 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.09 lab 36 47 1 lch 36 47 2 cmyk 0 42 26 41 tickled_pink[8348][150,44,84](0.0):cardinal[2079][138,36,78](4.2):rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](4.9):violet_red[8864][139,34,82](5.7):disco[3143][137,45,79](5.8) 3 bud:cardinal:cherry:disco:tickled:pink:red:rose:violet +5299 lipstick rgb 171 5 99 hex #AB0563 hsv 326 97 67 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.13 lab 37 63 -6 lch 37 64 355 cmyk 0 65 28 33 PMS234[192][170,0,102](2.2):deep_magenta[3012][160,2,92](2.8):jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](3.0):PMS227[185][173,0,91](5.1):strong_cerise[8024][168,0,105](5.1) 3 deep:strong:PMS227:PMS234:cerise:jam:jazzberry:magenta +5300 lipstick rgb 213 23 78 hex #D5174E hsv 343 89 84 xyz 0.29 0.15 0.09 lab 46 70 21 lch 46 73 17 cmyk 0 75 53 16 spanish_carmine[7870][209,0,71](3.0):ruby[7362][202,1,71](3.2):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](3.2):PMS206[164][211,5,71](3.3):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](3.6) 5 PMS206:carmine:debian:ruby:spanish:ua:red +5301 lipstick_red rgb 192 2 47 hex #C0022F hsv 346 99 75 xyz 0.22 0.11 0.04 lab 40 65 32 lch 40 73 26 cmyk 0 75 57 25 crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](2.0):red[7102][196,2,51](2.4):red_pepper[7132][187,17,42](3.6):vivid_crimson[8909][204,0,51](5.1):PMS1935[150][193,5,56](5.2) 3 vivid:PMS1935:glory:pepper:crimson:red +5302 liquid_metal rgb 62 65 71 hex #3E4147 hsv 220 13 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.07 lab 27 0 -4 lch 27 4 273 cmyk 4 2 0 72 half_foundry[4329][62,65,69](1.0):charade[2218][57,64,67](2.2):mirage[5777][55,63,67](2.2):new_denim_blue[6038][57,65,73](2.2):arsenic[1148][59,68,75](2.4) 38 arsenic:charade:denim:foundry:half:mirage:new:blue +5303 lisbon_brown rgb 66 57 33 hex #423921 hsv 44 50 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 0 16 lch 24 16 90 cmyk 0 4 13 74 limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](0.0):longbush[5342][65,57,34](0.0):panda[6467][66,57,33](0.0):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](2.0):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](2.2) 14 drab:gum:limed:longbush:olive:panda:pullman:green +5304 lisbon_brown rgb 84 79 58 hex #544F3A hsv 48 31 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.05 lab 34 -2 13 lch 34 13 98 cmyk 0 2 10 67 panda[6468][84,79,58](0.0):dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](3.0):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](3.6):vault[8685][86,87,64](3.6):kelp[4829][77,80,60](3.7) 16 dark:amber:grayish:kelp:olive:panda:vault +5305 liseran_purple rgb 222 111 161 hex #DE6FA1 hsv 333 50 87 xyz 0.42 0.29 0.37 lab 61 49 -7 lch 61 49 352 cmyk 0 44 24 13 china_pink[2292][222,111,161](0.0):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](0.0):PMS674[853][211,107,158](3.5):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](4.6):PMS218[176][237,114,170](5.0) 5 PMS218:PMS674:china:orchid:thulian:wild:pink +5306 little_boy_blue rgb 108 160 220 hex #6CA0DC hsv 212 51 86 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.73 lab 65 -1 -36 lch 65 36 269 cmyk 44 24 0 14 jordy_blue[4779][122,170,224](5.1):vista_blue[8884][124,158,217](5.4):danube[2672][96,147,209](5.5):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](6.2):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](6.2) 0 danube:jordy:vista:blue:gray:grey +5307 liver rgb 83 75 79 hex #534B4F hsv 330 10 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 33 4 -1 lch 33 4 344 cmyk 0 3 2 67 dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](0.0):sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](1.4):yasna[9191][84,74,80](1.4):emperor[3475][80,73,74](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](1.7) 35 dark:emperor:liver:shadowy:sidewinder:yasna:lavender +5308 liver rgb 103 76 71 hex #674C47 hsv 9 31 40 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 35 11 7 lch 35 13 35 cmyk 0 11 13 60 medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](0.0):congo_brown[2458][101,77,73](2.2):rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](2.4):buccaneer[1885][110,81,80](3.0):double_buffalo[3185][100,78,70](3.2) 8 medium:buccaneer:buffalo:congo:double:ebony:taupe:brown:rose +5309 liver rgb 108 46 31 hex #6C2E1F hsv 12 71 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.02 lab 27 26 23 lch 27 35 41 cmyk 0 24 30 58 PMS483[591][107,48,33](1.7):PMS175[112][109,51,33](2.8):dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](3.2):espresso[3511][97,39,24](3.2):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](3.7) 7 dark:PMS175:PMS483:espresso:oak:pueblo +5310 liver rgb 184 109 41 hex #B86D29 hsv 29 78 72 xyz 0.26 0.21 0.05 lab 53 25 48 lch 53 54 63 cmyk 0 29 56 28 meteor[5695][187,116,49](3.7):high_five[4480][178,111,44](4.1):light_brown[5075][181,101,29](4.1):PMS723[902][186,117,48](4.5):copper[2475][182,99,37](4.5) 7 light:PMS723:copper:five:high:meteor:brown +5311 liver_chestnut rgb 152 116 86 hex #987456 hsv 27 43 60 xyz 0.21 0.2 0.12 lab 52 10 22 lch 52 24 65 cmyk 0 14 26 40 pale_brown[6316][152,118,84](2.2):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.0):dirt[3134][155,118,83](3.0):quasar[7019][161,125,96](3.2):triple_rickshaw[8514][144,115,89](3.7) 14 pale:chamoisee:dirt:quasar:rickshaw:triple:brown +5312 livewire rgb 109 28 39 hex #6D1C27 hsv 352 74 43 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.02 lab 24 36 14 lch 24 39 21 cmyk 0 32 27 57 jalapeno[4726][112,28,40](1.4):razzamatazz[7089][112,31,40](1.4):red_berry[7115][112,31,40](1.4):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](3.7):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](3.7) 10 berry:blood:hibiscus:jalapeno:pasifika:pohutukawa:razzamatazz:style:red +5313 livid rgb 102 153 204 hex #6699CC hsv 210 50 80 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.61 lab 62 -3 -31 lch 62 32 265 cmyk 40 20 0 20 blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](0.0):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](0.0):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.6):picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](5.1):snap[7802][91,160,208](5.1) 3 dark:pastel:picton:snap:blue:gray:grey +5314 livid_brown rgb 49 42 41 hex #312A29 hsv 8 16 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 18 3 2 lch 18 4 31 cmyk 0 3 3 81 diesel[3122][50,44,43](1.0):style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal[8072][50,44,43](1.0):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.7):barbecue[1289][54,48,48](2.2):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](2.2) 50 burnt:barbecue:cave:charcoal:diesel:night:pasifika:rider:rock:style +5315 livid_brown rgb 77 40 46 hex #4D282E hsv 350 48 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 21 18 4 lch 21 18 12 cmyk 0 15 12 70 cowboy[2567][77,40,45](0.0):courage[2561][75,37,42](1.7):attitude[1189][83,43,50](2.2):contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.2):heath[4450][79,42,44](2.4) 18 attitude:contraband:courage:cowboy:heath +5316 loafer rgb 219 217 194 hex #DBD9C2 hsv 55 11 86 xyz 0.64 0.69 0.61 lab 86 -3 12 lch 86 12 106 cmyk 0 1 10 14 wheat[9065][216,216,191](1.0):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](1.4):daydream[2940][222,220,195](1.7):half_white_rock[4413][223,219,198](1.7):eighth_hillary[3402][214,211,190](2.2) 58 daydream:eighth:half:hillary:parchment:rock:wheat:white +5317 loafer rgb 238 244 222 hex #EEF4DE hsv 76 9 96 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.82 lab 95 -6 10 lch 95 11 120 cmyk 2 0 9 4 frost[3778][237,245,221](1.4):cloud_nine[2383][235,247,228](2.4):panache[6464][235,247,228](2.4):lime_white[5274][234,236,214](2.8):beige[1386][245,245,220](3.0) 28 beige:cloud:frost:nine:panache:lime:white +5318 loblolly rgb 179 187 183 hex #B3BBB7 hsv 150 4 73 xyz 0.45 0.49 0.52 lab 75 -4 1 lch 75 4 163 cmyk 3 0 2 27 emerge[3472][173,186,181](1.4):hermitage[4473][177,185,180](1.4):duck_egg_blue[3278][183,193,188](2.0):periglacial_blue[6590][172,182,178](2.0):half_silver_chalice[4384][183,186,182](2.2) 42 chalice:duck:egg:emerge:half:hermitage:periglacial:silver:blue +5319 loblolly rgb 189 201 206 hex #BDC9CE hsv 198 8 81 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.67 lab 80 -3 -4 lch 80 5 231 cmyk 7 2 0 19 submarine[8104][186,199,201](1.7):quarter_powder_blue[6982][190,198,200](2.4):PMS643[822][198,209,214](3.0):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](3.2):PMS650[829][191,198,209](3.6) 20 PMS5445:PMS643:PMS650:powder:quarter:submarine:blue +5320 loch_ness rgb 7 47 55 hex #072F37 hsv 190 87 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 17 -10 -9 lch 17 14 222 cmyk 19 3 0 78 daintree[2653][1,39,49](3.3):nordic[6070][1,39,49](3.3):firefly[3647][14,42,48](3.5):PMS5463[690][0,53,58](4.6):PMS546[689][12,56,68](5.0) 5 PMS546:PMS5463:daintree:firefly:nordic +5321 lochinvar rgb 44 140 132 hex #2C8C84 hsv 175 69 55 xyz 0.15 0.21 0.25 lab 53 -29 -4 lch 53 30 187 cmyk 38 0 3 45 celadon_green[2155][47,132,124](3.7):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](3.7):PMS327[381][0,140,130](5.1):PMS3282[387][0,140,130](5.1):pine_green[6660][21,128,120](5.1) 2 PMS327:PMS3282:celadon:greenish:pine:blue:green +5322 lochinvar rgb 72 144 132 hex #489084 hsv 170 50 56 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.25 lab 55 -26 -1 lch 55 26 181 cmyk 28 0 5 44 dusty_teal[3316][76,144,133](2.0):landmark[4907][62,152,137](4.6):celadon_green[2155][47,132,124](5.5):sea[7548][60,153,146](5.8):dull_teal[3289][95,158,143](6.6) 2 celadon:dull:dusty:landmark:sea:teal:green +5323 lochmara rgb 0 126 199 hex #007EC7 hsv 202 100 78 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.57 lab 51 -2 -46 lch 51 46 268 cmyk 78 29 0 22 cerulean[2183][4,133,209](2.2):PMS299_2X[331][0,127,204](2.8):ocean_boat_blue[6096][0,119,190](3.3):PMS3005[333][0,132,201](4.1):water_blue[9010][14,135,204](4.7) 5 2X:PMS299:PMS3005:boat:cerulean:ocean:water:blue +5324 lochmara rgb 49 110 160 hex #316EA0 hsv 207 69 63 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.35 lab 45 -3 -33 lch 45 33 265 cmyk 44 20 0 37 flat_blue[3665][60,115,168](3.0):primetime[6812][57,115,169](3.0):muted_blue[5958][59,113,159](3.2):lure[5409][47,119,169](3.6):captain_cook[2068][0,104,155](4.7) 5 flat:captain:cook:lure:muted:primetime:blue +5325 locust rgb 162 165 128 hex #A2A580 hsv 65 22 65 xyz 0.32 0.36 0.26 lab 67 -7 19 lch 67 20 112 cmyk 1 0 15 35 grayish_olive[4012][168,168,125](3.2):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](3.2):frontier[3776][153,157,122](3.3):sage[7411][152,159,122](3.6):stun[8067][167,172,139](3.7) 13 frontier:grayish:neutral:olive:sage:stun:green +5326 locust rgb 168 175 142 hex #A8AF8E hsv 73 19 69 xyz 0.36 0.41 0.32 lab 70 -8 16 lch 70 18 117 cmyk 3 0 13 31 stun[8067][167,172,139](1.0):schist[7529][169,180,151](3.0):bud[1886][165,168,143](4.1):sage[7412][158,165,135](4.1):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](5.1) 4 PMS5783:bud:sage:schist:stun +5327 lodestar rgb 138 114 82 hex #8A7252 hsv 34 41 54 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.11 lab 50 5 21 lch 50 22 78 cmyk 0 9 22 46 burlywood[1914][139,115,85](1.0):limed_oak[5282][140,114,84](1.4):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](2.0):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](2.8):shadow[7623][131,112,80](2.8) 14 bistre:burlywood:dull:french:limed:oak:shadow:brown +5328 log_cabin rgb 36 42 29 hex #242A1D hsv 88 31 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 16 -6 8 lch 16 10 127 cmyk 2 0 5 84 pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](3.3):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](4.6):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](4.6):rangitoto[7060][46,50,34](4.6):scrub[7545][46,50,34](4.6) 11 bean:forest:pine:rangitoto:scrub:tree:black +5329 log_cabin rgb 57 62 46 hex #393E2E hsv 79 26 24 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.03 lab 25 -6 9 lch 25 11 121 cmyk 2 0 6 76 green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](2.0):deep_khaki[3002][61,64,49](2.2):rangitoto[7061][58,65,51](2.2):scrub[7546][61,64,49](2.2):grasslands[3989][61,61,46](3.0) 12 deep:grasslands:kelp:khaki:rangitoto:scrub:green +5330 logan rgb 157 156 180 hex #9D9CB4 hsv 243 13 71 xyz 0.34 0.34 0.48 lab 65 5 -12 lch 65 13 293 cmyk 9 9 0 29 vision[8883][160,155,178](1.4):birdcage[1420][157,156,183](2.2):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](3.7):manatee[5492][151,154,170](4.4):PMS535[671][155,163,183](4.6) 10 PMS535:birdcage:manatee:santas:vision:grey +5331 logan rgb 170 169 205 hex #AAA9CD hsv 242 18 80 xyz 0.42 0.41 0.64 lab 70 8 -18 lch 70 20 293 cmyk 14 14 0 20 bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](3.5):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](4.2):PMS270[264][186,175,211](4.4):PMS658[837][165,175,214](4.7):wistful[9159][164,166,211](5.2) 4 PMS270:PMS658:bauhaus:wild:wistful:yonder:blue +5332 lola rgb 185 172 187 hex #B9ACBB hsv 292 8 73 xyz 0.44 0.43 0.53 lab 72 7 -6 lch 72 10 321 cmyk 1 6 0 27 PMS5295[663][178,168,181](2.4):chatelle[2244][179,171,182](2.4):chatelle[2245][189,179,199](3.6):morepork[5895][184,181,194](3.6):PMS665[844][198,181,196](3.7) 8 PMS5295:PMS665:chatelle:morepork +5333 lola rgb 223 207 219 hex #DFCFDB hsv 315 7 87 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.76 lab 85 8 -4 lch 85 9 333 cmyk 0 6 2 13 twilight[8613][228,207,222](2.2):snuff[7817][228,215,229](2.4):PMS263[251][224,206,224](3.2):PMS524[652][226,204,211](3.3):light_magentaish_grey[5140][231,218,231](3.3) 14 light:PMS263:PMS524:magentaish:snuff:twilight:grey +5334 lollipop rgb 127 40 56 hex #7F2838 hsv 349 69 50 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.04 lab 30 39 11 lch 30 40 16 cmyk 0 34 28 50 raspberry[7067][127,40,56](0.0):PMS506[621][122,38,56](2.4):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](2.4):paprika[6477][124,45,55](4.1):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](4.1) 7 PMS506:c:i:paprika:raspberry:rosehip:red +5335 lolly_scramble rgb 233 155 65 hex #E99B41 hsv 32 72 91 xyz 0.46 0.41 0.11 lab 70 21 57 lch 70 61 69 cmyk 0 31 66 9 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cmyk 0 15 22 47 spicy_mix[7894][139,95,77](3.6):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](3.7):leather[4956][144,106,84](3.7):beaver[1336][146,111,91](5.4):roman_coffee[7279][121,93,76](5.4) 3 dark:beaver:coffee:leather:mix:roman:spicy:tangelo:brown +5339 lonestar rgb 82 36 38 hex #522426 hsv 357 56 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 22 9 lch 21 23 22 cmyk 0 18 17 68 nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](2.0):reddish_brown[7150][89,39,39](3.0):PMS497[605][81,40,38](3.3):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](3.5):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.6) 17 dark:PMS497:amaranth:baron:nelson:reddish:brown:red +5340 lonestar rgb 109 1 1 hex #6D0101 hsv 0 99 43 xyz 0.06 0.03 0 lab 21 43 32 lch 21 53 37 cmyk 0 42 42 57 red_oxide[7131][110,9,2](2.2):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](4.2):jazz[4751][120,1,9](4.2):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](4.5):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](4.5) 7 dark:burgundy:japanese:jazz:maple:oxide:red +5341 long_shot rgb 135 118 182 hex #8776B6 hsv 256 35 71 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.47 lab 53 21 -31 lch 53 38 303 cmyk 18 25 0 29 PMS272[274][137,119,186](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.7):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.7):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](5.1):violet[8856][146,110,174](6.4) 3 PMS272:majesty:mountain:mountain's:lavender:purple:violet +5342 longbush rgb 65 57 34 hex #413922 hsv 45 48 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 0 16 lch 24 16 91 cmyk 0 3 12 75 limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](0.0):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](0.0):panda[6467][66,57,33](0.0):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](2.0):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](2.2) 14 drab:gum:limed:lisbon:olive:panda:pullman:brown:green +5343 longitude rgb 174 183 192 hex #AEB7C0 hsv 210 9 75 xyz 0.44 0.47 0.57 lab 74 -1 -6 lch 74 6 257 cmyk 7 4 0 25 heather[4453][174,187,193](2.4):cadet_blue[1985][176,183,198](2.8):PMS536[672][173,178,193](3.0):bombay[1636][175,177,184](3.5):coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](3.6) 21 PMS536:bombay:cadet:coastal:heather:blue +5344 lotus rgb 134 60 60 hex #863C3C hsv 360 55 53 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.05 lab 35 32 15 lch 35 35 26 cmyk 0 29 29 47 stiletto[7979][131,61,62](2.2):PMS697[876][127,56,58](2.4):cha[2192][140,63,66](2.4):tosca[8435][141,63,63](2.4):rosewood[7322][143,62,63](3.0) 14 PMS697:cha:rosewood:stiletto:tosca +5345 lotus rgb 139 80 75 hex #8B504B hsv 5 46 55 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.08 lab 41 24 14 lch 41 28 30 cmyk 0 23 25 45 el_salva[3435][143,78,69](3.6):matrix[5576][142,77,69](3.7):copper_rust[2486][149,82,76](4.1):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](4.1):PMS4985[608][132,73,73](4.4) 7 PMS4985:copper:el:intrigue:matrix:rust:salva +5346 loulou rgb 70 11 65 hex #460B41 hsv 305 84 27 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.05 lab 15 34 -19 lch 15 39 331 cmyk 0 23 2 73 eggplant_purple[3378][67,5,65](2.4):deep_violet[3078][73,6,72](5.7):aubergine[1194][61,7,52](5.8):mardi_gras[5522][53,0,54](6.4):eggplant[3375][56,8,53](6.7) 1 deep:aubergine:eggplant:gras:mardi:purple:violet +5347 loulou rgb 76 51 71 hex #4C3347 hsv 312 33 30 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.07 lab 25 15 -8 lch 25 17 332 cmyk 0 10 2 70 voodoo[8974][68,50,64](4.9):fandango[3554][90,56,81](5.1):PMS518[640][81,45,68](5.2):broadway[1816][85,49,70](5.4):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](5.8) 1 PMS518:bossanova:broadway:fandango:voodoo +5348 loyal rgb 40 25 29 hex #28191D hsv 344 38 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 8 0 lch 11 8 2 cmyk 0 6 4 84 cocktail[2403][47,29,37](3.5):double_barbecue[3177][40,32,32](4.6):gondola[3944][38,20,20](4.6):very_dark_rose[8725][29,17,23](4.6):cocoa_brown[2408][48,31,30](5.0) 5 dark:very:barbecue:cocktail:cocoa:double:gondola:brown:rose +5349 lucifer rgb 46 80 96 hex #2E5060 hsv 199 52 38 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.12 lab 32 -7 -13 lch 32 15 241 cmyk 20 6 0 62 navigate[5992][48,78,94](1.0):arapawa[1136][39,74,93](3.0):marathon[5519][48,85,99](3.0):style_pasifika_turquoise_sea[8098][39,74,93](3.0):teal_blue[8287][37,72,85](3.3) 9 arapawa:marathon:navigate:pasifika:sea:style:teal:blue:turquoise +5350 lucky rgb 171 154 28 hex #AB9A1C hsv 53 84 67 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.06 lab 63 -7 62 lch 63 62 96 cmyk 0 7 56 33 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rgb 0 96 255 hex #0060FF hsv 217 100 100 xyz 0.22 0.16 0.96 lab 46 39 -84 lch 46 93 295 cmyk 100 62 0 0 blue_ribbon[1585][0,102,255](4.9):bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](5.1):vivid_cobalt_blue[8907][0,87,231](7.8):azul[1225][29,93,236](8.3):light_brilliant_blue[5031][101,101,255](9.9) 1 light:brilliant:vivid:azul:bright:cobalt:ribbon:blue +5371 luminous_vivid_cornflower_blue rgb 0 159 255 hex #009FFF hsv 203 100 100 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.99 lab 63 0 -57 lch 63 57 270 cmyk 100 38 0 0 azure[1227][6,154,243](3.7):brilliant_azure[1765][51,153,255](6.4):vivid_cornflower_blue[8908][0,145,231](7.1):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](8.4):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](9.9) 1 dark:brilliant:vivid:bleu:cornflower:de:france:sky:azure:blue +5372 luminous_vivid_crimson rgb 255 0 64 hex #FF0040 hsv 345 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.07 lab 54 81 41 lch 54 91 27 cmyk 0 100 75 0 carmine[2096][255,0,64](0.0):electric_crimson[3439][255,0,63](0.0):american_rose[1038][255,3,62](1.0):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](4.0) 6 american:carmine:electric:neon:crimson:red:rose +5373 luminous_vivid_cyan rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):spanish_sky_blue[7879][0,255,255](0.0) 9 /:aqua:cyan:electric:sky:spanish:blue +5374 luminous_vivid_emerald_green rgb 0 255 32 hex #00FF20 hsv 128 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.13 lab 88 -86 80 lch 88 117 137 cmyk 100 0 87 0 neon_green[6015][12,255,12](2.0):bright_green[1723][1,255,7](3.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](3.0):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](3.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](3.0) 14 bright:electric:fluorescent:neon:green +5375 luminous_vivid_fuchsia rgb 255 0 191 hex #FF00BF hsv 315 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.25 0.51 lab 57 90 -30 lch 57 95 342 cmyk 0 100 25 0 shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](1.4):hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](6.3):purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](6.3):purple_pizzazz[6885][255,0,204](6.4):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](6.6) 1 dazzle:hot:magenta:pizzazz:razzle:shocking:pink:purple:rose +5376 luminous_vivid_gamboge rgb 255 159 0 hex #FF9F00 hsv 37 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.06 lab 74 27 78 lch 74 83 71 cmyk 0 38 100 0 orange_peel[6209][255,159,0](0.0):orange_peel[6210][255,160,0](0.0):vivid_orange_peel[8932][255,160,0](0.0):california[2011][254,157,4](1.7):orange[6206][255,165,0](3.3) 15 vivid:california:peel:orange +5377 luminous_vivid_gold rgb 255 223 0 hex #FFDF00 hsv 52 100 100 xyz 0.68 0.74 0.11 lab 89 -6 89 lch 89 89 94 cmyk 0 13 100 0 golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](0.0):dandelion[2670][254,223,8](1.0):yellow[9198][254,223,0](1.0):cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](2.2):vivid_yellow[8965][255,227,2](2.2) 14 vivid:cadmium:dandelion:golden:lemon:yellow +5378 luminous_vivid_green rgb 0 255 0 hex #00FF00 hsv 120 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 83 lch 88 120 136 cmyk 100 0 100 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](0.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](0.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](0.0):green[4028][0,255,0](0.0) 13 bright:electric:fluorescent:fluro:green +5379 luminous_vivid_harlequin rgb 64 255 0 hex #40FF00 hsv 105 100 100 xyz 0.38 0.73 0.12 lab 88 -81 84 lch 88 117 134 cmyk 75 0 100 0 chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](1.0):harlequin[4422][63,255,0](1.0):poison_green[6756][64,253,20](2.0):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](2.2):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](3.7) 7 chlorophyll:electric:harlequin:neon:poison:green +5380 luminous_vivid_heliotrope rgb 223 0 255 hex #DF00FF hsv 292 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.23 0.96 lab 55 94 -70 lch 55 117 323 cmyk 13 100 0 0 phlox[6631][223,0,255](0.0):psychedelic_purple[6829][223,0,255](0.0):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](6.5):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](6.6):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](9.9) 2 vivid:heliotrope:hot:orchid:phlox:psychedelic:purple +5381 luminous_vivid_indigo rgb 64 0 255 hex #4000FF hsv 255 100 100 xyz 0.2 0.08 0.95 lab 35 80 -104 lch 35 131 308 cmyk 75 100 0 0 electric_ultramarine[3451][63,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_persian_blue[5389][32,0,255](3.7):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](4.4):strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](5.0):blue[1530][0,0,255](5.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:electric:persian:primary:ultramarine:blue +5382 luminous_vivid_lime_green rgb 191 255 0 hex #BFFF00 hsv 75 100 100 xyz 0.57 0.83 0.13 lab 93 -47 89 lch 93 101 118 cmyk 25 0 100 0 bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](0.0):lemon_lime[4977][191,255,0](0.0):lime[5271][191,255,0](0.0):yellowgreen[9225][187,249,15](3.0):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.9) 5 bitter:chartreuse:yellowgreen:lemon:lime +5383 luminous_vivid_magenta rgb 255 0 255 hex #FF00FF hsv 300 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.28 0.97 lab 60 98 -61 lch 60 116 328 cmyk 0 100 0 0 famous[3553][255,0,255](0.0):fuchsia[3793][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5441][255,0,255](0.0):magenta_/_fuchsia[5443][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5438][238,0,238](7.1) 4 /:famous:fuchsia:magenta +5384 luminous_vivid_malachite_green rgb 0 255 64 hex #00FF40 hsv 135 100 100 xyz 0.37 0.72 0.17 lab 88 -84 72 lch 88 110 139 cmyk 100 0 75 0 hot_green[4557][37,255,41](6.1):radioactive_green[7040][44,250,31](7.3):bright_light_green[1730][45,254,84](8.1):luminous_vivid_emerald_green[5374][0,255,32](8.2):vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](9.3) 0 luminous:light:vivid:bright:emerald:hot:radioactive:green +5385 luminous_vivid_mulberry rgb 191 0 255 hex #BF00FF hsv 285 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.18 0.96 lab 50 89 -78 lch 50 119 319 cmyk 25 100 0 0 bright_purple[1743][190,3,253](0.0):electric_purple[3450][191,0,255](0.0):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](2.0):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](4.1):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](5.8) 4 vivid:bright:electric:neon:orchid:purple:violet +5386 luminous_vivid_opal rgb 0 255 223 hex #00FFDF hsv 172 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.77 0.82 lab 90 -57 1 lch 90 57 179 cmyk 100 0 13 0 aqua[1098][19,234,201](7.0):vivid_opal[8929][0,231,202](8.1):turquoise_blue[8582][0,255,239](9.0):light_brilliant_turquoise[5070][101,255,216](9.3):bright_aqua[1717][11,249,234](10.0) 0 light:brilliant:vivid:aqua:bright:opal:blue:turquoise +5387 luminous_vivid_orange rgb 255 128 0 hex #FF8000 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.37 0.05 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](0.0):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](0.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](0.0):orange[6204][255,127,0](0.0):orange[6205][255,128,0](0.0) 15 dark:coral:flush:orange +5388 luminous_vivid_orchid rgb 255 0 223 hex #FF00DF hsv 308 100 100 xyz 0.55 0.27 0.72 lab 59 94 -46 lch 59 105 334 cmyk 0 100 13 0 bright_magenta[1736][255,8,232](4.1):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](6.7):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](8.3):hot_magenta[4558][245,4,201](9.9):vivid_orchid[8934][231,0,202](10.0) 1 vivid:bright:fuchsia:hot:magenta:orchid:pink/purple +5389 luminous_vivid_persian_blue rgb 32 0 255 hex #2000FF hsv 248 100 100 xyz 0.19 0.08 0.95 lab 33 79 -107 lch 33 133 307 cmyk 87 100 0 0 blue[1530][0,0,255](1.4):luminous_vivid_blue[5365][0,0,255](1.4):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](3.0):electric_ultramarine[3451][63,0,255](3.7):luminous_vivid_indigo[5381][64,0,255](3.7) 6 luminous:vivid:electric:primary:ultramarine:blue:indigo +5390 luminous_vivid_phthalo_blue rgb 0 32 255 hex #0020FF hsv 232 100 100 xyz 0.19 0.08 0.95 lab 35 72 -104 lch 35 127 305 cmyk 100 87 0 0 rich_blue[7211][2,27,249](2.2):strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](5.0):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](5.7):primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](5.9):blue[1529][0,0,238](6.2) 2 strong:bluebonnet:primary:rich:blue +5391 luminous_vivid_pistachio rgb 96 255 0 hex #60FF00 hsv 97 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -76 85 lch 89 114 132 cmyk 62 0 100 0 bright_green[1724][102,255,0](2.0):bright_lime_green[1735][101,254,8](2.2):chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](4.2):luminous_vivid_harlequin[5379][64,255,0](5.2):poison_green[6756][64,253,20](5.9) 3 luminous:vivid:bright:chlorophyll:harlequin:poison:green:lime +5392 luminous_vivid_purple rgb 159 0 255 hex #9F00FF hsv 277 100 100 xyz 0.32 0.15 0.96 lab 45 86 -86 lch 45 122 315 cmyk 38 100 0 0 vivid_violet[8963][159,0,255](0.0):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](2.2):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](4.5):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](4.9):violet[8854][143,0,255](4.9) 5 vivid:bright:electric:purple:violet +5393 luminous_vivid_raspberry rgb 255 0 96 hex #FF0060 hsv 337 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.22 0.13 lab 54 83 22 lch 54 86 15 cmyk 0 100 62 0 PMS812[934][252,35,102](4.6):vivid_raspberry[8941][255,0,108](7.0):vivid_raspberry[8940][231,0,87](8.1):pink_red[6689][245,5,79](8.3):PMS812_2X[935][252,7,79](9.3) 1 vivid:2X:PMS812:raspberry:pink:red +5394 luminous_vivid_red rgb 255 0 0 hex #FF0000 hsv 360 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 67 lch 53 105 40 cmyk 0 100 100 0 candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](0.0):red[7111][255,0,0](0.0):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](1.0):bright_red[1746][255,0,13](3.0):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](3.0) 8 light:apple:bright:cadmium:candy:engine:fire:red +5395 luminous_vivid_rose rgb 255 0 128 hex #FF0080 hsv 330 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.23 0.22 lab 55 85 4 lch 55 85 3 cmyk 0 100 50 0 bright_pink[1742][255,0,127](1.4):rose[7297][255,0,127](1.4):winter_sky[9145][255,0,124](2.2):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](3.6):strong_pink[8049][255,7,137](5.0) 5 strong:2X:PMS806:bright:sky:winter:pink:rose +5396 luminous_vivid_sap_green rgb 32 255 0 hex #20FF00 hsv 112 100 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -85 83 lch 88 119 135 cmyk 87 0 100 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](1.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](1.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](1.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](1.0):green[4028][0,255,0](1.0) 15 bright:electric:fluorescent:fluro:green +5397 luminous_vivid_sapphire_blue rgb 0 64 255 hex #0040FF hsv 225 100 100 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.96 lab 39 58 -96 lch 39 112 301 cmyk 100 75 0 0 vibrant_blue[8830][3,57,248](2.8):blue[1534][2,71,254](5.4):vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](9.1):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](9.9):light_royal_blue[5185][58,46,254](10.2) 1 light:vivid:neon:royal:sapphire:vibrant:blue +5398 luminous_vivid_scarlet rgb 255 32 0 hex #FF2000 hsv 8 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.02 lab 54 77 68 lch 54 102 41 cmyk 0 87 100 0 orange_red[6216][255,36,0](1.4):scarlet[7520][255,36,0](1.4):ferrari_red[3586][255,40,0](2.2):candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](3.3):luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](3.3) 7 luminous:vivid:apple:candy:ferrari:scarlet:orange:red +5399 luminous_vivid_sea_green rgb 0 255 96 hex #00FF60 hsv 143 100 100 xyz 0.38 0.72 0.23 lab 88 -81 60 lch 88 101 143 cmyk 100 0 62 0 bright_light_green[1730][45,254,84](5.1):light_bright_green[5024][83,254,92](7.7):light_neon_green[5153][78,253,84](7.8):vivid_sea_green[8949][0,231,87](10.0):vivid_malachite_green[8926][0,231,58](10.4) 0 light:vivid:bright:malachite:neon:sea:green +5400 luminous_vivid_spring_bud rgb 159 255 0 hex #9FFF00 hsv 83 100 100 xyz 0.5 0.79 0.13 lab 91 -58 87 lch 91 105 124 cmyk 38 0 100 0 bright_yellow_green[1759][157,255,0](1.0):electric_lime[3445][168,255,4](3.3):spring_bud[7915][167,252,0](4.0):acid_green[955][143,254,9](5.2):lemon_green[4975][173,248,2](7.1) 3 acid:bright:bud:electric:spring:green:lemon:lime:yellow +5401 luminous_vivid_spring_green rgb 0 255 128 hex #00FF80 hsv 150 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.73 0.32 lab 88 -77 47 lch 88 90 149 cmyk 100 0 50 0 guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](0.0):spring_green[7921][0,255,127](0.0):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](3.5):minty_green[5774][11,247,125](4.1):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](6.5) 4 guppie:minty:spearmint:spring:wintergreen:green +5402 luminous_vivid_tangelo rgb 255 96 0 hex #FF6000 hsv 23 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.3 0.03 lab 61 58 71 lch 61 91 51 cmyk 0 62 100 0 vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](0.0):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](1.4):bright_orange[1740][255,91,0](2.2):willpower_orange[9125][253,88,0](2.4):blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](3.2) 9 vivid:blaze:bright:cadmium:willpower:orange +5403 luminous_vivid_turquoise rgb 0 255 191 hex #00FFBF hsv 165 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.75 0.61 lab 90 -65 17 lch 90 67 166 cmyk 100 0 25 0 greenish_cyan[4081][42,254,183](3.3):greenish_turquoise[4086][0,251,176](5.7):bright_teal[1752][1,249,198](7.5):vivid_turquoise[8957][0,231,174](9.6):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](10.7) 1 light:brilliant:vivid:bright:cyan:greenish:spring:teal:green:turquoise +5404 luminous_vivid_vermilion rgb 255 64 0 hex #FF4000 hsv 15 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.25 0.03 lab 57 69 69 lch 57 98 45 cmyk 0 75 100 0 orange_red[6217][255,69,0](1.4):red_orange[7127][253,60,6](2.4):greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](3.2):coquelicot[2490][255,56,0](3.3):orangered[6226][254,66,15](4.0) 8 coquelicot:greenish:orangered:umber:orange:red +5405 luminous_vivid_violet rgb 128 0 255 hex #8000FF hsv 270 100 100 xyz 0.27 0.12 0.95 lab 41 83 -93 lch 41 125 312 cmyk 50 100 0 0 medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](1.0):violet[8852][127,0,255](1.0):electric_violet[3452][139,0,255](2.4):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](3.7):violet[8854][143,0,255](3.7) 6 slate:medium:electric:blue:violet +5406 luminous_vivid_yellow rgb 255 255 0 hex #FFFF00 hsv 60 100 100 xyz 0.77 0.93 0.14 lab 97 -22 94 lch 97 97 103 cmyk 0 0 100 0 electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](0.0):lemon_glacier[4972][253,255,0](0.0):yellow[9202][255,255,0](0.0):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](1.0):yellow[9203][255,255,20](1.4) 8 bright:electric:glacier:lemon:yellow +5407 lunar_green rgb 60 73 58 hex #3C493A hsv 112 21 29 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.05 lab 29 -9 7 lch 29 11 140 cmyk 5 0 6 71 timber_green[8362][50,67,54](2.4):cabbage_pont[1970][63,76,58](2.8):pickled_aspen[6637][63,76,58](2.8):forest_green[3725][51,66,49](3.3):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](3.6) 10 aspen:cabbage:forest:kombu:pickled:pont:timber:green +5408 lunar_green rgb 78 85 65 hex #4E5541 hsv 81 24 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.06 lab 35 -7 11 lch 35 13 123 cmyk 3 0 8 67 cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](2.0):dark_grayish_chartreuse_green[2740][78,89,66](2.4):kelp[4829][77,80,60](2.8):dark_grayish_lime_green[2747][84,89,66](3.0):vault[8685][86,87,64](3.0) 13 dark:cabbage:chartreuse:grayish:kelp:pont:vault:green:lime +5409 lure rgb 47 119 169 hex #2F77A9 hsv 205 72 66 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.4 lab 48 -5 -33 lch 48 34 261 cmyk 48 20 0 34 lochmara[5324][49,110,160](3.6):muted_blue[5958][59,113,159](4.1):flat_blue[3665][60,115,168](4.2):nice_blue[6047][16,122,176](4.2):primetime[6812][57,115,169](4.2) 7 flat:lochmara:muted:nice:primetime:blue +5410 lush rgb 53 76 40 hex #354C28 hsv 98 47 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.03 lab 30 -17 19 lch 30 25 132 cmyk 9 0 14 70 fervent_green[3589][57,79,43](1.4):dark_green[2764][47,79,47](4.5):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](5.4):clover[2389][71,86,47](6.0):PMS5743[745][63,73,38](6.2) 2 dark:PMS5743:clover:fervent:feverpitch:green +5411 lust rgb 230 32 32 hex #E62020 hsv 0 86 90 xyz 0.33 0.18 0.03 lab 49 71 52 lch 49 88 36 cmyk 0 78 78 10 red[7105][237,28,36](2.8):PMS1788[122][239,43,45](4.2):firebrick[3645][238,44,44](4.2):vivid_amaranth[8890][231,0,29](4.2):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](4.4) 5 vivid:PMS1788:amaranth:cadmium:firebrick:red +5412 lusty rgb 120 46 44 hex #782E2C hsv 2 63 47 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.03 lab 30 32 18 lch 30 37 29 cmyk 0 29 30 53 PMS491[600][117,40,40](2.8):mustang[5950][127,53,46](2.8):erica[3504][129,51,45](3.7):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](3.7):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](4.2) 13 PMS491:bull:dynamite:erica:mustang:raging +5413 lusty rgb 153 27 7 hex #991B07 hsv 8 95 60 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.01 lab 33 50 43 lch 33 66 41 cmyk 0 49 57 40 totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](0.0):brick_red[1709][143,20,2](3.2):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](3.7):crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](3.7):embers[3466][160,39,18](3.7) 8 burnt:apple:brick:crab:embers:pole:totem:red +5414 luxor_gold rgb 167 136 44 hex #A7882C hsv 45 74 65 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.06 lab 58 2 51 lch 58 51 88 cmyk 0 12 48 35 reef_gold[7167][169,141,54](3.0):hacienda[4269][158,128,34](3.2):reef_gold[7166][159,130,28](3.7):alpine[1018][175,143,44](4.2):alpine[1017][173,138,59](5.5) 4 alpine:gold:hacienda:reef +5415 luxor_gold rgb 171 141 63 hex #AB8D3F hsv 43 63 67 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.09 lab 60 2 45 lch 60 45 87 cmyk 0 12 42 33 turmeric[8571][174,144,65](1.0):alpine[1017][173,138,59](2.4):classius[2359][179,141,66](4.1):reef_gold[7167][169,141,54](4.1):roti[7334][182,150,66](4.2) 6 alpine:classius:gold:reef:roti:turmeric +5416 lynch rgb 105 125 137 hex #697D89 hsv 203 23 54 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.26 lab 51 -4 -9 lch 51 10 244 cmyk 13 5 0 46 battleship_grey[1317][107,124,133](2.0):slate_grey[7769][108,123,139](2.8):weathered_blue[9032][103,117,131](2.8):steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](3.0):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](3.0) 19 slate:battleship:steel:tsunami:weathered:blue:grey +5417 lynch rgb 105 126 154 hex #697E9A hsv 214 32 60 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.33 lab 52 -1 -18 lch 52 18 268 cmyk 19 11 0 40 steel_blue[7968][96,124,154](1.7):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](3.3):PMS652[831][109,135,168](3.6):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](4.1):steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](4.2) 7 slate:PMS652:greyish:steel:blue +5418 mabel rgb 203 232 232 hex #CBE8E8 hsv 180 13 91 xyz 0.68 0.76 0.87 lab 90 -9 -3 lch 90 10 199 cmyk 11 0 0 9 foam[3707][208,234,232](1.4):oyster_bay[6281][209,234,234](1.4):light_cyan[5092][209,238,238](2.0):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](2.4):PMS628[807][204,226,221](3.7) 13 light:PMS628:bay:cyan:foam:ice:jagged:oyster +5419 mabel rgb 217 247 255 hex #D9F7FF hsv 193 15 100 xyz 0.8 0.88 1.07 lab 95 -8 -7 lch 95 11 221 cmyk 15 3 0 0 oyster_bay[6282][218,250,255](1.7):pattens_blue[6526][222,245,255](2.0):very_pale_cerulean[8801][226,248,255](2.4):onahau[6180][205,244,255](3.0):lily_white[5263][231,248,255](4.9) 6 pale:very:bay:cerulean:lily:onahau:oyster:pattens:blue:white +5420 macaroni_and_cheese rgb 239 180 53 hex #EFB435 hsv 41 78 94 xyz 0.53 0.51 0.1 lab 77 10 68 lch 77 69 81 cmyk 0 23 73 6 PMS143[59][239,178,45](3.3):tulip_tree[8558][234,179,59](3.3):beer_srm_04[1344][252,193,67](4.0):corn[2518][223,170,40](4.5):PMS136[47][252,191,73](5.1) 4 04:PMS136:PMS143:beer:corn:srm:tree:tulip +5421 macaroni_and_cheese rgb 255 185 123 hex #FFB97B hsv 28 52 100 xyz 0.62 0.57 0.27 lab 80 19 41 lch 80 45 66 cmyk 0 27 52 0 PMS1485[65][255,183,119](2.0):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](3.2):tacao[8202][246,174,120](4.4):very_light_tangelo[8791][255,176,119](4.5):PMS714[893][249,186,130](5.0) 5 light:very:PMS1485:PMS714:apricot:mellow:tacao:tangelo +5422 macaroni_and_cheese rgb 255 189 136 hex #FFBD88 hsv 27 47 100 xyz 0.64 0.59 0.31 lab 82 18 36 lch 82 40 64 cmyk 0 26 47 0 PMS714[893][249,186,130](3.0):tacao[8202][246,174,120](5.7):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](6.2):tacao[8201][237,179,129](6.2):peach[6540][255,176,124](6.7) 1 PMS714:apricot:mellow:tacao:peach +5423 madagascar rgb 23 46 44 hex #172E2C hsv 175 50 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 -10 -2 lch 17 10 189 cmyk 9 0 1 82 kermadec[4836][29,44,42](3.2):timber_green[8361][22,50,44](4.1):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](4.4):racing_green[7035][35,47,44](4.6):PMS5467[691][25,56,51](5.4) 4 PMS5467:gable:kermadec:racing:timber:green +5424 madam_m rgb 97 12 29 hex #610C1D hsv 348 88 38 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 20 37 14 lch 20 40 21 cmyk 0 33 27 62 livewire[5312][109,28,39](4.1):deep_crimson[2983][89,0,22](4.2):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](4.6):jalapeno[4726][112,28,40](5.0):razzamatazz[7089][112,31,40](5.2) 4 deep:dark:jalapeno:livewire:razzamatazz:scarlet:crimson +5425 madang rgb 183 227 168 hex #B7E3A8 hsv 105 26 89 xyz 0.54 0.68 0.47 lab 86 -25 24 lch 86 35 136 cmyk 17 0 23 11 light_grey_green[5124][183,225,161](3.2):light_sage[5186][188,236,172](4.1):dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](5.4):flat_medium_green[3674][180,238,180](5.4):celadon[2152][172,225,175](5.5) 2 medium:light:dark:flat:celadon:sage:sea:green:grey +5426 madang rgb 183 240 190 hex #B7F0BE hsv 127 24 94 xyz 0.6 0.76 0.6 lab 90 -28 18 lch 90 33 146 cmyk 22 0 20 6 mint[5765][189,252,201](4.1):dark_sea_green[2877][180,238,180](4.2):flat_medium_green[3674][180,238,180](4.2):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](5.0):celadon[2152][172,225,175](5.2) 4 pale:medium:light:dark:flat:celadon:grayish:sea:green:mint +5427 madder_lake_deep rgb 227 46 48 hex #E32E30 hsv 359 80 89 xyz 0.33 0.19 0.05 lab 50 67 44 lch 50 80 33 cmyk 0 71 70 11 permanent_geranium_lake[6598][225,44,44](2.2):brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](2.4):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](3.7):rose_madder[7308][227,54,56](3.7):trubridge_red[8542][237,60,52](3.7) 11 PMS1795:geranium:lake:madder:permanent:trubridge:brown:red:rose +5428 madison rgb 9 37 93 hex #09255D hsv 220 90 36 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.11 lab 16 14 -36 lch 16 39 291 cmyk 33 22 0 64 deep_cobalt_blue[2978][0,33,89](2.2):downriver[3259][9,34,86](2.4):licorice[4994][9,34,86](2.4):PMS2768[297][17,33,81](5.5):PMS281[302][0,40,104](5.7) 3 deep:PMS2768:PMS281:cobalt:downriver:licorice:blue +5429 madison rgb 45 60 84 hex #2D3C54 hsv 217 46 33 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.09 lab 25 1 -16 lch 25 16 274 cmyk 15 9 0 67 biscay[1423][47,60,83](1.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](2.4):dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](3.0):sputnik[7940][55,62,84](3.0):downriver[3260][42,52,74](3.3) 16 dark:biscay:downriver:sputnik:true:azure:blue +5430 madras rgb 63 48 2 hex #3F3002 hsv 45 97 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.01 lab 21 2 29 lch 21 29 87 cmyk 0 6 24 75 deep_bronze[2963][74,48,4](6.2):punga[6855][77,61,20](6.3):bronzetone[1829][77,64,15](7.3):bronze_olive[1825][78,66,12](8.2):camouflage[2027][60,57,16](8.3) 0 deep:bronze:bronzetone:camouflage:olive:punga +5431 madras rgb 71 62 35 hex #473E23 hsv 45 51 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.02 lab 26 -1 18 lch 26 18 92 cmyk 0 4 14 72 limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](3.0):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](3.0):longbush[5342][65,57,34](3.0):panda[6467][66,57,33](3.0):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](3.0) 10 gum:limed:lisbon:longbush:panda:tumbleweed:brown +5432 maestro rgb 0 94 109 hex #005E6D hsv 188 100 43 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.16 lab 36 -18 -15 lch 36 23 221 cmyk 43 6 0 57 petrol[6625][0,95,106](2.2):blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](2.4):allports[1006][31,106,125](5.7):PMS315[357][0,107,119](5.9):kitsch[4866][0,108,127](6.8) 2 PMS315:allports:kitsch:lagoon:petrol:blue +5433 magenta rgb 139 0 139 hex #8B008B hsv 300 100 55 xyz 0.15 0.07 0.25 lab 33 63 -39 lch 33 74 328 cmyk 0 55 0 45 dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](0.0):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](3.0):PMS2602[240][130,12,142](4.4):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](4.6):patriarch[6523][128,0,128](5.8) 4 dark:PMS2602:eggplant:gras:magenta:mardi:patriarch:violet +5434 magenta rgb 194 0 120 hex #C20078 hsv 323 100 76 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.19 lab 43 71 -11 lch 43 72 351 cmyk 0 76 29 24 PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](1.0):PMS233[191][206,0,124](4.1):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](4.5):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](4.5):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](4.5) 6 medium:2X:PMS233:PMS239:red:violet +5435 magenta rgb 202 31 123 hex #CA1F7B hsv 328 85 79 xyz 0.28 0.15 0.2 lab 46 69 -8 lch 46 69 354 cmyk 0 67 31 21 deep_pink[3031][205,16,118](4.4):cerise[2175][218,50,135](5.1):deep_cerise[2971][218,50,135](5.1):PMS233[191][206,0,124](5.2):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](5.4) 1 deep:2X:PMS233:PMS239:cerise:pink +5436 magenta rgb 205 0 205 hex #CD00CD hsv 300 100 80 xyz 0.36 0.17 0.59 lab 49 83 -52 lch 49 98 328 cmyk 0 80 0 20 deep_magenta[3013][204,0,204](1.0):purple/pink[6870][215,37,222](4.5):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](9.4):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](9.6):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](10.7) 2 deep:fuchsia:magenta:pink/purple:purple/pink:steel:pink +5437 magenta rgb 208 65 126 hex #D0417E hsv 334 69 82 xyz 0.32 0.19 0.22 lab 50 61 -2 lch 50 61 358 cmyk 0 56 32 18 fuchsia_purple[3797][204,57,123](1.7):telemagenta[8297][207,52,118](3.7):violet_red[8867][205,50,120](3.7):darkish_pink[2926][218,70,125](5.1):fuchsia_rose[3798][199,67,117](5.9) 3 darkish:fuchsia:telemagenta:pink:purple:red:rose:violet +5438 magenta rgb 238 0 238 hex #EE00EE hsv 300 100 93 xyz 0.51 0.24 0.83 lab 56 93 -58 lch 56 110 328 cmyk 0 93 0 7 vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](3.0):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](5.9):famous[3553][255,0,255](7.1):fuchsia[3793][255,0,255](7.1):luminous_vivid_magenta[5383][255,0,255](7.1) 1 luminous:vivid:famous:fuchsia:magenta:pink/purple +5439 magenta rgb 246 100 175 hex #F664AF hsv 329 59 96 xyz 0.5 0.32 0.44 lab 63 63 -11 lch 63 64 350 cmyk 0 57 28 4 hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](2.2):bubblegum[1880][255,108,181](3.2):light_brilliant_rose[5062][255,101,178](3.6):bubble_gum_pink[1877][255,105,175](3.7):hot_pink[4565][255,110,180](3.7) 7 light:brilliant:bubble:bubblegum:gum:hot:pink:rose +5440 magenta rgb 255 0 144 hex #FF0090 hsv 326 100 100 xyz 0.46 0.23 0.28 lab 55 86 -5 lch 55 86 357 cmyk 0 100 44 0 electric_pink[3448][255,4,144](0.0):PMS806[922][255,0,147](1.0):deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](1.7):fluorescent_pink[3702][255,20,147](1.7):hot_pink[4566][255,2,141](2.2) 6 deep:PMS806:electric:fluorescent:hot:pink +5441 magenta rgb 255 0 255 hex #FF00FF hsv 300 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.28 0.97 lab 60 98 -61 lch 60 116 328 cmyk 0 100 0 0 famous[3553][255,0,255](0.0):fuchsia[3793][255,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_magenta[5383][255,0,255](0.0):magenta_/_fuchsia[5443][255,0,255](0.0):vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](9.9) 4 luminous:vivid:/:famous:fuchsia:magenta +5442 magenta rgb 255 85 163 hex #FF55A3 hsv 332 67 100 xyz 0.51 0.3 0.38 lab 62 70 -6 lch 62 71 355 cmyk 0 67 36 0 brilliant_rose[1800][255,85,163](0.0):brilliant_rose[1799][246,83,166](4.6):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](6.2):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](6.2):barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](6.7) 2 brilliant:barbie:bonbon:pink:red:rose:violet +5443 magenta_/_fuchsia rgb 255 0 255 hex #FF00FF hsv 300 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.28 0.97 lab 60 98 -61 lch 60 116 328 cmyk 0 100 0 0 famous[3553][255,0,255](0.0):fuchsia[3793][255,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_magenta[5383][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5441][255,0,255](0.0):magenta[5438][238,0,238](7.1) 4 luminous:vivid:famous:fuchsia:magenta +5444 magenta_haze rgb 159 69 118 hex #9F4576 hsv 327 57 62 xyz 0.2 0.13 0.19 lab 43 43 -10 lch 43 44 347 cmyk 0 35 16 38 moderate_rose[5844][168,74,121](3.0):rouge[7336][162,59,108](6.0):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](6.5):moderate_cerise[5815][168,74,133](6.6):mystic_maroon[5971][173,67,121](6.6) 1 moderate:cerise:enchanted:maroon:mystic:rouge:rose +5445 magenta_pink rgb 204 51 139 hex #CC338B hsv 325 75 80 xyz 0.31 0.17 0.26 lab 48 66 -13 lch 48 67 349 cmyk 0 60 25 20 maroon[5547][205,41,144](5.7):magenta[5435][202,31,123](6.2):medium_red_violet[5635][187,51,133](6.2):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](6.2):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](6.2) 0 medium:magenta:maroon:red:violet +5446 magentaish_black rgb 29 26 29 hex #1D1A1D hsv 300 10 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 2 -2 lch 10 3 325 cmyk 0 1 0 89 bluish_black[1616][26,26,29](1.4):chimney_sweep[2289][28,29,31](2.2):eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](2.8):grey[4109][28,28,28](2.8):black[1451][30,30,30](3.0) 21 bluish:chimney:eerie:sweep:black:grey +5447 magentaish_grey rgb 168 156 168 hex #A89CA8 hsv 300 7 66 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.42 lab 66 7 -5 lch 66 8 325 cmyk 0 5 0 34 siesta[7700][165,154,168](1.4):heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](3.3):rose_quartz[7313][170,152,169](3.3):PMS5295[663][178,168,181](4.1):effortless[3369][160,150,167](4.2) 7 PMS5295:effortless:heliotrope:quartz:siesta:grey:rose +5448 magentaish_white rgb 255 246 255 hex #FFF6FF hsv 300 4 100 xyz 0.92 0.94 1.08 lab 98 5 -3 lch 98 6 325 cmyk 0 4 0 0 white_pointer[9092][254,248,255](2.0):zinc_white[9262][253,248,255](2.0):tutu[8608][255,241,249](2.4):wisp_pink[9152][254,244,248](2.4):lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](3.0) 14 blush:pointer:tutu:wisp:zinc:lavender:pink:white +5449 magic_carpet rgb 139 152 216 hex #8B98D8 hsv 230 36 85 xyz 0.34 0.33 0.7 lab 64 11 -34 lch 64 36 287 cmyk 30 25 0 15 portage[6786][139,152,216](0.0):light_sapphire_blue[5194][139,162,231](4.7):vista_blue[8884][124,158,217](7.1):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](7.8):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](8.1) 2 light:dark:bell:portage:sapphire:vista:blue:turquoise +5450 magic_mint rgb 170 240 209 hex #AAF0D1 hsv 153 29 94 xyz 0.59 0.75 0.72 lab 90 -28 8 lch 90 29 164 cmyk 27 0 12 6 padua[6299][173,230,196](5.2):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](5.4):pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](5.9):PMS332[399][160,229,206](6.0):pale_turquoise[6440][165,251,213](6.6) 0 pale:PMS332:padua:sea:spring:green:turquoise +5451 magic_potion rgb 255 68 102 hex #FF4466 hsv 349 73 100 xyz 0.46 0.26 0.15 lab 58 71 24 lch 58 75 19 cmyk 0 73 60 0 neon_fuchsia[6013][254,65,100](1.4):radical_red[7039][255,73,108](2.4):radical_red[7038][255,53,94](5.1):PMS191[145][244,71,107](6.5):fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](6.6) 2 PMS191:fiery:fuchsia:neon:radical:red:rose +5452 magik rgb 62 76 122 hex #3E4C7A hsv 226 49 48 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.19 lab 33 8 -28 lch 33 29 286 cmyk 24 18 0 52 style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](2.2):takaka[8210][61,77,120](2.2):east_bay[3333][65,76,125](2.4):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](2.4):PMS534[670][58,73,114](3.7) 10 PMS534:bay:east:pasifika:sapphire:style:takaka:whale:blue +5453 magma rgb 135 86 57 hex #875639 hsv 22 58 53 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.05 lab 41 17 25 lch 41 30 56 cmyk 0 19 31 47 legend[4959][140,86,59](2.2):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](3.0):rope[7292][142,89,60](3.0):toffee[8398][142,89,60](3.0):root_beer[7290][129,77,48](3.7) 10 beer:clay:legend:potters:root:rope:toffee +5454 magnetic rgb 85 90 76 hex #555A4C hsv 81 16 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.08 lab 37 -5 7 lch 37 9 123 cmyk 2 0 5 65 ebony[3346][85,93,80](1.7):battleship_grey[1316][81,87,79](3.3):calm_green[2012][81,87,79](3.3):triple_tapa[8525][91,90,80](3.3):cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](3.5) 21 battleship:cabbage:calm:ebony:pont:tapa:triple:green:grey +5455 magnolia rgb 238 232 235 hex #EEE8EB hsv 330 3 93 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.9 lab 93 3 -1 lch 93 3 344 cmyk 0 2 1 7 soft_peach[7831][245,237,239](1.4):snow[7808][238,233,233](2.2):whisper[9077][239,230,230](2.2):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](2.8):ebb[3343][233,227,227](3.0) 51 ebb:lilac:snow:soft:whisper:peach:white +5456 magnolia rgb 248 244 255 hex #F8F4FF hsv 262 4 100 xyz 0.89 0.92 1.08 lab 97 3 -5 lch 97 6 304 cmyk 3 4 0 0 bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](1.4):white_pointer[9092][254,248,255](2.2):zinc_white[9262][253,248,255](2.2):selago[7603][240,238,253](2.8):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](3.0) 15 bluish:ghost:pointer:selago:zinc:white +5457 magnum rgb 17 35 49 hex #112331 hsv 206 65 19 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.03 lab 13 -2 -11 lch 13 12 259 cmyk 13 5 0 81 dark[2674][27,36,49](2.4):celestial_blue[2162][26,32,47](4.1):daytona[2941][30,34,44](5.0):indian_ink[4628][35,39,50](5.2):PMS5395[676][2,40,58](5.4) 3 dark:PMS5395:celestial:daytona:indian:ink:blue +5458 mahogany rgb 72 50 48 hex #483230 hsv 5 33 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 10 5 lch 23 11 28 cmyk 0 9 9 72 woody_brown[9178][72,49,49](1.0):PMS439[523][73,53,51](1.4):bean[1330][74,53,49](1.7):old_burgundy[6126][67,48,46](2.2):rebel[7099][69,52,48](3.0) 28 PMS439:bean:burgundy:old:rebel:woody:brown +5459 mahogany rgb 73 38 37 hex #492625 hsv 2 49 29 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 20 16 8 lch 20 18 26 cmyk 0 14 14 71 crater_brown[2581][70,36,37](2.2):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](2.2):volcano[8967][78,39,40](2.2):bulgarian_rose[1895][72,36,39](2.4):heath[4450][79,42,44](3.0) 22 bulgarian:crater:heath:pasifika:soil:style:volcano:brown:red:rose +5460 mahogany rgb 74 1 0 hex #4A0100 hsv 1 100 29 xyz 0.03 0.01 0 lab 12 32 20 lch 12 38 31 cmyk 0 29 29 71 dried_blood[3270][75,1,1](1.4):beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](1.7):rustic_red[7387][72,4,4](2.2):beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](3.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](3.7) 7 33:34:beer:blood:bulgarian:dried:rustic:srm:red:rose +5461 mahogany rgb 78 6 6 hex #4E0606 hsv 360 92 31 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 14 32 20 lch 14 37 31 cmyk 0 28 28 69 beer_srm_33[1373][80,11,8](1.4):dried_blood[3270][75,1,1](1.4):beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](1.7):beer_srm_32[1372][83,11,6](2.8):rustic_red[7387][72,4,4](3.0) 7 32:33:34:beer:blood:dried:rustic:srm:red +5462 mahogany rgb 192 64 0 hex #C04000 hsv 20 100 75 xyz 0.24 0.15 0.02 lab 45 49 57 lch 45 75 49 cmyk 0 50 75 25 tia_maria[8341][193,68,14](4.2):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](4.9):sinopia[7727][203,65,11](5.1):rock_spray[7264][186,69,12](5.7):PMS173[110][209,68,20](6.7) 2 PMS173:brick:maria:rock:sinopia:spray:tia:orange +5463 mahogany rgb 205 74 76 hex #CD4A4C hsv 359 64 80 xyz 0.29 0.18 0.09 lab 50 52 27 lch 50 59 28 cmyk 0 51 51 20 faded_red[3540][211,73,78](2.2):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](3.7):reddish[7149][196,66,64](4.2):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](5.2):valencia[8667][212,87,78](5.2) 3 dark:coral:faded:pastel:reddish:valencia:red +5464 mai_tai rgb 165 101 49 hex #A56531 hsv 27 70 65 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.05 lab 49 21 39 lch 49 45 62 cmyk 0 25 45 35 style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](0.0):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](2.2):heartwood[4448][166,96,47](3.2):oregon[6248][177,108,57](3.6):sunshine[8148][156,101,49](4.2) 9 heartwood:oregon:pasifika:pumpkin:sand:shore:style:sunshine +5465 mai_tai rgb 176 102 8 hex #B06608 hsv 34 95 69 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.03 lab 50 24 56 lch 50 61 67 cmyk 0 29 66 31 ginger[3864][176,101,0](2.0):umber[8645][178,100,0](2.8):pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](3.3):pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](3.3):raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](3.7) 9 ginger:pumpkin:raw:skin:umber +5466 maire rgb 19 10 6 hex #130A06 hsv 18 68 7 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 2 3 lch 3 4 46 cmyk 0 4 5 93 asphalt[1163][19,10,6](0.0):banjul[1287][19,10,6](0.0):smoky_black[7796][16,12,8](1.7):nero[6026][20,6,0](2.2):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](3.6) 23 asphalt:banjul:cod:nero:smoky:black:grey +5467 maire rgb 42 41 34 hex #2A2922 hsv 53 19 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 -1 5 lch 16 5 103 cmyk 0 0 3 84 asphalt[1164][42,41,34](0.0):PMS419[502][40,40,33](1.0):jungle_green[4792][41,41,36](2.0):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](2.4):karaka[4817][45,45,36](2.4) 21 PMS419:asphalt:jungle:karaka:waterloo:green +5468 maize rgb 227 185 130 hex #E3B982 hsv 34 43 89 xyz 0.53 0.53 0.28 lab 78 8 34 lch 78 35 77 cmyk 0 16 38 11 corvette[2542][233,186,129](2.2):gold_sand[3906][230,190,138](2.4):pale_gold[6336][230,190,138](2.4):coyote[2568][221,183,123](3.5):PMS156[79][242,198,140](4.1) 9 pale:PMS156:corvette:coyote:gold:sand +5469 maize rgb 244 208 84 hex #F4D054 hsv 47 66 96 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.18 lab 84 -1 64 lch 84 64 91 cmyk 0 14 63 4 kournikova[4887][249,208,84](2.4):dandelion[2669][254,216,93](3.2):festival[3590][234,204,74](3.5):PMS122[25][252,216,86](3.6):light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](3.6) 14 light:PMS122:dandelion:festival:kournikova:mustard +5470 maize rgb 245 213 160 hex #F5D5A0 hsv 37 35 96 xyz 0.68 0.7 0.43 lab 87 4 30 lch 87 31 83 cmyk 0 13 33 4 champagne[2210][250,214,165](2.4):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](2.4):sunset[8143][250,214,165](2.4):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](2.4):new_orleans[6041][243,214,157](2.8) 22 deep:champagne:new:orleans:sunset:tuscan +5471 maize rgb 251 236 93 hex #FBEC5D hsv 54 63 98 xyz 0.72 0.81 0.22 lab 92 -11 69 lch 92 70 99 cmyk 0 6 62 2 candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](0.0):corn[2520][251,236,93](0.0):PMS106[6][247,232,89](1.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](3.0):yellowish[9226][250,238,102](3.3) 7 PMS106:PMS113:candy:corn:yellowish +5472 majestic_blue rgb 54 67 74 hex #36434A hsv 201 27 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.07 lab 28 -3 -6 lch 28 7 241 cmyk 8 3 0 71 arsenic[1148][59,68,75](1.4):charcoal[2221][54,69,79](2.0):new_denim_blue[6038][57,65,73](2.2):big_stone[1407][51,64,70](2.4):dark_slate[2884][57,72,81](2.4) 20 slate:dark:arsenic:big:charcoal:denim:new:stone:blue +5473 majorelle_blue rgb 96 80 220 hex #6050DC hsv 247 64 86 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.69 lab 43 45 -70 lch 43 83 303 cmyk 49 55 0 14 brilliant_persian_blue[1792][100,81,231](5.4):brilliant_blue[1767][81,81,231](6.0):bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](6.7):brilliant_indigo[1783][119,81,231](6.8):iris[4669][90,79,207](7.1) 0 brilliant:bluey:iris:persian:blue:indigo:purple +5474 makara rgb 105 95 80 hex #695F50 hsv 36 24 41 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.09 lab 41 1 10 lch 41 10 83 cmyk 0 4 10 59 soya_bean[7862][106,96,81](0.0):talisman[8211][101,93,80](1.4):dragon[3267][102,94,76](1.7):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](1.7):PMS405[489][107,94,79](2.2) 33 PMS405:bean:dragon:pravda:soya:talisman:triple +5475 makara rgb 137 125 109 hex #897D6D hsv 34 20 54 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.17 lab 53 2 10 lch 53 11 80 cmyk 0 5 11 46 stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](1.7):bisque[1430][139,125,107](2.0):americano[1040][138,125,114](2.2):double_napa[3219][138,127,107](2.4):pravda[6805][136,128,113](2.4) 38 americano:bisque:double:napa:pravda:stonewashed +5476 mako rgb 68 73 84 hex #444954 hsv 221 19 33 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.09 lab 31 1 -7 lch 31 7 275 cmyk 6 4 0 67 gun_powder[4255][72,71,83](2.0):shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](2.2):skywater[7753][64,70,83](2.2):trout[8540][74,78,90](2.2):river_bed[7236][67,76,89](2.4) 20 bed:gun:powder:river:shapeshifter:skywater:trout +5477 mako rgb 80 85 85 hex #505555 hsv 180 6 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.1 lab 36 -2 -1 lch 36 2 199 cmyk 2 0 0 67 dark_cyanish_grey[2716][83,89,89](1.0):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](1.4):half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](1.7):davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](2.2):davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](2.2) 49 dark:cyanish:davy:davy's:foundry:friars:half:quarter:grey +5478 malachite rgb 11 218 81 hex #0BDA51 hsv 140 95 85 xyz 0.27 0.51 0.16 lab 77 -72 54 lch 77 89 143 cmyk 81 0 54 15 vivid_sea_green[8949][0,231,87](5.4):vivid_malachite[8925][0,204,51](7.9):brilliant_green[1780][81,231,81](8.7):brilliant_emerald_green[1776][81,231,100](8.8):lime_green[5272][50,205,50](9.5) 0 brilliant:vivid:emerald:malachite:sea:green:lime +5479 malachite_green rgb 136 141 101 hex #888D65 hsv 68 28 55 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.16 lab 57 -9 21 lch 57 23 113 cmyk 2 0 16 45 avocado[1209][136,141,101](0.0):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](3.2):style_pasifika_dry_bamboo[8078][136,136,91](3.7):wilderness[9117][136,136,91](3.7):flax[3679][130,133,98](4.1) 6 medium:avocado:bamboo:dry:flax:goldenrod:old:pasifika:style:wilderness +5480 malachite_green rgb 151 151 111 hex #97976F hsv 60 26 59 xyz 0.27 0.3 0.19 lab 62 -7 21 lch 62 22 108 cmyk 0 0 16 41 avocado[1211][149,152,107](2.8):PMS5773[754][155,158,114](3.0):sage[7411][152,159,122](3.5):frontier[3776][153,157,122](3.7):double_hillary[3207][151,142,105](5.0) 5 PMS5773:avocado:double:frontier:hillary:sage +5481 malibu rgb 102 183 225 hex #66B7E1 hsv 200 55 88 xyz 0.36 0.42 0.77 lab 71 -13 -29 lch 71 31 245 cmyk 48 16 0 12 PMS298[327][81,181,224](3.3):PMS2915[314][96,175,221](4.1):PMS292[315][117,178,221](5.2):sky_blue[7745][126,192,238](5.7):shakespeare[7633][78,171,209](5.9) 2 PMS2915:PMS292:PMS298:shakespeare:sky:blue +5482 malibu rgb 125 200 247 hex #7DC8F7 hsv 203 49 97 xyz 0.46 0.52 0.96 lab 78 -11 -30 lch 78 32 250 cmyk 48 18 0 3 lightblue[5243][123,200,246](1.4):light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](2.2):sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](2.2):sky[7739][130,202,252](2.8):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](3.0) 7 light:lightblue:sky:blue +5483 mallard rgb 35 52 24 hex #233418 hsv 96 54 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.01 lab 20 -13 15 lch 20 20 131 cmyk 7 0 11 80 seaweed[7593][27,47,17](4.1):green_kelp[4046][37,49,28](4.4):kereru[4835][40,62,35](4.6):black_olive[1466][36,46,22](5.1):olive_green[6161][36,46,22](5.1) 3 kelp:kereru:olive:seaweed:black:green +5484 mallard rgb 58 69 49 hex #3A4531 hsv 93 29 27 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 28 -9 11 lch 28 14 130 cmyk 4 0 8 73 rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](2.4):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](2.8):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](2.8):mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](3.2):olive_green[6162][53,63,42](3.2) 18 kombu:mediterranean:olive:rifle:seaweed:green +5485 malta rgb 165 151 132 hex #A59784 hsv 35 20 65 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.26 lab 63 2 12 lch 63 12 81 cmyk 0 5 13 35 beige[1384][163,148,128](1.4):grullo[4239][169,154,134](1.4):half_gargoyle[4332][163,146,126](1.7):bronco[1817][167,151,129](2.0):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](2.2) 33 beige:bison:bronco:double:gargoyle:grullo:half:hide +5486 malta rgb 189 178 161 hex #BDB2A1 hsv 36 15 74 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.4 lab 73 1 10 lch 73 10 84 cmyk 0 4 11 26 nomad[6067][186,177,162](1.0):PMS401[485][193,181,165](1.4):corkscrew[2517][189,182,165](1.4):half_cougar[4313][188,181,166](1.7):half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](1.7) 54 PMS401:corkscrew:cougar:half:nomad:sandcastle +5487 maltese rgb 88 86 96 hex #585660 hsv 252 10 38 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.12 lab 37 3 -5 lch 37 6 299 cmyk 3 4 0 62 scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](2.2):dark_magentaish_grey[2795][89,83,89](2.4):jimmy_dean[4768][81,83,93](3.0):dark_bluish_grey[2692][83,83,89](3.5):mobster[5796][96,90,103](3.5) 18 dark:bluish:dean:flow:jimmy:magentaish:mobster:scarpa:grey +5488 mamba rgb 118 109 124 hex #766D7C hsv 276 12 49 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.21 lab 47 7 -7 lch 47 10 313 cmyk 2 6 0 51 rum[7370][113,102,117](2.0):fedora[3568][121,106,120](2.2):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](3.3):labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](4.2):dolphin[3162][106,104,115](4.6) 6 dolphin:fedora:labyrinth:old:rum:lavender +5489 mamba rgb 142 129 144 hex #8E8190 hsv 292 10 56 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.3 lab 56 8 -6 lch 56 10 321 cmyk 1 6 0 44 thistle[8323][139,123,139](2.2):venus[8698][146,133,144](2.4):nitro[6062][151,131,149](3.3):party_pink[6498][151,131,149](3.3):amethyst_smoke[1043][149,135,156](3.7) 6 amethyst:nitro:party:smoke:thistle:venus:pink +5490 mamma_mia rgb 213 164 168 hex #D5A4A8 hsv 355 23 84 xyz 0.48 0.44 0.43 lab 72 19 5 lch 72 19 15 cmyk 0 19 18 16 pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](3.3):rosy_brown[7326][205,155,155](3.6):rosybrown[7332][205,155,155](3.6):PMS693[872][219,168,165](4.2):careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](4.2) 9 pale:PMS693:careys:chestnut:rosy:rosybrown:brown:pink +5491 manatee rgb 141 144 161 hex #8D90A1 hsv 231 12 63 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.38 lab 60 2 -9 lch 60 10 285 cmyk 8 7 0 37 grey_suit[4223][147,145,160](2.4):roman_silver[7281][131,137,150](3.3):santas_grey[7485][153,152,167](3.3):neutral_bay[6029][133,141,153](3.5):tiebreaker[8353][142,151,171](3.7) 6 bay:neutral:roman:santas:silver:suit:tiebreaker:grey +5492 manatee rgb 151 154 170 hex #979AAA hsv 231 11 67 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.43 lab 64 2 -9 lch 64 9 284 cmyk 7 6 0 33 santas_grey[7485][153,152,167](1.7):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](2.2):bluish_grey[1619][156,156,168](3.2):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.7):grey_suit[4223][147,145,160](3.7) 10 PMS535:bluish:santas:suit:grey +5493 mandalay rgb 173 120 27 hex #AD781B hsv 38 84 68 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.04 lab 54 13 54 lch 54 56 77 cmyk 0 21 57 32 zion[9266][172,121,17](3.3):buttered_rum[1953][161,117,13](4.9):PMS146[62][158,107,5](5.1):PMS139[53][175,117,5](5.4):university_of_california_gold[8651][183,135,39](5.9) 2 PMS139:PMS146:buttered:california:gold:of:rum:university:zion +5494 mandalay rgb 181 123 46 hex #B57B2E hsv 34 75 71 xyz 0.27 0.24 0.06 lab 56 16 49 lch 56 52 72 cmyk 0 23 53 29 filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](2.4):pirate_gold[6716][186,120,42](3.6):fiesta[3600][189,126,45](3.7):noosa[6069][183,128,56](4.1):jandal[4729][183,130,57](4.7) 6 fiesta:filmpro:gold:jandal:noosa:oxide:pirate:yellow +5495 mandarian_orange rgb 228 120 51 hex #E47833 hsv 23 78 89 xyz 0.39 0.3 0.07 lab 62 37 54 lch 62 66 56 cmyk 0 42 69 11 tahiti_gold[8206][220,114,42](3.6):hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](3.7):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](3.7):dusty_orange[3309][240,131,58](4.5):jaffa[4719][239,134,63](4.5) 6 dusty:gold:hi:jaffa:jinx:pizazz:tahiti:orange +5496 mandarin rgb 243 122 72 hex #F37A48 hsv 18 70 95 xyz 0.45 0.33 0.1 lab 65 43 48 lch 65 64 48 cmyk 0 47 67 5 coral[2499][255,127,80](3.0):orangish[6230][252,130,74](3.0):sienna[7698][238,121,66](3.0):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](4.1):sienna[7699][255,130,71](5.8) 4 burnt:coral:orangish:sienna:orange +5497 mandrake rgb 176 169 148 hex #B0A994 hsv 45 16 69 xyz 0.37 0.4 0.34 lab 69 -1 12 lch 69 12 95 cmyk 0 3 11 31 double_tea[3247][178,168,148](1.0):overland[6273][178,170,148](1.0):half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](1.4):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](2.2):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](2.2) 44 double:glitterati:half:linen:olive:overland:tea:grey +5498 mandy rgb 205 82 91 hex #CD525B hsv 356 60 80 xyz 0.3 0.2 0.12 lab 52 49 20 lch 52 53 22 cmyk 0 48 45 20 dark_terra_cotta[2907][204,78,92](2.4):indian_red[4634][205,85,85](4.1):indianred[4642][205,85,85](4.1):chestnut[2274][205,92,92](4.6):chestnut_rose[2275][205,92,92](4.6) 6 dark:chestnut:cotta:indian:indianred:terra:red:rose +5499 mandy rgb 226 84 101 hex #E25465 hsv 353 63 89 xyz 0.37 0.23 0.15 lab 56 56 20 lch 56 60 20 cmyk 0 56 49 11 brilliant_amaranth[1760][231,81,100](3.2):material_girl[5573][232,85,96](5.5):PMS709[888][242,104,119](6.4):dark_terra_cotta[2907][204,78,92](7.1):light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](7.3) 1 light:dark:brilliant:PMS709:amaranth:carmine:cotta:girl:material:terra:pink +5500 mandys_pink rgb 242 195 178 hex #F2C3B2 hsv 16 26 95 xyz 0.64 0.61 0.51 lab 82 14 15 lch 82 21 46 cmyk 0 18 25 5 zinnwaldite[9264][235,194,175](2.2):PMS488[597][242,196,175](2.4):sakura[7421][233,183,169](4.6):cashmere[2123][230,190,165](4.7):pale_light_grayish_vermilion[6378][231,196,184](5.0) 5 pale:light:PMS488:cashmere:grayish:sakura:vermilion:zinnwaldite +5501 mandys_pink rgb 245 183 153 hex #F5B799 hsv 20 38 96 xyz 0.6 0.56 0.38 lab 79 19 24 lch 79 30 52 cmyk 0 24 36 4 PMS1555[78][249,191,158](3.7):light_tangelo[5220][231,174,139](4.7):wax_flower[9028][255,192,168](5.0):wax_flower[9027][238,179,158](5.1):PMS487[596][239,181,160](5.2) 3 light:PMS1555:PMS487:flower:tangelo:wax +5502 manganese_blue rgb 3 168 158 hex #03A89E hsv 176 98 66 xyz 0.2 0.3 0.37 lab 62 -38 -5 lch 62 38 188 cmyk 65 0 4 34 PMS3272[382][0,170,158](1.7):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](4.1):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](4.1):PMS326[377][0,178,170](4.6):blue/green[1539][15,155,142](4.9) 5 light:PMS326:PMS3272:blue/green:sea:green +5503 mango rgb 255 166 43 hex #FFA62B hsv 35 83 100 xyz 0.55 0.49 0.09 lab 75 24 71 lch 75 75 71 cmyk 0 35 83 0 sea_buckthorn[7552][251,161,41](1.7):aureoline_yellow[1198][255,168,36](2.4):bright_yellow[1757][255,170,29](4.6):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](4.9):tree_poppy[8467][252,156,29](4.9) 5 aureoline:bright:buckthorn:poppy:sea:sunshade:tree:yellow +5504 mango_tango rgb 231 114 0 hex #E77200 hsv 30 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.04 lab 61 40 69 lch 61 80 59 cmyk 0 46 91 9 vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](1.0):christine[2319][231,115,10](2.0):dark_orange[2824][238,118,0](2.4):PMS158[83][232,117,17](3.3):clementine[2370][233,110,0](3.3) 8 dark:vivid:PMS158:christine:clementine:orange +5505 mango_tango rgb 255 130 67 hex #FF8243 hsv 20 74 100 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.1 lab 68 43 54 lch 68 69 51 cmyk 0 49 74 0 sienna[7699][255,130,71](1.0):PMS164[95][252,127,63](1.4):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](2.0):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](3.0):flesh[3686][255,125,64](3.3) 7 PMS1575:PMS164:flesh:shirley:sienna:temple +5506 mangrove rgb 72 78 69 hex #484E45 hsv 100 12 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.07 lab 32 -4 5 lch 32 6 134 cmyk 2 0 4 69 cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](1.0):trainspotter[8454][68,73,63](2.0):canyon[2055][67,78,70](2.8):heavy_metal[4459][70,71,62](2.8):middle_earth[5711][67,78,67](3.0) 25 canyon:cliffhanger:earth:heavy:metal:middle:trainspotter +5507 manhattan rgb 226 175 128 hex #E2AF80 hsv 29 43 89 xyz 0.51 0.48 0.27 lab 75 13 31 lch 75 34 68 cmyk 0 20 38 11 PMS721[900][232,178,130](1.7):light_orange[5157][231,185,139](3.7):tacao[8201][237,179,129](4.1):deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](4.6):PMS728[907][211,168,124](4.7) 5 light:PMS721:PMS728:deja:tacao:vu:orange +5508 manhattan rgb 245 201 153 hex #F5C999 hsv 31 38 96 xyz 0.64 0.63 0.39 lab 84 9 30 lch 84 31 73 cmyk 0 17 36 4 very_light_orange[8775][255,207,158](2.4):burlywood[1917][238,197,145](3.0):peach_orange[6546][255,204,153](3.0):corvette[2543][250,211,162](3.7):tequila[8303][244,208,164](4.7) 9 light:very:burlywood:corvette:tequila:orange:peach +5509 manilla rgb 213 195 172 hex #D5C3AC hsv 34 19 84 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.47 lab 80 3 14 lch 80 14 79 cmyk 0 7 16 16 alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.4):nougat[6077][214,193,171](1.4):dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](2.0):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](2.0) 39 dark:alpaca:biscotti:dough:nougat:sour:vanilla +5510 manilla rgb 255 250 134 hex #FFFA86 hsv 58 47 100 xyz 0.8 0.91 0.36 lab 97 -14 56 lch 97 57 104 cmyk 0 2 47 0 yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](2.8):pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](3.0):dolly[3160][249,255,139](4.5):straw[8006][252,246,121](4.5):butter[1948][255,255,129](4.6) 6 pale:butter:dolly:straw:tan:yellowish:yellow +5511 mantis rgb 116 195 101 hex #74C365 hsv 110 48 76 xyz 0.29 0.44 0.19 lab 72 -43 40 lch 72 58 137 cmyk 31 0 37 24 turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](7.8):pale_green[6342][124,205,124](8.3):apple[1080][102,179,72](8.5):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](8.8):soft_green[7828][111,194,118](9.2) 0 pale:dark:apple:pastel:soft:turtle:green +5512 mantis rgb 127 193 92 hex #7FC15C hsv 99 52 76 xyz 0.3 0.43 0.17 lab 72 -39 44 lch 72 59 132 cmyk 26 0 40 24 turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](4.6):apple[1080][102,179,72](8.1):go[3882][118,173,76](8.1):dollar_bill[3158][133,187,101](8.5):bud_green[1888][123,182,97](9.0) 1 apple:bill:bud:dollar:go:turtle:green +5513 mantle rgb 139 156 144 hex #8B9C90 hsv 138 11 61 xyz 0.28 0.31 0.31 lab 63 -8 4 lch 63 9 153 cmyk 7 0 5 39 pewter[6626][145,160,146](1.4):PMS5497[700][145,163,153](2.2):edward[3365][151,164,154](3.2):pewter[6627][150,168,161](5.0):boulevard[1677][142,165,160](5.1) 4 PMS5497:boulevard:edward:pewter +5514 mantle rgb 150 167 147 hex #96A793 hsv 111 12 65 xyz 0.32 0.36 0.33 lab 67 -10 8 lch 67 13 140 cmyk 7 0 8 35 PMS5565[717][150,170,153](2.2):PMS5635[731][158,170,153](3.3):envy[3498][139,165,143](3.6):marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](3.6):envy[3499][139,166,144](4.1) 10 PMS5565:PMS5635:envy:marsh:green +5515 manuka_honey rgb 222 192 131 hex #DEC083 hsv 40 41 87 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.29 lab 79 2 35 lch 79 35 86 cmyk 0 12 36 13 light_beige[5007][221,194,131](1.0):zombie[9270][221,194,131](1.0):chalky[2199][223,194,129](1.4):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](1.4):sandbar[7462][226,195,133](1.4) 10 light:beige:chalky:new:orleans:sandbar:zombie +5516 manyana rgb 242 240 232 hex #F2F0E8 hsv 48 4 95 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.89 lab 95 -1 4 lch 95 4 100 cmyk 0 1 4 5 alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):filmpro_reduction_base[3621][241,240,233](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0):quarter_rice_cake[6986][246,244,237](1.0) 132 alabaster:base:cake:filmpro:glistening:half:quarter:reduction:rice:white +5517 manz rgb 228 219 85 hex #E4DB55 hsv 56 63 89 xyz 0.59 0.68 0.19 lab 86 -13 65 lch 86 66 101 cmyk 0 4 56 11 brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](4.1):wattle[9022][220,215,71](4.1):dull_yellow[3290][238,220,91](4.2):PMS603[782][237,232,91](4.9):PMS611[790][214,206,73](5.1) 4 brilliant:PMS603:PMS611:dull:gold:wattle:yellow +5518 manz rgb 238 239 120 hex #EEEF78 hsv 61 50 94 xyz 0.7 0.81 0.3 lab 92 -16 57 lch 92 59 106 cmyk 0 0 47 6 sunny[8138][242,242,122](1.0):dolly[3159][245,241,113](4.2):PMS100[0][244,237,124](4.5):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](4.5):straw[8006][252,246,121](4.7) 5 PMS100:PMS3935:dolly:straw:sunny +5519 marathon rgb 48 85 99 hex #305563 hsv 196 52 39 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.13 lab 34 -9 -12 lch 34 15 234 cmyk 20 5 0 61 lucifer[5349][46,80,96](3.0):undercurrent[8648][54,92,108](3.2):dark_cerulean[2703][39,77,89](3.3):navigate[5992][48,78,94](3.7):explorer[3531][55,78,89](4.7) 5 dark:cerulean:explorer:lucifer:navigate:undercurrent +5520 marbaroda rgb 61 49 45 hex #3D312D hsv 15 26 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 5 5 lch 21 7 45 cmyk 0 5 6 76 PMS440[524][63,48,43](1.4):filmpro_burnt_umber[3605][58,48,44](1.4):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](1.7):sepia[7610][58,47,45](2.0):style_pasifika_black_tan[8069][58,47,45](2.0) 48 deep:burnt:PMS440:filmpro:oak:pasifika:sepia:style:tan:umber:black +5521 marble rgb 230 228 216 hex #E6E4D8 hsv 51 6 90 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.76 lab 90 -1 6 lch 90 6 103 cmyk 0 1 5 10 black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.0):double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](1.0):quarter_ecru_white[6942][226,222,211](1.0):quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.0):quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](1.0) 139 barely:cream:double:ecru:joanna:quarter:there:thorndon:black:white +5522 mardi_gras rgb 53 0 54 hex #350036 hsv 299 100 21 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.04 lab 9 33 -21 lch 9 38 328 cmyk 0 21 0 79 dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](4.1):deep_purple[3036][54,1,63](4.2):very_dark_purple[8724][42,1,52](4.9):dark_violet[2915][52,1,63](5.2):eggplant_purple[3378][67,5,65](5.4) 3 deep:dark:very:eggplant:purple:violet +5523 mardi_gras rgb 53 34 53 hex #352235 hsv 300 36 21 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.04 lab 16 13 -9 lch 16 16 326 cmyk 0 7 0 79 upstage[8659][51,32,51](1.0):ab_fab[941][50,27,47](2.8):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](3.3):tarot[8256][56,41,61](3.7):montana[5873][41,30,48](4.4) 7 ab:bleached:cedar:fab:montana:tarot:upstage +5524 mardi_gras rgb 136 0 133 hex #880085 hsv 301 100 53 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.23 lab 32 61 -37 lch 32 71 329 cmyk 0 53 1 47 dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](3.0):magenta[5433][139,0,139](3.0):patriarch[6523][128,0,128](3.0):purple[6863][128,0,128](3.0):web_purple[9039][128,0,128](3.0) 5 dark:magenta:patriarch:web:purple +5525 marigold rgb 184 138 61 hex #B88A3D hsv 38 67 72 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.08 lab 61 9 47 lch 61 48 79 cmyk 0 18 48 28 pizza[6730][191,141,60](3.0):classius[2359][179,141,66](3.6):intrepid[4666][171,132,57](4.1):kowhai[4889][192,147,74](4.2):frizzell[3772][173,129,47](4.5) 7 classius:frizzell:intrepid:kowhai:pizza +5526 marigold rgb 185 141 40 hex #B98D28 hsv 42 78 73 xyz 0.3 0.3 0.06 lab 61 7 57 lch 61 57 83 cmyk 0 17 57 27 nugget[6079][188,146,41](2.4):university_of_california_gold[8651][183,135,39](4.1):wazzup[9029][188,148,37](4.1):dixie_chick[3148][196,143,42](4.6):hokey_pokey[4518][187,142,52](5.2) 4 california:chick:dixie:gold:hokey:nugget:of:pokey:university:wazzup +5527 marigold rgb 234 162 33 hex #EAA221 hsv 39 86 92 xyz 0.47 0.43 0.07 lab 72 17 70 lch 72 72 76 cmyk 0 28 79 8 fuel_yellow[3803][236,169,39](3.6):gamboge[3827][228,155,15](3.7):dixie[3147][226,148,24](5.7):beer_srm_07[1347][238,158,3](5.9):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](6.0) 2 07:beer:bush:dixie:fire:fuel:gamboge:srm:yellow +5528 marigold rgb 252 192 6 hex #FCC006 hsv 45 98 99 xyz 0.59 0.58 0.08 lab 81 9 82 lch 81 83 84 cmyk 0 24 96 1 amber[1035][255,191,0](1.4):fluorescent_orange[3701][255,191,0](1.4):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](1.4):golden_rod[3922][249,188,8](1.4):luminous_vivid_amber[5360][255,191,0](1.4) 17 luminous:vivid:amber:fluorescent:golden:poppy:rod:orange +5529 marigold_yellow rgb 251 232 112 hex #FBE870 hsv 52 55 98 xyz 0.72 0.79 0.27 lab 91 -8 60 lch 91 60 98 cmyk 0 7 55 2 festival[3591][251,233,108](2.4):kournikova[4888][255,231,114](2.4):sandy_yellow[7479][253,238,115](2.8):sand_yellow[7459][252,225,102](3.7):portica[6789][249,230,99](4.1) 10 festival:kournikova:portica:sand:sandy:yellow +5530 marine rgb 4 46 96 hex #042E60 hsv 213 96 38 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.11 lab 19 8 -33 lch 19 34 284 cmyk 36 20 0 62 PMS654[833][15,43,91](1.7):cool_black[2468][0,46,99](2.2):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](2.4):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](2.4):biscay[1422][27,49,98](3.0) 9 dark:PMS654:biscay:cool:midnight:black:blue +5531 marine_blue rgb 1 56 106 hex #01386A hsv 209 99 42 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.14 lab 23 5 -34 lch 23 34 279 cmyk 41 20 0 58 PMS295[321][0,56,107](0.0):dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](2.8):midnight_blue[5716][0,51,102](2.8):whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](2.8):apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](3.3) 9 dark:PMS295:apollo:midnight:tail:whale:blue +5532 mariner rgb 40 106 205 hex #286ACD hsv 216 80 80 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.6 lab 46 15 -57 lch 46 59 285 cmyk 65 39 0 20 science_blue[7533][0,102,204](3.6):han_blue[4418][68,108,207](4.1):denim[3092][21,96,189](4.6):bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](6.2):navy_blue[5998][25,116,210](6.2) 3 bright:denim:han:navy:science:blue +5533 mariner rgb 66 99 159 hex #42639F hsv 219 58 62 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.35 lab 42 7 -36 lch 42 37 281 cmyk 36 24 0 38 super_duper[8151][66,99,159](0.0):denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](3.7):dusky_blue[3295][71,95,148](4.1):french_blue[3745][67,107,173](4.2):moderate_cobalt_blue[5818][74,109,168](4.6) 6 moderate:cobalt:denim:duper:dusky:french:super:blue +5534 marionette rgb 171 148 179 hex #AB94B3 hsv 285 17 70 xyz 0.36 0.33 0.47 lab 64 14 -13 lch 64 19 318 cmyk 3 12 0 30 glossy_grape[3881][171,146,179](1.4):PMS666[845][168,147,173](2.2):amethyst_smoke[1044][163,151,180](4.0):ooh_la[6186][160,136,166](4.2):london_hue[5336][174,148,171](5.0) 5 PMS666:amethyst:glossy:grape:hue:la:london:ooh:smoke +5535 marlin rgb 42 20 14 hex #2A140E hsv 13 67 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 9 11 8 lch 9 13 37 cmyk 0 9 11 84 coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](0.0):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](0.0):blackwood[1491][38,17,5](3.0):kilamanjaro[4856][36,12,2](3.0):wood_bark[9164][38,17,5](3.0) 10 bark:bean:blackwood:coffee:cuban:kilamanjaro:tan:wood +5536 marlin rgb 54 45 38 hex #362D26 hsv 26 30 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 3 6 lch 19 7 66 cmyk 0 4 6 79 coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](0.0):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](0.0):style_pasifika_dark_soil[8075][54,45,38](0.0):monkey[5870][53,46,40](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.0) 35 dark:bean:bushtrack:coffee:cuban:monkey:pasifika:soil:style:tan +5537 maroon rgb 64 35 39 hex #402327 hsv 352 45 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 18 14 3 lch 18 15 13 cmyk 0 11 10 75 dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](0.0):chocolate[2303][61,35,39](1.4):jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](2.2):temptress[8300][60,33,38](2.2):contraband[2466][70,36,41](3.3) 12 dark:chocolate:contraband:jumpstart:temptress:crimson +5538 maroon rgb 66 3 3 hex #420303 hsv 0 95 26 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 11 29 16 lch 11 33 28 cmyk 0 25 25 74 burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](0.0):deep_brown[2965][65,2,0](1.0):beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](1.7):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](2.4):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](2.4) 7 deep:burnt:35:36:beer:bulgarian:maroon:srm:brown:rose +5539 maroon rgb 101 0 33 hex #650021 hsv 340 100 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.02 lab 20 42 11 lch 20 43 15 cmyk 0 40 27 60 burgundy[1908][97,0,35](2.4):bordeaux[1658][92,1,32](4.7):red_letter[7125][117,22,49](5.4):deep_raspberry[3039][89,0,33](5.8):madam_m[5424][97,12,29](5.8) 2 deep:bordeaux:burgundy:letter:m:madam:raspberry:red +5540 maroon rgb 128 0 0 hex #800000 hsv 360 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.05 0 lab 26 48 38 lch 26 61 38 cmyk 0 50 50 50 web_maroon[9037][128,0,0](0.0):dark_red[2855][132,0,0](1.4):deep_maroon[3015][130,0,0](1.4):deep_red[3040][133,1,1](1.7):indian_red[4631][133,14,4](2.4) 9 deep:dark:indian:maroon:web:red +5541 maroon rgb 139 28 98 hex #8B1C62 hsv 322 80 55 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.12 lab 32 51 -13 lch 32 53 345 cmyk 0 44 16 45 PMS2425[208][135,0,91](5.1):cardinal[2080][140,5,94](5.1):cardinal_pink[2082][140,5,94](5.1):french_plum[3757][129,20,83](5.4):smooch[7799][126,32,86](7.0) 0 PMS2425:cardinal:french:plum:smooch:pink +5542 maroon rgb 142 35 107 hex #8E236B hsv 320 75 56 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.15 lab 34 51 -16 lch 34 54 342 cmyk 0 42 14 44 PMS512[628][132,33,107](4.9):cardinal[2080][140,5,94](6.6):cardinal_pink[2082][140,5,94](6.6):PMS2425[208][135,0,91](6.7):carnival[2107][126,42,101](8.2) 1 PMS2425:PMS512:cardinal:carnival:pink +5543 maroon rgb 176 36 124 hex #B0247C hsv 322 80 69 xyz 0.22 0.12 0.2 lab 41 62 -16 lch 41 63 346 cmyk 0 55 20 31 medium_red_violet[5635][187,51,133](4.2):fandango[3555][181,51,137](4.7):PMS241[205][173,0,117](5.0):flirt[3692][162,0,109](5.2):red_violet[7145][158,1,104](6.7) 3 medium:PMS241:fandango:flirt:red:violet +5544 maroon rgb 176 48 96 hex #B03060 hsv 338 73 69 xyz 0.21 0.12 0.12 lab 42 55 2 lch 42 55 3 cmyk 0 50 31 31 rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](0.0):cranberry[2577][180,56,100](2.4):pink_panther[6685][180,56,100](2.4):filmpro_magenta[3614][170,48,93](2.8):cranberry[2578][182,49,108](5.5) 4 cranberry:filmpro:magenta:maroon:panther:rich:pink +5545 maroon rgb 195 33 72 hex #C32148 hsv 346 83 76 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.07 lab 43 63 20 lch 43 66 18 cmyk 0 64 48 24 bright_maroon[1737][195,33,72](0.0):maroon_flush[5550][195,33,72](0.0):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](4.1):dingy_dungeon[3132][197,49,81](5.4):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](5.8) 3 bright:dingy:dungeon:flush:french:knock:maroon:out:raspberry +5546 maroon rgb 200 56 90 hex #C8385A hsv 346 72 78 xyz 0.27 0.16 0.11 lab 47 58 14 lch 47 60 14 cmyk 0 56 43 22 dingy_dungeon[3132][197,49,81](3.7):brick_red[1711][203,65,84](6.4):miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](6.4):jazzberry_jam[4753][198,48,97](6.8):dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](7.3) 1 dark:brick:dingy:dungeon:hussy:jam:jazzberry:miss:pink:red +5547 maroon rgb 205 41 144 hex #CD2990 hsv 322 80 80 xyz 0.31 0.17 0.28 lab 48 70 -17 lch 48 72 346 cmyk 0 64 24 20 violet_red[8868][208,32,144](2.0):royal_fuchsia[7352][202,44,146](2.8):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](3.7):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](3.7):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](3.7) 8 medium:fuchsia:royal:red:violet +5548 maroon rgb 238 48 167 hex #EE30A7 hsv 322 80 93 xyz 0.43 0.23 0.39 lab 55 78 -19 lch 55 80 346 cmyk 0 75 28 7 frostbite[3779][233,54,167](3.2):PMS239[200][224,33,158](4.2):PMS813[936][229,0,153](5.1):PMS232[190][244,63,165](6.6):PMS2385[199][219,40,165](7.1) 2 PMS232:PMS2385:PMS239:PMS813:frostbite +5549 maroon rgb 255 52 179 hex #FF34B3 hsv 322 80 100 xyz 0.51 0.27 0.45 lab 59 82 -20 lch 59 85 346 cmyk 0 80 30 0 spicy_pink[7898][255,28,174](4.5):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](6.6):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](6.6):persian_rose[6613][254,40,162](7.3):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](7.7) 1 cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:persian:shocking:spicy:pink:rose +5550 maroon_flush rgb 195 33 72 hex #C32148 hsv 346 83 76 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.07 lab 43 63 20 lch 43 66 18 cmyk 0 64 48 24 bright_maroon[1737][195,33,72](0.0):maroon[5545][195,33,72](0.0):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](4.1):dingy_dungeon[3132][197,49,81](5.4):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](5.8) 3 bright:dingy:dungeon:french:knock:maroon:out:raspberry +5551 maroon_oak rgb 82 12 23 hex #520C17 hsv 351 85 32 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 16 32 13 lch 16 35 22 cmyk 0 27 23 68 persian_red[6611][82,12,23](0.0):cab_sav[1967][77,10,24](3.3):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](4.1):heath[4451][84,16,18](5.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](5.4) 3 dark:bulgarian:cab:heath:persian:sav:scarlet:red:rose +5552 mars_orange rgb 150 69 20 hex #964514 hsv 23 87 59 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.02 lab 39 31 43 lch 39 53 54 cmyk 0 32 51 41 PMS470[571][155,79,25](4.4):vindaloo[8843][167,79,32](5.4):chocolate[2305][139,69,19](5.7):saddle_brown[7400][139,69,19](5.7):PMS1535[74][140,68,0](6.0) 1 PMS1535:PMS470:chocolate:saddle:vindaloo:brown +5553 mars_yellow rgb 227 112 26 hex #E3701A hsv 26 89 89 xyz 0.38 0.28 0.04 lab 60 40 62 lch 60 74 57 cmyk 0 45 79 11 chocolate[2308][238,118,33](3.7):tango[8244][237,122,28](4.4):vivid_tangelo[8954][240,116,39](4.4):PMS158[83][232,117,17](4.6):christine[2319][231,115,10](5.1) 4 vivid:PMS158:chocolate:christine:tangelo:tango +5554 marsh_green rgb 139 165 143 hex #8BA58F hsv 129 16 65 xyz 0.29 0.34 0.31 lab 65 -13 8 lch 65 16 148 cmyk 10 0 9 35 envy[3498][139,165,143](0.0):envy[3499][139,166,144](1.4):mantle[5514][150,167,147](3.6):PMS624[803][127,160,140](3.7):spanish_green[7874][129,152,133](4.2) 6 PMS624:envy:mantle:spanish:green +5555 marshland rgb 11 15 8 hex #0B0F08 hsv 94 47 6 xyz 0 0 0 lab 4 -2 2 lch 4 3 133 cmyk 2 0 3 94 gordons_green[3948][11,17,7](2.8):grey[4103][13,13,13](2.8):grey[4104][15,15,15](2.8):onyx[6184][15,15,15](2.8):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](3.0) 25 cod:gordons:onyx:green:grey +5556 marshland rgb 43 46 38 hex #2B2E26 hsv 83 17 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -3 5 lch 18 6 124 cmyk 1 0 3 82 rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](0.0):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](1.4):karaka[4817][45,45,36](1.4):style_pasifika_dark_stone[8076][45,45,36](1.4):eternity[3514][45,47,40](1.7) 32 dark:eternity:karaka:pasifika:rangoon:stone:style:waterloo:green +5557 marshmallow rgb 252 219 210 hex #FCDBD2 hsv 13 17 99 xyz 0.77 0.76 0.72 lab 90 10 9 lch 90 13 41 cmyk 0 13 16 1 pippin[6713][252,219,210](0.0):cinderella[2329][251,215,204](1.7):PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.2):coral_candy[2501][255,220,214](2.2):peach_schnapps[6552][255,220,214](2.2) 17 PMS705:candy:cinderella:coral:pippin:schnapps:peach +5558 martini rgb 175 160 158 hex #AFA09E hsv 7 10 69 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.38 lab 67 5 3 lch 67 6 31 cmyk 0 6 7 31 double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](1.4):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](1.4):nobel[6063][169,157,157](1.7):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](2.4):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.4) 21 buffalo:double:dusty:eighth:milestone:nobel:reddish:grey +5559 martini rgb 183 168 163 hex #B7A8A3 hsv 15 11 72 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.4 lab 70 5 5 lch 70 6 45 cmyk 0 6 8 28 pristine_lavender[6818][178,164,155](2.4):PMS436[520][188,165,158](2.8):fantail[3557][186,174,169](3.0):PMS207[165][186,170,158](3.3):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](3.3) 21 PMS207:PMS436:double:fantail:milestone:pristine:lavender +5560 martinique rgb 54 48 80 hex #363050 hsv 251 40 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 22 11 -19 lch 22 22 301 cmyk 10 13 0 69 wicked[9101][54,47,80](1.0):midnight_blue[5721][47,47,79](2.4):lucky_point[5355][41,45,79](3.5):cherry_pie[2264][55,45,82](3.7):filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](3.7) 9 cherry:filmpro:lucky:midnight:pie:point:wicked:blue:purple +5561 martinique rgb 60 55 72 hex #3C3748 hsv 258 24 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.07 lab 24 6 -10 lch 24 12 303 cmyk 5 7 0 72 grape[3976][65,61,75](3.7):tuna[8563][53,53,66](3.7):catwalk[2140][61,62,76](4.4):warlord[8995][69,64,79](4.5):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](4.6) 5 catwalk:grape:ship:tuna:warlord:grey +5562 marzipan rgb 235 200 129 hex #EBC881 hsv 40 45 92 xyz 0.59 0.61 0.29 lab 82 3 40 lch 82 40 85 cmyk 0 14 42 8 cherokee[2258][245,205,130](3.5):pencarrow[6579][227,191,126](3.7):chalky[2199][223,194,129](4.6):PMS1355[46][252,206,135](5.1):putty[6911][231,205,140](5.1) 3 PMS1355:chalky:cherokee:pencarrow:putty +5563 marzipan rgb 248 219 157 hex #F8DB9D hsv 41 37 97 xyz 0.7 0.73 0.42 lab 88 1 34 lch 88 34 88 cmyk 0 11 36 3 melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](2.2):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](2.4):new_orleans[6041][243,214,157](2.4):splash[7905][241,215,158](3.2):very_light_gamboge[8761][255,219,158](3.3) 11 light:very:cape:gamboge:honey:melting:moment:new:orleans:splash +5564 masala rgb 64 59 56 hex #403B38 hsv 23 13 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 25 2 3 lch 25 3 60 cmyk 0 2 3 75 kina_brown[4862][67,61,56](1.4):merlin[5681][65,60,55](1.7):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](1.7):kilamanjaro[4857][58,53,50](2.0):eclipse[3354][63,57,57](2.2) 63 ash:eclipse:kilamanjaro:kina:merlin:smokey:brown +5565 masala rgb 87 83 75 hex #57534B hsv 40 14 34 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.08 lab 35 0 5 lch 35 5 90 cmyk 0 2 5 66 fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](1.4):oilskin[6122][85,83,73](1.4):touchstone[8442][82,79,70](1.7):blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](2.0):electric[3436][85,83,79](2.0) 43 blast:electric:fuscous:oilskin:touchstone:grey +5566 mash rgb 64 41 29 hex #40291D hsv 21 55 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 9 12 lch 19 15 53 cmyk 0 9 14 75 cork[2515][64,41,29](0.0):morocco_brown[5901][68,45,33](2.0):bootleg[1656][60,36,27](2.4):brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](2.4):chocolate_brownie[2311][60,36,27](2.4) 20 bootleg:brownie:chocolate:cork:morocco:pod:brown +5567 mash rgb 90 76 66 hex #5A4C42 hsv 25 27 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.06 lab 33 4 8 lch 33 9 63 cmyk 0 5 9 65 cork[2516][90,76,66](0.0):rock[7257][90,77,65](1.7):saddle[7397][93,78,70](1.7):rambler[7057][83,71,61](2.2):dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](2.4) 24 dark:cork:grayish:rambler:rock:saddle:brown +5568 masquerade rgb 114 133 188 hex #7285BC hsv 225 39 74 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.51 lab 56 7 -31 lch 56 32 283 cmyk 29 22 0 26 PMS659[838][127,140,191](4.4):ship_cove[7661][120,139,186](4.9):glaucous[3873][96,130,182](5.4):wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](5.5):PMS279[300][102,137,204](7.1) 2 PMS279:PMS659:cove:glaucous:ship:wild:yonder:blue +5569 matai rgb 118 76 44 hex #764C2C hsv 26 63 46 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.04 lab 36 14 26 lch 36 30 61 cmyk 0 16 29 54 momentum[5861][120,78,44](1.4):walnut[8988][121,77,46](1.4):oak[6087][120,81,45](3.0):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](3.0):old_copper[6127][114,74,47](3.2) 16 bean:copper:momentum:oak:old:pickled:walnut +5570 matakana rgb 104 93 99 hex #685D63 hsv 327 11 41 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.13 lab 41 6 -2 lch 41 6 342 cmyk 0 4 2 59 salt_box[7439][105,98,104](2.2):scorpion[7538][105,95,98](2.2):half_sidewinder[4383][111,103,108](3.6):scorpion[7539][106,100,102](4.1):eighth_barista[3387][116,100,102](4.4) 7 barista:box:eighth:half:salt:scorpion:sidewinder +5571 matchmaker rgb 109 53 64 hex #6D3540 hsv 348 51 43 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.06 lab 30 26 5 lch 30 27 10 cmyk 0 22 18 57 catawba[2135][112,54,66](1.4):ribbon[7202][113,51,60](3.6):purple_brown[6872][103,58,63](5.1):merlot[5684][115,52,58](5.4):brownish_purple[1868][118,66,78](5.7) 2 brownish:catawba:merlot:ribbon:brown:purple +5572 matchstick rgb 195 179 141 hex #C3B38D hsv 42 28 76 xyz 0.43 0.46 0.32 lab 73 0 22 lch 73 22 91 cmyk 0 6 21 24 putty[6909][190,174,138](1.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](3.2):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](3.2):wheat[9064][205,186,150](3.3):aquashield_canterbury_clay[1129][198,174,131](3.7) 20 65:aquashield:canterbury:clay:lmu:pavlova:putty:toast:wheat +5573 material_girl rgb 232 85 96 hex #E85560 hsv 356 63 91 xyz 0.39 0.25 0.14 lab 57 58 25 lch 57 63 23 cmyk 0 58 53 9 brilliant_amaranth[1760][231,81,100](4.2):mandy[5499][226,84,101](5.5):carnation[2101][249,90,97](5.8):indian_red[4636][238,99,99](5.8):indianred[4643][238,99,99](5.8) 1 brilliant:amaranth:carnation:indian:indianred:mandy:red +5574 matisse rgb 27 101 157 hex #1B659D hsv 206 83 62 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.34 lab 41 -1 -37 lch 41 37 268 cmyk 51 22 0 38 medium_persian_blue[5623][0,103,165](3.2):sapphire_blue[7497][0,103,165](3.2):lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](3.3):strong_cornflower_blue[8028][0,105,168](4.5):bahama_blue[1255][2,99,149](5.1) 4 medium:strong:bahama:cornflower:lapis:lazuli:persian:sapphire:blue +5575 matisse rgb 54 92 125 hex #365C7D hsv 208 57 49 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.21 lab 38 -3 -23 lch 38 23 262 cmyk 28 13 0 51 spray_drift[7914][45,88,119](3.0):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](3.2):bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](3.7):steel_blue[7963][54,100,139](4.2):ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](4.7) 5 bahama:drift:spray:steel:ugly:venice:blue +5576 matrix rgb 142 77 69 hex #8E4D45 hsv 7 51 56 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.07 lab 40 26 17 lch 40 31 33 cmyk 0 25 29 44 el_salva[3435][143,78,69](1.0):ironstone[4684][134,72,60](3.0):copper_rust[2486][149,82,76](3.3):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](3.7):lotus[5345][139,80,75](3.7) 7 copper:el:fire:ironstone:lotus:rust:salva +5577 matrix rgb 176 93 84 hex #B05D54 hsv 6 52 69 xyz 0.23 0.18 0.11 lab 49 33 20 lch 49 39 32 cmyk 0 33 36 31 giant's_club[3853][176,92,82](1.0):moderate_scarlet[5847][168,85,74](3.6):apple_blossom[1082][169,82,73](4.1):crail[2574][166,86,72](4.7):redwood[7163][164,90,82](4.9) 5 moderate:apple:blossom:club:crail:giant's:redwood:scarlet +5578 matterhorn rgb 78 59 65 hex #4E3B41 hsv 341 24 31 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.06 lab 27 9 0 lch 27 9 357 cmyk 0 7 5 69 dark_puce[2848][79,58,60](2.2):light_year[5232][70,60,66](3.6):satellite[7503][85,66,68](3.6):afficionado[970][69,54,56](3.7):half_barista[4290][81,63,63](3.7) 13 light:dark:afficionado:barista:half:puce:satellite:year +5579 matterhorn rgb 82 75 75 hex #524B4B hsv 0 9 32 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 33 3 1 lch 33 3 20 cmyk 0 3 3 68 emperor[3475][80,73,74](1.4):sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](1.7):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.2):liver[5307][83,75,79](2.2):mortar[5903][86,80,81](2.2) 50 dark:emperor:liver:mortar:sidewinder +5580 mauve rgb 174 113 129 hex #AE7181 hsv 344 35 68 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.24 lab 54 26 1 lch 54 26 3 cmyk 0 24 18 32 tapestry[8250][179,112,132](3.3):turkish_rose[8570][181,114,129](3.5):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](5.1):turkish_rose[8569][165,110,117](5.4):rose_dust[7303][158,94,111](6.4) 2 dust:minnelli:tapestry:turkish:rose +5581 mauve rgb 224 176 255 hex #E0B0FF hsv 276 31 100 xyz 0.64 0.54 1.02 lab 79 32 -32 lch 79 45 314 cmyk 12 31 0 0 light_violet[5229][214,180,252](6.2):pale_violet[6447][206,174,250](6.8):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](7.2):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](7.2):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](7.3) 0 pale:light:brilliant:bright:electric:ube:lavender:violet +5582 mauve_taupe rgb 145 95 109 hex #915F6D hsv 343 34 57 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.16 lab 46 22 0 lch 46 22 1 cmyk 0 20 14 43 raspberry_glace[7072][145,95,109](0.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](4.1):renaissance[7181][136,90,100](4.1):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](4.9):light_pink[5169][139,95,101](5.1) 4 light:PMS5205:glace:raspberry:renaissance:pink +5583 mauvelous rgb 239 152 170 hex #EF98AA hsv 348 36 94 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.44 lab 72 35 4 lch 72 35 7 cmyk 0 34 27 6 wewak[9060][241,155,171](1.7):illusion[4611][239,149,174](3.7):pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](4.1):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](4.5):PMS197[155][239,153,163](4.5) 5 PMS1905:PMS197:illusion:pig:wewak:pink +5584 mauvelous rgb 240 145 169 hex #F091A9 hsv 345 40 94 xyz 0.53 0.42 0.43 lab 71 39 3 lch 71 39 4 cmyk 0 37 28 6 vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](2.0):illusion[4611][239,149,174](2.8):pig_pink[6646][231,142,165](3.0):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](3.2):light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](3.2) 9 light:PMS1905:ice:illusion:pig:vanilla:crimson:pink +5585 maverick rgb 200 177 192 hex #C8B1C0 hsv 321 12 78 xyz 0.49 0.48 0.56 lab 75 11 -5 lch 75 12 337 cmyk 0 9 3 22 PMS665[844][198,181,196](2.0):alluring[1007][196,171,185](3.2):PMS523[650][211,183,204](4.1):lily[5262][200,170,191](4.1):thistle[8326][205,181,205](4.6) 5 PMS523:PMS665:alluring:lily:thistle +5586 maverick rgb 216 194 213 hex #D8C2D5 hsv 308 10 85 xyz 0.6 0.58 0.71 lab 81 11 -7 lch 81 13 329 cmyk 0 9 1 15 thistle[8327][216,191,216](3.0):PMS531[666][229,198,219](3.7):languid_lavender[4910][214,202,221](3.7):twilight[8612][218,192,205](4.1):PMS263[251][224,206,224](4.5) 9 PMS263:PMS531:languid:thistle:twilight:lavender +5587 maxwell_smart rgb 42 37 37 hex #2A2525 hsv 360 12 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 2 1 lch 15 2 20 cmyk 0 2 2 84 bokara_grey[1633][42,39,37](1.7):ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](2.0):cosmonaut[2548][38,33,31](2.2):grey[4113][38,38,38](2.2):nero[6027][37,37,37](2.2) 34 bokara:cosmonaut:ivory:nero:black:grey +5588 may_green rgb 76 145 65 hex #4C9141 hsv 112 55 57 xyz 0.14 0.22 0.09 lab 54 -38 35 lch 54 52 137 cmyk 27 0 31 43 cobalt_green[2400][61,145,64](5.0):fern_green[3583][84,141,68](5.5):kermit[4837][54,129,54](6.4):muted_green[5959][95,160,82](6.4):PMS363[437][61,142,51](7.3) 1 PMS363:cobalt:fern:kermit:muted:green +5589 maya_blue rgb 115 194 251 hex #73C2FB hsv 205 54 98 xyz 0.44 0.49 0.98 lab 76 -9 -36 lch 76 37 256 cmyk 53 22 0 2 light_brilliant_cornflower_blue[5037][101,197,255](3.2):sky[7739][130,202,252](4.5):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](4.9):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](6.2):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](6.4) 3 light:brilliant:very:cornflower:sky:azure:blue +5590 mayhem rgb 77 27 37 hex #4D1B25 hsv 348 65 30 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.02 lab 18 25 5 lch 18 25 12 cmyk 0 20 16 70 bordeaux[1657][76,28,36](1.4):PMS504[619][81,30,38](2.2):persian_red[6610][79,33,42](3.0):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](4.1):zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](4.2) 7 PMS504:baron:bordeaux:persian:zibibbo:red +5591 mckenzie rgb 140 99 56 hex #8C6338 hsv 31 60 55 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.06 lab 45 12 31 lch 45 33 69 cmyk 0 16 33 45 bullion[1899][149,106,62](3.0):triumph[8531][137,96,58](3.2):brown_sugar[1857][142,101,64](4.1):natural[5985][136,89,49](4.2):dark_buff[2697][151,102,56](4.7) 5 dark:buff:bullion:natural:sugar:triumph:brown +5592 mckenzie rgb 175 135 81 hex #AF8751 hsv 34 54 69 xyz 0.28 0.27 0.12 lab 59 9 35 lch 59 36 76 cmyk 0 16 37 31 driftwood[3272][175,135,81](0.0):muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](1.7):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](2.2):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.0):teak[8279][171,137,83](3.2) 12 55:buff:driftwood:lmu:muddy:teak:toast:waters +5593 meat_brown rgb 229 183 59 hex #E5B73B hsv 44 74 90 xyz 0.5 0.51 0.11 lab 77 5 66 lch 77 66 86 cmyk 0 18 67 10 sundial[8126][221,177,44](3.7):PMS142[58][242,191,73](4.1):tulip_tree[8558][234,179,59](4.2):charger[2227][249,194,78](5.4):corn[2518][223,170,40](5.4) 3 PMS142:charger:corn:sundial:tree:tulip +5594 mediterranean_olive rgb 53 63 42 hex #353F2A hsv 89 33 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 25 -9 12 lch 25 14 127 cmyk 4 0 8 75 olive_green[6162][53,63,42](0.0):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](1.4):green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](3.2):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](3.2):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.2) 10 kelp:kombu:mallard:olive:seaweed:green +5595 medium_aquamarine rgb 50 205 153 hex #32CD99 hsv 160 76 80 xyz 0.29 0.47 0.38 lab 74 -52 15 lch 74 54 164 cmyk 61 0 20 20 shamrock[7639][51,204,153](1.4):caribbean_green[2087][0,204,153](2.4):PMS3395[409][0,201,147](3.6):caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](4.1):greenblue[4075][35,196,139](4.4) 5 PMS3395:caribbean:greenblue:shamrock:green +5596 medium_aquamarine rgb 102 205 170 hex #66CDAA hsv 160 50 80 xyz 0.35 0.49 0.46 lab 76 -38 8 lch 76 39 168 cmyk 40 0 14 20 aquamarine[1117][102,205,170](0.0):aquamarine_medium[1123][102,205,170](0.0):PMS338[406][122,209,181](5.7):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](6.2):PMS333[400][94,221,193](8.1) 2 medium:PMS333:PMS338:seafoam:aquamarine:blue +5597 medium_aquamarine rgb 102 221 170 hex #66DDAA hsv 154 54 87 xyz 0.39 0.57 0.47 lab 80 -45 15 lch 80 48 162 cmyk 47 0 20 13 PMS3385[407][84,216,168](3.5):eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](6.2):shamrock[7640][69,206,162](6.7):PMS346[420][112,206,155](7.5):PMS353[427][132,226,168](7.7) 1 PMS3385:PMS346:PMS353:eucalyptus:shamrock +5598 medium_blue rgb 0 0 205 hex #0000CD hsv 240 100 80 xyz 0.11 0.04 0.58 lab 25 67 -92 lch 25 114 306 cmyk 80 80 0 20 blue[1528][0,0,205](0.0):blue_medium[1580][0,0,205](0.0):dark_blue[2685][0,0,200](2.4):true_blue[8544][1,15,204](4.4):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](5.2) 4 medium:dark:true:ultramarine:blue +5599 medium_blue rgb 44 111 187 hex #2C6FBB hsv 212 76 73 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.49 lab 46 6 -46 lch 46 46 277 cmyk 56 30 0 27 mid_blue[5705][39,106,179](2.4):PMS285[306][58,117,196](3.3):french_blue[3744][0,114,187](5.0):skydiver[7752][70,119,200](5.1):spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](5.1) 3 PMS285:french:mid:skydiver:spanish:blue +5600 medium_blue rgb 50 50 205 hex #3232CD hsv 240 76 80 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.58 lab 33 51 -79 lch 33 94 303 cmyk 61 61 0 20 palatinate_blue[6301][39,59,226](6.8):blurple[1624][85,57,204](7.6):blue[1535][3,67,223](7.8):blue_purple[1583][87,41,206](8.3):indigo_blue[4650][58,24,177](10.0) 0 blurple:palatinate:blue:indigo:purple +5601 medium_brown rgb 127 81 18 hex #7F5112 hsv 35 86 50 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.02 lab 39 14 42 lch 39 44 71 cmyk 0 18 43 50 grizzly[4235][136,88,24](3.2):afghan_tan[971][134,86,10](4.5):natural[5984][134,86,10](4.5):rusty_nail[7388][134,86,10](4.5):antique_brass[1060][112,74,7](5.1) 4 antique:afghan:brass:grizzly:nail:natural:rusty:tan +5602 medium_candy_apple_red rgb 226 6 44 hex #E2062C hsv 350 97 89 xyz 0.32 0.16 0.04 lab 48 73 44 lch 48 85 31 cmyk 0 86 71 11 PMS185[136][232,17,45](1.7):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](2.0):spanish_red[7878][230,0,38](4.5):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](4.9):red[7106][237,41,57](4.9) 5 PMS185:geranium:imperial:lake:spanish:red +5603 medium_carmine rgb 175 64 53 hex #AF4035 hsv 5 70 69 xyz 0.2 0.13 0.05 lab 43 45 31 lch 43 54 34 cmyk 0 44 48 31 pale_carmine[6319][175,64,53](0.0):sweet_brown[8178][168,55,49](3.7):kamikaze[4812][164,63,48](4.5):flair[3652][185,75,66](5.1):kachow[4805][162,58,52](5.4) 3 pale:carmine:flair:kachow:kamikaze:sweet:brown +5604 medium_champagne rgb 243 229 171 hex #F3E5AB hsv 48 30 95 xyz 0.72 0.78 0.5 lab 91 -4 30 lch 91 30 97 cmyk 0 5 28 5 vanilla[8678][243,229,171](0.0):PMS1205[22][247,232,170](2.2):double_colonial_white[3192][238,227,173](2.2):PMS461[553][237,229,173](3.0):PMS608[787][239,232,173](3.0) 17 PMS1205:PMS461:PMS608:colonial:double:vanilla:white +5605 medium_electric_blue rgb 3 80 150 hex #035096 hsv 209 98 59 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.3 lab 34 8 -44 lch 34 45 280 cmyk 58 27 0 41 yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](1.7):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](2.2):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](3.7):bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](3.7):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](3.7) 8 PMS2945:bondi:congress:usafa:yale:blue +5606 medium_forest_green rgb 107 142 35 hex #6B8E23 hsv 80 75 56 xyz 0.16 0.23 0.05 lab 55 -28 50 lch 55 57 120 cmyk 14 0 42 44 olive_drab[6156][107,142,35](0.0):olivedrab[6171][107,142,35](0.0):olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](1.4):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](1.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](4.1) 5 drab:mossy:olive:olivedrab:green +5607 medium_goldenrod rgb 139 101 8 hex #8B6508 hsv 43 94 55 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.02 lab 45 8 51 lch 45 51 81 cmyk 0 15 51 45 dark_goldenrod[2729][139,101,8](0.0):poo_brown[6768][136,95,1](2.8):poop[6769][127,94,0](3.7):goldenrod[3930][139,105,20](4.1):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](4.1) 8 dark:goldenrod:muddy:poo:poop:brown +5608 medium_goldenrod rgb 184 134 11 hex #B8860B hsv 43 94 72 xyz 0.28 0.27 0.04 lab 59 10 63 lch 59 64 81 cmyk 0 20 68 28 dark_goldenrod[2730][184,134,11](0.0):goldenrod_dark[3939][184,134,11](0.0):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](2.4):mustard_brown[5955][172,126,4](3.7):pirate_gold[6717][186,127,3](5.1) 4 dark:gold:goldenrod:hot:mustard:pirate:toddy:brown +5609 medium_goldenrod rgb 205 149 12 hex #CD950C hsv 43 94 80 xyz 0.36 0.35 0.05 lab 65 11 68 lch 65 69 81 cmyk 0 22 76 20 dark_goldenrod[2731][205,149,12](0.0):pizza[6731][201,148,21](2.2):PMS131[40][198,147,10](2.4):vivid_amber[8891][204,153,0](3.7):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](4.1) 7 dark:vivid:PMS131:amber:goldenrod:pizza +5610 medium_goldenrod rgb 234 234 174 hex #EAEAAE hsv 60 26 92 xyz 0.71 0.79 0.52 lab 91 -9 29 lch 91 31 108 cmyk 0 0 24 8 PMS608[787][239,232,173](2.2):goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](2.8):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](2.8):old_medium_goldenrod[6140][238,238,174](3.0):old_medium_goldenrod[6141][238,238,175](3.0) 10 pale:medium:PMS608:goldenrod:old +5611 medium_goldenrod rgb 238 173 14 hex #EEAD0E hsv 43 94 93 xyz 0.5 0.48 0.07 lab 75 13 76 lch 75 77 81 cmyk 0 25 88 7 dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](0.0):buttercup[1951][243,173,22](2.0):squash[7942][242,171,21](2.2):PMS130[38][234,175,15](3.0):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](3.0) 12 dark:05:PMS130:beer:buttercup:goldenrod:squash:srm +5612 medium_goldenrod rgb 255 185 15 hex #FFB90F hsv 43 94 100 xyz 0.59 0.56 0.08 lab 80 14 80 lch 80 82 80 cmyk 0 27 94 0 dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](0.0):orangey_yellow[6229][253,185,21](1.7):PMS1235[28][252,181,20](2.2):selective_yellow[7604][255,186,0](2.2):PMS810_2X[931][255,188,33](2.8) 13 dark:2X:PMS1235:PMS810:goldenrod:orangey:selective:yellow +5613 medium_green rgb 57 173 72 hex #39AD48 hsv 128 67 68 xyz 0.18 0.31 0.11 lab 63 -53 42 lch 63 68 142 cmyk 45 0 40 32 moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](6.4):strong_sea_green[8058][0,168,63](6.8):PMS362[436][51,158,53](7.0):green[4025][0,173,67](7.1):apple[1079][79,168,61](7.3) 0 moderate:strong:PMS362:apple:sea:green +5614 medium_grey rgb 125 127 124 hex #7D7F7C hsv 100 2 50 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.22 lab 53 -1 1 lch 53 2 135 cmyk 1 0 1 50 meridian[5678][124,126,126](1.0):silver_lining[7714][127,127,125](1.0):concord[2448][124,123,122](1.4):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.4):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](1.4) 57 concord:industrial:lining:meridian:silver:grey +5615 medium_jungle_green rgb 28 53 45 hex #1C352D hsv 161 47 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -12 2 lch 20 12 170 cmyk 10 0 3 79 timber_green[8361][22,50,44](1.4):PMS5467[691][25,56,51](2.4):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](3.2):ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](3.2):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](3.3) 12 PMS5467:cardin:gable:ivy:timber:green +5616 medium_lavender_magenta rgb 221 160 221 hex #DDA0DD hsv 300 28 87 xyz 0.55 0.46 0.74 lab 73 33 -22 lch 73 39 326 cmyk 0 24 0 13 pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](0.0):plum[6746][221,160,221](0.0):PMS251[217][226,158,214](4.1):light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](5.1):plum[6747][234,173,234](5.1) 3 pale:light:PMS251:orchid:plum +5617 medium_orchid rgb 122 55 139 hex #7A378B hsv 288 60 55 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.25 lab 35 43 -34 lch 35 55 321 cmyk 7 33 0 45 vivid_violet[8961][128,55,144](3.5):eminence[3473][108,48,130](4.4):PMS526[656][104,33,122](7.5):PMS2612[244][112,30,114](8.6):midnight[5715][112,38,112](9.2) 2 vivid:PMS2612:PMS526:eminence:midnight:violet +5618 medium_orchid rgb 147 112 219 hex #9370DB hsv 260 49 86 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.7 lab 55 37 -50 lch 55 62 306 cmyk 28 42 0 14 medium_purple[5631][147,112,219](0.0):purple_medium[6877][147,112,219](0.0):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](2.0):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](4.9):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](6.2) 4 medium:dark:amethyst:pastel:purple +5619 medium_orchid rgb 180 82 205 hex #B452CD hsv 288 60 80 xyz 0.33 0.2 0.6 lab 52 58 -47 lch 52 74 321 cmyk 10 48 0 20 orchid_medium[6243][186,85,211](2.2):PMS2582[231][170,71,186](5.7):rich_lilac[7220][182,102,210](9.8):purply[6903][152,63,178](10.0):deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](10.2) 1 deep:medium:PMS2582:fuchsia:lilac:orchid:purply:rich +5620 medium_orchid rgb 186 85 211 hex #BA55D3 hsv 288 60 83 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.64 lab 54 59 -47 lch 54 76 321 cmyk 10 49 0 17 orchid_medium[6243][186,85,211](0.0):PMS2582[231][170,71,186](7.5):deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](10.0):fuchsia[3790][193,84,193](10.0):fuchsia_pink[3795][193,84,193](10.0) 1 deep:medium:PMS2582:fuchsia:orchid:pink +5621 medium_orchid rgb 209 95 238 hex #D15FEE hsv 288 60 93 xyz 0.46 0.28 0.84 lab 60 65 -53 lch 60 84 321 cmyk 11 56 0 7 brilliant_mulberry[1788][194,81,231](6.2):light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](6.2):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](6.4):heliotrope[4462][223,115,255](6.4):bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](8.1) 0 light:brilliant:bright:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry +5622 medium_orchid rgb 224 102 255 hex #E066FF hsv 288 60 100 xyz 0.54 0.33 0.98 lab 64 69 -56 lch 64 89 321 cmyk 12 60 0 0 light_brilliant_mulberry[5051][216,101,255](3.0):light_brilliant_heliotrope[5046][236,101,255](4.4):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](7.5):heliotrope[4462][223,115,255](7.5):bright_lilac[1732][201,94,251](7.7) 2 light:brilliant:bright:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry +5623 medium_persian_blue rgb 0 103 165 hex #0067A5 hsv 203 100 65 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.37 lab 42 -1 -40 lch 42 40 268 cmyk 65 24 0 35 sapphire_blue[7497][0,103,165](0.0):strong_cornflower_blue[8028][0,105,168](1.4):matisse[5574][27,101,157](3.2):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](3.7):lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](4.1) 5 strong:cornflower:honolulu:lapis:lazuli:matisse:sapphire:blue +5624 medium_pink rgb 139 68 98 hex #8B4462 hsv 335 51 55 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.13 lab 39 34 -4 lch 39 34 354 cmyk 0 28 16 45 cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](3.2):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](3.3):twilight_lavender[8617][138,73,107](3.7):PMS689[868][147,66,102](4.2):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.5) 7 deep:PMS689:cannon:highlight:ruby:twilight:lavender:pink +5625 medium_pink rgb 205 100 144 hex #CD6490 hsv 335 51 80 xyz 0.35 0.24 0.29 lab 56 46 -5 lch 56 47 354 cmyk 0 41 24 20 hot_pink[4562][205,96,144](2.4):hopbush[4541][205,109,147](4.6):hopskotch[4543][205,109,147](4.6):PMS674[853][211,107,158](5.1):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](5.7) 3 PMS674:hopbush:hopskotch:hot:orchid:wild:pink +5626 medium_pink rgb 238 116 167 hex #EE74A7 hsv 335 51 93 xyz 0.48 0.33 0.4 lab 65 52 -5 lch 65 53 355 cmyk 0 48 28 7 PMS218[176][237,114,170](2.4):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](5.4):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](5.4):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](5.4):hot_pink[4563][238,106,167](6.2) 1 PMS218:china:hot:liseran:thulian:pink:purple +5627 medium_pink rgb 243 97 150 hex #F36196 hsv 338 60 95 xyz 0.47 0.3 0.32 lab 61 61 0 lch 61 61 0 cmyk 0 57 36 5 brilliant_raspberry[1796][231,81,137](4.2):french_pink[3756][253,108,158](4.2):light_brilliant_raspberry[5059][255,101,159](4.4):violet_red[8871][247,83,148](6.2):fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](6.4) 3 light:brilliant:fandango:french:raspberry:pink:red:violet +5628 medium_pink rgb 255 125 179 hex #FF7DB3 hsv 335 51 100 xyz 0.57 0.39 0.47 lab 69 55 -5 lch 69 55 355 cmyk 0 51 30 0 PMS211[169][255,119,168](4.9):PMS218[176][237,114,170](5.7):pale_violet_red[6453][255,130,171](5.9):pink[6670][255,129,192](6.1):hot_pink[4563][238,106,167](7.0) 1 pale:PMS211:PMS218:hot:pink:red:violet +5629 medium_purple rgb 93 71 139 hex #5D478B hsv 259 49 55 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.26 lab 35 25 -35 lch 35 43 306 cmyk 18 27 0 45 fascinator[3560][79,64,129](3.6):gigas[3856][86,71,134](3.7):cyber_grape[2648][88,66,124](5.7):abracadabra[949][86,73,133](5.8):victoria[8834][86,73,133](5.8) 2 abracadabra:cyber:fascinator:gigas:grape:victoria +5630 medium_purple rgb 137 104 205 hex #8968CD hsv 260 49 80 xyz 0.26 0.2 0.6 lab 51 35 -48 lch 51 59 306 cmyk 27 40 0 20 dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](4.5):medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](4.9):purple_medium[6877][147,112,219](4.9):PMS814[938][140,96,193](5.4):blue_marguerite[1579][118,102,198](5.4) 3 medium:dark:PMS814:marguerite:orchid:pastel:blue:purple +5631 medium_purple rgb 147 112 219 hex #9370DB hsv 260 49 86 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.7 lab 55 37 -50 lch 55 62 306 cmyk 28 42 0 14 medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](0.0):purple_medium[6877][147,112,219](0.0):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](2.0):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](6.2):true_v[8547][138,115,214](6.3) 3 medium:dark:amethyst:orchid:pastel:true:v:purple +5632 medium_purple rgb 158 67 162 hex #9E43A2 hsv 297 59 64 xyz 0.23 0.14 0.36 lab 44 51 -34 lch 44 61 326 cmyk 2 37 0 36 ugly_purple[8633][164,66,160](3.0):moderate_magenta[5831][168,74,168](3.2):moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](3.7):PMS2583[232][158,79,165](5.7):purpureus[6906][154,78,174](6.0) 3 moderate:PMS2583:heliotrope:magenta:purpureus:ugly:purple +5633 medium_purple rgb 159 121 238 hex #9F79EE hsv 259 49 93 xyz 0.37 0.27 0.84 lab 59 40 -54 lch 59 67 306 cmyk 31 46 0 7 medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](6.4):purple_medium[6877][147,112,219](6.4):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](7.8):periwinkle[6592][142,130,254](8.8):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](10.8) 0 medium:dark:amethyst:orchid:pastel:periwinkle:purple +5634 medium_purple rgb 171 130 255 hex #AB82FF hsv 260 49 100 xyz 0.43 0.32 0.98 lab 63 42 -57 lch 63 71 306 cmyk 33 49 0 0 periwinkle[6592][142,130,254](8.3):light_purple[5178][191,119,246](9.9):liliac[5260][196,142,253](10.3):light_urple[5226][179,111,246](10.5):medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](11.7) 0 medium:light:liliac:orchid:periwinkle:urple:purple +5635 medium_red_violet rgb 187 51 133 hex #BB3385 hsv 324 73 73 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.24 lab 45 61 -15 lch 45 63 346 cmyk 0 53 21 27 fandango[3555][181,51,137](4.2):maroon[5543][176,36,124](4.2):red_violet[7146][192,68,143](5.7):magenta_pink[5445][204,51,139](6.2):smitten[7785][200,64,134](7.3) 2 fandango:magenta:maroon:smitten:pink:red:violet +5636 medium_ruby rgb 170 64 105 hex #AA4069 hsv 337 62 67 xyz 0.21 0.13 0.15 lab 43 47 -1 lch 43 47 359 cmyk 0 42 25 33 party_dress[6496][174,72,112](2.4):rouge[7337][169,64,100](3.2):irresistible[4686][179,68,108](3.5):raspberry_rose[7074][179,68,108](3.5):royal_heath[7354][181,75,115](4.0) 5 dress:heath:irresistible:party:raspberry:rouge:royal:rose +5637 medium_sea_green rgb 60 179 113 hex #3CB371 hsv 147 66 70 xyz 0.21 0.34 0.21 lab 65 -48 24 lch 65 54 153 cmyk 47 0 26 30 sea_green_medium[7566][60,179,113](0.0):seaweed_green[7595][53,173,107](2.2):jade_green[4717][43,175,106](3.7):bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](5.1):dark_seafoam[2879][31,181,122](5.1) 3 medium:dark:bluey:jade:sea:seafoam:seaweed:green +5638 medium_sea_green rgb 66 111 66 hex #426F42 hsv 120 41 44 xyz 0.09 0.13 0.07 lab 43 -26 20 lch 43 33 142 cmyk 18 0 18 56 killarney[4859][73,118,79](4.7):killarney[4858][58,106,71](5.5):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](6.6):green_house[4045][62,99,52](6.6):goblin[3887][61,125,82](7.1) 1 fields:goblin:house:killarney:green +5639 medium_sky_blue rgb 128 218 235 hex #80DAEB hsv 190 46 92 xyz 0.49 0.61 0.88 lab 82 -23 -17 lch 82 28 217 cmyk 42 7 0 8 sky_blue[7746][128,218,235](0.0):sky_blue[7744][118,215,234](1.7):spray[7912][121,222,236](3.3):PMS310[347][114,209,221](4.1):light_arctic_blue[5005][139,220,231](4.2) 6 light:PMS310:arctic:sky:spray:blue +5640 medium_slate_blue rgb 123 104 238 hex #7B68EE hsv 249 56 93 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.83 lab 52 41 -65 lch 52 77 302 cmyk 45 53 0 7 slate_blue_medium[7765][123,104,238](0.0):slate_blue[7761][122,103,238](1.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](5.8):light_slate[5207][132,112,255](6.0):light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](6.0) 2 slate:medium:light:blue +5641 medium_slate_blue rgb 127 0 255 hex #7F00FF hsv 270 100 100 xyz 0.27 0.12 0.95 lab 41 83 -94 lch 41 125 312 cmyk 50 100 0 0 violet[8852][127,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](1.0):electric_violet[3452][139,0,255](3.3):electric_indigo[3443][111,0,255](3.7):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](4.6) 6 luminous:vivid:electric:indigo:violet +5642 medium_spring_bud rgb 201 220 135 hex #C9DC87 hsv 73 39 86 xyz 0.54 0.65 0.33 lab 85 -20 40 lch 85 44 116 cmyk 7 0 33 14 light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](4.1):PMS372[447][216,237,150](5.1):hypnotic[4592][209,225,130](5.4):PMS366[440][196,229,142](5.5):greenish_beige[4077][201,209,121](5.8) 1 light:PMS366:PMS372:beige:greenish:hypnotic:green:lime +5643 medium_spring_green rgb 0 250 154 hex #00FA9A hsv 157 100 98 xyz 0.4 0.71 0.42 lab 87 -71 32 lch 87 78 155 cmyk 98 0 38 2 spring_green_medium[7926][0,250,154](0.0):luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](2.0):bright_sea_green[1747][5,255,166](3.7):turquoise_green[8587][4,244,137](6.4):sea_green[7562][84,255,159](7.7) 3 luminous:medium:vivid:bright:sea:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +5644 medium_spring_green rgb 127 255 0 hex #7FFF00 hsv 90 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.76 0.12 lab 90 -68 86 lch 90 110 128 cmyk 50 0 100 0 chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_chartreuse_green[5369][128,255,0](0.0):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](1.4):lime_green[5273][137,254,5](3.0):bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](3.2) 6 luminous:vivid:bright:chartreuse:lawn:green:lime +5645 medium_taupe rgb 103 76 71 hex #674C47 hsv 9 31 40 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 35 11 7 lch 35 13 35 cmyk 0 11 13 60 liver[5308][103,76,71](0.0):congo_brown[2458][101,77,73](2.2):rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](2.4):buccaneer[1885][110,81,80](3.0):double_buffalo[3185][100,78,70](3.2) 8 buccaneer:buffalo:congo:double:ebony:liver:brown:rose +5646 medium_teal_blue rgb 0 84 180 hex #0054B4 hsv 212 100 71 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.44 lab 37 17 -57 lch 37 59 287 cmyk 71 38 0 29 PMS2935[318][0,91,191](3.6):tory_blue[8432][20,80,170](4.1):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](5.8):denim[3092][21,96,189](6.2):PMS293[317][0,81,186](6.4) 2 PMS293:PMS2935:denim:sapphire:tory:blue +5647 medium_turquoise rgb 0 227 238 hex #00E3EE hsv 183 100 93 xyz 0.43 0.61 0.9 lab 82 -41 -18 lch 82 45 204 cmyk 93 4 0 7 turquoise[8575][0,229,238](1.7):aqua_blue[1101][2,216,233](5.8):vivid_cyan[8911][0,231,231](6.5):brilliant_cyan[1775][81,231,231](6.6):turquoise[8576][0,245,255](6.7) 1 brilliant:vivid:aqua:cyan:blue:turquoise +5648 medium_turquoise rgb 72 209 204 hex #48D1CC hsv 178 66 82 xyz 0.36 0.51 0.65 lab 77 -37 -8 lch 77 38 193 cmyk 54 0 2 18 turquoise_medium[8589][72,209,204](0.0):PMS325[373][86,201,193](4.1):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](4.6):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](4.9):robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](4.9) 5 medium:PMS325:PMS3252:egg:robin:robin's:blue:turquoise +5649 medium_turquoise rgb 112 219 219 hex #70DBDB hsv 180 49 86 xyz 0.45 0.59 0.76 lab 81 -31 -10 lch 81 32 197 cmyk 42 0 0 14 aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](4.6):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](5.0):turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](6.0):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](6.1):PMS319[363][76,206,209](6.2) 2 PMS3105:PMS319:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +5650 medium_tuscan_red rgb 121 68 59 hex #79443B hsv 9 51 47 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.05 lab 35 22 15 lch 35 27 35 cmyk 0 21 24 53 bole[1634][121,68,59](0.0):crown_of_thorns[2607][118,60,51](3.5):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.5):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.6):red_robin[7138][125,65,56](3.6) 7 bole:copper:crown:intrigue:metallic:of:robin:thorns:red +5651 medium_vermilion rgb 217 96 59 hex #D9603B hsv 14 73 85 xyz 0.34 0.23 0.07 lab 56 45 44 lch 56 63 44 cmyk 0 47 62 15 chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](3.0):flame_pea[3655][218,91,56](3.2):tangerine[8238][205,93,52](4.2):traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](4.2):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](4.6) 5 light:chilean:damask:fire:flame:pea:tangerine:traffic:red +5652 medium_violet rgb 199 21 133 hex #C71585 hsv 322 89 78 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.23 lab 45 71 -15 lch 45 73 348 cmyk 0 70 26 22 medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](0.0):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](0.0):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](0.0):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](3.6):maroon[5547][205,41,144](3.7) 9 medium:2X:PMS239:maroon:red:violet +5653 medium_violet_red rgb 199 21 133 hex #C71585 hsv 322 89 78 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.23 lab 45 71 -15 lch 45 73 348 cmyk 0 70 26 22 medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](0.0):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](0.0):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](0.0):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](3.6):maroon[5547][205,41,144](3.7) 9 medium:2X:PMS239:maroon:red:violet +5654 medium_violet_red rgb 219 112 147 hex #DB7093 hsv 340 49 86 xyz 0.4 0.29 0.31 lab 61 46 0 lch 61 46 1 cmyk 0 42 28 14 pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](0.0):pale_violet_red[6451][219,112,147](0.0):violet_red_pale[8874][219,112,147](0.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](2.2):PMS204[162][237,122,158](4.6) 6 pale:deep:PMS204:blush:red:violet +5655 medium_wood rgb 166 128 100 hex #A68064 hsv 25 40 65 xyz 0.26 0.24 0.15 lab 57 11 21 lch 57 23 63 cmyk 0 15 26 35 quasar[7019][161,125,96](2.2):PMS479[587][175,137,112](3.6):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.7):café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](4.1):double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](4.1) 10 PMS479:au:café:chamoisee:double:lait:quasar:rickshaw +5656 melanie rgb 224 183 194 hex #E0B7C2 hsv 344 18 88 xyz 0.57 0.54 0.58 lab 78 16 0 lch 78 16 0 cmyk 0 16 12 12 blossom[1525][220,180,188](1.4):gelato[3837][219,183,190](2.2):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](3.2):PMS679[858][229,191,198](3.7):PMS685[864][234,191,196](4.2) 7 pale:light:PMS679:PMS685:blossom:gelato:grayish:crimson +5657 melanie rgb 228 194 213 hex #E4C2D5 hsv 326 15 89 xyz 0.63 0.6 0.71 lab 82 15 -5 lch 82 16 342 cmyk 0 13 6 11 PMS256[222][229,196,214](0.0):PMS531[666][229,198,219](1.7):PMS250[216][237,196,221](4.6):maverick[5586][216,194,213](4.6):PMS671[850][239,198,211](4.9) 7 PMS250:PMS256:PMS531:PMS671:maverick +5658 melanzane rgb 48 5 41 hex #300529 hsv 310 90 19 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.02 lab 8 26 -13 lch 8 29 334 cmyk 0 17 3 81 jacaranda[4703][46,3,41](1.7):eggplant[3375][56,8,53](5.8):aubergine[1194][61,7,52](6.7):dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](8.2):plum[6739][56,26,56](9.2) 1 dark:aubergine:eggplant:jacaranda:plum +5659 melanzane rgb 52 41 49 hex #342931 hsv 316 21 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 18 7 -3 lch 18 8 334 cmyk 0 4 1 80 thunder[8336][51,41,47](1.4):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](2.4):jacaranda[4704][54,45,56](2.8):blackadder[1484][56,45,50](3.0):valentino[8670][56,44,56](3.7) 13 blackadder:jacaranda:thunder:valentino:zeppelin +5660 mellow_apricot rgb 248 184 120 hex #F8B878 hsv 30 52 97 xyz 0.59 0.56 0.25 lab 79 16 41 lch 79 44 69 cmyk 0 25 50 3 macaroni_and_cheese[5421][255,185,123](3.2):PMS1485[65][255,183,119](3.7):PMS714[893][249,186,130](4.1):porsche[6780][234,174,105](5.4):tacao[8202][246,174,120](5.4) 3 PMS1485:PMS714:and:cheese:macaroni:porsche:tacao +5661 mellow_yellow rgb 234 216 149 hex #EAD895 hsv 47 36 92 xyz 0.64 0.69 0.38 lab 86 -3 35 lch 86 35 95 cmyk 0 7 33 8 chalky[2200][238,215,148](2.2):light_amber[4999][231,208,139](3.5):PMS460[552][234,221,150](3.7):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](3.7):zombie[9271][228,214,155](4.2) 7 light:PMS460:amber:chalky:melting:moment:zombie +5662 mellow_yellow rgb 248 222 126 hex #F8DE7E hsv 47 49 97 xyz 0.69 0.74 0.3 lab 89 -3 50 lch 89 50 94 cmyk 0 10 48 3 jasmine[4745][248,222,126](0.0):wheat[9068][251,221,126](2.0):sandy[7473][241,218,122](2.2):PMS120[21][249,226,127](2.4):golden_sand[3925][240,219,125](3.0) 15 PMS120:golden:jasmine:sand:sandy:wheat +5663 melon rgb 227 168 105 hex #E3A869 hsv 31 54 89 xyz 0.48 0.45 0.2 lab 73 15 41 lch 73 43 70 cmyk 0 23 48 11 fawn[3565][229,170,112](3.2):porsche[6780][234,174,105](3.7):porsche[6779][223,157,91](5.2):earth_yellow[3330][225,169,95](5.8):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](6.1) 2 apricot:earth:fawn:mellow:porsche:yellow +5664 melon rgb 253 188 180 hex #FDBCB4 hsv 7 29 99 xyz 0.67 0.6 0.51 lab 82 22 13 lch 82 26 31 cmyk 0 25 29 1 your_pink[9238][255,197,187](3.6):your_pink[9237][255,195,192](3.7):PMS169[106][249,186,170](4.2):rosy_brown[7328][255,193,193](4.5):PMS699[878][247,191,191](5.4) 4 PMS169:PMS699:rosy:your:brown:pink +5665 melon rgb 254 186 173 hex #FEBAAD hsv 10 32 100 xyz 0.66 0.59 0.47 lab 81 23 16 lch 81 28 35 cmyk 0 27 32 0 PMS169[106][249,186,170](2.2):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](3.5):sundown[8127][248,175,169](4.7):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](5.7):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](5.7) 3 PMS169:bud:cornflower:lilac:sundown:rose +5666 melon rgb 255 120 85 hex #FF7855 hsv 12 67 100 xyz 0.5 0.35 0.13 lab 66 49 43 lch 66 65 42 cmyk 0 53 67 0 coral[2497][255,114,86](3.3):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](4.5):pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](4.6):coral[2499][255,127,80](5.7):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](6.0) 3 coral:outrageous:pinkish:orange:pink +5667 melon_orange rgb 226 121 69 hex #E27945 hsv 20 69 89 xyz 0.39 0.3 0.09 lab 62 37 46 lch 62 59 51 cmyk 0 41 62 11 jaffa[4718][226,121,69](0.0):clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](4.6):phoenix[6632][216,108,55](4.9):crusta[2616][243,134,83](5.1):sienna[7698][238,121,66](6.0) 3 clementine:crusta:jaffa:phoenix:sienna:orange +5668 melrose rgb 195 185 221 hex #C3B9DD hsv 257 16 87 xyz 0.53 0.52 0.76 lab 77 10 -17 lch 77 20 302 cmyk 10 14 0 13 moon_raker[5887][192,178,215](2.8):zappo[9249][196,192,226](3.0):PMS270[264][186,175,211](4.1):prelude[6807][208,192,229](4.4):lavender_grey[4939][189,187,215](5.0) 5 PMS270:moon:prelude:raker:zappo:grey:lavender +5669 melrose rgb 199 193 255 hex #C7C1FF hsv 246 24 100 xyz 0.61 0.58 1.03 lab 80 15 -30 lch 80 33 296 cmyk 22 24 0 0 pale_persian_blue[6401][201,194,255](1.4):pale_blue[6313][194,194,255](2.0):pale_indigo[6352][209,194,255](3.0):perfume[6588][208,190,248](5.0):light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](5.9) 4 pale:light:perfume:periwinkle:persian:blue:indigo +5670 melting_moment rgb 244 222 158 hex #F4DE9E hsv 45 35 96 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.43 lab 89 -1 34 lch 89 34 92 cmyk 0 9 34 4 buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](2.2):marzipan[5563][248,219,157](2.2):sing_song[7726][246,224,164](2.2):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.3):chalky[2200][238,215,148](3.6) 14 buttermilk:cape:chalky:honey:marzipan:sing:song +5671 meltwater rgb 110 174 192 hex #6EAEC0 hsv 193 43 75 xyz 0.31 0.37 0.55 lab 68 -16 -16 lch 68 22 225 cmyk 32 7 0 25 glacier[3868][120,177,191](3.3):refresh[7168][113,184,202](3.6):glacier[3869][128,179,196](4.1):seagull[7580][119,183,208](4.7):parachute[6479][101,184,209](5.4) 4 glacier:parachute:refresh:seagull +5672 memory rgb 124 91 99 hex #7C5B63 hsv 345 27 49 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.13 lab 42 15 1 lch 42 15 3 cmyk 0 13 10 51 deep_taupe[3068][126,94,96](3.7):falcon[3549][127,98,109](4.4):arabella[1134][133,99,110](4.6):pink[6664][139,99,108](5.0):dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](5.1) 4 deep:arabella:dusty:falcon:taupe:pink:rose +5673 memphis_belle rgb 202 47 67 hex #CA2F43 hsv 352 77 79 xyz 0.26 0.15 0.07 lab 46 61 27 lch 46 66 24 cmyk 0 61 53 21 brick_red[1710][198,45,66](1.7):PMS200[158][196,30,58](3.7):cardinal[2081][196,30,58](3.7):french_raspberry[3759][199,44,72](4.1):PMS710[889][224,66,81](6.1) 4 PMS200:PMS710:brick:cardinal:french:raspberry:red +5674 meranti rgb 93 30 15 hex #5D1E0F hsv 12 84 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 21 28 25 lch 21 37 42 cmyk 0 25 31 64 redwood[7162][93,30,15](0.0):deep_vermilion[3075][89,22,0](4.1):sepia[7611][94,38,18](4.5):dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](4.7):espresso[3511][97,39,24](4.7) 5 deep:dark:espresso:oak:redwood:sepia:vermilion +5675 meranti rgb 107 52 42 hex #6B342A hsv 9 61 42 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 29 23 18 lch 29 29 37 cmyk 0 22 25 58 mocha[5803][111,55,45](1.4):kwila[4897][109,51,42](2.0):PMS498[607][109,51,43](2.2):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](2.8):kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](3.6) 13 PMS498:copper:kenyan:kwila:mocha:pueblo +5676 mercury rgb 213 210 209 hex #D5D2D1 hsv 15 2 84 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.7 lab 84 1 1 lch 84 1 45 cmyk 0 1 2 16 concrete[2450][210,209,205](1.4):grey[4185][209,209,209](1.4):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.4):urbane[8661][217,209,207](1.4):grey[4184][207,207,207](1.7) 71 concrete:flotsam:half:urbane:grey +5677 mercury rgb 229 229 229 hex #E5E5E5 hsv 345 0 90 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.85 lab 91 0 0 lch 91 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 10 grey[4193][229,229,229](0.0):grey[4192][227,227,227](1.0):grey[4194][232,232,232](1.0):platinum[6737][229,228,226](1.0):half_concrete[4312][226,225,224](1.4) 84 concrete:half:platinum:grey +5678 meridian rgb 124 126 126 hex #7C7E7E hsv 180 2 49 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.23 lab 53 -1 0 lch 53 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 51 grey[4148][127,127,127](1.0):medium_grey[5614][125,127,124](1.0):grey[4147][125,125,125](1.4):grey[4149][128,128,128](1.4):grey[4150][130,130,130](1.4) 54 medium:grey +5679 merino rgb 225 219 208 hex #E1DBD0 hsv 39 8 88 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.7 lab 88 0 6 lch 88 6 89 cmyk 0 2 7 12 zinc_white[9261][225,219,208](0.0):half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.0):quarter_cloud[6931][225,220,212](1.0):quarter_tea[7008][224,218,208](1.0):double_sea_fog[3235][223,221,212](1.4) 128 albescent:cloud:double:fog:half:quarter:sea:tea:zinc:white +5680 merino rgb 246 240 230 hex #F6F0E6 hsv 37 7 96 xyz 0.83 0.88 0.87 lab 95 0 6 lch 95 6 87 cmyk 0 2 6 4 milk_white[5745][246,240,230](0.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.0):quarter_villa_white[7012][245,241,231](1.0):romance[7282][244,240,230](1.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.4) 110 alabaster:eighth:milk:quarter:romance:villa:wheatfield:white +5681 merlin rgb 65 60 55 hex #413C37 hsv 30 15 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 1 4 lch 26 4 74 cmyk 0 2 4 75 smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](0.0):armadillo[1140][67,62,55](1.0):kina_brown[4862][67,61,56](1.0):triple_masala[8500][65,62,55](1.4):half_ironsand[4343][67,64,60](1.7) 46 armadillo:ash:half:ironsand:kina:masala:smokey:triple:brown +5682 merlin rgb 79 78 72 hex #4F4E48 hsv 51 9 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.07 lab 33 -1 4 lch 33 4 103 cmyk 0 0 3 69 gravel[3992][74,75,70](1.4):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.4):winchester[9127][81,78,74](1.4):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.7):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](2.0) 40 dune:fuscous:gravel:rampart:winchester:grey +5683 merlot rgb 115 0 57 hex #730039 hsv 330 100 45 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.04 lab 23 47 0 lch 23 47 0 cmyk 0 45 23 55 siren[7729][122,1,58](3.5):wine[9137][128,1,63](5.7):rose_bud_cherry[7301][128,11,71](6.6):black_rose[1475][103,3,45](6.7):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](7.0) 1 bud:cherry:imperial:siren:wine:black:purple:rose +5684 merlot rgb 115 52 58 hex #73343A hsv 354 55 45 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.05 lab 30 28 10 lch 30 30 19 cmyk 0 25 22 55 ribbon[7202][113,51,60](2.0):puce_red[6832][114,47,55](2.2):wine[9136][114,47,55](2.2):patio_red[6522][109,51,49](3.7):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](4.4) 8 japanese:maple:patio:puce:ribbon:wine:red +5685 merlot rgb 131 25 35 hex #831923 hsv 354 81 51 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.02 lab 28 44 23 lch 28 50 27 cmyk 0 42 38 49 brown[1835][139,35,35](4.4):falu_red[3552][128,24,24](5.1):PMS1810[131][124,33,30](5.4):firebrick[3642][142,35,35](5.7):burgundy[1911][128,0,32](5.7) 1 PMS1810:burgundy:falu:firebrick:brown:red +5686 mesmerise rgb 181 152 163 hex #B598A3 hsv 337 16 71 xyz 0.37 0.35 0.39 lab 66 13 -2 lch 66 13 352 cmyk 0 11 7 29 PMS5215[647][181,147,155](3.7):lilac_luster[5259][174,152,170](4.6):heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](5.1):rose_quartz[7313][170,152,169](5.1):lily[5261][193,159,179](5.8) 2 PMS5215:heliotrope:lilac:lily:luster:quartz:grey:rose +5687 metallic_blue rgb 79 115 142 hex #4F738E hsv 206 44 56 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.28 lab 47 -5 -19 lch 47 19 254 cmyk 25 11 0 44 sky_blue[7741][74,112,139](1.4):wedgewood[9040][76,107,136](3.7):steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](4.0):cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](4.1):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](4.1) 8 slate:cadet:sky:steel:wedgewood:blue +5688 metallic_bronze rgb 73 55 27 hex #49371B hsv 37 63 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 4 20 lch 24 21 79 cmyk 0 7 18 71 rimutaka[7227][75,60,35](3.0):café_noir[2004][75,54,33](3.6):saddle_brown[7398][80,56,30](3.6):clinker[2376][70,54,35](5.0):kakadu[4808][85,65,35](5.2) 4 café:clinker:kakadu:noir:rimutaka:saddle:brown +5689 metallic_bronze rgb 85 74 60 hex #554A3C hsv 34 29 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.05 lab 32 2 10 lch 32 10 78 cmyk 0 4 10 67 dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](2.2):groundbreaker[4238][90,79,64](2.2):mondo[5867][85,77,66](2.4):rambler[7057][83,71,61](2.4):rock[7257][90,77,65](2.4) 18 dark:grayish:groundbreaker:mondo:rambler:rock:brown +5690 metallic_copper rgb 110 61 52 hex #6E3D34 hsv 9 53 43 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.04 lab 32 20 15 lch 32 25 36 cmyk 0 19 23 57 oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](3.0):bole[1634][121,68,59](3.6):medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](3.6):brownie_points[1862][110,66,51](3.7):cedar[2148][101,57,44](3.7) 9 medium:bole:brownie:cedar:oiled:points:tuscan:red +5691 metallic_copper rgb 113 41 29 hex #71291D hsv 9 74 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.02 lab 27 31 24 lch 27 39 38 cmyk 0 28 33 56 heatwave[4457][110,38,32](3.3):PMS181[130][124,45,35](4.2):hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](5.1):liver[5309][108,46,31](5.1):teak_wood_finish[8282][107,42,20](5.1) 2 PMS181:finish:hairy:heath:heatwave:liver:teak:wood +5692 metallic_seaweed rgb 10 126 140 hex #0A7E8C hsv 186 93 55 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.27 lab 48 -23 -16 lch 48 28 214 cmyk 51 5 0 45 blue_lagoon[1574][1,121,135](2.0):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](4.1):deep_aqua[2952][8,120,127](4.9):ocean[6093][1,123,146](5.9):paradiso[6481][49,125,130](6.3) 3 deep:PMS3145:aqua:lagoon:ocean:paradiso:blue +5693 metallic_sunburst rgb 156 124 56 hex #9C7C38 hsv 41 64 61 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.07 lab 54 4 41 lch 54 41 84 cmyk 0 13 39 39 corn_harvest[2525][141,112,42](5.1):stinger[7982][141,112,42](5.1):bronze_ii[1824][166,125,61](5.2):ventura[8696][144,124,56](5.5):moderate_gamboge[5824][168,133,74](6.0) 0 moderate:bronze:corn:gamboge:harvest:ii:stinger:ventura +5694 metamorphis rgb 128 157 150 hex #809D96 hsv 166 18 62 xyz 0.26 0.31 0.33 lab 62 -12 0 lch 62 12 178 cmyk 11 0 3 38 granny_smith[3971][123,148,140](3.3):granny_smith[3972][132,160,160](4.1):destiny[3112][136,158,157](4.6):juniper[4798][116,145,142](4.6):sea_nymph[7569][120,163,156](4.6) 6 destiny:granny:juniper:nymph:sea:smith +5695 meteor rgb 187 116 49 hex #BB7431 hsv 29 74 73 xyz 0.27 0.23 0.06 lab 55 22 47 lch 55 52 65 cmyk 0 28 54 27 PMS723[902][186,117,48](1.4):copper[2476][184,115,51](2.0):high_five[4480][178,111,44](2.2):liver[5310][184,109,41](3.7):reno_sand[7186][178,110,51](4.5) 5 PMS723:copper:five:high:liver:reno:sand +5696 meteor rgb 208 125 18 hex #D07D12 hsv 34 91 82 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.04 lab 60 25 63 lch 60 68 68 cmyk 0 33 75 18 PMS1385[52][204,122,2](2.2):dirty_orange[3138][200,118,6](3.2):cool_copper[2470][217,135,25](3.7):PMS145[61][198,127,7](5.2):beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](5.7) 3 10:PMS1385:PMS145:beer:cool:copper:dirty:srm:orange +5697 meteorite rgb 60 31 118 hex #3C1F76 hsv 260 74 46 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.17 lab 21 35 -45 lch 21 57 308 cmyk 23 34 0 54 filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](5.4):spanish_violet[7880][76,40,130](5.4):PMS273[279][56,25,122](5.7):PMS274[283][43,17,102](6.0):PMS2748[287][30,28,119](7.0) 0 PMS273:PMS274:PMS2748:digital:filmpro:spanish:blue:violet +5698 meteorite rgb 74 59 106 hex #4A3B6A hsv 259 44 42 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.14 lab 28 18 -25 lch 28 31 305 cmyk 13 18 0 58 jacarta[4706][61,50,93](4.6):wave_rider[9025][65,63,110](4.6):jelly[4755][62,50,103](5.1):minsk[5761][62,50,103](5.1):PMS5265[657][73,61,99](5.7) 2 PMS5265:jacarta:jelly:minsk:rider:wave +5699 metro rgb 172 175 177 hex #ACAFB1 hsv 204 3 69 xyz 0.4 0.43 0.48 lab 71 -1 -1 lch 71 2 244 cmyk 2 1 0 31 grey[4169][173,173,173](1.4):grey[4168][171,171,171](1.7):grey[4170][176,176,176](1.7):silver_chalice[7709][172,172,172](1.7):double_surrender[3244][168,170,171](2.0) 46 chalice:double:silver:surrender:grey +5700 mexican_pink rgb 228 0 124 hex #E4007C hsv 327 100 89 xyz 0.36 0.18 0.21 lab 49 78 -2 lch 49 78 358 cmyk 0 89 41 11 red_purple[7136][228,0,120](2.0):vivid_rose[8945][231,0,116](5.1):PMS226[184][214,2,112](5.4):deep_pink[3032][238,18,137](5.4):PMS219[177][226,40,130](5.5) 1 deep:vivid:PMS219:PMS226:pink:purple:red:rose +5701 mexican_red rgb 155 61 61 hex #9B3D3D hsv 360 61 61 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.06 lab 39 39 20 lch 39 44 27 cmyk 0 37 37 39 terracotta_pink[8312][155,61,61](0.0):afterburner[974][152,61,57](2.4):style_pasifika_red_pineapple[8092][152,61,57](2.4):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.7):cincinnati[2326][165,64,63](4.1) 11 afterburner:cincinnati:pasifika:pineapple:roof:style:terracotta:pink:red +5702 mexican_red rgb 167 37 37 hex #A72525 hsv 360 78 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.03 lab 37 52 33 lch 37 62 33 cmyk 0 51 51 35 auburn[1196][165,42,42](3.0):brown[1837][165,42,42](3.0):brown[1838][166,42,42](3.0):red_brown[7118][165,42,42](3.0):PMS1805[128][175,38,38](3.5) 9 PMS1805:auburn:brown:red +5703 mexican_wave rgb 182 74 50 hex #B64A32 hsv 11 73 71 xyz 0.22 0.15 0.05 lab 46 42 36 lch 46 56 40 cmyk 0 42 52 29 balloon[1269][193,77,54](3.7):clementine[2369][193,79,59](3.7):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](3.7):oh_behave[6117][190,82,63](5.0):crail[2575][185,81,64](5.5) 4 balloon:behave:clementine:crail:grenadier:oh +5704 mica rgb 60 69 67 hex #3C4543 hsv 167 13 27 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.06 lab 28 -4 0 lch 28 4 181 cmyk 4 0 1 73 cape_cod[2056][60,68,67](1.0):pioneer[6707][57,69,65](2.2):charcoal_grey[2222][60,65,66](2.4):gravity[3993][61,64,64](3.2):isobar[4692][55,72,70](3.3) 30 cape:charcoal:cod:gravity:isobar:pioneer:grey +5705 mid_blue rgb 39 106 179 hex #276AB3 hsv 211 78 70 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.45 lab 44 5 -45 lch 44 45 277 cmyk 55 29 0 30 medium_blue[5599][44,111,187](2.4):spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](4.5):french_blue[3744][0,114,187](4.6):green_blue[4036][17,100,180](5.4):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](5.4) 3 medium:french:honolulu:spanish:blue:green +5706 mid_green rgb 36 83 54 hex #245336 hsv 143 57 33 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.05 lab 31 -24 12 lch 31 27 153 cmyk 18 0 11 67 kaitoke_green[4807][36,83,54](0.0):PMS350[424][35,79,51](1.4):dark_sea_green[2873][39,89,58](3.3):cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](3.7):cal_poly_pomona_green[2007][30,77,43](3.7) 6 dark:PMS350:cal:kaitoke:poly:pomona:sea:green +5707 mid_green rgb 80 167 71 hex #50A747 hsv 114 57 65 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.11 lab 61 -45 41 lch 61 61 138 cmyk 34 0 38 35 moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](1.7):tree_frog[8464][80,167,67](2.2):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](2.4):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](5.0):groovy[4236][92,163,69](5.0) 5 moderate:dark:frog:groovy:pastel:sap:tree:green +5708 mid_grey rgb 95 95 110 hex #5F5F6E hsv 240 14 43 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.16 lab 41 3 -8 lch 41 9 292 cmyk 6 6 0 57 smoky[7795][96,93,107](1.4):comet[2441][99,99,115](1.7):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](2.2):mobster[5796][96,90,103](3.0):shuttle_grey[7681][95,102,114](3.6) 11 comet:mobster:quadrant:shuttle:smoky:grey +5709 mid_grey rgb 102 106 109 hex #666A6D hsv 206 6 43 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.17 lab 45 -1 -2 lch 45 2 248 cmyk 3 1 0 57 PMS431[514][102,109,112](1.7):quarter_tuna[7011][101,106,112](2.0):cliff_face_grey[2372][108,110,109](2.2):grey[4140][107,107,107](2.2):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](2.2) 33 pale:PMS431:cliff:face:quarter:sky:tuna:grey +5710 mid_grey rgb 113 116 118 hex #717476 hsv 204 4 46 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.2 lab 49 -1 -1 lch 49 2 244 cmyk 2 1 0 54 grey[4144][117,117,117](1.4):sonic_silver[7848][117,117,117](1.4):trojan[8532][117,120,120](1.4):grey[4143][115,115,115](1.7):grey[4145][120,120,120](1.7) 44 silver:sonic:trojan:grey +5711 middle_earth rgb 67 78 67 hex #434E43 hsv 120 14 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -7 5 lch 32 9 144 cmyk 4 0 4 69 canyon[2055][67,78,70](2.2):mangrove[5506][72,78,69](3.0):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](3.2):trainspotter[8454][68,73,63](3.6):corduroy[2511][64,77,73](4.1) 10 canyon:cliffhanger:corduroy:mangrove:trainspotter +5712 midnight rgb 1 22 53 hex #011635 hsv 216 98 21 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.03 lab 8 6 -23 lch 8 24 284 cmyk 20 12 0 79 tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](5.7):PMS2767[296][20,33,61](5.9):oxford_blue[6274][0,33,71](6.4):surfs_up[8164][31,33,66](7.5):navy[5994][1,21,62](7.8) 0 PMS2767:navy:oxford:surfs:tangaroa:up:blue +5713 midnight rgb 3 1 45 hex #03012D hsv 243 98 18 xyz 0.01 0 0.02 lab 2 12 -26 lch 2 29 296 cmyk 16 17 0 82 dark_navy_blue[2807][0,2,46](0.0):very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](5.0):dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](5.1):black_rock[1472][13,3,50](5.2):tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](6.4) 2 dark:very:navy:rock:tangaroa:black:blue +5714 midnight rgb 33 48 62 hex #21303E hsv 209 47 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 19 -2 -11 lch 19 11 261 cmyk 11 5 0 76 style_pasifika_ocean_deep[8085][30,47,60](1.4):tangaroa[8236][30,47,60](1.4):coast[2391][36,52,66](2.0):allegro[1002][36,46,59](2.2):billabong[1411][23,49,65](2.8) 13 deep:allegro:billabong:coast:ocean:pasifika:style:tangaroa +5715 midnight rgb 112 38 112 hex #702670 hsv 300 66 44 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.16 lab 29 43 -27 lch 29 51 328 cmyk 0 29 0 56 PMS2612[244][112,30,114](4.4):PMS259[234][114,22,107](5.4):darkish_purple[2927][117,25,115](6.7):PMS255[221][119,45,107](7.0):plum[6742][132,49,121](7.0) 1 PMS255:PMS259:PMS2612:darkish:plum:purple +5716 midnight_blue rgb 0 51 102 hex #003366 hsv 210 100 40 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.13 lab 21 7 -34 lch 21 35 281 cmyk 40 20 0 60 dark_midnight_blue[2800][0,51,102](0.0):marine[5530][4,46,96](2.4):PMS295[321][0,56,107](2.8):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](2.8):PMS648[827][0,48,94](3.0) 11 dark:PMS295:PMS648:marine:midnight:blue +5717 midnight_blue rgb 2 0 53 hex #020035 hsv 242 100 21 xyz 0.01 0 0.03 lab 2 17 -31 lch 2 35 298 cmyk 20 21 0 79 very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](2.2):dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](2.4):black_rock[1472][13,3,50](4.1):deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](5.2):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](5.2) 3 deep:dark:very:cove:navy:outer:rock:space:black:blue +5718 midnight_blue rgb 25 25 100 hex #191964 hsv 240 75 39 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.12 lab 15 27 -44 lch 15 52 302 cmyk 29 29 0 61 lucky_point[5354][26,26,104](1.4):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](4.6):deep_sapphire_blue[3049][0,22,89](6.0):saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](6.8):st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](6.8) 2 deep:PMS2758:lucky:patrick:patrick's:point:saint:sapphire:st.:blue +5719 midnight_blue rgb 25 25 112 hex #191970 hsv 240 78 44 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.16 lab 16 32 -50 lch 16 59 303 cmyk 34 34 0 56 PMS2747[286][28,20,107](2.4):PMS2748[287][30,28,119](2.4):PMS662[841][12,25,117](3.2):filmpro_digital_blue[3608][45,36,128](5.1):PMS274[283][43,17,102](5.9) 3 PMS274:PMS2747:PMS2748:PMS662:digital:filmpro:blue +5720 midnight_blue rgb 26 72 118 hex #1A4876 hsv 210 78 46 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.18 lab 30 2 -31 lch 30 31 273 cmyk 36 18 0 54 limitless[5289][37,75,117](3.3):prussian_blue[6827][0,69,119](3.6):light_navy[5151][21,80,132](4.2):regal_blue[7169][1,63,106](4.6):bondi_blue[1644][38,65,107](4.7) 5 light:bondi:limitless:navy:prussian:regal:blue +5721 midnight_blue rgb 47 47 79 hex #2F2F4F hsv 240 41 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 21 9 -20 lch 21 22 295 cmyk 13 13 0 69 lucky_point[5355][41,45,79](1.4):martinique[5560][54,48,80](2.4):galactica[3821][48,54,85](2.8):wicked[9101][54,47,80](3.3):aviator[1207][42,48,87](4.1) 9 aviator:galactica:lucky:martinique:point:wicked +5722 midnight_express rgb 0 7 65 hex #000741 hsv 234 100 25 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.05 lab 5 21 -36 lch 5 42 300 cmyk 25 23 0 75 stratos[8000][0,7,65](0.0):navy_blue[5997][0,17,70](4.4):deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](6.7):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](6.7):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](7.1) 2 deep:cove:midnight:navy:outer:space:stratos:blue +5723 midnight_express rgb 33 38 58 hex #21263A hsv 228 43 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 16 4 -14 lch 16 14 286 cmyk 10 8 0 77 stratos[8001][33,38,58](0.0):blue_night[1582][31,38,59](1.0):outer_space[6267][31,38,59](1.0):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](2.4):valhalla[8671][42,43,65](2.8) 13 clay:ebony:night:outer:space:stratos:valhalla:blue +5724 midnight_green rgb 0 73 83 hex #004953 hsv 187 100 33 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.09 lab 28 -16 -12 lch 28 20 216 cmyk 33 4 0 67 deep_south[3061][0,72,83](1.4):deep_arctic_blue[2955][0,78,89](2.0):sherpa_blue[7651][0,73,80](2.2):PMS316[359][0,73,79](3.2):sherpa_blue[7650][0,73,78](3.6) 6 deep:PMS316:arctic:sherpa:south:blue +5725 midnight_moss rgb 4 16 4 hex #041004 hsv 120 75 6 xyz 0 0 0 lab 4 -5 4 lch 4 6 144 cmyk 5 0 5 94 gordons_green[3948][11,17,7](1.0):black_forest[1457][11,19,4](2.2):green_waterloo[4066][16,20,5](3.0):marshland[5555][11,15,8](3.6):racing_green[7034][12,25,17](3.7) 6 forest:gordons:marshland:racing:waterloo:black:green +5726 midnight_moss rgb 36 46 40 hex #242E28 hsv 144 22 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 18 -6 2 lch 18 6 157 cmyk 4 0 2 82 racing_green[7035][35,47,44](2.0):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](2.2):moroccan_palm[5898][40,51,44](2.2):gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](2.8):raglan[7045][41,51,49](3.0) 22 bean:gordons:moroccan:palm:racing:raglan:black:green +5727 midnight_oil rgb 40 56 84 hex #283854 hsv 218 52 33 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.09 lab 23 2 -19 lch 23 19 277 cmyk 17 11 0 67 dark_cobalt_blue[2706][39,58,89](2.4):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](2.8):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](2.8):cobalt[2396][39,60,90](2.8):biscay[1423][47,60,83](3.6) 13 dark:biscay:catalina:clouds:cobalt:blue +5728 midnight_purple rgb 40 1 55 hex #280137 hsv 283 98 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.04 lab 7 29 -25 lch 7 39 319 cmyk 6 21 0 78 very_dark_purple[8724][42,1,52](2.0):dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](4.6):valentino[8669][53,14,66](5.2):violet[8849][36,10,64](5.4):deep_purple[3036][54,1,63](5.8) 2 deep:dark:very:valentino:purple:violet +5729 midwinter_mist rgb 204 206 206 hex #CCCECE hsv 180 1 81 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.67 lab 83 -1 0 lch 83 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 19 geyser[3848][203,208,207](1.0):grey[4184][207,207,207](1.0):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.0):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.0):grey[4183][204,204,204](1.4) 67 geyser:half:iron:surrender:grey +5730 mikado rgb 45 37 16 hex #2D2510 hsv 43 64 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 15 0 15 lch 15 15 89 cmyk 0 3 11 82 onion[6182][47,39,14](2.2):woodrush[9171][48,42,15](4.1):birch[1416][55,48,33](6.4):touch_wood[8439][55,48,33](6.4):brown_tumbleweed[1859][55,41,14](6.6) 2 birch:onion:touch:tumbleweed:wood:woodrush:brown +5731 mikado rgb 63 54 35 hex #3F3623 hsv 41 44 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 23 1 13 lch 23 13 87 cmyk 0 4 11 75 birch[1417][63,55,38](1.4):jacko_bean[4709][65,54,40](2.2):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](2.4):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](3.3):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](3.3) 17 bean:birch:drab:gum:jacko:limed:lisbon:olive:brown +5732 mikado_yellow rgb 255 196 12 hex #FFC40C hsv 45 95 100 xyz 0.61 0.61 0.09 lab 82 8 83 lch 82 83 85 cmyk 0 23 95 0 golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](1.0):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](1.7):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](1.7):marigold[5528][252,192,6](1.7):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](1.7) 18 golden:goldenrod:marigold:poppy:sunflower:yellow +5733 milan rgb 246 244 147 hex #F6F493 hsv 59 40 96 xyz 0.76 0.86 0.4 lab 94 -13 47 lch 94 49 105 cmyk 0 1 39 4 jonquil[4775][238,242,147](3.0):texas[8316][248,249,156](3.0):PMS393[470][242,239,135](3.2):creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](3.2):tidal[8349][240,245,144](3.2) 14 PMS393:banane:creme:de:jonquil:texas:tidal +5734 milan rgb 250 255 164 hex #FAFFA4 hsv 63 36 100 xyz 0.82 0.95 0.49 lab 98 -15 43 lch 98 45 109 cmyk 2 0 36 0 texas[8316][248,249,156](3.0):very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](3.2):very_light_apple_green[8742][243,255,158](3.7):pale_prim[6409][249,245,159](5.1):buff[1893][254,246,158](5.4) 3 pale:light:very:apple:buff:prim:texas:green:yellow +5735 milano_red rgb 158 51 50 hex #9E3332 hsv 1 68 62 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.04 lab 38 44 25 lch 38 51 30 cmyk 0 42 42 38 PMS1807[129][160,48,51](2.0):stiletto[7980][156,51,54](2.2):kachow[4805][162,58,52](3.0):whizz_bang[9100][162,58,52](3.0):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](3.7) 11 PMS1807:bang:guardsman:kachow:stiletto:whizz:red +5736 milano_red rgb 184 17 4 hex #B81104 hsv 4 98 72 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.01 lab 39 61 51 lch 39 79 40 cmyk 0 65 71 28 bright_red[1745][177,0,0](2.0):international_orange[4661][186,22,12](2.4):guardsman_red[4241][186,1,1](2.8):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](3.6):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](3.6) 6 19:bright:guardsman:international:mordant:orange:red +5737 milestone rgb 190 177 172 hex #BEB1AC hsv 17 9 75 xyz 0.44 0.45 0.45 lab 73 4 4 lch 73 6 48 cmyk 0 5 7 25 fantail[3557][186,174,169](1.4):pink_swan[6693][191,179,178](2.2):silk[7703][189,177,168](2.2):half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](2.8):tide[8351][190,180,171](3.0) 26 fantail:half:perfect:silk:swan:taupe:tide:pink +5738 milford_green rgb 51 78 57 hex #334E39 hsv 133 35 31 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.05 lab 31 -15 9 lch 31 18 149 cmyk 11 0 8 69 goblin[3886][52,83,61](2.2):landscape_green[4908][47,71,50](3.3):dark_grayish_green[2744][66,89,66](4.6):roulette[7340][42,77,62](4.6):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](5.1) 4 dark:bottle:goblin:grayish:landscape:roulette:green +5739 military_green rgb 102 124 62 hex #667C3E hsv 81 50 49 xyz 0.14 0.18 0.07 lab 49 -19 31 lch 49 36 121 cmyk 9 0 24 51 cross_country[2605][104,127,69](2.2):barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](4.6):dingley[3131][96,124,71](5.1):muddy_green[5928][101,116,50](5.2):swamp[8172][105,131,57](6.2) 2 army:barmy:country:cross:dingley:muddy:swamp:green +5740 milk_chocolate rgb 76 52 41 hex #4C3429 hsv 19 46 30 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 9 11 lch 24 15 51 cmyk 0 9 14 70 teak_stain[8281][78,53,41](1.4):timberland[8363][76,51,42](1.4):baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](1.7):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](2.8):mission_brown[5783][68,48,40](3.0) 20 dark:baked:earth:ginger:mission:stain:teak:timberland:brown +5741 milk_chocolate rgb 127 78 30 hex #7F4E1E hsv 30 76 50 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.03 lab 38 16 36 lch 38 39 65 cmyk 0 19 38 50 bull_shot[1898][134,77,30](4.2):PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](5.1):sepia[7612][112,66,20](5.1):tan[8220][139,90,43](5.2):raw_umber[7086][115,74,18](5.4) 1 2X:PMS464:bull:raw:sepia:shot:tan:umber +5742 milk_punch rgb 243 229 192 hex #F3E5C0 hsv 44 21 95 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.61 lab 91 -1 20 lch 91 20 93 cmyk 0 5 20 5 half_colonial_white[4310][242,229,191](1.0):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](1.4):half_vienna[4406][243,229,195](2.0):baja_white[1259][240,223,187](2.2):blondee[1520][244,227,187](2.2) 42 baja:blondee:colonial:half:popcorn:vienna:white +5743 milk_punch rgb 255 246 212 hex #FFF6D4 hsv 47 17 100 xyz 0.86 0.92 0.75 lab 97 -2 17 lch 97 18 98 cmyk 0 4 17 0 china_ivory[2290][251,243,211](1.4):half_colonial_white[4311][253,246,211](1.4):double_pearl_lusta[3226][252,244,208](1.7):citrine_white[2344][250,247,214](2.2):cornsilk[2540][255,248,220](3.0) 37 china:citrine:colonial:cornsilk:double:half:ivory:lusta:pearl:white +5744 milk_white rgb 220 217 205 hex #DCD9CD hsv 48 7 86 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.68 lab 87 -1 6 lch 87 6 100 cmyk 0 1 6 14 PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.0):quarter_ash[6919][217,214,202](1.0):quarter_tea[7008][224,218,208](1.0):double_sea_fog[3235][223,221,212](1.4):half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.4) 132 PMS427:ash:double:fog:half:quarter:sea:tea:titania +5745 milk_white rgb 246 240 230 hex #F6F0E6 hsv 37 7 96 xyz 0.83 0.88 0.87 lab 95 0 6 lch 95 6 87 cmyk 0 2 6 4 merino[5680][246,240,230](0.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.0):quarter_villa_white[7012][245,241,231](1.0):romance[7282][244,240,230](1.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.4) 110 alabaster:eighth:merino:quarter:romance:villa:wheatfield:white +5746 milky_way rgb 142 127 104 hex #8E7F68 hsv 36 27 56 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.16 lab 54 2 15 lch 54 15 83 cmyk 0 6 15 44 gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](1.4):wheat[9063][139,126,102](1.4):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](2.4):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](2.4):outback[6265][149,130,108](2.8) 33 double:gargoyle:malta:nullarbor:outback:wheat +5747 millbrook rgb 89 68 51 hex #594433 hsv 27 43 35 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.04 lab 31 6 14 lch 31 15 65 cmyk 0 8 15 65 brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](2.0):judge_grey[4782][84,67,51](2.4):deep_bronze[2964][81,65,45](3.0):rocky_road[7270][87,70,58](4.1):soho[7837][90,70,58](4.1) 8 deep:bronze:derby:judge:road:rocky:soho:brown:grey +5748 millbrook rgb 89 86 72 hex #595648 hsv 49 19 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 36 -1 9 lch 36 9 100 cmyk 0 1 7 65 dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](2.0):iroko[4675][91,82,68](2.4):raptor[7065][88,88,71](2.4):half_mondo[4356][98,89,77](3.0):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](3.0) 25 dark:amber:grayish:half:iroko:judge:mondo:raptor:grey +5749 mimosa rgb 245 245 204 hex #F5F5CC hsv 60 17 96 xyz 0.81 0.89 0.7 lab 96 -7 20 lch 96 21 109 cmyk 0 0 16 4 corn_field[2522][248,250,205](1.7):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](1.7):light_goldenrod_yellow[5110][250,250,210](1.7):spring_sun[7930][241,241,198](2.2):tahuna_sands[8209][238,240,200](2.2) 32 light:corn:field:goldenrod:sands:spring:sun:tahuna:yellow +5750 mimosa rgb 248 253 211 hex #F8FDD3 hsv 67 17 99 xyz 0.86 0.95 0.75 lab 98 -9 20 lch 98 21 114 cmyk 2 0 16 1 corn_field[2522][248,250,205](1.7):carla[2092][245,249,203](2.2):cumulus[2624][253,255,213](2.2):orinoco[6255][243,251,212](2.2):eggshell[3381][255,255,212](2.4) 18 carla:corn:cumulus:eggshell:field:orinoco +5751 mindaro rgb 218 234 111 hex #DAEA6F hsv 68 53 92 xyz 0.61 0.75 0.26 lab 89 -22 57 lch 89 61 111 cmyk 6 0 48 8 curiosity[2627][211,229,104](2.4):PMS379[455][224,234,104](4.2):booger_buster[1651][221,226,106](4.5):tiger_lily[8358][221,229,116](5.1):PMS585[773][219,224,107](5.5) 3 PMS379:PMS585:booger:buster:curiosity:lily:tiger +5752 mindaro rgb 227 249 136 hex #E3F988 hsv 72 45 98 xyz 0.7 0.86 0.36 lab 94 -24 52 lch 94 57 115 cmyk 9 0 44 2 honeysuckle[4537][237,252,132](4.1):key_lime[4840][232,244,140](5.9):dolly[3160][249,255,139](7.0):PMS373[448][206,234,130](7.1):jonquil[4776][238,255,154](7.3) 1 PMS373:dolly:honeysuckle:jonquil:key:lime +5753 mine_shaft rgb 50 50 50 hex #323232 hsv 300 0 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 0 0 lch 21 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 80 grey[4118][51,51,51](0.0):grey[4117][48,48,48](1.0):half_bokara_grey[4297][53,51,51](1.0):jet[4759][52,52,52](1.0):bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.4) 76 bokara:bright:charcoal:half:jet:grey +5754 mine_shaft rgb 55 62 65 hex #373E41 hsv 198 15 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 26 -2 -3 lch 26 4 233 cmyk 4 1 0 75 charade[2218][57,64,67](1.0):mirage[5777][55,63,67](1.0):charcoal_grey[2222][60,65,66](2.2):half_foundry[4329][62,65,69](2.2):atom[1184][55,58,60](2.4) 45 atom:charade:charcoal:foundry:half:mirage:grey +5755 mineral_green rgb 63 93 83 hex #3F5D53 hsv 160 32 36 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.1 lab 37 -14 2 lch 37 14 171 cmyk 12 0 4 64 eureka[3521][65,91,78](2.4):plantation[6733][62,89,76](3.0):stromboli[8014][64,99,86](3.0):style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](3.0):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](3.7) 11 PMS5477:eureka:pasifika:plantation:stromboli:style:whirlpool +5756 mineral_green rgb 80 99 85 hex #506355 hsv 136 19 39 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.1 lab 40 -10 6 lch 40 12 152 cmyk 7 0 5 61 nandor[5975][78,93,78](2.4):PMS5615[727][84,104,86](3.0):nandor[5974][75,93,82](3.0):feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](3.5):viridian_green[8878][75,95,86](3.6) 10 PMS5615:feldgrau:nandor:viridian:green +5757 ming rgb 54 116 125 hex #36747D hsv 188 57 49 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.22 lab 45 -17 -11 lch 45 20 213 cmyk 28 4 0 51 oracle[6194][55,116,117](4.5):muse[5948][46,105,109](5.1):paradiso[6481][49,125,130](5.1):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](5.7):dauntless[2931][22,111,127](5.7) 1 PMS5473:dauntless:muse:oracle:paradiso +5758 ming rgb 64 117 119 hex #407577 hsv 182 46 47 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.2 lab 46 -17 -7 lch 46 18 201 cmyk 22 1 0 53 oracle[6194][55,116,117](2.2):faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](3.0):jade[4716][66,121,119](3.0):paradiso[6482][72,128,132](4.1):jade[4715][64,114,109](4.2) 5 faded:jade:oracle:paradiso +5759 minion_yellow rgb 245 220 80 hex #F5DC50 hsv 51 67 96 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.18 lab 88 -7 69 lch 88 69 95 cmyk 0 10 65 4 PMS113[13][249,229,91](3.0):PMS115[15][249,224,76](3.2):PMS114[14][249,226,76](3.3):energy_yellow[3485][245,215,82](4.1):sandstorm[7470][236,213,64](4.4) 7 PMS113:PMS114:PMS115:energy:sandstorm:yellow +5760 minnelli rgb 177 107 121 hex #B16B79 hsv 348 40 69 xyz 0.27 0.21 0.21 lab 53 30 4 lch 53 30 8 cmyk 0 27 22 31 rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](2.8):turkish_rose[8570][181,114,129](3.7):tapestry[8250][179,112,132](4.6):PMS695[874][178,107,112](5.1):mauve[5580][174,113,129](5.1) 3 PMS695:gold:mauve:tapestry:turkish:rose +5761 minsk rgb 62 50 103 hex #3E3267 hsv 254 51 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.13 lab 25 19 -29 lch 25 35 303 cmyk 16 21 0 60 jelly[4755][62,50,103](0.0):deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](4.2):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](4.2):wow[9181][52,52,103](4.2):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](5.1) 4 deep:dark:jelly:koamaru:wow:indigo +5762 minsk rgb 63 48 127 hex #3F307F hsv 251 62 50 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.21 lab 26 28 -43 lch 26 51 304 cmyk 25 31 0 50 PMS2756[290][51,40,117](4.0):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](4.5):windsor[9133][70,44,119](4.6):believe[1389][53,47,119](4.9):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](5.1) 4 slate:PMS2756:believe:gem:windsor:blue +5763 mint rgb 62 180 137 hex #3EB489 hsv 158 66 71 xyz 0.23 0.35 0.29 lab 66 -43 12 lch 66 45 164 cmyk 46 0 17 29 mountain_meadow[5918][48,186,143](3.6):jungle_green[4791][41,171,135](4.2):ocean_green[6099][72,191,145](4.6):PMS339[408][0,178,140](5.1):mountain_meadow[5917][26,179,133](5.2) 3 PMS339:jungle:meadow:mountain:ocean:green +5764 mint rgb 159 254 176 hex #9FFEB0 hsv 131 37 100 xyz 0.58 0.81 0.54 lab 92 -44 29 lch 92 52 147 cmyk 37 0 31 0 very_light_emerald_green[8759][158,255,170](3.2):very_light_malachite_green[8772][158,255,182](3.3):light_seafoam_green[5200][167,255,181](3.7):light_mint_green[5146][166,251,178](4.5):light_sea_green[5198][152,246,176](4.9) 5 light:very:emerald:malachite:sea:seafoam:green:mint +5765 mint rgb 189 252 201 hex #BDFCC9 hsv 131 25 99 xyz 0.66 0.85 0.68 lab 94 -29 18 lch 94 35 148 cmyk 25 0 20 1 pale_emerald_green[6333][194,255,201](2.2):pale_malachite_green[6389][194,255,209](2.4):madang[5426][183,240,190](4.1):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](5.2):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](6.2) 3 pale:emerald:madang:malachite:sap:green +5766 mint_cream rgb 245 255 250 hex #F5FFFA hsv 150 4 100 xyz 0.91 0.98 1.05 lab 99 -4 1 lch 99 4 163 cmyk 4 0 2 0 mintcream[5773][245,255,250](0.0):cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](2.2):greenish_white[4088][246,255,246](2.2):snow_drift[7811][247,250,247](2.2):black_squeeze[1481][242,250,250](2.4) 54 cyanish:drift:greenish:mintcream:snow:squeeze:black:white +5767 mint_green rgb 143 255 159 hex #8FFF9F hsv 129 44 100 xyz 0.53 0.8 0.45 lab 92 -51 36 lch 92 63 145 cmyk 44 0 38 0 baby_green[1242][140,255,158](1.4):pale_green[6346][154,255,154](3.6):green_pale[4054][152,251,152](4.4):pale_green[6345][152,251,152](4.4):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](4.5) 5 pale:light:very:baby:green +5768 mint_green rgb 152 255 152 hex #98FF98 hsv 120 40 100 xyz 0.54 0.8 0.42 lab 92 -50 40 lch 92 64 141 cmyk 40 0 40 0 pale_green[6346][154,255,154](1.4):green_pale[4054][152,251,152](2.4):pale_green[6345][152,251,152](2.4):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](3.6):baby_green[1242][140,255,158](4.6) 5 pale:light:very:baby:green +5769 mint_julep rgb 224 216 167 hex #E0D8A7 hsv 52 25 88 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.46 lab 86 -5 25 lch 86 26 101 cmyk 0 3 22 12 PMS615[794][226,219,170](1.0):sapling[7491][222,212,164](1.4):sapling[7492][225,213,166](2.2):beige[1385][230,218,166](2.4):bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](3.0) 12 PMS615:bavarian:beige:cream:sapling +5770 mint_julep rgb 241 238 193 hex #F1EEC1 hsv 56 20 95 xyz 0.76 0.84 0.63 lab 93 -6 22 lch 93 23 106 cmyk 0 1 19 5 spring_green[7925][236,234,190](1.0):fall_green[3550][236,235,189](1.7):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](1.7):lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](1.7):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](1.7) 34 pale:bud:chiffon:fall:lemonchiffon:spring:green:lemon +5771 mint_tulip rgb 196 244 235 hex #C4F4EB hsv 169 20 96 xyz 0.7 0.82 0.91 lab 93 -17 -1 lch 93 17 182 cmyk 19 0 4 4 duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](3.0):humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](3.0):scandal[7514][207,250,244](3.0):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](4.2):eggshell_blue[3382][196,255,247](4.4) 5 light:bird:duck:egg:eggshell:humming:scandal:blue +5772 mint_tulip rgb 198 234 221 hex #C6EADD hsv 158 15 92 xyz 0.66 0.76 0.8 lab 90 -14 2 lch 90 14 170 cmyk 14 0 5 8 PMS317[361][201,232,221](2.0):humming_bird[4580][206,239,228](2.2):skeptic[7737][202,230,218](3.3):edgewater[3364][200,227,215](3.7):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](4.1) 8 pale:light:PMS317:bird:edgewater:grayish:humming:skeptic:turquoise +5773 mintcream rgb 245 255 250 hex #F5FFFA hsv 150 4 100 xyz 0.91 0.98 1.05 lab 99 -4 1 lch 99 4 163 cmyk 4 0 2 0 mint_cream[5766][245,255,250](0.0):cyanish_white[2647][246,255,255](2.2):greenish_white[4088][246,255,246](2.2):snow_drift[7811][247,250,247](2.2):black_squeeze[1481][242,250,250](2.4) 54 cream:cyanish:drift:greenish:snow:squeeze:black:mint:white +5774 minty_green rgb 11 247 125 hex #0BF77D hsv 149 96 97 xyz 0.37 0.68 0.31 lab 86 -74 45 lch 86 87 149 cmyk 93 0 48 3 spring_green[7920][0,238,118](3.2):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](3.3):guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](4.1):luminous_vivid_spring_green[5401][0,255,128](4.1):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](4.1) 6 luminous:vivid:guppie:spearmint:spring:wintergreen:green +5775 minx rgb 104 83 91 hex #68535B hsv 337 20 41 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.11 lab 38 10 -1 lch 38 10 352 cmyk 0 8 5 59 zambezi[9245][104,85,88](2.8):falcon[3548][110,90,91](4.1):don_juan[3166][93,76,81](4.6):matakana[5570][104,93,99](5.1):quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](5.4) 3 barista:don:falcon:juan:matakana:quarter:zambezi +5776 mirage rgb 22 25 40 hex #161928 hsv 230 45 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.02 lab 9 3 -11 lch 9 11 287 cmyk 7 6 0 84 celestial_blue[2162][26,32,47](3.2):vulcan[8978][16,18,29](4.4):nite_life[6061][29,33,52](4.6):very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](5.0):black_pearl[1468][4,19,34](5.1) 4 dark:very:celestial:life:nite:pearl:vulcan:black:blue +5777 mirage rgb 55 63 67 hex #373F43 hsv 200 18 26 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 26 -2 -4 lch 26 4 237 cmyk 5 2 0 74 mine_shaft[5754][55,62,65](1.0):charade[2218][57,64,67](1.4):arsenic[1148][59,68,75](2.2):big_stone[1407][51,64,70](2.2):liquid_metal[5302][62,65,71](2.2) 37 arsenic:big:charade:liquid:metal:mine:shaft:stone +5778 mischief rgb 203 105 70 hex #CB6946 hsv 16 66 80 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.09 lab 55 36 37 lch 55 52 46 cmyk 0 38 52 20 terracota[8308][203,104,67](1.0):terracotta[8309][202,102,65](2.4):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](3.7):joie_de_vivre[4772][207,101,72](4.1):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](4.2) 5 cotta:damask:de:joie:terra:terracota:terracotta:vivre:red +5779 mischka rgb 165 169 178 hex #A5A9B2 hsv 222 7 70 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.48 lab 69 0 -5 lch 69 5 274 cmyk 5 4 0 30 freestyling[3741][164,168,176](0.0):forecast[3718][162,170,177](1.0):aluminium[1025][169,172,182](1.4):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](1.4):spun_pearl[7939][170,171,183](2.4) 21 aluminium:chateau:forecast:freestyling:pearl:spun:grey +5780 mischka rgb 209 210 221 hex #D1D2DD hsv 235 5 87 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.78 lab 84 2 -6 lch 84 6 287 cmyk 5 4 0 13 PMS2706[266][209,206,221](2.4):link_water[5294][199,205,216](2.8):rolling_fog[7274][218,215,223](2.8):ghost[3851][199,201,213](3.0):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](3.0) 14 light:PMS2706:bluish:fog:ghost:link:rolling:water:grey +5781 miso rgb 210 204 168 hex #D2CCA8 hsv 51 20 82 xyz 0.55 0.6 0.46 lab 82 -4 19 lch 82 19 101 cmyk 0 2 16 18 lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](2.2):lemonchiffon[4985][205,201,165](2.2):PMS5797[761][211,209,170](2.4):thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.4):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.4) 17 PMS5797:chiffon:lemonchiffon:thistle:green:lemon +5782 miss_hussy rgb 196 71 98 hex #C44762 hsv 347 64 77 xyz 0.27 0.17 0.13 lab 48 52 12 lch 48 53 13 cmyk 0 49 38 23 deep_rose[3044][199,71,103](3.3):cabaret[1968][205,82,108](4.2):hibiscus[4477][179,54,84](5.0):popstar[6775][190,78,98](5.1):popstar[6776][190,79,98](6.1) 3 deep:cabaret:hibiscus:popstar:rose +5783 mission_brown rgb 68 48 40 hex #443028 hsv 17 41 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 22 8 9 lch 22 12 48 cmyk 0 8 11 73 dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](1.0):nala[5973][65,47,40](1.7):english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](2.0):tobago[8396][62,43,35](2.0):baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](2.4) 36 dark:baked:earth:english:ginger:nala:tobago:walnut +5784 mist_grey rgb 186 185 169 hex #BAB9A9 hsv 56 9 73 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.44 lab 75 -2 8 lch 75 9 107 cmyk 0 0 7 27 bone_white[1648][184,183,166](1.7):eighth_arrowtown[3385][186,181,168](1.7):quarter_grey_olive[6953][194,188,171](1.7):ash[1153][190,186,167](2.0):pebble_grey[6575][180,179,164](2.0) 61 arrowtown:ash:bone:eighth:olive:pebble:quarter:grey:white +5785 mist_grey rgb 196 196 188 hex #C4C4BC hsv 60 4 77 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.55 lab 79 -1 4 lch 79 4 110 cmyk 0 0 3 23 quarter_foggy_grey[6945][196,195,188](0.0):grey_nickel[4216][195,195,189](1.0):cloud[2380][199,196,191](1.4):silver_sand[7717][190,189,182](2.0):half_atmosphere[4284][190,191,183](2.2) 89 atmosphere:cloud:foggy:half:nickel:quarter:sand:silver:grey +5786 misty_lavender rgb 182 181 185 hex #B6B5B9 hsv 255 2 73 xyz 0.45 0.46 0.53 lab 74 1 -2 lch 74 2 300 cmyk 1 2 0 27 grey[4172][181,181,181](2.2):half_grey_chateau[4335][186,189,193](2.2):grey[4171][179,179,179](2.4):grey[4173][184,184,184](2.4):greywacke[4234][188,184,190](2.4) 39 chateau:greywacke:half:grey +5787 misty_moss rgb 187 180 119 hex #BBB477 hsv 54 36 73 xyz 0.4 0.45 0.24 lab 73 -7 32 lch 73 33 102 cmyk 0 3 27 27 quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](2.2):pea_soup[6536][185,184,128](3.3):iko[4609][179,171,110](4.1):style_pasifika_sand_frond[8094][179,171,110](4.1):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](4.2) 6 PMS5845:crisp:frond:iko:pasifika:pea:quarter:sand:soup:style:green +5788 misty_rose rgb 139 125 123 hex #8B7D7B hsv 7 12 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.22 lab 54 5 3 lch 54 6 31 cmyk 0 5 6 45 mistyrose[5792][139,125,123](0.0):eighth_felix[3398][137,124,121](1.4):hurricane[4587][135,124,123](1.7):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.2):tom[8404][146,130,127](2.4) 22 eighth:felix:hurricane:metallic:mistyrose:rocket:tom +5789 misty_rose rgb 205 183 181 hex #CDB7B5 hsv 5 12 80 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.51 lab 76 8 4 lch 76 8 27 cmyk 0 9 9 20 mistyrose[5793][205,183,181](0.0):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](1.4):cold_turkey[2433][206,186,186](1.7):kidman[4853][204,183,185](2.0):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.0) 17 cold:kidman:mistyrose:soulmate:turkey +5790 misty_rose rgb 238 213 210 hex #EED5D2 hsv 6 12 93 xyz 0.71 0.7 0.71 lab 87 8 5 lch 87 9 30 cmyk 0 10 11 7 mistyrose[5794][238,213,210](0.0):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](1.7):PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.0):bambina[1272][233,213,211](2.2):oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](2.4) 29 PMS677:bambina:ice:mistyrose:oyster:vanilla:pink +5791 misty_rose rgb 255 228 225 hex #FFE4E1 hsv 6 12 100 xyz 0.83 0.82 0.83 lab 93 9 5 lch 93 10 29 cmyk 0 11 12 0 mistyrose[5795][255,228,225](0.0):cinderella[2330][253,225,220](1.4):pippin[6714][255,225,223](1.4):very_pale_pink[8816][255,226,226](1.7):tutu[8607][248,228,227](3.0) 15 pale:very:cinderella:mistyrose:pippin:tutu:pink +5792 mistyrose rgb 139 125 123 hex #8B7D7B hsv 7 12 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.22 lab 54 5 3 lch 54 6 31 cmyk 0 5 6 45 misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](0.0):eighth_felix[3398][137,124,121](1.4):hurricane[4587][135,124,123](1.7):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.2):tom[8404][146,130,127](2.4) 22 misty:eighth:felix:hurricane:metallic:rocket:tom:rose +5793 mistyrose rgb 205 183 181 hex #CDB7B5 hsv 5 12 80 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.51 lab 76 8 4 lch 76 8 27 cmyk 0 9 9 20 misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](0.0):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](1.4):cold_turkey[2433][206,186,186](1.7):kidman[4853][204,183,185](2.0):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.0) 17 misty:cold:kidman:soulmate:turkey:rose +5794 mistyrose rgb 238 213 210 hex #EED5D2 hsv 6 12 93 xyz 0.71 0.7 0.71 lab 87 8 5 lch 87 9 30 cmyk 0 10 11 7 misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](0.0):vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](1.7):PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.0):bambina[1272][233,213,211](2.2):oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](2.4) 29 misty:PMS677:bambina:ice:oyster:vanilla:pink:rose +5795 mistyrose rgb 255 228 225 hex #FFE4E1 hsv 6 12 100 xyz 0.83 0.82 0.83 lab 93 9 5 lch 93 10 29 cmyk 0 11 12 0 misty_rose[5791][255,228,225](0.0):cinderella[2330][253,225,220](1.4):pippin[6714][255,225,223](1.4):very_pale_pink[8816][255,226,226](1.7):tutu[8607][248,228,227](3.0) 15 pale:misty:very:cinderella:pippin:tutu:pink:rose +5796 mobster rgb 96 90 103 hex #605A67 hsv 268 13 40 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.14 lab 39 5 -7 lch 39 8 308 cmyk 3 5 0 60 smoky[7795][96,93,107](1.7):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](2.2):mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](3.0):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](3.0):fedora[3567][98,86,101](3.2) 10 box:fedora:flow:mid:salt:scarpa:smoky:grey +5797 mobster rgb 127 117 137 hex #7F7589 hsv 270 15 54 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.26 lab 51 8 -10 lch 51 12 310 cmyk 4 8 0 46 topaz[8422][124,119,138](2.0):labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](4.5):raincloud[7048][123,124,148](4.7):waterloo[9017][123,124,148](4.7):PMS5285[661][140,130,153](5.1) 4 PMS5285:labyrinth:raincloud:topaz:waterloo +5798 moby rgb 142 178 190 hex #8EB2BE hsv 195 25 75 xyz 0.36 0.41 0.55 lab 70 -9 -10 lch 70 14 227 cmyk 19 5 0 25 PMS550[701][135,175,191](3.3):botticelli[1669][146,172,180](3.7):pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](3.7):nepal[6023][147,170,185](4.5):frozen[3785][157,182,198](5.1) 4 PMS550:botticelli:frozen:nepal:pewter:blue +5799 moccaccino rgb 88 47 43 hex #582F2B hsv 5 51 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 25 18 11 lch 25 21 31 cmyk 0 16 18 65 redwood[7161][91,52,46](1.4):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](2.4):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](2.4):PMS1817[132][91,45,40](3.0):jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](3.0) 16 dark:PMS1817:jarrah:pepperwood:redwood:scarlet:stain +5800 moccaccino rgb 110 29 20 hex #6E1D14 hsv 6 82 43 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.01 lab 24 35 26 lch 24 44 37 cmyk 0 32 35 57 dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](3.7):cherrywood[2267][101,26,20](4.1):volcano[8968][101,26,20](4.1):persian_plum[6609][112,28,28](4.6):prune[6825][112,28,28](4.6) 5 dark:cherrywood:persian:plum:prune:tan:volcano +5801 moccasin rgb 250 235 215 hex #FAEBD7 hsv 34 14 98 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.76 lab 94 2 12 lch 94 12 81 cmyk 0 6 14 2 antique_white[1070][250,235,215](0.0):antique_white[1071][255,239,219](1.0):peach[6544][255,240,219](1.0):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](1.0):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.4) 54 antique:cream:derby:peach:white +5802 moccasin rgb 255 228 181 hex #FFE4B5 hsv 38 29 100 xyz 0.77 0.8 0.55 lab 92 2 26 lch 92 26 85 cmyk 0 11 29 0 peach[6543][255,229,180](1.0):wheat[9069][255,231,186](1.4):peach_yellow[6553][250,223,173](2.8):banana_mania[1279][252,233,189](3.0):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](3.2) 20 banana:mania:wheat:peach:yellow +5803 mocha rgb 111 55 45 hex #6F372D hsv 9 59 44 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 30 24 18 lch 30 29 36 cmyk 0 22 26 56 kwila[4897][109,51,42](1.4):meranti[5675][107,52,42](1.4):PMS498[607][109,51,43](1.7):pueblo[6833][110,51,38](2.4):crown_of_thorns[2607][118,60,51](3.2) 12 PMS498:crown:kwila:meranti:of:pueblo:thorns +5804 mocha rgb 120 45 25 hex #782D19 hsv 13 79 47 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.02 lab 29 32 29 lch 29 43 43 cmyk 0 29 37 53 peanut[6560][120,47,22](3.0):red_robin[7139][128,52,31](3.0):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](4.6):hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](5.1):teak_wood_finish[8282][107,42,20](5.1) 3 finish:hairy:heath:peanut:pueblo:robin:teak:wood:red +5805 mocha rgb 157 118 81 hex #9D7651 hsv 29 48 62 xyz 0.22 0.21 0.11 lab 53 11 26 lch 53 28 68 cmyk 0 15 30 38 moscow_mule[5907][158,120,83](1.0):dirt[3134][155,118,83](1.7):pale_brown[6316][152,118,84](3.0):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.3):café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](3.5) 9 pale:au:café:chamoisee:dirt:lait:moscow:mule:brown +5806 mode_beige rgb 150 113 23 hex #967117 hsv 43 85 59 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 50 6 51 lch 50 51 83 cmyk 0 15 50 41 bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](0.0):drab[3264][150,113,23](0.0):sand_dune[7458][150,113,23](0.0):sandy_taupe[7478][150,113,23](0.0):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6) 8 bistre:corn:drab:dune:harvest:sand:sandy:taupe:brown +5807 moderate_amaranth rgb 168 74 85 hex #A84A55 hsv 353 56 66 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.1 lab 44 40 13 lch 44 42 18 cmyk 0 37 33 34 english_red[3491][171,75,82](2.2):light_maroon[5142][162,72,87](3.3):rose_vale[7317][171,78,82](3.7):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](4.6):aphrodisiac[1077][166,77,78](5.0) 5 light:aphrodisiac:english:hippie:maroon:vale:pink:red:rose +5808 moderate_amber rgb 168 145 74 hex #A8914A hsv 45 56 66 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.11 lab 61 0 40 lch 61 40 91 cmyk 0 9 37 34 husk[4589][178,153,75](5.0):PMS4505[537][160,145,81](5.1):jewelled_yellow[4766][154,136,62](5.1):fleetwood[3683][185,158,86](5.2):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](5.4) 1 PMS4505:fleetwood:husk:jewelled:turmeric:yellow +5809 moderate_apple_green rgb 156 168 74 hex #9CA84A hsv 68 56 66 xyz 0.29 0.36 0.12 lab 66 -18 46 lch 66 50 111 cmyk 5 0 37 34 moderate_lime_green[5830][145,168,74](4.2):moderate_olive[5834][168,168,74](5.5):flourish[3697][173,177,94](6.9):vermont[8709][178,190,97](8.1):olive_green[6164][181,179,92](8.8) 1 moderate:flourish:olive:vermont:green:lime +5810 moderate_aquamarine rgb 74 168 133 hex #4AA885 hsv 158 56 66 xyz 0.21 0.31 0.27 lab 63 -36 10 lch 63 38 165 cmyk 37 0 14 34 greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](5.8):jungle_green[4793][59,176,143](6.2):silver_tree[7721][102,181,143](6.2):zomp[9272][57,167,141](6.2):zomp[9273][57,167,142](6.2) 0 greeny:jungle:silver:tree:zomp:blue:green +5811 moderate_arctic_blue rgb 74 156 168 hex #4A9CA8 hsv 188 56 66 xyz 0.22 0.28 0.41 lab 60 -21 -14 lch 60 25 213 cmyk 37 5 0 34 such_fun[8108][72,158,168](2.2):wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](3.3):toto[8438][81,157,175](4.4):retreat[7190][57,144,155](5.1):PMS549[698][94,153,170](6.1) 3 PMS549:eva:fun:retreat:such:toto:wot +5812 moderate_azure rgb 74 121 168 hex #4A79A8 hsv 210 56 66 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.4 lab 49 -2 -30 lch 49 30 266 cmyk 37 18 0 34 muted_blue[5958][59,113,159](3.2):steel_blue[7964][70,130,180](4.1):lure[5409][47,119,169](4.4):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](4.5):dull_blue[3281][73,117,156](4.6) 7 cyan:dull:lure:muted:steel:azure:blue +5813 moderate_blue rgb 74 74 168 hex #4A4AA8 hsv 240 56 66 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.38 lab 36 28 -51 lch 36 58 299 cmyk 37 37 0 34 moderate_persian_blue[5838][85,74,168](3.0):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](6.5):moderate_indigo[5829][97,74,168](6.7):blue_violet[1594][100,86,183](6.8):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](7.1) 1 moderate:blueberry:persian:blue:indigo:violet +5814 moderate_blue_violet rgb 109 74 168 hex #6D4AA8 hsv 262 56 66 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.38 lab 40 36 -45 lch 40 58 308 cmyk 23 37 0 34 moderate_violet[5854][121,74,168](3.7):ferris_wheel[3587][114,74,161](4.1):moderate_indigo[5829][97,74,168](4.1):studio[8066][114,74,161](4.1):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](4.6) 5 moderate:ferris:royal:studio:wheel:indigo:purple:violet +5815 moderate_cerise rgb 168 74 133 hex #A84A85 hsv 322 56 66 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.24 lab 46 46 -15 lch 46 48 342 cmyk 0 37 14 34 moderate_fuchsia[5823][168,74,145](6.3):magenta_haze[5444][159,69,118](6.6):moderate_rose[5844][168,74,121](7.3):mystic_maroon[5971][173,67,121](7.7):rouge[7336][162,59,108](10.3) 0 moderate:fuchsia:haze:magenta:maroon:mystic:rouge:rose +5816 moderate_cerulean rgb 74 145 168 hex #4A91A8 hsv 195 56 66 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.41 lab 57 -16 -19 lch 57 24 231 cmyk 37 9 0 34 endorphin[3484][65,144,173](3.3):hippie_blue[4507][88,154,175](3.7):boston_blue[1665][67,142,172](4.6):toto[8438][81,157,175](4.9):PMS549[698][94,153,170](5.1) 4 PMS549:boston:endorphin:hippie:toto:blue +5817 moderate_chartreuse_green rgb 121 168 74 hex #79A84A hsv 90 56 66 xyz 0.23 0.33 0.12 lab 64 -32 43 lch 64 53 127 cmyk 18 0 37 34 go[3882][118,173,76](3.3):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](4.2):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](5.2):moderate_spring_bud[5849][133,168,74](5.2):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](7.2) 2 moderate:flat:asparagus:bud:go:pistachio:spring:green +5818 moderate_cobalt_blue rgb 74 109 168 hex #4A6DA8 hsv 218 56 66 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.39 lab 46 5 -35 lch 46 36 279 cmyk 37 23 0 34 san_marino[7448][69,108,172](3.2):blue_yonder[1601][80,114,167](4.1):french_blue[3745][67,107,173](4.6):mariner[5533][66,99,159](4.6):super_duper[8151][66,99,159](4.6) 5 duper:french:mariner:marino:san:super:yonder:blue +5819 moderate_cornflower_blue rgb 74 133 168 hex #4A85A8 hsv 202 56 66 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.4 lab 53 -9 -24 lch 53 26 250 cmyk 37 14 0 34 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62 57 143 cmyk 37 0 33 34 fruit_salad[3786][75,163,81](3.0):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](3.7):chateau_green[2242][64,168,96](5.0):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](6.1):moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](6.3) 3 moderate:dark:chateau:fruit:malachite:pastel:salad:green +5823 moderate_fuchsia rgb 168 74 145 hex #A84A91 hsv 315 56 66 xyz 0.24 0.15 0.28 lab 46 48 -21 lch 46 52 336 cmyk 0 37 9 34 moderate_orchid[5837][168,74,156](6.1):moderate_cerise[5815][168,74,133](6.3):PMS258[230][155,79,150](7.3):plum[6744][142,69,133](9.5):orchid[6234][139,71,137](10.7) 0 moderate:PMS258:cerise:orchid:plum +5824 moderate_gamboge rgb 168 133 74 hex #A8854A hsv 38 56 66 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.1 lab 58 6 37 lch 58 37 80 cmyk 0 14 37 34 dark_tan[2901][175,136,74](3.0):teak[8279][171,137,83](3.2):muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](3.6):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](3.7):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](3.7) 8 dark:driftwood:mckenzie:muddy:tan:teak:waters +5825 moderate_gold rgb 168 156 74 hex #A89C4A hsv 52 56 66 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.11 lab 64 -6 44 lch 64 44 98 cmyk 0 5 37 34 PMS618[797][181,170,89](5.2):husk[4590][183,164,88](5.4):husk[4589][178,153,75](6.0):gingko[3865][165,156,85](6.1):gimblet[3859][185,173,97](7.2) 0 PMS618:gimblet:gingko:husk +5826 moderate_green rgb 74 168 74 hex #4AA84A hsv 120 56 66 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.11 lab 62 -47 40 lch 62 62 140 cmyk 37 0 37 34 mid_green[5707][80,167,71](2.4):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](3.0):tree_frog[8464][80,167,67](3.3):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](4.1):apple[1079][79,168,61](6.0) 4 moderate:dark:apple:frog:mid:pastel:sap:tree:green +5827 moderate_harlequin rgb 97 168 74 hex #61A84A hsv 105 56 66 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.11 lab 63 -40 41 lch 63 58 134 cmyk 28 0 37 34 groovy[4236][92,163,69](2.0):fern[3577][99,169,80](2.2):moderate_pistachio[5840][109,168,74](4.1):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](4.2):mid_green[5707][80,167,71](5.4) 4 moderate:fern:groovy:mid:pistachio:sap:green +5828 moderate_heliotrope rgb 156 74 168 hex #9C4AA8 hsv 292 56 66 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.39 lab 45 48 -36 lch 45 60 323 cmyk 5 37 0 34 purpureus[6906][154,78,174](2.4):medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](3.7):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](3.7):PMS2583[232][158,79,165](4.6):moderate_magenta[5831][168,74,168](4.7) 5 medium:moderate:PMS2583:magenta:mulberry:purpureus:purple +5829 moderate_indigo rgb 97 74 168 hex #614AA8 hsv 255 56 66 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.38 lab 38 33 -47 lch 38 58 305 cmyk 28 37 0 34 moderate_persian_blue[5838][85,74,168](3.7):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](4.1):blue_violet[1594][100,86,183](5.4):gigas[3855][82,60,148](6.4):royal_purple[7356][107,63,160](6.4) 2 moderate:gigas:persian:royal:blue:purple:violet +5830 moderate_lime_green rgb 145 168 74 hex #91A84A hsv 75 56 66 xyz 0.27 0.35 0.12 lab 65 -22 45 lch 65 50 116 cmyk 9 0 37 34 moderate_apple_green[5809][156,168,74](4.2):moderate_spring_bud[5849][133,168,74](5.1):chameleon[2203][152,183,79](8.1):light_olive_green[5155][164,190,92](8.3):wasabi[9007][132,145,55](8.9) 1 moderate:light:apple:bud:chameleon:olive:spring:wasabi:green +5831 moderate_magenta rgb 168 74 168 hex #A84AA8 hsv 300 56 66 xyz 0.26 0.16 0.39 lab 47 51 -33 lch 47 61 327 cmyk 0 37 0 34 ugly_purple[8633][164,66,160](3.0):medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](3.2):moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](4.7):PMS2583[232][158,79,165](5.2):moderate_orchid[5837][168,74,156](6.4) 3 medium:moderate:PMS2583:heliotrope:orchid:ugly:purple +5832 moderate_malachite_green rgb 74 168 97 hex #4AA861 hsv 135 56 66 xyz 0.19 0.3 0.16 lab 62 -44 28 lch 62 52 147 cmyk 37 0 28 34 chateau_green[2242][64,168,96](2.2):algae[994][84,172,104](3.0):chateau_green[2243][65,159,89](3.2):seaweed_green[7595][53,173,107](5.1):moderate_emerald_green[5822][74,168,85](6.3) 3 moderate:algae:chateau:emerald:seaweed:green +5833 moderate_mulberry rgb 145 74 168 hex #914AA8 hsv 285 56 66 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.39 lab 44 45 -38 lch 44 59 320 cmyk 9 37 0 34 purpureus[6906][154,78,174](2.8):moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](3.7):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](4.6):moderate_purple[5841][133,74,168](4.7):purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](4.7) 5 moderate:PMS2587:heliotrope:plum:purpureus:purple +5834 moderate_olive rgb 168 168 74 hex #A8A84A hsv 60 56 66 xyz 0.31 0.37 0.12 lab 67 -13 48 lch 67 49 105 cmyk 0 0 37 34 moderate_apple_green[5809][156,168,74](5.5):olive_green[6164][181,179,92](6.0):flourish[3697][173,177,94](6.8):brass[1697][181,166,66](7.3):PMS618[797][181,170,89](8.1) 0 moderate:PMS618:apple:brass:flourish:olive:green +5835 moderate_opal rgb 74 168 156 hex #4AA89C hsv 172 56 66 xyz 0.23 0.32 0.36 lab 63 -31 -2 lch 63 31 184 cmyk 37 0 5 34 polished_pine[6759][93,164,147](5.7):sea[7548][60,153,146](6.2):landmark[4907][62,152,137](6.4):verdigris[8699][67,179,174](6.5):keppel[4833][58,176,158](6.6) 0 keppel:landmark:pine:polished:sea:verdigris +5836 moderate_orange rgb 168 121 74 hex #A8794A hsv 30 56 66 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.1 lab 55 13 33 lch 55 35 69 cmyk 0 18 37 34 roasted_orange[7242][166,119,71](1.0):tan_brown[8229][171,126,76](1.7):light_brown[5074][173,129,80](2.8):puce[6830][165,126,82](4.4):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](5.0) 5 light:55:lmu:puce:roasted:tan:toast:brown:orange +5837 moderate_orchid rgb 168 74 156 hex #A84A9C hsv 308 56 66 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.33 lab 46 49 -27 lch 46 56 331 cmyk 0 37 5 34 PMS2583[232][158,79,165](5.8):moderate_fuchsia[5823][168,74,145](6.1):moderate_magenta[5831][168,74,168](6.4):ugly_purple[8633][164,66,160](6.5):PMS258[230][155,79,150](7.3) 0 moderate:PMS258:PMS2583:fuchsia:magenta:ugly:purple +5838 moderate_persian_blue rgb 85 74 168 hex #554AA8 hsv 247 56 66 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.38 lab 37 30 -49 lch 37 58 301 cmyk 33 37 0 34 moderate_blue[5813][74,74,168](3.0):moderate_indigo[5829][97,74,168](3.7):blue_violet[1594][100,86,183](5.2):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](6.6):gigas[3855][82,60,148](6.7) 2 moderate:blueberry:gigas:blue:indigo:violet +5839 moderate_phthalo_blue rgb 74 85 168 hex #4A55A8 hsv 233 56 66 xyz 0.13 0.11 0.38 lab 39 21 -46 lch 39 51 294 cmyk 37 33 0 34 gypsy_queen[4266][78,86,172](1.7):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](3.7):liberty[4990][84,90,167](4.9):cobalt[2397][61,89,171](5.2):sapphire[7495][47,81,158](6.7) 3 cobalt:gypsy:liberty:queen:rich:sapphire:blue +5840 moderate_pistachio rgb 109 168 74 hex #6DA84A hsv 98 56 66 xyz 0.22 0.32 0.11 lab 63 -36 42 lch 63 55 131 cmyk 23 0 37 34 go[3882][118,173,76](3.0):moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](4.1):fern[3577][99,169,80](4.2):moderate_chartreuse_green[5817][121,168,74](4.2):groovy[4236][92,163,69](4.6) 5 moderate:chartreuse:fern:go:groovy:harlequin:green +5841 moderate_purple rgb 133 74 168 hex #854AA8 hsv 278 56 66 xyz 0.19 0.13 0.38 lab 42 42 -41 lch 42 59 316 cmyk 14 37 0 34 moderate_violet[5854][121,74,168](3.7):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](4.7):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](5.2):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](7.0):purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](7.1) 2 moderate:PMS2587:mulberry:plum:royal:purple:violet +5842 moderate_raspberry rgb 168 74 109 hex #A84A6D hsv 338 56 66 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.16 lab 45 42 -1 lch 45 42 358 cmyk 0 37 23 34 china_rose[2293][168,81,110](3.3):party_dress[6496][174,72,112](4.1):bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](4.6):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](4.6):medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](5.4) 4 medium:bedazzle:cadillac:china:dress:party:ruby:rose +5843 moderate_red rgb 168 74 74 hex #A84A4A hsv 360 56 66 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.08 lab 44 39 19 lch 44 43 26 cmyk 0 37 37 34 alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](2.2):aphrodisiac[1077][166,77,78](2.8):rose_vale[7317][171,78,82](3.3):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.5):english_red[3491][171,75,82](4.2) 6 alter:aphrodisiac:ego:english:roof:terracotta:vale:red:rose +5844 moderate_rose rgb 168 74 121 hex #A84A79 hsv 330 56 66 xyz 0.22 0.15 0.2 lab 45 44 -8 lch 45 45 350 cmyk 0 37 18 34 magenta_haze[5444][159,69,118](3.0):mystic_maroon[5971][173,67,121](5.0):rouge[7336][162,59,108](5.4):party_dress[6496][174,72,112](6.3):bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](7.1) 2 bedazzle:dress:haze:magenta:maroon:mystic:party:rouge +5845 moderate_sap_green rgb 85 168 74 hex #55A84A hsv 113 56 66 xyz 0.19 0.3 0.11 lab 62 -44 40 lch 62 60 137 cmyk 33 0 37 34 mid_green[5707][80,167,71](1.7):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](3.0):dark_pastel_green[2836][86,174,87](3.7):tree_frog[8464][80,167,67](3.7):groovy[4236][92,163,69](4.2) 6 moderate:dark:frog:groovy:mid:pastel:tree:green +5846 moderate_sapphire_blue rgb 74 97 168 hex #4A61A8 hsv 225 56 66 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.39 lab 43 13 -41 lch 43 43 288 cmyk 37 28 0 34 PMS660[839][89,96,168](4.1):anchor[1051][82,109,178](5.1):azure[1228][49,91,161](5.7):liberty[4990][84,90,167](6.4):french_blue[3745][67,107,173](6.6) 1 PMS660:anchor:french:liberty:azure:blue +5847 moderate_scarlet rgb 168 85 74 hex #A8554A hsv 7 56 66 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.08 lab 46 33 22 lch 46 40 34 cmyk 0 33 37 34 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97 74 hex #A8614A hsv 15 56 66 xyz 0.22 0.17 0.09 lab 49 26 25 lch 49 37 44 cmyk 0 28 37 34 claypot[2365][171,105,80](2.8):sepia_skin[7616][158,91,64](3.7):sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](4.5):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](4.6):brown[1839][180,103,77](4.7) 5 claypot:fe:santa:sante:sepia:skin:brown +5854 moderate_violet rgb 121 74 168 hex #794AA8 hsv 270 56 66 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.38 lab 41 39 -43 lch 41 58 312 cmyk 18 37 0 34 moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](3.7):moderate_purple[5841][133,74,168](3.7):ferris_wheel[3587][114,74,161](4.6):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](4.6):studio[8066][114,74,161](4.6) 5 moderate:ferris:royal:studio:wheel:blue:purple:violet +5855 modular_green rgb 76 78 63 hex #4C4E3F hsv 68 19 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.06 lab 33 -4 9 lch 33 9 114 cmyk 1 0 6 69 kelp[4829][77,80,60](2.2):cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](3.6):grey_green[4212][69,73,54](3.7):kelp[4828][69,73,54](3.7):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](4.0) 17 cabbage:cliffhanger:kelp:pont:green:grey +5856 mojito rgb 152 135 98 hex #988762 hsv 41 36 60 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.15 lab 57 1 22 lch 57 22 88 cmyk 0 7 21 40 alloy[1003][145,129,94](2.2):colins_wicket[2434][149,130,93](2.4):gold_rush[3905][162,138,100](3.5):treasure_chest[8463][155,142,110](3.7):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](4.1) 10 alloy:chest:colins:gold:goldmine:rush:treasure:wicket +5857 mojo rgb 151 70 60 hex #97463C hsv 7 60 59 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.06 lab 40 33 22 lch 40 40 34 cmyk 0 32 36 41 cognac[2425][154,70,61](1.4):fusion[3814][152,70,62](1.4):hot_august[4550][154,70,59](1.7):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](3.2):sanguine_brown[7483][141,61,56](3.7) 10 august:cognac:el:fusion:hot:salva:sanguine:brown +5858 mojo rgb 192 71 55 hex #C04737 hsv 7 71 75 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.05 lab 47 48 35 lch 47 59 36 cmyk 0 47 54 25 bring_it_on[1812][195,66,59](3.6):balloon[1269][193,77,54](3.7):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](3.7):daredevil[2673][203,72,59](3.7):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](3.7) 6 balloon:bring:catalyst:daredevil:grenadier:it:on +5859 moleskin rgb 198 170 151 hex #C6AA97 hsv 24 24 78 xyz 0.43 0.43 0.35 lab 72 7 14 lch 72 15 62 cmyk 0 11 18 22 PMS4735[579][204,175,155](1.0):half_rickshaw[4376][189,167,147](3.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](3.0):peach_puff[6548][205,175,149](3.2):peachpuff[6555][205,175,149](3.2) 10 PMS4735:dust:half:peachpuff:puff:rickshaw:rodeo:peach +5860 mollusc rgb 67 70 75 hex #43464B hsv 218 11 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.08 lab 30 0 -3 lch 30 3 269 cmyk 3 2 0 71 steel_grey[7972][67,70,75](0.0):tuna[8564][70,73,78](1.0):bleached_cedar[1512][69,70,71](2.0):half_fuscous_grey[4331][73,70,72](2.8):half_nocturnal[4360][67,67,69](2.8) 42 bleached:cedar:fuscous:half:nocturnal:steel:tuna:grey +5861 momentum rgb 120 78 44 hex #784E2C hsv 27 63 47 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.04 lab 37 14 27 lch 37 30 63 cmyk 0 16 30 53 matai[5569][118,76,44](1.4):walnut[8988][121,77,46](1.4):oak[6087][120,81,45](2.2):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](3.6):dallas[2664][110,75,38](3.7) 12 bean:dallas:matai:oak:pickled:walnut +5862 mona_lisa rgb 255 152 137 hex #FF9889 hsv 8 46 100 xyz 0.57 0.46 0.29 lab 73 37 25 lch 73 44 34 cmyk 0 40 46 0 peachy_pink[6557][255,154,138](1.4):vivid_tangerine[8955][255,153,128](4.1):vivid_tangerine[8956][255,160,137](4.9):PMS170[107][249,137,114](7.8):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](8.4) 3 vivid:PMS170:geraldine:peachy:tangerine:pink +5863 mona_lisa rgb 255 161 148 hex #FFA194 hsv 7 42 100 xyz 0.59 0.49 0.34 lab 75 33 21 lch 75 40 33 cmyk 0 37 42 0 blush[1628][242,158,142](4.5):very_light_scarlet[8787][255,170,158](4.7):peachy_pink[6557][255,154,138](5.1):cornflower[2531][255,171,160](5.2):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](5.4) 2 light:very:blush:cornflower:peachy:salmon:scarlet:pink +5864 monarch rgb 107 37 44 hex #6B252C hsv 354 65 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 32 12 lch 26 34 21 cmyk 0 27 25 58 hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](0.0):western_red[9054][107,37,44](0.0):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](3.2):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](3.2):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](3.2) 18 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dark:bronze:grayish:iroko:metallic:rock:tabac:brown +5868 mongoose rgb 165 139 111 hex #A58B6F hsv 31 33 65 xyz 0.28 0.28 0.19 lab 60 6 19 lch 60 19 73 cmyk 0 10 21 35 triple_sandcastle[8515][163,138,109](1.4):sandal[7461][170,141,111](1.7):triple_drought[8489][164,141,112](2.0):sandal[7460][163,135,106](2.2):triple_pavlova[8507][159,137,107](2.8) 17 drought:pavlova:sandal:sandcastle:triple +5869 mongoose rgb 181 162 127 hex #B5A27F hsv 39 30 71 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.25 lab 67 2 21 lch 67 21 86 cmyk 0 7 21 29 taupe[8261][185,162,129](1.7):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](2.2):navarone[5991][185,165,132](2.2):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](2.8):quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](3.0) 14 colins:doeskin:howlin:navarone:quarter:taupe:wicket:wolf +5870 monkey rgb 53 46 40 hex #352E28 hsv 28 25 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 2 5 lch 19 5 69 cmyk 0 3 5 79 coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](1.4):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](1.4):marlin[5536][54,45,38](1.4):style_pasifika_dark_soil[8075][54,45,38](1.4):dark_ebony[2717][55,49,43](2.2) 53 dark:bean:coffee:cuban:ebony:marlin:pasifika:soil:style:tan +5871 monsoon rgb 122 118 121 hex #7A7679 hsv 315 3 48 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.21 lab 50 2 -1 lch 50 2 333 cmyk 0 2 0 52 grey[4145][120,120,120](2.2):boulder[1675][122,122,122](2.4):grey[4144][117,117,117](2.4):grey[4146][122,122,122](2.4):sonic_silver[7848][117,117,117](2.4) 39 boulder:silver:sonic:grey +5872 monsoon rgb 138 131 137 hex #8A8389 hsv 309 5 54 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.27 lab 56 4 -2 lch 56 4 329 cmyk 0 3 0 46 lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](1.0):lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](1.0):taupe_grey[8263][139,133,137](1.4):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](1.7):venus[8697][139,125,130](3.0) 25 blush:lavenderblush:suva:taupe:venus:grey:lavender +5873 montana rgb 41 30 48 hex #291E30 hsv 277 38 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 13 10 -10 lch 13 14 314 cmyk 3 7 0 81 bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](2.0):bastille[1313][41,33,48](3.7):upstage[8659][51,32,51](3.7):woody_bay[9176][41,33,48](3.7):showtime[7680][47,38,58](4.2) 8 bastille:bay:bleached:cedar:showtime:upstage:woody +5874 montana rgb 57 59 60 hex #393B3C hsv 200 5 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 25 -1 -1 lch 25 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 76 atom[1184][55,58,60](1.4):baltic_sea[1271][60,61,62](1.4):grey[4121][59,59,59](1.4):grey[4120][56,56,56](1.7):grey[4122][61,61,61](1.7) 57 atom:baltic:sea:grey +5875 monte_carlo rgb 122 197 180 hex #7AC5B4 hsv 166 38 77 xyz 0.36 0.47 0.5 lab 74 -27 1 lch 74 27 178 cmyk 29 0 7 23 PMS570[740][127,198,178](2.2):PMS563[730][127,188,170](4.1):pale_teal[6437][130,203,178](4.6):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](5.0):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](6.4) 4 pale:PMS3248:PMS563:PMS570:bermuda:teal +5876 monte_carlo rgb 131 208 198 hex #83D0C6 hsv 172 37 82 xyz 0.42 0.54 0.62 lab 78 -26 -3 lch 78 26 186 cmyk 30 0 4 18 bermuda[1394][134,210,193](4.2):aqua[1099][146,211,202](4.6):onepoto[6181][129,211,209](4.6):downy[3261][111,208,197](5.0):dark_slate_grey[2891][121,205,205](5.2) 4 slate:dark:aqua:bermuda:downy:onepoto:grey +5877 montoya rgb 119 121 114 hex #777972 hsv 77 6 47 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.19 lab 50 -2 4 lch 50 4 121 cmyk 1 0 3 53 half_chicago[4305][119,119,112](1.0):triple_delta[8487][120,121,115](1.4):quarter_gravel[6951][113,114,106](2.0):gunsmoke[4260][122,124,118](2.2):tapa[8248][124,124,114](2.2) 37 chicago:delta:gravel:gunsmoke:half:quarter:tapa:triple +5878 monza rgb 134 40 46 hex #86282E hsv 356 70 53 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 31 40 19 lch 31 45 25 cmyk 0 37 35 47 flame_red[3656][134,40,46](0.0):rocket[7266][134,40,46](0.0):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.8):PMS188[140][124,33,40](3.2):brown[1834][128,42,42](3.3) 17 PMS188:bullseye:flame:rocket:brown:red +5879 monza rgb 199 3 30 hex #C7031E hsv 352 98 78 xyz 0.24 0.12 0.02 lab 42 67 44 lch 42 80 33 cmyk 0 77 66 22 flame_red[3657][199,3,30](0.0):lava[4926][207,16,32](2.2):PMS186[138][206,17,38](2.8):scarlet[7517][190,1,25](3.6):harvard_crimson[4427][201,0,22](4.0) 7 PMS186:flame:harvard:lava:scarlet:crimson:red +5880 moody_blue rgb 127 118 211 hex #7F76D3 hsv 246 44 83 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.64 lab 54 26 -47 lch 54 54 299 cmyk 33 36 0 17 true_v[8547][138,115,214](5.2):chetwode_blue[2277][133,129,217](5.4):toolbox[8417][116,108,192](6.0):blue_marguerite[1579][118,102,198](6.5):blue_violet[1595][115,102,189](6.7) 0 chetwode:marguerite:toolbox:true:v:blue:violet +5881 moody_blue rgb 131 120 199 hex #8378C7 hsv 248 40 78 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.57 lab 54 23 -40 lch 54 46 300 cmyk 27 31 0 22 bubblegum[1879][131,120,199](0.0):ube[8625][136,120,195](3.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](5.1):toolbox[8417][116,108,192](5.1):true_v[8548][142,114,199](6.0) 2 PMS2715:bubblegum:toolbox:true:ube:v +5882 moody_lavender rgb 80 67 73 hex #504349 hsv 332 16 31 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.07 lab 30 7 -2 lch 30 7 347 cmyk 0 5 3 69 emperor[3476][81,70,73](3.0):quartz[7017][81,72,79](3.0):gravel[3991][74,68,75](3.2):light_year[5232][70,60,66](3.2):transformer[8457][79,72,75](3.3) 21 light:emperor:gravel:quartz:transformer:year +5883 moon_glow rgb 245 243 206 hex #F5F3CE hsv 57 16 96 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.71 lab 95 -5 18 lch 95 19 106 cmyk 0 1 15 4 double_pearl_lusta[3226][252,244,208](2.2):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](2.4):light_goldenrod_yellow[5110][250,250,210](2.4):tahuna_sands[8209][238,240,200](2.4):half_colonial_white[4311][253,246,211](2.8) 34 light:colonial:double:goldenrod:half:lusta:pearl:sands:tahuna:white:yellow +5884 moon_glow rgb 252 254 218 hex #FCFEDA hsv 63 14 100 xyz 0.88 0.97 0.8 lab 99 -7 17 lch 99 18 111 cmyk 1 0 14 0 spring_sun[7931][246,255,220](2.2):light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](2.8):yellow_light[9211][255,255,224](2.8):cumulus[2624][253,255,213](3.0):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](3.0) 25 light:cumulus:goldenrod:spring:sun:yellow +5885 moon_mist rgb 206 205 184 hex #CECDB8 hsv 57 11 81 xyz 0.56 0.6 0.54 lab 82 -3 11 lch 82 11 107 cmyk 0 0 9 19 foggy_grey[3713][203,202,182](1.4):light_yellow[5234][205,205,180](1.4):double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](1.7):half_tana[4397][204,201,182](1.7):eighth_hillary[3402][214,211,190](2.0) 55 light:cream:double:eighth:foggy:half:hillary:tana:thorndon:grey:yellow +5886 moon_mist rgb 220 221 204 hex #DCDDCC hsv 64 8 87 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.67 lab 88 -3 8 lch 88 9 112 cmyk 0 0 7 13 citrine_white[2343][222,221,203](1.0):green_white[4068][222,221,203](1.0):eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](1.4):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](1.7):PMS621[800][216,221,206](1.7) 95 PMS5595:PMS621:citrine:eighth:tana:green:white +5887 moon_raker rgb 192 178 215 hex #C0B2D7 hsv 263 17 84 xyz 0.5 0.48 0.71 lab 75 12 -17 lch 75 21 306 cmyk 9 15 0 16 PMS270[264][186,175,211](2.2):melrose[5668][195,185,221](2.8):prelude[6806][202,180,212](4.6):prelude[6807][208,192,229](5.2):pale_light_grayish_indigo[6368][196,184,231](5.5) 3 pale:light:PMS270:grayish:melrose:prelude:indigo +5888 moon_raker rgb 214 206 246 hex #D6CEF6 hsv 252 16 96 xyz 0.66 0.65 0.96 lab 85 10 -19 lch 85 21 299 cmyk 13 16 0 4 soap[7819][206,200,239](3.2):fog[3711][215,208,255](3.6):pale_lavender[6353][220,208,255](3.7):fairylight[3546][213,199,232](5.1):fog[3710][213,199,232](5.1) 3 pale:fairylight:fog:soap:lavender +5889 moon_yellow rgb 240 196 32 hex #F0C420 hsv 47 87 94 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.1 lab 81 2 78 lch 81 78 89 cmyk 0 17 82 6 deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](2.2):fizz[3651][245,204,35](3.0):turbo[8567][245,204,35](3.0):corn[2519][231,191,5](3.5):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](3.6) 11 deep:bite:corn:fizz:me:turbo:lemon +5890 moon_yellow rgb 252 217 23 hex #FCD917 hsv 51 91 99 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.11 lab 87 -4 85 lch 87 85 93 cmyk 0 14 90 1 candlelight[2041][252,217,23](0.0):PMS109[9][249,214,22](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.0):sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](2.4):gold[3898][255,215,0](2.8) 22 2X:PMS109:PMS803:candlelight:gold:sunflower:yellow +5891 moonbeam rgb 242 226 137 hex #F2E289 hsv 51 43 95 xyz 0.68 0.75 0.35 lab 89 -7 45 lch 89 46 98 cmyk 0 6 41 5 khaki[4849][240,230,140](2.2):light_khaki[5131][240,230,140](2.2):PMS127[35][244,226,135](2.4):flax[3680][238,220,130](2.4):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](2.4) 21 light:PMS127:flax:goldenrod:khaki +5892 moonstone_blue rgb 115 169 194 hex #73A9C2 hsv 199 41 76 xyz 0.31 0.36 0.56 lab 66 -11 -18 lch 66 22 239 cmyk 31 10 0 24 greyblue[4226][119,161,181](4.1):meltwater[5671][110,174,192](5.7):shakespeare[7634][96,154,184](5.8):PMS550[701][135,175,191](5.9):seagull[7580][119,183,208](5.9) 1 PMS550:greyblue:meltwater:seagull:shakespeare +5893 mordant_red rgb 174 12 0 hex #AE0C00 hsv 4 100 68 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.01 lab 36 59 51 lch 36 77 41 cmyk 0 64 68 32 mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](0.0):bright_red[1745][177,0,0](2.2):strong_red[8053][168,0,0](2.2):milano_red[5736][184,17,4](3.6):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](3.6) 7 strong:19:bright:milano:mordant:scarlet:red +5894 mordant_red_19 rgb 174 12 0 hex #AE0C00 hsv 4 100 68 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.01 lab 36 59 51 lch 36 77 41 cmyk 0 64 68 32 mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](0.0):bright_red[1745][177,0,0](2.2):strong_red[8053][168,0,0](2.2):milano_red[5736][184,17,4](3.6):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](3.6) 7 strong:bright:milano:mordant:scarlet:red +5895 morepork rgb 184 181 194 hex #B8B5C2 hsv 254 7 76 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.58 lab 74 4 -6 lch 74 7 300 cmyk 4 5 0 24 chatelle[2244][179,171,182](3.3):greywacke[4234][188,184,190](3.3):cadet_blue[1985][176,183,198](3.6):lola[5332][185,172,187](3.6):PMS536[672][173,178,193](3.7) 16 PMS536:cadet:chatelle:greywacke:lola:blue +5896 morning_glory rgb 158 209 211 hex #9ED1D3 hsv 182 25 83 xyz 0.49 0.58 0.7 lab 80 -16 -6 lch 80 17 202 cmyk 21 1 0 17 pale_turquoise[6439][150,205,205](2.2):half_kumutoto[4347][156,200,202](2.8):sinbad[7725][166,213,208](3.6):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](4.1):aqua[1100][161,218,215](4.7) 7 pale:aqua:half:kumutoto:sinbad:turquoise +5897 morning_glory rgb 158 222 224 hex #9EDEE0 hsv 182 29 88 xyz 0.54 0.65 0.8 lab 84 -20 -7 lch 84 21 201 cmyk 26 1 0 12 PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.3):PMS318[362][147,221,219](3.3):aqua[1100][161,218,215](3.3):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](3.3):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](3.7) 7 PMS304:PMS318:aqua:island:sinbad +5898 moroccan_palm rgb 40 51 44 hex #28332C hsv 142 22 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -6 3 lch 20 7 156 cmyk 4 0 3 80 gordons_green[3949][41,51,43](1.0):heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](2.2):midnight_moss[5726][36,46,40](2.2):black_bean[1454][35,46,38](2.4):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](2.4) 26 bean:earth:gordons:heavy:metal:midnight:moss:black:green +5899 moroccan_spice rgb 152 89 52 hex #985934 hsv 22 66 60 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.05 lab 44 22 32 lch 44 39 55 cmyk 0 25 39 40 indochine[4652][156,91,52](1.7):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](3.0):desert[3099][161,95,59](3.2):red_beech[7114][161,98,59](4.1):footloose[3715][164,97,58](4.6) 6 beech:chelsea:desert:footloose:gem:indochine:red +5900 morocco_brown rgb 68 29 0 hex #441D00 hsv 26 100 27 xyz 0.03 0.02 0 lab 16 17 24 lch 16 29 55 cmyk 0 15 27 73 chocolate_brown[2310][65,25,0](2.4):brown_pod[1854][64,24,1](3.7):indian_tan[4638][77,30,1](4.1):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](4.4):PMS1545[76][76,40,15](5.1) 4 PMS1545:chocolate:indian:pod:tan:brown +5901 morocco_brown rgb 68 45 33 hex #442D21 hsv 21 51 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 9 12 lch 21 15 54 cmyk 0 9 14 73 cork[2515][64,41,29](2.0):mash[5566][64,41,29](2.0):baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](3.0):saddle[7396][76,48,36](3.0):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](3.2) 25 dark:baked:cork:earth:ginger:mash:saddle +5902 mortar rgb 80 67 81 hex #504351 hsv 296 17 32 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.09 lab 30 8 -6 lch 30 11 323 cmyk 0 5 0 68 purple_taupe[6889][80,64,77](2.4):berlin[1392][85,74,88](3.2):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](3.5):warlord[8995][69,64,79](3.5):moody_lavender[5882][80,67,73](4.1) 9 berlin:bossanova:moody:taupe:warlord:lavender:purple +5903 mortar rgb 86 80 81 hex #565051 hsv 350 7 34 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.09 lab 35 3 0 lch 35 3 6 cmyk 0 2 2 66 sidewinder[7690][85,77,79](1.4):basalt[1312][82,78,80](1.7):reddish_brownish_grey[7153][89,83,83](1.7):don_juan[3165][90,79,81](2.0):matterhorn[5579][82,75,75](2.2) 49 basalt:brownish:don:juan:matterhorn:reddish:sidewinder:grey +5904 mosaic rgb 18 52 71 hex #123447 hsv 202 75 28 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.06 lab 20 -5 -15 lch 20 16 252 cmyk 21 7 0 72 elephant[3457][18,52,71](0.0):billabong[1411][23,49,65](2.4):barometer[1308][17,57,76](3.0):prussian_blue[6828][25,47,65](3.7):dark_blue_grey[2690][31,59,77](4.1) 9 dark:barometer:billabong:elephant:prussian:blue:grey +5905 mosaic rgb 41 55 65 hex #293741 hsv 205 37 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.06 lab 22 -3 -8 lch 22 9 251 cmyk 9 4 0 75 elephant[3458][36,54,64](1.4):gotham[3956][48,59,68](2.4):warrior[9005][45,59,66](3.0):gunmetal[4257][42,52,57](3.2):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](3.3) 18 elephant:gotham:gunmetal:warrior:whale:blue +5906 moscato rgb 222 186 142 hex #DEBA8E hsv 33 36 87 xyz 0.53 0.53 0.33 lab 78 7 27 lch 78 28 76 cmyk 0 14 31 13 pancho[6465][223,185,146](2.2):brandy[1691][220,182,138](2.4):calico[2009][224,192,149](2.4):burlywood[1916][222,184,135](3.2):double_haystack[3206][214,184,138](3.6) 16 brandy:burlywood:calico:double:haystack:pancho +5907 moscow_mule rgb 158 120 83 hex #9E7853 hsv 30 47 62 xyz 0.22 0.21 0.11 lab 53 10 26 lch 53 28 69 cmyk 0 15 29 38 mocha[5805][157,118,81](1.0):dirt[3134][155,118,83](1.4):pale_brown[6316][152,118,84](2.4):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.7):café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](4.1) 11 pale:au:café:chamoisee:dirt:lait:mocha:brown +5908 mosque rgb 0 95 91 hex #005F5B hsv 177 100 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.11 lab 36 -25 -5 lch 36 25 191 cmyk 37 0 2 63 cowabunga[2565][0,95,91](0.0):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](2.2):blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](2.8):PMS323[368][0,102,99](3.3):blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](3.7) 11 dark:PMS323:cowabunga:stone:blue:turquoise +5909 mosque rgb 3 106 110 hex #036A6E hsv 182 97 43 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.17 lab 40 -24 -10 lch 40 26 202 cmyk 42 2 0 57 dark_aqua[2678][5,105,107](2.0):atoll[1182][10,111,117](2.4):PMS3155[358][0,109,117](3.0):blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](3.7):caesar[1999][27,103,103](3.7) 8 dark:PMS3155:aqua:atoll:caesar:stone:blue +5910 moss rgb 118 153 88 hex #769958 hsv 92 42 60 xyz 0.21 0.27 0.13 lab 59 -24 30 lch 59 39 128 cmyk 14 0 25 40 drab_green[3266][116,149,81](2.2):asparagus[1161][123,160,91](3.7):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](5.5):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](6.4):epiphany[3500][106,154,98](6.7) 2 asparagus:drab:epiphany:woodstock:green +5911 moss_green rgb 101 139 56 hex #658B38 hsv 87 60 55 xyz 0.15 0.22 0.07 lab 54 -28 39 lch 54 48 125 cmyk 15 0 33 45 PMS576[750][96,142,58](3.0):dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](5.1):sap_green[7489][80,125,42](6.3):swamp[8172][105,131,57](7.3):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](7.5) 1 dark:flat:PMS576:olive:sap:swamp:green +5912 moss_green rgb 138 154 91 hex #8A9A5B hsv 75 41 60 xyz 0.24 0.29 0.14 lab 61 -16 31 lch 61 35 118 cmyk 6 0 25 40 woodstock[9175][131,156,96](3.6):jigsaw[4767][142,164,103](4.1):camo[2025][127,143,78](4.6):green_smoke[4059][156,166,100](5.7):PMS5767[752][140,145,79](5.8) 3 PMS5767:camo:jigsaw:smoke:woodstock:green +5913 moss_green rgb 173 223 173 hex #ADDFAD hsv 120 22 87 xyz 0.51 0.65 0.49 lab 84 -26 19 lch 84 32 143 cmyk 20 0 20 13 light_moss_green[5148][173,223,173](0.0):celadon[2152][172,225,175](1.4):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](3.7):chinook[2298][157,211,168](5.0):madang[5425][183,227,168](5.5) 4 pale:light:celadon:chinook:grayish:madang:moss:green +5914 mossy_green rgb 99 139 39 hex #638B27 hsv 84 72 55 xyz 0.15 0.21 0.05 lab 53 -30 47 lch 53 55 123 cmyk 16 0 39 45 olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](3.0):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](3.0):medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](4.1):olive_drab[6156][107,142,35](4.1):olivedrab[6171][107,142,35](4.1) 5 medium:drab:forest:olive:olivedrab:green +5915 mother_earth rgb 0 143 105 hex #008F69 hsv 164 100 56 xyz 0.12 0.21 0.17 lab 53 -42 11 lch 53 44 165 cmyk 56 0 15 44 sea_green[7557][35,142,104](3.2):viridian[8875][30,145,103](3.2):PMS340[410][0,153,119](4.4):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](4.4):observatory[6091][0,143,112](4.5) 5 dark:PMS340:observatory:sea:viridian:green +5916 moulin_rouge rgb 173 70 63 hex #AD463F hsv 4 64 68 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.06 lab 44 42 26 lch 44 49 32 cmyk 0 40 43 32 forbidden[3716][176,70,64](1.0):apple_blossom[1083][175,77,67](3.2):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](3.3):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](3.3):flair[3652][185,75,66](4.1) 8 deep:apple:blossom:chestnut:flair:forbidden +5917 mountain_meadow rgb 26 179 133 hex #1AB385 hsv 162 85 70 xyz 0.21 0.34 0.28 lab 65 -48 13 lch 65 50 165 cmyk 60 0 18 30 green_blue[4035][6,180,139](3.0):PMS339[408][0,178,140](4.1):strong_turquoise[8062][0,168,126](4.2):green[4030][28,172,120](4.5):green[4024][0,168,119](4.6) 5 strong:PMS339:blue:green:turquoise +5918 mountain_meadow rgb 48 186 143 hex #30BA8F hsv 161 74 73 xyz 0.24 0.38 0.32 lab 68 -46 12 lch 68 48 166 cmyk 54 0 17 27 ocean_green[6099][72,191,145](3.5):mint[5763][62,180,137](3.6):green_blue[4035][6,180,139](4.1):PMS339[408][0,178,140](4.4):dali[2662][32,194,158](5.7) 4 PMS339:dali:ocean:blue:green:mint +5919 mountain_mist rgb 149 147 150 hex #959396 hsv 280 2 59 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.33 lab 61 1 -1 lch 61 2 315 cmyk 0 1 0 41 grey[4158][148,148,148](1.4):grey[4156][145,145,145](1.7):grey[4160][150,150,150](1.7):amber_grey[1036][146,150,152](2.4):grey[4155][143,143,143](2.4) 32 amber:grey +5920 mountain_mist rgb 160 159 156 hex #A09F9C hsv 45 3 63 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.36 lab 65 0 2 lch 65 2 97 cmyk 0 0 2 37 star_dust[7953][159,159,156](1.0):transmission[8458][159,161,158](1.7):grey[4163][158,158,158](2.0):kensington_grey[4830][157,159,154](2.0):grey[4162][156,156,156](2.2) 50 dust:kensington:star:transmission:grey +5921 mountbatten_pink rgb 153 122 141 hex #997A8D hsv 323 20 60 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.28 lab 55 15 -6 lch 55 16 340 cmyk 0 12 5 40 purpley_grey[6895][148,126,148](3.6):nitro[6062][151,131,149](4.6):party_pink[6498][151,131,149](4.6):bouquet[1680][167,129,153](5.1):grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](5.5) 3 bouquet:grayish:nitro:party:purpley:grey:pink:rose +5922 moxie rgb 0 111 60 hex #006F3C hsv 152 100 44 xyz 0.06 0.12 0.06 lab 41 -40 21 lch 41 45 152 cmyk 44 0 20 56 dartmouth_green[2930][0,112,60](0.0):fun_green[3808][1,109,57](1.4):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](3.0):dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](4.4):PMS349[423][0,107,63](4.9) 5 dark:PMS349:cadmium:dartmouth:fun:spring:green +5923 msu_green rgb 24 69 59 hex #18453B hsv 167 65 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.05 lab 26 -18 1 lch 26 18 175 cmyk 18 0 4 73 deep_teal[3071][25,68,60](1.4):zydeco[9283][32,72,63](2.2):te_papa_green[8270][30,67,60](3.2):sherwood_green[7653][27,70,54](4.1):PMS553[710][35,68,53](4.5) 9 deep:PMS553:papa:sherwood:te:teal:zydeco:green +5924 mud rgb 115 92 18 hex #735C12 hsv 46 84 45 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.02 lab 40 2 42 lch 40 43 88 cmyk 0 9 38 55 PMS133[42][112,91,10](2.4):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](3.6):fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](4.0):PMS140[55][122,91,17](4.6):mustard[5952][124,103,32](4.6) 5 PMS1265:PMS133:PMS140:fiddlesticks:mustard +5925 mud_brown rgb 96 70 15 hex #60460F hsv 41 84 38 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.01 lab 32 5 35 lch 32 35 81 cmyk 0 10 32 62 horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](1.4):PMS4485[533][96,76,17](3.3):deep_amber[2950][89,67,0](4.9):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](5.2):west_coast[9049][98,81,25](5.9) 3 deep:PMS4485:amber:coast:drab:field:horses:neck:west +5926 mud_green rgb 96 102 2 hex #606602 hsv 64 98 40 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.02 lab 41 -14 47 lch 41 49 106 cmyk 2 0 39 60 brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](4.2):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](5.1):olivetone[6175][113,110,16](5.7):PMS385[462][112,112,20](5.8):brown_green[1847][112,108,17](6.4) 1 PMS385:brownish:browny:olivetone:brown:green +5927 muddy_brown rgb 136 104 6 hex #886806 hsv 45 96 53 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.02 lab 46 4 51 lch 46 52 85 cmyk 0 13 51 47 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32 lch 62 34 74 cmyk 0 16 36 28 buff[1891][179,140,88](1.7):gold_coast[3899][179,139,94](2.2):toast_lmu_60[8390][187,149,97](2.4):barley_corn[1300][182,147,92](3.7):limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](3.7) 18 60:barley:buff:coast:corn:gold:limed:lmu:oak:toast +5931 muddy_yellow rgb 191 172 5 hex #BFAC05 hsv 54 97 75 xyz 0.36 0.41 0.06 lab 70 -8 72 lch 70 72 96 cmyk 0 7 73 25 PMS103[3][198,173,15](3.3):PMS3975[479][181,168,12](4.1):brownish_yellow[1870][201,176,3](4.1):mustard[5953][206,179,1](5.2):olive_yellow[6169][194,183,9](5.4) 3 PMS103:PMS3975:brownish:mustard:olive:yellow +5932 muesli rgb 158 126 83 hex #9E7E53 hsv 34 47 62 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.11 lab 55 7 28 lch 55 29 77 cmyk 0 13 29 38 sanctuary[7450][166,132,89](2.0):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](3.7):puce[6830][165,126,82](3.7):moscow_mule[5907][158,120,83](4.1):gold_dust[3902][146,119,72](4.7) 7 boardwalk:dust:gold:moscow:mule:puce:sanctuary +5933 muesli rgb 170 139 91 hex #AA8B5B hsv 36 46 67 xyz 0.28 0.28 0.14 lab 60 5 30 lch 60 30 80 cmyk 0 12 31 33 barley_corn[1299][166,139,91](1.7):limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](3.2):teak[8280][177,148,97](3.3):triple_canterbury_clay[8484][181,148,101](3.3):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](3.7) 13 dark:barley:beige:canterbury:clay:corn:limed:oak:teak:triple +5934 mughal_green rgb 48 96 48 hex #306030 hsv 120 50 38 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.04 lab 36 -27 22 lch 36 35 141 cmyk 19 0 19 62 dark_sap_green[2868][45,89,39](3.0):pine[6653][43,93,52](3.2):dark_emerald_green[2720][39,89,45](3.6):dark_green[2763][39,89,39](3.7):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](4.6) 10 dark:emerald:fields:pine:sap:green +5935 muka rgb 210 172 125 hex #D2AC7D hsv 33 40 82 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.26 lab 73 8 29 lch 73 30 76 cmyk 0 15 33 18 deja_vu[3080][215,174,129](1.4):burlywood[1915][205,170,125](1.7):PMS728[907][211,168,124](2.2):bowman[1686][213,177,133](2.4):calico[2008][213,177,133](2.4) 9 PMS728:bowman:burlywood:calico:deja:vu +5936 mulberry rgb 92 5 54 hex #5C0536 hsv 326 95 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.04 lab 19 40 -5 lch 19 40 352 cmyk 0 34 15 64 mulberry_wood[5940][92,5,54](0.0):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](3.3):deep_rose[3043][89,0,45](4.5):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](4.6):tyrian_purple[8622][102,2,60](4.6) 5 deep:cerise:imperial:mulberry:tyrian:wood:purple:rose +5937 mulberry rgb 94 42 64 hex #5E2A40 hsv 335 55 37 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.05 lab 25 26 -3 lch 25 27 354 cmyk 0 20 12 63 dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](2.8):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](3.0):old_mauve[6137][103,49,71](3.3):wine_dregs[9140][103,49,71](3.3):verve[8711][93,46,60](5.1) 4 dark:dregs:mauve:old:raspberry:verve:wine:rose +5938 mulberry rgb 146 10 78 hex #920A4E hsv 330 93 57 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.08 lab 32 55 -1 lch 32 55 359 cmyk 0 53 27 43 reddish_purple[7158][145,9,81](2.2):PMS228[186][140,0,76](2.8):berry[1397][153,15,75](4.2):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](4.9):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](5.0) 5 deep:dark:PMS228:berry:magenta:reddish:pink:purple +5939 mulberry rgb 197 75 140 hex #C54B8C hsv 328 62 77 xyz 0.3 0.19 0.27 lab 50 55 -11 lch 50 56 349 cmyk 0 48 22 23 red_violet[7146][192,68,143](4.6):smitten[7786][200,65,134](4.6):smitten[7785][200,64,134](5.5):pink[6667][215,72,148](7.6):PMS675[854][188,56,119](7.7) 2 PMS675:smitten:pink:red:violet +5940 mulberry_wood rgb 92 5 54 hex #5C0536 hsv 326 95 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.04 lab 19 40 -5 lch 19 40 352 cmyk 0 34 15 64 mulberry[5936][92,5,54](0.0):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](3.3):deep_rose[3043][89,0,45](4.5):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](4.6):tyrian_purple[8622][102,2,60](4.6) 5 deep:cerise:imperial:mulberry:tyrian:purple:rose +5941 mule_fawn rgb 136 79 64 hex #884F40 hsv 13 53 53 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.06 lab 40 22 19 lch 40 29 41 cmyk 0 22 28 47 ironstone[4685][134,80,64](1.0):spicy_mix[7893][136,83,66](2.2):ironstone[4684][134,72,60](3.6):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](3.7):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](3.7) 11 copper:fire:ironstone:mix:nutmeg:spicy +5942 mule_fawn rgb 140 71 47 hex #8C472F hsv 15 66 55 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.04 lab 38 27 27 lch 38 39 45 cmyk 0 27 36 45 tandoori[8234][141,69,50](2.8):nutmeg[6084][129,66,44](4.1):waiwherowhero[8986][134,73,44](4.1):salmon[7425][139,76,57](4.9):sienna[7692][139,71,38](5.1) 4 nutmeg:salmon:sienna:tandoori:waiwherowhero +5943 mulled_wine rgb 78 69 98 hex #4E4562 hsv 259 30 38 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.12 lab 31 11 -16 lch 31 19 304 cmyk 8 11 0 62 dark_grayish_violet[2758][78,66,89](4.2):dotcom[3172][65,65,93](4.6):dark_grayish_indigo[2746][72,66,89](4.7):adventure[964][65,64,98](4.9):dark_grayish_mulberry[2750][84,66,89](5.4) 4 dark:adventure:dotcom:grayish:mulberry:indigo:violet +5944 mulled_wine rgb 82 77 91 hex #524D5B hsv 261 15 36 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.11 lab 34 5 -7 lch 34 9 305 cmyk 4 5 0 64 berlin[1392][85,74,88](3.2):scarpa_flow[7525][88,85,98](3.2):chapta_and_verse[2216][87,76,94](3.6):gun_powder[4255][72,71,83](3.6):maltese[5487][88,86,96](4.1) 14 and:berlin:chapta:flow:gun:maltese:powder:scarpa:verse +5945 mummy's_tomb rgb 130 142 132 hex #828E84 hsv 130 8 56 xyz 0.23 0.26 0.26 lab 58 -6 4 lch 58 7 149 cmyk 5 0 4 44 honeydew[4531][131,139,131](1.7):inside_back[4658][132,142,136](2.2):ravine[7080][132,138,125](2.4):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](3.2):windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](3.3) 14 back:honeydew:inside:ravine:smoky:windblown:green +5946 munsell rgb 242 243 244 hex #F2F3F4 hsv 210 1 96 xyz 0.85 0.9 0.98 lab 96 0 -1 lch 96 1 256 cmyk 1 0 0 4 anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](0.0):wild_sand[9108][244,244,244](1.0):athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](1.4):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.4):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.4) 77 anti:athens:concrete:flash:haze:sand:wild:black:grey:white +5947 murky_green rgb 108 122 14 hex #6C7A0E hsv 68 89 48 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.03 lab 48 -19 51 lch 48 54 110 cmyk 5 0 42 52 olive_green[6163][103,122,4](2.2):poop_green[6771][111,124,0](3.2):olive[6151][110,117,14](4.6):pacifika[6293][119,129,32](5.4):rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](5.4) 3 forest:olive:pacifika:poop:rain:green +5948 muse rgb 46 105 109 hex #2E696D hsv 184 58 43 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.16 lab 41 -18 -8 lch 41 20 204 cmyk 25 2 0 57 PMS5473[693][38,104,109](1.7):william[9119][58,104,108](3.2):oracle[6194][55,116,117](4.2):casal[2118][47,97,104](4.4):caesar[1999][27,103,103](4.6) 5 PMS5473:caesar:casal:oracle:william +5949 mushroom rgb 186 158 136 hex #BA9E88 hsv 26 27 73 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.28 lab 67 7 15 lch 67 17 66 cmyk 0 11 20 27 nude_brown[6078][188,158,130](4.0):quarter_nullarbor[6973][178,159,136](4.0):half_rickshaw[4376][189,167,147](4.1):sandcastle[7463][178,159,137](4.1):sandrift[7465][175,147,125](4.1) 9 half:nude:nullarbor:quarter:rickshaw:sandcastle:sandrift:brown +5950 mustang rgb 127 53 46 hex #7F352E hsv 5 64 50 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 32 32 20 lch 32 37 33 cmyk 0 29 32 50 erica[3504][129,51,45](1.4):vixen[8966][129,52,43](2.2):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](2.4):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](2.4):lusty[5412][120,46,44](2.8) 14 bull:erica:lusty:raging:sunspot:vixen +5951 mustard rgb 116 100 13 hex #74640D hsv 51 89 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.02 lab 43 -3 46 lch 43 46 93 cmyk 0 6 40 55 spicy_mustard[7895][116,100,13](0.0):PMS3995[483][109,96,2](2.4):yukon_gold[9240][123,102,8](3.7):greeny_brown[4093][105,96,6](4.2):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](5.4) 4 PMS1265:PMS3995:gold:greeny:mustard:spicy:yukon:brown +5952 mustard rgb 124 103 32 hex #7C6720 hsv 46 74 49 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.03 lab 44 0 41 lch 44 41 90 cmyk 0 8 36 51 fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](2.2):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](2.4):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](3.7):mud[5924][115,92,18](4.6):acorn[957][106,93,27](5.8) 4 PMS1265:acorn:fiddlesticks:gold:mud:yukon +5953 mustard rgb 206 179 1 hex #CEB301 hsv 52 100 81 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.07 lab 73 -5 75 lch 73 75 94 cmyk 0 11 80 19 brownish_yellow[1870][201,176,3](1.4):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](2.8):gold[3893][205,173,0](3.7):PMS103[3][198,173,15](4.5):PMS110[10][216,181,17](4.5) 7 dark:PMS103:PMS110:brownish:gold:yellow +5954 mustard rgb 255 219 88 hex #FFDB58 hsv 47 65 100 xyz 0.68 0.73 0.2 lab 88 -2 67 lch 88 67 91 cmyk 0 14 65 0 PMS122[25][252,216,86](1.7):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.2):energy_yellow[3485][245,215,82](2.8):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](3.6):dandelion[2669][254,216,93](3.7) 11 light:PMS122:dandelion:energy:gold:yellow +5955 mustard_brown rgb 172 126 4 hex #AC7E04 hsv 44 98 67 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.03 lab 56 9 61 lch 56 61 82 cmyk 0 18 66 33 strong_amber[8016][168,126,0](2.2):bronze[1822][168,121,0](2.4):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](2.4):dark_goldenrod[2730][184,134,11](3.7):goldenrod_dark[3939][184,134,11](3.7) 6 dark:strong:amber:bronze:goldenrod:hot:toddy +5956 mustard_green rgb 168 181 4 hex #A8B504 hsv 64 98 71 xyz 0.33 0.41 0.06 lab 70 -22 71 lch 70 75 107 cmyk 5 0 69 29 snot[7804][172,187,13](2.4):PMS383[460][163,175,7](3.0):PMS583[769][170,186,10](3.0):acid_green[956][176,191,26](4.1):citrus[2347][159,183,10](5.1) 4 PMS383:PMS583:acid:citrus:snot:green +5957 mustard_yellow rgb 210 189 10 hex #D2BD0A hsv 54 95 82 xyz 0.45 0.5 0.08 lab 76 -8 77 lch 76 77 96 cmyk 0 8 78 18 PMS606[785][211,191,17](1.4):tweet[8609][212,188,0](1.4):sunflower[8129][218,192,26](3.0):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](3.3):bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](3.7) 6 PMS606:bird:flower:sunflower:tweet:ugly:yellow +5958 muted_blue rgb 59 113 159 hex #3B719F hsv 208 63 62 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.35 lab 46 -3 -30 lch 46 30 264 cmyk 39 18 0 38 lochmara[5324][49,110,160](3.2):moderate_azure[5812][74,121,168](3.2):lure[5409][47,119,169](4.1):queen_blue[7021][67,107,149](4.1):dull_blue[3281][73,117,156](4.6) 7 moderate:dull:lochmara:lure:queen:azure:blue +5959 muted_green rgb 95 160 82 hex #5FA052 hsv 110 49 63 xyz 0.19 0.28 0.12 lab 60 -36 34 lch 60 50 137 cmyk 25 0 31 37 off_green[6107][107,163,83](3.5):flat_green[3666][105,157,76](5.0):may_green[5588][76,145,65](6.4):fern[3577][99,169,80](6.6):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](7.1) 2 flat:asparagus:fern:may:off:green +5960 muted_pink rgb 209 118 143 hex #D1768F hsv 344 44 82 xyz 0.38 0.28 0.29 lab 60 38 2 lch 60 39 3 cmyk 0 36 26 18 charm[2232][208,116,139](2.2):charm[2233][212,116,148](3.6):dusky_pink[3297][204,122,139](5.0):ugly_pink[8632][205,117,132](5.5):pale_violet_red[6450][205,104,137](6.2) 3 pale:charm:dusky:ugly:pink:red:violet +5961 muted_purple rgb 128 91 135 hex #805B87 hsv 290 33 53 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.25 lab 44 23 -19 lch 44 30 321 cmyk 3 17 0 47 french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](2.2):pomp_and_power[6763][134,96,142](2.2):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](2.4):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](3.7):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](4.6) 5 and:chinese:dusty:french:lilac:pomp:power:trendy:pink:purple:violet +5962 my_pink rgb 214 139 128 hex #D68B80 hsv 8 40 84 xyz 0.41 0.34 0.25 lab 65 27 18 lch 65 33 33 cmyk 0 29 34 16 light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](5.4):new_york_pink[6043][215,131,127](5.5):petite_orchid[6624][219,150,144](6.0):petite_orchid[6623][218,151,144](6.4):brownish_pink[1867][194,126,121](6.5) 0 light:brownish:new:orchid:petite:scarlet:york:pink +5963 my_pink rgb 214 145 136 hex #D69188 hsv 7 36 84 xyz 0.42 0.36 0.28 lab 67 25 15 lch 67 29 32 cmyk 0 27 31 16 petite_orchid[6624][219,150,144](2.2):petite_orchid[6623][218,151,144](2.4):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](5.8):PMS500[611][206,137,140](7.0):PMS694[873][201,140,140](7.0) 2 light:PMS500:PMS694:orchid:petite:scarlet +5964 my_sin rgb 253 174 69 hex #FDAE45 hsv 34 73 99 xyz 0.57 0.52 0.13 lab 77 20 63 lch 77 66 72 cmyk 0 31 72 1 yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](1.4):butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](2.2):pastel_orange[6509][255,179,71](2.4):light_orange[5158][253,170,72](3.0):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](5.4) 4 light:butterscotch:koromiko:pastel:orange:yellow +5965 my_sin rgb 255 179 31 hex #FFB31F hsv 40 88 100 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.09 lab 78 17 77 lch 78 78 78 cmyk 0 30 88 0 cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.4):sun[8121][251,172,19](2.8):saffron[7408][254,178,9](3.0):amber[1033][254,179,8](3.2):yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](3.2) 17 light:amber:cadmium:saffron:sun:orange:yellow +5966 myrtle rgb 33 66 30 hex #21421E hsv 115 55 26 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.02 lab 25 -21 18 lch 25 28 139 cmyk 13 0 14 74 dark_green[2764][47,79,47](6.2):cal_poly_green[2006][30,77,43](6.4):cal_poly_pomona_green[2007][30,77,43](6.4):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](6.4):lush[5410][53,76,40](6.5) 0 dark:cal:feverpitch:lush:poly:pomona:green +5967 myrtle_green rgb 49 120 115 hex #317873 hsv 176 59 47 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.19 lab 46 -23 -4 lch 46 24 190 cmyk 28 0 2 53 elm[3463][41,123,118](3.3):atoll[1183][43,121,122](4.0):faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](4.2):jade[4716][66,121,119](4.2):genoa[3842][49,121,109](5.0) 6 atoll:elm:faded:genoa:jade +5968 mystic rgb 214 82 130 hex #D65282 hsv 338 62 84 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.24 lab 54 56 1 lch 54 56 1 cmyk 0 52 33 16 fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](3.2):ruber[7360][206,70,118](4.6):fuchsia_rose[3798][199,67,117](5.0):blush[1627][222,93,131](5.4):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.4) 3 blush:cranberry:fandango:fuchsia:ruber:pink:rose +5969 mystic rgb 216 221 218 hex #D8DDDA hsv 144 2 87 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.77 lab 88 -2 1 lch 88 2 159 cmyk 2 0 1 13 light_grey[5122][216,220,214](1.4):whitewater[9099][225,225,220](1.7):porcelain[6777][221,220,219](2.0):PMS5455[688][214,216,211](2.2):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](2.2) 96 light:PMS5455:aqua:haze:porcelain:whitewater:grey +5970 mystic rgb 226 235 237 hex #E2EBED hsv 191 5 93 xyz 0.76 0.82 0.92 lab 92 -3 -2 lch 92 3 218 cmyk 4 1 0 7 light_cyanish_grey[5094][218,231,231](1.7):azure[1232][224,238,238](2.2):zircon[9267][222,227,227](2.4):solitude[7844][233,236,241](3.3):grey[4194][232,232,232](3.6) 38 light:cyanish:solitude:zircon:azure:grey +5971 mystic_maroon rgb 173 67 121 hex #AD4379 hsv 329 61 68 xyz 0.23 0.14 0.2 lab 45 49 -8 lch 45 50 350 cmyk 0 42 20 32 rouge[7336][162,59,108](4.9):moderate_rose[5844][168,74,121](5.0):royal_heath[7353][171,52,114](5.9):magenta_haze[5444][159,69,118](6.6):party_dress[6496][174,72,112](6.7) 2 moderate:dress:haze:heath:magenta:party:rouge:royal:rose +5972 nadeshiko_pink rgb 246 173 198 hex #F6ADC6 hsv 339 30 96 xyz 0.63 0.54 0.6 lab 78 30 -2 lch 78 30 356 cmyk 0 29 19 4 cupid[2625][245,178,197](3.7):PMS672[851][234,170,196](4.1):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](4.1):PMS203[161][242,175,193](4.2):baby_pink[1244][255,183,206](4.2) 7 PMS203:PMS672:baby:cupid:powder:pink +5973 nala rgb 65 47 40 hex #412F28 hsv 17 38 25 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 7 8 lch 21 10 47 cmyk 0 7 10 75 bark[1298][62,47,40](1.4):english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](1.7):mission_brown[5783][68,48,40](1.7):tobago[8396][62,43,35](1.7):PMS440[524][63,48,43](2.2) 45 PMS440:bark:english:mission:tobago:walnut:brown +5974 nandor rgb 75 93 82 hex #4B5D52 hsv 143 19 36 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.09 lab 38 -9 4 lch 38 10 157 cmyk 7 0 4 64 feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](1.0):viridian_green[8878][75,95,86](1.4):dark_grayish_spring_green[2755][66,89,78](2.8):mineral_green[5756][80,99,85](3.0):easy_rider[3341][83,94,86](3.3) 10 dark:easy:feldgrau:grayish:mineral:rider:spring:viridian:green +5975 nandor rgb 78 93 78 hex #4E5D4E hsv 120 16 36 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.09 lab 38 -9 7 lch 38 11 144 cmyk 6 0 6 64 mineral_green[5756][80,99,85](2.4):rivergum[7238][73,89,71](2.4):ebony[3346][85,93,80](3.2):feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](3.2):cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](4.1) 14 cabbage:ebony:feldgrau:mineral:pont:rivergum:green +5976 napa rgb 163 154 135 hex #A39A87 hsv 41 17 64 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.28 lab 64 0 11 lch 64 11 90 cmyk 0 4 11 36 nomad[6066][161,153,134](1.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](1.7):cougar[2557][170,160,141](2.0):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](2.2):half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](2.2) 44 PMS415:bison:cougar:craigieburn:double:half:hide:nomad +5977 napa rgb 172 164 148 hex #ACA494 hsv 40 14 67 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.33 lab 68 0 9 lch 68 9 89 cmyk 0 3 9 33 quarter_arrowtown[6918][168,162,147](1.0):greyish[4227][168,164,149](1.7):PMS402[486][175,165,147](2.2):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](2.2):half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](2.2) 49 PMS402:arrowtown:ash:craigieburn:double:greyish:half:quarter +5978 napier_green rgb 42 128 0 hex #2A8000 hsv 100 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.16 0.03 lab 47 -46 51 lch 47 68 132 cmyk 34 0 50 50 dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](4.1):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](4.4):sap_green[7488][48,128,20](4.5):ao[1074][0,128,0](6.2):green[4020][0,128,0](6.2) 3 dark:ao:grass:la:palma:sap:green +5979 naples_yellow rgb 250 218 94 hex #FADA5E hsv 48 62 98 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.21 lab 88 -3 63 lch 88 63 92 cmyk 0 13 61 2 jonquil[4778][250,218,94](0.0):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](0.0):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](0.0):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.0):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](2.8) 18 light:de:energy:gold:grain:jonquil:royal:stil:yellow +5980 naples_yellow_deep rgb 255 168 18 hex #FFA812 hsv 38 93 100 xyz 0.55 0.49 0.07 lab 76 23 77 lch 76 80 74 cmyk 0 34 93 0 dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](0.0):bright_yellow[1757][255,170,29](2.2):chrome_yellow[2323][255,167,0](2.2):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](2.2):PMS137[49][252,163,17](2.4) 16 dark:PMS137:bright:chrome:tangerine:yellowish:orange:yellow +5981 narvik rgb 233 230 220 hex #E9E6DC hsv 46 6 91 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.79 lab 91 -1 5 lch 91 5 98 cmyk 0 1 5 9 black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.0):double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](1.0):quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.0):quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](1.0):double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](1.4) 138 barely:cream:double:joanna:quarter:there:thorndon:black:white +5982 narvik rgb 237 249 241 hex #EDF9F1 hsv 140 5 98 xyz 0.85 0.92 0.97 lab 97 -5 2 lch 97 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 2 panache[6463][234,246,238](1.0):gin[3861][232,242,235](2.0):saltpan[7441][241,247,242](2.0):aqua_spring[1110][234,249,245](2.2):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](2.2) 53 aqua:gin:panache:saltpan:spring:squeeze +5983 nasty_green rgb 112 178 63 hex #70B23F hsv 94 65 70 xyz 0.23 0.36 0.1 lab 66 -41 51 lch 66 65 129 cmyk 26 0 45 30 leaf[4953][113,170,52](3.7):green[4031][102,176,50](4.4):turtle_green[8593][117,184,79](5.5):apple[1080][102,179,72](5.8):wham[9062][95,179,58](6.1) 2 apple:leaf:turtle:wham:green +5984 natural rgb 134 86 10 hex #86560A hsv 37 93 53 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.02 lab 41 14 46 lch 41 49 73 cmyk 0 19 49 47 afghan_tan[971][134,86,10](0.0):rusty_nail[7388][134,86,10](0.0):grizzly[4235][136,88,24](3.2):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](4.5):orange[6197][139,90,0](5.1) 4 medium:afghan:grizzly:nail:rusty:tan:brown:orange +5985 natural rgb 136 89 49 hex #885931 hsv 28 64 53 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.05 lab 42 15 31 lch 42 34 64 cmyk 0 18 34 47 PMS4635[557][140,89,51](2.4):tan[8220][139,90,43](4.1):mckenzie[5591][140,99,56](4.2):triumph[8531][137,96,58](4.7):korma[4882][128,78,44](5.4) 4 PMS4635:korma:mckenzie:tan:triumph +5986 natural_grey rgb 139 134 128 hex #8B8680 hsv 33 8 55 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.24 lab 56 1 4 lch 56 4 79 cmyk 0 2 4 45 schooner[7531][139,132,126](1.0):seashell[7585][139,134,130](1.0):eighth_masala[3407][138,137,132](2.4):eighth_oilskin[3411][146,138,130](2.4):friar_grey[3769][134,131,122](2.4) 55 eighth:friar:masala:oilskin:schooner:seashell:grey +5987 navajo_white rgb 139 121 94 hex #8B795E hsv 36 32 55 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.13 lab 52 3 17 lch 52 18 81 cmyk 0 7 18 45 shadow[7624][138,121,93](1.4):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](1.7):domino[3164][142,119,94](2.0):brownish_grey[1865][134,119,95](2.4):milky_way[5746][142,127,104](3.0) 23 brownish:domino:milky:nullarbor:shadow:way:grey +5988 navajo_white rgb 205 179 139 hex #CDB38B hsv 36 32 80 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.31 lab 74 3 24 lch 74 24 82 cmyk 0 10 26 20 tan[8223][210,180,140](2.2):aquashield_canterbury_clay[1129][198,174,131](2.4):canterbury_clay[2052][198,174,131](2.4):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](2.8):crusade[2613][205,182,146](3.2) 17 aquashield:canterbury:clay:crusade:sorrell:tan:brown +5989 navajo_white rgb 238 207 161 hex #EECFA1 hsv 36 32 93 xyz 0.64 0.65 0.43 lab 85 4 27 lch 85 27 81 cmyk 0 12 30 7 dairy_cream[2655][237,210,164](1.4):tequila[8303][244,208,164](2.2):chamois[2204][230,204,154](3.0):chamois[2205][232,205,154](3.0):pearl[6564][230,204,154](3.0) 23 chamois:cream:dairy:pearl:tequila +5990 navajo_white rgb 255 222 173 hex #FFDEAD hsv 36 32 100 xyz 0.75 0.77 0.5 lab 90 5 28 lch 90 29 81 cmyk 0 13 32 0 caramel[2072][255,221,175](1.0):champagne[2210][250,214,165](2.4):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](2.4):sunset[8143][250,214,165](2.4):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](2.4) 18 deep:caramel:champagne:sunset:tuscan +5991 navarone rgb 185 165 132 hex #B9A584 hsv 37 29 73 xyz 0.38 0.39 0.27 lab 69 2 20 lch 69 20 84 cmyk 0 8 21 27 quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](1.4):taupe[8261][185,162,129](1.4):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](2.2):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](2.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](2.4) 21 colins:doeskin:mongoose:pavlova:quarter:taupe:wicket +5992 navigate rgb 48 78 94 hex #304E5E hsv 201 49 37 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.12 lab 32 -6 -13 lch 32 14 244 cmyk 18 6 0 63 lucifer[5349][46,80,96](1.0):arapawa[1136][39,74,93](2.8):style_pasifika_turquoise_sea[8098][39,74,93](2.8):cello[2165][58,78,95](3.2):marathon[5519][48,85,99](3.7) 11 arapawa:cello:lucifer:marathon:pasifika:sea:style:turquoise +5993 navy rgb 0 0 128 hex #000080 hsv 240 100 50 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.21 lab 13 48 -65 lch 13 80 306 cmyk 50 50 0 50 navy_blue[5996][0,0,128](0.0):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](4.5):blue[1527][0,0,139](4.9):dark_blue[2684][0,0,139](4.9):phthalo_blue[6633][0,15,137](5.0) 5 dark:navy:phthalo:ultramarine:blue +5994 navy rgb 1 21 62 hex #01153E hsv 220 98 24 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.05 lab 8 11 -29 lch 8 31 291 cmyk 24 16 0 76 tangaroa[8235][3,22,60](2.2):PMS655[834][12,28,71](4.0):deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](5.9):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](5.9):bunting[1906][21,31,76](6.3) 2 deep:PMS655:bunting:cove:outer:space:tangaroa +5995 navy rgb 34 34 139 hex #22228B hsv 240 76 55 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.25 lab 21 37 -58 lch 21 68 303 cmyk 41 41 0 45 navy_blue[5999][34,34,139](0.0):navy_blue[6000][35,35,142](1.0):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](1.4):resolution_blue[7188][0,35,135](4.1):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](5.2) 4 dark:imperial:jacksons:navy:resolution:blue:purple +5996 navy_blue rgb 0 0 128 hex #000080 hsv 240 100 50 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.21 lab 13 48 -65 lch 13 80 306 cmyk 50 50 0 50 navy[5993][0,0,128](0.0):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](4.5):blue[1527][0,0,139](4.9):dark_blue[2684][0,0,139](4.9):phthalo_blue[6633][0,15,137](5.0) 5 dark:navy:phthalo:ultramarine:blue +5997 navy_blue rgb 0 17 70 hex #001146 hsv 225 100 27 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.06 lab 8 18 -35 lch 8 39 297 cmyk 27 21 0 73 deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](3.7):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](3.7):midnight_express[5722][0,7,65](4.4):stratos[8000][0,7,65](4.4):PMS2757[291][20,22,84](7.1) 4 deep:PMS2757:cove:express:midnight:outer:space:stratos +5998 navy_blue rgb 25 116 210 hex #1974D2 hsv 210 88 82 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.63 lab 49 10 -55 lch 49 56 280 cmyk 73 37 0 18 bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](0.0):true_blue[8543][0,115,207](2.2):dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](3.0):denim[3093][43,108,196](4.4):mariner[5532][40,106,205](6.2) 4 bright:denim:dodger:mariner:navy:true:blue +5999 navy_blue rgb 34 34 139 hex #22228B hsv 240 76 55 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.25 lab 21 37 -58 lch 21 68 303 cmyk 41 41 0 45 navy[5995][34,34,139](0.0):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](1.4):resolution_blue[7188][0,35,135](4.1):dark_imperial_blue[2775][0,20,126](5.2):indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](5.5) 3 dark:dye:imperial:jacksons:navy:resolution:blue:indigo:purple +6000 navy_blue rgb 35 35 142 hex #23238E hsv 240 75 56 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.26 lab 22 37 -58 lch 22 69 303 cmyk 42 42 0 44 navy[5995][34,34,139](1.0):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](1.7):resolution_blue[7188][0,35,135](4.5):indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](5.7):PMS2746[285][63,40,147](5.8) 3 PMS2746:dye:jacksons:navy:resolution:blue:indigo:purple +6001 navy_green rgb 53 83 10 hex #35530A hsv 85 88 33 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.01 lab 32 -23 36 lch 32 43 123 cmyk 12 0 29 67 deep_spring_bud[3064][56,89,0](5.7):terre_verte[8314][56,94,15](6.0):dark_olive_green[2812][60,77,3](6.4):green_house[4044][36,80,15](6.7):deep_lime_green[3010][67,89,0](7.0) 0 deep:dark:bud:house:olive:spring:terre:verte:green:lime +6002 navy_purple rgb 148 87 235 hex #9457EB hsv 265 63 92 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.81 lab 51 55 -66 lch 51 86 310 cmyk 34 58 0 8 lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](0.0):brilliant_blue_violet[1768][137,81,231](3.6):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](3.7):purpley[6893][135,86,228](4.6):lighter_purple[5245][165,90,244](5.0) 5 brilliant:lighter:purpley:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +6003 nebula rgb 184 198 190 hex #B8C6BE hsv 146 7 78 xyz 0.49 0.54 0.57 lab 79 -6 2 lch 79 7 159 cmyk 5 0 3 22 powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](1.0):powder_blue[6801][188,201,194](1.0):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.4):tiara[8342][185,195,190](2.4):half_robin_egg_blue[4377][181,192,181](2.8) 28 ash:egg:half:periglacial:powder:robin:tiara:blue +6004 nebula rgb 203 219 214 hex #CBDBD6 hsv 161 7 86 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.74 lab 86 -6 1 lch 86 6 174 cmyk 6 0 2 14 PMS5513[705][206,216,209](1.7):conch[2447][201,217,210](1.7):breeze[1705][204,219,217](2.2):paris_white[6492][202,220,212](2.2):carefree[2083][209,221,213](2.4) 29 PMS5513:breeze:carefree:conch:paris:white +6005 negroni rgb 238 199 162 hex #EEC7A2 hsv 29 32 93 xyz 0.62 0.62 0.43 lab 83 9 24 lch 83 25 70 cmyk 0 15 30 7 PMS720[899][239,196,158](1.7):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](2.4):PMS474[580][244,204,170](2.8):PMS473[578][244,196,160](3.2):PMS713[892][249,201,163](3.3) 15 PMS473:PMS474:PMS713:PMS720:new:tan +6006 negroni rgb 255 226 197 hex #FFE2C5 hsv 30 23 100 xyz 0.79 0.8 0.64 lab 92 6 18 lch 92 19 73 cmyk 0 11 23 0 pale_orange[6396][255,224,194](1.4):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2):tequila[8304][255,230,199](2.2):very_pale_orange[8814][255,223,191](2.2):karry[4820][254,220,193](2.8) 15 pale:very:bisque:karry:tequila:orange +6007 nelson_red rgb 79 37 37 hex #4F2525 hsv 360 53 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 20 9 lch 21 22 25 cmyk 0 16 16 69 PMS497[605][81,40,38](1.7):lonestar[5339][82,36,38](2.0):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](2.2):volcano[8967][78,39,40](2.2):rialto[7200][76,35,34](2.4) 20 PMS497:lonestar:pasifika:rialto:soil:style:volcano:red +6008 nemo rgb 177 185 211 hex #B1B9D3 hsv 226 16 83 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.69 lab 75 3 -14 lch 75 14 280 cmyk 13 10 0 17 serendipity[7619][177,185,211](0.0):echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](3.0):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](3.0):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.2):PMS2708[268][175,188,219](3.3) 14 PMS2708:alaska:echo:pigeon:post:serendipity:blue +6009 neon_blue rgb 4 217 255 hex #04D9FF hsv 189 98 100 xyz 0.43 0.57 1.03 lab 80 -31 -31 lch 80 43 225 cmyk 98 15 0 0 luminous_vivid_arctic_blue[5363][0,223,255](4.7):vivid_arctic_blue[8895][0,202,231](7.1):bright_sky_blue[1748][2,204,254](8.8):vivid_sky_blue[8950][0,204,255](10.0):light_brilliant_cerulean[5034][101,216,255](10.2) 1 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:arctic:bright:cerulean:sky:blue +6010 neon_blue rgb 77 77 255 hex #4D4DFF hsv 240 70 100 xyz 0.24 0.14 0.96 lab 44 55 -88 lch 44 103 302 cmyk 70 70 0 0 blue[1534][2,71,254](5.9):purpleish_blue[6891][97,64,239](6.7):electric_blue[3437][6,82,255](7.3):vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](8.3):palatinate_blue[6301][39,59,226](9.1) 0 vivid:electric:palatinate:purpleish:sapphire:blue +6011 neon_carrot rgb 255 153 51 hex #FF9933 hsv 30 80 100 xyz 0.53 0.44 0.09 lab 72 31 66 lch 72 73 65 cmyk 0 40 80 0 deep_saffron[3046][255,153,51](0.0):PMS804[918][255,147,56](4.4):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](4.4):PMS1495[67][255,153,63](5.0):carrot[2114][237,145,33](5.7) 4 deep:PMS1495:PMS804:carrot:saffron:sunshade +6012 neon_carrot rgb 255 163 67 hex #FFA343 hsv 31 74 100 xyz 0.55 0.48 0.12 lab 75 26 62 lch 75 67 67 cmyk 0 36 74 0 light_orange[5158][253,170,72](4.2):yellow_sea[9220][244,159,53](4.7):tan[8228][255,165,79](5.0):frenzee[3764][247,162,51](5.4):lightning_yellow[5252][247,162,51](5.4) 3 light:frenzee:lightning:sea:tan:orange:yellow +6013 neon_fuchsia rgb 254 65 100 hex #FE4164 hsv 349 74 100 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.15 lab 58 72 25 lch 58 76 19 cmyk 0 74 60 0 magic_potion[5451][255,68,102](1.4):radical_red[7038][255,53,94](3.7):radical_red[7039][255,73,108](3.7):red_pink[7133][250,42,85](6.4):watermelon[9018][253,70,89](6.7) 3 magic:potion:radical:watermelon:pink:red +6014 neon_fuchsia rgb 254 89 194 hex #FE59C2 hsv 322 65 100 xyz 0.54 0.32 0.54 lab 63 72 -22 lch 63 75 343 cmyk 0 65 24 0 light_deep_pink[5095][255,92,205](4.2):rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](4.7):light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](4.9):PMS238[198][237,79,175](6.4):brilliant_cerise[1769][231,81,175](7.7) 3 deep:light:brilliant:PMS238:cerise:pink:rose +6015 neon_green rgb 12 255 12 hex #0CFF0C hsv 120 95 100 xyz 0.36 0.72 0.12 lab 88 -86 82 lch 88 119 136 cmyk 95 0 95 0 bright_green[1723][1,255,7](1.0):electric_green[3441][0,255,0](1.0):fluorescent_green[3700][8,255,8](1.0):fluro_green[3704][10,255,2](1.0):green[4028][0,255,0](1.0) 14 bright:electric:fluorescent:fluro:green +6016 neon_green rgb 57 255 20 hex #39FF14 hsv 111 92 100 xyz 0.38 0.72 0.13 lab 88 -82 82 lch 88 116 135 cmyk 78 0 92 0 poison_green[6756][64,253,20](1.0):harlequin[4422][63,255,0](2.0):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](2.2):highlighter_green[4490][27,252,6](2.2):luminous_vivid_harlequin[5379][64,255,0](2.2) 17 luminous:vivid:electric:harlequin:highlighter:poison:green +6017 neon_pink rgb 254 1 154 hex #FE019A hsv 324 100 100 xyz 0.47 0.23 0.33 lab 56 86 -11 lch 56 87 353 cmyk 0 99 39 0 luminous_vivid_cerise[5367][255,0,159](2.2):persian_rose[6613][254,40,162](3.7):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](4.1):PMS806[922][255,0,147](5.1):deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](5.1) 3 luminous:deep:vivid:PMS806:cerise:persian:shocking:pink:rose +6018 neon_pink rgb 255 110 199 hex #FF6EC7 hsv 323 57 100 xyz 0.57 0.37 0.58 lab 67 64 -19 lch 67 67 343 cmyk 0 57 22 0 light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](4.6):PMS2375[197][234,107,191](6.7):PMS231[189][252,112,186](6.8):rose_pink[7312][255,102,204](7.1):hot_pink[4564][255,105,180](8.2) 1 light:brilliant:PMS231:PMS2375:cerise:hot:pink:rose +6019 neon_purple rgb 188 19 254 hex #BC13FE hsv 283 93 100 xyz 0.39 0.18 0.95 lab 50 87 -78 lch 50 117 318 cmyk 26 92 0 0 bright_purple[1743][190,3,253](2.0):electric_purple[3450][191,0,255](2.0):luminous_vivid_mulberry[5385][191,0,255](2.0):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](5.1):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](5.4) 3 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:mulberry:orchid:purple:violet +6020 neon_red rgb 255 7 58 hex #FF073A hsv 348 97 100 xyz 0.42 0.22 0.06 lab 54 81 44 lch 54 92 29 cmyk 0 97 77 0 carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](1.0):american_rose[1038][255,3,62](2.0):carmine[2096][255,0,64](3.0):electric_crimson[3439][255,0,63](3.0):luminous_vivid_crimson[5372][255,0,64](3.0) 8 luminous:vivid:american:carmine:electric:crimson:red:rose +6021 neon_yellow rgb 207 255 4 hex #CFFF04 hsv 71 98 100 xyz 0.62 0.85 0.13 lab 94 -41 90 lch 94 99 114 cmyk 19 0 98 0 electric_lime[3446][204,255,0](1.0):fluorescent_yellow[3703][204,255,0](1.0):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](1.0):volt[8969][205,255,0](1.0):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](1.4) 10 arctic:electric:fluorescent:greenish:volt:lime:yellow +6022 nepal rgb 142 171 193 hex #8EABC1 hsv 206 26 76 xyz 0.35 0.39 0.56 lab 69 -5 -15 lch 69 15 251 cmyk 20 9 0 24 PMS644[823][155,175,196](4.1):light_sky_blue[5203][141,182,205](4.4):PMS651[830][155,170,191](4.5):PMS543[683][147,183,209](4.6):slate_grey[7771][159,182,205](4.6) 6 slate:light:PMS543:PMS644:PMS651:sky:blue:grey +6023 nepal rgb 147 170 185 hex #93AAB9 hsv 204 21 73 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.51 lab 68 -5 -10 lch 68 11 246 cmyk 15 6 0 27 pewter_blue[6628][139,168,183](2.4):cadet_grey[1986][145,163,176](3.0):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.3):bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](3.7):botticelli[1669][146,172,180](3.7) 11 bluegrey:bluey:botticelli:cadet:pewter:blue:grey +6024 neptune rgb 119 168 171 hex #77A8AB hsv 183 30 67 xyz 0.29 0.35 0.44 lab 66 -15 -7 lch 66 17 204 cmyk 20 1 0 33 grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](2.2):kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](2.8):ziggurat[9259][129,166,170](3.2):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](4.5):PMS5493[699][140,175,173](5.8) 4 PMS5493:cyan:grayish:gumbo:kumutoto:ziggurat +6025 neptune rgb 124 183 187 hex #7CB7BB hsv 184 34 73 xyz 0.34 0.42 0.53 lab 71 -18 -8 lch 71 20 204 cmyk 25 2 0 27 kumutoto[4896][120,175,178](3.3):half_baked[4286][133,196,204](4.5):gulf_stream[4246][128,179,174](5.4):cadet_blue[1981][122,197,205](5.8):fountain_blue[3734][101,173,178](6.2) 2 baked:cadet:fountain:gulf:half:kumutoto:stream:blue +6026 nero rgb 20 6 0 hex #140600 hsv 18 100 8 xyz 0 0 0 lab 3 4 4 lch 3 5 47 cmyk 0 5 8 92 asphalt[1163][19,10,6](2.2):banjul[1287][19,10,6](2.2):maire[5466][19,10,6](2.2):diesel[3121][19,0,0](3.5):licorice[4995][26,17,16](3.6) 12 asphalt:banjul:diesel:licorice:maire +6027 nero rgb 37 37 37 hex #252525 hsv 0 0 15 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 0 0 lch 15 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 85 grey[4113][38,38,38](0.0):style_pasifika_black_light[8068][37,37,37](0.0):uhi[8635][37,37,37](0.0):black[1452][35,35,35](1.0):filmpro_black[3603][40,40,40](1.0) 45 light:filmpro:pasifika:style:uhi:black:grey +6028 nest_egg rgb 77 69 58 hex #4D453A hsv 35 25 30 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.05 lab 30 1 8 lch 30 8 81 cmyk 0 3 7 70 double_mondo[3218][74,66,55](2.0):double_oilskin[3221][80,69,58](2.0):rambler[7057][83,71,61](2.2):space_shuttle[7867][75,67,59](2.4):metallic_bronze[5689][85,74,60](3.0) 23 bronze:double:metallic:mondo:oilskin:rambler:shuttle:space +6029 neutral_bay rgb 133 141 153 hex #858D99 hsv 216 13 60 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.34 lab 58 0 -7 lch 58 7 267 cmyk 8 5 0 40 exponent[3532][136,143,152](1.7):roman_silver[7281][131,137,150](1.7):manatee[5491][141,144,161](3.5):kookaburra[4881][129,131,146](3.7):revolution[7192][126,132,139](3.7) 13 exponent:kookaburra:manatee:revolution:roman:silver +6030 neutral_green rgb 170 165 131 hex #AAA583 hsv 52 23 67 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.27 lab 67 -4 18 lch 67 19 102 cmyk 0 2 15 33 hillary[4491][167,160,126](1.7):hillary[4492][172,165,134](1.7):platinum[6736][165,160,131](2.4):stone[7985][173,165,135](2.4):canvas[2054][168,165,137](3.0) 18 canvas:hillary:platinum:stone +6031 neutral_green rgb 172 165 134 hex #ACA586 hsv 49 22 67 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.28 lab 68 -3 17 lch 68 17 99 cmyk 0 3 15 33 hillary[4492][172,165,134](0.0):stone[7985][173,165,135](1.0):bland[1498][175,168,139](1.7):platinum[6736][165,160,131](2.2):canvas[2054][168,165,137](2.4) 24 bland:canvas:hillary:platinum:stone +6032 neva rgb 198 214 13 hex #C6D60D hsv 65 94 84 xyz 0.47 0.6 0.09 lab 82 -25 80 lch 82 84 108 cmyk 6 0 79 16 rio_grande[7229][187,208,9](4.1):PMS389[466][206,224,7](4.7):PMS381[457][204,226,38](5.1):pear[6563][209,226,49](5.1):sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](5.5) 2 PMS381:PMS389:grande:pear:rio:sickly:yellow +6033 nevada rgb 100 110 117 hex #646E75 hsv 205 15 46 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.19 lab 46 -2 -5 lch 46 6 247 cmyk 7 3 0 54 quarter_tuna[7011][101,106,112](1.7):PMS431[514][102,109,112](2.0):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](2.4):infinity[4655][106,115,118](3.0):mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](3.3) 13 pale:PMS431:infinity:mid:quarter:sky:tuna:grey +6034 nevada rgb 102 111 111 hex #666F6F hsv 180 8 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.17 lab 46 -3 -1 lch 46 4 199 cmyk 4 0 0 56 PMS431[514][102,109,112](2.2):cliff_face_grey[2372][108,110,109](2.2):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](2.2):mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](2.4):infinity[4655][106,115,118](2.8) 34 pale:PMS431:cliff:face:infinity:mid:sky:grey +6035 new_amber rgb 109 59 36 hex #6D3B24 hsv 19 67 43 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.02 lab 31 20 24 lch 31 31 50 cmyk 0 20 29 57 dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](2.8):bull_shot[1897][117,68,43](3.2):copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](3.3):peru_tan[6618][115,61,31](4.2):PMS478[586][122,63,40](4.4) 9 dark:PMS478:bull:canyon:copper:peru:rimu:shot:tan +6036 new_amber rgb 123 56 1 hex #7B3801 hsv 27 99 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.01 lab 32 26 42 lch 32 50 58 cmyk 0 26 48 52 red_beech[7113][123,56,1](0.0):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](1.7):PMS725[904][117,56,2](2.4):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](3.7):chocolate[2304][123,63,0](4.6) 6 PMS1615:PMS725:beech:chocolate:peru:tan:red +6037 new_car rgb 33 79 198 hex #214FC6 hsv 223 83 78 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.55 lab 38 30 -66 lch 38 72 294 cmyk 65 47 0 22 absolute_zero[950][0,72,186](4.6):PMS2728[278][48,68,181](6.0):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](7.1):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](8.7):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](8.8) 1 PMS2728:absolute:bay:cerulean:governor:zero:blue:violet +6038 new_denim_blue rgb 57 65 73 hex #394149 hsv 210 22 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.07 lab 27 -1 -6 lch 27 6 258 cmyk 6 3 0 71 arsenic[1148][59,68,75](1.7):liquid_metal[5302][62,65,71](2.2):majestic_blue[5472][54,67,74](2.2):mirage[5777][55,63,67](2.4):charcoal[2221][54,69,79](3.0) 24 arsenic:charcoal:liquid:majestic:metal:mirage:blue +6039 new_midnight_blue rgb 0 0 156 hex #00009C hsv 240 100 61 xyz 0.06 0.02 0.32 lab 17 55 -75 lch 17 93 306 cmyk 61 61 0 39 duke_blue[3280][0,0,156](0.0):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](3.6):zaffre[9244][0,20,168](5.1):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](5.2):royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](5.4) 2 strong:cobalt:duke:persian:royal:zaffre:blue +6040 new_orleans rgb 228 195 133 hex #E4C385 hsv 39 42 89 xyz 0.56 0.57 0.3 lab 80 3 35 lch 80 36 84 cmyk 0 13 37 11 sandbar[7462][226,195,133](0.0):chalky[2199][223,194,129](1.4):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.4):light_gamboge[5102][231,197,139](1.7):light_beige[5007][221,194,131](2.2) 10 light:beige:chalky:gamboge:honey:manuka:sandbar +6041 new_orleans rgb 243 214 157 hex #F3D69D hsv 40 35 95 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.42 lab 87 2 32 lch 87 32 86 cmyk 0 11 34 5 splash[7905][241,215,158](1.4):marzipan[5563][248,219,157](2.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](2.8):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.2):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](4.1) 11 cape:honey:maize:marzipan:melting:moment:splash +6042 new_tan rgb 235 199 158 hex #EBC79E hsv 32 33 92 xyz 0.61 0.61 0.41 lab 82 7 25 lch 82 26 75 cmyk 0 14 30 8 negroni[6005][238,199,162](2.4):PMS720[899][239,196,158](3.0):PMS727[906][226,191,155](3.6):brandy[1692][222,193,150](3.6):gold[3896][231,198,151](3.6) 12 PMS720:PMS727:brandy:gold:negroni +6043 new_york_pink rgb 215 131 127 hex #D7837F hsv 3 41 84 xyz 0.4 0.32 0.24 lab 64 32 16 lch 64 36 27 cmyk 0 33 35 16 sea_pink[7571][219,129,126](2.2):pink[6668][231,139,139](5.1):my_pink[5962][214,139,128](5.5):sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](6.8):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](7.0) 1 light:my:scarlet:sea:sweet:pink +6044 new_york_pink rgb 221 131 116 hex #DD8374 hsv 9 48 87 xyz 0.41 0.33 0.21 lab 64 33 23 lch 64 40 35 cmyk 0 35 41 13 sea_pink[7571][219,129,126](6.1):japonica[4740][216,124,99](6.3):my_pink[5962][214,139,128](7.9):geraldine[3843][231,123,117](8.1):contessa[2465][198,114,107](8.7) 0 contessa:geraldine:japonica:my:sea:pink +6045 niagara rgb 6 161 137 hex #06A189 hsv 171 96 63 xyz 0.17 0.27 0.28 lab 59 -41 3 lch 59 41 176 cmyk 61 0 9 37 PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](0.0):gossamer[3952][6,155,129](2.2):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](2.4):persian_green[6604][0,166,147](3.6):strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](3.6) 10 strong:2X:PMS3278:PMS808:gossamer:opal:persian:green +6046 niagara rgb 41 169 139 hex #29A98B hsv 166 76 66 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.29 lab 62 -41 6 lch 62 42 172 cmyk 50 0 12 34 jeepers_creepers[4754][41,169,139](0.0):jungle_green[4793][59,176,143](3.2):jungle_green[4791][41,171,135](3.7):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](4.2):greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](4.5) 8 2X:PMS808:creepers:greeny:jeepers:jungle:blue:green +6047 nice_blue rgb 16 122 176 hex #107AB0 hsv 200 91 69 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.44 lab 48 -8 -36 lch 48 37 258 cmyk 63 21 0 31 lure[5409][47,119,169](4.2):star_command_blue[7952][0,123,184](4.6):allports[1005][0,118,163](5.4):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](5.7):blue[1531][0,135,189](5.9) 2 PMS3015:allports:command:lure:star:blue +6048 night_blue rgb 4 3 72 hex #040348 hsv 241 96 28 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.06 lab 5 27 -41 lch 5 49 304 cmyk 27 27 0 72 tolopea[8402][27,2,69](5.9):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](7.1):deep_phthalo_blue[3028][0,11,89](7.1):deep_sapphire_blue[3049][0,22,89](7.3):cove_grey[2562][5,22,87](7.8) 0 deep:dark:cove:phthalo:sapphire:tolopea:blue:grey:indigo +6049 night_moves rgb 69 76 115 hex #454C73 hsv 231 40 45 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.17 lab 33 8 -23 lch 33 25 289 cmyk 18 15 0 55 PMS534[670][58,73,114](3.0):style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](3.2):takaka[8210][61,77,120](3.2):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](4.5):enigma[3497][81,80,114](4.6) 10 PMS534:enigma:hendrix:pasifika:style:takaka:whale:blue +6050 night_owl rgb 72 51 53 hex #483335 hsv 354 29 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 10 2 lch 24 10 14 cmyk 0 8 7 72 woody_brown[9178][72,49,49](2.2):dark_puce[2848][79,58,60](3.0):PMS439[523][73,53,51](3.2):afficionado[970][69,54,56](3.2):mahogany[5458][72,50,48](3.2) 20 dark:PMS439:afficionado:mahogany:puce:woody:brown +6051 night_rider rgb 31 18 15 hex #1F120F hsv 11 52 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 7 6 4 lch 7 7 33 cmyk 0 5 6 88 very_reddish_brown[8825][29,17,17](2.2):licorice[4995][26,17,16](3.0):creole[2592][30,15,4](3.3):gondola[3944][38,20,20](3.6):bokara_grey[1632][28,18,8](3.7) 10 very:bokara:creole:gondola:licorice:reddish:brown:grey +6052 night_rider rgb 51 46 46 hex #332E2E hsv 0 10 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 2 1 lch 19 2 20 cmyk 0 2 2 80 sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](1.0):barbecue[1289][54,48,48](1.4):diesel[3122][50,44,43](1.4):style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal[8072][50,44,43](1.4):livid_brown[5314][49,42,41](1.7) 66 burnt:barbecue:charcoal:diesel:livid:pasifika:sheer:style:black:brown +6053 night_shadz rgb 162 61 84 hex #A23D54 hsv 346 62 64 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.1 lab 41 44 8 lch 41 45 11 cmyk 0 40 31 36 sargent_pepper[7500][163,64,83](2.2):light_burgundy[5076][168,65,91](2.4):hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](3.3):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](4.6):moderate_crimson[5820][168,74,97](4.7) 5 moderate:light:burgundy:hippie:pepper:sargent:crimson:pink +6054 night_shadz rgb 170 55 90 hex #AA375A hsv 342 68 67 xyz 0.2 0.12 0.11 lab 41 50 6 lch 41 50 7 cmyk 0 45 31 33 cranberry[2577][180,56,100](4.7):pink_panther[6685][180,56,100](4.7):filmpro_magenta[3614][170,48,93](5.1):light_burgundy[5076][168,65,91](5.5):blush[1625][180,70,104](5.7) 2 light:blush:burgundy:cranberry:filmpro:magenta:panther:pink +6055 nightclub rgb 102 0 69 hex #660045 hsv 319 100 40 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.06 lab 21 45 -12 lch 21 47 345 cmyk 0 40 13 60 pompadour[6764][102,0,69](0.0):ribbon[7201][102,0,69](0.0):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](5.2):velvet[8689][117,8,81](5.7):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](6.1) 2 deep:fuchsia:imperial:pompadour:ribbon:velvet:purple +6056 nightclub rgb 106 31 68 hex #6A1F44 hsv 330 71 42 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.06 lab 25 37 -5 lch 25 37 352 cmyk 0 29 15 58 pompadour[6765][106,31,68](0.0):tawny_port[8267][105,37,69](3.3):PMS690[869][112,35,66](4.5):PMS511[626][96,33,68](4.6):lip_service[5297][101,21,56](5.1) 4 PMS511:PMS690:lip:pompadour:port:service:tawny +6057 nikau rgb 42 64 50 hex #2A4032 hsv 142 34 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -12 6 lch 25 14 154 cmyk 9 0 5 75 english_holly[3489][39,66,52](2.2):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](2.4):timber_green[8362][50,67,54](2.8):PMS5535[711][33,61,48](3.0):forest_green[3725][51,66,49](3.0) 18 PMS5535:earthsong:english:forest:holly:timber:green +6058 nile_blue rgb 25 55 81 hex #193751 hsv 208 69 32 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.08 lab 22 -2 -19 lch 22 19 265 cmyk 22 10 0 68 regal_blue[7170][32,63,88](3.3):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](3.7):midnight_oil[5727][40,56,84](4.1):dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](4.2):PMS539[675][0,48,73](4.6) 5 dark:PMS2965:PMS539:midnight:oil:regal:azure:blue +6059 nile_blue rgb 37 63 78 hex #253F4E hsv 202 53 31 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.08 lab 25 -5 -12 lch 25 13 247 cmyk 16 6 0 69 aquarium[1124][37,60,72](2.2):dark_blue_grey[2690][31,59,77](2.2):tarawera[8254][37,60,72](2.2):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](2.4):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](4.2) 8 dark:aquarium:tarawera:vogue:whale:blue:green:grey +6060 nirvana rgb 195 191 139 hex #C3BF8B hsv 56 29 76 xyz 0.46 0.51 0.32 lab 77 -7 27 lch 77 28 104 cmyk 0 2 22 24 PMS5855[774][204,198,147](2.4):pea_soup[6536][185,184,128](3.7):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](4.1):yuma[9243][206,194,145](4.2):sage[7413][188,184,138](4.4) 8 PMS4525:PMS5855:pea:sage:soup:yuma +6061 nite_life rgb 29 33 52 hex #1D2134 hsv 230 44 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 13 4 -13 lch 13 14 287 cmyk 9 7 0 80 blue_night[1582][31,38,59](2.2):outer_space[6267][31,38,59](2.2):celestial_blue[2162][26,32,47](3.0):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](3.2):stratos[8001][33,38,58](3.2) 9 celestial:express:midnight:night:outer:space:stratos:blue +6062 nitro rgb 151 131 149 hex #978395 hsv 306 13 59 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.32 lab 57 11 -7 lch 57 13 328 cmyk 0 8 1 41 party_pink[6498][151,131,149](0.0):amethyst_smoke[1043][149,135,156](3.0):mamba[5489][142,129,144](3.3):purpley_grey[6895][148,126,148](3.5):thistle[8323][139,123,139](3.7) 7 amethyst:mamba:party:purpley:smoke:thistle:grey:pink +6063 nobel rgb 169 157 157 hex #A99D9D hsv 0 7 66 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.37 lab 66 4 2 lch 66 5 20 cmyk 0 5 5 34 reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](1.0):martini[5558][175,160,158](1.7):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](2.2):triple_rakaia[8512][161,154,152](2.8):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](3.0) 27 double:dusty:martini:milestone:rakaia:reddish:triple:grey +6064 nobel rgb 183 177 177 hex #B7B1B1 hsv 360 3 72 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.48 lab 73 2 1 lch 73 2 20 cmyk 0 2 2 28 grey[4171][179,179,179](2.2):half_mountain_mist[4357][183,180,176](2.2):rakaia[7056][186,183,181](2.2):triple_concrete[8486][183,182,181](2.2):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.4) 43 concrete:half:mist:mountain:rakaia:triple:grey +6065 nocturnal rgb 47 49 49 hex #2F3131 hsv 180 4 19 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -1 0 lch 20 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 81 element[3456][44,47,47](1.0):grey[4117][48,48,48](1.0):grey[4116][46,46,46](1.4):grey[4118][51,51,51](1.4):mine_shaft[5753][50,50,50](1.4) 72 element:mine:shaft:grey +6066 nomad rgb 161 153 134 hex #A19986 hsv 42 17 63 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.27 lab 63 0 11 lch 63 11 92 cmyk 0 3 11 37 napa[5976][163,154,135](1.0):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](2.0):half_pravda[4371][160,153,138](2.0):malta[5485][165,151,132](2.2):PMS415[498][163,158,140](2.4) 44 PMS415:bison:double:half:hide:malta:napa:pravda +6067 nomad rgb 186 177 162 hex #BAB1A2 hsv 38 13 73 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.41 lab 73 1 9 lch 73 9 86 cmyk 0 4 9 27 malta[5486][189,178,161](1.0):half_cougar[4313][188,181,166](1.4):serene[7620][189,176,163](1.4):PMS401[485][193,181,165](1.7):PMS414[497][181,175,160](1.7) 52 PMS401:PMS414:cougar:half:malta:serene +6068 non_photo_blue rgb 164 221 237 hex #A4DDED hsv 193 31 93 xyz 0.56 0.66 0.9 lab 85 -14 -14 lch 85 20 224 cmyk 29 6 0 7 charlotte[2230][164,220,230](3.7):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](3.7):regent_st_blue[7176][170,214,230](3.7):belgion[1388][173,216,230](4.4):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](4.4) 9 light:belgion:charlotte:regent:st:blue +6069 noosa rgb 183 128 56 hex #B78038 hsv 34 69 72 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.07 lab 58 14 46 lch 58 48 73 cmyk 0 22 50 28 jandal[4729][183,130,57](1.0):style_pasifika_sandalwood[8095][183,130,57](1.0):filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](2.2):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](4.1):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](5.1) 4 filmpro:hot:jandal:mandalay:oxide:pasifika:sandalwood:style:toddy:yellow +6070 nordic rgb 1 39 49 hex #012731 hsv 193 98 19 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.03 lab 14 -9 -10 lch 14 13 230 cmyk 19 4 0 81 daintree[2653][1,39,49](0.0):firefly[3647][14,42,48](3.3):loch_ness[5320][7,47,55](3.3):PMS5395[676][2,40,58](6.5):magnum[5457][17,35,49](7.1) 3 PMS5395:daintree:firefly:loch:magnum:ness +6071 nordic rgb 29 57 60 hex #1D393C hsv 186 52 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 22 -10 -5 lch 22 11 208 cmyk 12 1 0 76 daintree[2654][39,63,65](3.3):tiki_tour[8359][35,64,64](3.7):japanese_indigo[4733][38,67,72](4.2):tiber[8344][6,53,55](5.1):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](5.4) 3 daintree:gable:japanese:tiber:tiki:tour:green:indigo +6072 north_texas_green rgb 5 144 51 hex #059033 hsv 140 97 56 xyz 0.11 0.2 0.06 lab 52 -53 39 lch 52 66 143 cmyk 55 0 36 44 kelley_green[4825][0,147,55](1.0):PMS452_2X[542][0,153,68](5.0):irish_green[4673][1,149,41](6.6):forest_green[3723][34,139,34](6.8):PMS355[429][0,158,73](7.1) 2 2X:PMS355:PMS452:forest:irish:kelley:green +6073 norway rgb 164 184 143 hex #A4B88F hsv 89 22 72 xyz 0.37 0.44 0.33 lab 72 -14 19 lch 72 23 128 cmyk 8 0 16 28 swamp_green[8174][172,183,142](3.3):spring_rain[7928][163,189,156](5.5):greenish_grey[4082][150,174,141](5.9):grayish_chartreuse_green[4001][147,168,125](6.2):grayish_lime_green[4008][158,168,125](6.2) 1 chartreuse:grayish:greenish:rain:spring:swamp:green:grey:lime +6074 norway rgb 168 189 159 hex #A8BD9F hsv 102 16 74 xyz 0.41 0.47 0.4 lab 74 -13 13 lch 74 18 135 cmyk 8 0 12 26 laurel_green[4924][169,186,157](2.0):spring_rain[7928][163,189,156](2.2):schist[7529][169,180,151](4.6):PMS623[802][165,191,170](5.1):greenish_grey[4082][150,174,141](5.5) 3 PMS623:greenish:laurel:rain:schist:spring:green:grey +6075 norwegian_blue rgb 88 100 131 hex #586483 hsv 223 33 51 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.23 lab 43 3 -19 lch 43 19 280 cmyk 17 12 0 49 kingfisher_blue[4863][89,106,139](2.4):waratah[8993][85,105,139](2.4):lifesaver[4997][83,94,127](3.3):waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](3.7):kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](4.1) 6 kashmir:kingfisher:lifesaver:waikawa:waratah:blue:grey +6076 norwester rgb 72 121 138 hex #48798A hsv 195 48 54 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.27 lab 48 -12 -14 lch 48 19 231 cmyk 26 7 0 46 jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](3.2):smalt_blue[7782][81,128,143](3.2):tax_break[8269][81,128,143](3.2):teal_blue[8288][54,117,136](3.5):bismark[1427][73,113,131](4.2) 5 bean:bismark:break:jelly:smalt:tax:teal:blue +6077 nougat rgb 214 193 171 hex #D6C1AB hsv 31 20 84 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.46 lab 79 4 14 lch 79 14 74 cmyk 0 8 17 16 alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](1.4):manilla[5509][213,195,172](1.4):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](1.4):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](1.4) 33 dark:alpaca:dough:manilla:sour:vanilla +6078 nude_brown rgb 188 158 130 hex #BC9E82 hsv 29 31 74 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.26 lab 67 7 19 lch 67 20 70 cmyk 0 12 23 26 okey_dokey[6123][188,161,132](1.4):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](3.0):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](3.5):pale_taupe[6436][188,152,126](3.6):soul[7857][193,167,139](3.7) 11 pale:dokey:dust:howlin:okey:rodeo:soul:taupe:wolf +6079 nugget rgb 188 146 41 hex #BC9229 hsv 43 78 74 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.07 lab 63 6 58 lch 63 58 84 cmyk 0 16 58 26 wazzup[9029][188,148,37](2.2):marigold[5526][185,141,40](2.4):dixie_chick[3148][196,143,42](5.0):satin_sheen_gold[7506][203,161,53](5.2):afterglow[975][206,151,50](5.8) 3 afterglow:chick:dixie:gold:marigold:satin:sheen:wazzup +6080 nugget rgb 197 153 34 hex #C59922 hsv 44 83 77 xyz 0.35 0.35 0.06 lab 66 6 63 lch 66 63 85 cmyk 0 17 64 23 goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](3.7):PMS1245[30][191,145,12](4.4):ochre[6102][191,144,5](4.4):wazzup[9029][188,148,37](4.4):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](4.6) 6 PMS1245:curry:goldenrod:ochre:wazzup:lemon +6081 nullarbor rgb 144 124 100 hex #907C64 hsv 33 31 56 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.15 lab 53 4 16 lch 53 16 76 cmyk 0 8 17 44 domino[3164][142,119,94](1.7):navajo_white[5987][139,121,94](1.7):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.4):milky_way[5746][142,127,104](2.4):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](2.8) 19 domino:double:gargoyle:malta:milky:navajo:way:white +6082 nutmeg rgb 95 66 45 hex #5F422D hsv 25 53 37 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.03 lab 31 10 18 lch 31 20 61 cmyk 0 11 20 63 bracken[1689][91,61,39](2.2):drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](2.2):irish_coffee[4672][98,66,43](2.2):jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](2.4):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](3.3) 12 dark:bracken:coffee:drumbeat:irish:jambalaya:tangelo +6083 nutmeg rgb 126 74 59 hex #7E4A3B hsv 13 53 49 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.05 lab 37 20 18 lch 37 27 42 cmyk 0 20 26 51 ironstone[4685][134,80,64](3.3):peanut[6561][122,68,52](3.5):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](3.7):bole[1634][121,68,59](4.1):medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](4.1) 9 medium:bole:fawn:ironstone:mule:peanut:tuscan:red +6084 nutmeg rgb 129 66 44 hex #81422C hsv 16 66 51 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.03 lab 35 25 25 lch 35 36 45 cmyk 0 25 33 49 PMS478[586][122,63,40](2.2):scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](3.7):mule_fawn[5942][140,71,47](4.1):paarl[6286][134,75,54](4.1):teranova[8305][122,58,43](4.1) 10 PMS478:clay:fawn:mule:paarl:scorched:teranova +6085 nutmeg_wood_finish rgb 104 54 0 hex #683600 hsv 31 100 41 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.01 lab 28 19 39 lch 28 43 64 cmyk 0 20 41 59 brown[1833][101,55,0](2.2):PMS731[910][114,63,10](4.2):PMS725[904][117,56,2](6.2):carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](6.5):deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](6.7) 2 deep:PMS725:PMS731:carnaby:tan:brown +6086 nyanza rgb 233 255 219 hex #E9FFDB hsv 97 14 100 xyz 0.82 0.94 0.81 lab 98 -13 15 lch 98 20 132 cmyk 9 0 14 0 carla[2091][243,255,216](3.6):rice_flower[7205][238,255,226](3.6):very_pale_harlequin[8808][233,255,226](4.1):spring_sun[7931][246,255,220](4.2):very_pale_chartreuse_green[8802][240,255,226](4.2) 6 pale:very:carla:chartreuse:flower:harlequin:rice:spring:sun:green +6087 oak rgb 120 81 45 hex #78512D hsv 29 63 47 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.04 lab 38 12 27 lch 38 30 66 cmyk 0 15 29 53 momentum[5861][120,78,44](2.2):matai[5569][118,76,44](3.0):dallas[2664][110,75,38](3.3):walnut[8988][121,77,46](3.3):pickled_bean[6639][110,72,38](4.0) 8 bean:dallas:matai:momentum:pickled:walnut +6088 oasis rgb 252 237 197 hex #FCEDC5 hsv 44 22 99 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.65 lab 94 -1 21 lch 94 21 93 cmyk 0 6 22 1 honey[4528][252,237,197](0.0):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.4):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.4):pipi[6712][254,244,204](2.8):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](3.0) 40 barley:beeswax:honey:meringue:pipi:lemon:white +6089 oasis rgb 254 239 206 hex #FEEFCE hsv 41 19 100 xyz 0.83 0.87 0.71 lab 95 0 18 lch 95 18 90 cmyk 0 6 19 0 champagne[2211][250,236,204](1.4):gin_fizz[3862][248,234,202](2.2):soft_whisper[7835][248,234,202](2.2):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.4):sandy_beach[7475][255,234,200](2.4) 39 beach:blanched:champagne:fizz:gin:sandy:soft:whisper:almond +6090 obelisk rgb 97 114 116 hex #617274 hsv 186 16 45 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.19 lab 47 -6 -3 lch 47 7 209 cmyk 7 1 0 55 gateway[3832][94,113,117](2.2):infinity[4655][106,115,118](3.2):blue_bayoux[1545][98,119,126](3.6):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](3.6):nevada[6034][102,111,111](3.7) 10 pale:bayoux:gateway:infinity:nevada:sky:blue +6091 observatory rgb 0 143 112 hex #008F70 hsv 167 100 56 xyz 0.13 0.21 0.19 lab 53 -40 7 lch 53 41 170 cmyk 56 0 12 44 elf_green[3461][27,138,107](3.0):PMS334[401][0,153,124](3.3):PMS340[410][0,153,119](4.4):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](4.5):paolo_veronese_green[6472][0,155,125](4.6) 5 PMS334:PMS340:earth:elf:mother:paolo:veronese:green +6092 observatory rgb 2 134 111 hex #02866F hsv 170 99 53 xyz 0.11 0.18 0.18 lab 50 -37 4 lch 50 37 174 cmyk 52 0 9 47 PMS569[739][0,135,114](1.4):deep_sea[3051][1,130,107](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](3.0):PMS327_2X[385][0,137,119](3.3):generic_viridian[3838][0,127,102](3.3) 11 deep:2X:PMS327:PMS569:elf:generic:sea:viridian:green +6093 ocean rgb 1 123 146 hex #017B92 hsv 190 99 57 xyz 0.12 0.16 0.3 lab 47 -20 -21 lch 47 29 226 cmyk 57 9 0 43 PMS633[812][0,127,153](2.2):PMS314[355][0,130,155](3.3):eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](5.4):teal_blue[8285][1,136,159](5.4):blue_lagoon[1574][1,121,135](5.9) 2 PMS314:PMS633:eastern:lagoon:teal:blue +6094 ocean_blue rgb 3 113 156 hex #03719C hsv 197 98 61 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.34 lab 45 -11 -31 lch 45 32 251 cmyk 60 17 0 39 allports[1005][0,118,163](1.4):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](2.4):yeehaa[9192][0,108,152](2.8):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](3.2):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](3.2) 10 PMS3015:allports:celadon:cerulean:yeehaa:blue +6095 ocean_blue rgb 79 66 181 hex #4F42B5 hsv 247 64 71 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.45 lab 36 38 -59 lch 36 70 302 cmyk 40 45 0 29 plump_purple[6752][89,70,178](4.6):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](6.7):PMS2728[278][48,68,181](7.0):iris[4669][90,79,207](8.7):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](8.8) 1 PMS2728:bay:governor:iris:plump:sapphire:purple +6096 ocean_boat_blue rgb 0 119 190 hex #0077BE hsv 202 100 75 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.51 lab 48 -1 -45 lch 48 45 269 cmyk 75 28 0 25 bluish[1615][41,118,187](2.8):spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](2.8):french_blue[3744][0,114,187](3.0):lochmara[5323][0,126,199](3.3):PMS299_2X[331][0,127,204](4.4) 7 2X:PMS299:bluish:french:lochmara:spanish:blue +6097 ocean_green rgb 61 153 115 hex #3D9973 hsv 155 60 60 xyz 0.16 0.25 0.2 lab 57 -37 12 lch 57 39 162 cmyk 36 0 15 40 sea_green[7557][35,142,104](4.5):viridian[8875][30,145,103](6.0):moderate_aquamarine[5810][74,168,133](6.4):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](6.5):moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](6.7) 1 moderate:earth:mother:sea:spring:viridian:aquamarine:green +6098 ocean_green rgb 65 170 120 hex #41AA78 hsv 151 62 67 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.23 lab 63 -42 17 lch 63 45 158 cmyk 41 0 20 33 moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](3.3):dark_seafoam_green[2880][62,175,118](4.4):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](5.1):moderate_sea_green[5848][74,168,109](5.2):jade[4714][31,167,116](5.4) 2 moderate:dark:jade:sea:seafoam:spring:teal:green +6099 ocean_green rgb 72 191 145 hex #48BF91 hsv 157 62 75 xyz 0.26 0.41 0.33 lab 70 -44 14 lch 70 46 163 cmyk 47 0 18 25 mountain_meadow[5918][48,186,143](3.5):mint[5763][62,180,137](4.6):mountain_meadow[5917][26,179,133](6.5):shamrock[7640][69,206,162](6.6):silver_tree[7722][103,190,144](7.1) 2 meadow:mountain:shamrock:silver:tree:mint +6100 ocean_green rgb 76 169 115 hex #4CA973 hsv 145 55 66 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.21 lab 63 -40 20 lch 63 45 154 cmyk 36 0 21 34 moderate_sea_green[5848][74,168,109](2.4):moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](4.2):greenish[4076][64,163,104](4.7):dark_seafoam_green[2880][62,175,118](5.1):teal_green[8292][37,163,111](7.0) 3 moderate:dark:greenish:sea:seafoam:spring:teal:green +6101 ocher rgb 191 155 12 hex #BF9B0C hsv 48 94 75 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.05 lab 65 2 67 lch 65 67 89 cmyk 0 14 70 25 yellow_brown[9205][183,148,0](2.0):PMS117[18][198,160,12](2.8):buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](3.6):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](3.7):ocre[6104][198,156,4](3.7) 8 dark:PMS117:buddha:gold:ocre:brown:yellow +6102 ochre rgb 191 144 5 hex #BF9005 hsv 45 97 75 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.04 lab 63 7 66 lch 63 67 84 cmyk 0 18 73 25 PMS1245[30][191,145,12](0.0):PMS131[40][198,147,10](2.4):pizza[6731][201,148,21](3.6):PMS125[31][181,140,10](4.1):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](4.1) 8 PMS1245:PMS125:PMS131:goldenrod:pizza +6103 ochre rgb 204 119 34 hex #CC7722 hsv 30 83 80 xyz 0.32 0.26 0.05 lab 58 27 57 lch 58 63 64 cmyk 0 33 67 20 brownish_orange[1866][203,119,35](1.0):gold_ochre[3904][199,120,38](2.8):PMS153[73][188,109,10](4.9):bourbon[1683][186,111,30](5.8):indochine[4653][194,107,3](6.0) 3 PMS153:bourbon:brownish:gold:indochine:ochre:orange +6104 ocre rgb 198 156 4 hex #C69C04 hsv 47 98 78 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.05 lab 66 4 70 lch 66 70 87 cmyk 0 16 76 22 yellow_ochre[9214][203,157,6](2.2):PMS117[18][198,160,12](2.4):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](3.7):ocher[6101][191,155,12](3.7):vivid_amber[8891][204,153,0](4.0) 7 vivid:PMS117:amber:curry:ocher:ochre:lemon:yellow +6105 odyssey rgb 79 109 105 hex #4F6D69 hsv 172 28 43 xyz 0.11 0.14 0.15 lab 44 -12 -1 lch 44 12 186 cmyk 12 0 2 57 william[9120][83,115,111](2.2):imprint[4618][92,118,112](3.3):cutty_sark[2632][80,118,114](3.7):dark_green_copper[2766][74,118,110](5.5):sabbatical[7394][84,115,119](5.7) 3 dark:copper:cutty:imprint:sabbatical:sark:william:green +6106 off_blue rgb 86 132 174 hex #5684AE hsv 209 51 68 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.43 lab 54 -4 -27 lch 54 27 262 cmyk 35 16 0 32 dusty_blue[3304][90,134,173](2.0):subzero[8107][91,141,189](4.4):faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](4.7):silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](4.7):PMS542[681][102,147,188](5.1) 4 PMS542:dusty:faded:lake:silver:subzero:blue +6107 off_green rgb 107 163 83 hex #6BA353 hsv 102 49 64 xyz 0.21 0.3 0.13 lab 62 -34 36 lch 62 49 133 cmyk 22 0 31 36 flat_green[3666][105,157,76](3.0):muted_green[5959][95,160,82](3.5):asparagus[1160][119,171,86](3.7):fern[3577][99,169,80](5.9):bud_green[1888][123,182,97](6.2) 3 flat:asparagus:bud:fern:muted:green +6108 off_green rgb 223 240 226 hex #DFF0E2 hsv 131 7 94 xyz 0.75 0.83 0.84 lab 93 -8 5 lch 93 9 149 cmyk 7 0 5 6 soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](0.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](1.0):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](1.0):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](2.2):frostee[3783][228,246,231](2.2) 32 apple:frosted:frostee:honeydew:soft:green:mint +6109 off_green rgb 230 248 243 hex #E6F8F3 hsv 163 7 97 xyz 0.82 0.9 0.98 lab 96 -7 0 lch 96 7 177 cmyk 7 0 2 3 polar[6758][229,249,246](1.0):aqua_spring[1110][234,249,245](1.4):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](2.0):apple_green[1087][226,243,236](2.2):clear_day[2368][233,255,253](2.2) 41 apple:aqua:clear:day:polar:spring:squeeze:green +6110 off_piste rgb 175 172 160 hex #AFACA0 hsv 48 9 69 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.39 lab 70 -1 7 lch 70 7 99 cmyk 0 1 6 31 eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](1.4):yellowish_grey[9230][168,168,156](1.7):quarter_stonewashed[7001][178,169,157](2.0):cloudy[2386][176,169,159](2.2):copyrite[2489][180,178,166](2.2) 46 cloudy:copyrite:eighth:quarter:stonewall:stonewashed:yellowish:grey +6111 off_white rgb 255 255 228 hex #FFFFE4 hsv 60 11 100 xyz 0.91 0.98 0.88 lab 99 -4 13 lch 99 14 109 cmyk 0 0 11 0 half_and[4280][255,254,225](1.0):hint_of_yellow[4504][250,253,228](1.4):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](1.4):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](2.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](2.2) 44 pale:very:and:chilean:coconut:cream:half:heath:hint:of:yellow +6112 off_yellow rgb 241 243 63 hex #F1F33F hsv 61 74 95 xyz 0.69 0.83 0.17 lab 93 -20 80 lch 93 83 104 cmyk 1 0 71 5 PMS394[472][234,237,53](2.4):starship[7959][236,242,69](3.0):banana_yellow[1281][250,254,75](4.1):lemon[4963][253,255,82](4.5):golden_fizz[3917][245,251,61](4.7) 5 PMS394:banana:fizz:golden:starship:lemon:yellow +6113 off_yellow rgb 250 243 220 hex #FAF3DC hsv 46 12 98 xyz 0.84 0.9 0.81 lab 96 -1 12 lch 96 12 97 cmyk 0 3 12 2 early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](0.0):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.0):half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](1.0):pearl_lusta[6571][252,244,220](1.0):quarter_dutch_white[6941][251,244,223](1.0) 77 dawn:dutch:early:egg:half:lusta:pearl:quarter:sour:spanish:white +6114 off_yellow rgb 254 249 227 hex #FEF9E3 hsv 49 11 100 xyz 0.89 0.94 0.86 lab 98 -2 11 lch 98 11 100 cmyk 0 2 11 0 solitaire[7843][254,248,226](0.0):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.0):very_pale_amber[8797][255,248,226](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](1.4):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.4) 53 pale:very:amber:chilean:dawn:early:fizz:gin:heath:solitaire +6115 office_green rgb 0 128 0 hex #008000 hsv 120 100 50 xyz 0.08 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -52 50 lch 46 72 136 cmyk 50 0 50 50 ao[1074][0,128,0](0.0):green[4020][0,128,0](0.0):web_green[9035][0,128,0](0.0):india_green[4627][19,136,8](3.2):green[4021][0,139,0](5.8) 4 ao:india:web:green +6116 ogre_odor rgb 253 82 64 hex #FD5240 hsv 6 75 99 xyz 0.44 0.27 0.08 lab 59 64 47 lch 59 79 36 cmyk 0 67 74 1 big_bang[1403][255,80,60](2.2):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](2.2):red_orange[7129][255,83,73](4.1):tart_orange[8257][251,77,70](5.2):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](5.5) 3 bang:big:soda:sunset:tart:orange:red +6117 oh_behave rgb 190 82 63 hex #BE523F hsv 9 67 75 xyz 0.25 0.17 0.07 lab 49 42 32 lch 49 53 38 cmyk 0 42 50 25 crail[2575][185,81,64](1.7):cedar_chest[2149][201,90,73](3.3):clementine[2369][193,79,59](3.6):catalyst[2133][200,82,65](4.6):flair[3652][185,75,66](4.9) 7 catalyst:cedar:chest:clementine:crail:flair +6118 oil rgb 40 30 21 hex #281E15 hsv 28 48 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 12 3 8 lch 12 9 68 cmyk 0 4 7 84 jungle_green[4790][40,30,21](0.0):zeus[9256][41,35,25](2.8):eternity[3513][33,26,14](3.0):sooty[7850][40,29,25](3.6):karaka[4816][30,22,9](4.1) 11 eternity:jungle:karaka:sooty:zeus:green +6119 oil rgb 49 51 48 hex #313330 hsv 100 6 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -2 2 lch 21 2 134 cmyk 1 0 1 80 dna[3150][51,54,51](1.4):rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](2.0):army[1142][48,52,45](2.2):banjul[1288][52,50,45](2.2):crowshead[2610][50,49,46](2.2) 68 army:banjul:crowshead:dna:rockpool:green +6120 oiled_cedar rgb 102 54 45 hex #66362D hsv 9 56 40 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 29 20 15 lch 29 25 37 cmyk 0 19 22 60 komakorau[4878][100,53,42](1.4):cedar[2148][101,57,44](2.2):hairy_heath[4270][99,53,40](2.4):metallic_copper[5690][110,61,52](3.0):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](3.2) 9 cedar:copper:hairy:heath:komakorau:metallic:sienna:red +6121 oiled_cedar rgb 124 28 5 hex #7C1C05 hsv 12 96 49 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.01 lab 27 40 37 lch 27 55 43 cmyk 0 38 47 51 kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](0.0):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](2.2):beer_srm_24[1364][126,31,1](3.2):beer_srm_26[1366][114,27,0](3.7):cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](4.4) 7 24:25:26:beer:cedar:copper:finish:kenyan:srm:wood +6122 oilskin rgb 85 83 73 hex #555349 hsv 50 14 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.08 lab 35 -1 6 lch 35 6 101 cmyk 0 1 5 67 touchstone[8442][82,79,70](1.0):masala[5565][87,83,75](1.4):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](2.0):knave[4870][80,83,76](2.8):merlin[5682][79,78,72](2.8) 39 fuscous:knave:masala:merlin:touchstone:grey +6123 okey_dokey rgb 188 161 132 hex #BCA184 hsv 31 30 74 xyz 0.38 0.38 0.27 lab 68 6 19 lch 68 20 74 cmyk 0 11 22 26 nude_brown[6078][188,158,130](1.4):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](2.2):soul[7857][193,167,139](2.4):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](3.2):taupe[8261][185,162,129](3.2) 14 doeskin:howlin:nude:soul:taupe:wolf:brown +6124 old_brick rgb 138 51 53 hex #8A3335 hsv 359 63 54 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.04 lab 34 37 18 lch 34 42 26 cmyk 0 34 33 46 well_read[9044][142,53,55](1.7):xotic[9186][134,51,54](1.7):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.0):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.0):tall_poppy[8212][133,53,52](3.0) 18 indian:indianred:poppy:read:tall:well:xotic:red +6125 old_brick rgb 144 30 30 hex #901E1E hsv 0 79 56 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.02 lab 32 47 30 lch 32 56 33 cmyk 0 45 45 44 firebrick[3641][139,26,26](2.4):scarlet[7516][140,23,23](2.8):vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](3.7):PMS704[883][158,40,40](4.2):firebrick[3642][142,35,35](4.2) 5 vivid:PMS704:auburn:firebrick:scarlet +6126 old_burgundy rgb 67 48 46 hex #43302E hsv 6 31 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 22 8 5 lch 22 10 29 cmyk 0 7 8 74 rebel[7099][69,52,48](1.4):PMS439[523][73,53,51](2.2):mahogany[5458][72,50,48](2.2):PMS440[524][63,48,43](2.4):bean[1330][74,53,49](2.4) 38 PMS439:PMS440:bean:mahogany:rebel +6127 old_copper rgb 114 74 47 hex #724A2F hsv 24 59 45 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.04 lab 35 14 23 lch 35 27 59 cmyk 0 16 26 55 cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](2.0):boomerang[1654][121,78,51](2.2):matai[5569][118,76,44](3.2):semi_sweet_chocolate[7605][107,66,38](3.3):spice[7891][106,68,46](3.6) 15 boomerang:cape:chocolate:matai:palliser:semi:spice:sweet +6128 old_copper rgb 115 80 59 hex #73503B hsv 23 49 45 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.05 lab 37 12 18 lch 37 22 57 cmyk 0 14 22 55 coffee[2418][111,78,55](1.7):tuscan_brown[8595][111,78,55](1.7):pickled_bean[6640][115,85,62](3.6):jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](4.2):PMS4705[572][124,81,61](4.6) 8 PMS4705:bean:coffee:jambalaya:pickled:tuscan:brown +6129 old_gold rgb 207 181 59 hex #CFB53B hsv 49 71 81 xyz 0.43 0.47 0.11 lab 74 -4 62 lch 74 62 93 cmyk 0 10 58 19 earls_green[3324][201,185,59](4.1):gold[3894][212,175,55](5.2):funk[3810][198,170,36](5.7):style_pasifika_fallen_gold[8079][198,170,36](5.7):turmeric[8572][202,187,72](5.7) 1 earls:fallen:funk:gold:pasifika:style:turmeric:green +6130 old_goldenrod rgb 139 129 76 hex #8B814C hsv 50 45 55 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.1 lab 54 -4 30 lch 54 30 98 cmyk 0 4 25 45 light_goldenrod[5105][139,129,76](0.0):khaki[4842][139,134,78](3.3):dark_tan[2899][145,129,81](3.6):fortune[3730][146,128,83](5.0):twister[8620][147,130,85](5.1) 4 light:dark:fortune:goldenrod:khaki:tan:twister +6131 old_goldenrod rgb 205 190 112 hex #CDBE70 hsv 50 45 80 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.23 lab 77 -5 41 lch 77 42 97 cmyk 0 6 36 20 light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](0.0):souffle[7856][213,193,113](2.4):laser[4915][200,181,104](3.2):khaki[4846][205,198,115](4.6):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.1) 4 light:PMS617:goldenrod:khaki:laser:souffle +6132 old_goldenrod rgb 238 220 130 hex #EEDC82 hsv 50 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.71 0.31 lab 87 -6 46 lch 87 47 97 cmyk 0 7 42 7 flax[3680][238,220,130](0.0):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](0.0):light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](1.4):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](1.4):buff[1892][240,220,130](1.7) 13 light:buff:flax:goldenrod:oldgoldenrod +6133 old_goldenrod rgb 238 221 130 hex #EEDD82 hsv 51 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.72 0.31 lab 88 -6 47 lch 88 47 98 cmyk 0 7 42 7 light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](0.0):oldgoldenrod[6148][238,221,130](0.0):buff[1892][240,220,130](1.0):flax[3680][238,220,130](1.4):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](1.4) 21 light:buff:flax:goldenrod:oldgoldenrod +6134 old_goldenrod rgb 255 236 139 hex #FFEC8B hsv 50 45 100 xyz 0.76 0.83 0.36 lab 93 -6 49 lch 93 50 97 cmyk 0 7 45 0 light_goldenrod[5109][255,236,139](0.0):sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](1.7):yellow[9197][252,232,131](2.2):PMS127[35][244,226,135](3.6):PMS120[21][249,226,127](3.7) 7 light:PMS120:PMS127:corn:goldenrod:sweet:yellow +6135 old_lace rgb 253 245 230 hex #FDF5E6 hsv 39 9 99 xyz 0.87 0.92 0.88 lab 97 0 8 lch 97 8 89 cmyk 0 3 9 1 oldlace[6149][253,245,230](0.0):cosmic_latte[2547][255,248,231](1.4):eighth_dutch_white[3397][249,244,231](1.7):serenade[7618][255,244,232](2.2):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](2.4) 85 cosmic:dawn:dutch:early:eighth:latte:oldlace:serenade:white +6136 old_lavender rgb 121 104 120 hex #796878 hsv 304 14 47 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.2 lab 46 10 -6 lch 46 12 327 cmyk 0 7 0 53 fedora[3568][121,106,120](1.4):mamba[5488][118,109,124](3.3):rum[7370][113,102,117](3.3):labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](4.1):purplish_grey[6900][122,104,127](4.5) 5 fedora:labyrinth:mamba:purplish:rum:grey +6137 old_mauve rgb 103 49 71 hex #673147 hsv 336 52 40 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.07 lab 28 27 -2 lch 28 27 355 cmyk 0 21 13 60 wine_dregs[9140][103,49,71](0.0):mulberry[5937][94,42,64](3.3):verve[8711][93,46,60](5.4):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](5.5):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](5.9) 2 dark:dregs:mulberry:raspberry:verve:wine:rose +6138 old_medium_goldenrod rgb 139 139 102 hex #8B8B66 hsv 60 27 55 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.16 lab 57 -6 20 lch 57 21 108 cmyk 0 0 15 45 anemone_green[1053][136,140,108](3.2):avocado[1209][136,141,101](3.2):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](3.2):flax[3679][130,133,98](3.3):clay_creek[2364][138,131,96](3.6) 11 anemone:avocado:clay:creek:flax:malachite:green +6139 old_medium_goldenrod rgb 205 205 150 hex #CDCD96 hsv 60 27 80 xyz 0.53 0.59 0.37 lab 81 -9 27 lch 81 29 108 cmyk 0 0 22 20 PMS5855[774][204,198,147](3.7):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](3.7):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](3.7):pine_glade[6657][199,205,144](4.2):nirvana[6060][195,191,139](4.5) 6 PMS5855:glade:hazel:nirvana:paper:pine:rice:winter +6140 old_medium_goldenrod rgb 238 238 174 hex #EEEEAE hsv 60 27 93 xyz 0.73 0.82 0.52 lab 93 -10 31 lch 93 33 108 cmyk 0 0 25 7 PMS600[779][244,237,175](3.0):medium_goldenrod[5610][234,234,174](3.0):goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](3.6):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](3.6):PMS608[787][239,232,173](3.7) 6 pale:medium:PMS600:PMS608:goldenrod +6141 old_medium_goldenrod rgb 238 238 175 hex #EEEEAF hsv 60 26 93 xyz 0.74 0.82 0.53 lab 93 -10 31 lch 93 32 108 cmyk 0 0 25 7 PMS600[779][244,237,175](3.0):medium_goldenrod[5610][234,234,174](3.0):goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](3.6):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](3.6):PMS608[787][239,232,173](3.7) 6 pale:medium:PMS600:PMS608:goldenrod +6142 old_medium_goldenrod rgb 255 255 187 hex #FFFFBB hsv 60 27 100 xyz 0.86 0.96 0.61 lab 99 -10 33 lch 99 34 108 cmyk 0 0 27 0 pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](1.4):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](2.0):light_beige[5009][255,254,182](2.2):shalimar[7636][251,255,186](2.2):creme[2589][255,255,182](2.4) 10 pale:light:very:beige:creme:prim:shalimar:yellow +6143 old_moss_green rgb 134 126 54 hex #867E36 hsv 54 60 53 xyz 0.18 0.2 0.06 lab 52 -7 39 lch 52 40 100 cmyk 0 3 31 47 wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](2.8):grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](3.2):pesto[6621][124,118,49](3.2):spanish_bistre[7868][128,117,50](3.7):crete[2597][119,113,43](5.0) 5 bistre:crete:grass:hopper:pesto:spanish:wanderlust +6144 old_pink rgb 199 121 134 hex #C77986 hsv 350 39 78 xyz 0.35 0.28 0.26 lab 59 32 6 lch 59 33 11 cmyk 0 31 25 22 dusky_pink[3297][204,122,139](2.4):old_rose[6146][200,127,137](2.8):dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](3.7):ugly_pink[8632][205,117,132](4.1):dirty_pink[3139][202,123,128](4.2) 6 dirty:dusky:dusty:old:ugly:pink:rose +6145 old_rose rgb 192 128 129 hex #C08081 hsv 359 33 75 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.24 lab 60 25 10 lch 60 27 21 cmyk 0 25 25 25 brownish_pink[1867][194,126,121](4.1):PMS500[611][206,137,140](4.6):PMS694[873][201,140,140](4.6):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](5.5):dirty_pink[3139][202,123,128](6.0) 3 PMS500:PMS5005:PMS694:brownish:dirty:pink +6146 old_rose rgb 200 127 137 hex #C87F89 hsv 352 37 78 xyz 0.36 0.29 0.27 lab 61 30 6 lch 61 30 12 cmyk 0 29 25 22 old_pink[6144][199,121,134](2.8):dusty_pink[3310][213,138,148](4.1):dirty_pink[3139][202,123,128](4.2):dusky_pink[3297][204,122,139](4.2):dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](5.1) 4 dirty:dusky:dusty:old:pink:rose +6147 old_silver rgb 132 132 130 hex #848482 hsv 60 2 52 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.24 lab 55 0 1 lch 55 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 48 battleship_grey[1319][132,132,130](0.0):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](1.0):ricochet[7224][132,132,132](1.0):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](1.0):grey[4149][128,128,128](1.4) 58 battleship:jumbo:ricochet:silver:steel:grey +6148 oldgoldenrod rgb 238 221 130 hex #EEDD82 hsv 51 45 93 xyz 0.65 0.72 0.31 lab 88 -6 47 lch 88 47 98 cmyk 0 7 42 7 light_goldenrod[5108][238,221,130](0.0):old_goldenrod[6133][238,221,130](0.0):buff[1892][240,220,130](1.0):flax[3680][238,220,130](1.4):light_goldenrod[5107][238,220,130](1.4) 22 light:buff:flax:goldenrod:old +6149 oldlace rgb 253 245 230 hex #FDF5E6 hsv 39 9 99 xyz 0.87 0.92 0.88 lab 97 0 8 lch 97 8 89 cmyk 0 3 9 1 old_lace[6135][253,245,230](0.0):cosmic_latte[2547][255,248,231](1.4):eighth_dutch_white[3397][249,244,231](1.7):serenade[7618][255,244,232](2.2):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](2.4) 85 cosmic:dawn:dutch:early:eighth:lace:latte:old:serenade:white +6150 olive rgb 59 94 43 hex #3B5E2B hsv 101 54 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.04 lab 36 -23 25 lch 36 34 133 cmyk 14 0 20 63 dark_harlequin[2772][52,89,39](2.2):dark_pistachio[2845][58,89,39](2.2):green_fields[4041][62,99,52](2.8):green_house[4045][62,99,52](2.8):dark_sap_green[2868][45,89,39](3.7) 8 dark:fields:harlequin:house:pistachio:sap:green +6151 olive rgb 110 117 14 hex #6E750E hsv 64 88 46 xyz 0.13 0.16 0.03 lab 47 -15 49 lch 47 52 107 cmyk 3 0 40 54 brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](3.0):PMS385[462][112,112,20](4.6):murky_green[5947][108,122,14](4.6):pacifika[6293][119,129,32](5.5):rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](5.5) 3 PMS385:brownish:forest:murky:pacifika:rain:green +6152 olive rgb 128 128 0 hex #808000 hsv 60 100 50 xyz 0.17 0.2 0.03 lab 52 -13 57 lch 52 58 103 cmyk 0 0 50 50 heart_gold[4446][128,128,0](0.0):PMS392[469][132,130,5](1.4):PMS582[767][135,137,5](3.3):yellow[9193][139,139,0](5.1):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](5.2) 3 PMS392:PMS582:gold:heart:shit:green:yellow +6153 olive_brown rgb 100 84 3 hex #645403 hsv 50 97 39 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.01 lab 36 -1 43 lch 36 43 92 cmyk 0 6 38 61 PMS133[42][112,91,10](3.7):deep_gold[2992][89,78,0](4.7):PMS455[547][102,86,20](5.1):mud[5924][115,92,18](5.1):green_brown[4037][84,78,3](6.6) 2 deep:PMS133:PMS455:gold:mud:brown:green +6154 olive_drab rgb 60 52 31 hex #3C341F hsv 43 48 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.02 lab 22 0 15 lch 22 15 90 cmyk 0 3 11 76 pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](1.0):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](2.2):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](2.2):longbush[5342][65,57,34](2.2):panda[6467][66,57,33](2.2) 11 gum:limed:lisbon:longbush:panda:pullman:brown:green +6155 olive_drab rgb 105 139 34 hex #698B22 hsv 79 76 55 xyz 0.15 0.22 0.05 lab 54 -28 49 lch 54 56 119 cmyk 13 0 41 45 olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](0.0):medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](1.4):olivedrab[6171][107,142,35](1.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](3.0):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](5.7) 4 medium:chrome:forest:mossy:olivedrab:oxide:green +6156 olive_drab rgb 107 142 35 hex #6B8E23 hsv 80 75 56 xyz 0.16 0.23 0.05 lab 55 -28 50 lch 55 57 120 cmyk 14 0 42 44 medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](0.0):olivedrab[6171][107,142,35](0.0):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](1.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](4.1):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](6.4) 4 medium:chrome:forest:mossy:olivedrab:oxide:green +6157 olive_drab rgb 111 118 50 hex #6F7632 hsv 66 58 46 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.05 lab 48 -13 36 lch 48 38 110 cmyk 3 0 27 54 PMS5757[749][107,112,43](3.3):muddy_green[5928][101,116,50](4.1):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](4.1):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](4.1):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](4.1) 6 PMS5757:forest:muddy:pacifika:palm:pasifika:rain:style:green +6158 olive_drab rgb 154 205 50 hex #9ACD32 hsv 80 76 80 xyz 0.36 0.51 0.11 lab 77 -38 67 lch 77 77 120 cmyk 20 0 61 20 olivedrab[6172][154,205,50](0.0):yellow_green[9207][154,205,50](0.0):yellow_green[9206][153,204,50](1.4):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](1.7):atlantis[1180][156,208,59](2.2) 5 atlantis:olivedrab:green:yellow +6159 olive_drab rgb 179 238 58 hex #B3EE3A hsv 80 76 93 xyz 0.5 0.71 0.15 lab 88 -43 75 lch 88 86 120 cmyk 23 0 71 7 olivedrab[6173][179,238,58](0.0):olivedrab[6174][192,255,62](6.7):yellowy_green[9235][191,241,40](6.8):yellow/green[9204][200,253,61](7.3):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](7.7) 1 lizard:olivedrab:yellow/green:yellowy:green +6160 olive_drab rgb 192 255 62 hex #C0FF3E hsv 80 76 100 xyz 0.58 0.83 0.18 lab 93 -45 79 lch 93 91 120 cmyk 25 0 76 0 olivedrab[6174][192,255,62](0.0):yellow/green[9204][200,253,61](4.1):yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](4.2):lemon_lime[4976][191,254,40](5.1):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](6.5) 3 lizard:olivedrab:yellow/green:green:lemon:lime:yellow +6161 olive_green rgb 36 46 22 hex #242E16 hsv 85 52 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 17 -9 14 lch 17 17 124 cmyk 4 0 9 82 black_olive[1466][36,46,22](0.0):green_kelp[4046][37,49,28](3.0):mallard[5483][35,52,24](5.1):rangitoto[7060][46,50,34](6.4):scrub[7545][46,50,34](6.4) 2 kelp:mallard:olive:rangitoto:scrub:black:green +6162 olive_green rgb 53 63 42 hex #353F2A hsv 89 33 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 25 -9 12 lch 25 14 127 cmyk 4 0 8 75 mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](0.0):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](1.4):green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](3.2):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](3.2):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.2) 10 kelp:kombu:mallard:mediterranean:olive:seaweed:green +6163 olive_green rgb 103 122 4 hex #677A04 hsv 70 97 48 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.03 lab 48 -21 52 lch 48 56 112 cmyk 7 0 46 52 murky_green[5947][108,122,14](2.2):poop_green[6771][111,124,0](3.0):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](4.1):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](5.8):swamp_green[8173][116,133,0](6.4) 3 chrome:murky:oxide:poop:shit:swamp:green +6164 olive_green rgb 181 179 92 hex #B5B35C hsv 59 49 71 xyz 0.37 0.43 0.16 lab 71 -11 44 lch 71 46 105 cmyk 0 1 35 29 flourish[3697][173,177,94](3.7):PMS618[797][181,170,89](4.6):gimblet[3858][184,181,106](5.2):dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](5.7):khaki_dark[4851][189,183,107](5.7) 2 dark:PMS618:flourish:gimblet:khaki +6165 olive_green rgb 186 184 108 hex #BAB86C hsv 58 42 73 xyz 0.4 0.46 0.21 lab 73 -10 39 lch 73 40 105 cmyk 0 1 31 27 dark_khaki[2781][189,183,107](1.0):gimblet[3858][184,181,106](1.0):khaki_dark[4851][189,183,107](1.0):gimblet[3859][185,173,97](5.1):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.7) 3 dark:PMS617:gimblet:khaki +6166 olive_green_dark rgb 85 107 47 hex #556B2F hsv 82 56 42 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.05 lab 42 -19 31 lch 42 36 122 cmyk 9 0 24 58 dark_olive_green[2814][85,107,47](0.0):deep_spring_bud[3065][85,107,47](0.0):green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](1.0):wimbledon[9126][83,109,51](2.4):camo_green[2026][82,101,37](3.0) 5 deep:dark:bud:camo:leaf:olive:spring:wimbledon:green +6167 olive_haze rgb 136 128 100 hex #888064 hsv 47 26 53 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.15 lab 54 -2 16 lch 54 16 96 cmyk 0 3 14 47 brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](1.4):granite_green[3966][139,130,101](1.4):bandicoot[1284][135,132,102](2.4):carat[2075][134,125,96](2.4):piston[6723][140,132,109](2.4) 24 bandicoot:carat:granite:piston:brown:green:grey +6168 olive_haze rgb 139 132 112 hex #8B8470 hsv 44 19 55 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.19 lab 55 -1 12 lch 55 12 94 cmyk 0 3 11 45 piston[6723][140,132,109](2.0):bandicoot[1283][133,132,112](2.2):craigieburn[2573][146,136,116](2.2):double_napa[3219][138,127,107](2.2):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](2.2) 34 bandicoot:craigieburn:double:granite:napa:piston:green +6169 olive_yellow rgb 194 183 9 hex #C2B709 hsv 56 95 76 xyz 0.39 0.45 0.07 lab 73 -12 74 lch 73 75 99 cmyk 0 4 73 24 PMS612[791][196,186,0](2.4):puke_yellow[6840][194,190,14](3.7):bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](4.2):PMS397[478][193,191,10](4.6):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](4.7) 5 PMS397:PMS612:bird:flower:puke:vomit:yellow +6170 olivedrab rgb 105 139 34 hex #698B22 hsv 79 76 55 xyz 0.15 0.22 0.05 lab 54 -28 49 lch 54 56 119 cmyk 13 0 41 45 olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](0.0):medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](1.4):olive_drab[6156][107,142,35](1.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](3.0):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](5.7) 4 medium:chrome:drab:forest:mossy:olive:oxide:green +6171 olivedrab rgb 107 142 35 hex #6B8E23 hsv 80 75 56 xyz 0.16 0.23 0.05 lab 55 -28 50 lch 55 57 120 cmyk 14 0 42 44 medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](0.0):olive_drab[6156][107,142,35](0.0):olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](1.4):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](4.1):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](6.4) 4 medium:chrome:drab:forest:mossy:olive:oxide:green +6172 olivedrab rgb 154 205 50 hex #9ACD32 hsv 80 76 80 xyz 0.36 0.51 0.11 lab 77 -38 67 lch 77 77 120 cmyk 20 0 61 20 olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](0.0):yellow_green[9207][154,205,50](0.0):yellow_green[9206][153,204,50](1.4):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](1.7):atlantis[1180][156,208,59](2.2) 5 atlantis:drab:olive:green:yellow +6173 olivedrab rgb 179 238 58 hex #B3EE3A hsv 80 76 93 xyz 0.5 0.71 0.15 lab 88 -43 75 lch 88 86 120 cmyk 23 0 71 7 olive_drab[6159][179,238,58](0.0):olive_drab[6160][192,255,62](6.7):yellowy_green[9235][191,241,40](6.8):yellow/green[9204][200,253,61](7.3):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](7.7) 1 drab:lizard:olive:yellow/green:yellowy:green +6174 olivedrab rgb 192 255 62 hex #C0FF3E hsv 80 76 100 xyz 0.58 0.83 0.18 lab 93 -45 79 lch 93 91 120 cmyk 25 0 76 0 olive_drab[6160][192,255,62](0.0):yellow/green[9204][200,253,61](4.1):yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](4.2):lemon_lime[4976][191,254,40](5.1):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](6.5) 3 drab:lizard:olive:yellow/green:green:lemon:lime:yellow +6175 olivetone rgb 113 110 16 hex #716E10 hsv 58 86 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.03 lab 45 -10 47 lch 45 48 102 cmyk 0 1 38 56 brown_green[1847][112,108,17](1.0):PMS385[462][112,112,20](1.4):browny_green[1871][111,108,10](1.4):brownish_green[1864][106,110,9](3.2):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](5.1) 4 PMS385:bronze:brownish:browny:brown:green:yellow +6176 olivetone rgb 116 112 40 hex #747028 hsv 57 66 45 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.04 lab 46 -8 39 lch 46 40 102 cmyk 0 2 30 55 PMS5825[768][117,112,43](1.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](1.4):grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](2.4):pesto[6620][122,114,41](2.4):secret_garden[7597][109,109,38](2.4) 10 PMS5825:crete:garden:grass:hopper:pesto:secret +6177 olivine rgb 154 185 115 hex #9AB973 hsv 87 38 73 xyz 0.34 0.43 0.23 lab 71 -23 32 lch 71 39 125 cmyk 12 0 27 27 lichen[4992][143,182,123](6.2):tan_green[8230][169,190,112](6.6):sage_green[7414][136,179,120](7.0):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](7.2):sage[7410][135,174,115](7.3) 0 asparagus:lichen:sage:tan:green +6178 omega rgb 181 101 25 hex #B56519 hsv 29 86 71 xyz 0.24 0.19 0.03 lab 51 27 53 lch 51 59 63 cmyk 0 31 61 29 light_brown[5075][181,101,29](2.0):pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](2.8):pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](2.8):bourbon[1683][186,111,30](4.4):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](4.4) 8 light:bourbon:mai:pumpkin:skin:tai:brown +6179 onahau rgb 194 230 236 hex #C2E6EC hsv 189 18 93 xyz 0.66 0.74 0.9 lab 89 -10 -7 lch 89 12 213 cmyk 16 2 0 7 PMS2975[326][186,224,226](3.5):ziggurat[9260][191,219,226](3.6):pale_light_grayish_cerulean[6361][184,220,231](3.7):PMS635[814][186,224,224](4.1):mabel[5418][203,232,232](4.2) 9 pale:light:PMS2975:PMS635:cerulean:grayish:mabel:ziggurat +6180 onahau rgb 205 244 255 hex #CDF4FF hsv 193 20 100 xyz 0.76 0.85 1.07 lab 94 -10 -9 lch 94 14 223 cmyk 20 4 0 0 mabel[5419][217,247,255](3.0):oyster_bay[6282][218,250,255](3.7):pale_cerulean[6322][194,240,255](3.7):pattens_blue[6526][222,245,255](4.6):light_blue[5016][191,239,255](4.9) 6 pale:light:bay:cerulean:mabel:oyster:pattens:blue +6181 onepoto rgb 129 211 209 hex #81D3D1 hsv 179 39 83 xyz 0.44 0.56 0.69 lab 80 -25 -7 lch 80 26 195 cmyk 32 0 1 17 dark_slate_grey[2891][121,205,205](3.2):PMS318[362][147,221,219](3.7):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](4.1):monte_carlo[5876][131,208,198](4.6):aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](5.7) 4 slate:dark:PMS3105:PMS318:carlo:monte:aquamarine:grey +6182 onion rgb 47 39 14 hex #2F270E hsv 45 70 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 16 0 17 lch 16 17 91 cmyk 0 3 13 82 mikado[5730][45,37,16](2.2):woodrush[9171][48,42,15](2.4):brown_tumbleweed[1859][55,41,14](4.7):tumbleweed[8559][55,41,14](4.7):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](6.1) 4 mikado:pullman:tumbleweed:woodrush:brown:green +6183 onion rgb 72 65 43 hex #48412B hsv 46 40 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 28 -1 15 lch 28 15 93 cmyk 0 3 11 72 tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](1.4):suburban[8106][72,64,44](1.7):woodrush[9172][69,64,43](1.7):punga[6856][83,73,49](3.3):madras[5431][71,62,35](3.6) 11 madras:punga:suburban:tumbleweed:woodrush +6184 onyx rgb 15 15 15 hex #0F0F0F hsv 60 0 6 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 4 0 0 lch 4 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 94 grey[4103][13,13,13](0.0):grey[4104][15,15,15](0.0):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](1.0):grey[4102][10,10,10](1.0):grey[4105][18,18,18](1.0) 26 cod:grey +6185 onyx rgb 53 56 57 hex #353839 hsv 195 7 22 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 23 -1 -1 lch 23 1 226 cmyk 2 0 0 78 botany_bay[1668][55,56,55](1.0):atom[1184][55,58,60](1.4):bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.4):charcoal[2220][52,56,55](1.4):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.4) 67 dark:atom:bay:botany:bright:charcoal:grey +6186 ooh_la rgb 160 136 166 hex #A088A6 hsv 288 18 65 xyz 0.3 0.28 0.4 lab 60 15 -12 lch 60 19 320 cmyk 2 12 0 35 marionette[5534][171,148,179](4.2):glossy_grape[3881][171,146,179](4.5):PMS666[845][168,147,173](4.6):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](5.0):london_hue[5336][174,148,171](5.7) 4 PMS666:dusty:glossy:grape:hue:london:marionette:lavender +6187 oopsy_daisy rgb 255 214 123 hex #FFD67B hsv 41 52 100 xyz 0.69 0.71 0.29 lab 87 3 50 lch 87 50 86 cmyk 0 16 52 0 salomie[7435][255,214,123](0.0):PMS134[43][255,216,127](1.4):la_luna[4899][255,216,122](1.7):beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](2.4):golden_glow[3918][249,215,126](2.8) 9 02:PMS134:beer:glow:golden:la:luna:salomie:srm +6188 opal rgb 168 195 188 hex #A8C3BC hsv 164 14 76 xyz 0.45 0.51 0.55 lab 77 -10 0 lch 77 11 178 cmyk 11 0 3 24 PMS5503[702][170,196,191](0.0):rivendell[7235][169,189,182](3.0):ashanti[1158][166,187,179](3.7):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](3.7):nebula[6003][184,198,190](4.9) 5 PMS5503:ashanti:jungle:mist:nebula:rivendell +6189 opal rgb 169 198 194 hex #A9C6C2 hsv 172 15 78 xyz 0.46 0.53 0.59 lab 78 -11 -1 lch 78 11 187 cmyk 11 0 2 22 PMS5503[702][170,196,191](1.7):jet_stream[4760][181,210,206](4.1):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](4.1):light_cyan[5091][180,205,205](4.7):rivendell[7235][169,189,182](4.7) 5 light:PMS5503:cyan:jet:jungle:mist:rivendell:stream +6190 opera_mauve rgb 183 132 167 hex #B784A7 hsv 319 28 72 xyz 0.35 0.29 0.4 lab 61 25 -11 lch 61 27 337 cmyk 0 20 6 28 bouquet[1681][174,128,158](3.5):grayish_fuchsia[4004][168,125,158](4.2):PMS521[646][181,140,178](4.7):dusty_lavender[3308][172,134,168](5.2):grayish_magenta[4009][168,125,168](5.9) 3 PMS521:bouquet:dusty:fuchsia:grayish:magenta:lavender +6191 opium rgb 142 111 112 hex #8E6F70 hsv 358 22 56 xyz 0.2 0.18 0.18 lab 50 12 4 lch 50 13 18 cmyk 0 12 12 44 kubrick[4892][142,116,113](2.4):ferra[3585][135,106,104](3.0):rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](3.0):rosybrown[7330][139,105,105](3.0):bona_fide[1640][151,119,123](3.3) 11 bona:ferra:fide:kubrick:rosy:rosybrown:brown +6192 opium rgb 152 126 126 hex #987E7E hsv 0 17 60 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.23 lab 55 10 4 lch 55 11 21 cmyk 0 10 10 40 dry_creek[3277][154,127,124](2.2):hemp[4470][144,120,116](3.0):bazaar[1326][143,119,119](3.3):bona_fide[1640][151,119,123](3.7):cinereous[2331][152,129,123](3.7) 11 bazaar:bona:cinereous:creek:dry:fide:hemp +6193 optimist rgb 43 104 141 hex #2B688D hsv 203 70 55 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.27 lab 42 -7 -26 lch 42 27 255 cmyk 38 15 0 45 ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](1.7):steel_blue[7962][35,107,142](3.0):steel_blue[7963][54,100,139](4.1):deep_sky_blue[3056][0,104,139](5.1):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](5.1) 3 deep:sky:steel:ugly:wavelength:blue +6194 oracle rgb 55 116 117 hex #377475 hsv 181 53 46 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.19 lab 45 -19 -7 lch 45 20 199 cmyk 24 0 0 54 ming[5758][64,117,119](2.2):faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](2.8):jade[4716][66,121,119](2.8):jade[4715][64,114,109](4.1):atoll[1183][43,121,122](4.2) 8 atoll:faded:jade:ming +6195 oracle rgb 57 85 85 hex #395555 hsv 180 33 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.1 lab 34 -10 -3 lch 34 11 198 cmyk 11 0 0 67 dark_grayish_cyan[2742][66,89,89](2.2):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](2.4):timekeeper[8369][65,89,90](2.4):dark_grayish_turquoise[2756][66,89,84](3.6):dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](3.7) 12 slate:dark:cyan:dianne:grayish:timekeeper:blue:grey:turquoise +6196 orang_atan rgb 197 79 51 hex #C54F33 hsv 12 74 77 xyz 0.26 0.18 0.05 lab 49 46 40 lch 49 61 41 cmyk 0 46 57 23 trinidad[8475][197,79,51](0.0):balloon[1269][193,77,54](3.3):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](3.3):tomato[8409][205,79,57](3.7):clementine[2369][193,79,59](5.4) 4 balloon:clementine:grenadier:tomato:trinidad +6197 orange rgb 139 90 0 hex #8B5A00 hsv 39 100 55 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.02 lab 42 14 51 lch 42 53 75 cmyk 0 19 55 45 poo_brown[6768][136,95,1](4.1):PMS1395[54][153,96,7](5.1):afghan_tan[971][134,86,10](5.1):natural[5984][134,86,10](5.1):rusty_nail[7388][134,86,10](5.1) 1 PMS1395:afghan:nail:natural:poo:rusty:tan:brown +6198 orange rgb 205 133 0 hex #CD8500 hsv 39 100 80 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.04 lab 61 20 67 lch 61 70 74 cmyk 0 28 80 20 PMS145[61][198,127,7](3.6):PMS138[51][216,140,2](4.4):cool_copper[2470][217,135,25](4.9):PMS1385[52][204,122,2](5.7):geebung[3836][209,143,27](5.8) 3 PMS138:PMS1385:PMS145:cool:copper:geebung +6199 orange rgb 238 154 0 hex #EE9A00 hsv 39 100 93 xyz 0.47 0.41 0.06 lab 70 23 75 lch 70 78 73 cmyk 0 33 93 7 beer_srm_07[1347][238,158,3](3.2):beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](3.6):vivid_gamboge[8914][231,145,0](3.7):PMS137[49][252,163,17](4.2):PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](4.4) 6 vivid:07:08:2X:PMS130:PMS137:beer:gamboge:srm +6200 orange rgb 249 115 6 hex #F97306 hsv 27 98 98 xyz 0.45 0.32 0.04 lab 64 47 71 lch 64 85 56 cmyk 0 53 95 2 outrageous[6270][255,118,0](2.4):safety_orange[7403][255,120,0](2.8):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](3.0):ecstasy[3360][250,120,20](3.0):heat_wave[4449][255,122,0](3.0) 10 chilean:ecstasy:fire:heat:outrageous:safety:wave:orange +6201 orange rgb 251 153 2 hex #FB9902 hsv 36 99 98 xyz 0.51 0.43 0.06 lab 72 29 76 lch 72 82 70 cmyk 0 38 98 2 april_sun[1096][253,152,0](1.4):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](1.4):vivid_gamboge[8915][255,153,0](1.4):california[2011][254,157,4](1.7):PMS1375[50][249,155,12](2.2) 11 vivid:PMS1375:april:cadmium:california:gamboge:sun:yellow +6202 orange rgb 255 104 31 hex #FF681F hsv 20 88 100 xyz 0.46 0.31 0.05 lab 63 54 65 lch 63 85 50 cmyk 0 59 88 0 PMS165[97][249,99,2](5.4):PMS1585[84][249,107,7](5.9):blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](6.2):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](6.2):safety_orange[7402][255,103,0](6.2) 0 PMS1585:PMS165:blaze:cadmium:safety:orange +6203 orange rgb 255 117 56 hex #FF7538 hsv 18 78 100 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.08 lab 65 49 57 lch 65 75 49 cmyk 0 54 78 0 burning_orange[1921][255,112,52](2.4):flesh[3686][255,125,64](4.1):crusta[2617][253,123,51](5.1):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](5.9):PMS164[95][252,127,63](6.6) 2 deep:PMS164:burning:carrot:crusta:flesh:orange +6204 orange rgb 255 127 0 hex #FF7F00 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.36 0.04 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](0.0):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](0.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](0.0):amber[1034][255,126,0](1.0) 14 luminous:dark:vivid:amber:coral:flush:orange +6205 orange rgb 255 128 0 hex #FF8000 hsv 30 100 100 xyz 0.49 0.37 0.05 lab 67 43 74 lch 67 86 60 cmyk 0 50 100 0 coral[2498][255,127,0](0.0):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](0.0):flush_orange[3706][255,127,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_orange[5387][255,128,0](0.0):amber[1034][255,126,0](1.0) 14 luminous:dark:vivid:amber:coral:flush:orange +6206 orange rgb 255 165 0 hex #FFA500 hsv 39 100 100 xyz 0.55 0.48 0.06 lab 75 24 79 lch 75 82 73 cmyk 0 35 100 0 web_orange[9038][255,165,0](0.0):chrome_yellow[2323][255,167,0](1.0):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.4):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.4):PMS137[49][252,163,17](3.2) 14 deep:dark:PMS137:chrome:naples:tangerine:web:orange:yellow +6207 orange rgb 255 88 0 hex #FF5800 hsv 21 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.28 0.03 lab 60 61 70 lch 60 93 49 cmyk 0 65 100 0 willpower_orange[9125][253,88,0](1.0):bright_orange[1740][255,91,0](1.4):PMS1655[98][249,86,2](1.7):adrenalin[962][255,82,0](2.2):international_orange[4663][255,79,0](3.2) 11 PMS1655:adrenalin:bright:international:willpower:orange +6208 orange_brown rgb 190 100 0 hex #BE6400 hsv 32 100 75 xyz 0.26 0.2 0.03 lab 52 31 60 lch 52 68 63 cmyk 0 35 75 25 indochine[4653][194,107,3](3.0):beer_srm_13[1353][198,100,1](3.3):beer_srm_12[1352][202,108,0](4.4):browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](4.4):orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](4.7) 8 12:13:beer:browny:indochine:orangish:srm:brown:orange +6209 orange_peel rgb 255 159 0 hex #FF9F00 hsv 37 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.06 lab 74 27 78 lch 74 83 71 cmyk 0 38 100 0 luminous_vivid_gamboge[5376][255,159,0](0.0):vivid_orange_peel[8932][255,160,0](0.0):california[2011][254,157,4](1.7):orange[6206][255,165,0](3.3):web_orange[9038][255,165,0](3.3) 14 luminous:vivid:california:gamboge:peel:web:orange +6210 orange_peel rgb 255 160 0 hex #FFA000 hsv 38 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.06 lab 74 27 78 lch 74 83 71 cmyk 0 37 100 0 luminous_vivid_gamboge[5376][255,159,0](0.0):vivid_orange_peel[8932][255,160,0](0.0):california[2011][254,157,4](1.7):orange[6206][255,165,0](3.3):web_orange[9038][255,165,0](3.3) 14 luminous:vivid:california:gamboge:peel:web:orange +6211 orange_pink rgb 255 111 82 hex #FF6F52 hsv 10 68 100 xyz 0.48 0.33 0.12 lab 64 53 43 lch 64 68 39 cmyk 0 56 68 0 coral[2497][255,114,86](1.7):persimmon[6616][255,107,83](2.2):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](4.0):melon[5666][255,120,85](4.5):pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](4.6) 5 coral:melon:outrageous:persimmon:pinkish:orange +6212 orange_red rgb 139 37 0 hex #8B2500 hsv 16 100 55 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.01 lab 31 42 44 lch 31 60 46 cmyk 0 40 55 45 brown_red[1855][146,43,5](3.0):beer_srm_23[1363][131,37,1](3.7):beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](4.1):beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](4.5):beer_srm_24[1364][126,31,1](5.4) 4 21:22:23:24:beer:srm:brown:red +6213 orange_red rgb 205 55 0 hex #CD3700 hsv 16 100 80 xyz 0.27 0.16 0.02 lab 47 57 59 lch 47 82 46 cmyk 0 59 80 20 grenadier[4097][213,70,0](4.7):sinopia[7727][203,65,11](5.1):PMS173[110][209,68,20](5.4):english_red[3492][212,61,26](6.3):deep_orange[3024][220,77,1](7.1) 1 deep:PMS173:english:grenadier:sinopia:orange:red +6214 orange_red rgb 238 64 0 hex #EE4000 hsv 16 100 93 xyz 0.37 0.22 0.02 lab 54 64 65 lch 54 92 46 cmyk 0 68 93 7 vivid_vermilion[8959][231,58,0](2.2):PMS172[109][247,73,2](3.6):orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](4.1):orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](5.0):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](5.1) 4 vivid:PMS172:orangish:orioles:reddish:vermilion:orange:red +6215 orange_red rgb 253 65 30 hex #FD411E hsv 9 88 99 xyz 0.43 0.25 0.04 lab 57 69 60 lch 57 92 41 cmyk 0 74 87 1 orangey_red[6228][250,66,36](3.3):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](4.1):vermillion[8708][244,50,12](4.4):orangered[6226][254,66,15](5.0):orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](5.8) 4 orangered:orangey:orangish:reddish:vermillion:orange:red +6216 orange_red rgb 255 36 0 hex #FF2400 hsv 8 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.02 lab 55 76 68 lch 55 102 42 cmyk 0 86 100 0 scarlet[7520][255,36,0](0.0):ferrari_red[3586][255,40,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_scarlet[5398][255,32,0](1.4):coquelicot[2490][255,56,0](4.1):candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](4.6) 9 luminous:vivid:apple:candy:coquelicot:ferrari:scarlet:red +6217 orange_red rgb 255 69 0 hex #FF4500 hsv 16 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.26 0.03 lab 58 68 69 lch 58 97 45 cmyk 0 73 100 0 luminous_vivid_vermilion[5404][255,64,0](1.4):blood_orange[1522][254,75,3](3.0):vermilion[8707][255,77,0](3.2):red_orange[7127][253,60,6](3.5):greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](3.7) 9 luminous:vivid:blood:greenish:umber:vermilion:orange:red +6218 orange_roughy rgb 168 83 53 hex #A85335 hsv 16 68 66 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.05 lab 45 33 33 lch 45 47 46 cmyk 0 33 45 34 vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](3.0):brown_rust[1856][175,89,62](3.6):sienna[7695][160,82,45](5.1):rose_of_sharon[7309][172,81,45](5.4):red_stage[7142][173,82,46](5.5) 2 of:rust:sharon:sienna:stage:vesuvius:brown:red:rose +6219 orange_roughy rgb 196 87 25 hex #C45719 hsv 22 87 77 xyz 0.26 0.19 0.03 lab 50 40 53 lch 50 67 53 cmyk 0 43 67 23 PMS167[102][188,79,7](4.4):piper[6710][201,99,35](4.4):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](4.7):rust_orange[7384][196,85,8](5.1):rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](5.2) 3 burnt:PMS167:of:piper:rust:sharon:siena:orange:rose +6220 orange_soda rgb 250 91 61 hex #FA5B3D hsv 10 76 98 xyz 0.44 0.28 0.08 lab 60 59 49 lch 60 77 40 cmyk 0 62 74 2 PMS171[108][249,96,58](3.0):tomato[8412][255,99,71](3.7):portland_orange[6791][255,90,54](4.6):outrageous_orange[6272][255,96,55](5.4):ogre_odor[6116][253,82,64](5.5) 3 PMS171:odor:ogre:outrageous:portland:tomato:orange +6221 orange_white rgb 234 227 205 hex #EAE3CD hsv 46 12 92 xyz 0.72 0.77 0.69 lab 90 -1 12 lch 90 12 96 cmyk 0 3 11 8 bleach_white[1509][235,225,206](1.4):eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](1.4):pearl[6565][234,224,200](1.4):pearl_lusta[6570][234,224,200](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](2.0) 77 bleach:eighth:lusta:parchment:pavlova:pearl:white +6222 orange_white rgb 254 252 237 hex #FEFCED hsv 53 7 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.94 lab 99 -2 7 lch 99 8 104 cmyk 0 1 7 0 rice_cake[7204][255,254,240](0.0):island_spice[4691][255,252,238](1.0):ivory[4700][255,255,240](1.4):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](2.0):half_pearl_lusta[4367][255,252,234](2.0) 60 buttery:cake:half:island:ivory:lusta:pearl:rice:spice:white +6223 orange_yellow rgb 248 213 104 hex #F8D568 hsv 45 58 97 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.23 lab 86 0 57 lch 86 57 90 cmyk 0 14 56 3 dandelion[2668][253,219,109](2.4):goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](2.4):PMS141[57][242,206,104](3.0):light_brilliant_amber[5026][255,216,101](3.7):light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](4.1) 8 light:brilliant:PMS141:amber:dandelion:goldenrod:mustard +6224 orange_yellow rgb 255 173 1 hex #FFAD01 hsv 41 100 100 xyz 0.56 0.51 0.07 lab 77 20 80 lch 77 82 76 cmyk 0 32 100 0 yellow_sea[9221][254,169,4](1.7):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.2):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](2.4):beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](3.0):yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](3.0) 15 light:06:beer:cadmium:sea:srm:yellowish:orange:yellow +6225 orangeish rgb 253 141 73 hex #FD8D49 hsv 23 71 99 xyz 0.51 0.4 0.11 lab 70 37 54 lch 70 65 55 cmyk 0 44 71 1 PMS1575[82][252,135,68](3.6):pastel_orange[6508][255,150,79](3.7):dusty_orange[3309][240,131,58](4.5):jaffa[4719][239,134,63](4.5):mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](6.3) 4 PMS1575:dusty:jaffa:mango:pastel:tango:orange +6226 orangered rgb 254 66 15 hex #FE420F hsv 13 94 100 xyz 0.43 0.25 0.03 lab 57 69 65 lch 57 95 44 cmyk 0 74 94 0 greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](1.4):red_orange[7127][253,60,6](2.4):orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](3.0):vermillion[8708][244,50,12](3.7):luminous_vivid_vermilion[5404][255,64,0](4.0) 8 luminous:vivid:greenish:orangish:umber:vermilion:vermillion:orange:red +6227 orangey_brown rgb 177 96 2 hex #B16002 hsv 32 99 69 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.02 lab 49 28 57 lch 49 63 64 cmyk 0 32 69 31 orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](1.0):pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](2.2):pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](2.2):umber[8645][178,100,0](2.4):ginger[3864][176,101,0](4.2) 9 ginger:orangish:pumpkin:skin:umber:brown +6228 orangey_red rgb 250 66 36 hex #FA4224 hsv 8 86 98 xyz 0.42 0.24 0.04 lab 56 68 57 lch 56 89 40 cmyk 0 72 84 2 orange_red[6215][253,65,30](3.3):pomegranate[6762][243,71,35](4.0):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](4.6):tomato[8411][239,64,38](4.7):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](5.1) 4 2X:PMS805:pomegranate:reddish:tomato:orange:red +6229 orangey_yellow rgb 253 185 21 hex #FDB915 hsv 42 92 99 xyz 0.58 0.56 0.08 lab 79 13 79 lch 79 80 81 cmyk 0 27 91 1 PMS116_2X[17][247,181,12](1.4):PMS1235[28][252,181,20](1.4):PMS810_2X[931][255,188,33](1.7):dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](1.7):medium_goldenrod[5612][255,185,15](1.7) 17 medium:dark:2X:PMS116:PMS1235:PMS810:goldenrod +6230 orangish rgb 252 130 74 hex #FC824A hsv 19 71 99 xyz 0.49 0.37 0.11 lab 67 42 50 lch 67 66 50 cmyk 0 48 70 1 mandarin[5496][243,122,72](3.0):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](3.2):sienna[7698][238,121,66](3.2):sienna[7699][255,130,71](3.3):coral[2499][255,127,80](4.2) 7 burnt:coral:mandarin:sienna:orange +6231 orangish_brown rgb 178 95 3 hex #B25F03 hsv 32 98 70 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.02 lab 49 29 57 lch 49 64 63 cmyk 0 33 69 30 orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](1.0):pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](2.8):pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](2.8):umber[8645][178,100,0](3.3):orange_brown[6208][190,100,0](4.7) 7 orangey:pumpkin:skin:umber:brown:orange +6232 orangish_red rgb 244 54 5 hex #F43605 hsv 12 98 96 xyz 0.39 0.22 0.02 lab 54 69 65 lch 54 95 43 cmyk 0 75 94 4 tomato_red[8413][236,45,1](2.2):vermillion[8708][244,50,12](2.2):orangered[6226][254,66,15](3.0):red_orange[7127][253,60,6](3.0):greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](3.3) 8 greenish:orangered:tomato:umber:vermillion:orange:red +6233 orbit rgb 135 71 72 hex #874748 hsv 359 47 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.07 lab 38 27 12 lch 38 30 23 cmyk 0 25 25 47 hot_stuff[4571][135,71,72](0.0):PMS4985[608][132,73,73](2.2):solid_pink[7840][133,73,76](2.2):PMS696[875][142,71,73](3.3):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.3) 8 PMS4985:PMS696:hot:intrigue:solid:stuff:pink +6234 orchid rgb 139 71 137 hex #8B4789 hsv 302 49 55 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.25 lab 41 39 -24 lch 41 46 328 cmyk 0 27 1 45 light_eggplant[5096][137,69,133](1.7):plum[6744][142,69,133](2.2):PMS258[230][155,79,150](5.1):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](5.7):genie[3840][131,62,119](6.5) 2 light:PMS258:berry:eggplant:genie:plum:razzmic +6235 orchid rgb 200 117 196 hex #C875C4 hsv 303 42 78 xyz 0.4 0.29 0.56 lab 61 44 -28 lch 61 52 328 cmyk 0 33 2 22 lavender_pink[4944][221,133,215](6.3):PMS528[660][175,114,193](8.2):PMS2572[227][198,135,209](9.0):PMS252[218][211,107,198](9.1):light_orchid[5161][231,139,220](9.5) 0 light:PMS252:PMS2572:PMS528:orchid:lavender:pink +6236 orchid rgb 205 105 201 hex #CD69C9 hsv 302 49 80 xyz 0.41 0.27 0.58 lab 59 53 -33 lch 59 62 328 cmyk 0 39 2 20 fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](2.4):PMS252[218][211,107,198](4.1):deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](4.2):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](4.2):deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](8.1) 4 deep:PMS252:french:fuchsia:mauve +6237 orchid rgb 218 112 214 hex #DA70D6 hsv 302 49 85 xyz 0.47 0.31 0.67 lab 63 55 -34 lch 63 65 328 cmyk 0 42 2 15 deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](3.0):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](3.0):PMS252[218][211,107,198](6.2):fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](6.7):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](7.7) 2 deep:PMS252:french:fuchsia:magenta:mauve:lavender +6238 orchid rgb 219 112 219 hex #DB70DB hsv 300 49 86 xyz 0.48 0.32 0.71 lab 63 56 -37 lch 63 67 327 cmyk 0 42 0 14 deep_mauve[3016][212,115,212](5.0):french_mauve[3753][212,115,212](5.0):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](7.0):violet[8858][238,130,238](7.0):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](7.3) 2 deep:french:magenta:mauve:purply:lavender:pink:violet +6239 orchid rgb 230 168 215 hex #E6A8D7 hsv 315 27 90 xyz 0.59 0.5 0.71 lab 76 30 -15 lch 76 34 334 cmyk 0 24 6 10 light_orchid[5160][230,168,215](0.0):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](5.1):light_medium_orchid[5144][211,155,203](5.2):light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](5.4):PMS251[217][226,158,214](5.8) 1 medium:light:PMS251:PMS2562:orchid +6240 orchid rgb 238 122 233 hex #EE7AE9 hsv 303 49 93 xyz 0.57 0.38 0.81 lab 68 59 -37 lch 68 70 328 cmyk 0 45 2 7 purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](3.3):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](3.6):violet[8858][238,130,238](3.6):light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](4.2):pale_magenta[6386][249,132,229](7.9) 4 pale:light:fuchsia:magenta:purply:lavender:pink:violet +6241 orchid rgb 255 131 250 hex #FF83FA hsv 302 49 100 xyz 0.67 0.44 0.95 lab 72 63 -39 lch 72 74 328 cmyk 0 49 2 0 shocking_pink[7674][251,126,253](4.2):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](5.9):light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](6.5):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](7.5):violet[8858][238,130,238](7.5) 1 light:fuchsia:magenta:purply:shocking:lavender:pink:violet +6242 orchid_dark rgb 153 50 204 hex #9932CC hsv 280 75 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.58 lab 43 65 -60 lch 43 89 317 cmyk 20 60 0 20 dark_orchid[2829][153,50,204](0.0):dark_orchid[2830][153,50,205](1.0):dark_orchid[2831][154,50,205](1.4):violet[8853][134,1,175](9.7):purple[6861][125,38,205](10.3) 3 dark:orchid:purple:violet +6243 orchid_medium rgb 186 85 211 hex #BA55D3 hsv 288 60 83 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.64 lab 54 59 -47 lch 54 76 321 cmyk 10 49 0 17 medium_orchid[5620][186,85,211](0.0):medium_orchid[5619][180,82,205](2.2):PMS2582[231][170,71,186](7.5):deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](10.0):fuchsia[3790][193,84,193](10.0) 2 deep:medium:PMS2582:fuchsia:orchid +6244 orchid_pink rgb 242 189 205 hex #F2BDCD hsv 342 22 95 xyz 0.66 0.6 0.66 lab 82 21 -1 lch 82 21 358 cmyk 0 21 15 5 cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](1.0):PMS217[175][244,191,209](1.4):chantilly[2213][237,184,199](2.2):princess[6815][237,184,199](2.2):PMS2365[195][247,196,216](2.8) 11 PMS217:PMS2365:cameo:chantilly:princess:pink +6245 orchid_white rgb 241 235 217 hex #F1EBD9 hsv 45 10 95 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.78 lab 93 -1 9 lch 93 9 96 cmyk 0 2 9 5 buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](0.0):softly[7836][241,235,217](0.0):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](1.0):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4) 107 bianca:buttery:eggshell:half:lusta:pearl:softly:white +6246 orchid_white rgb 255 253 243 hex #FFFDF3 hsv 50 5 100 xyz 0.93 0.98 0.99 lab 99 -1 5 lch 99 5 102 cmyk 0 1 5 0 quarter_pearl_lusta[6978][255,253,244](0.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.4):black_white[1483][255,254,246](1.4):floral_white[3694][255,250,240](1.4):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.7) 67 bianca:floral:lusta:pearl:quarter:yellowish:black:white +6247 oregon rgb 155 71 3 hex #9B4703 hsv 27 98 61 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.01 lab 40 32 50 lch 40 59 57 cmyk 0 33 60 39 alert_tan[992][155,71,3](0.0):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](4.1):burnt_umber[1941][160,69,14](4.4):brown[1836][150,75,0](5.0):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](5.2) 4 burnt:2X:PMS1605:PMS471:alert:tan:umber:brown +6248 oregon rgb 177 108 57 hex #B16C39 hsv 26 68 69 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.07 lab 52 23 39 lch 52 46 60 cmyk 0 27 47 31 pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](2.4):bamboo[1273][186,111,63](2.8):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](2.8):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](3.2):light_tan[5218][175,108,62](3.2) 10 light:bamboo:bourbon:clay:pumpkin:tan:brown +6249 orient rgb 1 94 133 hex #015E85 hsv 198 99 52 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.24 lab 37 -8 -28 lch 37 29 253 cmyk 52 15 0 48 blumine[1622][24,88,122](3.7):chathams_blue[2246][23,85,121](4.1):bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](4.6):blue_sapphire[1588][18,97,128](5.1):ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](5.4) 3 bahama:blumine:chathams:sapphire:ugly:blue +6250 orient rgb 37 91 119 hex #255B77 hsv 200 69 47 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.19 lab 36 -8 -21 lch 36 23 249 cmyk 32 11 0 53 chathams_blue[2247][44,89,113](3.0):spray_drift[7914][45,88,119](3.2):blumine[1622][24,88,122](4.2):blumine[1623][48,92,113](4.2):venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](4.6) 6 blumine:chathams:drift:spray:venice:blue +6251 oriental_pink rgb 194 142 136 hex #C28E88 hsv 6 30 76 xyz 0.36 0.33 0.28 lab 64 19 11 lch 64 22 30 cmyk 0 20 23 24 brandy_rose[1696][187,137,131](2.2):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.4):PMS694[873][201,140,140](4.5):pink[6665][188,143,143](4.5):rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](4.5) 7 PMS5005:PMS694:brandy:rosy:brown:pink:rose +6252 oriental_pink rgb 198 145 145 hex #C69191 hsv 360 27 78 xyz 0.39 0.34 0.31 lab 65 20 8 lch 65 22 22 cmyk 0 21 21 22 PMS694[873][201,140,140](3.3):pink[6665][188,143,143](3.3):rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](3.3):rosybrown[7331][188,143,143](3.3):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.0) 9 PMS5005:PMS694:rosy:rosybrown:brown:pink +6253 origin rgb 0 156 138 hex #009C8A hsv 173 100 61 xyz 0.16 0.26 0.28 lab 58 -39 0 lch 58 39 181 cmyk 61 0 7 39 PMS3285[388][0,153,135](1.4):PMS3278[384][0,155,132](2.4):persian_green[6604][0,166,147](3.6):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](3.7):niagara[6045][6,161,137](3.7) 9 2X:PMS3278:PMS3285:PMS808:niagara:persian:green +6254 orinoco rgb 210 211 179 hex #D2D3B3 hsv 62 15 83 xyz 0.58 0.64 0.52 lab 84 -6 16 lch 84 17 110 cmyk 0 0 13 17 zen[9251][210,208,174](1.7):PMS5803[763][216,214,183](2.2):green_mist[4053][203,211,176](3.2):ying_yang[9236][218,220,190](3.2):thistle[8325][204,202,168](3.3) 20 PMS5803:mist:thistle:yang:ying:zen:green +6255 orinoco rgb 243 251 212 hex #F3FBD4 hsv 72 16 98 xyz 0.83 0.93 0.76 lab 97 -9 18 lch 97 20 117 cmyk 3 0 15 2 carla[2091][243,255,216](1.7):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](2.2):rice_flower[7206][239,245,209](2.4):spring_sun[7931][246,255,220](2.8):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](3.0) 17 carla:flower:mimosa:rice:spring:sun +6256 orioles_orange rgb 251 79 20 hex #FB4F14 hsv 15 92 98 xyz 0.43 0.26 0.03 lab 58 63 65 lch 58 90 46 cmyk 0 67 91 2 PMS811_2X[933][255,84,22](2.0):PMS172[109][247,73,2](2.4):tangelo[8237][249,77,0](3.0):flesh_ochre[3688][255,87,33](3.7):giants_orange[3854][254,90,29](4.1) 9 2X:PMS172:PMS811:flesh:giants:ochre:tangelo:orange +6257 oscar rgb 244 213 172 hex #F4D5AC hsv 34 30 96 xyz 0.69 0.7 0.49 lab 87 5 24 lch 87 25 79 cmyk 0 12 28 4 frangipani[3737][255,222,179](3.2):tequila[8303][244,208,164](3.3):apricot[1091][253,217,181](3.5):dairy_cream[2655][237,210,164](3.5):sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](3.5) 25 apricot:beach:cream:dairy:frangipani:sandy:tequila +6258 oslo_grey rgb 129 137 136 hex #818988 hsv 172 6 54 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.27 lab 56 -3 0 lch 56 3 189 cmyk 3 0 0 46 gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](1.0):azure[1230][131,139,139](1.4):cold_grey[2429][128,138,135](1.4):silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](1.4):stack[7950][133,136,133](1.4) 46 cold:gunsmoke:silver:stack:azure:grey +6259 oslo_grey rgb 135 141 145 hex #878D91 hsv 204 7 57 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.31 lab 58 -1 -3 lch 58 3 245 cmyk 4 2 0 43 clouded_blue[2384][137,146,150](2.2):voltage[8970][141,144,148](2.2):aluminium[1024][132,135,137](2.8):azure[1230][131,139,139](3.0):exponent[3532][136,143,152](3.2) 34 aluminium:clouded:exponent:voltage:azure:blue +6260 otter rgb 143 123 112 hex #8F7B70 hsv 21 22 56 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.18 lab 53 6 9 lch 53 11 57 cmyk 0 8 12 44 almond_frost[1012][144,123,113](1.0):incognito[4625][142,124,110](1.4):americano[1040][138,125,114](3.2):stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](3.2):triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](3.3) 23 americano:frost:incognito:perfect:stonewashed:taupe:triple:almond +6261 otter_brown rgb 101 67 33 hex #654321 hsv 30 67 40 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.02 lab 32 11 26 lch 32 28 67 cmyk 0 13 27 60 dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](0.0):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](2.4):cafe_royale[2000][106,73,40](2.4):flattery[3676][107,68,35](2.4):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](2.4) 11 dark:cafe:flattery:kobicha:nose:royale:brown +6262 ottoman rgb 211 219 203 hex #D3DBCB hsv 90 7 86 xyz 0.63 0.69 0.66 lab 86 -6 7 lch 86 9 129 cmyk 3 0 6 14 PMS5595[723][216,219,204](2.2):PMS621[800][216,221,206](2.2):feta[3592][219,224,208](2.2):tasman[8259][207,220,207](2.2):gin[3860][217,223,205](2.4) 28 PMS5595:PMS621:feta:gin:tasman +6263 ottoman rgb 233 248 237 hex #E9F8ED hsv 136 6 97 xyz 0.82 0.91 0.93 lab 96 -7 4 lch 96 8 153 cmyk 6 0 4 3 aqua_spring[1109][232,243,232](1.4):polar[6757][229,242,231](2.2):tara[8252][225,246,232](2.2):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](2.4):frostee[3783][228,246,231](2.4) 33 aqua:frosted:frostee:polar:spring:tara:mint +6264 ou_crimson_red rgb 153 0 0 hex #990000 hsv 360 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 55 45 lch 31 71 40 cmyk 0 60 60 40 crimson_red[2601][153,0,0](0.0):stizza[7984][153,0,0](0.0):usc_cardinal[8664][153,0,0](0.0):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](1.0):blood_red[1523][152,0,2](1.4) 6 deep:blood:cardinal:stizza:usc:crimson:red +6265 outback rgb 149 130 108 hex #95826C hsv 32 28 58 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.17 lab 56 4 15 lch 56 15 76 cmyk 0 7 16 42 double_malta[3214][147,128,108](1.4):half_nullarbor[4361][157,137,114](2.0):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.4):triple_joss[8496][156,135,115](2.4):milky_way[5746][142,127,104](2.8) 18 double:gargoyle:half:joss:malta:milky:nullarbor:triple:way +6266 outer_space rgb 5 16 64 hex #051040 hsv 229 92 25 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.05 lab 7 16 -32 lch 7 36 297 cmyk 23 19 0 75 deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](0.0):navy_blue[5997][0,17,70](3.7):dark_navy[2806][0,4,53](4.6):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](5.2):very_dark_blue[8714][0,1,51](5.5) 3 deep:dark:very:cove:midnight:navy:blue +6267 outer_space rgb 31 38 59 hex #1F263B hsv 225 47 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 15 4 -14 lch 15 15 284 cmyk 11 8 0 77 blue_night[1582][31,38,59](0.0):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](1.0):stratos[8001][33,38,58](1.0):nite_life[6061][29,33,52](2.2):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](3.0) 12 clay:ebony:express:life:midnight:night:nite:stratos:blue +6268 outer_space rgb 45 56 58 hex #2D383A hsv 189 22 23 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 23 -4 -3 lch 23 5 215 cmyk 5 1 0 77 PMS433[516][48,56,58](1.4):traccia[8447][42,51,53](2.2):gunmetal[4258][44,53,57](2.4):oxford_blue[6275][40,53,58](2.8):gunmetal[4257][42,52,57](3.0) 37 PMS433:gunmetal:oxford:traccia:blue +6269 outer_space rgb 65 74 76 hex #414A4C hsv 191 14 30 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.08 lab 31 -3 -2 lch 31 4 218 cmyk 4 1 0 70 PMS432[515][68,79,81](2.4):tuna[8564][70,73,78](3.2):PMS446[530][73,76,73](3.3):abbey[944][73,81,84](3.3):bleached_cedar[1512][69,70,71](3.3) 34 PMS432:PMS446:abbey:bleached:cedar:tuna +6270 outrageous rgb 255 118 0 hex #FF7600 hsv 28 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.04 lab 65 48 73 lch 65 87 57 cmyk 0 54 100 0 safety_orange[7403][255,120,0](1.4):heat_wave[4449][255,122,0](2.2):orange[6200][249,115,6](2.4):flamenco[3659][255,125,7](4.1):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](4.2) 9 flamenco:heat:safety:sorbus:wave:orange +6271 outrageous_orange rgb 255 110 74 hex #FF6E4A hsv 12 71 100 xyz 0.48 0.33 0.1 lab 64 53 47 lch 64 71 41 cmyk 0 57 71 0 pinkish_orange[6699][255,114,76](2.2):PMS811[932][255,114,71](3.0):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](4.0):PMS1645[96][249,114,66](5.0):coral[2497][255,114,86](5.2) 4 PMS1645:PMS811:coral:pinkish:orange:pink +6272 outrageous_orange rgb 255 96 55 hex #FF6037 hsv 12 78 100 xyz 0.46 0.3 0.07 lab 62 59 54 lch 62 79 43 cmyk 0 62 78 0 portland_orange[6791][255,90,54](2.4):PMS171[108][249,96,58](3.7):flamingo[3661][242,85,42](4.2):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](5.4):tomato[8412][255,99,71](8.1) 3 PMS171:flamingo:portland:soda:tomato:orange +6273 overland rgb 178 170 148 hex #B2AA94 hsv 44 17 70 xyz 0.38 0.4 0.34 lab 70 -1 12 lch 70 12 94 cmyk 0 3 12 30 half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](1.0):mandrake[5497][176,169,148](1.0):double_tea[3247][178,168,148](1.4):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](1.4):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.2) 48 bison:double:glitterati:half:hide:mandrake:olive:tea:grey +6274 oxford_blue rgb 0 33 71 hex #002147 hsv 212 100 28 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.06 lab 13 6 -27 lch 13 28 282 cmyk 28 15 0 72 blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](3.7):PMS289[310][0,38,73](4.1):green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](4.5):PMS282[303][0,38,84](5.4):PMS655[834][12,28,71](5.5) 3 PMS282:PMS289:PMS655:vogue:zodiac:blue:green +6275 oxford_blue rgb 40 53 58 hex #28353A hsv 197 31 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -4 -5 lch 21 6 231 cmyk 7 2 0 77 gunmetal[4257][42,52,57](1.0):gunmetal[4258][44,53,57](1.4):traccia[8447][42,51,53](2.2):outer_space[6268][45,56,58](2.8):warrior[9005][45,59,66](3.2) 23 gunmetal:outer:space:traccia:warrior +6276 oxford_blue rgb 56 69 85 hex #384555 hsv 213 34 33 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.09 lab 29 -1 -11 lch 29 11 266 cmyk 11 6 0 67 wind_talker[9128][58,72,89](1.4):rhino[7197][61,70,83](2.2):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](2.4):shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](3.0):skywater[7753][64,70,83](3.0) 17 avalanche:rhino:shapeshifter:skywater:talker:wind +6277 oxley rgb 109 154 120 hex #6D9A78 hsv 135 29 60 xyz 0.21 0.28 0.22 lab 60 -23 13 lch 60 26 150 cmyk 18 0 13 40 amulet[1047][123,159,128](4.6):grey_green[4214][120,155,115](5.0):greeny_grey[4094][126,160,122](5.4):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](5.4):grayish_malachite_green[4010][125,168,136](5.5) 2 slate:amulet:grayish:greeny:malachite:green:grey +6278 oxley rgb 119 158 134 hex #779E86 hsv 143 25 62 xyz 0.24 0.3 0.27 lab 62 -18 8 lch 62 20 156 cmyk 15 0 9 38 PMS624[803][127,160,140](2.4):PMS556[716][122,168,145](3.7):grayish_spring_green[4016][125,168,147](3.7):amulet[1047][123,159,128](4.1):bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](4.7) 5 PMS556:PMS624:amulet:bay:grayish:leaf:spring:green +6279 oxygen rgb 187 198 213 hex #BBC6D5 hsv 215 12 84 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.71 lab 79 -1 -9 lch 79 9 265 cmyk 10 6 0 16 pacify[6294][187,198,213](0.0):heather[4454][183,195,208](1.7):PMS650[829][191,198,209](3.3):breathless[1704][193,200,210](3.3):spindle[7899][179,196,216](3.3) 12 PMS650:breathless:heather:pacify:spindle +6280 oxymoron rgb 156 191 227 hex #9CBFE3 hsv 210 31 89 xyz 0.46 0.5 0.8 lab 76 -3 -22 lch 76 22 261 cmyk 28 14 0 11 PMS278[299][153,186,221](2.2):carolina_blue[2110][153,186,221](2.2):time_out[8367][170,194,227](4.1):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](4.2):baby_blue_eyes[1241][161,202,241](4.6) 6 PMS2717:PMS278:baby:carolina:eyes:out:time:blue +6281 oyster_bay rgb 209 234 234 hex #D1EAEA hsv 180 11 92 xyz 0.71 0.78 0.89 lab 91 -8 -3 lch 91 9 199 cmyk 10 0 0 8 foam[3707][208,234,232](1.4):light_cyan[5092][209,238,238](1.4):mabel[5418][203,232,232](1.4):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](3.5):azure[1232][224,238,238](3.7) 12 light:cyan:foam:ice:jagged:mabel:azure +6282 oyster_bay rgb 218 250 255 hex #DAFAFF hsv 188 15 100 xyz 0.81 0.9 1.08 lab 96 -9 -6 lch 96 11 212 cmyk 15 2 0 0 mabel[5419][217,247,255](1.7):very_pale_cerulean[8801][226,248,255](3.0):pattens_blue[6526][222,245,255](3.3):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](3.6):baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](3.7) 16 pale:very:baby:cerulean:cyan:mabel:pattens:blue +6283 oyster_pink rgb 212 181 176 hex #D4B5B0 hsv 8 17 83 xyz 0.52 0.5 0.48 lab 76 10 7 lch 76 12 33 cmyk 0 12 14 17 clam_shell[2353][212,182,175](1.0):clam_shell[2352][210,179,169](2.2):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](2.2):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](2.8):misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](3.6) 15 misty:as:clam:shell:soulmate:sweet:rose +6284 oyster_pink rgb 233 206 205 hex #E9CECD hsv 2 12 91 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.67 lab 85 9 4 lch 85 10 23 cmyk 0 11 11 9 vanilla_ice[8679][235,210,209](1.0):dust_storm[3302][229,204,201](1.7):PMS678[857][234,204,206](2.2):devoted[3114][232,205,208](2.2):PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.4) 21 PMS677:PMS678:devoted:dust:ice:storm:vanilla +6285 ozone rgb 71 99 75 hex #47634B hsv 129 28 39 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.08 lab 39 -16 10 lch 39 19 147 cmyk 11 0 9 61 gecko[3834][69,99,75](1.0):tom_thumb[8406][79,99,72](4.4):axolotl[1217][78,102,73](4.6):dark_grayish_green[2744][66,89,66](4.6):dark_grayish_harlequin[2745][72,89,66](5.1) 4 dark:axolotl:gecko:grayish:harlequin:thumb:tom:green +6286 paarl rgb 134 75 54 hex #864B36 hsv 16 60 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.05 lab 38 23 23 lch 38 33 46 cmyk 0 23 31 47 salmon[7425][139,76,57](2.8):nutmeg[6084][129,66,44](4.1):terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](4.2):twizel[8621][142,80,55](4.2):cumin[2621][120,68,48](4.4) 14 cumin:hit:nutmeg:salmon:terracotta:twizel +6287 paarl rgb 166 85 41 hex #A65529 hsv 21 75 65 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.04 lab 45 30 40 lch 45 50 53 cmyk 0 32 49 35 rich_gold[7217][161,82,38](1.7):hazard[4443][163,83,42](2.2):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](4.2):sienna[7695][160,82,45](4.2):vindaloo[8843][167,79,32](4.4) 5 fiery:gold:hazard:rich:sienna:vindaloo:orange +6288 pablo rgb 119 111 97 hex #776F61 hsv 38 18 47 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.14 lab 47 1 9 lch 47 9 86 cmyk 0 3 9 53 sandstone[7467][120,109,95](1.0):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](1.4):double_pravda[3228][118,108,92](1.4):half_talisman[4396][125,116,102](2.0):PMS417[500][119,114,99](2.2) 30 PMS417:double:friar:half:pravda:sandstone:talisman:grey +6289 pablo rgb 122 113 92 hex #7A715C hsv 42 25 48 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.13 lab 48 0 13 lch 48 13 91 cmyk 0 4 12 52 equilibrium[3503][119,110,91](1.4):quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](1.4):aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](2.0):stonewall[7988][128,118,97](2.0):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](2.2) 29 aquashield:crocodile:equilibrium:quarry:stone:stonewall +6290 pacific_blue rgb 0 157 196 hex #009DC4 hsv 192 100 77 xyz 0.22 0.28 0.56 lab 60 -20 -30 lch 60 36 236 cmyk 77 15 0 23 PMS639[818][0,160,196](3.0):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](3.7):blue_green[1564][13,152,186](3.7):peacock[6558][51,161,201](3.7):bondi_blue[1642][0,149,182](5.1) 4 2X:PMS306:PMS639:bondi:peacock:blue:green +6291 pacific_blue rgb 28 169 201 hex #1CA9C9 hsv 191 86 79 xyz 0.25 0.33 0.6 lab 64 -24 -26 lch 64 35 228 cmyk 68 13 0 21 ball_blue[1267][33,171,205](1.7):PMS801[912][0,170,204](2.0):PMS639[818][0,160,196](4.1):PMS632[811][0,160,186](4.4):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](4.6) 6 PMS632:PMS639:PMS801:ball:blue:green +6292 pacifika rgb 102 112 40 hex #667028 hsv 68 64 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.04 lab 45 -15 38 lch 45 40 111 cmyk 4 0 28 56 rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](0.0):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](0.0):fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](2.4):PMS5757[749][107,112,43](3.2):olive_drab[6157][111,118,50](4.1) 9 PMS5757:drab:fiji:forest:olive:palm:pasifika:rain:style:green +6293 pacifika rgb 119 129 32 hex #778120 hsv 66 75 51 xyz 0.16 0.2 0.04 lab 52 -17 48 lch 52 51 109 cmyk 4 0 38 49 rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](0.0):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](2.2):wasabi[9006][120,138,37](4.6):kombi[4879][131,137,49](5.2):murky_green[5947][108,122,14](5.4) 3 forest:kombi:murky:rain:trendy:wasabi:green +6294 pacify rgb 187 198 213 hex #BBC6D5 hsv 215 12 84 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.71 lab 79 -1 -9 lch 79 9 265 cmyk 10 6 0 16 oxygen[6279][187,198,213](0.0):heather[4454][183,195,208](1.7):PMS650[829][191,198,209](3.3):breathless[1704][193,200,210](3.3):spindle[7899][179,196,216](3.3) 12 PMS650:breathless:heather:oxygen:spindle +6295 paco rgb 65 31 16 hex #411F10 hsv 18 75 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 15 17 lch 16 23 49 cmyk 0 13 19 75 ironbark[4678][65,31,16](0.0):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](1.0):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](1.0):slugger[7778][65,32,16](1.0):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](2.8) 11 deep:dark:PMS4625:ironbark:oak:rum:slugger +6296 paco rgb 79 64 55 hex #4F4037 hsv 23 30 31 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.04 lab 28 5 8 lch 28 9 58 cmyk 0 6 9 69 dark_lava[2783][72,60,50](2.8):dark_taupe[2904][72,60,50](2.8):double_oilskin[3221][80,69,58](2.8):taupe[8260][72,60,50](2.8):bronze[1820][73,59,47](3.0) 27 dark:bronze:double:lava:oilskin:taupe +6297 paddock rgb 102 113 86 hex #667156 hsv 84 24 44 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.11 lab 46 -9 14 lch 46 17 125 cmyk 4 0 11 56 willow_grove[9124][105,117,92](2.8):willow_grove[9123][101,116,93](3.3):siam[7683][100,106,84](3.5):siam[7684][104,107,80](3.7):finch[3627][117,120,90](4.1) 9 finch:grove:siam:willow +6298 padua rgb 126 179 148 hex #7EB394 hsv 145 30 70 xyz 0.3 0.39 0.34 lab 69 -24 10 lch 69 26 157 cmyk 21 0 12 30 bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](3.3):serenity[7621][141,191,163](4.6):bay_leaf[1323][125,169,141](5.0):grayish_malachite_green[4010][125,168,136](5.4):acapulco[953][117,170,148](6.0) 3 acapulco:bay:grayish:leaf:malachite:serenity:green +6299 padua rgb 173 230 196 hex #ADE6C4 hsv 144 25 90 xyz 0.55 0.69 0.63 lab 87 -25 11 lch 87 27 157 cmyk 22 0 13 10 chinook[2299][168,227,189](3.0):fringy_flower[3770][177,226,193](3.2):pale_light_grayish_malachite_green[6371][184,231,196](3.3):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](3.7):PMS344[418][181,226,191](4.2) 7 pale:light:PMS344:chinook:flower:fringy:grayish:malachite:sea:green +6300 pakistan_green rgb 0 102 0 hex #006600 hsv 120 100 40 xyz 0.05 0.1 0.02 lab 37 -44 42 lch 37 61 136 cmyk 40 0 40 60 japanese_laurel[4734][10,105,6](1.0):dark_green[2759][0,100,0](1.4):green_dark[4040][0,100,0](1.4):deep_green[2995][5,102,8](2.2):san_felix[7444][11,98,7](4.4) 5 deep:dark:felix:japanese:laurel:san:green +6301 palatinate_blue rgb 39 59 226 hex #273BE2 hsv 234 83 89 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.73 lab 36 52 -85 lch 36 100 302 cmyk 73 65 0 11 vivid_sapphire_blue[8947][0,58,231](4.1):medium_blue[5600][50,50,205](6.8):blue[1535][3,67,223](7.7):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](9.1):purpleish_blue[6891][97,64,239](9.4) 1 medium:vivid:neon:purpleish:sapphire:blue +6302 palatinate_purple rgb 104 40 96 hex #682860 hsv 308 62 41 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.12 lab 28 36 -20 lch 28 41 332 cmyk 0 25 3 59 byzantium[1965][112,41,99](3.3):PMS260[239][104,30,91](4.5):PMS261[243][94,33,84](4.6):giggle[3857][105,50,110](4.9):seance[7583][105,50,110](4.9) 6 PMS260:PMS261:byzantium:giggle:seance +6303 pale rgb 255 249 208 hex #FFF9D0 hsv 52 18 100 xyz 0.86 0.94 0.73 lab 97 -4 20 lch 97 21 102 cmyk 0 2 18 0 baja_white[1260][255,248,209](0.0):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](0.0):pipi[6712][254,244,204](1.7):barley_white[1302][255,244,206](2.2):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](2.2) 31 light:baja:barley:dutch:goldenrod:pipi:white +6304 pale_amaranth rgb 255 194 201 hex #FFC2C9 hsv 353 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.64 0.64 lab 84 23 5 lch 84 23 12 cmyk 0 24 21 0 PMS1895[142][252,191,201](1.4):light_rose[5184][255,197,203](1.4):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](1.7):bubble_gum[1876][255,193,204](2.2):pink[6672][255,192,203](2.2) 14 pale:light:PMS1895:bubble:gum:pink:rose +6305 pale_amber rgb 255 240 194 hex #FFF0C2 hsv 45 24 100 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.64 lab 95 -2 24 lch 95 24 95 cmyk 0 6 24 0 egg_white[3374][255,239,193](0.0):splash[7906][255,239,193](0.0):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.2):blond[1519][250,240,190](2.4):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.4) 27 beeswax:blond:colonial:egg:splash:white +6306 pale_apple_green rgb 247 255 194 hex #F7FFC2 hsv 68 24 100 xyz 0.84 0.95 0.65 lab 98 -12 28 lch 98 31 113 cmyk 3 0 24 0 australian_mint[1202][245,255,190](2.8):pale_lime_green[6384][240,255,194](3.0):chiffon[2282][240,245,187](3.3):cream[2584][255,255,194](3.3):pale_yellow[6455][255,255,194](3.3) 10 pale:australian:chiffon:cream:green:lime:mint:yellow +6307 pale_aqua rgb 184 255 235 hex #B8FFEB hsv 163 28 100 xyz 0.71 0.88 0.92 lab 95 -26 3 lch 95 26 174 cmyk 28 0 8 0 pale_aquamarine[6309][194,255,232](3.0):pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](4.6):ice_cold[4599][177,244,231](4.7):aero_blue[967][201,255,229](5.7):pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](6.1) 3 pale:aero:cold:ice:spring:aquamarine:blue:green:turquoise +6308 pale_aqua rgb 188 212 230 hex #BCD4E6 hsv 206 18 90 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.84 lab 84 -4 -12 lch 84 12 250 cmyk 16 7 0 10 beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](0.0):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](2.2):PMS277[298][181,209,232](2.2):altitude[1020][188,212,226](2.2):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](3.0) 9 pale:light:PMS2707:PMS277:altitude:beau:grayish:azure:blue +6309 pale_aquamarine rgb 194 255 232 hex #C2FFE8 hsv 157 24 100 xyz 0.73 0.89 0.9 lab 96 -24 5 lch 96 24 169 cmyk 24 0 9 0 aero_blue[967][201,255,229](2.8):pale_aqua[6307][184,255,235](3.0):pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](4.2):pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](4.5):ice_cold[4599][177,244,231](6.4) 4 pale:aero:aqua:cold:ice:spring:blue:green:turquoise +6310 pale_arctic_blue rgb 194 247 255 hex #C2F7FF hsv 188 24 100 xyz 0.74 0.85 1.07 lab 94 -15 -9 lch 94 18 212 cmyk 24 3 0 0 pale_sky_blue[6429][189,246,254](1.7):light_sky_blue[5206][198,252,255](3.0):diamond[3119][185,242,255](3.6):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](3.7):onahau[6180][205,244,255](5.0) 6 pale:light:charlotte:diamond:onahau:sky:blue +6311 pale_azure rgb 194 224 255 hex #C2E0FF hsv 210 24 100 xyz 0.67 0.72 1.05 lab 88 -3 -18 lch 88 19 260 cmyk 24 12 0 0 slate_grey[7773][198,226,255](1.4):tropical_blue[8535][195,221,249](1.4):light_steel_blue[5217][202,225,255](2.4):pale_cobalt_blue[6325][194,217,255](4.7):hawkes_blue[4441][212,226,252](5.4) 4 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#FFC2E8 hsv 323 24 100 xyz 0.75 0.66 0.85 lab 85 28 -10 lch 85 30 339 cmyk 0 24 9 0 pale_fuchsia[6334][255,194,240](4.1):pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](4.5):cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](5.4):cupid[2626][251,190,218](5.7):PMS243[209][242,186,216](5.8) 2 pale:PMS243:candy:cotton:cupid:fuchsia:rose +6321 pale_cerulean rgb 155 196 226 hex #9BC4E2 hsv 205 31 89 xyz 0.47 0.52 0.79 lab 77 -7 -19 lch 77 20 251 cmyk 28 12 0 11 PMS283[304][155,196,226](0.0):PMS2905[312][147,198,224](3.2):sail[7418][165,206,236](4.0):splat[7907][165,206,236](4.0):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](4.4) 10 PMS283:PMS2905:cornflower:sail:splat +6322 pale_cerulean rgb 194 240 255 hex #C2F0FF hsv 195 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.81 1.06 lab 92 -11 -12 lch 92 17 226 cmyk 24 6 0 0 light_blue[5016][191,239,255](1.4):french_pass[3755][189,237,253](1.7):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](3.3):onahau[6180][205,244,255](3.7):diamond[3119][185,242,255](4.0) 5 light:charlotte:diamond:french:onahau:pass:blue +6323 pale_chartreuse_green rgb 224 255 194 hex #E0FFC2 hsv 90 24 100 xyz 0.76 0.91 0.65 lab 97 -20 26 lch 97 33 128 cmyk 12 0 24 0 pale_spring_bud[6432][232,255,194](2.2):pale_pistachio[6407][217,255,194](3.3):pale_lime_green[6384][240,255,194](5.5):chiffon[2283][241,255,200](6.2):very_pale_green[8806][207,253,188](6.3) 2 pale:very:bud:chiffon:pistachio:spring:green:lime +6324 pale_chestnut rgb 221 173 175 hex #DDADAF hsv 358 22 87 xyz 0.52 0.48 0.47 lab 75 18 6 lch 75 19 18 cmyk 0 19 18 13 blossom[1526][223,177,182](2.4):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](2.4):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](3.3):PMS693[872][219,168,165](3.6):PMS501[613][234,178,178](4.1) 10 PMS501:PMS693:blossom:doll:mamma:mia:paper +6325 pale_cobalt_blue rgb 194 217 255 hex #C2D9FF hsv 217 24 100 xyz 0.65 0.68 1.04 lab 86 0 -21 lch 86 21 271 cmyk 24 15 0 0 pale_azure[6311][194,224,255](4.7):light_steel_blue[5217][202,225,255](5.1):powder_blue[6800][177,209,252](5.1):tropical_blue[8535][195,221,249](5.1):slate_grey[7773][198,226,255](5.8) 1 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0 2 0 celeste[2159][178,255,255](3.0):italian_sky_blue[4694][178,255,255](3.0):pale_turquoise[6443][187,255,255](3.0):light_cyan[5090][172,255,252](3.6):pale_opal[6394][194,255,247](3.7) 7 pale:light:celeste:cyan:italian:opal:sky:blue:turquoise +6332 pale_cyan rgb 194 255 255 hex #C2FFFF hsv 180 24 100 xyz 0.76 0.9 1.08 lab 96 -19 -6 lch 96 20 198 cmyk 24 0 0 0 pale_turquoise[6443][187,255,255](2.2):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](2.8):light_sky_blue[5206][198,252,255](3.2):duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](4.1):eggshell_blue[3382][196,255,247](4.1) 9 pale:light:duck:egg:eggshell:sky:blue:turquoise +6333 pale_emerald_green rgb 194 255 201 hex #C2FFC9 hsv 127 24 100 xyz 0.69 0.87 0.68 lab 95 -29 20 lch 95 35 146 cmyk 24 0 21 0 mint[5765][189,252,201](2.2):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](3.2):pale_malachite_green[6389][194,255,209](4.1):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](4.1):dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](4.5) 6 pale:dark:malachite:sap:sea:green:mint +6334 pale_fuchsia rgb 255 194 240 hex 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7 pale:light:very:sap:green:mint +6346 pale_green rgb 154 255 154 hex #9AFF9A hsv 120 40 100 xyz 0.55 0.81 0.43 lab 92 -49 39 lch 92 63 141 cmyk 40 0 40 0 green_pale[4054][152,251,152](1.4):mint_green[5768][152,255,152](1.4):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](2.2):mint_green[5767][143,255,159](3.6):baby_green[1242][140,255,158](4.4) 5 pale:light:very:baby:green:mint +6347 pale_green rgb 194 255 194 hex #C2FFC2 hsv 120 24 100 xyz 0.68 0.87 0.64 lab 95 -30 23 lch 95 38 143 cmyk 24 0 24 0 dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](1.4):flat_medium_green[3675][193,255,193](1.4):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](2.2):pale_emerald_green[6333][194,255,201](3.2):pale_harlequin[6350][209,255,194](4.2) 6 pale:medium:dark:flat:emerald:harlequin:sap:sea:green +6348 pale_green rgb 199 253 181 hex #C7FDB5 hsv 105 28 99 xyz 0.67 0.86 0.57 lab 94 -30 29 lch 94 42 136 cmyk 21 0 28 1 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85 37 322 cmyk 3 24 0 0 light_lavendar[5132][239,192,254](2.4):pale_mulberry[6391][240,194,255](2.4):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](3.3):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](4.7):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](4.7) 5 pale:light:brilliant:electric:lavendar:magenta:mulberry:lavender +6352 pale_indigo rgb 209 194 255 hex #D1C2FF hsv 255 24 100 xyz 0.64 0.59 1.03 lab 81 17 -28 lch 81 33 302 cmyk 18 24 0 0 pale_persian_blue[6401][201,194,255](2.2):perfume[6588][208,190,248](2.4):melrose[5669][199,193,255](3.0):pale_blue_violet[6315][217,194,255](3.3):pale_blue[6313][194,194,255](4.6) 6 pale:melrose:perfume:persian:blue:violet +6353 pale_lavender rgb 220 208 255 hex #DCD0FF hsv 255 18 100 xyz 0.7 0.68 1.04 lab 86 13 -21 lch 86 25 301 cmyk 14 18 0 0 fog[3711][215,208,255](1.7):moon_raker[5888][214,206,246](3.7):pale_lilac[6381][228,203,255](5.2):lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](5.4):periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](5.4) 2 pale:fog:lilac:moon:periwinkle:raker:blue:lavender +6354 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cooled:crest:kandinsky:surf:symphony:green +6357 pale_light_grayish_amber rgb 231 220 184 hex #E7DCB8 hsv 46 20 91 xyz 0.67 0.72 0.56 lab 88 -2 19 lch 88 19 96 cmyk 0 4 18 9 raffia[7042][234,218,184](2.0):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.2):PMS5875[778][224,219,181](2.2):PMS468[567][226,214,181](2.4):baja_white[1259][240,223,187](2.4) 36 PMS4545:PMS468:PMS5875:baja:raffia:white +6358 pale_light_grayish_azure rgb 184 208 231 hex #B8D0E7 hsv 209 20 91 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.84 lab 82 -3 -14 lch 82 14 257 cmyk 18 9 0 9 PMS277[298][181,209,232](1.4):spindle[7900][182,209,234](1.7):slate_grey[7772][185,211,238](2.2):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](2.4):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](2.8) 15 slate:light:PMS2707:PMS277:spindle:blue:grey +6359 pale_light_grayish_blue rgb 184 184 231 hex #B8B8E7 hsv 240 20 91 xyz 0.51 0.5 0.83 lab 76 10 -23 lch 76 25 292 cmyk 18 18 0 9 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184 hex #D0E7B8 hsv 89 20 91 xyz 0.63 0.74 0.56 lab 89 -16 20 lch 89 26 128 cmyk 9 0 18 9 tea_green[8276][208,240,192](3.6):pale_light_grayish_harlequin[6367][196,231,184](4.2):pale_light_grayish_lime_green[6369][220,231,184](4.6):caper[2063][220,237,180](6.4):snowy_mint[7814][214,240,205](6.8) 3 pale:light:caper:grayish:harlequin:snowy:tea:green:lime:mint +6363 pale_light_grayish_crimson rgb 231 184 196 hex #E7B8C4 hsv 345 20 91 xyz 0.6 0.55 0.6 lab 79 19 0 lch 79 19 1 cmyk 0 18 14 9 chantilly[2213][237,184,199](2.2):princess[6815][237,184,199](2.2):cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](3.0):melanie[5656][224,183,194](3.2):blossom[1525][220,180,188](3.7) 11 blossom:cameo:chantilly:melanie:princess:pink +6364 pale_light_grayish_cyan rgb 184 231 231 hex #B8E7E7 hsv 180 20 91 xyz 0.63 0.73 0.86 lab 89 -15 -5 lch 89 16 198 cmyk 18 0 0 9 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chill_out[2288][226,231,186](3.2):pale_light_grayish_olive[6373][231,231,184](4.2):tusk[8602][227,229,177](4.2):pale_light_grayish_chartreuse_green[6362][208,231,184](4.6):caper[2063][220,237,180](5.1) 4 pale:light:caper:chartreuse:chill:grayish:olive:out:tusk:green +6370 pale_light_grayish_magenta rgb 231 184 231 hex #E7B8E7 hsv 300 20 91 xyz 0.65 0.57 0.83 lab 80 25 -17 lch 80 30 326 cmyk 0 18 0 9 pale_light_grayish_mulberry[6372][220,184,231](4.6):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](5.2):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](5.4):PMS530[664][214,175,214](6.4):light_orchid[5160][230,168,215](6.7) 1 pale:light:PMS2562:PMS530:fuchsia:grayish:mulberry:orchid +6371 pale_light_grayish_malachite_green rgb 184 231 196 hex #B8E7C4 hsv 135 20 91 xyz 0.58 0.71 0.63 lab 88 -22 12 lch 88 25 151 cmyk 18 0 14 9 PMS344[418][181,226,191](2.2):fringy_flower[3770][177,226,193](2.2):fringy_flower[3771][180,225,187](2.8):padua[6299][173,230,196](3.3):PMS351[425][181,232,191](3.6) 5 PMS344:PMS351:flower:fringy:padua +6372 pale_light_grayish_mulberry rgb 220 184 231 hex #DCB8E7 hsv 286 20 91 xyz 0.61 0.55 0.83 lab 79 21 -19 lch 79 28 319 cmyk 4 18 0 9 pale_light_grayish_violet[6379][208,184,231](4.2):pale_light_grayish_magenta[6370][231,184,231](4.6):PMS530[664][214,175,214](5.8):PMS2635[252][201,173,216](5.9):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](6.5) 2 pale:light:PMS2562:PMS2635:PMS530:grayish:magenta:violet +6373 pale_light_grayish_olive rgb 231 231 184 hex #E7E7B8 hsv 60 20 91 xyz 0.7 0.78 0.57 lab 91 -8 23 lch 91 24 108 cmyk 0 0 18 9 fall_green[3550][236,235,189](1.4):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](1.4):chill_out[2288][226,231,186](2.4):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](2.4):tusk[8602][227,229,177](2.4) 17 pale:bud:chill:fall:out:spring:tusk:green +6374 pale_light_grayish_rose rgb 231 184 208 hex #E7B8D0 hsv 329 20 91 xyz 0.61 0.56 0.67 lab 80 21 -6 lch 80 21 345 cmyk 0 18 9 9 PMS516[636][242,186,211](3.3):PMS250[216][237,196,221](3.7):PMS243[209][242,186,216](4.2):PMS217[175][244,191,209](4.6):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](4.6) 6 PMS217:PMS243:PMS250:PMS516:chantilly +6375 pale_light_grayish_sapphire_blue rgb 184 196 231 hex #B8C4E7 hsv 225 20 91 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.83 lab 79 3 -19 lch 79 19 280 cmyk 18 14 0 9 PMS2708[268][175,188,219](3.7):time_out[8367][170,194,227](4.1):echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](4.7):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](4.7):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](4.9) 5 PMS2708:PMS2717:echo:out:pigeon:post:time:blue +6376 pale_light_grayish_spring_green rgb 184 231 208 hex #B8E7D0 hsv 151 20 91 xyz 0.6 0.72 0.7 lab 88 -20 6 lch 88 21 162 cmyk 18 0 9 9 PMS331[398][186,234,214](1.7):aero_blue[966][192,232,213](3.3):PMS571[741][170,219,198](4.1):PMS572[742][188,226,206](4.1):cruise[2612][181,236,223](5.1) 4 PMS331:PMS571:PMS572:aero:cruise:blue +6377 pale_light_grayish_turquoise rgb 184 231 220 hex #B8E7DC hsv 166 20 91 xyz 0.61 0.73 0.78 lab 88 -17 0 lch 88 17 179 cmyk 18 0 4 9 cruise[2611][180,226,213](2.2):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](3.0):cruise[2612][181,236,223](3.3):water_leaf[9012][182,236,222](3.3):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.7) 8 PMS324:cold:cruise:ice:leaf:water +6378 pale_light_grayish_vermilion rgb 231 196 184 hex #E7C4B8 hsv 15 20 91 xyz 0.61 0.6 0.54 lab 82 11 11 lch 82 15 45 cmyk 0 14 18 9 rose[7296][231,188,180](3.7):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](3.7):zinnwaldite[9264][235,194,175](4.2):PMS5035[618][237,206,198](4.4):PMS692[871][232,191,186](4.4) 13 PMS5035:PMS692:fog:zinnwaldite:rose +6379 pale_light_grayish_violet rgb 208 184 231 hex #D0B8E7 hsv 271 20 91 xyz 0.58 0.53 0.83 lab 78 17 -20 lch 78 27 310 cmyk 9 18 0 9 pale_light_grayish_mulberry[6372][220,184,231](4.2):PMS2635[252][201,173,216](4.6):pale_light_grayish_indigo[6368][196,184,231](4.6):PMS264[253][198,170,219](5.5):perfume[6587][194,169,219](5.5) 3 pale:light:PMS2635:PMS264:grayish:mulberry:perfume:indigo +6380 pale_light_green rgb 177 252 153 hex #B1FC99 hsv 105 39 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light:dark:inch:inchworm:olive:pea:worm:green:lime +6383 pale_lime_green rgb 177 255 101 hex #B1FF65 hsv 90 60 100 xyz 0.56 0.82 0.25 lab 92 -48 64 lch 92 80 127 cmyk 31 0 60 0 light_brilliant_chartreuse_green[5035][178,255,101](1.0):light_lime[5135][174,253,108](3.2):light_lime_green[5136][185,255,102](3.3):key_lime[4839][174,255,110](4.0):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](5.8) 4 light:brilliant:chartreuse:grass:key:green:lime +6384 pale_lime_green rgb 240 255 194 hex #F0FFC2 hsv 75 24 100 xyz 0.81 0.94 0.65 lab 98 -15 28 lch 98 31 118 cmyk 6 0 24 0 australian_mint[1202][245,255,190](2.2):pale_apple_green[6306][247,255,194](3.0):chiffon[2283][241,255,200](3.2):pale_spring_bud[6432][232,255,194](3.3):chiffon[2282][240,245,187](5.1) 4 pale:apple:australian:bud:chiffon:spring:green:mint +6385 pale_magenta rgb 215 103 173 hex #D767AD hsv 323 52 84 xyz 0.4 0.27 0.43 lab 59 52 -17 lch 59 55 342 cmyk 0 44 16 16 super_pink[8152][207,107,169](5.4):purplish_pink[6901][206,93,174](6.2):sky_magenta[7751][207,113,175](7.1):PMS2375[197][234,107,191](9.0):PMS245[211][232,127,201](9.2) 0 PMS2375:PMS245:magenta:purplish:sky:super:pink +6386 pale_magenta rgb 249 132 229 hex #F984E5 hsv 310 47 98 xyz 0.61 0.42 0.79 lab 71 57 -30 lch 71 64 333 cmyk 0 46 8 2 light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](4.5):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](7.1):violet[8858][238,130,238](7.1):orchid[6240][238,122,233](7.9):light_magenta[5138][231,139,231](8.3) 1 light:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:lavender:pink:violet +6387 pale_magenta rgb 255 194 255 hex #FFC2FF hsv 300 24 100 xyz 0.79 0.67 1.03 lab 86 32 -22 lch 86 38 326 cmyk 0 24 0 0 pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](3.3):plum[6750][255,187,255](4.1):pale_orchid[6397][255,194,247](4.6):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](5.0):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](5.0) 5 pale:brilliant:electric:heliotrope:orchid:plum:lavender +6388 pale_magenta_pink rgb 255 153 204 hex #FF99CC hsv 330 40 100 xyz 0.64 0.48 0.63 lab 75 45 -10 lch 75 46 348 cmyk 0 40 20 0 PMS223[181][249,147,196](2.4):very_light_rose[8784][255,158,207](3.2):PMS230[188][255,160,204](4.9):very_light_cerise[8752][255,158,219](6.4):light_rose[5183][231,139,185](7.3) 3 light:very:PMS223:PMS230:cerise:rose +6389 pale_malachite_green rgb 194 255 209 hex #C2FFD1 hsv 135 24 100 xyz 0.7 0.88 0.74 lab 95 -28 16 lch 95 32 150 cmyk 24 0 18 0 mint[5765][189,252,201](2.4):pale_emerald_green[6333][194,255,201](4.1):pale_sea_green[6425][194,255,217](4.5):madang[5426][183,240,190](5.4):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](7.3) 3 pale:emerald:madang:sea:green:mint +6390 pale_mauve rgb 254 208 252 hex #FED0FC hsv 303 18 100 xyz 0.81 0.73 1.02 lab 89 23 -15 lch 89 28 327 cmyk 0 18 1 0 very_light_purple[8782][246,206,252](3.0):shampoo[7637][255,207,241](5.2):french_lilac[3751][236,199,238](5.9):pale_lavender[6354][238,207,254](6.0):pale_fuchsia[6334][255,194,240](7.3) 1 pale:light:very:french:fuchsia:lilac:shampoo:lavender:purple +6391 pale_mulberry rgb 240 194 255 hex #F0C2FF hsv 285 24 100 xyz 0.73 0.64 1.03 lab 84 27 -24 lch 84 36 318 cmyk 6 24 0 0 light_lavendar[5132][239,192,254](0.0):pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](2.4):pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](3.3):light_lilac[5134][237,200,255](4.6):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](5.5) 4 pale:light:brilliant:heliotrope:lavendar:lilac:lavender:purple +6392 pale_olive rgb 185 204 129 hex #B9CC81 hsv 75 37 80 xyz 0.46 0.55 0.29 lab 79 -19 35 lch 79 40 118 cmyk 7 0 29 20 greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](4.1):tan_green[8230][169,190,112](5.5):caper[2062][175,193,130](6.7):poprock[6774][192,201,117](6.7):deco[2947][204,207,130](7.0) 1 caper:deco:greenish:poprock:tan:green +6393 pale_olive_green rgb 177 210 123 hex #B1D27B hsv 83 41 82 xyz 0.45 0.57 0.27 lab 80 -25 40 lch 80 47 123 cmyk 13 0 34 18 light_moss_green[5147][166,200,117](4.5):anise[1055][167,214,125](6.2):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](6.7):PMS366[440][196,229,142](7.1):medium_spring_bud[5642][201,220,135](7.1) 1 medium:light:PMS366:anise:bud:moss:spring:green:yellow +6394 pale_opal rgb 194 255 247 hex #C2FFF7 hsv 172 24 100 xyz 0.75 0.9 1.01 lab 96 -21 -2 lch 96 21 187 cmyk 24 0 3 0 eggshell_blue[3382][196,255,247](1.0):duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](2.2):pale_turquoise[6444][194,255,240](3.2):pale_cyan[6331][183,255,250](3.7):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](4.5) 7 pale:light:cyan:duck:egg:eggshell:blue:turquoise +6395 pale_orange rgb 255 167 86 hex #FFA756 hsv 29 66 100 xyz 0.57 0.5 0.15 lab 76 25 54 lch 76 60 65 cmyk 0 35 66 0 touche[8441][255,165,85](1.4):tan[8228][255,165,79](3.3):PMS150[68][252,173,86](4.2):rajah[7054][251,171,96](5.0):rajah[7055][252,174,96](5.1) 4 PMS150:rajah:tan:touche +6396 pale_orange rgb 255 224 194 hex #FFE0C2 hsv 30 24 100 xyz 0.78 0.78 0.62 lab 91 6 19 lch 91 20 72 cmyk 0 12 24 0 very_pale_orange[8814][255,223,191](1.0):negroni[6006][255,226,197](1.4):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2):karry[4820][254,220,193](2.4):tequila[8304][255,230,199](3.0) 20 pale:very:bisque:karry:negroni:tequila:orange +6397 pale_orchid rgb 255 194 247 hex #FFC2F7 hsv 308 24 100 xyz 0.77 0.67 0.97 lab 85 30 -18 lch 85 35 330 cmyk 0 24 3 0 pale_fuchsia[6334][255,194,240](4.1):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](4.6):pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](5.1):light_lavendar[5132][239,192,254](6.8):pale_mulberry[6391][240,194,255](6.8) 2 pale:light:fuchsia:heliotrope:lavendar:magenta:mulberry +6398 pale_oyster rgb 152 141 119 hex #988D77 hsv 40 22 60 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.21 lab 59 0 13 lch 59 13 88 cmyk 0 4 13 40 triple_bison_hide[8481][154,143,119](1.4):cargo[2086][155,143,117](2.2):craigieburn[2573][146,136,116](2.2):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](2.4):granite_green[3967][141,137,116](3.0) 35 arrowtown:bison:cargo:craigieburn:granite:hide:triple:green +6399 pale_oyster rgb 156 141 114 hex #9C8D72 hsv 39 27 61 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.2 lab 59 1 16 lch 59 17 86 cmyk 0 6 16 39 cargo[2086][155,143,117](1.7):double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](2.4):triple_bison_hide[8481][154,143,119](2.4):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](2.8):treasure_chest[8463][155,142,110](3.2) 26 arrowtown:bison:cargo:chest:double:hide:olive:treasure:triple:grey +6400 pale_peach rgb 255 229 173 hex #FFE5AD hsv 41 32 100 xyz 0.77 0.8 0.51 lab 92 1 31 lch 92 31 88 cmyk 0 10 32 0 cape_honey[2059][254,229,172](1.0):buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](3.0):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.0):sing_song[7726][246,224,164](3.0):banana_mania[1278][251,231,178](3.6) 12 banana:buttermilk:cape:honey:mania:sing:song +6401 pale_persian_blue rgb 201 194 255 hex #C9C2FF hsv 247 24 100 xyz 0.61 0.58 1.03 lab 81 15 -29 lch 81 33 297 cmyk 21 24 0 0 melrose[5669][199,193,255](1.4):pale_indigo[6352][209,194,255](2.2):pale_blue[6313][194,194,255](2.4):perfume[6588][208,190,248](4.4):light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](5.4) 4 pale:light:melrose:perfume:periwinkle:blue:indigo +6402 pale_phthalo_blue rgb 194 201 255 hex #C2C9FF hsv 233 24 100 xyz 0.61 0.6 1.03 lab 82 9 -27 lch 82 29 288 cmyk 24 21 0 0 light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](1.4):lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](3.0):periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](3.0):pale_blue[6313][194,194,255](5.4):pale_sapphire_blue[6423][194,209,255](5.4) 3 pale:light:periwinkle:sapphire:blue:lavender +6403 pale_pink rgb 250 218 221 hex #FADADD hsv 354 13 98 xyz 0.78 0.76 0.79 lab 90 12 3 lch 90 12 13 cmyk 0 13 11 2 we_peep[9031][253,215,216](1.7):carousel_pink[2111][248,219,224](2.2):cherub[2268][245,215,220](2.4):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.8):cosmos[2550][255,216,217](2.8) 20 PMS670:carousel:cherub:cosmos:peep:we:pink +6404 pale_pink rgb 255 170 200 hex #FFAAC8 hsv 339 33 100 xyz 0.66 0.54 0.62 lab 79 35 -2 lch 79 35 356 cmyk 0 33 22 0 carnation_pink[2105][255,170,204](2.2):carnation_pink[2104][255,166,201](3.0):powder_pink[6802][255,178,208](4.1):illusion[4612][246,164,201](5.0):PMS210[168][255,160,191](5.1) 4 PMS210:carnation:illusion:powder:pink +6405 pale_pink rgb 255 194 194 hex #FFC2C2 hsv 360 24 100 xyz 0.7 0.64 0.6 lab 84 22 8 lch 84 23 21 cmyk 0 24 24 0 rosy_brown[7328][255,193,193](1.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](1.7):pale_rose[6418][253,193,197](2.2):your_pink[9237][255,195,192](2.2):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.4) 15 pale:PMS182:azalea:rosy:your:brown:pink:rose +6406 pale_pink rgb 255 207 220 hex #FFCFDC hsv 344 19 100 xyz 0.76 0.71 0.77 lab 88 19 0 lch 88 19 360 cmyk 0 19 14 0 light_pink[5175][255,209,223](1.4):pastel_pink[6512][255,209,220](1.4):pink_lace[6678][246,204,215](2.8):PMS517[638][244,204,216](3.7):azalea[1220][247,200,218](4.2) 8 light:PMS517:azalea:lace:pastel:pink +6407 pale_pistachio rgb 217 255 194 hex #D9FFC2 hsv 97 24 100 xyz 0.74 0.9 0.65 lab 96 -23 25 lch 96 34 132 cmyk 15 0 24 0 pale_harlequin[6350][209,255,194](3.2):pale_chartreuse_green[6323][224,255,194](3.3):very_pale_green[8806][207,253,188](3.3):very_light_green[8764][209,255,189](3.7):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](5.2) 4 pale:light:very:chartreuse:harlequin:sap:green +6408 pale_plum rgb 221 160 221 hex #DDA0DD hsv 300 28 87 xyz 0.55 0.46 0.74 lab 73 33 -22 lch 73 39 326 cmyk 0 24 0 13 medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](0.0):plum[6746][221,160,221](0.0):PMS251[217][226,158,214](4.1):light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](5.1):plum[6747][234,173,234](5.1) 3 medium:light:PMS251:magenta:orchid:plum:lavender +6409 pale_prim rgb 249 245 159 hex #F9F59F hsv 57 36 98 xyz 0.78 0.88 0.46 lab 95 -11 42 lch 95 43 105 cmyk 0 2 35 2 buff[1893][254,246,158](1.7):portafino[6784][244,240,155](2.0):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](3.0):picasso[6636][255,243,157](3.2):dark_cream[2710][255,243,154](3.6) 12 light:dark:very:buff:cream:gold:picasso:portafino +6410 pale_prim rgb 253 254 184 hex #FDFEB8 hsv 61 28 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 0.59 lab 98 -11 33 lch 98 35 108 cmyk 0 0 27 0 shalimar[7636][251,255,186](1.0):old_medium_goldenrod[6142][255,255,187](1.4):creme[2589][255,255,182](2.0):light_beige[5009][255,254,182](2.2):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](2.4) 11 pale:medium:light:very:beige:creme:goldenrod:old:shalimar:yellow +6411 pale_purple rgb 183 144 212 hex #B790D4 hsv 274 32 83 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.67 lab 66 27 -29 lch 66 40 313 cmyk 11 27 0 17 PMS2645[254][181,145,209](1.7):lenurple[4987][186,147,216](1.7):east_side[3336][172,145,206](5.2):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](6.1):light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](6.5) 2 light:PMS2567:PMS2645:east:lenurple:side:wisteria +6412 pale_purple rgb 232 194 255 hex #E8C2FF hsv 277 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.63 1.03 lab 83 24 -25 lch 83 35 314 cmyk 9 24 0 0 pale_violet[6448][224,194,255](2.2):light_lavendar[5132][239,192,254](3.3):pale_mulberry[6391][240,194,255](3.3):light_lilac[5134][237,200,255](3.7):light_lavender[5133][223,197,254](4.0) 6 pale:light:lavendar:lilac:mulberry:lavender:violet +6413 pale_raspberry rgb 255 194 217 hex #FFC2D9 hsv 337 24 100 xyz 0.73 0.65 0.74 lab 84 25 -3 lch 84 25 353 cmyk 0 24 15 0 cupid[2626][251,190,218](2.4):pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](3.3):PMS217[175][244,191,209](3.7):PMS516[636][242,186,211](3.7):cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](3.7) 12 pale:PMS217:PMS516:candy:cotton:cupid:rose +6414 pale_red rgb 217 84 77 hex #D9544D hsv 3 65 85 xyz 0.33 0.22 0.09 lab 54 52 32 lch 54 61 31 cmyk 0 52 55 15 valencia[8667][212,87,78](3.7):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](4.2):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](5.4):faded_red[3540][211,73,78](6.2):brilliant_red[1797][231,81,81](6.3) 2 dark:brilliant:coral:faded:pastel:valencia:red +6415 pale_red_violet rgb 219 112 147 hex #DB7093 hsv 340 49 86 xyz 0.4 0.29 0.31 lab 61 46 0 lch 61 46 1 cmyk 0 42 28 14 medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](0.0):pale_violet_red[6451][219,112,147](0.0):violet_red_pale[8874][219,112,147](0.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](2.2):PMS204[162][237,122,158](4.6) 6 pale:deep:medium:PMS204:blush:red:violet +6416 pale_robin_egg_blue rgb 150 222 209 hex #96DED1 hsv 169 32 87 xyz 0.5 0.63 0.7 lab 84 -25 -1 lch 84 25 182 cmyk 28 0 5 13 PMS3245[371][140,224,209](4.0):water_leaf[9011][161,233,222](4.1):PMS3242[370][135,221,209](4.2):renew[7184][140,215,197](4.7):riptide[7232][137,217,200](4.7) 5 PMS3242:PMS3245:leaf:renew:riptide:water +6417 pale_rose rgb 239 214 218 hex #EFD6DA hsv 350 10 94 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.76 lab 88 9 1 lch 88 9 7 cmyk 0 10 8 6 pretty_in_pink[6808][239,214,218](0.0):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](1.7):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.2):cherub[2268][245,215,220](2.2):PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.4) 28 PMS670:PMS677:cherub:ice:in:pretty:vanilla:pink +6418 pale_rose rgb 253 193 197 hex #FDC1C5 hsv 356 24 99 xyz 0.7 0.63 0.61 lab 83 22 6 lch 83 23 16 cmyk 0 24 22 1 azalea[1221][249,192,196](1.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](1.4):pale_amaranth[6304][255,194,201](1.7):PMS1895[142][252,191,201](2.2):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.2) 19 pale:PMS182:PMS1895:PMS495:amaranth:azalea +6419 pale_rose rgb 255 194 224 hex #FFC2E0 hsv 330 24 100 xyz 0.74 0.65 0.79 lab 85 26 -6 lch 85 27 346 cmyk 0 24 12 0 cupid[2626][251,190,218](2.2):cotton_candy[2554][255,188,217](3.0):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](3.3):pale_raspberry[6413][255,194,217](3.3):PMS243[209][242,186,216](4.2) 7 pale:PMS243:candy:chantilly:cotton:cupid:raspberry +6420 pale_rose rgb 255 225 242 hex #FFE1F2 hsv 326 12 100 xyz 0.84 0.82 0.95 lab 92 13 -4 lch 92 14 341 cmyk 0 12 5 0 very_pale_rose[8817][255,226,240](1.7):cherub[2269][248,217,233](2.0):carousel_pink[2112][249,224,237](2.4):very_pale_fuchsia[8805][255,226,248](3.3):we_peep[9030][247,219,230](3.5) 9 pale:very:carousel:cherub:fuchsia:peep:we:pink:rose +6421 pale_salmon rgb 255 177 154 hex #FFB19A hsv 14 40 100 xyz 0.63 0.55 0.38 lab 79 26 23 lch 79 35 42 cmyk 0 31 40 0 very_light_vermilion[8794][255,182,158](2.2):rose_bud[7300][254,171,154](3.0):goddess[3889][251,171,143](3.6):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](3.7):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](5.1) 4 light:very:bud:goddess:salmon:vermilion:rose +6422 pale_sap_green rgb 201 255 194 hex #C9FFC2 hsv 113 24 100 xyz 0.7 0.88 0.64 lab 95 -28 24 lch 95 37 140 cmyk 21 0 24 0 pale_green[6347][194,255,194](2.2):pale_harlequin[6350][209,255,194](2.2):very_pale_green[8806][207,253,188](2.8):dark_sea_green[2878][193,255,193](3.0):flat_medium_green[3675][193,255,193](3.0) 7 pale:medium:dark:flat:very:harlequin:sea:green +6423 pale_sapphire_blue rgb 194 209 255 hex #C2D1FF hsv 225 24 100 xyz 0.63 0.64 1.04 lab 84 5 -24 lch 84 25 281 cmyk 24 18 0 0 lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](5.1):periwinkle[6594][204,204,255](5.1):pale_phthalo_blue[6402][194,201,255](5.4):pale_cobalt_blue[6325][194,217,255](6.2):powder_blue[6800][177,209,252](6.2) 0 pale:cobalt:periwinkle:phthalo:powder:blue:lavender +6424 pale_scarlet rgb 255 201 194 hex #FFC9C2 hsv 7 24 100 xyz 0.72 0.67 0.6 lab 85 18 11 lch 85 21 31 cmyk 0 21 24 0 your_pink[9238][255,197,187](2.4):PMS706[885][252,201,198](3.0):your_pink[9237][255,195,192](3.3):PMS496[604][247,201,198](3.6):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](4.5) 10 PMS496:PMS706:baby:your:pink +6425 pale_sea_green rgb 194 255 217 hex #C2FFD9 hsv 143 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.88 0.79 lab 95 -26 12 lch 95 29 156 cmyk 24 0 15 0 pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](3.2):pale_malachite_green[6389][194,255,209](4.5):snowy_mint[7815][214,255,219](6.2):aero_blue[967][201,255,229](6.5):magic_mint[5450][170,240,209](6.7) 2 pale:aero:magic:malachite:snowy:spring:blue:green:mint +6426 pale_silver rgb 201 192 187 hex #C9C0BB hsv 21 7 79 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.55 lab 78 2 4 lch 78 4 58 cmyk 0 4 5 21 silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](0.0):cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](1.4):dover_white[3258][201,191,187](1.4):half_cloudy[4307][198,190,183](1.4):quarter_imagine[6956][201,191,187](1.4) 65 cloudy:cotton:dover:half:imagine:quarter:rust:seed:silver:white +6427 pale_sky rgb 99 109 112 hex #636D70 hsv 194 12 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.17 lab 45 -3 -3 lch 45 4 224 cmyk 5 1 0 56 PMS431[514][102,109,112](1.4):mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](2.2):nevada[6034][102,111,111](2.2):quarter_tuna[7011][101,106,112](2.2):nevada[6033][100,110,117](2.4) 26 PMS431:mid:nevada:quarter:tuna:grey +6428 pale_sky rgb 110 119 131 hex #6E7783 hsv 214 16 51 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.24 lab 50 -1 -8 lch 50 8 265 cmyk 8 5 0 49 raven[7079][114,123,137](1.7):weathered_blue[9032][103,117,131](1.7):light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](2.2):storm_grey[7995][116,120,128](3.2):battleship_grey[1317][107,124,133](3.3) 14 light:battleship:raven:steel:storm:weathered:blue:grey +6429 pale_sky_blue rgb 189 246 254 hex #BDF6FE hsv 187 26 100 xyz 0.72 0.84 1.06 lab 93 -16 -10 lch 93 19 211 cmyk 25 3 0 0 pale_arctic_blue[6310][194,247,255](1.7):diamond[3119][185,242,255](2.4):charlotte[2231][186,238,249](3.0):light_sky_blue[5206][198,252,255](4.2):light_blue[5016][191,239,255](5.1) 4 pale:light:arctic:charlotte:diamond:sky:blue +6430 pale_slate rgb 195 190 187 hex #C3BEBB hsv 23 4 76 xyz 0.5 0.52 0.54 lab 77 1 2 lch 77 2 60 cmyk 0 2 3 24 cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](2.0):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](2.0):quarter_delta[6938][191,192,187](2.0):grey[4175][189,189,189](2.2):grey[4176][190,190,190](2.2) 66 cotton:delta:flotsam:quarter:seed:grey +6431 pale_slate rgb 195 191 193 hex #C3BFC1 hsv 330 2 76 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.58 lab 78 2 -1 lch 78 2 344 cmyk 0 2 1 24 surf_spray_grey[8161][200,196,197](1.4):french_grey[3748][191,189,193](1.7):grey[4178][192,192,192](2.2):grey[4179][194,194,194](2.2):silver[7704][192,192,192](2.2) 48 french:silver:spray:surf:grey +6432 pale_spring_bud rgb 232 255 194 hex #E8FFC2 hsv 83 24 100 xyz 0.79 0.93 0.65 lab 97 -18 27 lch 97 32 123 cmyk 9 0 24 0 pale_chartreuse_green[6323][224,255,194](2.2):pale_lime_green[6384][240,255,194](3.3):chiffon[2283][241,255,200](4.6):australian_mint[1202][245,255,190](5.1):pale_pistachio[6407][217,255,194](5.5) 3 pale:australian:chartreuse:chiffon:pistachio:green:lime:mint +6433 pale_spring_bud rgb 236 235 189 hex #ECEBBD hsv 59 20 93 xyz 0.73 0.81 0.6 lab 92 -7 23 lch 92 24 107 cmyk 0 0 18 7 fall_green[3550][236,235,189](0.0):pale_light_grayish_olive[6373][231,231,184](1.4):spring_green[7925][236,234,190](1.4):mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.7):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](2.8) 21 pale:light:chiffon:fall:grayish:julep:olive:spring:green:lemon:mint +6434 pale_spring_green rgb 194 255 224 hex #C2FFE0 hsv 150 24 100 xyz 0.71 0.88 0.84 lab 95 -25 9 lch 95 27 161 cmyk 24 0 12 0 pale_sea_green[6425][194,255,217](3.2):aero_blue[967][201,255,229](3.7):pale_aquamarine[6309][194,255,232](4.2):magic_mint[5450][170,240,209](5.9):pale_aqua[6307][184,255,235](6.1) 3 pale:aero:aqua:magic:sea:aquamarine:blue:green:mint +6435 pale_tangelo rgb 255 217 194 hex #FFD9C2 hsv 23 24 100 xyz 0.76 0.75 0.61 lab 89 10 16 lch 89 19 59 cmyk 0 15 24 0 tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](2.2):unbleached_silk[8646][255,221,202](2.4):karry[4820][254,220,193](3.0):romantic[7285][255,210,183](4.1):desert_sand[3105][239,205,184](4.2) 12 bush:desert:karry:romantic:sand:silk:tuft:unbleached +6436 pale_taupe rgb 188 152 126 hex #BC987E hsv 25 33 74 xyz 0.36 0.35 0.25 lab 65 10 19 lch 65 21 63 cmyk 0 14 24 26 PMS4725[577][181,145,124](3.6):nude_brown[6078][188,158,130](3.6):half_kalgoorie_sands[4346][193,150,118](4.5):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](4.6):sandrift[7465][175,147,125](4.7) 6 PMS4725:dust:half:kalgoorie:nude:rodeo:sandrift:sands:brown +6437 pale_teal rgb 130 203 178 hex #82CBB2 hsv 159 36 80 xyz 0.39 0.51 0.5 lab 76 -28 5 lch 76 29 169 cmyk 29 0 10 20 PMS570[740][127,198,178](2.4):monte_carlo[5875][122,197,180](4.6):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](5.1):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](5.4):PMS338[406][122,209,181](5.5) 2 PMS338:PMS570:bermuda:carlo:monte:seafoam:blue +6438 pale_turquoise rgb 102 139 139 hex #668B8B hsv 180 27 55 xyz 0.19 0.23 0.28 lab 55 -13 -4 lch 55 13 198 cmyk 15 0 0 45 steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](1.4):undercover[8647][100,137,133](2.4):juniper[4797][109,146,146](3.0):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](3.7):bounce[1678][103,147,148](3.7) 8 PMS5483:bounce:juniper:steel:teal:undercover +6439 pale_turquoise rgb 150 205 205 hex #96CDCD hsv 180 27 80 xyz 0.45 0.55 0.66 lab 79 -18 -6 lch 79 19 198 cmyk 22 0 0 20 morning_glory[5896][158,209,211](2.2):sinbad[7724][159,215,211](3.7):half_kumutoto[4347][156,200,202](4.1):PMS630[809][140,204,211](4.2):aqua[1100][161,218,215](4.6) 8 PMS630:aqua:glory:half:kumutoto:morning:sinbad +6440 pale_turquoise rgb 165 251 213 hex #A5FBD5 hsv 153 34 98 xyz 0.62 0.82 0.75 lab 92 -34 10 lch 92 35 163 cmyk 34 0 15 2 very_light_aquamarine[8743][158,255,219](3.0):very_light_spring_green[8790][158,255,207](6.5):magic_mint[5450][170,240,209](6.6):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](7.1):light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](7.3) 1 light:very:magic:spring:teal:aquamarine:green:mint +6441 pale_turquoise rgb 174 238 238 hex #AEEEEE hsv 180 27 93 xyz 0.63 0.76 0.92 lab 90 -20 -6 lch 90 21 198 cmyk 25 0 0 7 pale_blue[6312][175,238,238](0.0):turquoise_pale[8590][175,238,238](0.0):turquoise[8580][173,234,234](1.4):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](5.1):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](5.2) 3 pale:light:cyan:grayish:waterspout:blue:turquoise +6442 pale_turquoise rgb 175 238 238 hex #AFEEEE hsv 180 26 93 xyz 0.64 0.76 0.92 lab 90 -20 -6 lch 90 21 198 cmyk 25 0 0 7 pale_blue[6312][175,238,238](0.0):turquoise_pale[8590][175,238,238](0.0):turquoise[8580][173,234,234](1.4):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](5.1):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](5.2) 3 pale:light:cyan:grayish:waterspout:blue:turquoise +6443 pale_turquoise rgb 187 255 255 hex #BBFFFF hsv 180 27 100 xyz 0.74 0.89 1.08 lab 96 -21 -7 lch 96 22 198 cmyk 27 0 0 0 pale_cyan[6332][194,255,255](2.2):celeste[2159][178,255,255](2.4):italian_sky_blue[4694][178,255,255](2.4):pale_cyan[6331][183,255,250](3.0):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](5.0) 7 pale:light:celeste:cyan:italian:sky:blue +6444 pale_turquoise rgb 194 255 240 hex #C2FFF0 hsv 165 24 100 xyz 0.74 0.89 0.96 lab 96 -22 1 lch 96 22 178 cmyk 24 0 6 0 pale_opal[6394][194,255,247](3.2):eggshell_blue[3382][196,255,247](3.6):duck_egg_blue[3279][195,251,244](4.4):pale_aquamarine[6309][194,255,232](4.5):ice_cold[4599][177,244,231](4.6) 6 pale:cold:duck:egg:eggshell:ice:opal:aquamarine:blue +6445 pale_vermilion rgb 255 209 194 hex #FFD1C2 hsv 15 24 100 xyz 0.74 0.71 0.61 lab 87 14 14 lch 87 19 44 cmyk 0 18 24 0 tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](4.1):soft_pink[7832][242,205,187](4.5):watusi[9023][242,205,187](4.5):pale_tangelo[6435][255,217,194](4.9):PMS488[597][242,196,175](5.1) 4 pale:PMS488:bush:soft:tangelo:tuft:watusi:pink +6446 pale_violet rgb 204 153 255 hex #CC99FF hsv 270 40 100 xyz 0.54 0.43 1 lab 71 38 -44 lch 71 58 311 cmyk 20 40 0 0 very_light_violet[8795][207,158,255](4.1):pastel_purple[6514][202,160,255](5.4):very_light_purple[8781][219,158,255](5.4):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](5.8):liliac[5260][196,142,253](5.8) 1 light:very:baby:liliac:pastel:purple:violet +6447 pale_violet rgb 206 174 250 hex #CEAEFA hsv 265 30 98 xyz 0.58 0.5 0.97 lab 76 26 -33 lch 76 42 308 cmyk 17 30 0 2 light_violet[5229][214,180,252](2.8):lavender[4930][199,159,239](6.0):mauve[5581][224,176,255](6.8):bright_ube[1755][209,159,232](7.1):biloba_flower[1414][178,161,234](7.9) 1 light:biloba:bright:flower:mauve:ube:lavender:violet +6448 pale_violet rgb 224 194 255 hex #E0C2FF hsv 270 24 100 xyz 0.68 0.62 1.03 lab 83 22 -26 lch 83 34 310 cmyk 12 24 0 0 light_lavender[5133][223,197,254](2.2):pale_purple[6412][232,194,255](2.2):pale_blue_violet[6315][217,194,255](2.4):light_lilac[5134][237,200,255](4.6):perfume[6588][208,190,248](5.0) 5 pale:light:lilac:perfume:blue:lavender:purple:violet +6449 pale_violet_red rgb 139 71 93 hex #8B475D hsv 341 49 55 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.12 lab 39 31 0 lch 39 31 0 cmyk 0 27 18 45 impulse[4620][137,73,97](2.2):dark_mauve[2798][135,76,98](3.7):cannon_pink[2050][142,81,100](4.2):vin_rouge[8841][149,82,100](4.6):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](4.7) 6 deep:dark:cannon:impulse:mauve:rouge:ruby:vin:pink +6450 pale_violet_red rgb 205 104 137 hex #CD6889 hsv 340 49 80 xyz 0.35 0.25 0.27 lab 57 43 0 lch 57 43 1 cmyk 0 40 27 20 charm[2233][212,116,148](3.6):hopbush[4541][205,109,147](4.2):hopskotch[4543][205,109,147](4.2):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](5.0):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](5.0) 6 pale:medium:charm:hopbush:hopskotch:red:violet +6451 pale_violet_red rgb 219 112 147 hex #DB7093 hsv 340 49 86 xyz 0.4 0.29 0.31 lab 61 46 0 lch 61 46 1 cmyk 0 42 28 14 medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](0.0):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](0.0):violet_red_pale[8874][219,112,147](0.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](2.2):PMS204[162][237,122,158](4.6) 5 pale:deep:medium:PMS204:blush:red:violet +6452 pale_violet_red rgb 238 121 159 hex #EE799F hsv 341 49 93 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.37 lab 65 49 1 lch 65 49 1 cmyk 0 46 31 7 PMS204[162][237,122,158](1.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](3.6):tickle_me_pink[8346][252,128,165](4.6):medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](5.1):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](5.1) 3 pale:deep:medium:PMS204:blush:me:tickle:pink:red:violet +6453 pale_violet_red rgb 255 130 171 hex #FF82AB hsv 340 49 100 xyz 0.57 0.4 0.43 lab 70 52 0 lch 70 52 1 cmyk 0 49 33 0 carnation_pink[2103][255,127,167](2.4):tickle_me_pink[8346][252,128,165](2.4):pinky[6704][252,134,170](3.6):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](5.2):rosa[7293][254,134,164](5.8) 3 carnation:me:pinky:rosa:tickle:pink +6454 pale_yellow rgb 255 255 132 hex #FFFF84 hsv 60 48 100 xyz 0.81 0.94 0.36 lab 98 -16 58 lch 98 60 106 cmyk 0 0 48 0 yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](1.0):butter[1948][255,255,129](2.0):faded_yellow[3541][254,255,127](2.2):manilla[5510][255,250,134](3.0):banana[1276][255,255,126](3.2) 8 banana:butter:faded:manilla:tan:yellowish:yellow +6455 pale_yellow rgb 255 255 194 hex #FFFFC2 hsv 60 24 100 xyz 0.87 0.97 0.65 lab 99 -9 29 lch 99 31 108 cmyk 0 0 24 0 cream[2584][255,255,194](0.0):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](2.2):egg_shell[3370][255,252,196](2.4):pale_apple_green[6306][247,255,194](3.3):ecru[3356][254,255,202](4.0) 10 pale:very:apple:cream:ecru:egg:shell:green:yellow +6456 palm_green rgb 9 35 15 hex #09230F hsv 134 74 14 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 -16 10 lch 11 19 148 cmyk 10 0 8 86 very_deep_green[8733][0,29,0](3.6):very_deep_chartreuse_green[8731][14,29,0](5.4):very_deep_spring_green[8738][0,29,14](5.4):bush[1944][13,46,28](5.5):english_holly[3488][2,45,21](6.7) 1 deep:very:bush:chartreuse:english:holly:spring:green +6457 palm_green rgb 32 57 44 hex #20392C hsv 149 44 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 22 -13 5 lch 22 14 159 cmyk 10 0 5 78 PMS5605[725][35,58,45](1.0):PMS5535[711][33,61,48](1.4):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](3.0):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](3.0):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](3.2) 16 PMS5535:PMS5605:cardin:earthsong:english:holly:green +6458 palm_leaf rgb 25 51 14 hex #19330E hsv 102 73 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.01 lab 18 -18 20 lch 18 27 133 cmyk 10 0 15 80 deep_forest_green[2988][24,45,9](3.0):forest_green[3722][24,45,9](3.0):seaweed[7593][27,47,17](4.4):very_dark_green[8720][6,46,3](6.8):turtle_green[8591][42,56,11](7.1) 3 deep:dark:very:forest:seaweed:turtle:green +6459 palm_leaf rgb 54 72 47 hex #36482F hsv 103 35 28 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.04 lab 28 -13 13 lch 28 18 135 cmyk 7 0 10 72 filmpro_chrome_green[3606][47,69,44](1.7):butterfly_creek[1957][60,73,47](2.4):landscape_green[4908][47,71,50](3.2):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](4.1):mallard[5484][58,69,49](4.5) 7 butterfly:chrome:creek:feverpitch:filmpro:landscape:mallard:green +6460 palm_sugar rgb 121 85 56 hex #795538 hsv 27 54 47 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.05 lab 39 11 23 lch 39 25 64 cmyk 0 14 25 53 blast_yellow[1506][126,91,63](3.2):dark_wood[2918][133,94,66](4.2):oak[6087][120,81,45](4.2):shingle_fawn[7658][116,89,55](4.2):shingle_fawn[7657][107,78,49](4.4) 11 dark:blast:fawn:oak:shingle:wood:yellow +6461 pampas rgb 234 228 220 hex #EAE4DC hsv 34 6 92 xyz 0.75 0.78 0.79 lab 91 1 5 lch 91 5 82 cmyk 0 2 5 8 eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.0):spring_wood[7932][233,225,217](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](1.4):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.4) 139 biscotti:desert:eighth:fossil:half:milk:spring:storm:wood:white +6462 pampas rgb 244 242 238 hex #F4F2EE hsv 40 2 96 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.94 lab 96 0 2 lch 96 2 91 cmyk 0 1 2 4 eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](0.0):eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.0):quarter_alabaster[6916][247,246,242](1.0):quarter_black_white[6925][242,241,237](1.0):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.4) 118 alabaster:cake:double:eighth:quarter:rice:black:white +6463 panache rgb 234 246 238 hex #EAF6EE hsv 140 5 96 xyz 0.82 0.9 0.94 lab 96 -5 2 lch 96 6 155 cmyk 5 0 3 4 gin[3861][232,242,235](1.0):narvik[5982][237,249,241](1.0):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](2.0):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](2.0):harp[4426][230,242,234](2.0) 56 aqua:bubbles:gin:harp:narvik:squeeze +6464 panache rgb 235 247 228 hex #EBF7E4 hsv 98 8 97 xyz 0.82 0.9 0.86 lab 96 -7 8 lch 96 11 133 cmyk 5 0 7 3 cloud_nine[2383][235,247,228](0.0):feta[3593][240,252,234](2.2):peppermint[6582][227,245,225](2.2):loafer[5317][238,244,222](2.4):frost[3778][237,245,221](3.2) 29 cloud:feta:frost:loafer:nine:peppermint +6465 pancho rgb 223 185 146 hex #DFB992 hsv 30 35 87 xyz 0.53 0.52 0.35 lab 78 8 25 lch 78 26 72 cmyk 0 15 30 13 moscato[5906][222,186,142](2.2):PMS727[906][226,191,155](2.4):calico[2009][224,192,149](3.3):brandy[1691][220,182,138](3.6):new_tan[6042][235,199,158](4.1) 13 PMS727:brandy:calico:moscato:new:tan +6466 pancho rgb 237 205 171 hex #EDCDAB hsv 31 28 93 xyz 0.64 0.65 0.48 lab 84 6 21 lch 84 22 74 cmyk 0 13 26 7 PMS719[898][244,209,175](2.2):peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](2.2):peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](2.2):triple_solitaire[8518][228,203,171](3.0):PMS474[580][244,204,170](3.3) 18 PMS474:PMS719:peachpuff:puff:solitaire:triple:peach +6467 panda rgb 66 57 33 hex #423921 hsv 44 50 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 24 0 16 lch 24 16 90 cmyk 0 4 13 74 limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](0.0):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](0.0):longbush[5342][65,57,34](0.0):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](2.0):olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](2.2) 14 drab:gum:limed:lisbon:longbush:olive:pullman:brown:green +6468 panda rgb 84 79 58 hex #544F3A hsv 48 31 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.05 lab 34 -2 13 lch 34 13 98 cmyk 0 2 10 67 lisbon_brown[5304][84,79,58](0.0):dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](3.0):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](3.6):vault[8685][86,87,64](3.6):kelp[4829][77,80,60](3.7) 16 dark:amber:grayish:kelp:lisbon:olive:vault:brown +6469 panorama rgb 89 116 153 hex #597499 hsv 215 42 60 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.33 lab 48 0 -23 lch 48 23 271 cmyk 25 15 0 40 kashmir_blue[4822][80,112,150](2.4):kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](3.0):waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](3.5):cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](4.1):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](4.1) 8 cadet:kashmir:leap:quantum:waikawa:blue:grey +6470 pansy_purple rgb 120 24 74 hex #78184A hsv 329 80 47 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.07 lab 27 45 -6 lch 27 45 353 cmyk 0 38 18 53 PMS242[207][124,28,81](2.8):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](5.0):raspberry[7068][135,38,87](5.0):smooch[7799][126,32,86](5.0):french_plum[3757][129,20,83](5.4) 4 dark:PMS242:french:plum:raspberry:smooch +6471 panzano rgb 91 98 78 hex #5B624E hsv 81 20 38 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.09 lab 40 -7 10 lch 40 12 123 cmyk 3 0 8 62 pickled_aspen[6638][91,100,82](1.4):nandor[5975][78,93,78](4.1):dark_grayish_lime_green[2747][84,89,66](4.4):siam[7683][100,106,84](4.5):ebony[3346][85,93,80](4.6) 10 dark:aspen:ebony:grayish:nandor:pickled:siam:green:lime +6472 paolo_veronese_green rgb 0 155 125 hex #009B7D hsv 168 100 61 xyz 0.15 0.25 0.23 lab 57 -42 6 lch 57 42 172 cmyk 61 0 12 39 PMS334[401][0,153,124](1.4):gossamer[3952][6,155,129](2.2):PMS340[410][0,153,119](2.4):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](3.7):niagara[6045][6,161,137](3.7) 7 2X:PMS334:PMS340:PMS808:gossamer:niagara +6473 papaya_whip rgb 255 239 213 hex #FFEFD5 hsv 37 16 100 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.75 lab 95 1 15 lch 95 15 85 cmyk 0 6 16 0 varden[8683][253,239,211](1.0):half_dutch_white[4320][251,240,214](1.4):pink_lady[6681][255,241,216](1.4):derby[3097][255,238,216](2.2):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.4) 49 blanched:derby:dutch:half:lady:varden:almond:pink:white +6474 paper_doll rgb 223 175 173 hex #DFAFAD hsv 2 22 87 xyz 0.53 0.49 0.46 lab 76 17 8 lch 76 19 24 cmyk 0 19 20 13 pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](2.4):PMS5015[614][216,173,168](3.0):PMS693[872][219,168,165](3.3):shilo[7655][232,185,179](3.3):sweet_spot[8184][234,183,183](3.3) 13 pale:PMS5015:PMS693:chestnut:shilo:spot:sweet +6475 paperback rgb 179 161 144 hex #B3A190 hsv 29 20 70 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.32 lab 67 4 11 lch 67 12 72 cmyk 0 7 14 30 quarter_gargoyle[6950][178,164,149](1.7):half_malta[4351][181,166,149](2.2):PMS402[486][175,165,147](3.2):sandcastle[7463][178,159,137](3.2):joss[4781][185,168,150](3.3) 24 PMS402:gargoyle:half:joss:malta:quarter:sandcastle +6476 papier_mache rgb 183 148 93 hex #B7945D hsv 37 49 72 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.15 lab 63 6 34 lch 63 34 80 cmyk 0 14 35 28 barley_corn[1300][182,147,92](0.0):toast_lmu_60[8390][187,149,97](2.4):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.0):limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](3.2):teak[8280][177,148,97](3.6) 11 60:barley:buff:corn:limed:lmu:oak:teak:toast +6477 paprika rgb 124 45 55 hex #7C2D37 hsv 352 64 49 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.04 lab 30 35 12 lch 30 37 19 cmyk 0 31 27 51 PMS198[156][119,45,53](2.0):adrenalin_junkie[963][127,49,54](3.0):tamarillo[8216][117,43,47](3.0):lollipop[5334][127,40,56](4.1):raspberry[7067][127,40,56](4.1) 9 PMS198:adrenalin:junkie:lollipop:raspberry:tamarillo +6478 paprika rgb 141 2 38 hex #8D0226 hsv 344 99 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.02 lab 29 52 22 lch 29 57 23 cmyk 0 55 40 45 hot_chile[4552][139,7,35](1.4):monarch[5865][139,7,35](1.4):western_red[9055][139,7,35](1.4):code_red[2417][136,0,37](1.7):burgundy[1912][144,0,32](4.2) 6 burgundy:chile:code:hot:monarch:western:red +6479 parachute rgb 101 184 209 hex #65B8D1 hsv 194 52 82 xyz 0.34 0.42 0.67 lab 71 -18 -20 lch 71 27 228 cmyk 42 10 0 18 refresh[7168][113,184,202](4.0):seagull[7580][119,183,208](4.1):meltwater[5671][110,174,192](5.4):viking[8838][77,177,200](5.7):PMS297[325][130,198,226](6.5) 2 PMS297:meltwater:refresh:seagull:viking +6480 paradise rgb 106 156 149 hex #6A9C95 hsv 172 32 61 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.33 lab 61 -18 -2 lch 61 18 185 cmyk 20 0 3 39 desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.3):patina[6521][99,154,143](3.7):sea_nymph[7569][120,163,156](3.7):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](4.2):cadet_blue[1980][95,159,159](4.5) 5 cadet:cyan:desaturated:greyish:nymph:patina:sea:teal:blue +6481 paradiso rgb 49 125 130 hex #317D82 hsv 184 62 51 xyz 0.13 0.17 0.24 lab 48 -21 -10 lch 48 24 204 cmyk 32 2 0 49 atoll[1183][43,121,122](3.5):oracle[6194][55,116,117](4.7):deep_aqua[2952][8,120,127](4.9):ming[5757][54,116,125](5.1):ming[5758][64,117,119](5.4) 3 deep:aqua:atoll:ming:oracle +6482 paradiso rgb 72 128 132 hex #488084 hsv 184 45 52 xyz 0.15 0.18 0.25 lab 50 -17 -8 lch 50 19 205 cmyk 24 2 0 48 cadet_blue[1977][83,134,139](3.2):ming[5758][64,117,119](4.1):faded_jade[3536][66,121,119](4.7):jade[4716][66,121,119](4.7):dark_slate_grey[2890][82,139,139](4.9) 5 slate:dark:cadet:faded:jade:ming:blue:grey +6483 parchment rgb 208 200 176 hex #D0C8B0 hsv 45 15 82 xyz 0.55 0.58 0.49 lab 81 -1 13 lch 81 13 95 cmyk 0 3 13 18 aths_special[1177][213,203,178](1.4):fossil[3731][213,203,178](1.4):cornsilk[2538][205,200,177](1.7):half_sisal[4385][213,201,174](2.2):quarter_hillary[6955][202,197,172](2.2) 58 aths:cornsilk:fossil:half:hillary:quarter:sisal:special +6484 parchment rgb 241 233 210 hex #F1E9D2 hsv 45 13 95 xyz 0.77 0.82 0.73 lab 92 -1 12 lch 92 12 95 cmyk 0 3 12 5 albescent_white[989][245,233,211](1.4):blanc[1495][245,233,211](1.4):janna[4731][244,235,211](1.4):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](1.4):whipped_cream[9072][241,236,214](1.7) 84 albescent:blanc:cream:janna:spanish:whipped:white +6485 parchment rgb 254 252 175 hex #FEFCAF hsv 58 31 100 xyz 0.83 0.94 0.54 lab 98 -11 37 lch 98 39 106 cmyk 0 1 31 0 portafino[6785][255,255,180](1.0):canary[2036][255,253,173](2.0):creme[2589][255,255,182](2.0):light_beige[5009][255,254,182](2.2):drover[3275][253,247,173](3.0) 10 light:beige:canary:creme:drover:portafino +6486 paris_daisy rgb 251 235 80 hex #FBEB50 hsv 54 68 98 xyz 0.71 0.81 0.19 lab 92 -12 74 lch 92 74 99 cmyk 0 6 67 2 buzz[1963][251,235,80](0.0):holiday[4522][245,235,79](2.4):gorse[3951][255,241,79](3.0):PMS101[1][244,237,71](4.5):lemon_yellow[4982][255,244,79](4.7) 5 PMS101:buzz:gorse:holiday:lemon:yellow +6487 paris_daisy rgb 255 244 110 hex #FFF46E hsv 55 57 100 xyz 0.76 0.87 0.28 lab 95 -13 65 lch 95 66 101 cmyk 0 4 57 0 yellowish[9226][250,238,102](2.4):custard[2630][255,253,120](4.1):butter_yellow[1949][255,253,116](4.5):laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](4.6):light_brilliant_gold[5043][255,236,101](4.6) 10 light:brilliant:butter:custard:gold:laser:yellowish:lemon:yellow +6488 paris_green rgb 80 200 120 hex #50C878 hsv 140 60 78 xyz 0.27 0.44 0.25 lab 72 -51 30 lch 72 60 149 cmyk 47 0 31 22 emerald[3468][80,200,120](0.0):dark_mint[2801][72,192,114](2.0):sea_green[7559][67,205,128](4.1):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](7.0):algae_green[995][33,195,111](7.3) 3 dark:algae:emerald:sea:green:mint +6489 paris_m rgb 38 5 106 hex #26056A hsv 260 95 42 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.14 lab 13 41 -50 lch 13 65 309 cmyk 27 40 0 58 paua[6527][38,3,104](1.0):christalle[2314][51,3,107](3.5):deep_violet[3077][51,0,102](3.7):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](4.6):arapawa[1135][17,12,108](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2755:arapawa:christalle:paua:violet +6490 paris_m rgb 49 39 96 hex #312760 hsv 251 59 38 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.11 lab 20 21 -33 lch 20 39 303 cmyk 18 22 0 62 pukeko[6841][58,40,96](3.0):PMS2766[295][43,38,91](3.7):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](4.1):dark_persian_blue[2841][45,39,89](5.1):dark_indigo[2778][52,39,89](5.4) 3 dark:PMS2766:jacarta:persian:pukeko:blue:indigo +6491 paris_white rgb 191 205 192 hex #BFCDC0 hsv 124 7 80 xyz 0.53 0.59 0.58 lab 81 -7 5 lch 81 9 146 cmyk 5 0 5 20 honeydew[4532][193,205,193](1.0):PMS5585[721][196,206,191](1.7):PMS622[801][193,209,191](3.0):PMS5517[706][201,206,196](3.3):powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](3.3) 26 PMS5517:PMS5585:PMS622:ash:honeydew:powder +6492 paris_white rgb 202 220 212 hex #CADCD4 hsv 153 8 86 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.72 lab 86 -8 2 lch 86 8 166 cmyk 7 0 3 14 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57 13 328 cmyk 0 8 1 41 nitro[6062][151,131,149](0.0):amethyst_smoke[1043][149,135,156](3.0):mamba[5489][142,129,144](3.3):purpley_grey[6895][148,126,148](3.5):thistle[8323][139,123,139](3.7) 7 amethyst:mamba:nitro:purpley:smoke:thistle:grey +6499 passion rgb 59 42 57 hex #3B2A39 hsv 307 29 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 20 11 -7 lch 20 13 329 cmyk 0 7 1 77 chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](3.2):tarot[8256][56,41,61](3.2):valentino[8670][56,44,56](3.2):voodoo[8974][68,50,64](3.2):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](3.7) 10 chocolate:fish:tarot:valentino:voodoo:zeppelin +6500 pastel_blue rgb 162 191 254 hex #A2BFFE hsv 221 36 100 xyz 0.51 0.52 1.01 lab 77 5 -34 lch 77 35 278 cmyk 36 25 0 0 very_light_cobalt_blue[8755][158,194,255](2.2):perano[6584][169,190,242](6.0):carolina_blue[2109][138,184,254](6.2):very_light_sapphire_blue[8786][158,182,255](6.7):jordy_blue[4780][138,185,241](6.8) 1 light:very:carolina:cobalt:jordy:perano:sapphire:blue +6501 pastel_blue rgb 174 198 207 hex #AEC6CF hsv 196 16 81 xyz 0.49 0.54 0.67 lab 78 -6 -7 lch 78 10 229 cmyk 13 4 0 19 PMS551[704][163,193,201](2.8):escape[3507][158,192,202](4.1):heather[4454][183,195,208](4.1):jungle_mist[4796][180,207,211](4.1):submarine[8104][186,199,201](4.6) 9 PMS551:escape:heather:jungle:mist:submarine +6502 pastel_brown rgb 130 105 83 hex #826953 hsv 28 36 51 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.1 lab 46 7 16 lch 46 17 68 cmyk 0 10 18 49 axis[1216][132,108,85](1.4):dark_taupe[2905][127,104,78](2.8):double_nullarbor[3220][125,102,75](3.7):donkey_brown[3168][129,110,92](4.1):ignition[4608][139,115,90](4.2) 10 dark:axis:donkey:double:ignition:nullarbor:taupe:brown +6503 pastel_brown rgb 131 105 83 hex #836953 hsv 28 37 51 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.1 lab 46 7 16 lch 46 18 67 cmyk 0 10 19 49 axis[1216][132,108,85](1.4):dark_taupe[2905][127,104,78](2.8):double_nullarbor[3220][125,102,75](3.7):donkey_brown[3168][129,110,92](4.1):ignition[4608][139,115,90](4.2) 10 dark:axis:donkey:double:ignition:nullarbor:taupe:brown +6504 pastel_green rgb 119 221 119 hex #77DD77 hsv 120 46 87 xyz 0.37 0.57 0.27 lab 80 -50 41 lch 80 65 141 cmyk 40 0 40 13 light_green[5113][139,231,139](7.5):very_light_malachite_green[8771][100,233,134](8.6):PMS360[434][96,198,89](9.0):light_green[5114][144,238,144](9.0):pale_green[6344][144,238,144](9.0) 0 pale:light:very:PMS360:malachite:green +6505 pastel_green rgb 176 255 157 hex #B0FF9D hsv 108 38 100 xyz 0.6 0.83 0.45 lab 93 -42 39 lch 93 57 137 cmyk 31 0 38 0 pale_light_green[6380][177,252,153](1.7):very_light_harlequin[8766][182,255,158](2.0):very_light_sap_green[8785][170,255,158](2.2):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](5.2):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](6.2) 3 pale:light:very:harlequin:pistachio:sap:green +6506 pastel_grey rgb 207 207 196 hex #CFCFC4 hsv 60 5 81 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.61 lab 83 -2 5 lch 83 6 110 cmyk 0 0 4 19 PMS441[525][209,209,198](1.0):PMS5527[709][206,209,198](1.0):celeste[2160][209,210,202](1.4):ivory[4697][205,205,193](1.4):eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](2.0) 81 PMS441:PMS5527:celeste:eighth:grass:ivory:lemon +6507 pastel_magenta rgb 244 154 194 hex #F49AC2 hsv 333 37 96 xyz 0.59 0.46 0.57 lab 74 39 -6 lch 74 39 351 cmyk 0 35 20 4 PMS230[188][255,160,204](4.1):very_light_raspberry[8783][255,158,194](4.1):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](4.2):illusion[4612][246,164,201](4.5):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](4.6) 7 light:very:PMS230:amaranth:ballerina:illusion:raspberry:pink +6508 pastel_orange rgb 255 150 79 hex #FF964F hsv 24 69 100 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.13 lab 72 34 53 lch 72 63 58 cmyk 0 41 69 0 orangeish[6225][253,141,73](3.7):faded_orange[3537][240,148,77](5.7):jaffa[4719][239,134,63](6.2):tan_hide[8231][250,157,90](6.5):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](6.8) 1 faded:flamenco:hide:jaffa:orangeish:tan:orange +6509 pastel_orange rgb 255 179 71 hex #FFB347 hsv 35 72 100 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.13 lab 78 18 64 lch 78 66 74 cmyk 0 30 72 0 butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](1.0):my_sin[5964][253,174,69](2.4):yellow_orange[9217][255,174,66](3.2):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](5.2):yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](5.2) 3 butterscotch:koromiko:my:sin:orange:yellow +6510 pastel_pink rgb 222 165 164 hex #DEA5A4 hsv 1 26 87 xyz 0.5 0.45 0.41 lab 73 21 9 lch 73 23 23 cmyk 0 22 23 13 PMS693[872][219,168,165](3.0):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](4.6):pale_chestnut[6324][221,173,175](4.7):rosy_brown[7326][205,155,155](4.9):rosybrown[7332][205,155,155](4.9) 5 pale:PMS693:chestnut:mamma:mia:rosy:rosybrown:brown +6511 pastel_pink rgb 255 186 205 hex #FFBACD hsv 343 27 100 xyz 0.7 0.61 0.66 lab 82 28 0 lch 82 28 1 cmyk 0 27 20 0 baby_pink[1244][255,183,206](1.4):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](3.2):cupid[2625][245,178,197](3.2):pink[6671][255,181,197](3.3):PMS203[161][242,175,193](4.2) 9 PMS203:baby:blossom:cherry:cupid:pink +6512 pastel_pink rgb 255 209 220 hex #FFD1DC hsv 346 18 100 xyz 0.77 0.72 0.78 lab 88 18 1 lch 88 18 2 cmyk 0 18 14 0 pale_pink[6406][255,207,220](1.4):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](2.0):pink_lace[6678][246,204,215](2.4):PMS517[638][244,204,216](3.5):pig_pink[6647][253,215,228](3.7) 6 pale:light:PMS517:lace:pig:pink +6513 pastel_purple rgb 179 158 181 hex #B39EB5 hsv 295 13 71 xyz 0.39 0.37 0.49 lab 68 12 -9 lch 68 15 323 cmyk 1 9 0 29 lilac_luster[5259][174,152,170](4.4):PMS666[845][168,147,173](4.6):london_hue[5336][174,148,171](4.6):heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](4.7):london_hue[5337][190,166,195](4.7) 6 PMS666:heliotrope:hue:lilac:london:luster:grey +6514 pastel_purple rgb 202 160 255 hex #CAA0FF hsv 267 37 100 xyz 0.55 0.45 1 lab 73 34 -41 lch 73 53 309 cmyk 21 37 0 0 very_light_violet[8795][207,158,255](2.0):lilac[5256][206,162,253](2.4):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](3.0):very_light_blue_violet[8750][194,158,255](3.0):pale_violet[6446][204,153,255](5.4) 4 pale:light:very:baby:lilac:blue:purple:violet +6515 pastel_red rgb 219 88 86 hex #DB5856 hsv 1 61 86 xyz 0.34 0.23 0.11 lab 55 51 28 lch 55 58 29 cmyk 0 51 52 14 valencia[8667][212,87,78](3.5):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](3.6):roman[7278][222,99,96](4.1):pale_red[6414][217,84,77](4.2):faded_red[3540][211,73,78](5.1) 4 pale:dark:coral:faded:roman:valencia:red +6516 pastel_red rgb 255 105 97 hex #FF6961 hsv 3 62 100 xyz 0.48 0.32 0.15 lab 64 57 34 lch 64 66 31 cmyk 0 59 62 0 PMS178[119][249,94,89](3.7):light_brilliant_red[5061][255,101,101](3.7):coral_pink[2504][255,97,99](4.7):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](5.0):indian_red[4637][255,106,106](5.0) 6 light:brilliant:PMS178:bittersweet:coral:indian:pink:red +6517 pastel_violet rgb 203 153 201 hex #CB99C9 hsv 302 25 80 xyz 0.47 0.4 0.6 lab 69 27 -17 lch 69 32 327 cmyk 0 20 1 20 light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](2.2):light_medium_orchid[5144][211,155,203](3.0):PMS2563[224][209,160,204](4.1):plum[6745][205,150,205](4.2):PMS529[662][206,163,211](4.4) 5 medium:light:PMS2563:PMS529:grayish:magenta:orchid:plum +6518 pastel_yellow rgb 253 253 150 hex #FDFD96 hsv 60 41 99 xyz 0.81 0.93 0.43 lab 97 -14 49 lch 97 51 106 cmyk 0 0 40 1 canary[2037][255,255,153](1.0):pale_canary[6318][255,255,153](1.0):creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](1.4):witch_haze[9161][255,252,153](1.4):very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](3.2) 10 pale:light:very:banane:canary:creme:de:haze:witch:yellow +6519 pastel_yellow rgb 255 254 113 hex #FFFE71 hsv 60 56 100 xyz 0.8 0.93 0.29 lab 97 -17 66 lch 97 68 105 cmyk 0 0 56 0 butter_yellow[1949][255,253,116](1.0):laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](2.0):unmellow_yellow[8653][253,252,116](2.0):custard[2630][255,253,120](3.2):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](4.0) 6 light:butter:custard:laser:unmellow:lemon:yellow +6520 patina rgb 99 146 131 hex #639283 hsv 161 32 57 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.25 lab 57 -19 3 lch 57 20 172 cmyk 18 0 6 43 wintergreen_dream[9148][86,136,125](4.5):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](5.1):PMS625[804][91,135,114](5.7):grey_teal[4225][94,155,138](5.8):viridian_green[8879][103,137,117](5.8) 1 PMS625:dream:greyish:teal:viridian:wintergreen:green:grey +6521 patina rgb 99 154 143 hex #639A8F hsv 168 36 60 xyz 0.22 0.28 0.3 lab 60 -21 0 lch 60 21 180 cmyk 22 0 4 40 dull_teal[3289][95,158,143](3.3):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](3.5):paradise[6480][106,156,149](3.7):grey_teal[4225][94,155,138](4.2):dusty_teal[3316][76,144,133](5.9) 4 dull:dusty:greyish:paradise:teal:grey +6522 patio_red rgb 109 51 49 hex #6D3331 hsv 2 55 43 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.04 lab 29 26 13 lch 29 29 28 cmyk 0 23 24 57 kenyan_copper[4831][108,50,46](2.2):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.4):fahrenheit[3542][103,46,43](2.4):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.4):cajun[2005][102,47,43](3.0) 16 burnt:cajun:copper:fahrenheit:kenyan:persian:plum:sienna +6523 patriarch rgb 128 0 128 hex #800080 hsv 300 100 50 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.21 lab 30 59 -36 lch 30 69 328 cmyk 0 50 0 50 purple[6863][128,0,128](0.0):web_purple[9039][128,0,128](0.0):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](3.0):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](5.8):magenta[5433][139,0,139](5.8) 3 dark:gras:magenta:mardi:web:purple +6524 patriot rgb 79 146 146 hex #4F9292 hsv 180 46 57 xyz 0.19 0.24 0.31 lab 56 -21 -7 lch 56 22 197 cmyk 26 0 0 43 dark_slate_grey[2890][82,139,139](3.0):half_baked[4285][85,143,147](3.2):blue_chill[1555][64,143,144](3.3):cadet[1975][95,158,160](5.1):cadet_blue[1979][95,158,160](5.1) 3 slate:dark:baked:cadet:chill:half:blue:grey +6525 pattens_blue rgb 211 229 239 hex #D3E5EF hsv 201 12 94 xyz 0.7 0.76 0.93 lab 90 -4 -7 lch 90 8 240 cmyk 11 4 0 6 dreamer[3268][211,229,239](0.0):azureish_white[1237][219,233,244](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](3.7):geyser[3849][212,223,226](4.6):very_pale_azure[8798][226,240,255](4.9) 7 pale:very:azureish:botticelli:dreamer:geyser:azure:white +6526 pattens_blue rgb 222 245 255 hex #DEF5FF hsv 198 13 100 xyz 0.81 0.88 1.07 lab 95 -6 -7 lch 95 9 233 cmyk 13 4 0 0 very_pale_cerulean[8801][226,248,255](1.4):mabel[5419][217,247,255](2.0):oyster_bay[6282][218,250,255](3.3):lily_white[5263][231,248,255](3.5):azureish_white[1237][219,233,244](4.2) 8 pale:very:azureish:bay:cerulean:lily:mabel:oyster:white +6527 paua rgb 38 3 104 hex #260368 hsv 261 97 41 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.13 lab 12 41 -50 lch 12 65 309 cmyk 26 40 0 59 paris_m[6489][38,5,106](1.0):christalle[2314][51,3,107](4.1):deep_violet[3077][51,0,102](4.1):arapawa[1135][17,12,108](5.0):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](5.1) 4 deep:PMS2755:arapawa:christalle:m:paris:violet +6528 paua rgb 42 37 81 hex #2A2551 hsv 247 54 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 18 15 -26 lch 18 30 300 cmyk 15 17 0 68 hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](0.0):style_pasifika_purple_deep[8089][42,37,81](0.0):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](3.2):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](3.7):dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](3.7) 10 deep:dark:PMS5255:blast:hip:hop:off:pasifika:phthalo:style:blue:purple +6529 pavlova rgb 186 171 135 hex #BAAB87 hsv 42 27 73 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.29 lab 70 0 21 lch 70 21 91 cmyk 0 6 20 27 putty[6909][190,174,138](2.0):navarone[5991][185,165,132](2.4):quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](2.4):chino[2296][184,173,138](3.0):toi[8399][183,173,139](3.0) 22 chino:colins:navarone:putty:quarter:toi:wicket +6530 pavlova rgb 215 196 152 hex #D7C498 hsv 42 29 84 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.38 lab 80 0 25 lch 80 25 90 cmyk 0 7 25 16 smooth_cream[7800][218,199,156](1.4):quarter_putty[6984][224,203,159](2.2):PMS466[563][209,191,145](2.4):saloon[7436][213,191,152](3.5):straw[8003][212,191,141](3.6) 20 PMS466:cream:putty:quarter:saloon:smooth:straw +6531 payne's_grey rgb 83 104 120 hex #536878 hsv 206 31 47 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.2 lab 43 -4 -11 lch 43 12 252 cmyk 15 6 0 53 dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](0.0):payne_grey[6532][83,104,120](0.0):slate[7755][81,101,114](1.4):cadet[1974][83,104,114](3.2):blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](3.3) 10 slate:dark:bayoux:cadet:electric:payne:blue:grey +6532 payne_grey rgb 83 104 120 hex #536878 hsv 206 31 47 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.2 lab 43 -4 -11 lch 43 12 252 cmyk 15 6 0 53 dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](0.0):payne's_grey[6531][83,104,120](0.0):slate[7755][81,101,114](1.4):cadet[1974][83,104,114](3.2):blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](3.3) 10 slate:dark:bayoux:cadet:electric:payne's:blue:grey +6533 pea rgb 164 191 32 hex #A4BF20 hsv 70 83 75 xyz 0.34 0.45 0.08 lab 73 -28 69 lch 73 74 112 cmyk 11 0 62 25 bahia[1258][169,192,28](1.7):gross_green[4237][160,191,22](2.2):citrus[2347][159,183,10](3.3):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](4.1):booger_green[1652][150,180,3](4.2) 5 bahia:booger:bright:citrus:gross:olive:green +6534 pea_green rgb 142 171 18 hex #8EAB12 hsv 71 89 67 xyz 0.26 0.35 0.06 lab 66 -28 65 lch 66 71 114 cmyk 11 0 60 33 sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](2.2):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](3.3):barf_green[1296][148,172,2](3.6):vomit_green[8972][137,162,3](3.6):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](3.7) 7 barf:icky:impromptu:sickly:vomit:green +6535 pea_soup rgb 146 153 1 hex #929901 hsv 63 99 60 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.04 lab 61 -18 64 lch 61 66 106 cmyk 3 0 60 40 PMS384[461][147,153,5](1.4):baby_poop_green[1247][143,152,5](1.7):PMS391[468][158,158,7](3.7):vomit[8971][162,164,21](4.6):citron[2346][158,169,31](5.5) 4 PMS384:PMS391:baby:citron:poop:vomit:green +6536 pea_soup rgb 185 184 128 hex #B9B880 hsv 59 31 73 xyz 0.41 0.46 0.27 lab 74 -8 29 lch 74 30 106 cmyk 0 0 22 27 quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](2.4):misty_moss[5787][187,180,119](3.3):nirvana[6060][195,191,139](3.7):yuma[9242][199,184,130](5.1):pine_glade[6656][189,192,126](5.4) 3 misty:crisp:glade:moss:nirvana:pine:quarter:yuma:green +6537 pea_soup rgb 207 229 210 hex #CFE5D2 hsv 128 10 90 xyz 0.65 0.74 0.72 lab 89 -11 7 lch 89 13 148 cmyk 9 0 7 10 surf_crest[8160][207,229,210](0.0):PMS573[743][204,229,214](2.0):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](3.0):PMS566[736][209,226,211](3.7):zanah[9248][218,236,214](3.7) 14 PMS566:PMS573:crest:peppermint:surf:zanah +6538 pea_soup_green rgb 148 166 23 hex #94A617 hsv 68 86 65 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.06 lab 65 -23 63 lch 65 67 110 cmyk 7 0 56 35 limelight[5286][153,173,37](2.4):citron[2346][158,169,31](3.2):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](3.7):vomit_green[8972][137,162,3](4.1):strong_apple_green[8017][147,168,0](4.5) 5 strong:apple:citron:impromptu:limelight:vomit:green +6539 peach rgb 251 229 194 hex #FBE5C2 hsv 37 23 98 xyz 0.78 0.8 0.62 lab 92 2 20 lch 92 20 84 cmyk 0 9 22 2 pale_gamboge[6335][255,232,194](1.4):givry[3867][248,228,191](1.7):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.0):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.2):sandy_beach[7475][255,234,200](2.2) 37 pale:beach:bisque:egg:gamboge:givry:sandy:sour +6540 peach rgb 255 176 124 hex #FFB07C hsv 24 51 100 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.26 lab 78 23 38 lch 78 45 59 cmyk 0 31 51 0 very_light_tangelo[8791][255,176,119](3.0):tacao[8202][246,174,120](3.2):PMS1565[80][252,165,119](5.1):hit_pink[4515][255,171,129](5.1):macaroni_and_cheese[5421][255,185,123](5.4) 2 light:very:PMS1565:and:cheese:hit:macaroni:tacao:tangelo:pink +6541 peach rgb 255 203 164 hex #FFCBA4 hsv 26 36 100 xyz 0.69 0.67 0.44 lab 85 13 26 lch 85 30 63 cmyk 0 20 36 0 deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](0.0):flesh[3687][255,203,164](0.0):PMS713[892][249,201,163](1.7):PMS473[578][244,196,160](2.4):romantic[7284][255,198,158](3.0) 9 deep:PMS473:PMS713:flesh:romantic:peach +6542 peach rgb 255 207 171 hex #FFCFAB hsv 26 33 100 xyz 0.71 0.69 0.48 lab 86 12 24 lch 86 27 64 cmyk 0 19 33 0 PMS713[892][249,201,163](2.2):deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](2.4):flesh[3687][255,203,164](2.4):PMS712[891][255,211,170](3.0):PMS473[578][244,196,160](3.2) 14 deep:PMS473:PMS712:PMS713:flesh:peach +6543 peach rgb 255 229 180 hex #FFE5B4 hsv 39 29 100 xyz 0.77 0.81 0.55 lab 92 2 27 lch 92 27 86 cmyk 0 10 29 0 moccasin[5802][255,228,181](1.0):peach_yellow[6553][250,223,173](2.2):wheat[9069][255,231,186](2.2):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](3.0):banana_mania[1278][251,231,178](3.2) 20 banana:mania:moccasin:wheat:peach:yellow +6544 peach rgb 255 240 219 hex #FFF0DB hsv 35 14 100 xyz 0.85 0.89 0.8 lab 95 2 12 lch 95 12 82 cmyk 0 6 14 0 antique_white[1071][255,239,219](0.0):peach_cream[6545][255,240,219](0.0):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](1.0):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.0):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](1.0) 52 antique:cream:derby:moccasin:peach:white +6545 peach_cream rgb 255 240 219 hex #FFF0DB hsv 35 14 100 xyz 0.85 0.89 0.8 lab 95 2 12 lch 95 12 82 cmyk 0 6 14 0 antique_white[1071][255,239,219](0.0):peach[6544][255,240,219](0.0):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](1.0):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.0):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](1.0) 52 antique:derby:moccasin:peach:white +6546 peach_orange rgb 255 204 153 hex #FFCC99 hsv 30 40 100 xyz 0.69 0.67 0.39 lab 85 11 32 lch 85 34 70 cmyk 0 20 40 0 very_light_orange[8775][255,207,158](1.7):manhattan[5508][245,201,153](3.0):PMS149[66][252,204,147](3.2):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](4.1):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](4.1) 9 light:very:PMS149:burly:burlywood:manhattan:wood:orange +6547 peach_puff rgb 139 119 101 hex #8B7765 hsv 28 27 55 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.15 lab 51 5 13 lch 51 14 69 cmyk 0 8 15 45 peachpuff[6554][139,119,101](0.0):triple_malta[8499][140,118,98](1.0):cement[2169][141,118,98](1.4):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.2):donkey_brown[3168][129,110,92](3.0) 23 cement:donkey:dune:malta:peachpuff:sand:triple:brown +6548 peach_puff rgb 205 175 149 hex #CDAF95 hsv 28 27 80 xyz 0.46 0.46 0.35 lab 73 7 17 lch 73 19 68 cmyk 0 12 22 20 peachpuff[6555][205,175,149](0.0):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](2.0):PMS4735[579][204,175,155](3.0):quarter_kalgoorie_sands[6961][205,170,143](3.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](3.0) 14 PMS4735:cashmere:dust:kalgoorie:peachpuff:quarter:rodeo:sands +6549 peach_puff rgb 238 203 173 hex #EECBAD hsv 28 27 93 xyz 0.64 0.64 0.48 lab 84 8 20 lch 84 21 68 cmyk 0 14 25 7 peachpuff[6556][238,203,173](0.0):pancho[6466][237,205,171](2.2):PMS474[580][244,204,170](2.4):PMS719[898][244,209,175](2.4):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](2.4) 15 PMS474:PMS719:desert:pancho:peachpuff:sand +6550 peach_puff rgb 255 218 185 hex #FFDAB9 hsv 28 27 100 xyz 0.75 0.75 0.56 lab 89 8 21 lch 89 23 69 cmyk 0 15 27 0 apricot[1091][253,217,181](1.4):sandy_beach[7474][254,219,183](1.4):PMS475[582][247,211,181](2.2):feldspar[3573][253,213,177](2.4):light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](2.4) 16 light:PMS475:apricot:beach:feldspar:sandy +6551 peach_schnapps rgb 198 128 89 hex #C68059 hsv 21 55 78 xyz 0.33 0.28 0.13 lab 60 23 32 lch 60 40 54 cmyk 0 27 43 22 burning_sand[1922][208,131,99](4.1):florentine_pink[3695][208,131,99](4.1):light_salmon[5188][205,129,98](4.4):antique_brass[1061][200,138,101](5.8):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](6.2) 3 antique:light:brass:burning:florentine:salmon:sand:whiskey:pink +6552 peach_schnapps rgb 255 220 214 hex #FFDCD6 hsv 9 16 100 xyz 0.79 0.77 0.74 lab 90 11 7 lch 90 13 34 cmyk 0 14 16 0 coral_candy[2501][255,220,214](0.0):PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.0):marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](2.2):pippin[6713][252,219,210](2.2):PMS503[617][244,209,204](3.0) 25 PMS503:PMS705:candy:coral:marshmallow:pippin +6553 peach_yellow rgb 250 223 173 hex #FADFAD hsv 39 31 98 xyz 0.73 0.76 0.5 lab 90 2 28 lch 90 28 86 cmyk 0 11 30 2 PMS155[77][244,219,170](2.2):peach[6543][255,229,180](2.2):triple_dutch_white[8491][243,218,169](2.2):moccasin[5802][255,228,181](2.8):navajo_white[5990][255,222,173](3.0) 30 PMS155:dutch:moccasin:navajo:triple:peach:white +6554 peachpuff rgb 139 119 101 hex #8B7765 hsv 28 27 55 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.15 lab 51 5 13 lch 51 14 69 cmyk 0 8 15 45 peach_puff[6547][139,119,101](0.0):triple_malta[8499][140,118,98](1.0):cement[2169][141,118,98](1.4):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.2):donkey_brown[3168][129,110,92](3.0) 23 cement:donkey:dune:malta:puff:sand:triple:brown:peach +6555 peachpuff rgb 205 175 149 hex #CDAF95 hsv 28 27 80 xyz 0.46 0.46 0.35 lab 73 7 17 lch 73 19 68 cmyk 0 12 22 20 peach_puff[6548][205,175,149](0.0):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](2.0):PMS4735[579][204,175,155](3.0):quarter_kalgoorie_sands[6961][205,170,143](3.0):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](3.0) 14 PMS4735:cashmere:dust:kalgoorie:puff:quarter:rodeo:sands:peach +6556 peachpuff rgb 238 203 173 hex #EECBAD hsv 28 27 93 xyz 0.64 0.64 0.48 lab 84 8 20 lch 84 21 68 cmyk 0 14 25 7 peach_puff[6549][238,203,173](0.0):pancho[6466][237,205,171](2.2):PMS474[580][244,204,170](2.4):PMS719[898][244,209,175](2.4):desert_sand[3104][237,201,175](2.4) 15 PMS474:PMS719:desert:pancho:puff:sand:peach +6557 peachy_pink rgb 255 154 138 hex #FF9A8A hsv 8 46 100 xyz 0.57 0.46 0.3 lab 74 36 25 lch 74 44 34 cmyk 0 40 46 0 mona_lisa[5862][255,152,137](1.4):vivid_tangerine[8956][255,160,137](3.7):vivid_tangerine[8955][255,153,128](4.1):mona_lisa[5863][255,161,148](5.1):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](7.7) 3 light:vivid:lisa:mona:salmon:tangerine +6558 peacock rgb 51 161 201 hex #33A1C9 hsv 196 75 79 xyz 0.25 0.3 0.6 lab 62 -17 -29 lch 62 34 239 cmyk 59 16 0 21 pacific_blue[6290][0,157,196](3.7):shakespeare[7633][78,171,209](4.2):PMS306_2X[343][0,163,209](4.5):PMS639[818][0,160,196](5.2):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](5.4) 3 2X:PMS306:PMS639:bright:cerulean:pacific:shakespeare:blue +6559 peacock_blue rgb 1 103 149 hex #016795 hsv 199 99 58 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.3 lab 41 -7 -32 lch 41 33 257 cmyk 58 18 0 42 sea_blue[7549][0,105,148](2.4):bahama_blue[1255][2,99,149](3.0):yeehaa[9192][0,108,152](3.0):captain_cook[2068][0,104,155](3.3):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](3.6) 6 PMS3015:bahama:captain:cook:sea:yeehaa:blue +6560 peanut rgb 120 47 22 hex #782F16 hsv 15 82 47 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.01 lab 30 30 31 lch 30 44 46 cmyk 0 29 38 53 mocha[5804][120,45,25](3.0):red_robin[7139][128,52,31](3.5):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](4.5):PMS168[104][109,48,17](5.4):hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](5.4) 3 PMS168:hairy:heath:mocha:pueblo:robin:red +6561 peanut rgb 122 68 52 hex #7A4434 hsv 14 57 48 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.04 lab 35 22 20 lch 35 29 43 cmyk 0 21 27 52 cumin[2621][120,68,48](2.8):copper_canyon[2479][119,66,44](3.3):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](3.5):crown_of_thorns[2607][118,60,51](4.1):warm_kwila[9001][117,58,42](4.1) 11 canyon:copper:crown:cumin:kwila:nutmeg:of:thorns:warm +6562 pear rgb 203 248 95 hex #CBF85F hsv 78 62 97 xyz 0.6 0.81 0.23 lab 92 -36 67 lch 92 76 118 cmyk 18 0 60 3 light_brilliant_lime_green[5048][216,255,101](3.7):light_brilliant_spring_bud[5067][197,255,101](5.5):dark_olive_green[2818][202,255,112](5.7):brilliant_lime_green[1785][194,231,81](5.9):inch_worm[4623][178,236,93](8.1) 1 light:dark:brilliant:bud:inch:olive:spring:worm:green:lime +6563 pear rgb 209 226 49 hex #D1E231 hsv 66 78 89 xyz 0.54 0.68 0.13 lab 86 -26 77 lch 86 81 109 cmyk 7 0 69 11 sickly_yellow[7687][208,228,41](2.4):PMS381[457][204,226,38](2.8):PMS380[456][214,229,66](4.6):PMS387[464][224,237,68](4.9):bitter_lemon[1441][210,219,50](4.9) 7 PMS380:PMS381:PMS387:bitter:sickly:lemon:yellow +6564 pearl rgb 230 204 154 hex #E6CC9A hsv 39 33 90 xyz 0.6 0.62 0.39 lab 83 2 28 lch 83 28 86 cmyk 0 10 30 10 chamois[2204][230,204,154](0.0):chamois[2205][232,205,154](1.4):dairy_cream[2655][237,210,164](3.0):hampton[4417][232,212,162](3.0):navajo_white[5989][238,207,161](3.0) 15 chamois:cream:dairy:hampton:navajo:white +6565 pearl rgb 234 224 200 hex #EAE0C8 hsv 42 15 92 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.65 lab 89 -1 13 lch 89 13 92 cmyk 0 4 13 8 eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](0.0):pearl_lusta[6570][234,224,200](0.0):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](1.4):orange_white[6221][234,227,205](1.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2) 66 PMS454:double:eighth:lusta:pavlova:pearl:villa:orange:white +6566 pearl_aqua rgb 136 216 192 hex #88D8C0 hsv 162 37 85 xyz 0.44 0.58 0.59 lab 81 -30 4 lch 81 30 172 cmyk 31 0 9 15 renew[7184][140,215,197](3.6):riptide[7232][137,217,200](3.6):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](3.7):bermuda[1393][125,216,198](4.2):seafoam_blue[7577][120,209,182](4.4) 8 PMS3248:bermuda:renew:riptide:seafoam:blue +6567 pearl_bush rgb 222 209 198 hex #DED1C6 hsv 28 11 87 xyz 0.63 0.65 0.63 lab 85 3 7 lch 85 8 69 cmyk 0 5 9 13 PMS434[518][224,209,198](0.0):half_sandspit_brown[4379][218,210,198](2.0):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](2.4):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](2.4):swirl[8187][215,206,197](2.4) 67 PMS434:PMS5245:dawn:half:sandspit:swirl:brown:pink +6568 pearl_bush rgb 232 224 213 hex #E8E0D5 hsv 35 8 91 xyz 0.72 0.75 0.74 lab 90 1 6 lch 90 6 82 cmyk 0 3 7 9 half_blanc[4296][229,222,212](1.0):spring_wood[7932][233,225,217](1.0):double_merino[3216][237,228,216](1.4):half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.4):pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.4) 128 albescent:blanc:double:half:merino:pampas:spring:wood:white +6569 pearl_lavender rgb 216 201 189 hex #D8C9BD hsv 27 13 85 xyz 0.58 0.6 0.57 lab 82 3 8 lch 82 9 68 cmyk 0 6 11 15 half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](2.4):swirl[8187][215,206,197](2.4):PMS406[490][206,193,181](3.0):blanc[1494][217,208,193](3.0):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](3.0) 56 PMS406:biscotti:blanc:eighth:half:napa:swirl +6570 pearl_lusta rgb 234 224 200 hex #EAE0C8 hsv 42 15 92 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.65 lab 89 -1 13 lch 89 13 92 cmyk 0 4 13 8 eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](0.0):pearl[6565][234,224,200](0.0):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](1.4):orange_white[6221][234,227,205](1.4):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2) 66 PMS454:double:eighth:pavlova:pearl:villa:orange:white +6571 pearl_lusta rgb 252 244 220 hex #FCF4DC hsv 45 13 99 xyz 0.85 0.91 0.81 lab 96 -1 13 lch 96 13 96 cmyk 0 3 13 1 half_spanish_white[4390][254,244,219](0.0):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](1.0):early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.0):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.0):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.4) 67 bleach:dawn:early:egg:half:off:sour:spanish:white:yellow +6572 pearly_purple rgb 183 104 162 hex #B768A2 hsv 316 43 72 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.37 lab 55 40 -18 lch 55 43 336 cmyk 0 31 8 28 sky_magenta[7751][207,113,175](7.1):super_pink[8152][207,107,169](8.6):blue_violet[1597][159,95,159](8.8):PMS2573[228][186,124,188](9.3):purpleish[6890][152,86,141](9.9) 0 PMS2573:magenta:purpleish:sky:super:blue:pink:violet +6573 peat rgb 113 107 86 hex #716B56 hsv 47 24 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.11 lab 45 -1 13 lch 45 13 96 cmyk 0 2 11 56 crocodile[2604][115,109,88](1.0):double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](1.4):socrates[7822][113,109,89](1.7):coffee[2420][114,103,81](2.4):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](2.4) 22 arrowtown:coffee:crocodile:double:socrates +6574 peat rgb 118 109 82 hex #766D52 hsv 45 31 46 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.1 lab 46 -1 16 lch 46 16 94 cmyk 0 4 14 54 lichen[4991][122,112,85](1.0):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](2.4):go_ben[3883][114,109,78](2.8):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](3.0):strobe[8012][121,115,92](3.0) 17 ben:crocodile:go:lichen:strobe +6575 pebble_grey rgb 180 179 164 hex #B4B3A4 hsv 56 9 71 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.42 lab 73 -2 8 lch 73 8 107 cmyk 0 0 6 29 bone_white[1648][184,183,166](1.7):eighth_arrowtown[3385][186,181,168](1.7):mist_grey[5784][186,185,169](2.0):PMS414[497][181,175,160](2.2):eighth_stonewall[3423][178,173,158](2.2) 54 PMS414:arrowtown:bone:eighth:mist:stonewall:grey:white +6576 peekablue rgb 172 185 232 hex #ACB9E8 hsv 227 26 91 xyz 0.49 0.49 0.83 lab 76 6 -25 lch 76 26 283 cmyk 24 18 0 9 perano[6585][172,185,232](0.0):perano[6584][169,190,242](3.3):pale_light_grayish_blue[6359][184,184,231](4.5):PMS658[837][165,175,214](5.7):bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](6.4) 3 pale:light:PMS658:bauhaus:grayish:perano:blue +6577 pelorous rgb 37 153 178 hex #2599B2 hsv 191 79 70 xyz 0.2 0.26 0.46 lab 58 -22 -22 lch 58 31 224 cmyk 55 10 0 30 eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](2.4):PMS313[353][0,153,181](2.8):blue[1532][0,147,175](3.0):blue_green[1566][25,158,189](3.6):strong_arctic_blue[8019][0,147,168](4.1) 7 strong:PMS313:arctic:eastern:blue:green +6578 pelorous rgb 62 171 191 hex #3EABBF hsv 189 68 75 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.54 lab 65 -24 -19 lch 65 31 218 cmyk 51 8 0 25 viking[8838][77,177,200](3.0):PMS631[810][84,183,198](5.1):PMS312[351][0,173,198](5.7):PMS632[811][0,160,186](5.7):aquarius[1125][67,168,197](5.7) 1 PMS312:PMS631:PMS632:aquarius:viking +6579 pencarrow rgb 227 191 126 hex #E3BF7E hsv 39 44 89 xyz 0.54 0.55 0.28 lab 79 4 38 lch 79 38 83 cmyk 0 14 40 11 chalky[2199][223,194,129](3.0):harvest_gold[4429][224,185,116](3.0):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](3.3):sandbar[7462][226,195,133](3.3):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](3.6) 12 chalky:gold:harvest:honey:manuka:new:orleans:sandbar +6580 pendragon rgb 178 114 62 hex #B2723E hsv 27 65 70 xyz 0.25 0.22 0.07 lab 54 20 39 lch 54 44 62 cmyk 0 25 45 30 clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](1.0):bungy[1903][172,113,60](2.4):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](3.3):oregon[6248][177,108,57](3.6):bourbon[1682][175,108,62](4.1) 8 bourbon:bungy:clay:oregon:pumpkin:brown +6581 peppermint rgb 215 231 208 hex #D7E7D0 hsv 102 10 91 xyz 0.68 0.76 0.71 lab 90 -9 9 lch 90 13 135 cmyk 6 0 9 9 frostee[3782][219,229,210](2.2):zanah[9248][218,236,214](2.2):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](3.0):pea_soup[6537][207,229,210](3.0):surf_crest[8160][207,229,210](3.0) 15 crest:frostee:kidnapper:pea:soup:surf:zanah +6582 peppermint rgb 227 245 225 hex #E3F5E1 hsv 114 8 96 xyz 0.78 0.87 0.84 lab 95 -9 8 lch 95 12 141 cmyk 7 0 8 4 cloud_nine[2383][235,247,228](2.2):panache[6464][235,247,228](2.2):tara[8251][222,241,221](2.2):frostee[3783][228,246,231](3.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](3.3) 20 cloud:frosted:frostee:nine:panache:tara:mint +6583 pepperwood rgb 84 47 39 hex #542F27 hsv 11 54 33 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 24 16 12 lch 24 20 38 cmyk 0 15 18 67 jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](1.7):dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](2.2):moccaccino[5799][88,47,43](2.4):redwood[7161][91,52,46](2.4):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](3.2) 15 dark:jarrah:moccaccino:oak:redwood:scarlet:stain +6584 perano rgb 169 190 242 hex #A9BEF2 hsv 223 30 95 xyz 0.51 0.52 0.91 lab 77 5 -28 lch 77 28 279 cmyk 29 20 0 5 peekablue[6576][172,185,232](3.3):pastel_blue[6500][162,191,254](6.0):very_light_cobalt_blue[8755][158,194,255](6.4):light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](6.5):pale_phthalo_blue[6402][194,201,255](6.5) 1 pale:light:very:cobalt:pastel:peekablue:periwinkle:phthalo:blue +6585 perano rgb 172 185 232 hex #ACB9E8 hsv 227 26 91 xyz 0.49 0.49 0.83 lab 76 6 -25 lch 76 26 283 cmyk 24 18 0 9 peekablue[6576][172,185,232](0.0):pale_light_grayish_blue[6359][184,184,231](4.5):PMS658[837][165,175,214](5.7):bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](6.4):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](6.5) 2 pale:light:PMS2717:PMS658:bauhaus:grayish:peekablue:blue +6586 perfect_taupe rgb 170 159 148 hex #AA9F94 hsv 30 13 67 xyz 0.34 0.35 0.33 lab 66 2 7 lch 66 7 74 cmyk 0 4 9 33 bronco[1818][171,161,150](1.0):zorba[9276][165,155,145](1.0):double_truffle[3251][165,159,147](2.0):viaduct[8828][169,159,151](2.0):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](2.2) 44 bronco:double:rockbottom:truffle:viaduct:zorba +6587 perfume rgb 194 169 219 hex #C2A9DB hsv 270 23 86 xyz 0.49 0.45 0.73 lab 73 18 -22 lch 73 29 310 cmyk 10 20 0 14 PMS264[253][198,170,219](1.4):PMS2635[252][201,173,216](4.1):pale_light_grayish_violet[6379][208,184,231](5.5):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](6.2):pale_light_grayish_indigo[6368][196,184,231](6.4) 2 pale:light:PMS2635:PMS264:PMS2705:grayish:indigo:violet +6588 perfume rgb 208 190 248 hex #D0BEF8 hsv 259 23 97 xyz 0.61 0.57 0.97 lab 80 18 -26 lch 80 32 304 cmyk 16 23 0 3 pale_indigo[6352][209,194,255](2.4):pale_blue_violet[6315][217,194,255](3.0):light_lavender[5133][223,197,254](3.7):pale_persian_blue[6401][201,194,255](4.4):melrose[5669][199,193,255](5.0) 6 pale:light:melrose:persian:blue:indigo:lavender:violet +6589 peridot rgb 230 226 0 hex #E6E200 hsv 59 100 90 xyz 0.6 0.71 0.11 lab 88 -18 87 lch 88 88 102 cmyk 0 2 90 10 titanium_yellow[8378][238,230,0](1.7):PMS3945[473][239,234,7](2.2):vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](2.4):PMS396[476][224,226,12](3.0):PMS3955[475][237,226,17](3.2) 9 vivid:PMS3945:PMS3955:PMS396:titanium:yellow +6590 periglacial_blue rgb 172 182 178 hex #ACB6B2 hsv 156 5 71 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.49 lab 73 -4 1 lch 73 4 169 cmyk 4 0 2 29 emerge[3472][173,186,181](1.4):hermitage[4473][177,185,180](1.4):loblolly[5318][179,187,183](2.0):quarter_stack[6998][175,178,175](2.2):PMS5507[703][175,186,178](2.4) 33 PMS5507:emerge:hermitage:loblolly:quarter:stack +6591 periglacial_blue rgb 225 230 214 hex #E1E6D6 hsv 79 7 90 xyz 0.71 0.77 0.75 lab 91 -4 7 lch 91 8 122 cmyk 2 0 6 10 light_yellowish_grey[5242][231,231,218](2.2):half_secrets[4382][230,228,213](2.4):linen[5292][230,228,212](2.4):satin_linen[7504][230,228,212](2.4):green_white[4069][232,235,224](3.0) 84 light:half:linen:satin:secrets:yellowish:green:grey:white +6592 periwinkle rgb 142 130 254 hex #8E82FE hsv 246 49 100 xyz 0.37 0.29 0.97 lab 61 35 -61 lch 61 70 300 cmyk 44 49 0 0 lavender_blue[4933][139,136,248](7.9):cornflower[2528][106,121,247](8.1):medium_purple[5634][171,130,255](8.3):medium_purple[5633][159,121,238](8.8):light_brilliant_phthalo_blue[5056][101,120,255](10.5) 0 medium:light:brilliant:cornflower:phthalo:blue:lavender:purple +6593 periwinkle rgb 197 208 230 hex #C5D0E6 hsv 220 14 90 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.84 lab 83 1 -12 lch 83 12 273 cmyk 13 9 0 10 periwinkle_grey[6597][195,205,230](1.7):PMS657[836][193,201,221](2.2):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](3.0):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](4.1):sweetwaters[8185][195,209,223](4.2) 11 light:PMS2707:PMS657:periwinkle:sweetwaters:blue:grey +6594 periwinkle rgb 204 204 255 hex #CCCCFF hsv 240 20 100 xyz 0.65 0.63 1.03 lab 84 10 -25 lch 84 27 292 cmyk 20 20 0 0 lavender_blue[4934][204,204,255](0.0):pale_phthalo_blue[6402][194,201,255](3.0):light_periwinkle[5166][193,198,252](3.6):fog[3711][215,208,255](3.7):pale_sapphire_blue[6423][194,209,255](5.1) 4 pale:light:fog:periwinkle:phthalo:sapphire:blue:lavender +6595 periwinkle rgb 236 214 183 hex #ECD6B7 hsv 35 22 93 xyz 0.67 0.69 0.55 lab 87 3 18 lch 87 18 81 cmyk 0 9 21 7 bisque[1433][238,213,183](1.0):PMS726[905][237,211,181](1.4):enchante[3479][238,213,186](2.2):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](2.2):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.4) 29 PMS726:bisque:champagne:enchante:half:haystack +6596 periwinkle_blue rgb 143 153 251 hex #8F99FB hsv 234 43 98 xyz 0.4 0.36 0.96 lab 66 21 -50 lch 66 54 293 cmyk 42 38 0 2 very_light_blue[8748][158,158,255](4.1):light_blue[5011][139,139,231](5.9):perrywinkle[6602][143,140,231](6.0):very_light_persian_blue[8777][170,158,255](7.1):light_persian_blue[5167][150,139,231](7.5) 1 light:very:perrywinkle:persian:blue +6597 periwinkle_grey rgb 195 205 230 hex #C3CDE6 hsv 223 15 90 xyz 0.59 0.61 0.84 lab 82 2 -13 lch 82 14 277 cmyk 14 10 0 10 periwinkle[6593][197,208,230](1.7):PMS657[836][193,201,221](2.4):heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](3.7):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](3.7):fairytale[3547][198,196,219](4.1) 9 light:PMS657:fairytale:heartbreaker:periwinkle:blue:grey +6598 permanent_geranium_lake rgb 225 44 44 hex #E12C2C hsv 360 80 88 xyz 0.32 0.18 0.04 lab 49 67 46 lch 49 81 34 cmyk 0 71 71 12 brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](1.7):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](2.2):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](3.0):trubridge_red[8542][237,60,52](4.1):venetian_red[8693][212,26,31](4.5) 6 deep:PMS1795:lake:madder:trubridge:venetian:brown:red +6599 permanent_green rgb 10 201 43 hex #0AC92B hsv 130 95 79 xyz 0.21 0.42 0.09 lab 71 -70 62 lch 71 93 139 cmyk 75 0 62 21 vivid_malachite[8925][0,204,51](2.4):PMS802_2X[915][28,206,40](3.0):lime_green[5272][50,205,50](3.7):harlequin_green[4424][70,203,24](8.5):green[4026][0,205,0](9.5) 3 vivid:2X:PMS802:harlequin:malachite:green:lime +6600 permanent_green rgb 37 68 47 hex #25442F hsv 139 46 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.03 lab 26 -17 9 lch 26 19 152 cmyk 12 0 8 73 botanic[1667][33,64,43](2.0):everglade[3525][28,64,46](3.0):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](3.3):bush[1945][37,70,54](3.3):everglade[3526][38,67,52](3.6) 12 botanic:bottle:bush:everglade:green +6601 permanent_red_violet rgb 219 38 69 hex #DB2645 hsv 350 83 86 xyz 0.31 0.17 0.07 lab 48 68 29 lch 48 74 23 cmyk 0 71 59 14 PMS199[157][216,28,63](2.4):rusty_red[7392][218,44,67](2.8):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](4.4):amaranth[1026][229,43,80](4.7):carmine[2095][215,0,64](5.0) 6 PMS199:amaranth:carmine:rusty:utah:crimson:red +6602 perrywinkle rgb 143 140 231 hex #8F8CE7 hsv 242 39 91 xyz 0.35 0.3 0.8 lab 62 23 -46 lch 62 51 296 cmyk 35 36 0 9 light_blue[5011][139,139,231](1.7):light_persian_blue[5167][150,139,231](2.2):chetwode_blue[2277][133,129,217](4.1):light_indigo[5129][162,139,231](5.5):periwinkle_blue[6596][143,153,251](6.0) 3 light:chetwode:periwinkle:persian:blue:indigo +6603 persian_blue rgb 28 57 187 hex #1C39BB hsv 229 85 73 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.48 lab 31 39 -70 lch 31 81 299 cmyk 62 51 0 27 blue[1537][34,66,199](4.6):ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](5.8):international_klein_blue[4660][0,47,167](6.2):strong_sapphire_blue[8056][0,42,168](6.4):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](6.8) 1 strong:bay:governor:international:klein:sapphire:ua:blue +6604 persian_green rgb 0 166 147 hex #00A693 hsv 173 100 65 xyz 0.19 0.29 0.32 lab 61 -41 0 lch 61 41 181 cmyk 65 0 7 35 strong_opal[8044][0,168,147](1.4):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](3.6):niagara[6045][6,161,137](3.6):origin[6253][0,156,138](3.6):PMS3268[380][0,175,153](3.7) 9 strong:2X:PMS3268:PMS808:niagara:opal:origin +6605 persian_indigo rgb 50 18 122 hex #32127A hsv 258 85 48 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.19 lab 18 41 -52 lch 18 67 308 cmyk 28 41 0 52 PMS273[279][56,25,122](4.1):windsor[9132][60,8,120](4.1):blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](4.6):deep_koamaru[3003][27,18,123](4.6):christalle[2314][51,3,107](5.4) 4 deep:PMS273:christalle:diamond:koamaru:windsor:blue +6606 persian_orange rgb 217 144 88 hex #D99058 hsv 26 59 85 xyz 0.4 0.35 0.14 lab 66 22 41 lch 66 46 62 cmyk 0 29 51 15 PMS722[901][209,142,84](2.2):di_serria[3117][212,145,93](3.6):di_serria[3118][219,153,94](3.6):whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](3.6):whiskey_sour[9076][219,153,94](3.6) 6 PMS722:di:serria:sour:whiskey +6607 persian_pink rgb 247 127 190 hex #F77FBE hsv 329 49 97 xyz 0.55 0.39 0.53 lab 69 53 -12 lch 69 54 347 cmyk 0 47 22 3 pink[6670][255,129,192](2.4):PMS237[196][244,132,196](3.6):bubblegum_pink[1881][254,131,204](4.9):princess_perfume[6816][255,133,207](5.7):PMS218[176][237,114,170](7.1) 3 PMS218:PMS237:bubblegum:perfume:princess:pink +6608 persian_plum rgb 104 51 50 hex #683332 hsv 1 52 41 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.04 lab 28 24 12 lch 28 26 26 cmyk 0 21 21 59 burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](0.0):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](1.7):cajun[2005][102,47,43](2.2):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](2.2):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](2.2) 15 burnt:dark:cajun:japanese:maple:ochre:sienna:tan:red +6609 persian_plum rgb 112 28 28 hex #701C1C hsv 360 75 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.02 lab 25 37 22 lch 25 43 31 cmyk 0 33 33 56 prune[6825][112,28,28](0.0):crown_of_thorns[2608][119,31,31](2.4):moccaccino[5800][110,29,20](4.6):PMS1810[131][124,33,30](4.7):PMS188[140][124,33,40](4.7) 6 PMS1810:PMS188:crown:moccaccino:of:prune:thorns +6610 persian_red rgb 79 33 42 hex #4F212A hsv 348 58 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 20 23 4 lch 20 23 11 cmyk 0 18 15 69 zibibbo[9258][81,36,43](1.7):bordeaux[1657][76,28,36](3.0):mayhem[5590][77,27,37](3.0):arthouse[1150][77,32,46](3.2):PMS504[619][81,30,38](3.7) 11 PMS504:arthouse:bordeaux:mayhem:zibibbo +6611 persian_red rgb 82 12 23 hex #520C17 hsv 351 85 32 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.01 lab 16 32 13 lch 16 35 22 cmyk 0 27 23 68 maroon_oak[5551][82,12,23](0.0):cab_sav[1967][77,10,24](3.3):dark_scarlet[2870][86,3,25](4.1):heath[4451][84,16,18](5.2):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](5.4) 3 dark:bulgarian:cab:heath:maroon:oak:sav:scarlet:rose +6612 persian_red rgb 204 51 51 hex #CC3333 hsv 360 75 80 xyz 0.27 0.15 0.05 lab 46 59 37 lch 46 70 32 cmyk 0 60 60 20 brown[1840][205,51,51](0.0):flush_mahogany[3705][202,52,53](1.4):PMS1797[126][204,45,48](2.2):PMS711[890][209,45,51](3.3):jasper[4747][215,59,62](3.7) 5 PMS1797:PMS711:flush:jasper:mahogany:brown +6613 persian_rose rgb 254 40 162 hex #FE28A2 hsv 326 84 100 xyz 0.48 0.25 0.37 lab 57 83 -13 lch 57 84 351 cmyk 0 84 36 0 neon_pink[6017][254,1,154](3.7):luminous_vivid_cerise[5367][255,0,159](4.1):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](4.6):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](5.4):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](5.4) 3 luminous:vivid:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:neon:shocking:pink +6614 persimmon rgb 236 88 0 hex #EC5800 hsv 22 100 93 xyz 0.38 0.25 0.03 lab 57 54 67 lch 57 86 51 cmyk 0 58 93 7 vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](1.7):PMS165_2X[99][234,79,0](3.7):PMS165[97][249,99,2](5.0):spanish_orange[7876][232,97,0](5.1):trinidad[8476][230,78,3](5.2) 3 vivid:2X:PMS165:spanish:tangelo:trinidad:orange +6615 persimmon rgb 239 115 94 hex #EF735E hsv 9 61 94 xyz 0.44 0.31 0.14 lab 63 46 34 lch 63 57 37 cmyk 0 49 57 6 sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](0.0):terra_cotta[8307][226,114,91](4.6):terracotta[8310][226,114,91](4.6):light_brilliant_scarlet[5065][255,120,101](5.1):bittersweet[1444][253,124,110](5.4) 3 light:brilliant:bittersweet:cotta:fingers:scarlet:sticky:terra:terracotta +6616 persimmon rgb 255 107 83 hex #FF6B53 hsv 8 67 100 xyz 0.48 0.32 0.12 lab 64 55 42 lch 64 69 37 cmyk 0 58 67 0 orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](2.2):coral[2497][255,114,86](3.2):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](5.4):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](5.4):tomato[8412][255,99,71](5.4) 2 bittersweet:coral:outrageous:tomato:orange:pink +6617 peru rgb 205 133 63 hex #CD853F hsv 30 69 80 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.09 lab 62 21 48 lch 62 52 66 cmyk 0 28 56 20 tan[8221][205,133,63](0.0):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](3.7):bronze[1823][205,127,50](5.4):gold[3892][205,127,50](5.4):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](5.7) 2 bell:bronze:dull:gold:golden:tan:orange +6618 peru_tan rgb 115 61 31 hex #733D1F hsv 21 73 45 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.02 lab 32 21 28 lch 32 35 54 cmyk 0 21 33 55 deep_ochre[3021][115,61,26](3.0):PMS478[586][122,63,40](4.1):cigar[2324][119,63,26](4.1):walnut[8987][119,63,26](4.1):new_amber[6035][109,59,36](4.2) 7 deep:PMS478:amber:cigar:new:ochre:walnut +6619 peru_tan rgb 127 58 2 hex #7F3A02 hsv 27 98 50 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.01 lab 33 27 43 lch 33 51 58 cmyk 0 27 49 50 new_amber[6036][123,56,1](1.7):red_beech[7113][123,56,1](1.7):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](3.6):PMS725[904][117,56,2](4.1):chocolate[2305][139,69,19](4.6) 6 PMS1615:PMS725:amber:beech:chocolate:new:red +6620 pesto rgb 122 114 41 hex #7A7229 hsv 54 66 48 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.04 lab 47 -6 40 lch 47 41 99 cmyk 0 3 32 52 grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](0.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](1.4):olivetone[6176][116,112,40](2.4):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](3.0):grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](3.0) 8 PMS5825:crete:grass:hopper:olivetone +6621 pesto rgb 124 118 49 hex #7C7631 hsv 55 60 49 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.05 lab 49 -7 38 lch 49 39 101 cmyk 0 2 29 51 grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](0.0):spanish_bistre[7868][128,117,50](2.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](2.2):grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](3.0):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](3.2) 8 PMS5825:bistre:crete:grass:hopper:spanish +6622 petanque rgb 46 62 52 hex #2E3E34 hsv 143 26 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -9 4 lch 25 10 156 cmyk 6 0 4 76 celtic[2167][43,63,54](1.4):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](2.2):timber_green[8362][50,67,54](3.0):evergreen[3528][40,55,47](3.3):nikau[6057][42,64,50](3.6) 13 celtic:earthsong:evergreen:nikau:timber:green +6623 petite_orchid rgb 218 151 144 hex #DA9790 hsv 6 34 85 xyz 0.45 0.39 0.32 lab 69 24 14 lch 69 28 30 cmyk 0 26 29 15 my_pink[5963][214,145,136](2.4):my_pink[5962][214,139,128](6.4):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](6.5):pastel_pink[6510][222,165,164](7.1):PMS694[873][201,140,140](7.1) 1 light:PMS694:my:pastel:scarlet:pink +6624 petite_orchid rgb 219 150 144 hex #DB9690 hsv 5 34 86 xyz 0.45 0.39 0.32 lab 69 25 14 lch 69 29 29 cmyk 0 27 29 14 my_pink[5963][214,145,136](2.2):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](5.7):my_pink[5962][214,139,128](6.0):PMS500[611][206,137,140](7.3):PMS694[873][201,140,140](7.3) 1 light:PMS500:PMS694:my:scarlet:pink +6625 petrol rgb 0 95 106 hex #005F6A hsv 186 100 42 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.15 lab 36 -19 -13 lch 36 23 214 cmyk 42 4 0 58 blue_lagoon[1573][0,98,111](2.2):maestro[5432][0,94,109](2.2):PMS3165[360][0,86,91](5.1):PMS315[357][0,107,119](5.5):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](5.7) 2 PMS315:PMS3165:PMS5473:lagoon:maestro:blue +6626 pewter rgb 145 160 146 hex #91A092 hsv 124 9 63 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.32 lab 64 -8 5 lch 64 10 146 cmyk 6 0 5 37 mantle[5513][139,156,144](1.4):PMS5497[700][145,163,153](2.2):edward[3365][151,164,154](2.4):greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](4.1):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](4.1) 10 PMS5497:edward:egg:greenish:mantle:robin:blue:grey +6627 pewter rgb 150 168 161 hex #96A8A1 hsv 157 11 66 xyz 0.33 0.37 0.39 lab 67 -8 1 lch 67 8 169 cmyk 7 0 3 34 boulevard[1677][142,165,160](1.7):tower_grey[8444][156,172,165](2.4):PMS5497[700][145,163,153](2.8):cascade[2121][140,168,160](3.0):edward[3365][151,164,154](3.3) 16 PMS5497:boulevard:cascade:edward:tower:grey +6628 pewter_blue rgb 139 168 183 hex #8BA8B7 hsv 200 24 72 xyz 0.33 0.37 0.5 lab 67 -7 -11 lch 67 13 239 cmyk 17 6 0 28 bluegrey[1609][133,163,178](2.0):nepal[6023][147,170,185](2.4):bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](3.6):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.6):moby[5798][142,178,190](3.7) 11 bali:bluegrey:bluey:hai:moby:nepal:grey +6629 pharlap rgb 130 102 99 hex #826663 hsv 6 24 51 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.14 lab 46 11 6 lch 46 12 29 cmyk 0 11 12 49 ferra[3585][135,106,104](2.0):dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](3.3):rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](3.7):rosybrown[7330][139,105,105](3.7):deep_taupe[3068][126,94,96](4.1) 9 deep:dusty:ferra:rosy:rosybrown:taupe:brown:rose +6630 pharlap rgb 163 128 123 hex #A3807B hsv 8 25 64 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.22 lab 57 13 8 lch 57 15 32 cmyk 0 14 16 36 burnished_brown[1924][161,122,116](2.4):dry_creek[3277][154,127,124](3.7):reddish_grey[7154][153,117,112](4.0):grayish_red[4013][168,125,125](4.1):hemp[4471][152,125,115](4.6) 6 burnished:creek:dry:grayish:hemp:reddish:brown:grey:red +6631 phlox rgb 223 0 255 hex #DF00FF hsv 292 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.23 0.96 lab 55 94 -70 lch 55 117 323 cmyk 13 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_heliotrope[5380][223,0,255](0.0):psychedelic_purple[6829][223,0,255](0.0):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](6.5):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](6.6):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](9.9) 2 luminous:vivid:heliotrope:hot:orchid:psychedelic:purple +6632 phoenix rgb 216 108 55 hex #D86C37 hsv 20 75 85 xyz 0.34 0.26 0.07 lab 58 39 48 lch 58 62 51 cmyk 0 42 63 15 sorbus[7851][221,107,56](2.0):gold_drop[3900][213,108,48](3.7):jaffa[4718][226,121,69](4.9):melon_orange[5667][226,121,69](4.9):tango[8243][212,111,49](5.0) 5 drop:gold:jaffa:melon:sorbus:tango:orange +6633 phthalo_blue rgb 0 15 137 hex #000F89 hsv 233 100 54 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.24 lab 16 44 -65 lch 16 79 304 cmyk 54 48 0 46 royal[7343][12,23,147](3.2):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](4.6):navy[5993][0,0,128](5.0):navy_blue[5996][0,0,128](5.0):blue_gem[1561][44,14,140](5.8) 4 gem:navy:royal:ultramarine:blue +6634 phthalo_green rgb 18 53 36 hex #123524 hsv 151 66 21 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -18 7 lch 19 19 158 cmyk 14 0 7 79 bottle_green[1673][9,54,36](2.0):deep_fir[2987][25,57,37](3.0):celtic[2166][22,50,34](3.2):bush[1944][13,46,28](3.3):dark_green[2761][1,50,32](3.6) 8 deep:dark:bottle:bush:celtic:fir:green +6635 picasso rgb 248 234 151 hex #F8EA97 hsv 51 39 97 xyz 0.74 0.81 0.41 lab 92 -7 42 lch 92 43 99 cmyk 0 5 38 3 drover[3274][251,235,155](1.7):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](2.4):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](3.2):wild_rice[9106][236,224,144](3.2):vis[8882][255,239,161](3.5) 17 light:very:drover:gold:rice:vis:wild:green:yellow +6636 picasso rgb 255 243 157 hex #FFF39D hsv 53 38 100 xyz 0.79 0.88 0.45 lab 95 -8 43 lch 95 44 100 cmyk 0 5 38 0 dark_cream[2710][255,243,154](1.0):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](1.0):buff[1893][254,246,158](2.2):pale_prim[6409][249,245,159](3.2):drover[3274][251,235,155](3.5) 10 pale:light:dark:very:buff:cream:drover:gold:prim +6637 pickled_aspen rgb 63 76 58 hex #3F4C3A hsv 103 24 30 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.05 lab 31 -9 9 lch 31 13 135 cmyk 5 0 7 70 cabbage_pont[1970][63,76,58](0.0):lunar_green[5407][60,73,58](2.8):rifle_green[7226][68,76,56](2.8):mallard[5484][58,69,49](3.6):rifle_green[7225][65,72,51](4.1) 12 cabbage:lunar:mallard:pont:rifle:green +6638 pickled_aspen rgb 91 100 82 hex #5B6452 hsv 90 18 39 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.1 lab 41 -7 9 lch 41 12 128 cmyk 4 0 7 61 panzano[6471][91,98,78](1.4):nandor[5975][78,93,78](4.1):PMS5615[727][84,104,86](4.2):siam[7683][100,106,84](4.2):ebony[3346][85,93,80](4.4) 7 PMS5615:ebony:nandor:panzano:siam +6639 pickled_bean rgb 110 72 38 hex #6E4826 hsv 28 65 43 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.03 lab 34 12 27 lch 34 29 65 cmyk 0 15 28 57 brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](1.4):flattery[3676][107,68,35](1.4):kobicha[4875][107,68,35](1.4):dallas[2664][110,75,38](1.7):dark_brown[2695][101,67,33](2.4) 15 dark:dallas:flattery:kobicha:nose:brown +6640 pickled_bean rgb 115 85 62 hex #73553E hsv 26 46 45 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.06 lab 39 9 18 lch 39 20 63 cmyk 0 12 21 55 triple_nullarbor[8505][114,90,65](3.2):old_copper[6128][115,80,59](3.6):coffee[2418][111,78,55](3.7):tuscan_brown[8595][111,78,55](3.7):tobacco_brown[8395][113,93,71](4.9) 7 coffee:copper:nullarbor:old:tobacco:triple:tuscan:brown +6641 pickled_bluewood rgb 49 68 89 hex #314459 hsv 212 45 35 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.1 lab 28 -1 -15 lch 28 15 265 cmyk 16 8 0 65 atomic[1185][49,68,89](0.0):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.2):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](3.3):dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](3.6):wind_talker[9128][58,72,89](3.6) 15 dark:atomic:avalanche:talker:wind:azure:blue:grey +6642 pickled_bluewood rgb 79 90 95 hex #4F5A5F hsv 199 17 37 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.12 lab 37 -3 -4 lch 37 5 234 cmyk 6 2 0 63 trout[8541][76,83,86](2.4):balderdash[1264][70,86,89](2.8):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](3.0):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](3.0):snapshot[7803][80,95,103](3.0) 29 balderdash:denim:foundry:half:new:quarter:snapshot:trout:blue +6643 picton_blue rgb 69 177 232 hex #45B1E8 hsv 200 70 91 xyz 0.33 0.39 0.82 lab 68 -13 -36 lch 68 39 250 cmyk 64 22 0 9 brilliant_cornflower_blue[1773][81,175,231](2.0):vivid_cerulean[8905][0,174,231](5.1):PMS2915[314][96,175,221](5.4):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](5.7):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](5.9) 1 deep:brilliant:vivid:PMS2915:cerulean:cornflower:sky:summer:blue +6644 picton_blue rgb 91 160 208 hex #5BA0D0 hsv 205 56 82 xyz 0.28 0.32 0.64 lab 63 -8 -31 lch 63 32 256 cmyk 46 19 0 18 snap[7802][91,160,208](0.0):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](2.0):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](4.7):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](5.1):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](5.1) 3 carolina:iceberg:snap:blue:gray:grey +6645 pictorial_carmine rgb 195 11 78 hex #C30B4E hsv 338 94 76 xyz 0.24 0.12 0.08 lab 42 67 15 lch 42 68 12 cmyk 0 72 46 24 PMS214[172][204,2,86](4.7):irresistible[4687][185,0,76](4.7):rose_red[7315][194,30,86](5.1):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](5.9):ruby[7362][202,1,71](6.4) 2 PMS214:irresistible:rubine:ruby:red:rose +6646 pig_pink rgb 231 142 165 hex #E78EA5 hsv 344 39 91 xyz 0.49 0.39 0.41 lab 69 37 2 lch 69 37 4 cmyk 0 35 26 9 light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](1.7):illusion[4611][239,149,174](2.2):charm_pink[2234][230,143,172](3.0):light_thulian_pink[5223][230,143,172](3.0):mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](3.0) 7 light:charm:illusion:mauvelous:thulian:crimson:pink +6647 pig_pink rgb 253 215 228 hex #FDD7E4 hsv 339 15 99 xyz 0.79 0.75 0.84 lab 89 15 -1 lch 89 15 355 cmyk 0 15 10 1 PMS517[638][244,204,216](3.2):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](3.2):cherub[2269][248,217,233](3.7):pastel_pink[6512][255,209,220](3.7):piggy_pink[6650][253,221,230](3.7) 12 light:PMS517:cherub:pastel:piggy:pink +6648 pigeon_post rgb 119 132 142 hex #77848E hsv 206 16 56 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.29 lab 54 -3 -7 lch 54 7 250 cmyk 9 4 0 44 steel_grey[7973][111,130,138](2.2):bluff[1614][113,129,135](2.4):abacus[942][118,137,147](3.0):regent_grey[7173][121,132,136](3.0):revolution[7192][126,132,139](3.0) 19 abacus:bluff:regent:revolution:steel:grey +6649 pigeon_post rgb 175 189 217 hex #AFBDD9 hsv 220 19 85 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.73 lab 76 1 -16 lch 76 16 274 cmyk 16 11 0 15 echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](0.0):PMS2708[268][175,188,219](1.4):light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](3.0):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.0):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.0) 15 light:PMS2708:echo:nemo:serendipity:steel:blue +6650 piggy_pink rgb 253 221 230 hex #FDDDE6 hsv 343 13 99 xyz 0.81 0.78 0.86 lab 91 12 0 lch 91 12 359 cmyk 0 13 9 1 very_pale_crimson[8803][255,226,233](1.4):carousel_pink[2111][248,219,224](1.7):cherub[2268][245,215,220](2.4):we_peep[9030][247,219,230](2.4):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](2.8) 16 pale:very:carousel:cherub:ice:peep:vanilla:we:crimson:pink +6651 pigment_indigo rgb 75 0 130 hex #4B0082 hsv 275 100 51 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.21 lab 20 52 -53 lch 20 74 314 cmyk 22 51 0 49 indigo[4647][75,0,130](0.0):kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](3.7):PMS2685[261][86,0,140](4.7):PMS267[259][89,17,142](5.0):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](5.4) 4 PMS267:PMS2685:PMS2745:daisy:kingfisher:indigo +6652 piha_sand rgb 183 160 119 hex #B7A077 hsv 38 35 72 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.23 lab 67 2 25 lch 67 25 84 cmyk 0 9 25 28 double_canterbury_clay[3187][184,159,111](3.0):dust[3300][178,153,110](3.3):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](4.0):PMS451[538][173,160,122](4.4):goldie[3942][179,155,105](4.5) 8 PMS451:canterbury:clay:double:dust:goldie:mongoose +6653 pine rgb 43 93 52 hex #2B5D34 hsv 131 54 36 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.05 lab 35 -27 19 lch 35 33 145 cmyk 20 0 16 64 dark_emerald_green[2720][39,89,45](2.2):parsley[6494][48,93,53](2.2):PMS357[431][33,91,51](2.4):mughal_green[5934][48,96,48](3.2):dark_malachite_green[2796][39,89,52](3.3) 6 dark:PMS357:emerald:malachite:mughal:parsley:green +6654 pine_cone rgb 109 94 84 hex #6D5E54 hsv 24 23 43 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.1 lab 41 4 8 lch 41 9 62 cmyk 0 6 10 57 kabul[4804][108,94,83](0.0):dorado[3171][110,95,86](1.0):quarter_lignite[6963][107,91,82](1.4):kiwi[4867][107,90,79](1.7):half_oilskin[4362][114,100,89](2.0) 22 dorado:half:kabul:kiwi:lignite:oilskin:quarter +6655 pine_cone rgb 117 101 86 hex #756556 hsv 29 26 46 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.11 lab 44 4 11 lch 44 12 71 cmyk 0 6 12 54 coffee[2419][112,101,85](2.2):bandit[1285][114,98,79](2.4):roman_coffee[7280][125,103,87](2.4):slate_brown[7766][125,103,87](2.4):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](2.8) 29 slate:bandit:break:coffee:roman:brown +6656 pine_glade rgb 189 192 126 hex #BDC07E hsv 63 34 75 xyz 0.44 0.5 0.27 lab 76 -11 33 lch 76 35 109 cmyk 1 0 26 25 misty_moss[5787][187,180,119](5.1):PMS617[796][204,196,124](5.4):pea_soup[6536][185,184,128](5.4):quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](6.4):caper[2062][175,193,130](6.8) 0 misty:PMS617:caper:crisp:moss:pea:quarter:soup:green +6657 pine_glade rgb 199 205 144 hex #C7CD90 hsv 66 30 80 xyz 0.5 0.58 0.35 lab 81 -12 30 lch 81 32 112 cmyk 2 0 24 20 rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](3.7):old_medium_goldenrod[6139][205,205,150](4.2):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](4.5):deco[2948][210,218,151](4.6):PMS578[756][198,214,160](6.2) 4 medium:PMS578:deco:goldenrod:hazel:old:paper:rice:winter +6658 pine_green rgb 1 121 111 hex #01796F hsv 175 99 47 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.17 lab 45 -31 -3 lch 45 31 185 cmyk 47 0 4 53 PMS328[386][0,119,112](1.4):genoa[3841][21,115,107](3.6):PMS562[728][30,122,109](3.7):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](3.7):blue_green[1565][19,126,109](4.9) 5 PMS328:PMS562:genoa:surfie:blue:green +6659 pine_green rgb 10 72 30 hex #0A481E hsv 139 86 28 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.02 lab 26 -29 20 lch 26 36 146 cmyk 24 0 16 72 kaitoke_green[4806][0,70,32](3.3):forest_green[3720][1,68,33](4.5):up_forest_green[8656][1,68,33](4.5):crusoe[2614][0,72,22](5.0):parsley[6493][19,79,25](7.0) 4 crusoe:forest:kaitoke:parsley:up:green +6660 pine_green rgb 21 128 120 hex #158078 hsv 176 84 50 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.2 lab 48 -30 -4 lch 48 30 187 cmyk 42 0 3 50 PMS328[386][0,119,112](3.0):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](3.0):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](3.2):celadon_green[2155][47,132,124](3.7):stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](4.1) 10 PMS328:celadon:stormcloud:surfie:teal:green +6661 pine_tree rgb 23 31 4 hex #171F04 hsv 78 87 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 10 -9 14 lch 10 16 124 cmyk 3 0 11 88 very_deep_chartreuse_green[8731][14,29,0](3.3):very_deep_olive[8735][29,29,0](4.1):black_olive[1466][36,46,22](7.0):olive_green[6161][36,46,22](7.0):very_deep_green[8733][0,29,0](7.5) 2 deep:very:chartreuse:olive:black:green +6662 pine_tree rgb 42 47 35 hex #2A2F23 hsv 85 26 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -5 7 lch 19 9 125 cmyk 2 0 5 82 black_forest[1458][44,50,39](1.4):heavy_metal[4458][43,50,40](2.2):hunter_green[4585][47,49,37](2.2):earth_green[3329][46,52,43](2.8):marshland[5556][43,46,38](3.0) 22 earth:forest:heavy:hunter:marshland:metal:black:green +6663 pineapple rgb 86 60 13 hex #563C0D hsv 39 85 34 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.01 lab 27 7 32 lch 27 32 78 cmyk 0 10 29 66 deep_gamboge[2991][89,56,0](5.0):deep_bronze[2963][74,48,4](5.5):pullman_brown[6842][100,65,23](5.7):horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](6.2):mud_brown[5925][96,70,15](6.2) 1 deep:bronze:gamboge:horses:mud:neck:pullman:brown +6664 pink rgb 139 99 108 hex #8B636C hsv 347 29 55 xyz 0.18 0.15 0.16 lab 46 18 1 lch 46 18 4 cmyk 0 16 12 45 arabella[1134][133,99,110](2.8):light_pink[5169][139,95,101](3.3):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](3.6):renaissance[7181][136,90,100](3.7):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](4.1) 7 light:PMS5205:arabella:mauve:renaissance:taupe:pink +6665 pink rgb 188 143 143 hex #BC8F8F hsv 360 24 74 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.3 lab 64 17 7 lch 64 18 21 cmyk 0 18 18 26 rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](0.0):rosybrown[7331][188,143,143](0.0):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](3.3):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](3.7):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.4) 7 PMS5005:oriental:rosy:rosybrown:tuscany:brown:pink +6666 pink rgb 205 145 158 hex #CD919E hsv 347 29 80 xyz 0.41 0.36 0.37 lab 66 25 2 lch 66 25 5 cmyk 0 24 18 20 viola[8845][197,143,157](2.4):can[2032][213,145,164](3.3):light_pink[5170][205,140,149](3.3):puce[6831][204,136,153](3.6):greyish_pink[4231][200,141,148](3.7) 9 light:can:greyish:puce:viola:pink +6667 pink rgb 215 72 148 hex #D74894 hsv 328 67 84 xyz 0.36 0.21 0.3 lab 53 62 -11 lch 53 63 350 cmyk 0 56 26 16 cerise[2176][221,68,146](3.7):raspberry_pink[7073][226,80,152](3.7):brilliant_rose[1798][231,81,156](4.9):smitten[7785][200,64,134](4.9):smitten[7786][200,65,134](5.4) 4 brilliant:cerise:raspberry:smitten:pink:rose +6668 pink rgb 231 139 139 hex #E78B8B hsv 360 40 91 xyz 0.47 0.37 0.29 lab 68 35 15 lch 68 38 23 cmyk 0 36 36 9 sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](2.8):PMS701[880][232,135,142](4.4):sea_pink[7571][219,129,126](4.6):wewak[9059][241,145,154](4.9):new_york_pink[6043][215,131,127](5.1) 4 PMS701:new:sea:sweet:wewak:york:pink +6669 pink rgb 238 169 184 hex #EEA9B8 hsv 347 29 93 xyz 0.58 0.5 0.52 lab 76 27 2 lch 76 28 5 cmyk 0 27 21 7 PMS203[161][242,175,193](2.2):cupid[2625][245,178,197](3.6):PMS508[623][232,165,175](3.7):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](4.4):faded_pink[3538][222,157,172](5.1) 4 PMS203:PMS508:cupid:faded:soft:pink +6670 pink rgb 255 129 192 hex #FF81C0 hsv 330 49 100 xyz 0.59 0.41 0.55 lab 70 55 -11 lch 70 56 349 cmyk 0 49 25 0 persian_pink[6607][247,127,190](2.4):bubblegum_pink[1881][254,131,204](5.1):PMS237[196][244,132,196](5.9):medium_pink[5628][255,125,179](6.1):princess_perfume[6816][255,133,207](6.1) 1 medium:PMS237:bubblegum:perfume:persian:princess:pink +6671 pink rgb 255 181 197 hex #FFB5C5 hsv 347 29 100 xyz 0.68 0.58 0.61 lab 81 29 3 lch 81 29 5 cmyk 0 29 23 0 cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](1.0):light_pink[5174][255,182,193](2.2):pink_light[6683][255,182,193](2.2):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](2.2):pastel_pink[6511][255,186,205](3.3) 9 light:blossom:cherry:pastel:soft:pink +6672 pink rgb 255 192 203 hex #FFC0CB hsv 350 25 100 xyz 0.71 0.63 0.65 lab 84 24 3 lch 84 24 8 cmyk 0 25 20 0 bubble_gum[1876][255,193,204](0.0):PMS1895[142][252,191,201](1.7):pale_crimson[6329][255,194,209](2.0):pale_amaranth[6304][255,194,201](2.2):light_rose[5184][255,197,203](3.0) 9 pale:light:PMS1895:amaranth:bubble:gum:crimson:rose +6673 pink/purple rgb 239 29 231 hex #EF1DE7 hsv 302 88 94 xyz 0.5 0.25 0.78 lab 57 90 -53 lch 57 104 330 cmyk 0 82 3 6 vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](3.7):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](5.5):magenta[5438][238,0,238](5.9):bright_magenta[1736][255,8,232](6.2):purple/pink[6870][215,37,222](8.1) 1 vivid:bright:fuchsia:magenta:purple/pink +6674 pink_flamingo rgb 252 116 253 hex #FC74FD hsv 300 54 99 xyz 0.64 0.4 0.97 lab 70 69 -45 lch 70 83 327 cmyk 0 54 0 1 fuchsia_pink[3796][255,119,255](1.4):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](4.2):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](4.2):ultra_pink[8636][255,111,255](4.2):shocking_pink[7674][251,126,253](5.5) 4 blush:fuchsia:shocking:ultra:pink +6675 pink_flamingo rgb 255 102 255 hex #FF66FF hsv 300 60 100 xyz 0.64 0.38 0.99 lab 68 76 -49 lch 68 90 327 cmyk 0 60 0 0 light_brilliant_magenta[5049][255,101,255](1.0):light_magenta[5139][250,95,247](2.4):violet_pink[8863][251,95,252](3.0):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](4.4):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](4.4) 6 light:brilliant:blush:magenta:shocking:pink:violet +6676 pink_flare rgb 216 180 182 hex #D8B4B6 hsv 357 17 85 xyz 0.53 0.51 0.51 lab 76 13 4 lch 76 14 16 cmyk 0 14 13 15 PMS5225[649][204,173,175](3.3):gelato[3837][219,183,190](3.7):sweet_as[8177][219,184,180](3.7):blossom[1526][223,177,182](4.0):cavern_pink[2143][227,190,190](4.1) 13 PMS5225:as:blossom:cavern:gelato:sweet:pink +6677 pink_flare rgb 225 192 200 hex #E1C0C8 hsv 345 15 88 xyz 0.6 0.58 0.63 lab 81 13 0 lch 81 13 2 cmyk 0 13 10 12 PMS679[858][229,191,198](2.8):gelato[3837][219,183,190](3.3):twilight[8612][218,192,205](3.7):PMS685[864][234,191,196](4.2):melanie[5656][224,183,194](4.2) 7 PMS679:PMS685:gelato:melanie:twilight +6678 pink_lace rgb 246 204 215 hex #F6CCD7 hsv 344 17 96 xyz 0.72 0.68 0.74 lab 86 17 0 lch 86 17 0 cmyk 0 16 12 4 PMS517[638][244,204,216](1.4):PMS671[850][239,198,211](2.2):light_pink[5175][255,209,223](2.4):pastel_pink[6512][255,209,220](2.4):pale_pink[6406][255,207,220](2.8) 8 pale:light:PMS517:PMS671:pastel:pink +6679 pink_lace rgb 255 221 244 hex #FFDDF4 hsv 319 13 100 xyz 0.83 0.8 0.97 lab 91 16 -7 lch 91 17 336 cmyk 0 13 4 0 very_pale_fuchsia[8805][255,226,248](2.8):very_pale_magenta[8811][255,226,255](3.7):cherub[2269][248,217,233](4.4):pale_rose[6420][255,225,242](4.4):thistle[8329][255,225,255](4.6) 5 pale:very:cherub:fuchsia:magenta:thistle:rose +6680 pink_lady rgb 243 215 182 hex #F3D7B6 hsv 32 25 95 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.54 lab 88 5 20 lch 88 20 76 cmyk 0 11 24 5 bisque[1433][238,213,183](2.4):PMS719[898][244,209,175](3.0):PMS726[905][237,211,181](3.0):apricot[1091][253,217,181](3.0):champagne[2208][238,217,182](3.0) 26 PMS719:PMS726:apricot:bisque:champagne +6681 pink_lady rgb 255 241 216 hex #FFF1D8 hsv 38 15 100 xyz 0.85 0.89 0.78 lab 96 1 14 lch 96 14 87 cmyk 0 5 15 0 half_dutch_white[4320][251,240,214](1.4):papaya_whip[6473][255,239,213](1.4):derby[3097][255,238,216](1.7):varden[8683][253,239,211](1.7):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](2.0) 50 bleach:derby:dutch:half:varden:whip:papaya:white +6682 pink_lavender rgb 216 178 209 hex #D8B2D1 hsv 311 18 85 xyz 0.56 0.51 0.67 lab 77 19 -10 lch 77 22 331 cmyk 0 15 3 15 flower_power[3698][222,183,217](3.0):french_lilac[3750][222,183,217](3.0):PMS530[664][214,175,214](4.6):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](5.4):pale_light_grayish_rose[6374][231,184,208](5.4) 3 pale:light:PMS530:flower:french:fuchsia:grayish:lilac:power:rose +6683 pink_light rgb 255 182 193 hex #FFB6C1 hsv 351 29 100 xyz 0.68 0.59 0.58 lab 81 28 5 lch 81 28 10 cmyk 0 29 24 0 light_pink[5174][255,182,193](0.0):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](2.0):pink[6671][255,181,197](2.2):soft_pink[7833][253,176,192](3.5):PMS1767[115][249,178,183](3.7) 6 light:PMS1767:blossom:cherry:soft:pink +6684 pink_orange rgb 255 153 102 hex #FF9966 hsv 20 60 100 xyz 0.55 0.45 0.18 lab 73 34 43 lch 73 54 52 cmyk 0 40 60 0 atomic_tangerine[1187][255,153,102](0.0):light_brilliant_tangelo[5069][255,159,101](4.6):PMS163[93][252,158,112](5.1):guggenheim[4242][255,142,89](5.8):atomic_tangerine[1188][255,164,116](6.7) 2 light:brilliant:PMS163:atomic:guggenheim:tangelo:tangerine +6685 pink_panther rgb 180 56 100 hex #B43864 hsv 339 69 71 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.13 lab 43 53 3 lch 43 53 3 cmyk 0 49 31 29 cranberry[2577][180,56,100](0.0):maroon[5544][176,48,96](2.4):rich_maroon[7221][176,48,96](2.4):filmpro_magenta[3614][170,48,93](3.2):night_shadz[6054][170,55,90](4.7) 7 cranberry:filmpro:magenta:maroon:night:rich:shadz +6686 pink_pearl rgb 231 172 207 hex #E7ACCF hsv 324 26 91 xyz 0.59 0.51 0.66 lab 77 27 -9 lch 77 29 341 cmyk 0 23 9 9 PMS515[634][232,163,201](4.5):PMS243[209][242,186,216](4.9):PMS672[851][234,170,196](5.1):PMS236[194][249,175,211](5.7):pale_light_grayish_fuchsia[6365][231,184,220](5.8) 2 pale:light:PMS236:PMS243:PMS515:PMS672:fuchsia:grayish +6687 pink_purple rgb 219 75 218 hex #DB4BDA hsv 300 66 86 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.69 lab 57 72 -45 lch 57 85 328 cmyk 0 56 0 14 pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](1.4):brilliant_magenta[1786][231,81,231](4.7):purple_pink[6883][224,63,216](5.1):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](6.7):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](7.0) 2 brilliant:magenta:orchid:pinkish:steel:pink:purple +6688 pink_raspberry rgb 152 0 54 hex #980036 hsv 339 100 60 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.04 lab 32 56 15 lch 32 58 15 cmyk 0 60 38 40 cranberry[2576][158,0,58](2.2):PMS1955[153][147,22,56](5.1):red_wine[7148][140,0,52](5.2):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.8):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](5.8) 1 strong:PMS1955:PMS215:cranberry:raspberry:wine:red +6689 pink_red rgb 245 5 79 hex #F5054F hsv 342 98 96 xyz 0.39 0.2 0.09 lab 52 79 29 lch 52 84 20 cmyk 0 94 65 4 PMS812_2X[935][252,7,79](3.0):awesome[1214][255,32,82](4.2):red_pink[7133][250,42,85](4.2):folly[3714][255,0,79](4.7):red[7108][238,32,77](5.1) 4 2X:PMS812:awesome:folly:pink:red +6690 pink_salmon rgb 255 145 164 hex #FF91A4 hsv 350 43 100 xyz 0.58 0.44 0.41 lab 72 43 8 lch 72 44 11 cmyk 0 43 36 0 salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](0.0):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](3.3):rose_pink[7311][247,135,154](3.3):PMS183[134][252,140,153](4.2):PMS708[887][249,142,153](4.2) 6 PMS183:PMS708:salmon:sherbet:pink:rose +6691 pink_sherbet rgb 247 143 167 hex #F78FA7 hsv 346 42 97 xyz 0.55 0.42 0.42 lab 71 42 5 lch 71 42 6 cmyk 0 41 31 3 vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](2.2):pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](3.3):salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](3.3):mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](3.6):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](3.7) 9 flamingo:ice:mauvelous:salmon:vanilla:pink +6692 pink_swan rgb 190 181 183 hex #BEB5B7 hsv 347 5 75 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.52 lab 74 4 0 lch 74 4 2 cmyk 0 4 3 25 black_shadows[1478][191,175,178](2.4):nobel[6064][183,177,177](2.4):greywacke[4234][188,184,190](3.3):rakaia[7056][186,183,181](3.3):misty_lavender[5786][182,181,185](3.6) 27 misty:greywacke:nobel:rakaia:shadows:black:lavender +6693 pink_swan rgb 191 179 178 hex #BFB3B2 hsv 5 7 75 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.49 lab 74 4 2 lch 74 5 27 cmyk 0 5 5 25 milestone[5737][190,177,172](2.2):black_shadows[1478][191,175,178](2.4):nobel[6064][183,177,177](2.4):fantail[3557][186,174,169](3.0):rakaia[7056][186,183,181](3.3) 33 fantail:milestone:nobel:rakaia:shadows:black +6694 pink_terrace rgb 245 209 202 hex #F5D1CA hsv 10 18 96 xyz 0.71 0.69 0.66 lab 87 12 8 lch 87 14 35 cmyk 0 14 17 4 coral_candy[2500][245,208,201](1.0):PMS503[617][244,209,204](1.4):PMS698[877][247,209,204](1.4):cosmos[2549][252,213,207](1.4):PMS5035[618][237,206,198](2.8) 20 PMS503:PMS5035:PMS698:candy:coral:cosmos +6695 pinkish rgb 212 106 126 hex #D46A7E hsv 349 50 83 xyz 0.36 0.26 0.23 lab 58 44 9 lch 58 44 11 cmyk 0 42 34 17 rose[7294][207,98,117](3.3):deep_blush[2961][227,111,138](5.4):cinnamon_satin[2338][205,96,126](6.2):charm[2232][208,116,139](7.3):candy_pink[2045][228,113,122](7.7) 1 deep:blush:candy:charm:cinnamon:satin:pink:rose +6696 pinkish_brown rgb 177 114 97 hex #B17261 hsv 13 45 69 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.14 lab 54 23 20 lch 54 30 41 cmyk 0 25 31 31 bonanza[1641][183,125,110](5.4):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](5.7):claypot[2365][171,105,80](5.9):sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](5.9):coral_tree[2508][171,110,103](6.1) 0 blast:bonanza:bronze:claypot:coral:fe:off:sante:tree +6697 pinkish_grey rgb 200 172 169 hex #C8ACA9 hsv 6 16 78 xyz 0.46 0.45 0.44 lab 73 10 5 lch 73 11 29 cmyk 0 11 12 22 cherish[2257][198,171,169](1.4):PMS5225[649][204,173,175](2.8):silver_pink[7715][196,174,173](2.8):oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](3.6):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](3.7) 13 PMS5225:cherish:cold:oyster:silver:turkey:pink +6698 pinkish_grey rgb 231 218 218 hex #E7DADA hsv 360 6 91 xyz 0.71 0.72 0.77 lab 88 4 2 lch 88 5 20 cmyk 0 5 5 9 ebb[3342][230,216,212](2.2):soft_peach[7830][238,223,222](2.2):bizarre[1449][238,222,218](3.0):bon_jour[1638][223,215,210](3.0):swiss_coffee[8189][221,214,213](3.0) 52 bizarre:bon:coffee:ebb:jour:soft:swiss:peach +6699 pinkish_orange rgb 255 114 76 hex #FF724C hsv 13 70 100 xyz 0.49 0.34 0.11 lab 65 51 47 lch 65 69 42 cmyk 0 55 70 0 PMS811[932][255,114,71](2.0):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](2.2):PMS1645[96][249,114,66](3.7):melon[5666][255,120,85](4.6):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](4.6) 5 PMS1645:PMS811:melon:outrageous:orange:pink +6700 pinkish_purple rgb 214 72 215 hex #D648D7 hsv 300 67 84 xyz 0.42 0.24 0.67 lab 56 72 -46 lch 56 85 327 cmyk 0 56 0 16 pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](1.4):brilliant_magenta[1786][231,81,231](5.1):purple_pink[6883][224,63,216](5.1):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](5.9):brilliant_heliotrope[1782][213,81,231](6.4) 1 brilliant:heliotrope:magenta:steel:pink:purple +6701 pinkish_red rgb 241 12 69 hex #F10C45 hsv 345 95 95 xyz 0.37 0.19 0.07 lab 51 77 34 lch 51 84 24 cmyk 0 90 67 5 red_ribbon[7137][237,10,63](2.4):vivid_crimson[8910][231,0,58](4.1):awesome[1214][255,32,82](4.9):red[7108][238,32,77](5.1):red[7109][242,0,60](5.1) 3 vivid:awesome:ribbon:crimson:red +6702 pinkish_tan rgb 217 155 130 hex #D99B82 hsv 17 40 85 xyz 0.44 0.4 0.26 lab 69 20 22 lch 69 30 48 cmyk 0 24 34 15 feldspar[3572][209,146,117](4.2):light_vermilion[5227][231,162,139](5.0):tonys_pink[8416][231,159,140](5.1):antique_brass[1062][205,149,117](5.2):baroque[1309][202,146,116](5.4) 2 antique:light:baroque:brass:feldspar:tonys:vermilion:pink +6703 pinkish_white rgb 255 246 246 hex #FFF6F6 hsv 360 4 100 xyz 0.91 0.94 1.01 lab 98 3 1 lch 98 3 20 cmyk 0 4 4 0 rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.0):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.4):snow[7809][255,250,250](1.4):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.4):chablis[2194][255,244,243](1.7) 64 light:very:chablis:sauvignon:snow:pink:rose:white +6704 pinky rgb 252 134 170 hex #FC86AA hsv 342 47 99 xyz 0.56 0.41 0.43 lab 70 49 2 lch 70 49 2 cmyk 0 46 32 1 tickle_me_pink[8346][252,128,165](2.2):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](2.4):rosa[7293][254,134,164](3.0):pale_violet_red[6453][255,130,171](3.6):carnation_pink[2103][255,127,167](4.1) 6 pale:carnation:me:rosa:tickle:pink:red:violet +6705 pinky_purple rgb 201 76 190 hex #C94CBE hsv 305 62 79 xyz 0.36 0.21 0.51 lab 53 63 -36 lch 53 72 330 cmyk 0 49 4 21 deep_fuchsia[2990][193,84,193](5.2):fuchsia[3790][193,84,193](5.2):fuchsia_pink[3795][193,84,193](5.2):purpley_pink[6896][200,60,185](5.5):purpleish_pink[6892][223,78,200](7.3) 0 deep:fuchsia:purpleish:purpley:pink +6706 pinky_red rgb 252 38 71 hex #FC2647 hsv 351 85 99 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.08 lab 55 76 38 lch 55 85 26 cmyk 0 84 71 1 scarlet[7518][252,40,71](0.0):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](1.7):strawberry[8007][251,41,67](2.2):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](4.1):red[7109][242,0,60](4.6) 5 lightish:salsa:scarlet:strawberry:red +6707 pioneer rgb 57 69 65 hex #394541 hsv 160 17 27 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.06 lab 28 -6 1 lch 28 6 172 cmyk 5 0 2 73 jurassic[4800][55,68,62](1.4):mica[5704][60,69,67](2.2):isobar[4692][55,72,70](2.4):cape_cod[2056][60,68,67](2.8):firefly[3648][49,70,67](3.6) 10 cape:cod:firefly:isobar:jurassic:mica +6708 pioneer_red rgb 100 38 32 hex #642620 hsv 5 68 39 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 24 28 18 lch 24 33 33 cmyk 0 24 27 61 rata[7076][93,31,30](2.8):red_oxide[7130][93,31,30](2.8):barn_red[1304][96,40,33](3.2):burgundy[1909][101,37,37](3.2):kakaramea[4810][110,44,37](3.3) 8 barn:burgundy:kakaramea:oxide:rata:red +6709 piper rgb 157 84 50 hex #9D5432 hsv 19 68 62 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.05 lab 44 27 33 lch 44 43 50 cmyk 0 29 42 38 hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](2.4):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](3.0):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](3.6):sienna[7695][160,82,45](3.6):indochine[4652][156,91,52](4.1) 7 alert:chelsea:gem:hawaiian:indochine:sienna:tan +6710 piper rgb 201 99 35 hex #C96323 hsv 23 83 79 xyz 0.29 0.21 0.04 lab 53 37 52 lch 53 64 55 cmyk 0 40 65 21 gold_drop[3900][213,108,48](4.1):PMS471[573][188,94,30](4.4):orange_roughy[6219][196,87,25](4.4):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](4.5):raw_sienna[7083][199,97,20](5.0) 5 PMS471:chocolate:drop:gold:raw:roughy:sienna:orange +6711 pipi rgb 245 230 196 hex #F5E6C4 hsv 42 20 96 xyz 0.76 0.8 0.64 lab 92 0 18 lch 92 18 91 cmyk 0 6 19 4 gin_fizz[3862][248,234,202](1.4):half_popcorn[4370][243,227,193](1.4):half_vienna[4406][243,229,195](1.4):soft_whisper[7835][248,234,202](1.4):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.0) 49 egg:fizz:gin:half:popcorn:soft:sour:vienna:whisper +6712 pipi rgb 254 244 204 hex #FEF4CC hsv 48 20 100 xyz 0.84 0.9 0.7 lab 96 -3 21 lch 96 21 98 cmyk 0 4 20 0 barley_white[1302][255,244,206](1.4):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](1.4):baja_white[1260][255,248,209](1.7):dutch_white[3319][255,248,209](1.7):pale[6303][255,249,208](1.7) 32 pale:baja:barley:beeswax:dutch:white +6713 pippin rgb 252 219 210 hex #FCDBD2 hsv 13 17 99 xyz 0.77 0.76 0.72 lab 90 10 9 lch 90 13 41 cmyk 0 13 16 1 marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](0.0):cinderella[2329][251,215,204](1.7):PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.2):coral_candy[2501][255,220,214](2.2):peach_schnapps[6552][255,220,214](2.2) 16 PMS705:candy:cinderella:coral:marshmallow:schnapps:peach +6714 pippin rgb 255 225 223 hex #FFE1DF hsv 4 13 100 xyz 0.81 0.8 0.81 lab 92 10 5 lch 92 11 25 cmyk 0 12 13 0 very_pale_pink[8816][255,226,226](1.0):cinderella[2330][253,225,220](1.4):misty_rose[5791][255,228,225](1.4):mistyrose[5795][255,228,225](1.4):remy[7179][246,222,218](2.8) 17 pale:misty:very:cinderella:mistyrose:remy:pink:rose +6715 pirate rgb 144 47 55 hex #902F37 hsv 355 67 56 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.05 lab 34 41 18 lch 34 45 23 cmyk 0 38 35 44 PMS492[601][145,51,56](1.4):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.3):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.3):rocket[7266][134,40,46](3.3):well_read[9044][142,53,55](3.3) 15 PMS492:flame:monza:read:rocket:well:red +6716 pirate_gold rgb 186 120 42 hex #BA782A hsv 33 77 73 xyz 0.27 0.24 0.05 lab 56 19 51 lch 56 54 69 cmyk 0 26 56 27 fiesta[3600][189,126,45](3.0):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](3.6):PMS723[902][186,117,48](3.7):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](5.0):geebung[3835][197,131,46](5.1) 4 PMS723:bell:fiesta:geebung:golden:mandalay +6717 pirate_gold rgb 186 127 3 hex #BA7F03 hsv 41 98 73 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.04 lab 58 15 63 lch 58 65 77 cmyk 0 23 72 27 high_noon[4481][188,127,12](1.4):golden_brown[3913][178,122,1](3.7):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](4.2):dark_goldenrod[2730][184,134,11](5.1):goldenrod_dark[3939][184,134,11](5.1) 3 dark:golden:goldenrod:high:hot:noon:toddy:brown +6718 piss_yellow rgb 221 214 24 hex #DDD618 hsv 58 89 87 xyz 0.54 0.64 0.1 lab 84 -16 81 lch 84 82 101 cmyk 0 3 77 13 barberry[1291][222,215,23](0.0):PMS604[783][232,221,33](3.0):bright_gold[1722][217,217,25](3.0):PMS809_2X[929][214,214,12](3.3):PMS3965[477][232,221,17](3.7) 9 2X:PMS3965:PMS604:PMS809:barberry:bright:gold +6719 pistachio rgb 103 105 39 hex #676927 hsv 62 63 41 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.04 lab 43 -10 36 lch 43 37 106 cmyk 1 0 26 59 secret_garden[7597][109,109,38](2.8):PMS5757[749][107,112,43](3.0):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](4.1):olivetone[6176][116,112,40](4.7):pacifika[6292][102,112,40](5.7) 4 PMS5757:PMS5825:garden:olivetone:pacifika:secret +6720 pistachio rgb 147 197 114 hex #93C572 hsv 96 42 77 xyz 0.35 0.47 0.23 lab 74 -31 36 lch 74 48 131 cmyk 20 0 33 23 dollar_bill[3158][133,187,101](4.1):gossip[3954][159,211,133](5.8):tutti_frutti[8606][159,211,133](5.8):light_moss_green[5147][166,200,117](6.6):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](7.1) 1 light:bill:dollar:feijoa:frutti:gossip:moss:tutti:green +6721 pistachio rgb 157 194 9 hex #9DC209 hsv 72 95 76 xyz 0.33 0.46 0.07 lab 73 -33 73 lch 73 80 114 cmyk 15 0 73 24 limerick[5288][157,194,9](0.0):snot_green[7805][157,193,0](0.0):PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](1.7):citrus[2348][161,197,10](2.2):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](3.7) 7 2X:PMS382:bright:citrus:limerick:olive:snot:green +6722 pistachio rgb 192 250 139 hex #C0FA8B hsv 91 44 98 xyz 0.61 0.81 0.37 lab 92 -37 47 lch 92 60 128 cmyk 23 0 44 2 celery[2158][193,253,149](3.3):light_yellowish_green[5241][194,255,137](3.7):light_pea_green[5164][196,254,130](6.4):sulu[8114][193,240,124](6.4):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](7.3) 2 light:very:celery:pea:pistachio:sulu:yellowish:green +6723 piston rgb 140 132 109 hex #8C846D hsv 45 22 55 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.18 lab 55 -1 14 lch 55 14 94 cmyk 0 3 12 45 brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](2.0):olive_haze[6168][139,132,112](2.0):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](2.4):techno[8295][142,136,110](2.4):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](2.8) 31 arrowtown:haze:olive:techno:brown:grey +6724 pitch_black rgb 44 43 44 hex #2C2B2C hsv 300 2 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 18 1 0 lch 18 1 325 cmyk 0 0 0 83 grey[4115][43,43,43](1.0):grey[4114][41,41,41](1.4):grey[4116][46,46,46](1.4):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.7):element[3456][44,47,47](2.2) 58 element:night:rider:grey +6725 pixie_green rgb 187 205 165 hex #BBCDA5 hsv 87 20 80 xyz 0.49 0.57 0.44 lab 80 -13 18 lch 80 22 126 cmyk 7 0 16 20 soft_apple[7826][184,202,157](2.4):sprout[7935][184,202,157](2.4):sprout[7936][193,215,176](3.3):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](3.6):coriander[2514][196,208,176](4.7) 5 pale:apple:coriander:leaf:soft:sprout +6726 pixie_green rgb 192 216 182 hex #C0D8B6 hsv 102 16 85 xyz 0.55 0.64 0.54 lab 84 -14 14 lch 84 20 135 cmyk 9 0 13 15 cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](3.2):sprout[7936][193,215,176](3.2):symphony[8195][196,211,180](3.2):kandinsky[4813][195,216,189](3.6):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](4.4) 7 pale:cooled:kandinsky:leaf:sprout:symphony:green +6727 pixie_powder rgb 57 18 133 hex #391285 hsv 260 86 52 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.22 lab 20 45 -56 lch 20 72 309 cmyk 30 45 0 48 kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](4.2):indigo[4646][56,2,130](4.9):windsor[9132][60,8,120](5.4):blue_bell[1546][34,8,120](5.5):deep_blue[2959][34,8,120](5.5) 2 deep:bell:daisy:kingfisher:windsor:blue:indigo +6728 pizazz rgb 229 127 61 hex #E57F3D hsv 24 73 90 xyz 0.41 0.32 0.08 lab 63 34 52 lch 63 62 56 cmyk 0 40 66 10 hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](0.0):tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](2.0):west_side[9050][229,130,58](2.4):flashback[3664][223,128,62](3.6):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](3.7) 7 flamenco:flashback:hi:jinx:poppy:side:tree:west +6729 pizazz rgb 255 144 0 hex #FF9000 hsv 34 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.41 0.05 lab 70 35 76 lch 70 84 65 cmyk 0 44 100 0 princeton_orange[6817][255,143,0](0.0):tangerine[8241][255,148,8](2.2):dark_orange[2826][255,140,0](2.4):juicy[4784][255,139,0](2.4):west_side[9051][255,145,15](2.4) 6 dark:juicy:princeton:side:tangerine:west:orange +6730 pizza rgb 191 141 60 hex #BF8D3C hsv 37 69 75 xyz 0.32 0.3 0.08 lab 62 11 49 lch 62 50 78 cmyk 0 20 51 25 anzac[1072][198,142,63](2.2):marigold[5525][184,138,61](3.0):hokey_pokey[4518][187,142,52](4.2):frizzell[3772][173,129,47](5.4):jandal[4729][183,130,57](5.4) 3 anzac:frizzell:hokey:jandal:marigold:pokey +6731 pizza rgb 201 148 21 hex #C99415 hsv 42 90 79 xyz 0.35 0.34 0.05 lab 65 10 66 lch 65 67 81 cmyk 0 21 71 21 PMS131[40][198,147,10](1.7):dark_goldenrod[2731][205,149,12](2.2):medium_goldenrod[5609][205,149,12](2.2):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](2.8):PMS1245[30][191,145,12](3.6) 8 medium:dark:PMS1245:PMS131:goldenrod +6732 plantation rgb 39 80 75 hex #27504B hsv 173 51 31 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.08 lab 31 -16 -2 lch 31 16 185 cmyk 16 0 2 69 dark_opal[2820][39,89,83](3.6):spectra[7887][47,90,87](4.1):zydeco[9283][32,72,63](4.4):dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](4.5):slate_grey_dark[7774][47,79,79](4.5) 5 slate:dark:opal:spectra:zydeco:grey +6733 plantation rgb 62 89 76 hex #3E594C hsv 151 30 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.08 lab 35 -13 4 lch 35 14 162 cmyk 11 0 5 65 eureka[3521][65,91,78](1.0):dark_grayish_spring_green[2755][66,89,78](2.2):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](3.0):dark_grayish_malachite_green[2749][66,89,72](3.2):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](3.3) 8 dark:PMS5477:eureka:grayish:malachite:mineral:spring:green +6734 planter rgb 97 93 48 hex #615D30 hsv 55 51 38 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.04 lab 39 -5 26 lch 39 27 102 cmyk 0 2 19 62 costa_del_sol[2551][97,93,48](0.0):costa_del_sol[2552][98,93,42](4.1):dark_gold[2727][89,83,39](4.1):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](4.2):verdigris[8700][93,94,55](4.5) 8 dark:costa:del:filmpro:gold:raw:sienna:sol:verdigris +6735 planter rgb 98 93 42 hex #625D2A hsv 55 57 38 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.04 lab 39 -6 30 lch 39 30 101 cmyk 0 2 22 62 costa_del_sol[2552][98,93,42](0.0):dark_olive[2811][89,89,39](3.0):costa_del_sol[2551][97,93,48](4.1):acorn[958][115,99,48](5.9):filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](5.9) 3 dark:acorn:costa:del:filmpro:olive:raw:sienna:sol +6736 platinum rgb 165 160 131 hex #A5A083 hsv 51 21 65 xyz 0.32 0.35 0.26 lab 66 -3 16 lch 66 16 101 cmyk 0 2 13 35 canvas[2054][168,165,137](1.7):tallow[8215][168,165,137](1.7):hillary[4492][172,165,134](2.2):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](2.2):grey_olive[4219][161,154,127](2.4) 23 canvas:hillary:neutral:olive:tallow:green:grey +6737 platinum rgb 229 228 226 hex #E5E4E2 hsv 40 1 90 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.83 lab 91 0 1 lch 91 1 91 cmyk 0 0 1 10 grey[4193][229,229,229](1.0):half_concrete[4312][226,225,224](1.0):mercury[5677][229,229,229](1.0):grey[4192][227,227,227](1.4):grey[4194][232,232,232](1.4) 101 concrete:half:mercury:grey +6738 platypus rgb 61 51 52 hex #3D3334 hsv 354 16 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 22 5 1 lch 22 5 12 cmyk 0 4 4 76 half_barbecue[4288][60,53,55](1.7):caffeine[2002][60,49,53](2.2):sepia[7610][58,47,45](2.2):style_pasifika_black_tan[8069][58,47,45](2.2):horoscope[4546][67,55,58](2.4) 40 barbecue:caffeine:half:horoscope:pasifika:sepia:style:tan:black +6739 plum rgb 56 26 56 hex #381A38 hsv 300 54 22 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.04 lab 15 20 -13 lch 15 24 327 cmyk 0 12 0 78 dark_purple[2849][48,25,52](3.6):revolver[7193][44,22,50](4.4):blackcurrant[1487][46,24,59](5.5):ab_fab[941][50,27,47](6.5):upstage[8659][51,32,51](8.1) 2 dark:ab:blackcurrant:fab:revolver:upstage:purple +6740 plum rgb 65 0 86 hex #410056 hsv 285 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.09 lab 14 41 -35 lch 14 54 320 cmyk 8 34 0 66 ripe_plum[7231][65,0,86](0.0):deep_mulberry[3018][67,0,89](1.7):deep_purple[3037][56,0,89](4.2):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](4.6):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](4.6) 5 deep:clairvoyant:hot:mulberry:plum:ripe:purple +6741 plum rgb 88 15 65 hex #580F41 hsv 319 83 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.05 lab 19 37 -12 lch 19 39 342 cmyk 0 29 9 65 blackberry[1486][77,1,53](4.1):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](5.7):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](5.9):mulberry[5936][92,5,54](7.6):mulberry_wood[5940][92,5,54](7.6) 1 deep:blackberry:cerise:fuchsia:mulberry:wood +6742 plum rgb 132 49 121 hex #843179 hsv 308 63 52 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.19 lab 35 45 -24 lch 35 51 332 cmyk 0 33 4 48 centre_stage[2172][131,49,116](3.2):PMS512[628][132,33,107](6.4):midnight[5715][112,38,112](7.0):PMS255[221][119,45,107](7.1):belladonna[1390][119,44,104](8.1) 1 PMS255:PMS512:belladonna:centre:midnight:stage +6743 plum rgb 139 102 139 hex #8B668B hsv 300 27 55 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.27 lab 48 21 -15 lch 48 26 326 cmyk 0 15 0 45 chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](2.4):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](3.7):trendy_pink[8473][128,93,128](4.1):PMS667[846][127,102,137](4.2):de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](4.4) 6 PMS667:chinese:de:dusty:janeiro:trendy:pink:purple:violet +6744 plum rgb 142 69 133 hex #8E4585 hsv 307 51 56 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.24 lab 41 40 -22 lch 41 46 331 cmyk 0 29 4 44 orchid[6234][139,71,137](2.2):light_eggplant[5096][137,69,133](2.4):PMS258[230][155,79,150](5.4):genie[3840][131,62,119](5.4):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](5.5) 2 light:PMS258:berry:eggplant:genie:orchid:razzmic +6745 plum rgb 205 150 205 hex #CD96CD hsv 300 27 80 xyz 0.47 0.39 0.63 lab 69 30 -20 lch 69 36 326 cmyk 0 22 0 20 light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](2.2):pastel_violet[6517][203,153,201](4.2):light_medium_orchid[5144][211,155,203](4.6):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](4.7):medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](5.4) 4 medium:light:PMS2567:grayish:magenta:orchid:pastel:lavender:violet +6746 plum rgb 221 160 221 hex #DDA0DD hsv 300 28 87 xyz 0.55 0.46 0.74 lab 73 33 -22 lch 73 39 326 cmyk 0 24 0 13 medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](0.0):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](0.0):PMS251[217][226,158,214](4.1):light_orchid[5159][226,156,210](5.1):light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](7.1) 3 pale:medium:light:PMS251:grayish:magenta:orchid:plum:lavender +6747 plum rgb 234 173 234 hex #EAADEA hsv 300 26 92 xyz 0.64 0.53 0.85 lab 78 32 -22 lch 78 39 326 cmyk 0 24 0 8 medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](5.1):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](5.1):brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](6.4):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](6.4):PMS251[217][226,158,214](6.7) 0 pale:medium:brilliant:PMS251:electric:magenta:plum:lavender +6748 plum rgb 238 174 238 hex #EEAEEE hsv 300 27 93 xyz 0.66 0.55 0.88 lab 79 34 -23 lch 79 41 326 cmyk 0 25 0 7 brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](5.4):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](5.4):medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](6.2):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](6.2):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](7.3) 0 pale:medium:brilliant:electric:magenta:plum:lavender +6749 plum rgb 238 175 238 hex #EEAFEE hsv 300 26 93 xyz 0.66 0.55 0.88 lab 79 33 -22 lch 79 40 326 cmyk 0 25 0 7 brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](5.7):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](5.7):medium_lavender_magenta[5616][221,160,221](6.0):pale_plum[6408][221,160,221](6.0):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](7.1) 0 pale:medium:brilliant:electric:magenta:plum:lavender +6750 plum rgb 255 187 255 hex #FFBBFF hsv 300 27 100 xyz 0.77 0.64 1.03 lab 84 35 -24 lch 84 43 326 cmyk 0 27 0 0 brilliant_lavender[1784][244,187,255](3.7):electric_lavender[3444][244,187,255](3.7):pale_magenta[6387][255,194,255](4.1):pale_heliotrope[6351][247,194,255](6.2):pale_orchid[6397][255,194,247](7.9) 3 pale:brilliant:electric:heliotrope:magenta:orchid:lavender +6751 plum_purple rgb 78 5 80 hex #4E0550 hsv 298 94 31 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.08 lab 17 40 -26 lch 17 48 327 cmyk 1 29 0 69 deep_violet[3078][73,6,72](3.7):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](5.1):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](5.1):deep_orchid[3025][89,0,78](6.0):PMS2623[249][91,25,94](6.1) 1 deep:PMS2623:clairvoyant:hot:orchid:purple:violet +6752 plump_purple rgb 89 70 178 hex #5946B2 hsv 251 61 70 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.43 lab 37 36 -55 lch 37 66 303 cmyk 35 42 0 30 ocean_blue[6095][79,66,181](4.6):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](7.0):studio[8065][113,74,178](7.1):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](7.3):iris[4670][98,88,196](7.6) 1 PMS2725:PMS2726:iris:ocean:studio:blue +6753 poet rgb 192 188 212 hex #C0BCD4 hsv 250 11 83 xyz 0.52 0.52 0.7 lab 77 6 -12 lch 77 13 298 cmyk 8 9 0 17 blue_haze[1570][191,190,216](1.7):lavender_grey[4939][189,187,215](2.0):blue_haze[1569][189,186,206](2.4):heartbreaker[4447][193,194,218](2.8):fairytale[3547][198,196,219](3.3) 10 fairytale:haze:heartbreaker:blue:grey:lavender +6754 pohutukawa rgb 101 28 38 hex #651C26 hsv 352 72 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 23 33 12 lch 23 36 20 cmyk 0 29 25 60 style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](0.0):PMS505[620][102,30,43](2.0):x_factor[9183][104,27,43](2.8):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.2):monarch[5864][107,37,44](3.2) 12 PMS505:blood:chile:factor:hibiscus:hot:monarch:pasifika:style:x +6755 pohutukawa rgb 143 2 28 hex #8F021C hsv 349 99 56 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.02 lab 29 52 29 lch 29 60 29 cmyk 0 55 45 44 burgundy[1912][144,0,32](3.3):red_devil[7122][134,1,17](4.1):carmine[2093][150,0,24](4.9):ruby_red[7364][155,17,30](5.1):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](5.9) 3 brick:burgundy:carmine:devil:old:ruby:red +6756 poison_green rgb 64 253 20 hex #40FD14 hsv 109 92 99 xyz 0.37 0.71 0.12 lab 88 -81 82 lch 88 115 135 cmyk 74 0 91 1 neon_green[6016][57,255,20](1.0):luminous_vivid_harlequin[5379][64,255,0](2.0):chlorophyll_green[2300][74,255,0](2.2):harlequin[4422][63,255,0](2.2):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](3.2) 10 luminous:vivid:chlorophyll:electric:harlequin:neon:green +6757 polar rgb 229 242 231 hex #E5F2E7 hsv 129 5 95 xyz 0.78 0.86 0.88 lab 94 -6 4 lch 94 7 149 cmyk 5 0 4 5 aqua_spring[1109][232,243,232](1.0):dew[3115][231,242,233](1.4):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](1.7):bubbles[1882][230,242,234](2.2):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](2.2) 40 aqua:bubbles:dew:frosted:honeydew:spring:mint +6758 polar rgb 229 249 246 hex #E5F9F6 hsv 171 8 98 xyz 0.83 0.91 1 lab 96 -7 -1 lch 96 7 186 cmyk 8 0 1 2 off_green[6109][230,248,243](1.0):aqua_spring[1110][234,249,245](1.7):clear_day[2368][233,255,253](2.0):aqua_squeeze[1112][232,245,242](2.2):dew[3116][234,255,254](2.2) 38 aqua:clear:day:dew:off:spring:squeeze:green +6759 polished_pine rgb 93 164 147 hex #5DA493 hsv 166 43 64 xyz 0.23 0.31 0.32 lab 62 -27 2 lch 62 27 176 cmyk 28 0 7 36 dull_teal[3289][95,158,143](3.3):grey_teal[4225][94,155,138](3.7):moderate_opal[5835][74,168,156](5.7):green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](6.2):landmark[4907][62,152,137](6.2) 2 moderate:dull:landmark:opal:sheen:teal:green:grey +6760 polo_blue rgb 138 167 204 hex #8AA7CC hsv 214 32 80 xyz 0.35 0.37 0.62 lab 68 -1 -22 lch 68 22 267 cmyk 26 15 0 20 blake[1493][136,167,200](3.0):relax[7177][153,174,208](3.7):PMS278[299][153,186,221](6.4):carolina_blue[2110][153,186,221](6.4):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](6.5) 2 dark:PMS278:blake:carolina:pastel:relax:blue +6761 polo_blue rgb 141 168 204 hex #8DA8CC hsv 214 31 80 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.63 lab 68 -1 -21 lch 68 21 268 cmyk 25 14 0 20 blake[1493][136,167,200](2.4):relax[7177][153,174,208](3.3):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](6.2):PMS278[299][153,186,221](6.3):carolina_blue[2110][153,186,221](6.3) 2 PMS278:blake:carolina:relax:wild:yonder:blue +6762 pomegranate rgb 243 71 35 hex #F34723 hsv 10 86 95 xyz 0.4 0.24 0.04 lab 56 64 57 lch 56 85 42 cmyk 0 67 82 5 tomato[8411][239,64,38](3.7):orangey_red[6228][250,66,36](4.0):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](4.2):orange_red[6215][253,65,30](5.9):flamingo[3661][242,85,42](6.6) 3 flamingo:orangey:reddish:tomato:orange:red +6763 pomp_and_power rgb 134 96 142 hex #86608E hsv 290 32 56 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.28 lab 46 24 -19 lch 46 31 321 cmyk 3 18 0 44 french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](0.0):muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](2.2):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](2.4):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](3.0):chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](3.6) 6 chinese:dusty:french:lilac:muted:trendy:pink:purple:violet +6764 pompadour rgb 102 0 69 hex #660045 hsv 319 100 40 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.06 lab 21 45 -12 lch 21 47 345 cmyk 0 40 13 60 nightclub[6055][102,0,69](0.0):ribbon[7201][102,0,69](0.0):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](5.2):velvet[8689][117,8,81](5.7):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](6.1) 2 deep:fuchsia:imperial:nightclub:ribbon:velvet:purple +6765 pompadour rgb 106 31 68 hex #6A1F44 hsv 330 71 42 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.06 lab 25 37 -5 lch 25 37 352 cmyk 0 29 15 58 nightclub[6056][106,31,68](0.0):tawny_port[8267][105,37,69](3.3):PMS690[869][112,35,66](4.5):PMS511[626][96,33,68](4.6):lip_service[5297][101,21,56](5.1) 4 PMS511:PMS690:lip:nightclub:port:service:tawny +6766 pompeii rgb 220 209 181 hex #DCD1B5 hsv 43 18 86 xyz 0.61 0.64 0.53 lab 84 -1 15 lch 84 15 93 cmyk 0 4 15 14 aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](1.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.0):janna[4730][222,209,183](1.0):spanish_white[7882][222,209,183](1.0):double_travertine[3249][219,213,186](1.7) 44 aquashield:double:janna:spanish:travertine:wheatfield:white +6767 poo rgb 143 115 3 hex #8F7303 hsv 48 98 56 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.03 lab 50 1 55 lch 50 55 89 cmyk 0 11 55 44 puke_brown[6838][148,119,6](1.7):gold[3890][139,117,0](3.2):hazel[4444][142,118,24](4.1):yellowish_brown[9228][155,122,1](4.7):baby_poop[1246][147,124,0](5.2) 4 baby:gold:hazel:poop:puke:yellowish:brown +6768 poo_brown rgb 136 95 1 hex #885F01 hsv 42 99 53 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.02 lab 43 10 51 lch 43 52 79 cmyk 0 16 53 47 dark_goldenrod[2729][139,101,8](2.8):medium_goldenrod[5607][139,101,8](2.8):orange[6197][139,90,0](4.1):poop[6769][127,94,0](4.2):shit[7669][127,95,0](5.2) 4 medium:dark:goldenrod:poop:shit:orange +6769 poop rgb 127 94 0 hex #7F5E00 hsv 44 100 50 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.02 lab 42 6 50 lch 42 50 83 cmyk 0 13 50 50 shit[7669][127,95,0](1.0):poop_brown[6770][122,89,1](2.8):dark_goldenrod[2729][139,101,8](3.7):medium_goldenrod[5607][139,101,8](3.7):shit_brown[7670][123,88,4](4.1) 7 medium:dark:goldenrod:poop:shit:brown +6770 poop_brown rgb 122 89 1 hex #7A5901 hsv 44 99 48 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.02 lab 40 6 48 lch 40 48 82 cmyk 0 13 47 52 shit_brown[7670][123,88,4](2.2):poop[6769][127,94,0](2.8):shit[7669][127,95,0](3.0):PMS140[55][122,91,17](4.1):poo_brown[6768][136,95,1](5.8) 4 PMS140:poo:poop:shit:brown +6771 poop_green rgb 111 124 0 hex #6F7C00 hsv 66 100 49 xyz 0.14 0.18 0.03 lab 49 -19 54 lch 49 57 109 cmyk 5 0 49 51 olive_green[6163][103,122,4](3.0):shit_green[7671][117,128,0](3.0):murky_green[5947][108,122,14](3.2):swamp_green[8173][116,133,0](4.7):trendy_green[8471][124,136,26](5.2) 4 murky:olive:shit:swamp:trendy:green +6772 popcorn rgb 234 215 170 hex #EAD7AA hsv 42 27 92 xyz 0.65 0.69 0.48 lab 87 0 25 lch 87 25 90 cmyk 0 7 25 8 beeswax[1381][233,215,171](1.4):colonial_white[2435][233,215,171](1.4):wheat[9066][238,216,174](1.4):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](1.7):astra[1167][237,213,166](1.7) 33 aquashield:astra:beeswax:colonial:wheat:white +6773 poppy rgb 172 0 25 hex #AC0019 hsv 351 100 67 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.02 lab 36 60 39 lch 36 72 33 cmyk 0 67 58 33 strong_amaranth[8015][168,0,21](1.7):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](3.0):del_toro[3083][177,29,32](3.7):smashing[7783][173,0,32](4.0):carnelian[2106][179,27,27](4.1) 6 strong:amaranth:carnelian:del:indian:smashing:toro:red +6774 poprock rgb 192 201 117 hex #C0C975 hsv 66 42 79 xyz 0.46 0.54 0.25 lab 79 -16 41 lch 79 44 111 cmyk 4 0 33 21 greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](2.8):greenish_beige[4077][201,209,121](3.6):wild_willow[9115][185,196,106](3.7):deco[2947][204,207,130](4.7):light_olive[5154][172,191,105](6.4) 4 light:beige:deco:greenish:olive:tan:wild:willow +6775 popstar rgb 190 78 98 hex #BE4E62 hsv 349 59 75 xyz 0.26 0.17 0.14 lab 49 47 12 lch 49 48 14 cmyk 0 44 36 25 dark_rose[2860][181,72,93](3.3):cabaret[1968][205,82,108](5.1):miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](5.1):blush[1626][181,80,103](6.5):rose[7294][207,98,117](6.6) 1 dark:blush:cabaret:hussy:miss:rose +6776 popstar rgb 190 79 98 hex #BE4F62 hsv 350 58 75 xyz 0.26 0.17 0.14 lab 49 46 12 lch 49 48 14 cmyk 0 44 36 25 dark_rose[2860][181,72,93](3.2):blush[1626][181,80,103](5.9):cabaret[1968][205,82,108](5.9):miss_hussy[5782][196,71,98](6.1):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](6.4) 1 dark:blush:cabaret:hippie:hussy:miss:pink:rose +6777 porcelain rgb 221 220 219 hex #DDDCDB hsv 30 1 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.77 lab 88 0 1 lch 88 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 13 athens_grey[1175][220,221,221](1.0):gainsboro[3820][220,220,220](1.0):grey[4190][222,222,222](1.0):house_white[4575][223,221,217](1.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.4) 100 alto:athens:gainsboro:house:grey:white +6778 porcelain rgb 239 242 243 hex #EFF2F3 hsv 195 2 95 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.97 lab 95 -1 -1 lch 95 1 226 cmyk 2 0 0 5 anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](1.4):athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](1.4):catskill_white[2139][238,246,247](1.4):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.4):grey[4197][240,240,240](1.4) 76 anti:athens:catskill:concrete:flash:grey:white +6779 porsche rgb 223 157 91 hex #DF9D5B hsv 30 59 87 xyz 0.44 0.41 0.15 lab 70 18 44 lch 70 47 68 cmyk 0 26 52 13 di_serria[3118][219,153,94](3.7):whiskey_sour[9076][219,153,94](3.7):melon[5663][227,168,105](5.2):PMS722[901][209,142,84](6.2):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](6.4) 2 PMS722:di:melon:persian:serria:sour:whiskey:orange +6780 porsche rgb 234 174 105 hex #EAAE69 hsv 32 55 92 xyz 0.52 0.49 0.2 lab 75 14 44 lch 75 46 72 cmyk 0 24 51 8 earth_yellow[3330][225,169,95](3.5):melon[5663][227,168,105](3.7):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](5.4):mellow_apricot[5660][248,184,120](5.4):rajah[7053][247,182,104](5.7) 2 apricot:earth:gold:harvest:mellow:melon:rajah:yellow +6781 port_gore rgb 37 31 79 hex #251F4F hsv 248 61 31 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 15 18 -29 lch 15 34 301 cmyk 16 19 0 69 dark_blue[2687][39,39,89](3.7):dark_persian_blue[2841][45,39,89](4.0):PMS2766[295][43,38,91](4.5):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](5.0):bunting[1906][21,31,76](5.1) 4 dark:PMS2766:blast:bunting:off:persian:blue +6782 port_gore rgb 59 67 108 hex #3B436C hsv 230 45 42 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.15 lab 29 9 -25 lch 29 26 289 cmyk 19 16 0 58 bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](2.4):corn_flower_blue[2523][66,66,111](3.3):filmpro_ultramarine_blue[3623][44,62,107](3.7):capri[2067][48,67,106](4.0):PMS534[670][58,73,114](4.2) 11 PMS534:bay:capri:corn:filmpro:flower:many:of:ultramarine:blue +6783 port_phillip rgb 100 116 100 hex #647464 hsv 120 14 45 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.14 lab 47 -9 7 lch 47 12 144 cmyk 6 0 6 55 yucca[9239][104,120,107](2.8):scaramanga[7515][96,120,108](3.7):willow_grove[9123][101,116,93](4.1):sirocco[7730][104,118,110](4.6):PMS5487[697][102,124,114](5.1) 4 PMS5487:grove:scaramanga:sirocco:willow:yucca +6784 portafino rgb 244 240 155 hex #F4F09B hsv 57 36 96 xyz 0.74 0.84 0.43 lab 93 -11 42 lch 93 43 105 cmyk 0 2 35 4 pale_prim[6409][249,245,159](2.0):primrose[6814][237,234,153](2.8):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](3.0):PMS601[780][242,237,158](3.2):buff[1893][254,246,158](3.3) 16 pale:PMS601:buff:prim:primrose:green:yellow +6785 portafino rgb 255 255 180 hex #FFFFB4 hsv 60 29 100 xyz 0.85 0.96 0.57 lab 98 -11 36 lch 98 38 107 cmyk 0 0 29 0 creme[2589][255,255,182](1.0):parchment[6485][254,252,175](1.0):light_beige[5009][255,254,182](1.4):drover[3275][253,247,173](2.8):canary[2036][255,253,173](3.0) 9 light:beige:canary:creme:drover:parchment +6786 portage rgb 139 152 216 hex #8B98D8 hsv 230 36 85 xyz 0.34 0.33 0.7 lab 64 11 -34 lch 64 36 287 cmyk 30 25 0 15 magic_carpet[5449][139,152,216](0.0):light_sapphire_blue[5194][139,162,231](4.7):vista_blue[8884][124,158,217](7.1):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](7.8):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](8.1) 2 light:dark:bell:carpet:magic:sapphire:vista:blue:turquoise +6787 portage rgb 139 159 238 hex #8B9FEE hsv 228 42 93 xyz 0.38 0.36 0.86 lab 67 13 -42 lch 67 44 287 cmyk 39 31 0 7 light_phthalo_blue[5168][139,150,231](4.2):very_light_phthalo_blue[8778][158,170,255](5.9):light_sapphire_blue[5194][139,162,231](6.4):dark_turquoise[2912][112,147,219](8.7):magic_carpet[5449][139,152,216](8.8) 1 light:dark:very:carpet:magic:phthalo:sapphire:blue:turquoise +6788 portica rgb 240 213 85 hex #F0D555 hsv 50 65 94 xyz 0.61 0.67 0.18 lab 85 -5 65 lch 85 65 94 cmyk 0 11 61 6 energy_yellow[3485][245,215,82](2.4):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](3.0):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](3.6):PMS128[36][244,219,96](3.7):festival[3590][234,204,74](3.7) 15 light:PMS128:energy:festival:gold:yellow +6789 portica rgb 249 230 99 hex #F9E663 hsv 52 60 98 xyz 0.7 0.78 0.23 lab 91 -9 64 lch 91 65 98 cmyk 0 7 59 2 festival[3591][251,233,108](2.2):light_brilliant_gold[5043][255,236,101](2.8):dull_yellow[3290][238,220,91](4.0):PMS113[13][249,229,91](4.1):marigold_yellow[5529][251,232,112](4.1) 10 light:brilliant:PMS113:dull:festival:gold:marigold:yellow +6790 portland rgb 132 126 113 hex #847E71 hsv 41 14 52 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.19 lab 53 0 8 lch 53 8 91 cmyk 0 2 7 48 pravda[6805][136,128,113](1.4):cobblestone[2402][128,127,115](2.2):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.2):antique_white[1067][139,131,120](2.4):stonehenge[7987][130,122,113](2.4) 33 antique:cobblestone:pravda:stonehenge:taupe:grey:white +6791 portland_orange rgb 255 90 54 hex #FF5A36 hsv 11 79 100 xyz 0.46 0.29 0.07 lab 61 61 53 lch 61 81 41 cmyk 0 65 79 0 outrageous_orange[6272][255,96,55](2.4):PMS171[108][249,96,58](4.5):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](4.6):flamingo[3661][242,85,42](4.7):big_bang[1403][255,80,60](6.0) 4 PMS171:bang:big:flamingo:outrageous:soda:orange +6792 possessed rgb 55 59 56 hex #373B38 hsv 135 7 23 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 -2 1 lch 24 3 152 cmyk 2 0 1 77 charcoal[2220][52,56,55](1.4):double_gravel[3204][58,60,57](1.4):botany_bay[1668][55,56,55](1.7):zeus[9257][59,60,56](1.7):dna[3150][51,54,51](2.0) 66 bay:botany:charcoal:dna:double:gravel:zeus +6793 pot_pourri rgb 239 220 212 hex #EFDCD4 hsv 18 11 94 xyz 0.73 0.74 0.73 lab 89 5 6 lch 89 8 50 cmyk 0 7 11 6 PMS5175[639][232,214,209](2.2):bizarre[1449][238,222,218](2.2):dawn_pink[2936][230,214,205](2.2):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](3.0):cest_la_vie[2189][228,215,209](3.0) 38 PMS5175:PMS5245:bizarre:cest:dawn:la:vie:pink +6794 pot_pourri rgb 245 231 226 hex #F5E7E2 hsv 16 8 96 xyz 0.8 0.82 0.84 lab 93 4 4 lch 93 6 47 cmyk 0 5 7 4 dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](1.4):wisp_pink[9151][249,232,226](1.4):sauvignon[7507][244,234,228](2.0):slipper[7777][244,234,228](2.0):rose_white[7318][251,238,232](2.2) 68 dawn:sauvignon:slipper:wisp:pink:rose:white +6795 potters_clay rgb 132 92 64 hex #845C40 hsv 25 52 52 xyz 0.14 0.13 0.07 lab 43 13 23 lch 43 26 60 cmyk 0 16 27 48 cocoa[2405][135,95,66](1.0):dark_wood[2918][133,94,66](1.4):blast_yellow[1506][126,91,63](2.4):palm_sugar[6460][121,85,56](4.5):magma[5453][135,86,57](4.9) 5 dark:blast:cocoa:magma:palm:sugar:wood:yellow +6796 potters_clay rgb 140 87 56 hex #8C5738 hsv 22 60 55 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.05 lab 42 19 27 lch 42 33 55 cmyk 0 21 33 45 rope[7292][142,89,60](1.4):toffee[8398][142,89,60](1.4):legend[4959][140,86,59](2.0):magma[5453][135,86,57](3.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.6) 11 coconut:legend:magma:rope:toffee +6797 powder_ash rgb 188 201 194 hex #BCC9C2 hsv 148 6 79 xyz 0.51 0.56 0.59 lab 80 -6 2 lch 80 6 161 cmyk 5 0 3 21 powder_blue[6801][188,201,194](0.0):nebula[6003][184,198,190](1.0):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.2):pumice[6846][194,202,196](2.2):jet_stream[4761][187,208,201](3.0) 21 half:jet:nebula:periglacial:powder:pumice:stream:blue +6798 powder_blue rgb 146 159 162 hex #929FA2 hsv 191 10 64 xyz 0.31 0.34 0.39 lab 65 -4 -3 lch 65 5 218 cmyk 6 1 0 36 dusted_blue[3303][146,159,162](0.0):cool_grey[2473][149,163,166](1.0):half_regent_grey[4374][147,157,161](1.4):bounty[1679][145,159,160](1.7):submarine[8103][140,156,156](3.0) 18 bounty:cool:dusted:half:regent:submarine:blue:grey +6799 powder_blue rgb 176 224 230 hex #B0E0E6 hsv 187 23 90 xyz 0.59 0.68 0.85 lab 86 -14 -8 lch 86 16 210 cmyk 21 2 0 10 blizzard_blue[1518][172,229,238](3.0):blue_lagoon[1575][172,229,238](3.0):PMS304[340][165,221,226](3.2):PMS2975[326][186,224,226](3.7):charlotte[2230][164,220,230](4.1) 13 PMS2975:PMS304:blizzard:charlotte:lagoon:blue +6800 powder_blue rgb 177 209 252 hex #B1D1FC hsv 214 30 99 xyz 0.58 0.62 1.01 lab 83 -1 -25 lch 83 25 268 cmyk 29 17 0 1 baby_blue[1239][162,207,254](4.4):baby_blue_eyes[1241][161,202,241](4.4):pale_cobalt_blue[6325][194,217,255](5.1):very_light_azure[8746][158,207,255](5.4):tropical_blue[8534][174,201,235](5.9) 2 pale:light:very:baby:cobalt:eyes:tropical:azure:blue +6801 powder_blue rgb 188 201 194 hex #BCC9C2 hsv 148 6 79 xyz 0.51 0.56 0.59 lab 80 -6 2 lch 80 6 161 cmyk 5 0 3 21 powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](0.0):nebula[6003][184,198,190](1.0):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.2):pumice[6846][194,202,196](2.2):jet_stream[4761][187,208,201](3.0) 21 ash:half:jet:nebula:periglacial:powder:pumice:stream:blue +6802 powder_pink rgb 255 178 208 hex #FFB2D0 hsv 337 30 100 xyz 0.69 0.58 0.67 lab 81 32 -4 lch 81 32 353 cmyk 0 30 18 0 lavender[4932][252,180,213](2.2):cotton_candy[2553][255,183,213](2.4):PMS236[194][249,175,211](3.6):lavender_pink[4945][251,174,210](3.7):nadeshiko_pink[5972][246,173,198](4.1) 9 PMS236:candy:cotton:nadeshiko:lavender:pink +6803 prairie_sand rgb 136 60 50 hex #883C32 hsv 7 63 53 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.04 lab 35 32 22 lch 35 39 35 cmyk 0 30 34 47 crab_apple[2570][135,56,47](1.4):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](2.4):rust[7380][139,66,53](2.8):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](3.0):coral[2491][139,62,47](3.2) 16 apple:coral:crab:el:rust:salva:sunspot +6804 prairie_sand rgb 154 56 32 hex #9A3820 hsv 12 79 60 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.02 lab 37 40 36 lch 37 53 42 cmyk 0 38 48 40 brownish_red[1869][158,54,35](2.4):cognac[2426][159,56,29](2.4):PMS484[592][155,48,28](3.3):brick[1707][160,54,35](3.3):countdown[2558][146,47,29](3.7) 7 PMS484:brick:brownish:cognac:countdown:red +6805 pravda rgb 136 128 113 hex #888071 hsv 39 17 53 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.19 lab 54 0 9 lch 54 9 88 cmyk 0 3 9 47 portland[6790][132,126,113](1.4):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.2):antique_white[1067][139,131,120](2.4):makara[5475][137,125,109](2.4):schooner[7532][141,132,120](2.4) 36 antique:makara:portland:schooner:taupe:grey:white +6806 prelude rgb 202 180 212 hex #CAB4D4 hsv 281 15 83 xyz 0.53 0.5 0.69 lab 76 14 -13 lch 76 19 316 cmyk 4 13 0 17 thistle[8326][205,181,205](4.1):moon_raker[5887][192,178,215](4.6):london_hue[5337][190,166,195](5.1):melrose[5668][195,185,221](5.7):thistle[8327][216,191,216](5.7) 2 hue:london:melrose:moon:raker:thistle +6807 prelude rgb 208 192 229 hex #D0C0E5 hsv 266 16 90 xyz 0.59 0.57 0.82 lab 80 13 -16 lch 80 21 307 cmyk 8 15 0 10 fairylight[3546][213,199,232](3.0):fog[3710][213,199,232](3.0):soap[7819][206,200,239](4.1):melrose[5668][195,185,221](4.4):zappo[9249][196,192,226](5.1) 4 fairylight:fog:melrose:soap:zappo +6808 pretty_in_pink rgb 239 214 218 hex #EFD6DA hsv 350 10 94 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.76 lab 88 9 1 lch 88 9 7 cmyk 0 10 8 6 pale_rose[6417][239,214,218](0.0):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](1.7):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.2):cherub[2268][245,215,220](2.2):PMS677[856][237,214,214](2.4) 28 pale:PMS670:PMS677:cherub:ice:vanilla:rose +6809 prim rgb 226 205 213 hex #E2CDD5 hsv 337 9 89 xyz 0.65 0.65 0.72 lab 84 9 -1 lch 84 9 351 cmyk 0 8 5 11 PMS524[652][226,204,211](0.0):lullaby[5356][226,205,213](0.0):PMS5165[637][224,201,204](2.2):devoted[3114][232,205,208](3.3):lola[5333][223,207,219](3.3) 13 PMS5165:PMS524:devoted:lola:lullaby +6810 prim rgb 240 226 236 hex #F0E2EC hsv 317 6 94 xyz 0.78 0.79 0.9 lab 91 6 -3 lch 91 7 334 cmyk 0 5 2 6 lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](2.2):lavenderblush[4950][238,224,229](2.2):selago[7602][230,223,231](2.2):abercrombie[948][236,220,227](3.0):chalk_lavender[2198][228,222,231](3.0) 12 abercrombie:blush:chalk:lavenderblush:selago:lavender +6811 primary_blue rgb 8 4 249 hex #0804F9 hsv 241 98 98 xyz 0.17 0.07 0.9 lab 32 77 -105 lch 32 131 306 cmyk 95 96 0 2 strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](1.4):luminous_vivid_persian_blue[5389][32,0,255](3.0):blue[1530][0,0,255](3.6):luminous_vivid_blue[5365][0,0,255](3.6):blue[1529][0,0,238](4.1) 7 luminous:strong:vivid:persian:blue +6812 primetime rgb 57 115 169 hex #3973A9 hsv 209 66 66 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.4 lab 47 -1 -34 lch 47 34 268 cmyk 44 21 0 34 flat_blue[3665][60,115,168](0.0):lochmara[5324][49,110,160](3.0):lure[5409][47,119,169](4.2):blue_yonder[1601][80,114,167](4.6):moderate_azure[5812][74,121,168](4.6) 6 moderate:flat:lochmara:lure:yonder:azure:blue +6813 primrose rgb 228 222 142 hex #E4DE8E hsv 56 38 89 xyz 0.63 0.71 0.36 lab 87 -9 40 lch 87 41 103 cmyk 0 2 34 11 light_gold[5103][231,220,139](1.4):wild_rice[9106][236,224,144](3.0):PMS609[788][234,229,150](3.3):PMS587[777][232,232,155](4.1):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](5.0) 5 light:PMS587:PMS609:gold:rice:wild:green:yellow +6814 primrose rgb 237 234 153 hex #EDEA99 hsv 58 35 93 xyz 0.7 0.79 0.42 lab 91 -11 40 lch 91 41 105 cmyk 0 1 33 7 PMS609[788][234,229,150](1.7):PMS587[777][232,232,155](2.2):PMS601[780][242,237,158](2.4):portafino[6784][244,240,155](2.8):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](3.6) 9 PMS587:PMS601:PMS609:portafino:green:yellow +6815 princess rgb 237 184 199 hex #EDB8C7 hsv 343 22 93 xyz 0.62 0.56 0.62 lab 80 21 0 lch 80 21 360 cmyk 0 21 15 7 chantilly[2213][237,184,199](0.0):cameo_pink[2024][239,187,204](1.4):orchid_pink[6244][242,189,205](2.2):pale_light_grayish_crimson[6363][231,184,196](2.2):PMS217[175][244,191,209](3.0) 6 pale:light:PMS217:cameo:chantilly:grayish:orchid:crimson:pink +6816 princess_perfume rgb 255 133 207 hex #FF85CF hsv 324 48 100 xyz 0.61 0.43 0.64 lab 71 55 -17 lch 71 58 343 cmyk 0 48 19 0 bubblegum_pink[1881][254,131,204](1.0):persian_pink[6607][247,127,190](5.7):pink[6670][255,129,192](6.1):PMS237[196][244,132,196](6.2):PMS245[211][232,127,201](7.5) 1 PMS237:PMS245:bubblegum:persian:pink +6817 princeton_orange rgb 255 143 0 hex #FF8F00 hsv 34 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.41 0.05 lab 70 35 76 lch 70 84 65 cmyk 0 44 100 0 pizazz[6729][255,144,0](0.0):tangerine[8241][255,148,8](2.2):dark_orange[2826][255,140,0](2.4):juicy[4784][255,139,0](2.4):west_side[9051][255,145,15](2.4) 6 dark:juicy:pizazz:side:tangerine:west:orange +6818 pristine_lavender rgb 178 164 155 hex #B2A49B hsv 23 13 70 xyz 0.38 0.38 0.36 lab 68 4 6 lch 68 7 62 cmyk 0 5 9 30 bronco[1818][171,161,150](2.4):martini[5559][183,168,163](2.4):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](3.0):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](3.0):perfect_taupe[6586][170,159,148](3.0) 28 bronco:buffalo:double:eighth:martini:milestone:perfect:taupe +6819 promenade rgb 248 246 223 hex #F8F6DF hsv 55 10 97 xyz 0.85 0.91 0.83 lab 96 -3 11 lch 96 12 106 cmyk 0 1 10 3 beige[1386][245,245,220](1.4):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](1.4):light_beige[5008][245,245,220](1.4):rum_swizzle[7373][249,248,228](1.4):quarter_dutch_white[6941][251,244,223](2.0) 76 light:beige:chilean:dutch:heath:quarter:rum:swizzle:white +6820 promenade rgb 252 255 231 hex #FCFFE7 hsv 67 9 100 xyz 0.9 0.98 0.9 lab 99 -5 11 lch 99 12 114 cmyk 1 0 9 0 china_ivory[2291][252,255,231](0.0):white_nectar[9090][252,255,231](0.0):hint_of_yellow[4504][250,253,228](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](2.0):off_white[6111][255,255,228](2.2) 40 chilean:china:heath:hint:ivory:nectar:of:off:white:yellow +6821 promise rgb 147 105 98 hex #936962 hsv 9 33 58 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.14 lab 48 16 11 lch 48 19 34 cmyk 0 16 19 42 dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](3.0):quarter_lumberjack[6965][150,112,107](4.1):toast[8379][154,110,97](4.2):half_lumberjack[4350][132,90,83](5.0):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](5.9) 4 dark:chestnut:copper:half:lumberjack:quarter:toast:rose +6822 proton rgb 150 152 140 hex #96988C hsv 70 8 60 xyz 0.29 0.31 0.29 lab 62 -3 6 lch 62 7 116 cmyk 1 0 5 40 aquashield_half_tapa[1130][146,146,136](2.4):half_tapa[4398][146,146,136](2.4):lemon_grass[4974][155,158,143](2.4):archive_grey[1137][154,153,145](3.0):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](3.2) 24 aquashield:archive:friar:grass:half:tapa:grey:lemon +6823 provincial_pink rgb 246 227 218 hex #F6E3DA hsv 19 11 96 xyz 0.78 0.8 0.78 lab 92 5 7 lch 92 8 53 cmyk 0 7 11 4 bridesmaid[1714][250,230,223](1.7):chablis[2193][253,233,224](2.0):fair_pink[3543][243,229,220](2.2):fantasy[3558][242,230,221](2.2):wisp_pink[9151][249,232,226](2.2) 35 bridesmaid:chablis:fair:fantasy:wisp:pink +6824 provincial_pink rgb 254 245 241 hex #FEF5F1 hsv 18 5 100 xyz 0.89 0.93 0.96 lab 97 2 3 lch 97 4 52 cmyk 0 4 5 0 bridal_heath[1713][255,250,244](1.4):fantasy[3559][250,243,240](1.4):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.4):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.4):rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.7) 102 light:very:bridal:fantasy:heath:sauvignon:pink:rose:white +6825 prune rgb 112 28 28 hex #701C1C hsv 360 75 44 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.02 lab 25 37 22 lch 25 43 31 cmyk 0 33 33 56 persian_plum[6609][112,28,28](0.0):crown_of_thorns[2608][119,31,31](2.4):moccaccino[5800][110,29,20](4.6):PMS1810[131][124,33,30](4.7):PMS188[140][124,33,40](4.7) 6 PMS1810:PMS188:crown:moccaccino:of:persian:plum:thorns +6826 prussian_blue rgb 0 49 83 hex #003153 hsv 205 100 33 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.09 lab 19 0 -25 lch 19 25 269 cmyk 33 13 0 67 blue_whale[1598][4,46,76](3.3):PMS540[677][0,51,91](4.1):deep_cornflower_blue[2980][0,56,89](4.4):green_vogue[4064][3,43,82](4.9):PMS289[310][0,38,73](5.0) 5 deep:PMS289:PMS540:cornflower:vogue:whale:blue:green +6827 prussian_blue rgb 0 69 119 hex #004577 hsv 205 100 47 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.18 lab 28 2 -34 lch 28 34 273 cmyk 47 20 0 53 PMS2955[322][0,61,107](3.6):midnight_blue[5720][26,72,118](3.6):twilight_blue[8614][10,67,122](3.6):dark_cerulean[2702][8,69,126](4.4):regal_blue[7169][1,63,106](4.9) 6 dark:PMS2955:cerulean:midnight:regal:twilight:blue +6828 prussian_blue rgb 25 47 65 hex #192F41 hsv 207 62 25 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.05 lab 18 -2 -14 lch 18 14 260 cmyk 16 7 0 75 billabong[1411][23,49,65](2.4):midnight[5714][33,48,62](3.2):crescendo[2594][34,47,68](3.3):big_stone[1406][22,42,64](3.5):elephant[3457][18,52,71](3.7) 12 big:billabong:crescendo:elephant:midnight:stone +6829 psychedelic_purple rgb 223 0 255 hex #DF00FF hsv 292 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.23 0.96 lab 55 94 -70 lch 55 117 323 cmyk 13 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_heliotrope[5380][223,0,255](0.0):phlox[6631][223,0,255](0.0):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](6.5):vivid_orchid[8933][204,0,255](6.6):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](9.9) 2 luminous:vivid:heliotrope:hot:orchid:phlox:purple +6830 puce rgb 165 126 82 hex #A57E52 hsv 32 50 65 xyz 0.25 0.24 0.11 lab 56 10 30 lch 56 31 72 cmyk 0 15 33 35 light_brown[5074][173,129,80](3.3):muesli[5932][158,126,83](3.7):sanctuary[7450][166,132,89](3.7):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](3.7):moderate_orange[5836][168,121,74](4.4) 10 moderate:light:55:lmu:muesli:sanctuary:toast:brown:orange +6831 puce rgb 204 136 153 hex #CC8899 hsv 345 33 80 xyz 0.39 0.33 0.34 lab 64 28 2 lch 64 28 3 cmyk 0 27 20 20 can[2031][208,138,155](1.4):PMS687[866][201,137,158](3.2):can[2032][213,145,164](3.2):pink[6666][205,145,158](3.6):light_pink[5170][205,140,149](3.7) 6 light:PMS687:can:pink +6832 puce_red rgb 114 47 55 hex #722F37 hsv 353 59 45 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.04 lab 29 30 10 lch 29 32 18 cmyk 0 26 23 55 wine[9136][114,47,55](0.0):merlot[5684][115,52,58](2.2):ribbon[7202][113,51,60](3.0):PMS198[156][119,45,53](3.7):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](4.1) 11 PMS198:chile:hot:merlot:ribbon:wine +6833 pueblo rgb 110 51 38 hex #6E3326 hsv 11 65 43 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.03 lab 29 25 20 lch 29 32 39 cmyk 0 23 28 57 kwila[4897][109,51,42](2.0):PMS483[591][107,48,33](2.2):mocha[5803][111,55,45](2.4):meranti[5675][107,52,42](2.8):PMS498[607][109,51,43](3.0) 14 PMS483:PMS498:kwila:meranti:mocha +6834 pueblo rgb 125 44 20 hex #7D2C14 hsv 14 84 49 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.01 lab 30 34 33 lch 30 47 44 cmyk 0 32 41 51 peanut[6560][120,47,22](4.5):kobe[4872][136,45,23](4.6):mocha[5804][120,45,25](4.6):sienna[7691][136,45,23](4.6):red_robin[7139][128,52,31](4.9) 5 kobe:mocha:peanut:robin:sienna:red +6835 puerto_rico rgb 63 193 170 hex #3FC1AA hsv 169 67 76 xyz 0.28 0.42 0.45 lab 71 -41 1 lch 71 41 178 cmyk 51 0 9 24 PMS3258[376][53,196,175](1.7):tealish[8293][36,188,168](3.0):turquoise[8577][6,194,172](4.1):PMS3265[379][0,198,178](5.9):PMS3262[378][0,193,181](6.3) 3 PMS3258:PMS3262:PMS3265:tealish:turquoise +6836 puerto_rico rgb 89 186 163 hex #59BAA3 hsv 166 52 73 xyz 0.28 0.4 0.41 lab 69 -34 3 lch 69 34 175 cmyk 38 0 9 27 keppel[4834][95,182,156](2.4):keppel[4833][58,176,158](5.8):moderate_turquoise[5852][74,168,145](6.1):greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](6.6):zomp[9272][57,167,141](7.7) 1 moderate:greeny:keppel:zomp:blue:turquoise +6837 puke rgb 165 165 2 hex #A5A502 hsv 60 99 65 xyz 0.29 0.35 0.05 lab 66 -16 68 lch 66 70 103 cmyk 0 0 64 35 strong_olive[8043][168,168,0](1.4):vomit[8971][162,164,21](3.2):PMS398[480][175,168,10](3.3):PMS391[468][158,158,7](4.4):PMS383[460][163,175,7](5.5) 4 strong:PMS383:PMS391:PMS398:olive:vomit +6838 puke_brown rgb 148 119 6 hex #947706 hsv 48 96 58 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.03 lab 51 2 56 lch 51 56 88 cmyk 0 11 56 42 poo[6767][143,115,3](1.7):yellowish_brown[9228][155,122,1](3.0):PMS132[41][158,124,10](4.1):gold[3890][139,117,0](4.1):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](4.6) 6 PMS1255:PMS132:gold:poo:yellowish:brown +6839 puke_green rgb 154 174 7 hex #9AAE07 hsv 67 96 68 xyz 0.29 0.37 0.06 lab 67 -25 68 lch 67 73 110 cmyk 8 0 65 32 barf_green[1296][148,172,2](1.4):strong_apple_green[8017][147,168,0](2.2):citrus[2347][159,183,10](4.1):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](4.1):PMS383[460][163,175,7](4.2) 7 strong:PMS383:apple:barf:citrus:impromptu:green +6840 puke_yellow rgb 194 190 14 hex #C2BE0E hsv 59 93 76 xyz 0.41 0.48 0.08 lab 75 -15 75 lch 75 76 102 cmyk 0 2 71 24 PMS397[478][193,191,10](1.0):vomit_yellow[8973][199,193,12](1.4):PMS612[791][196,186,0](2.4):olive_yellow[6169][194,183,9](3.7):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](4.4) 7 PMS397:PMS612:dirty:olive:vomit:yellow +6841 pukeko rgb 58 40 96 hex #3A2860 hsv 259 58 38 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.11 lab 21 23 -31 lch 21 38 307 cmyk 15 22 0 62 paris_m[6490][49,39,96](3.0):jacarta[4705][58,42,106](4.2):dark_blue_violet[2691][58,39,89](4.6):dark_violet[2916][64,39,89](5.0):dancing_queen[2666][74,45,104](5.1) 4 dark:dancing:jacarta:m:paris:queen:blue:violet +6842 pullman_brown rgb 100 65 23 hex #644117 hsv 33 77 39 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.02 lab 31 11 31 lch 31 33 70 cmyk 0 14 30 61 antique_brass[1059][108,70,31](2.4):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](4.5):PMS161[89][99,58,17](4.6):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](4.9):flattery[3676][107,68,35](4.9) 7 antique:PMS1405:PMS161:brass:flattery:nose:brown +6843 pullman_green rgb 59 51 28 hex #3B331C hsv 45 53 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 22 0 16 lch 22 16 91 cmyk 0 3 12 77 olive_drab[6154][60,52,31](1.0):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](2.0):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](2.0):longbush[5342][65,57,34](2.0):panda[6467][66,57,33](2.0) 9 drab:gum:limed:lisbon:longbush:olive:panda:brown +6844 pulse rgb 164 29 25 hex #A41D19 hsv 2 85 64 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.02 lab 36 53 38 lch 36 65 36 cmyk 0 53 55 36 spartan_crimson[7885][158,19,22](2.2):tamarillo[8217][153,22,19](3.6):bonfire[1649][166,42,32](4.1):firebrick[3643][178,34,34](4.2):PMS1805[128][175,38,38](4.4) 6 PMS1805:bonfire:firebrick:spartan:tamarillo:crimson +6845 pumice rgb 186 192 180 hex #BAC0B4 hsv 90 6 75 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.51 lab 77 -4 5 lch 77 7 129 cmyk 2 0 5 25 aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](1.0):tasman[8258][186,192,179](1.0):PMS5645[733][188,193,178](2.0):PMS442[526][186,191,183](2.2):half_atmosphere[4284][190,191,183](2.2) 55 PMS442:PMS5645:aquashield:atmosphere:half:tasman +6846 pumice rgb 194 202 196 hex #C2CAC4 hsv 135 4 79 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.61 lab 81 -4 2 lch 81 4 152 cmyk 3 0 2 21 half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](1.4):PMS5517[706][201,206,196](2.2):powder_ash[6797][188,201,194](2.2):powder_blue[6801][188,201,194](2.2):silver[7705][197,201,199](2.2) 57 PMS5517:ash:half:periglacial:powder:silver:blue +6847 pumpkin rgb 171 107 53 hex #AB6B35 hsv 27 69 67 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.06 lab 51 21 40 lch 51 45 63 cmyk 0 25 46 33 mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](2.2):style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](2.2):oregon[6248][177,108,57](2.4):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](3.2):pendragon[6580][178,114,62](3.3) 10 clay:mai:oregon:pasifika:pendragon:sand:shore:style:tai:brown +6848 pumpkin rgb 177 97 11 hex #B1610B hsv 31 94 69 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.03 lab 49 27 55 lch 49 62 64 cmyk 0 31 65 31 pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](0.0):orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](2.2):omega[6178][181,101,25](2.8):orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](2.8):raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](3.0) 10 omega:orangey:orangish:pumpkin:raw:skin:umber:brown +6849 pumpkin rgb 225 119 1 hex #E17701 hsv 32 100 88 xyz 0.38 0.29 0.04 lab 61 35 68 lch 61 77 62 cmyk 0 42 88 12 PMS152[71][221,117,0](1.4):tahiti_gold[8207][233,124,7](2.4):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](4.1):PMS158[83][232,117,17](4.6):PMS717[896][211,109,0](5.0) 5 vivid:PMS152:PMS158:PMS717:gold:tahiti:orange +6850 pumpkin rgb 255 117 24 hex #FF7518 hsv 24 91 100 xyz 0.48 0.34 0.05 lab 65 48 68 lch 65 84 55 cmyk 0 54 91 0 ecstasy[3360][250,120,20](3.2):orange[6200][249,115,6](3.3):PMS804_2X[919][255,127,30](4.5):PMS1585[84][249,107,7](4.7):chocolate[2309][255,127,36](4.9) 6 2X:PMS1585:PMS804:chocolate:ecstasy:orange +6851 pumpkin_orange rgb 251 125 7 hex #FB7D07 hsv 29 97 98 xyz 0.47 0.35 0.05 lab 66 43 72 lch 66 84 59 cmyk 0 49 96 2 sorbus[7852][253,124,7](1.0):flamenco[3659][255,125,7](1.4):PMS1505[69][244,124,0](2.2):coral[2498][255,127,0](2.2):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](2.2) 19 dark:PMS1505:coral:flamenco:sorbus:orange +6852 pumpkin_skin rgb 177 97 11 hex #B1610B hsv 31 94 69 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.03 lab 49 27 55 lch 49 62 64 cmyk 0 31 65 31 pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](0.0):orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](2.2):omega[6178][181,101,25](2.8):orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](2.8):raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](3.0) 10 omega:orangey:orangish:pumpkin:raw:umber:brown +6853 punch rgb 168 50 57 hex #A83239 hsv 356 70 66 xyz 0.18 0.11 0.05 lab 39 48 24 lch 39 54 26 cmyk 0 46 44 34 PMS1807[129][160,48,51](2.4):get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](3.0):havoc[4437][173,53,57](3.0):filmpro_fire_red[3611][165,51,60](3.2):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](3.2) 12 PMS1807:carmine:filmpro:fire:get:havoc:japanese:reddy:red +6854 punch rgb 220 67 51 hex #DC4333 hsv 6 77 86 xyz 0.32 0.19 0.05 lab 51 58 43 lch 51 73 37 cmyk 0 60 66 14 sunset[8142][220,67,51](0.0):valencia[8668][216,68,55](3.2):cinnabar[2332][227,66,52](3.3):vermilion[8706][227,66,52](3.3):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](4.1) 5 cg:cinnabar:sunset:valencia:vermilion:red +6855 punga rgb 77 61 20 hex #4D3D14 hsv 43 74 30 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.01 lab 27 2 27 lch 27 27 86 cmyk 0 6 22 70 bronzetone[1829][77,64,15](3.7):PMS462[554][91,71,35](4.9):bronze_olive[1825][78,66,12](5.9):madras[5430][63,48,2](6.3):trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](6.4) 2 PMS462:bronze:bronzetone:madras:olive:trailblazer +6856 punga rgb 83 73 49 hex #534931 hsv 42 41 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.04 lab 31 0 16 lch 31 16 89 cmyk 0 4 13 67 PMS448[532][84,71,45](2.2):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](3.0):onion[6183][72,65,43](3.3):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](3.5):camouflage[2028][79,77,50](4.1) 11 PMS448:camouflage:onion:thatch:tumbleweed:green +6857 pure_blue rgb 2 3 226 hex #0203E2 hsv 240 99 89 xyz 0.14 0.06 0.72 lab 28 72 -98 lch 28 122 306 cmyk 88 87 0 11 vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](2.4):vivid_persian_blue[8935][29,0,231](2.4):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](3.6):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](4.1):blue[1529][0,0,238](5.4) 4 vivid:persian:ultramarine:blue:indigo +6858 pure_pewter rgb 102 97 86 hex #666156 hsv 41 16 40 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.11 lab 41 0 7 lch 41 7 91 cmyk 0 2 6 60 karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](0.0):triple_friar_grey[8493][102,97,86](0.0):half_masala[4352][103,99,92](2.2):triple_stonehenge[8521][102,92,82](2.2):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.4) 31 friar:half:karens:masala:pewter:stonehenge:talisman:triple:grey +6859 purple rgb 85 26 139 hex #551A8B hsv 271 81 55 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.25 lab 25 48 -51 lch 25 70 313 cmyk 21 44 0 45 PMS267[259][89,17,142](4.5):daisy_bush[2657][79,35,152](5.7):indigo[4647][75,0,130](6.7):pigment_indigo[6651][75,0,130](6.7):kingfisher_daisy[4864][62,4,128](7.3) 1 PMS267:bush:daisy:kingfisher:pigment:indigo +6860 purple rgb 102 0 153 hex #660099 hsv 280 100 60 xyz 0.11 0.05 0.31 lab 27 60 -57 lch 27 82 316 cmyk 20 60 0 40 PMS2735[280][79,0,147](6.4):PMS2685[261][86,0,140](6.7):strong_purple[8051][105,0,168](7.0):PMS2597[238][102,0,140](7.7):strong_mulberry[8042][126,0,168](7.8) 0 strong:PMS2597:PMS2685:PMS2735:mulberry:purple +6861 purple rgb 125 38 205 hex #7D26CD hsv 271 81 80 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.59 lab 38 65 -69 lch 38 95 313 cmyk 31 65 0 20 french_violet[3762][136,6,206](8.2):blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](8.8):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](8.8):dark_orchid[2830][153,50,205](9.4):purple_heart[6874][101,45,193](9.5) 0 dark:french:heart:orchid:blue:purple:violet +6862 purple rgb 126 30 156 hex #7E1E9C hsv 286 81 61 xyz 0.15 0.08 0.32 lab 33 57 -48 lch 33 75 320 cmyk 12 49 0 39 PMS527[658][122,30,153](1.4):seance[7584][115,30,143](6.0):PMS2602[240][130,12,142](6.8):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](7.1):PMS2597[238][102,0,140](7.3) 1 deep:PMS2597:PMS2602:PMS527:cobalt:seance:violet +6863 purple rgb 128 0 128 hex #800080 hsv 300 100 50 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.21 lab 30 59 -36 lch 30 69 328 cmyk 0 50 0 50 patriarch[6523][128,0,128](0.0):web_purple[9039][128,0,128](0.0):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](3.0):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](5.8):magenta[5433][139,0,139](5.8) 3 dark:gras:magenta:mardi:patriarch:web:purple +6864 purple rgb 138 43 226 hex #8A2BE2 hsv 271 81 89 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.73 lab 42 70 -75 lch 42 102 313 cmyk 35 72 0 11 blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](0.0):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](0.0):french_violet[3762][136,6,206](6.4):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](8.1):violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](8.1) 2 dark:french:blue:purple:violet +6865 purple rgb 145 44 238 hex #912CEE hsv 271 82 93 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.82 lab 44 73 -78 lch 44 107 313 cmyk 36 76 0 7 blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](4.7):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](4.7):veronica[8710][160,32,240](6.2):violet[8857][154,14,234](7.1):vivid_purple[8938][145,0,231](7.9) 2 vivid:veronica:blue:purple:violet +6866 purple rgb 155 48 255 hex #9B30FF hsv 271 81 100 xyz 0.33 0.16 0.96 lab 47 77 -83 lch 47 113 313 cmyk 39 81 0 0 electric_purple[3449][170,35,255](5.5):veronica[8710][160,32,240](6.6):violet[8857][154,14,234](7.1):vivid_purple[8938][145,0,231](7.3):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](8.2) 0 vivid:electric:veronica:purple:violet +6867 purple rgb 159 0 197 hex #9F00C5 hsv 288 100 77 xyz 0.24 0.11 0.54 lab 40 75 -61 lch 40 97 321 cmyk 15 77 0 23 heliotrope_magenta[4464][170,0,187](8.1):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](9.1):violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](9.1):violet[8853][134,1,175](9.7):dark_orchid[2831][154,50,205](9.9) 0 dark:heliotrope:magenta:orchid:violet +6868 purple rgb 160 32 240 hex #A020F0 hsv 277 87 94 xyz 0.31 0.15 0.84 lab 45 79 -77 lch 45 110 315 cmyk 31 82 0 6 veronica[8710][160,32,240](0.0):violet[8857][154,14,234](2.4):vivid_purple[8938][145,0,231](5.1):electric_purple[3449][170,35,255](5.8):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](6.4) 2 vivid:electric:mulberry:veronica:purple:violet +6869 purple/blue rgb 93 33 208 hex #5D21D0 hsv 261 84 82 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.6 lab 34 63 -78 lch 34 101 309 cmyk 45 69 0 18 blue_purple[1583][87,41,206](4.1):burple[1943][104,50,227](5.4):violet_blue[8860][81,10,201](6.4):purpley_blue[6894][95,52,231](7.1):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](8.2) 1 bluish:burple:purpley:blue:purple:violet +6870 purple/pink rgb 215 37 222 hex #D725DE hsv 298 83 87 xyz 0.42 0.21 0.71 lab 53 83 -54 lch 53 99 327 cmyk 3 73 0 13 magenta[5436][205,0,205](4.5):deep_magenta[3013][204,0,204](5.0):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](8.1):vivid_magenta[8924][231,0,231](8.5):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](8.7) 2 deep:vivid:fuchsia:magenta:pink/purple +6871 purple_blue rgb 99 45 233 hex #632DE9 hsv 257 81 91 xyz 0.21 0.1 0.78 lab 39 66 -85 lch 39 108 308 cmyk 53 74 0 9 purpley_blue[6894][95,52,231](4.5):burple[1943][104,50,227](5.8):purpleish_blue[6891][97,64,239](7.9):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](9.1):purple/blue[6869][93,33,208](9.1) 1 bluish:burple:purple/blue:purpleish:purpley:blue:purple +6872 purple_brown rgb 103 58 63 hex #673A3F hsv 353 44 40 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.05 lab 30 21 6 lch 30 21 15 cmyk 0 18 16 60 solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](2.4):salmon[7424][111,66,66](3.7):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](4.1):deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](4.4):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](4.4) 5 deep:coffee:flare:purplish:roast:salmon:solar:brown +6873 purple_grey rgb 134 111 133 hex #866F85 hsv 303 17 53 xyz 0.2 0.18 0.25 lab 50 13 -9 lch 50 16 327 cmyk 0 9 0 47 purplish_grey[6900][122,104,127](4.2):labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](4.4):purpley_grey[6895][148,126,148](5.0):graceland[3961][135,116,130](5.1):grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](5.2) 3 graceland:labyrinth:purpley:purplish:grey:purple +6874 purple_heart rgb 101 45 193 hex #652DC1 hsv 263 77 76 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.51 lab 35 56 -68 lch 35 88 310 cmyk 36 58 0 24 blurple[1624][85,57,204](6.5):blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](9.1):blue_purple[1583][87,41,206](9.5):purple[6861][125,38,205](9.5):bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](10.3) 0 a:bluey:blurple:hint:of:with:blue:purple +6875 purple_heart rgb 105 53 156 hex #69359C hsv 270 66 61 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.32 lab 34 43 -47 lch 34 64 312 cmyk 20 40 0 39 rebecca_purple[7096][102,51,153](1.0):rebecca_purple[7097][102,52,153](1.4):royal_purple[7356][107,63,160](4.6):PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](6.5):dark_slate_blue[2888][107,35,142](7.5) 3 slate:dark:2X:PMS814:rebecca:royal:blue:purple +6876 purple_heart rgb 116 66 200 hex #7442C8 hsv 262 67 78 xyz 0.2 0.12 0.56 lab 41 50 -62 lch 41 80 309 cmyk 33 53 0 22 bluey_purple[1613][98,65,199](4.7):purpley[6893][135,86,228](8.6):blue_with_a_hint_of_purple[1600][83,60,198](9.1):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](9.6):PMS266[257][109,40,170](10.2) 1 PMS266:a:bluey:hint:majorelle:of:purpley:with:blue:purple +6877 purple_medium rgb 147 112 219 hex #9370DB hsv 260 49 86 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.7 lab 55 37 -50 lch 55 62 306 cmyk 28 42 0 14 medium_orchid[5618][147,112,219](0.0):medium_purple[5631][147,112,219](0.0):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](2.0):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](4.9):amethyst[1041][153,102,204](6.2) 4 medium:dark:amethyst:orchid:pastel:purple +6878 purple_mountain's_majesty rgb 157 129 186 hex #9D81BA hsv 269 31 73 xyz 0.31 0.26 0.5 lab 58 22 -26 lch 58 34 310 cmyk 11 22 0 27 purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](0.0):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](2.2):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.1):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.1):cold_purple[2430][157,138,191](5.1) 4 cold:majesty:mountain:mountain's:mountains:lavender:purple +6879 purple_mountain's_majesty rgb 150 120 182 hex #9678B6 hsv 269 34 71 xyz 0.28 0.23 0.47 lab 55 24 -28 lch 55 37 310 cmyk 13 24 0 29 purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](0.0):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](4.1):purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](4.1):violet[8856][146,110,174](4.4) 9 majesty:mountain:mountain's:mountains:lavender:purple:violet +6880 purple_mountain_majesty rgb 150 120 182 hex #9678B6 hsv 269 34 71 xyz 0.28 0.23 0.47 lab 55 24 -28 lch 55 37 310 cmyk 13 24 0 29 purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](0.0):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](4.1):purple_mountains_majesty[6881][157,129,186](4.1):violet[8856][146,110,174](4.4) 9 majesty:mountain's:mountain's:mountains:lavender:purple:violet +6881 purple_mountains_majesty rgb 157 129 186 hex #9D81BA hsv 269 31 73 xyz 0.31 0.26 0.5 lab 58 22 -26 lch 58 34 310 cmyk 11 22 0 27 purple_mountain's_majesty[6878][157,129,186](0.0):lavender_purple[4946][150,123,182](2.2):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.1):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.1):cold_purple[2430][157,138,191](5.1) 4 cold:majesty:mountain:mountain's:mountain's:lavender:purple +6882 purple_navy rgb 78 81 128 hex #4E5180 hsv 236 39 50 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.22 lab 36 11 -27 lch 36 29 293 cmyk 20 18 0 50 dusk[3293][78,84,129](1.7):east_bay[3333][65,76,125](3.0):magik[5452][62,76,122](4.4):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](4.6):style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](5.1) 4 bay:dusk:east:magik:pasifika:sapphire:style:whale:blue +6883 purple_pink rgb 224 63 216 hex #E03FD8 hsv 303 72 88 xyz 0.45 0.24 0.67 lab 56 77 -45 lch 56 90 330 cmyk 0 63 3 12 brilliant_magenta[1786][231,81,231](4.9):pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](5.1):pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](5.1):steel_pink[7974][204,51,204](5.7):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](8.8) 1 brilliant:magenta:orchid:pinkish:steel:pink:purple +6884 purple_pizzazz rgb 254 78 218 hex #FE4EDA hsv 312 69 100 xyz 0.56 0.32 0.69 lab 63 79 -36 lch 63 87 336 cmyk 0 69 14 0 razzle_dazzle_rose[7091][255,72,208](4.2):candy_pink[2046][255,99,233](7.1):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](7.3):light_brilliant_orchid[5054][255,101,236](7.5):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](8.2) 1 light:brilliant:candy:dazzle:orchid:razzle:pink:rose +6885 purple_pizzazz rgb 255 0 204 hex #FF00CC hsv 312 100 100 xyz 0.52 0.26 0.59 lab 58 92 -36 lch 58 99 338 cmyk 0 100 20 0 hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](2.2):hot_magenta[4558][245,4,201](4.1):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](5.9):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](6.4):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](7.9) 2 luminous:vivid:dazzle:fuchsia:hot:magenta:razzle:shocking:pink:rose +6886 purple_pizzazz rgb 255 29 206 hex #FF1DCE hsv 313 89 100 xyz 0.53 0.27 0.61 lab 59 90 -36 lch 59 96 338 cmyk 0 89 19 0 hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](0.0):hot_magenta[4558][245,4,201](3.7):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](5.5):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](5.9):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](6.3) 2 luminous:vivid:dazzle:fuchsia:hot:magenta:razzle:shocking:pink:rose +6887 purple_plum rgb 156 81 182 hex #9C51B6 hsv 285 55 71 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.46 lab 47 47 -41 lch 47 63 319 cmyk 10 40 0 29 deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](2.4):purpureus[6906][154,78,174](3.2):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](4.1):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](4.7):moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](5.5) 4 deep:moderate:PMS2587:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry:purpureus +6888 purple_red rgb 153 1 71 hex #990147 hsv 332 99 60 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.07 lab 32 57 5 lch 32 58 5 cmyk 0 60 32 40 PMS221[179][147,0,66](1.7):berry[1397][153,15,75](2.4):colour_me_pink[2437][169,12,80](5.8):mulberry[5938][146,10,78](6.3):PMS220[178][170,0,79](6.5) 2 PMS220:PMS221:berry:colour:me:mulberry:pink +6889 purple_taupe rgb 80 64 77 hex #50404D hsv 311 20 31 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.08 lab 29 10 -5 lch 29 11 331 cmyk 0 6 1 69 mortar[5902][80,67,81](2.4):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](3.2):dark_grayish_rose[2753][89,66,78](3.5):dark_grayish_fuchsia[2743][89,66,84](4.1):moody_lavender[5882][80,67,73](4.4) 6 dark:bossanova:fuchsia:grayish:moody:mortar:lavender:rose +6890 purpleish rgb 152 86 141 hex #98568D hsv 310 43 60 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.27 lab 46 36 -19 lch 46 40 332 cmyk 0 26 4 40 purplish[6897][148,86,140](2.2):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](4.2):blue_violet[1597][159,95,159](6.4):light_plum[5177][157,87,131](7.1):plum[6744][142,69,133](7.1) 2 light:berry:plum:purplish:razzmic:blue:violet +6891 purpleish_blue rgb 97 64 239 hex #6140EF hsv 251 73 94 xyz 0.22 0.12 0.83 lab 42 59 -83 lch 42 102 305 cmyk 56 69 0 6 purpley_blue[6894][95,52,231](4.2):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](5.4):burple[1943][104,50,227](5.8):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](6.7):purple_blue[6871][99,45,233](7.9) 1 bluish:burple:neon:purpley:blue:purple +6892 purpleish_pink rgb 223 78 200 hex #DF4EC8 hsv 310 65 87 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.57 lab 57 69 -35 lch 57 78 333 cmyk 0 57 9 13 brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](5.8):brilliant_fuchsia[1777][231,81,194](6.3):purpley_pink[6896][200,60,185](6.4):pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](7.3):pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](10.4) 0 brilliant:fuchsia:orchid:pinky:purpley:pink:purple +6893 purpley rgb 135 86 228 hex #8756E4 hsv 261 62 89 xyz 0.27 0.17 0.75 lab 49 51 -65 lch 49 83 308 cmyk 36 56 0 11 lavender_indigo[4941][148,87,235](4.6):navy_purple[6002][148,87,235](4.6):brilliant_blue_violet[1768][137,81,231](5.1):brilliant_indigo[1783][119,81,231](6.7):brilliant_violet[1810][156,81,231](7.1) 2 brilliant:navy:blue:indigo:lavender:purple:violet +6894 purpley_blue rgb 95 52 231 hex #5F34E7 hsv 254 77 91 xyz 0.2 0.11 0.77 lab 39 62 -83 lch 39 104 307 cmyk 53 70 0 9 burple[1943][104,50,227](3.2):purpleish_blue[6891][97,64,239](4.2):purple_blue[6871][99,45,233](4.5):bluish_purple[1620][112,59,231](5.9):purple/blue[6869][93,33,208](7.1) 3 bluish:burple:purple/blue:purpleish:blue:purple +6895 purpley_grey rgb 148 126 148 hex #947E94 hsv 300 15 58 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.31 lab 55 13 -9 lch 55 15 325 cmyk 0 9 0 42 nitro[6062][151,131,149](3.5):party_pink[6498][151,131,149](3.5):mountbatten_pink[5921][153,122,141](3.6):amethyst_smoke[1043][149,135,156](5.0):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](5.0) 5 amethyst:mountbatten:nitro:party:smoke:grey:pink:purple +6896 purpley_pink rgb 200 60 185 hex #C83CB9 hsv 306 70 78 xyz 0.34 0.19 0.48 lab 51 68 -37 lch 51 77 332 cmyk 0 55 6 22 pinky_purple[6705][201,76,190](5.5):purpleish_pink[6892][223,78,200](6.4):byzantine[1964][189,51,164](7.8):PMS253[219][175,35,165](8.1):brilliant_orchid[1791][231,81,213](10.0) 0 brilliant:PMS253:byzantine:orchid:pinky:purpleish:pink:purple +6897 purplish rgb 148 86 140 hex #94568C hsv 308 42 58 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.27 lab 45 34 -19 lch 45 39 331 cmyk 0 24 3 42 purpleish[6890][152,86,141](2.2):razzmic_berry[7094][141,78,133](3.3):violet[8855][143,94,153](6.7):light_plum[5177][157,87,131](7.1):blue_violet[1597][159,95,159](7.3) 2 light:berry:plum:purpleish:razzmic:blue:violet +6898 purplish_blue rgb 96 30 249 hex #601EF9 hsv 258 88 98 xyz 0.22 0.1 0.9 lab 38 75 -94 lch 38 120 308 cmyk 60 86 0 2 blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](3.6):blue_violet[1593][93,6,233](4.2):han_purple[4419][82,24,250](4.2):purply_blue[6904][102,26,238](4.2):vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](4.5) 5 vivid:blue/purple:han:purply:blue:purple:violet +6899 purplish_brown rgb 107 66 71 hex #6B4247 hsv 353 38 42 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.07 lab 33 19 4 lch 33 19 13 cmyk 0 16 14 58 solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](3.6):spellbound[7890][109,74,78](3.6):purple_brown[6872][103,58,63](4.1):salmon[7424][111,66,66](4.1):crossroads[2606][115,73,73](4.4) 8 crossroads:flare:salmon:solar:spellbound:brown:purple +6900 purplish_grey rgb 122 104 127 hex #7A687F hsv 287 18 50 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.22 lab 46 12 -10 lch 46 15 319 cmyk 2 9 0 50 labyrinth[4905][120,106,127](2.2):purple_grey[6873][134,111,133](4.2):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](4.5):fedora[3568][121,106,120](5.1):rum[7371][121,105,137](5.2) 3 fedora:labyrinth:old:rum:grey:lavender:purple +6901 purplish_pink rgb 206 93 174 hex #CE5DAE hsv 317 55 81 xyz 0.37 0.24 0.43 lab 56 54 -22 lch 56 59 338 cmyk 0 44 13 19 pale_magenta[6385][215,103,173](6.2):PMS252[218][211,107,198](8.1):PMS2375[197][234,107,191](8.7):red_violet[7146][192,68,143](10.3):super_pink[8152][207,107,169](10.3) 0 pale:PMS2375:PMS252:magenta:super:pink:red:violet +6902 purplish_red rgb 176 5 75 hex #B0054B hsv 335 97 69 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.08 lab 38 63 10 lch 38 63 9 cmyk 0 67 40 31 raspberry[7069][176,1,73](1.4):irresistible[4687][185,0,76](3.0):PMS220[178][170,0,79](4.6):PMS215[173][165,5,68](5.1):rose_red[7315][194,30,86](5.2) 3 PMS215:PMS220:irresistible:raspberry:red:rose +6903 purply rgb 152 63 178 hex #983FB2 hsv 286 65 70 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.44 lab 43 54 -45 lch 43 70 320 cmyk 10 45 0 30 PMS2582[231][170,71,186](6.2):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](7.6):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](8.7):purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](9.0):PMS2665[258][137,79,191](9.6) 0 deep:PMS2582:PMS2587:PMS2665:cobalt:plum:purple:violet +6904 purply_blue rgb 102 26 238 hex #661AEE hsv 262 89 93 xyz 0.21 0.1 0.82 lab 37 74 -90 lch 37 116 309 cmyk 53 83 0 7 blue_violet[1593][93,6,233](2.4):vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](3.7):purplish_blue[6898][96,30,249](4.2):vivid_violet[8960][116,0,231](5.0):blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](5.4) 4 vivid:blue/purple:purplish:blue:violet +6905 purply_pink rgb 240 117 230 hex #F075E6 hsv 305 51 94 xyz 0.57 0.37 0.79 lab 67 62 -36 lch 67 72 330 cmyk 0 48 4 6 orchid[6240][238,122,233](3.3):light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](5.4):orchid[6241][255,131,250](5.9):lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](6.8):violet[8858][238,130,238](6.8) 1 light:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:lavender:pink:violet +6906 purpureus rgb 154 78 174 hex #9A4EAE hsv 288 55 68 xyz 0.24 0.15 0.42 lab 46 47 -38 lch 46 60 321 cmyk 8 38 0 32 moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](2.4):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](2.8):purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](3.2):PMS2587[233][142,71,173](5.0):deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](5.5) 4 deep:moderate:PMS2587:heliotrope:lilac:mulberry:plum:purple +6907 pursuit rgb 217 37 29 hex #D9251D hsv 3 87 85 xyz 0.3 0.16 0.03 lab 47 66 50 lch 47 83 37 cmyk 0 71 74 15 venetian_red[8693][212,26,31](3.0):permanent_geranium_lake[6598][225,44,44](4.6):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](5.1):brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](5.1):venetian_red[8692][200,8,21](5.1) 2 PMS1795:geranium:lake:madder:permanent:venetian:brown:red +6908 push_play rgb 33 88 76 hex #21584C hsv 167 63 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.08 lab 34 -21 2 lch 34 21 176 cmyk 22 0 5 65 dark_turquoise[2911][39,89,77](1.0):aquamarine[1115][32,89,72](2.8):eden[3362][38,98,85](3.6):jackpot[4710][20,83,70](3.6):stromboli[8013][50,93,82](3.6) 10 dark:eden:jackpot:stromboli:aquamarine:turquoise +6909 putty rgb 190 174 138 hex #BEAE8A hsv 42 27 75 xyz 0.41 0.43 0.3 lab 72 0 21 lch 72 21 90 cmyk 0 6 20 25 matchstick[5572][195,179,141](1.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](2.0):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](2.4):chino[2296][184,173,138](3.0):toi[8399][183,173,139](3.0) 21 65:chino:lmu:matchstick:pavlova:toast:toi +6910 putty rgb 205 174 112 hex #CDAE70 hsv 40 45 80 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.22 lab 73 3 36 lch 73 36 85 cmyk 0 12 36 20 style_pasifika_pink_night[8088][205,174,112](0.0):tan[8222][209,178,111](2.4):sandstone[7469][201,174,116](3.3):coyote[2568][221,183,123](4.2):safari[7401][192,164,105](4.6) 5 coyote:night:pasifika:safari:sandstone:style:tan:pink +6911 putty rgb 231 205 140 hex #E7CD8C hsv 43 39 91 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.34 lab 83 0 36 lch 83 36 90 cmyk 0 10 36 9 light_amber[4999][231,208,139](1.7):chalky[2200][238,215,148](3.2):chalky[2199][223,194,129](3.6):egg_white[3373][224,200,141](3.6):light_beige[5007][221,194,131](4.2) 11 light:amber:beige:chalky:egg:white +6912 quadrant_grey rgb 89 94 107 hex #595E6B hsv 223 17 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.16 lab 40 1 -8 lch 40 8 277 cmyk 7 5 0 58 mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](2.2):silvered_grey[7723][86,91,100](2.4):smoky[7795][96,93,107](3.0):haast_shale[4267][81,86,100](3.2):shuttle_grey[7681][95,102,114](3.2) 13 haast:mid:shale:shuttle:silvered:smoky:grey +6913 quantum_leap rgb 79 105 139 hex #4F698B hsv 214 43 55 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.26 lab 44 0 -22 lch 44 22 270 cmyk 24 13 0 45 waratah[8993][85,105,139](2.2):kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](2.4):kashmir_blue[4822][80,112,150](3.0):kingfisher_blue[4863][89,106,139](3.0):waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](3.0) 8 kashmir:kingfisher:waikawa:waratah:blue:grey +6914 quarry_stone rgb 123 116 94 hex #7B745E hsv 46 24 48 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.13 lab 49 -1 13 lch 49 13 95 cmyk 0 3 11 52 aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](1.4):pablo[6289][122,113,92](1.4):stonewall[7988][128,118,97](1.4):strobe[8012][121,115,92](1.7):arrowtown[1146][130,122,103](2.4) 27 aquashield:arrowtown:pablo:stonewall:strobe +6915 quarter_akaroa rgb 217 210 191 hex #D9D2BF hsv 44 12 85 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.59 lab 84 -1 10 lch 84 10 94 cmyk 0 3 10 15 ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](1.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.0):joanna[4770][214,209,192](1.0):double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](1.7):half_caraway[4302][215,206,187](1.7) 85 blanc:caraway:double:ecru:fossil:half:joanna:white +6916 quarter_alabaster rgb 247 246 242 hex #F7F6F2 hsv 48 2 97 xyz 0.87 0.92 0.97 lab 97 0 2 lch 97 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 3 eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.0):pampas[6462][244,242,238](1.0):spring_wood[7933][248,246,241](1.0):eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.4):bridal_heath[1713][255,250,244](1.7) 116 bridal:cake:eighth:heath:pampas:rice:spring:wood:black:white +6917 quarter_albescent_white rgb 238 232 221 hex #EEE8DD hsv 39 7 93 xyz 0.77 0.81 0.8 lab 92 0 6 lch 92 6 89 cmyk 0 2 7 7 white_linen[9086][238,231,220](0.0):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](1.0):quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](1.0):soapstone[7820][236,229,218](1.0):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.4) 140 biscotti:blanc:eighth:fossil:linen:quarter:soapstone:white +6918 quarter_arrowtown rgb 168 162 147 hex #A8A293 hsv 43 13 66 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.33 lab 67 0 9 lch 67 9 93 cmyk 0 2 8 34 napa[5977][172,164,148](1.0):greyish[4227][168,164,149](1.4):half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](1.4):quarter_stonewall[7000][166,159,142](1.4):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](2.0) 50 ash:craigieburn:double:greyish:half:napa:quarter:stonewall +6919 quarter_ash rgb 217 214 202 hex #D9D6CA hsv 48 7 85 xyz 0.63 0.67 0.65 lab 86 -1 6 lch 86 6 100 cmyk 0 1 6 15 milk_white[5744][220,217,205](1.0):PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.4):eighth_bison_hide[3389][222,215,203](1.4):quarter_linen[6964][216,213,200](1.4):quarter_tea[7008][224,218,208](1.4) 124 PMS427:bison:eighth:hide:linen:milk:quarter:tea:white +6920 quarter_barista rgb 97 79 79 hex #614F4F hsv 360 19 38 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.09 lab 35 8 3 lch 35 8 21 cmyk 0 7 7 62 rough_n_tumble[7339][91,76,72](3.0):wenge[9047][100,84,82](3.0):congo_brown[2458][101,77,73](3.2):don_juan[3166][93,76,81](3.2):zambezi[9245][104,85,88](3.6) 15 congo:don:juan:n:rough:tumble:wenge:zambezi:brown +6921 quarter_beryl_green rgb 217 217 202 hex #D9D9CA hsv 60 7 85 xyz 0.64 0.69 0.66 lab 86 -3 7 lch 86 8 110 cmyk 0 0 6 15 helium[4465][216,217,200](1.0):PMS5595[723][216,219,204](1.4):PMS5665[737][214,214,198](1.4):PMS621[800][216,221,206](1.4):sponge[7909][220,219,205](1.4) 96 PMS5595:PMS5665:PMS621:helium:sponge +6922 quarter_bianca rgb 249 248 240 hex #F9F8F0 hsv 53 4 98 xyz 0.88 0.94 0.96 lab 97 -1 4 lch 97 4 105 cmyk 0 0 4 2 eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](0.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.0):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.0):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.0):quarter_rice_cake[6986][246,244,237](1.0) 117 bianca:cake:eighth:filmpro:glistening:lusta:pearl:quarter:rice:white +6923 quarter_biscotti rgb 227 215 199 hex #E3D7C7 hsv 34 12 89 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.64 lab 87 1 9 lch 87 9 81 cmyk 0 5 11 11 bone[1646][227,218,201](1.0):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.4):quarter_fossil[6946][228,220,203](1.4):eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](2.0):bubble_white[1878][220,215,198](2.2) 95 albescent:bone:bubble:eighth:fossil:joss:quarter:white +6924 quarter_bison_hide rgb 208 202 186 hex #D0CABA hsv 44 11 82 xyz 0.56 0.59 0.55 lab 81 -1 9 lch 81 9 94 cmyk 0 2 9 18 half_linen[4349][205,202,185](1.0):double_thorndon_cream[3248][205,200,181](1.4):half_tana[4397][204,201,182](1.4):sisal[7733][211,203,186](1.4):acropolis[959][206,198,181](1.7) 79 acropolis:cream:double:half:linen:sisal:tana:thorndon +6925 quarter_black_white rgb 242 241 237 hex #F2F1ED hsv 48 2 95 xyz 0.83 0.88 0.93 lab 95 0 2 lch 95 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 5 eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.0):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.0):half_black_white[4295][240,238,234](1.0):isabelline[4688][244,240,236](1.0):pampas[6462][244,242,238](1.0) 123 alabaster:cake:eighth:half:isabelline:pampas:rice:black:white +6926 quarter_blanc rgb 236 229 218 hex #ECE5DA hsv 37 8 93 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.78 lab 91 0 6 lch 91 6 85 cmyk 0 3 7 7 soapstone[7820][236,229,218](0.0):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.0):quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.0):quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](1.0):white_linen[9086][238,231,220](1.0) 137 albescent:cream:joanna:linen:quarter:soapstone:thorndon:white +6927 quarter_buffalo rgb 153 134 130 hex #998682 hsv 10 15 60 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.25 lab 57 6 5 lch 57 8 36 cmyk 0 7 9 40 tom[8404][146,130,127](1.4):warm_grey[9000][151,138,132](2.2):cinereous[2331][152,129,123](3.0):hurricane[4588][139,126,119](3.7):misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](3.7) 16 misty:cinereous:hurricane:tom:warm:grey:rose +6928 quarter_canterbury_clay rgb 229 210 175 hex #E5D2AF hsv 39 24 90 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.5 lab 85 1 20 lch 85 20 87 cmyk 0 7 21 10 half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](2.2):givry[3866][235,212,174](2.4):PMS467[565][221,204,165](3.0):PMS468[567][226,214,181](3.0):eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](3.0) 38 PMS467:PMS468:eighth:givry:half:haystack:putty +6929 quarter_cararra rgb 243 239 227 hex #F3EFE3 hsv 45 7 95 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.85 lab 94 -1 6 lch 94 6 96 cmyk 0 2 6 5 eighth_thorndon_cream[3427][240,238,229](1.0):eighth_wheatfield[3430][244,241,230](1.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.4):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.4):ivory[4698][238,238,224](1.4) 121 alabaster:cake:cream:eighth:half:ivory:rice:thorndon:wheatfield +6930 quarter_caraway rgb 225 219 204 hex #E1DBCC hsv 43 9 88 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.67 lab 87 -1 8 lch 87 8 94 cmyk 0 2 8 12 albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.0):half_ecru_white[4322][224,220,204](1.0):bone[1646][227,218,201](1.4):bubble_white[1878][220,215,198](1.4):half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.4) 110 albescent:bone:bubble:ecru:half:titania:white +6931 quarter_cloud rgb 225 220 212 hex #E1DCD4 hsv 37 6 88 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.73 lab 88 0 5 lch 88 5 86 cmyk 0 2 5 12 double_sea_fog[3235][223,221,212](1.0):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.0):zinc_white[9261][225,219,208](1.0):PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.4):barely_there[1295][223,221,213](1.4) 138 PMS427:barely:double:fog:merino:sea:there:zinc:white +6932 quarter_cloudy rgb 208 201 195 hex #D0C9C3 hsv 28 6 82 xyz 0.57 0.59 0.6 lab 81 1 4 lch 81 4 70 cmyk 0 3 5 18 seashell[7586][205,197,191](1.4):lighthouse[5247][209,204,195](1.7):PMS428[511][209,206,198](2.2):quill_grey[7028][203,201,192](2.2):swirl[8186][211,205,197](2.2) 81 PMS428:lighthouse:quill:seashell:swirl:grey +6933 quarter_colins_wicket rgb 183 167 134 hex #B7A786 hsv 40 27 72 xyz 0.38 0.39 0.28 lab 69 1 19 lch 69 19 88 cmyk 0 6 19 28 navarone[5991][185,165,132](1.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](2.4):shelter[7648][180,161,131](2.4):taupe[8261][185,162,129](2.4):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](2.8) 29 doeskin:navarone:pavlova:shelter:taupe +6934 quarter_concrete rgb 232 229 224 hex #E8E5E0 hsv 38 3 91 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.82 lab 91 0 3 lch 91 3 87 cmyk 0 1 3 9 wild_sand[9107][231,228,222](0.0):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.0):quarter_milk_white[6970][237,233,227](1.0):wan_white[8989][228,226,220](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.4) 133 eighth:half:milk:quarter:sand:truffle:wan:wild:white +6935 quarter_cougar rgb 202 193 181 hex #CAC1B5 hsv 34 10 79 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.51 lab 78 1 7 lch 78 7 81 cmyk 0 4 8 21 toast_lmu_70[8392][201,193,180](1.0):quarter_joss[6960][206,195,184](1.4):quarter_napa[6972][199,194,181](2.0):PMS413[496][198,193,178](2.2):ash[1154][198,195,181](2.2) 67 70:PMS413:ash:joss:lmu:napa:quarter:toast +6936 quarter_craigieburn rgb 191 183 166 hex #BFB7A6 hsv 41 13 75 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.43 lab 75 0 10 lch 75 10 91 cmyk 0 3 10 25 bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](1.0):corkscrew[2517][189,182,165](1.0):half_cougar[4313][188,181,166](1.4):tea[8273][191,181,162](1.4):quarter_grey_olive[6953][194,188,171](1.7) 60 bison:corkscrew:cougar:half:hide:olive:quarter:tea:grey +6937 quarter_crisp_green rgb 184 180 123 hex #B8B47B hsv 56 33 72 xyz 0.4 0.44 0.25 lab 72 -7 30 lch 72 31 104 cmyk 0 2 24 28 misty_moss[5787][187,180,119](2.2):pea_soup[6536][185,184,128](2.4):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](3.3):iko[4609][179,171,110](3.7):style_pasifika_sand_frond[8094][179,171,110](3.7) 7 misty:PMS5845:frond:iko:moss:pasifika:pea:sand:soup:style +6938 quarter_delta rgb 191 192 187 hex #BFC0BB hsv 72 3 75 xyz 0.49 0.52 0.55 lab 77 -1 2 lch 77 3 118 cmyk 0 0 2 25 eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](1.4):pale_slate[6430][195,190,187](2.0):silver_sand[7717][190,189,182](2.0):PMS442[526][186,191,183](2.2):eighth_tapa[3425][183,184,178](2.2) 73 pale:slate:PMS442:eighth:sand:silver:stack:tapa +6939 quarter_doeskin rgb 209 191 169 hex #D1BFA9 hsv 33 19 82 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.45 lab 78 3 13 lch 78 14 78 cmyk 0 7 16 18 dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](1.0):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](1.0):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](1.0):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.4):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.7) 47 dark:alpaca:biscotti:dough:sour:vanilla +6940 quarter_drought rgb 218 206 189 hex #DACEBD hsv 35 13 85 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.57 lab 83 1 10 lch 83 10 82 cmyk 0 5 11 15 half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](1.0):blanc[1494][217,208,193](1.4):double_blanc[3184][216,206,186](1.4):half_caraway[4302][215,206,187](1.4):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4) 70 biscotti:blanc:caraway:double:fossil:half +6941 quarter_dutch_white rgb 251 244 223 hex #FBF4DF hsv 45 11 98 xyz 0.85 0.91 0.83 lab 96 -1 11 lch 96 11 96 cmyk 0 3 11 2 apricot_white[1094][247,240,219](1.0):early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.0):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.0):double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](1.4):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.4) 84 apricot:bianca:dawn:double:early:egg:off:sour:white:yellow +6942 quarter_ecru_white rgb 226 222 211 hex #E2DED3 hsv 44 7 89 xyz 0.69 0.73 0.72 lab 89 -1 6 lch 89 6 95 cmyk 0 2 6 11 half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.0):half_thorndon_cream[4402][229,225,211](1.0):marble[5521][230,228,216](1.0):black_white[1482][229,228,219](1.4):double_barely_there[3178][228,226,216](1.4) 135 albescent:barely:cream:double:half:marble:there:thorndon:black:white +6943 quarter_evolution rgb 152 146 128 hex #989280 hsv 45 16 60 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.25 lab 61 -1 10 lch 61 10 95 cmyk 0 2 9 40 half_arrowtown[4281][152,144,127](1.4):half_stonewall[4393][147,141,123](2.0):double_cougar[3194][153,143,128](2.4):half_pravda[4371][160,153,138](2.4):heathered_grey[4455][148,140,126](2.4) 36 arrowtown:cougar:double:half:heathered:pravda:stonewall:grey +6944 quarter_felix rgb 116 103 101 hex #746765 hsv 8 13 45 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.14 lab 45 5 3 lch 45 6 32 cmyk 0 5 6 55 eighth_barista[3387][116,100,102](3.0):identity[4607][110,103,103](3.0):double_schooner[3234][114,105,98](3.6):scorpion[7539][106,100,102](4.1):weathered_grey[9033][119,111,111](4.1) 10 barista:double:eighth:identity:schooner:scorpion:weathered:grey +6945 quarter_foggy_grey rgb 196 195 188 hex #C4C3BC hsv 52 4 77 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.55 lab 79 -1 4 lch 79 4 104 cmyk 0 0 3 23 mist_grey[5785][196,196,188](0.0):grey_nickel[4216][195,195,189](1.0):cloud[2380][199,196,191](1.4):silver_sand[7717][190,189,182](2.0):half_atmosphere[4284][190,191,183](2.2) 89 atmosphere:cloud:half:mist:nickel:sand:silver:grey +6946 quarter_fossil rgb 228 220 203 hex #E4DCCB hsv 41 11 89 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.67 lab 88 0 9 lch 88 9 91 cmyk 0 3 10 11 bone[1646][227,218,201](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.4):half_ecru_white[4322][224,220,204](1.4):half_joanna[4344][228,223,206](1.4) 99 albescent:bone:cake:ecru:half:joanna:rice:triple:white +6947 quarter_foundry rgb 82 85 87 hex #525557 hsv 204 6 34 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.1 lab 36 -1 -2 lch 36 2 245 cmyk 2 1 0 66 half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](1.0):mako[5477][80,85,85](1.4):dark_cyanish_grey[2716][83,89,89](1.7):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](1.7):half_tuna[4405][85,88,92](1.7) 41 dark:baltic:cyanish:friars:half:mako:sea:tuna:grey +6948 quarter_friar_grey rgb 169 167 160 hex #A9A7A0 hsv 47 5 66 xyz 0.37 0.39 0.39 lab 68 -1 4 lch 68 4 98 cmyk 0 1 4 34 delta[3087][164,164,157](1.0):foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](1.0):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](1.0):quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](1.4):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.7) 49 dawn:delta:foggy:quarter:swordfish:tapa:grey +6949 quarter_fuscous_grey rgb 89 90 94 hex #595A5E hsv 228 5 37 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.12 lab 38 0 -2 lch 38 2 281 cmyk 2 2 0 63 bright_grey[1726][87,89,93](1.0):half_baltic_sea[4287][86,86,87](1.4):half_tuna[4405][85,88,92](1.4):landscape_grey[4909][85,87,89](1.4):grey[4133][89,89,89](2.0) 42 baltic:bright:half:landscape:sea:tuna:grey +6950 quarter_gargoyle rgb 178 164 149 hex #B2A495 hsv 31 16 70 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.34 lab 68 3 10 lch 68 10 75 cmyk 0 5 11 30 half_malta[4351][181,166,149](1.4):paperback[6475][179,161,144](1.7):PMS402[486][175,165,147](2.2):joss[4781][185,168,150](2.8):napa[5977][172,164,148](3.2) 31 PMS402:half:joss:malta:napa:paperback +6951 quarter_gravel rgb 113 114 106 hex #71726A hsv 67 7 45 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.16 lab 48 -2 4 lch 48 5 115 cmyk 0 0 3 55 lattitude[4921][109,114,108](1.7):montoya[5877][119,121,114](2.0):gauntlet[3833][113,111,105](2.2):half_chicago[4305][119,119,112](2.2):aluminium[1023][118,115,111](2.4) 35 aluminium:chicago:gauntlet:half:lattitude:montoya +6952 quarter_grey_friars rgb 94 98 103 hex #5E6267 hsv 213 9 40 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.15 lab 41 0 -3 lch 41 3 262 cmyk 4 2 0 60 shuttle_grey[7682][97,102,107](2.2):bright_grey[1726][87,89,93](3.0):grey[4136][97,97,97](3.0):grey[4135][94,94,94](3.2):grey[4137][99,99,99](3.2) 35 bright:shuttle:grey +6953 quarter_grey_olive rgb 194 188 171 hex #C2BCAB hsv 44 12 76 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.46 lab 76 -1 9 lch 76 9 95 cmyk 0 2 9 24 ash[1153][190,186,167](1.7):half_bison_hide[4294][199,189,171](1.7):mist_grey[5784][186,185,169](1.7):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](1.7):PMS413[496][198,193,178](2.2) 66 PMS413:ash:bison:craigieburn:half:hide:mist:quarter:grey +6954 quarter_haystack rgb 238 220 196 hex #EEDCC4 hsv 34 18 93 xyz 0.71 0.73 0.63 lab 89 2 14 lch 89 14 80 cmyk 0 7 16 7 solitaire[7842][234,218,194](1.0):anglaise[1054][238,222,196](1.4):wildflower[9118][241,226,201](1.4):almond[1010][239,219,197](1.7):triple_pearl_lusta[8508][235,223,195](2.2) 44 anglaise:lusta:pearl:solitaire:triple:wildflower:almond +6955 quarter_hillary rgb 202 197 172 hex #CAC5AC hsv 50 15 79 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.47 lab 79 -2 13 lch 79 13 101 cmyk 0 2 12 21 cornsilk[2538][205,200,177](1.4):double_joanna[3208][201,197,176](2.0):sugar_loaf[8112][204,194,171](2.0):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](2.2) 49 akaroa:caraway:cornsilk:double:half:joanna:loaf:sugar +6956 quarter_imagine rgb 201 191 187 hex #C9BFBB hsv 17 7 79 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.55 lab 78 3 3 lch 78 4 49 cmyk 0 4 5 21 dover_white[3258][201,191,187](0.0):pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](1.4):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](1.4):half_milestone[4354][209,196,193](2.2):cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](2.4) 54 pale:cotton:dover:half:milestone:rust:seed:silver:white +6957 quarter_iron rgb 229 230 223 hex #E5E6DF hsv 69 3 90 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.81 lab 91 -2 3 lch 91 4 116 cmyk 0 0 3 10 black_squeeze[1480][229,230,223](0.0):catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](1.4):half_carefree[4303][225,232,227](1.4):half_wan_white[4409][233,232,226](1.4):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.4) 124 carefree:catskill:drift:half:snow:squeeze:wan:black:white +6958 quarter_ironsand rgb 80 78 75 hex #504E4B hsv 36 6 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 2 lch 33 2 85 cmyk 0 1 2 69 blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](0.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](0.0):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.0):ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](1.0):thunder[8337][77,77,75](1.0) 54 blast:rampart:ship:silver:streak:thunder:grey +6959 quarter_joanna rgb 234 230 218 hex #EAE6DA hsv 45 7 92 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.78 lab 91 -1 6 lch 91 6 96 cmyk 0 2 6 8 quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](0.0):light_yellowish_grey[5242][231,231,218](1.0):marble[5521][230,228,216](1.0):narvik[5981][233,230,220](1.0):quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](1.0) 139 light:blanc:cream:marble:narvik:quarter:thorndon:yellowish:grey +6960 quarter_joss rgb 206 195 184 hex #CEC3B8 hsv 30 11 81 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.53 lab 79 2 7 lch 79 7 74 cmyk 0 4 9 19 PMS406[490][206,193,181](1.4):quarter_cougar[6935][202,193,181](1.4):toast_lmu_70[8392][201,193,180](1.7):quarter_perfect_taupe[6979][204,195,187](2.0):half_cloudy[4307][198,190,183](2.8) 67 70:PMS406:cloudy:cougar:half:lmu:perfect:quarter:taupe:toast +6961 quarter_kalgoorie_sands rgb 205 170 143 hex #CDAA8F hsv 26 30 80 xyz 0.45 0.44 0.32 lab 72 9 19 lch 72 21 65 cmyk 0 14 24 20 peach_puff[6548][205,175,149](3.0):peachpuff[6555][205,175,149](3.0):rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](3.6):cashmere[2122][209,179,153](4.1):PMS4665[564][216,181,150](4.6) 9 PMS4665:cashmere:dust:peachpuff:puff:rodeo:peach +6962 quarter_lemon_grass rgb 186 190 175 hex #BABEAF hsv 76 8 75 xyz 0.46 0.5 0.48 lab 76 -4 7 lch 76 8 120 cmyk 2 0 6 25 PMS5645[733][188,193,178](1.0):aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](1.4):tasman[8258][186,192,179](1.4):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](2.2):pumice[6845][186,192,180](2.2) 45 PMS5645:aquashield:pumice:spring:tasman:green +6963 quarter_lignite rgb 107 91 82 hex #6B5B52 hsv 22 23 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.1 lab 40 5 8 lch 40 9 57 cmyk 0 6 10 58 kiwi[4867][107,90,79](1.0):kabul[4804][108,94,83](1.4):pine_cone[6654][109,94,84](1.4):dorado[3171][110,95,86](1.7):PMS411[494][102,89,76](2.4) 20 PMS411:cone:dorado:kabul:kiwi:pine +6964 quarter_linen rgb 216 213 200 hex #D8D5C8 hsv 49 7 85 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.64 lab 85 -1 7 lch 85 7 100 cmyk 0 1 6 15 eighth_bison_hide[3389][222,215,203](1.4):quarter_ash[6919][217,214,202](1.4):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.4):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](1.7):last_chance[4919][216,210,200](1.7) 104 ash:bison:chance:eighth:hide:last:malta:quarter:tana +6965 quarter_lumberjack rgb 150 112 107 hex #96706B hsv 7 29 59 xyz 0.21 0.19 0.16 lab 51 14 9 lch 51 17 31 cmyk 0 15 17 41 reddish_grey[7154][153,117,112](2.4):dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](3.7):burnished_brown[1924][161,122,116](4.0):promise[6821][147,105,98](4.1):PMS437[521][140,112,107](4.6) 7 PMS437:burnished:dusky:promise:reddish:brown:grey:pink +6966 quarter_malta rgb 198 184 166 hex #C6B8A6 hsv 34 16 78 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.43 lab 75 2 11 lch 75 11 80 cmyk 0 5 13 22 half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](1.0):PMS401[485][193,181,165](1.4):eighth_nullarbor[3410][194,180,160](1.4):bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](2.0):antidote[1058][193,176,159](2.2) 48 PMS401:antidote:bison:eighth:half:hide:nullarbor:sandcastle +6967 quarter_masala rgb 116 115 111 hex #74736F hsv 48 4 45 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.17 lab 48 0 2 lch 48 2 100 cmyk 0 0 2 55 aluminium[1023][118,115,111](1.4):blast_grey[1503][113,110,107](1.4):tarmac[8255][111,111,110](1.4):double_stack[3241][111,113,110](1.7):detroit[3113][120,119,116](2.0) 46 aluminium:blast:detroit:double:stack:tarmac:grey +6968 quarter_merino rgb 242 238 233 hex #F2EEE9 hsv 33 4 95 xyz 0.82 0.86 0.89 lab 94 0 3 lch 94 3 81 cmyk 0 2 4 5 cararra[2074][238,238,232](1.0):half_alabaster[4277][240,238,235](1.0):half_black_white[4295][240,238,234](1.0):half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](1.0):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.4) 146 alabaster:blanc:cararra:eighth:fog:half:sea:black:white +6969 quarter_milestone rgb 219 208 203 hex #DBD0CB hsv 19 7 86 xyz 0.63 0.64 0.66 lab 84 3 4 lch 84 5 53 cmyk 0 4 6 14 swiss_coffee[8188][219,208,202](0.0):urbane[8661][217,209,207](2.2):bon_jour[1638][223,215,210](2.4):swirl[8186][211,205,197](2.4):swirl[8187][215,206,197](2.4) 54 bon:coffee:jour:swirl:swiss:urbane +6970 quarter_milk_white rgb 237 233 227 hex #EDE9E3 hsv 36 4 93 xyz 0.78 0.82 0.84 lab 92 0 3 lch 92 3 85 cmyk 0 2 4 7 half_wan_white[4409][233,232,226](1.0):quarter_concrete[6934][232,229,224](1.0):wild_sand[9107][231,228,222](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.4) 141 blanc:concrete:desert:eighth:half:quarter:sand:storm:wan:wild:white +6971 quarter_mondo rgb 130 120 103 hex #827867 hsv 38 21 51 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.16 lab 51 1 11 lch 51 11 85 cmyk 0 4 11 49 arrowtown[1146][130,122,103](1.4):PMS404[488][130,117,102](1.7):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.2):aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](2.4):bisque[1430][139,125,107](2.4) 31 PMS404:aquashield:arrowtown:bisque:dune:sand:stonewall +6972 quarter_napa rgb 199 194 181 hex #C7C2B5 hsv 43 9 78 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.51 lab 78 -1 7 lch 78 7 94 cmyk 0 2 7 22 PMS413[496][198,193,178](1.0):ash[1154][198,195,181](1.0):triple_white_pointer[8530][200,195,181](1.4):half_ash[4282][203,200,186](2.0):quarter_cougar[6935][202,193,181](2.0) 81 PMS413:ash:cougar:half:pointer:quarter:triple:white +6973 quarter_nullarbor rgb 178 159 136 hex #B29F88 hsv 33 24 70 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.28 lab 67 3 15 lch 67 15 77 cmyk 0 7 16 30 sandcastle[7463][178,159,137](1.0):double_sisal[3237][178,162,134](2.8):drought[3273][184,168,143](3.2):shelter[7648][180,161,131](3.2):double_akaroa[3173][177,165,137](3.3) 22 akaroa:double:drought:sandcastle:shelter:sisal +6974 quarter_oilskin rgb 130 119 110 hex #82776E hsv 27 15 51 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.17 lab 51 3 6 lch 51 7 68 cmyk 0 4 8 49 stonehenge[7987][130,122,113](2.2):triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](2.2):americano[1040][138,125,114](2.8):americano[1039][135,117,110](3.0):hurricane[4588][139,126,119](3.2) 31 americano:hurricane:perfect:stonehenge:taupe:triple +6975 quarter_parchment rgb 230 225 207 hex #E6E1CF hsv 47 10 90 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.7 lab 89 -1 9 lch 89 10 98 cmyk 0 2 9 10 half_joanna[4344][228,223,206](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.4):eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.4) 102 cake:double:eighth:fleece:half:joanna:rice:sisal:triple +6976 quarter_pavlova rgb 222 211 180 hex #DED3B4 hsv 44 19 87 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.53 lab 85 -1 17 lch 85 17 94 cmyk 0 4 16 13 PMS468[567][226,214,181](1.4):double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](1.4):grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](1.4):PMS4545[546][229,219,186](2.2):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](2.2) 38 PMS4545:PMS468:double:grain:pompeii:spanish:brown:white +6977 quarter_pearl_lusta rgb 242 237 221 hex #F2EDDD hsv 46 9 95 xyz 0.8 0.85 0.81 lab 94 -1 8 lch 94 8 97 cmyk 0 2 8 5 bianca[1401][244,239,224](0.0):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](0.0):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](1.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.4):ivory[4698][238,238,224](1.4) 110 bianca:buttery:half:ivory:quarter:solitaire:villa:white +6978 quarter_pearl_lusta rgb 255 253 244 hex #FFFDF4 hsv 49 4 100 xyz 0.93 0.98 1 lab 99 -1 5 lch 99 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 0 orchid_white[6246][255,253,243](0.0):bianca[1402][252,251,243](1.4):black_white[1483][255,254,246](1.4):floral_white[3694][255,250,240](1.4):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.7) 67 bianca:floral:orchid:yellowish:black:white +6979 quarter_perfect_taupe rgb 204 195 187 hex #CCC3BB hsv 28 8 80 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.55 lab 79 2 5 lch 79 5 71 cmyk 0 4 7 20 pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](1.4):seashell[7586][205,197,191](1.4):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](1.4):half_cloudy[4307][198,190,183](2.0):quarter_joss[6960][206,195,184](2.0) 60 pale:cloudy:half:joss:quarter:rust:seashell:silver +6980 quarter_periglacial_blue rgb 204 210 206 hex #CCD2CE hsv 140 3 82 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.68 lab 84 -3 1 lch 84 3 155 cmyk 2 0 2 18 half_emerge[4323][206,213,207](1.4):geyser[3848][203,208,207](1.7):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](2.2):half_tasman[4399][208,213,205](2.2):zumthor[9280][205,213,213](2.2) 64 emerge:geyser:half:nurse:tasman:zumthor:grey +6981 quarter_popcorn rgb 245 234 206 hex #F5EACE hsv 43 16 96 xyz 0.78 0.83 0.7 lab 93 -1 15 lch 93 15 93 cmyk 0 4 15 4 clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](1.4):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](1.4):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](1.7):janna[4731][244,235,211](2.0):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](2.0) 65 chandelier:clotted:cornsilk:cream:half:janna:spanish:white +6982 quarter_powder_blue rgb 190 198 200 hex #BEC6C8 hsv 192 5 78 xyz 0.52 0.56 0.63 lab 79 -2 -2 lch 79 3 220 cmyk 4 1 0 22 triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.4):silver_sand[7718][191,193,194](1.7):submarine[8104][186,199,201](2.2):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](2.4):loblolly[5319][189,201,206](2.4) 48 PMS5445:athens:loblolly:sand:silver:submarine:triple:grey +6983 quarter_pravda rgb 180 171 158 hex #B4AB9E hsv 35 12 71 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.38 lab 70 1 8 lch 70 8 83 cmyk 0 4 9 29 quarter_stonewashed[7001][178,169,157](1.0):bedrock[1340][179,172,156](1.7):half_napa[4358][180,173,158](1.7):cloudy[2386][176,169,159](2.0):PMS414[497][181,175,160](2.2) 54 PMS414:bedrock:cloudy:half:napa:quarter:stonewashed +6984 quarter_putty rgb 224 203 159 hex #E0CB9F hsv 41 29 88 xyz 0.58 0.61 0.42 lab 82 1 25 lch 82 25 88 cmyk 0 8 25 12 smooth_cream[7800][218,199,156](1.7):pavlova[6530][215,196,152](2.2):PMS467[565][221,204,165](3.3):chamois[2204][230,204,154](3.3):haystack[4442][222,199,161](3.3) 28 PMS467:chamois:cream:haystack:pavlova:smooth +6985 quarter_rakaia rgb 215 214 211 hex #D7D6D3 hsv 45 2 84 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.71 lab 86 0 2 lch 86 2 97 cmyk 0 0 2 16 quill_grey[7029][214,214,209](1.0):timberwolf[8365][219,215,210](1.0):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.4):PMS5455[688][214,216,211](2.0):concrete[2450][210,209,205](2.0) 104 PMS5455:concrete:flotsam:half:quill:timberwolf:grey +6986 quarter_rice_cake rgb 246 244 237 hex #F6F4ED hsv 47 4 96 xyz 0.86 0.9 0.93 lab 96 -1 4 lch 96 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 4 glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](0.0):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.0):eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.0):half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0) 126 alabaster:bianca:double:eighth:glistening:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:white +6987 quarter_rickshaw rgb 203 185 168 hex #CBB9A8 hsv 29 17 80 xyz 0.49 0.5 0.44 lab 76 4 11 lch 76 12 72 cmyk 0 7 14 20 quarter_malta[6966][198,184,166](2.2):half_joss[4345][198,185,171](2.8):half_sandcastle[4378][194,180,161](2.8):PMS401[485][193,181,165](3.0):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](3.0) 40 antique:PMS401:half:joss:malta:quarter:sandcastle:white +6988 quarter_sandspit_brown rgb 225 218 207 hex #E1DACF hsv 37 8 88 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.69 lab 87 1 6 lch 87 6 85 cmyk 0 3 7 12 eighth_joss[3403][224,216,204](1.0):quarter_tea[7008][224,218,208](1.0):eighth_akaroa[3384][230,221,208](1.4):eighth_drought[3396][227,219,206](1.4):merino[5679][225,219,208](1.4) 119 akaroa:drought:eighth:joss:merino:quarter:tea +6989 quarter_sandstone rgb 157 150 141 hex #9D968D hsv 34 10 62 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.3 lab 62 1 6 lch 62 6 81 cmyk 0 3 6 38 half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](1.4):half_stonewashed[4394][158,148,137](1.4):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](1.4):half_stonehenge[4392][150,144,136](2.2):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](2.2) 37 friar:half:rockbottom:stonehenge:stonewashed:taupe:grey +6990 quarter_sidewinder rgb 156 151 155 hex #9C979B hsv 312 3 61 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.35 lab 63 3 -1 lch 63 3 331 cmyk 0 2 0 39 shady_lady[7631][159,155,157](1.4):tonto[8414][159,149,150](2.2):mountain_mist[5919][149,147,150](2.8):grey[4161][153,153,153](3.2):spanish_grey[7875][152,152,152](3.2) 24 lady:mist:mountain:shady:spanish:tonto:grey +6991 quarter_silver_chalice rgb 199 200 198 hex #C7C8C6 hsv 90 1 78 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.62 lab 80 -1 1 lch 80 1 129 cmyk 0 0 1 22 double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](1.4):grey[4181][199,199,199](1.4):silver[7705][197,201,199](1.4):grey[4180][196,196,196](1.7):grey[4182][201,201,201](1.7) 67 concrete:double:silver:grey +6992 quarter_silver_sand rgb 211 208 202 hex #D3D0CA hsv 40 4 83 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.65 lab 84 0 3 lch 84 3 91 cmyk 0 1 4 17 concrete[2450][210,209,205](1.0):PMS428[511][209,206,198](1.4):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](1.4):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.7):grey_nurse[4217][209,211,204](2.0) 110 PMS428:concrete:flotsam:fog:half:nurse:sea:triple:grey +6993 quarter_sisal rgb 228 218 196 hex #E4DAC4 hsv 41 14 89 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.62 lab 87 0 12 lch 87 12 91 cmyk 0 4 13 11 double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](1.4):eighth_canterbury_clay[3393][227,215,191](1.4):half_spanish_white[4389][230,219,199](1.4):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](2.0):PMS454[545][226,216,191](2.2) 68 PMS454:canterbury:clay:double:eighth:half:parchment:spanish:villa:white +6994 quarter_solitaire rgb 245 237 223 hex #F5EDDF hsv 38 9 96 xyz 0.81 0.85 0.82 lab 94 0 8 lch 94 8 87 cmyk 0 3 9 4 bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.0):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.0):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](1.0):eighth_spanish_white[3420][246,238,226](1.4):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.7) 112 bianca:buttery:eighth:half:lusta:pearl:quarter:spanish:villa:white +6995 quarter_sorrell_brown rgb 193 160 125 hex #C1A07D hsv 31 35 76 xyz 0.38 0.38 0.25 lab 68 7 23 lch 68 24 73 cmyk 0 13 27 24 rodeo_dust[7271][199,163,132](3.0):cameo[2022][204,164,131](3.6):flesh[3684][204,164,131](3.6):nude_brown[6078][188,158,130](4.1):okey_dokey[6123][188,161,132](4.1) 7 cameo:dokey:dust:flesh:nude:okey:rodeo:brown +6996 quarter_spanish_white rgb 235 226 210 hex #EBE2D2 hsv 38 11 92 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.72 lab 90 0 9 lch 90 9 88 cmyk 0 4 10 8 eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](0.0):half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):triple_rice_cake[8513][229,222,205](1.0):cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.4) 100 cake:cararra:eighth:fleece:half:rice:sisal:triple +6997 quarter_spanish_white rgb 247 242 225 hex #F7F2E1 hsv 46 9 97 xyz 0.84 0.89 0.84 lab 95 -1 9 lch 95 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 3 bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.4):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](1.4):quarter_solitaire[6994][245,237,223](1.7):apricot_white[1094][247,240,219](2.0) 101 apricot:bianca:half:lusta:pearl:quarter:solitaire:villa:white +6998 quarter_stack rgb 175 178 175 hex #AFB2AF hsv 120 2 70 xyz 0.41 0.44 0.47 lab 72 -2 1 lch 72 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 30 PMS429[512][173,175,170](1.4):silver_chalice[7710][172,174,169](1.4):half_delta[4315][174,176,170](2.0):bombay[1635][174,174,173](2.2):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.2) 48 PMS429:bombay:chalice:delta:half:silver:grey +6999 quarter_stonehenge rgb 171 165 158 hex #ABA59E hsv 32 8 67 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.38 lab 68 1 4 lch 68 4 78 cmyk 0 2 5 33 cloudy[2385][172,165,159](0.0):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.7):PMS422[505][175,170,163](2.0):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](2.0):delta[3087][164,164,157](2.2) 52 PMS422:cloudy:dawn:delta:friar:quarter:grey +7000 quarter_stonewall rgb 166 159 142 hex #A69F8E hsv 42 14 65 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.31 lab 66 0 10 lch 66 10 93 cmyk 0 3 9 35 half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](0.0):cougar[2557][170,160,141](1.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](1.4):quarter_arrowtown[6918][168,162,147](1.4):treetops[8470][166,162,143](2.0) 43 PMS415:arrowtown:cougar:craigieburn:half:quarter:treetops +7001 quarter_stonewashed rgb 178 169 157 hex #B2A99D hsv 34 12 70 xyz 0.39 0.4 0.38 lab 70 1 7 lch 70 7 81 cmyk 0 4 8 30 cloudy[2386][176,169,159](1.0):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](1.0):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](2.0):PMS414[497][181,175,160](2.4):bedrock[1340][179,172,156](2.4) 45 PMS414:bedrock:cloudy:off:piste:pravda:quarter +7002 quarter_surrender rgb 214 216 216 hex #D6D8D8 hsv 180 1 85 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.75 lab 86 -1 0 lch 86 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 15 grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0):iron[4677][212,215,217](1.0):PMS642[821][209,216,216](1.4):PMS649[828][214,214,216](1.4):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.4) 79 PMS642:PMS649:alto:iron:grey +7003 quarter_talisman rgb 142 135 123 hex #8E877B hsv 38 13 56 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.22 lab 57 0 7 lch 57 7 87 cmyk 0 3 7 44 eighth_mondo[3408][147,138,125](1.7):schooner[7532][141,132,120](1.7):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](2.0):antique_white[1067][139,131,120](2.2):sterling[7976][139,139,126](2.2) 41 antique:eighth:mondo:schooner:sterling:taupe:grey:white +7004 quarter_tana rgb 217 214 198 hex #D9D6C6 hsv 51 9 85 xyz 0.63 0.67 0.63 lab 85 -2 8 lch 85 8 102 cmyk 0 1 7 15 PMS5665[737][214,214,198](1.0):helium[4465][216,217,200](1.4):quarter_linen[6964][216,213,200](1.4):bubble_white[1878][220,215,198](1.7):celeste[2161][210,210,192](1.7) 104 PMS5665:bubble:celeste:helium:linen:quarter:white +7005 quarter_tapa rgb 163 164 156 hex #A3A49C hsv 68 5 64 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.37 lab 67 -2 4 lch 67 4 115 cmyk 0 0 3 36 delta[3087][164,164,157](1.0):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](1.4):star_dust[7954][160,161,151](1.4):foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](1.7):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](1.7) 44 delta:dust:foggy:friar:quarter:star:swordfish:grey +7006 quarter_tasman rgb 216 220 213 hex #D8DCD5 hsv 94 3 86 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.73 lab 87 -3 3 lch 87 4 131 cmyk 2 0 3 14 PMS5523[708][214,221,214](1.0):aqua_haze[1105][217,221,213](1.0):light_grey[5122][216,220,214](1.4):PMS5455[688][214,216,211](1.7):carefree[2083][209,221,213](2.0) 98 light:PMS5455:PMS5523:aqua:carefree:haze:grey +7007 quarter_taupe_grey rgb 175 173 163 hex #AFADA3 hsv 50 7 69 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.41 lab 71 -1 5 lch 71 5 102 cmyk 0 1 5 31 copyrite[2489][180,178,166](1.4):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](2.2):PMS422[505][175,170,163](2.4):cloudy[2386][176,169,159](2.4):half_delta[4315][174,176,170](2.4) 45 PMS422:cloudy:copyrite:delta:half:off:piste +7008 quarter_tea rgb 224 218 208 hex #E0DAD0 hsv 37 7 88 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.7 lab 87 0 6 lch 87 6 87 cmyk 0 2 6 12 merino[5679][225,219,208](1.0):milk_white[5744][220,217,205](1.0):quarter_sandspit_brown[6988][225,218,207](1.0):zinc_white[9261][225,219,208](1.0):PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.4) 131 PMS427:merino:milk:quarter:sandspit:zinc:brown:white +7009 quarter_thorndon_cream rgb 233 230 218 hex #E9E6DA hsv 48 6 91 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.78 lab 91 -1 6 lch 91 6 100 cmyk 0 1 6 9 quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](0.0):light_yellowish_grey[5242][231,231,218](1.0):marble[5521][230,228,216](1.0):narvik[5981][233,230,220](1.0):quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](1.0) 139 light:blanc:joanna:marble:narvik:quarter:yellowish:grey +7010 quarter_truffle rgb 216 211 203 hex #D8D3CB hsv 37 6 85 xyz 0.62 0.65 0.66 lab 85 0 5 lch 85 5 86 cmyk 0 2 5 15 triple_black_white[8482][215,213,204](1.0):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](1.0):white_pointer[9091][218,214,204](1.0):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](1.4):last_chance[4919][216,210,200](1.4) 107 chance:eighth:fog:last:malta:pointer:sea:triple:black:white +7011 quarter_tuna rgb 101 106 112 hex #656A70 hsv 213 10 44 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.17 lab 45 -1 -4 lch 45 4 261 cmyk 4 2 0 56 PMS431[514][102,109,112](1.7):nevada[6033][100,110,117](1.7):mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](2.0):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](2.2):shuttle_grey[7682][97,102,107](2.2) 25 pale:PMS431:mid:nevada:shuttle:sky:grey +7012 quarter_villa_white rgb 245 241 231 hex #F5F1E7 hsv 43 6 96 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.88 lab 95 0 5 lch 95 5 94 cmyk 0 2 5 4 romance[7282][244,240,230](0.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0):merino[5680][246,240,230](1.0):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](1.0) 121 alabaster:cake:half:merino:milk:rice:romance:white +7013 quarter_wan_white rgb 237 236 230 hex #EDECE6 hsv 51 3 93 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.87 lab 93 -1 3 lch 93 3 103 cmyk 0 0 3 7 cararra[2074][238,238,232](1.0):half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.0):half_merino[4353][236,234,226](1.0):half_sea_fog[4381][239,238,231](1.0):half_wan_white[4409][233,232,226](1.0) 128 barely:cararra:fog:half:merino:sea:there:wan:white +7014 quarter_wheatfield rgb 240 236 222 hex #F0ECDE hsv 47 8 94 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.81 lab 93 -1 7 lch 93 7 98 cmyk 0 2 7 6 rice_cake[7203][239,236,222](0.0):whitewash[9098][239,236,222](0.0):eighth_parchment[3412][237,233,220](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.4) 121 bianca:cake:eighth:half:parchment:rice:villa:whitewash:white +7015 quarter_white_pointer rgb 234 232 225 hex #EAE8E1 hsv 47 4 92 xyz 0.76 0.81 0.83 lab 92 -1 4 lch 92 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 8 half_barely_there[4289][237,236,228](1.0):half_merino[4353][236,234,226](1.0):half_wan_white[4409][233,232,226](1.0):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](1.4):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.4) 143 barely:blanc:eighth:half:merino:milk:there:wan:white +7016 quarterback rgb 40 43 60 hex #282B3C hsv 231 33 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 18 3 -11 lch 18 12 287 cmyk 8 7 0 76 black_rock[1473][44,45,60](1.7):tornado[8430][39,45,60](1.7):charade[2217][41,41,55](2.4):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](2.4):blueprint[1610][42,49,63](3.0) 15 blueprint:charade:clay:ebony:rock:tornado:black +7017 quartz rgb 81 72 79 hex #51484F hsv 313 11 32 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 32 5 -3 lch 32 6 332 cmyk 0 4 1 68 yasna[9191][84,74,80](1.4):gravel[3991][74,68,75](2.2):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.2):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.4):everest[3524][76,72,80](2.4) 25 dark:everest:gravel:liver:shadowy:yasna:lavender +7018 quartz rgb 217 217 243 hex #D9D9F3 hsv 240 11 95 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.95 lab 87 5 -13 lch 87 14 291 cmyk 10 10 0 5 very_pale_blue[8800][226,226,255](4.1):snuff[7816][226,216,237](4.6):hawkes_blue[4440][210,218,237](5.0):three_wishes[8333][210,218,237](5.0):very_pale_indigo[8809][233,226,255](5.0) 5 pale:very:hawkes:snuff:three:wishes:blue:indigo +7019 quasar rgb 161 125 96 hex #A17D60 hsv 27 40 63 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.14 lab 55 10 21 lch 55 23 65 cmyk 0 14 25 37 medium_wood[5655][166,128,100](2.2):double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](2.8):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](3.0):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](3.0):liver_chestnut[5311][152,116,86](3.2) 13 medium:chamoisee:chestnut:double:liver:rickshaw:sorrell:wood:brown +7020 quayside rgb 66 79 113 hex #424F71 hsv 223 42 44 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.17 lab 34 4 -21 lch 34 22 282 cmyk 18 13 0 56 astronaut[1172][68,81,114](1.0):chambray[2202][71,88,119](3.7):hendrix[4472][76,86,124](4.1):east_bay[3334][71,82,110](4.2):independence[4626][76,81,109](4.2) 8 astronaut:bay:chambray:east:hendrix:independence +7021 queen_blue rgb 67 107 149 hex #436B95 hsv 211 55 58 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.3 lab 44 -1 -27 lch 44 27 267 cmyk 32 16 0 42 denim[3094][59,99,140](3.0):kashmir_blue[4822][80,112,150](3.6):steel_blue[7963][54,100,139](3.7):muted_blue[5958][59,113,159](4.1):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](5.1) 4 breakwater:denim:kashmir:muted:steel:blue +7022 queen_pink rgb 232 204 215 hex #E8CCD7 hsv 336 12 91 xyz 0.67 0.65 0.73 lab 85 12 -2 lch 85 12 351 cmyk 0 11 7 9 PMS524[652][226,204,211](3.3):lullaby[5356][226,205,213](3.3):prim[6809][226,205,213](3.3):twilight[8613][228,207,222](3.6):PMS517[638][244,204,216](4.2) 11 PMS517:PMS524:lullaby:prim:twilight +7023 quick_silver rgb 166 166 166 hex #A6A6A6 hsv 300 0 65 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.42 lab 68 0 0 lch 68 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 35 grey[4166][166,166,166](0.0):dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](1.0):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](1.0):grey[4165][163,163,163](1.0):grey[4167][168,168,168](1.0) 49 medium:dark:grey +7024 quicksand rgb 189 151 142 hex #BD978E hsv 11 25 74 xyz 0.37 0.35 0.3 lab 66 13 10 lch 66 16 38 cmyk 0 15 18 26 del_rio[3082][181,153,142](4.1):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](4.6):thatch[8319][177,148,143](4.7):eunry[3519][205,165,156](5.0):pink[6665][188,143,143](5.4) 4 del:eunry:rio:thatch:tuscany:pink +7025 quicksand rgb 195 152 139 hex #C3988B hsv 14 29 76 xyz 0.38 0.36 0.29 lab 66 14 13 lch 66 19 43 cmyk 0 17 22 24 oriental_pink[6251][194,142,136](5.7):PMS4725[577][181,145,124](5.8):del_rio[3082][181,153,142](5.9):eunry[3519][205,165,156](5.9):rose[7295][211,161,148](5.9) 0 PMS4725:del:eunry:oriental:rio:pink:rose +7026 quicksilver rgb 136 154 151 hex #889A97 hsv 170 12 60 xyz 0.27 0.31 0.34 lab 62 -7 -1 lch 62 7 185 cmyk 7 0 1 40 destiny[3112][136,158,157](1.7):submarine[8103][140,156,156](1.7):forcefield[3717][137,150,148](2.2):half_innocence[4341][138,151,148](2.4):bounty[1679][145,159,160](3.0) 12 bounty:destiny:forcefield:half:innocence:submarine +7027 quickstep rgb 167 97 95 hex #A7615F hsv 2 43 65 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.13 lab 49 28 13 lch 49 31 26 cmyk 0 27 28 35 redwood[7163][164,90,82](5.5):PMS695[874][178,107,112](5.7):copper_penny[2482][173,111,105](5.7):warhol[8994][155,97,95](5.7):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](5.8) 0 PMS695:copper:coral:penny:redwood:tree:warhol +7028 quill_grey rgb 203 201 192 hex #CBC9C0 hsv 49 5 80 xyz 0.55 0.58 0.58 lab 81 -1 5 lch 81 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 20 eighth_lemon_grass[3405][199,201,191](1.0):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.0):lighthouse[5247][209,204,195](1.4):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.7):ivory[4697][205,205,193](1.7) 76 double:eighth:grass:half:ivory:lighthouse:pointer:truffle:lemon:white +7029 quill_grey rgb 214 214 209 hex #D6D6D1 hsv 60 2 84 xyz 0.63 0.67 0.7 lab 86 -1 2 lch 86 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 16 PMS5455[688][214,216,211](1.0):quarter_rakaia[6985][215,214,211](1.0):light_grey[5122][216,220,214](1.4):timberwolf[8365][219,215,210](1.4):quarter_surrender[7002][214,216,216](2.0) 103 light:PMS5455:quarter:rakaia:surrender:timberwolf:grey +7030 quinacridone_magenta rgb 142 58 89 hex #8E3A59 hsv 338 59 56 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.11 lab 37 39 -1 lch 37 39 359 cmyk 0 33 21 44 camelot[2021][137,52,86](2.4):vin_rouge[8842][152,61,97](3.7):bordello[1660][151,68,98](4.1):highlight[4489][131,56,89](4.7):bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](4.9) 6 bedazzle:bordello:camelot:highlight:rouge:vin +7031 quincy rgb 98 63 45 hex #623F2D hsv 20 54 38 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.03 lab 30 13 17 lch 30 22 53 cmyk 0 14 21 62 drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](2.4):dark_tangelo[2902][89,58,39](2.8):cioccolato[2340][93,59,46](3.2):dark_rimu[2857][95,61,38](3.3):irish_coffee[4671][95,61,38](3.3) 17 dark:cioccolato:coffee:drumbeat:irish:rimu:tangelo +7032 quincy rgb 106 84 69 hex #6A5445 hsv 24 35 42 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.07 lab 38 7 12 lch 38 14 61 cmyk 0 9 15 58 catapult[2134][104,81,67](2.0):spark[7884][105,83,65](2.4):domino[3163][108,91,76](3.7):tobacco_brown[8394][109,88,67](3.7):umber[8644][99,81,71](3.7) 11 catapult:domino:spark:tobacco:umber:brown +7033 racing_green rgb 1 70 0 hex #014600 hsv 119 100 27 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.01 lab 25 -34 32 lch 25 47 136 cmyk 27 0 27 73 darkgreen[2923][5,73,7](1.4):bottle_green[1672][4,74,5](2.0):british_racing_green[1815][5,72,13](4.2):forest_green[3721][6,71,12](4.5):dark_fern[2721][10,72,13](4.6) 6 dark:bottle:british:darkgreen:fern:forest:racing:green +7034 racing_green rgb 12 25 17 hex #0C1911 hsv 143 52 10 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 7 -7 3 lch 7 8 155 cmyk 5 0 3 90 black_bean[1453][8,25,16](1.0):very_dark_spring_green[8726][17,29,23](2.2):aztec[1222][13,28,25](3.6):midnight_moss[5725][4,16,4](3.7):black_forest[1457][11,19,4](4.1) 8 dark:very:aztec:bean:forest:midnight:moss:spring:black:green +7035 racing_green rgb 35 47 44 hex #232F2C hsv 165 26 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 18 -6 0 lch 18 6 178 cmyk 5 0 1 82 kermadec[4836][29,44,42](1.7):midnight_moss[5726][36,46,40](2.0):raglan[7045][41,51,49](2.2):swamp[8171][37,47,47](2.4):woodsmoke[9174][43,50,48](2.8) 13 kermadec:midnight:moss:raglan:swamp:woodsmoke +7036 rackley rgb 93 138 168 hex #5D8AA8 hsv 204 45 66 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.4 lab 55 -7 -21 lch 55 22 251 cmyk 29 12 0 34 air_force_blue[977][93,138,168](0.0):PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.7):horizon[4544][90,135,160](3.7):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](4.1):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](4.1) 9 moderate:PMS646:air:cornflower:force:greyish:horizon:blue +7037 radiance rgb 143 87 67 hex #8F5743 hsv 16 53 56 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.07 lab 43 21 21 lch 43 30 46 cmyk 0 22 30 44 light_salmon[5187][139,87,66](2.2):spicy_mix[7893][136,83,66](3.0):ironstone[4685][134,80,64](3.6):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](3.7):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](4.2) 6 light:copper:fawn:fire:ironstone:mix:mule:salmon:spicy +7038 radical_red rgb 255 53 94 hex #FF355E hsv 348 79 100 xyz 0.45 0.25 0.13 lab 57 75 27 lch 57 80 20 cmyk 0 79 63 0 red_pink[7133][250,42,85](3.0):neon_fuchsia[6013][254,65,100](3.7):reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](4.2):magic_potion[5451][255,68,102](5.1):sizzling_red[7734][255,56,85](5.1) 3 fuchsia:magic:neon:potion:reddish:sizzling:pink:red +7039 radical_red rgb 255 73 108 hex #FF496C hsv 348 71 100 xyz 0.46 0.27 0.17 lab 59 70 22 lch 59 73 17 cmyk 0 71 58 0 magic_potion[5451][255,68,102](2.4):neon_fuchsia[6013][254,65,100](3.7):fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](4.6):PMS191[145][244,71,107](4.7):wild_watermelon[9113][253,91,120](8.3) 4 PMS191:fiery:fuchsia:magic:neon:potion:watermelon:wild:rose +7040 radioactive_green rgb 44 250 31 hex #2CFA1F hsv 116 88 98 xyz 0.35 0.69 0.13 lab 87 -82 79 lch 87 114 136 cmyk 81 0 86 2 hot_green[4557][37,255,41](1.7):neon_green[6016][57,255,20](3.2):poison_green[6756][64,253,20](3.3):electric_green[3442][33,252,13](3.6):highlighter_green[4490][27,252,6](3.6) 7 electric:highlighter:hot:neon:poison:green +7041 raffia rgb 220 198 160 hex #DCC6A0 hsv 38 27 86 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.42 lab 81 2 22 lch 81 22 85 cmyk 0 9 24 14 haystack[4442][222,199,161](0.0):sand[7452][220,197,159](0.0):sand[7453][220,198,160](0.0):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](1.7):blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.2) 18 blank:canvas:cocoon:haystack:sand +7042 raffia rgb 234 218 184 hex #EADAB8 hsv 41 21 92 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.56 lab 88 0 19 lch 88 19 89 cmyk 0 6 20 8 baja_white[1259][240,223,187](1.4):dutch_white[3317][239,223,187](1.4):dutch_white[3318][240,223,187](1.4):pale_light_grayish_amber[6357][231,220,184](2.0):champagne[2208][238,217,182](2.2) 43 pale:light:amber:baja:champagne:dutch:grayish:white +7043 ragamuffin rgb 232 227 211 hex #E8E3D3 hsv 46 9 91 xyz 0.73 0.77 0.73 lab 90 -1 8 lch 90 8 97 cmyk 0 2 8 9 double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](0.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.0):half_secrets[4382][230,228,213](1.0):linen[5292][230,228,212](1.0):satin_linen[7504][230,228,212](1.0) 119 cake:double:fleece:half:linen:rice:satin:secrets +7044 raging_bull rgb 127 47 42 hex #7F2F2A hsv 4 67 50 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.03 lab 31 34 21 lch 31 40 32 cmyk 0 31 33 50 erica[3504][129,51,45](1.4):vixen[8966][129,52,43](1.7):mustang[5950][127,53,46](2.4):PMS181[130][124,45,35](3.2):totem_pole[8436][136,53,49](3.2) 16 PMS181:erica:mustang:pole:totem:vixen +7045 raglan rgb 41 51 49 hex #293331 hsv 168 20 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -5 0 lch 20 5 182 cmyk 4 0 1 80 aztec[1223][41,52,50](1.0):woodsmoke[9174][43,50,48](1.0):swamp[8171][37,47,47](1.7):racing_green[7035][35,47,44](2.2):midnight_moss[5726][36,46,40](3.0) 29 aztec:midnight:moss:racing:swamp:woodsmoke:green +7046 rain_forest rgb 102 112 40 hex #667028 hsv 68 64 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.04 lab 45 -15 38 lch 45 40 111 cmyk 4 0 28 56 pacifika[6292][102,112,40](0.0):style_pasifika_palm_green[8087][102,112,40](0.0):fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](2.4):PMS5757[749][107,112,43](3.2):olive_drab[6157][111,118,50](4.1) 9 PMS5757:drab:fiji:olive:pacifika:palm:pasifika:style:green +7047 rain_forest rgb 119 129 32 hex #778120 hsv 66 75 51 xyz 0.16 0.2 0.04 lab 52 -17 48 lch 52 51 109 cmyk 4 0 38 49 pacifika[6293][119,129,32](0.0):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](2.2):wasabi[9006][120,138,37](4.6):kombi[4879][131,137,49](5.2):murky_green[5947][108,122,14](5.4) 3 kombi:murky:pacifika:trendy:wasabi:green +7048 raincloud rgb 123 124 148 hex #7B7C94 hsv 238 17 58 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.31 lab 53 5 -13 lch 53 14 290 cmyk 10 9 0 42 waterloo[9017][123,124,148](0.0):topaz[8422][124,119,138](3.7):PMS5285[661][140,130,153](4.7):mobster[5797][127,117,137](4.7):rhythm[7198][119,118,150](5.4) 4 PMS5285:mobster:rhythm:topaz:waterloo +7049 raincloud rgb 163 152 129 hex #A39881 hsv 41 21 64 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.25 lab 63 0 14 lch 63 14 89 cmyk 0 4 13 36 double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](1.0):routeburn[7341][165,153,130](1.4):bronco[1817][167,151,129](2.0):beige[1384][163,148,128](2.4):grey_olive[4219][161,154,127](2.4) 33 beige:bison:bronco:double:hide:olive:routeburn:grey +7050 rainee rgb 179 193 177 hex #B3C1B1 hsv 112 8 76 xyz 0.46 0.51 0.49 lab 77 -8 6 lch 77 10 141 cmyk 5 0 6 24 PMS5575[719][175,191,173](1.7):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](2.2):half_robin_egg_blue[4377][181,192,181](2.8):clay_ash[2361][189,200,179](3.6):robins_egg_blue[7255][189,200,179](3.6) 16 PMS5575:ash:clay:egg:half:robin:robins:spring:blue:green +7051 rainee rgb 185 200 172 hex #B9C8AC hsv 92 14 78 xyz 0.48 0.55 0.47 lab 79 -10 12 lch 79 16 130 cmyk 6 0 11 22 clay_ash[2361][189,200,179](3.6):robins_egg_blue[7255][189,200,179](3.6):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](4.1):coriander[2514][196,208,176](4.2):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](4.2) 8 pale:ash:clay:coriander:egg:leaf:robins:blue +7052 raisin_black rgb 36 33 36 hex #242124 hsv 300 8 14 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 13 2 -2 lch 13 3 325 cmyk 0 1 0 86 chimney_sweep[2289][28,29,31](2.8):grey[4111][33,33,33](2.8):black[1452][35,35,35](3.0):black_russian[1477][36,37,43](3.0):grey[4110][31,31,31](3.0) 33 chimney:russian:sweep:black:grey +7053 rajah rgb 247 182 104 hex #F7B668 hsv 33 58 97 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.21 lab 79 15 48 lch 79 51 72 cmyk 0 25 56 3 consuela[2463][253,183,109](3.3):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](5.5):light_brilliant_orange[5053][255,178,101](5.5):daybreak_yellow[2939][252,191,102](5.7):porsche[6780][234,174,105](5.7) 1 light:brilliant:consuela:daybreak:gold:harvest:porsche:orange:yellow +7054 rajah rgb 251 171 96 hex #FBAB60 hsv 29 62 98 xyz 0.56 0.5 0.18 lab 76 22 50 lch 76 55 66 cmyk 0 31 61 2 light_brilliant_orange[5053][255,178,101](2.8):sandy_brown[7477][244,164,96](3.7):apricot[1092][255,177,109](4.5):pale_orange[6395][255,167,86](5.0):PMS157[81][237,160,79](5.1) 4 pale:light:brilliant:PMS157:apricot:sandy:brown:orange +7055 rajah rgb 252 174 96 hex #FCAE60 hsv 30 62 99 xyz 0.57 0.52 0.18 lab 77 21 51 lch 77 55 68 cmyk 0 31 61 1 light_brilliant_orange[5053][255,178,101](1.7):PMS150[68][252,173,86](4.0):texas_rose[8317][252,176,87](4.6):pale_orange[6395][255,167,86](5.1):apricot[1092][255,177,109](5.2) 3 pale:light:brilliant:PMS150:apricot:texas:orange:rose +7056 rakaia rgb 186 183 181 hex #BAB7B5 hsv 24 3 73 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.51 lab 75 1 1 lch 75 2 63 cmyk 0 1 2 27 grey[4173][184,184,184](1.4):triple_concrete[8486][183,182,181](1.4):grey[4172][181,181,181](1.7):grey[4174][186,186,186](1.7):nobel[6064][183,177,177](2.2) 59 concrete:nobel:triple:grey +7057 rambler rgb 83 71 61 hex #53473D hsv 27 27 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.05 lab 31 3 8 lch 31 9 68 cmyk 0 5 9 67 double_oilskin[3221][80,69,58](1.0):cork[2516][90,76,66](2.2):mash[5567][90,76,66](2.2):nest_egg[6028][77,69,58](2.2):metallic_bronze[5689][85,74,60](2.4) 25 bronze:cork:double:egg:mash:metallic:nest:oilskin +7058 rampart rgb 79 78 74 hex #4F4E4A hsv 48 6 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 3 lch 33 3 100 cmyk 0 0 2 69 winchester[9127][81,78,74](0.0):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.0):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.0):quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](1.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](1.0) 48 blast:dune:ironsand:quarter:silver:streak:winchester:grey +7059 ranger rgb 109 128 99 hex #6D8063 hsv 99 23 50 xyz 0.16 0.2 0.15 lab 51 -13 13 lch 51 19 133 cmyk 7 0 11 50 axolotl[1218][99,119,90](3.2):xanadu[9185][117,135,110](3.7):finlandia[3629][97,117,91](4.1):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](4.2):PMS5625[729][114,132,112](4.9) 7 PMS5625:axolotl:camouflage:finlandia:xanadu:green +7060 rangitoto rgb 46 50 34 hex #2E3222 hsv 75 32 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 -5 10 lch 20 11 118 cmyk 2 0 6 80 scrub[7545][46,50,34](0.0):pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](3.2):hunter_green[4585][47,49,37](3.6):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](4.0):log_cabin[5328][36,42,29](4.6) 9 cabin:forest:hunter:log:pine:scrub:tree:black:green +7061 rangitoto rgb 58 65 51 hex #3A4133 hsv 90 22 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 27 -6 8 lch 27 10 128 cmyk 3 0 5 75 log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](2.2):deep_khaki[3002][61,64,49](2.4):scrub[7546][61,64,49](2.4):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](3.3):green_kelp[4047][57,61,42](3.6) 15 deep:cabin:kelp:khaki:kombu:log:scrub:green +7062 rangitoto_rock rgb 67 56 49 hex #433831 hsv 23 27 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 24 4 6 lch 24 7 60 cmyk 0 4 7 74 double_felix[3200][69,55,50](1.4):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](2.0):blackwood[1492][63,55,46](2.2):tobago[8397][68,54,45](2.2):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.4) 50 deep:burnt:blackwood:double:felix:oak:tobago:umber +7063 rangoon_green rgb 28 30 19 hex #1C1E13 hsv 71 37 12 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 -3 7 lch 11 8 116 cmyk 1 0 4 88 very_dark_olive[8723][29,29,17](1.4):top_gear[8419][36,34,26](3.0):hunter_green[4583][22,29,16](3.2):very_dark_chartreuse_green[8718][23,29,17](3.2):eternity[3513][33,26,14](4.6) 5 dark:very:chartreuse:eternity:gear:hunter:olive:top:green +7064 rangoon_green rgb 43 46 37 hex #2B2E25 hsv 80 20 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -3 5 lch 18 6 122 cmyk 1 0 4 82 marshland[5556][43,46,38](0.0):green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](1.4):karaka[4817][45,45,36](1.4):style_pasifika_dark_stone[8076][45,45,36](1.4):eternity[3514][45,47,40](1.7) 32 dark:eternity:karaka:marshland:pasifika:stone:style:waterloo:green +7065 raptor rgb 88 88 71 hex #585847 hsv 60 19 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.07 lab 37 -3 10 lch 37 10 108 cmyk 0 0 7 65 dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](2.4):millbrook[5748][89,86,72](2.4):triple_stonewall[8522][97,90,71](3.0):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](3.2):PMS418[501][96,94,79](3.3) 21 dark:PMS418:amber:grayish:millbrook:olive:stonewall:triple +7066 rapture rgb 246 72 76 hex #F6484C hsv 359 71 96 xyz 0.42 0.25 0.09 lab 57 66 37 lch 57 76 29 cmyk 0 68 67 4 light_red[5181][255,71,76](3.7):PMS1787[121][244,63,79](4.1):PMS1785[120][252,79,89](4.5):sunburnt_cyclops[8123][255,64,76](5.2):tart_orange[8257][251,77,70](5.2) 3 light:PMS1785:PMS1787:cyclops:sunburnt:tart:orange:red +7067 raspberry rgb 127 40 56 hex #7F2838 hsv 349 69 50 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.04 lab 30 39 11 lch 30 40 16 cmyk 0 34 28 50 lollipop[5334][127,40,56](0.0):PMS506[621][122,38,56](2.4):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](2.4):paprika[6477][124,45,55](4.1):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](4.1) 7 PMS506:c:i:lollipop:paprika:rosehip:red +7068 raspberry rgb 135 38 87 hex #872657 hsv 330 72 53 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.1 lab 32 45 -6 lch 32 46 352 cmyk 0 38 19 47 dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](0.0):PMS242[207][124,28,81](3.6):violet_red[8864][139,34,82](3.6):smooch[7799][126,32,86](4.5):pansy_purple[6470][120,24,74](5.0) 5 dark:PMS242:pansy:raspberry:smooch:purple:red:violet +7069 raspberry rgb 176 1 73 hex #B00149 hsv 335 99 69 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.07 lab 37 63 11 lch 37 64 10 cmyk 0 69 40 31 purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](1.4):irresistible[4687][185,0,76](3.0):PMS215[173][165,5,68](4.5):strong_raspberry[8052][168,0,63](4.9):PMS220[178][170,0,79](5.2) 4 strong:PMS215:PMS220:irresistible:purplish:raspberry:red +7070 raspberry rgb 227 11 92 hex #E30B5C hsv 338 95 89 xyz 0.34 0.17 0.12 lab 49 75 16 lch 49 77 12 cmyk 0 85 53 11 razzmatazz[7092][227,11,92](0.0):ruby[7363][224,17,95](2.4):vivid_raspberry[8940][231,0,87](4.5):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](4.7):cerise[2177][222,12,98](5.2) 4 vivid:cerise:debian:raspberry:razzmatazz:ruby:red +7071 raspberry rgb 227 11 93 hex #E30B5D hsv 337 95 89 xyz 0.34 0.17 0.12 lab 49 75 16 lch 49 77 12 cmyk 0 85 53 11 razzmatazz[7092][227,11,92](0.0):ruby[7363][224,17,95](2.4):vivid_raspberry[8940][231,0,87](4.5):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](4.7):cerise[2177][222,12,98](5.2) 4 vivid:cerise:debian:raspberry:razzmatazz:ruby:red +7072 raspberry_glace rgb 145 95 109 hex #915F6D hsv 343 34 57 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.16 lab 46 22 0 lch 46 22 1 cmyk 0 20 14 43 mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](0.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](4.1):renaissance[7181][136,90,100](4.1):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](4.9):light_pink[5169][139,95,101](5.1) 4 light:PMS5205:mauve:renaissance:taupe:pink +7073 raspberry_pink rgb 226 80 152 hex #E25098 hsv 330 65 89 xyz 0.4 0.24 0.32 lab 56 63 -9 lch 56 64 352 cmyk 0 57 29 11 brilliant_rose[1798][231,81,156](1.4):cerise[2176][221,68,146](2.8):pink[6667][215,72,148](3.7):brilliant_rose[1799][246,83,166](7.3):magenta[5439][246,100,175](7.3) 3 brilliant:cerise:magenta:pink:rose +7074 raspberry_rose rgb 179 68 108 hex #B3446C hsv 338 62 70 xyz 0.23 0.15 0.16 lab 45 49 1 lch 45 49 1 cmyk 0 44 28 30 irresistible[4686][179,68,108](0.0):blush[1625][180,70,104](3.3):medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](3.5):royal_heath[7354][181,75,115](3.5):rouge[7337][169,64,100](3.7) 8 medium:blush:heath:irresistible:rouge:royal:ruby +7075 rasputin rgb 47 39 53 hex #2F2735 hsv 274 26 21 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.04 lab 17 7 -8 lch 17 10 313 cmyk 2 5 0 79 blackcurrant[1488][50,41,58](1.7):bastille[1313][41,33,48](3.0):woody_bay[9176][41,33,48](3.0):charade[2217][41,41,55](3.2):haiti[4273][44,42,53](3.3) 15 bastille:bay:blackcurrant:charade:haiti:woody +7076 rata rgb 93 31 30 hex #5D1F1E hsv 1 68 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 22 28 16 lch 22 32 29 cmyk 0 24 25 64 red_oxide[7130][93,31,30](0.0):burgundy[1909][101,37,37](2.4):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](2.8):red_planet[7134][90,32,25](3.0):venetian_red[8690][91,31,34](3.2) 8 burgundy:oxide:pioneer:planet:venetian:red +7077 rattlesnake rgb 70 56 53 hex #463835 hsv 11 24 27 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.04 lab 25 6 4 lch 25 7 37 cmyk 0 5 7 73 barista[1297][69,56,55](1.0):cowboy[2566][68,55,54](1.4):stingray[7983][69,53,51](1.4):double_felix[3200][69,55,50](1.7):echo[3350][72,60,58](1.7) 41 barista:cowboy:double:echo:felix:stingray +7078 raven rgb 111 116 123 hex #6F747B hsv 215 10 48 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.21 lab 49 0 -5 lch 49 5 265 cmyk 5 3 0 52 storm_grey[7995][116,120,128](1.0):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](3.3):nevada[6033][100,110,117](3.6):infinity[4655][106,115,118](3.7):jumbo[4785][124,123,130](3.7) 16 pale:infinity:jumbo:nevada:sky:storm:grey +7079 raven rgb 114 123 137 hex #727B89 hsv 217 17 54 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.26 lab 51 0 -9 lch 51 9 269 cmyk 9 5 0 46 light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](1.4):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](1.7):slate_grey[7769][108,123,139](2.8):weathered_blue[9032][103,117,131](2.8):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](3.5) 13 pale:slate:light:sky:steel:weathered:blue:grey +7080 ravine rgb 132 138 125 hex #848A7D hsv 88 9 54 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.23 lab 57 -5 6 lch 57 8 127 cmyk 2 0 5 46 windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](2.2):mummy's_tomb[5945][130,142,132](2.4):honeydew[4531][131,139,131](3.0):sterling[7976][139,139,126](3.3):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](3.5) 22 honeydew:mummy's:smoky:sterling:tomb:windblown:green +7081 ravishing rgb 64 26 34 hex #401A22 hsv 347 59 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 15 19 3 lch 15 20 10 cmyk 0 15 12 75 red_earth[7123][70,32,40](3.0):spitfire[7904][56,25,33](3.3):jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](4.1):contraband[2466][70,36,41](4.6):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](4.9) 5 contraband:earth:jumpstart:rustic:spitfire:red +7082 raw_sienna rgb 154 98 0 hex #9A6200 hsv 38 100 60 xyz 0.18 0.16 0.02 lab 46 16 54 lch 46 57 73 cmyk 0 22 60 40 PMS1395[54][153,96,7](2.2):gamboge_orange[3828][152,102,0](3.3):PMS146[62][158,107,5](4.4):golden_brown[3912][153,101,21](5.2):orange[6197][139,90,0](5.4) 3 PMS1395:PMS146:gamboge:golden:brown:orange +7083 raw_sienna rgb 199 97 20 hex #C76114 hsv 26 90 78 xyz 0.28 0.21 0.03 lab 53 37 57 lch 53 67 57 cmyk 0 40 70 22 alloy_orange[1004][196,98,16](2.2):chocolate[2306][205,102,29](2.2):chocolate[2307][210,105,30](3.0):cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](3.0):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](3.0) 12 alloy:chocolate:cinnamon:cocoa:brown:orange +7084 raw_sienna rgb 210 125 70 hex #D27D46 hsv 24 67 82 xyz 0.35 0.29 0.1 lab 61 28 43 lch 61 52 57 cmyk 0 33 55 18 roxy[7342][223,136,80](4.1):zest[9254][198,114,59](5.2):big_foot_feet[1405][232,142,90](6.2):brilliant_tangelo[1807][231,137,81](6.2):hero[4474][211,124,57](7.1) 1 brilliant:big:feet:foot:hero:roxy:tangelo:zest +7085 raw_sienna rgb 214 138 89 hex #D68A59 hsv 24 58 84 xyz 0.39 0.33 0.14 lab 64 24 38 lch 64 45 58 cmyk 0 30 49 16 persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](4.1):di_serria[3117][212,145,93](4.5):whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](4.5):PMS722[901][209,142,84](5.1):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](5.7) 3 PMS722:di:persian:serria:sour:whiskey:orange +7086 raw_umber rgb 115 74 18 hex #734A12 hsv 35 84 45 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.02 lab 35 12 38 lch 35 40 72 cmyk 0 16 38 55 cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](2.8):antique_brass[1060][112,74,7](3.2):antique_bronze[1064][112,74,7](3.2):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](3.7):PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](5.4) 4 antique:2X:PMS1405:PMS464:brass:bronze:cafe:royale +7087 raw_umber rgb 130 102 68 hex #826644 hsv 33 48 51 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.08 lab 45 7 23 lch 45 24 74 cmyk 0 11 24 49 triple_colins_wicket[8485][122,100,65](3.2):coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](3.3):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](3.6):authentic[1203][138,104,67](4.1):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](4.1) 8 authentic:bistre:colins:coyote:dull:french:triple:wicket:brown +7088 raw_umber rgb 167 94 9 hex #A75E09 hsv 32 95 65 xyz 0.2 0.16 0.02 lab 47 25 54 lch 47 59 65 cmyk 0 29 62 35 pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](3.0):pumpkin_skin[6852][177,97,11](3.0):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](3.7):windsor_tan[9134][167,85,2](4.5):omega[6178][181,101,25](4.6) 8 mai:omega:pumpkin:skin:tai:tan:windsor +7089 razzamatazz rgb 112 31 40 hex #701F28 hsv 353 72 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.02 lab 25 36 15 lch 25 39 22 cmyk 0 32 28 56 red_berry[7115][112,31,40](0.0):jalapeno[4726][112,28,40](1.4):livewire[5312][109,28,39](1.4):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](4.5):PMS491[600][117,40,40](4.7) 8 PMS491:berry:dynamite:jalapeno:livewire:red +7090 razzle_dazzle_rose rgb 255 51 204 hex #FF33CC hsv 315 80 100 xyz 0.53 0.28 0.6 lab 60 85 -33 lch 60 91 339 cmyk 0 80 20 0 shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](5.4):hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](5.9):purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](5.9):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](6.6):purple_pizzazz[6884][254,78,218](7.3) 0 luminous:vivid:fuchsia:hot:magenta:pizzazz:shocking:pink:purple +7091 razzle_dazzle_rose rgb 255 72 208 hex #FF48D0 hsv 315 72 100 xyz 0.55 0.3 0.63 lab 62 80 -32 lch 62 86 338 cmyk 0 72 18 0 purple_pizzazz[6884][254,78,218](4.2):light_deep_pink[5095][255,92,205](9.4):light_brilliant_fuchsia[5041][255,101,216](10.0):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](10.3):candy_pink[2046][255,99,233](10.5) 1 deep:light:brilliant:candy:fuchsia:pizzazz:shocking:pink:purple +7092 razzmatazz rgb 227 11 92 hex #E30B5C hsv 338 95 89 xyz 0.34 0.17 0.12 lab 49 75 16 lch 49 77 12 cmyk 0 85 53 11 raspberry[7070][227,11,92](0.0):raspberry[7071][227,11,93](0.0):ruby[7363][224,17,95](2.4):vivid_raspberry[8940][231,0,87](4.5):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](4.7) 5 vivid:debian:raspberry:ruby:red +7093 razzmatazz rgb 227 37 107 hex #E3256B hsv 338 84 89 xyz 0.35 0.19 0.16 lab 50 72 10 lch 50 73 8 cmyk 0 75 47 11 cerise[2177][222,12,98](3.0):dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](4.7):ruby[7363][224,17,95](4.9):dogwood_rose[3157][215,24,104](5.0):PMS213[171][234,15,107](5.1) 4 dark:PMS213:cerise:dogwood:hot:ruby:pink:rose +7094 razzmic_berry rgb 141 78 133 hex #8D4E85 hsv 308 45 55 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.24 lab 42 35 -20 lch 42 40 331 cmyk 0 25 3 45 purplish[6897][148,86,140](3.3):purpleish[6890][152,86,141](4.2):light_eggplant[5096][137,69,133](4.7):plum[6744][142,69,133](5.5):orchid[6234][139,71,137](5.7) 3 light:eggplant:orchid:plum:purpleish:purplish +7095 really_light_blue rgb 212 255 255 hex #D4FFFF hsv 180 17 100 xyz 0.81 0.93 1.08 lab 97 -14 -5 lch 97 14 199 cmyk 17 0 0 0 pale_blue[6314][208,254,254](1.0):ice_blue[4597][215,255,254](1.4):very_light_blue[8749][213,255,255](1.4):very_pale_blue[8799][214,255,254](1.4):foam[3708][216,252,250](3.0) 14 pale:light:very:foam:ice:blue +7096 rebecca_purple rgb 102 51 153 hex #663399 hsv 270 67 60 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.31 lab 33 43 -47 lch 33 64 312 cmyk 20 40 0 40 purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](1.0):royal_purple[7356][107,63,160](5.1):dark_slate_blue[2888][107,35,142](7.0):dark_orchid[2828][104,34,139](7.1):PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](7.1) 1 slate:dark:2X:PMS814:heart:orchid:royal:blue:purple +7097 rebecca_purple rgb 102 52 153 hex #663499 hsv 270 66 60 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.31 lab 33 42 -47 lch 33 63 312 cmyk 20 40 0 40 purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](1.4):royal_purple[7356][107,63,160](4.4):blue_magenta_violet[1577][85,53,146](6.4):PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](7.3):dark_orchid[2828][104,34,139](7.8) 2 dark:2X:PMS814:heart:magenta:orchid:royal:blue:purple:violet +7098 rebel rgb 60 18 6 hex #3C1206 hsv 13 90 24 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 12 20 16 lch 12 25 39 cmyk 0 16 21 76 bean[1329][61,12,2](3.2):black_bean[1455][61,12,2](3.2):toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](4.9):brown_pod[1854][64,24,1](5.7):cedar[2146][62,28,20](5.8) 3 20:bean:cedar:lmu:pod:toast:black:brown +7099 rebel rgb 69 52 48 hex #453430 hsv 11 30 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 7 5 lch 23 9 38 cmyk 0 7 8 73 cedar[2147][70,52,48](1.4):old_burgundy[6126][67,48,46](1.4):stingray[7983][69,53,51](1.4):PMS439[523][73,53,51](2.2):double_felix[3200][69,55,50](2.2) 38 PMS439:burgundy:cedar:double:felix:old:stingray +7100 red rgb 131 43 41 hex #832B29 hsv 1 69 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 31 38 22 lch 31 44 30 cmyk 0 35 35 49 style_pasifika_red_frangipani[8091][131,43,41](0.0):brown[1834][128,42,42](2.4):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.6):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.6):rocket[7266][134,40,46](3.6) 12 flame:frangipani:monza:pasifika:rocket:style:brown:red +7101 red rgb 139 0 0 hex #8B0000 hsv 360 100 55 xyz 0.11 0.05 0 lab 28 51 41 lch 28 66 39 cmyk 0 55 55 45 dark_red[2856][139,0,0](0.0):red_berry[7116][142,0,0](1.7):deep_red[3040][133,1,1](3.0):brick_red[1709][143,20,2](3.5):dark_red[2855][132,0,0](3.5) 10 deep:dark:berry:brick:red +7102 red rgb 196 2 51 hex #C40233 hsv 345 99 77 xyz 0.23 0.12 0.04 lab 41 67 31 lch 41 73 25 cmyk 0 76 57 23 crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](2.4):lipstick_red[5301][192,2,47](2.4):vivid_crimson[8909][204,0,51](3.5):PMS1935[150][193,5,56](4.1):cherry[2260][207,2,52](4.7) 5 vivid:PMS1935:cherry:glory:lipstick:crimson:red +7103 red rgb 205 0 0 hex #CD0000 hsv 0 100 80 xyz 0.25 0.13 0.01 lab 43 68 57 lch 43 89 40 cmyk 0 80 80 20 boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](0.0):PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](1.0):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](1.7):rosso_corsa[7323][212,0,0](2.4):PMS485[593][216,30,5](3.3) 6 2X:PMS185:PMS485:boston:corsa:rosso:university:red +7104 red rgb 229 0 0 hex #E50000 hsv 360 100 90 xyz 0.32 0.17 0.02 lab 48 74 62 lch 48 96 40 cmyk 0 90 90 10 vivid_red[8942][231,0,0](0.0):ku_crimson[4891][232,0,13](3.2):vivid_scarlet[8948][231,29,0](3.3):cadmium_red_deep[1994][227,23,13](5.0):vivid_red[8943][247,13,26](6.4) 4 deep:vivid:cadmium:ku:scarlet:crimson:red +7105 red rgb 237 28 36 hex #ED1C24 hsv 358 88 93 xyz 0.36 0.19 0.03 lab 51 73 52 lch 51 90 35 cmyk 0 82 79 7 lust[5411][230,32,32](2.8):PMS1788[122][239,43,45](3.7):firebrick[3645][238,44,44](3.7):vivid_amaranth[8890][231,0,29](3.7):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](4.4) 6 vivid:PMS1788:amaranth:cadmium:firebrick:lust:red +7106 red rgb 237 41 57 hex #ED2939 hsv 355 83 93 xyz 0.36 0.2 0.06 lab 52 71 42 lch 52 83 30 cmyk 0 77 71 7 imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](0.0):deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](1.7):alizarin_crimson[1000][227,38,54](4.1):rose_madder[7307][227,38,54](4.1):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](4.5) 8 deep:alizarin:carmine:geranium:imperial:lake:madder:crimson:pink:red:rose +7107 red rgb 238 0 0 hex #EE0000 hsv 360 100 93 xyz 0.35 0.18 0.02 lab 50 76 64 lch 50 99 40 cmyk 0 93 93 7 vivid_red[8942][231,0,0](3.5):bright_red[1746][255,0,13](5.0):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](5.0):vivid_scarlet[8948][231,29,0](5.2):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](5.4) 3 light:vivid:bright:cadmium:engine:fire:scarlet:red +7108 red rgb 238 32 77 hex #EE204D hsv 347 87 93 xyz 0.37 0.2 0.09 lab 52 74 30 lch 52 80 22 cmyk 0 81 63 7 red_pink[7133][250,42,85](3.7):spanish_crimson[7871][229,26,76](4.4):PMS1925[148][224,7,71](4.5):reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](4.6):pink_red[6689][245,5,79](5.1) 4 PMS1925:reddish:spanish:crimson:pink:red +7109 red rgb 242 0 60 hex #F2003C hsv 345 100 95 xyz 0.37 0.19 0.06 lab 51 78 39 lch 51 87 27 cmyk 0 95 71 5 red_ribbon[7137][237,10,63](3.7):vivid_crimson[8910][231,0,58](4.1):pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](4.6):scarlet[7518][252,40,71](4.6):carmine[2096][255,0,64](4.7) 7 vivid:carmine:pinky:ribbon:scarlet:crimson:red +7110 red rgb 254 39 18 hex #FE2712 hsv 5 93 100 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.03 lab 55 76 63 lch 55 98 40 cmyk 0 84 93 0 bright_red[1746][255,0,13](4.6):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](4.6):orange_red[6216][255,36,0](5.0):scarlet[7520][255,36,0](5.0):ferrari_red[3586][255,40,0](5.1) 4 light:bright:cadmium:ferrari:scarlet:orange:red +7111 red rgb 255 0 0 hex #FF0000 hsv 360 100 100 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.02 lab 53 80 67 lch 53 105 40 cmyk 0 100 100 0 candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_red[5394][255,0,0](0.0):fire_engine_red[3639][254,0,2](1.0):bright_red[1746][255,0,13](3.0):cadmium_red_light[1995][255,3,13](3.0) 8 luminous:light:vivid:apple:bright:cadmium:candy:engine:fire:red +7112 red_baron rgb 81 29 34 hex #511D22 hsv 354 64 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 25 9 lch 19 26 20 cmyk 0 20 18 68 PMS504[619][81,30,38](2.0):burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](3.0):lava[4925][89,31,37](3.0):renegade[7183][89,34,40](3.2):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](3.2) 11 burnt:PMS504:demon:lava:renegade:speed:crimson +7113 red_beech rgb 123 56 1 hex #7B3801 hsv 27 99 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.01 lab 32 26 42 lch 32 50 58 cmyk 0 26 48 52 new_amber[6036][123,56,1](0.0):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](1.7):PMS725[904][117,56,2](2.4):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](3.7):chocolate[2304][123,63,0](4.6) 6 PMS1615:PMS725:amber:chocolate:new:peru:tan +7114 red_beech rgb 161 98 59 hex #A1623B hsv 23 63 63 xyz 0.2 0.17 0.06 lab 48 22 33 lch 48 39 56 cmyk 0 25 40 37 desert[3099][161,95,59](1.7):earth[3328][162,101,62](1.7):footloose[3715][164,97,58](2.0):indochine[4652][156,91,52](3.2):moroccan_spice[5899][152,89,52](4.1) 8 desert:earth:footloose:indochine:moroccan:spice +7115 red_berry rgb 112 31 40 hex #701F28 hsv 353 72 44 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.02 lab 25 36 15 lch 25 39 22 cmyk 0 32 28 56 razzamatazz[7089][112,31,40](0.0):jalapeno[4726][112,28,40](1.4):livewire[5312][109,28,39](1.4):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](4.5):PMS491[600][117,40,40](4.7) 8 PMS491:dynamite:jalapeno:livewire:razzamatazz +7116 red_berry rgb 142 0 0 hex #8E0000 hsv 360 100 56 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.01 lab 29 52 42 lch 29 67 39 cmyk 0 56 56 44 dark_red[2856][139,0,0](1.7):red[7101][139,0,0](1.7):brick_red[1709][143,20,2](3.3):sangria[7481][146,0,10](3.3):blood_red[1523][152,0,2](3.5) 12 dark:blood:brick:sangria:red +7117 red_brown rgb 139 46 22 hex #8B2E16 hsv 12 84 55 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.02 lab 33 38 35 lch 33 52 43 cmyk 0 36 46 45 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clementine_orange[2371][222,115,72](3.7):medium_vermilion[5651][217,96,59](4.6):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](4.9):sorbus[7851][221,107,56](5.0):brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](5.1) 4 medium:brilliant:chilean:clementine:fire:sorbus:vermilion:orange +7121 red_devil rgb 102 42 44 hex #662A2C hsv 358 59 40 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 27 12 lch 26 30 24 cmyk 0 24 23 60 deep_impact[2999][103,39,41](2.4):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](2.4):fahrenheit[3542][103,46,43](3.0):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](3.2):red_ochre[7126][97,45,45](3.2) 21 deep:dark:fahrenheit:impact:japanese:maple:ochre:tan:red +7122 red_devil rgb 134 1 17 hex #860111 hsv 353 99 53 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.01 lab 27 50 32 lch 27 59 33 cmyk 0 52 46 47 crimson[2598][140,0,15](3.7):pohutukawa[6755][143,2,28](4.1):scarlet[7516][140,23,23](4.2):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](5.0):jazz[4751][120,1,9](5.0) 5 japanese:jazz:maple:pohutukawa:scarlet:crimson +7123 red_earth rgb 70 32 40 hex #462028 hsv 347 54 27 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 18 19 3 lch 18 19 9 cmyk 0 15 12 73 contraband[2466][70,36,41](2.4):courage[2561][75,37,42](2.8):ravishing[7081][64,26,34](3.0):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](3.3):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](3.3) 14 contraband:courage:cowboy:livid:ravishing:brown +7124 red_hot rgb 149 43 50 hex #952B32 hsv 356 71 58 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.04 lab 35 44 21 lch 35 49 26 cmyk 0 42 39 42 bright_red[1744][146,42,49](1.0):chaos[2215][146,42,49](1.0):vermilion[8704][146,42,49](1.0):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](1.7):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](2.2) 13 bright:chaos:flash:guardsman:point:vermilion:red +7125 red_letter rgb 117 22 49 hex #751631 hsv 343 81 46 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.03 lab 25 42 9 lch 25 43 12 cmyk 0 37 27 54 claret[2356][127,23,52](4.4):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](4.7):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](5.2):maroon[5539][101,0,33](5.4):PMS506[621][122,38,56](5.7) 2 PMS506:c:claret:i:maroon:rosehip:red +7126 red_ochre rgb 97 45 45 hex #612D2D hsv 0 54 38 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 26 24 11 lch 26 26 25 cmyk 0 20 20 62 dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](0.0):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](1.4):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](1.4):burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.2):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.2) 18 burnt:dark:buccaneer:japanese:maple:persian:plum:sienna:tan +7127 red_orange rgb 253 60 6 hex #FD3C06 hsv 13 98 99 xyz 0.42 0.24 0.03 lab 56 70 67 lch 56 97 44 cmyk 0 76 97 1 greenish_umber[4087][255,61,13](1.4):coquelicot[2490][255,56,0](2.2):luminous_vivid_vermilion[5404][255,64,0](2.4):orangered[6226][254,66,15](2.4):orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](3.0) 7 luminous:vivid:coquelicot:greenish:orangered:orangish:umber:vermilion:red +7128 red_orange rgb 255 63 52 hex #FF3F34 hsv 3 80 100 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.06 lab 57 70 51 lch 57 87 36 cmyk 0 75 80 0 PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](2.8):firebrick[3646][255,48,48](4.2):PMS1788[122][239,43,45](5.5):firebrick[3645][238,44,44](5.5):light_brilliant_red[5060][254,46,46](5.5) 2 light:brilliant:2X:PMS1788:PMS805:firebrick:red +7129 red_orange rgb 255 83 73 hex #FF5349 hsv 3 71 100 xyz 0.46 0.28 0.09 lab 60 64 43 lch 60 77 34 cmyk 0 67 71 0 tart_orange[8257][251,77,70](2.4):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](3.7):ogre_odor[6116][253,82,64](4.1):coral[2496][252,90,80](5.0):sunset_orange[8144][253,94,83](5.7) 4 coral:odor:ogre:sunset:tart:orange +7130 red_oxide rgb 93 31 30 hex #5D1F1E hsv 1 68 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 22 28 16 lch 22 32 29 cmyk 0 24 25 64 rata[7076][93,31,30](0.0):burgundy[1909][101,37,37](2.4):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](2.8):red_planet[7134][90,32,25](3.0):venetian_red[8690][91,31,34](3.2) 8 burgundy:pioneer:planet:rata:venetian:red +7131 red_oxide rgb 110 9 2 hex #6E0902 hsv 4 98 43 xyz 0.07 0.04 0 lab 22 41 32 lch 22 52 38 cmyk 0 40 42 57 lonestar[5340][109,1,1](2.2):reddy_brown[7159][110,16,5](2.2):burgundy[1910][119,15,5](4.1):dark_burgundy[2698][119,15,5](4.1):beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](4.2) 6 dark:27:beer:burgundy:lonestar:reddy:srm:brown +7132 red_pepper rgb 187 17 42 hex #BB112A hsv 351 91 73 xyz 0.21 0.11 0.03 lab 40 62 34 lch 40 71 29 cmyk 0 67 57 27 lipstick_red[5301][192,2,47](3.6):smashing[7783][173,0,32](4.6):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](5.0):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](5.1):red[7102][196,2,51](5.9) 3 alabama:glory:lipstick:smashing:crimson:red +7133 red_pink rgb 250 42 85 hex #FA2A55 hsv 348 83 98 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.11 lab 55 76 29 lch 55 81 21 cmyk 0 82 65 2 reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](2.2):radical_red[7038][255,53,94](3.0):red[7108][238,32,77](3.7):sizzling_red[7734][255,56,85](4.1):awesome[1214][255,32,82](4.2) 6 awesome:radical:reddish:sizzling:pink:red +7134 red_planet rgb 90 32 25 hex #5A2019 hsv 6 72 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 21 26 18 lch 21 32 35 cmyk 0 23 25 65 rata[7076][93,31,30](3.0):red_oxide[7130][93,31,30](3.0):barn_red[1304][96,40,33](3.3):pioneer_red[6708][100,38,32](3.6):caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](4.9) 6 barn:caput:mortuum:oxide:pioneer:rata:red +7135 red_purple rgb 130 7 71 hex #820747 hsv 329 95 51 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.06 lab 28 51 -3 lch 28 51 357 cmyk 0 48 23 49 rose_bud_cherry[7301][128,11,71](1.0):disco[3142][135,21,80](3.0):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](3.5):wine[9137][128,1,63](4.1):PMS228[186][140,0,76](4.5) 6 deep:PMS228:bud:cherry:disco:wine:pink:rose +7136 red_purple rgb 228 0 120 hex #E40078 hsv 328 100 89 xyz 0.35 0.18 0.19 lab 49 78 0 lch 49 78 0 cmyk 0 89 42 11 mexican_pink[5700][228,0,124](2.0):vivid_rose[8945][231,0,116](3.2):PMS226[184][214,2,112](5.0):PMS219[177][226,40,130](6.2):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](6.9) 3 vivid:2X:PMS219:PMS226:PMS806:mexican:pink:rose +7137 red_ribbon rgb 237 10 63 hex #ED0A3F hsv 346 96 93 xyz 0.36 0.19 0.06 lab 50 76 36 lch 50 84 26 cmyk 0 89 68 7 vivid_crimson[8910][231,0,58](1.7):pinkish_red[6701][241,12,69](2.4):PMS192[147][229,5,58](3.0):red[7109][242,0,60](3.7):pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](5.4) 4 vivid:PMS192:pinkish:pinky:crimson:red +7138 red_robin rgb 125 65 56 hex #7D4138 hsv 8 55 49 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.05 lab 35 25 17 lch 35 30 34 cmyk 0 24 27 51 crown_of_thorns[2607][118,60,51](2.2):bole[1634][121,68,59](3.6):ironstone[4684][134,72,60](3.6):medium_tuscan_red[5650][121,68,59](3.6):peanut[6561][122,68,52](4.2) 6 medium:bole:crown:ironstone:of:peanut:thorns:tuscan:red +7139 red_robin rgb 128 52 31 hex #80341F hsv 13 76 50 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.02 lab 32 32 29 lch 32 43 43 cmyk 0 30 38 50 mocha[5804][120,45,25](3.0):peanut[6560][120,47,22](3.5):tomato[8408][139,54,38](4.4):burnt_umber[1940][138,51,36](4.5):dawnbreaker[2938][129,49,37](4.5) 7 burnt:dawnbreaker:mocha:peanut:tomato:umber +7140 red_salsa rgb 253 58 74 hex #FD3A4A hsv 355 77 99 xyz 0.43 0.24 0.09 lab 56 72 38 lch 56 82 28 cmyk 0 76 70 1 sunburnt_cyclops[8123][255,64,76](2.2):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](3.2):light_red[5181][255,71,76](3.7):strawberry[8007][251,41,67](3.7):pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](4.1) 6 light:cyclops:lightish:pinky:strawberry:sunburnt:red +7141 red_sienna rgb 95 49 42 hex #5F312A hsv 8 56 37 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 26 20 14 lch 26 24 34 cmyk 0 18 21 63 PMS1817[132][91,45,40](2.2):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](2.4):komakorau[4878][100,53,42](2.8):hukanui[4578][87,42,35](3.0):oiled_cedar[6120][102,54,45](3.2) 19 dark:PMS1817:cedar:hukanui:komakorau:oiled:scarlet +7142 red_stage rgb 173 82 46 hex #AD522E hsv 17 73 68 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.04 lab 46 35 38 lch 46 51 48 cmyk 0 36 50 32 rose_of_sharon[7309][172,81,45](1.0):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](3.5):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](5.0):hazard[4443][163,83,42](5.4):orange_roughy[6218][168,83,53](5.5) 3 fiery:hazard:of:roughy:sharon:vesuvius:orange:rose +7143 red_stage rgb 208 95 4 hex #D05F04 hsv 27 98 82 xyz 0.3 0.22 0.03 lab 54 41 62 lch 54 74 56 cmyk 0 44 80 18 PMS1595[86][209,91,5](2.4):bamboo[1274][218,99,4](3.5):smoke_tree[7789][218,99,4](3.5):tawny[8265][205,87,0](3.7):tenn[8301][205,87,0](3.7) 8 PMS1595:bamboo:smoke:tawny:tenn:tree +7144 red_tape rgb 179 0 47 hex #B3002F hsv 344 100 70 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.04 lab 37 62 28 lch 37 68 24 cmyk 0 70 52 30 shiraz[7667][178,9,49](1.7):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](2.2):strong_crimson[8029][168,0,42](2.8):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](4.7):PMS187[139][175,30,45](5.5) 4 strong:PMS187:alabama:glory:shiraz:crimson +7145 red_violet rgb 158 1 104 hex #9E0168 hsv 321 99 62 xyz 0.17 0.08 0.14 lab 35 62 -13 lch 35 63 348 cmyk 0 62 21 38 flirt[3692][162,0,109](2.4):fresh_eggplant[3766][153,0,102](3.0):strong_cerise[8024][168,0,105](3.5):PMS234[192][170,0,102](5.7):PMS241[205][173,0,117](5.8) 3 strong:PMS234:PMS241:cerise:eggplant:flirt:fresh +7146 red_violet rgb 192 68 143 hex #C0448F hsv 324 65 75 xyz 0.29 0.17 0.28 lab 49 57 -15 lch 49 59 345 cmyk 0 49 19 25 mulberry[5939][197,75,140](4.6):medium_red_violet[5635][187,51,133](5.7):smitten[7786][200,65,134](6.3):smitten[7785][200,64,134](6.7):fandango[3555][181,51,137](7.1) 1 medium:fandango:mulberry:smitten:red:violet +7147 red_violet rgb 199 21 133 hex #C71585 hsv 322 89 78 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.23 lab 45 71 -15 lch 45 73 348 cmyk 0 70 26 22 medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](0.0):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](0.0):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](0.0):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](3.6):maroon[5547][205,41,144](3.7) 9 medium:2X:PMS239:maroon:red:violet +7148 red_wine rgb 140 0 52 hex #8C0034 hsv 338 100 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.04 lab 29 53 12 lch 29 54 13 cmyk 0 55 35 45 PMS1955[153][147,22,56](4.1):pink_raspberry[6688][152,0,54](5.2):bordeaux[1659][123,0,44](6.4):PMS221[179][147,0,66](7.0):cranberry[2576][158,0,58](7.1) 1 PMS1955:PMS221:bordeaux:cranberry:raspberry:pink +7149 reddish rgb 196 66 64 hex #C44240 hsv 1 67 77 xyz 0.26 0.16 0.07 lab 47 52 30 lch 47 60 30 cmyk 0 51 52 23 bring_it_on[1812][195,66,59](3.2):dull_red[3288][187,63,63](3.5):mahogany[5463][205,74,76](4.2):well_read[9045][180,51,50](5.1):faded_red[3540][211,73,78](5.4) 3 bring:dull:faded:it:mahogany:on:read:well:red +7150 reddish_brown rgb 89 39 39 hex #592727 hsv 360 56 35 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.02 lab 23 23 11 lch 23 26 26 cmyk 0 20 20 65 PMS490[599][91,38,38](1.4):jazz[4750][95,44,47](2.8):lonestar[5339][82,36,38](3.0):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](3.2):dark_tan[2897][97,45,45](3.2) 19 dark:PMS490:buccaneer:jazz:lonestar:tan +7151 reddish_brown rgb 127 43 10 hex #7F2B0A hsv 17 92 50 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.01 lab 30 35 38 lch 30 51 47 cmyk 0 33 46 50 chestnut[2270][116,40,2](4.2):PMS1685[105][132,53,17](4.4):burnt_sienna[1935][138,54,15](4.6):beer_srm_25[1365][119,28,1](5.1):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](5.1) 3 burnt:25:PMS1685:beer:chestnut:pueblo:sienna:srm +7152 reddish_brownish_black rgb 29 26 26 hex #1D1A1A hsv 0 10 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 10 1 1 lch 10 2 20 cmyk 0 1 1 89 eerie_black[3367][27,27,27](1.4):grey[4109][28,28,28](1.4):black[1451][30,30,30](1.7):grey[4108][26,26,26](1.7):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](2.2) 26 cyanish:eerie:black:grey +7153 reddish_brownish_grey rgb 89 83 83 hex #595353 hsv 360 7 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.09 lab 36 2 1 lch 36 3 20 cmyk 0 2 2 65 tundora[8566][88,84,82](1.4):mortar[5903][86,80,81](1.7):torque[8431][90,87,85](1.7):davy's_grey[2932][85,85,85](2.2):davy_grey[2933][85,85,85](2.2) 54 davy:davy's:mortar:torque:tundora:grey +7154 reddish_grey rgb 153 117 112 hex #997570 hsv 7 27 60 xyz 0.22 0.21 0.18 lab 53 13 8 lch 53 16 32 cmyk 0 14 16 40 burnished_brown[1924][161,122,116](2.4):dusky_pink[3296][146,117,113](2.4):quarter_lumberjack[6965][150,112,107](2.4):pharlap[6630][163,128,123](4.0):PMS437[521][140,112,107](4.4) 10 PMS437:burnished:dusky:lumberjack:pharlap:quarter:brown:pink +7155 reddish_grey rgb 168 156 156 hex #A89C9C hsv 360 7 66 xyz 0.34 0.35 0.36 lab 65 4 2 lch 65 5 20 cmyk 0 5 5 34 nobel[6063][169,157,157](1.0):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](2.0):tonto[8414][159,149,150](2.2):triple_rakaia[8512][161,154,152](2.2):dusty_grey[3306][168,152,155](2.4) 29 dusty:nobel:rakaia:tonto:triple:grey +7156 reddish_orange rgb 248 72 28 hex #F8481C hsv 12 89 97 xyz 0.41 0.25 0.04 lab 57 65 61 lch 57 89 43 cmyk 0 69 86 3 orange_red[6215][253,65,30](4.1):pomegranate[6762][243,71,35](4.2):flesh_ochre[3688][255,87,33](4.4):orioles_orange[6256][251,79,20](4.6):orange_red[6214][238,64,0](5.1) 4 flesh:ochre:orioles:pomegranate:orange:red +7157 reddish_pink rgb 254 44 84 hex #FE2C54 hsv 349 83 100 xyz 0.43 0.24 0.11 lab 56 76 31 lch 56 83 22 cmyk 0 82 67 0 red_pink[7133][250,42,85](2.2):sizzling_red[7734][255,56,85](2.4):awesome[1214][255,32,82](3.3):radical_red[7038][255,53,94](4.2):red[7108][238,32,77](4.6) 5 awesome:radical:sizzling:pink:red +7158 reddish_purple rgb 145 9 81 hex #910951 hsv 328 94 57 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.08 lab 31 55 -3 lch 31 55 356 cmyk 0 53 25 43 PMS228[186][140,0,76](1.0):mulberry[5938][146,10,78](2.2):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](3.0):dark_magenta[2794][150,0,86](3.7):PMS235[193][142,5,84](4.0) 6 deep:dark:PMS228:PMS235:magenta:mulberry:pink +7159 reddy_brown rgb 110 16 5 hex #6E1005 hsv 6 95 43 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.01 lab 23 39 32 lch 23 51 39 cmyk 0 37 41 57 beer_srm_27[1367][108,22,3](2.2):red_oxide[7131][110,9,2](2.2):beer_srm_28[1368][103,16,3](3.5):lonestar[5340][109,1,1](4.5):cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](4.6) 8 27:28:beer:cedar:finish:lonestar:oxide:srm:wood:red +7160 redemption_blue rgb 35 37 69 hex #232545 hsv 236 49 27 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.06 lab 16 9 -20 lch 16 22 294 cmyk 13 13 0 73 surfs_up[8164][31,33,66](2.4):sonic_boom[7847][37,32,66](3.3):lucky_point[5355][41,45,79](4.1):tolopea[8403][45,37,65](4.6):PMS2767[296][20,33,61](5.0) 6 PMS2767:boom:lucky:point:sonic:surfs:tolopea:up +7161 redwood rgb 91 52 46 hex #5B342E hsv 8 49 36 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 26 17 11 lch 26 20 34 cmyk 0 15 18 64 moccaccino[5799][88,47,43](1.4):jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](2.2):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](2.4):triple_lumberjack[8498][90,55,47](2.4):dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](3.3) 13 dark:jarrah:lumberjack:moccaccino:oak:pepperwood:stain:triple +7162 redwood rgb 93 30 15 hex #5D1E0F hsv 12 84 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 21 28 25 lch 21 37 42 cmyk 0 25 31 64 meranti[5674][93,30,15](0.0):deep_vermilion[3075][89,22,0](4.1):sepia[7611][94,38,18](4.5):dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](4.7):espresso[3511][97,39,24](4.7) 5 deep:dark:espresso:meranti:oak:sepia:vermilion +7163 redwood rgb 164 90 82 hex #A45A52 hsv 6 50 64 xyz 0.2 0.16 0.1 lab 47 29 18 lch 47 35 32 cmyk 0 29 32 36 copper_rust[2486][149,82,76](4.9):matrix[5577][176,93,84](4.9):giant's_club[3853][176,92,82](5.4):crail[2574][166,86,72](5.5):quickstep[7027][167,97,95](5.5) 2 club:copper:crail:giant's:matrix:quickstep:rust +7164 reef rgb 201 255 162 hex #C9FFA2 hsv 95 36 100 xyz 0.66 0.87 0.47 lab 95 -33 39 lch 95 51 130 cmyk 21 0 36 0 very_light_chartreuse_green[8754][207,255,158](2.8):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](3.3):tea_green[8275][189,248,163](5.1):celery[2158][193,253,149](6.2):light_green[5116][200,255,176](7.3) 2 light:very:celery:chartreuse:pistachio:tea:green +7165 reef rgb 209 239 159 hex #D1EF9F hsv 83 33 94 xyz 0.63 0.78 0.44 lab 91 -23 36 lch 91 42 123 cmyk 12 0 31 6 lucky_dip[5353][209,239,159](0.0):PMS372[447][216,237,150](4.6):PMS366[440][196,229,142](5.4):gossip[3955][210,248,176](5.7):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](6.8) 2 light:PMS366:PMS372:dip:gossip:lucky:green:lime +7166 reef_gold rgb 159 130 28 hex #9F821C hsv 47 82 62 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.04 lab 56 1 54 lch 56 54 89 cmyk 0 11 51 38 hacienda[4269][158,128,34](2.4):hacienda[4268][152,129,27](3.2):luxor_gold[5414][167,136,44](3.7):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](4.4):alibi[997][152,132,34](4.6) 5 PMS1255:alibi:gold:hacienda:luxor +7167 reef_gold rgb 169 141 54 hex #A98D36 hsv 45 68 66 xyz 0.27 0.28 0.07 lab 60 1 49 lch 60 49 89 cmyk 0 11 45 34 luxor_gold[5414][167,136,44](3.0):roti[7334][182,150,66](3.3):luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](4.1):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](4.2):alpine[1017][173,138,59](4.4) 5 alpine:gold:luxor:roti:turmeric +7168 refresh rgb 113 184 202 hex #71B8CA hsv 192 44 79 xyz 0.35 0.42 0.62 lab 71 -18 -16 lch 71 24 222 cmyk 35 7 0 21 meltwater[5671][110,174,192](3.6):parachute[6479][101,184,209](4.0):glacier[3868][120,177,191](4.7):seagull[7580][119,183,208](5.0):glacier[3869][128,179,196](5.5) 4 glacier:meltwater:parachute:seagull +7169 regal_blue rgb 1 63 106 hex #013F6A hsv 205 99 42 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.14 lab 26 0 -30 lch 26 30 270 cmyk 41 17 0 58 dark_imperial_blue[2776][0,65,106](1.4):PMS2955[322][0,61,107](3.0):bondi_blue[1644][38,65,107](4.6):midnight_blue[5720][26,72,118](4.6):whale_tail[9061][0,57,103](4.7) 6 dark:PMS2955:bondi:imperial:midnight:tail:whale:blue +7170 regal_blue rgb 32 63 88 hex #203F58 hsv 207 64 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 25 -3 -18 lch 25 19 261 cmyk 22 10 0 65 dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](2.2):nile_blue[6058][25,55,81](3.3):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.7):shipshape[7665][33,66,95](3.7):madison[5429][45,60,84](4.5) 12 dark:madison:nile:shipshape:azure:blue:grey +7171 regalia rgb 82 45 128 hex #522D80 hsv 267 65 50 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.21 lab 27 35 -41 lch 27 54 311 cmyk 18 33 0 50 spanish_violet[7880][76,40,130](4.6):windsor[9133][70,44,119](5.7):gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](5.8):kingfisher_daisy[4865][88,53,128](5.8):PMS268[260][79,33,112](6.0) 1 PMS268:daisy:gobstopper:kingfisher:spanish:windsor:violet +7172 regatta rgb 25 44 73 hex #192C49 hsv 216 66 29 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.07 lab 18 3 -20 lch 18 21 278 cmyk 19 11 0 71 yankees_blue[9189][28,40,65](3.6):blue_whale[1598][4,46,76](4.5):midnight_oil[5727][40,56,84](5.2):PMS2767[296][20,33,61](5.4):big_stone[1406][22,42,64](5.4) 2 PMS2767:big:midnight:oil:stone:whale:yankees:blue +7173 regent_grey rgb 121 132 136 hex #798488 hsv 196 11 53 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.27 lab 54 -3 -4 lch 54 5 228 cmyk 6 2 0 47 bluff[1614][113,129,135](1.7):eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](2.2):rolling_stone[7276][116,125,131](2.2):revolution[7192][126,132,139](2.4):pigeon_post[6648][119,132,142](3.0) 22 bluff:eighth:pigeon:post:revolution:rolling:stone:tuna +7174 regent_grey rgb 134 148 159 hex #86949F hsv 206 16 62 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.37 lab 61 -3 -7 lch 61 8 251 cmyk 10 4 0 38 instinct[4659][140,151,157](2.2):PMS5425[682][132,153,165](3.0):exponent[3532][136,143,152](3.0):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](4.1):clouded_blue[2384][137,146,150](4.2) 8 PMS5425:bali:clouded:exponent:hai:instinct:blue +7175 regent_st_blue rgb 160 205 217 hex #A0CDD9 hsv 193 26 85 xyz 0.49 0.56 0.74 lab 80 -12 -11 lch 80 16 222 cmyk 22 5 0 15 french_pass[3754][164,210,224](1.4):belgion[1388][173,216,230](4.1):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](4.1):light_blue[5014][173,216,230](4.1):PMS291[313][168,206,226](5.1) 4 light:PMS291:belgion:french:pass:blue +7176 regent_st_blue rgb 170 214 230 hex #AAD6E6 hsv 196 26 90 xyz 0.55 0.62 0.84 lab 83 -11 -13 lch 83 17 229 cmyk 24 6 0 10 belgion[1388][173,216,230](2.2):blue_light[1576][173,216,230](2.2):light_blue[5014][173,216,230](2.2):french_pass[3754][164,210,224](2.4):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](3.2) 7 light:belgion:french:pass:blue +7177 relax rgb 153 174 208 hex #99AED0 hsv 217 26 82 xyz 0.4 0.42 0.66 lab 71 0 -20 lch 71 20 271 cmyk 22 13 0 18 polo_blue[6761][141,168,204](3.3):polo_blue[6760][138,167,204](3.7):rock_blue[7259][158,177,205](4.1):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](4.1):PMS2717[272][165,186,224](4.2) 8 PMS2717:polo:rock:wild:yonder:blue +7178 relic rgb 75 72 66 hex #4B4842 hsv 40 12 29 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.06 lab 31 0 4 lch 31 4 90 cmyk 0 1 4 71 deep_space[3062][76,73,69](1.0):gravel[3992][74,75,70](1.7):merlin[5682][79,78,72](2.2):rampart[7058][79,78,74](2.2):winchester[9127][81,78,74](2.2) 42 deep:gravel:merlin:rampart:space:winchester +7179 remy rgb 246 222 218 hex #F6DEDA hsv 9 11 96 xyz 0.77 0.77 0.77 lab 90 8 5 lch 90 9 33 cmyk 0 9 11 4 PMS705[884][249,221,214](2.2):cinderella[2330][253,225,220](2.4):pippin[6714][255,225,223](2.8):misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](3.0):mistyrose[5794][238,213,210](3.0) 30 misty:PMS705:cinderella:mistyrose:pippin:rose +7180 remy rgb 254 235 243 hex #FEEBF3 hsv 335 7 100 xyz 0.87 0.87 0.97 lab 95 8 -2 lch 95 8 349 cmyk 0 7 4 0 amour[1046][249,234,243](1.7):tutu[8608][255,241,249](2.2):lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](2.4):amour[1045][245,230,234](3.5):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](4.4) 9 amour:blush:magentaish:tutu:lavender:white +7181 renaissance rgb 136 90 100 hex #885A64 hsv 347 34 53 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.14 lab 43 20 2 lch 43 21 6 cmyk 0 18 14 47 light_pink[5169][139,95,101](3.0):pink[6664][139,99,108](3.7):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](4.1):raspberry_glace[7072][145,95,109](4.1):memory[5672][124,91,99](5.2) 4 light:glace:mauve:memory:raspberry:taupe:pink +7182 rendezvous rgb 86 20 38 hex #561426 hsv 344 77 34 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 18 32 6 lch 18 32 10 cmyk 0 26 19 66 encore[3481][84,22,44](4.2):speed_demon[7889][85,27,36](4.6):cab_sav[1967][77,10,24](5.1):breakfree[1702][101,25,42](5.8):castro[2130][82,0,31](5.8) 2 breakfree:cab:castro:demon:encore:sav:speed +7183 renegade rgb 89 34 40 hex #592228 hsv 353 62 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 22 26 9 lch 22 27 19 cmyk 0 22 19 65 lava[4925][89,31,37](1.7):burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](2.2):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](3.0):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.2):PMS490[599][91,38,38](3.7) 14 burnt:dark:PMS490:amaranth:baron:lava:crimson:red +7184 renew rgb 140 215 197 hex #8CD7C5 hsv 166 35 84 xyz 0.45 0.58 0.62 lab 81 -27 2 lch 81 27 177 cmyk 29 0 7 16 riptide[7232][137,217,200](1.4):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](2.2):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](3.6):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](4.6):PMS337[404][155,219,193](4.6) 10 PMS3248:PMS337:aqua:bermuda:pearl:riptide +7185 reno_sand rgb 168 101 21 hex #A86515 hsv 33 88 66 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.03 lab 49 21 52 lch 49 56 68 cmyk 0 26 58 34 raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](4.9):PMS1395[54][153,96,7](5.0):PMS154[75][153,89,5](5.1):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](5.1):strong_gamboge[8033][168,105,0](5.5) 2 strong:PMS1395:PMS154:gamboge:mai:raw:tai:umber +7186 reno_sand rgb 178 110 51 hex #B26E33 hsv 28 71 70 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.06 lab 53 22 43 lch 53 48 63 cmyk 0 27 50 30 copper[2476][184,115,51](2.8):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](3.7):high_five[4480][178,111,44](4.1):clay_brown[2362][178,113,61](4.2):oregon[6248][177,108,57](4.2) 7 clay:copper:five:high:oregon:pumpkin:brown +7187 reservoir rgb 191 226 220 hex #BFE2DC hsv 170 15 89 xyz 0.62 0.71 0.78 lab 87 -13 -1 lch 87 13 184 cmyk 14 0 2 11 jagged_ice[4720][194,232,229](2.8):PMS635[814][186,224,224](3.2):jagged_ice[4721][202,231,226](3.6):PMS2975[326][186,224,226](4.1):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](4.2) 14 pale:light:PMS2975:PMS635:grayish:ice:jagged:turquoise +7188 resolution_blue rgb 0 35 135 hex #002387 hsv 224 100 53 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.23 lab 20 33 -58 lch 20 66 299 cmyk 53 39 0 47 navy[5995][34,34,139](4.1):navy_blue[5999][34,34,139](4.1):navy_blue[6000][35,35,142](4.5):jacksons_purple[4711][32,32,141](5.2):PMS662[841][12,25,117](6.4) 3 PMS662:jacksons:navy:blue:purple +7189 resolution_blue rgb 50 63 117 hex #323F75 hsv 228 57 46 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.18 lab 28 12 -33 lch 28 35 290 cmyk 26 21 0 54 sea_world[7574][50,63,117](0.0):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](2.0):vroom[8977][53,61,117](2.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](4.1):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](4.1) 6 bay:decadence:sea:topsy:torea:turvy:vroom:world +7190 retreat rgb 57 144 155 hex #39909B hsv 187 63 61 xyz 0.18 0.23 0.35 lab 55 -22 -14 lch 55 26 211 cmyk 38 4 0 39 wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](3.0):scooter[7535][48,142,160](4.1):moderate_arctic_blue[5811][74,156,168](5.1):such_fun[8108][72,158,168](5.2):hullabaloo[4579][0,139,151](5.5) 2 moderate:arctic:eva:fun:hullabaloo:scooter:such:wot:blue +7191 retro rgb 27 82 86 hex #1B5256 hsv 184 69 34 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.1 lab 32 -16 -8 lch 32 18 205 cmyk 23 2 0 66 beatnik[1332][31,79,84](2.2):dark_arctic_blue[2681][39,83,89](3.2):deep_teal[3070][0,85,90](4.1):PMS316[359][0,73,79](4.2):PMS3165[360][0,86,91](4.2) 9 deep:dark:PMS316:PMS3165:arctic:beatnik:teal:blue +7192 revolution rgb 126 132 139 hex #7E848B hsv 212 9 55 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.28 lab 55 -1 -5 lch 55 5 261 cmyk 5 3 0 45 eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](2.2):regent_grey[7173][121,132,136](2.4):pigeon_post[6648][119,132,142](3.0):rolling_stone[7276][116,125,131](3.3):rugged_lavender[7369][128,129,139](3.3) 16 eighth:pigeon:post:regent:rolling:rugged:stone:tuna:grey:lavender +7193 revolver rgb 44 22 50 hex #2C1632 hsv 287 56 20 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.03 lab 12 17 -14 lch 12 22 320 cmyk 2 11 0 80 dark_purple[2849][48,25,52](1.4):plum[6739][56,26,56](4.4):blackcurrant[1487][46,24,59](4.6):ab_fab[941][50,27,47](5.7):upstage[8659][51,32,51](7.1) 3 dark:ab:blackcurrant:fab:plum:upstage:purple +7194 revolver rgb 55 54 63 hex #37363F hsv 247 14 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 3 -5 lch 23 6 296 cmyk 3 4 0 75 black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](0.0):catch[2136][52,52,60](1.4):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](2.4):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](2.4):PMS532[668][53,56,66](3.0) 17 PMS532:bay:catch:marlin:ship:woody:black:grey +7195 rhapsody rgb 173 96 60 hex #AD603C hsv 19 65 68 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.06 lab 49 28 34 lch 49 44 50 cmyk 0 30 44 32 tuscany[8599][173,98,66](3.3):footloose[3715][164,97,58](4.2):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](4.4):adobe[960][189,108,72](5.1):piper[6709][157,84,50](5.2) 3 adobe:footloose:piper:tuscany:vesuvius +7196 rhino rgb 46 63 98 hex #2E3F62 hsv 220 53 38 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.12 lab 27 4 -23 lch 27 23 281 cmyk 20 14 0 62 super_sonic[8153][55,68,103](2.4):time_warp[8368][55,68,103](2.4):capri[2067][48,67,106](3.0):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](3.5):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](3.5) 13 capri:catalina:clouds:sonic:super:time:warp:blue +7197 rhino rgb 61 70 83 hex #3D4653 hsv 215 27 33 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.09 lab 29 0 -9 lch 29 9 268 cmyk 9 5 0 67 shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](1.4):skywater[7753][64,70,83](1.4):oxford_blue[6276][56,69,85](2.2):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](2.4):blue_zodiac[1603][60,67,84](3.0) 22 bright:oxford:shapeshifter:skywater:zodiac:blue:grey +7198 rhythm rgb 119 118 150 hex #777696 hsv 242 21 59 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.32 lab 51 8 -17 lch 51 19 294 cmyk 12 13 0 41 raincloud[7048][123,124,148](5.4):waterloo[9017][123,124,148](5.4):rum[7371][121,105,137](6.7):grayish_blue[3998][125,125,168](7.0):grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](7.0) 0 grayish:raincloud:rum:waterloo:blue:grey:purple +7199 rhythm rgb 120 118 151 hex #787697 hsv 244 22 59 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.32 lab 51 8 -18 lch 51 19 295 cmyk 12 13 0 41 grayish_blue[3998][125,125,168](6.2):raincloud[7048][123,124,148](6.2):waterloo[9017][123,124,148](6.2):grayish_indigo[4007][136,125,168](7.1):rum[7371][121,105,137](7.1) 0 grayish:raincloud:rum:waterloo:blue:indigo +7200 rialto rgb 76 35 34 hex #4C2322 hsv 1 55 30 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 19 10 lch 19 21 27 cmyk 0 16 16 70 PMS4975[606][68,30,28](2.2):nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](2.4):cocoa_bean[2406][72,28,28](2.8):PMS497[605][81,40,38](3.0):style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](3.0) 12 PMS497:PMS4975:bean:cocoa:nelson:pasifika:soil:style:red +7201 ribbon rgb 102 0 69 hex #660045 hsv 319 100 40 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.06 lab 21 45 -12 lch 21 47 345 cmyk 0 40 13 60 nightclub[6055][102,0,69](0.0):pompadour[6764][102,0,69](0.0):deep_fuchsia[2989][89,0,67](5.2):velvet[8689][117,8,81](5.7):imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](6.1) 2 deep:fuchsia:imperial:nightclub:pompadour:velvet:purple +7202 ribbon rgb 113 51 60 hex #71333C hsv 351 55 44 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.05 lab 30 28 8 lch 30 29 15 cmyk 0 24 21 56 merlot[5684][115,52,58](2.0):puce_red[6832][114,47,55](3.0):wine[9136][114,47,55](3.0):catawba[2135][112,54,66](3.3):matchmaker[5571][109,53,64](3.6) 6 catawba:matchmaker:merlot:puce:wine:red +7203 rice_cake rgb 239 236 222 hex #EFECDE hsv 49 7 94 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.81 lab 93 -1 7 lch 93 7 101 cmyk 0 1 7 6 quarter_wheatfield[7014][240,236,222](0.0):whitewash[9098][239,236,222](0.0):eighth_parchment[3412][237,233,220](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.4) 121 bianca:eighth:half:parchment:quarter:villa:wheatfield:whitewash:white +7204 rice_cake rgb 255 254 240 hex #FFFEF0 hsv 56 6 100 xyz 0.92 0.98 0.97 lab 99 -2 7 lch 99 7 107 cmyk 0 0 6 0 orange_white[6222][254,252,237](0.0):island_spice[4691][255,252,238](1.0):ivory[4700][255,255,240](1.4):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](2.0):half_pearl_lusta[4367][255,252,234](2.0) 60 buttery:half:island:ivory:lusta:pearl:spice:orange:white +7205 rice_flower rgb 238 255 226 hex #EEFFE2 hsv 95 11 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 0.86 lab 98 -11 12 lch 98 16 132 cmyk 7 0 11 0 very_pale_chartreuse_green[8802][240,255,226](1.0):very_pale_harlequin[8808][233,255,226](1.4):nyanza[6086][233,255,219](3.6):hint_of_green[4497][230,255,233](4.1):very_pale_green[8807][226,255,226](4.2) 7 pale:very:chartreuse:harlequin:hint:nyanza:of:green +7206 rice_flower rgb 239 245 209 hex #EFF5D1 hsv 70 15 96 xyz 0.8 0.88 0.73 lab 95 -8 17 lch 95 19 116 cmyk 2 0 14 4 orinoco[6255][243,251,212](2.4):tahuna_sands[8209][238,240,200](2.4):moon_glow[5883][245,243,206](3.2):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](3.3):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](3.5) 17 light:glow:goldenrod:mimosa:moon:orinoco:sands:tahuna +7207 rice_paper rgb 210 214 156 hex #D2D69C hsv 64 27 84 xyz 0.57 0.64 0.41 lab 84 -11 28 lch 84 30 111 cmyk 2 0 23 16 old_medium_goldenrod[6139][205,205,150](3.7):pine_glade[6657][199,205,144](3.7):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](3.7):PMS579[759][201,214,163](4.5):PMS616[795][221,214,155](4.6) 7 medium:PMS579:PMS616:glade:goldenrod:hazel:old:pine:winter +7208 rich_black rgb 0 64 64 hex #004040 hsv 180 100 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 24 -18 -5 lch 24 19 196 cmyk 25 0 0 75 warm_black[8996][0,66,66](1.0):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](1.7):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](1.7):cyprus[2651][15,70,69](2.2):city_limits[2349][12,58,55](3.5) 7 city:cyprus:greenstone:limits:warm:black +7209 rich_black rgb 1 11 19 hex #010B13 hsv 207 95 7 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 3 -1 -5 lch 3 5 256 cmyk 7 3 0 93 gunmetal[4256][2,13,21](0.0):PMS433_2X[517][10,12,17](2.2):bunker[1904][13,17,23](2.4):black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](3.3):cinder[2327][14,14,24](3.3) 9 2X:PMS433:bunker:cinder:gunmetal:pepper:black +7210 rich_black rgb 1 2 3 hex #010203 hsv 210 67 1 xyz 0 0 0 lab 1 0 0 lch 1 0 255 cmyk 1 0 0 99 grey[4099][3,3,3](0.0):grey[4100][5,5,5](0.0):black[1450][0,0,0](1.0):grey[4098][0,0,0](1.0):grey[4101][8,8,8](1.0) 20 black:grey +7211 rich_blue rgb 2 27 249 hex #021BF9 hsv 234 99 98 xyz 0.18 0.08 0.9 lab 33 72 -103 lch 33 126 305 cmyk 97 87 0 2 luminous_vivid_phthalo_blue[5390][0,32,255](2.2):strong_blue[8022][12,6,247](4.2):blue[1529][0,0,238](4.4):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](4.5):vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](5.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:bluebonnet:phthalo:blue +7212 rich_blue rgb 89 89 171 hex #5959AB hsv 240 48 67 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.4 lab 42 22 -44 lch 42 49 297 cmyk 32 32 0 33 gypsy_queen[4266][78,86,172](3.6):liberty[4990][84,90,167](3.7):moderate_phthalo_blue[5839][74,85,168](3.7):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](5.4):PMS660[839][89,96,168](6.5) 3 moderate:PMS660:gypsy:liberty:marguerite:phthalo:queen:blue +7213 rich_brilliant_lavender rgb 241 167 254 hex #F1A7FE hsv 291 34 100 xyz 0.68 0.53 1.01 lab 78 41 -32 lch 78 52 322 cmyk 5 34 0 0 very_light_heliotrope[8767][243,158,255](6.8):very_light_mulberry[8773][231,158,255](7.0):very_light_orchid[8776][255,158,243](8.7):very_light_purple[8781][219,158,255](9.0):mauve[5581][224,176,255](9.1) 0 light:very:heliotrope:mauve:mulberry:orchid:purple +7214 rich_carmine rgb 215 0 64 hex #D70040 hsv 342 100 84 xyz 0.29 0.15 0.06 lab 45 72 29 lch 45 77 22 cmyk 0 84 59 16 carmine[2095][215,0,64](0.0):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](1.4):PMS1925[148][224,7,71](3.7):PMS199[157][216,28,63](4.1):spanish_crimson[7871][229,26,76](4.6) 6 PMS1925:PMS199:carmine:spanish:utah:crimson +7215 rich_cream rgb 255 215 160 hex #FFD7A0 hsv 35 37 100 xyz 0.72 0.72 0.43 lab 88 7 32 lch 88 33 78 cmyk 0 16 37 0 circus[2341][255,215,160](0.0):frangipani[3736][255,215,160](0.0):PMS148[64][255,214,155](2.0):burly_wood[1913][255,211,155](2.4):burlywood[1918][255,211,155](2.4) 17 PMS148:burly:burlywood:circus:frangipani:wood +7216 rich_electric_blue rgb 8 146 208 hex #0892D0 hsv 199 96 82 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.63 lab 57 -10 -41 lch 57 42 257 cmyk 78 24 0 18 curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](2.8):cyan_cornflower_blue[2643][24,139,194](4.5):blue[1531][0,135,189](5.7):freefall[3740][29,149,201](5.9):water_blue[9010][14,135,204](6.6) 2 cornflower:curious:cyan:freefall:water:blue +7217 rich_gold rgb 161 82 38 hex #A15226 hsv 21 76 63 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.04 lab 44 29 39 lch 44 49 53 cmyk 0 31 48 37 hazard[4443][163,83,42](1.4):paarl[6287][166,85,41](1.7):sienna[7695][160,82,45](3.0):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](4.9):hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](5.1) 4 hawaiian:hazard:paarl:sienna:tan:vesuvius +7218 rich_gold rgb 168 83 7 hex #A85307 hsv 28 96 66 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.02 lab 45 31 52 lch 45 61 59 cmyk 0 33 63 34 strong_orange[8045][168,84,0](2.2):windsor_tan[9134][167,85,2](2.8):cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](4.1):chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](4.5):PMS1605[88][160,79,17](4.6) 5 strong:PMS1605:chelsea:cinnamon:gem:tan:windsor:orange +7219 rich_lavender rgb 167 107 207 hex #A76BCF hsv 276 48 81 xyz 0.32 0.23 0.62 lab 55 42 -43 lch 55 60 315 cmyk 16 39 0 19 amethyst[1041][153,102,204](3.5):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](4.1):PMS265[255][150,99,196](5.0):PMS2655[256][155,109,198](6.8):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](7.1) 3 dark:PMS265:PMS2655:amethyst:pastel:purple +7220 rich_lilac rgb 182 102 210 hex #B666D2 hsv 284 51 82 xyz 0.36 0.24 0.64 lab 56 50 -43 lch 56 65 319 cmyk 11 42 0 18 rich_lavender[7219][167,107,207](8.1):deep_lilac[3009][153,85,187](8.9):fuchsia[3791][195,100,197](9.3):amethyst[1042][155,95,192](9.5):purple_plum[6887][156,81,182](9.7) 0 deep:amethyst:fuchsia:lilac:plum:rich:lavender:purple +7221 rich_maroon rgb 176 48 96 hex #B03060 hsv 338 73 69 xyz 0.21 0.12 0.12 lab 42 55 2 lch 42 55 3 cmyk 0 50 31 31 maroon[5544][176,48,96](0.0):cranberry[2577][180,56,100](2.4):pink_panther[6685][180,56,100](2.4):filmpro_magenta[3614][170,48,93](2.8):cranberry[2578][182,49,108](5.5) 4 cranberry:filmpro:magenta:maroon:panther:pink +7222 rich_purple rgb 114 0 88 hex #720058 hsv 314 100 45 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.1 lab 25 50 -19 lch 25 54 339 cmyk 0 45 10 55 velvet[8689][117,8,81](6.1):PMS512[628][132,33,107](7.1):PMS2425[208][135,0,91](8.1):PMS259[234][114,22,107](8.5):deep_orchid[3025][89,0,78](9.0) 0 deep:PMS2425:PMS259:PMS512:orchid:velvet +7223 rickshaw rgb 170 145 123 hex #AA917B hsv 28 28 67 xyz 0.3 0.3 0.23 lab 62 6 15 lch 62 16 69 cmyk 0 10 18 33 sandrift[7464][171,145,122](1.0):sandrift[7465][175,147,125](1.7):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](2.0):double_joss[3209][166,147,128](2.8):donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](3.2) 15 donkey:double:grayish:joss:sandrift:brown +7224 ricochet rgb 132 132 132 hex #848484 hsv 0 0 52 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.25 lab 55 0 0 lch 55 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 48 battleship_grey[1319][132,132,130](1.0):grey[4149][128,128,128](1.0):grey[4150][130,130,130](1.0):grey[4151][133,133,133](1.0):grey[4152][135,135,135](1.0) 58 battleship:grey +7225 rifle_green rgb 65 72 51 hex #414833 hsv 80 29 28 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.04 lab 29 -7 12 lch 29 14 122 cmyk 3 0 8 72 grey_green[4212][69,73,54](2.4):kelp[4828][69,73,54](2.4):mallard[5484][58,69,49](2.4):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](3.7):cabbage_pont[1970][63,76,58](4.1) 14 cabbage:kelp:mallard:pont:seaweed:green:grey +7226 rifle_green rgb 68 76 56 hex #444C38 hsv 84 26 30 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.05 lab 31 -7 11 lch 31 13 124 cmyk 3 0 8 70 grey_green[4212][69,73,54](2.2):kelp[4828][69,73,54](2.2):cabbage_pont[1970][63,76,58](2.8):kelp[4829][77,80,60](2.8):pickled_aspen[6637][63,76,58](2.8) 10 aspen:cabbage:kelp:pickled:pont:green:grey +7227 rimutaka rgb 75 60 35 hex #4B3C23 hsv 38 53 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.02 lab 26 3 18 lch 26 18 81 cmyk 0 6 16 71 metallic_bronze[5688][73,55,27](3.0):café_noir[2004][75,54,33](3.7):clinker[2376][70,54,35](3.7):madras[5431][71,62,35](4.0):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](4.1) 12 bronze:café:clinker:gum:limed:madras:metallic:noir +7228 rio_grande rgb 183 198 26 hex #B7C61A hsv 65 87 78 xyz 0.4 0.51 0.09 lab 76 -24 73 lch 76 77 108 cmyk 6 0 67 22 la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](1.7):bile[1410][181,195,6](2.2):key_lime_pie[4841][191,201,33](2.8):lime[5270][191,201,33](2.8):acid_green[956][176,191,26](3.0) 12 acid:bile:key:la:pie:rioja:green:lime +7229 rio_grande rgb 187 208 9 hex #BBD009 hsv 66 96 82 xyz 0.43 0.56 0.09 lab 79 -27 78 lch 79 83 109 cmyk 8 0 78 18 green/yellow[4033][181,206,8](2.4):neva[6032][198,214,13](4.1):baby_puke_green[1249][182,196,6](4.7):fuego[3801][194,214,46](5.1):PMS382[458][186,216,10](5.4) 3 PMS382:baby:fuego:green/yellow:neva:puke:green +7230 ripe_lemon rgb 244 216 28 hex #F4D81C hsv 52 89 96 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.11 lab 86 -7 83 lch 86 83 95 cmyk 0 11 85 4 lemon[4961][244,216,28](0.0):safety_yellow[7404][238,210,2](2.2):PMS108[8][249,221,22](2.8):PMS109[9][249,214,22](3.2):sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](3.3) 11 PMS108:PMS109:safety:sun:lemon:yellow +7231 ripe_plum rgb 65 0 86 hex #410056 hsv 285 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.02 0.09 lab 14 41 -35 lch 14 54 320 cmyk 8 34 0 66 plum[6740][65,0,86](0.0):deep_mulberry[3018][67,0,89](1.7):deep_purple[3037][56,0,89](4.2):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](4.6):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](4.6) 5 deep:clairvoyant:hot:mulberry:plum:purple +7232 riptide rgb 137 217 200 hex #89D9C8 hsv 167 37 85 xyz 0.46 0.59 0.64 lab 81 -28 1 lch 81 28 179 cmyk 31 0 7 15 renew[7184][140,215,197](1.4):bermuda[1394][134,210,193](2.2):bermuda[1393][125,216,198](3.3):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](3.6):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](3.6) 8 PMS3248:aqua:bermuda:pearl:renew +7233 riptide rgb 139 230 216 hex #8BE6D8 hsv 171 40 90 xyz 0.51 0.67 0.75 lab 86 -30 -2 lch 86 30 183 cmyk 36 0 5 10 light_opal[5156][139,231,220](1.0):PMS3245[371][140,224,209](2.4):PMS3242[370][135,221,209](3.2):water_leaf[9011][161,233,222](5.4):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](5.5) 3 pale:light:PMS3242:PMS3245:egg:leaf:opal:robin:water:blue +7234 rising_star rgb 247 229 183 hex #F7E5B7 hsv 43 26 97 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.56 lab 91 -1 25 lch 91 25 92 cmyk 0 7 25 3 barley_white[1301][247,229,183](0.0):banana_mania[1277][250,231,181](2.2):honeymoon[4535][244,225,175](2.2):astra[1168][250,234,185](2.4):banana_mania[1279][252,233,189](2.4) 36 astra:banana:barley:honeymoon:mania:white +7235 rivendell rgb 169 189 182 hex #A9BDB6 hsv 159 11 74 xyz 0.43 0.48 0.51 lab 75 -8 1 lch 75 8 172 cmyk 8 0 3 26 ashanti[1158][166,187,179](1.7):PMS5503[702][170,196,191](3.0):ash_grey[1157][178,190,181](3.0):opal[6188][168,195,188](3.0):emerge[3472][173,186,181](3.2) 19 PMS5503:ash:ashanti:emerge:opal:grey +7236 river_bed rgb 67 76 89 hex #434C59 hsv 215 25 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.1 lab 32 0 -9 lch 32 9 268 cmyk 9 5 0 65 trout[8540][74,78,90](1.7):shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](2.2):skywater[7753][64,70,83](2.2):dark_grayish_azure[2736][66,78,89](2.4):mako[5476][68,73,84](2.4) 20 dark:grayish:mako:shapeshifter:skywater:trout:azure +7237 river_bed rgb 85 96 97 hex #556061 hsv 185 12 38 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.13 lab 40 -4 -2 lch 40 4 207 cmyk 5 0 0 62 gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](3.2):limed_spruce[5285][78,96,94](3.3):dark_cyanish_grey[2716][83,89,89](3.7):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](3.7):PMS445[529][86,89,89](4.1) 20 dark:PMS445:bluewood:cyanish:gunmetal:limed:pickled:spruce:grey +7238 rivergum rgb 73 89 71 hex #495947 hsv 113 20 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.07 lab 36 -10 8 lch 36 13 140 cmyk 6 0 7 65 gray_asparagus[3994][70,89,69](2.2):grey_asparagus[4205][70,89,69](2.2):nandor[5975][78,93,78](2.4):dark_grayish_malachite_green[2749][66,89,72](3.2):cabbage_pont[1971][76,85,68](3.3) 14 dark:asparagus:cabbage:grayish:malachite:nandor:pont:gray:green:grey +7239 riverstone rgb 121 112 103 hex #797067 hsv 30 15 47 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.15 lab 48 2 6 lch 48 7 74 cmyk 0 4 7 53 sandstone[7468][121,109,98](2.4):PMS410[493][124,109,99](3.0):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](3.0):gauntlet[3833][113,111,105](3.0):double_schooner[3234][114,105,98](3.2) 33 PMS410:double:friar:gauntlet:sandstone:schooner:grey +7240 roadster rgb 159 44 55 hex #9F2C37 hsv 354 72 62 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.05 lab 37 48 21 lch 37 52 24 cmyk 0 45 41 38 filmpro_fire_red[3611][165,51,60](2.2):japanese_carmine[4732][157,41,51](2.2):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.0):punch[6853][168,50,57](3.6):PMS194[151][153,33,53](4.1) 13 PMS194:PMS201:carmine:filmpro:fire:japanese:punch:red +7241 roast_coffee rgb 112 66 65 hex #704241 hsv 1 42 44 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.06 lab 33 20 9 lch 33 22 25 cmyk 0 18 18 56 deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](0.0):salmon[7424][111,66,66](1.0):solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](3.0):tosca[8434][116,64,66](3.2):crossroads[2606][115,73,73](4.1) 9 deep:coffee:crossroads:flare:salmon:solar:tosca +7242 roasted_orange rgb 166 119 71 hex #A67747 hsv 30 57 65 xyz 0.23 0.22 0.09 lab 54 13 33 lch 54 36 69 cmyk 0 18 37 35 moderate_orange[5836][168,121,74](1.0):tan_brown[8229][171,126,76](2.4):light_brown[5074][173,129,80](3.6):puce[6830][165,126,82](4.7):PMS730[909][170,117,63](5.4) 4 moderate:light:PMS730:puce:tan:brown:orange +7243 rob_roy rgb 221 173 86 hex #DDAD56 hsv 39 61 87 xyz 0.46 0.46 0.15 lab 74 8 51 lch 74 51 81 cmyk 0 19 53 13 fish_n_chips[3650][220,171,75](4.1):sunray[8140][227,171,87](4.1):sunkissed[8137][230,181,83](4.6):equator[3501][218,177,96](5.0):brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](5.1) 4 brilliant:chips:equator:fish:gamboge:n:sunkissed:sunray +7244 rob_roy rgb 234 198 116 hex #EAC674 hsv 42 50 92 xyz 0.57 0.59 0.25 lab 81 3 46 lch 81 46 87 cmyk 0 14 46 8 apache[1076][223,190,111](3.7):equator[3502][225,188,100](4.2):chenin[2255][222,195,113](4.9):cherokee[2258][245,205,130](5.4):marzipan[5562][235,200,129](6.1) 3 apache:chenin:cherokee:equator:marzipan +7245 robin's_egg_blue rgb 31 206 203 hex #1FCECB hsv 179 85 81 xyz 0.33 0.49 0.64 lab 75 -41 -10 lch 75 42 194 cmyk 69 0 1 19 robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](0.0):cyan[2636][0,205,205](2.0):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](2.0):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](4.1) 8 dark:cyan:egg:robin:robin's:blue:turquoise +7246 robin's_egg rgb 109 237 253 hex #6DEDFD hsv 187 57 99 xyz 0.54 0.71 1.04 lab 87 -31 -18 lch 87 36 211 cmyk 56 6 0 1 light_brilliant_arctic_blue[5029][101,236,255](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7251][138,241,254](5.4):electric_blue[3438][125,249,255](6.0):spray[7912][121,222,236](6.7):turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](6.9) 1 light:brilliant:arctic:egg:electric:robin:spray:blue:turquoise +7247 robin's_egg_blue rgb 0 204 204 hex #00CCCC hsv 180 100 80 xyz 0.32 0.48 0.65 lab 75 -41 -12 lch 75 42 196 cmyk 80 0 0 20 cyan[2636][0,205,205](0.0):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](0.0):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](2.0):robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](2.0):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](2.2) 6 dark:cyan:egg:robin:robin's:blue:turquoise +7248 robin's_egg_blue rgb 152 239 249 hex #98EFF9 hsv 186 39 98 xyz 0.61 0.75 1.01 lab 90 -24 -13 lch 90 27 209 cmyk 38 4 0 2 cadet_blue[1983][152,245,255](1.7):very_light_arctic_blue[8744][158,243,255](1.7):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](3.3):cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](4.0):robin_egg_blue[7251][138,241,254](4.2) 5 light:very:arctic:cadet:egg:robin:waterspout:blue +7249 robin_egg_blue rgb 0 204 204 hex #00CCCC hsv 180 100 80 xyz 0.32 0.48 0.65 lab 75 -41 -12 lch 75 42 196 cmyk 80 0 0 20 cyan[2636][0,205,205](0.0):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](0.0):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](2.0):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](2.2):turquoise_dark[8586][0,206,209](2.2) 5 dark:cyan:egg:robin's:robin's:blue:turquoise +7250 robin_egg_blue rgb 31 206 203 hex #1FCECB hsv 179 85 81 xyz 0.33 0.49 0.64 lab 75 -41 -10 lch 75 42 194 cmyk 69 0 1 19 robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](0.0):cyan[2636][0,205,205](2.0):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](2.0):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](4.1):turquoise_dark[8586][0,206,209](4.1) 7 dark:cyan:egg:robin's:robin's:blue:turquoise +7251 robin_egg_blue rgb 138 241 254 hex #8AF1FE hsv 187 46 100 xyz 0.6 0.75 1.05 lab 90 -27 -16 lch 90 31 210 cmyk 45 5 0 0 cadet_blue[1983][152,245,255](3.0):robin's_egg_blue[7248][152,239,249](4.2):very_light_arctic_blue[8744][158,243,255](4.6):robin's_egg[7246][109,237,253](5.4):cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](5.8) 3 light:very:arctic:cadet:egg:robin's:blue +7252 robin_egg_blue rgb 158 170 158 hex #9EAA9E hsv 120 7 67 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.38 lab 68 -7 5 lch 68 8 144 cmyk 5 0 5 33 greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](0.0):robins_egg_blue[7254][158,170,158](0.0):PMS5635[731][158,170,153](2.0):edward[3365][151,164,154](2.2):PMS5565[717][150,170,153](3.2) 13 PMS5565:PMS5635:edward:egg:greenish:robins:blue:grey +7253 robin_hood rgb 22 112 87 hex #167057 hsv 163 80 44 xyz 0.08 0.12 0.11 lab 42 -32 7 lch 42 33 168 cmyk 35 0 10 56 PMS555[714][7,109,84](1.4):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](1.7):PMS342[414][0,107,84](2.4):tropical_rain_forest[8536][0,117,94](3.5):bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](3.7) 13 PMS342:PMS555:bangladesh:forest:rain:tropical:watercourse:green +7254 robins_egg_blue rgb 158 170 158 hex #9EAA9E hsv 120 7 67 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.38 lab 68 -7 5 lch 68 8 144 cmyk 5 0 5 33 greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](0.0):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](0.0):PMS5635[731][158,170,153](2.0):edward[3365][151,164,154](2.2):PMS5565[717][150,170,153](3.2) 13 PMS5565:PMS5635:edward:egg:greenish:robin:blue:grey +7255 robins_egg_blue rgb 189 200 179 hex #BDC8B3 hsv 91 11 78 xyz 0.5 0.55 0.51 lab 79 -8 9 lch 79 12 129 cmyk 4 0 8 22 clay_ash[2361][189,200,179](0.0):zanah[9247][178,198,177](3.3):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](3.5):rainee[7050][179,193,177](3.6):rainee[7051][185,200,172](3.6) 16 ash:clay:rainee:spring:zanah:green +7256 rock rgb 77 56 51 hex #4D3833 hsv 12 34 30 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 9 7 lch 26 11 38 cmyk 0 8 10 70 cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](1.4):bean[1330][74,53,49](2.2):dark_liver[2791][84,61,55](2.2):van_cleef[8674][82,57,54](2.4):PMS439[523][73,53,51](2.8) 27 dark:PMS439:bean:cleef:cocoa:liver:van +7257 rock rgb 90 77 65 hex #5A4D41 hsv 29 28 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.06 lab 34 3 9 lch 34 10 70 cmyk 0 5 10 65 dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](1.0):cork[2516][90,76,66](1.7):mash[5567][90,76,66](1.7):groundbreaker[4238][90,79,64](2.2):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](2.2) 23 dark:cork:grayish:groundbreaker:judge:mash:brown:grey +7258 rock_blue rgb 147 162 186 hex #93A2BA hsv 217 21 73 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.52 lab 66 0 -14 lch 66 14 270 cmyk 15 9 0 27 smokescreen[7790][147,162,183](1.4):style_pasifika_lagoon_spray[8082][147,162,183](1.4):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.3):PMS651[830][155,170,191](3.3):tiebreaker[8353][142,151,171](4.6) 5 PMS535:PMS651:lagoon:pasifika:smokescreen:spray:style:tiebreaker +7259 rock_blue rgb 158 177 205 hex #9EB1CD hsv 216 23 80 xyz 0.41 0.43 0.64 lab 72 0 -16 lch 72 16 268 cmyk 18 11 0 20 light_steel_blue[5214][162,181,205](2.4):comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](3.0):echo_blue[3351][164,175,205](3.0):squirt[7945][164,175,205](3.0):PMS644[823][155,175,196](3.7) 13 light:PMS644:comfort:echo:squirt:steel:zone:blue +7260 rock_n_roll rgb 157 0 47 hex #9D002F hsv 342 100 62 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.03 lab 33 57 21 lch 33 61 20 cmyk 0 62 43 38 PMS1945[152][168,12,53](3.3):rouge[7338][171,18,57](4.5):vivid_burgundy[8901][159,29,53](4.6):cranberry[2576][158,0,58](6.1):deep_carmine[2967][169,32,62](6.2) 3 deep:vivid:PMS1945:burgundy:carmine:cranberry:rouge +7261 rock_salt rgb 230 214 184 hex #E6D6B8 hsv 39 20 90 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.55 lab 86 1 17 lch 86 17 87 cmyk 0 6 18 10 double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](1.0):grain_brown[3963][228,213,183](1.0):double_solitaire[3238][228,210,182](1.7):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](1.7):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](2.0) 42 double:grain:half:haystack:solitaire:spanish:stark:brown:white +7262 rock_salt rgb 255 255 255 hex #FFFFFF hsv 300 0 100 xyz 0.95 1 1.09 lab 100 0 0 lch 100 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 0 alabaster[985][255,255,255](0.0):white[9081][255,255,255](0.0):grey[4202][252,252,252](1.0):pale_grey[6349][253,253,254](1.0):romance[7283][255,254,253](1.0) 59 pale:alabaster:romance:grey:white +7263 rock_spray rgb 157 68 45 hex #9D442D hsv 12 71 62 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.04 lab 40 36 32 lch 40 48 42 cmyk 0 35 44 38 tia_maria[8340][151,66,45](3.0):kamikaze[4812][164,63,48](5.2):fire[3634][143,63,42](5.8):orange_roughy[6218][168,83,53](5.9):cumin[2622][146,67,33](6.2) 1 cumin:fire:kamikaze:maria:roughy:tia:orange +7264 rock_spray rgb 186 69 12 hex #BA450C hsv 20 94 73 xyz 0.22 0.15 0.02 lab 45 45 53 lch 45 69 50 cmyk 0 46 68 27 rust[7382][183,65,14](2.4):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](2.8):tia_maria[8341][193,68,14](3.2):PMS167[102][188,79,7](5.4):mahogany[5462][192,64,0](5.7) 3 PMS167:brick:mahogany:maria:rust:tia:orange +7265 rockbottom rgb 162 154 142 hex #A29A8E hsv 36 12 64 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.3 lab 64 1 7 lch 64 7 84 cmyk 0 3 8 36 triple_truffle[8528][163,155,142](1.0):settlement[7622][161,152,139](1.4):zorba[9276][165,155,145](1.4):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](1.7):dawn[2934][159,157,145](2.2) 44 dawn:half:settlement:taupe:triple:truffle:zorba:grey +7266 rocket rgb 134 40 46 hex #86282E hsv 356 70 53 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 31 40 19 lch 31 45 25 cmyk 0 37 35 47 flame_red[3656][134,40,46](0.0):monza[5878][134,40,46](0.0):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.8):PMS188[140][124,33,40](3.2):brown[1834][128,42,42](3.3) 17 PMS188:bullseye:flame:monza:brown:red +7267 rocket_metallic rgb 138 127 128 hex #8A7F80 hsv 355 8 54 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.24 lab 54 4 1 lch 54 4 12 cmyk 0 4 4 46 hurricane[4587][135,124,123](1.4):eighth_felix[3398][137,124,121](2.2):misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](2.2):mistyrose[5792][139,125,123](2.2):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](2.4) 37 misty:eighth:felix:hurricane:mistyrose:suva:grey:rose +7268 rockpool_green rgb 49 51 44 hex #31332C hsv 77 14 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 -2 4 lch 21 5 121 cmyk 1 0 3 80 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cameo[2022][204,164,131](2.4):flesh[3684][204,164,131](2.4):quarter_sorrell_brown[6995][193,160,125](3.0):nude_brown[6078][188,158,130](3.5):quarter_kalgoorie_sands[6961][205,170,143](3.6) 8 cameo:flesh:kalgoorie:nude:quarter:sands:sorrell:brown +7272 rodeo_dust rgb 201 178 155 hex #C9B29B hsv 30 23 79 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.38 lab 74 5 15 lch 74 15 73 cmyk 0 9 18 21 tabby[8200][197,178,152](2.2):PMS4735[579][204,175,155](2.4):bisque[1431][205,183,158](2.4):sour_dough[7859][201,181,154](2.4):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](2.4) 31 PMS4735:bisque:dough:sour:tabby:vanilla +7273 roller_coaster rgb 146 56 48 hex #923830 hsv 5 67 57 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.04 lab 36 37 25 lch 36 45 33 cmyk 0 35 38 43 thunderbird[8338][146,56,48](0.0):afterburner[974][152,61,57](3.7):style_pasifika_red_pineapple[8092][152,61,57](3.7):tomato[8408][139,54,38](3.7):burnt_umber[1940][138,51,36](4.6) 9 burnt:afterburner:pasifika:pineapple:style:thunderbird:tomato:umber:red +7274 rolling_fog rgb 218 215 223 hex #DAD7DF hsv 263 4 87 xyz 0.67 0.69 0.8 lab 86 2 -4 lch 86 4 305 cmyk 2 3 0 13 designer_white[3109][215,217,226](1.7):dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](2.0):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](2.2):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](2.2):mischka[5780][209,210,221](2.8) 30 light:bluish:designer:dreamweaver:mischka:titan:grey:white +7275 rolling_stone rgb 109 120 118 hex #6D7876 hsv 169 9 47 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.2 lab 49 -5 0 lch 49 5 184 cmyk 4 0 1 53 innocence[4656][109,119,115](1.0):sirocco[7731][113,128,128](3.6):infinity[4655][106,115,118](3.7):nevada[6034][102,111,111](3.7):obelisk[6090][97,114,116](3.7) 18 infinity:innocence:nevada:obelisk:sirocco +7276 rolling_stone rgb 116 125 131 hex #747D83 hsv 204 11 51 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.24 lab 52 -2 -4 lch 52 5 245 cmyk 6 2 0 49 eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](1.4):regent_grey[7173][121,132,136](2.2):bluff[1614][113,129,135](2.4):storm_grey[7995][116,120,128](3.0):revolution[7192][126,132,139](3.3) 28 bluff:eighth:regent:revolution:storm:tuna:grey +7277 roman rgb 216 98 91 hex #D8625B hsv 3 58 85 xyz 0.35 0.24 0.13 lab 56 46 27 lch 56 53 30 cmyk 0 46 49 15 sunglo[8134][225,104,101](3.7):jive[4769][205,88,81](4.0):cheeky[2249][204,95,89](4.7):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](5.1):dark_salmon[2865][200,90,83](5.1) 3 dark:cheeky:coral:jive:salmon:sunglo +7278 roman rgb 222 99 96 hex #DE6360 hsv 1 57 87 xyz 0.37 0.25 0.14 lab 57 48 26 lch 57 54 28 cmyk 0 48 49 13 sunglo[8134][225,104,101](2.4):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](4.1):indian_red[4634][205,85,85](5.4):indianred[4642][205,85,85](5.4):dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](5.5) 2 dark:coral:indian:indianred:pastel:sunglo:red +7279 roman_coffee rgb 121 93 76 hex #795D4C hsv 23 37 47 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.09 lab 42 9 14 lch 42 17 58 cmyk 0 11 18 53 double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.3):echidna[3349][116,95,82](4.2):tobacco_brown[8395][113,93,71](4.6):slate_brown[7766][125,103,87](4.7):pastel_brown[6502][130,105,83](4.9) 8 slate:double:echidna:otter:pastel:tobacco:brown +7280 roman_coffee rgb 125 103 87 hex #7D6757 hsv 25 30 49 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.11 lab 45 6 12 lch 45 14 63 cmyk 0 9 15 51 slate_brown[7766][125,103,87](0.0):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.4):wrangler[9182][128,103,90](2.4):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.0):echidna[3349][116,95,82](3.2) 16 slate:cone:double:echidna:otter:pine:wrangler:brown +7281 roman_silver rgb 131 137 150 hex #838996 hsv 221 13 59 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.32 lab 57 1 -8 lch 57 8 274 cmyk 7 5 0 41 neutral_bay[6029][133,141,153](1.7):kookaburra[4881][129,131,146](2.2):manatee[5491][141,144,161](3.3):exponent[3532][136,143,152](3.5):rugged_lavender[7369][128,129,139](3.7) 9 bay:exponent:kookaburra:manatee:neutral:rugged:lavender +7282 romance rgb 244 240 230 hex #F4F0E6 hsv 43 6 96 xyz 0.83 0.87 0.87 lab 95 0 5 lch 95 5 94 cmyk 0 2 5 4 quarter_villa_white[7012][245,241,231](0.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.0):half_rice_cake[4375][242,240,231](1.0):merino[5680][246,240,230](1.0):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](1.0) 121 alabaster:cake:half:merino:milk:quarter:rice:villa:white +7283 romance rgb 255 254 253 hex #FFFEFD hsv 30 1 100 xyz 0.94 0.99 1.07 lab 100 0 1 lch 100 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 0 alabaster[985][255,255,255](1.0):rock_salt[7262][255,255,255](1.0):white[9081][255,255,255](1.0):baby_powder[1248][254,254,250](1.4):grey[4202][252,252,252](1.4) 58 alabaster:baby:powder:rock:salt:grey:white +7284 romantic rgb 255 198 158 hex #FFC69E hsv 25 38 100 xyz 0.68 0.64 0.41 lab 84 15 28 lch 84 32 61 cmyk 0 22 38 0 very_light_tangelo[8792][255,194,158](2.4):deep_peach[3026][255,203,164](3.0):flesh[3687][255,203,164](3.0):peach[6541][255,203,164](3.0):PMS1555[78][249,191,158](4.1) 7 deep:light:very:PMS1555:flesh:tangelo:peach +7285 romantic rgb 255 210 183 hex #FFD2B7 hsv 22 28 100 xyz 0.73 0.71 0.55 lab 87 12 19 lch 87 23 58 cmyk 0 18 28 0 apricot[1090][251,206,177](1.4):apricot_peach[1093][251,206,177](1.4):flesh[3685][245,204,176](2.8):PMS162[91][249,198,170](4.1):PMS475[582][247,211,181](4.1) 10 PMS162:PMS475:apricot:flesh:peach +7286 ronchi rgb 234 184 82 hex #EAB852 hsv 40 65 92 xyz 0.53 0.52 0.15 lab 78 7 57 lch 78 58 83 cmyk 0 20 60 8 sunkissed[8137][230,181,83](2.8):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](4.1):starbell[7955][235,193,85](4.6):anzac[1073][224,182,70](4.7):saffron[7407][249,191,88](4.7) 6 anzac:can:cream:saffron:starbell:sunkissed +7287 ronchi rgb 236 197 78 hex #ECC54E hsv 45 67 93 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.16 lab 81 1 63 lch 81 63 89 cmyk 0 15 62 7 brilliant_amber[1761][231,194,81](3.2):maize[5469][244,208,84](3.7):kournikova[4887][249,208,84](4.5):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](5.1):festival[3590][234,204,74](5.1) 3 brilliant:amber:can:cream:festival:kournikova:maize +7288 roof_terracotta rgb 161 71 67 hex #A14743 hsv 3 58 63 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.07 lab 42 37 21 lch 42 42 29 cmyk 0 35 37 37 cognac[2425][154,70,61](3.3):moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](3.5):alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](3.6):fusion[3814][152,70,62](3.6):hot_august[4550][154,70,59](3.7) 12 moderate:alter:august:cognac:ego:fusion:hot:red +7289 roof_terracotta rgb 166 47 32 hex #A62F20 hsv 7 81 65 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.02 lab 38 48 37 lch 38 61 38 cmyk 0 47 53 35 bonfire[1649][166,42,32](2.2):chinese_red[2294][170,56,30](4.7):PMS484[592][155,48,28](5.4):brick[1707][160,54,35](5.4):crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](5.4) 2 PMS484:apple:bonfire:brick:chinese:crab:red +7290 root_beer rgb 129 77 48 hex #814D30 hsv 21 63 51 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.04 lab 38 19 26 lch 38 32 54 cmyk 0 20 32 49 cinnamon[2335][123,72,43](2.0):korma[4882][128,78,44](3.2):magma[5453][135,86,57](3.7):legend[4959][140,86,59](4.1):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](4.1) 13 cinnamon:clay:korma:legend:magma:potters +7291 rope rgb 142 77 30 hex #8E4D1E hsv 25 79 56 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.03 lab 40 24 38 lch 40 45 58 cmyk 0 25 44 44 bull_shot[1898][134,77,30](4.2):toast_lmu_40[8386][139,77,21](4.6):chocolate[2305][139,69,19](4.7):hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](4.7):saddle_brown[7400][139,69,19](4.7) 5 40:bull:chocolate:hawaiian:lmu:saddle:shot:tan:toast:brown +7292 rope rgb 142 89 60 hex #8E593C hsv 21 58 56 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.06 lab 43 19 26 lch 43 32 54 cmyk 0 21 32 44 toffee[8398][142,89,60](0.0):legend[4959][140,86,59](1.4):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](1.4):magma[5453][135,86,57](3.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.3) 10 clay:coconut:legend:magma:potters:toffee +7293 rosa rgb 254 134 164 hex #FE86A4 hsv 345 47 100 xyz 0.56 0.41 0.4 lab 70 49 5 lch 70 49 6 cmyk 0 47 35 0 pinky[6704][252,134,170](3.0):tickle_me_pink[8346][252,128,165](3.7):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](4.6):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](4.9):carnation_pink[2103][255,127,167](5.1) 4 carnation:flamingo:me:pinky:tickle:pink +7294 rose rgb 207 98 117 hex #CF6275 hsv 350 53 81 xyz 0.33 0.23 0.2 lab 55 45 10 lch 55 46 13 cmyk 0 43 35 19 pinkish[6695][212,106,126](3.3):cinnamon_satin[2338][205,96,126](6.1):popstar[6776][190,79,98](6.4):popstar[6775][190,78,98](6.6):PMS702[881][214,96,109](6.8) 1 PMS702:cinnamon:pinkish:popstar:satin +7295 rose rgb 211 161 148 hex #D3A194 hsv 12 30 83 xyz 0.45 0.41 0.34 lab 71 17 14 lch 71 22 40 cmyk 0 20 25 17 birthday_suit[1421][212,167,152](3.2):eunry[3520][207,163,157](5.4):PMS693[872][219,168,165](5.5):eunry[3519][205,165,156](5.7):quicksand[7025][195,152,139](5.9) 1 PMS693:birthday:eunry:quicksand:suit +7296 rose rgb 231 188 180 hex #E7BCB4 hsv 9 22 91 xyz 0.59 0.56 0.51 lab 80 14 10 lch 80 17 35 cmyk 0 17 20 9 rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](0.0):PMS692[871][232,191,186](2.2):PMS5025[616][226,188,183](2.4):cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](2.4):shilo[7655][232,185,179](2.4) 10 PMS5025:PMS692:cavern:fog:shilo:pink:rose +7297 rose rgb 255 0 127 hex #FF007F hsv 330 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.23 0.22 lab 55 84 5 lch 55 85 3 cmyk 0 100 50 0 bright_pink[1742][255,0,127](0.0):winter_sky[9145][255,0,124](1.0):luminous_vivid_rose[5395][255,0,128](1.4):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](3.0):strong_pink[8049][255,7,137](6.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:2X:PMS806:bright:sky:winter:pink:rose +7298 rose_bonbon rgb 249 66 158 hex #F9429E hsv 330 73 98 xyz 0.47 0.27 0.35 lab 59 75 -8 lch 59 75 354 cmyk 0 72 36 2 barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](2.2):wild_strawberry[9110][255,67,164](3.0):violet_red[8872][255,62,150](5.4):wild_strawberry[9109][255,51,153](5.5):PMS225[183][237,40,147](5.7) 2 PMS225:barbie:strawberry:wild:pink:red:violet +7299 rose_bud rgb 251 178 163 hex #FBB2A3 hsv 10 35 98 xyz 0.62 0.55 0.42 lab 79 25 18 lch 79 31 37 cmyk 0 29 35 2 melon[5665][254,186,173](3.5):sundown[8127][248,175,169](4.2):PMS169[106][249,186,170](4.6):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](5.0):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](5.0) 5 PMS169:cornflower:lilac:melon:sundown +7300 rose_bud rgb 254 171 154 hex #FEAB9A hsv 10 39 100 xyz 0.61 0.53 0.37 lab 78 28 21 lch 78 36 37 cmyk 0 33 39 0 very_light_scarlet[8787][255,170,158](2.8):pale_salmon[6421][255,177,154](3.0):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](3.3):cornflower[2531][255,171,160](3.6):very_light_vermilion[8794][255,182,158](4.9) 5 pale:light:very:cornflower:salmon:scarlet:vermilion +7301 rose_bud_cherry rgb 128 11 71 hex #800B47 hsv 329 91 50 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.06 lab 28 50 -3 lch 28 50 357 cmyk 0 46 22 50 red_purple[7135][130,7,71](1.0):disco[3142][135,21,80](2.8):deep_pink[3029][139,10,80](4.1):wine[9137][128,1,63](4.2):violet_red[8864][139,34,82](5.0) 5 deep:disco:wine:pink:purple:red:violet +7302 rose_bud_cherry rgb 138 45 82 hex #8A2D52 hsv 336 67 54 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.09 lab 34 43 -1 lch 34 43 359 cmyk 0 36 22 46 disco[3143][137,45,79](2.4):camelot[2021][137,52,86](3.3):cardinal[2079][138,36,78](3.7):PMS683[862][127,40,79](4.1):lipstick[5298][150,44,84](4.9) 8 PMS683:camelot:cardinal:disco:lipstick +7303 rose_dust rgb 158 94 111 hex #9E5E6F hsv 344 41 62 xyz 0.21 0.16 0.17 lab 48 28 2 lch 48 28 3 cmyk 0 25 18 38 vin_rouge[8841][149,82,100](5.4):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](5.7):cannon_pink[2050][142,81,100](6.3):mauve[5580][174,113,129](6.4):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](6.6) 0 cannon:mauve:minnelli:rouge:taupe:vin:pink +7304 rose_ebony rgb 103 72 70 hex #674846 hsv 4 32 40 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.07 lab 34 13 6 lch 34 14 27 cmyk 0 12 13 60 liver[5308][103,76,71](2.4):medium_taupe[5645][103,76,71](2.4):buccaneer[1885][110,81,80](3.3):ferra[3584][112,79,80](3.3):brunette[1874][99,64,65](3.6) 8 medium:brunette:buccaneer:ferra:liver:taupe +7305 rose_fog rgb 231 188 180 hex #E7BCB4 hsv 9 22 91 xyz 0.59 0.56 0.51 lab 80 14 10 lch 80 17 35 cmyk 0 17 20 9 rose[7296][231,188,180](0.0):PMS692[871][232,191,186](2.2):PMS5025[616][226,188,183](2.4):cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](2.4):shilo[7655][232,185,179](2.4) 10 PMS5025:PMS692:cavern:shilo:pink:rose +7306 rose_gold rgb 183 110 121 hex #B76E79 hsv 351 40 72 xyz 0.29 0.23 0.21 lab 55 30 6 lch 55 31 12 cmyk 0 29 24 28 minnelli[5760][177,107,121](2.8):PMS695[874][178,107,112](3.7):dusty_rose[3315][192,115,122](3.7):turkish_rose[8570][181,114,129](3.7):old_pink[6144][199,121,134](4.5) 6 PMS695:dusty:minnelli:old:turkish:pink:rose +7307 rose_madder rgb 227 38 54 hex #E32636 hsv 355 83 89 xyz 0.33 0.18 0.05 lab 49 69 40 lch 49 80 30 cmyk 0 74 68 11 alizarin_crimson[1000][227,38,54](0.0):imperial_red[4617][237,41,57](4.1):red[7106][237,41,57](4.1):amaranth_red[1030][211,33,45](4.2):geranium_lake[3845][227,18,48](4.6) 6 alizarin:amaranth:geranium:imperial:lake:crimson:red +7308 rose_madder rgb 227 54 56 hex #E33638 hsv 359 76 89 xyz 0.34 0.19 0.06 lab 51 65 41 lch 51 77 32 cmyk 0 68 67 11 madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](3.7):brown[1841][238,59,59](4.1):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](4.2):alizarin_crimson[1000][227,38,54](4.6):brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](5.1) 4 deep:alizarin:cg:lake:madder:brown:crimson:red +7309 rose_of_sharon rgb 172 81 45 hex #AC512D hsv 17 74 67 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.04 lab 45 35 38 lch 45 51 48 cmyk 0 36 50 33 red_stage[7142][173,82,46](1.0):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](4.1):hazard[4443][163,83,42](5.1):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](5.1):orange_roughy[6218][168,83,53](5.4) 2 fiery:hazard:roughy:stage:vesuvius:orange:red +7310 rose_of_sharon rgb 191 85 0 hex #BF5500 hsv 27 100 75 xyz 0.25 0.18 0.02 lab 49 39 58 lch 49 70 56 cmyk 0 42 75 25 rust_orange[7384][196,85,8](2.2):burnt_siena[1933][183,82,3](3.0):PMS718[897][191,91,0](3.3):beer_srm_14[1354][191,92,1](3.3):PMS167[102][188,79,7](3.5) 10 burnt:14:PMS167:PMS718:beer:rust:siena:srm:orange +7311 rose_pink rgb 247 135 154 hex #F7879A hsv 350 45 97 xyz 0.53 0.39 0.35 lab 69 44 9 lch 69 45 12 cmyk 0 44 36 3 pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](3.3):salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](3.3):PMS183[134][252,140,153](3.6):PMS708[887][249,142,153](4.1):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](4.9) 5 PMS183:PMS708:salmon:sherbet:pink +7312 rose_pink rgb 255 102 204 hex #FF66CC hsv 320 60 100 xyz 0.57 0.35 0.61 lab 66 69 -24 lch 66 73 341 cmyk 0 60 20 0 light_brilliant_cerise[5033][255,101,197](4.2):neon_fuchsia[6014][254,89,194](4.7):light_deep_pink[5095][255,92,205](4.9):light_brilliant_fuchsia[5041][255,101,216](6.3):neon_pink[6018][255,110,199](7.1) 3 deep:light:brilliant:cerise:fuchsia:neon:pink +7313 rose_quartz rgb 170 152 169 hex #AA98A9 hsv 303 11 67 xyz 0.35 0.34 0.42 lab 65 10 -6 lch 65 12 327 cmyk 0 7 0 33 heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](0.0):lilac_luster[5259][174,152,170](1.0):siesta[7700][165,154,168](3.0):magentaish_grey[5447][168,156,168](3.3):effortless[3369][160,150,167](4.1) 7 effortless:heliotrope:lilac:luster:magentaish:siesta:grey +7314 rose_red rgb 190 1 60 hex #BE013C hsv 341 99 75 xyz 0.22 0.11 0.05 lab 40 66 24 lch 40 70 20 cmyk 0 74 51 25 PMS1935[150][193,5,56](3.2):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](3.2):ruby[7362][202,1,71](5.2):PMS200[158][196,30,58](5.8):bright_maroon[1737][195,33,72](5.8) 2 PMS1935:PMS200:bright:knock:maroon:out:ruby +7315 rose_red rgb 194 30 86 hex #C21E56 hsv 340 85 76 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.1 lab 43 64 11 lch 43 65 10 cmyk 0 64 42 24 irresistible[4687][185,0,76](4.2):pictorial_carmine[6645][195,11,78](5.1):jazzberry_jam[4753][198,48,97](5.2):purplish_red[6902][176,5,75](5.2):raspberry[7069][176,1,73](6.1) 1 carmine:irresistible:jam:jazzberry:pictorial:purplish:raspberry:red +7316 rose_taupe rgb 144 93 93 hex #905D5D hsv 0 35 56 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.12 lab 45 21 9 lch 45 23 22 cmyk 0 20 20 44 au_chico[1190][151,96,93](3.0):warhol[8994][155,97,95](3.5):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](4.1):light_pink[5169][139,95,101](5.4):half_lumberjack[4350][132,90,83](5.7) 3 light:au:chico:copper:half:lumberjack:warhol:pink:rose +7317 rose_vale rgb 171 78 82 hex #AB4E52 hsv 357 54 67 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.1 lab 45 38 16 lch 45 42 23 cmyk 0 36 35 33 aphrodisiac[1077][166,77,78](1.7):english_red[3491][171,75,82](2.2):moderate_red[5843][168,74,74](3.3):moderate_amaranth[5807][168,74,85](3.7):alter_ego[1019][171,76,72](5.1) 4 moderate:alter:amaranth:aphrodisiac:ego:english:red +7318 rose_white rgb 251 238 232 hex #FBEEE8 hsv 19 8 98 xyz 0.85 0.87 0.89 lab 95 3 4 lch 95 6 53 cmyk 0 5 7 2 bridesmaid[1715][254,240,236](1.4):forget_me_not[3728][255,241,238](1.7):dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](2.2):hint_of_red[4500][245,239,235](2.2):linen[5293][250,240,230](2.2) 89 bridesmaid:dawn:forget:hint:linen:me:not:of:pink:red +7319 rose_white rgb 255 246 245 hex #FFF6F5 hsv 6 4 100 xyz 0.91 0.94 1 lab 98 3 2 lch 98 3 29 cmyk 0 4 4 0 pinkish_white[6703][255,246,246](1.0):sauvignon[7508][255,245,243](1.0):very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](1.0):chablis[2194][255,244,243](1.4):chardon[2224][255,243,241](1.4) 67 light:very:chablis:chardon:pinkish:sauvignon:pink:white +7320 rosehip rgb 132 33 57 hex #842139 hsv 345 75 52 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.05 lab 30 43 10 lch 30 45 13 cmyk 0 39 29 48 geronimo[3846][136,33,60](2.2):claret[2356][127,23,52](2.8):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](4.1):lollipop[5334][127,40,56](4.1):raspberry[7067][127,40,56](4.1) 5 c:claret:geronimo:i:lollipop:raspberry:red +7321 rosewood rgb 101 0 11 hex #65000B hsv 353 100 40 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.01 lab 19 41 25 lch 19 48 31 cmyk 0 40 35 60 burnt_crimson[1927][101,0,11](0.0):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.5):venetian_red[8691][114,1,15](4.7):deep_reddish_brown[3042][89,0,0](5.0):claret[2354][104,0,24](6.2) 4 deep:burnt:dark:claret:reddish:tan:venetian:brown:crimson:red +7322 rosewood rgb 143 62 63 hex #8F3E3F hsv 359 57 56 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.06 lab 37 34 16 lch 37 38 25 cmyk 0 32 31 44 tosca[8435][141,63,63](1.0):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](1.7):indianred[4641][139,58,58](1.7):cha[2192][140,63,66](2.2):lotus[5344][134,60,60](3.0) 16 cha:indian:indianred:lotus:tosca:red +7323 rosso_corsa rgb 212 0 0 hex #D40000 hsv 360 100 83 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.01 lab 44 70 58 lch 44 91 40 cmyk 0 83 83 17 boston_university_red[1666][204,0,0](2.4):red[7103][205,0,0](2.4):PMS185_2X[137][209,22,0](3.0):PMS485_2X[594][204,12,0](3.3):PMS485[593][216,30,5](3.6) 7 2X:PMS185:PMS485:boston:university:red +7324 rosy_brown rgb 139 105 105 hex #8B6969 hsv 360 24 55 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.16 lab 48 14 5 lch 48 15 21 cmyk 0 13 13 45 rosybrown[7330][139,105,105](0.0):dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](3.0):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.0):ferra[3585][135,106,104](3.2):pharlap[6629][130,102,99](3.7) 8 dusty:ferra:opium:pharlap:rosybrown:rose +7325 rosy_brown rgb 188 143 143 hex #BC8F8F hsv 360 24 74 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.3 lab 64 17 7 lch 64 18 21 cmyk 0 18 18 26 pink[6665][188,143,143](0.0):rosybrown[7331][188,143,143](0.0):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](3.3):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](3.7):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.4) 7 PMS5005:oriental:rosybrown:tuscany:pink +7326 rosy_brown rgb 205 155 155 hex #CD9B9B hsv 0 24 80 xyz 0.43 0.39 0.36 lab 69 19 7 lch 69 20 21 cmyk 0 20 20 20 rosybrown[7332][205,155,155](0.0):careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](3.3):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](3.6):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](4.2):PMS693[872][219,168,165](4.6) 8 PMS693:careys:mamma:mia:oriental:rosybrown:pink +7327 rosy_brown rgb 238 180 180 hex #EEB4B4 hsv 0 24 93 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.5 lab 79 21 8 lch 79 23 21 cmyk 0 23 23 7 rosybrown[7333][238,180,180](0.0):PMS501[613][234,178,178](1.4):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.8):PMS699[878][247,191,191](3.2):spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](3.2) 13 PMS495:PMS501:PMS699:rosybrown:spanish:pink +7328 rosy_brown rgb 255 193 193 hex #FFC1C1 hsv 360 24 100 xyz 0.7 0.63 0.59 lab 84 22 9 lch 84 24 21 cmyk 0 24 24 0 pale_pink[6405][255,194,194](1.0):your_pink[9237][255,195,192](1.4):PMS182[133][249,191,193](2.4):PMS699[878][247,191,191](3.0):spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](3.0) 16 pale:PMS182:PMS699:spanish:your:pink +7329 rosy_pink rgb 246 104 142 hex #F6688E hsv 344 58 96 xyz 0.48 0.31 0.29 lab 63 58 7 lch 63 58 7 cmyk 0 56 41 4 light_crimson[5087][245,105,145](1.4):light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](5.1):dark_pink[2844][231,84,128](6.4):french_pink[3756][253,108,158](6.6):PMS190[143][252,117,142](7.1) 1 light:dark:brilliant:PMS190:french:crimson:pink +7330 rosybrown rgb 139 105 105 hex #8B6969 hsv 360 24 55 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.16 lab 48 14 5 lch 48 15 21 cmyk 0 13 13 45 rosy_brown[7324][139,105,105](0.0):dusty_rose[3314][133,99,99](3.0):opium[6191][142,111,112](3.0):ferra[3585][135,106,104](3.2):pharlap[6629][130,102,99](3.7) 8 dusty:ferra:opium:pharlap:rosy:brown:rose +7331 rosybrown rgb 188 143 143 hex #BC8F8F hsv 360 24 74 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.3 lab 64 17 7 lch 64 18 21 cmyk 0 18 18 26 pink[6665][188,143,143](0.0):rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](0.0):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](3.3):tuscany[8601][192,153,153](3.7):PMS5005[612][188,135,135](4.4) 7 PMS5005:oriental:rosy:tuscany:brown:pink +7332 rosybrown rgb 205 155 155 hex #CD9B9B hsv 0 24 80 xyz 0.43 0.39 0.36 lab 69 19 7 lch 69 20 21 cmyk 0 20 20 20 rosy_brown[7326][205,155,155](0.0):careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](3.3):mamma_mia[5490][213,164,168](3.6):oriental_pink[6252][198,145,145](4.2):PMS693[872][219,168,165](4.6) 8 PMS693:careys:mamma:mia:oriental:rosy:brown:pink +7333 rosybrown rgb 238 180 180 hex #EEB4B4 hsv 0 24 93 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.5 lab 79 21 8 lch 79 23 21 cmyk 0 23 23 7 rosy_brown[7327][238,180,180](0.0):PMS501[613][234,178,178](1.4):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.8):PMS699[878][247,191,191](3.2):spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](3.2) 13 PMS495:PMS501:PMS699:rosy:spanish:brown:pink +7334 roti rgb 182 150 66 hex #B69642 hsv 43 64 71 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.1 lab 63 2 48 lch 63 48 87 cmyk 0 13 45 29 reef_gold[7167][169,141,54](3.3):turmeric[8571][174,144,65](3.6):luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](4.2):husk[4589][178,153,75](4.6):alpine[1017][173,138,59](4.9) 5 alpine:gold:husk:luxor:reef:turmeric +7335 roti rgb 198 168 75 hex #C6A84B hsv 45 62 78 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.12 lab 70 0 51 lch 70 51 90 cmyk 0 12 48 22 sundance[8124][196,170,77](2.2):sundance[8125][201,179,91](5.8):vegas_gold[8687][197,179,88](6.6):tacha[8203][210,185,96](7.0):brass[1697][181,166,66](7.3) 1 brass:gold:sundance:tacha:vegas +7336 rouge rgb 162 59 108 hex #A23B6C hsv 331 64 64 xyz 0.19 0.12 0.15 lab 41 47 -6 lch 41 48 353 cmyk 0 40 21 36 mystic_maroon[5971][173,67,121](4.9):medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](5.4):moderate_rose[5844][168,74,121](5.4):party_dress[6496][174,72,112](5.7):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](5.8) 1 medium:moderate:dress:enchanted:maroon:mystic:party:ruby:rose +7337 rouge rgb 169 64 100 hex #A94064 hsv 339 62 66 xyz 0.2 0.13 0.13 lab 43 46 2 lch 43 46 2 cmyk 0 41 27 34 medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](3.2):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](3.7):irresistible[4686][179,68,108](3.7):raspberry_rose[7074][179,68,108](3.7):blush[1625][180,70,104](4.1) 6 medium:blush:cadillac:irresistible:raspberry:ruby:rose +7338 rouge rgb 171 18 57 hex #AB1239 hsv 345 89 67 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.05 lab 37 59 21 lch 37 62 19 cmyk 0 60 45 33 PMS1945[152][168,12,53](1.7):rock_n_roll[7260][157,0,47](4.5):deep_carmine[2967][169,32,62](5.1):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](6.4):shiraz[7667][178,9,49](6.4) 2 deep:PMS1945:carmine:french:n:rock:roll:shiraz:wine +7339 rough_n_tumble rgb 91 76 72 hex #5B4C48 hsv 13 21 36 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.07 lab 34 6 5 lch 34 7 40 cmyk 0 6 7 64 dark_grayish_vermilion[2757][89,72,66](2.2):saddle[7397][93,78,70](2.2):quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](3.0):felix[3574][83,69,65](3.2):half_felix[4325][98,83,78](3.2) 16 dark:barista:felix:grayish:half:quarter:saddle:vermilion +7340 roulette rgb 42 77 62 hex #2A4D3E hsv 154 45 30 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.06 lab 30 -17 5 lch 30 17 163 cmyk 14 0 6 70 PMS560[724][43,76,63](1.4):PMS567[738][38,81,66](2.4):te_papa_green[8271][43,75,64](3.0):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](3.3):bush[1945][37,70,54](3.3) 15 PMS560:PMS567:bottle:bush:papa:te:green +7341 routeburn rgb 165 153 130 hex #A59982 hsv 39 21 65 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.26 lab 64 1 14 lch 64 14 88 cmyk 0 5 14 35 bronco[1817][167,151,129](1.4):grullo[4239][169,154,134](1.4):raincloud[7049][163,152,129](1.4):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](1.7):beige[1384][163,148,128](2.4) 31 beige:bison:bronco:double:grullo:hide:raincloud +7342 roxy rgb 223 136 80 hex #DF8850 hsv 23 64 87 xyz 0.41 0.34 0.12 lab 65 28 44 lch 65 52 57 cmyk 0 34 56 13 big_foot_feet[1405][232,142,90](3.0):brilliant_tangelo[1807][231,137,81](3.3):raw_sienna[7084][210,125,70](4.1):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](6.8):flashback[3664][223,128,62](7.0) 3 brilliant:big:feet:flashback:foot:persian:raw:sienna:tangelo:orange +7343 royal rgb 12 23 147 hex #0C1793 hsv 235 92 58 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.28 lab 19 44 -66 lch 19 80 304 cmyk 53 49 0 42 phthalo_blue[6633][0,15,137](3.2):ultramarine[8638][18,10,143](4.6):blue_gem[1561][44,14,140](5.7):cornflower_blue[2533][34,34,152](5.8):indigo_dye[4651][9,31,146](5.9) 2 cornflower:dye:gem:phthalo:ultramarine:blue:indigo +7344 royal_azure rgb 0 56 168 hex #0038A8 hsv 220 100 66 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.38 lab 29 32 -64 lch 29 71 296 cmyk 66 44 0 34 PMS286[307][0,56,168](0.0):egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](2.2):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](2.2):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](5.0):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](5.1) 4 PMS286:bay:egyptian:governor:sapphire:torea:blue +7345 royal_blue rgb 0 35 102 hex #002366 hsv 219 100 40 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.13 lab 16 19 -42 lch 16 46 294 cmyk 40 26 0 60 deep_sapphire[3048][8,37,103](1.7):PMS281[302][0,40,104](3.7):PMS2758[292][25,33,104](4.2):cove_grey[2562][5,22,87](5.9):gulf_blue[4243][5,22,87](5.9) 3 deep:PMS2758:PMS281:cove:gulf:sapphire:blue:grey +7346 royal_blue rgb 5 4 170 hex #0504AA hsv 240 98 67 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.38 lab 20 57 -79 lch 20 97 306 cmyk 65 65 0 33 strong_blue[8021][0,0,168](1.4):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](1.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](2.8):strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](3.7):ultramarine[8639][32,0,177](4.6) 5 strong:cobalt:persian:ultramarine:blue:indigo +7347 royal_blue rgb 39 64 139 hex #27408B hsv 225 72 55 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.25 lab 29 17 -45 lch 29 48 291 cmyk 39 29 0 45 flat_medium_blue[3667][39,64,139](0.0):bay_of_many[1324][39,58,129](3.7):PMS294[319][0,63,135](4.1):elvis[3464][22,72,155](5.9):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](6.2) 3 medium:flat:PMS294:bay:cobalt:elvis:many:of:blue +7348 royal_blue rgb 58 95 205 hex #3A5FCD hsv 225 72 80 xyz 0.17 0.13 0.59 lab 43 24 -61 lch 43 66 292 cmyk 58 43 0 20 flat_medium_blue[3668][58,95,205](0.0):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](5.1):PMS293[317][0,81,186](6.3):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](6.4):PMS2935[318][0,91,191](7.9) 1 medium:flat:PMS293:PMS2935:cerulean:sapphire:blue +7349 royal_blue rgb 65 105 225 hex #4169E1 hsv 225 71 88 xyz 0.21 0.17 0.73 lab 48 26 -65 lch 48 70 292 cmyk 63 47 0 12 flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](4.9):cerulean_blue[2186][5,110,238](6.4):flat_medium_blue[3668][58,95,205](6.7):brilliant_sapphire_blue[1802][81,119,231](7.5):deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](8.2) 1 deep:medium:flat:brilliant:cerulean:sapphire:sky:blue +7350 royal_blue rgb 67 110 238 hex #436EEE hsv 225 72 93 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.83 lab 50 28 -69 lch 50 74 292 cmyk 67 50 0 7 flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](0.0):cerulean_blue[2186][5,110,238](4.6):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](5.4):deep_sky_blue[3060][13,117,248](5.9):flat_medium_blue[3670][72,118,255](6.0) 2 deep:medium:flat:cerulean:lightish:sky:blue +7351 royal_blue rgb 72 118 255 hex #4876FF hsv 225 72 100 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.97 lab 54 30 -73 lch 54 79 292 cmyk 72 54 0 0 flat_medium_blue[3670][72,118,255](0.0):light_brilliant_phthalo_blue[5056][101,120,255](4.7):blue[1536][31,117,254](4.9):lightish_blue[5248][61,122,253](5.4):flat_medium_blue[3669][67,110,238](6.0) 3 medium:light:flat:brilliant:lightish:phthalo:blue +7352 royal_fuchsia rgb 202 44 146 hex #CA2C92 hsv 321 78 79 xyz 0.3 0.16 0.29 lab 48 68 -19 lch 48 71 345 cmyk 0 62 22 21 violet_red[8866][204,50,153](2.2):maroon[5547][205,41,144](2.8):violet_red[8868][208,32,144](4.5):PMS240[203][196,15,137](5.7):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](5.8) 3 medium:PMS240:maroon:red:violet +7353 royal_heath rgb 171 52 114 hex #AB3472 hsv 329 70 67 xyz 0.21 0.12 0.17 lab 42 54 -9 lch 42 54 351 cmyk 0 47 22 33 PMS675[854][188,56,119](5.8):mystic_maroon[5971][173,67,121](5.9):cranberry[2578][182,49,108](6.8):hibiscus[4478][182,49,108](6.8):rouge[7336][162,59,108](7.7) 0 PMS675:cranberry:hibiscus:maroon:mystic:rouge +7354 royal_heath rgb 181 75 115 hex #B54B73 hsv 337 59 71 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.18 lab 47 47 -1 lch 47 47 359 cmyk 0 42 26 29 party_dress[6496][174,72,112](2.4):irresistible[4686][179,68,108](3.5):raspberry_rose[7074][179,68,108](3.5):medium_ruby[5636][170,64,105](4.0):cadillac[1988][176,76,106](5.1) 4 medium:cadillac:dress:irresistible:party:raspberry:ruby:rose +7355 royal_purple rgb 75 0 110 hex #4B006E hsv 281 100 43 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.15 lab 18 47 -44 lch 18 64 317 cmyk 14 43 0 57 PMS2617[246][86,12,112](5.7):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](6.2):christalle[2314][51,3,107](6.4):deep_violet[3077][51,0,102](6.4):PMS2607[242][91,2,122](7.1) 0 deep:PMS2607:PMS2617:PMS2755:christalle:violet +7356 royal_purple rgb 107 63 160 hex #6B3FA0 hsv 267 61 63 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.34 lab 36 39 -46 lch 36 60 311 cmyk 21 38 0 37 rebecca_purple[7097][102,52,153](4.4):purple_heart[6875][105,53,156](4.6):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](5.1):rebecca_purple[7096][102,51,153](5.1):blue_magenta_violet[1577][85,53,146](5.8) 2 moderate:heart:magenta:rebecca:blue:purple:violet +7357 royal_purple rgb 120 81 169 hex #7851A9 hsv 267 52 66 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.39 lab 42 35 -41 lch 42 54 310 cmyk 19 35 0 34 ferris_wheel[3587][114,74,161](2.0):studio[8066][114,74,161](2.0):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](4.6):moderate_violet[5854][121,74,168](4.6):fuchsia[3789][123,92,183](5.4) 4 moderate:ferris:fuchsia:studio:wheel:blue:violet +7358 royal_yellow rgb 250 218 94 hex #FADA5E hsv 48 62 98 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.21 lab 88 -3 63 lch 88 63 92 cmyk 0 13 61 2 jonquil[4778][250,218,94](0.0):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](0.0):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](0.0):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.0):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](2.8) 18 light:de:energy:gold:grain:jonquil:naples:stil:yellow +7359 rubber_duck rgb 255 180 55 hex #FFB437 hsv 38 78 100 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.11 lab 79 17 70 lch 79 72 76 cmyk 0 29 78 0 supernova[8155][255,180,55](0.0):filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](4.6):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](5.4):fuel_yellow[3803][236,169,39](5.8):pastel_orange[6509][255,179,71](6.2) 2 05:beer:filmpro:fuel:golden:pastel:srm:supernova:orange:yellow +7360 ruber rgb 206 70 118 hex #CE4676 hsv 339 66 81 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.19 lab 50 57 3 lch 50 57 3 cmyk 0 53 35 19 fuchsia_rose[3798][199,67,117](2.4):dark_pink[2843][203,65,107](4.1):mystic[5968][214,82,130](4.6):cranberry[2579][219,80,121](5.1):fandango_pink[3556][222,82,133](5.7) 3 dark:cranberry:fandango:fuchsia:mystic:pink:rose +7361 rubine_red rgb 209 0 86 hex #D10056 hsv 335 100 82 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.1 lab 45 72 14 lch 45 73 11 cmyk 0 82 48 18 PMS214[172][204,2,86](3.0):ruby[7363][224,17,95](3.6):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](4.1):cerise[2177][222,12,98](4.7):raspberry[7070][227,11,92](5.4) 4 PMS214:cerise:debian:raspberry:ruby:red +7362 ruby rgb 202 1 71 hex #CA0147 hsv 339 100 79 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.07 lab 43 69 21 lch 43 72 17 cmyk 0 79 51 21 spanish_carmine[7870][209,0,71](3.0):lipstick[5300][213,23,78](3.2):PMS206[164][211,5,71](4.1):knock_out[4871][200,22,65](5.0):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](5.1) 4 PMS206:carmine:knock:lipstick:out:spanish:ua:red +7363 ruby rgb 224 17 95 hex #E0115F hsv 337 92 88 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.12 lab 48 74 14 lch 48 75 11 cmyk 0 81 51 12 raspberry[7070][227,11,92](2.4):raspberry[7071][227,11,93](2.4):razzmatazz[7092][227,11,92](2.4):cerise[2177][222,12,98](3.0):rubine_red[7361][209,0,86](3.6) 7 cerise:raspberry:razzmatazz:rubine:red +7364 ruby_red rgb 155 17 30 hex #9B111E hsv 354 89 61 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.02 lab 33 53 32 lch 33 62 31 cmyk 0 54 49 39 carmine[2093][150,0,24](2.4):scarlett[7524][149,0,21](3.7):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](4.2):carmine[2094][157,2,22](5.1):pohutukawa[6755][143,2,28](5.1) 3 carmine:mexican:pohutukawa:scarlett:red +7365 ruddy rgb 255 0 40 hex #FF0028 hsv 351 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.21 0.04 lab 53 81 53 lch 53 97 34 cmyk 0 100 84 0 cherry_red[2265][247,2,42](3.7):luminous_vivid_amaranth[5359][255,0,32](4.1):scarlet[7519][253,14,53](6.3):torch_red[8427][253,14,53](6.3):tractor_red[8448][253,14,53](6.3) 2 luminous:vivid:amaranth:cherry:scarlet:torch:tractor:red +7366 ruddy_brown rgb 187 101 40 hex #BB6528 hsv 25 79 73 xyz 0.26 0.2 0.05 lab 52 30 48 lch 52 56 58 cmyk 0 34 58 27 copper[2475][182,99,37](1.4):christine[2318][191,101,46](2.8):desert[3100][174,96,32](4.2):light_brown[5075][181,101,29](4.4):liver[5310][184,109,41](5.1) 4 light:christine:copper:desert:liver:brown +7367 ruddy_pink rgb 225 142 150 hex #E18E96 hsv 354 37 88 xyz 0.46 0.38 0.34 lab 68 32 9 lch 68 34 16 cmyk 0 33 29 12 light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](4.0):dusty_pink[3310][213,138,148](4.1):PMS197[155][239,153,163](4.2):sea_pink[7572][237,152,158](4.2):shimmering_blush[7656][217,134,149](4.7) 6 light:PMS197:amaranth:blush:dusty:sea:shimmering:pink +7368 rufous rgb 168 28 7 hex #A81C07 hsv 8 96 66 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.01 lab 36 54 47 lch 36 72 41 cmyk 0 55 63 34 strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](2.8):rust_red[7385][170,39,4](4.1):dark_candy_apple_red[2700][164,0,0](4.6):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](4.6):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](5.2) 4 deep:burnt:dark:strong:apple:candy:rust:scarlet:red +7369 rugged_lavender rgb 128 129 139 hex #80818B hsv 235 8 55 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.28 lab 54 2 -6 lch 54 6 287 cmyk 4 4 0 45 kookaburra[4881][129,131,146](2.2):topaz[8423][129,124,135](2.4):jumbo[4785][124,123,130](2.8):revolution[7192][126,132,139](3.3):eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](3.7) 11 eighth:jumbo:kookaburra:revolution:topaz:tuna +7370 rum rgb 113 102 117 hex #716675 hsv 284 13 46 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.19 lab 45 7 -7 lch 45 10 317 cmyk 2 6 0 54 mamba[5488][118,109,124](2.0):fedora[3568][121,106,120](3.0):old_lavender[6136][121,104,120](3.3):dolphin[3162][106,104,115](4.1):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](4.1) 7 box:dolphin:fedora:mamba:old:salt:lavender +7371 rum rgb 121 105 137 hex #796989 hsv 270 23 54 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.26 lab 47 13 -15 lch 47 20 310 cmyk 6 13 0 46 grey_purple[4222][130,109,140](2.4):PMS667[846][127,102,137](4.1):greyish_purple[4232][136,113,145](4.6):purplish_grey[6900][122,104,127](5.2):de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](5.8) 3 PMS667:de:greyish:janeiro:purplish:grey:purple +7372 rum_swizzle rgb 241 237 212 hex #F1EDD4 hsv 52 12 95 xyz 0.78 0.84 0.74 lab 93 -3 13 lch 93 13 103 cmyk 0 2 11 5 aths_special[1178][236,235,206](1.7):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](1.7):janna[4731][244,235,211](2.0):spanish_white[7883][244,235,211](2.0):light_yellow[5236][238,238,209](2.2) 62 light:aths:cornsilk:janna:spanish:special:white:yellow +7373 rum_swizzle rgb 249 248 228 hex #F9F8E4 hsv 57 8 98 xyz 0.87 0.93 0.87 lab 97 -3 10 lch 97 10 107 cmyk 0 0 8 2 promenade[6819][248,246,223](1.4):off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](1.7):solitaire[7843][254,248,226](1.7):chilean_heath[2286][249,247,222](2.0):travertine[8460][255,253,232](2.0) 70 chilean:heath:off:promenade:solitaire:travertine:yellow +7374 russet rgb 128 70 27 hex #80461B hsv 26 79 50 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.02 lab 36 21 35 lch 36 41 59 cmyk 0 23 40 50 bull_shot[1898][134,77,30](3.7):cigar[2324][119,63,26](4.2):walnut[8987][119,63,26](4.2):charisma[2228][133,73,38](4.6):milk_chocolate[5741][127,78,30](5.5) 4 bull:charisma:chocolate:cigar:milk:shot:walnut +7375 russet rgb 161 57 5 hex #A13905 hsv 20 97 63 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.01 lab 39 41 48 lch 39 64 50 cmyk 0 41 61 37 beer_srm_19[1359][156,57,3](2.2):PMS1675[103][165,63,15](2.4):rust[7381][168,60,9](2.4):auburn[1195][154,48,1](3.6):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](3.7) 7 18:19:PMS1675:auburn:beer:rust:srm +7376 russett rgb 117 90 87 hex #755A57 hsv 6 26 46 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.11 lab 41 11 6 lch 41 12 30 cmyk 0 11 12 54 deep_taupe[3068][126,94,96](3.5):buffalo[1894][118,95,87](3.7):dakota[2660][116,93,85](3.7):dorado[3170][107,87,85](4.1):buccaneer[1885][110,81,80](4.2) 6 deep:buccaneer:buffalo:dakota:dorado:taupe +7377 russett rgb 125 101 92 hex #7D655C hsv 16 26 49 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.12 lab 45 8 9 lch 45 12 47 cmyk 0 9 13 51 wrangler[9182][128,103,90](2.2):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](2.8):buffalo[1894][118,95,87](3.2):dakota[2660][116,93,85](3.2):roman_coffee[7280][125,103,87](3.6) 13 buffalo:coffee:dakota:double:otter:roman:wrangler +7378 russian_green rgb 103 146 103 hex #679267 hsv 120 29 57 xyz 0.18 0.24 0.17 lab 57 -24 18 lch 57 30 142 cmyk 17 0 17 43 spirulina[7903][104,140,96](3.5):hippie_green[4509][96,138,90](5.0):spring_green[7923][92,138,100](5.0):grey_green[4214][120,155,115](5.1):highland[4487][111,142,99](5.2) 3 highland:hippie:spirulina:spring:green:grey +7379 russian_violet rgb 50 23 77 hex #32174D hsv 270 70 30 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.07 lab 15 26 -28 lch 15 38 312 cmyk 11 21 0 70 grape[3975][56,26,81](1.4):valhalla[8672][43,25,79](3.7):valentino[8669][53,14,66](5.4):violet[8849][36,10,64](6.1):PMS269[262][68,35,89](6.4) 2 PMS269:grape:valentino:valhalla:violet +7380 rust rgb 139 66 53 hex #8B4235 hsv 9 62 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.05 lab 37 30 22 lch 37 37 37 cmyk 0 29 34 45 prairie_sand[6803][136,60,50](2.8):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](3.2):tandoori[8234][141,69,50](3.3):embers[3465][140,63,48](3.6):coral[2491][139,62,47](3.7) 12 coral:el:embers:prairie:salva:sand:tandoori +7381 rust rgb 168 60 9 hex #A83C09 hsv 19 95 66 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.02 lab 41 42 49 lch 41 65 49 cmyk 0 42 62 34 russet[7375][161,57,5](2.4):PMS1675[103][165,63,15](2.8):strong_tangelo[8061][168,63,0](3.2):fire[3635][170,66,3](3.7):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](4.2) 6 strong:18:PMS1675:beer:fire:russet:srm:tangelo +7382 rust rgb 183 65 14 hex #B7410E hsv 18 92 72 xyz 0.21 0.14 0.02 lab 44 46 51 lch 44 69 48 cmyk 0 46 66 28 rock_spray[7264][186,69,12](2.4):tia_maria[8341][193,68,14](3.5):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](5.1):strong_tangelo[8061][168,63,0](5.9):fire[3635][170,66,3](6.4) 2 strong:brick:fire:maria:rock:spray:tangelo:tia:orange +7383 rust_brown rgb 139 49 3 hex #8B3103 hsv 20 98 55 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.01 lab 33 37 44 lch 33 57 50 cmyk 0 35 53 45 beer_srm_22[1362][140,46,2](1.0):beer_srm_21[1361][145,47,0](3.7):beer_srm_23[1363][131,37,1](4.1):beer_srm_20[1360][150,53,3](4.7):PMS174[111][147,51,17](4.9) 5 20:21:22:23:PMS174:beer:srm +7384 rust_orange rgb 196 85 8 hex #C45508 hsv 25 96 77 xyz 0.26 0.18 0.02 lab 50 41 58 lch 50 71 54 cmyk 0 44 74 23 rose_of_sharon[7310][191,85,0](2.2):burnt_orange[1929][192,78,1](2.8):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](3.0):dark_orange[2822][198,81,2](3.3):PMS167[102][188,79,7](3.6) 11 burnt:dark:PMS167:of:rusty:sharon:orange:rose +7385 rust_red rgb 170 39 4 hex #AA2704 hsv 13 98 67 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.01 lab 38 51 49 lch 38 71 44 cmyk 0 51 65 33 strong_vermilion[8063][168,42,0](1.4):rusty_red[7391][175,47,13](2.4):rufous[7368][168,28,7](4.1):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](4.7):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](5.4) 4 burnt:strong:rufous:rusty:scarlet:vermilion:red +7386 rustic_red rgb 58 24 26 hex #3A181A hsv 356 59 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 13 17 7 lch 13 18 21 cmyk 0 13 13 77 havana[4433][52,21,21](2.2):jarrah[4741][52,21,21](2.2):tamarind[8218][52,21,21](2.2):seal_brown[7582][50,20,20](2.8):dark_sienna[2881][60,20,20](4.2) 7 dark:havana:jarrah:seal:sienna:tamarind:brown +7387 rustic_red rgb 72 4 4 hex #480404 hsv 360 94 28 xyz 0.03 0.01 0 lab 12 31 18 lch 12 35 30 cmyk 0 27 27 72 beer_srm_34[1374][74,6,5](1.4):bulgarian_rose[1896][72,6,7](1.7):mahogany[5460][74,1,0](2.2):burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](3.0):dried_blood[3270][75,1,1](3.0) 12 burnt:34:beer:blood:bulgarian:dried:mahogany:maroon:srm:rose +7388 rusty_nail rgb 134 86 10 hex #86560A hsv 37 93 53 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.02 lab 41 14 46 lch 41 49 73 cmyk 0 19 49 47 afghan_tan[971][134,86,10](0.0):natural[5984][134,86,10](0.0):grizzly[4235][136,88,24](3.2):medium_brown[5601][127,81,18](4.5):orange[6197][139,90,0](5.1) 4 medium:afghan:grizzly:natural:tan:brown:orange +7389 rusty_nail rgb 141 95 44 hex #8D5F2C hsv 32 69 55 xyz 0.16 0.14 0.04 lab 44 14 36 lch 44 38 69 cmyk 0 18 38 45 tan[8220][139,90,43](1.7):afghan_tan[972][144,94,38](3.2):dark_buff[2697][151,102,56](3.7):PMS464[558][135,96,40](4.1):brazil[1698][129,91,40](4.6) 6 dark:PMS464:afghan:brazil:buff:tan +7390 rusty_orange rgb 205 89 9 hex #CD5909 hsv 24 96 80 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.03 lab 52 43 59 lch 52 73 54 cmyk 0 45 77 20 PMS1595[86][209,91,5](2.2):tawny[8265][205,87,0](2.2):tenn[8301][205,87,0](2.2):tenne[8302][205,87,0](2.2):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](2.4) 9 burnt:PMS1595:tawny:tenn:tenne:orange +7391 rusty_red rgb 175 47 13 hex #AF2F0D hsv 13 93 69 xyz 0.19 0.11 0.02 lab 40 50 48 lch 40 69 44 cmyk 0 50 64 31 rust_red[7385][170,39,4](2.4):strong_vermilion[8063][168,42,0](2.8):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](5.5):rufous[7368][168,28,7](5.7):rust[7382][183,65,14](6.4) 2 burnt:strong:rufous:rust:vermilion:red +7392 rusty_red rgb 218 44 67 hex #DA2C43 hsv 352 80 85 xyz 0.31 0.17 0.07 lab 48 66 31 lch 48 73 25 cmyk 0 68 59 15 permanent_red_violet[6601][219,38,69](2.8):PMS199[157][216,28,63](3.2):cherry[2260][207,2,52](5.8):crimson[2599][220,20,60](5.9):desire[3110][234,60,83](5.9) 2 PMS199:cherry:desire:permanent:crimson:red:violet +7393 rutherford rgb 127 123 89 hex #7F7B59 hsv 54 30 50 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.12 lab 51 -4 19 lch 51 20 102 cmyk 0 2 15 50 kokoda[4877][123,120,90](2.2):triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](3.3):carat[2075][134,125,96](3.7):clay_creek[2363][137,126,89](4.1):triple_hillary[8495][131,122,83](4.1) 12 carat:clay:creek:hillary:kokoda:olive:triple:grey +7394 sabbatical rgb 84 115 119 hex #547377 hsv 187 29 47 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.2 lab 46 -10 -6 lch 46 12 210 cmyk 14 2 0 53 half_smalt_blue[4386][94,124,128](4.0):gateway[3832][94,113,117](4.1):william[9120][83,115,111](4.5):stormcloud[7997][79,102,106](4.6):streetwise[8009][79,105,113](4.7) 6 gateway:half:smalt:stormcloud:streetwise:william:blue +7395 sacramento_state_green rgb 0 86 63 hex #00563F hsv 164 100 34 xyz 0.04 0.07 0.06 lab 32 -29 7 lch 32 30 166 cmyk 34 0 9 66 PMS343[416][0,86,63](0.0):castleton_green[2128][0,86,63](0.0):deep_turquoise[3072][0,89,67](1.4):PMS554[712][25,94,71](3.6):filmpro_pthalo_green[3617][0,86,69](3.6) 5 deep:PMS343:PMS554:castleton:filmpro:pthalo:green:turquoise +7396 saddle rgb 76 48 36 hex #4C3024 hsv 18 53 30 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 23 11 13 lch 23 17 49 cmyk 0 11 16 70 milk_chocolate[5740][76,52,41](3.0):morocco_brown[5901][68,45,33](3.0):teak_stain[8281][78,53,41](3.0):baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](3.2):sofisticata[7823][78,45,33](3.3) 14 baked:chocolate:earth:milk:morocco:sofisticata:stain:teak:brown +7397 saddle rgb 93 78 70 hex #5D4E46 hsv 21 25 36 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.07 lab 34 5 7 lch 34 9 56 cmyk 0 6 9 64 cork[2516][90,76,66](1.7):mash[5567][90,76,66](1.7):rough_n_tumble[7339][91,76,72](2.2):dark_grayish_vermilion[2757][89,72,66](2.4):rock[7257][90,77,65](2.8) 24 dark:cork:grayish:mash:n:rock:rough:tumble:vermilion +7398 saddle_brown rgb 80 56 30 hex #50381E hsv 31 63 31 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.02 lab 26 7 20 lch 26 22 70 cmyk 0 9 20 69 brown[1832][89,64,39](3.2):metallic_bronze[5688][73,55,27](3.6):café_noir[2004][75,54,33](3.7):kakadu[4808][85,65,35](3.7):bracken[1689][91,61,39](4.4) 6 bracken:bronze:café:kakadu:metallic:noir:brown +7399 saddle_brown rgb 88 52 1 hex #583401 hsv 35 99 35 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.01 lab 25 12 35 lch 25 37 71 cmyk 0 14 34 65 deep_gamboge[2991][89,56,0](3.0):deep_brown[2966][89,45,0](5.2):PMS161[89][99,58,17](5.8):PMS732[911][96,51,10](5.9):carnaby_tan[2100][92,46,1](6.2) 1 deep:PMS161:PMS732:carnaby:gamboge:tan:brown +7400 saddle_brown rgb 139 69 19 hex #8B4513 hsv 25 86 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.02 lab 37 26 41 lch 37 49 57 cmyk 0 27 47 45 chocolate[2305][139,69,19](0.0):PMS1615[90][132,63,15](2.4):korma[4883][143,75,14](4.6):peru_tan[6619][127,58,2](4.6):toast_lmu_40[8386][139,77,21](4.6) 6 40:PMS1615:chocolate:korma:lmu:peru:tan:toast +7401 safari rgb 192 164 105 hex #C0A469 hsv 41 45 75 xyz 0.38 0.39 0.19 lab 69 2 34 lch 69 34 86 cmyk 0 11 34 25 sandstone[7469][201,174,116](3.2):travis[8461][183,158,103](3.6):PMS465[561][193,168,117](4.1):putty[6910][205,174,112](4.6):style_pasifika_pink_night[8088][205,174,112](4.6) 5 PMS465:night:pasifika:putty:sandstone:style:travis:pink +7402 safety_orange rgb 255 103 0 hex #FF6700 hsv 24 100 100 xyz 0.46 0.31 0.04 lab 62 55 71 lch 62 90 53 cmyk 0 60 100 0 blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](0.0):PMS165[97][249,99,2](1.7):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](2.4):luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](3.2):vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](3.2) 6 luminous:vivid:PMS165:blaze:cadmium:tangelo:orange +7403 safety_orange rgb 255 120 0 hex #FF7800 hsv 28 100 100 xyz 0.48 0.35 0.04 lab 66 47 73 lch 66 87 57 cmyk 0 53 100 0 heat_wave[4449][255,122,0](1.0):outrageous[6270][255,118,0](1.4):orange[6200][249,115,6](2.8):flamenco[3659][255,125,7](3.0):sorbus[7852][253,124,7](3.2) 15 flamenco:heat:outrageous:sorbus:wave:orange +7404 safety_yellow rgb 238 210 2 hex #EED202 hsv 53 99 93 xyz 0.58 0.64 0.09 lab 84 -7 84 lch 84 84 95 cmyk 0 11 93 7 lemon[4961][244,216,28](2.2):ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](2.2):switched_on[8190][237,206,0](2.2):PMS109[9][249,214,22](3.6):citrine[2342][228,208,10](3.7) 10 PMS109:citrine:on:ripe:switched:lemon +7405 saffron rgb 220 159 69 hex #DC9F45 hsv 36 69 86 xyz 0.43 0.4 0.11 lab 70 14 54 lch 70 56 75 cmyk 0 24 59 14 fire_bush[3636][224,152,66](5.1):indian_yellow[4640][227,168,87](5.1):brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](5.9):sunray[8140][227,171,87](6.0):candlelight[2040][224,157,55](6.3) 0 brilliant:bush:candlelight:fire:gamboge:indian:sunray:yellow +7406 saffron rgb 244 196 48 hex #F4C430 hsv 45 80 96 xyz 0.58 0.59 0.11 lab 81 4 74 lch 81 74 87 cmyk 0 19 77 4 bright_sun[1750][236,189,44](2.2):bright_spark[1749][243,190,51](3.7):sunglow[8135][255,204,51](3.7):moon_yellow[5889][240,196,32](4.5):bite_me[1437][235,197,37](5.4) 4 bite:bright:me:moon:spark:sun:sunglow:yellow +7407 saffron rgb 249 191 88 hex #F9BF58 hsv 38 65 98 xyz 0.59 0.58 0.17 lab 81 10 59 lch 81 59 80 cmyk 0 23 63 2 saffron_mango[7409][249,191,88](0.0):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](3.6):golden_tainoi[3926][255,193,82](3.7):light_brilliant_gamboge[5042][255,197,101](4.6):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.7) 7 light:brilliant:PMS135:casablanca:gamboge:golden:mango:saffron:tainoi +7408 saffron rgb 254 178 9 hex #FEB209 hsv 41 96 100 xyz 0.57 0.53 0.07 lab 78 17 80 lch 78 82 78 cmyk 0 30 96 0 amber[1033][254,179,8](1.0):ucla_gold[8627][255,179,0](1.0):yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](1.0):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](1.7):my_sin[5965][255,179,31](3.0) 15 light:amber:cadmium:gold:my:sin:ucla:orange:yellow +7409 saffron_mango rgb 249 191 88 hex #F9BF58 hsv 38 65 98 xyz 0.59 0.58 0.17 lab 81 10 59 lch 81 59 80 cmyk 0 23 63 2 saffron[7407][249,191,88](0.0):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](3.6):golden_tainoi[3926][255,193,82](3.7):light_brilliant_gamboge[5042][255,197,101](4.6):PMS135[45][252,201,99](4.7) 7 light:brilliant:PMS135:casablanca:gamboge:golden:saffron:tainoi +7410 sage rgb 135 174 115 hex #87AE73 hsv 100 34 68 xyz 0.28 0.37 0.22 lab 67 -24 26 lch 67 36 133 cmyk 15 0 23 32 sage_green[7414][136,179,120](2.8):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](3.0):lichen[4992][143,182,123](3.0):dusty_green[3305][118,169,115](5.4):faded_green[3535][123,178,116](6.1) 3 asparagus:dusty:faded:lichen:sage:green +7411 sage rgb 152 159 122 hex #989F7A hsv 71 23 62 xyz 0.29 0.33 0.23 lab 64 -9 19 lch 64 21 116 cmyk 3 0 15 38 frontier[3776][153,157,122](1.4):malachite_green[5480][151,151,111](3.5):locust[5325][162,165,128](3.6):PMS5773[754][155,158,114](4.1):grayish_lime_green[4008][158,168,125](4.1) 6 PMS5773:frontier:grayish:locust:malachite:green:lime +7412 sage rgb 158 165 135 hex #9EA587 hsv 74 18 65 xyz 0.32 0.36 0.28 lab 66 -8 15 lch 66 17 118 cmyk 3 0 12 35 stun[8067][167,172,139](3.2):bud[1886][165,168,143](3.5):frontier[3776][153,157,122](3.6):canvas[2054][168,165,137](4.1):locust[5326][168,175,142](4.1) 8 bud:canvas:frontier:locust:stun +7413 sage rgb 188 184 138 hex #BCB88A hsv 55 27 74 xyz 0.42 0.47 0.31 lab 74 -6 24 lch 74 25 104 cmyk 0 2 20 26 stone_age[7986][182,178,133](2.0):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](3.2):coriander[2513][187,181,141](3.7):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](4.2):nirvana[6060][195,191,139](4.4) 10 PMS5783:age:coriander:fawn:nirvana:stone:green +7414 sage_green rgb 136 179 120 hex #88B378 hsv 104 33 70 xyz 0.3 0.39 0.24 lab 69 -26 26 lch 69 36 135 cmyk 17 0 23 30 lichen[4992][143,182,123](2.2):sage[7410][135,174,115](2.8):faded_green[3535][123,178,116](4.1):asparagus[1162][135,169,107](5.4):dusty_green[3305][118,169,115](5.4) 3 asparagus:dusty:faded:lichen:sage:green +7415 sahara rgb 183 152 38 hex #B79826 hsv 47 79 72 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.07 lab 64 0 60 lch 64 60 90 cmyk 0 12 57 28 buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](4.1):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](4.2):baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](4.4):PMS118[19][170,142,10](5.1):wazzup[9029][188,148,37](5.1) 3 dark:PMS118:baby:buddha:gold:shit:wazzup:brown +7416 sahara rgb 183 162 20 hex #B7A214 hsv 52 89 72 xyz 0.33 0.36 0.06 lab 66 -6 67 lch 66 67 95 cmyk 0 8 64 28 PMS613[792][175,160,12](2.2):PMS104[4][173,155,12](3.0):PMS457[549][181,155,12](3.7):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](3.7):lucky[5351][175,159,28](4.2) 6 PMS104:PMS457:PMS613:earls:lucky:green +7417 sahara_sand rgb 241 231 136 hex #F1E788 hsv 54 44 95 xyz 0.69 0.78 0.35 lab 91 -10 47 lch 91 48 101 cmyk 0 4 41 5 khaki[4847][238,230,133](1.4):khaki[4848][238,230,134](1.4):PMS602[781][242,234,135](2.2):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](2.4):khaki[4849][240,230,140](2.4) 19 PMS602:flavescent:khaki +7418 sail rgb 165 206 236 hex #A5CEEC hsv 205 30 93 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.88 lab 81 -7 -19 lch 81 20 251 cmyk 28 12 0 7 splat[7907][165,206,236](0.0):light_sky_blue[5204][164,211,238](2.4):pale_cornflower_blue[6327][171,205,239](3.2):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](3.3):PMS283[304][155,196,226](4.0) 8 pale:light:PMS283:cornflower:sky:splat:blue +7419 sail rgb 184 224 249 hex #B8E0F9 hsv 203 26 98 xyz 0.64 0.7 1 lab 87 -8 -16 lch 87 18 245 cmyk 25 10 0 2 light_sky_blue[5205][176,226,255](3.2):pale_cornflower_blue[6328][194,232,255](3.3):light_blue[5015][178,223,238](5.1):tropical_blue[8535][195,221,249](5.1):light_sky_blue[5204][164,211,238](5.5) 2 pale:light:cornflower:sky:tropical:blue +7420 saint_patrick_blue rgb 35 41 122 hex #23297A hsv 236 71 48 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.19 lab 21 26 -47 lch 21 54 299 cmyk 34 32 0 52 st._patrick's_blue[7946][35,41,122](0.0):capri[2066][6,42,120](4.2):catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](4.2):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](4.2):PMS280[301][0,43,127](4.5) 6 PMS280:capri:catalina:cobalt:patrick's:st.:blue +7421 sakura rgb 233 183 169 hex #E9B7A9 hsv 13 27 91 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.45 lab 78 16 14 lch 78 21 41 cmyk 0 20 25 9 shilo[7654][230,178,166](1.7):beauty_bush[1334][235,185,179](4.2):mandys_pink[5500][242,195,178](4.6):rose[7296][231,188,180](4.9):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](4.9) 5 beauty:bush:fog:mandys:shilo:pink:rose +7422 salem rgb 9 127 75 hex #097F4B hsv 154 93 50 xyz 0.09 0.16 0.09 lab 47 -42 20 lch 47 47 155 cmyk 46 0 20 50 PMS348[422][0,135,81](3.6):eucalyptus[3516][39,138,91](5.4):sea_green[7558][46,139,87](5.4):PMS356[430][0,122,61](5.7):dartmouth_green[2930][0,112,60](6.4) 1 PMS348:PMS356:dartmouth:eucalyptus:sea:green +7423 salem rgb 23 123 77 hex #177B4D hsv 152 81 48 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.09 lab 45 -39 18 lch 45 43 156 cmyk 39 0 18 52 dark_spring_green[2895][23,114,69](3.6):dartmouth_green[2930][0,112,60](5.1):moxie[5922][0,111,60](5.1):jewel[4764][18,107,64](5.9):cadmium_green[1989][0,107,60](6.1) 1 dark:cadmium:dartmouth:jewel:moxie:spring:green +7424 salmon rgb 111 66 66 hex #6F4242 hsv 0 41 44 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.06 lab 33 20 8 lch 33 21 23 cmyk 0 18 18 56 deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](1.0):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](1.0):solar_flare[7838][105,62,64](2.4):tosca[8434][116,64,66](3.3):crossroads[2606][115,73,73](3.7) 9 deep:coffee:crossroads:flare:roast:solar:tosca +7425 salmon rgb 139 76 57 hex #8B4C39 hsv 14 59 55 xyz 0.14 0.11 0.05 lab 40 25 23 lch 40 34 43 cmyk 0 25 32 45 paarl[6286][134,75,54](2.8):copper_fire[2481][146,83,69](3.6):terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](3.7):twizel[8621][142,80,55](3.7):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](4.1) 10 burnished:copper:fire:hit:paarl:terracotta:twizel:orange +7426 salmon rgb 205 112 84 hex #CD7054 hsv 14 59 80 xyz 0.33 0.25 0.12 lab 57 34 32 lch 57 47 43 cmyk 0 36 47 20 copper_red[2483][203,109,81](1.4):japonica[4739][206,114,89](2.2):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](4.1):mischief[5778][203,105,70](5.7):japonica[4740][216,124,99](5.9) 3 copper:damask:japonica:mischief:red +7427 salmon rgb 238 130 98 hex #EE8262 hsv 14 59 93 xyz 0.45 0.35 0.16 lab 66 39 36 lch 66 52 43 cmyk 0 42 55 7 burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](2.0):PMS1635[94][249,142,109](4.6):brilliant_vermilion[1809][231,119,81](5.7):PMS170[107][249,137,114](5.9):light_brilliant_vermilion[5071][255,139,101](6.0) 2 burnt:light:brilliant:PMS1635:PMS170:sienna:vermilion +7428 salmon rgb 250 128 114 hex #FA8072 hsv 6 54 98 xyz 0.5 0.37 0.2 lab 67 45 29 lch 67 54 33 cmyk 0 48 53 2 congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](3.3):coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](3.3):tea_rose[8278][248,131,121](3.3):bittersweet[1444][253,124,110](3.6):glorious[3880][240,119,113](5.1) 4 bittersweet:congo:coral:glorious:tea:pink:rose +7429 salmon rgb 255 121 108 hex #FF796C hsv 5 58 100 xyz 0.51 0.36 0.18 lab 67 50 32 lch 67 59 32 cmyk 0 53 58 0 bittersweet[1444][253,124,110](2.2):light_brilliant_scarlet[5065][255,120,101](3.2):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](6.0):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](6.0):bittersweet[1445][254,111,94](6.6) 2 light:brilliant:bittersweet:fingers:persimmon:scarlet:sticky +7430 salmon rgb 255 140 105 hex #FF8C69 hsv 14 59 100 xyz 0.53 0.41 0.18 lab 70 40 38 lch 70 55 43 cmyk 0 45 59 0 light_brilliant_vermilion[5071][255,139,101](2.2):PMS1635[94][249,142,109](4.2):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](6.4):PMS170[107][249,137,114](7.1):crusta[2616][243,134,83](8.2) 2 burnt:light:brilliant:PMS1635:PMS170:crusta:sienna:vermilion +7431 salmon rgb 255 155 170 hex #FF9BAA hsv 351 39 100 xyz 0.6 0.48 0.44 lab 75 39 8 lch 75 40 12 cmyk 0 39 33 0 very_light_amaranth[8740][255,158,170](2.2):PMS189[141][255,163,178](3.3):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](4.1):pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](5.0):salmon_pink[7433][255,145,164](5.0) 5 light:very:PMS189:PMS1905:amaranth:salmon:pink +7432 salmon_pink rgb 254 123 124 hex #FE7B7C hsv 360 52 100 xyz 0.52 0.37 0.23 lab 67 50 23 lch 67 55 25 cmyk 0 51 51 0 PMS177[116][249,130,127](5.2):glorious[3880][240,119,113](5.4):blush_pink[1629][254,130,140](6.6):congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](6.8):coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](6.8) 0 PMS177:blush:congo:coral:glorious:pink +7433 salmon_pink rgb 255 145 164 hex #FF91A4 hsv 350 43 100 xyz 0.58 0.44 0.41 lab 72 43 8 lch 72 44 11 cmyk 0 43 36 0 pink_salmon[6690][255,145,164](0.0):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](3.3):rose_pink[7311][247,135,154](3.3):PMS183[134][252,140,153](4.2):PMS708[887][249,142,153](4.2) 6 PMS183:PMS708:salmon:sherbet:pink:rose +7434 salomie rgb 254 219 141 hex #FEDB8D hsv 41 44 100 xyz 0.71 0.74 0.36 lab 89 2 43 lch 89 43 87 cmyk 0 14 44 0 golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](4.1):PMS1215[24][249,224,140](4.2):cream_brulee[2585][255,227,155](4.9):hathaway[4431][247,222,148](5.0):PMS1345[44][255,214,145](5.1) 4 PMS1215:PMS1345:brulee:cream:glow:golden:hathaway +7435 salomie rgb 255 214 123 hex #FFD67B hsv 41 52 100 xyz 0.69 0.71 0.29 lab 87 3 50 lch 87 50 86 cmyk 0 16 52 0 oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](0.0):PMS134[43][255,216,127](1.4):la_luna[4899][255,216,122](1.7):beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](2.4):golden_glow[3918][249,215,126](2.8) 9 02:PMS134:beer:daisy:glow:golden:la:luna:oopsy:srm +7436 saloon rgb 213 191 152 hex #D5BF98 hsv 38 29 84 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.37 lab 78 2 23 lch 78 23 85 cmyk 0 9 24 16 half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](1.4):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](2.4):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](3.0):wheat[9064][205,186,150](3.0):haystack[4442][222,199,161](3.2) 22 canterbury:clay:cocoon:half:haystack:sorrell:wheat:brown +7437 salsa rgb 119 12 37 hex #770C25 hsv 346 90 47 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.02 lab 25 44 16 lch 25 47 20 cmyk 0 42 32 53 wine_red[9141][123,3,35](3.6):antique_ruby[1066][132,27,45](4.2):bordeaux[1659][123,0,44](5.7):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](5.7):claret[2354][104,0,24](6.2) 2 antique:bordeaux:bullseye:claret:ruby:wine:red +7438 salt_box rgb 104 94 110 hex #685E6E hsv 278 15 43 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.16 lab 41 7 -8 lch 41 11 314 cmyk 2 6 0 57 mobster[5796][96,90,103](3.0):smoky[7795][96,93,107](3.2):comet[2441][99,99,115](3.3):fedora[3567][98,86,101](3.3):mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](4.0) 8 comet:fedora:mid:mobster:smoky:grey +7439 salt_box rgb 105 98 104 hex #696268 hsv 309 7 41 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.15 lab 42 4 -2 lch 42 5 329 cmyk 0 3 0 59 half_sidewinder[4383][111,103,108](2.0):matakana[5570][104,93,99](2.2):scorpion[7538][105,95,98](2.4):scorpion[7539][106,100,102](2.4):identity[4607][110,103,103](3.7) 18 half:identity:matakana:scorpion:sidewinder +7440 saltpan rgb 238 243 229 hex #EEF3E5 hsv 81 6 95 xyz 0.81 0.88 0.87 lab 95 -4 6 lch 95 7 124 cmyk 2 0 5 5 ecru_white[3358][245,243,229](2.4):green_white[4069][232,235,224](2.4):ivory[4698][238,238,224](2.4):joanna[4771][245,243,229](2.4):sugar_cane[8110][238,239,223](2.4) 80 cane:ecru:ivory:joanna:sugar:green:white +7441 saltpan rgb 241 247 242 hex #F1F7F2 hsv 130 2 97 xyz 0.86 0.92 0.97 lab 97 -3 2 lch 97 3 149 cmyk 2 0 2 3 snow_drift[7811][247,250,247](1.7):narvik[5982][237,249,241](2.0):panache[6463][234,246,238](2.2):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](2.4):mint_cream[5766][245,255,250](2.4) 103 alabaster:cream:double:drift:narvik:panache:snow:mint +7442 sambuca rgb 58 32 16 hex #3A2010 hsv 23 72 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 15 11 16 lch 15 19 56 cmyk 0 10 16 77 clinker[2375][55,29,9](1.4):dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](3.3):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](3.3):slugger[7778][65,32,16](3.3):dark_brown[2693][52,28,2](4.1) 8 deep:dark:clinker:oak:rum:slugger:brown +7443 sambuca rgb 59 46 37 hex #3B2E25 hsv 25 37 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 4 8 lch 20 9 62 cmyk 0 5 9 77 PMS412[495][61,48,40](1.4):cola[2427][60,47,35](2.0):bark[1298][62,47,40](2.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.4):coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](2.4) 39 PMS412:bark:bean:bushtrack:coffee:cola +7444 san_felix rgb 11 98 7 hex #0B6207 hsv 117 93 38 xyz 0.05 0.09 0.02 lab 36 -41 39 lch 36 57 136 cmyk 34 0 36 62 deep_green[2995][5,102,8](2.4):dark_green[2759][0,100,0](3.6):green_dark[4040][0,100,0](3.6):deep_green[2993][0,89,0](4.1):pakistan_green[6300][0,102,0](4.4) 8 deep:dark:pakistan:green +7445 san_felix rgb 44 110 49 hex #2C6E31 hsv 125 60 43 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.05 lab 41 -35 28 lch 41 44 142 cmyk 26 0 24 57 japanese_laurel[4735][47,117,50](4.1):jungle_juice[4794][47,117,50](4.1):camarone[2016][32,105,55](6.3):hunter_green[4584][33,94,33](6.4):lucky_break[5352][62,118,45](7.0) 2 break:camarone:hunter:japanese:juice:jungle:laurel:lucky:green +7446 san_juan rgb 48 75 106 hex #304B6A hsv 212 55 42 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.15 lab 31 0 -21 lch 31 21 269 cmyk 23 12 0 58 bellbottom_blue[1391][44,76,109](2.2):spinnaker[7901][47,77,102](4.4):shipshape[7665][33,66,95](4.5):quayside[7020][66,79,113](5.0):wanaka[8991][40,73,98](5.1) 4 bellbottom:quayside:shipshape:spinnaker:wanaka:blue +7447 san_juan rgb 68 87 97 hex #445761 hsv 201 30 38 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.13 lab 36 -5 -8 lch 36 9 240 cmyk 11 4 0 62 fiord[3633][75,90,98](1.7):casal[2119][63,84,90](3.0):compass[2445][75,87,97](3.2):jetsetter[4763][64,80,90](3.2):dark_grayish_cerulean[2739][66,84,89](3.7) 13 dark:casal:cerulean:compass:fiord:grayish:jetsetter +7448 san_marino rgb 69 108 172 hex #456CAC hsv 217 60 67 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.41 lab 46 6 -38 lch 46 39 279 cmyk 40 25 0 33 french_blue[3745][67,107,173](1.7):moderate_cobalt_blue[5818][74,109,168](3.2):anchor[1051][82,109,178](4.6):mariner[5533][66,99,159](4.6):super_duper[8151][66,99,159](4.6) 5 moderate:anchor:cobalt:duper:french:mariner:super:blue +7449 san_marino rgb 78 108 157 hex #4E6C9D hsv 217 50 62 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.34 lab 45 3 -30 lch 45 30 276 cmyk 31 19 0 38 azure[1229][78,105,154](1.4):style_pasifika_lagoon_blue[8081][78,105,154](1.4):blue_yonder[1601][80,114,167](3.6):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](3.7):waikawa_grey[8982][90,110,156](4.1) 8 lagoon:pasifika:style:ucla:waikawa:yonder:azure:blue:grey +7450 sanctuary rgb 166 132 89 hex #A68459 hsv 34 46 65 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.13 lab 57 7 28 lch 57 29 75 cmyk 0 13 30 35 muesli[5932][158,126,83](2.0):barley_corn[1299][166,139,91](3.7):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](3.7):puce[6830][165,126,82](3.7):muesli[5933][170,139,91](4.1) 6 barley:boardwalk:corn:muesli:puce +7451 sand rgb 194 178 128 hex #C2B280 hsv 45 34 76 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.27 lab 73 -2 28 lch 73 28 94 cmyk 0 6 26 24 ecru[3355][194,178,128](0.0):yuma[9242][199,184,130](2.4):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](3.7):coromandel[2541][185,168,115](4.5):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](4.6) 5 PMS4515:PMS4525:coromandel:ecru:yuma +7452 sand rgb 220 197 159 hex #DCC59F hsv 37 28 86 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.41 lab 81 2 22 lch 81 22 84 cmyk 0 9 24 14 haystack[4442][222,199,161](0.0):raffia[7041][220,198,160](0.0):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](1.7):blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.2):triple_spanish_white[8519][213,196,161](2.4) 17 blank:canvas:cocoon:haystack:raffia:spanish:triple:white +7453 sand rgb 220 198 160 hex #DCC6A0 hsv 38 27 86 xyz 0.56 0.58 0.42 lab 81 2 22 lch 81 22 85 cmyk 0 9 24 14 haystack[4442][222,199,161](0.0):raffia[7041][220,198,160](0.0):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](1.7):blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.2):triple_spanish_white[8519][213,196,161](2.4) 17 blank:canvas:cocoon:haystack:raffia:spanish:triple:white +7454 sand rgb 226 202 118 hex #E2CA76 hsv 47 48 89 xyz 0.56 0.6 0.26 lab 82 -3 45 lch 82 45 93 cmyk 0 9 42 11 chenin[2255][222,195,113](3.7):souffle[7856][213,193,113](4.6):chenin[2256][223,205,111](5.0):PMS459[551][226,214,124](5.9):flax[3680][238,220,130](5.9) 3 PMS459:chenin:flax:souffle +7455 sand_brown rgb 203 165 96 hex #CBA560 hsv 39 53 80 xyz 0.4 0.4 0.17 lab 70 6 41 lch 70 41 82 cmyk 0 15 42 20 camel[2019][198,159,89](2.2):sandy_brown[7476][196,166,97](4.2):apache[1075][211,169,92](4.5):double_putty[3229][192,155,89](4.5):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](4.6) 6 apache:aztec:camel:double:gold:putty:sandy:brown +7456 sand_dune rgb 130 111 101 hex #826F65 hsv 21 22 51 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.15 lab 48 6 8 lch 48 10 55 cmyk 0 7 11 49 PMS410[493][124,109,99](2.2):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](3.0):sandstone[7468][121,109,98](3.2):americano[1039][135,117,110](3.6):half_buffalo[4299][137,117,111](3.7) 16 PMS410:americano:break:buffalo:coffee:half:sandstone +7457 sand_dune rgb 134 118 101 hex #867665 hsv 31 25 53 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.15 lab 51 3 12 lch 51 12 74 cmyk 0 6 13 47 bisque[1430][139,125,107](2.2):peach_puff[6547][139,119,101](2.2):peachpuff[6554][139,119,101](2.2):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](2.2):triple_napa[8504][128,115,97](2.2) 30 bisque:mondo:napa:peachpuff:puff:quarter:triple:peach +7458 sand_dune rgb 150 113 23 hex #967117 hsv 43 85 59 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 50 6 51 lch 50 51 83 cmyk 0 15 50 41 bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](0.0):drab[3264][150,113,23](0.0):mode_beige[5806][150,113,23](0.0):sandy_taupe[7478][150,113,23](0.0):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6) 8 beige:bistre:corn:drab:harvest:mode:sandy:taupe:brown +7459 sand_yellow rgb 252 225 102 hex #FCE166 hsv 49 60 99 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.23 lab 90 -5 62 lch 90 62 95 cmyk 0 11 59 1 yellow_tan[9224][255,227,110](2.2):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](3.0):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](3.0):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](3.0):stil_de_grain_yellow[7978][250,218,94](3.0) 13 de:grain:jonquil:naples:royal:stil:tan:yellow +7460 sandal rgb 163 135 106 hex #A3876A hsv 31 35 64 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.17 lab 58 6 20 lch 58 21 72 cmyk 0 11 22 36 triple_sandcastle[8515][163,138,109](1.7):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](2.2):triple_pavlova[8507][159,137,107](2.2):secret_road[7598][157,130,97](2.8):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](3.0) 12 goldmine:mongoose:pavlova:road:sandcastle:secret:triple +7461 sandal rgb 170 141 111 hex #AA8D6F hsv 31 35 67 xyz 0.29 0.29 0.19 lab 61 7 20 lch 61 21 72 cmyk 0 11 23 33 mongoose[5868][165,139,111](1.7):double_doeskin[3197][172,145,110](3.0):triple_sandcastle[8515][163,138,109](3.0):backcountry[1254][171,142,107](3.2):pale_brown[6317][177,145,110](3.2) 11 pale:backcountry:doeskin:double:mongoose:sandcastle:triple:brown +7462 sandbar rgb 226 195 133 hex #E2C385 hsv 40 41 89 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.3 lab 80 3 35 lch 80 35 86 cmyk 0 12 36 11 new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](0.0):chalky[2199][223,194,129](1.4):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.4):light_gamboge[5102][231,197,139](1.7):light_beige[5007][221,194,131](2.2) 10 light:beige:chalky:gamboge:honey:manuka:new:orleans +7463 sandcastle rgb 178 159 137 hex #B29F89 hsv 32 23 70 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.29 lab 67 3 14 lch 67 14 76 cmyk 0 7 16 30 quarter_nullarbor[6973][178,159,136](1.0):triple_tea[8526][170,159,139](3.0):paperback[6475][179,161,144](3.2):drought[3273][184,168,143](3.3):grullo[4239][169,154,134](3.3) 23 drought:grullo:nullarbor:paperback:quarter:tea:triple +7464 sandrift rgb 171 145 122 hex #AB917A hsv 28 29 67 xyz 0.3 0.3 0.23 lab 62 6 16 lch 62 17 69 cmyk 0 10 19 33 rickshaw[7223][170,145,123](1.0):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](2.2):donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](3.0):double_joss[3209][166,147,128](3.6):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](3.6) 16 donkey:double:grayish:joss:mongoose:rickshaw:brown +7465 sandrift rgb 175 147 125 hex #AF937D hsv 26 29 69 xyz 0.32 0.31 0.24 lab 63 7 16 lch 63 17 65 cmyk 0 11 20 31 rickshaw[7223][170,145,123](1.7):PMS4725[577][181,145,124](3.0):grayish_brown[3999][168,147,125](3.3):donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](4.1):mushroom[5949][186,158,136](4.1) 11 PMS4725:donkey:grayish:mushroom:rickshaw:brown +7466 sandspit_brown rgb 210 198 182 hex #D2C6B6 hsv 34 13 82 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.52 lab 80 2 10 lch 80 10 81 cmyk 0 5 11 18 stark_white[7956][210,198,182](0.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.0):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.0):triple_blanc[8483][206,195,175](1.7):acropolis[959][206,198,181](2.0) 59 PMS400:acropolis:amber:blanc:soft:stark:triple:white +7467 sandstone rgb 120 109 95 hex #786D5F hsv 34 21 47 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.13 lab 47 2 9 lch 47 10 79 cmyk 0 4 10 53 pablo[6288][119,111,97](1.0):double_pravda[3228][118,108,92](1.7):PMS410[493][124,109,99](2.2):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](2.2):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](2.2) 26 PMS410:break:coffee:double:friar:pablo:pravda:grey +7468 sandstone rgb 121 109 98 hex #796D62 hsv 29 19 47 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.14 lab 47 3 8 lch 47 8 71 cmyk 0 5 9 53 PMS410[493][124,109,99](1.0):coffee_break[2424][121,105,94](1.7):pablo[6288][119,111,97](2.2):riverstone[7239][121,112,103](2.4):double_friar_grey[3203][117,111,98](3.0) 23 PMS410:break:coffee:double:friar:pablo:riverstone:grey +7469 sandstone rgb 201 174 116 hex #C9AE74 hsv 41 42 79 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.23 lab 72 2 33 lch 72 33 87 cmyk 0 11 33 21 fawn[3564][207,175,123](3.0):safari[7401][192,164,105](3.2):putty[6910][205,174,112](3.3):style_pasifika_pink_night[8088][205,174,112](3.3):PMS465[561][193,168,117](3.6) 6 PMS465:fawn:night:pasifika:putty:safari:style:pink +7470 sandstorm rgb 236 213 64 hex #ECD540 hsv 52 73 93 xyz 0.59 0.66 0.14 lab 85 -8 72 lch 85 72 96 cmyk 0 9 67 7 yellow_submarine[9222][232,210,51](3.2):PMS114[14][249,226,76](4.0):PMS115[15][249,224,76](4.1):minion_yellow[5759][245,220,80](4.4):PMS129[37][242,209,61](5.2) 4 PMS114:PMS115:PMS129:minion:submarine:yellow +7471 sandwisp rgb 222 203 129 hex #DECB81 hsv 48 42 87 xyz 0.55 0.6 0.29 lab 82 -4 39 lch 82 39 95 cmyk 0 7 36 13 butter[1947][222,203,129](0.0):light_amber[4999][231,208,139](4.1):putty[6911][231,205,140](5.1):light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](5.5):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](5.5) 2 light:amber:butter:goldenrod:old:putty +7472 sandwisp rgb 245 231 162 hex #F5E7A2 hsv 50 34 96 xyz 0.73 0.79 0.46 lab 91 -5 35 lch 91 36 98 cmyk 0 5 33 4 light_tan[5219][251,238,172](3.2):PMS1205[22][247,232,170](3.3):PMS460[552][234,221,150](3.3):goldenrod_pale[3941][238,232,170](4.5):pale_goldenrod[6339][238,232,170](4.5) 8 pale:light:PMS1205:PMS460:goldenrod:tan +7473 sandy rgb 241 218 122 hex #F1DA7A hsv 48 49 95 xyz 0.65 0.7 0.29 lab 87 -4 50 lch 87 50 95 cmyk 0 9 47 5 golden_sand[3925][240,219,125](1.4):jasmine[4745][248,222,126](2.2):mellow_yellow[5662][248,222,126](2.2):PMS120[21][249,226,127](3.3):buff[1892][240,220,130](3.3) 14 PMS120:buff:golden:jasmine:mellow:sand:yellow +7474 sandy_beach rgb 254 219 183 hex #FEDBB7 hsv 30 28 100 xyz 0.75 0.75 0.55 lab 89 7 22 lch 89 23 73 cmyk 0 14 28 0 apricot[1091][253,217,181](0.0):peach_puff[6550][255,218,185](1.4):light_peach[5165][255,216,177](2.2):feldspar[3573][253,213,177](2.4):light_apricot[5001][253,213,177](2.4) 14 light:apricot:feldspar:puff:peach +7475 sandy_beach rgb 255 234 200 hex #FFEAC8 hsv 37 22 100 xyz 0.81 0.84 0.67 lab 94 2 19 lch 94 19 84 cmyk 0 8 22 0 blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.0):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.2):pale_gamboge[6335][255,232,194](2.2):peach[6539][251,229,194](2.2):oasis[6089][254,239,206](2.4) 27 pale:blanched:egg:gamboge:oasis:sour:almond:peach +7476 sandy_brown rgb 196 166 97 hex #C4A661 hsv 42 51 77 xyz 0.39 0.4 0.17 lab 69 2 40 lch 69 40 87 cmyk 0 12 39 23 laser[4914][198,169,94](2.4):fleetwood[3683][185,158,86](3.3):desert[3102][204,173,96](4.2):sand_brown[7455][203,165,96](4.2):camel[2019][198,159,89](4.6) 5 camel:desert:fleetwood:laser:sand:brown +7477 sandy_brown rgb 244 164 96 hex #F4A460 hsv 28 61 96 xyz 0.53 0.47 0.17 lab 74 23 47 lch 74 52 64 cmyk 0 31 58 4 rajah[7054][251,171,96](3.7):apricot[1092][255,177,109](4.2):tan[8227][250,167,108](4.6):brilliant_orange[1790][231,156,81](5.4):rajah[7055][252,174,96](5.4) 3 brilliant:apricot:rajah:tan:orange +7478 sandy_taupe rgb 150 113 23 hex #967117 hsv 43 85 59 xyz 0.19 0.18 0.03 lab 50 6 51 lch 50 51 83 cmyk 0 15 50 41 bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](0.0):drab[3264][150,113,23](0.0):mode_beige[5806][150,113,23](0.0):sand_dune[7458][150,113,23](0.0):corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](3.6) 8 beige:bistre:corn:drab:dune:harvest:mode:sand:brown +7479 sandy_yellow rgb 253 238 115 hex #FDEE73 hsv 53 55 99 xyz 0.74 0.83 0.28 lab 93 -10 60 lch 93 61 99 cmyk 0 6 54 1 smiles[7784][251,240,115](2.2):witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](2.2):festival[3591][251,233,108](2.4):marigold_yellow[5529][251,232,112](2.8):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](4.2) 8 PMS3935:festival:haze:marigold:smiles:witch:yellow +7480 sangria rgb 130 42 50 hex #822A32 hsv 355 68 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.04 lab 31 38 16 lch 31 42 23 cmyk 0 35 31 49 shiraz[7666][132,40,51](2.2):scarlett[7523][126,37,48](2.4):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](3.0):xotic[9186][134,51,54](3.0):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.6) 14 bullseye:flame:scarlett:shiraz:xotic:red +7481 sangria rgb 146 0 10 hex #92000A hsv 356 100 57 xyz 0.12 0.06 0.01 lab 30 53 39 lch 30 66 36 cmyk 0 57 53 43 red_berry[7116][142,0,0](3.3):dark_red[2856][139,0,0](3.5):red[7101][139,0,0](3.5):tamarillo[8217][153,22,19](3.7):scarlett[7524][149,0,21](4.2) 9 dark:berry:scarlett:tamarillo:red +7482 sanguine_brown rgb 108 55 54 hex #6C3736 hsv 1 50 42 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.04 lab 30 23 11 lch 30 26 26 cmyk 0 21 21 58 burnt_sienna[1934][104,51,50](2.4):persian_plum[6608][104,51,50](2.4):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](3.6):patio_red[6522][109,51,49](3.7):buccaneer[1884][98,47,48](4.1) 13 burnt:buccaneer:japanese:maple:patio:persian:plum:sienna:red +7483 sanguine_brown rgb 141 61 56 hex #8D3D38 hsv 4 60 55 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.05 lab 37 34 20 lch 37 39 30 cmyk 0 31 33 45 tabasco[8198][142,58,54](1.4):el_salva[3434][143,62,51](3.2):fusion[3814][152,70,62](3.2):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.3):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.3) 19 el:fusion:indian:indianred:salva:tabasco:red +7484 santa_fe rgb 177 109 82 hex #B16D52 hsv 17 54 69 xyz 0.25 0.21 0.11 lab 53 24 26 lch 53 36 48 cmyk 0 27 37 31 claypot[2365][171,105,80](2.2):sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](3.0):brown_sugar[1858][175,110,77](3.6):sepia[7614][165,105,79](4.4):clay[2360][182,106,80](4.5) 7 clay:claypot:fe:sante:sepia:sugar:brown +7485 santas_grey rgb 153 152 167 hex #9998A7 hsv 244 9 65 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.41 lab 63 3 -8 lch 63 8 294 cmyk 5 6 0 35 manatee[5492][151,154,170](1.7):grey_suit[4223][147,145,160](2.2):bluish_grey[1619][156,156,168](3.0):manatee[5491][141,144,161](3.3):effortless[3369][160,150,167](4.0) 10 bluish:effortless:manatee:suit:grey +7486 santas_grey rgb 159 160 177 hex #9FA0B1 hsv 237 10 69 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.47 lab 66 3 -9 lch 66 9 289 cmyk 7 7 0 31 manatee[5492][151,154,170](2.2):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.0):spun_pearl[7938][162,161,172](3.2):bluish_grey[1619][156,156,168](3.3):logan[5330][157,156,180](3.7) 7 PMS535:bluish:logan:manatee:pearl:spun:grey +7487 sante_fe rgb 169 106 80 hex #A96A50 hsv 18 53 66 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.1 lab 51 22 25 lch 51 34 48 cmyk 0 25 35 34 sepia[7614][165,105,79](1.4):claypot[2365][171,105,80](2.0):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](3.0):brown_sugar[1858][175,110,77](4.5):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](4.5) 7 moderate:claypot:fe:santa:sepia:sugar:vermilion:brown +7488 sap_green rgb 48 128 20 hex #308014 hsv 104 84 50 xyz 0.09 0.16 0.03 lab 47 -44 47 lch 47 64 133 cmyk 31 0 42 50 bilbao[1408][50,124,20](3.0):tree_green[8465][42,126,25](3.2):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](3.3):dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](3.6):napier_green[5978][42,128,0](4.5) 5 dark:bilbao:grass:la:napier:palma:tree:green +7489 sap_green rgb 80 125 42 hex #507D2A hsv 93 66 49 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.05 lab 48 -30 39 lch 48 50 128 cmyk 18 0 33 51 topspin[8425][66,113,32](5.2):PMS576[750][96,142,58](6.1):moss_green[5911][101,139,56](6.3):lucky_break[5352][62,118,45](7.1):PMS364[438][58,119,40](7.3) 0 PMS364:PMS576:break:lucky:moss:topspin:green +7490 sap_green rgb 92 139 21 hex #5C8B15 hsv 84 85 55 xyz 0.14 0.21 0.04 lab 53 -34 52 lch 53 62 123 cmyk 18 0 46 45 PMS370[445][86,142,20](3.2):avocado[1208][86,130,3](4.6):vida_loca[8836][95,146,40](4.6):vida_loca[8835][84,144,25](5.1):kakapo[4809][92,150,37](5.4) 3 PMS370:avocado:kakapo:loca:vida +7491 sapling rgb 222 212 164 hex #DED4A4 hsv 50 26 87 xyz 0.6 0.65 0.45 lab 85 -4 25 lch 85 25 99 cmyk 0 4 23 13 mint_julep[5769][224,216,167](1.4):PMS615[794][226,219,170](2.2):bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](2.2):beige[1385][230,218,166](2.8):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](3.0) 17 PMS615:bavarian:beige:chandelier:cream:double:julep:mint +7492 sapling rgb 225 213 166 hex #E1D5A6 hsv 48 26 88 xyz 0.62 0.66 0.46 lab 85 -3 25 lch 85 25 97 cmyk 0 5 23 12 bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](1.4):mint_julep[5769][224,216,167](2.2):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](2.4):sidecar[7688][233,217,169](2.4):PMS615[794][226,219,170](2.8) 24 PMS615:bavarian:chandelier:cream:double:julep:sidecar:mint +7493 sapphire rgb 15 82 186 hex #0F52BA hsv 216 92 73 xyz 0.12 0.1 0.48 lab 37 22 -60 lch 37 64 290 cmyk 67 41 0 27 PMS293[317][0,81,186](1.0):cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](3.3):cobalt[2393][0,71,171](4.6):cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](4.6):violet_blue[8859][50,74,178](5.5) 4 PMS293:cerulean:cobalt:blue:violet +7494 sapphire rgb 33 56 171 hex #2138AB hsv 230 81 67 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.39 lab 30 34 -64 lch 30 72 298 cmyk 54 45 0 33 egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](2.0):PMS286[307][0,56,168](2.2):royal_azure[7344][0,56,168](2.2):governor_bay[3959][47,60,179](2.8):ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](4.7) 6 PMS286:bay:egyptian:governor:royal:ua:azure:blue +7495 sapphire rgb 47 81 158 hex #2F519E hsv 222 70 62 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.34 lab 36 15 -46 lch 36 48 288 cmyk 44 30 0 38 cobalt[2397][61,89,171](4.2):fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](4.9):elvis[3464][22,72,155](5.7):endeavour[3482][0,86,167](5.7):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](5.8) 2 cobalt:elvis:endeavour:fun:blue +7496 sapphire rgb 63 82 129 hex #3F5281 hsv 223 51 51 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.22 lab 35 7 -29 lch 35 30 283 cmyk 26 18 0 49 magik[5452][62,76,122](2.4):east_bay[3333][65,76,125](3.2):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](3.3):fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](3.3):style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](3.6) 10 a:b:bay:east:fun:magik:pasifika:sea:style:whale:blue +7497 sapphire_blue rgb 0 103 165 hex #0067A5 hsv 203 100 65 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.37 lab 42 -1 -40 lch 42 40 268 cmyk 65 24 0 35 medium_persian_blue[5623][0,103,165](0.0):strong_cornflower_blue[8028][0,105,168](1.4):matisse[5574][27,101,157](3.2):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](3.7):lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](4.1) 5 medium:strong:cornflower:honolulu:lapis:lazuli:matisse:persian:blue +7498 saratoga rgb 85 91 16 hex #555B10 hsv 65 82 36 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.02 lab 37 -13 39 lch 37 41 108 cmyk 2 0 29 64 PMS378[454][86,99,20](4.4):deep_apple_green[2951][78,89,0](4.6):PMS581[765][96,94,17](4.9):verdun_green[8703][73,84,0](4.9):army_green[1144][75,93,22](5.8) 4 deep:PMS378:PMS581:apple:army:verdun:green +7499 saratoga rgb 85 91 44 hex #555B2C hsv 68 52 36 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.04 lab 37 -10 26 lch 37 28 112 cmyk 2 0 18 64 fern_frond[3580][87,94,46](1.4):dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](2.4):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](3.3):dark_olive[2811][89,89,39](3.6):woodland[9169][77,83,40](3.6) 6 dark:apple:fern:frond:olive:woodland:green:lime +7500 sargent_pepper rgb 163 64 83 hex #A34053 hsv 348 61 64 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.1 lab 41 43 10 lch 41 44 13 cmyk 0 39 31 36 night_shadz[6053][162,61,84](2.2):light_burgundy[5076][168,65,91](4.1):hippie_pink[4510][171,73,92](4.2):light_maroon[5142][162,72,87](4.5):hippie_pink[4511][174,69,96](4.7) 5 light:burgundy:hippie:maroon:night:shadz:pink +7501 sasquatch_socks rgb 255 70 129 hex #FF4681 hsv 341 73 100 xyz 0.47 0.27 0.24 lab 59 72 10 lch 59 73 8 cmyk 0 73 49 0 warm_pink[9002][251,85,129](6.2):french_rose[3760][246,74,138](7.7):violet_red[8870][247,70,138](8.1):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](8.2):PMS212[170][249,79,142](8.6) 0 PMS1915:PMS212:french:warm:pink:red:rose:violet +7502 sassy rgb 126 42 101 hex #7E2A65 hsv 318 67 49 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.13 lab 32 43 -16 lch 32 46 339 cmyk 0 33 10 51 carnival[2107][126,42,101](0.0):PMS249[215][127,40,96](3.0):belladonna[1390][119,44,104](4.4):fun_fair[3807][119,44,104](4.4):byzantium[1965][112,41,99](5.8) 4 PMS249:belladonna:byzantium:carnival:fair:fun +7503 satellite rgb 85 66 68 hex #554244 hsv 354 22 33 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.06 lab 30 9 2 lch 30 9 13 cmyk 0 7 7 67 half_barista[4290][81,63,63](1.7):dark_grayish_reddish_brown[2752][89,66,66](2.2):woody_brown[9179][85,69,69](2.4):dark_grayish_crimson[2741][89,66,72](3.0):dark_puce[2848][79,58,60](3.2) 15 dark:barista:grayish:half:puce:reddish:woody:brown:crimson +7504 satin_linen rgb 230 228 212 hex #E6E4D4 hsv 53 8 90 xyz 0.72 0.77 0.73 lab 90 -2 8 lch 90 8 104 cmyk 0 1 7 10 half_secrets[4382][230,228,213](0.0):linen[5292][230,228,212](0.0):double_rice_cake[3232][231,226,211](1.0):ragamuffin[7043][232,227,211](1.0):fleece[3682][233,227,210](1.4) 113 cake:double:fleece:half:linen:ragamuffin:rice:secrets +7505 satin_orange rgb 198 64 32 hex #C64020 hsv 12 84 78 xyz 0.25 0.16 0.03 lab 47 52 47 lch 47 70 42 cmyk 0 53 65 22 dark_pastel_red[2838][194,59,34](3.0):blaze[1507][190,65,35](4.7):thunderbird[8339][192,43,24](6.4):PMS180[127][193,56,40](6.6):tia_maria[8341][193,68,14](7.3) 2 dark:PMS180:blaze:maria:pastel:thunderbird:tia:red +7506 satin_sheen_gold rgb 203 161 53 hex #CBA135 hsv 43 74 80 xyz 0.38 0.38 0.09 lab 68 5 59 lch 68 59 85 cmyk 0 16 59 20 nugget[6080][197,153,34](4.6):wazzup[9029][188,148,37](5.1):nugget[6079][188,146,41](5.2):afterglow[975][206,151,50](6.4):hokey_pokey[4519][200,165,40](6.5) 1 afterglow:hokey:nugget:pokey:wazzup +7507 sauvignon rgb 244 234 228 hex #F4EAE4 hsv 22 7 96 xyz 0.81 0.84 0.85 lab 93 2 4 lch 93 5 60 cmyk 0 4 6 4 slipper[7777][244,234,228](0.0):dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](1.4):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.7):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](2.0) 130 blanc:dawn:desert:eighth:fossil:slipper:storm:pink +7508 sauvignon rgb 255 245 243 hex #FFF5F3 hsv 10 5 100 xyz 0.9 0.93 0.98 lab 97 3 2 lch 97 4 36 cmyk 0 4 5 0 very_light_pink[8779][255,244,242](0.0):chablis[2194][255,244,243](1.0):chardon[2224][255,243,241](1.0):rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.0):fantasy[3559][250,243,240](1.4) 81 light:very:chablis:chardon:fantasy:pink:rose:white +7509 sazerac rgb 245 222 196 hex #F5DEC4 hsv 32 20 96 xyz 0.74 0.76 0.63 lab 90 4 16 lch 90 16 76 cmyk 0 9 19 4 derby[3096][249,228,198](2.4):eggshell[3380][252,230,201](2.4):lumber[5357][255,228,205](3.0):quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](3.0):anglaise[1054][238,222,196](3.3) 30 anglaise:derby:eggshell:haystack:lumber:quarter +7510 sazerac rgb 255 244 224 hex #FFF4E0 hsv 39 12 100 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.84 lab 97 0 11 lch 97 11 88 cmyk 0 4 12 0 double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](0.0):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.4):quarter_dutch_white[6941][251,244,223](1.4):varden[8684][255,246,223](1.4):very_pale_amber[8797][255,248,226](1.4) 70 pale:very:amber:bianca:double:dutch:egg:quarter:sour:varden:white +7511 scampi rgb 103 95 166 hex #675FA6 hsv 247 43 65 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.38 lab 44 21 -37 lch 44 43 299 cmyk 25 28 0 35 deluge[3090][117,99,168](3.5):PMS660[839][89,96,168](5.1):governor_bay[3960][81,85,155](6.2):liberty[4990][84,90,167](6.2):rich_blue[7212][89,89,171](7.3) 1 PMS660:bay:deluge:governor:liberty:rich:blue +7512 scampi rgb 111 99 160 hex #6F63A0 hsv 252 38 63 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.35 lab 45 19 -31 lch 45 37 301 cmyk 19 24 0 37 butterfly_bush[1956][104,87,140](5.7):deluge[3090][117,99,168](5.7):dark_blue_gray[2688][102,102,153](6.7):kimberly[4861][115,108,159](7.1):long_shot[5341][135,118,182](8.2) 0 dark:bush:butterfly:deluge:kimberly:long:shot:blue:gray +7513 scandal rgb 173 217 209 hex #ADD9D1 hsv 169 20 85 xyz 0.54 0.63 0.7 lab 84 -16 -1 lch 84 16 183 cmyk 17 0 3 15 PMS324[369][170,221,214](2.4):sinbad[7725][166,213,208](2.8):cruise[2611][180,226,213](3.0):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](4.1):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](4.2) 10 pale:light:PMS324:cold:cruise:grayish:ice:sinbad:turquoise +7514 scandal rgb 207 250 244 hex #CFFAF4 hsv 172 17 98 xyz 0.76 0.88 0.99 lab 95 -15 -2 lch 95 15 187 cmyk 17 0 2 2 humming_bird[4581][207,249,243](0.0):ice[4596][214,255,250](2.2):frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](3.0):light_blue[5018][202,255,251](3.0):mint_tulip[5771][196,244,235](3.0) 12 light:bird:frosted:humming:ice:tulip:blue:mint +7515 scaramanga rgb 96 120 108 hex #60786C hsv 150 20 47 xyz 0.14 0.17 0.17 lab 48 -11 4 lch 48 12 162 cmyk 9 0 5 53 PMS5487[697][102,124,114](2.4):yucca[9239][104,120,107](2.4):port_phillip[6783][100,116,100](3.7):imprint[4618][92,118,112](4.1):sirocco[7730][104,118,110](4.1) 6 PMS5487:imprint:phillip:port:sirocco:yucca +7516 scarlet rgb 140 23 23 hex #8C1717 hsv 360 84 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.01 lab 30 47 32 lch 30 57 34 cmyk 0 46 46 45 firebrick[3641][139,26,26](1.4):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](2.8):red_devil[7122][134,1,17](4.2):up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](5.8):vivid_auburn[8896][146,39,36](5.8) 3 vivid:auburn:brick:devil:firebrick:maroon:old:up:red +7517 scarlet rgb 190 1 25 hex #BE0119 hsv 352 99 75 xyz 0.21 0.11 0.02 lab 40 64 44 lch 40 78 34 cmyk 0 74 65 25 flame_red[3657][199,3,30](3.6):monza[5879][199,3,30](3.6):lava[4926][207,16,32](5.1):firebrick[3644][205,38,38](5.2):PMS186[138][206,17,38](5.4) 2 PMS186:firebrick:flame:lava:monza:red +7518 scarlet rgb 252 40 71 hex #FC2847 hsv 351 84 99 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.08 lab 55 76 38 lch 55 85 26 cmyk 0 83 71 1 pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](0.0):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](1.7):strawberry[8007][251,41,67](2.2):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](4.1):red[7109][242,0,60](4.6) 5 lightish:pinky:salsa:strawberry:red +7519 scarlet rgb 253 14 53 hex #FD0E35 hsv 350 94 99 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.05 lab 53 79 47 lch 53 92 30 cmyk 0 94 78 1 torch_red[8427][253,14,53](0.0):tractor_red[8448][253,14,53](0.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](3.0):cherry_red[2265][247,2,42](3.2):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.7) 5 carmine:cherry:neon:torch:tractor:red +7520 scarlet rgb 255 36 0 hex #FF2400 hsv 8 100 100 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.02 lab 55 76 68 lch 55 102 42 cmyk 0 86 100 0 orange_red[6216][255,36,0](0.0):ferrari_red[3586][255,40,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_scarlet[5398][255,32,0](1.4):coquelicot[2490][255,56,0](4.1):candy_apple_red[2042][255,8,0](4.6) 9 luminous:vivid:apple:candy:coquelicot:ferrari:scarlet:orange:red +7521 scarlet_gum rgb 67 21 96 hex #431560 hsv 277 78 38 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.11 lab 18 36 -35 lch 18 50 316 cmyk 11 29 0 62 PMS2627[250][76,20,94](3.7):jagger[4722][53,14,87](4.6):PMS268[260][79,33,112](5.5):clairvoyant[2350][72,6,86](6.0):hot_purple[4567][72,6,86](6.0) 2 PMS2627:PMS268:clairvoyant:hot:jagger:purple +7522 scarlet_gum rgb 74 45 87 hex #4A2D57 hsv 281 48 34 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.1 lab 24 22 -20 lch 24 30 317 cmyk 5 16 0 66 hot_purple[4568][78,46,83](3.0):PMS669[848][71,43,89](3.3):grapevine[3981][67,37,79](4.1):bossanova[1663][78,42,90](4.5):deep_purple[3038][69,35,80](5.1) 4 deep:PMS669:bossanova:grapevine:hot:purple +7523 scarlett rgb 126 37 48 hex #7E2530 hsv 353 71 49 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.03 lab 29 39 15 lch 29 42 21 cmyk 0 35 31 51 bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.2):shiraz[7666][132,40,51](2.2):sangria[7480][130,42,50](2.4):i_c_red[4593][122,32,49](3.3):PMS188[140][124,33,40](4.1) 14 PMS188:bullseye:c:i:sangria:shiraz:red +7524 scarlett rgb 149 0 21 hex #950015 hsv 352 100 58 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.01 lab 31 54 35 lch 31 64 33 cmyk 0 58 50 42 carmine[2093][150,0,24](2.0):carmine[2094][157,2,22](2.4):crimson[2598][140,0,15](3.6):ruby_red[7364][155,17,30](3.7):spartan_crimson[7885][158,19,22](3.7) 7 carmine:ruby:spartan:crimson:red +7525 scarpa_flow rgb 88 85 98 hex #585562 hsv 254 13 38 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.13 lab 37 4 -7 lch 37 8 300 cmyk 4 5 0 62 maltese[5487][88,86,96](2.2):mobster[5796][96,90,103](2.2):mulled_wine[5944][82,77,91](3.2):smoky[7795][96,93,107](3.2):haast_shale[4267][81,86,100](3.6) 12 haast:maltese:mobster:mulled:shale:smoky:wine +7526 scarpa_flow rgb 107 106 108 hex #6B6A6C hsv 270 2 42 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.16 lab 45 1 -1 lch 45 1 309 cmyk 0 1 0 58 grey[4140][107,107,107](1.4):dim_grey[3126][105,105,105](1.7):dimgray[3128][105,105,105](1.7):dimgrey[3129][105,105,105](1.7):dove_grey[3256][109,108,108](1.7) 38 dim:dimgray:dimgrey:dove:grey +7527 schauss_pink rgb 255 145 175 hex #FF91AF hsv 344 43 100 xyz 0.59 0.45 0.46 lab 73 45 3 lch 73 45 3 cmyk 0 43 31 0 baker_miller_pink[1263][255,145,175](0.0):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](1.0):tickle_me_pink[8347][252,137,172](3.5):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](4.1):vanilla_ice[8680][243,143,169](4.5) 5 baker:flamingo:ice:me:miller:sherbet:tickle:vanilla:pink +7528 schist rgb 135 135 111 hex #87876F hsv 60 18 53 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.18 lab 56 -4 13 lch 56 14 109 cmyk 0 0 9 47 double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](1.4):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](1.4):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](1.4):lemonchiffon[4984][139,137,112](1.4):bitter[1438][134,137,116](2.2) 22 bitter:chiffon:double:grass:isotonic:lemonchiffon:lemon +7529 schist rgb 169 180 151 hex #A9B497 hsv 83 16 71 xyz 0.38 0.43 0.36 lab 72 -9 14 lch 72 16 124 cmyk 4 0 11 29 laurel_green[4924][169,186,157](3.0):locust[5326][168,175,142](3.0):stun[8067][167,172,139](3.7):norway[6074][168,189,159](4.6):green_spring[4061][169,175,153](4.7) 5 laurel:locust:norway:spring:stun:green +7530 school_bus_yellow rgb 255 216 0 hex #FFD800 hsv 51 100 100 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.1 lab 87 -2 87 lch 87 87 92 cmyk 0 15 100 0 gold[3898][255,215,0](0.0):southern_cross[7861][255,215,0](0.0):sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.0):cyber_yellow[2649][255,211,0](2.4) 15 2X:PMS803:cross:cyber:gold:southern:sunflower:yellow +7531 schooner rgb 139 132 126 hex #8B847E hsv 28 9 55 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.23 lab 56 2 4 lch 56 4 70 cmyk 0 3 5 45 natural_grey[5986][139,134,128](1.0):seashell[7585][139,134,130](1.4):eighth_oilskin[3411][146,138,130](2.2):suva_grey[8169][139,134,133](3.0):warm_grey[9000][151,138,132](3.0) 50 eighth:natural:oilskin:seashell:suva:warm:grey +7532 schooner rgb 141 132 120 hex #8D8478 hsv 34 15 55 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.21 lab 56 1 8 lch 56 8 81 cmyk 0 4 8 45 antique_white[1067][139,131,120](1.4):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](1.4):half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](1.7):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](1.7):taupe_grey[8262][137,132,120](1.7) 43 antique:half:ironhide:quarter:sandstone:talisman:taupe:grey:white +7533 science_blue rgb 0 102 204 hex #0066CC hsv 210 100 80 xyz 0.16 0.14 0.59 lab 44 15 -60 lch 44 61 284 cmyk 80 40 0 20 mariner[5532][40,106,205](3.6):PMS2935[318][0,91,191](4.6):denim[3092][21,96,189](5.5):han_blue[4418][68,108,207](7.1):medium_teal_blue[5646][0,84,180](7.9) 2 medium:PMS2935:denim:han:mariner:teal:blue +7534 scooter rgb 46 191 212 hex #2EBFD4 hsv 188 78 83 xyz 0.32 0.43 0.69 lab 71 -30 -21 lch 71 36 216 cmyk 65 8 0 17 PMS311[349][40,196,216](2.2):cerulean[2184][5,184,204](2.2):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](4.1):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](4.7):turquoise_blue[8583][6,177,196](5.1) 4 PMS311:PMS3115:PMS3125:cerulean:blue:turquoise +7535 scooter rgb 48 142 160 hex #308EA0 hsv 190 70 63 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.37 lab 55 -21 -18 lch 55 27 220 cmyk 44 7 0 37 wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](3.7):retreat[7190][57,144,155](4.1):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.1):eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](4.4):teal_blue[8285][1,136,159](4.4) 6 eastern:eva:retreat:seeker:teal:wot:blue +7536 scorched_clay rgb 126 60 45 hex #7E3C2D hsv 11 64 49 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.03 lab 34 27 22 lch 34 35 40 cmyk 0 26 32 51 teranova[8305][122,58,43](1.0):western_red_cedar[9056][122,55,42](2.2):desperado[3111][117,57,41](2.8):PMS499[609][122,56,45](3.0):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](3.3) 9 PMS499:cedar:desperado:sunspot:teranova:western:red +7537 scoria rgb 83 38 32 hex #532620 hsv 7 61 33 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 21 20 14 lch 21 24 34 cmyk 0 18 20 67 hukanui[4578][87,42,35](2.0):PMS4695[570][81,38,28](2.2):PMS1817[132][91,45,40](3.2):dark_scarlet[2871][89,45,39](3.3):caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](3.5) 11 dark:PMS1817:PMS4695:caput:hukanui:mortuum:scarlet +7538 scorpion rgb 105 95 98 hex #695F62 hsv 342 10 41 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.13 lab 41 5 0 lch 41 5 357 cmyk 0 4 3 59 matakana[5570][104,93,99](2.2):salt_box[7439][105,98,104](2.4):eighth_barista[3387][116,100,102](3.7):falcon[3548][110,90,91](3.7):half_sidewinder[4383][111,103,108](3.7) 10 barista:box:eighth:falcon:half:matakana:salt:sidewinder +7539 scorpion rgb 106 100 102 hex #6A6466 hsv 340 6 42 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.14 lab 43 3 0 lch 43 3 354 cmyk 0 2 2 58 identity[4607][110,103,103](1.4):half_sidewinder[4383][111,103,108](2.4):salt_box[7439][105,98,104](2.4):grey[4138][102,102,102](3.0):scarpa_flow[7526][107,106,108](3.0) 30 box:flow:half:identity:salt:scarpa:sidewinder:grey +7540 scotch_mist rgb 238 231 200 hex #EEE7C8 hsv 49 16 93 xyz 0.74 0.79 0.66 lab 91 -3 16 lch 91 16 100 cmyk 0 3 15 7 half_and[4279][237,231,200](0.0):arrowroot[1145][231,226,197](1.4):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](2.2):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](2.4):cornsilk[2539][238,232,205](2.4) 37 and:arrowroot:aths:chandelier:cornsilk:half:special +7541 scotch_mist rgb 255 251 220 hex #FFFBDC hsv 53 14 100 xyz 0.89 0.95 0.81 lab 98 -4 15 lch 98 16 104 cmyk 0 2 14 0 citrine_white[2344][250,247,214](1.4):half_and[4280][255,254,225](1.4):light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](1.4):yellow_light[9211][255,255,224](1.4):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](1.7) 41 pale:light:very:and:citrine:half:white:yellow +7542 scotty_silver rgb 117 138 156 hex #758A9C hsv 208 25 61 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.35 lab 56 -3 -12 lch 56 13 255 cmyk 15 7 0 39 treasure[8462][117,138,156](0.0):light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](1.4):slate_grey_light[7775][119,136,153](1.4):steel[7961][115,133,149](1.4):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](2.8) 13 slate:light:blue/grey:steel:treasure:grey +7543 screamin'_green rgb 102 255 102 hex #66FF66 hsv 120 60 100 xyz 0.44 0.75 0.25 lab 90 -69 60 lch 90 91 139 cmyk 60 0 60 0 light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](1.0):light_brilliant_sap_green[5063][120,255,101](4.1):lighter_green[5244][117,253,99](4.2):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.0):light_bright_green[5024][83,254,92](5.9) 4 light:brilliant:bright:lighter:sap:viridian:green +7544 screamin_green rgb 118 255 122 hex #76FF7A hsv 122 54 100 xyz 0.47 0.77 0.31 lab 90 -63 52 lch 90 82 141 cmyk 54 0 52 0 lightgreen[5246][118,255,123](1.0):light_brilliant_emerald_green[5040][101,255,120](4.0):viridian_light[8880][110,255,112](5.0):easter_green[3337][140,253,126](7.1):brilliant_emerald_green[1776][81,231,100](8.2) 3 light:brilliant:easter:emerald:lightgreen:viridian:green +7545 scrub rgb 46 50 34 hex #2E3222 hsv 75 32 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 -5 10 lch 20 11 118 cmyk 2 0 6 80 rangitoto[7060][46,50,34](0.0):pine_tree[6662][42,47,35](3.2):hunter_green[4585][47,49,37](3.6):black_forest[1458][44,50,39](4.0):log_cabin[5328][36,42,29](4.6) 9 cabin:forest:hunter:log:pine:rangitoto:tree:black:green +7546 scrub rgb 61 64 49 hex #3D4031 hsv 72 23 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -4 9 lch 26 10 117 cmyk 1 0 6 75 deep_khaki[3002][61,64,49](0.0):grasslands[3989][61,61,46](1.4):log_cabin[5329][57,62,46](2.2):el_paso[3433][57,57,44](2.4):rangitoto[7061][58,65,51](2.4) 9 deep:cabin:el:grasslands:khaki:log:paso:rangitoto +7547 scrumptious rgb 183 29 98 hex #B71D62 hsv 333 84 72 xyz 0.22 0.12 0.13 lab 41 62 1 lch 41 62 0 cmyk 0 60 33 28 PMS227[185][173,0,91](4.9):strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](5.1):colour_me_pink[2437][169,12,80](6.0):violet_red[8865][165,0,85](6.2):cranberry[2578][182,49,108](6.7) 1 strong:PMS227:colour:cranberry:me:pink:red:rose:violet +7548 sea rgb 60 153 146 hex #3C9992 hsv 175 61 60 xyz 0.18 0.26 0.31 lab 58 -29 -5 lch 58 29 189 cmyk 36 0 3 40 java[4749][37,151,151](4.2):lochinvar[5321][44,140,132](5.1):landmark[4907][62,152,137](5.2):lochinvar[5322][72,144,132](5.8):moderate_opal[5835][74,168,156](6.2) 1 moderate:java:landmark:lochinvar:opal +7549 sea_blue rgb 0 105 148 hex #006994 hsv 197 100 58 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.3 lab 42 -9 -31 lch 42 32 253 cmyk 58 17 0 42 yeehaa[9192][0,108,152](1.0):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](2.2):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](2.4):ocean_blue[6094][3,113,156](3.6):allports[1005][0,118,163](4.6) 6 PMS3015:allports:ocean:peacock:yeehaa:blue +7550 sea_blue rgb 4 116 149 hex #047495 hsv 194 97 58 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.31 lab 45 -15 -26 lch 45 30 240 cmyk 57 13 0 42 jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](3.7):astral[1169][50,125,160](5.0):deep_sky_blue[3056][0,104,139](5.0):strong_cerulean[8025][0,126,168](5.7):calypso[2013][49,114,141](5.8) 3 deep:strong:astral:bean:calypso:cerulean:jelly:sky:blue +7551 sea_buckthorn rgb 239 149 72 hex #EF9548 hsv 28 70 94 xyz 0.48 0.4 0.11 lab 70 27 53 lch 70 60 63 cmyk 0 35 65 6 faded_orange[3537][240,148,77](2.8):tan[8226][238,154,73](3.3):tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](4.6):tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](4.6):PMS715[894][252,158,73](5.1) 4 PMS715:eye:faded:tan:tiger:tiger's:orange +7552 sea_buckthorn rgb 251 161 41 hex #FBA129 hsv 34 84 98 xyz 0.53 0.46 0.08 lab 74 25 70 lch 74 74 70 cmyk 0 35 82 2 mango[5503][255,166,43](1.7):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](3.3):aureoline_yellow[1198][255,168,36](4.1):tree_poppy[8467][252,156,29](4.4):frenzee[3764][247,162,51](4.6) 6 aureoline:frenzee:mango:poppy:sunshade:tree:yellow +7553 sea_fog rgb 223 221 214 hex #DFDDD6 hsv 47 4 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.74 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 13 barely_there[1295][223,221,213](0.0):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](0.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](0.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](0.0):style_pasifika_white_cloud[8101][223,221,214](0.0) 131 barely:ceramic:cloud:haze:hint:of:pasifika:style:there:black:grey:white +7554 sea_fog rgb 252 255 249 hex #FCFFF9 hsv 90 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 1.04 lab 100 -2 3 lch 100 3 129 cmyk 1 0 2 0 ceramic[2174][252,255,249](0.0):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](0.0):wan_white[8990][252,255,249](0.0):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.0):baby_powder[1248][254,254,250](1.4) 60 baby:ceramic:hint:of:powder:wan:yellowish:grey:white +7555 sea_green rgb 9 88 89 hex #095859 hsv 181 90 35 xyz 0.05 0.08 0.11 lab 33 -21 -7 lch 33 22 198 cmyk 31 0 0 65 deep_sea_green[3055][9,88,89](0.0):deep_cyan[2984][0,89,89](1.4):PMS3165[360][0,86,91](2.2):deep_teal[3070][0,85,90](2.4):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](3.5) 9 deep:dark:PMS3165:cyan:sea:teal:green:turquoise +7556 sea_green rgb 31 99 97 hex #1F6361 hsv 178 69 39 xyz 0.07 0.1 0.13 lab 38 -21 -5 lch 38 22 193 cmyk 27 0 1 61 blue_stone[1592][22,100,97](2.0):caesar[1999][27,103,103](2.4):globe[3879][37,103,97](3.0):dark_turquoise[2910][4,92,90](3.6):blue_stone[1591][1,97,98](3.7) 11 dark:caesar:globe:stone:blue:turquoise +7557 sea_green rgb 35 142 104 hex #238E68 hsv 159 75 56 xyz 0.13 0.21 0.16 lab 53 -39 12 lch 53 41 163 cmyk 42 0 15 44 viridian[8875][30,145,103](2.8):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](3.2):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](4.1):ocean_green[6097][61,153,115](4.5):elf_green[3461][27,138,107](4.6) 5 dark:earth:elf:mother:ocean:sea:viridian:green +7558 sea_green rgb 46 139 87 hex #2E8B57 hsv 146 67 55 xyz 0.12 0.2 0.12 lab 52 -40 20 lch 52 44 153 cmyk 36 0 20 45 eucalyptus[3516][39,138,91](3.2):eucalyptus[3517][50,151,96](4.6):salem[7422][9,127,75](5.4):PMS348[422][0,135,81](5.8):viridian[8875][30,145,103](6.2) 2 PMS348:eucalyptus:salem:viridian +7559 sea_green rgb 67 205 128 hex #43CD80 hsv 147 67 80 xyz 0.28 0.46 0.28 lab 74 -54 28 lch 74 61 153 cmyk 54 0 30 20 emerald[3468][80,200,120](4.1):paris_green[6488][80,200,120](4.1):dark_mint[2801][72,192,114](5.4):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](5.8):algae_green[995][33,195,111](6.4) 2 dark:algae:emerald:paris:green:mint +7560 sea_green rgb 78 238 148 hex #4EEE94 hsv 146 67 93 xyz 0.39 0.65 0.38 lab 84 -61 32 lch 84 69 153 cmyk 63 0 35 7 brilliant_sea_green[1804][81,231,137](3.0):light_green_blue[5117][86,252,162](5.2):light_brilliant_sea_green[5066][101,255,159](6.3):very_light_malachite_green[8771][100,233,134](6.5):vivid_aquamarine[8894][0,231,145](6.6) 1 light:brilliant:vivid:very:malachite:sea:aquamarine:blue:green +7561 sea_green rgb 83 252 161 hex #53FCA1 hsv 148 67 99 xyz 0.45 0.74 0.46 lab 89 -63 31 lch 89 70 154 cmyk 66 0 36 1 light_green_blue[5117][86,252,162](1.0):light_brilliant_sea_green[5066][101,255,159](3.7):bright_sea_green[1747][5,255,166](7.3):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](8.1):luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](8.1) 2 luminous:light:brilliant:vivid:bright:sea:spring:aquamarine:blue:green +7562 sea_green rgb 84 255 159 hex #54FF9F hsv 146 67 100 xyz 0.46 0.76 0.45 lab 90 -64 33 lch 90 73 153 cmyk 67 0 38 0 light_green_blue[5117][86,252,162](3.0):light_brilliant_sea_green[5066][101,255,159](3.2):luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](7.1):bright_sea_green[1747][5,255,166](7.3):medium_spring_green[5643][0,250,154](7.7) 2 luminous:medium:light:brilliant:vivid:bright:sea:spring:aquamarine:blue:green +7563 sea_green rgb 159 226 191 hex #9FE2BF hsv 149 30 89 xyz 0.51 0.66 0.59 lab 85 -28 10 lch 85 30 160 cmyk 26 0 14 11 chinook[2299][168,227,189](3.6):padua[6299][173,230,196](3.7):PMS337[404][155,219,193](4.9):algae_green[996][147,223,184](4.9):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](5.1) 4 light:PMS337:algae:chinook:padua:teal:green +7564 sea_green_dark rgb 143 188 143 hex #8FBC8F hsv 120 24 74 xyz 0.34 0.44 0.33 lab 72 -24 18 lch 72 30 143 cmyk 18 0 18 26 dark_sea_green[2875][143,188,143](0.0):flat_medium_green[3672][143,188,143](0.0):pale_green[6343][143,188,143](0.0):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](5.7):bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](6.5) 3 pale:medium:dark:flat:bay:eton:leaf:sea:blue:green +7565 sea_green_light rgb 32 178 170 hex #20B2AA hsv 177 82 70 xyz 0.24 0.35 0.44 lab 66 -38 -6 lch 66 38 190 cmyk 57 0 3 30 light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](0.0):PMS326[377][0,178,170](1.4):PMS3272[382][0,170,158](3.7):tiffany_blue[8354][10,186,181](3.7):manganese_blue[5502][3,168,158](4.1) 6 light:PMS326:PMS3272:manganese:sea:tiffany:blue:green +7566 sea_green_medium rgb 60 179 113 hex #3CB371 hsv 147 66 70 xyz 0.21 0.34 0.21 lab 65 -48 24 lch 65 54 153 cmyk 47 0 26 30 medium_sea_green[5637][60,179,113](0.0):seaweed_green[7595][53,173,107](2.2):jade_green[4717][43,175,106](3.7):bluey_green[1611][43,177,121](5.1):dark_seafoam[2879][31,181,122](5.1) 3 medium:dark:bluey:jade:sea:seafoam:seaweed:green +7567 sea_mist rgb 194 213 196 hex #C2D5C4 hsv 126 9 84 xyz 0.56 0.63 0.61 lab 83 -10 6 lch 83 11 147 cmyk 7 0 7 16 PMS559[722][198,214,196](1.7):PMS622[801][193,209,191](1.7):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](1.7):PMS558[720][183,206,188](2.2):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](3.2) 13 PMS558:PMS559:PMS622:edgewater:fertile:mind +7568 sea_mist rgb 197 219 202 hex #C5DBCA hsv 134 10 86 xyz 0.59 0.67 0.66 lab 85 -11 6 lch 85 12 151 cmyk 9 0 7 14 edgewater[3363][193,216,197](1.4):PMS559[722][198,214,196](2.4):PMS565[734][188,219,204](2.8):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](3.0):surf[8158][187,215,193](3.5) 16 PMS559:PMS565:edgewater:fertile:mind:surf +7569 sea_nymph rgb 120 163 156 hex #78A39C hsv 170 26 64 xyz 0.27 0.33 0.36 lab 64 -16 -1 lch 64 16 184 cmyk 17 0 3 36 grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](2.4):paradise[6480][106,156,149](3.7):metamorphis[5694][128,157,150](4.6):greyish_teal[4233][113,159,145](4.7):grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](4.9) 5 cyan:grayish:greyish:metamorphis:paradise:teal:turquoise +7570 sea_nymph rgb 138 174 164 hex #8AAEA4 hsv 163 21 68 xyz 0.32 0.38 0.41 lab 68 -14 1 lch 68 14 176 cmyk 14 0 4 32 cascade[2121][140,168,160](3.2):cascade[2120][139,169,165](3.7):grayish_turquoise[4017][125,168,158](3.7):unwind[8655][152,183,175](4.5):PMS5493[699][140,175,173](4.6) 5 PMS5493:cascade:grayish:unwind:turquoise +7571 sea_pink rgb 219 129 126 hex #DB817E hsv 2 42 86 xyz 0.41 0.32 0.24 lab 64 34 17 lch 64 38 26 cmyk 0 35 36 14 new_york_pink[6043][215,131,127](2.2):pink[6668][231,139,139](4.6):new_york_pink[6044][221,131,116](6.1):sweet_pink[8182][238,145,141](6.1):PMS701[880][232,135,142](7.1) 2 PMS701:new:sweet:york:pink +7572 sea_pink rgb 237 152 158 hex #ED989E hsv 356 36 93 xyz 0.52 0.43 0.38 lab 72 33 10 lch 72 34 17 cmyk 0 33 31 7 PMS197[155][239,153,163](2.0):PMS1765[114][249,158,163](3.0):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](4.2):wewak[9059][241,145,154](4.6):sweet_pink[8183][253,159,162](4.7) 5 PMS1765:PMS197:ruddy:sweet:wewak:pink +7573 sea_serpent rgb 75 199 207 hex #4BC7CF hsv 184 64 81 xyz 0.35 0.47 0.66 lab 74 -31 -14 lch 74 34 204 cmyk 52 3 0 19 PMS319[363][76,206,209](4.1):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](5.5):dark_turquoise[2908][0,195,205](6.2):viking[8839][100,204,219](6.6):turquoise[8574][0,197,205](6.6) 1 dark:PMS3115:PMS319:viking:turquoise +7574 sea_world rgb 50 63 117 hex #323F75 hsv 228 57 46 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.18 lab 28 12 -33 lch 28 35 290 cmyk 26 21 0 54 resolution_blue[7189][50,63,117](0.0):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](2.0):vroom[8977][53,61,117](2.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](4.1):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](4.1) 6 bay:decadence:resolution:topsy:torea:turvy:vroom:blue +7575 seachange rgb 78 110 129 hex #4E6E81 hsv 202 40 51 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.23 lab 45 -6 -14 lch 45 16 246 cmyk 20 7 0 49 bismark[1427][73,113,131](3.0):blue_bayoux[1544][73,102,121](3.2):bismark[1426][72,108,122](3.7):dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](4.1):payne's_grey[6531][83,104,120](4.1) 7 dark:bayoux:bismark:electric:payne's:blue:grey +7576 seafoam rgb 128 249 173 hex #80F9AD hsv 142 49 98 xyz 0.5 0.75 0.51 lab 90 -51 26 lch 90 57 153 cmyk 47 0 30 2 seafoam_green[7578][122,249,171](1.7):light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](2.0):foam_green[3709][144,253,169](5.5):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](5.7):light_greenish_blue[5118][99,247,180](6.7) 2 light:bluish:foam:greenish:seafoam:blue:green +7577 seafoam_blue rgb 120 209 182 hex #78D1B6 hsv 162 43 82 xyz 0.39 0.53 0.52 lab 78 -33 5 lch 78 33 171 cmyk 35 0 11 18 PMS338[406][122,209,181](1.0):downy[3262][111,210,190](4.1):pearl_aqua[6566][136,216,192](4.4):PMS3248[372][122,211,193](4.6):pale_teal[6437][130,203,178](5.4) 4 pale:PMS3248:PMS338:aqua:downy:pearl:teal +7578 seafoam_green rgb 122 249 171 hex #7AF9AB hsv 143 51 98 xyz 0.49 0.75 0.5 lab 89 -52 27 lch 89 59 153 cmyk 50 0 31 2 seafoam[7576][128,249,173](1.7):light_blue_green[5019][126,251,179](3.3):light_bluish_green[5022][118,253,168](4.4):foam_green[3709][144,253,169](5.4):light_brilliant_spring_green[5068][101,255,178](6.6) 3 light:brilliant:bluish:foam:seafoam:spring:blue:green +7579 seagrass rgb 134 164 117 hex #86A475 hsv 98 29 64 xyz 0.26 0.33 0.22 lab 64 -19 21 lch 64 29 132 cmyk 12 0 18 36 grayish_harlequin[4006][136,168,125](2.8):amulet[1048][125,157,114](3.7):english_sage[3493][125,157,114](3.7):greyish_green[4230][130,166,125](4.2):grayish_chartreuse_green[4001][147,168,125](4.6) 5 amulet:chartreuse:english:grayish:greyish:harlequin:sage:green +7580 seagull rgb 119 183 208 hex #77B7D0 hsv 197 43 82 xyz 0.36 0.42 0.66 lab 71 -14 -19 lch 71 24 234 cmyk 35 10 0 18 parachute[6479][101,184,209](4.1):dark_sky_blue[2883][140,190,214](4.7):meltwater[5671][110,174,192](4.7):refresh[7168][113,184,202](5.0):glacier[3869][128,179,196](5.2) 4 dark:glacier:meltwater:parachute:refresh:sky:blue +7581 seagull rgb 128 204 234 hex #80CCEA hsv 197 45 92 xyz 0.45 0.54 0.86 lab 78 -16 -22 lch 78 27 235 cmyk 42 12 0 8 sky_blue[7747][135,206,235](1.7):PMS297[325][130,198,226](3.0):anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](3.0):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](3.0):light_cerulean[5079][139,208,231](4.5) 6 light:PMS297:anakiwa:baby:cerulean:sky:blue +7582 seal_brown rgb 50 20 20 hex #321414 hsv 360 60 20 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 11 15 7 lch 11 17 25 cmyk 0 12 12 80 havana[4433][52,21,21](1.0):jarrah[4741][52,21,21](1.0):tamarind[8218][52,21,21](1.0):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](2.8):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](3.7) 8 15:havana:jarrah:lmu:rustic:tamarind:toast:red +7583 seance rgb 105 50 110 hex #69326E hsv 295 55 43 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.15 lab 30 34 -24 lch 30 42 325 cmyk 2 24 0 57 giggle[3857][105,50,110](0.0):style_pasifika_purple_flax[8090][105,50,110](0.0):PMS520[644][112,53,114](2.8):eminence[3474][110,57,116](3.2):imperial[4614][96,47,107](3.5) 6 PMS520:eminence:flax:giggle:imperial:pasifika:style:purple +7584 seance rgb 115 30 143 hex #731E8F hsv 285 79 56 xyz 0.12 0.07 0.27 lab 31 53 -44 lch 31 69 320 cmyk 11 44 0 44 dark_slate_blue[2888][107,35,142](4.2):PMS527[658][122,30,153](4.7):dark_orchid[2828][104,34,139](5.4):PMS2592_2X[236][114,0,130](6.0):purple[6862][126,30,156](6.0) 2 slate:dark:2X:PMS2592:PMS527:orchid:blue:purple +7585 seashell rgb 139 134 130 hex #8B8682 hsv 27 6 55 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.25 lab 56 1 3 lch 56 3 68 cmyk 0 2 4 45 natural_grey[5986][139,134,128](1.0):schooner[7531][139,132,126](1.4):eighth_masala[3407][138,137,132](2.2):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](2.2):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](2.2) 62 eighth:jumbo:masala:natural:schooner:silver:steel:grey +7586 seashell rgb 205 197 191 hex #CDC5BF hsv 26 7 80 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.57 lab 80 2 4 lch 80 4 67 cmyk 0 3 5 20 quarter_cloudy[6932][208,201,195](1.4):quarter_perfect_taupe[6979][204,195,187](1.4):pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](2.0):silver[7706][205,197,194](2.0):silver_rust[7716][201,192,187](2.0) 70 pale:cloudy:perfect:quarter:rust:silver:taupe +7587 seashell rgb 227 225 224 hex #E3E1E0 hsv 20 1 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.81 lab 90 1 1 lch 90 1 55 cmyk 0 1 1 11 half_concrete[4312][226,225,224](1.0):bon_jour[1639][229,224,225](1.4):ditto[3144][231,226,228](1.4):ebb[3343][233,227,227](1.4):grey[4192][227,227,227](1.4) 101 bon:concrete:ditto:ebb:half:jour:grey +7588 seashell rgb 238 229 222 hex #EEE5DE hsv 26 7 93 xyz 0.76 0.79 0.8 lab 91 2 4 lch 91 5 68 cmyk 0 4 6 7 half_whiteout[4414][235,228,224](1.0):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.4):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.7):spring_wood[7932][233,225,217](1.7) 119 desert:eighth:fossil:half:pampas:spring:storm:whiteout:wood +7589 seashell rgb 241 241 241 hex #F1F1F1 hsv 0 0 95 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.96 lab 95 0 0 lch 95 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 5 concrete[2451][242,242,242](0.0):grey[4197][240,240,240](0.0):grey[4198][242,242,242](0.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](1.0):grey[4196][237,237,237](1.0) 103 concrete:gallery:grey +7590 seashell rgb 255 245 238 hex #FFF5EE hsv 25 7 100 xyz 0.89 0.93 0.94 lab 97 2 5 lch 97 5 65 cmyk 0 4 7 0 seashell_peach[7591][255,245,238](0.0):provincial_pink[6824][254,245,241](2.0):serenade[7618][255,244,232](2.0):floral_white[3694][255,250,240](2.2):linen[5293][250,240,230](2.2) 80 floral:linen:provincial:seashell:serenade:peach:pink:white +7591 seashell_peach rgb 255 245 238 hex #FFF5EE hsv 25 7 100 xyz 0.89 0.93 0.94 lab 97 2 5 lch 97 5 65 cmyk 0 4 7 0 seashell[7590][255,245,238](0.0):provincial_pink[6824][254,245,241](2.0):serenade[7618][255,244,232](2.0):floral_white[3694][255,250,240](2.2):linen[5293][250,240,230](2.2) 80 floral:linen:provincial:seashell:serenade:pink:white +7592 seaweed rgb 24 209 123 hex #18D17B hsv 152 89 82 xyz 0.27 0.47 0.26 lab 74 -62 31 lch 74 69 153 cmyk 73 0 34 18 algae_green[995][33,195,111](5.7):ufo_green[8628][60,208,112](6.7):dark_mint_green[2802][32,192,115](7.7):aqua_green[1104][18,225,147](7.9):vivid_aquamarine[8894][0,231,145](8.3) 0 dark:vivid:algae:aqua:ufo:aquamarine:green:mint +7593 seaweed rgb 27 47 17 hex #1B2F11 hsv 100 64 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 17 -15 17 lch 17 22 132 cmyk 8 0 12 82 deep_forest_green[2988][24,45,9](2.4):forest_green[3722][24,45,9](2.4):mallard[5483][35,52,24](4.1):palm_leaf[6458][25,51,14](4.4):black_olive[1466][36,46,22](6.7) 4 deep:forest:leaf:mallard:olive:palm:black:green +7594 seaweed rgb 55 65 42 hex #37412A hsv 86 35 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.03 lab 26 -9 13 lch 26 16 125 cmyk 4 0 9 75 mediterranean_olive[5594][53,63,42](1.4):olive_green[6162][53,63,42](1.4):bathurst[1315][60,64,39](2.8):mallard[5484][58,69,49](2.8):butterfly_creek[1957][60,73,47](3.7) 9 bathurst:butterfly:creek:mallard:mediterranean:olive:green +7595 seaweed_green rgb 53 173 107 hex #35AD6B hsv 147 69 68 xyz 0.19 0.32 0.19 lab 63 -48 25 lch 63 54 153 cmyk 47 0 26 32 medium_sea_green[5637][60,179,113](2.2):sea_green_medium[7566][60,179,113](2.2):jade_green[4717][43,175,106](3.3):chateau_green[2242][64,168,96](4.6):moderate_malachite_green[5832][74,168,97](5.1) 4 medium:moderate:chateau:jade:malachite:sea:green +7596 sebedee rgb 233 97 57 hex #E96139 hsv 14 76 91 xyz 0.39 0.26 0.07 lab 58 51 48 lch 58 70 44 cmyk 0 53 69 9 tomato[8410][238,92,66](5.7):flame_pea[3655][218,91,56](5.8):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](6.4):PMS1645[96][249,114,66](6.6):PMS811[932][255,114,71](7.1) 0 PMS1645:PMS811:flame:outrageous:pea:tomato:orange +7597 secret_garden rgb 109 109 38 hex #6D6D26 hsv 60 65 43 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.04 lab 45 -10 38 lch 45 40 105 cmyk 0 0 28 57 PMS5757[749][107,112,43](2.2):PMS5825[768][117,112,43](2.2):olivetone[6176][116,112,40](2.4):pistachio[6719][103,105,39](2.8):crete[2597][119,113,43](3.7) 13 PMS5757:PMS5825:crete:olivetone:pistachio +7598 secret_road rgb 157 130 97 hex #9D8261 hsv 33 38 62 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.15 lab 56 6 22 lch 56 22 76 cmyk 0 11 24 38 goldmine[3943][155,129,96](1.0):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](1.7):triple_doeskin[8488][159,132,96](1.7):sandal[7460][163,135,106](2.8):double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](3.7) 11 doeskin:double:goldmine:rickshaw:sandal:sorrell:triple:brown +7599 secrets rgb 198 202 187 hex #C6CABB hsv 76 7 79 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.55 lab 81 -4 7 lch 81 8 120 cmyk 2 0 6 21 harp[4425][203,206,192](1.0):PMS5655[735][198,204,186](1.4):PMS5585[721][196,206,191](2.4):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](2.4):froth_green[3784][202,199,183](2.4) 55 PMS5585:PMS5655:chrome:froth:harp:green:white +7600 seeker rgb 0 146 165 hex #0092A5 hsv 187 100 65 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.39 lab 55 -25 -19 lch 55 32 217 cmyk 65 7 0 35 strong_arctic_blue[8019][0,147,168](1.4):scooter[7535][48,142,160](4.1):PMS3135[354][0,155,170](4.4):eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](4.6):eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](4.7) 8 strong:PMS3135:arctic:eastern:scooter:blue +7601 seismic rgb 156 125 103 hex #9C7D67 hsv 25 34 61 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.16 lab 55 9 17 lch 55 19 62 cmyk 0 12 21 39 double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](2.2):dusty_road[3313][151,126,102](3.0):beaver[1337][159,129,112](3.2):quasar[7019][161,125,96](4.1):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](4.5) 8 beaver:double:dusty:quasar:rickshaw:road:sorrell:brown +7602 selago rgb 230 223 231 hex #E6DFE7 hsv 293 3 91 xyz 0.73 0.75 0.86 lab 90 4 -3 lch 90 5 321 cmyk 0 3 0 9 chalk_lavender[2198][228,222,231](1.4):prim[6810][240,226,236](2.2):lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](2.8):lavenderblush[4950][238,224,229](2.8):bon_jour[1639][229,224,225](3.6) 24 blush:bon:chalk:jour:lavenderblush:prim:lavender +7603 selago rgb 240 238 253 hex #F0EEFD hsv 248 6 99 xyz 0.84 0.87 1.05 lab 95 3 -7 lch 95 8 296 cmyk 5 6 0 1 titan_white[8375][240,238,255](1.4):magnolia[5456][248,244,255](2.8):glitter[3876][230,232,250](3.6):silver[7707][230,232,250](3.6):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](3.7) 11 bluish:glitter:magnolia:silver:titan:white +7604 selective_yellow rgb 255 186 0 hex #FFBA00 hsv 44 100 100 xyz 0.59 0.56 0.08 lab 80 13 82 lch 80 83 81 cmyk 0 27 100 0 dark_goldenrod[2733][255,185,15](2.2):medium_goldenrod[5612][255,185,15](2.2):orangey_yellow[6229][253,185,21](3.2):amber[1035][255,191,0](3.3):fluorescent_orange[3701][255,191,0](3.3) 14 medium:dark:amber:fluorescent:goldenrod:orangey:orange:yellow +7605 semi_sweet_chocolate rgb 107 66 38 hex #6B4226 hsv 24 64 42 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.03 lab 32 15 24 lch 32 28 59 cmyk 0 16 27 58 dark_rimu[2858][112,65,40](3.2):cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](3.3):old_copper[6127][114,74,47](3.3):brown_nose[1850][107,68,35](3.7):flattery[3676][107,68,35](3.7) 13 dark:cape:copper:flattery:nose:old:palliser:rimu:brown +7606 sensual_red rgb 144 39 66 hex #902742 hsv 345 73 56 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.06 lab 34 46 9 lch 34 47 12 cmyk 0 41 31 44 PMS208[166][142,35,68](2.4):geronimo[3846][136,33,60](3.3):filmpro_deep_red[3607][144,36,58](5.1):rosehip[7320][132,33,57](5.1):big_dip_o_ruby[1404][156,37,66](6.0) 2 deep:PMS208:big:dip:filmpro:geronimo:o:rosehip:ruby:red +7607 sentimental rgb 255 225 212 hex #FFE1D4 hsv 18 17 100 xyz 0.8 0.8 0.73 lab 92 8 10 lch 92 13 51 cmyk 0 12 17 0 watusi[9024][255,221,207](2.4):marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](3.0):pippin[6713][252,219,210](3.0):tuft_bush[8554][255,221,205](3.0):PMS705[884][249,221,214](3.7) 15 PMS705:bush:marshmallow:pippin:tuft:watusi +7608 sentry rgb 28 39 40 hex #1C2728 hsv 185 30 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 -4 -2 lch 15 5 207 cmyk 5 0 0 84 bledisloe[1513][25,40,43](2.2):charleston_green[2229][35,43,43](2.4):dark_gunmetal[2771][31,38,42](2.8):cinder[2328][36,42,46](3.0):black_pearl[1469][30,39,44](3.6) 26 dark:bledisloe:charleston:cinder:gunmetal:pearl:black:green +7609 sepia rgb 43 2 2 hex #2B0202 hsv 360 95 17 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 5 20 7 lch 5 21 20 cmyk 0 16 16 83 sepia_black[7615][43,2,2](0.0):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](5.4):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](6.9):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](7.0):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](7.1) 1 15:38:39:40:beer:lmu:sepia:srm:toast:black +7610 sepia rgb 58 47 45 hex #3A2F2D hsv 9 22 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 5 3 lch 21 6 34 cmyk 0 4 5 77 style_pasifika_black_tan[8069][58,47,45](0.0):filmpro_burnt_umber[3605][58,48,44](1.4):marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](2.0):tamarind[8219][62,47,46](2.0):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](2.2) 53 burnt:cave:filmpro:marbaroda:pasifika:rock:style:tamarind:tan:umber:black +7611 sepia rgb 94 38 18 hex #5E2612 hsv 16 81 37 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 23 24 25 lch 23 35 46 cmyk 0 22 30 63 dark_oak[2809][97,39,24](2.4):espresso[3511][97,39,24](2.4):meranti[5674][93,30,15](4.5):redwood[7162][93,30,15](4.5):liver[5309][108,46,31](4.9) 5 dark:espresso:liver:meranti:oak:redwood +7612 sepia rgb 112 66 20 hex #704214 hsv 30 82 44 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.02 lab 33 16 35 lch 33 38 65 cmyk 0 18 36 56 PMS464_2X[560][112,66,20](0.0):cafe_royale[2001][111,68,12](3.6):PMS731[910][114,63,10](3.7):PMS1405[56][107,71,20](5.0):PMS161[89][99,58,17](5.1) 4 2X:PMS1405:PMS161:PMS464:PMS731:cafe:royale +7613 sepia rgb 152 94 43 hex #985E2B hsv 28 72 60 xyz 0.17 0.15 0.04 lab 45 19 38 lch 45 43 63 cmyk 0 23 43 40 sunshine[8148][156,101,49](3.6):afghan_tan[972][144,94,38](4.2):mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](4.6):style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](4.6):tan[8220][139,90,43](5.4) 4 afghan:mai:pasifika:sand:shore:style:sunshine:tai:tan +7614 sepia rgb 165 105 79 hex #A5694F hsv 18 52 65 xyz 0.22 0.19 0.1 lab 50 21 25 lch 50 32 49 cmyk 0 24 34 35 sante_fe[7487][169,106,80](1.4):claypot[2365][171,105,80](3.2):cape_palliser[2061][162,102,69](4.1):santa_fe[7484][177,109,82](4.4):moderate_tangelo[5851][168,109,74](4.6) 5 moderate:cape:claypot:fe:palliser:santa:sante:tangelo +7615 sepia_black rgb 43 2 2 hex #2B0202 hsv 360 95 17 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 5 20 7 lch 5 21 20 cmyk 0 16 16 83 sepia[7609][43,2,2](0.0):beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](5.4):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](6.9):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](7.0):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](7.1) 1 15:38:39:40:beer:lmu:sepia:srm:toast +7616 sepia_skin rgb 158 91 64 hex #9E5B40 hsv 17 59 62 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.07 lab 46 25 27 lch 46 37 48 cmyk 0 26 37 38 coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.6):moderate_vermilion[5853][168,97,74](3.7):wild_west[9114][154,84,64](4.1):krakatoa[4890][157,82,59](4.5):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](4.6) 5 moderate:burnished:coconut:krakatoa:vermilion:west:wild:orange +7617 serenade rgb 252 233 215 hex #FCE9D7 hsv 29 15 99 xyz 0.82 0.84 0.76 lab 93 4 11 lch 93 12 72 cmyk 0 7 15 1 karry[4821][255,234,212](2.2):antique_white[1070][250,235,215](2.4):moccasin[5801][250,235,215](2.4):antique_white[1071][255,239,219](3.0):peach[6544][255,240,219](3.0) 24 antique:karry:moccasin:peach:white +7618 serenade rgb 255 244 232 hex #FFF4E8 hsv 31 9 100 xyz 0.88 0.92 0.89 lab 97 2 7 lch 97 7 77 cmyk 0 4 9 0 seashell[7590][255,245,238](2.0):seashell_peach[7591][255,245,238](2.0):linen[5293][250,240,230](2.2):old_lace[6135][253,245,230](2.2):oldlace[6149][253,245,230](2.2) 66 lace:linen:old:oldlace:seashell:peach +7619 serendipity rgb 177 185 211 hex #B1B9D3 hsv 226 16 83 xyz 0.47 0.49 0.69 lab 75 3 -14 lch 75 14 280 cmyk 13 10 0 17 nemo[6008][177,185,211](0.0):echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](3.0):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](3.0):alaska[987][178,185,205](3.2):PMS2708[268][175,188,219](3.3) 14 PMS2708:alaska:echo:nemo:pigeon:post:blue +7620 serene rgb 189 176 163 hex #BDB0A3 hsv 30 14 74 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.41 lab 73 2 8 lch 73 9 74 cmyk 0 5 10 26 nomad[6067][186,177,162](1.4):silk[7702][187,173,161](1.4):half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](2.0):PMS401[485][193,181,165](2.2):PMS414[497][181,175,160](2.2) 49 PMS401:PMS414:half:nomad:perfect:silk:taupe +7621 serenity rgb 141 191 163 hex #8DBFA3 hsv 146 26 75 xyz 0.36 0.46 0.42 lab 73 -22 9 lch 73 24 158 cmyk 20 0 11 25 summer_green[8117][143,182,156](4.5):padua[6298][126,179,148](4.6):eton_blue[3515][150,200,162](6.2):PMS563[730][127,188,170](6.4):bay_leaf[1322][123,177,141](7.1) 2 PMS563:bay:eton:leaf:padua:summer:blue:green +7622 settlement rgb 161 152 139 hex #A1988B hsv 35 14 63 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.29 lab 63 1 8 lch 63 8 83 cmyk 0 4 9 37 triple_truffle[8528][163,155,142](1.0):half_pravda[4371][160,153,138](1.4):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](1.4):half_stonewashed[4394][158,148,137](1.7):half_taupe_grey[4400][157,153,143](2.2) 42 half:pravda:rockbottom:stonewashed:taupe:triple:truffle:grey +7623 shadow rgb 131 112 80 hex #837050 hsv 38 39 51 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.1 lab 48 3 21 lch 48 21 83 cmyk 0 7 20 49 double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](1.4):french_bistre[3743][133,109,77](2.0):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](2.8):lodestar[5327][138,114,82](2.8):burlywood[1914][139,115,85](3.0) 15 bistre:burlywood:colins:double:dull:french:lodestar:wicket:brown +7624 shadow rgb 138 121 93 hex #8A795D hsv 37 33 54 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.13 lab 52 2 18 lch 52 18 83 cmyk 0 7 18 46 navajo_white[5987][139,121,94](1.4):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](3.0):triple_grey_olive[8494][134,123,93](3.0):brownish_grey[1865][134,119,95](3.2):carat[2075][134,125,96](3.2) 19 brownish:carat:navajo:nullarbor:olive:triple:grey:white +7625 shadow_blue rgb 119 139 165 hex #778BA5 hsv 214 28 65 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.39 lab 57 -1 -16 lch 57 16 266 cmyk 18 10 0 35 blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](3.0):bermuda_grey[1395][107,139,162](4.1):grayish_azure[3997][125,147,168](4.1):grey_blue[4206][107,139,164](4.2):PMS652[831][109,135,168](4.5) 8 PMS652:bermuda:blue/grey:grayish:azure:blue:grey +7626 shadow_green rgb 154 192 182 hex #9AC0B6 hsv 164 20 75 xyz 0.41 0.48 0.51 lab 75 -15 1 lch 75 15 177 cmyk 15 0 4 25 summer_green[8118][150,187,171](3.7):unwind[8655][152,183,175](4.2):opal[6189][169,198,194](5.4):PMS5503[702][170,196,191](5.5):opal[6188][168,195,188](5.5) 2 PMS5503:opal:summer:unwind:green +7627 shadow_green rgb 154 194 184 hex #9AC2B8 hsv 165 21 76 xyz 0.41 0.49 0.53 lab 75 -15 1 lch 75 15 178 cmyk 16 0 4 24 summer_green[8118][150,187,171](3.7):unwind[8655][152,183,175](4.2):opal[6189][169,198,194](5.4):PMS5503[702][170,196,191](5.5):opal[6188][168,195,188](5.5) 2 PMS5503:opal:summer:unwind:green +7628 shadow_match rgb 49 47 44 hex #312F2C hsv 36 10 19 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 0 2 lch 20 2 84 cmyk 0 1 2 81 crowshead[2610][50,49,46](0.0):banjul[1288][52,50,45](1.4):grey[4117][48,48,48](2.0):dune[3291][56,53,51](2.2):grey[4116][46,46,46](2.2) 64 banjul:crowshead:dune:grey +7629 shadowland rgb 38 39 44 hex #26272C hsv 230 14 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 16 1 -3 lch 16 4 284 cmyk 2 2 0 83 black_russian[1477][36,37,43](1.4):shark[7644][37,39,44](1.4):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.4):double_foundry[3202][40,42,44](1.7):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](1.7) 37 double:foundry:jaguar:russian:shark:trail:wine:black +7630 shadowy_lavender rgb 78 74 78 hex #4E4A4E hsv 300 5 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 32 3 -2 lch 32 3 325 cmyk 0 2 0 69 dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](1.7):liver[5307][83,75,79](1.7):transformer[8457][79,72,75](1.7):emperor[3475][80,73,74](2.0):thriller[8334][75,70,75](2.0) 37 dark:emperor:liver:thriller:transformer +7631 shady_lady rgb 159 155 157 hex #9F9B9D hsv 330 3 62 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.37 lab 64 2 -1 lch 64 2 344 cmyk 0 2 1 38 quarter_sidewinder[6990][156,151,155](1.4):grey[4162][156,156,156](2.2):grey[4161][153,153,153](2.4):grey[4163][158,158,158](2.4):spanish_grey[7875][152,152,152](2.4) 31 quarter:sidewinder:spanish:grey +7632 shady_lady rgb 170 165 169 hex #AAA5A9 hsv 312 3 67 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.43 lab 68 3 -1 lch 68 3 331 cmyk 0 2 0 33 double_rakaia[3230][169,165,165](2.8):ashen_lavender[1159][177,169,177](3.0):ajay[979][176,172,174](3.2):eighth_sidewinder[3418][176,172,174](3.2):grey[4166][166,166,166](3.2) 28 ajay:ashen:double:eighth:rakaia:sidewinder:grey:lavender +7633 shakespeare rgb 78 171 209 hex #4EABD1 hsv 197 63 82 xyz 0.29 0.35 0.66 lab 66 -16 -28 lch 66 32 240 cmyk 51 15 0 18 peacock[6558][51,161,201](4.2):PMS298[327][81,181,224](4.5):summer_sky[8119][56,176,222](5.5):bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](5.9):cerulean[2185][29,172,214](5.9) 2 PMS298:bright:cerulean:peacock:sky:summer +7634 shakespeare rgb 96 154 184 hex #609AB8 hsv 200 48 72 xyz 0.25 0.29 0.5 lab 61 -11 -21 lch 61 24 244 cmyk 35 12 0 28 air_superiority_blue[978][114,160,193](5.1):hippie_blue[4507][88,154,175](5.7):moonstone_blue[5892][115,169,194](5.8):boston_blue[1665][67,142,172](6.2):endorphin[3484][65,144,173](6.5) 0 air:boston:endorphin:hippie:moonstone:superiority:blue +7635 shalimar rgb 248 246 168 hex #F8F6A8 hsv 59 32 97 xyz 0.79 0.89 0.5 lab 95 -11 38 lch 95 39 106 cmyk 0 1 31 3 PMS601[780][242,237,158](2.4):drover[3275][253,247,173](3.0):canary[2036][255,253,173](3.2):parchment[6485][254,252,175](3.2):portafino[6785][255,255,180](3.6) 13 PMS601:canary:drover:parchment:portafino +7636 shalimar rgb 251 255 186 hex #FBFFBA hsv 63 27 100 xyz 0.84 0.96 0.6 lab 98 -12 33 lch 98 35 110 cmyk 2 0 27 0 pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](1.0):creme[2589][255,255,182](2.2):old_medium_goldenrod[6142][255,255,187](2.2):light_beige[5009][255,254,182](2.8):very_pale_yellow[8823][255,255,191](3.0) 10 pale:medium:light:very:beige:creme:goldenrod:old:prim:yellow +7637 shampoo rgb 255 207 241 hex #FFCFF1 hsv 318 19 100 xyz 0.79 0.72 0.93 lab 88 22 -10 lch 88 25 335 cmyk 0 19 5 0 classic_rose[2358][251,204,231](3.3):chantilly[2214][248,195,223](5.1):pale_mauve[6390][254,208,252](5.2):french_lilac[3751][236,199,238](6.0):pale_rose[6419][255,194,224](6.4) 1 pale:chantilly:classic:french:lilac:mauve:rose +7638 shamrock rgb 1 180 76 hex #01B44C hsv 145 99 71 xyz 0.18 0.33 0.12 lab 64 -61 42 lch 64 74 146 cmyk 70 0 41 29 green[4025][0,173,67](2.4):strong_sea_green[8058][0,168,63](4.6):shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](7.5):medium_green[5613][57,173,72](8.1):PMS361[435][30,181,58](8.1) 2 medium:strong:PMS361:sea:shamrock:green +7639 shamrock rgb 51 204 153 hex #33CC99 hsv 160 75 80 xyz 0.29 0.46 0.38 lab 74 -51 14 lch 74 53 164 cmyk 60 0 20 20 medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](1.4):caribbean_green[2087][0,204,153](3.2):caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](4.1):PMS3395[409][0,201,147](4.6):eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](4.6) 5 medium:PMS3395:caribbean:eucalyptus:aquamarine:green +7640 shamrock rgb 69 206 162 hex #45CEA2 hsv 161 67 81 xyz 0.31 0.48 0.42 lab 75 -47 11 lch 75 49 167 cmyk 54 0 17 19 PMS3385[407][84,216,168](3.6):eucalyptus[3518][68,215,168](4.4):dali[2662][32,194,158](6.5):medium_aquamarine[5595][50,205,153](6.5):ocean_green[6099][72,191,145](6.6) 2 medium:PMS3385:dali:eucalyptus:ocean:aquamarine:green +7641 shamrock_green rgb 0 158 96 hex #009E60 hsv 156 100 62 xyz 0.14 0.25 0.15 lab 57 -50 23 lch 57 55 156 cmyk 62 0 24 38 PMS347[421][0,158,96](0.0):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](2.8):howzat[4577][0,158,89](3.2):jade[4713][0,168,107](4.6):spanish_green[7872][0,145,80](4.6) 6 PMS347:haze:howzat:jade:spanish:green +7642 shamrock_green rgb 2 193 77 hex #02C14D hsv 144 99 76 xyz 0.2 0.39 0.13 lab 69 -65 46 lch 69 80 144 cmyk 75 0 45 24 emerald_green[3470][0,201,87](2.4):PMS361[435][30,181,58](6.4):dark_pastel_green[2835][3,192,60](7.1):filmpro_digital_green[3609][68,197,83](7.3):shamrock[7638][1,180,76](7.5) 1 dark:PMS361:digital:emerald:filmpro:pastel:shamrock:green +7643 shapeshifter rgb 64 70 83 hex #404653 hsv 221 23 33 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.09 lab 30 1 -9 lch 30 9 275 cmyk 7 5 0 67 skywater[7753][64,70,83](0.0):rhino[7197][61,70,83](1.4):mako[5476][68,73,84](2.2):river_bed[7236][67,76,89](2.2):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](2.4) 17 bed:bright:mako:rhino:river:skywater:grey +7644 shark rgb 37 39 44 hex #25272C hsv 223 16 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 16 0 -4 lch 16 4 276 cmyk 3 2 0 83 black_russian[1477][36,37,43](1.4):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](1.4):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.4):blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](1.7):bastille[1314][44,44,50](2.2) 37 bastille:charcoal:russian:shadowland:trail:wine:black:blue +7645 shark rgb 52 54 58 hex #34363A hsv 220 10 23 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.05 lab 23 0 -3 lch 23 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 77 vulcan[8979][54,56,60](0.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.0):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.4):atom[1184][55,58,60](1.7):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](1.7) 60 atom:bay:clay:ebony:tao:vulcan:woody:grey +7646 sheen_green rgb 143 212 0 hex #8FD400 hsv 80 100 83 xyz 0.35 0.53 0.08 lab 78 -47 77 lch 78 90 121 cmyk 27 0 83 17 PMS375[450][140,214,0](1.0):alien_armpit[999][132,222,2](7.3):vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](8.3):slime_green[7776][153,204,4](8.5):lickety_split[4993][163,217,45](9.1) 1 vivid:PMS375:alien:armpit:lickety:slime:split:green:lime +7647 sheer_black rgb 51 47 47 hex #332F2F hsv 0 8 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 2 1 lch 20 2 20 cmyk 0 2 2 80 barbecue[1289][54,48,48](1.0):half_diesel[4316][53,49,49](1.0):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.0):diesel[3122][50,44,43](1.7):half_bokara_grey[4297][53,51,51](1.7) 62 barbecue:bokara:diesel:half:night:rider:grey +7648 shelter rgb 180 161 131 hex #B4A183 hsv 37 27 71 xyz 0.36 0.37 0.27 lab 67 2 18 lch 67 18 83 cmyk 0 7 19 29 doeskin[3156][182,160,129](1.4):double_sisal[3237][178,162,134](1.4):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](2.2):quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](2.4):taupe[8261][185,162,129](2.4) 21 colins:doeskin:double:howlin:quarter:sisal:taupe:wicket:wolf +7649 sherbert rgb 210 224 158 hex #D2E09E hsv 73 29 88 xyz 0.59 0.69 0.43 lab 87 -15 31 lch 87 34 116 cmyk 5 0 26 12 geneva[3839][210,224,158](0.0):deco[2948][210,218,151](3.0):PMS365[439][211,232,163](3.6):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](5.8):caper[2063][220,237,180](6.4) 3 PMS365:caper:deco:geneva:paper:rice +7650 sherpa_blue rgb 0 73 78 hex #00494E hsv 184 100 31 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.08 lab 28 -18 -9 lch 28 20 206 cmyk 31 2 0 69 PMS316[359][0,73,79](1.0):dark_teal[2906][1,77,78](3.0):midnight_green[5724][0,73,83](3.6):deep_arctic_blue[2955][0,78,89](4.1):deep_south[3061][0,72,83](4.4) 10 deep:dark:PMS316:arctic:midnight:south:teal:blue:green +7651 sherpa_blue rgb 0 73 80 hex #004950 hsv 185 100 31 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.08 lab 28 -17 -10 lch 28 20 210 cmyk 31 3 0 69 PMS316[359][0,73,79](1.0):midnight_green[5724][0,73,83](2.2):deep_arctic_blue[2955][0,78,89](3.0):deep_south[3061][0,72,83](3.0):dark_teal[2906][1,77,78](4.4) 7 deep:dark:PMS316:arctic:midnight:south:teal:blue:green +7652 sherwood_green rgb 2 64 44 hex #02402C hsv 161 97 25 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.03 lab 23 -24 7 lch 23 25 163 cmyk 24 0 8 75 zydeco[9282][2,64,44](0.0):zuccini[9278][23,70,46](4.4):PMS3435[417][2,73,48](5.4):PMS3308[397][0,68,56](5.5):county_green[2560][27,75,53](5.5) 2 PMS3308:PMS3435:county:zuccini:zydeco:green +7653 sherwood_green rgb 27 70 54 hex #1B4636 hsv 158 61 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.04 lab 26 -19 5 lch 26 20 165 cmyk 17 0 6 73 PMS553[710][35,68,53](3.0):burnham[1920][35,69,55](3.0):everglade[3525][28,64,46](3.0):bottle_green[1674][37,70,54](3.3):bush[1945][37,70,54](3.3) 14 PMS553:bottle:burnham:bush:everglade:green +7654 shilo rgb 230 178 166 hex #E6B2A6 hsv 11 28 90 xyz 0.55 0.51 0.43 lab 77 17 13 lch 77 22 38 cmyk 0 20 25 10 sakura[7421][233,183,169](1.7):beauty_bush[1334][235,185,179](3.6):paper_doll[6474][223,175,173](5.1):rose[7296][231,188,180](5.2):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](5.2) 2 beauty:bush:doll:fog:paper:sakura:rose +7655 shilo rgb 232 185 179 hex #E8B9B3 hsv 7 23 91 xyz 0.59 0.55 0.5 lab 79 16 9 lch 79 19 31 cmyk 0 18 21 9 beauty_bush[1334][235,185,179](1.4):rose[7296][231,188,180](2.4):rose_fog[7305][231,188,180](2.4):sweet_spot[8184][234,183,183](2.8):PMS692[871][232,191,186](3.0) 14 PMS692:beauty:bush:fog:spot:sweet:rose +7656 shimmering_blush rgb 217 134 149 hex #D98695 hsv 349 38 85 xyz 0.43 0.34 0.33 lab 65 34 6 lch 65 34 9 cmyk 0 33 27 15 PMS193[149][219,130,140](3.3):PMS507[622][216,137,155](3.7):dusty_pink[3310][213,138,148](4.1):light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](4.7):ruddy_pink[7367][225,142,150](4.7) 5 light:PMS193:PMS507:amaranth:dusty:ruddy:pink +7657 shingle_fawn rgb 107 78 49 hex #6B4E31 hsv 30 54 42 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.04 lab 36 8 22 lch 36 23 69 cmyk 0 11 23 58 dallas[2663][102,74,45](2.0):ironbark[4679][109,77,44](3.3):cafe_royale[2000][106,73,40](4.1):donkey_brown[3167][102,76,40](4.1):coffee[2418][111,78,55](4.2) 7 cafe:coffee:dallas:donkey:ironbark:royale:brown +7658 shingle_fawn rgb 116 89 55 hex #745937 hsv 33 53 45 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.05 lab 40 7 24 lch 40 25 75 cmyk 0 11 24 55 stowaway[7999][125,93,57](3.0):palm_sugar[6460][121,85,56](4.2):coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](4.6):blast_yellow[1506][126,91,63](4.9):raw_umber[7087][130,102,68](5.1) 4 blast:coyote:palm:raw:stowaway:sugar:umber:brown:yellow +7659 shinto rgb 166 181 198 hex #A6B5C6 hsv 212 16 78 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.6 lab 73 -2 -10 lch 73 10 261 cmyk 13 7 0 22 icebreaker[4603][169,183,201](1.7):cadet_blue[1984][169,178,195](2.2):casper[2125][173,190,209](3.2):frozen[3785][157,182,198](3.2):PMS536[672][173,178,193](3.6) 12 PMS536:cadet:casper:frozen:icebreaker:blue +7660 shiny_shamrock rgb 95 167 120 hex #5FA778 hsv 141 43 65 xyz 0.22 0.31 0.23 lab 63 -33 17 lch 63 38 152 cmyk 28 0 18 35 aqua_forest[1103][95,167,119](1.0):tea[8272][101,171,124](1.0):forest_green[3726][109,174,129](3.6):moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](6.2):silver_tree[7721][102,181,143](7.1) 3 moderate:aqua:forest:silver:spring:tea:tree:green +7661 ship_cove rgb 120 139 186 hex #788BBA hsv 223 35 73 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.5 lab 58 5 -27 lch 58 27 280 cmyk 26 18 0 27 wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](1.4):PMS659[838][127,140,191](3.3):masquerade[5568][114,133,188](4.9):zephyr[9252][128,154,198](5.9):delta_blue[3088][124,154,205](6.2) 3 PMS659:delta:masquerade:wild:yonder:zephyr:blue +7662 ship_cove rgb 121 136 171 hex #7988AB hsv 222 29 67 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.42 lab 57 3 -20 lch 57 20 278 cmyk 20 14 0 33 beyond[1400][128,138,172](1.7):grayish_sapphire_blue[4015][125,136,168](2.0):PMS652[831][109,135,168](4.5):shadow_blue[7625][119,139,165](5.7):lynch[5417][105,126,154](6.7) 3 PMS652:beyond:grayish:lynch:sapphire:shadow:blue +7663 ship_grey rgb 62 58 68 hex #3E3A44 hsv 264 15 27 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.06 lab 25 4 -6 lch 25 7 306 cmyk 2 4 0 73 black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](2.4):revolver[7194][55,54,63](2.4):grape[3976][65,61,75](3.0):tuna[8563][53,53,66](3.0):PMS532[668][53,56,66](3.3) 14 PMS532:grape:marlin:revolver:tuna:black +7664 ship_grey rgb 78 78 76 hex #4E4E4C hsv 60 3 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 1 lch 33 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 69 thunder[8337][77,77,75](0.0):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.0):grey[4128][77,77,77](1.0):quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](1.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](1.0) 61 blast:ironsand:quarter:silver:streak:thunder:grey +7665 shipshape rgb 33 66 95 hex #21425F hsv 208 65 37 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.12 lab 27 -2 -21 lch 27 21 264 cmyk 24 11 0 63 dark_azure[2682][39,64,89](3.3):regal_blue[7170][32,63,88](3.7):dark_slate_blue[2886][33,71,97](4.1):blue_clouds[1556][39,60,90](4.5):catalina_blue[2132][39,60,90](4.5) 9 slate:dark:catalina:clouds:regal:azure:blue +7666 shiraz rgb 132 40 51 hex #842833 hsv 353 70 52 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.04 lab 31 40 15 lch 31 43 21 cmyk 0 36 32 48 sangria[7480][130,42,50](2.2):scarlett[7523][126,37,48](2.2):bullseye[1901][125,34,43](2.8):fast_lane[3562][137,36,49](3.6):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](4.0) 14 bullseye:fast:flame:lane:sangria:scarlett:red +7667 shiraz rgb 178 9 49 hex #B20931 hsv 346 95 70 xyz 0.19 0.1 0.04 lab 38 61 27 lch 38 67 24 cmyk 0 66 51 30 red_tape[7144][179,0,47](1.7):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](3.2):strong_crimson[8029][168,0,42](3.3):PMS187[139][175,30,45](5.0):crimson_glory[2600][190,0,50](5.4) 4 strong:PMS187:alabama:glory:tape:crimson:red +7668 shirley_temple rgb 255 131 65 hex #FF8341 hsv 21 75 100 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.1 lab 68 43 56 lch 68 70 52 cmyk 0 49 75 0 PMS164[95][252,127,63](1.4):mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](2.0):sienna[7699][255,130,71](3.0):flesh[3686][255,125,64](3.3):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](3.6) 6 PMS1575:PMS164:flesh:mango:sienna:tango +7669 shit rgb 127 95 0 hex #7F5F00 hsv 45 100 50 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.02 lab 42 5 50 lch 42 50 84 cmyk 0 13 50 50 poop[6769][127,94,0](1.0):poop_brown[6770][122,89,1](3.0):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](4.2):dark_goldenrod[2729][139,101,8](4.4):medium_goldenrod[5607][139,101,8](4.4) 6 medium:dark:goldenrod:muddy:poop:brown +7670 shit_brown rgb 123 88 4 hex #7B5804 hsv 42 97 48 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.02 lab 40 8 47 lch 40 47 81 cmyk 0 14 47 52 poop_brown[6770][122,89,1](2.2):PMS140[55][122,91,17](3.7):poop[6769][127,94,0](4.1):shit[7669][127,95,0](4.7):poo_brown[6768][136,95,1](5.4) 4 PMS140:poo:poop:shit:brown +7671 shit_green rgb 117 128 0 hex #758000 hsv 65 100 50 xyz 0.15 0.19 0.03 lab 51 -18 56 lch 51 58 108 cmyk 4 0 50 50 poop_green[6771][111,124,0](3.0):swamp_green[8173][116,133,0](3.3):trendy_green[8471][124,136,26](4.2):heart_gold[4446][128,128,0](5.2):olive[6152][128,128,0](5.2) 3 gold:heart:olive:poop:swamp:trendy:green +7672 shocking rgb 226 146 192 hex #E292C0 hsv 326 35 89 xyz 0.51 0.41 0.55 lab 70 37 -11 lch 70 38 343 cmyk 0 31 13 11 light_rose[5183][231,139,185](4.6):ballerina[1268][232,153,190](4.9):PMS673[852][224,140,178](5.4):PMS244[210][237,160,211](5.9):kobi[4874][231,159,196](6.6) 2 light:PMS244:PMS673:ballerina:kobi:rose +7673 shocking rgb 232 153 190 hex #E899BE hsv 332 34 91 xyz 0.54 0.44 0.54 lab 72 35 -7 lch 72 35 349 cmyk 0 31 16 9 ballerina[1268][232,153,190](0.0):kobi[4874][231,159,196](3.3):illusion[4612][246,164,201](4.1):PMS673[852][224,140,178](4.6):amaranth_pink[1028][241,156,187](4.6) 6 PMS673:amaranth:ballerina:illusion:kobi:pink +7674 shocking_pink rgb 251 126 253 hex #FB7EFD hsv 299 50 99 xyz 0.65 0.43 0.98 lab 71 64 -43 lch 71 77 327 cmyk 1 50 0 1 orchid[6241][255,131,250](4.2):fuchsia_pink[3796][255,119,255](5.1):pink_flamingo[6674][252,116,253](5.5):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](8.3):orchid[6240][238,122,233](8.4) 1 flamingo:fuchsia:orchid:purply:pink +7675 shocking_pink rgb 252 15 192 hex #FC0FC0 hsv 315 94 99 xyz 0.5 0.25 0.52 lab 57 89 -31 lch 57 94 341 cmyk 0 93 24 1 luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](1.4):razzle_dazzle_rose[7090][255,51,204](5.4):hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](5.5):purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](5.5):purple_pizzazz[6885][255,0,204](5.9) 1 luminous:vivid:dazzle:fuchsia:hot:magenta:pizzazz:razzle:purple:rose +7676 shocking_pink rgb 254 2 162 hex #FE02A2 hsv 322 99 100 xyz 0.47 0.24 0.36 lab 56 87 -15 lch 56 88 350 cmyk 0 99 36 0 luminous_vivid_cerise[5367][255,0,159](2.0):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](3.5):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](3.5):neon_pink[6017][254,1,154](4.1):persian_rose[6613][254,40,162](4.6) 5 luminous:vivid:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:neon:persian:pink:rose +7677 shocking_pink rgb 255 111 255 hex #FF6FFF hsv 300 56 100 xyz 0.65 0.4 0.99 lab 69 73 -46 lch 69 86 327 cmyk 0 56 0 0 blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](0.0):ultra_pink[8636][255,111,255](0.0):pink_flamingo[6674][252,116,253](4.2):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](4.4):fuchsia_pink[3796][255,119,255](4.9) 5 blush:flamingo:fuchsia:ultra:pink +7678 shooting_star rgb 253 227 54 hex #FDE336 hsv 52 79 99 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.15 lab 90 -8 80 lch 90 81 96 cmyk 0 10 78 1 gorse[3950][253,227,54](0.0):banana_yellow[1282][255,225,53](2.0):sun_yellow[8122][255,223,34](4.6):PMS107[7][249,229,38](5.0):lemon[4961][244,216,28](5.1) 4 PMS107:banana:gorse:sun:lemon:yellow +7679 short_black rgb 66 35 27 hex #42231B hsv 12 59 26 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 18 14 12 lch 18 18 40 cmyk 0 12 15 74 cedar[2146][62,28,20](3.7):digeridoo[3123][69,41,36](4.1):style_pasifika_brown_earth[8071][69,41,36](4.1):bootleg[1656][60,36,27](4.2):brown_pod[1853][60,36,27](4.2) 11 bootleg:cedar:digeridoo:earth:pasifika:pod:style:brown +7680 showtime rgb 47 38 58 hex #2F263A hsv 267 34 23 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.04 lab 17 9 -11 lch 17 15 309 cmyk 4 8 0 77 violet[8850][47,38,60](2.2):blackcurrant[1488][50,41,58](2.4):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](2.4):tarot[8256][56,41,61](3.0):rasputin[7075][47,39,53](3.6) 14 blackcurrant:bleached:cedar:rasputin:tarot:violet +7681 shuttle_grey rgb 95 102 114 hex #5F6672 hsv 218 17 45 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.18 lab 43 0 -8 lch 43 8 270 cmyk 7 5 0 55 black_coral[1456][84,98,111](3.0):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](3.2):mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](3.6):slate_grey[7768][89,101,109](3.7):dolphin[3162][106,104,115](4.1) 16 slate:coral:dolphin:mid:quadrant:black:grey +7682 shuttle_grey rgb 97 102 107 hex #61666B hsv 210 9 42 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.16 lab 43 -1 -3 lch 43 4 257 cmyk 4 2 0 58 mid_grey[5709][102,106,109](2.2):quarter_grey_friars[6952][94,98,103](2.2):quarter_tuna[7011][101,106,112](2.2):pale_sky[6427][99,109,112](2.8):PMS431[514][102,109,112](3.2) 27 pale:PMS431:friars:mid:quarter:sky:tuna:grey +7683 siam rgb 100 106 84 hex #646A54 hsv 76 21 42 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.1 lab 44 -7 12 lch 44 13 120 cmyk 2 0 9 58 paddock[6297][102,113,86](3.5):kokoda[4876][110,109,87](3.6):pickled_aspen[6638][91,100,82](4.2):willow_grove[9123][101,116,93](4.4):finch[3626][98,102,73](4.5) 7 aspen:finch:grove:kokoda:paddock:pickled:willow +7684 siam rgb 104 107 80 hex #686B50 hsv 67 25 42 xyz 0.12 0.14 0.1 lab 44 -6 15 lch 44 16 113 cmyk 1 0 11 58 finch[3626][98,102,73](2.4):hemlock[4469][105,104,75](2.4):dimension[3127][113,112,86](3.6):paddock[6297][102,113,86](3.7):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](4.0) 8 crocodile:dimension:finch:hemlock:paddock +7685 sick_green rgb 157 185 44 hex #9DB92C hsv 72 76 73 xyz 0.32 0.42 0.09 lab 71 -28 63 lch 71 69 114 cmyk 11 0 55 27 sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](3.7):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](4.2):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](4.4):android_green[1052][164,198,57](4.5):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](5.4) 4 android:icky:impromptu:pea:sickly:green +7686 sickly_green rgb 148 178 28 hex #94B21C hsv 72 84 70 xyz 0.28 0.38 0.07 lab 68 -29 65 lch 68 71 114 cmyk 12 0 59 30 pea_green[6534][142,171,18](2.2):icky_green[4604][143,174,34](3.2):sick_green[7685][157,185,44](3.7):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](4.1):barf_green[1296][148,172,2](4.7) 5 barf:icky:impromptu:pea:sick:green +7687 sickly_yellow rgb 208 228 41 hex #D0E429 hsv 66 82 89 xyz 0.54 0.69 0.13 lab 87 -27 79 lch 87 84 109 cmyk 8 0 73 11 PMS381[457][204,226,38](1.4):pear[6563][209,226,49](2.4):PMS389[466][206,224,7](4.5):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.9):spritzer[7934][194,226,37](5.4) 4 PMS381:PMS389:bitter:pear:spritzer:lemon +7688 sidecar rgb 233 217 169 hex #E9D9A9 hsv 45 27 91 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.48 lab 87 -2 26 lch 87 26 94 cmyk 0 6 25 9 bavarian_cream[1321][229,214,167](1.4):beige[1385][230,218,166](2.2):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](2.2):sapling[7492][225,213,166](2.4):beeswax[1381][233,215,171](3.0) 25 bavarian:beeswax:beige:cream:popcorn:sapling +7689 sidecar rgb 243 231 187 hex #F3E7BB hsv 47 23 95 xyz 0.75 0.8 0.58 lab 92 -3 23 lch 92 23 97 cmyk 0 5 22 5 PMS607[786][242,234,188](1.0):lemon_meringue[4979][246,234,190](1.0):PMS614[793][234,226,183](2.4):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](2.8):lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](2.8) 35 PMS607:PMS614:chiffon:lemonchiffon:meringue:lemon +7690 sidewinder rgb 85 77 79 hex #554D4F hsv 345 9 33 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.08 lab 34 4 0 lch 34 4 0 cmyk 0 3 2 67 dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](1.4):don_juan[3165][90,79,81](1.4):liver[5307][83,75,79](1.4):mortar[5903][86,80,81](1.4):matterhorn[5579][82,75,75](1.7) 41 dark:don:juan:liver:matterhorn:mortar +7691 sienna rgb 136 45 23 hex #882D17 hsv 12 83 53 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.02 lab 32 38 34 lch 32 51 42 cmyk 0 36 44 47 kobe[4872][136,45,23](0.0):red_brown[7117][139,46,22](1.4):countdown[2558][146,47,29](3.6):pueblo[6834][125,44,20](4.6):reddish_brown[7151][127,43,10](5.4) 4 countdown:kobe:pueblo:reddish:brown:red +7692 sienna rgb 139 71 38 hex #8B4726 hsv 20 73 55 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.03 lab 38 26 32 lch 38 41 51 cmyk 0 27 40 45 brown_ochre[1851][135,66,31](3.0):alert_tan[991][149,78,44](3.3):charisma[2228][133,73,38](4.1):chelsea_gem[2253][149,83,47](4.6):waiwherowhero[8986][134,73,44](5.0) 5 alert:charisma:chelsea:gem:ochre:tan:waiwherowhero:brown +7693 sienna rgb 142 107 35 hex #8E6B23 hsv 40 75 56 xyz 0.17 0.16 0.04 lab 47 7 44 lch 47 44 82 cmyk 0 14 42 44 corn_harvest[2525][141,112,42](4.1):goldenrod[3930][139,105,20](4.1):stinger[7982][141,112,42](4.1):brazil[1699][136,98,33](4.7):hot_curry[4556][136,98,33](4.7) 6 brazil:corn:curry:goldenrod:harvest:hot:stinger +7694 sienna rgb 158 103 89 hex #9E6759 hsv 12 44 62 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.12 lab 49 20 17 lch 49 27 40 cmyk 0 22 27 38 au_chico[1191][158,103,89](0.0):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](4.2):dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](4.5):toast[8380][159,113,95](5.0):brownish[1863][156,109,87](5.1) 4 dark:au:blast:bronze:brownish:chestnut:chico:off:toast +7695 sienna rgb 160 82 45 hex #A0522D hsv 19 72 63 xyz 0.18 0.14 0.04 lab 44 29 36 lch 44 46 51 cmyk 0 31 45 37 hazard[4443][163,83,42](2.2):rich_gold[7217][161,82,38](3.0):vesuvius[8826][168,85,51](3.0):hawaiian_tan[4438][153,82,43](3.3):piper[6709][157,84,50](3.6) 7 gold:hawaiian:hazard:piper:rich:tan:vesuvius +7696 sienna rgb 169 86 30 hex #A9561E hsv 24 82 66 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.03 lab 46 30 46 lch 46 55 56 cmyk 0 33 55 34 PMS1605[88][160,79,17](3.6):desert[3100][174,96,32](4.7):vindaloo[8843][167,79,32](4.7):PMS470[571][155,79,25](4.9):copper[2475][182,99,37](5.5) 4 PMS1605:PMS470:copper:desert:vindaloo +7697 sienna rgb 205 104 57 hex #CD6839 hsv 19 72 80 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.07 lab 55 37 44 lch 55 57 50 cmyk 0 40 58 20 terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](3.2):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](3.5):tuscany[8600][189,94,46](4.5):clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](4.6):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](5.1) 4 clockwork:cotta:damask:ecstasy:terra:tuscany:orange:red +7698 sienna rgb 238 121 66 hex #EE7942 hsv 19 72 93 xyz 0.43 0.32 0.09 lab 64 41 50 lch 64 65 50 cmyk 0 46 67 7 mandarin[5496][243,122,72](3.0):orangish[6230][252,130,74](3.2):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](5.1):hyperactive[4591][227,108,54](5.5):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](5.7) 2 burnt:PMS1575:hyperactive:mandarin:orangish:orange +7699 sienna rgb 255 130 71 hex #FF8247 hsv 19 72 100 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.11 lab 68 43 53 lch 68 68 50 cmyk 0 49 72 0 mango_tango[5505][255,130,67](1.0):PMS164[95][252,127,63](2.2):burnt_orange[1931][255,127,73](3.0):shirley_temple[7668][255,131,65](3.0):PMS1575[82][252,135,68](3.2) 7 burnt:PMS1575:PMS164:mango:shirley:tango:temple:orange +7700 siesta rgb 165 154 168 hex #A59AA8 hsv 287 8 66 xyz 0.34 0.34 0.42 lab 65 7 -6 lch 65 9 319 cmyk 1 5 0 34 magentaish_grey[5447][168,156,168](1.4):effortless[3369][160,150,167](2.8):heliotrope_grey[4463][170,152,168](3.0):rose_quartz[7313][170,152,169](3.0):lilac_luster[5259][174,152,170](4.0) 8 effortless:heliotrope:lilac:luster:magentaish:quartz:grey:rose +7701 silhouette rgb 42 37 44 hex #2A252C hsv 283 16 17 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 4 -4 lch 15 5 317 cmyk 1 3 0 83 double_revolver[3231][41,39,47](1.7):baltic_sea[1270][42,38,48](2.2):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](2.8):black_russian[1477][36,37,43](3.0):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](3.3) 15 baltic:double:jaguar:revolver:russian:sea:shadowland:black +7702 silk rgb 187 173 161 hex #BBADA1 hsv 28 14 73 xyz 0.42 0.43 0.4 lab 72 3 8 lch 72 9 70 cmyk 0 5 10 27 PMS207[165][186,170,158](1.4):serene[7620][189,176,163](1.4):half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](2.4):nomad[6067][186,177,162](2.4):quarter_pravda[6983][180,171,158](2.8) 38 PMS207:half:nomad:perfect:pravda:quarter:serene:taupe +7703 silk rgb 189 177 168 hex #BDB1A8 hsv 26 11 74 xyz 0.44 0.45 0.43 lab 73 3 6 lch 73 7 66 cmyk 0 5 8 26 half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](1.0):tide[8351][190,180,171](1.4):fantail[3557][186,174,169](2.2):milestone[5737][190,177,172](2.2):serene[7620][189,176,163](2.2) 41 fantail:half:milestone:perfect:serene:taupe:tide +7704 silver rgb 192 192 192 hex #C0C0C0 hsv 180 0 75 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.57 lab 78 0 0 lch 78 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 25 grey[4178][192,192,192](0.0):grey[4179][194,194,194](0.0):grey[4175][189,189,189](1.0):grey[4176][190,190,190](1.0):grey[4177][191,191,191](1.0) 61 grey +7705 silver rgb 197 201 199 hex #C5C9C7 hsv 150 2 79 xyz 0.54 0.58 0.62 lab 81 -2 1 lch 81 2 164 cmyk 2 0 1 21 half_duck_egg_blue[4319][198,204,202](1.4):quarter_silver_chalice[6991][199,200,198](1.4):half_surrender[4395][202,204,204](1.7):iron[4676][203,205,205](1.7):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](2.2) 68 PMS5445:chalice:duck:egg:half:iron:quarter:silver:surrender:blue +7706 silver rgb 205 197 194 hex #CDC5C2 hsv 16 5 80 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.59 lab 80 2 2 lch 80 3 48 cmyk 0 3 4 20 alto[1021][205,198,197](1.0):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](1.4):half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.7):seashell[7586][205,197,191](2.0):half_milestone[4354][209,196,193](2.2) 61 alto:flotsam:half:milestone:rakaia:seashell +7707 silver rgb 230 232 250 hex #E6E8FA hsv 234 8 98 xyz 0.79 0.81 1.02 lab 92 3 -9 lch 92 9 287 cmyk 8 7 0 2 glitter[3876][230,232,250](0.0):lavender[4931][230,230,250](1.4):lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](1.4):very_pale_sapphire_blue[8818][226,233,255](2.2):titan_white[8375][240,238,255](3.3) 8 pale:very:glitter:mist:sapphire:titan:blue:lavender:white +7708 silver_aluminium rgb 158 160 161 hex #9EA0A1 hsv 200 2 63 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.39 lab 66 -1 -1 lch 66 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 37 so_cool[7818][158,160,161](0.0):grey[4164][161,161,161](1.4):grey[4163][158,158,158](1.7):grey[4165][163,163,163](1.7):transmission[8458][159,161,158](2.0) 45 cool:so:transmission:grey +7709 silver_chalice rgb 172 172 172 hex #ACACAC hsv 240 0 67 xyz 0.39 0.41 0.45 lab 70 0 0 lch 70 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 33 grey[4168][171,171,171](0.0):dark_grey[2769][169,169,169](1.0):dark_medium_grey[2799][169,169,169](1.0):grey[4167][168,168,168](1.0):grey[4169][173,173,173](1.0) 46 medium:dark:grey +7710 silver_chalice rgb 172 174 169 hex #ACAEA9 hsv 84 3 68 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.44 lab 71 -2 2 lch 71 3 125 cmyk 1 0 2 32 PMS429[512][173,175,170](0.0):half_delta[4315][174,176,170](1.4):quarter_stack[6998][175,178,175](1.4):atmosphere[1181][168,170,166](2.2):bombay[1635][174,174,173](2.2) 53 PMS429:atmosphere:bombay:delta:half:quarter:stack +7711 silver_fern rgb 153 147 140 hex #99938C hsv 32 8 60 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.29 lab 61 1 4 lch 61 5 78 cmyk 0 2 5 40 PMS423[506][150,147,142](1.4):grey[4159][149,145,140](1.4):half_stonehenge[4392][150,144,136](1.4):half_friar_grey[4330][152,149,141](1.7):quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](2.2) 45 PMS423:friar:half:quarter:sandstone:stonehenge:grey +7712 silver_grey rgb 133 136 133 hex #858885 hsv 120 2 53 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.26 lab 56 -2 1 lch 56 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 47 stack[7950][133,136,133](0.0):gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](1.0):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](1.4):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](2.0):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](2.0) 52 gunsmoke:jumbo:oslo:silver:stack:steel:grey +7713 silver_lake_blue rgb 93 137 186 hex #5D89BA hsv 212 50 73 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.5 lab 56 -1 -30 lch 56 30 268 cmyk 36 19 0 27 faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](1.4):subzero[8107][91,141,189](2.2):danube[2671][91,137,192](3.2):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](3.7):glaucous[3873][96,130,182](3.7) 7 cyan:danube:faded:glaucous:subzero:azure:blue +7714 silver_lining rgb 127 127 125 hex #7F7F7D hsv 60 2 50 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.22 lab 53 0 1 lch 53 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 50 concord[2448][124,123,122](1.0):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.0):medium_grey[5614][125,127,124](1.0):grey[4147][125,125,125](1.4):grey[4149][128,128,128](1.4) 60 medium:concord:grey +7715 silver_pink rgb 196 174 173 hex #C4AEAD hsv 3 12 77 xyz 0.45 0.45 0.46 lab 73 8 3 lch 73 8 24 cmyk 0 9 9 23 cherish[2257][198,171,169](2.4):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](2.4):black_shadows[1478][191,175,178](2.8):pinkish_grey[6697][200,172,169](2.8):kidman[4853][204,183,185](3.2) 13 cherish:cold:kidman:pinkish:shadows:turkey:black:grey +7716 silver_rust rgb 201 192 187 hex #C9C0BB hsv 21 7 79 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.55 lab 78 2 4 lch 78 4 58 cmyk 0 4 5 21 pale_silver[6426][201,192,187](0.0):cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](1.4):dover_white[3258][201,191,187](1.4):half_cloudy[4307][198,190,183](1.4):quarter_imagine[6956][201,191,187](1.4) 65 pale:cloudy:cotton:dover:half:imagine:quarter:seed:silver:white +7717 silver_sand rgb 190 189 182 hex #BEBDB6 hsv 52 4 75 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.52 lab 77 -1 4 lch 77 4 104 cmyk 0 0 3 25 half_atmosphere[4284][190,191,183](1.0):eighth_castle_rock[3394][190,189,180](1.4):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.7):cotton_seed[2556][194,189,182](2.0):mist_grey[5785][196,196,188](2.0) 75 atmosphere:castle:cotton:eighth:friar:half:mist:rock:seed:grey +7718 silver_sand rgb 191 193 194 hex #BFC1C2 hsv 200 2 76 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.59 lab 78 -1 -1 lch 78 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 24 triple_athens_grey[8480][194,197,198](1.0):grey[4178][192,192,192](1.4):grey[4179][194,194,194](1.4):silver[7704][192,192,192](1.4):grey[4175][189,189,189](1.7) 55 athens:silver:triple:grey +7719 silver_steel rgb 135 135 134 hex #878786 hsv 60 1 53 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.26 lab 56 0 1 lch 56 1 110 cmyk 0 0 0 47 jumbo[4786][135,135,133](0.0):battleship_grey[1319][132,132,130](1.0):grey[4151][133,133,133](1.0):grey[4152][135,135,135](1.0):old_silver[6147][132,132,130](1.0) 59 battleship:jumbo:old:silver:grey +7720 silver_streak rgb 80 78 75 hex #504E4B hsv 36 6 31 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 2 lch 33 2 85 cmyk 0 1 2 69 blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](0.0):quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](0.0):rampart[7058][79,78,74](1.0):ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](1.0):thunder[8337][77,77,75](1.0) 54 blast:ironsand:quarter:rampart:ship:thunder:grey +7721 silver_tree rgb 102 181 143 hex #66B58F hsv 151 44 71 xyz 0.27 0.38 0.32 lab 68 -33 12 lch 68 35 160 cmyk 31 0 15 29 forest_green[3726][109,174,129](5.7):moderate_aquamarine[5810][74,168,133](6.2):tea[8272][101,171,124](6.4):keppel[4834][95,182,156](7.0):shiny_shamrock[7660][95,167,120](7.1) 0 moderate:forest:keppel:shamrock:shiny:tea:aquamarine:green +7722 silver_tree rgb 103 190 144 hex #67BE90 hsv 148 46 75 xyz 0.29 0.42 0.33 lab 71 -37 15 lch 71 40 158 cmyk 34 0 18 25 PMS346[420][112,206,155](5.7):ocean_green[6099][72,191,145](7.1):forest_green[3726][109,174,129](8.1):de_york[2943][122,196,136](8.3):tea[8272][101,171,124](8.3) 0 PMS346:de:forest:ocean:tea:york:green +7723 silvered_grey rgb 86 91 100 hex #565B64 hsv 219 14 39 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.14 lab 39 0 -6 lch 39 6 271 cmyk 5 4 0 61 half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](2.0):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](2.4):bright_grey[1726][87,89,93](3.2):half_tuna[4405][85,88,92](3.6):quarter_grey_friars[6952][94,98,103](3.6) 19 bright:denim:friars:half:new:quadrant:quarter:tuna:blue:grey +7724 sinbad rgb 159 215 211 hex #9FD7D3 hsv 176 26 84 xyz 0.5 0.61 0.71 lab 82 -19 -4 lch 82 19 192 cmyk 22 0 2 16 aqua[1100][161,218,215](1.0):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](1.0):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.7):morning_glory[5897][158,222,224](3.7):pale_turquoise[6439][150,205,205](3.7) 9 pale:PMS324:aqua:glory:island:morning:turquoise +7725 sinbad rgb 166 213 208 hex #A6D5D0 hsv 174 22 84 xyz 0.51 0.6 0.69 lab 82 -16 -3 lch 82 16 189 cmyk 18 0 2 16 scandal[7513][173,217,209](2.8):aqua[1100][161,218,215](3.3):aqua_island[1107][161,218,215](3.3):morning_glory[5896][158,209,211](3.6):PMS324[369][170,221,214](3.7) 7 PMS324:aqua:glory:island:morning:scandal +7726 sing_song rgb 246 224 164 hex #F6E0A4 hsv 44 33 96 xyz 0.71 0.76 0.46 lab 90 -1 32 lch 90 32 92 cmyk 0 9 32 4 buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](0.0):melting_moment[5670][244,222,158](2.2):cape_honey[2059][254,229,172](2.4):pale_peach[6400][255,229,173](3.0):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.2) 15 pale:buttermilk:cape:honey:melting:moment:peach +7727 sinopia rgb 203 65 11 hex #CB410B hsv 17 95 80 xyz 0.27 0.17 0.02 lab 48 53 56 lch 48 77 47 cmyk 0 54 75 20 PMS173[110][209,68,20](1.7):english_red[3492][212,61,26](5.1):mahogany[5462][192,64,0](5.1):orange_red[6213][205,55,0](5.1):grenadier[4097][213,70,0](5.5) 1 PMS173:english:grenadier:mahogany:orange:red +7728 siren rgb 105 41 59 hex #69293B hsv 343 61 41 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.05 lab 26 31 3 lch 26 31 6 cmyk 0 25 18 59 hot_wired[4574][111,38,55](4.4):PMS229[187][109,33,63](5.8):vanquish[8682][99,39,47](5.9):PMS209[167][117,38,61](6.4):claret[2355][110,34,51](6.4) 1 PMS209:PMS229:claret:hot:vanquish:wired +7729 siren rgb 122 1 58 hex #7A013A hsv 332 99 48 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.04 lab 25 49 2 lch 25 49 3 cmyk 0 47 25 52 wine[9137][128,1,63](3.0):merlot[5683][115,0,57](3.5):rose_bud_cherry[7301][128,11,71](5.9):red_purple[7135][130,7,71](6.2):PMS216[174][124,30,63](7.9) 2 PMS216:bud:cherry:merlot:wine:purple:red:rose +7730 sirocco rgb 104 118 110 hex #68766E hsv 146 12 46 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.17 lab 48 -7 3 lch 48 7 159 cmyk 5 0 3 54 innocence[4656][109,119,115](3.0):yucca[9239][104,120,107](3.0):corduroy[2512][96,110,104](3.2):PMS5487[697][102,124,114](3.6):rolling_stone[7275][109,120,118](3.7) 10 PMS5487:corduroy:innocence:rolling:stone:yucca +7731 sirocco rgb 113 128 128 hex #718080 hsv 180 12 50 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.23 lab 52 -5 -2 lch 52 6 199 cmyk 6 0 0 50 aurometalsaurus[1199][110,127,128](1.4):bluff[1614][113,129,135](3.3):regent_grey[7173][121,132,136](3.5):rolling_stone[7275][109,120,118](3.6):rolling_stone[7276][116,125,131](3.6) 12 aurometalsaurus:bluff:regent:rolling:stone:grey +7732 sisal rgb 197 186 160 hex #C5BAA0 hsv 42 19 77 xyz 0.47 0.5 0.4 lab 76 0 15 lch 76 15 92 cmyk 0 4 15 23 coral[2493][199,188,162](1.0):coral_reef[2506][199,188,162](1.0):double_parchment[3223][199,187,163](1.0):double_fossil[3201][194,184,158](1.7):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](2.2) 45 colins:coral:double:eighth:fossil:parchment:reef:wicket +7733 sisal rgb 211 203 186 hex #D3CBBA hsv 41 12 83 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.55 lab 82 0 9 lch 82 9 91 cmyk 0 3 10 17 quarter_bison_hide[6924][208,202,186](1.4):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.7):PMS420[503][209,204,191](2.2):acropolis[959][206,198,181](2.2):aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](2.2) 78 PMS420:acropolis:aquashield:bison:drought:hide:quarter +7734 sizzling_red rgb 255 56 85 hex #FF3855 hsv 351 78 100 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.11 lab 57 74 32 lch 57 81 24 cmyk 0 78 67 0 reddish_pink[7157][254,44,84](2.4):red_pink[7133][250,42,85](4.1):radical_red[7038][255,53,94](5.1):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](5.2):watermelon[9018][253,70,89](5.2) 2 lightish:radical:reddish:watermelon:pink:red +7735 sizzling_sunrise rgb 255 219 0 hex #FFDB00 hsv 52 100 100 xyz 0.67 0.72 0.1 lab 88 -4 88 lch 88 88 93 cmyk 0 14 100 0 sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](1.4):dandelion[2670][254,223,8](2.2):yellow[9198][254,223,0](2.2):gold[3898][255,215,0](2.4):golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](2.4) 18 dandelion:gold:golden:sunflower:yellow +7736 skeptic rgb 157 180 170 hex #9DB4AA hsv 154 13 71 xyz 0.37 0.43 0.44 lab 71 -10 2 lch 71 10 166 cmyk 9 0 4 29 unwind[8655][152,183,175](2.4):ashanti[1158][166,187,179](3.2):tower_grey[8444][156,172,165](3.6):sorrento[7855][154,176,172](3.7):cascade[2121][140,168,160](4.2) 9 ashanti:cascade:sorrento:tower:unwind:grey +7737 skeptic rgb 202 230 218 hex #CAE6DA hsv 154 12 90 xyz 0.65 0.74 0.77 lab 89 -11 3 lch 89 12 167 cmyk 11 0 5 10 edgewater[3364][200,227,215](1.0):PMS317[361][201,232,221](1.7):PMS573[743][204,229,214](2.0):iceberg[4601][202,225,217](3.0):mint_tulip[5772][198,234,221](3.3) 18 PMS317:PMS573:edgewater:iceberg:tulip:mint +7738 skobeloff rgb 0 116 116 hex #007474 hsv 180 100 45 xyz 0.09 0.14 0.19 lab 44 -27 -8 lch 44 28 196 cmyk 45 0 0 55 PMS322[367][0,114,114](1.0):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](1.0):dark_aquamarine[2679][1,115,113](1.4):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.2):surfie_green[8163][12,122,121](2.2) 15 deep:dark:PMS322:bluegreen:surfie:aquamarine:green:turquoise +7739 sky rgb 130 202 252 hex #82CAFC hsv 205 48 99 xyz 0.48 0.54 1 lab 78 -9 -32 lch 78 33 254 cmyk 48 20 0 1 sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](2.2):malibu[5482][125,200,247](2.8):lightblue[5243][123,200,246](3.7):light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](4.1):sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](4.1) 7 light:lightblue:malibu:sky:blue +7740 sky_blue rgb 50 153 204 hex #3299CC hsv 200 75 80 xyz 0.24 0.28 0.61 lab 60 -12 -35 lch 60 37 251 cmyk 60 20 0 20 freefall[3740][29,149,201](2.4):deep_sky_blue[3057][0,154,205](4.2):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](4.6):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](5.4):cyan_cornflower_blue[2643][24,139,194](5.7) 3 deep:carolina:cornflower:curious:cyan:freefall:sky:blue +7741 sky_blue rgb 74 112 139 hex #4A708B hsv 205 47 55 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.27 lab 46 -6 -19 lch 46 20 253 cmyk 25 11 0 45 metallic_blue[5687][79,115,142](1.4):wedgewood[9040][76,107,136](3.7):calypso[2014][61,113,136](4.2):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](4.5):astral[1170][55,111,137](4.6) 6 astral:calypso:metallic:wavelength:wedgewood:blue +7742 sky_blue rgb 108 166 205 hex #6CA6CD hsv 204 47 80 xyz 0.31 0.35 0.63 lab 66 -8 -26 lch 66 27 252 cmyk 38 15 0 20 iceberg[4600][113,166,210](2.8):PMS292[315][117,178,221](4.5):air_superiority_blue[978][114,160,193](4.6):cerulean_frost[2188][109,155,195](5.1):picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](5.8) 3 PMS292:air:cerulean:frost:iceberg:picton:superiority:blue +7743 sky_blue rgb 117 187 253 hex #75BBFD hsv 209 54 99 xyz 0.43 0.46 1 lab 74 -4 -39 lch 74 39 265 cmyk 53 26 0 1 very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](1.4):steel_blue[7969][99,184,255](4.6):french_sky_blue[3761][119,181,254](5.4):maya_blue[5589][115,194,251](6.2):steel_blue[7967][92,172,238](6.2) 2 light:very:french:maya:sky:steel:azure:blue +7744 sky_blue rgb 118 215 234 hex #76D7EA hsv 190 50 92 xyz 0.47 0.58 0.87 lab 81 -24 -18 lch 81 30 218 cmyk 45 7 0 8 medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](1.7):PMS305[341][112,206,226](3.3):spray[7912][121,222,236](3.5):PMS310[347][114,209,221](3.7):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](4.5) 6 medium:PMS305:PMS310:sky:spray:blue:turquoise +7745 sky_blue rgb 126 192 238 hex #7EC0EE hsv 205 47 93 xyz 0.43 0.48 0.88 lab 75 -9 -29 lch 75 31 253 cmyk 44 18 0 7 aero[965][124,185,232](3.0):lightblue[5243][123,200,246](3.7):malibu[5482][125,200,247](3.7):sky[7739][130,202,252](4.2):PMS292[315][117,178,221](5.2) 4 PMS292:aero:lightblue:malibu:sky +7746 sky_blue rgb 128 218 235 hex #80DAEB hsv 190 46 92 xyz 0.49 0.61 0.88 lab 82 -23 -17 lch 82 28 217 cmyk 42 7 0 8 medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](0.0):spray[7912][121,222,236](3.3):PMS310[347][114,209,221](4.1):light_arctic_blue[5005][139,220,231](4.2):PMS305[341][112,206,226](4.5) 5 medium:light:PMS305:PMS310:arctic:sky:spray:blue +7747 sky_blue rgb 135 206 235 hex #87CEEB hsv 197 43 92 xyz 0.47 0.55 0.87 lab 79 -15 -21 lch 79 26 235 cmyk 39 11 0 8 anakiwa[1049][140,206,234](1.4):seagull[7581][128,204,234](1.7):baby_blue[1238][137,207,240](2.4):PMS297[325][130,198,226](3.2):light_cerulean[5079][139,208,231](3.3) 8 light:PMS297:anakiwa:baby:cerulean:seagull:blue +7748 sky_blue rgb 135 206 255 hex #87CEFF hsv 205 47 100 xyz 0.5 0.57 1.03 lab 80 -9 -31 lch 80 32 253 cmyk 47 19 0 0 sky[7739][130,202,252](2.2):light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](2.8):sky_blue_light[7750][135,206,250](2.8):malibu[5482][125,200,247](3.0):light_blue[5012][149,208,252](3.3) 6 light:malibu:sky:blue +7749 sky_blue_deep rgb 0 191 255 hex #00BFFF hsv 195 100 100 xyz 0.37 0.44 1.01 lab 73 -18 -43 lch 73 46 247 cmyk 100 25 0 0 capri[2065][0,191,255](0.0):deep_sky_blue[3059][0,191,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cerulean[5368][0,191,255](0.0):spiro_disco_ball[7902][15,192,252](2.2):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](5.9) 4 luminous:deep:vivid:ball:capri:cerulean:disco:sky:spiro:blue +7750 sky_blue_light rgb 135 206 250 hex #87CEFA hsv 203 46 98 xyz 0.49 0.56 0.99 lab 80 -11 -29 lch 80 30 249 cmyk 45 17 0 2 light_sky_blue[5202][135,206,250](0.0):malibu[5482][125,200,247](2.2):sky_blue[7748][135,206,255](2.8):light_blue[5012][149,208,252](3.3):lightblue[5243][123,200,246](3.3) 6 light:lightblue:malibu:sky:blue +7751 sky_magenta rgb 207 113 175 hex #CF71AF hsv 320 45 81 xyz 0.39 0.28 0.44 lab 60 45 -17 lch 60 48 340 cmyk 0 37 13 19 super_pink[8152][207,107,169](3.0):hopbush[4542][208,109,161](7.1):pale_magenta[6385][215,103,173](7.1):pearly_purple[6572][183,104,162](7.1):PMS514[632][216,132,188](7.9) 1 pale:PMS514:hopbush:magenta:pearly:super:pink:purple +7752 skydiver rgb 70 119 200 hex #4677C8 hsv 217 65 78 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.57 lab 50 9 -47 lch 50 48 281 cmyk 51 32 0 22 PMS285[306][58,117,196](2.2):medium_blue[5599][44,111,187](5.1):PMS2718[273][91,119,204](6.3):PMS300[332][0,114,198](6.4):dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](6.4) 1 medium:PMS2718:PMS285:PMS300:dodger:blue +7753 skywater rgb 64 70 83 hex #404653 hsv 221 23 33 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.09 lab 30 1 -9 lch 30 9 275 cmyk 7 5 0 67 shapeshifter[7643][64,70,83](0.0):rhino[7197][61,70,83](1.4):mako[5476][68,73,84](2.2):river_bed[7236][67,76,89](2.2):bright_grey[1725][60,65,81](2.4) 17 bed:bright:mako:rhino:river:shapeshifter:grey +7754 slate rgb 53 54 53 hex #353635 hsv 120 2 21 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 22 -1 0 lch 22 1 144 cmyk 0 0 0 79 botany_bay[1668][55,56,55](1.0):jet[4759][52,52,52](1.0):bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.4):charcoal[2220][52,56,55](1.4):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.4) 69 dark:bay:botany:bright:charcoal:jet:grey +7755 slate rgb 81 101 114 hex #516572 hsv 204 29 45 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.18 lab 42 -4 -10 lch 42 11 247 cmyk 13 5 0 55 dark_electric_blue[2719][83,104,120](1.4):payne's_grey[6531][83,104,120](1.4):payne_grey[6532][83,104,120](1.4):black_coral[1456][84,98,111](2.4):cadet[1974][83,104,114](2.4) 11 dark:cadet:coral:electric:payne:payne's:black:blue:grey +7756 slate_blue rgb 0 127 255 hex #007FFF hsv 210 100 100 xyz 0.26 0.22 0.98 lab 54 19 -71 lch 54 74 285 cmyk 100 50 0 0 azure[1226][0,127,255](0.0):azure_radiance[1236][0,127,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_azure[5364][0,128,255](1.0):clear_blue[2366][36,122,253](4.2):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](4.6) 5 luminous:vivid:clear:dodger:radiance:azure:blue +7757 slate_blue rgb 71 60 139 hex #473C8B hsv 248 57 55 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.25 lab 30 26 -43 lch 30 50 302 cmyk 27 31 0 45 dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](1.4):slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](1.4):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](2.4):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](3.7):kudos[4893][53,58,139](3.7) 7 slate:dark:blueberry:gem:kudos:blue +7758 slate_blue rgb 91 124 153 hex #5B7C99 hsv 208 41 60 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.33 lab 51 -4 -19 lch 51 20 258 cmyk 24 11 0 40 steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](1.0):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](1.4):steel_blue[7968][96,124,154](2.0):lynch[5417][105,126,154](3.3):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](3.3) 9 greyish:lynch:steel:stormy:blue +7759 slate_blue rgb 105 89 205 hex #6959CD hsv 248 57 80 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.59 lab 45 36 -58 lch 45 69 302 cmyk 39 45 0 20 light_indigo[5128][109,90,207](1.4):dark_periwinkle[2840][102,95,209](3.2):iris[4670][98,88,196](4.4):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](6.6):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](7.0) 3 light:dark:PMS2725:PMS2726:iris:periwinkle:indigo +7760 slate_blue rgb 106 90 205 hex #6A5ACD hsv 248 56 80 xyz 0.21 0.15 0.6 lab 45 36 -58 lch 45 68 302 cmyk 39 45 0 20 light_indigo[5128][109,90,207](1.4):dark_periwinkle[2840][102,95,209](3.2):iris[4670][98,88,196](4.4):PMS2725[275][114,81,188](6.6):PMS2726[276][102,86,188](7.0) 3 light:dark:PMS2725:PMS2726:iris:periwinkle:indigo +7761 slate_blue rgb 122 103 238 hex #7A67EE hsv 248 57 93 xyz 0.28 0.2 0.83 lab 52 41 -66 lch 52 78 302 cmyk 45 53 0 7 medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](1.0):slate_blue_medium[7765][123,104,238](1.0):light_slate[5207][132,112,255](5.4):light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](5.4):slate_blue_light[7764][132,112,255](5.4) 2 slate:medium:light:blue +7762 slate_blue rgb 131 111 255 hex #836FFF hsv 248 56 100 xyz 0.33 0.23 0.97 lab 55 44 -69 lch 55 82 302 cmyk 49 56 0 0 light_slate[5207][132,112,255](1.4):light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](1.4):slate_blue_light[7764][132,112,255](1.4):medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](5.8):slate_blue_medium[7765][123,104,238](5.8) 3 slate:medium:light:blue +7763 slate_blue_dark rgb 72 61 139 hex #483D8B hsv 248 56 55 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.25 lab 31 26 -42 lch 31 49 302 cmyk 26 31 0 45 dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](0.0):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](1.4):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](2.8):victoria[8833][83,68,145](3.2):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](4.2) 6 slate:dark:blueberry:gem:victoria:blue +7764 slate_blue_light rgb 132 112 255 hex #8470FF hsv 248 56 100 xyz 0.33 0.24 0.97 lab 56 43 -69 lch 56 81 302 cmyk 48 56 0 0 light_slate[5207][132,112,255](0.0):light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](0.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](1.4):slate_blue[7761][122,103,238](5.4):medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](6.0) 3 slate:medium:light:blue +7765 slate_blue_medium rgb 123 104 238 hex #7B68EE hsv 249 56 93 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.83 lab 52 41 -65 lch 52 77 302 cmyk 45 53 0 7 medium_slate_blue[5640][123,104,238](0.0):slate_blue[7761][122,103,238](1.0):slate_blue[7762][131,111,255](5.8):light_slate[5207][132,112,255](6.0):light_slate_blue[5208][132,112,255](6.0) 2 slate:medium:light:blue +7766 slate_brown rgb 125 103 87 hex #7D6757 hsv 25 30 49 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.11 lab 45 6 12 lch 45 14 63 cmyk 0 9 15 51 roman_coffee[7280][125,103,87](0.0):pine_cone[6655][117,101,86](2.4):wrangler[9182][128,103,90](2.4):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.0):echidna[3349][116,95,82](3.2) 17 coffee:cone:double:echidna:otter:pine:roman:wrangler +7767 slate_green rgb 101 141 109 hex #658D6D hsv 132 28 55 xyz 0.18 0.23 0.18 lab 55 -21 13 lch 55 24 148 cmyk 16 0 13 45 dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](2.2):flat_medium_green[3671][105,139,105](2.2):spring_green[7922][87,131,99](4.1):spring_green[7923][92,138,100](4.1):spring_leaves[7927][87,131,99](4.1) 7 medium:dark:flat:leaves:sea:spring:green +7768 slate_grey rgb 89 101 109 hex #59656D hsv 204 18 43 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.16 lab 42 -3 -6 lch 42 7 246 cmyk 8 3 0 57 cadet[1974][83,104,114](3.0):gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](3.0):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](3.2):snapshot[7803][80,95,103](3.2):black_coral[1456][84,98,111](3.3) 17 cadet:coral:denim:gunmetal:half:new:snapshot:black:blue +7769 slate_grey rgb 108 123 139 hex #6C7B8B hsv 211 22 55 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.27 lab 51 -2 -11 lch 51 11 260 cmyk 12 6 0 45 light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](1.4):lynch[5416][105,125,137](2.8):raven[7079][114,123,137](2.8):weathered_blue[9032][103,117,131](2.8):escapade[3506][102,124,145](3.2) 16 light:escapade:lynch:raven:steel:weathered:blue +7770 slate_grey rgb 112 128 144 hex #708090 hsv 210 22 56 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.29 lab 53 -2 -11 lch 53 11 259 cmyk 13 6 0 44 steel[7961][115,133,149](2.2):light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](2.4):light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](3.0):slate_grey_light[7775][119,136,153](3.0):tsunami[8550][107,131,147](3.0) 18 slate:light:steel:tsunami:blue:grey +7771 slate_grey rgb 159 182 205 hex #9FB6CD hsv 210 22 80 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.64 lab 73 -3 -14 lch 73 15 259 cmyk 18 9 0 20 comfort_zone[2442][162,185,210](1.7):light_steel_blue[5214][162,181,205](2.0):PMS644[823][155,175,196](2.4):light_grey_blue[5123][157,188,212](3.0):frozen[3785][157,182,198](3.6) 13 light:PMS644:comfort:frozen:steel:zone:blue:grey +7772 slate_grey rgb 185 211 238 hex #B9D3EE hsv 211 22 93 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.9 lab 83 -3 -16 lch 83 16 260 cmyk 21 11 0 7 spindle[7900][182,209,234](1.4):light_steel_blue[5216][188,210,238](2.0):PMS277[298][181,209,232](2.2):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](2.2):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](4.1) 10 pale:light:PMS2707:PMS277:grayish:spindle:steel:azure:blue +7773 slate_grey rgb 198 226 255 hex #C6E2FF hsv 211 22 100 xyz 0.69 0.74 1.05 lab 89 -3 -17 lch 89 17 260 cmyk 22 11 0 0 pale_azure[6311][194,224,255](1.4):light_steel_blue[5217][202,225,255](2.0):tropical_blue[8535][195,221,249](2.0):hawkes_blue[4441][212,226,252](4.4):pale_cornflower_blue[6328][194,232,255](4.6) 5 pale:light:cornflower:hawkes:steel:tropical:azure:blue +7774 slate_grey_dark rgb 47 79 79 hex #2F4F4F hsv 180 41 31 xyz 0.05 0.07 0.08 lab 31 -12 -4 lch 31 12 198 cmyk 13 0 0 69 dark_slate_grey[2889][47,79,79](0.0):blue_dianne[1560][53,81,79](2.4):espirit[3509][53,78,81](3.2):oracle[6195][57,85,85](3.7):beatnik[1332][31,79,84](4.5) 7 slate:dark:beatnik:dianne:espirit:oracle:blue:grey +7775 slate_grey_light rgb 119 136 153 hex #778899 hsv 210 22 60 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.34 lab 56 -2 -11 lch 56 11 259 cmyk 13 7 0 40 light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](0.0):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](1.4):steel[7961][115,133,149](1.4):treasure[8462][117,138,156](1.4):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](3.0) 14 slate:light:scotty:silver:steel:treasure:grey +7776 slime_green rgb 153 204 4 hex #99CC04 hsv 75 98 80 xyz 0.35 0.5 0.08 lab 76 -39 75 lch 76 85 118 cmyk 20 0 78 20 vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](5.0):bahia[1257][165,203,12](5.1):PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](5.5):lickety_split[4993][163,217,45](5.9):wellywood[9046][163,217,45](5.9) 1 vivid:2X:PMS382:bahia:lickety:split:wellywood:green:lime +7777 slipper rgb 244 234 228 hex #F4EAE4 hsv 22 7 96 xyz 0.81 0.84 0.85 lab 93 2 4 lch 93 5 60 cmyk 0 4 6 4 sauvignon[7507][244,234,228](0.0):dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](1.4):desert_storm[3106][237,231,224](1.4):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.7):eighth_blanc[3391][240,235,228](2.0) 131 blanc:dawn:desert:eighth:fossil:sauvignon:storm:pink +7778 slugger rgb 65 32 16 hex #412010 hsv 20 75 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 14 17 lch 16 23 51 cmyk 0 13 19 75 dark_rum[2862][65,32,16](0.0):deep_oak[3020][65,32,16](0.0):ironbark[4678][65,31,16](1.0):paco[6295][65,31,16](1.0):PMS4625[555][71,35,17](3.0) 13 deep:dark:PMS4625:ironbark:oak:paco:rum +7779 slugger rgb 66 52 43 hex #42342B hsv 23 35 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 5 8 lch 23 9 60 cmyk 0 5 9 74 tobago[8397][68,54,45](1.0):dark_rum[2863][69,54,43](1.4):lignite[5254][66,52,41](1.4):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.0):PMS412[495][61,48,40](2.4) 46 burnt:dark:PMS412:lignite:rum:tobago:umber +7780 smalt rgb 0 51 153 hex #003399 hsv 220 100 60 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.31 lab 26 29 -59 lch 26 66 296 cmyk 60 40 0 40 dark_powder_blue[2847][0,51,153](0.0):air_force_blue[976][0,48,143](4.1):strong_cobalt_blue[8027][0,63,168](4.9):blue[1538][51,51,153](5.4):PMS286[307][0,56,168](6.6) 3 dark:strong:PMS286:air:cobalt:force:powder:blue +7781 smalt_blue rgb 73 98 103 hex #496267 hsv 190 29 40 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.14 lab 40 -8 -6 lch 40 10 216 cmyk 12 2 0 60 tax_break[8268][73,101,105](1.4):stormcloud[7997][79,102,106](2.2):deep_space_sparkle[3063][74,100,108](2.4):gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](3.2):streetwise[8009][79,105,113](3.7) 8 deep:break:gunmetal:space:sparkle:stormcloud:streetwise:tax +7782 smalt_blue rgb 81 128 143 hex #51808F hsv 195 43 56 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.29 lab 51 -12 -13 lch 51 18 228 cmyk 24 6 0 44 tax_break[8269][81,128,143](0.0):norwester[6076][72,121,138](3.2):hippie_blue[4506][73,136,154](4.7):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](5.1):horizon[4545][100,136,148](5.8) 3 bean:break:hippie:horizon:jelly:norwester:tax:blue +7783 smashing rgb 173 0 32 hex #AD0020 hsv 349 100 68 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.02 lab 36 60 35 lch 36 70 30 cmyk 0 68 55 32 poppy[6773][172,0,25](4.0):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](4.1):red_pepper[7132][187,17,42](4.6):del_toro[3083][177,29,32](4.7):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](5.2) 4 alabama:del:indian:pepper:poppy:toro:crimson:red +7784 smiles rgb 251 240 115 hex #FBF073 hsv 55 54 98 xyz 0.74 0.84 0.29 lab 93 -12 61 lch 93 62 101 cmyk 0 4 53 2 witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](0.0):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](2.2):sandy_yellow[7479][253,238,115](2.2):dolly[3159][245,241,113](3.0):straw[8006][252,246,121](3.0) 10 PMS3935:dolly:haze:sandy:straw:witch:yellow +7785 smitten rgb 200 64 134 hex #C84086 hsv 329 68 78 xyz 0.3 0.18 0.24 lab 49 60 -9 lch 49 60 351 cmyk 0 53 26 22 pink[6667][215,72,148](4.9):PMS675[854][188,56,119](5.4):mulberry[5939][197,75,140](5.5):fuchsia_purple[3797][204,57,123](6.3):red_violet[7146][192,68,143](6.7) 1 PMS675:fuchsia:mulberry:pink:purple:red:violet +7786 smitten rgb 200 65 134 hex #C84186 hsv 329 68 78 xyz 0.3 0.18 0.24 lab 49 59 -9 lch 49 60 351 cmyk 0 53 26 22 mulberry[5939][197,75,140](4.6):PMS675[854][188,56,119](5.1):pink[6667][215,72,148](5.4):red_violet[7146][192,68,143](6.3):fuchsia_purple[3797][204,57,123](6.7) 1 PMS675:fuchsia:mulberry:pink:purple:red:violet +7787 smoke rgb 115 130 118 hex #738276 hsv 132 12 51 xyz 0.18 0.21 0.2 lab 53 -8 5 lch 53 9 150 cmyk 6 0 5 49 blue_smoke[1590][120,133,122](1.7):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](2.2):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](2.4):windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](3.6):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](3.7) 10 smoke:smoky:spanish:windblown:xanadu:blue:green +7788 smoke_tree rgb 187 95 52 hex #BB5F34 hsv 19 72 73 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.06 lab 51 34 41 lch 51 53 50 cmyk 0 36 53 27 style_pasifika_orange_wood[8086][187,95,52](0.0):clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](2.2):tuscany[8600][189,94,46](3.2):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](3.3):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](4.2) 6 clockwork:cotta:fiery:pasifika:style:terra:tuscany:wood:orange +7789 smoke_tree rgb 218 99 4 hex #DA6304 hsv 27 98 85 xyz 0.33 0.24 0.03 lab 56 43 64 lch 56 77 56 cmyk 0 47 84 15 bamboo[1274][218,99,4](0.0):red_stage[7143][208,95,4](3.5):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](4.2):tawny[8265][205,87,0](5.1):tenn[8301][205,87,0](5.1) 3 PMS1595:bamboo:stage:tawny:tenn:red +7790 smokescreen rgb 147 162 183 hex #93A2B7 hsv 215 20 72 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.5 lab 66 -1 -13 lch 66 13 267 cmyk 14 8 0 28 style_pasifika_lagoon_spray[8082][147,162,183](0.0):rock_blue[7258][147,162,186](1.4):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.0):PMS651[830][155,170,191](3.0):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.7) 8 PMS535:PMS651:bluey:lagoon:pasifika:rock:spray:style:blue:grey +7791 smokey_ash rgb 65 60 55 hex #413C37 hsv 30 15 25 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 26 1 4 lch 26 4 74 cmyk 0 2 4 75 merlin[5681][65,60,55](0.0):armadillo[1140][67,62,55](1.0):kina_brown[4862][67,61,56](1.0):triple_masala[8500][65,62,55](1.4):half_ironsand[4343][67,64,60](1.7) 46 armadillo:half:ironsand:kina:masala:merlin:triple:brown +7792 smokey_ash rgb 93 89 82 hex #5D5952 hsv 38 12 36 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.09 lab 38 0 5 lch 38 5 87 cmyk 0 2 4 64 dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](2.2):triple_tapa[8525][91,90,80](2.2):chicago[2279][91,93,86](2.4):half_gravel[4334][92,93,86](2.4):masala[5565][87,83,75](3.0) 37 dark:chicago:gravel:half:masala:olivish:tapa:triple:grey +7793 smokey_topaz rgb 147 61 65 hex #933D41 hsv 357 59 58 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.06 lab 38 37 16 lch 38 40 23 cmyk 0 34 32 42 smoky_topaz[7798][147,61,65](0.0):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.0):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.0):rosewood[7322][143,62,63](3.2):tosca[8435][141,63,63](4.1) 12 indian:indianred:rosewood:smoky:topaz:tosca:red +7794 smoky rgb 96 91 115 hex #605B73 hsv 253 21 45 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.18 lab 40 7 -13 lch 40 15 300 cmyk 7 9 0 55 comet[2440][92,93,117](2.2):dolphin[3161][100,96,119](2.2):covert[2564][100,89,119](4.5):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](5.1):comet[2441][99,99,115](5.4) 3 box:comet:covert:dolphin:salt +7795 smoky rgb 96 93 107 hex #605D6B hsv 253 13 42 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.16 lab 40 4 -8 lch 40 9 299 cmyk 4 5 0 58 mid_grey[5708][95,95,110](1.4):mobster[5796][96,90,103](1.7):comet[2441][99,99,115](2.2):quadrant_grey[6912][89,94,107](3.0):salt_box[7438][104,94,110](3.2) 12 box:comet:mid:mobster:quadrant:salt:grey +7796 smoky_black rgb 16 12 8 hex #100C08 hsv 30 50 6 xyz 0 0 0 lab 4 1 2 lch 4 2 70 cmyk 0 2 3 94 asphalt[1163][19,10,6](1.7):banjul[1287][19,10,6](1.7):maire[5466][19,10,6](1.7):grey[4103][13,13,13](2.2):grey[4104][15,15,15](2.2) 26 asphalt:banjul:maire:grey +7797 smoky_green rgb 121 134 124 hex #79867C hsv 134 10 53 xyz 0.2 0.23 0.22 lab 55 -7 4 lch 55 8 151 cmyk 5 0 4 47 blue_smoke[1590][120,133,122](1.0):windblown_green[9129][126,134,123](2.2):smoke[7787][115,130,118](2.4):honeydew[4531][131,139,131](3.0):mummy's_tomb[5945][130,142,132](3.2) 12 honeydew:mummy's:smoke:tomb:windblown:blue:green +7798 smoky_topaz rgb 147 61 65 hex #933D41 hsv 357 59 58 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.06 lab 38 37 16 lch 38 40 23 cmyk 0 34 32 42 smokey_topaz[7793][147,61,65](0.0):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.0):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.0):rosewood[7322][143,62,63](3.2):tosca[8435][141,63,63](4.1) 12 indian:indianred:rosewood:smokey:topaz:tosca:red +7799 smooch rgb 126 32 86 hex #7E2056 hsv 326 75 49 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.09 lab 30 45 -10 lch 30 46 348 cmyk 0 37 16 51 PMS242[207][124,28,81](2.2):PMS249[215][127,40,96](4.1):french_plum[3757][129,20,83](4.2):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](4.5):raspberry[7068][135,38,87](4.5) 6 dark:PMS242:PMS249:french:plum:raspberry +7800 smooth_cream rgb 218 199 156 hex #DAC79C hsv 42 28 85 xyz 0.55 0.58 0.4 lab 81 0 24 lch 81 24 90 cmyk 0 7 24 15 pavlova[6530][215,196,152](1.4):quarter_putty[6984][224,203,159](1.7):PMS467[565][221,204,165](2.8):haystack[4442][222,199,161](2.8):raffia[7041][220,198,160](2.8) 24 PMS467:haystack:pavlova:putty:quarter:raffia +7801 smooth_operator rgb 210 184 138 hex #D2B88A hsv 38 34 82 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.31 lab 76 3 27 lch 76 27 84 cmyk 0 10 28 18 double_haystack[3206][214,184,138](1.0):very_light_brown[8751][211,182,131](3.2):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](3.6):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](3.6):calico[2009][224,192,149](3.7) 19 light:very:calico:double:haystack:navajo:sorrell:brown:white +7802 snap rgb 91 160 208 hex #5BA0D0 hsv 205 56 82 xyz 0.28 0.32 0.64 lab 63 -8 -31 lch 63 32 256 cmyk 46 19 0 18 picton_blue[6644][91,160,208](0.0):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](2.0):iceberg[4600][113,166,210](4.7):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](5.1):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](5.1) 3 carolina:iceberg:picton:blue:gray:grey +7803 snapshot rgb 80 95 103 hex #505F67 hsv 201 22 40 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.14 lab 39 -4 -6 lch 39 7 240 cmyk 9 3 0 60 gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](1.7):half_new_denim_blue[4359][83,92,100](2.0):fiord[3633][75,90,98](2.2):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](3.0):slate_grey[7768][89,101,109](3.2) 15 slate:bluewood:denim:fiord:gunmetal:half:new:pickled:blue:grey +7804 snot rgb 172 187 13 hex #ACBB0D hsv 65 93 73 xyz 0.35 0.44 0.07 lab 72 -23 72 lch 72 76 108 cmyk 6 0 68 27 PMS583[769][170,186,10](1.0):acid_green[956][176,191,26](2.2):mustard_green[5956][168,181,4](2.4):la_rioja[4902][179,193,16](3.6):rio_grande[7228][183,198,26](4.2) 10 PMS583:acid:grande:la:mustard:rio:rioja:green +7805 snot_green rgb 157 193 0 hex #9DC100 hsv 71 100 76 xyz 0.33 0.45 0.07 lab 73 -33 73 lch 73 80 114 cmyk 14 0 76 24 limerick[5288][157,194,9](0.0):pistachio[6721][157,194,9](0.0):PMS382_2X[459][158,196,0](1.7):citrus[2348][161,197,10](2.2):bright_olive[1739][156,187,4](3.7) 7 2X:PMS382:bright:citrus:limerick:olive:pistachio +7806 snow rgb 139 137 137 hex #8B8989 hsv 360 1 55 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.27 lab 57 1 0 lch 57 1 19 cmyk 0 1 1 45 grey[4153][138,138,138](1.0):grey[4151][133,133,133](1.4):grey[4152][135,135,135](1.4):grey[4154][140,140,140](1.4):half_gauntlet[4333][139,138,136](1.7) 50 gauntlet:half:grey +7807 snow rgb 205 201 201 hex #CDC9C9 hsv 0 2 80 xyz 0.57 0.59 0.64 lab 81 1 0 lch 81 1 19 cmyk 0 2 2 20 grey[4182][201,201,201](1.0):half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.0):grey[4181][199,199,199](1.4):grey[4183][204,204,204](1.4):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.4) 61 light:very:half:rakaia:grey +7808 snow rgb 238 233 233 hex #EEE9E9 hsv 360 2 93 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.89 lab 93 2 1 lch 93 2 19 cmyk 0 2 2 7 half_vista_white[4408][238,234,230](1.4):whisper[9077][239,230,230](1.4):soft_peach[7831][245,237,239](1.7):ebb[3343][233,227,227](2.0):dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](2.2) 100 dawn:ebb:half:soft:vista:whisper:peach:pink:white +7809 snow rgb 255 250 250 hex #FFFAFA hsv 360 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.97 1.04 lab 99 2 1 lch 99 2 19 cmyk 0 2 2 0 soapstone[7821][255,251,249](1.0):pinkish_white[6703][255,246,246](1.4):vista_white[8888][252,248,247](1.4):hint_of_red[4502][251,249,249](1.7):rose_white[7319][255,246,245](1.7) 68 hint:of:pinkish:soapstone:vista:red:rose:white +7810 snow_drift rgb 227 227 220 hex #E3E3DC hsv 60 3 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.79 lab 90 -1 3 lch 90 4 110 cmyk 0 0 3 11 double_black_white[3183][228,226,218](1.0):eighth_ash[3386][227,226,218](1.0):half_athens_grey[4283][228,228,223](1.0):half_house_white[4340][226,227,223](1.0):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.0) 131 ash:athens:double:eighth:half:house:pointer:black:grey:white +7811 snow_drift rgb 247 250 247 hex #F7FAF7 hsv 120 1 98 xyz 0.89 0.95 1.02 lab 98 -2 1 lch 98 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 2 saltpan[7441][241,247,242](1.7):alabaster[984][250,250,250](2.2):black_squeeze[1481][242,250,250](2.2):desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](2.2):grey[4201][250,250,250](2.2) 92 alabaster:desert:saltpan:squeeze:storm:black:grey +7812 snow_flurry rgb 228 255 209 hex #E4FFD1 hsv 95 18 100 xyz 0.79 0.93 0.74 lab 97 -17 19 lch 97 25 131 cmyk 11 0 18 0 nyanza[6086][233,255,219](5.7):summer_fun[8116][234,247,201](5.7):tea_green[8276][208,240,192](6.4):chiffon[2283][241,255,200](6.8):snowy_mint[7815][214,255,219](6.8) 0 chiffon:fun:nyanza:snowy:summer:tea:green:mint +7813 snow_flurry rgb 234 247 201 hex #EAF7C9 hsv 77 19 97 xyz 0.78 0.88 0.68 lab 95 -12 21 lch 95 24 120 cmyk 5 0 18 3 summer_fun[8116][234,247,201](0.0):carla[2092][245,249,203](3.7):tusk[8603][238,243,195](3.7):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](4.4):corn_field[2522][248,250,205](4.5) 6 carla:corn:field:fun:mimosa:summer:tusk +7814 snowy_mint rgb 214 240 205 hex #D6F0CD hsv 105 15 94 xyz 0.7 0.81 0.7 lab 92 -15 14 lch 92 20 136 cmyk 10 0 14 6 blue_romance[1587][216,240,210](2.8):hint_of_green[4496][223,241,214](5.1):very_pale_green[8807][226,255,226](5.8):granny_apple[3969][197,231,205](5.9):blue_romance[1586][210,246,222](6.4) 1 pale:very:apple:granny:hint:of:romance:blue:green +7815 snowy_mint rgb 214 255 219 hex #D6FFDB hsv 127 16 100 xyz 0.76 0.91 0.81 lab 96 -20 13 lch 96 24 147 cmyk 16 0 14 0 very_pale_green[8807][226,255,226](5.5):pale_sea_green[6425][194,255,217](6.2):aero_blue[967][201,255,229](6.3):pale_spring_green[6434][194,255,224](6.5):blue_romance[1586][210,246,222](6.7) 0 pale:very:aero:romance:sea:spring:blue:green +7816 snuff rgb 226 216 237 hex #E2D8ED hsv 269 9 93 xyz 0.71 0.71 0.9 lab 88 7 -9 lch 88 12 309 cmyk 4 8 0 7 blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](1.7):light_magentaish_grey[5140][231,218,231](4.0):PMS263[251][224,206,224](4.1):sonique[7849][213,206,226](4.1):quartz[7018][217,217,243](4.6) 5 light:PMS263:chalk:magentaish:quartz:sonique:blue:grey +7817 snuff rgb 228 215 229 hex #E4D7E5 hsv 296 6 90 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.84 lab 87 7 -5 lch 87 9 323 cmyk 0 5 0 10 light_magentaish_grey[5140][231,218,231](1.0):lola[5333][223,207,219](2.4):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](3.2):titan_white[8374][221,214,225](3.2):dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](3.3) 11 light:chalk:dreamweaver:lola:magentaish:titan:blue:grey:white +7818 so_cool rgb 158 160 161 hex #9EA0A1 hsv 200 2 63 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.39 lab 66 -1 -1 lch 66 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 37 silver_aluminium[7708][158,160,161](0.0):grey[4164][161,161,161](1.4):grey[4163][158,158,158](1.7):grey[4165][163,163,163](1.7):transmission[8458][159,161,158](2.0) 45 aluminium:silver:transmission:grey +7819 soap rgb 206 200 239 hex #CEC8EF hsv 249 16 94 xyz 0.62 0.61 0.9 lab 82 10 -18 lch 82 21 298 cmyk 13 15 0 6 fairylight[3546][213,199,232](3.2):fog[3710][213,199,232](3.2):moon_raker[5888][214,206,246](3.2):prelude[6807][208,192,229](4.1):zappo[9249][196,192,226](4.1) 5 fairylight:fog:moon:prelude:raker:zappo +7820 soapstone rgb 236 229 218 hex #ECE5DA hsv 37 8 93 xyz 0.75 0.79 0.78 lab 91 0 6 lch 91 6 85 cmyk 0 3 7 7 quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](0.0):quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](1.0):quarter_joanna[6959][234,230,218](1.0):quarter_thorndon_cream[7009][233,230,218](1.0):white_linen[9086][238,231,220](1.0) 137 albescent:blanc:cream:joanna:linen:quarter:thorndon:white +7821 soapstone rgb 255 251 249 hex #FFFBF9 hsv 20 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.97 1.03 lab 99 1 1 lch 99 2 55 cmyk 0 2 2 0 snow[7809][255,250,250](1.0):vista_white[8888][252,248,247](1.0):grey[4202][252,252,252](1.4):hint_of_red[4502][251,249,249](1.4):pale_grey[6349][253,253,254](1.4) 78 pale:hint:of:snow:vista:grey:red:white +7822 socrates rgb 113 109 89 hex #716D59 hsv 50 21 44 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.12 lab 46 -2 12 lch 46 12 100 cmyk 0 2 9 56 crocodile[2604][115,109,88](1.4):peat[6573][113,107,86](1.7):kokoda[4876][110,109,87](2.0):equilibrium[3503][119,110,91](2.2):strobe[8012][121,115,92](2.8) 28 crocodile:equilibrium:kokoda:peat:strobe +7823 sofisticata rgb 78 45 33 hex #4E2D21 hsv 16 58 31 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 22 14 14 lch 22 20 46 cmyk 0 13 18 69 saddle[7396][76,48,36](3.3):pepperwood[6583][84,47,39](3.5):dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](3.6):indian_tan[4639][79,48,31](3.7):dark_vermilion[2914][89,52,39](4.2) 7 dark:indian:oak:pepperwood:saddle:tan:vermilion +7824 soft_amber rgb 207 190 165 hex #CFBEA5 hsv 36 20 81 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.43 lab 78 2 15 lch 78 15 82 cmyk 0 7 16 19 biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.4):dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](1.4):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](1.4):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](1.4):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.7) 42 dark:alpaca:biscotti:dough:sour:vanilla +7825 soft_amber rgb 209 198 180 hex #D1C6B4 hsv 37 14 82 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.51 lab 80 1 10 lch 80 10 85 cmyk 0 4 11 18 PMS400[484][209,198,181](0.0):acropolis[959][206,198,181](1.0):aquashield_acropolis[1126][206,198,181](1.0):half_tea[4401][206,198,181](1.0):sandspit_brown[7466][210,198,182](1.0) 68 PMS400:acropolis:aquashield:half:sandspit:tea:brown +7826 soft_apple rgb 184 202 157 hex #B8CA9D hsv 84 22 79 xyz 0.47 0.55 0.4 lab 79 -14 20 lch 79 25 124 cmyk 7 0 18 21 sprout[7935][184,202,157](0.0):pixie_green[6725][187,205,165](2.4):sprout[7936][193,215,176](5.0):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](5.7):gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](6.4) 3 pale:gooseberry:leaf:pixie:sprout:green +7827 soft_blue rgb 100 136 234 hex #6488EA hsv 224 57 92 xyz 0.29 0.26 0.81 lab 58 16 -53 lch 58 56 287 cmyk 53 38 0 8 brilliant_cobalt_blue[1772][81,137,231](5.1):PMS2718[273][91,119,204](8.5):cornflower[2527][100,149,237](9.0):cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](9.0):light_blue[5011][139,139,231](9.0) 0 light:brilliant:PMS2718:cobalt:cornflower:blue +7828 soft_green rgb 111 194 118 hex #6FC276 hsv 125 43 76 xyz 0.29 0.43 0.24 lab 72 -41 31 lch 72 51 143 cmyk 33 0 30 24 fern[3578][99,183,108](4.1):pale_green[6342][124,205,124](4.5):fern[3579][113,188,120](5.4):boring_green[1661][99,179,101](6.1):de_york[2944][133,202,135](7.8) 2 pale:boring:de:fern:york:green +7829 soft_mint rgb 223 240 226 hex #DFF0E2 hsv 131 7 94 xyz 0.75 0.83 0.84 lab 93 -8 5 lch 93 9 149 cmyk 7 0 5 6 off_green[6108][223,240,226](0.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](1.0):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](1.0):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](2.2):frostee[3783][228,246,231](2.2) 32 apple:frosted:frostee:honeydew:off:green:mint +7830 soft_peach rgb 238 223 222 hex #EEDFDE hsv 4 7 93 xyz 0.75 0.76 0.8 lab 90 5 2 lch 90 5 25 cmyk 0 6 6 7 bizarre[1449][238,222,218](2.0):pinkish_grey[6698][231,218,218](2.2):tutu[8607][248,228,227](3.0):whisper[9077][239,230,230](3.0):lavender_blush[4937][238,224,229](3.2) 36 bizarre:blush:pinkish:tutu:whisper:grey:lavender +7831 soft_peach rgb 245 237 239 hex #F5EDEF hsv 345 3 96 xyz 0.84 0.86 0.94 lab 94 3 0 lch 94 3 360 cmyk 0 3 2 4 magnolia[5455][238,232,235](1.4):snow[7808][238,233,233](1.7):whisper[9077][239,230,230](2.2):fantasy[3559][250,243,240](3.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](3.0) 80 fantasy:gallery:magnolia:snow:whisper +7832 soft_pink rgb 242 205 187 hex #F2CDBB hsv 20 23 95 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.56 lab 85 10 14 lch 85 17 53 cmyk 0 15 22 5 watusi[9023][242,205,187](0.0):desert_sand[3105][239,205,184](1.4):PMS489[598][242,209,191](1.7):just_right[4802][236,205,185](2.2):tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](2.2) 12 PMS489:bush:desert:just:right:sand:tuft:watusi +7833 soft_pink rgb 253 176 192 hex #FDB0C0 hsv 348 30 99 xyz 0.66 0.56 0.57 lab 79 30 3 lch 79 30 6 cmyk 0 30 24 1 pink[6671][255,181,197](2.2):cherry_blossom_pink[2262][255,183,197](2.8):light_pink[5173][255,174,185](3.2):light_pink[5174][255,182,193](3.5):pink_light[6683][255,182,193](3.5) 9 light:blossom:cherry:pink +7834 soft_purple rgb 166 111 181 hex #A66FB5 hsv 287 39 71 xyz 0.3 0.23 0.47 lab 55 34 -28 lch 55 44 320 cmyk 6 27 0 29 PMS2577[229][170,114,191](4.6):PMS528[660][175,114,193](6.0):ce_soir[2145][151,113,181](6.4):wisteria[9153][151,113,181](6.4):PMS2573[228][186,124,188](6.5) 1 PMS2573:PMS2577:PMS528:ce:soir:wisteria +7835 soft_whisper rgb 248 234 202 hex #F8EACA hsv 42 19 97 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.68 lab 93 0 17 lch 93 17 91 cmyk 0 5 18 3 gin_fizz[3862][248,234,202](0.0):champagne[2211][250,236,204](1.0):pipi[6711][245,230,196](1.4):half_chandelier[4304][243,233,203](1.7):blanched_almond[1496][255,235,205](2.2) 50 blanched:champagne:chandelier:fizz:gin:half:pipi:almond +7836 softly rgb 241 235 217 hex #F1EBD9 hsv 45 10 95 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.78 lab 93 -1 9 lch 93 9 96 cmyk 0 2 9 5 buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](0.0):orchid_white[6245][241,235,217](0.0):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](1.0):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4) 107 bianca:buttery:eggshell:half:lusta:orchid:pearl:white +7837 soho rgb 90 70 58 hex #5A463A hsv 23 36 35 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.05 lab 31 7 10 lch 31 12 58 cmyk 0 8 13 65 rocky_road[7270][87,70,58](2.0):brown_derby[1846][89,69,55](2.2):kabul[4803][94,72,62](2.2):judge_grey[4782][84,67,51](3.0):cork[2516][90,76,66](4.1) 16 cork:derby:judge:kabul:road:rocky:brown:grey +7838 solar_flare rgb 105 62 64 hex #693E40 hsv 357 41 41 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.06 lab 31 19 7 lch 31 20 20 cmyk 0 17 16 59 purple_brown[6872][103,58,63](2.4):salmon[7424][111,66,66](2.4):deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](3.0):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](3.0):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](3.6) 6 deep:coffee:purplish:roast:salmon:brown:purple +7839 solid_gold rgb 146 119 72 hex #927748 hsv 38 51 57 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.09 lab 52 4 30 lch 52 30 82 cmyk 0 11 29 43 gold_dust[3902][146,119,72](0.0):bullwhip[1902][143,112,64](3.7):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](4.0):muesli[5932][158,126,83](4.7):dirt[3133][138,110,69](5.4) 4 boardwalk:bullwhip:dirt:dust:gold:muesli +7840 solid_pink rgb 133 73 76 hex #85494C hsv 357 45 52 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.08 lab 38 26 10 lch 38 27 20 cmyk 0 24 22 48 PMS4985[608][132,73,73](1.4):hot_stuff[4571][135,71,72](2.2):orbit[6233][135,71,72](2.2):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.7):tuscan_red[8597][124,72,72](4.1) 5 PMS4985:hot:intrigue:orbit:stuff:tuscan:red +7841 solid_pink rgb 137 56 67 hex #893843 hsv 352 59 54 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.06 lab 35 36 11 lch 35 37 17 cmyk 0 32 27 46 erotic[3505][148,65,76](4.0):zinger[9263][135,61,66](4.2):cordovan[2510][137,63,69](4.6):adrenalin_junkie[963][127,49,54](4.7):cha[2192][140,63,66](4.7) 5 adrenalin:cha:cordovan:erotic:junkie:zinger +7842 solitaire rgb 234 218 194 hex #EADAC2 hsv 36 17 92 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.61 lab 88 2 14 lch 88 14 83 cmyk 0 6 16 8 quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](1.0):almond[1010][239,219,197](1.4):anglaise[1054][238,222,196](1.7):almond[1009][238,217,196](2.2):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](2.2) 43 anglaise:double:haystack:quarter:villa:almond:white +7843 solitaire rgb 254 248 226 hex #FEF8E2 hsv 47 11 100 xyz 0.88 0.94 0.85 lab 98 -2 11 lch 98 11 98 cmyk 0 2 11 0 off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](0.0):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.0):very_pale_amber[8797][255,248,226](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](1.4):early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.4) 54 pale:very:amber:chilean:dawn:early:fizz:gin:heath:off:yellow +7844 solitude rgb 233 236 241 hex #E9ECF1 hsv 218 3 95 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.95 lab 93 0 -3 lch 93 3 268 cmyk 3 2 0 5 athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](2.2):grey[4195][235,235,235](3.0):porcelain[6778][239,242,243](3.0):white_lilac[9084][231,229,232](3.0):gallery[3824][239,239,239](3.2) 46 athens:gallery:lilac:porcelain:grey:white +7845 solitude rgb 234 246 255 hex #EAF6FF hsv 206 8 100 xyz 0.85 0.91 1.08 lab 96 -2 -6 lch 96 6 248 cmyk 8 4 0 0 zumthor[9281][237,246,255](1.4):alice_blue[998][240,248,255](2.4):lily_white[5263][231,248,255](2.4):zircon[9268][244,248,255](3.0):very_pale_azure[8798][226,240,255](3.6) 13 pale:very:alice:lily:zircon:zumthor:azure:blue:white +7846 somerset rgb 223 221 120 hex #DFDD78 hsv 59 46 87 xyz 0.6 0.69 0.28 lab 86 -13 50 lch 86 51 105 cmyk 0 1 40 13 PMS610[789][226,219,114](2.2):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](2.4):straw[8005][228,217,111](4.2):texas[8315][236,230,126](4.2):PMS586[775][226,229,132](4.7) 5 PMS586:PMS610:goldenrod:straw:texas +7847 sonic_boom rgb 37 32 66 hex #252042 hsv 249 52 26 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 15 12 -21 lch 15 24 301 cmyk 11 13 0 74 surfs_up[8164][31,33,66](2.2):PMS276[293][43,33,71](3.3):redemption_blue[7160][35,37,69](3.3):violent_violet[8848][46,34,73](4.6):filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](5.5) 4 PMS276:filmpro:redemption:surfs:up:violent:blue:purple:violet +7848 sonic_silver rgb 117 117 117 hex #757575 hsv 330 0 46 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.19 lab 49 0 0 lch 49 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 54 grey[4144][117,117,117](0.0):grey[4143][115,115,115](1.0):grey[4145][120,120,120](1.0):mid_grey[5710][113,116,118](1.4):trojan[8532][117,120,120](1.4) 55 mid:trojan:grey +7849 sonique rgb 213 206 226 hex #D5CEE2 hsv 261 9 89 xyz 0.63 0.64 0.81 lab 84 6 -9 lch 84 11 304 cmyk 5 8 0 11 languid_lavender[4910][214,202,221](2.4):confederate_grey[2453][203,203,222](2.8):PMS2706[266][209,206,221](3.0):PMS263[251][224,206,224](3.7):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](3.7) 9 PMS263:PMS2706:chalk:confederate:languid:blue:grey:lavender +7850 sooty rgb 40 29 25 hex #281D19 hsv 16 38 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 12 5 5 lch 12 7 46 cmyk 0 4 6 84 blackout[1490][33,25,22](3.0):double_diesel[3196][40,32,29](3.0):jungle_green[4790][40,30,21](3.6):oil[6118][40,30,21](3.6):cocoa_brown[2408][48,31,30](3.7) 10 blackout:cocoa:diesel:double:jungle:oil:brown:green +7851 sorbus rgb 221 107 56 hex #DD6B38 hsv 19 75 87 xyz 0.36 0.26 0.07 lab 58 41 48 lch 58 63 49 cmyk 0 45 65 13 phoenix[6632][216,108,55](2.0):hyperactive[4591][227,108,54](3.7):red_damask[7120][218,106,65](5.0):gold_drop[3900][213,108,48](5.1):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](5.4) 3 chilean:damask:drop:fire:gold:hyperactive:phoenix:red +7852 sorbus rgb 253 124 7 hex #FD7C07 hsv 29 97 99 xyz 0.48 0.35 0.05 lab 66 44 72 lch 66 85 59 cmyk 0 51 96 1 flamenco[3659][255,125,7](1.0):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](1.0):amber[1034][255,126,0](2.2):chilean_fire[2285][247,119,3](2.2):heat_wave[4449][255,122,0](2.2) 20 amber:chilean:fire:flamenco:heat:pumpkin:wave:orange +7853 sorrell_brown rgb 157 127 97 hex #9D7F61 hsv 30 38 62 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.15 lab 55 7 21 lch 55 22 71 cmyk 0 12 24 38 secret_road[7598][157,130,97](1.7):double_rickshaw[3233][157,127,101](2.2):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](2.4):quasar[7019][161,125,96](3.0):sandal[7460][163,135,106](3.3) 14 double:goldmine:quasar:rickshaw:road:sandal:secret +7854 sorrell_brown rgb 206 185 143 hex #CEB98F hsv 40 31 81 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.33 lab 76 1 24 lch 76 24 87 cmyk 0 8 25 19 saloon[7436][213,191,152](2.4):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](2.8):navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](2.8):wheat[9064][205,186,150](3.0):PMS466[563][209,191,145](3.5) 19 PMS466:canterbury:clay:half:navajo:saloon:wheat:white +7855 sorrento rgb 154 176 172 hex #9AB0AC hsv 169 13 69 xyz 0.36 0.41 0.45 lab 70 -8 -1 lch 70 8 184 cmyk 9 0 2 31 conch[2446][160,177,174](2.4):edward[3366][162,174,171](3.2):tower_grey[8444][156,172,165](3.3):pewter[6627][150,168,161](3.6):skeptic[7736][157,180,170](3.7) 11 conch:edward:pewter:skeptic:tower:grey +7856 souffle rgb 213 193 113 hex #D5C171 hsv 48 47 84 xyz 0.49 0.53 0.23 lab 78 -4 43 lch 78 43 95 cmyk 0 8 39 16 light_goldenrod[5106][205,190,112](2.4):old_goldenrod[6131][205,190,112](2.4):chenin[2255][222,195,113](3.3):laser[4915][200,181,104](4.5):sand[7454][226,202,118](4.6) 5 light:chenin:goldenrod:laser:old:sand +7857 soul rgb 193 167 139 hex #C1A78B hsv 31 28 76 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.3 lab 70 5 18 lch 70 19 74 cmyk 0 10 21 24 okey_dokey[6123][188,161,132](2.4):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](3.3):taupe[8261][185,162,129](3.5):doeskin[3156][182,160,129](3.7):half_doeskin[4317][193,175,147](3.7) 22 doeskin:dokey:half:howlin:okey:taupe:wolf +7858 soulmate rgb 205 181 175 hex #CDB5AF hsv 12 15 80 xyz 0.49 0.49 0.47 lab 76 8 6 lch 76 10 39 cmyk 0 9 12 20 misty_rose[5789][205,183,181](2.0):mistyrose[5793][205,183,181](2.0):blanched_pink[1497][208,187,181](2.2):oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](2.2):cold_turkey[2432][202,181,178](2.4) 15 misty:blanched:cold:mistyrose:oyster:turkey:pink:rose +7859 sour_dough rgb 201 181 154 hex #C9B59A hsv 34 23 79 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.37 lab 75 3 16 lch 75 17 80 cmyk 0 8 18 21 tabby[8200][197,178,152](1.0):bisque[1431][205,183,158](1.4):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](1.4):grain_brown[3962][202,184,162](2.2):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](2.4) 38 bisque:colins:eighth:grain:tabby:vanilla:wicket:brown +7860 sour_dough rgb 209 190 168 hex #D1BEA8 hsv 32 20 82 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.45 lab 78 3 14 lch 78 14 77 cmyk 0 7 16 18 dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](0.0):vanilla[8677][209,190,168](0.0):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):quarter_doeskin[6939][209,191,169](1.0):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.4) 42 dark:alpaca:biscotti:doeskin:quarter:vanilla +7861 southern_cross rgb 255 215 0 hex #FFD700 hsv 51 100 100 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.1 lab 87 -2 87 lch 87 87 91 cmyk 0 16 100 0 gold[3898][255,215,0](0.0):school_bus_yellow[7530][255,216,0](0.0):sunflower_yellow[8132][255,218,3](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.0):cyber_yellow[2649][255,211,0](2.4) 15 2X:PMS803:bus:cyber:gold:school:sunflower:yellow +7862 soya_bean rgb 106 96 81 hex #6A6051 hsv 36 24 42 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.09 lab 41 1 10 lch 41 10 83 cmyk 0 4 10 58 makara[5474][105,95,80](0.0):talisman[8211][101,93,80](1.4):dragon[3267][102,94,76](1.7):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](1.7):PMS405[489][107,94,79](2.2) 33 PMS405:dragon:makara:pravda:talisman:triple +7863 soya_bean rgb 111 99 75 hex #6F634B hsv 40 32 44 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.08 lab 42 1 15 lch 42 15 87 cmyk 0 5 14 56 coffee[2420][114,103,81](2.2):double_stonewall[3243][108,99,78](2.2):bandit[1285][114,98,79](3.0):double_arrowtown[3175][113,103,83](3.0):crocodile[2603][112,105,80](3.6) 16 arrowtown:bandit:coffee:crocodile:double:stonewall +7864 space_cadet rgb 29 41 81 hex #1D2951 hsv 226 64 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 18 9 -26 lch 18 28 289 cmyk 20 16 0 68 blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](2.2):cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](3.0):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.7):dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](3.7):dark_sapphire_blue[2869][39,52,89](4.9) 5 dark:aviator:burst:cloud:phthalo:sapphire:zodiac:blue +7865 space_cadet rgb 30 41 82 hex #1E2952 hsv 227 63 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 18 10 -27 lch 18 28 290 cmyk 20 16 0 68 dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](2.8):blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](3.0):cloud_burst[2381][32,46,84](4.1):aviator[1207][42,48,87](4.2):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](4.5) 6 dark:aviator:blast:burst:cloud:off:phthalo:zodiac:blue +7866 space_shuttle rgb 67 49 32 hex #433120 hsv 29 52 26 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 22 6 14 lch 22 15 68 cmyk 0 7 14 74 iroko[4674][67,49,32](0.0):black_marlin[1465][62,44,28](2.0):clinker[2376][70,54,35](3.0):bivouac_green[1447][64,50,37](3.6):café_noir[2004][75,54,33](3.6) 13 bivouac:café:clinker:iroko:marlin:noir:black:green +7867 space_shuttle rgb 75 67 59 hex #4B433B hsv 30 21 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.05 lab 29 2 6 lch 29 6 73 cmyk 0 3 6 71 double_masala[3215][69,65,57](2.4):double_mondo[3218][74,66,55](2.4):double_oilskin[3221][80,69,58](2.4):nest_egg[6028][77,69,58](2.4):rambler[7057][83,71,61](3.0) 30 double:egg:masala:mondo:nest:oilskin:rambler +7868 spanish_bistre rgb 128 117 50 hex #807532 hsv 52 61 50 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.06 lab 49 -5 38 lch 49 38 97 cmyk 0 4 31 50 grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](2.0):pesto[6621][124,118,49](2.0):crete[2597][119,113,43](3.0):grass_hopper[3986][122,114,41](3.0):pesto[6620][122,114,41](3.0) 9 crete:grass:hopper:pesto +7869 spanish_blue rgb 0 112 184 hex #0070B8 hsv 203 100 72 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.47 lab 46 1 -45 lch 46 45 271 cmyk 72 28 0 28 french_blue[3744][0,114,187](1.0):bluish[1615][41,118,187](2.8):ocean_boat_blue[6096][0,119,190](2.8):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](3.0):mid_blue[5705][39,106,179](4.5) 6 bluish:boat:french:honolulu:mid:ocean:blue +7870 spanish_carmine rgb 209 0 71 hex #D10047 hsv 340 100 82 xyz 0.27 0.14 0.07 lab 44 71 23 lch 44 74 18 cmyk 0 82 54 18 PMS206[164][211,5,71](1.4):lipstick[5300][213,23,78](3.0):ruby[7362][202,1,71](3.0):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](3.0):utah_crimson[8666][211,0,63](5.1) 4 PMS206:lipstick:ruby:ua:utah:crimson:red +7871 spanish_crimson rgb 229 26 76 hex #E51A4C hsv 345 89 90 xyz 0.34 0.18 0.09 lab 49 73 27 lch 49 78 20 cmyk 0 80 60 10 PMS1925[148][224,7,71](1.7):amaranth[1026][229,43,80](3.7):red[7108][238,32,77](4.4):carmine[2095][215,0,64](4.6):rich_carmine[7214][215,0,64](4.6) 6 PMS1925:amaranth:carmine:rich:red +7872 spanish_green rgb 0 145 80 hex #009150 hsv 153 100 57 xyz 0.12 0.21 0.11 lab 53 -49 25 lch 53 55 152 cmyk 57 0 25 43 PMS347[421][0,158,96](4.6):howzat[4577][0,158,89](4.6):shamrock_green[7641][0,158,96](4.6):spring_green[7918][0,139,69](4.6):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](7.3) 4 PMS347:haze:howzat:shamrock:spring:green +7873 spanish_green rgb 123 137 118 hex #7B8976 hsv 104 14 54 xyz 0.2 0.23 0.21 lab 55 -9 8 lch 55 12 136 cmyk 5 0 7 46 PMS5625[729][114,132,112](3.0):xanadu[9184][115,134,120](3.3):smoke[7787][115,130,118](3.7):xanadu[9185][117,135,110](4.4):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](4.5) 8 PMS5625:smoke:smoky:xanadu:green +7874 spanish_green rgb 129 152 133 hex #819885 hsv 130 15 60 xyz 0.25 0.29 0.26 lab 61 -12 7 lch 61 14 149 cmyk 9 0 7 40 bluegrass[1607][131,151,131](1.7):PMS5555[715][119,145,130](3.6):envy[3498][139,165,143](4.2):marsh_green[5554][139,165,143](4.2):PMS624[803][127,160,140](4.5) 5 PMS5555:PMS624:bluegrass:envy:marsh:green +7875 spanish_grey rgb 152 152 152 hex #989898 hsv 300 0 60 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.34 lab 63 0 0 lch 63 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 40 grey[4161][153,153,153](0.0):grey[4160][150,150,150](1.0):grey[4162][156,156,156](1.0):white_metal[9088][148,149,148](1.4):triple_surrender[8523][153,156,157](1.7) 42 metal:surrender:triple:grey:white +7876 spanish_orange rgb 232 97 0 hex #E86100 hsv 25 100 91 xyz 0.38 0.26 0.03 lab 58 49 67 lch 58 83 54 cmyk 0 53 91 9 PMS166[100][221,89,0](4.2):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](4.6):persimmon[6614][236,88,0](5.1):PMS1585[84][249,107,7](5.4):clementine[2370][233,110,0](6.4) 2 vivid:PMS1585:PMS166:clementine:persimmon:tangelo +7877 spanish_pink rgb 247 191 190 hex #F7BFBE hsv 1 23 97 xyz 0.66 0.61 0.57 lab 82 20 8 lch 82 22 23 cmyk 0 22 22 3 PMS699[878][247,191,191](0.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](1.7):PMS495[603][244,188,191](2.4):azalea[1221][249,192,196](2.4):baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](2.4) 24 PMS182:PMS495:PMS699:azalea:baby:pink +7878 spanish_red rgb 230 0 38 hex #E60026 hsv 350 100 90 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.03 lab 48 75 48 lch 48 89 33 cmyk 0 90 75 10 cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](1.4):PMS185[136][232,17,45](3.3):medium_candy_apple_red[5602][226,6,44](4.5):vivid_amaranth[8890][231,0,29](5.0):red[7105][237,28,36](5.4) 4 medium:vivid:PMS185:amaranth:apple:cadmium:candy:red +7879 spanish_sky_blue rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:electric +7880 spanish_violet rgb 76 40 130 hex #4C2882 hsv 264 69 51 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.22 lab 26 37 -45 lch 26 58 310 cmyk 21 35 0 49 regalia[7171][82,45,128](4.6):blue_magenta_violet[1577][85,53,146](5.2):meteorite[5697][60,31,118](5.4):PMS273[279][56,25,122](7.5):gigas[3855][82,60,148](7.8) 1 PMS273:gigas:magenta:meteorite:regalia:blue:violet +7881 spanish_viridian rgb 0 127 92 hex #007F5C hsv 163 100 50 xyz 0.1 0.16 0.13 lab 47 -39 11 lch 47 40 165 cmyk 50 0 14 50 PMS3415[413][0,124,89](1.4):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](4.7):elf_green[3461][27,138,107](5.1):PMS341[412][0,122,94](5.4):deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](5.7) 2 deep:dark:PMS341:PMS3415:cyan:elf:sea:green:turquoise +7882 spanish_white rgb 222 209 183 hex #DED1B7 hsv 40 18 87 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.54 lab 84 0 15 lch 84 15 89 cmyk 0 5 15 13 aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](0.0):janna[4730][222,209,183](0.0):pompeii[6766][220,209,181](1.0):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](1.4):stark_white[7957][229,215,189](2.2) 41 aquashield:double:janna:pompeii:spanish:stark:wheatfield:white +7883 spanish_white rgb 244 235 211 hex #F4EBD3 hsv 44 14 96 xyz 0.79 0.83 0.74 lab 93 -1 13 lch 93 13 94 cmyk 0 4 13 4 janna[4731][244,235,211](0.0):albescent_white[989][245,233,211](1.4):blanc[1495][245,233,211](1.4):clotted_cream[2378][245,234,208](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](1.4) 74 albescent:blanc:clotted:cream:janna:parchment:white +7884 spark rgb 105 83 65 hex #695341 hsv 27 38 41 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.06 lab 37 6 14 lch 37 15 66 cmyk 0 9 16 59 catapult[2134][104,81,67](2.4):quincy[7032][106,84,69](2.4):tobacco_brown[8394][109,88,67](2.4):wombat[9162][103,87,68](3.3):spice[7892][108,79,63](4.1) 8 catapult:quincy:spice:tobacco:wombat:brown +7885 spartan_crimson rgb 158 19 22 hex #9E1316 hsv 359 88 62 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.02 lab 34 53 37 lch 34 65 35 cmyk 0 55 53 38 pulse[6844][164,29,25](2.2):tamarillo[8217][153,22,19](2.4):carmine[2094][157,2,22](3.7):scarlett[7524][149,0,21](3.7):sangria[7481][146,0,10](4.5) 5 carmine:pulse:sangria:scarlett:tamarillo +7886 spearmint rgb 30 248 118 hex #1EF876 hsv 144 88 97 xyz 0.37 0.69 0.28 lab 86 -75 49 lch 86 89 147 cmyk 85 0 51 3 guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](3.5):luminous_vivid_spring_green[5401][0,255,128](3.5):spring_green[7921][0,255,127](3.5):minty_green[5774][11,247,125](4.1):spring_green[7920][0,238,118](5.4) 4 luminous:vivid:guppie:minty:spring:green +7887 spectra rgb 47 90 87 hex #2F5A57 hsv 176 48 35 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.1 lab 35 -16 -3 lch 35 16 191 cmyk 17 0 1 65 dark_cyan[2715][39,89,89](2.2):dark_opal[2820][39,89,83](2.4):plantation[6732][39,80,75](4.1):stromboli[8013][50,93,82](5.5):PMS5477[694][58,86,79](5.7) 3 dark:PMS5477:cyan:opal:plantation:stromboli +7888 spectra rgb 55 93 79 hex #375D4F hsv 158 41 36 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -17 4 lch 36 18 168 cmyk 15 0 5 64 stromboli[8013][50,93,82](2.2):homegrown[4527][54,97,84](2.4):stromboli[8014][64,99,86](3.3):style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](3.3):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](3.7) 10 homegrown:mineral:pasifika:stromboli:style:whirlpool:green +7889 speed_demon rgb 85 27 36 hex #551B24 hsv 351 68 33 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 19 28 8 lch 19 29 17 cmyk 0 23 19 67 lava[4925][89,31,37](3.0):PMS504[619][81,30,38](3.2):red_baron[7112][81,29,34](3.2):renegade[7183][89,34,40](3.7):burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](4.1) 8 burnt:PMS504:baron:lava:renegade:crimson:red +7890 spellbound rgb 109 74 78 hex #6D4A4E hsv 353 32 43 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.08 lab 35 16 4 lch 35 16 13 cmyk 0 14 12 57 ferra[3584][112,79,80](3.0):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](3.6):crossroads[2606][115,73,73](3.7):rose_ebony[7304][103,72,70](3.7):galaxy[3822][99,70,75](4.1) 7 crossroads:ebony:ferra:galaxy:purplish:brown:rose +7891 spice rgb 106 68 46 hex #6A442E hsv 22 57 42 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.04 lab 33 14 20 lch 33 24 55 cmyk 0 15 24 58 drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](3.0):fudge[3799][106,62,42](3.6):irish_coffee[4672][98,66,43](3.6):old_copper[6127][114,74,47](3.6):cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](4.1) 15 cape:coffee:copper:drumbeat:fudge:irish:old:palliser +7892 spice rgb 108 79 63 hex #6C4F3F hsv 21 42 42 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.06 lab 36 10 14 lch 36 17 55 cmyk 0 11 18 58 catapult[2134][104,81,67](3.6):quincy[7032][106,84,69](4.1):spark[7884][105,83,65](4.1):jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](4.4):old_copper[6128][115,80,59](4.6) 5 catapult:copper:jambalaya:old:quincy:spark +7893 spicy_mix rgb 136 83 66 hex #885342 hsv 15 51 53 xyz 0.14 0.12 0.07 lab 41 20 19 lch 41 28 44 cmyk 0 21 27 47 ironstone[4685][134,80,64](1.4):mule_fawn[5941][136,79,64](2.2):light_salmon[5187][139,87,66](2.4):radiance[7037][143,87,67](3.0):nutmeg[6083][126,74,59](4.1) 7 light:fawn:ironstone:mule:nutmeg:radiance:salmon +7894 spicy_mix rgb 139 95 77 hex #8B5F4D hsv 17 45 55 xyz 0.16 0.14 0.09 lab 45 16 18 lch 45 23 48 cmyk 0 17 24 45 lone_ranger[5338][135,97,79](3.6):leather[4956][144,106,84](5.0):dark_brown_tangelo[2696][136,101,78](5.2):light_salmon[5187][139,87,66](5.2):brownish[1863][156,109,87](5.4) 2 light:dark:brownish:leather:lone:ranger:salmon:tangelo:brown +7895 spicy_mustard rgb 116 100 13 hex #74640D hsv 51 89 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.02 lab 43 -3 46 lch 43 46 93 cmyk 0 6 40 55 mustard[5951][116,100,13](0.0):PMS3995[483][109,96,2](2.4):yukon_gold[9240][123,102,8](3.7):greeny_brown[4093][105,96,6](4.2):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](5.4) 4 PMS1265:PMS3995:gold:greeny:mustard:yukon:brown +7896 spicy_pink rgb 129 110 113 hex #816E71 hsv 351 15 51 xyz 0.18 0.17 0.18 lab 48 8 1 lch 48 8 8 cmyk 0 7 6 49 empress[3478][129,115,119](3.0):innuendo[4657][119,105,111](3.0):empress[3477][124,113,115](3.3):eighth_barista[3387][116,100,102](4.1):bazaar[1326][143,119,119](4.6) 7 barista:bazaar:eighth:empress:innuendo +7897 spicy_pink rgb 137 117 120 hex #897578 hsv 351 15 54 xyz 0.2 0.19 0.2 lab 51 8 1 lch 51 8 8 cmyk 0 8 7 46 bazaar[1326][143,119,119](2.4):empress[3478][129,115,119](2.4):empress[3477][124,113,115](3.7):venus[8697][139,125,130](4.1):kubrick[4892][142,116,113](4.5) 10 bazaar:empress:kubrick:venus +7898 spicy_pink rgb 255 28 174 hex #FF1CAE hsv 321 89 100 xyz 0.49 0.25 0.42 lab 57 86 -20 lch 57 88 347 cmyk 0 89 32 0 bright_pink[1741][254,1,177](4.4):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](4.4):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](4.4):maroon[5549][255,52,179](4.5):shocking_pink[7676][254,2,162](5.2) 4 bright:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:maroon:shocking:pink +7899 spindle rgb 179 196 216 hex #B3C4D8 hsv 212 17 85 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.73 lab 78 -2 -12 lch 78 12 262 cmyk 15 8 0 15 casper[2125][173,190,209](2.2):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](2.4):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](3.0):light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](3.2):steel_blue_light[7970][176,196,222](3.2) 14 light:casper:cloudy:steel:blue:grey +7900 spindle rgb 182 209 234 hex #B6D1EA hsv 209 22 92 xyz 0.57 0.61 0.87 lab 83 -4 -15 lch 83 16 257 cmyk 20 10 0 8 PMS277[298][181,209,232](1.0):slate_grey[7772][185,211,238](1.4):pale_light_grayish_azure[6358][184,208,231](1.7):beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](3.2):light_steel_blue[5216][188,210,238](3.2) 10 pale:slate:light:PMS277:beau:grayish:steel:azure:blue:grey +7901 spinnaker rgb 47 77 102 hex #2F4D66 hsv 207 54 40 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.14 lab 32 -3 -18 lch 32 18 260 cmyk 22 10 0 60 wanaka[8991][40,73,98](2.2):dark_slate_blue[2886][33,71,97](3.7):fiord[3632][64,81,105](4.1):san_juan[7446][48,75,106](4.4):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](4.6) 7 slate:dark:fiord:juan:san:wanaka:blue:grey +7902 spiro_disco_ball rgb 15 192 252 hex #0FC0FC hsv 195 94 99 xyz 0.37 0.45 0.99 lab 73 -19 -41 lch 73 45 245 cmyk 93 24 0 1 capri[2065][0,191,255](2.2):deep_sky_blue[3059][0,191,255](2.2):luminous_vivid_cerulean[5368][0,191,255](2.2):sky_blue_deep[7749][0,191,255](2.2):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](5.5) 4 luminous:deep:vivid:capri:cerulean:sky:blue +7903 spirulina rgb 104 140 96 hex #688C60 hsv 109 31 55 xyz 0.17 0.23 0.15 lab 55 -22 20 lch 55 29 138 cmyk 14 0 17 45 hippie_green[4509][96,138,90](3.0):highland[4487][111,142,99](3.3):russian_green[7378][103,146,103](3.5):dark_sage[2864][89,133,86](5.1):glade_green[3870][95,129,81](5.4) 3 dark:glade:highland:hippie:russian:sage:green +7904 spitfire rgb 56 25 33 hex #381921 hsv 345 55 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 14 16 2 lch 14 17 5 cmyk 0 12 9 78 jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](2.4):temptress[8300][60,33,38](2.8):ravishing[7081][64,26,34](3.3):chocolate[2303][61,35,39](4.4):conundrum[2467][60,32,44](4.6) 8 chocolate:conundrum:jumpstart:ravishing:temptress +7905 splash rgb 241 215 158 hex #F1D79E hsv 41 34 95 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.42 lab 87 1 31 lch 87 31 88 cmyk 0 10 33 5 new_orleans[6041][243,214,157](1.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](3.2):marzipan[5563][248,219,157](3.2):buttermilk[1958][246,224,164](3.7):cape_honey[2058][254,224,165](3.7) 14 buttermilk:cape:honey:maize:marzipan:new:orleans +7906 splash rgb 255 239 193 hex #FFEFC1 hsv 45 24 100 xyz 0.82 0.87 0.63 lab 95 -2 24 lch 95 24 94 cmyk 0 6 24 0 egg_white[3374][255,239,193](0.0):pale_amber[6305][255,240,194](0.0):beeswax[1382][254,242,199](2.2):blond[1519][250,240,190](2.4):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](2.4) 27 pale:amber:beeswax:blond:colonial:egg:white +7907 splat rgb 165 206 236 hex #A5CEEC hsv 205 30 93 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.88 lab 81 -7 -19 lch 81 20 251 cmyk 28 12 0 7 sail[7418][165,206,236](0.0):light_sky_blue[5204][164,211,238](2.4):pale_cornflower_blue[6327][171,205,239](3.2):cornflower[2530][154,206,235](3.3):PMS283[304][155,196,226](4.0) 8 pale:light:PMS283:cornflower:sail:sky:blue +7908 splish_splash rgb 41 89 139 hex #29598B hsv 211 71 55 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.26 lab 37 1 -33 lch 37 33 272 cmyk 38 20 0 45 endeavour[3483][41,89,139](0.0):PMS653[832][51,86,135](3.0):filmpro_sky_blue[3622][53,93,144](3.0):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](3.2):st_tropaz[7949][50,84,130](4.1) 8 light:PMS653:endeavour:filmpro:navy:sky:st:tropaz:blue +7909 sponge rgb 220 219 205 hex #DCDBCD hsv 56 7 86 xyz 0.66 0.7 0.68 lab 87 -2 7 lch 87 7 107 cmyk 0 0 6 14 eighth_tana[3424][224,222,209](1.0):half_titania[4403][224,220,206](1.4):milk_white[5744][220,217,205](1.4):quarter_beryl_green[6921][217,217,202](1.4):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.4) 114 beryl:caraway:eighth:half:milk:quarter:tana:titania:green:white +7910 sports_star rgb 61 133 184 hex #3D85B8 hsv 205 67 72 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.48 lab 53 -6 -33 lch 53 34 260 cmyk 48 20 0 28 curious_blue[2629][61,133,184](0.0):steel_blue[7964][70,130,180](2.4):cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](3.0):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](4.1):lure[5409][47,119,169](5.1) 4 cool:curious:cyan:lure:steel:azure:blue +7911 spotlight rgb 248 191 0 hex #F8BF00 hsv 46 100 97 xyz 0.57 0.57 0.08 lab 80 7 82 lch 80 83 85 cmyk 0 22 97 3 golden[3909][245,191,3](1.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](1.0):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](1.7):golden_rod[3922][249,188,8](2.2):marigold[5528][252,192,6](2.2) 16 golden:goldenrod:marigold:poppy:rod +7912 spray rgb 121 222 236 hex #79DEEC hsv 187 49 93 xyz 0.49 0.62 0.89 lab 83 -26 -16 lch 83 30 212 cmyk 45 5 0 7 turquoise_blue[8585][119,221,231](2.2):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](2.8):medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](3.3):sky_blue[7746][128,218,235](3.3):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](3.5) 10 medium:sky:aquamarine:blue:turquoise +7913 spray rgb 126 205 221 hex #7ECDDD hsv 190 43 87 xyz 0.43 0.53 0.76 lab 78 -20 -16 lch 78 25 218 cmyk 37 6 0 13 PMS637[816][107,201,219](4.1):PMS305[341][112,206,226](4.2):light_cerulean[5079][139,208,231](4.9):medium_sky_blue[5639][128,218,235](5.1):sky_blue[7746][128,218,235](5.1) 3 medium:light:PMS305:PMS637:cerulean:sky:blue +7914 spray_drift rgb 45 88 119 hex #2D5877 hsv 205 62 47 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.19 lab 36 -5 -22 lch 36 23 258 cmyk 29 12 0 53 venice_blue[8695][44,87,120](1.7):matisse[5575][54,92,125](3.0):orient[6250][37,91,119](3.2):blumine[1622][24,88,122](3.7):bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](4.1) 7 bahama:blumine:matisse:orient:venice:blue +7915 spring_bud rgb 167 252 0 hex #A7FC00 hsv 80 100 99 xyz 0.51 0.78 0.12 lab 91 -54 87 lch 91 103 122 cmyk 33 0 99 1 electric_lime[3445][168,255,4](1.7):lemon_green[4975][173,248,2](3.2):luminous_vivid_spring_bud[5400][159,255,0](4.0):bright_yellow_green[1759][157,255,0](5.0):green_yellow[4071][173,255,47](5.5) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:bud:electric:spring:green:lemon:lime:yellow +7916 spring_fever rgb 227 223 110 hex #E3DF6E hsv 58 52 89 xyz 0.61 0.7 0.25 lab 87 -13 55 lch 87 57 104 cmyk 0 2 46 11 PMS610[789][226,219,114](3.3):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](3.7):straw[8005][228,217,111](3.7):PMS585[773][219,224,107](4.1):PMS100[0][244,237,124](5.1) 4 PMS100:PMS585:PMS610:goldenrod:straw +7917 spring_frost rgb 135 255 42 hex #87FF2A hsv 94 84 100 xyz 0.46 0.77 0.15 lab 90 -65 81 lch 90 104 129 cmyk 47 0 84 0 bright_lime[1734][135,253,5](4.0):lime_green[5273][137,254,5](5.0):lawn_green[4952][124,252,0](5.1):acid_green[955][143,254,9](5.4):chartreuse[2238][127,255,0](5.8) 2 acid:bright:chartreuse:lawn:green:lime +7918 spring_green rgb 0 139 69 hex #008B45 hsv 150 100 55 xyz 0.1 0.19 0.09 lab 51 -48 29 lch 51 56 150 cmyk 55 0 27 45 spanish_green[7872][0,145,80](4.6):jungle_green[4789][4,130,67](5.8):howzat[4577][0,158,89](7.3):filmpro_emerald_green[3610][44,129,57](7.9):la_salle_green[4904][8,120,48](7.9) 1 emerald:filmpro:howzat:jungle:la:salle:spanish:green +7919 spring_green rgb 0 205 102 hex #00CD66 hsv 150 100 80 xyz 0.24 0.45 0.2 lab 73 -65 39 lch 73 76 149 cmyk 80 0 40 20 tealish_green[8294][12,220,115](5.4):emerald_green[3470][0,201,87](6.4):ufo_green[8628][60,208,112](6.4):shamrock_green[7642][2,193,77](8.1):weird_green[9042][58,229,127](8.1) 0 emerald:shamrock:tealish:ufo:weird:green +7920 spring_green rgb 0 238 118 hex #00EE76 hsv 150 100 93 xyz 0.34 0.62 0.27 lab 83 -73 45 lch 83 86 149 cmyk 93 0 47 7 minty_green[5774][11,247,125](3.2):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](3.5):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](5.0):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](5.4):guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](6.7) 3 vivid:guppie:minty:spearmint:spring:wintergreen:green +7921 spring_green rgb 0 255 127 hex #00FF7F hsv 150 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.73 0.32 lab 88 -77 47 lch 88 90 149 cmyk 100 0 50 0 guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](0.0):luminous_vivid_spring_green[5401][0,255,128](0.0):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](3.5):minty_green[5774][11,247,125](4.1):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](6.5) 4 luminous:vivid:guppie:minty:spearmint:spring:wintergreen:green +7922 spring_green rgb 87 131 99 hex #578363 hsv 136 34 51 xyz 0.14 0.19 0.15 lab 51 -22 13 lch 51 26 151 cmyk 17 0 13 49 spring_leaves[7927][87,131,99](0.0):glade_green[3871][97,132,95](3.7):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](4.1):como[2443][76,120,92](4.5):dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](5.1) 4 slate:dark:como:glade:leaves:sea:spring:green +7923 spring_green rgb 92 138 100 hex #5C8A64 hsv 130 33 54 xyz 0.16 0.21 0.15 lab 53 -24 15 lch 53 29 147 cmyk 18 0 15 46 spring_leaves[7927][87,131,99](3.5):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](4.1):glade_green[3871][97,132,95](4.2):russian_green[7378][103,146,103](5.0):dark_sea_green[2874][105,139,105](5.5) 4 slate:dark:glade:leaves:russian:sea:spring:green +7924 spring_green rgb 169 249 113 hex #A9F971 hsv 95 55 98 xyz 0.53 0.77 0.28 lab 90 -47 57 lch 90 74 130 cmyk 31 0 53 2 key_lime[4839][174,255,110](3.7):light_lime[5135][174,253,108](4.5):light_grass_green[5111][154,247,100](6.5):pale_lime[6382][190,253,115](7.0):pale_lime_green[6383][177,255,101](7.3) 2 pale:light:grass:key:green:lime +7925 spring_green rgb 236 234 190 hex #ECEABE hsv 57 19 93 xyz 0.73 0.8 0.6 lab 92 -6 22 lch 92 23 106 cmyk 0 1 18 7 mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.0):fall_green[3550][236,235,189](1.4):lemon_chiffon[4967][238,233,191](1.4):lemonchiffon[4986][238,233,191](1.4):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](1.4) 22 pale:bud:chiffon:fall:julep:lemonchiffon:spring:green:lemon:mint +7926 spring_green_medium rgb 0 250 154 hex #00FA9A hsv 157 100 98 xyz 0.4 0.71 0.42 lab 87 -71 32 lch 87 78 155 cmyk 98 0 38 2 medium_spring_green[5643][0,250,154](0.0):luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](2.0):bright_sea_green[1747][5,255,166](3.7):turquoise_green[8587][4,244,137](6.4):sea_green[7562][84,255,159](7.7) 3 luminous:medium:vivid:bright:sea:spring:aquamarine:green:turquoise +7927 spring_leaves rgb 87 131 99 hex #578363 hsv 136 34 51 xyz 0.14 0.19 0.15 lab 51 -22 13 lch 51 26 151 cmyk 17 0 13 49 spring_green[7922][87,131,99](0.0):spring_green[7923][92,138,100](3.5):glade_green[3871][97,132,95](3.7):slate_green[7767][101,141,109](4.1):como[2443][76,120,92](4.5) 5 slate:como:glade:spring:green +7928 spring_rain rgb 163 189 156 hex #A3BD9C hsv 107 17 74 xyz 0.39 0.47 0.38 lab 74 -15 14 lch 74 20 138 cmyk 10 0 13 26 norway[6074][168,189,159](2.2):laurel_green[4924][169,186,157](4.1):greenish_grey[4082][150,174,141](5.0):norway[6073][164,184,143](5.5):schist[7529][169,180,151](6.3) 3 greenish:laurel:norway:schist:green:grey +7929 spring_rain rgb 172 203 177 hex #ACCBB1 hsv 130 15 80 xyz 0.46 0.55 0.5 lab 79 -15 10 lch 79 18 148 cmyk 12 0 10 20 gum_leaf[4249][172,201,178](2.4):surf[8157][184,212,187](3.3):zanah[9247][178,198,177](4.6):gum_leaf[4250][182,211,191](4.7):PMS623[802][165,191,170](4.9) 6 PMS623:gum:leaf:surf:zanah +7930 spring_sun rgb 241 241 198 hex #F1F1C6 hsv 60 18 95 xyz 0.78 0.86 0.66 lab 94 -7 21 lch 94 22 108 cmyk 0 0 17 5 mint_julep[5770][241,238,193](1.7):tahuna_sands[8209][238,240,200](2.0):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](2.2):corn_field[2521][248,243,196](2.4):daisy_chain[2659][248,243,196](2.4) 34 chain:corn:daisy:field:julep:mimosa:sands:tahuna:mint +7931 spring_sun rgb 246 255 220 hex #F6FFDC hsv 75 14 100 xyz 0.87 0.96 0.82 lab 99 -9 16 lch 99 18 119 cmyk 4 0 14 0 carla[2091][243,255,216](1.7):moon_glow[5884][252,254,218](2.2):orinoco[6255][243,251,212](2.8):very_pale_lime_green[8810][248,255,226](3.6):light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](4.1) 15 pale:light:very:carla:glow:moon:orinoco:green:lime:yellow +7932 spring_wood rgb 233 225 217 hex #E9E1D9 hsv 30 7 91 xyz 0.73 0.76 0.76 lab 90 1 5 lch 90 5 75 cmyk 0 3 6 9 pampas[6461][234,228,220](1.0):pearl_bush[6568][232,224,213](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.4):half_blanc[4296][229,222,212](1.4):half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.7) 132 albescent:blanc:bush:eighth:half:pampas:pearl:truffle:white +7933 spring_wood rgb 248 246 241 hex #F8F6F1 hsv 43 3 97 xyz 0.88 0.92 0.96 lab 97 0 3 lch 97 3 94 cmyk 0 1 3 3 eighth_black_white[3390][246,244,238](1.0):quarter_alabaster[6916][247,246,242](1.0):bridal_heath[1713][255,250,244](1.4):double_alabaster[3174][243,243,237](1.4):eighth_pearl_lusta[3414][249,248,240](1.4) 118 alabaster:bridal:double:eighth:heath:lusta:pearl:quarter:black:white +7934 spritzer rgb 194 226 37 hex #C2E225 hsv 70 84 89 xyz 0.5 0.66 0.12 lab 85 -32 79 lch 85 85 112 cmyk 13 0 74 11 fuego[3800][190,222,13](2.4):PMS382[458][186,216,10](3.3):PMS381[457][204,226,38](4.1):las_palmas[4913][198,230,16](4.2):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](5.0) 5 PMS381:PMS382:bitter:fuego:las:palmas:lemon +7935 sprout rgb 184 202 157 hex #B8CA9D hsv 84 22 79 xyz 0.47 0.55 0.4 lab 79 -14 20 lch 79 25 124 cmyk 7 0 18 21 soft_apple[7826][184,202,157](0.0):pixie_green[6725][187,205,165](2.4):pale_leaf[6355][189,202,168](5.7):gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](6.4):green_mist[4052][191,194,152](6.4) 2 pale:apple:gooseberry:leaf:mist:pixie:soft:green +7936 sprout rgb 193 215 176 hex #C1D7B0 hsv 94 18 84 xyz 0.54 0.63 0.5 lab 83 -14 17 lch 83 22 130 cmyk 9 0 15 16 pixie_green[6726][192,216,182](3.2):pixie_green[6725][187,205,165](3.3):cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](4.2):symphony[8195][196,211,180](4.2):coriander[2514][196,208,176](4.6) 6 cooled:coriander:pixie:symphony:green +7937 spruce rgb 10 95 56 hex #0A5F38 hsv 152 89 37 xyz 0.05 0.09 0.05 lab 35 -34 16 lch 35 37 155 cmyk 33 0 15 63 fun_green[3809][21,99,61](2.4):crusoe[2615][22,91,49](3.0):grass_stain[3988][22,91,49](3.0):deep_spring_green[3066][0,89,45](3.7):deep_aquamarine[2953][0,89,56](4.1) 6 deep:crusoe:fun:grass:spring:stain:aquamarine:green +7938 spun_pearl rgb 162 161 172 hex #A2A1AC hsv 245 6 67 xyz 0.35 0.36 0.44 lab 67 3 -6 lch 67 6 294 cmyk 4 4 0 33 bluish_grey[1619][156,156,168](2.2):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](3.2):aluminium[1025][169,172,182](3.7):freestyling[3741][164,168,176](3.7):mischka[5779][165,169,178](3.7) 15 aluminium:bluish:freestyling:mischka:santas:grey +7939 spun_pearl rgb 170 171 183 hex #AAABB7 hsv 235 7 72 xyz 0.4 0.41 0.51 lab 70 2 -6 lch 70 7 288 cmyk 5 5 0 28 aluminium[1025][169,172,182](1.4):freestyling[3741][164,168,176](2.4):mischka[5779][165,169,178](2.4):bombay[1636][175,177,184](3.0):grey_chateau[4209][162,170,179](3.2) 17 aluminium:bombay:chateau:freestyling:mischka:grey +7940 sputnik rgb 55 62 84 hex #373E54 hsv 226 35 33 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.09 lab 26 3 -14 lch 26 15 282 cmyk 11 9 0 67 biscay[1423][47,60,83](2.4):cloud_burst[2382][53,62,79](2.8):madison[5429][45,60,84](3.0):true_blue[8545][51,61,87](3.0):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](3.7) 16 avalanche:biscay:burst:cloud:madison:true:blue +7941 squall rgb 58 59 53 hex #3A3B35 hsv 70 10 23 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -2 4 lch 25 4 116 cmyk 0 0 2 77 black_olive[1467][59,60,54](0.0):PMS447[531][63,63,56](1.4):double_gravel[3204][58,60,57](2.0):zeus[9257][59,60,56](2.2):triple_dune[8490][58,56,51](2.4) 41 PMS447:double:dune:gravel:olive:triple:zeus:black +7942 squash rgb 242 171 21 hex #F2AB15 hsv 41 91 95 xyz 0.51 0.48 0.07 lab 75 15 75 lch 75 77 78 cmyk 0 28 87 5 buttercup[1951][243,173,22](1.0):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](2.2):medium_goldenrod[5611][238,173,14](2.2):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](2.4):my_sin[5965][255,179,31](4.1) 8 medium:dark:05:beer:buttercup:goldenrod:my:sin:srm +7943 squirrel rgb 143 125 107 hex #8F7D6B hsv 30 25 56 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.17 lab 54 4 12 lch 54 13 72 cmyk 0 7 14 44 bisque[1430][139,125,107](2.2):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](2.2):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.2):incognito[4625][142,124,110](2.4):jetsam_brown[4762][148,133,117](2.4) 34 bisque:double:gargoyle:incognito:jetsam:malta:brown +7944 squirrel rgb 143 129 118 hex #8F8176 hsv 26 17 56 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.2 lab 55 3 8 lch 55 9 67 cmyk 0 5 10 44 half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](1.4):stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](1.4):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](1.7):americano[1040][138,125,114](2.0):antique_white[1067][139,131,120](2.2) 35 antique:americano:half:ironhide:sandstone:stonewashed:white +7945 squirt rgb 164 175 205 hex #A4AFCD hsv 224 20 80 xyz 0.42 0.43 0.64 lab 72 3 -16 lch 72 17 279 cmyk 16 12 0 20 echo_blue[3351][164,175,205](0.0):rock_blue[7259][158,177,205](3.0):wild_blue_yonder[9103][162,173,208](3.3):nemo[6008][177,185,211](3.6):serendipity[7619][177,185,211](3.6) 10 echo:nemo:rock:serendipity:wild:yonder:blue +7946 st._patrick's_blue rgb 35 41 122 hex #23297A hsv 236 71 48 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.19 lab 21 26 -47 lch 21 54 299 cmyk 34 32 0 52 saint_patrick_blue[7420][35,41,122](0.0):capri[2066][6,42,120](4.2):catalina_blue[2131][6,42,120](4.2):cobalt[2394][6,42,120](4.2):PMS280[301][0,43,127](4.5) 6 PMS280:capri:catalina:cobalt:patrick:saint:blue +7947 st_kilda rgb 0 69 89 hex #004559 hsv 193 100 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 27 -11 -17 lch 27 20 237 cmyk 35 8 0 65 PMS548[695][0,68,89](1.7):deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](1.7):PMS3035[339][0,68,84](2.4):teal_blue[8286][4,66,89](3.0):PMS303[338][0,63,84](3.7) 6 deep:PMS303:PMS3035:PMS548:cerulean:teal:blue +7948 st_tropaz rgb 45 86 155 hex #2D569B hsv 218 71 61 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.32 lab 37 10 -42 lch 37 43 283 cmyk 43 27 0 39 azure[1228][49,91,161](2.2):cyan_cobalt_blue[2642][40,88,156](2.2):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](4.1):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](4.2):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](5.1) 4 medium:cobalt:cyan:electric:usafa:yale:azure:blue +7949 st_tropaz rgb 50 84 130 hex #325482 hsv 215 62 51 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.22 lab 35 3 -30 lch 35 30 275 cmyk 31 18 0 49 PMS653[832][51,86,135](1.4):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](3.6):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](3.7):fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](3.7):endeavour[3483][41,89,139](4.1) 10 light:PMS653:a:b:endeavour:fun:navy:sea:blue +7950 stack rgb 133 136 133 hex #858885 hsv 120 2 53 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.26 lab 56 -2 1 lch 56 2 144 cmyk 1 0 1 47 silver_grey[7712][133,136,133](0.0):gunsmoke[4261][130,134,133](1.0):oslo_grey[6258][129,137,136](1.4):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](2.0):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](2.0) 51 gunsmoke:jumbo:oslo:silver:steel:grey +7951 stack rgb 138 143 138 hex #8A8F8A hsv 120 3 56 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.28 lab 59 -3 2 lch 59 3 144 cmyk 2 0 2 44 PMS444[528][137,142,140](2.2):avatar[1206][139,143,142](2.2):grey[4157][146,149,145](2.2):inside_back[4658][132,142,136](2.2):eighth_gravel[3401][136,138,132](2.4) 44 PMS444:avatar:back:eighth:gravel:inside:grey +7952 star_command_blue rgb 0 123 184 hex #007BB8 hsv 200 100 72 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.48 lab 49 -6 -40 lch 49 40 262 cmyk 72 24 0 28 nice_blue[6047][16,122,176](4.6):PMS3005[333][0,132,201](5.7):water_blue[9010][14,135,204](6.5):blue[1531][0,135,189](7.1):lure[5409][47,119,169](7.1) 1 PMS3005:lure:nice:water:blue +7953 star_dust rgb 159 159 156 hex #9F9F9C hsv 60 2 62 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.36 lab 65 -1 2 lch 65 2 110 cmyk 0 0 1 38 kensington_grey[4830][157,159,154](1.0):mountain_mist[5920][160,159,156](1.0):transmission[8458][159,161,158](1.4):delta[3086][153,155,149](1.7):half_stack[4391][152,156,153](1.7) 50 delta:half:kensington:mist:mountain:stack:transmission:grey +7954 star_dust rgb 160 161 151 hex #A0A197 hsv 66 6 63 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.34 lab 66 -2 5 lch 66 6 114 cmyk 0 0 4 37 quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](1.4):delta[3087][164,164,157](1.7):dawn[2935][166,162,154](2.2):foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](2.2):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](2.2) 36 dawn:delta:foggy:quarter:swordfish:tapa:grey +7955 starbell rgb 235 193 85 hex #EBC155 hsv 43 64 92 xyz 0.55 0.56 0.17 lab 80 3 58 lch 80 59 87 cmyk 0 16 59 8 brilliant_amber[1761][231,194,81](2.8):cream_can[2587][238,192,81](2.8):cream_can[2588][245,200,92](3.3):bardot[1294][243,199,98](3.7):anzac[1073][224,182,70](4.6) 6 brilliant:amber:anzac:bardot:can:cream +7956 stark_white rgb 210 198 182 hex #D2C6B6 hsv 34 13 82 xyz 0.55 0.57 0.52 lab 80 2 10 lch 80 10 81 cmyk 0 5 11 18 sandspit_brown[7466][210,198,182](0.0):PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.0):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.0):triple_blanc[8483][206,195,175](1.7):acropolis[959][206,198,181](2.0) 59 PMS400:acropolis:amber:blanc:sandspit:soft:triple:brown +7957 stark_white rgb 229 215 189 hex #E5D7BD hsv 39 17 90 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.58 lab 86 1 15 lch 86 15 88 cmyk 0 5 16 10 double_solitaire[3238][228,210,182](1.7):rock_salt[7261][230,214,184](2.0):aquashield_spanish_white[1131][222,209,183](2.2):double_spanish_white[3240][230,215,185](2.2):eighth_canterbury_clay[3393][227,215,191](2.2) 46 aquashield:canterbury:clay:double:eighth:rock:salt:solitaire:spanish:white +7958 starship rgb 227 221 57 hex #E3DD39 hsv 58 75 89 xyz 0.58 0.68 0.14 lab 86 -16 75 lch 86 77 102 cmyk 0 2 67 11 golden_fizz[3916][235,222,49](5.1):holiday[4522][245,235,79](5.7):bird_flower[1419][212,205,22](5.9):PMS101[1][244,237,71](6.1):brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](6.2) 0 brilliant:PMS101:bird:fizz:flower:golden:holiday:yellow +7959 starship rgb 236 242 69 hex #ECF245 hsv 62 71 95 xyz 0.67 0.82 0.18 lab 92 -22 78 lch 92 81 106 cmyk 2 0 68 5 off_yellow[6112][241,243,63](3.0):PMS394[472][234,237,53](3.3):PMS387[464][224,237,68](4.1):lemon[4963][253,255,82](5.4):banana_yellow[1281][250,254,75](5.5) 3 PMS387:PMS394:banana:off:lemon:yellow +7960 starstruck rgb 230 172 0 hex #E6AC00 hsv 45 100 90 xyz 0.47 0.46 0.06 lab 74 10 77 lch 74 77 83 cmyk 0 23 90 10 vivid_amber[8892][231,174,0](1.0):PMS130[38][234,175,15](1.4):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](3.3):medium_goldenrod[5611][238,173,14](3.3):PMS124[29][224,170,15](3.7) 7 medium:dark:vivid:PMS124:PMS130:amber:goldenrod +7961 steel rgb 115 133 149 hex #738595 hsv 208 23 58 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.32 lab 55 -3 -11 lch 55 11 255 cmyk 13 6 0 42 light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](1.4):scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](1.4):slate_grey_light[7775][119,136,153](1.4):treasure[8462][117,138,156](1.4):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](2.2) 18 slate:light:scotty:silver:treasure:grey +7962 steel_blue rgb 35 107 142 hex #236B8E hsv 200 75 56 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.27 lab 42 -10 -26 lch 42 27 249 cmyk 42 14 0 44 deep_sky_blue[3056][0,104,139](2.2):optimist[6193][43,104,141](3.0):ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](4.2):blue_sapphire[1588][18,97,128](4.6):sea_blue[7549][0,105,148](5.1) 4 deep:optimist:sapphire:sea:sky:ugly:blue +7963 steel_blue rgb 54 100 139 hex #36648B hsv 208 61 55 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.26 lab 41 -3 -26 lch 41 26 263 cmyk 33 15 0 45 denim[3094][59,99,140](2.2):ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](3.2):queen_blue[7021][67,107,149](3.7):optimist[6193][43,104,141](4.1):matisse[5575][54,92,125](4.2) 5 denim:matisse:optimist:queen:ugly:blue +7964 steel_blue rgb 70 130 180 hex #4682B4 hsv 207 61 71 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.46 lab 52 -4 -32 lch 52 32 263 cmyk 43 20 0 29 cool_blue[2469][73,132,184](1.7):cyan_azure[2640][78,130,180](2.2):curious_blue[2629][61,133,184](2.4):sports_star[7910][61,133,184](2.4):moderate_azure[5812][74,121,168](4.1) 6 moderate:cool:curious:cyan:sports:star:azure:blue +7965 steel_blue rgb 79 148 205 hex #4F94CD hsv 207 61 80 xyz 0.25 0.27 0.62 lab 59 -5 -36 lch 59 36 263 cmyk 49 22 0 20 celestial_blue[2163][73,151,208](1.4):carolina_blue[2108][86,160,211](5.8):curious_blue[2628][37,150,209](5.8):blue_gray[1563][102,153,204](6.2):blue_grey[1568][102,153,204](6.2) 1 carolina:celestial:curious:blue:gray:grey +7966 steel_blue rgb 90 125 154 hex #5A7D9A hsv 207 42 60 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.33 lab 51 -5 -19 lch 51 20 257 cmyk 25 11 0 40 greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](1.0):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](1.0):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](3.2):hoki[4521][101,134,159](3.6):PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.7) 10 slate:PMS646:greyish:hoki:stormy:blue +7967 steel_blue rgb 92 172 238 hex #5CACEE hsv 207 61 93 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.86 lab 68 -5 -40 lch 68 41 263 cmyk 57 26 0 7 blue_jeans[1572][93,173,236](1.4):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](6.2):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](6.3):little_boy_blue[5306][108,160,220](6.4):french_sky_blue[3761][119,181,254](6.7) 1 light:very:boy:french:jeans:little:sky:azure:blue +7968 steel_blue rgb 96 124 154 hex #607C9A hsv 211 38 60 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.33 lab 51 -2 -19 lch 51 19 263 cmyk 23 12 0 40 lynch[5417][105,126,154](1.7):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](2.0):greyish_blue[4228][94,129,157](3.2):PMS646[825][94,130,163](4.1):PMS652[831][109,135,168](4.2) 8 slate:PMS646:PMS652:greyish:lynch:blue +7969 steel_blue rgb 99 184 255 hex #63B8FF hsv 207 61 100 xyz 0.4 0.44 1.01 lab 72 -5 -43 lch 72 43 263 cmyk 61 28 0 0 light_brilliant_azure[5030][101,178,255](4.6):sky_blue[7743][117,187,253](4.6):french_sky_blue[3761][119,181,254](5.1):very_light_azure[8745][116,187,251](5.4):blue_jeans[1572][93,173,236](5.7) 2 light:brilliant:very:french:jeans:sky:azure:blue +7970 steel_blue_light rgb 176 196 222 hex #B0C4DE hsv 214 21 87 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.77 lab 78 -1 -15 lch 78 15 265 cmyk 18 10 0 13 light_steel_blue[5215][176,196,222](0.0):light_blue_grey[5020][183,201,226](2.2):cloudy_blue[2387][172,194,217](2.4):echo_blue[3352][175,189,217](3.0):pigeon_post[6649][175,189,217](3.0) 12 light:cloudy:echo:pigeon:post:steel:blue:grey +7971 steel_grey rgb 38 35 53 hex #262335 hsv 250 34 21 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 15 6 -11 lch 15 13 299 cmyk 6 7 0 79 ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](2.4):bastille[1313][41,33,48](3.3):bullitt[1900][39,37,60](3.3):woody_bay[9176][41,33,48](3.3):charade[2217][41,41,55](3.5) 20 bastille:bay:bullitt:charade:clay:ebony:woody +7972 steel_grey rgb 67 70 75 hex #43464B hsv 218 11 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.08 lab 30 0 -3 lch 30 3 269 cmyk 3 2 0 71 mollusc[5860][67,70,75](0.0):tuna[8564][70,73,78](1.0):bleached_cedar[1512][69,70,71](2.0):half_fuscous_grey[4331][73,70,72](2.8):half_nocturnal[4360][67,67,69](2.8) 42 bleached:cedar:fuscous:half:mollusc:nocturnal:tuna:grey +7973 steel_grey rgb 111 130 138 hex #6F828A hsv 198 20 54 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.27 lab 53 -5 -7 lch 53 8 233 cmyk 11 3 0 46 battleship_grey[1317][107,124,133](2.2):bluff[1614][113,129,135](2.2):pigeon_post[6648][119,132,142](2.2):hoki[4520][100,125,134](3.0):light_blue[5010][104,131,139](3.0) 18 light:battleship:bluff:hoki:pigeon:post:blue:grey +7974 steel_pink rgb 204 51 204 hex #CC33CC hsv 300 75 80 xyz 0.37 0.2 0.59 lab 51 75 -47 lch 51 88 328 cmyk 0 60 0 20 purple_pink[6883][224,63,216](5.7):pinkish_purple[6700][214,72,215](5.9):pink_purple[6687][219,75,218](7.0):brilliant_magenta[1786][231,81,231](9.0):barney[1306][172,29,184](9.2) 0 brilliant:barney:magenta:pinkish:pink:purple +7975 steel_teal rgb 95 138 139 hex #5F8A8B hsv 181 32 55 xyz 0.18 0.22 0.28 lab 55 -14 -5 lch 55 15 200 cmyk 17 0 0 45 pale_turquoise[6438][102,139,139](1.4):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](2.8):bounce[1678][103,147,148](3.2):undercover[8647][100,137,133](3.2):wishlist[9150][101,146,149](3.2) 8 pale:PMS5483:bounce:undercover:wishlist:turquoise +7976 sterling rgb 139 139 126 hex #8B8B7E hsv 60 9 55 xyz 0.24 0.25 0.23 lab 58 -2 7 lch 58 7 109 cmyk 0 0 5 45 half_cobblestone[4308][146,143,132](1.7):cornsilk[2537][139,136,120](2.2):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](2.2):light_yellow[5233][139,139,122](2.4):aquashield_half_tapa[1130][146,146,136](2.8) 34 light:aquashield:cobblestone:cornsilk:half:quarter:talisman:tapa:yellow +7977 sticky_fingers rgb 239 115 94 hex #EF735E hsv 9 61 94 xyz 0.44 0.31 0.14 lab 63 46 34 lch 63 57 37 cmyk 0 49 57 6 persimmon[6615][239,115,94](0.0):terra_cotta[8307][226,114,91](4.6):terracotta[8310][226,114,91](4.6):light_brilliant_scarlet[5065][255,120,101](5.1):bittersweet[1444][253,124,110](5.4) 3 light:brilliant:bittersweet:cotta:persimmon:scarlet:terra:terracotta +7978 stil_de_grain_yellow rgb 250 218 94 hex #FADA5E hsv 48 62 98 xyz 0.67 0.71 0.21 lab 88 -3 63 lch 88 63 92 cmyk 0 13 61 2 jonquil[4778][250,218,94](0.0):naples_yellow[5979][250,218,94](0.0):royal_yellow[7358][250,218,94](0.0):light_gold[5104][253,220,92](2.0):energy_yellow[3486][248,221,92](2.8) 18 light:energy:gold:jonquil:naples:royal:yellow +7979 stiletto rgb 131 61 62 hex #833D3E hsv 359 53 51 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.06 lab 35 30 14 lch 35 33 24 cmyk 0 27 27 49 PMS697[876][127,56,58](2.2):lotus[5344][134,60,60](2.2):zinger[9263][135,61,66](3.0):cordovan[2510][137,63,69](3.5):cha[2192][140,63,66](3.6) 11 PMS697:cha:cordovan:lotus:zinger +7980 stiletto rgb 156 51 54 hex #9C3336 hsv 358 67 61 xyz 0.16 0.1 0.05 lab 37 44 23 lch 37 49 27 cmyk 0 41 40 39 guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](2.2):milano_red[5735][158,51,50](2.2):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](2.8):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](3.0):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](3.3) 13 PMS1807:flash:guardsman:hot:milano:point:red +7981 stinger rgb 139 107 11 hex #8B6B0B hsv 45 92 55 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.03 lab 47 4 51 lch 47 51 85 cmyk 0 13 50 45 corn_harvest[2524][139,107,11](0.0):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](1.0):bistre_brown[1436][150,113,23](3.6):drab[3264][150,113,23](3.6):goldenrod[3930][139,105,20](3.6) 11 bistre:corn:drab:goldenrod:harvest:muddy:brown +7982 stinger rgb 141 112 42 hex #8D702A hsv 42 70 55 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.05 lab 49 4 42 lch 49 42 85 cmyk 0 11 39 45 corn_harvest[2525][141,112,42](0.0):sienna[7693][142,107,35](4.1):yukon_gold[9241][130,106,33](4.2):metallic_sunburst[5693][156,124,56](5.1):fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](5.4) 3 corn:fiddlesticks:gold:harvest:metallic:sienna:sunburst:yukon +7983 stingray rgb 69 53 51 hex #453533 hsv 7 26 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 7 4 lch 24 8 30 cmyk 0 6 7 73 cowboy[2566][68,55,54](1.4):rattlesnake[7077][70,56,53](1.4):rebel[7099][69,52,48](1.4):barista[1297][69,56,55](1.7):cedar[2147][70,52,48](2.0) 33 barista:cedar:cowboy:rattlesnake:rebel +7984 stizza rgb 153 0 0 hex #990000 hsv 360 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 55 45 lch 31 71 40 cmyk 0 60 60 40 crimson_red[2601][153,0,0](0.0):ou_crimson_red[6264][153,0,0](0.0):usc_cardinal[8664][153,0,0](0.0):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](1.0):blood_red[1523][152,0,2](1.4) 6 deep:blood:cardinal:ou:usc:crimson:red +7985 stone rgb 173 165 135 hex #ADA587 hsv 47 22 68 xyz 0.35 0.38 0.28 lab 68 -2 17 lch 68 17 97 cmyk 0 3 15 32 hillary[4492][172,165,134](1.0):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](1.0):bland[1498][175,168,139](1.4):double_akaroa[3173][177,165,137](2.2):neutral_green[6030][170,165,131](2.4) 25 akaroa:bland:double:hillary:neutral:green +7986 stone_age rgb 182 178 133 hex #B6B285 hsv 55 27 71 xyz 0.39 0.43 0.29 lab 72 -6 24 lch 72 24 104 cmyk 0 2 19 29 sage[7413][188,184,138](2.0):coriander[2513][187,181,141](3.7):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](3.7):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](4.2):grayish_olive[4012][168,168,125](4.6) 5 PMS5783:coriander:fawn:grayish:olive:sage:green +7987 stonehenge rgb 130 122 113 hex #827A71 hsv 32 13 51 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.18 lab 52 1 6 lch 52 6 77 cmyk 0 3 7 49 PMS424[507][130,127,119](1.7):quarter_oilskin[6974][130,119,110](2.2):concord[2449][130,127,121](2.4):portland[6790][132,126,113](2.4):triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](2.8) 36 PMS424:concord:oilskin:perfect:portland:quarter:taupe:triple +7988 stonewall rgb 128 118 97 hex #807661 hsv 41 24 50 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.14 lab 50 0 13 lch 50 13 89 cmyk 0 4 12 50 aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](0.0):arrowtown[1146][130,122,103](1.4):quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](1.4):pablo[6289][122,113,92](2.0):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](2.4) 25 aquashield:arrowtown:mondo:pablo:quarry:quarter:stone:stonewall +7989 stonewall rgb 146 133 115 hex #928573 hsv 35 21 57 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.2 lab 56 2 11 lch 56 12 81 cmyk 0 5 12 43 jetsam_brown[4762][148,133,117](1.0):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](2.0):craigieburn[2573][146,136,116](2.4):double_napa[3219][138,127,107](2.4):squirrel[7943][143,125,107](3.0) 40 craigieburn:double:ironhide:jetsam:napa:squirrel:brown +7990 stonewashed rgb 141 128 114 hex #8D8072 hsv 31 19 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.19 lab 54 3 9 lch 54 10 75 cmyk 0 5 11 45 americano[1040][138,125,114](1.4):squirrel[7944][143,129,118](1.4):makara[5475][137,125,109](1.7):ironhide[4680][143,132,118](2.2):triple_perfect_taupe[8509][134,122,111](2.2) 30 americano:ironhide:makara:perfect:squirrel:taupe:triple +7991 storm rgb 54 54 93 hex #36365D hsv 240 42 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.11 lab 24 11 -23 lch 24 26 295 cmyk 15 15 0 64 vortex[8976][58,56,91](2.4):aviator[1207][42,48,87](3.3):filmpro_pthalo_blue[3616][43,56,96](3.6):bay_of_many[1325][53,62,100](4.4):glitter[3875][65,58,93](4.4) 12 aviator:bay:filmpro:glitter:many:of:pthalo:vortex:blue +7992 storm_dust rgb 100 100 99 hex #646463 hsv 60 1 39 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.14 lab 42 0 1 lch 42 1 110 cmyk 0 0 0 61 grey[4137][99,99,99](1.0):double_trojan[3250][101,102,100](1.4):grey[4136][97,97,97](1.4):grey[4138][102,102,102](1.4):ironside_grey[4682][103,102,98](1.4) 38 double:ironside:trojan:grey +7993 storm_dust rgb 101 100 95 hex #65645F hsv 50 6 40 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.13 lab 42 -1 3 lch 42 3 102 cmyk 0 0 2 60 PMS425[508][96,96,91](1.0):triple_stack[8520][101,102,96](1.4):ironside_grey[4682][103,102,98](1.7):double_trojan[3250][101,102,100](2.2):half_masala[4352][103,99,92](2.2) 36 PMS425:double:half:ironside:masala:stack:triple:trojan:grey +7994 storm_grey rgb 113 116 134 hex #717486 hsv 231 16 53 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.25 lab 49 3 -10 lch 49 11 285 cmyk 8 7 0 47 waterloo[9016][114,114,130](1.0):topaz[8422][124,119,138](3.6):raven[7079][114,123,137](3.7):light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](4.5):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](4.6) 5 pale:light:raven:sky:steel:topaz:waterloo:blue +7995 storm_grey rgb 116 120 128 hex #747880 hsv 220 9 50 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.23 lab 50 0 -5 lch 50 5 272 cmyk 5 3 0 50 raven[7078][111,116,123](1.0):jumbo[4785][124,123,130](3.0):rolling_stone[7276][116,125,131](3.0):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](3.2):eighth_tuna[3429][122,127,133](3.3) 17 pale:eighth:jumbo:raven:rolling:sky:stone:tuna +7996 stormcloud rgb 0 128 128 hex #008080 hsv 180 100 50 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.23 lab 48 -29 -8 lch 48 30 196 cmyk 50 0 0 50 teal[8283][0,128,128](0.0):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](1.7):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](2.2):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.2):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](2.8) 18 2X:PMS320:bluegreen:surfie:teal:green +7997 stormcloud rgb 79 102 106 hex #4F666A hsv 189 25 42 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.15 lab 42 -8 -5 lch 42 9 214 cmyk 11 2 0 58 tax_break[8268][73,101,105](1.7):smalt_blue[7781][73,98,103](2.2):deep_space_sparkle[3063][74,100,108](3.3):streetwise[8009][79,105,113](3.3):gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](3.6) 8 deep:break:gunmetal:smalt:space:sparkle:streetwise:tax:blue +7998 stormy_blue rgb 80 123 156 hex #507B9C hsv 206 49 61 xyz 0.16 0.18 0.34 lab 50 -5 -22 lch 50 23 256 cmyk 30 13 0 39 PMS646[825][94,130,163](3.2):steel_blue[7966][90,125,154](3.2):wedgewood[9041][78,127,158](3.2):cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](3.3):slate_blue[7758][91,124,153](3.3) 9 slate:PMS646:cadet:steel:wedgewood:blue +7999 stowaway rgb 125 93 57 hex #7D5D39 hsv 32 54 49 xyz 0.13 0.12 0.06 lab 42 8 26 lch 42 27 72 cmyk 0 13 27 51 coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](2.0):shingle_fawn[7658][116,89,55](3.0):raw_umber[7087][130,102,68](4.4):dirt_brown[3135][131,101,57](4.7):triumph[8531][137,96,58](4.9) 6 coyote:dirt:fawn:raw:shingle:triumph:umber:brown +8000 stratos rgb 0 7 65 hex #000741 hsv 234 100 25 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.05 lab 5 21 -36 lch 5 42 300 cmyk 25 23 0 75 midnight_express[5722][0,7,65](0.0):navy_blue[5997][0,17,70](4.4):deep_cove[2981][5,16,64](6.7):outer_space[6266][5,16,64](6.7):midnight_blue[5717][2,0,53](7.1) 2 deep:cove:express:midnight:navy:outer:space:blue +8001 stratos rgb 33 38 58 hex #21263A hsv 228 43 23 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.04 lab 16 4 -14 lch 16 14 286 cmyk 10 8 0 77 midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](0.0):blue_night[1582][31,38,59](1.0):outer_space[6267][31,38,59](1.0):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](2.4):valhalla[8671][42,43,65](2.8) 13 clay:ebony:express:midnight:night:outer:space:valhalla:blue +8002 stratosphere rgb 151 160 206 hex #97A0CE hsv 230 27 81 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.63 lab 67 7 -25 lch 67 26 286 cmyk 22 18 0 19 ceil[2151][146,161,207](2.0):wistful[9159][164,166,211](3.5):blue_bell[1549][162,162,208](3.7):wistful[9158][162,158,205](4.5):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](4.6) 5 bell:ceil:wistful:blue +8003 straw rgb 212 191 141 hex #D4BF8D hsv 42 33 83 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.33 lab 78 0 28 lch 78 28 90 cmyk 0 8 28 17 PMS466[563][209,191,145](2.2):half_putty[4372][216,191,139](2.2):pavlova[6530][215,196,152](3.6):yuma[9243][206,194,145](3.6):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](3.7) 11 PMS4525:PMS466:half:pavlova:putty:yuma +8004 straw rgb 218 190 130 hex #DABE82 hsv 41 40 85 xyz 0.51 0.53 0.29 lab 78 2 34 lch 78 34 87 cmyk 0 11 35 15 manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.4):light_beige[5007][221,194,131](1.7):zombie[9270][221,194,131](1.7):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](2.4):sandbar[7462][226,195,133](2.4) 11 light:beige:honey:manuka:new:orleans:sandbar:zombie +8005 straw rgb 228 217 111 hex #E4D96F hsv 54 51 89 xyz 0.6 0.67 0.25 lab 86 -10 53 lch 86 54 101 cmyk 0 4 46 11 PMS610[789][226,219,114](2.2):arylide_yellow[1152][233,214,107](3.3):hansa_yellow[4420][233,214,107](3.3):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](3.7):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](4.2) 7 PMS610:arylide:fever:goldenrod:hansa:spring:yellow +8006 straw rgb 252 246 121 hex #FCF679 hsv 57 52 99 xyz 0.77 0.88 0.31 lab 95 -14 60 lch 95 62 103 cmyk 0 2 51 1 dolly[3159][245,241,113](2.4):smiles[7784][251,240,115](3.0):witch_haze[9160][251,240,115](3.0):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](3.2):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](3.5) 15 PMS3935:dolly:haze:smiles:tan:witch:yellowish +8007 strawberry rgb 251 41 67 hex #FB2943 hsv 353 84 98 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.07 lab 55 75 40 lch 55 85 28 cmyk 0 82 72 2 pinky_red[6706][252,38,71](2.2):scarlet[7518][252,40,71](2.2):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](3.2):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](3.7):red[7109][242,0,60](5.1) 4 lightish:pinky:salsa:scarlet:red +8008 strawberry rgb 252 90 141 hex #FC5A8D hsv 341 64 99 xyz 0.49 0.3 0.28 lab 62 65 6 lch 62 66 5 cmyk 0 64 44 1 light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](5.4):warm_pink[9002][251,85,129](5.5):PMS212[170][249,79,142](6.0):french_rose[3760][246,74,138](6.4):PMS1915[146][244,84,124](6.8) 0 light:brilliant:PMS1915:PMS212:french:warm:crimson:pink:rose +8009 streetwise rgb 79 105 113 hex #4F6971 hsv 194 30 44 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.18 lab 43 -7 -8 lch 43 11 225 cmyk 13 3 0 56 cadet[1974][83,104,114](2.0):deep_space_sparkle[3063][74,100,108](2.0):stormcloud[7997][79,102,106](3.3):tax_break[8268][73,101,105](3.5):slate[7755][81,101,114](3.7) 14 slate:deep:break:cadet:space:sparkle:stormcloud:tax +8010 strikemaster rgb 148 106 129 hex #946A81 hsv 327 28 58 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.23 lab 50 21 -6 lch 50 21 344 cmyk 0 16 7 42 PMS5135[631][147,107,127](2.2):PMS5205[645][142,104,119](5.4):dusky_purple[3298][137,91,123](7.1):grayish_rose[4014][168,125,147](7.1):mauve_taupe[5582][145,95,109](7.3) 1 PMS5135:PMS5205:dusky:grayish:mauve:taupe:purple:rose +8011 strikemaster rgb 149 99 135 hex #956387 hsv 317 34 58 xyz 0.21 0.17 0.25 lab 48 26 -12 lch 48 29 336 cmyk 0 20 5 42 antique_fuchsia[1065][145,92,131](3.0):sugar_and_spice[8109][155,98,139](3.3):dusky_purple[3298][137,91,123](4.1):dull_purple[3287][132,89,126](4.9):plum[6743][139,102,139](5.8) 4 antique:and:dull:dusky:fuchsia:plum:spice:sugar:purple +8012 strobe rgb 121 115 92 hex #79735C hsv 48 24 47 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.13 lab 48 -2 14 lch 48 14 97 cmyk 0 2 11 53 quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](1.7):pablo[6289][122,113,92](2.2):crocodile[2604][115,109,88](2.4):dimension[3127][113,112,86](2.4):lichen[4991][122,112,85](2.4) 21 crocodile:dimension:lichen:pablo:quarry:stone +8013 stromboli rgb 50 93 82 hex #325D52 hsv 165 46 36 xyz 0.07 0.09 0.09 lab 36 -18 2 lch 36 18 175 cmyk 17 0 4 64 homegrown[4527][54,97,84](2.2):spectra[7888][55,93,79](2.2):dark_turquoise[2911][39,89,77](2.8):push_play[6908][33,88,76](3.6):style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](3.7) 7 dark:homegrown:pasifika:play:push:spectra:style:whirlpool:turquoise +8014 stromboli rgb 64 99 86 hex #406356 hsv 158 35 39 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -16 3 lch 39 16 168 cmyk 14 0 5 61 style_pasifika_whirlpool[8100][64,99,86](0.0):homegrown[4527][54,97,84](2.2):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](3.0):spectra[7888][55,93,79](3.3):eureka[3521][65,91,78](4.4) 6 eureka:homegrown:mineral:pasifika:spectra:style:whirlpool:green +8015 strong_amaranth rgb 168 0 21 hex #A80015 hsv 353 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.01 lab 35 59 40 lch 35 71 34 cmyk 0 66 58 34 poppy[6773][172,0,25](1.7):indian_red[4633][176,23,31](3.7):del_toro[3083][177,29,32](4.1):carnelian[2106][179,27,27](4.2):cornell_red[2526][179,27,27](4.2) 5 carnelian:cornell:del:indian:poppy:toro:red +8016 strong_amber rgb 168 126 0 hex #A87E00 hsv 45 100 66 xyz 0.24 0.23 0.03 lab 55 7 61 lch 55 61 84 cmyk 0 16 66 34 mustard_brown[5955][172,126,4](2.2):bronze[1822][168,121,0](3.3):PMS132[41][158,124,10](4.4):hot_toddy[4573][179,128,7](4.6):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](5.0) 5 PMS1255:PMS132:bronze:hot:mustard:toddy:brown +8017 strong_apple_green rgb 147 168 0 hex #93A800 hsv 68 100 66 xyz 0.26 0.34 0.05 lab 65 -25 67 lch 65 72 110 cmyk 8 0 66 34 barf_green[1296][148,172,2](1.7):puke_green[6839][154,174,7](2.2):vomit_green[8972][137,162,3](3.0):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](3.7):impromptu[4619][155,177,35](4.2) 6 barf:impromptu:pea:puke:vomit:green +8018 strong_aquamarine rgb 0 168 105 hex #00A869 hsv 158 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.29 0.18 lab 61 -52 22 lch 61 56 157 cmyk 66 0 25 34 jade[4713][0,168,107](1.4):green_haze[4043][1,163,104](3.0):go_green[3885][0,171,102](3.7):green_teal[4063][12,181,119](4.2):PMS347[421][0,158,96](4.6) 7 PMS347:go:haze:jade:teal:green +8019 strong_arctic_blue rgb 0 147 168 hex #0093A8 hsv 188 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.24 0.41 lab 56 -25 -20 lch 56 32 219 cmyk 66 8 0 34 seeker[7600][0,146,165](1.4):eastern_blue[3340][30,154,176](3.3):PMS3135[354][0,155,170](4.1):pelorous[6577][37,153,178](4.1):blue[1532][0,147,175](4.5) 7 PMS3135:eastern:pelorous:seeker:blue +8020 strong_azure rgb 0 84 168 hex #0054A8 hsv 210 100 66 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.38 lab 36 12 -51 lch 36 52 284 cmyk 66 33 0 34 endeavour[3482][0,86,167](1.7):fun_blue[3805][25,89,168](3.7):PMS2945[320][0,84,160](5.0):tory_blue[8432][20,80,170](5.4):elvis[3464][22,72,155](5.7) 3 PMS2945:elvis:endeavour:fun:tory:blue +8021 strong_blue rgb 0 0 168 hex #0000A8 hsv 240 100 66 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 19 58 -79 lch 19 98 306 cmyk 66 66 0 34 royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](1.4):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](1.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](3.7):strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](3.7):ultramarine[8639][32,0,177](4.4) 5 strong:cobalt:persian:royal:ultramarine:blue:indigo +8022 strong_blue rgb 12 6 247 hex #0C06F7 hsv 241 98 97 xyz 0.17 0.07 0.88 lab 32 76 -104 lch 32 129 306 cmyk 92 95 0 3 primary_blue[6811][8,4,249](1.4):blue[1529][0,0,238](3.0):rich_blue[7211][2,27,249](4.2):luminous_vivid_persian_blue[5389][32,0,255](4.4):blue[1530][0,0,255](5.0) 9 luminous:vivid:persian:primary:rich:blue +8023 strong_blue_violet rgb 63 0 168 hex #3F00A8 hsv 263 100 66 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.37 lab 23 60 -72 lch 23 94 310 cmyk 41 66 0 34 strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](4.6):strong_violet[8064][84,0,168](5.1):indigo_blue[4650][58,24,177](5.9):strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](7.0):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](7.7) 1 strong:cobalt:persian:blue:indigo:violet +8024 strong_cerise rgb 168 0 105 hex #A80069 hsv 323 100 66 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.14 lab 37 64 -11 lch 37 65 351 cmyk 0 66 25 34 PMS234[192][170,0,102](3.0):red_violet[7145][158,1,104](3.5):flirt[3692][162,0,109](4.2):lipstick[5299][171,5,99](5.1):PMS241[205][173,0,117](5.5) 3 PMS234:PMS241:flirt:lipstick:red:violet +8025 strong_cerulean rgb 0 126 168 hex #007EA8 hsv 195 100 66 xyz 0.15 0.18 0.4 lab 49 -14 -30 lch 49 33 246 cmyk 66 16 0 34 PMS307[344][0,122,165](1.7):PMS641[820][0,122,165](1.7):cg_blue[2190][0,122,165](1.7):celadon_blue[2154][0,123,167](2.4):cerulean[2181][0,123,167](2.4) 9 PMS307:PMS641:celadon:cerulean:cg:blue +8026 strong_chartreuse_green rgb 84 168 0 hex #54A800 hsv 90 100 66 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.05 lab 62 -49 63 lch 62 80 128 cmyk 33 0 66 34 leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](2.0):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](3.6):PMS369[444][86,170,28](4.1):kermit_green[4838][92,178,0](4.4):strong_pistachio[8050][63,168,0](6.2) 4 strong:PMS369:kermit:lawn:leaf:pistachio:green +8027 strong_cobalt_blue rgb 0 63 168 hex #003FA8 hsv 218 100 66 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.38 lab 30 27 -61 lch 30 66 294 cmyk 66 41 0 34 dark_powder_blue[2847][0,51,153](4.9):smalt[7780][0,51,153](4.9):absolute_zero[950][0,72,186](5.7):cobalt[2393][0,71,171](5.8):cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](5.8) 2 dark:absolute:cobalt:powder:smalt:zero:blue +8028 strong_cornflower_blue rgb 0 105 168 hex #0069A8 hsv 203 100 66 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.39 lab 43 -1 -41 lch 43 41 268 cmyk 66 25 0 34 medium_persian_blue[5623][0,103,165](1.4):sapphire_blue[7497][0,103,165](1.4):honolulu_blue[4538][0,109,176](2.4):matisse[5574][27,101,157](4.5):lapis_lazuli[4911][38,97,156](5.2) 4 medium:honolulu:lapis:lazuli:matisse:persian:sapphire:blue +8029 strong_crimson rgb 168 0 42 hex #A8002A hsv 345 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.08 0.03 lab 35 60 28 lch 35 66 25 cmyk 0 66 49 34 red_tape[7144][179,0,47](2.8):alabama_crimson[982][175,0,42](3.0):shiraz[7667][178,9,49](3.3):PMS187[139][175,30,45](4.7):PMS1945[152][168,12,53](6.4) 4 PMS187:PMS1945:alabama:shiraz:tape:crimson:red +8030 strong_cyan rgb 0 168 168 hex #00A8A8 hsv 180 100 66 xyz 0.21 0.31 0.42 lab 62 -35 -10 lch 62 37 196 cmyk 66 0 0 34 PMS320[364][0,158,160](3.7):manganese_blue[5502][3,168,158](5.8):PMS326[377][0,178,170](6.4):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](6.4):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](6.4) 1 light:PMS320:PMS326:manganese:sea:blue:green +8031 strong_emerald_green rgb 0 168 21 hex #00A815 hsv 128 100 66 xyz 0.14 0.28 0.05 lab 60 -62 58 lch 60 85 137 cmyk 66 0 58 34 strong_sap_green[8055][21,168,0](3.0):strong_green[8035][0,168,0](3.2):green[4029][21,176,26](3.3):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](4.1):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](4.2) 5 strong:2X:PMS368:harlequin:sap:green +8032 strong_fuchsia rgb 168 0 126 hex #A8007E hsv 315 100 66 xyz 0.2 0.1 0.21 lab 38 66 -22 lch 38 70 341 cmyk 0 66 16 34 PMS2405[204][168,0,122](2.2):PMS248[214][163,5,127](2.4):PMS241[205][173,0,117](6.0):PMS2415[206][155,0,112](6.4):PMS247[213][183,0,142](7.1) 2 PMS2405:PMS241:PMS2415:PMS247:PMS248 +8033 strong_gamboge rgb 168 105 0 hex #A86900 hsv 38 100 66 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.02 lab 50 19 57 lch 50 60 72 cmyk 0 25 66 34 caramel[2070][175,111,9](2.2):ginger[3864][176,101,0](5.1):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](5.1):reno_sand[7185][168,101,21](5.5):raw_sienna[7082][154,98,0](5.8) 1 caramel:ginger:mai:raw:reno:sand:sienna:tai +8034 strong_gold rgb 168 147 0 hex #A89300 hsv 53 100 66 xyz 0.27 0.29 0.04 lab 61 -5 65 lch 61 65 94 cmyk 0 8 66 34 PMS111[11][170,147,10](1.4):baby_poo[1245][171,144,4](3.3):PMS104[4][173,155,12](3.6):PMS457[549][181,155,12](3.7):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](3.7) 9 PMS104:PMS111:PMS457:baby:poo:brown:yellow +8035 strong_green rgb 0 168 0 hex #00A800 hsv 120 100 66 xyz 0.14 0.28 0.05 lab 60 -63 61 lch 60 88 136 cmyk 66 0 66 34 strong_sap_green[8055][21,168,0](1.0):strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](3.2):green[4029][21,176,26](3.6):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](4.0):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](6.6) 4 strong:2X:PMS368:emerald:harlequin:sap:green +8036 strong_harlequin rgb 42 168 0 hex #2AA800 hsv 105 100 66 xyz 0.15 0.28 0.05 lab 60 -59 61 lch 60 85 134 cmyk 49 0 66 34 strong_sap_green[8055][21,168,0](3.0):strong_green[8035][0,168,0](4.0):strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](4.2):strong_pistachio[8050][63,168,0](4.2):green[4029][21,176,26](5.4) 4 strong:emerald:pistachio:sap:green +8037 strong_heliotrope rgb 147 0 168 hex #9300A8 hsv 293 100 66 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.38 lab 36 69 -51 lch 36 85 323 cmyk 8 66 0 34 PMS2592[235][147,15,165](4.2):violet[8853][134,1,175](7.3):barney[1306][172,29,184](7.5):strong_magenta[8040][168,0,168](7.8):strong_mulberry[8042][126,0,168](7.8) 1 strong:PMS2592:barney:magenta:mulberry:violet +8038 strong_indigo rgb 42 0 168 hex #2A00A8 hsv 255 100 66 xyz 0.08 0.03 0.37 lab 21 59 -76 lch 21 96 308 cmyk 49 66 0 34 strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](2.4):royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](3.7):strong_blue[8021][0,0,168](3.7):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](4.2):strong_blue_violet[8023][63,0,168](4.6) 6 strong:cobalt:persian:royal:blue:violet +8039 strong_lime_green rgb 126 168 0 hex #7EA800 hsv 75 100 66 xyz 0.23 0.32 0.05 lab 64 -34 65 lch 64 74 117 cmyk 16 0 66 34 lima[5266][122,172,33](5.5):top_secret[8420][122,172,33](5.5):limeade[5277][111,157,2](5.9):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](6.3):sickly_green[7686][148,178,28](6.4) 0 lima:limeade:pea:secret:sickly:top:green +8040 strong_magenta rgb 168 0 168 hex #A800A8 hsv 300 100 66 xyz 0.23 0.11 0.38 lab 40 72 -45 lch 40 85 328 cmyk 0 66 0 34 barney[1306][172,29,184](5.1):barney_purple[1307][160,4,152](7.5):PMS2592[235][147,15,165](7.8):strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](7.8):heliotrope_magenta[4464][170,0,187](8.6) 0 strong:PMS2592:barney:heliotrope:magenta:purple +8041 strong_malachite_green rgb 0 168 42 hex #00A82A hsv 135 100 66 xyz 0.14 0.28 0.07 lab 60 -61 51 lch 60 80 140 cmyk 66 0 49 34 kelly_green[4826][2,171,46](1.4):PMS361[435][30,181,58](5.2):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](5.9):strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](7.1):strong_sea_green[8058][0,168,63](8.2) 1 strong:2X:PMS361:PMS368:emerald:kelly:sea:green +8042 strong_mulberry rgb 126 0 168 hex #7E00A8 hsv 285 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.07 0.38 lab 32 66 -57 lch 32 87 319 cmyk 16 66 0 34 violet[8853][134,1,175](3.0):strong_purple[8051][105,0,168](7.3):purple[6860][102,0,153](7.8):strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](7.8):PMS2592[235][147,15,165](9.8) 1 strong:PMS2592:heliotrope:purple:violet +8043 strong_olive rgb 168 168 0 hex #A8A800 hsv 60 100 66 xyz 0.3 0.36 0.05 lab 67 -16 69 lch 67 71 103 cmyk 0 0 66 34 puke[6837][165,165,2](1.4):PMS398[480][175,168,10](3.0):vomit[8971][162,164,21](4.5):PMS383[460][163,175,7](5.1):PMS391[468][158,158,7](5.7) 3 PMS383:PMS391:PMS398:puke:vomit +8044 strong_opal rgb 0 168 147 hex #00A893 hsv 173 100 66 xyz 0.19 0.3 0.32 lab 62 -41 1 lch 62 41 179 cmyk 66 0 8 34 persian_green[6604][0,166,147](1.4):PMS3268[380][0,175,153](2.8):PMS808_2X[927][0,160,135](3.6):niagara[6045][6,161,137](3.6):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](4.4) 10 2X:PMS3268:PMS3275:PMS808:niagara:persian:green +8045 strong_orange rgb 168 84 0 hex #A85400 hsv 30 100 66 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.02 lab 45 30 54 lch 45 62 61 cmyk 0 33 66 34 windsor_tan[9134][167,85,2](1.0):rich_gold[7218][168,83,7](2.2):chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](4.1):cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](5.1):orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](5.1) 3 chelsea:cinnamon:gem:gold:orangish:rich:tan:windsor:brown +8046 strong_orchid rgb 168 0 147 hex #A80093 hsv 308 100 66 xyz 0.21 0.1 0.28 lab 39 69 -34 lch 39 77 334 cmyk 0 66 8 34 barney_purple[1307][160,4,152](5.2):PMS253[219][175,35,165](6.0):violet_eggplant[8862][153,17,153](7.5):PMS247[213][183,0,142](8.5):byzantine[1964][189,51,164](9.4) 0 PMS247:PMS253:barney:byzantine:eggplant:purple:violet +8047 strong_persian_blue rgb 21 0 168 hex #1500A8 hsv 248 100 66 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 20 58 -78 lch 20 97 307 cmyk 58 66 0 34 royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](1.4):strong_blue[8021][0,0,168](1.4):strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](2.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](3.2):ultramarine[8639][32,0,177](4.1) 5 strong:cobalt:royal:ultramarine:blue:indigo +8048 strong_phthalo_blue rgb 0 21 168 hex #0015A8 hsv 233 100 66 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 21 51 -75 lch 21 91 304 cmyk 66 58 0 34 blue[1533][0,24,168](1.4):zaffre[9244][0,20,168](1.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](4.6):duke_blue[3280][0,0,156](5.7):new_midnight_blue[6039][0,0,156](5.7) 3 cobalt:duke:midnight:new:zaffre:blue +8049 strong_pink rgb 255 7 137 hex #FF0789 hsv 329 97 100 xyz 0.46 0.23 0.26 lab 55 85 -1 lch 55 85 360 cmyk 0 97 46 0 hot_pink[4566][255,2,141](2.0):electric_pink[3448][255,4,144](4.1):magenta[5440][255,0,144](4.1):luminous_vivid_rose[5395][255,0,128](5.0):PMS806[922][255,0,147](5.1) 4 luminous:vivid:PMS806:electric:hot:magenta:pink:rose +8050 strong_pistachio rgb 63 168 0 hex #3FA800 hsv 98 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.29 0.05 lab 61 -55 62 lch 61 83 131 cmyk 41 0 66 34 strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](4.2):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](6.2):lawn_green[4951][77,164,9](6.4):kelly_green[4827][76,187,23](7.0):grassy_green[3990][65,156,3](7.1) 1 strong:chartreuse:grassy:harlequin:kelly:lawn:green +8051 strong_purple rgb 105 0 168 hex #6900A8 hsv 278 100 66 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.37 lab 29 63 -63 lch 29 89 315 cmyk 25 66 0 34 strong_violet[8064][84,0,168](6.2):purple[6860][102,0,153](7.0):strong_mulberry[8042][126,0,168](7.3):violet[8853][134,1,175](8.7):PMS2735[280][79,0,147](9.7) 0 strong:PMS2735:mulberry:purple:violet +8052 strong_raspberry rgb 168 0 63 hex #A8003F hsv 338 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.05 lab 35 61 15 lch 35 62 14 cmyk 0 66 41 34 cranberry[2576][158,0,58](3.6):PMS215[173][165,5,68](4.5):raspberry[7069][176,1,73](4.9):french_wine[3763][172,30,68](5.0):pink_raspberry[6688][152,0,54](5.8) 4 PMS215:cranberry:french:raspberry:wine:pink +8053 strong_red rgb 168 0 0 hex #A80000 hsv 360 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.08 0.01 lab 35 59 49 lch 35 76 40 cmyk 0 66 66 34 dark_candy_apple_red[2700][164,0,0](1.7):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](2.2):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](2.2):darkish_red[2928][169,3,8](3.0):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](3.2) 7 dark:strong:19:apple:candy:darkish:mordant:scarlet:red +8054 strong_rose rgb 168 0 84 hex #A80054 hsv 330 100 66 xyz 0.18 0.09 0.09 lab 36 62 2 lch 36 62 2 cmyk 0 66 33 34 violet_red[8865][165,0,85](2.4):PMS227[185][173,0,91](3.7):colour_me_pink[2437][169,12,80](3.7):PMS220[178][170,0,79](4.0):PMS676[855][160,0,84](4.1) 5 PMS220:PMS227:PMS676:colour:me:pink:red:violet +8055 strong_sap_green rgb 21 168 0 hex #15A800 hsv 113 100 66 xyz 0.14 0.28 0.05 lab 60 -62 61 lch 60 87 135 cmyk 58 0 66 34 strong_green[8035][0,168,0](1.0):strong_emerald_green[8031][0,168,21](3.0):strong_harlequin[8036][42,168,0](3.0):green[4029][21,176,26](3.7):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](6.2) 4 strong:2X:PMS368:emerald:harlequin:green +8056 strong_sapphire_blue rgb 0 42 168 hex #002AA8 hsv 225 100 66 xyz 0.08 0.04 0.37 lab 25 41 -69 lch 25 80 300 cmyk 66 49 0 34 international_klein_blue[4660][0,47,167](4.6):ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](5.7):cornflower_blue[2533][34,34,152](6.3):persian_blue[6603][28,57,187](6.4):imperial_blue[4615][0,35,149](7.1) 1 cornflower:imperial:international:klein:persian:ua:blue +8057 strong_scarlet rgb 168 21 0 hex #A81500 hsv 8 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.01 lab 36 56 49 lch 36 74 42 cmyk 0 58 66 34 rufous[7368][168,28,7](2.8):dark_candy_apple_red[2700][164,0,0](3.0):strong_red[8053][168,0,0](3.2):mordant_red[5893][174,12,0](3.6):mordant_red_19[5894][174,12,0](3.6) 6 dark:strong:19:apple:candy:mordant:rufous:red +8058 strong_sea_green rgb 0 168 63 hex #00A83F hsv 143 100 66 xyz 0.15 0.28 0.09 lab 60 -59 43 lch 60 73 144 cmyk 66 0 41 34 green[4025][0,173,67](2.2):shamrock[7638][1,180,76](4.6):medium_green[5613][57,173,72](6.8):irish_green[4673][1,149,41](7.5):strong_malachite_green[8041][0,168,42](8.2) 2 medium:strong:irish:malachite:shamrock:green +8059 strong_spring_bud rgb 105 168 0 hex #69A800 hsv 83 100 66 xyz 0.2 0.31 0.05 lab 63 -42 64 lch 63 77 123 cmyk 25 0 66 34 christi[2316][103,167,18](3.2):christi[2317][113,169,29](5.0):leaf_green[4954][92,169,4](5.2):strong_chartreuse_green[8026][84,168,0](7.1):lima[5266][122,172,33](7.5) 2 strong:chartreuse:christi:leaf:lima:green +8060 strong_spring_green rgb 0 168 84 hex #00A854 hsv 150 100 66 xyz 0.16 0.29 0.13 lab 60 -56 33 lch 60 65 149 cmyk 66 0 33 34 green[4023][0,165,80](1.7):emerald[3467][1,160,73](3.0):PMS355[429][0,158,73](3.7):PMS452_2X[542][0,153,68](6.2):cool_green[2471][51,184,100](6.3) 3 2X:PMS355:PMS452:cool:emerald:green +8061 strong_tangelo rgb 168 63 0 hex #A83F00 hsv 23 100 66 xyz 0.18 0.12 0.01 lab 41 41 52 lch 41 66 52 cmyk 0 41 66 34 fire[3635][170,66,3](1.4):rust[7381][168,60,9](3.2):beer_srm_17[1357][171,71,3](3.7):beer_srm_18[1358][162,64,3](3.7):PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](4.1) 7 17:18:2X:PMS471:beer:fire:rust:srm +8062 strong_turquoise rgb 0 168 126 hex #00A87E hsv 165 100 66 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.24 lab 61 -47 12 lch 61 48 166 cmyk 66 0 16 34 green[4024][0,168,119](3.6):bluish_green[1617][16,166,116](4.2):mountain_meadow[5917][26,179,133](4.2):green_blue[4035][6,180,139](4.6):PMS339[408][0,178,140](5.0) 6 PMS339:bluish:meadow:mountain:blue:green +8063 strong_vermilion rgb 168 42 0 hex #A82A00 hsv 15 100 66 xyz 0.17 0.1 0.01 lab 38 50 50 lch 38 71 45 cmyk 0 49 66 34 rust_red[7385][170,39,4](1.4):rusty_red[7391][175,47,13](2.8):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](5.1):rufous[7368][168,28,7](5.4):strong_scarlet[8057][168,21,0](6.4) 2 burnt:strong:rufous:rust:rusty:scarlet:red +8064 strong_violet rgb 84 0 168 hex #5400A8 hsv 270 100 66 xyz 0.11 0.05 0.37 lab 26 61 -68 lch 26 91 312 cmyk 33 66 0 34 strong_blue_violet[8023][63,0,168](5.1):strong_purple[8051][105,0,168](6.2):indigo_blue[4650][58,24,177](7.8):strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](9.6):PMS2735[280][79,0,147](9.9) 0 strong:PMS2735:blue:indigo:purple:violet +8065 studio rgb 113 74 178 hex #714AB2 hsv 263 58 70 xyz 0.17 0.12 0.43 lab 41 39 -50 lch 41 63 308 cmyk 25 41 0 30 PMS2725[275][114,81,188](3.0):fuchsia[3788][122,88,193](5.4):fuchsia_blue[3794][122,88,193](5.4):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](5.9):PMS814_2X[939][112,63,175](6.2) 1 moderate:2X:PMS2725:PMS814:fuchsia:blue:violet +8066 studio rgb 114 74 161 hex #724AA1 hsv 268 54 63 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.35 lab 40 35 -41 lch 40 54 311 cmyk 18 34 0 37 ferris_wheel[3587][114,74,161](0.0):royal_purple[7357][120,81,169](2.0):moderate_blue_violet[5814][109,74,168](4.1):moderate_violet[5854][121,74,168](4.6):affair[968][113,70,147](5.5) 4 moderate:affair:ferris:royal:wheel:blue:purple:violet +8067 stun rgb 167 172 139 hex #A7AC8B hsv 69 19 67 xyz 0.35 0.4 0.3 lab 69 -8 16 lch 69 18 115 cmyk 2 0 13 33 locust[5326][168,175,142](1.0):sage[7412][158,165,135](3.2):bud[1886][165,168,143](3.7):locust[5325][162,165,128](3.7):schist[7529][169,180,151](3.7) 8 bud:locust:sage:schist +8068 style_pasifika_black_light rgb 37 37 37 hex #252525 hsv 0 0 15 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 0 0 lch 15 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 85 grey[4113][38,38,38](0.0):nero[6027][37,37,37](0.0):uhi[8635][37,37,37](0.0):black[1452][35,35,35](1.0):filmpro_black[3603][40,40,40](1.0) 45 filmpro:nero:uhi:black:grey +8069 style_pasifika_black_tan rgb 58 47 45 hex #3A2F2D hsv 9 22 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 5 3 lch 21 6 34 cmyk 0 4 5 77 sepia[7610][58,47,45](0.0):filmpro_burnt_umber[3605][58,48,44](1.4):marbaroda[5520][61,49,45](2.0):tamarind[8219][62,47,46](2.0):cave_rock[2141][55,44,44](2.2) 53 burnt:cave:filmpro:marbaroda:rock:sepia:tamarind:umber +8070 style_pasifika_blue_whale rgb 61 77 120 hex #3D4D78 hsv 224 49 47 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.19 lab 33 7 -26 lch 33 27 284 cmyk 23 17 0 53 takaka[8210][61,77,120](0.0):PMS534[670][58,73,114](1.7):magik[5452][62,76,122](2.2):night_moves[6049][69,76,115](3.2):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](3.6) 9 PMS534:magik:moves:night:sapphire:takaka +8071 style_pasifika_brown_earth rgb 69 41 36 hex #452924 hsv 9 48 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 20 12 9 lch 20 15 35 cmyk 0 11 13 73 digeridoo[3123][69,41,36](0.0):hinau[4495][72,42,37](1.4):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](3.3):hot_chocolate[4553][61,38,34](3.5):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](3.6) 23 dark:chocolate:digeridoo:ginger:hinau:hot:warmed:brown +8072 style_pasifika_burnt_charcoal rgb 50 44 43 hex #322C2B hsv 9 14 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 3 2 lch 19 3 33 cmyk 0 2 3 80 diesel[3122][50,44,43](0.0):livid_brown[5314][49,42,41](1.0):barbecue[1289][54,48,48](1.4):night_rider[6052][51,46,46](1.4):sheer_black[7647][51,47,47](1.7) 54 barbecue:diesel:livid:night:rider:sheer:black:brown +8073 style_pasifika_coconut_crab rgb 92 60 109 hex #5C3C6D hsv 279 45 43 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.15 lab 31 24 -23 lch 31 33 316 cmyk 7 19 0 57 honey_flower[4530][92,60,109](0.0):PMS668[847][102,73,117](6.6):meteorite[5698][74,59,106](7.0):harlequin[4423][106,57,104](7.1):style_pasifika_ocean_clam[8084][106,57,104](7.1) 1 PMS668:clam:flower:harlequin:honey:meteorite:ocean:pasifika:style +8074 style_pasifika_dark_moss rgb 79 77 50 hex #4F4D32 hsv 56 37 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.04 lab 32 -4 16 lch 32 17 104 cmyk 0 1 11 69 camouflage[2028][79,77,50](0.0):waiouru[8985][76,78,49](2.2):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](3.0):dark_olive_green[2813][79,79,47](3.7):lisbon_brown[5304][84,79,58](4.1) 9 dark:camouflage:lisbon:olive:thatch:waiouru:brown:green +8075 style_pasifika_dark_soil rgb 54 45 38 hex #362D26 hsv 26 30 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 19 3 6 lch 19 7 66 cmyk 0 4 6 79 coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](0.0):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](0.0):marlin[5536][54,45,38](0.0):monkey[5870][53,46,40](1.4):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](2.0) 35 bean:bushtrack:coffee:cuban:marlin:monkey:tan +8076 style_pasifika_dark_stone rgb 45 45 36 hex #2D2D24 hsv 60 20 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 18 -2 6 lch 18 6 109 cmyk 0 0 4 82 green_waterloo[4067][44,45,36](0.0):karaka[4817][45,45,36](0.0):marshland[5556][43,46,38](1.4):rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](1.4):PMS419[502][40,40,33](2.2) 33 PMS419:karaka:marshland:rangoon:waterloo:green +8077 style_pasifika_dark_sun rgb 182 162 55 hex #B6A237 hsv 51 70 71 xyz 0.33 0.36 0.09 lab 67 -5 56 lch 67 56 95 cmyk 0 8 50 29 karma[4819][182,162,55](0.0):brass[1697][181,166,66](4.6):lemon_ginger[4971][172,158,34](6.6):sahara[7415][183,152,38](7.1):sundance[8124][196,170,77](7.3) 2 brass:ginger:karma:sahara:sundance:lemon +8078 style_pasifika_dry_bamboo rgb 136 136 91 hex #88885B hsv 60 33 53 xyz 0.21 0.24 0.13 lab 56 -7 24 lch 56 25 107 cmyk 0 0 18 47 wilderness[9117][136,136,91](0.0):avocado[1209][136,141,101](3.7):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](3.7):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](4.2):flax[3679][130,133,98](5.4) 4 medium:avocado:flax:goldenrod:malachite:old:wilderness:green +8079 style_pasifika_fallen_gold rgb 198 170 36 hex #C6AA24 hsv 50 82 78 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.08 lab 70 -3 66 lch 70 66 92 cmyk 0 11 64 22 funk[3810][198,170,36](0.0):hokey_pokey[4519][200,165,40](4.6):earls_green[3323][184,167,34](4.9):sahara[7416][183,162,20](5.1):PMS103[3][198,173,15](5.5) 3 PMS103:earls:funk:hokey:pokey:sahara:green +8080 style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood rgb 101 28 38 hex #651C26 hsv 352 72 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 23 33 12 lch 23 36 20 cmyk 0 29 25 60 pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](0.0):PMS505[620][102,30,43](2.0):x_factor[9183][104,27,43](2.8):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.2):monarch[5864][107,37,44](3.2) 12 PMS505:chile:factor:hot:monarch:pohutukawa:x +8081 style_pasifika_lagoon_blue rgb 78 105 154 hex #4E699A hsv 219 49 60 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.33 lab 44 4 -30 lch 44 30 278 cmyk 30 19 0 40 azure[1229][78,105,154](0.0):san_marino[7449][78,108,157](1.4):ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](3.2):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](4.0):blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](4.1) 9 breakwater:jeans:marino:san:ucla:azure:blue +8082 style_pasifika_lagoon_spray rgb 147 162 183 hex #93A2B7 hsv 215 20 72 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.5 lab 66 -1 -13 lch 66 13 267 cmyk 14 8 0 28 smokescreen[7790][147,162,183](0.0):rock_blue[7258][147,162,186](1.4):PMS535[671][155,163,183](3.0):PMS651[830][155,170,191](3.0):bluey_grey[1612][137,160,176](3.7) 8 PMS535:PMS651:bluey:rock:smokescreen:blue:grey +8083 style_pasifika_night_fox rgb 44 44 50 hex #2C2C32 hsv 240 12 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 18 1 -4 lch 18 4 291 cmyk 2 2 0 80 bastille[1314][44,44,50](0.0):jaguar[4725][41,41,47](1.4):foundry[3732][44,46,50](1.7):wine_trail[9142][39,41,45](1.7):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](2.2) 39 bastille:foundry:jaguar:shadowland:trail:wine +8084 style_pasifika_ocean_clam rgb 106 57 104 hex #6A3968 hsv 302 46 42 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.14 lab 32 29 -18 lch 32 35 328 cmyk 0 19 1 58 harlequin[4423][106,57,104](0.0):grape[3977][108,52,97](3.0):PMS519[642][99,48,94](4.2):PMS2622[248][96,45,89](5.5):honey_flower[4530][92,60,109](7.1) 3 PMS2622:PMS519:flower:grape:harlequin:honey +8085 style_pasifika_ocean_deep rgb 30 47 60 hex #1E2F3C hsv 206 50 24 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.05 lab 19 -3 -10 lch 19 11 255 cmyk 12 5 0 76 tangaroa[8236][30,47,60](0.0):midnight[5714][33,48,62](1.4):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](2.4):coast[2391][36,52,66](2.4):allegro[1002][36,46,59](3.0) 12 allegro:coast:midnight:tangaroa:whale:blue +8086 style_pasifika_orange_wood rgb 187 95 52 hex #BB5F34 hsv 19 72 73 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.06 lab 51 34 41 lch 51 53 50 cmyk 0 36 53 27 smoke_tree[7788][187,95,52](0.0):clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](2.2):tuscany[8600][189,94,46](3.2):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](3.3):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](4.2) 6 clockwork:cotta:fiery:smoke:terra:tree:tuscany:orange +8087 style_pasifika_palm_green rgb 102 112 40 hex #667028 hsv 68 64 44 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.04 lab 45 -15 38 lch 45 40 111 cmyk 4 0 28 56 pacifika[6292][102,112,40](0.0):rain_forest[7046][102,112,40](0.0):fiji_green[3601][99,111,34](2.4):PMS5757[749][107,112,43](3.2):olive_drab[6157][111,118,50](4.1) 9 PMS5757:drab:fiji:forest:olive:pacifika:rain:green +8088 style_pasifika_pink_night rgb 205 174 112 hex #CDAE70 hsv 40 45 80 xyz 0.43 0.44 0.22 lab 73 3 36 lch 73 36 85 cmyk 0 12 36 20 putty[6910][205,174,112](0.0):tan[8222][209,178,111](2.4):sandstone[7469][201,174,116](3.3):coyote[2568][221,183,123](4.2):safari[7401][192,164,105](4.6) 5 coyote:putty:safari:sandstone:tan +8089 style_pasifika_purple_deep rgb 42 37 81 hex #2A2551 hsv 247 54 32 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 18 15 -26 lch 18 30 300 cmyk 15 17 0 68 hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](0.0):paua[6528][42,37,81](0.0):blast_off[1504][38,40,87](3.2):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](3.7):dark_phthalo_blue[2842][39,45,89](3.7) 10 dark:PMS5255:blast:hip:hop:off:paua:phthalo:blue +8090 style_pasifika_purple_flax rgb 105 50 110 hex #69326E hsv 295 55 43 xyz 0.1 0.06 0.15 lab 30 34 -24 lch 30 42 325 cmyk 2 24 0 57 giggle[3857][105,50,110](0.0):seance[7583][105,50,110](0.0):PMS520[644][112,53,114](2.8):eminence[3474][110,57,116](3.2):imperial[4614][96,47,107](3.5) 6 PMS520:eminence:giggle:imperial:seance +8091 style_pasifika_red_frangipani rgb 131 43 41 hex #832B29 hsv 1 69 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 31 38 22 lch 31 44 30 cmyk 0 35 35 49 red[7100][131,43,41](0.0):brown[1834][128,42,42](2.4):flame_red[3656][134,40,46](3.6):monza[5878][134,40,46](3.6):rocket[7266][134,40,46](3.6) 12 flame:monza:rocket:brown:red +8092 style_pasifika_red_pineapple rgb 152 61 57 hex #983D39 hsv 3 63 60 xyz 0.15 0.1 0.05 lab 38 38 22 lch 38 44 30 cmyk 0 36 37 40 afterburner[974][152,61,57](0.0):mexican_red[5701][155,61,61](2.4):terracotta_pink[8312][155,61,61](2.4):roller_coaster[7273][146,56,48](3.7):thunderbird[8338][146,56,48](3.7) 12 afterburner:coaster:mexican:roller:terracotta:thunderbird:pink:red +8093 style_pasifika_red_soil rgb 78 39 40 hex #4E2728 hsv 358 50 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 18 8 lch 21 20 22 cmyk 0 15 15 69 volcano[8967][78,39,40](0.0):filmpro_burnt_sienna[3604][82,44,43](2.2):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](2.2):nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](2.2):PMS497[605][81,40,38](2.4) 20 burnt:PMS497:filmpro:mahogany:nelson:sienna:volcano:red +8094 style_pasifika_sand_frond rgb 179 171 110 hex #B3AB6E hsv 53 39 70 xyz 0.36 0.4 0.21 lab 69 -6 32 lch 69 33 101 cmyk 0 3 27 30 iko[4609][179,171,110](0.0):PMS5845[772][178,170,112](1.0):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](3.7):quarter_crisp_green[6937][184,180,123](3.7):misty_moss[5787][187,180,119](4.1) 6 misty:PMS4515:PMS5845:crisp:iko:moss:quarter:green +8095 style_pasifika_sandalwood rgb 183 130 57 hex #B78239 hsv 35 69 72 xyz 0.28 0.26 0.07 lab 58 13 46 lch 58 48 74 cmyk 0 21 49 28 jandal[4729][183,130,57](0.0):noosa[6069][183,128,56](1.0):filmpro_yellow_oxide[3625][185,128,54](2.8):mandalay[5494][181,123,46](4.7):hot_toddy[4572][167,117,44](5.0) 5 filmpro:hot:jandal:mandalay:noosa:oxide:toddy:yellow +8096 style_pasifika_shore_sand rgb 165 101 49 hex #A56531 hsv 27 70 65 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.05 lab 49 21 39 lch 49 45 62 cmyk 0 25 45 35 mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](0.0):pumpkin[6847][171,107,53](2.2):heartwood[4448][166,96,47](3.2):oregon[6248][177,108,57](3.6):sunshine[8148][156,101,49](4.2) 9 heartwood:mai:oregon:pumpkin:sunshine:tai +8097 style_pasifika_sky_white rgb 217 208 193 hex #D9D0C1 hsv 38 11 85 xyz 0.61 0.64 0.6 lab 84 1 9 lch 84 9 86 cmyk 0 4 9 15 blanc[1494][217,208,193](0.0):half_fossil[4328][218,209,192](1.4):quarter_drought[6940][218,206,189](1.4):half_biscotti[4293][217,204,187](1.7):ecru_white[3357][214,209,192](2.0) 78 biscotti:blanc:drought:ecru:fossil:half:quarter:white +8098 style_pasifika_turquoise_sea rgb 39 74 93 hex #274A5D hsv 201 58 36 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.11 lab 30 -6 -15 lch 30 16 247 cmyk 21 7 0 64 arapawa[1136][39,74,93](0.0):astronaut_blue[1174][33,69,89](2.2):dark_cornflower_blue[2709][39,70,89](2.2):navigate[5992][48,78,94](2.8):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](3.0) 11 dark:arapawa:astronaut:cornflower:navigate:blue:grey +8099 style_pasifika_volcanic_rock rgb 45 47 40 hex #2D2F28 hsv 77 15 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.02 lab 19 -2 4 lch 19 5 121 cmyk 1 0 3 82 eternity[3514][45,47,40](0.0):marshland[5556][43,46,38](1.7):rangoon_green[7064][43,46,37](1.7):rockpool_green[7268][49,51,44](2.0):army[1142][48,52,45](2.2) 46 army:eternity:marshland:rangoon:rockpool:green +8100 style_pasifika_whirlpool rgb 64 99 86 hex #406356 hsv 158 35 39 xyz 0.08 0.11 0.1 lab 39 -16 3 lch 39 16 168 cmyk 14 0 5 61 stromboli[8014][64,99,86](0.0):homegrown[4527][54,97,84](2.2):mineral_green[5755][63,93,83](3.0):spectra[7888][55,93,79](3.3):stromboli[8013][50,93,82](3.7) 7 homegrown:mineral:spectra:stromboli:green +8101 style_pasifika_white_cloud rgb 223 221 214 hex #DFDDD6 hsv 47 4 87 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.74 lab 88 -1 4 lch 88 4 99 cmyk 0 1 4 13 barely_there[1295][223,221,213](0.0):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](0.0):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](0.0):hint_of_grey[4498][223,221,214](0.0):sea_fog[7553][223,221,214](0.0) 131 barely:ceramic:fog:haze:hint:of:sea:there:black:grey +8102 sublime rgb 205 230 93 hex #CDE65D hsv 71 60 90 xyz 0.55 0.7 0.21 lab 87 -27 62 lch 87 68 113 cmyk 10 0 54 10 june_bud[4788][189,218,87](4.6):curiosity[2627][211,229,104](5.7):brilliant_apple_green[1762][213,231,81](6.4):PMS379[455][224,234,104](6.8):brilliant_lime_green[1785][194,231,81](7.2) 1 brilliant:PMS379:apple:bud:curiosity:june:green:lime +8103 submarine rgb 140 156 156 hex #8C9C9C hsv 180 10 61 xyz 0.29 0.32 0.36 lab 63 -6 -2 lch 63 6 199 cmyk 6 0 0 39 bounty[1679][145,159,160](1.4):quicksilver[7026][136,154,151](1.7):destiny[3112][136,158,157](2.0):forcefield[3717][137,150,148](2.4):allusive[1008][139,150,149](3.0) 14 allusive:bounty:destiny:forcefield:quicksilver +8104 submarine rgb 186 199 201 hex #BAC7C9 hsv 188 7 79 xyz 0.51 0.56 0.63 lab 79 -4 -3 lch 79 5 212 cmyk 6 1 0 21 loblolly[5319][189,201,206](1.7):quarter_powder_blue[6982][190,198,200](2.2):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](3.0):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](3.3):azure[1231][193,205,205](3.6) 21 PMS5445:jungle:loblolly:mist:powder:quarter:azure:blue +8105 submerge rgb 17 55 117 hex #113775 hsv 217 85 46 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.17 lab 24 12 -39 lch 24 41 287 cmyk 39 24 0 54 astronaut[1171][40,58,119](3.5):darkish_blue[2924][1,65,130](5.4):confidante[2456][35,49,103](5.5):zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](6.4):PMS541[679][0,63,119](6.6) 1 PMS541:astronaut:confidante:darkish:de:loop:zoop:blue +8106 suburban rgb 72 64 44 hex #48402C hsv 43 39 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 27 0 14 lch 27 14 90 cmyk 0 3 11 72 onion[6183][72,65,43](1.7):woodrush[9172][69,64,43](2.0):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](2.2):ash_brown[1156][73,63,47](3.2):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](3.6) 13 ash:gum:limed:onion:tumbleweed:woodrush:brown +8107 subzero rgb 91 141 189 hex #5B8DBD hsv 209 52 74 xyz 0.23 0.25 0.52 lab 57 -3 -30 lch 57 30 264 cmyk 38 19 0 26 faded_blue[3534][101,140,187](2.2):silver_lake_blue[7713][93,137,186](2.2):danube[2671][91,137,192](4.4):off_blue[6106][86,132,174](4.4):PMS542[681][102,147,188](4.6) 7 PMS542:danube:faded:lake:off:silver:blue +8108 such_fun rgb 72 158 168 hex #489EA8 hsv 186 57 66 xyz 0.22 0.29 0.41 lab 60 -23 -13 lch 60 26 210 cmyk 38 4 0 34 moderate_arctic_blue[5811][74,156,168](2.2):wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](4.7):retreat[7190][57,144,155](5.2):toto[8438][81,157,175](6.5):cadet[1975][95,158,160](6.8) 2 moderate:arctic:cadet:eva:retreat:toto:wot:blue +8109 sugar_and_spice rgb 155 98 139 hex #9B628B hsv 317 37 61 xyz 0.23 0.18 0.27 lab 49 29 -13 lch 49 32 336 cmyk 0 22 6 39 antique_fuchsia[1065][145,92,131](3.2):strikemaster[8011][149,99,135](3.3):butterfly[1954][164,107,155](5.7):light_plum[5177][157,87,131](6.8):dusky_purple[3298][137,91,123](7.1) 2 antique:light:butterfly:dusky:fuchsia:plum:strikemaster:purple +8110 sugar_cane rgb 238 239 223 hex #EEEFDF hsv 64 7 94 xyz 0.79 0.85 0.82 lab 94 -3 8 lch 94 8 112 cmyk 0 0 6 6 ivory[4698][238,238,224](1.4):bianca[1401][244,239,224](2.0):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](2.0):quarter_pearl_lusta[6977][242,237,221](2.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](2.4) 83 bianca:buttery:half:ivory:lusta:pearl:quarter:villa:white +8111 sugar_cane rgb 249 255 246 hex #F9FFF6 hsv 100 4 100 xyz 0.91 0.98 1.01 lab 99 -4 4 lch 99 5 135 cmyk 2 0 4 0 greenish_white[4088][246,255,246](1.4):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](2.2):ceramic[2174][252,255,249](2.4):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](2.4):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](2.4) 44 ceramic:fog:greenish:hint:of:sea:yellowish:grey:white +8112 sugar_loaf rgb 204 194 171 hex #CCC2AB hsv 42 16 80 xyz 0.52 0.54 0.46 lab 79 0 13 lch 79 13 91 cmyk 0 4 13 20 half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](1.0):quarter_hillary[6955][202,197,172](2.0):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](2.2):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):parchment[6483][208,200,176](2.2) 57 akaroa:biscotti:caraway:half:hillary:parchment:quarter +8113 sugar_plum rgb 145 78 117 hex #914E75 hsv 325 46 57 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.18 lab 42 33 -10 lch 42 35 344 cmyk 0 26 11 43 twilight_lavender[8617][138,73,107](3.7):light_plum[5177][157,87,131](4.9):cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](5.1):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](6.8):PMS682[861][160,81,117](7.1) 2 medium:light:PMS682:cannon:plum:twilight:lavender:pink +8114 sulu rgb 193 240 124 hex #C1F07C hsv 84 48 94 xyz 0.57 0.75 0.31 lab 89 -33 51 lch 89 61 123 cmyk 18 0 45 6 pistachio[6722][192,250,139](6.4):PMS367[441][170,221,109](6.6):light_yellow_green[5240][204,253,127](6.7):light_yellowish_green[5241][194,255,137](7.1):light_pea_green[5164][196,254,130](7.3) 0 light:PMS367:pea:pistachio:yellowish:green:yellow +8115 sulu rgb 198 234 128 hex #C6EA80 hsv 80 45 92 xyz 0.57 0.72 0.31 lab 88 -28 47 lch 88 55 121 cmyk 14 0 42 8 PMS373[448][206,234,130](3.2):yellow_green[9209][197,225,122](3.6):yellow_green[9210][197,227,132](5.4):light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](6.4):light_chartreuse_green[5080][185,231,139](7.3) 2 light:PMS373:bud:chartreuse:spring:green:yellow +8116 summer_fun rgb 234 247 201 hex #EAF7C9 hsv 77 19 97 xyz 0.78 0.88 0.68 lab 95 -12 21 lch 95 24 120 cmyk 5 0 18 3 snow_flurry[7813][234,247,201](0.0):carla[2092][245,249,203](3.7):tusk[8603][238,243,195](3.7):mimosa[5750][248,253,211](4.4):corn_field[2522][248,250,205](4.5) 6 carla:corn:field:flurry:mimosa:snow:tusk +8117 summer_green rgb 143 182 156 hex #8FB69C hsv 140 21 71 xyz 0.34 0.42 0.38 lab 71 -18 9 lch 71 20 154 cmyk 15 0 10 29 serenity[7621][141,191,163](4.5):PMS557[718][163,193,173](6.0):cambridge_blue[2017][163,193,173](6.0):greenish_grey[4082][150,174,141](6.2):padua[6298][126,179,148](6.4) 1 PMS557:cambridge:greenish:padua:serenity:blue:grey +8118 summer_green rgb 150 187 171 hex #96BBAB hsv 154 20 73 xyz 0.38 0.45 0.45 lab 73 -16 4 lch 73 16 166 cmyk 15 0 6 27 shadow_green[7626][154,192,182](3.7):shadow_green[7627][154,194,184](3.7):PMS557[718][163,193,173](4.1):cambridge_blue[2017][163,193,173](4.1):unwind[8655][152,183,175](5.1) 4 PMS557:cambridge:shadow:unwind:blue:green +8119 summer_sky rgb 56 176 222 hex #38B0DE hsv 197 75 87 xyz 0.3 0.37 0.75 lab 67 -18 -33 lch 67 37 241 cmyk 65 18 0 13 bright_cerulean[1719][29,172,214](4.1):cerulean[2185][29,172,214](4.1):cerulean[2182][2,164,211](4.2):PMS298[327][81,181,224](4.7):cyan[2635][0,183,235](4.9) 5 PMS298:bright:cerulean:cyan +8120 sun rgb 239 142 56 hex #EF8E38 hsv 28 77 94 xyz 0.46 0.38 0.09 lab 68 30 59 lch 68 66 63 cmyk 0 38 72 6 california[2010][233,140,58](2.4):cadmium_orange[1991][237,135,45](4.1):PMS1495[67][255,153,63](4.6):PMS715[894][252,158,73](5.7):sunshade[8146][250,157,73](5.7) 3 PMS1495:PMS715:cadmium:california:sunshade:orange +8121 sun rgb 251 172 19 hex #FBAC13 hsv 40 92 98 xyz 0.55 0.5 0.07 lab 76 19 77 lch 76 79 76 cmyk 0 31 91 2 beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](1.4):yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](2.2):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.4):my_sin[5965][255,179,31](2.8):yellow_sea[9221][254,169,4](2.8) 16 light:06:beer:cadmium:my:sea:sin:srm:yellowish:orange:yellow +8122 sun_yellow rgb 255 223 34 hex #FFDF22 hsv 51 87 100 xyz 0.68 0.74 0.12 lab 89 -6 84 lch 89 85 94 cmyk 0 13 87 0 PMS108[8][249,221,22](1.7):candlelight[2041][252,217,23](3.0):moon_yellow[5890][252,217,23](3.0):lemon[4961][244,216,28](3.3):ripe_lemon[7230][244,216,28](3.3) 16 PMS108:candlelight:moon:ripe:lemon:yellow +8123 sunburnt_cyclops rgb 255 64 76 hex #FF404C hsv 356 75 100 xyz 0.44 0.25 0.09 lab 58 71 38 lch 58 81 28 cmyk 0 75 70 0 light_red[5181][255,71,76](2.2):red_salsa[7140][253,58,74](2.2):lightish_red[5251][254,47,74](4.6):rapture[7066][246,72,76](5.2):strawberry[8007][251,41,67](5.4) 3 light:lightish:rapture:salsa:strawberry:red +8124 sundance rgb 196 170 77 hex #C4AA4D hsv 47 61 77 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.13 lab 70 -2 50 lch 70 50 92 cmyk 0 10 47 23 roti[7335][198,168,75](2.2):vegas_gold[8687][197,179,88](4.7):brass[1697][181,166,66](5.7):tacha[8203][210,185,96](6.3):karma[4819][182,162,55](7.3) 2 brass:gold:karma:roti:tacha:vegas +8125 sundance rgb 201 179 91 hex #C9B35B hsv 48 55 79 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.16 lab 73 -3 47 lch 73 47 94 cmyk 0 9 43 21 vegas_gold[8687][197,179,88](2.2):tacha[8203][210,185,96](3.3):roti[7335][198,168,75](5.8):laser[4915][200,181,104](6.2):desert[3102][204,173,96](6.5) 2 desert:gold:laser:roti:tacha:vegas +8126 sundial rgb 221 177 44 hex #DDB12C hsv 45 80 87 xyz 0.46 0.47 0.09 lab 74 4 68 lch 74 68 87 cmyk 0 17 69 13 gold_tips[3908][226,178,39](3.3):meat_brown[5593][229,183,59](3.7):corn[2518][223,170,40](4.1):galliano[3825][216,167,35](4.2):lemon[4960][217,178,32](4.2) 6 corn:galliano:gold:meat:tips:brown:lemon +8127 sundown rgb 248 175 169 hex #F8AFA9 hsv 5 32 97 xyz 0.61 0.53 0.45 lab 78 26 14 lch 78 29 28 cmyk 0 29 31 3 PMS176[113][249,175,173](2.2):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](2.2):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](2.2):PMS707[886][252,173,175](4.2):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](4.2) 6 PMS176:PMS707:bud:cornflower:lilac:rose +8128 sundown rgb 255 177 179 hex #FFB1B3 hsv 358 31 100 xyz 0.65 0.56 0.5 lab 80 29 10 lch 80 31 20 cmyk 0 31 30 0 PMS707[886][252,173,175](2.2):PMS1767[115][249,178,183](3.0):PMS176[113][249,175,173](3.5):cornflower[2532][255,176,172](4.2):cornflower_lilac[2536][255,176,172](4.2) 7 PMS176:PMS1767:PMS707:cornflower:lilac +8129 sunflower rgb 218 192 26 hex #DAC01A hsv 52 88 85 xyz 0.48 0.53 0.09 lab 78 -6 76 lch 78 76 94 cmyk 0 10 75 15 PMS606[785][211,191,17](2.2):mustard_yellow[5957][210,189,10](3.0):tweet[8609][212,188,0](3.0):dark_yellow[2920][213,182,10](4.4):bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](5.2) 4 dark:PMS606:bird:flower:mustard:tweet:yellow +8130 sunflower rgb 228 212 34 hex #E4D422 hsv 55 85 89 xyz 0.56 0.64 0.11 lab 84 -11 79 lch 84 80 98 cmyk 0 6 76 11 bright_lights[1731][233,215,37](1.4):PMS605[784][221,206,17](2.4):citrine[2342][228,208,10](3.3):golden_fizz[3916][235,222,49](3.6):golden_dream[3914][240,213,45](4.2) 8 PMS605:bright:citrine:dream:fizz:golden:lights +8131 sunflower rgb 255 197 18 hex #FFC512 hsv 45 93 100 xyz 0.61 0.61 0.09 lab 83 7 82 lch 83 83 85 cmyk 0 23 93 0 golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](0.0):mikado_yellow[5732][255,196,12](1.7):PMS123[27][255,198,30](2.0):goldenrod[3935][250,194,5](2.0):golden_poppy[3921][252,194,0](2.4) 18 PMS123:golden:goldenrod:mikado:poppy:yellow +8132 sunflower_yellow rgb 255 218 3 hex #FFDA03 hsv 51 99 100 xyz 0.66 0.71 0.1 lab 88 -3 87 lch 88 87 92 cmyk 0 15 99 0 gold[3898][255,215,0](1.4):school_bus_yellow[7530][255,216,0](1.4):sizzling_sunrise[7735][255,219,0](1.4):southern_cross[7861][255,215,0](1.4):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.4) 16 2X:PMS803:bus:cross:gold:school:sizzling:southern:sunrise:yellow +8133 sunglo rgb 199 97 85 hex #C76155 hsv 6 57 78 xyz 0.29 0.21 0.11 lab 53 40 26 lch 53 47 33 cmyk 0 40 45 22 dark_salmon[2865][200,90,83](3.2):cheeky[2249][204,95,89](3.7):flame_pea[3654][190,92,72](4.9):chestnut[2273][188,93,88](5.7):sunset[8141][192,81,74](5.7) 3 dark:cheeky:chestnut:flame:pea:salmon:sunset +8134 sunglo rgb 225 104 101 hex #E16865 hsv 1 55 88 xyz 0.38 0.27 0.15 lab 59 47 25 lch 59 53 28 cmyk 0 47 49 12 roman[7278][222,99,96](2.4):roman[7277][216,98,91](3.7):glorious[3880][240,119,113](5.1):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](6.4):cheeky[2249][204,95,89](6.5) 2 cheeky:glorious:pastel:roman:red +8135 sunglow rgb 255 204 51 hex #FFCC33 hsv 45 80 100 xyz 0.63 0.65 0.12 lab 84 5 76 lch 84 76 87 cmyk 0 20 80 0 saffron[7406][244,196,48](3.7):PMS123[27][255,198,30](4.6):bright_sun[1751][254,211,60](4.6):moon_yellow[5889][240,196,32](4.7):deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](5.4) 4 deep:PMS123:bright:moon:saffron:sun:lemon:yellow +8136 sunglow rgb 255 207 72 hex #FFCF48 hsv 44 72 100 xyz 0.65 0.66 0.16 lab 85 4 70 lch 85 70 87 cmyk 0 19 72 0 PMS1225[26][255,204,73](1.7):teddy[8296][239,199,65](4.4):twentyfourseven[8610][250,212,67](5.5):wild_thing[9111][250,212,67](5.5):saffron[7406][244,196,48](5.7) 2 PMS1225:saffron:teddy:thing:twentyfourseven:wild +8137 sunkissed rgb 230 181 83 hex #E6B553 hsv 40 64 90 xyz 0.51 0.5 0.15 lab 76 7 55 lch 76 56 82 cmyk 0 19 58 10 ronchi[7286][234,184,82](2.8):fish_n_chips[3650][220,171,75](3.2):brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](4.1):rob_roy[7243][221,173,86](4.6):anzac[1073][224,182,70](5.8) 4 brilliant:anzac:chips:fish:gamboge:n:rob:ronchi:roy +8138 sunny rgb 242 242 122 hex #F2F27A hsv 60 50 95 xyz 0.72 0.84 0.31 lab 93 -16 57 lch 93 59 105 cmyk 0 0 47 5 manz[5518][238,239,120](1.0):dolly[3159][245,241,113](4.1):straw[8006][252,246,121](4.1):yellowish_tan[9232][252,252,129](4.1):PMS100[0][244,237,124](4.6) 7 PMS100:dolly:manz:straw:tan:yellowish +8139 sunny_yellow rgb 255 249 23 hex #FFF917 hsv 58 91 100 xyz 0.75 0.89 0.14 lab 96 -18 91 lch 96 93 101 cmyk 0 2 91 0 lemon[4964][255,247,0](2.2):yellow_sunshine[9223][255,247,0](2.2):cadmium_yellow[1997][255,246,0](2.4):laser_lemon[4917][254,254,34](3.2):yellow[9203][255,255,20](3.7) 11 cadmium:laser:sunshine:lemon:yellow +8140 sunray rgb 227 171 87 hex #E3AB57 hsv 36 62 89 xyz 0.48 0.46 0.15 lab 74 12 50 lch 74 52 77 cmyk 0 22 55 11 indian_yellow[4640][227,168,87](1.4):earth_yellow[3330][225,169,95](4.1):rob_roy[7243][221,173,86](4.1):brilliant_gamboge[1778][231,175,81](5.2):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](6.0) 3 brilliant:earth:gamboge:gold:harvest:indian:rob:roy:yellow +8141 sunset rgb 192 81 74 hex #C0514A hsv 4 61 75 xyz 0.26 0.18 0.09 lab 49 44 27 lch 49 51 31 cmyk 0 44 46 25 flair[3652][185,75,66](2.2):chestnut[2272][185,78,72](3.0):deep_chestnut[2976][185,78,72](3.0):dark_salmon[2865][200,90,83](3.3):jive[4769][205,88,81](3.6) 5 deep:dark:chestnut:flair:jive:salmon +8142 sunset rgb 220 67 51 hex #DC4333 hsv 6 77 86 xyz 0.32 0.19 0.05 lab 51 58 43 lch 51 73 37 cmyk 0 60 66 14 punch[6854][220,67,51](0.0):valencia[8668][216,68,55](3.2):cinnabar[2332][227,66,52](3.3):vermilion[8706][227,66,52](3.3):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](4.1) 5 cg:cinnabar:punch:valencia:vermilion:red +8143 sunset rgb 250 214 165 hex #FAD6A5 hsv 35 34 98 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.46 lab 88 6 29 lch 88 29 79 cmyk 0 14 33 2 champagne[2210][250,214,165](0.0):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](0.0):tuscan[8594][250,214,165](0.0):corvette[2543][250,211,162](1.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](2.4) 17 deep:champagne:corvette:maize:tuscan +8144 sunset_orange rgb 253 94 83 hex #FD5E53 hsv 4 67 99 xyz 0.46 0.3 0.11 lab 61 60 39 lch 61 71 33 cmyk 0 62 67 1 coral[2496][252,90,80](1.4):PMS805[920][249,89,81](1.7):grapefruit[3980][253,89,86](3.6):PMS178[119][249,94,89](4.1):red_orange[7129][255,83,73](5.7) 4 PMS178:PMS805:coral:grapefruit:orange:red +8145 sunset_orange rgb 254 76 64 hex #FE4C40 hsv 4 75 100 xyz 0.44 0.27 0.08 lab 59 66 46 lch 59 81 35 cmyk 0 70 75 0 ogre_odor[6116][253,82,64](2.2):big_bang[1403][255,80,60](3.2):red_orange[7129][255,83,73](3.7):tart_orange[8257][251,77,70](4.2):brown[1842][255,64,64](5.5) 4 bang:big:odor:ogre:tart:brown:orange:red +8146 sunshade rgb 250 157 73 hex #FA9D49 hsv 28 71 98 xyz 0.53 0.45 0.12 lab 73 28 57 lch 73 63 64 cmyk 0 36 69 2 PMS715[894][252,158,73](0.0):tan[8228][255,165,79](2.8):touche[8441][255,165,85](4.1):PMS1495[67][255,153,63](5.1):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](5.1) 3 PMS1495:PMS715:buckthorn:sea:tan:touche +8147 sunshade rgb 255 158 44 hex #FF9E2C hsv 32 83 100 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.08 lab 73 28 69 lch 73 75 68 cmyk 0 38 83 0 sea_buckthorn[7552][251,161,41](3.3):tree_poppy[8467][252,156,29](4.0):deep_saffron[3046][255,153,51](4.4):neon_carrot[6011][255,153,51](4.4):mango[5503][255,166,43](4.9) 5 deep:buckthorn:carrot:mango:neon:poppy:saffron:sea:tree +8148 sunshine rgb 156 101 49 hex #9C6531 hsv 29 69 61 xyz 0.19 0.17 0.05 lab 48 17 38 lch 48 41 66 cmyk 0 22 42 39 sepia[7613][152,94,43](3.6):mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](4.2):style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](4.2):afghan_tan[972][144,94,38](4.6):dark_buff[2697][151,102,56](4.6) 5 dark:afghan:buff:mai:pasifika:sand:sepia:shore:style:tai:tan +8149 sunshine_yellow rgb 255 253 55 hex #FFFD37 hsv 59 78 100 xyz 0.77 0.92 0.17 lab 97 -20 86 lch 97 88 103 cmyk 0 1 78 0 lemon_yellow[4981][253,255,56](1.0):yellow[9199][254,254,51](1.4):canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](2.0):daffodil[2652][255,255,49](2.2):electric_yellow[3455][255,255,51](2.2) 6 canary:daffodil:electric:lemon:yellow +8150 sunspot rgb 126 55 46 hex #7E372E hsv 7 63 49 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.03 lab 33 30 21 lch 33 36 34 cmyk 0 28 31 51 PMS499[609][122,56,45](2.4):mustang[5950][127,53,46](2.4):western_red_cedar[9056][122,55,42](2.4):prairie_sand[6803][136,60,50](3.0):erica[3504][129,51,45](3.2) 12 PMS499:cedar:erica:mustang:prairie:sand:western:red +8151 super_duper rgb 66 99 159 hex #42639F hsv 219 58 62 xyz 0.13 0.13 0.35 lab 42 7 -36 lch 42 37 281 cmyk 36 24 0 38 mariner[5533][66,99,159](0.0):denim_blue[3095][59,91,146](3.7):dusky_blue[3295][71,95,148](4.1):french_blue[3745][67,107,173](4.2):moderate_cobalt_blue[5818][74,109,168](4.6) 6 moderate:cobalt:denim:dusky:french:mariner:blue +8152 super_pink rgb 207 107 169 hex #CF6BA9 hsv 323 48 81 xyz 0.38 0.27 0.41 lab 59 47 -15 lch 59 50 342 cmyk 0 39 15 19 sky_magenta[7751][207,113,175](3.0):hopbush[4542][208,109,161](5.4):pale_magenta[6385][215,103,173](5.4):PMS674[853][211,107,158](6.0):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](6.4) 1 pale:PMS674:hopbush:magenta:orchid:sky:wild +8153 super_sonic rgb 55 68 103 hex #374467 hsv 224 47 40 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.14 lab 29 5 -22 lch 29 23 283 cmyk 19 14 0 60 time_warp[8368][55,68,103](0.0):rhino[7196][46,63,98](2.4):capri[2067][48,67,106](3.0):digital_blue[3124][62,65,99](3.6):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](3.7) 11 capri:cove:digital:rhino:time:warp:blue:grey +8154 superhero rgb 55 78 136 hex #374E88 hsv 223 60 53 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.24 lab 34 10 -35 lch 34 37 286 cmyk 32 23 0 47 tory_blue[8433][55,78,136](0.0):chambray[2201][53,78,140](2.2):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](5.0):fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](5.0):zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](5.0) 5 a:b:chambray:de:fun:loop:sea:tory:zoop:blue +8155 supernova rgb 255 180 55 hex #FFB437 hsv 38 78 100 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.11 lab 79 17 70 lch 79 72 76 cmyk 0 29 78 0 rubber_duck[7359][255,180,55](0.0):filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](4.6):beer_srm_05[1345][247,179,36](5.4):fuel_yellow[3803][236,169,39](5.8):pastel_orange[6509][255,179,71](6.2) 2 05:beer:duck:filmpro:fuel:golden:pastel:rubber:srm:orange:yellow +8156 supernova rgb 255 201 1 hex #FFC901 hsv 47 100 100 xyz 0.62 0.63 0.09 lab 83 5 85 lch 83 85 86 cmyk 0 21 100 0 tangerine_yellow[8242][255,204,0](1.4):usc_gold[8665][255,204,0](1.4):PMS810[930][255,204,30](3.3):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](3.6):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](3.6) 10 PMS810:gold:golden:sunflower:tangerine:usc:yellow +8157 surf rgb 184 212 187 hex #B8D4BB hsv 126 13 83 xyz 0.52 0.61 0.56 lab 82 -14 9 lch 82 17 147 cmyk 11 0 10 17 gum_leaf[4250][182,211,191](2.2):fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](2.4):spring_rain[7929][172,203,177](3.3):kandinsky[4813][195,216,189](3.5):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](3.7) 9 pale:fertile:gum:kandinsky:leaf:mind:rain:spring +8158 surf rgb 187 215 193 hex #BBD7C1 hsv 133 13 84 xyz 0.54 0.63 0.6 lab 83 -13 8 lch 83 16 150 cmyk 11 0 9 16 fertile_mind[3588][185,214,194](1.0):gum_leaf[4250][182,211,191](1.4):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](2.4):surf_crest[8159][195,214,189](3.0):kandinsky[4813][195,216,189](3.3) 13 crest:edgewater:fertile:gum:kandinsky:leaf:mind:surf +8159 surf_crest rgb 195 214 189 hex #C3D6BD hsv 106 12 84 xyz 0.56 0.63 0.57 lab 84 -11 10 lch 84 15 137 cmyk 7 0 10 16 kandinsky[4813][195,216,189](1.4):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](1.4):edgewater[3363][193,216,197](3.0):surf[8158][187,215,193](3.0):PMS559[722][198,214,196](3.6) 15 pale:PMS559:edgewater:kandinsky:leaf:surf +8160 surf_crest rgb 207 229 210 hex #CFE5D2 hsv 128 10 90 xyz 0.65 0.74 0.72 lab 89 -11 7 lch 89 13 148 cmyk 9 0 7 10 pea_soup[6537][207,229,210](0.0):PMS573[743][204,229,214](2.0):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](3.0):PMS566[736][209,226,211](3.7):zanah[9248][218,236,214](3.7) 14 PMS566:PMS573:pea:peppermint:soup:zanah +8161 surf_spray_grey rgb 200 196 197 hex #C8C4C5 hsv 345 2 78 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.61 lab 79 2 0 lch 79 2 360 cmyk 0 2 1 22 alto[1021][205,198,197](1.4):pale_slate[6431][195,191,193](1.4):grey[4180][196,196,196](2.0):double_concrete[3193][197,197,195](2.2):flotsam[3696][200,196,192](2.2) 56 pale:slate:alto:concrete:double:flotsam:grey +8162 surfie_green rgb 0 123 119 hex #007B77 hsv 178 100 48 xyz 0.1 0.15 0.2 lab 46 -29 -6 lch 46 30 192 cmyk 48 0 2 52 bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.2):PMS328[386][0,119,112](2.4):stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](2.8):teal[8283][0,128,128](2.8):pine_green[6660][21,128,120](3.0) 15 PMS328:bluegreen:pine:stormcloud:teal:green +8163 surfie_green rgb 12 122 121 hex #0C7A79 hsv 179 90 48 xyz 0.11 0.15 0.2 lab 46 -27 -7 lch 46 28 195 cmyk 43 0 0 52 bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](1.4):elm[3462][28,124,125](1.7):skobeloff[7738][0,116,116](2.2):deep_turquoise[3073][1,115,116](2.4):elm[3463][41,123,118](2.4) 16 deep:bluegreen:elm:skobeloff:turquoise +8164 surfs_up rgb 31 33 66 hex #1F2142 hsv 237 53 26 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 14 10 -21 lch 14 23 295 cmyk 14 13 0 74 sonic_boom[7847][37,32,66](2.2):redemption_blue[7160][35,37,69](2.4):PMS2767[296][20,33,61](5.2):PMS276[293][43,33,71](5.5):blue_zodiac[1602][19,38,77](5.7) 2 PMS276:PMS2767:boom:redemption:sonic:zodiac:blue +8165 surrender rgb 181 183 183 hex #B5B7B7 hsv 180 1 72 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.52 lab 74 -1 0 lch 74 1 200 cmyk 1 0 0 28 grey[4172][181,181,181](1.0):grey[4171][179,179,179](1.4):grey[4173][184,184,184](1.4):triple_concrete[8486][183,182,181](1.4):grey[4170][176,176,176](2.2) 50 concrete:triple:grey +8166 sushi rgb 124 159 47 hex #7C9F2F hsv 79 70 62 xyz 0.21 0.29 0.07 lab 61 -29 52 lch 61 59 119 cmyk 14 0 44 38 medium_forest_green[5606][107,142,35](6.4):olive_drab[6156][107,142,35](6.4):olivedrab[6171][107,142,35](6.4):olive_drab[6155][105,139,34](7.7):olivedrab[6170][105,139,34](7.7) 0 medium:drab:forest:olive:olivedrab:green +8167 sushi rgb 135 171 57 hex #87AB39 hsv 79 67 67 xyz 0.25 0.35 0.09 lab 65 -29 53 lch 65 60 119 cmyk 14 0 45 33 avocado[1210][144,177,52](5.0):booger[1650][155,181,60](6.6):chameleon[2203][152,183,79](6.7):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](7.1):limerick[5287][137,172,39](7.1) 1 avocado:booger:chameleon:limerick:green +8168 suva_grey rgb 136 131 135 hex #888387 hsv 312 4 53 xyz 0.23 0.23 0.26 lab 55 3 -1 lch 55 3 331 cmyk 0 2 0 47 taupe_grey[8263][139,133,137](1.0):lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](1.4):lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](1.4):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](1.7):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.4) 36 blush:lavenderblush:metallic:monsoon:rocket:taupe:grey:lavender +8169 suva_grey rgb 139 134 133 hex #8B8685 hsv 10 4 55 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.26 lab 56 2 1 lch 56 2 36 cmyk 0 2 2 45 snow[7806][139,137,137](1.7):jumbo[4786][135,135,133](2.0):silver_steel[7719][135,135,134](2.0):battleship_grey[1319][132,132,130](2.2):grey[4151][133,133,133](2.2) 51 battleship:jumbo:silver:snow:steel:grey +8170 swamp rgb 0 27 28 hex #001B1C hsv 182 100 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 8 -9 -4 lch 8 10 203 cmyk 11 0 0 89 very_deep_cyan[8732][0,29,29](1.7):aztec[1222][13,28,25](4.6):very_dark_cyan[8719][17,29,29](4.9):very_dark_spring_green[8726][17,29,23](6.4):black_bean[1453][8,25,16](7.1) 3 deep:dark:very:aztec:bean:cyan:spring:black:green +8171 swamp rgb 37 47 47 hex #252F2F hsv 180 21 18 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 19 -4 -1 lch 19 4 199 cmyk 4 0 0 82 woodsmoke[9174][43,50,48](1.4):raglan[7045][41,51,49](1.7):charleston_green[2229][35,43,43](2.2):aztec[1223][41,52,50](2.4):racing_green[7035][35,47,44](2.4) 40 aztec:charleston:racing:raglan:woodsmoke:green +8172 swamp rgb 105 131 57 hex #698339 hsv 81 56 51 xyz 0.15 0.2 0.07 lab 51 -22 36 lch 51 42 121 cmyk 10 0 29 49 khaki_green[4852][114,134,57](3.5):dark_olive_green[2815][110,139,61](3.7):dirty_green[3137][102,126,44](5.4):koru[4886][119,142,70](5.5):PMS575[747][84,119,48](6.2) 2 dark:PMS575:dirty:khaki:koru:olive:green +8173 swamp_green rgb 116 133 0 hex #748500 hsv 68 100 52 xyz 0.16 0.2 0.03 lab 52 -21 57 lch 52 60 110 cmyk 7 0 52 48 shit_green[7671][117,128,0](3.3):poop_green[6771][111,124,0](4.7):trendy_green[8471][124,136,26](5.4):olive_green[6163][103,122,4](6.4):dark_yellow_green[2921][114,143,2](6.8) 2 dark:olive:poop:shit:trendy:green:yellow +8174 swamp_green rgb 172 183 142 hex #ACB78E hsv 76 22 72 xyz 0.39 0.45 0.32 lab 73 -11 20 lch 73 22 119 cmyk 4 0 16 28 norway[6073][164,184,143](3.3):PMS5783[757][181,181,142](4.0):gooseberry[3947][191,194,152](5.1):green_mist[4052][191,194,152](5.1):locust[5326][168,175,142](5.8) 2 PMS5783:gooseberry:locust:mist:norway:green +8175 swans_down rgb 218 230 221 hex #DAE6DD hsv 135 5 90 xyz 0.7 0.77 0.8 lab 90 -6 3 lch 90 6 152 cmyk 5 0 4 10 aqua_squeeze[1111][219,228,220](2.0):light_greenish_grey[5119][218,231,218](2.2):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](2.4):catskill_white[2138][224,228,220](3.0):carefree[2083][209,221,213](3.2) 38 light:apple:aqua:carefree:catskill:greenish:squeeze:green:grey:white +8176 swans_down rgb 220 240 234 hex #DCF0EA hsv 162 8 94 xyz 0.76 0.83 0.9 lab 93 -8 1 lch 93 8 175 cmyk 8 0 2 6 apple_green[1087][226,243,236](1.4):white_ice[9082][215,238,228](1.7):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](2.0):iceberg[4602][218,244,240](2.4):tranquil[8455][221,237,233](2.4) 32 apple:clear:day:ice:iceberg:tranquil:green:white +8177 sweet_as rgb 219 184 180 hex #DBB8B4 hsv 6 18 86 xyz 0.55 0.53 0.5 lab 78 12 7 lch 78 14 29 cmyk 0 14 15 14 PMS5025[616][226,188,183](1.7):cavern_pink[2142][224,184,177](2.2):oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](2.8):cavern_pink[2143][227,190,190](3.0):clam_shell[2353][212,182,175](3.0) 12 PMS5025:cavern:clam:oyster:shell:pink +8178 sweet_brown rgb 168 55 49 hex #A83731 hsv 3 71 66 xyz 0.18 0.11 0.04 lab 40 46 29 lch 40 55 33 cmyk 0 44 47 34 kachow[4805][162,58,52](3.6):whizz_bang[9100][162,58,52](3.6):medium_carmine[5603][175,64,53](3.7):pale_carmine[6319][175,64,53](3.7):get_reddy[3847][173,53,57](4.4) 13 pale:medium:bang:carmine:get:kachow:reddy:whizz +8179 sweet_corn rgb 249 225 118 hex #F9E176 hsv 49 53 98 xyz 0.69 0.75 0.28 lab 90 -5 55 lch 90 55 95 cmyk 0 9 51 2 PMS121[23][249,224,112](2.2):PMS120[21][249,226,127](4.0):kournikova[4888][255,231,114](4.6):pale_gold[6337][253,222,108](4.6):yellow[9197][252,232,131](4.6) 5 pale:PMS120:PMS121:gold:kournikova:yellow +8180 sweet_corn rgb 251 234 140 hex #FBEA8C hsv 51 44 98 xyz 0.74 0.81 0.37 lab 92 -7 48 lch 92 48 98 cmyk 0 7 44 2 light_goldenrod[5109][255,236,139](1.7):old_goldenrod[6134][255,236,139](1.7):flavescent[3677][247,233,142](2.2):PMS127[35][244,226,135](2.4):yellow[9197][252,232,131](3.2) 17 light:PMS127:flavescent:goldenrod:old:yellow +8181 sweet_dreams rgb 249 215 126 hex #F9D77E hsv 43 49 98 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.3 lab 87 1 48 lch 87 48 89 cmyk 0 13 48 2 golden_glow[3918][249,215,126](0.0):PMS134[43][255,216,127](2.4):oopsy_daisy[6187][255,214,123](2.8):salomie[7435][255,214,123](2.8):beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](3.2) 9 02:PMS134:beer:daisy:glow:golden:oopsy:salomie:srm +8182 sweet_pink rgb 238 145 141 hex #EE918D hsv 2 41 93 xyz 0.5 0.4 0.3 lab 70 35 17 lch 70 39 26 cmyk 0 36 38 7 pink[6668][231,139,139](2.8):light_salmon_pink[5192][255,153,153](5.1):light_pink[5172][255,158,158](5.5):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](6.1):sea_pink[7571][219,129,126](6.1) 1 light:salmon:scarlet:sea:pink +8183 sweet_pink rgb 253 159 162 hex #FD9FA2 hsv 358 37 99 xyz 0.59 0.48 0.4 lab 75 35 13 lch 75 38 21 cmyk 0 37 36 1 PMS1765[114][249,158,163](1.7):light_pink[5172][255,158,158](2.2):light_salmon_pink[5192][255,153,153](4.4):very_light_amaranth[8740][255,158,170](4.5):sea_pink[7572][237,152,158](4.7) 5 light:very:PMS1765:amaranth:salmon:sea:pink +8184 sweet_spot rgb 234 183 183 hex #EAB7B7 hsv 0 22 92 xyz 0.59 0.55 0.52 lab 79 18 7 lch 79 20 21 cmyk 0 20 20 8 pale_grayish_pink[6340][231,184,184](1.4):PMS501[613][234,178,178](2.4):shilo[7655][232,185,179](2.8):beauty_bush[1334][235,185,179](3.2):rosy_brown[7327][238,180,180](3.2) 19 pale:PMS501:beauty:bush:grayish:rosy:shilo:brown:pink +8185 sweetwaters rgb 195 209 223 hex #C3D1DF hsv 210 13 87 xyz 0.59 0.63 0.79 lab 83 -2 -9 lch 83 9 257 cmyk 11 5 0 13 PMS545[687][196,211,221](2.4):PMS2707[267][191,209,229](3.0):PMS544[685][183,204,219](3.0):altitude[1020][188,212,226](3.3):beau_blue[1333][188,212,230](3.7) 15 PMS2707:PMS544:PMS545:altitude:beau:blue +8186 swirl rgb 211 205 197 hex #D3CDC5 hsv 34 7 83 xyz 0.59 0.62 0.62 lab 83 1 5 lch 83 5 82 cmyk 0 2 5 17 eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.0):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.0):PMS428[511][209,206,198](1.4):lighthouse[5247][209,204,195](1.4):westar[9052][212,207,197](1.4) 78 PMS428:cloud:eighth:half:lighthouse:napa:westar +8187 swirl rgb 215 206 197 hex #D7CEC5 hsv 30 8 84 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.62 lab 83 2 6 lch 83 6 74 cmyk 0 4 7 16 eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.0):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.0):westar[9052][212,207,197](2.0):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](2.2):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](2.2) 70 cloud:double:eighth:half:malta:napa:pointer:westar:white +8188 swiss_coffee rgb 219 208 202 hex #DBD0CA hsv 21 8 86 xyz 0.62 0.64 0.65 lab 84 3 4 lch 84 5 57 cmyk 0 4 7 14 quarter_milestone[6969][219,208,203](0.0):urbane[8661][217,209,207](2.2):bon_jour[1638][223,215,210](2.4):swirl[8186][211,205,197](2.4):swirl[8187][215,206,197](2.4) 53 bon:jour:milestone:quarter:swirl:urbane +8189 swiss_coffee rgb 221 214 213 hex #DDD6D5 hsv 7 4 87 xyz 0.66 0.68 0.73 lab 86 2 1 lch 86 3 31 cmyk 0 3 3 13 PMS5315[667][219,211,211](1.4):half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.7):bon_jour[1638][223,215,210](2.0):PMS538[674][214,211,214](2.2):grey[4187][214,214,214](2.2) 71 PMS5315:PMS538:bon:flotsam:half:jour:grey +8190 switched_on rgb 237 206 0 hex #EDCE00 hsv 52 100 93 xyz 0.57 0.62 0.09 lab 83 -5 84 lch 83 84 93 cmyk 0 12 93 7 safety_yellow[7404][238,210,2](2.2):yellow[9196][239,204,0](2.2):vivid_gold[8916][231,202,0](3.0):PMS109[9][249,214,22](3.2):gold[3897][238,201,0](3.3) 9 vivid:PMS109:gold:safety:yellow +8191 sword rgb 128 130 132 hex #808284 hsv 210 3 52 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.25 lab 54 0 -1 lch 54 1 256 cmyk 2 1 0 48 grey[4149][128,128,128](1.0):grey[4150][130,130,130](1.0):trolley_grey[8533][128,128,128](1.0):web_grey[9036][128,128,128](1.0):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.4) 54 trolley:web:grey +8192 swordfish rgb 167 166 156 hex #A7A69C hsv 55 7 65 xyz 0.36 0.38 0.37 lab 68 -1 5 lch 68 5 106 cmyk 0 0 4 35 foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](0.0):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](1.0):dawn[2935][166,162,154](1.4):delta[3087][164,164,157](1.4):quarter_tapa[7005][163,164,156](1.7) 41 dawn:delta:foggy:friar:quarter:tapa:grey +8193 sycamore rgb 144 141 57 hex #908D39 hsv 58 60 56 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -10 44 lch 57 45 103 cmyk 0 1 34 44 highball[4485][144,141,57](0.0):highball[4486][146,140,60](1.4):kombi[4879][131,137,49](4.6):wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](5.9):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](7.5) 3 highball:kombi:trendy:wanderlust:green +8194 sycamore rgb 146 140 60 hex #928C3C hsv 56 59 57 xyz 0.22 0.25 0.08 lab 57 -9 43 lch 57 43 101 cmyk 0 2 34 43 highball[4486][146,140,60](0.0):highball[4485][144,141,57](1.4):wanderlust[8992][136,132,60](5.0):kombi[4879][131,137,49](5.7):jewelled_yellow[4766][154,136,62](6.3) 3 highball:jewelled:kombi:wanderlust:yellow +8195 symphony rgb 196 211 180 hex #C4D3B4 hsv 89 15 83 xyz 0.54 0.62 0.52 lab 83 -11 14 lch 83 17 128 cmyk 6 0 12 17 cooled_green[2474][196,211,180](0.0):coriander[2514][196,208,176](1.7):green_mist[4053][203,211,176](2.8):pale_leaf[6356][192,211,185](3.0):pixie_green[6726][192,216,182](3.2) 10 pale:cooled:coriander:leaf:mist:pixie:green +8196 synchronise rgb 121 117 100 hex #797564 hsv 49 17 47 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.15 lab 49 -2 10 lch 49 10 99 cmyk 0 2 8 53 PMS417[500][119,114,99](1.7):internet[4664][115,112,98](3.0):climate[2374][110,109,94](3.2):half_talisman[4396][125,116,102](3.2):quarry_stone[6914][123,116,94](3.2) 24 PMS417:climate:half:internet:quarry:stone:talisman +8197 tabac rgb 88 80 68 hex #585044 hsv 36 23 35 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.07 lab 34 1 8 lch 34 8 83 cmyk 0 3 8 65 mondo[5867][85,77,66](1.0):dark_grayish_brown[2738][89,78,66](1.4):iroko[4675][91,82,68](2.2):rock[7257][90,77,65](2.2):judge_grey[4783][93,83,70](2.4) 23 dark:grayish:iroko:judge:mondo:rock:brown:grey +8198 tabasco rgb 142 58 54 hex #8E3A36 hsv 3 62 56 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.05 lab 36 35 20 lch 36 41 30 cmyk 0 33 35 44 sanguine_brown[7483][141,61,56](1.4):totem_pole[8436][136,53,49](2.2):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.0):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.0):tall_poppy[8212][133,53,52](3.0) 24 indian:indianred:pole:poppy:sanguine:tall:totem:brown:red +8199 tabasco rgb 160 39 18 hex #A02712 hsv 9 89 63 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.01 lab 36 48 42 lch 36 64 41 cmyk 0 47 56 37 crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](0.0):embers[3466][160,39,18](0.0):lusty[5413][153,27,7](3.7):totem_pole[8437][153,27,7](3.7):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](4.2) 5 burnt:apple:crab:embers:lusty:pole:totem:red +8200 tabby rgb 197 178 152 hex #C5B298 hsv 35 23 77 xyz 0.45 0.46 0.36 lab 74 3 16 lch 74 16 80 cmyk 0 7 18 23 sour_dough[7859][201,181,154](1.0):vanilla[8676][204,182,155](1.7):bisque[1431][205,183,158](2.2):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](2.2):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](2.2) 36 bisque:colins:dough:dust:eighth:rodeo:sour:vanilla:wicket +8201 tacao rgb 237 179 129 hex #EDB381 hsv 28 46 93 xyz 0.55 0.52 0.28 lab 77 15 34 lch 77 37 66 cmyk 0 23 42 7 PMS721[900][232,178,130](2.4):PMS472[576][234,170,122](3.6):manhattan[5507][226,175,128](4.1):PMS714[893][249,186,130](4.4):fawn[3565][229,170,112](5.0) 5 PMS472:PMS714:PMS721:fawn:manhattan +8202 tacao rgb 246 174 120 hex #F6AE78 hsv 26 51 96 xyz 0.57 0.51 0.25 lab 77 20 38 lch 77 43 62 cmyk 0 28 49 4 peach[6540][255,176,124](3.2):macaroni_and_cheese[5421][255,185,123](4.4):very_light_tangelo[8791][255,176,119](4.4):PMS472[576][234,170,122](4.9):PMS714[893][249,186,130](5.1) 4 light:very:PMS472:PMS714:and:cheese:macaroni:tangelo:peach +8203 tacha rgb 210 185 96 hex #D2B960 hsv 47 54 82 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.18 lab 76 -2 48 lch 76 48 93 cmyk 0 10 45 18 sundance[8125][201,179,91](3.3):vegas_gold[8687][197,179,88](4.2):chenin[2255][222,195,113](5.1):creme_de_banane[2590][224,193,97](5.4):equator[3502][225,188,100](5.5) 2 banane:chenin:creme:de:equator:gold:sundance:vegas +8204 tacha rgb 214 197 98 hex #D6C562 hsv 51 54 84 xyz 0.5 0.55 0.2 lab 79 -7 51 lch 79 52 97 cmyk 0 7 45 16 PMS458[550][221,204,107](3.2):chenin[2256][223,205,111](3.7):wild_rice[9105][227,212,116](5.4):arylide_yellow[1152][233,214,107](6.7):golden_sand[3924][234,206,106](6.7) 2 PMS458:arylide:chenin:golden:rice:sand:wild:yellow +8205 taffeta rgb 153 110 158 hex #996E9E hsv 294 30 62 xyz 0.25 0.2 0.35 lab 52 26 -19 lch 52 32 323 cmyk 2 19 0 38 faded_purple[3539][145,110,153](4.2):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](4.2):butterfly[1954][164,107,155](4.6):dark_lilac[2786][156,109,165](5.1):ce_soir[2144][146,113,167](5.9) 3 dark:butterfly:ce:faded:lilac:soir:trendy:pink:purple +8206 tahiti_gold rgb 220 114 42 hex #DC722A hsv 24 81 86 xyz 0.36 0.27 0.06 lab 59 37 56 lch 59 67 57 cmyk 0 42 70 14 chocolate[2307][210,105,30](3.2):cinnamon[2337][210,105,30](3.2):cocoa_brown[2410][210,105,30](3.2):hot_cinnamon[4554][210,105,30](3.2):mandarian_orange[5495][228,120,51](3.6) 6 chocolate:cinnamon:cocoa:hot:mandarian:brown:orange +8207 tahiti_gold rgb 233 124 7 hex #E97C07 hsv 31 97 91 xyz 0.41 0.32 0.04 lab 63 36 69 lch 63 78 62 cmyk 0 43 89 9 pumpkin[6849][225,119,1](2.4):PMS716[895][242,132,17](3.2):gold_drop[3901][241,130,0](3.6):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](3.6):PMS152[71][221,117,0](3.7) 9 vivid:PMS152:PMS716:drop:gold:pumpkin:orange +8208 tahuna_sands rgb 216 204 155 hex #D8CC9B hsv 48 28 85 xyz 0.56 0.6 0.4 lab 82 -3 26 lch 82 26 97 cmyk 0 5 24 15 sapling[7492][225,213,166](3.2):sapling[7491][222,212,164](3.3):pavlova[6530][215,196,152](3.7):smooth_cream[7800][218,199,156](3.7):yuma[9243][206,194,145](4.0) 15 cream:pavlova:sapling:smooth:yuma +8209 tahuna_sands rgb 238 240 200 hex #EEF0C8 hsv 63 17 94 xyz 0.77 0.85 0.67 lab 94 -7 19 lch 94 20 111 cmyk 1 0 16 6 spring_sun[7930][241,241,198](2.0):mimosa[5749][245,245,204](2.2):moon_glow[5883][245,243,206](2.4):rice_flower[7206][239,245,209](2.4):goldenrod_light[3940][250,250,210](3.2) 27 light:flower:glow:goldenrod:mimosa:moon:rice:spring:sun +8210 takaka rgb 61 77 120 hex #3D4D78 hsv 224 49 47 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.19 lab 33 7 -26 lch 33 27 284 cmyk 23 17 0 53 style_pasifika_blue_whale[8070][61,77,120](0.0):PMS534[670][58,73,114](1.7):magik[5452][62,76,122](2.2):night_moves[6049][69,76,115](3.2):sapphire[7496][63,82,129](3.6) 9 PMS534:magik:moves:night:pasifika:sapphire:style:whale:blue +8211 talisman rgb 101 93 80 hex #655D50 hsv 37 21 40 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.09 lab 40 1 9 lch 40 9 85 cmyk 0 3 8 60 makara[5474][105,95,80](1.4):soya_bean[7862][106,96,81](1.4):PMS411[494][102,89,76](2.2):dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.2):half_mondo[4356][98,89,77](2.2) 34 PMS411:bean:dragon:half:makara:mondo:soya +8212 tall_poppy rgb 133 53 52 hex #853534 hsv 1 61 52 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.04 lab 34 34 18 lch 34 39 28 cmyk 0 31 32 48 indian_red[4632][139,58,58](2.4):indianred[4641][139,58,58](2.4):xotic[9186][134,51,54](2.4):old_brick[6124][138,51,53](3.0):tabasco[8198][142,58,54](3.0) 19 brick:indian:indianred:old:tabasco:xotic:red +8213 tall_poppy rgb 179 45 41 hex #B32D29 hsv 2 77 70 xyz 0.2 0.12 0.03 lab 41 53 35 lch 41 64 34 cmyk 0 53 54 30 PMS1805[128][175,38,38](2.2):well_read[9045][180,51,50](4.2):bonfire[1649][166,42,32](4.4):international_orange[4662][192,54,44](4.4):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](4.6) 6 PMS1805:bonfire:international:mexican:read:well:orange:red +8214 tallow rgb 163 153 119 hex #A39977 hsv 46 27 64 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.22 lab 63 -2 19 lch 63 19 96 cmyk 0 4 17 36 canvas[2053][163,153,119](0.0):grayish_amber[3996][168,158,125](2.0):triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](2.8):gurkha[4264][154,149,119](3.0):hillary[4491][167,160,126](3.2) 15 akaroa:amber:canvas:grayish:gurkha:hillary:triple +8215 tallow rgb 168 165 137 hex #A8A589 hsv 54 18 66 xyz 0.34 0.37 0.29 lab 67 -4 15 lch 67 15 104 cmyk 0 1 12 34 canvas[2054][168,165,137](0.0):platinum[6736][165,160,131](1.7):double_tana[3245][168,164,140](2.2):hillary[4492][172,165,134](2.4):neutral_green[6031][172,165,134](2.4) 24 canvas:double:hillary:neutral:platinum:tana:green +8216 tamarillo rgb 117 43 47 hex #752B2F hsv 357 63 46 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.03 lab 29 33 14 lch 29 36 24 cmyk 0 29 27 54 PMS198[156][119,45,53](2.2):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](2.4):paprika[6477][124,45,55](3.0):adrenalin_junkie[963][127,49,54](3.2):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](3.7) 12 PMS198:adrenalin:chile:dynamite:hot:junkie:paprika +8217 tamarillo rgb 153 22 19 hex #991613 hsv 1 88 60 xyz 0.14 0.07 0.01 lab 33 51 38 lch 33 64 36 cmyk 0 51 53 40 spartan_crimson[7885][158,19,22](2.4):pulse[6844][164,29,25](3.6):sangria[7481][146,0,10](3.7):scarlett[7524][149,0,21](4.7):lusty[5413][153,27,7](5.1) 4 lusty:pulse:sangria:scarlett:spartan:crimson +8218 tamarind rgb 52 21 21 hex #341515 hsv 0 60 20 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 11 16 7 lch 11 17 25 cmyk 0 12 12 80 havana[4433][52,21,21](0.0):jarrah[4741][52,21,21](0.0):seal_brown[7582][50,20,20](1.0):rustic_red[7386][58,24,26](2.2):toast_lmu_15[8381][42,15,16](4.1) 5 15:havana:jarrah:lmu:rustic:seal:toast:brown:red +8219 tamarind rgb 62 47 46 hex #3E2F2E hsv 4 26 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 21 7 3 lch 21 7 26 cmyk 0 6 6 76 sepia[7610][58,47,45](2.0):style_pasifika_black_tan[8069][58,47,45](2.0):double_barista[3179][57,44,42](2.4):havana[4434][59,43,44](2.4):jarrah[4742][59,43,44](2.4) 39 barista:double:havana:jarrah:pasifika:sepia:style:tan:black +8220 tan rgb 139 90 43 hex #8B5A2B hsv 29 69 55 xyz 0.15 0.13 0.04 lab 43 15 35 lch 43 38 66 cmyk 0 19 38 45 rusty_nail[7389][141,95,44](1.7):afghan_tan[972][144,94,38](4.1):dark_buff[2697][151,102,56](4.1):natural[5985][136,89,49](4.1):brazil[1698][129,91,40](5.1) 4 dark:afghan:brazil:buff:nail:natural:rusty:tan +8221 tan rgb 205 133 63 hex #CD853F hsv 30 69 80 xyz 0.34 0.3 0.09 lab 62 21 48 lch 62 52 66 cmyk 0 28 56 20 peru[6617][205,133,63](0.0):golden_bell[3910][202,129,54](3.7):bronze[1823][205,127,50](5.4):gold[3892][205,127,50](5.4):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](5.7) 2 bell:bronze:dull:gold:golden:peru:orange +8222 tan rgb 209 178 111 hex #D1B26F hsv 41 47 82 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.22 lab 74 2 38 lch 74 38 86 cmyk 0 12 38 18 putty[6910][205,174,112](2.4):style_pasifika_pink_night[8088][205,174,112](2.4):essential_cream[3512][220,182,111](4.7):harvest_gold[4429][224,185,116](4.7):coyote[2568][221,183,123](4.9) 5 coyote:cream:essential:gold:harvest:night:pasifika:putty:style:pink +8223 tan rgb 210 180 140 hex #D2B48C hsv 34 33 82 xyz 0.48 0.48 0.32 lab 75 5 24 lch 75 25 78 cmyk 0 12 27 18 navajo_white[5988][205,179,139](2.2):double_haystack[3206][214,184,138](3.3):crusade[2613][205,182,146](3.6):bowman[1686][213,177,133](3.7):calico[2008][213,177,133](3.7) 17 bowman:calico:crusade:double:haystack:navajo:white +8224 tan rgb 219 147 112 hex #DB9370 hsv 20 49 86 xyz 0.43 0.37 0.2 lab 67 23 30 lch 67 38 52 cmyk 0 28 42 14 copper[2478][221,148,117](2.4):burning_sand[1923][217,147,118](4.0):copper[2477][218,138,103](4.6):copperfield[2487][218,138,103](4.6):pale_copper[6326][218,138,103](4.6) 5 pale:burning:copper:copperfield:sand +8225 tan rgb 225 146 70 hex #E19246 hsv 29 69 88 xyz 0.42 0.37 0.11 lab 67 23 51 lch 67 56 66 cmyk 0 31 61 12 party_animal[6495][219,146,65](3.6):brilliant_orange[1790][231,156,81](3.7):tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](3.7):tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](3.7):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](4.6) 5 brilliant:animal:dull:eye:party:tiger:tiger's:orange +8226 tan rgb 238 154 73 hex #EE9A49 hsv 29 69 93 xyz 0.48 0.42 0.12 lab 71 24 54 lch 71 59 66 cmyk 0 33 65 7 PMS157[81][237,160,79](3.3):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](3.3):carpe_diem[2113][228,148,61](3.7):lolly_scramble[5335][233,155,65](4.4):touche[8441][255,165,85](4.5) 5 PMS157:buckthorn:carpe:diem:lolly:scramble:sea:touche +8227 tan rgb 250 167 108 hex #FAA76C hsv 25 57 98 xyz 0.56 0.49 0.21 lab 75 25 43 lch 75 49 60 cmyk 0 33 56 2 very_light_tangelo[8791][255,176,119](4.1):hit_pink[4514][253,164,112](4.2):sandy_brown[7477][244,164,96](4.6):apricot[1092][255,177,109](5.2):light_brilliant_tangelo[5069][255,159,101](5.5) 3 light:brilliant:very:apricot:hit:sandy:tangelo:brown:pink +8228 tan rgb 255 165 79 hex #FFA54F hsv 29 69 100 xyz 0.56 0.49 0.14 lab 75 26 57 lch 75 62 65 cmyk 0 35 69 0 PMS715[894][252,158,73](2.8):sunshade[8146][250,157,73](2.8):touche[8441][255,165,85](3.0):pale_orange[6395][255,167,86](3.3):neon_carrot[6012][255,163,67](5.0) 5 pale:PMS715:carrot:neon:sunshade:touche:orange +8229 tan_brown rgb 171 126 76 hex #AB7E4C hsv 32 56 67 xyz 0.26 0.24 0.1 lab 56 12 34 lch 56 36 71 cmyk 0 18 37 33 light_brown[5074][173,129,80](1.7):moderate_orange[5836][168,121,74](1.7):roasted_orange[7242][166,119,71](2.4):toast_lmu_55[8389][172,132,81](3.7):coffee[2421][166,129,76](4.0) 10 moderate:light:55:coffee:lmu:roasted:toast:brown:orange +8230 tan_green rgb 169 190 112 hex #A9BE70 hsv 76 41 75 xyz 0.38 0.46 0.22 lab 74 -20 37 lch 74 42 118 cmyk 8 0 31 25 light_olive[5154][172,191,105](4.0):light_moss_green[5147][166,200,117](5.5):pale_olive[6392][185,204,129](5.5):greenish_tan[4084][188,203,122](5.7):olivine[6177][154,185,115](6.6) 1 pale:light:greenish:moss:olive:olivine:tan:green +8231 tan_hide rgb 250 157 90 hex #FA9D5A hsv 25 64 98 xyz 0.53 0.45 0.16 lab 73 29 49 lch 73 57 60 cmyk 0 36 63 2 faded_orange[3537][240,148,77](3.6):light_brilliant_tangelo[5069][255,159,101](4.2):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](5.4):touche[8441][255,165,85](6.2):sandy_brown[7477][244,164,96](6.4) 2 light:brilliant:buckthorn:faded:sandy:sea:tangelo:touche:brown:orange +8232 tana rgb 184 181 161 hex #B8B5A1 hsv 52 13 72 xyz 0.43 0.46 0.4 lab 73 -2 11 lch 73 11 103 cmyk 0 1 9 28 linen[5291][186,183,162](1.4):ash[1153][190,186,167](2.2):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](2.2):tea[8273][191,181,162](2.2):bone_white[1648][184,183,166](2.4) 50 ash:bone:glitterati:linen:tea:white +8233 tana rgb 217 220 193 hex #D9DCC1 hsv 67 12 86 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.61 lab 87 -6 13 lch 87 14 114 cmyk 1 0 11 14 daydream[2940][222,220,195](2.0):ying_yang[9236][218,220,190](2.0):wheat[9065][216,216,191](2.4):loafer[5316][219,217,194](3.3):frost[3777][225,228,197](3.6) 18 daydream:frost:loafer:wheat:yang:ying +8234 tandoori rgb 141 69 50 hex #8D4532 hsv 13 65 55 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.04 lab 38 29 25 lch 38 38 41 cmyk 0 28 36 45 mule_fawn[5942][140,71,47](2.8):embers[3465][140,63,48](3.2):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](3.3):rust[7380][139,66,53](3.3):coral[2491][139,62,47](3.6) 8 chestnut:coral:embers:fawn:mule:rust +8235 tangaroa rgb 3 22 60 hex #03163C hsv 220 95 24 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.04 lab 8 10 -27 lch 8 28 290 cmyk 22 15 0 76 navy[5994][1,21,62](2.2):PMS655[834][12,28,71](4.6):midnight[5712][1,22,53](5.7):dark_navy_blue[2807][0,2,46](6.4):midnight[5713][3,1,45](6.4) 2 dark:PMS655:midnight:navy:blue +8236 tangaroa rgb 30 47 60 hex #1E2F3C hsv 206 50 24 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.05 lab 19 -3 -10 lch 19 11 255 cmyk 12 5 0 76 style_pasifika_ocean_deep[8085][30,47,60](0.0):midnight[5714][33,48,62](1.4):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](2.4):coast[2391][36,52,66](2.4):allegro[1002][36,46,59](3.0) 12 deep:allegro:coast:midnight:ocean:pasifika:style:whale:blue +8237 tangelo rgb 249 77 0 hex #F94D00 hsv 19 100 98 xyz 0.42 0.25 0.03 lab 58 63 68 lch 58 93 47 cmyk 0 67 98 2 PMS172[109][247,73,2](1.7):adrenalin[962][255,82,0](2.2):blood_orange[1522][254,75,3](2.2):international_orange[4663][255,79,0](2.4):vermilion[8707][255,77,0](2.4) 11 PMS172:adrenalin:blood:international:vermilion:orange +8238 tangerine rgb 205 93 52 hex #CD5D34 hsv 16 75 80 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.06 lab 53 42 44 lch 53 61 46 cmyk 0 44 60 20 traffic_light[8452][205,93,52](0.0):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](1.7):fireball[3640][204,92,57](3.0):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](3.6):medium_vermilion[5651][217,96,59](4.2) 5 medium:light:chilean:ecstasy:fire:fireball:traffic:vermilion +8239 tangerine rgb 233 110 0 hex #E96E00 hsv 28 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.28 0.03 lab 60 43 68 lch 60 81 58 cmyk 0 48 91 9 clementine[2370][233,110,0](0.0):christine[2319][231,115,10](3.3):mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](3.3):dark_orange[2824][238,118,0](4.1):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](4.2) 6 dark:vivid:christine:clementine:mango:tango:orange +8240 tangerine rgb 242 133 0 hex #F28500 hsv 33 100 95 xyz 0.45 0.36 0.05 lab 66 35 73 lch 66 81 64 cmyk 0 43 95 5 gold_drop[3901][241,130,0](1.7):PMS716[895][242,132,17](3.2):dark_orange[2826][255,140,0](4.1):juicy[4784][255,139,0](4.1):PMS151[70][247,127,0](5.0) 8 dark:PMS151:PMS716:drop:gold:juicy:orange +8241 tangerine rgb 255 148 8 hex #FF9408 hsv 34 97 100 xyz 0.52 0.42 0.06 lab 71 33 76 lch 71 82 67 cmyk 0 42 97 0 pizazz[6729][255,144,0](2.2):princeton_orange[6817][255,143,0](2.2):west_side[9051][255,145,15](2.2):april_sun[1096][253,152,0](3.3):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](3.3) 9 april:cadmium:pizazz:princeton:side:sun:west:orange:yellow +8242 tangerine_yellow rgb 255 204 0 hex #FFCC00 hsv 48 100 100 xyz 0.63 0.64 0.09 lab 84 4 85 lch 84 85 88 cmyk 0 20 100 0 usc_gold[8665][255,204,0](0.0):supernova[8156][255,201,1](1.4):PMS810[930][255,204,30](3.0):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](4.4):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](4.4) 9 PMS810:gold:golden:sunflower:supernova:usc:yellow +8243 tango rgb 212 111 49 hex #D46F31 hsv 23 77 83 xyz 0.33 0.26 0.06 lab 58 35 51 lch 58 62 55 cmyk 0 40 64 17 gold_drop[3900][213,108,48](2.2):phoenix[6632][216,108,55](5.0):hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](5.2):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](5.2):mandarian_orange[5495][228,120,51](5.4) 2 drop:gold:hi:jinx:mandarian:phoenix:pizazz:orange +8244 tango rgb 237 122 28 hex #ED7A1C hsv 27 88 93 xyz 0.42 0.32 0.05 lab 63 39 65 lch 63 76 59 cmyk 0 45 82 7 PMS158[83][232,117,17](1.4):christine[2319][231,115,10](3.0):chocolate[2308][238,118,33](3.6):mars_yellow[5553][227,112,26](4.4):vivid_orange[8930][231,116,0](4.5) 7 vivid:PMS158:chocolate:christine:mars:orange:yellow +8245 tango_pink rgb 228 113 122 hex #E4717A hsv 355 50 89 xyz 0.41 0.3 0.22 lab 61 45 16 lch 61 48 20 cmyk 0 45 42 11 candy_pink[2045][228,113,122](0.0):froly[3774][229,109,117](2.8):PMS702[881][214,96,109](5.8):light_carmine_pink[5077][230,103,113](5.9):froly[3775][245,117,132](6.4) 2 light:PMS702:candy:carmine:froly:pink +8246 tao_grey rgb 50 52 54 hex #323436 hsv 210 7 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 22 0 -2 lch 22 2 256 cmyk 2 1 0 79 bright_charcoal[1720][51,52,53](1.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.0):ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.4):grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](1.4):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.4) 67 bright:charcoal:clay:ebony:friars:gumboot:grey +8247 tapa rgb 123 120 116 hex #7B7874 hsv 34 6 48 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.19 lab 51 0 3 lch 51 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 52 detroit[3113][120,119,116](1.4):dove_grey[3257][119,118,114](1.4):half_chicago[4305][119,119,112](1.7):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](1.7):aluminium[1023][118,115,111](2.0) 52 aluminium:chicago:detroit:dove:half:industrial:silver:grey +8248 tapa rgb 124 124 114 hex #7C7C72 hsv 60 8 49 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.19 lab 52 -2 5 lch 52 6 109 cmyk 0 0 4 51 gunsmoke[4260][122,124,118](2.0):PMS424[507][130,127,119](2.2):cobblestone[2402][128,127,115](2.2):montoya[5877][119,121,114](2.2):triple_delta[8487][120,121,115](2.2) 26 PMS424:cobblestone:delta:gunsmoke:montoya:triple +8249 tapestry rgb 176 94 129 hex #B05E81 hsv 334 47 69 xyz 0.26 0.19 0.23 lab 50 37 -5 lch 50 38 353 cmyk 0 32 18 31 PMS688[867][178,102,132](4.7):PMS682[861][160,81,117](5.0):china_rose[2293][168,81,110](6.7):moderate_raspberry[5842][168,74,109](8.1):light_plum[5177][157,87,131](8.3) 2 moderate:light:PMS682:PMS688:china:plum:raspberry:rose +8250 tapestry rgb 179 112 132 hex #B37084 hsv 342 37 70 xyz 0.29 0.23 0.25 lab 55 29 0 lch 55 29 0 cmyk 0 26 18 30 mauve[5580][174,113,129](3.3):turkish_rose[8570][181,114,129](3.3):PMS681[860][183,114,142](4.6):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](4.6):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](6.1) 4 PMS681:gold:mauve:minnelli:turkish:rose +8251 tara rgb 222 241 221 hex #DEF1DD hsv 117 8 95 xyz 0.75 0.84 0.81 lab 93 -10 8 lch 93 12 143 cmyk 7 0 8 5 zanah[9248][218,236,214](1.4):peppermint[6582][227,245,225](2.2):willow_brook[9122][223,236,218](2.4):hint_of_green[4496][223,241,214](3.2):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](3.3) 20 brook:hint:of:peppermint:willow:zanah:green +8252 tara rgb 225 246 232 hex #E1F6E8 hsv 140 9 96 xyz 0.79 0.88 0.89 lab 95 -9 4 lch 95 10 155 cmyk 8 0 5 4 frostee[3783][228,246,231](1.0):frosted_mint[3781][226,242,228](1.7):ottoman[6263][233,248,237](2.2):off_green[6108][223,240,226](2.4):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](2.4) 29 frosted:frostee:off:ottoman:soft:green:mint +8253 tarawera rgb 7 58 80 hex #073A50 hsv 198 91 31 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.08 lab 22 -7 -18 lch 22 19 249 cmyk 29 9 0 69 barometer[1308][17,57,76](2.0):PMS303[338][0,63,84](2.8):PMS547[692][0,63,84](2.8):PMS2965[324][0,51,76](3.5):elephant[3457][18,52,71](4.1) 11 PMS2965:PMS303:PMS547:barometer:elephant +8254 tarawera rgb 37 60 72 hex #253C48 hsv 201 49 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.07 lab 24 -5 -10 lch 24 11 243 cmyk 14 5 0 72 aquarium[1124][37,60,72](0.0):nile_blue[6059][37,63,78](2.2):elephant[3458][36,54,64](2.4):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](3.0):blue_whale[1599][30,52,66](3.3) 11 aquarium:elephant:nile:vogue:whale:blue:green +8255 tarmac rgb 111 111 110 hex #6F6F6E hsv 60 1 44 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.17 lab 47 0 1 lch 47 1 110 cmyk 0 0 0 56 double_stack[3241][111,113,110](1.0):grey[4142][112,112,112](1.0):blast_grey[1503][113,110,107](1.4):dove_grey[3256][109,108,108](1.4):grey[4141][110,110,110](1.4) 48 blast:double:dove:stack:grey +8256 tarot rgb 56 41 61 hex #38293D hsv 285 33 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 19 11 -10 lch 19 15 319 cmyk 2 8 0 76 showtime[7680][47,38,58](3.0):passion[6499][59,42,57](3.2):blackcurrant[1488][50,41,58](3.3):mardi_gras[5523][53,34,53](3.7):violet[8850][47,38,60](3.7) 8 blackcurrant:gras:mardi:passion:showtime:violet +8257 tart_orange rgb 251 77 70 hex #FB4D46 hsv 2 72 98 xyz 0.44 0.26 0.09 lab 58 65 42 lch 58 78 33 cmyk 0 68 71 2 red_orange[7129][255,83,73](2.4):sunset_orange[8145][254,76,64](4.2):brown[1841][238,59,59](4.6):light_red[5181][255,71,76](5.0):ogre_odor[6116][253,82,64](5.2) 4 light:odor:ogre:sunset:brown:orange:red +8258 tasman rgb 186 192 179 hex #BAC0B3 hsv 88 7 75 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.5 lab 77 -4 6 lch 77 7 127 cmyk 2 0 5 25 aquashield_tasman[1133][186,192,179](0.0):PMS5645[733][188,193,178](1.0):pumice[6845][186,192,180](1.0):quarter_lemon_grass[6962][186,190,175](1.4):green_spring[4062][184,193,177](2.2) 54 PMS5645:aquashield:grass:pumice:quarter:spring:tasman:green:lemon +8259 tasman rgb 207 220 207 hex #CFDCCF hsv 120 6 86 xyz 0.63 0.69 0.69 lab 86 -7 5 lch 86 8 144 cmyk 5 0 5 14 PMS566[736][209,226,211](2.2):ottoman[6262][211,219,203](2.2):carefree[2083][209,221,213](3.0):conch[2447][201,217,210](3.2):paris_white[6492][202,220,212](3.2) 33 PMS566:carefree:conch:ottoman:paris:white +8260 taupe rgb 72 60 50 hex #483C32 hsv 27 31 28 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 3 8 lch 26 9 67 cmyk 0 5 9 72 dark_lava[2783][72,60,50](0.0):dark_taupe[2904][72,60,50](0.0):english_walnut[3496][71,59,47](1.0):bronze[1820][73,59,47](2.2):mondo[5866][74,60,48](2.2) 33 dark:bronze:english:lava:mondo:taupe:walnut +8261 taupe rgb 185 162 129 hex #B9A281 hsv 35 30 73 xyz 0.37 0.38 0.26 lab 68 3 20 lch 68 21 81 cmyk 0 9 22 27 doeskin[3156][182,160,129](1.4):navarone[5991][185,165,132](1.4):howlin_wolf[4576][183,159,129](1.7):mongoose[5869][181,162,127](1.7):quarter_colins_wicket[6933][183,167,134](2.4) 17 colins:doeskin:howlin:mongoose:navarone:quarter:wicket:wolf +8262 taupe_grey rgb 137 132 120 hex #898478 hsv 42 12 54 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.21 lab 55 0 7 lch 55 7 93 cmyk 0 2 7 46 antique_white[1067][139,131,120](1.0):schooner[7532][141,132,120](1.7):castle_rock[2126][133,132,119](2.0):half_sandstone[4380][139,129,118](2.0):quarter_talisman[7003][142,135,123](2.0) 37 antique:castle:half:quarter:rock:sandstone:schooner:talisman:white +8263 taupe_grey rgb 139 133 137 hex #8B8589 hsv 320 4 55 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.27 lab 56 3 -1 lch 56 3 336 cmyk 0 2 1 45 lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](1.0):lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](1.0):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](1.0):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](1.4):suva_grey[8169][139,134,133](2.2) 32 blush:lavenderblush:monsoon:suva:grey:lavender +8264 taupe_grey rgb 179 175 149 hex #B3AF95 hsv 52 17 70 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.35 lab 71 -3 14 lch 71 14 102 cmyk 0 2 12 30 eagle[3321][176,172,148](1.4):heathered_grey[4456][182,176,149](1.7):bison_hide[1428][181,172,148](2.0):glitterati[3877][179,173,151](2.2):half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](2.4) 29 bison:eagle:glitterati:half:heathered:hide:olive:grey +8265 tawny rgb 205 87 0 hex #CD5700 hsv 25 100 80 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.02 lab 52 44 61 lch 52 75 55 cmyk 0 46 80 20 tenn[8301][205,87,0](0.0):tenne[8302][205,87,0](0.0):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](1.0):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](1.4):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](2.2) 8 burnt:PMS1595:rusty:tenn:tenne:orange +8266 tawny_port rgb 100 58 72 hex #643A48 hsv 340 42 39 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.07 lab 30 21 -1 lch 30 21 358 cmyk 0 16 11 61 PMS5195[643][89,51,68](4.6):deep_tuscan_red[3074][102,66,77](4.6):tuscan_red[8596][102,66,77](4.6):verve[8711][93,46,60](4.9):eggplant[3376][97,64,81](5.1) 4 deep:PMS5195:eggplant:tuscan:verve:red +8267 tawny_port rgb 105 37 69 hex #692545 hsv 332 65 41 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.06 lab 26 34 -4 lch 26 34 353 cmyk 0 27 14 59 nightclub[6056][106,31,68](3.3):pompadour[6765][106,31,68](3.3):PMS511[626][96,33,68](3.7):PMS690[869][112,35,66](4.4):PMS229[187][109,33,63](4.5) 5 PMS229:PMS511:PMS690:nightclub:pompadour +8268 tax_break rgb 73 101 105 hex #496569 hsv 188 30 41 xyz 0.1 0.12 0.15 lab 41 -9 -6 lch 41 11 211 cmyk 13 2 0 59 smalt_blue[7781][73,98,103](1.4):stormcloud[7997][79,102,106](1.7):deep_space_sparkle[3063][74,100,108](2.8):streetwise[8009][79,105,113](3.5):gunmetal[4259][83,98,103](4.2) 6 deep:gunmetal:smalt:space:sparkle:stormcloud:streetwise:blue +8269 tax_break rgb 81 128 143 hex #51808F hsv 195 43 56 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.29 lab 51 -12 -13 lch 51 18 228 cmyk 24 6 0 44 smalt_blue[7782][81,128,143](0.0):norwester[6076][72,121,138](3.2):hippie_blue[4506][73,136,154](4.7):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](5.1):horizon[4545][100,136,148](5.8) 3 bean:hippie:horizon:jelly:norwester:smalt:blue +8270 te_papa_green rgb 30 67 60 hex #1E433C hsv 169 55 26 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.05 lab 26 -15 0 lch 26 15 179 cmyk 15 0 3 74 deep_teal[3071][25,68,60](2.0):tile_green[8360][38,67,58](2.8):zydeco[9283][32,72,63](3.0):msu_green[5923][24,69,59](3.2):tiber[8345][24,67,67](4.0) 7 deep:msu:teal:tiber:tile:zydeco:green +8271 te_papa_green rgb 43 75 64 hex #2B4B40 hsv 159 43 29 xyz 0.04 0.06 0.06 lab 29 -15 3 lch 29 15 169 cmyk 13 0 4 71 PMS560[724][43,76,63](1.7):lamp_black[4906][46,71,59](2.4):roulette[7340][42,77,62](3.0):zydeco[9283][32,72,63](3.0):PMS553[710][35,68,53](3.7) 14 PMS553:PMS560:lamp:roulette:zydeco:black +8272 tea rgb 101 171 124 hex #65AB7C hsv 140 41 67 xyz 0.24 0.33 0.24 lab 64 -33 17 lch 64 37 152 cmyk 27 0 18 33 shiny_shamrock[7660][95,167,120](1.0):aqua_forest[1103][95,167,119](1.4):forest_green[3726][109,174,129](2.8):moderate_spring_green[5850][74,168,121](6.4):silver_tree[7721][102,181,143](6.4) 3 moderate:aqua:forest:shamrock:shiny:silver:spring:tree:green +8273 tea rgb 191 181 162 hex #BFB5A2 hsv 39 15 75 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.41 lab 74 0 11 lch 74 11 88 cmyk 0 4 11 25 bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](1.0):corkscrew[2517][189,182,165](1.0):quarter_craigieburn[6936][191,183,166](1.4):malta[5486][189,178,161](1.7):half_cougar[4313][188,181,166](2.0) 50 bison:corkscrew:cougar:craigieburn:half:hide:malta:quarter +8274 tea rgb 193 186 176 hex #C1BAB0 hsv 35 9 76 xyz 0.47 0.5 0.48 lab 76 1 6 lch 76 6 83 cmyk 0 3 7 24 PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.0):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.0):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.0):eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.4):eighth_pravda[3415][195,188,176](1.4) 61 PMS421:cloud:cotton:eighth:friar:pravda:seed:grey +8275 tea_green rgb 189 248 163 hex #BDF8A3 hsv 102 34 97 xyz 0.61 0.81 0.47 lab 92 -34 35 lch 92 49 134 cmyk 23 0 33 3 washed_out_green[9009][188,245,166](3.7):light_pastel_green[5162][178,251,165](4.1):reef[7164][201,255,162](5.1):light_green[5116][200,255,176](5.2):very_light_pistachio[8780][194,255,158](5.7) 2 light:very:out:pastel:pistachio:reef:washed:green +8276 tea_green rgb 208 240 192 hex #D0F0C0 hsv 100 20 94 xyz 0.67 0.8 0.62 lab 91 -19 20 lch 91 27 134 cmyk 13 0 19 6 pale_light_grayish_harlequin[6367][196,231,184](3.3):pale_light_grayish_chartreuse_green[6362][208,231,184](3.6):snow_flurry[7812][228,255,209](6.4):pale_light_grayish_green[6366][184,231,184](6.7):caper[2063][220,237,180](7.2) 2 pale:light:caper:chartreuse:flurry:grayish:harlequin:snow:green +8277 tea_rose rgb 244 194 194 hex #F4C2C2 hsv 360 20 96 xyz 0.66 0.62 0.59 lab 83 18 7 lch 83 19 21 cmyk 0 20 20 4 baby_pink[1243][244,194,194](0.0):PMS706[885][252,201,198](2.2):PMS510[625][244,198,201](2.4):PMS699[878][247,191,191](2.4):beauty_bush[1335][238,193,190](2.4) 24 PMS510:PMS699:PMS706:baby:beauty:bush:pink +8278 tea_rose rgb 248 131 121 hex #F88379 hsv 5 51 97 xyz 0.5 0.38 0.23 lab 68 44 26 lch 68 51 31 cmyk 0 46 50 3 congo_pink[2459][248,131,121](0.0):coral_pink[2503][248,131,121](0.0):salmon[7428][250,128,114](3.3):PMS177[116][249,130,127](4.1):glorious[3880][240,119,113](4.6) 5 PMS177:congo:coral:glorious:salmon:pink +8279 teak rgb 171 137 83 hex #AB8953 hsv 37 51 67 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.12 lab 59 6 34 lch 59 34 80 cmyk 0 13 35 33 limed_oak[5283][172,138,86](1.4):muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](2.2):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.0):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](3.2):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](3.2) 13 buff:driftwood:limed:mckenzie:muddy:oak:waters +8280 teak rgb 177 148 97 hex #B19461 hsv 38 45 69 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.16 lab 63 4 31 lch 63 31 83 cmyk 0 11 31 31 triple_canterbury_clay[8484][181,148,101](2.8):dark_beige[2683][172,147,98](3.0):dark_sand[2867][168,143,89](3.0):muesli[5933][170,139,91](3.3):goldie[3942][179,155,105](3.5) 14 dark:beige:canterbury:clay:goldie:muesli:sand:triple +8281 teak_stain rgb 78 53 41 hex #4E3529 hsv 19 47 31 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 25 9 12 lch 25 15 52 cmyk 0 10 15 69 milk_chocolate[5740][76,52,41](1.4):timberland[8363][76,51,42](2.4):baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](3.0):saddle[7396][76,48,36](3.0):morocco_brown[5901][68,45,33](4.0) 13 baked:chocolate:earth:milk:morocco:saddle:timberland:brown +8282 teak_wood_finish rgb 107 42 20 hex #6B2A14 hsv 15 81 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.01 lab 26 28 28 lch 26 39 45 cmyk 0 25 34 58 hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](0.0):toast_lmu_30[8384][104,39,11](3.2):PMS168[104][109,48,17](4.7):metallic_copper[5691][113,41,29](5.1):mocha[5804][120,45,25](5.1) 3 30:PMS168:copper:hairy:heath:lmu:metallic:mocha:toast +8283 teal rgb 0 128 128 hex #008080 hsv 180 100 50 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.23 lab 48 -29 -8 lch 48 30 196 cmyk 50 0 0 50 stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](0.0):teal_green[8291][0,130,127](1.7):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](2.2):bluegreen[1608][1,122,121](2.2):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](2.8) 18 2X:PMS320:bluegreen:stormcloud:surfie:teal:green +8284 teal rgb 2 147 134 hex #029386 hsv 175 99 58 xyz 0.15 0.23 0.26 lab 55 -36 -2 lch 55 36 184 cmyk 57 0 5 42 blue/green[1539][15,155,142](3.2):PMS3285[388][0,153,135](3.5):PMS327[381][0,140,130](4.1):PMS3282[387][0,140,130](4.1):origin[6253][0,156,138](4.7) 6 PMS327:PMS3282:PMS3285:blue/green:origin +8285 teal_blue rgb 1 136 159 hex #01889F hsv 189 99 62 xyz 0.15 0.2 0.36 lab 52 -22 -21 lch 52 31 223 cmyk 62 9 0 38 eastern_blue[3339][0,135,159](0.0):PMS314[355][0,130,155](2.4):PMS633[812][0,127,153](3.7):scooter[7535][48,142,160](4.4):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.7) 5 PMS314:PMS633:eastern:scooter:seeker:blue +8286 teal_blue rgb 4 66 89 hex #044259 hsv 196 96 35 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.1 lab 26 -9 -19 lch 26 21 245 cmyk 33 9 0 65 PMS548[695][0,68,89](1.4):deep_cerulean[2973][0,67,89](1.4):PMS303[338][0,63,84](2.2):PMS547[692][0,63,84](2.2):st_kilda[7947][0,69,89](3.0) 10 deep:PMS303:PMS547:PMS548:cerulean:kilda:st +8287 teal_blue rgb 37 72 85 hex #254855 hsv 196 56 33 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.09 lab 29 -8 -12 lch 29 14 234 cmyk 19 5 0 67 dark_cerulean[2703][39,77,89](3.0):green_vogue[4065][35,65,78](3.3):lucifer[5349][46,80,96](3.3):arapawa[1136][39,74,93](3.7):blue_dianne[1559][32,72,82](3.7) 11 dark:arapawa:cerulean:dianne:lucifer:vogue:blue:green +8288 teal_blue rgb 54 117 136 hex #367588 hsv 194 60 53 xyz 0.12 0.15 0.26 lab 46 -14 -16 lch 46 22 229 cmyk 32 7 0 47 norwester[6076][72,121,138](3.5):jelly_bean[4757][68,121,142](3.7):calypso[2014][61,113,136](4.6):allports[1006][31,106,125](5.5):bismark[1427][73,113,131](5.5) 3 allports:bean:bismark:calypso:jelly:norwester +8289 teal_deer rgb 153 230 179 hex #99E6B3 hsv 140 33 90 xyz 0.5 0.67 0.53 lab 85 -34 17 lch 85 38 153 cmyk 30 0 20 10 PMS352[426][153,229,178](1.0):light_spring_green[5211][139,231,185](5.0):hospital_green[4549][155,229,170](5.1):zeal[9250][145,224,183](5.5):algae_green[996][147,223,184](5.7) 2 light:PMS352:algae:hospital:spring:zeal:green +8290 teal_green rgb 0 109 91 hex #006D5B hsv 170 100 43 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.12 lab 41 -31 3 lch 41 32 175 cmyk 43 0 7 57 PMS3298[393][0,107,91](1.7):PMS564[732][5,112,94](1.7):PMS336[403][0,104,84](2.2):bingo[1415][0,116,96](2.8):watercourse[9014][5,111,87](3.6) 9 PMS3298:PMS336:PMS564:bingo:watercourse +8291 teal_green rgb 0 130 127 hex #00827F hsv 179 100 51 xyz 0.12 0.17 0.23 lab 49 -30 -7 lch 49 31 193 cmyk 51 0 1 49 stormcloud[7996][0,128,128](1.7):teal[8283][0,128,128](1.7):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](3.2):pine_green[6660][21,128,120](3.2):surfie_green[8162][0,123,119](3.3) 16 greenish:pine:stormcloud:surfie:teal:blue:green +8292 teal_green rgb 37 163 111 hex #25A36F hsv 155 77 64 xyz 0.17 0.28 0.2 lab 60 -46 18 lch 60 49 159 cmyk 49 0 20 36 jade[4714][31,167,116](1.7):bluish_green[1617][16,166,116](2.8):green[4022][0,159,107](3.0):green[4030][28,172,120](3.7):green_cyan[4039][0,153,102](4.2) 9 bluish:cyan:jade:green +8293 tealish rgb 36 188 168 hex #24BCA8 hsv 172 81 74 xyz 0.26 0.39 0.43 lab 69 -42 -1 lch 69 42 181 cmyk 60 0 8 26 puerto_rico[6835][63,193,170](3.0):PMS3258[376][53,196,175](3.2):turquoise[8577][6,194,172](3.7):PMS3275[383][0,178,160](4.1):topaz[8421][19,187,175](4.1) 6 PMS3258:PMS3275:puerto:rico:topaz:turquoise +8294 tealish_green rgb 12 220 115 hex #0CDC73 hsv 150 95 86 xyz 0.29 0.52 0.25 lab 78 -67 39 lch 78 78 150 cmyk 82 0 41 14 weird_green[9042][58,229,127](3.7):spring_green[7919][0,205,102](5.4):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](6.4):brilliant_malachite_green[1787][81,231,119](6.9):turquoise_green[8587][4,244,137](8.7) 1 brilliant:vivid:malachite:spring:weird:green:turquoise +8295 techno rgb 142 136 110 hex #8E886E hsv 49 23 56 xyz 0.23 0.24 0.18 lab 57 -2 15 lch 57 15 99 cmyk 0 2 13 44 abanakee[943][146,138,109](2.0):lemon_chiffon[4965][139,137,112](2.2):lemonchiffon[4984][139,137,112](2.2):brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](2.4):double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](2.4) 29 abanakee:chiffon:double:lemonchiffon:olive:brown:grey:lemon +8296 teddy rgb 239 199 65 hex #EFC741 hsv 46 73 94 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.14 lab 82 1 69 lch 82 69 89 cmyk 0 16 68 6 sunglow[8136][255,207,72](4.4):PMS1225[26][255,204,73](4.5):festival[3590][234,204,74](5.0):kournikova[4887][249,208,84](5.0):party_mix[6497][225,197,58](5.4) 4 PMS1225:festival:kournikova:mix:party:sunglow +8297 telemagenta rgb 207 52 118 hex #CF3476 hsv 334 75 81 xyz 0.3 0.17 0.19 lab 48 64 -1 lch 48 64 359 cmyk 0 61 35 19 violet_red[8867][205,50,120](2.0):fuchsia_purple[3797][204,57,123](3.0):magenta[5437][208,65,126](3.7):darkish_pink[2926][218,70,125](6.2):scrumptious[7547][183,29,98](7.5) 3 darkish:fuchsia:magenta:scrumptious:pink:purple:red:violet +8298 tempo rgb 70 43 49 hex #462B31 hsv 347 39 27 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 21 14 1 lch 21 14 6 cmyk 0 11 8 73 cab_sav[1966][74,46,50](2.2):dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](3.6):maroon[5537][64,35,39](3.6):barossa[1311][69,46,57](4.2):PMS5185[641][71,40,53](4.4) 11 dark:PMS5185:barossa:cab:maroon:sav:crimson +8299 temptress rgb 59 0 11 hex #3B000B hsv 349 100 23 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 9 29 9 lch 9 30 17 cmyk 0 23 19 77 dark_maroon[2797][60,0,8](2.0):chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.7):aubergine[1193][59,9,16](4.1):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](5.2):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](5.4) 3 dark:38:39:aubergine:beer:chocolate:maroon:srm +8300 temptress rgb 60 33 38 hex #3C2126 hsv 349 45 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 16 14 2 lch 16 14 9 cmyk 0 11 9 76 jumpstart[4787][62,32,37](1.4):chocolate[2303][61,35,39](1.7):dark_crimson[2711][64,35,39](2.2):maroon[5537][64,35,39](2.2):spitfire[7904][56,25,33](2.8) 8 dark:chocolate:jumpstart:maroon:spitfire:crimson +8301 tenn rgb 205 87 0 hex #CD5700 hsv 25 100 80 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.02 lab 52 44 61 lch 52 75 55 cmyk 0 46 80 20 tawny[8265][205,87,0](0.0):tenne[8302][205,87,0](0.0):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](1.0):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](1.4):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](2.2) 8 burnt:PMS1595:rusty:tawny:tenne:orange +8302 tenne rgb 205 87 0 hex #CD5700 hsv 25 100 80 xyz 0.29 0.2 0.02 lab 52 44 61 lch 52 75 55 cmyk 0 46 80 20 tawny[8265][205,87,0](0.0):tenn[8301][205,87,0](0.0):burnt_orange[1930][204,85,0](1.0):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](1.4):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](2.2) 8 burnt:PMS1595:rusty:tawny:tenn:orange +8303 tequila rgb 244 208 164 hex #F4D0A4 hsv 33 33 96 xyz 0.67 0.67 0.45 lab 86 6 27 lch 86 27 76 cmyk 0 14 31 4 navajo_white[5989][238,207,161](2.2):corvette[2543][250,211,162](2.4):champagne[2210][250,214,165](2.8):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](2.8):sunset[8143][250,214,165](2.8) 20 deep:champagne:corvette:navajo:sunset:white +8304 tequila rgb 255 230 199 hex #FFE6C7 hsv 33 22 100 xyz 0.8 0.82 0.66 lab 93 4 18 lch 93 19 78 cmyk 0 10 22 0 bisque[1434][255,228,196](1.4):derby[3096][249,228,198](1.7):eggshell[3380][252,230,201](1.7):egg_sour[3371][249,228,197](2.2):negroni[6006][255,226,197](2.2) 22 bisque:derby:egg:eggshell:negroni:sour +8305 teranova rgb 122 58 43 hex #7A3A2B hsv 11 65 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.03 lab 33 27 22 lch 33 35 40 cmyk 0 25 31 52 scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](1.0):western_red_cedar[9056][122,55,42](1.4):desperado[3111][117,57,41](2.2):PMS499[609][122,56,45](2.4):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](3.2) 9 PMS499:cedar:clay:desperado:scorched:sunspot:western:red +8306 terra_cotta rgb 201 100 59 hex #C9643B hsv 17 71 79 xyz 0.29 0.22 0.07 lab 54 37 41 lch 54 55 48 cmyk 0 40 56 21 terracotta[8309][202,102,65](2.0):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](2.4):sienna[7697][205,104,57](3.2):terracota[8308][203,104,67](3.3):clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](4.1) 9 clockwork:ecstasy:sienna:terracota:terracotta:orange +8307 terra_cotta rgb 226 114 91 hex #E2725B hsv 10 60 89 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.13 lab 61 42 33 lch 61 53 38 cmyk 0 44 53 11 terracotta[8310][226,114,91](0.0):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](4.6):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](4.6):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](5.2):jelly_bean[4758][218,97,78](6.5) 3 burnt:bean:fingers:jelly:persimmon:sienna:sticky:terracotta +8308 terracota rgb 203 104 67 hex #CB6843 hsv 16 67 80 xyz 0.31 0.23 0.08 lab 55 36 38 lch 55 53 47 cmyk 0 39 53 20 mischief[5778][203,105,70](1.0):terracotta[8309][202,102,65](1.7):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](3.3):red_damask[7119][203,111,74](4.1):joie_de_vivre[4772][207,101,72](4.5) 5 cotta:damask:de:joie:mischief:terra:terracotta:vivre:red +8309 terracotta rgb 202 102 65 hex #CA6641 hsv 16 68 79 xyz 0.3 0.22 0.08 lab 54 37 39 lch 54 53 46 cmyk 0 39 54 21 terracota[8308][203,104,67](1.7):terra_cotta[8306][201,100,59](2.0):mischief[5778][203,105,70](2.4):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](3.7):joie_de_vivre[4772][207,101,72](4.4) 7 cotta:de:ecstasy:joie:mischief:terra:terracota:vivre +8310 terracotta rgb 226 114 91 hex #E2725B hsv 10 60 89 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.13 lab 61 42 33 lch 61 53 38 cmyk 0 44 53 11 terra_cotta[8307][226,114,91](0.0):persimmon[6615][239,115,94](4.6):sticky_fingers[7977][239,115,94](4.6):burnt_sienna[1938][234,126,93](5.2):jelly_bean[4758][218,97,78](6.5) 3 burnt:bean:cotta:fingers:jelly:persimmon:sienna:sticky:terra +8311 terracotta_hit rgb 142 80 55 hex #8E5037 hsv 17 61 56 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.05 lab 41 23 26 lch 41 35 48 cmyk 0 24 34 44 twizel[8621][142,80,55](0.0):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](1.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.3):waiwherowhero[8986][134,73,44](3.6):salmon[7425][139,76,57](3.7) 11 burnished:coconut:salmon:twizel:waiwherowhero:orange +8312 terracotta_pink rgb 155 61 61 hex #9B3D3D hsv 360 61 61 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.06 lab 39 39 20 lch 39 44 27 cmyk 0 37 37 39 mexican_red[5701][155,61,61](0.0):afterburner[974][152,61,57](2.4):style_pasifika_red_pineapple[8092][152,61,57](2.4):roof_terracotta[7288][161,71,67](3.7):cincinnati[2326][165,64,63](4.1) 11 afterburner:cincinnati:mexican:pasifika:pineapple:roof:style:terracotta:red +8313 terrain rgb 173 173 153 hex #ADAD99 hsv 60 12 68 xyz 0.38 0.41 0.36 lab 70 -4 10 lch 70 11 109 cmyk 0 0 8 32 bud[1887][168,174,156](1.4):green_spring[4061][169,175,153](2.2):half_lemon_grass[4348][172,173,158](2.2):half_grey_olive[4337][177,171,149](2.8):double_linen[3212][169,167,144](3.0) 32 bud:double:grass:half:linen:olive:spring:green:grey:lemon +8314 terre_verte rgb 56 94 15 hex #385E0F hsv 89 84 37 xyz 0.06 0.09 0.02 lab 36 -27 38 lch 36 46 126 cmyk 15 0 31 63 dell[3084][57,100,19](2.8):deep_spring_bud[3064][56,89,0](4.1):deep_chartreuse_green[2975][45,89,0](4.7):navy_green[6001][53,83,10](6.0):green_leaf[4048][67,106,13](6.7) 3 deep:bud:chartreuse:dell:leaf:navy:spring:green +8315 texas rgb 236 230 126 hex #ECE67E hsv 57 47 93 xyz 0.67 0.76 0.31 lab 90 -12 51 lch 90 52 103 cmyk 0 2 43 7 PMS602[781][242,234,135](2.4):PMS393[470][242,239,135](3.3):khaki[4847][238,230,133](3.6):khaki[4848][238,230,134](3.6):PMS610[789][226,219,114](4.1) 9 PMS393:PMS602:PMS610:khaki +8316 texas rgb 248 249 156 hex #F8F99C hsv 61 37 98 xyz 0.79 0.9 0.45 lab 96 -14 45 lch 96 47 107 cmyk 0 0 36 2 very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](2.2):milan[5733][246,244,147](3.0):milan[5734][250,255,164](3.0):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](3.2):creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](3.3) 13 light:very:banane:creme:de:jonquil:milan:yellow +8317 texas_rose rgb 252 176 87 hex #FCB057 hsv 32 65 99 xyz 0.57 0.52 0.16 lab 78 19 55 lch 78 59 71 cmyk 0 30 65 1 vegas[8686][252,179,88](1.4):PMS150[68][252,173,86](2.2):PMS1365[48][252,186,94](4.5):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](4.6):rajah[7055][252,174,96](4.6) 6 PMS1365:PMS150:koromiko:rajah:vegas +8318 texas_rose rgb 255 181 85 hex #FFB555 hsv 34 67 100 xyz 0.59 0.55 0.16 lab 79 18 58 lch 79 61 73 cmyk 0 29 67 0 koromiko[4884][254,181,82](1.4):yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](1.4):vegas[8686][252,179,88](2.2):PMS1365[48][252,186,94](4.4):PMS150[68][252,173,86](4.7) 6 PMS1365:PMS150:koromiko:vegas:orange:yellow +8319 thatch rgb 177 148 143 hex #B1948F hsv 9 19 69 xyz 0.34 0.33 0.3 lab 64 10 7 lch 64 12 34 cmyk 0 11 13 31 del_rio[3081][176,154,149](3.3):del_rio[3082][181,153,142](3.3):quicksand[7024][189,151,142](4.7):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](5.8):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](5.8) 3 buffalo:del:double:eighth:milestone:quicksand:rio +8320 thatch rgb 182 157 152 hex #B69D98 hsv 10 16 71 xyz 0.37 0.36 0.35 lab 67 8 6 lch 67 10 36 cmyk 0 10 12 29 del_rio[3081][176,154,149](2.2):double_milestone[3217][177,160,156](2.8):eighth_buffalo[3392][177,160,156](2.8):PMS436[520][188,165,158](3.3):pristine_lavender[6818][178,164,155](4.1) 9 PMS436:buffalo:del:double:eighth:milestone:pristine:rio:lavender +8321 thatch_green rgb 64 61 25 hex #403D19 hsv 55 61 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.02 lab 25 -4 22 lch 25 23 101 cmyk 0 1 15 75 camouflage[2027][60,57,16](3.7):madras[5431][71,62,35](5.1):turtle_green[8592][54,62,29](6.7):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](7.3):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](7.3) 1 camouflage:gum:limed:lisbon:madras:turtle:brown:green +8322 thatch_green rgb 84 78 49 hex #544E31 hsv 50 42 33 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.04 lab 33 -2 18 lch 33 18 98 cmyk 0 2 14 67 camouflage[2028][79,77,50](3.0):style_pasifika_dark_moss[8074][79,77,50](3.0):hibernate[4476][90,85,57](3.3):punga[6856][83,73,49](3.5):PMS448[532][84,71,45](3.6) 8 dark:PMS448:camouflage:hibernate:moss:pasifika:punga:style +8323 thistle rgb 139 123 139 hex #8B7B8B hsv 300 12 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.27 lab 54 9 -6 lch 54 11 325 cmyk 0 6 0 45 mamba[5489][142,129,144](2.2):graceland[3961][135,116,130](3.3):nitro[6062][151,131,149](3.7):party_pink[6498][151,131,149](3.7):venus[8698][146,133,144](4.1) 6 graceland:mamba:nitro:party:venus:pink +8324 thistle rgb 199 189 149 hex #C7BD95 hsv 48 25 78 xyz 0.47 0.51 0.36 lab 77 -3 22 lch 77 22 97 cmyk 0 4 20 22 fawn[3563][199,189,149](0.0):beachcomber[1328][199,186,149](3.0):fawn_green[3566][188,184,143](3.7):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](4.0):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](4.1) 16 PMS4525:beachcomber:canterbury:clay:fawn:half:green +8325 thistle rgb 204 202 168 hex #CCCAA8 hsv 57 18 80 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.45 lab 81 -5 17 lch 81 18 106 cmyk 0 1 14 20 thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](0.0):zen[9251][210,208,174](2.0):PMS5793[760][198,198,165](2.2):chino[2297][206,199,167](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](2.2) 17 PMS5793:chiffon:chino:thistle:zen:green:lemon +8326 thistle rgb 205 181 205 hex #CDB5CD hsv 300 12 80 xyz 0.53 0.5 0.65 lab 76 13 -9 lch 76 16 325 cmyk 0 9 0 20 PMS523[650][211,183,204](2.4):lily[5262][200,170,191](3.7):prelude[6806][202,180,212](4.1):maverick[5585][200,177,192](4.6):PMS665[844][198,181,196](5.7) 4 PMS523:PMS665:lily:maverick:prelude +8327 thistle rgb 216 191 216 hex #D8BFD8 hsv 300 12 85 xyz 0.59 0.57 0.73 lab 80 13 -9 lch 80 16 325 cmyk 0 10 0 15 maverick[5586][216,194,213](3.0):PMS523[650][211,183,204](3.7):PMS531[666][229,198,219](4.4):PMS256[222][229,196,214](4.9):melanie[5657][228,194,213](4.9) 5 PMS256:PMS523:PMS531:maverick:melanie +8328 thistle rgb 238 210 238 hex #EED2EE hsv 300 12 93 xyz 0.74 0.7 0.91 lab 87 15 -10 lch 87 18 325 cmyk 0 11 0 7 divine[3145][228,206,236](3.5):pink_lace[6679][255,221,244](5.1):very_pale_mulberry[8813][248,226,255](5.5):PMS531[666][229,198,219](5.7):very_pale_magenta[8811][255,226,255](6.0) 1 pale:very:PMS531:divine:lace:magenta:mulberry:pink +8329 thistle rgb 255 225 255 hex #FFE1FF hsv 300 12 100 xyz 0.86 0.82 1.06 lab 93 15 -11 lch 93 19 325 cmyk 0 12 0 0 very_pale_magenta[8811][255,226,255](1.0):very_pale_mulberry[8813][248,226,255](2.2):very_pale_fuchsia[8805][255,226,248](4.1):pink_lace[6679][255,221,244](4.6):very_pale_violet[8822][240,226,255](5.2) 4 pale:very:fuchsia:lace:magenta:mulberry:pink:violet +8330 thistle_green rgb 204 202 168 hex #CCCAA8 hsv 57 18 80 xyz 0.53 0.58 0.45 lab 81 -5 17 lch 81 18 106 cmyk 0 1 14 20 thistle[8325][204,202,168](0.0):zen[9251][210,208,174](2.0):PMS5793[760][198,198,165](2.2):chino[2297][206,199,167](2.2):lemon_chiffon[4966][205,201,165](2.2) 17 PMS5793:chiffon:chino:thistle:zen:lemon +8331 thor rgb 105 127 121 hex #697F79 hsv 164 17 50 xyz 0.17 0.2 0.21 lab 51 -9 1 lch 51 9 176 cmyk 9 0 2 50 PMS5487[697][102,124,114](2.4):blue_smoke[1589][116,136,129](4.0):sirocco[7730][104,118,110](4.1):innocence[4656][109,119,115](4.5):yucca[9239][104,120,107](4.5) 10 PMS5487:innocence:sirocco:smoke:yucca:blue +8332 thorndon_cream rgb 220 215 198 hex #DCD7C6 hsv 46 10 86 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.63 lab 86 -1 9 lch 86 9 98 cmyk 0 2 9 14 bubble_white[1878][220,215,198](0.0):bone[1646][227,218,201](1.4):quarter_caraway[6930][225,219,204](1.4):albescent_white[988][225,218,203](1.7):quarter_tana[7004][217,214,198](1.7) 99 albescent:bone:bubble:caraway:quarter:tana:white +8333 three_wishes rgb 210 218 237 hex #D2DAED hsv 222 11 93 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.9 lab 87 1 -10 lch 87 10 275 cmyk 11 7 0 7 hawkes_blue[4440][210,218,237](0.0):link_water[5295][217,228,245](3.2):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](4.1):periwinkle[6593][197,208,230](4.5):designer_white[3109][215,217,226](5.0) 6 light:bluish:designer:hawkes:link:periwinkle:water:blue:grey:white +8334 thriller rgb 75 70 75 hex #4B464B hsv 300 7 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.08 lab 30 3 -2 lch 30 4 325 cmyk 0 2 0 71 gravel[3991][74,68,75](1.4):half_fuscous_grey[4331][73,70,72](1.4):transformer[8457][79,72,75](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.0):everest[3524][76,72,80](2.2) 35 everest:fuscous:gravel:half:shadowy:transformer:grey:lavender +8335 thulian_pink rgb 222 111 161 hex #DE6FA1 hsv 333 50 87 xyz 0.42 0.29 0.37 lab 61 49 -7 lch 61 49 352 cmyk 0 44 24 13 china_pink[2292][222,111,161](0.0):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](0.0):PMS674[853][211,107,158](3.5):wild_orchid[9104][212,112,162](4.6):PMS218[176][237,114,170](5.0) 5 PMS218:PMS674:china:liseran:orchid:wild:pink:purple +8336 thunder rgb 51 41 47 hex #33292F hsv 324 20 20 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.03 lab 18 6 -2 lch 18 6 340 cmyk 0 4 2 80 melanzane[5659][52,41,49](1.4):blackadder[1484][56,45,50](2.2):double_caffeine[3186][51,39,41](3.2):jacaranda[4704][54,45,56](3.7):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](3.7) 17 blackadder:caffeine:double:jacaranda:melanzane:zeppelin +8337 thunder rgb 77 77 75 hex #4D4D4B hsv 60 3 30 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 33 0 1 lch 33 1 110 cmyk 0 0 1 70 ship_grey[7664][78,78,76](0.0):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.0):grey[4128][77,77,77](1.0):quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](1.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](1.0) 61 blast:ironsand:quarter:ship:silver:streak:grey +8338 thunderbird rgb 146 56 48 hex #923830 hsv 5 67 57 xyz 0.14 0.09 0.04 lab 36 37 25 lch 36 45 33 cmyk 0 35 38 43 roller_coaster[7273][146,56,48](0.0):afterburner[974][152,61,57](3.7):style_pasifika_red_pineapple[8092][152,61,57](3.7):tomato[8408][139,54,38](3.7):burnt_umber[1940][138,51,36](4.6) 9 burnt:afterburner:coaster:pasifika:pineapple:roller:style:tomato:umber:red +8339 thunderbird rgb 192 43 24 hex #C02B18 hsv 7 88 75 xyz 0.23 0.13 0.02 lab 43 57 47 lch 43 74 39 cmyk 0 58 66 25 international_orange[4661][186,22,12](4.7):dark_pastel_red[2838][194,59,34](4.9):satin_orange[7505][198,64,32](6.4):milano_red[5736][184,17,4](6.9):PMS180[127][193,56,40](7.0) 2 dark:PMS180:international:milano:pastel:satin:orange:red +8340 tia_maria rgb 151 66 45 hex #97422D hsv 12 70 59 xyz 0.15 0.11 0.04 lab 39 34 30 lch 39 45 41 cmyk 0 33 42 41 fire[3634][143,63,42](3.0):rock_spray[7263][157,68,45](3.0):chestnut[2271][149,69,53](4.5):tomato[8408][139,54,38](4.6):burnt_umber[1940][138,51,36](5.5) 4 burnt:chestnut:fire:rock:spray:tomato:umber +8341 tia_maria rgb 193 68 14 hex #C1440E hsv 18 93 76 xyz 0.24 0.16 0.02 lab 46 48 53 lch 46 72 48 cmyk 0 49 70 24 rock_spray[7264][186,69,12](3.2):rust[7382][183,65,14](3.5):brick_orange[1708][193,74,9](3.7):mahogany[5462][192,64,0](4.2):sinopia[7727][203,65,11](6.2) 4 brick:mahogany:rock:rust:sinopia:spray:orange +8342 tiara rgb 185 195 190 hex #B9C3BE hsv 150 5 76 xyz 0.49 0.53 0.56 lab 78 -4 1 lch 78 5 163 cmyk 4 0 2 24 duck_egg_blue[3278][183,193,188](1.0):half_periglacial_blue[4369][191,200,196](2.0):PMS442[526][186,191,183](2.4):nebula[6003][184,198,190](2.4):eighth_stack[3421][192,193,191](3.0) 49 PMS442:duck:egg:eighth:half:nebula:periglacial:stack:blue +8343 tiara rgb 195 209 209 hex #C3D1D1 hsv 180 7 82 xyz 0.57 0.62 0.69 lab 83 -5 -2 lch 83 5 199 cmyk 5 0 0 18 PMS552[707][196,214,214](1.4):azure[1231][193,205,205](1.7):PMS643[822][198,209,214](2.8):PMS5445[686][196,204,204](3.0):zumthor[9280][205,213,213](3.0) 28 PMS5445:PMS552:PMS643:zumthor:azure +8344 tiber rgb 6 53 55 hex #063537 hsv 182 89 22 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.04 lab 19 -14 -6 lch 19 15 202 cmyk 19 1 0 78 PMS5463[690][0,53,58](2.0):deep_teal[3069][0,53,50](4.2):city_limits[2349][12,58,55](4.7):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](5.0):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](5.0) 5 deep:PMS5463:city:cyprus:greenstone:limits:teal +8345 tiber rgb 24 67 67 hex #184343 hsv 180 64 26 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.06 lab 26 -15 -4 lch 26 15 197 cmyk 17 0 0 74 cyprus[2651][15,70,69](2.2):warm_black[8996][0,66,66](3.3):rich_black[7208][0,64,64](3.7):te_papa_green[8270][30,67,60](4.0):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](4.1) 9 cyprus:papa:rich:te:warm:black:green +8346 tickle_me_pink rgb 252 128 165 hex #FC80A5 hsv 342 49 99 xyz 0.55 0.39 0.4 lab 69 51 2 lch 69 51 3 cmyk 0 49 34 1 carnation_pink[2103][255,127,167](2.0):pinky[6704][252,134,170](2.2):pale_violet_red[6453][255,130,171](2.4):rosa[7293][254,134,164](3.7):pale_violet_red[6452][238,121,159](4.6) 5 pale:carnation:pinky:rosa:pink:red:violet +8347 tickle_me_pink rgb 252 137 172 hex #FC89AC hsv 342 46 99 xyz 0.57 0.42 0.44 lab 71 47 1 lch 71 47 2 cmyk 0 45 31 1 pinky[6704][252,134,170](2.4):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](3.0):baker_miller_pink[1263][255,145,175](3.5):schauss_pink[7527][255,145,175](3.5):rosa[7293][254,134,164](4.6) 5 baker:flamingo:miller:pinky:rosa:schauss:pink +8348 tickled_pink rgb 150 44 84 hex #962C54 hsv 337 71 59 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.09 lab 36 47 1 lch 36 47 2 cmyk 0 42 26 41 lipstick[5298][150,44,84](0.0):cardinal[2079][138,36,78](4.2):rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](4.9):violet_red[8864][139,34,82](5.7):disco[3143][137,45,79](5.8) 3 bud:cardinal:cherry:disco:lipstick:red:rose:violet +8349 tidal rgb 240 245 144 hex #F0F590 hsv 63 41 96 xyz 0.74 0.86 0.39 lab 94 -16 48 lch 94 51 108 cmyk 2 0 40 4 milan[5733][246,244,147](3.2):jonquil[4775][238,242,147](3.3):key_lime[4840][232,244,140](3.3):PMS393[470][242,239,135](3.7):pastel_yellow[6518][253,253,150](3.7) 12 PMS393:jonquil:key:milan:pastel:lime:yellow +8350 tidal rgb 241 255 173 hex #F1FFAD hsv 70 32 100 xyz 0.8 0.93 0.53 lab 97 -17 38 lch 97 41 115 cmyk 5 0 32 0 australian_mint[1201][239,248,170](3.0):light_khaki[5130][230,242,162](4.2):milan[5734][250,255,164](5.5):canary[2036][255,253,173](6.2):parchment[6485][254,252,175](6.2) 2 light:australian:canary:khaki:milan:parchment:mint +8351 tide rgb 190 180 171 hex #BEB4AB hsv 28 10 75 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.45 lab 74 2 6 lch 74 6 71 cmyk 0 4 7 25 half_perfect_taupe[4368][187,178,169](1.0):silk[7703][189,177,168](1.4):serene[7620][189,176,163](2.2):tea[8274][193,186,176](2.2):truffle[8549][190,185,173](2.4) 51 half:perfect:serene:silk:taupe:tea:truffle +8352 tide rgb 191 184 176 hex #BFB8B0 hsv 32 8 75 xyz 0.46 0.48 0.48 lab 75 1 5 lch 75 5 78 cmyk 0 3 6 25 eighth_friar_grey[3400][193,188,180](1.4):eighth_stonehenge[3422][189,185,178](1.4):tea[8274][193,186,176](1.4):PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.7):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.7) 58 PMS421:cloud:eighth:friar:stonehenge:tea:grey +8353 tiebreaker rgb 142 151 171 hex #8E97AB hsv 221 17 67 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.43 lab 62 1 -12 lch 62 12 275 cmyk 11 8 0 33 cool_grey[2472][140,146,172](3.0):gray_blue[3995][140,146,172](3.0):manatee[5491][141,144,161](3.7):manatee[5492][151,154,170](3.7):rock_blue[7258][147,162,186](4.6) 10 cool:manatee:rock:blue:gray:grey +8354 tiffany_blue rgb 10 186 181 hex #0ABAB5 hsv 178 95 73 xyz 0.26 0.39 0.5 lab 68 -39 -9 lch 68 40 192 cmyk 69 0 2 27 PMS326[377][0,178,170](2.8):java[4748][31,194,194](3.7):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](3.7):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](3.7):topaz[8421][19,187,175](4.6) 5 light:PMS326:java:sea:topaz:green +8355 tiffany_blue rgb 123 242 218 hex #7BF2DA hsv 168 49 95 xyz 0.53 0.73 0.78 lab 88 -39 1 lch 88 39 178 cmyk 47 0 9 5 light_turquoise[5225][139,231,208](6.6):brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](6.9):PMS333[400][94,221,193](7.9):very_light_turquoise[8793][158,255,231](7.9):light_aqua[5002][140,255,219](8.1) 0 light:brilliant:very:PMS333:aqua:opal:turquoise +8356 tiger's_eye rgb 224 141 60 hex #E08D3C hsv 30 73 88 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.09 lab 66 25 54 lch 66 60 65 cmyk 0 33 64 12 tiger_eye[8357][224,141,60](0.0):carpe_diem[2113][228,148,61](3.5):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](3.6):tan[8225][225,146,70](3.7):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](4.6) 5 buckthorn:carpe:diem:dull:eye:sea:tan:tiger:orange +8357 tiger_eye rgb 224 141 60 hex #E08D3C hsv 30 73 88 xyz 0.41 0.35 0.09 lab 66 25 54 lch 66 60 65 cmyk 0 33 64 12 tiger's_eye[8356][224,141,60](0.0):carpe_diem[2113][228,148,61](3.5):dull_orange[3285][216,134,59](3.6):tan[8225][225,146,70](3.7):sea_buckthorn[7551][239,149,72](4.6) 5 buckthorn:carpe:diem:dull:eye:sea:tan:tiger's:orange +8358 tiger_lily rgb 221 229 116 hex #DDE574 hsv 64 49 90 xyz 0.61 0.73 0.27 lab 88 -18 54 lch 88 57 109 cmyk 3 0 44 10 PMS585[773][219,224,107](2.4):booger_buster[1651][221,226,106](3.2):mindaro[5751][218,234,111](5.1):spring_fever[7916][227,223,110](5.2):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](5.4) 2 PMS585:booger:buster:fever:goldenrod:mindaro:spring +8359 tiki_tour rgb 35 64 64 hex #234040 hsv 180 45 25 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.06 lab 25 -11 -3 lch 25 11 198 cmyk 11 0 0 75 daintree[2654][39,63,65](2.2):japanese_indigo[4733][38,67,72](3.7):nordic[6071][29,57,60](3.7):firefly[3648][49,70,67](4.1):gable_green[3819][44,70,65](4.2) 6 daintree:firefly:gable:japanese:nordic:green:indigo +8360 tile_green rgb 38 67 58 hex #26433A hsv 161 43 26 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.05 lab 26 -13 2 lch 26 14 171 cmyk 11 0 4 74 lamp_black[4906][46,71,59](2.8):te_papa_green[8270][30,67,60](2.8):celtic[2167][43,63,54](3.3):english_holly[3489][39,66,52](3.3):earthsong[3331][42,62,51](3.5) 16 celtic:earthsong:english:holly:lamp:papa:te:black:green +8361 timber_green rgb 22 50 44 hex #16322C hsv 167 56 20 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.03 lab 19 -12 1 lch 19 12 177 cmyk 11 0 2 80 medium_jungle_green[5615][28,53,45](1.4):PMS5467[691][25,56,51](2.4):gable_green[3818][22,53,49](2.4):ivy_green[4702][35,53,45](3.7):cardin_green[2078][27,52,39](4.1) 10 medium:PMS5467:cardin:gable:ivy:jungle:green +8362 timber_green rgb 50 67 54 hex #324336 hsv 134 25 26 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.04 lab 27 -10 6 lch 27 11 150 cmyk 7 0 5 74 forest_green[3725][51,66,49](2.2):lunar_green[5407][60,73,58](2.4):nikau[6057][42,64,50](2.8):petanque[6622][46,62,52](3.0):kombu_green[4880][53,66,48](3.3) 10 forest:kombu:lunar:nikau:petanque:green +8363 timberland rgb 76 51 42 hex #4C332A hsv 16 45 30 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.03 lab 24 10 10 lch 24 14 46 cmyk 0 10 13 70 baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](1.0):milk_chocolate[5740][76,52,41](1.4):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](2.4):teak_stain[8281][78,53,41](2.4):warmed_brown[9004][74,48,43](2.4) 22 dark:baked:chocolate:earth:ginger:milk:stain:teak:warmed:brown +8364 timberwolf rgb 217 214 207 hex #D9D6CF hsv 42 5 85 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.69 lab 86 0 4 lch 86 4 93 cmyk 0 1 4 15 gallery[3823][220,215,209](1.0):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](1.0):westar[9053][220,217,210](1.0):white_pointer[9091][218,214,204](1.0):quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.4) 120 fog:gallery:pointer:quarter:sea:triple:truffle:westar:white +8365 timberwolf rgb 219 215 210 hex #DBD7D2 hsv 33 4 86 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.71 lab 86 0 3 lch 86 3 81 cmyk 0 2 4 14 quarter_rakaia[6985][215,214,211](1.0):gallery[3823][220,215,209](1.4):quill_grey[7029][214,214,209](1.4):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](1.4):westar[9053][220,217,210](1.4) 120 fog:gallery:quarter:quill:rakaia:sea:triple:westar:grey +8366 timbuktu rgb 127 108 67 hex #7F6C43 hsv 41 47 50 xyz 0.15 0.16 0.08 lab 47 2 26 lch 47 26 87 cmyk 0 7 24 50 bling[1515][127,114,74](3.7):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](4.1):gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](4.1):dirt[3133][138,110,69](4.2):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](4.4) 7 bling:colins:dirt:double:dull:fusion:gold:wicket:brown +8367 time_out rgb 170 194 227 hex #AAC2E3 hsv 215 25 89 xyz 0.5 0.53 0.8 lab 78 -1 -19 lch 78 19 267 cmyk 22 13 0 11 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87 61 90 cmyk 0 15 60 1 light_mustard[5150][247,213,96](1.4):light_brilliant_amber[5026][255,216,101](1.7):goldenrod[3936][252,214,103](2.2):dandelion[2669][254,216,93](3.0):dandelion[2668][253,219,109](3.3) 13 light:brilliant:amber:dandelion:goldenrod:mustard +8371 tinpan_alley rgb 92 91 89 hex #5C5B59 hsv 40 3 36 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.11 lab 39 0 1 lch 39 1 91 cmyk 0 0 1 64 chicago[2280][93,92,88](1.0):grey[4134][92,92,92](1.0):grey[4133][89,89,89](1.4):grey[4135][94,94,94](1.4):PMS445[529][86,89,89](1.7) 44 PMS445:chicago:grey +8372 tipping_point rgb 97 44 37 hex #612C25 hsv 7 62 38 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.02 lab 25 23 16 lch 25 28 34 cmyk 0 21 24 62 caput_mortuum[2069][89,39,32](2.2):barn_red[1304][96,40,33](2.4):cajun[2005][102,47,43](3.0):fahrenheit[3542][103,46,43](3.5):red_sienna[7141][95,49,42](3.7) 13 barn:cajun:caput:fahrenheit:mortuum:sienna:red +8373 tiri rgb 70 65 62 hex #46413E hsv 22 11 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.05 lab 28 2 3 lch 28 3 60 cmyk 0 2 3 73 half_ironsand[4343][67,64,60](2.2):kina_brown[4862][67,61,56](2.2):merlin[5681][65,60,55](2.4):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](2.4):double_masala[3215][69,65,57](2.8) 45 ash:double:half:ironsand:kina:masala:merlin:smokey:brown +8374 titan_white rgb 221 214 225 hex #DDD6E1 hsv 278 5 88 xyz 0.67 0.69 0.81 lab 86 4 -5 lch 86 6 314 cmyk 2 4 0 12 dreamweaver[3269][220,213,222](1.0):rolling_fog[7274][218,215,223](2.2):light_bluish_grey[5023][218,218,231](2.4):mischka[5780][209,210,221](3.0):chalk_lavender[2198][228,222,231](3.2) 14 light:bluish:chalk:dreamweaver:fog:mischka:rolling:grey:lavender +8375 titan_white rgb 240 238 255 hex #F0EEFF hsv 247 7 100 xyz 0.85 0.87 1.07 lab 95 4 -8 lch 95 9 295 cmyk 6 7 0 0 selago[7603][240,238,253](1.4):glitter[3876][230,232,250](3.3):silver[7707][230,232,250](3.3):lavender[4931][230,230,250](3.6):lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](3.6) 9 glitter:mist:selago:silver:lavender +8376 titania rgb 202 199 185 hex #CAC7B9 hsv 49 8 79 xyz 0.54 0.57 0.54 lab 80 -1 7 lch 80 8 101 cmyk 0 1 7 21 half_ash[4282][203,200,186](0.0):ash[1154][198,195,181](1.0):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](1.4):froth_green[3784][202,199,183](1.4):half_truffle[4404][205,201,190](1.4) 89 ash:chrome:froth:half:truffle:green:white +8377 titanium_white rgb 252 255 240 hex #FCFFF0 hsv 72 6 100 xyz 0.92 0.99 0.97 lab 99 -4 7 lch 99 8 118 cmyk 1 0 6 0 ivory[4700][255,255,240](1.4):orange_white[6222][254,252,237](2.0):rice_cake[7204][255,254,240](2.0):apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](2.2):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](2.4) 46 light:apricot:cake:ivory:rice:orange:white:yellow +8378 titanium_yellow rgb 238 230 0 hex #EEE600 hsv 58 100 93 xyz 0.64 0.75 0.11 lab 89 -17 88 lch 89 90 101 cmyk 0 3 93 7 PMS3945[473][239,234,7](1.4):peridot[6589][230,226,0](1.7):PMS3955[475][237,226,17](3.0):vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](3.0):yellow[9195][238,238,0](4.1) 8 vivid:PMS3945:PMS3955:peridot:yellow +8379 toast rgb 154 110 97 hex #9A6E61 hsv 14 37 60 xyz 0.21 0.19 0.14 lab 51 16 14 lch 51 21 42 cmyk 0 17 22 40 dark_chestnut[2705][152,105,96](3.0):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](4.1):promise[6821][147,105,98](4.2):PMS4715[574][153,112,91](5.0):au_chico[1191][158,103,89](5.4) 4 dark:PMS4715:au:blast:bronze:chestnut:chico:off:promise +8380 toast rgb 159 113 95 hex #9F715F hsv 17 40 62 xyz 0.22 0.2 0.14 lab 52 16 17 lch 52 23 47 cmyk 0 18 25 38 PMS4715[574][153,112,91](3.3):blast_off_bronze[1505][165,113,100](3.3):brownish[1863][156,109,87](3.6):leather[4957][150,112,89](4.9):au_chico[1191][158,103,89](5.0) 6 PMS4715:au:blast:bronze:brownish:chico:leather:off +8381 toast_lmu_15 rgb 42 15 16 hex #2A0F10 hsv 358 64 16 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 8 14 5 lch 8 15 20 cmyk 0 11 10 84 seal_brown[7582][50,20,20](3.7):havana[4433][52,21,21](4.1):jarrah[4741][52,21,21](4.1):tamarind[8218][52,21,21](4.1):coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](4.4) 8 bean:coffee:havana:jarrah:seal:tamarind:brown +8382 toast_lmu_20 rgb 56 10 8 hex #380A08 hsv 3 86 22 xyz 0.02 0.01 0 lab 10 22 12 lch 10 25 27 cmyk 0 18 19 78 beer_srm_40[1380][53,9,10](2.2):beer_srm_38[1378][57,7,8](2.4):beer_srm_39[1379][57,8,11](2.8):beer_srm_37[1377][60,9,8](3.2):dark_sienna[2881][60,20,20](4.1) 10 dark:37:38:39:40:beer:sienna:srm +8383 toast_lmu_25 rgb 73 20 11 hex #49140B hsv 9 85 29 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 15 25 19 lch 15 31 37 cmyk 0 21 24 71 van_cleef[8673][73,23,12](2.2):french_puce[3758][78,22,9](3.0):beer_srm_35[1375][68,7,5](4.7):bean[1329][61,12,2](5.4):beer_srm_36[1376][66,8,7](5.4) 3 35:36:bean:beer:cleef:french:puce:srm:van +8384 toast_lmu_30 rgb 104 39 11 hex #68270B hsv 18 89 41 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.01 lab 25 28 31 lch 25 42 49 cmyk 0 25 36 59 hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](3.2):teak_wood_finish[8282][107,42,20](3.2):PMS168[104][109,48,17](4.2):van_dyke_brown[8675][94,38,5](4.5):peanut[6560][120,47,22](5.4) 4 PMS168:dyke:finish:hairy:heath:peanut:teak:van:wood:brown +8385 toast_lmu_35 rgb 118 55 17 hex #763711 hsv 23 86 46 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.01 lab 31 25 35 lch 31 43 54 cmyk 0 25 40 54 copper_canyon[2480][126,58,21](2.8):PMS168[104][109,48,17](5.0):cigar[2324][119,63,26](5.4):walnut[8987][119,63,26](5.4):brown_ochre[1851][135,66,31](5.5) 2 PMS168:canyon:cigar:copper:ochre:walnut:brown +8386 toast_lmu_40 rgb 139 77 21 hex #8B4D15 hsv 28 85 55 xyz 0.13 0.11 0.02 lab 39 22 42 lch 39 47 62 cmyk 0 24 46 45 korma[4883][143,75,14](4.2):chocolate[2305][139,69,19](4.6):rope[7291][142,77,30](4.6):saddle_brown[7400][139,69,19](4.6):bull_shot[1898][134,77,30](5.4) 4 bull:chocolate:korma:rope:saddle:shot:brown +8387 toast_lmu_45 rgb 156 95 33 hex #9C5F21 hsv 30 79 61 xyz 0.18 0.15 0.03 lab 46 20 44 lch 46 48 66 cmyk 0 24 48 39 brick[1706][156,102,31](4.9):mai_tai[5464][165,101,49](5.9):style_pasifika_shore_sand[8096][165,101,49](5.9):hawaiian_tan[4439][157,86,22](6.2):sepia[7613][152,94,43](6.2) 1 brick:hawaiian:mai:pasifika:sand:sepia:shore:style:tai:tan +8388 toast_lmu_50 rgb 170 120 61 hex #AA783D hsv 32 64 67 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.07 lab 54 13 40 lch 54 42 71 cmyk 0 20 43 33 PMS730[909][170,117,63](2.8):bronze_ii[1824][166,125,61](4.1):buttered_rum[1952][157,112,46](4.1):leather[4958][172,116,52](4.2):bungy[1903][172,113,60](5.5) 4 PMS730:bronze:bungy:buttered:ii:leather:rum +8389 toast_lmu_55 rgb 172 132 81 hex #AC8451 hsv 34 53 67 xyz 0.27 0.26 0.11 lab 58 9 33 lch 58 34 75 cmyk 0 16 36 33 muddy_waters[5929][169,132,79](1.4):driftwood[3272][175,135,81](2.2):light_brown[5074][173,129,80](2.2):mckenzie[5592][175,135,81](2.2):coffee[2421][166,129,76](2.4) 14 light:coffee:driftwood:mckenzie:muddy:waters:brown +8390 toast_lmu_60 rgb 187 149 97 hex #BB9561 hsv 35 48 73 xyz 0.33 0.33 0.16 lab 64 8 33 lch 64 34 77 cmyk 0 15 35 27 barley_corn[1300][182,147,92](2.4):muddy_waters[5930][183,142,92](2.4):papier_mache[6476][183,148,93](2.4):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.4):buff[1891][179,140,88](3.0) 15 barley:buff:corn:mache:muddy:papier:uluru:waters +8391 toast_lmu_65 rgb 194 177 144 hex #C2B190 hsv 40 26 76 xyz 0.43 0.45 0.33 lab 73 1 19 lch 73 19 87 cmyk 0 7 20 24 indian_khaki[4629][195,176,145](1.4):khaki[4845][195,176,145](1.4):coral[2492][192,176,147](2.2):triple_fossil[8492][190,178,145](2.2):half_doeskin[4317][193,175,147](2.4) 22 coral:doeskin:fossil:half:indian:khaki:triple +8392 toast_lmu_70 rgb 201 193 180 hex #C9C1B4 hsv 37 10 79 xyz 0.51 0.54 0.51 lab 78 1 8 lch 78 8 86 cmyk 0 3 8 21 quarter_cougar[6935][202,193,181](1.0):quarter_joss[6960][206,195,184](1.7):PMS413[496][198,193,178](2.0):PMS406[490][206,193,181](2.2):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](2.2) 69 antique:PMS406:PMS413:cougar:joss:quarter:white +8393 toasted_green rgb 101 85 53 hex #655535 hsv 40 48 40 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.05 lab 37 2 21 lch 37 21 85 cmyk 0 6 19 60 limed_gum[5281][107,91,61](2.2):west_coast[9048][92,81,47](3.7):trailblazer[8453][95,76,39](5.7):dark_amber[2676][89,77,39](5.8):triple_nullarbor[8505][114,90,65](5.8) 2 dark:amber:coast:gum:limed:nullarbor:trailblazer:triple:west +8394 tobacco_brown rgb 109 88 67 hex #6D5843 hsv 30 39 43 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.07 lab 39 5 15 lch 39 16 71 cmyk 0 8 16 57 spark[7884][105,83,65](2.4):wombat[9162][103,87,68](3.0):triple_nullarbor[8505][114,90,65](3.3):quincy[7032][106,84,69](3.7):domino[3163][108,91,76](4.2) 10 domino:nullarbor:quincy:spark:triple:wombat +8395 tobacco_brown rgb 113 93 71 hex #715D47 hsv 31 37 44 xyz 0.12 0.12 0.08 lab 41 5 16 lch 41 16 73 cmyk 0 8 16 56 triple_nullarbor[8505][114,90,65](2.4):bandit[1285][114,98,79](4.1):soya_bean[7863][111,99,75](4.2):roman_coffee[7279][121,93,76](4.6):spark[7884][105,83,65](4.6) 8 bandit:bean:coffee:nullarbor:roman:soya:spark:triple +8396 tobago rgb 62 43 35 hex #3E2B23 hsv 18 44 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 8 9 lch 20 11 49 cmyk 0 7 11 76 english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](0.0):nala[5973][65,47,40](1.7):mission_brown[5783][68,48,40](2.0):treehouse[8468][59,40,32](2.0):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](2.2) 31 dark:english:ginger:mission:nala:treehouse:walnut:brown +8397 tobago rgb 68 54 45 hex #44362D hsv 23 34 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 24 5 8 lch 24 9 60 cmyk 0 5 9 73 dark_rum[2863][69,54,43](1.0):slugger[7779][66,52,43](1.0):lignite[5254][66,52,41](1.7):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.2):rangitoto_rock[7062][67,56,49](2.2) 41 burnt:dark:lignite:rangitoto:rock:rum:slugger:umber +8398 toffee rgb 142 89 60 hex #8E593C hsv 21 58 56 xyz 0.16 0.13 0.06 lab 43 19 26 lch 43 32 54 cmyk 0 21 32 44 rope[7292][142,89,60](0.0):legend[4959][140,86,59](1.4):potters_clay[6796][140,87,56](1.4):magma[5453][135,86,57](3.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.3) 10 clay:coconut:legend:magma:potters:rope +8399 toi rgb 183 173 139 hex #B7AD8B hsv 46 24 72 xyz 0.39 0.42 0.3 lab 71 -2 19 lch 71 19 96 cmyk 0 4 17 28 chino[2296][184,173,138](0.0):earthstone[3332][181,175,139](2.0):triple_fossil[8492][190,178,145](2.4):pavlova[6529][186,171,135](3.0):putty[6909][190,174,138](3.0) 24 chino:earthstone:fossil:pavlova:putty:triple +8400 toledo rgb 58 0 32 hex #3A0020 hsv 327 100 23 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.01 lab 9 30 -4 lch 9 31 352 cmyk 0 23 10 77 dark_plum[2846][63,1,44](7.0):barossa[1310][68,1,45](7.1):blackberry[1485][67,24,47](9.3):melanzane[5658][48,5,41](9.9):jacaranda[4703][46,3,41](10.6) 0 dark:barossa:blackberry:jacaranda:melanzane:plum +8401 toledo rgb 62 38 49 hex #3E2631 hsv 333 39 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 19 13 -3 lch 19 14 349 cmyk 0 9 5 76 chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](2.2):barossa[1311][69,46,57](3.0):conundrum[2467][60,32,44](3.7):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](4.1):PMS5185[641][71,40,53](4.2) 7 PMS5185:barossa:chocolate:conundrum:fish:zeppelin +8402 tolopea rgb 27 2 69 hex #1B0245 hsv 262 97 27 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.06 lab 6 30 -36 lch 6 47 310 cmyk 16 26 0 73 night_blue[6048][4,3,72](5.9):PMS275[288][38,15,84](6.1):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](6.7):PMS2765[294][43,12,86](7.0):indigo[4645][46,8,84](7.3) 0 dark:PMS275:PMS2765:night:blue:indigo +8403 tolopea rgb 45 37 65 hex #2D2541 hsv 257 43 25 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.05 lab 17 11 -16 lch 17 20 304 cmyk 8 11 0 75 violet[8850][47,38,60](3.2):bullitt[1900][39,37,60](4.6):redemption_blue[7160][35,37,69](4.6):showtime[7680][47,38,58](5.4):sonic_boom[7847][37,32,66](5.5) 3 boom:bullitt:redemption:showtime:sonic:blue:violet +8404 tom rgb 146 130 127 hex #92827F hsv 9 13 57 xyz 0.24 0.24 0.23 lab 56 6 4 lch 56 7 35 cmyk 0 6 7 43 quarter_buffalo[6927][153,134,130](1.4):misty_rose[5788][139,125,123](2.4):mistyrose[5792][139,125,123](2.4):warm_grey[9000][151,138,132](3.0):hurricane[4588][139,126,119](3.5) 17 misty:buffalo:hurricane:mistyrose:quarter:warm:grey:rose +8405 tom_thumb rgb 63 88 59 hex #3F583B hsv 112 33 35 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.05 lab 35 -16 14 lch 35 21 139 cmyk 10 0 11 65 greenback[4074][68,88,59](2.0):dark_grayish_green[2744][66,89,66](3.6):dark_grayish_harlequin[2745][72,89,66](5.1):ozone[6285][71,99,75](5.7):gecko[3834][69,99,75](5.7) 2 dark:gecko:grayish:greenback:harlequin:ozone:green +8406 tom_thumb rgb 79 99 72 hex #4F6348 hsv 104 27 39 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.08 lab 40 -13 13 lch 40 19 136 cmyk 8 0 11 61 axolotl[1217][78,102,73](2.4):ozone[6285][71,99,75](4.4):dark_grayish_harlequin[2745][72,89,66](4.6):cactus[1973][91,111,85](5.1):finlandia[3628][85,109,86](5.1) 3 dark:axolotl:cactus:finlandia:grayish:harlequin:ozone +8407 tomahawk rgb 82 67 64 hex #524340 hsv 10 22 32 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.06 lab 30 6 4 lch 30 7 36 cmyk 0 6 7 68 felix[3574][83,69,65](1.7):woody_brown[9179][85,69,69](1.7):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](2.0):half_barista[4290][81,63,63](2.4):dark_grayish_vermilion[2757][89,72,66](2.8) 19 dark:barista:crater:felix:grayish:half:vermilion:woody:brown +8408 tomato rgb 139 54 38 hex #8B3626 hsv 10 73 55 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.03 lab 35 35 28 lch 35 45 39 cmyk 0 33 40 45 burnt_umber[1940][138,51,36](1.7):fire[3634][143,63,42](3.7):roller_coaster[7273][146,56,48](3.7):thunderbird[8338][146,56,48](3.7):coral[2491][139,62,47](4.4) 9 burnt:coaster:coral:fire:roller:thunderbird:umber +8409 tomato rgb 205 79 57 hex #CD4F39 hsv 9 72 80 xyz 0.29 0.19 0.06 lab 51 49 39 lch 51 62 38 cmyk 0 49 58 20 filmpro_orange[3615][212,80,60](2.2):orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](3.7):trinidad[8475][197,79,51](3.7):daredevil[2673][203,72,59](4.1):balloon[1269][193,77,54](5.4) 4 atan:balloon:daredevil:filmpro:orang:trinidad:orange +8410 tomato rgb 238 92 66 hex #EE5C42 hsv 9 72 93 xyz 0.4 0.26 0.08 lab 58 55 44 lch 58 70 39 cmyk 0 57 67 7 sebedee[7596][233,97,57](5.7):persimmon[6616][255,107,83](6.3):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](6.4):orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](6.7):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](7.0) 0 outrageous:persimmon:sebedee:soda:orange:pink +8411 tomato rgb 239 64 38 hex #EF4026 hsv 8 84 94 xyz 0.38 0.22 0.04 lab 54 65 54 lch 54 84 40 cmyk 0 69 79 6 pomegranate[6762][243,71,35](3.7):orangey_red[6228][250,66,36](4.7):PMS805_2X[921][249,58,43](5.2):PMS179[124][226,61,40](5.8):red_orange[7128][255,63,52](6.6) 2 2X:PMS179:PMS805:orangey:pomegranate:orange:red +8412 tomato rgb 255 99 71 hex #FF6347 hsv 9 72 100 xyz 0.47 0.31 0.09 lab 62 58 46 lch 62 74 39 cmyk 0 61 72 0 orange_soda[6220][250,91,61](3.7):PMS171[108][249,96,58](5.2):persimmon[6616][255,107,83](5.4):outrageous_orange[6271][255,110,74](5.5):orange_pink[6211][255,111,82](6.2) 1 PMS171:outrageous:persimmon:soda:orange:pink +8413 tomato_red rgb 236 45 1 hex #EC2D01 hsv 11 100 93 xyz 0.36 0.2 0.02 lab 52 69 64 lch 52 94 43 cmyk 0 75 92 7 orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](2.2):vermillion[8708][244,50,12](2.4):vivid_scarlet[8948][231,29,0](3.7):vivid_vermilion[8959][231,58,0](5.0):orangered[6226][254,66,15](5.1) 4 vivid:orangered:orangish:scarlet:vermilion:vermillion:red +8414 tonto rgb 159 149 150 hex #9F9596 hsv 354 6 62 xyz 0.31 0.31 0.33 lab 63 4 1 lch 63 4 12 cmyk 0 4 4 38 dusty_grey[3306][168,152,155](2.2):quarter_sidewinder[6990][156,151,155](2.2):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.2):triple_rakaia[8512][161,154,152](2.4):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](3.0) 23 dusty:quarter:rakaia:reddish:sidewinder:triple:grey +8415 tonys_pink rgb 231 158 136 hex #E79E88 hsv 14 41 91 xyz 0.5 0.43 0.29 lab 72 25 23 lch 72 33 42 cmyk 0 29 37 9 light_vermilion[5227][231,162,139](2.4):PMS486[595][237,158,132](3.2):blush[1628][242,158,142](4.6):PMS1625[92][249,165,140](5.2):goddess[3889][251,171,143](5.9) 3 light:PMS1625:PMS486:blush:goddess:vermilion +8416 tonys_pink rgb 231 159 140 hex #E79F8C hsv 13 39 91 xyz 0.5 0.44 0.31 lab 72 24 21 lch 72 32 40 cmyk 0 28 36 9 light_vermilion[5227][231,162,139](1.7):blush[1628][242,158,142](5.1):pinkish_tan[6702][217,155,130](5.1):PMS486[595][237,158,132](5.4):light_scarlet[5195][231,150,139](6.2) 1 light:PMS486:blush:pinkish:scarlet:tan:vermilion +8417 toolbox rgb 116 108 192 hex #746CC0 hsv 246 44 75 xyz 0.22 0.18 0.52 lab 50 24 -43 lch 50 49 299 cmyk 30 33 0 25 blue_violet[1595][115,102,189](3.0):bubblegum[1879][131,120,199](5.1):moody_blue[5881][131,120,199](5.1):moody_blue[5880][127,118,211](6.0):blue_marguerite[1578][106,91,177](6.8) 1 bubblegum:marguerite:moody:blue:violet +8418 toorak rgb 57 37 35 hex #392523 hsv 5 39 22 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.02 lab 17 9 5 lch 17 11 29 cmyk 0 8 9 78 hot_chocolate[4553][61,38,34](2.4):cocoa_brown[2408][48,31,30](3.3):double_barista[3179][57,44,42](3.7):havana[4434][59,43,44](3.7):jarrah[4742][59,43,44](3.7) 10 barista:chocolate:cocoa:double:havana:hot:jarrah:brown +8419 top_gear rgb 36 34 26 hex #24221A hsv 48 28 14 xyz 0.01 0.02 0.01 lab 13 -1 6 lch 13 6 98 cmyk 0 1 4 86 rangoon_green[7063][28,30,19](3.0):zeus[9256][41,35,25](3.0):asphalt[1164][42,41,34](3.2):maire[5467][42,41,34](3.2):PMS419[502][40,40,33](3.3) 14 PMS419:asphalt:maire:rangoon:zeus:green +8420 top_secret rgb 122 172 33 hex #7AAC21 hsv 82 81 67 xyz 0.23 0.34 0.07 lab 65 -36 60 lch 65 70 121 cmyk 20 0 55 33 lima[5266][122,172,33](0.0):christi[2317][113,169,29](3.6):strong_lime_green[8039][126,168,0](5.5):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](6.0):limerick[5287][137,172,39](6.1) 2 strong:avocado:christi:lima:limerick:green:lime +8421 topaz rgb 19 187 175 hex #13BBAF hsv 176 90 73 xyz 0.26 0.39 0.47 lab 69 -41 -5 lch 69 41 187 cmyk 66 0 5 27 PMS3262[378][0,193,181](2.8):PMS326[377][0,178,170](4.1):tealish[8293][36,188,168](4.1):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](4.4):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](4.4) 6 light:PMS326:PMS3262:sea:tealish:green +8422 topaz rgb 124 119 138 hex #7C778A hsv 256 14 54 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.27 lab 51 6 -10 lch 51 11 301 cmyk 5 7 0 46 mobster[5797][127,117,137](2.0):storm_grey[7994][113,116,134](3.6):raincloud[7048][123,124,148](3.7):waterloo[9016][114,114,130](3.7):waterloo[9017][123,124,148](3.7) 5 mobster:raincloud:storm:waterloo:grey +8423 topaz rgb 129 124 135 hex #817C87 hsv 267 8 53 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.26 lab 53 4 -5 lch 53 7 308 cmyk 2 4 0 47 jumbo[4785][124,123,130](2.4):rugged_lavender[7369][128,129,139](2.4):kookaburra[4881][129,131,146](4.1):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](4.2):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](4.6) 9 jumbo:kookaburra:monsoon:rugged:suva:grey:lavender +8424 topaz rgb 255 200 124 hex #FFC87C hsv 35 51 100 xyz 0.66 0.64 0.28 lab 84 11 45 lch 84 47 77 cmyk 0 22 51 0 chardonnay[2225][255,200,120](2.2):PMS1355[46][252,206,135](5.7):chardonnay[2226][255,205,140](6.2):harvest_gold[4430][234,183,106](6.2):grandis[3965][255,211,140](6.4) 1 PMS1355:chardonnay:gold:grandis:harvest +8425 topspin rgb 66 113 32 hex #427120 hsv 95 72 44 xyz 0.08 0.13 0.03 lab 43 -31 38 lch 43 49 129 cmyk 18 0 32 56 lucky_break[5352][62,118,45](4.6):sap_green[7489][80,125,42](5.2):dell[3084][57,100,19](5.4):PMS364[438][58,119,40](5.7):green_leaf[4048][67,106,13](6.2) 1 PMS364:break:dell:leaf:lucky:sap:green +8426 topsy_turvy rgb 49 54 105 hex #313669 hsv 235 53 41 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.14 lab 25 14 -31 lch 25 34 294 cmyk 22 20 0 59 decadence[2946][49,54,105](0.0):deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](1.7):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](1.7):wow[9181][52,52,103](1.7):torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](3.6) 9 deep:bay:decadence:koamaru:torea:wow +8427 torch_red rgb 253 14 53 hex #FD0E35 hsv 350 94 99 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.05 lab 53 79 47 lch 53 92 30 cmyk 0 94 78 1 scarlet[7519][253,14,53](0.0):tractor_red[8448][253,14,53](0.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](3.0):cherry_red[2265][247,2,42](3.2):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.7) 5 carmine:cherry:neon:scarlet:tractor:red +8428 torea_bay rgb 15 45 158 hex #0F2D9E hsv 227 91 62 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.33 lab 25 35 -63 lch 25 73 299 cmyk 56 44 0 38 egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](3.3):international_klein_blue[4660][0,47,167](4.6):ua_blue[8623][0,51,170](4.6):PMS286[307][0,56,168](5.1):imperial_blue[4615][0,35,149](5.1) 3 PMS286:egyptian:imperial:international:klein:ua:blue +8429 torea_bay rgb 53 61 117 hex #353D75 hsv 233 55 46 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.18 lab 28 14 -33 lch 28 36 293 cmyk 25 22 0 54 vroom[8977][53,61,117](0.0):resolution_blue[7189][50,63,117](2.0):sea_world[7574][50,63,117](2.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](3.6):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](3.6) 8 decadence:resolution:sea:topsy:turvy:vroom:world:blue +8430 tornado rgb 39 45 60 hex #272D3C hsv 223 35 24 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 19 2 -10 lch 19 11 279 cmyk 8 6 0 76 blueprint[1610][42,49,63](1.4):quarterback[7016][40,43,60](1.7):allegro[1002][36,46,59](2.0):black_rock[1473][44,45,60](2.0):charade[2217][41,41,55](3.0) 15 allegro:blueprint:charade:quarterback:rock:black +8431 torque rgb 90 87 85 hex #5A5755 hsv 24 6 35 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.1 lab 37 1 2 lch 37 2 63 cmyk 0 1 2 65 tundora[8566][88,84,82](1.0):reddish_brownish_grey[7153][89,83,83](1.7):chicago[2280][93,92,88](2.2):grey[4132][87,87,87](2.2):wireless[9149][85,83,80](2.2) 55 brownish:chicago:reddish:tundora:wireless:grey +8432 tory_blue rgb 20 80 170 hex #1450AA hsv 216 88 67 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.39 lab 36 17 -53 lch 36 56 288 cmyk 59 35 0 33 medium_teal_blue[5646][0,84,180](4.1):elvis[3464][22,72,155](5.1):strong_azure[8020][0,84,168](5.4):endeavour[3482][0,86,167](6.8):denim[3092][21,96,189](7.0) 1 medium:strong:denim:elvis:endeavour:teal:azure:blue +8433 tory_blue rgb 55 78 136 hex #374E88 hsv 223 60 53 xyz 0.09 0.08 0.24 lab 34 10 -35 lch 34 37 286 cmyk 32 23 0 47 superhero[8154][55,78,136](0.0):chambray[2201][53,78,140](2.2):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](5.0):fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](5.0):zoop_de_loop[9274][37,70,131](5.0) 5 a:b:chambray:de:fun:loop:sea:superhero:zoop:blue +8434 tosca rgb 116 64 66 hex #744042 hsv 358 45 45 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.06 lab 34 23 9 lch 34 24 21 cmyk 0 20 20 55 deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](3.2):roast_coffee[7241][112,66,65](3.2):salmon[7424][111,66,66](3.3):tuscan_red[8597][124,72,72](3.3):sanguine_brown[7482][108,55,54](4.5) 6 deep:coffee:roast:salmon:sanguine:tuscan:brown:red +8435 tosca rgb 141 63 63 hex #8D3F3F hsv 0 55 55 xyz 0.14 0.1 0.06 lab 37 33 16 lch 37 37 26 cmyk 0 31 31 45 rosewood[7322][143,62,63](1.0):cha[2192][140,63,66](2.0):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](2.4):indianred[4641][139,58,58](2.4):lotus[5344][134,60,60](2.4) 17 cha:indian:indianred:lotus:rosewood:red +8436 totem_pole rgb 136 53 49 hex #883531 hsv 3 64 53 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.04 lab 34 35 21 lch 34 41 30 cmyk 0 33 34 47 crab_apple[2570][135,56,47](2.2):tabasco[8198][142,58,54](2.2):erica[3504][129,51,45](2.8):vixen[8966][129,52,43](3.0):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](3.2) 21 apple:bull:crab:erica:raging:tabasco:vixen +8437 totem_pole rgb 153 27 7 hex #991B07 hsv 8 95 60 xyz 0.14 0.08 0.01 lab 33 50 43 lch 33 66 41 cmyk 0 49 57 40 lusty[5413][153,27,7](0.0):brick_red[1709][143,20,2](3.2):burnt_red[1932][159,35,5](3.7):crab_apple[2571][160,39,18](3.7):embers[3466][160,39,18](3.7) 8 burnt:apple:brick:crab:embers:lusty:red +8438 toto rgb 81 157 175 hex #519DAF hsv 191 54 69 xyz 0.23 0.29 0.45 lab 61 -18 -17 lch 61 25 222 cmyk 37 7 0 31 hippie_blue[4507][88,154,175](3.2):PMS549[698][94,153,170](3.7):moderate_arctic_blue[5811][74,156,168](4.4):moderate_cerulean[5816][74,145,168](4.9):wot_eva[9180][68,149,164](4.9) 5 moderate:PMS549:arctic:cerulean:eva:hippie:wot:blue +8439 touch_wood rgb 55 48 33 hex #373021 hsv 41 40 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 20 0 11 lch 20 11 88 cmyk 0 3 9 78 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oilskin[6122][85,83,73](1.0):masala[5565][87,83,75](1.7):fuscous_grey[3813][84,83,77](2.2):merlin[5682][79,78,72](2.2):tabac[8197][88,80,68](2.8) 37 fuscous:masala:merlin:oilskin:tabac:grey +8443 toupe rgb 199 172 125 hex #C7AC7D hsv 38 37 78 xyz 0.42 0.43 0.26 lab 72 3 28 lch 72 28 84 cmyk 0 11 29 22 light_french_beige[5099][200,173,127](1.0):PMS465[561][193,168,117](3.0):aquashield_canterbury_clay[1129][198,174,131](3.2):canterbury_clay[2052][198,174,131](3.2):fawn[3564][207,175,123](3.3) 13 light:PMS465:aquashield:beige:canterbury:clay:fawn:french +8444 tower_grey rgb 156 172 165 hex #9CACA5 hsv 154 9 67 xyz 0.35 0.39 0.41 lab 69 -7 2 lch 69 7 166 cmyk 6 0 3 33 pewter[6627][150,168,161](2.4):conch[2446][160,177,174](3.0):edward[3366][162,174,171](3.0):greenish_grey[4083][156,168,156](3.2):robin_egg_blue[7252][158,170,158](3.2) 15 conch:edward:egg:greenish:pewter:robin:blue:grey +8445 tower_grey rgb 169 189 191 hex #A9BDBF hsv 185 12 75 xyz 0.44 0.49 0.56 lab 75 -6 -3 lch 75 7 207 cmyk 9 1 0 25 PMS5435[684][175,188,191](2.0):coastal_blue[2392][170,183,187](2.4):jungle_mist[4795][176,196,196](3.3):casper[2124][170,181,184](3.6):heather[4453][174,187,193](3.6) 16 PMS5435:casper:coastal:heather:jungle:mist:blue +8446 toxic_green rgb 97 222 42 hex #61DE2A hsv 102 81 87 xyz 0.31 0.55 0.11 lab 79 -64 70 lch 79 95 132 cmyk 49 0 71 13 green_apple[4034][94,220,31](2.2):harlequin_green[4424][70,203,24](7.3):chartreuse[2236][102,205,0](9.1):PMS802[914][96,221,73](10.4):brilliant_sap_green[1801][100,231,81](10.5) 1 brilliant:PMS802:apple:chartreuse:harlequin:sap:green +8447 traccia rgb 42 51 53 hex #2A3335 hsv 191 21 21 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 21 -3 -3 lch 21 4 218 cmyk 4 1 0 79 gunmetal[4258][44,53,57](1.0):gunmetal[4257][42,52,57](2.0):PMS433[516][48,56,58](2.2):grey_friars[4210][49,52,54](2.2):outer_space[6268][45,56,58](2.2) 45 PMS433:friars:gunmetal:outer:space:grey +8448 tractor_red rgb 253 14 53 hex #FD0E35 hsv 350 94 99 xyz 0.41 0.21 0.05 lab 53 79 47 lch 53 92 30 cmyk 0 94 78 1 scarlet[7519][253,14,53](0.0):torch_red[8427][253,14,53](0.0):carmine_red[2098][255,0,56](3.0):cherry_red[2265][247,2,42](3.2):neon_red[6020][255,7,58](3.7) 5 carmine:cherry:neon:scarlet:torch:red +8449 tradewind rgb 95 179 172 hex #5FB3AC hsv 175 47 70 xyz 0.28 0.38 0.45 lab 68 -27 -4 lch 68 28 189 cmyk 33 0 3 30 green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](5.1):moderate_cyan[5821][74,168,168](5.7):gulf_stream[4245][116,178,168](5.8):verdigris[8699][67,179,174](5.9):moderate_opal[5835][74,168,156](6.7) 0 moderate:cyan:gulf:opal:sheen:stream:verdigris:green +8450 tradewind rgb 109 175 167 hex #6DAFA7 hsv 173 38 69 xyz 0.29 0.37 0.42 lab 67 -23 -3 lch 67 23 186 cmyk 26 0 3 31 gulf_stream[4245][116,178,168](2.4):green_sheen[4058][110,174,161](3.2):gulf_stream[4246][128,179,174](5.4):acapulco[954][124,176,161](5.9):breaker_bay[1701][93,161,159](5.9) 2 acapulco:bay:breaker:gulf:sheen:stream:green +8451 traffic rgb 108 109 104 hex #6C6D68 hsv 72 5 43 xyz 0.14 0.15 0.15 lab 46 -1 3 lch 46 3 118 cmyk 0 0 2 57 gauntlet[3833][113,111,105](1.7):ironside_grey[4683][112,110,102](2.0):double_stack[3241][111,113,110](2.2):lattitude[4921][109,114,108](2.2):blast_grey[1503][113,110,107](2.4) 47 blast:double:gauntlet:ironside:lattitude:stack:grey +8452 traffic_light rgb 205 93 52 hex #CD5D34 hsv 16 75 80 xyz 0.3 0.21 0.06 lab 53 42 44 lch 53 61 46 cmyk 0 44 60 20 tangerine[8238][205,93,52](0.0):chilean_fire[2284][208,94,52](1.7):fireball[3640][204,92,57](3.0):ecstasy[3359][201,97,56](3.6):medium_vermilion[5651][217,96,59](4.2) 5 medium:chilean:ecstasy:fire:fireball:tangerine:vermilion +8453 trailblazer rgb 95 76 39 hex #5F4C27 hsv 40 59 37 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.03 lab 33 3 25 lch 33 25 83 cmyk 0 7 22 63 PMS462[554][91,71,35](2.2):donkey_brown[3167][102,76,40](3.2):dark_gamboge[2725][89,70,39](3.7):bronze_olive[1826][88,76,37](4.0):PMS449[534][84,71,38](4.1) 6 dark:PMS449:PMS462:bronze:donkey:gamboge:olive:brown +8454 trainspotter rgb 68 73 63 hex #44493F hsv 90 14 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.06 lab 30 -4 5 lch 30 7 129 cmyk 2 0 4 71 heavy_metal[4459][70,71,62](2.0):mangrove[5506][72,78,69](2.0):cliffhanger[2373][74,79,70](3.0):canyon[2055][67,78,70](3.5):middle_earth[5711][67,78,67](3.6) 18 canyon:cliffhanger:earth:heavy:mangrove:metal:middle +8455 tranquil rgb 221 237 233 hex #DDEDE9 hsv 165 7 93 xyz 0.75 0.82 0.89 lab 92 -6 0 lch 92 6 179 cmyk 6 0 2 7 clear_day[2367][223,239,234](1.4):apple_green[1087][226,243,236](2.4):azure[1232][224,238,238](2.4):light_cyanish_grey[5094][218,231,231](2.4):swans_down[8176][220,240,234](2.4) 32 light:apple:clear:cyanish:day:down:swans:azure:green:grey +8456 tranquil rgb 230 255 255 hex #E6FFFF hsv 180 10 100 xyz 0.86 0.96 1.08 lab 98 -8 -3 lch 98 9 199 cmyk 10 0 0 0 bubbles[1883][231,254,255](1.0):very_pale_cyan[8804][226,255,255](1.0):dew[3116][234,255,254](1.4):baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](2.0):cyan_white[2644][224,255,255](2.0) 22 pale:very:baby:bubbles:cyan:dew:blue:white +8457 transformer rgb 79 72 75 hex #4F484B hsv 334 9 31 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.08 lab 31 4 -1 lch 31 4 348 cmyk 0 3 2 69 emperor[3476][81,70,73](1.4):emperor[3475][80,73,74](1.7):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](1.7):thriller[8334][75,70,75](1.7):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.0) 36 dark:emperor:liver:shadowy:thriller:lavender +8458 transmission rgb 159 161 158 hex #9FA19E hsv 100 2 63 xyz 0.33 0.35 0.37 lab 66 -1 1 lch 66 2 135 cmyk 1 0 1 37 grey[4164][161,161,161](1.4):star_dust[7953][159,159,156](1.4):grey[4163][158,158,158](1.7):grey[4165][163,163,163](1.7):kensington_grey[4830][157,159,154](1.7) 49 dust:kensington:star:grey +8459 travertine rgb 226 221 199 hex #E2DDC7 hsv 49 12 89 xyz 0.68 0.72 0.64 lab 88 -2 11 lch 88 12 100 cmyk 0 2 11 11 half_white_rock[4413][223,219,198](1.0):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](1.4):half_spanish_white[4389][230,219,199](2.0):citrine_white[2343][222,221,203](2.2):green_white[4068][222,221,203](2.2) 77 citrine:half:parchment:rock:spanish:green:white +8460 travertine rgb 255 253 232 hex #FFFDE8 hsv 55 9 100 xyz 0.91 0.97 0.9 lab 99 -3 10 lch 99 11 105 cmyk 0 1 9 0 apricot_white[1095][255,254,236](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](1.0):buttery_white[1962][255,252,234](1.4):half_pearl_lusta[4367][255,252,234](1.4):light_yellow[5239][255,255,237](1.4) 49 light:apricot:buttery:chilean:half:heath:lusta:pearl:white:yellow +8461 travis rgb 183 158 103 hex #B79E67 hsv 41 44 72 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.18 lab 66 2 32 lch 66 32 87 cmyk 0 10 31 28 goldie[3942][179,155,105](3.2):safari[7401][192,164,105](3.6):teak[8280][177,148,97](3.7):double_canterbury_clay[3187][184,159,111](4.1):PMS465[561][193,168,117](4.5) 8 PMS465:canterbury:clay:double:goldie:safari:teak +8462 treasure rgb 117 138 156 hex #758A9C hsv 208 25 61 xyz 0.22 0.24 0.35 lab 56 -3 -12 lch 56 13 255 cmyk 15 7 0 39 scotty_silver[7542][117,138,156](0.0):light_slate_grey[5209][119,136,153](1.4):slate_grey_light[7775][119,136,153](1.4):steel[7961][115,133,149](1.4):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](2.8) 13 slate:light:blue/grey:scotty:silver:steel:grey +8463 treasure_chest rgb 155 142 110 hex #9B8E6E hsv 43 29 61 xyz 0.26 0.27 0.19 lab 59 0 19 lch 59 19 91 cmyk 0 5 18 39 double_grey_olive[3205][148,138,108](2.4):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](3.2):gurkha[4263][152,145,113](3.3):abanakee[943][146,138,109](3.5):double_hillary[3207][151,142,105](3.6) 18 pale:abanakee:double:gurkha:hillary:olive:oyster:grey +8464 tree_frog rgb 80 167 67 hex #50A743 hsv 112 60 65 xyz 0.18 0.3 0.1 lab 61 -46 43 lch 61 63 137 cmyk 34 0 39 35 mid_green[5707][80,167,71](2.2):apple[1079][79,168,61](3.3):moderate_green[5826][74,168,74](3.3):moderate_sap_green[5845][85,168,74](3.7):apple[1080][102,179,72](6.2) 4 moderate:apple:mid:sap:green +8465 tree_green rgb 42 126 25 hex #2A7E19 hsv 110 80 49 xyz 0.09 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -44 44 lch 46 62 135 cmyk 33 0 40 51 bilbao[1408][50,124,20](2.2):sap_green[7488][48,128,20](3.2):la_palma[4900][54,135,22](5.7):la_palma[4901][66,137,41](5.9):dark_grass_green[2734][56,128,4](6.4) 2 dark:bilbao:grass:la:palma:sap:green +8466 tree_poppy rgb 226 129 59 hex #E2813B hsv 25 74 89 xyz 0.4 0.32 0.08 lab 63 32 52 lch 63 61 59 cmyk 0 38 65 11 hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](2.0):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](2.0):flashback[3664][223,128,62](2.2):west_side[9050][229,130,58](2.4):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](3.7) 6 flamenco:flashback:hi:jinx:pizazz:side:west +8467 tree_poppy rgb 252 156 29 hex #FC9C1D hsv 34 88 99 xyz 0.52 0.45 0.07 lab 73 28 73 lch 73 78 69 cmyk 0 38 87 1 PMS1375[50][249,155,12](2.4):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](3.0):orange[6201][251,153,2](3.3):california[2011][254,157,4](4.0):sunshade[8147][255,158,44](4.0) 9 PMS1375:cadmium:california:sunshade:orange:yellow +8468 treehouse rgb 59 40 32 hex #3B2820 hsv 18 46 23 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.02 lab 18 8 9 lch 18 12 49 cmyk 0 7 11 77 english_walnut[3495][62,43,35](2.0):tobago[8396][62,43,35](2.0):hot_chocolate[4553][61,38,34](2.8):bistre[1435][61,43,31](3.0):bootleg[1656][60,36,27](3.0) 22 bistre:bootleg:chocolate:english:hot:tobago:walnut +8469 treehouse rgb 60 52 46 hex #3C342E hsv 26 23 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 22 2 5 lch 22 6 65 cmyk 0 3 5 76 black_pepper[1471][60,55,49](1.4):dark_ebony[2717][55,49,43](1.4):acadia[952][53,49,44](1.7):bushtrack[1946][58,49,42](1.7):deep_oak[3019][61,50,44](2.2) 55 deep:dark:acadia:bushtrack:ebony:oak:pepper:black +8470 treetops rgb 166 162 143 hex #A6A28F hsv 50 14 65 xyz 0.34 0.36 0.31 lab 66 -2 10 lch 66 11 100 cmyk 0 2 9 35 cement[2170][165,163,145](1.0):PMS415[498][163,158,140](1.4):double_ash[3176][167,163,146](1.4):grey_olive[4220][169,164,145](1.4):half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](2.0) 38 PMS415:ash:cement:craigieburn:double:half:olive:grey +8471 trendy_green rgb 124 136 26 hex #7C881A hsv 67 81 53 xyz 0.17 0.22 0.04 lab 54 -18 53 lch 54 56 109 cmyk 5 0 43 47 shit_green[7671][117,128,0](4.2):wasabi[9006][120,138,37](5.0):poop_green[6771][111,124,0](5.2):swamp_green[8173][116,133,0](5.4):pacifika[6293][119,129,32](5.5) 2 pacifika:poop:shit:swamp:wasabi:green +8472 trendy_green rgb 126 132 36 hex #7E8424 hsv 64 73 52 xyz 0.17 0.21 0.05 lab 53 -15 48 lch 53 50 107 cmyk 2 0 38 48 pacifika[6293][119,129,32](2.2):rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](2.2):kombi[4879][131,137,49](3.7):wasabi[9007][132,145,55](5.8):olive[6151][110,117,14](6.1) 3 forest:kombi:olive:pacifika:rain:wasabi +8473 trendy_pink rgb 128 93 128 hex #805D80 hsv 300 27 50 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.22 lab 44 21 -14 lch 44 25 326 cmyk 0 14 0 50 chinese_violet[2295][133,96,136](3.0):dull_purple[3287][132,89,126](3.0):dusty_purple[3311][130,95,135](3.3):plum[6743][139,102,139](4.1):de_janeiro[2942][133,102,132](4.7) 5 chinese:de:dull:dusty:janeiro:plum:purple:violet +8474 trendy_pink rgb 140 100 149 hex #8C6495 hsv 289 33 58 xyz 0.21 0.17 0.31 lab 48 25 -20 lch 48 32 321 cmyk 4 19 0 42 french_lilac[3749][134,96,142](2.4):pomp_and_power[6763][134,96,142](2.4):dark_lavender[2785][133,103,152](3.6):taffeta[8205][153,110,158](4.2):muted_purple[5961][128,91,135](4.6) 6 dark:and:french:lilac:muted:pomp:power:taffeta:lavender:purple +8475 trinidad rgb 197 79 51 hex #C54F33 hsv 12 74 77 xyz 0.26 0.18 0.05 lab 49 46 40 lch 49 61 41 cmyk 0 46 57 23 orang_atan[6196][197,79,51](0.0):balloon[1269][193,77,54](3.3):grenadier[4096][193,77,54](3.3):tomato[8409][205,79,57](3.7):clementine[2369][193,79,59](5.4) 4 atan:balloon:clementine:grenadier:orang:tomato +8476 trinidad rgb 230 78 3 hex #E64E03 hsv 20 99 90 xyz 0.35 0.22 0.03 lab 54 57 64 lch 54 86 49 cmyk 0 60 89 10 PMS165_2X[99][234,79,0](2.2):deep_orange[3024][220,77,1](3.7):PMS1665[101][221,79,5](4.6):vivid_tangelo[8953][231,87,0](4.9):persimmon[6614][236,88,0](5.2) 4 deep:vivid:2X:PMS165:PMS1665:persimmon:tangelo:orange +8477 triple_akaroa rgb 164 151 122 hex #A4977A hsv 41 26 64 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.23 lab 63 0 17 lch 63 17 90 cmyk 0 5 16 36 triple_sisal[8517][165,149,120](1.4):canvas[2053][163,153,119](2.8):tallow[8214][163,153,119](2.8):grey_olive[4219][161,154,127](3.0):raincloud[7049][163,152,129](3.0) 28 canvas:olive:raincloud:sisal:tallow:triple:grey +8478 triple_arrowtown rgb 97 88 71 hex #615847 hsv 39 27 38 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.07 lab 38 1 11 lch 38 11 87 cmyk 0 4 10 62 dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.2):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](2.2):triple_stonewall[8522][97,90,71](2.2):dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](2.8):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.8) 24 dark:amber:dragon:grayish:pravda:stonewall:talisman:triple +8479 triple_ash rgb 159 155 134 hex #9F9B86 hsv 50 16 62 xyz 0.3 0.33 0.27 lab 64 -2 12 lch 64 12 101 cmyk 0 2 10 38 napa[5976][163,154,135](2.2):triple_tana[8524][159,155,130](2.2):PMS415[498][163,158,140](2.4):double_bison_hide[3182][161,151,129](2.4):nomad[6066][161,153,134](2.4) 33 PMS415:bison:double:hide:napa:nomad:tana:triple +8480 triple_athens_grey rgb 194 197 198 hex #C2C5C6 hsv 195 2 78 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.61 lab 79 -1 -1 lch 79 1 226 cmyk 2 0 0 22 silver_sand[7718][191,193,194](1.0):grey[4180][196,196,196](1.4):quarter_powder_blue[6982][190,198,200](1.4):grey[4178][192,192,192](1.7):grey[4179][194,194,194](1.7) 54 powder:quarter:sand:silver:blue:grey +8481 triple_bison_hide rgb 154 143 119 hex #9A8F77 hsv 41 23 60 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.21 lab 60 0 14 lch 60 14 90 cmyk 0 4 14 40 cargo[2086][155,143,117](1.0):pale_oyster[6398][152,141,119](1.4):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](2.4):beige[1384][163,148,128](3.0):raincloud[7049][163,152,129](3.0) 36 pale:beige:cargo:oyster:raincloud +8482 triple_black_white rgb 215 213 204 hex #D7D5CC hsv 49 5 84 xyz 0.63 0.66 0.67 lab 85 -1 5 lch 85 5 101 cmyk 0 1 4 16 quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.0):PMS441[525][209,209,198](1.4):quarter_ash[6919][217,214,202](1.4):triple_sea_fog[8516][216,213,206](1.4):white_pointer[9091][218,214,204](1.4) 108 PMS441:ash:fog:pointer:quarter:sea:triple:truffle:white +8483 triple_blanc rgb 206 195 175 hex #CEC3AF hsv 39 15 81 xyz 0.53 0.55 0.48 lab 79 1 11 lch 79 11 87 cmyk 0 4 12 19 PMS400[484][209,198,181](1.4):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](1.4):soft_amber[7825][209,198,180](1.4):acropolis[959][206,198,181](1.7):antique_white[1068][205,192,176](1.7) 67 antique:PMS400:acropolis:akaroa:amber:half:soft:white +8484 triple_canterbury_clay rgb 181 148 101 hex #B59465 hsv 35 44 71 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.17 lab 63 6 29 lch 63 30 78 cmyk 0 13 31 29 teak[8280][177,148,97](2.8):muesli[5933][170,139,91](3.3):castlepoint[2127][173,149,105](3.6):camel[2018][193,154,107](3.7):desert[3101][193,154,107](3.7) 20 camel:castlepoint:desert:muesli:teak +8485 triple_colins_wicket rgb 122 100 65 hex #7A6441 hsv 37 47 48 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.07 lab 44 4 23 lch 44 23 81 cmyk 0 9 22 52 raw_umber[7087][130,102,68](3.2):yellow_metal[9213][115,99,62](3.2):dull_brown[3282][135,110,75](4.1):double_nullarbor[3220][125,102,75](4.2):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](4.6) 9 colins:double:dull:metal:nullarbor:raw:umber:wicket:brown:yellow +8486 triple_concrete rgb 183 182 181 hex #B7B6B5 hsv 30 1 72 xyz 0.45 0.47 0.5 lab 74 0 1 lch 74 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 28 grey[4172][181,181,181](1.0):grey[4171][179,179,179](1.4):grey[4173][184,184,184](1.4):half_mountain_mist[4357][183,180,176](1.4):rakaia[7056][186,183,181](1.4) 54 half:mist:mountain:rakaia:grey +8487 triple_delta rgb 120 121 115 hex #787973 hsv 70 5 47 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.19 lab 51 -2 3 lch 51 4 116 cmyk 0 0 2 53 gunsmoke[4260][122,124,118](1.0):montoya[5877][119,121,114](1.4):half_chicago[4305][119,119,112](1.7):industrial_silver[4654][124,125,121](1.7):tapa[8247][123,120,116](2.0) 45 chicago:gunsmoke:half:industrial:montoya:silver:tapa +8488 triple_doeskin rgb 159 132 96 hex #9F8460 hsv 34 40 62 xyz 0.25 0.25 0.15 lab 57 5 23 lch 57 24 78 cmyk 0 11 25 38 goldmine[3943][155,129,96](1.4):secret_road[7598][157,130,97](1.7):gold_rush[3905][162,138,100](3.0):sandal[7460][163,135,106](3.3):sorrell_brown[7853][157,127,97](3.5) 11 gold:goldmine:road:rush:sandal:secret:sorrell:brown +8489 triple_drought rgb 164 141 112 hex #A48D70 hsv 33 32 64 xyz 0.28 0.28 0.19 lab 60 4 19 lch 60 19 77 cmyk 0 9 20 36 triple_sandcastle[8515][163,138,109](1.4):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](2.0):triple_pavlova[8507][159,137,107](2.0):sandal[7460][163,135,106](3.0):sandal[7461][170,141,111](3.3) 18 mongoose:pavlova:sandal:sandcastle:triple +8490 triple_dune rgb 58 56 51 hex #3A3833 hsv 43 12 23 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 24 0 3 lch 24 3 93 cmyk 0 1 3 77 ironsand[4681][57,55,53](1.4):zeus[9257][59,60,56](1.7):blast_grey[1500][61,60,58](2.2):kilamanjaro[4857][58,53,50](2.2):masala[5564][64,59,56](2.2) 64 blast:ironsand:kilamanjaro:masala:zeus:grey +8491 triple_dutch_white rgb 243 218 169 hex #F3DAA9 hsv 40 30 95 xyz 0.69 0.72 0.48 lab 88 2 27 lch 88 27 87 cmyk 0 10 29 5 PMS155[77][244,219,170](0.0):peach_yellow[6553][250,223,173](2.2):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](2.4):astra[1167][237,213,166](2.4):latte[4920][237,213,166](2.4) 35 PMS155:aquashield:astra:latte:peach:yellow +8492 triple_fossil rgb 190 178 145 hex #BEB291 hsv 44 24 75 xyz 0.42 0.45 0.33 lab 73 -1 18 lch 73 18 93 cmyk 0 5 18 25 PMS452[540][196,183,150](2.0):toast_lmu_65[8391][194,177,144](2.2):chino[2296][184,173,138](2.4):coral[2492][192,176,147](2.4):toi[8399][183,173,139](2.4) 29 65:PMS452:chino:coral:lmu:toast:toi +8493 triple_friar_grey rgb 102 97 86 hex #666156 hsv 41 16 40 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.11 lab 41 0 7 lch 41 7 91 cmyk 0 2 6 60 karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](0.0):pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](0.0):half_masala[4352][103,99,92](2.2):triple_stonehenge[8521][102,92,82](2.2):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.4) 31 half:karens:masala:pewter:pure:stonehenge:talisman:triple +8494 triple_grey_olive rgb 134 123 93 hex #867B5D hsv 44 31 53 xyz 0.19 0.2 0.13 lab 52 -1 18 lch 52 18 92 cmyk 0 4 16 47 carat[2075][134,125,96](1.0):granite_green[3966][139,130,101](2.2):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](3.0):shadow[7624][138,121,93](3.0):rutherford[7393][127,123,89](3.3) 17 carat:granite:haze:olive:rutherford:shadow:green +8495 triple_hillary rgb 131 122 83 hex #837A53 hsv 49 37 51 xyz 0.18 0.19 0.11 lab 51 -3 23 lch 51 23 97 cmyk 0 4 19 49 clay_creek[2363][137,126,89](2.4):gold_fusion[3903][133,117,78](3.3):bling[1515][127,114,74](3.7):rutherford[7393][127,123,89](4.1):bronze[1821][140,120,83](5.0) 6 bling:bronze:clay:creek:fusion:gold:rutherford +8496 triple_joss rgb 156 135 115 hex #9C8773 hsv 29 26 61 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.2 lab 58 5 14 lch 58 14 71 cmyk 0 8 16 39 half_nullarbor[4361][157,137,114](1.4):outback[6265][149,130,108](2.4):double_malta[3214][147,128,108](3.2):almond_frost[1013][154,134,120](4.1):arrowtown[1147][148,135,113](4.1) 19 arrowtown:double:frost:half:malta:nullarbor:outback:almond +8497 triple_lemon_grass rgb 129 128 104 hex #818068 hsv 58 19 51 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.16 lab 53 -4 13 lch 53 14 107 cmyk 0 0 10 49 warm_grey[8999][128,128,105](0.0):bandicoot[1283][133,132,112](3.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](3.0):bitter[1438][134,137,116](3.7):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](3.7) 24 bandicoot:bitter:haze:olive:schist:warm:grey +8498 triple_lumberjack rgb 90 55 47 hex #5A372F hsv 11 48 35 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.03 lab 27 15 12 lch 27 19 38 cmyk 0 14 17 65 dark_oak[2808][85,52,43](2.2):jarrah_stain[4743][87,51,44](2.2):redwood[7161][91,52,46](2.4):double_lumberjack[3213][99,62,54](3.0):dark_vermilion[2914][89,52,39](3.2) 10 dark:double:jarrah:lumberjack:oak:redwood:stain:vermilion +8499 triple_malta rgb 140 118 98 hex #8C7662 hsv 29 30 55 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.14 lab 51 5 14 lch 51 15 69 cmyk 0 9 16 45 cement[2169][141,118,98](1.0):peach_puff[6547][139,119,101](1.0):peachpuff[6554][139,119,101](1.0):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.8):nullarbor[6081][144,124,100](3.0) 21 cement:dune:nullarbor:peachpuff:puff:sand:peach +8500 triple_masala rgb 65 62 55 hex #413E37 hsv 42 15 25 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.04 lab 26 0 5 lch 26 5 92 cmyk 0 1 4 75 armadillo[1140][67,62,55](1.0):PMS447[531][63,63,56](1.4):merlin[5681][65,60,55](1.4):smokey_ash[7791][65,60,55](1.4):double_masala[3215][69,65,57](2.0) 33 PMS447:armadillo:ash:double:masala:merlin:smokey +8501 triple_merino rgb 213 207 195 hex #D5CFC3 hsv 40 8 84 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.61 lab 83 0 7 lch 83 7 90 cmyk 0 2 7 16 westar[9052][212,207,197](1.0):PMS420[503][209,204,191](1.4):double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.4):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](1.4):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.4) 92 PMS420:double:eighth:malta:napa:pointer:westar:white +8502 triple_milestone rgb 165 149 145 hex #A59591 hsv 12 12 65 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.31 lab 63 5 4 lch 63 7 39 cmyk 0 6 8 35 asteroid[1166][165,150,146](0.0):hazy_lavender[4445][164,149,145](0.0):imagine[4613][163,152,148](2.2):dusty_grey[3307][172,155,155](3.0):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](3.0) 20 asteroid:dusty:hazy:imagine:reddish:grey:lavender +8503 triple_mondo rgb 64 55 42 hex #40372A hsv 35 34 25 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 24 2 10 lch 24 10 81 cmyk 0 4 9 75 jacko_bean[4709][65,54,40](1.4):burnt_umber[1939][64,53,44](2.4):english_walnut[3496][71,59,47](2.4):lignite[5254][66,52,41](2.4):bronze[1820][73,59,47](2.8) 29 burnt:bean:bronze:english:jacko:lignite:umber:walnut +8504 triple_napa rgb 128 115 97 hex #807361 hsv 35 24 50 xyz 0.17 0.18 0.14 lab 49 2 12 lch 49 12 81 cmyk 0 5 12 50 PMS404[488][130,117,102](2.2):sand_dune[7457][134,118,101](2.2):aquashield_stonewall[1132][128,118,97](2.4):pablo[6289][122,113,92](2.4):quarter_mondo[6971][130,120,103](2.4) 30 PMS404:aquashield:dune:mondo:pablo:quarter:sand:stonewall +8505 triple_nullarbor rgb 114 90 65 hex #725A41 hsv 31 43 45 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.07 lab 40 6 18 lch 40 19 71 cmyk 0 9 19 55 tobacco_brown[8395][113,93,71](2.4):pickled_bean[6640][115,85,62](3.2):tobacco_brown[8394][109,88,67](3.3):limed_gum[5281][107,91,61](4.6):spark[7884][105,83,65](5.0) 5 bean:gum:limed:pickled:spark:tobacco:brown +8506 triple_parchment rgb 189 175 150 hex #BDAF96 hsv 38 21 74 xyz 0.42 0.44 0.35 lab 72 1 15 lch 72 15 86 cmyk 0 5 15 26 akaroa[980][190,178,154](1.7):aquashield_akaroa[1127][190,178,154](1.7):coral[2492][192,176,147](2.0):eighth_colins_wicket[3395][196,181,156](2.0):drought[3273][184,168,143](2.2) 38 akaroa:aquashield:colins:coral:drought:eighth:wicket +8507 triple_pavlova rgb 159 137 107 hex #9F896B hsv 35 33 62 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.18 lab 58 4 19 lch 58 20 79 cmyk 0 9 20 38 triple_sandcastle[8515][163,138,109](1.4):triple_drought[8489][164,141,112](2.0):sandal[7460][163,135,106](2.2):mongoose[5868][165,139,111](2.8):goldmine[3943][155,129,96](3.7) 17 drought:goldmine:mongoose:sandal:sandcastle:triple +8508 triple_pearl_lusta rgb 235 223 195 hex #EBDFC3 hsv 42 17 92 xyz 0.7 0.74 0.62 lab 89 0 15 lch 89 15 92 cmyk 0 5 16 8 anglaise[1054][238,222,196](1.0):double_pearl_lusta[3225][233,220,190](1.4):wildflower[9118][241,226,201](1.7):double_villa_white[3253][230,220,197](2.2):eighth_pavlova[3413][234,224,199](2.2) 66 anglaise:double:eighth:lusta:pavlova:pearl:villa:wildflower:white +8509 triple_perfect_taupe rgb 134 122 111 hex #867A6F hsv 29 17 53 xyz 0.2 0.2 0.18 lab 52 3 8 lch 52 8 71 cmyk 0 5 9 47 americano[1040][138,125,114](1.0):quarter_oilskin[6974][130,119,110](2.2):stonewashed[7990][141,128,114](2.2):makara[5475][137,125,109](2.4):stonehenge[7987][130,122,113](2.8) 31 americano:makara:oilskin:quarter:stonehenge:stonewashed +8510 triple_pravda rgb 103 92 76 hex #675C4C hsv 36 26 40 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.08 lab 40 2 11 lch 40 11 82 cmyk 0 4 11 60 PMS405[489][107,94,79](1.4):makara[5474][105,95,80](1.7):soya_bean[7862][106,96,81](1.7):domino[3163][108,91,76](2.0):dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.0) 33 PMS405:bean:domino:dragon:makara:soya +8511 triple_putty rgb 183 139 75 hex #B78B4B hsv 36 59 72 xyz 0.3 0.29 0.11 lab 61 9 40 lch 61 41 77 cmyk 0 17 42 28 dark_tan[2901][175,136,74](2.4):tussock[8604][191,145,75](3.7):cappuccino[2064][193,145,86](4.1):twine[8618][193,145,86](4.1):kowhai[4889][192,147,74](5.0) 5 dark:cappuccino:kowhai:tan:tussock:twine +8512 triple_rakaia rgb 161 154 152 hex #A19A98 hsv 13 6 63 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.34 lab 64 2 2 lch 64 3 42 cmyk 0 3 4 37 imagine[4613][163,152,148](2.2):mountain_mist[5920][160,159,156](2.2):reddish_grey[7155][168,156,156](2.2):tonto[8414][159,149,150](2.4):grey[4162][156,156,156](2.8) 49 imagine:mist:mountain:reddish:tonto:grey +8513 triple_rice_cake rgb 229 222 205 hex #E5DECD hsv 42 10 90 xyz 0.69 0.73 0.68 lab 89 0 9 lch 89 9 93 cmyk 0 3 9 10 eighth_sisal[3419][235,226,209](1.0):half_cararra[4301][233,226,210](1.0):half_joanna[4344][228,223,206](1.0):quarter_fossil[6946][228,220,203](1.0):quarter_parchment[6975][230,225,207](1.0) 101 cararra:eighth:fossil:half:joanna:parchment:quarter:sisal +8514 triple_rickshaw rgb 144 115 89 hex #907359 hsv 28 38 56 xyz 0.19 0.19 0.12 lab 51 8 19 lch 51 20 68 cmyk 0 11 22 44 limed_oak[5282][140,114,84](2.4):ignition[4608][139,115,90](3.0):burlywood[1914][139,115,85](3.3):domino[3164][142,119,94](3.7):liver_chestnut[5311][152,116,86](3.7) 15 burlywood:chestnut:domino:ignition:limed:liver:oak +8515 triple_sandcastle rgb 163 138 109 hex #A38A6D hsv 32 33 64 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.18 lab 59 5 19 lch 59 20 75 cmyk 0 10 21 36 mongoose[5868][165,139,111](1.4):triple_drought[8489][164,141,112](1.4):triple_pavlova[8507][159,137,107](1.4):sandal[7460][163,135,106](1.7):sandal[7461][170,141,111](3.0) 18 drought:mongoose:pavlova:sandal:triple +8516 triple_sea_fog rgb 216 213 206 hex #D8D5CE hsv 42 5 85 xyz 0.63 0.67 0.68 lab 85 0 4 lch 85 4 93 cmyk 0 1 4 15 quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.0):timberwolf[8364][217,214,207](1.0):gallery[3823][220,215,209](1.4):quarter_silver_sand[6992][211,208,202](1.4):timberwolf[8365][219,215,210](1.4) 112 gallery:quarter:sand:silver:timberwolf:truffle +8517 triple_sisal rgb 165 149 120 hex #A59578 hsv 39 27 65 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.22 lab 62 1 17 lch 62 18 86 cmyk 0 6 18 35 triple_akaroa[8477][164,151,122](1.4):donkey_brown[3169][166,146,121](2.2):double_drought[3198][172,152,125](2.8):cargo[2086][155,143,117](3.0):pale_oyster[6399][156,141,114](3.2) 28 pale:akaroa:cargo:donkey:double:drought:oyster:triple:brown +8518 triple_solitaire rgb 228 203 171 hex #E4CBAB hsv 34 25 89 xyz 0.61 0.62 0.47 lab 83 4 19 lch 83 20 79 cmyk 0 10 22 11 blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.4):half_haystack[4338][230,211,179](3.0):pancho[6466][237,205,171](3.0):PMS726[905][237,211,181](3.2):PMS4675[566][229,198,170](3.3) 23 PMS4675:PMS726:blank:canvas:half:haystack:pancho +8519 triple_spanish_white rgb 213 196 161 hex #D5C4A1 hsv 40 24 84 xyz 0.54 0.56 0.42 lab 80 1 20 lch 80 20 89 cmyk 0 7 20 16 blank_canvas[1499][221,199,165](2.2):cocoon[2414][218,195,159](2.2):double_spanish_white[3239][210,195,163](2.4):haystack[4442][222,199,161](2.4):raffia[7041][220,198,160](2.4) 22 blank:canvas:cocoon:double:haystack:raffia:spanish:white +8520 triple_stack rgb 101 102 96 hex #656660 hsv 70 6 40 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.13 lab 43 -2 3 lch 43 4 116 cmyk 0 0 2 60 storm_dust[7993][101,100,95](1.4):PMS425[508][96,96,91](2.2):double_trojan[3250][101,102,100](2.2):ironside_grey[4682][103,102,98](2.2):chicane[2281][104,103,101](3.0) 38 PMS425:chicane:double:dust:ironside:storm:trojan:grey +8521 triple_stonehenge rgb 102 92 82 hex #665C52 hsv 30 20 40 xyz 0.11 0.11 0.1 lab 40 2 7 lch 40 8 73 cmyk 0 4 8 60 dorado[3171][110,95,86](2.2):karens_pewter[4818][102,97,86](2.2):pure_pewter[6858][102,97,86](2.2):talisman[8211][101,93,80](2.2):triple_friar_grey[8493][102,97,86](2.2) 28 dorado:friar:karens:pewter:pure:talisman:triple:grey +8522 triple_stonewall rgb 97 90 71 hex #615A47 hsv 44 27 38 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.07 lab 38 -1 12 lch 38 12 93 cmyk 0 3 10 62 dark_grayish_amber[2735][89,84,66](2.2):triple_arrowtown[8478][97,88,71](2.2):dragon[3267][102,94,76](2.4):raptor[7065][88,88,71](3.0):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](3.3) 19 dark:amber:arrowtown:dragon:grayish:olive:raptor:triple +8523 triple_surrender rgb 153 156 157 hex #999C9D hsv 195 3 62 xyz 0.31 0.33 0.37 lab 64 -1 -1 lch 64 1 226 cmyk 2 0 0 38 grey[4162][156,156,156](1.4):grey[4161][153,153,153](1.7):grey[4163][158,158,158](1.7):spanish_grey[7875][152,152,152](1.7):silver_aluminium[7708][158,160,161](2.0) 42 aluminium:silver:spanish:grey +8524 triple_tana rgb 159 155 130 hex #9F9B82 hsv 52 18 62 xyz 0.3 0.32 0.26 lab 64 -3 14 lch 64 14 102 cmyk 0 2 11 38 grey_olive[4219][161,154,127](1.4):triple_ash[8479][159,155,134](2.2):platinum[6736][165,160,131](2.8):double_tana[3245][168,164,140](3.2):raincloud[7049][163,152,129](3.2) 23 ash:double:olive:platinum:raincloud:tana:triple:grey +8525 triple_tapa rgb 91 90 80 hex #5B5A50 hsv 55 12 36 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.09 lab 38 -2 6 lch 38 6 105 cmyk 0 0 4 64 chicago[2279][91,93,86](2.2):half_gravel[4334][92,93,86](2.2):smokey_ash[7792][93,89,82](2.2):dark_olivish_grey[2819][89,89,83](3.2):oilskin[6122][85,83,73](3.2) 30 dark:ash:chicago:gravel:half:oilskin:olivish:smokey:grey +8526 triple_tea rgb 170 159 139 hex #AA9F8B hsv 39 18 67 xyz 0.34 0.35 0.29 lab 66 1 12 lch 66 12 87 cmyk 0 4 12 33 cougar[2557][170,160,141](1.4):PMS402[486][175,165,147](2.2):half_craigieburn[4314][169,161,143](2.2):quarter_stonewall[7000][166,159,142](2.2):grullo[4239][169,154,134](2.4) 42 PMS402:cougar:craigieburn:grullo:half:quarter:stonewall +8527 triple_thorndon_cream rgb 197 189 170 hex #C5BDAA hsv 42 14 77 xyz 0.48 0.51 0.45 lab 77 0 11 lch 77 11 92 cmyk 0 3 11 23 half_bison_hide[4294][199,189,171](1.0):half_drought[4318][202,189,169](1.4):bison_hide[1429][193,183,164](2.0):caraway[2076][199,191,168](2.2):half_akaroa[4276][203,194,173](2.2) 72 akaroa:bison:caraway:drought:half:hide +8528 triple_truffle rgb 163 155 142 hex #A39B8E hsv 37 13 64 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.3 lab 64 1 8 lch 64 8 86 cmyk 0 3 8 36 rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](1.0):settlement[7622][161,152,139](1.0):half_pravda[4371][160,153,138](1.7):zorba[9276][165,155,145](1.7):PMS408[491][168,153,140](2.2) 44 PMS408:half:pravda:rockbottom:settlement:zorba +8529 triple_wheatfield rgb 209 198 166 hex #D1C6A6 hsv 45 21 82 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.44 lab 80 -1 17 lch 80 17 94 cmyk 0 4 17 18 hitchhiker[4516][208,199,168](1.0):double_spanish_white[3239][210,195,163](1.7):chino[2297][206,199,167](2.0):half_pavlova[4365][203,191,160](2.0):PMS453[543][214,204,175](2.2) 34 PMS453:chino:double:half:hitchhiker:pavlova:spanish:white +8530 triple_white_pointer rgb 200 195 181 hex #C8C3B5 hsv 44 10 78 xyz 0.52 0.55 0.52 lab 79 -1 8 lch 79 8 95 cmyk 0 2 7 22 PMS413[496][198,193,178](1.0):ash[1154][198,195,181](1.0):chrome_white[2321][202,199,183](1.4):froth_green[3784][202,199,183](1.4):half_ash[4282][203,200,186](1.4) 80 PMS413:ash:chrome:froth:half:green:white +8531 triumph rgb 137 96 58 hex #89603A hsv 29 58 54 xyz 0.15 0.14 0.06 lab 44 12 28 lch 44 31 67 cmyk 0 16 31 46 brown_sugar[1857][142,101,64](2.2):mckenzie[5591][140,99,56](3.2):coyote_brown[2569][129,97,60](4.5):authentic[1203][138,104,67](4.7):natural[5985][136,89,49](4.7) 7 authentic:coyote:mckenzie:natural:sugar:brown +8532 trojan rgb 117 120 120 hex #757878 hsv 180 3 47 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.2 lab 50 -1 0 lch 50 1 199 cmyk 1 0 0 53 grey[4145][120,120,120](1.0):boulder[1675][122,122,122](1.4):grey[4144][117,117,117](1.4):grey[4146][122,122,122](1.4):mid_grey[5710][113,116,118](1.4) 49 boulder:mid:grey +8533 trolley_grey rgb 128 128 128 hex #808080 hsv 300 0 50 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.24 lab 54 0 0 lch 54 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 50 grey[4149][128,128,128](0.0):grey[4150][130,130,130](0.0):web_grey[9036][128,128,128](0.0):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.0):ricochet[7224][132,132,132](1.0) 64 ricochet:web:grey +8534 tropical_blue rgb 174 201 235 hex #AEC9EB hsv 213 26 92 xyz 0.53 0.57 0.87 lab 80 -2 -20 lch 80 20 265 cmyk 24 13 0 8 pale_cornflower_blue[6327][171,205,239](2.2):time_out[8367][170,194,227](2.4):baby_blue_eyes[1241][161,202,241](4.5):oxymoron[6280][156,191,227](4.6):light_steel_blue[5216][188,210,238](5.1) 4 pale:light:baby:cornflower:eyes:out:oxymoron:steel:time:blue +8535 tropical_blue rgb 195 221 249 hex #C3DDF9 hsv 211 22 98 xyz 0.65 0.7 1 lab 87 -3 -17 lch 87 17 261 cmyk 21 11 0 2 pale_azure[6311][194,224,255](1.4):slate_grey[7773][198,226,255](2.0):light_steel_blue[5217][202,225,255](2.8):slate_grey[7772][185,211,238](4.1):light_steel_blue[5216][188,210,238](4.6) 6 pale:slate:light:steel:azure:blue:grey +8536 tropical_rain_forest rgb 0 117 94 hex #00755E hsv 168 100 46 xyz 0.08 0.14 0.13 lab 44 -34 5 lch 44 34 172 cmyk 46 0 9 54 PMS335[402][0,124,102](2.4):bingo[1415][0,116,96](2.4):PMS341[412][0,122,94](3.0):deep_green_cyan_turquoise[2996][14,124,97](3.0):deep_sea[3052][22,126,101](3.2) 13 deep:PMS335:PMS341:bingo:cyan:sea:green:turquoise +8537 tropical_rain_forest rgb 23 128 109 hex #17806D hsv 169 82 50 xyz 0.11 0.17 0.17 lab 48 -33 2 lch 48 33 176 cmyk 41 0 7 50 blue_green[1565][19,126,109](1.4):PMS3288[389][0,130,112](2.2):PMS3295[392][0,130,114](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](2.2):PMS335[402][0,124,102](3.5) 13 PMS3288:PMS3295:PMS335:elf:blue:green +8538 tropical_violet rgb 205 164 222 hex #CDA4DE hsv 282 26 87 xyz 0.52 0.45 0.75 lab 73 25 -24 lch 73 35 317 cmyk 7 23 0 13 wisteria[9157][205,164,222](0.0):light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](2.4):wisteria[9156][201,160,220](2.4):PMS529[662][206,163,211](6.2):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](6.4) 3 light:PMS2562:PMS529:wisteria +8539 troubadour rgb 86 34 90 hex #56225A hsv 296 62 35 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.1 lab 23 33 -23 lch 23 40 325 cmyk 2 22 0 65 dark_magenta[2792][89,39,89](4.1):dark_heliotrope[2773][83,39,89](4.6):PMS261[243][94,33,84](5.5):imperial[4614][96,47,107](5.9):dark_mulberry[2804][77,39,89](6.0) 2 dark:PMS261:heliotrope:imperial:magenta:mulberry +8540 trout rgb 74 78 90 hex #4A4E5A hsv 225 18 35 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.11 lab 33 1 -8 lch 33 8 279 cmyk 6 5 0 65 river_bed[7236][67,76,89](1.7):mako[5476][68,73,84](2.2):jimmy_dean[4768][81,83,93](2.8):dark_grayish_azure[2736][66,78,89](3.0):gun_powder[4255][72,71,83](3.0) 15 dark:bed:dean:grayish:gun:jimmy:mako:powder:river:azure +8541 trout rgb 76 83 86 hex #4C5356 hsv 198 12 34 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.1 lab 35 -2 -3 lch 35 3 232 cmyk 4 1 0 66 abbey[944][73,81,84](1.0):half_grey_friars[4336][79,82,85](1.4):quarter_foundry[6947][82,85,87](1.7):mako[5477][80,85,85](2.2):pickled_bluewood[6642][79,90,95](2.4) 38 abbey:bluewood:foundry:friars:half:mako:pickled:quarter:grey +8542 trubridge_red rgb 237 60 52 hex #ED3C34 hsv 3 78 93 xyz 0.37 0.21 0.05 lab 53 66 46 lch 53 81 35 cmyk 0 69 73 7 brown[1841][238,59,59](3.3):madder_lake_deep[5427][227,46,48](3.7):permanent_geranium_lake[6598][225,44,44](4.1):cg_red[2191][224,60,49](4.9):deep_carmine_pink[2968][239,48,56](5.0) 5 deep:carmine:cg:geranium:lake:madder:permanent:brown:pink:red +8543 true_blue rgb 0 115 207 hex #0073CF hsv 207 100 81 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.61 lab 48 8 -55 lch 48 56 278 cmyk 81 36 0 19 dodger_blue[3152][24,116,205](2.0):bright_navy_blue[1738][25,116,210](2.2):navy_blue[5998][25,116,210](2.2):denim[3093][43,108,196](4.7):PMS300[332][0,114,198](5.1) 4 PMS300:bright:denim:dodger:navy:blue +8544 true_blue rgb 1 15 204 hex #010FCC hsv 236 100 80 xyz 0.11 0.05 0.57 lab 26 64 -89 lch 26 110 305 cmyk 80 74 0 20 dark_blue[2685][0,0,200](3.0):blue[1528][0,0,205](4.4):blue_medium[1580][0,0,205](4.4):medium_blue[5598][0,0,205](4.4):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](8.7) 4 medium:dark:ultramarine:blue +8545 true_blue rgb 51 61 87 hex #333D57 hsv 223 41 34 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.1 lab 26 3 -17 lch 26 17 281 cmyk 14 10 0 66 PMS533[669][53,63,91](1.7):biscay[1423][47,60,83](1.7):cove_grey[2563][52,63,92](2.4):gulf_blue[4244][52,63,92](2.4):madison[5429][45,60,84](2.4) 17 PMS533:biscay:cove:gulf:madison:blue:grey +8546 true_green rgb 8 148 4 hex #089404 hsv 118 97 58 xyz 0.11 0.21 0.04 lab 53 -57 55 lch 53 79 136 cmyk 55 0 56 42 islamic_green[4689][0,144,0](1.7):green[4021][0,139,0](4.1):PMS368_2X[443][0,158,15](5.1):india_green[4627][19,136,8](7.5):grass_green[3985][63,155,11](8.3) 2 2X:PMS368:grass:india:islamic:green +8547 true_v rgb 138 115 214 hex #8A73D6 hsv 254 46 84 xyz 0.29 0.23 0.66 lab 55 31 -48 lch 55 57 303 cmyk 30 39 0 16 lilac_bush[5258][152,116,211](5.1):moody_blue[5880][127,118,211](5.2):medium_purple[5630][137,104,205](5.7):dark_pastel_purple[2837][150,111,214](6.0):blue_marguerite[1579][118,102,198](6.1) 0 medium:dark:bush:lilac:marguerite:moody:pastel:blue:purple +8548 true_v rgb 142 114 199 hex #8E72C7 hsv 260 43 78 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.57 lab 54 29 -40 lch 54 50 306 cmyk 22 33 0 22 dancing_girl[2665][148,112,196](2.2):lilac_bush[5257][148,112,196](2.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](3.7):deep_lilac[3008][150,110,189](4.6):bubblegum[1879][131,120,199](6.0) 4 deep:PMS2715:bubblegum:bush:dancing:girl:lilac +8549 truffle rgb 190 185 173 hex #BEB9AD hsv 42 9 75 xyz 0.46 0.49 0.46 lab 75 0 7 lch 75 7 93 cmyk 0 2 7 25 eighth_pravda[3415][195,188,176](1.0):PMS421[504][191,186,175](1.4):cloud[2379][194,188,177](1.4):cotton_seed[2555][191,186,175](1.4):eighth_arrowtown[3385][186,181,168](1.4) 63 PMS421:arrowtown:cloud:cotton:eighth:pravda:seed +8550 tsunami rgb 107 131 147 hex #6B8393 hsv 204 27 58 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.31 lab 53 -5 -11 lch 53 12 247 cmyk 16 6 0 42 grey/blue[4203][100,125,142](2.2):blue_grey[1567][96,124,142](2.8):steel[7961][115,133,149](2.8):lynch[5416][105,125,137](3.0):slate_grey[7770][112,128,144](3.0) 23 slate:grey/blue:lynch:steel:blue:grey +8551 tuatara rgb 54 53 52 hex #363534 hsv 30 4 21 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.04 lab 22 0 1 lch 22 1 75 cmyk 0 0 1 79 jet[4759][52,52,52](1.0):dark_grey[2768][54,55,55](1.4):dune[3291][56,53,51](1.4):grey[4118][51,51,51](1.4):grey[4119][54,54,54](1.4) 73 dark:dune:jet:grey +8552 tuatara rgb 69 70 66 hex #454642 hsv 75 6 27 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.06 lab 30 -1 2 lch 30 3 120 cmyk 0 0 2 73 armadillo[1141][72,74,70](1.4):deep_space[3062][76,73,69](1.7):cathedral[2137][75,77,74](2.2):gravel[3992][74,75,70](2.2):grey[4126][71,71,71](2.2) 43 deep:armadillo:cathedral:gravel:space:grey +8553 tuft_bush rgb 249 211 190 hex #F9D3BE hsv 21 24 98 xyz 0.72 0.7 0.59 lab 87 10 15 lch 87 18 56 cmyk 0 15 23 2 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lch 70 49 21 cmyk 0 47 45 0 blush_pink[1629][254,130,140](2.4):geraldine[3844][251,137,137](3.6):PMS1775[117][249,132,142](3.7):PMS177[116][249,130,127](4.6):coral_light[2502][240,128,128](5.4) 4 light:PMS177:PMS1775:blush:coral:geraldine:pink +8557 tulip_tree rgb 227 172 61 hex #E3AC3D hsv 40 73 89 xyz 0.47 0.46 0.11 lab 74 10 62 lch 74 63 81 cmyk 0 22 65 11 lemoncello[4983][231,169,62](3.3):corn[2518][223,170,40](6.4):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](6.6):anzac[1073][224,182,70](6.6):macaroni_and_cheese[5420][239,180,53](6.7) 1 and:anzac:casablanca:cheese:corn:lemoncello:macaroni +8558 tulip_tree rgb 234 179 59 hex #EAB33B hsv 41 75 92 xyz 0.51 0.5 0.11 lab 76 9 65 lch 76 66 82 cmyk 0 22 69 8 macaroni_and_cheese[5420][239,180,53](3.3):meat_brown[5593][229,183,59](4.2):corn[2518][223,170,40](4.4):PMS142[58][242,191,73](4.6):charger[2227][249,194,78](5.2) 4 PMS142:and:charger:cheese:corn:macaroni:meat:brown +8559 tumbleweed rgb 55 41 14 hex #37290E hsv 40 75 22 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 18 3 20 lch 18 20 82 cmyk 0 5 16 78 brown_tumbleweed[1859][55,41,14](0.0):onion[6182][47,39,14](4.7):woodrush[9171][48,42,15](5.5):metallic_bronze[5688][73,55,27](6.1):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](6.4) 2 bronze:metallic:onion:pullman:tumbleweed:woodrush:brown:green +8560 tumbleweed rgb 75 65 42 hex #4B412A hsv 42 44 29 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 28 0 16 lch 28 16 88 cmyk 0 4 13 71 onion[6183][72,65,43](1.4):suburban[8106][72,64,44](2.2):madras[5431][71,62,35](3.0):punga[6856][83,73,49](3.0):woodrush[9172][69,64,43](3.0) 12 madras:onion:punga:suburban:woodrush +8561 tumbleweed rgb 222 166 129 hex #DEA681 hsv 24 42 87 xyz 0.48 0.44 0.27 lab 72 16 27 lch 72 32 60 cmyk 0 22 36 13 light_tangelo[5220][231,174,139](4.1):whiskey[9074][213,154,111](5.7):manhattan[5507][226,175,128](5.8):PMS728[907][211,168,124](6.3):antique_brass[1062][205,149,117](6.4) 1 antique:light:PMS728:brass:manhattan:tangelo:whiskey +8562 tumbleweed rgb 222 170 136 hex #DEAA88 hsv 24 39 87 xyz 0.49 0.46 0.3 lab 74 15 25 lch 74 29 60 cmyk 0 20 34 13 light_tangelo[5220][231,174,139](2.4):manhattan[5507][226,175,128](6.4):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](6.5):PMS728[907][211,168,124](6.7):cameo[2022][204,164,131](6.7) 1 light:PMS728:cameo:mandys:manhattan:tangelo:pink +8563 tuna rgb 53 53 66 hex #353542 hsv 240 20 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.06 lab 23 3 -8 lch 23 9 292 cmyk 5 5 0 74 PMS532[668][53,56,66](2.4):black_marlin[1464][56,55,64](3.0):revolver[7194][55,54,63](3.0):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](3.0):catch[2136][52,52,60](3.3) 14 PMS532:catch:marlin:revolver:ship:black:grey +8564 tuna rgb 70 73 78 hex #46494E hsv 218 10 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.08 lab 31 0 -3 lch 31 3 269 cmyk 3 2 0 69 mollusc[5860][67,70,75](1.0):steel_grey[7972][67,70,75](1.0):bleached_cedar[1512][69,70,71](2.2):grey[4127][74,74,74](3.0):half_fuscous_grey[4331][73,70,72](3.0) 42 bleached:cedar:fuscous:half:mollusc:steel:grey +8565 tundora rgb 74 66 68 hex #4A4244 hsv 345 11 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.06 lab 29 4 0 lch 29 4 0 cmyk 0 3 2 71 velocity[8688][75,64,66](1.7):double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](2.2):emperor[3476][81,70,73](2.2):jon[4774][70,61,62](2.2):transformer[8457][79,72,75](2.2) 39 double:emperor:jon:sidewinder:transformer:velocity +8566 tundora rgb 88 84 82 hex #585452 hsv 20 7 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.09 lab 36 1 2 lch 36 2 55 cmyk 0 2 2 65 torque[8431][90,87,85](1.0):reddish_brownish_grey[7153][89,83,83](1.4):wireless[9149][85,83,80](1.4):blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](1.7):electric[3436][85,83,79](1.7) 55 blast:brownish:electric:reddish:torque:wireless:grey +8567 turbo rgb 245 204 35 hex #F5CC23 hsv 48 86 96 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.11 lab 83 0 79 lch 83 79 90 cmyk 0 16 82 4 fizz[3651][245,204,35](0.0):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](2.0):deep_lemon[3007][245,199,26](2.4):banana_split[1280][241,204,43](2.8):golden_dream[3915][241,204,43](2.8) 12 deep:banana:dream:fizz:golden:jonquil:split:lemon +8568 turbo rgb 250 230 0 hex #FAE600 hsv 55 100 98 xyz 0.68 0.77 0.11 lab 90 -12 89 lch 90 90 97 cmyk 0 8 98 2 lemon[4962][253,233,16](1.0):PMS102[2][249,232,20](1.7):broom[1831][255,236,19](2.0):cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](4.0):vivid_yellow[8965][255,227,2](4.0) 10 vivid:PMS102:broom:cadmium:lemon:yellow +8569 turkish_rose rgb 165 110 117 hex #A56E75 hsv 352 33 65 xyz 0.24 0.2 0.19 lab 52 23 5 lch 52 23 13 cmyk 0 22 19 35 PMS4995[610][165,107,109](3.2):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](4.7):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](5.1):mauve[5580][174,113,129](5.4):rose_dust[7303][158,94,111](7.1) 2 PMS4995:copper:coral:dust:mauve:tree:rose +8570 turkish_rose rgb 181 114 129 hex #B57281 hsv 347 37 71 xyz 0.29 0.23 0.24 lab 56 28 3 lch 56 29 6 cmyk 0 26 20 29 tapestry[8250][179,112,132](3.3):mauve[5580][174,113,129](3.5):minnelli[5760][177,107,121](3.7):rose_gold[7306][183,110,121](3.7):old_pink[6144][199,121,134](5.8) 4 gold:mauve:minnelli:old:tapestry:pink:rose +8571 turmeric rgb 174 144 65 hex #AE9041 hsv 43 63 68 xyz 0.28 0.29 0.09 lab 61 2 45 lch 61 45 87 cmyk 0 12 43 32 luxor_gold[5415][171,141,63](1.0):alpine[1017][173,138,59](3.0):roti[7334][182,150,66](3.6):husk[4589][178,153,75](3.7):classius[2359][179,141,66](4.0) 6 alpine:classius:gold:husk:luxor:roti +8572 turmeric rgb 202 187 72 hex #CABB48 hsv 53 64 79 xyz 0.43 0.49 0.13 lab 75 -8 58 lch 75 59 98 cmyk 0 6 51 21 billy_t[1412][193,185,67](3.3):earls_green[3324][201,185,59](5.1):old_gold[6129][207,181,59](5.7):ipanema[4668][220,198,75](6.7):tacha[8204][214,197,98](8.1) 1 billy:earls:gold:ipanema:old:t:tacha:green +8573 turquoise rgb 0 134 139 hex #00868B hsv 182 100 55 xyz 0.13 0.19 0.27 lab 51 -28 -11 lch 51 30 202 cmyk 55 2 0 45 PMS321[366][0,135,137](1.4):dark_cyan[2714][10,136,138](1.4):blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](1.7):PMS320_2X[365][0,127,130](3.2):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](3.7) 12 dark:2X:PMS3145:PMS320:PMS321:chill:cyan:blue +8574 turquoise rgb 0 197 205 hex #00C5CD hsv 182 100 80 xyz 0.31 0.44 0.65 lab 72 -37 -16 lch 72 40 203 cmyk 80 3 0 20 dark_turquoise[2908][0,195,205](1.4):dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](4.7):turquoise_dark[8586][0,206,209](4.7):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](5.1):java[4748][31,194,194](5.2) 3 dark:PMS3115:java:turquoise +8575 turquoise rgb 0 229 238 hex #00E5EE hsv 182 100 93 xyz 0.43 0.62 0.91 lab 83 -42 -17 lch 83 45 203 cmyk 93 4 0 7 medium_turquoise[5647][0,227,238](1.7):vivid_cyan[8911][0,231,231](5.0):brilliant_cyan[1775][81,231,231](5.9):bright_light_blue[1729][38,247,253](6.4):cyan[2637][0,238,238](6.4) 2 medium:light:brilliant:vivid:bright:cyan:blue:turquoise +8576 turquoise rgb 0 245 255 hex #00F5FF hsv 182 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.73 1.06 lab 88 -44 -18 lch 88 47 203 cmyk 100 4 0 0 bright_light_blue[1729][38,247,253](2.2):bright_cyan[1721][65,253,254](5.0):cyan[2637][0,238,238](5.7):aqua[1097][0,255,255](6.4):cyan[2638][0,255,255](6.4) 2 light:aqua:bright:cyan:blue +8577 turquoise rgb 6 194 172 hex #06C2AC hsv 173 97 76 xyz 0.27 0.42 0.46 lab 71 -45 0 lch 71 45 180 cmyk 74 0 9 24 PMS3265[379][0,198,178](2.4):PMS3258[376][53,196,175](3.2):tealish[8293][36,188,168](3.7):puerto_rico[6835][63,193,170](4.1):PMS3262[378][0,193,181](5.4) 4 PMS3258:PMS3262:PMS3265:puerto:rico:tealish +8578 turquoise rgb 48 213 200 hex #30D5C8 hsv 175 77 84 xyz 0.35 0.52 0.63 lab 78 -43 -5 lch 78 44 187 cmyk 65 0 5 16 PMS3255[375][71,214,193](4.0):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](5.2):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](6.2):robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](6.2):brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](6.3) 1 brilliant:PMS3252:PMS3255:egg:opal:robin:robin's:blue +8579 turquoise rgb 64 224 208 hex #40E0D0 hsv 174 71 88 xyz 0.4 0.59 0.69 lab 81 -44 -4 lch 81 44 185 cmyk 63 0 6 12 brilliant_opal[1789][81,231,213](3.3):PMS3255[375][71,214,193](4.4):bright_turquoise[1753][8,232,222](5.4):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](6.3):PMS333[400][94,221,193](7.3) 2 brilliant:PMS3252:PMS3255:PMS333:bright:opal:turquoise +8580 turquoise rgb 173 234 234 hex #ADEAEA hsv 180 26 92 xyz 0.62 0.74 0.89 lab 89 -19 -6 lch 89 20 198 cmyk 24 0 0 8 pale_blue[6312][175,238,238](1.4):pale_turquoise[6441][174,238,238](1.4):pale_turquoise[6442][175,238,238](1.4):turquoise_pale[8590][175,238,238](1.4):pale_light_grayish_cyan[6364][184,231,231](4.1) 6 pale:light:cyan:grayish:blue:turquoise +8581 turquoise_blue rgb 0 199 140 hex #00C78C hsv 162 100 78 xyz 0.25 0.43 0.32 lab 71 -56 18 lch 71 58 162 cmyk 78 0 23 22 greenblue[4075][35,196,139](3.0):PMS3395[409][0,201,147](3.3):caribbean_green[2087][0,204,153](4.9):green/blue[4032][1,192,141](5.4):greenish_teal[4085][50,191,132](5.5) 3 PMS3395:caribbean:green/blue:greenblue:greenish:teal:green +8582 turquoise_blue rgb 0 255 239 hex #00FFEF hsv 176 100 100 xyz 0.51 0.78 0.94 lab 91 -53 -7 lch 91 53 187 cmyk 100 0 6 0 bright_aqua[1717][11,249,234](2.8):bright_turquoise[1754][15,254,249](6.4):aqua[1097][0,255,255](8.6):cyan[2638][0,255,255](8.6):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](8.6) 1 /:aqua:bright:cyan:turquoise +8583 turquoise_blue rgb 6 177 196 hex #06B1C4 hsv 186 97 77 xyz 0.26 0.35 0.58 lab 66 -30 -20 lch 66 37 214 cmyk 75 7 0 23 cerulean[2184][5,184,204](3.3):PMS312[351][0,173,198](3.7):PMS3125[352][0,183,198](3.7):scooter[7534][46,191,212](5.1):pelorous[6578][62,171,191](6.2) 3 PMS312:PMS3125:cerulean:pelorous:scooter +8584 turquoise_blue rgb 108 218 231 hex #6CDAE7 hsv 186 53 91 xyz 0.46 0.59 0.85 lab 81 -28 -16 lch 81 32 210 cmyk 48 5 0 9 aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](2.0):spray[7912][121,222,236](2.8):PMS310[347][114,209,221](3.7):brilliant_arctic_blue[1764][81,213,231](4.1):aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](4.2) 7 brilliant:PMS310:arctic:spray:aquamarine:blue +8585 turquoise_blue rgb 119 221 231 hex #77DDE7 hsv 185 48 91 xyz 0.48 0.61 0.85 lab 83 -27 -14 lch 83 31 207 cmyk 44 4 0 9 aquamarine[1120][120,219,226](2.2):aquamarine_blue[1122][113,217,226](2.2):spray[7912][121,222,236](2.2):PMS3105[348][127,214,219](4.1):cadet_blue[1982][142,229,238](4.4) 6 PMS3105:cadet:spray:aquamarine:blue +8586 turquoise_dark rgb 0 206 209 hex #00CED1 hsv 181 100 82 xyz 0.34 0.49 0.68 lab 75 -40 -14 lch 75 42 199 cmyk 82 1 0 18 dark_turquoise[2909][0,206,209](0.0):cyan[2636][0,205,205](2.2):robin's_egg_blue[7247][0,204,204](2.2):robin_egg_blue[7249][0,204,204](2.2):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](4.1) 7 dark:cyan:egg:robin:robin's:robin's:blue:turquoise +8587 turquoise_green rgb 4 244 137 hex #04F489 hsv 153 98 96 xyz 0.37 0.67 0.35 lab 85 -72 38 lch 85 81 152 cmyk 94 0 42 4 wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](4.6):medium_spring_green[5643][0,250,154](6.4):spring_green_medium[7926][0,250,154](6.4):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](6.5):luminous_vivid_aquamarine[5362][0,255,159](7.3) 1 luminous:medium:vivid:spring:wintergreen:aquamarine:green +8588 turquoise_green rgb 160 214 180 hex #A0D6B4 hsv 142 25 84 xyz 0.47 0.59 0.52 lab 81 -24 11 lch 81 27 155 cmyk 21 0 13 16 vista_blue[8886][151,213,179](3.2):chinook[2299][168,227,189](4.9):vista_blue[8885][143,214,180](5.2):fringy_flower[3770][177,226,193](5.4):chinook[2298][157,211,168](5.5) 2 chinook:flower:fringy:vista:blue +8589 turquoise_medium rgb 72 209 204 hex #48D1CC hsv 178 66 82 xyz 0.36 0.51 0.65 lab 77 -37 -8 lch 77 38 193 cmyk 54 0 2 18 medium_turquoise[5648][72,209,204](0.0):PMS325[373][86,201,193](4.1):PMS3252[374][86,214,201](4.6):robin's_egg_blue[7245][31,206,203](4.9):robin_egg_blue[7250][31,206,203](4.9) 5 medium:PMS325:PMS3252:egg:robin:robin's:blue:turquoise +8590 turquoise_pale rgb 175 238 238 hex #AFEEEE hsv 180 26 93 xyz 0.64 0.76 0.92 lab 90 -20 -6 lch 90 21 198 cmyk 25 0 0 7 pale_blue[6312][175,238,238](0.0):pale_turquoise[6441][174,238,238](0.0):pale_turquoise[6442][175,238,238](0.0):turquoise[8580][173,234,234](1.4):waterspout[9020][164,244,249](5.1) 4 pale:waterspout:blue:turquoise +8591 turtle_green rgb 42 56 11 hex #2A380B hsv 79 80 22 xyz 0.02 0.03 0.01 lab 21 -14 25 lch 21 28 119 cmyk 5 0 18 78 waiouru[8984][54,60,13](5.4):palm_leaf[6458][25,51,14](7.1):deep_forest_green[2988][24,45,9](8.1):forest_green[3722][24,45,9](8.1):dark_olive[2810][55,62,2](8.6) 0 deep:dark:forest:leaf:olive:palm:waiouru:green +8592 turtle_green rgb 54 62 29 hex #363E1D hsv 75 53 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.02 lab 25 -10 19 lch 25 21 117 cmyk 3 0 13 76 PMS5743[745][63,73,38](4.2):bathurst[1315][60,64,39](5.1):feverpitch[3594][45,67,37](5.9):bronzetone[1828][67,76,40](6.1):seaweed[7594][55,65,42](6.2) 1 PMS5743:bathurst:bronzetone:feverpitch:seaweed +8593 turtle_green rgb 117 184 79 hex #75B84F hsv 98 57 72 xyz 0.26 0.39 0.13 lab 68 -40 46 lch 68 61 131 cmyk 26 0 41 28 apple[1080][102,179,72](4.5):mantis[5512][127,193,92](4.6):nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](5.5):go[3882][118,173,76](6.2):moderate_harlequin[5827][97,168,74](7.1) 2 moderate:apple:go:harlequin:mantis:nasty:green +8594 tuscan rgb 250 214 165 hex #FAD6A5 hsv 35 34 98 xyz 0.7 0.71 0.46 lab 88 6 29 lch 88 29 79 cmyk 0 14 33 2 champagne[2210][250,214,165](0.0):deep_champagne[2974][250,214,165](0.0):sunset[8143][250,214,165](0.0):corvette[2543][250,211,162](1.4):maize[5470][245,213,160](2.4) 17 deep:champagne:corvette:maize:sunset +8595 tuscan_brown rgb 111 78 55 hex #6F4E37 hsv 25 50 44 xyz 0.1 0.09 0.05 lab 36 11 19 lch 36 22 60 cmyk 0 13 22 56 coffee[2418][111,78,55](0.0):old_copper[6128][115,80,59](1.7):jambalaya[4728][103,72,52](3.6):pickled_bean[6640][115,85,62](3.7):drumbeat[3276][100,67,47](4.2) 9 bean:coffee:copper:drumbeat:jambalaya:old:pickled +8596 tuscan_red rgb 102 66 77 hex #66424D hsv 342 35 40 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.08 lab 32 17 0 lch 32 17 359 cmyk 0 14 10 60 deep_tuscan_red[3074][102,66,77](0.0):finn[3631][105,69,84](3.7):eggplant[3376][97,64,81](4.1):galaxy[3822][99,70,75](4.6):purplish_brown[6899][107,66,71](4.6) 6 deep:eggplant:finn:galaxy:purplish:tuscan:brown:red +8597 tuscan_red rgb 124 72 72 hex #7C4848 hsv 0 42 49 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.07 lab 37 22 10 lch 37 24 23 cmyk 0 20 20 51 PMS4985[608][132,73,73](3.3):tosca[8434][116,64,66](3.3):intrigue[4667][129,71,67](3.6):solid_pink[7840][133,73,76](4.1):deep_coffee[2979][112,66,65](4.6) 7 deep:PMS4985:coffee:intrigue:solid:tosca:pink +8598 tuscan_tan rgb 166 123 91 hex #A67B5B hsv 26 45 65 xyz 0.25 0.23 0.13 lab 55 13 24 lch 55 27 62 cmyk 0 17 29 35 café_au_lait[2003][166,123,91](0.0):french_beige[3742][166,123,91](0.0):chamoisee[2207][160,120,90](1.7):mocha[5805][157,118,81](3.5):PMS4645[559][178,130,96](3.7) 11 PMS4645:au:beige:café:chamoisee:french:lait:mocha +8599 tuscany rgb 173 98 66 hex #AD6242 hsv 18 62 68 xyz 0.23 0.18 0.07 lab 50 27 31 lch 50 41 49 cmyk 0 29 42 32 rhapsody[7195][173,96,60](3.3):brown[1839][180,103,77](3.7):footloose[3715][164,97,58](4.1):clay[2360][182,106,80](4.4):desert[3099][161,95,59](5.1) 4 clay:desert:footloose:rhapsody:brown +8600 tuscany rgb 189 94 46 hex #BD5E2E hsv 20 76 74 xyz 0.25 0.19 0.05 lab 51 35 44 lch 51 56 52 cmyk 0 37 56 26 clockwork_orange[2377][191,96,49](1.0):smoke_tree[7788][187,95,52](3.2):style_pasifika_orange_wood[8086][187,95,52](3.2):christine[2318][191,101,46](3.7):sienna[7697][205,104,57](4.5) 7 christine:clockwork:pasifika:sienna:smoke:style:tree:wood:orange +8601 tuscany rgb 192 153 153 hex #C09999 hsv 360 20 75 xyz 0.39 0.36 0.35 lab 67 15 6 lch 67 16 21 cmyk 0 15 15 25 careys_pink[2084][201,154,160](3.7):pink[6665][188,143,143](3.7):rosy_brown[7325][188,143,143](3.7):rosybrown[7331][188,143,143](3.7):quicksand[7024][189,151,142](4.6) 8 careys:quicksand:rosy:rosybrown:brown:pink +8602 tusk rgb 227 229 177 hex #E3E5B1 hsv 62 23 90 xyz 0.68 0.76 0.53 lab 90 -9 25 lch 90 27 110 cmyk 1 0 20 10 first_light[3649][229,225,172](2.4):pale_light_grayish_olive[6373][231,231,184](2.4):fall_green[3550][236,235,189](3.5):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](3.5):chill_out[2288][226,231,186](4.0) 10 pale:light:bud:chill:fall:first:grayish:olive:out:spring:green +8603 tusk rgb 238 243 195 hex #EEF3C3 hsv 66 20 95 xyz 0.77 0.86 0.64 lab 94 -9 23 lch 94 25 113 cmyk 2 0 19 5 cumulus[2623][245,244,193](2.4):fall_green[3550][236,235,189](2.8):pale_spring_bud[6433][236,235,189](2.8):spring_sun[7930][241,241,198](2.8):carla[2092][245,249,203](3.2) 20 pale:bud:carla:cumulus:fall:spring:sun:green +8604 tussock rgb 191 145 75 hex #BF914B hsv 36 61 75 xyz 0.33 0.32 0.11 lab 63 10 43 lch 63 44 77 cmyk 0 18 45 25 kowhai[4889][192,147,74](1.7):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](3.7):triple_putty[8511][183,139,75](3.7):marigold[5525][184,138,61](4.6):classius[2359][179,141,66](4.9) 5 aztec:classius:gold:kowhai:marigold:putty:triple +8605 tussock rgb 197 153 75 hex #C5994B hsv 38 62 77 xyz 0.36 0.35 0.12 lab 66 8 46 lch 66 47 80 cmyk 0 17 48 23 bittersweet[1443][194,154,77](2.2):kowhai[4889][192,147,74](3.0):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](4.0):camel[2019][198,159,89](4.9):marigold[5525][184,138,61](5.2) 4 aztec:bittersweet:camel:gold:kowhai:marigold +8606 tutti_frutti rgb 159 211 133 hex #9FD385 hsv 100 37 83 xyz 0.42 0.56 0.31 lab 79 -31 33 lch 79 45 133 cmyk 20 0 31 17 gossip[3954][159,211,133](0.0):feijoa[3570][165,215,133](2.8):PMS359[433][160,219,142](3.7):feijoa[3569][159,221,140](5.1):PMS358[432][170,221,150](5.4) 3 PMS358:PMS359:feijoa:gossip +8607 tutu rgb 248 228 227 hex #F8E4E3 hsv 3 8 97 xyz 0.8 0.81 0.84 lab 92 7 3 lch 92 7 24 cmyk 0 8 8 3 bizarre[1449][238,222,218](3.0):misty_rose[5791][255,228,225](3.0):mistyrose[5795][255,228,225](3.0):remy[7179][246,222,218](3.0):soft_peach[7830][238,223,222](3.0) 32 misty:bizarre:mistyrose:remy:soft:peach:rose +8608 tutu rgb 255 241 249 hex #FFF1F9 hsv 326 5 100 xyz 0.9 0.91 1.02 lab 96 6 -2 lch 96 6 340 cmyk 0 5 2 0 lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](1.0):remy[7180][254,235,243](2.2):amour[1046][249,234,243](2.4):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](2.4):wisp_pink[9152][254,244,248](2.4) 16 amour:blush:magentaish:remy:wisp:lavender:pink:white +8609 tweet rgb 212 188 0 hex #D4BC00 hsv 53 100 83 xyz 0.45 0.5 0.07 lab 76 -7 78 lch 76 78 95 cmyk 0 9 83 17 mustard_yellow[5957][210,189,10](1.4):PMS606[785][211,191,17](2.4):sunflower[8129][218,192,26](3.0):ugly_yellow[8634][208,193,1](4.1):mustard[5953][206,179,1](4.7) 5 PMS606:mustard:sunflower:ugly:yellow +8610 twentyfourseven rgb 250 212 67 hex #FAD443 hsv 48 73 98 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.15 lab 86 -1 72 lch 86 72 91 cmyk 0 15 72 2 wild_thing[9111][250,212,67](0.0):PMS129[37][242,209,61](3.0):bright_sun[1751][254,211,60](3.6):gargoyle_gas[3831][255,223,70](5.2):teddy[8296][239,199,65](5.4) 3 PMS129:bright:gargoyle:gas:sun:teddy:thing:wild +8611 twilight rgb 78 81 139 hex #4E518B hsv 237 44 55 xyz 0.11 0.09 0.26 lab 37 15 -33 lch 37 36 294 cmyk 24 23 0 45 abracadabra[949][86,73,133](5.5):victoria[8834][86,73,133](5.5):superhero[8154][55,78,136](6.2):tory_blue[8433][55,78,136](6.2):chambray[2201][53,78,140](6.4) 0 abracadabra:chambray:superhero:tory:victoria:blue +8612 twilight rgb 218 192 205 hex #DAC0CD hsv 330 12 85 xyz 0.59 0.57 0.66 lab 80 11 -3 lch 80 12 345 cmyk 0 10 5 15 pink_flare[6677][225,192,200](3.7):maverick[5586][216,194,213](4.1):i_do[4594][204,188,198](4.5):PMS256[222][229,196,214](4.9):PMS524[652][226,204,211](4.9) 8 PMS256:PMS524:do:flare:i:maverick:pink +8613 twilight rgb 228 207 222 hex #E4CFDE hsv 317 9 89 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.78 lab 85 10 -5 lch 85 11 334 cmyk 0 8 2 11 PMS263[251][224,206,224](2.2):lola[5333][223,207,219](2.2):queen_pink[7022][232,204,215](3.6):snuff[7817][228,215,229](3.6):blue_chalk[1550][227,214,233](4.1) 12 PMS263:chalk:lola:queen:snuff:blue:pink +8614 twilight_blue rgb 10 67 122 hex #0A437A hsv 209 92 48 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.19 lab 28 5 -36 lch 28 36 278 cmyk 44 22 0 52 dark_cerulean[2702][8,69,126](1.4):PMS541[679][0,63,119](2.4):prussian_blue[6827][0,69,119](3.6):wet_n_wild[9058][37,67,117](4.6):PMS295[321][0,56,107](5.4) 4 dark:PMS295:PMS541:cerulean:n:prussian:wet:wild:blue +8615 twilight_blue rgb 238 253 255 hex #EEFDFF hsv 187 7 100 xyz 0.88 0.96 1.08 lab 98 -5 -3 lch 98 5 210 cmyk 7 1 0 0 azure[1233][240,255,255](1.4):azure_mist[1234][240,255,255](1.4):azure_mist/web[1235][240,255,255](1.4):bubbles[1883][231,254,255](2.0):dew[3116][234,255,254](2.2) 27 bubbles:dew:mist:mist/web:azure +8616 twilight_blue rgb 244 246 236 hex #F4F6EC hsv 72 4 96 xyz 0.85 0.91 0.92 lab 96 -2 5 lch 96 5 118 cmyk 1 0 4 4 half_bianca[4292][246,243,233](1.0):half_orchid_white[4363][247,244,234](1.0):alabaster[983][242,240,230](1.4):filmpro_white[3624][249,246,237](1.4):glistening_white[3874][244,244,236](1.4) 104 alabaster:bianca:filmpro:glistening:half:orchid:white +8617 twilight_lavender rgb 138 73 107 hex #8A496B hsv 329 47 54 xyz 0.16 0.11 0.15 lab 40 32 -7 lch 40 33 347 cmyk 0 25 12 46 cannon_pink[2049][137,67,103](2.8):medium_pink[5624][139,68,98](3.7):sugar_plum[8113][145,78,117](3.7):impulse[4620][137,73,97](5.5):deep_ruby[3045][132,63,91](5.7) 3 deep:medium:cannon:impulse:plum:ruby:sugar:pink +8618 twine rgb 193 145 86 hex #C19156 hsv 33 55 76 xyz 0.34 0.32 0.13 lab 64 11 38 lch 64 40 73 cmyk 0 19 42 24 cappuccino[2064][193,145,86](0.0):triple_putty[8511][183,139,75](4.1):tussock[8604][191,145,75](5.2):aztec_gold[1224][195,153,83](5.4):brown_yellow[1861][204,153,102](5.4) 2 aztec:cappuccino:gold:putty:triple:tussock:brown:yellow +8619 twine rgb 194 149 93 hex #C2955D hsv 33 52 76 xyz 0.35 0.34 0.15 lab 65 10 36 lch 65 37 74 cmyk 0 18 40 24 cappuccino[2064][193,145,86](2.4):toast_lmu_60[8390][187,149,97](3.7):brown_yellow[1861][204,153,102](4.1):barley_corn[1300][182,147,92](4.9):papier_mache[6476][183,148,93](4.9) 5 60:barley:cappuccino:corn:lmu:mache:papier:toast:brown:yellow +8620 twister rgb 147 130 85 hex #938255 hsv 44 42 58 xyz 0.22 0.23 0.12 lab 55 0 27 lch 55 27 90 cmyk 0 7 24 42 fortune[3730][146,128,83](1.0):dark_tan[2899][145,129,81](1.7):colins_wicket[2434][149,130,93](4.5):boardwalk[1631][159,131,83](5.1):light_goldenrod[5105][139,129,76](5.1) 3 light:dark:boardwalk:colins:fortune:goldenrod:tan:wicket +8621 twizel rgb 142 80 55 hex #8E5037 hsv 17 61 56 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.05 lab 41 23 26 lch 41 35 48 cmyk 0 24 34 44 terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](0.0):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](1.0):coconut[2411][150,90,62](3.3):waiwherowhero[8986][134,73,44](3.6):salmon[7425][139,76,57](3.7) 11 burnished:coconut:hit:salmon:terracotta:waiwherowhero:orange +8622 tyrian_purple rgb 102 2 60 hex #66023C hsv 325 98 40 xyz 0.06 0.03 0.05 lab 21 44 -6 lch 21 44 352 cmyk 0 39 16 60 imperial_purple[4616][102,2,60](0.0):mulberry[5936][92,5,54](4.6):mulberry_wood[5940][92,5,54](4.6):deep_cerise[2970][89,0,56](4.7):nightclub[6055][102,0,69](6.1) 4 deep:cerise:imperial:mulberry:nightclub:wood:purple +8623 ua_blue rgb 0 51 170 hex #0033AA hsv 222 100 67 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.39 lab 27 36 -67 lch 27 75 298 cmyk 67 47 0 33 international_klein_blue[4660][0,47,167](1.4):egyptian_blue[3383][16,52,166](3.7):torea_bay[8428][15,45,158](4.6):sapphire[7494][33,56,171](4.7):PMS286[307][0,56,168](5.4) 4 PMS286:bay:egyptian:international:klein:sapphire:torea:blue +8624 ua_red rgb 217 0 76 hex #D9004C hsv 339 100 85 xyz 0.3 0.15 0.08 lab 46 73 22 lch 46 76 17 cmyk 0 85 55 15 PMS206[164][211,5,71](3.0):spanish_carmine[7870][209,0,71](3.0):lipstick[5300][213,23,78](3.2):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](4.1):ruby[7362][202,1,71](5.1) 4 PMS206:carmine:debian:lipstick:ruby:spanish:red +8625 ube rgb 136 120 195 hex #8878C3 hsv 253 38 76 xyz 0.27 0.23 0.55 lab 55 23 -37 lch 55 44 302 cmyk 23 29 0 24 bubblegum[1879][131,120,199](3.2):moody_blue[5881][131,120,199](3.2):PMS272[274][137,119,186](4.2):PMS2715[270][147,122,204](4.9):long_shot[5341][135,118,182](6.6) 4 PMS2715:PMS272:bubblegum:long:moody:shot:blue +8626 ucla_blue rgb 83 104 149 hex #536895 hsv 221 44 58 xyz 0.14 0.14 0.3 lab 44 5 -27 lch 44 27 280 cmyk 26 18 0 42 breakwater[1703][83,104,147](1.4):blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](1.7):jasper[4746][78,101,144](1.7):waikawa_grey[8982][90,110,156](3.0):azure[1229][78,105,154](3.2) 7 breakwater:jasper:jeans:waikawa:azure:blue:grey +8627 ucla_gold rgb 255 179 0 hex #FFB300 hsv 42 100 100 xyz 0.57 0.54 0.07 lab 78 17 81 lch 78 83 78 cmyk 0 30 100 0 saffron[7408][254,178,9](1.0):amber[1033][254,179,8](1.4):yellow_orange[9216][252,176,1](1.4):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](2.4):orange_yellow[6224][255,173,1](3.3) 14 light:amber:cadmium:saffron:orange:yellow +8628 ufo_green rgb 60 208 112 hex #3CD070 hsv 141 71 82 xyz 0.27 0.47 0.23 lab 74 -59 37 lch 74 70 148 cmyk 58 0 38 18 spring_green[7919][0,205,102](6.4):seaweed[7592][24,209,123](6.7):algae_green[995][33,195,111](7.3):brilliant_sea_green[1804][81,231,137](8.6):PMS354[428][0,183,96](8.9) 0 brilliant:PMS354:algae:sea:seaweed:spring:green +8629 ugly_blue rgb 49 102 138 hex #31668A hsv 204 64 54 xyz 0.11 0.12 0.26 lab 41 -6 -25 lch 41 26 257 cmyk 35 14 0 46 optimist[6193][43,104,141](1.7):steel_blue[7963][54,100,139](3.2):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](4.1):steel_blue[7962][35,107,142](4.2):matisse[5575][54,92,125](4.7) 5 matisse:optimist:steel:wavelength:blue +8630 ugly_brown rgb 125 113 3 hex #7D7103 hsv 54 98 49 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.02 lab 47 -6 53 lch 47 53 97 cmyk 0 5 48 51 PMS105[5][130,117,15](2.8):PMS620[799][132,119,17](3.2):bronze_yellow[1827][115,112,0](4.2):PMS119[20][137,119,25](5.2):gold[3890][139,117,0](5.8) 3 PMS105:PMS119:PMS620:bronze:gold:yellow +8631 ugly_green rgb 122 151 3 hex #7A9703 hsv 72 98 59 xyz 0.19 0.26 0.04 lab 58 -27 61 lch 58 67 114 cmyk 11 0 58 41 PMS377[453][112,147,2](4.1):dark_yellow_green[2921][114,143,2](4.2):vomit_green[8972][137,162,3](6.5):baby_shit_green[1252][136,151,23](6.8):avocado_green[1212][135,169,34](7.7) 2 dark:PMS377:avocado:baby:shit:vomit:green:yellow +8632 ugly_pink rgb 205 117 132 hex #CD7584 hsv 350 43 80 xyz 0.36 0.27 0.25 lab 59 36 7 lch 59 37 11 cmyk 0 35 29 20 dusky_pink[3297][204,122,139](3.0):old_pink[6144][199,121,134](4.1):charm[2232][208,116,139](4.4):PMS193[149][219,130,140](5.5):dusky_rose[3299][186,104,115](5.5) 3 PMS193:charm:dusky:old:pink:rose +8633 ugly_purple rgb 164 66 160 hex #A442A0 hsv 302 60 64 xyz 0.24 0.14 0.35 lab 45 53 -32 lch 45 62 329 cmyk 0 38 2 36 medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](3.0):moderate_magenta[5831][168,74,168](3.0):moderate_heliotrope[5828][156,74,168](6.4):moderate_orchid[5837][168,74,156](6.5):PMS2583[232][158,79,165](7.1) 2 medium:moderate:PMS2583:heliotrope:magenta:orchid:purple +8634 ugly_yellow rgb 208 193 1 hex #D0C101 hsv 56 100 82 xyz 0.45 0.52 0.08 lab 77 -11 78 lch 77 79 98 cmyk 0 6 81 18 bird_flower[1418][208,193,23](3.0):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](3.2):mustard_yellow[5957][210,189,10](3.3):PMS606[785][211,191,17](3.6):barberry[1290][210,198,31](3.7) 8 PMS606:barberry:bird:dirty:flower:mustard:yellow +8635 uhi rgb 37 37 37 hex #252525 hsv 0 0 15 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 15 0 0 lch 15 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 85 grey[4113][38,38,38](0.0):nero[6027][37,37,37](0.0):style_pasifika_black_light[8068][37,37,37](0.0):black[1452][35,35,35](1.0):filmpro_black[3603][40,40,40](1.0) 45 light:filmpro:nero:pasifika:style:black:grey +8636 ultra_pink rgb 255 111 255 hex #FF6FFF hsv 300 56 100 xyz 0.65 0.4 0.99 lab 69 73 -46 lch 69 86 327 cmyk 0 56 0 0 blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](0.0):shocking_pink[7677][255,111,255](0.0):pink_flamingo[6674][252,116,253](4.2):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](4.4):fuchsia_pink[3796][255,119,255](4.9) 5 blush:flamingo:fuchsia:shocking:pink +8637 ultra_red rgb 252 108 133 hex #FC6C85 hsv 350 57 99 xyz 0.5 0.33 0.26 lab 64 57 14 lch 64 59 14 cmyk 0 56 47 1 wild_watermelon[9112][252,108,133](0.0):PMS190[143][252,117,142](4.1):brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](4.6):glamour_puss[3872][248,116,139](4.6):PMS709[888][242,104,119](6.2) 4 PMS190:PMS709:brink:glamour:puss:watermelon:wild:pink +8638 ultramarine rgb 18 10 143 hex #120A8F hsv 244 93 56 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.26 lab 17 48 -67 lch 17 83 306 cmyk 49 52 0 44 blue[1527][0,0,139](3.5):dark_blue[2684][0,0,139](3.5):navy[5993][0,0,128](4.5):navy_blue[5996][0,0,128](4.5):PMS2738[282][45,0,142](4.6) 7 dark:PMS2738:navy:blue +8639 ultramarine rgb 32 0 177 hex #2000B1 hsv 251 100 69 xyz 0.09 0.03 0.42 lab 22 61 -80 lch 22 100 307 cmyk 57 69 0 31 strong_persian_blue[8047][21,0,168](4.1):strong_blue[8021][0,0,168](4.4):royal_blue[7346][5,4,170](4.6):strong_indigo[8038][42,0,168](4.6):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](7.0) 4 strong:cobalt:persian:royal:blue:indigo +8640 ultramarine_blue rgb 24 5 219 hex #1805DB hsv 245 98 86 xyz 0.13 0.05 0.67 lab 28 70 -95 lch 28 118 306 cmyk 76 84 0 14 pure_blue[6857][2,3,226](3.6):vivid_phthalo_blue[8936][0,29,231](4.4):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](5.1):blue[1528][0,0,205](5.2):blue_medium[1580][0,0,205](5.2) 2 medium:vivid:phthalo:pure:blue:indigo +8641 ultramarine_blue rgb 65 102 245 hex #4166F5 hsv 228 73 96 xyz 0.23 0.17 0.88 lab 49 35 -75 lch 49 83 295 cmyk 71 56 0 4 azul[1225][29,93,236](5.4):brilliant_phthalo_blue[1793][81,100,231](6.2):bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](6.3):brandeis_blue[1690][0,112,255](6.8):blue_ribbon[1585][0,102,255](7.1) 0 brilliant:azul:brandeis:bright:phthalo:ribbon:blue +8642 ultramarine_violet rgb 92 36 110 hex #5C246E hsv 285 67 43 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.15 lab 26 38 -32 lch 26 49 320 cmyk 7 29 0 57 PMS268[260][79,33,112](5.9):PMS2623[249][91,25,94](6.8):honey_flower[4529][79,28,112](6.8):PMS2627[250][76,20,94](7.0):eminence[3473][108,48,130](7.0) 0 PMS2623:PMS2627:PMS268:eminence:flower:honey +8643 uluru rgb 191 155 103 hex #BF9B67 hsv 35 46 75 xyz 0.36 0.35 0.18 lab 66 7 32 lch 66 33 78 cmyk 0 14 35 25 camel[2018][193,154,107](2.2):desert[3101][193,154,107](2.2):fallow[3551][193,154,107](2.2):lion[5296][193,154,107](2.2):wood_brown[9166][193,154,107](2.2) 12 camel:desert:fallow:lion:wood:brown +8644 umber rgb 99 81 71 hex #635147 hsv 21 28 39 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.07 lab 36 6 9 lch 36 10 56 cmyk 0 7 11 61 double_buffalo[3185][100,78,70](2.4):saddle[7397][93,78,70](3.0):catapult[2134][104,81,67](3.2):rock[7257][90,77,65](3.6):cork[2516][90,76,66](3.7) 19 buffalo:catapult:cork:double:rock:saddle +8645 umber rgb 178 100 0 hex #B26400 hsv 34 100 70 xyz 0.23 0.19 0.02 lab 50 26 58 lch 50 64 66 cmyk 0 31 70 30 ginger[3864][176,101,0](2.0):orangey_brown[6227][177,96,2](2.4):brown_orange[1852][185,105,2](2.8):mai_tai[5465][176,102,8](2.8):orangish_brown[6231][178,95,3](3.3) 8 ginger:mai:orangey:orangish:tai:brown:orange +8646 unbleached_silk rgb 255 221 202 hex #FFDDCA hsv 22 21 100 xyz 0.78 0.77 0.67 lab 90 9 14 lch 90 16 57 cmyk 0 13 21 0 tuft_bush[8554][255,221,205](2.0):pale_tangelo[6435][255,217,194](2.4):tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](3.3):watusi[9024][255,221,207](3.3):lumber[5357][255,228,205](3.7) 9 pale:bush:lumber:tangelo:tuft:watusi +8647 undercover rgb 100 137 133 hex #648985 hsv 174 27 54 xyz 0.18 0.22 0.26 lab 54 -14 -2 lch 54 14 188 cmyk 15 0 2 46 pale_turquoise[6438][102,139,139](2.4):steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](3.2):gumbo[4251][113,143,138](3.7):juniper[4797][109,146,146](4.6):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](4.7) 6 pale:PMS5483:gumbo:juniper:steel:teal:turquoise +8648 undercurrent rgb 54 92 108 hex #365C6C hsv 198 50 42 xyz 0.08 0.1 0.16 lab 37 -9 -13 lch 37 16 237 cmyk 21 6 0 58 marathon[5519][48,85,99](3.2):blumine[1623][48,92,113](4.0):PMS5405[678][63,96,117](4.7):boomtown[1655][52,102,114](5.1):chathams_blue[2247][44,89,113](5.2) 3 PMS5405:blumine:boomtown:chathams:marathon:blue +8649 unicorn rgb 159 144 208 hex #9F90D0 hsv 254 31 82 xyz 0.36 0.32 0.64 lab 63 19 -31 lch 63 36 302 cmyk 19 25 0 18 lavender[4927][159,144,208](0.0):east_side[3336][172,145,206](4.7):PMS271[269][158,145,198](5.8):light_pastel_purple[5163][177,156,217](5.9):biloba_flower[1413][174,153,210](6.4) 2 light:PMS271:biloba:east:flower:pastel:side:lavender:purple +8650 united_nations_blue rgb 91 146 229 hex #5B92E5 hsv 216 60 90 xyz 0.29 0.28 0.78 lab 60 7 -48 lch 60 48 278 cmyk 54 33 0 10 cornflower[2527][100,149,237](3.0):cornflower_blue[2535][100,149,237](3.0):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](3.5):havelock_blue[4435][85,144,217](6.5):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](7.0) 3 dark:bleu:cornflower:de:france:havelock:sky:blue +8651 university_of_california_gold rgb 183 135 39 hex #B78727 hsv 40 79 72 xyz 0.29 0.28 0.06 lab 59 10 55 lch 59 56 80 cmyk 0 19 56 28 marigold[5526][185,141,40](4.1):hokey_pokey[4518][187,142,52](4.7):zion[9266][172,121,17](4.9):dixie_chick[3148][196,143,42](5.1):mandalay[5493][173,120,27](5.9) 3 chick:dixie:hokey:mandalay:marigold:pokey:zion +8652 university_of_tennessee_orange rgb 247 127 0 hex #F77F00 hsv 31 100 97 xyz 0.46 0.35 0.04 lab 66 40 73 lch 66 83 61 cmyk 0 47 97 3 PMS151[70][247,127,0](0.0):PMS1505[69][244,124,0](1.7):pumpkin_orange[6851][251,125,7](3.2):coral[2498][255,127,0](3.3):dark_orange[2825][255,127,0](3.3) 19 dark:PMS1505:PMS151:coral:pumpkin:orange +8653 unmellow_yellow rgb 253 252 116 hex #FDFC74 hsv 60 54 99 xyz 0.78 0.92 0.3 lab 97 -17 64 lch 97 66 105 cmyk 0 0 54 1 laser_lemon[4916][253,252,116](0.0):butter_yellow[1949][255,253,116](1.0):custard[2630][255,253,120](1.4):light_yellow[5237][255,254,122](2.0):pastel_yellow[6519][255,254,113](2.0) 9 light:butter:custard:laser:pastel:lemon:yellow +8654 unmellow_yellow rgb 255 255 102 hex #FFFF66 hsv 60 60 100 xyz 0.79 0.94 0.26 lab 98 -18 71 lch 98 73 105 cmyk 0 0 60 0 laser_lemon[4918][255,255,102](0.0):light_brilliant_yellow[5073][255,255,101](1.0):canary[2035][253,255,99](1.7):icterine[4606][252,247,94](3.7):canary[2034][243,251,98](4.6) 5 light:brilliant:canary:icterine:laser:lemon:yellow +8655 unwind rgb 152 183 175 hex #98B7AF hsv 165 17 72 xyz 0.38 0.44 0.47 lab 72 -12 1 lch 72 12 177 cmyk 12 0 3 28 skeptic[7736][157,180,170](2.4):ashanti[1158][166,187,179](3.7):shadow_green[7626][154,192,182](4.2):shadow_green[7627][154,194,184](4.2):sea_nymph[7570][138,174,164](4.5) 8 ashanti:nymph:sea:shadow:skeptic:green +8656 up_forest_green rgb 1 68 33 hex #014421 hsv 149 99 27 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.02 lab 24 -29 16 lch 24 33 151 cmyk 26 0 14 73 forest_green[3720][1,68,33](0.0):kaitoke_green[4806][0,70,32](1.7):zuccini[9277][4,64,34](4.4):british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](4.5):pine_green[6659][10,72,30](4.5) 6 british:forest:kaitoke:pine:racing:zuccini:green +8657 up_maroon rgb 123 17 19 hex #7B1113 hsv 359 86 48 xyz 0.08 0.05 0.01 lab 26 44 29 lch 26 52 34 cmyk 0 42 41 52 falu_red[3552][128,24,24](2.4):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](4.1):jazz[4751][120,1,9](4.1):venetian_red[8691][114,1,15](4.5):firebrick[3641][139,26,26](4.9) 5 falu:firebrick:japanese:jazz:maple:venetian:red +8658 upsdell_red rgb 174 32 41 hex #AE2029 hsv 356 82 68 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.03 lab 38 56 32 lch 38 64 30 cmyk 0 56 52 32 PMS187[139][175,30,45](2.2):PMS1805[128][175,38,38](3.7):hot_spot[4570][178,40,51](3.7):mexican_red[5702][167,37,37](4.2):tall_poppy[8213][179,45,41](5.2) 4 PMS1805:PMS187:hot:mexican:poppy:spot:tall:red +8659 upstage rgb 51 32 51 hex #332033 hsv 300 37 20 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 15 13 -9 lch 15 16 326 cmyk 0 7 0 80 mardi_gras[5523][53,34,53](1.0):ab_fab[941][50,27,47](2.2):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](3.2):montana[5873][41,30,48](3.7):tarot[8256][56,41,61](4.6) 6 ab:bleached:cedar:fab:gras:mardi:montana:tarot +8660 urban_legend rgb 66 51 58 hex #42333A hsv 332 23 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 8 -2 lch 23 8 347 cmyk 0 6 3 74 caffeine[2002][60,49,53](2.4):horoscope[4546][67,55,58](3.0):afficionado[970][69,54,56](3.3):blackadder[1484][56,45,50](3.7):chocolate_lounge[2313][69,60,67](4.4) 14 afficionado:blackadder:caffeine:chocolate:horoscope:lounge +8661 urbane rgb 217 209 207 hex #D9D1CF hsv 12 5 85 xyz 0.63 0.65 0.68 lab 84 2 2 lch 84 3 39 cmyk 0 3 4 15 half_flotsam[4326][217,213,209](1.4):mercury[5676][213,210,209](1.4):PMS5315[667][219,211,211](1.7):concrete[2450][210,209,205](2.0):bon_jour[1638][223,215,210](2.2) 75 PMS5315:bon:concrete:flotsam:half:jour:mercury +8662 urobilin rgb 225 173 33 hex #E1AD21 hsv 44 85 88 xyz 0.46 0.46 0.08 lab 74 7 71 lch 74 71 84 cmyk 0 20 75 12 gold_tips[3908][226,178,39](2.2):PMS124[29][224,170,15](3.3):corn[2518][223,170,40](3.3):golden_grass[3920][218,165,32](4.1):goldenrod[3932][218,165,32](4.1) 9 PMS124:corn:gold:golden:goldenrod:grass:tips +8663 usafa_blue rgb 0 79 152 hex #004F98 hsv 209 100 60 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.31 lab 34 9 -46 lch 34 46 281 cmyk 60 29 0 40 PMS2945[320][0,84,160](2.2):medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](2.2):yale_blue[9188][15,77,146](3.2):bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](3.3):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](3.3) 7 medium:PMS2945:bondi:congress:electric:yale:blue +8664 usc_cardinal rgb 153 0 0 hex #990000 hsv 360 100 60 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.01 lab 31 55 45 lch 31 71 40 cmyk 0 60 60 40 crimson_red[2601][153,0,0](0.0):ou_crimson_red[6264][153,0,0](0.0):stizza[7984][153,0,0](0.0):deep_red[3041][154,2,0](1.0):blood_red[1523][152,0,2](1.4) 6 deep:blood:ou:stizza:crimson:red +8665 usc_gold rgb 255 204 0 hex #FFCC00 hsv 48 100 100 xyz 0.63 0.64 0.09 lab 84 4 85 lch 84 85 88 cmyk 0 20 100 0 tangerine_yellow[8242][255,204,0](0.0):supernova[8156][255,201,1](1.4):PMS810[930][255,204,30](3.0):golden_yellow[3928][254,198,21](4.4):sunflower[8131][255,197,18](4.4) 9 PMS810:golden:sunflower:supernova:tangerine:yellow +8666 utah_crimson rgb 211 0 63 hex #D3003F hsv 342 100 83 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.06 lab 45 71 28 lch 45 76 22 cmyk 0 83 58 17 carmine[2095][215,0,64](1.4):rich_carmine[7214][215,0,64](1.4):PMS206[164][211,5,71](4.0):PMS199[157][216,28,63](4.1):PMS1925[148][224,7,71](4.2) 7 PMS1925:PMS199:PMS206:carmine:rich +8667 valencia rgb 212 87 78 hex #D4574E hsv 4 63 83 xyz 0.32 0.21 0.1 lab 53 49 30 lch 53 57 32 cmyk 0 49 53 17 dark_coral[2708][207,82,78](2.2):pastel_red[6515][219,88,86](3.5):pale_red[6414][217,84,77](3.7):jive[4769][205,88,81](4.4):mahogany[5463][205,74,76](5.2) 4 pale:dark:coral:jive:mahogany:pastel:red +8668 valencia rgb 216 68 55 hex #D84437 hsv 5 75 85 xyz 0.31 0.19 0.06 lab 51 57 40 lch 51 70 35 cmyk 0 58 63 15 punch[6854][220,67,51](3.2):sunset[8142][220,67,51](3.2):carmine_pink[2097][235,76,66](5.0):cinnabar[2332][227,66,52](5.7):vermilion[8706][227,66,52](5.7) 3 carmine:cinnabar:punch:sunset:vermilion:pink +8669 valentino rgb 53 14 66 hex #350E42 hsv 285 79 26 xyz 0.03 0.01 0.05 lab 12 28 -24 lch 12 37 320 cmyk 5 20 0 74 dark_purple[2850][53,6,62](3.2):midnight_purple[5728][40,1,55](5.2):very_dark_purple[8724][42,1,52](5.2):russian_violet[7379][50,23,77](5.4):grape[3975][56,26,81](5.7) 1 dark:very:grape:midnight:russian:purple:violet +8670 valentino rgb 56 44 56 hex #382C38 hsv 300 21 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 20 8 -6 lch 20 10 325 cmyk 0 5 0 78 jacaranda[4704][54,45,56](1.4):zeppelin[9253][56,42,52](2.4):passion[6499][59,42,57](3.2):blackcurrant[1488][50,41,58](3.6):chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](3.7) 11 blackcurrant:chocolate:fish:jacaranda:passion:zeppelin +8671 valhalla rgb 42 43 65 hex #2A2B41 hsv 237 35 25 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.05 lab 18 6 -14 lch 18 15 292 cmyk 9 9 0 75 bullitt[1900][39,37,60](2.2):ebony_clay[3347][38,40,59](2.4):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](2.8):stratos[8001][33,38,58](2.8):blue_night[1582][31,38,59](3.6) 13 bullitt:clay:ebony:express:midnight:night:stratos:blue +8672 valhalla rgb 43 25 79 hex #2B194F hsv 260 68 31 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.08 lab 14 23 -30 lch 14 38 308 cmyk 14 21 0 69 russian_violet[7379][50,23,77](3.7):grape[3975][56,26,81](4.9):port_gore[6781][37,31,79](5.2):violet[8849][36,10,64](5.9):dark_blue_violet[2691][58,39,89](7.0) 2 dark:gore:grape:port:russian:blue:violet +8673 van_cleef rgb 73 23 12 hex #49170C hsv 11 84 29 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.01 lab 16 23 19 lch 16 30 39 cmyk 0 20 24 71 toast_lmu_25[8383][73,20,11](2.2):french_puce[3758][78,22,9](3.7):brown_pod[1854][64,24,1](5.7):bean[1329][61,12,2](5.8):black_bean[1455][61,12,2](5.8) 2 25:bean:french:lmu:pod:puce:toast:black:brown +8674 van_cleef rgb 82 57 54 hex #523936 hsv 6 34 32 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.04 lab 27 11 6 lch 27 12 31 cmyk 0 10 11 68 cocoa_bean[2407][79,56,53](1.4):PMS438[522][89,63,61](2.0):earlybird[3327][81,57,57](2.0):rock[7256][77,56,51](2.4):dark_liver[2791][84,61,55](3.0) 18 dark:PMS438:bean:cocoa:earlybird:liver:rock +8675 van_dyke_brown rgb 94 38 5 hex #5E2605 hsv 22 95 37 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.01 lab 23 24 31 lch 23 39 53 cmyk 0 22 35 63 deep_tangelo[3067][89,33,0](2.0):brown_bramble[1844][89,40,4](4.1):toast_lmu_30[8384][104,39,11](4.5):PMS168[104][109,48,17](5.1):hairy_heath[4271][107,42,20](5.8) 3 deep:30:PMS168:bramble:hairy:heath:lmu:tangelo:toast:brown +8676 vanilla rgb 204 182 155 hex #CCB69B hsv 33 24 80 xyz 0.48 0.49 0.38 lab 75 4 17 lch 75 17 78 cmyk 0 9 19 20 bisque[1431][205,183,158](1.4):sour_dough[7859][201,181,154](1.4):tabby[8200][197,178,152](1.7):double_biscotti[3181][213,186,158](2.4):rodeo_dust[7272][201,178,155](2.4) 28 biscotti:bisque:double:dough:dust:rodeo:sour:tabby +8677 vanilla rgb 209 190 168 hex #D1BEA8 hsv 32 20 82 xyz 0.52 0.53 0.45 lab 78 3 14 lch 78 14 77 cmyk 0 7 16 18 dark_vanilla[2913][209,190,168](0.0):sour_dough[7860][209,190,168](0.0):alpaca[1016][211,192,170](1.0):quarter_doeskin[6939][209,191,169](1.0):biscotti[1424][210,193,169](1.4) 42 dark:alpaca:biscotti:doeskin:dough:quarter:sour:vanilla +8678 vanilla rgb 243 229 171 hex #F3E5AB hsv 48 30 95 xyz 0.72 0.78 0.5 lab 91 -4 30 lch 91 30 97 cmyk 0 5 28 5 medium_champagne[5604][243,229,171](0.0):PMS1205[22][247,232,170](2.2):double_colonial_white[3192][238,227,173](2.2):PMS461[553][237,229,173](3.0):PMS608[787][239,232,173](3.0) 17 medium:PMS1205:PMS461:PMS608:champagne:colonial:double:white +8679 vanilla_ice rgb 235 210 209 hex #EBD2D1 hsv 2 11 92 xyz 0.69 0.68 0.7 lab 86 9 4 lch 86 9 23 cmyk 0 10 10 8 oyster_pink[6284][233,206,205](1.0):PMS677[856][237,214,214](1.7):misty_rose[5790][238,213,210](1.7):mistyrose[5794][238,213,210](1.7):PMS670[849][242,214,216](2.4) 27 misty:PMS670:PMS677:mistyrose:oyster:pink:rose +8680 vanilla_ice rgb 243 143 169 hex #F38FA9 hsv 344 41 95 xyz 0.54 0.42 0.43 lab 71 41 3 lch 71 41 4 cmyk 0 39 29 5 mauvelous[5584][240,145,169](2.0):pink_sherbet[6691][247,143,167](2.2):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](3.7):flamingo_pink[3662][252,142,172](4.1):light_crimson[5086][231,139,162](4.2) 10 light:PMS1905:flamingo:mauvelous:sherbet:crimson:pink +8681 vanilla_ice rgb 243 217 223 hex #F3D9DF hsv 346 11 95 xyz 0.75 0.74 0.8 lab 89 10 0 lch 89 10 2 cmyk 0 10 8 5 cherub[2268][245,215,220](1.4):carousel_pink[2111][248,219,224](1.7):pale_rose[6417][239,214,218](1.7):pretty_in_pink[6808][239,214,218](1.7):we_peep[9030][247,219,230](2.4) 20 pale:carousel:cherub:in:peep:pretty:we:pink:rose +8682 vanquish rgb 99 39 47 hex #63272F hsv 352 61 39 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.03 lab 25 28 8 lch 25 29 17 cmyk 0 24 20 61 renegade[7183][89,34,40](3.7):red_devil[7121][102,42,44](4.2):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](4.6):lava[4925][89,31,37](4.6):japanese_maple[4736][103,47,48](4.7) 8 dark:amaranth:devil:japanese:lava:maple:renegade:red +8683 varden rgb 253 239 211 hex #FDEFD3 hsv 40 17 99 xyz 0.83 0.87 0.74 lab 95 0 15 lch 95 15 89 cmyk 0 5 16 1 half_dutch_white[4320][251,240,214](1.0):papaya_whip[6473][255,239,213](1.0):bleach_white[1510][254,243,216](1.7):pink_lady[6681][255,241,216](1.7):champagne[2211][250,236,204](2.2) 56 bleach:champagne:dutch:half:lady:whip:papaya:pink:white +8684 varden rgb 255 246 223 hex #FFF6DF hsv 43 13 100 xyz 0.88 0.92 0.83 lab 97 -1 12 lch 97 12 94 cmyk 0 4 13 0 early_dawn[3325][251,242,219](1.0):off_yellow[6113][250,243,220](1.0):double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](1.4):egg_sour[3372][255,244,221](1.4):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.4) 73 bianca:dawn:double:early:egg:fizz:gin:off:sour:yellow +8685 vault rgb 86 87 64 hex #565740 hsv 63 26 34 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.06 lab 36 -5 13 lch 36 14 110 cmyk 0 0 9 66 dark_grayish_lime_green[2747][84,89,66](1.4):dark_grayish_olive[2751][89,89,66](1.4):lunar_green[5408][78,85,65](3.0):kelp[4829][77,80,60](3.6):lisbon_brown[5304][84,79,58](3.6) 12 dark:grayish:kelp:lisbon:lunar:olive:brown:green:lime +8686 vegas rgb 252 179 88 hex #FCB358 hsv 33 65 99 xyz 0.58 0.54 0.17 lab 78 18 56 lch 78 59 72 cmyk 0 29 64 1 texas_rose[8317][252,176,87](1.4):texas_rose[8318][255,181,85](2.2):PMS150[68][252,173,86](3.3):koromiko[4884][254,181,82](3.3):yellow_orange[9218][255,182,83](3.3) 7 PMS150:koromiko:texas:orange:rose:yellow +8687 vegas_gold rgb 197 179 88 hex #C5B358 hsv 50 55 77 xyz 0.41 0.45 0.16 lab 73 -5 48 lch 73 48 96 cmyk 0 7 43 23 sundance[8125][201,179,91](2.2):tacha[8203][210,185,96](4.2):sundance[8124][196,170,77](4.7):roti[7335][198,168,75](6.6):PMS618[797][181,170,89](6.7) 3 PMS618:roti:sundance:tacha +8688 velocity rgb 75 64 66 hex #4B4042 hsv 349 15 29 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.06 lab 28 5 1 lch 28 5 6 cmyk 0 4 4 71 double_sidewinder[3236][71,63,64](1.4):jon[4774][70,61,62](1.4):tundora[8565][74,66,68](1.7):echo[3350][72,60,58](2.8):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](3.2) 32 crater:double:echo:jon:sidewinder:tundora:brown +8689 velvet rgb 117 8 81 hex #750851 hsv 320 93 46 xyz 0.09 0.05 0.08 lab 25 49 -13 lch 25 50 345 cmyk 0 43 14 54 french_plum[3757][129,20,83](5.7):nightclub[6055][102,0,69](5.7):pompadour[6764][102,0,69](5.7):ribbon[7201][102,0,69](5.7):rich_purple[7222][114,0,88](6.1) 0 french:nightclub:plum:pompadour:ribbon:rich:purple +8690 venetian_red rgb 91 31 34 hex #5B1F22 hsv 357 66 36 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.02 lab 21 28 13 lch 21 30 24 cmyk 0 24 22 64 burnt_crimson[1926][88,33,36](2.8):lava[4925][89,31,37](3.2):rata[7076][93,31,30](3.2):red_oxide[7130][93,31,30](3.2):burgundy[1909][101,37,37](3.7) 8 burnt:burgundy:lava:oxide:rata:crimson:red +8691 venetian_red rgb 114 1 15 hex #72010F hsv 353 99 45 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.01 lab 22 44 27 lch 22 52 32 cmyk 0 44 39 55 up_maroon[8657][123,17,19](4.5):burnt_crimson[1927][101,0,11](4.7):rosewood[7321][101,0,11](4.7):lonestar[5340][109,1,1](5.2):japanese_maple[4737][120,1,9](5.7) 3 burnt:japanese:lonestar:maple:maroon:rosewood:up:crimson +8692 venetian_red rgb 200 8 21 hex #C80815 hsv 356 96 78 xyz 0.24 0.13 0.02 lab 42 66 49 lch 42 82 36 cmyk 0 75 70 22 harvard_crimson[4427][201,0,22](1.4):lava[4926][207,16,32](4.6):flame_red[3657][199,3,30](5.1):monza[5879][199,3,30](5.1):pursuit[6907][217,37,29](5.1) 2 flame:harvard:lava:monza:pursuit:crimson:red +8693 venetian_red rgb 212 26 31 hex #D41A1F hsv 358 88 83 xyz 0.28 0.15 0.03 lab 45 67 48 lch 45 82 35 cmyk 0 73 71 17 harvard_crimson[4427][201,0,22](3.0):pursuit[6907][217,37,29](3.0):lava[4926][207,16,32](3.2):PMS1795[125][214,40,40](4.1):brown_madder[1849][219,41,41](4.4) 8 PMS1795:harvard:lava:madder:pursuit:brown:crimson +8694 venice_blue rgb 5 89 137 hex #055989 hsv 202 96 54 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.25 lab 36 -3 -33 lch 36 33 264 cmyk 52 19 0 46 deep_sea_blue[3053][1,84,130](2.2):yarra[9190][32,96,142](3.6):endeavour[3483][41,89,139](4.1):splish_splash[7908][41,89,139](4.1):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](4.4) 6 deep:light:endeavour:navy:sea:splash:splish:yarra:blue +8695 venice_blue rgb 44 87 120 hex #2C5778 hsv 206 63 47 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.19 lab 35 -4 -23 lch 35 24 260 cmyk 30 13 0 53 spray_drift[7914][45,88,119](1.7):bahama_blue[1256][37,89,127](3.2):matisse[5575][54,92,125](3.2):blumine[1622][24,88,122](3.6):chathams_blue[2246][23,85,121](3.7) 8 bahama:blumine:chathams:drift:matisse:spray:blue +8696 ventura rgb 144 124 56 hex #907C38 hsv 46 61 56 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.07 lab 53 -1 39 lch 53 39 91 cmyk 0 8 35 44 PMS4495[535][135,117,48](3.3):jewelled_yellow[4766][154,136,62](4.9):metallic_sunburst[5693][156,124,56](5.5):spanish_bistre[7868][128,117,50](5.7):old_moss_green[6143][134,126,54](6.1) 2 PMS4495:bistre:jewelled:metallic:moss:old:spanish:sunburst:green:yellow +8697 venus rgb 139 125 130 hex #8B7D82 hsv 339 10 55 xyz 0.22 0.22 0.24 lab 54 6 -1 lch 54 6 353 cmyk 0 5 4 45 lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](2.8):lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](2.8):rocket_metallic[7267][138,127,128](2.8):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](3.0):suva_grey[8168][136,131,135](3.2) 14 blush:lavenderblush:metallic:monsoon:rocket:suva:grey:lavender +8698 venus rgb 146 133 144 hex #928590 hsv 309 9 57 xyz 0.25 0.25 0.3 lab 57 7 -4 lch 57 8 329 cmyk 0 5 1 43 mamba[5489][142,129,144](2.4):monsoon[5872][138,131,137](3.7):thistle[8323][139,123,139](4.1):lavender_blush[4935][139,131,134](4.4):lavenderblush[4948][139,131,134](4.4) 7 blush:lavenderblush:mamba:monsoon:thistle:lavender +8699 verdigris rgb 67 179 174 hex #43B3AE hsv 177 63 70 xyz 0.26 0.36 0.46 lab 67 -32 -7 lch 67 33 192 cmyk 44 0 2 30 moderate_cyan[5821][74,168,168](5.9):tradewind[8449][95,179,172](5.9):light_sea_green[5196][32,178,170](6.2):sea_green_light[7565][32,178,170](6.2):moderate_opal[5835][74,168,156](6.5) 0 moderate:light:cyan:opal:sea:tradewind:green +8700 verdigris rgb 93 94 55 hex #5D5E37 hsv 62 41 37 xyz 0.09 0.11 0.05 lab 39 -7 22 lch 39 23 108 cmyk 0 0 15 63 hemlock[4468][94,93,59](2.2):costa_del_sol[2551][97,93,48](4.5):planter[6734][97,93,48](4.5):woodland[9170][98,103,70](5.1):PMS5753[748][94,102,58](5.4) 3 PMS5753:costa:del:hemlock:planter:sol:woodland +8701 verdigris rgb 98 96 62 hex #62603E hsv 57 37 38 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.06 lab 40 -5 20 lch 40 20 104 cmyk 0 1 14 62 hemlock[4468][94,93,59](1.4):woodland[9170][98,103,70](4.1):hemlock[4469][105,104,75](4.2):finch[3626][98,102,73](4.9):hibernate[4476][90,85,57](5.4) 4 finch:hemlock:hibernate:woodland +8702 verdun_green rgb 72 83 26 hex #48531A hsv 72 69 33 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.02 lab 33 -14 31 lch 33 34 114 cmyk 4 0 22 67 army_green[1143][75,83,32](3.7):dark_lime_green[2788][77,89,39](5.1):dark_moss_green[2803][74,93,35](5.1):dark_apple_green[2677][83,89,39](5.2):PMS574[744][73,89,40](5.5) 1 dark:PMS574:apple:army:moss:green:lime +8703 verdun_green rgb 73 84 0 hex #495400 hsv 68 100 33 xyz 0.06 0.08 0.01 lab 33 -15 41 lch 33 44 110 cmyk 4 0 33 67 deep_apple_green[2951][78,89,0](3.6):saratoga[7498][85,91,16](4.9):dark_olive_green[2812][60,77,3](5.4):deep_lime_green[3010][67,89,0](6.4):deep_olive[3022][89,89,0](6.6) 2 deep:dark:apple:olive:saratoga:green:lime +8704 vermilion rgb 146 42 49 hex #922A31 hsv 356 71 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.04 lab 34 44 21 lch 34 49 26 cmyk 0 41 38 43 bright_red[1744][146,42,49](0.0):chaos[2215][146,42,49](0.0):red_hot[7124][149,43,50](1.0):flash_point[3663][147,44,49](1.4):guardsman_red[4240][149,46,49](2.4) 10 bright:chaos:flash:guardsman:hot:point:red +8705 vermilion rgb 217 56 30 hex #D9381E hsv 8 86 85 xyz 0.3 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211 182 131 hex #D3B683 hsv 38 38 83 xyz 0.48 0.49 0.28 lab 75 3 30 lch 75 30 84 cmyk 0 11 31 17 fawn[3564][207,175,123](2.4):smooth_operator[7801][210,184,138](3.2):double_haystack[3206][214,184,138](3.3):half_putty[4372][216,191,139](3.6):toupe[8443][199,172,125](3.6) 9 double:fawn:half:haystack:operator:putty:smooth:toupe +8752 very_light_cerise rgb 255 158 219 hex #FF9EDB hsv 322 38 100 xyz 0.66 0.51 0.73 lab 77 44 -16 lch 77 47 340 cmyk 0 38 14 0 lavender_rose[4947][251,160,227](4.1):very_light_fuchsia[8760][255,158,231](6.3):pale_magenta_pink[6388][255,153,204](6.4):very_light_rose[8784][255,158,207](6.4):PMS223[181][249,147,196](8.1) 1 pale:light:very:PMS223:fuchsia:magenta:lavender:pink:rose +8753 very_light_cerulean rgb 158 231 255 hex #9EE7FF hsv 195 38 100 xyz 0.61 0.72 1.05 lab 88 -17 -19 lch 88 25 228 cmyk 38 9 0 0 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207 hex #FF9ECF hsv 330 38 100 xyz 0.65 0.5 0.65 lab 76 42 -10 lch 76 44 347 cmyk 0 38 19 0 PMS230[188][255,160,204](2.4):pale_magenta_pink[6388][255,153,204](3.2):PMS223[181][249,147,196](3.7):pastel_magenta[6507][244,154,194](5.4):very_light_cerise[8752][255,158,219](6.4) 3 pale:light:very:PMS223:PMS230:cerise:magenta:pastel:pink +8785 very_light_sap_green rgb 170 255 158 hex #AAFF9E hsv 113 38 100 xyz 0.59 0.83 0.45 lab 93 -44 38 lch 93 58 139 cmyk 33 0 38 0 pastel_green[6505][176,255,157](2.2):very_light_green[8763][158,255,158](3.2):pale_light_green[6380][177,252,153](3.7):very_light_harlequin[8766][182,255,158](4.1):green_pale[4054][152,251,152](4.6) 6 pale:light:very:harlequin:pastel:green +8786 very_light_sapphire_blue rgb 158 182 255 hex #9EB6FF hsv 225 38 100 xyz 0.49 0.48 1.01 lab 75 9 -39 lch 75 40 283 cmyk 38 29 0 0 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light:very:malachite:sea:seafoam:spring:green +8789 very_light_spring_bud rgb 219 255 158 hex #DBFF9E hsv 82 38 100 xyz 0.71 0.89 0.46 lab 96 -27 43 lch 96 50 122 cmyk 14 0 38 0 very_light_lime_green[8769][231,255,158](4.1):very_light_chartreuse_green[8754][207,255,158](4.6):jonquil[4776][238,255,154](6.8):reef[7164][201,255,162](7.3):PMS373[448][206,234,130](8.3) 2 light:very:PMS373:chartreuse:jonquil:reef:green:lime +8790 very_light_spring_green rgb 158 255 207 hex #9EFFCF hsv 150 38 100 xyz 0.61 0.83 0.72 lab 93 -39 14 lch 93 41 160 cmyk 38 0 19 0 very_light_sea_green[8788][158,255,194](6.3):pale_turquoise[6440][165,251,213](6.5):very_light_aquamarine[8743][158,255,219](6.7):light_aqua[5002][140,255,219](7.3):light_turquoise[5224][126,244,204](7.5) 0 pale:light:very:aqua:sea:aquamarine:green:turquoise +8791 very_light_tangelo rgb 255 176 119 hex #FFB077 hsv 25 53 100 xyz 0.6 0.54 0.25 lab 78 23 41 lch 78 47 61 cmyk 0 31 53 0 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0.4 lab 80 24 23 lch 80 33 44 cmyk 0 29 38 0 pale_salmon[6421][255,177,154](2.2):goddess[3889][251,171,143](4.7):rose_bud[7300][254,171,154](4.9):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](5.2):rose_bud[7299][251,178,163](5.2) 3 pale:bud:goddess:mandys:salmon:pink:rose +8795 very_light_violet rgb 207 158 255 hex #CF9EFF hsv 270 38 100 xyz 0.56 0.45 1 lab 73 36 -41 lch 73 55 311 cmyk 19 38 0 0 pastel_purple[6514][202,160,255](2.0):baby_purple[1250][202,155,247](3.0):lilac[5256][206,162,253](3.7):pale_violet[6446][204,153,255](4.1):very_light_purple[8781][219,158,255](4.2) 6 pale:light:very:baby:lilac:pastel:purple:violet +8796 very_light_yellow rgb 255 255 158 hex #FFFF9E hsv 60 38 100 xyz 0.83 0.95 0.46 lab 98 -14 46 lch 98 48 106 cmyk 0 0 38 0 texas[8316][248,249,156](2.2):creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](2.4):witch_haze[9161][255,252,153](2.4):canary[2037][255,255,153](3.0):pale_canary[6318][255,255,153](3.0) 10 pale:banane:canary:creme:de:haze:texas:witch +8797 very_pale_amber rgb 255 248 226 hex #FFF8E2 hsv 46 11 100 xyz 0.89 0.94 0.85 lab 98 -1 11 lch 98 11 96 cmyk 0 3 11 0 early_dawn[3326][255,249,230](1.0):off_yellow[6114][254,249,227](1.0):solitaire[7843][254,248,226](1.0):double_bianca[3180][255,245,225](1.4):gin_fizz[3863][255,249,226](1.4) 59 bianca:dawn:double:early:fizz:gin:off:solitaire:yellow +8798 very_pale_azure rgb 226 240 255 hex #E2F0FF hsv 211 11 100 xyz 0.81 0.86 1.07 lab 94 -2 -9 lch 94 9 259 cmyk 11 6 0 0 azureish_white[1237][219,233,244](3.0):solitude[7845][234,246,255](3.6):link_water[5295][217,228,245](4.6):pattens_blue[6526][222,245,255](4.6):zumthor[9281][237,246,255](4.6) 8 azureish:link:pattens:solitude:water:zumthor:blue:white +8799 very_pale_blue rgb 214 255 254 hex #D6FFFE hsv 179 16 100 xyz 0.81 0.93 1.07 lab 97 -13 -4 lch 97 14 196 cmyk 16 0 0 0 ice_blue[4597][215,255,254](0.0):very_light_blue[8749][213,255,255](0.0):really_light_blue[7095][212,255,255](1.4):foam[3708][216,252,250](1.7):ice[4596][214,255,250](2.2) 17 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rice_flower[7205][238,255,226](1.0):very_pale_harlequin[8808][233,255,226](2.2):very_pale_lime_green[8810][248,255,226](3.3):nyanza[6086][233,255,219](4.2):spring_sun[7931][246,255,220](4.2) 9 pale:very:flower:harlequin:nyanza:rice:spring:sun:green:lime +8803 very_pale_crimson rgb 255 226 233 hex #FFE2E9 hsv 346 11 100 xyz 0.83 0.82 0.88 lab 92 11 0 lch 92 11 1 cmyk 0 11 9 0 piggy_pink[6650][253,221,230](1.4):carousel_pink[2111][248,219,224](2.2):we_peep[9030][247,219,230](2.8):carousel_pink[2112][249,224,237](3.2):cherub[2268][245,215,220](3.2) 15 carousel:cherub:peep:piggy:we:pink +8804 very_pale_cyan rgb 226 255 255 hex #E2FFFF hsv 180 11 100 xyz 0.85 0.95 1.08 lab 98 -9 -3 lch 98 10 199 cmyk 11 0 0 0 baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](1.0):cyan_white[2644][224,255,255](1.0):light_cyan[5093][224,255,255](1.0):tranquil[8456][230,255,255](1.0):bubbles[1883][231,254,255](2.0) 24 light:baby:bubbles:cyan:tranquil:blue:white +8805 very_pale_fuchsia rgb 255 226 248 hex #FFE2F8 hsv 314 11 100 xyz 0.85 0.82 1 lab 93 14 -7 lch 93 15 333 cmyk 0 11 3 0 pink_lace[6679][255,221,244](2.8):very_pale_magenta[8811][255,226,255](3.2):pale_rose[6420][255,225,242](3.3):thistle[8329][255,225,255](4.1):very_pale_mulberry[8813][248,226,255](4.2) 7 pale:very:lace:magenta:mulberry:thistle:pink:rose +8806 very_pale_green rgb 207 253 188 hex #CFFDBC hsv 102 26 99 xyz 0.7 0.87 0.61 lab 95 -26 26 lch 95 37 135 cmyk 18 0 25 1 very_light_green[8764][209,255,189](1.0):pale_harlequin[6350][209,255,194](2.2):pale_sap_green[6422][201,255,194](2.8):pale_pistachio[6407][217,255,194](3.3):pale_green[6347][194,255,194](5.0) 5 pale:light:very:harlequin:pistachio:sap:green +8807 very_pale_green rgb 226 255 226 hex #E2FFE2 hsv 120 11 100 xyz 0.81 0.93 0.86 lab 97 -15 11 lch 97 18 144 cmyk 11 0 11 0 very_pale_harlequin[8808][233,255,226](3.2):rice_flower[7205][238,255,226](4.2):blue_romance[1586][210,246,222](4.4):hint_of_green[4497][230,255,233](4.4):very_pale_malachite_green[8812][226,255,233](4.5) 6 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pale:very:apple:granny:harlequin:hint:of:romance:spring:blue:green +8813 very_pale_mulberry rgb 248 226 255 hex #F8E2FF hsv 286 11 100 xyz 0.84 0.82 1.06 lab 92 13 -11 lch 92 17 318 cmyk 3 11 0 0 thistle[8329][255,225,255](2.2):very_pale_magenta[8811][255,226,255](2.4):very_pale_violet[8822][240,226,255](3.2):very_pale_fuchsia[8805][255,226,248](4.2):pink_lace[6679][255,221,244](5.1) 4 pale:very:fuchsia:lace:magenta:thistle:pink:violet +8814 very_pale_orange rgb 255 223 191 hex #FFDFBF hsv 30 25 100 xyz 0.77 0.78 0.6 lab 91 6 20 lch 91 21 72 cmyk 0 13 25 0 pale_orange[6396][255,224,194](1.0):negroni[6006][255,226,197](2.2):bisque[1434][255,228,196](2.4):apricot[1091][253,217,181](3.0):karry[4820][254,220,193](3.0) 19 pale:apricot:bisque:karry:negroni:orange +8815 very_pale_orange rgb 255 240 226 hex #FFF0E2 hsv 29 11 100 xyz 0.86 0.89 0.85 lab 96 3 9 lch 96 9 72 cmyk 0 6 11 0 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226 11 100 xyz 0.79 0.82 1.06 lab 92 2 -11 lch 92 12 279 cmyk 11 9 0 0 glitter[3876][230,232,250](2.2):lavender[4931][230,230,250](2.2):lavender_mist[4943][230,230,250](2.2):silver[7707][230,232,250](2.2):link_water[5295][217,228,245](3.0) 9 glitter:link:mist:silver:water:lavender +8819 very_pale_spring_green rgb 226 255 240 hex #E2FFF0 hsv 149 11 100 xyz 0.83 0.94 0.96 lab 98 -12 4 lch 98 13 162 cmyk 11 0 6 0 very_pale_malachite_green[8812][226,255,233](3.3):white_ice[9083][221,249,241](3.7):hint_of_green[4497][230,255,233](4.0):very_pale_turquoise[8820][226,255,248](4.1):honeydew[4534][240,255,240](4.2) 8 pale:very:hint:honeydew:ice:malachite:of:green:turquoise:white +8820 very_pale_turquoise rgb 226 255 248 hex #E2FFF8 hsv 166 11 100 xyz 0.84 0.94 1.03 lab 98 -11 0 lch 98 11 179 cmyk 11 0 3 0 white_ice[9083][221,249,241](2.2):frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](2.4):baby_blue[1240][224,255,255](3.2):cyan_white[2644][224,255,255](3.2):light_cyan[5093][224,255,255](3.2) 19 light:baby:cyan:frosted:ice:blue:mint:white +8821 very_pale_vermilion rgb 255 233 226 hex #FFE9E2 hsv 14 11 100 xyz 0.84 0.85 0.84 lab 94 6 6 lch 94 9 44 cmyk 0 9 11 0 bridesmaid[1714][250,230,223](1.0):chablis[2193][253,233,224](1.4):wisp_pink[9151][249,232,226](1.7):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](2.4):pot_pourri[6794][245,231,226](3.0) 27 bridesmaid:chablis:pot:pourri:provincial:wisp:pink +8822 very_pale_violet rgb 240 226 255 hex #F0E2FF hsv 269 11 100 xyz 0.81 0.8 1.06 lab 92 10 -12 lch 92 16 309 cmyk 6 11 0 0 very_pale_indigo[8809][233,226,255](2.4):very_pale_mulberry[8813][248,226,255](3.2):blue_chalk[1551][241,233,255](4.1):thistle[8329][255,225,255](5.2):very_pale_blue[8800][226,226,255](5.5) 3 pale:very:chalk:mulberry:thistle:blue:indigo +8823 very_pale_yellow rgb 255 255 191 hex #FFFFBF hsv 60 25 100 xyz 0.86 0.97 0.63 lab 99 -10 31 lch 99 32 108 cmyk 0 0 25 0 old_medium_goldenrod[6142][255,255,187](2.0):cream[2584][255,255,194](2.2):pale_yellow[6455][255,255,194](2.2):pale_prim[6410][253,254,184](2.4):shalimar[7636][251,255,186](3.0) 10 pale:medium:cream:goldenrod:old:prim:shalimar:yellow +8824 very_pale_yellow rgb 255 255 226 hex #FFFFE2 hsv 60 11 100 xyz 0.91 0.98 0.86 lab 99 -5 14 lch 99 15 109 cmyk 0 0 11 0 half_and[4280][255,254,225](1.0):light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](1.0):yellow_light[9211][255,255,224](1.0):off_white[6111][255,255,228](1.4):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](1.7) 33 light:and:half:mist:off:scotch:white:yellow +8825 very_reddish_brown rgb 29 17 17 hex #1D1111 hsv 0 41 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 6 6 2 lch 6 6 19 cmyk 0 5 5 89 licorice[4995][26,17,16](2.0):night_rider[6051][31,18,15](2.2):nero[6026][20,6,0](4.1):very_dark_rose[8725][29,17,23](4.2):gondola[3944][38,20,20](4.7) 8 dark:very:gondola:licorice:nero:night:rider:rose +8826 vesuvius rgb 168 85 51 hex #A85533 hsv 17 70 66 xyz 0.2 0.15 0.05 lab 46 31 35 lch 46 47 48 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crash_hot[2580][175,46,64](2.8):bombshell[1637][174,47,62](3.2):PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.6):PMS703[882][183,56,68](4.4):candy_floss[2044][159,38,61](4.6) 8 PMS201:PMS703:bombshell:candy:crash:floss:hot +8830 vibrant_blue rgb 3 57 248 hex #0339F8 hsv 227 99 97 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.9 lab 37 60 -96 lch 37 113 302 cmyk 96 75 0 3 luminous_vivid_sapphire_blue[5397][0,64,255](2.8):blue[1534][2,71,254](7.8):light_royal_blue[5185][58,46,254](8.3):vivid_blue[8899][21,46,255](8.6):vivid_phthalo_blue[8936][0,29,231](9.2) 1 luminous:light:vivid:phthalo:royal:sapphire:blue +8831 vibrant_green rgb 10 221 8 hex #0ADD08 hsv 119 96 87 xyz 0.26 0.52 0.09 lab 77 -77 74 lch 77 107 136 cmyk 83 0 84 13 vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](3.6):vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](4.7):vivid_green[8917][0,231,0](5.2):vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](6.0):green[4026][0,205,0](7.1) 2 vivid:emerald:harlequin:sap:green +8832 vibrant_purple rgb 173 3 222 hex #AD03DE hsv 287 99 87 xyz 0.3 0.14 0.7 lab 45 81 -68 lch 45 106 320 cmyk 19 86 0 13 vivid_mulberry[8928][184,12,227](3.0):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](4.5):dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](7.3):violet_dark[8861][148,0,211](7.3):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](8.4) 2 dark:vivid:heliotrope:mulberry:violet +8833 victoria rgb 83 68 145 hex #534491 hsv 252 53 57 xyz 0.11 0.08 0.28 lab 34 26 -41 lch 34 48 303 cmyk 24 30 0 43 dark_slate_blue[2887][72,61,139](3.2):slate_blue_dark[7763][72,61,139](3.2):slate_blue[7757][71,60,139](4.5):blue_gem[1562][75,60,142](4.7):blueberry[1604][70,65,150](5.5) 4 slate:dark:blueberry:gem:blue +8834 victoria rgb 86 73 133 hex #564985 hsv 253 45 52 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.23 lab 35 20 -32 lch 35 38 302 cmyk 18 24 0 48 abracadabra[949][86,73,133](0.0):gigas[3856][86,71,134](2.4):cyber_grape[2648][88,66,124](4.1):fascinator[3560][79,64,129](5.2):twilight[8611][78,81,139](5.5) 3 abracadabra:cyber:fascinator:gigas:grape:twilight +8835 vida_loca rgb 84 144 25 hex #549019 hsv 90 83 56 xyz 0.14 0.22 0.04 lab 54 -39 52 lch 54 65 127 cmyk 24 0 47 44 PMS370[445][86,142,20](2.4):kakapo[4809][92,150,37](3.0):limeade[5276][95,151,39](4.1):chartreuse[2235][69,139,0](4.7):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](5.1) 4 PMS370:chartreuse:kakapo:limeade:sap:green +8836 vida_loca rgb 95 146 40 hex #5F9228 hsv 89 73 57 xyz 0.15 0.23 0.06 lab 55 -35 48 lch 55 59 126 cmyk 20 0 42 43 limeade[5276][95,151,39](3.5):kakapo[4809][92,150,37](3.7):sap_green[7490][92,139,21](4.6):mossy_green[5914][99,139,39](5.5):PMS370[445][86,142,20](5.7) 3 PMS370:kakapo:limeade:mossy:sap:green +8837 vienna rgb 232 216 175 hex #E8D8AF hsv 43 25 91 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.5 lab 87 -1 22 lch 87 22 92 cmyk 0 6 22 9 eighth_putty[3416][232,216,177](1.0):chamois[2206][237,220,177](1.4):hampton[4416][229,216,175](1.4):double_chandelier[3188][229,215,173](1.7):brie[1716][227,218,178](2.2) 40 brie:chamois:chandelier:double:eighth:hampton:putty +8838 viking rgb 77 177 200 hex #4DB1C8 hsv 191 62 78 xyz 0.29 0.37 0.6 lab 67 -22 -20 lch 67 30 223 cmyk 48 9 0 22 pelorous[6578][62,171,191](3.0):aquarius[1125][67,168,197](4.7):PMS631[810][84,183,198](5.4):parachute[6479][101,184,209](5.7):fountain_blue[3733][86,180,190](6.8) 2 PMS631:aquarius:fountain:parachute:pelorous:blue +8839 viking rgb 100 204 219 hex #64CCDB hsv 188 54 86 xyz 0.4 0.51 0.75 lab 77 -26 -17 lch 77 31 213 cmyk 47 6 0 14 PMS310[347][114,209,221](3.0):PMS637[816][107,201,219](3.3):PMS305[341][112,206,226](3.7):sky_blue[7744][118,215,234](4.6):turquoise_blue[8584][108,218,231](4.6) 6 PMS305:PMS310:PMS637:sky:blue:turquoise +8840 villa_white rgb 240 233 214 hex #F0E9D6 hsv 44 11 94 xyz 0.77 0.82 0.75 lab 92 -1 10 lch 92 10 95 cmyk 0 3 10 6 eggshell[3379][240,234,214](1.0):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](1.0):half_wheatfield[4411][234,228,208](1.0):buttery_white[1961][241,235,218](1.4):cararra[2073][235,229,213](1.4) 94 buttery:cararra:eggshell:half:lusta:pearl:wheatfield:white +8841 vin_rouge rgb 149 82 100 hex #955264 hsv 344 45 58 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.14 lab 43 30 2 lch 43 30 4 cmyk 0 26 19 42 cannon_pink[2050][142,81,100](3.0):pale_violet_red[6449][139,71,93](4.6):dark_mauve[2798][135,76,98](5.4):rose_dust[7303][158,94,111](5.4):impulse[4620][137,73,97](5.7) 2 pale:dark:cannon:dust:impulse:mauve:pink:red:rose:violet +8842 vin_rouge rgb 152 61 97 hex #983D61 hsv 336 60 60 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.13 lab 39 42 -2 lch 39 42 358 cmyk 0 36 22 40 bedazzle[1338][156,67,103](2.4):quinacridone_magenta[7030][142,58,89](3.7):enchanted[3480][146,58,100](4.1):camelot[2021][137,52,86](4.5):bordello[1660][151,68,98](4.6) 5 bedazzle:bordello:camelot:enchanted:magenta:quinacridone +8843 vindaloo rgb 167 79 32 hex #A74F20 hsv 21 81 65 xyz 0.19 0.14 0.03 lab 44 33 43 lch 44 54 52 cmyk 0 35 53 35 paarl[6287][166,85,41](4.4):sienna[7696][169,86,30](4.7):fiery_orange[3597][177,89,47](5.0):burnt_umber[1941][160,69,14](5.4):mars_orange[5552][150,69,20](5.4) 3 burnt:fiery:mars:paarl:sienna:umber:orange +8844 vintage rgb 167 128 135 hex #A78087 hsv 349 23 65 xyz 0.28 0.25 0.26 lab 57 16 2 lch 57 16 7 cmyk 0 15 13 35 grayish_crimson[4002][168,125,136](2.2):wisteria[9154][164,135,139](4.5):bazaar[1327][152,119,123](4.6):anticipation[1057][168,138,142](5.0):bona_fide[1640][151,119,123](5.1) 4 anticipation:bazaar:bona:fide:grayish:wisteria:crimson +8845 viola rgb 197 143 157 hex #C58F9D hsv 344 27 77 xyz 0.39 0.34 0.36 lab 65 23 1 lch 65 23 2 cmyk 0 21 16 23 grey_pink[4221][195,144,155](2.2):pink[6666][205,145,158](2.4):light_mauve[5143][194,146,161](3.6):greyish_pink[4231][200,141,148](4.0):PMS687[866][201,137,158](4.6) 6 light:PMS687:greyish:mauve:grey:pink +8846 viola rgb 203 143 169 hex #CB8FA9 hsv 334 30 80 xyz 0.42 0.35 0.42 lab 66 27 -5 lch 66 27 350 cmyk 0 24 13 20 PMS687[866][201,137,158](4.5):can[2032][213,145,164](6.2):pink[6666][205,145,158](7.3):can[2031][208,138,155](7.3):puce[6831][204,136,153](7.3) 1 PMS687:can:puce:pink +8847 violent_violet rgb 41 12 94 hex #290C5E hsv 261 87 37 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.11 lab 13 35 -43 lch 13 55 309 cmyk 21 32 0 63 PMS274[283][43,17,102](2.8):cherry_pie[2263][42,3,89](3.0):deep_violet[3076][45,0,89](4.6):dark_indigo[2777][31,9,84](4.7):deep_blue_violet[2960][33,0,89](5.4) 4 deep:dark:PMS274:cherry:pie:blue:indigo:violet +8848 violent_violet rgb 46 34 73 hex #2E2249 hsv 258 53 29 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.07 lab 17 16 -22 lch 17 28 306 cmyk 11 15 0 71 PMS276[293][43,33,71](1.4):PMS5255[655][53,38,79](2.4):filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](4.1):hip_hop[4505][42,37,81](4.2):paua[6528][42,37,81](4.2) 8 PMS276:PMS5255:filmpro:hip:hop:paua:purple +8849 violet rgb 36 10 64 hex #240A40 hsv 269 84 25 xyz 0.02 0.01 0.05 lab 9 26 -29 lch 9 39 312 cmyk 11 21 0 75 midnight_purple[5728][40,1,55](5.4):valhalla[8672][43,25,79](5.9):russian_violet[7379][50,23,77](6.1):valentino[8669][53,14,66](6.2):very_dark_purple[8724][42,1,52](7.0) 0 dark:very:midnight:russian:valentino:valhalla:purple:violet +8850 violet rgb 47 38 60 hex #2F263C hsv 265 37 24 xyz 0.03 0.02 0.05 lab 17 10 -13 lch 17 16 308 cmyk 5 9 0 76 showtime[7680][47,38,58](2.2):tolopea[8403][45,37,65](3.2):bullitt[1900][39,37,60](3.3):bleached_cedar[1511][44,33,51](3.6):tarot[8256][56,41,61](3.7) 9 bleached:bullitt:cedar:showtime:tarot:tolopea +8851 violet rgb 79 47 79 hex #4F2F4F hsv 300 41 31 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.08 lab 25 21 -14 lch 25 25 326 cmyk 0 13 0 69 voodoo[8975][83,52,85](2.2):hot_purple[4568][78,46,83](3.3):japanese_violet[4738][91,50,86](4.5):english_violet[3494][86,60,92](5.1):dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](5.7) 3 dark:byzantium:english:hot:japanese:voodoo:purple:violet +8852 violet rgb 127 0 255 hex #7F00FF hsv 270 100 100 xyz 0.27 0.12 0.95 lab 41 83 -94 lch 41 125 312 cmyk 50 100 0 0 medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](1.0):electric_violet[3452][139,0,255](3.3):electric_indigo[3443][111,0,255](3.7):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](4.6) 5 luminous:slate:medium:vivid:electric:blue:indigo:violet +8853 violet rgb 134 1 175 hex #8601AF hsv 286 99 69 xyz 0.18 0.08 0.41 lab 34 68 -58 lch 34 89 320 cmyk 16 68 0 31 strong_mulberry[8042][126,0,168](3.0):strong_heliotrope[8037][147,0,168](7.3):strong_purple[8051][105,0,168](8.7):dark_orchid[2829][153,50,204](9.7):orchid_dark[6242][153,50,204](9.7) 1 dark:strong:heliotrope:mulberry:orchid:purple +8854 violet rgb 143 0 255 hex #8F00FF hsv 274 100 100 xyz 0.29 0.13 0.96 lab 43 84 -90 lch 43 123 313 cmyk 44 100 0 0 electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](0.0):electric_violet[3452][139,0,255](1.4):luminous_vivid_violet[5405][128,0,255](3.7):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](4.1):medium_slate_blue[5641][127,0,255](4.6) 7 luminous:slate:medium:vivid:electric:blue:purple:violet +8855 violet rgb 143 94 153 hex #8F5E99 hsv 290 39 60 xyz 0.21 0.16 0.32 lab 47 30 -24 lch 47 39 321 cmyk 4 23 0 40 dark_lilac[2786][156,109,165](6.2):trendy_pink[8474][140,100,149](6.5):blue_violet[1597][159,95,159](6.7):purplish[6897][148,86,140](6.7):boogie_wonderland[1653][132,87,155](6.8) 0 dark:boogie:lilac:purplish:trendy:wonderland:blue:pink:violet +8856 violet rgb 146 110 174 hex #926EAE hsv 274 37 68 xyz 0.25 0.2 0.43 lab 52 27 -29 lch 52 39 313 cmyk 11 25 0 32 ce_soir[2145][151,113,181](2.4):wisteria[9153][151,113,181](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.4):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.4):dark_lilac[2786][156,109,165](6.4) 4 dark:ce:lilac:majesty:mountain:mountain's:soir:wisteria:purple +8857 violet rgb 154 14 234 hex #9A0EEA hsv 278 94 92 xyz 0.28 0.13 0.79 lab 43 80 -78 lch 43 112 316 cmyk 31 86 0 8 purple[6868][160,32,240](2.4):veronica[8710][160,32,240](2.4):vivid_purple[8938][145,0,231](2.8):electric_purple[3449][170,35,255](6.2):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](7.0) 3 vivid:electric:mulberry:veronica:purple +8858 violet rgb 238 130 238 hex #EE82EE hsv 300 45 93 xyz 0.59 0.4 0.86 lab 70 56 -37 lch 70 67 327 cmyk 0 42 0 7 lavender_magenta[4942][238,130,238](0.0):orchid[6240][238,122,233](3.6):light_fuchsia_pink[5101][249,132,239](4.4):purply_pink[6905][240,117,230](6.8):orchid[6238][219,112,219](7.0) 3 light:fuchsia:magenta:orchid:purply:lavender:pink +8859 violet_blue rgb 50 74 178 hex #324AB2 hsv 229 72 70 xyz 0.12 0.09 0.43 lab 36 27 -58 lch 36 64 295 cmyk 50 41 0 30 cerulean_blue[2187][42,82,190](4.1):cobalt[2393][0,71,171](5.0):cobalt_blue[2398][0,71,171](5.0):sapphire[7493][15,82,186](5.5):PMS293[317][0,81,186](5.9) 3 PMS293:cerulean:cobalt:sapphire:blue +8860 violet_blue rgb 81 10 201 hex #510AC9 hsv 262 95 79 xyz 0.14 0.06 0.56 lab 30 67 -81 lch 30 105 309 cmyk 47 75 0 21 purple/blue[6869][93,33,208](6.4):true_blue[8544][1,15,204](9.4):blue_purple[1583][87,41,206](9.8):burple[1943][104,50,227](9.9):purple_blue[6871][99,45,233](9.9) 0 burple:purple/blue:true:blue:purple +8861 violet_dark rgb 148 0 211 hex #9400D3 hsv 282 100 83 xyz 0.24 0.11 0.62 lab 40 76 -70 lch 40 104 317 cmyk 25 83 0 17 dark_violet[2917][148,0,211](0.0):french_violet[3762][136,6,206](3.7):vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](7.3):blue_purple[1584][138,43,226](8.1):blue_violet[1596][138,43,226](8.1) 2 dark:french:vibrant:blue:purple:violet +8862 violet_eggplant rgb 153 17 153 hex #991199 hsv 300 89 60 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.31 lab 37 65 -40 lch 37 76 328 cmyk 0 53 0 40 barney_purple[1307][160,4,152](3.3):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](4.6):magenta[5433][139,0,139](4.6):cobalt_violet_deep[2401][145,33,158](5.8):PMS253[219][175,35,165](6.6) 3 deep:dark:PMS253:barney:cobalt:magenta:purple:violet +8863 violet_pink rgb 251 95 252 hex #FB5FFC hsv 300 62 99 xyz 0.61 0.36 0.96 lab 66 78 -50 lch 66 92 327 cmyk 0 62 0 1 light_magenta[5139][250,95,247](2.2):light_brilliant_magenta[5049][255,101,255](2.4):pink_flamingo[6675][255,102,255](3.0):light_brilliant_heliotrope[5046][236,101,255](6.8):blush_pink[1630][255,111,255](7.1) 3 light:brilliant:blush:flamingo:heliotrope:magenta:pink +8864 violet_red rgb 139 34 82 hex #8B2252 hsv 333 76 55 xyz 0.13 0.07 0.09 lab 32 47 -3 lch 32 48 357 cmyk 0 41 22 45 cardinal[2079][138,36,78](3.2):dark_raspberry[2854][135,38,87](3.6):raspberry[7068][135,38,87](3.6):disco[3142][135,21,80](4.1):rose_bud_cherry[7302][138,45,82](4.9) 6 dark:bud:cardinal:cherry:disco:raspberry:rose +8865 violet_red rgb 165 0 85 hex #A50055 hsv 329 100 65 xyz 0.17 0.09 0.09 lab 35 61 0 lch 35 61 0 cmyk 0 65 31 35 PMS676[855][160,0,84](1.7):strong_rose[8054][168,0,84](2.4):PMS227[185][173,0,91](3.7):jazzberry_jam[4752][165,11,94](4.1):dark_fuchsia[2724][157,7,89](4.6) 5 dark:strong:PMS227:PMS676:fuchsia:jam:jazzberry:rose +8866 violet_red rgb 204 50 153 hex #CC3299 hsv 320 75 80 xyz 0.32 0.17 0.32 lab 49 68 -21 lch 49 71 343 cmyk 0 60 20 20 royal_fuchsia[7352][202,44,146](2.2):maroon[5547][205,41,144](4.6):PMS240[203][196,15,137](6.7):PMS2395[201][196,0,140](7.1):PMS807_2X[925][191,0,140](7.5) 2 2X:PMS2395:PMS240:PMS807:fuchsia:maroon:royal +8867 violet_red rgb 205 50 120 hex #CD3278 hsv 333 76 80 xyz 0.3 0.17 0.19 lab 48 64 -3 lch 48 64 358 cmyk 0 61 33 20 telemagenta[8297][207,52,118](2.0):fuchsia_purple[3797][204,57,123](2.2):magenta[5437][208,65,126](3.7):cerise[2175][218,50,135](7.1):deep_cerise[2971][218,50,135](7.1) 3 deep:cerise:fuchsia:magenta:telemagenta:purple +8868 violet_red rgb 208 32 144 hex #D02090 hsv 322 85 82 xyz 0.32 0.16 0.28 lab 48 72 -17 lch 48 74 346 cmyk 0 69 25 18 maroon[5547][205,41,144](2.0):medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](3.7):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](3.7):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](3.7):violet_red_medium[8873][199,21,133](3.7) 7 medium:maroon:red:violet +8869 violet_red rgb 238 58 140 hex #EE3A8C hsv 333 76 93 xyz 0.42 0.23 0.27 lab 55 73 -3 lch 55 73 358 cmyk 0 71 38 7 PMS219[177][226,40,130](4.0):french_fuchsia[3746][253,63,146](4.9):cerise_pink[2179][236,59,131](5.4):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](6.7):vivid_cerise[8902][218,29,129](6.8) 2 vivid:PMS219:bonbon:cerise:french:fuchsia:pink:rose +8870 violet_red rgb 247 70 138 hex #F7468A hsv 337 72 97 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.27 lab 58 71 2 lch 58 71 2 cmyk 0 69 43 3 french_rose[3760][246,74,138](2.2):PMS212[170][249,79,142](2.8):cerise_pink[2179][236,59,131](3.0):french_fuchsia[3746][253,63,146](5.1):sasquatch_socks[7501][255,70,129](8.1) 3 PMS212:cerise:french:fuchsia:sasquatch:socks:pink:rose +8871 violet_red rgb 247 83 148 hex #F75394 hsv 336 66 97 xyz 0.47 0.28 0.31 lab 60 67 -1 lch 60 67 360 cmyk 0 64 39 3 PMS212[170][249,79,142](3.6):french_rose[3760][246,74,138](4.9):light_brilliant_raspberry[5059][255,101,159](5.0):brilliant_raspberry[1796][231,81,137](6.2):brilliant_rose[1800][255,85,163](6.2) 3 light:brilliant:PMS212:french:raspberry:rose +8872 violet_red rgb 255 62 150 hex #FF3E96 hsv 333 76 100 xyz 0.48 0.27 0.31 lab 59 77 -3 lch 59 77 358 cmyk 0 76 41 0 french_fuchsia[3746][253,63,146](2.8):wild_strawberry[9109][255,51,153](4.4):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](5.4):wild_strawberry[9110][255,67,164](7.1):barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](7.3) 2 barbie:bonbon:french:fuchsia:strawberry:wild:pink:rose +8873 violet_red_medium rgb 199 21 133 hex #C71585 hsv 322 89 78 xyz 0.28 0.14 0.23 lab 45 71 -15 lch 45 73 348 cmyk 0 70 26 22 medium_violet[5652][199,21,133](0.0):medium_violet_red[5653][199,21,133](0.0):red_violet[7147][199,21,133](0.0):PMS239_2X[202][196,5,124](3.6):maroon[5547][205,41,144](3.7) 9 medium:2X:PMS239:maroon:red:violet +8874 violet_red_pale rgb 219 112 147 hex #DB7093 hsv 340 49 86 xyz 0.4 0.29 0.31 lab 61 46 0 lch 61 46 1 cmyk 0 42 28 14 medium_violet_red[5654][219,112,147](0.0):pale_red_violet[6415][219,112,147](0.0):pale_violet_red[6451][219,112,147](0.0):deep_blush[2962][228,118,152](2.2):PMS204[162][237,122,158](4.6) 6 pale:deep:medium:PMS204:blush:red:violet +8875 viridian rgb 30 145 103 hex #1E9167 hsv 158 79 57 xyz 0.13 0.22 0.16 lab 53 -41 14 lch 53 43 162 cmyk 45 0 16 43 sea_green[7557][35,142,104](2.8):dark_sea_green[2872][17,135,93](3.0):mother_earth[5915][0,143,105](3.2):eucalyptus[3516][39,138,91](3.7):ocean_green[6097][61,153,115](6.0) 4 dark:earth:eucalyptus:mother:ocean:sea:green +8876 viridian rgb 64 130 109 hex #40826D hsv 161 51 51 xyz 0.13 0.18 0.17 lab 50 -26 5 lch 50 27 169 cmyk 26 0 8 49 deep_aquamarine[2954][64,130,109](0.0):aquamarine[1116][69,139,116](3.7):genoa[3842][49,121,109](6.4):como[2444][81,124,102](6.6):PMS625[804][91,135,114](7.0) 2 deep:PMS625:como:genoa:aquamarine +8877 viridian_green rgb 0 150 152 hex #009698 hsv 181 100 60 xyz 0.17 0.24 0.33 lab 56 -32 -11 lch 56 33 198 cmyk 60 1 0 40 java[4749][37,151,151](3.0):PMS320[364][0,158,160](3.2):cyan[2634][0,139,139](4.6):dark_cyan[2713][0,139,139](4.6):greenish_blue[4079][11,139,135](5.7) 4 dark:PMS320:cyan:greenish:java:blue +8878 viridian_green rgb 75 95 86 hex #4B5F56 hsv 153 21 37 xyz 0.09 0.1 0.1 lab 38 -10 3 lch 38 10 165 cmyk 8 0 4 63 nandor[5974][75,93,82](1.4):feldgrau[3571][77,93,83](2.2):dark_grayish_spring_green[2755][66,89,78](2.4):dark_grayish_turquoise[2756][66,89,84](3.6):mineral_green[5756][80,99,85](3.6) 13 dark:feldgrau:grayish:mineral:nandor:spring:green:turquoise +8879 viridian_green rgb 103 137 117 hex #678975 hsv 145 25 54 xyz 0.18 0.22 0.2 lab 54 -16 7 lch 54 18 157 cmyk 13 0 8 46 PMS625[804][91,135,114](4.1):laurel[4922][110,141,113](4.6):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](5.0):PMS5625[729][114,132,112](5.5):laurel[4923][116,147,120](5.7) 3 PMS5625:PMS625:cutty:laurel:sark +8880 viridian_light rgb 110 255 112 hex #6EFF70 hsv 121 57 100 xyz 0.45 0.76 0.28 lab 90 -66 56 lch 90 87 140 cmyk 57 0 56 0 light_brilliant_emerald_green[5040][101,255,120](4.1):screamin'_green[7543][102,255,102](5.0):screamin_green[7544][118,255,122](5.0):light_brilliant_green[5044][101,255,101](5.1):light_brilliant_sap_green[5063][120,255,101](5.1) 3 light:brilliant:emerald:sap:screamin:screamin':green +8881 vis rgb 249 228 150 hex #F9E496 hsv 47 40 98 xyz 0.72 0.78 0.4 lab 91 -3 41 lch 91 41 95 cmyk 0 8 39 2 beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](1.0):golden_glow[3919][253,226,149](2.0):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](2.4):PMS1215[24][249,224,140](3.3):hathaway[4431][247,222,148](3.5) 10 light:very:01:PMS1215:amber:beer:glow:golden:hathaway:srm +8882 vis rgb 255 239 161 hex #FFEFA1 hsv 50 37 100 xyz 0.79 0.86 0.46 lab 94 -5 40 lch 94 40 98 cmyk 0 6 37 0 drover[3274][251,235,155](1.7):beer_srm_01[1341][254,231,153](3.0):picasso[6635][248,234,151](3.5):very_light_amber[8741][255,231,158](3.7):very_light_gold[8762][255,243,158](3.7) 6 light:very:01:amber:beer:drover:gold:picasso:srm +8883 vision rgb 160 155 178 hex #A09BB2 hsv 253 13 70 xyz 0.34 0.34 0.47 lab 65 6 -11 lch 65 13 300 cmyk 7 9 0 30 logan[5330][157,156,180](1.4):birdcage[1420][157,156,183](3.0):effortless[3369][160,150,167](3.7):santas_grey[7486][159,160,177](3.7):amethyst_smoke[1044][163,151,180](4.6) 7 amethyst:birdcage:effortless:logan:santas:smoke:grey +8884 vista_blue rgb 124 158 217 hex #7C9ED9 hsv 218 43 85 xyz 0.33 0.34 0.7 lab 65 4 -34 lch 65 34 276 cmyk 36 23 0 15 little_boy_blue[5306][108,160,220](5.4):delta_blue[3088][124,154,205](5.7):light_sapphire_blue[5194][139,162,231](6.2):danube[2672][96,147,209](6.6):light_cobalt_blue[5082][139,174,231](6.6) 0 light:boy:cobalt:danube:delta:little:sapphire:blue +8885 vista_blue rgb 143 214 180 hex #8FD6B4 hsv 151 33 84 xyz 0.44 0.57 0.52 lab 80 -29 10 lch 80 31 162 cmyk 28 0 13 16 PMS345[419][150,216,175](4.1):algae_green[996][147,223,184](4.7):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](5.1):turquoise_green[8588][160,214,180](5.2):zeal[9250][145,224,183](5.4) 2 PMS345:algae:sea:zeal:green:turquoise +8886 vista_blue rgb 151 213 179 hex #97D5B3 hsv 147 29 84 xyz 0.45 0.57 0.51 lab 80 -27 11 lch 80 29 159 cmyk 24 0 13 16 turquoise_green[8588][160,214,180](3.2):PMS345[419][150,216,175](3.7):chinook[2298][157,211,168](5.1):sea_green[7563][159,226,191](5.2):chinook[2299][168,227,189](5.5) 2 PMS345:chinook:sea:green:turquoise +8887 vista_white rgb 227 223 217 hex #E3DFD9 hsv 36 4 89 xyz 0.71 0.74 0.76 lab 89 0 3 lch 89 3 85 cmyk 0 2 4 11 eighth_tea[3426][226,222,216](0.0):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.0):wan_white[8989][228,226,220](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.4):house_white[4575][223,221,217](1.4) 132 eighth:half:house:pointer:tea:truffle:wan:white +8888 vista_white rgb 252 248 247 hex #FCF8F7 hsv 12 2 99 xyz 0.9 0.95 1.01 lab 98 1 1 lch 98 1 39 cmyk 0 2 2 1 hint_of_red[4502][251,249,249](1.0):soapstone[7821][255,251,249](1.0):alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.4):desert_storm[3107][248,248,247](1.4):grey[4201][250,250,250](1.4) 95 alabaster:desert:hint:of:soapstone:storm:grey:red +8889 vitra rgb 161 220 199 hex #A1DCC7 hsv 159 27 86 xyz 0.51 0.63 0.64 lab 83 -23 4 lch 83 24 170 cmyk 23 0 8 14 PMS571[741][170,219,198](3.3):PMS337[404][155,219,193](3.6):PMS332[399][160,229,206](4.2):renew[7184][140,215,197](4.9):pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](5.5) 4 pale:PMS332:PMS337:PMS571:egg:renew:robin:blue +8890 vivid_amaranth rgb 231 0 29 hex #E7001D hsv 352 100 91 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.03 lab 48 75 53 lch 48 91 35 cmyk 0 91 79 9 red[7105][237,28,36](3.7):cadmium_red[1993][227,0,34](4.1):lust[5411][230,32,32](4.2):spanish_red[7878][230,0,38](5.0):ku_crimson[4891][232,0,13](6.0) 4 cadmium:ku:lust:spanish:crimson:red +8891 vivid_amber rgb 204 153 0 hex #CC9900 hsv 45 100 80 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.05 lab 66 8 70 lch 66 71 83 cmyk 0 20 80 20 yellow_ochre[9214][203,157,6](2.2):PMS131[40][198,147,10](3.7):dark_goldenrod[2731][205,149,12](3.7):medium_goldenrod[5609][205,149,12](3.7):ocre[6104][198,156,4](4.0) 8 medium:dark:PMS131:goldenrod:ochre:ocre:yellow +8892 vivid_amber rgb 231 174 0 hex #E7AE00 hsv 45 100 91 xyz 0.48 0.47 0.07 lab 74 9 77 lch 74 78 83 cmyk 0 22 91 9 starstruck[7960][230,172,0](1.0):PMS130[38][234,175,15](1.7):PMS124[29][224,170,15](3.3):dark_goldenrod[2732][238,173,14](4.2):goldenrod[3934][238,180,34](4.2) 6 dark:PMS124:PMS130:goldenrod:starstruck +8893 vivid_apple_green rgb 202 231 0 hex #CAE700 hsv 68 100 91 xyz 0.53 0.7 0.11 lab 87 -32 85 lch 87 91 111 cmyk 11 0 91 9 las_palmas[4913][198,230,16](2.4):bitter_lemon[1440][202,224,13](4.1):PMS388[465][214,232,15](5.1):fuego[3800][190,222,13](5.1):PMS389[466][206,224,7](5.7) 2 PMS388:PMS389:bitter:fuego:las:palmas:lemon +8894 vivid_aquamarine rgb 0 231 145 hex #00E791 hsv 158 100 91 xyz 0.34 0.59 0.36 lab 81 -66 29 lch 81 72 156 cmyk 91 0 34 9 aqua_green[1104][18,225,147](4.4):sea_green[7560][78,238,148](6.6):brilliant_sea_green[1804][81,231,137](7.9):seaweed[7592][24,209,123](8.3):medium_spring_green[5643][0,250,154](8.4) 1 medium:brilliant:aqua:sea:seaweed:spring:green +8895 vivid_arctic_blue rgb 0 202 231 hex #00CAE7 hsv 188 100 91 xyz 0.36 0.48 0.83 lab 75 -31 -26 lch 75 41 220 cmyk 91 11 0 9 PMS311[349][40,196,216](5.4):scooter[7534][46,191,212](6.5):neon_blue[6009][4,217,255](7.1):PMS3115[350][45,198,214](7.5):cerulean[2184][5,184,204](7.8) 0 PMS311:PMS3115:cerulean:neon:scooter:blue +8896 vivid_auburn rgb 146 39 36 hex #922724 hsv 2 75 57 xyz 0.13 0.08 0.02 lab 33 44 28 lch 33 53 33 cmyk 0 42 43 43 firebrick[3642][142,35,35](1.4):brown[1835][139,35,35](3.0):cracker[2572][150,49,40](3.7):old_brick[6125][144,30,30](3.7):firebrick[3641][139,26,26](4.7) 5 brick:cracker:firebrick:old:brown +8897 vivid_azure rgb 0 116 231 hex #0074E7 hsv 210 100 91 xyz 0.21 0.18 0.78 lab 50 17 -66 lch 50 68 285 cmyk 91 45 0 9 azure[1226][0,127,255](6.7):azure_radiance[1236][0,127,255](6.7):slate_blue[7756][0,127,255](6.7):dodger_blue[3155][62,130,252](6.8):luminous_vivid_azure[5364][0,128,255](7.3) 0 luminous:slate:vivid:dodger:radiance:azure:blue +8898 vivid_blue rgb 0 0 231 hex #0000E7 hsv 240 100 91 xyz 0.14 0.06 0.76 lab 29 73 -100 lch 29 124 306 cmyk 91 91 0 9 vivid_persian_blue[8935][29,0,231](1.4):pure_blue[6857][2,3,226](2.4):blue[1529][0,0,238](3.0):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](4.6):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](5.1) 4 vivid:bluebonnet:persian:pure:blue:indigo +8899 vivid_blue rgb 21 46 255 hex #152EFF hsv 234 92 100 xyz 0.19 0.09 0.95 lab 37 67 -101 lch 37 121 304 cmyk 92 82 0 0 light_royal_blue[5185][58,46,254](3.3):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](5.4):luminous_vivid_phthalo_blue[5390][0,32,255](6.2):rich_blue[7211][2,27,249](6.7):vivid_phthalo_blue[8936][0,29,231](7.8) 1 luminous:light:vivid:bluebonnet:phthalo:rich:royal:blue +8900 vivid_blue_violet rgb 87 0 231 hex #5700E7 hsv 263 100 91 xyz 0.18 0.08 0.76 lab 34 75 -92 lch 34 119 309 cmyk 56 91 0 9 blue_violet[1593][93,6,233](1.4):blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](3.0):purply_blue[6904][102,26,238](3.7):purplish_blue[6898][96,30,249](4.5):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](5.1) 4 vivid:blue/purple:purplish:purply:blue:indigo:violet +8901 vivid_burgundy rgb 159 29 53 hex #9F1D35 hsv 349 82 62 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.04 lab 35 53 20 lch 35 56 21 cmyk 0 51 42 38 PMS201[159][163,38,56](3.0):PMS194[151][153,33,53](3.3):deep_carmine[2967][169,32,62](4.1):candy_floss[2044][159,38,61](4.4):rock_n_roll[7260][157,0,47](4.6) 5 deep:PMS194:PMS201:candy:carmine:floss:n:rock:roll +8902 vivid_cerise rgb 218 29 129 hex #DA1D81 hsv 328 87 85 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.22 lab 49 74 -6 lch 49 74 355 cmyk 0 74 35 15 barbie_pink[1292][224,33,138](3.3):PMS219[177][226,40,130](3.7):deep_pink[3031][205,16,118](4.6):PMS233[191][206,0,124](5.0):cerise[2175][218,50,135](5.5) 4 deep:PMS219:PMS233:barbie:cerise:pink +8903 vivid_cerise rgb 231 0 145 hex #E70091 hsv 322 100 91 xyz 0.38 0.19 0.28 lab 51 81 -13 lch 51 82 351 cmyk 0 91 34 9 PMS813[936][229,0,153](5.0):PMS225[183][237,40,147](5.8):persian_rose[6613][254,40,162](6.3):fashion_fuchsia[3561][244,0,161](6.4):hollywood_cerise[4525][244,0,161](6.4) 1 PMS225:PMS813:cerise:fashion:fuchsia:hollywood:persian:rose +8904 vivid_cerulean rgb 0 170 238 hex #00AAEE hsv 197 100 93 xyz 0.3 0.35 0.86 lab 66 -12 -44 lch 66 46 254 cmyk 93 27 0 7 PMS299[329][0,163,221](6.6):deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](6.7):blue_jeans[1572][93,173,236](8.1):brilliant_cornflower_blue[1773][81,175,231](8.3):picton_blue[6643][69,177,232](8.3) 0 deep:brilliant:PMS299:cornflower:jeans:picton:sky:blue +8905 vivid_cerulean rgb 0 174 231 hex #00AEE7 hsv 195 100 91 xyz 0.3 0.36 0.81 lab 67 -17 -39 lch 67 42 246 cmyk 91 22 0 9 deep_sky_blue[3058][0,178,238](1.4):cyan[2635][0,183,235](4.1):PMS299[329][0,163,221](4.5):PMS2995[330][0,165,219](4.5):picton_blue[6643][69,177,232](5.1) 4 deep:PMS299:PMS2995:cyan:picton:sky:blue +8906 vivid_chartreuse_green rgb 116 231 0 hex #74E700 hsv 90 100 91 xyz 0.36 0.61 0.1 lab 82 -63 80 lch 82 101 128 cmyk 45 0 91 9 chartreuse[2237][118,238,0](3.0):vivid_pistachio[8937][87,231,0](7.1):spring_frost[7917][135,255,42](8.3):green_apple[4034][94,220,31](9.0):vivid_spring_bud[8951][145,231,0](9.3) 1 vivid:apple:bud:chartreuse:frost:pistachio:spring:green +8907 vivid_cobalt_blue rgb 0 87 231 hex #0057E7 hsv 217 100 91 xyz 0.18 0.13 0.77 lab 42 36 -78 lch 42 86 295 cmyk 91 56 0 9 azul[1225][29,93,236](2.4):bright_blue[1718][1,101,252](5.9):blue_ribbon[1585][0,102,255](7.3):ultramarine_blue[8641][65,102,245](7.7):luminous_vivid_cobalt_blue[5370][0,96,255](7.8) 1 luminous:vivid:azul:bright:cobalt:ribbon:ultramarine:blue +8908 vivid_cornflower_blue rgb 0 145 231 hex #0091E7 hsv 202 100 91 xyz 0.25 0.26 0.79 lab 58 -1 -52 lch 58 52 269 cmyk 91 34 0 9 azure[1227][6,154,243](3.6):dark_sky_blue[2882][68,142,228](6.3):bleu_de_france[1514][49,140,231](6.4):cerulean[2183][4,133,209](7.1):luminous_vivid_cornflower_blue[5371][0,159,255](7.1) 1 luminous:dark:vivid:bleu:cerulean:cornflower:de:france:sky:azure:blue +8909 vivid_crimson rgb 204 0 51 hex #CC0033 hsv 345 100 80 xyz 0.26 0.13 0.04 lab 43 69 33 lch 43 76 26 cmyk 0 80 60 20 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vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](3.0):vivid_green[8917][0,231,0](3.2):vibrant_green[8831][10,221,8](3.6):vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](5.0):vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](5.7) 4 vivid:harlequin:sap:vibrant:green +8913 vivid_fuchsia rgb 231 0 174 hex #E700AE hsv 315 100 91 xyz 0.41 0.2 0.42 lab 52 84 -28 lch 52 89 341 cmyk 0 91 22 9 PMS807[924][214,0,158](7.1):shocking_pink[7675][252,15,192](7.7):luminous_vivid_fuchsia[5375][255,0,191](8.1):bright_pink[1741][254,1,177](8.1):PMS246[212][204,0,160](9.3) 0 luminous:vivid:PMS246:PMS807:bright:fuchsia:shocking:pink +8914 vivid_gamboge rgb 231 145 0 hex #E79100 hsv 38 100 91 xyz 0.43 0.37 0.05 lab 67 24 73 lch 67 77 71 cmyk 0 34 91 9 beer_srm_08[1348][230,146,3](1.7):PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](2.2):PMS144[60][226,140,5](2.4):orange[6199][238,154,0](3.7):beer_srm_09[1349][227,138,4](4.1) 5 08:09:2X:PMS130:PMS144:beer:srm:orange +8915 vivid_gamboge rgb 255 153 0 hex #FF9900 hsv 36 100 100 xyz 0.53 0.44 0.06 lab 72 30 77 lch 72 83 69 cmyk 0 40 100 0 april_sun[1096][253,152,0](0.0):orange[6201][251,153,2](1.4):cadmium_yellow[1996][255,153,18](2.0):california[2011][254,157,4](2.2):tangerine[8241][255,148,8](3.3) 11 april:cadmium:california:sun:tangerine:orange:yellow +8916 vivid_gold rgb 231 202 0 hex #E7CA00 hsv 52 100 91 xyz 0.54 0.59 0.09 lab 81 -6 82 lch 81 82 94 cmyk 0 11 91 9 switched_on[8190][237,206,0](3.0):safety_yellow[7404][238,210,2](3.7):yellow[9196][239,204,0](3.7):gold[3897][238,201,0](4.2):citrine[2342][228,208,10](4.5) 5 citrine:gold:on:safety:switched:yellow +8917 vivid_green rgb 0 231 0 hex #00E700 hsv 120 100 91 xyz 0.29 0.57 0.1 lab 80 -80 77 lch 80 111 136 cmyk 91 0 91 9 vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](1.0):vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](3.2):green[4027][0,238,0](3.5):vibrant_green[8831][10,221,8](5.2):vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](5.2) 3 vivid:emerald:harlequin:sap:vibrant:green +8918 vivid_green rgb 47 239 16 hex #2FEF10 hsv 112 93 94 xyz 0.32 0.62 0.11 lab 83 -79 78 lch 83 111 135 cmyk 75 0 87 6 vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](3.2):green[4027][0,238,0](3.3):vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](4.5):vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](5.0):radioactive_green[7040][44,250,31](5.1) 4 vivid:emerald:harlequin:radioactive:sap:green +8919 vivid_harlequin rgb 58 231 0 hex #3AE700 hsv 105 100 91 xyz 0.3 0.58 0.1 lab 81 -75 78 lch 81 108 134 cmyk 68 0 91 9 vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](4.2):vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](4.5):vivid_pistachio[8937][87,231,0](5.1):vivid_green[8917][0,231,0](5.2):vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](5.7) 2 vivid:emerald:pistachio:sap:green +8920 vivid_heliotrope rgb 202 0 231 hex #CA00E7 hsv 292 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.18 0.77 lab 50 87 -65 lch 50 108 323 cmyk 11 91 0 9 vivid_mulberry[8928][184,12,227](5.4):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](6.4):vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](8.4):vivid_mulberry[8927][174,0,231](9.5):luminous_vivid_heliotrope[5380][223,0,255](9.9) 0 luminous:vivid:heliotrope:hot:mulberry:vibrant:purple +8921 vivid_indigo rgb 58 0 231 hex #3A00E7 hsv 255 100 91 xyz 0.16 0.07 0.76 lab 31 74 -96 lch 31 122 308 cmyk 68 91 0 9 vivid_persian_blue[8935][29,0,231](3.6):pure_blue[6857][2,3,226](4.1):vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](4.6):ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](5.1):vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](5.1) 3 vivid:persian:pure:ultramarine:blue:violet +8922 vivid_lime_green rgb 166 214 8 hex #A6D608 hsv 74 96 84 xyz 0.4 0.56 0.09 lab 80 -39 78 lch 80 87 116 cmyk 19 0 81 16 yellowish_green[9229][176,221,22](2.4):slime_green[7776][153,204,4](5.0):inch_worm[4622][176,227,19](5.1):lickety_split[4993][163,217,45](6.2):wellywood[9046][163,217,45](6.2) 2 inch:lickety:slime:split:wellywood:worm:yellowish:green +8923 vivid_lime_green rgb 174 231 0 hex #AEE700 hsv 75 100 91 xyz 0.46 0.66 0.1 lab 85 -43 83 lch 85 93 117 cmyk 22 0 91 9 inch_worm[4622][176,227,19](3.7):yellowy_green[9235][191,241,40](5.4):yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](7.1):yellowish_green[9229][176,221,22](7.1):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](7.2) 1 chartreuse:inch:worm:yellowish:yellowy:green:yellow +8924 vivid_magenta rgb 231 0 231 hex #E700E7 hsv 300 100 91 xyz 0.47 0.23 0.77 lab 55 91 -56 lch 55 107 328 cmyk 0 91 0 9 magenta[5438][238,0,238](3.0):pink/purple[6673][239,29,231](3.7):bright_magenta[1736][255,8,232](8.2):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](8.2):purple/pink[6870][215,37,222](8.5) 2 bright:fuchsia:magenta:pink/purple:purple/pink +8925 vivid_malachite rgb 0 204 51 hex #00CC33 hsv 135 100 80 xyz 0.22 0.43 0.1 lab 72 -71 60 lch 72 93 140 cmyk 80 0 60 20 permanent_green[6599][10,201,43](2.4):PMS802_2X[915][28,206,40](4.1):lime_green[5272][50,205,50](4.2):malachite[5478][11,218,81](7.9):dark_pastel_green[2835][3,192,60](9.5) 3 dark:2X:PMS802:malachite:pastel:permanent:green:lime +8926 vivid_malachite_green rgb 0 231 58 hex #00E73A hsv 135 100 91 xyz 0.29 0.57 0.14 lab 80 -78 66 lch 80 102 139 cmyk 91 0 68 9 vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](8.1):bright_light_green[1730][45,254,84](8.3):light_neon_green[5153][78,253,84](8.6):vibrant_green[8831][10,221,8](8.6):PMS802_2X[915][28,206,40](10.1) 0 light:vivid:2X:PMS802:bright:emerald:neon:vibrant:green +8927 vivid_mulberry rgb 174 0 231 hex #AE00E7 hsv 285 100 91 xyz 0.32 0.15 0.77 lab 45 83 -72 lch 45 110 319 cmyk 22 91 0 9 vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](4.5):purple[6868][160,32,240](6.4):veronica[8710][160,32,240](6.4):violet[8857][154,14,234](7.0):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](8.5) 1 hot:veronica:vibrant:purple:violet +8928 vivid_mulberry rgb 184 12 227 hex #B80CE3 hsv 288 95 89 xyz 0.34 0.16 0.74 lab 47 83 -67 lch 47 107 321 cmyk 17 84 0 11 vibrant_purple[8832][173,3,222](3.0):vivid_heliotrope[8920][202,0,231](5.4):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](8.2):dark_orchid[2832][178,58,238](9.5):dark_orchid[2833][191,62,255](9.9) 1 dark:vivid:heliotrope:hot:orchid:vibrant:purple +8929 vivid_opal rgb 0 231 202 hex #00E7CA hsv 172 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.61 0.66 lab 83 -53 1 lch 83 53 179 cmyk 91 0 11 9 aqua[1098][19,234,201](2.4):brilliant_turquoise[1808][81,231,194](7.1):aquamarine[1114][4,216,178](7.8):luminous_vivid_opal[5386][0,255,223](8.1):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](8.2) 1 luminous:brilliant:vivid:aqua:marine:opal:aquamarine:turquoise +8930 vivid_orange rgb 231 116 0 hex #E77400 hsv 30 100 91 xyz 0.39 0.29 0.04 lab 61 39 69 lch 61 79 60 cmyk 0 45 91 9 mango_tango[5504][231,114,0](1.0):christine[2319][231,115,10](2.2):dark_orange[2824][238,118,0](3.0):PMS158[83][232,117,17](3.2):tahiti_gold[8207][233,124,7](3.6) 10 dark:PMS158:christine:gold:mango:tahiti:tango:orange +8931 vivid_orange rgb 255 95 0 hex #FF5F00 hsv 22 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.29 0.03 lab 61 58 71 lch 61 91 51 cmyk 0 63 100 0 luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](0.0):cadmium_orange[1992][255,97,3](1.4):bright_orange[1740][255,91,0](2.2):willpower_orange[9125][253,88,0](2.4):blaze_orange[1508][255,102,0](3.2) 9 luminous:vivid:blaze:bright:cadmium:tangelo:willpower:orange +8932 vivid_orange_peel rgb 255 160 0 hex #FFA000 hsv 38 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.46 0.06 lab 74 27 78 lch 74 83 71 cmyk 0 37 100 0 luminous_vivid_gamboge[5376][255,159,0](0.0):orange_peel[6209][255,159,0](0.0):orange_peel[6210][255,160,0](0.0):california[2011][254,157,4](1.7):orange[6206][255,165,0](3.3) 15 luminous:vivid:california:gamboge:peel:orange +8933 vivid_orchid rgb 204 0 255 hex #CC00FF hsv 288 100 100 xyz 0.43 0.2 0.96 lab 52 91 -75 lch 52 118 321 cmyk 20 100 0 0 bright_purple[1743][190,3,253](4.1):electric_purple[3450][191,0,255](4.1):luminous_vivid_mulberry[5385][191,0,255](4.1):hot_purple[4569][203,0,245](4.6):neon_purple[6019][188,19,254](5.4) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:hot:mulberry:neon:purple +8934 vivid_orchid rgb 231 0 202 hex #E700CA hsv 308 100 91 xyz 0.44 0.21 0.58 lab 53 87 -42 lch 53 97 334 cmyk 0 91 11 9 hot_magenta[4558][245,4,201](5.4):fuchsia[3792][237,13,217](6.6):hot_magenta[4559][255,29,206](9.0):purple_pizzazz[6886][255,29,206](9.0):purple_pizzazz[6885][255,0,204](9.3) 0 fuchsia:hot:magenta:pizzazz:purple +8935 vivid_persian_blue rgb 29 0 231 hex #1D00E7 hsv 248 100 91 xyz 0.15 0.06 0.76 lab 29 74 -99 lch 29 123 307 cmyk 79 91 0 9 vivid_blue[8898][0,0,231](1.4):pure_blue[6857][2,3,226](2.4):blue[1529][0,0,238](3.3):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](3.6):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](5.7) 4 vivid:bluebonnet:pure:blue:indigo +8936 vivid_phthalo_blue rgb 0 29 231 hex #001DE7 hsv 232 100 91 xyz 0.15 0.07 0.76 lab 31 67 -96 lch 31 117 305 cmyk 91 79 0 9 ultramarine_blue[8640][24,5,219](4.4):bluebonnet[1606][28,28,240](4.7):pure_blue[6857][2,3,226](6.2):vivid_indigo[8921][58,0,231](7.0):blue[1528][0,0,205](7.2) 2 vivid:bluebonnet:pure:ultramarine:blue:indigo +8937 vivid_pistachio rgb 87 231 0 hex #57E700 hsv 97 100 91 xyz 0.33 0.59 0.1 lab 81 -70 79 lch 81 105 132 cmyk 56 0 91 9 vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](5.1):chartreuse[2237][118,238,0](6.2):vivid_chartreuse_green[8906][116,231,0](7.1):vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](9.3):vivid_sap_green[8946][29,231,0](9.3) 0 vivid:chartreuse:harlequin:sap:green +8938 vivid_purple rgb 145 0 231 hex #9100E7 hsv 278 100 91 xyz 0.26 0.12 0.76 lab 41 80 -80 lch 41 113 315 cmyk 34 91 0 9 violet[8857][154,14,234](2.8):purple[6868][160,32,240](5.1):veronica[8710][160,32,240](5.1):electric_purple[3449][170,35,255](7.3):purple[6866][155,48,255](7.3) 1 electric:veronica:purple:violet +8939 vivid_purple rgb 153 0 250 hex #9900FA hsv 277 100 98 xyz 0.3 0.14 0.91 lab 44 84 -86 lch 44 120 315 cmyk 38 98 0 2 luminous_vivid_purple[5392][159,0,255](2.2):vivid_violet[8963][159,0,255](2.2):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](4.1):violet[8854][143,0,255](4.1):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](5.4) 4 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:purple:violet +8940 vivid_raspberry rgb 231 0 87 hex #E70057 hsv 337 100 91 xyz 0.35 0.18 0.11 lab 49 77 20 lch 49 79 15 cmyk 0 91 56 9 raspberry[7070][227,11,92](4.5):raspberry[7071][227,11,93](4.5):razzmatazz[7092][227,11,92](4.5):ua_red[8624][217,0,76](5.4):debian_red[2945][215,10,83](6.2) 3 debian:raspberry:razzmatazz:ua:red +8941 vivid_raspberry rgb 255 0 108 hex #FF006C hsv 335 100 100 xyz 0.44 0.22 0.16 lab 54 83 15 lch 54 85 11 cmyk 0 100 58 0 PMS812[934][252,35,102](6.5):luminous_vivid_raspberry[5393][255,0,96](7.0):PMS213[171][234,15,107](8.4):winter_sky[9145][255,0,124](9.1):raspberry[7070][227,11,92](9.5) 0 luminous:vivid:PMS213:PMS812:raspberry:sky:winter +8942 vivid_red rgb 231 0 0 hex #E70000 hsv 360 100 91 xyz 0.33 0.17 0.02 lab 48 74 62 lch 48 97 40 cmyk 0 91 91 9 red[7104][229,0,0](0.0):ku_crimson[4891][232,0,13](3.2):vivid_scarlet[8948][231,29,0](3.3):red[7107][238,0,0](3.5):cadmium_red_deep[1994][227,23,13](5.0) 5 deep:vivid:cadmium:ku:scarlet:crimson:red +8943 vivid_red rgb 247 13 26 hex #F70D1A hsv 357 95 97 xyz 0.39 0.2 0.03 lab 52 77 58 lch 52 97 37 cmyk 0 92 87 3 luminous_vivid_amaranth[5359][255,0,32](3.3):ku_crimson[4891][232,0,13](4.6):red[7110][254,39,18](5.9):red[7104][229,0,0](6.4):red[7107][238,0,0](6.4) 2 luminous:vivid:amaranth:ku:crimson:red +8944 vivid_red_tangelo rgb 223 97 36 hex #DF6124 hsv 20 84 87 xyz 0.35 0.24 0.05 lab 56 46 56 lch 56 72 50 cmyk 0 49 73 13 vivid_vermilion[8958][229,96,36](3.3):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](4.0):flame[3653][226,88,34](5.1):rusty_orange[7390][205,89,9](5.8):PMS1595[86][209,91,5](6.6) 2 deep:vivid:PMS1595:carrot:flame:rusty:vermilion:orange +8945 vivid_rose rgb 231 0 116 hex #E70074 hsv 330 100 91 xyz 0.36 0.18 0.18 lab 50 78 3 lch 50 79 2 cmyk 0 91 45 9 red_purple[7136][228,0,120](3.2):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](5.1):mexican_pink[5700][228,0,124](5.1):PMS226[184][214,2,112](6.4):dark_hot_pink[2774][217,1,102](6.4) 1 dark:2X:PMS226:PMS806:hot:mexican:pink:purple:red +8946 vivid_sap_green rgb 29 231 0 hex #1DE700 hsv 112 100 91 xyz 0.29 0.57 0.1 lab 80 -79 77 lch 80 110 135 cmyk 79 0 91 9 vivid_green[8917][0,231,0](1.0):vivid_emerald_green[8912][0,231,29](3.0):vivid_green[8918][47,239,16](3.2):green[4027][0,238,0](4.1):vivid_harlequin[8919][58,231,0](4.2) 6 vivid:emerald:harlequin:green +8947 vivid_sapphire_blue rgb 0 58 231 hex #003AE7 hsv 225 100 91 xyz 0.16 0.09 0.76 lab 36 53 -89 lch 36 104 301 cmyk 91 68 0 9 palatinate_blue[6301][39,59,226](4.1):blue[1534][2,71,254](6.5):neon_blue[6010][77,77,255](8.3):electric_blue[3437][6,82,255](8.7):luminous_vivid_sapphire_blue[5397][0,64,255](9.1) 1 luminous:vivid:electric:neon:palatinate:sapphire:blue +8948 vivid_scarlet rgb 231 29 0 hex #E71D00 hsv 8 100 91 xyz 0.33 0.18 0.02 lab 49 71 63 lch 49 95 41 cmyk 0 79 91 9 red[7104][229,0,0](3.3):vivid_red[8942][231,0,0](3.3):tomato_red[8413][236,45,1](3.7):cadmium_red_deep[1994][227,23,13](5.1):vermillion[8708][244,50,12](5.1) 3 deep:vivid:cadmium:tomato:vermillion:red +8949 vivid_sea_green rgb 0 231 87 hex #00E757 hsv 143 100 91 xyz 0.3 0.58 0.19 lab 81 -75 56 lch 81 93 143 cmyk 91 0 56 9 malachite[5478][11,218,81](5.4):brilliant_green[1780][81,231,81](8.6):spearmint[7886][30,248,118](8.6):luminous_vivid_sea_green[5399][0,255,96](10.0):vivid_malachite_green[8926][0,231,58](10.5) 0 luminous:brilliant:vivid:malachite:sea:spearmint:green +8950 vivid_sky_blue rgb 0 204 255 hex #00CCFF hsv 192 100 100 xyz 0.4 0.5 1.02 lab 76 -24 -37 lch 76 44 236 cmyk 100 20 0 0 bright_sky_blue[1748][2,204,254](1.4):spiro_disco_ball[7902][15,192,252](7.1):cyan[2635][0,183,235](8.1):capri[2065][0,191,255](9.0):deep_sky_blue[3059][0,191,255](9.0) 1 deep:ball:bright:capri:cyan:disco:sky:spiro:blue +8951 vivid_spring_bud rgb 145 231 0 hex #91E700 hsv 82 100 91 xyz 0.4 0.63 0.1 lab 84 -54 81 lch 84 97 123 cmyk 34 0 91 9 alien_armpit[999][132,222,2](5.0):green_lizard[4050][167,244,50](7.1):french_lime[3752][158,253,56](7.9):lime[5268][170,255,50](8.1):green_yellow[4071][173,255,47](8.3) 1 alien:armpit:french:lizard:green:lime:yellow +8952 vivid_spring_green rgb 0 231 116 hex #00E774 hsv 150 100 91 xyz 0.32 0.58 0.26 lab 81 -71 43 lch 81 83 149 cmyk 91 0 45 9 spring_green[7920][0,238,118](3.5):minty_green[5774][11,247,125](6.2):tealish_green[8294][12,220,115](6.4):wintergreen[9147][32,249,134](6.4):turquoise_green[8587][4,244,137](6.5) 1 minty:spring:tealish:wintergreen:green:turquoise +8953 vivid_tangelo rgb 231 87 0 hex #E75700 hsv 23 100 91 xyz 0.36 0.24 0.03 lab 56 53 66 lch 56 85 51 cmyk 0 56 91 9 persimmon[6614][236,88,0](1.7):PMS165_2X[99][234,79,0](4.1):PMS166[100][221,89,0](4.6):spanish_orange[7876][232,97,0](4.6):trinidad[8476][230,78,3](4.9) 6 2X:PMS165:PMS166:persimmon:spanish:trinidad:orange +8954 vivid_tangelo rgb 240 116 39 hex #F07427 hsv 23 84 94 xyz 0.43 0.31 0.06 lab 63 43 61 lch 63 75 54 cmyk 0 49 79 6 chocolate[2308][238,118,33](2.2):crusta[2617][253,123,51](3.7):mars_yellow[5553][227,112,26](4.4):tango[8244][237,122,28](5.7):PMS158[83][232,117,17](6.5) 3 PMS158:chocolate:crusta:mars:tango:yellow +8955 vivid_tangerine rgb 255 153 128 hex #FF9980 hsv 12 50 100 xyz 0.57 0.46 0.26 lab 73 36 29 lch 73 46 40 cmyk 0 40 50 0 mona_lisa[5862][255,152,137](4.1):peachy_pink[6557][255,154,138](4.1):PMS170[107][249,137,114](6.0):PMS1635[94][249,142,109](6.8):light_salmon[5189][238,149,114](7.3) 2 light:PMS1635:PMS170:lisa:mona:peachy:salmon:pink +8956 vivid_tangerine rgb 255 160 137 hex #FFA089 hsv 12 46 100 xyz 0.58 0.48 0.3 lab 75 33 27 lch 75 42 39 cmyk 0 37 46 0 peachy_pink[6557][255,154,138](3.7):mona_lisa[5862][255,152,137](4.9):PMS1625[92][249,165,140](5.1):light_salmon[5190][254,169,147](5.4):mona_lisa[5863][255,161,148](6.0) 2 light:PMS1625:lisa:mona:peachy:salmon:pink +8957 vivid_turquoise rgb 0 231 174 hex #00E7AE hsv 165 100 91 xyz 0.36 0.6 0.5 lab 82 -60 15 lch 82 62 166 cmyk 91 0 22 9 brilliant_aquamarine[1763][81,231,175](7.1):bright_teal[1752][1,249,198](7.3):aqua_marine[1108][46,232,187](7.9):caribbean_green[2088][28,211,162](9.0):greenish_cyan[4081][42,254,183](9.5) 0 brilliant:aqua:bright:caribbean:cyan:greenish:marine:teal:aquamarine:green +8958 vivid_vermilion rgb 229 96 36 hex #E56024 hsv 19 84 90 xyz 0.37 0.25 0.05 lab 57 49 57 lch 57 75 49 cmyk 0 52 76 10 flame[3653][226,88,34](3.0):vivid_red_tangelo[8944][223,97,36](3.3):deep_carrot_orange[2969][233,105,44](4.4):PMS166[100][221,89,0](7.3):burning_orange[1921][255,112,52](7.3) 3 deep:vivid:PMS166:burning:carrot:flame:tangelo:orange:red +8959 vivid_vermilion rgb 231 58 0 hex #E73A00 hsv 15 100 91 xyz 0.34 0.2 0.02 lab 52 64 64 lch 52 90 45 cmyk 0 68 91 9 orange_red[6214][238,64,0](2.2):tomato_red[8413][236,45,1](5.0):orangish_red[6232][244,54,5](5.5):PMS172[109][247,73,2](5.8):reddish_orange[7156][248,72,28](5.9) 2 PMS172:orangish:reddish:tomato:orange:red +8960 vivid_violet rgb 116 0 231 hex #7400E7 hsv 270 100 91 xyz 0.22 0.09 0.76 lab 37 77 -86 lch 37 116 312 cmyk 45 91 0 9 purply_blue[6904][102,26,238](5.0):blue_violet[1593][93,6,233](5.7):vivid_blue_violet[8900][87,0,231](7.0):vivid_purple[8938][145,0,231](7.8):blue/purple[1541][90,6,239](8.2) 1 vivid:blue/purple:purply:blue:purple:violet +8961 vivid_violet rgb 128 55 144 hex #803790 hsv 289 62 56 xyz 0.15 0.09 0.27 lab 37 45 -36 lch 37 57 322 cmyk 6 35 0 44 medium_orchid[5617][122,55,139](3.5):eminence[3473][108,48,130](7.1):moderate_mulberry[5833][145,74,168](7.3):moderate_purple[5841][133,74,168](7.7):PMS2593[237][135,43,147](8.3) 1 medium:moderate:PMS2593:eminence:mulberry:orchid:purple +8962 vivid_violet rgb 143 80 157 hex #8F509D hsv 289 49 62 xyz 0.2 0.14 0.34 lab 44 39 -31 lch 44 50 321 cmyk 5 30 0 38 PMS258[230][155,79,150](6.8):PMS2583[232][158,79,165](7.3):orchid[6234][139,71,137](7.6):boogie_wonderland[1653][132,87,155](8.1):light_eggplant[5096][137,69,133](9.0) 0 light:PMS258:PMS2583:boogie:eggplant:orchid:wonderland +8963 vivid_violet rgb 159 0 255 hex #9F00FF hsv 277 100 100 xyz 0.32 0.15 0.96 lab 45 86 -86 lch 45 122 315 cmyk 38 100 0 0 luminous_vivid_purple[5392][159,0,255](0.0):vivid_purple[8939][153,0,250](2.2):bright_violet[1756][173,10,253](4.5):electric_violet[3453][143,0,255](4.9):violet[8854][143,0,255](4.9) 5 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:purple:violet +8964 vivid_yellow rgb 231 231 0 hex #E7E700 hsv 60 100 91 xyz 0.62 0.74 0.11 lab 89 -20 88 lch 89 90 103 cmyk 0 0 91 9 PMS3945[473][239,234,7](2.2):PMS395[474][229,232,17](2.2):peridot[6589][230,226,0](2.4):yellow[9195][238,238,0](2.8):titanium_yellow[8378][238,230,0](3.0) 6 PMS3945:PMS395:peridot:titanium:yellow +8965 vivid_yellow rgb 255 227 2 hex #FFE302 hsv 53 99 100 xyz 0.69 0.76 0.11 lab 90 -8 89 lch 90 89 95 cmyk 0 11 99 0 cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](0.0):golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](2.2):luminous_vivid_gold[5377][255,223,0](2.2):dandelion[2670][254,223,8](2.4):yellow[9198][254,223,0](2.4) 10 luminous:vivid:cadmium:dandelion:gold:golden:lemon:yellow +8966 vixen rgb 129 52 43 hex #81342B hsv 6 67 51 xyz 0.11 0.07 0.03 lab 32 33 22 lch 32 40 34 cmyk 0 30 34 49 erica[3504][129,51,45](1.0):raging_bull[7044][127,47,42](1.7):crab_apple[2570][135,56,47](2.0):mustang[5950][127,53,46](2.2):PMS181[130][124,45,35](3.0) 14 PMS181:apple:bull:crab:erica:mustang:raging +8967 volcano rgb 78 39 40 hex #4E2728 hsv 358 50 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.02 lab 21 18 8 lch 21 20 22 cmyk 0 15 15 69 style_pasifika_red_soil[8093][78,39,40](0.0):filmpro_burnt_sienna[3604][82,44,43](2.2):mahogany[5459][73,38,37](2.2):nelson_red[6007][79,37,37](2.2):PMS497[605][81,40,38](2.4) 20 burnt:PMS497:filmpro:mahogany:nelson:pasifika:sienna:soil:style:red +8968 volcano rgb 101 26 20 hex #651A14 hsv 4 80 40 xyz 0.06 0.04 0.01 lab 22 33 23 lch 22 41 35 cmyk 0 29 32 60 cherrywood[2267][101,26,20](0.0):moccaccino[5800][110,29,20](4.1):dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.6):heatwave[4457][110,38,32](4.6):beer_srm_30[1370][91,13,3](5.1) 4 dark:30:beer:cherrywood:heatwave:moccaccino:srm:tan +8969 volt rgb 205 255 0 hex #CDFF00 hsv 72 100 100 xyz 0.61 0.84 0.13 lab 94 -42 90 lch 94 99 115 cmyk 20 0 100 0 electric_lime[3446][204,255,0](0.0):fluorescent_yellow[3703][204,255,0](0.0):neon_yellow[6021][207,255,4](1.0):greenish_yellow[4089][205,253,2](1.4):arctic_lime[1138][208,255,20](2.2) 10 arctic:electric:fluorescent:greenish:neon:lime:yellow +8970 voltage rgb 141 144 148 hex #8D9094 hsv 214 5 58 xyz 0.26 0.28 0.32 lab 60 0 -3 lch 60 3 263 cmyk 3 2 0 42 clouded_blue[2384][137,146,150](2.0):oslo_grey[6259][135,141,145](2.2):amber_grey[1036][146,150,152](2.4):mountain_mist[5919][149,147,150](2.4):grey[4156][145,145,145](3.0) 32 amber:clouded:mist:mountain:oslo:blue:grey +8971 vomit rgb 162 164 21 hex #A2A415 hsv 61 87 64 xyz 0.28 0.34 0.06 lab 65 -16 65 lch 65 67 104 cmyk 1 0 56 36 PMS391[468][158,158,7](2.2):puke[6837][165,165,2](3.2):strong_olive[8043][168,168,0](4.5):PMS384[461][147,153,5](4.6):citron[2346][158,169,31](4.6) 6 strong:PMS384:PMS391:citron:olive:puke +8972 vomit_green rgb 137 162 3 hex #89A203 hsv 69 98 64 xyz 0.23 0.31 0.05 lab 63 -26 65 lch 63 70 112 cmyk 10 0 62 36 strong_apple_green[8017][147,168,0](3.0):pea_green[6534][142,171,18](3.6):pea_soup_green[6538][148,166,23](4.1):barf_green[1296][148,172,2](4.2):puke_green[6839][154,174,7](5.1) 4 strong:apple:barf:pea:puke:soup:green +8973 vomit_yellow rgb 199 193 12 hex #C7C10C hsv 58 94 78 xyz 0.43 0.5 0.08 lab 76 -15 76 lch 76 77 101 cmyk 0 2 73 22 puke_yellow[6840][194,190,14](1.4):PMS397[478][193,191,10](1.7):PMS612[791][196,186,0](2.8):dirty_yellow[3141][205,197,10](3.0):alo[1015][209,203,27](4.1) 9 PMS397:PMS612:alo:dirty:puke:yellow +8974 voodoo rgb 68 50 64 hex #443240 hsv 313 26 27 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 11 -6 lch 23 12 333 cmyk 0 7 2 73 passion[6499][59,42,57](3.2):barossa[1311][69,46,57](3.7):valentino[8670][56,44,56](4.2):chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](4.5):loulou[5347][76,51,71](4.9) 7 barossa:chocolate:fish:loulou:passion:valentino +8975 voodoo rgb 83 52 85 hex #533455 hsv 296 39 33 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.09 lab 27 20 -14 lch 27 25 325 cmyk 1 13 0 67 violet[8851][79,47,79](2.2):english_violet[3494][86,60,92](3.0):dark_byzantium[2699][93,57,84](4.6):hot_purple[4568][78,46,83](4.7):japanese_violet[4738][91,50,86](5.0) 5 dark:byzantium:english:hot:japanese:purple:violet +8976 vortex rgb 58 56 91 hex #3A385B hsv 243 38 36 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.1 lab 25 10 -21 lch 25 23 297 cmyk 13 14 0 64 storm[7991][54,54,93](2.4):glitter[3875][65,58,93](3.0):zodiac[9269][65,58,93](3.0):galactica[3821][48,54,85](3.7):martinique[5560][54,48,80](3.7) 12 galactica:glitter:martinique:storm:zodiac +8977 vroom rgb 53 61 117 hex #353D75 hsv 233 55 46 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.18 lab 28 14 -33 lch 28 36 293 cmyk 25 22 0 54 torea_bay[8429][53,61,117](0.0):resolution_blue[7189][50,63,117](2.0):sea_world[7574][50,63,117](2.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](3.6):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](3.6) 8 bay:decadence:resolution:sea:topsy:torea:turvy:world:blue +8978 vulcan rgb 16 18 29 hex #10121D hsv 231 45 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 6 2 -8 lch 6 8 285 cmyk 5 4 0 89 very_dark_blue[8715][17,17,29](1.4):black_pepper[1470][14,14,24](2.8):cinder[2327][14,14,24](2.8):blue_charcoal[1552][1,13,26](3.7):ebony[3344][12,11,29](4.1) 12 dark:very:charcoal:cinder:ebony:pepper:black:blue +8979 vulcan rgb 54 56 60 hex #36383C hsv 220 10 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.05 lab 23 0 -3 lch 23 3 272 cmyk 2 2 0 76 shark[7645][52,54,58](0.0):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.0):tao_grey[8246][50,52,54](1.4):atom[1184][55,58,60](1.7):woody_bay[9177][51,52,58](1.7) 60 atom:bay:clay:ebony:shark:tao:woody:grey +8980 wafer rgb 212 187 177 hex #D4BBB1 hsv 17 17 83 xyz 0.53 0.53 0.49 lab 78 7 8 lch 78 11 49 cmyk 0 10 14 17 PMS435[519][211,191,183](1.7):blanched_pink[1497][208,187,181](2.4):soulmate[7858][205,181,175](3.0):clam_shell[2353][212,182,175](3.6):oyster_pink[6283][212,181,176](3.7) 11 PMS435:blanched:clam:oyster:shell:soulmate:pink +8981 wafer rgb 222 203 198 hex #DECBC6 hsv 12 11 87 xyz 0.62 0.62 0.62 lab 83 6 5 lch 83 8 40 cmyk 0 7 9 13 dust_storm[3302][229,204,201](2.2):PMS5235[651][221,198,196](2.4):PMS5245[653][229,211,204](3.3):quarter_milestone[6969][219,208,203](3.3):swiss_coffee[8188][219,208,202](3.3) 25 PMS5235:PMS5245:coffee:dust:milestone:quarter:storm:swiss +8982 waikawa_grey rgb 90 110 156 hex #5A6E9C hsv 222 42 61 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.34 lab 47 5 -27 lch 47 28 280 cmyk 26 18 0 39 ucla_blue[8626][83,104,149](3.0):breakwater[1703][83,104,147](3.3):san_marino[7449][78,108,157](4.1):blue_jeans[1571][78,101,144](4.2):jasper[4746][78,101,144](4.2) 7 breakwater:jasper:jeans:marino:san:ucla:blue +8983 waikawa_grey rgb 91 110 145 hex #5B6E91 hsv 219 37 57 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.29 lab 46 2 -21 lch 46 21 276 cmyk 21 14 0 43 kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](1.0):kingfisher_blue[4863][89,106,139](1.4):waratah[8993][85,105,139](2.0):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](3.0):panorama[6469][89,116,153](3.5) 7 kashmir:kingfisher:leap:panorama:quantum:waratah:blue +8984 waiouru rgb 54 60 13 hex #363C0D hsv 68 78 24 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.01 lab 24 -10 27 lch 24 29 110 cmyk 2 0 18 76 PMS5747[746][66,71,22](5.1):dark_olive[2810][55,62,2](5.2):turtle_green[8591][42,56,11](5.4):camouflage[2027][60,57,16](5.5):PMS5815[766][73,68,17](7.1) 0 dark:PMS5747:PMS5815:camouflage:olive:turtle:green +8985 waiouru rgb 76 78 49 hex #4C4E31 hsv 64 37 31 xyz 0.06 0.07 0.04 lab 32 -6 17 lch 32 18 110 cmyk 1 0 11 69 camouflage[2028][79,77,50](2.2):dark_olive_green[2813][79,79,47](2.2):style_pasifika_dark_moss[8074][79,77,50](2.2):grey_green[4213][82,86,54](3.3):thatch_green[8322][84,78,49](4.2) 6 dark:camouflage:moss:olive:pasifika:style:thatch:green:grey +8986 waiwherowhero rgb 134 73 44 hex #86492C hsv 19 67 53 xyz 0.13 0.1 0.04 lab 38 23 28 lch 38 37 51 cmyk 0 24 35 47 charisma[2228][133,73,38](3.2):terracotta_hit[8311][142,80,55](3.6):twizel[8621][142,80,55](3.6):mule_fawn[5942][140,71,47](4.1):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](4.5) 11 burnished:charisma:fawn:hit:mule:terracotta:twizel:orange +8987 walnut rgb 119 63 26 hex #773F1A hsv 24 78 47 xyz 0.1 0.08 0.02 lab 33 21 32 lch 33 39 57 cmyk 0 22 36 53 cigar[2324][119,63,26](0.0):deep_ochre[3021][115,61,26](1.4):peru_tan[6618][115,61,31](4.1):russet[7374][128,70,27](4.2):charisma[2228][133,73,38](5.2) 4 deep:charisma:cigar:ochre:peru:russet:tan +8988 walnut rgb 121 77 46 hex #794D2E hsv 25 62 47 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.04 lab 37 15 26 lch 37 30 60 cmyk 0 17 29 53 matai[5569][118,76,44](1.4):momentum[5861][120,78,44](1.4):boomerang[1654][121,78,51](3.0):oak[6087][120,81,45](3.3):cape_palliser[2060][117,72,47](3.7) 15 boomerang:cape:matai:momentum:oak:palliser +8989 wan_white rgb 228 226 220 hex #E4E2DC hsv 45 4 89 xyz 0.72 0.76 0.79 lab 90 0 3 lch 90 3 97 cmyk 0 1 3 11 eighth_tea[3426][226,222,216](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.0):quarter_concrete[6934][232,229,224](1.0):snow_drift[7810][227,227,220](1.0):vista_white[8887][227,223,217](1.0) 129 concrete:drift:eighth:quarter:snow:tea:truffle:vista:white +8990 wan_white rgb 252 255 249 hex #FCFFF9 hsv 90 2 100 xyz 0.93 0.99 1.04 lab 100 -2 3 lch 100 3 129 cmyk 1 0 2 0 ceramic[2174][252,255,249](0.0):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](0.0):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](0.0):yellowish_white[9233][255,255,246](1.0):baby_powder[1248][254,254,250](1.4) 60 baby:ceramic:fog:hint:of:powder:sea:yellowish:grey:white +8991 wanaka rgb 40 73 98 hex #284962 hsv 206 59 38 xyz 0.05 0.06 0.12 lab 30 -4 -18 lch 30 19 258 cmyk 23 10 0 62 dark_slate_blue[2886][33,71,97](1.7):spinnaker[7901][47,77,102](2.2):dark_grey_blue[2770][41,70,91](2.8):astronaut_blue[1174][33,69,89](3.5):arapawa[1136][39,74,93](3.6) 12 slate:dark:arapawa:astronaut:spinnaker:blue:grey +8992 wanderlust rgb 136 132 60 hex #88843C hsv 57 56 53 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.08 lab 54 -9 39 lch 54 40 103 cmyk 0 2 30 47 old_moss_green[6143][134,126,54](2.8):highball[4486][146,140,60](5.0):sycamore[8194][146,140,60](5.0):drab[3263][130,131,68](5.2):grass_hopper[3987][124,118,49](5.5) 3 drab:grass:highball:hopper:moss:old:sycamore:green +8993 waratah rgb 85 105 139 hex #55698B hsv 218 39 55 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.26 lab 44 2 -21 lch 44 21 274 cmyk 21 13 0 45 kingfisher_blue[4863][89,106,139](1.4):waikawa_grey[8983][91,110,145](2.0):kashmir_blue[4823][87,109,142](2.2):quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](2.2):norwegian_blue[6075][88,100,131](2.4) 8 kashmir:kingfisher:leap:norwegian:quantum:waikawa:blue:grey +8994 warhol rgb 155 97 95 hex #9B615F hsv 2 39 61 xyz 0.2 0.16 0.13 lab 47 23 11 lch 47 26 25 cmyk 0 23 24 39 au_chico[1190][151,96,93](1.0):rose_taupe[7316][144,93,93](3.5):copper_rose[2484][153,102,102](4.1):PMS4995[610][165,107,109](5.0):coral_tree[2507][168,107,107](5.2) 4 PMS4995:au:chico:copper:coral:taupe:tree:rose +8995 warlord rgb 69 64 79 hex #45404F hsv 260 19 31 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.08 lab 28 6 -8 lch 28 10 304 cmyk 4 6 0 69 grape[3976][65,61,75](1.4):catwalk[2140][61,62,76](3.3):mortar[5902][80,67,81](3.5):bossanova[1662][76,61,78](4.0):ship_grey[7663][62,58,68](4.1) 9 bossanova:catwalk:grape:mortar:ship:grey +8996 warm_black rgb 0 66 66 hex #004242 hsv 180 100 26 xyz 0.03 0.04 0.06 lab 25 -18 -5 lch 25 19 196 cmyk 26 0 0 74 rich_black[7208][0,64,64](1.0):cyprus[2651][15,70,69](1.4):cyprus[2650][0,62,64](2.4):greenstone[4090][0,62,64](2.4):tiber[8345][24,67,67](3.3) 9 cyprus:greenstone:rich:tiber:black +8997 warm_blue rgb 75 87 219 hex #4B57DB hsv 235 66 86 xyz 0.19 0.13 0.69 lab 43 37 -69 lch 43 78 298 cmyk 56 52 0 14 iris[4669][90,79,207](5.1):brilliant_phthalo_blue[1793][81,100,231](5.8):majorelle_blue[5473][96,80,220](8.1):azul[1225][29,93,236](8.3):blue[1537][34,66,199](8.6) 0 brilliant:azul:iris:majorelle:phthalo:blue +8998 warm_brown rgb 150 78 2 hex #964E02 hsv 31 99 59 xyz 0.15 0.12 0.02 lab 41 26 50 lch 41 56 63 cmyk 0 28 58 41 brown[1836][150,75,0](1.4):PMS160[87][158,84,10](3.0):chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](3.0):PMS724[903][142,73,5](3.7):hawaiian_tan[4439][157,86,22](4.4) 7 PMS160:PMS724:chelsea:gem:hawaiian:tan:brown +8999 warm_grey rgb 128 128 105 hex #808069 hsv 60 18 50 xyz 0.19 0.21 0.16 lab 53 -4 13 lch 53 13 109 cmyk 0 0 9 50 triple_lemon_grass[8497][129,128,104](0.0):bandicoot[1283][133,132,112](3.0):schist[7528][135,135,111](3.0):bitter[1438][134,137,116](3.7):olive_haze[6167][136,128,100](3.7) 24 bandicoot:bitter:grass:haze:olive:schist:triple:lemon +9000 warm_grey rgb 151 138 132 hex #978A84 hsv 19 13 59 xyz 0.26 0.26 0.26 lab 58 4 5 lch 58 6 53 cmyk 0 5 7 41 eighth_oilskin[3411][146,138,130](2.0):quarter_buffalo[6927][153,134,130](2.2):schooner[7531][139,132,126](3.0):tom[8404][146,130,127](3.0):double_perfect_taupe[3227][152,139,128](3.3) 24 buffalo:double:eighth:oilskin:perfect:quarter:schooner:taupe:tom +9001 warm_kwila rgb 117 58 42 hex #753A2A hsv 13 64 46 xyz 0.09 0.07 0.03 lab 32 24 22 lch 32 33 42 cmyk 0 23 29 54 desperado[3111][117,57,41](1.0):PMS175[112][109,51,33](3.2):teranova[8305][122,58,43](3.2):scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](3.6):PMS478[586][122,63,40](3.7) 15 PMS175:PMS478:clay:desperado:scorched:teranova +9002 warm_pink rgb 251 85 129 hex #FB5581 hsv 344 66 98 xyz 0.47 0.29 0.24 lab 60 66 11 lch 60 67 10 cmyk 0 65 48 2 PMS1915[146][244,84,124](2.4):strawberry[8008][252,90,141](5.5):light_brilliant_crimson[5038][255,101,139](5.7):sasquatch_socks[7501][255,70,129](6.2):brilliant_crimson[1774][231,81,119](6.4) 1 light:brilliant:PMS1915:sasquatch:socks:strawberry:crimson +9003 warm_purple rgb 149 46 143 hex #952E8F hsv 303 69 58 xyz 0.18 0.1 0.27 lab 38 54 -32 lch 38 63 330 cmyk 0 40 2 42 PMS254[220][160,45,150](4.6):PMS2593[237][135,43,147](6.4):medium_purple[5632][158,67,162](7.0):PMS513[630][158,35,135](7.1):ugly_purple[8633][164,66,160](7.1) 1 medium:PMS254:PMS2593:PMS513:ugly:purple +9004 warmed_brown rgb 74 48 43 hex #4A302B hsv 10 42 29 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 11 8 lch 23 14 36 cmyk 0 10 12 71 baked_earth[1261][73,48,40](2.2):espresso[3510][78,49,45](2.2):cherrywood[2266][78,49,46](2.4):dark_ginger[2726][71,48,41](2.4):timberland[8363][76,51,42](2.4) 28 dark:baked:cherrywood:earth:espresso:ginger:timberland +9005 warrior rgb 45 59 66 hex #2D3B42 hsv 200 32 26 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.06 lab 24 -4 -6 lch 24 7 239 cmyk 8 3 0 74 big_stone[1407][51,64,70](2.2):gotham[3956][48,59,68](2.2):mosaic[5905][41,55,65](3.0):outer_space[6268][45,56,58](3.2):oxford_blue[6275][40,53,58](3.2) 21 big:gotham:mosaic:outer:oxford:space:stone:blue +9006 wasabi rgb 120 138 37 hex #788A25 hsv 71 73 54 xyz 0.17 0.22 0.05 lab 54 -21 49 lch 54 53 113 cmyk 7 0 40 46 pacifika[6293][119,129,32](4.6):rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](4.6):trendy_green[8471][124,136,26](5.0):chrome_oxide_green[2320][102,128,20](5.1):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](6.2) 3 chrome:forest:oxide:pacifika:rain:trendy:green +9007 wasabi rgb 132 145 55 hex #849137 hsv 69 62 57 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.07 lab 57 -18 45 lch 57 48 112 cmyk 5 0 35 43 kombi[4879][131,137,49](4.5):trendy_green[8472][126,132,36](5.8):pacifika[6293][119,129,32](5.9):rain_forest[7047][119,129,32](5.9):highball[4485][144,141,57](8.1) 1 forest:highball:kombi:pacifika:rain:trendy:green +9008 washed_green rgb 144 151 130 hex #909782 hsv 80 14 59 xyz 0.27 0.3 0.25 lab 61 -6 10 lch 61 12 122 cmyk 3 0 8 41 lemon_grass[4973][153,154,134](2.8):PMS416[499][142,140,122](4.2):lemon_grass[4974][155,158,143](4.7):double_lemon_grass[3211][139,139,116](4.9):isotonic[4693][140,139,116](4.9) 6 PMS416:double:grass:isotonic:lemon +9009 washed_out_green rgb 188 245 166 hex #BCF5A6 hsv 103 32 96 xyz 0.6 0.79 0.48 lab 91 -32 32 lch 91 46 135 cmyk 22 0 31 4 tea_green[8275][189,248,163](3.7):light_green[5116][200,255,176](4.1):pale_green[6348][199,253,181](4.7):celadon[2153][190,253,183](5.9):light_pastel_green[5162][178,251,165](6.4) 3 pale:light:celadon:pastel:tea:green +9010 water_blue rgb 14 135 204 hex #0E87CC hsv 202 93 80 xyz 0.2 0.22 0.6 lab 54 -5 -44 lch 54 44 264 cmyk 75 27 0 20 PMS3005[333][0,132,201](1.0):PMS2925[316][0,142,214](2.8):cerulean[2183][4,133,209](4.4):lochmara[5323][0,126,199](4.7):star_command_blue[7952][0,123,184](6.5) 4 PMS2925:PMS3005:cerulean:command:lochmara:star:blue +9011 water_leaf rgb 161 233 222 hex #A1E9DE hsv 171 31 91 xyz 0.57 0.71 0.8 lab 88 -25 -2 lch 88 25 184 cmyk 28 0 4 9 pale_robin_egg_blue[6416][150,222,209](4.1):ice_cold[4599][177,244,231](4.6):riptide[7233][139,230,216](5.4):light_opal[5156][139,231,220](5.5):PMS3245[371][140,224,209](5.7) 2 pale:light:PMS3245:cold:egg:ice:opal:riptide:robin:blue +9012 water_leaf rgb 182 236 222 hex #B6ECDE hsv 164 23 93 xyz 0.62 0.75 0.8 lab 89 -20 1 lch 89 20 177 cmyk 21 0 5 7 cruise[2612][181,236,223](0.0):ice_cold[4598][175,227,214](3.2):pale_light_grayish_turquoise[6377][184,231,220](3.3):PMS331[398][186,234,214](4.1):cruise[2611][180,226,213](4.2) 6 pale:light:PMS331:cold:cruise:grayish:ice:turquoise +9013 watercourse rgb 0 110 78 hex #006E4E hsv 163 100 43 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.09 lab 41 -35 10 lch 41 37 164 cmyk 43 0 13 57 bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](3.0):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](3.0):PMS3425[415][0,104,71](3.2):PMS555[714][7,109,84](3.6):robin_hood[7253][22,112,87](4.4) 8 PMS3425:PMS555:bangladesh:bottle:hood:robin:green +9014 watercourse rgb 5 111 87 hex #056F57 hsv 166 95 44 xyz 0.07 0.12 0.11 lab 41 -33 6 lch 41 34 170 cmyk 42 0 9 56 PMS342[414][0,107,84](1.0):PMS555[714][7,109,84](1.0):robin_hood[7253][22,112,87](1.7):bangladesh_green[1286][0,106,78](3.0):bottle_green[1671][0,106,78](3.0) 10 PMS342:PMS555:bangladesh:bottle:hood:robin:green +9015 waterfront rgb 62 127 157 hex #3E7F9D hsv 199 61 62 xyz 0.16 0.19 0.35 lab 50 -11 -22 lch 50 25 243 cmyk 37 12 0 38 dirty_blue[3136][63,130,157](2.4):wedgewood[9041][78,127,158](3.2):jelly_bean[4756][41,123,154](4.1):moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](4.1):astral[1169][50,125,160](4.2) 5 moderate:astral:bean:cornflower:dirty:jelly:wedgewood:blue +9016 waterloo rgb 114 114 130 hex #727282 hsv 240 12 51 xyz 0.17 0.17 0.24 lab 49 3 -9 lch 49 9 291 cmyk 6 6 0 49 storm_grey[7994][113,116,134](1.0):raven[7079][114,123,137](3.6):topaz[8422][124,119,138](3.7):pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](4.2):light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](4.6) 9 pale:light:raven:sky:steel:storm:topaz:blue:grey +9017 waterloo rgb 123 124 148 hex #7B7C94 hsv 238 17 58 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.31 lab 53 5 -13 lch 53 14 290 cmyk 10 9 0 42 raincloud[7048][123,124,148](0.0):topaz[8422][124,119,138](3.7):PMS5285[661][140,130,153](4.7):mobster[5797][127,117,137](4.7):rhythm[7198][119,118,150](5.4) 4 PMS5285:mobster:raincloud:rhythm:topaz +9018 watermelon rgb 253 70 89 hex #FD4659 hsv 354 72 99 xyz 0.45 0.26 0.12 lab 58 69 31 lch 58 76 24 cmyk 0 72 64 1 PMS1785[120][252,79,89](3.7):PMS1787[121][244,63,79](4.4):sizzling_red[7734][255,56,85](5.2):desire[3110][234,60,83](6.2):neon_fuchsia[6013][254,65,100](6.7) 2 PMS1785:PMS1787:desire:fuchsia:neon:sizzling:red +9019 waterspout rgb 0 255 255 hex #00FFFF hsv 180 100 100 xyz 0.54 0.79 1.07 lab 91 -48 -14 lch 91 50 196 cmyk 100 0 0 0 aqua[1097][0,255,255](0.0):cyan[2638][0,255,255](0.0):cyan_/_aqua[2639][0,255,255](0.0):electric_cyan[3440][0,255,255](0.0):luminous_vivid_cyan[5373][0,255,255](0.0) 9 luminous:vivid:/:aqua:cyan:electric +9020 waterspout rgb 164 244 249 hex #A4F4F9 hsv 184 34 98 xyz 0.65 0.79 1.02 lab 91 -23 -10 lch 91 25 204 cmyk 33 2 0 2 robin's_egg_blue[7248][152,239,249](3.3):very_light_arctic_blue[8744][158,243,255](4.0):cadet_blue[1983][152,245,255](4.5):celeste[2159][178,255,255](4.5):italian_sky_blue[4694][178,255,255](4.5) 5 light:very:arctic:cadet:celeste:egg:italian:robin's:sky:blue +9021 wattle rgb 214 202 61 hex #D6CA3D hsv 55 71 84 xyz 0.5 0.57 0.13 lab 80 -11 68 lch 80 69 100 cmyk 0 5 60 16 confetti[2454][221,203,70](3.0):PMS611[790][214,206,73](4.6):brilliant_gold[1779][231,213,81](6.2):manz[5517][228,219,85](7.0):party_mix[6497][225,197,58](7.1) 2 brilliant:PMS611:confetti:gold:manz:mix:party +9022 wattle rgb 220 215 71 hex #DCD747 hsv 58 68 86 xyz 0.55 0.64 0.15 lab 84 -15 68 lch 84 70 102 cmyk 0 2 58 14 manz[5517][228,219,85](4.1):PMS611[790][214,206,73](5.4):PMS584[771][206,214,73](5.5):PMS603[782][237,232,91](6.1):brilliant_yellow[1811][231,231,81](6.2) 1 brilliant:PMS584:PMS603:PMS611:manz:yellow +9023 watusi rgb 242 205 187 hex #F2CDBB hsv 20 23 95 xyz 0.67 0.66 0.56 lab 85 10 14 lch 85 17 53 cmyk 0 15 22 5 soft_pink[7832][242,205,187](0.0):desert_sand[3105][239,205,184](1.4):PMS489[598][242,209,191](1.7):just_right[4802][236,205,185](2.2):tuft_bush[8553][249,211,190](2.2) 12 PMS489:bush:desert:just:right:sand:soft:tuft:pink +9024 watusi rgb 255 221 207 hex #FFDDCF hsv 18 19 100 xyz 0.78 0.77 0.7 lab 91 10 11 lch 91 15 49 cmyk 0 13 19 0 tuft_bush[8554][255,221,205](1.7):marshmallow[5557][252,219,210](2.2):pippin[6713][252,219,210](2.2):cinderella[2329][251,215,204](2.4):sentimental[7607][255,225,212](2.4) 9 bush:cinderella:marshmallow:pippin:sentimental:tuft +9025 wave_rider rgb 65 63 110 hex #413F6E hsv 243 43 43 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.16 lab 29 14 -27 lch 29 30 297 cmyk 18 18 0 57 corn_flower_blue[2523][66,66,111](2.4):meteorite[5698][74,59,106](4.6):port_gore[6782][59,67,108](5.4):decadence[2946][49,54,105](5.7):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](5.7) 2 corn:decadence:flower:gore:meteorite:port:topsy:turvy:blue +9026 wavelength rgb 60 104 134 hex #3C6886 hsv 204 55 53 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.24 lab 42 -6 -21 lch 42 22 254 cmyk 29 12 0 47 wedgewood[9040][76,107,136](3.7):ugly_blue[8629][49,102,138](4.1):sky_blue[7741][74,112,139](4.5):astral[1170][55,111,137](4.6):optimist[6193][43,104,141](5.1) 4 astral:optimist:sky:ugly:wedgewood:blue +9027 wax_flower rgb 238 179 158 hex #EEB39E hsv 16 34 93 xyz 0.58 0.53 0.4 lab 78 19 19 lch 78 27 46 cmyk 0 23 31 7 PMS487[596][239,181,160](1.0):PMS169[106][249,186,170](4.1):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](5.1):melon[5665][254,186,173](5.8):sakura[7421][233,183,169](5.8) 2 PMS169:PMS487:mandys:melon:sakura:pink +9028 wax_flower rgb 255 192 168 hex #FFC0A8 hsv 17 34 100 xyz 0.67 0.62 0.45 lab 83 19 21 lch 83 29 47 cmyk 0 25 34 0 PMS1555[78][249,191,158](4.6):PMS169[106][249,186,170](4.9):mandys_pink[5501][245,183,153](5.0):PMS162[91][249,198,170](5.1):PMS487[596][239,181,160](5.5) 3 PMS1555:PMS162:PMS169:PMS487:mandys:pink +9029 wazzup rgb 188 148 37 hex #BC9425 hsv 44 80 74 xyz 0.32 0.32 0.06 lab 63 5 60 lch 63 60 86 cmyk 0 16 59 26 nugget[6079][188,146,41](2.2):marigold[5526][185,141,40](4.1):nugget[6080][197,153,34](4.4):yellowy_brown[9234][174,139,12](4.9):PMS125[31][181,140,10](5.0) 5 PMS125:marigold:nugget:yellowy:brown +9030 we_peep rgb 247 219 230 hex #F7DBE6 hsv 336 11 97 xyz 0.78 0.76 0.85 lab 90 11 -2 lch 90 12 351 cmyk 0 11 7 3 carousel_pink[2112][249,224,237](1.4):piggy_pink[6650][253,221,230](2.4):vanilla_ice[8681][243,217,223](2.4):cherub[2269][248,217,233](2.8):very_pale_crimson[8803][255,226,233](2.8) 13 pale:very:carousel:cherub:ice:piggy:vanilla:crimson:pink +9031 we_peep rgb 253 215 216 hex #FDD7D8 hsv 358 15 99 xyz 0.77 0.74 0.75 lab 89 13 4 lch 89 14 18 cmyk 0 15 15 1 cosmos[2550][255,216,217](1.7):pale_pink[6403][250,218,221](1.7):PMS670[849][242,214,216](3.3):PMS698[877][247,209,204](3.6):cherub[2268][245,215,220](3.6) 19 pale:PMS670:PMS698:cherub:cosmos:pink +9032 weathered_blue rgb 103 117 131 hex #677583 hsv 210 21 51 xyz 0.16 0.17 0.24 lab 49 -2 -9 lch 49 10 258 cmyk 11 5 0 49 pale_sky[6428][110,119,131](1.7):light_steel_blue[5212][110,123,139](2.4):lynch[5416][105,125,137](2.8):raven[7079][114,123,137](2.8):slate_grey[7769][108,123,139](2.8) 13 pale:slate:light:lynch:raven:sky:steel:blue:grey +9033 weathered_grey rgb 119 111 111 hex #776F6F hsv 360 7 47 xyz 0.16 0.16 0.17 lab 48 3 1 lch 48 3 20 cmyk 0 3 3 53 blast_grey[1503][113,110,107](2.4):empress[3477][124,113,115](2.4):monsoon[5871][122,118,121](3.0):grey[4143][115,115,115](3.2):quarter_masala[6967][116,115,111](3.2) 33 blast:empress:masala:monsoon:quarter:grey +9034 weathered_yellow rgb 224 218 159 hex #E0DA9F hsv 54 29 88 xyz 0.62 0.68 0.43 lab 86 -7 30 lch 86 31 103 cmyk 0 2 25 12 PMS616[795][221,214,155](1.0):winter_hazel[9144][213,209,149](3.2):zombie[9271][228,214,155](3.3):beige[1385][230,218,166](4.4):PMS461[553][237,229,173](4.6) 8 PMS461:PMS616:beige:hazel:winter:zombie +9035 web_green rgb 0 128 0 hex #008000 hsv 120 100 50 xyz 0.08 0.15 0.03 lab 46 -52 50 lch 46 72 136 cmyk 50 0 50 50 ao[1074][0,128,0](0.0):green[4020][0,128,0](0.0):office_green[6115][0,128,0](0.0):india_green[4627][19,136,8](3.2):green[4021][0,139,0](5.8) 4 ao:india:office:green +9036 web_grey rgb 128 128 128 hex #808080 hsv 300 0 50 xyz 0.21 0.22 0.24 lab 54 0 0 lch 54 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 50 grey[4149][128,128,128](0.0):grey[4150][130,130,130](0.0):trolley_grey[8533][128,128,128](0.0):grey[4148][127,127,127](1.0):ricochet[7224][132,132,132](1.0) 64 ricochet:trolley:grey +9037 web_maroon rgb 128 0 0 hex #800000 hsv 360 100 50 xyz 0.09 0.05 0 lab 26 48 38 lch 26 61 38 cmyk 0 50 50 50 maroon[5540][128,0,0](0.0):dark_red[2855][132,0,0](1.4):deep_maroon[3015][130,0,0](1.4):deep_red[3040][133,1,1](1.7):indian_red[4631][133,14,4](2.4) 9 deep:dark:indian:maroon:red +9038 web_orange rgb 255 165 0 hex #FFA500 hsv 39 100 100 xyz 0.55 0.48 0.06 lab 75 24 79 lch 75 82 73 cmyk 0 35 100 0 orange[6206][255,165,0](0.0):chrome_yellow[2323][255,167,0](1.0):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.4):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.4):PMS137[49][252,163,17](3.2) 14 deep:dark:PMS137:chrome:naples:tangerine:orange:yellow +9039 web_purple rgb 128 0 128 hex #800080 hsv 300 100 50 xyz 0.13 0.06 0.21 lab 30 59 -36 lch 30 69 328 cmyk 0 50 0 50 patriarch[6523][128,0,128](0.0):purple[6863][128,0,128](0.0):mardi_gras[5524][136,0,133](3.0):dark_magenta[2793][139,0,139](5.8):magenta[5433][139,0,139](5.8) 3 dark:gras:magenta:mardi:patriarch:purple +9040 wedgewood rgb 76 107 136 hex #4C6B88 hsv 209 44 53 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.25 lab 44 -3 -20 lch 44 20 261 cmyk 24 11 0 47 quantum_leap[6913][79,105,139](3.6):metallic_blue[5687][79,115,142](3.7):sky_blue[7741][74,112,139](3.7):wavelength[9026][60,104,134](3.7):cadet_blue[1976][78,116,150](4.4) 7 cadet:leap:metallic:quantum:sky:wavelength:blue +9041 wedgewood rgb 78 127 158 hex #4E7F9E hsv 203 51 62 xyz 0.17 0.19 0.35 lab 51 -8 -22 lch 51 23 251 cmyk 31 12 0 38 moderate_cornflower_blue[5819][74,133,168](3.0):stormy_blue[7998][80,123,156](3.2):waterfront[9015][62,127,157](3.2):air_force_blue[977][93,138,168](4.2):rackley[7036][93,138,168](4.2) 9 moderate:air:cornflower:force:rackley:stormy:waterfront:blue +9042 weird_green rgb 58 229 127 hex #3AE57F hsv 144 75 90 xyz 0.34 0.58 0.3 lab 81 -65 38 lch 81 75 150 cmyk 67 0 40 10 tealish_green[8294][12,220,115](3.7):brilliant_malachite_green[1787][81,231,119](5.5):brilliant_sea_green[1804][81,231,137](6.5):sea_green[7560][78,238,148](7.8):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](7.8) 1 brilliant:vivid:malachite:sea:spring:tealish:green +9043 weldon_blue rgb 124 152 171 hex #7C98AB hsv 204 27 67 xyz 0.27 0.3 0.43 lab 61 -5 -13 lch 61 14 248 cmyk 18 7 0 33 grayish_azure[3997][125,147,168](2.4):blue_moon[1581][114,150,171](3.0):bali_hai[1265][132,156,169](3.6):bali_hai[1266][133,159,175](3.6):blue/grey[1540][117,141,163](3.7) 9 bali:blue/grey:grayish:hai:moon:azure:blue +9044 well_read rgb 142 53 55 hex #8E3537 hsv 359 63 56 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.05 lab 35 38 19 lch 35 42 26 cmyk 0 35 34 44 old_brick[6124][138,51,53](1.7):PMS492[601][145,51,56](2.2):pirate[6715][144,47,55](3.3):tabasco[8198][142,58,54](3.3):xotic[9186][134,51,54](3.5) 22 PMS492:brick:old:pirate:tabasco:xotic +9045 well_read rgb 180 51 50 hex #B43332 hsv 0 72 71 xyz 0.21 0.12 0.04 lab 42 52 31 lch 42 60 31 cmyk 0 51 51 29 hot_spot[4570][178,40,51](4.1):tall_poppy[8213][179,45,41](4.2):auburn[1196][165,42,42](4.5):brown[1837][165,42,42](4.5):brown[1838][166,42,42](4.5) 7 auburn:hot:poppy:spot:tall:brown +9046 wellywood rgb 163 217 45 hex #A3D92D hsv 79 79 85 xyz 0.4 0.58 0.11 lab 81 -40 72 lch 81 82 119 cmyk 21 0 67 15 lickety_split[4993][163,217,45](0.0):slime_green[7776][153,204,4](5.9):vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](6.2):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](6.5):olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](6.7) 1 vivid:atlantis:drab:lickety:olive:slime:split:green:lime +9047 wenge rgb 100 84 82 hex #645452 hsv 7 18 39 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.09 lab 37 6 4 lch 37 7 30 cmyk 0 6 7 61 half_felix[4325][98,83,78](1.4):artefact[1149][93,82,80](2.4):dorado[3170][107,87,85](2.8):quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](3.0):rough_n_tumble[7339][91,76,72](3.2) 13 artefact:barista:dorado:felix:half:n:quarter:rough:tumble +9048 west_coast rgb 92 81 47 hex #5C512F hsv 45 49 36 xyz 0.08 0.08 0.04 lab 35 -1 22 lch 35 22 92 cmyk 0 4 18 64 dark_amber[2676][89,77,39](2.8):bronze_olive[1826][88,76,37](3.6):toasted_green[8393][101,85,53](3.7):PMS450[536][96,84,43](4.1):PMS449[534][84,71,38](4.5) 7 dark:PMS449:PMS450:amber:bronze:olive:toasted:green +9049 west_coast rgb 98 81 25 hex #625119 hsv 46 74 38 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.02 lab 35 0 34 lch 35 34 90 cmyk 0 7 29 62 PMS4485[533][96,76,17](3.5):field_drab[3596][108,84,30](4.5):PMS455[547][102,86,20](4.6):horses_neck[4547][96,73,19](5.0):mud_brown[5925][96,70,15](5.9) 4 PMS4485:PMS455:drab:field:horses:mud:neck:brown +9050 west_side rgb 229 130 58 hex #E5823A hsv 25 75 90 xyz 0.41 0.33 0.08 lab 64 33 54 lch 64 63 59 cmyk 0 39 67 10 hi_jinx[4475][229,127,61](2.4):pizazz[6728][229,127,61](2.4):tree_poppy[8466][226,129,59](2.4):jaffa[4719][239,134,63](2.8):flamenco[3658][234,134,69](4.5) 8 flamenco:hi:jaffa:jinx:pizazz:poppy:tree +9051 west_side rgb 255 145 15 hex #FF910F hsv 33 94 100 xyz 0.51 0.42 0.06 lab 71 34 74 lch 71 82 65 cmyk 0 43 94 0 tangerine[8241][255,148,8](2.2):pizazz[6729][255,144,0](2.4):princeton_orange[6817][255,143,0](2.4):dark_orange[2826][255,140,0](3.7):juicy[4784][255,139,0](3.7) 6 dark:juicy:pizazz:princeton:tangerine:orange +9052 westar rgb 212 207 197 hex #D4CFC5 hsv 40 7 83 xyz 0.6 0.63 0.62 lab 83 0 6 lch 83 6 90 cmyk 0 2 6 17 double_white_pointer[3255][209,204,193](1.0):eighth_malta[3406][216,210,200](1.0):eighth_napa[3409][212,205,194](1.0):half_cloud[4306][212,205,195](1.0):last_chance[4919][216,210,200](1.0) 96 chance:cloud:double:eighth:half:last:malta:napa:pointer:white +9053 westar rgb 220 217 210 hex #DCD9D2 hsv 42 5 86 xyz 0.66 0.69 0.71 lab 87 0 4 lch 87 4 93 cmyk 0 1 4 14 timberwolf[8364][217,214,207](1.0):PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.4):barely_there[1295][223,221,213](1.4):black_haze[1459][224,222,215](1.4):ceramic[2173][223,221,214](1.4) 130 PMS427:barely:ceramic:haze:there:timberwolf:black +9054 western_red rgb 107 37 44 hex #6B252C hsv 354 65 42 xyz 0.07 0.05 0.03 lab 26 32 12 lch 26 34 21 cmyk 0 27 25 58 hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](0.0):monarch[5864][107,37,44](0.0):dynamite[3320][111,40,43](3.2):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](3.2):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](3.2) 18 blood:chile:dynamite:hibiscus:hot:monarch:pasifika:pohutukawa:style +9055 western_red rgb 139 7 35 hex #8B0723 hsv 347 95 55 xyz 0.11 0.06 0.02 lab 29 51 23 lch 29 56 25 cmyk 0 52 41 45 hot_chile[4552][139,7,35](0.0):monarch[5865][139,7,35](0.0):paprika[6478][141,2,38](1.4):code_red[2417][136,0,37](2.2):burgundy[1912][144,0,32](3.7) 6 burgundy:chile:code:hot:monarch:paprika:red +9056 western_red_cedar rgb 122 55 42 hex #7A372A hsv 10 66 48 xyz 0.1 0.07 0.03 lab 32 28 22 lch 32 36 38 cmyk 0 26 31 52 teranova[8305][122,58,43](1.4):PMS499[609][122,56,45](2.0):scorched_clay[7536][126,60,45](2.2):sunspot[8150][126,55,46](2.4):desperado[3111][117,57,41](3.0) 11 PMS499:clay:desperado:scorched:sunspot:teranova +9057 westwood rgb 144 155 103 hex #909B67 hsv 73 34 61 xyz 0.26 0.3 0.17 lab 62 -13 26 lch 62 29 116 cmyk 4 0 20 39 avocado[1211][149,152,107](5.0):moss_green[5912][138,154,91](5.9):PMS5773[754][155,158,114](6.2):jigsaw[4767][142,164,103](6.2):woodstock[9175][131,156,96](6.8) 1 PMS5773:avocado:jigsaw:moss:woodstock:green +9058 wet_n_wild rgb 37 67 117 hex #254375 hsv 218 68 46 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.18 lab 29 7 -32 lch 29 33 282 cmyk 31 20 0 54 filmpro_ultramarine_blue[3623][44,62,107](4.6):twilight_blue[8614][10,67,122](4.6):a_b_sea[940][51,80,131](5.1):fun_blue[3806][51,80,131](5.1):apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](5.2) 2 a:apollo:b:filmpro:fun:sea:twilight:ultramarine:blue +9059 wewak rgb 241 145 154 hex #F1919A hsv 354 40 95 xyz 0.52 0.41 0.36 lab 70 37 11 lch 70 39 16 cmyk 0 38 34 5 light_amaranth[4998][231,139,150](3.0):PMS701[880][232,135,142](3.3):sea_pink[7572][237,152,158](4.6):pink[6668][231,139,139](4.9):PMS1765[114][249,158,163](5.1) 4 light:PMS1765:PMS701:amaranth:sea:pink +9060 wewak rgb 241 155 171 hex #F19BAB hsv 349 36 95 xyz 0.55 0.45 0.44 lab 73 34 5 lch 73 35 9 cmyk 0 34 27 5 mauvelous[5583][239,152,170](1.7):PMS197[155][239,153,163](3.3):PMS189[141][255,163,178](4.1):light_pink[5171][238,162,173](4.2):PMS1905[144][252,155,178](5.2) 4 light:PMS189:PMS1905:PMS197:mauvelous:pink +9061 whale_tail rgb 0 57 103 hex #003967 hsv 207 100 40 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.13 lab 23 3 -32 lch 23 32 275 cmyk 40 18 0 60 PMS2955[322][0,61,107](2.2):PMS295[321][0,56,107](2.8):marine_blue[5531][1,56,106](2.8):apollo_blue[1078][22,57,104](3.3):PMS648[827][0,48,94](3.6) 10 PMS295:PMS2955:PMS648:apollo:marine:blue +9062 wham rgb 95 179 58 hex #5FB33A hsv 102 68 70 xyz 0.22 0.35 0.1 lab 66 -47 52 lch 66 70 132 cmyk 33 0 47 30 grass[3984][92,172,45](3.7):green[4031][102,176,50](3.7):leafy_green[4955][81,183,59](6.0):cinnabar_green[2333][97,179,41](6.1):nasty_green[5983][112,178,63](6.1) 2 cinnabar:grass:leafy:nasty:green +9063 wheat rgb 139 126 102 hex #8B7E66 hsv 39 27 55 xyz 0.21 0.21 0.16 lab 53 1 15 lch 53 15 86 cmyk 0 5 15 45 milky_way[5746][142,127,104](1.4):brownish_grey[1865][134,119,95](2.2):gargoyle[3830][144,126,105](2.4):brown_grey[1848][141,132,104](3.0):carat[2075][134,125,96](3.0) 30 brownish:carat:gargoyle:milky:way:brown:grey +9064 wheat rgb 205 186 150 hex #CDBA96 hsv 39 27 80 xyz 0.48 0.5 0.36 lab 76 1 21 lch 76 21 87 cmyk 0 7 22 20 beachcomber[1328][199,186,149](2.2):crusade[2613][205,182,146](2.2):half_canterbury_clay[4300][211,191,153](2.2):saloon[7436][213,191,152](3.0):sorrell_brown[7854][206,185,143](3.0) 19 beachcomber:canterbury:clay:crusade:half:saloon:sorrell:brown +9065 wheat rgb 216 216 191 hex #D8D8BF hsv 60 12 85 xyz 0.62 0.67 0.59 lab 86 -4 12 lch 86 13 109 cmyk 0 0 10 15 loafer[5316][219,217,194](1.0):daydream[2940][222,220,195](1.4):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](2.2):eighth_hillary[3402][214,211,190](2.4):half_white_rock[4413][223,219,198](2.4) 43 daydream:eighth:half:hillary:loafer:parchment:rock:white +9066 wheat rgb 238 216 174 hex #EED8AE hsv 39 27 93 xyz 0.67 0.7 0.5 lab 87 1 24 lch 87 24 87 cmyk 0 9 25 7 beeswax[1381][233,215,171](1.4):colonial_white[2435][233,215,171](1.4):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](1.4):aquashield_astra[1128][237,213,166](2.2):astra[1167][237,213,166](2.2) 36 aquashield:astra:beeswax:colonial:popcorn:white +9067 wheat rgb 245 222 179 hex #F5DEB3 hsv 39 27 96 xyz 0.72 0.75 0.53 lab 89 2 24 lch 89 24 86 cmyk 0 9 26 4 double_dutch_white[3199][247,225,183](1.7):dairy_cream[2656][249,228,188](3.0):popcorn[6772][234,215,170](3.0):PMS155[77][244,219,170](3.2):triple_dutch_white[8491][243,218,169](3.2) 35 PMS155:cream:dairy:double:dutch:popcorn:triple:white +9068 wheat rgb 251 221 126 hex #FBDD7E hsv 46 50 98 xyz 0.69 0.74 0.3 lab 89 -1 50 lch 89 50 92 cmyk 0 12 49 2 jasmine[4745][248,222,126](2.0):mellow_yellow[5662][248,222,126](2.0):beer_srm_02[1342][253,217,121](2.4):goldenrod[3937][252,217,117](3.3):la_luna[4899][255,216,122](3.3) 13 02:beer:goldenrod:jasmine:la:luna:mellow:srm:yellow +9069 wheat rgb 255 231 186 hex #FFE7BA hsv 39 27 100 xyz 0.79 0.82 0.58 lab 93 2 25 lch 93 25 86 cmyk 0 9 27 0 moccasin[5802][255,228,181](1.4):banana_mania[1279][252,233,189](2.2):peach[6543][255,229,180](2.2):colonial_white[2436][255,237,188](3.3):barley_white[1301][247,229,183](3.6) 21 banana:barley:colonial:mania:moccasin:peach:white +9070 wheatfield rgb 223 215 189 hex #DFD7BD hsv 46 15 87 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.58 lab 86 -2 14 lch 86 14 96 cmyk 0 3 13 13 double_travertine[3249][219,213,186](1.0):PMS454[545][226,216,191](1.4):eighth_canterbury_clay[3393][227,215,191](2.2):half_parchment[4364][224,218,195](2.2):loafer[5316][219,217,194](2.2) 53 PMS454:canterbury:clay:double:eighth:half:loafer:parchment:travertine +9071 wheatfield rgb 243 237 207 hex #F3EDCF hsv 50 15 95 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.71 lab 94 -3 15 lch 94 16 101 cmyk 0 2 14 5 quarter_popcorn[6981][245,234,206](2.2):rum_swizzle[7372][241,237,212](2.2):white_nectar[9089][248,246,216](2.2):aths_special[1178][236,235,206](2.4):china_ivory[2290][251,243,211](2.4) 53 aths:china:ivory:nectar:popcorn:quarter:rum:special:swizzle:white +9072 whipped_cream rgb 241 236 214 hex #F1ECD6 hsv 49 11 95 xyz 0.78 0.84 0.76 lab 93 -2 11 lch 93 11 100 cmyk 0 2 11 5 eggshell[3379][240,234,214](1.4):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](1.4):parchment[6484][241,233,210](1.7):villa_white[8840][240,233,214](1.7):white_rock[9094][234,232,212](1.7) 89 eggshell:half:lusta:parchment:pearl:rock:villa:white +9073 whiskey rgb 210 144 98 hex #D29062 hsv 25 53 82 xyz 0.39 0.35 0.16 lab 65 20 34 lch 65 40 60 cmyk 0 26 44 18 di_serria[3117][212,145,93](4.1):whiskey_sour[9075][212,145,93](4.1):beethoven[1383][209,148,108](4.6):tan[8224][219,147,112](5.4):antique_brass[1061][200,138,101](5.5) 3 antique:beethoven:brass:di:serria:sour:tan:whiskey +9074 whiskey rgb 213 154 111 hex #D59A6F hsv 25 48 84 xyz 0.42 0.38 0.2 lab 68 17 31 lch 68 36 61 cmyk 0 23 40 16 beethoven[1383][209,148,108](2.4):brown_yellow[1861][204,153,102](5.1):antique_brass[1061][200,138,101](5.7):tumbleweed[8561][222,166,129](5.7):PMS729[908][193,142,96](5.9) 1 antique:PMS729:beethoven:brass:tumbleweed:brown:yellow +9075 whiskey_sour rgb 212 145 93 hex #D4915D hsv 26 56 83 xyz 0.39 0.35 0.15 lab 66 20 38 lch 66 43 62 cmyk 0 26 47 17 di_serria[3117][212,145,93](0.0):PMS722[901][209,142,84](3.2):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](3.6):di_serria[3118][219,153,94](3.7):whiskey[9073][210,144,98](4.1) 6 PMS722:di:persian:serria:whiskey:orange +9076 whiskey_sour rgb 219 153 94 hex #DB995E hsv 28 57 86 xyz 0.43 0.39 0.16 lab 68 19 41 lch 68 45 65 cmyk 0 26 49 14 di_serria[3118][219,153,94](0.0):PMS722[901][209,142,84](3.2):persian_orange[6606][217,144,88](3.6):di_serria[3117][212,145,93](3.7):porsche[6779][223,157,91](3.7) 5 PMS722:di:persian:porsche:serria:orange +9077 whisper rgb 239 230 230 hex #EFE6E6 hsv 0 4 94 xyz 0.78 0.81 0.86 lab 92 3 1 lch 92 3 20 cmyk 0 4 4 6 ebb[3343][233,227,227](1.4):snow[7808][238,233,233](1.4):dawn_pink[2937][243,233,229](2.2):magnolia[5455][238,232,235](2.2):soft_peach[7831][245,237,239](2.2) 74 dawn:ebb:magnolia:snow:soft:peach:pink +9078 whisper rgb 247 245 250 hex #F7F5FA hsv 264 2 98 xyz 0.88 0.92 1.04 lab 97 2 -2 lch 97 3 306 cmyk 1 2 0 2 white_lilac[9085][248,247,252](1.0):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](1.7):white_pointer[9092][254,248,255](1.7):zinc_white[9262][253,248,255](1.7):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](2.0) 64 bluish:ghost:lilac:pointer:zinc:white +9079 white rgb 237 237 237 hex #EDEDED hsv 330 0 93 xyz 0.8 0.85 0.92 lab 94 0 0 lch 94 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 7 gallery[3824][239,239,239](0.0):grey[4196][237,237,237](0.0):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.0):grey[4195][235,235,235](1.0):grey[4197][240,240,240](1.0) 98 concrete:gallery:grey +9080 white rgb 245 245 242 hex #F5F5F2 hsv 60 1 96 xyz 0.86 0.91 0.97 lab 96 -1 1 lch 96 2 110 cmyk 0 0 1 4 eighth_rice_cake[3417][244,243,240](1.4):pampas[6462][244,242,238](1.4):wild_sand[9108][244,244,244](1.4):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.7):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.7) 110 cake:concrete:eighth:haze:pampas:rice:sand:wild:black +9081 white rgb 255 255 255 hex #FFFFFF hsv 300 0 100 xyz 0.95 1 1.09 lab 100 0 0 lch 100 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 0 alabaster[985][255,255,255](0.0):rock_salt[7262][255,255,255](0.0):grey[4202][252,252,252](1.0):pale_grey[6349][253,253,254](1.0):romance[7283][255,254,253](1.0) 58 pale:alabaster:rock:romance:salt:grey +9082 white_ice rgb 215 238 228 hex #D7EEE4 hsv 154 10 93 xyz 0.73 0.81 0.85 lab 92 -9 2 lch 92 10 166 cmyk 9 0 4 7 swans_down[8176][220,240,234](1.7):apple_green[1087][226,243,236](3.0):clear_day[2367][223,239,234](3.3):off_green[6108][223,240,226](3.3):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](3.3) 33 apple:clear:day:down:off:soft:swans:green:mint +9083 white_ice rgb 221 249 241 hex #DDF9F1 hsv 163 11 98 xyz 0.8 0.89 0.96 lab 96 -11 1 lch 96 11 176 cmyk 11 0 3 2 very_pale_turquoise[8820][226,255,248](2.2):frosted_mint[3780][219,255,248](3.0):iceberg[4602][218,244,240](3.5):tara[8252][225,246,232](3.7):very_pale_spring_green[8819][226,255,240](3.7) 19 pale:very:frosted:iceberg:spring:tara:green:mint:turquoise +9084 white_lilac rgb 231 229 232 hex #E7E5E8 hsv 280 1 91 xyz 0.76 0.79 0.88 lab 91 1 -1 lch 91 2 315 cmyk 0 1 0 9 grey[4193][229,229,229](1.4):mercury[5677][229,229,229](1.4):bon_jour[1639][229,224,225](1.7):ditto[3144][231,226,228](1.7):grey[4192][227,227,227](1.7) 65 bon:ditto:jour:mercury:grey +9085 white_lilac rgb 248 247 252 hex #F8F7FC hsv 252 2 99 xyz 0.9 0.94 1.05 lab 97 1 -2 lch 97 3 298 cmyk 2 2 0 1 whisper[9078][247,245,250](1.0):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](1.4):anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](1.7):munsell[5946][242,243,244](1.7):athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](2.2) 64 anti:athens:flash:ghost:munsell:whisper:grey:white +9086 white_linen rgb 238 231 220 hex #EEE7DC hsv 37 8 93 xyz 0.77 0.8 0.79 lab 92 0 6 lch 92 6 85 cmyk 0 3 7 7 quarter_albescent_white[6917][238,232,221](0.0):eighth_biscotti[3388][241,232,221](1.0):quarter_blanc[6926][236,229,218](1.0):soapstone[7820][236,229,218](1.0):eighth_fossil[3399][237,230,221](1.4) 139 albescent:biscotti:blanc:eighth:fossil:quarter:soapstone:white +9087 white_linen rgb 248 240 232 hex #F8F0E8 hsv 30 6 97 xyz 0.84 0.88 0.89 lab 95 1 5 lch 95 5 75 cmyk 0 3 6 3 quarter_villa_white[7012][245,241,231](1.0):romance[7282][244,240,230](1.0):linen[5293][250,240,230](1.4):merino[5680][246,240,230](1.4):milk_white[5745][246,240,230](1.4) 114 linen:merino:milk:quarter:romance:villa:white +9088 white_metal rgb 148 149 148 hex #949594 hsv 120 1 58 xyz 0.28 0.3 0.32 lab 62 -1 0 lch 62 1 144 cmyk 0 0 0 42 grey[4160][150,150,150](1.0):PMS430[513][145,150,147](1.4):grey[4158][148,148,148](1.4):grey[4161][153,153,153](1.4):spanish_grey[7875][152,152,152](1.4) 43 PMS430:spanish:grey +9089 white_nectar rgb 248 246 216 hex #F8F6D8 hsv 56 13 97 xyz 0.84 0.91 0.78 lab 96 -4 15 lch 96 15 106 cmyk 0 1 13 3 hint_of_yellow[4503][246,245,215](1.0):citrine_white[2344][250,247,214](1.4):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](2.0):china_ivory[2290][251,243,211](2.2):coconut_cream[2413][248,247,220](2.2) 49 china:citrine:coconut:cream:hint:ivory:mist:of:scotch:white:yellow +9090 white_nectar rgb 252 255 231 hex #FCFFE7 hsv 67 9 100 xyz 0.9 0.98 0.9 lab 99 -5 11 lch 99 12 114 cmyk 1 0 9 0 china_ivory[2291][252,255,231](0.0):promenade[6820][252,255,231](0.0):hint_of_yellow[4504][250,253,228](1.0):chilean_heath[2287][255,253,230](2.0):off_white[6111][255,255,228](2.2) 41 chilean:china:heath:hint:ivory:of:off:promenade:white:yellow +9091 white_pointer rgb 218 214 204 hex #DAD6CC hsv 43 6 85 xyz 0.64 0.67 0.67 lab 86 0 5 lch 86 5 94 cmyk 0 2 5 15 quarter_truffle[7010][216,211,203](1.0):timberwolf[8364][217,214,207](1.0):PMS427[510][221,219,209](1.4):gallery[3823][220,215,209](1.4):quarter_ash[6919][217,214,202](1.4) 114 PMS427:ash:gallery:quarter:timberwolf:truffle +9092 white_pointer rgb 254 248 255 hex #FEF8FF hsv 291 3 100 xyz 0.92 0.95 1.08 lab 98 3 -3 lch 98 4 321 cmyk 0 3 0 0 zinc_white[9262][253,248,255](0.0):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](1.7):whisper[9078][247,245,250](1.7):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](2.0):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](2.0) 39 bluish:ghost:magentaish:whisper:zinc:white +9093 white_rock rgb 212 207 180 hex #D4CFB4 hsv 51 15 83 xyz 0.58 0.62 0.52 lab 83 -3 14 lch 83 14 101 cmyk 0 2 13 17 aths_special[1177][213,203,178](2.2):double_travertine[3249][219,213,186](2.2):double_wheatfield[3254][217,207,179](2.2):fossil[3731][213,203,178](2.2):light_yellow[5234][205,205,180](2.4) 40 light:aths:double:fossil:special:travertine:wheatfield:yellow +9094 white_rock rgb 234 232 212 hex #EAE8D4 hsv 55 9 92 xyz 0.75 0.8 0.74 lab 92 -3 10 lch 92 10 105 cmyk 0 1 9 8 lime_white[5274][234,236,214](1.4):whipped_cream[9072][241,236,214](1.7):villa_white[8840][240,233,214](2.0):eggshell[3379][240,234,214](2.2):half_pearl_lusta[4366][241,234,215](2.2) 76 cream:eggshell:half:lusta:pearl:villa:whipped:lime:white +9095 white_smoke rgb 245 245 245 hex #F5F5F5 hsv 300 0 96 xyz 0.87 0.91 0.99 lab 97 0 0 lch 97 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 4 black_haze[1460][246,247,247](0.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](0.0):grey[4199][245,245,245](0.0):grey[4200][247,247,247](0.0):alabaster[984][250,250,250](1.0) 90 alabaster:cultured:haze:black:grey +9096 white_thunder rgb 213 215 216 hex #D5D7D8 hsv 200 1 85 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.75 lab 86 0 -1 lch 86 1 236 cmyk 1 0 0 15 PMS649[828][214,214,216](0.0):half_iron[4342][213,215,216](0.0):grey[4187][214,214,214](1.0):iron[4677][212,215,217](1.0):alto[1022][219,219,219](1.4) 64 PMS649:alto:half:iron:grey +9097 whiteout rgb 206 202 200 hex #CECAC8 hsv 20 3 81 xyz 0.57 0.6 0.63 lab 82 1 1 lch 82 2 55 cmyk 0 2 2 19 half_rakaia[4373][204,201,200](1.0):grey[4183][204,204,204](1.4):snow[7807][205,201,201](1.4):very_light_grey[8765][205,205,205](1.4):grey[4182][201,201,201](1.7) 71 light:very:half:rakaia:snow:grey +9098 whitewash rgb 239 236 222 hex #EFECDE hsv 49 7 94 xyz 0.79 0.84 0.81 lab 93 -1 7 lch 93 7 101 cmyk 0 1 7 6 quarter_wheatfield[7014][240,236,222](0.0):rice_cake[7203][239,236,222](0.0):eighth_parchment[3412][237,233,220](1.0):bianca[1401][244,239,224](1.4):half_villa_white[4407][243,238,223](1.4) 121 bianca:cake:eighth:half:parchment:quarter:rice:villa:wheatfield:white +9099 whitewater rgb 225 225 220 hex #E1E1DC hsv 60 2 88 xyz 0.71 0.75 0.78 lab 89 -1 2 lch 89 3 110 cmyk 0 0 2 12 half_athens_grey[4283][228,228,223](1.0):half_house_white[4340][226,227,223](1.0):half_white_pointer[4412][226,225,219](1.0):eighth_tea[3426][226,222,216](1.4):house_white[4575][223,221,217](1.4) 116 athens:eighth:half:house:pointer:tea:grey:white +9100 whizz_bang rgb 162 58 52 hex #A23A34 hsv 3 68 64 xyz 0.17 0.11 0.04 lab 40 43 27 lch 40 50 32 cmyk 0 41 43 36 kachow[4805][162,58,52](0.0):milano_red[5735][158,51,50](3.0):sweet_brown[8178][168,55,49](3.6):PMS1807[129][160,48,51](4.1):forbidden[3716][176,70,64](4.1) 8 PMS1807:forbidden:kachow:milano:sweet:brown:red +9101 wicked rgb 54 47 80 hex #362F50 hsv 253 41 31 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.08 lab 22 12 -19 lch 22 22 302 cmyk 10 13 0 69 martinique[5560][54,48,80](1.0):cherry_pie[2264][55,45,82](3.0):filmpro_purple[3618][54,42,77](3.0):midnight_blue[5721][47,47,79](3.3):lucky_point[5355][41,45,79](4.1) 8 cherry:filmpro:lucky:martinique:midnight:pie:point:blue:purple +9102 wild_blue_yonder rgb 122 137 184 hex #7A89B8 hsv 225 34 72 xyz 0.26 0.25 0.49 lab 58 6 -26 lch 58 27 283 cmyk 24 18 0 28 ship_cove[7661][120,139,186](1.4):PMS659[838][127,140,191](3.0):light_steel_blue[5213][143,143,189](5.4):masquerade[5568][114,133,188](5.5):grayish_blue[3998][125,125,168](6.4) 2 light:PMS659:cove:grayish:masquerade:ship:steel:blue +9103 wild_blue_yonder rgb 162 173 208 hex #A2ADD0 hsv 226 22 82 xyz 0.41 0.42 0.66 lab 71 4 -19 lch 71 19 281 cmyk 18 14 0 18 PMS658[837][165,175,214](2.4):bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](2.4):echo_blue[3351][164,175,205](3.3):squirt[7945][164,175,205](3.3):relax[7177][153,174,208](4.1) 6 PMS658:bauhaus:echo:relax:squirt:blue +9104 wild_orchid rgb 212 112 162 hex #D470A2 hsv 330 47 83 xyz 0.39 0.28 0.38 lab 60 45 -9 lch 60 46 349 cmyk 0 39 20 17 hopbush[4542][208,109,161](1.4):PMS674[853][211,107,158](2.2):china_pink[2292][222,111,161](4.6):liseran_purple[5305][222,111,161](4.6):thulian_pink[8335][222,111,161](4.6) 5 PMS674:china:hopbush:liseran:thulian:pink:purple +9105 wild_rice rgb 227 212 116 hex #E3D474 hsv 52 49 89 xyz 0.58 0.65 0.26 lab 84 -7 49 lch 84 50 99 cmyk 0 6 44 11 PMS458[550][221,204,107](2.2):chenin[2256][223,205,111](2.2):PMS459[551][226,214,124](3.3):golden_sand[3925][240,219,125](3.6):flax[3680][238,220,130](4.4) 12 PMS458:PMS459:chenin:flax:golden:sand +9106 wild_rice rgb 236 224 144 hex #ECE090 hsv 52 39 93 xyz 0.66 0.73 0.37 lab 89 -7 41 lch 89 41 100 cmyk 0 5 36 7 light_gold[5103][231,220,139](2.2):primrose[6813][228,222,142](3.0):picasso[6635][248,234,151](3.2):green_yellow[4073][240,232,145](3.5):PMS609[788][234,229,150](3.7) 12 light:PMS609:gold:picasso:primrose:green:yellow +9107 wild_sand rgb 231 228 222 hex #E7E4DE hsv 40 4 91 xyz 0.74 0.78 0.8 lab 91 0 3 lch 91 3 91 cmyk 0 1 4 9 quarter_concrete[6934][232,229,224](0.0):half_milk_white[4355][232,228,220](1.0):quarter_milk_white[6970][237,233,227](1.0):wan_white[8989][228,226,220](1.0):eighth_truffle[3428][230,225,218](1.4) 133 concrete:eighth:half:milk:quarter:truffle:wan:white +9108 wild_sand rgb 244 244 244 hex #F4F4F4 hsv 300 0 96 xyz 0.86 0.9 0.99 lab 96 0 0 lch 96 0 313 cmyk 0 0 0 4 anti_flash_white[1056][242,243,244](1.0):black_haze[1460][246,247,247](1.0):concrete[2451][242,242,242](1.0):cultured[2620][245,245,245](1.0):grey[4197][240,240,240](1.0) 94 anti:concrete:cultured:flash:haze:black:grey:white +9109 wild_strawberry rgb 255 51 153 hex #FF3399 hsv 330 80 100 xyz 0.48 0.26 0.33 lab 58 80 -6 lch 58 80 356 cmyk 0 80 40 0 violet_red[8872][255,62,150](4.4):deep_pink[3033][255,20,147](5.4):fluorescent_pink[3702][255,20,147](5.4):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](5.5):deep_pink[3032][238,18,137](6.0) 1 deep:bonbon:fluorescent:pink:red:rose:violet +9110 wild_strawberry rgb 255 67 164 hex #FF43A4 hsv 329 74 100 xyz 0.5 0.28 0.38 lab 60 77 -10 lch 60 77 353 cmyk 0 74 36 0 barbie_pink[1293][254,70,165](2.0):rose_bonbon[7298][249,66,158](3.0):PMS232[190][244,63,165](4.9):PMS225[183][237,40,147](6.0):violet_red[8872][255,62,150](7.1) 3 PMS225:PMS232:barbie:bonbon:pink:red:rose:violet +9111 wild_thing rgb 250 212 67 hex #FAD443 hsv 48 73 98 xyz 0.64 0.68 0.15 lab 86 -1 72 lch 86 72 91 cmyk 0 15 72 2 twentyfourseven[8610][250,212,67](0.0):PMS129[37][242,209,61](3.0):bright_sun[1751][254,211,60](3.6):gargoyle_gas[3831][255,223,70](5.2):teddy[8296][239,199,65](5.4) 3 PMS129:bright:gargoyle:gas:sun:teddy:twentyfourseven +9112 wild_watermelon rgb 252 108 133 hex #FC6C85 hsv 350 57 99 xyz 0.5 0.33 0.26 lab 64 57 14 lch 64 59 14 cmyk 0 56 47 1 ultra_red[8637][252,108,133](0.0):PMS190[143][252,117,142](4.1):brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](4.6):glamour_puss[3872][248,116,139](4.6):PMS709[888][242,104,119](6.2) 4 PMS190:PMS709:brink:glamour:puss:ultra:pink:red +9113 wild_watermelon rgb 253 91 120 hex #FD5B78 hsv 349 64 99 xyz 0.48 0.3 0.21 lab 61 63 18 lch 61 66 16 cmyk 0 64 52 1 brink_pink[1813][251,96,127](3.7):fiery_rose[3599][255,84,112](4.2):PMS184[135][252,94,114](4.6):light_brilliant_amaranth[5025][255,101,120](4.7):PMS191[145][244,71,107](5.7) 4 light:brilliant:PMS184:PMS191:amaranth:brink:fiery:pink:rose +9114 wild_west rgb 154 84 64 hex #9A5440 hsv 13 58 60 xyz 0.17 0.14 0.07 lab 44 27 24 lch 44 36 42 cmyk 0 27 35 40 krakatoa[4890][157,82,59](3.6):sepia_skin[7616][158,91,64](4.1):crail[2574][166,86,72](4.6):salmon[7425][139,76,57](4.6):burnished_orange[1925][146,84,58](4.9) 6 burnished:crail:krakatoa:salmon:sepia:skin:orange +9115 wild_willow rgb 185 196 106 hex #B9C46A hsv 67 46 77 xyz 0.42 0.51 0.21 lab 77 -17 44 lch 77 47 111 cmyk 4 0 35 23 vermont[8709][178,190,97](3.3):poprock[6774][192,201,117](3.7):celery[2157][184,194,93](5.2):greenish_beige[4077][201,209,121](5.2):light_olive[5154][172,191,105](5.2) 2 light:beige:celery:greenish:olive:poprock:vermont +9116 wild_willow rgb 190 202 96 hex #BECA60 hsv 67 52 79 xyz 0.44 0.54 0.19 lab 78 -19 51 lch 78 54 111 cmyk 5 0 42 21 celery[2157][184,194,93](3.0):celery[2156][180,192,76](5.1):vermont[8709][178,190,97](7.3):goldenrod[3933][219,219,112](8.7):light_olive_green[5155][164,190,92](8.7) 1 light:celery:goldenrod:olive:vermont:green +9117 wilderness rgb 136 136 91 hex #88885B hsv 60 33 53 xyz 0.21 0.24 0.13 lab 56 -7 24 lch 56 25 107 cmyk 0 0 18 47 style_pasifika_dry_bamboo[8078][136,136,91](0.0):avocado[1209][136,141,101](3.7):malachite_green[5479][136,141,101](3.7):old_medium_goldenrod[6138][139,139,102](4.2):flax[3679][130,133,98](5.4) 4 medium:avocado:bamboo:dry:flax:goldenrod:malachite:old:pasifika:style:green +9118 wildflower rgb 241 226 201 hex #F1E2C9 hsv 38 17 95 xyz 0.74 0.77 0.66 lab 90 1 14 lch 90 14 86 cmyk 0 6 16 5 anglaise[1054][238,222,196](1.4):quarter_haystack[6954][238,220,196](1.4):triple_pearl_lusta[8508][235,223,195](1.7):champagne[2209][247,231,206](2.0):solitaire[7842][234,218,194](2.2) 50 anglaise:champagne:haystack:lusta:pearl:quarter:solitaire:triple +9119 william rgb 58 104 108 hex #3A686C hsv 185 46 42 xyz 0.09 0.12 0.16 lab 41 -15 -7 lch 41 16 206 cmyk 20 2 0 58 muse[5948][46,105,109](3.2):casal[2118][47,97,104](3.6):PMS5473[693][38,104,109](4.6):ming[5758][64,117,119](5.4):boomtown[1655][52,102,114](5.5) 3 PMS5473:boomtown:casal:ming:muse +9120 william rgb 83 115 111 hex #53736F hsv 173 28 45 xyz 0.13 0.15 0.17 lab 46 -12 -2 lch 46 12 187 cmyk 13 0 2 55 cutty_sark[2632][80,118,114](2.2):odyssey[6105][79,109,105](2.2):imprint[4618][92,118,112](2.4):breaker_bay[1700][81,123,120](4.4):sabbatical[7394][84,115,119](4.5) 5 bay:breaker:cutty:imprint:odyssey:sabbatical:sark +9121 willow_brook rgb 223 230 207 hex #DFE6CF hsv 78 10 90 xyz 0.7 0.77 0.7 lab 90 -6 10 lch 90 12 121 cmyk 3 0 9 10 frostee[3782][219,229,210](2.2):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](2.2):gin[3860][217,223,205](3.0):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](3.2):lime_white[5274][234,236,214](3.6) 26 frostee:gin:kidnapper:peppermint:lime:white +9122 willow_brook rgb 223 236 218 hex #DFECDA hsv 103 8 93 xyz 0.73 0.81 0.78 lab 92 -8 7 lch 92 10 136 cmyk 5 0 7 7 off_green[6108][223,240,226](2.2):soft_mint[7829][223,240,226](2.2):apple_green[1086][222,234,220](2.4):frostee[3782][219,229,210](2.4):honeydew[4533][224,238,224](2.4) 26 apple:frostee:honeydew:off:soft:green:mint +9123 willow_grove rgb 101 116 93 hex #65745D hsv 99 20 45 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.13 lab 47 -10 11 lch 47 15 133 cmyk 6 0 9 55 finlandia[3629][97,117,91](3.2):paddock[6297][102,113,86](3.3):cactus[1973][91,111,85](3.7):port_phillip[6783][100,116,100](4.1):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](4.4) 8 axolotl:cactus:finlandia:paddock:phillip:port +9124 willow_grove rgb 105 117 92 hex #69755C hsv 89 21 46 xyz 0.14 0.16 0.13 lab 48 -9 12 lch 48 16 127 cmyk 5 0 10 54 paddock[6297][102,113,86](2.8):limed_ash[5279][116,125,99](3.3):finlandia[3629][97,117,91](4.1):axolotl[1218][99,119,90](4.5):siam[7683][100,106,84](4.5) 7 ash:axolotl:finlandia:limed:paddock:siam +9125 willpower_orange rgb 253 88 0 hex #FD5800 hsv 21 100 99 xyz 0.44 0.28 0.03 lab 60 60 70 lch 60 92 49 cmyk 0 65 99 1 bright_orange[1740][255,91,0](1.0):orange[6207][255,88,0](1.0):PMS1655[98][249,86,2](1.4):luminous_vivid_tangelo[5402][255,96,0](2.4):vivid_orange[8931][255,95,0](2.4) 9 luminous:vivid:PMS1655:bright:tangelo:orange +9126 wimbledon rgb 83 109 51 hex #536D33 hsv 87 53 43 xyz 0.1 0.13 0.05 lab 43 -20 29 lch 43 35 125 cmyk 10 0 23 57 green_leaf[4049][82,107,45](2.2):dark_olive_green[2814][85,107,47](2.4):deep_spring_bud[3065][85,107,47](2.4):olive_green_dark[6166][85,107,47](2.4):barmy_army[1303][96,118,64](4.9) 6 deep:dark:army:barmy:bud:leaf:olive:spring:green +9127 winchester rgb 81 78 74 hex #514E4A hsv 34 9 32 xyz 0.07 0.08 0.08 lab 33 0 3 lch 33 3 82 cmyk 0 1 3 68 rampart[7058][79,78,74](0.0):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](1.0):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.0):quarter_ironsand[6958][80,78,75](1.0):silver_streak[7720][80,78,75](1.0) 48 blast:dune:ironsand:quarter:rampart:silver:streak:grey +9128 wind_talker rgb 58 72 89 hex #3A4859 hsv 213 35 35 xyz 0.06 0.06 0.1 lab 30 -1 -12 lch 30 12 266 cmyk 12 7 0 65 oxford_blue[6276][56,69,85](1.4):cello[2165][58,78,95](2.8):avalanche[1204][53,65,82](3.2):dark_grayish_sapphire_blue[2754][66,72,89](3.3):rhino[7197][61,70,83](3.3) 15 dark:avalanche:cello:grayish:oxford:rhino:sapphire:blue +9129 windblown_green rgb 126 134 123 hex #7E867B hsv 104 8 53 xyz 0.21 0.23 0.22 lab 55 -5 5 lch 55 7 136 cmyk 3 0 4 47 ravine[7080][132,138,125](2.2):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](2.2):blue_smoke[1590][120,133,122](2.4):honeydew[4531][131,139,131](2.8):grey_granite[4211][128,135,130](3.3) 21 granite:honeydew:ravine:smoke:smoky:blue:green:grey +9130 windfall rgb 0 133 117 hex #008575 hsv 173 100 52 xyz 0.12 0.18 0.2 lab 50 -35 0 lch 50 35 180 cmyk 52 0 6 48 PMS327_2X[385][0,137,119](1.7):PMS3288[389][0,130,112](2.2):PMS3295[392][0,130,114](2.2):elf_green[3460][8,131,112](2.2):PMS569[739][0,135,114](3.2) 11 2X:PMS327:PMS3288:PMS3295:PMS569:elf:green +9131 windows_blue rgb 55 120 191 hex #3778BF hsv 211 71 75 xyz 0.18 0.18 0.52 lab 50 3 -43 lch 50 43 274 cmyk 53 28 0 25 tufts_blue[8555][65,125,193](2.4):bluish[1615][41,118,187](2.8):float[3693][76,129,195](4.2):ocean_boat_blue[6096][0,119,190](4.9):spanish_blue[7869][0,112,184](4.9) 5 bluish:boat:float:ocean:spanish:tufts:blue +9132 windsor rgb 60 8 120 hex #3C0878 hsv 268 93 47 xyz 0.05 0.02 0.18 lab 18 45 -51 lch 18 69 312 cmyk 24 44 0 53 blue_diamond[1557][56,4,116](2.0):PMS2745[284][63,0,119](3.2):PMS2755[289][53,0,109](3.6):persian_indigo[6605][50,18,122](4.1):christalle[2314][51,3,107](4.7) 5 PMS2745:PMS2755:christalle:diamond:persian:blue:indigo +9133 windsor rgb 70 44 119 hex #462C77 hsv 261 63 47 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.18 lab 25 30 -39 lch 25 49 308 cmyk 19 29 0 53 blue_diamond[1558][75,45,114](4.2):minsk[5762][63,48,127](4.6):blue_bell[1547][57,45,115](5.1):PMS2756[290][51,40,117](5.4):gobstopper[3888][88,53,128](5.7) 2 PMS2756:bell:diamond:gobstopper:minsk:blue +9134 windsor_tan rgb 167 85 2 hex #A75502 hsv 30 99 65 xyz 0.19 0.15 0.02 lab 45 29 54 lch 45 61 61 cmyk 0 32 65 35 strong_orange[8045][168,84,0](1.0):rich_gold[7218][168,83,7](2.8):chelsea_gem[2254][158,83,2](3.5):raw_umber[7088][167,94,9](4.5):pumpkin[6848][177,97,11](4.6) 7 strong:chelsea:gem:gold:pumpkin:raw:rich:umber:orange +9135 windswept rgb 67 65 65 hex #434141 hsv 360 3 26 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.06 lab 28 1 0 lch 28 1 19 cmyk 0 1 1 74 grey[4124][66,66,66](1.0):grey[4123][64,64,64](1.4):grey[4125][69,69,69](1.4):half_nocturnal[4360][67,67,69](1.4):gravity[3993][61,64,64](2.2) 52 gravity:half:nocturnal:grey +9136 wine rgb 114 47 55 hex #722F37 hsv 353 59 45 xyz 0.09 0.06 0.04 lab 29 30 10 lch 29 32 18 cmyk 0 26 23 55 puce_red[6832][114,47,55](0.0):merlot[5684][115,52,58](2.2):ribbon[7202][113,51,60](3.0):PMS198[156][119,45,53](3.7):hot_chile[4551][107,37,44](4.1) 11 PMS198:chile:hot:merlot:puce:ribbon:red +9137 wine rgb 128 1 63 hex #80013F hsv 331 99 50 xyz 0.1 0.05 0.05 lab 27 51 1 lch 27 51 1 cmyk 0 50 25 50 siren[7729][122,1,58](3.0):red_purple[7135][130,7,71](4.1):rose_bud_cherry[7301][128,11,71](4.2):merlot[5683][115,0,57](5.7):PMS228[186][140,0,76](6.4) 3 PMS228:bud:cherry:merlot:siren:purple:red:rose +9138 wine_berry rgb 82 44 53 hex #522C35 hsv 346 46 32 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.04 lab 23 19 2 lch 23 19 6 cmyk 0 15 11 68 attitude[1189][83,43,50](2.0):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](2.0):cowboy[2567][77,40,45](3.0):livid_brown[5315][77,40,46](3.0):courage[2561][75,37,42](4.2) 8 attitude:courage:cowboy:livid:black:brown:rose +9139 wine_berry rgb 89 29 53 hex #591D35 hsv 336 67 35 xyz 0.05 0.03 0.04 lab 21 30 -1 lch 21 30 358 cmyk 0 24 14 65 encore[3481][84,22,44](3.7):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](5.4):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](6.0):mulberry[5937][94,42,64](6.0):siren[7728][105,41,59](6.5) 1 dark:encore:mulberry:raspberry:siren:rose +9140 wine_dregs rgb 103 49 71 hex #673147 hsv 336 52 40 xyz 0.08 0.06 0.07 lab 28 27 -2 lch 28 27 355 cmyk 0 21 13 60 old_mauve[6137][103,49,71](0.0):mulberry[5937][94,42,64](3.3):verve[8711][93,46,60](5.4):dark_raspberry[2853][89,39,58](5.5):dark_rose[2859][89,39,64](5.9) 2 dark:mauve:mulberry:old:raspberry:verve:rose +9141 wine_red rgb 123 3 35 hex #7B0323 hsv 344 98 48 xyz 0.09 0.04 0.02 lab 25 47 18 lch 25 50 21 cmyk 0 47 35 52 salsa[7437][119,12,37](3.6):burgundy[1911][128,0,32](3.7):antique_ruby[1066][132,27,45](4.6):code_red[2417][136,0,37](5.8):bordeaux[1659][123,0,44](6.1) 3 antique:bordeaux:burgundy:code:ruby:salsa:red +9142 wine_trail rgb 39 41 45 hex #27292D hsv 220 13 18 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.03 lab 17 0 -3 lch 17 3 273 cmyk 2 2 0 82 blue_charcoal[1553][38,43,47](1.0):double_foundry[3202][40,42,44](1.0):shadowland[7629][38,39,44](1.4):shark[7644][37,39,44](1.4):bastille[1314][44,44,50](1.7) 47 bastille:charcoal:double:foundry:shadowland:shark:blue +9143 winter_hazel rgb 208 195 131 hex #D0C383 hsv 50 37 82 xyz 0.5 0.54 0.29 lab 79 -5 34 lch 79 34 98 cmyk 0 5 30 18 lemon_twist[4980][215,207,140](3.6):PMS617[796][204,196,124](4.4):egg_white[3373][224,200,141](5.5):butter[1947][222,203,129](5.9):sandwisp[7471][222,203,129](5.9) 2 PMS617:butter:egg:sandwisp:twist:lemon:white +9144 winter_hazel rgb 213 209 149 hex #D5D195 hsv 56 30 84 xyz 0.56 0.62 0.37 lab 83 -8 30 lch 83 31 104 cmyk 0 2 25 16 PMS616[795][221,214,155](2.2):weathered_yellow[9034][224,218,159](3.2):old_medium_goldenrod[6139][205,205,150](3.7):rice_paper[7207][210,214,156](3.7):lemon_twist[4980][215,207,140](4.2) 7 medium:PMS616:goldenrod:old:paper:rice:twist:weathered:lemon:yellow +9145 winter_sky rgb 255 0 124 hex #FF007C hsv 331 100 100 xyz 0.45 0.23 0.21 lab 55 84 6 lch 55 84 4 cmyk 0 100 51 0 bright_pink[1742][255,0,127](1.0):rose[7297][255,0,127](1.0):luminous_vivid_rose[5395][255,0,128](2.2):PMS806_2X[923][247,2,124](3.5):strong_pink[8049][255,7,137](7.1) 4 luminous:strong:vivid:2X:PMS806:bright:pink:rose +9146 winter_wizard rgb 160 230 255 hex #A0E6FF hsv 196 37 100 xyz 0.61 0.71 1.05 lab 88 -16 -19 lch 88 25 230 cmyk 37 10 0 0 very_light_cerulean[8753][158,231,255](1.0):anakiwa[1050][157,229,255](1.4):fresh_air[3765][166,231,255](1.4):non_photo_blue[6068][164,221,237](6.2):columbia_blue[2438][155,221,255](6.4) 3 light:very:air:anakiwa:cerulean:columbia:fresh:non:photo:blue +9147 wintergreen rgb 32 249 134 hex #20F986 hsv 148 87 98 xyz 0.39 0.7 0.34 lab 87 -73 42 lch 87 84 150 cmyk 85 0 45 2 minty_green[5774][11,247,125](3.3):turquoise_green[8587][4,244,137](4.6):spring_green[7920][0,238,118](5.0):vivid_spring_green[8952][0,231,116](6.4):guppie_green[4262][0,255,127](6.5) 3 vivid:guppie:minty:spring:green:turquoise +9148 wintergreen_dream rgb 86 136 125 hex #56887D hsv 167 37 53 xyz 0.16 0.21 0.23 lab 53 -19 1 lch 53 19 178 cmyk 20 0 4 47 green_copper[4038][82,127,118](3.3):cutty_sark[2633][92,129,115](4.1):patina[6520][99,146,131](4.5):dusty_teal[3316][76,144,133](5.7):undercover[8647][100,137,133](5.9) 3 copper:cutty:dusty:patina:sark:teal:undercover:green +9149 wireless rgb 85 83 80 hex #555350 hsv 36 6 33 xyz 0.08 0.09 0.09 lab 35 0 2 lch 35 2 85 cmyk 0 1 2 67 blast_grey[1502][84,81,77](1.0):electric[3436][85,83,79](1.0):dune[3292][81,79,74](1.4):tundora[8566][88,84,82](1.4):blast_grey[1501][80,78,75](2.0) 61 blast:dune:electric:tundora:grey +9150 wishlist rgb 101 146 149 hex #659295 hsv 184 32 58 xyz 0.21 0.25 0.32 lab 58 -14 -6 lch 58 16 204 cmyk 19 1 0 42 bounce[1678][103,147,148](1.4):juniper[4797][109,146,146](2.2):PMS5483[696][96,145,145](2.4):steel_teal[7975][95,138,139](3.2):desaturated_cyan[3098][102,153,153](3.7) 9 PMS5483:bounce:cyan:desaturated:juniper:steel:teal +9151 wisp_pink rgb 249 232 226 hex #F9E8E2 hsv 16 9 98 xyz 0.82 0.83 0.84 lab 93 5 5 lch 93 7 46 cmyk 0 7 9 2 bridesmaid[1714][250,230,223](1.4):pot_pourri[6794][245,231,226](1.4):very_pale_vermilion[8821][255,233,226](1.7):chablis[2193][253,233,224](2.2):provincial_pink[6823][246,227,218](2.2) 41 pale:very:bridesmaid:chablis:pot:pourri:provincial:vermilion:pink +9152 wisp_pink rgb 254 244 248 hex #FEF4F8 hsv 336 4 100 xyz 0.9 0.93 1.02 lab 97 4 -1 lch 97 4 350 cmyk 0 4 2 0 lavender_blush[4938][255,240,245](2.2):whisper[9078][247,245,250](2.2):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](2.4):pinkish_white[6703][255,246,246](2.4):tutu[8608][255,241,249](2.4) 52 blush:magentaish:pinkish:tutu:whisper:lavender:white +9153 wisteria rgb 151 113 181 hex #9771B5 hsv 274 38 71 xyz 0.27 0.22 0.46 lab 54 28 -30 lch 54 41 313 cmyk 12 27 0 29 ce_soir[2145][151,113,181](0.0):violet[8856][146,110,174](2.4):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](4.6):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](4.6):soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](6.4) 4 ce:majesty:mountain:mountain's:soft:soir:purple:violet +9154 wisteria rgb 164 135 139 hex #A4878B hsv 352 18 64 xyz 0.29 0.27 0.28 lab 59 12 2 lch 59 12 10 cmyk 0 11 10 36 anticipation[1057][168,138,142](1.0):high_tea[4483][161,140,144](3.3):vintage[8844][167,128,135](4.5):opium[6192][152,126,126](4.9):dry_creek[3277][154,127,124](5.4) 4 anticipation:creek:dry:high:opium:tea:vintage +9155 wisteria rgb 168 125 194 hex #A87DC2 hsv 277 36 76 xyz 0.33 0.27 0.54 lab 59 29 -30 lch 59 42 315 cmyk 10 27 0 24 ce_soir[2145][151,113,181](5.1):purple_mountain's_majesty[6879][150,120,182](6.7):purple_mountain_majesty[6880][150,120,182](6.7):soft_purple[7834][166,111,181](6.7):PMS2645[254][181,145,209](7.0) 0 PMS2645:ce:majesty:mountain:mountain's:soft:soir:purple +9156 wisteria rgb 201 160 220 hex #C9A0DC hsv 281 27 86 xyz 0.5 0.43 0.73 lab 71 26 -25 lch 71 36 316 cmyk 7 24 0 14 light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](0.0):tropical_violet[8538][205,164,222](2.4):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](4.6):pale_purple[6411][183,144,212](6.5):light_grayish_magenta[5112][204,153,204](6.6) 3 pale:light:PMS2567:grayish:magenta:tropical:wisteria:purple:violet +9157 wisteria rgb 205 164 222 hex #CDA4DE hsv 282 26 87 xyz 0.52 0.45 0.75 lab 73 25 -24 lch 73 35 317 cmyk 7 23 0 13 tropical_violet[8538][205,164,222](0.0):light_wisteria[5230][201,160,220](2.4):PMS529[662][206,163,211](6.2):PMS2562[223][216,168,216](6.4):PMS2567[225][191,147,204](6.4) 2 light:PMS2562:PMS2567:PMS529:tropical:wisteria:violet +9158 wistful rgb 162 158 205 hex #A29ECD hsv 245 23 80 xyz 0.38 0.37 0.63 lab 67 11 -23 lch 67 26 296 cmyk 17 18 0 20 blue_bell[1549][162,162,208](1.4):blue_bell[1548][153,153,204](3.6):stratosphere[8002][151,160,206](4.5):PMS2716[271][165,160,214](4.6):PMS2705[265][173,158,211](5.5) 4 PMS2705:PMS2716:bell:stratosphere:blue +9159 wistful rgb 164 166 211 hex #A4A6D3 hsv 237 22 83 xyz 0.41 0.4 0.67 lab 69 9 -23 lch 69 25 291 cmyk 18 18 0 17 blue_bell[1549][162,162,208](1.4):stratosphere[8002][151,160,206](3.5):ceil[2151][146,161,207](4.9):bauhaus[1320][169,174,213](5.2):logan[5331][170,169,205](5.2) 3 bauhaus:bell:ceil:logan:stratosphere:blue +9160 witch_haze rgb 251 240 115 hex #FBF073 hsv 55 54 98 xyz 0.74 0.84 0.29 lab 93 -12 61 lch 93 62 101 cmyk 0 4 53 2 smiles[7784][251,240,115](0.0):PMS3935[471][242,237,109](2.2):sandy_yellow[7479][253,238,115](2.2):dolly[3159][245,241,113](3.0):straw[8006][252,246,121](3.0) 10 PMS3935:dolly:sandy:smiles:straw:yellow +9161 witch_haze rgb 255 252 153 hex #FFFC99 hsv 58 40 100 xyz 0.82 0.93 0.44 lab 97 -13 48 lch 97 49 105 cmyk 0 1 40 0 creme_de_banane[2591][255,252,153](0.0):pastel_yellow[6518][253,253,150](1.4):canary[2037][255,255,153](1.7):pale_canary[6318][255,255,153](1.7):very_light_yellow[8796][255,255,158](2.4) 10 pale:light:very:banane:canary:creme:de:pastel:yellow +9162 wombat rgb 103 87 68 hex #675744 hsv 33 34 40 xyz 0.1 0.1 0.07 lab 38 3 13 lch 38 14 76 cmyk 0 6 14 60 triple_arrowtown[8478][97,88,71](2.8):domino[3163][108,91,76](3.0):tobacco_brown[8394][109,88,67](3.0):triple_pravda[8510][103,92,76](3.0):spark[7884][105,83,65](3.3) 23 arrowtown:domino:pravda:spark:tobacco:triple:brown +9163 wonderland rgb 187 151 187 hex #BB97BB hsv 300 19 73 xyz 0.41 0.36 0.52 lab 67 20 -14 lch 67 24 325 cmyk 0 14 0 27 lilac[5255][200,162,200](4.1):PMS521[646][181,140,178](4.5):PMS522[648][198,163,193](5.4):glossy_grape[3881][171,146,179](5.8):marionette[5534][171,148,179](6.8) 2 PMS521:PMS522:glossy:grape:lilac:marionette +9164 wood_bark rgb 38 17 5 hex #261105 hsv 22 87 15 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 7 9 9 lch 7 13 44 cmyk 0 8 13 85 blackwood[1491][38,17,5](0.0):kilamanjaro[4856][36,12,2](2.4):coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](3.0):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](3.0):marlin[5535][42,20,14](3.0) 11 bean:blackwood:coffee:cuban:kilamanjaro:marlin:tan +9165 wood_bark rgb 48 38 33 hex #302621 hsv 20 31 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.02 lab 16 4 5 lch 16 6 54 cmyk 0 4 6 81 ivory_black[4701][41,36,33](3.0):coffee_bean[2423][54,45,38](3.3):cuban_tan[2619][54,45,38](3.3):marlin[5536][54,45,38](3.3):style_pasifika_dark_soil[8075][54,45,38](3.3) 26 dark:bean:coffee:cuban:ivory:marlin:pasifika:soil:style:tan:black +9166 wood_brown rgb 193 154 107 hex #C19A6B hsv 33 45 76 xyz 0.36 0.36 0.19 lab 66 8 30 lch 66 31 74 cmyk 0 15 34 24 camel[2018][193,154,107](0.0):desert[3101][193,154,107](0.0):fallow[3551][193,154,107](0.0):lion[5296][193,154,107](0.0):uluru[8643][191,155,103](2.2) 8 camel:desert:fallow:lion:uluru +9167 woodburn rgb 60 32 5 hex #3C2005 hsv 29 92 24 xyz 0.02 0.02 0 lab 16 11 21 lch 16 24 62 cmyk 0 11 22 76 dark_ebony[2718][60,32,5](0.0):bronze[1819][63,33,9](1.4):chocolate[2302][61,28,2](3.2):dark_brown[2693][52,28,2](4.1):clinker[2375][55,29,9](4.5) 10 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#302A0F hsv 49 69 19 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 17 -2 18 lch 17 18 95 cmyk 0 2 13 81 onion[6182][47,39,14](2.4):mikado[5730][45,37,16](4.1):brown_tumbleweed[1859][55,41,14](5.5):tumbleweed[8559][55,41,14](5.5):pullman_green[6843][59,51,28](5.7) 2 mikado:onion:pullman:tumbleweed:brown:green +9172 woodrush rgb 69 64 43 hex #45402B hsv 48 38 27 xyz 0.05 0.05 0.03 lab 27 -2 14 lch 27 14 97 cmyk 0 2 10 73 onion[6183][72,65,43](1.7):suburban[8106][72,64,44](2.0):tumbleweed[8560][75,65,42](3.0):limed_gum[5280][66,57,33](4.1):lisbon_brown[5303][66,57,33](4.1) 11 gum:limed:lisbon:onion:suburban:tumbleweed:brown +9173 woodsmoke rgb 12 13 15 hex #0C0D0F hsv 220 20 6 xyz 0 0 0.01 lab 4 0 -1 lch 4 1 272 cmyk 1 1 0 94 grey[4103][13,13,13](1.0):grey[4104][15,15,15](1.0):onyx[6184][15,15,15](1.0):cod_grey[2415][11,11,11](1.4):grey[4102][10,10,10](1.4) 26 cod:onyx:grey +9174 woodsmoke rgb 43 50 48 hex #2B3230 hsv 163 14 20 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.03 lab 20 -4 0 lch 20 4 176 cmyk 3 0 1 80 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catch[2136][52,52,60](1.4):double_tuna[3252][47,50,55](1.4):ebony_clay[3348][50,52,56](1.4):ebony[3345][49,51,55](1.7):gumboot[4253][49,51,55](1.7) 43 catch:clay:double:ebony:gumboot:tuna +9178 woody_brown rgb 72 49 49 hex #483131 hsv 0 32 28 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.03 lab 23 10 4 lch 23 11 22 cmyk 0 9 9 72 mahogany[5458][72,50,48](1.0):PMS439[523][73,53,51](1.7):night_owl[6050][72,51,53](2.2):bean[1330][74,53,49](2.4):old_burgundy[6126][67,48,46](2.4) 25 PMS439:bean:burgundy:mahogany:night:old:owl +9179 woody_brown rgb 85 69 69 hex #554545 hsv 360 19 33 xyz 0.07 0.07 0.07 lab 31 7 3 lch 31 7 21 cmyk 0 6 6 67 tomahawk[8407][82,67,64](1.7):half_barista[4290][81,63,63](2.2):satellite[7503][85,66,68](2.4):felix[3574][83,69,65](2.8):crater_brown[2582][77,62,60](3.3) 16 barista:crater:felix:half:satellite:tomahawk:brown +9180 wot_eva rgb 68 149 164 hex #4495A4 hsv 189 59 64 xyz 0.2 0.25 0.39 lab 57 -20 -15 lch 57 25 217 cmyk 38 6 0 36 retreat[7190][57,144,155](3.0):moderate_arctic_blue[5811][74,156,168](3.3):scooter[7535][48,142,160](3.7):such_fun[8108][72,158,168](4.7):toto[8438][81,157,175](4.9) 5 moderate:arctic:fun:retreat:scooter:such:toto:blue +9181 wow rgb 52 52 103 hex #343467 hsv 240 50 40 xyz 0.05 0.04 0.13 lab 24 15 -30 lch 24 34 297 cmyk 20 20 0 60 deep_koamaru[3004][51,51,102](0.0):deep_koamaru[3005][52,52,103](0.0):decadence[2946][49,54,105](1.7):topsy_turvy[8426][49,54,105](1.7):jelly[4755][62,50,103](4.2) 7 deep:decadence:jelly:koamaru:topsy:turvy +9182 wrangler rgb 128 103 90 hex #80675A hsv 21 30 50 xyz 0.16 0.15 0.12 lab 46 8 11 lch 46 14 55 cmyk 0 10 15 50 russett[7377][125,101,92](2.2):roman_coffee[7280][125,103,87](2.4):slate_brown[7766][125,103,87](2.4):double_otter[3222][121,96,83](3.0):donkey_brown[3168][129,110,92](4.1) 11 slate:coffee:donkey:double:otter:roman:russett:brown +9183 x_factor rgb 104 27 43 hex #681B2B hsv 348 74 41 xyz 0.07 0.04 0.03 lab 23 35 10 lch 23 37 15 cmyk 0 30 24 59 breakfree[1702][101,25,42](1.4):PMS505[620][102,30,43](2.0):pohutukawa[6754][101,28,38](2.8):style_pasifika_hibiscus_blood[8080][101,28,38](2.8):claret[2355][110,34,51](3.6) 10 PMS505:blood:breakfree:claret:hibiscus:pasifika:pohutukawa:style +9184 xanadu rgb 115 134 120 hex #738678 hsv 136 14 53 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.21 lab 54 -10 5 lch 54 11 152 cmyk 7 0 5 47 smoke[7787][115,130,118](2.2):blue_smoke[1590][120,133,122](3.2):smoky_green[7797][121,134,124](3.3):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](3.3):PMS5625[729][114,132,112](4.2) 8 PMS5625:smoke:smoky:spanish:blue:green +9185 xanadu rgb 117 135 110 hex #75876E hsv 103 19 53 xyz 0.19 0.22 0.18 lab 54 -12 11 lch 54 16 136 cmyk 7 0 10 47 PMS5625[729][114,132,112](2.4):camouflage_green[2030][120,134,107](2.8):ranger[7059][109,128,99](3.7):spanish_green[7873][123,137,118](4.4):battleship_grey[1318][130,143,114](5.4) 4 PMS5625:battleship:camouflage:ranger:spanish:green:grey +9186 xotic rgb 134 51 54 hex #863336 hsv 358 62 53 xyz 0.12 0.08 0.04 lab 33 36 17 lch 33 40 25 cmyk 0 33 31 47 old_brick[6124][138,51,53](1.7):tall_poppy[8212][133,53,52](2.4):sangria[7480][130,42,50](3.0):indian_red[4632][139,58,58](3.2):indianred[4641][139,58,58](3.2) 18 brick:indian:indianred:old:poppy:sangria:tall:red +9187 yabbadabbadoo rgb 0 139 151 hex #008B97 hsv 185 100 59 xyz 0.15 0.21 0.32 lab 53 -27 -15 lch 53 31 210 cmyk 59 5 0 41 hullabaloo[4579][0,139,151](0.0):blue_chill[1554][12,137,144](3.2):PMS3145[356][0,132,142](3.3):turquoise[8573][0,134,139](4.6):seeker[7600][0,146,165](4.9) 5 PMS3145:chill:hullabaloo:seeker:blue:turquoise +9188 yale_blue rgb 15 77 146 hex #0F4D92 hsv 212 90 57 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.28 lab 33 9 -43 lch 33 44 281 cmyk 51 27 0 43 medium_electric_blue[5605][3,80,150](1.7):bondi_blue[1643][2,71,142](3.0):congress_blue[2460][2,71,142](3.0):cobalt[2395][30,72,143](3.2):usafa_blue[8663][0,79,152](3.2) 7 medium:bondi:cobalt:congress:electric:usafa:blue +9189 yankees_blue rgb 28 40 65 hex #1C2841 hsv 221 57 25 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.05 lab 16 3 -17 lch 16 18 281 cmyk 15 10 0 75 big_stone[1406][22,42,64](3.2):midnight_express[5723][33,38,58](3.2):stratos[8001][33,38,58](3.2):blue_night[1582][31,38,59](3.3):outer_space[6267][31,38,59](3.3) 10 big:express:midnight:night:outer:space:stone:stratos:blue +9190 yarra rgb 32 96 142 hex #20608E hsv 205 77 56 xyz 0.1 0.11 0.27 lab 39 -3 -31 lch 39 31 264 cmyk 43 18 0 44 venice_blue[8694][5,89,137](3.6):bahama_blue[1255][2,99,149](3.7):light_navy_blue[5152][46,90,136](3.7):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](4.6):denim[3094][59,99,140](4.9) 7 light:bahama:denim:navy:peacock:venice:blue +9191 yasna rgb 84 74 80 hex #544A50 hsv 324 12 33 xyz 0.08 0.07 0.09 lab 33 5 -2 lch 33 6 339 cmyk 0 4 2 67 dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](1.4):liver[5307][83,75,79](1.4):quartz[7017][81,72,79](1.4):shadowy_lavender[7630][78,74,78](2.2):zulu[9279][88,81,86](2.2) 22 dark:liver:quartz:shadowy:zulu:lavender +9192 yeehaa rgb 0 108 152 hex #006C98 hsv 197 100 60 xyz 0.11 0.13 0.32 lab 43 -9 -31 lch 43 33 253 cmyk 60 17 0 40 sea_blue[7549][0,105,148](1.0):PMS3015[335][0,112,158](1.4):ocean_blue[6094][3,113,156](2.8):peacock_blue[6559][1,103,149](3.0):allports[1005][0,118,163](3.7) 5 PMS3015:allports:ocean:peacock:sea:blue +9193 yellow rgb 139 139 0 hex #8B8B00 hsv 60 100 55 xyz 0.2 0.24 0.04 lab 56 -14 60 lch 56 62 103 cmyk 0 0 55 45 PMS582[767][135,137,5](2.2):PMS392[469][132,130,5](4.7):heart_gold[4446][128,128,0](5.1):olive[6152][128,128,0](5.1):PMS399[482][153,142,7](5.5) 2 PMS392:PMS399:PMS582:gold:heart:olive +9194 yellow rgb 205 205 0 hex #CDCD00 hsv 60 100 80 xyz 0.47 0.57 0.08 lab 80 -18 80 lch 80 82 103 cmyk 0 0 80 20 PMS809_2X[929][214,214,12](3.7):bird_flower[1419][212,205,22](3.7):alo[1015][209,203,27](4.2):bright_gold[1722][217,217,25](4.2):barberry[1291][222,215,23](4.6) 7 2X:PMS809:alo:barberry:bird:bright:flower:gold +9195 yellow rgb 238 238 0 hex #EEEE00 hsv 60 100 93 xyz 0.66 0.79 0.12 lab 91 -20 90 lch 91 92 103 cmyk 0 0 93 7 vivid_yellow[8964][231,231,0](2.8):PMS3945[473][239,234,7](3.0):titanium_yellow[8378][238,230,0](4.1):PMS395[474][229,232,17](4.6):peridot[6589][230,226,0](4.7) 5 vivid:PMS3945:PMS395:peridot:titanium:yellow +9196 yellow rgb 239 204 0 hex #EFCC00 hsv 51 100 94 xyz 0.57 0.62 0.09 lab 83 -3 83 lch 83 83 92 cmyk 0 14 94 6 gold[3897][238,201,0](1.4):switched_on[8190][237,206,0](2.2):PMS109[9][249,214,22](3.3):PMS116[16][252,209,22](3.6):jonquil[4777][244,202,22](3.6) 16 PMS109:PMS116:gold:jonquil:on:switched +9197 yellow rgb 252 232 131 hex #FCE883 hsv 50 48 99 xyz 0.73 0.8 0.33 lab 92 -6 51 lch 92 52 97 cmyk 0 8 47 1 PMS120[21][249,226,127](2.2):light_goldenrod[5109][255,236,139](2.2):old_goldenrod[6134][255,236,139](2.2):sweet_corn[8180][251,234,140](3.2):jasmine[4745][248,222,126](4.4) 8 light:PMS120:corn:goldenrod:jasmine:old:sweet +9198 yellow rgb 254 223 0 hex #FEDF00 hsv 53 100 100 xyz 0.67 0.74 0.11 lab 89 -6 88 lch 89 89 94 cmyk 0 12 100 0 dandelion[2670][254,223,8](0.0):golden_yellow[3929][255,223,0](1.0):luminous_vivid_gold[5377][255,223,0](1.0):sizzling_sunrise[7735][255,219,0](2.2):cadmium_lemon[1990][255,227,3](2.4) 14 luminous:vivid:cadmium:dandelion:gold:golden:sizzling:sunrise:lemon:yellow +9199 yellow rgb 254 254 51 hex #FEFE33 hsv 60 80 100 xyz 0.77 0.92 0.17 lab 97 -21 87 lch 97 90 103 cmyk 0 0 80 0 daffodil[2652][255,255,49](1.0):electric_yellow[3455][255,255,51](1.0):lemon_yellow[4981][253,255,56](1.0):sunshine_yellow[8149][255,253,55](1.4):canary_yellow[2039][255,254,64](3.2) 7 canary:daffodil:electric:sunshine:lemon:yellow +9200 yellow rgb 255 211 0 hex #FFD300 hsv 50 100 100 xyz 0.65 0.68 0.1 lab 86 0 86 lch 86 86 90 cmyk 0 17 100 0 cyber_yellow[2649][255,211,0](0.0):PMS803_2X[917][255,216,22](2.4):gold[3898][255,215,0](2.4):school_bus_yellow[7530][255,216,0](2.4):southern_cross[7861][255,215,0](2.4) 13 2X:PMS803:bus:cross:cyber:gold:school:southern:yellow +9201 yellow rgb 255 239 0 hex #FFEF00 hsv 56 100 100 xyz 0.72 0.83 0.12 lab 93 -14 91 lch 93 93 99 cmyk 0 6 100 0 aureolin[1197][253,238,0](0.0):canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](0.0):yellow_rose[9219][255,240,0](1.0):broom[1831][255,236,19](3.0):lemon[4962][253,233,16](3.5) 11 aureolin:broom:canary:lemon:rose:yellow +9202 yellow rgb 255 255 0 hex #FFFF00 hsv 60 100 100 xyz 0.77 0.93 0.14 lab 97 -22 94 lch 97 97 103 cmyk 0 0 100 0 electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](0.0):lemon_glacier[4972][253,255,0](0.0):luminous_vivid_yellow[5406][255,255,0](0.0):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](1.0):laser_lemon[4917][254,254,34](3.2) 7 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:glacier:laser:lemon:yellow +9203 yellow rgb 255 255 20 hex #FFFF14 hsv 60 92 100 xyz 0.77 0.93 0.15 lab 97 -21 93 lch 97 95 103 cmyk 0 0 92 0 bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](1.0):electric_yellow[3454][255,255,0](1.4):lemon_glacier[4972][253,255,0](1.4):luminous_vivid_yellow[5406][255,255,0](1.4):laser_lemon[4917][254,254,34](2.0) 11 luminous:vivid:bright:electric:glacier:laser:lemon:yellow +9204 yellow/green rgb 200 253 61 hex #C8FD3D hsv 77 76 99 xyz 0.6 0.83 0.17 lab 93 -41 80 lch 93 90 117 cmyk 21 0 75 1 olive_drab[6160][192,255,62](4.1):olivedrab[6174][192,255,62](4.1):yellowy_green[9235][191,241,40](4.2):yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](4.4):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](6.1) 4 drab:olive:olivedrab:yellowy:green:yellow +9205 yellow_brown rgb 183 148 0 hex #B79400 hsv 49 100 72 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.04 lab 63 2 67 lch 63 67 89 cmyk 0 14 72 28 ocher[6101][191,155,12](2.0):dark_gold[2728][181,148,16](3.2):brown_yellow[1860][178,151,5](4.1):buddha_gold[1889][188,155,27](4.1):PMS117[18][198,160,12](4.5) 6 dark:PMS117:buddha:gold:ocher:brown:yellow +9206 yellow_green rgb 153 204 50 hex #99CC32 hsv 80 75 80 xyz 0.35 0.5 0.11 lab 76 -38 66 lch 76 76 120 cmyk 20 0 60 20 olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](1.4):olivedrab[6172][154,205,50](1.4):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](2.2):atlantis[1180][156,208,59](2.2):conifer[2461][172,221,77](6.8) 4 atlantis:conifer:drab:olive:olivedrab +9207 yellow_green rgb 154 205 50 hex #9ACD32 hsv 80 76 80 xyz 0.36 0.51 0.11 lab 77 -38 67 lch 77 77 120 cmyk 20 0 61 20 olive_drab[6158][154,205,50](0.0):olivedrab[6172][154,205,50](0.0):atlantis[1179][151,205,45](1.7):atlantis[1180][156,208,59](2.2):conifer[2461][172,221,77](6.5) 4 atlantis:conifer:drab:olive:olivedrab +9208 yellow_green rgb 192 251 45 hex #C0FB2D hsv 77 82 98 xyz 0.57 0.8 0.15 lab 92 -44 83 lch 92 94 118 cmyk 23 0 81 2 lemon_lime[4976][191,254,40](2.4):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](3.7):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](4.2):olive_drab[6160][192,255,62](4.2):olivedrab[6174][192,255,62](4.2) 7 chartreuse:drab:olive:olivedrab:green:lemon:lime:yellow +9209 yellow_green rgb 197 225 122 hex #C5E17A hsv 76 46 88 xyz 0.53 0.67 0.29 lab 86 -25 47 lch 86 53 118 cmyk 11 0 40 12 PMS373[448][206,234,130](3.0):sulu[8115][198,234,128](3.6):hypnotic[4592][209,225,130](5.5):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](6.2):light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](6.2) 2 light:PMS373:bud:hypnotic:spring:sulu:green:lime +9210 yellow_green rgb 197 227 132 hex #C5E384 hsv 79 42 89 xyz 0.55 0.68 0.32 lab 86 -25 43 lch 86 50 120 cmyk 12 0 37 11 light_spring_bud[5210][197,231,139](2.4):light_lime_green[5137][208,231,139](3.7):PMS366[440][196,229,142](4.1):PMS373[448][206,234,130](5.0):sulu[8115][198,234,128](5.4) 4 light:PMS366:PMS373:bud:spring:sulu:green:lime +9211 yellow_light rgb 255 255 224 hex #FFFFE0 hsv 60 12 100 xyz 0.9 0.98 0.85 lab 99 -5 15 lch 99 16 109 cmyk 0 0 12 0 light_yellow[5238][255,255,224](0.0):very_pale_yellow[8824][255,255,226](1.0):half_and[4280][255,254,225](1.4):scotch_mist[7541][255,251,220](1.4):off_white[6111][255,255,228](2.2) 30 pale:light:very:and:half:mist:off:scotch:white:yellow +9212 yellow_metal rgb 113 99 56 hex #716338 hsv 45 50 44 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.06 lab 42 -1 26 lch 42 26 92 cmyk 0 5 22 56 filmpro_raw_sienna[3619][102,89,46](4.1):abel_tasman[947][103,89,46](4.2):acorn[958][115,99,48](5.0):costa_del_sol[2551][97,93,48](5.0):himalaya[4494][115,99,48](5.0) 6 abel:acorn:costa:del:filmpro:himalaya:raw:sienna:sol:tasman +9213 yellow_metal rgb 115 99 62 hex #73633E hsv 42 46 45 xyz 0.12 0.13 0.06 lab 43 1 23 lch 43 23 88 cmyk 0 6 21 55 triple_colins_wicket[8485][122,100,65](3.2):limed_gum[5281][107,91,61](5.1):timbuktu[8366][127,108,67](5.1):double_colins_wicket[3190][130,111,76](5.2):bling[1515][127,114,74](5.5) 1 bling:colins:double:gum:limed:timbuktu:triple:wicket +9214 yellow_ochre rgb 203 157 6 hex #CB9D06 hsv 46 97 80 xyz 0.37 0.37 0.05 lab 67 6 70 lch 67 70 85 cmyk 0 18 77 20 ocre[6104][198,156,4](2.2):vivid_amber[8891][204,153,0](2.2):lemon_curry[4969][204,160,29](3.3):PMS117[18][198,160,12](4.1):goldenrod[3931][205,155,29](4.5) 6 vivid:PMS117:amber:curry:goldenrod:ocre:lemon +9215 yellow_ochre rgb 227 130 23 hex #E38217 hsv 31 90 89 xyz 0.4 0.32 0.05 lab 64 31 66 lch 64 73 65 cmyk 0 38 80 11 zest[9255][229,132,27](1.0):beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](3.7):fulvous[3804][228,132,0](4.1):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](4.6):pumpkin[6849][225,119,1](5.4) 4 10:beer:bell:fulvous:golden:pumpkin:srm:zest +9216 yellow_orange rgb 252 176 1 hex #FCB001 hsv 42 100 99 xyz 0.56 0.52 0.07 lab 77 17 80 lch 77 82 78 cmyk 0 30 98 1 saffron[7408][254,178,9](1.0):amber[1033][254,179,8](1.4):cadmium_yellow_light[1998][255,176,15](1.4):ucla_gold[8627][255,179,0](1.4):orange_yellow[6224][255,173,1](3.0) 15 light:amber:cadmium:gold:saffron:ucla:orange:yellow +9217 yellow_orange rgb 255 174 66 hex #FFAE42 hsv 34 74 100 xyz 0.57 0.52 0.12 lab 77 21 64 lch 77 68 72 cmyk 0 32 74 0 my_sin[5964][253,174,69](1.4):pastel_orange[6509][255,179,71](3.2):butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](3.3):light_orange[5158][253,170,72](3.3):frenzee[3764][247,162,51](4.9) 6 light:butterscotch:frenzee:my:pastel:sin:orange +9218 yellow_orange rgb 255 182 83 hex #FFB653 hsv 35 67 100 xyz 0.6 0.55 0.16 lab 79 17 59 lch 79 62 74 cmyk 0 29 67 0 koromiko[4884][254,181,82](0.0):texas_rose[8318][255,181,85](1.4):vegas[8686][252,179,88](3.3):casablanca[2117][248,184,83](4.0):butterscotch[1960][253,177,71](4.2) 8 butterscotch:casablanca:koromiko:texas:vegas:rose +9219 yellow_rose rgb 255 240 0 hex #FFF000 hsv 56 100 100 xyz 0.72 0.84 0.12 lab 93 -14 92 lch 93 93 99 cmyk 0 6 100 0 aureolin[1197][253,238,0](1.0):canary_yellow[2038][255,239,0](1.0):yellow[9201][255,239,0](1.0):broom[1831][255,236,19](3.7):cadmium_yellow[1997][255,246,0](3.7) 10 aureolin:broom:cadmium:canary:yellow +9220 yellow_sea rgb 244 159 53 hex #F49F35 hsv 33 78 96 xyz 0.5 0.44 0.09 lab 72 23 64 lch 72 69 70 cmyk 0 33 75 4 frenzee[3764][247,162,51](2.2):lightning_yellow[5252][247,162,51](2.2):fire_bush[3637][232,153,40](3.5):neon_carrot[6012][255,163,67](4.7):light_orange[5158][253,170,72](5.1) 4 light:bush:carrot:fire:frenzee:lightning:neon:orange:yellow +9221 yellow_sea rgb 254 169 4 hex #FEA904 hsv 40 98 100 xyz 0.55 0.49 0.07 lab 76 21 79 lch 76 82 75 cmyk 0 33 98 0 yellowish_orange[9231][255,171,15](1.0):orange_yellow[6224][255,173,1](1.7):chrome_yellow[2323][255,167,0](2.2):beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](2.4):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.8) 16 dark:06:beer:chrome:srm:tangerine:yellowish:orange:yellow +9222 yellow_submarine rgb 232 210 51 hex #E8D233 hsv 53 78 91 xyz 0.57 0.63 0.12 lab 84 -8 75 lch 84 75 96 cmyk 0 9 71 9 sandstorm[7470][236,213,64](3.2):golden_dream[3914][240,213,45](3.3):sunflower[8130][228,212,34](5.0):filmpro_lemon_yellow[3613][243,213,44](5.1):PMS129[37][242,209,61](5.4) 3 PMS129:dream:filmpro:golden:sandstorm:sunflower:lemon:yellow +9223 yellow_sunshine rgb 255 247 0 hex #FFF700 hsv 58 100 100 xyz 0.75 0.88 0.13 lab 95 -18 93 lch 95 95 101 cmyk 0 3 100 0 lemon[4964][255,247,0](0.0):cadmium_yellow[1997][255,246,0](1.0):sunny_yellow[8139][255,249,23](2.2):yellow[9203][255,255,20](3.6):bright_yellow[1758][255,253,1](3.7) 14 bright:cadmium:sunny:lemon:yellow +9224 yellow_tan rgb 255 227 110 hex #FFE36E hsv 48 57 100 xyz 0.72 0.77 0.26 lab 90 -4 60 lch 90 60 94 cmyk 0 11 57 0 pale_gold[6337][253,222,108](1.7):sand_yellow[7459][252,225,102](2.2):kournikova[4888][255,231,114](3.0):PMS121[23][249,224,112](3.3):jonquil[4778][250,218,94](3.7) 11 pale:PMS121:gold:jonquil:kournikova:sand:yellow +9225 yellowgreen rgb 187 249 15 hex #BBF90F hsv 76 94 98 xyz 0.54 0.78 0.13 lab 91 -46 87 lch 91 98 118 cmyk 24 0 92 2 bitter_lime[1442][191,255,0](3.0):chartreuse[2239][193,248,10](3.0):lemon_lime[4977][191,255,0](3.0):lime[5271][191,255,0](3.0):luminous_vivid_lime_green[5382][191,255,0](3.0) 8 luminous:vivid:bitter:chartreuse:green:lemon:lime +9226 yellowish rgb 250 238 102 hex #FAEE66 hsv 55 59 98 xyz 0.72 0.82 0.25 lab 93 -12 66 lch 93 67 101 cmyk 0 5 58 2 paris_daisy[6487][255,244,110](2.4):light_brilliant_gold[5043][255,236,101](3.0):candy_corn[2043][251,236,93](3.3):corn[2520][251,236,93](3.3):maize[5471][251,236,93](3.3) 11 light:brilliant:candy:corn:daisy:gold:maize:paris +9227 yellowish_black rgb 29 29 26 hex #1D1D1A hsv 60 10 11 xyz 0.01 0.01 0.01 lab 11 -1 2 lch 11 2 109 cmyk 0 0 1 89 greenish_black[4078][26,29,26](1.4):black[1451][30,30,30](2.2):blackjack[1489][29,32,32](2.2):cyanish_black[2645][26,29,29](2.2):double_cod_grey[3189][29,32,32](2.2) 27 blackjack:cod:cyanish:double:greenish:black:grey +9228 yellowish_brown rgb 155 122 1 hex #9B7A01 hsv 47 99 61 xyz 0.2 0.21 0.03 lab 53 3 58 lch 53 58 87 cmyk 0 13 60 39 PMS132[41][158,124,10](1.4):PMS1255[32][163,127,20](2.4):puke_brown[6838][148,119,6](3.0):PMS126[33][163,130,5](3.7):diarrhea[3120][159,131,3](4.7) 7 PMS1255:PMS126:PMS132:diarrhea:puke:brown +9229 yellowish_green rgb 176 221 22 hex #B0DD16 hsv 74 90 87 xyz 0.44 0.61 0.1 lab 82 -38 79 lch 82 87 115 cmyk 18 0 78 13 vivid_lime_green[8922][166,214,8](2.4):inch_worm[4622][176,227,19](3.5):fuego[3800][190,222,13](5.7):spritzer[7934][194,226,37](6.7):PMS382[458][186,216,10](7.1) 2 vivid:PMS382:fuego:inch:spritzer:worm:green:lime +9230 yellowish_grey rgb 168 168 156 hex #A8A89C hsv 60 7 66 xyz 0.36 0.39 0.37 lab 69 -2 6 lch 69 7 109 cmyk 0 0 5 34 foggy_grey[3712][167,166,157](1.7):off_piste[6110][175,172,160](1.7):swordfish[8192][167,166,156](1.7):half_lemon_grass[4348][172,173,158](2.4):quarter_friar_grey[6948][169,167,160](2.4) 39 foggy:friar:grass:half:off:piste:quarter:swordfish:grey:lemon +9231 yellowish_orange rgb 255 171 15 hex #FFAB0F hsv 39 94 100 xyz 0.56 0.5 0.07 lab 76 21 78 lch 76 81 75 cmyk 0 33 94 0 yellow_sea[9221][254,169,4](1.0):beer_srm_06[1346][246,168,3](2.2):dark_tangerine[2903][255,168,18](2.2):naples_yellow_deep[5980][255,168,18](2.2):sun[8121][251,172,19](2.2) 15 deep:dark:06:beer:naples:sea:srm:sun:tangerine:yellow +9232 yellowish_tan rgb 252 252 129 hex #FCFC81 hsv 60 49 99 xyz 0.79 0.92 0.34 lab 97 -16 58 lch 97 61 106 cmyk 0 0 48 1 pale_yellow[6454][255,255,132](1.0):butter[1948][255,255,129](2.2):faded_yellow[3541][254,255,127](2.4):manilla[5510][255,250,134](2.8):banana[1276][255,255,126](3.3) 10 pale:banana:butter:faded:manilla:yellow +9233 yellowish_white rgb 255 255 246 hex #FFFFF6 hsv 60 4 100 xyz 0.94 0.99 1.01 lab 100 -2 4 lch 100 5 110 cmyk 0 0 4 0 black_white[1483][255,254,246](1.0):ceramic[2174][252,255,249](1.0):hint_of_grey[4499][252,255,249](1.0):sea_fog[7554][252,255,249](1.0):wan_white[8990][252,255,249](1.0) 51 ceramic:fog:hint:of:sea:wan:black:grey:white +9234 yellowy_brown rgb 174 139 12 hex #AE8B0C hsv 47 93 68 xyz 0.27 0.27 0.04 lab 59 3 62 lch 59 62 88 cmyk 0 14 64 32 dark_mustard[2805][168,137,5](2.2):PMS125[31][181,140,10](3.0):PMS126[33][163,130,5](3.7):PMS118[19][170,142,10](4.2):baby_shit_brown[1251][173,144,13](4.6) 8 dark:PMS118:PMS125:PMS126:baby:mustard:shit:brown +9235 yellowy_green rgb 191 241 40 hex #BFF128 hsv 75 83 95 xyz 0.53 0.74 0.14 lab 89 -40 81 lch 89 91 116 cmyk 20 0 79 5 yellow/green[9204][200,253,61](4.2):inch_worm[4622][176,227,19](5.0):vivid_lime_green[8923][174,231,0](5.4):yellow_green[9208][192,251,45](5.4):green_yellow[4072][201,255,39](6.7) 2 vivid:inch:worm:yellow/green:green:lime:yellow +9236 ying_yang rgb 218 220 190 hex #DADCBE hsv 64 14 86 xyz 0.64 0.7 0.59 lab 87 -6 15 lch 87 16 112 cmyk 1 0 12 14 tana[8233][217,220,193](2.0):daydream[2940][222,220,195](2.8):PMS5803[763][216,214,183](3.0):PMS5807[764][224,221,188](3.0):frost[3777][225,228,197](3.0) 18 PMS5803:PMS5807:daydream:frost:tana +9237 your_pink rgb 255 195 192 hex #FFC3C0 hsv 3 25 100 xyz 0.7 0.64 0.59 lab 84 21 10 lch 84 23 25 cmyk 0 24 25 0 rosy_brown[7328][255,193,193](1.4):pale_pink[6405][255,194,194](2.2):PMS699[878][247,191,191](3.0):spanish_pink[7877][247,191,190](3.0):PMS182[133][249,191,193](3.2) 13 pale:PMS182:PMS699:rosy:spanish:brown:pink +9238 your_pink rgb 255 197 187 hex #FFC5BB hsv 9 27 100 xyz 0.7 0.65 0.56 lab 84 19 13 lch 84 23 34 cmyk 0 23 27 0 pale_scarlet[6424][255,201,194](2.4):melon[5664][253,188,180](3.6):rosy_brown[7328][255,193,193](5.0):PMS706[885][252,201,198](5.2):PMS169[106][249,186,170](5.4) 3 pale:PMS169:PMS706:melon:rosy:scarlet:brown +9239 yucca rgb 104 120 107 hex #68786B hsv 131 13 47 xyz 0.15 0.17 0.16 lab 49 -9 5 lch 49 10 149 cmyk 6 0 5 53 PMS5487[697][102,124,114](2.4):scaramanga[7515][96,120,108](2.4):port_phillip[6783][100,116,100](2.8):sirocco[7730][104,118,110](3.0):smoke[7787][115,130,118](4.1) 6 PMS5487:phillip:port:scaramanga:sirocco:smoke +9240 yukon_gold rgb 123 102 8 hex #7B6608 hsv 49 93 48 xyz 0.13 0.14 0.02 lab 44 -1 49 lch 44 49 91 cmyk 0 8 45 52 mustard[5951][116,100,13](3.7):spicy_mustard[7895][116,100,13](3.7):PMS3995[483][109,96,2](4.7):muddy_brown[5927][136,104,6](5.7):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](5.9) 3 PMS1265:PMS3995:muddy:mustard:spicy:brown +9241 yukon_gold rgb 130 106 33 hex #826A21 hsv 45 75 51 xyz 0.15 0.15 0.04 lab 46 1 42 lch 46 43 88 cmyk 0 9 38 49 fiddlesticks[3595][125,100,29](2.2):mustard[5952][124,103,32](2.4):PMS1265[34][124,99,22](3.7):corn_harvest[2525][141,112,42](4.2):stinger[7982][141,112,42](4.2) 5 PMS1265:corn:fiddlesticks:harvest:mustard:stinger +9242 yuma rgb 199 184 130 hex #C7B882 hsv 47 35 78 xyz 0.45 0.48 0.28 lab 75 -3 29 lch 75 30 95 cmyk 0 6 27 22 ecru[3355][194,178,128](2.4):sand[7451][194,178,128](2.4):PMS4525[541][204,191,142](3.6):straw[8003][212,191,141](4.4):PMS4515[539][188,173,117](4.5) 7 PMS4515:PMS4525:ecru:sand:straw +9243 yuma rgb 206 194 145 hex #CEC291 hsv 48 30 81 xyz 0.5 0.54 0.35 lab 78 -3 26 lch 78 26 97 cmyk 0 5 24 19 PMS4525[541][204,191,142](1.0):PMS466[563][209,191,145](2.0):PMS5855[774][204,198,147](3.2):straw[8003][212,191,141](3.6):pavlova[6530][215,196,152](3.7) 11 PMS4525:PMS466:PMS5855:pavlova:straw +9244 zaffre rgb 0 20 168 hex #0014A8 hsv 233 100 66 xyz 0.07 0.03 0.37 lab 21 52 -76 lch 21 92 304 cmyk 66 58 0 34 strong_phthalo_blue[8048][0,21,168](1.4):blue[1533][0,24,168](2.4):cobalt_blue[2399][3,10,167](3.3):duke_blue[3280][0,0,156](5.1):new_midnight_blue[6039][0,0,156](5.1) 3 strong:cobalt:duke:midnight:new:phthalo:blue +9245 zambezi rgb 104 85 88 hex #685558 hsv 351 18 41 xyz 0.11 0.1 0.11 lab 38 8 1 lch 38 8 8 cmyk 0 7 6 59 falcon[3548][110,90,91](2.2):minx[5775][104,83,91](2.8):dorado[3170][107,87,85](3.2):quarter_barista[6920][97,79,79](3.6):wenge[9047][100,84,82](3.7) 10 barista:dorado:falcon:minx:quarter:wenge +9246 zambezi rgb 107 90 90 hex #6B5A5A hsv 360 16 42 xyz 0.12 0.11 0.11 lab 40 7 3 lch 40 7 20 cmyk 0 7 7 58 falcon[3548][110,90,91](1.4):dorado[3170][107,87,85](1.7):wenge[9047][100,84,82](3.3):scorpion[7538][105,95,98](3.7):half_felix[4325][98,83,78](4.1) 7 dorado:falcon:felix:half:scorpion:wenge +9247 zanah rgb 178 198 177 hex #B2C6B1 hsv 117 11 78 xyz 0.46 0.53 0.49 lab 78 -11 8 lch 78 14 143 cmyk 8 0 8 22 PMS5575[719][175,191,173](3.0):gum_leaf[4249][172,201,178](3.0):clay_ash[2361][189,200,179](3.3):robins_egg_blue[7255][189,200,179](3.3):PMS558[720][183,206,188](3.6) 13 PMS5575:PMS558:ash:clay:egg:gum:leaf:robins:blue +9248 zanah rgb 218 236 214 hex #DAECD6 hsv 109 9 93 xyz 0.71 0.8 0.75 lab 92 -10 9 lch 92 13 139 cmyk 7 0 9 7 tara[8251][222,241,221](1.4):peppermint[6581][215,231,208](2.2):hint_of_green[4496][223,241,214](2.4):willow_brook[9122][223,236,218](2.8):kidnapper[4855][225,234,212](3.2) 16 brook:hint:kidnapper:of:peppermint:tara:willow:green +9249 zappo rgb 196 192 226 hex #C4C0E2 hsv 247 15 89 xyz 0.55 0.55 0.8 lab 79 8 -16 lch 79 18 296 cmyk 12 13 0 11 melrose[5668][195,185,221](3.0):lavender_grey[4939][189,187,215](3.5):soap[7819][206,200,239](4.1):blue_haze[1570][191,190,216](4.4):fairylight[3546][213,199,232](4.4) 7 fairylight:haze:melrose:soap:blue:grey:lavender +9250 zeal rgb 145 224 183 hex #91E0B7 hsv 149 35 88 xyz 0.47 0.63 0.54 lab 83 -33 12 lch 83 35 159 cmyk 31 0 16 12 algae_green[996][147,223,184](1.0):PMS3375[405][142,226,188](1.7):light_teal[5222][144,228,193](3.6):PMS345[419][150,216,175](4.9):light_aquamarine[5004][139,231,197](4.9) 5 light:PMS3375:PMS345:algae:teal:aquamarine:green +9251 zen rgb 210 208 174 hex #D2D0AE hsv 57 17 82 xyz 0.57 0.62 0.49 lab 83 -5 17 lch 83 18 106 cmyk 0 1 14 18 orinoco[6254][210,211,179](1.7):thistle[8325][204,202,168](2.0):thistle_green[8330][204,202,168](2.0):PMS5803[763][216,214,183](2.4):miso[5781][210,204,168](2.4) 23 PMS5803:miso:orinoco:thistle:green +9252 zephyr rgb 128 154 198 hex #809AC6 hsv 218 35 78 xyz 0.31 0.32 0.58 lab 63 2 -26 lch 63 26 274 cmyk 27 17 0 22 delta_blue[3088][124,154,205](3.0):dark_pastel_blue[2834][119,158,203](4.2):ceil[2151][146,161,207](5.1):ship_cove[7661][120,139,186](5.9):wild_blue_yonder[9102][122,137,184](6.4) 2 dark:ceil:cove:delta:pastel:ship:wild:yonder:blue +9253 zeppelin rgb 56 42 52 hex #382A34 hsv 317 25 22 xyz 0.03 0.03 0.04 lab 19 9 -4 lch 19 9 335 cmyk 0 5 2 78 chocolate_fish[2312][58,40,51](2.0):jacaranda[4704][54,45,56](2.4):melanzane[5659][52,41,49](2.4):valentino[8670][56,44,56](2.4):passion[6499][59,42,57](3.7) 11 chocolate:fish:jacaranda:melanzane:passion:valentino +9254 zest rgb 198 114 59 hex #C6723B hsv 24 70 78 xyz 0.3 0.24 0.07 lab 56 29 44 lch 56 52 57 cmyk 0 33 55 22 raw_sienna[7084][210,125,70](5.2):christine[2318][191,101,46](5.4):ruddy_brown[7366][187,101,40](5.7):copper[2475][182,99,37](6.4):evermore[3529][190,106,63](6.4) 0 christine:copper:evermore:raw:ruddy:sienna:brown +9255 zest rgb 229 132 27 hex #E5841B hsv 31 88 90 xyz 0.41 0.33 0.05 lab 64 31 65 lch 64 72 65 cmyk 0 38 79 10 yellow_ochre[9215][227,130,23](1.0):beer_srm_10[1350][217,126,3](4.1):cadmium_orange[1991][237,135,45](4.9):fulvous[3804][228,132,0](5.1):golden_bell[3911][226,137,19](5.1) 3 10:beer:bell:cadmium:fulvous:golden:ochre:srm:orange:yellow +9256 zeus rgb 41 35 25 hex #292319 hsv 38 39 16 xyz 0.02 0.02 0.01 lab 14 1 8 lch 14 8 84 cmyk 0 2 6 84 jungle_green[4790][40,30,21](2.8):oil[6118][40,30,21](2.8):top_gear[8419][36,34,26](3.0):black_magic[1463][51,44,34](4.0):cannon_black[2048][51,44,34](4.0) 11 cannon:gear:jungle:magic:oil:top:black:green +9257 zeus rgb 59 60 56 hex #3B3C38 hsv 75 7 24 xyz 0.04 0.04 0.04 lab 25 -1 2 lch 25 3 120 cmyk 0 0 2 76 double_gravel[3204][58,60,57](1.0):blast_grey[1500][61,60,58](1.4):possessed[6792][55,59,56](1.7):triple_dune[8490][58,56,51](1.7):PMS447[531][63,63,56](2.2) 62 PMS447:blast:double:dune:gravel:possessed:triple:grey +9258 zibibbo rgb 81 36 43 hex #51242B hsv 351 56 32 xyz 0.04 0.03 0.03 lab 21 22 5 lch 21 22 14 cmyk 0 18 15 68 persian_red[6610][79,33,42](1.7):courage[2561][75,37,42](3.2):dark_amaranth[2675][89,39,45](3.5):attitude[1189][83,43,50](3.7):black_rose[1474][83,41,52](3.7) 19 dark:amaranth:attitude:courage:persian:black:red:rose +9259 ziggurat rgb 129 166 170 hex #81A6AA hsv 186 24 67 xyz 0.3 0.35 0.43 lab 66 -12 -6 lch 66 13 208 cmyk 16 2 0 33 grayish_cyan[4003][125,168,168](2.2):gumbo[4252][124,161,166](2.4):neptune[6024][119,168,171](3.2):granny_smith[3972][132,160,160](4.1):PMS5493[699][140,175,173](4.2) 5 PMS5493:cyan:granny:grayish:gumbo:neptune:smith +9260 ziggurat rgb 191 219 226 hex #BFDBE2 hsv 192 15 89 xyz 0.61 0.67 0.82 lab 86 -8 -7 lch 86 10 220 cmyk 14 3 0 11 half_escape[4324][186,218,229](2.2):pale_light_grayish_cerulean[6361][184,220,231](2.2):botticelli[1670][199,221,229](2.4):PMS290[311][196,216,226](3.2):columbia_blue[2439][196,216,226](3.2) 10 pale:light:PMS290:botticelli:cerulean:columbia:escape:grayish:half:blue +9261 zinc_white rgb 225 219 208 hex #E1DBD0 hsv 39 8 88 xyz 0.68 0.71 0.7 lab 88 0 6 lch 88 6 89 cmyk 0 2 7 12 merino[5679][225,219,208](0.0):half_albescent_white[4278][229,223,212](1.0):quarter_cloud[6931][225,220,212](1.0):quarter_tea[7008][224,218,208](1.0):double_sea_fog[3235][223,221,212](1.4) 128 albescent:cloud:double:fog:half:merino:quarter:sea:tea:white +9262 zinc_white rgb 253 248 255 hex #FDF8FF hsv 283 3 100 xyz 0.92 0.95 1.08 lab 98 3 -3 lch 98 4 316 cmyk 1 3 0 0 white_pointer[9092][254,248,255](0.0):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](1.7):whisper[9078][247,245,250](1.7):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](2.0):magentaish_white[5448][255,246,255](2.0) 39 bluish:ghost:magentaish:pointer:whisper:white +9263 zinger rgb 135 61 66 hex #873D42 hsv 356 55 53 xyz 0.13 0.09 0.06 lab 36 32 12 lch 36 34 21 cmyk 0 29 27 47 cordovan[2510][137,63,69](1.0):cha[2192][140,63,66](2.4):stiletto[7979][131,61,62](3.0):lotus[5344][134,60,60](3.2):PMS696[875][142,71,73](3.7) 11 PMS696:cha:cordovan:lotus:stiletto +9264 zinnwaldite rgb 235 194 175 hex #EBC2AF hsv 19 26 92 xyz 0.61 0.59 0.49 lab 81 12 15 lch 81 19 52 cmyk 0 16 24 8 mandys_pink[5500][242,195,178](2.2):PMS488[597][242,196,175](3.0):cashmere[2123][230,190,165](3.3):pale_light_grayish_vermilion[6378][231,196,184](4.2):light_wood[5231][233,194,166](4.5) 9 pale:light:PMS488:cashmere:grayish:mandys:vermilion:wood:pink +9265 zinnwaldite_brown rgb 44 22 8 hex #2C1608 hsv 23 82 17 xyz 0.01 0.01 0 lab 10 10 12 lch 10 15 51 cmyk 0 9 14 83 ash_brown[1155][46,25,5](3.7):jacko_bean[4708][46,25,5](3.7):coffee_bean[2422][42,20,14](4.2):cuban_tan[2618][42,20,14](4.2):marlin[5535][42,20,14](4.2) 9 ash:bean:coffee:cuban:jacko:marlin:tan:brown +9266 zion rgb 172 121 17 hex #AC7911 hsv 40 90 67 xyz 0.24 0.22 0.04 lab 55 12 57 lch 55 59 78 cmyk 0 20 61 33 mandalay[5493][173,120,27](3.3):PMS139[53][175,117,5](3.7):bronze[1822][168,121,0](3.7):buttered_rum[1953][161,117,13](4.4):golden_brown[3913][178,122,1](4.5) 6 PMS139:bronze:buttered:golden:mandalay:rum:brown +9267 zircon rgb 222 227 227 hex #DEE3E3 hsv 180 2 89 xyz 0.71 0.76 0.84 lab 90 -2 -1 lch 90 2 199 cmyk 2 0 0 11 grey[4192][227,227,227](2.2):light_cyanish_grey[5094][218,231,231](2.2):grey[4191][224,224,224](2.4):grey[4193][229,229,229](2.4):mercury[5677][229,229,229](2.4) 63 light:cyanish:mercury:grey +9268 zircon rgb 244 248 255 hex #F4F8FF hsv 218 4 100 xyz 0.89 0.94 1.08 lab 97 0 -4 lch 97 4 269 cmyk 4 3 0 0 alice_blue[998][240,248,255](1.0):ghost_white[3852][248,248,255](1.7):zumthor[9281][237,246,255](1.7):bluish_white[1621][246,246,255](2.0):white_lilac[9085][248,247,252](2.2) 45 alice:bluish:ghost:lilac:zumthor:blue:white +9269 zodiac rgb 65 58 93 hex #413A5D hsv 252 38 36 xyz 0.06 0.05 0.11 lab 27 12 -20 lch 27 23 301 cmyk 11 14 0 64 glitter[3875][65,58,93](0.0):PMS5265[657][73,61,99](3.0):vortex[8976][58,56,91](3.0):adventure[964][65,64,98](3.6):storm[7991][54,54,93](4.4) 6 PMS5265:adventure:glitter:storm:vortex +9270 zombie rgb 221 194 131 hex #DDC283 hsv 42 41 87 xyz 0.53 0.56 0.29 lab 79 1 35 lch 79 35 88 cmyk 0 11 35 13 light_beige[5007][221,194,131](0.0):manuka_honey[5515][222,192,131](1.0):chalky[2199][223,194,129](1.7):straw[8004][218,190,130](1.7):new_orleans[6040][228,195,133](2.2) 10 light:beige:chalky:honey:manuka:new:orleans:straw +9271 zombie rgb 228 214 155 hex #E4D69B hsv 48 32 89 xyz 0.62 0.67 0.41 lab 85 -4 31 lch 85 31 97 cmyk 0 5 29 11 PMS616[795][221,214,155](3.2):double_colonial_white[3191][228,207,153](3.3):weathered_yellow[9034][224,218,159](3.3):mellow_yellow[5661][234,216,149](4.2):beige[1385][230,218,166](4.5) 6 PMS616:beige:colonial:double:mellow:weathered:white:yellow +9272 zomp rgb 57 167 141 hex #39A78D hsv 166 66 65 xyz 0.2 0.3 0.3 lab 62 -37 4 lch 62 38 173 cmyk 43 0 10 35 gossamer[3953][57,159,134](3.2):moderate_turquoise[5852][74,168,145](3.2):jeepers_creepers[4754][41,169,139](4.5):niagara[6046][41,169,139](4.5):greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](4.9) 7 moderate:creepers:gossamer:greeny:jeepers:niagara:blue:turquoise +9273 zomp rgb 57 167 142 hex #39A78E hsv 166 66 65 xyz 0.2 0.3 0.3 lab 62 -37 4 lch 62 37 174 cmyk 43 0 10 35 gossamer[3953][57,159,134](3.2):moderate_turquoise[5852][74,168,145](3.2):jeepers_creepers[4754][41,169,139](4.5):niagara[6046][41,169,139](4.5):greeny_blue[4092][66,179,149](4.9) 7 moderate:creepers:gossamer:greeny:jeepers:niagara:blue:turquoise +9274 zoop_de_loop rgb 37 70 131 hex #254683 hsv 219 72 51 xyz 0.07 0.06 0.22 lab 30 10 -38 lch 30 39 285 cmyk 37 24 0 49 darkish_blue[2924][1,65,130](3.7):chambray[2201][53,78,140](4.2):superhero[8154][55,78,136](5.0):tory_blue[8433][55,78,136](5.0):dark_cerulean[2702][8,69,126](5.2) 4 dark:cerulean:chambray:darkish:superhero:tory:blue +9275 zorba rgb 162 149 137 hex #A29589 hsv 29 15 64 xyz 0.3 0.31 0.28 lab 62 3 8 lch 62 9 71 cmyk 0 5 10 36 half_stonewashed[4394][158,148,137](1.4):PMS408[491][168,153,140](2.2):settlement[7622][161,152,139](2.2):effervescent[3368][168,152,142](2.4):quarter_sandstone[6989][157,150,141](2.8) 30 PMS408:effervescent:half:quarter:sandstone:settlement:stonewashed +9276 zorba rgb 165 155 145 hex #A59B91 hsv 30 12 65 xyz 0.32 0.33 0.32 lab 65 2 7 lch 65 7 74 cmyk 0 4 8 35 perfect_taupe[6586][170,159,148](1.0):rockbottom[7265][162,154,142](1.4):triple_truffle[8528][163,155,142](1.7):bronco[1818][171,161,150](2.0):double_truffle[3251][165,159,147](2.2) 41 bronco:double:perfect:rockbottom:taupe:triple:truffle +9277 zuccini rgb 4 64 34 hex #044022 hsv 150 94 25 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.02 lab 23 -26 13 lch 23 30 153 cmyk 24 0 12 75 british_racing_green[1814][0,66,37](1.7):evergreen[3527][5,71,42](3.3):county_green[2559][1,55,26](4.2):forest_green[3720][1,68,33](4.4):up_forest_green[8656][1,68,33](4.4) 6 british:county:evergreen:forest:racing:up:green +9278 zuccini rgb 23 70 46 hex #17462E hsv 149 67 27 xyz 0.03 0.05 0.03 lab 26 -23 10 lch 26 25 156 cmyk 18 0 9 73 county_green[2560][27,75,53](3.0):PMS3435[417][2,73,48](4.2):sherwood_green[7652][2,64,44](4.4):zydeco[9282][2,64,44](4.4):PMS350[424][35,79,51](4.5) 7 PMS3435:PMS350:county:sherwood:zydeco:green +9279 zulu rgb 88 81 86 hex #585156 hsv 317 8 35 xyz 0.09 0.09 0.1 lab 35 4 -2 lch 35 4 334 cmyk 0 3 1 65 dark_magentaish_grey[2795][89,83,89](1.4):dark_liver[2790][83,75,79](2.2):don_juan[3165][90,79,81](2.2):liver[5307][83,75,79](2.2):mortar[5903][86,80,81](2.2) 33 dark:don:juan:liver:magentaish:mortar:grey +9280 zumthor rgb 205 213 213 hex #CDD5D5 hsv 180 4 84 xyz 0.61 0.65 0.72 lab 85 -3 -1 lch 85 3 199 cmyk 3 0 0 16 PMS642[821][209,216,216](1.4):breeze[1705][204,219,217](2.2):iron[4677][212,215,217](2.2):quarter_periglacial_blue[6980][204,210,206](2.2):geyser[3848][203,208,207](2.4) 55 PMS642:breeze:geyser:iron:periglacial:quarter:blue +9281 zumthor rgb 237 246 255 hex #EDF6FF hsv 210 7 100 xyz 0.86 0.91 1.08 lab 96 -1 -5 lch 96 5 256 cmyk 7 4 0 0 alice_blue[998][240,248,255](1.4):solitude[7845][234,246,255](1.4):zircon[9268][244,248,255](1.7):lily_white[5263][231,248,255](3.2):athens_grey[1176][238,240,243](3.3) 23 alice:athens:lily:solitude:zircon:blue:grey:white +9282 zydeco rgb 2 64 44 hex #02402C hsv 161 97 25 xyz 0.02 0.04 0.03 lab 23 -24 7 lch 23 25 163 cmyk 24 0 8 75 sherwood_green[7652][2,64,44](0.0):zuccini[9278][23,70,46](4.4):PMS3435[417][2,73,48](5.4):PMS3308[397][0,68,56](5.5):county_green[2560][27,75,53](5.5) 2 PMS3308:PMS3435:county:sherwood:zuccini:green +9283 zydeco rgb 32 72 63 hex #20483F hsv 167 56 28 xyz 0.04 0.05 0.06 lab 28 -17 1 lch 28 17 176 cmyk 16 0 4 72 deep_teal[3071][25,68,60](2.2):msu_green[5923][24,69,59](2.2):te_papa_green[8270][30,67,60](3.0):te_papa_green[8271][43,75,64](3.0):PMS560[724][43,76,63](3.7) 13 deep:PMS560:msu:papa:te:teal:green diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/combobox.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/combobox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..865ec406 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/combobox.c @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +/* Combo Boxes + * #Keywords: GtkCellRenderer + * + * The GtkComboBox widget allows to select one option out of a list. + * The GtkComboBoxEntry additionally allows the user to enter a value + * that is not in the list of options. + * + * How the options are displayed is controlled by cell renderers. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +enum +{ + ICON_NAME_COL, + TEXT_COL +}; + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_icon_store (void) +{ + const char *icon_names[6] = { + "dialog-warning", + "process-stop", + "document-new", + "edit-clear", + NULL, + "document-open" + }; + const char *labels[6] = { + N_("Warning"), + N_("Stop"), + N_("New"), + N_("Clear"), + NULL, + N_("Open") + }; + + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkListStore *store; + int i; + + store = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (icon_names); i++) + { + if (icon_names[i]) + { + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, + ICON_NAME_COL, icon_names[i], + TEXT_COL, _(labels[i]), + -1); + } + else + { + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, + ICON_NAME_COL, NULL, + TEXT_COL, "separator", + -1); + } + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); +} + +/* A GtkCellLayoutDataFunc that demonstrates how one can control + * sensitivity of rows. This particular function does nothing + * useful and just makes the second row insensitive. + */ +static void +set_sensitive (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, + GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *tree_model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreePath *path; + int *indices; + gboolean sensitive; + + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (tree_model, iter); + indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path); + sensitive = indices[0] != 1; + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + g_object_set (cell, "sensitive", sensitive, NULL); +} + +/* A GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc that demonstrates how rows can be + * rendered as separators. This particular function does nothing + * useful and just turns the fourth row into a separator. + */ +static gboolean +is_separator (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreePath *path; + gboolean result; + + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, iter); + result = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0] == 4; + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return result; +} + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_capital_store (void) +{ + struct { + const char *group; + const char *capital; + } capitals[] = { + { "A - B", NULL }, + { NULL, "Albany" }, + { NULL, "Annapolis" }, + { NULL, "Atlanta" }, + { NULL, "Augusta" }, + { NULL, "Austin" }, + { NULL, "Baton Rouge" }, + { NULL, "Bismarck" }, + { NULL, "Boise" }, + { NULL, "Boston" }, + { "C - D", NULL }, + { NULL, "Carson City" }, + { NULL, "Charleston" }, + { NULL, "Cheyenne" }, + { NULL, "Columbia" }, + { NULL, "Columbus" }, + { NULL, "Concord" }, + { NULL, "Denver" }, + { NULL, "Des Moines" }, + { NULL, "Dover" }, + { "E - J", NULL }, + { NULL, "Frankfort" }, + { NULL, "Harrisburg" }, + { NULL, "Hartford" }, + { NULL, "Helena" }, + { NULL, "Honolulu" }, + { NULL, "Indianapolis" }, + { NULL, "Jackson" }, + { NULL, "Jefferson City" }, + { NULL, "Juneau" }, + { "K - O", NULL }, + { NULL, "Lansing" }, + { NULL, "Lincoln" }, + { NULL, "Little Rock" }, + { NULL, "Madison" }, + { NULL, "Montgomery" }, + { NULL, "Montpelier" }, + { NULL, "Nashville" }, + { NULL, "Oklahoma City" }, + { NULL, "Olympia" }, + { "P - S", NULL }, + { NULL, "Phoenix" }, + { NULL, "Pierre" }, + { NULL, "Providence" }, + { NULL, "Raleigh" }, + { NULL, "Richmond" }, + { NULL, "Sacramento" }, + { NULL, "Salem" }, + { NULL, "Salt Lake City" }, + { NULL, "Santa Fe" }, + { NULL, "Springfield" }, + { NULL, "St. Paul" }, + { "T - Z", NULL }, + { NULL, "Tallahassee" }, + { NULL, "Topeka" }, + { NULL, "Trenton" }, + { NULL, NULL } + }; + + GtkTreeIter iter, iter2; + GtkTreeStore *store; + int i; + + store = gtk_tree_store_new (1, G_TYPE_STRING); + + for (i = 0; capitals[i].group || capitals[i].capital; i++) + { + if (capitals[i].group) + { + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, NULL); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, 0, capitals[i].group, -1); + } + else if (capitals[i].capital) + { + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter2, &iter); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter2, 0, capitals[i].capital, -1); + } + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); +} + +static void +is_capital_sensitive (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, + GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *tree_model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + gboolean sensitive; + + sensitive = !gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child (tree_model, iter); + + g_object_set (cell, "sensitive", sensitive, NULL); +} + +static void +fill_combo_entry (GtkWidget *combo) +{ + gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "One"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "Two"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "2\302\275"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "Three"); +} + + +/* A simple validating entry */ + +#define TYPE_MASK_ENTRY (mask_entry_get_type ()) +#define MASK_ENTRY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), TYPE_MASK_ENTRY, MaskEntry)) +#define MASK_ENTRY_CLASS(vtable) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((vtable), TYPE_MASK_ENTRY, MaskEntryClass)) +#define IS_MASK_ENTRY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), TYPE_MASK_ENTRY)) +#define IS_MASK_ENTRY_CLASS(vtable) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((vtable), TYPE_MASK_ENTRY)) +#define MASK_ENTRY_GET_CLASS(inst) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((inst), TYPE_MASK_ENTRY, MaskEntryClass)) + + +typedef struct _MaskEntry MaskEntry; +struct _MaskEntry +{ + GtkEntry entry; + const char *mask; +}; + +typedef struct _MaskEntryClass MaskEntryClass; +struct _MaskEntryClass +{ + GtkEntryClass parent_class; +}; + + +static void mask_entry_editable_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface); + +static GType mask_entry_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (MaskEntry, mask_entry, GTK_TYPE_ENTRY, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_EDITABLE, + mask_entry_editable_init)); + + +static void +mask_entry_set_background (MaskEntry *entry) +{ + if (entry->mask) + { + if (!g_regex_match_simple (entry->mask, gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)), 0, 0)) + { + PangoAttrList *attrs; + + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_foreground_new (65535, 32767, 32767)); + gtk_entry_set_attributes (GTK_ENTRY (entry), attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + return; + } + } + + gtk_entry_set_attributes (GTK_ENTRY (entry), NULL); +} + + +static void +mask_entry_changed (GtkEditable *editable) +{ + mask_entry_set_background (MASK_ENTRY (editable)); +} + + +static void +mask_entry_init (MaskEntry *entry) +{ + entry->mask = NULL; +} + + +static void +mask_entry_class_init (MaskEntryClass *klass) +{ } + + +static void +mask_entry_editable_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->changed = mask_entry_changed; +} + + +GtkWidget * +do_combobox (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *vbox, *frame, *box, *combo, *entry; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Combo Boxes"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 2); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 10); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + /* A combobox demonstrating cell renderers, separators and + * insensitive rows + */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("Items with icons"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 5); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), box); + + model = create_icon_store (); + combo = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model (model); + g_object_unref (model); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), combo); + + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, FALSE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, + "icon-name", ICON_NAME_COL, + NULL); + + gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), + renderer, + set_sensitive, + NULL, NULL); + + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, TRUE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, + "text", TEXT_COL, + NULL); + + gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), + renderer, + set_sensitive, + NULL, NULL); + + gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), + is_separator, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), 0); + + /* A combobox demonstrating trees. + */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("Where are we ?"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 5); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), box); + + model = create_capital_store (); + combo = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model (model); + g_object_unref (model); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), combo); + + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, TRUE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, + "text", 0, + NULL); + gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), + renderer, + is_capital_sensitive, + NULL, NULL); + + path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (0, 8, -1); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), &iter); + + /* A GtkComboBoxEntry with validation */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("Editable"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 5); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), box); + + combo = gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry (); + fill_combo_entry (combo); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), combo); + + entry = g_object_new (TYPE_MASK_ENTRY, NULL); + MASK_ENTRY (entry)->mask = "^([0-9]*|One|Two|2\302\275|Three)$"; + + gtk_combo_box_set_child (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), entry); + + /* A combobox with string IDs */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("String IDs"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 5); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), box); + + combo = gtk_combo_box_text_new (); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "never", "Not visible"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "when-active", "Visible when active"); + gtk_combo_box_text_append (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo), "always", "Always visible"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), combo); + + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + g_object_bind_property (combo, "active-id", + entry, "text", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53c58dd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints.c @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +/* Constraints/Simple Constraints + * #Keywords: GtkLayoutManager + * + * GtkConstraintLayout provides a layout manager that uses relations + * between widgets (also known as “constraints”) to compute the position + * and size of each child. + * + * In addition to child widgets, the constraints can involve spacer + * objects (also known as “guides”). This example has a guide between + * the two buttons in the top row. + * + * Try resizing the window to see how the constraints react to update + * the layout. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SimpleGrid, simple_grid, SIMPLE, GRID, GtkWidget) + +struct _SimpleGrid +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *button1, *button2; + GtkWidget *button3; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (SimpleGrid, simple_grid, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +simple_grid_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + SimpleGrid *self = SIMPLE_GRID (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->button1, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button2, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button3, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (simple_grid_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +simple_grid_class_init (SimpleGridClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = simple_grid_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT); +} + +/* Layout: + * + * +-------------------------------------+ + * | +-----------++-------++-----------+ | + * | | Child 1 || Space || Child 2 | | + * | +-----------++-------++-----------+ | + * | +---------------------------------+ | + * | | Child 3 | | + * | +---------------------------------+ | + * +-------------------------------------+ + * + * Constraints: + * + * super.start = child1.start - 8 + * child1.width = child2.width + * child1.end = space.start + * space.end = child2.start + * child2.end = super.end - 8 + * super.start = child3.start - 8 + * child3.end = super.end - 8 + * super.top = child1.top - 8 + * super.top = child2.top - 8 + * child1.bottom = child3.top - 12 + * child2.bottom = child3.top - 12 + * child3.height = child1.height + * child3.height = child2.height + * child3.bottom = super.bottom - 8 + * + * To add some flexibility, we make the space + * stretchable: + * + * space.width >= 10 + * space.width = 100 + * space.width <= 200 + */ +static void +build_constraints (SimpleGrid *self, + GtkConstraintLayout *manager) +{ + GtkConstraintGuide *guide; + + guide = gtk_constraint_guide_new (); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_name (guide, "space"); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_min_size (guide, 10, 10); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_nat_size (guide, 100, 10); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_max_size (guide, 200, 20); + gtk_constraint_guide_set_strength (guide, GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_STRONG); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_guide (manager, guide); + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new_constant (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button1), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_LE, + 200.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + guide, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (guide, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + 1.0, + -12.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + 1.0, + -12.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button1, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + self->button2, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (self->button3, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); +} + +static void +simple_grid_init (SimpleGrid *self) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (self); + + self->button1 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 1"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button1, widget); + + self->button2 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 2"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button2, widget); + + self->button3 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 3"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button3, widget); + + GtkLayoutManager *manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + build_constraints (self, GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_constraints (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box, *grid; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Simple Constraints"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 260, -1); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + grid = g_object_new (simple_grid_get_type (), NULL); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), grid); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45320b4f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.c @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* Constraints/Builder + * + * GtkConstraintLayouts can be created in .ui files, and constraints can + * be set up at that time as well, as this example demonstrates. It shows + * various ways to do spacing and sizing with constraints. + * + * Make the window wider to see the rows react differently + */ + +#include +#include + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ConstraintsGrid, constraints_grid, CONSTRAINTS, GRID, GtkWidget) + +struct _ConstraintsGrid +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ConstraintsGrid, constraints_grid, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +constraints_grid_init (ConstraintsGrid *grid) +{ +} + +static void +constraints_grid_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (object); + GtkWidget *child; + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget))) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (constraints_grid_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +constraints_grid_class_init (ConstraintsGridClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = constraints_grid_dispose; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_constraints_builder (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + g_type_ensure (constraints_grid_get_type ()); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/constraints_builder/constraints_builder.ui"); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5748e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_builder.ui @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ + + + + Constraints — Builder + 260 + + + fill + fill + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A + + + + + B + + + + + C + + + + + A + + + + + B + + + + + C + + + + + A + + + + + B + + + + + C + + + + + A + + + + + B + + + + + C + + + + + A + + + + + B + + + + + C + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_interactive.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_interactive.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68f91b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_interactive.c @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +/* Constraints/Interactive Constraints + * #Keywords: GtkConstraintLayout + * + * This example shows how constraints can be updated during user interaction. + * The vertical edge between the buttons can be dragged with the mouse. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (InteractiveGrid, interactive_grid, INTERACTIVE, GRID, GtkWidget) + +struct _InteractiveGrid +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *button1, *button2; + GtkWidget *button3; + GtkConstraintGuide *guide; + GtkConstraint *constraint; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (InteractiveGrid, interactive_grid, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +interactive_grid_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + InteractiveGrid *self = INTERACTIVE_GRID (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->button1, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button2, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button3, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (interactive_grid_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +interactive_grid_class_init (InteractiveGridClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = interactive_grid_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT); +} + +static void +build_constraints (InteractiveGrid *self, + GtkConstraintLayout *manager) +{ + self->guide = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_GUIDE, NULL); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_guide (manager, self->guide); + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new_constant (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->guide), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button1), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button1), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->guide), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button2), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->guide), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button2), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button3), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button3), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_END, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->guide), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_START, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button1), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button2), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button1), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button3), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TOP, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button2), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + 1.0, + 0.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (manager, + gtk_constraint_new (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->button3), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + NULL, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_BOTTOM, + 1.0, + -8.0, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED)); +} + +static void +drag_cb (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double offset_x, + double offset_y, + InteractiveGrid *self) +{ + GtkConstraintLayout *layout = GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self))); + double x, y; + + if (self->constraint) + { + gtk_constraint_layout_remove_constraint (layout, self->constraint); + g_clear_object (&self->constraint); + } + + gtk_gesture_drag_get_start_point (drag, &x, &y); + self->constraint = gtk_constraint_new_constant (GTK_CONSTRAINT_TARGET (self->guide), + GTK_CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_LEFT, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ, + x + offset_x, + GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED); + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraint (layout, g_object_ref (self->constraint)); + gtk_widget_queue_allocate (GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} + +static void +interactive_grid_init (InteractiveGrid *self) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (self); + GtkGesture *drag; + + self->button1 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 1"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button1, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button1, "button1"); + + self->button2 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 2"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button2, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button2, "button2"); + + self->button3 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 3"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button3, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button3, "button3"); + + GtkLayoutManager *manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + build_constraints (self, GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager)); + + drag = gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-update", G_CALLBACK (drag_cb), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (self), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drag)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_constraints_interactive (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box, *grid; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Interactive Constraints"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 260, -1); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + grid = g_object_new (interactive_grid_get_type (), NULL); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), grid); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_vfl.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_vfl.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b8268ae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/constraints_vfl.c @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +/* Constraints/VFL + * + * GtkConstraintLayout allows defining constraints using a + * compact syntax called Visual Format Language, or VFL. + * + * A typical example of a VFL specification looks like this: + * + * H:|-[button1(==button2)]-12-[button2]-| + */ + +#include +#include + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (VflGrid, vfl_grid, VFL, GRID, GtkWidget) + +struct _VflGrid +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *button1, *button2; + GtkWidget *button3; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (VflGrid, vfl_grid, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +vfl_grid_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + VflGrid *self = VFL_GRID (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->button1, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button2, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->button3, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (vfl_grid_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +vfl_grid_class_init (VflGridClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = vfl_grid_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT); +} + +/* Layout: + * + * +-----------------------------+ + * | +-----------+ +-----------+ | + * | | Child 1 | | Child 2 | | + * | +-----------+ +-----------+ | + * | +-------------------------+ | + * | | Child 3 | | + * | +-------------------------+ | + * +-----------------------------+ + * + * Constraints: + * + * super.start = child1.start - 8 + * child1.width = child2.width + * child1.end = child2.start - 12 + * child2.end = super.end - 8 + * super.start = child3.start - 8 + * child3.end = super.end - 8 + * super.top = child1.top - 8 + * super.top = child2.top - 8 + * child1.bottom = child3.top - 12 + * child2.bottom = child3.top - 12 + * child3.height = child1.height + * child3.height = child2.height + * child3.bottom = super.bottom - 8 + * + * Visual format: + * + * H:|-8-[view1(==view2)-12-[view2]-8-| + * H:|-8-[view3]-8-| + * V:|-8-[view1]-12-[view3(==view1)]-8-| + * V:|-8-[view2]-12-[view3(==view2)]-8-| + */ +static void +build_constraints (VflGrid *self, + GtkConstraintLayout *manager) +{ + const char * const vfl[] = { + "H:|-[button1(==button2)]-12-[button2]-|", + "H:|-[button3]-|", + "V:|-[button1]-12-[button3(==button1)]-|", + "V:|-[button2]-12-[button3(==button2)]-|", + }; + GError *error = NULL; + + gtk_constraint_layout_add_constraints_from_description (manager, vfl, G_N_ELEMENTS (vfl), + 8, 8, + &error, + "button1", self->button1, + "button2", self->button2, + "button3", self->button3, + NULL); + if (error != NULL) + { + g_printerr ("VFL parsing error:\n%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + +static void +vfl_grid_init (VflGrid *self) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (self); + + self->button1 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 1"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button1, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button1, "button1"); + + self->button2 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 2"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button2, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button2, "button2"); + + self->button3 = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Child 3"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->button3, widget); + gtk_widget_set_name (self->button3, "button3"); + + GtkLayoutManager *manager = gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + build_constraints (self, GTK_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT (manager)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_constraints_vfl (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box, *grid; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Constraints — VFL"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 260, -1); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + grid = g_object_new (vfl_grid_get_type (), NULL); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (grid, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), grid); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/context_menu_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/context_menu_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..372d175d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/context_menu_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/copy_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/copy_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2350b81 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/copy_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosshair_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosshair_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7247e063 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosshair_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosswarp.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosswarp.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1cc5f9a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/crosswarp.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +uniform float progress; +uniform sampler2D u_texture1; +uniform sampler2D u_texture2; + +vec4 getFromColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture1, uv); +} + +vec4 getToColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture2, uv); +} + +// Source: https://gl-transitions.com/editor/crosswarp +// Author: Eke Péter +// License: MIT + +vec4 transition(vec2 p) { + float x = progress; + x=smoothstep(.0,1.0,(x*2.0+p.x-1.0)); + return mix(getFromColor((p-.5)*(1.-x)+.5), getToColor((p-.5)*x+.5), x); +} + + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + fragColor = transition(uv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99871e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.c @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +/* Theming/CSS Accordion + * + * A simple accordion demo written using CSS transitions and multiple backgrounds + * + */ + +#include + +static void +destroy_provider (GtkWidget *window, + GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (window), provider); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_accordion (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *container, *styled_box, *child; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "CSS Accordion"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + styled_box = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), styled_box); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (styled_box, "accordion"); + container = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (container, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (container, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (styled_box), container); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label ("This"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Is"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label ("A"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label ("CSS"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Accordion"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + child = gtk_button_new_with_label (":-)"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (container), child); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/css_accordion/css_accordion.css"); + + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (window), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); + + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (destroy_provider), provider); + g_object_unref (provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5d219da9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_accordion.css @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +.accordion, .accordion * { + all: unset; + + transition-property: color, background-color, border-color, background-image, padding, border-width; + transition-duration: 1s; + + font: 20px Cantarell; +} + +.accordion { + background: linear-gradient(153deg, #151515, #151515 5px, transparent 5px) 0 0, + linear-gradient(333deg, #151515, #151515 5px, transparent 5px) 10px 5px, + linear-gradient(153deg, #222, #222 5px, transparent 5px) 0 5px, + linear-gradient(333deg, #222, #222 5px, transparent 5px) 10px 10px, + linear-gradient(90deg, #1b1b1b, #1b1b1b 10px, transparent 10px), + linear-gradient(#1d1d1d, #1d1d1d 25%, #1a1a1a 25%, #1a1a1a 50%, transparent 50%, transparent 75%, #242424 75%, #242424); + background-color: #131313; + background-size: 20px 20px; +} + +.accordion button { + color: black; + background-color: #bbb; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 2px 0 2px 2px; + border-color: #333; + + padding: 12px 4px; +} + +.accordion button:first-child { + border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; +} + +.accordion button:last-child { + border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0; + border-width: 2px; +} + +.accordion button:hover { + padding: 12px 48px; + background-color: #4870bc; +} + +.accordion button *:hover { + color: white; +} + +.accordion button:hover:active, +.accordion button:active { + background-color: #993401; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66e318ae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.c @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/* Theming/CSS Basics + * + * GTK themes are written using CSS. Every widget is build of multiple items + * that you can style very similarly to a regular website. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +show_parsing_error (GtkCssProvider *provider, + GtkCssSection *section, + const GError *error, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + const GtkCssLocation *start_location, *end_location; + GtkTextIter start, end; + const char *tag_name; + + start_location = gtk_css_section_get_start_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &start, + start_location->lines, + start_location->line_bytes); + end_location = gtk_css_section_get_end_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &end, + end_location->lines, + end_location->line_bytes); + + if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_WARNING) + tag_name = "warning"; + else + tag_name = "error"; + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (buffer, tag_name, &start, &end); +} + +static void +css_text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkCssProvider *provider) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags (buffer, &start, &end); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, text, -1); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +apply_css (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + gtk_style_context_add_provider (gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget), provider, G_MAXUINT); + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + apply_css (child, provider); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_basics (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *container, *child; + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + GtkTextBuffer *text; + GBytes *bytes; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "CSS Basics"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "warning", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "error", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR, + NULL); + + provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_css_provider_new ()); + + container = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), container); + child = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (text); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (container), child); + g_signal_connect (text, "changed", + G_CALLBACK (css_text_changed), provider); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/css_basics/css_basics.css", 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text, g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + g_signal_connect (provider, + "parsing-error", + G_CALLBACK (show_parsing_error), + gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (child))); + + apply_css (window, provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..238ad466 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_basics.css @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* You can edit the text in this window to change the + * appearance of this Window. + * Be careful, if you screw it up, nothing might be visible + * anymore. :) + */ + +/* This CSS resets all properties to their defaults values + * and overrides all user settings and the theme in use */ +@import url("resource://css_basics/reset.css"); + +/* Set a very futuristic style by default */ +* { + color: green; + font-family: Monospace; + border: 1px solid; +} + +window { + background-color: white; +} + +/* Make sure selections are visible */ +selection { + background-color: darkGreen; + color: black; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81884c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.c @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +/* Theming/CSS Blend Modes + * + * You can blend multiple backgrounds using the CSS blend modes available. + */ + +#include + +#define WID(x) ((GtkWidget*) gtk_builder_get_object (builder, x)) + +/* + * These are the available blend modes. + */ +struct { + const char *name; + const char *id; +} blend_modes[] = +{ + { "Color", "color" }, + { "Color (burn)", "color-burn" }, + { "Color (dodge)", "color-dodge" }, + { "Darken", "darken" }, + { "Difference", "difference" }, + { "Exclusion", "exclusion" }, + { "Hard Light", "hard-light" }, + { "Hue", "hue" }, + { "Lighten", "lighten" }, + { "Luminosity", "luminosity" }, + { "Multiply", "multiply" }, + { "Normal", "normal" }, + { "Overlay", "overlay" }, + { "Saturate", "saturation" }, + { "Screen", "screen" }, + { "Soft Light", "soft-light" }, + { NULL } +}; + +#pragma GCC diagnostic push +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" +static void +update_css_for_blend_mode (GtkCssProvider *provider, + const char *blend_mode) +{ + GBytes *bytes; + char *css; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/css_blendmodes/css_blendmodes.css", 0, NULL); + + css = g_strdup_printf ((char *) g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), + blend_mode, + blend_mode, + blend_mode); + + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css, -1); + + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + g_free (css); +} +#pragma GCC diagnostic pop + +static void +row_activated (GtkListBox *listbox, + GtkListBoxRow *row, + GtkCssProvider *provider) +{ + const char *blend_mode; + + blend_mode = blend_modes[gtk_list_box_row_get_index (row)].id; + + update_css_for_blend_mode (provider, blend_mode); +} + +static void +setup_listbox (GtkBuilder *builder, + GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + GtkWidget *normal_row; + GtkWidget *listbox; + int i; + + normal_row = NULL; + listbox = gtk_list_box_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (WID ("scrolledwindow")), listbox); + + g_signal_connect (listbox, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK (row_activated), provider); + + /* Add a row for each blend mode available */ + for (i = 0; blend_modes[i].name != NULL; i++) + { + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *row; + + row = gtk_list_box_row_new (); + label = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_LABEL, + "label", blend_modes[i].name, + "xalign", 0.0, + NULL); + + gtk_list_box_row_set_child (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), label); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (listbox), row, -1); + + /* The first selected row is "normal" */ + if (g_strcmp0 (blend_modes[i].id, "normal") == 0) + normal_row = row; + } + + /* Select the "normal" row */ + gtk_list_box_select_row (GTK_LIST_BOX (listbox), GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (normal_row)); + g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (normal_row), "activate"); + + gtk_widget_grab_focus (normal_row); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_blendmodes (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/css_blendmodes/blendmodes.ui"); + + window = WID ("window"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + /* Setup the CSS provider for window */ + provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_css_provider_new ()); + + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + provider, + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); + + setup_listbox (builder, provider); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb93282a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_blendmodes.css @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + * First page. + */ +image.duck { + background-image: url('resource://css_blendmodes/ducky.png'); + background-size: cover; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.gradient { + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red 0%%, green 50%%, blue 100%%); + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +/* + * Second page. + */ +image.red { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/blends.png') top center; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.blue { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/blends.png') bottom center; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +/* + * Third page. + */ +image.cyan { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') top center; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.magenta { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') center center; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.yellow { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') bottom center; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.blend0 { + background-image: url('resource://css_blendmodes/ducky.png'), + linear-gradient(to right, red 0%%, green 50%%, blue 100%%); + background-size: cover; + background-blend-mode: %s; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.blend1 { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/blends.png') top center, + url('resource://css_blendmodes/blends.png') bottom center; + background-blend-mode: %s; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} + +image.blend2 { + background: url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') top center, + url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') center center, + url('resource://css_blendmodes/cmy.jpg') bottom center; + background-blend-mode: %s; + min-width: 200px; + min-height: 200px; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0909c383 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.c @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* Theming/Multiple Backgrounds + * + * GTK themes are written using CSS. Every widget is build of multiple items + * that you can style very similarly to a regular website. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +show_parsing_error (GtkCssProvider *provider, + GtkCssSection *section, + const GError *error, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + const GtkCssLocation *start_location, *end_location; + GtkTextIter start, end; + const char *tag_name; + + start_location = gtk_css_section_get_start_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &start, + start_location->lines, + start_location->line_bytes); + end_location = gtk_css_section_get_end_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &end, + end_location->lines, + end_location->line_bytes); + + + if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_WARNING) + tag_name = "warning"; + else + tag_name = "error"; + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (buffer, tag_name, &start, &end); +} + +static void +css_text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkCssProvider *provider) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags (buffer, &start, &end); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, text, -1); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +drawing_area_draw (GtkDrawingArea *da, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkStyleContext *context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (da)); + + gtk_render_background (context, cr, 0, 0, width, height); + gtk_render_frame (context, cr, 0, 0, width, height); +} + +static void +apply_css (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + gtk_style_context_add_provider (gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget), provider, G_MAXUINT); + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + apply_css (child, provider); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_multiplebgs (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *paned, *overlay, *child, *sw; + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + GtkTextBuffer *text; + GBytes *bytes; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Multiple Backgrounds"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + + child = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_widget_set_name (child, "canvas"); + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (child), + drawing_area_draw, + NULL, NULL); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), child); + + child = gtk_button_new (); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), child); + gtk_widget_set_name (child, "bricks-button"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (child, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (child, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (child, 250, 84); + + paned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), paned); + + /* Need a filler so we get a handle */ + child = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (paned), child); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "warning", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "error", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR, + NULL); + + provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_css_provider_new ()); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (paned), sw); + child = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (text); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), child); + g_signal_connect (text, + "changed", + G_CALLBACK (css_text_changed), + provider); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/css_multiplebgs/css_multiplebgs.css", 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text, g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + g_signal_connect (provider, + "parsing-error", + G_CALLBACK (show_parsing_error), + gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (child))); + + apply_css (window, provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af10b7c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_multiplebgs.css @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/* You can edit the text in this window to change the + * appearance of this Window. + * Be careful, if you screw it up, nothing might be visible + * anymore. :) + */ + +/* This CSS resets all properties to their defaults values + * and overrides all user settings and the theme in use */ +@import url("resource://css_multiplebgs/reset.css"); +@import url("resource://css_multiplebgs/cssview.css"); + +#canvas { + transition-property: background-color, background-image; + transition-duration: 0.5s; + + background-color: #4870bc; +} + +/* The gradients below are adapted versions of Lea Verou's CSS3 patterns, + * licensed under the MIT license: + * Copyright (c) 2011 Lea Verou, http://lea.verou.me/ + * + * See https://github.com/LeaVerou/CSS3-Patterns-Gallery + */ + +/********** + * Bricks * + **********/ +/* +@define-color brick_hi #d42; +@define-color brick_lo #b42; +@define-color brick_hi_backdrop #888; +@define-color brick_lo_backdrop #999; + +#canvas { + background-color: #999; + background-image: linear-gradient(205deg, @brick_lo, @brick_lo 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(25deg, @brick_hi, @brick_hi 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(205deg, @brick_lo, @brick_lo 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(25deg, @brick_hi, @brick_hi 23px, transparent 23px); + background-size: 58px 58px; + background-position: 0px 6px, 4px 31px, 29px 35px, 34px 2px; +} + +#canvas:backdrop { + background-color: #444; + background-image: linear-gradient(205deg, @brick_lo_backdrop, @brick_lo_backdrop 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(25deg, @brick_hi_backdrop, @brick_hi_backdrop 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(205deg, @brick_lo_backdrop, @brick_lo_backdrop 23px, transparent 23px), + linear-gradient(25deg, @brick_hi_backdrop, @brick_hi_backdrop 23px, transparent 23px); + background-size: 58px 58px; + background-position: 0px 6px, 4px 31px, 29px 35px, 34px 2px; +} +*/ + +/* +#bricks-button { + background-color: #eef; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('resource:///css_multiplebgs/brick.png'),url('resource:///css_multiplebgs/brick2.png')); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; +} + +*/ +/********** + * Tartan * + **********/ +/* +@define-color tartan_bg #662e2c; +@define-color tartan_bg_backdrop #333; + +#canvas { + background-color: @tartan_bg; + background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent 50px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 50px, + rgba(0,0,0,.4) 53px, transparent 53px, transparent 63px, + rgba(0,0,0,.4) 63px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 66px, transparent 66px, + transparent 116px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 116px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 166px, + rgba(255,255,255,.2) 166px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 169px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 169px, + rgba(0,0,0,.5) 179px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 179px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 182px, + rgba(0,0,0,.5) 182px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 232px, transparent 232px), + repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, transparent 50px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 50px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 53px, + transparent 53px, transparent 63px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 63px, rgba(0,0,0,.4) 66px, + transparent 66px, transparent 116px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 116px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 166px, + rgba(255,255,255,.2) 166px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 169px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 169px, + rgba(0,0,0,.5) 179px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 179px, rgba(255,255,255,.2) 182px, + rgba(0,0,0,.5) 182px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 232px, transparent 232px), + repeating-linear-gradient(-55deg, transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 1px, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 4px, + transparent 4px, transparent 19px, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 19px, + rgba(0,0,0,.2) 24px, transparent 24px, transparent 51px, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 51px, + rgba(0,0,0,.2) 54px, transparent 54px, transparent 74px); +} + +#canvas:backdrop { + background-color: @tartan_bg_backdrop; +} +*/ + +/*********** + * Stripes * + ***********/ + +/* +@define-color base_bg #4870bc; +@define-color backdrop_bg #555; + +#canvas { + background-color: @base_bg; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, transparent, rgba(255,255,255,.07) 50%, transparent 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, rgba(255,255,255,.13) 50%, transparent 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.17) 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.19) 50%); + background-size: 29px, 59px, 73px, 109px; +} + +#canvas:backdrop { + background-color: @backdrop_bg; +} +*/ + +/*************** + * Lined Paper * + ***************/ +/* +#canvas { + background-color: #fff; + background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 79px, alpha(#f98195, 0.40) 79px, #f98195 80px, alpha(#f98195, 0.40) 81px, transparent 81px), + linear-gradient(alpha(#77c5cf, 0.60), alpha(#77c5cf, 0.60) 1px, transparent 1px); + background-size: 100% 36px; +} + +#canvas:backdrop { + background-color: #f1f2f4; + background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 79px, alpha(#999, 0.40) 79px, #999 80px, alpha(#999, 0.40) 81px, transparent 81px), + linear-gradient(alpha(#bbb, 0.60), alpha(#bbb, 0.60) 1px, transparent 1px); +} +*/ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df96c2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.c @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* Theming/Animated Backgrounds + * + * This demo is in honour of a classic Pixbufs demo. + * + * It is done exclusively with CSS as the background of the window. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +show_parsing_error (GtkCssProvider *provider, + GtkCssSection *section, + const GError *error, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + const GtkCssLocation *start_location, *end_location; + GtkTextIter start, end; + const char *tag_name; + + start_location = gtk_css_section_get_start_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &start, + start_location->lines, + start_location->line_bytes); + end_location = gtk_css_section_get_end_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &end, + end_location->lines, + end_location->line_bytes); + + + if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_WARNING) + tag_name = "warning"; + else + tag_name = "error"; + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (buffer, tag_name, &start, &end); +} + +static void +css_text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkCssProvider *provider) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags (buffer, &start, &end); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, text, -1); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +apply_css (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + gtk_style_context_add_provider (gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget), provider, G_MAXUINT); + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + apply_css (child, provider); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_pixbufs (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *paned, *container, *child; + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + GtkTextBuffer *text; + GBytes *bytes; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Animated Backgrounds"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + paned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), paned); + + /* Need a filler so we get a handle */ + child = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (paned), child); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "warning", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "error", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR, + NULL); + + provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_css_provider_new ()); + + container = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (paned), container); + child = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (text); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (container), child); + g_signal_connect (text, "changed", + G_CALLBACK (css_text_changed), provider); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/css_pixbufs/gtk.css", 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text, g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + g_signal_connect (provider, + "parsing-error", + G_CALLBACK (show_parsing_error), + gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (child))); + + apply_css (window, provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8f193d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_pixbufs.css @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +/* You can edit the text in this window to change the + * appearance of this Window. + * Be careful, if you screw it up, nothing might be visible + * anymore. :) + */ + +/* This CSS resets all properties to their defaults values + * and overrides all user settings and the theme in use */ +@import url("resource://css_pixbufs/reset.css"); +@import url("resource://css_pixbufs/cssview.css"); + +@keyframes move-the-image { +0% { background-position: 50.00% 75.00%, 67.68% 67.68%, 75.00% 50.00%, 67.68% 32.32%, 50.00% 25.00%, 32.32% 32.32%, 25.00% 50.00%, 32.32% 67.68%, 0% 0%; } +3.125% { background-position: 55.19% 76.11%, 72.14% 64.79%, 76.11% 44.81%, 64.79% 27.86%, 44.81% 23.89%, 27.86% 35.21%, 23.89% 55.19%, 35.21% 72.14%, 0% 0%; } +6.25% { background-position: 60.79% 76.04%, 76.04% 60.79%, 76.04% 39.21%, 60.79% 23.96%, 39.21% 23.96%, 23.96% 39.21%, 23.96% 60.79%, 39.21% 76.04%, 0% 0%; } +9.375% { background-position: 66.46% 74.64%, 79.06% 55.78%, 74.64% 33.54%, 55.78% 20.94%, 33.54% 25.36%, 20.94% 44.22%, 25.36% 66.46%, 44.22% 79.06%, 0% 0%; } +12.5% { background-position: 71.84% 71.84%, 80.89% 50.00%, 71.84% 28.16%, 50.00% 19.11%, 28.16% 28.16%, 19.11% 50.00%, 28.16% 71.84%, 50.00% 80.89%, 0% 0%; } +15.625% { background-position: 76.55% 67.74%, 81.32% 43.77%, 67.74% 23.45%, 43.77% 18.68%, 23.45% 32.26%, 18.68% 56.23%, 32.26% 76.55%, 56.23% 81.32%, 0% 0%; } +18.75% { background-position: 80.21% 62.51%, 80.21% 37.49%, 62.51% 19.79%, 37.49% 19.79%, 19.79% 37.49%, 19.79% 62.51%, 37.49% 80.21%, 62.51% 80.21%, 0% 0%; } +21.875% { background-position: 82.54% 56.47%, 77.58% 31.57%, 56.47% 17.46%, 31.57% 22.42%, 17.46% 43.53%, 22.42% 68.43%, 43.53% 82.54%, 68.43% 77.58%, 0% 0%; } +25% { background-position: 83.33% 50.00%, 73.57% 26.43%, 50.00% 16.67%, 26.43% 26.43%, 16.67% 50.00%, 26.43% 73.57%, 50.00% 83.33%, 73.57% 73.57%, 0% 0%; } +28.125% { background-position: 82.54% 43.53%, 68.43% 22.42%, 43.53% 17.46%, 22.42% 31.57%, 17.46% 56.47%, 31.57% 77.58%, 56.47% 82.54%, 77.58% 68.43%, 0% 0%; } +31.25% { background-position: 80.21% 37.49%, 62.51% 19.79%, 37.49% 19.79%, 19.79% 37.49%, 19.79% 62.51%, 37.49% 80.21%, 62.51% 80.21%, 80.21% 62.51%, 0% 0%; } +34.375% { background-position: 76.55% 32.26%, 56.23% 18.68%, 32.26% 23.45%, 18.68% 43.77%, 23.45% 67.74%, 43.77% 81.32%, 67.74% 76.55%, 81.32% 56.23%, 0% 0%; } +37.5% { background-position: 71.84% 28.16%, 50.00% 19.11%, 28.16% 28.16%, 19.11% 50.00%, 28.16% 71.84%, 50.00% 80.89%, 71.84% 71.84%, 80.89% 50.00%, 0% 0%; } +40.625% { background-position: 66.46% 25.36%, 44.22% 20.94%, 25.36% 33.54%, 20.94% 55.78%, 33.54% 74.64%, 55.78% 79.06%, 74.64% 66.46%, 79.06% 44.22%, 0% 0%; } +43.75% { background-position: 60.79% 23.96%, 39.21% 23.96%, 23.96% 39.21%, 23.96% 60.79%, 39.21% 76.04%, 60.79% 76.04%, 76.04% 60.79%, 76.04% 39.21%, 0% 0%; } +46.875% { background-position: 55.19% 23.89%, 35.21% 27.86%, 23.89% 44.81%, 27.86% 64.79%, 44.81% 76.11%, 64.79% 72.14%, 76.11% 55.19%, 72.14% 35.21%, 0% 0%; } +50% { background-position: 50.00% 25.00%, 32.32% 32.32%, 25.00% 50.00%, 32.32% 67.68%, 50.00% 75.00%, 67.68% 67.68%, 75.00% 50.00%, 67.68% 32.32%, 0% 0%; } +53.125% { background-position: 45.44% 27.07%, 30.57% 37.01%, 27.07% 54.56%, 37.01% 69.43%, 54.56% 72.93%, 69.43% 62.99%, 72.93% 45.44%, 62.99% 30.57%, 0% 0%; } +56.25% { background-position: 41.65% 29.85%, 29.85% 41.65%, 29.85% 58.35%, 41.65% 70.15%, 58.35% 70.15%, 70.15% 58.35%, 70.15% 41.65%, 58.35% 29.85%, 0% 0%; } +59.375% { background-position: 38.68% 33.06%, 30.02% 46.03%, 33.06% 61.32%, 46.03% 69.98%, 61.32% 66.94%, 69.98% 53.97%, 66.94% 38.68%, 53.97% 30.02%, 0% 0%; } +62.5% { background-position: 36.49% 36.49%, 30.89% 50.00%, 36.49% 63.51%, 50.00% 69.11%, 63.51% 63.51%, 69.11% 50.00%, 63.51% 36.49%, 50.00% 30.89%, 0% 0%; } +65.625% { background-position: 34.97% 39.96%, 32.28% 53.53%, 39.96% 65.03%, 53.53% 67.72%, 65.03% 60.04%, 67.72% 46.47%, 60.04% 34.97%, 46.47% 32.28%, 0% 0%; } +68.75% { background-position: 34.02% 43.38%, 34.02% 56.62%, 43.38% 65.98%, 56.62% 65.98%, 65.98% 56.62%, 65.98% 43.38%, 56.62% 34.02%, 43.38% 34.02%, 0% 0%; } +71.875% { background-position: 33.50% 46.72%, 36.01% 59.35%, 46.72% 66.50%, 59.35% 63.99%, 66.50% 53.28%, 63.99% 40.65%, 53.28% 33.50%, 40.65% 36.01%, 0% 0%; } +75% { background-position: 33.33% 50.00%, 38.21% 61.79%, 50.00% 66.67%, 61.79% 61.79%, 66.67% 50.00%, 61.79% 38.21%, 50.00% 33.33%, 38.21% 38.21%, 0% 0%; } +78.125% { background-position: 33.50% 53.28%, 40.65% 63.99%, 53.28% 66.50%, 63.99% 59.35%, 66.50% 46.72%, 59.35% 36.01%, 46.72% 33.50%, 36.01% 40.65%, 0% 0%; } +81.25% { background-position: 34.02% 56.62%, 43.38% 65.98%, 56.62% 65.98%, 65.98% 56.62%, 65.98% 43.38%, 56.62% 34.02%, 43.38% 34.02%, 34.02% 43.38%, 0% 0%; } +84.375% { background-position: 34.97% 60.04%, 46.47% 67.72%, 60.04% 65.03%, 67.72% 53.53%, 65.03% 39.96%, 53.53% 32.28%, 39.96% 34.97%, 32.28% 46.47%, 0% 0%; } +87.5% { background-position: 36.49% 63.51%, 50.00% 69.11%, 63.51% 63.51%, 69.11% 50.00%, 63.51% 36.49%, 50.00% 30.89%, 36.49% 36.49%, 30.89% 50.00%, 0% 0%; } +90.625% { background-position: 38.68% 66.94%, 53.97% 69.98%, 66.94% 61.32%, 69.98% 46.03%, 61.32% 33.06%, 46.03% 30.02%, 33.06% 38.68%, 30.02% 53.97%, 0% 0%; } +93.75% { background-position: 41.65% 70.15%, 58.35% 70.15%, 70.15% 58.35%, 70.15% 41.65%, 58.35% 29.85%, 41.65% 29.85%, 29.85% 41.65%, 29.85% 58.35%, 0% 0%; } +96.875% { background-position: 45.44% 72.93%, 62.99% 69.43%, 72.93% 54.56%, 69.43% 37.01%, 54.56% 27.07%, 37.01% 30.57%, 27.07% 45.44%, 30.57% 62.99%, 0% 0%; } +100% { background-position: 50.00% 75.00%, 67.68% 67.68%, 75.00% 50.00%, 67.68% 32.32%, 50.00% 25.00%, 32.32% 32.32%, 25.00% 50.00%, 32.32% 67.68%, 0% 0%; } +} + +@keyframes size-the-image { + 0% { background-size: 96px, 12px, 96px, 12px, 96px, 12px, 96px, 12px, auto; } + 100% { background-size: 12px, 96px, 12px, 96px, 12px, 96px, 12px, 96px, auto; } +} + +window { + background-image: url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/apple-red.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-applets.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-calendar.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-foot.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-gmush.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-gimp.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnome-gsame.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/images/gnu-keys.png"), + url("resource://css_pixbufs/background.jpg"); + background-position: 50.00% 75.00%, 67.68% 67.68%, 75.00% 50.00%, 67.68% 32.32%, 50.00% 25.00%, 32.32% 32.32%, 25.00% 50.00%, 32.32% 67.68%, 0% 0%; + background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat; + animation: move-the-image infinite linear 3s, size-the-image infinite alternate ease-in-out 0.75s; +} + +/* Make the text editor has a nice style */ +.view, scrollbar, separator { + color: black; + background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); +} + +.view:selected { + background-color: rgba(127,127,255,0.5); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39628d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.c @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +/* Theming/Shadows + * + * This demo shows how to use CSS shadows. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +show_parsing_error (GtkCssProvider *provider, + GtkCssSection *section, + const GError *error, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + const GtkCssLocation *start_location, *end_location; + GtkTextIter start, end; + const char *tag_name; + + start_location = gtk_css_section_get_start_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &start, + start_location->lines, + start_location->line_bytes); + end_location = gtk_css_section_get_end_location (section); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index (buffer, + &end, + end_location->lines, + end_location->line_bytes); + + if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_WARNING) + tag_name = "warning"; + else + tag_name = "error"; + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (buffer, tag_name, &start, &end); +} + +static void +css_text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkCssProvider *provider) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags (buffer, &start, &end); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, text, -1); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +apply_css (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyleProvider *provider) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + gtk_style_context_add_provider (gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget), provider, G_MAXUINT); + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + apply_css (child, provider); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_toolbar (void) +{ + GtkWidget *toolbar; + GtkWidget *item; + + toolbar = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_valign (toolbar, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + item = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-next"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), item); + + item = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-previous"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), item); + + item = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Hello World"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), item); + + return toolbar; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_css_shadows (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *paned, *container, *child; + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + GtkTextBuffer *text; + GBytes *bytes; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Shadows"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + paned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), paned); + + child = create_toolbar (); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (paned), child); + gtk_paned_set_resize_start_child (GTK_PANED (paned), FALSE); + + text = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "warning", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (text, + "error", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR, + NULL); + + provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_css_provider_new ()); + + container = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (paned), container); + child = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (text); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (container), child); + g_signal_connect (text, "changed", + G_CALLBACK (css_text_changed), provider); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/css_shadows/gtk.css", 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text, g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + g_signal_connect (provider, + "parsing-error", + G_CALLBACK (show_parsing_error), + gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (child))); + + apply_css (window, provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca7a0416 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/css_shadows.css @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* You can edit the text in this window to change the + * appearance of this Window. + * Be careful, if you screw it up, nothing might be visible + * anymore. :) + */ + +/* This CSS resets all properties to their defaults values + * and overrides all user settings and the theme in use */ +@import url("resource://css_shadows/reset.css"); +@import url("resource://css_shadows/cssview.css"); + +/* Get a nice background for the window */ +.background { + background-color: #4870bc; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, transparent, rgba(255,255,255,.07) 50%, transparent 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, rgba(255,255,255,.13) 50%, transparent 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.17) 50%), + linear-gradient(to left, transparent, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.19) 50%); + background-size: 29px, 59px, 73px, 109px; +} + +button { + color: black; + padding: 10px; + border-radius: 5px; + transition: all 250ms ease-in; + border: 1px transparent solid; +} + +button:hover { + text-shadow: 3px 3px 5px alpha(black, 0.75); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 3px 3px 5px alpha(black, 0.75); + box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px alpha(black, 0.5) inset; + border: solid 1px alpha(black, 0.75); +} + +button:active { + padding: 11px 9px 9px 11px; + text-shadow: 1px 1px 2.5px alpha(black, 0.6); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 1px 1px 2.5px alpha(black, 0.6); +} + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cssview.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cssview.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4fe5eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cssview.css @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Make the text editor has a nice style */ +.view { + color: #2e3436; + font-family: Monospace; + background-color: alpha(white, 0.30); +} + +.view:selected { + color: white; + background-color: #4a90d9; +} + +scrollbar trough, +.scrollbars-junction { + background-color: alpha(white, 0.80); +} + +scrollbar slider { + border-width: 3px; + border-style: solid; + border-radius: 10px; + border-color: transparent; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: #999; +} + +scrollbar slider:hover { + background-color: #555; +} + +paned separator { + background-color: alpha(white, 0.80); + background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent 1px, #999 1px, #999 4px, transparent 4px); + background-size: 40px auto; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; +} + +paned separator:hover { + background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent 1px, #555 1px, #555 4px, transparent 4px); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..209dfd9b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.c @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Cursors + * + * Demonstrates a useful set of available cursors. The cursors shown here are the + * ones defined by CSS, which we assume to be available. The example shows creating + * cursors by name or from an image, with or without a fallback. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +static void +on_destroy (gpointer data) +{ + window = NULL; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_cursors (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/cursors/cursors.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (on_destroy), NULL); + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc8dda98 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/cursors.ui @@ -0,0 +1,2907 @@ + + + + default + + + resource:///cursors/images/default_cursor.png + 5 + 5 + + + default + default_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/default_cursor.png + 5 + 5 + default_cursor + + + none + + + resource:///cursors/images/none_cursor.png + + + none + none_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/none_cursor.png + none_cursor + + + gtk-logo + + + resource:///cursors/images/gtk_logo_cursor.png + 18 + 2 + + + gtk-logo + gtk-logo_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/gtk_logo_cursor.png + 18 + 2 + gtk-logo_cursor + + + context-menu + + + resource:///cursors/images/context_menu_cursor.png + 5 + 5 + + + context-menu + context-menu_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/context_menu_cursor.png + 5 + 5 + context-menu_cursor + + + help + + + resource:///cursors/images/help_cursor.png + 16 + 27 + + + help + help_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/help_cursor.png + 16 + 27 + help_cursor + + + pointer + + + resource:///cursors/images/pointer_cursor.png + 14 + 9 + + + pointer + pointer_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/pointer_cursor.png + 14 + 9 + pointer_cursor + + + progress + + + resource:///cursors/images/progress_cursor.png + 5 + 4 + + + progress + progress_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/progress_cursor.png + 5 + 4 + progress_cursor + + + wait + + + resource:///cursors/images/wait_cursor.png + 11 + 11 + + + wait + wait_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/wait_cursor.png + 11 + 11 + wait_cursor + + + cell + + + resource:///cursors/images/cell_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + + + cell + cell_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/cell_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + cell_cursor + + + crosshair + + + resource:///cursors/images/crosshair_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + + + crosshair + crosshair_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/crosshair_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + crosshair_cursor + + + text + + + resource:///cursors/images/text_cursor.png + 14 + 15 + + + text + text_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/text_cursor.png + 14 + 15 + text_cursor + + + vertical-text + + + resource:///cursors/images/vertical_text_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + + + vertical-text + vertical-text_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/vertical_text_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + vertical-text_cursor + + + alias + + + resource:///cursors/images/alias_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + + + alias + alias_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/alias_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + alias_cursor + + + copy + + + resource:///cursors/images/copy_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + + + copy + copy_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/copy_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + copy_cursor + + + move + + + resource:///cursors/images/move_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + + + move + move_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/move_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + move_cursor + + + no-drop + + + resource:///cursors/images/no_drop_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + + + no-drop + no-drop_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/no_drop_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + no-drop_cursor + + + not-allowed + + + resource:///cursors/images/not_allowed_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + + + not-allowed + not-allowed_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/not_allowed_cursor.png + 12 + 11 + not-allowed_cursor + + + grab + + + resource:///cursors/images/grab_cursor.png + 10 + 6 + + + grab + grab_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/grab_cursor.png + 10 + 6 + grab_cursor + + + grabbing + + + resource:///cursors/images/grabbing_cursor.png + 15 + 14 + + + grabbing + grabbing_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/grabbing_cursor.png + 15 + 14 + grabbing_cursor + + + all-scroll + + + resource:///cursors/images/all_scroll_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + + + all-scroll + all-scroll_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/all_scroll_cursor.png + 15 + 15 + all-scroll_cursor + + + col-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/col_resize_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + + + col-resize + col-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/col_resize_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + col-resize_cursor + + + row-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/row_resize_cursor.png + 15 + 17 + + + row-resize + row-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/row_resize_cursor.png + 15 + 17 + row-resize_cursor + + + n-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/n_resize_cursor.png + 17 + 7 + + + n-resize + n-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/n_resize_cursor.png + 17 + 7 + n-resize_cursor + + + e-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/e_resize_cursor.png + 25 + 17 + + + e-resize + e-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/e_resize_cursor.png + 25 + 17 + e-resize_cursor + + + s-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/s_resize_cursor.png + 17 + 23 + + + s-resize + s-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/s_resize_cursor.png + 17 + 23 + s-resize_cursor + + + w-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/w_resize_cursor.png + 8 + 17 + + + w-resize + w-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/w_resize_cursor.png + 8 + 17 + w-resize_cursor + + + ne-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/ne_resize_cursor.png + 20 + 13 + + + ne-resize + ne-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/ne_resize_cursor.png + 20 + 13 + ne-resize_cursor + + + nw-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/nw_resize_cursor.png + 13 + 13 + + + nw-resize + nw-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/nw_resize_cursor.png + 13 + 13 + nw-resize_cursor + + + se-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/se_resize_cursor.png + 19 + 19 + + + se-resize + se-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/se_resize_cursor.png + 19 + 19 + se-resize_cursor + + + sw-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/sw_resize_cursor.png + 13 + 19 + + + sw-resize + sw-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/sw_resize_cursor.png + 13 + 19 + sw-resize_cursor + + + ew-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/ew_resize_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + + + ew-resize + ew-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/ew_resize_cursor.png + 16 + 15 + ew-resize_cursor + + + ns-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/ns_resize_cursor.png + 15 + 17 + + + ns-resize + ns-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/ns_resize_cursor.png + 15 + 17 + ns-resize_cursor + + + nesw-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/nesw_resize_cursor.png + 14 + 14 + + + nesw-resize + nesw-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/nesw_resize_cursor.png + 14 + 14 + nesw-resize_cursor + + + nwse-resize + + + resource:///cursors/images/nwse_resize_cursor.png + 14 + 14 + + + nwse-resize + nwse-resize_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/nwse_resize_cursor.png + 14 + 14 + nwse-resize_cursor + + + zoom-in + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_in_cursor.png + 14 + 13 + + + zoom-in + zoom-in_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_in_cursor.png + 14 + 13 + zoom-in_cursor + + + zoom-out + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_out_cursor.png + 14 + 13 + + + zoom-out + zoom-out_cursor_image + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_out_cursor.png + 14 + 13 + zoom-out_cursor + + + 300 + 300 + Cursors + + + never + 1 + 1 + + + vertical + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 10 + center + + + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/default_cursor.png + + + + + default + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + default_cursor + The "default" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + default_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + default_cursor_fallback + The "default" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + default_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "default" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/none_cursor.png + + + + + none + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + none_cursor + The "none" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + none_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + none_cursor_fallback + The "none" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + none_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "none" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/gtk_logo_cursor.png + + + + + gtk-logo + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + gtk-logo_cursor + The "gtk-logo" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + gtk-logo_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + gtk-logo_cursor_fallback + The "gtk-logo" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + gtk-logo_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "gtk-logo" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/context_menu_cursor.png + + + + + context-menu + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + context-menu_cursor + The "context-menu" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + context-menu_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + context-menu_cursor_fallback + The "context-menu" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + context-menu_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "context-menu" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/help_cursor.png + + + + + help + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + help_cursor + The "help" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + help_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + help_cursor_fallback + The "help" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + help_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "help" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/pointer_cursor.png + + + + + pointer + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + pointer_cursor + The "pointer" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + pointer_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + pointer_cursor_fallback + The "pointer" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + pointer_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "pointer" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/progress_cursor.png + + + + + progress + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + progress_cursor + The "progress" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + progress_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + progress_cursor_fallback + The "progress" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + progress_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "progress" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/wait_cursor.png + + + + + wait + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + wait_cursor + The "wait" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + wait_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + wait_cursor_fallback + The "wait" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + wait_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "wait" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/cell_cursor.png + + + + + cell + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + cell_cursor + The "cell" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + cell_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + cell_cursor_fallback + The "cell" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + cell_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "cell" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/crosshair_cursor.png + + + + + crosshair + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + crosshair_cursor + The "crosshair" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + crosshair_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + crosshair_cursor_fallback + The "crosshair" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + crosshair_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "crosshair" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/text_cursor.png + + + + + text + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + text_cursor + The "text" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + text_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + text_cursor_fallback + The "text" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + text_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "text" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/vertical_text_cursor.png + + + + + vertical-text + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + vertical-text_cursor + The "vertical-text" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + vertical-text_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + vertical-text_cursor_fallback + The "vertical-text" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + vertical-text_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "vertical-text" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/alias_cursor.png + + + + + alias + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + alias_cursor + The "alias" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + alias_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + alias_cursor_fallback + The "alias" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + alias_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "alias" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/copy_cursor.png + + + + + copy + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + copy_cursor + The "copy" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + copy_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + copy_cursor_fallback + The "copy" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + copy_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "copy" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/move_cursor.png + + + + + move + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + move_cursor + The "move" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + move_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + move_cursor_fallback + The "move" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + move_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "move" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/no_drop_cursor.png + + + + + no-drop + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + no-drop_cursor + The "no-drop" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + no-drop_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + no-drop_cursor_fallback + The "no-drop" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + no-drop_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "no-drop" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/not_allowed_cursor.png + + + + + not-allowed + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + not-allowed_cursor + The "not-allowed" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + not-allowed_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + not-allowed_cursor_fallback + The "not-allowed" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + not-allowed_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "not-allowed" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/grab_cursor.png + + + + + grab + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + grab_cursor + The "grab" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grab_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grab_cursor_fallback + The "grab" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grab_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "grab" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/grabbing_cursor.png + + + + + grabbing + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + grabbing_cursor + The "grabbing" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grabbing_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grabbing_cursor_fallback + The "grabbing" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + grabbing_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "grabbing" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/all_scroll_cursor.png + + + + + all-scroll + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + all-scroll_cursor + The "all-scroll" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + all-scroll_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + all-scroll_cursor_fallback + The "all-scroll" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + all-scroll_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "all-scroll" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/col_resize_cursor.png + + + + + col-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + col-resize_cursor + The "col-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + col-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + col-resize_cursor_fallback + The "col-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + col-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "col-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/row_resize_cursor.png + + + + + row-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + row-resize_cursor + The "row-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + row-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + row-resize_cursor_fallback + The "row-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + row-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "row-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/n_resize_cursor.png + + + + + n-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + n-resize_cursor + The "n-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + n-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + n-resize_cursor_fallback + The "n-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + n-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "n-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/e_resize_cursor.png + + + + + e-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + e-resize_cursor + The "e-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + e-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + e-resize_cursor_fallback + The "e-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + e-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "e-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/s_resize_cursor.png + + + + + s-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + s-resize_cursor + The "s-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + s-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + s-resize_cursor_fallback + The "s-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + s-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "s-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/w_resize_cursor.png + + + + + w-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + w-resize_cursor + The "w-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + w-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + w-resize_cursor_fallback + The "w-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + w-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "w-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/ne_resize_cursor.png + + + + + ne-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + ne-resize_cursor + The "ne-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ne-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ne-resize_cursor_fallback + The "ne-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ne-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "ne-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/nw_resize_cursor.png + + + + + nw-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + nw-resize_cursor + The "nw-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nw-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nw-resize_cursor_fallback + The "nw-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nw-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "nw-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/sw_resize_cursor.png + + + + + sw-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + sw-resize_cursor + The "sw-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + sw-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + sw-resize_cursor_fallback + The "sw-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + sw-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "sw-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/se_resize_cursor.png + + + + + se-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + se-resize_cursor + The "se-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + se-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + se-resize_cursor_fallback + The "se-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + se-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "se-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/ew_resize_cursor.png + + + + + ew-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + ew-resize_cursor + The "ew-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ew-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ew-resize_cursor_fallback + The "ew-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ew-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "ew-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/ns_resize_cursor.png + + + + + ns-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + ns-resize_cursor + The "ns-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ns-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ns-resize_cursor_fallback + The "ns-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + ns-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "ns-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/nesw_resize_cursor.png + + + + + nesw-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + nesw-resize_cursor + The "nesw-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nesw-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nesw-resize_cursor_fallback + The "nesw-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nesw-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "nesw-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/nwse_resize_cursor.png + + + + + nwse-resize + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + nwse-resize_cursor + The "nwse-resize" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nwse-resize_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nwse-resize_cursor_fallback + The "nwse-resize" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + nwse-resize_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "nwse-resize" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + none + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_in_cursor.png + + + + + zoom-in + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-in_cursor + The "zoom-in" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-in_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-in_cursor_fallback + The "zoom-in" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-in_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "zoom-in" cursor. + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + resource:///cursors/images/zoom_out_cursor.png + + + + + zoom-out + start + baseline + 0.0 + 1 + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-out_cursor + The "zoom-out" named cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-out_cursor_image + An image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-out_cursor_fallback + The "zoom-out" named cursor falling back to an image cursor. + + + + + 32 + 32 + zoom-out_cursor_image_fallback + An image cursor falling back to the "zoom-out" cursor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.Demo4.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.Demo4.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5773821e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.Demo4.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.Demo4-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.Demo4-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da6cc644 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.Demo4-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor1.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor1.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61d2edc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor1.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor2.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6d5a6bff Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/decor2.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/default_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/default_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa39aa4a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/default_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3db48574 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ + + + + + + main.ui + main-listitem.ui + + + application.c + application.ui + menus.ui + + + demo.ui + + + clipboard.ui + demoimage.c + demoimage.h + + + constraints_builder.ui + + + css_accordion.css + + + css_basics.css + reset.css + + + css_blendmodes.css + blendmodes.ui + blends.png + ducky.png + cmy.jpg + + + css_multiplebgs.css + brick.png + brick2.png + cssview.css + reset.css + + + suggestionentry.h + suggestionentry.c + suggestionentry.css + + + theming.ui + + + themes.ui + + + css_pixbufs.css + cssview.css + reset.css + background.jpg + + + apple-red.png + gnome-applets.png + gnome-calendar.png + gnome-foot.png + gnome-gmush.png + gnome-gimp.png + gnome-gsame.png + gnu-keys.png + + + css_shadows.css + cssview.css + reset.css + + + cursors.ui + + + alias_cursor.png + all_scroll_cursor.png + cell_cursor.png + col_resize_cursor.png + context_menu_cursor.png + copy_cursor.png + crosshair_cursor.png + default_cursor.png + e_resize_cursor.png + ew_resize_cursor.png + gtk_logo_cursor.png + grabbing_cursor.png + grab_cursor.png + hand_cursor.png + help_cursor.png + move_cursor.png + ne_resize_cursor.png + nesw_resize_cursor.png + no_drop_cursor.png + none_cursor.png + not_allowed_cursor.png + n_resize_cursor.png + ns_resize_cursor.png + nw_resize_cursor.png + nwse_resize_cursor.png + pointer_cursor.png + progress_cursor.png + row_resize_cursor.png + se_resize_cursor.png + s_resize_cursor.png + sw_resize_cursor.png + text_cursor.png + vertical_text_cursor.png + wait_cursor.png + w_resize_cursor.png + zoom_in_cursor.png + zoom_out_cursor.png + + + dnd.css + + + errorstates.ui + + + fishbowl.ui + gtkfishbowl.c + gtkfishbowl.h + + + frames.ui + + + gtkgears.c + gtkgears.h + + + gtkshadertoy.c + gtkshadertoy.h + alienplanet.glsl + mandelbrot.glsl + neon.glsl + cogs.glsl + glowingstars.glsl + + + gtkshaderstack.c + gtkshaderstack.h + gtkshaderbin.h + gtkshaderbin.c + gskshaderpaintable.h + gskshaderpaintable.c + wind.glsl + radial.glsl + crosswarp.glsl + kaleidoscope.glsl + cogs2.glsl + ripple.glsl + background.glsl + + + iconscroll.ui + + + gnome-fs-directory.png + gnome-fs-regular.png + + + demolayout.h + demolayout.c + demowidget.h + demowidget.c + demochild.h + demochild.c + + + demo2layout.h + demo2layout.c + demo2widget.h + demo2widget.c + four_point_transform.h + four_point_transform.c + singular_value_decomposition.h + singular_value_decomposition.c + + + listview_filebrowser.ui + listview_filebrowser.css + + + listview_minesweeper.ui + listview_minesweeper_cell.ui + + + listview_settings.ui + + + ucdnames.data + + + listview_weather.txt + + + color.names.txt + listview_colors.css + + + fontify.c + fontify.h + main.ui + + + demo3widget.c + demo3widget.h + demo3widget.ui + + + demo4widget.c + demo4widget.h + hsla.h + hsla.c + + + svgpaintable.h + svgpaintable.c + org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg + + + shortcuts.ui + shortcuts-builder.ui + shortcuts-gedit.ui + shortcuts-clocks.ui + shortcuts-boxes.ui + + + puzzlepiece.c + puzzlepiece.h + portland-rose.jpg + + + stack.ui + + + revealer.ui + + + pixbufpaintable.h + pixbufpaintable.c + alphatest.png + floppybuddy.gif + gtk-logo.webm + data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.Demo4.svg + + + bbb.png + + + application_demo.c + assistant.c + builder.c + clipboard.c + combobox.c + constraints.c + constraints_interactive.c + constraints_vfl.c + constraints_builder.c + css_accordion.c + css_basics.c + css_blendmodes.c + css_multiplebgs.c + css_pixbufs.c + css_shadows.c + cursors.c + dialog.c + drawingarea.c + dropdown.c + dnd.c + editable_cells.c + entry_completion.c + entry_undo.c + errorstates.c + expander.c + filtermodel.c + fishbowl.c + fixed.c + flowbox.c + frames.c + font_features.c + fontplane.c + fontrendering.c + gears.c + gestures.c + glarea.c + gltransition.c + headerbar.c + hypertext.c + iconscroll.c + iconview.c + iconview_edit.c + images.c + infobar.c + layoutmanager.c + layoutmanager2.c + links.c + listbox.c + listbox_controls.c + listview_applauncher.c + listview_colors.c + listview_clocks.c + listview_filebrowser.c + listview_minesweeper.c + listview_settings.c + listview_ucd.c + listview_weather.c + listview_words.c + list_store.c + main.c + markup.c + mask.c + menu.c + overlay.c + overlay_decorative.c + paint.c + pagesetup.c + paintable.c + paintable_animated.c + paintable_emblem.c + paintable_mediastream.c + paintable_svg.c + paintable_symbolic.c + panes.c + password_entry.c + peg_solitaire.c + pickers.c + printing.c + revealer.c + read_more.c + rotated_text.c + scale.c + search_entry.c + search_entry2.c + shadertoy.c + shortcuts.c + shortcut_triggers.c + sizegroup.c + sidebar.c + sliding_puzzle.c + stack.c + spinbutton.c + spinner.c + tabs.c + tagged_entry.c + textundo.c + textview.c + textscroll.c + theming_style_classes.c + themes.c + transparent.c + tree_store.c + textmask.c + video_player.c + + + floppybuddy.gif + + + tagstyle.css + + + listbox.ui + messages.txt + apple-red.png + + + listbox_controls.ui + + + glarea-gl.fs.glsl + glarea-gl.vs.glsl + glarea-gles.fs.glsl + glarea-gles.vs.glsl + + + font_features.ui + fontplane.c + + + spinbutton.ui + + + filtermodel.ui + + + decor1.png + decor2.png + + + portland-rose.jpg + bluroverlay.h + bluroverlay.c + + + markup.txt + + + scale.ui + + + demotaggedentry.c + demotaggedentry.h + + + fixed.css + + + fontrendering.ui + + + icons/16x16/actions/application-exit.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-open.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png + icons/16x16/actions/edit-copy.png + icons/16x16/actions/edit-cut.png + icons/16x16/actions/edit-paste.png + icons/16x16/actions/process-stop.png + icons/16x16/actions/go-home.png + icons/16x16/actions/go-up.png + icons/16x16/actions/mail-send-receive-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-edit-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/emotes/face-cool.png + icons/16x16/emotes/face-laugh-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/battery-caution-charging-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/categories/applications-other.png + icons/48x48/status/starred.png + data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.Demo4.svg + + + help-overlay.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d268f7fe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo.ui @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + John + Doe + 25 + This is the John Doe row + + + Mary + Unknown + 50 + This is the Mary Unknown row + + + + + + _File +
+ + _New + win.new + + + _Open + win.open + + + _Save + win.save + + + Save _As + win.save-as + +
+ + _Quit + win.quit + +
+ + _Edit +
+ + _Copy + win.copy + + + _Cut + win.cut + + + _Paste + win.paste + +
+ + _Help +
+ + _Help + win.help + + + _About + win.about + +
+ + Builder demo + org.gtk.Demo4 + True + + + 250 + 440 + Builder + + + vertical + + + menubar + + Main Menu + + + + + + toolbar + toolbar + + Toolbar + + + + New + Create a new file + document-new + win.new + + + + + Open + Open a file + document-open + win.open + + + + + Save + Save a file + document-save + win.save + + + + + + + + Copy + Copy selected object into the clipboard + edit-copy + win.copy + + + + + Cut + Cut selected object into the clipboard + edit-cut + win.cut + + + + + Paste + Paste object from the clipboard + edit-paste + win.paste + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + liststore1 + 3 + + + Name + + + + 0 + + + + + + + Surname + + + + 1 + + + + + + + Age + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca5475d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.c @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +#include "demo2layout.h" +#include "four_point_transform.h" + +struct _Demo2Layout +{ + GtkLayoutManager parent_instance; + + float position; + float offset; +}; + +struct _Demo2LayoutClass +{ + GtkLayoutManagerClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (Demo2Layout, demo2_layout, GTK_TYPE_LAYOUT_MANAGER) + +static void +demo2_layout_measure (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + int minimum_size = 0; + int natural_size = 0; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + int child_min = 0, child_nat = 0; + + if (!gtk_widget_should_layout (child)) + continue; + + gtk_widget_measure (child, orientation, -1, + &child_min, &child_nat, + NULL, NULL); + minimum_size = MAX (minimum_size, child_min); + natural_size = MAX (natural_size, child_nat); + } + + *minimum = minimum_size; + *natural = 3 * natural_size; +} + + +#define RADIANS(angle) ((angle)*M_PI/180.0); + +/* Spherical coordinates */ +#define SX(r,t,p) ((r) * sin (t) * cos (p)) +#define SZ(r,t,p) ((r) * sin (t) * sin (p)) +#define SY(r,t,p) ((r) * cos (t)) + +static double +map_offset (double x) +{ + x = fmod (x, 180.0); + if (x < 0.0) + x += 180.0; + + return x; +} + +static void +demo2_layout_allocate (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + GtkRequisition child_req; + int i, j, k; + float x0, y0; + float w, h; + graphene_point3d_t p1, p2, p3, p4; + graphene_point3d_t q1, q2, q3, q4; + double t_1, t_2, p_1, p_2; + double r; + graphene_matrix_t m; + GskTransform *transform; + double position = DEMO2_LAYOUT (layout_manager)->position; + double offset = DEMO2_LAYOUT (layout_manager)->offset; + + /* for simplicity, assume all children are the same size */ + gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget), &child_req, NULL); + w = child_req.width; + h = child_req.height; + + r = 300; + x0 = y0 = 300; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget), i = 0; + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child), i++) + { + j = i / 36; + k = i % 36; + + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (child, FALSE); + + graphene_point3d_init (&p1, w, h, 1.); + graphene_point3d_init (&p2, w, 0., 1.); + graphene_point3d_init (&p3, 0., 0., 1.); + graphene_point3d_init (&p4, 0., h, 1.); + + t_1 = RADIANS (map_offset (offset + 10 * j)); + t_2 = RADIANS (map_offset (offset + 10 * (j + 1))); + p_1 = RADIANS (position + 10 * k); + p_2 = RADIANS (position + 10 * (k + 1)); + + if (t_2 < t_1) + continue; + + if (SZ (r, t_1, p_1) > 0 || + SZ (r, t_2, p_1) > 0 || + SZ (r, t_1, p_2) > 0 || + SZ (r, t_2, p_2) > 0) + continue; + + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (child, TRUE); + + graphene_point3d_init (&q1, x0 + SX (r, t_1, p_1), y0 + SY (r, t_1, p_1), SZ (r, t_1, p_1)); + graphene_point3d_init (&q2, x0 + SX (r, t_2, p_1), y0 + SY (r, t_2, p_1), SZ (r, t_2, p_1)); + graphene_point3d_init (&q3, x0 + SX (r, t_2, p_2), y0 + SY (r, t_2, p_2), SZ (r, t_2, p_2)); + graphene_point3d_init (&q4, x0 + SX (r, t_1, p_2), y0 + SY (r, t_1, p_2), SZ (r, t_1, p_2)); + + /* Get a matrix that moves p1 -> q1, p2 -> q2, ... */ + perspective_3d (&p1, &p2, &p3, &p4, + &q1, &q2, &q3, &q4, + &m); + + transform = gsk_transform_matrix (NULL, &m); + + /* Since our matrix was built for transforming points with z = 1, + * prepend a translation to the z = 1 plane. + */ + transform = gsk_transform_translate_3d (transform, + &GRAPHENE_POINT3D_INIT (0, 0, 1)); + + gtk_widget_allocate (child, w, h, -1, transform); + } +} + +static GtkSizeRequestMode +demo2_layout_get_request_mode (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + return GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_CONSTANT_SIZE; +} + +static void +demo2_layout_class_init (Demo2LayoutClass *klass) +{ + GtkLayoutManagerClass *layout_class = GTK_LAYOUT_MANAGER_CLASS (klass); + + layout_class->get_request_mode = demo2_layout_get_request_mode; + layout_class->measure = demo2_layout_measure; + layout_class->allocate = demo2_layout_allocate; +} + +static void +demo2_layout_init (Demo2Layout *self) +{ +} + +GtkLayoutManager * +demo2_layout_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO2_TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL); +} + +void +demo2_layout_set_position (Demo2Layout *layout, + float position) +{ + layout->position = position; +} + +float +demo2_layout_get_position (Demo2Layout *layout) +{ + return layout->position; +} + +void +demo2_layout_set_offset (Demo2Layout *layout, + float offset) +{ + layout->offset = offset; +} + +float +demo2_layout_get_offset (Demo2Layout *layout) +{ + return layout->offset; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bb84ab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2layout.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO2_TYPE_LAYOUT (demo2_layout_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (Demo2Layout, demo2_layout, DEMO2, LAYOUT, GtkLayoutManager) + +GtkLayoutManager * demo2_layout_new (void); + +void demo2_layout_set_position (Demo2Layout *layout, + float position); +float demo2_layout_get_position (Demo2Layout *layout); +void demo2_layout_set_offset (Demo2Layout *layout, + float offset); +float demo2_layout_get_offset (Demo2Layout *layout); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b1aebad --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.c @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +#include "demo2widget.h" +#include "demo2layout.h" + +struct _Demo2Widget +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + gint64 start_time; + gint64 end_time; + float start_position; + float end_position; + float start_offset; + float end_offset; + gboolean animating; +}; + +struct _Demo2WidgetClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (Demo2Widget, demo2_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +demo2_widget_init (Demo2Widget *self) +{ + gtk_widget_set_focusable (GTK_WIDGET (self), TRUE); +} + +static void +demo2_widget_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (object)))) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo2_widget_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +/* From clutter-easing.c, based on Robert Penner's + * infamous easing equations, MIT license. + */ +static double +ease_out_cubic (double t) +{ + double p = t - 1; + + return p * p * p + 1; +} + +static gboolean +update_position (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *clock, + gpointer data) +{ + Demo2Widget *self = DEMO2_WIDGET (widget); + Demo2Layout *layout = DEMO2_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (widget)); + gint64 now; + double t; + + now = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (clock); + + if (now >= self->end_time) + { + self->animating = FALSE; + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + t = (now - self->start_time) / (double) (self->end_time - self->start_time); + + t = ease_out_cubic (t); + + demo2_layout_set_position (layout, self->start_position + t * (self->end_position - self->start_position)); + demo2_layout_set_offset (layout, self->start_offset + t * (self->end_offset - self->start_offset)); + gtk_widget_queue_allocate (widget); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +rotate_sphere (GtkWidget *widget, + const char *action, + GVariant *parameters) +{ + Demo2Widget *self = DEMO2_WIDGET (widget); + Demo2Layout *layout = DEMO2_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (widget)); + GtkOrientation orientation; + int direction; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(ii)", &orientation, &direction); + + self->end_position = self->start_position = demo2_layout_get_position (layout); + self->end_offset = self->start_offset = demo2_layout_get_offset (layout); + if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) + self->end_position += 10 * direction; + else + self->end_offset += 10 * direction; + self->start_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); + self->end_time = self->start_time + 0.5 * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; + + if (!self->animating) + { + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (widget, update_position, NULL, NULL); + self->animating = TRUE; + } +} + +static void +demo2_widget_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + /* our layout manager sets this for children that are out of view */ + if (!gtk_widget_get_child_visible (child)) + continue; + + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, child, snapshot); + } +} + +static void +demo2_widget_class_init (Demo2WidgetClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo2_widget_dispose; + + widget_class->snapshot = demo2_widget_snapshot; + + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "rotate", "(ii)", rotate_sphere); + + gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class, + GDK_KEY_Left, 0, + "rotate", + "(ii)", GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, -1); + gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class, + GDK_KEY_Right, 0, + "rotate", + "(ii)", GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 1); + gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class, + GDK_KEY_Up, 0, + "rotate", + "(ii)", GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 1); + gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class, + GDK_KEY_Down, 0, + "rotate", + "(ii)", GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, -1); + + /* here is where we use our custom layout manager */ + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, DEMO2_TYPE_LAYOUT); +} + +GtkWidget * +demo2_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO2_TYPE_WIDGET, NULL); +} + +void +demo2_widget_add_child (Demo2Widget *self, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54529f95 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo2widget.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO2_TYPE_WIDGET (demo2_widget_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (Demo2Widget, demo2_widget, DEMO2, WIDGET, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo2_widget_new (void); + +void demo2_widget_add_child (Demo2Widget *self, + GtkWidget *child); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2ddf744 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.c @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +#include +#include "demo3widget.h" + +enum +{ + PROP_TEXTURE = 1, + PROP_FILTER, + PROP_SCALE, + PROP_ANGLE, +}; + +struct _Demo3Widget +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GdkTexture *texture; + float scale; + float angle; + GskScalingFilter filter; + + GtkWidget *menu; +}; + +struct _Demo3WidgetClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (Demo3Widget, demo3_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static gboolean +query_tooltip (GtkWidget *widget, + int x, + int y, + gboolean keyboard_mode, + GtkTooltip *tooltip, + gpointer data) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *label; + char *s, *s2; + const char *filter[] = { "Linear", "Nearest", "Trilinear" }; + int precision, l; + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 12); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); + label = gtk_label_new ("Texture"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + s = g_strdup_printf ("%d\342\200\206\303\227\342\200\206%d", + gdk_texture_get_width (self->texture), + gdk_texture_get_height (self->texture)); + label = gtk_label_new (s); + g_free (s); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 1, 0, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Rotation"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + s = g_strdup_printf ("%.1f", self->angle); + if (g_str_has_suffix (s, ".0")) + s[strlen (s) - 2] = '\0'; + s2 = g_strconcat (s, "\302\260", NULL); + label = gtk_label_new (s2); + g_free (s2); + g_free (s); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 1, 1, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Scale"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 2, 1, 1); + + precision = 1; + do { + s = g_strdup_printf ("%.*f", precision, self->scale); + l = strlen (s) - 1; + while (s[l] == '0') + l--; + if (s[l] == '.') + s[l] = '\0'; + precision++; + } while (strcmp (s, "0") == 0); + + label = gtk_label_new (s); + g_free (s); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 1, 2, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Filter"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 3, 1, 1); + label = gtk_label_new (filter[self->filter]); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 1, 3, 1, 1); + + gtk_tooltip_set_custom (tooltip, grid); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +demo3_widget_init (Demo3Widget *self) +{ + self->scale = 1.f; + self->angle = 0.f; + self->filter = GSK_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR; + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} + +static void +demo3_widget_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (object); + + g_clear_object (&self->texture); + + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (self), DEMO3_TYPE_WIDGET); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo3_widget_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo3_widget_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + int x, y, width, height; + double w, h, w2, h2; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + w2 = w = self->scale * gdk_texture_get_width (self->texture); + h2 = h = self->scale * gdk_texture_get_height (self->texture); + + if (G_APPROX_VALUE (self->angle, 90.f, FLT_EPSILON) || + G_APPROX_VALUE (self->angle, 270.f, FLT_EPSILON)) + { + double s = w2; + w2 = h2; + h2 = s; + } + + x = (width - ceil (w2)) / 2; + y = (height - ceil (h2)) / 2; + + gtk_snapshot_push_clip (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (x, y)); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (w2 / 2, h2 / 2)); + gtk_snapshot_rotate (snapshot, self->angle); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (- w / 2, - h / 2)); + gtk_snapshot_append_scaled_texture (snapshot, + self->texture, + self->filter, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, w, h)); + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); +} + +static void +demo3_widget_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + int width, height; + int size; + + width = gdk_texture_get_width (self->texture); + height = gdk_texture_get_height (self->texture); + + if (G_APPROX_VALUE (self->angle, 90.f, FLT_EPSILON) || + G_APPROX_VALUE (self->angle, 270.f, FLT_EPSILON)) + { + int s = width; + width = height; + height = s; + } + + if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) + size = width; + else + size = height; + + *minimum = *natural = (int) ceil (self->scale * size); +} + +static void +demo3_widget_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + + /* Since we are not using a layout manager (who would do this + * for us), we need to allocate a size for our menu by calling + * gtk_popover_present(). + */ + gtk_popover_present (GTK_POPOVER (self->menu)); +} + +static void update_actions (Demo3Widget *self); + +static void +demo3_widget_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_TEXTURE: + g_clear_object (&self->texture); + self->texture = g_value_dup_object (value); + self->scale = 1.f; + self->angle = 0.f; + self->filter = GSK_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR; + update_actions (self); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (object)); + g_object_notify (object, "scale"); + g_object_notify (object, "angle"); + g_object_notify (object, "filter"); + break; + + case PROP_SCALE: + self->scale = g_value_get_float (value); + update_actions (self); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (object)); + break; + + case PROP_ANGLE: + self->angle = fmodf (g_value_get_float (value), 360.f); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (object)); + break; + + case PROP_FILTER: + self->filter = g_value_get_enum (value); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (object)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo3_widget_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_TEXTURE: + g_value_set_object (value, self->texture); + break; + + case PROP_SCALE: + g_value_set_float (value, self->scale); + break; + + case PROP_ANGLE: + g_value_set_float (value, self->angle); + break; + + case PROP_FILTER: + g_value_set_enum (value, self->filter); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +pressed_cb (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + guint n_press, + double x, + double y, + Demo3Widget *self) +{ + /* We are placing our menu at the point where + * the click happened, before popping it up. + */ + gtk_popover_set_pointing_to (GTK_POPOVER (self->menu), + &(const GdkRectangle){ x, y, 1, 1 }); + gtk_popover_popup (GTK_POPOVER (self->menu)); +} + +static void +update_actions (Demo3Widget *self) +{ + gtk_widget_action_set_enabled (GTK_WIDGET (self), "zoom.in", self->scale < 1024.); + gtk_widget_action_set_enabled (GTK_WIDGET (self), "zoom.out", self->scale > 1./1024.); + gtk_widget_action_set_enabled (GTK_WIDGET (self), "zoom.reset", self->scale != 1.); +} + +static void +zoom_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + const char *action_name, + GVariant *parameter) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + float scale; + + if (g_str_equal (action_name, "zoom.in")) + scale = MIN (1024., self->scale * M_SQRT2); + else if (g_str_equal (action_name, "zoom.out")) + scale = MAX (1./1024., self->scale / M_SQRT2); + else if (g_str_equal (action_name, "zoom.reset")) + scale = 1.0; + else + g_assert_not_reached (); + + g_object_set (widget, "scale", scale, NULL); +} + +static void +rotate_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + const char *action_name, + GVariant *parameter) +{ + Demo3Widget *self = DEMO3_WIDGET (widget); + int angle; + + g_variant_get (parameter, "i", &angle); + + g_object_set (widget, "angle", fmodf (self->angle + angle, 360.f), NULL); +} + +static void +demo3_widget_class_init (Demo3WidgetClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo3_widget_dispose; + object_class->set_property = demo3_widget_set_property; + object_class->get_property = demo3_widget_get_property; + + widget_class->snapshot = demo3_widget_snapshot; + widget_class->measure = demo3_widget_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = demo3_widget_size_allocate; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_TEXTURE, + g_param_spec_object ("texture", NULL, NULL, + GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCALE, + g_param_spec_float ("scale", NULL, NULL, + 1./1024., 1024., 1.0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ANGLE, + g_param_spec_float ("angle", NULL, NULL, + 0.0, 360.0, 0.0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_FILTER, + g_param_spec_enum ("filter", NULL, NULL, + GSK_TYPE_SCALING_FILTER, GSK_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + /* These are the actions that we are using in the menu */ + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "zoom.in", NULL, zoom_cb); + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "zoom.out", NULL, zoom_cb); + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "zoom.reset", NULL, zoom_cb); + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "rotate", "i", rotate_cb); + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/menu/demo3widget.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, Demo3Widget, menu); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, pressed_cb); +} + +GtkWidget * +demo3_widget_new (const char *resource) +{ + Demo3Widget *self; + GdkTexture *texture; + + texture = gdk_texture_new_from_resource (resource); + + self = g_object_new (DEMO3_TYPE_WIDGET, + "texture", texture, + "has-tooltip", TRUE, + NULL); + + g_signal_connect (self, "query-tooltip", G_CALLBACK (query_tooltip), NULL); + + g_object_unref (texture); + + return GTK_WIDGET (self); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bf86bb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO3_TYPE_WIDGET (demo3_widget_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (Demo3Widget, demo3_widget, DEMO3, WIDGET, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo3_widget_new (const char *resource); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca82d291 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo3widget.ui @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + + Zoom Out + zoom.out + + + Zoom In + zoom.in + + + 1∶1 + zoom.reset + + + Rotate + rotate + 90 + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bb40400 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.c @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +#include +#include "demo4widget.h" +#include "hsla.h" + +enum +{ + PROP_0, + PROP_PROGRESS, +}; + +struct _Demo4Widget +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + PangoLayout *layout; + GskColorStop stops[8]; + gsize n_stops; + double progress; + + guint tick; +}; + +struct _Demo4WidgetClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (Demo4Widget, demo4_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +rotate_color (GdkRGBA *rgba) +{ + GdkHSLA hsla; + + hsla_init_from_rgba (&hsla, rgba); + hsla.hue -= 1; + rgba_init_from_hsla (rgba, &hsla); +} + +static gboolean +rotate_colors (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (widget); + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < self->n_stops; i++) + rotate_color (&self->stops[i].color); + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +demo4_widget_init (Demo4Widget *self) +{ + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + self->progress = 0.5; + + self->n_stops = 8; + self->stops[0].offset = 0; + self->stops[0].color = (GdkRGBA) { 1, 0, 0, 1 }; + + for (unsigned int i = 1; i < self->n_stops; i++) + { + GdkHSLA hsla; + + self->stops[i].offset = i / (double)(self->n_stops - 1); + hsla_init_from_rgba (&hsla, &self->stops[i - 1].color); + hsla.hue += 360.0 / (double)(self->n_stops - 1); + rgba_init_from_hsla (&self->stops[i].color, &hsla); + } + + self->layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (self), "123"); + desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("Cantarell Bold 210"); + pango_layout_set_font_description (self->layout, desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + + self->tick = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), rotate_colors, NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +demo4_widget_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (object); + + g_clear_object (&self->layout); + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), self->tick); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo4_widget_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo4_widget_snapshot_content (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot, + GskMaskMode mode) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (widget); + int width, height, layout_width, layout_height; + double scale; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + gtk_snapshot_push_mask (snapshot, mode); + pango_layout_get_pixel_size (self->layout, &layout_width, &layout_height); + scale = MIN ((double) width / layout_width, (double) height / layout_height); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT ((width - scale * layout_width) / 2, + (height - scale * layout_height) / 2)); + gtk_snapshot_scale (snapshot, scale, scale); + gtk_snapshot_append_layout (snapshot, self->layout, &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + + gtk_snapshot_append_linear_gradient (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (0, 0), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width, height), + self->stops, + self->n_stops); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); +} + +static void +demo4_widget_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (widget); + int width, height; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + gtk_snapshot_push_mask (snapshot, GSK_MASK_MODE_INVERTED_LUMINANCE); + gtk_snapshot_append_linear_gradient (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (0, 0), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width, 0), + (GskColorStop[2]) { + { MAX (0.0, self->progress - 5.0 / width), { 1, 1, 1, 1 } }, + { MIN (1.0, self->progress + 5.0 / width), { 0, 0, 0, 1 } } + }, 2); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + demo4_widget_snapshot_content (widget, snapshot, GSK_MASK_MODE_INVERTED_ALPHA); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + + gtk_snapshot_push_mask (snapshot, GSK_MASK_MODE_LUMINANCE); + gtk_snapshot_append_linear_gradient (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (0, 0), + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width, 0), + (GskColorStop[2]) { + { MAX (0.0, self->progress - 5.0 / width), { 1, 1, 1, 1 } }, + { MIN (1.0, self->progress + 5.0 / width), { 0, 0, 0, 1 } } + }, 2); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + demo4_widget_snapshot_content (widget, snapshot, GSK_MASK_MODE_ALPHA); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); +} + +static void +demo4_widget_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_PROGRESS: + self->progress = g_value_get_double (value); + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (object)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo4_widget_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + Demo4Widget *self = DEMO4_WIDGET (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_PROGRESS: + g_value_set_double (value, self->progress); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo4_widget_class_init (Demo4WidgetClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo4_widget_dispose; + object_class->get_property = demo4_widget_get_property; + object_class->set_property = demo4_widget_set_property; + + widget_class->snapshot = demo4_widget_snapshot; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PROGRESS, + g_param_spec_double ("progress", NULL, NULL, + 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); +} + +GtkWidget * +demo4_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO4_TYPE_WIDGET, NULL); +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4546a4c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demo4widget.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO4_TYPE_WIDGET (demo4_widget_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (Demo4Widget, demo4_widget, DEMO4, WIDGET, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo4_widget_new (void); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..147cf606 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.c @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +#include "demochild.h" + +/* This is a trivial child widget just for demo purposes. + * It draws a 32x32 square in fixed color. + */ + +struct _DemoChild +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + GdkRGBA color; +}; + +struct _DemoChildClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoChild, demo_child, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +demo_child_init (DemoChild *self) +{ +} + +static void +demo_child_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + DemoChild *self = DEMO_CHILD (widget); + int width, height; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &self->color, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(0, 0, width, height)); +} + +static void +demo_child_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + *minimum = *natural = 32; +} + +static void +demo_child_class_init (DemoChildClass *class) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + widget_class->snapshot = demo_child_snapshot; + widget_class->measure = demo_child_measure; +} + +GtkWidget * +demo_child_new (const char *color) +{ + DemoChild *self; + + self = g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_CHILD, + "tooltip-text", color, + NULL); + + gdk_rgba_parse (&self->color, color); + + return GTK_WIDGET (self); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a6c6e99 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demochild.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO_TYPE_CHILD (demo_child_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoChild, demo_child, DEMO, CHILD, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo_child_new (const char *color); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc5776cc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.c @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +#include "demoimage.h" +#include + +struct _DemoImage { + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *popover; +}; + +enum { + PROP_ICON_NAME = 1 +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(DemoImage, demo_image, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static GdkPaintable * +get_image_paintable (GtkImage *image) +{ + const char *icon_name; + GtkIconTheme *icon_theme; + GtkIconPaintable *icon; + + switch (gtk_image_get_storage_type (image)) + { + case GTK_IMAGE_PAINTABLE: + return g_object_ref (gtk_image_get_paintable (image)); + case GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME: + icon_name = gtk_image_get_icon_name (image); + icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (image))); + icon = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, + icon_name, + NULL, + 48, 1, + gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (image)), + 0); + if (icon == NULL) + return NULL; + return GDK_PAINTABLE (icon); + + case GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY: + case GTK_IMAGE_GICON: + default: + g_warning ("Image storage type %d not handled", + gtk_image_get_storage_type (image)); + return NULL; + } +} + +static void +update_drag_icon (DemoImage *demo, + GtkDragIcon *icon) +{ + const char *icon_name; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GtkWidget *image; + + switch (gtk_image_get_storage_type (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image))) + { + case GTK_IMAGE_PAINTABLE: + paintable = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image)); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (paintable); + break; + case GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME: + icon_name = gtk_image_get_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image)); + image = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (icon_name); + break; + case GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY: + case GTK_IMAGE_GICON: + default: + g_warning ("Image storage type %d not handled", + gtk_image_get_storage_type (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image))); + return; + } + + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), + gtk_image_get_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image))); + + gtk_drag_icon_set_child (icon, image); +} + +static void +drag_begin (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (widget); + + update_drag_icon (demo, GTK_DRAG_ICON (gtk_drag_icon_get_for_drag (drag))); +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +prepare_drag (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (widget); + GdkPaintable *paintable = get_image_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image)); + + /* Textures can be serialized, paintables can't, so special case the textures */ + if (GDK_IS_TEXTURE (paintable)) + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, paintable); + else + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, paintable); +} + +static gboolean +drag_drop (GtkDropTarget *dest, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (widget); + GdkPaintable *paintable = g_value_get_object (value); + + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image), paintable); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +copy_image (GtkWidget *widget, + const char *action_name, + GVariant *parameter) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (widget); + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (widget); + GdkPaintable *paintable = get_image_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image)); + GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; + + /* Textures can be serialized, paintables can't, so special case the textures */ + if (GDK_IS_TEXTURE (paintable)) + g_value_init (&value, GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE); + else + g_value_init (&value, GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE); + g_value_set_object (&value, paintable); + gdk_clipboard_set_value (clipboard, &value); + g_value_unset (&value); + + if (paintable) + g_object_unref (paintable); +} + +static void +paste_image_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard = GDK_CLIPBOARD (source); + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (data); + const GValue *value; + + value = gdk_clipboard_read_value_finish (clipboard, result, NULL); + if (value == NULL) + { + gtk_widget_error_bell (GTK_WIDGET (demo)); + g_object_unref (demo); + return; + } + + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image), g_value_get_object (value)); + g_object_unref (demo); +} + +static void +paste_image (GtkWidget *widget, + const char *action_name, + GVariant *parameter) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (widget); + GType type; + + if (gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (gdk_clipboard_get_formats (clipboard), GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE)) + type = GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE; + else + type = GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE; + + gdk_clipboard_read_value_async (clipboard, + type, + G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, + NULL, + paste_image_cb, + g_object_ref (widget)); +} + +static void +pressed_cb (GtkGesture *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture))); + + gtk_popover_popup (GTK_POPOVER (demo->popover)); +} + +static void +demo_image_init (DemoImage *demo) +{ + GMenu *menu; + GMenuItem *item; + GtkDragSource *source; + GtkDropTarget *dest; + GtkGesture *gesture; + + demo->image = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image), 48); + gtk_widget_set_parent (demo->image, GTK_WIDGET (demo)); + + menu = g_menu_new (); + item = g_menu_item_new (_("_Copy"), "clipboard.copy"); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + + item = g_menu_item_new (_("_Paste"), "clipboard.paste"); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + + demo->popover = gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model (G_MENU_MODEL (menu)); + gtk_widget_set_parent (demo->popover, GTK_WIDGET (demo)); + + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (prepare_drag), NULL); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (demo), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + + dest = gtk_drop_target_new (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, GDK_ACTION_COPY); + g_signal_connect (dest, "drop", G_CALLBACK (drag_drop), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (demo), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture), GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (pressed_cb), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (demo), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +demo_image_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&demo->image, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&demo->popover, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_image_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_image_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_ICON_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, gtk_image_get_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image))); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo_image_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + DemoImage *demo = DEMO_IMAGE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_ICON_NAME: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (demo->image), + g_value_get_string (value)); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo_image_class_init (DemoImageClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo_image_dispose; + object_class->get_property = demo_image_get_property; + object_class->set_property = demo_image_set_property; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ICON_NAME, + g_param_spec_string ("icon-name", "Icon name", "Icon name", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BIN_LAYOUT); + + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "clipboard.copy", NULL, copy_image); + gtk_widget_class_install_action (widget_class, "clipboard.paste", NULL, paste_image); +} + +GtkWidget * +demo_image_new (const char *icon_name) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_IMAGE, "icon-name", icon_name, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd8e160a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demoimage.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define DEMO_TYPE_IMAGE (demo_image_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(DemoImage, demo_image, DEMO, IMAGE, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo_image_new (const char *icon_name); + +G_END_DECLS diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fed244a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.c @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +#include "demolayout.h" + +struct _DemoLayout +{ + GtkLayoutManager parent_instance; + + float position; + int pos[16]; +}; + +struct _DemoLayoutClass +{ + GtkLayoutManagerClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoLayout, demo_layout, GTK_TYPE_LAYOUT_MANAGER) + +static void +demo_layout_measure (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + int minimum_size = 0; + int natural_size = 0; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + int child_min = 0, child_nat = 0; + + if (!gtk_widget_should_layout (child)) + continue; + + gtk_widget_measure (child, orientation, -1, + &child_min, &child_nat, + NULL, NULL); + minimum_size = MAX (minimum_size, child_min); + natural_size = MAX (natural_size, child_nat); + } + + /* A back-of-a-napkin calculation to reserve enough + * space for arranging 16 children in a circle. + */ + *minimum = 16 * minimum_size / G_PI + minimum_size; + *natural = 16 * natural_size / G_PI + natural_size; +} + +static void +demo_layout_allocate (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + DemoLayout *self = DEMO_LAYOUT (layout_manager); + GtkWidget *child; + int i; + int child_width = 0; + int child_height = 0; + int x0, y0; + float r; + float t; + + t = self->position; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + GtkRequisition child_req; + + if (!gtk_widget_should_layout (child)) + continue; + + gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (child, &child_req, NULL); + + child_width = MAX (child_width, child_req.width); + child_height = MAX (child_height, child_req.height); + } + + /* the center of our layout */ + x0 = (width / 2); + y0 = (height / 2); + + /* the radius for our circle of children */ + r = 8 * child_width / G_PI; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget), i = 0; + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child), i++) + { + GtkRequisition child_req; + float a = self->pos[i] * G_PI / 8; + int gx, gy; + int cx, cy; + int x, y; + + if (!gtk_widget_should_layout (child)) + continue; + + gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (child, &child_req, NULL); + + /* The grid position of child. */ + gx = x0 + (i % 4 - 2) * child_width; + gy = y0 + (i / 4 - 2) * child_height; + + /* The circle position of child. Note that we + * are adjusting the position by half the child size + * to place the center of child on a centered circle. + * This assumes that the children don't use align flags + * or uneven margins that would shift the center. + */ + cx = x0 + sin (a) * r - child_req.width / 2; + cy = y0 + cos (a) * r - child_req.height / 2; + + /* we interpolate between the two layouts according to + * the position value that has been set on the layout. + */ + x = t * cx + (1 - t) * gx; + y = t * cy + (1 - t) * gy; + + gtk_widget_size_allocate (child, + &(const GtkAllocation){ x, y, child_width, child_height}, + -1); + } +} + +static GtkSizeRequestMode +demo_layout_get_request_mode (GtkLayoutManager *layout_manager, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + return GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_CONSTANT_SIZE; +} + +static void +demo_layout_class_init (DemoLayoutClass *klass) +{ + GtkLayoutManagerClass *layout_class = GTK_LAYOUT_MANAGER_CLASS (klass); + + layout_class->get_request_mode = demo_layout_get_request_mode; + layout_class->measure = demo_layout_measure; + layout_class->allocate = demo_layout_allocate; +} + +static void +demo_layout_init (DemoLayout *self) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) + self->pos[i] = i; +} + +GtkLayoutManager * +demo_layout_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL); +} + +void +demo_layout_set_position (DemoLayout *layout, + float position) +{ + layout->position = position; +} + +/* Shuffle the circle positions of the children. + * Should be called when we are in the grid layout. + */ +void +demo_layout_shuffle (DemoLayout *layout) +{ + int i, j, tmp; + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) + { + j = g_random_int_range (0, i + 1); + tmp = layout->pos[i]; + layout->pos[i] = layout->pos[j]; + layout->pos[j] = tmp; + } +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8672ba2f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demolayout.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO_TYPE_LAYOUT (demo_layout_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoLayout, demo_layout, DEMO, LAYOUT, GtkLayoutManager) + +GtkLayoutManager * demo_layout_new (void); + +void demo_layout_set_position (DemoLayout *layout, + float position); +void demo_layout_shuffle (DemoLayout *layout); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a3ca5e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.c @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * Authors: + * - Matthias Clasen + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "demotaggedentry.h" + +#include + +struct _DemoTaggedEntry +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *text; +}; + +struct _DemoTaggedEntryClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +static void demo_tagged_entry_editable_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (DemoTaggedEntry, demo_tagged_entry, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_EDITABLE, demo_tagged_entry_editable_init)) + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_init (DemoTaggedEntry *entry) +{ + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + entry->text = gtk_text_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (entry->text, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (entry->text, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_parent (entry->text, GTK_WIDGET (entry)); + gtk_editable_init_delegate (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + gtk_editable_set_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (entry->text), 6); + gtk_editable_set_max_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (entry->text), 6); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "tagged"); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/tagged_entry/tagstyle.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + DemoTaggedEntry *entry = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY (object); + GtkWidget *child; + + if (entry->text) + gtk_editable_finish_delegate (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (entry)))) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + entry->text = NULL; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_tagged_entry_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + if (gtk_editable_delegate_set_property (object, prop_id, value, pspec)) + return; + + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + if (gtk_editable_delegate_get_property (object, prop_id, value, pspec)) + return; + + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); +} + +static gboolean +demo_tagged_entry_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + DemoTaggedEntry *entry = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY (widget); + + return gtk_widget_grab_focus (entry->text); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_class_init (DemoTaggedEntryClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = demo_tagged_entry_dispose; + object_class->get_property = demo_tagged_entry_get_property; + object_class->set_property = demo_tagged_entry_set_property; + + widget_class->grab_focus = demo_tagged_entry_grab_focus; + + gtk_editable_install_properties (object_class, 1); + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BOX_LAYOUT); + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "entry"); + gtk_widget_class_set_accessible_role (widget_class, GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_TEXT_BOX); +} + +static GtkEditable * +demo_tagged_entry_get_delegate (GtkEditable *editable) +{ + return GTK_EDITABLE (DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY (editable)->text); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_editable_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->get_delegate = demo_tagged_entry_get_delegate; +} + +GtkWidget * +demo_tagged_entry_new (void) +{ + return GTK_WIDGET (g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY, NULL)); +} + +void +demo_tagged_entry_add_tag (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag) +{ + g_return_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY (entry)); + + gtk_widget_set_parent (tag, GTK_WIDGET (entry)); +} + +void +demo_tagged_entry_insert_tag_after (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag, + GtkWidget *sibling) +{ + g_return_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY (entry)); + + gtk_widget_insert_after (tag, GTK_WIDGET (entry), sibling); +} + +void +demo_tagged_entry_remove_tag (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag) +{ + g_return_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY (entry)); + + gtk_widget_unparent (tag); +} + +struct _DemoTaggedEntryTag +{ + GtkWidget parent; + + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *button; + + gboolean has_close_button; + char *style; +}; + +struct _DemoTaggedEntryTagClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_LABEL, + PROP_HAS_CLOSE_BUTTON, +}; + +enum { + SIGNAL_CLICKED, + SIGNAL_BUTTON_CLICKED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, }; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoTaggedEntryTag, demo_tagged_entry_tag, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +on_released (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag) +{ + g_signal_emit (tag, signals[SIGNAL_CLICKED], 0); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_init (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag) +{ + GtkGesture *gesture; + + tag->box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_parent (tag->box, GTK_WIDGET (tag)); + tag->label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (tag->box), tag->label); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "released", G_CALLBACK (on_released), tag); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (tag), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&tag->box, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_tagged_entry_tag_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&tag->box, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&tag->style, g_free); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_tagged_entry_tag_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_LABEL: + demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_label (tag, g_value_get_string (value)); + break; + + case PROP_HAS_CLOSE_BUTTON: + demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_has_close_button (tag, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_LABEL: + g_value_set_string (value, demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_label (tag)); + break; + + case PROP_HAS_CLOSE_BUTTON: + g_value_set_boolean (value, demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_has_close_button (tag)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (widget); + + gtk_widget_measure (tag->box, orientation, for_size, + minimum, natural, + minimum_baseline, natural_baseline); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag = DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (widget); + + gtk_widget_size_allocate (tag->box, + &(GtkAllocation) { 0, 0, width, height }, + baseline); +} + +static void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_class_init (DemoTaggedEntryTagClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo_tagged_entry_tag_dispose; + object_class->finalize = demo_tagged_entry_tag_finalize; + object_class->set_property = demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_property; + object_class->get_property = demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_property; + + widget_class->measure = demo_tagged_entry_tag_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = demo_tagged_entry_tag_size_allocate; + + signals[SIGNAL_CLICKED] = + g_signal_new ("clicked", + DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG, + G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, + 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, + G_TYPE_NONE, 0); + signals[SIGNAL_BUTTON_CLICKED] = + g_signal_new ("button-clicked", + DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG, + G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, + 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, + G_TYPE_NONE, 0); + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LABEL, + g_param_spec_string ("label", "Label", "Label", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HAS_CLOSE_BUTTON, + g_param_spec_boolean ("has-close-button", "Has close button", "Whether this tag has a close button", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE|G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY)); + + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "tag"); +} + +DemoTaggedEntryTag * +demo_tagged_entry_tag_new (const char *label) +{ + return DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG, + "label", label, + NULL)); +} + +const char * +demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_label (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (tag), NULL); + + return gtk_label_get_label (GTK_LABEL (tag->label)); +} + +void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_label (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag, + const char *label) +{ + g_return_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (tag)); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (tag->label), label); +} + +static void +on_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag) +{ + g_signal_emit (tag, signals[SIGNAL_BUTTON_CLICKED], 0); +} + +void +demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_has_close_button (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag, + gboolean has_close_button) +{ + g_return_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (tag)); + + if ((tag->button != NULL) == has_close_button) + return; + + if (!has_close_button && tag->button) + { + gtk_box_remove (GTK_BOX (tag->box), tag->button); + tag->button = NULL; + } + else if (has_close_button && tag->button == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *image; + + image = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("window-close-symbolic"); + tag->button = gtk_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (tag->button), image); + gtk_widget_set_halign (tag->button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (tag->button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (tag->button), FALSE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (tag->box), tag->button); + g_signal_connect (tag->button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (on_button_clicked), tag); + } + + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (tag), "has-close-button"); +} + +gboolean +demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_has_close_button (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (DEMO_IS_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (tag), FALSE); + + return tag->button != NULL; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9724fa58 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demotaggedentry.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * Authors: + * - Matthias Clasen + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_H__ +#define __DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY (demo_tagged_entry_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoTaggedEntry, demo_tagged_entry, DEMO, TAGGED_ENTRY, GtkWidget) + +#define DEMO_TYPE_TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG (demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoTaggedEntryTag, demo_tagged_entry_tag, DEMO, TAGGED_ENTRY_TAG, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo_tagged_entry_new (void); + +void demo_tagged_entry_add_tag (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag); + +void demo_tagged_entry_insert_tag_after (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag, + GtkWidget *sibling); + +void demo_tagged_entry_remove_tag (DemoTaggedEntry *entry, + GtkWidget *tag); + +DemoTaggedEntryTag * + demo_tagged_entry_tag_new (const char *label); + +const char * demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_label (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag); + +void demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_label (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag, + const char *label); + +gboolean demo_tagged_entry_tag_get_has_close_button (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag); + +void demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_has_close_button (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag, + gboolean has_close_button); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __DEMO_TAGGED_ENTRY_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16c5c28a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.c @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +#include "demowidget.h" +#include "demolayout.h" + +/* parent widget */ + +struct _DemoWidget +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + gboolean backward; /* whether we go 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0 */ + gint64 start_time; /* time the transition started */ + guint tick_id; /* our tick cb */ +}; + +struct _DemoWidgetClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DemoWidget, demo_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +/* The widget is controlling the transition by calling + * demo_layout_set_position() in a tick callback. + * + * We take half a second to go from one layout to the other. + */ + +#define DURATION (0.5 * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND) + +static gboolean +transition (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer data) +{ + DemoWidget *self = DEMO_WIDGET (widget); + DemoLayout *demo_layout = DEMO_LAYOUT (gtk_widget_get_layout_manager (widget)); + gint64 now = g_get_monotonic_time (); + + gtk_widget_queue_allocate (widget); + + if (self->backward) + demo_layout_set_position (demo_layout, 1.0 - (now - self->start_time) / DURATION); + else + demo_layout_set_position (demo_layout, (now - self->start_time) / DURATION); + + if (now - self->start_time >= DURATION) + { + self->backward = !self->backward; + demo_layout_set_position (demo_layout, self->backward ? 1.0 : 0.0); + /* keep things interesting by shuffling the positions */ + if (!self->backward) + demo_layout_shuffle (demo_layout); + self->tick_id = 0; + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +clicked (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + guint n_press, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + DemoWidget *self = data; + + if (self->tick_id != 0) + return; + + self->start_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); + self->tick_id = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), transition, NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +demo_widget_init (DemoWidget *self) +{ + GtkGesture *gesture; + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (clicked), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (self), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +demo_widget_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (object)))) + gtk_widget_unparent (child); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_widget_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_widget_class_init (DemoWidgetClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = demo_widget_dispose; + + /* here is where we use our custom layout manager */ + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, DEMO_TYPE_LAYOUT); +} + +GtkWidget * +demo_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_WIDGET, NULL); +} + +void +demo_widget_add_child (DemoWidget *self, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd8a5d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/demowidget.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define DEMO_TYPE_WIDGET (demo_widget_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoWidget, demo_widget, DEMO, WIDGET, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * demo_widget_new (void); + +void demo_widget_add_child (DemoWidget *self, + GtkWidget *child); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dialog.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dialog.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42f2977d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dialog.c @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +/* Dialogs + * #Keywords: GtkMessageDialog + * + * Dialogs are used to pop up transient windows for information + * and user feedback. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *entry1 = NULL; +static GtkWidget *entry2 = NULL; + +static void +message_dialog_clicked (GtkButton *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog; + static int i = 1; + + dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window), + GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, + GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, + GTK_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, + "Test message"); + gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog), + ngettext ("Has been shown once", "Has been shown %d times", i), i); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + i++; +} + +typedef struct { + GtkWidget *local_entry1; + GtkWidget *local_entry2; + GtkWidget *global_entry1; + GtkWidget *global_entry2; +} ResponseData; + +static void +on_dialog_response (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + ResponseData *data = user_data; + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) + { + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (data->global_entry1), + gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (data->local_entry1))); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (data->global_entry2), + gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (data->local_entry2))); + } + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); +} + +static void +interactive_dialog_clicked (GtkButton *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *content_area; + GtkWidget *dialog; + GtkWidget *table; + GtkWidget *local_entry1; + GtkWidget *local_entry2; + GtkWidget *label; + ResponseData *data; + + dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Interactive Dialog", + GTK_WINDOW (window), + GTK_DIALOG_MODAL| GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT|GTK_DIALOG_USE_HEADER_BAR, + _("_OK"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK, + _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + NULL); + + gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK); + + content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (table, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (table, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_halign (table, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (table, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (content_area), table); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 6); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 6); + + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic ("_Entry 1"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + local_entry1 = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (local_entry1), gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry1))); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), local_entry1, 1, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), local_entry1); + + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic ("E_ntry 2"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + + local_entry2 = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (local_entry2), gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry2))); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), local_entry2, 1, 1, 1, 1); + gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), local_entry2); + + data = g_new (ResponseData, 1); + data->local_entry1 = local_entry1; + data->local_entry2 = local_entry2; + data->global_entry1 = entry1; + data->global_entry2 = entry2; + + g_signal_connect_data (dialog, "response", + G_CALLBACK (on_dialog_response), + data, (GClosureNotify) g_free, + 0); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_dialog (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *vbox2; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *table; + GtkWidget *label; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Dialogs"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 8); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + /* Standard message dialog */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Message Dialog"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (message_dialog_clicked), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)); + + /* Interactive dialog*/ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + vbox2 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Interactive Dialog"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (interactive_dialog_clicked), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox2); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox2), button); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 4); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 4); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), table); + + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic ("_Entry 1"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + entry1 = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), entry1, 1, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), entry1); + + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic ("E_ntry 2"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + + entry2 = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), entry2, 1, 1, 1, 1); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef281aea --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.c @@ -0,0 +1,821 @@ +/* Drag-and-Drop + * #Keywords: dnd, menu, popover, gesture + * + * This demo shows dragging colors and widgets. + * The items in this demo can be moved, recolored + * and rotated. + * + * The demo also has an example for creating a + * menu-like popover without using a menu model. + */ + +#include + + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (CanvasItem, canvas_item, CANVAS, ITEM, GtkWidget) + +struct _CanvasItem { + GtkWidget parent; + + GtkWidget *fixed; + GtkWidget *label; + + double r; + double angle; + double delta; + + GtkWidget *editor; + + GtkStyleProvider *provider; + char *css_class; +}; + +struct _CanvasItemClass { + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (CanvasItem, canvas_item, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static int n_items = 0; + +static void +unstyle_item (CanvasItem *item) +{ + if (item->provider) + { + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (item->label), item->provider); + g_clear_object (&item->provider); + } + + if (item->css_class) + { + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (item->label, item->css_class); + g_clear_pointer (&item->css_class, g_free); + } +} + +static void +set_color (CanvasItem *item, + GdkRGBA *color) +{ + char *css; + char *str; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + const char *name; + + unstyle_item (item); + + str = gdk_rgba_to_string (color); + name = gtk_widget_get_name (item->label); + css = g_strdup_printf ("#%s { background: %s; }", name, str); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css, -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (item->label), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), 700); + item->provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider); + + g_free (str); + g_free (css); +} + +static void +set_css (CanvasItem *item, + const char *class) +{ + unstyle_item (item); + + gtk_widget_add_css_class (item->label, class); + item->css_class = g_strdup (class); +} + +static gboolean +item_drag_drop (GtkDropTarget *dest, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y) +{ + GtkWidget *label = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (gtk_widget_get_parent (gtk_widget_get_parent (label))); + + if (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == GDK_TYPE_RGBA) + set_color (item, g_value_get_boxed (value)); + else if (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == G_TYPE_STRING) + set_css (item, g_value_get_string (value)); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +apply_transform (CanvasItem *item) +{ + GskTransform *transform; + double x, y; + + x = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (item->label) / 2.0; + y = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (item->label) / 2.0; + item->r = sqrt (x*x + y*y); + + transform = gsk_transform_translate (NULL, &(graphene_point_t) { item->r, item->r }); + transform = gsk_transform_rotate (transform, item->angle + item->delta); + transform = gsk_transform_translate (transform, &(graphene_point_t) { -x, -y }); + + gtk_fixed_set_child_transform (GTK_FIXED (item->fixed), item->label, transform); + gsk_transform_unref (transform); +} + +static void +angle_changed (GtkGestureRotate *gesture, + double angle, + double delta) +{ + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture))); + + item->delta = angle / M_PI * 180.0; + + apply_transform (item); +} + +static void +rotate_done (GtkGesture *gesture) +{ + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture))); + + item->angle = item->angle + item->delta; + item->delta = 0; +} + +static void +click_done (GtkGesture *gesture) +{ + GtkWidget *item = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + GtkWidget *canvas = gtk_widget_get_parent (item); + GtkWidget *last_child; + + last_child = gtk_widget_get_last_child (canvas); + if (item != last_child) + gtk_widget_insert_after (item, canvas, last_child); +} + +static gboolean +theme_is_dark (void) +{ + GtkSettings *settings; + char *theme; + gboolean prefer_dark; + gboolean dark; + + settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); + g_object_get (settings, + "gtk-theme-name", &theme, + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", &prefer_dark, + NULL); + + if ((strcmp (theme, "Adwaita") == 0 && prefer_dark) || strcmp (theme, "HighContrastInverse") == 0) + dark = TRUE; + else + dark = FALSE; + + g_free (theme); + + return dark; +} + +static void +canvas_item_init (CanvasItem *item) +{ + char *text; + char *id; + GdkRGBA rgba; + GtkDropTarget *dest; + GtkGesture *gesture; + GType types[2] = { GDK_TYPE_RGBA, G_TYPE_STRING }; + + n_items++; + + text = g_strdup_printf ("Item %d", n_items); + item->label = gtk_label_new (text); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (item->label, "canvasitem"); + g_free (text); + + item->fixed = gtk_fixed_new (); + gtk_widget_set_parent (item->fixed, GTK_WIDGET (item)); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (item->fixed), item->label, 0, 0); + + gtk_widget_add_css_class (item->label, "frame"); + + id = g_strdup_printf ("item%d", n_items); + gtk_widget_set_name (item->label, id); + g_free (id); + + if (theme_is_dark ()) + gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, "blue"); + else + gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, "yellow"); + + set_color (item, &rgba); + + item->angle = 0; + + dest = gtk_drop_target_new (G_TYPE_INVALID, GDK_ACTION_COPY); + gtk_drop_target_set_gtypes (dest, types, G_N_ELEMENTS (types)); + g_signal_connect (dest, "drop", G_CALLBACK (item_drag_drop), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (item->label), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_rotate_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "angle-changed", G_CALLBACK (angle_changed), NULL); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "end", G_CALLBACK (rotate_done), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (item), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "released", G_CALLBACK (click_done), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (item), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +canvas_item_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&item->fixed, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&item->editor, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (canvas_item_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +canvas_item_map (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (widget); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_item_parent_class)->map (widget); + + apply_transform (item); +} + +static void +canvas_item_class_init (CanvasItemClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = canvas_item_dispose; + + widget_class->map = canvas_item_map; + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BIN_LAYOUT); + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "item"); +} + +static GtkWidget * +canvas_item_new (void) +{ + CanvasItem *item = g_object_new (canvas_item_get_type (), NULL); + + return GTK_WIDGET (item); +} + +static GdkPaintable * +canvas_item_get_drag_icon (CanvasItem *item) +{ + return gtk_widget_paintable_new (item->fixed); +} + +static gboolean +canvas_item_is_editing (CanvasItem *item) +{ + return item->editor != NULL; +} + +static void +scale_changed (GtkRange *range, + CanvasItem *item) +{ + item->angle = gtk_range_get_value (range); + apply_transform (item); +} + +static void +text_changed (GtkEditable *editable, + GParamSpec *pspec, + CanvasItem *item) +{ + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (item->label), gtk_editable_get_text (editable)); + apply_transform (item); +} + +static void +canvas_item_stop_editing (CanvasItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *scale; + + if (!item->editor) + return; + + scale = gtk_widget_get_last_child (item->editor); + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (scale, scale_changed, item); + + gtk_fixed_remove (GTK_FIXED (gtk_widget_get_parent (item->editor)), item->editor); + item->editor = NULL; +} + +static void +canvas_item_start_editing (CanvasItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas = gtk_widget_get_parent (GTK_WIDGET (item)); + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *scale; + double x, y; + + if (item->editor) + return; + + item->editor = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), + gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (item->label))); + + gtk_editable_set_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), 12); + g_signal_connect (entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), item); + g_signal_connect_swapped (entry, "activate", G_CALLBACK (canvas_item_stop_editing), item); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (item->editor), entry); + + scale = gtk_scale_new_with_range (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0, 360, 1); + gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (scale), FALSE); + gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (scale), fmod (item->angle, 360)); + + g_signal_connect (scale, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (scale_changed), item); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (item->editor), scale); + + gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (GTK_WIDGET (item), canvas, 0, 0, &x, &y); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (canvas), item->editor, x, y + 2 * item->r); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (entry); + +} + +typedef struct { + double x, y; +} Hotspot; + +static GdkContentProvider * +prepare (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas; + GtkWidget *item; + Hotspot *hotspot; + + canvas = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + item = gtk_widget_pick (canvas, x, y, GTK_PICK_DEFAULT); + + item = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (item, canvas_item_get_type ()); + if (!item) + return NULL; + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (canvas), "dragged-item", item); + + hotspot = g_new (Hotspot, 1); + gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (canvas, item, x, y, &hotspot->x, &hotspot->y); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (canvas), "hotspot", hotspot, g_free); + + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, item); +} + +static void +drag_begin (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas; + CanvasItem *item; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + Hotspot *hotspot; + + canvas = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + item = CANVAS_ITEM (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (canvas), "dragged-item")); + hotspot = (Hotspot *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (canvas), "hotspot"); + + paintable = canvas_item_get_drag_icon (item); + gtk_drag_source_set_icon (source, paintable, hotspot->x, hotspot->y); + g_object_unref (paintable); + + gtk_widget_set_opacity (GTK_WIDGET (item), 0.3); +} + +static void +drag_end (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas; + GtkWidget *item; + + canvas = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + item = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (canvas), "dragged-item"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (canvas), "dragged-item", NULL); + + gtk_widget_set_opacity (item, 1.0); +} + +static gboolean +drag_cancel (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag, + GdkDragCancelReason reason) +{ + return FALSE; +} + +static gboolean +drag_drop (GtkDropTarget *target, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y) +{ + CanvasItem *item; + GtkWidget *canvas; + GtkWidget *last_child; + + item = g_value_get_object (value); + + canvas = gtk_widget_get_parent (GTK_WIDGET (item)); + last_child = gtk_widget_get_last_child (canvas); + if (GTK_WIDGET (item) != last_child) + gtk_widget_insert_after (GTK_WIDGET (item), canvas, last_child); + + gtk_fixed_move (GTK_FIXED (canvas), GTK_WIDGET (item), x - item->r, y - item->r); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +new_item_cb (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas = data; + GtkWidget *popover; + GtkWidget *item; + GdkRectangle rect; + + popover = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER); + gtk_popover_get_pointing_to (GTK_POPOVER (popover), &rect); + + item = canvas_item_new (); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (canvas), item, rect.x, rect.y); + apply_transform (CANVAS_ITEM (item)); + + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER))); +} + +static void +edit_cb (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *child) +{ + CanvasItem *item = CANVAS_ITEM (child); + + if (button) + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER))); + + if (!canvas_item_is_editing (item)) + canvas_item_start_editing (item); +} + +static void +delete_cb (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *child) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas = gtk_widget_get_parent (child); + + gtk_fixed_remove (GTK_FIXED (canvas), child); + + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER))); +} + +static void +pressed_cb (GtkGesture *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *child; + + widget = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + child = gtk_widget_pick (widget, x, y, GTK_PICK_DEFAULT); + child = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (child, canvas_item_get_type ()); + + if (gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture)) == GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY) + { + GtkWidget *menu; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *item; + + menu = gtk_popover_new (); + gtk_widget_set_parent (menu, widget); + gtk_popover_set_has_arrow (GTK_POPOVER (menu), FALSE); + gtk_popover_set_pointing_to (GTK_POPOVER (menu), &(GdkRectangle){ x, y, 1, 1}); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (menu), box); + + item = gtk_button_new_with_label ("New"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (item), FALSE); + g_signal_connect (item, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (new_item_cb), widget); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), item); + + item = gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), item); + + item = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Edit"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (item), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item, child != NULL && child != widget); + g_signal_connect (item, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (edit_cb), child); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), item); + + item = gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), item); + + item = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Delete"); + gtk_button_set_has_frame (GTK_BUTTON (item), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item, child != NULL && child != widget); + g_signal_connect (item, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (delete_cb), child); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), item); + + gtk_popover_popup (GTK_POPOVER (menu)); + } +} + +static void +released_cb (GtkGesture *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *child; + CanvasItem *item; + + widget = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + child = gtk_widget_pick (widget, x, y, 0); + item = (CanvasItem *)gtk_widget_get_ancestor (child, canvas_item_get_type ()); + if (!item) + return; + + if (gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture)) == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) + { + if (canvas_item_is_editing (item)) + canvas_item_stop_editing (item); + else + canvas_item_start_editing (item); + } +} + +static GtkWidget * +canvas_new (void) +{ + GtkWidget *canvas; + GtkDragSource *source; + GtkDropTarget *dest; + GtkGesture *gesture; + + canvas = gtk_fixed_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (canvas, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (canvas, TRUE); + + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + gtk_drag_source_set_actions (source, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (prepare), NULL); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), NULL); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-end", G_CALLBACK (drag_end), NULL); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-cancel", G_CALLBACK (drag_cancel), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (canvas, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + + dest = gtk_drop_target_new (GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); + g_signal_connect (dest, "drop", G_CALLBACK (drag_drop), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (canvas, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture), 0); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (pressed_cb), NULL); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "released", G_CALLBACK (released_cb), NULL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (canvas, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + return canvas; +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +css_drag_prepare (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *button) +{ + const char *class; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + class = (const char *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), "css-class"); + + paintable = gtk_widget_paintable_new (button); + gtk_drag_source_set_icon (source, paintable, 0, 0); + g_object_unref (paintable); + + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (G_TYPE_STRING, class); +} + +static GtkWidget * +css_button_new (const char *class) +{ + GtkWidget *button; + GtkDragSource *source; + + button = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (button, 48, 32); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (button, class); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "css-class", (gpointer)class); + + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (css_drag_prepare), button); + gtk_widget_add_controller (button, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + + return button; +} + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + GdkRGBA color; +} ColorSwatch; + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +} ColorSwatchClass; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ColorSwatch, color_swatch, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static GdkContentProvider * +color_swatch_drag_prepare (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + ColorSwatch *swatch) +{ + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GDK_TYPE_RGBA, &swatch->color); +} + +static void +color_swatch_init (ColorSwatch *swatch) +{ + GtkDragSource *source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (color_swatch_drag_prepare), swatch); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (swatch), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); +} + +static void +color_swatch_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + ColorSwatch *swatch = (ColorSwatch *)widget; + float w = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + float h = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &swatch->color, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(0, 0, w, h)); +} + +void +color_swatch_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum_size, + int *natural_size, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) + *minimum_size = *natural_size = 48; + else + *minimum_size = *natural_size = 32; +} + +static void +color_swatch_class_init (ColorSwatchClass *class) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + widget_class->snapshot = color_swatch_snapshot; + widget_class->measure = color_swatch_measure; + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "colorswatch"); +} + +static GtkWidget * +color_swatch_new (const char *color) +{ + ColorSwatch *swatch = g_object_new (color_swatch_get_type (), NULL); + + gdk_rgba_parse (&swatch->color, color); + + return GTK_WIDGET (swatch); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_dnd (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *canvas; + GtkWidget *box, *box2, *box3; + const char *colors[] = { + "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "orange", "gray", "black", "yellow", + "white", "gray", "brown", "pink", "cyan", "bisque", "gold", "maroon", + "navy", "orchid", "olive", "peru", "salmon", "silver", "wheat", + NULL + }; + int i; + int x, y; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + GString *css; + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + button = gtk_color_button_new (); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + g_object_unref (g_object_ref_sink (button)); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/dnd/dnd.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); + + css = g_string_new (""); + for (i = 0; colors[i]; i++) + g_string_append_printf (css, ".canvasitem.%s { background: %s; }\n", colors[i], colors[i]); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css->str, css->len); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); + g_string_free (css, TRUE); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Drag-and-Drop"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 640, 480); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + box2 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), box2); + + canvas = canvas_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), canvas); + + n_items = 0; + + x = y = 40; + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + GtkWidget *item; + + item = canvas_item_new (); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (canvas), item, x, y); + apply_transform (CANVAS_ITEM (item)); + + x += 150; + y += 100; + } + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_NEVER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + + box3 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (box3, "linked"); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), box3); + + for (i = 0; colors[i]; i++) + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box3), color_swatch_new (colors[i])); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box3), css_button_new ("rainbow1")); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box3), css_button_new ("rainbow2")); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box3), css_button_new ("rainbow3")); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c19a1f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dnd.css @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +label.canvasitem { + padding: 10px; + margin: 1px; +} + +.canvasitem.rainbow1, +image.rainbow1 { + background: linear-gradient(140deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); +} + +.canvasitem.rainbow2, +image.rainbow2 { + animation: rainbow2 1s infinite linear; +} + +@keyframes rainbow2 { + 0% { background: linear-gradient(0deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } + 25% { background: linear-gradient(90deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } + 50% { background: linear-gradient(180deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } + 75% { background: linear-gradient(270deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } + 100% { background: linear-gradient(360deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } +} + +.canvasitem.rainbow3, +image.rainbow3 { + animation: rainbow3 1s infinite linear; +} + +@keyframes rainbow3 { + 0% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } + 16.6% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,purple,red,orange,yellow,green,blue); } + 33.2% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,blue,purple,red,orange,yellow,green); } + 50% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,green,blue,purple,red,orange,yellow); } + 66.6% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,yellow,green,blue,purple,red,orange); } + 83.2% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple,red); } + 100% { background: linear-gradient(140deg,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple); } +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/drawingarea.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/drawingarea.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da67ac1f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/drawingarea.c @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +/* Drawing Area + * #Keywords: GtkDrawingArea + * + * GtkDrawingArea is a blank area where you can draw custom displays + * of various kinds. + * + * This demo has two drawing areas. The checkerboard area shows + * how you can just draw something; all you have to do is set a function + * via gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func(), as shown here. + * + * The "scribble" area is a bit more advanced, and shows how to handle + * events such as button presses and mouse motion. Click the mouse + * and drag in the scribble area to draw squiggles. Resize the window + * to clear the area. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +/* Pixmap for scribble area, to store current scribbles */ +static cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; + +/* Create a new surface of the appropriate size to store our scribbles */ +static void +create_surface (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + cairo_t *cr; + + if (surface) + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + + surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, + gtk_widget_get_width (widget), + gtk_widget_get_height (widget)); + + /* Initialize the surface to white */ + cr = cairo_create (surface); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +static void +scribble_resize (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height) +{ + create_surface (widget); +} + +/* Redraw the screen from the surface */ +static void +scribble_draw (GtkDrawingArea *da, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (cr); +} + +/* Draw a rectangle on the screen */ +static void +draw_brush (GtkWidget *widget, + double x, + double y) +{ + GdkRectangle update_rect; + cairo_t *cr; + + if (surface == NULL || + cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface) != gtk_widget_get_width (widget) || + cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface) != gtk_widget_get_height (widget)) + create_surface (widget); + + update_rect.x = x - 3; + update_rect.y = y - 3; + update_rect.width = 6; + update_rect.height = 6; + + /* Paint to the surface, where we store our state */ + cr = cairo_create (surface); + + gdk_cairo_rectangle (cr, &update_rect); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static double start_x; +static double start_y; + +static void +drag_begin (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + start_x = x; + start_y = y; + + draw_brush (area, x, y); +} + +static void +drag_update (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + draw_brush (area, start_x + x, start_y + y); +} + +static void +drag_end (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + draw_brush (area, start_x + x, start_y + y); +} + +static void +oval_path (cairo_t *cr, + double xc, double yc, + double xr, double yr) +{ + cairo_save (cr); + + cairo_translate (cr, xc, yc); + cairo_scale (cr, 1.0, yr / xr); + cairo_move_to (cr, xr, 0.0); + cairo_arc (cr, + 0, 0, + xr, + 0, 2 * G_PI); + cairo_close_path (cr); + + cairo_restore (cr); +} + +/* Fill the given area with checks in the standard style + * for showing compositing effects. + * + * It would make sense to do this as a repeating surface, + * but most implementations of RENDER currently have broken + * implementations of repeat + transform, even when the + * transform is a translation. + */ +static void +fill_checks (cairo_t *cr, + int x, int y, + int width, int height) +{ + int i, j; + +#define CHECK_SIZE 16 + + cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, width, height); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4); + cairo_fill (cr); + + /* Only works for CHECK_SIZE a power of 2 */ + j = x & (-CHECK_SIZE); + + for (; j < height; j += CHECK_SIZE) + { + i = y & (-CHECK_SIZE); + for (; i < width; i += CHECK_SIZE) + if ((i / CHECK_SIZE + j / CHECK_SIZE) % 2 == 0) + cairo_rectangle (cr, i, j, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE); + } + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7); + cairo_fill (cr); + +#undef CHECK_SIZE +} + +/* Draw a red, green, and blue circle equally spaced inside + * the larger circle of radius r at (xc, yc) + */ +static void +draw_3circles (cairo_t *cr, + double xc, double yc, + double radius, + double alpha) +{ + double subradius = radius * (2 / 3. - 0.1); + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0., alpha); + oval_path (cr, + xc + radius / 3. * cos (G_PI * (0.5)), + yc - radius / 3. * sin (G_PI * (0.5)), + subradius, subradius); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 1., 0., alpha); + oval_path (cr, + xc + radius / 3. * cos (G_PI * (0.5 + 2/.3)), + yc - radius / 3. * sin (G_PI * (0.5 + 2/.3)), + subradius, subradius); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 1., alpha); + oval_path (cr, + xc + radius / 3. * cos (G_PI * (0.5 + 4/.3)), + yc - radius / 3. * sin (G_PI * (0.5 + 4/.3)), + subradius, subradius); + cairo_fill (cr); +} + +static void +groups_draw (GtkDrawingArea *darea, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + cairo_surface_t *overlay, *punch, *circles; + cairo_t *overlay_cr, *punch_cr, *circles_cr; + + /* Fill the background */ + double radius = 0.5 * (width < height ? width : height) - 10; + double xc = width / 2.; + double yc = height / 2.; + + overlay = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (cr), + CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, + width, height); + + punch = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (cr), + CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA, + width, height); + + circles = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (cr), + CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, + width, height); + + fill_checks (cr, 0, 0, width, height); + + /* Draw a black circle on the overlay + */ + overlay_cr = cairo_create (overlay); + cairo_set_source_rgb (overlay_cr, 0., 0., 0.); + oval_path (overlay_cr, xc, yc, radius, radius); + cairo_fill (overlay_cr); + + /* Draw 3 circles to the punch surface, then cut + * that out of the main circle in the overlay + */ + punch_cr = cairo_create (punch); + draw_3circles (punch_cr, xc, yc, radius, 1.0); + cairo_destroy (punch_cr); + + cairo_set_operator (overlay_cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT); + cairo_set_source_surface (overlay_cr, punch, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (overlay_cr); + + /* Now draw the 3 circles in a subgroup again + * at half intensity, and use OperatorAdd to join up + * without seams. + */ + circles_cr = cairo_create (circles); + + cairo_set_operator (circles_cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); + draw_3circles (circles_cr, xc, yc, radius, 0.5); + cairo_destroy (circles_cr); + + cairo_set_operator (overlay_cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD); + cairo_set_source_surface (overlay_cr, circles, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (overlay_cr); + + cairo_destroy (overlay_cr); + + cairo_set_source_surface (cr, overlay, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_surface_destroy (overlay); + cairo_surface_destroy (punch); + cairo_surface_destroy (circles); +} + +static void +close_window (void) +{ + window = NULL; + + if (surface) + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + surface = NULL; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_drawingarea (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *da; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkGesture *drag; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Drawing Area"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 250, -1); + + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 16); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + /* + * Create the groups area + */ + label = gtk_label_new ("Knockout groups"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (frame, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + da = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_width (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), 100); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_height (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), 100); + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), groups_draw, NULL, NULL); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), da); + + /* + * Create the scribble area + */ + + label = gtk_label_new ("Scribble area"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (frame, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + da = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_width (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), 100); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_height (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), 100); + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), scribble_draw, NULL, NULL); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), da); + + g_signal_connect (da, "resize", + G_CALLBACK (scribble_resize), NULL); + + drag = gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (drag), 0); + gtk_widget_add_controller (da, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drag)); + + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), da); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-update", G_CALLBACK (drag_update), da); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-end", G_CALLBACK (drag_end), da); + + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dropdown.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dropdown.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4d001f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/dropdown.c @@ -0,0 +1,571 @@ +/* Lists/Selections + * + * The GtkDropDown widget is a modern alternative to GtkComboBox. + * It uses list models instead of tree models, and the content is + * displayed using widgets instead of cell renderers. + * + * This example also shows a custom widget that can replace + * GtkEntryCompletion or GtkComboBoxText. It is not currently + * part of GTK. + */ + +#include +#include "suggestionentry.h" + +#define STRING_TYPE_HOLDER (string_holder_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (StringHolder, string_holder, STRING, HOLDER, GObject) + +struct _StringHolder { + GObject parent_instance; + char *title; + char *icon; + char *description; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (StringHolder, string_holder, G_TYPE_OBJECT); + +static void +string_holder_init (StringHolder *holder) +{ +} + +static void +string_holder_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + StringHolder *holder = STRING_HOLDER (object); + + g_free (holder->title); + g_free (holder->icon); + g_free (holder->description); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (string_holder_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +string_holder_class_init (StringHolderClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = string_holder_finalize; +} + +static StringHolder * +string_holder_new (const char *title, const char *icon, const char *description) +{ + StringHolder *holder = g_object_new (STRING_TYPE_HOLDER, NULL); + holder->title = g_strdup (title); + holder->icon = g_strdup (icon); + holder->description = g_strdup (description); + return holder; +} + +static void +strings_setup_item_single_line (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *image, *title; + GtkWidget *checkmark; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + + image = gtk_image_new (); + title = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (title), 0.0); + checkmark = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("object-select-symbolic"); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), image); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), title); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), checkmark); + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "title", title); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "image", image); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "checkmark", checkmark); + + gtk_list_item_set_child (item, box); +} + +static void +strings_setup_item_full (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *box2, *image, *title, *description; + GtkWidget *checkmark; + + image = gtk_image_new (); + title = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (title), 0.0); + description = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (description), 0.0); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (description, "dim-label"); + checkmark = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("object-select-symbolic"); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + box2 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 2); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), image); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), box2); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), title); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), description); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), checkmark); + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "title", title); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "image", image); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "description", description); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "checkmark", checkmark); + + gtk_list_item_set_child (item, box); +} + +static void +selected_item_changed (GtkDropDown *dropdown, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *checkmark; + + checkmark = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "checkmark"); + + if (gtk_drop_down_get_selected_item (dropdown) == gtk_list_item_get_item (item)) + gtk_widget_set_opacity (checkmark, 1.0); + else + gtk_widget_set_opacity (checkmark, 0.0); +} + +static void +strings_bind_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkDropDown *dropdown = data; + GtkWidget *image, *title, *description; + GtkWidget *checkmark; + StringHolder *holder; + GtkWidget *popup; + + holder = gtk_list_item_get_item (item); + + title = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "title"); + image = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "image"); + description = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "description"); + checkmark = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "checkmark"); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (title), holder->title); + if (image) + { + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (image), holder->icon); + gtk_widget_set_visible (image, holder->icon != NULL); + } + if (description) + { + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (description), holder->description); + gtk_widget_set_visible (description , holder->description != NULL); + } + + popup = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (title, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER); + if (popup && gtk_widget_is_ancestor (popup, GTK_WIDGET (dropdown))) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (checkmark, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (dropdown, "notify::selected-item", + G_CALLBACK (selected_item_changed), item); + selected_item_changed (dropdown, NULL, item); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (checkmark, FALSE); + } +} + +static void +strings_unbind_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkDropDown *dropdown = data; + + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (dropdown, selected_item_changed, list_item); +} + +static GtkListItemFactory * +strings_factory_new (gpointer data, gboolean full) +{ + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + if (full) + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (strings_setup_item_full), data); + else + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (strings_setup_item_single_line), data); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (strings_bind_item), data); + g_signal_connect (factory, "unbind", G_CALLBACK (strings_unbind_item), data); + + return factory; +} + +static GListModel * +strings_model_new (const char *const *titles, + const char *const *icons, + const char *const *descriptions) +{ + GListStore *store; + int i; + + store = g_list_store_new (STRING_TYPE_HOLDER); + for (i = 0; titles[i]; i++) + { + StringHolder *holder = string_holder_new (titles[i], + icons ? icons[i] : NULL, + descriptions ? descriptions[i] : NULL); + g_list_store_append (store, holder); + g_object_unref (holder); + } + + return G_LIST_MODEL (store); +} + +static GtkWidget * +drop_down_new_from_strings (const char *const *titles, + const char *const *icons, + const char *const *descriptions) +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + GListModel *model; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + GtkListItemFactory *list_factory; + + g_return_val_if_fail (titles != NULL, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (icons == NULL || g_strv_length ((char **)icons) == g_strv_length ((char **)titles), NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (descriptions == NULL || g_strv_length ((char **)icons) == g_strv_length ((char **)descriptions), NULL); + + model = strings_model_new (titles, icons, descriptions); + widget = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DROP_DOWN, + "model", model, + NULL); + g_object_unref (model); + + factory = strings_factory_new (widget, FALSE); + if (icons != NULL || descriptions != NULL) + list_factory = strings_factory_new (widget, TRUE); + else + list_factory = NULL; + + g_object_set (widget, + "factory", factory, + "list-factory", list_factory, + NULL); + + g_object_unref (factory); + if (list_factory) + g_object_unref (list_factory); + + return widget; +} + +static char * +get_family_name (gpointer item) +{ + return g_strdup (pango_font_family_get_name (PANGO_FONT_FAMILY (item))); +} + +static char * +get_title (gpointer item) +{ + return g_strdup (STRING_HOLDER (item)->title); +} + +static char * +get_file_name (gpointer item) +{ + return g_strdup (g_file_info_get_display_name (G_FILE_INFO (item))); +} + +static void +setup_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *icon; + GtkWidget *label; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + icon = gtk_image_new (); + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), icon); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + gtk_list_item_set_child (item, box); +} + +static void +bind_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + MatchObject *match = MATCH_OBJECT (gtk_list_item_get_item (item)); + GFileInfo *info = G_FILE_INFO (match_object_get_item (match)); + GtkWidget *box = gtk_list_item_get_child (item); + GtkWidget *icon = gtk_widget_get_first_child (box); + GtkWidget *label = gtk_widget_get_last_child (box); + + gtk_image_set_from_gicon (GTK_IMAGE (icon), g_file_info_get_icon (info)); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), g_file_info_get_display_name (info)); +} + +static void +setup_highlight_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (item, label); +} + +static void +bind_highlight_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + MatchObject *obj; + GtkWidget *label; + PangoAttrList *attrs; + PangoAttribute *attr; + const char *str; + + obj = MATCH_OBJECT (gtk_list_item_get_item (item)); + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (item); + + str = match_object_get_string (obj); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), str); + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + attr = pango_attr_weight_new (PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD); + attr->start_index = match_object_get_match_start (obj); + attr->end_index = match_object_get_match_end (obj); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label), attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); +} + +static void +match_func (MatchObject *obj, + const char *search, + gpointer user_data) +{ + char *tmp1, *tmp2; + char *p; + + tmp1 = g_utf8_normalize (match_object_get_string (obj), -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); + tmp2 = g_utf8_normalize (search, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); + + if ((p = strstr (tmp1, tmp2)) != NULL) + match_object_set_match (obj, + p - tmp1, + (p - tmp1) + g_utf8_strlen (search, -1), + 1); + else + match_object_set_match (obj, 0, 0, 0); + + g_free (tmp1); + g_free (tmp2); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_dropdown (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *button, *box, *spin, *check, *hbox, *label, *entry; + GListModel *model; + GtkExpression *expression; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + const char * const times[] = { "1 minute", "2 minutes", "5 minutes", "20 minutes", NULL }; + const char * const many_times[] = { + "1 minute", "2 minutes", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", + "25 minutes", "30 minutes", "35 minutes", "40 minutes", "45 minutes", "50 minutes", + "55 minutes", "1 hour", "2 hours", "3 hours", "5 hours", "6 hours", "7 hours", + "8 hours", "9 hours", "10 hours", "11 hours", "12 hours", NULL + }; + const char * const device_titles[] = { "Digital Output", "Headphones", "Digital Output", "Analog Output", NULL }; + const char * const device_icons[] = { "audio-card-symbolic", "audio-headphones-symbolic", "audio-card-symbolic", "audio-card-symbolic", NULL }; + const char * const device_descriptions[] = { + "Built-in Audio", "Built-in audio", "Thinkpad Tunderbolt 3 Dock USB Audio", "Thinkpad Tunderbolt 3 Dock USB Audio", NULL + }; + char *cwd; + GFile *file; + GListModel *dir; + GtkStringList *strings; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Selections"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 20); + + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (hbox, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (hbox, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (hbox, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (hbox, 20); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), hbox); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 10); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), box); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Dropdowns"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "title-4"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + /* A basic dropdown */ + button = drop_down_new_from_strings (times, NULL, NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + + /* A dropdown using an expression to obtain strings */ + button = drop_down_new_from_strings (many_times, NULL, NULL); + gtk_drop_down_set_enable_search (GTK_DROP_DOWN (button), TRUE); + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, NULL, + 0, NULL, + (GCallback)get_title, + NULL, NULL); + gtk_drop_down_set_expression (GTK_DROP_DOWN (button), expression); + gtk_expression_unref (expression); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + + button = gtk_drop_down_new (NULL, NULL); + + model = G_LIST_MODEL (pango_cairo_font_map_get_default ()); + gtk_drop_down_set_model (GTK_DROP_DOWN (button), model); + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (button), 0); + + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, NULL, + 0, NULL, + (GCallback)get_family_name, + NULL, NULL); + gtk_drop_down_set_expression (GTK_DROP_DOWN (button), expression); + gtk_expression_unref (expression); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + + spin = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (-1, g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (model)), 1); + gtk_widget_set_halign (spin, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (spin, 20); + g_object_bind_property (button, "selected", spin, "value", G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE | G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), spin); + + check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("Enable search"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (check, 20); + g_object_bind_property (button, "enable-search", check, "active", G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE | G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), check); + + g_object_unref (model); + + /* A dropdown with a separate list factory */ + button = drop_down_new_from_strings (device_titles, device_icons, device_descriptions); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 10); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), box); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Suggestions"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "title-4"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + /* A basic suggestion entry */ + entry = suggestion_entry_new (); + g_object_set (entry, "placeholder-text", "Words with T or G…", NULL); + strings = gtk_string_list_new ((const char *[]){ + "GNOME", + "gnominious", + "Gnomonic projection", + "total", + "totally", + "toto", + "tottery", + "totterer", + "Totten trust", + "totipotent", + "totipotency", + "totemism", + "totem pole", + "Totara", + "totalizer", + "totalizator", + "totalitarianism", + "total parenteral nutrition", + "total hysterectomy", + "total eclipse", + "Totipresence", + "Totipalmi", + "Tomboy", + "zombie", + NULL}); + suggestion_entry_set_model (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), G_LIST_MODEL (strings)); + g_object_unref (strings); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + /* A suggestion entry using a custom model, and no filtering */ + entry = suggestion_entry_new (); + + cwd = g_get_current_dir (); + file = g_file_new_for_path (cwd); + dir = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_directory_list_new ("standard::display-name,standard::content-type,standard::icon,standard::size", file)); + suggestion_entry_set_model (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), dir); + g_object_unref (dir); + g_object_unref (file); + g_free (cwd); + + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, NULL, + 0, NULL, + (GCallback)get_file_name, + NULL, NULL); + suggestion_entry_set_expression (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), expression); + gtk_expression_unref (expression); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_item), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_item), NULL); + + suggestion_entry_set_factory (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), factory); + g_object_unref (factory); + + suggestion_entry_set_use_filter (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), FALSE); + suggestion_entry_set_show_arrow (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), TRUE); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + /* A suggestion entry with match highlighting */ + entry = suggestion_entry_new (); + g_object_set (entry, "placeholder-text", "Destination", NULL); + + strings = gtk_string_list_new ((const char *[]){ + "app-mockups", + "settings-mockups", + "os-mockups", + "software-mockups", + "mocktails", + NULL}); + suggestion_entry_set_model (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), G_LIST_MODEL (strings)); + g_object_unref (strings); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + suggestion_entry_set_match_func (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), match_func, NULL, NULL); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_highlight_item), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_highlight_item), NULL); + suggestion_entry_set_factory (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry), factory); + g_object_unref (factory); + + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ducky.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ducky.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1cbd352 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ducky.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/e_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/e_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f06bf462 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/e_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/editable_cells.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/editable_cells.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2ca17b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/editable_cells.c @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +/* Tree View/Editable Cells + * + * This demo demonstrates the use of editable cells in a GtkTreeView. If + * you're new to the GtkTreeView widgets and associates, look into + * the GtkListStore example first. It also shows how to use the + * GtkCellRenderer::editing-started signal to do custom setup of the + * editable widget. + * + * The cell renderers used in this demo are GtkCellRendererText, + * GtkCellRendererCombo and GtkCellRendererProgress. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +typedef struct +{ + int number; + char *product; + int yummy; +} +Item; + +enum +{ + COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, + COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT, + COLUMN_ITEM_YUMMY, + NUM_ITEM_COLUMNS +}; + +enum +{ + COLUMN_NUMBER_TEXT, + NUM_NUMBER_COLUMNS +}; + +static GArray *articles = NULL; + +static void +add_items (void) +{ + Item foo; + + g_return_if_fail (articles != NULL); + + foo.number = 3; + foo.product = g_strdup ("bottles of coke"); + foo.yummy = 20; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); + + foo.number = 5; + foo.product = g_strdup ("packages of noodles"); + foo.yummy = 50; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); + + foo.number = 2; + foo.product = g_strdup ("packages of chocolate chip cookies"); + foo.yummy = 90; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); + + foo.number = 1; + foo.product = g_strdup ("can vanilla ice cream"); + foo.yummy = 60; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); + + foo.number = 6; + foo.product = g_strdup ("eggs"); + foo.yummy = 10; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); +} + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_items_model (void) +{ + int i = 0; + GtkListStore *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + /* create array */ + articles = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (Item), 1); + + add_items (); + + /* create list store */ + model = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_ITEM_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); + + /* add items */ + for (i = 0; i < articles->len; i++) + { + gtk_list_store_append (model, &iter); + + gtk_list_store_set (model, &iter, + COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).number, + COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT, + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).product, + COLUMN_ITEM_YUMMY, + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).yummy, + -1); + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (model); +} + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_numbers_model (void) +{ +#define N_NUMBERS 10 + int i = 0; + GtkListStore *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + /* create list store */ + model = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_NUMBER_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT); + + /* add numbers */ + for (i = 0; i < N_NUMBERS; i++) + { + char str[2]; + + str[0] = '0' + i; + str[1] = '\0'; + + gtk_list_store_append (model, &iter); + + gtk_list_store_set (model, &iter, + COLUMN_NUMBER_TEXT, str, + -1); + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (model); + +#undef N_NUMBERS +} + +static void +add_item (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data) +{ + Item foo; + GtkTreeIter current, iter; + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + GtkTreeView *treeview = (GtkTreeView *)data; + + g_return_if_fail (articles != NULL); + + foo.number = 0; + foo.product = g_strdup ("Description here"); + foo.yummy = 50; + g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1); + + /* Insert a new row below the current one */ + gtk_tree_view_get_cursor (treeview, &path, NULL); + model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (treeview); + if (path) + { + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, ¤t, path); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + gtk_list_store_insert_after (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, ¤t); + } + else + { + gtk_list_store_insert (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, -1); + } + + /* Set the data for the new row */ + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, + COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, foo.number, + COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT, foo.product, + COLUMN_ITEM_YUMMY, foo.yummy, + -1); + + /* Move focus to the new row */ + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &iter); + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (treeview, 0); + gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (treeview, path, column, FALSE); + + gtk_tree_path_free (path); +} + +static void +remove_item (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkTreeView *treeview = (GtkTreeView *)data; + GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (treeview); + GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (treeview); + + if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter)) + { + int i; + GtkTreePath *path; + + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &iter); + i = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]; + gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter); + + g_array_remove_index (articles, i); + + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + } +} + +static gboolean +separator_row (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreePath *path; + int idx; + + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, iter); + idx = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]; + + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return idx == 5; +} + +static void +editing_started (GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkCellEditable *editable, + const char *path, + gpointer data) +{ + gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func (GTK_COMBO_BOX (editable), + separator_row, NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +cell_edited (GtkCellRendererText *cell, + const char *path_string, + const char *new_text, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeModel *model = (GtkTreeModel *)data; + GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_string); + GtkTreeIter iter; + + int column = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (cell), "column")); + + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); + + switch (column) + { + case COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER: + { + int i; + + i = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]; + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).number = atoi (new_text); + + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, column, + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).number, -1); + } + break; + + case COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT: + { + int i; + char *old_text; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, column, &old_text, -1); + g_free (old_text); + + i = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]; + g_free (g_array_index (articles, Item, i).product); + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).product = g_strdup (new_text); + + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, column, + g_array_index (articles, Item, i).product, -1); + } + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + gtk_tree_path_free (path); +} + +static void +add_columns (GtkTreeView *treeview, + GtkTreeModel *items_model, + GtkTreeModel *numbers_model) +{ + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + + /* number column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_combo_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, + "model", numbers_model, + "text-column", COLUMN_NUMBER_TEXT, + "has-entry", FALSE, + "editable", TRUE, + NULL); + g_signal_connect (renderer, "edited", + G_CALLBACK (cell_edited), items_model); + g_signal_connect (renderer, "editing-started", + G_CALLBACK (editing_started), NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", GINT_TO_POINTER (COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER)); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Number", renderer, + "text", COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, + NULL); + + /* product column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, + "editable", TRUE, + NULL); + g_signal_connect (renderer, "edited", + G_CALLBACK (cell_edited), items_model); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", GINT_TO_POINTER (COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT)); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Product", renderer, + "text", COLUMN_ITEM_PRODUCT, + NULL); + + /* yummy column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_progress_new (); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", GINT_TO_POINTER (COLUMN_ITEM_YUMMY)); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Yummy", renderer, + "value", COLUMN_ITEM_YUMMY, + NULL); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_editable_cells (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *treeview; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkTreeModel *items_model; + GtkTreeModel *numbers_model; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Editable Cells"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 5); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), + gtk_label_new ("Shopping list (you can edit the cells!)")); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), sw); + + /* create models */ + items_model = create_items_model (); + numbers_model = create_numbers_model (); + + /* create tree view */ + treeview = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (items_model); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (treeview, TRUE); + gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)), + GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); + + add_columns (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), items_model, numbers_model); + + g_object_unref (numbers_model); + g_object_unref (items_model); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), treeview); + + /* some buttons */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 4); + gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (hbox), TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Add item"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (add_item), treeview); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Remove item"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (remove_item), treeview); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 320, 200); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_completion.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_completion.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..614571f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_completion.c @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/* Entry/Completion + * + * GtkEntryCompletion provides a mechanism for adding support for + * completion in GtkEntry. + * + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +/* Creates a tree model containing the completions */ +static GtkTreeModel * +create_completion_model (void) +{ + const char *strings[] = { + "GNOME", + "gnominious", + "Gnomonic projection", + "Gnosophy", + "total", + "totally", + "toto", + "tottery", + "totterer", + "Totten trust", + "Tottenham hotspurs", + "totipotent", + "totipotency", + "totemism", + "totem pole", + "Totara", + "totalizer", + "totalizator", + "totalitarianism", + "total parenteral nutrition", + "total eclipse", + "Totipresence", + "Totipalmi", + "zombie", + "aæx", + "aæy", + "aæz", + NULL + }; + int i; + GtkListStore *store; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + store = gtk_list_store_new (1, G_TYPE_STRING); + + for (i = 0; strings[i]; i++) + { + /* Append one word */ + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, strings[i], -1); + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); +} + + +GtkWidget * +do_entry_completion (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkEntryCompletion *completion; + GtkTreeModel *completion_model; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Completion"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 18); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "Try writing total or gnome for example."); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + /* Create our entry */ + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), entry); + + /* Create the completion object */ + completion = gtk_entry_completion_new (); + + /* Assign the completion to the entry */ + gtk_entry_set_completion (GTK_ENTRY (entry), completion); + g_object_unref (completion); + + /* Create a tree model and use it as the completion model */ + completion_model = create_completion_model (); + gtk_entry_completion_set_model (completion, completion_model); + g_object_unref (completion_model); + + /* Use model column 0 as the text column */ + gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column (completion, 0); + + gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion (completion, TRUE); + gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_selection (completion, TRUE); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_undo.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_undo.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..48ee0e8b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/entry_undo.c @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* Entry/Undo and Redo + * + * GtkEntry can provide basic Undo/Redo support using standard keyboard + * accelerators such as Control+z to undo and Control+Shift+z to redo. + * Additionally, Control+y can be used to redo. + * + * Use gtk_entry_set_enable_undo() to enable undo/redo support. + */ + +#include +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_entry_undo (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *entry; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Undo and Redo"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 18); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), + "Use Control+z or Control+Shift+z to undo or redo changes"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + /* Create our entry */ + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_editable_set_enable_undo (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), entry); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3a9bbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.c @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* Error States + * + * GtkLabel and GtkEntry can indicate errors if you set the .error + * style class on them. + * + * This examples shows how this can be used in a dialog for input validation. + * + * It also shows how pass callbacks and objects to GtkBuilder with + * GtkBuilderScope and gtk_builder_expose_object(). + */ + +#include +#include + +static void +validate_more_details (GtkEntry *entry, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkEntry *details) +{ + if (strlen (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry))) > 0 && + strlen (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (details))) == 0) + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "Must have details first"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), ""); + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + } +} + +static gboolean +mode_switch_state_set (GtkSwitch *sw, + gboolean state, + GtkWidget *scale) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + + label = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (sw), "error_label")); + + if (!state || + (gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (scale)) > 50)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, FALSE); + gtk_switch_set_state (sw, state); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, TRUE); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +level_scale_value_changed (GtkRange *range, + GtkWidget *sw) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + + label = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (sw), "error_label")); + + if (gtk_switch_get_active (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + !gtk_switch_get_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + (gtk_range_get_value (range) > 50)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, FALSE); + gtk_switch_set_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw), TRUE); + } + else if (gtk_switch_get_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + (gtk_range_get_value (range) <= 50)) + { + gtk_switch_set_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw), FALSE); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_errorstates (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *toplevel; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkWidget *sw, *label; + + toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (do_widget)); + + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, validate_more_details); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, mode_switch_state_set); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, level_scale_value_changed); + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + gtk_builder_expose_object (builder, "toplevel", G_OBJECT (toplevel)); + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/errorstates/errorstates.ui", NULL); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "dialog")); + + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + sw = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "mode_switch")); + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "error_label")); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (sw), "error_label", label); + + g_object_unref (builder); + g_object_unref (scope); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1f423e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/errorstates.ui @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ + + + + toplevel + 1 + 0 + 1 + Error States + 1 + + + + + 10 + 10 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + + + end + baseline + _Details + 1 + details_entry + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + baseline + + + 1 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + end + baseline + More D_etails + 1 + more_details_entry + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + baseline + + + 1 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + end + baseline + _Level + 1 + level_scale + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + baseline + 0 + + + 100 + 0 + 50 + 1 + 10 + + + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + end + baseline + _Mode + 1 + mode_switch + + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + start + baseline + + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + 0 + start + baseline + Level too low + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ew_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ew_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8dbd462b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ew_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/expander.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/expander.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e350cb77 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/expander.c @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Expander + * + * GtkExpander allows to provide additional content that is initially hidden. + * This is also known as "disclosure triangle". + * + * This example also shows how to make the window resizable only if the expander + * is expanded. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +static void +response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, int response_id) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + window = NULL; +} + +static void +expander_cb (GtkExpander *expander, GParamSpec *pspec, GtkWindow *dialog) +{ + gtk_window_set_resizable (dialog, gtk_expander_get_expanded (expander)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_expander (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *toplevel; + GtkWidget *area; + GtkWidget *expander; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *tv; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start; + GtkTextIter end; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + if (!window) + { + toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (do_widget)); + window = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), + 0, + GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, + GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, + "%s", + "Something went wrong"); + gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (window), + "Here are some more details " + "but not the full story."); + + area = gtk_message_dialog_get_message_area (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (window)); + + label = gtk_widget_get_last_child (area); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (label, FALSE); + + expander = gtk_expander_new ("Details:"); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (expander, TRUE); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_min_content_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), 100); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_propagate_natural_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + + tv = gtk_text_view_new (); + + g_object_set (tv, + "left-margin", 10, + "right-margin", 10, + "top-margin", 10, + "bottom-margin", 10, + NULL); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv)); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_above_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 2); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 2); + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, + "Finally, the full story with all details. " + "And all the inside information, including " + "error codes, etc etc. Pages of information, " + "you might have to scroll down to read it all, " + "or even resize the window - it works !\n" + "A second paragraph will contain even more " + "innuendo, just to make you scroll down or " + "resize the window.\n" + "Do it already!\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &start); + paintable = GDK_PAINTABLE (gdk_texture_new_from_resource ("/cursors/images/gtk_logo_cursor.png")); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_paintable (buffer, &start, paintable); + g_object_unref (paintable); + gtk_text_iter_backward_char (&start); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, + "pixels-above-lines", 200, + "justification", GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start, &end); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), tv); + gtk_expander_set_child (GTK_EXPANDER (expander), sw); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (area), expander); + g_signal_connect (expander, "notify::expanded", + G_CALLBACK (expander_cb), window); + + g_signal_connect (window, "response", G_CALLBACK (response_cb), NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f91b0e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.c @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* Tree View/Filter Model + * #Keywords: GtkTreeView + * + * This example demonstrates how GtkTreeModelFilter can be used not + * just to show a subset of the rows, but also to compute columns + * that are not actually present in the underlying model. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +enum { + WIDTH_COLUMN, + HEIGHT_COLUMN, + AREA_COLUMN, + SQUARE_COLUMN +}; + +static void +format_number (GtkTreeViewColumn *col, + GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + int num; + char *text; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, GPOINTER_TO_INT (data), &num, -1); + text = g_strdup_printf ("%d", num); + g_object_set (cell, "text", text, NULL); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +filter_modify_func (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + GValue *value, + int column, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeModelFilter *filter_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model); + int width, height; + GtkTreeModel *child_model; + GtkTreeIter child_iter; + + child_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model (filter_model); + gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (filter_model, &child_iter, iter); + + gtk_tree_model_get (child_model, &child_iter, + WIDTH_COLUMN, &width, + HEIGHT_COLUMN, &height, + -1); + + switch (column) + { + case WIDTH_COLUMN: + g_value_set_int (value, width); + break; + case HEIGHT_COLUMN: + g_value_set_int (value, height); + break; + case AREA_COLUMN: + g_value_set_int (value, width * height); + break; + case SQUARE_COLUMN: + g_value_set_boolean (value, width == height); + break; + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } +} + +static gboolean +visible_func (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + int width; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + WIDTH_COLUMN, &width, + -1); + + return width < 10; +} + +static void +cell_edited (GtkCellRendererSpin *cell, + const char *path_string, + const char *new_text, + GtkListStore *store) +{ + int val; + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + int column; + + path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_string); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + column = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (cell), "column")); + + val = atoi (new_text); + + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, column, val, -1); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_filtermodel (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *tree; + GtkListStore *store; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + GtkCellRenderer *cell; + GType types[4]; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/filtermodel/filtermodel.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + store = (GtkListStore*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "liststore1"); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn1"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext1"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (WIDTH_COLUMN), NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (cell), "column", GINT_TO_POINTER (WIDTH_COLUMN)); + g_signal_connect (cell, "edited", G_CALLBACK (cell_edited), store); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn2"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext2"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (HEIGHT_COLUMN), NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (cell), "column", GINT_TO_POINTER (HEIGHT_COLUMN)); + g_signal_connect (cell, "edited", G_CALLBACK (cell_edited), store); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn3"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext3"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (WIDTH_COLUMN), NULL); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn4"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext4"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (HEIGHT_COLUMN), NULL); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn5"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext5"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (AREA_COLUMN), NULL); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn6"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrendererpixbuf1"); + gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute (column, cell, "visible", SQUARE_COLUMN); + + tree = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeview2"); + + types[WIDTH_COLUMN] = G_TYPE_INT; + types[HEIGHT_COLUMN] = G_TYPE_INT; + types[AREA_COLUMN] = G_TYPE_INT; + types[SQUARE_COLUMN] = G_TYPE_BOOLEAN; + model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), NULL); + gtk_tree_model_filter_set_modify_func (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model), + G_N_ELEMENTS (types), types, + filter_modify_func, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), model); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn7"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext6"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (WIDTH_COLUMN), NULL); + + column = (GtkTreeViewColumn*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeviewcolumn8"); + cell = (GtkCellRenderer*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cellrenderertext7"); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell, + format_number, GINT_TO_POINTER (HEIGHT_COLUMN), NULL); + + tree = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "treeview3"); + + model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), NULL); + gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model), + visible_func, NULL, NULL); + gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), model); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4f3444e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/filtermodel.ui @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ + + + + + + + + + + 10 + 20 + + + 5 + 25 + + + 15 + 15 + + + + + 5 + 50 + 1 + 5 + + + Filter Model + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + + + Original + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + liststore1 + 0 + + + + + + Width + + + 1 + adj + + + + + + + Height + + + 1 + adj + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Width + + + + + + + + Height + + + + + + + + Area + + + + + + + + Square + + + object-select-symbolic + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + Computed Columns + 0 + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + Filtered + 0 + + + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Width + + + + + + + + Height + + + + + + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40e1bbb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.c @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +/* Benchmark/Fishbowl + * + * This demo models the fishbowl demos seen on the web in a GTK way. + * It's also a neat little tool to see how fast your computer (or + * your GTK version) is. + */ + +#include + +#include "gtkfishbowl.h" +#include "gtkgears.h" +#include "gskshaderpaintable.h" + +const char *const css = +".blurred-button {" +" box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);" +"}" +""; + +char **icon_names = NULL; +gsize n_icon_names = 0; + +static void +init_icon_names (GtkIconTheme *theme) +{ + if (icon_names) + return; + + icon_names = gtk_icon_theme_get_icon_names (theme); + n_icon_names = g_strv_length (icon_names); +} + +static const char * +get_random_icon_name (GtkIconTheme *theme) +{ + init_icon_names (theme); + + return icon_names[g_random_int_range(0, n_icon_names)]; +} + +/* Can't be static because it's also used in iconscroll.c */ +GtkWidget * +create_icon (void) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + + image = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (image), + get_random_icon_name (gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (image)))); + + return image; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_button (void) +{ + return gtk_button_new_with_label ("Button"); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_blurred_button (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_button_new (); + + gtk_widget_add_css_class (w, "blurred-button"); + + return w; +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS +static GtkWidget * +create_font_button (void) +{ + return gtk_font_button_new (); +} +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget * +create_level_bar (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_level_bar_new_for_interval (0, 100); + + gtk_level_bar_set_value (GTK_LEVEL_BAR (w), 50); + + /* Force them to be a bit larger */ + gtk_widget_set_size_request (w, 200, -1); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_spinner (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_spinner_new (); + + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (w)); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_spinbutton (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (0, 10, 1); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_label (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new ("pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."); + + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (w), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_max_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (w), 100); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_video (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_video_new (); + + gtk_widget_set_size_request (w, 64, 64); + gtk_video_set_loop (GTK_VIDEO (w), TRUE); + gtk_video_set_autoplay (GTK_VIDEO (w), TRUE); + gtk_video_set_resource (GTK_VIDEO (w), "/images/gtk-logo.webm"); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_gears (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_gears_new (); + + gtk_widget_set_size_request (w, 100, 100); + + return w; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_switch (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_switch_new (); + + gtk_switch_set_state (GTK_SWITCH (w), TRUE); + + return w; +} + +static gboolean +update_paintable (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GskShaderPaintable *paintable; + gint64 frame_time; + + paintable = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (widget))); + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + gsk_shader_paintable_update_time (paintable, 0, frame_time); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_cogs (void) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + static GskGLShader *cog_shader = NULL; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + if (cog_shader == NULL) + cog_shader = gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource ("/gltransition/cogs2.glsl"); + paintable = gsk_shader_paintable_new (g_object_ref (cog_shader), NULL); + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (picture, 150, 75); + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (picture, update_paintable, NULL, NULL); + + return picture; +} + +static void +mapped (GtkWidget *w) +{ + gtk_menu_button_popup (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (w)); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_menu_button (void) +{ + GtkWidget *w = gtk_menu_button_new (); + GtkWidget *popover = gtk_popover_new (); + + gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover), gtk_button_new_with_label ("Hey!")); + gtk_popover_set_autohide (GTK_POPOVER (popover), FALSE); + gtk_menu_button_set_popover (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (w), popover); + g_signal_connect (w, "map", G_CALLBACK (mapped), NULL); + + return w; +} + +static const struct { + const char *name; + GtkWidget * (*create_func) (void); +} widget_types[] = { + { "Icon", create_icon }, + { "Button", create_button }, + { "Blurbutton", create_blurred_button }, + { "Fontbutton", create_font_button }, + { "Levelbar", create_level_bar }, + { "Label", create_label }, + { "Spinner", create_spinner }, + { "Spinbutton", create_spinbutton }, + { "Video", create_video }, + { "Gears", create_gears }, + { "Switch", create_switch }, + { "Menubutton", create_menu_button }, + { "Shader", create_cogs }, +}; + +static int selected_widget_type = -1; +static const int N_WIDGET_TYPES = G_N_ELEMENTS (widget_types); + +static void +set_widget_type (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + int widget_type_index) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + + if (widget_type_index == selected_widget_type) + return; + + selected_widget_type = widget_type_index; + + gtk_fishbowl_set_creation_func (fishbowl, + widget_types[selected_widget_type].create_func); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl))); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), + widget_types[selected_widget_type].name); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +fishbowl_next_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *source, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = user_data; + int new_index; + + if (selected_widget_type + 1 >= N_WIDGET_TYPES) + new_index = 0; + else + new_index = selected_widget_type + 1; + + set_widget_type (fishbowl, new_index); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +fishbowl_prev_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *source, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = user_data; + int new_index; + + if (selected_widget_type - 1 < 0) + new_index = N_WIDGET_TYPES - 1; + else + new_index = selected_widget_type - 1; + + set_widget_type (fishbowl, new_index); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +fishbowl_changes_toggled_cb (GtkToggleButton *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (button)) + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "changes-prevent"); + else + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "changes-allow"); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT char * +format_header_cb (GObject *object, + guint count, + double fps) +{ + return g_strdup_printf ("%u Icons, %.2f fps", count, fps); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_fishbowl (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + static GtkCssProvider *provider = NULL; + + if (provider == NULL) + { + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css, -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); + } + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *bowl; + + g_type_ensure (GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/fishbowl/fishbowl.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + bowl = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "bowl")); + selected_widget_type = -1; + set_widget_type (GTK_FISHBOWL (bowl), 0); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + + gtk_widget_realize (window); + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5d5a0985 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fishbowl.ui @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + Fishbowl + 400 + 400 + + + + + + + + go-previous-symbolic + + + + + + go-next-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + bowl + bowl + + + + + + + + + + changes-allow + 0 + + + + + + + + True + hidden + True + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44c0c2a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.c @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/* Fixed Layout + * #Keywords: GtkLayoutManager + * + * GtkFixed is a container that allows placing and transforming + * widgets manually. + */ + +#include + +/* This enumeration determines the paint order */ +enum { + FACE_BACK, + FACE_LEFT, + FACE_BOTTOM, + FACE_RIGHT, + FACE_TOP, + FACE_FRONT, + + N_FACES +}; + +/* Map face widgets to CSS classes */ +static struct { + GtkWidget *face; + const char *css_class; +} faces[N_FACES] = { + [FACE_BACK] = { NULL, "back", }, + [FACE_LEFT] = { NULL, "left", }, + [FACE_RIGHT] = { NULL, "right", }, + [FACE_TOP] = { NULL, "top", }, + [FACE_BOTTOM] = { NULL, "bottom", }, + [FACE_FRONT] = { NULL, "front", }, +}; + +static GtkWidget * +create_faces (void) +{ + GtkWidget *fixed = gtk_fixed_new (); + int face_size = 200; + float w, h, d, p; + + gtk_widget_set_overflow (fixed, GTK_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE); + + w = (float) face_size / 2.f; + h = (float) face_size / 2.f; + d = (float) face_size / 2.f; + p = face_size * 3.f; + + for (int i = 0; i < N_FACES; i++) + { + GskTransform *transform = NULL; + + /* Add a face */ + faces[i].face = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (faces[i].face, face_size, face_size); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (faces[i].face, faces[i].css_class); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (fixed), faces[i].face, 0, 0); + + /* Set up the transformation for each face */ + transform = gsk_transform_translate (transform, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (w, h)); + transform = gsk_transform_perspective (transform, p); + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, -30.f, graphene_vec3_x_axis ()); + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, 135.f, graphene_vec3_y_axis ()); + transform = gsk_transform_translate_3d (transform, &GRAPHENE_POINT3D_INIT (0, 0, -face_size / 6.f)); + + switch (i) + { + case FACE_FRONT: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, 0.f, graphene_vec3_y_axis ()); + break; + + case FACE_BACK: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, -180.f, graphene_vec3_y_axis ()); + break; + + case FACE_RIGHT: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, 90.f, graphene_vec3_y_axis ()); + break; + + case FACE_LEFT: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, -90.f, graphene_vec3_y_axis ()); + break; + + case FACE_TOP: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, 90.f, graphene_vec3_x_axis ()); + break; + + case FACE_BOTTOM: + transform = gsk_transform_rotate_3d (transform, -90.f, graphene_vec3_x_axis ()); + break; + + default: + break; + } + + transform = gsk_transform_translate_3d (transform, &GRAPHENE_POINT3D_INIT (0, 0, d)); + transform = gsk_transform_translate_3d (transform, &GRAPHENE_POINT3D_INIT (-w, -h, 0)); + + gtk_fixed_set_child_transform (GTK_FIXED (fixed), faces[i].face, transform); + gsk_transform_unref (transform); + } + + return fixed; +} + +static GtkWidget *demo_window = NULL; +static GtkCssProvider *provider = NULL; + +static void +close_window (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + /* Reset the state */ + for (int i = 0; i < N_FACES; i++) + faces[i].face = NULL; + + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider)); + provider = NULL; + + demo_window = NULL; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_demo_window (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *sw, *fixed, *cube; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Fixed Layout"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + + fixed = gtk_fixed_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), fixed); + gtk_widget_set_halign (GTK_WIDGET (fixed), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (GTK_WIDGET (fixed), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + cube = create_faces (); + gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (fixed), cube, 0, 0); + gtk_widget_set_overflow (fixed, GTK_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/fixed/fixed.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); + + return window; +} + +GtkWidget* +do_fixed (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (demo_window == NULL) + demo_window = create_demo_window (do_widget); + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (demo_window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (demo_window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (demo_window)); + + return demo_window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e62285e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fixed.css @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +frame.front { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(228, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + +frame.back { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(228, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + +frame.right { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(127, 231, 25, 0.8); +} + +frame.left { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(127, 231, 25, 0.8); +} + +frame.top { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(114, 159, 207, 0.8); +} + +frame.bottom { + border: 2px solid white; + background-color: rgba(114, 159, 207, 0.8); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/floppybuddy.gif b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/floppybuddy.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac986c8e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/floppybuddy.gif differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/flowbox.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/flowbox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..553d5b00 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/flowbox.c @@ -0,0 +1,750 @@ +/* Flow Box + * + * GtkFlowBox allows flexible and responsive grids which reflow + * as needed and support sorting and filtering. The children of + * a GtkFlowBox are regular widgets + * + * The dataset used here has 665 colors. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +static void +draw_color (GtkDrawingArea *drawingarea, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *color_name = data; + GdkRGBA rgba; + + if (gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, color_name)) + { + gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &rgba); + cairo_paint (cr); + } +} + +static GtkWidget * +color_swatch_new (const char *color) +{ + GtkWidget *button, *area; + + button = gtk_button_new (); + area = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_width (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (area), 24); + gtk_drawing_area_set_content_height (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (area), 24); + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (area), draw_color, (gpointer) color, NULL); + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (button), area); + + return button; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_flowbox (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *flowbox; + const char *colors[] = { + "AliceBlue", + "AntiqueWhite", + "AntiqueWhite1", + "AntiqueWhite2", + "AntiqueWhite3", + "AntiqueWhite4", + "aqua", + "aquamarine", + "aquamarine1", + "aquamarine2", + "aquamarine3", + "aquamarine4", + "azure", + "azure1", + "azure2", + "azure3", + "azure4", + "beige", + "bisque", + "bisque1", + "bisque2", + "bisque3", + "bisque4", + "black", + "BlanchedAlmond", + "blue", + "blue1", + "blue2", + "blue3", + "blue4", + "BlueViolet", + "brown", + "brown1", + "brown2", + "brown3", + "brown4", + "burlywood", + "burlywood1", + "burlywood2", + "burlywood3", + "burlywood4", + "CadetBlue", + "CadetBlue1", + "CadetBlue2", + "CadetBlue3", + "CadetBlue4", + "chartreuse", + "chartreuse1", + "chartreuse2", + "chartreuse3", + "chartreuse4", + "chocolate", + "chocolate1", + "chocolate2", + "chocolate3", + "chocolate4", + "coral", + "coral1", + "coral2", + "coral3", + "coral4", + "CornflowerBlue", + "cornsilk", + "cornsilk1", + "cornsilk2", + "cornsilk3", + "cornsilk4", + "crimson", + "cyan", + "cyan1", + "cyan2", + "cyan3", + "cyan4", + "DarkBlue", + "DarkCyan", + "DarkGoldenrod", + "DarkGoldenrod1", + "DarkGoldenrod2", + "DarkGoldenrod3", + "DarkGoldenrod4", + "DarkGray", + "DarkGreen", + "DarkGrey", + "DarkKhaki", + "DarkMagenta", + "DarkOliveGreen", + "DarkOliveGreen1", + "DarkOliveGreen2", + "DarkOliveGreen3", + "DarkOliveGreen4", + "DarkOrange", + "DarkOrange1", + "DarkOrange2", + "DarkOrange3", + "DarkOrange4", + "DarkOrchid", + "DarkOrchid1", + "DarkOrchid2", + "DarkOrchid3", + "DarkOrchid4", + "DarkRed", + "DarkSalmon", + "DarkSeaGreen", + "DarkSeaGreen1", + "DarkSeaGreen2", + "DarkSeaGreen3", + "DarkSeaGreen4", + "DarkSlateBlue", + "DarkSlateGray", + "DarkSlateGray1", + "DarkSlateGray2", + "DarkSlateGray3", + "DarkSlateGray4", + "DarkSlateGrey", + "DarkTurquoise", + "DarkViolet", + "DeepPink", + "DeepPink1", + "DeepPink2", + "DeepPink3", + "DeepPink4", + "DeepSkyBlue", + "DeepSkyBlue1", + "DeepSkyBlue2", + "DeepSkyBlue3", + "DeepSkyBlue4", + "DimGray", + "DimGrey", + "DodgerBlue", + "DodgerBlue1", + "DodgerBlue2", + "DodgerBlue3", + "DodgerBlue4", + "firebrick", + "firebrick1", + "firebrick2", + "firebrick3", + "firebrick4", + "FloralWhite", + "ForestGreen", + "fuchsia", + "gainsboro", + "GhostWhite", + "gold", + "gold1", + "gold2", + "gold3", + "gold4", + "goldenrod", + "goldenrod1", + "goldenrod2", + "goldenrod3", + "goldenrod4", + "gray", + "gray0", + "gray1", + "gray10", + "gray100", + "gray11", + "gray12", + "gray13", + "gray14", + "gray15", + "gray16", + "gray17", + "gray18", + "gray19", + "gray2", + "gray20", + "gray21", + "gray22", + "gray23", + "gray24", + "gray25", + "gray26", + "gray27", + "gray28", + "gray29", + "gray3", + "gray30", + "gray31", + "gray32", + "gray33", + "gray34", + "gray35", + "gray36", + "gray37", + "gray38", + "gray39", + "gray4", + "gray40", + "gray41", + "gray42", + "gray43", + "gray44", + "gray45", + "gray46", + "gray47", + "gray48", + "gray49", + "gray5", + "gray50", + "gray51", + "gray52", + "gray53", + "gray54", + "gray55", + "gray56", + "gray57", + "gray58", + "gray59", + "gray6", + "gray60", + "gray61", + "gray62", + "gray63", + "gray64", + "gray65", + "gray66", + "gray67", + "gray68", + "gray69", + "gray7", + "gray70", + "gray71", + "gray72", + "gray73", + "gray74", + "gray75", + "gray76", + "gray77", + "gray78", + "gray79", + "gray8", + "gray80", + "gray81", + "gray82", + "gray83", + "gray84", + "gray85", + "gray86", + "gray87", + "gray88", + "gray89", + "gray9", + "gray90", + "gray91", + "gray92", + "gray93", + "gray94", + "gray95", + "gray96", + "gray97", + "gray98", + "gray99", + "green", + "green1", + "green2", + "green3", + "green4", + "GreenYellow", + "grey", + "grey0", + "grey1", + "grey10", + "grey100", + "grey11", + "grey12", + "grey13", + "grey14", + "grey15", + "grey16", + "grey17", + "grey18", + "grey19", + "grey2", + "grey20", + "grey21", + "grey22", + "grey23", + "grey24", + "grey25", + "grey26", + "grey27", + "grey28", + "grey29", + "grey3", + "grey30", + "grey31", + "grey32", + "grey33", + "grey34", + "grey35", + "grey36", + "grey37", + "grey38", + "grey39", + "grey4", + "grey40", + "grey41", + "grey42", + "grey43", + "grey44", + "grey45", + "grey46", + "grey47", + "grey48", + "grey49", + "grey5", + "grey50", + "grey51", + "grey52", + "grey53", + "grey54", + "grey55", + "grey56", + "grey57", + "grey58", + "grey59", + "grey6", + "grey60", + "grey61", + "grey62", + "grey63", + "grey64", + "grey65", + "grey66", + "grey67", + "grey68", + "grey69", + "grey7", + "grey70", + "grey71", + "grey72", + "grey73", + "grey74", + "grey75", + "grey76", + "grey77", + "grey78", + "grey79", + "grey8", + "grey80", + "grey81", + "grey82", + "grey83", + "grey84", + "grey85", + "grey86", + "grey87", + "grey88", + "grey89", + "grey9", + "grey90", + "grey91", + "grey92", + "grey93", + "grey94", + "grey95", + "grey96", + "grey97", + "grey98", + "grey99", + "honeydew", + "honeydew1", + "honeydew2", + "honeydew3", + "honeydew4", + "HotPink", + "HotPink1", + "HotPink2", + "HotPink3", + "HotPink4", + "IndianRed", + "IndianRed1", + "IndianRed2", + "IndianRed3", + "IndianRed4", + "indigo", + "ivory", + "ivory1", + "ivory2", + "ivory3", + "ivory4", + "khaki", + "khaki1", + "khaki2", + "khaki3", + "khaki4", + "lavender", + "LavenderBlush", + "LavenderBlush1", + "LavenderBlush2", + "LavenderBlush3", + "LavenderBlush4", + "LawnGreen", + "LemonChiffon", + "LemonChiffon1", + "LemonChiffon2", + "LemonChiffon3", + "LemonChiffon4", + "LightBlue", + "LightBlue1", + "LightBlue2", + "LightBlue3", + "LightBlue4", + "LightCoral", + "LightCyan", + "LightCyan1", + "LightCyan2", + "LightCyan3", + "LightCyan4", + "LightGoldenrod", + "LightGoldenrod1", + "LightGoldenrod2", + "LightGoldenrod3", + "LightGoldenrod4", + "LightGoldenrodYellow", + "LightGray", + "LightGreen", + "LightGrey", + "LightPink", + "LightPink1", + "LightPink2", + "LightPink3", + "LightPink4", + "LightSalmon", + "LightSalmon1", + "LightSalmon2", + "LightSalmon3", + "LightSalmon4", + "LightSeaGreen", + "LightSkyBlue", + "LightSkyBlue1", + "LightSkyBlue2", + "LightSkyBlue3", + "LightSkyBlue4", + "LightSlateBlue", + "LightSlateGray", + "LightSlateGrey", + "LightSteelBlue", + "LightSteelBlue1", + "LightSteelBlue2", + "LightSteelBlue3", + "LightSteelBlue4", + "LightYellow", + "LightYellow1", + "LightYellow2", + "LightYellow3", + "LightYellow4", + "lime", + "LimeGreen", + "linen", + "magenta", + "magenta1", + "magenta2", + "magenta3", + "magenta4", + "maroon", + "maroon1", + "maroon2", + "maroon3", + "maroon4", + "MediumAquamarine", + "MediumBlue", + "MediumOrchid", + "MediumOrchid1", + "MediumOrchid2", + "MediumOrchid3", + "MediumOrchid4", + "MediumPurple", + "MediumPurple1", + "MediumPurple2", + "MediumPurple3", + "MediumPurple4", + "MediumSeaGreen", + "MediumSlateBlue", + "MediumSpringGreen", + "MediumTurquoise", + "MediumVioletRed", + "MidnightBlue", + "MintCream", + "MistyRose", + "MistyRose1", + "MistyRose2", + "MistyRose3", + "MistyRose4", + "moccasin", + "NavajoWhite", + "NavajoWhite1", + "NavajoWhite2", + "NavajoWhite3", + "NavajoWhite4", + "navy", + "NavyBlue", + "OldLace", + "olive", + "OliveDrab", + "OliveDrab1", + "OliveDrab2", + "OliveDrab3", + "OliveDrab4", + "orange", + "orange1", + "orange2", + "orange3", + "orange4", + "OrangeRed", + "OrangeRed1", + "OrangeRed2", + "OrangeRed3", + "OrangeRed4", + "orchid", + "orchid1", + "orchid2", + "orchid3", + "orchid4", + "PaleGoldenrod", + "PaleGreen", + "PaleGreen1", + "PaleGreen2", + "PaleGreen3", + "PaleGreen4", + "PaleTurquoise", + "PaleTurquoise1", + "PaleTurquoise2", + "PaleTurquoise3", + "PaleTurquoise4", + "PaleVioletRed", + "PaleVioletRed1", + "PaleVioletRed2", + "PaleVioletRed3", + "PaleVioletRed4", + "PapayaWhip", + "PeachPuff", + "PeachPuff1", + "PeachPuff2", + "PeachPuff3", + "PeachPuff4", + "peru", + "pink", + "pink1", + "pink2", + "pink3", + "pink4", + "plum", + "plum1", + "plum2", + "plum3", + "plum4", + "PowderBlue", + "purple", + "purple1", + "purple2", + "purple3", + "purple4", + "red", + "red1", + "red2", + "red3", + "red4", + "RosyBrown", + "RosyBrown1", + "RosyBrown2", + "RosyBrown3", + "RosyBrown4", + "RoyalBlue", + "RoyalBlue1", + "RoyalBlue2", + "RoyalBlue3", + "RoyalBlue4", + "SaddleBrown", + "salmon", + "salmon1", + "salmon2", + "salmon3", + "salmon4", + "SandyBrown", + "SeaGreen", + "SeaGreen1", + "SeaGreen2", + "SeaGreen3", + "SeaGreen4", + "seashell", + "seashell1", + "seashell2", + "seashell3", + "seashell4", + "sienna", + "sienna1", + "sienna2", + "sienna3", + "sienna4", + "silver", + "SkyBlue", + "SkyBlue1", + "SkyBlue2", + "SkyBlue3", + "SkyBlue4", + "SlateBlue", + "SlateBlue1", + "SlateBlue2", + "SlateBlue3", + "SlateBlue4", + "SlateGray", + "SlateGray1", + "SlateGray2", + "SlateGray3", + "SlateGray4", + "SlateGrey", + "snow", + "snow1", + "snow2", + "snow3", + "snow4", + "SpringGreen", + "SpringGreen1", + "SpringGreen2", + "SpringGreen3", + "SpringGreen4", + "SteelBlue", + "SteelBlue1", + "SteelBlue2", + "SteelBlue3", + "SteelBlue4", + "tan", + "tan1", + "tan2", + "tan3", + "tan4", + "teal", + "thistle", + "thistle1", + "thistle2", + "thistle3", + "thistle4", + "tomato", + "tomato1", + "tomato2", + "tomato3", + "tomato4", + "turquoise", + "turquoise1", + "turquoise2", + "turquoise3", + "turquoise4", + "violet", + "VioletRed", + "VioletRed1", + "VioletRed2", + "VioletRed3", + "VioletRed4", + "wheat", + "wheat1", + "wheat2", + "wheat3", + "wheat4", + "white", + "WhiteSmoke", + "yellow", + "yellow1", + "yellow2", + "yellow3", + "yellow4", + "YellowGreen", + NULL + }; + int i; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Flow Box"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 600); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + flowbox = gtk_flow_box_new (); + gtk_widget_set_valign (flowbox, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_flow_box_set_max_children_per_line (GTK_FLOW_BOX (flowbox), 30); + gtk_flow_box_set_selection_mode (GTK_FLOW_BOX (flowbox), GTK_SELECTION_NONE); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), flowbox); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), scrolled); + + for (i = 0; colors[i]; i++) + gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (flowbox), color_swatch_new (colors[i]), -1); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4b4113b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.c @@ -0,0 +1,1872 @@ +/* Pango/Font Explorer + * + * This example demonstrates support for OpenType font features with + * Pango attributes. The attributes can be used manually or via Pango + * markup. + * + * It can also be used to explore available features in OpenType fonts + * and their effect. + * + * If the selected font supports OpenType font variations, then the + * axes are also offered for customization. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "open-type-layout.h" +#include "fontplane.h" +#include "script-names.h" +#include "language-names.h" + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +/* {{{ ScriptLang object */ + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ScriptLang, script_lang, SCRIPT, LANG, GObject) + +struct _ScriptLang +{ + GObject parent; + + char *langname; + unsigned int script_index; + unsigned int lang_index; + hb_tag_t lang_tag; +}; + +struct _ScriptLangClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ScriptLang, script_lang, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +script_lang_init (ScriptLang *self) +{ +} + +static void +script_lang_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + ScriptLang *self = SCRIPT_LANG (object); + + g_free (self->langname); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (script_lang_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +script_lang_class_init (ScriptLangClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = script_lang_finalize; +} + +static ScriptLang * +script_lang_new (const char *langname, + unsigned int script_index, + unsigned int lang_index, + hb_tag_t lang_tag) +{ + ScriptLang *self; + + self = g_object_new (script_lang_get_type (), NULL); + + self->langname = g_strdup (langname); + self->script_index = script_index; + self->lang_index = lang_index; + self->lang_tag = lang_tag; + + return self; +} + +static char * +script_lang_get_langname (ScriptLang *self) +{ + return g_strdup (self->langname); +} + +/* }}} */ + +#define MAKE_TAG(a,b,c,d) (unsigned int)(((a) << 24) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 8) | (d)) + +typedef struct { + unsigned int tag; + const char *name; + GtkWidget *icon; + GtkWidget *dflt; + GtkWidget *feat; +} FeatureItem; + +typedef struct { + unsigned int start; + unsigned int end; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + char *features; + PangoLanguage *language; +} Range; + +typedef struct { + guint32 tag; + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + double default_value; + guint tick_cb; + guint64 start_time; + gboolean increasing; + GtkWidget *button; +} Axis; + +typedef struct { + GtkWidget *the_label; + GtkWidget *settings; + GtkWidget *description; + GtkWidget *font; + GtkWidget *script_lang; + GtkWidget *feature_list; + GtkWidget *variations_grid; + GtkWidget *instance_combo; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *plain_toggle; + GtkWidget *waterfall_toggle; + GtkWidget *edit_toggle; + GtkAdjustment *size_adjustment; + GtkAdjustment *letterspacing_adjustment; + GtkAdjustment *line_height_adjustment; + GtkWidget *foreground; + GtkWidget *background; + GtkWidget *size_scale; + GtkWidget *size_entry; + GtkWidget *letterspacing_entry; + GtkWidget *line_height_entry; + GList *feature_items; + GList *ranges; + GHashTable *instances; + GHashTable *axes; + char *text; + GtkWidget *swin; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + int sample; +} FontFeaturesDemo; + +static void +demo_free (gpointer data) +{ + FontFeaturesDemo *demo = data; + + g_list_free_full (demo->feature_items, g_free); + g_list_free_full (demo->ranges, g_free); + g_clear_pointer (&demo->instances, g_hash_table_unref); + g_clear_pointer (&demo->axes, g_hash_table_unref); + g_clear_pointer (&demo->text, g_free); + + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (demo->provider)); + g_object_unref (demo->provider); + + g_free (demo); +} + +static FontFeaturesDemo *demo; + +static void update_display (void); + +static void +font_features_toggle_plain (void) +{ + if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (demo->plain_toggle)) || + gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (demo->waterfall_toggle))) + { + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (demo->stack), "label"); + update_display (); + } +} + +static void +font_features_notify_waterfall (void) +{ + gboolean can_change_size; + + can_change_size = !gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (demo->waterfall_toggle)); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (demo->size_scale, can_change_size); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (demo->size_entry, can_change_size); +} + +typedef struct { + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + GtkEntry *entry; +} BasicData; + +static gboolean +update_in_idle (gpointer data) +{ + BasicData *bd = data; + char *str; + + str = g_strdup_printf ("%g", gtk_adjustment_get_value (bd->adjustment)); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (bd->entry), str); + g_free (str); + + update_display (); + + g_free (bd); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +basic_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, + gpointer data) +{ + BasicData *bd; + + bd = g_new (BasicData, 1); + bd->adjustment = adjustment; + bd->entry = GTK_ENTRY (data); + + g_idle_add (update_in_idle, bd); +} + +static void +basic_entry_activated (GtkEntry *entry, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkAdjustment *adjustment = data; + + double value; + char *err = NULL; + + value = g_strtod (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)), &err); + if (err != NULL) + gtk_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, value); +} + +static void +color_set_cb (void) +{ + update_display (); +} + +static void +swap_colors (void) +{ + GdkRGBA fg; + GdkRGBA bg; + + fg = *gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->foreground)); + bg = *gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->background)); + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->foreground), &bg); + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->background), &fg); +} + +static void +font_features_reset_basic (void) +{ + gtk_adjustment_set_value (demo->size_adjustment, 20); + gtk_adjustment_set_value (demo->letterspacing_adjustment, 0); + gtk_adjustment_set_value (demo->line_height_adjustment, 1); + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->foreground), &(GdkRGBA){0.,0.,0.,1.}); + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->background), &(GdkRGBA){1.,1.,1.,1.}); +} + +static void +update_basic (void) +{ + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + desc = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->font)); + + gtk_adjustment_set_value (demo->size_adjustment, + pango_font_description_get_size (desc) / (double) PANGO_SCALE); +} + +static void add_font_variations (GString *s); + +static void +free_range (gpointer data) +{ + Range *range = data; + + if (range->desc) + pango_font_description_free (range->desc); + g_free (range->features); + g_free (range); +} + +static int +compare_range (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) +{ + const Range *ra = a; + const Range *rb = b; + + if (ra->start < rb->start) + return -1; + else if (ra->start > rb->start) + return 1; + else if (ra->end < rb->end) + return 1; + else if (ra->end > rb->end) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +static void +ensure_range (unsigned int start, + unsigned int end, + PangoFontDescription *desc, + const char *features, + PangoLanguage *language) +{ + GList *l; + Range *range; + + for (l = demo->ranges; l; l = l->next) + { + Range *r = l->data; + + if (r->start == start && r->end == end) + { + range = r; + goto set; + } + } + + range = g_new0 (Range, 1); + range->start = start; + range->end = end; + + demo->ranges = g_list_insert_sorted (demo->ranges, range, compare_range); + +set: + if (range->desc) + pango_font_description_free (range->desc); + if (desc) + range->desc = pango_font_description_copy (desc); + g_free (range->features); + range->features = g_strdup (features); + range->language = language; +} + +static char * +get_feature_display_name (unsigned int tag) +{ + int i; + static char buf[5] = { 0, }; + + if (tag == MAKE_TAG ('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')) + return g_strdup (_("Default")); + + hb_tag_to_string (tag, buf); + if (g_str_has_prefix (buf, "ss") && g_ascii_isdigit (buf[2]) && g_ascii_isdigit (buf[3])) + { + int num = (buf[2] - '0') * 10 + (buf[3] - '0'); + return g_strdup_printf (g_dpgettext2 (NULL, "OpenType layout", "Stylistic Set %d"), num); + } + else if (g_str_has_prefix (buf, "cv") && g_ascii_isdigit (buf[2]) && g_ascii_isdigit (buf[3])) + { + int num = (buf[2] - '0') * 10 + (buf[3] - '0'); + return g_strdup_printf (g_dpgettext2 (NULL, "OpenType layout", "Character Variant %d"), num); + } + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (open_type_layout_features); i++) + { + if (tag == open_type_layout_features[i].tag) + return g_strdup (g_dpgettext2 (NULL, "OpenType layout", open_type_layout_features[i].name)); + } + + g_warning ("unknown OpenType layout feature tag: %s", buf); + + return g_strdup (buf); +} + +static void +set_inconsistent (GtkCheckButton *button, + gboolean inconsistent) +{ + gtk_check_button_set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (button), inconsistent); + gtk_widget_set_opacity (gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (button)), inconsistent ? 0.0 : 1.0); +} + +static void +feat_pressed (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *feat) +{ + const guint button = gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture)); + + if (button == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) + { + g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (feat, feat_pressed, NULL); + + if (gtk_check_button_get_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat))) + { + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat), FALSE); + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat), TRUE); + } + + g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (feat, feat_pressed, NULL); + } + else if (button == GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY) + { + gboolean inconsistent = gtk_check_button_get_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat)); + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat), !inconsistent); + } +} + +static void +feat_toggled_cb (GtkCheckButton *check_button, + gpointer data) +{ + set_inconsistent (check_button, FALSE); +} + +static void +add_check_group (GtkWidget *box, + const char *title, + const char **tags) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *group; + int i; + + group = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (group, GTK_ALIGN_START); + + label = gtk_label_new (title); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + g_object_set (label, "margin-top", 10, "margin-bottom", 10, NULL); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (group), label); + + for (i = 0; tags[i]; i++) + { + unsigned int tag; + GtkWidget *feat; + FeatureItem *item; + GtkGesture *gesture; + char *name; + + tag = hb_tag_from_string (tags[i], -1); + + name = get_feature_display_name (tag); + feat = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (name); + g_free (name); + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat), TRUE); + + g_signal_connect (feat, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_display), NULL); + g_signal_connect (feat, "notify::inconsistent", G_CALLBACK (update_display), NULL); + g_signal_connect (feat, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (feat_toggled_cb), NULL); + + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture), GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (feat_pressed), feat); + gtk_widget_add_controller (feat, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (group), feat); + + item = g_new (FeatureItem, 1); + item->name = tags[i]; + item->tag = tag; + item->icon = NULL; + item->dflt = NULL; + item->feat = feat; + + demo->feature_items = g_list_prepend (demo->feature_items, item); + } + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), group); +} + +static void +add_radio_group (GtkWidget *box, + const char *title, + const char **tags) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *group; + int i; + GtkWidget *group_button = NULL; + + group = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (group, GTK_ALIGN_START); + + label = gtk_label_new (title); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + g_object_set (label, "margin-top", 10, "margin-bottom", 10, NULL); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (group), label); + + for (i = 0; tags[i]; i++) + { + unsigned int tag; + GtkWidget *feat; + FeatureItem *item; + char *name; + + tag = hb_tag_from_string (tags[i], -1); + name = get_feature_display_name (tag); + feat = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (name ? name : _("Default")); + g_free (name); + if (group_button == NULL) + group_button = feat; + else + gtk_check_button_set_group (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (feat), GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (group_button)); + + g_signal_connect (feat, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_display), NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (feat), "default", group_button); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (group), feat); + + item = g_new (FeatureItem, 1); + item->name = tags[i]; + item->tag = tag; + item->icon = NULL; + item->dflt = NULL; + item->feat = feat; + + demo->feature_items = g_list_prepend (demo->feature_items, item); + } + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), group); +} + +static void +update_display (void) +{ + GString *s; + char *text; + gboolean has_feature; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + GList *l; + PangoAttrList *attrs; + PangoAttribute *attr; + int ins, bound; + guint start, end; + PangoLanguage *lang; + char *font_desc; + char *features; + double value; + int text_len; + gboolean do_waterfall; + GString *waterfall; + + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (demo->entry)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start_iter, &end_iter); + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start_iter, &end_iter, FALSE); + text_len = strlen (text); + } + + do_waterfall = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (demo->waterfall_toggle)); + + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), !do_waterfall); + + if (do_waterfall) + { + start = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING; + end = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END; + } + else if (gtk_label_get_selection_bounds (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), &ins, &bound)) + { + start = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, ins) - text; + end = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, bound) - text; + } + else + { + start = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING; + end = PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END; + } + + desc = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->font)); + + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (demo->size_adjustment); + pango_font_description_set_size (desc, value * PANGO_SCALE); + + s = g_string_new (""); + add_font_variations (s); + if (s->len > 0) + { + pango_font_description_set_variations (desc, s->str); + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + } + + font_desc = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); + + s = g_string_new (""); + + has_feature = FALSE; + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + + if (!gtk_widget_is_sensitive (item->feat)) + continue; + + if (GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat)) + { + if (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item->feat), "default")) + { + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat)) && + strcmp (item->name, "xxxx") != 0) + { + if (has_feature) + g_string_append (s, ", "); + g_string_append (s, item->name); + g_string_append (s, " 1"); + has_feature = TRUE; + } + } + else + { + if (gtk_check_button_get_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat))) + continue; + + if (has_feature) + g_string_append (s, ", "); + g_string_append (s, item->name); + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat))) + g_string_append (s, " 1"); + else + g_string_append (s, " 0"); + has_feature = TRUE; + } + } + } + + features = g_string_free (s, FALSE); + + if (gtk_drop_down_get_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang)) != 0) + { + ScriptLang *selected; + + selected = gtk_drop_down_get_selected_item (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang)); + + lang = pango_language_from_string (hb_language_to_string (hb_ot_tag_to_language (selected->lang_tag))); + } + else + lang = NULL; + + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + + if (gtk_adjustment_get_value (demo->letterspacing_adjustment) != 0.) + { + attr = pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (gtk_adjustment_get_value (demo->letterspacing_adjustment)); + attr->start_index = start; + attr->end_index = end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + } + + if (gtk_adjustment_get_value (demo->line_height_adjustment) != 1.) + { + attr = pango_attr_line_height_new (gtk_adjustment_get_value (demo->line_height_adjustment)); + attr->start_index = start; + attr->end_index = end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + } + + { + GdkRGBA rgba; + char *fg, *bg, *css; + + rgba = *gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->foreground)); + attr = pango_attr_foreground_new (65535 * rgba.red, + 65535 * rgba.green, + 65535 * rgba.blue); + attr->start_index = start; + attr->end_index = end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + attr = pango_attr_foreground_alpha_new (65535 * rgba.alpha); + attr->start_index = start; + attr->end_index = end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + + fg = gdk_rgba_to_string (&rgba); + rgba = *gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->background)); + bg = gdk_rgba_to_string (&rgba); + css = g_strdup_printf (".font_features_background { caret-color: %s; background-color: %s; }", fg, bg); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (demo->provider, css, strlen (css)); + g_free (css); + g_free (fg); + g_free (bg); + } + + if (do_waterfall) + { + attr = pango_attr_font_desc_new (desc); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + attr = pango_attr_font_features_new (features); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + attr = pango_attr_language_new (lang); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + } + else + { + ensure_range (start, end, desc, features, lang); + + for (l = demo->ranges; l; l = l->next) + { + Range *range = l->data; + + attr = pango_attr_font_desc_new (range->desc); + attr->start_index = range->start; + attr->end_index = range->end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + + attr = pango_attr_font_features_new (range->features); + attr->start_index = range->start; + attr->end_index = range->end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + + if (range->language) + { + attr = pango_attr_language_new (range->language); + attr->start_index = range->start; + attr->end_index = range->end; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + } + } + } + + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (demo->description), font_desc); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (demo->settings), features); + + if (do_waterfall) + { + waterfall = g_string_new (""); + int sizes[] = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90 }; + start = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (sizes); i++) + { + g_string_append (waterfall, text); + g_string_append_c (waterfall, '\n'); + + attr = pango_attr_size_new (sizes[i] * PANGO_SCALE); + attr->start_index = start; + attr->end_index = start + text_len; + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + + start += text_len + 1; + } + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), waterfall->str); + g_string_free (waterfall, TRUE); + } + else + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), text); + + gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), attrs); + + g_free (font_desc); + g_free (features); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + g_free (text); +} + +static PangoFont * +get_pango_font (void) +{ + PangoFontDescription *desc; + PangoContext *context; + + desc = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->font)); + context = gtk_widget_get_pango_context (demo->font); + + return pango_context_load_font (context, desc); +} + +typedef struct { + hb_tag_t script_tag; + hb_tag_t lang_tag; + unsigned int script_index; + unsigned int lang_index; +} TagPair; + +static guint +tag_pair_hash (gconstpointer data) +{ + const TagPair *pair = data; + + return pair->script_tag + pair->lang_tag; +} + +static gboolean +tag_pair_equal (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) +{ + const TagPair *pair_a = a; + const TagPair *pair_b = b; + + return pair_a->script_tag == pair_b->script_tag && pair_a->lang_tag == pair_b->lang_tag; +} + + +static GtkOrdering +script_sort (const void *item1, + const void *item2, + void *data) +{ + ScriptLang *a = (ScriptLang *)item1; + ScriptLang *b = (ScriptLang *)item2; + + return strcmp (a->langname, b->langname); +} + +static void +update_script_combo (void) +{ + GListStore *store; + GtkSortListModel *sortmodel; + hb_font_t *hb_font; + PangoFont *pango_font; + GHashTable *tags; + GHashTableIter iter; + TagPair *pair; + PangoLanguage *language; + const char *lang; + hb_tag_t active; + + language = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_language (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->font)); + lang = pango_language_to_string (language); + + G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + active = hb_ot_tag_from_language (hb_language_from_string (lang, -1)); + G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + store = g_list_store_new (script_lang_get_type ()); + + pango_font = get_pango_font (); + hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font (pango_font); + + tags = g_hash_table_new_full (tag_pair_hash, tag_pair_equal, g_free, NULL); + + pair = g_new (TagPair, 1); + pair->script_tag = 0; + pair->lang_tag = 0; + g_hash_table_add (tags, pair); + + if (hb_font) + { + hb_tag_t tables[2] = { HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS }; + hb_face_t *hb_face; + + hb_face = hb_font_get_face (hb_font); + + for (guint i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + hb_tag_t scripts[80]; + unsigned int script_count = G_N_ELEMENTS (scripts); + + hb_ot_layout_table_get_script_tags (hb_face, tables[i], 0, &script_count, scripts); + for (guint j = 0; j < script_count; j++) + { + hb_tag_t languages[80]; + unsigned int language_count = G_N_ELEMENTS (languages); + + hb_ot_layout_script_get_language_tags (hb_face, tables[i], j, 0, &language_count, languages); + for (guint k = 0; k < language_count; k++) + { + pair = g_new (TagPair, 1); + pair->script_tag = scripts[j]; + pair->lang_tag = languages[k]; + pair->script_index = j; + pair->lang_index = k; + g_hash_table_add (tags, pair); + } + } + } + } + + g_object_unref (pango_font); + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, tags); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)&pair, NULL)) + { + const char *langname; + char langbuf[5]; + + if (pair->lang_tag == 0 && pair->script_tag == 0) + langname = NC_("Language", "None"); + else if (pair->lang_tag == HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) + langname = NC_("Language", "Default"); + else + { + langname = get_language_name_for_tag (pair->lang_tag); + if (!langname) + { + hb_tag_to_string (pair->lang_tag, langbuf); + langbuf[4] = 0; + langname = langbuf; + } + } + + g_list_store_append (store, script_lang_new (langname, + pair->script_index, + pair->lang_index, + pair->lang_tag)); + } + + g_hash_table_destroy (tags); + + sortmodel = gtk_sort_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (store), + GTK_SORTER (gtk_custom_sorter_new (script_sort, NULL, NULL))); + gtk_drop_down_set_model (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang), G_LIST_MODEL (sortmodel)); + + for (guint i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (sortmodel)); i++) + { + ScriptLang *item = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (sortmodel), i); + g_object_unref (item); + + if (item->lang_tag == active) + { + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang), i); + break; + } + } + + g_object_unref (sortmodel); +} + +static char * +get_name (hb_face_t *hbface, + hb_ot_name_id_t id) +{ + unsigned int len; + char *text; + + if (id == HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID) + return NULL; + + len = hb_ot_name_get_utf8 (hbface, id, HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID, NULL, NULL); + len++; + text = g_new (char, len); + hb_ot_name_get_utf8 (hbface, id, HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID, &len, text); + + return text; +} + +static void +update_features (void) +{ + int i, j; + PangoFont *pango_font; + hb_font_t *hb_font; + GList *l; + ScriptLang *selected; + + /* set feature presence checks from the font features */ + + selected = gtk_drop_down_get_selected_item (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang)); + + if (selected->lang_tag == 0) /* None is selected */ + { + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + gtk_widget_set_visible (item->feat, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_visible (gtk_widget_get_parent (item->feat), TRUE); + if (strcmp (item->name, "xxxx") == 0) + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), TRUE); + } + + return; + } + + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + gtk_widget_set_visible (item->feat, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_visible (gtk_widget_get_parent (item->feat), FALSE); + if (strcmp (item->name, "xxxx") == 0) + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), TRUE); + } + + pango_font = get_pango_font (); + hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font (pango_font); + + g_print ("language %s\n", selected->langname); + + if (hb_font) + { + hb_tag_t tables[2] = { HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS }; + hb_face_t *hb_face; + const char *feat; + + hb_face = hb_font_get_face (hb_font); + + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + hb_tag_t features[80]; + unsigned int count = G_N_ELEMENTS(features); + + hb_ot_layout_language_get_feature_tags (hb_face, + tables[i], + selected->script_index, + selected->lang_index, + 0, + &count, + features); + + for (j = 0; j < count; j++) + { + char buf[5]; + hb_tag_to_string (features[j], buf); + buf[4] = 0; + + if (g_str_has_prefix (buf, "ss") || g_str_has_prefix (buf, "cv")) + { + unsigned int feature_index; + hb_ot_name_id_t label_id, tooltip_id, sample_id, first_param_id; + unsigned int num_params; + + hb_ot_layout_language_find_feature (hb_face, + tables[i], + selected->script_index, + selected->lang_index, + features[j], + &feature_index); + + if (hb_ot_layout_feature_get_name_ids (hb_face, + tables[i], + feature_index, + &label_id, + &tooltip_id, + &sample_id, + &num_params, + &first_param_id)) + { + char *label = get_name (hb_face, label_id); + + if (label) + { + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + + if (item->tag == features[j]) + { + gtk_check_button_set_label (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), label); + break; + } + } + } + + g_free (label); + } + } + + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + + if (item->tag == features[j]) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (item->feat, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_visible (gtk_widget_get_parent (item->feat), TRUE); + if (GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat)) + { + GtkWidget *def = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item->feat), "default")); + if (def) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (def, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_visible (gtk_widget_get_parent (def), TRUE); + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (def), TRUE); + } + else + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), TRUE); + } + } + } + } + } + + feat = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_features (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (demo->font)); + if (feat) + { + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + char buf[5]; + char *p; + + hb_tag_to_string (item->tag, buf); + buf[4] = 0; + + p = strstr (feat, buf); + if (p) + { + if (GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat) && g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item->feat), "default")) + { + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), p[6] == '1'); + } + else if (GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat)) + { + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), FALSE); + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), p[6] == '1'); + } + } + } + } + } + + g_object_unref (pango_font); +} + +#define FixedToFloat(f) (((float)(f))/65536.0) + +static void +adjustment_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, + GtkEntry *entry) +{ + char *str; + + str = g_strdup_printf ("%g", gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment)); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), str); + g_free (str); + + update_display (); +} + +static void +entry_activated (GtkEntry *entry, + GtkAdjustment *adjustment) +{ + double value; + char *err = NULL; + + value = g_strtod (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)), &err); + if (err != NULL) + gtk_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, value); +} + +static void unset_instance (GtkAdjustment *adjustment); + +static void start_or_stop_axis_animation (GtkButton *button, + gpointer data); + +static void +font_features_reset_variations (void) +{ + GHashTableIter iter; + Axis *axis; + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, demo->axes); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)NULL, (gpointer *)&axis)) + { + if (axis->tick_cb) + start_or_stop_axis_animation (GTK_BUTTON (axis->button), axis); + gtk_adjustment_set_value (axis->adjustment, axis->default_value); + } +} + +static void +add_font_variations (GString *s) +{ + GHashTableIter iter; + Axis *axis; + char buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE]; + const char *sep = ""; + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, demo->axes); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)NULL, (gpointer *)&axis)) + { + char tag[5]; + double value; + + hb_tag_to_string (axis->tag, tag); + tag[4] = '\0'; + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (axis->adjustment); + + g_string_append_printf (s, "%s%s=%s", sep, tag, g_ascii_dtostr (buf, sizeof (buf), value)); + sep = ","; + } +} + +static guint +axes_hash (gconstpointer v) +{ + const Axis *p = v; + + return p->tag; +} + +static gboolean +axes_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2) +{ + const Axis *p1 = v1; + const Axis *p2 = v2; + + return p1->tag == p2->tag; +} + +static double +ease_out_cubic (double t) +{ + double p = t - 1; + + return p * p * p + 1; +} + +static gboolean +animate_axis (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer data) +{ + Axis *axis = data; + guint64 now; + double upper, lower, value; + + now = g_get_monotonic_time (); + + if (now >= axis->start_time + G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND) + { + axis->start_time += G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; + axis->increasing = !axis->increasing; + } + + value = (now - axis->start_time) / (double) G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; + + value = ease_out_cubic (value); + + lower = gtk_adjustment_get_lower (axis->adjustment); + upper = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (axis->adjustment); + + if (axis->increasing) + gtk_adjustment_set_value (axis->adjustment, lower + (upper - lower) * value); + else + gtk_adjustment_set_value (axis->adjustment, upper - (upper - lower) * value); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +start_or_stop_axis_animation (GtkButton *button, + gpointer data) +{ + Axis *axis = data; + + if (axis->tick_cb) + { + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (button), axis->tick_cb); + axis->tick_cb = 0; + gtk_button_set_icon_name (button, "media-playback-start"); + } + else + { + double value, upper, lower; + + gtk_button_set_icon_name (button, "media-playback-stop"); + axis->tick_cb = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (button), animate_axis, axis, NULL); + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (axis->adjustment); + lower = gtk_adjustment_get_lower (axis->adjustment); + upper = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (axis->adjustment); + value = value / (upper - lower); + axis->start_time = g_get_monotonic_time () - value * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; + axis->increasing = TRUE; + } +} + +static void +add_axis (hb_face_t *hb_face, + hb_ot_var_axis_info_t *ax, + float value, + int i) +{ + GtkWidget *axis_label; + GtkWidget *axis_entry; + GtkWidget *axis_scale; + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + Axis *axis; + char name[20]; + unsigned int name_len = 20; + + hb_ot_name_get_utf8 (hb_face, ax->name_id, HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID, &name_len, name); + + axis_label = gtk_label_new (name); + gtk_widget_set_halign (axis_label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (axis_label, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), axis_label, 0, i, 1, 1); + adjustment = gtk_adjustment_new (value, ax->min_value, ax->max_value, + 1.0, 10.0, 0.0); + axis_scale = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, adjustment); + gtk_scale_add_mark (GTK_SCALE (axis_scale), ax->default_value, GTK_POS_TOP, NULL); + gtk_widget_set_valign (axis_scale, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (axis_scale, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (axis_scale, 100, -1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), axis_scale, 1, i, 1, 1); + axis_entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_widget_set_valign (axis_entry, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_editable_set_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (axis_entry), 4); + gtk_editable_set_max_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (axis_entry), 4); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (axis_entry, FALSE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), axis_entry, 2, i, 1, 1); + + axis = g_new0 (Axis, 1); + axis->tag = ax->tag; + axis->adjustment = adjustment; + axis->default_value = ax->default_value; + g_hash_table_add (demo->axes, axis); + + axis->button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("media-playback-start"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (axis->button), "circular"); + gtk_widget_set_valign (GTK_WIDGET (axis->button), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + g_signal_connect (axis->button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (start_or_stop_axis_animation), axis); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), axis->button, 3, i, 1, 1); + + adjustment_changed (adjustment, GTK_ENTRY (axis_entry)); + + g_signal_connect (adjustment, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (adjustment_changed), axis_entry); + g_signal_connect (adjustment, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (unset_instance), NULL); + g_signal_connect (axis_entry, "activate", G_CALLBACK (entry_activated), adjustment); +} + +typedef struct { + char *name; + unsigned int index; +} Instance; + +static guint +instance_hash (gconstpointer v) +{ + const Instance *p = v; + + return g_str_hash (p->name); +} + +static gboolean +instance_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2) +{ + const Instance *p1 = v1; + const Instance *p2 = v2; + + return g_str_equal (p1->name, p2->name); +} + +static void +free_instance (gpointer data) +{ + Instance *instance = data; + + g_free (instance->name); + g_free (instance); +} + +static void +add_instance (hb_face_t *face, + unsigned int index, + GtkStringList *strings) +{ + Instance *instance; + hb_ot_name_id_t name_id; + char name[20]; + unsigned int name_len = 20; + + instance = g_new0 (Instance, 1); + + name_id = hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_subfamily_name_id (face, index); + hb_ot_name_get_utf8 (face, name_id, HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID, &name_len, name); + + instance->name = g_strdup (name); + instance->index = index; + + g_hash_table_add (demo->instances, instance); + gtk_string_list_append (GTK_STRING_LIST (strings), instance->name); +} + +static void +unset_instance (GtkAdjustment *adjustment) +{ + if (demo->instance_combo) + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->instance_combo), 0); +} + +static void +instance_changed (GtkDropDown *combo) +{ + const char *text; + Instance *instance; + Instance ikey; + int i; + unsigned int coords_length; + float *coords = NULL; + hb_ot_var_axis_info_t *ai = NULL; + unsigned int n_axes; + PangoFont *pango_font = NULL; + hb_font_t *hb_font; + hb_face_t *hb_face; + + text = gtk_string_list_get_string (GTK_STRING_LIST (gtk_drop_down_get_model (combo)), + gtk_drop_down_get_selected (combo)); + if (text[0] == '\0') + goto out; + + ikey.name = (char *) text; + instance = g_hash_table_lookup (demo->instances, &ikey); + if (!instance) + goto out; + + pango_font = get_pango_font (); + hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font (pango_font); + hb_face = hb_font_get_face (hb_font); + + n_axes = hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos (hb_face, 0, NULL, NULL); + ai = g_new (hb_ot_var_axis_info_t, n_axes); + hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos (hb_face, 0, &n_axes, ai); + + coords = g_new (float, n_axes); + hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_design_coords (hb_face, + instance->index, + &coords_length, + coords); + + for (i = 0; i < n_axes; i++) + { + Axis *axis; + Axis akey; + double value; + + value = coords[ai[i].axis_index]; + + akey.tag = ai[i].tag; + axis = g_hash_table_lookup (demo->axes, &akey); + if (axis) + { + g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (axis->adjustment, unset_instance, NULL); + gtk_adjustment_set_value (axis->adjustment, value); + g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (axis->adjustment, unset_instance, NULL); + } + } + +out: + g_clear_object (&pango_font); + g_free (ai); + g_free (coords); +} + +static gboolean +matches_instance (hb_face_t *hb_face, + unsigned int index, + unsigned int n_axes, + float *coords) +{ + float *instance_coords; + unsigned int coords_length; + int i; + + instance_coords = g_new (float, n_axes); + coords_length = n_axes; + + hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_design_coords (hb_face, + index, + &coords_length, + instance_coords); + + for (i = 0; i < n_axes; i++) + if (instance_coords[i] != coords[i]) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +add_font_plane (int i) +{ + GtkWidget *plane; + Axis *weight_axis; + Axis *width_axis; + + Axis key; + + key.tag = MAKE_TAG('w','g','h','t'); + weight_axis = g_hash_table_lookup (demo->axes, &key); + key.tag = MAKE_TAG('w','d','t','h'); + width_axis = g_hash_table_lookup (demo->axes, &key); + + if (weight_axis && width_axis) + { + plane = gtk_font_plane_new (weight_axis->adjustment, + width_axis->adjustment); + + gtk_widget_set_size_request (plane, 300, 300); + gtk_widget_set_halign (plane, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), plane, 0, i, 3, 1); + } +} + +/* FIXME: This doesn't work if the font has an avar table */ +static float +denorm_coord (hb_ot_var_axis_info_t *axis, int coord) +{ + float r = coord / 16384.0; + + if (coord < 0) + return axis->default_value + r * (axis->default_value - axis->min_value); + else + return axis->default_value + r * (axis->max_value - axis->default_value); +} + +static void +update_font_variations (void) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + PangoFont *pango_font = NULL; + hb_font_t *hb_font; + hb_face_t *hb_face; + unsigned int n_axes; + hb_ot_var_axis_info_t *ai = NULL; + float *design_coords = NULL; + const int *coords; + unsigned int length; + int i; + + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (demo->variations_grid))) + gtk_grid_remove (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), child); + + demo->instance_combo = NULL; + + g_hash_table_remove_all (demo->axes); + g_hash_table_remove_all (demo->instances); + + pango_font = get_pango_font (); + hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font (pango_font); + hb_face = hb_font_get_face (hb_font); + + n_axes = hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos (hb_face, 0, NULL, NULL); + if (n_axes == 0) + goto done; + + ai = g_new0 (hb_ot_var_axis_info_t, n_axes); + design_coords = g_new (float, n_axes); + + hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos (hb_face, 0, &n_axes, ai); + coords = hb_font_get_var_coords_normalized (hb_font, &length); + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) + design_coords[i] = denorm_coord (&ai[i], coords[i]); + + if (hb_ot_var_get_named_instance_count (hb_face) > 0) + { + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *combo; + GtkStringList *strings; + + label = gtk_label_new ("Instance"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), label, 0, -1, 1, 1); + + strings = gtk_string_list_new (NULL); + combo = gtk_drop_down_new (G_LIST_MODEL (strings), NULL); + + gtk_widget_set_halign (combo, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (combo, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + + gtk_string_list_append (strings, ""); + + for (i = 0; i < hb_ot_var_get_named_instance_count (hb_face); i++) + add_instance (hb_face, i, strings); + + for (i = 0; i < hb_ot_var_get_named_instance_count (hb_face); i++) + { + if (matches_instance (hb_face, i, n_axes, design_coords)) + { + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (combo), i + 1); + break; + } + } + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (demo->variations_grid), combo, 1, -1, 3, 1); + g_signal_connect (combo, "notify::selecte", G_CALLBACK (instance_changed), NULL); + demo->instance_combo = combo; + } + + for (i = 0; i < n_axes; i++) + add_axis (hb_face, &ai[i], design_coords[i], i); + + add_font_plane (n_axes); + +done: + g_clear_object (&pango_font); + g_free (ai); + g_free (design_coords); +} + +static void +font_features_font_changed (void) +{ + update_basic (); + update_script_combo (); + update_features (); + update_font_variations (); +} + +static void +font_features_script_changed (void) +{ + update_features (); + update_display (); +} + +static void +font_features_reset_features (void) +{ + GList *l; + + gtk_label_select_region (GTK_LABEL (demo->the_label), 0, 0); + + g_list_free_full (demo->ranges, free_range); + demo->ranges = NULL; + + for (l = demo->feature_items; l; l = l->next) + { + FeatureItem *item = l->data; + + if (GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat)) + { + if (strcmp (item->name, "xxxx") == 0) + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), TRUE); + else + { + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), FALSE); + set_inconsistent (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (item->feat), TRUE); + } + } + } +} + +static void +font_features_toggle_edit (void) +{ + if (strcmp (gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (demo->stack)), "entry") != 0) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (demo->entry)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + g_free (demo->text); + demo->text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (demo->stack), "entry"); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (demo->entry); + gtk_adjustment_set_value (gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (demo->swin)), 0); + } + else + { + g_clear_pointer (&demo->text, g_free); + gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (demo->plain_toggle), TRUE); + update_display (); + } +} + +static void +font_features_stop_edit (void) +{ + g_signal_emit_by_name (demo->edit_toggle, "clicked"); +} + +static gboolean +entry_key_press (GtkEventController *controller, + guint keyval, + guint keycode, + GdkModifierType modifiers, + GtkTextView *entry) +{ + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (entry), demo->text, -1); + return GDK_EVENT_STOP; + } + + return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE; +} + +static const char *paragraphs[] = { + "Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats. The job of waxing linoleum frequently peeves chintzy kids. My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit. Twelve ziggurats quickly jumped a finch box.", + "Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. Наш банк вчера же выплатил Ф.Я. Эйхгольду комиссию за ценные вещи. Эх, чужак, общий съём цен шляп (юфть) – вдрызг! В чащах юга жил бы цитрус? Да, но фальшивый экземпляр!", + "Τάχιστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός", +}; + +static const char *alphabets[] = { + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzy", + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", + "0123456789", + "!@#$%^&*/?;", +}; + +static void +set_text_alphabet (void) +{ + demo->sample++; + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (demo->entry)), + alphabets[demo->sample % G_N_ELEMENTS (alphabets)], + -1); + update_display (); +} + +static void +set_text_paragraph (void) +{ + demo->sample++; + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (demo->entry)), + paragraphs[demo->sample % G_N_ELEMENTS (paragraphs)], + -1); + update_display (); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_font_features (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkEventController *controller; + GtkExpression *expression; + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, basic_value_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, basic_entry_activated); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, color_set_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, swap_colors); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_reset_basic); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_reset_features); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_reset_variations); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_toggle_plain); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_toggle_edit); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_stop_edit); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_font_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_script_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, font_features_notify_waterfall); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, set_text_alphabet); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, set_text_paragraph); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + + demo = g_new0 (FontFeaturesDemo, 1); + + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/font_features/font_features.ui", NULL); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "demo", demo, demo_free); + + demo->the_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "label")); + demo->settings = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "settings")); + demo->description = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "description")); + demo->font = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "font")); + demo->script_lang = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "script_lang")); + g_assert (GTK_IS_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang)); + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, G_CALLBACK (script_lang_get_langname), NULL, NULL); + gtk_drop_down_set_expression (GTK_DROP_DOWN (demo->script_lang), expression); + gtk_expression_unref (expression); + demo->feature_list = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "feature_list")); + demo->stack = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "stack")); + demo->entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "entry")); + demo->plain_toggle = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "plain_toggle")); + demo->waterfall_toggle = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "waterfall_toggle")); + demo->edit_toggle = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "edit_toggle")); + demo->size_scale = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "size_scale")); + demo->size_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "size_entry")); + demo->size_adjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "size_adjustment")); + demo->letterspacing_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "letterspacing_entry")); + demo->letterspacing_adjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "letterspacing_adjustment")); + demo->line_height_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "line_height_entry")); + demo->line_height_adjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "line_height_adjustment")); + demo->foreground = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "foreground")); + demo->background = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "background")); + demo->swin = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "swin")); + + demo->provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (demo->provider), 800); + + basic_value_changed (demo->size_adjustment, demo->size_entry); + basic_value_changed (demo->letterspacing_adjustment, demo->letterspacing_entry); + basic_value_changed (demo->line_height_adjustment, demo->line_height_entry); + + controller = gtk_event_controller_key_new (); + g_signal_connect (controller, "key-pressed", G_CALLBACK (entry_key_press), demo->entry); + gtk_widget_add_controller (demo->entry, controller); + + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Kerning"), + (const char *[]){ "kern", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Ligatures"), + (const char *[]){ "liga", "dlig", "hlig", "clig", "rlig", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Letter Case"), + (const char *[]){ "smcp", "c2sc", "pcap", "c2pc", "unic", "cpsp", + "case",NULL }); + add_radio_group (demo->feature_list, _("Number Case"), + (const char *[]){ "xxxx", "lnum", "onum", NULL }); + add_radio_group (demo->feature_list, _("Number Spacing"), + (const char *[]){ "xxxx", "pnum", "tnum", NULL }); + add_radio_group (demo->feature_list, _("Fractions"), + (const char *[]){ "xxxx", "frac", "afrc", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Numeric Extras"), + (const char *[]){ "zero", "nalt", "sinf", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Character Alternatives"), + (const char *[]){ "swsh", "cswh", "locl", "calt", "falt", "hist", + "salt", "jalt", "titl", "rand", "subs", "sups", + "ordn", "ltra", "ltrm", "rtla", "rtlm", "rclt", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Positional Alternatives"), + (const char *[]){ "init", "medi", "med2", "fina", "fin2", "fin3", + "isol", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Width Variants"), + (const char *[]){ "fwid", "hwid", "halt", "pwid", "palt", "twid", + "qwid", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Alternative Stylistic Sets"), + (const char *[]){ "ss01", "ss02", "ss03", "ss04", "ss05", "ss06", + "ss07", "ss08", "ss09", "ss10", "ss11", "ss12", + "ss13", "ss14", "ss15", "ss16", "ss17", "ss18", + "ss19", "ss20", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Character Variants"), + (const char *[]){ "cv01", "cv02", "cv03", "cv04", "cv05", "cv06", + "cv07", "cv08", "cv09", "cv10", "cv11", "cv12", + "cv13", "cv14", "cv15", "cv16", "cv17", "cv18", + "cv19", "cv20", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Mathematical"), + (const char *[]){ "dtls", "flac", "mgrk", "ssty", NULL }); + add_check_group (demo->feature_list, _("Optical Bounds"), + (const char *[]){ "opbd", "lfbd", "rtbd", NULL }); + demo->feature_items = g_list_reverse (demo->feature_items); + + demo->variations_grid = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "variations_grid")); + if (demo->instances == NULL) + demo->instances = g_hash_table_new_full (instance_hash, instance_equal, NULL, free_instance); + else + g_hash_table_remove_all (demo->instances); + + if (demo->axes == NULL) + demo->axes = g_hash_table_new_full (axes_hash, axes_equal, NULL, g_free); + else + g_hash_table_remove_all (demo->axes); + + font_features_font_changed (); + + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + + update_display (); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} + +/* vim:set foldmethod=marker expandtab: */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b498273c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/font_features.ui @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ + + + + 7 + 100 + 14 + 0.5 + 10 + + + + -1024 + 8192 + 0 + 1 + 512 + + + + 0.75 + 2.5 + 1.0 + 0.1 + 1 + + + + 600 + 500 + Font Explorer + + + + + 1 + Reset + view-refresh-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + + never + + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + vertical + 6 + + + + + + + 1 + face + + + + + + 10 + 10 + + + Size + 0 + baseline + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 1 + 100 + baseline + size_adjustment + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + 4 + 4 + 0 + baseline + + + 2 + 0 + + + + + + Letterspacing + 0 + baseline + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + 1 + 100 + baseline + letterspacing_adjustment + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + 4 + 4 + 0 + baseline + + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + Line Height + 0 + baseline + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + 1 + 100 + baseline + line_height_adjustment + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + 4 + 4 + 0 + baseline + + + 2 + 2 + + + + + + Foreground + 0 + baseline + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + + + + + baseline + black + + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + Background + 0 + baseline + + 0 + 4 + + + + + + + + + + baseline + white + + + 1 + 4 + + + + + + object-flip-vertical-symbolic + start + center + + + + 2 + 3 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + 0 + OpenType Features + 10 + 10 + + + + + + vertical + + + Language System + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + Variation Axes + 0 + 10 + 10 + + + + + + 10 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + vertical + 1 + 1 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + + + automatic + automatic + 1 + 1 + + + + + + label + + + 1 + 0 + 0 + start + 1 + + + + + + + entry + + + + + Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats. The job of waxing linoleum frequently peeves chintzy kids. My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit. Twelve ziggurats quickly jumped a finch box. + + Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. Наш банк вчера же выплатил Ф.Я. Эйхгольду комиссию за ценные вещи. Эх, чужак, общий съём цен шляп (юфть) – вдрызг! В чащах юга жил бы цитрус? Да, но фальшивый экземпляр! + + Τάχιστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός + + + fill + + + + + + + + + + + 10 + + + 1 + 0 + end + 50 + 50 + 1 + + + + + + Alphabet + + + + + + Paragraph + + + + + + + + 10 + + + 1 + char + 0 + end + 50 + 50 + 1 + + + + + + + end + + + Plain + 1 + baseline + + + + + + Waterfall + baseline + plain_toggle + + + + + + + + + waterfall_toggle + document-edit-symbolic + end + end + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdbdf654 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.c @@ -0,0 +1,614 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_GIO_UNIX +#include +#include +#endif + + +/* This is the guts of gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup, + * copied here so we can make an incremental version. + */ +static void +insert_tags_for_attributes (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + PangoAttrIterator *iter, + GtkTextIter *start, + GtkTextIter *end) +{ + GtkTextTagTable *table; + GSList *attrs, *l; + GtkTextTag *tag; + char name[256]; + float fg_alpha, bg_alpha; + + table = gtk_text_buffer_get_tag_table (buffer); + +#define LANGUAGE_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + const char *language = pango_language_to_string (((PangoAttrLanguage*)attr)->value); \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, "language=%s", language); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, language, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define STRING_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + const char *string = ((PangoAttrString*)attr)->value; \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, #attr_name "=%s", string); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, string, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define INT_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + int value = ((PangoAttrInt*)attr)->value; \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, #attr_name "=%d", value); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, value, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define FONT_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + PangoFontDescription *desc = ((PangoAttrFontDesc*)attr)->desc; \ + char *str = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, "font-desc=%s", str); \ + g_free (str); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, desc, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define FLOAT_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + float value = ((PangoAttrFloat*)attr)->value; \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, #attr_name "=%g", value); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, value, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define RGBA_ATTR(attr_name, alpha_value) \ + { \ + PangoColor *color; \ + GdkRGBA rgba; \ + color = &((PangoAttrColor*)attr)->color; \ + rgba.red = color->red / 65535.; \ + rgba.green = color->green / 65535.; \ + rgba.blue = color->blue / 65535.; \ + rgba.alpha = alpha_value; \ + char *str = gdk_rgba_to_string (&rgba); \ + g_snprintf (name, 256, #attr_name "=%s", str); \ + g_free (str); \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, &rgba, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + +#define VOID_ATTR(attr_name) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (table, #attr_name); \ + if (!tag) \ + { \ + tag = gtk_text_tag_new (#attr_name); \ + g_object_set (tag, #attr_name, TRUE, NULL); \ + gtk_text_tag_table_add (table, tag); \ + g_object_unref (tag); \ + } \ + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end); \ + } + + fg_alpha = bg_alpha = 1.; + + attrs = pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (iter); + for (l = attrs; l; l = l->next) + { + PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; + + switch ((int)attr->klass->type) + { + case PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND_ALPHA: + fg_alpha = ((PangoAttrInt*)attr)->value / 65535.; + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND_ALPHA: + bg_alpha = ((PangoAttrInt*)attr)->value / 65535.; + break; + + default: + break; + } + } + + for (l = attrs; l; l = l->next) + { + PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; + + switch (attr->klass->type) + { + case PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE: + LANGUAGE_ATTR (language); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY: + STRING_ATTR (family); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_STYLE: + INT_ATTR (style); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT: + INT_ATTR (weight); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT: + INT_ATTR (variant); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH: + INT_ATTR (stretch); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_SIZE: + INT_ATTR (size); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC: + FONT_ATTR (font-desc); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: + RGBA_ATTR (foreground_rgba, fg_alpha); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND: + RGBA_ATTR (background_rgba, bg_alpha); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: + INT_ATTR (underline); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR: + RGBA_ATTR (underline_rgba, fg_alpha); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_OVERLINE: + INT_ATTR (overline); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_OVERLINE_COLOR: + RGBA_ATTR (overline_rgba, fg_alpha); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: + INT_ATTR (strikethrough); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR: + RGBA_ATTR (strikethrough_rgba, fg_alpha); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_RISE: + INT_ATTR (rise); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_SCALE: + FLOAT_ATTR (scale); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FALLBACK: + INT_ATTR (fallback); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING: + INT_ATTR (letter_spacing); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FONT_FEATURES: + STRING_ATTR (font_features); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_ALLOW_BREAKS: + INT_ATTR (allow_breaks); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_SHOW: + INT_ATTR (show_spaces); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_INSERT_HYPHENS: + INT_ATTR (insert_hyphens); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_LINE_HEIGHT: + FLOAT_ATTR (line_height); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT: + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_WORD: + VOID_ATTR (word); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_SENTENCE: + VOID_ATTR (sentence); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_BASELINE_SHIFT: + INT_ATTR (baseline_shift); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_FONT_SCALE: + INT_ATTR (font_scale); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE: + case PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE: + case PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY: + case PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY_HINT: + case PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND_ALPHA: + case PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND_ALPHA: + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_TEXT_TRANSFORM: + INT_ATTR (text_transform); + break; + + case PANGO_ATTR_INVALID: + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + break; + } + } + + g_slist_free_full (attrs, (GDestroyNotify)pango_attribute_destroy); + +#undef LANGUAGE_ATTR +#undef STRING_ATTR +#undef INT_ATTR +#undef FONT_ATTR +#undef FLOAT_ATTR +#undef RGBA_ATTR +} + +typedef struct +{ + GMarkupParseContext *parser; + char *markup; + gsize pos; + gsize len; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextMark *mark; + PangoAttrList *attributes; + char *text; + PangoAttrIterator *attr; +} MarkupData; + +static void +free_markup_data (MarkupData *mdata) +{ + g_free (mdata->markup); + g_clear_pointer (&mdata->parser, g_markup_parse_context_free); + gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark (mdata->buffer, mdata->mark); + g_clear_pointer (&mdata->attr, pango_attr_iterator_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&mdata->attributes, pango_attr_list_unref); + g_free (mdata->text); + g_object_unref (mdata->buffer); + g_free (mdata); +} + +static gboolean +insert_markup_idle (gpointer data) +{ + MarkupData *mdata = data; + gint64 begin; + + begin = g_get_monotonic_time (); + + do + { + int start, end; + int start_offset; + GtkTextIter start_iter; + + if (g_get_monotonic_time () - begin > G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND) + { + g_idle_add (insert_markup_idle, data); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + pango_attr_iterator_range (mdata->attr, &start, &end); + + if (end == G_MAXINT) /* last chunk */ + end = start - 1; /* resulting in -1 to be passed to _insert */ + + start_offset = gtk_text_iter_get_offset (&mdata->iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (mdata->buffer, &mdata->iter, mdata->text + start, end - start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (mdata->buffer, &start_iter, start_offset); + + insert_tags_for_attributes (mdata->buffer, mdata->attr, &start_iter, &mdata->iter); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (mdata->buffer, &mdata->iter, mdata->mark); + } + while (pango_attr_iterator_next (mdata->attr)); + + free_markup_data (mdata); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static gboolean +parse_markup_idle (gpointer data) +{ + MarkupData *mdata = data; + gint64 begin; + GError *error = NULL; + + begin = g_get_monotonic_time (); + + do { + if (g_get_monotonic_time () - begin > G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND) + { + g_idle_add (parse_markup_idle, data); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (mdata->parser, + mdata->markup + mdata->pos, + MIN (4096, mdata->len - mdata->pos), + &error)) + { + g_warning ("Invalid markup string: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + free_markup_data (mdata); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + mdata->pos += 4096; + } while (mdata->pos < mdata->len); + + if (!pango_markup_parser_finish (mdata->parser, + &mdata->attributes, + &mdata->text, + NULL, + &error)) + { + g_warning ("Invalid markup string: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + free_markup_data (mdata); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + if (!mdata->attributes) + { + gtk_text_buffer_insert (mdata->buffer, &mdata->iter, mdata->text, -1); + free_markup_data (mdata); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + mdata->attr = pango_attr_list_get_iterator (mdata->attributes); + insert_markup_idle (data); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +/* Takes a ref on @buffer while it is operating, + * and consumes @markup. + */ +static void +insert_markup (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkTextIter *iter, + char *markup, + int len) +{ + MarkupData *data; + + g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer)); + + data = g_new0 (MarkupData, 1); + + data->buffer = g_object_ref (buffer); + data->iter = *iter; + data->markup = markup; + data->len = len; + + data->parser = pango_markup_parser_new (0); + data->pos = 0; + + /* create mark with right gravity */ + data->mark = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, NULL, iter, FALSE); + + parse_markup_idle (data); +} + +static void +fontify_finish (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GSubprocess *subprocess = G_SUBPROCESS (source); + GtkTextBuffer *buffer = data; + GBytes *stdout_buf = NULL; + GBytes *stderr_buf = NULL; + GError *error = NULL; + + if (!g_subprocess_communicate_finish (subprocess, + result, + &stdout_buf, + &stderr_buf, + &error)) + { + g_clear_pointer (&stdout_buf, g_bytes_unref); + g_clear_pointer (&stderr_buf, g_bytes_unref); + + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + + g_object_unref (subprocess); + g_object_unref (buffer); + return; + } + + if (g_subprocess_get_exit_status (subprocess) != 0) + { + if (stderr_buf) + g_warning ("%s", (char *)g_bytes_get_data (stderr_buf, NULL)); + g_clear_pointer (&stderr_buf, g_bytes_unref); + } + + g_object_unref (subprocess); + + g_clear_pointer (&stderr_buf, g_bytes_unref); + + if (stdout_buf) + { + char *markup; + gsize len; + char *p; + GtkTextIter start; + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "", 0); + + /* highlight puts a span with font and size around its output, + * which we don't want. + */ + markup = g_bytes_unref_to_data (stdout_buf, &len); + for (p = markup + strlen ("message); + + g_clear_error (&error); + + return; + } + + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (source_buffer, &start, &end); + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (source_buffer, &start, &end, TRUE); + bytes = g_bytes_new_take (text, strlen (text)); + +#ifdef HAVE_GIO_UNIX + /* Work around https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/issues/2182 */ + if (G_IS_UNIX_OUTPUT_STREAM (g_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe (subprocess))) + { + GOutputStream *stdin_pipe = g_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe (subprocess); + int fd = g_unix_output_stream_get_fd (G_UNIX_OUTPUT_STREAM (stdin_pipe)); + fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); + } +#endif + + g_subprocess_communicate_async (subprocess, + bytes, + NULL, + fontify_finish, + g_object_ref (source_buffer)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a4df072 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontify.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +void fontify (const char *format, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b8c4f8c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.c @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "fontplane.h" + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_WEIGHT_ADJUSTMENT, + PROP_WIDTH_ADJUSTMENT +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkFontPlane, gtk_font_plane, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static double +adjustment_get_normalized_value (GtkAdjustment *adj) +{ + return (gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj)) / + (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj)); +} + +static void +val_to_xy (GtkFontPlane *plane, + int *x, + int *y) +{ + double u, v; + int width, height; + + width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (GTK_WIDGET (plane)); + height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (GTK_WIDGET (plane)); + + u = adjustment_get_normalized_value (plane->width_adj); + v = adjustment_get_normalized_value (plane->weight_adj); + + *x = CLAMP (width * u, 0, width - 1); + *y = CLAMP (height * (1 - v), 0, height - 1); +} + +static void +plane_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + GtkFontPlane *plane = GTK_FONT_PLANE (widget); + int x, y; + int width, height; + cairo_t *cr; + + val_to_xy (plane, &x, &y); + width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget); + + cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); + cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_move_to (cr, 0, y + 0.5); + cairo_line_to (cr, width, y + 0.5); + + cairo_move_to (cr, x + 0.5, 0); + cairo_line_to (cr, x + 0.5, height); + + if (gtk_widget_has_visible_focus (widget)) + { + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 3.0); + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6); + cairo_stroke_preserve (cr); + + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8); + cairo_stroke (cr); + } + else + { + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8); + cairo_stroke (cr); + } + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +static void +set_cross_cursor (GtkWidget *widget, + gboolean enabled) +{ + if (enabled) + gtk_widget_set_cursor_from_name (widget, "crosshair"); + else + gtk_widget_set_cursor (widget, NULL); +} + +static void +adj_changed (GtkFontPlane *plane) +{ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (plane)); +} + +static void +adjustment_set_normalized_value (GtkAdjustment *adj, + double val) +{ + gtk_adjustment_set_value (adj, + gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj) + + val * (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj))); +} + +static void +update_value (GtkFontPlane *plane, + int x, + int y) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (plane); + double u, v; + + u = CLAMP (x * (1.0 / gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget)), 0, 1); + v = CLAMP (1 - y * (1.0 / gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget)), 0, 1); + + adjustment_set_normalized_value (plane->width_adj, u); + adjustment_set_normalized_value (plane->weight_adj, v); + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +plane_drag_gesture_begin (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double start_x, + double start_y, + GtkFontPlane *plane) +{ + guint button; + + button = gtk_gesture_single_get_current_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture)); + + if (button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) + { + gtk_gesture_set_state (GTK_GESTURE (gesture), GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED); + return; + } + + set_cross_cursor (GTK_WIDGET (plane), TRUE); + update_value (plane, start_x, start_y); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (plane)); + gtk_gesture_set_state (GTK_GESTURE (gesture), GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED); +} + +static void +plane_drag_gesture_update (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double offset_x, + double offset_y, + GtkFontPlane *plane) +{ + double start_x, start_y; + + gtk_gesture_drag_get_start_point (GTK_GESTURE_DRAG (gesture), + &start_x, &start_y); + update_value (plane, start_x + offset_x, start_y + offset_y); +} + +static void +plane_drag_gesture_end (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double offset_x, + double offset_y, + GtkFontPlane *plane) +{ + set_cross_cursor (GTK_WIDGET (plane), FALSE); +} + +static void +gtk_font_plane_init (GtkFontPlane *plane) +{ + GtkGesture *gesture; + + gesture = gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "drag-begin", + G_CALLBACK (plane_drag_gesture_begin), plane); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "drag-update", + G_CALLBACK (plane_drag_gesture_update), plane); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "drag-end", + G_CALLBACK (plane_drag_gesture_end), plane); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture), 0); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (plane), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +plane_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkFontPlane *plane = GTK_FONT_PLANE (object); + + g_clear_object (&plane->weight_adj); + g_clear_object (&plane->width_adj); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_font_plane_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +plane_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkFontPlane *plane = GTK_FONT_PLANE (object); + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_WEIGHT_ADJUSTMENT: + adjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (g_value_get_object (value)); + if (adjustment) + { + plane->weight_adj = g_object_ref_sink (adjustment); + g_signal_connect_swapped (adjustment, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (adj_changed), plane); + } + break; + case PROP_WIDTH_ADJUSTMENT: + adjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (g_value_get_object (value)); + if (adjustment) + { + plane->width_adj = g_object_ref_sink (adjustment); + g_signal_connect_swapped (adjustment, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (adj_changed), plane); + } + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_font_plane_class_init (GtkFontPlaneClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = plane_finalize; + object_class->set_property = plane_set_property; + + widget_class->snapshot = plane_snapshot; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, + PROP_WEIGHT_ADJUSTMENT, + g_param_spec_object ("weight-adjustment", + NULL, + NULL, + GTK_TYPE_ADJUSTMENT, + G_PARAM_WRITABLE | + G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY)); + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, + PROP_WIDTH_ADJUSTMENT, + g_param_spec_object ("width-adjustment", + NULL, + NULL, + GTK_TYPE_ADJUSTMENT, + G_PARAM_WRITABLE | + G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY)); +} + +GtkWidget * +gtk_font_plane_new (GtkAdjustment *weight_adj, + GtkAdjustment *width_adj) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_FONT_PLANE, + "weight-adjustment", weight_adj, + "width-adjustment", width_adj, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73b310a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontplane.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_FONT_PLANE_H__ +#define __GTK_FONT_PLANE_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_FONT_PLANE (gtk_font_plane_get_type ()) +#define GTK_FONT_PLANE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FONT_PLANE, GtkFontPlane)) +#define GTK_FONT_PLANE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_FONT_PLANE, GtkFontPlaneClass)) +#define GTK_IS_FONT_PLANE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_COLOR_PLANE)) +#define GTK_IS_FONT_PLANE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_COLOR_PLANE)) +#define GTK_FONT_PLANE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FONT_PLANE, GtkFontPlaneClass)) + + +typedef struct _GtkFontPlane GtkFontPlane; +typedef struct _GtkFontPlaneClass GtkFontPlaneClass; + +struct _GtkFontPlane +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkAdjustment *weight_adj; + GtkAdjustment *width_adj; + + GtkGesture *drag_gesture; +}; + +struct _GtkFontPlaneClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; + + /* Padding for future expansion */ + void (*_gtk_reserved1) (void); + void (*_gtk_reserved2) (void); + void (*_gtk_reserved3) (void); + void (*_gtk_reserved4) (void); +}; + + +GType gtk_font_plane_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GtkWidget * gtk_font_plane_new (GtkAdjustment *width_adj, + GtkAdjustment *weight_adj); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_FONT_PLANE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69a654d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.c @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +/* Pango/Font Rendering + * + * Demonstrates various aspects of font rendering, + * such as hinting, antialiasing and grid alignment. + * + * The demo lets you explore font rendering options + * interactively to get a feeling for they affect the + * shape and positioning of the glyphs. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *font_button = NULL; +static GtkWidget *entry = NULL; +static GtkWidget *image = NULL; +static GtkWidget *hinting = NULL; +static GtkWidget *anti_alias = NULL; +static GtkWidget *hint_metrics = NULL; +static GtkWidget *up_button = NULL; +static GtkWidget *down_button = NULL; +static GtkWidget *text_radio = NULL; +static GtkWidget *show_grid = NULL; +static GtkWidget *show_extents = NULL; +static GtkWidget *show_pixels = NULL; +static GtkWidget *show_outlines = NULL; + +static PangoContext *context; + +static int scale = 7; +static double pixel_alpha = 1.0; +static double outline_alpha = 0.0; + +static void +update_image (void) +{ + const char *text; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + PangoLayout *layout; + PangoRectangle ink, logical; + int baseline; + cairo_surface_t *surface; + cairo_t *cr; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf2; + cairo_font_options_t *fopt; + cairo_hint_style_t hintstyle; + cairo_hint_metrics_t hintmetrics; + cairo_antialias_t antialias; + cairo_path_t *path; + + if (!context) + context = gtk_widget_create_pango_context (image); + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + desc = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (font_button)); + + fopt = cairo_font_options_copy (pango_cairo_context_get_font_options (context)); + + switch (gtk_drop_down_get_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (hinting))) + { + case 0: + hintstyle = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE; + break; + case 1: + hintstyle = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_SLIGHT; + break; + case 2: + hintstyle = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_MEDIUM; + break; + case 3: + hintstyle = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_FULL; + break; + default: + hintstyle = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_DEFAULT; + break; + } + cairo_font_options_set_hint_style (fopt, hintstyle); + + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (hint_metrics))) + hintmetrics = CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_ON; + else + hintmetrics = CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_OFF; + cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics (fopt, hintmetrics); + + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (anti_alias))) + antialias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY; + else + antialias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE; + cairo_font_options_set_antialias (fopt, antialias); + + pango_context_set_round_glyph_positions (context, hintmetrics == CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_ON); + pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, fopt); + cairo_font_options_destroy (fopt); + pango_context_changed (context); + + if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (text_radio))) + { + layout = pango_layout_new (context); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, -1); + pango_layout_get_extents (layout, &ink, &logical); + baseline = pango_layout_get_baseline (layout); + + pango_extents_to_pixels (&ink, NULL); + + surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, ink.width + 20, ink.height + 20); + cr = cairo_create (surface); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, pixel_alpha); + + cairo_move_to (cr, 10, 10); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + + pango_cairo_layout_path (cr, layout); + path = cairo_copy_path (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); + g_object_unref (layout); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface (surface, 0, 0, cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface)); + pixbuf2 = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pixbuf, gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) * scale, gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) * scale, GDK_INTERP_NEAREST); + + g_object_unref (pixbuf); + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + + surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf2), + CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, + gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf2), + gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf2), + gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf2)); + + cr = cairo_create (surface); + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); + + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (show_grid))) + { + int i; + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.2, 0, 0, 0.2); + for (i = 1; i < ink.height + 20; i++) + { + cairo_move_to (cr, 0, scale * i - 0.5); + cairo_line_to (cr, scale * (ink.width + 20), scale * i - 0.5); + cairo_stroke (cr); + } + for (i = 1; i < ink.width + 20; i++) + { + cairo_move_to (cr, scale * i - 0.5, 0); + cairo_line_to (cr, scale * i - 0.5, scale * (ink.height + 20)); + cairo_stroke (cr); + } + } + + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (show_extents))) + { + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); + + cairo_rectangle (cr, + scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (logical.x)) - 0.5, + scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (logical.y)) - 0.5, + scale * pango_units_to_double (logical.width) + 1, + scale * pango_units_to_double (logical.height) + 1); + cairo_stroke (cr); + cairo_move_to (cr, scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (logical.x)) - 0.5, + scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (baseline)) - 0.5); + cairo_line_to (cr, scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (logical.x + logical.width)) + 1, + scale * (10 + pango_units_to_double (baseline)) - 0.5); + cairo_stroke (cr); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); + cairo_rectangle (cr, + scale * (10 + ink.x) - 0.5, + scale * (10 + ink.y) - 0.5, + scale * ink.width + 1, + scale * ink.height + 1); + cairo_stroke (cr); + } + + for (int i = 0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) + { + cairo_path_data_t *data = &path->data[i]; + switch (data->header.type) + { + case CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO: + data[3].point.x *= scale; data[3].point.y *= scale; + data[2].point.x *= scale; data[2].point.y *= scale; + data[1].point.x *= scale; data[1].point.y *= scale; + break; + case CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO: + case CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO: + data[1].point.x *= scale; data[1].point.y *= scale; + break; + case CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH: + break; + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + } + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, outline_alpha); + cairo_move_to (cr, scale * 20 - 0.5, scale * 20 - 0.5); + cairo_append_path (cr, path); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + cairo_destroy (cr); + + cairo_path_destroy (path); + } + else + { + PangoLayoutIter *iter; + PangoLayoutRun *run; + PangoGlyphInfo *g; + int i, j; + GString *str; + gunichar ch; + + if (*text == '\0') + text = " "; + + ch = g_utf8_get_char (text); + str = g_string_new (""); + layout = pango_layout_new (context); + +retry: + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + g_string_append_unichar (str, ch); + g_string_append_unichar (str, 0x200c); + } + + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + pango_layout_set_text (layout, str->str, -1); + pango_layout_get_extents (layout, &ink, &logical); + pango_extents_to_pixels (&logical, NULL); + + iter = pango_layout_get_iter (layout); + run = pango_layout_iter_get_run (iter); + + if (run->glyphs->num_glyphs < 8) + { + /* not a good char to use */ + g_string_truncate (str, 0); + ch = 'a'; + goto retry; + } + + g_string_free (str, TRUE); + + surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, logical.width * 3 / 2, 4*logical.height); + cr = cairo_create (surface); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + g = &(run->glyphs->glyphs[2*i]); + g->geometry.width = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (g->geometry.width * 3 / 2); + } + + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) + { + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + g = &(run->glyphs->glyphs[2*i]); + g->geometry.x_offset = i * (PANGO_SCALE / 4); + g->geometry.y_offset = j * (PANGO_SCALE / 4); + } + + cairo_move_to (cr, 0, j * logical.height); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + } + + cairo_destroy (cr); + pango_layout_iter_free (iter); + g_object_unref (layout); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface (surface, 0, 0, cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface)); + pixbuf2 = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pixbuf, gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) * scale, gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) * scale, GDK_INTERP_NEAREST); + g_object_unref (pixbuf); + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + } + + gtk_picture_set_pixbuf (GTK_PICTURE (image), pixbuf2); + + g_object_unref (pixbuf2); +} + +static gboolean fading = FALSE; +static double start_pixel_alpha; +static double end_pixel_alpha; +static double start_outline_alpha; +static double end_outline_alpha; +static gint64 start_time; +static gint64 end_time; + +static double +ease_out_cubic (double t) +{ + double p = t - 1; + return p * p * p + 1; +} + +static gboolean +change_alpha (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gint64 now = g_get_monotonic_time (); + double t; + + t = ease_out_cubic ((now - start_time) / (double) (end_time - start_time)); + + pixel_alpha = start_pixel_alpha + (end_pixel_alpha - start_pixel_alpha) * t; + outline_alpha = start_outline_alpha + (end_outline_alpha - start_outline_alpha) * t; + + update_image (); + + if (now >= end_time) + { + fading = FALSE; + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +start_alpha_fade (void) +{ + gboolean pixels; + gboolean outlines; + + if (fading) + return; + + pixels = gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (show_pixels)); + outlines = gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (show_outlines)); + + start_pixel_alpha = pixel_alpha; + if (pixels && outlines) + end_pixel_alpha = 0.5; + else if (pixels) + end_pixel_alpha = 1; + else + end_pixel_alpha = 0; + + start_outline_alpha = outline_alpha; + if (outlines) + end_outline_alpha = 1.0; + else + end_outline_alpha = 0.0; + + start_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); + end_time = start_time + G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND / 2; + + fading = TRUE; + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (window, change_alpha, NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +update_buttons (void) +{ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (up_button, scale < 32); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (down_button, scale > 1); +} + +static gboolean +scale_up (GtkWidget *widget, + GVariant *args, + gpointer user_data) +{ + scale += 1; + update_buttons (); + update_image (); + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +scale_down (GtkWidget *widget, + GVariant *args, + gpointer user_data) +{ + scale -= 1; + update_buttons (); + update_image (); + return TRUE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_fontrendering (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/fontrendering/fontrendering.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + font_button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "font_button")); + up_button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "up_button")); + down_button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "down_button")); + entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "entry")); + image = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "image")); + hinting = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "hinting")); + anti_alias = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "antialias")); + hint_metrics = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "hint_metrics")); + text_radio = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "text_radio")); + show_grid = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "show_grid")); + show_extents = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "show_extents")); + show_pixels = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "show_pixels")); + show_outlines = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "show_outlines")); + + g_signal_connect (up_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (scale_up), NULL); + g_signal_connect (down_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (scale_down), NULL); + g_signal_connect (entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (font_button, "notify::font-desc", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (hinting, "notify::selected", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (anti_alias, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (hint_metrics, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (text_radio, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (show_grid, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (show_extents, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (update_image), NULL); + g_signal_connect (show_pixels, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (start_alpha_fade), NULL); + g_signal_connect (show_outlines, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (start_alpha_fade), NULL); + + update_image (); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a9d8b06 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/fontrendering.ui @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + + + + 1024 + 768 + + + + + center + center + + + + Text + 1 + + + + + Grid + text_radio + + + + + + + + + vertical + + + center + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + 10 + Text + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + + Fonts render + + 2 + + + + + + 10 + Font + 1 + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + Show _Pixels + 1 + 1 + + 3 + 0 + + + + + + Show _Outline + 1 + + 3 + 1 + + + + + + 6 + + + _Hinting + 1 + hinting + + + + + + center + + + + None + Slight + Medium + Full + + + + + + + 4 + 2 + + + + + + _Antialias + 1 + 1 + + 4 + 1 + + + + + + Hint _Metrics + 1 + + 5 + 1 + + + + + + Show _Extents + 1 + + 6 + 0 + + + + + + Show _Grid + 1 + + 6 + 1 + + + + + + list-add-symbolic + center + center + + + + managed + + + <Control>plus + activate + + + + + + 7 + 0 + + + + + + list-remove-symbolic + center + center + + + + managed + + + <Control>minus + activate + + + + + + 7 + 1 + + + + + + 1 + + 8 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + center + center + 0 + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..beffc174 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.c @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +#include "four_point_transform.h" +#include "singular_value_decomposition.h" + +/* Make a 4x4 matrix that maps + * e1 -> p1 + * e2 -> p3 + * e3 -> p3 + * (1,1,1,0) -> p4 + */ +static void +unit_to (graphene_point3d_t *p1, + graphene_point3d_t *p2, + graphene_point3d_t *p3, + graphene_point3d_t *p4, + graphene_matrix_t *m) +{ + graphene_vec3_t v1, v2, v3, v4; + graphene_vec4_t vv1, vv2, vv3, vv4, p; + graphene_matrix_t u, s; + float v[16] = { 0., }; + double A[16]; + double U[16]; + double S[4]; + double V[16]; + double B[4]; + double x[4]; + int i, j; + + graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p1, &v1); + graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p2, &v2); + graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p3, &v3); + graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p4, &v4); + + graphene_vec4_init_from_vec3 (&vv1, &v1, 1.); + graphene_vec4_init_from_vec3 (&vv2, &v2, 1.); + graphene_vec4_init_from_vec3 (&vv3, &v3, 1.); + graphene_vec4_init_from_vec3 (&vv4, &v4, 1.); + + graphene_vec4_init (&p, 0., 0., 0., 1.); + + graphene_matrix_init_from_vec4 (&u, &vv1, &vv2, &vv3, &p); + + /* solve x * u = vv4 */ + + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) + A[j * 4 + i] = graphene_matrix_get_value (&u, i, j); + + B[0] = graphene_vec4_get_x (&vv4); + B[1] = graphene_vec4_get_y (&vv4); + B[2] = graphene_vec4_get_z (&vv4); + B[3] = graphene_vec4_get_w (&vv4); + + singular_value_decomposition (A, 4, 4, U, S, V); + singular_value_decomposition_solve (U, S, V, 4, 4, B, x); + + v[ 0] = x[0]; + v[ 5] = x[1]; + v[10] = x[2]; + v[15] = 1; + + graphene_matrix_init_from_float (&s, (const float *)&v); + graphene_matrix_multiply (&s, &u, m); +} + +/* Compute a 4x4 matrix m that maps + * p1 -> q1 + * p2 -> q2 + * p3 -> q3 + * p4 -> q4 + * + * This is not in general possible, because projective + * transforms preserve coplanarity. But in the cases we + * care about here, both sets of points are always coplanar. + */ +void +perspective_3d (graphene_point3d_t *p1, + graphene_point3d_t *p2, + graphene_point3d_t *p3, + graphene_point3d_t *p4, + graphene_point3d_t *q1, + graphene_point3d_t *q2, + graphene_point3d_t *q3, + graphene_point3d_t *q4, + graphene_matrix_t *m) +{ + graphene_matrix_t a, a_inv, b; + + unit_to (p1, p2, p3, p4, &a); + unit_to (q1, q2, q3, q4, &b); + + graphene_matrix_inverse (&a, &a_inv); + graphene_matrix_multiply (&a_inv, &b, m); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44b73c21 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/four_point_transform.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +void perspective_3d (graphene_point3d_t *p1, + graphene_point3d_t *p2, + graphene_point3d_t *p3, + graphene_point3d_t *p4, + graphene_point3d_t *q1, + graphene_point3d_t *q2, + graphene_point3d_t *q3, + graphene_point3d_t *q4, + graphene_matrix_t *m); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2f29faf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.c @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* Benchmark/Frames + * + * This demo is intentionally as simple as possible, to see what + * framerate the windowing system can deliver on its own. + * + * It does nothing but change the drawn color, for every frame. + */ + +#include + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GdkRGBA color1; + GdkRGBA color2; + guint64 time2; + float t; + + guint tick_cb; +} ColorWidget; + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +} ColorWidgetClass; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ColorWidget, color_widget, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +#define TIME_SPAN (3.0 * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND) + +static gboolean +change_color (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer data) +{ + ColorWidget *color = (ColorWidget *)widget; + gint64 time; + + time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + + if (time >= color->time2) + { + color->time2 = time + TIME_SPAN; + + color->color1 = color->color2; + color->color2.red = g_random_double_range (0, 1); + color->color2.green = g_random_double_range (0, 1); + color->color2.blue = g_random_double_range (0, 1); + color->color2.alpha = 1; + } + + color->t = 1 - (color->time2 - time) / TIME_SPAN; + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +color_widget_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + ColorWidget *color = (ColorWidget *)widget; + float w, h; + GdkRGBA c; + + w = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + h = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + c.red = (1 - color->t) * color->color1.red + color->t * color->color2.red; + c.green = (1 - color->t) * color->color1.green + color->t * color->color2.green; + c.blue = (1 - color->t) * color->color1.blue + color->t * color->color2.blue; + c.alpha = 1; + + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &c, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, w, h)); +} + +static void +color_widget_init (ColorWidget *color) +{ + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (color), change_color, NULL, NULL); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (GTK_WIDGET (color), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (GTK_WIDGET (color), TRUE); +} + +static void +color_widget_class_init (ColorWidgetClass *class) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + widget_class->snapshot = color_widget_snapshot; +} + +GtkWidget * +color_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (color_widget_get_type (), NULL); +} + +static gboolean +update_fps_label (gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET (data); + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock; + + frame_clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (label); + + if (frame_clock) + { + char *fps; + + fps = g_strdup_printf ("%.2f fps", gdk_frame_clock_get_fps (frame_clock)); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), fps); + g_free (fps); + } + else + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), ""); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +remove_id (gpointer data) +{ + guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data); + + g_source_remove (id); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_frames (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *label; + guint id; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/frames/frames.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "fps")); + box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "box")); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), color_widget_new ()); + + id = g_timeout_add (500, update_fps_label, label); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (label), "tick_cb", + GUINT_TO_POINTER (id), remove_id); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79a27e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/frames.ui @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + 1 + 600 + 400 + Frames + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gears.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gears.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e09eba54 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gears.c @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* OpenGL/Gears + * + * This is a classic OpenGL demo, running in a GtkGLArea. + */ + + +#include +#include + +#include "gtkgears.h" + +/************************************************************************ + * DEMO CODE * + ************************************************************************/ + +static void +on_axis_value_change (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkGears *gears = GTK_GEARS (data); + int axis = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (adjustment), "axis")); + + gtk_gears_set_axis (gears, axis, gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment)); +} + + +static GtkWidget * +create_axis_slider (GtkGears *gears, + int axis) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *label, *slider; + GtkAdjustment *adj; + const char *text; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, FALSE); + + switch (axis) + { + case GTK_GEARS_X_AXIS: + text = "X"; + break; + + case GTK_GEARS_Y_AXIS: + text = "Y"; + break; + + case GTK_GEARS_Z_AXIS: + text = "Z"; + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + label = gtk_label_new (text); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + adj = gtk_adjustment_new (gtk_gears_get_axis (gears, axis), 0.0, 360.0, 1.0, 12.0, 0.0); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (adj), "axis", GINT_TO_POINTER (axis)); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", + G_CALLBACK (on_axis_value_change), + gears); + slider = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, adj); + gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (slider), FALSE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), slider); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (slider, TRUE); + + return box; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_gears (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *box, *hbox, *fps_label, *gears, *overlay, *frame; + int i; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Gears"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 640, 640); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (overlay, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (overlay, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (overlay, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (overlay, 12); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (frame, "app-notification"); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), frame); + + fps_label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_widget_set_halign (fps_label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), fps_label); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (box), 6); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), box); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (box), 6); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), hbox); + + gears = gtk_gears_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (gears, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (gears, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), gears); + + for (i = 0; i < GTK_GEARS_N_AXIS; i++) + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), create_axis_slider (GTK_GEARS (gears), i)); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (hbox), 6); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), hbox); + + gtk_gears_set_fps_label (GTK_GEARS (gears), GTK_LABEL (fps_label)); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..2ebfaeb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import sys +import re +import os +from collections import * + +def add_quotes(s): + return "\"" + s.lower() + "\"" + +def wordify(s): + return s.strip().rstrip(".,;:") + +def is_keyword(s): + if s == "GTK": + return False + elif s.startswith(("Gtk", "Gdk", "Pango")): + return True + elif s.startswith("G") and s[1].isupper(): + return True + else: + return False + +out_file = sys.argv[1] +in_files = sys.argv[2:] + + +file_output = """ +typedef GtkWidget *(*GDoDemoFunc) (GtkWidget *do_widget); + +typedef struct _DemoData DemoData; + +struct _DemoData +{ + const char *name; + const char *title; + const char **keywords; + const char *filename; + GDoDemoFunc func; + DemoData *children; +}; +""" + +# Demo = namedtuple('Demo', ['name', 'title', 'keywords', 'file', 'func']) + +demos = [] + +for demo_file in in_files: + filename = demo_file[demo_file.rfind('/')+1:] + demo_name = filename.replace(".c", "") + with open(demo_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: + title = f.readline().replace("/*", "").strip() + keywords = set() + line = f.readline().strip(); + while not line.endswith('*/'): + if line.startswith("* #Keywords:"): + keywords = keywords.union(set(map(wordify, line.replace ("* #Keywords:", "").strip().split(",")))) + else: + keywords = keywords.union(set(filter(is_keyword, map(wordify, line.replace ("* ", "").split())))) + line = f.readline().strip() + + file_output += "GtkWidget *do_" + demo_name + " (GtkWidget *do_widget);\n" + demos.append((demo_name, title, keywords, filename, "do_" + demo_name, -1)) + +# Generate a List of "Parent names" +parents = [] +parent_ids = [] +parent_index = 0 +for demo in demos: + if "/" in demo[1]: + slash_index = demo[1].index('/') + parent_name = demo[1][:slash_index] + do_break = False + + # Check for duplicates + if not parent_name in parents: + parents.append(parent_name) + parent_ids.append(parent_index) + demos.append(("NULL", parent_name, set(), "NULL", "NULL", parent_index)) + + parent_index = parent_index + 1 + + +# For every child with a parent, generate a list of child demos +i = 0 +for parent in parents: + id = parent_ids[i] + file_output += "\nDemoData child" + str(id) + "[] = {\n" + # iterate over all demos and check if the name starts with the given parent name + for child in demos: + if child[1].startswith(parent + "/"): + title = child[1][child[1].rfind('/') + 1:] + file_output += " { \"" + child[0] + "\", \"" + title + "\", " + "(const char*[]) {" + ", ".join(list(map(add_quotes, child[2])) + ["NULL"]) + " }, \"" + child[3] + "\", " + child[4] + ", NULL },\n" + + file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n" + i = i + 1 + + +# Sort demos by title +demos = sorted(demos, key=lambda x: x[1]) + +file_output += "\nDemoData gtk_demos[] = {\n" +for demo in demos: + # Do not generate one of these for demos with a parent demo + if "/" not in demo[1]: + child_array = "NULL" + name = demo[0] + title = demo[1] + keywords = demo[2] + file = demo[3] + if name != "NULL": + name = "\"" + name + "\"" + if title != "NULL": + title = "\"" + title + "\"" + if file != "NULL": + file = "\"" + file + "\"" + + if demo[5] != -1: + child_array = "child" + str(demo[5]) + file_output += " { " + name + ", " + title + ", " + "(const char*[]) {" + ", ".join(list(map(add_quotes, keywords)) + ["NULL"]) + " }, " + file + ", " + demo[4] + ", " + child_array + " },\n" + +file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n" + +ofile = open(out_file, "w") +ofile.write(file_output) +ofile.close() diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gestures.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gestures.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a339677 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gestures.c @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +/* Gestures + * #Keywords: GtkGesture + * + * Perform gestures on touchscreens and other input devices. This + * demo reacts to long presses and swipes from all devices, plus + * multi-touch rotate and zoom gestures. + */ + +#include + +static GtkGesture *rotate = NULL; +static GtkGesture *zoom = NULL; +static double swipe_x = 0; +static double swipe_y = 0; +static gboolean long_pressed = FALSE; + +static gboolean +touchpad_swipe_gesture_begin (GtkGesture *gesture, + GdkEventSequence *sequence, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + /* Disallow touchscreen events here */ + if (sequence != NULL) + gtk_gesture_set_state (gesture, GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_DENIED); + return sequence == NULL; +} + +static void +swipe_gesture_swept (GtkGestureSwipe *gesture, + double velocity_x, + double velocity_y, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + swipe_x = velocity_x / 10; + swipe_y = velocity_y / 10; + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +long_press_gesture_pressed (GtkGestureLongPress *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + long_pressed = TRUE; + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +long_press_gesture_end (GtkGesture *gesture, + GdkEventSequence *sequence, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + long_pressed = FALSE; + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +rotation_angle_changed (GtkGestureRotate *gesture, + double angle, + double delta, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +zoom_scale_changed (GtkGestureZoom *gesture, + double scale, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static void +drawing_area_draw (GtkDrawingArea *area, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + if (swipe_x != 0 || swipe_y != 0) + { + cairo_save (cr); + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 6); + cairo_move_to (cr, width / 2, height / 2); + cairo_rel_line_to (cr, swipe_x, swipe_y); + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 0, 0, 0.5); + cairo_stroke (cr); + cairo_restore (cr); + } + + if (gtk_gesture_is_recognized (rotate) || gtk_gesture_is_recognized (zoom)) + { + cairo_pattern_t *pat; + cairo_matrix_t matrix; + double angle, scale; + double x_center, y_center; + + gtk_gesture_get_bounding_box_center (GTK_GESTURE (zoom), &x_center, &y_center); + + cairo_get_matrix (cr, &matrix); + cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix, x_center, y_center); + + cairo_save (cr); + + angle = gtk_gesture_rotate_get_angle_delta (GTK_GESTURE_ROTATE (rotate)); + cairo_matrix_rotate (&matrix, angle); + + scale = gtk_gesture_zoom_get_scale_delta (GTK_GESTURE_ZOOM (zoom)); + cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, scale, scale); + + cairo_set_matrix (cr, &matrix); + cairo_rectangle (cr, -100, -100, 200, 200); + + pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (-100, 0, 200, 0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pat, 0, 0, 0, 1); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pat, 1, 1, 0, 0); + cairo_set_source (cr, pat); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_restore (cr); + + cairo_pattern_destroy (pat); + } + + if (long_pressed) + { + cairo_save (cr); + cairo_arc (cr, + width / 2, height / 2, + 50, 0, 2 * G_PI); + + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 1, 0, 0.5); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + cairo_restore (cr); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_gestures (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *drawing_area; + GtkGesture *gesture; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 400); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Gestures"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), drawing_area); + + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (drawing_area), + drawing_area_draw, + NULL, NULL); + + /* Swipe */ + gesture = gtk_gesture_swipe_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "swipe", + G_CALLBACK (swipe_gesture_swept), drawing_area); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), + GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + /* 3fg swipe for touchpads */ + gesture = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_GESTURE_SWIPE, + "n-points", 3, + NULL); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "begin", + G_CALLBACK (touchpad_swipe_gesture_begin), drawing_area); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "swipe", + G_CALLBACK (swipe_gesture_swept), drawing_area); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), + GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + + /* Long press */ + gesture = gtk_gesture_long_press_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", + G_CALLBACK (long_press_gesture_pressed), drawing_area); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "end", + G_CALLBACK (long_press_gesture_end), drawing_area); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), + GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + /* Rotate */ + rotate = gesture = gtk_gesture_rotate_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "angle-changed", + G_CALLBACK (rotation_angle_changed), drawing_area); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), + GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + /* Zoom */ + zoom = gesture = gtk_gesture_zoom_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "scale-changed", + G_CALLBACK (zoom_scale_changed), drawing_area); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), + GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.fs.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.fs.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aaa73050 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.fs.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#version 330 + +out vec4 outputColor; + +void main() { + float lerpVal = gl_FragCoord.y / 500.0f; + + outputColor = mix(vec4(1.0f, 0.85f, 0.35f, 1.0f), vec4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f), lerpVal); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.vs.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.vs.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..163f6efc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gl.vs.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#version 330 + +layout(location = 0) in vec4 position; +uniform mat4 mvp; + +void main() { + gl_Position = mvp * position; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.fs.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.fs.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac5e1950 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.fs.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +precision highp float; + +void main() { + float lerpVal = gl_FragCoord.y / 500.0; + + gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(1.0, 0.85, 0.35, 1.0), vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), lerpVal); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.vs.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.vs.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63064da4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea-gles.vs.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +attribute vec4 position; + +uniform mat4 mvp; + +void main() { + gl_Position = mvp * position; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..430f44cd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glarea.c @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +/* OpenGL/OpenGL Area + * + * GtkGLArea is a widget that allows custom drawing using OpenGL calls. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +static GtkWidget *demo_window = NULL; + +/* the GtkGLArea widget */ +static GtkWidget *gl_area = NULL; + +enum { + X_AXIS, + Y_AXIS, + Z_AXIS, + + N_AXIS +}; + +/* Rotation angles on each axis */ +static float rotation_angles[N_AXIS] = { 0.0 }; + +/* The object we are drawing */ +static const GLfloat vertex_data[] = { + 0.f, 0.5f, 0.f, 1.f, + 0.5f, -0.366f, 0.f, 1.f, + -0.5f, -0.366f, 0.f, 1.f, +}; + +/* Initialize the GL buffers */ +static void +init_buffers (GLuint *vao_out, + GLuint *buffer_out) +{ + GLuint vao, buffer; + + /* We only use one VAO, so we always keep it bound */ + glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao); + glBindVertexArray (vao); + + /* This is the buffer that holds the vertices */ + glGenBuffers (1, &buffer); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); + glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof (vertex_data), vertex_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); + + if (vao_out != NULL) + *vao_out = vao; + + if (buffer_out != NULL) + *buffer_out = buffer; +} + +/* Create and compile a shader */ +static GLuint +create_shader (int type, + const char *src) +{ + GLuint shader; + int status; + + shader = glCreateShader (type); + glShaderSource (shader, 1, &src, NULL); + glCompileShader (shader); + + glGetShaderiv (shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); + if (status == GL_FALSE) + { + int log_len; + char *buffer; + + glGetShaderiv (shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_len); + + buffer = g_malloc (log_len + 1); + glGetShaderInfoLog (shader, log_len, NULL, buffer); + + g_warning ("Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s", + type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "vertex" : "fragment", + buffer); + + g_free (buffer); + + glDeleteShader (shader); + + return 0; + } + + return shader; +} + +/* Initialize the shaders and link them into a program */ +static void +init_shaders (const char *vertex_path, + const char *fragment_path, + GLuint *program_out, + GLuint *mvp_out) +{ + GLuint vertex, fragment; + GLuint program = 0; + GLuint mvp = 0; + int status; + GBytes *source; + + source = g_resources_lookup_data (vertex_path, 0, NULL); + vertex = create_shader (GL_VERTEX_SHADER, g_bytes_get_data (source, NULL)); + g_bytes_unref (source); + + if (vertex == 0) + { + *program_out = 0; + return; + } + + source = g_resources_lookup_data (fragment_path, 0, NULL); + fragment = create_shader (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, g_bytes_get_data (source, NULL)); + g_bytes_unref (source); + + if (fragment == 0) + { + glDeleteShader (vertex); + *program_out = 0; + return; + } + + program = glCreateProgram (); + glAttachShader (program, vertex); + glAttachShader (program, fragment); + + glLinkProgram (program); + + glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); + if (status == GL_FALSE) + { + int log_len; + char *buffer; + + glGetProgramiv (program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_len); + + buffer = g_malloc (log_len + 1); + glGetProgramInfoLog (program, log_len, NULL, buffer); + + g_warning ("Linking failure:\n%s", buffer); + + g_free (buffer); + + glDeleteProgram (program); + program = 0; + + goto out; + } + + /* Get the location of the "mvp" uniform */ + mvp = glGetUniformLocation (program, "mvp"); + + glDetachShader (program, vertex); + glDetachShader (program, fragment); + +out: + glDeleteShader (vertex); + glDeleteShader (fragment); + + if (program_out != NULL) + *program_out = program; + + if (mvp_out != NULL) + *mvp_out = mvp; +} + +static void +compute_mvp (float *res, + float phi, + float theta, + float psi) +{ + float x = phi * (G_PI / 180.f); + float y = theta * (G_PI / 180.f); + float z = psi * (G_PI / 180.f); + float c1 = cosf (x), s1 = sinf (x); + float c2 = cosf (y), s2 = sinf (y); + float c3 = cosf (z), s3 = sinf (z); + float c3c2 = c3 * c2; + float s3c1 = s3 * c1; + float c3s2s1 = c3 * s2 * s1; + float s3s1 = s3 * s1; + float c3s2c1 = c3 * s2 * c1; + float s3c2 = s3 * c2; + float c3c1 = c3 * c1; + float s3s2s1 = s3 * s2 * s1; + float c3s1 = c3 * s1; + float s3s2c1 = s3 * s2 * c1; + float c2s1 = c2 * s1; + float c2c1 = c2 * c1; + + /* initialize to the identity matrix */ + res[0] = 1.f; res[4] = 0.f; res[8] = 0.f; res[12] = 0.f; + res[1] = 0.f; res[5] = 1.f; res[9] = 0.f; res[13] = 0.f; + res[2] = 0.f; res[6] = 0.f; res[10] = 1.f; res[14] = 0.f; + res[3] = 0.f; res[7] = 0.f; res[11] = 0.f; res[15] = 1.f; + + /* apply all three rotations using the three matrices: + * + * ⎡ c3 s3 0 ⎤ ⎡ c2 0 -s2 ⎤ ⎡ 1 0 0 ⎤ + * ⎢ -s3 c3 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0 c1 s1 ⎥ + * ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣ s2 0 c2 ⎦ ⎣ 0 -s1 c1 ⎦ + */ + res[0] = c3c2; res[4] = s3c1 + c3s2s1; res[8] = s3s1 - c3s2c1; res[12] = 0.f; + res[1] = -s3c2; res[5] = c3c1 - s3s2s1; res[9] = c3s1 + s3s2c1; res[13] = 0.f; + res[2] = s2; res[6] = -c2s1; res[10] = c2c1; res[14] = 0.f; + res[3] = 0.f; res[7] = 0.f; res[11] = 0.f; res[15] = 1.f; +} + +static GLuint position_buffer; +static GLuint program; +static GLuint mvp_location; + +/* We need to set up our state when we realize the GtkGLArea widget */ +static void +realize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + const char *vertex_path, *fragment_path; + GdkGLContext *context; + + gtk_gl_area_make_current (GTK_GL_AREA (widget)); + + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (GTK_GL_AREA (widget)) != NULL) + return; + + context = gtk_gl_area_get_context (GTK_GL_AREA (widget)); + + if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (context)) + { + vertex_path = "/glarea/glarea-gles.vs.glsl"; + fragment_path = "/glarea/glarea-gles.fs.glsl"; + } + else + { + vertex_path = "/glarea/glarea-gl.vs.glsl"; + fragment_path = "/glarea/glarea-gl.fs.glsl"; + } + + init_buffers (NULL, &position_buffer); + init_shaders (vertex_path, fragment_path, &program, &mvp_location); +} + +/* We should tear down the state when unrealizing */ +static void +unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + gtk_gl_area_make_current (GTK_GL_AREA (widget)); + + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (GTK_GL_AREA (widget)) != NULL) + return; + + glDeleteBuffers (1, &position_buffer); + glDeleteProgram (program); +} + +static void +draw_triangle (void) +{ + float mvp[16]; + + /* Compute the model view projection matrix using the + * rotation angles specified through the GtkRange widgets + */ + compute_mvp (mvp, + rotation_angles[X_AXIS], + rotation_angles[Y_AXIS], + rotation_angles[Z_AXIS]); + + /* Use our shaders */ + glUseProgram (program); + + /* Update the "mvp" matrix we use in the shader */ + glUniformMatrix4fv (mvp_location, 1, GL_FALSE, &mvp[0]); + + /* Use the vertices in our buffer */ + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, position_buffer); + glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); + glVertexAttribPointer (0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); + + /* Draw the three vertices as a triangle */ + glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + + /* We finished using the buffers and program */ + glDisableVertexAttribArray (0); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); + glUseProgram (0); +} + +static gboolean +render (GtkGLArea *area, + GdkGLContext *context) +{ + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (area) != NULL) + return FALSE; + + /* Clear the viewport */ + glClearColor (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); + glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + + /* Draw our object */ + draw_triangle (); + + /* Flush the contents of the pipeline */ + glFlush (); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +on_axis_value_change (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, + gpointer data) +{ + int axis = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); + + g_assert (axis >= 0 && axis < N_AXIS); + + /* Update the rotation angle */ + rotation_angles[axis] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + + /* Update the contents of the GL drawing area */ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (gl_area); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_axis_slider (int axis) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *label, *slider; + GtkAdjustment *adj; + const char *text; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + + switch (axis) + { + case X_AXIS: + text = "X axis"; + break; + + case Y_AXIS: + text = "Y axis"; + break; + + case Z_AXIS: + text = "Z axis"; + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + label = gtk_label_new (text); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + adj = gtk_adjustment_new (0.0, 0.0, 360.0, 1.0, 12.0, 0.0); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", + G_CALLBACK (on_axis_value_change), + GINT_TO_POINTER (axis)); + slider = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, adj); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), slider); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (slider, TRUE); + + return box; +} + +static void +close_window (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + /* Reset the state */ + demo_window = NULL; + gl_area = NULL; + + rotation_angles[X_AXIS] = 0.0; + rotation_angles[Y_AXIS] = 0.0; + rotation_angles[Z_AXIS] = 0.0; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_glarea_window (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *box, *button, *controls; + int i; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "OpenGL Area"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 600); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 12); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (box), 6); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + gl_area = gtk_gl_area_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (gl_area, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (gl_area, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (gl_area, 100, 200); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), gl_area); + + /* We need to initialize and free GL resources, so we use + * the realize and unrealize signals on the widget + */ + g_signal_connect (gl_area, "realize", G_CALLBACK (realize), NULL); + g_signal_connect (gl_area, "unrealize", G_CALLBACK (unrealize), NULL); + + /* The main "draw" call for GtkGLArea */ + g_signal_connect (gl_area, "render", G_CALLBACK (render), NULL); + + controls = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), controls); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (controls, TRUE); + + for (i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (controls), create_axis_slider (i)); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Quit"); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (button, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), window); + + return window; +} + +GtkWidget* +do_glarea (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (demo_window == NULL) + demo_window = create_glarea_window (do_widget); + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (demo_window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (demo_window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (demo_window)); + + return demo_window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glowingstars.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glowingstars.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d731310 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/glowingstars.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ttBcRV +// License CC0: Flying through glowing stars +// The result of playing around trying to improve an old shader + +#define PI 3.141592654 +#define TAU (2.0*PI) +#define TIME iTime +#define RESOLUTION iResolution + +#define LESS(a,b,c) mix(a,b,step(0.,c)) +#define SABS(x,k) LESS((.5/(k))*(x)*(x)+(k)*.5,abs(x),abs(x)-(k)) + +#define MROT(a) mat2(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)) + +vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) { + const vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); + vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); + return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); +} + +float hash(in vec3 co) { + return fract(sin(dot(co, vec3(12.9898,58.233, 12.9898+58.233))) * 13758.5453); +} + +float starn(vec2 p, float r, int n, float m) { + // From IQ: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3tSGDy + // https://iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions2d/distfunctions2d.htm + + // Minor tweak to use SABS over abs to smooth inner corners + // SABS: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Ws2SDK + + // next 4 lines can be precomputed for a given shape + float an = 3.141593/float(n); + float en = 3.141593/m; // m is between 2 and n + vec2 acs = vec2(cos(an),sin(an)); + vec2 ecs = vec2(cos(en),sin(en)); // ecs=vec2(0,1) for regular polygon, + + float bn = mod(atan(p.x,p.y),2.0*an) - an; + p = length(p)*vec2(cos(bn),SABS(sin(bn), 0.15)); + p -= r*acs; + p += ecs*clamp( -dot(p,ecs), 0.0, r*acs.y/ecs.y); + return length(p)*sign(p.x); +} + +vec4 alphaBlend(vec4 back, vec4 front) { + vec3 xyz = mix(back.xyz*back.w, front.xyz, front.w); + float w = mix(back.w, 1.0, front.w); + return vec4(xyz, w); +} + +void rot(inout vec2 p, float a) { + float c = cos(a); + float s = sin(a); + p = vec2(c*p.x + s*p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.y); +} + +vec3 offset(float z) { + float a = z; + vec2 p = -0.075*(vec2(cos(a), sin(a*sqrt(2.0))) + vec2(cos(a*sqrt(0.75)), sin(a*sqrt(0.5)))); + return vec3(p, z); +} + +vec3 doffset(float z) { + float eps = 0.05; + return 0.5*(offset(z + eps) - offset(z - eps))/eps; +} + +vec3 ddoffset(float z) { + float eps = 0.05; + return 0.5*(doffset(z + eps) - doffset(z - eps))/eps; +} + +vec4 planeCol(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, float n, vec3 pp) { + const float s = 0.5; + + vec2 p = pp.xy; + float z = pp.z; + vec2 dpy = dFdy(p); + float aa = length(dpy); + + p -= (1.0+5.0*(pp.z - ro.z))*offset(z).xy; + + p *= s; + float r = hash(vec3(floor(p+0.5), n)); + p = fract(p+0.5)-0.5; + rot(p, ((TAU*r+n)*0.25)); + float d = starn(p, 0.20, 3 + 2*int(3.0*r), 3.0); + d -= 0.06; + d/=s; + + float ds = -d+0.03; + vec3 cols = hsv2rgb(vec3(337.0/360.0+0.1*sin(n*0.3), 0.8, 0.54+0.2*sin(n*0.3))); + float ts = 1.0 - smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, ds); + vec4 cs = vec4(cols, ts*0.93); + + float db = abs(d) - (0.06); + db = abs(db) - 0.03; + db = abs(db) - 0.00; + db = max(db, -d+0.03); + vec3 colb = vec3(1.0, 0.7, 0.5); + float tb = exp(-(db)*30.0*(1.0 - 10.0*aa)); + vec4 cb = vec4(1.5*colb, tb); + + vec4 ct = alphaBlend(cs, cb); + + return ct; +} + +vec3 color(vec3 ww, vec3 uu, vec3 vv, vec3 ro, vec2 p) { + vec3 rd = normalize(p.x*uu + p.y*vv + (2.0-tanh(length(p)))*ww); + + vec4 col = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); + + const float planeDist = 1.0; + const int furthest = 6; + const int fadeFrom = furthest-3; + + float nz = floor(ro.z / planeDist); + + for (int i = furthest; i >= 1; --i) { + float pz = planeDist*nz + planeDist*float(i); + + float pd = (pz - ro.z)/rd.z; + + if (pd > 0.0) { + vec3 pp = ro + rd*pd; + + vec4 pcol = planeCol(ro, rd, nz+float(i), pp); + float fadeIn = 1.0-smoothstep(planeDist*float(fadeFrom), planeDist*float(furthest), pp.z-ro.z); + pcol.xyz *= sqrt(fadeIn); + + col = alphaBlend(col, pcol); + } + } + + return col.xyz*col.w; +} + +vec3 postProcess(vec3 col, vec2 q) { + col=pow(clamp(col,0.0,1.0),vec3(0.75)); + col=col*0.6+0.4*col*col*(3.0-2.0*col); + col=mix(col, vec3(dot(col, vec3(0.33))), -0.4); + col*=0.5+0.5*pow(19.0*q.x*q.y*(1.0-q.x)*(1.0-q.y),0.7); + return col; +} + +vec3 effect(vec2 p, vec2 q) { + float tm = TIME*0.65; + + vec3 ro = offset(tm); + vec3 dro = doffset(tm); + vec3 ddro = ddoffset(tm); + + vec3 ww = normalize(dro); + vec3 uu = normalize(cross(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0)+1.5*ddro, ww)); + vec3 vv = normalize(cross(ww, uu)); + + vec3 col = color(ww, uu, vv, ro, p); + col = postProcess(col, q); + + const float fadeIn = 2.0; + + return col*smoothstep(0.0, fadeIn, TIME); +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) { + vec2 q = fragCoord/RESOLUTION.xy; + vec2 p = -1. + 2. * q; + p.x *= RESOLUTION.x/RESOLUTION.y; + + vec3 col = effect(p, q); + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gltransition.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gltransition.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e588a529 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gltransition.c @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +/* OpenGL/Transitions and Effects + * #Keywords: OpenGL, shader, effect + * + * Create transitions between pages using a custom fragment shader. + * + * The example transitions here are taken from gl-transitions.com, and you + * can edit the shader code itself on the last page of the stack. + * + * The transitions work with arbitrary content. We use images, shaders + * GL areas and plain old widgets to demonstrate this. + * + * The demo also shows some over-the-top effects like wobbly widgets, + * and animated backgrounds. + */ + +#include +#include +#include "gtkshaderstack.h" +#include "gtkshaderbin.h" +#include "gtkshadertoy.h" +#include "gskshaderpaintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *demo_window = NULL; + +static void +close_window (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + /* Reset the state */ + demo_window = NULL; +} + +static void +text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkWidget *button) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (button, TRUE); +} + +static void +apply_text (GtkWidget *button, + GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + GtkWidget *stack; + GskGLShader *shader; + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + stack = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), "the-stack"); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, TRUE); + + GBytes *bytes = g_bytes_new_take (text, strlen (text)); + shader = gsk_gl_shader_new_from_bytes (bytes); + + gtk_shader_stack_set_shader (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), shader); + + g_object_unref (shader); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (button, FALSE); +} + +static void +go_back (GtkWidget *button, + GtkWidget *stack) +{ + gtk_shader_stack_transition (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), FALSE); +} + +static void +go_forward (GtkWidget *button, + GtkWidget *stack) +{ + gtk_shader_stack_transition (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), TRUE); +} + +static void +clicked_cb (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + guint n_pressed, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + gtk_gesture_set_state (GTK_GESTURE (gesture), GTK_EVENT_SEQUENCE_CLAIMED); +} + +static GtkWidget * +ripple_bin_new (void) +{ + GtkWidget *bin = gtk_shader_bin_new (); + static GskGLShader *shader = NULL; + + if (shader == NULL) + shader = gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource ("/gltransition/ripple.glsl"); + + gtk_shader_bin_add_shader (GTK_SHADER_BIN (bin), shader, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, 20); + + return bin; +} + +static GtkWidget * +new_shadertoy (const char *path) +{ + GBytes *shader; + GtkWidget *toy; + + toy = gtk_shadertoy_new (); + shader = g_resources_lookup_data (path, 0, NULL); + gtk_shadertoy_set_image_shader (GTK_SHADERTOY (toy), + g_bytes_get_data (shader, NULL)); + g_bytes_unref (shader); + + return toy; +} + +static gboolean +update_paintable (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GskShaderPaintable *paintable; + gint64 frame_time; + + paintable = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (widget))); + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + gsk_shader_paintable_update_time (paintable, 0, frame_time); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static GtkWidget * +make_shader_stack (const char *name, + const char *resource_path, + int active_child, + GtkWidget *scale) +{ + GtkWidget *stack, *child, *widget, *vbox, *hbox, *bin; + GtkWidget *label, *button, *tv; + GskGLShader *shader; + GObjectClass *class; + GParamSpecFloat *pspec; + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GBytes *bytes; + GtkEventController *controller; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + stack = gtk_shader_stack_new (); + shader = gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource (resource_path); + gtk_shader_stack_set_shader (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), shader); + g_object_unref (shader); + + child = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/css_blendmodes/ducky.png"); + gtk_picture_set_can_shrink (GTK_PICTURE (child), TRUE); + gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), child); + + shader = gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource ("/gltransition/cogs2.glsl"); + paintable = gsk_shader_paintable_new (shader, NULL); + + child = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (child, update_paintable, NULL, NULL); + gtk_picture_set_can_shrink (GTK_PICTURE (child), TRUE); + gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), child); + + child = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/transparent/portland-rose.jpg"); + gtk_picture_set_can_shrink (GTK_PICTURE (child), TRUE); + gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), child); + + child = new_shadertoy ("/shadertoy/neon.glsl"); + gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), child); + + child = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); + + class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_SHADER_STACK); + pspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_FLOAT (g_object_class_find_property (class, "duration")); + + adjustment = gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (scale)); + if (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adjustment) == 0.0 && + gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adjustment) == 0.0) + { + gtk_adjustment_configure (adjustment, + pspec->default_value, + pspec->minimum, + pspec->maximum, + 0.1, 0.5, 0); + } + + g_type_class_unref (class); + + g_object_bind_property (adjustment, "value", + stack, "duration", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + + widget = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (widget), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (widget, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (widget, TRUE); + + controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ()); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (controller), 0); + g_signal_connect (controller, "released", G_CALLBACK (clicked_cb), NULL); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (controller, GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (widget), controller); + + tv = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 4); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 4); + gtk_text_view_set_top_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 4); + gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv), 4); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv)); + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (resource_path, 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, + (const char *)g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), + g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (widget), tv); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (child), widget); + + gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), child); + + gtk_shader_stack_set_active (GTK_SHADER_STACK (stack), active_child); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); + + widget = gtk_center_box_new (); + label = gtk_label_new (name); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "title-4"); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (label, -1, 26); + gtk_center_box_set_center_widget (GTK_CENTER_BOX (widget), label); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (buffer, "changed", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), button); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (button), "the-stack", stack); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (apply_text), buffer); + gtk_widget_set_halign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (button, "small"); + gtk_widget_set_visible (button, FALSE); + gtk_center_box_set_end_widget (GTK_CENTER_BOX (widget), button); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), widget); + + GtkWidget *bin2 = ripple_bin_new (); + gtk_shader_bin_set_child (GTK_SHADER_BIN (bin2), stack); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bin2); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_halign (hbox, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-previous-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (go_back), stack); + bin = ripple_bin_new (); + gtk_shader_bin_set_child (GTK_SHADER_BIN (bin), button); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), bin); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-next-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (go_forward), stack); + bin = ripple_bin_new (); + gtk_shader_bin_set_child (GTK_SHADER_BIN (bin), button); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), bin); + + return vbox; +} + +static void +remove_provider (gpointer data) +{ + GtkStyleProvider *provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (data); + + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), provider); + g_object_unref (provider); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_gltransition_window (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *headerbar, *scale, *outer_grid, *grid, *background; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Transitions and Effects"); + headerbar = gtk_header_bar_new (); + scale = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, NULL); + gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (scale), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (scale, 100, -1); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (scale, "Transition duration"); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (headerbar), scale); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), headerbar); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 800, 600); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + outer_grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), outer_grid); + + paintable = gsk_shader_paintable_new (gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource ("/gltransition/background.glsl"), NULL); + background = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (background, update_paintable, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (outer_grid), + background, + 0, 0, 1, 1); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (outer_grid), + grid, + 0, 0, 1, 1); + + gtk_widget_set_halign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (grid, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (grid, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (grid, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (grid, 12); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); + gtk_grid_set_row_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + gtk_grid_set_column_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), + make_shader_stack ("Wind", "/gltransition/wind.glsl", 0, scale), + 0, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), + make_shader_stack ("Radial", "/gltransition/radial.glsl", 1, scale), + 1, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), + make_shader_stack ("Crosswarp", "/gltransition/crosswarp.glsl", 2, scale), + 0, 1, 1, 1); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), + make_shader_stack ("Kaleidoscope", "/gltransition/kaleidoscope.glsl", 3, scale), + 1, 1, 1, 1); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, "button.small { padding: 0; }", -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "provider", provider, remove_provider); + + return window; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_gltransition (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!demo_window) + demo_window = create_gltransition_window (do_widget); + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (demo_window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (demo_window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (demo_window)); + + return demo_window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-applets.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-applets.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d3549e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-applets.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-calendar.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-calendar.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..889f329a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-calendar.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-foot.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-foot.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04766585 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-foot.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-directory.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-directory.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05921a66 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-directory.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-regular.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-regular.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f5019c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-fs-regular.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gimp.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gimp.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6bbc6d3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gimp.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gmush.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gmush.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a4b0d04 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gmush.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gsame.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gsame.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01c06115 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnome-gsame.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnu-keys.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnu-keys.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58a33770 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gnu-keys.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grab_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grab_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a920eef1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grab_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grabbing_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grabbing_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33418ac1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/grabbing_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f165358e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.c @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include "gskshaderpaintable.h" + +/** + * GskShaderPaintable: + * + * `GskShaderPaintable` is an implementation of the `GdkPaintable` interface + * that uses a `GskGLShader` to create pixels. + * + * You can set the uniform data that the shader needs for rendering + * using gsk_shader_paintable_set_args(). This function can + * be called repeatedly to change the uniform data for the next + * snapshot. + * + * Commonly, time is passed to shaders as a float uniform containing + * the elapsed time in seconds. The convenience API + * gsk_shader_paintable_update_time() can be called from a `GtkTickCallback` + * to update the time based on the frame time of the frame clock. + */ + + +struct _GskShaderPaintable +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GskGLShader *shader; + GBytes *args; + + gint64 start_time; +}; + +struct _GskShaderPaintableClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_SHADER, + PROP_ARGS, + + N_PROPS, +}; + +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_paintable_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GskShaderPaintable *self = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + gtk_snapshot_push_gl_shader (snapshot, self->shader, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(0, 0, width, height), g_bytes_ref (self->args)); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); +} + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gsk_shader_paintable_paintable_snapshot; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED (GskShaderPaintable, gsk_shader_paintable, G_TYPE_OBJECT, 0, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gsk_shader_paintable_paintable_init)) + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) + +{ + GskShaderPaintable *self = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_SHADER: + gsk_shader_paintable_set_shader (self, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + case PROP_ARGS: + gsk_shader_paintable_set_args (self, g_value_get_boxed (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GskShaderPaintable *self = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_SHADER: + g_value_set_object (value, self->shader); + break; + + case PROP_ARGS: + g_value_set_boxed (value, self->args); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GskShaderPaintable *self = GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->args, g_bytes_unref); + g_clear_object (&self->shader); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gsk_shader_paintable_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_class_init (GskShaderPaintableClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gsk_shader_paintable_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = gsk_shader_paintable_set_property; + gobject_class->finalize = gsk_shader_paintable_finalize; + + properties[PROP_SHADER] = + g_param_spec_object ("shader", "Shader", "The shader", + GSK_TYPE_GL_SHADER, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_ARGS] = + g_param_spec_boxed ("args", "Arguments", "The uniform arguments", + G_TYPE_BYTES, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void +gsk_shader_paintable_init (GskShaderPaintable *self) +{ +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_new: + * @shader: (transfer full) (nullable): the shader to use + * @data: (transfer full) (nullable): uniform data + * + * Creates a paintable that uses the @shader to create + * pixels. The shader must not require input textures. + * If @data is %NULL, all uniform values are set to zero. + * + * Returns: (transfer full): a new `GskShaderPaintable` + */ +GdkPaintable * +gsk_shader_paintable_new (GskGLShader *shader, + GBytes *data) +{ + GdkPaintable *ret; + + g_return_val_if_fail (shader == NULL || GSK_IS_GL_SHADER (shader), NULL); + + if (shader && !data) + { + int size = gsk_gl_shader_get_args_size (shader); + data = g_bytes_new_take (g_new0 (guchar, size), size); + } + + ret = g_object_new (GSK_TYPE_SHADER_PAINTABLE, + "shader", shader, + "args", data, + NULL); + + g_clear_object (&shader); + g_clear_pointer (&data, g_bytes_unref); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_set_shader: + * @self: a `GskShaderPaintable` + * @shader: the `GskGLShader` to use + * + * Sets the shader that the paintable will use + * to create pixels. The shader must not require + * input textures. + */ +void +gsk_shader_paintable_set_shader (GskShaderPaintable *self, + GskGLShader *shader) +{ + g_return_if_fail (GSK_IS_SHADER_PAINTABLE (self)); + g_return_if_fail (shader == NULL || GSK_IS_GL_SHADER (shader)); + g_return_if_fail (shader == NULL || gsk_gl_shader_get_n_textures (shader) == 0); + + if (!g_set_object (&self->shader, shader)) + return; + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_SHADER]); + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->args, g_bytes_unref); +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_get_shader: + * @self: a `GskShaderPaintable` + * + * Returns the shader that the paintable is using. + * + * Returns: (transfer none): the `GskGLShader` that is used + */ +GskGLShader * +gsk_shader_paintable_get_shader (GskShaderPaintable *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GSK_IS_SHADER_PAINTABLE (self), NULL); + + return self->shader; +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_set_args: + * @self: a `GskShaderPaintable` + * @data: Data block with uniform data for the shader + * + * Sets the uniform data that will be passed to the + * shader when rendering. The @data will typically + * be produced by a `GskUniformDataBuilder`. + * + * Note that the @data should be considered immutable + * after it has been passed to this function. + */ +void +gsk_shader_paintable_set_args (GskShaderPaintable *self, + GBytes *data) +{ + g_return_if_fail (GSK_IS_SHADER_PAINTABLE (self)); + g_return_if_fail (data == NULL || g_bytes_get_size (data) == gsk_gl_shader_get_args_size (self->shader)); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->args, g_bytes_unref); + if (data) + self->args = g_bytes_ref (data); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_ARGS]); + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_get_args: + * @self: a `GskShaderPaintable` + * + * Returns the uniform data set with + * gsk_shader_paintable_get_args(). + * + * Returns: (transfer none): the uniform data + */ +GBytes * +gsk_shader_paintable_get_args (GskShaderPaintable *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GSK_IS_SHADER_PAINTABLE (self), NULL); + + return self->args; +} + +/** + * gsk_shader_paintable_update_time: + * @self: a `GskShaderPaintable` + * @time_idx: the index of the uniform for time in seconds as float + * @frame_time: the current frame time, as returned by `GdkFrameClock` + * + * This function is a convenience wrapper for + * gsk_shader_paintable_set_args() that leaves all + * uniform values unchanged, except for the uniform with + * index @time_idx, which will be set to the elapsed time + * in seconds, since the first call to this function. + * + * This function is usually called from a `GtkTickCallback`. + */ +void +gsk_shader_paintable_update_time (GskShaderPaintable *self, + int time_idx, + gint64 frame_time) +{ + GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder; + GBytes *args; + float time; + + if (self->start_time == 0) + self->start_time = frame_time; + + time = (frame_time - self->start_time) / (float)G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; + + builder = gsk_shader_args_builder_new (self->shader, self->args); + gsk_shader_args_builder_set_float (builder, time_idx, time); + args = gsk_shader_args_builder_free_to_args (builder); + + gsk_shader_paintable_set_args (self, args); + + g_bytes_unref (args); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b8f7db8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gskshaderpaintable.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Matthias Clasen + */ + +#ifndef __GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE_H__ +#define __GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE_H__ + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GSK_TYPE_SHADER_PAINTABLE (gsk_shader_paintable_get_type ()) + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GskShaderPaintable, gsk_shader_paintable, GSK, SHADER_PAINTABLE, GObject) + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GdkPaintable * gsk_shader_paintable_new (GskGLShader *shader, + GBytes *data); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskGLShader * gsk_shader_paintable_get_shader (GskShaderPaintable *self); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_shader_paintable_set_shader (GskShaderPaintable *self, + GskGLShader *shader); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GBytes * gsk_shader_paintable_get_args (GskShaderPaintable *self); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_shader_paintable_set_args (GskShaderPaintable *self, + GBytes *data); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_shader_paintable_update_time (GskShaderPaintable *self, + int time_idx, + gint64 frame_time); +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GSK_SHADER_PAINTABLE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk-logo.webm b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk-logo.webm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7baa0588 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk-logo.webm differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d8f6047 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* GtkPageSetupUnixDialog + * Copyright (C) 2006 Alexander Larsson + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ +#define __GTK_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ + +#if !defined (__GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG (gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_get_type ()) +#define GTK_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG, GtkPageSetupUnixDialog)) +#define GTK_IS_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG)) + + +typedef struct _GtkPageSetupUnixDialog GtkPageSetupUnixDialog; + + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkWidget * gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_new (const char *title, + GtkWindow *parent); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_set_page_setup (GtkPageSetupUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkPageSetup *page_setup); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPageSetup * gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_get_page_setup (GtkPageSetupUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_set_print_settings (GtkPageSetupUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkPrintSettings *print_settings); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintSettings *gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_get_print_settings (GtkPageSetupUnixDialog *dialog); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_PAGE_SETUP_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprinter.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprinter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd63d800 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprinter.h @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/* GtkPrinter + * Copyright (C) 2006 John (J5) Palmieri + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_PRINTER_H__ +#define __GTK_PRINTER_H__ + +#if !defined (__GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_PRINT_CAPABILITIES (gtk_print_capabilities_get_type ()) + +/* Note, this type is manually registered with GObject in gtkprinter.c + * If you add any flags, update the registration as well! + */ +/** + * GtkPrintCapabilities: + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PAGE_SET: Print dialog will offer printing even/odd pages. + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COPIES: Print dialog will allow to print multiple copies. + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COLLATE: Print dialog will allow to collate multiple copies. + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_REVERSE: Print dialog will allow to print pages in reverse order. + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_SCALE: Print dialog will allow to scale the output. + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PDF: The program will send the document to + * the printer in PDF format + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PS: The program will send the document to + * the printer in Postscript format + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PREVIEW: Print dialog will offer a preview + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP: Print dialog will offer printing multiple + * pages per sheet + * @GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT: Print dialog will allow to rearrange + * pages when printing multiple pages per sheet + * + * Specifies which features the print dialog should offer. + * + * If neither %GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PDF nor + * %GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PS is specified, GTK assumes that all + * formats are supported. + */ +typedef enum +{ + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PAGE_SET = 1 << 0, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COPIES = 1 << 1, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COLLATE = 1 << 2, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_REVERSE = 1 << 3, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_SCALE = 1 << 4, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PDF = 1 << 5, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PS = 1 << 6, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PREVIEW = 1 << 7, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP = 1 << 8, + GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT = 1 << 9 +} GtkPrintCapabilities; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gtk_print_capabilities_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +#define GTK_TYPE_PRINTER (gtk_printer_get_type ()) +#define GTK_PRINTER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINTER, GtkPrinter)) +#define GTK_IS_PRINTER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINTER)) + +typedef struct _GtkPrinter GtkPrinter; +typedef struct _GtkPrintBackend GtkPrintBackend; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gtk_printer_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrinter *gtk_printer_new (const char *name, + GtkPrintBackend *backend, + gboolean virtual_); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintBackend *gtk_printer_get_backend (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_printer_get_name (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_printer_get_state_message (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_printer_get_description (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_printer_get_location (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_printer_get_icon_name (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +int gtk_printer_get_job_count (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_is_active (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_is_paused (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_is_accepting_jobs (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_is_virtual (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_is_default (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_accepts_pdf (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_accepts_ps (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GList *gtk_printer_list_papers (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPageSetup *gtk_printer_get_default_page_size (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +int gtk_printer_compare (GtkPrinter *a, + GtkPrinter *b); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_has_details (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_printer_request_details (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintCapabilities gtk_printer_get_capabilities (GtkPrinter *printer); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_get_hard_margins (GtkPrinter *printer, + double *top, + double *bottom, + double *left, + double *right); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_printer_get_hard_margins_for_paper_size (GtkPrinter *printer, + GtkPaperSize *paper_size, + double *top, + double *bottom, + double *left, + double *right); + +/** + * GtkPrinterFunc: + * @printer: a `GtkPrinter` + * @data: (closure): user data passed to gtk_enumerate_printers() + * + * The type of function passed to gtk_enumerate_printers(). + * + * Note that you need to ref @printer, if you want to keep + * a reference to it after the function has returned. + * + * Returns: %TRUE to stop the enumeration, %FALSE to continue + */ +typedef gboolean (*GtkPrinterFunc) (GtkPrinter *printer, + gpointer data); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_enumerate_printers (GtkPrinterFunc func, + gpointer data, + GDestroyNotify destroy, + gboolean wait); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_PRINTER_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintjob.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintjob.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea9be52a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintjob.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/* GtkPrintJob + * Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat,Inc. + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_PRINT_JOB_H__ +#define __GTK_PRINT_JOB_H__ + +#if !defined (__GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#include + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_PRINT_JOB (gtk_print_job_get_type ()) +#define GTK_PRINT_JOB(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_JOB, GtkPrintJob)) +#define GTK_IS_PRINT_JOB(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_JOB)) + +typedef struct _GtkPrintJob GtkPrintJob; + +/** + * GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc: + * @print_job: the `GtkPrintJob` + * @user_data: user data that has been passed to gtk_print_job_send() + * @error: a `GError` that contains error information if the sending + * of the print job failed, otherwise %NULL + * + * The type of callback that is passed to gtk_print_job_send(). + * + * It is called when the print job has been completely sent. + */ +typedef void (*GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc) (GtkPrintJob *print_job, + gpointer user_data, + const GError *error); + + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gtk_print_job_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintJob *gtk_print_job_new (const char *title, + GtkPrinter *printer, + GtkPrintSettings *settings, + GtkPageSetup *page_setup); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintSettings *gtk_print_job_get_settings (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrinter *gtk_print_job_get_printer (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gtk_print_job_get_title (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintStatus gtk_print_job_get_status (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_set_source_file (GtkPrintJob *job, + const char *filename, + GError **error); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_set_source_fd (GtkPrintJob *job, + int fd, + GError **error); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +cairo_surface_t *gtk_print_job_get_surface (GtkPrintJob *job, + GError **error); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_track_print_status (GtkPrintJob *job, + gboolean track_status); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_get_track_print_status (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_send (GtkPrintJob *job, + GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc callback, + gpointer user_data, + GDestroyNotify dnotify); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintPages gtk_print_job_get_pages (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_pages (GtkPrintJob *job, + GtkPrintPages pages); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPageRange * gtk_print_job_get_page_ranges (GtkPrintJob *job, + int *n_ranges); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_page_ranges (GtkPrintJob *job, + GtkPageRange *ranges, + int n_ranges); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPageSet gtk_print_job_get_page_set (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_page_set (GtkPrintJob *job, + GtkPageSet page_set); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +int gtk_print_job_get_num_copies (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_num_copies (GtkPrintJob *job, + int num_copies); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +double gtk_print_job_get_scale (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_scale (GtkPrintJob *job, + double scale); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +guint gtk_print_job_get_n_up (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_n_up (GtkPrintJob *job, + guint n_up); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkNumberUpLayout gtk_print_job_get_n_up_layout (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_n_up_layout (GtkPrintJob *job, + GtkNumberUpLayout layout); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_get_rotate (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_rotate (GtkPrintJob *job, + gboolean rotate); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_get_collate (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_collate (GtkPrintJob *job, + gboolean collate); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_job_get_reverse (GtkPrintJob *job); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_job_set_reverse (GtkPrintJob *job, + gboolean reverse); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_PRINT_JOB_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa0b2318 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.h @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +/* GtkPrintUnixDialog + * Copyright (C) 2006 John (J5) Palmieri + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ +#define __GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ + +#if !defined (__GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_type ()) +#define GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG, GtkPrintUnixDialog)) +#define GTK_IS_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG)) + + +typedef struct _GtkPrintUnixDialog GtkPrintUnixDialog; + + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkWidget * gtk_print_unix_dialog_new (const char *title, + GtkWindow *parent); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_page_setup (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkPageSetup *page_setup); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPageSetup * gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_current_page (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + int current_page); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +int gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_current_page (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_settings (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkPrintSettings *settings); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintSettings * gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_settings (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrinter * gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_selected_printer (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_add_custom_tab (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkWidget *child, + GtkWidget *tab_label); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_manual_capabilities (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + GtkPrintCapabilities capabilities); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GtkPrintCapabilities gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_manual_capabilities (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_support_selection (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + gboolean support_selection); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_support_selection (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_has_selection (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + gboolean has_selection); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_has_selection (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_embed_page_setup (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog, + gboolean embed); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_embed_page_setup (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup_set (GtkPrintUnixDialog *dialog); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint-autocleanups.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint-autocleanups.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e80da855 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint-autocleanups.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#if !defined (__GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#ifndef __GI_SCANNER__ + +G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(GtkPrintJob, g_object_unref) +G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(GtkPrinter, g_object_unref) +G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(GtkPrintUnixDialog, g_object_unref) + +#endif diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c39e3d1f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk/gtkunixprint.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* GtkUnixPrint + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H__ +#define __GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H__ + +#define __GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#undef __GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H_INSIDE__ + +#endif /* __GTK_UNIX_PRINT_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk_logo_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk_logo_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b25dcb1c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtk_logo_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abcb65e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.c @@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2017 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "gtkfishbowl.h" + +typedef struct _GtkFishbowlPrivate GtkFishbowlPrivate; +typedef struct _GtkFishbowlChild GtkFishbowlChild; + +struct _GtkFishbowlPrivate +{ + GtkFishCreationFunc creation_func; + GHashTable *children; + guint count; + + gint64 last_frame_time; + gint64 update_delay; + guint tick_id; + + double framerate; + int last_benchmark_change; + + guint benchmark : 1; +}; + +struct _GtkFishbowlChild +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + double x; + double y; + double dx; + double dy; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_ANIMATING, + PROP_BENCHMARK, + PROP_COUNT, + PROP_FRAMERATE, + PROP_UPDATE_DELAY, + NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +static GParamSpec *props[NUM_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, }; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GtkFishbowl, gtk_fishbowl, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_init (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + priv->update_delay = G_USEC_PER_SEC; + priv->children = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, + NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_free); +} + +/** + * gtk_fishbowl_new: + * + * Creates a new `GtkFishbowl`. + * + * Returns: a new `GtkFishbowl`. + */ +GtkWidget* +gtk_fishbowl_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL, NULL); +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (widget); + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + GHashTableIter iter; + gpointer key, value; + GtkFishbowlChild *child; + int child_min, child_nat; + + *minimum = 0; + *natural = 0; + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->children); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) + { + child = value; + + if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) + { + gtk_widget_measure (child->widget, orientation, -1, &child_min, &child_nat, NULL, NULL); + } + else + { + int min_width; + + gtk_widget_measure (child->widget, GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, -1, &min_width, NULL, NULL, NULL); + gtk_widget_measure (child->widget, orientation, min_width, &child_min, &child_nat, NULL, NULL); + } + + *minimum = MAX (*minimum, child_min); + *natural = MAX (*natural, child_nat); + } +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (widget); + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + GtkFishbowlChild *child; + GtkAllocation child_allocation; + GtkRequisition child_requisition; + GHashTableIter iter; + gpointer key, value; + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->children); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) + { + child = value; + + gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (child->widget, &child_requisition, NULL); + child_allocation.x = round (child->x * (width - child_requisition.width)); + child_allocation.y = round (child->y * (height - child_requisition.height)); + child_allocation.width = child_requisition.width; + child_allocation.height = child_requisition.height; + + gtk_widget_size_allocate (child->widget, &child_allocation, -1); + } +} + +static double +new_speed (void) +{ + /* 5s to 50s to cross screen seems fair */ + return g_random_double_range (0.02, 0.2); +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_add (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + GtkFishbowlChild *child_info; + + g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_FISHBOWL (fishbowl)); + g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)); + + child_info = g_new0 (GtkFishbowlChild, 1); + child_info->widget = widget; + child_info->x = 0; + child_info->y = 0; + child_info->dx = new_speed (); + child_info->dy = new_speed (); + + gtk_widget_set_parent (widget, GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl)); + gtk_accessible_update_state (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (widget), + GTK_ACCESSIBLE_STATE_HIDDEN, TRUE, + -1); + + g_hash_table_insert (priv->children, widget, child_info); + priv->count++; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_COUNT]); +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_remove (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + if (g_hash_table_remove (priv->children, widget)) + { + gtk_widget_unparent (widget); + + priv->count--; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_COUNT]); + } +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (object); + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + g_hash_table_destroy (priv->children); + priv->children = NULL; +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (object); + + gtk_fishbowl_set_animating (fishbowl, FALSE); + gtk_fishbowl_set_count (fishbowl, 0); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_fishbowl_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_ANIMATING: + gtk_fishbowl_set_animating (fishbowl, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + case PROP_BENCHMARK: + gtk_fishbowl_set_benchmark (fishbowl, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + case PROP_COUNT: + gtk_fishbowl_set_count (fishbowl, g_value_get_uint (value)); + break; + + case PROP_UPDATE_DELAY: + gtk_fishbowl_set_update_delay (fishbowl, g_value_get_int64 (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_ANIMATING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, gtk_fishbowl_get_animating (fishbowl)); + break; + + case PROP_BENCHMARK: + g_value_set_boolean (value, gtk_fishbowl_get_benchmark (fishbowl)); + break; + + case PROP_COUNT: + g_value_set_uint (value, gtk_fishbowl_get_count (fishbowl)); + break; + + case PROP_FRAMERATE: + g_value_set_double (value, gtk_fishbowl_get_framerate (fishbowl)); + break; + + case PROP_UPDATE_DELAY: + g_value_set_int64 (value, gtk_fishbowl_get_update_delay (fishbowl)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_class_init (GtkFishbowlClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->finalize = gtk_fishbowl_finalize; + object_class->dispose = gtk_fishbowl_dispose; + object_class->set_property = gtk_fishbowl_set_property; + object_class->get_property = gtk_fishbowl_get_property; + + widget_class->measure = gtk_fishbowl_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_fishbowl_size_allocate; + + props[PROP_ANIMATING] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("animating", + "animating", + "Whether children are moving around", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + props[PROP_BENCHMARK] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("benchmark", + "Benchmark", + "Adapt the count property to hit the maximum framerate", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + props[PROP_COUNT] = + g_param_spec_uint ("count", + "Count", + "Number of widgets", + 0, G_MAXUINT, + 0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + props[PROP_FRAMERATE] = + g_param_spec_double ("framerate", + "Framerate", + "Framerate of this widget in frames per second", + 0, G_MAXDOUBLE, + 0, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + props[PROP_UPDATE_DELAY] = + g_param_spec_int64 ("update-delay", + "Update delay", + "Number of usecs between updates", + 0, G_MAXINT64, + G_USEC_PER_SEC, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, NUM_PROPERTIES, props); + + gtk_widget_class_set_accessible_role (widget_class, GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_PRESENTATION); +} + +guint +gtk_fishbowl_get_count (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + return priv->count; +} + +void +gtk_fishbowl_set_count (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + guint count) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + if (priv->count == count) + return; + + g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (fishbowl)); + + while (priv->count > count) + { + gtk_fishbowl_remove (fishbowl, gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl))); + } + + while (priv->count < count) + { + GtkWidget *new_widget; + + new_widget = priv->creation_func (); + + gtk_fishbowl_add (fishbowl, new_widget); + } + + g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (fishbowl)); +} + +gboolean +gtk_fishbowl_get_benchmark (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + return priv->benchmark; +} + +void +gtk_fishbowl_set_benchmark (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gboolean benchmark) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + if (priv->benchmark == benchmark) + return; + + priv->benchmark = benchmark; + if (!benchmark) + priv->last_benchmark_change = 0; + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_BENCHMARK]); +} + +gboolean +gtk_fishbowl_get_animating (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + return priv->tick_id != 0; +} + +static gint64 +guess_refresh_interval (GdkFrameClock *frame_clock) +{ + gint64 interval; + gint64 i; + + interval = G_MAXINT64; + + for (i = gdk_frame_clock_get_history_start (frame_clock); + i < gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_counter (frame_clock); + i++) + { + GdkFrameTimings *t, *before; + gint64 ts, before_ts; + + t = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, i); + before = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, i - 1); + if (t == NULL || before == NULL) + continue; + + ts = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (t); + before_ts = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (before); + if (ts == 0 || before_ts == 0) + continue; + + interval = MIN (interval, ts - before_ts); + } + + if (interval == G_MAXINT64) + return 0; + + return interval; +} + +static void +gtk_fishbowl_do_update (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock; + GdkFrameTimings *start, *end; + gint64 start_counter, end_counter; + gint64 n_frames, expected_frames; + gint64 start_timestamp, end_timestamp; + gint64 interval; + + frame_clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl)); + if (frame_clock == NULL) + return; + + start_counter = gdk_frame_clock_get_history_start (frame_clock); + end_counter = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_counter (frame_clock); + start = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, start_counter); + for (end = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, end_counter); + end_counter > start_counter && end != NULL && !gdk_frame_timings_get_complete (end); + end = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, end_counter)) + end_counter--; + if (end_counter - start_counter < 4) + return; + + start_timestamp = gdk_frame_timings_get_presentation_time (start); + end_timestamp = gdk_frame_timings_get_presentation_time (end); + if (start_timestamp == 0 || end_timestamp == 0) + { + start_timestamp = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (start); + end_timestamp = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (end); + } + + n_frames = end_counter - start_counter; + priv->framerate = ((double) n_frames) * G_USEC_PER_SEC / (end_timestamp - start_timestamp); + priv->framerate = ((int)(priv->framerate * 100))/100.0; + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_FRAMERATE]); + + if (!priv->benchmark) + return; + + interval = gdk_frame_timings_get_refresh_interval (end); + if (interval == 0) + { + interval = guess_refresh_interval (frame_clock); + if (interval == 0) + return; + } + expected_frames = round ((double) (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) / interval); + + if (n_frames >= expected_frames) + { + if (priv->last_benchmark_change > 0) + priv->last_benchmark_change *= 2; + else + priv->last_benchmark_change = 1; + } + else if (n_frames + 1 < expected_frames) + { + if (priv->last_benchmark_change < 0) + priv->last_benchmark_change--; + else + priv->last_benchmark_change = -1; + } + else + { + priv->last_benchmark_change = 0; + } + + gtk_fishbowl_set_count (fishbowl, MAX (1, (int) priv->count + priv->last_benchmark_change)); +} + +static gboolean +gtk_fishbowl_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkFishbowl *fishbowl = GTK_FISHBOWL (widget); + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + GtkFishbowlChild *child; + gint64 frame_time, elapsed; + GHashTableIter iter; + gpointer key, value; + gboolean do_update; + + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (widget)); + elapsed = frame_time - priv->last_frame_time; + do_update = frame_time / priv->update_delay != priv->last_frame_time / priv->update_delay; + priv->last_frame_time = frame_time; + + /* last frame was 0, so we're just starting to animate */ + if (elapsed == frame_time) + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->children); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) + { + child = value; + + child->x += child->dx * ((double) elapsed / G_USEC_PER_SEC); + child->y += child->dy * ((double) elapsed / G_USEC_PER_SEC); + + if (child->x <= 0) + { + child->x = 0; + child->dx = new_speed (); + } + else if (child->x >= 1) + { + child->x = 1; + child->dx = - new_speed (); + } + + if (child->y <= 0) + { + child->y = 0; + child->dy = new_speed (); + } + else if (child->y >= 1) + { + child->y = 1; + child->dy = - new_speed (); + } + } + + gtk_widget_queue_allocate (widget); + + if (do_update) + gtk_fishbowl_do_update (fishbowl); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +void +gtk_fishbowl_set_animating (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gboolean animating) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + if (gtk_fishbowl_get_animating (fishbowl) == animating) + return; + + if (animating) + { + priv->tick_id = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl), + gtk_fishbowl_tick, + NULL, + NULL); + } + else + { + priv->last_frame_time = 0; + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (fishbowl), priv->tick_id); + priv->tick_id = 0; + priv->framerate = 0; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_FRAMERATE]); + } + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_ANIMATING]); +} + +double +gtk_fishbowl_get_framerate (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + return priv->framerate; +} + +gint64 +gtk_fishbowl_get_update_delay (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + return priv->update_delay; +} + +void +gtk_fishbowl_set_update_delay (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gint64 update_delay) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + if (priv->update_delay == update_delay) + return; + + priv->update_delay = update_delay; + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (fishbowl), props[PROP_UPDATE_DELAY]); +} + +void +gtk_fishbowl_set_creation_func (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + GtkFishCreationFunc creation_func) +{ + GtkFishbowlPrivate *priv = gtk_fishbowl_get_instance_private (fishbowl); + + g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (fishbowl)); + + gtk_fishbowl_set_count (fishbowl, 0); + priv->last_benchmark_change = 0; + + priv->creation_func = creation_func; + + gtk_fishbowl_set_count (fishbowl, 1); + + g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (fishbowl)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34ea83b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkfishbowl.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit + * Copyright (C) 2017 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_FISHBOWL_H__ +#define __GTK_FISHBOWL_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL (gtk_fishbowl_get_type ()) +#define GTK_FISHBOWL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL, GtkFishbowl)) +#define GTK_FISHBOWL_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL, GtkFishbowlClass)) +#define GTK_IS_FISHBOWL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL)) +#define GTK_IS_FISHBOWL_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL)) +#define GTK_FISHBOWL_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL, GtkFishbowlClass)) + +typedef struct _GtkFishbowl GtkFishbowl; +typedef struct _GtkFishbowlClass GtkFishbowlClass; + +typedef GtkWidget * (* GtkFishCreationFunc) (void); + +struct _GtkFishbowl +{ + GtkWidget parent; +}; + +struct _GtkFishbowlClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +GType gtk_fishbowl_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +GtkWidget* gtk_fishbowl_new (void); + +guint gtk_fishbowl_get_count (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl); +void gtk_fishbowl_set_count (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + guint count); +gboolean gtk_fishbowl_get_animating (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl); +void gtk_fishbowl_set_animating (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gboolean animating); +gboolean gtk_fishbowl_get_benchmark (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl); +void gtk_fishbowl_set_benchmark (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gboolean animating); +double gtk_fishbowl_get_framerate (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl); +gint64 gtk_fishbowl_get_update_delay (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl); +void gtk_fishbowl_set_update_delay (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + gint64 update_delay); +void gtk_fishbowl_set_creation_func (GtkFishbowl *fishbowl, + GtkFishCreationFunc creation_func); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_FISHBOWL_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10a80b18 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.c @@ -0,0 +1,959 @@ +/* The rendering code in here is taken from es2gears, which has the + * following copyright notice: + * + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN + * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * Ported to GLES2. + * Kristian Høgsberg + * May 3, 2010 + * + * Improve GLES2 port: + * * Refactor gear drawing. + * * Use correct normals for surfaces. + * * Improve shader. + * * Use perspective projection transformation. + * * Add FPS count. + * * Add comments. + * Alexandros Frantzis + * Jul 13, 2010 + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "gtkgears.h" + +#define STRIPS_PER_TOOTH 7 +#define VERTICES_PER_TOOTH 34 +#define GEAR_VERTEX_STRIDE 6 + +static inline void +_sincos (double x, double *_sin, double *_cos) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_SINCOS + sincos (x, _sin, _cos); +#else + *_sin = sin (x); + *_cos = cos (x); +#endif +} + +/** + * Struct describing the vertices in triangle strip + */ +struct vertex_strip { + /** The first vertex in the strip */ + GLint first; + /** The number of consecutive vertices in the strip after the first */ + GLint count; +}; + +/* Each vertex consist of GEAR_VERTEX_STRIDE GLfloat attributes */ +typedef GLfloat GearVertex[GEAR_VERTEX_STRIDE]; + +/** + * Struct representing a gear. + */ +struct gear { + /** The array of vertices comprising the gear */ + GearVertex *vertices; + /** The number of vertices comprising the gear */ + int nvertices; + /** The array of triangle strips comprising the gear */ + struct vertex_strip *strips; + /** The number of triangle strips comprising the gear */ + int nstrips; +}; + +typedef struct { + /* The view rotation [x, y, z] */ + GLfloat view_rot[GTK_GEARS_N_AXIS]; + + /* The Vertex Array Object */ + GLuint vao; + + /* The shader program */ + GLuint program; + + /* The gears */ + struct gear *gear1; + struct gear *gear2; + struct gear *gear3; + + /** The Vertex Buffer Object holding the vertices in the graphics card */ + GLuint gear_vbo[3]; + + /** The location of the shader uniforms */ + GLuint ModelViewProjectionMatrix_location; + GLuint NormalMatrix_location; + GLuint LightSourcePosition_location; + GLuint MaterialColor_location; + + /* The current gear rotation angle */ + GLfloat angle; + + /* The projection matrix */ + GLfloat ProjectionMatrix[16]; + + /* The direction of the directional light for the scene */ + GLfloat LightSourcePosition[4]; + + gint64 first_frame_time; + guint tick; + GtkLabel *fps_label; +} GtkGearsPrivate; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GtkGears, gtk_gears, GTK_TYPE_GL_AREA) + +static gboolean gtk_gears_render (GtkGLArea *area, + GdkGLContext *context); +static void gtk_gears_reshape (GtkGLArea *area, + int width, + int height); +static void gtk_gears_realize (GtkWidget *widget); +static void gtk_gears_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget); +static gboolean gtk_gears_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data); + +static void destroy_gear (struct gear *g); + +GtkWidget * +gtk_gears_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (gtk_gears_get_type (), + "has-depth-buffer", TRUE, + NULL); +} + +static void +gtk_gears_init (GtkGears *gears) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + + priv->view_rot[GTK_GEARS_X_AXIS] = 20.0; + priv->view_rot[GTK_GEARS_Y_AXIS] = 30.0; + priv->view_rot[GTK_GEARS_Z_AXIS] = 20.0; + + priv->LightSourcePosition[0] = 5.0; + priv->LightSourcePosition[1] = 5.0; + priv->LightSourcePosition[2] = 10.0; + priv->LightSourcePosition[3] = 1.0; + + priv->tick = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (gears), gtk_gears_tick, gears, NULL); +} + +static void +gtk_gears_finalize (GObject *obj) +{ + GtkGears *gears = GTK_GEARS (obj); + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (gears), priv->tick); + + g_clear_object (&priv->fps_label); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->gear1, destroy_gear); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->gear2, destroy_gear); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->gear3, destroy_gear); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_gears_parent_class)->finalize (obj); +} + +static void +gtk_gears_class_init (GtkGearsClass *klass) +{ + GTK_GL_AREA_CLASS (klass)->render = gtk_gears_render; + GTK_GL_AREA_CLASS (klass)->resize = gtk_gears_reshape; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->realize = gtk_gears_realize; + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->unrealize = gtk_gears_unrealize; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = gtk_gears_finalize; +} + +/* + * Fills a gear vertex. + * + * @param v the vertex to fill + * @param x the x coordinate + * @param y the y coordinate + * @param z the z coordinate + * @param n pointer to the normal table + * + * @return the operation error code + */ +static GearVertex * +vert (GearVertex *v, + GLfloat x, + GLfloat y, + GLfloat z, + GLfloat n[3]) +{ + v[0][0] = x; + v[0][1] = y; + v[0][2] = z; + v[0][3] = n[0]; + v[0][4] = n[1]; + v[0][5] = n[2]; + + return v + 1; +} + +static void +destroy_gear (struct gear *g) +{ + g_free (g->strips); + g_free (g->vertices); + g_free (g); +} + +/** + * Create a gear wheel. + * + * @param inner_radius radius of hole at center + * @param outer_radius radius at center of teeth + * @param width width of gear + * @param teeth number of teeth + * @param tooth_depth depth of tooth + * + * @return pointer to the constructed struct gear + */ +static struct gear * +create_gear (GLfloat inner_radius, + GLfloat outer_radius, + GLfloat width, + GLint teeth, + GLfloat tooth_depth) +{ + GLfloat r0, r1, r2; + GLfloat da; + GearVertex *v; + struct gear *gear; + double s[5], c[5]; + GLfloat normal[3]; + int cur_strip = 0; + int i; + + /* Allocate memory for the gear */ + gear = g_malloc (sizeof *gear); + + /* Calculate the radii used in the gear */ + r0 = inner_radius; + r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth / 2.0; + r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth / 2.0; + + da = 2.0 * M_PI / teeth / 4.0; + + /* Allocate memory for the triangle strip information */ + gear->nstrips = STRIPS_PER_TOOTH * teeth; + gear->strips = g_malloc0_n (gear->nstrips, sizeof (*gear->strips)); + + /* Allocate memory for the vertices */ + gear->vertices = g_malloc0_n (VERTICES_PER_TOOTH * teeth, sizeof(*gear->vertices)); + v = gear->vertices; + + for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++) { + /* A set of macros for making the creation of the gears easier */ +#define GEAR_POINT(p, r, da) do { p.x = (r) * c[(da)]; p.y = (r) * s[(da)]; } while(0) +#define SET_NORMAL(x, y, z) do { \ + normal[0] = (x); normal[1] = (y); normal[2] = (z); \ +} while(0) + +#define GEAR_VERT(v, point, sign) vert((v), p[(point)].x, p[(point)].y, (sign) * width * 0.5, normal) + +#define START_STRIP do { \ + gear->strips[cur_strip].first = v - gear->vertices; \ +} while(0); + +#define END_STRIP do { \ + int _tmp = (v - gear->vertices); \ + gear->strips[cur_strip].count = _tmp - gear->strips[cur_strip].first; \ + cur_strip++; \ +} while (0) + +#define QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(p1, p2) do { \ + SET_NORMAL((p[(p1)].y - p[(p2)].y), -(p[(p1)].x - p[(p2)].x), 0); \ + v = GEAR_VERT(v, (p1), -1); \ + v = GEAR_VERT(v, (p1), 1); \ + v = GEAR_VERT(v, (p2), -1); \ + v = GEAR_VERT(v, (p2), 1); \ +} while(0) + struct point { + GLfloat x; + GLfloat y; + }; + + /* Create the 7 points (only x,y coords) used to draw a tooth */ + struct point p[7]; + + /* Calculate needed sin/cos for various angles */ + _sincos(i * 2.0 * G_PI / teeth + da * 0, &s[0], &c[0]); + _sincos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 1, &s[1], &c[1]); + _sincos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 2, &s[2], &c[2]); + _sincos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 3, &s[3], &c[3]); + _sincos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 4, &s[4], &c[4]); + + GEAR_POINT(p[0], r2, 1); + GEAR_POINT(p[1], r2, 2); + GEAR_POINT(p[2], r1, 0); + GEAR_POINT(p[3], r1, 3); + GEAR_POINT(p[4], r0, 0); + GEAR_POINT(p[5], r1, 4); + GEAR_POINT(p[6], r0, 4); + + /* Front face */ + START_STRIP; + SET_NORMAL(0, 0, 1.0); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 0, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 1, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 2, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 3, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 4, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 5, +1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 6, +1); + END_STRIP; + + /* Inner face */ + START_STRIP; + QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(4, 6); + END_STRIP; + + /* Back face */ + START_STRIP; + SET_NORMAL(0, 0, -1.0); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 6, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 5, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 4, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 3, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 2, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 1, -1); + v = GEAR_VERT(v, 0, -1); + END_STRIP; + + /* Outer face */ + START_STRIP; + QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(0, 2); + END_STRIP; + + START_STRIP; + QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(1, 0); + END_STRIP; + + START_STRIP; + QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(3, 1); + END_STRIP; + + START_STRIP; + QUAD_WITH_NORMAL(5, 3); + END_STRIP; + } + + gear->nvertices = (v - gear->vertices); + + return gear; +} + +/** + * Multiplies two 4x4 matrices. + * + * The result is stored in matrix m. + * + * @param m the first matrix to multiply + * @param n the second matrix to multiply + */ +static void +multiply (GLfloat *m, const GLfloat *n) +{ + GLfloat tmp[16]; + const GLfloat *row, *column; + div_t d; + int i, j; + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + tmp[i] = 0; + d = div(i, 4); + row = n + d.quot * 4; + column = m + d.rem; + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) + tmp[i] += row[j] * column[j * 4]; + } + memcpy(m, &tmp, sizeof tmp); +} + +/** + * Rotates a 4x4 matrix. + * + * @param[in,out] m the matrix to rotate + * @param angle the angle to rotate + * @param x the x component of the direction to rotate to + * @param y the y component of the direction to rotate to + * @param z the z component of the direction to rotate to + */ +static void +rotate(GLfloat *m, GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + double s = sin (angle); + double c = cos (angle); + + GLfloat r[16] = { + x * x * (1 - c) + c, y * x * (1 - c) + z * s, x * z * (1 - c) - y * s, 0, + x * y * (1 - c) - z * s, y * y * (1 - c) + c, y * z * (1 - c) + x * s, 0, + x * z * (1 - c) + y * s, y * z * (1 - c) - x * s, z * z * (1 - c) + c, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1 + }; + + multiply(m, r); +} + +/** + * Translates a 4x4 matrix. + * + * @param[in,out] m the matrix to translate + * @param x the x component of the direction to translate to + * @param y the y component of the direction to translate to + * @param z the z component of the direction to translate to + */ +static void +translate(GLfloat *m, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + GLfloat t[16] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1 }; + + multiply(m, t); +} + +/** + * Creates an identity 4x4 matrix. + * + * @param m the matrix make an identity matrix + */ +static void +identity(GLfloat *m) +{ + GLfloat t[16] = { + 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, + 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, + 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, + }; + + memcpy(m, t, sizeof(t)); +} + +/** + * Transposes a 4x4 matrix. + * + * @param m the matrix to transpose + */ +static void +transpose(GLfloat *m) +{ + GLfloat t[16] = { + m[0], m[4], m[8], m[12], + m[1], m[5], m[9], m[13], + m[2], m[6], m[10], m[14], + m[3], m[7], m[11], m[15]}; + + memcpy(m, t, sizeof(t)); +} + +/** + * Inverts a 4x4 matrix. + * + * This function can currently handle only pure translation-rotation matrices. + * Read http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=425118 + * for an explanation. + */ +static void +invert(GLfloat *m) +{ + GLfloat t[16]; + identity(t); + + // Extract and invert the translation part 't'. The inverse of a + // translation matrix can be calculated by negating the translation + // coordinates. + t[12] = -m[12]; t[13] = -m[13]; t[14] = -m[14]; + + // Invert the rotation part 'r'. The inverse of a rotation matrix is + // equal to its transpose. + m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0; + transpose(m); + + // inv(m) = inv(r) * inv(t) + multiply(m, t); +} + +/** + * Calculate a perspective projection transformation. + * + * @param m the matrix to save the transformation in + * @param fovy the field of view in the y direction + * @param aspect the view aspect ratio + * @param zNear the near clipping plane + * @param zFar the far clipping plane + */ +void perspective(GLfloat *m, GLfloat fovy, GLfloat aspect, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) +{ + GLfloat tmp[16]; + double sine, cosine, cotangent, deltaZ; + GLfloat radians = fovy / 2 * M_PI / 180; + identity(tmp); + + deltaZ = zFar - zNear; + _sincos(radians, &sine, &cosine); + + if ((deltaZ == 0) || (sine == 0) || (aspect == 0)) + return; + + cotangent = cosine / sine; + + tmp[0] = cotangent / aspect; + tmp[5] = cotangent; + tmp[10] = -(zFar + zNear) / deltaZ; + tmp[11] = -1; + tmp[14] = -2 * zNear * zFar / deltaZ; + tmp[15] = 0; + + memcpy(m, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); +} + +/** + * Draws a gear. + * + * @param gear the gear to draw + * @param transform the current transformation matrix + * @param x the x position to draw the gear at + * @param y the y position to draw the gear at + * @param angle the rotation angle of the gear + * @param color the color of the gear + */ +static void +draw_gear(GtkGears *self, + struct gear *gear, + GLuint gear_vbo, + GLfloat *transform, + GLfloat x, + GLfloat y, + GLfloat angle, + const GLfloat color[4]) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (self); + GLfloat model_view[16]; + GLfloat normal_matrix[16]; + GLfloat model_view_projection[16]; + int n; + + /* Translate and rotate the gear */ + memcpy(model_view, transform, sizeof (model_view)); + translate(model_view, x, y, 0); + rotate(model_view, 2 * G_PI * angle / 360.0, 0, 0, 1); + + /* Create and set the ModelViewProjectionMatrix */ + memcpy(model_view_projection, priv->ProjectionMatrix, sizeof(model_view_projection)); + multiply(model_view_projection, model_view); + + glUniformMatrix4fv(priv->ModelViewProjectionMatrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE, + model_view_projection); + + /* + * Create and set the NormalMatrix. It's the inverse transpose of the + * ModelView matrix. + */ + memcpy(normal_matrix, model_view, sizeof (normal_matrix)); + invert(normal_matrix); + transpose(normal_matrix); + glUniformMatrix4fv(priv->NormalMatrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE, normal_matrix); + + /* Set the gear color */ + glUniform4fv(priv->MaterialColor_location, 1, color); + + /* Set the vertex buffer object to use */ + glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear_vbo); + + /* Set up the position of the attributes in the vertex buffer object */ + glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6 * sizeof(GLfloat), NULL); + glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 6 * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLfloat *) 0 + 3); + + /* Enable the attributes */ + glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); + glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); + + /* Draw the triangle strips that comprise the gear */ + for (n = 0; n < gear->nstrips; n++) { + glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, gear->strips[n].first, gear->strips[n].count); + } + + /* Disable the attributes */ + glDisableVertexAttribArray(1); + glDisableVertexAttribArray(0); +} + +/* new window size or exposure */ +static void +gtk_gears_reshape (GtkGLArea *area, int width, int height) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private ((GtkGears *) area); + + /* Update the projection matrix */ + perspective (priv->ProjectionMatrix, 60.0, width / (float)height, 1.0, 1024.0); + + /* Set the viewport */ + glViewport (0, 0, (GLint) width, (GLint) height); +} + +static gboolean +gtk_gears_render (GtkGLArea *area, + GdkGLContext *context) +{ + static const GLfloat red[4] = { 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0 }; + static const GLfloat green[4] = { 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 }; + static const GLfloat blue[4] = { 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 }; + + GtkGears *self = GTK_GEARS (area); + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (self); + GLfloat transform[16]; + + identity (transform); + + glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); + + /* Translate and rotate the view */ + translate (transform, 0, 0, -20); + rotate (transform, 2 * G_PI * priv->view_rot[0] / 360.0, 1, 0, 0); + rotate (transform, 2 * G_PI * priv->view_rot[1] / 360.0, 0, 1, 0); + rotate (transform, 2 * G_PI * priv->view_rot[2] / 360.0, 0, 0, 1); + + /* Draw the gears */ + draw_gear (self, priv->gear1, priv->gear_vbo[0], transform, -3.0, -2.0, priv->angle, red); + draw_gear (self, priv->gear2, priv->gear_vbo[1], transform, 3.1, -2.0, -2 * priv->angle - 9.0, green); + draw_gear (self, priv->gear3, priv->gear_vbo[2], transform, -3.1, 4.2, -2 * priv->angle - 25.0, blue); + + return TRUE; +} + +static const char vertex_shader_gl[] = +"#version 150\n" +"\n" +"in vec3 position;\n" +"in vec3 normal;\n" +"\n" +"uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\n" +"uniform mat4 NormalMatrix;\n" +"uniform vec4 LightSourcePosition;\n" +"uniform vec4 MaterialColor;\n" +"\n" +"smooth out vec4 Color;\n" +"\n" +"void main(void)\n" +"{\n" +" // Transform the normal to eye coordinates\n" +" vec3 N = normalize(vec3(NormalMatrix * vec4(normal, 1.0)));\n" +"\n" +" // The LightSourcePosition is actually its direction for directional light\n" +" vec3 L = normalize(LightSourcePosition.xyz);\n" +"\n" +" // Multiply the diffuse value by the vertex color (which is fixed in this case)\n" +" // to get the actual color that we will use to draw this vertex with\n" +" float diffuse = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);\n" +" Color = diffuse * MaterialColor;\n" +"\n" +" // Transform the position to clip coordinates\n" +" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);\n" +"}"; + +static const char fragment_shader_gl[] = +"#version 150\n" +"\n" +"smooth in vec4 Color;\n" +"\n" +"void main(void)\n" +"{\n" +" gl_FragColor = Color;\n" +"}"; + +static const char vertex_shader_gles[] = +"attribute vec3 position;\n" +"attribute vec3 normal;\n" +"\n" +"uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\n" +"uniform mat4 NormalMatrix;\n" +"uniform vec4 LightSourcePosition;\n" +"uniform vec4 MaterialColor;\n" +"\n" +"varying vec4 Color;\n" +"\n" +"void main(void)\n" +"{\n" +" // Transform the normal to eye coordinates\n" +" vec3 N = normalize(vec3(NormalMatrix * vec4(normal, 1.0)));\n" +"\n" +" // The LightSourcePosition is actually its direction for directional light\n" +" vec3 L = normalize(LightSourcePosition.xyz);\n" +"\n" +" // Multiply the diffuse value by the vertex color (which is fixed in this case)\n" +" // to get the actual color that we will use to draw this vertex with\n" +" float diffuse = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);\n" +" Color = diffuse * MaterialColor;\n" +"\n" +" // Transform the position to clip coordinates\n" +" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);\n" +"}"; + +static const char fragment_shader_gles[] = +"precision mediump float;\n" +"varying vec4 Color;\n" +"\n" +"void main(void)\n" +"{\n" +" gl_FragColor = Color;\n" +"}"; + +static void +gtk_gears_realize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkGLArea *glarea = GTK_GL_AREA (widget); + GtkGears *gears = GTK_GEARS (widget); + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + GdkGLContext *context; + GLuint vao, v, f, program; + const char *p; + char msg[512]; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_gears_parent_class)->realize (widget); + + gtk_gl_area_make_current (glarea); + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (glarea) != NULL) + return; + + context = gtk_gl_area_get_context (glarea); + + glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); + glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); + + /* Create the VAO */ + glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao); + glBindVertexArray (vao); + priv->vao = vao; + + /* Compile the vertex shader */ + if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (context)) + p = vertex_shader_gles; + else + p = vertex_shader_gl; + v = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); + glShaderSource(v, 1, &p, NULL); + glCompileShader(v); + glGetShaderInfoLog(v, sizeof msg, NULL, msg); + g_debug ("vertex shader info: %s\n", msg); + + /* Compile the fragment shader */ + if (gdk_gl_context_get_use_es (context)) + p = fragment_shader_gles; + else + p = fragment_shader_gl; + f = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); + glShaderSource(f, 1, &p, NULL); + glCompileShader(f); + glGetShaderInfoLog(f, sizeof msg, NULL, msg); + g_debug ("fragment shader info: %s\n", msg); + + /* Create and link the shader program */ + program = glCreateProgram(); + glAttachShader(program, v); + glAttachShader(program, f); + glBindAttribLocation(program, 0, "position"); + glBindAttribLocation(program, 1, "normal"); + + glLinkProgram(program); + glGetProgramInfoLog(program, sizeof msg, NULL, msg); + g_debug ("program info: %s\n", msg); + glDetachShader (program, v); + glDetachShader (program, f); + glDeleteShader (v); + glDeleteShader (f); + + /* Enable the shaders */ + glUseProgram(program); + priv->program = program; + + /* Get the locations of the uniforms so we can access them */ + priv->ModelViewProjectionMatrix_location = glGetUniformLocation(program, "ModelViewProjectionMatrix"); + priv->NormalMatrix_location = glGetUniformLocation(program, "NormalMatrix"); + priv->LightSourcePosition_location = glGetUniformLocation(program, "LightSourcePosition"); + priv->MaterialColor_location = glGetUniformLocation(program, "MaterialColor"); + + /* Set the LightSourcePosition uniform which is constant throughout the program */ + glUniform4fv(priv->LightSourcePosition_location, 1, priv->LightSourcePosition); + + /* make the gears */ + priv->gear1 = create_gear(1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 20, 0.7); + + /* Store the vertices in a vertex buffer object (VBO) */ + glGenBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[0])); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, priv->gear_vbo[0]); + glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, + priv->gear1->nvertices * sizeof(GearVertex), + priv->gear1->vertices, + GL_STATIC_DRAW); + + priv->gear2 = create_gear(0.5, 2.0, 2.0, 10, 0.7); + glGenBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[1])); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, priv->gear_vbo[1]); + glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, + priv->gear2->nvertices * sizeof(GearVertex), + priv->gear2->vertices, + GL_STATIC_DRAW); + + priv->gear3 = create_gear(1.3, 2.0, 0.5, 10, 0.7); + glGenBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[2])); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, priv->gear_vbo[2]); + glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, + priv->gear3->nvertices * sizeof(GearVertex), + priv->gear3->vertices, + GL_STATIC_DRAW); +} + +static void +gtk_gears_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkGLArea *glarea = GTK_GL_AREA (widget); + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private ((GtkGears *) widget); + + gtk_gl_area_make_current (glarea); + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (glarea) != NULL) + return; + + /* Release the resources associated with OpenGL */ + if (priv->gear_vbo[0] != 0) + glDeleteBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[0])); + + if (priv->gear_vbo[1] != 0) + glDeleteBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[1])); + + if (priv->gear_vbo[2] != 0) + glDeleteBuffers (1, &(priv->gear_vbo[2])); + + if (priv->vao != 0) + glDeleteVertexArrays (1, &priv->vao); + + if (priv->program != 0) + glDeleteProgram (priv->program); + + priv->ModelViewProjectionMatrix_location = 0; + priv->NormalMatrix_location = 0; + priv->LightSourcePosition_location = 0; + priv->MaterialColor_location = 0; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_gears_parent_class)->unrealize (widget); +} + +static gboolean +gtk_gears_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkGears *gears = GTK_GEARS (widget); + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + GdkFrameTimings *previous_timings; + gint64 previous_frame_time; + gint64 frame_time; + gint64 history_start, history_len; + gint64 frame; + char *s; + + frame = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_counter (frame_clock); + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + + if (priv->first_frame_time == 0) + { + /* No need for changes on first frame */ + priv->first_frame_time = frame_time; + if (priv->fps_label) + gtk_label_set_label (priv->fps_label, "FPS: ---"); + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; + } + + /* glxgears advances 70 degrees per second, so do the same */ + + priv->angle = fmod ((frame_time - priv->first_frame_time) / (double)G_USEC_PER_SEC * 70.0, 360.0); + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + history_start = gdk_frame_clock_get_history_start (frame_clock); + + if (priv->fps_label && frame % 60 == 0) + { + history_len = frame - history_start; + if (history_len > 0) + { + previous_timings = gdk_frame_clock_get_timings (frame_clock, frame - history_len); + previous_frame_time = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (previous_timings); + + s = g_strdup_printf ("FPS: %-4.1f", (G_USEC_PER_SEC * history_len) / (double)(frame_time - previous_frame_time)); + gtk_label_set_label (priv->fps_label, s); + g_free (s); + } + } + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +void +gtk_gears_set_axis (GtkGears *gears, int axis, double value) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + + if (axis < 0 || axis >= GTK_GEARS_N_AXIS) + return; + + priv->view_rot[axis] = value; + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (gears)); +} + +double +gtk_gears_get_axis (GtkGears *gears, int axis) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + + if (axis < 0 || axis >= GTK_GEARS_N_AXIS) + return 0.0; + + return priv->view_rot[axis]; +} + +void +gtk_gears_set_fps_label (GtkGears *gears, GtkLabel *label) +{ + GtkGearsPrivate *priv = gtk_gears_get_instance_private (gears); + + if (label) + g_object_ref (label); + + g_clear_object (&priv->fps_label); + + priv->fps_label = label; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0109723c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkgears.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#ifndef __GTK_GEARS_H__ +#define __GTK_GEARS_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +enum { + GTK_GEARS_X_AXIS, + GTK_GEARS_Y_AXIS, + GTK_GEARS_Z_AXIS, + + GTK_GEARS_N_AXIS +}; + +#define GTK_TYPE_GEARS (gtk_gears_get_type ()) +#define GTK_GEARS(inst) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((inst), \ + GTK_TYPE_GEARS, \ + GtkGears)) +#define GTK_IS_GEARS(inst) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((inst), \ + GTK_TYPE_GEARS)) + +typedef struct _GtkGears GtkGears; +typedef struct _GtkGearsClass GtkGearsClass; + +struct _GtkGears { + GtkGLArea parent; +}; + +struct _GtkGearsClass { + GtkGLAreaClass parent_class; +}; + +GType gtk_gears_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +GtkWidget *gtk_gears_new (void); +void gtk_gears_set_axis (GtkGears *gears, + int axis, + double value); +double gtk_gears_get_axis (GtkGears *gears, + int axis); +void gtk_gears_set_fps_label (GtkGears *gears, + GtkLabel *label); + + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_GEARS_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9148e292 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.c @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +#include "gtkshaderbin.h" + +typedef struct { + GskGLShader *shader; + GtkStateFlags state; + GtkStateFlags state_mask; + float extra_border; + gboolean compiled; + gboolean compiled_ok; +} ShaderInfo; + +struct _GtkShaderBin +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + GtkWidget *child; + ShaderInfo *active_shader; + GPtrArray *shaders; + guint tick_id; + float time; + float mouse_x, mouse_y; + gint64 first_frame_time; +}; + +struct _GtkShaderBinClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkShaderBin, gtk_shader_bin, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +shader_info_free (ShaderInfo *info) +{ + g_object_unref (info->shader); + g_free (info); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self = GTK_SHADER_BIN (object); + + g_ptr_array_free (self->shaders, TRUE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_shader_bin_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self = GTK_SHADER_BIN (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->child, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_shader_bin_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static gboolean +gtk_shader_bin_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self = GTK_SHADER_BIN (widget); + gint64 frame_time; + + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + if (self->first_frame_time == 0) + self->first_frame_time = frame_time; + self->time = (frame_time - self->first_frame_time) / (float)G_USEC_PER_SEC; + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +motion_cb (GtkEventControllerMotion *controller, + double x, + double y, + GtkShaderBin *self) +{ + self->mouse_x = x; + self->mouse_y = y; +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_init (GtkShaderBin *self) +{ + GtkEventController *controller; + self->shaders = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)shader_info_free); + + controller = gtk_event_controller_motion_new (); + g_signal_connect (controller, "motion", G_CALLBACK (motion_cb), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (self), controller); +} + +void +gtk_shader_bin_update_active_shader (GtkShaderBin *self) +{ + GtkStateFlags new_state = gtk_widget_get_state_flags (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + ShaderInfo *new_shader = NULL; + + for (int i = 0; i < self->shaders->len; i++) + { + ShaderInfo *info = g_ptr_array_index (self->shaders, i); + + if ((info->state_mask & new_state) == info->state) + { + new_shader = info; + break; + } + } + + if (self->active_shader == new_shader) + return; + + self->active_shader = new_shader; + self->first_frame_time = 0; + + if (self->active_shader) + { + if (self->tick_id == 0) + self->tick_id = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), + gtk_shader_bin_tick, + NULL, NULL); + } + else + { + if (self->tick_id != 0) + { + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), self->tick_id); + self->tick_id = 0; + } + } + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_state_flags_changed (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkStateFlags previous_state_flags) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self = GTK_SHADER_BIN (widget); + + gtk_shader_bin_update_active_shader (self); +} + +void +gtk_shader_bin_add_shader (GtkShaderBin *self, + GskGLShader *shader, + GtkStateFlags state, + GtkStateFlags state_mask, + float extra_border) +{ + ShaderInfo *info = g_new0 (ShaderInfo, 1); + info->shader = g_object_ref (shader); + info->state = state; + info->state_mask = state_mask; + info->extra_border = extra_border; + + g_ptr_array_add (self->shaders, info); + + gtk_shader_bin_update_active_shader (self); +} + +void +gtk_shader_bin_set_child (GtkShaderBin *self, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + + if (self->child == child) + return; + + g_clear_pointer (&self->child, gtk_widget_unparent); + + if (child) + { + self->child = child; + gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +gtk_shader_bin_get_child (GtkShaderBin *self) +{ + return self->child; +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self = GTK_SHADER_BIN (widget); + int width, height; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + if (self->active_shader) + { + if (!self->active_shader->compiled) + { + GtkNative *native = gtk_widget_get_native (widget); + GskRenderer *renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer (native); + GError *error = NULL; + + self->active_shader->compiled = TRUE; + self->active_shader->compiled_ok = + gsk_gl_shader_compile (self->active_shader->shader, + renderer, &error); + if (!self->active_shader->compiled_ok) + { + g_warning ("GtkShaderBin failed to compile shader: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } + } + + if (self->active_shader->compiled_ok) + { + float border = self->active_shader->extra_border; + graphene_vec2_t mouse; + graphene_vec2_init (&mouse, self->mouse_x + border, self->mouse_y + border); + gtk_snapshot_push_gl_shader (snapshot, self->active_shader->shader, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(-border, -border, width+2*border, height+2*border), + gsk_gl_shader_format_args (self->active_shader->shader, + "u_time", self->time, + "u_mouse", &mouse, + NULL)); + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, self->child, snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_gl_shader_pop_texture (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + + return; + } + } + + /* Non-shader fallback */ + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, self->child, snapshot); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_bin_class_init (GtkShaderBinClass *class) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = gtk_shader_bin_finalize; + object_class->dispose = gtk_shader_bin_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_layout_manager_type (widget_class, GTK_TYPE_BIN_LAYOUT); + + widget_class->snapshot = gtk_shader_bin_snapshot; + widget_class->state_flags_changed = gtk_shader_bin_state_flags_changed; +} + +GtkWidget * +gtk_shader_bin_new (void) +{ + GtkShaderBin *self; + + self = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_SHADER_BIN, NULL); + + return GTK_WIDGET (self); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32ed18fe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderbin.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#ifndef __GTK_SHADER_BIN_H__ +#define __GTK_SHADER_BIN_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_SHADER_BIN (gtk_shader_bin_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkShaderBin, gtk_shader_bin, GTK, SHADER_BIN, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget *gtk_shader_bin_new (void); +void gtk_shader_bin_add_shader (GtkShaderBin *self, + GskGLShader *shader, + GtkStateFlags state, + GtkStateFlags state_mask, + float extra_border); +void gtk_shader_bin_set_child (GtkShaderBin *self, + GtkWidget *child); +GtkWidget *gtk_shader_bin_get_child (GtkShaderBin *self); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_SHADER_BIN_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b71c228 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.c @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +#include "gtkshaderstack.h" + +struct _GtkShaderStack +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GskGLShader *shader; + GPtrArray *children; + int current; + int next; + gboolean backwards; + + guint tick_id; + float time; + float duration; + gint64 start_time; +}; + +struct _GtkShaderStackClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + + +enum { + PROP_DURATION = 1, + NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES] = { NULL }; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkShaderStack, gtk_shader_stack, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (object); + + g_object_unref (self->shader); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_shader_stack_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +update_child_visible (GtkShaderStack *self) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < self->children->len; i++) + { + GtkWidget *child = g_ptr_array_index (self->children, i); + + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (child, + i == self->current || i == self->next); + } +} + +static gboolean +transition_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *clock, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (widget); + gint64 frame_time; + + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (clock); + + if (self->start_time == 0) + self->start_time = frame_time; + + self->time = (frame_time - self->start_time) / (float)G_USEC_PER_SEC; + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + if (self->time >= self->duration) + { + self->current = self->next; + self->next = -1; + + update_child_visible (self); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + } + else + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +start_transition (GtkShaderStack *self) +{ + self->start_time = 0; + self->tick_id = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), + transition_cb, + NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +stop_transition (GtkShaderStack *self) +{ + if (self->tick_id != 0) + { + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (self), self->tick_id); + self->tick_id = 0; + } + + if (self->next != -1) + self->current = self->next; + self->next = -1; + + update_child_visible (self); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (object); + + stop_transition (self); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->children, g_ptr_array_unref); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_shader_stack_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +void +gtk_shader_stack_transition (GtkShaderStack *self, + gboolean forward) +{ + stop_transition (self); + + self->backwards = !forward; + if (self->backwards) + self->next = (self->current + self->children->len - 1) % self->children->len; + else + self->next = (self->current + 1) % self->children->len; + + update_child_visible (self); + + start_transition (self); +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_init (GtkShaderStack *self) +{ + self->children = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)gtk_widget_unparent); + self->current = -1; + self->next = -1; + self->backwards = FALSE; + self->duration = 1.0; +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (widget); + int i; + + *minimum = 0; + *natural = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < self->children->len; i++) + { + GtkWidget *child = g_ptr_array_index (self->children, i); + int child_min, child_nat; + + if (gtk_widget_get_visible (child)) + { + gtk_widget_measure (child, orientation, for_size, &child_min, &child_nat, NULL, NULL); + + *minimum = MAX (*minimum, child_min); + *natural = MAX (*natural, child_nat); + } + } +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (widget); + GtkAllocation child_allocation; + GtkWidget *child; + int i; + + child_allocation.x = 0; + child_allocation.y = 0; + child_allocation.width = width; + child_allocation.height = height; + + for (i = 0; i < self->children->len; i++) + { + child = g_ptr_array_index (self->children, i); + if (gtk_widget_get_visible (child)) + gtk_widget_size_allocate (child, &child_allocation, -1); + } +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (widget); + int width, height; + GtkWidget *current, *next; + + width = gtk_widget_get_width (widget); + height = gtk_widget_get_height (widget); + + current = g_ptr_array_index (self->children, self->current); + + if (self->next == -1) + { + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, current, snapshot); + } + else + { + GtkNative *native = gtk_widget_get_native (widget); + GskRenderer *renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer (native); + float progress; + + next = g_ptr_array_index (self->children, self->next); + + progress = self->time / self->duration; + + if (self->backwards) + { + GtkWidget *tmp = next; + next = current; + current = tmp; + progress = 1. - progress; + } + + if (gsk_gl_shader_compile (self->shader, renderer, NULL)) + { + gtk_snapshot_push_gl_shader (snapshot, + self->shader, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(0, 0, width, height), + gsk_gl_shader_format_args (self->shader, + "progress", progress, + NULL)); + + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, current, snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_gl_shader_pop_texture (snapshot); /* current child */ + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, next, snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_gl_shader_pop_texture (snapshot); /* next child */ + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + } + else + { + /* Non-shader fallback */ + gtk_widget_snapshot_child (widget, current, snapshot); + } + } +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_DURATION: + g_value_set_float (value, self->duration); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkShaderStack *self = GTK_SHADER_STACK (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_DURATION: + self->duration = g_value_get_float (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_shader_stack_class_init (GtkShaderStackClass *class) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->finalize = gtk_shader_stack_finalize; + object_class->dispose = gtk_shader_stack_dispose; + object_class->get_property = gtk_shader_stack_get_property; + object_class->set_property = gtk_shader_stack_set_property; + + widget_class->snapshot = gtk_shader_stack_snapshot; + widget_class->measure = gtk_shader_stack_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_shader_stack_size_allocate; + + properties[PROP_DURATION] = + g_param_spec_float ("duration", "Duration", "Duration", + 0.1, 3.0, 1.0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties); +} + +GtkWidget * +gtk_shader_stack_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_SHADER_STACK, NULL); +} + +void +gtk_shader_stack_set_shader (GtkShaderStack *self, + GskGLShader *shader) +{ + g_set_object (&self->shader, shader); +} + +void +gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GtkShaderStack *self, + GtkWidget *child) +{ + g_ptr_array_add (self->children, child); + gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + if (self->current == -1) + self->current = 0; + else + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (child, FALSE); +} + +void +gtk_shader_stack_set_active (GtkShaderStack *self, + int index) +{ + stop_transition (self); + self->current = MIN (index, self->children->len); + update_child_visible (self); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16d1fe9e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshaderstack.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#ifndef __GTK_SHADER_STACK_H__ +#define __GTK_SHADER_STACK_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_SHADER_STACK (gtk_shader_stack_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkShaderStack, gtk_shader_stack, GTK, SHADER_STACK, GtkWidget) + +GtkWidget * gtk_shader_stack_new (void); +void gtk_shader_stack_set_shader (GtkShaderStack *self, + GskGLShader *shader); +void gtk_shader_stack_add_child (GtkShaderStack *self, + GtkWidget *child); +void gtk_shader_stack_transition (GtkShaderStack *self, + gboolean forward); +void gtk_shader_stack_set_active (GtkShaderStack *self, + int index); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_SHADER_STACK_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c45aa158 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.c @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "gtkshadertoy.h" + +const char *default_image_shader = + "void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) {\n" + " // Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)\n" + " vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;\n" + "\n" + " // Time varying pixel color\n" + " vec3 col = 0.5 + 0.5*cos(iTime+uv.xyx+vec3(0,2,4));\n" + "\n" + " if (distance(iMouse.xy, fragCoord.xy) <= 10.0) {\n" + " col = vec3(0.0);\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " // Output to screen\n" + " fragColor = vec4(col,1.0);\n" + "}\n"; + +const char *shadertoy_vertex_shader = + "#version 150 core\n" + "\n" + "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" + "\n" + "in vec2 position;\n" + "out vec2 fragCoord;\n" + "\n" + "void main() {\n" + " gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n" + "\n" + " // Convert from OpenGL coordinate system (with origin in center\n" + " // of screen) to Shadertoy/texture coordinate system (with origin\n" + " // in lower left corner)\n" + " fragCoord = (gl_Position.xy + vec2(1.0)) / vec2(2.0) * iResolution.xy;\n" + "}\n"; + +const char *fragment_prefix = + "#version 150 core\n" + "\n" + "uniform vec3 iResolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels)\n" + "uniform float iTime; // shader playback time (in seconds)\n" + "uniform float iTimeDelta; // render time (in seconds)\n" + "uniform int iFrame; // shader playback frame\n" + "uniform float iChannelTime[4]; // channel playback time (in seconds)\n" + "uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4]; // channel resolution (in pixels)\n" + "uniform vec4 iMouse; // mouse pixel coords. xy: current (if MLB down), zw: click\n" + "uniform sampler2D iChannel0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D iChannel1;\n" + "uniform sampler2D iChannel2;\n" + "uniform sampler2D iChannel3;\n" + "uniform vec4 iDate; // (year, month, day, time in seconds)\n" + "uniform float iSampleRate; // sound sample rate (i.e., 44100)\n" + "\n" + "in vec2 fragCoord;\n" + "out vec4 vFragColor;\n"; + + +// Fragment shader suffix +const char *fragment_suffix = + " void main() {\n" + " vec4 c;\n" + " mainImage(c, fragCoord);\n" + " vFragColor = c;\n" + " }\n"; + +typedef struct { + char *image_shader; + gboolean image_shader_dirty; + + gboolean error_set; + + /* Vertex buffers */ + GLuint vao; + GLuint buffer; + + /* Active program */ + GLuint program; + + /* Location of uniforms for program */ + GLuint resolution_location; + GLuint time_location; + GLuint timedelta_location; + GLuint frame_location; + GLuint mouse_location; + + /* Current uniform values */ + float resolution[3]; + float time; + float timedelta; + float mouse[4]; + int frame; + + /* Animation data */ + gint64 first_frame_time; + gint64 first_frame; + guint tick; +} GtkShadertoyPrivate; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GtkShadertoy, gtk_shadertoy, GTK_TYPE_GL_AREA) + +static gboolean gtk_shadertoy_render (GtkGLArea *area, + GdkGLContext *context); +static void gtk_shadertoy_reshape (GtkGLArea *area, + int width, + int height); +static void gtk_shadertoy_realize (GtkWidget *widget); +static void gtk_shadertoy_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget); +static gboolean gtk_shadertoy_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data); + +GtkWidget * +gtk_shadertoy_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (gtk_shadertoy_get_type (), NULL); +} + +static void +drag_begin_cb (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double x, + double y, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (user_data); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + int height = gtk_widget_get_height (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy)); + int scale = gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy)); + + priv->mouse[0] = x * scale; + priv->mouse[1] = (height - y) * scale; + priv->mouse[2] = priv->mouse[0]; + priv->mouse[3] = priv->mouse[1]; +} + +static void +drag_update_cb (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double dx, + double dy, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (user_data); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + int width = gtk_widget_get_width (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy)); + int height = gtk_widget_get_height (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy)); + int scale = gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy)); + double x, y; + + gtk_gesture_drag_get_start_point (drag, &x, &y); + x += dx; + y += dy; + + if (x >= 0 && x < width && + y >= 0 && y < height) + { + priv->mouse[0] = x * scale; + priv->mouse[1] = (height - y) * scale; + } +} + +static void +drag_end_cb (GtkGestureDrag *drag, + double dx, + double dy, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (user_data); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + priv->mouse[2] = -priv->mouse[2]; + priv->mouse[3] = -priv->mouse[3]; +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_init (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + GtkGesture *drag; + + priv->image_shader = g_strdup (default_image_shader); + priv->tick = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy), gtk_shadertoy_tick, shadertoy, NULL); + + drag = gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drag)); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-begin", (GCallback)drag_begin_cb, shadertoy); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-update", (GCallback)drag_update_cb, shadertoy); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-end", (GCallback)drag_end_cb, shadertoy); +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_finalize (GObject *obj) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (obj); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (GTK_WIDGET (shadertoy), priv->tick); + g_free (priv->image_shader); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_shadertoy_parent_class)->finalize (obj); +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_class_init (GtkShadertoyClass *klass) +{ + GTK_GL_AREA_CLASS (klass)->render = gtk_shadertoy_render; + GTK_GL_AREA_CLASS (klass)->resize = gtk_shadertoy_reshape; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->realize = gtk_shadertoy_realize; + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass)->unrealize = gtk_shadertoy_unrealize; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = gtk_shadertoy_finalize; +} + +/* new window size or exposure */ +static void +gtk_shadertoy_reshape (GtkGLArea *area, int width, int height) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private ((GtkShadertoy *) area); + + priv->resolution[0] = width; + priv->resolution[1] = height; + priv->resolution[2] = 1.0; /* screen aspect ratio */ + + /* Set the viewport */ + glViewport (0, 0, (GLint) width, (GLint) height); +} + +static GLuint +create_shader (int type, + const char *src, + GError **error) +{ + GLuint shader; + int status; + + shader = glCreateShader (type); + glShaderSource (shader, 1, &src, NULL); + glCompileShader (shader); + + glGetShaderiv (shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); + if (status == GL_FALSE) + { + int log_len; + char *buffer; + + glGetShaderiv (shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_len); + + buffer = g_malloc (log_len + 1); + glGetShaderInfoLog (shader, log_len, NULL, buffer); + + g_set_error (error, GDK_GL_ERROR, GDK_GL_ERROR_COMPILATION_FAILED, + "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s", + type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "vertex" : "fragment", + buffer); + + g_free (buffer); + + glDeleteShader (shader); + + return 0; + } + + return shader; +} + +static gboolean +init_shaders (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy, + const char *vertex_source, + const char *fragment_source, + GError **error) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + GLuint vertex, fragment; + GLuint program = 0; + int status; + gboolean res = TRUE; + + vertex = create_shader (GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertex_source, error); + if (vertex == 0) + return FALSE; + + fragment = create_shader (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragment_source, error); + if (fragment == 0) + { + glDeleteShader (vertex); + return FALSE; + } + + program = glCreateProgram (); + glAttachShader (program, vertex); + glAttachShader (program, fragment); + + glLinkProgram (program); + + glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); + if (status == GL_FALSE) + { + int log_len; + char *buffer; + + glGetProgramiv (program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_len); + + buffer = g_malloc (log_len + 1); + glGetProgramInfoLog (program, log_len, NULL, buffer); + + g_set_error (error, GDK_GL_ERROR, GDK_GL_ERROR_LINK_FAILED, + "Linking failure:\n%s", buffer); + res = FALSE; + + g_free (buffer); + + glDeleteProgram (program); + + goto out; + } + + if (priv->program != 0) + glDeleteProgram (priv->program); + + priv->program = program; + priv->resolution_location = glGetUniformLocation (program, "iResolution"); + priv->time_location = glGetUniformLocation (program, "iTime"); + priv->timedelta_location = glGetUniformLocation (program, "iTimeDelta"); + priv->frame_location = glGetUniformLocation (program, "iFrame"); + priv->mouse_location = glGetUniformLocation (program, "iMouse"); + + glDetachShader (program, vertex); + glDetachShader (program, fragment); + +out: + /* These are now owned by the program and can be deleted */ + glDeleteShader (vertex); + glDeleteShader (fragment); + + return res; +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_realize_shader (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + char *fragment_shader; + GError *error = NULL; + + fragment_shader = g_strconcat (fragment_prefix, priv->image_shader, fragment_suffix, NULL); + if (!init_shaders (shadertoy, shadertoy_vertex_shader, fragment_shader, &error)) + { + priv->error_set = TRUE; + gtk_gl_area_set_error (GTK_GL_AREA (shadertoy), error); + g_error_free (error); + } + g_free (fragment_shader); + + /* Start new shader at time zero */ + priv->first_frame_time = 0; + priv->first_frame = 0; + + priv->image_shader_dirty = FALSE; +} + +static gboolean +gtk_shadertoy_render (GtkGLArea *area, + GdkGLContext *context) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (area); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (area) != NULL) + return FALSE; + + if (priv->image_shader_dirty) + gtk_shadertoy_realize_shader (shadertoy); + + /* Clear the viewport */ + glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); + glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + + glUseProgram (priv->program); + + /* Update uniforms */ + if (priv->resolution_location != -1) + glUniform3fv (priv->resolution_location, 1, priv->resolution); + if (priv->time_location != -1) + glUniform1f (priv->time_location, priv->time); + if (priv->timedelta_location != -1) + glUniform1f (priv->timedelta_location, priv->timedelta); + if (priv->frame_location != -1) + glUniform1i (priv->frame_location, priv->frame); + if (priv->mouse_location != -1) + glUniform4fv (priv->mouse_location, 1, priv->mouse); + + /* Use the vertices in our buffer */ + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, priv->buffer); + glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); + glVertexAttribPointer (0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); + + glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); + + /* We finished using the buffers and program */ + glDisableVertexAttribArray (0); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); + glUseProgram (0); + + /* Flush the contents of the pipeline */ + glFlush (); + + return TRUE; +} + +const char * +gtk_shadertoy_get_image_shader (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + return priv->image_shader; +} + +void +gtk_shadertoy_set_image_shader (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy, + const char *shader) +{ + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + g_free (priv->image_shader); + priv->image_shader = g_strdup (shader); + + /* Don't override error we didn't set it ourselves */ + if (priv->error_set) + { + gtk_gl_area_set_error (GTK_GL_AREA (shadertoy), NULL); + priv->error_set = FALSE; + } + priv->image_shader_dirty = TRUE; +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_realize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkGLArea *glarea = GTK_GL_AREA (widget); + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (widget); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + + /* Draw two triangles across whole screen */ + const GLfloat vertex_data[] = { + -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + + -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, + }; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_shadertoy_parent_class)->realize (widget); + + gtk_gl_area_make_current (glarea); + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (glarea) != NULL) + return; + + glGenVertexArrays (1, &priv->vao); + glBindVertexArray (priv->vao); + + glGenBuffers (1, &priv->buffer); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, priv->buffer); + glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof (vertex_data), vertex_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW); + glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); + + gtk_shadertoy_realize_shader (shadertoy); +} + +static void +gtk_shadertoy_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkGLArea *glarea = GTK_GL_AREA (widget); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private ((GtkShadertoy *) widget); + + gtk_gl_area_make_current (glarea); + if (gtk_gl_area_get_error (glarea) == NULL) + { + if (priv->buffer != 0) + glDeleteBuffers (1, &priv->buffer); + + if (priv->vao != 0) + glDeleteVertexArrays (1, &priv->vao); + + if (priv->program != 0) + glDeleteProgram (priv->program); + } + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_shadertoy_parent_class)->unrealize (widget); +} + +static gboolean +gtk_shadertoy_tick (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkShadertoy *shadertoy = GTK_SHADERTOY (widget); + GtkShadertoyPrivate *priv = gtk_shadertoy_get_instance_private (shadertoy); + gint64 frame_time; + gint64 frame; + float previous_time; + + frame = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_counter (frame_clock); + frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (frame_clock); + + if (priv->first_frame_time == 0) + { + priv->first_frame_time = frame_time; + priv->first_frame = frame; + previous_time = 0; + } + else + previous_time = priv->time; + + priv->time = (frame_time - priv->first_frame_time) / 1000000.0f; + priv->frame = frame - priv->first_frame; + priv->timedelta = priv->time - previous_time; + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38f48995 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/gtkshadertoy.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#ifndef __GTK_SHADERTOY_H__ +#define __GTK_SHADERTOY_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_SHADERTOY (gtk_shadertoy_get_type ()) +#define GTK_SHADERTOY(inst) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((inst), \ + GTK_TYPE_SHADERTOY, \ + GtkShadertoy)) +#define GTK_IS_SHADERTOY(inst) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((inst), \ + GTK_TYPE_SHADERTOY)) + +typedef struct _GtkShadertoy GtkShadertoy; +typedef struct _GtkShadertoyClass GtkShadertoyClass; + +struct _GtkShadertoy { + GtkGLArea parent; +}; + +struct _GtkShadertoyClass { + GtkGLAreaClass parent_class; +}; + +GType gtk_shadertoy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GtkWidget *gtk_shadertoy_new (void); +const char *gtk_shadertoy_get_image_shader (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy); +void gtk_shadertoy_set_image_shader (GtkShadertoy *shadertoy, + const char *shader); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_SHADERTOY_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hand_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hand_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b510203e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hand_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/headerbar.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/headerbar.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..185349ad --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/headerbar.c @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* Header Bar + * #Keywords: GtkWindowHandle, GtkWindowControls + * + * GtkHeaderBar is a container that is suitable for implementing + * window titlebars. One of its features is that it can position + * a title centered with regard to the full width, regardless of + * variable-width content at the left or right. + * + * It is commonly used with gtk_window_set_titlebar() + */ + +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_headerbar (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *header; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *box; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Welcome to the Hotel California"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("mail-send-receive-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Check out"); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), button); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (box, "linked"); + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-previous-symbolic"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("go-next-symbolic"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button); + + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), box); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), gtk_switch_new ()); + + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_text_view_new ()); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help-overlay.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help-overlay.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae172ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help-overlay.ui @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + + + + General + + + F1 + Show About Dialog + + + + + <Control>q + Quit + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5440fd94 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/help_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c89f71be --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.c @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +#include +#include "hsla.h" + +void +hsla_init_from_rgba (GdkHSLA *hsla, + const GdkRGBA *rgba) +{ + float min; + float max; + float red; + float green; + float blue; + float delta; + + g_return_if_fail (hsla != NULL); + g_return_if_fail (rgba != NULL); + + red = rgba->red; + green = rgba->green; + blue = rgba->blue; + + if (red > green) + { + if (red > blue) + max = red; + else + max = blue; + + if (green < blue) + min = green; + else + min = blue; + } + else + { + if (green > blue) + max = green; + else + max = blue; + + if (red < blue) + min = red; + else + min = blue; + } + + hsla->lightness = (max + min) / 2; + hsla->saturation = 0; + hsla->hue = 0; + hsla->alpha = rgba->alpha; + + if (max != min) + { + if (hsla->lightness <= 0.5) + hsla->saturation = (max - min) / (max + min); + else + hsla->saturation = (max - min) / (2 - max - min); + + delta = max -min; + if (red == max) + hsla->hue = (green - blue) / delta; + else if (green == max) + hsla->hue = 2 + (blue - red) / delta; + else if (blue == max) + hsla->hue = 4 + (red - green) / delta; + + hsla->hue *= 60; + if (hsla->hue < 0.0) + hsla->hue += 360; + } +} + +void +rgba_init_from_hsla (GdkRGBA *rgba, + const GdkHSLA *hsla) +{ + float hue; + float lightness; + float saturation; + float m1, m2; + + lightness = hsla->lightness; + saturation = hsla->saturation; + + if (lightness <= 0.5) + m2 = lightness * (1 + saturation); + else + m2 = lightness + saturation - lightness * saturation; + m1 = 2 * lightness - m2; + + rgba->alpha = hsla->alpha; + + if (saturation == 0) + { + rgba->red = lightness; + rgba->green = lightness; + rgba->blue = lightness; + } + else + { + hue = hsla->hue + 120; + while (hue > 360) + hue -= 360; + while (hue < 0) + hue += 360; + + if (hue < 60) + rgba->red = m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue / 60; + else if (hue < 180) + rgba->red = m2; + else if (hue < 240) + rgba->red = m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - hue) / 60; + else + rgba->red = m1; + + hue = hsla->hue; + while (hue > 360) + hue -= 360; + while (hue < 0) + hue += 360; + + if (hue < 60) + rgba->green = m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue / 60; + else if (hue < 180) + rgba->green = m2; + else if (hue < 240) + rgba->green = m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - hue) / 60; + else + rgba->green = m1; + + hue = hsla->hue - 120; + while (hue > 360) + hue -= 360; + while (hue < 0) + hue += 360; + + if (hue < 60) + rgba->blue = m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue / 60; + else if (hue < 180) + rgba->blue = m2; + else if (hue < 240) + rgba->blue = m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - hue) / 60; + else + rgba->blue = m1; + } +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7880962 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hsla.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#pragma once + +typedef struct _GdkHSLA GdkHSLA; + +struct _GdkHSLA { + float hue; + float saturation; + float lightness; + float alpha; +}; + +void hsla_init_from_rgba (GdkHSLA *hsla, + const GdkRGBA *rgba); +void rgba_init_from_hsla (GdkRGBA *rgba, + const GdkHSLA *hsla); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hypertext.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hypertext.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7e3fd18 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/hypertext.c @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +/* Text View/Hypertext + * #Keywords: GtkTextView, GtkTextBuffer + * + * Usually, tags modify the appearance of text in the view, e.g. making it + * bold or colored or underlined. But tags are not restricted to appearance. + * They can also affect the behavior of mouse and key presses, as this demo + * shows. + * + * We also demonstrate adding other things to a text view, such as + * clickable icons and widgets which can also replace a character + * (try copying the ghost text). + */ + +#include +#include + +/* Inserts a piece of text into the buffer, giving it the usual + * appearance of a hyperlink in a web browser: blue and underlined. + * Additionally, attaches some data on the tag, to make it recognizable + * as a link. + */ +static void +insert_link (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + GtkTextIter *iter, + const char *text, + int page) +{ + GtkTextTag *tag; + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, + "foreground", "blue", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, + NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (tag), "page", GINT_TO_POINTER (page)); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (buffer, iter, text, -1, tag, NULL); +} + +/* Quick-and-dirty text-to-speech for a single word. If you don't hear + * anything, you are missing espeak-ng on your system. + */ +static void +say_word (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + guint n_press, + double x, + double y, + const char *word) +{ + const char *argv[3]; + + argv[0] = "espeak-ng"; + argv[1] = word; + argv[2] = NULL; + + g_spawn_async (NULL, (char **)argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); +} + +/* Fills the buffer with text and interspersed links. In any real + * hypertext app, this method would parse a file to identify the links. + */ +static void +show_page (GtkTextView *text_view, + int page) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter, start; + GtkTextMark *mark; + GtkWidget *child; + GtkTextChildAnchor *anchor; + GtkEventController *controller; + GtkTextTag *bold, *mono, *nobreaks; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view); + + bold = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, + "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, + "scale", PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE, + NULL); + mono = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, + "family", "monospace", + NULL); + nobreaks = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, + "allow-breaks", FALSE, + NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "", 0); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &iter, 0); + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + if (page == 1) + { + GtkIconPaintable *icon; + GtkIconTheme *theme; + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "Some text to show that simple ", -1); + insert_link (buffer, &iter, "hypertext", 3); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " can easily be realized with ", -1); + insert_link (buffer, &iter, "tags", 2); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ".\n", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "Of course you can also embed Emoji 😋, ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "icons ", -1); + + theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (text_view))); + icon = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (theme, + "view-conceal-symbolic", + NULL, + 16, + 1, + GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR, + 0); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_paintable (buffer, &iter, GDK_PAINTABLE (icon)); + g_object_unref (icon); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", or even widgets ", -1); + anchor = gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + child = gtk_level_bar_new_for_interval (0, 100); + gtk_level_bar_set_value (GTK_LEVEL_BAR (child), 50); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (child, 100, -1); + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (text_view, child, anchor); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " and labels with ", -1); + anchor = gtk_text_child_anchor_new_with_replacement ("👻"); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_child_anchor (buffer, &iter, anchor); + child = gtk_label_new ("ghost"); + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (text_view, child, anchor); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " text.", -1); + } + else if (page == 2) + { + mark = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "mark", &iter, TRUE); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (buffer, &iter, "tag", -1, bold, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " /", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &start, mark); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, nobreaks, &start, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " ", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_move_mark (buffer, mark, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (buffer, &iter, "tag", -1, mono, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " /", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &start, mark); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, nobreaks, &start, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " ", -1); + + anchor = gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + child = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("audio-volume-high-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_cursor_from_name (child, "pointer"); + controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ()); + g_signal_connect (controller, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (say_word), (gpointer)"tag"); + gtk_widget_add_controller (child, controller); + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (text_view, child, anchor); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n" + "An attribute that can be applied to some range of text. For example, " + "a tag might be called “bold” and make the text inside the tag bold.\n" + "However, the tag concept is more general than that; " + "tags don't have to affect appearance. They can instead affect the " + "behavior of mouse and key presses, “lock” a range of text so the " + "user can't edit it, or countless other things.\n", -1); + insert_link (buffer, &iter, "Go back", 1); + + gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark (buffer, mark); + } + else if (page == 3) + { + mark = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "mark", &iter, TRUE); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (buffer, &iter, "hypertext", -1, bold, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " /", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &start, mark); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, nobreaks, &start, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " ", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_move_mark (buffer, mark, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (buffer, &iter, "ˈhaɪ pərˌtɛkst", -1, mono, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " /", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &start, mark); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, nobreaks, &start, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " ", -1); + + anchor = gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + child = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("audio-volume-high-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_cursor_from_name (child, "pointer"); + controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ()); + g_signal_connect (controller, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (say_word), (gpointer)"hypertext"); + gtk_widget_add_controller (child, controller); + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (text_view, child, anchor); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n" + "Machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized " + "so that related items of information are connected.\n", -1); + insert_link (buffer, &iter, "Go back", 1); + + gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark (buffer, mark); + } + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); +} + +/* Looks at all tags covering the position of iter in the text view, + * and if one of them is a link, follow it by showing the page identified + * by the data attached to it. + */ +static void +follow_if_link (GtkWidget *text_view, + GtkTextIter *iter) +{ + GSList *tags = NULL, *tagp = NULL; + + tags = gtk_text_iter_get_tags (iter); + for (tagp = tags; tagp != NULL; tagp = tagp->next) + { + GtkTextTag *tag = tagp->data; + int page = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tag), "page")); + + if (page != 0) + { + show_page (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view), page); + break; + } + } + + if (tags) + g_slist_free (tags); +} + +/* Links can be activated by pressing Enter. + */ +static gboolean +key_pressed (GtkEventController *controller, + guint keyval, + guint keycode, + GdkModifierType modifiers, + GtkWidget *text_view) +{ + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + switch (keyval) + { + case GDK_KEY_Return: + case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter: + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &iter, + gtk_text_buffer_get_insert (buffer)); + follow_if_link (text_view, &iter); + break; + + default: + break; + } + + return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE; +} + +static void set_cursor_if_appropriate (GtkTextView *text_view, + int x, + int y); + +static void +released_cb (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + guint n_press, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *text_view) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end, iter; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + int tx, ty; + + if (gtk_gesture_single_get_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture)) > 1) + return; + + gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view), + GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, + x, y, &tx, &ty); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view)); + + /* we shouldn't follow a link if the user has selected something */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + if (gtk_text_iter_get_offset (&start) != gtk_text_iter_get_offset (&end)) + return; + + if (gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view), &iter, tx, ty)) + follow_if_link (text_view, &iter); +} + +static void +motion_cb (GtkEventControllerMotion *controller, + double x, + double y, + GtkTextView *text_view) +{ + int tx, ty; + + gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords (text_view, + GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, + x, y, &tx, &ty); + + set_cursor_if_appropriate (text_view, tx, ty); +} + +static gboolean hovering_over_link = FALSE; + +/* Looks at all tags covering the position (x, y) in the text view, + * and if one of them is a link, change the cursor to the "hands" cursor + * typically used by web browsers. + */ +static void +set_cursor_if_appropriate (GtkTextView *text_view, + int x, + int y) +{ + GSList *tags = NULL, *tagp = NULL; + GtkTextIter iter; + gboolean hovering = FALSE; + + if (gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location (text_view, &iter, x, y)) + { + tags = gtk_text_iter_get_tags (&iter); + for (tagp = tags; tagp != NULL; tagp = tagp->next) + { + GtkTextTag *tag = tagp->data; + int page = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tag), "page")); + + if (page != 0) + { + hovering = TRUE; + break; + } + } + } + + if (hovering != hovering_over_link) + { + hovering_over_link = hovering; + + if (hovering_over_link) + gtk_widget_set_cursor_from_name (GTK_WIDGET (text_view), "pointer"); + else + gtk_widget_set_cursor_from_name (GTK_WIDGET (text_view), "text"); + } + + if (tags) + g_slist_free (tags); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_hypertext (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *view; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkEventController *controller; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Hypertext"); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 330, 330); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_top_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 10); + controller = gtk_event_controller_key_new (); + g_signal_connect (controller, "key-pressed", G_CALLBACK (key_pressed), view); + gtk_widget_add_controller (view, controller); + + controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ()); + g_signal_connect (controller, "released", + G_CALLBACK (released_cb), view); + gtk_widget_add_controller (view, controller); + + controller = gtk_event_controller_motion_new (); + g_signal_connect (controller, "motion", + G_CALLBACK (motion_cb), view); + gtk_widget_add_controller (view, controller); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_enable_undo (buffer, TRUE); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view); + + show_page (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 1); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/application-exit.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/application-exit.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..facee22f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/application-exit.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-edit-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-edit-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3dd951e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-edit-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0dcbfec9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-open.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-open.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47547143 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-open.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26aaea49 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-copy.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-copy.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d7bbce0 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-copy.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-cut.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-cut.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71387323 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-cut.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-paste.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-paste.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4f39b7f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/edit-paste.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-home.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-home.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c564b8c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-home.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-up.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-up.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d26a540d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/go-up.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/mail-send-receive-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/mail-send-receive-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f06c14e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/mail-send-receive-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/process-stop.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/process-stop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..110c0b89 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/process-stop.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71dbdc95 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/categories/applications-other.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/categories/applications-other.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4dd9d0b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/categories/applications-other.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-cool.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-cool.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16ed3b7e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-cool.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-laugh-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-laugh-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0b38e53 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/emotes/face-laugh-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/status/battery-caution-charging-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/status/battery-caution-charging-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92cd19f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/16x16/status/battery-caution-charging-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/48x48/status/starred.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/48x48/status/starred.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2aefe782 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/icons/48x48/status/starred.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50f99be3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.c @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +/* Benchmark/Scrolling + * #Keywords: GtkScrolledWindow + * + * This demo scrolls a view with various content. + */ + +#include + +static guint tick_cb; +static GtkAdjustment *hadjustment; +static GtkAdjustment *vadjustment; +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *scrolledwindow; +static int selected; + +#define N_WIDGET_TYPES 8 + + +static int hincrement = 5; +static int vincrement = 5; + +static gboolean +scroll_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer data) +{ + double value; + + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (vadjustment); + if (value + vincrement <= gtk_adjustment_get_lower (vadjustment) || + (value + vincrement >= gtk_adjustment_get_upper (vadjustment) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (vadjustment))) + vincrement = - vincrement; + + gtk_adjustment_set_value (vadjustment, value + vincrement); + + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (hadjustment); + if (value + hincrement <= gtk_adjustment_get_lower (hadjustment) || + (value + hincrement >= gtk_adjustment_get_upper (hadjustment) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (hadjustment))) + hincrement = - hincrement; + + gtk_adjustment_set_value (hadjustment, value + hincrement); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +extern GtkWidget *create_icon (void); + +static void +populate_icons (void) +{ + GtkWidget *grid; + int top, left; + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_halign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (grid, 10); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 10); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 10); + + for (top = 0; top < 100; top++) + for (left = 0; left < 15; left++) + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), create_icon (), left, top, 1, 1); + + hincrement = 0; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), grid); +} + +static char *content; +static gsize content_len; + +extern void fontify (const char *format, GtkTextBuffer *buffer); + +static void +populate_text (gboolean highlight) +{ + GtkWidget *textview; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + if (!content) + { + GBytes *bytes; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/sources/font_features.c", 0, NULL); + content = g_bytes_unref_to_data (bytes, &content_len); + } + + buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, content, (int)content_len); + + if (highlight) + fontify ("c", buffer); + + textview = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), buffer); + + hincrement = 0; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), textview); +} + +static void +populate_emoji_text (void) +{ + GtkWidget *textview; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GString *s; + GtkTextIter iter; + + s = g_string_sized_new (500 * 30 * 4); + + for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) + { + if (i % 2) + g_string_append (s, "x"); + for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) + { + g_string_append (s, "💓"); + g_string_append (s, "x"); + } + g_string_append (s, "\n"); + } + + buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup (buffer, &iter, s->str, s->len); + + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + + textview = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), buffer); + + hincrement = 0; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), textview); +} + +static void +populate_image (void) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + + if (!content) + { + GBytes *bytes; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/sources/font_features.c", 0, NULL); + content = g_bytes_unref_to_data (bytes, &content_len); + } + + image = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/sliding_puzzle/portland-rose.jpg"); + gtk_picture_set_can_shrink (GTK_PICTURE (image), FALSE); + + hincrement = 5; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), image); +} + +extern GtkWidget *create_weather_view (void); + +static void +populate_list (void) +{ + GtkWidget *list; + + list = create_weather_view (); + + hincrement = 5; + vincrement = 0; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), list); +} + +extern GtkWidget *create_color_grid (void); +extern GListModel *gtk_color_list_new (guint size); + +static void +populate_grid (void) +{ + GtkWidget *list; + GtkNoSelection *selection; + + list = create_color_grid (); + + selection = gtk_no_selection_new (gtk_color_list_new (2097152)); + gtk_grid_view_set_model (GTK_GRID_VIEW (list), GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + g_object_unref (selection); + + hincrement = 0; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), list); +} + +extern GtkWidget *create_ucd_view (GtkWidget *label); + +static void +populate_list2 (void) +{ + GtkWidget *list; + + list = create_ucd_view (NULL); + + hincrement = 0; + vincrement = 5; + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), list); +} + +static void +set_widget_type (int type) +{ + if (tick_cb) + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (window, tick_cb); + + if (gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow))) + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow), NULL); + + selected = type; + + switch (selected) + { + case 0: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling icons"); + populate_icons (); + break; + + case 1: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling plain text"); + populate_text (FALSE); + break; + + case 2: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling complex text"); + populate_text (TRUE); + break; + + case 3: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling text with Emoji"); + populate_emoji_text (); + break; + + case 4: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling a big image"); + populate_image (); + break; + + case 5: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling a list"); + populate_list (); + break; + + case 6: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling a columned list"); + populate_list2 (); + break; + + case 7: + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Scrolling a grid"); + populate_grid (); + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + tick_cb = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (window, scroll_cb, NULL, NULL); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +iconscroll_next_clicked_cb (GtkButton *source, + gpointer user_data) +{ + int new_index; + + if (selected + 1 >= N_WIDGET_TYPES) + new_index = 0; + else + new_index = selected + 1; + + + set_widget_type (new_index); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +iconscroll_prev_clicked_cb (GtkButton *source, + gpointer user_data) +{ + int new_index; + + if (selected - 1 < 0) + new_index = N_WIDGET_TYPES - 1; + else + new_index = selected - 1; + + set_widget_type (new_index); +} + +static gboolean +update_fps (gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *label = data; + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock; + double fps; + char *str; + + frame_clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (label); + + fps = gdk_frame_clock_get_fps (frame_clock); + str = g_strdup_printf ("%.2f fps", fps); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), str); + g_free (str); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +remove_timeout (gpointer data) +{ + g_source_remove (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data)); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT GtkWidget * +do_iconscroll (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *label; + guint id; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/iconscroll/iconscroll.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + + scrolledwindow = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "scrolledwindow")); + gtk_widget_realize (window); + hadjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "hadjustment")); + vadjustment = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "vadjustment")); + set_widget_type (0); + + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "fps_label")); + id = g_timeout_add (500, update_fps, label); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (label), "timeout", + GUINT_TO_POINTER (id), remove_timeout); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be4c4219 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconscroll.ui @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + + + 0 + 500 + 500 + + + + + + + + go-previous-symbolic + + + + + + go-next-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + never + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f640221e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview.c @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +/* Icon View/Icon View Basics + * + * The GtkIconView widget is used to display and manipulate icons. + * It uses a GtkTreeModel for data storage, so the list store + * example might be helpful. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +#define FOLDER_NAME "/iconview/gnome-fs-directory.png" +#define FILE_NAME "/iconview/gnome-fs-regular.png" + +enum +{ + COL_PATH, + COL_DISPLAY_NAME, + COL_PIXBUF, + COL_IS_DIRECTORY, + NUM_COLS +}; + + +static GdkPixbuf *file_pixbuf, *folder_pixbuf; +char *parent; +GtkWidget *up_button; + +/* Loads the images for the demo and returns whether the operation succeeded */ +static void +load_pixbufs (void) +{ + if (file_pixbuf) + return; /* already loaded earlier */ + + file_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (FILE_NAME, NULL); + /* resources must load successfully */ + g_assert (file_pixbuf); + + folder_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (FOLDER_NAME, NULL); + g_assert (folder_pixbuf); +} + +static void +fill_store (GtkListStore *store) +{ + GDir *dir; + const char *name; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + /* First clear the store */ + gtk_list_store_clear (store); + + /* Now go through the directory and extract all the file + * information */ + dir = g_dir_open (parent, 0, NULL); + if (!dir) + return; + + name = g_dir_read_name (dir); + while (name != NULL) + { + char *path, *display_name; + gboolean is_dir; + + /* We ignore hidden files that start with a '.' */ + if (name[0] != '.') + { + path = g_build_filename (parent, name, NULL); + + is_dir = g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR); + + display_name = g_filename_to_utf8 (name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, + COL_PATH, path, + COL_DISPLAY_NAME, display_name, + COL_IS_DIRECTORY, is_dir, + COL_PIXBUF, is_dir ? folder_pixbuf : file_pixbuf, + -1); + g_free (path); + g_free (display_name); + } + + name = g_dir_read_name (dir); + } + g_dir_close (dir); +} + +static int +sort_func (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *a, + GtkTreeIter *b, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gboolean is_dir_a, is_dir_b; + char *name_a, *name_b; + int ret; + + /* We need this function because we want to sort + * folders before files. + */ + + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, a, + COL_IS_DIRECTORY, &is_dir_a, + COL_DISPLAY_NAME, &name_a, + -1); + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, b, + COL_IS_DIRECTORY, &is_dir_b, + COL_DISPLAY_NAME, &name_b, + -1); + + if (!is_dir_a && is_dir_b) + ret = 1; + else if (is_dir_a && !is_dir_b) + ret = -1; + else + { + ret = g_utf8_collate (name_a, name_b); + } + + g_free (name_a); + g_free (name_b); + + return ret; +} + +static GtkListStore * +create_store (void) +{ + GtkListStore *store; + + store = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_COLS, + G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_STRING, + GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); + + /* Set sort column and function */ + gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store), + sort_func, + NULL, NULL); + gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store), + GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID, + GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); + + return store; +} + +static void +item_activated (GtkIconView *icon_view, + GtkTreePath *tree_path, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkListStore *store; + char *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean is_dir; + + store = GTK_LIST_STORE (user_data); + + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), + &iter, tree_path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, + COL_PATH, &path, + COL_IS_DIRECTORY, &is_dir, + -1); + + if (!is_dir) + { + g_free (path); + return; + } + + /* Replace parent with path and re-fill the model*/ + g_free (parent); + parent = path; + + fill_store (store); + + /* Sensitize the up button */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (up_button), TRUE); +} + +static void +up_clicked (GtkButton *item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkListStore *store; + char *dir_name; + + store = GTK_LIST_STORE (user_data); + + dir_name = g_path_get_dirname (parent); + g_free (parent); + + parent = dir_name; + + fill_store (store); + + /* Maybe de-sensitize the up button */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (up_button), + strcmp (parent, "/") != 0); +} + +static void +home_clicked (GtkButton *item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkListStore *store; + + store = GTK_LIST_STORE (user_data); + + g_free (parent); + parent = g_strdup (g_get_home_dir ()); + + fill_store (store); + + /* Sensitize the up button */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (up_button), + TRUE); +} + +static void close_window(void) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + window = NULL; + + g_object_unref (file_pixbuf); + file_pixbuf = NULL; + + g_object_unref (folder_pixbuf); + folder_pixbuf = NULL; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_iconview (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *icon_view; + GtkListStore *store; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *tool_bar; + GtkWidget *home_button; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 650, 400); + + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Icon View Basics"); + + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + load_pixbufs (); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + tool_bar = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), tool_bar); + + up_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Up"); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (up_button), FALSE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (tool_bar), up_button); + + home_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Home"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (tool_bar), home_button); + + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), sw); + + /* Create the store and fill it with the contents of '/' */ + parent = g_strdup ("/"); + store = create_store (); + fill_store (store); + + icon_view = gtk_icon_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)); + gtk_icon_view_set_selection_mode (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), + GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); + g_object_unref (store); + + /* Connect to the "clicked" signal of the "Up" tool button */ + g_signal_connect (up_button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (up_clicked), store); + + /* Connect to the "clicked" signal of the "Home" tool button */ + g_signal_connect (home_button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (home_clicked), store); + + /* We now set which model columns that correspond to the text + * and pixbuf of each item + */ + gtk_icon_view_set_text_column (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), COL_DISPLAY_NAME); + gtk_icon_view_set_pixbuf_column (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), COL_PIXBUF); + + /* Connect to the "item-activated" signal */ + g_signal_connect (icon_view, "item-activated", + G_CALLBACK (item_activated), store); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), icon_view); + + gtk_widget_grab_focus (icon_view); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview_edit.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview_edit.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4fd00b32 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/iconview_edit.c @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* Icon View/Editing and Drag-and-Drop + * #Keywords: dnd + * + * The GtkIconView widget supports Editing and Drag-and-Drop. + * This example also demonstrates using the generic GtkCellLayout + * interface to set up cell renderers in an icon view. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +enum +{ + COL_TEXT, + NUM_COLS +}; + + +static void +fill_store (GtkListStore *store) +{ + GtkTreeIter iter; + const char *text[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow" }; + int i; + + /* First clear the store */ + gtk_list_store_clear (store); + + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, COL_TEXT, text[i], -1); + } +} + +static GtkListStore * +create_store (void) +{ + GtkListStore *store; + + store = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_COLS, G_TYPE_STRING); + + return store; +} + +static void +set_cell_color (GtkCellLayout *cell_layout, + GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *tree_model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + char *text; + GdkRGBA color; + guint32 pixel = 0; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, COL_TEXT, &text, -1); + if (!text) + return; + + if (gdk_rgba_parse (&color, text)) + pixel = + ((int)(color.red * 255)) << 24 | + ((int)(color.green * 255)) << 16 | + ((int)(color.blue * 255)) << 8 | + ((int)(color.alpha * 255)); + + g_free (text); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, 24, 24); + gdk_pixbuf_fill (pixbuf, pixel); + + g_object_set (cell, "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL); + + g_object_unref (pixbuf); +} + +static void +edited (GtkCellRendererText *cell, + char *path_string, + char *text, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkTreePath *path; + + model = gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (data)); + path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_string); + + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, + COL_TEXT, text, -1); + + gtk_tree_path_free (path); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_iconview_edit (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *icon_view; + GtkListStore *store; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Editing and Drag-and-Drop"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + store = create_store (); + fill_store (store); + + icon_view = gtk_icon_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)); + g_object_unref (store); + + gtk_icon_view_set_selection_mode (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), + GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); + gtk_icon_view_set_item_orientation (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), + GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), 2); + gtk_icon_view_set_reorderable (GTK_ICON_VIEW (icon_view), TRUE); + + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (icon_view), + renderer, TRUE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (icon_view), + renderer, + set_cell_color, + NULL, NULL); + + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (icon_view), + renderer, TRUE); + g_object_set (renderer, "editable", TRUE, NULL); + g_signal_connect (renderer, "edited", G_CALLBACK (edited), icon_view); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (icon_view), + renderer, + "text", COL_TEXT, + NULL); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), icon_view); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/images.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/images.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af2ceb26 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/images.c @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +/* Images + * #Keywords: GdkPaintable, GtkWidgetPaintable + * + * GtkImage and GtkPicture are used to display an image; the image can be + * in a number of formats. + * + * GtkImage is the widget used to display icons or images that should be + * sized and styled like an icon, while GtkPicture is used for images + * that should be displayed as-is. + * + * This demo code shows some of the more obscure cases, in the simple + * case a call to gtk_picture_new_for_file() or + * gtk_image_new_from_icon_name() is all you need. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "pixbufpaintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GdkPixbufLoader *pixbuf_loader = NULL; +static guint load_timeout = 0; +static GInputStream * image_stream = NULL; + +static void +progressive_prepared_callback (GdkPixbufLoader *loader, + gpointer data) +{ + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + GtkWidget *picture; + + picture = GTK_WIDGET (data); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader); + + /* Avoid displaying random memory contents, since the pixbuf + * isn't filled in yet. + */ + gdk_pixbuf_fill (pixbuf, 0xaaaaaaff); + + gtk_picture_set_pixbuf (GTK_PICTURE (picture), pixbuf); +} + +static void +progressive_updated_callback (GdkPixbufLoader *loader, + int x, + int y, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + + picture = GTK_WIDGET (data); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader); + gtk_picture_set_pixbuf (GTK_PICTURE (picture), NULL); + gtk_picture_set_pixbuf (GTK_PICTURE (picture), pixbuf); +} + +static int +progressive_timeout (gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + + picture = GTK_WIDGET (data); + + /* This shows off fully-paranoid error handling, so looks scary. + * You could factor out the error handling code into a nice separate + * function to make things nicer. + */ + + if (image_stream) + { + gssize bytes_read; + guchar buf[256]; + GError *error = NULL; + + bytes_read = g_input_stream_read (image_stream, buf, 256, NULL, &error); + + if (bytes_read < 0) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Failure reading image file 'alphatest.png': %s", + error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + + g_object_unref (image_stream); + image_stream = NULL; + + load_timeout = 0; + + return FALSE; /* uninstall the timeout */ + } + + if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_write (pixbuf_loader, + buf, bytes_read, + &error)) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Failed to load image: %s", + error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + + g_object_unref (image_stream); + image_stream = NULL; + + load_timeout = 0; + + return FALSE; /* uninstall the timeout */ + } + + if (bytes_read == 0) + { + /* Errors can happen on close, e.g. if the image + * file was truncated we'll know on close that + * it was incomplete. + */ + error = NULL; + if (!g_input_stream_close (image_stream, NULL, &error)) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Failed to load image: %s", + error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + + g_object_unref (image_stream); + image_stream = NULL; + g_object_unref (pixbuf_loader); + pixbuf_loader = NULL; + + load_timeout = 0; + + return FALSE; /* uninstall the timeout */ + } + + g_object_unref (image_stream); + image_stream = NULL; + + /* Errors can happen on close, e.g. if the image + * file was truncated we'll know on close that + * it was incomplete. + */ + error = NULL; + if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (pixbuf_loader, &error)) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Failed to load image: %s", + error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + + g_object_unref (pixbuf_loader); + pixbuf_loader = NULL; + + load_timeout = 0; + + return FALSE; /* uninstall the timeout */ + } + + g_object_unref (pixbuf_loader); + pixbuf_loader = NULL; + } + } + else + { + GError *error = NULL; + + image_stream = g_resources_open_stream ("/images/alphatest.png", 0, &error); + + if (image_stream == NULL) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("%s", + error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + + load_timeout = 0; + + return FALSE; /* uninstall the timeout */ + } + + if (pixbuf_loader) + { + gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (pixbuf_loader, NULL); + g_object_unref (pixbuf_loader); + } + + pixbuf_loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new (); + + g_signal_connect_object (pixbuf_loader, "area-prepared", + G_CALLBACK (progressive_prepared_callback), picture, 0); + + g_signal_connect_object (pixbuf_loader, "area-updated", + G_CALLBACK (progressive_updated_callback), picture, 0); + } + + /* leave timeout installed */ + return TRUE; +} + +static void +start_progressive_loading (GtkWidget *picture) +{ + /* This is obviously totally contrived (we slow down loading + * on purpose to show how incremental loading works). + * The real purpose of incremental loading is the case where + * you are reading data from a slow source such as the network. + * The timeout simply simulates a slow data source by inserting + * pauses in the reading process. + */ + load_timeout = g_timeout_add (300, progressive_timeout, picture); + g_source_set_name_by_id (load_timeout, "[gtk] progressive_timeout"); +} + +static void +cleanup_callback (gpointer data, + GObject *former_object) +{ + *(gpointer**)data = NULL; + + if (load_timeout) + { + g_source_remove (load_timeout); + load_timeout = 0; + } + + if (pixbuf_loader) + { + gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (pixbuf_loader, NULL); + g_object_unref (pixbuf_loader); + pixbuf_loader = NULL; + } + + if (image_stream) + { + g_object_unref (image_stream); + image_stream = NULL; + } +} + +static void +toggle_sensitivity_callback (GtkWidget *togglebutton, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + for (child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)); + child != NULL; + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child)) + { + /* don't disable our toggle */ + if (child != togglebutton) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (child, !gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (togglebutton))); + } +} + + +GtkWidget * +do_images (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *video; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *base_vbox; + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *picture; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *button; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GIcon *gicon; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Images"); + g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (window), cleanup_callback, &window); + + base_vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (base_vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (base_vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (base_vbox, 16); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (base_vbox, 16); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), base_vbox); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 16); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (base_vbox), hbox); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Image from a resource"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + image = gtk_image_new_from_resource ("/images/org.gtk.Demo4.svg"); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), image); + + + /* Animation */ + + label = gtk_label_new ("Animation from a resource"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + paintable = pixbuf_paintable_new_from_resource ("/images/floppybuddy.gif"); + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + g_object_unref (paintable); + + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), picture); + + /* Symbolic icon */ + + label = gtk_label_new ("Symbolic themed icon"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + gicon = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("battery-caution-charging-symbolic"); + image = gtk_image_new_from_gicon (gicon); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), image); + + + /* Progressive */ + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Progressive image loading"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + /* Create an empty image for now; the progressive loader + * will create the pixbuf and fill it in. + */ + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_picture_set_alternative_text (GTK_PICTURE (picture), "A slowly loading image"); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), picture); + + start_progressive_loading (picture); + + /* Video */ + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Displaying video"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_halign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (frame, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + video = gtk_video_new_for_resource ("/images/gtk-logo.webm"); + gtk_media_stream_set_loop (gtk_video_get_media_stream (GTK_VIDEO (video)), TRUE); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), video); + + /* Widget paintables */ + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("GtkWidgetPaintable"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "heading"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + paintable = gtk_widget_paintable_new (do_widget); + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (picture, 100, 100); + gtk_widget_set_valign (picture, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), picture); + + /* Sensitivity control */ + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Insensitive"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (base_vbox), button); + + g_signal_connect (button, "toggled", + G_CALLBACK (toggle_sensitivity_callback), + base_vbox); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/infobar.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/infobar.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49cb0701 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/infobar.c @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/* Info Bars + * #Keywords: GtkInfoBar + * + * Info bar widgets are used to report important messages to the user. + */ + +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +on_bar_response (GtkInfoBar *info_bar, + int response_id, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + char *detail; + + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE) + { + gtk_info_bar_set_revealed (info_bar, FALSE); + return; + } + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("You clicked a button on an info bar"); + detail = g_strdup_printf ("Your response has been %d", response_id); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (dialog, detail); + g_free (detail); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (info_bar)))); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_infobar (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *bar; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *actions; + GtkWidget *button; + + if (!window) + { + actions = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (actions, "linked"); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Info Bars"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 8); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + bar = gtk_info_bar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bar); + gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_MESSAGE_INFO); + label = gtk_label_new ("This is an info bar with message type GTK_MESSAGE_INFO"); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_info_bar_add_child (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), label); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label ("Message"); + g_object_bind_property (bar, "revealed", button, "active", G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (actions), button); + + bar = gtk_info_bar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bar); + gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING); + label = gtk_label_new ("This is an info bar with message type GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING"); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_info_bar_add_child (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), label); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label ("Warning"); + g_object_bind_property (bar, "revealed", button, "active", G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (actions), button); + + bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("_OK"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); + gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), TRUE); + g_signal_connect (bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (on_bar_response), window); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bar); + gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION); + label = gtk_label_new ("This is an info bar with message type GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION"); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_info_bar_add_child (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), label); + gtk_info_bar_set_default_response (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_RESPONSE_OK); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label ("Question"); + g_object_bind_property (bar, "revealed", button, "active", G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (actions), button); + + bar = gtk_info_bar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bar); + gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR); + label = gtk_label_new ("This is an info bar with message type GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR"); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_info_bar_add_child (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), label); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label ("Error"); + g_object_bind_property (bar, "revealed", button, "active", G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (actions), button); + + bar = gtk_info_bar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), bar); + gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER); + label = gtk_label_new ("This is an info bar with message type GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER"); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_info_bar_add_child (GTK_INFO_BAR (bar), label); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label ("Other"); + g_object_bind_property (bar, "revealed", button, "active", G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL | G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (actions), button); + + frame = gtk_frame_new ("An example of different info bars"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (frame, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (frame, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + gtk_widget_set_halign (actions, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (actions, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (actions, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (actions, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (actions, 8); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), actions); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/kaleidoscope.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/kaleidoscope.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d516b3de --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/kaleidoscope.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +uniform float progress; +uniform sampler2D u_texture1; +uniform sampler2D u_texture2; + +vec4 getFromColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture1, uv); +} + +vec4 getToColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture2, uv); +} + +// Source: https://gl-transitions.com/editor/kaleidoscope +// Author: nwoeanhinnogaehr +// License: MIT + +const float speed = 1.0; +const float angle = 1.0; +const float power = 1.5; + +vec4 transition(vec2 uv) { + vec2 p = uv.xy / vec2(1.0).xy; + vec2 q = p; + float t = pow(progress, power)*speed; + p = p -0.5; + for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + p = vec2(sin(t)*p.x + cos(t)*p.y, sin(t)*p.y - cos(t)*p.x); + t += angle; + p = abs(mod(p, 2.0) - 1.0); + } + abs(mod(p, 1.0)); + return mix( + mix(getFromColor(q), getToColor(q), progress), + mix(getFromColor(p), getToColor(p), progress), 1.0 - 2.0*abs(progress - 0.5)); +} + + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + fragColor = transition(uv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9154e7e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.c @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "language-names.h" + +#ifdef G_OS_WIN32 +#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +#include +#else + +#ifndef ISO_CODES_PREFIX +#define ISO_CODES_PREFIX "/usr" +#endif + +#define ISO_CODES_DATADIR ISO_CODES_PREFIX "/share/xml/iso-codes" +#define ISO_CODES_LOCALESDIR ISO_CODES_PREFIX "/share/locale" +#endif + +static GHashTable *language_map; + +#ifdef G_OS_WIN32 +/* if we are using native Windows use native Windows API for language names */ +static BOOL CALLBACK +get_win32_all_locales_scripts (LPWSTR locale_w, DWORD flags, LPARAM param) +{ + wchar_t *langname_w = NULL; + wchar_t locale_abbrev_w[9]; + gchar *langname, *locale_abbrev, *locale, *p; + gint i; + const LCTYPE iso639_lctypes[] = { LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME2 }; + GHashTable *ht_scripts_langs = (GHashTable *) param; + PangoLanguage *lang; + + gint langname_size, locale_abbrev_size; + langname_size = GetLocaleInfoEx (locale_w, LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDDISPLAYNAME, langname_w, 0); + if (langname_size == 0) + return FALSE; + + langname_w = g_new0 (wchar_t, langname_size); + + if (langname_size == 0) + return FALSE; + + GetLocaleInfoEx (locale_w, LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDDISPLAYNAME, langname_w, langname_size); + langname = g_utf16_to_utf8 (langname_w, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); + locale = g_utf16_to_utf8 (locale_w, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); + p = strchr (locale, '-'); + lang = pango_language_from_string (locale); + if (g_hash_table_lookup (ht_scripts_langs, lang) == NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (ht_scripts_langs, lang, langname); + + /* + * Track 3+-letter ISO639-2/3 language codes as well (these have a max length of 9 including terminating NUL) + * ISO639-2: iso639_lctypes[0] = LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME + * ISO639-3: iso639_lctypes[1] = LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME2 + */ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + locale_abbrev_size = GetLocaleInfoEx (locale_w, iso639_lctypes[i], locale_abbrev_w, 0); + if (locale_abbrev_size > 0) + { + GetLocaleInfoEx (locale_w, iso639_lctypes[i], locale_abbrev_w, locale_abbrev_size); + + locale_abbrev = g_utf16_to_utf8 (locale_abbrev_w, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); + lang = pango_language_from_string (locale_abbrev); + if (g_hash_table_lookup (ht_scripts_langs, lang) == NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (ht_scripts_langs, lang, langname); + + g_free (locale_abbrev); + } + } + + g_free (locale); + g_free (langname_w); + + return TRUE; +} + +#else /* non-Windows */ + +static char * +get_first_item_in_semicolon_list (const char *list) +{ + char **items; + char *item; + + items = g_strsplit (list, "; ", 2); + + item = g_strdup (items[0]); + g_strfreev (items); + + return item; +} + +static char * +capitalize_utf8_string (const char *str) +{ + char first[8] = { 0 }; + + if (!str) + return NULL; + + g_unichar_to_utf8 (g_unichar_totitle (g_utf8_get_char (str)), first); + + return g_strconcat (first, g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (str, 1), NULL); +} + +static char * +get_display_name (const char *language) +{ + const char *translated; + char *tmp; + char *name; + + translated = dgettext ("iso_639", language); + + tmp = get_first_item_in_semicolon_list (translated); + name = capitalize_utf8_string (tmp); + g_free (tmp); + + return name; +} + +static void +languages_parse_start_tag (GMarkupParseContext *ctx, + const char *element_name, + const char **attr_names, + const char **attr_values, + gpointer user_data, + GError **error) +{ + const char *ccode_longB; + const char *ccode_longT; + const char *ccode; + const char *ccode_id; + const char *lang_name; + char *display_name; + + if (!(g_str_equal (element_name, "iso_639_entry") || + g_str_equal (element_name, "iso_639_3_entry")) || + attr_names == NULL || + attr_values == NULL) + return; + + ccode = NULL; + ccode_longB = NULL; + ccode_longT = NULL; + ccode_id = NULL; + lang_name = NULL; + + while (*attr_names && *attr_values) + { + if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "iso_639_1_code")) + { + if (**attr_values) + { + if (strlen (*attr_values) != 2) + return; + ccode = *attr_values; + } + } + else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "iso_639_2B_code")) + { + if (**attr_values) + { + if (strlen (*attr_values) != 3) + return; + ccode_longB = *attr_values; + } + } + else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "iso_639_2T_code")) + { + if (**attr_values) + { + if (strlen (*attr_values) != 3) + return; + ccode_longT = *attr_values; + } + } + else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "id")) + { + if (**attr_values) + { + if (strlen (*attr_values) != 2 && + strlen (*attr_values) != 3) + return; + ccode_id = *attr_values; + } + } + else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "name")) + { + lang_name = *attr_values; + } + + ++attr_names; + ++attr_values; + } + + if (lang_name == NULL) + return; + + display_name = get_display_name (lang_name); + + if (ccode != NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (language_map, + pango_language_from_string (ccode), + g_strdup (display_name)); + + if (ccode_longB != NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (language_map, + pango_language_from_string (ccode_longB), + g_strdup (display_name)); + + if (ccode_longT != NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (language_map, + pango_language_from_string (ccode_longT), + g_strdup (display_name)); + + if (ccode_id != NULL) + g_hash_table_insert (language_map, + pango_language_from_string (ccode_id), + g_strdup (display_name)); + + g_free (display_name); +} + +static void +languages_variant_init (const char *variant) +{ + gboolean res; + gsize buf_len; + char *buf = NULL; + char *filename = NULL; + GError *error = NULL; + + bindtextdomain (variant, ISO_CODES_LOCALESDIR); + bind_textdomain_codeset (variant, "UTF-8"); + + error = NULL; + filename = g_strconcat (ISO_CODES_DATADIR, "/", variant, ".xml", NULL); + res = g_file_get_contents (filename, &buf, &buf_len, &error); + if (res) + { + GMarkupParseContext *ctx = NULL; + GMarkupParser parser = { languages_parse_start_tag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; + + ctx = g_markup_parse_context_new (&parser, 0, NULL, NULL); + + g_free (error); + error = NULL; + res = g_markup_parse_context_parse (ctx, buf, buf_len, &error); + g_free (ctx); + + if (!res) + g_warning ("Failed to parse '%s': %s\n", filename, error->message); + } + else + g_warning ("Failed to load '%s': %s\n", filename, error->message); + + g_clear_error (&error); + g_free (filename); + g_free (buf); +} +#endif + +static void +languages_init (void) +{ + if (language_map) + return; + + language_map = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL, g_free); + +#ifdef G_OS_WIN32 + g_return_if_fail (EnumSystemLocalesEx (&get_win32_all_locales_scripts, LOCALE_ALL, (LPARAM) language_map, NULL)); +#else + languages_variant_init ("iso_639"); + languages_variant_init ("iso_639_3"); +#endif +} + +const char * +get_language_name (PangoLanguage *language) +{ + languages_init (); + + return (const char *) g_hash_table_lookup (language_map, language); +} + +const char * +get_language_name_for_tag (guint32 tag) +{ + hb_language_t lang; + const char *s; + + lang = hb_ot_tag_to_language (tag); + s = hb_language_to_string (lang); + + if (strcmp (s, "und-fonipa") == 0) + return "International Phonetic Alphabet"; + else if (strcmp (s, "und-fonnapa") == 0) + return "North-American Phonetic Alphabet"; + else if (strcmp (s, "ro-md") == 0) + return "Moldavian"; + + return get_language_name (pango_language_from_string (s)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..562f7ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/language-names.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#ifndef LANGUAGE_NAMES_H +#define LANGUAGE_NAMES_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +const char * get_language_name (PangoLanguage *language); +const char * get_language_name_for_tag (guint32 tag); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81d76a63 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager.c @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* Layout Manager/Transition + * #Keywords: GtkLayoutManager + * + * This demo shows a simple example of a custom layout manager + * and a widget using it. The layout manager places the children + * of the widget in a grid or a circle. + * + * The widget is animating the transition between the two layouts. + * + * Click to start the transition. + */ + +#include + +#include "demowidget.h" +#include "demochild.h" + + +GtkWidget * +do_layoutmanager (GtkWidget *parent) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *child; + const char *color[] = { + "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", + "blue", "grey", "magenta", "lime", + "yellow", "firebrick", "aqua", "purple", + "tomato", "pink", "thistle", "maroon" + }; + int i; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Layout Manager — Transition"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 600); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + widget = demo_widget_new (); + + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) + { + child = demo_child_new (color[i]); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (child, 4); + demo_widget_add_child (DEMO_WIDGET (widget), child); + } + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), widget); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; + +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager2.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager2.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d6da929 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/layoutmanager2.c @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/* Layout Manager/Transformation + * #Keywords: GtkLayoutManager, GskTransform + * + * This demo shows how to use transforms in a nontrivial + * way with a custom layout manager. The layout manager places + * icons on a sphere that can be rotated using arrow keys. + */ + +#include + +#include "demo2widget.h" +#include "demo2layout.h" +#include "demochild.h" + +GtkWidget * +do_layoutmanager2 (GtkWidget *parent) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *child; + const char *name[] = { + "action-unavailable-symbolic", + "address-book-new-symbolic", + "application-exit-symbolic", + "appointment-new-symbolic", + "bookmark-new-symbolic", + "call-start-symbolic", + "call-stop-symbolic", + "camera-switch-symbolic", + "chat-message-new-symbolic", + "color-select-symbolic", + "contact-new-symbolic", + "document-edit-symbolic", + "document-new-symbolic", + "document-open-recent-symbolic", + "document-open-symbolic", + "document-page-setup-symbolic", + "document-print-preview-symbolic", + "document-print-symbolic", + "document-properties-symbolic", + "document-revert-symbolic-rtl", + "document-revert-symbolic", + "document-save-as-symbolic", + "document-save-symbolic", + "document-send-symbolic", + "edit-clear-all-symbolic", + "edit-clear-symbolic-rtl", + "edit-clear-symbolic", + "edit-copy-symbolic", + "edit-cut-symbolic", + "edit-delete-symbolic", + "edit-find-replace-symbolic", + "edit-find-symbolic", + "edit-paste-symbolic", + "edit-redo-symbolic-rtl", + "edit-redo-symbolic", + "edit-select-all-symbolic", + "edit-select-symbolic", + "edit-undo-symbolic-rtl", + "edit-undo-symbolic", + "error-correct-symbolic", + "find-location-symbolic", + "folder-new-symbolic", + "font-select-symbolic", + "format-indent-less-symbolic-rtl", + "format-indent-less-symbolic", + "format-indent-more-symbolic-rtl", + "format-indent-more-symbolic", + "format-justify-center-symbolic", + "format-justify-fill-symbolic", + "format-justify-left-symbolic", + "format-justify-right-symbolic", + "format-text-bold-symbolic", + "format-text-direction-symbolic-rtl", + "format-text-direction-symbolic", + "format-text-italic-symbolic", + "format-text-strikethrough-symbolic", + "format-text-underline-symbolic", + "go-bottom-symbolic", + "go-down-symbolic", + "go-first-symbolic-rtl", + "go-first-symbolic", + "go-home-symbolic", + "go-jump-symbolic-rtl", + "go-jump-symbolic", + "go-last-symbolic-rtl", + "go-last-symbolic", + "go-next-symbolic-rtl", + "go-next-symbolic", + "go-previous-symbolic-rtl", + "go-previous-symbolic", + "go-top-symbolic", + "go-up-symbolic", + "help-about-symbolic", + "insert-image-symbolic", + "insert-link-symbolic", + "insert-object-symbolic", + "insert-text-symbolic", + "list-add-symbolic", + "list-remove-all-symbolic", + "list-remove-symbolic", + "mail-forward-symbolic", + "mail-mark-important-symbolic", + "mail-mark-junk-symbolic", + "mail-mark-notjunk-symbolic", + "mail-message-new-symbolic", + "mail-reply-all-symbolic", + "mail-reply-sender-symbolic", + "mail-send-receive-symbolic", + "mail-send-symbolic", + "mark-location-symbolic", + "media-eject-symbolic", + "media-playback-pause-symbolic", + "media-playback-start-symbolic", + "media-playback-stop-symbolic", + "media-record-symbolic", + "media-seek-backward-symbolic", + "media-seek-forward-symbolic", + "media-skip-backward-symbolic", + "media-skip-forward-symbolic", + "media-view-subtitles-symbolic", + "object-flip-horizontal-symbolic", + "object-flip-vertical-symbolic", + "object-rotate-left-symbolic", + "object-rotate-right-symbolic", + "object-select-symbolic", + "open-menu-symbolic", + "process-stop-symbolic", + "send-to-symbolic", + "sidebar-hide-symbolic", + "sidebar-show-symbolic", + "star-new-symbolic", + "system-log-out-symbolic", + "system-reboot-symbolic", + "system-run-symbolic", + "system-search-symbolic", + "system-shutdown-symbolic", + "system-switch-user-symbolic", + "tab-new-symbolic", + "tools-check-spelling-symbolic", + "value-decrease-symbolic", + "value-increase-symbolic", + "view-app-grid-symbolic", + "view-conceal-symbolic", + "view-continuous-symbolic", + "view-dual-symbolic", + "view-fullscreen-symbolic", + "view-grid-symbolic", + "view-list-bullet-symbolic", + "view-list-ordered-symbolic", + "view-list-symbolic", + "view-mirror-symbolic", + "view-more-horizontal-symbolic", + "view-more-symbolic", + "view-paged-symbolic", + "view-pin-symbolic", + "view-refresh-symbolic", + "view-restore-symbolic", + "view-reveal-symbolic", + "view-sort-ascending-symbolic", + "view-sort-descending-symbolic", + "zoom-fit-best-symbolic", + "zoom-in-symbolic", + "zoom-original-symbolic", + "zoom-out-symbolic", + }; + int i; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Layout Manager — Transformation"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 620); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + widget = demo2_widget_new (); + + for (i = 0; i < 18 * 36; i++) + { + child = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (name[i % G_N_ELEMENTS (name)]); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (child, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (child, 4); + demo2_widget_add_child (DEMO2_WIDGET (widget), child); + } + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), widget); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; + +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/links.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/links.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7ae51d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/links.c @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* Links + * + * GtkLabel can show hyperlinks. The default action is to call + * gtk_show_uri() on their URI, but it is possible to override + * this with a custom handler. + */ + +#include + +static gboolean +activate_link (GtkWidget *label, + const char *uri, + gpointer data) +{ + if (g_strcmp0 (uri, "keynav") == 0) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Keyboard navigation"); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (dialog, + "The term ‘keynav’ is a shorthand for " + "keyboard navigation and refers to the process of using " + "a program (exclusively) via keyboard input."); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (label))); + g_object_unref (dialog); + + return TRUE; + } + + return FALSE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_links (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *label; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Links"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Some text may be marked up " + "as hyperlinks, which can be clicked " + "or activated via keynav " + "and they work fine with other markup, like when " + "linking to " + "Flathub" + "."); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_max_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (label), 40); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_wrap_mode (GTK_LABEL (label), PANGO_WRAP_WORD); + g_signal_connect (label, "activate-link", G_CALLBACK (activate_link), NULL); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 20); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), label); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/list_store.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/list_store.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b560586d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/list_store.c @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +/* Tree View/List Store + * + * The GtkListStore is used to store data in list form, to be used + * later on by a GtkTreeView to display it. This demo builds a + * simple GtkListStore and displays it. + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkTreeModel *model = NULL; +static guint timeout = 0; + +typedef struct +{ + const gboolean fixed; + const guint number; + const char *severity; + const char *description; +} Bug; + +enum +{ + COLUMN_FIXED, + COLUMN_NUMBER, + COLUMN_SEVERITY, + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, + COLUMN_PULSE, + COLUMN_ICON, + COLUMN_ACTIVE, + COLUMN_SENSITIVE, + NUM_COLUMNS +}; + +static Bug bugs[] = +{ + { FALSE, 60482, "Normal", "scrollable notebooks and hidden tabs" }, + { FALSE, 60620, "Critical", "gdk_surface_clear_area (gdksurface-win32.c) is not thread-safe" }, + { FALSE, 50214, "Major", "Xft support does not clean up correctly" }, + { TRUE, 52877, "Major", "GtkFileSelection needs a refresh method. " }, + { FALSE, 56070, "Normal", "Can't click button after setting in sensitive" }, + { TRUE, 56355, "Normal", "GtkLabel - Not all changes propagate correctly" }, + { FALSE, 50055, "Normal", "Rework width/height computations for TreeView" }, + { FALSE, 58278, "Normal", "gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive () doesn't work" }, + { FALSE, 55767, "Normal", "Getters for all setters" }, + { FALSE, 56925, "Normal", "Gtkcalender size" }, + { FALSE, 56221, "Normal", "Selectable label needs right-click copy menu" }, + { TRUE, 50939, "Normal", "Add shift clicking to GtkTextView" }, + { FALSE, 6112, "Enhancement","netscape-like collapsible toolbars" }, + { FALSE, 1, "Normal", "First bug :=)" }, +}; + +static gboolean +spinner_timeout (gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeIter iter; + guint pulse; + + if (model == NULL) + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + + gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter); + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, + COLUMN_PULSE, &pulse, + -1); + if (pulse == G_MAXUINT) + pulse = 0; + else + pulse++; + + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), + &iter, + COLUMN_PULSE, pulse, + COLUMN_ACTIVE, TRUE, + -1); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_model (void) +{ + int i = 0; + GtkListStore *store; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + /* create list store */ + store = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_COLUMNS, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_UINT, + G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_UINT, + G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); + + /* add data to the list store */ + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (bugs); i++) + { + const char *icon_name; + gboolean sensitive; + + if (i == 1 || i == 3) + icon_name = "battery-caution-charging-symbolic"; + else + icon_name = NULL; + if (i == 3) + sensitive = FALSE; + else + sensitive = TRUE; + gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); + gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, + COLUMN_FIXED, bugs[i].fixed, + COLUMN_NUMBER, bugs[i].number, + COLUMN_SEVERITY, bugs[i].severity, + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, bugs[i].description, + COLUMN_PULSE, 0, + COLUMN_ICON, icon_name, + COLUMN_ACTIVE, FALSE, + COLUMN_SENSITIVE, sensitive, + -1); + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); +} + +static void +fixed_toggled (GtkCellRendererToggle *cell, + char *path_str, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeModel *tree_model = (GtkTreeModel *)data; + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_str); + gboolean fixed; + + /* get toggled iter */ + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (tree_model, &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter, COLUMN_FIXED, &fixed, -1); + + /* do something with the value */ + fixed ^= 1; + + /* set new value */ + gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model), &iter, COLUMN_FIXED, fixed, -1); + + /* clean up */ + gtk_tree_path_free (path); +} + +static void +add_columns (GtkTreeView *treeview) +{ + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + + /* column for fixed toggles */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", + G_CALLBACK (fixed_toggled), model); + + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Fixed?", + renderer, + "active", COLUMN_FIXED, + NULL); + + /* set this column to a fixed sizing (of 50 pixels) */ + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), 50); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); + + /* column for bug numbers */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Bug number", + renderer, + "text", + COLUMN_NUMBER, + NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (column, COLUMN_NUMBER); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); + + /* column for severities */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Severity", + renderer, + "text", + COLUMN_SEVERITY, + NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (column, COLUMN_SEVERITY); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); + + /* column for description */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Description", + renderer, + "text", + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, + NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (column, COLUMN_DESCRIPTION); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); + + /* column for spinner */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_spinner_new (); + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Spinning", + renderer, + "pulse", + COLUMN_PULSE, + "active", + COLUMN_ACTIVE, + NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (column, COLUMN_PULSE); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); + + /* column for symbolic icon */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Symbolic icon", + renderer, + "icon-name", + COLUMN_ICON, + "sensitive", + COLUMN_SENSITIVE, + NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (column, COLUMN_ICON); + gtk_tree_view_append_column (treeview, column); +} + +static gboolean +window_closed (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkEvent *event, + gpointer user_data) +{ + model = NULL; + window = NULL; + if (timeout != 0) + { + g_source_remove (timeout); + timeout = 0; + } + return FALSE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_list_store (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *treeview; + + /* create window, etc */ + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "List Store"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 8); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("This is the bug list (note: not based on real data, it would be nice to have a nice ODBC interface to bugzilla or so, though)."); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), sw); + + /* create tree model */ + model = create_model (); + + /* create tree view */ + treeview = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (treeview, TRUE); + gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION); + + g_object_unref (model); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), treeview); + + /* add columns to the tree view */ + add_columns (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); + + /* finish & show */ + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 280, 250); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (window_closed), NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + if (timeout == 0) { + /* FIXME this should use the animation-duration instead */ + timeout = g_timeout_add (80, spinner_timeout, NULL); + } + } + else + { + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + window = NULL; + if (timeout != 0) + { + g_source_remove (timeout); + timeout = 0; + } + } + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..37bf6473 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.c @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/* List Box/Complex + * + * GtkListBox allows lists with complicated layouts, using + * regular widgets supporting sorting and filtering. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +static GdkTexture *avatar_texture_other; +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +#define GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE (gtk_message_get_type ()) +#define GTK_MESSAGE(message) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((message), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE, GtkMessage)) +#define GTK_MESSAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE, GtkMessageClass)) +#define GTK_IS_MESSAGE(message) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((message), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE)) +#define GTK_IS_MESSAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE)) +#define GTK_MESSAGE_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE, GtkMessageClass)) + +#define GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW (gtk_message_row_get_type ()) +#define GTK_MESSAGE_ROW(message_row) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((message_row), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW, GtkMessageRow)) +#define GTK_MESSAGE_ROW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW, GtkMessageRowClass)) +#define GTK_IS_MESSAGE_ROW(message_row) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((message_row), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW)) +#define GTK_IS_MESSAGE_ROW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW)) +#define GTK_MESSAGE_ROW_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW, GtkMessageRowClass)) + +typedef struct _GtkMessage GtkMessage; +typedef struct _GtkMessageClass GtkMessageClass; +typedef struct _GtkMessageRow GtkMessageRow; +typedef struct _GtkMessageRowClass GtkMessageRowClass; +typedef struct _GtkMessageRowPrivate GtkMessageRowPrivate; + + +struct _GtkMessage +{ + GObject parent; + + guint id; + char *sender_name; + char *sender_nick; + char *message; + gint64 time; + guint reply_to; + char *resent_by; + int n_favorites; + int n_reshares; +}; + +struct _GtkMessageClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +struct _GtkMessageRow +{ + GtkListBoxRow parent; + + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv; +}; + +struct _GtkMessageRowClass +{ + GtkListBoxRowClass parent_class; +}; + +struct _GtkMessageRowPrivate +{ + GtkMessage *message; + GtkRevealer *details_revealer; + GtkImage *avatar_image; + GtkWidget *extra_buttons_box; + GtkLabel *content_label; + GtkLabel *source_name; + GtkLabel *source_nick; + GtkLabel *short_time_label; + GtkLabel *detailed_time_label; + GtkBox *resent_box; + GtkLinkButton *resent_by_button; + GtkLabel *n_favorites_label; + GtkLabel *n_reshares_label; + GtkButton *expand_button; +}; + +GType gtk_message_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GType gtk_message_row_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkMessage, gtk_message, G_TYPE_OBJECT); + +static void +gtk_message_finalize (GObject *obj) +{ + GtkMessage *msg = GTK_MESSAGE (obj); + + g_free (msg->sender_name); + g_free (msg->sender_nick); + g_free (msg->message); + g_free (msg->resent_by); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_message_parent_class)->finalize (obj); +} +static void +gtk_message_class_init (GtkMessageClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + object_class->finalize = gtk_message_finalize; +} + +static void +gtk_message_init (GtkMessage *msg) +{ +} + +static void +gtk_message_parse (GtkMessage *msg, const char *str) +{ + char **strv; + int i; + + strv = g_strsplit (str, "|", 0); + + i = 0; + msg->id = strtol (strv[i++], NULL, 10); + msg->sender_name = g_strdup (strv[i++]); + msg->sender_nick = g_strdup (strv[i++]); + msg->message = g_strdup (strv[i++]); + msg->time = strtol (strv[i++], NULL, 10); + if (strv[i]) + { + msg->reply_to = strtol (strv[i++], NULL, 10); + if (strv[i]) + { + if (*strv[i]) + msg->resent_by = g_strdup (strv[i]); + i++; + if (strv[i]) + { + msg->n_favorites = strtol (strv[i++], NULL, 10); + if (strv[i]) + { + msg->n_reshares = strtol (strv[i++], NULL, 10); + } + + } + } + } + + g_strfreev (strv); +} + +static GtkMessage * +gtk_message_new (const char *str) +{ + GtkMessage *msg; + msg = g_object_new (gtk_message_get_type (), NULL); + gtk_message_parse (msg, str); + return msg; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GtkMessageRow, gtk_message_row, GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW); + + +static void +gtk_message_row_update (GtkMessageRow *row) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = row->priv; + GDateTime *t; + char *s; + + gtk_label_set_text (priv->source_name, priv->message->sender_name); + gtk_label_set_text (priv->source_nick, priv->message->sender_nick); + gtk_label_set_text (priv->content_label, priv->message->message); + t = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (priv->message->time); + s = g_date_time_format (t, "%e %b %y"); + gtk_label_set_text (priv->short_time_label, s); + g_free (s); + s = g_date_time_format (t, "%X - %e %b %Y"); + gtk_label_set_text (priv->detailed_time_label, s); + g_free (s); + g_date_time_unref (t); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET(priv->n_favorites_label), + priv->message->n_favorites != 0); + s = g_strdup_printf ("%d\nFavorites", priv->message->n_favorites); + gtk_label_set_markup (priv->n_favorites_label, s); + g_free (s); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET(priv->n_reshares_label), + priv->message->n_reshares != 0); + s = g_strdup_printf ("%d\nReshares", priv->message->n_reshares); + gtk_label_set_markup (priv->n_reshares_label, s); + g_free (s); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->resent_box), priv->message->resent_by != NULL); + if (priv->message->resent_by) + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->resent_by_button), priv->message->resent_by); + + if (strcmp (priv->message->sender_nick, "@GTKtoolkit") == 0) + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (priv->avatar_image, "org.gtk.Demo4"); + else + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (priv->avatar_image, GDK_PAINTABLE (avatar_texture_other)); + +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_expand (GtkMessageRow *row) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = row->priv; + gboolean expand; + + expand = !gtk_revealer_get_reveal_child (priv->details_revealer); + + gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (priv->details_revealer, expand); + if (expand) + gtk_button_set_label (priv->expand_button, "Hide"); + else + gtk_button_set_label (priv->expand_button, "Expand"); +} + +static void +expand_clicked (GtkMessageRow *row, + GtkButton *button) +{ + gtk_message_row_expand (row); +} + +static void +reshare_clicked (GtkMessageRow *row, + GtkButton *button) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = row->priv; + + priv->message->n_reshares++; + gtk_message_row_update (row); +} + +static void +favorite_clicked (GtkMessageRow *row, + GtkButton *button) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = row->priv; + + priv->message->n_favorites++; + gtk_message_row_update (row); +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_state_flags_changed (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkStateFlags previous_state_flags) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = GTK_MESSAGE_ROW (widget)->priv; + GtkStateFlags flags; + gboolean visible; + + flags = gtk_widget_get_state_flags (widget); + + visible = flags & (GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT | GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED) ? TRUE : FALSE; + gtk_widget_set_visible (priv->extra_buttons_box, visible); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_message_row_parent_class)->state_flags_changed (widget, previous_state_flags); +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_dispose (GObject *obj) +{ + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (obj), GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_ROW); + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_message_row_parent_class)->dispose (obj); +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_finalize (GObject *obj) +{ + GtkMessageRowPrivate *priv = GTK_MESSAGE_ROW (obj)->priv; + g_object_unref (priv->message); + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_message_row_parent_class)->finalize (obj); +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_class_init (GtkMessageRowClass *klass) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = gtk_message_row_dispose; + object_class->finalize = gtk_message_row_finalize; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/listbox/listbox.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, content_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, source_name); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, source_nick); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, short_time_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, detailed_time_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, extra_buttons_box); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, details_revealer); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, avatar_image); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, resent_box); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, resent_by_button); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, n_reshares_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, n_favorites_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, GtkMessageRow, expand_button); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, expand_clicked); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, reshare_clicked); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, favorite_clicked); + + widget_class->state_flags_changed = gtk_message_row_state_flags_changed; +} + +static void +gtk_message_row_init (GtkMessageRow *row) +{ + row->priv = gtk_message_row_get_instance_private (row); + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (row)); +} + +static GtkMessageRow * +gtk_message_row_new (GtkMessage *message) +{ + GtkMessageRow *row; + + row = g_object_new (gtk_message_row_get_type (), NULL); + row->priv->message = message; + gtk_message_row_update (row); + + return row; +} + +static int +gtk_message_row_sort (GtkMessageRow *a, GtkMessageRow *b, gpointer data) +{ + return b->priv->message->time - a->priv->message->time; +} + +static void +row_activated (GtkListBox *listbox, GtkListBoxRow *row) +{ + gtk_message_row_expand (GTK_MESSAGE_ROW (row)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listbox (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *scrolled, *listbox, *vbox, *label; + GtkMessage *message; + GtkMessageRow *row; + GBytes *data; + char **lines; + int i; + + if (!window) + { + avatar_texture_other = gdk_texture_new_from_resource ("/listbox/apple-red.png"); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "List Box — Complex"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 600); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + label = gtk_label_new ("Messages from GTK and friends"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), scrolled); + listbox = gtk_list_box_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), listbox); + + gtk_list_box_set_sort_func (GTK_LIST_BOX (listbox), (GtkListBoxSortFunc)gtk_message_row_sort, listbox, NULL); + gtk_list_box_set_activate_on_single_click (GTK_LIST_BOX (listbox), FALSE); + g_signal_connect (listbox, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK (row_activated), NULL); + + data = g_resources_lookup_data ("/listbox/messages.txt", 0, NULL); + lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), "\n", 0); + + for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL && *lines[i]; i++) + { + message = gtk_message_new (lines[i]); + row = gtk_message_row_new (message); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (listbox), GTK_WIDGET (row), -1); + } + + g_strfreev (lines); + g_bytes_unref (data); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b5199ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox.ui @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ + + + +
+ + Email message + + + Embed message + +
+ +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17e03871 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.c @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* List Box/Controls + * + * GtkListBox is well-suited for creating “button strips” — lists of + * controls for use in preference dialogs or settings panels. To create + * this style of list, use the .rich-list style class. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window; +static GtkWidget *switch_widget; +static GtkWidget *check; +static GtkWidget *image; + +static void +row_activated (GtkListBox *list, + GtkListBoxRow *row) +{ + if (gtk_widget_is_ancestor (switch_widget, GTK_WIDGET (row))) + { + gtk_switch_set_active (GTK_SWITCH (switch_widget), + !gtk_switch_get_active (GTK_SWITCH (switch_widget))); + } + else if (gtk_widget_is_ancestor (check, GTK_WIDGET (row))) + { + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (check), + !gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (check))); + } + else if (gtk_widget_is_ancestor (image, GTK_WIDGET (row))) + { + gtk_widget_set_opacity (image, + 1.0 - gtk_widget_get_opacity (image)); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listbox_controls (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkBuilder *builder; + + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, row_activated); + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/listbox_controls/listbox_controls.ui", NULL); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + switch_widget = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "switch")); + check = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "check")); + image = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "image")); + + g_object_unref (builder); + g_object_unref (scope); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab4419e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listbox_controls.ui @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ + + + + List Box — Controls + 400 + + + never + 200 + 0 + 1 + + + 1 + + + vertical + 60 + 60 + 30 + 30 + + + Group 1 + 0 + 10 + + + + + + none + + + + + + + + + + Switch + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Check + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + 10 + 10 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Click here! + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + object-select-symbolic + end + center + 10 + 10 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + 30 + 10 + Group 2 + 0 + + + + + + none + + + + + 0 + + + + + Scale + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + 0 + 150 + + + 100 + 50 + 1 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Spinbutton + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + + + 100 + 50 + 1 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Dropdown + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + + + + Choice 1 + Choice 2 + Choice 3 + Choice 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Entry + 0 + start + center + 1 + + + + + end + center + Type here… + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + horizontal + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_applauncher.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_applauncher.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e35b9587 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_applauncher.c @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/* Lists/Application launcher + * #Keywords: GtkListItemFactory, GListModel + * + * This demo uses the GtkListView widget as a fancy application launcher. + * + * It is also a very small introduction to listviews. + */ + +#include + +/* This is the function that creates the GListModel that we need. + * GTK list widgets need a GListModel to display, as models support change + * notifications. + * Unfortunately various older APIs do not provide list models, so we create + * our own. + */ +static GListModel * +create_application_list (void) +{ + GListStore *store; + GList *apps, *l; + + /* We use a GListStore here, which is a simple array-like list implementation + * for manual management. + * List models need to know what type of data they provide, so we need to + * provide the type here. As we want to do a list of applications, GAppInfo + * is the object we provide. + */ + store = g_list_store_new (G_TYPE_APP_INFO); + + apps = g_app_info_get_all (); + + for (l = apps; l; l = l->next) + g_list_store_append (store, l->data); + + g_list_free_full (apps, g_object_unref); + + return G_LIST_MODEL (store); +} + +/* This is the function we use for setting up new listitems to display. + * We add just an GtkImage and a GtkLabel here to display the application's + * icon and name, as this is just a simple demo. + */ +static void +setup_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *label; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12); + image = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), image); + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, box); +} + +/* Here we need to prepare the listitem for displaying its item. We get the + * listitem already set up from the previous function, so we can reuse the + * GtkImage widget we set up above. + * We get the item - which we know is a GAppInfo because it comes out of + * the model we set up above, grab its icon and display it. + */ +static void +bind_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *label; + GAppInfo *app_info; + + image = gtk_widget_get_first_child (gtk_list_item_get_child (list_item)); + label = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (image); + app_info = gtk_list_item_get_item (list_item); + + gtk_image_set_from_gicon (GTK_IMAGE (image), g_app_info_get_icon (app_info)); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), g_app_info_get_display_name (app_info)); +} + +/* In more complex code, we would also need functions to unbind and teardown + * the listitem, but this is simple code, so the default implementations are + * enough. If we had connected signals, this step would have been necessary. + * + * The GtkSignalListItemFactory documentation contains more information about + * this step. + */ + +/* This function is called whenever an item in the list is activated. This is + * the simple way to allow reacting to the Enter key or double-clicking on a + * listitem. + * Of course, it is possible to use far more complex interactions by turning + * off activation and adding buttons or other widgets in the setup function + * above, but this is a simple demo, so we'll use the simple way. + */ +static void +activate_cb (GtkListView *list, + guint position, + gpointer unused) +{ + GAppInfo *app_info; + GdkAppLaunchContext *context; + GError *error = NULL; + + app_info = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_list_view_get_model (list)), position); + + /* Prepare the context for launching the application and launch it. This + * code is explained in detail in the documentation for GdkAppLaunchContext + * and GAppInfo. + */ + context = gdk_display_get_app_launch_context (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (list))); + if (!g_app_info_launch (app_info, + NULL, + G_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (context), + &error)) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + /* And because error handling is important, even a simple demo has it: + * We display an error dialog that something went wrong. + */ + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Could not launch %s", g_app_info_get_display_name (app_info)); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (dialog, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (list)))); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + + g_object_unref (context); + g_object_unref (app_info); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_applauncher (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *list, *sw; + GListModel *model; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + + /* Create a window and set a few defaults */ + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 640, 320); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Application Launcher"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + /* The GtkListitemFactory is what is used to create GtkListItems + * to display the data from the model. So it is absolutely necessary + * to create one. + * We will use a GtkSignalListItemFactory because it is the simplest + * one to use. Different ones are available for different use cases. + * The most powerful one is GtkBuilderListItemFactory which uses + * GtkBuilder .ui files, so it requires little code. + */ + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_listitem_cb), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_listitem_cb), NULL); + + /* And of course we need to set the data model. Here we call the function + * we wrote above that gives us the list of applications. Then we set + * it on the list widget. + * The list will now take items from the model and use the factory + * to create as many listitems as it needs to show itself to the user. + */ + model = create_application_list (); + + /* Create the list widget here. + */ + list = gtk_list_view_new (GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (gtk_single_selection_new (model)), factory); + + /* We connect the activate signal here. It's the function we defined + * above for launching the selected application. + */ + g_signal_connect (list, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_cb), NULL); + + /* List widgets should always be contained in a GtkScrolledWindow, + * because otherwise they might get too large or they might not + * be scrollable. + */ + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), list); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_clocks.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_clocks.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db208aef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_clocks.c @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ +/* Lists/Clocks + * #Keywords: GtkGridView, GtkListItemFactory, GListModel + * + * This demo displays the time in different timezones. + * + * The goal is to show how to set up expressions that track changes + * in objects and make them update widgets. For that, we create a + * clock object that updates its time every second and then use + * various ways to display that time. + * + * Typically, this will be done using GtkBuilder .ui files with the + * help of the tag, but this demo shows the code that runs + * behind that. + */ + +#include + +#define GTK_TYPE_CLOCK (gtk_clock_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkClock, gtk_clock, GTK, CLOCK, GObject) + +/* This is our object. It's just a timezone */ +typedef struct _GtkClock GtkClock; +struct _GtkClock +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + /* We allow this to be NULL for the local timezone */ + GTimeZone *timezone; + /* Name of the location we're displaying time for */ + char *location; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_LOCATION, + PROP_TIME, + PROP_TIMEZONE, + + N_PROPS +}; + +/* This function returns the current time in the clock's timezone. + * Note that this returns a new object every time, so we need to + * remember to unref it after use. + */ +static GDateTime * +gtk_clock_get_time (GtkClock *clock) +{ + if (clock->timezone) + return g_date_time_new_now (clock->timezone); + else + return g_date_time_new_now_local (); +} + +/* Here, we implement the functionality required by the GdkPaintable + * interface. This way we have a trivial way to display an analog clock. + * It also allows demonstrating how to directly use objects in the + * listview later by making this object do something interesting. + */ +static void +gtk_clock_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkClock *self = GTK_CLOCK (paintable); + GDateTime *time; + GskRoundedRect outline; + +#define BLACK ((GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }) + + /* save/restore() is necessary so we can undo the transforms we start + * out with. + */ + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + + /* First, we move the (0, 0) point to the center of the area so + * we can draw everything relative to it. + */ + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width / 2, height / 2)); + + /* Next we scale it, so that we can pretend that the clock is + * 100px in size. That way, we don't need to do any complicated + * math later. We use MIN() here so that we use the smaller + * dimension for sizing. That way we don't overdraw but keep + * the aspect ratio. + */ + gtk_snapshot_scale (snapshot, MIN (width, height) / 100.0, MIN (width, height) / 100.0); + + /* Now we have a circle with diameter 100px (and radius 50px) that + * has its (0, 0) point at the center. Let's draw a simple clock into it. + */ + time = gtk_clock_get_time (self); + + /* First, draw a circle. This is a neat little trick to draw a circle + * without requiring Cairo. + */ + gsk_rounded_rect_init_from_rect (&outline, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(-50, -50, 100, 100), 50); + gtk_snapshot_append_border (snapshot, + &outline, + (float[4]) { 4, 4, 4, 4 }, + (GdkRGBA [4]) { BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK }); + + /* Next, draw the hour hand. + * We do this using transforms again: Instead of computing where the angle + * points to, we just rotate everything and then draw the hand as if it + * was :00. We don't even need to care about am/pm here because rotations + * just work. + */ + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_rotate (snapshot, 30 * g_date_time_get_hour (time) + 0.5 * g_date_time_get_minute (time)); + gsk_rounded_rect_init_from_rect (&outline, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(-2, -23, 4, 25), 2); + gtk_snapshot_push_rounded_clip (snapshot, &outline); + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &BLACK, &outline.bounds); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); + + /* And the same as above for the minute hand. Just make this one longer + * so people can tell the hands apart. + */ + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_rotate (snapshot, 6 * g_date_time_get_minute (time)); + gsk_rounded_rect_init_from_rect (&outline, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(-2, -43, 4, 45), 2); + gtk_snapshot_push_rounded_clip (snapshot, &outline); + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &BLACK, &outline.bounds); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); + + /* and finally, the second indicator. */ + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_rotate (snapshot, 6 * g_date_time_get_second (time)); + gsk_rounded_rect_init_from_rect (&outline, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(-2, -43, 4, 10), 2); + gtk_snapshot_push_rounded_clip (snapshot, &outline); + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &BLACK, &outline.bounds); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); + + /* And finally, don't forget to restore the initial save() that + * we did for the initial transformations. + */ + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); + + g_date_time_unref (time); +} + +/* Our desired size is 100px. That sounds okay for an analog clock */ +static int +gtk_clock_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 100; +} + +static int +gtk_clock_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 100; +} + +/* Initialize the paintable interface. This way we turn our clocks + * into objects that can be drawn. There are more functions to this + * interface to define desired size, but this is enough. + */ +static void +gtk_clock_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_clock_snapshot; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = gtk_clock_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = gtk_clock_get_intrinsic_height; +} + +/* Finally, we define the type. The important part is adding the + * paintable interface, so GTK knows that this object can indeed + * be drawn. + */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkClock, gtk_clock, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_clock_paintable_init)) + +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +gtk_clock_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkClock *self = GTK_CLOCK (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_LOCATION: + g_value_set_string (value, self->location); + break; + + case PROP_TIME: + g_value_take_boxed (value, gtk_clock_get_time (self)); + break; + + case PROP_TIMEZONE: + g_value_set_boxed (value, self->timezone); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_clock_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkClock *self = GTK_CLOCK (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_LOCATION: + self->location = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_TIMEZONE: + self->timezone = g_value_dup_boxed (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +/* This is the list of all the ticking clocks */ +static GSList *ticking_clocks = NULL; + +/* This is the ID of the timeout source that is updating all + * ticking clocks. + */ +static guint ticking_clock_id = 0; + +/* Every second, this function is called to tell everybody that + * the clocks are ticking. + */ +static gboolean +gtk_clock_tick (gpointer unused) +{ + GSList *l; + + for (l = ticking_clocks; l; l = l->next) + { + GtkClock *clock = l->data; + + /* We will now return a different value for the time property, + * so notify about that. + */ + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (clock), properties[PROP_TIME]); + + /* We will also draw the hands of the clock differently. + * So notify about that, too. + */ + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (clock)); + } + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +gtk_clock_stop_ticking (GtkClock *self) +{ + ticking_clocks = g_slist_remove (ticking_clocks, self); + + /* If no clock is remaining, stop running the tick updates */ + if (ticking_clocks == NULL && ticking_clock_id != 0) + g_clear_handle_id (&ticking_clock_id, g_source_remove); +} + +static void +gtk_clock_start_ticking (GtkClock *self) +{ + /* if no clock is ticking yet, start */ + if (ticking_clock_id == 0) + ticking_clock_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, gtk_clock_tick, NULL); + + ticking_clocks = g_slist_prepend (ticking_clocks, self); +} + +static void +gtk_clock_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkClock *self = GTK_CLOCK (object); + + gtk_clock_stop_ticking (self); + + g_free (self->location); + g_clear_pointer (&self->timezone, g_time_zone_unref); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_clock_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +gtk_clock_class_init (GtkClockClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gtk_clock_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = gtk_clock_set_property; + gobject_class->finalize = gtk_clock_finalize; + + properties[PROP_LOCATION] = + g_param_spec_string ("location", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + properties[PROP_TIME] = + g_param_spec_boxed ("time", NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_DATE_TIME, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_TIMEZONE] = + g_param_spec_boxed ("timezone", NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_TIME_ZONE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void +gtk_clock_init (GtkClock *self) +{ + gtk_clock_start_ticking (self); +} + +static GtkClock * +gtk_clock_new (const char *location, + GTimeZone *_tz) +{ + GtkClock *result; + + result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CLOCK, + "location", location, + "timezone", _tz, + NULL); + + g_clear_pointer (&_tz, g_time_zone_unref); + + return result; +} + +static GListModel * +create_clocks_model (void) +{ + GListStore *result; + GtkClock *clock; + + result = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_CLOCK); + + /* local time */ + clock = gtk_clock_new ("local", NULL); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + /* UTC time */ + clock = gtk_clock_new ("UTC", g_time_zone_new_utc ()); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + /* A bunch of timezones with GTK hackers */ + clock = gtk_clock_new ("San Francisco", g_time_zone_new ("America/Los_Angeles")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("Xalapa", g_time_zone_new ("America/Mexico_City")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("Boston", g_time_zone_new ("America/New_York")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("London", g_time_zone_new ("Europe/London")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("Berlin", g_time_zone_new ("Europe/Berlin")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("Moscow", g_time_zone_new ("Europe/Moscow")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("New Delhi", g_time_zone_new ("Asia/Kolkata")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + clock = gtk_clock_new ("Shanghai", g_time_zone_new ("Asia/Shanghai")); + g_list_store_append (result, clock); + g_object_unref (clock); + + return G_LIST_MODEL (result); +} + +static char * +convert_time_to_string (GObject *image, + GDateTime *time, + gpointer unused) +{ + return g_date_time_format (time, "%x\n%X"); +} + +/* And this function is the crux for this whole demo. + * It shows how to use expressions to set up bindings. + */ +static void +setup_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *picture, *location_label, *time_label; + GtkExpression *clock_expression, *expression; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, box); + + /* First, we create an expression that gets us the clock from the listitem: + * 1. Create an expression that gets the list item. + * 2. Use that expression's "item" property to get the clock + */ + expression = gtk_constant_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, list_item); + clock_expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, expression, "item"); + + /* Bind the clock's location to a label. + * This is easy: We just get the "location" property of the clock. + */ + expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_CLOCK, + gtk_expression_ref (clock_expression), + "location"); + /* Now create the label and bind the expression to it. */ + location_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, location_label, "label", location_label); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), location_label); + + + /* Here we bind the item itself to a GdkPicture. + * This is simply done by using the clock expression itself. + */ + expression = gtk_expression_ref (clock_expression); + /* Now create the widget and bind the expression to it. */ + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, picture, "paintable", picture); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), picture); + + + /* And finally, everything comes together. + * We create a label for displaying the time as text. + * For that, we need to transform the "GDateTime" of the + * time property into a string so that the label can display it. + */ + expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_CLOCK, + gtk_expression_ref (clock_expression), + "time"); + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, + NULL, + 1, (GtkExpression *[1]) { expression }, + G_CALLBACK (convert_time_to_string), + NULL, NULL); + /* Now create the label and bind the expression to it. */ + time_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, time_label, "label", time_label); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), time_label); + + gtk_expression_unref (clock_expression); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_clocks (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *gridview, *sw; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + GtkSelectionModel *model; + + /* This is the normal window setup code every demo does */ + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Clocks"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + /* List widgets go into a scrolled window. Always. */ + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + + /* Create the factory that creates the listitems. Because we + * used bindings above during setup, we only need to connect + * to the setup signal. + * The bindings take care of the bind step. + */ + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_listitem_cb), NULL); + + model = GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (gtk_no_selection_new (create_clocks_model ())); + gridview = gtk_grid_view_new (model, factory); + gtk_scrollable_set_hscroll_policy (GTK_SCROLLABLE (gridview), GTK_SCROLL_NATURAL); + gtk_scrollable_set_vscroll_policy (GTK_SCROLLABLE (gridview), GTK_SCROLL_NATURAL); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), gridview); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45694430 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.c @@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@ +/* Lists/Colors + * #Keywords: GtkSortListModel, GtkMultiSelection + * + * This demo displays a grid of colors. + * + * It is using a GtkGridView, and shows how to display + * and sort the data in various ways. The controls for + * this are implemented using GtkDropDown. + * + * The dataset used here has up to 16 777 216 items. + * + * Note that this demo also functions as a performance + * test for some of the list model machinery, and the + * biggest sizes here can lock up the application for + * extended times when used with sorting. + */ + +#include + +#include + +#define GTK_TYPE_COLOR (gtk_color_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkColor, gtk_color, GTK, COLOR, GObject) + +/* This is our object. It's just a color */ +typedef struct _GtkColor GtkColor; +struct _GtkColor +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + char *name; + GdkRGBA color; + int h, s, v; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_NAME, + PROP_COLOR, + PROP_RED, + PROP_GREEN, + PROP_BLUE, + PROP_HUE, + PROP_SATURATION, + PROP_VALUE, + + N_COLOR_PROPS +}; + +static void +gtk_color_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkColor *self = GTK_COLOR (paintable); + + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, &self->color, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); +} + +static int +gtk_color_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 32; +} + +static int +gtk_color_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 32; +} + +static void +gtk_color_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_color_snapshot; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = gtk_color_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = gtk_color_get_intrinsic_height; +} + +/* + * Finally, we define the type. The important part is adding the paintable + * interface, so GTK knows that this object can indeed be drawn. + */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkColor, gtk_color, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_color_paintable_init)) + +static GParamSpec *color_properties[N_COLOR_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +rgb_to_hsv (GdkRGBA *rgba, + double *h_out, + double *s_out, + double *v_out) +{ + double red, green, blue; + double h, s, v; + double min, max; + double delta; + + red = rgba->red; + green = rgba->green; + blue = rgba->blue; + + h = 0.0; + + if (red > green) + { + if (red > blue) + max = red; + else + max = blue; + + if (green < blue) + min = green; + else + min = blue; + } + else + { + if (green > blue) + max = green; + else + max = blue; + + if (red < blue) + min = red; + else + min = blue; + } + + v = max; + + if (max != 0.0) + s = (max - min) / max; + else + s = 0.0; + + if (s == 0.0) + h = 0.0; + else + { + delta = max - min; + + if (red == max) + h = (green - blue) / delta; + else if (green == max) + h = 2 + (blue - red) / delta; + else if (blue == max) + h = 4 + (red - green) / delta; + + h /= 6.0; + + if (h < 0.0) + h += 1.0; + else if (h > 1.0) + h -= 1.0; + } + + *h_out = h; + *s_out = s; + *v_out = v; +} + +static void +gtk_color_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkColor *self = GTK_COLOR (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, self->name); + break; + + case PROP_COLOR: + g_value_set_boxed (value, &self->color); + break; + + case PROP_RED: + g_value_set_float (value, self->color.red); + break; + + case PROP_GREEN: + g_value_set_float (value, self->color.green); + break; + + case PROP_BLUE: + g_value_set_float (value, self->color.blue); + break; + + case PROP_HUE: + g_value_set_int (value, self->h); + break; + + case PROP_SATURATION: + g_value_set_int (value, self->s); + break; + + case PROP_VALUE: + g_value_set_int (value, self->v); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_color_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkColor *self = GTK_COLOR (object); + double h, s, v; + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_NAME: + self->name = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_COLOR: + self->color = *(GdkRGBA *) g_value_get_boxed (value); + rgb_to_hsv (&self->color, &h, &s, &v); + self->h = round (360 * h); + self->s = round (100 * s); + self->v = round (100 * v); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_color_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkColor *self = GTK_COLOR (object); + + g_free (self->name); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_color_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +gtk_color_class_init (GtkColorClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gtk_color_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = gtk_color_set_property; + gobject_class->finalize = gtk_color_finalize; + + color_properties[PROP_NAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("name", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + color_properties[PROP_COLOR] = + g_param_spec_boxed ("color", NULL, NULL, GDK_TYPE_RGBA, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + color_properties[PROP_RED] = + g_param_spec_float ("red", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + color_properties[PROP_GREEN] = + g_param_spec_float ("green", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + color_properties[PROP_BLUE] = + g_param_spec_float ("blue", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + color_properties[PROP_HUE] = + g_param_spec_int ("hue", NULL, NULL, 0, 360, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + color_properties[PROP_SATURATION] = + g_param_spec_int ("saturation", NULL, NULL, 0, 100, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + color_properties[PROP_VALUE] = + g_param_spec_int ("value", NULL, NULL, 0, 100, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_COLOR_PROPS, color_properties); +} + +static void +gtk_color_init (GtkColor *self) +{ +} + +static GtkColor * +gtk_color_new (const char *name, + float r, float g, float b) +{ + GtkColor *result; + GdkRGBA color = { r, g, b, 1.0 }; + + result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, + "name", name, + "color", &color, + NULL); + + return result; +} + +#define N_COLORS (256 * 256 * 256) + +#define GTK_TYPE_COLOR_LIST (gtk_color_list_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkColorList, gtk_color_list, GTK, COLOR_LIST, GObject) + +enum { + LIST_PROP_0, + LIST_PROP_SIZE, + + N_LIST_PROPS +}; + +typedef struct _GtkColorList GtkColorList; +struct _GtkColorList +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GtkColor **colors; /* Always N_COLORS */ + + guint size; /* How many colors we allow */ +}; + +static GType +gtk_color_list_get_item_type (GListModel *list) +{ + return GTK_TYPE_COLOR; +} + +static guint +gtk_color_list_get_n_items (GListModel *list) +{ + GtkColorList *self = GTK_COLOR_LIST (list); + + return self->size; +} + +static guint +position_to_color (guint position) +{ + static guint map[] = { + 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, + 0x7F0000, 0x007F00, 0x00007F, + 0x3F0000, 0x003F00, 0x00003F, + 0x1F0000, 0x001F00, 0x00001F, + 0x0F0000, 0x000F00, 0x00000F, + 0x070000, 0x000700, 0x000007, + 0x030000, 0x000300, 0x000003, + 0x010000, 0x000100, 0x000001 + }; + guint result, i; + + result = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (map); i++) + { + if (position & (1 << i)) + result ^= map[i]; + } + + return result; +} + +static gpointer +gtk_color_list_get_item (GListModel *list, + guint position) +{ + GtkColorList *self = GTK_COLOR_LIST (list); + + if (position >= self->size) + return NULL; + + position = position_to_color (position); + + if (self->colors[position] == NULL) + { + guint red, green, blue; + + red = (position >> 16) & 0xFF; + green = (position >> 8) & 0xFF; + blue = position & 0xFF; + + self->colors[position] = gtk_color_new ("", red / 255., green / 255., blue / 255.); + } + + return g_object_ref (self->colors[position]); +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_model_init (GListModelInterface *iface) +{ + iface->get_item_type = gtk_color_list_get_item_type; + iface->get_n_items = gtk_color_list_get_n_items; + iface->get_item = gtk_color_list_get_item; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkColorList, gtk_color_list, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, + gtk_color_list_model_init)) + +static GParamSpec *list_properties[N_LIST_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +gtk_color_list_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkColorList *self = GTK_COLOR_LIST (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case LIST_PROP_SIZE: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->size); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_set_size (GtkColorList *self, + guint size) +{ + guint old_size = self->size; + + self->size = size; + if (self->size > old_size) + g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), old_size, 0, self->size - old_size); + else if (old_size > self->size) + g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), self->size, old_size - self->size, 0); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), list_properties[LIST_PROP_SIZE]); +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkColorList *self = GTK_COLOR_LIST (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case LIST_PROP_SIZE: + gtk_color_list_set_size (self, g_value_get_uint (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkColorList *self = GTK_COLOR_LIST (object); + guint i; + + for (i = 0; i < N_COLORS; i++) + { + g_clear_object (&self->colors[i]); + } + g_free (self->colors); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_color_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_class_init (GtkColorListClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gtk_color_list_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = gtk_color_list_set_property; + gobject_class->dispose = gtk_color_list_dispose; + + list_properties[LIST_PROP_SIZE] = + g_param_spec_uint ("size", NULL, NULL, 0, N_COLORS, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_LIST_PROPS, list_properties); +} + +static void +gtk_color_list_init (GtkColorList *self) +{ + GBytes *data; + char **lines; + guint i; + + self->colors = g_new0 (GtkColor *, N_COLORS); + + data = g_resources_lookup_data ("/listview_colors/color.names.txt", 0, NULL); + lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), "\n", 0); + + for (i = 0; lines[i]; i++) + { + const char *name; + char **fields; + int red, green, blue; + guint pos; + + if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0') + continue; + + fields = g_strsplit (lines[i], " ", 0); + name = fields[1]; + red = atoi (fields[3]); + green = atoi (fields[4]); + blue = atoi (fields[5]); + + pos = ((red & 0xFF) << 16) | ((green & 0xFF) << 8) | blue; + if (self->colors[pos] == NULL) + self->colors[pos] = gtk_color_new (name, red / 255., green / 255., blue / 255.); + + g_strfreev (fields); + } + g_strfreev (lines); + + g_bytes_unref (data); +} + +GListModel * +gtk_color_list_new (guint size) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR_LIST, + "size", size, + NULL); +} + +static char * +get_rgb_markup (gpointer this, + GtkColor *color) +{ + if (!color) + return NULL; + + return g_strdup_printf ("R: %d G: %d B: %d", + (int)(color->color.red * 255), + (int)(color->color.green * 255), + (int)(color->color.blue * 255)); +} + +static char * +get_hsv_markup (gpointer this, + GtkColor *color) +{ + if (!color) + return NULL; + + return g_strdup_printf ("H: %d S: %d V: %d", + color->h, + color->s, + color->v); +} + +static void +setup_simple_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + GtkExpression *color_expression, *expression; + + expression = gtk_constant_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, list_item); + color_expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, expression, "item"); + + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (picture, 32, 32); + gtk_expression_bind (color_expression, picture, "paintable", NULL); + + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, picture); +} + +static void +setup_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *picture, *name_label, *rgb_label, *hsv_label; + GtkExpression *color_expression, *expression; + GtkExpression *params[1]; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, box); + + expression = gtk_constant_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, list_item); + color_expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, expression, "item"); + + expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, + gtk_expression_ref (color_expression), + "name"); + name_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, name_label, "label", NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), name_label); + + expression = gtk_expression_ref (color_expression); + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, picture, "paintable", NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), picture); + + params[0] = gtk_expression_ref (color_expression); + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, + NULL, + 1, params, + (GCallback)get_rgb_markup, + NULL, NULL); + + rgb_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (rgb_label), TRUE); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, rgb_label, "label", NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), rgb_label); + + params[0] = gtk_expression_ref (color_expression); + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, + NULL, + 1, params, + (GCallback)get_hsv_markup, + NULL, NULL); + + hsv_label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (hsv_label), TRUE); + gtk_expression_bind (expression, hsv_label, "label", NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), hsv_label); + + gtk_expression_unref (color_expression); +} + +static void +setup_selection_listitem_cb (GtkListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + GtkExpression *color_expression, *expression; + + expression = gtk_constant_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, list_item); + color_expression = gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM, expression, "item"); + + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (picture, 8, 8); + gtk_expression_bind (color_expression, picture, "paintable", NULL); + + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, picture); +} + +static void +set_title (gpointer item, + const char *title) +{ + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "title", (gpointer)title); +} + +static char * +get_title (gpointer item) +{ + return g_strdup ((char *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), "title")); +} + +GtkWidget * +create_color_grid (void) +{ + GtkWidget *gridview; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + + gridview = gtk_grid_view_new (NULL, NULL); + gtk_scrollable_set_hscroll_policy (GTK_SCROLLABLE (gridview), GTK_SCROLL_NATURAL); + gtk_scrollable_set_vscroll_policy (GTK_SCROLLABLE (gridview), GTK_SCROLL_NATURAL); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_simple_listitem_cb), NULL); + gtk_grid_view_set_factory (GTK_GRID_VIEW (gridview), factory); + g_object_unref (factory); + + gtk_grid_view_set_max_columns (GTK_GRID_VIEW (gridview), 24); + gtk_grid_view_set_enable_rubberband (GTK_GRID_VIEW (gridview), TRUE); + + return gridview; +} + +static gboolean +add_colors (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *clock, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkColorList *colors = data; + guint limit; + + limit = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (data, "limit")); + gtk_color_list_set_size (colors, MIN (limit, colors->size + MAX (1, limit / 4096))); + + if (colors->size >= limit) + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + else + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +refill (GtkWidget *button, + GtkColorList *colors) +{ + gtk_color_list_set_size (colors, 0); + gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (button, add_colors, g_object_ref (colors), g_object_unref); +} + +static void +limit_changed_cb (GtkDropDown *dropdown, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkColorList *colors) +{ + guint new_limit, old_limit; + + old_limit = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (colors), "limit")); + new_limit = 1 << (3 * (gtk_drop_down_get_selected (dropdown) + 1)); + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (colors), "limit", GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_limit)); + + if (old_limit == colors->size) + gtk_color_list_set_size (colors, new_limit); +} + +static void +limit_changed_cb2 (GtkDropDown *dropdown, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkLabel *label) +{ + char *string; + int len; + guint limit; + + limit = 1 << (3 * (gtk_drop_down_get_selected (dropdown) + 1)); + + string = g_strdup_printf ("%'u", limit); + len = g_utf8_strlen (string, -1); + g_free (string); + + gtk_label_set_width_chars (label, len + 2); /* for " /" */ +} + +static void +items_changed_cb (GListModel *model, + guint position, + guint removed, + guint added, + GtkWidget *label) +{ + guint n = g_list_model_get_n_items (model); + char *text; + + text = g_strdup_printf ("%'u /", n); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), text); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +setup_number_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + PangoAttrList *attrs; + + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_font_features_new ("tnum")); + gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label), attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + + gtk_list_item_set_child (item, label); +} + +static void +bind_number_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + guint limit; + char *string; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (item); + + limit = 1 << (3 * (gtk_list_item_get_position (item) + 1)); + string = g_strdup_printf ("%'u", limit); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), string); + g_free (string); +} + +static void +update_selection_count (GListModel *model, + guint position, + guint removed, + guint added, + gpointer data) +{ + char *text; + text = g_strdup_printf ("%u", g_list_model_get_n_items (model)); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (data), text); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +update_selection_average (GListModel *model, + guint position, + guint removed, + guint added, + gpointer data) +{ + guint n = g_list_model_get_n_items (model); + GdkRGBA c = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; + guint i; + GtkColor *color; + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + color = g_list_model_get_item (model, i); + + c.red += color->color.red; + c.green += color->color.green; + c.blue += color->color.blue; + + g_object_unref (color); + } + + color = gtk_color_new ("", c.red / n, c.green / n, c.blue / n); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (data), GDK_PAINTABLE (color)); + g_object_unref (color); +} + +static void +update_progress_cb (GtkSortListModel *model, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkProgressBar *progress) +{ + guint total; + guint pending; + + total = g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (model)); + total = MAX (total, 1); /* avoid div by 0 below */ + pending = gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending (model); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (progress), pending != 0); + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (progress, (total - pending) / (double) total); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_colors (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkMultiSelection *selection; + GtkSortListModel *sort_model; + GtkWidget *header, *overlay, *gridview, *sw, *box, *dropdown; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + GListStore *factories; + GtkSorter *sorter; + GtkSorter *multi_sorter; + GListStore *sorters; + GtkExpression *expression; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *label; + PangoAttrList *attrs; + char *string; + guint len; + GtkWidget *selection_view; + GListModel *selection_filter; + GtkSelectionModel *no_selection; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *selection_size_label; + GtkWidget *selection_average_picture; + GtkWidget *selection_info_toggle; + GtkWidget *selection_info_revealer; + GtkWidget *progress; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/listview_colors/listview_colors.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); + + sort_model = gtk_sort_list_model_new (gtk_color_list_new (0), NULL); + gtk_sort_list_model_set_incremental (sort_model, TRUE); + selection = gtk_multi_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (sort_model)); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Colors"); + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer*)&window); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), box); + + progress = gtk_progress_bar_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (progress, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_valign (progress, GTK_ALIGN_START); + g_signal_connect (sort_model, "notify::pending", G_CALLBACK (update_progress_cb), progress); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), progress); + + selection_info_revealer = gtk_revealer_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), selection_info_revealer); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_revealer_set_child (GTK_REVEALER (selection_info_revealer), grid); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (grid, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (grid, 10); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 10); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 10); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Selection"); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "title-3"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 0, 5, 1); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), gtk_label_new ("Size:"), 0, 2, 1, 1); + + selection_size_label = gtk_label_new ("0"); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), selection_size_label, 1, 2, 1, 1); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), gtk_label_new ("Average:"), 2, 2, 1, 1); + + selection_average_picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (selection_average_picture, 32, 32); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), selection_average_picture, 3, 2, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 4, 2, 1, 1); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (sw, TRUE); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), sw, 0, 1, 5, 1); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_selection_listitem_cb), NULL); + selection_view = gtk_grid_view_new (NULL, factory); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (selection_view, "compact"); + gtk_grid_view_set_max_columns (GTK_GRID_VIEW (selection_view), 200); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), selection_view); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + + gridview = create_color_grid (); + gtk_grid_view_set_model (GTK_GRID_VIEW (gridview), GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), gridview); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (sw, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + + selection_filter = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_selection_filter_model_new (GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection))); + g_signal_connect (selection_filter, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (update_selection_count), selection_size_label); + g_signal_connect (selection_filter, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (update_selection_average), selection_average_picture); + + no_selection = GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (gtk_no_selection_new (selection_filter)); + gtk_grid_view_set_model (GTK_GRID_VIEW (selection_view), no_selection); + g_object_unref (no_selection); + + selection_info_toggle = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (selection_info_toggle), "emblem-important-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (selection_info_toggle, "Show selection info"); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), selection_info_toggle); + + g_object_bind_property (selection_info_toggle, "active", + selection_info_revealer, "reveal-child", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Refill"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (refill), + gtk_sort_list_model_get_model (sort_model)); + + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), button); + + label = gtk_label_new ("0 /"); + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_font_features_new ("tnum")); + gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label), attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + string = g_strdup_printf ("%'u", 4096); + len = g_utf8_strlen (string, -1); + g_free (string); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (label), len + 2); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 1); + + g_signal_connect (selection, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (items_changed_cb), label); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), label); + + dropdown = gtk_drop_down_new_from_strings ((const char * const[]) { "8", "64", "512", "4096", "32768", "262144", "2097152", "16777216", NULL }); + g_signal_connect (dropdown, "notify::selected", + G_CALLBACK (limit_changed_cb), + gtk_sort_list_model_get_model (sort_model)); + g_signal_connect (dropdown, "notify::selected", + G_CALLBACK (limit_changed_cb2), + label); + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_number_item), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_number_item), NULL); + gtk_drop_down_set_factory (GTK_DROP_DOWN (dropdown), factory); + g_object_unref (factory); + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (dropdown), 3); /* 4096 */ + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), dropdown); + + sorters = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_SORTER); + + /* An empty multisorter doesn't do any sorting and the sortmodel is + * smart enough to know that. + */ + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_multi_sorter_new ()); + set_title (sorter, "Unsorted"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + g_object_unref (sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_string_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "name"))); + set_title (sorter, "Name"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + g_object_unref (sorter); + + multi_sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_multi_sorter_new ()); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "red"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Red"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "green"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Green"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "blue"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Blue"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + set_title (multi_sorter, "RGB"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, multi_sorter); + g_object_unref (multi_sorter); + + multi_sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_multi_sorter_new ()); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "hue"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Hue"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "saturation"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Saturation"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_COLOR, NULL, "value"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + set_title (sorter, "Value"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, sorter); + gtk_multi_sorter_append (GTK_MULTI_SORTER (multi_sorter), sorter); + + set_title (multi_sorter, "HSV"); + g_list_store_append (sorters, multi_sorter); + g_object_unref (multi_sorter); + + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, + NULL, + 0, NULL, + (GCallback)get_title, + NULL, NULL); + + dropdown = gtk_drop_down_new (G_LIST_MODEL (sorters), expression); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), gtk_label_new ("Sort by:")); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), dropdown); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), box); + + g_object_bind_property (dropdown, "selected-item", sort_model, "sorter", G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + + factories = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM_FACTORY); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_simple_listitem_cb), NULL); + set_title (factory, "Colors"); + g_list_store_append (factories, factory); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_listitem_cb), NULL); + set_title (factory, "Everything"); + g_list_store_append (factories, factory); + + expression = gtk_cclosure_expression_new (G_TYPE_STRING, + NULL, + 0, NULL, + (GCallback)get_title, + NULL, NULL); + dropdown = gtk_drop_down_new (G_LIST_MODEL (factories), expression); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), gtk_label_new ("Show:")); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), dropdown); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), box); + + g_object_bind_property (dropdown, "selected-item", gridview, "factory", G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + + g_object_unref (selection); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5d3d0b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_colors.css @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +.view.compact > child { + padding: 1px; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05f1d05e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.c @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +/* Lists/File browser + * #Keywords: GListModel + * + * This demo shows off the different layouts that are quickly achievable + * with GtkListview and GtkGridView by implementing a file browser with + * different views. + */ + +#include +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +/* Create a simple object that holds the data for the different views */ +typedef struct _FileBrowserView FileBrowserView; +struct _FileBrowserView +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + char *icon_name; + char *title; + GtkOrientation orientation; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_FACTORY, + PROP_ICON_NAME, + PROP_TITLE, + PROP_ORIENTATION, + + N_PROPS +}; + +#define FILE_BROWSER_TYPE_VIEW (file_browser_view_get_type ()) +G_MODULE_EXPORT +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (FileBrowserView, file_browser_view, FILE_BROWSER, VIEW, GObject); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (FileBrowserView, file_browser_view, G_TYPE_OBJECT); +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +file_browser_view_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + FileBrowserView *self = FILE_BROWSER_VIEW (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_FACTORY: + g_value_set_object (value, self->factory); + break; + + case PROP_ICON_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, self->icon_name); + break; + + case PROP_TITLE: + g_value_set_string (value, self->title); + break; + + case PROP_ORIENTATION: + g_value_set_enum (value, self->orientation); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +file_browser_view_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + FileBrowserView *self = FILE_BROWSER_VIEW (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_FACTORY: + g_set_object (&self->factory, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + case PROP_ICON_NAME: + g_free (self->icon_name); + self->icon_name = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_TITLE: + g_free (self->title); + self->title = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_ORIENTATION: + self->orientation = g_value_get_enum (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +file_browser_view_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + FileBrowserView *self = FILE_BROWSER_VIEW (object); + + g_object_unref (self->factory); + g_free (self->icon_name); + g_free (self->title); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (file_browser_view_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +file_browser_view_class_init (FileBrowserViewClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = file_browser_view_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = file_browser_view_set_property; + gobject_class->finalize = file_browser_view_finalize; + + properties[PROP_FACTORY] = + g_param_spec_object ("factory", + "factory", + "factory to use in the main view", + GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM_FACTORY, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + properties[PROP_ICON_NAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("icon-name", + "icon name", + "icon to display for selecting this view", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + properties[PROP_TITLE] = + g_param_spec_string ("title", + "title", + "title to display for selecting this view", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + properties[PROP_ORIENTATION] = + g_param_spec_enum ("orientation", + "orientation", + "orientation of the view", + GTK_TYPE_ORIENTATION, + GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void file_browser_view_init (FileBrowserView *self) +{ +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT char * +filebrowser_get_display_name (GObject *object, + GFileInfo *info) +{ + if (!info) + return NULL; + + return g_strdup (g_file_info_get_attribute_string (info, "standard::display-name")); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT char * +filebrowser_get_content_type (GObject *object, + GFileInfo *info) +{ + if (!info) + return NULL; + + return g_strdup (g_file_info_get_attribute_string (info, "standard::content-type")); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT char * +filebrowser_get_size (GObject *object, + GFileInfo *info) +{ + if (!info) + return NULL; + + return g_format_size (g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64 (info, "standard::size")); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT GIcon * +filebrowser_get_icon (GObject *object, + GFileInfo *info) +{ + GIcon *icon; + + if (info) + icon = G_ICON (g_file_info_get_attribute_object (info, "standard::icon")); + else + icon = NULL; + + if (icon) + g_object_ref (icon); + + return icon; +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +filebrowser_up_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, + GtkDirectoryList *list) +{ + GFile *file; + + file = g_file_get_parent (gtk_directory_list_get_file (list)); + if (file == NULL) + return; + + gtk_directory_list_set_file (list, file); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +filebrowser_view_activated_cb (GtkGridView *view, + guint pos, + GtkDirectoryList *list) +{ + GFileInfo *info; + + info = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_grid_view_get_model (view)), pos); + if (g_file_info_get_file_type (info) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) + gtk_directory_list_set_file (list, G_FILE (g_file_info_get_attribute_object (info, "standard::file"))); + + g_object_unref (info); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_filebrowser (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *view; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkDirectoryList *dirlist; + GFile *file; + char *cwd; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/listview_filebrowser/listview_filebrowser.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_unref (provider); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/listview_filebrowser/listview_filebrowser.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + /* Create the model and fill it with the contents of the current directory */ + cwd = g_get_current_dir (); + file = g_file_new_for_path (cwd); + g_free (cwd); + dirlist = GTK_DIRECTORY_LIST (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "dirlist")); + gtk_directory_list_set_file (dirlist, file); + g_object_unref (file); + + /* grab focus in the view */ + view = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "view")); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (view); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3370d2df --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +listview.viewswitcher { + border: 1px solid gray; +} + +listview.viewswitcher > row { + padding: 5px; +} + +listview.viewswitcher row:selected { + background: gray; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fe307d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_filebrowser.ui @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ + + + + FileBrowserView + + + + + + + + + ]]> + + + view-list-symbolic + List + horizontal + + + + + view-grid-symbolic + Grid + + + + + + + ]]> + + + vertical + + + + + view-paged-symbolic + Paged + + + + + + + ]]> + + + horizontal + + + + + + + standard::name,standard::display-name,standard::icon,standard::size,standard::content-type + + + + + File browser + 600 + 400 + + + + + go-up-symbolic + + + + + + center + horizontal + + + + viewlist + + + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + selection_model + 15 + + + selected-view + + + + + selected-view + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..236a92fe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.c @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* Lists/Minesweeper + * #Keywords: GtkGridView, GListModel, game + * + * This demo shows how to develop a user interface for small game using a + * grid view. + * + * It demonstrates how to use the activate signal and single-press behavior + * to implement rather different interaction behavior to a typical list. + */ + +#include "config.h" +#include +#include + +/*** The cell object ***/ + +/* Create an object that holds the data for a cell in the game */ +typedef struct _SweeperCell SweeperCell; +struct _SweeperCell +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + gboolean is_mine; + gboolean is_visible; + guint neighbor_mines; +}; + +enum { + CELL_PROP_0, + CELL_PROP_LABEL, + + N_CELL_PROPS +}; + +#define SWEEPER_TYPE_CELL (sweeper_cell_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SweeperCell, sweeper_cell, SWEEPER, CELL, GObject); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (SweeperCell, sweeper_cell, G_TYPE_OBJECT); +static GParamSpec *cell_properties[N_CELL_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static const char * +sweeper_cell_get_label (SweeperCell *self) +{ + static const char *minecount_labels[10] = { "", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }; + + if (!self->is_visible) + return "?"; + + if (self->is_mine) + return "💣"; + + return minecount_labels[self->neighbor_mines]; +} + +static void +sweeper_cell_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SweeperCell *self = SWEEPER_CELL (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case CELL_PROP_LABEL: + g_value_set_string (value, sweeper_cell_get_label (self)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +sweeper_cell_class_init (SweeperCellClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = sweeper_cell_get_property; + + cell_properties[CELL_PROP_LABEL] = + g_param_spec_string ("label", + "label", + "label to display for this row", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_CELL_PROPS, cell_properties); +} + +static void +sweeper_cell_init (SweeperCell *self) +{ +} + +static void +sweeper_cell_reveal (SweeperCell *self) +{ + if (self->is_visible) + return; + + self->is_visible = TRUE; + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), cell_properties[CELL_PROP_LABEL]); +} + +static SweeperCell * +sweeper_cell_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (SWEEPER_TYPE_CELL, NULL); +} + +/*** The board object ***/ + +/* Create an object that holds the data for the game */ +typedef struct _SweeperGame SweeperGame; +struct _SweeperGame +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GPtrArray *cells; + guint width; + guint height; + gboolean playing; + gboolean win; +}; + +enum { + GAME_PROP_0, + GAME_PROP_HEIGHT, + GAME_PROP_PLAYING, + GAME_PROP_WIDTH, + GAME_PROP_WIN, + + N_GAME_PROPS +}; + +#define SWEEPER_TYPE_GAME (sweeper_game_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SweeperGame, sweeper_game, SWEEPER, GAME, GObject); + +static GType +sweeper_game_list_model_get_item_type (GListModel *model) +{ + return SWEEPER_TYPE_GAME; +} + +static guint +sweeper_game_list_model_get_n_items (GListModel *model) +{ + SweeperGame *self = SWEEPER_GAME (model); + + return self->width * self->height; +} + +static gpointer +sweeper_game_list_model_get_item (GListModel *model, + guint position) +{ + SweeperGame *self = SWEEPER_GAME (model); + + return g_object_ref (g_ptr_array_index (self->cells, position)); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_list_model_init (GListModelInterface *iface) +{ + iface->get_item_type = sweeper_game_list_model_get_item_type; + iface->get_n_items = sweeper_game_list_model_get_n_items; + iface->get_item = sweeper_game_list_model_get_item; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (SweeperGame, sweeper_game, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, sweeper_game_list_model_init)) + +static GParamSpec *game_properties[N_GAME_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +sweeper_game_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + SweeperGame *self = SWEEPER_GAME (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->cells, g_ptr_array_unref); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (sweeper_game_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SweeperGame *self = SWEEPER_GAME (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case GAME_PROP_HEIGHT: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->height); + break; + + case GAME_PROP_PLAYING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, self->playing); + break; + + case GAME_PROP_WIDTH: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->width); + break; + + case GAME_PROP_WIN: + g_value_set_boolean (value, self->win); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +sweeper_game_class_init (SweeperGameClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->dispose = sweeper_game_dispose; + gobject_class->get_property = sweeper_game_get_property; + + game_properties[GAME_PROP_HEIGHT] = + g_param_spec_uint ("height", + "height", + "height of the game grid", + 1, G_MAXUINT, 8, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + game_properties[GAME_PROP_PLAYING] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("playing", + "playing", + "if the game is still going on", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + game_properties[GAME_PROP_WIDTH] = + g_param_spec_uint ("width", + "width", + "width of the game grid", + 1, G_MAXUINT, 8, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + game_properties[GAME_PROP_WIN] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("win", + "win", + "if the game was won", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_GAME_PROPS, game_properties); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_reset_board (SweeperGame *self, + guint width, + guint height) +{ + guint i; + + g_ptr_array_set_size (self->cells, 0); + + for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) + { + g_ptr_array_add (self->cells, sweeper_cell_new ()); + } + + if (self->width != width) + { + self->width = width; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_WIDTH]); + } + if (self->height != height) + { + self->height = height; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_HEIGHT]); + } + if (!self->playing) + { + self->playing = TRUE; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_PLAYING]); + } + if (self->win) + { + self->win = FALSE; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_WIN]); + } +} + +static void +sweeper_game_place_mines (SweeperGame *self, + guint n_mines) +{ + guint i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_mines; i++) + { + SweeperCell *cell; + + do { + cell = g_ptr_array_index (self->cells, g_random_int_range (0, self->cells->len)); + } while (cell->is_mine); + + cell->is_mine = TRUE; + } +} + +static SweeperCell * +get_cell (SweeperGame *self, + guint x, + guint y) +{ + return g_ptr_array_index (self->cells, y * self->width + x); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_count_neighbor_mines (SweeperGame *self, + guint width, + guint height) +{ + guint x, y, x2, y2; + + for (y = 0; y < height; y++) + { + for (x = 0; x < width; x++) + { + SweeperCell *cell = get_cell (self, x, y); + + for (y2 = MAX (1, y) - 1; y2 < MIN (height, y + 2); y2++) + { + for (x2 = MAX (1, x) - 1; x2 < MIN (width, x + 2); x2++) + { + SweeperCell *other = get_cell (self, x2, y2); + + if (other->is_mine) + cell->neighbor_mines++; + } + } + } + } +} + +static void +sweeper_game_new_game (SweeperGame *self, + guint width, + guint height, + guint n_mines) +{ + guint n_items_before; + + g_return_if_fail (n_mines <= width * height); + + n_items_before = self->width * self->height; + + g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self)); + + sweeper_game_reset_board (self, width, height); + sweeper_game_place_mines (self, n_mines); + sweeper_game_count_neighbor_mines (self, width, height); + + g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), 0, n_items_before, width * height); + + g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (self)); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_init (SweeperGame *self) +{ + self->cells = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref); + + sweeper_game_new_game (self, 8, 8, 10); +} + +static void +celebrate (gboolean win) +{ + char *path; + GtkMediaStream *stream; + + if (win) + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "complete.oga", NULL); + else + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "suspend-error.oga", NULL); + stream = gtk_media_file_new_for_filename (path); + gtk_media_stream_set_volume (stream, 1.0); + gtk_media_stream_play (stream); + g_signal_connect (stream, "notify::ended", G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), NULL); + g_free (path); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_end (SweeperGame *self, + gboolean win) +{ + if (self->playing) + { + self->playing = FALSE; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_PLAYING]); + celebrate (win); + } + + if (self->win != win) + { + self->win = win; + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), game_properties[GAME_PROP_WIN]); + } +} + +static void +sweeper_game_check_finished (SweeperGame *self) +{ + guint i; + + if (!self->playing) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < self->cells->len; i++) + { + SweeperCell *cell = g_ptr_array_index (self->cells, i); + + /* There's still a non-revealed cell that isn't a mine */ + if (!cell->is_visible && !cell->is_mine) + return; + } + + sweeper_game_end (self, TRUE); +} + +static void +sweeper_game_reveal_cell (SweeperGame *self, + guint position) +{ + SweeperCell *cell; + + if (!self->playing) + return; + + cell = g_ptr_array_index (self->cells, position); + sweeper_cell_reveal (cell); + + if (cell->is_mine) + sweeper_game_end (self, FALSE); + + sweeper_game_check_finished (self); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +minesweeper_cell_clicked_cb (GtkGridView *gridview, + guint pos, + SweeperGame *game) +{ + sweeper_game_reveal_cell (game, pos); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +minesweeper_new_game_cb (GtkButton *button, + SweeperGame *game) +{ + sweeper_game_new_game (game, 8, 8, 10); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_minesweeper (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + g_type_ensure (SWEEPER_TYPE_GAME); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/listview_minesweeper/listview_minesweeper.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80e2f179 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper.ui @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + + + + + + Minesweeper + + + + + New Game + + + + + + trophy-gold + + game + + + + + + + + + + game + + + 1 + + game + + + game + + + + /listview_minesweeper/listview_minesweeper_cell.ui + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper_cell.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper_cell.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..142705d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_minesweeper_cell.ui @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc484f3f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.c @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +/* Lists/Settings + * #Keywords: GtkListItemFactory, GListModel + * + * This demo shows a settings viewer for GSettings. + * + * It demonstrates how to implement support for trees with GtkListView. + * It also shows how to set up sorting and filtering for columns in a + * GtkColumnView. + * + * It also demonstrates different styles of list. The tree on the left + * uses the ­.navigation-sidebar style class, the list on the right uses + * the ­.data-table style class. + */ + +#include + +#include + +/* Create an object that wraps GSettingsSchemaKey because that's a boxed type */ +typedef struct _SettingsKey SettingsKey; +struct _SettingsKey +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GSettings *settings; + GSettingsSchemaKey *key; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_NAME, + PROP_SUMMARY, + PROP_DESCRIPTION, + PROP_VALUE, + PROP_TYPE, + PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE, + + N_PROPS +}; + +#define SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY (settings_key_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SettingsKey, settings_key, SETTINGS, KEY, GObject); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (SettingsKey, settings_key, G_TYPE_OBJECT); +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +settings_key_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SettingsKey *self = SETTINGS_KEY (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_DESCRIPTION: + g_value_set_string (value, g_settings_schema_key_get_description (self->key)); + break; + + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, g_settings_schema_key_get_name (self->key)); + break; + + case PROP_SUMMARY: + g_value_set_string (value, g_settings_schema_key_get_summary (self->key)); + break; + + case PROP_VALUE: + { + GVariant *variant = g_settings_get_value (self->settings, g_settings_schema_key_get_name (self->key)); + g_value_take_string (value, g_variant_print (variant, FALSE)); + g_variant_unref (variant); + } + break; + + case PROP_TYPE: + { + const GVariantType *type = g_settings_schema_key_get_value_type (self->key); + g_value_set_string (value, g_variant_type_peek_string (type)); + } + break; + + case PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE: + { + GVariant *variant = g_settings_schema_key_get_default_value (self->key); + g_value_take_string (value, g_variant_print (variant, FALSE)); + g_variant_unref (variant); + } + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +settings_key_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + SettingsKey *self = SETTINGS_KEY (object); + + g_object_unref (self->settings); + g_settings_schema_key_unref (self->key); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (settings_key_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +settings_key_class_init (SettingsKeyClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->finalize = settings_key_finalize; + gobject_class->get_property = settings_key_get_property; + + properties[PROP_DESCRIPTION] = + g_param_spec_string ("description", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_NAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("name", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_SUMMARY] = + g_param_spec_string ("summary", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_VALUE] = + g_param_spec_string ("value", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_TYPE] = + g_param_spec_string ("type", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE] = + g_param_spec_string ("default-value", NULL, NULL, NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void +settings_key_init (SettingsKey *self) +{ +} + +static SettingsKey * +settings_key_new (GSettings *settings, + GSettingsSchemaKey *key) +{ + SettingsKey *result = g_object_new (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY, NULL); + + result->settings = g_object_ref (settings); + result->key = g_settings_schema_key_ref (key); + + return result; +} + +static void +item_value_changed (GtkEditableLabel *label, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkListItem *item) +{ + SettingsKey *self; + const char *text; + const GVariantType *type; + GVariant *variant; + GError *error = NULL; + const char *name; + char *value; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (label)); + + g_object_get (item, "item", &self, NULL); + g_object_unref (self); + + type = g_settings_schema_key_get_value_type (self->key); + name = g_settings_schema_key_get_name (self->key); + + variant = g_variant_parse (type, text, NULL, NULL, &error); + if (!variant) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + goto revert; + } + + if (!g_settings_schema_key_range_check (self->key, variant)) + { + g_warning ("Not a valid value for %s", name); + goto revert; + } + + g_settings_set_value (self->settings, name, variant); + g_variant_unref (variant); + return; + +revert: + gtk_widget_error_bell (GTK_WIDGET (label)); + + g_object_get (self, "value", &value, NULL); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (label), value); + g_free (value); +} + +static int +strvcmp (gconstpointer p1, + gconstpointer p2) +{ + const char * const *s1 = p1; + const char * const *s2 = p2; + + return strcmp (*s1, *s2); +} + +static GtkFilter *current_filter; + +static gboolean +transform_settings_to_keys (GBinding *binding, + const GValue *from_value, + GValue *to_value, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeListRow *treelistrow; + GSettings *settings; + GSettingsSchema *schema; + GListStore *store; + GtkSortListModel *sort_model; + GtkFilterListModel *filter_model; + GtkFilter *filter; + char **keys; + guint i; + + treelistrow = g_value_get_object (from_value); + if (treelistrow == NULL) + return TRUE; + settings = gtk_tree_list_row_get_item (treelistrow); + g_object_get (settings, "settings-schema", &schema, NULL); + + store = g_list_store_new (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY); + + keys = g_settings_schema_list_keys (schema); + + for (i = 0; keys[i] != NULL; i++) + { + GSettingsSchemaKey *almost_there = g_settings_schema_get_key (schema, keys[i]); + SettingsKey *finally = settings_key_new (settings, almost_there); + g_list_store_append (store, finally); + g_object_unref (finally); + g_settings_schema_key_unref (almost_there); + } + + g_strfreev (keys); + g_settings_schema_unref (schema); + g_object_unref (settings); + + sort_model = gtk_sort_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (store), + g_object_ref (gtk_column_view_get_sorter (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (data)))); + + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_string_filter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY, NULL, "name"))); + g_set_object (¤t_filter, filter); + filter_model = gtk_filter_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (sort_model), filter); + + g_value_take_object (to_value, gtk_no_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (filter_model))); + + return TRUE; +} + +static GListModel * +create_settings_model (gpointer item, + gpointer unused) +{ + GSettings *settings = item; + char **schemas; + GListStore *result; + guint i; + + if (settings == NULL) + { + g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas (g_settings_schema_source_get_default (), + TRUE, + &schemas, + NULL); + } + else + { + schemas = g_settings_list_children (settings); + } + + if (schemas == NULL || schemas[0] == NULL) + { + g_free (schemas); + return NULL; + } + + qsort (schemas, g_strv_length (schemas), sizeof (char *), strvcmp); + + result = g_list_store_new (G_TYPE_SETTINGS); + for (i = 0; schemas[i] != NULL; i++) + { + GSettings *child; + + if (settings == NULL) + child = g_settings_new (schemas[i]); + else + child = g_settings_get_child (settings, schemas[i]); + + g_list_store_append (result, child); + g_object_unref (child); + } + + g_strfreev (schemas); + + return G_LIST_MODEL (result); +} + +static void +search_enabled (GtkSearchEntry *entry) +{ + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), ""); +} + +static void +search_changed (GtkSearchEntry *entry, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + if (current_filter) + gtk_string_filter_set_search (GTK_STRING_FILTER (current_filter), text); +} + +static void +stop_search (GtkSearchEntry *entry, + gpointer data) +{ + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), ""); + + if (current_filter) + gtk_string_filter_set_search (GTK_STRING_FILTER (current_filter), ""); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_settings (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *listview, *columnview; + GListModel *model; + GtkTreeListModel *treemodel; + GtkSingleSelection *selection; + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkColumnViewColumn *name_column; + GtkColumnViewColumn *type_column; + GtkColumnViewColumn *default_column; + GtkColumnViewColumn *summary_column; + GtkColumnViewColumn *description_column; + GtkSorter *sorter; + GActionGroup *actions; + GAction *action; + + g_type_ensure (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY); + + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, search_enabled); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, search_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, stop_search); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, item_value_changed); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + g_object_unref (scope); + + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/listview_settings/listview_settings.ui", NULL); + + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + listview = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listview")); + columnview = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "columnview")); + type_column = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW_COLUMN (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "type_column")); + default_column = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW_COLUMN (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "default_column")); + summary_column = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW_COLUMN (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "summary_column")); + description_column = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW_COLUMN (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "description_column")); + + actions = G_ACTION_GROUP (g_simple_action_group_new ()); + + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("show-type", type_column, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("show-default", default_column, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("show-summary", summary_column, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("show-description", description_column, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + gtk_widget_insert_action_group (columnview, "columnview", actions); + g_object_unref (actions); + + model = create_settings_model (NULL, NULL); + treemodel = gtk_tree_list_model_new (model, + FALSE, + TRUE, + create_settings_model, + NULL, + NULL); + selection = gtk_single_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (treemodel)); + g_object_bind_property_full (selection, "selected-item", + columnview, "model", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE, + transform_settings_to_keys, + NULL, + columnview, NULL); + gtk_list_view_set_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (listview), GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + g_object_unref (selection); + + name_column = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW_COLUMN (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "name_column")); + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_string_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY, NULL, "name"))); + gtk_column_view_column_set_sorter (name_column, sorter); + g_object_unref (sorter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_string_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (SETTINGS_TYPE_KEY, NULL, "type"))); + gtk_column_view_column_set_sorter (type_column, sorter); + g_object_unref (sorter); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35c3c79c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_settings.ui @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ + + + + Settings + 640 + 480 + + + + + system-search-symbolic + + + + + + + 300 + + + + + + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + + + vertical + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + Name + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + Value + 1 + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + Type + 1 + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + Default + 1 + 1 + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + Summary + 1 + 0 + 1 + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + Description + 1 + 0 + 1 + header_menu + + + + + + + ]]> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Type + columnview.show-type + + + Default value + columnview.show-default + + + Summary + columnview.show-summary + + + Description + columnview.show-description + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_ucd.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_ucd.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1bde50e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_ucd.c @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +/* Lists/Characters + * + * This demo shows a multi-column representation of some parts + * of the Unicode Character Database, or UCD. + * + * The dataset used here has 33 796 items. + */ + +#include +#include "script-names.h" +#include "unicode-names.h" + +#define UCD_TYPE_ITEM (ucd_item_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (UcdItem, ucd_item, UCD, ITEM, GObject) + +struct _UcdItem +{ + GObject parent_instance; + gunichar codepoint; + const char *name; +}; + +struct _UcdItemClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (UcdItem, ucd_item, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +ucd_item_init (UcdItem *item) +{ +} + +static void +ucd_item_class_init (UcdItemClass *class) +{ +} + +static UcdItem * +ucd_item_new (gunichar codepoint, + const char *name) +{ + UcdItem *item; + + item = g_object_new (UCD_TYPE_ITEM, NULL); + + item->codepoint = codepoint; + item->name = name; + + return item; +} + +static gunichar +ucd_item_get_codepoint (UcdItem *item) +{ + return item->codepoint; +} + +static const char * +ucd_item_get_name (UcdItem *item) +{ + return item->name; +} + +static GListModel * +ucd_model_new (void) +{ + GBytes *bytes; + GVariant *v; + GVariantIter *iter; + GListStore *store; + guint u; + char *name; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/listview_ucd_data/ucdnames.data", 0, NULL); + v = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(us)"), bytes, TRUE)); + + iter = g_variant_iter_new (v); + + store = g_list_store_new (G_TYPE_OBJECT); + while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "(u&s)", &u, &name)) + { + if (u == 0) + continue; + + UcdItem *item = ucd_item_new (u, name); + g_list_store_append (store, item); + g_object_unref (item); + } + + g_variant_iter_free (iter); + g_variant_unref (v); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + return G_LIST_MODEL (store); +} + +static void +setup_centered_label (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_list_item_set_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem), label); +} + +static void +setup_label (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem), label); +} + +static void +setup_ellipsizing_label (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); + gtk_label_set_ellipsize (GTK_LABEL (label), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (label), 20); + gtk_list_item_set_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem), label); +} + +static void +bind_codepoint (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + char buffer[16] = { 0, }; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + g_snprintf (buffer, 10, "%#06x", codepoint); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), buffer); +} + +static void +bind_char (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + char buffer[16] = { 0, }; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + if (g_unichar_isprint (codepoint)) + g_unichar_to_utf8 (codepoint, buffer); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), buffer); +} + +static void +bind_name (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + const char *name; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + name = ucd_item_get_name (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), name); +} + +static void +bind_type (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), get_unicode_type_name (g_unichar_type (codepoint))); +} + +static void +bind_break_type (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), get_break_type_name (g_unichar_break_type (codepoint))); +} + +static void +bind_combining_class (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), get_combining_class_name (g_unichar_combining_class (codepoint))); +} + +static void +bind_script (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GObject *listitem) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + GObject *item; + gunichar codepoint; + GUnicodeScript script; + + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (GTK_LIST_ITEM (listitem)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (UCD_ITEM (item)); + script = g_unichar_get_script (codepoint); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), get_script_name (script)); +} + +static void +selection_changed (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkWidget *label) +{ + UcdItem *item; + guint codepoint; + char buffer[16] = { 0, }; + + item = gtk_single_selection_get_selected_item (GTK_SINGLE_SELECTION (object)); + codepoint = ucd_item_get_codepoint (item); + + if (g_unichar_isprint (codepoint)) + g_unichar_to_utf8 (codepoint, buffer); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), buffer); +} + +GtkWidget * +create_ucd_view (GtkWidget *label) +{ + GtkWidget *cv; + GListModel *ucd_model; + GtkSingleSelection *selection; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + GtkColumnViewColumn *column; + + ucd_model = ucd_model_new (); + + selection = gtk_single_selection_new (ucd_model); + gtk_single_selection_set_autoselect (selection, TRUE); + gtk_single_selection_set_can_unselect (selection, FALSE); + if (label) + g_signal_connect (selection, "notify::selected", G_CALLBACK (selection_changed), label); + + cv = gtk_column_view_new (GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + gtk_column_view_set_show_column_separators (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), TRUE); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_centered_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_codepoint), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Codepoint", factory); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_centered_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_char), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Char", factory); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_ellipsizing_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_name), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Name", factory); + gtk_column_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_ellipsizing_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_type), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Type", factory); + gtk_column_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_ellipsizing_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_break_type), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Break Type", factory); + gtk_column_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_combining_class), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Combining Class", factory); + gtk_column_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_label), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_script), NULL); + column = gtk_column_view_column_new ("Script", factory); + gtk_column_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE); + gtk_column_view_append_column (GTK_COLUMN_VIEW (cv), column); + g_object_unref (column); + + return cv; +} + +static GtkWidget *window; + +static void +remove_provider (gpointer data) +{ + GtkStyleProvider *provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (data); + + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), provider); + g_object_unref (provider); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_ucd (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *listview, *sw; + GtkWidget *box, *label; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 800, 400); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Characters"); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (label), 2); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "enormous"); + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, "label.enormous { font-size: 80px; }", -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), 800); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_propagate_natural_width (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + listview = create_ucd_view (label); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), listview); + gtk_box_prepend (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "provider", provider, remove_provider); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5feb2e14 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.c @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +/* Lists/Weather + * + * This demo shows a few of the rarer features of GtkListView and + * how they can be used to display weather information. + * + * The hourly weather info uses a horizontal listview. This is easy + * to achieve because GtkListView implements the GtkOrientable interface. + * To make the items in the list stand out more, the listview uses + * separators. + * + * A GtkNoSelectionModel is used to make sure no item in the list can be + * selected. All other interactions with the items is still possible. + * + * The dataset used here has 70 000 items. + */ + +#include + +#define GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO (gtk_weather_info_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkWeatherInfo, gtk_weather_info, GTK, WEATHER_INFO, GObject) + +typedef enum { + GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR, + GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS, + GTK_WEATHER_FOG, + GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST, + GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS, + GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS, + GTK_WEATHER_SNOW, + GTK_WEATHER_STORM +} GtkWeatherType; + +struct _GtkWeatherInfo +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + gint64 timestamp; + int temperature; + GtkWeatherType weather_type; +}; + +struct _GtkWeatherInfoClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkWeatherInfo, gtk_weather_info, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +gtk_weather_info_class_init (GtkWeatherInfoClass *klass) +{ +} + +static void +gtk_weather_info_init (GtkWeatherInfo *self) +{ +} + +static GtkWeatherInfo * +gtk_weather_info_new (GDateTime *timestamp, + GtkWeatherInfo *copy_from) +{ + GtkWeatherInfo *result; + + result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO, NULL); + + result->timestamp = g_date_time_to_unix (timestamp); + if (copy_from) + { + result->temperature = copy_from->temperature; + result->weather_type = copy_from->weather_type; + } + + return result; +} + +static GDateTime * +parse_timestamp (const char *string, + GTimeZone *_tz) +{ + char *with_seconds; + GDateTime *result; + + with_seconds = g_strconcat (string, ":00", NULL); + result = g_date_time_new_from_iso8601 (with_seconds, _tz); + g_free (with_seconds); + + return result; +} + +static GtkWeatherType +parse_weather_type (const char *clouds, + const char *precip, + GtkWeatherType fallback) +{ + if (strstr (precip, "SN")) + return GTK_WEATHER_SNOW; + + if (strstr (precip, "TS")) + return GTK_WEATHER_STORM; + + if (strstr (precip, "DZ")) + return GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS; + + if (strstr (precip, "SH") || strstr (precip, "RA")) + return GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS; + + if (strstr (precip, "FG")) + return GTK_WEATHER_FOG; + + if (g_str_equal (clouds, "M") || + g_str_equal (clouds, "")) + return fallback; + + if (strstr (clouds, "OVC") || + strstr (clouds, "BKN")) + return GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST; + + if (strstr (clouds, "BKN") || + strstr (clouds, "SCT")) + return GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS; + + if (strstr (clouds, "VV")) + return GTK_WEATHER_FOG; + + return GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR; +} + +static double +parse_temperature (const char *s, + double fallback) +{ + char *endptr; + double d; + + d = g_ascii_strtod (s, &endptr); + if (*endptr != '\0') + return fallback; + + return d; +} + +static GListModel * +create_weather_model (void) +{ + GListStore *store; + GTimeZone *utc; + GDateTime *timestamp; + GtkWeatherInfo *info; + GBytes *data; + char **lines; + guint i; + + store = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO); + data = g_resources_lookup_data ("/listview_weather/listview_weather.txt", 0, NULL); + lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), "\n", 0); + + utc = g_time_zone_new_utc (); + timestamp = g_date_time_new (utc, 2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); + info = gtk_weather_info_new (timestamp, NULL); + g_list_store_append (store, info); + g_object_unref (info); + + for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL && *lines[i]; i++) + { + char **fields; + GDateTime *date; + + fields = g_strsplit (lines[i], ",", 0); + date = parse_timestamp (fields[0], utc); + while (g_date_time_difference (date, timestamp) > 30 * G_TIME_SPAN_MINUTE) + { + GDateTime *new_timestamp = g_date_time_add_hours (timestamp, 1); + g_date_time_unref (timestamp); + timestamp = new_timestamp; + info = gtk_weather_info_new (timestamp, info); + g_list_store_append (store, info); + g_object_unref (info); + } + + info->temperature = parse_temperature (fields[1], info->temperature); + info->weather_type = parse_weather_type (fields[2], fields[3], info->weather_type); + g_date_time_unref (date); + g_strfreev (fields); + } + + g_date_time_unref (timestamp); + g_strfreev (lines); + g_bytes_unref (data); + g_time_zone_unref (utc); + + return G_LIST_MODEL (store); +} + +static void +setup_widget (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *child; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, box); + + child = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (child), 5); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); + + child = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (child), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); + + child = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (child, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_valign (child, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (child), 4); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); +} + +static void +bind_widget (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *child; + GtkWeatherInfo *info; + GDateTime *timestamp; + char *s; + + box = gtk_list_item_get_child (list_item); + info = gtk_list_item_get_item (list_item); + + child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (box); + timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (info->timestamp); + s = g_date_time_format (timestamp, "%R"); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (child), s); + g_free (s); + g_date_time_unref (timestamp); + + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child); + switch (info->weather_type) + { + case GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-clear-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-few-clouds-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_FOG: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-fog-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-overcast-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-showers-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_SNOW: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-snow-symbolic"); + break; + case GTK_WEATHER_STORM: + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-storm-symbolic"); + break; + default: + gtk_image_clear (GTK_IMAGE (child)); + break; + } + + + child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child); + s = g_strdup_printf ("%d°", info->temperature); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (child), s); + g_free (s); +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +create_weather_view (void) +{ + GtkWidget *listview; + GtkSelectionModel *model; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_widget), NULL); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_widget), NULL); + model = GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (gtk_no_selection_new (create_weather_model ())); + listview = gtk_list_view_new (model, factory); + gtk_orientable_set_orientation (GTK_ORIENTABLE (listview), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_list_view_set_show_separators (GTK_LIST_VIEW (listview), TRUE); + + return listview; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_weather (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *listview, *sw; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Weather"); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Weather"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + listview = create_weather_view (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), listview); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.txt b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e166d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_weather.txt @@ -0,0 +1,70116 @@ +2011-01-01 00:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-01 01:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-01-01 02:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-01 03:20,3,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-01-01 04:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-01 05:20,4,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-01-01 06:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-01 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-01 08:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-01 09:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-01 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-01 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-01 12:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-01 13:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-01 14:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-01 15:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-01 16:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-01 17:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-01 18:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-01 19:20,1,M,M +2011-01-01 20:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-01 21:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-01 22:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-01 23:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-02 00:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-02 01:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-02 02:20,0,SCT,M +2011-01-02 03:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-02 04:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-02 05:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-02 06:20,0,M,M +2011-01-02 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-02 08:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-02 09:20,0,SCT,M +2011-01-02 10:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-02 11:20,2,SCT,M +2011-01-02 12:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-02 13:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-02 14:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-02 15:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-02 16:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-02 17:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-02 18:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-02 19:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-02 20:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-02 21:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-02 22:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-02 23:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-03 00:20,0,SCT,M +2011-01-03 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-03 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-03 03:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-03 04:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-01-03 05:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-03 06:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-03 07:20,-3,BKN,BCFG BR +2011-01-03 08:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2011-01-03 09:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-03 12:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-03 13:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-03 14:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-03 15:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-03 16:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-03 17:20,0,OVC,BR +2011-01-03 18:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-03 19:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-03 20:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-03 21:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-03 22:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-03 23:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 00:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 01:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-04 03:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 05:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-04 06:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-04 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-04 08:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2011-01-04 09:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-01-04 10:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-04 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-04 12:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-04 13:20,1,M,M +2011-01-04 14:20,1,M,M +2011-01-04 15:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 16:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 17:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-04 18:20,1,M,M +2011-01-04 19:20,1,M,M +2011-01-04 20:20,1,M,M +2011-01-04 21:20,0,M,M +2011-01-04 22:20,0,M,M +2011-01-04 23:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-05 00:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-05 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 02:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 03:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 04:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 05:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 06:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 07:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 08:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 09:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 10:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 11:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-05 12:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-05 13:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-05 14:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-05 15:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 16:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-05 17:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-05 18:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-05 19:20,-4,SCT,M +2011-01-05 20:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-05 21:20,-5,M,M +2011-01-05 22:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-05 23:20,-4,BKN,M +2011-01-06 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-01-06 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-06 02:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA +2011-01-06 03:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA +2011-01-06 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-06 05:20,1,BKN,RA +2011-01-06 06:20,1,FEW,RASN +2011-01-06 07:20,2,SCT,RA +2011-01-06 08:20,2,FEW,-RA +2011-01-06 09:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-01-06 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-06 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-06 12:20,3,OVC,BR +2011-01-06 13:20,3,OVC,BR +2011-01-06 14:20,3,OVC,FG +2011-01-06 15:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2011-01-06 16:20,3,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-06 17:20,3,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-06 18:20,3,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-06 19:20,3,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-06 20:20,3,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-06 21:20,3,FEW,RADZ MIFG BR +2011-01-06 22:20,3,SCT,RADZ BCFG MIFG +2011-01-06 23:20,2,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-07 00:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-07 01:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-07 02:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-07 03:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-07 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-07 11:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-07 12:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-07 13:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-07 14:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-01-07 15:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-01-07 16:20,2,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-07 17:20,2,SCT,M +2011-01-07 18:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-07 19:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-07 20:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2011-01-07 21:20,3,BKN,RA +2011-01-07 22:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-07 23:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2011-01-08 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-01-08 02:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-08 03:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-08 04:20,6,FEW,M +2011-01-08 05:20,6,M,M +2011-01-08 06:20,6,M,M +2011-01-08 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-08 08:20,6,FEW,M +2011-01-08 09:20,7,FEW,M +2011-01-08 10:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-08 11:20,9,SCT,M +2011-01-08 12:20,10,FEW,M +2011-01-08 13:20,11,SCT,M +2011-01-08 14:20,11,M,M +2011-01-08 15:20,11,FEW,M +2011-01-08 16:20,11,FEW,M +2011-01-08 17:20,11,SCT,M +2011-01-08 18:20,11,BKN,-RA +2011-01-08 19:20,10,FEW,M +2011-01-08 20:20,10,FEW,M +2011-01-08 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-01-08 22:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-08 23:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-09 00:20,6,BKN,M +2011-01-09 01:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-01-09 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-01-09 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-01-09 04:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-01-09 05:20,4,FEW,RA +2011-01-09 06:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-09 07:20,3,M,M +2011-01-09 08:20,3,M,M +2011-01-09 09:20,4,M,M +2011-01-09 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-09 11:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-09 12:20,5,BKN,M +2011-01-09 13:20,5,BKN,M +2011-01-09 14:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-09 15:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-09 16:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-09 17:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-09 18:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-09 19:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-09 20:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-09 21:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-09 22:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-09 23:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-10 00:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-10 01:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-10 02:20,1,M,M +2011-01-10 03:20,2,SCT,M +2011-01-10 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-10 05:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-10 06:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-10 07:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-10 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 13:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-01-10 14:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-10 15:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-10 16:20,2,NSC,M +2011-01-10 17:20,2,M,M +2011-01-10 18:20,2,M,M +2011-01-10 19:20,1,M,M +2011-01-10 20:20,1,M,M +2011-01-10 21:20,0,M,M +2011-01-10 22:20,0,M,M +2011-01-10 23:20,0,M,M +2011-01-11 00:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-11 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-11 02:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-11 03:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-11 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-11 05:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-11 06:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-11 07:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-01-11 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-11 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-11 10:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-11 11:20,0,SCT,M +2011-01-11 17:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2011-01-11 18:20,2,BKN,-RA +2011-01-11 19:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2011-01-11 20:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-11 21:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-11 22:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-11 23:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-12 01:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-12 02:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-12 03:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-12 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-12 05:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 06:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 07:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-12 08:20,3,BKN,M +2011-01-12 09:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 10:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 11:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 12:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-12 13:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-12 14:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 15:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-01-12 16:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 17:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-12 18:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-12 19:20,3,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-12 20:20,3,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-01-12 21:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-12 22:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-12 23:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 00:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 01:20,4,BKN,DZ BR +2011-01-13 02:20,5,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 03:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-01-13 04:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-01-13 05:20,5,FEW,BR +2011-01-13 06:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 07:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 08:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 09:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-13 11:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-13 12:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-13 13:20,5,SCT,-RA BR +2011-01-13 14:20,5,FEW,RA BR +2011-01-13 15:20,5,FEW,RADZ BR +2011-01-13 16:20,6,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-13 17:20,6,SCT,RADZ BR +2011-01-13 18:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 19:20,8,FEW,-DZRA BR +2011-01-13 20:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2011-01-13 21:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 22:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-13 23:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 00:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 01:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-14 02:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-14 03:20,9,SCT,BR +2011-01-14 04:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-01-14 05:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2011-01-14 06:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 07:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-01-14 08:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-01-14 09:20,10,FEW,RADZ BR +2011-01-14 10:20,10,SCT,-DZRA BR +2011-01-14 11:20,10,FEW,-DZRA BR +2011-01-14 12:20,10,SCT,DZRA BR +2011-01-14 13:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 14:20,10,SCT,DZ +2011-01-14 15:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 16:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-14 17:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-14 18:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-01-14 19:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2011-01-14 20:20,10,SCT,RA +2011-01-14 21:20,10,FEW,RA +2011-01-14 22:20,9,SCT,-RA +2011-01-14 23:20,9,SCT,RA +2011-01-15 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2011-01-15 01:20,9,SCT,-RA +2011-01-15 02:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-01-15 03:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-15 04:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-15 05:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-15 06:20,7,FEW,M +2011-01-15 07:20,7,BKN,M +2011-01-15 08:20,7,BKN,M +2011-01-15 09:20,7,SCT,M +2011-01-15 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-01-15 11:20,7,BKN,M +2011-01-15 12:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-15 13:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-15 14:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-15 15:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-15 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-15 17:20,9,FEW,RA +2011-01-15 18:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-01-15 19:20,8,SCT,-RA +2011-01-15 20:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2011-01-15 21:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-15 22:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-15 23:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-16 00:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-16 01:20,10,BKN,M +2011-01-16 02:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-16 03:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-16 04:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-16 05:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-16 06:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-16 07:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-16 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-16 09:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-16 10:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-16 11:20,10,SCT,M +2011-01-16 12:20,10,SCT,M +2011-01-16 13:20,11,BKN,M +2011-01-16 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-01-16 15:20,10,M,M +2011-01-16 16:20,10,M,M +2011-01-16 17:20,9,M,M +2011-01-16 18:20,9,M,M +2011-01-16 19:20,8,M,M +2011-01-16 20:20,9,M,M +2011-01-16 21:20,9,M,M +2011-01-16 22:20,9,M,M +2011-01-16 23:20,9,M,M +2011-01-17 00:20,9,M,M +2011-01-17 01:20,8,M,M +2011-01-17 02:20,8,M,M +2011-01-17 03:20,8,SCT,M +2011-01-17 04:20,8,FEW,M +2011-01-17 05:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-17 06:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-17 07:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-17 08:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-17 09:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-17 10:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-17 11:20,8,OVC,M +2011-01-17 12:20,8,BKN,M +2011-01-17 13:20,9,OVC,M +2011-01-17 14:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2011-01-17 15:20,9,OVC,M +2011-01-17 16:20,9,OVC,M +2011-01-17 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-17 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-01-17 19:20,9,BKN,M +2011-01-17 20:20,8,BKN,RA +2011-01-17 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-01-17 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-01-17 23:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-18 00:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-01-18 01:20,8,SCT,-RADZ BR +2011-01-18 02:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2011-01-18 03:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 04:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-18 05:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-18 06:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-18 07:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-18 08:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-18 09:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 11:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-18 12:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 13:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 14:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-18 15:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-18 16:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-18 17:20,5,BKN,M +2011-01-18 18:20,5,BKN,M +2011-01-18 19:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-01-18 20:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-18 21:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-18 22:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-01-18 23:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-01-19 00:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-19 01:20,4,SCT,M +2011-01-19 02:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-19 03:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-01-19 04:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-01-19 05:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2011-01-19 06:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-01-19 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-19 08:20,4,BKN,-SHRA BR +2011-01-19 09:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 12:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-01-19 13:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 14:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 15:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-19 16:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-19 17:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-19 18:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-19 19:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-19 20:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-19 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-19 22:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-19 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-20 00:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-20 01:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-20 02:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-01-20 03:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 04:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 05:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 06:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 07:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 08:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 09:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-20 10:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 11:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 12:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 13:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-20 14:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 15:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 16:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 17:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-20 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-20 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-20 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-21 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-21 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-21 02:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-01-21 03:20,-2,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 04:20,-2,SCT,BR +2011-01-21 05:20,-2,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 06:20,-2,SCT,BR +2011-01-21 07:20,-2,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 08:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 09:20,-1,OVC,BR +2011-01-21 10:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 11:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-21 12:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-21 13:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-21 14:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-01-21 15:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-01-21 16:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-01-21 17:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-21 18:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-21 19:20,1,OVC,M +2011-01-21 20:20,1,OVC,M +2011-01-21 21:20,1,OVC,M +2011-01-21 22:20,1,OVC,M +2011-01-21 23:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-22 00:20,0,OVC,-SN +2011-01-22 01:20,0,FEW,SN +2011-01-22 02:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2011-01-22 03:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2011-01-22 04:20,0,OVC,-SN BR +2011-01-22 05:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-01-22 06:20,0,SCT,BR +2011-01-22 07:20,1,OVC,FG +2011-01-22 08:20,1,OVC,FG +2011-01-22 09:20,1,SCT,FG +2011-01-22 10:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-22 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-22 12:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-22 13:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-22 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-22 15:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-01-22 16:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-01-22 17:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-22 18:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-22 19:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-01-22 20:20,1,OVC,BR +2011-01-22 21:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-22 22:20,0,BKN,M +2011-01-22 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-23 00:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-23 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-23 02:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-23 03:20,0,OVC,BR +2011-01-23 04:20,1,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-01-23 05:20,1,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-01-23 06:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-01-23 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-01-23 08:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-01-23 09:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-23 10:20,2,SCT,M +2011-01-23 11:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-23 12:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-23 13:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-23 14:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-23 15:20,3,FEW,M +2011-01-23 16:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-23 17:20,2,FEW,M +2011-01-23 18:20,2,SCT,M +2011-01-23 19:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-23 20:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-01-23 21:20,1,SCT,FG +2011-01-23 22:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-23 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-24 00:20,0,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-24 01:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-01-24 02:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-01-24 03:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-01-24 04:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-01-24 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-24 06:20,0,SCT,BR +2011-01-24 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-01-24 08:20,0,SCT,FG +2011-01-24 09:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-24 10:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-01-24 11:20,3,SCT,BR +2011-01-24 12:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-01-24 13:20,4,FEW,BR +2011-01-24 14:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-24 15:20,5,SCT,M +2011-01-24 16:20,5,FEW,M +2011-01-24 17:20,5,BKN,M +2011-01-24 18:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-01-24 19:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-24 20:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-24 21:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2011-01-24 22:20,4,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-24 23:20,4,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-25 00:20,4,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-01-25 01:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-01-25 02:20,5,SCT,-RA +2011-01-25 03:20,4,FEW,RA +2011-01-25 04:20,4,FEW,RA +2011-01-25 05:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-01-25 06:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-25 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-01-25 08:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-25 09:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2011-01-25 10:20,3,SCT,M +2011-01-25 11:20,4,BKN,M +2011-01-25 12:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-25 13:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2011-01-25 14:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-01-25 15:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-25 16:20,4,FEW,M +2011-01-25 17:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-25 18:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2011-01-25 19:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-25 20:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-25 21:20,2,BKN,M +2011-01-25 22:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-25 23:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2011-01-26 00:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-26 01:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-26 02:20,1,SCT,M +2011-01-26 03:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-26 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-26 05:20,1,BKN,-SN +2011-01-26 06:20,1,FEW,-SN +2011-01-26 07:20,1,SCT,-DZ +2011-01-26 08:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 09:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 10:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 11:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-26 12:20,1,BKN,M +2011-01-26 13:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 14:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 15:20,1,FEW,-SN +2011-01-26 16:20,0,FEW,-SN +2011-01-26 17:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-26 18:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-26 19:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-26 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-26 21:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-01-26 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-26 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-27 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-27 01:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-27 02:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-27 03:20,-3,SCT,M +2011-01-27 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-27 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-01-27 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-01-27 07:20,-4,FEW,M +2011-01-27 08:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-27 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-27 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-27 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-27 12:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-01-27 13:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-01-27 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-27 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-27 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-27 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-27 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-27 19:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-01-27 20:20,-4,FEW,M +2011-01-27 21:20,-5,M,M +2011-01-27 22:20,-5,M,M +2011-01-27 23:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 00:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 01:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 02:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-28 03:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 04:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-28 05:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 06:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-28 07:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-28 08:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-28 09:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-28 10:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-28 11:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-28 12:20,0,FEW,M +2011-01-28 13:20,1,FEW,M +2011-01-28 14:20,1,M,M +2011-01-28 15:20,-1,M,M +2011-01-28 16:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-28 17:20,-2,M,M +2011-01-28 18:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-28 19:20,-3,M,M +2011-01-28 20:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-28 21:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-28 22:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-28 23:20,-4,M,M +2011-01-29 00:20,-5,M,M +2011-01-29 01:20,-6,M,M +2011-01-29 02:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-29 03:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-29 04:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-29 05:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-29 06:20,-7,M,M +2011-01-29 07:20,-6,SCT,BR +2011-01-29 08:20,-5,BKN,BR +2011-01-29 09:20,-5,BKN,BR +2011-01-29 10:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-01-29 11:20,-4,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 12:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 13:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 14:20,-4,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 15:20,-4,SCT,BR +2011-01-29 16:20,-4,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 17:20,-4,VV ,FZFG +2011-01-29 18:20,-4,VV ,-SG FZFG +2011-01-29 19:20,-5,VV ,FZFG +2011-01-29 20:20,-5,VV ,FZFG +2011-01-29 21:20,-4,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-29 22:20,-4,FEW,BR +2011-01-29 23:20,-4,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-30 00:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-30 01:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-30 02:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2011-01-30 04:20,-2,FEW,FZFG +2011-01-30 05:20,-2,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 06:20,-1,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 07:20,-2,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 08:20,-2,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 09:20,-1,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 10:20,-1,SCT,FZFG +2011-01-30 11:20,-1,SCT,BR +2011-01-30 12:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-01-30 13:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-01-30 14:20,-1,OVC,BR +2011-01-30 15:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-01-30 16:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-01-30 17:20,-2,FEW,BR +2011-01-30 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-30 19:20,-2,OVC,M +2011-01-30 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-30 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-30 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-30 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-01-31 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 06:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 09:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 10:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-01-31 11:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-31 13:20,-2,OVC,M +2011-01-31 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-01-31 15:20,-2,OVC,M +2011-01-31 16:20,-2,OVC,M +2011-01-31 17:20,-2,OVC,M +2011-01-31 18:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-01-31 23:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-02-01 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-01 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-01 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-01 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-01 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-01 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-01 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-01 07:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-01 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-01 09:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-01 10:20,-3,OVC,M +2011-02-01 11:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-02-01 12:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-02-01 13:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-02-01 14:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-02-01 15:20,-2,OVC,BR +2011-02-01 16:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-02-01 17:20,-3,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2011-02-01 18:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2011-02-01 19:20,-2,SCT,-FZDZ BR +2011-02-01 20:20,-2,SCT,-FZDZ BR +2011-02-01 21:20,-1,SCT,-FZDZ BR +2011-02-01 22:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-02-01 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-02-02 00:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-02-02 01:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 02:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-02-02 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-02 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-02 05:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 06:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 07:20,1,BKN,FG +2011-02-02 08:20,1,FEW,FG +2011-02-02 09:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 10:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 11:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 14:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-02-02 15:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 16:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-02-02 17:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-02 18:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-02 19:20,3,FEW,M +2011-02-02 20:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-02 21:20,2,OVC,M +2011-02-02 22:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-02 23:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 00:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 01:20,2,OVC,-DZRA BR +2011-02-03 02:20,3,FEW,RA BR +2011-02-03 03:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 04:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 05:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 06:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-03 07:20,5,FEW,BR +2011-02-03 08:20,5,SCT,M +2011-02-03 09:20,5,SCT,M +2011-02-03 10:20,6,SCT,M +2011-02-03 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-03 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-03 13:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-03 14:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-03 15:20,6,FEW,M +2011-02-03 16:20,5,M,M +2011-02-03 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-02-03 18:20,4,FEW,M +2011-02-03 19:20,4,M,M +2011-02-03 20:20,2,M,M +2011-02-03 21:20,3,FEW,M +2011-02-03 22:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-03 23:20,3,FEW,M +2011-02-04 00:20,4,FEW,M +2011-02-04 01:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-04 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-04 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-02-04 04:20,5,BKN,RA +2011-02-04 05:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-02-04 06:20,6,SCT,RA +2011-02-04 07:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2011-02-04 08:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2011-02-04 09:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2011-02-04 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-02-04 11:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-02-04 12:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-02-04 13:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-02-04 14:20,8,BKN,RA +2011-02-04 15:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-02-04 16:20,8,FEW,RADZ +2011-02-04 17:20,9,FEW,RA +2011-02-04 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-02-04 19:20,10,FEW,M +2011-02-04 20:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-04 21:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-04 22:20,11,BKN,M +2011-02-04 23:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-05 00:20,11,BKN,M +2011-02-05 01:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-05 02:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-05 03:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-05 04:20,9,SCT,RA +2011-02-05 05:20,9,BKN,RA +2011-02-05 06:20,10,SCT,-RA +2011-02-05 07:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2011-02-05 08:20,10,SCT,DZRA +2011-02-05 09:20,10,SCT,DZRA +2011-02-05 10:20,10,BKN,DZRA +2011-02-05 11:20,10,FEW,DZRA +2011-02-05 12:20,10,SCT,DZ +2011-02-05 13:20,10,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 14:20,9,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 15:20,9,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 16:20,8,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 17:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 18:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 19:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 20:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2011-02-05 21:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2011-02-05 22:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2011-02-05 23:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2011-02-06 00:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-02-06 01:20,7,BKN,-RA +2011-02-06 02:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-02-06 03:20,8,SCT,RA +2011-02-06 04:20,7,SCT,RA +2011-02-06 05:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-02-06 06:20,7,SCT,-RA +2011-02-06 07:20,7,SCT,-RA BR +2011-02-06 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-02-06 09:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-02-06 10:20,8,SCT,RA BR +2011-02-06 11:20,9,SCT,RA +2011-02-06 12:20,9,SCT,RA BR +2011-02-06 13:20,9,FEW,RA BR +2011-02-06 14:20,9,FEW,RA BR +2011-02-06 15:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2011-02-06 16:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2011-02-06 17:20,9,SCT,M +2011-02-06 18:20,10,FEW,M +2011-02-06 19:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-06 20:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-06 21:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-06 22:20,9,BKN,M +2011-02-06 23:20,9,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 01:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 03:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-02-07 05:20,8,BKN,M +2011-02-07 06:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-02-07 07:20,8,FEW,M +2011-02-07 08:20,8,SCT,M +2011-02-07 09:20,8,FEW,M +2011-02-07 10:20,9,BKN,M +2011-02-07 11:20,9,BKN,M +2011-02-07 12:20,8,BKN,M +2011-02-07 13:20,9,FEW,M +2011-02-07 14:20,9,M,M +2011-02-07 15:20,8,M,M +2011-02-07 16:20,8,M,M +2011-02-07 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-02-07 18:20,9,BKN,M +2011-02-07 19:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-07 20:20,10,BKN,M +2011-02-07 21:20,10,SCT,-RA +2011-02-07 22:20,7,BKN,M +2011-02-07 23:20,7,BKN,M +2011-02-08 00:20,7,SCT,M +2011-02-08 01:20,7,BKN,M +2011-02-08 02:20,7,BKN,M +2011-02-08 03:20,6,FEW,M +2011-02-08 04:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-08 05:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-08 06:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-08 07:20,6,SCT,M +2011-02-08 08:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-08 09:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-08 10:20,6,SCT,M +2011-02-08 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-08 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-08 13:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-08 14:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-08 15:20,6,FEW,M +2011-02-08 16:20,5,FEW,M +2011-02-08 17:20,5,SCT,M +2011-02-08 18:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-08 19:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-08 20:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-08 21:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-08 22:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-08 23:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-09 00:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-09 01:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-09 02:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 03:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 05:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 06:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-02-09 08:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-09 09:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-09 10:20,3,FEW,M +2011-02-09 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-02-09 12:20,6,FEW,M +2011-02-09 13:20,6,M,M +2011-02-09 14:20,6,M,M +2011-02-09 15:20,6,M,M +2011-02-09 16:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 17:20,4,M,M +2011-02-09 18:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 19:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 20:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 21:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 22:20,5,M,M +2011-02-09 23:20,4,M,M +2011-02-10 00:20,3,M,M +2011-02-10 01:20,3,M,M +2011-02-10 02:20,3,M,M +2011-02-10 03:20,2,M,M +2011-02-10 04:20,2,M,M +2011-02-10 05:20,2,M,M +2011-02-10 06:20,2,M,M +2011-02-10 07:20,2,M,M +2011-02-10 08:20,3,M,M +2011-02-10 09:20,4,M,M +2011-02-10 10:20,6,M,M +2011-02-10 11:20,6,SCT,M +2011-02-10 12:20,7,SCT,-RA +2011-02-10 13:20,7,FEW,M +2011-02-10 14:20,7,BKN,-RA +2011-02-10 15:20,7,BKN,M +2011-02-10 16:20,7,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-02-10 17:20,7,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-02-10 18:20,7,SCT,-RADZ BR +2011-02-10 19:20,8,SCT,-RADZ BR +2011-02-10 20:20,8,FEW,-RADZ BR +2011-02-10 21:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-02-10 22:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-02-10 23:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-02-11 00:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-02-11 01:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 03:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 04:20,4,FEW,M +2011-02-11 05:20,4,SCT,M +2011-02-11 06:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-11 07:20,4,FEW,M +2011-02-11 08:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 09:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 10:20,5,BKN,M +2011-02-11 11:20,6,SCT,M +2011-02-11 12:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-11 13:20,7,SCT,M +2011-02-11 14:20,6,BKN,M +2011-02-11 15:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-02-11 16:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-02-11 17:20,4,BKN,M +2011-02-11 18:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-11 19:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-11 20:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-11 21:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-11 22:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-11 23:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-12 00:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-12 01:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-12 02:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-12 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-12 04:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-12 05:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-12 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-12 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-12 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-12 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-12 10:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-12 11:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-12 12:20,1,M,M +2011-02-12 13:20,1,M,M +2011-02-12 14:20,1,M,M +2011-02-12 15:20,1,M,M +2011-02-12 16:20,0,M,M +2011-02-12 17:20,0,M,M +2011-02-12 18:20,0,M,M +2011-02-12 19:20,0,M,M +2011-02-12 20:20,0,M,M +2011-02-12 21:20,0,SCT,-SN +2011-02-12 22:20,0,SCT,SN +2011-02-12 23:20,-1,BKN,SN +2011-02-13 00:20,-1,BKN,SN +2011-02-13 01:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2011-02-13 02:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2011-02-13 03:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2011-02-13 04:20,-1,SCT,-FZDZ +2011-02-13 05:20,-1,SCT,-FZDZ +2011-02-13 06:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2011-02-13 07:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-13 08:20,-1,SCT,-SG BR +2011-02-13 09:20,-1,SCT,-SG BR +2011-02-13 10:20,-1,SCT,-SG +2011-02-13 11:20,0,SCT,M +2011-02-13 12:20,0,SCT,M +2011-02-13 13:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-13 14:20,0,SCT,M +2011-02-13 15:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-13 16:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-13 17:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-13 18:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-13 19:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-13 20:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-13 21:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-13 22:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-13 23:20,1,SCT,M +2011-02-14 00:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 01:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-14 02:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 03:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 04:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 05:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 06:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 07:20,0,OVC,M +2011-02-14 08:20,0,OVC,M +2011-02-14 09:20,0,OVC,M +2011-02-14 12:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-14 13:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-14 14:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-14 15:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-14 16:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-14 17:20,0,M,M +2011-02-14 18:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 19:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-14 20:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-14 21:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 22:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-14 23:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-15 00:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-15 01:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-15 02:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-15 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-15 04:20,-1,SCT,-PL +2011-02-15 05:20,-2,FEW,-FZRADZ +2011-02-15 06:20,-2,FEW,-FZRA +2011-02-15 07:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2011-02-15 08:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2011-02-15 09:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2011-02-15 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-15 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-15 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-15 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-15 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-15 15:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2011-02-15 16:20,-1,BKN,SN +2011-02-15 17:20,-1,BKN,SN +2011-02-15 18:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2011-02-15 19:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2011-02-15 20:20,-1,OVC,-SN +2011-02-15 21:20,0,BKN,-SN +2011-02-15 22:20,-1,OVC,-SN +2011-02-15 23:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2011-02-16 00:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2011-02-16 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-16 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-16 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-16 04:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-16 05:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-16 06:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-16 07:20,0,SCT,M +2011-02-16 08:20,0,M,M +2011-02-16 09:20,1,M,M +2011-02-16 10:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-16 11:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-16 12:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-16 13:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-16 14:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-16 15:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-16 16:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-16 17:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-16 18:20,1,M,M +2011-02-16 19:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-16 20:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-16 21:20,0,M,M +2011-02-16 22:20,0,M,M +2011-02-16 23:20,0,M,M +2011-02-17 00:20,0,M,M +2011-02-17 01:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-17 02:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-17 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-17 04:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-17 05:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-17 06:20,-3,NSC,M +2011-02-17 07:20,-3,NSC,M +2011-02-17 08:20,-2,NSC,M +2011-02-17 09:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-17 10:20,0,SCT,M +2011-02-17 11:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-17 14:20,1,SCT,M +2011-02-17 15:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-17 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-17 17:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-17 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-17 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-17 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-17 21:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-17 22:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-17 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 07:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-18 08:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-18 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-18 10:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 11:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-18 12:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 13:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 14:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 15:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 16:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-18 17:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 18:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 19:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-18 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-18 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-18 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 02:20,-1,BKN,-SG +2011-02-19 03:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-19 04:20,-1,BKN,-SG +2011-02-19 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 07:20,-1,BKN,-SNPL +2011-02-19 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-19 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-19 11:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-19 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-02-19 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-19 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-19 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-19 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-19 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-20 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-20 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2011-02-20 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-20 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-20 04:20,-3,SCT,M +2011-02-20 05:20,-4,FEW,M +2011-02-20 06:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-20 07:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-20 08:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-20 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-20 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-20 11:20,-2,SCT,M +2011-02-20 12:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-20 13:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-20 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-20 15:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-20 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-20 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-20 18:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-20 19:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-20 20:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-20 21:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-20 22:20,-5,FEW,M +2011-02-20 23:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-21 00:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-21 01:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-21 02:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-21 03:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-21 04:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-21 05:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-21 06:20,-6,SCT,M +2011-02-21 07:20,-5,BKN,M +2011-02-21 08:20,-5,BKN,M +2011-02-21 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2011-02-21 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-21 11:20,-3,BKN,M +2011-02-21 12:20,-2,SCT,M +2011-02-21 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-21 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-21 15:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-21 16:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-21 17:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-21 18:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-21 19:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-21 20:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-21 21:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-21 22:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-21 23:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-22 00:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-22 01:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-22 02:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-22 03:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-22 04:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-22 05:20,-9,M,M +2011-02-22 06:20,-9,M,M +2011-02-22 07:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-22 08:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-22 09:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-22 10:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-22 11:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-22 12:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-22 13:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-22 14:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-22 15:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-22 16:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-22 17:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-22 18:20,-5,M,M +2011-02-22 19:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-22 20:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-22 21:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-22 22:20,-6,M,M +2011-02-22 23:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-23 00:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-23 01:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-23 02:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-23 03:20,-7,M,M +2011-02-23 04:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-23 05:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-23 06:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-23 07:20,-8,M,M +2011-02-23 08:20,-6,NSC,M +2011-02-23 09:20,-6,NSC,M +2011-02-23 10:20,-4,NSC,M +2011-02-23 11:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-23 12:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-23 13:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-23 14:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-23 15:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-23 16:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-23 17:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-23 18:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-23 19:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-23 20:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-23 21:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-23 22:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-23 23:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 00:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 01:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 02:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 03:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 04:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 05:20,-4,M,M +2011-02-24 06:20,-4,NSC,M +2011-02-24 07:20,-4,NSC,M +2011-02-24 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-24 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-24 10:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-24 11:20,1,M,M +2011-02-24 12:20,2,M,M +2011-02-24 13:20,3,M,M +2011-02-24 14:20,3,M,M +2011-02-24 15:20,3,M,M +2011-02-24 16:20,2,M,M +2011-02-24 17:20,1,M,M +2011-02-24 18:20,1,M,M +2011-02-24 19:20,1,M,M +2011-02-24 20:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-24 21:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-24 22:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-24 23:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-25 00:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-25 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-25 02:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 03:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 04:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 05:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 06:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 07:20,-3,M,M +2011-02-25 08:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-25 09:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-25 10:20,1,M,M +2011-02-25 11:20,3,M,M +2011-02-25 12:20,4,M,M +2011-02-25 13:20,4,M,M +2011-02-25 14:20,5,M,M +2011-02-25 15:20,4,M,M +2011-02-25 16:20,3,M,M +2011-02-25 17:20,2,M,M +2011-02-25 18:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-25 19:20,2,M,M +2011-02-25 20:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-25 21:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-25 22:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-25 23:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-26 00:20,1,M,M +2011-02-26 01:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-26 02:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-26 03:20,0,BKN,M +2011-02-26 04:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-26 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-26 06:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-02-26 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-02-26 08:20,1,FEW,M +2011-02-26 09:20,2,M,M +2011-02-26 10:20,3,M,M +2011-02-26 11:20,5,M,M +2011-02-26 12:20,7,M,M +2011-02-26 13:20,8,M,M +2011-02-26 14:20,7,M,M +2011-02-26 15:20,7,M,M +2011-02-26 16:20,6,M,M +2011-02-26 17:20,5,M,M +2011-02-26 18:20,4,M,M +2011-02-26 19:20,3,M,M +2011-02-26 20:20,2,M,M +2011-02-26 21:20,2,M,M +2011-02-26 22:20,1,M,M +2011-02-26 23:20,0,M,M +2011-02-27 00:20,0,M,M +2011-02-27 01:20,-1,M,M +2011-02-27 02:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-27 03:20,-2,M,M +2011-02-27 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2011-02-27 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2011-02-27 06:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-02-27 07:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-02-27 08:20,-1,NSC,HZ +2011-02-27 09:20,0,FEW,M +2011-02-27 10:20,1,NSC,HZ +2011-02-27 11:20,1,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 12:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 13:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 14:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 15:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 16:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 17:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-27 18:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-27 19:20,2,FEW,M +2011-02-27 20:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-27 21:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-27 22:20,3,BKN,M +2011-02-27 23:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 00:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 01:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 02:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 03:20,2,SCT,M +2011-02-28 04:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 05:20,1,BKN,M +2011-02-28 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-02-28 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 12:20,2,BKN,HZ +2011-02-28 13:20,2,BKN,M +2011-02-28 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 15:20,2,FEW,HZ +2011-02-28 16:20,2,FEW,HZ +2011-02-28 17:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-02-28 18:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 19:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 20:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 21:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-02-28 22:20,0,SCT,BR +2011-03-01 00:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 02:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 03:20,-1,SCT,BR +2011-03-01 04:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 05:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 06:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 07:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 08:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-03-01 11:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 12:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 13:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 14:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 15:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 16:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 17:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 18:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 19:20,0,FEW,M +2011-03-01 20:20,0,FEW,M +2011-03-01 21:20,-1,FEW,M +2011-03-01 22:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-01 23:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 00:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 01:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 02:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 03:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 04:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 05:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 06:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 07:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 08:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 09:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 10:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 11:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 12:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 13:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 14:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 15:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-02 16:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 17:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 18:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 19:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 20:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 21:20,-1,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 22:20,-2,FEW,BR +2011-03-02 23:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-03-03 00:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-03-03 01:20,-3,FEW,BR +2011-03-03 02:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 03:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 04:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 05:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 06:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 07:20,-4,BKN,FZFG +2011-03-03 08:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 09:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 10:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 11:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-03 12:20,2,FEW,HZ +2011-03-03 13:20,3,NSC,M +2011-03-03 14:20,4,NSC,M +2011-03-03 15:20,3,NSC,M +2011-03-03 16:20,2,NSC,M +2011-03-03 17:20,0,NSC,BR +2011-03-03 18:20,-1,NSC,BR +2011-03-03 19:20,-2,SCT,BR +2011-03-03 20:20,-2,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 21:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 22:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-03 23:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 00:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 01:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 02:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 03:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 04:20,-5,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 05:20,-5,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 06:20,-5,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 07:20,-5,BKN,-SG BR +2011-03-04 08:20,-4,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 09:20,-3,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 10:20,-2,SCT,BR +2011-03-04 11:20,-1,SCT,BR +2011-03-04 12:20,0,FEW,HZ +2011-03-04 13:20,0,FEW,BR +2011-03-04 14:20,0,SCT,M +2011-03-04 15:20,0,BKN,M +2011-03-04 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-03-04 17:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 18:20,-1,BKN,BR +2011-03-04 19:20,-2,BKN,BCFG +2011-03-04 20:20,-1,SCT,BCFG BR +2011-03-04 21:20,-1,BKN,BCFG BR +2011-03-04 22:20,-1,SCT,BR +2011-03-04 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-05 00:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-03-05 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-03-05 02:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-03-05 03:20,1,BKN,M +2011-03-05 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-03-05 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-03-05 06:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-03-05 07:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-03-05 08:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-03-05 09:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-05 10:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-05 11:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-05 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-05 13:20,8,M,M +2011-03-05 14:20,8,M,M +2011-03-05 15:20,8,M,M +2011-03-05 16:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-05 17:20,4,M,M +2011-03-05 18:20,2,M,M +2011-03-05 19:20,1,M,M +2011-03-05 20:20,1,M,M +2011-03-05 21:20,0,M,M +2011-03-05 22:20,0,M,M +2011-03-05 23:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-06 00:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-06 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-06 02:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-06 03:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-06 04:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-06 05:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-06 06:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-06 07:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-06 08:20,0,M,M +2011-03-06 09:20,2,M,M +2011-03-06 10:20,4,M,M +2011-03-06 11:20,5,M,M +2011-03-06 12:20,6,M,M +2011-03-06 13:20,6,M,M +2011-03-06 14:20,6,M,M +2011-03-06 15:20,5,M,M +2011-03-06 16:20,4,M,M +2011-03-06 17:20,2,M,M +2011-03-06 18:20,0,M,M +2011-03-06 19:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-06 20:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-06 21:20,-4,M,M +2011-03-06 22:20,-4,M,M +2011-03-06 23:20,-4,M,M +2011-03-07 00:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 01:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 02:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 03:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 04:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 05:20,-5,M,M +2011-03-07 06:20,-4,M,M +2011-03-07 07:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-07 08:20,0,M,M +2011-03-07 09:20,2,M,M +2011-03-07 10:20,3,M,M +2011-03-07 11:20,5,M,M +2011-03-07 12:20,5,M,M +2011-03-07 13:20,6,M,M +2011-03-07 14:20,6,M,M +2011-03-07 15:20,6,M,M +2011-03-07 16:20,5,M,M +2011-03-07 17:20,4,M,M +2011-03-07 18:20,2,M,M +2011-03-07 19:20,2,M,M +2011-03-07 20:20,2,M,M +2011-03-07 21:20,1,M,M +2011-03-07 22:20,1,M,M +2011-03-07 23:20,0,M,M +2011-03-08 00:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-08 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-08 02:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-08 03:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-08 04:20,-3,M,M +2011-03-08 05:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-08 06:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-08 07:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-08 08:20,2,M,M +2011-03-08 09:20,4,M,M +2011-03-08 10:20,5,M,M +2011-03-08 11:20,7,M,M +2011-03-08 12:20,8,M,M +2011-03-08 13:20,9,M,M +2011-03-08 14:20,10,M,M +2011-03-08 15:20,10,M,M +2011-03-08 16:20,8,M,M +2011-03-08 17:20,7,M,M +2011-03-08 18:20,6,M,M +2011-03-08 19:20,4,M,M +2011-03-08 20:20,4,M,M +2011-03-08 21:20,3,M,M +2011-03-08 22:20,1,M,M +2011-03-08 23:20,1,M,M +2011-03-09 00:20,2,M,M +2011-03-09 01:20,1,M,M +2011-03-09 02:20,1,M,M +2011-03-09 03:20,3,M,M +2011-03-09 04:20,2,M,M +2011-03-09 05:20,3,NSC,M +2011-03-09 06:20,4,NSC,M +2011-03-09 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-09 08:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-09 09:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-09 10:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2011-03-09 11:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2011-03-09 12:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2011-03-09 13:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-09 14:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-09 15:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2011-03-09 16:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-09 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-09 18:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-09 19:20,4,SCT,M +2011-03-09 20:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-09 21:20,4,M,M +2011-03-09 22:20,2,M,M +2011-03-09 23:20,2,M,M +2011-03-10 00:20,2,M,M +2011-03-10 01:20,2,M,M +2011-03-10 02:20,3,M,M +2011-03-10 03:20,3,M,M +2011-03-10 04:20,3,M,M +2011-03-10 05:20,4,M,M +2011-03-10 06:20,5,M,M +2011-03-10 07:20,5,SCT,M +2011-03-10 08:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-10 09:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-10 10:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-10 11:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-10 12:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-10 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2011-03-10 14:20,7,BKN,-RA +2011-03-10 15:20,7,BKN,RADZ +2011-03-10 16:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-10 17:20,7,SCT,RA +2011-03-10 18:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-03-10 19:20,6,SCT,-RA +2011-03-10 20:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-10 21:20,7,FEW,RA +2011-03-10 22:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-10 23:20,8,BKN,M +2011-03-11 00:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-11 01:20,6,M,M +2011-03-11 02:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-11 03:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-11 04:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-11 05:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-11 06:20,4,SCT,M +2011-03-11 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-11 08:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-11 09:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-11 10:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-11 11:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-11 12:20,9,BKN,M +2011-03-11 13:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-11 14:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-11 15:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-11 16:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-11 17:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-11 18:20,5,M,M +2011-03-11 19:20,3,M,M +2011-03-11 20:20,2,M,M +2011-03-11 21:20,2,M,M +2011-03-11 22:20,2,M,M +2011-03-11 23:20,2,M,M +2011-03-12 00:20,2,M,M +2011-03-12 01:20,1,M,M +2011-03-12 02:20,0,M,M +2011-03-12 03:20,1,M,M +2011-03-12 04:20,1,M,M +2011-03-12 05:20,2,M,M +2011-03-12 06:20,2,M,M +2011-03-12 07:20,4,M,M +2011-03-12 08:20,6,M,M +2011-03-12 09:20,7,M,M +2011-03-12 10:20,9,M,M +2011-03-12 11:20,10,M,M +2011-03-12 12:20,12,FEW,M +2011-03-12 13:20,12,FEW,M +2011-03-12 14:20,13,M,M +2011-03-12 15:20,12,M,M +2011-03-12 16:20,12,M,M +2011-03-12 17:20,11,M,M +2011-03-12 18:20,9,M,M +2011-03-12 19:20,8,M,M +2011-03-12 20:20,9,M,M +2011-03-12 21:20,8,M,M +2011-03-12 22:20,8,M,M +2011-03-12 23:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 00:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 01:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 02:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 03:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 04:20,6,NSC,-RA +2011-03-13 05:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 06:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 07:20,7,M,M +2011-03-13 08:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-13 09:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-13 10:20,12,M,M +2011-03-13 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-13 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-13 13:20,15,BKN,M +2011-03-13 14:20,14,BKN,M +2011-03-13 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-13 16:20,14,BKN,M +2011-03-13 17:20,13,BKN,M +2011-03-13 18:20,13,BKN,M +2011-03-13 19:20,12,M,M +2011-03-13 20:20,12,M,M +2011-03-13 21:20,11,M,M +2011-03-13 22:20,11,FEW,M +2011-03-14 00:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 01:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 04:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 05:20,9,FEW,-RA BCFG +2011-03-14 06:20,9,SCT,-RA MIFG +2011-03-14 07:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 08:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-03-14 09:20,10,BKN,-RA +2011-03-14 10:20,10,BKN,-RA BR +2011-03-14 11:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2011-03-14 12:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2011-03-14 13:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2011-03-14 14:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-14 15:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-14 16:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-14 17:20,10,SCT,M +2011-03-14 18:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-14 19:20,9,SCT,M +2011-03-14 20:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-03-14 21:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-03-14 22:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-03-14 23:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 01:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 04:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 06:20,4,SCT,BR +2011-03-15 07:20,4,FEW,BR +2011-03-15 08:20,4,FEW,BR +2011-03-15 09:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 10:20,5,BKN,BR +2011-03-15 11:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-15 12:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-15 13:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-15 14:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-15 15:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-15 16:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-15 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-15 18:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-15 19:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-15 20:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-15 21:20,1,M,M +2011-03-15 22:20,1,M,M +2011-03-15 23:20,0,M,M +2011-03-16 00:20,0,M,M +2011-03-16 01:20,0,M,M +2011-03-16 02:20,0,M,M +2011-03-16 03:20,0,M,M +2011-03-16 04:20,-1,SCT,M +2011-03-16 05:20,0,FEW,M +2011-03-16 06:20,1,FEW,M +2011-03-16 07:20,1,FEW,M +2011-03-16 08:20,2,FEW,M +2011-03-16 09:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-16 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-16 11:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-16 12:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-16 13:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-16 14:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-16 15:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-16 16:20,3,OVC,M +2011-03-16 17:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-16 18:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-16 19:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-16 20:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-16 21:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-16 22:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-16 23:20,4,OVC,M +2011-03-17 00:20,4,FEW,M +2011-03-17 01:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 02:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-17 03:20,3,M,M +2011-03-17 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 05:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 06:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 07:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-03-17 08:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-03-17 09:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 10:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-17 11:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-03-17 12:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 13:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 14:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-17 15:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-03-17 16:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-03-17 17:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 18:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 19:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 20:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 21:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 22:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-17 23:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-18 00:20,2,FEW,M +2011-03-18 01:20,1,FEW,M +2011-03-18 02:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-18 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-03-18 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-03-18 05:20,2,SCT,BR +2011-03-18 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-03-18 07:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-03-18 08:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-03-18 09:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-03-18 10:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-18 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-03-18 12:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-18 13:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-18 14:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-18 15:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-18 16:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-18 17:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-18 18:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-18 19:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-18 20:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-18 21:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-18 22:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-18 23:20,2,M,M +2011-03-19 00:20,2,M,M +2011-03-19 01:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-19 02:20,-1,NSC,BCFG +2011-03-19 03:20,0,OVC,FG +2011-03-19 04:20,1,OVC,BR +2011-03-19 05:20,0,OVC,FG +2011-03-19 06:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-03-19 07:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-03-19 08:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-03-19 09:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-19 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-19 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-19 12:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-19 13:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-19 14:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-19 15:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-19 16:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-19 17:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-19 18:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-19 19:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-19 20:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-19 21:20,4,BKN,M +2011-03-19 22:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-19 23:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-20 00:20,3,SCT,M +2011-03-20 01:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-20 02:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-20 03:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-20 04:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-20 05:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-20 06:20,2,BKN,M +2011-03-20 07:20,3,BKN,M +2011-03-20 08:20,4,SCT,M +2011-03-20 09:20,5,SCT,M +2011-03-20 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-20 11:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-20 12:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-20 13:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-20 14:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-20 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-20 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-20 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-20 18:20,6,M,M +2011-03-20 19:20,4,M,M +2011-03-20 20:20,2,M,M +2011-03-20 21:20,1,M,M +2011-03-20 22:20,0,M,M +2011-03-20 23:20,0,M,M +2011-03-21 00:20,0,M,M +2011-03-21 01:20,0,M,M +2011-03-21 02:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-21 03:20,0,M,M +2011-03-21 04:20,0,M,M +2011-03-21 05:20,1,M,M +2011-03-21 06:20,3,M,M +2011-03-21 07:20,5,M,M +2011-03-21 08:20,8,M,M +2011-03-21 09:20,10,M,M +2011-03-21 10:20,10,M,M +2011-03-21 11:20,12,M,M +2011-03-21 12:20,12,SCT,M +2011-03-21 13:20,12,BKN,M +2011-03-21 14:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-21 15:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-21 16:20,11,BKN,M +2011-03-21 17:20,10,BKN,M +2011-03-21 18:20,10,BKN,M +2011-03-21 19:20,10,OVC,M +2011-03-21 20:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-21 21:20,10,BKN,M +2011-03-21 22:20,9,BKN,M +2011-03-21 23:20,9,BKN,M +2011-03-22 00:20,8,BKN,M +2011-03-22 01:20,6,M,M +2011-03-22 02:20,5,M,M +2011-03-22 03:20,6,M,M +2011-03-22 04:20,5,M,M +2011-03-22 05:20,5,NSC,M +2011-03-22 06:20,6,NSC,M +2011-03-22 07:20,8,NSC,M +2011-03-22 08:20,10,NSC,M +2011-03-22 09:20,11,FEW,M +2011-03-22 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-03-22 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-22 12:20,14,SCT,M +2011-03-22 13:20,15,SCT,M +2011-03-22 14:20,15,FEW,M +2011-03-22 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-22 16:20,13,FEW,M +2011-03-22 17:20,11,M,M +2011-03-22 18:20,9,M,M +2011-03-22 19:20,8,M,M +2011-03-22 20:20,7,M,M +2011-03-22 21:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-22 22:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-22 23:20,6,SCT,BR +2011-03-23 00:20,6,SCT,BR +2011-03-23 01:20,5,BKN,BR +2011-03-23 02:20,5,BKN,BR +2011-03-23 03:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-03-23 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-03-23 05:20,3,BKN,FG +2011-03-23 06:20,3,BKN,BCFG +2011-03-23 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-23 08:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-23 09:20,8,M,M +2011-03-23 10:20,9,M,M +2011-03-23 11:20,10,M,M +2011-03-23 12:20,11,M,M +2011-03-23 13:20,12,M,M +2011-03-23 14:20,11,M,M +2011-03-23 15:20,11,M,M +2011-03-23 16:20,10,M,M +2011-03-23 17:20,8,M,M +2011-03-23 18:20,7,M,M +2011-03-23 19:20,6,M,M +2011-03-23 20:20,5,M,M +2011-03-23 21:20,4,M,M +2011-03-23 22:20,5,M,M +2011-03-23 23:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-24 00:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-24 01:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-24 02:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-24 03:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-24 04:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-24 05:20,6,OVC,BR +2011-03-24 06:20,6,OVC,BR +2011-03-24 07:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-03-24 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-24 09:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-24 10:20,12,FEW,M +2011-03-24 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-24 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-24 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-24 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-03-24 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-03-24 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-03-24 17:20,11,M,M +2011-03-24 18:20,9,M,M +2011-03-24 19:20,8,M,M +2011-03-24 20:20,7,M,M +2011-03-24 21:20,6,M,M +2011-03-24 22:20,6,M,M +2011-03-24 23:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-25 00:20,6,BKN,M +2011-03-25 01:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-25 02:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-25 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-03-25 04:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-25 05:20,7,OVC,BR +2011-03-25 06:20,7,OVC,BR +2011-03-25 07:20,7,SCT,BR +2011-03-25 08:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-25 09:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-25 10:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-25 11:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-25 12:20,10,SCT,M +2011-03-25 13:20,9,SCT,M +2011-03-25 14:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-25 15:20,9,SCT,M +2011-03-25 16:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-25 17:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-25 18:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-03-25 19:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-25 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-03-25 21:20,5,SCT,M +2011-03-25 22:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-25 23:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2011-03-26 00:20,4,SCT,M +2011-03-26 01:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-26 02:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-26 03:20,2,M,M +2011-03-26 04:20,1,M,M +2011-03-26 05:20,1,FEW,M +2011-03-26 06:20,1,FEW,M +2011-03-26 07:20,2,FEW,M +2011-03-26 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-03-26 09:20,4,SCT,M +2011-03-26 10:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-26 11:20,6,SCT,M +2011-03-26 12:20,6,M,M +2011-03-26 13:20,7,M,M +2011-03-26 14:20,8,M,M +2011-03-26 15:20,7,M,M +2011-03-26 16:20,6,M,M +2011-03-26 17:20,5,M,M +2011-03-26 18:20,4,M,M +2011-03-26 19:20,3,M,M +2011-03-26 20:20,1,M,M +2011-03-26 21:20,0,M,M +2011-03-26 22:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-26 23:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 00:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 01:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 02:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 03:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-27 04:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 05:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 06:20,0,M,M +2011-03-27 07:20,2,M,M +2011-03-27 08:20,4,M,M +2011-03-27 09:20,6,M,M +2011-03-27 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-27 11:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-27 12:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-27 13:20,9,M,M +2011-03-27 14:20,9,M,M +2011-03-27 15:20,9,M,M +2011-03-27 16:20,9,M,M +2011-03-27 17:20,7,M,M +2011-03-27 18:20,5,M,M +2011-03-27 19:20,3,M,M +2011-03-27 20:20,1,M,M +2011-03-27 21:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 22:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 22:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-27 23:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-28 00:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-28 01:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-28 02:20,0,M,M +2011-03-28 03:20,0,M,M +2011-03-28 04:20,0,BKN,M +2011-03-28 05:20,1,BKN,M +2011-03-28 06:20,2,FEW,M +2011-03-28 07:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2011-03-28 08:20,5,BKN,M +2011-03-28 09:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-28 10:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-28 11:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-28 12:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-28 13:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-28 14:20,8,SCT,M +2011-03-28 15:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-28 16:20,7,FEW,M +2011-03-28 17:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-28 18:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-28 19:20,4,M,M +2011-03-28 20:20,3,M,M +2011-03-28 21:20,2,M,M +2011-03-28 22:20,0,M,M +2011-03-29 00:20,-2,M,M +2011-03-29 01:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-29 02:20,-1,M,M +2011-03-29 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2011-03-29 04:20,1,FEW,PRFG +2011-03-29 05:20,0,SCT,PRFG +2011-03-29 06:20,1,BKN,PRFG +2011-03-29 07:20,2,SCT,M +2011-03-29 08:20,5,FEW,M +2011-03-29 09:20,6,FEW,M +2011-03-29 10:20,8,FEW,M +2011-03-29 11:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-29 12:20,10,M,M +2011-03-29 13:20,10,M,M +2011-03-29 14:20,11,M,M +2011-03-29 15:20,11,FEW,M +2011-03-29 16:20,11,FEW,M +2011-03-29 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-29 18:20,7,SCT,M +2011-03-29 19:20,5,M,M +2011-03-29 20:20,4,M,M +2011-03-29 21:20,3,M,M +2011-03-29 22:20,1,M,M +2011-03-29 23:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-30 00:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-30 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-30 02:20,0,M,M +2011-03-30 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-03-30 04:20,0,M,M +2011-03-30 05:20,1,M,M +2011-03-30 06:20,2,M,M +2011-03-30 07:20,4,M,M +2011-03-30 08:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-03-30 09:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-03-30 10:20,10,M,M +2011-03-30 11:20,13,M,M +2011-03-30 12:20,14,M,M +2011-03-30 13:20,14,M,M +2011-03-30 14:20,16,M,M +2011-03-30 15:20,16,M,M +2011-03-30 16:20,16,M,M +2011-03-30 17:20,14,M,M +2011-03-30 18:20,12,M,M +2011-03-30 19:20,12,M,M +2011-03-30 20:20,10,M,M +2011-03-30 21:20,12,M,M +2011-03-30 22:20,12,M,M +2011-03-30 23:20,10,NSC,-RA +2011-03-31 00:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 01:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 02:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 03:20,9,FEW,M +2011-03-31 04:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 05:20,10,SCT,M +2011-03-31 06:20,10,FEW,M +2011-03-31 07:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 08:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 10:20,12,SCT,M +2011-03-31 11:20,13,BKN,M +2011-03-31 12:20,13,SCT,M +2011-03-31 13:20,12,FEW,RA +2011-03-31 14:20,12,SCT,RA +2011-03-31 15:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-03-31 16:20,11,FEW,RA +2011-03-31 17:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-03-31 18:20,12,SCT,M +2011-03-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-03-31 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-03-31 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-01 00:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-01 01:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-01 02:20,10,M,M +2011-04-01 03:20,10,M,M +2011-04-01 04:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-01 05:20,9,M,M +2011-04-01 06:20,10,M,M +2011-04-01 07:20,11,M,M +2011-04-01 08:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-01 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-01 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-01 11:20,14,SCT,M +2011-04-01 12:20,15,BKN,M +2011-04-01 13:20,15,BKN,M +2011-04-01 14:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-01 15:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-01 16:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-01 17:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-01 18:20,12,BKN,M +2011-04-01 19:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2011-04-01 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-01 21:20,12,BKN,M +2011-04-01 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-01 23:20,12,BKN,M +2011-04-02 00:20,12,SCT,M +2011-04-02 01:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2011-04-02 02:20,12,BKN,M +2011-04-02 03:20,10,NSC,BR MIFG +2011-04-02 04:20,10,NSC,BR MIFG +2011-04-02 05:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-04-02 06:20,10,BKN,FG +2011-04-02 07:20,12,SCT,BR +2011-04-02 08:20,13,NSC,M +2011-04-02 09:20,16,M,M +2011-04-02 10:20,18,M,M +2011-04-02 11:20,20,M,M +2011-04-02 12:20,20,M,M +2011-04-02 13:20,21,M,M +2011-04-02 14:20,22,M,M +2011-04-02 15:20,22,M,M +2011-04-02 16:20,22,M,M +2011-04-02 17:20,20,M,M +2011-04-02 18:20,19,M,M +2011-04-02 19:20,18,M,M +2011-04-02 20:20,17,M,M +2011-04-02 21:20,17,M,M +2011-04-02 22:20,16,M,M +2011-04-02 23:20,15,M,M +2011-04-03 00:20,14,M,M +2011-04-03 01:20,13,M,M +2011-04-03 02:20,12,M,M +2011-04-03 03:20,12,M,M +2011-04-03 04:20,10,M,M +2011-04-03 05:20,11,M,M +2011-04-03 06:20,12,NSC,M +2011-04-03 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-04-03 08:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-04-03 09:20,12,FEW,BR +2011-04-03 10:20,13,BKN,M +2011-04-03 11:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-03 12:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-03 13:20,14,SCT,M +2011-04-03 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-03 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-03 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-03 17:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-03 18:20,11,FEW,RA +2011-04-03 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-04-03 20:20,9,FEW,-RA BCFG +2011-04-03 21:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-03 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-03 23:20,8,M,M +2011-04-04 00:20,8,M,M +2011-04-04 01:20,7,M,M +2011-04-04 02:20,7,M,M +2011-04-04 03:20,7,M,M +2011-04-04 04:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-04 05:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2011-04-04 06:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-04 07:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-04 08:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-04 09:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-04 10:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-04 11:20,13,SCT,M +2011-04-04 12:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2011-04-04 13:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2011-04-04 14:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-04 15:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-04 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-04 17:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-04 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-04 19:20,8,M,M +2011-04-04 20:20,6,M,M +2011-04-04 21:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-04 22:20,5,M,M +2011-04-04 23:20,5,M,M +2011-04-05 00:20,6,M,M +2011-04-05 01:20,5,M,M +2011-04-05 02:20,7,M,M +2011-04-05 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-05 04:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-05 05:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-05 06:20,8,SCT,M +2011-04-05 07:20,9,SCT,M +2011-04-05 08:20,10,BKN,M +2011-04-05 09:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-05 10:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-05 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-05 12:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-05 13:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2011-04-05 14:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2011-04-05 15:20,11,BKN,M +2011-04-05 16:20,11,BKN,M +2011-04-05 17:20,11,BKN,M +2011-04-05 18:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-05 19:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-05 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-05 21:20,11,OVC,M +2011-04-05 22:20,11,OVC,M +2011-04-05 23:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-06 00:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-06 01:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-06 02:20,10,OVC,M +2011-04-06 03:20,10,OVC,M +2011-04-06 04:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-06 05:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2011-04-06 06:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-06 07:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2011-04-06 08:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-06 09:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2011-04-06 10:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-06 11:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-06 12:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-06 13:20,14,SCT,M +2011-04-06 14:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-06 15:20,13,BKN,DZ +2011-04-06 16:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-04-06 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-06 18:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-06 19:20,14,BKN,M +2011-04-06 20:20,15,SCT,M +2011-04-06 21:20,14,M,M +2011-04-06 22:20,15,M,M +2011-04-06 23:20,15,M,M +2011-04-07 00:20,15,M,M +2011-04-07 01:20,15,M,M +2011-04-07 02:20,14,M,M +2011-04-07 03:20,15,M,M +2011-04-07 04:20,14,M,M +2011-04-07 05:20,13,M,M +2011-04-07 06:20,13,M,M +2011-04-07 07:20,13,M,M +2011-04-07 08:20,13,M,M +2011-04-07 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-04-07 10:20,10,BKN,M +2011-04-07 11:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-07 12:20,12,SCT,M +2011-04-07 13:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-07 14:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-07 15:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-07 16:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-07 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-07 18:20,8,FEW,M +2011-04-07 19:20,7,SCT,M +2011-04-07 20:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-07 21:20,6,SCT,M +2011-04-07 22:20,6,FEW,M +2011-04-07 23:20,6,FEW,M +2011-04-08 00:20,6,M,M +2011-04-08 01:20,7,M,M +2011-04-08 02:20,7,M,M +2011-04-08 03:20,7,M,M +2011-04-08 04:20,6,BKN,M +2011-04-08 05:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-08 06:20,8,BKN,M +2011-04-08 07:20,9,SCT,M +2011-04-08 08:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-08 09:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-08 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-08 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-08 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-08 13:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-08 14:20,10,BKN,M +2011-04-08 15:20,10,BKN,M +2011-04-08 16:20,10,BKN,M +2011-04-08 17:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-08 18:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-08 19:20,8,FEW,M +2011-04-08 20:20,8,FEW,M +2011-04-08 21:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-08 22:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-08 23:20,7,M,M +2011-04-09 00:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-09 01:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-09 02:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-09 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-09 04:20,6,SCT,M +2011-04-09 05:20,6,SCT,M +2011-04-09 06:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-09 07:20,8,FEW,M +2011-04-09 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-09 09:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-09 10:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-09 11:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-09 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-09 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-09 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-09 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-09 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-09 17:20,11,M,M +2011-04-09 18:20,8,M,M +2011-04-09 19:20,7,M,M +2011-04-09 20:20,6,M,M +2011-04-09 21:20,5,M,M +2011-04-09 22:20,5,M,M +2011-04-09 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2011-04-10 00:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-10 01:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2011-04-10 02:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-10 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-10 04:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-04-10 05:20,0,BKN,FG +2011-04-10 06:20,3,VV ,FG +2011-04-10 07:20,4,SCT,BR +2011-04-10 08:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-10 09:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-10 10:20,12,M,M +2011-04-10 11:20,14,M,M +2011-04-10 12:20,16,M,M +2011-04-10 13:20,17,M,M +2011-04-10 14:20,18,M,M +2011-04-10 15:20,18,M,M +2011-04-10 16:20,17,M,M +2011-04-10 17:20,16,M,M +2011-04-10 18:20,14,M,M +2011-04-10 19:20,11,M,M +2011-04-10 20:20,9,M,M +2011-04-10 21:20,8,M,M +2011-04-10 22:20,7,M,M +2011-04-10 23:20,7,M,M +2011-04-11 00:20,6,M,M +2011-04-11 01:20,5,M,M +2011-04-11 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-11 03:20,5,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2011-04-11 04:20,5,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2011-04-11 05:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-11 06:20,7,M,M +2011-04-11 07:20,12,M,M +2011-04-11 08:20,15,M,M +2011-04-11 09:20,16,M,M +2011-04-11 10:20,17,M,M +2011-04-11 11:20,19,M,M +2011-04-11 12:20,19,M,M +2011-04-11 13:20,20,M,M +2011-04-11 14:20,20,M,M +2011-04-11 15:20,20,M,M +2011-04-11 16:20,19,M,M +2011-04-11 17:20,17,M,M +2011-04-11 18:20,14,M,M +2011-04-11 19:20,13,M,M +2011-04-11 20:20,11,M,M +2011-04-11 21:20,9,M,M +2011-04-11 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-11 23:20,9,M,M +2011-04-12 00:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-12 01:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-12 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-04-12 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-04-12 04:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-04-12 05:20,8,SCT,-RA +2011-04-12 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-04-12 07:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-12 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2011-04-12 09:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-12 10:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-12 11:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-12 12:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-12 13:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-12 14:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-12 15:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-12 16:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2011-04-12 17:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-12 18:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2011-04-12 19:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-12 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-12 21:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-12 22:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2011-04-12 23:20,7,SCT,M +2011-04-13 00:20,7,SCT,M +2011-04-13 01:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-13 02:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-13 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-13 04:20,7,SCT,M +2011-04-13 05:20,7,SCT,M +2011-04-13 06:20,7,BKN,M +2011-04-13 07:20,8,SCT,M +2011-04-13 08:20,8,SCT,M +2011-04-13 09:20,9,BKN,M +2011-04-13 10:20,10,SCT,M +2011-04-13 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-13 12:20,11,BKN,M +2011-04-13 13:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-13 14:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-13 15:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-13 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-13 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-13 18:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-13 19:20,6,M,M +2011-04-13 20:20,6,M,M +2011-04-13 21:20,5,M,M +2011-04-13 22:20,5,M,M +2011-04-13 23:20,4,M,M +2011-04-14 00:20,3,M,M +2011-04-14 01:20,2,M,M +2011-04-14 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-14 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-14 04:20,0,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-04-14 05:20,0,FEW,BCFG +2011-04-14 06:20,4,FEW,M +2011-04-14 07:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-14 08:20,8,FEW,M +2011-04-14 09:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-14 10:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-14 11:20,11,SCT,M +2011-04-14 12:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-14 13:20,12,SCT,M +2011-04-14 14:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-14 15:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-14 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-14 17:20,11,FEW,M +2011-04-14 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-14 19:20,8,SCT,M +2011-04-14 20:20,8,SCT,M +2011-04-14 21:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-14 22:20,5,M,M +2011-04-14 23:20,4,M,M +2011-04-15 00:20,3,M,M +2011-04-15 01:20,2,M,M +2011-04-15 02:20,2,M,M +2011-04-15 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-15 04:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2011-04-15 05:20,1,M,M +2011-04-15 06:20,5,M,M +2011-04-15 07:20,10,M,M +2011-04-15 08:20,11,M,M +2011-04-15 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-15 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-15 11:20,14,M,M +2011-04-15 12:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-15 13:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-15 14:20,14,M,M +2011-04-15 15:20,14,M,M +2011-04-15 16:20,14,M,M +2011-04-15 17:20,14,M,M +2011-04-15 18:20,12,M,M +2011-04-15 19:20,9,M,M +2011-04-15 20:20,7,M,M +2011-04-15 21:20,6,M,M +2011-04-15 22:20,5,M,M +2011-04-15 23:20,4,M,M +2011-04-16 00:20,3,M,M +2011-04-16 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-16 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-16 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-16 04:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-16 05:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-16 06:20,6,SCT,M +2011-04-16 07:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-16 08:20,12,FEW,M +2011-04-16 09:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-16 10:20,15,FEW,M +2011-04-16 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-16 12:20,15,FEW,M +2011-04-16 13:20,15,M,M +2011-04-16 14:20,16,M,M +2011-04-16 15:20,16,M,M +2011-04-16 16:20,16,M,M +2011-04-16 17:20,15,M,M +2011-04-16 18:20,13,M,M +2011-04-16 19:20,12,M,M +2011-04-16 20:20,11,M,M +2011-04-16 21:20,10,M,M +2011-04-16 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-16 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-17 00:20,9,M,M +2011-04-17 01:20,10,M,M +2011-04-17 02:20,10,M,M +2011-04-17 03:20,10,M,M +2011-04-17 04:20,10,FEW,M +2011-04-17 05:20,9,FEW,M +2011-04-17 06:20,10,SCT,BR +2011-04-17 07:20,11,FEW,BR +2011-04-17 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-17 09:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-17 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-04-17 11:20,15,SCT,M +2011-04-17 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-17 13:20,15,SCT,M +2011-04-17 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-17 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-17 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-04-17 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-04-17 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-17 19:20,11,M,M +2011-04-17 20:20,10,M,M +2011-04-17 21:20,8,M,M +2011-04-17 22:20,7,M,M +2011-04-17 23:20,5,M,M +2011-04-18 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-18 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-18 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-04-18 03:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-04-18 04:20,3,SCT,FG +2011-04-18 05:20,3,FEW,BCFG BR +2011-04-18 06:20,7,FEW,M +2011-04-18 07:20,11,M,M +2011-04-18 08:20,12,M,M +2011-04-18 09:20,14,M,M +2011-04-18 10:20,15,FEW,M +2011-04-18 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-18 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-04-18 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-04-18 14:20,18,M,M +2011-04-18 15:20,19,M,M +2011-04-18 16:20,18,M,M +2011-04-18 17:20,17,M,M +2011-04-18 18:20,16,M,M +2011-04-18 19:20,14,M,M +2011-04-18 20:20,12,M,M +2011-04-18 21:20,10,M,M +2011-04-18 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-18 23:20,8,M,M +2011-04-19 00:20,8,M,M +2011-04-19 01:20,7,M,M +2011-04-19 02:20,7,M,M +2011-04-19 03:20,7,M,M +2011-04-19 04:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2011-04-19 05:20,8,M,M +2011-04-19 06:20,11,M,M +2011-04-19 07:20,14,M,M +2011-04-19 08:20,17,M,M +2011-04-19 09:20,18,M,M +2011-04-19 10:20,19,M,M +2011-04-19 11:20,20,M,M +2011-04-19 12:20,20,M,M +2011-04-19 13:20,20,M,M +2011-04-19 14:20,21,M,M +2011-04-19 15:20,21,M,M +2011-04-19 16:20,20,M,M +2011-04-19 17:20,20,M,M +2011-04-19 18:20,18,M,M +2011-04-19 19:20,17,M,M +2011-04-19 20:20,14,M,M +2011-04-19 21:20,13,M,M +2011-04-19 22:20,12,M,M +2011-04-19 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-20 00:20,9,M,M +2011-04-20 01:20,9,M,M +2011-04-20 02:20,8,M,M +2011-04-20 03:20,9,M,M +2011-04-20 04:20,8,M,M +2011-04-20 05:20,10,M,M +2011-04-20 06:20,12,M,M +2011-04-20 07:20,15,M,M +2011-04-20 08:20,17,M,M +2011-04-20 09:20,19,M,M +2011-04-20 10:20,20,M,M +2011-04-20 11:20,21,M,M +2011-04-20 12:20,21,M,M +2011-04-20 13:20,22,M,M +2011-04-20 14:20,22,M,M +2011-04-20 15:20,22,M,M +2011-04-20 16:20,21,M,M +2011-04-20 17:20,20,M,M +2011-04-20 18:20,18,M,M +2011-04-20 19:20,17,M,M +2011-04-20 20:20,15,M,M +2011-04-20 21:20,14,M,M +2011-04-20 22:20,13,M,M +2011-04-20 23:20,12,M,M +2011-04-21 00:20,12,M,M +2011-04-21 01:20,10,M,M +2011-04-21 02:20,9,M,M +2011-04-21 03:20,9,M,M +2011-04-21 04:20,8,M,M +2011-04-21 05:20,10,M,M +2011-04-21 06:20,13,M,M +2011-04-21 07:20,17,M,M +2011-04-21 08:20,19,M,M +2011-04-21 09:20,21,M,M +2011-04-21 10:20,21,M,M +2011-04-21 11:20,22,M,M +2011-04-21 12:20,22,M,M +2011-04-21 13:20,23,M,M +2011-04-21 14:20,23,M,M +2011-04-21 15:20,22,M,M +2011-04-21 16:20,21,M,M +2011-04-21 17:20,19,M,M +2011-04-21 18:20,17,M,M +2011-04-21 19:20,15,M,M +2011-04-21 20:20,13,M,M +2011-04-21 21:20,12,M,M +2011-04-21 22:20,11,M,M +2011-04-21 23:20,11,M,M +2011-04-22 00:20,10,M,M +2011-04-22 01:20,9,M,M +2011-04-22 02:20,9,M,M +2011-04-22 03:20,8,M,M +2011-04-22 04:20,8,M,M +2011-04-22 05:20,9,M,M +2011-04-22 06:20,12,M,M +2011-04-22 07:20,15,M,M +2011-04-22 08:20,18,M,M +2011-04-22 09:20,20,M,M +2011-04-22 10:20,21,M,M +2011-04-22 11:20,22,M,M +2011-04-22 12:20,23,M,M +2011-04-22 13:20,23,M,M +2011-04-22 14:20,23,M,M +2011-04-22 15:20,23,M,M +2011-04-22 16:20,21,M,M +2011-04-22 17:20,19,M,M +2011-04-22 18:20,17,M,M +2011-04-22 19:20,15,M,M +2011-04-22 20:20,14,M,M +2011-04-22 21:20,13,M,M +2011-04-22 22:20,12,M,M +2011-04-22 23:20,12,M,M +2011-04-23 00:20,11,M,M +2011-04-23 01:20,11,M,M +2011-04-23 02:20,11,M,M +2011-04-23 03:20,13,M,M +2011-04-23 04:20,14,M,M +2011-04-23 05:20,15,M,M +2011-04-23 06:20,16,M,M +2011-04-23 07:20,18,M,M +2011-04-23 08:20,19,M,M +2011-04-23 09:20,20,M,M +2011-04-23 10:20,21,M,M +2011-04-23 11:20,22,M,M +2011-04-23 12:20,23,M,M +2011-04-23 13:20,23,M,M +2011-04-23 14:20,23,M,M +2011-04-23 15:20,23,M,M +2011-04-23 16:20,20,M,M +2011-04-23 17:20,19,M,M +2011-04-23 18:20,16,M,M +2011-04-23 19:20,14,NSC,M +2011-04-23 20:20,13,M,M +2011-04-23 21:20,13,M,M +2011-04-23 22:20,12,M,M +2011-04-23 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-24 00:20,9,M,M +2011-04-24 01:20,9,M,M +2011-04-24 02:20,9,M,M +2011-04-24 03:20,8,M,M +2011-04-24 04:20,8,M,M +2011-04-24 05:20,9,M,M +2011-04-24 06:20,13,M,M +2011-04-24 07:20,15,M,M +2011-04-24 08:20,17,M,M +2011-04-24 09:20,19,M,M +2011-04-24 10:20,20,M,M +2011-04-24 11:20,21,M,M +2011-04-24 12:20,21,M,M +2011-04-24 13:20,22,M,M +2011-04-24 14:20,22,M,M +2011-04-24 15:20,21,M,M +2011-04-24 16:20,20,M,M +2011-04-24 17:20,19,M,M +2011-04-24 18:20,17,M,M +2011-04-24 19:20,14,M,M +2011-04-24 20:20,13,M,M +2011-04-24 21:20,12,M,M +2011-04-24 22:20,11,M,M +2011-04-24 23:20,9,M,M +2011-04-25 00:20,8,M,M +2011-04-25 01:20,8,M,M +2011-04-25 02:20,6,M,M +2011-04-25 03:20,6,M,M +2011-04-25 04:20,6,M,M +2011-04-25 05:20,8,M,M +2011-04-25 06:20,10,M,M +2011-04-25 07:20,13,M,M +2011-04-25 08:20,15,M,M +2011-04-25 09:20,17,M,M +2011-04-25 10:20,19,M,M +2011-04-25 11:20,20,M,M +2011-04-25 12:20,20,M,M +2011-04-25 13:20,21,M,M +2011-04-25 14:20,20,M,M +2011-04-25 15:20,19,M,M +2011-04-25 16:20,19,M,M +2011-04-25 17:20,17,M,M +2011-04-25 18:20,16,M,M +2011-04-25 19:20,14,M,M +2011-04-25 20:20,13,M,M +2011-04-25 21:20,11,M,M +2011-04-25 22:20,11,M,M +2011-04-25 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-26 00:20,8,M,M +2011-04-26 01:20,6,M,M +2011-04-26 02:20,6,M,M +2011-04-26 03:20,5,M,M +2011-04-26 04:20,6,M,M +2011-04-26 05:20,8,M,M +2011-04-26 06:20,12,M,M +2011-04-26 07:20,15,M,M +2011-04-26 08:20,17,M,M +2011-04-26 09:20,19,M,M +2011-04-26 10:20,20,M,M +2011-04-26 11:20,21,M,M +2011-04-26 12:20,22,M,M +2011-04-26 13:20,21,M,M +2011-04-26 14:20,21,M,M +2011-04-26 15:20,21,M,M +2011-04-26 16:20,20,M,M +2011-04-26 17:20,19,M,M +2011-04-26 18:20,17,M,M +2011-04-26 19:20,16,M,M +2011-04-26 20:20,14,M,M +2011-04-26 21:20,13,M,M +2011-04-26 22:20,10,M,M +2011-04-26 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-27 00:20,10,M,M +2011-04-27 01:20,11,M,M +2011-04-27 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-04-27 03:20,11,M,M +2011-04-27 04:20,12,M,M +2011-04-27 05:20,12,M,M +2011-04-27 06:20,14,M,M +2011-04-27 07:20,16,M,M +2011-04-27 08:20,17,M,M +2011-04-27 09:20,18,M,M +2011-04-27 10:20,18,M,M +2011-04-27 11:20,19,M,M +2011-04-27 12:20,20,M,M +2011-04-27 13:20,19,M,M +2011-04-27 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-04-27 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-04-27 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-04-27 17:20,15,M,M +2011-04-27 18:20,14,M,M +2011-04-27 19:20,12,M,M +2011-04-27 20:20,11,M,M +2011-04-27 21:20,10,M,M +2011-04-27 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-27 23:20,9,M,M +2011-04-28 00:20,9,M,M +2011-04-28 01:20,8,M,M +2011-04-28 02:20,8,M,M +2011-04-28 03:20,8,M,M +2011-04-28 04:20,7,NSC,M +2011-04-28 05:20,8,NSC,M +2011-04-28 06:20,10,M,M +2011-04-28 07:20,11,M,M +2011-04-28 08:20,12,M,M +2011-04-28 09:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-04-28 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-04-28 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-04-28 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-04-28 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-04-28 14:20,17,M,M +2011-04-28 15:20,17,M,M +2011-04-28 16:20,15,M,M +2011-04-28 17:20,13,M,M +2011-04-28 18:20,12,M,M +2011-04-28 19:20,11,M,M +2011-04-28 20:20,11,M,M +2011-04-28 21:20,11,M,M +2011-04-28 22:20,11,M,M +2011-04-28 23:20,10,M,M +2011-04-29 00:20,10,M,M +2011-04-29 01:20,10,M,M +2011-04-29 02:20,9,M,M +2011-04-29 03:20,9,M,M +2011-04-29 04:20,8,M,M +2011-04-29 05:20,9,M,M +2011-04-29 06:20,11,M,M +2011-04-29 07:20,13,M,M +2011-04-29 08:20,15,M,M +2011-04-29 09:20,15,M,M +2011-04-29 10:20,15,M,M +2011-04-29 11:20,16,M,M +2011-04-29 12:20,17,M,M +2011-04-29 13:20,17,M,M +2011-04-29 14:20,17,M,M +2011-04-29 15:20,16,M,M +2011-04-29 16:20,15,M,M +2011-04-29 17:20,14,M,M +2011-04-29 18:20,12,M,M +2011-04-29 19:20,11,M,M +2011-04-29 20:20,11,M,M +2011-04-29 21:20,10,M,M +2011-04-29 22:20,9,M,M +2011-04-29 23:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 00:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 01:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 02:20,7,M,M +2011-04-30 03:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 04:20,7,M,M +2011-04-30 05:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 06:20,10,M,M +2011-04-30 07:20,12,M,M +2011-04-30 08:20,14,M,M +2011-04-30 09:20,14,M,M +2011-04-30 10:20,16,M,M +2011-04-30 11:20,15,M,M +2011-04-30 12:20,15,M,M +2011-04-30 13:20,16,M,M +2011-04-30 14:20,15,M,M +2011-04-30 15:20,15,M,M +2011-04-30 16:20,14,M,M +2011-04-30 17:20,13,M,M +2011-04-30 18:20,11,M,M +2011-04-30 19:20,10,M,M +2011-04-30 20:20,8,M,M +2011-04-30 21:20,7,M,M +2011-05-01 00:20,5,M,// /// +2011-05-01 01:20,5,M,M +2011-05-01 02:20,5,M,M +2011-05-01 03:20,5,M,M +2011-05-01 04:20,5,M,M +2011-05-01 05:20,7,M,M +2011-05-01 06:20,9,M,M +2011-05-01 07:20,11,M,M +2011-05-01 08:20,12,M,M +2011-05-01 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-01 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-01 11:20,14,M,M +2011-05-01 12:20,14,M,M +2011-05-01 13:20,14,M,M +2011-05-01 14:20,13,M,M +2011-05-01 15:20,13,M,M +2011-05-01 16:20,12,M,M +2011-05-01 17:20,11,M,M +2011-05-01 18:20,10,M,M +2011-05-01 19:20,8,M,M +2011-05-01 20:20,7,M,M +2011-05-01 21:20,6,M,M +2011-05-01 22:20,5,M,M +2011-05-01 23:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 00:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 01:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 02:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 03:20,3,M,M +2011-05-02 04:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 05:20,5,FEW,M +2011-05-02 06:20,6,SCT,M +2011-05-02 07:20,8,SCT,M +2011-05-02 08:20,7,BKN,M +2011-05-02 09:20,9,BKN,M +2011-05-02 10:20,10,BKN,M +2011-05-02 11:20,10,BKN,M +2011-05-02 12:20,10,BKN,M +2011-05-02 13:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-02 14:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-02 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-02 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-02 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-02 18:20,7,M,M +2011-05-02 19:20,6,M,M +2011-05-02 20:20,5,M,M +2011-05-02 21:20,4,M,M +2011-05-02 22:20,3,M,M +2011-05-02 23:20,1,M,M +2011-05-03 00:20,0,M,M +2011-05-03 01:20,0,M,M +2011-05-03 02:20,-1,M,M +2011-05-03 03:20,-1,M,M +2011-05-03 04:20,-1,M,M +2011-05-03 05:20,2,M,M +2011-05-03 06:20,6,M,M +2011-05-03 07:20,8,M,M +2011-05-03 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-03 09:20,9,SCT,M +2011-05-03 10:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-03 11:20,11,SCT,M +2011-05-03 12:20,11,M,M +2011-05-03 13:20,12,M,M +2011-05-03 14:20,10,M,M +2011-05-03 15:20,11,M,M +2011-05-03 16:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-03 17:20,10,M,M +2011-05-03 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-03 19:20,8,M,M +2011-05-03 20:20,7,FEW,M +2011-05-03 21:20,7,FEW,M +2011-05-03 22:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2011-05-03 23:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-04 00:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-04 01:20,5,FEW,M +2011-05-04 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-05-04 03:20,5,FEW,M +2011-05-04 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-05-04 05:20,5,FEW,M +2011-05-04 06:20,6,FEW,M +2011-05-04 07:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-04 08:20,9,SCT,M +2011-05-04 09:20,8,SCT,M +2011-05-04 10:20,9,SCT,M +2011-05-04 11:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-04 12:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2011-05-04 13:20,11,SCT,M +2011-05-04 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-04 15:20,12,M,M +2011-05-04 16:20,11,M,M +2011-05-04 17:20,10,M,M +2011-05-04 18:20,9,M,M +2011-05-04 19:20,8,M,M +2011-05-04 20:20,5,M,M +2011-05-04 21:20,3,M,M +2011-05-04 22:20,2,M,M +2011-05-04 23:20,1,M,M +2011-05-05 00:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-05 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-05 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-05 03:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-05 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-05 05:20,2,M,M +2011-05-05 06:20,6,M,M +2011-05-05 07:20,10,M,M +2011-05-05 08:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-05 09:20,12,M,M +2011-05-05 10:20,13,M,M +2011-05-05 11:20,14,M,M +2011-05-05 12:20,15,M,M +2011-05-05 13:20,16,M,M +2011-05-05 14:20,16,M,M +2011-05-05 15:20,16,M,M +2011-05-05 16:20,16,M,M +2011-05-05 17:20,15,M,M +2011-05-05 18:20,14,M,M +2011-05-05 19:20,11,M,M +2011-05-05 20:20,8,M,M +2011-05-05 21:20,8,M,M +2011-05-05 22:20,6,M,M +2011-05-05 23:20,6,M,M +2011-05-06 00:20,6,M,M +2011-05-06 01:20,6,M,M +2011-05-06 02:20,6,M,M +2011-05-06 03:20,6,M,M +2011-05-06 04:20,7,M,M +2011-05-06 05:20,9,M,M +2011-05-06 06:20,11,M,M +2011-05-06 07:20,13,M,M +2011-05-06 08:20,15,M,M +2011-05-06 09:20,17,M,M +2011-05-06 10:20,19,M,M +2011-05-06 11:20,20,M,M +2011-05-06 12:20,21,M,M +2011-05-06 13:20,22,M,M +2011-05-06 14:20,22,M,M +2011-05-06 15:20,22,M,M +2011-05-06 16:20,21,M,M +2011-05-06 17:20,21,M,M +2011-05-06 18:20,20,M,M +2011-05-06 19:20,18,M,M +2011-05-06 20:20,16,M,M +2011-05-06 21:20,15,M,M +2011-05-06 22:20,14,M,M +2011-05-06 23:20,13,M,M +2011-05-07 00:20,12,M,M +2011-05-07 01:20,12,M,M +2011-05-07 02:20,11,M,M +2011-05-07 03:20,11,M,M +2011-05-07 04:20,11,M,M +2011-05-07 05:20,12,M,M +2011-05-07 06:20,14,M,M +2011-05-07 07:20,17,M,M +2011-05-07 08:20,19,M,M +2011-05-07 09:20,21,M,M +2011-05-07 10:20,22,M,M +2011-05-07 11:20,24,M,M +2011-05-07 12:20,24,M,M +2011-05-07 13:20,25,M,M +2011-05-07 14:20,25,M,M +2011-05-07 15:20,25,M,M +2011-05-07 16:20,24,M,M +2011-05-07 17:20,23,M,M +2011-05-07 18:20,22,M,M +2011-05-07 19:20,20,M,M +2011-05-07 20:20,19,M,M +2011-05-07 21:20,17,M,M +2011-05-07 22:20,16,M,M +2011-05-07 23:20,14,M,M +2011-05-08 00:20,13,M,M +2011-05-08 01:20,12,M,M +2011-05-08 02:20,12,M,M +2011-05-08 03:20,11,M,M +2011-05-08 04:20,11,M,M +2011-05-08 05:20,12,M,M +2011-05-08 06:20,13,M,M +2011-05-08 07:20,15,M,M +2011-05-08 08:20,18,M,M +2011-05-08 09:20,20,M,M +2011-05-08 10:20,21,M,M +2011-05-08 11:20,22,M,M +2011-05-08 12:20,23,M,M +2011-05-08 13:20,24,M,M +2011-05-08 14:20,24,M,M +2011-05-08 15:20,24,M,M +2011-05-08 16:20,24,M,M +2011-05-08 17:20,23,M,M +2011-05-08 18:20,21,M,M +2011-05-08 19:20,20,M,M +2011-05-08 20:20,15,M,M +2011-05-08 21:20,16,M,M +2011-05-08 22:20,17,M,M +2011-05-08 23:20,16,M,M +2011-05-09 00:20,16,M,M +2011-05-09 01:20,15,M,M +2011-05-09 02:20,14,M,M +2011-05-09 03:20,13,M,M +2011-05-09 04:20,13,M,M +2011-05-09 05:20,14,M,M +2011-05-09 06:20,16,M,M +2011-05-09 07:20,17,M,M +2011-05-09 08:20,20,M,M +2011-05-09 09:20,21,M,M +2011-05-09 10:20,23,M,M +2011-05-09 11:20,25,M,M +2011-05-09 12:20,26,M,M +2011-05-09 13:20,26,M,M +2011-05-09 14:20,26,M,M +2011-05-09 15:20,26,M,M +2011-05-09 16:20,25,M,M +2011-05-09 17:20,24,M,M +2011-05-09 18:20,23,M,M +2011-05-09 19:20,21,M,M +2011-05-09 20:20,20,M,M +2011-05-09 21:20,18,M,M +2011-05-09 22:20,17,M,M +2011-05-09 23:20,16,M,M +2011-05-10 00:20,15,M,M +2011-05-10 01:20,14,M,M +2011-05-10 02:20,13,M,M +2011-05-10 03:20,11,M,M +2011-05-10 04:20,12,M,M +2011-05-10 05:20,14,M,M +2011-05-10 06:20,16,M,M +2011-05-10 07:20,18,M,M +2011-05-10 08:20,20,M,M +2011-05-10 09:20,22,M,M +2011-05-10 10:20,24,M,M +2011-05-10 11:20,25,M,M +2011-05-10 12:20,25,M,M +2011-05-10 13:20,25,M,M +2011-05-10 14:20,25,M,M +2011-05-10 15:20,25,M,M +2011-05-10 16:20,24,M,M +2011-05-10 17:20,24,FEW,M +2011-05-10 18:20,22,FEW,M +2011-05-10 19:20,19,M,M +2011-05-10 20:20,17,M,M +2011-05-10 21:20,15,M,M +2011-05-10 22:20,14,M,M +2011-05-10 23:20,13,M,M +2011-05-11 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-05-11 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-11 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-11 05:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-11 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-11 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-11 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-11 09:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-11 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-11 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-05-11 12:20,20,SCT,M +2011-05-11 13:20,21,FEW,M +2011-05-11 14:20,21,FEW,M +2011-05-11 15:20,21,FEW,M +2011-05-11 16:20,20,FEW,M +2011-05-11 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-05-11 18:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-11 19:20,16,M,M +2011-05-11 20:20,14,M,M +2011-05-11 21:20,13,M,M +2011-05-11 22:20,12,M,M +2011-05-11 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-12 00:20,11,M,M +2011-05-12 01:20,10,M,M +2011-05-12 02:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-12 03:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2011-05-12 04:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2011-05-12 05:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-12 06:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-12 07:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-12 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-12 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-12 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-12 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-12 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-05-12 13:20,19,FEW,M +2011-05-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-05-12 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-12 16:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-12 17:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2011-05-12 18:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-12 19:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-12 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-12 21:20,11,SCT,M +2011-05-12 22:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-12 23:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-13 00:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-13 01:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-13 02:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-13 03:20,8,M,M +2011-05-13 04:20,8,M,M +2011-05-13 05:20,10,M,M +2011-05-13 06:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-13 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-13 08:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-13 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-05-13 10:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2011-05-13 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-13 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-13 13:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2011-05-13 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-13 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-13 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-13 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-13 18:20,14,M,M +2011-05-13 19:20,12,M,M +2011-05-13 20:20,9,M,M +2011-05-13 21:20,8,M,M +2011-05-13 22:20,7,M,M +2011-05-13 23:20,7,M,M +2011-05-14 00:20,8,M,M +2011-05-14 01:20,9,M,M +2011-05-14 02:20,9,M,M +2011-05-14 03:20,9,M,M +2011-05-14 04:20,10,M,M +2011-05-14 05:20,11,M,M +2011-05-14 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-14 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-14 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-14 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-14 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-14 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-14 12:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-14 13:20,11,FEW,SHRA +2011-05-14 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-14 15:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-14 16:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-14 17:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-14 18:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-14 19:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-14 20:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-14 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-14 22:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-14 23:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 00:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 01:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-15 02:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-15 03:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-15 04:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 05:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 06:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-15 07:20,11,BKN,M +2011-05-15 08:20,11,SCT,M +2011-05-15 09:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-15 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-15 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-15 12:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-15 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-15 14:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-15 15:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2011-05-15 16:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-15 17:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-15 18:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-15 19:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-15 20:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 21:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-15 22:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-15 23:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-16 00:20,8,M,M +2011-05-16 01:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-16 02:20,8,SCT,M +2011-05-16 03:20,9,SCT,-RA +2011-05-16 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2011-05-16 05:20,9,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 06:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 08:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-05-16 11:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-05-16 12:20,13,SCT,RADZ +2011-05-16 13:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-05-16 14:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-05-16 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-16 16:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-05-16 17:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2011-05-16 18:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2011-05-16 19:20,12,FEW,DZRA +2011-05-16 20:20,11,FEW,DZRA +2011-05-16 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-16 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-16 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-17 00:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2011-05-17 01:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-17 02:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-17 03:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-05-17 04:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-05-17 05:20,12,BKN,RA +2011-05-17 06:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-05-17 07:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-05-17 08:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-05-17 09:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-05-17 10:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-17 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-17 12:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2011-05-17 13:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-17 14:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-17 15:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-17 16:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-17 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-17 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-17 19:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-17 20:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-17 21:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-17 22:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-17 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-18 00:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-18 01:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-18 02:20,12,NSC,M +2011-05-18 03:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-18 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-18 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-18 06:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-18 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-18 08:20,16,M,M +2011-05-18 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-18 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-18 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-18 12:20,19,SCT,M +2011-05-18 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-18 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-05-18 15:20,19,FEW,M +2011-05-18 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-18 17:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-18 18:20,18,M,M +2011-05-18 19:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-18 20:20,16,BKN,M +2011-05-18 21:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-18 22:20,16,BKN,M +2011-05-18 23:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-19 00:20,15,M,M +2011-05-19 01:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 02:20,15,M,M +2011-05-19 03:20,13,M,M +2011-05-19 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-19 05:20,14,BKN,M +2011-05-19 06:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-19 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-19 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-19 11:20,14,BKN,M +2011-05-19 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-19 13:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-19 14:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-19 15:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-19 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-19 19:20,13,M,M +2011-05-19 20:20,12,M,M +2011-05-19 21:20,12,M,M +2011-05-19 22:20,12,NSC,-RA +2011-05-19 23:20,12,M,M +2011-05-20 00:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-20 01:20,11,BKN,M +2011-05-20 02:20,11,BKN,M +2011-05-20 03:20,11,BKN,M +2011-05-20 04:20,11,BKN,M +2011-05-20 05:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-20 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-05-20 07:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-20 08:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-20 09:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-20 10:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-05-20 11:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-20 12:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-20 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-20 14:20,18,BKN,M +2011-05-20 15:20,18,BKN,M +2011-05-20 16:20,19,SCT,M +2011-05-20 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-20 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-20 19:20,15,M,M +2011-05-20 20:20,13,M,M +2011-05-20 21:20,11,M,M +2011-05-20 22:20,10,M,M +2011-05-20 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-21 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-21 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-21 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-05-21 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2011-05-21 04:20,8,SCT,MIFG BR +2011-05-21 05:20,10,BKN,M +2011-05-21 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-21 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-21 08:20,18,BKN,M +2011-05-21 09:20,19,SCT,M +2011-05-21 10:20,20,BKN,M +2011-05-21 11:20,21,BKN,M +2011-05-21 12:20,21,SCT,M +2011-05-21 13:20,21,SCT,M +2011-05-21 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-05-21 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-05-21 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-05-21 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-05-21 18:20,21,SCT,M +2011-05-21 19:20,20,FEW,M +2011-05-21 20:20,19,M,M +2011-05-21 21:20,15,M,M +2011-05-21 22:20,17,M,M +2011-05-21 23:20,18,M,M +2011-05-22 00:20,17,M,M +2011-05-22 01:20,16,M,M +2011-05-22 02:20,15,M,M +2011-05-22 03:20,16,M,M +2011-05-22 04:20,16,M,M +2011-05-22 05:20,17,M,M +2011-05-22 06:20,18,M,M +2011-05-22 07:20,19,M,M +2011-05-22 08:20,21,M,M +2011-05-22 09:20,23,FEW,M +2011-05-22 10:20,24,SCT,M +2011-05-22 11:20,24,SCT,M +2011-05-22 12:20,21,NSC,-RA +2011-05-22 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-05-22 14:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-22 15:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2011-05-22 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-22 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-22 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-22 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-22 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-22 21:20,11,M,M +2011-05-22 22:20,12,M,M +2011-05-22 23:20,10,M,M +2011-05-23 00:20,10,M,M +2011-05-23 01:20,10,M,M +2011-05-23 02:20,10,M,M +2011-05-23 03:20,9,M,M +2011-05-23 04:20,10,M,M +2011-05-23 05:20,12,M,M +2011-05-23 06:20,13,M,M +2011-05-23 07:20,15,M,M +2011-05-23 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-23 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-23 10:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-23 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-05-23 12:20,20,SCT,M +2011-05-23 13:20,19,M,M +2011-05-23 14:20,20,M,M +2011-05-23 15:20,20,M,M +2011-05-23 16:20,20,M,M +2011-05-23 17:20,21,M,M +2011-05-23 18:20,19,M,M +2011-05-23 19:20,18,M,M +2011-05-23 20:20,18,M,M +2011-05-23 21:20,17,M,M +2011-05-23 22:20,16,M,M +2011-05-23 23:20,15,M,M +2011-05-24 00:20,15,M,M +2011-05-24 01:20,15,M,M +2011-05-24 02:20,15,M,M +2011-05-24 03:20,15,M,M +2011-05-24 04:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-24 05:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-24 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-05-24 07:20,11,SCT,M +2011-05-24 08:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-24 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-24 10:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-24 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-24 12:20,12,SCT,SHRA +2011-05-24 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-24 14:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-24 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-24 16:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-24 17:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-24 18:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-24 19:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-24 20:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-24 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-24 22:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-24 23:20,9,M,M +2011-05-25 00:20,10,M,M +2011-05-25 01:20,9,M,M +2011-05-25 02:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-25 03:20,8,M,M +2011-05-25 04:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-25 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-25 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-25 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-25 08:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-25 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-05-25 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-05-25 11:20,16,SCT,M +2011-05-25 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-05-25 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-25 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-25 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-25 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-25 17:20,16,M,M +2011-05-25 18:20,15,M,M +2011-05-25 19:20,13,M,M +2011-05-25 20:20,12,M,M +2011-05-25 21:20,11,M,M +2011-05-25 22:20,12,M,M +2011-05-25 23:20,11,M,M +2011-05-26 00:20,11,M,M +2011-05-26 01:20,10,M,M +2011-05-26 02:20,10,M,M +2011-05-26 03:20,9,M,M +2011-05-26 04:20,11,M,M +2011-05-26 05:20,13,M,M +2011-05-26 06:20,15,M,M +2011-05-26 07:20,18,M,M +2011-05-26 08:20,19,M,M +2011-05-26 09:20,21,M,M +2011-05-26 10:20,22,M,M +2011-05-26 11:20,24,FEW,M +2011-05-26 12:20,25,FEW,M +2011-05-26 13:20,25,FEW,M +2011-05-26 14:20,25,FEW,M +2011-05-26 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-26 16:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-26 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-26 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-26 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-26 20:20,15,M,M +2011-05-26 21:20,13,M,M +2011-05-26 22:20,13,M,M +2011-05-26 23:20,14,M,M +2011-05-27 00:20,14,M,M +2011-05-27 01:20,14,M,M +2011-05-27 02:20,14,BKN,M +2011-05-27 03:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-27 04:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-05-27 05:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-27 06:20,14,BKN,M +2011-05-27 07:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2011-05-27 08:20,14,BKN,M +2011-05-27 09:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-27 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-27 11:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-27 12:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2011-05-27 13:20,13,SCT,M +2011-05-27 14:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2011-05-27 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-27 16:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-27 17:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-27 18:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-27 19:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-27 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-27 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-27 22:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-27 23:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-28 00:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-28 01:20,10,SCT,M +2011-05-28 02:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-28 03:20,8,FEW,M +2011-05-28 04:20,9,FEW,M +2011-05-28 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-05-28 06:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-28 07:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-28 08:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-28 09:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-28 10:20,16,BKN,M +2011-05-28 11:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-28 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-28 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-28 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-28 15:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-28 16:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-05-28 17:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-05-28 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-05-28 19:20,12,BKN,RA +2011-05-28 20:20,12,BKN,RA +2011-05-28 21:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2011-05-28 22:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-28 23:20,12,SCT,M +2011-05-29 00:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-29 01:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-29 02:20,12,BKN,M +2011-05-29 03:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-05-29 04:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-05-29 05:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-05-29 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-29 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-29 08:20,13,BKN,M +2011-05-29 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-05-29 10:20,16,SCT,M +2011-05-29 11:20,15,SCT,-DZ +2011-05-29 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-05-29 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-29 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-05-29 15:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 16:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 17:20,18,BKN,M +2011-05-29 18:20,18,BKN,-RA +2011-05-29 19:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 20:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 21:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 22:20,17,BKN,M +2011-05-29 23:20,16,BKN,M +2011-05-30 00:20,15,M,M +2011-05-30 01:20,15,BKN,M +2011-05-30 02:20,14,SCT,M +2011-05-30 03:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2011-05-30 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-30 05:20,16,M,M +2011-05-30 06:20,18,M,M +2011-05-30 07:20,19,M,M +2011-05-30 08:20,21,M,M +2011-05-30 09:20,22,M,M +2011-05-30 10:20,25,FEW,M +2011-05-30 11:20,26,M,M +2011-05-30 12:20,26,M,M +2011-05-30 13:20,27,M,M +2011-05-30 14:20,27,M,M +2011-05-30 15:20,27,M,M +2011-05-30 16:20,28,M,M +2011-05-30 17:20,27,M,M +2011-05-30 18:20,27,M,M +2011-05-30 19:20,25,M,M +2011-05-30 20:20,21,M,M +2011-05-30 21:20,20,M,M +2011-05-31 00:20,20,M,M +2011-05-31 01:20,20,M,M +2011-05-31 02:20,19,M,M +2011-05-31 03:20,17,M,M +2011-05-31 04:20,19,M,M +2011-05-31 05:20,17,M,M +2011-05-31 06:20,18,M,M +2011-05-31 07:20,19,FEW,M +2011-05-31 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-05-31 09:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2011-05-31 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-05-31 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-05-31 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-05-31 13:20,15,FEW,RA +2011-05-31 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-05-31 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-05-31 16:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-05-31 17:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-05-31 18:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-05-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-05-31 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-05-31 21:20,11,M,M +2011-06-01 00:20,9,M,M +2011-06-01 01:20,8,M,M +2011-06-01 02:20,8,M,M +2011-06-01 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-01 04:20,9,M,M +2011-06-01 05:20,10,M,M +2011-06-01 06:20,11,FEW,M +2011-06-01 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-01 08:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-01 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-01 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-01 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-01 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-01 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-01 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-01 15:20,19,M,M +2011-06-01 16:20,18,M,M +2011-06-01 17:20,18,M,M +2011-06-01 18:20,17,M,M +2011-06-01 19:20,15,M,M +2011-06-01 20:20,13,M,M +2011-06-01 21:20,10,M,M +2011-06-01 22:20,9,M,M +2011-06-01 23:20,7,M,M +2011-06-02 00:20,6,M,M +2011-06-02 01:20,5,M,M +2011-06-02 02:20,5,M,M +2011-06-02 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-02 04:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-02 05:20,10,M,M +2011-06-02 06:20,13,M,M +2011-06-02 07:20,15,M,M +2011-06-02 08:20,17,M,M +2011-06-02 09:20,18,M,M +2011-06-02 10:20,19,M,M +2011-06-02 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-02 12:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-02 13:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-02 14:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-02 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-02 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-02 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-02 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-02 19:20,18,BKN,M +2011-06-02 20:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-02 21:20,16,M,M +2011-06-02 22:20,14,M,M +2011-06-02 23:20,13,M,M +2011-06-03 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-03 01:20,12,BKN,M +2011-06-03 02:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2011-06-03 03:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2011-06-03 04:20,13,M,M +2011-06-03 05:20,16,M,M +2011-06-03 06:20,17,M,M +2011-06-03 07:20,18,M,M +2011-06-03 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-03 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-03 10:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-03 11:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-03 12:20,24,FEW,M +2011-06-03 13:20,25,M,M +2011-06-03 14:20,25,M,M +2011-06-03 15:20,25,M,M +2011-06-03 16:20,24,M,M +2011-06-03 17:20,23,M,M +2011-06-03 18:20,22,M,M +2011-06-03 19:20,20,M,M +2011-06-03 20:20,18,M,M +2011-06-03 21:20,17,M,M +2011-06-03 22:20,16,M,M +2011-06-03 23:20,15,M,M +2011-06-04 00:20,14,M,M +2011-06-04 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-04 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-04 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2011-06-04 04:20,14,M,M +2011-06-04 05:20,17,M,M +2011-06-04 06:20,19,M,M +2011-06-04 07:20,20,M,M +2011-06-04 08:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-04 09:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-04 10:20,24,FEW,M +2011-06-04 11:20,24,M,M +2011-06-04 12:20,25,M,M +2011-06-04 13:20,25,M,M +2011-06-04 14:20,25,M,M +2011-06-04 15:20,25,M,M +2011-06-04 16:20,24,M,M +2011-06-04 17:20,23,M,M +2011-06-04 18:20,22,M,M +2011-06-04 19:20,19,M,M +2011-06-04 20:20,18,M,M +2011-06-04 21:20,16,M,M +2011-06-04 22:20,15,M,M +2011-06-04 23:20,14,M,M +2011-06-05 00:20,14,M,M +2011-06-05 01:20,14,M,M +2011-06-05 02:20,13,M,M +2011-06-05 03:20,13,M,M +2011-06-05 04:20,14,M,M +2011-06-05 05:20,16,M,M +2011-06-05 06:20,18,M,M +2011-06-05 07:20,21,M,M +2011-06-05 08:20,23,M,M +2011-06-05 09:20,24,M,M +2011-06-05 10:20,26,M,M +2011-06-05 11:20,26,M,M +2011-06-05 12:20,27,M,M +2011-06-05 13:20,28,M,M +2011-06-05 14:20,28,FEW,M +2011-06-05 15:20,27,FEW,M +2011-06-05 16:20,26,M,M +2011-06-05 17:20,26,M,M +2011-06-05 18:20,25,FEW,M +2011-06-05 19:20,24,FEW,M +2011-06-05 20:20,23,M,M +2011-06-05 21:20,23,M,M +2011-06-05 22:20,23,M,M +2011-06-05 23:20,22,M,M +2011-06-06 00:20,22,M,M +2011-06-06 01:20,21,M,M +2011-06-06 02:20,21,M,M +2011-06-06 03:20,20,M,M +2011-06-06 04:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-06 05:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-06 06:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-06 07:20,23,M,M +2011-06-06 08:20,24,FEW,M +2011-06-06 09:20,26,FEW,M +2011-06-06 10:20,26,SCT,M +2011-06-06 11:20,27,SCT,M +2011-06-06 12:20,29,FEW,M +2011-06-06 13:20,28,SCT,M +2011-06-06 14:20,27,FEW,M +2011-06-06 15:20,20,FEW,TSRA +2011-06-06 16:20,19,SCT,TSRA +2011-06-06 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-06 18:20,20,M,M +2011-06-06 19:20,19,SCT,BR +2011-06-06 20:20,18,SCT,BR MIFG +2011-06-06 21:20,18,BKN,BR +2011-06-06 22:20,17,BKN,BR +2011-06-06 23:20,17,BKN,BR +2011-06-07 00:20,17,BKN,-RA BR +2011-06-07 01:20,17,BKN,BR +2011-06-07 02:20,16,BKN,-RA BR +2011-06-07 03:20,16,OVC,-RA BR +2011-06-07 04:20,16,OVC,BR +2011-06-07 05:20,16,FEW,BR +2011-06-07 06:20,17,FEW,BR +2011-06-07 07:20,18,FEW,BR +2011-06-07 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-07 10:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-07 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-07 12:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-07 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-07 14:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-07 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-07 16:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-07 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-07 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-07 19:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-07 20:20,15,M,M +2011-06-07 21:20,14,M,M +2011-06-07 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-07 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-08 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-08 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-08 02:20,12,SCT,MIFG BR +2011-06-08 03:20,12,BKN,BR +2011-06-08 04:20,13,BKN,BR +2011-06-08 05:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-06-08 06:20,16,BKN,BR +2011-06-08 07:20,19,BKN,M +2011-06-08 08:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-08 09:20,21,SCT,-RA +2011-06-08 10:20,19,FEW,-RA +2011-06-08 11:20,18,FEW,RA +2011-06-08 12:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-06-08 13:20,18,BKN,RA +2011-06-08 14:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-06-08 15:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-06-08 16:20,15,SCT,RA +2011-06-08 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-08 18:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-06-08 19:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-06-08 20:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-06-08 21:20,13,SCT,M +2011-06-08 22:20,13,SCT,M +2011-06-08 23:20,12,M,M +2011-06-09 00:20,12,M,M +2011-06-09 01:20,11,M,// /// +2011-06-09 02:20,11,M,M +2011-06-09 03:20,10,M,M +2011-06-09 04:20,11,M,M +2011-06-09 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-09 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-09 07:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-09 08:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-09 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-09 10:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-09 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-09 12:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-09 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-09 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-09 15:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-09 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-09 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-09 19:20,15,M,M +2011-06-09 20:20,13,M,M +2011-06-09 21:20,12,M,M +2011-06-09 22:20,11,M,M +2011-06-09 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-10 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-10 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-10 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-06-10 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-06-10 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-10 05:20,13,M,M +2011-06-10 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-10 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-10 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-10 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-10 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-10 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-10 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-10 13:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-10 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-10 15:20,20,M,M +2011-06-10 16:20,20,M,M +2011-06-10 17:20,19,M,M +2011-06-10 18:20,18,M,M +2011-06-10 19:20,16,M,M +2011-06-10 20:20,14,M,M +2011-06-10 21:20,13,M,M +2011-06-10 22:20,13,M,M +2011-06-10 23:20,12,M,M +2011-06-11 00:20,11,M,M +2011-06-11 01:20,12,M,M +2011-06-11 02:20,13,M,M +2011-06-11 03:20,13,M,M +2011-06-11 04:20,13,M,M +2011-06-11 05:20,15,M,M +2011-06-11 06:20,15,M,M +2011-06-11 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-11 08:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-11 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-11 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-11 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-11 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-11 13:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-11 14:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-11 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-11 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-11 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-11 18:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-11 19:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-11 20:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-11 21:20,13,M,M +2011-06-11 22:20,11,M,M +2011-06-11 23:20,10,M,M +2011-06-12 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-12 01:20,9,M,M +2011-06-12 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-12 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-12 04:20,9,M,M +2011-06-12 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-06-12 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-06-12 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-12 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-12 09:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-12 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-12 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-12 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-12 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-12 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-12 15:20,20,M,M +2011-06-12 16:20,19,M,M +2011-06-12 17:20,18,M,M +2011-06-12 18:20,18,M,M +2011-06-12 19:20,16,M,M +2011-06-12 20:20,15,M,M +2011-06-12 21:20,13,M,M +2011-06-12 22:20,13,M,M +2011-06-12 23:20,14,M,M +2011-06-13 00:20,14,M,M +2011-06-13 01:20,13,M,M +2011-06-13 02:20,13,M,M +2011-06-13 03:20,13,M,M +2011-06-13 04:20,13,M,M +2011-06-13 05:20,15,M,M +2011-06-13 06:20,17,M,M +2011-06-13 07:20,18,M,M +2011-06-13 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-13 09:20,22,M,M +2011-06-13 10:20,22,M,M +2011-06-13 11:20,23,M,M +2011-06-13 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-13 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-13 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-13 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-13 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-13 17:20,21,M,M +2011-06-13 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-13 19:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-13 20:20,19,FEW,-RA +2011-06-13 21:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-13 22:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-13 23:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-14 00:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-14 01:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-14 02:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-06-14 03:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-14 04:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-14 05:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-14 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-14 07:20,18,BKN,M +2011-06-14 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-14 09:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-14 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-14 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-14 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-14 13:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-14 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-14 15:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-14 16:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-14 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-14 19:20,16,M,M +2011-06-14 20:20,14,M,M +2011-06-14 21:20,12,M,M +2011-06-14 22:20,11,M,M +2011-06-14 23:20,10,M,M +2011-06-15 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-15 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-15 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-15 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-06-15 04:20,9,M,M +2011-06-15 05:20,12,M,M +2011-06-15 06:20,14,M,M +2011-06-15 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-15 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-15 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-15 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-15 11:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-15 12:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-15 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-15 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-15 15:20,22,SCT,M +2011-06-15 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-15 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-15 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-15 19:20,20,BKN,-RA +2011-06-15 20:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-15 21:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-15 22:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-15 23:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-06-16 00:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-16 01:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2011-06-16 02:20,16,M,M +2011-06-16 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-16 04:20,16,M,M +2011-06-16 05:20,17,M,M +2011-06-16 06:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-16 07:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-16 08:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-16 09:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-16 10:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-16 11:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-16 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-16 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-16 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-16 15:20,17,FEW,-TSRA +2011-06-16 16:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-16 17:20,17,NSC,-RA +2011-06-16 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-16 19:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-16 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-16 21:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-16 22:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-16 23:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-17 00:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-17 01:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-17 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-17 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-17 05:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-17 06:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-17 07:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-17 08:20,15,BKN,M +2011-06-17 09:20,17,BKN,M +2011-06-17 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-17 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-17 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-17 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-17 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-17 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-17 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-17 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-17 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-17 19:20,16,M,M +2011-06-17 20:20,16,M,M +2011-06-17 21:20,15,M,M +2011-06-17 22:20,15,M,M +2011-06-17 23:20,15,NSC,-RA +2011-06-18 00:20,15,NSC,-RA +2011-06-18 01:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-18 02:20,14,NSC,-RA +2011-06-18 03:20,14,SCT,RA +2011-06-18 04:20,13,FEW,RA +2011-06-18 05:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-18 06:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-18 07:20,16,BKN,M +2011-06-18 08:20,18,BKN,M +2011-06-18 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-18 10:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-18 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-18 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2011-06-18 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-18 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-18 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-18 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-18 17:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2011-06-18 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-18 19:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-18 20:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2011-06-18 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-18 22:20,12,M,M +2011-06-18 23:20,12,M,M +2011-06-19 00:20,12,M,M +2011-06-19 01:20,12,M,M +2011-06-19 02:20,12,M,M +2011-06-19 03:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-19 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-19 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-19 06:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-19 07:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-19 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-19 09:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-19 10:20,13,FEW,RA +2011-06-19 11:20,12,SCT,RA +2011-06-19 12:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-06-19 13:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2011-06-19 14:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2011-06-19 15:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-19 16:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-19 17:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-06-19 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-19 19:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-19 20:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-19 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-19 22:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-06-19 23:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2011-06-20 00:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-20 01:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-06-20 02:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-20 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-20 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-20 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-20 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-20 07:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-20 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-20 09:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-20 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-20 11:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-20 12:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-20 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-20 14:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-20 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-20 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-20 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-20 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-20 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-20 20:20,14,M,M +2011-06-20 21:20,11,M,M +2011-06-20 22:20,11,M,M +2011-06-20 23:20,11,M,M +2011-06-21 00:20,11,SCT,M +2011-06-21 01:20,11,SCT,M +2011-06-21 02:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-06-21 03:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-06-21 04:20,11,M,M +2011-06-21 05:20,13,M,M +2011-06-21 06:20,15,M,M +2011-06-21 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-21 08:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-21 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-21 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-21 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-21 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-21 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-21 14:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-21 15:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-21 16:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-21 17:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-21 18:20,18,FEW,M +2011-06-21 19:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-21 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-21 21:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-21 22:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-21 23:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-22 00:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-22 01:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-22 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-22 03:20,14,M,M +2011-06-22 04:20,14,M,M +2011-06-22 05:20,16,M,M +2011-06-22 06:20,18,M,M +2011-06-22 07:20,19,M,M +2011-06-22 08:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-22 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-22 10:20,21,BKN,M +2011-06-22 11:20,21,SCT,M +2011-06-22 12:20,22,SCT,M +2011-06-22 13:20,21,BKN,M +2011-06-22 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-22 15:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-06-22 16:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-06-22 17:20,17,M,M +2011-06-22 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-22 19:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-06-22 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-22 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-22 22:20,13,SCT,M +2011-06-22 23:20,13,M,M +2011-06-23 00:20,12,M,M +2011-06-23 01:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-23 02:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-23 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-23 04:20,12,M,M +2011-06-23 05:20,14,SCT,M +2011-06-23 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-23 07:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-23 08:20,16,BKN,M +2011-06-23 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-06-23 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-23 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-23 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-23 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-23 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-23 15:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-23 16:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-23 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-23 18:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2011-06-23 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-23 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-23 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-23 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-23 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-24 00:20,11,FEW,M +2011-06-24 01:20,11,M,M +2011-06-24 02:20,10,M,M +2011-06-24 03:20,11,BKN,M +2011-06-24 04:20,11,BKN,M +2011-06-24 05:20,12,BKN,M +2011-06-24 06:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-24 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-24 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-24 09:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-24 10:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2011-06-24 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-24 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-24 13:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-24 14:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-24 15:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-24 16:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-24 17:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-24 18:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-24 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-24 20:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-24 21:20,12,SCT,M +2011-06-24 22:20,11,FEW,M +2011-06-24 23:20,11,FEW,M +2011-06-25 00:20,11,FEW,M +2011-06-25 01:20,11,M,M +2011-06-25 02:20,10,FEW,M +2011-06-25 03:20,10,M,M +2011-06-25 04:20,10,FEW,M +2011-06-25 05:20,11,FEW,-RA +2011-06-25 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-06-25 07:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-25 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-25 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-06-25 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-25 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-25 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-25 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-25 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-25 15:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-06-25 16:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-25 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-25 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-25 19:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-06-25 20:20,14,BKN,M +2011-06-25 21:20,13,SCT,M +2011-06-25 22:20,13,BKN,M +2011-06-25 23:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2011-06-26 00:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2011-06-26 01:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2011-06-26 02:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-06-26 03:20,14,BKN,BR +2011-06-26 04:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-06-26 05:20,15,BKN,RADZ BR +2011-06-26 06:20,16,FEW,BR +2011-06-26 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-26 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-06-26 09:20,19,FEW,M +2011-06-26 10:20,19,SCT,M +2011-06-26 11:20,20,SCT,M +2011-06-26 12:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-26 13:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-26 14:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-26 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-26 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-26 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-06-26 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-06-26 19:20,20,FEW,M +2011-06-26 20:20,18,M,M +2011-06-26 21:20,16,M,M +2011-06-26 22:20,15,M,M +2011-06-26 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-27 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-27 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-27 02:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-27 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-06-27 04:20,16,M,M +2011-06-27 05:20,18,M,M +2011-06-27 06:20,20,M,M +2011-06-27 07:20,21,M,M +2011-06-27 08:20,22,M,M +2011-06-27 09:20,23,FEW,M +2011-06-27 10:20,24,FEW,M +2011-06-27 11:20,25,FEW,M +2011-06-27 12:20,26,FEW,M +2011-06-27 13:20,26,FEW,M +2011-06-27 14:20,27,FEW,M +2011-06-27 15:20,27,FEW,M +2011-06-27 16:20,27,M,M +2011-06-27 17:20,27,M,M +2011-06-27 18:20,26,M,M +2011-06-27 19:20,25,M,M +2011-06-27 20:20,23,M,M +2011-06-27 21:20,22,M,M +2011-06-27 22:20,21,M,M +2011-06-27 23:20,20,M,M +2011-06-28 00:20,20,M,M +2011-06-28 01:20,19,M,M +2011-06-28 02:20,18,M,M +2011-06-28 03:20,17,M,M +2011-06-28 04:20,18,M,M +2011-06-28 05:20,19,M,M +2011-06-28 06:20,20,M,M +2011-06-28 07:20,22,M,M +2011-06-28 08:20,23,M,M +2011-06-28 09:20,25,M,M +2011-06-28 10:20,26,M,M +2011-06-28 11:20,27,M,M +2011-06-28 12:20,28,M,M +2011-06-28 13:20,28,M,M +2011-06-28 14:20,29,M,M +2011-06-28 15:20,29,M,M +2011-06-28 16:20,28,M,M +2011-06-28 17:20,28,M,M +2011-06-28 18:20,27,M,M +2011-06-28 19:20,25,M,M +2011-06-28 20:20,24,M,M +2011-06-28 21:20,22,M,M +2011-06-28 22:20,21,M,M +2011-06-28 23:20,20,M,M +2011-06-29 00:20,19,M,M +2011-06-29 01:20,18,M,M +2011-06-29 02:20,18,M,M +2011-06-29 03:20,18,M,M +2011-06-29 04:20,19,M,M +2011-06-29 05:20,20,M,M +2011-06-29 06:20,20,M,M +2011-06-29 07:20,22,M,M +2011-06-29 08:20,23,M,M +2011-06-29 09:20,25,M,M +2011-06-29 10:20,27,M,M +2011-06-29 11:20,27,M,M +2011-06-29 12:20,26,FEW,M +2011-06-29 13:20,26,M,M +2011-06-29 14:20,25,FEW,M +2011-06-29 15:20,25,FEW,M +2011-06-29 16:20,24,FEW,VCTS +2011-06-29 17:20,20,BKN,RA +2011-06-29 18:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-06-29 19:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-06-29 20:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-06-29 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-06-29 22:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-06-29 23:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-06-30 00:20,15,FEW,RA +2011-06-30 01:20,14,FEW,RA +2011-06-30 02:20,14,BKN,RA +2011-06-30 03:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-30 04:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-06-30 05:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-30 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-06-30 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-30 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-30 09:20,15,BKN,M +2011-06-30 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-06-30 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-30 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-30 13:20,17,BKN,M +2011-06-30 14:20,17,SCT,M +2011-06-30 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-06-30 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-30 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-06-30 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-30 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-06-30 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-06-30 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-07-01 00:20,11,FEW,M +2011-07-01 01:20,11,FEW,M +2011-07-01 02:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2011-07-01 03:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2011-07-01 04:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2011-07-01 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-01 06:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-07-01 07:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-01 08:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-01 09:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-01 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-01 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-01 12:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2011-07-01 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-01 14:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-01 15:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-01 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-01 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-01 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-01 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-01 20:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-01 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-01 22:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-01 23:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-02 00:20,13,SCT,M +2011-07-02 01:20,13,SCT,M +2011-07-02 02:20,13,SCT,M +2011-07-02 03:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-02 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-03 05:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-03 06:20,14,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-07-03 07:20,15,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-07-03 08:20,15,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-07-03 09:20,15,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-07-03 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-03 11:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-03 12:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-03 13:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-03 14:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-03 15:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-03 16:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-03 17:20,16,BKN,BR +2011-07-03 18:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-03 19:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-03 20:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-03 21:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-03 22:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-03 23:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-04 00:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-04 01:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-04 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-04 03:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-04 04:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-04 05:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-04 06:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-04 07:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-04 08:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-04 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-04 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-04 11:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-04 12:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-04 13:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-04 14:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-04 15:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-04 16:20,16,OVC,M +2011-07-04 17:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-04 18:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-04 19:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-04 20:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-04 21:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-04 22:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-04 23:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-05 00:20,14,SCT,M +2011-07-05 01:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-05 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-05 03:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-05 04:20,14,SCT,M +2011-07-05 05:20,14,SCT,M +2011-07-05 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-05 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-05 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-05 09:20,16,OVC,M +2011-07-05 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-05 11:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-05 12:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-05 13:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-05 14:20,20,BKN,M +2011-07-05 15:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-05 16:20,20,BKN,M +2011-07-05 17:20,20,SCT,M +2011-07-05 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-05 19:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-05 20:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-05 21:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-05 22:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-05 23:20,16,M,M +2011-07-06 00:20,15,M,M +2011-07-06 01:20,15,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2011-07-06 02:20,14,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2011-07-06 03:20,15,M,M +2011-07-06 04:20,15,M,M +2011-07-06 05:20,17,M,M +2011-07-06 06:20,19,M,M +2011-07-06 07:20,21,M,M +2011-07-06 08:20,23,M,M +2011-07-06 09:20,24,M,M +2011-07-06 10:20,25,M,M +2011-07-06 11:20,25,FEW,M +2011-07-06 12:20,25,FEW,M +2011-07-06 13:20,25,FEW,M +2011-07-06 14:20,24,FEW,VCTS +2011-07-06 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-06 16:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-06 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-06 18:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-06 19:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-06 20:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-06 21:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2011-07-06 22:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-06 23:20,15,M,M +2011-07-07 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-07 01:20,14,SCT,PRFG +2011-07-07 02:20,14,FEW,PRFG +2011-07-07 03:20,13,NSC,FG +2011-07-07 04:20,13,NSC,PRFG +2011-07-07 05:20,16,NSC,M +2011-07-07 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-07 07:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-07 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-07 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-07 10:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-07 11:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-07 12:20,24,M,M +2011-07-07 13:20,23,M,M +2011-07-07 14:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-07 15:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2011-07-07 16:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2011-07-07 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-07 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-07 19:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-07 20:20,19,M,M +2011-07-07 21:20,18,M,M +2011-07-07 22:20,17,M,M +2011-07-07 23:20,17,M,M +2011-07-08 00:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-08 01:20,17,M,M +2011-07-08 02:20,17,M,M +2011-07-08 03:20,17,M,M +2011-07-08 04:20,17,M,M +2011-07-08 05:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-07-08 06:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-07-08 07:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-07-08 08:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-07-08 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-08 10:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-08 11:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-08 12:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-08 13:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-08 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-08 15:20,22,SCT,M +2011-07-08 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-08 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-08 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-08 19:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-08 20:20,16,M,M +2011-07-08 21:20,15,M,M +2011-07-08 22:20,14,M,M +2011-07-08 23:20,14,M,M +2011-07-09 00:20,14,M,M +2011-07-09 01:20,14,M,M +2011-07-09 02:20,13,M,M +2011-07-09 03:20,13,M,M +2011-07-09 04:20,15,M,M +2011-07-09 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-09 06:20,19,M,M +2011-07-09 07:20,21,M,M +2011-07-09 08:20,23,M,M +2011-07-09 09:20,23,M,M +2011-07-09 10:20,24,M,M +2011-07-09 11:20,24,SCT,M +2011-07-09 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-09 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-09 14:20,26,FEW,M +2011-07-09 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-09 16:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-09 17:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-09 18:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-09 19:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-09 20:20,16,M,M +2011-07-09 21:20,14,M,M +2011-07-09 22:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-09 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-10 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-10 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-07-10 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-10 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-07-10 04:20,14,M,M +2011-07-10 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-10 06:20,17,M,M +2011-07-10 07:20,19,M,M +2011-07-10 08:20,20,M,M +2011-07-10 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-10 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-10 11:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-10 12:20,22,SCT,M +2011-07-10 13:20,23,SCT,M +2011-07-10 14:20,22,SCT,M +2011-07-10 15:20,23,SCT,M +2011-07-10 16:20,22,M,M +2011-07-10 17:20,21,M,M +2011-07-10 18:20,21,M,M +2011-07-10 19:20,21,M,M +2011-07-10 20:20,20,M,M +2011-07-10 21:20,19,M,M +2011-07-10 22:20,18,M,M +2011-07-10 23:20,18,M,M +2011-07-11 00:20,17,M,M +2011-07-11 01:20,16,M,M +2011-07-11 02:20,15,M,M +2011-07-11 03:20,14,M,M +2011-07-11 04:20,14,M,M +2011-07-11 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-11 06:20,17,M,M +2011-07-11 07:20,19,M,M +2011-07-11 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-11 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-11 10:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-11 11:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-11 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-11 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-11 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-11 15:20,23,SCT,M +2011-07-11 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-11 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-11 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-11 19:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-11 20:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-11 21:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-11 22:20,14,M,M +2011-07-11 23:20,13,M,M +2011-07-12 00:20,12,M,M +2011-07-12 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-12 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-12 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-07-12 04:20,12,M,M +2011-07-12 05:20,15,M,M +2011-07-12 06:20,18,M,M +2011-07-12 07:20,19,M,M +2011-07-12 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-12 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-12 10:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-12 11:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-12 12:20,23,SCT,M +2011-07-12 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-12 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-12 15:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2011-07-12 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-12 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-12 18:20,20,M,M +2011-07-12 19:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-12 20:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2011-07-12 21:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-07-12 22:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-07-12 23:20,16,M,M +2011-07-13 00:20,16,M,M +2011-07-13 01:20,16,M,M +2011-07-13 02:20,17,M,M +2011-07-13 03:20,17,NSC,-RA +2011-07-13 04:20,17,NSC,-RA +2011-07-13 05:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-07-13 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-13 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-13 08:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-13 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-13 10:20,22,SCT,M +2011-07-13 11:20,22,BKN,M +2011-07-13 12:20,23,SCT,M +2011-07-13 13:20,24,SCT,M +2011-07-13 14:20,23,BKN,M +2011-07-13 15:20,21,BKN,M +2011-07-13 16:20,20,BKN,-RA +2011-07-13 17:20,20,BKN,-RA +2011-07-13 18:20,19,BKN,RA +2011-07-13 19:20,18,FEW,RA +2011-07-13 20:20,18,SCT,-RA +2011-07-13 21:20,18,SCT,-RA +2011-07-13 22:20,18,BKN,-RA +2011-07-13 23:20,18,BKN,-RA +2011-07-14 00:20,18,BKN,-RA +2011-07-14 01:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-07-14 02:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-07-14 03:20,16,BKN,RA +2011-07-14 04:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-07-14 05:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-07-14 06:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-14 07:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-14 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-14 09:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-14 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-14 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-14 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-14 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-14 14:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-14 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-14 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-14 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-14 19:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-14 20:20,14,BKN,RA +2011-07-14 21:20,14,BKN,RA +2011-07-14 22:20,14,BKN,-RA +2011-07-14 23:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-15 00:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2011-07-15 01:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-07-15 02:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-07-15 03:20,13,BKN,M +2011-07-15 04:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2011-07-15 05:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-15 06:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2011-07-15 07:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-15 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-15 09:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-15 10:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-15 11:20,16,FEW,RADZ +2011-07-15 12:20,15,FEW,DZRA +2011-07-15 13:20,15,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-15 14:20,15,SCT,DZRA +2011-07-15 15:20,15,FEW,DZRA +2011-07-15 16:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-15 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-15 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-15 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-15 20:20,13,M,M +2011-07-15 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-15 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-15 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-16 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-16 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-16 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-16 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-16 04:20,11,M,M +2011-07-16 05:20,14,M,M +2011-07-16 06:20,16,M,M +2011-07-16 07:20,18,M,M +2011-07-16 08:20,20,M,M +2011-07-16 09:20,21,M,M +2011-07-16 10:20,23,M,M +2011-07-16 11:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 12:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 13:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 14:20,25,M,M +2011-07-16 15:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 16:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 17:20,24,M,M +2011-07-16 18:20,23,M,M +2011-07-16 19:20,23,M,M +2011-07-16 20:20,22,M,M +2011-07-16 21:20,21,M,M +2011-07-16 22:20,20,M,M +2011-07-16 23:20,20,M,M +2011-07-17 00:20,20,NSC,-RA +2011-07-17 01:20,19,NSC,-RA +2011-07-17 02:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-07-17 03:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-07-17 04:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-07-17 05:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-17 06:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-07-17 07:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-17 08:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-17 09:20,20,SCT,M +2011-07-17 10:20,20,SCT,M +2011-07-17 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-17 12:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-17 13:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-17 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-17 15:20,20,BKN,-SHRA +2011-07-17 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-17 17:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-17 18:20,16,M,M +2011-07-17 19:20,16,M,M +2011-07-17 20:20,16,M,M +2011-07-17 21:20,16,M,M +2011-07-17 22:20,15,M,M +2011-07-17 23:20,15,M,M +2011-07-18 00:20,15,M,M +2011-07-18 01:20,15,M,M +2011-07-18 02:20,14,M,M +2011-07-18 03:20,14,M,M +2011-07-18 04:20,14,M,M +2011-07-18 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-18 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-18 07:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-18 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-18 09:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-18 10:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-18 11:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-18 12:20,20,SCT,M +2011-07-18 13:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2011-07-18 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-18 15:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-18 16:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-18 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-18 18:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-18 19:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-18 20:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-18 21:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2011-07-18 22:20,15,M,M +2011-07-18 23:20,14,M,M +2011-07-19 00:20,14,M,M +2011-07-19 01:20,14,M,M +2011-07-19 02:20,14,M,M +2011-07-19 03:20,14,M,M +2011-07-19 04:20,15,M,M +2011-07-19 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-19 06:20,17,M,M +2011-07-19 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-19 08:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-19 09:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-19 10:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-19 11:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-19 12:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-19 13:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-19 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-19 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-19 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-19 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-19 18:20,21,M,M +2011-07-19 19:20,20,M,M +2011-07-19 20:20,18,M,M +2011-07-19 21:20,17,M,M +2011-07-19 22:20,17,M,M +2011-07-19 23:20,16,M,M +2011-07-20 00:20,16,M,M +2011-07-20 01:20,16,M,M +2011-07-20 02:20,15,M,M +2011-07-20 03:20,13,M,M +2011-07-20 04:20,13,M,M +2011-07-20 05:20,14,M,M +2011-07-20 06:20,18,M,M +2011-07-20 07:20,21,M,M +2011-07-20 08:20,22,M,M +2011-07-20 09:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-20 10:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-20 11:20,24,M,M +2011-07-20 12:20,23,M,M +2011-07-20 13:20,24,M,M +2011-07-20 14:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-20 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-20 16:20,23,M,M +2011-07-20 17:20,23,M,M +2011-07-20 18:20,21,M,M +2011-07-20 19:20,20,M,M +2011-07-20 20:20,19,M,M +2011-07-20 21:20,18,M,M +2011-07-20 22:20,17,M,M +2011-07-20 23:20,17,M,M +2011-07-21 00:20,16,M,M +2011-07-21 01:20,15,M,M +2011-07-21 02:20,15,M,M +2011-07-21 03:20,14,M,M +2011-07-21 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-21 05:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-21 06:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-21 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-21 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-21 09:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-21 10:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 12:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 14:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 15:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 16:20,19,SCT,M +2011-07-21 17:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-21 18:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-21 19:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-21 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-21 21:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-21 22:20,14,M,M +2011-07-21 23:20,14,M,M +2011-07-22 00:20,14,M,M +2011-07-22 01:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-22 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-22 03:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-22 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-22 05:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-22 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-22 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-22 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-22 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-22 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-07-22 11:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-07-22 12:20,15,BKN,-RA +2011-07-22 13:20,15,BKN,-RA +2011-07-22 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-07-22 15:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-07-22 16:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-07-22 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-22 18:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-22 19:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-22 20:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-22 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-07-22 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-07-22 23:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-07-23 00:20,13,SCT,RA +2011-07-23 01:20,13,SCT,RA +2011-07-23 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-07-23 03:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-23 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-23 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-07-23 06:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-23 07:20,13,BKN,M +2011-07-23 08:20,14,BKN,M +2011-07-23 09:20,14,BKN,-RA +2011-07-23 10:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2011-07-23 11:20,14,SCT,M +2011-07-23 12:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2011-07-23 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2011-07-23 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-23 15:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-23 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-23 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-23 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-23 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-23 20:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-23 21:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-07-23 22:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-07-23 23:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-07-24 00:20,12,BKN,M +2011-07-24 01:20,12,BKN,M +2011-07-24 02:20,12,BKN,M +2011-07-24 03:20,12,BKN,M +2011-07-24 04:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2011-07-24 05:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-24 06:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-07-24 07:20,12,FEW,RADZ +2011-07-24 08:20,12,FEW,RADZ +2011-07-24 09:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2011-07-24 10:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 11:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 12:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 13:20,13,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-24 14:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 15:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-24 16:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 17:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-24 18:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2011-07-24 19:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-07-24 20:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2011-07-24 21:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2011-07-24 22:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-24 23:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-25 00:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-25 01:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2011-07-25 02:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2011-07-25 03:20,13,BKN,M +2011-07-25 04:20,13,SCT,M +2011-07-25 05:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2011-07-25 06:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2011-07-25 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-07-25 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-25 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-25 10:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-25 11:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-25 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-25 13:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-25 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-25 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-25 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-25 17:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-25 18:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2011-07-25 19:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-25 20:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-25 21:20,14,M,M +2011-07-25 22:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-25 23:20,14,M,M +2011-07-26 00:20,13,M,M +2011-07-26 01:20,13,M,M +2011-07-26 02:20,13,M,M +2011-07-26 03:20,13,M,M +2011-07-26 04:20,13,M,M +2011-07-26 05:20,14,M,M +2011-07-26 06:20,15,M,M +2011-07-26 07:20,17,M,M +2011-07-26 08:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-26 09:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-26 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-26 11:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-26 12:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-26 13:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-26 14:20,21,SCT,M +2011-07-26 15:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-26 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-26 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-26 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-26 19:20,19,FEW,M +2011-07-26 20:20,17,M,M +2011-07-26 21:20,16,M,M +2011-07-26 22:20,16,M,M +2011-07-26 23:20,16,M,M +2011-07-27 00:20,16,M,M +2011-07-27 01:20,15,M,M +2011-07-27 02:20,15,M,M +2011-07-27 03:20,15,M,M +2011-07-27 04:20,14,M,M +2011-07-27 05:20,16,M,M +2011-07-27 06:20,18,M,M +2011-07-27 07:20,19,M,M +2011-07-27 08:20,21,M,M +2011-07-27 09:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-27 10:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-27 11:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-27 12:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-27 13:20,25,SCT,M +2011-07-27 14:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-27 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-07-27 16:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-27 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-27 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-27 19:20,20,M,M +2011-07-27 20:20,17,M,M +2011-07-27 21:20,16,M,M +2011-07-27 22:20,15,M,M +2011-07-27 23:20,14,M,M +2011-07-28 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-28 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-28 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-28 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-28 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-07-28 05:20,14,M,M +2011-07-28 06:20,16,M,M +2011-07-28 07:20,18,M,M +2011-07-28 08:20,19,M,M +2011-07-28 09:20,21,M,M +2011-07-28 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-28 11:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-28 12:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-28 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-28 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-07-28 15:20,22,FEW,M +2011-07-28 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-07-28 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-07-28 18:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-28 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-28 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-28 21:20,15,M,M +2011-07-28 22:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-28 23:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-29 00:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-29 01:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-29 02:20,15,BKN,M +2011-07-29 03:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-29 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-29 05:20,14,FEW,M +2011-07-29 06:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-29 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-29 08:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-29 09:20,18,SCT,M +2011-07-29 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-29 11:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-29 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-07-29 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-29 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-29 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-29 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-29 17:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-29 18:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-29 19:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-29 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-29 21:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-29 22:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-29 23:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-30 00:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-30 01:20,15,BKN,-RA +2011-07-30 02:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-07-30 03:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-07-30 04:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-30 05:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-30 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-07-30 07:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-30 08:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-30 09:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-30 10:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-30 11:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-30 12:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-30 13:20,19,BKN,M +2011-07-30 14:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-30 15:20,18,BKN,M +2011-07-30 16:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-30 17:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-30 18:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-30 19:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-30 20:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-30 21:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 00:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 01:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 02:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-31 03:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-31 04:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-31 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-07-31 06:20,15,FEW,RA +2011-07-31 07:20,16,FEW,RA +2011-07-31 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-07-31 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-07-31 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-31 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-31 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-07-31 13:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-07-31 14:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2011-07-31 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-31 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-07-31 17:20,17,BKN,M +2011-07-31 18:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 19:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 20:20,16,BKN,M +2011-07-31 21:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-01 00:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-01 01:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-01 02:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-01 03:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-08-01 04:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-08-01 05:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-08-01 06:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-01 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-01 08:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-01 09:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-01 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-01 11:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-01 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-01 13:20,19,BKN,M +2011-08-01 14:20,19,BKN,M +2011-08-01 15:20,19,BKN,M +2011-08-01 16:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-01 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-01 18:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-01 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-01 20:20,16,BKN,MIFG +2011-08-01 21:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-01 22:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2011-08-01 23:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-08-02 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-08-02 01:20,14,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-08-02 02:20,14,FEW,BCFG BR +2011-08-02 03:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-08-02 04:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-02 05:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-02 06:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-02 07:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-02 08:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-02 09:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-02 10:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-02 11:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-02 12:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-02 13:20,26,M,M +2011-08-02 14:20,26,M,M +2011-08-02 15:20,26,M,M +2011-08-02 16:20,26,M,M +2011-08-02 17:20,25,M,M +2011-08-02 18:20,24,M,M +2011-08-02 19:20,21,M,M +2011-08-02 20:20,21,M,M +2011-08-02 21:20,20,M,M +2011-08-02 22:20,20,M,M +2011-08-02 23:20,19,M,M +2011-08-03 00:20,18,M,M +2011-08-03 01:20,18,M,M +2011-08-03 02:20,17,M,M +2011-08-03 03:20,16,M,M +2011-08-03 04:20,16,M,M +2011-08-03 05:20,17,M,M +2011-08-03 06:20,17,M,M +2011-08-03 07:20,20,M,M +2011-08-03 08:20,21,M,M +2011-08-03 09:20,23,M,M +2011-08-03 10:20,23,M,M +2011-08-03 11:20,25,M,M +2011-08-03 12:20,26,M,M +2011-08-03 13:20,26,M,M +2011-08-03 14:20,27,FEW,M +2011-08-03 15:20,27,FEW,M +2011-08-03 16:20,26,M,M +2011-08-03 17:20,26,M,M +2011-08-03 18:20,25,M,M +2011-08-03 19:20,24,M,M +2011-08-03 20:20,23,M,M +2011-08-03 21:20,22,M,M +2011-08-03 22:20,22,NSC,-SHRA +2011-08-03 23:20,21,M,M +2011-08-04 00:20,21,M,M +2011-08-04 01:20,20,M,M +2011-08-04 02:20,20,M,M +2011-08-04 03:20,19,M,M +2011-08-04 04:20,19,M,M +2011-08-04 05:20,20,SCT,M +2011-08-04 06:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-04 07:20,21,BKN,M +2011-08-04 08:20,22,SCT,M +2011-08-04 09:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-04 10:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-04 11:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-04 12:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-04 13:20,19,SCT,-DZRA +2011-08-04 14:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-04 15:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-04 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-04 17:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-04 18:20,21,M,M +2011-08-04 19:20,20,M,M +2011-08-04 20:20,19,M,M +2011-08-04 21:20,19,M,M +2011-08-04 22:20,18,M,M +2011-08-04 23:20,18,M,M +2011-08-05 00:20,18,M,M +2011-08-05 01:20,18,M,M +2011-08-05 02:20,18,NSC,M +2011-08-05 03:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-08-05 04:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-08-05 05:20,19,FEW,-DZRA +2011-08-05 06:20,19,FEW,-DZ +2011-08-05 07:20,18,BKN,-DZ +2011-08-05 08:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-05 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-05 10:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-05 11:20,22,SCT,M +2011-08-05 12:20,23,SCT,M +2011-08-05 13:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-05 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-05 15:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-05 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-05 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-05 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-05 19:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-05 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-05 21:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-05 22:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-05 23:20,15,SCT,MIFG +2011-08-06 00:20,14,SCT,MIFG +2011-08-06 01:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-06 02:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-06 03:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-06 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-08-06 05:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-06 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-06 07:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-06 08:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-06 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-06 10:20,22,FEW,-RA +2011-08-06 11:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-06 12:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-06 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-06 14:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-06 15:20,22,FEW,-TSRA +2011-08-06 16:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-06 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-06 18:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-06 19:20,20,M,M +2011-08-06 20:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-06 21:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-06 22:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-06 23:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-07 00:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-08-07 01:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-07 02:20,19,FEW,-RA +2011-08-07 03:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-07 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-08-07 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-08-07 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-07 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-07 08:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-07 09:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-07 10:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-07 11:20,20,SCT,M +2011-08-07 12:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-07 13:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-07 14:20,20,SCT,M +2011-08-07 15:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-07 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-07 17:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-07 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-07 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-07 20:20,16,M,M +2011-08-07 21:20,14,M,M +2011-08-07 22:20,14,M,M +2011-08-07 23:20,16,M,M +2011-08-08 00:20,15,M,M +2011-08-08 01:20,14,M,M +2011-08-08 02:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-08 03:20,14,M,M +2011-08-08 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-08 05:20,15,M,M +2011-08-08 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-08 07:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-08 08:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-08 09:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-08-08 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-08 11:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-08 12:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2011-08-08 13:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-08 14:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-08 15:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-08 16:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-08 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-08 18:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-08 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-08 20:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-08 21:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-08 22:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2011-08-08 23:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2011-08-09 00:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-09 01:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-09 02:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-09 03:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-09 04:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-09 05:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-09 06:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 07:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-09 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-09 09:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2011-08-09 10:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-09 12:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 13:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 14:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-09 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 16:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-09 17:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2011-08-09 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-09 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-09 20:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 21:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-09 22:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-09 23:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-10 00:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-10 01:20,12,M,M +2011-08-10 02:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-10 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-10 04:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-10 05:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2011-08-10 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-10 07:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-10 08:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-10 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-10 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-10 11:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-10 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-10 13:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-10 14:20,15,M,M +2011-08-10 15:20,14,SCT,RA +2011-08-10 16:20,14,SCT,-RA +2011-08-10 17:20,14,FEW,RA +2011-08-10 18:20,13,SCT,RA +2011-08-10 19:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-08-10 20:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-08-10 21:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-08-10 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-08-10 23:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 00:20,14,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 01:20,14,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 02:20,14,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 03:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-08-11 04:20,14,BKN,RA +2011-08-11 05:20,15,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 06:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-11 07:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-11 08:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-11 09:20,16,SCT,RA +2011-08-11 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-11 11:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-11 12:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2011-08-11 13:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2011-08-11 14:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2011-08-11 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-11 16:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-11 17:20,18,BKN,M +2011-08-11 18:20,18,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 19:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-08-11 20:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-08-11 21:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-08-11 22:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-08-11 23:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-08-12 00:20,16,SCT,-DZRA +2011-08-12 01:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2011-08-12 02:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2011-08-12 03:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-12 04:20,16,FEW,-RADZ +2011-08-12 05:20,16,SCT,RA +2011-08-12 06:20,16,FEW,RADZ +2011-08-12 07:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2011-08-12 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-12 09:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-08-12 10:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-08-12 11:20,18,BKN,M +2011-08-12 12:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-12 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-12 14:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-12 15:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-12 16:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-12 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-12 18:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-12 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-12 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-12 21:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-12 22:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-12 23:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-13 00:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-13 01:20,15,BKN,DZ BR +2011-08-13 02:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-08-13 03:20,15,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-08-13 04:20,15,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-08-13 05:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-13 06:20,15,BKN,BR +2011-08-13 07:20,16,BKN,BR +2011-08-13 08:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-13 09:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-13 10:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-13 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-13 12:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-13 13:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-13 14:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-13 15:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-13 16:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-13 17:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-13 18:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-13 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-13 20:20,16,M,M +2011-08-13 21:20,17,M,M +2011-08-13 22:20,17,M,M +2011-08-13 23:20,16,M,M +2011-08-14 00:20,17,M,M +2011-08-14 01:20,16,M,M +2011-08-14 02:20,16,M,M +2011-08-14 03:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-14 04:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-14 05:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-14 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-14 07:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2011-08-14 08:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-14 09:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-14 10:20,19,BKN,-RA +2011-08-14 11:20,19,SCT,RA +2011-08-14 12:20,19,BKN,RA +2011-08-14 13:20,19,BKN,+RA +2011-08-14 14:20,19,SCT,RA +2011-08-14 15:20,20,SCT,M +2011-08-14 16:20,20,BKN,-SHRA +2011-08-14 17:20,18,SCT,-RA +2011-08-14 18:20,18,BKN,M +2011-08-14 19:20,18,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-08-14 20:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-14 21:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-14 22:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-14 23:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-15 00:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-15 01:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-15 02:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-15 03:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-15 04:20,13,M,M +2011-08-15 05:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-15 06:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-15 07:20,15,BKN,M +2011-08-15 08:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-15 09:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-15 10:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-15 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-08-15 12:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-15 14:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-15 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-15 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-15 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-15 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-15 19:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2011-08-15 20:20,14,SCT,MIFG +2011-08-15 21:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2011-08-15 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-15 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-16 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-16 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-16 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-08-16 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-08-16 04:20,9,NSC,FG +2011-08-16 05:20,12,M,M +2011-08-16 06:20,13,M,M +2011-08-16 07:20,14,M,M +2011-08-16 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-16 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-16 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-16 11:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-16 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-16 13:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-16 14:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-16 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-16 16:20,18,M,M +2011-08-16 17:20,18,M,M +2011-08-16 18:20,18,M,M +2011-08-16 19:20,17,M,M +2011-08-16 20:20,17,M,M +2011-08-16 21:20,17,M,M +2011-08-16 22:20,16,M,M +2011-08-16 23:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 00:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 01:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 02:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 03:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 04:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 05:20,15,M,M +2011-08-17 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-17 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-17 08:20,19,M,M +2011-08-17 09:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-17 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-17 11:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-17 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-17 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-17 14:20,22,SCT,M +2011-08-17 15:20,21,SCT,M +2011-08-17 16:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-17 17:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-17 18:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-17 19:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-17 20:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-17 21:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-17 22:20,13,M,M +2011-08-17 23:20,13,M,M +2011-08-18 00:20,13,M,M +2011-08-18 01:20,12,SCT,MIFG +2011-08-18 02:20,11,M,M +2011-08-18 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-18 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-18 05:20,12,M,M +2011-08-18 06:20,14,M,M +2011-08-18 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-18 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-18 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-18 10:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-18 11:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-18 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-18 13:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-18 14:20,20,M,M +2011-08-18 15:20,20,M,M +2011-08-18 16:20,20,M,M +2011-08-18 17:20,19,M,M +2011-08-18 18:20,18,FEW,-RA +2011-08-18 19:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-18 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-18 21:20,16,FEW,VCTS +2011-08-18 22:20,15,SCT,TSRA +2011-08-18 23:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-19 00:20,16,M,M +2011-08-19 01:20,16,M,M +2011-08-19 02:20,16,M,M +2011-08-19 03:20,16,M,M +2011-08-19 04:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-19 05:20,17,BKN,BR +2011-08-19 06:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-19 07:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-08-19 08:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-19 09:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-19 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-19 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-19 12:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-19 13:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2011-08-19 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-19 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-19 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-19 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-19 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-19 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-19 20:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-19 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-19 22:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-19 23:20,12,M,M +2011-08-20 00:20,12,M,M +2011-08-20 01:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-20 02:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-20 03:20,11,M,M +2011-08-20 04:20,11,M,M +2011-08-20 05:20,12,M,M +2011-08-20 06:20,14,M,M +2011-08-20 07:20,15,M,M +2011-08-20 08:20,17,M,M +2011-08-20 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-20 10:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-20 11:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-20 12:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-20 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-20 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-20 15:20,22,M,M +2011-08-20 16:20,22,M,M +2011-08-20 17:20,21,M,M +2011-08-20 18:20,19,M,M +2011-08-20 19:20,17,M,M +2011-08-20 20:20,16,M,M +2011-08-20 21:20,16,M,M +2011-08-20 22:20,15,M,M +2011-08-20 23:20,16,M,M +2011-08-21 00:20,16,M,M +2011-08-21 01:20,16,M,M +2011-08-21 02:20,16,M,M +2011-08-21 03:20,15,M,M +2011-08-21 04:20,14,M,M +2011-08-21 05:20,15,M,M +2011-08-21 06:20,17,M,M +2011-08-21 07:20,19,M,M +2011-08-21 08:20,20,M,M +2011-08-21 09:20,22,M,M +2011-08-21 10:20,23,M,M +2011-08-21 11:20,25,M,M +2011-08-21 12:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-21 13:20,26,FEW,M +2011-08-21 14:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-21 15:20,24,FEW,-RA +2011-08-21 16:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-21 17:20,24,M,M +2011-08-21 18:20,24,M,M +2011-08-21 19:20,24,M,M +2011-08-21 20:20,23,M,M +2011-08-21 21:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-21 22:20,22,SCT,M +2011-08-21 23:20,21,BKN,M +2011-08-22 00:20,20,SCT,M +2011-08-22 01:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-22 02:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-22 03:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-22 04:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-22 05:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-22 06:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-22 07:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-22 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-22 09:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-22 10:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-22 11:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-22 12:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-22 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-22 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-22 15:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-22 16:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-22 17:20,21,M,M +2011-08-22 18:20,19,M,M +2011-08-22 19:20,17,M,M +2011-08-22 20:20,16,M,M +2011-08-22 21:20,15,M,M +2011-08-22 22:20,16,M,M +2011-08-22 23:20,16,M,M +2011-08-23 00:20,15,M,M +2011-08-23 01:20,15,M,M +2011-08-23 02:20,15,M,M +2011-08-23 03:20,16,M,M +2011-08-23 04:20,17,M,M +2011-08-23 05:20,17,NSC,-RA +2011-08-23 06:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-08-23 07:20,17,SCT,RA +2011-08-23 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-23 09:20,18,M,M +2011-08-23 10:20,21,M,M +2011-08-23 11:20,21,M,M +2011-08-23 12:20,22,M,M +2011-08-23 13:20,23,M,M +2011-08-23 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-23 15:20,20,SCT,TSRA +2011-08-23 16:20,19,BKN,M +2011-08-23 17:20,19,FEW,M +2011-08-23 18:20,19,M,M +2011-08-23 19:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-23 20:20,18,M,M +2011-08-23 21:20,18,M,M +2011-08-23 22:20,18,BKN,M +2011-08-23 23:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-24 00:20,18,M,M +2011-08-24 01:20,18,M,M +2011-08-24 02:20,17,M,M +2011-08-24 03:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2011-08-24 04:20,18,NSC,M +2011-08-24 05:20,18,NSC,M +2011-08-24 06:20,19,NSC,M +2011-08-24 07:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-24 08:20,22,SCT,M +2011-08-24 09:20,22,BKN,M +2011-08-24 10:20,23,SCT,M +2011-08-24 11:20,23,SCT,M +2011-08-24 12:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-24 13:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-24 14:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-24 15:20,26,FEW,M +2011-08-24 16:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-24 17:20,25,FEW,M +2011-08-24 18:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-24 19:20,24,SCT,VCTS +2011-08-24 20:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-24 21:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-24 22:20,20,M,M +2011-08-24 23:20,19,M,M +2011-08-25 00:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-25 01:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-25 02:20,18,BKN,M +2011-08-25 03:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-25 04:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-25 05:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-25 06:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-25 07:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-25 08:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-25 09:20,20,BKN,M +2011-08-25 10:20,21,BKN,M +2011-08-25 11:20,21,BKN,M +2011-08-25 12:20,23,SCT,M +2011-08-25 13:20,23,SCT,M +2011-08-25 14:20,24,SCT,M +2011-08-25 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-25 16:20,24,FEW,M +2011-08-25 17:20,23,FEW,M +2011-08-25 18:20,22,FEW,M +2011-08-25 19:20,21,M,M +2011-08-25 20:20,21,M,M +2011-08-25 21:20,21,FEW,M +2011-08-25 22:20,20,M,M +2011-08-25 23:20,20,M,M +2011-08-26 00:20,20,M,M +2011-08-26 01:20,20,M,M +2011-08-26 02:20,20,M,M +2011-08-26 03:20,19,M,M +2011-08-26 04:20,19,M,M +2011-08-26 05:20,20,M,M +2011-08-26 06:20,20,NSC,M +2011-08-26 07:20,20,FEW,M +2011-08-26 08:20,22,M,M +2011-08-26 09:20,24,M,M +2011-08-26 10:20,26,M,M +2011-08-26 11:20,28,M,M +2011-08-26 12:20,29,M,M +2011-08-26 13:20,30,M,M +2011-08-26 14:20,29,FEW,M +2011-08-26 15:20,29,FEW,M +2011-08-26 16:20,27,FEW,M +2011-08-26 17:20,21,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2011-08-26 18:20,20,SCT,VCTS +2011-08-26 19:20,19,BKN,-TSRA +2011-08-26 20:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2011-08-26 21:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2011-08-26 22:20,19,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2011-08-26 23:20,19,M,M +2011-08-27 00:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-27 01:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-27 02:20,17,SCT,M +2011-08-27 03:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-27 04:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-08-27 05:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-08-27 06:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-08-27 07:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-08-27 08:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-27 09:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-27 10:20,16,BKN,RA +2011-08-27 11:20,17,BKN,M +2011-08-27 12:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-08-27 13:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-08-27 14:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-08-27 15:20,18,SCT,M +2011-08-27 16:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-27 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-08-27 18:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-27 19:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-27 20:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-27 21:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-27 22:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-27 23:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-28 00:20,13,SCT,M +2011-08-28 01:20,13,BKN,M +2011-08-28 02:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-28 03:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-28 04:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-28 05:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-28 06:20,13,SCT,M +2011-08-28 07:20,13,SCT,M +2011-08-28 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-28 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-08-28 10:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-28 11:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2011-08-28 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-08-28 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-28 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-28 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-28 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-28 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-28 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-28 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-28 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-28 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-28 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-28 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 00:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 01:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 02:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-29 05:20,13,SCT,M +2011-08-29 06:20,13,BKN,M +2011-08-29 07:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-29 08:20,14,BKN,M +2011-08-29 09:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-08-29 10:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-08-29 11:20,13,SCT,M +2011-08-29 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-29 13:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-29 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-29 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-29 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-29 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-29 18:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-29 19:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-29 20:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-29 21:20,12,BKN,M +2011-08-29 22:20,12,BKN,M +2011-08-29 23:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-08-30 00:20,12,BKN,M +2011-08-30 01:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-30 02:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-08-30 03:20,11,FEW,M +2011-08-30 04:20,11,SCT,M +2011-08-30 05:20,11,FEW,M +2011-08-30 06:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-08-30 07:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-30 08:20,12,BKN,M +2011-08-30 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-30 10:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2011-08-30 11:20,14,SCT,M +2011-08-30 12:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-30 13:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-30 14:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-30 15:20,16,SCT,M +2011-08-30 16:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-30 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-30 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-30 19:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-30 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-08-30 21:20,12,M,M +2011-08-30 22:20,12,M,M +2011-08-30 23:20,12,NSC,-SHRA +2011-08-31 00:20,12,M,M +2011-08-31 01:20,12,SCT,M +2011-08-31 02:20,12,M,M +2011-08-31 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-31 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-31 05:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2011-08-31 06:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2011-08-31 07:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2011-08-31 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-08-31 09:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-31 10:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2011-08-31 11:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2011-08-31 12:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-08-31 13:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-31 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-31 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-31 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-08-31 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-08-31 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-08-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-31 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-08-31 21:20,11,FEW,M +2011-08-31 22:20,15,SCT,M +2011-08-31 23:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-01 00:20,9,M,M +2011-09-01 01:20,9,FEW,M +2011-09-01 02:20,9,FEW,M +2011-09-01 03:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2011-09-01 04:20,9,SCT,M +2011-09-01 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-09-01 06:20,11,SCT,M +2011-09-01 07:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-01 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-01 09:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-01 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-01 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-01 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-01 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-01 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-01 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-01 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-01 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-01 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-01 19:20,11,FEW,M +2011-09-01 20:20,10,M,M +2011-09-01 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-01 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-01 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-02 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-02 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-02 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-02 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-02 04:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-02 05:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2011-09-02 06:20,12,M,M +2011-09-02 07:20,14,M,M +2011-09-02 08:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-02 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-02 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-02 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-02 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-02 13:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-02 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-02 15:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-02 16:20,19,M,M +2011-09-02 17:20,19,M,M +2011-09-02 18:20,18,M,M +2011-09-02 19:20,16,M,M +2011-09-02 20:20,15,M,M +2011-09-02 21:20,14,M,M +2011-09-02 22:20,15,M,M +2011-09-02 23:20,15,M,M +2011-09-03 00:20,14,M,M +2011-09-03 01:20,14,M,M +2011-09-03 02:20,14,M,M +2011-09-03 03:20,13,M,M +2011-09-03 04:20,13,M,M +2011-09-03 05:20,14,M,M +2011-09-03 06:20,15,M,M +2011-09-03 07:20,17,M,M +2011-09-03 08:20,19,M,M +2011-09-03 09:20,21,M,M +2011-09-03 10:20,24,M,M +2011-09-03 11:20,25,M,M +2011-09-03 12:20,26,FEW,M +2011-09-03 13:20,27,FEW,M +2011-09-03 14:20,27,FEW,M +2011-09-03 15:20,27,FEW,M +2011-09-03 16:20,27,FEW,M +2011-09-03 17:20,26,FEW,M +2011-09-03 18:20,23,M,M +2011-09-03 19:20,21,M,M +2011-09-03 20:20,21,M,M +2011-09-03 21:20,20,M,M +2011-09-03 22:20,20,M,M +2011-09-03 23:20,19,M,M +2011-09-04 00:20,19,M,M +2011-09-04 01:20,18,M,M +2011-09-04 02:20,18,M,M +2011-09-04 03:20,17,M,M +2011-09-04 04:20,17,M,M +2011-09-04 05:20,18,M,M +2011-09-04 06:20,19,M,M +2011-09-04 07:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-04 08:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-04 09:20,21,FEW,-RA +2011-09-04 10:20,22,FEW,-RA +2011-09-04 11:20,23,NSC,-RA +2011-09-04 12:20,23,M,M +2011-09-04 13:20,24,M,M +2011-09-04 14:20,24,M,M +2011-09-04 15:20,24,FEW,M +2011-09-04 16:20,24,SCT,M +2011-09-04 17:20,24,SCT,M +2011-09-04 18:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-04 19:20,22,FEW,RA +2011-09-04 20:20,20,SCT,M +2011-09-04 21:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-04 22:20,19,BKN,BR +2011-09-04 23:20,19,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-09-05 00:20,18,BKN,BR +2011-09-05 01:20,18,BKN,M +2011-09-05 02:20,18,FEW,-DZ +2011-09-05 03:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-05 04:20,17,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-05 05:20,16,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-05 06:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-05 07:20,18,BKN,M +2011-09-05 08:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-05 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-05 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-05 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-05 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-05 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-05 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-05 15:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-05 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-05 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-05 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-05 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-05 20:20,13,M,M +2011-09-05 21:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-05 22:20,13,M,M +2011-09-05 23:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 00:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 01:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 02:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 03:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 04:20,13,M,M +2011-09-06 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-06 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-06 07:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-06 08:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-06 09:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-06 10:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-06 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-06 12:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-06 13:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-06 14:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-06 15:20,17,BKN,-RA +2011-09-06 16:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-09-06 17:20,15,FEW,-RA +2011-09-06 18:20,14,SCT,RA +2011-09-06 19:20,14,FEW,RA +2011-09-06 20:20,14,SCT,RA +2011-09-06 21:20,14,BKN,RA +2011-09-06 22:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-09-06 23:20,15,SCT,RA +2011-09-07 00:20,13,FEW,RA +2011-09-07 01:20,12,FEW,RA +2011-09-07 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-09-07 03:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-07 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-07 05:20,12,BKN,M +2011-09-07 06:20,13,BKN,M +2011-09-07 07:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-07 08:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-07 09:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-07 10:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2011-09-07 11:20,15,BKN,SHRA +2011-09-07 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-07 13:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-07 14:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-07 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-07 16:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-07 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-07 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-07 19:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-07 20:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-07 21:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-07 22:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2011-09-07 23:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2011-09-08 00:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-09-08 01:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-09-08 02:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-09-08 03:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-09-08 04:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-09-08 05:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-09-08 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2011-09-08 07:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-09-08 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-09-08 09:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2011-09-08 10:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2011-09-08 11:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-08 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-08 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2011-09-08 14:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-08 15:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-08 16:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-08 17:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-08 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-08 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-08 20:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-08 21:20,12,M,M +2011-09-08 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-08 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-09 00:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-09 01:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-09 02:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2011-09-09 03:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2011-09-09 04:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-09 05:20,13,BKN,BR +2011-09-09 06:20,13,BKN,M +2011-09-09 07:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-09 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-09 09:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-09 10:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-09 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-09 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-09 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-09 14:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-09 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-09 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-09 18:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-09 19:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-09 20:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-09 21:20,16,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-09-09 22:20,16,BKN,BR +2011-09-09 23:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-10 00:20,17,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-09-10 01:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-10 02:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-10 03:20,17,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-09-10 04:20,17,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-09-10 05:20,17,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-09-10 06:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-10 07:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-10 08:20,18,SCT,-DZ +2011-09-10 09:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-10 10:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-10 11:20,21,BKN,M +2011-09-10 12:20,23,SCT,M +2011-09-10 13:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-10 14:20,24,SCT,M +2011-09-10 15:20,24,SCT,M +2011-09-10 16:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-10 17:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-10 18:20,22,M,M +2011-09-10 19:20,21,M,M +2011-09-10 20:20,21,M,M +2011-09-10 21:20,21,M,M +2011-09-10 22:20,20,M,M +2011-09-10 23:20,20,M,M +2011-09-11 00:20,19,M,M +2011-09-11 01:20,19,M,M +2011-09-11 02:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2011-09-11 03:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-11 04:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-11 05:20,18,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-11 06:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-11 07:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-11 08:20,21,FEW,M +2011-09-11 09:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-11 10:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-11 11:20,24,SCT,M +2011-09-11 12:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-11 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-11 14:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-11 15:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-11 16:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-11 18:20,17,M,M +2011-09-11 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-11 20:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-11 21:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-11 22:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-11 23:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-09-12 00:20,16,M,M +2011-09-12 01:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-12 02:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-12 03:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-12 04:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-12 05:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-12 06:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-12 07:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-12 08:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-12 09:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-12 10:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-12 11:20,19,SCT,M +2011-09-12 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 13:20,19,FEW,-RA +2011-09-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-12 15:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 16:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 17:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 18:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-12 19:20,19,BKN,M +2011-09-12 20:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 21:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 22:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-12 23:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-13 00:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-13 01:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-13 02:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-13 03:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-13 04:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2011-09-13 05:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-13 06:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-13 07:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-13 08:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-13 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-13 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-13 11:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-13 12:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-13 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-13 14:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-13 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-13 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-13 17:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-13 18:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-13 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-13 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-13 21:20,14,M,M +2011-09-13 22:20,14,M,M +2011-09-13 23:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-14 00:20,13,M,M +2011-09-14 01:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-14 02:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-14 03:20,13,M,M +2011-09-14 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-14 05:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-14 06:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-14 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-14 08:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-14 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-14 10:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-14 11:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-14 12:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-14 13:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-14 14:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-14 15:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-14 16:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-14 17:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-14 18:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-14 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-14 20:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-14 21:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-14 22:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-14 23:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-15 00:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-15 01:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-15 02:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-15 03:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-15 04:20,12,SCT,M +2011-09-15 05:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-15 06:20,12,SCT,M +2011-09-15 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-15 08:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-15 09:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-15 10:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-15 11:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2011-09-15 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-15 13:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2011-09-15 14:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-15 15:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-15 16:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-15 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-15 18:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-15 19:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-15 20:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-15 21:20,12,BKN,M +2011-09-15 22:20,11,M,M +2011-09-15 23:20,11,FEW,M +2011-09-16 00:20,10,FEW,M +2011-09-16 01:20,10,M,M +2011-09-16 02:20,9,FEW,M +2011-09-16 03:20,10,M,M +2011-09-16 04:20,10,SCT,M +2011-09-16 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-09-16 06:20,11,FEW,M +2011-09-16 07:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-16 08:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-16 09:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-16 10:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-16 11:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-16 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-16 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-16 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-16 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-16 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-16 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-16 18:20,13,M,M +2011-09-16 19:20,12,M,M +2011-09-16 20:20,12,M,M +2011-09-16 21:20,12,M,M +2011-09-16 22:20,12,M,M +2011-09-16 23:20,12,NSC,-RA +2011-09-17 00:20,12,M,M +2011-09-17 01:20,12,M,M +2011-09-17 02:20,12,M,M +2011-09-17 03:20,12,M,M +2011-09-17 04:20,12,M,M +2011-09-17 05:20,12,BKN,-RA +2011-09-17 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-17 07:20,13,BKN,M +2011-09-17 08:20,13,BKN,M +2011-09-17 09:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-17 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-17 11:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-17 12:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-17 13:20,18,SCT,M +2011-09-17 14:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-17 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-17 16:20,17,M,M +2011-09-17 17:20,17,M,M +2011-09-17 18:20,16,M,M +2011-09-17 19:20,16,M,M +2011-09-17 20:20,15,M,M +2011-09-17 21:20,15,M,M +2011-09-17 22:20,15,M,M +2011-09-17 23:20,14,M,M +2011-09-18 00:20,13,M,M +2011-09-18 01:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2011-09-18 02:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-18 03:20,13,SCT,M +2011-09-18 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-18 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-09-18 06:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-18 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-18 08:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-18 09:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-18 10:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-18 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-18 12:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-18 13:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-18 14:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-18 15:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-18 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-18 17:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-18 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-09-18 19:20,12,M,M +2011-09-18 20:20,11,M,M +2011-09-18 21:20,11,M,M +2011-09-18 22:20,10,M,M +2011-09-18 23:20,9,M,M +2011-09-19 00:20,8,M,M +2011-09-19 01:20,8,M,M +2011-09-19 02:20,9,M,M +2011-09-19 03:20,8,M,M +2011-09-19 04:20,7,M,M +2011-09-19 05:20,8,M,M +2011-09-19 06:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-19 07:20,11,M,M +2011-09-19 08:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-19 09:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-19 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-19 11:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-19 12:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-19 13:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-19 14:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-19 15:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-19 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-19 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-19 18:20,13,M,M +2011-09-19 19:20,13,M,M +2011-09-19 20:20,12,M,M +2011-09-19 21:20,11,M,M +2011-09-19 22:20,11,M,M +2011-09-19 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-20 05:20,11,M,M +2011-09-20 06:20,12,M,M +2011-09-20 07:20,14,M,M +2011-09-20 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-20 09:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-20 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-20 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-20 12:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-20 13:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-20 14:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-20 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-20 16:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-20 17:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-20 18:20,17,BKN,M +2011-09-20 19:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-20 20:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-20 21:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-21 22:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-21 23:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-22 00:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-22 01:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-22 02:20,14,BKN,M +2011-09-22 03:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-22 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-22 05:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-22 06:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-22 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-22 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-22 09:20,14,SCT,M +2011-09-22 10:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-22 11:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-22 12:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2011-09-22 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-22 14:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-22 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-22 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-22 17:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-22 18:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-22 19:20,11,M,M +2011-09-22 20:20,11,M,M +2011-09-22 21:20,10,M,M +2011-09-22 22:20,10,M,M +2011-09-22 23:20,10,M,M +2011-09-23 00:20,10,M,M +2011-09-23 01:20,9,M,M +2011-09-23 02:20,8,FEW,M +2011-09-23 03:20,9,M,M +2011-09-23 04:20,10,FEW,M +2011-09-23 05:20,10,FEW,M +2011-09-23 06:20,11,M,M +2011-09-23 07:20,12,FEW,M +2011-09-23 08:20,13,M,M +2011-09-23 09:20,15,M,M +2011-09-23 10:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-23 11:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-23 12:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-23 13:20,17,SCT,M +2011-09-23 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-23 15:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-23 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-09-23 17:20,14,M,M +2011-09-23 18:20,11,M,M +2011-09-23 19:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-23 20:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-23 21:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-23 22:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-23 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 03:20,10,M,M +2011-09-24 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-24 05:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-24 06:20,10,M,M +2011-09-24 07:20,12,M,M +2011-09-24 08:20,15,SCT,M +2011-09-24 09:20,16,M,M +2011-09-24 10:20,18,M,M +2011-09-24 11:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-24 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-24 13:20,20,FEW,M +2011-09-24 14:20,19,M,M +2011-09-24 15:20,19,M,M +2011-09-24 16:20,17,M,M +2011-09-24 17:20,15,M,M +2011-09-24 18:20,14,M,M +2011-09-24 19:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 20:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-24 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 04:20,10,M,M +2011-09-25 05:20,10,M,M +2011-09-25 06:20,11,M,M +2011-09-25 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-09-25 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-09-25 09:20,17,M,M +2011-09-25 10:20,19,M,M +2011-09-25 11:20,20,M,M +2011-09-25 12:20,21,M,M +2011-09-25 13:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-25 14:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-25 15:20,21,FEW,M +2011-09-25 16:20,20,M,M +2011-09-25 17:20,17,M,M +2011-09-25 18:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-25 19:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-25 20:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-25 21:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-25 22:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-25 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-26 00:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2011-09-26 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2011-09-26 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2011-09-26 03:20,12,M,M +2011-09-26 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-26 05:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-26 06:20,13,M,M +2011-09-26 07:20,15,M,M +2011-09-26 08:20,17,M,M +2011-09-26 09:20,19,M,M +2011-09-26 10:20,21,M,M +2011-09-26 11:20,23,M,M +2011-09-26 12:20,24,M,M +2011-09-26 13:20,24,FEW,M +2011-09-26 14:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-26 15:20,23,FEW,M +2011-09-26 16:20,22,FEW,M +2011-09-26 17:20,21,FEW,M +2011-09-26 18:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-26 19:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-26 20:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-26 21:20,17,SCT,-RA +2011-09-26 22:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-26 23:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-27 00:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-27 01:20,16,BKN,M +2011-09-27 02:20,15,BKN,M +2011-09-27 03:20,14,FEW,M +2011-09-27 04:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2011-09-27 05:20,13,BKN,FG +2011-09-27 06:20,13,VV ,FG +2011-09-27 07:20,14,BKN,BCFG BR +2011-09-27 08:20,15,SCT,BR +2011-09-27 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-09-27 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-09-27 11:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-27 12:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-27 13:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-27 14:20,19,FEW,M +2011-09-27 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-09-27 16:20,16,M,M +2011-09-27 17:20,14,M,M +2011-09-27 18:20,13,M,M +2011-09-27 19:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-27 20:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-27 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-27 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-27 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-28 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 05:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-28 06:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-28 07:20,13,M,M +2011-09-28 08:20,17,M,M +2011-09-28 09:20,18,M,M +2011-09-28 10:20,20,M,M +2011-09-28 11:20,21,M,M +2011-09-28 12:20,21,M,M +2011-09-28 13:20,23,M,M +2011-09-28 14:20,23,M,M +2011-09-28 15:20,21,M,M +2011-09-28 16:20,20,M,M +2011-09-28 17:20,17,M,M +2011-09-28 18:20,16,M,M +2011-09-28 19:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 20:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-28 22:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-28 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-29 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 05:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 06:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-29 07:20,14,M,M +2011-09-29 08:20,16,M,M +2011-09-29 09:20,19,M,M +2011-09-29 10:20,21,M,M +2011-09-29 11:20,23,M,M +2011-09-29 12:20,24,M,M +2011-09-29 13:20,24,M,M +2011-09-29 14:20,24,M,M +2011-09-29 15:20,24,M,M +2011-09-29 16:20,22,M,M +2011-09-29 17:20,22,M,M +2011-09-29 18:20,17,M,M +2011-09-29 19:20,15,M,M +2011-09-29 20:20,15,M,M +2011-09-29 21:20,13,M,M +2011-09-29 22:20,13,M,M +2011-09-29 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-09-30 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 05:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2011-09-30 06:20,13,M,M +2011-09-30 07:20,15,M,M +2011-09-30 08:20,19,M,M +2011-09-30 09:20,22,M,M +2011-09-30 10:20,23,M,M +2011-09-30 11:20,24,M,M +2011-09-30 12:20,25,M,M +2011-09-30 13:20,25,M,M +2011-09-30 14:20,26,M,M +2011-09-30 15:20,25,M,M +2011-09-30 16:20,23,M,M +2011-09-30 17:20,19,M,M +2011-09-30 18:20,17,M,M +2011-09-30 19:20,15,M,M +2011-09-30 20:20,15,M,M +2011-09-30 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-01 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 05:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 06:20,12,M,M +2011-10-01 07:20,15,M,M +2011-10-01 08:20,18,M,M +2011-10-01 09:20,21,M,M +2011-10-01 10:20,23,M,M +2011-10-01 11:20,25,M,M +2011-10-01 12:20,26,M,M +2011-10-01 13:20,26,M,M +2011-10-01 14:20,26,M,M +2011-10-01 15:20,25,M,M +2011-10-01 16:20,23,M,M +2011-10-01 17:20,19,M,M +2011-10-01 18:20,17,M,M +2011-10-01 19:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-01 20:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-01 21:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 22:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-01 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-02 04:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 05:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 06:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-02 07:20,14,M,M +2011-10-02 08:20,17,M,M +2011-10-02 09:20,20,M,M +2011-10-02 10:20,23,M,M +2011-10-02 11:20,24,M,M +2011-10-02 12:20,24,M,M +2011-10-02 13:20,24,FEW,M +2011-10-02 14:20,24,M,M +2011-10-02 15:20,23,M,M +2011-10-02 16:20,21,M,M +2011-10-02 17:20,18,NSC,M +2011-10-02 18:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-02 19:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-02 20:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-10-02 21:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-10-02 22:20,12,NSC,FG +2011-10-02 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-10-03 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-10-03 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-03 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-03 03:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-03 04:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-03 05:20,15,NSC,M +2011-10-03 06:20,16,NSC,M +2011-10-03 07:20,16,NSC,M +2011-10-03 08:20,16,NSC,M +2011-10-03 09:20,18,NSC,M +2011-10-03 10:20,20,NSC,M +2011-10-03 11:20,20,M,M +2011-10-03 12:20,21,FEW,M +2011-10-03 13:20,22,M,M +2011-10-03 14:20,22,M,M +2011-10-03 15:20,21,M,M +2011-10-03 16:20,20,M,M +2011-10-03 17:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 18:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 19:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 20:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 21:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 22:20,19,M,M +2011-10-03 23:20,19,M,M +2011-10-04 00:20,19,M,M +2011-10-04 01:20,17,M,M +2011-10-04 02:20,17,M,M +2011-10-04 03:20,17,M,M +2011-10-04 04:20,16,M,M +2011-10-04 05:20,15,M,M +2011-10-04 06:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-04 07:20,16,BKN,M +2011-10-04 08:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 09:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 10:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 12:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 13:20,16,FEW,M +2011-10-04 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 15:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-04 16:20,16,FEW,M +2011-10-04 17:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-04 18:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-04 19:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-04 20:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-04 21:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-04 22:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-04 23:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-05 00:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-05 01:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-05 02:20,12,M,M +2011-10-05 03:20,12,M,M +2011-10-05 04:20,12,M,M +2011-10-05 05:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-05 06:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-05 07:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-05 08:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-05 09:20,16,SCT,M +2011-10-05 10:20,15,SCT,-RA +2011-10-05 11:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 12:20,17,BKN,M +2011-10-05 13:20,17,SCT,M +2011-10-05 14:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 15:20,18,FEW,M +2011-10-05 16:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 17:20,17,BKN,M +2011-10-05 18:20,17,FEW,-RA +2011-10-05 19:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 20:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 21:20,16,FEW,M +2011-10-05 22:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-05 23:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-06 00:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-06 01:20,17,OVC,M +2011-10-06 02:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-06 03:20,17,FEW,M +2011-10-06 04:20,16,FEW,M +2011-10-06 05:20,15,SCT,RA +2011-10-06 06:20,16,FEW,M +2011-10-06 07:20,16,BKN,M +2011-10-06 08:20,16,SCT,-RA +2011-10-06 09:20,16,FEW,-RA +2011-10-06 10:20,17,BKN,M +2011-10-06 11:20,13,BKN,RA +2011-10-06 12:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-06 13:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-06 14:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-06 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-06 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-06 17:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-06 18:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-06 19:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-06 20:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-06 21:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-06 22:20,8,M,M +2011-10-06 23:20,8,M,M +2011-10-07 00:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-07 01:20,7,M,M +2011-10-07 02:20,7,M,M +2011-10-07 03:20,7,M,M +2011-10-07 04:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-07 05:20,7,M,M +2011-10-07 06:20,7,M,M +2011-10-07 07:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-07 08:20,10,SCT,M +2011-10-07 09:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-07 10:20,11,BKN,M +2011-10-07 11:20,12,BKN,M +2011-10-07 12:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2011-10-07 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-07 14:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2011-10-07 15:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-07 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-07 17:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2011-10-07 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-07 19:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-07 20:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-07 21:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-07 22:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-07 23:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-08 00:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2011-10-08 01:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-08 02:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-08 03:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-08 04:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-08 05:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-08 06:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-08 07:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-08 08:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-08 09:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2011-10-08 10:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-08 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-08 12:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-08 13:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-08 14:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-08 15:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-08 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-08 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-08 18:20,8,M,M +2011-10-08 19:20,7,M,M +2011-10-08 20:20,6,M,M +2011-10-08 21:20,5,M,M +2011-10-08 22:20,5,M,M +2011-10-08 23:20,4,M,M +2011-10-09 00:20,3,M,M +2011-10-09 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-09 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-09 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-09 04:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2011-10-09 05:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-09 06:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-09 07:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-09 08:20,8,M,M +2011-10-09 09:20,10,M,M +2011-10-09 10:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-09 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-09 12:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-09 13:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-09 14:20,11,M,M +2011-10-09 15:20,10,NSC,-RA +2011-10-09 16:20,10,NSC,-RA +2011-10-09 17:20,9,BKN,-RA +2011-10-09 18:20,8,FEW,RADZ +2011-10-09 19:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2011-10-09 20:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2011-10-09 21:20,9,BKN,M +2011-10-09 22:20,10,BKN,DZ BR +2011-10-09 23:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-10-10 00:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-10-10 01:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-10-10 02:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-10 03:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-10 04:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-10 05:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-10 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2011-10-10 07:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2011-10-10 08:20,15,FEW,RADZ +2011-10-10 09:20,15,BKN,RADZ +2011-10-10 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2011-10-10 11:20,16,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 12:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 13:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 14:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 15:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 16:20,15,BKN,RA +2011-10-10 17:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-10 18:20,15,BKN,RADZ +2011-10-10 19:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-10 20:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-10 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-10 22:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-10 23:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-11 00:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-11 01:20,13,SCT,-RA +2011-10-11 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2011-10-11 03:20,12,SCT,-RA +2011-10-11 04:20,12,SCT,RA +2011-10-11 05:20,12,SCT,RA +2011-10-11 06:20,12,SCT,RA +2011-10-11 07:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2011-10-11 08:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-10-11 09:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-11 10:20,13,BKN,-RA +2011-10-11 11:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-11 12:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-11 13:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-11 14:20,14,SCT,M +2011-10-11 15:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-11 16:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-11 17:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-11 18:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-11 19:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-11 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-11 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-11 22:20,10,SCT,M +2011-10-11 23:20,9,M,M +2011-10-12 00:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-12 01:20,9,M,M +2011-10-12 02:20,8,M,M +2011-10-12 03:20,8,M,M +2011-10-12 04:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-12 05:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-12 06:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-12 07:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-12 08:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-12 09:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-12 10:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-12 11:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-12 12:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-12 13:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-12 14:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-12 15:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-12 16:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-12 17:20,10,SCT,M +2011-10-12 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-12 19:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2011-10-12 20:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-12 21:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-12 22:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2011-10-12 23:20,5,SCT,MIFG +2011-10-13 00:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2011-10-13 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-13 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-13 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-13 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-13 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-13 06:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-13 07:20,6,NSC,M +2011-10-13 08:20,9,M,M +2011-10-13 09:20,10,M,M +2011-10-13 10:20,12,M,M +2011-10-13 11:20,13,M,M +2011-10-13 12:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-13 13:20,15,SCT,M +2011-10-13 14:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-13 15:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-13 16:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-13 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-13 18:20,7,M,M +2011-10-13 19:20,5,M,M +2011-10-13 20:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-13 21:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-13 22:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-13 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-14 00:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 01:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 04:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 05:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 06:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 07:20,3,M,M +2011-10-14 08:20,7,M,M +2011-10-14 09:20,10,M,M +2011-10-14 10:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-14 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-14 12:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-14 13:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-14 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-14 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-14 16:20,8,M,M +2011-10-14 17:20,7,M,M +2011-10-14 18:20,5,M,M +2011-10-14 19:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 20:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 21:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-14 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-15 00:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-15 01:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-15 02:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-15 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-15 04:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-15 05:20,0,M,M +2011-10-15 06:20,1,M,M +2011-10-15 07:20,3,M,M +2011-10-15 08:20,6,M,M +2011-10-15 09:20,8,M,M +2011-10-15 10:20,10,M,M +2011-10-15 11:20,11,M,M +2011-10-15 12:20,11,M,M +2011-10-15 13:20,12,M,M +2011-10-15 14:20,12,M,M +2011-10-15 15:20,11,M,M +2011-10-15 16:20,9,M,M +2011-10-15 17:20,8,M,M +2011-10-15 18:20,7,M,M +2011-10-15 19:20,6,M,M +2011-10-15 20:20,5,M,M +2011-10-15 21:20,5,M,M +2011-10-15 22:20,4,M,M +2011-10-15 23:20,4,M,M +2011-10-16 00:20,4,M,M +2011-10-16 01:20,3,M,M +2011-10-16 02:20,2,M,M +2011-10-16 03:20,2,M,M +2011-10-16 04:20,2,M,M +2011-10-16 05:20,2,M,M +2011-10-16 06:20,2,M,M +2011-10-16 07:20,5,M,M +2011-10-16 08:20,6,M,M +2011-10-16 09:20,8,M,M +2011-10-16 10:20,10,M,M +2011-10-16 11:20,12,M,M +2011-10-16 12:20,13,M,M +2011-10-16 13:20,13,M,M +2011-10-16 14:20,14,M,M +2011-10-16 15:20,13,M,M +2011-10-16 16:20,11,M,M +2011-10-16 17:20,10,M,M +2011-10-16 18:20,9,M,M +2011-10-16 19:20,9,M,M +2011-10-16 20:20,8,M,M +2011-10-16 21:20,7,M,M +2011-10-16 22:20,6,M,M +2011-10-16 23:20,6,M,M +2011-10-17 00:20,5,M,M +2011-10-17 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-17 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-17 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-17 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-17 05:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-17 06:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2011-10-17 07:20,5,M,M +2011-10-17 08:20,8,M,M +2011-10-17 09:20,9,BKN,M +2011-10-17 10:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-17 11:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-17 12:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-17 13:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-17 14:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-17 15:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-17 16:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-17 17:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-17 18:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-17 19:20,11,NSC,M +2011-10-17 20:20,11,NSC,M +2011-10-17 21:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-17 22:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-17 23:20,10,M,M +2011-10-18 00:20,10,M,M +2011-10-18 01:20,10,M,M +2011-10-18 02:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-18 03:20,11,M,M +2011-10-18 04:20,11,BKN,M +2011-10-18 05:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-18 06:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-18 07:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-18 08:20,11,BKN,RA +2011-10-18 09:20,11,FEW,RA +2011-10-18 10:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2011-10-18 11:20,9,SCT,RA +2011-10-18 12:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-18 13:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-18 14:20,10,SCT,M +2011-10-18 15:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-18 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-18 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-18 18:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-18 19:20,7,M,M +2011-10-18 20:20,7,M,M +2011-10-18 21:20,7,M,M +2011-10-18 22:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-18 23:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 00:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 01:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 02:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 03:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 04:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 05:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 06:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-19 07:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-19 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-19 09:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-19 10:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-19 11:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-19 12:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-19 13:20,12,SCT,M +2011-10-19 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-19 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-19 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-19 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-19 18:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-19 19:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-19 20:20,7,M,M +2011-10-19 21:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-19 22:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-19 23:20,7,SCT,M +2011-10-20 00:20,6,SCT,M +2011-10-20 01:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-20 02:20,6,SCT,M +2011-10-20 03:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-10-20 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-10-20 05:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-20 06:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-20 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-20 08:20,6,FEW,M +2011-10-20 09:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2011-10-20 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-20 11:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-20 12:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-20 13:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2011-10-20 14:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-20 15:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-20 16:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-20 17:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-20 18:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-20 19:20,6,FEW,M +2011-10-20 20:20,6,SCT,M +2011-10-20 21:20,5,M,M +2011-10-20 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-10-20 23:20,6,M,M +2011-10-21 00:20,6,FEW,M +2011-10-21 01:20,5,BKN,M +2011-10-21 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-10-21 03:20,5,BKN,M +2011-10-21 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-21 05:20,5,SCT,M +2011-10-21 06:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-21 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-21 08:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-21 09:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-21 10:20,9,M,M +2011-10-21 11:20,10,M,M +2011-10-21 12:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-21 13:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-21 14:20,10,M,M +2011-10-21 15:20,9,M,M +2011-10-21 16:20,8,M,M +2011-10-21 17:20,6,M,M +2011-10-21 18:20,7,M,M +2011-10-21 19:20,6,M,M +2011-10-21 20:20,6,M,M +2011-10-21 21:20,5,M,M +2011-10-22 22:20,5,M,M +2011-10-22 23:20,5,M,M +2011-10-23 00:20,4,M,M +2011-10-23 01:20,4,M,M +2011-10-23 02:20,3,M,M +2011-10-23 03:20,3,M,M +2011-10-23 04:20,2,M,M +2011-10-23 05:20,2,M,M +2011-10-23 06:20,2,M,M +2011-10-23 07:20,3,M,M +2011-10-23 08:20,4,M,M +2011-10-23 09:20,6,M,M +2011-10-23 10:20,8,M,M +2011-10-23 11:20,9,M,M +2011-10-23 12:20,11,M,M +2011-10-23 13:20,12,M,M +2011-10-23 14:20,11,M,M +2011-10-23 15:20,10,M,M +2011-10-23 16:20,8,M,M +2011-10-23 17:20,8,M,M +2011-10-23 18:20,7,M,M +2011-10-23 19:20,7,M,M +2011-10-23 20:20,7,M,M +2011-10-23 21:20,6,M,M +2011-10-23 22:20,6,M,M +2011-10-23 23:20,6,M,M +2011-10-24 00:20,5,M,M +2011-10-24 01:20,5,M,M +2011-10-24 02:20,4,NSC,M +2011-10-24 03:20,4,NSC,M +2011-10-24 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-24 05:20,5,FEW,M +2011-10-24 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2011-10-24 07:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-10-24 08:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-24 09:20,7,FEW,M +2011-10-24 10:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-24 11:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-24 12:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-24 13:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-24 14:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-24 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-24 16:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-24 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-24 18:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-24 19:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-24 20:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-24 21:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-24 22:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-24 23:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 00:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 01:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-25 02:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 03:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 04:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 05:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 06:20,8,BKN,M +2011-10-25 07:20,8,SCT,M +2011-10-25 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-25 09:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-25 10:20,10,SCT,M +2011-10-25 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-25 12:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-25 13:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-25 14:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-25 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-25 16:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-25 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-25 18:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-25 19:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-25 20:20,9,M,M +2011-10-25 21:20,9,M,M +2011-10-25 22:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-25 23:20,9,BKN,M +2011-10-26 00:20,9,SCT,RA +2011-10-26 01:20,9,BKN,M +2011-10-26 02:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-26 03:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-26 04:20,8,M,M +2011-10-26 05:20,8,FEW,M +2011-10-26 06:20,8,NSC,M +2011-10-26 07:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-26 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-26 09:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-26 10:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-26 11:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-26 12:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-26 13:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-26 14:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-26 15:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-26 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-26 17:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-26 18:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-26 19:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-26 20:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-26 21:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2011-10-26 22:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-26 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-27 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-27 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-27 02:20,5,NSC,PRFG +2011-10-27 03:20,4,M,M +2011-10-27 04:20,4,M,M +2011-10-27 05:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-27 06:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-27 07:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-27 08:20,8,NSC,M +2011-10-27 09:20,10,NSC,M +2011-10-27 10:20,12,M,M +2011-10-27 11:20,13,M,M +2011-10-27 12:20,14,M,M +2011-10-27 13:20,12,M,M +2011-10-27 14:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-27 15:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-27 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-27 17:20,11,BKN,M +2011-10-27 18:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-27 19:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-27 20:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-27 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-10-27 22:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-27 23:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2011-10-28 00:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-28 01:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-28 02:20,10,BKN,M +2011-10-28 03:20,9,SCT,M +2011-10-28 04:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2011-10-28 05:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2011-10-28 06:20,9,FEW,M +2011-10-28 07:20,9,NSC,M +2011-10-28 08:20,10,NSC,M +2011-10-28 09:20,11,M,M +2011-10-28 10:20,13,M,M +2011-10-28 11:20,13,M,M +2011-10-28 12:20,14,M,M +2011-10-28 13:20,14,M,M +2011-10-28 14:20,14,M,M +2011-10-28 15:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-28 16:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-28 17:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-28 18:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2011-10-28 19:20,12,SCT,BR +2011-10-28 20:20,12,SCT,BR +2011-10-28 21:20,12,FEW,BR +2011-10-28 22:20,12,SCT,BR +2011-10-28 23:20,11,SCT,BCFG BR +2011-10-29 00:20,10,BKN,FG +2011-10-29 01:20,11,BKN,BCFG BR +2011-10-29 02:20,11,VV ,FG +2011-10-29 03:20,11,SCT,BCFG BR +2011-10-29 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2011-10-29 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2011-10-29 06:20,11,SCT,M +2011-10-29 07:20,11,FEW,M +2011-10-29 08:20,12,BKN,M +2011-10-29 09:20,12,NSC,M +2011-10-29 10:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-29 11:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-29 12:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-29 13:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-29 14:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-29 15:20,14,NSC,M +2011-10-29 16:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-29 17:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-29 18:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-29 19:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-29 20:20,12,NSC,M +2011-10-29 21:20,11,NSC,M +2011-10-29 22:20,12,NSC,M +2011-10-29 23:20,11,NSC,M +2011-10-30 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-30 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-30 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2011-10-30 03:20,11,BKN,M +2011-10-30 04:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-30 05:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-30 06:20,11,BKN,M +2011-10-30 07:20,12,NSC,M +2011-10-30 08:20,13,NSC,M +2011-10-30 09:20,14,M,M +2011-10-30 10:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-30 11:20,15,BKN,-RA +2011-10-30 12:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-30 13:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-30 14:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-30 15:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-30 16:20,14,BKN,BR +2011-10-30 17:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-30 18:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-30 19:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-30 20:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-30 21:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-30 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-10-31 00:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-31 01:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-31 02:20,13,SCT,M +2011-10-31 03:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-31 04:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-31 05:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-31 06:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-31 07:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-31 08:20,13,BKN,M +2011-10-31 09:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-31 10:20,14,FEW,M +2011-10-31 11:20,15,BKN,M +2011-10-31 12:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-31 13:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-31 14:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-31 15:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-31 16:20,15,FEW,M +2011-10-31 17:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-31 18:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-31 19:20,14,BKN,M +2011-10-31 20:20,13,FEW,M +2011-10-31 21:20,12,FEW,M +2011-10-31 22:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-01 00:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-01 01:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-01 02:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-01 03:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-01 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2011-11-01 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2011-11-01 06:20,11,SCT,BR +2011-11-01 07:20,10,BKN,BR +2011-11-01 08:20,10,FEW,BR +2011-11-01 09:20,10,FEW,BR +2011-11-01 10:20,11,FEW,BR +2011-11-01 11:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-01 12:20,12,BKN,M +2011-11-01 13:20,12,FEW,M +2011-11-01 14:20,12,FEW,M +2011-11-01 15:20,12,FEW,M +2011-11-01 16:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-01 17:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-01 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-01 19:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-01 20:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-01 21:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-01 22:20,9,FEW,PRFG BR +2011-11-01 23:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-02 00:20,8,FEW,PRFG BR +2011-11-02 01:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-02 02:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-02 03:20,8,OVC,FG +2011-11-02 04:20,8,OVC,FG +2011-11-02 05:20,8,OVC,FG +2011-11-02 06:20,7,OVC,FG +2011-11-02 07:20,8,FEW,BCFG BR +2011-11-02 08:20,8,SCT,BR +2011-11-02 11:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-02 12:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-02 13:20,12,BKN,M +2011-11-02 14:20,13,BKN,M +2011-11-02 15:20,12,FEW,M +2011-11-02 16:20,12,SCT,M +2011-11-02 17:20,12,FEW,M +2011-11-02 18:20,12,BKN,M +2011-11-02 19:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-02 20:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-02 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-11-02 22:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-02 23:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-03 00:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-03 01:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-03 02:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-03 03:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-03 04:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-03 05:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-03 06:20,9,NSC,M +2011-11-03 07:20,9,NSC,M +2011-11-03 08:20,10,M,M +2011-11-03 09:20,10,M,M +2011-11-03 10:20,11,M,M +2011-11-03 11:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 12:20,14,M,M +2011-11-03 13:20,14,M,M +2011-11-03 14:20,13,M,M +2011-11-03 15:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 16:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 17:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 18:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 19:20,12,M,M +2011-11-03 20:20,11,M,M +2011-11-03 21:20,11,M,M +2011-11-03 22:20,11,M,M +2011-11-03 23:20,10,M,M +2011-11-04 00:20,10,M,M +2011-11-04 01:20,10,M,M +2011-11-04 02:20,9,M,M +2011-11-04 03:20,9,M,M +2011-11-04 04:20,8,M,M +2011-11-04 05:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-04 06:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-04 07:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-04 08:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-04 09:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-04 10:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-04 11:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-04 12:20,11,NSC,M +2011-11-04 13:20,12,M,M +2011-11-04 14:20,12,M,M +2011-11-04 15:20,11,M,M +2011-11-04 16:20,10,M,M +2011-11-04 17:20,9,M,M +2011-11-04 18:20,9,M,M +2011-11-04 19:20,9,M,M +2011-11-04 20:20,8,M,M +2011-11-04 21:20,7,M,M +2011-11-04 22:20,7,M,M +2011-11-04 23:20,8,M,M +2011-11-05 00:20,7,M,M +2011-11-05 01:20,8,M,M +2011-11-05 02:20,8,M,M +2011-11-05 03:20,8,M,M +2011-11-05 04:20,7,M,M +2011-11-05 05:20,7,M,M +2011-11-05 06:20,7,NSC,M +2011-11-05 07:20,7,NSC,M +2011-11-05 08:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-05 09:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-05 10:20,9,NSC,M +2011-11-05 11:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-05 12:20,11,NSC,M +2011-11-05 13:20,11,NSC,M +2011-11-05 14:20,11,NSC,M +2011-11-05 15:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-05 16:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-05 17:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-05 18:20,10,NSC,M +2011-11-05 19:20,9,NSC,M +2011-11-05 20:20,8,NSC,BR +2011-11-05 21:20,8,NSC,BR +2011-11-05 22:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-05 23:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-06 00:20,6,NSC,BR +2011-11-06 01:20,6,NSC,BR +2011-11-06 02:20,6,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-06 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-06 04:20,5,BKN,MIFG BR +2011-11-06 05:20,6,VV ,FG +2011-11-06 06:20,6,VV ,FG +2011-11-06 07:20,6,VV ,FG +2011-11-06 08:20,6,BKN,FG +2011-11-06 09:20,6,BKN,FG +2011-11-06 10:20,7,OVC,FG +2011-11-06 11:20,7,OVC,FG +2011-11-06 12:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 13:20,8,OVC,FG +2011-11-06 14:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 15:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 16:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 17:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 18:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2011-11-06 19:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-06 20:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-06 21:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-06 22:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-06 23:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-07 00:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 01:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 02:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 03:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 04:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 05:20,9,SCT,BR +2011-11-07 06:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-07 07:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-07 08:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-07 09:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-07 10:20,9,OVC,BR +2011-11-07 11:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 12:20,10,SCT,BR +2011-11-07 13:20,10,SCT,BR +2011-11-07 14:20,10,FEW,BR +2011-11-07 15:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-07 16:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-07 17:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 18:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 19:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 20:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 21:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 22:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-07 23:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 00:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 01:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 03:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 05:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 06:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-08 07:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-08 08:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 09:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 10:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 11:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-08 12:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-08 13:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-08 14:20,10,SCT,BR +2011-11-08 15:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 16:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-08 17:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-08 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-08 19:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-08 20:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-08 21:20,7,NSC,BR +2011-11-08 22:20,6,NSC,BR +2011-11-08 23:20,6,NSC,BR +2011-11-09 00:20,5,NSC,BR +2011-11-09 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-09 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-09 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-09 04:20,4,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-09 05:20,5,NSC,BR +2011-11-09 06:20,5,FEW,MIFG BR +2011-11-09 07:20,5,FEW,MIFG BR +2011-11-09 08:20,5,FEW,FG +2011-11-09 09:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 10:20,6,OVC,BR +2011-11-09 11:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 12:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 13:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 14:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 15:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 16:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 17:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 18:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 19:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 20:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 21:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-09 22:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-09 23:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-10 00:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-10 01:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-10 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-10 03:20,6,BKN,BR +2011-11-10 04:20,6,OVC,BR +2011-11-10 05:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-11-10 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2011-11-10 07:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-11-10 08:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-11-10 09:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-11-10 10:20,6,SCT,BR +2011-11-10 11:20,7,OVC,BR +2011-11-10 12:20,7,OVC,BR +2011-11-10 13:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-10 14:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-11-10 15:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-11-10 16:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-10 17:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2011-11-10 18:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2011-11-10 19:20,5,BKN,M +2011-11-10 20:20,4,BKN,M +2011-11-10 21:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-10 22:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-10 23:20,3,M,M +2011-11-11 01:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 02:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-11 03:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 04:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 05:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 06:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 07:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 08:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-11 09:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-11 10:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-11 11:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-11 12:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-11 13:20,2,SCT,M +2011-11-11 14:20,2,SCT,M +2011-11-11 15:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-11 16:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-11 17:20,2,M,M +2011-11-11 18:20,2,M,M +2011-11-11 19:20,2,M,M +2011-11-11 20:20,2,M,M +2011-11-11 21:20,1,M,M +2011-11-11 22:20,1,M,M +2011-11-11 23:20,1,M,M +2011-11-12 00:20,1,M,M +2011-11-12 01:20,0,M,M +2011-11-12 02:20,0,M,M +2011-11-12 03:20,-1,M,M +2011-11-12 04:20,-1,M,M +2011-11-12 05:20,-1,M,M +2011-11-12 06:20,-1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 07:20,-1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 08:20,0,NSC,M +2011-11-12 09:20,2,NSC,M +2011-11-12 10:20,3,NSC,M +2011-11-12 11:20,4,NSC,M +2011-11-12 12:20,5,NSC,M +2011-11-12 13:20,5,M,M +2011-11-12 14:20,5,M,M +2011-11-12 15:20,3,NSC,M +2011-11-12 16:20,2,NSC,M +2011-11-12 17:20,2,NSC,M +2011-11-12 18:20,1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 19:20,1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 20:20,-1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 21:20,-1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 22:20,-1,NSC,M +2011-11-12 23:20,-1,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-13 00:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-13 01:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-13 02:20,-3,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-13 03:20,-2,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-13 04:20,-2,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-13 05:20,-3,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-13 06:20,-3,FEW,MIFG BR +2011-11-13 07:20,-3,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-13 08:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-13 09:20,1,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-13 10:20,3,NSC,BR +2011-11-13 11:20,5,NSC,BR +2011-11-13 12:20,6,NSC,HZ +2011-11-13 13:20,6,NSC,M +2011-11-13 14:20,6,NSC,M +2011-11-13 15:20,4,NSC,M +2011-11-13 16:20,2,NSC,M +2011-11-13 17:20,1,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-13 18:20,1,NSC,PRFG +2011-11-13 19:20,0,NSC,M +2011-11-13 20:20,0,NSC,PRFG +2011-11-13 21:20,0,NSC,PRFG +2011-11-13 22:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-13 23:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-14 00:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2011-11-14 01:20,-2,SCT,FZFG +2011-11-14 02:20,-2,FEW,FZFG +2011-11-14 03:20,-3,FEW,FZFG +2011-11-14 04:20,-2,FEW,FZFG +2011-11-14 05:20,-3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-14 06:20,-3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-11-14 07:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-14 08:20,-1,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-14 09:20,0,NSC,BCFG BR +2011-11-14 10:20,0,SCT,FG +2011-11-14 11:20,1,BKN,FG +2011-11-14 12:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-14 13:20,1,FEW,BCFG BR +2011-11-14 14:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 15:20,2,SCT,FG +2011-11-14 16:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 17:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 18:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 19:20,3,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 20:20,3,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 21:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 22:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-14 23:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-15 00:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-15 01:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-15 02:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-15 03:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-15 04:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-11-15 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 10:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-15 11:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-15 13:20,3,SCT,M +2011-11-15 14:20,3,SCT,M +2011-11-15 15:20,3,SCT,M +2011-11-15 16:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-15 17:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-15 18:20,3,SCT,M +2011-11-15 19:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-15 20:20,2,OVC,M +2011-11-15 21:20,2,SCT,M +2011-11-15 22:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-15 23:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 00:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 01:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 02:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 05:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-16 06:20,1,BKN,M +2011-11-16 07:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-16 08:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-16 09:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-16 10:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-16 11:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-16 12:20,2,SCT,M +2011-11-16 13:20,2,OVC,M +2011-11-16 14:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-16 15:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-16 16:20,2,OVC,M +2011-11-16 17:20,2,OVC,M +2011-11-16 18:20,2,OVC,M +2011-11-16 19:20,1,OVC,M +2011-11-16 20:20,1,FEW,M +2011-11-16 21:20,1,FEW,M +2011-11-16 22:20,1,FEW,M +2011-11-16 23:20,1,FEW,M +2011-11-17 00:20,1,FEW,M +2011-11-17 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 02:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 03:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 04:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 06:20,0,SCT,BR +2011-11-17 07:20,0,SCT,BR +2011-11-17 08:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 09:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 10:20,0,OVC,BR +2011-11-17 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 12:20,2,SCT,M +2011-11-17 13:20,3,NSC,M +2011-11-17 14:20,3,NSC,M +2011-11-17 15:20,2,NSC,M +2011-11-17 16:20,0,NSC,M +2011-11-17 17:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2011-11-17 18:20,-1,NSC,MIFG BR +2011-11-17 19:20,-2,BKN,BCFG BR +2011-11-17 20:20,0,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 21:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 22:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-17 23:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 00:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-11-18 01:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 02:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 06:20,4,FEW,BR +2011-11-18 07:20,4,SCT,BR +2011-11-18 08:20,5,SCT,BR +2011-11-18 09:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-18 10:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 11:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 12:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-18 13:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 14:20,8,SCT,BR +2011-11-18 15:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 16:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 17:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 18:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 19:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 20:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-18 21:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 22:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-18 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 01:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-19 02:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-19 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-19 04:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-19 05:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-19 06:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-19 07:20,7,SCT,BR +2011-11-19 08:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 09:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-19 10:20,8,OVC,BR +2011-11-19 11:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 12:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 13:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-19 14:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-11-19 15:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-19 16:20,6,SCT,MIFG BR +2011-11-19 17:20,6,OVC,FG +2011-11-19 18:20,7,OVC,FG +2011-11-19 19:20,6,VV ,FG +2011-11-19 20:20,6,VV ,FG +2011-11-19 21:20,5,VV ,FG +2011-11-19 22:20,5,VV ,FG +2011-11-19 23:20,5,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 00:20,5,M,// /// +2011-11-20 01:20,4,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 02:20,4,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 03:20,3,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 04:20,3,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 05:20,3,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 06:20,2,VV ,FG +2011-11-20 07:20,2,OVC,BCFG BR +2011-11-20 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-20 09:20,3,SCT,M +2011-11-20 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-20 11:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-20 12:20,7,M,M +2011-11-20 13:20,8,M,M +2011-11-20 14:20,8,M,M +2011-11-20 15:20,6,M,M +2011-11-20 16:20,5,M,M +2011-11-20 17:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2011-11-20 19:20,4,OVC,FG +2011-11-20 20:20,4,NSC,FG +2011-11-20 21:20,3,NSC,FG +2011-11-20 22:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-20 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-21 00:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2011-11-21 01:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-11-21 02:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-11-21 03:20,0,OVC,FG +2011-11-21 04:20,1,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2011-11-21 05:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 07:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-11-21 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-11-21 09:20,3,NSC,M +2011-11-21 10:20,4,NSC,M +2011-11-21 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-11-21 12:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-21 13:20,5,NSC,M +2011-11-21 14:20,3,SCT,BR +2011-11-21 15:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 16:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 17:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 18:20,4,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 19:20,3,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 20:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-21 21:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-11-21 22:20,1,BKN,M +2011-11-21 23:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-22 00:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-22 01:20,3,BKN,M +2011-11-22 02:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-22 03:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-22 04:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-22 05:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-22 06:20,2,BKN,M +2011-11-22 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-11-22 08:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-11-22 09:20,2,FEW,M +2011-11-22 10:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-22 11:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-22 12:20,3,FEW,M +2011-11-22 13:20,4,FEW,M +2011-11-22 14:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-11-22 15:20,3,FEW,BR +2011-11-22 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-11-22 17:20,2,OVC,BR +2011-11-22 18:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-11-22 19:20,1,SCT,BR +2011-11-22 20:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-11-22 21:20,0,VV ,FG +2011-11-22 22:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2011-11-22 23:20,0,VV ,FG +2011-11-23 00:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2011-11-23 01:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2011-11-23 02:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2011-11-23 03:20,0,OVC,BCFG BR +2011-11-23 04:20,0,FEW,M +2011-11-23 05:20,0,SCT,M +2011-11-23 06:20,0,SCT,M +2011-11-23 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-23 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-23 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2011-11-23 10:20,2,FEW,-RA +2011-11-23 11:20,4,NSC,M +2011-11-23 12:20,5,NSC,M +2011-11-23 13:20,5,NSC,M +2011-11-23 14:20,5,NSC,M +2011-11-23 15:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-23 16:20,5,SCT,M +2011-11-23 17:20,5,BKN,M +2011-11-23 18:20,5,BKN,M +2011-11-23 19:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-23 20:20,6,FEW,BR +2011-11-23 21:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-23 22:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-23 23:20,7,FEW,BCFG BR +2011-11-24 00:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-24 01:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-24 02:20,6,SCT,M +2011-11-24 03:20,7,FEW,BR +2011-11-24 04:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-24 05:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-24 06:20,7,SCT,M +2011-11-24 07:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-24 08:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-24 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-24 10:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-24 11:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-11-24 12:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-24 13:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-11-24 14:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 15:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-11-24 16:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 17:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 18:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 19:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 20:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 21:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-24 22:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-24 23:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-25 00:20,8,NSC,M +2011-11-25 01:20,8,M,M +2011-11-25 02:20,8,M,M +2011-11-25 03:20,8,M,M +2011-11-25 04:20,7,M,M +2011-11-25 05:20,6,M,M +2011-11-25 06:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-25 07:20,6,BKN,M +2011-11-25 08:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-25 09:20,6,BKN,M +2011-11-25 10:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-25 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-25 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-25 13:20,7,BKN,-DZRA +2011-11-25 14:20,8,BKN,M +2011-11-25 15:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2011-11-25 16:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-25 18:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-25 19:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-25 20:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-25 21:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2011-11-25 22:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-25 23:20,8,SCT,M +2011-11-26 00:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-11-26 01:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-11-26 02:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-26 03:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-26 04:20,6,M,M +2011-11-26 05:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-26 06:20,6,SCT,M +2011-11-26 07:20,5,M,M +2011-11-26 08:20,6,M,M +2011-11-26 09:20,7,M,M +2011-11-26 10:20,8,M,M +2011-11-26 11:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-26 12:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-26 13:20,9,SCT,M +2011-11-26 14:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-26 15:20,9,BKN,M +2011-11-26 16:20,8,BKN,M +2011-11-26 17:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-26 18:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-26 19:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-26 20:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-26 21:20,11,BKN,M +2011-11-26 22:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-11-26 23:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-11-27 00:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 01:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 02:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 03:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 04:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 05:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 06:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 07:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 08:20,10,FEW,M +2011-11-27 09:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-27 10:20,11,FEW,M +2011-11-27 11:20,10,BKN,-RA +2011-11-27 12:20,10,BKN,RA +2011-11-27 13:20,10,BKN,RA +2011-11-27 14:20,11,SCT,M +2011-11-27 15:20,10,BKN,M +2011-11-27 16:20,10,FEW,M +2011-11-27 17:20,10,SCT,M +2011-11-27 18:20,9,SCT,M +2011-11-27 19:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2011-11-27 20:20,8,SCT,SHRA +2011-11-27 21:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-27 22:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-27 23:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2011-11-28 00:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-28 01:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-28 02:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-28 03:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-28 04:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-28 05:20,6,FEW,M +2011-11-28 06:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-28 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-28 08:20,6,M,M +2011-11-28 09:20,7,M,M +2011-11-28 10:20,7,M,M +2011-11-28 11:20,8,M,M +2011-11-28 12:20,9,M,M +2011-11-28 13:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-28 14:20,8,M,M +2011-11-28 15:20,5,M,M +2011-11-28 16:20,5,M,M +2011-11-28 17:20,5,M,M +2011-11-28 18:20,6,M,M +2011-11-28 19:20,6,M,M +2011-11-28 20:20,5,M,M +2011-11-28 21:20,4,M,M +2011-11-28 22:20,4,M,M +2011-11-28 23:20,4,M,M +2011-11-29 00:20,3,M,M +2011-11-29 01:20,3,M,M +2011-11-29 02:20,3,M,M +2011-11-29 03:20,2,M,M +2011-11-29 04:20,2,M,M +2011-11-29 05:20,2,M,M +2011-11-29 06:20,2,M,M +2011-11-29 07:20,3,M,M +2011-11-29 08:20,4,M,M +2011-11-29 09:20,5,M,M +2011-11-29 10:20,5,BKN,M +2011-11-29 11:20,5,BKN,M +2011-11-29 12:20,6,BKN,M +2011-11-29 13:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-29 14:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-29 15:20,7,BKN,M +2011-11-29 16:20,6,SCT,M +2011-11-29 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-11-29 18:20,4,FEW,M +2011-11-29 19:20,4,M,M +2011-11-29 20:20,5,M,M +2011-11-29 21:20,5,M,M +2011-11-29 22:20,6,M,M +2011-11-29 23:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-30 00:20,7,FEW,M +2011-11-30 01:20,7,SCT,-RA +2011-11-30 02:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-30 03:20,9,SCT,M +2011-11-30 04:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-30 05:20,8,M,M +2011-11-30 06:20,7,M,M +2011-11-30 07:20,7,M,M +2011-11-30 08:20,6,M,M +2011-11-30 09:20,7,M,M +2011-11-30 10:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-30 11:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-30 12:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-30 13:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-30 14:20,9,FEW,M +2011-11-30 15:20,8,FEW,M +2011-11-30 16:20,6,M,M +2011-11-30 17:20,5,M,M +2011-11-30 18:20,6,M,M +2011-11-30 19:20,5,M,M +2011-11-30 20:20,6,M,M +2011-11-30 21:20,6,M,M +2011-11-30 22:20,6,M,M +2011-12-01 00:20,4,M,M +2011-12-01 01:20,5,M,M +2011-12-01 02:20,5,M,M +2011-12-01 03:20,4,M,M +2011-12-01 04:20,5,M,M +2011-12-01 05:20,4,M,M +2011-12-01 06:20,6,M,M +2011-12-01 07:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-01 08:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-01 10:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-12-01 11:20,8,BKN,M +2011-12-01 12:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-01 13:20,10,BKN,M +2011-12-01 14:20,10,FEW,M +2011-12-01 15:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-01 16:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-01 17:20,10,SCT,-RA +2011-12-01 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2011-12-01 19:20,10,FEW,M +2011-12-01 20:20,10,BKN,M +2011-12-01 21:20,10,FEW,M +2011-12-01 22:20,10,SCT,-DZRA +2011-12-01 23:20,10,BKN,RADZ +2011-12-02 00:20,8,FEW,RADZ +2011-12-02 01:20,7,BKN,RADZ +2011-12-02 02:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-02 03:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-02 04:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-02 05:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2011-12-02 06:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-02 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-02 08:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-12-02 09:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-12-02 10:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-02 11:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-02 12:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-02 13:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-02 14:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-02 15:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-02 16:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-02 17:20,5,M,M +2011-12-02 18:20,5,M,M +2011-12-02 19:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-02 20:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-02 21:20,5,M,M +2011-12-02 22:20,5,M,M +2011-12-02 23:20,4,M,M +2011-12-03 00:20,4,M,M +2011-12-03 01:20,4,M,M +2011-12-03 02:20,4,M,M +2011-12-03 03:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-03 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-03 05:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-03 06:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-03 07:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-03 08:20,6,SCT,RA +2011-12-03 09:20,6,SCT,RA +2011-12-03 10:20,6,SCT,RA +2011-12-03 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-03 12:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2011-12-03 13:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-12-03 14:20,7,SCT,-RA +2011-12-03 15:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-03 16:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-03 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-12-03 18:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-03 19:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-03 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-03 21:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-03 22:20,6,M,M +2011-12-03 23:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-04 00:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-04 01:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-04 02:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-04 03:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-04 04:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-04 05:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2011-12-04 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-12-04 07:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-04 08:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-04 09:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-04 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-04 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-04 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-04 13:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-04 14:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-04 15:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-04 16:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-04 17:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-04 18:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-04 19:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-04 20:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-04 21:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-04 22:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-04 23:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-05 00:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-05 01:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-05 02:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-05 03:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-05 04:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-05 05:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-05 06:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-05 07:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-05 08:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-05 09:20,2,BKN,-RA +2011-12-05 10:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-05 11:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2011-12-05 12:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-12-05 13:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-05 14:20,1,SCT,TSRAGS +2011-12-05 15:20,2,FEW,RASN +2011-12-05 16:20,1,SCT,SNRA +2011-12-05 17:20,2,FEW,-RA +2011-12-05 18:20,2,FEW,RASN +2011-12-05 19:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2011-12-05 20:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2011-12-05 21:20,2,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-05 22:20,2,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-05 23:20,1,SCT,SHSN +2011-12-06 00:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2011-12-06 01:20,0,BKN,SN +2011-12-06 02:20,0,FEW,-SN +2011-12-06 03:20,1,FEW,-SN +2011-12-06 04:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-06 05:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-06 06:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-06 07:20,2,FEW,-RA +2011-12-06 08:20,2,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-06 09:20,2,FEW,-RA +2011-12-06 13:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-12-06 14:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-12-06 15:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-12-06 16:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-06 17:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-06 18:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-06 19:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-06 20:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2011-12-06 21:20,1,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-06 22:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-06 23:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-07 00:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-07 01:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-07 02:20,1,M,// /// +2011-12-07 03:20,1,M,M +2011-12-07 04:20,1,SCT,M +2011-12-07 05:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-07 06:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-07 07:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-07 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-12-07 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-12-07 10:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-07 11:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-07 12:20,4,SCT,RA +2011-12-07 13:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-12-07 14:20,4,FEW,RA +2011-12-07 15:20,4,SCT,RA +2011-12-07 16:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-12-07 17:20,4,SCT,-RA +2011-12-07 18:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-07 19:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-07 20:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-07 21:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-07 22:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-07 23:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-08 00:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-08 01:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-08 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-08 03:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-08 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-08 05:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-08 06:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-08 07:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-08 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-08 09:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 11:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 12:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 13:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 14:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-08 15:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-12-08 16:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-12-08 17:20,6,FEW,RA +2011-12-08 18:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-08 19:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-08 20:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-12-08 21:20,8,FEW,RA +2011-12-08 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-12-08 23:20,9,BKN,RA +2011-12-09 00:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-09 01:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-09 02:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-09 03:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-09 04:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-09 05:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-09 06:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-09 07:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-09 08:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-09 09:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-09 10:20,5,FEW,SHRA +2011-12-09 11:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-09 12:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-09 13:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2011-12-09 14:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-09 15:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-09 16:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-09 17:20,2,FEW,SHRASN +2011-12-09 18:20,2,SCT,-SHRASN +2011-12-09 19:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2011-12-09 20:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2011-12-09 21:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-09 22:20,1,BKN,-SHRASN +2011-12-09 23:20,1,FEW,-SHRASN +2011-12-10 00:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-10 01:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-10 02:20,2,M,M +2011-12-10 03:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-10 04:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-10 05:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-10 06:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-10 07:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-10 08:20,0,SCT,M +2011-12-10 09:20,0,BKN,-SHSN +2011-12-10 10:20,1,SCT,M +2011-12-10 11:20,1,SCT,M +2011-12-10 12:20,1,BKN,SHSN +2011-12-10 13:20,1,BKN,SHSN +2011-12-10 14:20,1,FEW,-SHRASN +2011-12-10 15:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-10 16:20,1,SCT,SHSN +2011-12-10 17:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-10 18:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-10 19:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-10 20:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-10 21:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-10 22:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-10 23:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-11 00:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 01:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 02:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 03:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 07:20,2,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-11 08:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-11 09:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-11 10:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-11 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-11 12:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-11 13:20,4,M,M +2011-12-11 14:20,4,M,M +2011-12-11 15:20,4,M,M +2011-12-11 16:20,3,M,M +2011-12-11 17:20,3,M,M +2011-12-11 18:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-11 19:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 20:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-11 21:20,4,M,M +2011-12-11 22:20,4,M,M +2011-12-11 23:20,3,M,M +2011-12-12 00:20,2,M,M +2011-12-12 01:20,2,M,M +2011-12-12 02:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-12 03:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-12 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-12 05:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-12 06:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-12 07:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-12 08:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-12 09:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-12 10:20,5,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-12 11:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-12 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-12 13:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-12 14:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-12 15:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-12 16:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-12 17:20,5,M,M +2011-12-12 18:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-12 19:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-12 20:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-12 21:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-12 22:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-12 23:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-13 00:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-13 01:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-13 02:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-13 03:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-13 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-13 05:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-13 06:20,6,SCT,-RA +2011-12-13 07:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-13 08:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-13 09:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-12-13 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-13 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2011-12-13 12:20,7,FEW,RA +2011-12-13 13:20,8,BKN,-RA +2011-12-13 14:20,9,SCT,-RA +2011-12-13 15:20,8,FEW,M +2011-12-13 16:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-13 17:20,7,M,M +2011-12-13 18:20,7,M,M +2011-12-13 19:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-13 20:20,7,M,M +2011-12-13 21:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-13 22:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-13 23:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-14 00:20,6,M,M +2011-12-14 01:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-14 02:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-14 03:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-14 04:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-14 05:20,6,M,M +2011-12-14 06:20,6,M,M +2011-12-14 07:20,6,M,M +2011-12-14 08:20,7,M,M +2011-12-14 09:20,7,M,M +2011-12-14 10:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-14 11:20,4,BKN,RA +2011-12-14 12:20,4,SCT,-RA +2011-12-14 13:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-14 14:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-14 15:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-14 16:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-14 17:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-14 18:20,4,SCT,-RA +2011-12-14 19:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-12-14 20:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-14 21:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-14 22:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-14 23:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-15 00:20,4,SCT,-RA +2011-12-15 01:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-15 02:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-12-15 03:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-15 04:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-15 05:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-15 06:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-15 07:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-15 08:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-15 09:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-15 10:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-15 11:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-15 12:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-15 13:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-15 14:20,5,FEW,RA +2011-12-15 15:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-12-15 16:20,5,BKN,-RA +2011-12-15 17:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-15 18:20,5,SCT,-RA +2011-12-15 19:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-15 20:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-15 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-12-15 22:20,4,FEW,RADZ +2011-12-15 23:20,5,FEW,-RA +2011-12-16 00:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-16 01:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-16 02:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-16 03:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-16 04:20,4,BKN,-RA +2011-12-16 05:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-16 06:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-16 07:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-16 08:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-16 09:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-16 10:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2011-12-16 11:20,3,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 12:20,3,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 13:20,2,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 14:20,2,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 15:20,2,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 16:20,1,BKN,SNRA +2011-12-16 17:20,2,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 18:20,2,BKN,RA +2011-12-16 19:20,3,BKN,-RA +2011-12-16 20:20,3,FEW,RA +2011-12-16 21:20,4,SCT,-RA +2011-12-16 22:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-16 23:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-17 00:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-17 01:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-17 02:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-17 03:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-17 04:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-17 05:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-17 06:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-17 07:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-17 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-17 09:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-17 10:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-17 11:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-17 12:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-17 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-17 14:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-17 15:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-17 16:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-17 17:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-17 18:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-17 19:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-17 20:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-17 21:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-17 22:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-17 23:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-18 00:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-18 01:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-18 02:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 03:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 04:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 05:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 06:20,2,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-18 07:20,1,FEW,SHSNRA +2011-12-18 08:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2011-12-18 09:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 10:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-18 11:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-18 12:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-18 13:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 14:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 15:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 16:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 17:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 18:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 19:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-18 20:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-18 21:20,1,BKN,M +2011-12-18 22:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-18 23:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 00:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 01:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 02:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 03:20,1,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-19 04:20,1,BKN,M +2011-12-19 05:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2011-12-19 06:20,1,SCT,M +2011-12-19 07:20,1,BKN,M +2011-12-19 08:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 09:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-19 12:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-19 13:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-19 14:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-19 15:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-19 16:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-19 17:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-19 18:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-19 19:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-19 20:20,1,SCT,M +2011-12-19 21:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-19 22:20,2,FEW,M +2011-12-19 23:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-20 00:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-20 01:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-20 02:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-20 03:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-20 04:20,1,BKN,-SN +2011-12-20 05:20,1,BKN,-SN +2011-12-20 06:20,1,SCT,-SN +2011-12-20 07:20,1,FEW,-SN +2011-12-20 08:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2011-12-20 09:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2011-12-20 10:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-20 11:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2011-12-20 12:20,2,FEW,-SNRA BR +2011-12-20 13:20,1,SCT,-SNRA +2011-12-20 14:20,2,BKN,-SNRA BR +2011-12-20 15:20,2,BKN,-SNRA BR +2011-12-20 16:20,2,BKN,M +2011-12-20 17:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-20 18:20,3,BKN,-SHRA BR +2011-12-20 19:20,3,SCT,BR +2011-12-20 20:20,3,SCT,BR +2011-12-20 21:20,2,BKN,-RADZ BR +2011-12-20 22:20,2,BKN,BR +2011-12-20 23:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-12-21 00:20,3,SCT,-RADZ BR +2011-12-21 01:20,4,FEW,-SHRASN +2011-12-21 02:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-21 03:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-21 04:20,3,BKN,M +2011-12-21 05:20,2,M,M +2011-12-21 06:20,3,M,M +2011-12-21 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-21 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-21 09:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-21 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-21 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-21 12:04,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-21 12:14,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-21 12:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-21 13:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-21 14:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-21 15:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-21 16:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-21 17:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2011-12-21 18:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2011-12-21 19:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-12-21 20:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-12-21 21:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-12-21 22:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-12-21 23:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2011-12-22 00:20,0,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-12-22 01:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2011-12-22 02:20,1,FEW,MIFG +2011-12-22 03:20,2,SCT,M +2011-12-22 06:20,3,OVC,RA BR +2011-12-22 07:20,3,BKN,RA BR +2011-12-22 08:20,4,BKN,RA BR +2011-12-22 09:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2011-12-22 10:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-22 11:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-22 12:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-22 13:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2011-12-22 14:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-22 15:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-22 16:20,7,BKN,BR +2011-12-22 17:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-22 18:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-22 19:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-12-22 20:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2011-12-22 21:20,8,BKN,BR +2011-12-22 22:20,8,SCT,-DZRA FG +2011-12-22 23:20,8,SCT,-RADZ BR +2011-12-23 00:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 01:20,8,SCT,-DZRA BR +2011-12-23 02:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 03:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 04:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 05:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 06:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 07:20,9,FEW,BR +2011-12-23 08:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-12-23 09:20,9,BKN,BR +2011-12-23 10:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-23 11:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-23 12:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-23 13:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-23 14:20,9,SCT,M +2011-12-23 15:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2011-12-23 16:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-23 17:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-23 18:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-23 19:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-23 20:20,9,SCT,-RA +2011-12-23 21:20,9,FEW,M +2011-12-23 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-12-23 23:20,8,SCT,-RA +2011-12-24 00:20,8,SCT,-RA +2011-12-24 01:20,8,FEW,-RA +2011-12-24 02:20,8,BKN,M +2011-12-24 03:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-12-24 04:20,7,FEW,RA +2011-12-24 05:20,7,BKN,RA +2011-12-24 06:20,4,FEW,RA +2011-12-24 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-12-24 08:20,3,FEW,-RA +2011-12-24 09:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-24 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-24 11:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-24 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-24 13:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-24 14:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-24 15:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-24 16:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-24 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-24 18:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-24 19:20,4,M,M +2011-12-24 20:20,4,M,M +2011-12-24 21:20,4,M,M +2011-12-24 22:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-24 23:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-25 00:20,5,BKN,M +2011-12-25 01:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-25 02:20,6,OVC,M +2011-12-25 03:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-12-25 04:20,6,FEW,-RA +2011-12-25 05:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-25 06:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 07:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 08:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 10:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 11:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 12:20,8,SCT,BR +2011-12-25 13:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2011-12-25 14:20,8,SCT,BR +2011-12-25 15:20,8,FEW,BR +2011-12-25 16:20,8,FEW,M +2011-12-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2011-12-25 18:20,9,FEW,M +2011-12-25 19:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-25 20:20,10,BKN,M +2011-12-25 21:20,10,OVC,M +2011-12-25 22:20,10,OVC,M +2011-12-25 23:20,10,OVC,M +2011-12-26 00:20,10,FEW,M +2011-12-26 01:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-26 02:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2011-12-26 03:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2011-12-26 04:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-26 05:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-26 06:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-26 07:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 08:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-26 09:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-26 10:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-26 11:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-26 12:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-26 13:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-26 14:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2011-12-26 15:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 16:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 17:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 18:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-26 19:20,12,BKN,M +2011-12-26 20:20,12,SCT,M +2011-12-26 21:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 22:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-26 23:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-27 00:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-27 01:20,11,SCT,M +2011-12-27 02:20,11,FEW,M +2011-12-27 03:20,11,BKN,M +2011-12-27 04:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2011-12-27 05:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2011-12-27 06:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2011-12-27 07:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-27 08:20,9,FEW,M +2011-12-27 09:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-27 10:20,9,BKN,M +2011-12-27 11:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-27 12:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-27 13:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-27 14:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2011-12-27 15:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2011-12-27 16:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 17:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 18:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 19:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 20:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 21:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 22:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-27 23:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-28 00:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-28 01:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2011-12-28 02:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-28 03:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-28 04:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-28 05:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 06:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 07:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 08:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 09:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 10:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-28 11:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-28 12:20,8,BKN,M +2011-12-28 13:20,8,BKN,M +2011-12-28 14:20,8,BKN,M +2011-12-28 15:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2011-12-28 16:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 17:20,7,OVC,M +2011-12-28 18:20,7,OVC,M +2011-12-28 19:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 20:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 21:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-28 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2011-12-28 23:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-29 00:20,7,SCT,M +2011-12-29 01:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-29 02:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-29 03:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-29 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2011-12-29 05:20,6,BKN,RA +2011-12-29 06:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 07:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 08:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-29 09:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 11:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-29 12:20,7,FEW,M +2011-12-29 13:20,7,BKN,M +2011-12-29 14:20,6,BKN,M +2011-12-29 15:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-29 16:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-29 17:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2011-12-29 18:20,5,BKN,SHRA +2011-12-29 19:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 20:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-29 21:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-29 22:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-29 23:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-30 00:20,3,FEW,SHRA +2011-12-30 01:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-30 02:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-30 03:20,3,SCT,M +2011-12-30 04:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-30 05:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2011-12-30 06:20,4,BKN,M +2011-12-30 07:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-30 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-30 09:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-30 10:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-30 11:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2011-12-30 12:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-30 13:20,6,SCT,M +2011-12-30 14:20,6,FEW,M +2011-12-30 15:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-30 16:20,5,SCT,M +2011-12-30 17:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-30 18:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-30 19:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-30 20:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-30 21:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-30 22:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-31 00:20,2,M,M +2011-12-31 01:20,1,M,M +2011-12-31 02:20,0,M,M +2011-12-31 03:20,0,M,M +2011-12-31 04:20,1,FEW,M +2011-12-31 05:20,1,FEW,BR +2011-12-31 06:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-12-31 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2011-12-31 08:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-31 09:20,3,FEW,M +2011-12-31 10:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-31 11:20,4,FEW,M +2011-12-31 12:20,4,SCT,M +2011-12-31 13:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-31 14:20,5,FEW,M +2011-12-31 15:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-12-31 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2011-12-31 17:20,4,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-31 18:20,3,FEW,-DZRA +2011-12-31 19:20,4,BKN,-DZRA BR +2011-12-31 20:20,4,FEW,-DZRA BR +2011-12-31 21:20,4,SCT,-DZRA BR +2011-12-31 22:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-01-01 06:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2012-01-01 07:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2012-01-01 08:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2012-01-01 09:20,10,FEW,DZ +2012-01-01 10:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-01-01 11:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-01 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-01-01 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-01-01 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-01-01 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-01-01 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-01-01 17:20,11,BKN,M +2012-01-01 18:20,10,BKN,M +2012-01-01 19:20,11,BKN,M +2012-01-01 20:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-01 21:20,12,BKN,RA +2012-01-01 22:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-01-01 23:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-01-02 00:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-01-02 01:20,11,SCT,RA +2012-01-02 02:20,10,SCT,RA +2012-01-02 03:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2012-01-02 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2012-01-02 05:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-02 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-01-02 07:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-01-02 08:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-02 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-02 10:20,8,SCT,M +2012-01-02 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-02 12:20,8,SCT,M +2012-01-02 13:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-02 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-02 15:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-02 16:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-02 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-02 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-02 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-02 20:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-02 21:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-02 22:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-02 23:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-03 00:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-03 01:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-03 02:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-03 03:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-03 04:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-03 05:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-03 06:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-03 07:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-03 08:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-03 09:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-03 10:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-01-03 11:20,5,BKN,RA +2012-01-03 12:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-01-03 13:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-01-03 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-01-03 15:20,8,BKN,RA +2012-01-03 16:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-01-03 17:20,9,BKN,RA +2012-01-03 18:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-03 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-03 20:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-03 21:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-03 22:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-03 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-04 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-04 01:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-04 02:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-04 03:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-04 04:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-04 05:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-04 06:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-04 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-04 08:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-04 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-04 10:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-04 11:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-04 12:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-04 13:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-04 14:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-04 15:20,5,SCT,M +2012-01-04 16:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-04 17:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-04 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-01-04 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-04 20:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-01-04 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-01-04 22:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-01-04 23:20,5,BKN,RA +2012-01-05 00:20,5,FEW,RA +2012-01-05 01:20,5,FEW,RA +2012-01-05 02:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-01-05 03:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-01-05 04:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-01-05 05:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-05 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-05 07:20,7,BKN,M +2012-01-05 08:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-05 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-05 10:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2012-01-05 11:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-05 12:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2012-01-05 13:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-05 14:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-05 15:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-05 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-01-05 17:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-01-05 18:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-05 19:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-05 20:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-05 21:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-05 22:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-05 23:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-06 00:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-06 01:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-06 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-06 03:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-06 04:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-06 05:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-06 06:20,2, ,M +2012-01-06 07:20,1, ,M +2012-01-06 08:20,2, ,M +2012-01-06 09:20,3, ,M +2012-01-06 10:20,3, ,M +2012-01-06 11:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-06 12:20,4, ,M +2012-01-06 13:20,5, ,M +2012-01-06 14:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-06 15:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-06 16:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-06 17:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-06 18:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-06 19:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-06 20:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-06 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-01-06 22:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-06 23:20,5,SCT,M +2012-01-07 00:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-07 01:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-07 02:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-01-07 03:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-01-07 04:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-01-07 05:20,5,BKN,RADZ +2012-01-07 06:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2012-01-07 07:20,5,SCT,RADZ +2012-01-07 08:20,6,SCT,RADZ +2012-01-07 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-07 10:20,7,FEW,RA +2012-01-07 11:20,7,FEW,RA +2012-01-07 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-01-07 13:20,7,SCT,SHRA +2012-01-07 14:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-07 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-07 16:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-07 17:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-07 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-07 19:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-07 20:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-07 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-07 22:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-07 23:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 00:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-08 01:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 02:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-08 03:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-08 04:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-08 05:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-08 06:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-08 07:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 08:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 09:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-08 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-08 11:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-08 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-08 13:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-08 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-08 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-08 16:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 18:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-08 19:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-08 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-08 21:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-08 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-08 23:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-09 00:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-09 01:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-09 02:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-09 03:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-09 04:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-09 05:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-09 06:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-09 07:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-01-09 08:20,5,BKN,RA +2012-01-09 09:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-09 10:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-09 11:20,6,FEW,-RADZ BR +2012-01-09 12:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2012-01-09 13:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2012-01-09 14:20,7,BKN,-RADZ BR +2012-01-09 15:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-09 16:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-09 17:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-09 18:20,7,BKN,DZRA BR +2012-01-09 19:20,8,BKN,DZRA BR +2012-01-09 20:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-09 21:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-09 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-01-09 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-10 01:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-10 02:20,5, ,M +2012-01-10 03:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-10 04:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-10 05:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-10 06:20,4, ,M +2012-01-10 07:20,4, ,M +2012-01-10 08:20,4, ,M +2012-01-10 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-10 10:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-10 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-10 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 15:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-10 16:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-10 17:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-10 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-10 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-10 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-10 21:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 22:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-10 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-11 00:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-11 01:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-11 02:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-11 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-01-11 04:20,7,OVC,M +2012-01-11 05:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-01-11 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-01-11 07:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 08:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 10:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-11 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 12:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-11 13:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-11 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 15:20,8,SCT,M +2012-01-11 16:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 17:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 18:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 19:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 20:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-11 21:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-11 22:20,8,BKN,M +2012-01-11 23:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-12 00:20,8,SCT,DZ +2012-01-12 01:20,8,FEW,DZ +2012-01-12 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-12 03:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-12 04:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-12 05:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-12 06:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-12 07:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-12 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-01-12 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-12 10:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-12 11:20,8,FEW,M +2012-01-12 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-01-12 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-01-12 14:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2012-01-12 15:20,7,SCT,M +2012-01-12 16:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-12 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-12 18:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-12 19:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-12 20:20,5, ,M +2012-01-12 21:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-12 22:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-12 23:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-13 00:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-13 01:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-13 02:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2012-01-13 03:20,3,FEW,-SHRASN +2012-01-13 04:20,3,FEW,-SHRASN +2012-01-13 05:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-13 06:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-13 07:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2012-01-13 08:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-13 09:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-13 10:20,3,FEW,SHRAGS +2012-01-13 11:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-13 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-13 13:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-13 14:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-13 15:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-13 16:20,5, ,M +2012-01-13 17:20,5, ,M +2012-01-13 18:20,5,SCT,M +2012-01-13 19:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-13 20:20,5, ,M +2012-01-13 21:20,5, ,M +2012-01-13 22:20,4, ,M +2012-01-13 23:20,4, ,M +2012-01-14 00:20,3, ,M +2012-01-14 01:20,3, ,M +2012-01-14 02:20,2, ,M +2012-01-14 03:20,2, ,M +2012-01-14 04:20,1, ,M +2012-01-14 05:20,1, ,M +2012-01-14 06:20,0, ,M +2012-01-14 07:20,0, ,M +2012-01-14 08:20,0, ,M +2012-01-14 09:20,2, ,M +2012-01-14 10:20,3, ,M +2012-01-14 11:20,4, ,M +2012-01-14 12:20,5, ,M +2012-01-14 13:20,5, ,M +2012-01-14 14:20,4, ,M +2012-01-14 15:20,3, ,M +2012-01-14 16:20,2, ,M +2012-01-14 17:20,2, ,M +2012-01-14 18:20,1, ,M +2012-01-14 19:20,1, ,M +2012-01-14 20:20,0, ,M +2012-01-14 21:20,0, ,M +2012-01-14 22:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-14 23:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-15 00:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-15 01:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-15 02:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-15 03:20,-4, ,M +2012-01-15 04:20,-5, ,M +2012-01-15 05:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 06:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 07:20,-5, ,M +2012-01-15 08:20,-4, ,M +2012-01-15 09:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-15 10:20,1, ,M +2012-01-15 11:20,3, ,M +2012-01-15 12:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-15 13:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-15 14:20,4, ,M +2012-01-15 15:20,2, ,M +2012-01-15 16:20,0, ,M +2012-01-15 17:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-15 18:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-15 19:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 20:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 21:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 22:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-15 23:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-01-16 00:20,-2,BKN,MIFG +2012-01-16 01:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2012-01-16 02:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2012-01-16 03:20,0,SCT,M +2012-01-16 04:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-16 05:20,1,SCT,M +2012-01-16 06:20,1,SCT,-RA +2012-01-16 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-01-16 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-01-16 09:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-01-16 10:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-16 11:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-16 12:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-16 13:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-16 14:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-01-16 15:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-16 16:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-16 17:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-16 18:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-16 19:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-16 20:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-16 21:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-16 22:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-16 23:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-17 00:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 04:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 05:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-17 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-17 07:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-17 08:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 09:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-17 10:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-17 11:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-17 12:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-17 13:20,5, ,M +2012-01-17 14:20,4, ,M +2012-01-17 15:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-17 16:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 17:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-17 18:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 19:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-17 20:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-17 21:20,2,OVC,M +2012-01-17 22:20,2,OVC,M +2012-01-17 23:20,2,OVC,M +2012-01-18 00:20,0,SCT,M +2012-01-18 01:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-01-18 02:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 03:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 04:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 05:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 06:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 07:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-18 08:20,0, ,M +2012-01-18 09:20,1,SCT,M +2012-01-18 10:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-18 11:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-18 12:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-18 13:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-18 14:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-18 15:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-18 16:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-18 17:20,3,FEW,RA +2012-01-18 18:20,3,FEW,RADZ +2012-01-18 19:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-01-18 20:20,4,BKN,-DZRA +2012-01-18 21:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-01-18 22:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-01-18 23:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 00:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 01:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 02:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 04:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 05:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 06:20,5,OVC,BR +2012-01-19 07:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 08:20,5,BKN,-RADZ BR +2012-01-19 09:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-01-19 10:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-01-19 11:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-19 12:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-01-19 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-01-19 14:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-01-19 15:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-19 16:20,4,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2012-01-19 17:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-19 18:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-19 19:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-19 20:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-19 21:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-19 22:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-19 23:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-20 00:20,3, ,M +2012-01-20 01:20,1,BKN,SHRASN +2012-01-20 02:20,2,BKN,-SHSNRA +2012-01-20 03:20,2,BKN,-SHSNRA +2012-01-20 04:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-20 05:20,1,BKN,-SN +2012-01-20 06:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-20 07:20,1,BKN,-SHRASN +2012-01-20 08:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2012-01-20 09:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-20 10:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-20 11:20,4,BKN,M +2012-01-20 12:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-20 13:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-20 14:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-20 15:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-20 16:20,4,FEW,M +2012-01-20 17:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-20 18:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-20 19:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-20 20:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-20 21:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-20 22:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-20 23:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-21 00:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-21 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-21 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-21 03:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-21 04:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-21 05:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-21 06:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-21 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-01-21 08:20,2,FEW,RA +2012-01-21 09:20,1,BKN,SNRA +2012-01-21 10:20,2,FEW,RADZ +2012-01-21 11:20,3,FEW,-DZRA +2012-01-21 12:20,5,BKN,-DZRA +2012-01-21 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-21 14:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-21 15:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-21 16:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-21 17:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-21 18:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-21 19:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-21 20:20,5,BKN,M +2012-01-21 21:20,5,FEW,M +2012-01-21 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-01-21 23:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-22 00:20,4,SCT,M +2012-01-22 01:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-22 02:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-22 03:20,6,SCT,M +2012-01-22 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-22 05:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2012-01-22 06:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-22 07:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-22 08:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-22 09:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2012-01-22 10:20,6,BKN,M +2012-01-22 11:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-01-22 12:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-01-22 13:20,5,BKN,RA +2012-01-22 14:20,4,FEW,RA +2012-01-22 15:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-01-22 16:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-22 17:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-22 18:20,3,BKN,DZ +2012-01-22 19:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-22 20:20,3,BKN,M +2012-01-22 21:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-22 22:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-22 23:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-23 00:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-23 01:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-23 02:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-23 03:20,0,SCT,M +2012-01-23 04:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-23 05:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-23 06:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-23 07:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-23 08:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2012-01-23 09:20,2,SCT,SNRA +2012-01-23 10:20,1,BKN,SN +2012-01-23 11:20,1,BKN,SN +2012-01-23 12:20,1,FEW,-SNRA BR +2012-01-23 13:20,1,BKN,SHRASN BR +2012-01-23 14:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-23 15:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-23 16:20,2,SCT,-RA +2012-01-23 17:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-23 18:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-23 19:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-23 20:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-23 21:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2012-01-23 22:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-23 23:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-01-24 00:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-01-24 01:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2012-01-24 02:20,3,BKN,-DZRA +2012-01-24 03:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-24 04:20,2,SCT,-DZ +2012-01-24 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-01-24 06:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-01-24 07:20,2,FEW,MIFG BR +2012-01-24 08:20,2,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-01-24 09:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-24 10:20,2,BKN,M +2012-01-24 11:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2012-01-24 12:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-24 13:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-24 14:20,3,FEW,M +2012-01-24 15:20,3,SCT,M +2012-01-24 16:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2012-01-24 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-24 18:20,2,SCT,M +2012-01-24 19:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-24 20:20,2,FEW,M +2012-01-24 21:20,1,BKN,M +2012-01-24 22:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-24 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-01-25 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-25 01:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-01-25 02:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-25 03:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-25 04:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-25 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-01-25 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-25 07:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-01-25 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-01-25 09:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-25 10:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-25 11:20,1,FEW,M +2012-01-25 12:20,1,FEW,M +2012-01-25 13:20,1,FEW,M +2012-01-25 14:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-25 15:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-01-25 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-01-25 17:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-01-25 18:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-25 19:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-25 20:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-25 21:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-25 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-25 23:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-01-26 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-01-26 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-01-26 02:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-01-26 03:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-01-26 04:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-26 05:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-26 06:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-26 07:20,-3, ,M +2012-01-26 08:20,-2, ,M +2012-01-26 09:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 10:20,0, ,M +2012-01-26 11:20,0, ,M +2012-01-26 12:20,1, ,M +2012-01-26 13:20,1, ,M +2012-01-26 14:20,1, ,M +2012-01-26 15:20,0, ,M +2012-01-26 16:20,0, ,M +2012-01-26 17:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 18:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 19:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 20:20,0, ,M +2012-01-26 21:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 22:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-26 23:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-27 00:20,-1, ,M +2012-01-27 01:20,0,BKN,M +2012-01-27 02:20,-1,BKN,SN +2012-01-27 03:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2012-01-27 04:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2012-01-27 05:20,-2,SCT,SN +2012-01-27 06:20,-2,SCT,SN +2012-01-27 07:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-01-27 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-01-27 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-01-27 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-01-27 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 14:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-27 15:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-01-27 16:20,0,SCT,BR +2012-01-27 17:20,0,SCT,BR +2012-01-27 18:20,0,BKN,M +2012-01-27 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-01-27 23:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 00:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 01:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 02:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 03:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 04:20,-2,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 05:20,-2,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 06:20,-2,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 07:20,-2,SCT,BR +2012-01-28 08:20,-2,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 09:20,-1,FEW,BR +2012-01-28 10:20,-1,FEW,BR +2012-01-28 11:20,-1,FEW,BR +2012-01-28 12:20,-1,SCT,BR +2012-01-28 13:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-01-28 14:20,0,FEW,M +2012-01-28 15:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-01-28 16:20,-2,NSC,BR +2012-01-28 17:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-28 18:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-28 19:20,-3,NSC,HZ +2012-01-28 20:20,-3,NSC,M +2012-01-28 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2012-01-28 22:20,-3,NSC,-SN +2012-01-28 23:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-01-29 00:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2012-01-29 01:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-01-29 02:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2012-01-29 03:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-01-29 04:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-01-29 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-01-29 06:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-01-29 07:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-01-29 08:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2012-01-29 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-01-29 10:20,-4,BKN,-SN BR +2012-01-29 11:20,-4,SCT,BR +2012-01-29 12:20,-3,FEW,BR +2012-01-29 13:20,-3,FEW,HZ +2012-01-29 14:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-29 15:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-29 16:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-29 17:20,-3,NSC,BR +2012-01-29 18:20,-4,NSC,M +2012-01-29 19:20,-4,M,M +2012-01-29 20:20,-4,M,M +2012-01-29 21:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-29 22:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-29 23:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 00:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 01:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 02:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 03:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 04:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 05:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 06:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-30 07:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-30 08:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-30 09:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 10:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-30 11:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-30 12:20,-3,M,M +2012-01-30 13:20,-2,M,M +2012-01-30 14:20,-2,M,M +2012-01-30 15:20,-3,M,M +2012-01-30 16:20,-3,M,M +2012-01-30 17:20,-4,M,M +2012-01-30 18:20,-4,M,M +2012-01-30 19:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-30 20:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-30 21:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 22:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-30 23:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-31 00:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-31 01:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-31 02:20,-8,M,M +2012-01-31 03:20,-8,M,M +2012-01-31 04:20,-8,M,M +2012-01-31 05:20,-8,M,M +2012-01-31 06:20,-8,M,M +2012-01-31 07:20,-9,M,M +2012-01-31 08:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-01-31 09:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-01-31 10:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-31 11:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-31 12:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 13:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 14:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 15:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 16:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 17:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 18:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-31 19:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 20:20,-5,M,M +2012-01-31 21:20,-6,M,M +2012-01-31 22:20,-7,M,M +2012-01-31 23:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-01 00:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-01 01:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 02:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 03:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 04:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 05:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 06:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 07:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-01 08:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-01 09:20,-4,M,M +2012-02-01 10:20,-3,M,M +2012-02-01 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-01 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-01 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-01 14:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-01 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-01 16:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-01 17:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-01 18:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-01 19:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-01 20:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-01 21:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-01 22:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-01 23:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-02 00:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-02 01:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-02 02:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-02 03:20,-10,M,M +2012-02-02 04:20,-11,M,M +2012-02-02 05:20,-11,M,M +2012-02-02 06:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-02 07:20,-13,FEW,M +2012-02-02 08:20,-11,FEW,M +2012-02-02 09:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-02 10:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-02 11:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-02 12:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-02 13:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-02 14:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2012-02-02 15:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-02 16:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-02 17:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-02 18:20,-7,BKN,M +2012-02-02 19:20,-6,SCT,-SN +2012-02-02 20:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-02 21:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-02 22:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-02 23:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-03 00:20,-8,SCT,M +2012-02-03 01:20,-7,BKN,-SN +2012-02-03 02:20,-7,BKN,-SN +2012-02-03 03:20,-7,BKN,-SN +2012-02-03 04:20,-6,BKN,-SN +2012-02-03 05:20,-6,SCT,SN +2012-02-03 06:20,-7,FEW,-SN +2012-02-03 07:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-03 08:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-03 09:20,-7,FEW,-SN +2012-02-03 10:20,-6,FEW,-SN +2012-02-03 11:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-03 12:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-03 13:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-03 14:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-03 15:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-03 16:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-03 17:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-03 18:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-03 19:20,-10,M,M +2012-02-03 20:20,-12,M,M +2012-02-03 21:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-03 22:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-03 23:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-04 00:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-04 01:20,-13,BKN,-SN +2012-02-04 02:20,-13,BKN,M +2012-02-04 03:20,-12,BKN,-SN +2012-02-04 04:20,-11,BKN,-SN +2012-02-04 05:20,-10,BKN,-SN +2012-02-04 06:20,-10,BKN,-SN +2012-02-04 07:20,-11,FEW,-SN +2012-02-04 08:20,-9,FEW,-SN +2012-02-04 09:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-04 10:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-04 11:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-04 12:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-04 13:20,-6,SCT,M +2012-02-04 14:20,-6,BKN,M +2012-02-04 15:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-04 16:20,-9,FEW,M +2012-02-04 17:20,-11,FEW,M +2012-02-04 18:20,-12,M,M +2012-02-04 19:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-04 20:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-04 21:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-04 22:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-04 23:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 00:20,-14,M,M +2012-02-05 01:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 02:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 03:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 04:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 05:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 06:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 07:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-05 08:20,-11,M,M +2012-02-05 09:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-05 10:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-05 11:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-05 12:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-05 13:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-05 14:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-05 15:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-05 16:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-05 17:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-05 18:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-05 19:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-05 20:20,-10,M,M +2012-02-05 21:20,-11,SCT,M +2012-02-05 22:20,-11,FEW,M +2012-02-05 23:20,-12,FEW,M +2012-02-06 00:20,-12,M,M +2012-02-06 01:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 02:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 03:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 04:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 05:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 06:20,-14,NSC,M +2012-02-06 07:20,-14,NSC,M +2012-02-06 08:20,-13,NSC,M +2012-02-06 09:20,-12,NSC,M +2012-02-06 10:20,-11,NSC,M +2012-02-06 11:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-06 12:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-06 13:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-06 14:20,-8,M,M +2012-02-06 15:20,-9,M,M +2012-02-06 16:20,-10,M,M +2012-02-06 17:20,-11,M,M +2012-02-06 18:20,-12,M,M +2012-02-06 19:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 20:20,-13,M,M +2012-02-06 21:20,-15,M,M +2012-02-06 22:20,-16,M,M +2012-02-06 23:20,-17,M,M +2012-02-07 00:20,-17,M,M +2012-02-07 01:20,-16,SCT,M +2012-02-07 02:20,-15,BKN,M +2012-02-07 03:20,-14,BKN,-SN +2012-02-07 04:20,-13,BKN,-SN +2012-02-07 05:20,-12,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 06:20,-10,FEW,SN +2012-02-07 07:20,-10,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 08:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-02-07 09:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-07 10:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 11:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-07 12:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 13:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 14:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-07 16:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 17:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2012-02-07 18:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-02-07 19:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-02-07 20:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-07 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-07 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-07 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 01:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-02-08 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-08 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 05:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-08 06:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-08 07:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-08 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 09:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 10:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-02-08 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-02-08 12:20,0,SCT,M +2012-02-08 13:20,0,FEW,M +2012-02-08 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-02-08 15:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-02-08 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 17:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-08 18:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-08 19:20,-3,OVC,M +2012-02-08 20:20,-3,OVC,M +2012-02-08 21:20,-3,OVC,M +2012-02-08 22:20,-3,OVC,-SG +2012-02-08 23:20,-3,OVC,-SG +2012-02-09 00:20,-3,OVC,-SG +2012-02-09 01:20,-3,FEW,-SG +2012-02-09 02:20,-3,BKN,-SG +2012-02-09 03:20,-3,FEW,-SG +2012-02-09 04:20,-3,FEW,-SG +2012-02-09 05:20,-3,OVC,-SG +2012-02-09 06:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2012-02-09 07:20,-3,BKN,-SN BR +2012-02-09 08:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-02-09 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-09 10:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-09 11:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-09 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-02-09 13:20,0,FEW,M +2012-02-09 14:20,0,FEW,M +2012-02-09 15:20,-1,BKN,-SG +2012-02-09 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-09 17:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-09 18:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-09 19:20,-5,M,M +2012-02-09 20:20,-5,M,M +2012-02-09 21:20,-5,SCT,M +2012-02-09 22:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-09 23:20,-7,M,M +2012-02-10 00:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-10 01:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-10 02:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2012-02-10 03:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2012-02-10 04:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2012-02-10 05:20,-6,BKN,M +2012-02-10 06:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-10 07:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-10 08:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2012-02-10 09:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-02-10 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-10 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-10 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-10 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-10 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-10 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-10 16:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-10 17:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-10 18:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-10 19:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-02-10 20:20,-6,BKN,M +2012-02-10 21:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-10 22:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-10 23:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2012-02-11 00:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 01:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2012-02-11 02:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 03:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-11 04:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 06:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 08:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-11 09:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-11 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-11 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-11 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-02-11 13:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-11 14:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-11 15:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-11 16:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-02-11 17:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 18:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-02-11 19:20,-5,SCT,M +2012-02-11 20:20,-5,M,M +2012-02-11 21:20,-5,M,M +2012-02-11 22:20,-5,M,M +2012-02-11 23:20,-6,M,M +2012-02-12 00:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-02-12 01:20,-7,SCT,M +2012-02-12 02:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-02-12 03:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-02-12 04:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-12 05:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2012-02-12 06:20,-5,BKN,-SN BR +2012-02-12 07:20,-5,SCT,-SN BR +2012-02-12 08:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-02-12 09:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-02-12 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-02-12 11:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-12 12:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-02-12 13:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2012-02-12 14:20,-2,OVC,-SN +2012-02-12 15:20,-2,OVC,M +2012-02-12 16:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-02-12 17:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-02-12 18:20,-1,OVC,BR +2012-02-12 19:20,-1,OVC,BR +2012-02-12 20:20,-1,OVC,BR +2012-02-12 21:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-02-12 22:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-02-12 23:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-02-13 00:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-02-13 01:20,-2,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 02:20,-2,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 03:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 04:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 05:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 06:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 07:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 08:20,-2,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-13 09:20,-2,SCT,BR +2012-02-13 10:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-02-13 11:20,-1,SCT,BR +2012-02-13 12:20,0,FEW,BR +2012-02-13 13:20,1,FEW,M +2012-02-13 14:20,1,FEW,M +2012-02-13 15:20,1,SCT,M +2012-02-13 16:20,1,FEW,M +2012-02-13 17:20,1,BKN,M +2012-02-13 18:20,1,BKN,M +2012-02-13 19:20,1,BKN,-SN +2012-02-13 20:20,1,FEW,BR +2012-02-13 21:20,1,SCT,BR +2012-02-13 22:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-13 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2012-02-14 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-14 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-14 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-14 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-14 04:20,1,SCT,BR +2012-02-14 05:20,1,SCT,-SNRA BR +2012-02-14 06:20,1,FEW,-RASN BR +2012-02-14 07:20,1,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-14 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2012-02-14 09:20,2,FEW,BR +2012-02-14 10:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-02-14 11:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-02-14 12:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-14 13:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-14 14:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-14 15:20,3,SCT,M +2012-02-14 16:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-14 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-02-14 18:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-02-14 19:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-02-14 20:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-02-14 21:20,3,BKN,RA +2012-02-14 22:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-14 23:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-15 00:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-15 01:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-15 02:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-15 03:20,3,M,M +2012-02-15 04:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 05:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 06:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 07:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 08:20,3,M,M +2012-02-15 09:20,4,M,M +2012-02-15 10:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-15 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-15 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-15 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-15 14:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-15 15:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-15 16:20,4,M,M +2012-02-15 17:20,3,M,M +2012-02-15 18:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 19:20,2,M,M +2012-02-15 20:20,1,M,M +2012-02-15 21:20,1,M,M +2012-02-15 22:20,0,M,M +2012-02-15 23:20,-1,M,M +2012-02-16 00:20,-2,M,M +2012-02-16 01:20,-4,M,M +2012-02-16 02:20,-4,M,M +2012-02-16 03:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2012-02-16 04:20,-4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-02-16 05:20,-5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-02-16 06:20,-5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-02-16 07:20,-3,M,M +2012-02-16 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-02-16 09:20,1,M,M +2012-02-16 10:20,1,SCT,M +2012-02-16 11:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-16 12:20,3,SCT,M +2012-02-16 13:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-16 14:20,3,OVC,-DZ +2012-02-16 15:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2012-02-16 16:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2012-02-16 17:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2012-02-16 18:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-16 19:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-16 20:20,5,BKN,RADZ +2012-02-16 21:20,5,BKN,RA +2012-02-16 22:20,4,BKN,RADZ +2012-02-16 23:20,4,BKN,-DZRA +2012-02-17 00:20,4,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-17 01:20,4,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-17 02:20,4,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-17 03:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-17 04:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-17 05:20,4,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-17 06:20,4,FEW,BR +2012-02-17 07:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-02-17 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-02-17 09:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-02-17 10:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-17 11:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-17 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-17 13:20,6,BKN,M +2012-02-17 14:20,6,SCT,M +2012-02-17 15:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-17 16:20,6,SCT,M +2012-02-17 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-17 18:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-17 19:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-17 20:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-17 21:20,3,SCT,M +2012-02-17 22:20,3,SCT,BR +2012-02-17 23:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-18 00:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-18 01:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-18 02:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-18 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-18 04:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-02-18 05:20,4,FEW,BR +2012-02-18 06:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-02-18 07:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-02-18 08:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-18 09:20,6,BKN,DZ BR +2012-02-18 10:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-18 11:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-18 12:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-18 13:20,7,FEW,DZRA BR +2012-02-18 14:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-18 15:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-18 16:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-18 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-02-18 18:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-02-18 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-18 20:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-02-18 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-02-18 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-02-18 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-02-19 00:20,3,SCT,-RA +2012-02-19 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-02-19 02:20,3,SCT,M +2012-02-19 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-19 04:20,2,FEW,M +2012-02-19 05:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-19 06:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-19 07:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-19 08:20,2,FEW,SHRA +2012-02-19 09:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-19 10:20,3,BKN,M +2012-02-19 11:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-19 12:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-19 13:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-19 14:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-19 15:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-19 16:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-19 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-02-19 18:20,1,M,M +2012-02-19 19:20,1,M,M +2012-02-19 20:20,1,M,M +2012-02-19 21:20,1,M,M +2012-02-19 22:20,0,FEW,M +2012-02-19 23:20,0,M,M +2012-02-20 00:20,0,M,M +2012-02-20 01:20,-1,M,M +2012-02-20 02:20,0,FEW,M +2012-02-20 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-02-20 04:20,0,M,M +2012-02-20 05:20,-1,M,M +2012-02-20 06:20,-1,M,M +2012-02-20 07:20,-1,M,M +2012-02-20 08:20,1,M,M +2012-02-20 09:20,3,M,M +2012-02-20 10:20,4,FEW,M +2012-02-20 11:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-20 12:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-20 13:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-20 14:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-20 15:20,4,FEW,M +2012-02-20 16:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-20 17:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-20 18:20,2,M,M +2012-02-20 19:20,2,M,M +2012-02-20 20:20,2,M,M +2012-02-20 21:20,2,M,M +2012-02-20 22:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-20 23:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-21 00:20,2,FEW,-SN +2012-02-21 01:20,1,FEW,-SN +2012-02-21 02:20,1,SCT,SN +2012-02-21 03:20,1,SCT,-RASN +2012-02-21 04:20,1,BKN,SN +2012-02-21 05:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2012-02-21 06:20,1,FEW,SNRA +2012-02-21 07:20,1,SCT,RADZ +2012-02-21 08:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-21 09:20,3,FEW,-DZRA +2012-02-21 10:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-21 11:20,4,BKN,DZRA BR +2012-02-21 12:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 13:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 14:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 15:20,5,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 16:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 17:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 18:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 19:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 20:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 21:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 22:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-21 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-02-22 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-02-22 01:20,6,BKN,M +2012-02-22 02:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-22 03:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-22 04:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-22 05:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-22 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-02-22 07:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-02-22 08:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-02-22 09:20,5,SCT,BR +2012-02-22 10:20,6,FEW,BR +2012-02-22 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-22 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-22 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-22 14:20,7,SCT,M +2012-02-22 15:20,8,FEW,M +2012-02-22 16:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-22 17:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-22 18:20,7,M,M +2012-02-22 19:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-02-22 20:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-02-22 21:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-02-22 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-22 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-02-23 00:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-23 01:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2012-02-23 02:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2012-02-23 03:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2012-02-23 04:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-23 05:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-23 06:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-23 07:20,7,SCT,M +2012-02-23 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-02-23 09:20,8,SCT,M +2012-02-23 10:20,9,SCT,M +2012-02-23 11:20,10,FEW,M +2012-02-23 12:20,10,FEW,M +2012-02-23 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-02-23 14:20,10,BKN,M +2012-02-23 15:20,10,BKN,M +2012-02-23 16:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-23 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-02-23 18:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2012-02-23 19:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-23 20:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2012-02-23 21:20,10,BKN,M +2012-02-23 22:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-23 23:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 00:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 01:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 02:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 03:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-24 04:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2012-02-24 05:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2012-02-24 06:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-24 07:20,9,BKN,M +2012-02-24 08:20,10,BKN,M +2012-02-24 09:20,10,BKN,M +2012-02-24 10:20,10,SCT,M +2012-02-24 11:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 12:20,11,BKN,M +2012-02-24 13:20,10,BKN,-RA +2012-02-24 15:20,9,BKN,RA +2012-02-24 16:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-02-24 17:20,7,BKN,M +2012-02-24 18:20,7,BKN,M +2012-02-24 19:20,6,SCT,M +2012-02-24 20:20,6,M,M +2012-02-24 21:20,5,M,M +2012-02-24 22:20,5,M,M +2012-02-24 23:20,5,M,M +2012-02-25 00:20,4,M,M +2012-02-25 01:20,4,M,M +2012-02-25 02:20,4,M,M +2012-02-25 03:20,4,M,M +2012-02-25 04:20,3,M,M +2012-02-25 05:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-25 06:20,3,FEW,M +2012-02-25 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-02-25 08:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-25 09:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-25 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-25 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-02-25 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-25 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-25 15:20,7,SCT,M +2012-02-25 16:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-02-25 21:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-25 22:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-25 23:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-26 00:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-26 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-02-26 02:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-02-26 03:20,5,BKN,M +2012-02-26 04:20,5,FEW,M +2012-02-26 05:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-26 06:20,4,FEW,M +2012-02-26 07:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-26 08:20,4,SCT,M +2012-02-26 09:20,4,FEW,M +2012-02-26 10:20,5,SCT,M +2012-02-26 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-26 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-26 13:20,8,FEW,M +2012-02-26 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-02-26 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-02-26 16:20,6,M,M +2012-02-26 17:20,4,M,M +2012-02-26 18:20,1,M,M +2012-02-26 19:20,0,M,M +2012-02-26 20:20,0,M,M +2012-02-26 21:20,0,BKN,FZFG +2012-02-26 22:20,0,BKN,FG +2012-02-26 23:20,1,BKN,FG +2012-02-27 00:20,0,OVC,FG +2012-02-27 01:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2012-02-27 02:20,0,OVC,FG +2012-02-27 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-02-27 05:20,2,FEW,M +2012-02-27 06:20,2,BKN,M +2012-02-27 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-02-27 08:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-02-27 09:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2012-02-27 10:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-02-27 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-02-27 12:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-02-27 13:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-27 14:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-02-27 15:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-27 16:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-02-27 17:20,6,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-27 18:20,6,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-27 19:20,6,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-27 20:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-27 21:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-27 22:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-27 23:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 00:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 01:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 02:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 03:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 04:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 05:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 06:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 07:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 08:20,8,BKN,DZ BR +2012-02-28 09:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 10:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 11:20,9,BKN,BR +2012-02-28 12:20,9,OVC,BR +2012-02-28 13:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 14:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-28 15:20,9,OVC,BR +2012-02-28 16:20,9,OVC,BR +2012-02-28 17:20,9,OVC,BR +2012-02-28 18:20,9,OVC,BR +2012-02-28 19:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-02-28 20:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-02-28 21:20,8,SCT,BR +2012-02-28 22:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-02-28 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 00:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-02-29 01:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-02-29 02:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 03:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 04:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 05:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 06:20,7,BKN,FG +2012-02-29 07:20,6,BKN,FG +2012-02-29 08:20,6,BKN,FG +2012-02-29 09:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-02-29 10:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 11:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 12:20,9,SCT,BR +2012-02-29 13:20,10,BKN,BR +2012-02-29 14:20,10,OVC,BR +2012-02-29 15:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-29 16:20,10,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-02-29 17:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-29 18:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-02-29 19:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-02-29 20:20,9,SCT,BR +2012-02-29 21:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-29 22:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-02-29 23:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-03-01 00:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-03-01 01:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-03-01 02:20,8,SCT,-DZRA BR +2012-03-01 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-01 04:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 05:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 06:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 08:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-03-01 09:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-03-01 10:20,8,FEW,BR +2012-03-01 11:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-03-01 12:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-01 13:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-01 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-01 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-01 16:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-01 17:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-01 18:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-01 19:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 20:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 21:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 22:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-03-01 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 01:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 03:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 04:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-03-02 06:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-03-02 07:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-03-02 08:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-03-02 09:20,4,SCT,FG +2012-03-02 10:20,4,OVC,BR +2012-03-02 11:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-02 12:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 13:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 14:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 15:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 16:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 17:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 18:20,5,OVC,M +2012-03-02 19:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-02 20:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-02 21:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-02 22:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-02 23:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-03 00:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-03 01:20,4,OVC,M +2012-03-03 02:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-03 03:20,3,OVC,M +2012-03-03 04:20,3,OVC,BR +2012-03-03 05:20,3,SCT,M +2012-03-03 06:20,2,NSC,M +2012-03-03 07:20,3,M,M +2012-03-03 08:20,3,FEW,M +2012-03-03 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-03 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-03 11:20,7,M,M +2012-03-03 12:20,8,M,M +2012-03-03 13:20,9,M,M +2012-03-03 14:20,9,M,M +2012-03-03 15:20,9,M,M +2012-03-03 16:20,8,M,M +2012-03-03 17:20,8,M,M +2012-03-03 18:20,8,M,M +2012-03-03 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-03 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-03 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-03 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-03 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-04 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-04 01:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-04 02:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-04 03:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-04 04:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-04 05:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-04 06:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-04 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-04 08:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-04 09:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-04 10:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-04 11:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-04 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-04 13:20,8,M,M +2012-03-04 14:20,8,M,M +2012-03-04 15:20,7,M,M +2012-03-04 16:20,7,M,M +2012-03-04 17:20,6,M,M +2012-03-04 18:20,6,M,M +2012-03-04 19:20,5,M,M +2012-03-04 20:20,5,M,M +2012-03-04 21:20,5,M,M +2012-03-04 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-04 23:20,5,M,M +2012-03-05 00:20,4,M,M +2012-03-05 01:20,4,M,M +2012-03-05 02:20,3,M,M +2012-03-05 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-03-05 04:20,2,SCT,-RA +2012-03-05 05:20,2,SCT,M +2012-03-05 06:20,2,SCT,M +2012-03-05 07:20,3,M,M +2012-03-05 08:20,3,M,M +2012-03-05 09:20,4,M,M +2012-03-05 10:20,4,M,M +2012-03-05 11:20,5,M,M +2012-03-05 12:20,6,M,M +2012-03-05 13:20,6,M,M +2012-03-05 14:20,8,M,M +2012-03-05 15:20,7,M,M +2012-03-05 16:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-05 17:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-05 18:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-05 19:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-05 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-05 21:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-05 22:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-05 23:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-06 00:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-06 01:20,2,SCT,M +2012-03-06 02:20,1,BKN,M +2012-03-06 03:20,0,FEW,M +2012-03-06 04:20,0,FEW,M +2012-03-06 05:20,0,M,M +2012-03-06 06:20,0,M,M +2012-03-06 07:20,1,M,M +2012-03-06 08:20,2,M,M +2012-03-06 09:20,4,M,M +2012-03-06 10:20,5,M,M +2012-03-06 11:20,6,M,M +2012-03-06 12:20,7,M,M +2012-03-06 13:20,8,M,M +2012-03-06 14:20,8,M,M +2012-03-06 15:20,7,M,M +2012-03-06 16:20,7,M,M +2012-03-06 17:20,6,M,M +2012-03-06 18:20,5,M,M +2012-03-06 19:20,4,M,M +2012-03-06 20:20,3,M,M +2012-03-06 21:20,3,M,M +2012-03-06 22:20,2,M,M +2012-03-06 23:20,2,M,M +2012-03-07 00:20,2,M,M +2012-03-07 01:20,2,M,M +2012-03-07 02:20,2,M,M +2012-03-07 03:20,1,M,M +2012-03-07 04:20,1,M,M +2012-03-07 05:20,1,M,M +2012-03-07 06:20,1,M,M +2012-03-07 07:20,1,M,M +2012-03-07 08:20,2,M,M +2012-03-07 09:20,3,M,M +2012-03-07 10:20,5,M,M +2012-03-07 11:20,6,M,M +2012-03-07 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-07 13:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-07 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-07 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-03-07 16:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-03-07 17:20,4,BKN,RA +2012-03-07 18:20,4,FEW,RA +2012-03-07 19:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-03-07 20:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-03-07 21:20,4,SCT,RA +2012-03-07 22:20,3,SCT,-RA +2012-03-07 23:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-03-08 00:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-03-08 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-03-08 02:20,3,SCT,-RA +2012-03-08 03:20,4,SCT,M +2012-03-08 04:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-08 05:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-08 06:20,4,SCT,M +2012-03-08 07:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-08 08:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-08 09:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-08 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-08 11:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-08 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-08 13:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-08 14:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-08 15:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-08 16:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-08 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-08 18:20,5,M,M +2012-03-08 19:20,4,M,M +2012-03-08 20:20,3,M,M +2012-03-08 21:20,3,M,M +2012-03-08 22:20,2,M,M +2012-03-08 23:20,2,SCT,MIFG +2012-03-09 00:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-03-09 01:20,2,OVC,FG +2012-03-09 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-03-09 03:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-03-09 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-03-09 05:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-03-09 06:20,2,FEW,BR +2012-03-09 07:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-09 08:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-09 09:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-09 10:20,7,M,M +2012-03-09 11:20,8,M,M +2012-03-09 12:20,9,M,M +2012-03-09 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-09 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-09 15:20,10,M,M +2012-03-09 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-09 17:20,10,BKN,M +2012-03-09 18:20,10,BKN,M +2012-03-09 19:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-09 20:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-09 21:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-09 22:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-09 23:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-10 00:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-10 01:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-10 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-03-10 03:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-03-10 04:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2012-03-10 05:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2012-03-10 06:20,8,SCT,BR +2012-03-10 07:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-10 08:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-03-10 09:20,9,BKN,BR +2012-03-10 10:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-10 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-10 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-10 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-03-10 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-10 15:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-10 16:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-10 17:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-10 18:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-10 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-10 20:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-10 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-03-10 22:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-10 23:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 00:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 04:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-11 05:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-11 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-11 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-11 11:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-11 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-11 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-11 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-11 15:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-11 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-11 17:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-11 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-11 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-11 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 00:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 04:20,6,SCT,M +2012-03-12 05:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-12 07:20,7,OVC,M +2012-03-12 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 12:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 13:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-12 14:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-12 15:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-12 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-12 17:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 18:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 19:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 20:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-12 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-12 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-13 00:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-13 01:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-13 02:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-13 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-13 04:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-13 05:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-13 06:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-13 07:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-13 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-13 09:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-13 10:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-13 11:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-13 12:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-13 13:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-13 14:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-13 15:20,10,BKN,M +2012-03-13 16:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-13 17:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-13 18:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-13 19:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-13 20:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-13 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-13 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-13 23:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 00:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 04:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 05:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 07:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-14 10:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-14 11:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-14 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-14 13:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-14 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-14 15:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-14 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-14 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-14 18:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 19:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-14 21:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-14 22:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-14 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 01:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 02:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 03:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 04:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 05:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-15 06:20,6,OVC,M +2012-03-15 07:20,7,OVC,M +2012-03-15 08:20,7,OVC,M +2012-03-15 09:20,7,OVC,M +2012-03-15 10:20,8,OVC,M +2012-03-15 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-15 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-15 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-15 14:20,11,M,M +2012-03-15 15:20,12,M,M +2012-03-15 16:20,11,M,M +2012-03-15 17:20,10,M,M +2012-03-15 18:20,7,M,M +2012-03-15 19:20,6,M,M +2012-03-15 20:20,4,M,M +2012-03-15 21:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-15 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-15 23:20,3,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2012-03-16 00:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-16 01:20,3,NSC,M +2012-03-16 02:20,3,NSC,M +2012-03-16 03:20,4,NSC,M +2012-03-16 04:20,3,NSC,M +2012-03-16 05:20,2,NSC,PRFG BR +2012-03-16 06:20,3,NSC,M +2012-03-16 07:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-16 08:20,9,M,M +2012-03-16 09:20,12,M,M +2012-03-16 10:20,14,M,M +2012-03-16 11:20,16,M,M +2012-03-16 12:20,18,M,M +2012-03-16 13:20,18,M,M +2012-03-16 14:20,15,M,M +2012-03-16 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-03-16 16:20,10,BKN,BR +2012-03-16 17:20,9,BKN,BR +2012-03-16 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-16 19:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-16 20:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-16 21:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2012-03-16 22:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2012-03-16 23:20,4,NSC,BR MIFG +2012-03-17 00:20,4,NSC,BR MIFG +2012-03-17 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-03-17 02:20,5,VV ,FG +2012-03-17 03:20,5,VV ,FG +2012-03-17 04:20,5,VV ,FG +2012-03-17 05:20,4,VV ,FG +2012-03-17 06:20,4,VV ,FG +2012-03-17 07:20,5,OVC,BR +2012-03-17 08:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-03-17 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-03-17 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-17 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-17 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-17 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-17 14:20,12,SCT,M +2012-03-17 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-03-17 16:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-17 17:20,11,BKN,M +2012-03-17 18:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-17 19:20,9,M,M +2012-03-17 20:20,8,M,M +2012-03-17 21:20,8,M,M +2012-03-17 22:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-17 23:20,8,M,M +2012-03-18 00:20,7,M,M +2012-03-18 01:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-18 02:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-18 03:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-18 04:20,8,SCT,BR +2012-03-18 05:20,8,NSC,BR +2012-03-18 06:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-03-18 07:20,8,NSC,BR +2012-03-18 08:20,10,NSC,BR +2012-03-18 09:20,11,BKN,BR +2012-03-18 10:20,11,BKN,M +2012-03-18 11:20,11,BKN,-DZRA +2012-03-18 12:20,11,BKN,-RA +2012-03-18 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-03-18 14:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-18 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-18 16:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-18 17:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-18 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-18 19:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-03-18 20:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-03-18 21:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-03-18 22:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-18 23:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-19 00:20,5,FEW,M +2012-03-19 01:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-19 02:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-19 03:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-19 04:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-19 05:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-19 06:20,4,BKN,M +2012-03-19 07:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-19 08:20,6,SCT,M +2012-03-19 09:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-19 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-19 11:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-19 12:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-19 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-19 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-19 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-19 16:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-19 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-19 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-19 19:20,6,M,M +2012-03-19 20:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-19 21:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-19 22:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-19 23:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-20 00:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-20 01:20,5,BKN,M +2012-03-20 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-20 03:20,4,M,M +2012-03-20 04:20,5,M,M +2012-03-20 05:20,4,M,M +2012-03-20 06:20,5,M,M +2012-03-20 07:20,6,M,M +2012-03-20 08:20,8,M,M +2012-03-20 09:20,9,M,M +2012-03-20 10:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-20 11:20,11,BKN,M +2012-03-20 12:20,12,BKN,M +2012-03-20 13:20,12,BKN,M +2012-03-20 14:20,11,BKN,M +2012-03-20 15:20,10,BKN,-RA +2012-03-20 16:20,10,BKN,-RA +2012-03-20 17:20,10,BKN,M +2012-03-20 18:20,10,BKN,M +2012-03-20 19:20,10,OVC,M +2012-03-20 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-20 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-20 22:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-20 23:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-21 00:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-21 01:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-21 02:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-21 03:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-21 04:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-21 05:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-21 06:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-21 07:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-21 08:20,10,SCT,M +2012-03-21 09:20,12,NSC,M +2012-03-21 10:20,13,FEW,M +2012-03-21 11:20,14,SCT,M +2012-03-21 12:20,14,SCT,M +2012-03-21 13:20,14,SCT,M +2012-03-21 14:20,14,BKN,M +2012-03-21 15:20,13,BKN,M +2012-03-21 16:20,13,SCT,M +2012-03-21 17:20,12,BKN,M +2012-03-21 18:20,12,BKN,M +2012-03-21 19:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-21 20:20,8,M,M +2012-03-21 21:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-21 22:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-21 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-03-22 00:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-03-22 01:20,3,NSC,FG +2012-03-22 02:20,3,VV ,FG +2012-03-22 03:20,3,VV ,FG +2012-03-22 04:20,2,VV ,FG +2012-03-22 05:20,1,VV ,FG +2012-03-22 06:20,1,NSC,FG +2012-03-22 07:20,5,NSC,BR +2012-03-22 08:20,8,M,M +2012-03-22 09:20,11,M,M +2012-03-22 10:20,13,FEW,M +2012-03-22 11:20,14,FEW,M +2012-03-22 12:20,15,M,M +2012-03-22 13:20,15,M,M +2012-03-22 14:20,16,M,M +2012-03-22 15:20,15,M,M +2012-03-22 16:20,15,M,M +2012-03-22 17:20,14,M,M +2012-03-22 18:20,12,M,M +2012-03-22 19:20,11,M,M +2012-03-22 20:20,8,M,M +2012-03-22 21:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-22 22:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-22 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-23 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-23 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-23 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-23 03:20,3,NSC,FG +2012-03-23 04:20,1,NSC,FG +2012-03-23 05:20,2,NSC,FG +2012-03-23 06:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2012-03-23 07:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-23 08:20,11,M,M +2012-03-23 09:20,13,M,M +2012-03-23 10:20,14,M,M +2012-03-23 11:20,16,M,M +2012-03-23 12:20,17,M,M +2012-03-23 13:20,18,M,M +2012-03-23 14:20,18,M,M +2012-03-23 15:20,18,M,M +2012-03-23 16:20,17,M,M +2012-03-23 17:20,16,M,M +2012-03-23 18:20,14,M,M +2012-03-23 19:20,11,M,M +2012-03-23 20:20,10,M,M +2012-03-23 21:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-23 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-23 23:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2012-03-24 00:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-24 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-24 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-03-24 03:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-03-24 04:20,3,NSC,FG +2012-03-24 05:20,2,NSC,FG +2012-03-24 06:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2012-03-24 07:20,7,M,M +2012-03-24 08:20,10,M,M +2012-03-24 09:20,12,M,M +2012-03-24 10:20,13,M,M +2012-03-24 11:20,12,M,M +2012-03-24 12:20,12,M,M +2012-03-24 13:20,12,M,M +2012-03-24 14:20,13,M,M +2012-03-24 15:20,13,M,M +2012-03-24 16:20,13,M,M +2012-03-24 17:20,11,M,M +2012-03-24 18:20,9,M,M +2012-03-24 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-24 20:20,5,OVC,FG +2012-03-24 21:20,4,OVC,BR +2012-03-24 22:20,4,SCT,MIFG BR +2012-03-24 23:20,3,SCT,MIFG BR +2012-03-25 00:20,3,OVC,MIFG BR +2012-03-25 01:20,3,SCT,MIFG BR +2012-03-25 02:20,3,OVC,BR +2012-03-25 03:20,4,OVC,BR +2012-03-25 04:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-03-25 05:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-03-25 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-03-25 07:20,5,SCT,BR +2012-03-25 08:20,6,FEW,BR +2012-03-25 09:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-25 10:20,10,M,M +2012-03-25 11:20,14,M,M +2012-03-25 12:20,15,M,M +2012-03-25 13:20,16,M,M +2012-03-25 14:20,16,M,M +2012-03-25 15:20,16,M,M +2012-03-25 16:20,15,M,M +2012-03-25 17:20,13,M,M +2012-03-25 18:20,11,M,M +2012-03-25 19:20,9,M,M +2012-03-25 20:20,8,M,M +2012-03-25 21:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-25 22:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-03-25 23:20,4,NSC,FG +2012-03-26 00:20,3,NSC,FG +2012-03-26 01:20,2,NSC,BR +2012-03-26 02:20,3,BKN,FG +2012-03-26 03:20,3,OVC,FG +2012-03-26 04:20,3,OVC,FG +2012-03-26 05:20,3,OVC,FG +2012-03-26 06:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-03-26 07:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-03-26 08:20,4,FEW,BCFG BR +2012-03-26 09:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-03-26 10:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-26 11:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-26 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-26 13:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-26 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-03-26 15:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-26 16:20,8,FEW,BR +2012-03-26 17:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-03-26 18:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-03-26 19:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-03-26 20:20,6,FEW,BR +2012-03-26 21:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-03-26 22:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-03-26 23:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-03-27 00:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-03-27 01:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-03-27 02:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-03-27 03:20,6,SCT,BR +2012-03-27 04:20,6,FEW,BR +2012-03-27 05:20,6,NSC,BR +2012-03-27 06:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-27 07:20,8,M,M +2012-03-27 08:20,10,M,M +2012-03-27 09:20,11,M,M +2012-03-27 10:20,13,M,M +2012-03-27 11:20,14,M,M +2012-03-27 12:20,16,M,M +2012-03-27 13:20,17,M,M +2012-03-27 14:20,16,M,M +2012-03-27 15:20,15,M,M +2012-03-27 16:20,14,M,M +2012-03-27 17:20,12,M,M +2012-03-27 18:20,10,M,M +2012-03-27 19:20,9,M,M +2012-03-27 20:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-27 21:20,7,NSC,M +2012-03-27 22:20,7,NSC,M +2012-03-27 23:20,7,NSC,M +2012-03-28 00:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 01:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 02:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 03:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 04:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 05:20,6,NSC,M +2012-03-28 06:20,7,NSC,M +2012-03-28 07:20,9,NSC,M +2012-03-28 08:20,11,M,M +2012-03-28 09:20,13,M,M +2012-03-28 10:20,14,M,M +2012-03-28 11:20,16,M,M +2012-03-28 12:20,17,M,M +2012-03-28 13:20,16,M,M +2012-03-28 14:20,16,M,M +2012-03-28 15:20,16,M,M +2012-03-28 16:20,13,M,M +2012-03-28 17:20,11,M,M +2012-03-28 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-28 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-28 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-03-28 21:20,9,OVC,M +2012-03-28 22:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-28 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-29 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-29 01:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-29 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-29 03:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-29 04:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-29 05:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2012-03-29 06:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-29 07:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-29 08:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-03-29 09:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2012-03-29 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-29 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-29 12:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-03-29 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-29 14:20,9,SCT,M +2012-03-29 15:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-29 16:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-29 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-03-29 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-29 19:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-29 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-03-29 21:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-03-29 22:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-03-29 23:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 00:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 01:20,7,FEW,M +2012-03-30 02:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2012-03-30 03:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 04:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 05:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2012-03-30 06:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2012-03-30 07:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-30 08:20,8,SCT,M +2012-03-30 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-30 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-30 11:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-30 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-30 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-30 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-30 15:20,9,BKN,M +2012-03-30 16:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-30 17:20,8,BKN,M +2012-03-30 18:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-30 19:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-30 20:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-30 21:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 22:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-30 23:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2012-03-31 00:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-31 01:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-31 02:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-31 03:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2012-03-31 04:20,7,BKN,M +2012-03-31 05:20,6,SCT,M +2012-03-31 06:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-31 07:20,5,SCT,M +2012-03-31 08:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-31 09:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-31 10:20,3,FEW,-SHSNGS +2012-03-31 11:20,4,FEW,M +2012-03-31 12:20,6,SCT,M +2012-03-31 13:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-31 14:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-31 15:20,6,BKN,M +2012-03-31 16:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-31 17:20,7,SCT,M +2012-03-31 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-03-31 19:20,5,M,M +2012-03-31 20:20,3,M,M +2012-03-31 21:20,3,M,M +2012-03-31 22:20,2,M,M +2012-03-31 23:20,1,M,M +2012-04-01 00:20,0,M,M +2012-04-01 01:20,0,M,M +2012-04-01 02:20,1,M,M +2012-04-01 03:20,1,M,M +2012-04-01 04:20,1,SCT,M +2012-04-01 05:20,0,FEW,M +2012-04-01 06:20,2,FEW,M +2012-04-01 07:20,5,SCT,M +2012-04-01 08:20,7,SCT,M +2012-04-01 09:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2012-04-01 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-01 11:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2012-04-01 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-01 13:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-01 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-01 15:20,7,SCT,M +2012-04-01 16:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-04-01 17:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2012-04-01 18:20,5,FEW,RADZ +2012-04-01 19:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2012-04-01 20:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-04-01 21:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2012-04-01 22:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2012-04-01 23:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-04-02 00:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2012-04-02 01:20,5,SCT,M +2012-04-02 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-02 03:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-02 04:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-02 05:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-02 06:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-02 07:20,5,FEW,M +2012-04-02 08:20,5,FEW,M +2012-04-02 09:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-02 10:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-02 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-02 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-02 13:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-02 14:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-04-02 15:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-04-02 16:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-04-02 17:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-04-02 18:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-04-02 19:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-04-02 21:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-04-02 22:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-04-02 23:20,3,FEW,-RA +2012-04-03 00:20,3,SCT,-RADZ +2012-04-03 01:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2012-04-03 02:20,2,FEW,-SNRA +2012-04-03 03:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2012-04-03 04:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2012-04-03 05:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2012-04-03 06:20,1,SCT,-SNRA +2012-04-03 07:20,2,BKN,M +2012-04-03 08:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2012-04-03 09:20,1,SCT,-SN +2012-04-03 10:20,2,SCT,M +2012-04-03 11:20,2,BKN,M +2012-04-03 12:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 13:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 14:20,3,SCT,M +2012-04-03 15:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 16:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 17:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 18:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 19:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 20:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 21:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 22:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-03 23:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 00:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 04:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 05:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2012-04-04 06:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2012-04-04 07:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-04 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-04 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-04 10:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 11:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 12:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 13:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-04 14:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-04 15:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 16:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 17:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 18:20,4,SCT,M +2012-04-04 19:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 20:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 21:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-04 22:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-04 23:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 00:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 03:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 04:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-05 05:20,2,BKN,M +2012-04-05 06:20,2,BKN,M +2012-04-05 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-05 08:20,5,SCT,M +2012-04-05 09:20,5,BKN,M +2012-04-05 10:20,6,BKN,M +2012-04-05 11:20,6,BKN,M +2012-04-05 12:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-05 13:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-05 14:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-05 15:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-05 16:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-05 17:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-05 18:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-05 19:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-05 20:20,2,FEW,M +2012-04-05 21:20,1,M,M +2012-04-05 22:20,0,M,M +2012-04-05 23:20,-1,M,M +2012-04-06 00:20,-2,M,M +2012-04-06 01:20,-2,M,M +2012-04-06 02:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-06 03:20,-3,SCT,MIFG +2012-04-06 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-04-06 05:20,-2,M,M +2012-04-06 06:20,0,M,M +2012-04-06 07:20,4,M,M +2012-04-06 08:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-06 09:20,7,SCT,M +2012-04-06 10:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-06 11:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-06 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-06 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-06 14:20,9,M,M +2012-04-06 15:20,7,M,M +2012-04-06 16:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-04-06 17:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2012-04-06 18:20,4,BKN,RADZ +2012-04-06 19:20,4,BKN,RADZ +2012-04-06 20:20,4,BKN,RADZ +2012-04-06 21:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-06 22:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-06 23:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-07 00:20,3,SCT,-RA +2012-04-07 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-07 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-07 03:20,3,M,M +2012-04-07 04:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-07 05:20,2,BKN,SHRASN +2012-04-07 06:20,2,SCT,M +2012-04-07 07:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2012-04-07 08:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-07 09:20,3,SCT,M +2012-04-07 10:20,3,BKN,M +2012-04-07 11:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-07 12:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-07 13:20,4,SCT,M +2012-04-07 14:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-07 15:20,5,M,M +2012-04-07 16:20,5,M,M +2012-04-07 17:20,3,M,M +2012-04-07 18:20,2,M,M +2012-04-07 19:20,1,M,M +2012-04-07 20:20,1,M,M +2012-04-07 21:20,1,M,M +2012-04-07 22:20,1,SCT,M +2012-04-07 23:20,0,M,M +2012-04-08 00:20,-1,M,M +2012-04-08 01:20,-2,M,M +2012-04-08 02:20,-3,M,M +2012-04-08 03:20,-4,M,M +2012-04-08 04:20,-4,M,M +2012-04-08 05:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-04-08 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-04-08 07:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-08 08:20,4,SCT,M +2012-04-08 09:20,5,SCT,M +2012-04-08 10:20,6,M,M +2012-04-08 11:20,5,M,M +2012-04-08 12:20,7,M,M +2012-04-08 13:20,7,M,M +2012-04-08 14:20,8,M,M +2012-04-08 15:20,8,M,M +2012-04-08 16:20,7,M,M +2012-04-08 17:20,6,M,M +2012-04-08 18:20,5,M,M +2012-04-08 19:20,5,M,M +2012-04-08 20:20,6,M,M +2012-04-08 21:20,5,M,M +2012-04-08 22:20,5,M,M +2012-04-08 23:20,5,M,M +2012-04-09 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 02:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-09 03:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-09 04:20,5,BKN,M +2012-04-09 05:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-04-09 06:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 07:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 08:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 09:20,6,BKN,M +2012-04-09 10:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 11:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 12:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-04-09 13:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-09 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-04-09 16:20,9,BKN,RA +2012-04-09 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 18:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-04-09 19:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 20:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-04-09 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-04-09 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-04-09 23:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-10 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-10 01:20,8,BKN,M +2012-04-10 02:20,9,BKN,M +2012-04-10 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-10 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2012-04-10 05:20,9,SCT,-RA +2012-04-10 06:20,9,SCT,-RA +2012-04-10 07:20,9,SCT,-RA +2012-04-10 08:20,10,SCT,-RA +2012-04-10 09:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-10 10:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-10 11:20,12,BKN,M +2012-04-10 12:20,12,BKN,M +2012-04-10 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-10 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-10 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-10 16:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-04-10 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-10 18:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-10 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-10 20:20,11,M,M +2012-04-10 21:20,11,M,M +2012-04-10 22:20,11,M,M +2012-04-10 23:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-04-11 00:20,11,M,M +2012-04-11 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-11 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-04-11 03:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-11 04:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-11 05:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-11 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-11 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-11 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-11 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-11 10:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-11 11:20,11,BKN,M +2012-04-11 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-11 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-11 14:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2012-04-11 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-11 16:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-11 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-11 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-11 19:20,8,M,M +2012-04-11 20:20,8,BKN,M +2012-04-11 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-11 22:20,6,M,M +2012-04-11 23:20,5,M,M +2012-04-12 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-12 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2012-04-12 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2012-04-12 03:20,4,M,M +2012-04-12 04:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-12 05:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-12 06:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-12 07:20,8,M,M +2012-04-12 08:20,9,M,M +2012-04-12 09:20,11,M,M +2012-04-12 10:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-12 11:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-12 12:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-12 13:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2012-04-12 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-12 15:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-12 16:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-12 17:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-12 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-12 19:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-12 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-12 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-12 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-12 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-13 00:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-04-13 01:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-04-13 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-04-13 03:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-04-13 04:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-13 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-13 06:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-13 07:20,7,SCT,M +2012-04-13 08:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-13 09:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-13 10:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-13 11:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-13 12:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-13 13:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-13 14:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-13 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-13 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-13 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-13 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-13 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-13 20:20,4,M,M +2012-04-13 21:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-13 22:20,3,M,M +2012-04-13 23:20,3,M,M +2012-04-14 00:20,3,M,M +2012-04-14 01:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-14 02:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-14 03:20,4,BKN,M +2012-04-14 04:20,5,BKN,M +2012-04-14 05:20,5,SCT,-RA +2012-04-14 06:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-14 07:20,7,M,M +2012-04-14 08:20,9,M,M +2012-04-14 09:20,11,M,M +2012-04-14 10:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-14 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-14 12:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-14 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-14 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-14 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-14 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-14 17:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-14 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-14 19:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-14 20:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-14 21:20,7,M,M +2012-04-14 22:20,6,M,M +2012-04-14 23:20,6,M,M +2012-04-15 00:20,5,M,M +2012-04-15 01:20,5,M,M +2012-04-15 02:20,4,M,M +2012-04-15 03:20,4,M,M +2012-04-15 04:20,4,M,M +2012-04-15 05:20,4,M,M +2012-04-15 06:20,6,M,M +2012-04-15 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-15 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-15 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-15 10:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-15 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-04-15 12:20,10,SCT,M +2012-04-15 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-15 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-15 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-15 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-15 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-15 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-15 19:20,7,M,M +2012-04-15 20:20,6,M,M +2012-04-15 21:20,5,M,M +2012-04-15 22:20,4,M,M +2012-04-15 23:20,3,M,M +2012-04-16 00:20,3,M,M +2012-04-16 01:20,2,M,M +2012-04-16 02:20,1,M,M +2012-04-16 03:20,0,M,M +2012-04-16 04:20,-1,M,M +2012-04-16 05:20,1,M,M +2012-04-16 06:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-16 07:20,5,FEW,M +2012-04-16 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-16 09:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-16 10:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-16 11:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-16 12:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-16 13:20,6,SCT,SHRAGS +2012-04-16 14:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-16 15:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-16 16:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-16 17:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-16 18:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-16 19:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-16 20:20,4,FEW,M +2012-04-16 21:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-16 22:20,2,FEW,M +2012-04-16 23:20,1,FEW,M +2012-04-17 00:20,2,FEW,M +2012-04-17 01:20,2,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-17 02:20,1,FEW,M +2012-04-17 03:20,1,FEW,M +2012-04-17 04:20,0,FEW,M +2012-04-17 05:20,1,FEW,M +2012-04-17 06:20,3,FEW,M +2012-04-17 07:20,5,FEW,M +2012-04-17 08:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-17 09:20,6,SCT,M +2012-04-17 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-17 11:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-17 12:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-17 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-17 14:20,10,M,M +2012-04-17 15:20,11,M,M +2012-04-17 16:20,11,M,M +2012-04-17 17:20,10,M,M +2012-04-17 18:20,9,M,M +2012-04-17 19:20,9,M,M +2012-04-17 20:20,9,M,M +2012-04-17 21:20,8,M,M +2012-04-17 22:20,8,M,M +2012-04-17 23:20,7,M,M +2012-04-18 00:20,7,M,M +2012-04-18 01:20,7,M,M +2012-04-18 02:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-18 03:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-04-18 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-04-18 05:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-04-18 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-18 07:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-18 08:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-18 09:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-18 10:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-18 11:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-18 12:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-18 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-18 14:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-18 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-18 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-18 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-18 18:20,11,M,M +2012-04-18 19:20,10,M,M +2012-04-18 20:20,9,M,M +2012-04-18 21:20,8,M,M +2012-04-18 22:20,8,M,M +2012-04-18 23:20,8,M,M +2012-04-19 00:20,6,M,M +2012-04-19 01:20,6,M,M +2012-04-19 02:20,6,M,M +2012-04-19 03:20,5,M,M +2012-04-19 04:20,5,FEW,M +2012-04-19 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-19 06:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-19 07:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-19 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-19 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-19 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-19 11:20,16,M,M +2012-04-19 12:20,17,M,M +2012-04-19 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-04-19 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-19 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-19 16:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-19 17:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-04-19 18:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-19 19:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-19 20:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-19 21:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-19 22:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-19 23:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-20 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-20 01:20,7,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-20 02:20,6,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-20 03:20,4,FEW,BCFG BR +2012-04-20 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-04-20 05:20,6,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2012-04-20 06:20,9,M,M +2012-04-20 07:20,11,M,M +2012-04-20 08:20,13,M,M +2012-04-20 09:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-20 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-20 11:20,16,SCT,M +2012-04-20 12:20,14,SCT,M +2012-04-20 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-20 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-20 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-20 16:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-20 17:20,13,SCT,M +2012-04-20 18:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-20 19:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-20 20:20,10,M,M +2012-04-20 21:20,9,M,M +2012-04-20 22:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-20 23:20,9,M,M +2012-04-21 00:20,7,M,M +2012-04-21 01:20,8,M,M +2012-04-21 02:20,6,M,M +2012-04-21 03:20,5,M,M +2012-04-21 04:20,6,M,M +2012-04-21 05:20,8,M,M +2012-04-21 06:20,9,M,M +2012-04-21 07:20,11,M,M +2012-04-21 08:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-21 09:20,13,SCT,M +2012-04-21 10:20,13,SCT,M +2012-04-21 11:20,13,SCT,M +2012-04-21 12:20,11,SCT,SHRA +2012-04-21 13:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-21 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-21 15:20,8,SCT,SHRA +2012-04-21 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-21 17:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-21 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-21 19:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-21 20:20,8,BKN,M +2012-04-21 21:20,7,M,M +2012-04-21 22:20,6,M,M +2012-04-21 23:20,6,M,M +2012-04-22 00:20,5,M,M +2012-04-22 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-22 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 04:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 05:20,5,BKN,M +2012-04-22 06:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-22 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-22 08:20,8,BKN,M +2012-04-22 09:20,8,BKN,M +2012-04-22 10:20,10,SCT,M +2012-04-22 11:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2012-04-22 12:20,10,SCT,M +2012-04-22 13:20,11,BKN,M +2012-04-22 14:20,7,BKN,SHRA +2012-04-22 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-22 16:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2012-04-22 17:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-22 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-04-22 19:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-22 20:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 22:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-22 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-23 00:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-23 01:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-23 02:20,3,M,M +2012-04-23 03:20,4,M,M +2012-04-23 04:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2012-04-23 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-04-23 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-23 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-23 08:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-23 09:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-23 10:20,11,SCT,M +2012-04-23 11:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-23 12:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-23 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-23 14:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-23 15:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-23 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-23 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-23 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-23 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-23 20:20,7,M,M +2012-04-23 21:20,7,M,M +2012-04-23 22:20,6,M,M +2012-04-23 23:20,6,M,M +2012-04-24 00:20,6,M,M +2012-04-24 01:20,6,M,M +2012-04-24 02:20,7,M,M +2012-04-24 03:20,7,M,M +2012-04-24 04:20,7,NSC,-RA +2012-04-24 05:20,7,SCT,M +2012-04-24 06:20,7,FEW,RA +2012-04-24 07:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-24 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-04-24 09:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-04-24 10:20,9,FEW,M +2012-04-24 11:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-24 12:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-24 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-24 14:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2012-04-24 15:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-04-24 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-24 17:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-24 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-24 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-24 20:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-24 21:20,8,M,M +2012-04-24 22:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-24 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-25 00:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-04-25 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-04-25 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-25 03:20,8,FEW,M +2012-04-25 04:20,8,NSC,M +2012-04-25 05:20,8,SCT,M +2012-04-25 06:20,9,SCT,M +2012-04-25 07:20,10,BKN,M +2012-04-25 08:20,10,SCT,M +2012-04-25 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-04-25 10:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-25 11:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-25 12:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-25 13:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-25 14:20,14,SCT,M +2012-04-25 15:20,14,SCT,M +2012-04-25 16:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-25 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-25 18:20,14,M,M +2012-04-25 19:20,14,M,M +2012-04-25 20:20,14,M,M +2012-04-25 21:20,13,M,M +2012-04-25 22:20,13,BKN,M +2012-04-25 23:20,12,SCT,M +2012-04-26 00:20,11,M,M +2012-04-26 01:20,11,M,M +2012-04-26 02:20,10,M,M +2012-04-26 03:20,12,NSC,-RA +2012-04-26 04:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-04-26 05:20,11,BKN,-RA +2012-04-26 06:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-26 07:20,12,M,M +2012-04-26 08:20,13,M,M +2012-04-26 09:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-04-26 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-26 11:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-26 12:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-26 13:20,16,SCT,M +2012-04-26 14:20,16,SCT,M +2012-04-26 15:20,15,BKN,M +2012-04-26 16:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-26 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-26 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-26 19:20,14,M,M +2012-04-26 20:20,14,M,M +2012-04-26 21:20,14,M,M +2012-04-26 22:20,13,M,M +2012-04-26 23:20,13,M,M +2012-04-27 00:20,13,M,M +2012-04-27 01:20,12,M,M +2012-04-27 02:20,12,M,M +2012-04-27 03:20,11,M,M +2012-04-27 04:20,12,M,M +2012-04-27 05:20,12,M,M +2012-04-27 06:20,13,M,M +2012-04-27 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-27 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-04-27 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-04-27 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-27 11:20,15,FEW,M +2012-04-27 12:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-27 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-27 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-27 15:20,16,FEW,M +2012-04-27 16:20,16,FEW,M +2012-04-27 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-04-27 18:20,15,M,M +2012-04-27 19:20,14,M,M +2012-04-27 20:20,14,M,M +2012-04-27 21:20,13,M,M +2012-04-27 22:20,12,M,M +2012-04-27 23:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 00:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 01:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-04-28 03:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-04-28 04:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-04-28 05:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-04-28 06:20,10,FEW,RA +2012-04-28 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-04-28 08:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 09:20,14,M,M +2012-04-28 10:20,15,M,M +2012-04-28 11:20,16,M,M +2012-04-28 12:20,16,M,M +2012-04-28 13:20,17,M,M +2012-04-28 14:20,17,M,M +2012-04-28 15:20,16,M,M +2012-04-28 16:20,14,M,M +2012-04-28 17:20,13,M,M +2012-04-28 18:20,12,M,M +2012-04-28 19:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 20:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 21:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 22:20,11,M,M +2012-04-28 23:20,11,NSC,-RA +2012-04-29 00:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 01:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 02:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 03:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 04:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 05:20,10,M,M +2012-04-29 06:20,11,M,M +2012-04-29 07:20,13,M,M +2012-04-29 08:20,13,M,M +2012-04-29 09:20,13,M,M +2012-04-29 10:20,14,M,M +2012-04-29 11:20,15,M,M +2012-04-29 12:20,17,M,M +2012-04-29 13:20,15,M,M +2012-04-29 14:20,16,M,M +2012-04-29 15:20,16,M,M +2012-04-29 16:20,14,M,M +2012-04-29 17:20,14,M,M +2012-04-29 18:20,14,M,M +2012-04-29 19:20,12,FEW,M +2012-04-29 20:20,11,FEW,M +2012-04-29 21:20,11,M,M +2012-04-29 22:20,9,M,M +2012-04-29 23:20,8,M,M +2012-04-30 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-30 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-30 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-04-30 03:20,6,NSC,FG +2012-04-30 04:20,7,NSC,BR +2012-04-30 05:20,9,NSC,M +2012-04-30 06:20,13,M,M +2012-04-30 07:20,15,M,M +2012-04-30 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-04-30 09:20,18,M,M +2012-04-30 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-04-30 11:20,21,M,M +2012-04-30 12:20,21,M,M +2012-04-30 13:20,21,M,M +2012-04-30 14:20,22,M,M +2012-04-30 15:20,21,M,M +2012-04-30 16:20,20,M,M +2012-04-30 17:20,19,M,M +2012-04-30 18:20,17,M,M +2012-04-30 19:20,15,M,M +2012-04-30 20:20,14,M,M +2012-04-30 21:20,13,M,M +2012-04-30 22:20,11,M,M +2012-04-30 23:20,10,M,M +2012-05-01 00:20,10,M,M +2012-05-01 01:20,10,M,M +2012-05-01 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-01 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-01 04:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-01 05:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-01 06:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-01 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-01 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-01 09:20,17,M,M +2012-05-01 10:20,17,M,M +2012-05-01 11:20,18,M,M +2012-05-01 12:20,19,M,M +2012-05-01 13:20,19,M,M +2012-05-01 14:20,19,M,M +2012-05-01 15:20,18,M,M +2012-05-01 16:20,17,M,M +2012-05-01 17:20,15,M,M +2012-05-01 18:20,13,M,M +2012-05-01 19:20,11,M,M +2012-05-01 20:20,11,M,M +2012-05-01 21:20,10,M,M +2012-05-01 22:20,9,M,M +2012-05-01 23:20,8,M,M +2012-05-02 00:20,8,M,M +2012-05-02 01:20,8,M,M +2012-05-02 02:20,7,M,M +2012-05-02 03:20,7,M,M +2012-05-02 04:20,7,M,M +2012-05-02 05:20,8,M,M +2012-05-02 06:20,10,M,M +2012-05-02 07:20,12,M,M +2012-05-02 08:20,14,M,M +2012-05-02 09:20,17,M,M +2012-05-02 10:20,18,M,M +2012-05-02 11:20,19,M,M +2012-05-02 12:20,19,M,M +2012-05-02 13:20,19,M,M +2012-05-02 14:20,19,M,M +2012-05-02 15:20,18,M,M +2012-05-02 16:20,17,M,M +2012-05-02 17:20,16,M,M +2012-05-02 18:20,14,M,M +2012-05-02 19:20,13,M,M +2012-05-02 20:20,12,M,M +2012-05-02 21:20,10,M,M +2012-05-02 22:20,10,M,M +2012-05-02 23:20,9,M,M +2012-05-03 00:20,9,M,M +2012-05-03 01:20,8,M,M +2012-05-03 02:20,9,M,M +2012-05-03 03:20,8,M,M +2012-05-03 04:20,8,M,M +2012-05-03 05:20,9,M,M +2012-05-03 06:20,11,M,M +2012-05-03 07:20,12,SCT,VCTS +2012-05-03 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-03 09:20,13,M,M +2012-05-03 10:20,15,M,M +2012-05-03 11:20,18,M,M +2012-05-03 12:20,19,M,M +2012-05-03 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-03 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-03 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-05-03 16:20,17,BKN,M +2012-05-03 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-05-03 18:20,15,SCT,M +2012-05-03 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-05-03 20:20,14,BKN,M +2012-05-03 21:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-03 22:20,13,NSC,M +2012-05-03 23:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-04 00:20,13,SCT,M +2012-05-04 01:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2012-05-04 02:20,11,FEW,MIFG BR +2012-05-04 03:20,11,FEW,BCFG BR +2012-05-04 04:20,11,FEW,MIFG BR +2012-05-04 05:20,12,SCT,MIFG BR +2012-05-04 06:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-04 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-04 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-04 09:20,15,BKN,M +2012-05-04 10:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-04 11:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-04 12:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-04 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-04 14:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-04 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-04 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-04 17:20,12,SCT,M +2012-05-04 18:20,11,BKN,M +2012-05-04 19:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2012-05-04 20:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2012-05-04 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-04 22:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-05-04 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-05 00:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-05 01:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-05 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-05 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-05 04:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-05 05:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-05 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-05 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-05 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-05 09:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-05 10:20,11,BKN,M +2012-05-05 11:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-05 12:20,12,SCT,M +2012-05-05 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-05 14:20,13,M,M +2012-05-05 15:20,13,M,M +2012-05-05 16:20,12,M,M +2012-05-05 17:20,12,M,M +2012-05-05 18:20,10,M,M +2012-05-05 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-05 20:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-05 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-05 22:20,7,M,M +2012-05-05 23:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-05-06 00:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-05-06 01:20,6,BKN,M +2012-05-06 02:20,6,BKN,M +2012-05-06 03:20,6,BKN,M +2012-05-06 04:20,5,BKN,M +2012-05-06 05:20,6,BKN,M +2012-05-06 06:20,6,BKN,M +2012-05-06 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-06 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-06 09:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-06 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 11:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-06 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 15:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 16:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 17:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 18:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-06 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-06 20:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-06 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-06 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-05-06 23:20,7,BKN,M +2012-05-07 00:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-05-07 01:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-05-07 02:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-05-07 03:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-05-07 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-05-07 05:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2012-05-07 06:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-05-07 07:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-05-07 08:20,6,SCT,-DZRA +2012-05-07 09:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2012-05-07 10:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2012-05-07 11:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-05-07 12:20,7,BKN,M +2012-05-07 13:20,7,BKN,M +2012-05-07 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-07 15:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-05-07 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-07 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-07 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-07 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-07 20:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2012-05-07 21:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-07 22:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-07 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-05-08 00:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-05-08 01:20,2,FEW,BCFG BR +2012-05-08 02:20,2,VV ,FG +2012-05-08 03:20,2,BKN,FG +2012-05-08 04:20,2,FEW,BR +2012-05-08 05:20,5,NSC,M +2012-05-08 06:20,8,NSC,M +2012-05-08 07:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-08 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-08 09:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-08 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-08 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-08 12:20,18,SCT,M +2012-05-08 13:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-08 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-08 15:20,20,M,M +2012-05-08 16:20,19,M,M +2012-05-08 17:20,19,M,M +2012-05-08 18:20,19,M,M +2012-05-08 19:20,18,M,M +2012-05-08 20:20,17,M,M +2012-05-08 21:20,17,M,M +2012-05-08 22:20,17,M,M +2012-05-08 23:20,16,M,M +2012-05-09 00:20,14,M,M +2012-05-09 01:20,14,M,M +2012-05-09 02:20,14,M,M +2012-05-09 03:20,15,M,M +2012-05-09 04:20,15,M,M +2012-05-09 05:20,15,SCT,M +2012-05-09 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-05-09 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-05-09 08:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-09 09:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-09 10:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-09 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-05-09 12:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-09 13:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-09 14:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-09 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-05-09 16:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-09 17:20,17,FEW,SHRA +2012-05-09 18:20,16,SCT,M +2012-05-09 19:20,16,SCT,-SHRA MIFG +2012-05-09 20:20,15,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-09 21:20,15,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-09 22:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-09 23:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-10 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-10 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-10 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-05-10 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-10 04:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-10 05:20,15,NSC,-RA +2012-05-10 06:20,15,M,M +2012-05-10 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-05-10 08:20,18,M,M +2012-05-10 09:20,19,FEW,-RA +2012-05-10 10:20,18,FEW,-RA +2012-05-10 11:20,18,FEW,RA +2012-05-10 12:20,19,FEW,-RA +2012-05-10 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-05-10 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-05-10 15:20,21,FEW,M +2012-05-10 16:20,21,SCT,M +2012-05-10 17:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-10 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-10 19:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-10 20:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-10 21:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-10 22:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-10 23:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-11 00:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-11 01:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-11 02:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-11 03:20,18,SCT,M +2012-05-11 04:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-11 05:20,19,BKN,M +2012-05-11 06:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-11 07:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-11 08:20,18,BKN,M +2012-05-11 09:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-11 10:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-11 11:20,21,SCT,M +2012-05-11 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-05-11 13:20,19,SCT,M +2012-05-11 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-05-11 15:20,16,SCT,M +2012-05-11 16:20,14,BKN,M +2012-05-11 17:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-11 18:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-11 19:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-11 20:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-11 21:20,10,BKN,M +2012-05-11 22:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-11 23:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-12 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-12 01:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-05-12 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-12 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-12 04:20,7,SCT,M +2012-05-12 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-12 06:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-12 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-12 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 10:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 11:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 12:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-12 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-12 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-12 16:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-12 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-12 18:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-12 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-12 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-12 21:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-12 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-12 23:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-13 00:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-13 01:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-13 02:20,5,FEW,M +2012-05-13 03:20,4,FEW,M +2012-05-13 04:20,4,FEW,M +2012-05-13 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-13 06:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-13 07:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-13 08:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-13 09:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-13 10:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-13 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-13 12:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-13 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-13 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-13 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-13 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-13 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-13 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-13 19:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-13 20:20,10,M,M +2012-05-13 21:20,9,M,M +2012-05-13 22:20,8,M,M +2012-05-13 23:20,7,M,M +2012-05-14 00:20,7,M,M +2012-05-14 01:20,6,M,M +2012-05-14 02:20,5,M,M +2012-05-14 03:20,4,M,M +2012-05-14 04:20,6,M,M +2012-05-14 05:20,8,M,M +2012-05-14 06:20,10,M,M +2012-05-14 07:20,11,M,M +2012-05-14 08:20,12,M,M +2012-05-14 09:20,14,M,M +2012-05-14 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-14 11:20,14,M,M +2012-05-14 12:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 13:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 14:20,16,M,M +2012-05-14 15:20,16,M,M +2012-05-14 16:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 17:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 18:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 19:20,15,M,M +2012-05-14 20:20,13,M,M +2012-05-14 21:20,12,M,M +2012-05-14 22:20,11,M,M +2012-05-14 23:20,10,M,M +2012-05-15 00:20,9,M,M +2012-05-15 01:20,9,M,M +2012-05-15 02:20,8,M,M +2012-05-15 03:20,9,M,M +2012-05-15 04:20,10,M,M +2012-05-15 05:20,11,M,M +2012-05-15 06:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-15 07:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-15 08:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-15 09:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-15 10:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-15 11:20,9,BKN,-RA +2012-05-15 12:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-05-15 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-05-15 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-15 15:20,11,BKN,M +2012-05-15 16:20,11,BKN,M +2012-05-15 17:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-15 18:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-15 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-15 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-05-15 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-15 22:20,8,SCT,M +2012-05-15 23:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-05-16 00:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-16 01:20,8,FEW,M +2012-05-16 02:20,7,SCT,M +2012-05-16 03:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2012-05-16 04:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-16 05:20,7,SCT,M +2012-05-16 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-16 07:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-16 08:20,7,BKN,SHRA +2012-05-16 09:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-16 10:20,8,BKN,SHRA +2012-05-16 11:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-16 12:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-16 13:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-16 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-16 15:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-16 16:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-16 17:20,9,SCT,M +2012-05-16 18:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2012-05-16 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-05-16 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-05-16 21:20,5,FEW,M +2012-05-16 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-05-16 23:20,4,FEW,M +2012-05-17 00:20,4,FEW,M +2012-05-17 01:20,4,FEW,M +2012-05-17 02:20,4,SCT,M +2012-05-17 03:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-17 04:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-17 05:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-17 06:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-17 07:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-17 08:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-17 09:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-05-17 10:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-17 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-17 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-17 13:20,13,SCT,M +2012-05-17 14:20,12,SCT,M +2012-05-17 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-17 16:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-17 17:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-17 18:20,11,M,M +2012-05-17 19:20,10,M,M +2012-05-17 20:20,9,M,M +2012-05-17 21:20,7,M,M +2012-05-17 22:20,7,M,M +2012-05-17 23:20,7,M,M +2012-05-18 00:20,7,M,M +2012-05-18 01:20,7,M,M +2012-05-18 02:20,7,M,M +2012-05-18 03:20,7,M,M +2012-05-18 04:20,8,M,M +2012-05-18 05:20,9,M,M +2012-05-18 06:20,11,M,M +2012-05-18 07:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-18 08:20,14,M,M +2012-05-18 09:20,16,M,M +2012-05-18 10:20,16,M,M +2012-05-18 11:20,16,M,M +2012-05-18 12:20,17,M,M +2012-05-18 13:20,18,M,M +2012-05-18 14:20,18,M,M +2012-05-18 15:20,18,M,M +2012-05-18 16:20,18,M,M +2012-05-18 17:20,17,M,M +2012-05-18 18:20,16,M,M +2012-05-18 19:20,15,M,M +2012-05-18 20:20,15,M,M +2012-05-18 21:20,14,M,M +2012-05-18 22:20,14,M,M +2012-05-18 23:20,13,NSC,-RA +2012-05-19 00:20,13,NSC,-RA +2012-05-19 01:20,13,NSC,-RA +2012-05-19 02:20,12,BKN,M +2012-05-19 03:20,12,BKN,M +2012-05-19 04:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-19 05:20,13,M,M +2012-05-19 06:20,13,M,M +2012-05-19 07:20,15,M,M +2012-05-19 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-05-19 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-19 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-05-19 11:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-19 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-19 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-05-19 14:20,20,SCT,M +2012-05-19 15:20,22,FEW,M +2012-05-19 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-05-19 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-05-19 18:20,21,FEW,M +2012-05-19 19:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-19 20:20,16,M,M +2012-05-19 21:20,15,M,M +2012-05-19 22:20,14,M,M +2012-05-19 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-20 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-20 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-20 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-20 03:20,12,M,M +2012-05-20 04:20,13,M,M +2012-05-20 05:20,14,M,M +2012-05-20 06:20,17,M,M +2012-05-20 07:20,19,M,M +2012-05-20 08:20,19,M,M +2012-05-20 09:20,18,FEW,M +2012-05-20 10:20,20,FEW,M +2012-05-20 11:20,23,M,M +2012-05-20 12:20,25,M,M +2012-05-20 13:20,26,M,M +2012-05-20 14:20,26,M,M +2012-05-20 15:20,25,M,M +2012-05-20 16:20,25,M,M +2012-05-20 17:20,23,M,M +2012-05-20 18:20,20,M,M +2012-05-20 19:20,18,M,M +2012-05-20 20:20,17,M,M +2012-05-20 21:20,17,M,M +2012-05-20 22:20,16,M,M +2012-05-20 23:20,15,M,M +2012-05-21 00:20,14,M,M +2012-05-21 01:20,13,M,M +2012-05-21 02:20,12,M,M +2012-05-21 03:20,12,M,M +2012-05-21 04:20,13,M,M +2012-05-21 05:20,15,M,M +2012-05-21 06:20,18,M,M +2012-05-21 07:20,20,M,M +2012-05-21 08:20,22,M,M +2012-05-21 09:20,23,M,M +2012-05-21 10:20,24,M,M +2012-05-21 11:20,25,M,M +2012-05-21 12:20,25,M,M +2012-05-21 13:20,26,M,M +2012-05-21 14:20,25,M,M +2012-05-21 15:20,23,M,M +2012-05-21 16:20,24,M,M +2012-05-21 17:20,24,M,M +2012-05-21 18:20,22,M,M +2012-05-21 19:20,20,M,M +2012-05-21 20:20,19,M,M +2012-05-21 21:20,18,M,M +2012-05-21 22:20,18,M,M +2012-05-21 23:20,17,M,M +2012-05-22 00:20,16,M,M +2012-05-22 01:20,15,M,M +2012-05-22 02:20,15,M,M +2012-05-22 03:20,14,M,M +2012-05-22 04:20,15,M,M +2012-05-22 05:20,16,M,M +2012-05-22 06:20,18,M,M +2012-05-22 07:20,21,M,M +2012-05-22 08:20,22,M,M +2012-05-22 09:20,24,M,M +2012-05-22 10:20,26,M,M +2012-05-22 11:20,26,FEW,M +2012-05-22 12:20,27,M,M +2012-05-22 13:20,28,M,M +2012-05-22 14:20,27,M,M +2012-05-22 15:20,26,M,M +2012-05-22 16:20,24,M,M +2012-05-22 17:20,23,M,M +2012-05-22 18:20,22,M,M +2012-05-22 19:20,19,M,M +2012-05-22 20:20,18,M,M +2012-05-22 21:20,17,M,M +2012-05-22 22:20,16,M,// /// +2012-05-22 23:20,15,M,M +2012-05-23 00:20,14,M,M +2012-05-23 01:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-23 02:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-23 03:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-05-23 04:20,13,BKN,M +2012-05-23 05:20,13,FEW,-TSRA +2012-05-23 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-23 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-05-23 08:20,18,M,M +2012-05-23 09:20,20,M,M +2012-05-23 10:20,21,M,M +2012-05-23 11:20,22,M,M +2012-05-23 12:20,23,M,M +2012-05-23 13:20,24,M,M +2012-05-23 14:20,24,M,M +2012-05-23 15:20,23,M,M +2012-05-23 16:20,23,M,M +2012-05-23 17:20,22,M,M +2012-05-23 18:20,20,M,M +2012-05-23 19:20,18,M,M +2012-05-23 20:20,16,M,M +2012-05-23 21:20,15,M,M +2012-05-23 22:20,14,M,M +2012-05-23 23:20,14,M,M +2012-05-24 00:20,13,M,M +2012-05-24 01:20,12,M,M +2012-05-24 02:20,11,M,M +2012-05-24 03:20,10,M,M +2012-05-24 04:20,12,M,M +2012-05-24 05:20,14,M,M +2012-05-24 06:20,16,M,M +2012-05-24 07:20,18,M,M +2012-05-24 08:20,19,M,M +2012-05-24 09:20,21,M,M +2012-05-24 10:20,22,M,M +2012-05-24 11:20,22,M,M +2012-05-24 12:20,23,M,M +2012-05-24 13:20,23,M,M +2012-05-24 14:20,22,M,M +2012-05-24 15:20,22,M,M +2012-05-24 16:20,22,M,M +2012-05-24 17:20,21,M,M +2012-05-24 18:20,19,M,M +2012-05-24 19:20,17,M,M +2012-05-24 20:20,15,M,M +2012-05-24 21:20,14,M,M +2012-05-24 22:20,13,M,M +2012-05-24 23:20,12,M,M +2012-05-25 00:20,10,M,M +2012-05-25 01:20,10,M,M +2012-05-25 02:20,10,M,M +2012-05-25 03:20,9,M,M +2012-05-25 04:20,10,M,M +2012-05-25 05:20,14,M,M +2012-05-25 06:20,16,M,M +2012-05-25 07:20,18,M,M +2012-05-25 08:20,19,M,M +2012-05-25 09:20,21,M,M +2012-05-25 10:20,21,M,M +2012-05-25 11:20,22,M,M +2012-05-25 12:20,23,M,M +2012-05-25 13:20,24,M,M +2012-05-25 14:20,23,M,M +2012-05-25 15:20,23,M,M +2012-05-25 16:20,22,M,M +2012-05-25 17:20,21,M,M +2012-05-25 18:20,19,M,M +2012-05-25 19:20,17,M,M +2012-05-25 20:20,15,M,M +2012-05-25 21:20,13,M,M +2012-05-25 22:20,12,M,M +2012-05-25 23:20,11,M,M +2012-05-26 00:20,11,M,M +2012-05-26 01:20,10,M,M +2012-05-26 02:20,10,M,M +2012-05-26 03:20,9,M,M +2012-05-26 04:20,10,M,M +2012-05-26 05:20,14,M,M +2012-05-26 06:20,16,M,M +2012-05-26 07:20,18,M,M +2012-05-26 08:20,20,M,M +2012-05-26 09:20,21,M,M +2012-05-26 10:20,22,M,M +2012-05-26 11:20,23,M,M +2012-05-26 12:20,23,M,M +2012-05-26 13:20,24,M,M +2012-05-26 14:20,23,M,M +2012-05-26 15:20,24,M,M +2012-05-26 16:20,23,M,M +2012-05-26 17:20,22,M,M +2012-05-26 18:20,21,M,M +2012-05-26 19:20,20,M,M +2012-05-26 20:20,18,M,M +2012-05-26 21:20,18,M,M +2012-05-26 22:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-26 23:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-27 00:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-27 01:20,16,FEW,M +2012-05-27 02:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-05-27 03:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-27 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-27 05:20,15,M,M +2012-05-27 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-05-27 07:20,17,M,M +2012-05-27 08:20,17,M,M +2012-05-27 09:20,19,M,M +2012-05-27 10:20,20,M,M +2012-05-27 11:20,22,FEW,M +2012-05-27 12:20,23,FEW,M +2012-05-27 13:20,23,FEW,M +2012-05-27 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-05-27 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-05-27 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-05-27 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-05-27 18:20,19,M,M +2012-05-27 19:20,17,M,M +2012-05-27 20:20,16,M,M +2012-05-27 21:20,14,M,M +2012-05-27 22:20,13,M,M +2012-05-27 23:20,11,M,M +2012-05-28 00:20,11,M,M +2012-05-28 01:20,11,M,M +2012-05-28 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-28 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-05-28 04:20,10,M,M +2012-05-28 05:20,14,M,M +2012-05-28 06:20,18,M,M +2012-05-28 07:20,19,M,M +2012-05-28 08:20,20,M,M +2012-05-28 09:20,22,M,M +2012-05-28 10:20,22,M,M +2012-05-28 11:20,23,M,M +2012-05-28 12:20,24,M,M +2012-05-28 13:20,24,M,M +2012-05-28 14:20,24,M,M +2012-05-28 15:20,24,M,M +2012-05-28 16:20,23,M,M +2012-05-28 17:20,22,M,M +2012-05-28 18:20,21,M,M +2012-05-28 19:20,19,M,M +2012-05-28 20:20,17,M,M +2012-05-28 21:20,15,M,M +2012-05-28 22:20,14,M,M +2012-05-28 23:20,14,M,M +2012-05-29 00:20,14,BKN,M +2012-05-29 01:20,14,BKN,M +2012-05-29 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-29 03:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-29 04:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-29 05:20,13,SCT,M +2012-05-29 06:20,14,SCT,M +2012-05-29 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-29 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-29 09:20,15,FEW,M +2012-05-29 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-05-29 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-29 12:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-29 13:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-29 14:20,18,SCT,M +2012-05-29 15:20,18,SCT,M +2012-05-29 16:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-29 17:20,17,SCT,M +2012-05-29 18:20,15,SCT,M +2012-05-29 19:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-29 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-29 21:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-29 22:20,12,SCT,M +2012-05-29 23:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-30 00:20,10,FEW,M +2012-05-30 01:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-30 02:20,10,BKN,M +2012-05-30 03:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-30 04:20,11,SCT,M +2012-05-30 05:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-30 06:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-30 07:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-30 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 09:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-30 10:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 11:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 13:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-30 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-30 15:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 17:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-30 18:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-30 19:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-30 20:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-30 21:20,9,M,M +2012-05-30 22:20,8,SCT,M +2012-05-30 23:20,8,SCT,M +2012-05-31 00:20,8,BKN,M +2012-05-31 01:20,9,BKN,M +2012-05-31 02:20,10,BKN,M +2012-05-31 03:20,10,BKN,M +2012-05-31 04:20,10,SCT,M +2012-05-31 05:20,11,FEW,M +2012-05-31 06:20,13,FEW,M +2012-05-31 07:20,13,SCT,M +2012-05-31 08:20,14,FEW,M +2012-05-31 09:20,14,SCT,M +2012-05-31 10:20,15,SCT,M +2012-05-31 11:20,15,BKN,M +2012-05-31 12:20,15,BKN,M +2012-05-31 13:20,15,BKN,-RA +2012-05-31 14:20,14,SCT,RA +2012-05-31 15:20,14,FEW,RA +2012-05-31 16:20,14,SCT,RA +2012-05-31 17:20,13,BKN,+RA +2012-05-31 18:20,13,FEW,RA +2012-05-31 19:20,13,SCT,RA +2012-05-31 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-05-31 21:20,12,SCT,-RA +2012-05-31 22:20,12,FEW,M +2012-05-31 23:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2012-06-01 00:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 01:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 02:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 03:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 05:20,10,SCT,M +2012-06-01 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 07:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-01 08:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-01 09:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-01 10:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-01 11:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2012-06-01 12:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-01 13:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-01 14:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-01 15:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-01 16:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-01 17:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-01 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-01 19:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-01 20:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-01 21:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-01 22:20,8,SCT,M +2012-06-01 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-02 00:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-02 01:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-02 02:20,7,SCT,M +2012-06-02 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-02 04:20,7,SCT,M +2012-06-02 05:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-02 06:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2012-06-02 07:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-02 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-02 09:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-02 10:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-02 11:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-02 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-02 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-02 14:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-02 15:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2012-06-02 16:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2012-06-02 17:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-02 18:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-02 19:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-02 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-02 21:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-02 22:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-02 23:20,7,M,M +2012-06-03 00:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-03 01:20,6,FEW,M +2012-06-03 02:20,5,FEW,M +2012-06-03 03:20,6,FEW,M +2012-06-03 04:20,6,FEW,M +2012-06-03 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-03 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-03 07:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-03 08:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-03 09:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-03 10:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-03 11:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-03 12:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-03 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-03 14:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-03 15:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-03 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-03 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-03 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-03 19:20,11,M,M +2012-06-03 20:20,10,M,M +2012-06-03 21:20,9,M,M +2012-06-03 22:20,9,M,M +2012-06-03 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-04 00:20,8,M,M +2012-06-04 01:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-04 02:20,8,SCT,M +2012-06-04 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-04 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-04 05:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-04 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-04 07:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-04 08:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-04 09:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-04 10:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-04 11:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-04 12:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-04 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-04 14:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-04 15:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-04 16:20,12,SCT,-RA +2012-06-04 17:20,11,BKN,-RA +2012-06-04 18:20,10,SCT,-RA +2012-06-04 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-04 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-04 21:20,9,M,M +2012-06-04 22:20,9,M,M +2012-06-04 23:20,7,M,M +2012-06-05 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-05 01:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-05 02:20,7,FEW,M +2012-06-05 03:20,7,M,M +2012-06-05 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-05 05:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-05 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-05 07:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-05 08:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-05 09:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-05 10:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-05 11:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-05 12:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-05 13:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-05 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-05 15:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-05 16:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-05 17:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-05 18:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-05 19:20,11,M,M +2012-06-05 20:20,9,M,M +2012-06-05 21:20,7,M,M +2012-06-05 22:20,6,M,M +2012-06-05 23:20,6,M,M +2012-06-06 00:20,7,M,M +2012-06-06 01:20,6,M,M +2012-06-06 02:20,5,M,M +2012-06-06 03:20,6,M,M +2012-06-06 04:20,8,M,M +2012-06-06 05:20,9,M,M +2012-06-06 06:20,12,M,M +2012-06-06 07:20,13,M,M +2012-06-06 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-06 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-06 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-06 11:20,13,SCT,-RA +2012-06-06 12:20,13,SCT,-RA +2012-06-06 13:20,12,SCT,-RA +2012-06-06 14:20,12,FEW,RA +2012-06-06 15:20,11,FEW,RA +2012-06-06 16:20,11,FEW,RA +2012-06-06 17:20,11,BKN,RA +2012-06-06 18:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-06-06 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-06 20:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2012-06-06 21:20,11,BKN,M +2012-06-06 22:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-06 23:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-07 00:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-07 01:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-07 02:20,12,BKN,BR +2012-06-07 03:20,12,BKN,BR +2012-06-07 04:20,12,BKN,-RA BR +2012-06-07 05:20,12,SCT,-RA BR +2012-06-07 06:20,13,FEW,RA BR +2012-06-07 07:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-06-07 08:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-07 09:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-07 10:20,17,SCT,M +2012-06-07 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-07 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-07 13:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-07 14:20,21,SCT,M +2012-06-07 15:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-07 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-07 17:20,20,M,M +2012-06-07 18:20,19,M,M +2012-06-07 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-07 20:20,18,M,M +2012-06-07 21:20,18,M,M +2012-06-07 22:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-06-07 23:20,16,SCT,RA +2012-06-08 00:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-06-08 01:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-08 02:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-06-08 03:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-08 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-06-08 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-08 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-08 07:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-08 08:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-08 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-08 10:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-08 11:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-08 12:20,22,FEW,M +2012-06-08 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-08 14:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2012-06-08 15:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2012-06-08 16:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-08 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-08 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-08 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-08 20:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-08 21:20,14,BKN,-TSRA +2012-06-08 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-08 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-09 00:20,11,M,M +2012-06-09 01:20,11,M,M +2012-06-09 02:20,11,M,M +2012-06-09 03:20,10,M,M +2012-06-09 04:20,12,M,M +2012-06-09 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-09 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-09 07:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-09 08:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-09 09:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-09 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-09 11:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-09 12:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-09 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-09 14:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-06-09 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-09 16:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-09 17:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-09 18:20,14,BKN,-RA +2012-06-09 19:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-09 20:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-09 21:20,13,M,M +2012-06-09 22:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-09 23:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-10 00:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-10 01:20,13,M,M +2012-06-10 02:20,13,BKN,M +2012-06-10 03:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-10 04:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-10 05:20,13,M,M +2012-06-10 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-10 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-10 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-10 09:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-10 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-10 11:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-10 12:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2012-06-10 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-10 14:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2012-06-10 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-10 16:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-10 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-10 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-10 19:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-10 20:20,12,M,M +2012-06-10 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-10 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-10 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-11 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-11 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-11 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-11 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-11 04:20,9,M,M +2012-06-11 05:20,12,M,M +2012-06-11 06:20,13,M,M +2012-06-11 07:20,15,M,M +2012-06-11 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-11 09:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-11 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-11 11:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-11 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-11 13:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2012-06-11 14:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2012-06-11 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-11 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-11 18:20,17,M,M +2012-06-11 19:20,15,M,M +2012-06-11 20:20,14,M,M +2012-06-11 21:20,14,M,M +2012-06-11 22:20,13,M,M +2012-06-11 23:20,12,M,M +2012-06-12 00:20,12,M,M +2012-06-12 01:20,11,M,M +2012-06-12 02:20,12,NSC,-RA +2012-06-12 03:20,12,SCT,-RA +2012-06-12 04:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-06-12 06:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-06-12 07:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-12 08:20,14,FEW,RA +2012-06-12 09:20,15,SCT,-RA +2012-06-12 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-12 11:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-12 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-12 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-12 14:20,17,SCT,M +2012-06-12 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-12 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-12 17:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2012-06-12 18:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2012-06-12 19:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-12 20:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-12 21:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2012-06-12 22:20,12,M,M +2012-06-12 23:20,11,M,M +2012-06-13 00:20,10,M,M +2012-06-13 01:20,10,M,M +2012-06-13 02:20,9,M,M +2012-06-13 03:20,9,SCT,M +2012-06-13 04:20,10,SCT,M +2012-06-13 05:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-13 06:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-13 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-13 08:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-13 09:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-13 10:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-13 11:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-13 12:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-13 13:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-13 14:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-13 15:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-13 16:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-13 17:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-13 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-13 19:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-13 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-13 21:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-13 22:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-13 23:20,10,M,M +2012-06-14 00:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-14 01:20,8,M,M +2012-06-14 02:20,8,M,M +2012-06-14 03:20,8,M,M +2012-06-14 04:20,10,M,M +2012-06-14 05:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-14 06:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-14 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-14 08:20,13,SCT,M +2012-06-14 09:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-14 10:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-14 11:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-14 12:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-14 13:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-14 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-14 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-14 16:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-14 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-14 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-14 19:20,14,M,M +2012-06-14 20:20,12,M,M +2012-06-14 21:20,10,M,M +2012-06-14 22:20,9,M,M +2012-06-14 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-06-15 00:20,7,M,M +2012-06-15 01:20,8,M,M +2012-06-15 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-06-15 03:20,9,M,M +2012-06-15 04:20,10,M,M +2012-06-15 05:20,12,M,M +2012-06-15 06:20,14,M,M +2012-06-15 07:20,15,M,M +2012-06-15 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-15 09:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-15 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-15 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-15 12:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-15 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-15 14:20,20,BKN,-RA +2012-06-15 15:20,19,BKN,-RA +2012-06-15 16:20,17,SCT,-RA +2012-06-15 17:20,17,BKN,M +2012-06-15 18:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-15 19:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-15 20:20,16,M,M +2012-06-15 21:20,16,M,M +2012-06-15 22:20,16,M,M +2012-06-15 23:20,16,M,M +2012-06-16 00:20,16,BKN,-RA +2012-06-16 01:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-16 02:20,15,SCT,RA +2012-06-16 03:20,15,BKN,-RA +2012-06-16 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-16 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-16 06:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-16 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-16 08:20,17,SCT,M +2012-06-16 09:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-16 10:20,17,SCT,M +2012-06-16 11:20,18,BKN,M +2012-06-16 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-16 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-16 14:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-16 15:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-16 16:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2012-06-16 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-16 18:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-16 19:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-16 20:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2012-06-16 21:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-16 22:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-16 23:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-17 00:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2012-06-17 01:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-17 02:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-17 04:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-17 05:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-17 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-17 07:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-17 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-06-17 09:20,17,BKN,M +2012-06-17 10:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-17 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-17 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-17 13:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-17 14:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-17 15:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-17 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-17 17:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-17 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-17 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-17 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-17 21:20,13,M,M +2012-06-17 22:20,12,M,M +2012-06-17 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-06-18 00:20,12,M,M +2012-06-18 01:20,12,M,M +2012-06-18 02:20,12,M,M +2012-06-18 03:20,12,M,M +2012-06-18 04:20,13,M,M +2012-06-18 05:20,16,M,M +2012-06-18 06:20,18,M,M +2012-06-18 07:20,19,M,M +2012-06-18 08:20,20,M,M +2012-06-18 09:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-18 10:20,21,FEW,VCTS +2012-06-18 11:20,23,NSC,-RA +2012-06-18 12:20,23,FEW,-RA +2012-06-18 13:20,25,FEW,M +2012-06-18 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-06-18 15:20,19,BKN,M +2012-06-18 16:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-18 17:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-18 18:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-18 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-18 20:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-18 21:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-18 22:20,11,M,M +2012-06-18 23:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2012-06-19 00:20,10,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2012-06-19 01:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-06-19 02:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-06-19 03:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-06-19 04:20,11,FEW,M +2012-06-19 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-19 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-19 07:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-19 08:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-19 09:20,17,SCT,M +2012-06-19 10:20,18,SCT,M +2012-06-19 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-19 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-19 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-19 14:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-19 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-19 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-19 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-19 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-19 19:20,18,M,M +2012-06-19 20:20,16,M,M +2012-06-19 21:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-19 22:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-19 23:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-20 00:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-20 01:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-20 02:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-20 03:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-20 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-20 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-20 06:20,16,M,M +2012-06-20 07:20,17,M,M +2012-06-20 08:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-20 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-20 10:20,20,BKN,M +2012-06-20 11:20,20,BKN,M +2012-06-20 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-20 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-20 14:20,21,BKN,M +2012-06-20 15:20,21,SCT,M +2012-06-20 16:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-20 17:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-20 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-20 19:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-20 20:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-20 21:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-20 22:20,15,M,M +2012-06-20 23:20,14,M,M +2012-06-21 00:20,14,M,M +2012-06-21 01:20,13,M,M +2012-06-21 02:20,13,M,M +2012-06-21 03:20,12,FEW,BR +2012-06-21 04:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-06-21 05:20,15,M,M +2012-06-21 06:20,17,M,M +2012-06-21 07:20,18,M,M +2012-06-21 08:20,19,M,M +2012-06-21 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-21 10:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-21 11:20,22,M,M +2012-06-21 12:20,22,M,M +2012-06-21 13:20,23,M,M +2012-06-21 14:20,23,M,M +2012-06-21 15:20,22,M,M +2012-06-21 16:20,21,M,M +2012-06-21 17:20,20,M,M +2012-06-21 18:20,19,BKN,M +2012-06-21 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-21 20:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-21 21:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-21 22:20,18,SCT,M +2012-06-21 23:20,18,BKN,M +2012-06-22 00:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-22 01:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-22 02:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-22 03:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-06-22 04:20,16,BKN,-RA +2012-06-22 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-22 06:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-22 07:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-22 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-22 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-22 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-22 11:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-22 12:20,22,FEW,M +2012-06-22 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-06-22 14:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-22 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-22 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-22 17:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-22 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-06-22 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-22 20:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2012-06-22 21:20,14,M,M +2012-06-22 22:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-22 23:20,13,M,M +2012-06-23 00:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-23 01:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-23 02:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-23 03:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-23 04:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-23 05:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-23 06:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-23 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-23 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-23 09:20,18,SCT,M +2012-06-23 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-23 11:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-23 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-23 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-23 14:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-23 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-23 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-23 17:20,18,SCT,M +2012-06-23 18:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-23 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-23 20:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-23 21:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-23 22:20,14,M,M +2012-06-23 23:20,14,M,M +2012-06-24 00:20,14,M,M +2012-06-24 01:20,14,M,M +2012-06-24 02:20,15,M,M +2012-06-24 03:20,14,BKN,M +2012-06-24 04:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-24 05:20,14,SCT,-RA +2012-06-24 06:20,13,BKN,RA +2012-06-24 07:20,13,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 08:20,13,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-06-24 10:20,14,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 11:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-06-24 12:20,14,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 13:20,15,SCT,+RA +2012-06-24 14:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 15:20,13,FEW,RA +2012-06-24 16:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2012-06-24 17:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-06-24 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-24 19:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-24 20:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-24 21:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-24 22:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-24 23:20,12,SCT,M +2012-06-25 00:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-25 01:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2012-06-25 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-06-25 03:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-25 04:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-25 05:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-25 06:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-25 07:20,13,BKN,M +2012-06-25 08:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2012-06-25 09:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-25 10:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2012-06-25 11:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-25 12:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-25 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-25 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-06-25 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-06-25 16:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-06-25 17:20,14,BKN,M +2012-06-25 18:20,14,BKN,-RA +2012-06-25 19:20,13,BKN,M +2012-06-25 20:20,14,BKN,M +2012-06-25 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-06-25 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-06-25 23:20,13,BKN,M +2012-06-26 00:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-06-26 01:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-06-26 02:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-26 03:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-06-26 04:20,12,SCT,-RA +2012-06-26 05:20,12,SCT,-DZRA +2012-06-26 06:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2012-06-26 07:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-06-26 08:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-06-26 09:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-06-26 10:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-06-26 11:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2012-06-26 12:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-26 13:20,14,BKN,M +2012-06-26 14:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-26 15:20,15,SCT,M +2012-06-26 16:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-26 17:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-26 18:20,14,SCT,M +2012-06-26 19:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-26 20:20,13,BKN,M +2012-06-26 21:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-26 22:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-26 23:20,12,BKN,M +2012-06-27 00:20,11,BKN,M +2012-06-27 01:20,11,BKN,M +2012-06-27 02:20,10,BKN,M +2012-06-27 03:20,10,SCT,M +2012-06-27 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-06-27 05:20,11,SCT,M +2012-06-27 06:20,12,FEW,M +2012-06-27 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-06-27 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-06-27 09:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2012-06-27 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-27 11:20,14,FEW,M +2012-06-27 12:20,14,BKN,M +2012-06-27 13:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-27 14:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-27 15:20,15,BKN,M +2012-06-27 16:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-27 17:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2012-06-27 18:20,15,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-06-27 19:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-06-27 20:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-27 21:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-27 22:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-27 23:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-28 00:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-28 01:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-28 02:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-28 03:20,15,BKN,BR +2012-06-28 04:20,15,FEW,BR +2012-06-28 05:20,15,FEW,BR +2012-06-28 06:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-28 07:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-28 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-06-28 09:20,17,BKN,M +2012-06-28 10:20,18,BKN,M +2012-06-28 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-06-28 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-06-28 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-06-28 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-06-28 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-06-28 16:20,23,FEW,M +2012-06-28 17:20,23,FEW,M +2012-06-28 18:20,22,M,M +2012-06-28 19:20,22,M,M +2012-06-28 20:20,21,M,M +2012-06-28 21:20,20,M,M +2012-06-28 22:20,20,M,M +2012-06-28 23:20,20,M,M +2012-06-29 00:20,20,M,M +2012-06-29 01:20,20,M,M +2012-06-29 02:20,20,M,M +2012-06-29 03:20,M,FEW,M +2012-06-29 04:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-29 05:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-29 06:20,22,FEW,M +2012-06-29 07:20,25,FEW,M +2012-06-29 08:20,24,FEW,M +2012-06-29 09:20,24,FEW,M +2012-06-29 10:20,25,FEW,M +2012-06-29 11:20,25,FEW,M +2012-06-29 12:20,27,FEW,M +2012-06-29 13:20,27,SCT,M +2012-06-29 14:20,27,SCT,M +2012-06-29 15:20,21,FEW,TSRA +2012-06-29 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-29 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-29 18:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-29 19:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-29 20:20,19,SCT,M +2012-06-29 21:20,18,SCT,MIFG +2012-06-29 22:20,18,BKN,M +2012-06-29 23:20,18,BKN,M +2012-06-30 00:20,16,SCT,M +2012-06-30 01:20,16,BKN,M +2012-06-30 02:20,16,M,M +2012-06-30 03:20,16,M,M +2012-06-30 04:20,17,M,M +2012-06-30 05:20,17,M,M +2012-06-30 06:20,19,M,M +2012-06-30 07:20,20,FEW,M +2012-06-30 08:20,21,FEW,M +2012-06-30 09:20,23,FEW,M +2012-06-30 10:20,24,FEW,M +2012-06-30 11:20,25,FEW,M +2012-06-30 12:20,25,M,M +2012-06-30 13:20,25,M,M +2012-06-30 14:20,24,M,M +2012-06-30 15:20,25,M,M +2012-06-30 16:20,25,M,M +2012-06-30 17:20,25,M,M +2012-06-30 18:20,24,M,M +2012-06-30 19:20,23,M,M +2012-06-30 20:20,21,M,M +2012-06-30 21:20,19,M,M +2012-06-30 22:20,18,M,M +2012-06-30 23:20,18,M,M +2012-07-01 00:20,17,M,M +2012-07-01 01:20,18,M,M +2012-07-01 02:20,18,M,M +2012-07-01 03:20,18,M,M +2012-07-01 04:20,19,M,M +2012-07-01 05:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-01 06:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-01 07:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-01 08:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-01 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 10:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 12:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-01 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-01 14:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-01 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 17:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-01 18:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-01 19:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-01 20:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-01 21:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-01 22:20,12,M,M +2012-07-01 23:20,11,M,M +2012-07-02 00:20,11,M,M +2012-07-02 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-02 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-02 03:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2012-07-02 04:20,12,M,M +2012-07-02 05:20,14,M,M +2012-07-02 06:20,15,M,M +2012-07-02 07:20,17,M,M +2012-07-02 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-02 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-02 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-02 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-02 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-02 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-02 14:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-02 15:20,20,M,M +2012-07-02 16:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-02 17:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-02 18:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-02 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-02 20:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-02 21:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-02 22:20,16,M,M +2012-07-02 23:20,16,M,M +2012-07-03 00:20,15,M,M +2012-07-03 01:20,13,M,M +2012-07-03 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-03 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-03 04:20,13,M,M +2012-07-03 05:20,16,M,M +2012-07-03 06:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-03 07:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-03 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-03 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-03 10:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-03 11:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-03 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-03 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-03 14:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-03 15:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-03 16:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-03 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-03 18:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-03 19:20,20,M,M +2012-07-03 20:20,18,M,M +2012-07-03 21:20,16,M,M +2012-07-03 22:20,15,M,M +2012-07-03 23:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-04 00:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-04 01:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-04 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-04 03:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-04 04:20,15,NSC,M +2012-07-04 05:20,17,M,M +2012-07-04 06:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-04 07:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-04 08:20,21,BKN,M +2012-07-04 09:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-04 10:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-04 11:20,23,SCT,M +2012-07-04 12:20,23,SCT,M +2012-07-04 13:20,25,SCT,M +2012-07-04 14:20,24,SCT,M +2012-07-04 15:20,24,FEW,M +2012-07-04 16:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-04 17:20,23,M,M +2012-07-04 18:20,21,M,M +2012-07-04 19:20,19,M,M +2012-07-04 20:20,18,M,M +2012-07-04 21:20,17,M,M +2012-07-04 22:20,17,M,M +2012-07-04 23:20,17,M,M +2012-07-05 00:20,17,M,M +2012-07-05 01:20,17,M,M +2012-07-05 02:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-05 03:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-05 04:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-05 05:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-05 06:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-05 07:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-05 08:20,18,BKN,M +2012-07-05 09:20,19,OVC,M +2012-07-05 10:20,20,BKN,M +2012-07-05 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-05 12:20,21,BKN,M +2012-07-05 13:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-05 14:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-05 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-05 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-07-05 17:20,21,M,M +2012-07-05 18:20,21,M,M +2012-07-05 19:20,20,M,M +2012-07-05 20:20,18,M,M +2012-07-05 21:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-05 22:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-05 23:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-06 00:20,18,BKN,M +2012-07-06 01:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-06 02:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-06 03:20,17,BKN,BR +2012-07-06 04:20,16,BKN,SHRA BR +2012-07-06 05:20,16,SCT,RA BR +2012-07-06 06:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-07-06 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-07-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-06 09:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-06 10:20,20,BKN,M +2012-07-06 11:20,21,BKN,M +2012-07-06 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-06 13:20,24,FEW,M +2012-07-06 14:20,25,FEW,M +2012-07-06 15:20,23,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-06 16:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2012-07-06 17:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-06 18:20,22,FEW,M +2012-07-06 19:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-06 20:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-06 21:20,19,NSC,M +2012-07-06 22:20,18,NSC,M +2012-07-06 23:20,18,NSC,M +2012-07-07 00:20,17,NSC,M +2012-07-07 01:20,16,NSC,MIFG BR +2012-07-07 02:20,15,NSC,FG +2012-07-07 03:20,15,NSC,FG +2012-07-07 04:20,14,NSC,FG +2012-07-07 05:20,16,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-07-07 06:20,18,NSC,M +2012-07-07 07:20,19,M,M +2012-07-07 08:20,21,M,M +2012-07-07 09:20,22,FEW,M +2012-07-07 10:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-07 11:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-07 12:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-07 13:20,24,FEW,M +2012-07-07 14:20,23,FEW,M +2012-07-07 15:20,22,SCT,-TSRA +2012-07-07 16:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-07 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-07 18:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-07 19:20,18,M,M +2012-07-07 20:20,17,M,M +2012-07-07 21:20,16,M,M +2012-07-07 22:20,15,M,M +2012-07-07 23:20,15,M,M +2012-07-08 00:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-07-08 01:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-07-08 02:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-07-08 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-07-08 04:20,15,M,M +2012-07-08 05:20,18,M,M +2012-07-08 06:20,20,M,M +2012-07-08 07:20,22,M,M +2012-07-08 08:20,23,M,M +2012-07-08 09:20,25,FEW,M +2012-07-08 10:20,25,FEW,M +2012-07-08 11:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-08 12:20,26,FEW,VCTS +2012-07-08 13:20,20,FEW,TSRA +2012-07-08 14:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-08 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-08 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-08 17:20,19,SCT,SHRA +2012-07-08 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-08 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-08 20:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-08 21:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-08 22:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-08 23:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-09 00:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-09 01:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-09 02:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-09 03:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-09 04:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-09 05:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-09 06:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-09 07:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-09 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-09 09:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-09 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-09 11:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-09 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-09 13:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-09 14:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-09 15:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-09 16:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-09 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-09 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-09 20:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-09 21:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-09 22:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-09 23:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-10 00:20,15,NSC,-RA +2012-07-10 01:20,15,BKN,M +2012-07-10 02:20,15,BKN,M +2012-07-10 03:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-10 04:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-10 05:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-10 06:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-10 07:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-10 08:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-10 09:20,17,BKN,-SHRA +2012-07-10 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-10 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-10 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-10 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-10 14:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-10 15:20,22,SCT,M +2012-07-10 16:20,21,SCT,M +2012-07-10 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-10 18:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-10 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-10 20:20,18,M,M +2012-07-10 21:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-10 22:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-10 23:20,16,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2012-07-11 00:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-11 01:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-11 02:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-11 03:20,15,FEW,BR +2012-07-11 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-11 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-11 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-11 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-11 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-11 09:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-11 10:20,18,BKN,M +2012-07-11 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-11 12:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-11 13:20,19,BKN,M +2012-07-11 14:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-11 15:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-11 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-11 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-11 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-11 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-11 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-11 21:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-11 22:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-11 23:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-12 00:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-12 01:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-12 02:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-12 03:20,12,SCT,M +2012-07-12 04:20,12,BKN,M +2012-07-12 05:20,13,BKN,M +2012-07-12 06:20,13,BKN,M +2012-07-12 07:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-12 08:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-12 09:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-12 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-12 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-12 12:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-12 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-12 14:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-12 15:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2012-07-12 16:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-12 17:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-12 18:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-12 19:20,13,SCT,M +2012-07-12 20:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-12 21:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-12 22:20,12,M,M +2012-07-12 23:20,12,M,M +2012-07-13 00:20,11,M,M +2012-07-13 01:20,11,M,M +2012-07-13 02:20,11,M,M +2012-07-13 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-13 04:20,12,M,M +2012-07-13 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-13 06:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-13 07:20,14,BKN,M +2012-07-13 08:20,15,BKN,-RA +2012-07-13 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-13 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-13 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-13 12:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-13 13:20,16,BKN,M +2012-07-13 14:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-13 15:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-13 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-13 17:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-13 18:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-07-13 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-13 20:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-07-13 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-07-13 22:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-13 23:20,15,M,M +2012-07-14 00:20,14,M,M +2012-07-14 01:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-14 02:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-14 03:20,15,BKN,M +2012-07-14 04:20,15,BKN,M +2012-07-16 05:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-16 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-16 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-16 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-16 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-16 10:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-16 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-16 12:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-16 13:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-16 14:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-16 15:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-16 16:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-16 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-16 18:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-16 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-16 20:20,14,BKN,-RA +2012-07-16 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-07-16 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-07-16 23:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-07-17 00:20,13,BKN,RA +2012-07-17 01:20,14,FEW,RA +2012-07-17 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-07-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-17 04:20,13,SCT,M +2012-07-17 05:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-17 06:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-17 07:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-17 08:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-17 09:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-17 10:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-17 11:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-17 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-17 13:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-17 14:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-17 15:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-17 16:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-17 17:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-17 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-17 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-17 20:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-17 21:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-17 22:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-17 23:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-18 00:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-18 01:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-18 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-18 03:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-18 04:20,14,SCT,M +2012-07-18 05:20,14,BKN,RA +2012-07-18 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-07-18 07:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-07-18 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-18 09:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-18 10:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-18 11:20,18,FEW,-RA +2012-07-18 12:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-07-18 13:20,18,FEW,-RA +2012-07-18 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-18 15:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-18 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-18 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-18 18:20,17,BKN,M +2012-07-18 19:20,16,SCT,-RA +2012-07-18 20:20,16,SCT,-RA +2012-07-18 21:20,15,SCT,-RA +2012-07-18 22:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-18 23:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-19 00:20,15,BKN,M +2012-07-19 01:20,14,BKN,M +2012-07-19 02:20,14,BKN,M +2012-07-19 03:20,14,BKN,M +2012-07-19 04:20,14,FEW,RADZ +2012-07-19 05:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-07-19 06:20,15,BKN,-RA +2012-07-19 07:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-19 08:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-19 09:20,14,FEW,VCTS +2012-07-19 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-19 11:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2012-07-19 12:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2012-07-19 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-19 14:20,15,SCT,SHRA +2012-07-19 15:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-19 16:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-07-19 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-19 18:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-07-19 19:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2012-07-19 20:20,13,BKN,DZ +2012-07-19 21:20,13,BKN,DZ +2012-07-19 22:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2012-07-19 23:20,12,BKN,RADZ +2012-07-20 00:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-20 01:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2012-07-20 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-07-20 04:20,11,FEW,M +2012-07-20 05:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-20 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-20 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-20 08:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-20 09:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 11:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-20 12:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 13:20,14,BKN,SHRA +2012-07-20 14:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 15:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 16:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-20 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-20 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-20 19:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-20 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-20 21:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-20 22:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-20 23:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-21 00:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-21 01:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-21 02:20,11,M,M +2012-07-21 03:20,11,FEW,M +2012-07-21 04:20,11,FEW,M +2012-07-21 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-21 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-21 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-21 08:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-21 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-21 10:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-21 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-21 12:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-21 13:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-21 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-21 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-21 16:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-21 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-21 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-21 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-21 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-21 21:20,12,M,M +2012-07-21 22:20,12,M,M +2012-07-21 23:20,12,M,M +2012-07-22 00:20,12,FEW,M +2012-07-22 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-07-22 02:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2012-07-22 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-07-22 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-07-22 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-22 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-07-22 07:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-22 08:20,15,SCT,M +2012-07-22 09:20,16,SCT,M +2012-07-22 10:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-22 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-22 12:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-22 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-22 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-22 15:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-22 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-22 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-22 18:20,18,M,M +2012-07-22 19:20,16,M,M +2012-07-22 20:20,15,M,M +2012-07-22 21:20,15,M,M +2012-07-22 22:20,14,M,M +2012-07-22 23:20,15,M,M +2012-07-23 00:20,15,M,M +2012-07-23 01:20,14,M,M +2012-07-23 02:20,13,M,M +2012-07-23 03:20,13,M,M +2012-07-23 04:20,14,M,M +2012-07-23 05:20,16,M,M +2012-07-23 06:20,18,M,M +2012-07-23 07:20,19,M,M +2012-07-23 08:20,19,M,M +2012-07-23 09:20,21,M,M +2012-07-23 10:20,22,M,M +2012-07-23 11:20,23,M,M +2012-07-23 12:20,23,M,M +2012-07-23 13:20,24,M,M +2012-07-23 14:20,24,M,M +2012-07-23 15:20,25,M,M +2012-07-23 16:20,25,M,M +2012-07-23 17:20,24,M,M +2012-07-23 18:20,23,M,M +2012-07-23 19:20,21,M,M +2012-07-23 20:20,19,M,M +2012-07-23 21:20,17,M,M +2012-07-23 22:20,17,M,M +2012-07-23 23:20,16,M,M +2012-07-24 00:20,17,M,M +2012-07-24 01:20,15,M,M +2012-07-24 02:20,15,M,M +2012-07-24 03:20,15,M,M +2012-07-24 04:20,15,M,M +2012-07-24 05:20,17,M,M +2012-07-24 06:20,20,M,M +2012-07-24 07:20,22,M,M +2012-07-24 08:20,24,M,M +2012-07-24 09:20,25,M,M +2012-07-24 10:20,26,M,M +2012-07-24 11:20,26,M,M +2012-07-24 12:20,27,M,M +2012-07-24 13:20,28,M,M +2012-07-24 14:20,28,M,M +2012-07-24 15:20,28,M,M +2012-07-24 16:20,28,M,M +2012-07-24 17:20,27,M,M +2012-07-24 18:20,27,M,M +2012-07-24 19:20,24,M,M +2012-07-24 20:20,20,M,M +2012-07-24 21:20,18,M,M +2012-07-24 22:20,19,M,M +2012-07-24 23:20,18,M,M +2012-07-25 00:20,17,M,M +2012-07-25 01:20,16,M,M +2012-07-25 02:20,16,M,M +2012-07-25 03:20,15,M,M +2012-07-25 04:20,16,M,M +2012-07-25 05:20,18,M,M +2012-07-25 06:20,21,M,M +2012-07-25 07:20,23,M,M +2012-07-25 08:20,25,M,M +2012-07-25 09:20,27,M,M +2012-07-25 10:20,28,M,M +2012-07-25 11:20,29,M,M +2012-07-25 12:20,29,M,M +2012-07-25 13:20,30,M,M +2012-07-25 14:20,30,M,M +2012-07-25 15:20,29,M,M +2012-07-25 16:20,29,M,M +2012-07-25 17:20,28,M,M +2012-07-25 18:20,26,M,M +2012-07-25 19:20,25,M,M +2012-07-25 20:20,22,M,M +2012-07-25 21:20,20,M,M +2012-07-25 22:20,18,M,M +2012-07-25 23:20,17,M,M +2012-07-26 00:20,17,M,M +2012-07-26 01:20,16,M,M +2012-07-26 02:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-26 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-26 04:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-07-26 05:20,17,M,M +2012-07-26 06:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-26 07:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-26 08:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-26 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-26 10:20,22,M,M +2012-07-26 11:20,24,FEW,M +2012-07-26 12:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-26 13:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-26 14:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-26 15:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-26 16:20,26,FEW,M +2012-07-26 17:20,25,FEW,M +2012-07-26 18:20,24,M,M +2012-07-26 19:20,22,M,M +2012-07-26 20:20,20,M,M +2012-07-26 21:20,19,M,M +2012-07-26 22:20,17,M,M +2012-07-26 23:20,16,M,M +2012-07-27 00:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-27 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-27 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-27 03:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-27 04:20,15,M,M +2012-07-27 05:20,18,M,M +2012-07-27 06:20,20,M,M +2012-07-27 07:20,22,M,M +2012-07-27 08:20,24,M,M +2012-07-27 09:20,26,M,M +2012-07-27 10:20,27,M,M +2012-07-27 11:20,28,M,M +2012-07-27 12:20,29,M,M +2012-07-27 13:20,29,M,M +2012-07-27 14:20,30,M,M +2012-07-27 15:20,30,M,M +2012-07-27 16:20,30,M,M +2012-07-27 17:20,29,M,M +2012-07-27 18:20,24,BKN,TSRA +2012-07-27 19:20,22,FEW,M +2012-07-27 20:20,22,BKN,TS +2012-07-27 21:20,22,M,M +2012-07-27 22:20,22,M,M +2012-07-27 23:20,22,M,M +2012-07-28 00:20,21,M,M +2012-07-28 01:20,20,M,M +2012-07-28 02:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-28 03:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-28 04:20,20,FEW,M +2012-07-28 05:20,20,M,M +2012-07-28 06:20,20,BKN,M +2012-07-28 07:20,21,FEW,M +2012-07-28 08:20,22,FEW,M +2012-07-28 09:20,19,SCT,-RA +2012-07-28 10:20,18,FEW,RA +2012-07-28 11:20,18,FEW,-RA +2012-07-28 12:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-28 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-28 14:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-28 15:20,19,SCT,M +2012-07-28 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-28 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-28 18:20,18,M,M +2012-07-28 19:20,17,M,M +2012-07-28 20:20,17,M,M +2012-07-28 21:20,16,M,M +2012-07-28 22:20,16,M,M +2012-07-28 23:20,14,M,M +2012-07-29 00:20,13,M,M +2012-07-29 01:20,13,M,M +2012-07-29 02:20,13,M,M +2012-07-29 03:20,14,M,M +2012-07-29 04:20,15,M,M +2012-07-29 05:20,15,M,M +2012-07-29 06:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-29 07:20,15,BKN,RA +2012-07-29 08:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-07-29 09:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-07-29 10:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2012-07-29 11:20,15,SCT,-DZ +2012-07-29 12:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2012-07-29 13:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-29 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-07-29 15:20,20,SCT,M +2012-07-29 16:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2012-07-29 17:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-29 18:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-29 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-29 20:20,14,M,M +2012-07-29 21:20,13,M,M +2012-07-29 22:20,12,M,M +2012-07-29 23:20,12,M,M +2012-07-30 00:20,12,M,M +2012-07-30 01:20,11,M,M +2012-07-30 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-30 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-30 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-07-30 05:20,13,M,M +2012-07-30 06:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-30 07:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-07-30 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-30 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-30 10:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-30 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-07-30 12:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2012-07-30 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-30 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-30 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-30 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-30 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-30 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-30 19:20,13,FEW,M +2012-07-30 20:20,12,M,M +2012-07-30 21:20,12,M,M +2012-07-30 22:20,12,M,M +2012-07-30 23:20,11,M,M +2012-07-31 00:20,12,M,M +2012-07-31 01:20,10,M,M +2012-07-31 02:20,10,M,M +2012-07-31 03:20,11,M,M +2012-07-31 04:20,11,M,M +2012-07-31 05:20,12,M,M +2012-07-31 06:20,14,M,M +2012-07-31 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-07-31 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-31 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-07-31 10:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-31 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-31 12:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-31 13:20,18,SCT,M +2012-07-31 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-31 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-31 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-07-31 17:20,17,SCT,-RA +2012-07-31 18:20,16,FEW,M +2012-07-31 19:20,15,M,M +2012-07-31 20:20,15,M,M +2012-07-31 21:20,14,M,M +2012-07-31 22:20,14,M,M +2012-07-31 23:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-01 00:20,14,M,M +2012-08-01 01:20,14,M,M +2012-08-01 02:20,14,M,M +2012-08-01 03:20,14,M,M +2012-08-01 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-01 05:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-01 06:20,16,SCT,M +2012-08-01 07:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-01 08:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-01 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-01 10:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-01 11:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-01 12:20,23,SCT,M +2012-08-01 13:20,24,SCT,M +2012-08-01 14:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-01 15:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-01 16:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-01 17:20,25,M,M +2012-08-01 18:20,25,M,M +2012-08-01 19:20,22,M,M +2012-08-01 20:20,22,M,M +2012-08-01 21:20,21,M,M +2012-08-01 22:20,20,M,M +2012-08-01 23:20,20,M,M +2012-08-02 00:20,20,M,M +2012-08-02 01:20,19,M,M +2012-08-02 02:20,19,M,M +2012-08-02 03:20,19,M,M +2012-08-02 04:20,20,M,M +2012-08-02 05:20,19,M,M +2012-08-02 06:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-02 07:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-02 08:20,21,FEW,VCTS +2012-08-02 09:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-02 10:20,25,M,M +2012-08-02 11:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-02 12:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-02 13:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-02 14:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-02 15:20,22,SCT,M +2012-08-02 16:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-02 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-02 18:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-02 19:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-02 20:20,18,M,M +2012-08-02 21:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-02 22:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-02 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-03 00:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-03 01:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-03 02:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-03 03:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-03 04:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-03 05:20,16,M,M +2012-08-03 06:20,18,M,M +2012-08-03 07:20,20,M,M +2012-08-03 08:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-03 09:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-03 10:20,22,SCT,M +2012-08-03 11:20,23,SCT,M +2012-08-03 12:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-03 13:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-03 14:20,19,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2012-08-03 15:20,18,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2012-08-03 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-03 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-03 18:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2012-08-03 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-03 20:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-03 21:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-03 22:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-03 23:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-04 00:20,14,NSC,FG +2012-08-04 01:20,13,NSC,FG +2012-08-04 02:20,12,NSC,FG +2012-08-04 03:20,12,NSC,FG +2012-08-04 04:20,12,NSC,FG +2012-08-04 05:20,15,M,M +2012-08-04 06:20,17,M,M +2012-08-04 07:20,18,M,M +2012-08-04 08:20,19,M,M +2012-08-04 09:20,19,M,M +2012-08-04 10:20,18,FEW,TSRA +2012-08-04 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-04 12:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-04 13:20,21,SCT,TS +2012-08-04 14:20,20,FEW,TS +2012-08-04 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-04 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-04 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-04 18:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-04 19:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-04 20:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-04 21:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-04 22:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-04 23:20,16,M,M +2012-08-05 00:20,16,M,M +2012-08-05 01:20,17,NSC,VCTS +2012-08-05 02:20,16,M,M +2012-08-05 03:20,15,M,M +2012-08-05 04:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-05 05:20,16,M,M +2012-08-05 06:20,17,M,M +2012-08-05 07:20,18,M,M +2012-08-05 08:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-05 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-05 10:20,20,M,M +2012-08-05 11:20,21,M,M +2012-08-05 12:20,21,FEW,-RA +2012-08-05 13:20,21,M,M +2012-08-05 14:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-05 15:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-05 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-05 17:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-05 18:20,21,M,M +2012-08-05 19:20,20,M,M +2012-08-05 20:20,20,M,M +2012-08-05 21:20,19,M,M +2012-08-05 22:20,18,M,M +2012-08-05 23:20,18,M,M +2012-08-06 00:20,17,M,M +2012-08-06 01:20,17,M,M +2012-08-06 02:20,17,M,M +2012-08-06 03:20,18,FEW,-RA +2012-08-06 04:20,18,FEW,RA +2012-08-06 05:20,18,BKN,-RA +2012-08-06 06:20,17,BKN,-RA +2012-08-06 07:20,17,SCT,-RA +2012-08-06 08:20,18,SCT,M +2012-08-06 09:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-06 10:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-06 11:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-06 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-06 13:20,22,SCT,M +2012-08-06 14:20,22,SCT,M +2012-08-06 15:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-06 16:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-06 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-06 18:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2012-08-06 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-06 20:20,16,M,M +2012-08-06 21:20,16,M,M +2012-08-06 22:20,16,M,M +2012-08-06 23:20,15,M,M +2012-08-07 00:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-07 01:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-07 02:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-07 03:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-07 04:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-07 05:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-07 06:20,16,BKN,M +2012-08-07 07:20,16,BKN,M +2012-08-07 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-07 09:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-07 10:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-07 11:20,19,BKN,M +2012-08-07 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-07 13:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-07 14:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-07 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-07 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-07 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-07 18:20,15,SCT,SHRA +2012-08-07 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-07 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-07 21:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-07 22:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-07 23:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-08 00:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-08 01:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2012-08-08 02:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2012-08-08 03:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2012-08-08 04:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-08 05:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-08 06:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-08 07:20,16,SCT,M +2012-08-08 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-08 09:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-08 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-08 11:20,17,SCT,VCTS VCSH +2012-08-08 12:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2012-08-08 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-08 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-08 15:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-08 16:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-08 17:20,18,SCT,M +2012-08-08 18:20,17,SCT,M +2012-08-08 19:20,16,SCT,M +2012-08-08 20:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-08 21:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-08 22:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-08 23:20,13,M,M +2012-08-09 00:20,13,M,M +2012-08-09 01:20,13,M,M +2012-08-09 02:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-09 03:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2012-08-09 04:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2012-08-09 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-09 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-09 07:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-09 08:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-09 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-09 10:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-09 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-09 12:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-09 13:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-09 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-09 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-09 16:20,17,SCT,M +2012-08-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-09 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-09 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-09 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-09 21:20,15,M,M +2012-08-09 22:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-09 23:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-10 00:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-10 01:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-10 02:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-10 03:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-10 04:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-10 05:20,14,M,M +2012-08-10 06:20,15,M,M +2012-08-10 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-10 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-10 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-10 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-08-10 11:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-10 12:20,16,FEW,-RADZ +2012-08-10 13:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2012-08-10 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-10 15:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-08-10 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-10 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-10 18:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-10 19:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-10 20:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-10 21:20,14,SCT,M +2012-08-10 22:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-10 23:20,12,M,M +2012-08-11 00:20,13,M,M +2012-08-11 01:20,12,BKN,M +2012-08-11 02:20,12,FEW,M +2012-08-11 03:20,11,SCT,M +2012-08-11 04:20,11,SCT,M +2012-08-11 05:20,12,BKN,M +2012-08-11 06:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-11 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-11 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-11 09:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-11 10:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-11 11:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-11 12:20,21,SCT,M +2012-08-11 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-11 14:20,21,SCT,M +2012-08-11 15:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-11 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-11 17:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-11 18:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-11 19:20,16,M,M +2012-08-11 20:20,15,M,M +2012-08-11 21:20,14,M,M +2012-08-11 22:20,13,M,M +2012-08-11 23:20,12,M,M +2012-08-12 00:20,11,M,M +2012-08-12 01:20,11,M,M +2012-08-12 02:20,11,M,M +2012-08-12 03:20,10,M,M +2012-08-12 04:20,10,M,M +2012-08-12 05:20,12,M,M +2012-08-12 06:20,15,M,M +2012-08-12 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-12 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-12 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-12 10:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-12 11:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-12 12:20,21,M,M +2012-08-12 13:20,22,M,M +2012-08-12 14:20,22,M,M +2012-08-12 15:20,22,M,M +2012-08-12 16:20,22,M,M +2012-08-12 17:20,21,M,M +2012-08-12 18:20,19,M,M +2012-08-12 19:20,17,M,M +2012-08-12 20:20,16,M,M +2012-08-12 21:20,15,M,M +2012-08-12 22:20,15,M,M +2012-08-12 23:20,14,M,M +2012-08-13 00:20,13,M,M +2012-08-13 01:20,12,M,M +2012-08-13 02:20,11,M,M +2012-08-13 03:20,10,M,M +2012-08-13 04:20,10,M,M +2012-08-13 05:20,12,M,M +2012-08-13 06:20,14,M,M +2012-08-13 07:20,16,M,M +2012-08-13 08:20,18,M,M +2012-08-13 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-13 10:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-13 11:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-13 12:20,21,M,M +2012-08-13 13:20,22,M,M +2012-08-13 14:20,23,M,M +2012-08-13 15:20,22,M,M +2012-08-13 16:20,22,M,M +2012-08-13 17:20,21,M,M +2012-08-13 18:20,20,M,M +2012-08-13 19:20,18,M,M +2012-08-13 20:20,16,M,M +2012-08-13 21:20,16,M,M +2012-08-13 22:20,16,M,M +2012-08-13 23:20,15,M,M +2012-08-14 00:20,15,M,M +2012-08-14 01:20,14,M,M +2012-08-14 02:20,14,M,M +2012-08-14 03:20,13,M,M +2012-08-14 04:20,11,M,M +2012-08-15 05:20,14,M,M +2012-08-15 06:20,15,M,M +2012-08-15 07:20,17,M,M +2012-08-15 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-15 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-15 10:20,20,M,M +2012-08-15 11:20,21,M,M +2012-08-15 12:20,22,M,M +2012-08-15 13:20,22,M,M +2012-08-15 14:20,23,M,M +2012-08-15 15:20,23,M,M +2012-08-15 16:20,23,M,M +2012-08-15 17:20,23,M,M +2012-08-15 18:20,21,M,M +2012-08-15 19:20,18,M,M +2012-08-15 20:20,17,M,M +2012-08-15 21:20,18,M,M +2012-08-15 22:20,17,M,M +2012-08-15 23:20,17,M,M +2012-08-16 00:20,17,M,M +2012-08-16 01:20,17,M,M +2012-08-16 02:20,17,M,M +2012-08-16 03:20,17,M,M +2012-08-16 04:20,17,NSC,-RA +2012-08-16 05:20,16,NSC,-RA +2012-08-16 06:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-08-16 07:20,16,FEW,RA +2012-08-16 08:20,16,FEW,RA +2012-08-16 09:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-08-16 10:20,16,SCT,DZ +2012-08-16 11:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2012-08-16 12:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-16 13:20,21,SCT,M +2012-08-16 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-16 15:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-16 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-16 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-16 18:20,19,M,M +2012-08-16 19:20,16,M,M +2012-08-16 20:20,15,M,M +2012-08-16 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-16 22:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-16 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-17 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-17 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-17 02:20,14,M,M +2012-08-17 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-17 04:20,14,M,M +2012-08-17 05:20,16,M,M +2012-08-17 06:20,17,M,M +2012-08-17 07:20,19,M,M +2012-08-17 08:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-17 09:20,22,M,M +2012-08-17 10:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-17 11:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-17 12:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-17 13:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-17 14:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-17 15:20,26,FEW,M +2012-08-17 16:20,26,FEW,M +2012-08-17 17:20,25,M,M +2012-08-17 18:20,23,M,M +2012-08-17 19:20,22,M,M +2012-08-17 20:20,21,M,M +2012-08-17 21:20,20,M,M +2012-08-17 22:20,19,M,M +2012-08-17 23:20,19,M,M +2012-08-18 00:20,18,M,M +2012-08-18 01:20,18,M,M +2012-08-18 02:20,17,M,M +2012-08-18 03:20,17,M,M +2012-08-18 04:20,17,M,M +2012-08-18 05:20,18,M,M +2012-08-18 06:20,19,M,M +2012-08-18 07:20,21,M,M +2012-08-18 08:20,23,M,M +2012-08-18 09:20,25,M,M +2012-08-18 10:20,27,M,M +2012-08-18 11:20,27,M,M +2012-08-18 12:20,28,M,M +2012-08-18 13:20,29,M,M +2012-08-18 14:20,28,M,M +2012-08-18 15:20,28,M,M +2012-08-18 16:20,28,M,M +2012-08-18 17:20,28,M,M +2012-08-18 18:20,27,M,M +2012-08-18 19:20,26,M,M +2012-08-18 20:20,25,M,M +2012-08-18 21:20,23,M,M +2012-08-18 22:20,22,M,M +2012-08-18 23:20,21,M,M +2012-08-19 00:20,21,M,M +2012-08-19 01:20,20,M,M +2012-08-19 02:20,20,M,M +2012-08-19 03:20,19,M,M +2012-08-19 04:20,19,M,M +2012-08-19 05:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-19 06:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-19 07:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-19 08:20,26,M,M +2012-08-19 09:20,29,M,M +2012-08-19 10:20,31,M,M +2012-08-19 11:20,32,M,M +2012-08-19 12:20,33,M,M +2012-08-19 13:20,34,M,M +2012-08-19 14:20,34,M,M +2012-08-19 15:20,34,M,M +2012-08-19 16:20,33,M,M +2012-08-19 17:20,32,M,M +2012-08-19 18:20,29,M,M +2012-08-19 19:20,26,M,M +2012-08-19 20:20,26,FEW,M +2012-08-19 21:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-19 22:20,25,FEW,M +2012-08-19 23:20,25,M,M +2012-08-20 00:20,23,M,M +2012-08-20 01:20,22,M,M +2012-08-20 02:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-20 03:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-20 04:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-20 05:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-20 06:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-20 07:20,23,M,M +2012-08-20 08:20,24,M,M +2012-08-20 09:20,27,M,M +2012-08-20 10:20,27,M,M +2012-08-20 11:20,28,M,M +2012-08-20 12:20,28,M,M +2012-08-20 13:20,28,M,M +2012-08-20 14:20,28,M,M +2012-08-20 15:20,26,FEW,M +2012-08-20 16:20,23,M,M +2012-08-20 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-20 18:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-20 19:20,20,BKN,M +2012-08-20 20:20,19,BKN,M +2012-08-20 21:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-20 22:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-20 23:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-21 00:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-21 01:20,16,M,M +2012-08-21 02:20,16,M,M +2012-08-21 03:20,16,BKN,M +2012-08-21 04:20,16,BKN,M +2012-08-21 05:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-21 06:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-21 07:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-21 08:20,19,BKN,M +2012-08-21 09:20,20,BKN,M +2012-08-21 10:20,21,SCT,M +2012-08-21 11:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 12:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 13:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-21 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 17:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-21 18:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-21 19:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-21 20:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-21 21:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-21 22:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-21 23:20,19,BKN,M +2012-08-22 00:20,17,FEW,SHRA +2012-08-22 01:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-22 02:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-22 03:20,16,BKN,MIFG +2012-08-22 04:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-22 05:20,17,FEW,BR +2012-08-22 06:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-22 07:20,18,BKN,M +2012-08-22 08:20,19,BKN,M +2012-08-22 09:20,20,BKN,M +2012-08-22 10:20,20,SCT,VCTS -SHRA +2012-08-22 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-22 12:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-22 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-22 14:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-22 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-22 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-22 17:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-22 18:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-22 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-22 20:20,16,M,M +2012-08-22 21:20,16,M,M +2012-08-22 22:20,15,M,M +2012-08-22 23:20,14,M,M +2012-08-23 00:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-23 01:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-23 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-23 03:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-23 04:20,13,M,M +2012-08-23 05:20,14,M,M +2012-08-23 06:20,15,M,M +2012-08-23 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-23 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-23 09:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-23 10:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-23 11:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-23 12:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-23 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-23 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-23 15:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-23 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-23 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-23 18:20,16,M,M +2012-08-23 19:20,15,M,M +2012-08-23 20:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-23 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-23 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-23 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-24 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-24 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-24 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-24 03:20,12,M,M +2012-08-24 04:20,13,M,M +2012-08-24 05:20,13,NSC,M +2012-08-24 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-08-24 07:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-08-24 08:20,15,M,M +2012-08-24 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-24 10:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-24 11:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-24 12:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-08-24 13:20,18,M,M +2012-08-24 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-24 15:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-24 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-24 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-24 18:20,17,M,M +2012-08-24 19:20,15,M,M +2012-08-24 20:20,14,M,M +2012-08-24 21:20,13,M,M +2012-08-24 22:20,14,M,M +2012-08-24 23:20,14,M,M +2012-08-25 00:20,14,M,M +2012-08-25 01:20,15,NSC,-RA +2012-08-25 02:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-08-25 03:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-08-25 04:20,15,FEW,BR +2012-08-25 05:20,15,FEW,BR +2012-08-25 06:20,15,SCT,BR +2012-08-25 07:20,16,FEW,BR +2012-08-25 08:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-25 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-25 10:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-25 11:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-25 12:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-25 13:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-25 14:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-25 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-25 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-25 17:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-25 18:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-25 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-25 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-25 21:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-25 22:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-25 23:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-26 00:20,15,M,M +2012-08-26 01:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-26 02:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-26 03:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-26 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-26 05:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-26 06:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-26 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-26 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-26 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-26 10:20,17,BKN,M +2012-08-26 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-08-26 12:20,18,SCT,SHRA +2012-08-26 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-26 14:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2012-08-26 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-26 16:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2012-08-26 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-26 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-26 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-26 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-26 21:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-26 22:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-26 23:20,15,BKN,M +2012-08-27 00:20,15,SCT,M +2012-08-27 01:20,14,BKN,M +2012-08-27 02:20,14,SCT,M +2012-08-27 03:20,13,SCT,M +2012-08-27 04:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-27 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-27 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-27 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-27 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-27 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-27 10:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-27 11:20,18,SCT,M +2012-08-27 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-27 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-27 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-27 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-27 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-27 17:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-27 18:20,16,M,M +2012-08-27 19:20,16,M,M +2012-08-27 20:20,16,M,M +2012-08-27 21:20,16,M,M +2012-08-27 22:20,16,M,M +2012-08-27 23:20,15,M,M +2012-08-28 00:20,16,M,M +2012-08-28 01:20,15,M,M +2012-08-28 02:20,15,M,M +2012-08-28 03:20,15,M,M +2012-08-28 04:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-28 05:20,15,M,M +2012-08-28 06:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-08-28 07:20,16,FEW,M +2012-08-28 08:20,17,M,M +2012-08-28 09:20,19,M,M +2012-08-28 10:20,19,M,M +2012-08-28 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-28 12:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-28 13:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-28 14:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-28 15:20,21,FEW,-RA +2012-08-28 16:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-28 17:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-28 18:20,20,M,M +2012-08-28 19:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-28 20:20,17,M,M +2012-08-28 21:20,16,M,M +2012-08-28 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-28 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-29 00:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-29 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-08-29 02:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-08-29 03:20,11,FEW,FG +2012-08-29 04:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-08-29 05:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-08-29 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-29 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-29 08:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-29 09:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-29 10:20,22,FEW,M +2012-08-29 11:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-29 12:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-29 13:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-29 14:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-29 15:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-29 16:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-29 17:20,24,FEW,M +2012-08-29 18:20,23,FEW,M +2012-08-29 19:20,21,M,M +2012-08-29 20:20,20,M,M +2012-08-29 21:20,19,M,M +2012-08-29 22:20,18,M,M +2012-08-29 23:20,19,M,M +2012-08-30 00:20,18,M,M +2012-08-30 01:20,18,M,M +2012-08-30 02:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-30 03:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-30 04:20,15,M,M +2012-08-30 05:20,16,M,M +2012-08-30 06:20,16,M,M +2012-08-30 07:20,17,M,M +2012-08-30 08:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-30 09:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-30 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-30 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-30 12:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-30 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-08-30 14:20,20,SCT,M +2012-08-30 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-08-30 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-30 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-08-30 18:20,17,M,M +2012-08-30 19:20,16,M,M +2012-08-30 20:20,15,M,M +2012-08-30 21:20,15,M,M +2012-08-30 22:20,14,FEW,M +2012-08-30 23:20,14,M,M +2012-08-31 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-31 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-31 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-31 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-31 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-08-31 05:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-08-31 06:20,13,FEW,M +2012-08-31 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-08-31 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-31 09:20,19,FEW,M +2012-08-31 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-31 11:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2012-08-31 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-08-31 13:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2012-08-31 14:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2012-08-31 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-31 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-08-31 17:20,16,M,M +2012-08-31 18:20,14,M,M +2012-08-31 19:20,13,M,M +2012-08-31 20:20,13,M,M +2012-08-31 21:20,12,M,M +2012-08-31 22:20,12,M,M +2012-08-31 23:20,11,M,M +2012-09-01 00:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-01 01:20,10,SCT,M +2012-09-01 02:20,10,BKN,M +2012-09-01 03:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-01 04:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-01 05:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-01 06:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-01 07:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-01 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-01 09:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-01 10:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-01 11:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-01 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-01 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-01 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-01 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-01 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-01 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-01 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-01 19:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-01 20:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-01 21:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-01 22:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-01 23:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-02 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 01:20,9,M,M +2012-09-02 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 05:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 06:20,13,M,M +2012-09-02 07:20,15,M,M +2012-09-02 08:20,16,M,M +2012-09-02 09:20,18,M,M +2012-09-02 10:20,19,M,M +2012-09-02 11:20,20,M,M +2012-09-02 12:20,20,M,M +2012-09-02 13:20,20,M,M +2012-09-02 14:20,20,M,M +2012-09-02 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-02 16:20,20,M,M +2012-09-02 17:20,19,BKN,M +2012-09-02 18:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-02 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-02 20:20,16,M,M +2012-09-02 21:20,15,M,M +2012-09-02 22:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-02 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-03 00:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-03 01:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-03 02:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-03 03:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-03 04:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-03 05:20,15,BKN,M +2012-09-03 06:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-03 07:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-03 08:20,17,BKN,M +2012-09-03 09:20,18,SCT,M +2012-09-03 10:20,19,SCT,M +2012-09-03 11:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-03 12:20,20,SCT,M +2012-09-03 13:20,21,FEW,M +2012-09-03 14:20,21,SCT,M +2012-09-03 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-03 16:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-03 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-03 18:20,17,M,M +2012-09-03 19:20,15,M,M +2012-09-03 20:20,14,M,M +2012-09-03 21:20,14,M,M +2012-09-03 22:20,13,M,M +2012-09-03 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-09-04 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-09-04 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-04 02:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-04 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-04 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-04 05:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2012-09-04 06:20,13,M,M +2012-09-04 07:20,16,M,M +2012-09-04 08:20,18,M,M +2012-09-04 09:20,19,M,M +2012-09-04 10:20,20,M,M +2012-09-04 11:20,21,M,M +2012-09-04 12:20,22,FEW,M +2012-09-04 13:20,22,FEW,M +2012-09-04 14:20,23,FEW,M +2012-09-04 15:20,23,FEW,M +2012-09-04 16:20,22,FEW,M +2012-09-04 17:20,21,M,M +2012-09-04 18:20,19,M,M +2012-09-04 19:20,18,M,M +2012-09-04 20:20,18,M,M +2012-09-04 21:20,18,BKN,M +2012-09-04 22:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-04 23:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-05 00:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-05 01:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-05 02:20,13,M,M +2012-09-05 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-05 04:20,13,M,M +2012-09-05 05:20,13,M,M +2012-09-05 06:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-05 07:20,15,BKN,M +2012-09-05 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-05 09:20,17,SCT,M +2012-09-05 10:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-05 11:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-05 12:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-05 13:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-05 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-05 15:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-05 16:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-05 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-05 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-05 19:20,15,M,M +2012-09-05 20:20,15,M,M +2012-09-05 21:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-05 22:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-05 23:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-06 00:20,13,BKN,M +2012-09-06 01:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-06 02:20,10,M,M +2012-09-06 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-06 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-06 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-09-06 06:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-06 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-06 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-06 09:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-06 10:20,16,BKN,M +2012-09-06 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-09-06 12:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-06 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-06 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-06 15:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-06 16:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-06 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-06 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-06 19:20,14,M,M +2012-09-06 20:20,14,M,M +2012-09-06 21:20,13,M,M +2012-09-06 22:20,14,M,M +2012-09-06 23:20,14,M,M +2012-09-07 00:20,14,M,M +2012-09-07 01:20,14,M,M +2012-09-07 02:20,14,M,M +2012-09-07 03:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-07 04:20,14,BKN,-RA +2012-09-07 05:20,14,SCT,-RA +2012-09-07 06:20,15,BKN,M +2012-09-07 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-07 08:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-07 09:20,16,BKN,M +2012-09-07 10:20,17,BKN,M +2012-09-07 11:20,17,BKN,-RA +2012-09-07 12:20,17,BKN,-DZRA +2012-09-07 13:20,17,BKN,-RADZ +2012-09-07 14:20,17,BKN,-RADZ +2012-09-07 15:20,18,BKN,M +2012-09-07 16:20,17,FEW,-RA +2012-09-07 17:20,16,SCT,-RA +2012-09-07 18:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2012-09-07 19:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2012-09-07 20:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2012-09-07 21:20,15,SCT,RADZ +2012-09-07 22:20,15,BKN,RADZ +2012-09-07 23:20,16,BKN,RADZ +2012-09-08 00:20,16,BKN,RADZ +2012-09-08 01:20,16,BKN,M +2012-09-08 02:20,16,FEW,-RADZ +2012-09-08 03:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-08 04:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-08 05:20,16,BKN,M +2012-09-08 06:20,16,BKN,RA +2012-09-08 07:20,16,BKN,M +2012-09-08 08:20,16,BKN,RA +2012-09-08 09:20,18,BKN,M +2012-09-08 10:20,19,BKN,M +2012-09-08 11:20,19,BKN,M +2012-09-08 12:20,19,SCT,M +2012-09-08 13:20,20,SCT,M +2012-09-08 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-08 15:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-08 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-08 17:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-08 18:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-08 19:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-08 20:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-08 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-08 22:20,13,BKN,BCFG +2012-09-08 23:20,12,SCT,BCFG +2012-09-09 00:20,12,BKN,BCFG +2012-09-09 01:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-09 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-09 03:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-09 04:20,14,BKN,FG +2012-09-09 05:20,14,OVC,FG +2012-09-09 06:20,14,BKN,FG +2012-09-09 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-09 08:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-09 09:20,19,M,M +2012-09-09 10:20,21,M,M +2012-09-09 11:20,22,M,M +2012-09-09 12:20,24,M,M +2012-09-09 13:20,25,FEW,M +2012-09-09 14:20,25,FEW,M +2012-09-09 15:20,26,M,M +2012-09-09 16:20,25,M,M +2012-09-09 17:20,24,M,M +2012-09-09 18:20,22,M,M +2012-09-09 19:20,22,M,M +2012-09-09 20:20,20,M,M +2012-09-09 21:20,20,M,M +2012-09-09 22:20,20,M,M +2012-09-09 23:20,19,M,M +2012-09-10 00:20,18,M,M +2012-09-10 01:20,17,M,M +2012-09-10 02:20,16,M,M +2012-09-10 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 04:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 05:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 06:20,17,M,M +2012-09-10 07:20,20,M,M +2012-09-10 08:20,22,M,M +2012-09-10 09:20,23,M,M +2012-09-10 10:20,24,M,M +2012-09-10 11:20,23,M,M +2012-09-10 12:20,25,FEW,M +2012-09-10 13:20,26,M,M +2012-09-10 14:20,26,M,M +2012-09-10 15:20,26,M,M +2012-09-10 16:20,24,M,M +2012-09-10 17:20,22,M,M +2012-09-10 18:20,20,M,M +2012-09-10 19:20,19,M,M +2012-09-10 20:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 21:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 22:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-10 23:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-11 00:20,17,M,M +2012-09-11 01:20,17,M,M +2012-09-11 02:20,17,M,M +2012-09-11 03:20,18,M,M +2012-09-11 04:20,17,M,M +2012-09-11 05:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-11 06:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2012-09-11 07:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-11 08:20,19,SCT,M +2012-09-11 09:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-11 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-11 11:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-11 12:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-11 13:20,17,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2012-09-11 14:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-11 15:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-11 16:20,15,FEW,-RA +2012-09-11 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-09-11 18:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-11 19:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-11 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-11 21:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-11 22:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-11 23:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-12 00:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-12 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-12 02:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-12 03:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-12 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-12 05:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-12 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-12 07:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-12 08:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-12 09:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-12 10:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2012-09-12 11:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2012-09-12 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-12 13:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-12 14:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-12 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-12 16:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-12 17:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-12 18:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-12 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-12 20:20,10,M,M +2012-09-12 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-12 22:20,9,M,M +2012-09-12 23:20,8,M,M +2012-09-13 00:20,8,M,M +2012-09-13 01:20,8,M,M +2012-09-13 02:20,8,M,M +2012-09-13 03:20,8,FEW,M +2012-09-13 04:20,8,M,M +2012-09-13 05:20,7,M,M +2012-09-13 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-13 07:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-13 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-13 09:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-13 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-13 11:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-13 12:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-13 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-13 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-13 15:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-13 16:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-13 17:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-13 18:20,12,M,M +2012-09-13 19:20,11,M,M +2012-09-13 20:20,11,M,M +2012-09-13 21:20,10,M,M +2012-09-13 22:20,10,M,M +2012-09-13 23:20,10,M,M +2012-09-14 00:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 01:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 02:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 04:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 05:20,11,M,M +2012-09-14 06:20,12,M,M +2012-09-14 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-14 08:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-14 09:20,13,BKN,M +2012-09-14 10:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-14 11:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-14 12:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-14 13:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-09-14 14:20,14,BKN,-RA +2012-09-14 15:20,13,SCT,RADZ +2012-09-14 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-14 17:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-14 18:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-14 19:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-14 20:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-14 21:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-14 22:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-14 23:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-15 00:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-15 01:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-15 02:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-15 03:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-15 04:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-15 05:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-15 06:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2012-09-15 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-15 08:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-15 09:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-15 10:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-15 11:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-15 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-15 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-15 14:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-15 15:20,17,SCT,M +2012-09-15 16:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-15 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-15 18:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-15 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-15 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-15 21:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-15 22:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-15 23:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-16 00:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-16 01:20,13,BKN,M +2012-09-16 02:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-16 03:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-16 04:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-16 05:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-16 06:20,13,M,M +2012-09-16 07:20,14,M,M +2012-09-16 08:20,15,M,M +2012-09-16 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-16 10:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-16 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-16 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-16 13:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-16 14:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-16 15:20,20,FEW,M +2012-09-16 16:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-16 17:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-16 18:20,15,M,M +2012-09-16 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-16 20:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-16 21:20,14,M,M +2012-09-16 22:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-16 23:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-17 00:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-17 01:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-17 02:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-17 04:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-17 05:20,14,BKN,M +2012-09-17 06:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-17 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-17 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-17 09:20,17,SCT,M +2012-09-17 10:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-17 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-17 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-17 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-17 14:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-17 15:20,19,FEW,M +2012-09-17 16:20,18,FEW,M +2012-09-17 17:20,17,BKN,M +2012-09-17 18:20,16,SCT,M +2012-09-17 19:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-17 20:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-17 21:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-17 22:20,15,M,M +2012-09-17 23:20,15,M,M +2012-09-18 00:20,15,M,M +2012-09-18 01:20,15,M,M +2012-09-18 02:20,15,BKN,M +2012-09-18 03:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2012-09-18 04:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-09-18 05:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-18 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-18 07:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-18 08:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-18 09:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-18 10:20,17,FEW,M +2012-09-18 11:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-18 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-18 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-18 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-18 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-18 16:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-18 17:20,13,M,M +2012-09-18 18:20,13,M,M +2012-09-18 19:20,12,M,M +2012-09-18 20:20,12,M,M +2012-09-18 21:20,12,M,M +2012-09-18 22:20,10,M,M +2012-09-18 23:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-19 00:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-19 01:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-19 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-19 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-19 04:20,8,SCT,M +2012-09-19 05:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-19 07:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-19 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-19 09:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 10:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 11:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 12:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 13:20,10,FEW,VCTS SHRA +2012-09-19 14:20,11,FEW,SHRA +2012-09-19 15:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-19 16:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-19 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-19 18:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-19 19:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2012-09-19 20:20,9,SCT,M +2012-09-19 21:20,8,FEW,M +2012-09-19 22:20,7,M,M +2012-09-19 23:20,6,M,M +2012-09-20 00:20,6,M,M +2012-09-20 01:20,6,M,M +2012-09-20 02:20,5,M,M +2012-09-20 03:20,5,FEW,M +2012-09-20 04:20,5,FEW,M +2012-09-20 05:20,5,FEW,M +2012-09-20 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-09-20 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-20 08:20,11,M,M +2012-09-20 09:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-20 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-20 11:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-20 12:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-20 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-20 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-20 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-20 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-20 17:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-20 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-20 19:20,10,M,M +2012-09-20 20:20,9,M,M +2012-09-20 21:20,10,M,M +2012-09-20 22:20,10,M,M +2012-09-20 23:20,9,M,M +2012-09-21 00:20,10,M,M +2012-09-21 01:20,11,M,M +2012-09-21 02:20,10,M,M +2012-09-21 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-21 04:20,11,M,M +2012-09-21 05:20,10,M,M +2012-09-21 06:20,11,M,M +2012-09-21 07:20,12,M,M +2012-09-21 08:20,13,M,M +2012-09-21 09:20,14,M,M +2012-09-21 10:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 11:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 12:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 13:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 14:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 15:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 16:20,15,M,M +2012-09-21 17:20,13,M,M +2012-09-21 18:20,13,M,M +2012-09-21 19:20,12,M,M +2012-09-21 20:20,12,M,M +2012-09-21 21:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-21 22:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-21 23:20,10,M,M +2012-09-22 00:20,10,SCT,M +2012-09-22 01:20,9,M,M +2012-09-22 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-22 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-22 04:20,9,NSC,-RA +2012-09-22 05:20,10,FEW,RA +2012-09-22 06:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-09-22 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-09-22 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-22 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-22 10:20,11,BKN,M +2012-09-22 11:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-22 12:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-22 13:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-22 14:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2012-09-22 15:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-22 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-22 17:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-22 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-22 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-22 20:20,8,M,M +2012-09-22 21:20,7,M,M +2012-09-22 22:20,7,FEW,M +2012-09-22 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-09-23 00:20,7,M,M +2012-09-23 01:20,7,M,M +2012-09-23 02:20,6,M,M +2012-09-23 03:20,6,FEW,M +2012-09-23 04:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-09-23 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-09-23 06:20,6,M,M +2012-09-23 07:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-23 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-23 09:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-23 10:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-23 11:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-23 12:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-23 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-23 14:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-23 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-23 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-23 17:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 18:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 19:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 20:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 21:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 22:20,11,M,M +2012-09-23 23:20,11,M,M +2012-09-24 00:20,11,M,M +2012-09-24 01:20,11,M,M +2012-09-24 02:20,11,M,M +2012-09-24 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-24 04:20,11,BKN,M +2012-09-24 05:20,11,BKN,-RA +2012-09-24 06:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-09-24 07:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-09-24 08:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-09-24 09:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-09-24 10:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-09-24 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-24 12:20,11,BKN,M +2012-09-24 13:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-09-24 14:20,11,BKN,M +2012-09-24 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-24 16:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-09-24 17:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2012-09-24 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-09-24 19:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-24 20:20,14,M,M +2012-09-24 21:20,13,M,M +2012-09-24 22:20,13,M,M +2012-09-24 23:20,13,M,M +2012-09-25 00:20,13,M,M +2012-09-25 01:20,12,M,M +2012-09-25 02:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 04:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 05:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-25 06:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-09-25 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-25 08:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-25 09:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-25 10:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-25 11:20,17,SCT,M +2012-09-25 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-25 13:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2012-09-25 14:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-09-25 15:20,13,BKN,RADZ +2012-09-25 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-25 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-25 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-25 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-25 20:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 21:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 22:20,11,M,M +2012-09-25 23:20,11,M,M +2012-09-26 00:20,10,M,M +2012-09-26 01:20,10,M,M +2012-09-26 02:20,10,M,M +2012-09-26 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-26 04:20,11,NSC,-RA +2012-09-26 05:20,11,NSC,-RA +2012-09-26 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-09-26 07:20,11,FEW,RA +2012-09-26 08:20,11,FEW,RA +2012-09-26 09:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-09-26 10:20,12,SCT,RA +2012-09-26 11:20,12,FEW,RA +2012-09-26 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-26 13:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-09-26 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-26 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-26 16:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-26 17:20,13,M,M +2012-09-26 18:20,13,M,M +2012-09-26 19:20,14,M,M +2012-09-26 20:20,13,NSC,-RA +2012-09-26 21:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-26 22:20,12,M,M +2012-09-26 23:20,12,M,M +2012-09-27 00:20,11,M,M +2012-09-27 01:20,11,M,M +2012-09-27 02:20,10,M,M +2012-09-27 03:20,11,M,M +2012-09-27 04:20,11,M,M +2012-09-27 05:20,11,M,M +2012-09-27 06:20,12,M,M +2012-09-27 07:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-27 08:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-27 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-27 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-27 11:20,14,FEW,-RA +2012-09-27 12:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-27 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-27 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-27 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-27 16:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-27 17:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2012-09-27 18:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-27 19:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-27 20:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-27 21:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-27 22:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-27 23:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-28 00:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-28 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-28 02:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-28 03:20,10,SCT,M +2012-09-28 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-28 05:20,10,M,M +2012-09-28 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-28 07:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-09-28 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-28 09:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-09-28 10:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-28 11:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-28 12:20,15,BKN,M +2012-09-28 13:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-28 14:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-28 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-28 16:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-28 17:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-28 18:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-28 19:20,14,M,M +2012-09-28 20:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-28 21:20,12,M,M +2012-09-28 22:20,12,M,M +2012-09-28 23:20,12,M,M +2012-09-29 00:20,12,M,M +2012-09-29 01:20,13,M,M +2012-09-29 02:20,12,M,M +2012-09-29 03:20,12,M,M +2012-09-29 04:20,12,M,M +2012-09-29 05:20,12,SCT,M +2012-09-29 06:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-29 07:20,12,BKN,M +2012-09-29 08:20,13,SCT,M +2012-09-29 09:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-29 10:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-29 11:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-29 12:20,14,SCT,M +2012-09-29 13:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-29 14:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-29 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-29 16:20,13,FEW,M +2012-09-29 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-29 18:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-29 19:20,12,FEW,M +2012-09-29 20:20,11,M,M +2012-09-29 21:20,11,FEW,M +2012-09-29 22:20,10,M,M +2012-09-29 23:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-09-30 00:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-30 01:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-30 02:20,10,FEW,M +2012-09-30 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-09-30 04:20,9,M,M +2012-09-30 05:20,8,M,M +2012-09-30 06:20,9,M,M +2012-09-30 07:20,11,M,M +2012-09-30 08:20,12,M,M +2012-09-30 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-30 10:20,14,FEW,M +2012-09-30 11:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-30 12:20,15,SCT,M +2012-09-30 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-30 14:20,16,FEW,M +2012-09-30 15:20,15,FEW,M +2012-09-30 16:20,14,M,M +2012-09-30 17:20,14,M,M +2012-09-30 18:20,12,M,M +2012-09-30 19:20,12,M,M +2012-09-30 20:20,11,M,M +2012-09-30 21:20,11,M,M +2012-09-30 22:20,11,M,M +2012-09-30 23:20,8,M,M +2012-10-01 00:20,7,M,M +2012-10-01 01:20,9,M,M +2012-10-01 02:20,7,M,M +2012-10-01 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-01 04:20,7,M,M +2012-10-01 05:20,7,M,M +2012-10-01 06:20,8,M,M +2012-10-01 07:20,10,M,M +2012-10-01 08:20,12,M,M +2012-10-01 09:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-01 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-10-01 11:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-01 12:20,17,FEW,M +2012-10-01 13:20,17,FEW,M +2012-10-01 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-10-01 15:20,16,M,M +2012-10-01 16:20,16,M,M +2012-10-01 17:20,15,M,M +2012-10-01 18:20,14,M,M +2012-10-01 19:20,14,M,M +2012-10-01 20:20,13,M,M +2012-10-01 21:20,12,M,M +2012-10-01 22:20,12,M,M +2012-10-01 23:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-02 00:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-02 01:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-02 02:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-02 03:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-02 04:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-02 05:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-02 06:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-02 07:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-02 08:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-02 09:20,15,SCT,M +2012-10-02 10:20,16,SCT,M +2012-10-02 11:20,16,BKN,M +2012-10-02 12:20,16,BKN,M +2012-10-02 13:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-02 14:20,17,FEW,M +2012-10-02 15:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-02 16:20,15,FEW,M +2012-10-02 17:20,15,FEW,M +2012-10-02 18:20,15,SCT,M +2012-10-02 19:20,15,SCT,M +2012-10-02 20:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-02 21:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-02 22:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-02 23:20,14,SCT,M +2012-10-03 00:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 01:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 02:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 03:20,14,M,M +2012-10-03 04:20,13,M,M +2012-10-03 05:20,13,M,M +2012-10-03 06:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 07:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 08:20,15,SCT,M +2012-10-03 09:20,15,BKN,-RA +2012-10-03 10:20,15,FEW,M +2012-10-03 11:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-03 12:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-03 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2012-10-03 14:20,15,FEW,RA +2012-10-03 15:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-03 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-03 17:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-03 18:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-03 19:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-03 20:20,13,FEW,RA +2012-10-03 21:20,12,FEW,-RA +2012-10-03 22:20,11,M,M +2012-10-03 23:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-04 00:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-04 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-04 02:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-04 03:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-04 04:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-04 05:20,10,BKN,M +2012-10-04 06:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-04 07:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-04 08:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-04 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-04 10:20,11,FEW,RA +2012-10-04 11:20,11,BKN,RA +2012-10-04 12:20,11,SCT,RA +2012-10-04 13:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-04 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-04 15:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-04 16:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-04 17:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-04 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-04 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-04 20:20,9,M,M +2012-10-04 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-04 22:20,8,M,M +2012-10-04 23:20,8,M,M +2012-10-05 00:20,8,M,M +2012-10-05 01:20,8,M,M +2012-10-05 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-05 03:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-05 04:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-05 05:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-05 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-05 07:20,10,SCT,-RA +2012-10-05 08:20,10,BKN,RA +2012-10-05 09:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-05 10:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-05 11:20,10,BKN,RA +2012-10-05 12:20,13,SCT,-DZRA +2012-10-05 13:20,16,FEW,-RA +2012-10-05 14:20,14,FEW,M +2012-10-05 15:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-05 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-05 17:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-05 18:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-05 20:20,12,M,M +2012-10-05 21:20,12,BKN,M +2012-10-05 22:20,11,BKN,M +2012-10-05 23:20,11,M,M +2012-10-06 00:20,11,M,M +2012-10-06 01:20,11,M,M +2012-10-06 02:20,11,M,M +2012-10-06 03:20,11,SCT,-RA +2012-10-06 04:20,10,SCT,RA +2012-10-06 05:20,10,FEW,RA +2012-10-06 06:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-06 07:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-06 08:20,9,SCT,RA +2012-10-06 09:20,9,SCT,RA +2012-10-06 10:20,10,BKN,RA +2012-10-06 11:20,10,BKN,M +2012-10-06 12:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2012-10-06 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-06 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-06 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-06 16:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-06 17:20,9,M,M +2012-10-06 18:20,8,M,M +2012-10-06 19:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-06 20:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-06 21:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-06 22:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-06 23:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-07 00:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2012-10-07 01:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-07 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-07 03:20,7,SCT,M +2012-10-07 04:20,6,M,M +2012-10-07 05:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-07 06:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2012-10-07 07:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-07 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-07 09:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-07 10:20,11,SCT,SHRA +2012-10-07 11:20,10,SCT,SHRA +2012-10-07 12:20,10,FEW,SHRA +2012-10-07 13:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-07 14:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2012-10-07 15:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2012-10-07 16:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-07 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-07 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-07 19:20,8,M,M +2012-10-07 20:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-07 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-07 22:20,9,M,M +2012-10-07 23:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-08 00:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-08 01:20,8,M,M +2012-10-08 02:20,9,M,M +2012-10-08 03:20,8,M,M +2012-10-08 04:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-08 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-08 06:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-08 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-08 08:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-08 09:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-08 10:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-08 11:20,13,SCT,M +2012-10-08 12:20,13,SCT,M +2012-10-08 13:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-08 14:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-08 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-08 16:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-08 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-08 18:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-08 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-08 20:20,7,M,M +2012-10-08 21:20,6,M,M +2012-10-08 22:20,7,M,M +2012-10-08 23:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-09 00:20,6,SCT,M +2012-10-09 01:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-09 02:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 04:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-09 05:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-09 06:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-09 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-09 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-09 09:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-09 10:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-09 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-09 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-09 15:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2012-10-09 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-09 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-09 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 21:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 22:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-09 23:20,7,SCT,M +2012-10-10 00:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-10 01:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-10 02:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-10 03:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-10 04:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-10-10 05:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-10-10 06:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-10-10 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-10 08:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-10 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-10 10:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-10 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-10 12:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-10 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-10 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-10 15:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-10 16:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-10 17:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-10 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-10 19:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-10 20:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-10 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-10-10 22:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-10-10 23:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2012-10-11 00:20,5,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2012-10-11 01:20,7,BKN,MIFG +2012-10-11 02:20,7,BKN,MIFG +2012-10-11 03:20,7,FEW,-RA MIFG +2012-10-11 04:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-11 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-11 06:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-11 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-11 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-11 09:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-11 10:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-11 11:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-11 12:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2012-10-11 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-11 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-11 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-11 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-11 17:20,9,M,M +2012-10-11 18:20,9,M,M +2012-10-11 19:20,8,M,M +2012-10-11 20:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-11 21:20,7,M,M +2012-10-11 22:20,7,M,M +2012-10-11 23:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 00:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 01:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 02:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 03:20,5,M,M +2012-10-12 04:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 05:20,5,M,M +2012-10-12 06:20,6,M,M +2012-10-12 07:20,7,M,M +2012-10-12 08:20,8,M,M +2012-10-12 09:20,10,M,M +2012-10-12 10:20,10,M,M +2012-10-12 11:20,11,M,M +2012-10-12 12:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-12 13:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-10-12 14:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-12 15:20,9,BKN,RA BR +2012-10-12 16:20,9,SCT,-RADZ BR +2012-10-12 17:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2012-10-12 19:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-10-12 20:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2012-10-12 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-12 22:20,11,FEW,-RA +2012-10-12 23:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-13 00:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-13 01:20,9,M,M +2012-10-13 02:20,8,M,M +2012-10-13 03:20,8,M,M +2012-10-13 04:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-13 05:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-13 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-13 07:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-13 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-13 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-13 11:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-13 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-13 13:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-13 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-13 15:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-13 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-13 17:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-13 18:20,10,M,M +2012-10-13 19:20,10,M,M +2012-10-13 20:20,10,M,M +2012-10-13 21:20,10,M,M +2012-10-13 22:20,10,M,M +2012-10-13 23:20,9,M,M +2012-10-14 00:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-14 01:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-10-14 02:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-10-14 03:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-10-14 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-14 05:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-14 06:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-14 07:20,8,BKN,M +2012-10-14 08:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-14 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-14 10:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-14 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-14 12:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-14 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-14 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-14 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-14 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-14 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-14 18:20,8,M,M +2012-10-14 19:20,7,M,M +2012-10-14 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-14 21:20,7,M,M +2012-10-14 22:20,7,M,M +2012-10-14 23:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-10-15 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-10-15 01:20,7,NSC,-RA +2012-10-15 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-10-15 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-15 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-10-15 05:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-10-15 06:20,7,SCT,M +2012-10-15 07:20,8,BKN,M +2012-10-15 08:20,8,BKN,M +2012-10-15 09:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-15 10:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-15 11:20,10,BKN,-RA +2012-10-15 12:20,9,SCT,-RA +2012-10-15 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-15 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-15 15:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-15 16:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-15 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-15 18:20,7,M,M +2012-10-15 19:20,7,M,M +2012-10-15 20:20,8,M,M +2012-10-15 21:20,8,M,M +2012-10-15 22:20,8,BKN,M +2012-10-15 23:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 00:20,8,M,M +2012-10-16 01:20,8,M,M +2012-10-16 02:20,7,M,M +2012-10-16 03:20,7,M,M +2012-10-16 04:20,7,M,M +2012-10-16 05:20,7,M,M +2012-10-16 06:20,8,M,M +2012-10-16 07:20,9,M,M +2012-10-16 08:20,10,M,M +2012-10-16 09:20,11,M,M +2012-10-16 10:20,13,M,M +2012-10-16 11:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-16 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-16 13:20,12,BKN,-RA +2012-10-16 14:20,10,FEW,RA +2012-10-16 15:20,10,BKN,-RA +2012-10-16 16:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 18:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 21:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-16 22:20,9,M,M +2012-10-16 23:20,9,M,M +2012-10-17 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-17 01:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 02:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 03:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 04:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 05:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 06:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 07:20,8,M,M +2012-10-17 08:20,10,M,M +2012-10-17 09:20,11,M,M +2012-10-17 10:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-17 11:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-10-17 12:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-17 13:20,13,SCT,-RA +2012-10-17 14:20,13,M,M +2012-10-17 15:20,13,M,M +2012-10-17 16:20,13,M,M +2012-10-17 17:20,13,M,M +2012-10-17 18:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-17 19:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-17 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2012-10-17 21:20,13,M,M +2012-10-17 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2012-10-17 23:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 00:20,13,NSC,-RA +2012-10-18 01:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 02:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 03:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 04:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 05:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 06:20,13,M,M +2012-10-18 07:20,14,M,M +2012-10-18 08:20,14,M,M +2012-10-18 09:20,16,M,M +2012-10-18 10:20,16,M,M +2012-10-18 11:20,18,M,M +2012-10-18 12:20,20,M,M +2012-10-18 13:20,21,M,M +2012-10-18 14:20,20,M,M +2012-10-18 15:20,19,M,M +2012-10-18 16:20,18,M,M +2012-10-18 17:20,17,M,M +2012-10-18 18:20,16,M,M +2012-10-18 19:20,15,M,M +2012-10-18 20:20,14,M,M +2012-10-18 21:20,14,M,M +2012-10-18 22:20,14,M,M +2012-10-18 23:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 00:20,14,M,M +2012-10-19 01:20,14,M,M +2012-10-19 02:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 03:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 04:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 05:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 06:20,12,M,M +2012-10-19 07:20,13,M,M +2012-10-19 08:20,15,M,M +2012-10-19 09:20,16,M,M +2012-10-19 10:20,19,M,M +2012-10-19 11:20,20,M,M +2012-10-19 12:20,22,M,M +2012-10-19 13:20,22,M,M +2012-10-19 14:20,21,M,M +2012-10-19 15:20,20,M,M +2012-10-19 17:20,16,M,M +2012-10-19 18:20,15,M,M +2012-10-19 19:20,15,M,M +2012-10-19 20:20,15,M,M +2012-10-19 21:20,14,M,M +2012-10-19 22:20,14,M,M +2012-10-19 23:20,13,M,M +2012-10-20 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 01:20,13,M,M +2012-10-20 02:20,12,M,M +2012-10-20 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 05:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 06:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 07:20,13,M,M +2012-10-20 08:20,16,M,M +2012-10-20 09:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 10:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 11:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 12:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 13:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 14:20,20,M,M +2012-10-20 15:20,19,M,M +2012-10-20 16:20,18,SCT,M +2012-10-20 17:20,16,FEW,M +2012-10-20 18:20,15,SCT,M +2012-10-20 19:20,14,SCT,M +2012-10-20 20:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-20 21:20,12,BKN,M +2012-10-20 22:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-20 23:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-21 00:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-21 01:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-21 02:20,14,M,// /// +2012-10-21 03:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-21 04:20,14,SCT,M +2012-10-21 05:20,13,SCT,M +2012-10-21 06:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-21 07:20,14,SCT,M +2012-10-21 08:20,15,M,M +2012-10-21 09:20,17,M,M +2012-10-21 10:20,19,M,M +2012-10-21 11:20,19,FEW,M +2012-10-21 12:20,19,FEW,M +2012-10-21 13:20,19,FEW,M +2012-10-21 14:20,16,SCT,M +2012-10-21 15:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-21 16:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-21 17:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-21 18:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-21 19:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-21 20:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-10-21 21:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-10-21 22:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-10-21 23:20,13,BKN,BR +2012-10-22 00:20,14,BKN,BR +2012-10-22 01:20,14,BKN,BR +2012-10-22 02:20,14,BKN,BR +2012-10-22 03:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-22 04:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-22 05:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 06:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 07:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 08:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 09:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 10:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-22 11:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-22 12:20,14,OVC,M +2012-10-22 13:20,14,BKN,M +2012-10-22 14:20,13,OVC,M +2012-10-22 15:20,13,OVC,M +2012-10-22 16:20,13,OVC,M +2012-10-22 17:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2012-10-22 18:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-22 19:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-10-22 20:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-10-22 21:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2012-10-22 22:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-22 23:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 00:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 01:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 02:20,12,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 03:20,12,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 04:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 05:20,12,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 06:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 07:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 08:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-23 09:20,13,FEW,M +2012-10-23 10:20,13,SCT,M +2012-10-23 11:20,13,SCT,M +2012-10-23 12:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-23 13:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-23 14:20,13,BKN,M +2012-10-23 15:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2012-10-23 16:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-23 17:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-23 18:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 19:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-23 20:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 21:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 22:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-23 23:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-24 00:20,11,FEW,BR +2012-10-24 01:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-24 02:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-24 03:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-24 04:20,11,FEW,BR +2012-10-24 05:20,11,FEW,BR +2012-10-24 06:20,11,SCT,BR +2012-10-24 07:20,11,SCT,BR +2012-10-24 08:20,11,SCT,BR +2012-10-24 09:20,11,SCT,BR +2012-10-24 10:20,12,BKN,BR +2012-10-24 11:20,12,FEW,BR +2012-10-24 12:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-24 13:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-24 14:20,12,FEW,M +2012-10-24 15:20,12,SCT,M +2012-10-24 16:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-10-24 17:20,11,FEW,M +2012-10-24 18:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2012-10-24 19:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-24 20:20,10,BKN,M +2012-10-24 21:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-24 22:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-24 23:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-25 00:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-25 01:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-25 02:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-25 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-25 04:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-25 05:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2012-10-25 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-25 07:20,10,BKN,M +2012-10-25 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-25 09:20,10,FEW,-RA +2012-10-25 11:20,10,SCT,M +2012-10-25 12:20,11,SCT,M +2012-10-25 13:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-25 14:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2012-10-25 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-25 16:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-25 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-25 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-10-25 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-10-25 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-25 22:20,6,M,M +2012-10-25 23:20,5,M,M +2012-10-26 00:20,3,M,M +2012-10-26 01:20,3,M,M +2012-10-26 02:20,2,M,M +2012-10-26 03:20,1,M,M +2012-10-26 04:20,0,M,M +2012-10-26 05:20,-1,M,M +2012-10-26 06:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-26 07:20,-1,M,M +2012-10-26 08:20,2,M,M +2012-10-26 09:20,2,M,M +2012-10-26 10:20,3,M,M +2012-10-26 11:20,5,M,M +2012-10-26 12:20,5,M,M +2012-10-26 13:20,5,M,M +2012-10-26 14:20,6,M,M +2012-10-26 15:20,4,M,M +2012-10-26 16:20,2,M,M +2012-10-26 17:20,1,M,M +2012-10-26 18:20,0,M,M +2012-10-26 19:20,-1,M,M +2012-10-26 20:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-26 21:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-26 22:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-26 23:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-27 00:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-27 01:20,-3,M,M +2012-10-27 02:20,-3,M,M +2012-10-27 03:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-10-27 04:20,-4,M,M +2012-10-27 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-10-27 06:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-10-27 07:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-10-27 08:20,0,FEW,M +2012-10-27 09:20,2,FEW,M +2012-10-27 10:20,4,FEW,M +2012-10-27 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-27 12:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2012-10-27 13:20,4,SCT,M +2012-10-27 14:20,4,FEW,M +2012-10-27 15:20,5,FEW,M +2012-10-27 16:20,4,FEW,M +2012-10-27 17:20,2,M,M +2012-10-27 18:20,3,M,M +2012-10-27 19:20,2,FEW,M +2012-10-27 20:20,2,SCT,M +2012-10-27 21:20,2,FEW,M +2012-10-27 22:20,1,FEW,M +2012-10-27 23:20,0,FEW,M +2012-10-28 00:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 01:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 02:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 03:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 04:20,-3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-10-28 05:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 06:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-28 07:20,-2,M,M +2012-10-28 08:20,1,M,M +2012-10-28 09:20,5,M,M +2012-10-28 10:20,7,M,M +2012-10-28 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-28 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-28 13:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-28 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-28 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-28 16:20,5,FEW,M +2012-10-28 17:20,4,M,M +2012-10-28 18:20,3,M,M +2012-10-28 19:20,3,M,M +2012-10-28 20:20,3,M,M +2012-10-28 21:20,2,M,M +2012-10-28 22:20,2,M,M +2012-10-28 23:20,1,M,M +2012-10-29 00:20,2,M,M +2012-10-29 01:20,2,M,M +2012-10-29 02:20,2,M,M +2012-10-29 03:20,1,M,M +2012-10-29 04:20,1,M,M +2012-10-29 05:20,2,M,M +2012-10-29 06:20,2,M,M +2012-10-29 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-10-29 08:20,4,BKN,M +2012-10-29 09:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 10:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-10-29 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 14:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 15:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-10-29 16:20,5,BKN,-RA +2012-10-29 17:20,5,BKN,M +2012-10-29 18:20,5,BKN,M +2012-10-29 19:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2012-10-29 20:20,5,BKN,M +2012-10-29 21:20,5,BKN,M +2012-10-29 22:20,6,BKN,M +2012-10-29 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-10-30 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-10-30 01:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-10-30 02:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-10-30 03:20,6,BKN,-RA +2012-10-30 04:20,6,SCT,BR +2012-10-30 05:20,6,SCT,BR +2012-10-30 06:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-30 07:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-30 08:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-30 09:20,7,SCT,M +2012-10-30 10:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-30 11:20,8,SCT,M +2012-10-30 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-10-30 13:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2012-10-30 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-10-30 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-30 16:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-30 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-10-30 18:20,5,FEW,M +2012-10-30 19:20,4,M,M +2012-10-30 20:20,4,M,M +2012-10-30 21:20,3,M,M +2012-10-30 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-30 23:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-31 00:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-31 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2012-10-31 02:20,3,FEW,M +2012-10-31 03:20,3,SCT,M +2012-10-31 04:20,4,BKN,M +2012-10-31 05:20,4,FEW,BR +2012-10-31 06:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-10-31 07:20,5,SCT,M +2012-10-31 08:20,6,FEW,M +2012-10-31 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-10-31 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-10-31 11:20,9,SCT,M +2012-10-31 12:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-31 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-10-31 14:20,10,M,M +2012-10-31 15:20,10,M,M +2012-10-31 16:20,9,M,M +2012-10-31 17:20,8,M,M +2012-10-31 18:20,8,M,M +2012-10-31 19:20,7,M,M +2012-10-31 20:20,7,M,M +2012-10-31 21:20,6,M,M +2012-10-31 22:20,6,M,M +2012-10-31 23:20,5,M,M +2012-11-01 00:20,4,M,M +2012-11-01 01:20,4,M,M +2012-11-01 02:20,5,M,M +2012-11-01 03:20,4,M,M +2012-11-01 04:20,4,M,M +2012-11-01 05:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-01 06:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-01 07:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-01 08:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-01 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-01 10:20,5,NSC,M +2012-11-01 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-01 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-01 13:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-01 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-01 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-01 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-11-01 17:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-11-01 18:20,8,SCT,RA +2012-11-01 19:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-11-01 20:20,8,FEW,RA +2012-11-01 21:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-01 22:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-01 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-02 00:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-02 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-02 02:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-02 03:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-02 04:20,6,M,M +2012-11-02 05:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-02 06:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-02 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-02 08:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-02 09:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-02 10:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-02 11:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-02 12:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-02 13:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-02 14:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-02 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-02 16:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-02 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-02 18:20,7,M,M +2012-11-02 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-02 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-02 21:20,7,M,M +2012-11-02 22:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-11-02 23:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-11-03 00:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-03 01:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-03 02:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-03 03:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-03 04:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-03 05:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-03 06:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-03 07:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-03 08:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-03 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-03 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-03 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-03 12:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-03 13:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-03 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-03 15:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-11-03 16:20,6,FEW,RA +2012-11-03 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-11-03 18:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-11-03 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2012-11-03 20:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-03 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-03 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-03 23:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-04 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-04 01:20,5,M,M +2012-11-04 02:20,6,M,M +2012-11-04 03:20,5,M,M +2012-11-04 04:20,4,M,M +2012-11-04 05:20,4,M,M +2012-11-04 07:20,4,M,M +2012-11-04 08:20,6,M,M +2012-11-04 09:20,8,M,M +2012-11-04 10:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-04 11:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-04 12:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-04 13:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-04 14:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-04 15:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-04 16:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-04 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-04 18:20,7,FEW,RA +2012-11-04 19:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-11-04 20:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-11-04 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-04 22:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-04 23:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-05 00:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-05 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-05 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-05 03:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-05 04:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-05 05:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-05 06:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-05 07:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-11-05 08:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-11-05 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-11-05 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-05 11:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-11-05 12:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-05 13:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-11-05 14:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2012-11-05 15:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-05 16:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-05 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-05 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-05 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-05 20:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-05 21:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-05 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-05 23:20,4,SCT,M +2012-11-06 00:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-06 01:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-06 02:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-06 03:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-06 04:20,3,FEW,M +2012-11-06 05:20,3,FEW,MIFG +2012-11-06 06:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2012-11-06 07:20,3,FEW,M +2012-11-06 08:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-06 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-06 10:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-06 11:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2012-11-06 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-06 13:20,8,BKN,VCSH +2012-11-06 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-06 15:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-06 16:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-11-06 17:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-11-06 18:20,6,BKN,RA +2012-11-06 19:20,6,FEW,RA +2012-11-06 20:20,6,FEW,RA +2012-11-06 21:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-11-06 22:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2012-11-06 23:20,8,SCT,RADZ +2012-11-07 00:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2012-11-07 01:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2012-11-07 02:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-07 03:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-07 04:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2012-11-07 05:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-07 06:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-07 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-07 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-07 09:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2012-11-07 10:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-07 11:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2012-11-07 12:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-07 13:20,11,SCT,M +2012-11-07 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-11-07 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-07 16:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-07 17:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-07 18:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-07 19:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-07 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-07 21:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-07 22:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-07 23:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-08 00:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 01:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-08 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 04:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-08 05:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 06:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-08 07:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-08 08:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-08 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2012-11-08 10:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-08 11:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-08 12:20,10,SCT,-RA +2012-11-08 13:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2012-11-08 14:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2012-11-08 15:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-11-08 16:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 17:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2012-11-08 18:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-11-08 19:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-08 20:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-08 21:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2012-11-08 22:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2012-11-08 23:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2012-11-09 00:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 01:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 02:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 03:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-09 04:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 05:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-09 06:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 07:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 08:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 11:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-09 12:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-09 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-09 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-09 15:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-09 16:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-09 17:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-09 18:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 19:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 20:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-09 21:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-09 22:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-09 23:20,8,M,M +2012-11-10 00:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 01:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 02:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 03:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 04:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 05:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 06:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 07:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 08:20,7,M,M +2012-11-10 09:20,8,M,M +2012-11-10 10:20,8,M,M +2012-11-10 11:20,9,M,M +2012-11-10 12:20,10,M,M +2012-11-10 13:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-10 14:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-10 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-10 16:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-10 17:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-10 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-11-10 19:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-10 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-11-10 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2012-11-10 22:20,9,FEW,RA +2012-11-10 23:20,10,SCT,BR +2012-11-11 00:20,10,BKN,BR +2012-11-11 01:20,10,FEW,BR +2012-11-11 02:20,10,FEW,BR +2012-11-11 03:20,9,M,M +2012-11-11 04:20,10,M,M +2012-11-11 05:20,10,M,M +2012-11-11 06:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-11 07:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-11 08:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-11 09:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-11 10:20,11,SCT,M +2012-11-11 11:20,11,SCT,M +2012-11-11 12:20,11,FEW,M +2012-11-11 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-11-11 14:20,11,FEW,M +2012-11-11 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-11 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-11 17:20,7,M,M +2012-11-11 18:20,6,M,M +2012-11-11 19:20,7,M,M +2012-11-11 20:20,7,M,M +2012-11-11 21:20,5,NSC,M +2012-11-11 22:20,5,NSC,M +2012-11-11 23:20,6,NSC,M +2012-11-12 00:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-11-12 01:20,5,SCT,BR +2012-11-12 02:20,6,FEW,BR +2012-11-12 03:20,6,SCT,BR +2012-11-12 04:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 05:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 06:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 08:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2012-11-12 10:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-12 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-12 12:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-12 13:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-12 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-12 15:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-12 16:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-12 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-12 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-12 19:20,6,NSC,M +2012-11-12 20:20,5,NSC,M +2012-11-12 21:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-12 22:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-12 23:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-13 00:20,4,NSC,M +2012-11-13 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2012-11-13 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG BR +2012-11-13 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2012-11-13 04:20,3,NSC,BR +2012-11-13 05:20,2,NSC,M +2012-11-13 06:20,3,NSC,M +2012-11-13 07:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-13 08:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-13 09:20,6,M,M +2012-11-13 10:20,8,M,M +2012-11-13 11:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-13 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-13 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-13 14:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-13 15:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-13 16:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-13 17:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-13 18:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-13 19:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-13 20:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-13 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-13 22:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-13 23:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-14 00:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 01:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-14 02:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-14 03:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-14 05:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 06:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 07:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 08:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-14 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-14 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-14 11:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 12:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 13:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 14:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 15:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 16:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 17:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-14 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-14 19:20,7,M,M +2012-11-14 20:20,6,M,M +2012-11-14 21:20,5,NSC,M +2012-11-14 22:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-14 23:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-15 00:20,3,BKN,BCFG +2012-11-15 01:20,2,FEW,BCFG +2012-11-15 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-11-15 03:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-11-15 04:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-11-15 05:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-11-15 06:20,0,NSC,FG +2012-11-15 07:20,1,NSC,FG +2012-11-15 08:20,2,NSC,BR +2012-11-15 09:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-15 10:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-15 11:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-15 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-15 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-15 14:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-15 15:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-15 16:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-15 17:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-15 18:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-15 19:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-15 20:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-15 21:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-15 22:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-15 23:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 01:20,0,BKN,FG +2012-11-16 02:20,0,BKN,FG +2012-11-16 03:20,0,BKN,FZFG +2012-11-16 04:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 05:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 06:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 07:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 08:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 09:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 10:20,-1,SCT,BR +2012-11-16 11:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 12:20,-1,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-16 14:20,0,BKN,M +2012-11-16 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-16 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-11-16 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-16 18:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-16 19:20,0,BKN,M +2012-11-16 20:20,0,BKN,M +2012-11-16 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-16 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-16 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-17 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-17 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-17 02:20,0,BKN,M +2012-11-17 03:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 04:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 06:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 08:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 09:20,0,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 10:20,0,OVC,BR +2012-11-17 11:20,1,OVC,BR +2012-11-17 12:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-17 13:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-17 14:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-17 15:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-17 16:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-17 17:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 18:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 19:20,2,FEW,BR +2012-11-17 20:20,1,SCT,BR +2012-11-17 21:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 22:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-11-17 23:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-11-18 00:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-11-18 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-11-18 02:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-11-18 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-11-18 04:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-11-18 05:20,6,SCT,BR +2012-11-18 06:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-11-18 07:20,6,BKN,-DZ FG +2012-11-18 08:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-11-18 09:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-11-18 10:20,7,SCT,-DZRA BR +2012-11-18 11:20,8,SCT,-DZRA BR +2012-11-18 12:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2012-11-18 13:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-11-18 14:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-11-18 15:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-11-18 16:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-11-18 17:20,7,SCT,MIFG +2012-11-18 18:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-11-18 19:20,3,SCT,BCFG +2012-11-18 20:20,4,SCT,BCFG +2012-11-18 21:20,3,NSC,FG +2012-11-18 22:20,2,NSC,FG +2012-11-18 23:20,1,NSC,FG +2012-11-19 00:20,1,BKN,FG +2012-11-19 01:20,2,BKN,FG +2012-11-19 02:20,1,SCT,FG +2012-11-19 03:20,1,BKN,FG +2012-11-19 04:20,2,BKN,FG +2012-11-19 05:20,2,OVC,FG +2012-11-19 06:20,2,OVC,FG +2012-11-19 07:20,3,BKN,FG +2012-11-19 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-11-19 09:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-19 10:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-19 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-19 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-19 13:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-19 14:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-19 15:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-19 16:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-19 17:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-19 18:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-19 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-19 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-19 21:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-19 22:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-19 23:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-20 00:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-20 01:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-20 02:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-20 03:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-20 04:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-20 05:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-20 06:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-20 07:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-20 08:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-11-20 09:20,6,BKN,BR +2012-11-20 10:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-20 11:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-20 12:20,9,NSC,M +2012-11-20 13:20,9,M,M +2012-11-20 14:20,9,M,M +2012-11-20 15:20,8,M,M +2012-11-20 16:20,7,M,M +2012-11-20 17:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-20 18:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-20 19:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-20 20:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-20 21:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-20 22:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-20 23:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 00:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 01:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 02:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 03:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 04:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 05:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 06:20,5,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 07:20,5,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 08:20,5,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 09:20,6,OVC,BR +2012-11-21 10:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 11:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 12:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 13:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 14:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 15:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-21 16:20,6,BKN,M +2012-11-21 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-21 18:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-21 19:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-21 20:20,4,M,M +2012-11-21 21:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-21 22:20,4,SCT,M +2012-11-21 23:20,5,M,M +2012-11-22 00:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-22 01:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-22 02:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-22 03:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-22 04:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2012-11-22 05:20,8,FEW,-DZRA +2012-11-22 06:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-22 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-22 08:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-22 09:20,8,SCT,M +2012-11-22 10:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-22 11:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-22 12:20,11,FEW,M +2012-11-22 13:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-22 14:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-22 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-22 16:20,9,M,M +2012-11-22 17:20,8,M,M +2012-11-22 18:20,8,M,M +2012-11-22 19:20,7,M,M +2012-11-22 20:20,6,M,M +2012-11-22 21:20,5,M,M +2012-11-22 22:20,4,M,M +2012-11-22 23:20,5,M,M +2012-11-23 00:20,5,M,M +2012-11-23 01:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 02:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 03:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 04:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 05:20,5,M,M +2012-11-23 06:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 07:20,4,M,M +2012-11-23 08:20,5,M,M +2012-11-23 09:20,6,M,M +2012-11-23 10:20,6,M,M +2012-11-23 11:20,6,M,M +2012-11-23 12:20,7,M,M +2012-11-23 13:20,7,M,M +2012-11-23 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-11-23 16:20,8,BKN,RA +2012-11-23 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-11-23 18:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-23 19:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-23 20:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-23 21:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-23 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-23 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2012-11-24 00:20,2,NSC,FG +2012-11-24 01:20,1,NSC,FG +2012-11-24 02:20,1,BKN,FG +2012-11-24 03:20,3,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 04:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 05:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 06:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 07:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 08:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 09:20,5,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 10:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 11:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 12:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 13:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 14:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 15:20,4,VV ,FG +2012-11-24 16:20,4,OVC,FG +2012-11-24 17:20,3,SCT,BR +2012-11-24 18:20,3,OVC,BR +2012-11-24 19:20,3,OVC,BR +2012-11-24 20:20,4,OVC,BR +2012-11-24 21:20,4,OVC,BR +2012-11-24 22:20,4,OVC,RA +2012-11-24 23:20,4,OVC,-RA +2012-11-25 00:20,4,OVC,-RA +2012-11-25 01:20,5,OVC,M +2012-11-25 02:20,5,OVC,-RA +2012-11-25 03:20,5,OVC,-RA +2012-11-25 04:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-25 05:20,6,OVC,M +2012-11-25 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-25 07:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2012-11-25 08:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-25 09:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2012-11-25 10:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-25 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-11-25 12:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2012-11-25 13:20,11,BKN,M +2012-11-25 14:20,11,SCT,M +2012-11-25 15:20,10,FEW,M +2012-11-25 16:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-25 17:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-25 18:20,9,SCT,M +2012-11-25 19:20,9,BKN,M +2012-11-25 20:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-25 21:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-25 22:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-25 23:20,10,SCT,M +2012-11-26 00:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-26 01:20,10,BKN,M +2012-11-26 02:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-26 03:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-26 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-26 05:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-26 06:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-26 07:20,6,SCT,M +2012-11-26 08:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-26 09:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-26 10:20,9,M,M +2012-11-26 11:20,10,M,M +2012-11-26 12:20,10,M,M +2012-11-26 13:20,9,M,M +2012-11-26 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-26 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-11-26 16:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-11-26 17:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-26 18:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-26 19:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-26 20:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-26 21:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-26 22:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-26 23:20,7,BKN,M +2012-11-27 00:20,7,SCT,M +2012-11-27 01:20,7,SCT,BR +2012-11-27 02:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-11-27 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-27 04:20,8,BKN,M +2012-11-27 05:20,7,NSC,M +2012-11-27 06:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-27 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-11-27 08:20,7,M,M +2012-11-27 09:20,8,M,M +2012-11-27 10:20,9,M,M +2012-11-27 11:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-27 12:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-27 13:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-27 14:20,9,FEW,M +2012-11-27 15:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-27 16:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-27 17:20,8,FEW,M +2012-11-27 18:20,7,M,M +2012-11-27 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-11-27 20:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2012-11-27 21:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-27 22:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-27 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-28 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-28 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-28 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-28 03:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-11-28 04:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2012-11-28 05:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2012-11-28 06:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2012-11-28 07:20,3,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-11-28 08:20,5,BKN,FG +2012-11-28 09:20,5,OVC,FG +2012-11-28 10:20,5,OVC,FG +2012-11-28 11:20,5,SCT,BCFG BR +2012-11-28 12:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-28 13:20,5,OVC,M +2012-11-28 14:20,5,OVC,M +2012-11-28 15:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-28 16:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-28 17:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-28 18:20,5,FEW,M +2012-11-28 19:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-28 20:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-28 21:20,5,SCT,M +2012-11-28 22:20,5,BKN,M +2012-11-28 23:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-29 00:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-29 01:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-29 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-29 03:20,3,FEW,M +2012-11-29 04:20,3,SCT,M +2012-11-29 05:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-29 06:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2012-11-29 07:20,3,SCT,M +2012-11-29 08:20,3,SCT,M +2012-11-29 09:20,3,SCT,M +2012-11-29 10:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-29 11:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2012-11-29 12:20,4,BKN,M +2012-11-29 13:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2012-11-29 14:20,4,FEW,M +2012-11-29 15:20,3,SCT,M +2012-11-29 16:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2012-11-29 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-11-29 18:20,2,FEW,M +2012-11-29 19:20,2,SCT,M +2012-11-29 20:20,2,SCT,M +2012-11-29 21:20,2,SCT,M +2012-11-29 22:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-29 23:20,2,SCT,M +2012-11-30 00:20,2,BKN,M +2012-11-30 01:20,1,BKN,M +2012-11-30 02:20,1,BKN,M +2012-11-30 03:20,1,BKN,M +2012-11-30 04:20,1,BKN,M +2012-11-30 05:20,0,BKN,M +2012-11-30 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-11-30 07:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-11-30 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-11-30 09:20,0,FEW,M +2012-11-30 10:20,1,FEW,M +2012-11-30 11:20,2,FEW,M +2012-11-30 12:20,3,FEW,M +2012-11-30 13:20,3,FEW,M +2012-11-30 14:20,2,FEW,M +2012-11-30 15:20,1,FEW,M +2012-11-30 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-11-30 17:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-11-30 18:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-11-30 19:20,-1,FEW,-SNRA +2012-11-30 20:20,0,SCT,M +2012-11-30 21:20,0,SCT,M +2012-11-30 22:20,1,SCT,-RASN +2012-11-30 23:20,1,SCT,-SNRA +2012-12-01 00:20,1,BKN,SNRA +2012-12-01 01:20,1,OVC,-RA +2012-12-01 02:20,1,SCT,BR +2012-12-01 03:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 07:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2012-12-01 08:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 09:20,3,BKN,BR +2012-12-01 10:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-01 11:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-01 12:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-01 13:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-01 14:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-01 15:20,4,SCT,M +2012-12-01 16:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-01 17:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-01 18:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-01 19:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-12-01 20:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-01 21:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-12-01 22:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-01 23:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-02 00:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-02 01:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-02 02:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-02 03:20,2,BKN,-RA +2012-12-02 04:20,1,BKN,-SN +2012-12-02 05:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-02 06:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-02 07:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-02 08:20,2,BKN,-SN +2012-12-02 09:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-02 10:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-02 11:20,2,BKN,-RASN BR +2012-12-02 12:20,2,FEW,-RA BR +2012-12-02 13:20,2,SCT,M +2012-12-02 14:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-02 15:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-02 16:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-02 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-02 18:20,1,FEW,M +2012-12-02 19:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-02 20:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-02 21:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-02 22:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-02 23:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-12-03 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-03 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-03 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 04:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-03 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-03 07:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-03 08:20,0,M,M +2012-12-03 09:20,0,M,M +2012-12-03 10:20,1,SCT,M +2012-12-03 11:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-03 12:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-03 13:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 14:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 15:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-03 16:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-03 17:20,2,SCT,-SN +2012-12-03 18:20,1,FEW,-SN +2012-12-03 19:20,1,SCT,-SN +2012-12-03 20:20,1,FEW,-SN +2012-12-03 21:20,1,SCT,-SN +2012-12-03 22:20,1,SCT,-RASN +2012-12-03 23:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2012-12-04 00:20,3,SCT,BR +2012-12-04 01:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-04 02:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-04 03:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-04 04:20,4,SCT,M +2012-12-04 05:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-12-04 06:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2012-12-04 07:20,4,SCT,M +2012-12-04 08:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-04 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-04 10:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-04 11:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-12-04 12:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-12-04 13:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2012-12-04 14:20,4,FEW,RADZ +2012-12-04 15:20,2,FEW,RA +2012-12-04 16:20,1,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-04 17:20,1,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-04 18:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2012-12-04 19:20,1,FEW,-SN +2012-12-04 20:20,0,BKN,-SN +2012-12-04 21:20,0,FEW,-SN +2012-12-04 22:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2012-12-04 23:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2012-12-05 00:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-05 01:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-05 02:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-05 03:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-05 04:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-05 05:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-05 06:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-05 07:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-05 08:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2012-12-05 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-05 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-05 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-05 12:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-05 13:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-05 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-05 15:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-05 16:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-05 17:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2012-12-05 18:20,-2,BKN,SN +2012-12-05 19:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2012-12-05 20:20,0,SCT,SN +2012-12-05 21:20,0,SCT,-SN +2012-12-05 22:20,-1,SCT,M +2012-12-05 23:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-06 00:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-06 01:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2012-12-06 02:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2012-12-06 03:20,-3,SCT,SN +2012-12-06 04:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-06 05:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-12-06 06:20,-6,SCT,M +2012-12-06 07:20,-6,BKN,M +2012-12-06 08:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-12-06 09:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-12-06 10:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-12-06 11:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-06 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-06 13:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-06 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-06 15:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-06 16:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-12-06 17:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2012-12-06 18:20,-3,M,M +2012-12-06 19:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-06 20:20,-3,M,M +2012-12-06 21:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-06 22:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-06 23:20,-3,M,M +2012-12-07 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-07 01:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-07 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-07 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-07 04:20,-3,M,M +2012-12-07 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-07 06:20,-4,NSC,M +2012-12-07 07:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-07 08:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-07 09:20,-3,M,M +2012-12-07 10:20,-2,M,M +2012-12-07 11:20,-2,M,M +2012-12-07 12:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-07 13:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-07 14:20,-2,M,M +2012-12-07 15:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-07 16:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-07 17:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-07 18:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-07 19:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-07 20:20,-6,M,M +2012-12-07 21:20,-7,M,M +2012-12-07 22:20,-8,M,M +2012-12-07 23:20,-9,M,M +2012-12-08 00:20,-9,M,M +2012-12-08 01:20,-10,M,M +2012-12-08 02:20,-11,M,M +2012-12-08 03:20,-11,M,M +2012-12-08 04:20,-11,SCT,M +2012-12-08 05:20,-10,FEW,M +2012-12-08 06:20,-10,SCT,M +2012-12-08 07:20,-8,FEW,M +2012-12-08 08:20,-7,SCT,BR +2012-12-08 09:20,-6,BKN,BR +2012-12-08 10:20,-5,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 11:20,-4,BKN,BR +2012-12-08 12:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-08 13:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-08 14:20,-3,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 15:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-08 16:20,-4,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 17:20,-5,FEW,MIFG BR +2012-12-08 18:20,-6,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2012-12-08 19:20,-6,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 20:20,-4,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 21:20,-2,FEW,BR +2012-12-08 22:20,-2,SCT,-SN BR +2012-12-08 23:20,-2,SCT,SN BR +2012-12-09 00:20,-2,OVC,SN BR +2012-12-09 01:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-09 02:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-09 03:20,-2,SCT,SN BR +2012-12-09 04:20,-1,FEW,SN BR +2012-12-09 05:20,-1,FEW,SN BR +2012-12-09 06:20,0,BKN,SN BR +2012-12-09 07:20,0,SCT,SN BR +2012-12-09 08:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2012-12-09 09:20,1,BKN,-DZRA +2012-12-09 10:20,2,BKN,RADZ +2012-12-09 11:20,2,FEW,RA +2012-12-09 12:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-09 13:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-09 14:20,3,BKN,SHRA +2012-12-09 15:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-09 16:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-09 17:20,2,SCT,M +2012-12-09 18:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-09 19:20,2,SCT,M +2012-12-09 20:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-09 21:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2012-12-09 22:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-09 23:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-10 00:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-10 01:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-10 02:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-10 03:20,1,FEW,M +2012-12-10 04:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-10 05:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-10 06:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2012-12-10 07:20,2,FEW,-DZ +2012-12-10 08:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2012-12-10 09:20,1,FEW,M +2012-12-10 10:20,1,BKN,-SG +2012-12-10 11:20,1,BKN,-SG +2012-12-10 12:20,0,FEW,-SG +2012-12-10 13:20,0,FEW,SN +2012-12-10 14:20,0,FEW,-SG +2012-12-10 15:20,0,FEW,-SN +2012-12-10 16:20,0,SCT,-SN BR +2012-12-10 17:20,0,SCT,-SN BR +2012-12-10 18:20,0,BKN,SN BR +2012-12-10 19:20,0,FEW,-SN +2012-12-10 20:20,0,FEW,-SN +2012-12-10 21:20,0,BKN,SN BR +2012-12-10 22:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-10 23:20,0,BKN,-SN +2012-12-11 00:20,0,FEW,-SN +2012-12-11 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-11 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-11 03:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-11 04:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-11 05:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-11 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-11 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-11 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-11 09:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-11 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-11 11:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-11 12:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-11 13:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-11 14:20,-2,SCT,M +2012-12-11 15:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-11 16:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-12-11 17:20,-5,SCT,M +2012-12-11 18:20,-7,FEW,M +2012-12-11 19:20,-8,FEW,MIFG +2012-12-11 20:20,-9,NSC,MIFG +2012-12-11 21:20,-9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-12-11 22:20,-10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2012-12-11 23:20,-10,SCT,M +2012-12-12 00:20,-9,BKN,M +2012-12-12 01:20,-7,BKN,M +2012-12-12 02:20,-7,BKN,M +2012-12-12 03:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2012-12-12 04:20,-5,FEW,M +2012-12-12 05:20,-6,FEW,M +2012-12-12 06:20,-8,FEW,MIFG +2012-12-12 07:20,-8,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2012-12-12 08:20,-7,VV ,FZFG +2012-12-12 09:20,-6,SCT,FZFG +2012-12-12 10:20,-5,FEW,BR +2012-12-12 11:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-12 12:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 13:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 14:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 15:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 16:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 17:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 18:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 19:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-12 20:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-12 21:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-12 22:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-12 23:20,-3,BKN,BR +2012-12-13 00:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 01:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 02:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 03:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 04:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 05:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 06:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 07:20,-1,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 08:20,-1,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-13 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-13 10:20,-1,NSC,M +2012-12-13 11:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-13 12:20,0,M,M +2012-12-13 13:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-13 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-13 15:20,-2,NSC,M +2012-12-13 16:20,-2,NSC,M +2012-12-13 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2012-12-13 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-13 19:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-13 20:20,-3,FEW,M +2012-12-13 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2012-12-13 22:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-13 23:20,-4,SCT,M +2012-12-14 00:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-12-14 01:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-12-14 02:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-12-14 03:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-12-14 04:20,-5,BKN,M +2012-12-14 05:20,-5,BKN,BR +2012-12-14 06:20,-5,SCT,M +2012-12-14 07:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-14 08:20,-4,BKN,M +2012-12-14 09:20,-4,FEW,M +2012-12-14 10:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-14 11:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-14 12:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-14 13:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-14 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-14 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-14 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-14 17:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-14 18:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-14 19:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-14 20:20,0,SCT,-FZRA +2012-12-14 21:20,0,FEW,FZRA +2012-12-14 22:20,1,FEW,FZRA +2012-12-14 23:20,1,FEW,RA +2012-12-15 00:20,1,FEW,RA +2012-12-15 01:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-12-15 02:20,2,SCT,BR +2012-12-15 03:20,3,FEW,M +2012-12-15 04:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-15 05:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-15 06:20,3,NSC,M +2012-12-15 07:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-15 08:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-15 09:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-15 10:20,4,SCT,M +2012-12-15 11:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-15 12:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-15 13:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-15 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-15 15:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-15 16:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-15 17:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-15 18:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-15 19:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-15 20:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-15 21:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-15 22:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-15 23:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-16 00:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-16 01:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-16 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-16 03:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-16 04:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-16 05:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-16 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-12-16 07:20,5,FEW,-RA +2012-12-16 08:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-16 09:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-16 10:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-16 11:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-16 12:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2012-12-16 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-16 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-16 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-16 16:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-16 17:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-16 18:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-16 19:20,6,SCT,-RA +2012-12-16 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-16 21:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-16 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-16 23:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-17 00:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-17 01:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-17 02:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-17 03:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-12-17 04:20,5,FEW,BR +2012-12-17 05:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 06:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 07:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 08:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 09:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 10:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 11:20,5,BKN,BR +2012-12-17 12:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-17 13:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-17 14:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-17 15:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-17 16:20,5,BKN,M +2012-12-17 17:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-17 18:20,5,M,M +2012-12-17 19:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-17 20:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-17 21:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-17 22:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-17 23:20,4,BKN,M +2012-12-18 00:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-12-18 01:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2012-12-18 02:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2012-12-18 03:20,3,BKN,RA BR +2012-12-18 04:20,3,BKN,RA BR +2012-12-18 05:20,3,BKN,RA BR +2012-12-18 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-12-18 07:20,3,BKN,-RA +2012-12-18 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-12-18 09:20,3,OVC,-RA +2012-12-18 10:20,4,OVC,-RA BR +2012-12-18 11:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2012-12-18 12:20,4,BKN,-RA +2012-12-18 13:20,4,SCT,-RA +2012-12-18 14:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-12-18 15:20,4,FEW,RA +2012-12-18 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-12-18 17:20,4,FEW,-RA +2012-12-18 18:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2012-12-18 19:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-12-18 20:20,4,BKN,BR +2012-12-18 21:20,4,SCT,BR +2012-12-18 22:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-12-18 23:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-19 00:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-19 01:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-19 02:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-19 03:20,4,OVC,M +2012-12-19 04:20,3,OVC,-DZ +2012-12-19 05:20,3,OVC,M +2012-12-19 06:20,3,OVC,M +2012-12-19 07:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-19 08:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-19 09:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-19 10:20,3,BKN,M +2012-12-19 11:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-19 12:20,3,SCT,M +2012-12-19 13:20,3,FEW,M +2012-12-19 14:20,3,FEW,BR +2012-12-19 15:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2012-12-19 16:20,3,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-19 17:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2012-12-19 18:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2012-12-19 19:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2012-12-19 20:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-19 21:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-19 22:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-19 23:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 00:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-20 01:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-20 02:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-20 03:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-20 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2012-12-20 05:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 06:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 07:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-20 08:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 09:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 10:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 11:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 12:20,2,BKN,M +2012-12-20 13:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 14:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 15:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 16:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-20 17:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-20 18:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 19:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 20:20,2,OVC,M +2012-12-20 21:20,1,OVC,-DZ +2012-12-20 22:20,1,SCT,M +2012-12-20 23:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 00:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 01:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 02:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 03:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 04:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 05:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 06:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 07:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 08:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 10:20,0,BKN,M +2012-12-21 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2012-12-21 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-21 17:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-21 18:20,-2,BKN,M +2012-12-21 19:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-21 20:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-21 21:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-21 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-21 23:20,-3,SCT,M +2012-12-22 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2012-12-22 01:20,-3,OVC,M +2012-12-22 02:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2012-12-22 03:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2012-12-22 04:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2012-12-22 05:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2012-12-22 06:20,-3,OVC,-SN +2012-12-22 07:20,-3,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-22 08:20,-3,SCT,SN BR +2012-12-22 09:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-22 10:20,-2,BKN,-SN BR +2012-12-22 11:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-22 12:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-22 13:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-22 14:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2012-12-22 15:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-12-22 16:20,-2,OVC,-FZDZ BR +2012-12-22 17:20,-2,OVC,-FZDZ BR +2012-12-22 18:20,-2,OVC,-FZDZ BR +2012-12-22 19:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-12-22 20:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-12-22 21:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-12-22 22:20,-2,OVC,BR +2012-12-22 23:20,-1,BKN,FZRA BR +2012-12-23 00:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA BR +2012-12-23 01:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA BR +2012-12-23 02:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA BR +2012-12-23 03:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA +2012-12-23 04:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA +2012-12-23 05:20,-1,BKN,-FZRA BR +2012-12-23 06:20,0,BKN,-FZRA BR +2012-12-23 07:20,0,BKN,FZRA SG BR +2012-12-23 08:20,0,SCT,FZRA BR +2012-12-23 09:20,0,BKN,FZRA BR +2012-12-23 10:20,0,BKN,FZRA BR +2012-12-23 11:20,0,BKN,FZRA +2012-12-23 12:20,1,FEW,FZRA BR +2012-12-23 13:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-23 14:20,1,BKN,M +2012-12-23 15:20,1,BKN,BR +2012-12-23 16:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2012-12-23 17:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2012-12-23 18:20,3,FEW,BR +2012-12-23 19:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-23 20:20,7,M,M +2012-12-23 21:20,7,M,M +2012-12-23 22:20,7,M,M +2012-12-23 23:20,7,M,M +2012-12-24 00:20,7,M,M +2012-12-24 01:20,6,M,M +2012-12-24 02:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-24 03:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-24 04:20,6,M,M +2012-12-24 05:20,6,M,M +2012-12-24 06:20,7,M,M +2012-12-24 07:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-24 08:20,6,M,M +2012-12-24 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-24 10:20,7,BKN,M +2012-12-24 11:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-24 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-24 13:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-24 14:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-24 15:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-24 16:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-12-24 17:20,7,BKN,BR +2012-12-24 18:20,7,FEW,BR +2012-12-24 19:20,8,FEW,BR +2012-12-24 20:20,9,SCT,M +2012-12-24 21:20,11,BKN,M +2012-12-24 22:20,11,BKN,M +2012-12-24 23:20,12,BKN,M +2012-12-25 00:20,12,BKN,M +2012-12-25 01:20,10,BKN,M +2012-12-25 02:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-25 03:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-25 04:20,8,BKN,RA +2012-12-25 05:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-12-25 06:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-12-25 07:20,6,FEW,RA +2012-12-25 08:20,6,SCT,RA +2012-12-25 09:20,6,FEW,RA +2012-12-25 10:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-25 11:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-12-25 12:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2012-12-25 13:20,7,BKN,-DZRA +2012-12-25 14:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-25 15:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-25 16:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-12-25 17:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-25 18:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-25 19:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-25 20:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-25 21:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-25 22:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-25 23:20,8,SCT,M +2012-12-26 00:20,8,SCT,M +2012-12-26 01:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-26 02:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-26 03:20,8,SCT,M +2012-12-26 04:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-26 05:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-26 06:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-26 07:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-26 08:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-26 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 11:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 12:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 13:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 14:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-26 15:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 16:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-26 17:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-26 18:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-26 19:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-26 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-26 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-26 22:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-26 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-12-27 00:20,7,FEW,-RA +2012-12-27 01:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-12-27 02:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-12-27 03:20,7,BKN,RA +2012-12-27 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-27 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2012-12-27 06:20,8,BKN,M +2012-12-27 07:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-27 08:20,8,SCT,M +2012-12-27 09:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-27 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-27 11:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-27 12:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-27 13:20,6,SCT,SHRA +2012-12-27 14:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2012-12-27 15:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-27 16:20,5,SCT,M +2012-12-27 17:20,4,FEW,M +2012-12-27 18:20,3,FEW,M +2012-12-27 19:20,2,FEW,M +2012-12-27 20:20,2,SCT,M +2012-12-27 21:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-27 22:20,0,FEW,M +2012-12-27 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2012-12-28 00:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-28 01:20,-2,M,M +2012-12-28 02:20,-2,M,M +2012-12-28 03:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-28 04:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-28 05:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-28 06:20,-5,M,M +2012-12-28 07:20,-6,M,M +2012-12-28 08:20,-4,M,M +2012-12-28 09:20,-1,M,M +2012-12-28 10:20,1,M,M +2012-12-28 11:20,1,M,M +2012-12-28 12:20,0,M,M +2012-12-28 13:20,0,M,M +2012-12-28 14:20,0,M,M +2012-12-28 15:20,0,M,M +2012-12-28 16:20,0,M,M +2012-12-28 17:20,1,M,M +2012-12-28 18:20,1,M,M +2012-12-28 19:20,1,SCT,-RA +2012-12-28 20:20,2,SCT,M +2012-12-28 21:20,2,FEW,-DZ +2012-12-28 22:20,3,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-28 23:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2012-12-29 00:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-29 01:20,7,BKN,M +2012-12-29 02:20,7,BKN,M +2012-12-29 03:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2012-12-29 04:20,8,BKN,M +2012-12-29 05:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-29 06:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-29 07:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-29 08:20,9,FEW,M +2012-12-29 09:20,10,FEW,M +2012-12-29 10:20,10,SCT,M +2012-12-29 11:20,11,FEW,M +2012-12-29 12:20,11,FEW,M +2012-12-29 13:20,11,FEW,M +2012-12-29 14:20,10,M,M +2012-12-29 15:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 16:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 17:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 18:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 19:20,8,M,M +2012-12-29 20:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 21:20,9,M,M +2012-12-29 22:20,10,M,M +2012-12-29 23:20,10,FEW,M +2012-12-30 00:20,11,BKN,M +2012-12-30 01:20,11,FEW,M +2012-12-30 02:20,10,SCT,M +2012-12-30 03:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-30 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-30 05:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-30 06:20,8,SCT,M +2012-12-30 07:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-30 08:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-30 09:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-30 10:20,7,FEW,M +2012-12-30 11:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-30 12:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-30 13:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-30 14:20,6,SCT,M +2012-12-30 15:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2012-12-30 16:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-30 17:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-30 18:20,6,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2012-12-30 19:20,5,FEW,M +2012-12-30 20:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-30 21:20,6,FEW,M +2012-12-30 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2012-12-30 23:20,6,BKN,M +2012-12-31 00:20,7,SCT,M +2012-12-31 01:20,7,SCT,-RA +2012-12-31 02:20,7,FEW,RA +2012-12-31 03:20,7,BKN,-RA +2012-12-31 04:20,8,FEW,M +2012-12-31 05:20,8,BKN,-RA +2012-12-31 06:20,8,SCT,-RA +2012-12-31 07:20,9,FEW,M +2012-12-31 08:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 09:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 10:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 11:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 12:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 13:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 14:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 15:20,9,FEW,M +2012-12-31 16:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 17:20,9,BKN,M +2012-12-31 18:20,10,BKN,M +2012-12-31 19:20,10,BKN,M +2012-12-31 20:20,10,BKN,M +2012-12-31 21:20,10,SCT,M +2012-12-31 22:20,10,BKN,M +2013-01-01 06:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-01-01 07:20,8,SCT,RA +2013-01-01 08:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-01-01 09:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-01-01 10:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-01-01 11:20,8,FEW,+RA +2013-01-01 12:20,8,SCT,-RA +2013-01-01 13:20,7,FEW,RA +2013-01-01 14:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-01-01 15:20,7,SCT,-RA +2013-01-01 16:20,7,SCT,M +2013-01-01 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-01 18:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-01 19:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-01 20:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-01 21:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-01 22:20,4,SCT,M +2013-01-01 23:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-02 00:20,5,BKN,M +2013-01-02 01:20,5,BKN,M +2013-01-02 02:20,5,BKN,M +2013-01-02 03:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-02 04:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-02 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-02 06:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-02 07:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-02 08:20,5,SCT,M +2013-01-02 09:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-02 10:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-02 11:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2013-01-02 12:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-02 13:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2013-01-02 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2013-01-02 15:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2013-01-02 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-02 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-02 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-02 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-02 20:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-02 21:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-02 22:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-02 23:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-01-03 00:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-03 01:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2013-01-03 02:20,6,SCT,RA +2013-01-03 03:20,6,SCT,RA +2013-01-03 04:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-03 05:20,8,BKN,DZ +2013-01-03 06:20,8,BKN,RADZ +2013-01-03 07:20,9,BKN,RADZ +2013-01-03 08:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-03 08:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-03 09:20,9,BKN,RADZ +2013-01-03 09:20,9,BKN,RADZ +2013-01-03 10:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2013-01-03 10:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2013-01-03 11:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2013-01-03 11:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2013-01-03 12:20,10,BKN,M +2013-01-03 12:20,10,BKN,M +2013-01-03 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-01-03 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-01-03 14:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2013-01-03 15:20,9,FEW,M +2013-01-03 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-03 17:20,9,SCT,M +2013-01-03 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-03 19:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-03 20:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-03 21:20,7,SCT,M +2013-01-03 22:20,7,M,M +2013-01-03 23:20,7,M,M +2013-01-04 00:20,7,M,M +2013-01-04 01:20,6,M,M +2013-01-04 02:20,6,M,M +2013-01-04 03:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-04 04:20,6,BKN,BR +2013-01-04 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-04 06:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-04 07:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-04 08:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-01-04 09:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-04 10:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-04 11:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-01-04 12:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-04 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-01-04 14:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-04 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-04 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-04 17:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-01-04 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-01-04 19:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-01-04 20:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-01-04 21:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-01-04 22:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-01-04 23:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-05 00:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-05 01:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-05 02:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-05 03:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-05 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-01-05 05:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 07:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 08:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 09:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-01-05 10:20,7,SCT,BR +2013-01-05 11:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-05 12:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 13:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 14:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 15:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 16:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 17:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-05 18:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-05 19:20,7,SCT,BR +2013-01-05 20:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-01-05 21:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-05 22:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-05 23:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-06 00:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-06 01:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-06 02:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-06 03:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-06 04:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-06 05:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-06 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-01-06 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-06 08:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-06 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-06 10:20,7,SCT,DZ BR +2013-01-06 11:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-06 12:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-06 13:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-06 14:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-06 15:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-01-06 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-06 15:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-01-06 16:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-01-06 17:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-06 18:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-06 19:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-06 20:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-06 21:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-06 22:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-06 23:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 00:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 01:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 02:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-07 03:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 04:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 05:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-07 06:20,5,SCT,M +2013-01-07 07:20,5,BKN,M +2013-01-07 08:20,5,BKN,M +2013-01-07 09:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-07 10:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-07 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-07 12:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-07 13:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 14:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 15:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-07 16:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-07 17:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-01-07 18:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-07 19:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-07 20:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-07 21:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-07 22:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-07 23:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 00:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 01:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-08 02:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-08 03:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 04:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 05:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 07:20,7,OVC,DZ BR +2013-01-08 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 09:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 10:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 11:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 12:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-08 13:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-08 14:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 15:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 16:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 17:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 18:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 19:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-01-08 20:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 21:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-08 22:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-08 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-01-09 00:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-01-09 01:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-01-09 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-01-09 03:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-01-09 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-01-09 05:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-01-09 06:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2013-01-09 07:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2013-01-09 08:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-09 09:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-09 10:20,7,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-09 11:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2013-01-09 12:20,7,FEW,RA +2013-01-09 13:20,7,SCT,RA +2013-01-09 14:20,7,SCT,-RA +2013-01-09 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-09 16:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-09 17:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-09 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-09 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-09 20:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2013-01-09 21:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2013-01-09 22:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-09 23:20,5,SCT,M +2013-01-10 00:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-10 01:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-10 02:20,5,SCT,VCSH +2013-01-10 03:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2013-01-10 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-01-10 05:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2013-01-10 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-01-10 07:20,5,FEW,RADZ +2013-01-10 08:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-01-10 09:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2013-01-10 10:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-01-10 11:20,2,SCT,-RA +2013-01-10 12:20,2,SCT,M +2013-01-10 13:20,1,BKN,M +2013-01-10 14:20,1,BKN,M +2013-01-10 15:20,1,BKN,M +2013-01-10 16:20,1,BKN,M +2013-01-10 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-01-10 18:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-10 19:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-10 20:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-10 21:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-10 22:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-10 23:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-01-11 00:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 01:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-11 02:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-11 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-11 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-11 05:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-01-11 06:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 07:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 08:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 09:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 10:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-11 11:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-11 12:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-11 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 14:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 15:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 16:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-11 17:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-11 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-11 19:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-11 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-11 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-11 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-11 23:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-12 00:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-12 01:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-01-12 02:20,-4,SCT,M +2013-01-12 03:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-01-12 04:20,-4,M,M +2013-01-12 05:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-12 06:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2013-01-12 07:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-12 08:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-12 09:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-01-12 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-12 11:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-12 12:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-12 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-12 14:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-12 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-12 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-12 17:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-12 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-12 19:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-12 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-12 21:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-01-12 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-12 23:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-13 00:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-13 01:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-13 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-13 03:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-13 04:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-13 05:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-13 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-13 07:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-13 08:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-13 09:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-01-13 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-13 11:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-01-13 12:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-13 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-13 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-13 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-13 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-13 17:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-13 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-13 19:20,-4,M,M +2013-01-13 20:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-13 21:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-13 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-13 23:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-01-14 00:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 01:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-14 02:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-14 03:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-14 04:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-14 05:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 06:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-14 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-14 08:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-14 09:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 10:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-01-14 11:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-01-14 12:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 13:20,-5,BKN,SN +2013-01-14 14:20,-5,FEW,SN +2013-01-14 15:20,-5,BKN,-SN BR +2013-01-14 16:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 17:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 18:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-01-14 19:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 20:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 21:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-14 22:20,-5,SCT,M +2013-01-14 23:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2013-01-15 00:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-15 01:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-01-15 02:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-01-15 03:20,-6,SCT,M +2013-01-15 04:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2013-01-15 05:20,-9,NSC,MIFG BR +2013-01-15 06:20,-8,NSC,BR +2013-01-15 07:20,-8,FEW,BR +2013-01-15 08:20,-8,NSC,MIFG BR +2013-01-15 09:20,-7,NSC,M +2013-01-15 10:20,-5,NSC,M +2013-01-15 11:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-15 12:20,-3,NSC,M +2013-01-15 13:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-15 14:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-15 15:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-15 16:20,-5,NSC,M +2013-01-15 17:20,-6,NSC,M +2013-01-15 18:20,-6,NSC,M +2013-01-15 19:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-01-15 20:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-15 21:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-15 22:20,-7,BKN,BR +2013-01-15 23:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 00:20,-7,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 01:20,-7,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 02:20,-7,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 03:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 04:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 05:20,-6,BKN,BR +2013-01-16 06:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-16 07:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-16 08:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-16 09:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-16 10:20,-5,OVC,M +2013-01-16 11:20,-5,OVC,M +2013-01-16 12:20,-5,OVC,M +2013-01-16 13:20,-5,OVC,-SG BR +2013-01-16 14:20,-5,OVC,-SG BR +2013-01-16 15:20,-5,FEW,BR +2013-01-16 16:20,-5,SCT,BR +2013-01-16 17:20,-5,OVC,BR +2013-01-16 18:20,-5,OVC,BR +2013-01-16 19:20,-5,FEW,BR +2013-01-16 20:20,-5,SCT,M +2013-01-16 21:20,-5,FEW,BR +2013-01-16 22:20,-6,SCT,BR +2013-01-16 23:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-17 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-17 01:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-17 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-17 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-17 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-17 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-17 06:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-17 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-17 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-17 09:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-01-17 10:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-17 11:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-17 12:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-17 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-17 14:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-01-17 15:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-17 16:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-17 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-17 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-17 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-17 20:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-01-17 21:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-17 22:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-17 23:20,-1,NSC,M +2013-01-18 00:20,-1,M,M +2013-01-18 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-18 02:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-18 03:20,-1,NSC,M +2013-01-18 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-18 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-18 06:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-18 07:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-18 08:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-18 09:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-18 10:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-18 11:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-01-18 12:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-01-18 13:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-01-18 14:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-01-18 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-18 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-18 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-18 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-18 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-18 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-18 21:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-18 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-18 23:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-19 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-19 01:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-19 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-19 03:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-01-19 04:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-01-19 05:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-19 06:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-19 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 08:20,-6,SCT,M +2013-01-19 09:20,-6,BKN,M +2013-01-19 10:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-19 11:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 12:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 13:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 14:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 15:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 16:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-19 17:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-01-19 18:20,-6,M,M +2013-01-19 19:20,-6,M,M +2013-01-19 20:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-01-19 21:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-01-19 22:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-01-19 23:20,-7,FEW,M +2013-01-20 00:20,-7,SCT,M +2013-01-20 01:20,-6,BKN,M +2013-01-20 02:20,-6,BKN,M +2013-01-20 03:20,-6,BKN,M +2013-01-20 04:20,-7,SCT,M +2013-01-20 05:20,-7,SCT,M +2013-01-20 06:20,-7,M,M +2013-01-20 07:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-01-20 08:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-01-20 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-01-20 10:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-20 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-20 12:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-01-20 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-20 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-20 15:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-20 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-20 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-20 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-20 19:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-01-20 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-20 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-20 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-20 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-21 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-21 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-21 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-21 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-21 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-21 05:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-01-21 06:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-21 07:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-01-21 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-21 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-21 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-21 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-21 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-21 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-21 14:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-21 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-21 16:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-21 17:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-21 18:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-21 19:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-21 20:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-21 21:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-21 22:20,-4,NSC,-SN +2013-01-21 23:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 00:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 01:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 02:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 03:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 04:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 05:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 06:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 07:20,-5,BKN,SN +2013-01-22 08:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 09:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 10:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 11:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 12:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 13:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 14:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 15:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 16:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 17:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2013-01-22 18:20,-6,SCT,-SN +2013-01-22 19:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 20:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 21:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 22:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-22 23:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2013-01-23 00:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-23 01:20,-5,BKN,M +2013-01-23 02:20,-6,SCT,M +2013-01-23 03:20,-7,SCT,M +2013-01-23 04:20,-8,M,MIFG +2013-01-23 05:20,-9,NSC,MIFG +2013-01-23 06:20,-9,NSC,MIFG +2013-01-23 07:20,-11,NSC,MIFG +2013-01-23 08:20,-9,M,M +2013-01-23 09:20,-6,M,M +2013-01-23 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-23 11:20,0,FEW,M +2013-01-23 12:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-23 13:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-01-23 14:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-23 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-23 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-23 17:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-01-23 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-23 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-23 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-23 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-23 22:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-01-23 23:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-01-24 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-24 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-24 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-24 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-24 04:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-01-24 05:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-01-24 06:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-01-24 07:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-01-24 08:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-24 09:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-24 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-24 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-24 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-24 13:20,0,BKN,M +2013-01-24 14:20,0,SCT,M +2013-01-24 15:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-01-24 16:20,0,BKN,M +2013-01-24 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-24 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-24 19:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-24 20:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-01-24 21:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-24 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-24 23:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-25 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-25 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 06:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-25 07:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-25 08:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-01-25 09:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-01-25 10:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-01-25 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-25 12:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-25 13:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-01-25 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-01-25 15:20,-2,M,M +2013-01-25 16:20,-3,M,M +2013-01-25 17:20,-4,M,M +2013-01-25 18:20,-4,M,M +2013-01-25 19:20,-5,M,M +2013-01-25 20:20,-5,M,M +2013-01-25 21:20,-6,M,M +2013-01-25 22:20,-6,M,M +2013-01-25 23:20,-7,NSC,M +2013-01-26 00:20,-7,NSC,M +2013-01-26 01:20,-8,SCT,M +2013-01-26 02:20,-8,BKN,M +2013-01-26 03:20,-8,OVC,M +2013-01-26 04:20,-7,OVC,M +2013-01-26 05:20,-7,FEW,M +2013-01-26 06:20,-7,SCT,M +2013-01-26 07:20,-7,BKN,M +2013-01-26 08:20,-7,BKN,M +2013-01-26 09:20,-6,SCT,M +2013-01-26 10:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-01-26 11:20,-5,NSC,M +2013-01-26 12:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-26 13:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-26 14:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-26 15:20,-4,NSC,M +2013-01-26 16:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-01-26 17:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-01-26 18:20,-3,FEW,SN +2013-01-26 19:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-01-26 20:20,-2,BKN,BR +2013-01-26 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-01-26 22:20,0,BKN,M +2013-01-26 23:20,0,BKN,M +2013-01-27 00:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-01-27 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-01-27 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-01-27 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-01-27 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-01-27 05:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2013-01-27 06:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2013-01-27 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-01-27 08:20,2,NSC,M +2013-01-27 09:20,2,FEW,-SNRA +2013-01-27 10:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2013-01-27 11:20,1,FEW,SN +2013-01-27 12:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2013-01-27 13:20,1,SCT,-RASN +2013-01-27 14:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2013-01-27 15:20,2,BKN,RASN +2013-01-27 16:20,2,BKN,M +2013-01-27 17:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-27 18:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-27 19:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-27 20:20,3,FEW,M +2013-01-27 21:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-27 22:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-27 23:20,3,SCT,M +2013-01-28 00:20,3,FEW,M +2013-01-28 01:20,2,NSC,M +2013-01-28 02:20,2,M,M +2013-01-28 03:20,2,M,M +2013-01-28 04:20,2,BKN,M +2013-01-28 05:20,2,FEW,M +2013-01-28 06:20,2,FEW,M +2013-01-28 07:20,2,SCT,M +2013-01-28 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-01-28 09:20,3,BKN,M +2013-01-28 10:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-28 11:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-28 12:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-28 13:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-28 14:20,4,SCT,M +2013-01-28 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-28 16:20,4,BKN,M +2013-01-28 17:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-28 18:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-28 19:20,4,SCT,M +2013-01-28 20:20,3,FEW,M +2013-01-28 21:20,4,M,M +2013-01-28 22:20,4,M,M +2013-01-28 23:20,4,FEW,RA +2013-01-29 00:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-01-29 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-01-29 02:20,4,FEW,M +2013-01-29 03:20,4,FEW,-RA +2013-01-29 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-01-29 05:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-29 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-01-29 07:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-29 08:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2013-01-29 09:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2013-01-29 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-01-29 11:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-29 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-29 13:20,9,BKN,M +2013-01-29 14:20,9,SCT,M +2013-01-29 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-01-29 16:20,6,M,M +2013-01-29 17:20,6,M,M +2013-01-29 18:20,5,M,M +2013-01-29 19:20,7,SCT,M +2013-01-29 20:20,7,SCT,DZ +2013-01-29 21:20,7,BKN,DZRA +2013-01-29 22:20,9,SCT,RA +2013-01-29 23:20,10,BKN,RA +2013-01-30 00:20,11,SCT,RA +2013-01-30 01:20,11,SCT,RA +2013-01-30 02:20,11,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-30 03:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2013-01-30 04:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2013-01-30 05:20,11,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-30 06:20,11,SCT,RADZ +2013-01-30 07:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2013-01-30 08:20,11,BKN,RADZ +2013-01-30 09:20,8,FEW,RADZ +2013-01-30 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-01-30 11:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-30 12:20,8,FEW,M +2013-01-30 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-01-30 14:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-01-30 15:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-01-30 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-30 17:20,8,FEW,M +2013-01-30 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-30 19:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2013-01-30 20:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-30 21:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-30 22:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-30 23:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 00:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 01:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 02:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 03:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 04:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 06:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 07:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-31 08:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-31 09:20,6,FEW,M +2013-01-31 10:20,6,SCT,M +2013-01-31 11:20,7,BKN,M +2013-01-31 12:20,7,BKN,-RA +2013-01-31 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-01-31 14:20,6,BKN,M +2013-01-31 15:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-01-31 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2013-01-31 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-01-31 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-31 19:20,7,FEW,M +2013-01-31 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-01-31 21:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-01-31 22:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-01-31 23:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 00:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-02-01 01:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-02-01 02:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 04:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-01 05:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-01 06:20,6,BKN,M +2013-02-01 07:20,6,BKN,M +2013-02-01 08:20,6,SCT,M +2013-02-01 09:20,6,SCT,M +2013-02-01 10:20,6,SCT,M +2013-02-01 11:20,6,BKN,M +2013-02-01 12:20,7,SCT,M +2013-02-01 13:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-01 14:20,6,SCT,M +2013-02-01 15:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-01 16:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 17:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 18:20,3,FEW,RA +2013-02-01 19:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 20:20,3,SCT,-RA +2013-02-01 21:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 22:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-02-01 23:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-02-02 00:20,3,BKN,RA +2013-02-02 01:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-02 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-02-02 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-02-02 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-02-02 05:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-02 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2013-02-02 07:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-02 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-02 09:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-02 10:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-02 11:20,3,SCT,M +2013-02-02 12:20,2,SCT,M +2013-02-02 13:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-02 14:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-02 15:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-02 16:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-02 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-02 18:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-02 19:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-02 20:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-02 21:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-02 22:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-02 23:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-03 00:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-03 01:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-03 02:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-03 03:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-03 04:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-03 05:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-03 06:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-03 07:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-03 08:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-03 09:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-03 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-03 11:20,4,FEW,M +2013-02-03 12:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-03 13:20,4,FEW,M +2013-02-03 14:20,4,FEW,M +2013-02-03 15:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2013-02-03 16:20,1,FEW,SN +2013-02-03 17:20,1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-03 18:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-03 19:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-03 20:20,3,SCT,-RA +2013-02-03 21:20,4,BKN,RA +2013-02-03 22:20,4,FEW,-RA +2013-02-03 23:20,4,SCT,M +2013-02-04 00:20,4,BKN,M +2013-02-04 01:20,3,M,M +2013-02-04 02:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-04 03:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-04 04:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-04 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2013-02-04 06:20,4,FEW,RA +2013-02-04 07:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-02-04 08:20,5,SCT,-RADZ BR +2013-02-04 09:20,6,SCT,-RADZ BR +2013-02-04 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-02-04 11:20,7,FEW,M +2013-02-04 12:20,7,FEW,M +2013-02-04 13:20,7,FEW,M +2013-02-04 14:20,7,FEW,M +2013-02-04 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-02-04 16:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-04 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-04 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-02-04 19:20,6,SCT,M +2013-02-04 20:20,5,SCT,M +2013-02-04 21:20,5,FEW,M +2013-02-04 22:20,5,SCT,M +2013-02-04 23:20,5,SCT,M +2013-02-05 00:20,5,FEW,M +2013-02-05 01:20,5,SCT,M +2013-02-05 02:20,5,SCT,M +2013-02-05 03:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2013-02-05 04:20,4,SCT,M +2013-02-05 05:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-05 06:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-05 07:20,0,FEW,SHSN +2013-02-05 08:20,0,FEW,-SHSN +2013-02-05 09:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-05 10:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-05 11:20,2,BKN,-SHSN +2013-02-05 12:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2013-02-05 13:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-05 14:20,1,SCT,SHSN +2013-02-05 15:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-05 16:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-05 17:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-05 18:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-05 19:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-05 20:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-05 21:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-05 22:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-05 23:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-06 00:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-06 01:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-06 02:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-06 03:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-06 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-06 05:20,-1,NSC,M +2013-02-06 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-06 07:20,-1,SCT,BR +2013-02-06 08:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2013-02-06 09:20,0,SCT,-SN BR +2013-02-06 10:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2013-02-06 11:20,2,SCT,M +2013-02-06 12:20,2,FEW,-SN +2013-02-06 13:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-06 14:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-06 15:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-06 16:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-06 17:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-06 18:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2013-02-06 19:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2013-02-06 20:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-06 21:20,2,SCT,M +2013-02-06 22:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-06 23:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-07 00:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-07 01:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-07 02:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-07 03:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-07 04:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-07 05:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-07 06:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-07 07:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-07 08:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-07 09:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-07 10:20,1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-07 11:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-07 12:20,1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-07 13:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-07 14:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-07 15:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-07 16:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-07 17:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-07 18:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-07 19:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-07 20:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-07 21:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-07 22:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-07 23:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-08 00:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 01:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 02:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 03:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 04:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 05:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-08 06:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-08 07:20,-1,FEW,-SG +2013-02-08 08:20,-1,FEW,-SG +2013-02-08 09:20,-1,FEW,SN +2013-02-08 10:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-08 11:20,0,FEW,-SG +2013-02-08 12:20,0,FEW,-SG +2013-02-08 13:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-08 14:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-08 15:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-02-08 16:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-08 17:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-08 18:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-08 19:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-08 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-08 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-08 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-08 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-09 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-09 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-09 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-09 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-09 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-09 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-09 06:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-09 07:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-09 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-09 09:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-09 10:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-09 11:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-09 12:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-09 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-09 14:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-09 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-09 16:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-09 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-09 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-09 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-09 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-09 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-09 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-09 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-10 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-10 01:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-02-10 02:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-02-10 03:20,-5,SCT,M +2013-02-10 04:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-02-10 05:20,-6,M,M +2013-02-10 06:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-02-10 07:20,-4,BKN,-SG FZFG +2013-02-10 08:20,-3,FEW,BR +2013-02-10 09:20,-3,FEW,BR +2013-02-10 10:20,-2,FEW,BR +2013-02-10 11:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-10 12:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-10 13:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-10 14:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-10 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-10 16:20,-1,SCT,-SHSN +2013-02-10 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-10 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-10 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-10 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-10 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-10 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-02-10 23:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-02-11 00:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-02-11 01:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-02-11 02:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-02-11 03:20,-5,SCT,M +2013-02-11 04:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-02-11 05:20,-5,M,M +2013-02-11 06:20,-5,M,M +2013-02-11 07:20,-5,M,M +2013-02-11 08:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-11 09:20,-3,M,M +2013-02-11 10:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-11 11:20,0,M,M +2013-02-11 12:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-11 13:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-11 14:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-11 15:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-11 16:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-11 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-11 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-12 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-12 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-12 02:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-12 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-12 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-12 05:20,-1,NSC,-SN +2013-02-12 06:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-12 07:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-12 08:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-12 09:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 10:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 11:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 12:20,0,BKN,SN +2013-02-12 13:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 14:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 15:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-12 16:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-12 17:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-12 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-12 19:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-12 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-12 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-12 22:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-12 23:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 00:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 01:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-13 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-13 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-13 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-13 06:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 07:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 08:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-02-13 09:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-13 10:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-13 11:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-13 12:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-13 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-13 14:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-13 15:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-13 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-13 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-13 18:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-02-13 19:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-13 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-13 21:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-02-13 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-13 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-14 00:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-02-14 01:20,-3,M,M +2013-02-14 02:20,-3,M,M +2013-02-14 03:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-14 04:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-14 05:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-14 06:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-14 07:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-02-14 08:20,-3,NSC,M +2013-02-14 09:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-14 10:20,0,M,M +2013-02-14 11:20,1,M,M +2013-02-14 12:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-14 13:20,1,M,M +2013-02-14 14:20,0,M,M +2013-02-14 15:20,0,M,M +2013-02-14 16:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-14 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-14 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-14 19:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-14 20:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-14 21:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-14 22:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-14 23:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-15 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-15 01:20,-2,M,// /// +2013-02-15 02:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-02-15 03:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-02-15 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-15 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-15 06:20,-2,FEW,BR +2013-02-15 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-15 08:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-15 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-15 10:20,0,SCT,BR +2013-02-15 11:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-15 12:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-15 13:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 14:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 15:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 16:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 17:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 18:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-15 19:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-15 20:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-15 21:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-15 22:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-15 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-16 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 03:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-16 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 05:20,1,SCT,BR +2013-02-16 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 12:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-16 13:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-16 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 15:20,2,SCT,BR +2013-02-16 16:20,2,SCT,BR +2013-02-16 17:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 18:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-16 19:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 20:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 21:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-16 22:20,1,SCT,BR +2013-02-16 23:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 05:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-17 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-17 07:20,1,SCT,BR +2013-02-17 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-17 09:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-17 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-17 11:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-17 12:20,4,BKN,M +2013-02-17 13:20,4,BKN,M +2013-02-17 14:20,4,BKN,M +2013-02-17 15:20,3,SCT,M +2013-02-17 16:20,3,SCT,M +2013-02-17 17:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-17 18:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-17 19:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-17 20:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-17 21:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-17 22:20,2,SCT,M +2013-02-17 23:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 00:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 01:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 02:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-18 03:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-18 04:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-18 05:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-18 06:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-18 07:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-18 08:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-18 09:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 10:20,3,SCT,M +2013-02-18 11:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-18 12:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-18 13:20,3,SCT,M +2013-02-18 14:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-18 15:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-18 16:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-18 17:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 18:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-18 19:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-18 20:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-18 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-18 22:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2013-02-18 23:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2013-02-19 00:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2013-02-19 01:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2013-02-19 02:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2013-02-19 03:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2013-02-19 04:20,1,BKN,RASN BR +2013-02-19 05:20,1,BKN,SN BR +2013-02-19 06:20,1,BKN,-SNRA BR +2013-02-19 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-19 08:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-19 09:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-19 10:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-19 11:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-19 12:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-19 13:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-19 14:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-19 15:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-19 16:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-19 17:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-19 18:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-19 19:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-19 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-19 21:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-19 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-19 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-20 00:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-20 01:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-20 02:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-20 03:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-20 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-20 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 06:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-20 07:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-02-20 08:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-20 09:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-02-20 10:20,2,FEW,M +2013-02-20 11:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 12:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-20 13:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 14:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 15:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-20 16:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-02-20 17:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-20 18:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-20 19:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-20 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 21:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-20 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 00:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 03:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-21 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 06:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-21 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 10:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-21 11:20,1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 12:20,1,SCT,M +2013-02-21 13:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-21 14:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-21 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-21 16:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-21 17:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-21 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 19:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-21 20:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-02-21 21:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-21 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-21 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-22 00:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-22 01:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-22 02:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-22 03:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-22 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-22 05:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-02-22 06:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-02-22 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-02-22 08:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-02-22 09:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-02-22 10:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-02-22 11:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-22 12:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-02-22 13:20,0,SCT,M +2013-02-22 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-22 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-22 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-02-22 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-22 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-22 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-22 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-22 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-02-22 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-02-22 23:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-23 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-02-23 01:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-02-23 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-02-23 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-23 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-02-23 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-23 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-02-23 07:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-23 08:20,0,FEW,M +2013-02-23 09:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-23 10:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-23 11:20,0,BKN,M +2013-02-23 12:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-23 13:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-23 14:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 15:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 16:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 17:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 18:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 19:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 20:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 21:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 22:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-23 23:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 00:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 01:20,0,BKN,-SG +2013-02-24 02:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 03:20,0,BKN,-SG +2013-02-24 04:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 05:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 06:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 07:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 08:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 09:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-24 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-24 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-24 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-24 13:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-24 14:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2013-02-24 15:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2013-02-24 16:20,1,BKN,-RA +2013-02-24 17:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 18:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-02-24 19:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-02-24 20:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-24 21:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-24 22:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-24 23:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 05:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-25 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 09:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 10:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 11:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 12:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-25 13:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-25 14:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-25 15:20,3,BKN,M +2013-02-25 16:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 17:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 18:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 19:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 20:20,2,FEW,-DZRA +2013-02-25 21:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-25 22:20,2,BKN,-DZRA +2013-02-25 23:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2013-02-26 00:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-26 01:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2013-02-26 02:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-26 03:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-26 04:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-26 05:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-26 06:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-26 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-26 08:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 09:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 10:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 11:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 12:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 13:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 14:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 15:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 16:20,2,OVC,M +2013-02-26 17:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 18:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 19:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 20:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 21:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 22:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-26 23:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 00:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 01:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 02:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 03:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 04:20,1,OVC,M +2013-02-27 05:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-27 06:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-27 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-27 08:20,1,BKN,M +2013-02-27 09:20,2,BKN,M +2013-02-27 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-02-27 11:20,4,FEW,M +2013-02-27 12:20,5,M,M +2013-02-27 13:20,6,M,M +2013-02-27 14:20,6,M,M +2013-02-27 15:20,6,M,M +2013-02-27 16:20,5,M,M +2013-02-27 17:20,4,M,M +2013-02-27 18:20,2,M,M +2013-02-27 19:20,1,M,M +2013-02-27 20:20,0,M,M +2013-02-27 21:20,-1,M,M +2013-02-27 22:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2013-02-27 23:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-02-28 00:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-02-28 01:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-02-28 02:20,-3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-02-28 03:20,-3,FEW,BCFG BR +2013-02-28 04:20,-3,BKN,BCFG BR +2013-02-28 05:20,-2,BKN,FZFG +2013-02-28 06:20,-2,OVC,FZFG +2013-02-28 07:20,-2,OVC,FZFG +2013-02-28 08:20,-2,BKN,FZFG +2013-02-28 09:20,-2,FEW,BR +2013-02-28 10:20,-1,SCT,BR +2013-02-28 11:20,0,FEW,BR +2013-02-28 12:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-28 13:20,1,FEW,BR +2013-02-28 14:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-02-28 15:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-02-28 16:20,2,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 17:20,2,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 18:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 19:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 20:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2013-02-28 21:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 22:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-02-28 23:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-01 00:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-01 01:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-01 02:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-01 03:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-01 04:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-01 05:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-01 06:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-01 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-01 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-01 09:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-01 10:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-01 11:20,4,BKN,M +2013-03-01 12:20,5,SCT,M +2013-03-01 13:20,6,FEW,M +2013-03-01 14:20,6,FEW,M +2013-03-01 15:20,6,FEW,M +2013-03-01 16:20,5,FEW,M +2013-03-01 17:20,3,M,M +2013-03-01 18:20,2,M,M +2013-03-01 19:20,1,M,M +2013-03-01 20:20,0,FEW,BCFG +2013-03-01 21:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-03-01 22:20,-2,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-03-01 23:20,-1,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-02 00:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2013-03-02 01:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2013-03-02 02:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2013-03-02 03:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2013-03-02 04:20,-1,SCT,BCFG BR +2013-03-02 05:20,-2,FEW,BR +2013-03-02 06:20,-1,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-02 07:20,-1,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-02 08:20,-1,SCT,BR +2013-03-02 09:20,-1,SCT,BR +2013-03-02 10:20,-1,BKN,BR +2013-03-02 11:20,0,FEW,BR +2013-03-02 12:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-02 13:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-02 14:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-02 15:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-02 16:20,3,SCT,-RA +2013-03-02 17:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-03-02 18:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-02 19:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-02 20:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-02 21:20,2,SCT,-DZ +2013-03-02 22:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2013-03-02 23:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-03-03 00:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-03-03 01:20,4,FEW,M +2013-03-03 02:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-03 03:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-03 04:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-03 05:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-03 06:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-03 07:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-03 08:20,4,FEW,M +2013-03-03 09:20,5,FEW,M +2013-03-03 10:20,5,BKN,M +2013-03-03 11:20,6,BKN,M +2013-03-03 12:20,5,BKN,M +2013-03-03 13:20,6,FEW,M +2013-03-03 14:20,6,FEW,M +2013-03-03 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-03-03 16:20,5,BKN,M +2013-03-03 17:20,4,SCT,M +2013-03-03 18:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-03 19:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-03 20:20,1,M,M +2013-03-03 21:20,0,M,M +2013-03-03 22:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-03 23:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-03-04 00:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-03-04 01:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2013-03-04 02:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2013-03-04 03:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 04:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 05:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 06:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 07:20,-2,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 08:20,-1,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-04 09:20,0,SCT,FZFG +2013-03-04 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-03-04 11:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-04 12:20,5,FEW,M +2013-03-04 13:20,7,FEW,M +2013-03-04 14:20,8,M,M +2013-03-04 15:20,8,M,M +2013-03-04 16:20,7,M,M +2013-03-04 17:20,6,M,M +2013-03-04 18:20,5,M,M +2013-03-04 19:20,4,M,M +2013-03-04 20:20,5,M,M +2013-03-04 21:20,4,M,M +2013-03-04 22:20,4,M,M +2013-03-04 23:20,4,M,M +2013-03-05 00:20,3,M,M +2013-03-05 01:20,3,M,M +2013-03-05 02:20,2,M,M +2013-03-05 03:20,1,M,M +2013-03-05 04:20,0,M,M +2013-03-05 05:20,0,M,M +2013-03-05 06:20,1,M,M +2013-03-05 07:20,2,M,M +2013-03-05 08:20,4,M,M +2013-03-05 09:20,7,M,M +2013-03-05 10:20,9,M,M +2013-03-05 11:20,11,M,M +2013-03-05 12:20,12,M,M +2013-03-05 13:20,14,M,M +2013-03-05 14:20,14,M,M +2013-03-05 15:20,14,M,M +2013-03-05 16:20,12,M,M +2013-03-05 17:20,10,M,M +2013-03-05 18:20,8,M,M +2013-03-05 19:20,7,M,M +2013-03-05 20:20,6,M,M +2013-03-05 21:20,5,M,M +2013-03-05 22:20,4,M,M +2013-03-05 23:20,2,M,M +2013-03-06 00:20,1,M,M +2013-03-06 01:20,0,M,M +2013-03-06 02:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-06 03:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-06 04:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-06 05:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-06 06:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-06 07:20,1,M,M +2013-03-06 08:20,4,M,M +2013-03-06 09:20,6,M,M +2013-03-06 10:20,9,M,M +2013-03-06 11:20,11,M,M +2013-03-06 12:20,12,M,M +2013-03-06 13:20,13,M,M +2013-03-06 14:20,14,M,M +2013-03-06 15:20,13,M,M +2013-03-06 16:20,11,M,M +2013-03-06 17:20,9,M,M +2013-03-06 18:20,6,M,M +2013-03-06 19:20,5,M,M +2013-03-06 20:20,4,M,M +2013-03-06 21:20,3,M,M +2013-03-06 22:20,3,M,M +2013-03-06 23:20,4,M,M +2013-03-07 00:20,4,M,M +2013-03-07 01:20,3,M,M +2013-03-07 02:20,2,M,M +2013-03-07 03:20,2,M,M +2013-03-07 04:20,2,M,M +2013-03-07 05:20,2,M,M +2013-03-07 06:20,2,NSC,M +2013-03-07 07:20,2,NSC,M +2013-03-07 08:20,3,NSC,M +2013-03-07 09:20,4,M,M +2013-03-07 10:20,7,M,M +2013-03-07 11:20,8,M,M +2013-03-07 12:20,7,M,M +2013-03-07 13:20,8,M,M +2013-03-07 14:20,7,M,M +2013-03-07 15:20,6,M,M +2013-03-07 16:20,5,M,M +2013-03-07 17:20,4,M,M +2013-03-07 18:20,4,M,M +2013-03-07 19:20,3,M,M +2013-03-07 20:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-07 21:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-07 22:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-07 23:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 00:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 01:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-08 02:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-08 03:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-08 04:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2013-03-08 05:20,0,FEW,-RASN +2013-03-08 06:20,0,BKN,RA +2013-03-08 07:20,1,BKN,-FZRA +2013-03-08 08:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-08 09:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-08 10:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-08 11:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 12:20,4,BKN,M +2013-03-08 13:20,4,SCT,M +2013-03-08 14:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 15:20,3,BKN,-RA +2013-03-08 16:20,3,BKN,-SNRA +2013-03-08 17:20,3,BKN,-RASN +2013-03-08 18:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 19:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 20:20,3,BKN,M +2013-03-08 21:20,2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-08 22:20,2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-08 23:20,2,M,M +2013-03-09 00:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-09 01:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-09 02:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 03:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 04:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 05:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 06:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-09 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 08:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-09 09:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-09 10:20,2,FEW,-SN +2013-03-09 11:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-09 12:20,1,FEW,SN +2013-03-09 13:20,0,FEW,SN +2013-03-09 14:20,0,FEW,SN +2013-03-09 15:20,0,SCT,SN +2013-03-09 16:20,0,FEW,SN +2013-03-09 17:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-09 18:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-09 19:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-09 20:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-09 21:20,-1,FEW,SN +2013-03-09 22:20,-1,SCT,SN +2013-03-09 23:20,-2,SCT,SN +2013-03-10 00:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-10 01:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-10 02:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-10 03:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-10 04:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-10 05:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-10 06:20,-2,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-10 07:20,-2,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-10 08:20,-2,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-10 09:20,-2,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-10 10:20,-2,BKN,DRSN +2013-03-10 11:20,-2,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-10 12:20,-2,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-10 13:20,-2,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-10 14:20,-2,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-10 15:20,-2,SCT,-SN DRSN +2013-03-10 16:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-10 17:20,-2,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-10 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-10 19:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-10 20:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-10 21:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-10 22:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2013-03-11 00:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-11 01:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-03-11 02:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2013-03-11 03:20,-5,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 04:20,-5,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 05:20,-5,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 06:20,-5,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 07:20,-4,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 08:20,-4,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 09:20,-4,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 10:20,-4,SCT,SN +2013-03-11 11:20,-3,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 12:20,-3,FEW,-SN DRSN +2013-03-11 13:20,-3,BKN,SN DRSN +2013-03-11 14:20,-3,SCT,SN +2013-03-11 15:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-11 16:20,-3,FEW,SN +2013-03-11 17:20,-4,SCT,SN +2013-03-11 18:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-03-11 19:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2013-03-11 20:20,-4,BKN,SN +2013-03-11 21:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2013-03-11 22:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-11 23:20,-5,BKN,SN +2013-03-12 00:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2013-03-12 01:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2013-03-12 02:20,-7,BKN,M +2013-03-12 03:20,-8,SCT,M +2013-03-12 04:20,-9,SCT,M +2013-03-12 05:20,-9,SCT,M +2013-03-12 06:20,-10,FEW,M +2013-03-12 07:20,-8,FEW,M +2013-03-12 08:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-03-12 09:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-12 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-12 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-12 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-12 13:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-12 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-12 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-12 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-12 17:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-12 18:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-12 19:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-12 20:20,-8,M,M +2013-03-12 21:20,-9,M,M +2013-03-12 22:20,-10,M,M +2013-03-12 23:20,-10,M,M +2013-03-13 00:20,-11,FEW,M +2013-03-13 01:20,-12,M,M +2013-03-13 02:20,-11,M,M +2013-03-13 03:20,-11,M,M +2013-03-13 04:20,-12,M,M +2013-03-13 05:20,-11,M,M +2013-03-13 06:20,-9,M,M +2013-03-13 07:20,-6,BKN,M +2013-03-13 08:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-03-13 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-13 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-03-13 11:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-13 12:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-13 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-13 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-13 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-13 16:20,-1,FEW,-SHSN +2013-03-13 17:20,-1,FEW,-SHSN +2013-03-13 18:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-13 19:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-13 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-13 21:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-13 22:20,-1,FEW,SN +2013-03-13 23:20,-2,SCT,BR +2013-03-14 00:20,-2,SCT,-SN BR +2013-03-14 01:20,-2,SCT,BR +2013-03-14 02:20,-2,SCT,BR +2013-03-14 03:20,-2,SCT,-SN BR +2013-03-14 04:20,-3,SCT,BR +2013-03-14 05:20,-3,FEW,-SN BR +2013-03-14 06:20,-2,SCT,-SN BR +2013-03-14 07:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2013-03-14 08:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-03-14 09:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-14 10:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-14 11:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-03-14 12:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-14 13:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-03-14 14:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-14 15:20,-1,FEW,-SHSN +2013-03-14 16:20,-2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-03-14 17:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-03-14 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-14 19:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-14 20:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-03-14 21:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-03-14 22:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2013-03-14 23:20,-8,M,M +2013-03-15 00:20,-9,M,M +2013-03-15 01:20,-10,FEW,M +2013-03-15 02:20,-10,FEW,-SN +2013-03-15 03:20,-10,FEW,MIFG +2013-03-15 04:20,-11,FEW,MIFG +2013-03-15 05:20,-11,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-03-15 06:20,-10,BKN,FZFG +2013-03-15 07:20,-7,NSC,BCFG BR +2013-03-15 08:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-15 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-15 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-15 11:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-15 12:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-15 13:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-15 14:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-15 15:20,1,M,M +2013-03-15 16:20,1,M,M +2013-03-15 17:20,1,M,M +2013-03-15 18:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-15 19:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-15 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-15 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-15 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-15 23:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-16 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-16 01:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-16 02:20,-4,SCT,M +2013-03-16 03:20,-4,SCT,M +2013-03-16 04:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-16 05:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-16 06:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-16 07:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-16 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-16 09:20,0,M,M +2013-03-16 10:20,1,M,M +2013-03-16 11:20,2,M,M +2013-03-16 12:20,3,M,M +2013-03-16 13:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-16 14:20,4,M,M +2013-03-16 15:20,4,M,M +2013-03-16 16:20,4,M,M +2013-03-16 17:20,3,M,M +2013-03-16 18:20,3,M,M +2013-03-16 19:20,3,M,M +2013-03-16 20:20,3,M,M +2013-03-16 21:20,2,M,M +2013-03-16 22:20,1,M,M +2013-03-16 23:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 00:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 01:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 02:20,0,M,M +2013-03-17 03:20,0,M,M +2013-03-17 04:20,0,M,M +2013-03-17 05:20,0,M,M +2013-03-17 06:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-17 07:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-17 08:20,0,M,M +2013-03-17 09:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 10:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 11:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-17 12:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-17 13:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-17 14:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-17 15:20,2,M,M +2013-03-17 16:20,2,M,M +2013-03-17 17:20,2,M,M +2013-03-17 18:20,2,M,M +2013-03-17 19:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-17 20:20,2,M,M +2013-03-17 21:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 22:20,1,M,M +2013-03-17 23:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 00:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-18 01:20,-1,FEW,SN +2013-03-18 02:20,-2,VV ,SN +2013-03-18 03:20,-2,VV ,SN +2013-03-18 04:20,-2,BKN,SN +2013-03-18 05:20,-2,BKN,SN +2013-03-18 06:20,-2,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-18 07:20,-1,FEW,-SN DRSN +2013-03-18 08:20,-1,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-18 09:20,-1,BKN,-SN DRSN +2013-03-18 10:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 12:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-18 13:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-18 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-18 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-19 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-19 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-19 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-19 03:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-03-19 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-19 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-19 06:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-19 07:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-19 08:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-19 09:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-19 10:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-19 11:20,0,SCT,SN +2013-03-19 12:20,0,SCT,SN +2013-03-19 13:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-19 14:20,0,SCT,SN +2013-03-19 15:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-19 16:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-19 17:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-19 18:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-19 19:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2013-03-19 20:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-19 21:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-19 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-19 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-20 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-20 01:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-03-20 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-03-20 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2013-03-20 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-20 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-20 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-20 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-20 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-20 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-03-20 10:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-20 11:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-20 12:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-20 13:20,1,BKN,-SG +2013-03-20 14:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-20 15:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-20 16:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-20 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-20 18:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-20 19:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-20 20:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-20 21:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-20 22:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-20 23:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 00:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 01:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 02:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 03:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-21 04:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-21 06:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-21 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-21 08:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-21 09:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-21 10:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 11:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-21 12:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-21 13:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-21 14:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-21 15:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-21 16:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-21 17:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-03-21 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-21 19:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-03-21 20:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-03-21 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-21 22:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-21 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2013-03-22 00:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-22 01:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 02:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 03:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2013-03-22 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-22 05:20,-3,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-22 07:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-22 08:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 09:20,-2,FEW,SN +2013-03-22 10:20,-1,FEW,-SHSN +2013-03-22 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-22 12:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-22 13:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 14:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-22 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-22 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-22 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-22 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-22 19:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-22 20:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-03-22 21:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2013-03-22 22:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-22 23:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-03-23 00:20,-5,FEW,M +2013-03-23 01:20,-6,SCT,M +2013-03-23 02:20,-6,FEW,M +2013-03-23 03:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-23 04:20,-7,M,M +2013-03-23 05:20,-7,M,M +2013-03-23 06:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-23 07:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-23 08:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-23 09:20,-4,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-23 10:20,-4,FEW,DRSN +2013-03-23 11:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-23 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-23 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-23 14:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-23 15:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-23 16:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-23 17:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-23 18:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-23 19:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-23 20:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-23 21:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-23 22:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-23 23:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 00:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 01:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 02:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 03:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 04:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 05:20,-7,M,M +2013-03-24 06:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-24 07:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-24 08:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-24 09:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-24 10:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-24 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-24 12:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-24 13:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-24 14:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-24 15:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-24 16:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-24 17:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-24 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-24 19:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-24 20:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-24 21:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-24 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-24 23:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-25 00:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-25 01:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-25 02:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-25 03:20,-4,SCT,M +2013-03-25 04:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-25 05:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-25 06:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-25 07:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-25 08:20,-2,FEW,M +2013-03-25 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 10:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-25 11:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-25 12:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 13:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 14:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-25 15:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 16:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-25 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-25 19:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-25 20:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-25 21:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-25 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-25 23:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-26 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-26 01:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-26 02:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-26 03:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-26 04:20,-4,FEW,M +2013-03-26 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2013-03-26 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-03-26 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-26 08:20,0,SCT,M +2013-03-26 09:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-26 10:20,2,BKN,M +2013-03-26 11:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-26 12:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2013-03-26 13:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-26 14:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-26 15:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-26 16:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-26 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-26 18:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-26 19:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-26 20:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-26 21:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-26 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-26 23:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-27 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-03-27 01:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-27 02:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-27 03:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-27 04:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-27 05:20,-6,M,M +2013-03-27 06:20,-5,M,M +2013-03-27 07:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-27 08:20,0,M,M +2013-03-27 09:20,0,M,M +2013-03-27 10:20,2,M,M +2013-03-27 11:20,2,M,M +2013-03-27 12:20,3,M,M +2013-03-27 13:20,3,M,M +2013-03-27 14:20,3,M,M +2013-03-27 15:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-27 16:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-27 17:20,2,M,M +2013-03-27 18:20,1,M,M +2013-03-27 19:20,0,M,M +2013-03-27 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-27 21:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-27 22:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-27 23:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 00:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 01:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 02:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 03:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 04:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-28 05:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-28 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-28 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-28 08:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-28 09:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 10:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 11:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 12:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 13:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 14:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 15:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 16:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-28 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-28 18:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-28 19:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-28 20:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 21:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-28 22:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-28 23:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-29 00:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-29 01:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-29 02:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-29 03:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-29 04:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-29 05:20,-1,SCT,-SN BR +2013-03-29 06:20,-1,BKN,-SN BR +2013-03-29 07:20,-1,BKN,-SN BR +2013-03-29 08:20,0,SCT,BR +2013-03-29 09:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-29 10:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-29 11:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-29 12:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-29 13:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-03-29 14:20,1,BKN,M +2013-03-29 15:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-29 16:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-29 17:20,1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-29 18:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-29 19:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-29 20:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-29 21:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-29 22:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-29 23:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-30 00:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-30 01:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-30 02:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-30 03:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-30 04:20,0,BKN,M +2013-03-30 05:20,0,SCT,-SN BR +2013-03-30 06:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-30 07:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-30 08:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-30 09:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-30 10:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-30 11:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2013-03-30 12:20,2,SCT,-SHSN +2013-03-30 13:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-30 14:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-30 15:20,2,SCT,M +2013-03-30 16:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-30 17:20,1,SCT,M +2013-03-30 18:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-30 19:20,1,FEW,M +2013-03-30 20:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-30 21:20,0,FEW,M +2013-03-30 22:20,0,SCT,-SN +2013-03-30 23:20,0,BKN,-SN +2013-03-31 00:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-31 01:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-03-31 02:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2013-03-31 03:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-31 04:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2013-03-31 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-31 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-03-31 07:20,0,FEW,-SN +2013-03-31 08:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-31 09:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-31 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-03-31 11:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-31 12:20,3,SCT,M +2013-03-31 13:20,4,SCT,M +2013-03-31 14:20,4,FEW,M +2013-03-31 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-03-31 16:20,4,FEW,M +2013-03-31 17:20,2,FEW,M +2013-03-31 18:20,1,M,M +2013-03-31 19:20,0,M,M +2013-03-31 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-03-31 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-03-31 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-03-31 23:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-01 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-04-01 01:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-01 02:20,-6,M,M +2013-04-01 03:20,-6,M,M +2013-04-01 04:20,-6,M,M +2013-04-01 05:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-01 06:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-01 07:20,0,M,M +2013-04-01 08:20,2,M,M +2013-04-01 09:20,4,M,M +2013-04-01 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-01 11:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-01 12:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-01 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-01 14:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-01 15:20,5,M,M +2013-04-01 16:20,5,M,M +2013-04-01 17:20,4,M,M +2013-04-01 18:20,3,M,M +2013-04-01 19:20,1,M,M +2013-04-01 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-01 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-01 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-04-01 23:20,-3,M,M +2013-04-02 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-04-02 01:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-02 02:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-02 03:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-02 04:20,-6,M,M +2013-04-02 05:20,-5,M,M +2013-04-02 06:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-02 07:20,2,M,M +2013-04-02 08:20,3,M,M +2013-04-02 09:20,4,M,M +2013-04-02 10:20,5,M,M +2013-04-02 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-02 12:20,6,M,M +2013-04-02 13:20,6,M,M +2013-04-02 14:20,6,M,M +2013-04-02 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-02 16:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-02 17:20,3,FEW,M +2013-04-02 18:20,2,M,M +2013-04-02 19:20,0,M,M +2013-04-02 20:20,0,M,M +2013-04-02 21:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-02 22:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-02 23:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-03 00:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-03 01:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-03 02:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-03 03:20,-3,M,M +2013-04-03 04:20,-3,M,M +2013-04-03 05:20,-3,M,M +2013-04-03 06:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-03 07:20,1,M,M +2013-04-03 08:20,3,M,M +2013-04-03 09:20,4,M,M +2013-04-03 10:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-03 11:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-03 12:20,4,SCT,M +2013-04-03 13:20,6,SCT,M +2013-04-03 14:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-03 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-03 16:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-03 17:20,3,FEW,M +2013-04-03 18:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-03 19:20,1,FEW,M +2013-04-03 20:20,0,FEW,M +2013-04-03 21:20,0,FEW,M +2013-04-03 22:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-03 23:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-04 00:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-04 01:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-04 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-04-04 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-04-04 04:20,0,BKN,M +2013-04-04 05:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-04-04 06:20,0,FEW,M +2013-04-04 07:20,1,FEW,M +2013-04-04 08:20,2,SCT,M +2013-04-04 09:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-04 10:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-04 11:20,5,BKN,M +2013-04-04 12:20,5,SCT,M +2013-04-04 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-04 14:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-04 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-04 16:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-04 17:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-04 18:20,2,SCT,M +2013-04-04 19:20,1,M,M +2013-04-04 20:20,0,M,M +2013-04-04 21:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-04 22:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-04 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-04-05 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-04-05 01:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-04-05 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-04-05 03:20,-1,SCT,M +2013-04-05 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-04-05 05:20,0,BKN,M +2013-04-05 06:20,0,BKN,M +2013-04-05 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-04-05 08:20,1,BKN,M +2013-04-05 09:20,1,BKN,-SN +2013-04-05 10:20,2,BKN,M +2013-04-05 11:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-05 12:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-05 13:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-05 14:20,3,BKN,M +2013-04-05 15:20,3,BKN,-RASN +2013-04-05 16:20,2,BKN,-SN +2013-04-05 17:20,2,BKN,-SN +2013-04-05 18:20,2,BKN,-SN +2013-04-05 19:20,2,FEW,-SN +2013-04-05 20:20,2,FEW,M +2013-04-05 21:20,1,FEW,M +2013-04-05 22:20,1,M,M +2013-04-05 23:20,1,M,M +2013-04-06 00:20,1,M,M +2013-04-06 01:20,0,M,M +2013-04-06 02:20,0,M,M +2013-04-06 03:20,-1,M,M +2013-04-06 04:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-06 05:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-06 06:20,0,M,M +2013-04-06 07:20,3,M,M +2013-04-06 08:20,5,M,M +2013-04-06 09:20,6,M,M +2013-04-06 10:20,7,M,M +2013-04-06 11:20,8,M,M +2013-04-06 12:20,8,M,M +2013-04-06 13:20,8,M,M +2013-04-06 14:20,8,M,M +2013-04-06 15:20,8,M,M +2013-04-06 16:20,7,M,M +2013-04-06 17:20,6,M,M +2013-04-06 18:20,5,M,M +2013-04-06 19:20,2,M,M +2013-04-06 20:20,1,M,M +2013-04-06 21:20,3,M,M +2013-04-06 22:20,3,M,M +2013-04-06 23:20,1,M,M +2013-04-07 00:20,0,M,M +2013-04-07 01:20,-2,M,M +2013-04-07 02:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-07 03:20,-3,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-07 04:20,-1,SCT,BR +2013-04-07 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-04-07 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2013-04-07 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-04-07 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-04-07 09:20,5,BKN,M +2013-04-07 10:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-07 11:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-07 12:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-07 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-07 14:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-07 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-07 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-07 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-07 18:20,5,M,M +2013-04-07 19:20,3,M,M +2013-04-07 20:20,1,M,M +2013-04-07 21:20,0,M,M +2013-04-07 22:20,0,M,M +2013-04-07 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-04-08 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2013-04-08 01:20,-1,BKN,BR +2013-04-08 02:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-04-08 03:20,-2,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-08 04:20,-2,FEW,FZFG +2013-04-08 05:20,-2,FEW,BCFG BR +2013-04-08 06:20,-1,BKN,FZFG +2013-04-08 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-04-08 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-04-08 09:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-08 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-08 11:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-08 12:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-08 13:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-08 14:20,7,SCT,M +2013-04-08 15:20,7,SCT,M +2013-04-08 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-08 17:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-08 18:20,4,M,M +2013-04-08 19:20,3,M,M +2013-04-08 20:20,3,M,M +2013-04-08 21:20,2,M,M +2013-04-08 22:20,3,M,M +2013-04-08 23:20,3,M,M +2013-04-09 00:20,3,M,M +2013-04-09 01:20,2,M,M +2013-04-09 02:20,2,M,M +2013-04-09 03:20,2,M,M +2013-04-09 04:20,1,M,M +2013-04-09 05:20,2,M,M +2013-04-09 06:20,3,M,M +2013-04-09 07:20,4,M,M +2013-04-09 08:20,5,M,M +2013-04-09 09:20,7,M,M +2013-04-09 10:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-09 11:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-09 12:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-09 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-09 14:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-04-09 15:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-04-09 16:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-09 17:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-09 18:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-09 20:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-09 21:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-09 22:20,5,M,M +2013-04-09 23:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-10 00:20,4,M,M +2013-04-10 01:20,4,SCT,M +2013-04-10 02:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-10 03:20,4,OVC,M +2013-04-10 04:20,4,OVC,-RA +2013-04-10 05:20,4,OVC,-RA BR +2013-04-10 06:20,4,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-10 07:20,4,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-10 08:20,4,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-10 09:20,4,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-10 10:20,5,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-10 11:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-10 12:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2013-04-10 13:20,6,BKN,-DZRA BR +2013-04-10 14:20,7,FEW,RADZ BR +2013-04-10 15:20,7,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-10 16:20,7,BKN,-RADZ BR +2013-04-10 17:20,7,SCT,BR +2013-04-10 18:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-04-10 19:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-04-10 20:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-10 21:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-10 22:20,6,FEW,BR +2013-04-10 23:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-11 00:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-11 01:20,5,VV ,FG +2013-04-11 02:20,5,VV ,FG +2013-04-11 03:20,5,VV ,FG +2013-04-11 04:20,5,VV ,FG +2013-04-11 05:20,6,SCT,BR +2013-04-11 06:20,6,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-11 07:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-11 08:20,7,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-11 09:20,7,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-11 10:20,8,BKN,-RA BR +2013-04-11 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-04-11 12:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-11 13:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2013-04-11 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-11 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-11 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-11 17:20,9,SCT,-RA +2013-04-11 18:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-04-11 19:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2013-04-11 20:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-04-11 21:20,9,SCT,M +2013-04-11 22:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-11 23:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2013-04-12 00:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-12 01:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-12 02:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-12 03:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-12 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-04-12 05:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-12 06:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-12 07:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-04-12 08:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-04-12 09:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-12 10:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-04-12 11:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-12 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-12 13:20,11,SCT,M +2013-04-12 14:20,12,BKN,M +2013-04-12 15:20,12,BKN,M +2013-04-12 16:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-12 17:20,11,SCT,VCTS +2013-04-12 18:20,9,SCT,M +2013-04-12 19:20,9,M,M +2013-04-12 20:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2013-04-12 21:20,8,M,M +2013-04-12 22:20,9,M,M +2013-04-12 23:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-13 00:20,8,M,M +2013-04-13 01:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-13 02:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2013-04-13 03:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2013-04-13 04:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-13 05:20,8,FEW,-RADZ BR +2013-04-13 06:20,7,SCT,RA BR +2013-04-13 07:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2013-04-13 08:20,7,SCT,M +2013-04-13 09:20,7,BKN,RADZ +2013-04-13 10:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2013-04-13 11:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-13 12:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-13 13:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-13 14:20,7,SCT,M +2013-04-13 15:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-13 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-13 17:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-13 18:20,7,M,M +2013-04-13 19:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-13 20:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-13 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-13 22:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-13 23:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-14 00:20,3,M,M +2013-04-14 01:20,3,M,M +2013-04-14 02:20,5,M,M +2013-04-14 03:20,6,OVC,M +2013-04-14 04:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-14 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-14 06:20,7,BKN,M +2013-04-14 07:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-14 08:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-14 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-14 10:20,13,FEW,M +2013-04-14 11:20,15,FEW,M +2013-04-14 12:20,16,FEW,M +2013-04-14 13:20,16,SCT,M +2013-04-14 14:20,16,BKN,M +2013-04-14 15:20,17,FEW,M +2013-04-14 16:20,17,M,M +2013-04-14 17:20,17,M,M +2013-04-14 18:20,16,M,M +2013-04-14 19:20,15,M,M +2013-04-14 20:20,15,M,M +2013-04-14 21:20,15,M,M +2013-04-14 22:20,14,M,M +2013-04-14 23:20,14,M,M +2013-04-15 00:20,14,M,M +2013-04-15 01:20,14,M,M +2013-04-15 02:20,13,M,M +2013-04-15 03:20,13,M,M +2013-04-15 04:20,12,M,M +2013-04-15 05:20,13,M,M +2013-04-15 06:20,14,M,M +2013-04-15 07:20,15,M,M +2013-04-15 08:20,18,M,M +2013-04-15 09:20,21,M,M +2013-04-15 10:20,22,FEW,M +2013-04-15 11:20,21,FEW,M +2013-04-15 12:20,21,M,M +2013-04-15 13:20,21,M,M +2013-04-15 14:20,19,M,M +2013-04-15 15:20,18,M,M +2013-04-15 16:20,17,SCT,M +2013-04-15 17:20,15,SCT,SHRA +2013-04-15 18:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-04-15 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-04-15 20:20,12,M,M +2013-04-15 21:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-15 22:20,11,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-15 23:20,11,BKN,M +2013-04-16 00:20,11,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-16 01:20,10,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-16 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-16 03:20,9,NSC,FG +2013-04-16 04:20,8,SCT,FG +2013-04-16 05:20,8,FEW,FG +2013-04-16 06:20,11,NSC,BR +2013-04-16 07:20,12,NSC,BR +2013-04-16 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-04-16 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-04-16 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-04-16 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-04-16 12:20,20,SCT,M +2013-04-16 13:20,20,M,M +2013-04-16 14:20,19,M,M +2013-04-16 15:20,19,M,M +2013-04-16 16:20,19,M,M +2013-04-16 17:20,18,M,M +2013-04-16 18:20,13,M,M +2013-04-16 19:20,13,M,M +2013-04-16 20:20,12,M,M +2013-04-16 21:20,13,M,M +2013-04-16 22:20,12,M,M +2013-04-16 23:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-17 00:20,11,M,M +2013-04-17 01:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-17 02:20,9,M,M +2013-04-17 03:20,9,M,M +2013-04-17 04:20,9,NSC,M +2013-04-17 05:20,9,M,M +2013-04-17 06:20,11,M,M +2013-04-17 07:20,12,M,M +2013-04-17 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-04-17 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-04-17 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-04-17 11:20,17,SCT,M +2013-04-17 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-04-17 13:20,18,BKN,M +2013-04-17 14:20,18,BKN,M +2013-04-17 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-04-17 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-04-17 17:20,17,BKN,M +2013-04-17 18:20,18,BKN,M +2013-04-17 19:20,17,M,M +2013-04-17 20:20,16,M,M +2013-04-17 21:20,16,M,M +2013-04-17 22:20,15,M,M +2013-04-17 23:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 00:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 01:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 02:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 03:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 04:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 05:20,18,M,M +2013-04-18 06:20,19,M,M +2013-04-18 07:20,18,FEW,M +2013-04-18 08:20,17,SCT,M +2013-04-18 09:20,18,M,M +2013-04-18 10:20,18,M,M +2013-04-18 11:20,18,M,M +2013-04-18 12:20,17,M,M +2013-04-18 13:20,18,M,M +2013-04-18 14:20,17,M,M +2013-04-18 15:20,16,M,M +2013-04-18 16:20,16,M,M +2013-04-18 17:20,15,M,M +2013-04-18 18:20,14,M,M +2013-04-18 19:20,13,M,M +2013-04-18 20:20,11,M,M +2013-04-18 21:20,11,M,M +2013-04-18 22:20,11,M,M +2013-04-18 23:20,10,M,M +2013-04-19 00:20,9,M,M +2013-04-19 01:20,10,M,M +2013-04-19 02:20,10,M,M +2013-04-19 03:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-19 04:20,8,M,M +2013-04-19 05:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-19 06:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-19 07:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-19 08:20,11,SCT,M +2013-04-19 09:20,12,BKN,M +2013-04-19 10:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-19 11:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2013-04-19 12:20,11,SCT,M +2013-04-19 13:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-19 14:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-19 15:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-19 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-19 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-19 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-19 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-19 20:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-19 21:20,4,M,M +2013-04-19 22:20,4,M,M +2013-04-19 23:20,3,M,M +2013-04-20 00:20,3,M,M +2013-04-20 01:20,2,M,M +2013-04-20 02:20,2,M,M +2013-04-20 03:20,1,M,M +2013-04-20 04:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-20 05:20,2,M,M +2013-04-20 06:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-20 07:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-20 08:20,7,FEW,M +2013-04-20 09:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-20 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-20 11:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-20 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-20 13:20,11,M,M +2013-04-20 14:20,12,M,M +2013-04-20 15:20,12,M,M +2013-04-20 16:20,11,M,M +2013-04-20 17:20,10,M,M +2013-04-20 18:20,9,M,M +2013-04-20 19:20,8,M,M +2013-04-20 20:20,7,M,M +2013-04-20 21:20,5,M,M +2013-04-20 22:20,4,M,M +2013-04-20 23:20,4,M,M +2013-04-21 00:20,3,M,M +2013-04-21 01:20,2,M,M +2013-04-21 02:20,2,M,M +2013-04-21 03:20,2,M,M +2013-04-21 04:20,1,M,M +2013-04-21 05:20,3,M,M +2013-04-21 06:20,6,M,M +2013-04-21 07:20,8,M,M +2013-04-21 08:20,9,M,M +2013-04-21 09:20,12,M,M +2013-04-21 10:20,13,M,M +2013-04-21 11:20,15,M,M +2013-04-21 12:20,15,M,M +2013-04-21 13:20,14,M,M +2013-04-21 14:20,15,M,M +2013-04-21 15:20,15,M,M +2013-04-21 16:20,15,M,M +2013-04-21 17:20,14,M,M +2013-04-21 18:20,14,M,M +2013-04-21 19:20,12,M,M +2013-04-21 20:20,11,M,M +2013-04-21 21:20,12,M,M +2013-04-21 22:20,12,M,M +2013-04-21 23:20,12,M,M +2013-04-22 00:20,11,M,M +2013-04-22 01:20,11,M,M +2013-04-22 02:20,11,M,M +2013-04-22 03:20,11,NSC,-RA +2013-04-22 04:20,11,M,M +2013-04-22 05:20,11,BKN,-RA +2013-04-22 06:20,10,BKN,-RA +2013-04-22 07:20,9,M,M +2013-04-22 08:20,9,M,M +2013-04-22 09:20,9,M,M +2013-04-22 10:20,10,M,M +2013-04-22 11:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-22 12:20,13,FEW,M +2013-04-22 13:20,15,M,M +2013-04-22 14:20,15,M,M +2013-04-22 15:20,15,M,M +2013-04-22 16:20,15,M,M +2013-04-22 17:20,14,M,M +2013-04-22 18:20,13,M,M +2013-04-22 19:20,11,M,M +2013-04-22 20:20,10,M,M +2013-04-22 21:20,8,M,M +2013-04-22 22:20,6,M,M +2013-04-23 00:20,9,M,M +2013-04-23 01:20,8,M,M +2013-04-23 02:20,8,M,M +2013-04-23 03:20,8,M,M +2013-04-23 04:20,9,M,M +2013-04-23 05:20,10,M,M +2013-04-23 06:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-23 07:20,10,BKN,M +2013-04-23 08:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2013-04-23 09:20,11,BKN,M +2013-04-23 10:20,11,BKN,M +2013-04-23 11:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2013-04-23 12:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-23 13:20,12,BKN,M +2013-04-23 14:20,13,BKN,M +2013-04-23 15:20,14,SCT,M +2013-04-23 16:20,14,FEW,M +2013-04-23 17:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-23 18:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-23 19:20,10,M,M +2013-04-23 20:20,9,M,M +2013-04-23 21:20,8,M,M +2013-04-23 22:20,7,M,M +2013-04-23 23:20,7,M,M +2013-04-24 00:20,7,M,M +2013-04-24 01:20,7,M,M +2013-04-24 02:20,7,M,M +2013-04-24 03:20,6,M,M +2013-04-24 04:20,6,M,M +2013-04-24 05:20,7,M,M +2013-04-24 06:20,9,M,M +2013-04-24 07:20,12,BKN,M +2013-04-24 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-04-24 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-04-24 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-04-24 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-04-24 12:20,18,FEW,M +2013-04-24 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-04-24 14:20,20,SCT,M +2013-04-24 15:20,20,M,M +2013-04-24 16:20,20,M,M +2013-04-24 17:20,19,M,M +2013-04-24 18:20,17,M,M +2013-04-24 19:20,14,M,M +2013-04-24 20:20,13,M,M +2013-04-24 21:20,12,M,M +2013-04-24 22:20,11,BKN,M +2013-04-24 23:20,10,BKN,M +2013-04-25 00:20,10,BKN,M +2013-04-25 01:20,10,BKN,M +2013-04-25 02:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-25 03:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-04-25 04:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-04-25 05:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-04-25 06:20,10,BKN,M +2013-04-25 07:20,11,SCT,M +2013-04-25 08:20,11,SCT,M +2013-04-25 09:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-25 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-04-25 11:20,16,SCT,M +2013-04-25 12:20,17,SCT,M +2013-04-25 13:20,17,FEW,M +2013-04-25 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-04-25 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-04-25 16:20,20,FEW,M +2013-04-25 17:20,19,FEW,M +2013-04-25 18:20,19,M,M +2013-04-25 19:20,19,FEW,M +2013-04-25 20:20,18,M,M +2013-04-25 21:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-04-25 22:20,16,M,M +2013-04-25 23:20,16,M,M +2013-04-26 00:20,15,M,M +2013-04-26 01:20,13,M,M +2013-04-26 02:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2013-04-26 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-26 04:20,10,FEW,BR +2013-04-26 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2013-04-26 06:20,11,SCT,BR +2013-04-26 07:20,10,SCT,FG +2013-04-26 08:20,10,FEW,-DZRA BR +2013-04-26 09:20,11,FEW,-RA BR +2013-04-26 10:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-04-26 11:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-04-26 12:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-04-26 13:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-04-26 14:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-04-26 15:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-04-26 16:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-04-26 17:20,7,SCT,RA +2013-04-26 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-04-26 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-04-26 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-04-26 21:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-26 22:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-26 23:20,6,FEW,M +2013-04-27 00:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-27 01:20,5,SCT,M +2013-04-27 02:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-27 03:20,5,BKN,M +2013-04-27 04:20,5,OVC,M +2013-04-27 05:20,5,BKN,M +2013-04-27 06:20,5,OVC,M +2013-04-27 07:20,4,BKN,M +2013-04-27 08:20,5,BKN,M +2013-04-27 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-04-27 10:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-27 11:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-27 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-27 13:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-27 14:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-27 15:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-27 16:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-27 17:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-27 18:20,7,M,M +2013-04-27 19:20,6,M,M +2013-04-27 20:20,5,M,M +2013-04-27 21:20,4,M,M +2013-04-27 22:20,3,M,M +2013-04-27 23:20,3,M,M +2013-04-28 00:20,1,M,M +2013-04-28 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-28 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-28 03:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-04-28 04:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-04-28 05:20,1,FEW,M +2013-04-28 06:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-28 07:20,6,SCT,M +2013-04-28 08:20,7,SCT,M +2013-04-28 09:20,8,BKN,M +2013-04-28 10:20,8,SCT,M +2013-04-28 11:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-28 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-28 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-28 14:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-28 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-28 16:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-28 17:20,11,M,M +2013-04-28 18:20,11,M,M +2013-04-28 19:20,10,M,M +2013-04-28 20:20,8,M,M +2013-04-28 21:20,8,M,M +2013-04-28 22:20,10,M,M +2013-04-28 23:20,9,BKN,M +2013-04-29 00:20,9,M,M +2013-04-29 01:20,8,M,M +2013-04-29 02:20,9,M,M +2013-04-29 03:20,9,M,M +2013-04-29 04:20,8,M,M +2013-04-29 05:20,9,M,M +2013-04-29 06:20,9,M,M +2013-04-29 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-29 08:20,11,M,M +2013-04-29 09:20,11,M,M +2013-04-29 10:20,11,BKN,M +2013-04-29 11:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-04-29 12:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-04-29 13:20,8,SCT,-RA +2013-04-29 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-29 15:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-29 16:20,10,SCT,M +2013-04-29 17:20,9,FEW,M +2013-04-29 18:20,8,FEW,M +2013-04-29 19:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2013-04-29 20:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-29 21:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-29 22:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-04-29 23:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2013-04-30 00:20,4,M,M +2013-04-30 01:20,4,FEW,M +2013-04-30 02:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-30 03:20,4,M,M +2013-04-30 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-04-30 05:20,6,M,M +2013-04-30 06:20,8,M,M +2013-04-30 07:20,9,M,M +2013-04-30 08:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-30 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-30 10:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-30 11:20,13,SCT,M +2013-04-30 12:20,13,SCT,M +2013-04-30 13:20,13,SCT,M +2013-04-30 14:20,12,SCT,M +2013-04-30 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-30 16:20,12,FEW,M +2013-04-30 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-04-30 18:20,10,FEW,M +2013-04-30 19:20,8,M,M +2013-04-30 20:20,6,M,M +2013-04-30 21:20,5,M,M +2013-04-30 22:20,4,M,M +2013-04-30 23:20,3,M,M +2013-05-01 00:20,2,M,M +2013-05-01 01:20,2,M,M +2013-05-01 02:20,1,M,M +2013-05-01 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-05-01 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2013-05-01 05:20,2,M,M +2013-05-01 06:20,5,M,M +2013-05-01 07:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-01 08:20,9,M,M +2013-05-01 09:20,11,M,M +2013-05-01 10:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-01 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-01 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-01 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-01 14:20,16,M,M +2013-05-01 15:20,15,M,M +2013-05-01 16:20,15,M,M +2013-05-01 17:20,15,M,M +2013-05-01 18:20,12,M,M +2013-05-01 19:20,11,M,M +2013-05-01 20:20,9,M,M +2013-05-01 21:20,8,M,M +2013-05-01 22:20,8,M,M +2013-05-01 23:20,8,M,M +2013-05-02 00:20,7,M,M +2013-05-02 01:20,7,M,M +2013-05-02 02:20,7,M,M +2013-05-02 03:20,8,M,M +2013-05-02 04:20,8,M,M +2013-05-02 05:20,9,M,M +2013-05-02 06:20,9,M,M +2013-05-02 07:20,11,M,M +2013-05-02 08:20,12,M,M +2013-05-02 09:20,12,M,M +2013-05-02 10:20,12,M,M +2013-05-02 11:20,13,M,M +2013-05-02 12:20,14,M,M +2013-05-02 13:20,15,M,M +2013-05-02 14:20,15,M,M +2013-05-02 15:20,14,M,M +2013-05-02 16:20,13,M,M +2013-05-02 17:20,13,M,M +2013-05-02 18:20,12,M,M +2013-05-02 19:20,10,M,M +2013-05-02 20:20,9,M,M +2013-05-02 21:20,9,M,M +2013-05-02 22:20,8,M,M +2013-05-02 23:20,8,M,M +2013-05-03 00:20,8,M,M +2013-05-03 01:20,8,M,M +2013-05-03 02:20,8,M,M +2013-05-03 03:20,8,M,M +2013-05-03 04:20,7,M,M +2013-05-03 05:20,7,M,M +2013-05-03 06:20,9,M,M +2013-05-03 07:20,11,M,M +2013-05-03 08:20,12,M,M +2013-05-03 09:20,14,M,M +2013-05-03 10:20,15,M,M +2013-05-03 11:20,16,M,M +2013-05-03 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-05-03 13:20,17,M,M +2013-05-03 14:20,18,M,M +2013-05-03 15:20,18,M,M +2013-05-03 16:20,18,M,M +2013-05-03 17:20,17,M,M +2013-05-03 18:20,16,M,M +2013-05-03 19:20,14,M,M +2013-05-03 20:20,12,M,M +2013-05-03 21:20,11,M,M +2013-05-03 22:20,10,M,M +2013-05-03 23:20,10,M,M +2013-05-04 00:20,9,M,M +2013-05-04 01:20,8,M,M +2013-05-04 02:20,8,M,M +2013-05-04 03:20,8,M,M +2013-05-04 04:20,8,M,M +2013-05-04 05:20,10,M,M +2013-05-04 06:20,12,M,M +2013-05-04 07:20,14,M,M +2013-05-04 08:20,17,M,M +2013-05-04 09:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-04 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-04 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-04 12:20,20,M,M +2013-05-04 13:20,20,M,M +2013-05-04 14:20,20,M,M +2013-05-04 15:20,18,M,M +2013-05-04 16:20,16,M,M +2013-05-04 17:20,15,M,M +2013-05-04 18:20,14,M,M +2013-05-04 19:20,12,M,M +2013-05-04 20:20,11,M,M +2013-05-04 21:20,9,M,M +2013-05-04 22:20,7,M,M +2013-05-04 23:20,7,M,M +2013-05-05 00:20,6,M,M +2013-05-05 01:20,6,M,M +2013-05-05 02:20,7,M,M +2013-05-05 03:20,7,M,M +2013-05-05 04:20,7,M,M +2013-05-05 05:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-05 06:20,12,M,M +2013-05-05 07:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-05 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-05 09:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-05 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-05-05 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-05 12:20,18,SCT,M +2013-05-05 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-05-05 14:20,19,SCT,M +2013-05-05 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-05 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-05 17:20,19,M,M +2013-05-05 18:20,16,M,M +2013-05-05 19:20,14,M,M +2013-05-05 20:20,13,M,M +2013-05-05 21:20,11,M,M +2013-05-05 22:20,11,M,M +2013-05-05 23:20,10,M,M +2013-05-06 00:20,10,M,M +2013-05-06 01:20,10,M,M +2013-05-06 02:20,9,M,M +2013-05-06 03:20,9,M,M +2013-05-06 04:20,9,M,M +2013-05-06 05:20,10,M,M +2013-05-06 06:20,12,M,M +2013-05-06 07:20,14,M,M +2013-05-06 08:20,15,M,M +2013-05-06 09:20,18,M,M +2013-05-06 10:20,19,M,M +2013-05-06 11:20,20,M,M +2013-05-06 12:20,21,M,M +2013-05-06 13:20,21,M,M +2013-05-06 14:20,22,M,M +2013-05-06 15:20,21,M,M +2013-05-06 16:20,21,M,M +2013-05-06 17:20,20,M,M +2013-05-06 18:20,19,M,M +2013-05-06 19:20,17,M,M +2013-05-06 20:20,14,M,M +2013-05-06 21:20,13,M,M +2013-05-06 22:20,12,M,M +2013-05-06 23:20,11,M,M +2013-05-07 00:20,11,M,M +2013-05-07 01:20,10,M,M +2013-05-07 02:20,10,M,M +2013-05-07 03:20,10,M,M +2013-05-07 04:20,10,M,M +2013-05-07 05:20,12,M,M +2013-05-07 06:20,16,M,M +2013-05-07 07:20,19,M,M +2013-05-07 08:20,21,M,M +2013-05-07 09:20,21,M,M +2013-05-07 10:20,21,M,M +2013-05-07 11:20,20,M,M +2013-05-07 12:20,19,M,M +2013-05-07 13:20,17,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 14:20,15,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 15:20,14,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 16:20,14,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 17:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 18:20,14,M,M +2013-05-07 19:20,14,FEW,RA +2013-05-07 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-07 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-07 22:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-07 23:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-05-08 00:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-08 01:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-08 02:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-08 03:20,12,FEW,BR +2013-05-08 04:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-05-08 05:20,14,FEW,BR +2013-05-08 06:20,14,SCT,BR +2013-05-08 07:20,15,SCT,BR +2013-05-08 08:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-08 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-05-08 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-08 11:20,20,SCT,M +2013-05-08 12:20,21,SCT,M +2013-05-08 13:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-08 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-08 15:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-08 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-08 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-08 18:20,20,M,M +2013-05-08 19:20,18,M,M +2013-05-08 20:20,18,M,M +2013-05-08 21:20,18,M,M +2013-05-08 22:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-08 23:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-09 00:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-09 01:20,15,M,M +2013-05-09 02:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2013-05-09 03:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2013-05-09 04:20,15,SCT,BCFG +2013-05-09 05:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-09 06:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-09 07:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-09 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-09 09:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-09 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-09 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-09 12:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-09 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-09 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-09 15:20,17,BKN,M +2013-05-09 16:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-09 17:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-09 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-09 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-09 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-09 21:20,12,M,M +2013-05-09 22:20,11,M,M +2013-05-09 23:20,11,M,M +2013-05-10 00:20,11,M,M +2013-05-10 01:20,11,M,M +2013-05-10 02:20,10,M,M +2013-05-10 03:20,10,M,M +2013-05-10 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-05-10 05:20,12,M,M +2013-05-10 06:20,13,M,M +2013-05-10 07:20,15,M,M +2013-05-10 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-10 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-10 10:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-10 11:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-10 12:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-10 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-10 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-10 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-10 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-10 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-10 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-10 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-10 20:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-10 21:20,12,M,M +2013-05-10 22:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-10 23:20,13,M,M +2013-05-11 00:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-11 01:20,12,NSC,-RA +2013-05-11 02:20,11,M,M +2013-05-11 03:20,12,M,M +2013-05-11 04:20,11,M,M +2013-05-11 05:20,12,M,M +2013-05-11 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-11 07:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-11 08:20,14,BKN,M +2013-05-11 09:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-11 10:20,14,SCT,M +2013-05-11 11:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-11 12:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-11 13:20,17,SCT,M +2013-05-11 14:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-11 15:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-11 16:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-11 17:20,10,BKN,-RA +2013-05-11 18:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-11 19:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-11 20:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-11 21:20,9,M,M +2013-05-11 22:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-11 23:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-12 00:20,9,M,M +2013-05-12 01:20,10,M,M +2013-05-12 02:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-12 03:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-12 04:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-12 05:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-12 06:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-12 07:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-12 08:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-12 09:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-12 10:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-12 11:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2013-05-12 12:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-12 13:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2013-05-12 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-12 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-12 16:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-12 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-12 18:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-12 19:20,10,BKN,VCSH +2013-05-12 20:20,9,SCT,M +2013-05-12 21:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2013-05-12 22:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-05-12 23:20,7,M,M +2013-05-13 00:20,7,M,M +2013-05-13 01:20,7,FEW,M +2013-05-13 02:20,6,FEW,M +2013-05-13 03:20,6,M,M +2013-05-13 04:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-13 05:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-13 06:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-13 07:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-13 08:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-13 09:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-13 10:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-13 11:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-13 12:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-13 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-13 14:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-05-13 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-13 16:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-05-13 17:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-13 18:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-13 19:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-13 20:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-13 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-13 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-13 23:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-14 00:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-14 01:20,9,M,M +2013-05-14 02:20,8,BKN,M +2013-05-14 03:20,8,SCT,M +2013-05-14 04:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-14 05:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-14 06:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-14 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-14 08:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-14 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-14 10:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-14 11:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-14 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-05-14 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-14 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-14 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-14 16:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-14 17:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-14 18:20,14,M,M +2013-05-14 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-14 20:20,13,FEW,M +2013-05-14 21:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-14 22:20,12,M,M +2013-05-14 23:20,12,M,M +2013-05-15 00:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-15 01:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-15 02:20,11,M,M +2013-05-15 03:20,11,M,M +2013-05-15 04:20,11,M,M +2013-05-15 05:20,12,M,M +2013-05-15 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-15 07:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-15 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-15 09:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-15 10:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-15 11:20,22,FEW,M +2013-05-15 12:20,23,M,M +2013-05-15 13:20,24,M,M +2013-05-15 14:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2013-05-15 15:20,23,FEW,M +2013-05-15 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-05-15 17:20,15,BKN,TSRA +2013-05-15 18:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-15 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-15 20:20,12,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2013-05-15 21:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-15 22:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2013-05-15 23:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-16 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2013-05-16 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2013-05-16 02:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-16 03:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-16 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2013-05-16 05:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-05-16 06:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-16 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-16 08:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-16 09:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-16 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-05-16 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-16 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-16 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-16 14:20,21,M,M +2013-05-16 15:20,20,M,M +2013-05-16 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-16 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-16 18:20,20,M,M +2013-05-16 19:20,19,M,M +2013-05-16 20:20,18,M,M +2013-05-16 21:20,17,M,M +2013-05-16 22:20,17,M,M +2013-05-16 23:20,18,M,M +2013-05-17 00:20,19,M,M +2013-05-17 01:20,18,M,M +2013-05-17 02:20,17,M,M +2013-05-17 03:20,15,M,M +2013-05-17 04:20,15,M,M +2013-05-17 05:20,18,M,M +2013-05-17 06:20,20,M,M +2013-05-17 07:20,21,M,M +2013-05-17 08:20,22,M,M +2013-05-17 09:20,23,FEW,M +2013-05-17 10:20,24,FEW,M +2013-05-17 11:20,24,FEW,M +2013-05-17 12:20,24,SCT,M +2013-05-17 13:20,25,SCT,M +2013-05-17 14:20,24,BKN,M +2013-05-17 15:20,24,SCT,M +2013-05-17 16:20,24,FEW,M +2013-05-17 17:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2013-05-17 18:20,22,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-17 19:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-17 20:20,17,FEW,M +2013-05-17 21:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-17 22:20,15,BKN,M +2013-05-17 23:20,13,BKN,M +2013-05-18 00:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-18 01:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-18 02:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-18 03:20,12,SCT,BR +2013-05-18 04:20,11,BKN,-SHRA BR +2013-05-18 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2013-05-18 06:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-18 07:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-18 08:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2013-05-18 09:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2013-05-18 10:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2013-05-18 11:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-18 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2013-05-18 13:20,11,BKN,RA +2013-05-18 14:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2013-05-18 15:20,11,SCT,+RA +2013-05-18 16:20,11,SCT,+RA +2013-05-18 17:20,10,SCT,RA +2013-05-18 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2013-05-18 19:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2013-05-18 20:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2013-05-18 21:20,10,SCT,-RA +2013-05-18 22:20,10,SCT,RA +2013-05-18 23:20,10,SCT,-RA +2013-05-19 00:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-19 01:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-19 02:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-19 03:20,10,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 04:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 05:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 06:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 07:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 08:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-05-19 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-19 10:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-19 11:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-19 12:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 13:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 14:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 15:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 16:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 17:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 18:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-19 19:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-19 20:20,12,SCT,BR +2013-05-19 21:20,12,SCT,BR +2013-05-19 22:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-19 23:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 00:20,12,FEW,BR +2013-05-20 01:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 02:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 03:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-05-20 04:20,12,SCT,-DZ BR +2013-05-20 05:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 06:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 07:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-05-20 08:20,14,BKN,M +2013-05-20 09:20,15,BKN,M +2013-05-20 10:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-20 11:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-20 12:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-20 13:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-20 14:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2013-05-20 15:20,13,SCT,DZ +2013-05-20 16:20,13,SCT,DZ +2013-05-20 17:20,13,SCT,BR +2013-05-20 18:20,13,BKN,M +2013-05-20 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-20 20:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-20 21:20,13,BKN,M +2013-05-20 22:20,13,BKN,M +2013-05-20 23:20,13,BKN,M +2013-05-21 00:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-05-21 01:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-05-21 02:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-05-21 03:20,12,BKN,-RA +2013-05-21 04:20,12,BKN,-RA BR +2013-05-21 07:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-05-21 08:20,12,BKN,RADZ BR +2013-05-21 09:20,13,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-21 10:20,13,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-21 11:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 12:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 13:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 14:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-21 15:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-21 16:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 17:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 18:20,12,FEW,-RA BR +2013-05-21 19:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 20:20,11,FEW,RA BR +2013-05-21 21:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-05-21 22:20,11,FEW,RA BR +2013-05-21 23:20,10,FEW,RA BR +2013-05-22 00:20,10,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-22 01:20,10,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-22 02:20,10,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-22 03:20,9,BKN,RA BR +2013-05-22 04:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-05-22 05:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-05-22 06:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-05-22 07:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-05-22 08:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-05-22 09:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-05-22 10:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-05-22 11:20,9,BKN,M +2013-05-22 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-05-22 13:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-22 14:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-22 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-05-22 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-05-22 17:20,9,BKN,M +2013-05-22 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-05-22 19:20,8,SCT,M +2013-05-22 20:20,8,SCT,M +2013-05-22 21:20,7,FEW,M +2013-05-22 22:20,7,FEW,M +2013-05-22 23:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-23 00:20,6,FEW,M +2013-05-23 01:20,5,FEW,M +2013-05-23 02:20,5,FEW,M +2013-05-23 03:20,6,FEW,M +2013-05-23 04:20,6,FEW,M +2013-05-23 05:20,6,SCT,M +2013-05-23 06:20,7,SCT,M +2013-05-23 07:20,9,SCT,M +2013-05-23 08:20,9,SCT,M +2013-05-23 09:20,9,SCT,M +2013-05-23 10:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-23 11:20,10,SCT,M +2013-05-23 12:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-23 13:20,10,SCT,-RA +2013-05-23 14:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 16:20,8,SCT,-RA +2013-05-23 17:20,8,FEW,M +2013-05-23 18:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 22:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-05-23 23:20,7,FEW,M +2013-05-24 00:20,6,SCT,M +2013-05-24 01:20,6,BKN,M +2013-05-24 02:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-05-24 04:20,4,SCT,RA +2013-05-24 05:20,5,BKN,-RA +2013-05-24 06:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-05-24 07:20,5,BKN,-RA +2013-05-24 08:20,6,SCT,-RA +2013-05-24 09:20,8,SCT,M +2013-05-24 10:20,8,SCT,M +2013-05-24 11:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-24 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-24 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-24 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-24 15:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-24 16:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-24 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-24 18:20,11,FEW,M +2013-05-24 19:20,10,M,M +2013-05-24 20:20,9,M,M +2013-05-24 21:20,8,M,M +2013-05-24 22:20,8,M,M +2013-05-24 23:20,7,M,M +2013-05-25 00:20,7,M,M +2013-05-25 01:20,6,M,M +2013-05-25 02:20,7,M,M +2013-05-25 03:20,7,M,M +2013-05-25 04:20,7,M,M +2013-05-25 05:20,8,M,M +2013-05-25 06:20,9,FEW,M +2013-05-25 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2013-05-25 08:20,10,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 09:20,9,SCT,RA +2013-05-25 10:20,8,SCT,RA +2013-05-25 11:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 12:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 13:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 14:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 15:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-05-25 16:20,10,BKN,RA +2013-05-25 17:20,10,BKN,M +2013-05-25 18:20,10,BKN,BR +2013-05-25 19:20,10,SCT,BR +2013-05-25 20:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2013-05-25 21:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2013-05-25 22:20,11,BKN,BR +2013-05-25 23:20,11,BKN,BR +2013-05-26 00:20,11,BKN,BR +2013-05-26 01:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-26 02:20,10,FEW,M +2013-05-26 03:20,11,NSC,M +2013-05-26 04:20,11,SCT,RA +2013-05-26 05:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-05-26 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-05-26 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-26 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-05-26 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-26 10:20,15,SCT,-RA +2013-05-26 11:20,14,BKN,RA +2013-05-26 12:20,14,BKN,RA +2013-05-26 13:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-05-26 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2013-05-26 15:20,13,SCT,RA +2013-05-26 16:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2013-05-26 17:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2013-05-26 18:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2013-05-26 19:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-05-26 20:20,12,FEW,+RA +2013-05-26 21:20,12,SCT,-RA +2013-05-26 22:20,12,SCT,RA +2013-05-26 23:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-05-27 00:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-05-27 01:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-05-27 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-05-27 03:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2013-05-27 04:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2013-05-27 05:20,11,SCT,BR +2013-05-27 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-27 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-27 08:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-27 09:20,12,FEW,M +2013-05-27 10:20,14,SCT,M +2013-05-27 11:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-27 12:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-27 13:20,15,SCT,M +2013-05-27 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-27 15:20,16,FEW,M +2013-05-27 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-27 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-27 18:20,14,BKN,M +2013-05-27 19:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-27 20:20,12,BKN,M +2013-05-27 21:20,11,SCT,MIFG +2013-05-27 22:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-27 23:20,10,BKN,BR +2013-05-28 00:20,10,OVC,FG +2013-05-28 01:20,10,OVC,FG +2013-05-28 02:20,9,OVC,FG +2013-05-28 03:20,9,OVC,FG +2013-05-28 04:20,9,OVC,FG +2013-05-28 05:20,9,BKN,FG +2013-05-28 06:20,10,SCT,BR +2013-05-28 07:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-28 08:20,14,M,M +2013-05-28 09:20,16,M,M +2013-05-28 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-05-28 11:20,18,BKN,M +2013-05-28 12:20,17,BKN,M +2013-05-28 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-05-28 14:20,18,BKN,M +2013-05-28 15:20,17,BKN,M +2013-05-28 16:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-28 17:20,16,BKN,M +2013-05-28 18:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2013-05-28 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-28 20:20,12,SCT,M +2013-05-28 21:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-28 22:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-28 23:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 00:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 01:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 02:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 03:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 04:20,11,BKN,M +2013-05-29 05:20,11,SCT,M +2013-05-29 06:20,11,SCT,SHRA +2013-05-29 07:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2013-05-29 08:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-29 09:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-29 10:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2013-05-29 11:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-05-29 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-05-29 13:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2013-05-29 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-05-29 15:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-29 16:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-29 17:20,16,SCT,M +2013-05-29 18:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2013-05-29 19:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2013-05-29 20:20,14,M,M +2013-05-29 21:20,13,M,M +2013-05-29 22:20,13,M,M +2013-05-29 23:20,13,M,M +2013-05-30 00:20,13,M,M +2013-05-30 01:20,13,SCT,M +2013-05-30 02:20,12,NSC,M +2013-05-30 03:20,12,FEW,-RA BR +2013-05-30 04:20,12,FEW,-RA BR +2013-05-30 05:20,12,SCT,RA BR +2013-05-30 06:20,12,SCT,RA BR +2013-05-30 07:20,12,BKN,-RA BR +2013-05-30 08:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-05-30 09:20,14,FEW,BR +2013-05-30 10:20,15,FEW,BR +2013-05-30 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-05-30 12:20,17,SCT,M +2013-05-30 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-05-30 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-30 15:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-30 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-30 17:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-30 18:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-30 19:20,17,M,M +2013-05-30 20:20,16,M,M +2013-05-30 21:20,15,M,M +2013-05-30 22:20,14,M,M +2013-05-30 23:20,14,M,M +2013-05-31 00:20,13,M,M +2013-05-31 01:20,13,M,M +2013-05-31 02:20,13,M,M +2013-05-31 03:20,13,M,M +2013-05-31 04:20,14,M,M +2013-05-31 05:20,15,M,M +2013-05-31 06:20,16,M,M +2013-05-31 07:20,18,M,M +2013-05-31 08:20,19,M,M +2013-05-31 09:20,20,M,M +2013-05-31 10:20,21,M,M +2013-05-31 11:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-31 12:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-31 13:20,22,FEW,M +2013-05-31 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-05-31 15:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-31 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-31 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-05-31 18:20,20,FEW,M +2013-05-31 19:20,19,FEW,M +2013-05-31 20:20,18,M,M +2013-05-31 21:20,17,SCT,M +2013-05-31 22:20,17,M,M +2013-05-31 23:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-01 00:20,16,SCT,M +2013-06-01 01:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 02:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 03:20,14,FEW,BR +2013-06-01 04:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-06-01 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-06-01 06:20,14,FEW,BR +2013-06-01 07:20,15,FEW,BR +2013-06-01 08:20,15,BKN,BR +2013-06-01 09:20,16,SCT,BR +2013-06-01 10:20,16,SCT,BR +2013-06-01 11:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-01 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 13:20,16,SCT,M +2013-06-01 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-01 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-01 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-01 19:20,12,BKN,M +2013-06-01 20:20,12,OVC,M +2013-06-01 21:20,11,OVC,M +2013-06-01 22:20,11,OVC,M +2013-06-01 23:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-02 00:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-02 01:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-02 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-02 03:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-02 04:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-02 05:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-02 06:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-02 07:20,12,BKN,M +2013-06-02 08:20,12,BKN,M +2013-06-02 09:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-02 10:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-02 11:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-02 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-02 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-02 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-02 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-02 16:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-02 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-02 18:20,12,M,M +2013-06-02 19:20,11,M,M +2013-06-02 20:20,10,M,M +2013-06-02 21:20,9,M,M +2013-06-02 22:20,9,M,M +2013-06-02 23:20,8,M,M +2013-06-03 00:20,8,M,M +2013-06-03 01:20,7,M,M +2013-06-03 02:20,7,M,M +2013-06-03 03:20,6,FEW,M +2013-06-03 04:20,7,FEW,M +2013-06-03 05:20,8,SCT,M +2013-06-03 06:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-03 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-03 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-03 09:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-03 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-03 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-03 12:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-03 13:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-03 14:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-03 15:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-03 16:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-03 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-03 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-03 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-03 20:20,12,M,M +2013-06-03 21:20,11,M,M +2013-06-03 22:20,10,M,M +2013-06-03 23:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-04 00:20,10,M,M +2013-06-04 01:20,9,M,M +2013-06-04 02:20,9,M,M +2013-06-04 03:20,9,M,M +2013-06-04 04:20,9,M,M +2013-06-04 05:20,11,M,M +2013-06-04 06:20,14,M,M +2013-06-04 07:20,16,M,M +2013-06-04 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-04 09:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-04 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-04 11:20,18,BKN,M +2013-06-04 12:20,18,BKN,M +2013-06-04 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-04 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-04 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-04 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-04 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-04 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-04 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-04 20:20,12,M,M +2013-06-04 21:20,10,M,M +2013-06-04 22:20,9,M,M +2013-06-04 23:20,7,M,M +2013-06-05 00:20,7,M,M +2013-06-05 01:20,6,M,M +2013-06-05 02:20,5,M,M +2013-06-05 03:20,5,M,M +2013-06-05 04:20,7,M,M +2013-06-05 05:20,12,M,M +2013-06-05 06:20,15,M,M +2013-06-05 07:20,17,M,M +2013-06-05 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-05 09:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-05 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-05 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-05 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-05 13:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-05 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-05 15:20,21,FEW,M +2013-06-05 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-06-05 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-05 18:20,20,M,M +2013-06-05 19:20,18,M,M +2013-06-05 20:20,16,M,M +2013-06-05 21:20,15,M,M +2013-06-05 22:20,13,M,M +2013-06-05 23:20,14,M,M +2013-06-06 00:20,13,M,M +2013-06-06 01:20,12,M,M +2013-06-06 02:20,11,M,M +2013-06-06 03:20,10,M,M +2013-06-06 04:20,12,M,M +2013-06-06 05:20,14,M,M +2013-06-06 06:20,16,M,M +2013-06-06 07:20,18,M,M +2013-06-06 08:20,19,M,M +2013-06-06 09:20,20,M,M +2013-06-06 10:20,21,M,M +2013-06-06 11:20,21,M,M +2013-06-06 12:20,22,M,M +2013-06-06 13:20,22,M,M +2013-06-06 14:20,22,M,M +2013-06-06 15:20,22,M,M +2013-06-06 16:20,21,M,M +2013-06-06 17:20,21,M,M +2013-06-06 18:20,19,M,M +2013-06-06 19:20,17,M,M +2013-06-06 20:20,15,M,M +2013-06-06 21:20,13,M,M +2013-06-06 22:20,12,M,M +2013-06-06 23:20,11,M,M +2013-06-07 00:20,10,M,M +2013-06-07 01:20,9,M,M +2013-06-07 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-07 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-07 04:20,11,M,M +2013-06-07 05:20,14,M,M +2013-06-07 06:20,16,M,M +2013-06-07 07:20,18,M,M +2013-06-07 08:20,19,M,M +2013-06-07 09:20,20,M,M +2013-06-07 10:20,21,M,M +2013-06-07 11:20,22,M,M +2013-06-07 12:20,22,M,M +2013-06-07 13:20,23,M,M +2013-06-07 14:20,23,M,M +2013-06-07 15:20,23,M,M +2013-06-07 16:20,23,M,M +2013-06-07 17:20,23,M,M +2013-06-07 18:20,21,M,M +2013-06-07 19:20,19,M,M +2013-06-07 20:20,16,M,M +2013-06-07 21:20,14,M,M +2013-06-07 22:20,12,M,M +2013-06-07 23:20,11,M,M +2013-06-08 00:20,10,M,M +2013-06-08 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-08 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-08 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-08 04:20,10,M,M +2013-06-08 05:20,12,M,M +2013-06-08 06:20,13,M,M +2013-06-08 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-08 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-08 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-08 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-08 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-08 12:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-08 13:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-08 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-08 15:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-08 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-08 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-08 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-08 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-08 20:20,13,M,M +2013-06-08 21:20,11,M,M +2013-06-08 22:20,10,M,M +2013-06-08 23:20,10,M,M +2013-06-09 00:20,8,M,M +2013-06-09 01:20,8,M,M +2013-06-09 02:20,7,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2013-06-09 03:20,8,BKN,M +2013-06-09 04:20,9,OVC,M +2013-06-09 05:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-09 06:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-09 07:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-09 08:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-09 09:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-09 10:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-09 11:20,16,SCT,M +2013-06-09 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-09 13:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-09 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-09 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-09 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-09 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-09 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-09 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-09 20:20,13,M,M +2013-06-09 21:20,11,M,M +2013-06-09 22:20,10,M,M +2013-06-09 23:20,9,M,M +2013-06-10 00:20,9,M,M +2013-06-10 01:20,8,M,M +2013-06-10 02:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-10 03:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-10 04:20,8,BKN,M +2013-06-10 05:20,10,BKN,M +2013-06-10 06:20,11,SCT,M +2013-06-10 07:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-10 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-10 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-10 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-10 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-10 12:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-10 13:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-10 14:20,21,BKN,M +2013-06-10 15:20,20,BKN,M +2013-06-10 16:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-10 17:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-10 18:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-10 19:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-10 20:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-10 21:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-10 22:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-10 23:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-11 00:20,12,BKN,M +2013-06-11 01:20,12,BKN,M +2013-06-11 02:20,11,SCT,M +2013-06-11 03:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-11 04:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-11 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-11 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-11 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-11 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-11 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-11 10:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-11 11:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-11 12:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-11 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-11 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-11 15:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-11 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-11 17:20,17,M,M +2013-06-11 18:20,16,M,M +2013-06-11 19:20,14,M,M +2013-06-11 20:20,12,M,M +2013-06-11 21:04,11,NCD,M +2013-06-11 21:20,11,M,M +2013-06-11 22:20,10,M,M +2013-06-11 23:20,10,M,M +2013-06-12 00:20,10,M,M +2013-06-12 01:20,11,M,M +2013-06-12 02:20,9,M,M +2013-06-12 03:20,8,M,M +2013-06-12 04:20,11,M,M +2013-06-12 05:20,14,M,M +2013-06-12 06:20,16,M,M +2013-06-12 07:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-12 08:20,20,M,M +2013-06-12 09:20,21,M,M +2013-06-12 10:20,23,FEW,M +2013-06-12 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-06-12 12:20,23,M,M +2013-06-12 13:20,23,FEW,M +2013-06-12 14:20,24,M,M +2013-06-12 15:20,24,M,M +2013-06-12 16:20,23,M,M +2013-06-12 17:20,23,FEW,M +2013-06-12 18:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-12 19:20,20,BKN,M +2013-06-12 20:20,20,BKN,M +2013-06-12 21:20,20,M,M +2013-06-12 22:20,19,M,M +2013-06-12 23:20,19,M,M +2013-06-13 00:20,20,M,M +2013-06-13 01:20,19,NSC,-RA +2013-06-13 02:20,17,BKN,RA +2013-06-13 03:20,17,BKN,-RA +2013-06-13 04:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-13 05:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-13 06:20,19,FEW,-RA +2013-06-13 07:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-13 08:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-13 09:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-13 10:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-13 11:20,22,FEW,M +2013-06-13 12:20,17,FEW,SHRA +2013-06-13 13:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-13 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-13 15:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-13 16:20,19,FEW,-RA +2013-06-13 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2013-06-13 18:20,15,SCT,RA +2013-06-13 19:20,13,SCT,RA +2013-06-13 20:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-06-13 21:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-06-13 22:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-06-13 23:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-14 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 01:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 03:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 04:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 05:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-14 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-14 07:20,14,BKN,M +2013-06-14 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-06-14 09:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-14 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-14 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-14 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-14 13:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-14 14:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-14 15:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-14 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2013-06-14 17:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-14 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-14 19:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-14 20:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2013-06-14 21:20,11,SCT,MIFG +2013-06-14 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-14 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-15 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-15 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-15 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-15 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-15 04:20,11,M,M +2013-06-15 05:20,14,M,M +2013-06-15 06:20,15,M,M +2013-06-15 07:20,17,M,M +2013-06-15 08:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-15 09:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-15 10:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-15 11:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-15 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-15 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-06-15 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-15 15:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-15 16:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-15 17:20,17,M,M +2013-06-15 18:20,17,NCD,M +2013-06-15 19:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-15 20:20,13,M,M +2013-06-15 21:20,12,M,M +2013-06-15 22:20,13,M,M +2013-06-15 23:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-16 00:20,13,M,M +2013-06-16 01:20,13,M,M +2013-06-16 02:20,10,M,M +2013-06-16 03:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-16 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-16 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-16 06:20,14,M,M +2013-06-16 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-16 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-16 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-16 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-16 11:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-16 13:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-16 14:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2013-06-16 15:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-16 16:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-16 17:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-16 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-16 19:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-16 20:20,13,M,M +2013-06-16 21:20,13,M,M +2013-06-16 22:20,12,M,M +2013-06-16 23:20,12,M,M +2013-06-17 00:20,11,M,M +2013-06-17 01:20,9,M,M +2013-06-17 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-17 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-06-17 04:20,10,M,M +2013-06-17 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-17 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-17 07:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-17 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-17 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-17 10:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-17 11:20,21,FEW,M +2013-06-17 12:20,22,FEW,M +2013-06-17 13:20,22,M,M +2013-06-17 14:20,22,M,M +2013-06-17 15:20,22,M,M +2013-06-17 16:20,21,M,M +2013-06-17 18:20,20,M,M +2013-06-17 19:20,18,M,M +2013-06-17 20:20,17,M,M +2013-06-17 21:20,16,M,M +2013-06-17 22:20,16,M,M +2013-06-17 23:20,15,M,M +2013-06-18 00:20,14,M,M +2013-06-18 01:20,14,M,M +2013-06-18 02:20,13,M,M +2013-06-18 03:20,13,M,M +2013-06-18 04:20,15,M,M +2013-06-18 05:20,15,M,M +2013-06-18 06:20,15,M,M +2013-06-18 07:20,16,M,M +2013-06-18 08:20,17,M,M +2013-06-18 09:20,19,M,M +2013-06-18 10:20,21,M,M +2013-06-18 11:20,22,M,M +2013-06-18 12:20,24,M,M +2013-06-18 13:20,24,M,M +2013-06-18 14:20,25,M,M +2013-06-18 15:20,25,M,M +2013-06-18 16:20,25,M,M +2013-06-18 17:20,25,M,M +2013-06-18 18:20,23,M,M +2013-06-18 19:20,22,M,M +2013-06-18 20:20,19,M,M +2013-06-18 21:20,18,M,M +2013-06-18 22:20,18,M,M +2013-06-18 23:20,18,M,M +2013-06-19 00:20,18,M,M +2013-06-19 01:20,19,M,M +2013-06-19 02:20,18,M,M +2013-06-19 03:20,18,M,M +2013-06-19 04:20,19,M,M +2013-06-19 05:20,21,M,M +2013-06-19 06:20,22,M,M +2013-06-19 07:20,23,FEW,M +2013-06-19 08:20,25,M,M +2013-06-19 09:20,27,M,M +2013-06-19 10:20,29,M,M +2013-06-19 11:20,30,FEW,M +2013-06-19 12:20,29,FEW,M +2013-06-19 13:20,30,FEW,M +2013-06-19 14:20,30,FEW,M +2013-06-19 15:20,29,M,M +2013-06-19 16:20,29,M,M +2013-06-19 17:20,26,M,M +2013-06-19 18:20,24,M,M +2013-06-19 19:20,24,M,M +2013-06-19 20:20,20,BKN,VCTS SHRA +2013-06-19 21:20,19,FEW,TSRA +2013-06-19 22:20,18,FEW,TSRA +2013-06-19 23:20,18,SCT,VCTS SHRA +2013-06-20 00:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2013-06-20 01:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-20 02:20,18,M,M +2013-06-20 03:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-20 04:20,18,M,M +2013-06-20 05:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-20 06:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-20 07:20,22,FEW,M +2013-06-20 08:20,24,FEW,M +2013-06-20 09:20,24,FEW,M +2013-06-20 10:20,26,FEW,M +2013-06-20 11:20,26,FEW,M +2013-06-20 12:20,27,SCT,M +2013-06-20 13:20,27,SCT,M +2013-06-20 14:20,27,FEW,M +2013-06-20 15:20,26,FEW,M +2013-06-20 16:20,25,FEW,VCTS +2013-06-20 17:20,20,SCT,-TSRA +2013-06-20 18:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-20 19:20,20,M,M +2013-06-20 20:20,20,M,M +2013-06-20 21:20,20,M,M +2013-06-20 22:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-20 23:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2013-06-21 00:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-21 01:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2013-06-21 02:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-21 03:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-21 04:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-21 05:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-21 06:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-21 07:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-21 08:20,19,BKN,M +2013-06-21 09:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2013-06-21 10:20,19,BKN,M +2013-06-21 11:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-21 12:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-21 13:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2013-06-21 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-21 15:20,19,SCT,M +2013-06-21 16:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-21 17:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-21 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-21 19:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-21 20:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-21 21:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-21 22:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-21 23:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-22 00:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-22 01:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-22 02:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-22 03:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-22 04:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-22 05:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-22 06:20,17,BKN,M +2013-06-22 07:20,17,BKN,M +2013-06-22 08:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-22 09:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-22 10:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-22 11:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-22 12:20,20,SCT,M +2013-06-22 13:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-22 14:20,21,SCT,M +2013-06-22 15:20,22,FEW,M +2013-06-22 16:20,21,FEW,-RA +2013-06-22 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-06-22 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-22 19:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-22 20:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-22 21:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-22 22:20,17,BKN,M +2013-06-22 23:20,16,FEW,-RA +2013-06-23 00:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-23 01:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-23 02:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-23 03:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-23 04:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-23 05:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2013-06-23 06:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-23 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-23 08:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-23 09:20,17,BKN,M +2013-06-23 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-06-23 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-23 12:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-23 13:20,19,FEW,M +2013-06-23 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-23 15:20,20,FEW,M +2013-06-23 16:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-23 17:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-23 18:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-23 19:20,14,M,M +2013-06-23 20:20,13,M,M +2013-06-23 21:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-23 22:20,14,M,M +2013-06-23 23:20,14,M,M +2013-06-24 00:20,13,M,M +2013-06-24 01:20,13,M,M +2013-06-24 02:20,13,M,M +2013-06-24 03:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-24 04:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-24 05:20,14,BKN,M +2013-06-24 06:20,15,BKN,M +2013-06-24 07:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-24 08:20,16,BKN,M +2013-06-24 09:20,17,SCT,M +2013-06-24 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-24 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-06-24 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-06-24 13:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2013-06-24 14:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2013-06-24 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-24 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-24 17:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-24 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-24 19:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-24 20:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-24 21:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-24 22:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-24 23:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-25 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 01:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-25 02:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-25 03:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-25 04:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-25 05:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-25 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-25 08:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-25 09:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-25 11:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-25 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-25 13:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-25 14:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2013-06-25 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-25 16:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-25 17:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-25 18:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-25 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 20:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 21:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-25 22:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-25 23:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-26 00:20,11,M,M +2013-06-26 01:20,11,M,M +2013-06-26 02:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-26 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-26 04:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-26 05:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-26 06:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-26 07:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-26 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-26 09:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-26 10:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-26 11:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-26 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-26 13:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-26 14:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-26 15:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-26 16:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-26 17:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-26 18:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-26 19:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-26 20:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-26 21:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-26 22:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-26 23:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-27 00:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-06-27 01:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-27 02:20,11,SCT,M +2013-06-27 03:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-27 04:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-27 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-27 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-27 07:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-27 08:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-27 09:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-27 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-27 11:20,15,BKN,M +2013-06-27 12:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-27 13:20,13,SCT,-RA +2013-06-27 14:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-27 15:20,12,SCT,-RA +2013-06-27 16:20,13,SCT,-RA +2013-06-27 17:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-27 18:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-06-27 19:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-06-27 20:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-06-27 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-06-27 22:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-06-27 23:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 00:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 01:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-06-28 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 04:20,11,BKN,M +2013-06-28 05:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 06:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-28 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-28 08:20,11,BKN,RA +2013-06-28 09:20,12,SCT,M +2013-06-28 10:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-06-28 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-28 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-28 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-28 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2013-06-28 15:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-06-28 16:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-28 17:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-28 18:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-28 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-28 20:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-28 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-06-28 22:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-06-28 23:20,12,FEW,RADZ +2013-06-29 00:20,12,BKN,RADZ +2013-06-29 01:20,12,BKN,RADZ +2013-06-29 02:20,13,FEW,RADZ +2013-06-29 03:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2013-06-29 04:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-06-29 05:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2013-06-29 06:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2013-06-29 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-29 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-29 09:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-06-29 10:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-06-29 11:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2013-06-29 12:20,14,BKN,M +2013-06-29 13:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-29 14:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-29 15:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-29 16:20,15,SCT,M +2013-06-29 17:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-29 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-06-29 19:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-29 20:20,12,FEW,M +2013-06-29 21:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-29 22:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-29 23:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-30 00:20,9,FEW,M +2013-06-30 01:20,9,SCT,M +2013-06-30 02:20,9,FEW,M +2013-06-30 03:20,9,FEW,M +2013-06-30 04:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-30 05:20,10,FEW,M +2013-06-30 06:20,11,FEW,M +2013-06-30 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-30 08:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-30 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-30 10:20,15,BKN,M +2013-06-30 11:20,14,SCT,-RA +2013-06-30 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-06-30 13:20,13,FEW,-DZRA +2013-06-30 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-06-30 15:20,14,FEW,-RA +2013-06-30 16:20,15,BKN,M +2013-06-30 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-30 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-06-30 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-06-30 20:20,13,BKN,M +2013-06-30 21:20,13,SCT,M +2013-06-30 22:20,14,BKN,M +2013-06-30 23:20,14,FEW,-RA +2013-07-01 00:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-01 01:20,14,SCT,M +2013-07-01 02:20,14,BKN,-RA +2013-07-01 03:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-01 04:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-01 05:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-01 06:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-01 07:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-01 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-01 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-01 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-01 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-01 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-01 13:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-01 14:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2013-07-01 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-01 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-01 17:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-01 18:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-01 19:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-01 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-01 21:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-01 22:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-01 23:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-02 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-07-02 01:20,12,FEW,M +2013-07-02 02:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-07-02 03:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-07-02 04:20,12,SCT,M +2013-07-02 05:20,13,FEW,M +2013-07-02 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-02 07:20,15,SCT,M +2013-07-02 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-02 09:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-02 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-02 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-02 12:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-02 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-02 14:20,20,M,M +2013-07-02 15:20,19,M,M +2013-07-02 16:20,20,M,M +2013-07-02 17:20,20,M,M +2013-07-02 18:20,18,M,M +2013-07-02 19:20,16,M,M +2013-07-02 20:20,17,M,M +2013-07-02 21:20,16,M,M +2013-07-02 22:20,16,M,M +2013-07-02 23:20,16,M,M +2013-07-03 00:20,16,M,M +2013-07-03 01:20,15,M,M +2013-07-03 02:20,15,M,M +2013-07-03 03:20,15,M,M +2013-07-03 04:20,16,M,M +2013-07-03 05:20,15,SCT,-RA +2013-07-03 06:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-03 07:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-03 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-03 09:20,20,M,M +2013-07-03 10:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-03 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-03 12:20,24,SCT,M +2013-07-03 13:20,24,BKN,M +2013-07-03 14:20,24,BKN,VCSH +2013-07-03 15:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-03 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-03 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-03 18:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2013-07-03 19:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-03 20:20,19,SCT,MIFG +2013-07-03 21:20,19,BKN,M +2013-07-03 22:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-03 23:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-04 00:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-04 01:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-04 02:20,17,NSC,M +2013-07-04 03:20,16,NSC,M +2013-07-04 04:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-04 05:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-04 06:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-04 07:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-04 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-04 09:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-04 10:20,20,BKN,M +2013-07-04 11:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-04 12:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-04 13:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-04 14:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-04 15:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-04 16:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-04 17:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-04 18:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-04 19:20,18,M,M +2013-07-04 20:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-04 21:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-04 22:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-04 23:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-05 00:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-05 01:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-05 02:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-05 03:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-05 04:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-05 05:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-05 06:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-05 07:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-05 08:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-05 09:20,20,BKN,M +2013-07-05 10:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-05 11:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-05 12:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-05 13:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-05 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-05 15:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-05 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-05 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-05 18:20,19,M,M +2013-07-05 19:20,17,M,M +2013-07-05 20:20,15,M,M +2013-07-05 21:20,14,M,M +2013-07-05 22:20,12,M,M +2013-07-05 23:20,11,M,M +2013-07-06 00:20,10,M,M +2013-07-06 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-06 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-06 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-06 04:20,9,M,M +2013-07-06 05:20,12,M,M +2013-07-06 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-07-06 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-06 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-06 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-06 10:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-06 11:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-06 12:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-06 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-06 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-06 15:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-06 16:20,23,M,M +2013-07-06 17:20,22,M,M +2013-07-06 18:20,21,M,M +2013-07-06 19:20,19,M,M +2013-07-06 20:20,17,M,M +2013-07-06 21:20,16,M,M +2013-07-06 22:20,13,M,M +2013-07-06 23:20,13,M,M +2013-07-07 00:20,11,M,M +2013-07-07 01:20,11,M,M +2013-07-07 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-07 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-07 04:20,10,M,M +2013-07-07 05:20,14,M,M +2013-07-07 06:20,17,M,M +2013-07-07 07:20,19,M,M +2013-07-07 08:20,20,M,M +2013-07-07 09:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-07 10:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-07 11:20,23,M,M +2013-07-07 12:20,23,M,M +2013-07-07 13:20,24,M,M +2013-07-07 14:20,25,M,M +2013-07-07 15:20,25,M,M +2013-07-07 16:20,25,M,M +2013-07-07 17:20,24,M,M +2013-07-07 18:20,23,M,M +2013-07-07 19:20,21,M,M +2013-07-07 20:20,18,M,M +2013-07-07 21:20,16,M,M +2013-07-07 22:20,15,M,M +2013-07-07 23:20,14,M,M +2013-07-08 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-08 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2013-07-08 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2013-07-08 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2013-07-08 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-08 05:20,15,M,M +2013-07-08 06:20,17,M,M +2013-07-08 07:20,19,M,M +2013-07-08 08:20,21,M,M +2013-07-08 09:20,22,M,M +2013-07-08 10:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-08 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-08 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-08 13:20,24,SCT,M +2013-07-08 14:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-08 15:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-08 16:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-08 17:20,23,M,M +2013-07-08 18:20,22,M,M +2013-07-08 19:20,20,M,M +2013-07-08 20:20,18,M,M +2013-07-08 21:20,17,M,M +2013-07-08 22:20,15,M,M +2013-07-08 23:20,13,M,M +2013-07-09 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-09 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-09 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-09 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-09 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-09 05:20,14,M,M +2013-07-09 06:20,15,M,M +2013-07-09 07:20,18,M,M +2013-07-09 08:20,20,M,M +2013-07-09 09:20,21,M,M +2013-07-09 10:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-09 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-09 12:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-09 13:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-09 14:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-09 15:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-09 16:20,24,M,M +2013-07-09 17:20,23,M,M +2013-07-09 18:20,22,M,M +2013-07-09 19:20,20,M,M +2013-07-09 20:20,18,M,M +2013-07-09 21:20,17,M,M +2013-07-09 22:20,16,M,M +2013-07-09 23:20,15,M,M +2013-07-10 00:20,14,M,M +2013-07-10 01:20,14,M,M +2013-07-10 02:20,13,M,M +2013-07-10 03:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-10 04:20,15,SCT,M +2013-07-10 05:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-10 06:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-10 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-10 08:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-10 09:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-10 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-10 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-10 12:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-10 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-10 14:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-10 15:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-10 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-10 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-10 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-10 19:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-10 20:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-10 21:20,15,M,M +2013-07-10 22:20,14,M,M +2013-07-10 23:20,13,NCD,M +2013-07-11 00:20,13,M,M +2013-07-11 01:20,12,M,M +2013-07-11 02:20,11,M,M +2013-07-11 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-11 04:20,11,M,M +2013-07-11 05:20,13,M,M +2013-07-11 06:20,15,M,M +2013-07-11 07:20,16,M,M +2013-07-11 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-11 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-11 10:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-11 11:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-11 12:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-11 13:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-11 14:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-11 15:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-11 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-11 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-11 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-11 20:20,14,M,M +2013-07-11 21:20,13,M,M +2013-07-11 22:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-11 23:20,12,BKN,M +2013-07-12 00:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 01:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 02:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 03:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 04:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 05:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-12 06:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-12 07:20,15,SCT,M +2013-07-12 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-12 09:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-12 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-12 11:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-12 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-12 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-12 14:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-12 15:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-12 16:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-12 17:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-12 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-12 19:20,16,M,M +2013-07-12 20:20,15,M,M +2013-07-12 21:20,14,M,M +2013-07-12 22:20,12,M,M +2013-07-12 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-13 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-13 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-13 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-13 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-13 04:20,11,M,M +2013-07-13 05:20,13,M,M +2013-07-13 06:20,15,M,M +2013-07-13 07:20,15,SCT,M +2013-07-13 08:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-13 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-13 10:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-13 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-13 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-13 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-13 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-13 15:20,20,M,M +2013-07-13 16:20,19,M,M +2013-07-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-13 18:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-13 19:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-13 20:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-13 21:20,16,OVC,M +2013-07-13 22:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-13 23:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-14 00:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-14 01:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-14 02:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-14 03:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-14 04:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-07-14 05:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2013-07-14 06:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-07-14 07:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-07-14 08:20,15,SCT,M +2013-07-14 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-14 10:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-14 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-14 12:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-14 13:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-14 14:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-14 15:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-14 16:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-14 17:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-14 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-14 19:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-14 20:20,14,M,M +2013-07-14 21:20,13,M,M +2013-07-14 22:20,13,M,M +2013-07-14 23:20,12,M,M +2013-07-15 00:20,12,BKN,M +2013-07-15 01:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-15 02:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-15 03:20,13,BKN,M +2013-07-15 04:20,13,SCT,M +2013-07-15 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-15 06:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-15 07:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-15 08:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-15 09:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-15 10:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-15 11:20,19,BKN,M +2013-07-15 12:20,20,BKN,M +2013-07-15 13:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-15 14:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-15 15:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-15 16:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-15 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-15 18:20,19,M,M +2013-07-15 19:20,17,M,M +2013-07-15 20:20,16,M,M +2013-07-15 21:20,15,M,M +2013-07-15 22:20,14,M,M +2013-07-15 23:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-16 00:20,14,BKN,M +2013-07-16 01:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-07-16 02:20,14,FEW,BR +2013-07-16 03:20,14,OVC,M +2013-07-16 04:20,14,OVC,M +2013-07-16 05:20,14,OVC,M +2013-07-16 06:20,15,BKN,M +2013-07-16 07:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-16 08:20,16,BKN,M +2013-07-16 09:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-16 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-16 11:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-16 12:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-16 13:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-16 14:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-16 15:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-16 16:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-16 17:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-16 18:20,21,M,M +2013-07-16 19:20,20,M,M +2013-07-16 20:20,17,M,M +2013-07-16 21:20,16,M,M +2013-07-16 22:20,14,M,M +2013-07-16 23:20,13,M,M +2013-07-17 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-17 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-17 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-17 03:20,12,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-17 04:20,13,NSC,FG +2013-07-17 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-07-17 06:20,15,SCT,BR +2013-07-17 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-17 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-17 09:20,19,M,M +2013-07-17 10:20,21,M,M +2013-07-17 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-17 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-17 13:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-17 14:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-17 15:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-17 16:20,24,SCT,M +2013-07-17 17:20,23,SCT,M +2013-07-17 18:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-17 19:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-17 20:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-17 21:20,17,M,M +2013-07-17 22:20,17,M,M +2013-07-17 23:20,15,M,M +2013-07-18 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-18 01:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-18 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2013-07-18 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2013-07-18 04:20,12,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2013-07-18 05:20,15,M,M +2013-07-18 06:20,17,M,M +2013-07-18 07:20,20,M,M +2013-07-18 08:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-18 09:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-18 10:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-18 11:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-18 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-18 13:20,25,SCT,M +2013-07-18 14:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-18 15:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-18 16:20,24,M,M +2013-07-18 17:20,24,M,M +2013-07-18 18:20,22,M,M +2013-07-18 19:20,21,M,M +2013-07-18 20:20,19,M,M +2013-07-18 21:20,18,M,M +2013-07-18 22:20,17,M,M +2013-07-18 23:20,16,M,M +2013-07-19 00:20,16,M,M +2013-07-19 01:20,15,FEW,M +2013-07-19 02:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-19 03:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-19 04:20,17,M,M +2013-07-19 05:20,17,NCD,M +2013-07-19 06:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-19 07:20,19,BKN,M +2013-07-19 08:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-19 09:20,19,BKN,M +2013-07-19 10:20,21,SCT,M +2013-07-19 11:20,22,SCT,M +2013-07-19 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-19 13:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-19 14:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-19 15:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-19 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-19 17:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-19 18:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-19 19:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-19 20:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-19 21:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-19 22:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-19 23:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-20 00:20,16,SCT,M +2013-07-20 01:20,14,FEW,M +2013-07-20 02:20,13,M,M +2013-07-20 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-20 04:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-20 05:20,15,M,M +2013-07-20 06:20,17,M,M +2013-07-20 07:20,19,M,M +2013-07-20 08:20,21,M,M +2013-07-20 09:20,23,M,M +2013-07-20 10:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-20 11:20,25,M,M +2013-07-20 12:20,26,M,M +2013-07-20 13:20,26,M,M +2013-07-20 14:20,26,M,M +2013-07-20 15:20,26,M,M +2013-07-20 16:20,25,M,M +2013-07-20 17:20,25,M,M +2013-07-20 18:20,24,M,M +2013-07-20 19:20,22,M,M +2013-07-20 20:20,19,M,M +2013-07-20 21:20,16,M,M +2013-07-20 22:20,16,M,M +2013-07-20 23:20,14,M,M +2013-07-21 00:20,14,M,M +2013-07-21 01:20,12,M,M +2013-07-21 02:20,12,M,M +2013-07-21 03:20,12,M,M +2013-07-21 04:20,13,M,M +2013-07-21 05:20,16,M,M +2013-07-21 06:20,21,M,M +2013-07-21 07:20,23,M,M +2013-07-21 08:20,25,M,M +2013-07-21 09:20,25,M,M +2013-07-21 10:20,26,M,M +2013-07-21 11:20,27,M,M +2013-07-21 12:20,28,M,M +2013-07-21 13:20,29,M,M +2013-07-21 14:20,30,M,M +2013-07-21 15:20,30,M,M +2013-07-21 16:20,30,M,M +2013-07-21 17:20,29,M,M +2013-07-21 18:20,27,M,M +2013-07-21 19:20,23,M,M +2013-07-21 20:20,21,M,M +2013-07-21 21:20,18,M,M +2013-07-21 22:20,19,M,M +2013-07-21 23:20,17,M,M +2013-07-22 00:20,16,M,M +2013-07-22 01:20,15,M,M +2013-07-22 02:20,16,M,M +2013-07-22 03:20,15,NCD,M +2013-07-22 04:20,16,M,M +2013-07-22 05:20,19,M,M +2013-07-22 06:20,22,M,M +2013-07-22 07:20,25,M,M +2013-07-22 08:20,27,M,M +2013-07-22 09:20,28,M,M +2013-07-22 10:20,29,M,M +2013-07-22 11:20,29,M,M +2013-07-22 12:20,31,M,M +2013-07-22 13:20,31,M,M +2013-07-22 14:20,31,M,M +2013-07-22 15:20,31,M,M +2013-07-22 16:20,31,M,M +2013-07-22 17:20,30,M,M +2013-07-22 18:20,27,M,M +2013-07-22 19:20,25,M,M +2013-07-22 20:20,21,M,M +2013-07-22 21:20,19,M,M +2013-07-22 22:20,18,M,M +2013-07-22 23:20,17,M,M +2013-07-23 00:20,17,M,M +2013-07-23 01:20,15,M,M +2013-07-23 02:20,16,M,M +2013-07-23 03:20,15,M,M +2013-07-23 04:20,16,M,M +2013-07-23 05:20,18,M,M +2013-07-23 06:20,22,M,M +2013-07-23 07:20,24,M,M +2013-07-23 08:20,26,M,M +2013-07-23 09:20,27,M,M +2013-07-23 10:20,28,M,M +2013-07-23 11:20,29,FEW,M +2013-07-23 12:20,29,M,M +2013-07-23 13:20,30,M,M +2013-07-23 14:20,30,M,M +2013-07-23 15:20,29,M,M +2013-07-23 16:20,28,M,M +2013-07-23 17:20,26,M,M +2013-07-23 18:20,25,M,M +2013-07-23 19:20,22,M,M +2013-07-23 20:20,21,M,M +2013-07-23 21:20,21,M,M +2013-07-23 22:20,21,M,M +2013-07-23 23:20,20,M,M +2013-07-24 00:20,19,M,M +2013-07-24 01:20,18,M,M +2013-07-24 02:20,17,M,M +2013-07-24 03:20,17,M,M +2013-07-24 04:20,17,M,M +2013-07-24 05:20,18,M,M +2013-07-24 06:20,20,M,M +2013-07-24 07:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-24 08:20,24,M,M +2013-07-24 09:20,25,M,M +2013-07-24 10:20,26,M,M +2013-07-24 11:20,28,M,M +2013-07-24 12:20,29,M,M +2013-07-24 13:20,29,M,M +2013-07-24 14:20,30,M,M +2013-07-24 15:20,29,FEW,M +2013-07-24 16:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-24 17:20,26,FEW,VCSH +2013-07-24 18:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2013-07-24 19:20,18,FEW,VCTS +SHRA +2013-07-24 20:20,18,SCT,SHRA +2013-07-24 21:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-24 22:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-24 23:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-25 00:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-25 01:20,18,SCT,BCFG +2013-07-25 02:20,18,OVC,BCFG BR +2013-07-25 03:20,17,SCT,BCFG BR MIFG +2013-07-25 04:20,18,BKN,BCFG BR MIFG +2013-07-25 05:20,18,BKN,BR +2013-07-25 06:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-25 07:20,21,BKN,BR +2013-07-25 08:20,22,BKN,M +2013-07-25 09:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-25 10:20,24,FEW,M +2013-07-25 11:20,25,SCT,M +2013-07-25 12:20,26,SCT,M +2013-07-25 13:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-25 15:20,27,M,M +2013-07-25 16:20,27,M,M +2013-07-25 17:20,26,M,M +2013-07-25 18:20,24,M,M +2013-07-25 19:20,21,M,M +2013-07-25 20:20,20,M,M +2013-07-25 21:20,19,M,M +2013-07-25 22:20,19,M,M +2013-07-25 23:20,19,M,M +2013-07-26 00:20,19,M,M +2013-07-26 01:20,19,NCD,M +2013-07-26 02:20,19,M,M +2013-07-26 03:20,19,M,M +2013-07-26 04:20,20,NSC,M +2013-07-26 05:20,21,M,M +2013-07-26 06:20,22,M,M +2013-07-26 07:20,24,M,M +2013-07-26 08:20,26,M,M +2013-07-26 09:20,27,M,M +2013-07-26 10:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-26 11:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-26 12:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-26 13:20,28,M,M +2013-07-26 14:20,29,M,M +2013-07-26 15:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-26 16:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-26 17:20,26,M,M +2013-07-26 18:20,23,BKN,-SHRA VCTS +2013-07-26 19:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-26 20:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-26 21:20,20,M,M +2013-07-26 22:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-26 23:20,19,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2013-07-27 00:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2013-07-27 01:20,19,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2013-07-27 02:20,19,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2013-07-27 03:20,18,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2013-07-27 04:20,19,NSC,BCFG +2013-07-27 05:20,20,M,M +2013-07-27 06:20,22,M,M +2013-07-27 07:20,23,M,M +2013-07-27 08:20,25,M,M +2013-07-27 09:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-27 10:20,28,FEW,M +2013-07-27 11:20,29,FEW,M +2013-07-27 12:20,29,M,M +2013-07-27 13:20,30,M,M +2013-07-27 14:20,30,M,M +2013-07-27 15:20,29,FEW,VCTS +2013-07-27 16:20,21,FEW,VCTS VCSH +2013-07-27 17:20,22,M,M +2013-07-27 18:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-27 19:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-27 20:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-27 21:20,21,M,M +2013-07-27 22:20,20,M,M +2013-07-27 23:20,20,M,M +2013-07-28 00:20,19,M,M +2013-07-28 01:20,19,M,M +2013-07-28 02:20,19,M,M +2013-07-28 03:20,20,M,M +2013-07-28 04:20,21,M,M +2013-07-28 05:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-28 06:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-28 07:20,25,M,M +2013-07-28 08:20,26,M,M +2013-07-28 09:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-28 10:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-28 11:20,28,SCT,M +2013-07-28 12:20,27,FEW,M +2013-07-28 13:20,27,FEW,M +2013-07-28 14:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-28 15:20,24,FEW,SHRA +2013-07-28 16:20,23,FEW,-SHRA +2013-07-28 17:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-28 18:20,22,SCT,M +2013-07-28 19:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-28 20:20,21,M,M +2013-07-28 21:20,20,M,M +2013-07-28 22:20,19,M,M +2013-07-28 23:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-29 00:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-29 01:20,18,M,M +2013-07-29 02:20,18,SCT,M +2013-07-29 03:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-29 04:20,17,SCT,M +2013-07-29 05:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-29 06:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-29 07:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-29 08:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-29 09:20,22,FEW,M +2013-07-29 10:20,23,SCT,M +2013-07-29 11:20,23,SCT,M +2013-07-29 12:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-29 13:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-29 14:20,26,FEW,M +2013-07-29 15:20,26,SCT,M +2013-07-29 16:20,25,FEW,M +2013-07-29 17:20,23,FEW,M +2013-07-29 18:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2013-07-29 19:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2013-07-29 20:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-29 21:20,18,M,M +2013-07-29 22:20,18,M,M +2013-07-29 23:20,18,M,M +2013-07-30 00:20,17,M,M +2013-07-30 01:20,17,M,M +2013-07-30 02:20,16,M,M +2013-07-30 03:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2013-07-30 04:20,16,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-07-30 05:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-30 06:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-30 07:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-30 08:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-30 09:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-30 10:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2013-07-30 11:20,22,SCT,VCSH +2013-07-30 12:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2013-07-30 13:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2013-07-30 14:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2013-07-30 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-07-30 16:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2013-07-30 17:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2013-07-30 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-30 19:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-30 20:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-30 21:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-07-30 22:20,17,M,M +2013-07-30 23:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-31 00:20,16,FEW,M +2013-07-31 01:20,16,FEW,-RA +2013-07-31 02:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-07-31 03:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-07-31 04:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-31 05:20,17,FEW,M +2013-07-31 06:20,17,BKN,M +2013-07-31 07:20,18,BKN,M +2013-07-31 08:20,19,SCT,M +2013-07-31 09:20,20,BKN,M +2013-07-31 10:20,20,BKN,M +2013-07-31 11:20,22,BKN,M +2013-07-31 12:20,22,SCT,M +2013-07-31 13:20,22,SCT,M +2013-07-31 14:20,23,SCT,M +2013-07-31 15:20,22,SCT,M +2013-07-31 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-07-31 17:20,20,SCT,M +2013-07-31 18:20,20,FEW,M +2013-07-31 19:20,19,FEW,M +2013-07-31 20:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-31 21:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-31 22:20,18,FEW,M +2013-07-31 23:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-01 00:20,16,FEW,-DZRA +2013-08-01 01:20,16,FEW,-RA +2013-08-01 02:20,16,SCT,-RADZ +2013-08-01 03:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-01 04:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-08-01 05:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-01 06:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-01 07:20,18,SCT,-RADZ +2013-08-01 08:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-01 09:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-01 10:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-01 11:20,24,SCT,M +2013-08-01 12:20,26,FEW,M +2013-08-01 13:20,27,SCT,M +2013-08-01 14:20,28,SCT,M +2013-08-01 15:20,28,FEW,M +2013-08-01 16:20,29,FEW,M +2013-08-01 17:20,29,M,M +2013-08-01 18:20,26,M,M +2013-08-01 19:20,23,M,M +2013-08-01 20:20,23,M,M +2013-08-01 21:20,21,M,M +2013-08-01 22:20,21,M,M +2013-08-01 23:20,20,M,M +2013-08-02 00:20,20,M,M +2013-08-02 01:20,20,M,M +2013-08-02 02:20,20,M,M +2013-08-02 03:20,19,M,M +2013-08-02 04:20,19,M,M +2013-08-02 05:20,21,M,M +2013-08-02 06:20,23,M,M +2013-08-02 07:20,26,M,M +2013-08-02 08:20,28,M,M +2013-08-02 09:20,30,M,M +2013-08-02 10:20,32,M,M +2013-08-02 11:20,33,M,M +2013-08-02 12:20,33,M,M +2013-08-02 13:20,34,M,M +2013-08-02 14:20,34,M,M +2013-08-02 15:20,34,M,M +2013-08-02 16:20,34,M,M +2013-08-02 17:20,34,M,M +2013-08-02 18:20,32,M,M +2013-08-02 19:20,29,M,M +2013-08-02 20:20,25,M,M +2013-08-02 21:20,26,M,M +2013-08-02 22:20,26,M,M +2013-08-02 23:20,25,M,M +2013-08-03 00:20,24,M,M +2013-08-03 01:20,23,M,M +2013-08-03 02:20,23,M,M +2013-08-03 03:20,22,M,M +2013-08-03 04:20,22,M,M +2013-08-03 05:20,24,M,M +2013-08-03 06:20,25,M,M +2013-08-03 07:20,24,M,M +2013-08-03 08:20,24,M,M +2013-08-03 09:20,24,NSC,-RA +2013-08-03 10:20,23,NSC,-RA +2013-08-03 11:20,25,FEW,M +2013-08-03 12:20,26,SCT,M +2013-08-03 13:20,26,FEW,M +2013-08-03 14:20,27,FEW,M +2013-08-03 15:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-03 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-03 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-03 18:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-03 19:20,19,M,M +2013-08-03 20:20,17,M,M +2013-08-03 21:20,16,M,M +2013-08-03 22:20,15,M,M +2013-08-03 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-04 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-04 01:20,14,NCD,M +2013-08-04 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-04 03:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-04 04:20,14,M,M +2013-08-04 05:20,16,M,M +2013-08-04 06:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-04 07:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-04 08:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-04 09:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-04 10:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-04 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-04 12:20,25,M,M +2013-08-04 13:20,25,M,M +2013-08-04 14:20,25,M,M +2013-08-04 15:20,25,M,M +2013-08-04 16:20,25,M,M +2013-08-04 17:20,24,M,M +2013-08-04 18:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-04 19:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-04 20:20,18,M,M +2013-08-04 21:20,16,M,M +2013-08-04 22:20,16,M,M +2013-08-04 23:20,16,M,M +2013-08-05 00:20,16,M,M +2013-08-05 01:20,15,M,M +2013-08-05 02:20,15,M,M +2013-08-05 03:20,16,M,M +2013-08-05 04:20,16,M,M +2013-08-05 05:20,18,M,M +2013-08-05 06:20,20,M,M +2013-08-05 07:20,22,M,M +2013-08-05 08:20,24,M,M +2013-08-05 09:20,25,M,M +2013-08-05 10:20,26,M,M +2013-08-05 11:20,26,M,M +2013-08-05 12:20,27,M,M +2013-08-05 13:20,28,M,M +2013-08-05 14:20,29,M,M +2013-08-05 15:20,29,M,M +2013-08-05 16:20,28,M,M +2013-08-05 17:20,27,M,M +2013-08-05 18:20,26,M,M +2013-08-05 19:20,25,M,M +2013-08-05 20:20,24,M,M +2013-08-05 21:20,23,M,M +2013-08-05 22:20,23,M,M +2013-08-05 23:20,23,M,M +2013-08-06 00:20,22,M,M +2013-08-06 01:20,22,M,M +2013-08-06 02:20,22,M,M +2013-08-06 03:20,22,M,M +2013-08-06 04:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-06 05:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-06 06:20,24,M,M +2013-08-06 07:20,23,M,M +2013-08-06 08:20,23,M,M +2013-08-06 09:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-06 10:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-06 11:20,23,BKN,M +2013-08-06 12:20,24,SCT,M +2013-08-06 13:20,25,SCT,M +2013-08-06 14:20,22,BKN,M +2013-08-06 15:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-06 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-06 17:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-06 18:20,19,M,M +2013-08-06 19:20,18,M,M +2013-08-06 20:20,17,NSC,-RA +2013-08-06 21:20,17,M,M +2013-08-06 22:20,17,M,M +2013-08-06 23:20,16,M,M +2013-08-07 00:20,14,M,M +2013-08-07 01:20,13,M,M +2013-08-07 02:20,12,M,M +2013-08-07 03:20,12,M,M +2013-08-07 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-07 05:20,15,M,M +2013-08-07 06:20,17,M,M +2013-08-07 07:20,18,M,M +2013-08-07 08:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-07 09:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-07 10:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-07 11:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-07 12:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-07 13:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-07 14:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-07 15:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-07 16:20,22,M,M +2013-08-07 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-07 18:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-07 19:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-07 20:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-07 21:20,19,FEW,-RA +2013-08-07 22:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-07 23:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-08 00:20,19,NCD,M +2013-08-08 01:20,18,M,M +2013-08-08 02:20,19,M,M +2013-08-08 03:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2013-08-08 04:20,19,BKN,M +2013-08-08 05:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-08 06:20,18,BKN,BR +2013-08-08 07:20,17,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-08-08 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-08 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-08 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-08 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-08 12:20,18,SCT,-RA +2013-08-08 13:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-08 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-08 15:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-08 16:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-08 17:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-08 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-08 19:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-08 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-08 21:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-08 22:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-08 23:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-09 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-09 01:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-09 02:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-09 03:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-09 04:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2013-08-09 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-09 06:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-09 07:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-09 08:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-09 09:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-09 10:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-09 11:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-09 12:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-09 13:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-09 14:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-09 15:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-09 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-09 17:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-09 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-09 19:20,16,M,M +2013-08-09 20:20,15,M,M +2013-08-09 21:20,14,M,M +2013-08-09 22:20,14,M,M +2013-08-09 23:20,14,M,M +2013-08-10 00:20,15,M,M +2013-08-10 01:20,16,M,M +2013-08-10 02:20,16,M,M +2013-08-10 03:20,16,M,M +2013-08-10 04:20,15,M,M +2013-08-10 05:20,15,M,M +2013-08-10 06:20,17,M,M +2013-08-10 07:20,20,M,M +2013-08-10 08:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-10 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-10 10:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-10 11:20,19,BKN,-SHRA +2013-08-10 12:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2013-08-10 13:20,17,BKN,VCSH +2013-08-10 14:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-10 15:20,19,BKN,M +2013-08-10 16:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-10 17:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-10 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-10 19:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-10 20:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-10 21:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-10 22:20,14,M,M +2013-08-10 23:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-11 00:20,14,SCT,M +2013-08-11 01:20,14,BKN,M +2013-08-11 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-11 03:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-11 04:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-11 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-11 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-11 07:20,15,BKN,M +2013-08-11 08:20,15,SCT,M +2013-08-11 09:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-11 10:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-11 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-11 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-11 13:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-11 14:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-11 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-11 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-11 17:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-11 18:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-11 19:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-11 20:20,14,SCT,M +2013-08-11 21:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-11 22:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-11 23:20,14,M,M +2013-08-12 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-12 01:20,14,BKN,M +2013-08-12 02:20,13,M,M +2013-08-12 03:20,12,M,M +2013-08-12 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-12 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-12 06:20,15,M,M +2013-08-12 07:20,17,M,M +2013-08-12 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-12 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-12 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-12 11:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2013-08-12 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-12 13:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-12 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-12 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-12 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-12 18:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-12 19:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2013-08-12 20:20,14,M,M +2013-08-12 21:20,13,M,M +2013-08-12 22:20,12,M,M +2013-08-12 23:20,13,M,M +2013-08-13 00:20,12,M,M +2013-08-13 01:20,12,M,M +2013-08-13 02:20,12,M,M +2013-08-13 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-08-13 04:20,11,FEW,M +2013-08-13 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-13 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-13 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-13 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-08-13 09:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2013-08-13 10:20,17,FEW,VCTS +2013-08-13 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-13 12:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2013-08-13 13:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-13 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-13 15:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-13 16:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-13 17:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2013-08-13 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-13 19:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-13 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-13 21:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-13 22:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-13 23:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-14 00:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 01:20,12,SCT,M +2013-08-14 02:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-14 03:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-08-14 05:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-14 06:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-14 07:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 08:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 09:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-14 10:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 11:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-14 12:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2013-08-14 13:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2013-08-14 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-14 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-14 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-14 17:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-14 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-14 19:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-14 20:20,13,FEW,M +2013-08-14 21:20,11,M,M +2013-08-14 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-14 23:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-08-15 00:20,10,FEW,PRFG MIFG +2013-08-15 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-15 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-15 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-15 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-15 05:20,11,M,M +2013-08-15 06:20,14,M,M +2013-08-15 07:20,16,M,M +2013-08-15 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-15 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-15 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-15 11:20,21,BKN,M +2013-08-15 12:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-15 13:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-15 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-15 15:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-15 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-15 17:20,18,SCT,-RA +2013-08-15 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-15 19:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-15 20:20,17,BKN,M +2013-08-15 21:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-15 22:20,17,M,M +2013-08-15 23:20,17,M,M +2013-08-16 00:20,17,M,M +2013-08-16 01:20,17,M,M +2013-08-16 02:20,16,M,M +2013-08-16 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-16 04:20,16,NSC,M +2013-08-16 05:20,16,NSC,M +2013-08-16 06:20,17,BKN,M +2013-08-16 07:20,19,M,M +2013-08-16 08:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-16 09:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-16 10:20,24,SCT,M +2013-08-16 11:20,25,SCT,M +2013-08-16 12:20,25,SCT,M +2013-08-16 13:20,26,FEW,M +2013-08-16 14:20,26,M,M +2013-08-16 15:20,26,M,M +2013-08-16 16:20,26,M,M +2013-08-16 17:20,26,M,M +2013-08-16 18:20,25,M,M +2013-08-16 19:20,21,M,M +2013-08-16 20:20,20,M,M +2013-08-16 21:20,19,M,M +2013-08-16 22:20,18,M,M +2013-08-16 23:20,18,M,M +2013-08-17 00:20,17,M,M +2013-08-17 01:20,17,M,M +2013-08-17 02:20,16,M,M +2013-08-17 03:20,16,SCT,M +2013-08-17 04:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-08-17 05:20,17,SCT,RA +2013-08-17 06:20,17,SCT,RA +2013-08-17 07:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-17 08:20,18,BKN,M +2013-08-17 09:20,19,BKN,M +2013-08-17 10:20,20,BKN,M +2013-08-17 11:20,21,BKN,M +2013-08-17 12:20,23,BKN,M +2013-08-17 13:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-17 14:20,23,BKN,M +2013-08-17 15:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-17 16:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-17 17:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-17 18:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-17 19:20,19,M,M +2013-08-17 20:20,19,M,M +2013-08-17 21:20,19,M,M +2013-08-17 22:20,20,M,M +2013-08-17 23:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 00:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 01:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 02:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 03:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 04:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-18 05:20,19,NSC,VCSH +2013-08-18 06:20,19,M,M +2013-08-18 07:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-18 08:20,18,BKN,RA +2013-08-18 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-18 10:20,18,SCT,RA +2013-08-18 11:20,19,BKN,-RA +2013-08-18 12:20,18,BKN,RA BR +2013-08-18 13:20,18,FEW,-RA +2013-08-18 14:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-18 15:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-18 16:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-18 17:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2013-08-18 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-18 19:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-18 20:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2013-08-18 21:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2013-08-18 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-18 23:20,13,NSC,FG +2013-08-19 00:20,13,NSC,FG +2013-08-19 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-19 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-19 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG BR +2013-08-19 04:20,11,NSC,VCFG MIFG +2013-08-19 05:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-19 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-19 07:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-19 08:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-19 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-19 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-19 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-19 12:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-19 13:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-19 14:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-19 15:20,17,FEW,RA +2013-08-19 16:20,15,FEW,RA +2013-08-19 17:20,15,FEW,-RA +2013-08-19 18:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-08-19 19:20,14,SCT,M +2013-08-19 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-19 21:20,14,SCT,M +2013-08-19 22:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-19 23:20,14,M,M +2013-08-20 00:20,14,M,M +2013-08-20 01:20,14,M,M +2013-08-20 02:20,13,M,M +2013-08-20 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-20 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-20 05:20,13,M,M +2013-08-20 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-20 07:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-20 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-20 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-20 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-20 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-20 12:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-20 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-20 14:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-20 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-20 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-20 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-20 18:20,16,M,M +2013-08-20 19:20,15,M,M +2013-08-20 20:20,13,M,M +2013-08-20 21:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-20 22:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-20 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-21 00:20,12,M,M +2013-08-21 01:20,12,M,M +2013-08-21 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-21 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-21 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-21 05:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-21 06:20,13,M,M +2013-08-21 07:20,16,M,M +2013-08-21 08:20,18,M,M +2013-08-21 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-21 10:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-21 11:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-21 12:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-21 13:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-21 14:20,22,M,M +2013-08-21 15:20,21,M,M +2013-08-21 16:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-21 17:20,19,M,M +2013-08-21 18:20,17,M,M +2013-08-21 19:20,16,M,M +2013-08-21 20:20,14,M,M +2013-08-21 21:20,14,M,M +2013-08-21 22:20,13,M,M +2013-08-21 23:20,14,M,M +2013-08-22 00:20,14,M,M +2013-08-22 01:20,14,M,M +2013-08-22 02:20,15,M,M +2013-08-22 03:20,15,M,M +2013-08-22 04:20,15,M,M +2013-08-22 05:20,15,M,M +2013-08-22 06:20,16,M,M +2013-08-22 07:20,19,M,M +2013-08-22 08:20,21,M,M +2013-08-22 09:20,22,M,M +2013-08-22 10:20,22,M,M +2013-08-22 11:20,23,M,M +2013-08-22 12:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-22 13:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-22 14:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-22 15:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-22 16:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-22 17:20,22,M,M +2013-08-22 18:20,20,M,M +2013-08-22 19:20,18,M,M +2013-08-22 20:20,18,M,M +2013-08-22 21:20,16,M,M +2013-08-22 22:20,14,M,M +2013-08-23 00:20,15,M,M +2013-08-23 02:20,13,M,M +2013-08-23 03:20,12,M,M +2013-08-23 04:20,12,M,M +2013-08-23 05:20,13,M,M +2013-08-23 06:20,14,M,M +2013-08-23 07:20,17,M,M +2013-08-23 08:20,19,M,M +2013-08-23 09:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-23 10:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-23 11:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-23 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-08-23 13:20,23,M,M +2013-08-23 14:20,23,M,M +2013-08-23 15:20,24,M,M +2013-08-23 16:20,23,M,M +2013-08-23 17:20,23,M,M +2013-08-23 18:20,22,M,M +2013-08-23 19:20,20,M,M +2013-08-23 20:20,20,NCD,M +2013-08-23 21:20,18,M,M +2013-08-23 22:20,17,M,M +2013-08-23 23:20,16,M,M +2013-08-24 00:20,15,M,M +2013-08-24 01:20,14,M,M +2013-08-24 02:20,14,M,M +2013-08-24 03:20,12,M,M +2013-08-24 04:20,12,M,M +2013-08-24 05:20,13,M,M +2013-08-24 06:20,15,M,M +2013-08-24 07:20,17,M,M +2013-08-24 08:20,19,M,M +2013-08-24 09:20,21,M,M +2013-08-24 10:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-24 11:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-24 12:20,24,M,M +2013-08-24 13:20,24,M,M +2013-08-24 14:20,24,M,M +2013-08-24 15:20,24,M,M +2013-08-24 16:20,23,M,M +2013-08-24 17:20,22,M,M +2013-08-24 18:20,21,M,M +2013-08-24 19:20,20,M,M +2013-08-24 20:20,18,M,M +2013-08-24 21:20,17,M,M +2013-08-24 22:20,17,M,M +2013-08-24 23:20,17,M,M +2013-08-25 00:20,16,M,M +2013-08-25 01:20,15,M,M +2013-08-25 02:20,14,M,M +2013-08-25 03:20,14,M,M +2013-08-25 04:20,14,M,M +2013-08-25 05:20,15,M,M +2013-08-25 06:20,17,M,M +2013-08-25 07:20,19,M,M +2013-08-25 08:20,21,M,M +2013-08-25 09:20,22,M,M +2013-08-25 10:20,24,M,M +2013-08-25 11:20,24,M,M +2013-08-25 12:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-25 13:20,24,M,M +2013-08-25 14:20,23,M,M +2013-08-25 15:20,23,M,M +2013-08-25 16:20,22,M,M +2013-08-25 17:20,21,M,M +2013-08-25 18:20,19,M,M +2013-08-25 19:20,18,M,M +2013-08-25 20:20,17,M,M +2013-08-25 21:20,16,M,M +2013-08-25 22:20,15,M,M +2013-08-25 23:20,15,M,M +2013-08-26 00:20,14,M,M +2013-08-26 01:20,13,M,M +2013-08-26 02:20,13,M,M +2013-08-26 03:20,13,M,M +2013-08-26 04:20,12,M,M +2013-08-26 05:20,13,M,M +2013-08-26 06:20,15,M,M +2013-08-26 07:20,17,M,M +2013-08-26 08:20,19,M,M +2013-08-26 09:20,20,M,M +2013-08-26 10:20,22,M,M +2013-08-26 11:20,22,M,M +2013-08-26 12:20,23,M,M +2013-08-26 13:20,23,M,M +2013-08-26 14:20,22,M,M +2013-08-26 15:20,22,M,M +2013-08-26 16:20,21,M,M +2013-08-26 17:20,20,M,M +2013-08-26 18:20,18,M,M +2013-08-26 19:20,17,M,M +2013-08-26 20:20,15,M,M +2013-08-26 21:20,15,M,M +2013-08-26 22:20,14,M,M +2013-08-26 23:20,13,M,M +2013-08-27 00:20,13,M,M +2013-08-27 01:20,12,M,M +2013-08-27 02:20,11,M,M +2013-08-27 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-27 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-27 05:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-27 06:20,13,M,M +2013-08-27 07:20,16,M,M +2013-08-27 08:20,19,M,M +2013-08-27 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-27 10:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-27 11:20,21,BKN,M +2013-08-27 12:20,22,BKN,M +2013-08-27 13:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-27 14:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-27 15:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-27 16:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-27 17:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-27 18:20,19,M,M +2013-08-27 19:20,19,M,M +2013-08-27 20:20,17,M,M +2013-08-27 21:20,15,M,M +2013-08-27 22:20,14,M,M +2013-08-27 23:20,14,M,M +2013-08-28 00:20,14,M,M +2013-08-28 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-28 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-28 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-28 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-28 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-28 06:20,14,M,M +2013-08-28 07:20,17,M,M +2013-08-28 08:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-28 09:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-28 10:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-28 11:20,23,SCT,M +2013-08-28 12:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-28 13:20,23,M,M +2013-08-28 14:20,23,M,M +2013-08-28 15:20,23,M,M +2013-08-28 16:20,23,FEW,M +2013-08-28 17:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-28 18:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-28 19:20,18,M,M +2013-08-28 20:20,16,M,M +2013-08-28 21:20,14,M,M +2013-08-28 22:20,13,M,M +2013-08-28 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-29 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-29 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-29 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-29 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-29 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-29 05:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-29 06:20,13,NSC,M +2013-08-29 07:20,16,M,M +2013-08-29 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-29 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-08-29 10:20,20,M,M +2013-08-29 11:20,21,FEW,M +2013-08-29 12:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-29 13:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-29 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-29 15:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-29 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-29 17:20,21,BKN,M +2013-08-29 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-29 19:20,17,M,M +2013-08-29 20:20,15,M,M +2013-08-29 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-29 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-29 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG PRFG +2013-08-30 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG PRFG +2013-08-30 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-08-30 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG PRFG +2013-08-30 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-08-30 04:20,11,FEW,MIFG BCFG +2013-08-30 05:20,12,FEW,MIFG BR +2013-08-30 06:20,14,NSC,M +2013-08-30 07:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-30 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-08-30 09:20,20,FEW,M +2013-08-30 10:20,20,SCT,M +2013-08-30 11:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-30 12:20,21,SCT,M +2013-08-30 13:20,22,SCT,M +2013-08-30 14:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-30 15:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-30 16:20,22,FEW,M +2013-08-30 17:20,21,M,M +2013-08-30 18:20,19,M,M +2013-08-30 19:20,18,M,M +2013-08-30 20:20,18,M,M +2013-08-30 21:20,17,M,M +2013-08-30 22:20,17,M,M +2013-08-30 23:20,17,M,M +2013-08-31 00:20,17,FEW,M +2013-08-31 01:20,16,M,M +2013-08-31 02:20,15,FEW,M +2013-08-31 03:20,16,FEW,M +2013-08-31 04:20,16,SCT,M +2013-08-31 05:20,16,SCT,-RA +2013-08-31 06:20,16,BKN,M +2013-08-31 07:20,17,BKN,M +2013-08-31 08:20,17,OVC,M +2013-08-31 09:20,18,BKN,M +2013-08-31 10:20,19,BKN,-RA +2013-08-31 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-31 12:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-31 13:20,18,BKN,M +2013-08-31 14:20,19,SCT,M +2013-08-31 15:20,18,SCT,M +2013-08-31 16:20,17,SCT,M +2013-08-31 17:20,16,SCT,M +2013-08-31 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-08-31 19:20,14,M,M +2013-08-31 20:20,13,M,M +2013-08-31 21:20,12,M,M +2013-08-31 22:20,12,BKN,M +2013-08-31 23:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-01 00:20,12,M,M +2013-09-01 01:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-01 02:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-01 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-01 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-01 05:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-01 06:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-01 07:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-01 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-01 09:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-01 10:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-01 11:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2013-09-01 12:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-01 13:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-01 14:20,14,BKN,SHRA +2013-09-01 15:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2013-09-01 16:20,16,BKN,SHRA +2013-09-01 17:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-01 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-01 19:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-01 20:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-01 21:20,13,M,M +2013-09-01 22:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-01 23:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-02 00:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 01:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 02:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 03:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 04:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 05:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 06:20,13,BKN,RA +2013-09-02 07:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2013-09-02 08:20,14,BKN,-RA +2013-09-02 09:20,15,BKN,RA +2013-09-02 10:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2013-09-02 11:20,16,BKN,RA +2013-09-02 12:20,17,BKN,-DZRA +2013-09-02 13:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2013-09-02 14:20,17,SCT,-DZRA +2013-09-02 15:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-02 16:20,17,SCT,-RA +2013-09-02 17:20,17,SCT,-DZRA +2013-09-02 18:20,17,BKN,-DZRA +2013-09-02 19:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-02 20:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2013-09-02 21:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2013-09-02 22:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-02 23:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-03 00:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-03 01:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-03 02:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-03 03:20,17,SCT,-DZ +2013-09-03 04:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2013-09-03 05:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-03 06:20,17,SCT,-DZ +2013-09-03 07:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-03 08:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-03 09:20,18,BKN,-RADZ +2013-09-03 10:20,17,BKN,DZ +2013-09-03 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-03 12:20,19,BKN,M +2013-09-03 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-09-03 14:20,20,SCT,M +2013-09-03 15:20,19,SCT,M +2013-09-03 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-03 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-03 18:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-03 19:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-03 20:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-03 21:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-03 22:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-03 23:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-04 00:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-04 01:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-04 02:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-04 03:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-04 04:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-04 05:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-04 06:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-04 07:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-04 08:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-04 09:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-04 10:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-04 11:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-04 12:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-04 13:20,19,SCT,M +2013-09-04 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-04 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-04 16:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-04 17:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-04 18:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-04 19:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-04 20:20,16,M,M +2013-09-04 21:20,15,M,M +2013-09-04 22:20,15,M,M +2013-09-04 23:20,14,M,M +2013-09-05 00:20,14,M,M +2013-09-05 01:20,14,M,M +2013-09-05 02:20,14,M,M +2013-09-05 03:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-05 04:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-05 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-05 06:20,15,M,M +2013-09-05 07:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-05 08:20,19,M,M +2013-09-05 09:20,20,M,M +2013-09-05 10:20,22,M,M +2013-09-05 11:20,23,M,M +2013-09-05 12:20,24,M,M +2013-09-05 13:20,25,FEW,M +2013-09-05 14:20,25,FEW,M +2013-09-05 15:20,25,M,M +2013-09-05 16:20,24,M,M +2013-09-05 17:20,23,M,M +2013-09-05 18:20,22,M,M +2013-09-05 19:20,21,M,M +2013-09-05 20:20,19,M,M +2013-09-05 21:20,19,M,M +2013-09-05 22:20,19,M,M +2013-09-05 23:20,18,M,M +2013-09-06 00:20,17,M,M +2013-09-06 01:20,17,M,M +2013-09-06 02:20,16,M,M +2013-09-06 03:20,16,M,M +2013-09-06 04:20,15,M,M +2013-09-06 05:20,15,M,M +2013-09-06 06:20,16,M,M +2013-09-06 07:20,18,M,M +2013-09-06 08:20,20,M,M +2013-09-06 09:20,22,M,M +2013-09-06 10:20,24,M,M +2013-09-06 11:20,26,M,M +2013-09-06 12:20,27,M,M +2013-09-06 13:20,28,M,M +2013-09-06 14:20,28,M,M +2013-09-06 15:20,28,M,M +2013-09-06 16:20,27,M,M +2013-09-06 17:20,25,M,M +2013-09-06 18:20,24,M,M +2013-09-06 19:20,23,M,M +2013-09-06 20:20,22,M,M +2013-09-06 21:20,21,M,M +2013-09-06 22:20,20,M,M +2013-09-06 23:20,20,M,M +2013-09-07 00:20,18,M,M +2013-09-07 01:20,18,M,M +2013-09-07 02:20,17,M,M +2013-09-07 03:20,17,M,M +2013-09-07 04:20,17,M,M +2013-09-07 05:20,16,M,M +2013-09-07 06:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-07 07:20,19,FEW,TS VCSH +2013-09-07 08:20,20,FEW,M +2013-09-07 09:20,21,FEW,M +2013-09-07 10:20,23,FEW,M +2013-09-07 11:20,24,FEW,M +2013-09-07 12:20,24,FEW,M +2013-09-07 13:20,25,FEW,M +2013-09-07 14:20,25,FEW,M +2013-09-07 15:20,25,FEW,M +2013-09-07 16:20,23,FEW,M +2013-09-07 17:20,22,FEW,M +2013-09-07 18:20,22,M,M +2013-09-07 19:20,20,M,M +2013-09-07 20:20,19,M,M +2013-09-07 21:20,20,M,M +2013-09-07 22:20,18,M,M +2013-09-07 23:20,17,M,M +2013-09-08 00:20,18,M,M +2013-09-08 01:20,18,M,M +2013-09-08 02:20,17,M,M +2013-09-08 03:20,16,M,M +2013-09-08 04:20,16,M,M +2013-09-08 05:20,16,M,M +2013-09-08 06:20,16,M,M +2013-09-08 07:20,17,M,M +2013-09-08 08:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-08 09:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-08 10:20,20,FEW,M +2013-09-08 11:20,20,SCT,-RA +2013-09-08 12:20,19,SCT,-RA +2013-09-08 13:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-08 14:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-08 15:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-08 16:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-08 17:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-08 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-08 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-08 20:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-08 21:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-08 22:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-08 23:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-09 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 01:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 03:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-09-09 04:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-09-09 05:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-09-09 06:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-09-09 07:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-09-09 08:20,13,BKN,+RA +2013-09-09 09:20,12,BKN,+RA +2013-09-09 10:20,13,BKN,RA +2013-09-09 11:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-09-09 12:20,13,SCT,-RA +2013-09-09 13:20,13,SCT,-RA +2013-09-09 14:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-09 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-09 16:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-09 17:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-09 20:20,11,M,M +2013-09-09 21:20,11,M,M +2013-09-09 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-09 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-10 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-10 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-10 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-10 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-10 04:20,9,NSC,M +2013-09-10 05:20,10,BKN,M +2013-09-10 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-09-10 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-10 08:20,12,SCT,-RA +2013-09-10 09:20,12,FEW,DZRA +2013-09-10 10:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2013-09-10 11:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-10 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-10 13:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-10 14:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-10 15:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-10 16:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-10 17:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-10 18:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-10 19:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-10 20:20,11,BKN,M +2013-09-10 21:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-10 22:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-10 23:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-11 00:20,9,FEW,BCFG +2013-09-11 01:20,9,FEW,BCFG +2013-09-11 02:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-11 03:20,7,FEW,FG +2013-09-11 04:20,8,FEW,BCFG BR +2013-09-11 05:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-11 06:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-11 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-11 08:20,12,BKN,M +2013-09-11 09:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-11 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-11 11:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-11 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-11 13:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-11 14:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2013-09-11 15:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-11 16:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-11 17:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-11 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-11 19:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-11 20:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-11 21:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-11 22:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-11 23:20,12,BKN,M +2013-09-12 00:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-12 01:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-12 02:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-12 03:20,9,FEW,BCFG BR +2013-09-12 04:20,9,NSC,FG +2013-09-12 05:20,10,FEW,BCFG +2013-09-12 06:20,11,BKN,BCFG BR +2013-09-12 07:20,12,SCT,BR +2013-09-12 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-12 09:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-12 10:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-12 11:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-12 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-12 13:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-12 14:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-12 15:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-12 16:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-12 17:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-12 18:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-12 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-12 20:20,13,NSC,M +2013-09-12 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-12 22:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-12 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-13 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-13 01:20,12,SCT,MIFG +2013-09-13 02:20,12,BKN,MIFG BR +2013-09-13 03:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-09-13 04:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-09-13 05:20,13,OVC,FG +2013-09-13 06:20,13,OVC,BCFG BR +2013-09-13 07:20,13,OVC,BR +2013-09-13 08:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-09-13 09:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-13 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-13 11:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-13 12:20,19,FEW,M +2013-09-13 13:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-13 14:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-13 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-13 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-13 17:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-13 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-13 19:20,13,M,M +2013-09-13 20:20,13,M,M +2013-09-13 21:20,13,M,M +2013-09-13 22:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-13 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2013-09-14 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-14 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-14 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-14 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-14 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-14 05:20,11,NSC,M +2013-09-14 06:20,12,NSC,M +2013-09-14 07:20,13,NSC,M +2013-09-14 08:20,16,M,M +2013-09-14 09:20,18,M,M +2013-09-14 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-14 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-14 12:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-14 13:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-14 14:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-14 15:20,17,FEW,-RA +2013-09-14 16:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-14 17:20,16,SCT,-RA +2013-09-14 18:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-14 19:20,16,BKN,RA +2013-09-14 20:20,16,SCT,-RA +2013-09-14 21:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-14 22:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-14 23:20,15,BKN,-RA +2013-09-15 00:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-15 01:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-15 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-15 03:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-15 04:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-15 05:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-15 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-15 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-15 11:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-09-15 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-15 15:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-15 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-15 17:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 19:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 20:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-15 21:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-15 22:20,12,BKN,-RA +2013-09-15 23:20,12,SCT,RA +2013-09-16 00:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-09-16 01:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-09-16 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-09-16 03:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-16 04:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-16 05:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2013-09-16 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-16 07:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-16 08:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-16 09:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-16 10:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-16 11:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-16 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-16 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-16 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-16 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-16 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-16 17:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-16 18:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-16 19:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-16 20:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-16 21:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-16 22:20,7,M,M +2013-09-16 23:20,7,M,M +2013-09-17 00:20,6,M,M +2013-09-17 01:20,6,M,M +2013-09-17 02:20,7,M,M +2013-09-17 03:20,6,M,M +2013-09-17 04:20,7,M,M +2013-09-17 05:20,7,M,M +2013-09-17 06:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-17 07:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-17 08:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-17 09:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-17 10:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-17 11:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-17 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-17 13:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-17 14:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-17 15:20,14,BKN,M +2013-09-17 16:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-17 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-17 18:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-17 19:20,11,M,M +2013-09-17 20:20,11,M,M +2013-09-17 21:20,11,M,M +2013-09-17 22:20,11,M,M +2013-09-17 23:20,10,SCT,M +2013-09-18 00:20,10,BKN,M +2013-09-18 01:20,10,FEW,-RA +2013-09-18 02:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-09-18 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-09-18 04:20,9,SCT,-RA +2013-09-18 05:20,9,SCT,-RA +2013-09-18 06:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-09-18 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-18 08:20,10,SCT,M +2013-09-18 09:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-18 10:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-18 11:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-18 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-18 13:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-18 14:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-18 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-18 16:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-18 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-18 18:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-18 19:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-18 20:20,10,M,M +2013-09-18 21:20,9,M,M +2013-09-18 22:20,9,M,M +2013-09-18 23:20,9,M,M +2013-09-19 00:20,8,M,M +2013-09-19 01:20,8,M,M +2013-09-19 02:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-19 03:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-19 04:20,8,NSC,VCSH +2013-09-19 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-09-19 06:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-19 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-09-19 08:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-19 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-19 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-19 11:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-19 12:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-19 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-19 14:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-19 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-19 16:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-19 17:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-19 18:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-19 19:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-19 20:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-19 21:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-19 22:20,11,BKN,RA +2013-09-19 23:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-09-20 00:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-09-20 01:20,10,SCT,RADZ +2013-09-20 02:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2013-09-20 03:20,11,BKN,BR +2013-09-20 04:20,11,SCT,BR +2013-09-20 05:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-20 06:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-20 07:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-20 08:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-09-20 09:20,14,BKN,RADZ +2013-09-20 10:20,15,BKN,M +2013-09-20 11:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-20 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-20 13:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-20 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-20 15:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-20 16:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-20 17:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2013-09-20 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-20 19:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-20 20:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-09-20 21:20,11,BKN,M +2013-09-20 22:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-20 23:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-09-21 00:20,10,BKN,MIFG +2013-09-21 01:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-09-21 02:20,11,FEW,MIFG BR +2013-09-21 03:20,11,NSC,BR +2013-09-21 04:20,12,NSC,M +2013-09-21 05:20,11,NSC,M +2013-09-21 06:20,12,NSC,M +2013-09-21 07:20,13,M,M +2013-09-21 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-21 09:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-21 10:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-21 11:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-21 12:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-21 13:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-21 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-21 15:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-21 16:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-21 17:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-21 18:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-21 19:20,12,BKN,M +2013-09-21 20:20,12,BKN,M +2013-09-21 21:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-21 22:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-21 23:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-22 00:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-22 01:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-22 02:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-22 03:20,13,BKN,M +2013-09-22 04:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-22 05:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-22 06:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-22 07:20,14,BKN,M +2013-09-22 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-22 09:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-22 10:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-22 11:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-22 12:20,16,OVC,M +2013-09-22 13:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-22 14:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-22 15:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-22 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-22 17:20,17,SCT,M +2013-09-22 18:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-22 19:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-22 20:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-22 21:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-22 22:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-22 23:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 00:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 01:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 02:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 03:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-23 04:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-23 05:20,15,BKN,M +2013-09-23 06:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 07:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 08:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 09:20,17,BKN,M +2013-09-23 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-23 11:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-23 12:20,18,BKN,M +2013-09-23 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-09-23 14:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-23 15:20,18,FEW,M +2013-09-23 16:20,17,FEW,M +2013-09-23 17:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-23 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-23 19:20,16,BKN,M +2013-09-23 20:20,16,FEW,M +2013-09-23 21:20,15,BKN,M +2013-09-23 22:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-23 23:20,15,BKN,M +2013-09-24 00:20,15,BKN,M +2013-09-24 01:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-24 02:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-24 03:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-24 04:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-24 05:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-24 06:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2013-09-24 07:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-24 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-24 09:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-24 10:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-24 11:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-24 12:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-24 13:20,16,SCT,M +2013-09-24 14:20,15,SCT,-RADZ +2013-09-24 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-24 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-24 17:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-24 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-24 19:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-24 20:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-24 21:20,11,M,M +2013-09-24 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-24 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-25 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-25 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-25 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-25 03:20,7,M,M +2013-09-25 04:20,9,M,M +2013-09-25 05:20,9,M,M +2013-09-25 06:20,10,M,M +2013-09-25 07:20,11,M,M +2013-09-25 08:20,11,NSC,-RA +2013-09-25 09:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 10:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 11:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 12:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 13:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 14:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 15:20,12,SCT,RA +2013-09-25 16:20,11,BKN,RA +2013-09-25 17:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-09-25 18:20,9,FEW,RA +2013-09-25 19:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 20:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-25 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-09-25 22:20,9,SCT,-RA +2013-09-25 23:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-26 00:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2013-09-26 01:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2013-09-26 02:20,9,BKN,M +2013-09-26 03:20,8,BKN,M +2013-09-26 04:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2013-09-26 05:20,8,BKN,M +2013-09-26 06:20,9,BKN,M +2013-09-26 07:20,9,BKN,M +2013-09-26 08:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-26 09:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-26 10:20,11,SCT,M +2013-09-26 11:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-26 12:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-26 13:20,12,SCT,M +2013-09-26 14:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-26 15:20,13,SCT,M +2013-09-26 16:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-26 17:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-26 18:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2013-09-26 19:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-26 20:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-26 21:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-26 22:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-26 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-27 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-27 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-27 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-27 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2013-09-27 04:20,4,M,M +2013-09-27 05:20,5,M,M +2013-09-27 06:20,6,M,M +2013-09-27 07:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-27 08:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-27 09:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-27 10:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-27 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-27 12:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-27 13:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-27 14:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-27 15:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-27 16:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2013-09-27 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-27 18:20,10,M,M +2013-09-27 19:20,10,SCT,M +2013-09-27 20:20,9,BKN,M +2013-09-27 21:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-27 22:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-27 23:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-28 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-28 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-28 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-09-28 03:20,5,VV ,FG +2013-09-28 04:20,4,NSC,FG +2013-09-28 05:20,4,NSC,FG +2013-09-28 06:20,4,FEW,FG +2013-09-28 07:20,8,FEW,M +2013-09-28 08:20,11,M,M +2013-09-28 09:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-28 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-28 11:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-28 12:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-28 13:20,15,SCT,M +2013-09-28 14:20,14,SCT,M +2013-09-28 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-28 16:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-28 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-28 18:20,9,M,M +2013-09-28 19:20,9,M,M +2013-09-28 20:20,8,M,M +2013-09-28 21:20,8,M,M +2013-09-28 22:20,7,M,M +2013-09-28 23:20,7,M,M +2013-09-29 00:20,7,M,M +2013-09-29 01:20,7,M,M +2013-09-29 02:20,6,M,M +2013-09-29 03:20,5,M,M +2013-09-29 04:20,5,M,M +2013-09-29 05:20,5,M,M +2013-09-29 06:20,6,M,M +2013-09-29 07:20,9,M,M +2013-09-29 08:20,11,M,M +2013-09-29 09:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-29 10:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-29 11:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-29 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-29 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-29 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-29 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-09-29 16:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-29 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-09-29 18:20,10,M,M +2013-09-29 19:20,10,M,M +2013-09-29 20:20,9,NCD,M +2013-09-29 21:20,9,M,M +2013-09-29 22:20,8,M,M +2013-09-29 23:20,8,M,M +2013-09-30 00:20,7,M,M +2013-09-30 01:20,7,M,M +2013-09-30 02:20,7,M,M +2013-09-30 03:20,6,M,M +2013-09-30 04:20,6,M,M +2013-09-30 05:20,5,M,M +2013-09-30 06:20,6,M,M +2013-09-30 07:20,9,M,M +2013-09-30 08:20,10,M,M +2013-09-30 09:20,12,M,M +2013-09-30 10:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-30 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-30 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-30 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-30 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-09-30 15:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-30 16:20,13,FEW,M +2013-09-30 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-09-30 18:20,9,FEW,M +2013-09-30 19:20,8,M,M +2013-09-30 20:20,8,M,M +2013-09-30 21:20,8,M,M +2013-09-30 22:20,7,M,M +2013-09-30 23:20,7,M,M +2013-10-01 00:20,6,FEW,M +2013-10-01 01:20,5,FEW,M +2013-10-01 02:20,5,FEW,M +2013-10-01 03:20,5,M,M +2013-10-01 04:20,4,M,M +2013-10-01 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-10-01 06:20,5,M,M +2013-10-01 07:20,8,M,M +2013-10-01 08:20,10,M,M +2013-10-01 09:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-01 10:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-01 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-01 12:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-01 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-01 14:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-01 15:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-01 16:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-01 17:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-01 18:20,9,NCD,M +2013-10-01 19:20,8,M,M +2013-10-01 20:20,7,M,M +2013-10-01 21:20,8,M,M +2013-10-01 22:20,7,M,M +2013-10-01 23:20,7,M,M +2013-10-02 00:20,6,M,M +2013-10-02 01:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 02:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 03:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 04:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 05:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 06:20,4,M,M +2013-10-02 07:20,8,M,M +2013-10-02 08:20,10,M,M +2013-10-02 09:20,12,M,M +2013-10-02 10:20,13,M,M +2013-10-02 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-02 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-02 13:20,14,M,M +2013-10-02 14:20,14,M,M +2013-10-02 15:20,14,M,M +2013-10-02 16:20,13,M,M +2013-10-02 17:20,11,M,M +2013-10-02 18:20,10,M,M +2013-10-02 19:20,9,M,M +2013-10-02 20:20,9,M,M +2013-10-02 21:20,8,M,M +2013-10-02 22:20,7,M,M +2013-10-02 23:20,7,M,M +2013-10-03 00:20,6,M,M +2013-10-03 01:20,5,M,M +2013-10-03 02:20,5,M,M +2013-10-03 03:20,5,M,M +2013-10-03 04:20,4,M,M +2013-10-03 05:20,4,M,M +2013-10-03 06:20,4,M,M +2013-10-03 07:20,5,M,M +2013-10-03 08:20,7,M,M +2013-10-03 09:20,9,M,M +2013-10-03 10:20,11,M,M +2013-10-03 11:20,13,M,M +2013-10-03 12:20,14,M,M +2013-10-03 13:20,14,M,M +2013-10-03 14:20,13,M,M +2013-10-03 15:20,12,M,M +2013-10-03 16:20,11,M,M +2013-10-03 17:20,10,M,M +2013-10-03 18:20,10,M,M +2013-10-03 19:20,9,M,M +2013-10-03 20:20,8,M,M +2013-10-03 21:20,8,M,M +2013-10-03 22:20,7,M,M +2013-10-03 23:20,7,M,M +2013-10-04 00:20,6,M,M +2013-10-04 01:20,6,M,M +2013-10-04 02:20,6,M,M +2013-10-04 03:20,5,M,M +2013-10-04 04:20,5,M,M +2013-10-04 05:20,5,M,M +2013-10-04 06:20,5,M,M +2013-10-04 07:20,7,M,M +2013-10-04 08:20,8,M,M +2013-10-04 09:20,9,M,M +2013-10-04 10:20,11,M,M +2013-10-04 11:20,12,M,M +2013-10-04 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-04 13:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-04 14:20,13,NSC,-RA +2013-10-04 15:20,12,NCD,M +2013-10-04 16:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-10-04 17:20,11,SCT,-RA +2013-10-04 18:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-04 19:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-04 20:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-04 21:20,10,SCT,M +2013-10-04 22:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-04 23:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-05 00:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-05 01:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 02:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 03:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 04:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 05:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 06:20,10,M,M +2013-10-05 07:20,11,M,M +2013-10-05 08:20,12,M,M +2013-10-05 09:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-05 10:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-05 11:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-05 12:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-05 13:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-05 14:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-05 15:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-05 16:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-05 17:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-05 18:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-05 19:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-05 20:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-05 21:20,11,NSC,FG +2013-10-05 22:20,11,NSC,FG +2013-10-05 23:20,12,NSC,FG +2013-10-06 00:20,12,NSC,FG +2013-10-06 01:20,12,BKN,BR +2013-10-06 02:20,13,VV ,FG +2013-10-06 03:20,12,SCT,BR +2013-10-06 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-06 05:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2013-10-06 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-06 07:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-06 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-06 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-06 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-06 11:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-06 12:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-06 13:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-06 14:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-06 15:20,15,FEW,-RA +2013-10-06 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-06 17:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-06 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-06 19:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-06 20:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2013-10-06 21:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-06 22:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2013-10-06 23:20,7,NSC,MIFG BR +2013-10-07 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-07 01:20,7,NSC,FG +2013-10-07 02:20,8,BKN,M +2013-10-07 03:20,8,BKN,M +2013-10-07 04:20,8,SCT,MIFG +2013-10-07 05:20,8,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-07 06:20,10,BKN,MIFG +2013-10-07 07:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-07 08:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-07 09:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-07 10:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-07 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-07 12:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-07 13:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-07 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-07 15:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-07 16:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-07 17:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-07 18:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-07 19:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2013-10-07 20:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-07 21:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-07 22:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-07 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 00:20,7,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 01:20,9,BKN,MIFG +2013-10-08 02:20,10,BKN,MIFG +2013-10-08 03:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 04:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 05:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 06:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-08 07:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2013-10-08 08:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-08 09:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 10:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 11:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-08 12:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-08 13:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-08 14:20,16,BKN,M +2013-10-08 15:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-08 16:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-08 17:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 18:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 19:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 20:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-08 21:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-08 22:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-08 23:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-09 00:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 01:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 02:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 03:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 04:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 06:20,13,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 07:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-09 08:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-09 09:20,14,BKN,RADZ BR +2013-10-09 10:20,14,FEW,-RADZ BR +2013-10-09 11:20,14,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-10-09 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-09 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-09 14:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-09 15:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-09 16:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-10-09 17:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-09 18:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-09 19:20,12,M,M +2013-10-09 20:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-09 21:20,12,BKN,M +2013-10-09 22:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-09 23:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-10-10 00:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-10 01:20,10,NSC,-RA +2013-10-10 02:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-10 03:20,8,M,M +2013-10-10 04:20,8,M,M +2013-10-10 05:20,8,M,M +2013-10-10 06:20,7,M,M +2013-10-10 07:20,8,M,M +2013-10-10 08:20,8,M,M +2013-10-10 09:20,9,M,M +2013-10-10 10:20,11,M,M +2013-10-10 11:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-10 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-10 13:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-10 14:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-10 15:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-10 16:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-10 17:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-10 18:20,10,SCT,-RA +2013-10-10 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2013-10-10 20:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-10 21:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-10 22:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-10 23:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-11 00:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-11 01:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-11 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-11 03:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-11 04:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-11 05:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-11 06:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-11 07:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-11 08:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-11 09:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-11 10:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-11 11:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-11 12:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-11 13:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-11 14:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-11 15:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-11 16:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-11 17:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-11 18:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-11 19:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-11 20:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-11 21:20,14,BKN,BR +2013-10-11 22:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2013-10-11 23:20,13,BKN,-RA BR +2013-10-12 00:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-12 01:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-12 02:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-12 03:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-12 04:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-12 05:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-12 06:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2013-10-12 07:20,13,BKN,RADZ +2013-10-12 08:20,12,SCT,+RA +2013-10-12 09:20,12,BKN,RA +2013-10-12 10:20,13,BKN,-RA BR +2013-10-12 11:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-10-12 12:20,13,FEW,-RADZ BR +2013-10-12 13:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-10-12 14:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-10-12 15:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-10-12 16:20,13,SCT,BR +2013-10-12 17:20,13,FEW,BR +2013-10-12 18:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-10-12 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-12 20:20,12,BKN,RA +2013-10-12 21:20,12,BKN,RA +2013-10-12 22:20,11,BKN,+RA +2013-10-12 23:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-10-13 00:20,11,BKN,-RA +2013-10-13 01:20,11,BKN,VCSH +2013-10-13 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-13 03:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-13 04:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-13 05:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-13 06:20,8,SCT,M +2013-10-13 07:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-13 08:20,8,BKN,M +2013-10-13 09:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-13 10:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-13 11:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-13 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-13 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-13 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-13 15:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-13 16:20,10,M,M +2013-10-13 17:20,9,M,M +2013-10-13 18:20,7,M,M +2013-10-13 19:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-13 20:20,6,M,M +2013-10-13 21:20,5,M,M +2013-10-13 22:20,4,M,M +2013-10-13 23:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-14 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-14 01:20,6,M,M +2013-10-14 02:20,7,M,M +2013-10-14 03:20,6,M,M +2013-10-14 04:20,6,M,M +2013-10-14 05:20,6,M,M +2013-10-14 06:20,6,M,M +2013-10-14 07:20,7,M,M +2013-10-14 08:20,8,M,M +2013-10-14 09:20,9,M,M +2013-10-14 10:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-14 11:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-14 12:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-14 13:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-14 14:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-14 15:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-14 16:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-14 17:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-14 18:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-14 19:20,10,M,M +2013-10-14 20:20,9,M,M +2013-10-14 21:20,8,M,M +2013-10-14 22:20,8,M,M +2013-10-14 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-15 00:20,7,M,M +2013-10-15 01:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-15 02:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-15 03:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-10-15 04:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-10-15 05:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-10-15 06:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-15 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-15 08:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-10-15 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-15 10:20,11,BKN,-RA +2013-10-15 11:20,11,BKN,-RA +2013-10-15 12:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-15 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-15 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-15 15:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-15 16:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-15 17:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-15 18:20,9,M,M +2013-10-15 19:20,9,M,M +2013-10-15 20:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-15 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-10-15 22:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-10-15 23:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-16 00:20,9,SCT,M +2013-10-16 01:20,9,FEW,BR +2013-10-16 02:20,9,FEW,BR +2013-10-16 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2013-10-16 04:20,10,OVC,BR +2013-10-16 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2013-10-16 06:20,10,SCT,BR +2013-10-16 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-16 08:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-16 09:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-16 10:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-16 11:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-16 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-16 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-16 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-16 15:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-16 16:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-16 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-16 18:20,10,SCT,M +2013-10-16 19:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-16 20:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-16 21:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-16 22:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-16 23:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-17 00:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-17 01:20,10,SCT,-RA +2013-10-17 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-17 03:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2013-10-17 04:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2013-10-17 05:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-17 06:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-17 07:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-17 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-10-17 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-17 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-10-17 11:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-10-17 12:20,12,FEW,RA +2013-10-17 14:20,11,FEW,RA +2013-10-17 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-17 16:20,12,FEW,SHRA +2013-10-17 17:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-17 18:20,12,BKN,M +2013-10-17 19:20,12,SCT,M +2013-10-17 20:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-17 21:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-17 22:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-17 23:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 00:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 01:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-18 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-10-18 03:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 04:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-18 05:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 06:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 08:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-18 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 10:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 11:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 12:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 15:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-18 16:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-18 17:20,7,M,M +2013-10-18 18:20,5,M,M +2013-10-18 19:20,4,M,M +2013-10-18 20:20,3,M,M +2013-10-18 21:20,4,M,M +2013-10-18 22:20,3,M,M +2013-10-18 23:20,4,M,M +2013-10-19 00:20,4,M,M +2013-10-19 01:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 02:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 03:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 04:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 05:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 06:20,5,M,M +2013-10-19 07:20,6,M,M +2013-10-19 08:20,7,M,M +2013-10-19 09:20,8,M,M +2013-10-19 10:20,9,M,M +2013-10-19 11:20,10,M,M +2013-10-19 12:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 13:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 14:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 15:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 16:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 17:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 18:20,11,M,M +2013-10-19 19:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-19 20:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-10-19 21:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-19 22:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-19 23:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-20 00:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-20 01:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-20 02:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-20 03:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-20 04:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-20 05:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-20 06:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-20 07:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-20 08:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-20 09:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-20 10:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-20 11:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 12:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 13:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 14:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 15:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 16:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-20 17:20,16,M,M +2013-10-20 18:20,16,FEW,VCTS +2013-10-20 19:20,16,M,M +2013-10-20 20:20,15,M,M +2013-10-20 21:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-20 22:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2013-10-20 23:20,14,FEW,-TSRA +2013-10-21 00:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2013-10-21 01:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-21 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-21 03:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-21 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-21 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-21 06:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-21 07:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-21 08:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-21 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-21 10:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 11:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 12:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 13:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-21 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-21 15:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-21 16:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 17:20,15,NSC,-RA +2013-10-21 18:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 19:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-21 20:20,14,M,M +2013-10-21 21:20,14,M,M +2013-10-21 22:20,14,M,M +2013-10-21 23:20,14,M,M +2013-10-22 00:20,13,M,M +2013-10-22 01:20,13,M,M +2013-10-22 02:20,12,M,M +2013-10-22 03:20,13,M,M +2013-10-22 04:20,12,M,M +2013-10-22 05:20,12,M,M +2013-10-22 06:20,12,M,M +2013-10-22 07:20,13,M,M +2013-10-22 08:20,14,M,M +2013-10-22 09:20,15,M,M +2013-10-22 10:20,17,M,M +2013-10-22 11:20,19,M,M +2013-10-22 12:20,20,M,M +2013-10-22 13:20,20,M,M +2013-10-22 14:20,20,M,M +2013-10-22 15:20,19,M,M +2013-10-22 16:20,19,M,M +2013-10-22 17:20,18,M,M +2013-10-22 18:20,18,M,M +2013-10-22 19:20,16,M,M +2013-10-22 20:20,17,M,M +2013-10-22 21:20,16,M,M +2013-10-22 22:20,15,M,M +2013-10-22 23:20,15,M,M +2013-10-23 00:20,15,M,M +2013-10-23 01:20,15,FEW,-RA +2013-10-23 02:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 03:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 04:20,15,M,M +2013-10-23 05:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-23 06:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 07:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 08:20,17,M,M +2013-10-23 09:20,17,M,M +2013-10-23 10:20,18,M,M +2013-10-23 11:20,18,FEW,M +2013-10-23 12:20,19,FEW,M +2013-10-23 13:20,19,BKN,M +2013-10-23 14:20,19,FEW,M +2013-10-23 15:20,19,FEW,M +2013-10-23 16:20,18,FEW,M +2013-10-23 17:20,18,FEW,M +2013-10-23 18:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 19:20,16,M,M +2013-10-23 20:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-23 21:20,15,M,M +2013-10-23 22:20,15,M,M +2013-10-23 23:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-24 00:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-24 01:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-24 02:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-24 03:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-24 04:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-24 05:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-24 06:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-24 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-24 08:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-24 09:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-24 10:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-24 11:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-24 12:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-24 13:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-24 14:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-24 15:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-24 16:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-24 17:20,9,M,M +2013-10-24 18:20,9,M,M +2013-10-24 19:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-24 20:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-24 21:20,7,M,M +2013-10-24 22:20,6,M,M +2013-10-24 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-25 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-10-25 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2013-10-25 02:20,5,M,M +2013-10-25 03:20,5,M,M +2013-10-25 04:20,6,M,M +2013-10-25 05:20,7,M,M +2013-10-25 06:20,8,M,M +2013-10-25 07:20,9,M,M +2013-10-25 08:20,10,NCD,M +2013-10-25 09:20,11,M,M +2013-10-25 10:20,12,M,M +2013-10-25 11:20,13,M,M +2013-10-25 12:20,13,M,M +2013-10-25 13:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-10-25 14:20,13,FEW,-RA +2013-10-25 15:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-25 16:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2013-10-25 17:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-25 18:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-25 19:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-25 20:20,14,BKN,M +2013-10-25 21:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-25 22:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-25 23:20,15,FEW,-RA +2013-10-26 05:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-26 06:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-26 07:20,15,BKN,M +2013-10-26 08:20,16,SCT,M +2013-10-26 09:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 10:20,18,FEW,M +2013-10-26 11:20,17,BKN,M +2013-10-26 12:20,17,BKN,M +2013-10-26 13:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 14:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 15:20,17,SCT,M +2013-10-26 16:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 17:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 18:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-26 19:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-26 20:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-26 21:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-26 22:20,14,M,M +2013-10-26 23:20,13,M,M +2013-10-27 00:20,15,SCT,M +2013-10-27 03:20,14,M,M +2013-10-27 04:20,15,M,M +2013-10-27 05:20,15,M,M +2013-10-27 06:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-27 07:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-27 08:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-27 09:20,17,SCT,M +2013-10-27 10:20,17,FEW,M +2013-10-27 11:20,15,SCT,-RA +2013-10-27 12:20,15,FEW,-RA +2013-10-27 13:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-27 14:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-27 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-27 16:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-27 17:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-27 18:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-27 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-27 20:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-27 21:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-27 22:20,14,M,M +2013-10-27 23:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-28 00:20,13,BKN,M +2013-10-28 01:20,13,SCT,M +2013-10-28 02:20,13,M,M +2013-10-28 03:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-28 04:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-10-28 05:20,12,FEW,-RA +2013-10-28 06:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-10-28 07:20,13,FEW,RA +2013-10-28 08:20,14,FEW,-RA +2013-10-28 09:20,14,FEW,M +2013-10-28 10:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-28 11:20,16,FEW,M +2013-10-28 12:20,17,SCT,M +2013-10-28 13:20,18,SCT,M +2013-10-28 14:20,17,SCT,M +2013-10-28 15:20,15,FEW,M +2013-10-28 16:20,14,SCT,M +2013-10-28 17:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-28 18:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-28 19:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-28 20:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-28 21:20,13,FEW,M +2013-10-28 22:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-28 23:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-29 00:20,12,BKN,M +2013-10-29 01:20,12,BKN,M +2013-10-29 02:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-29 03:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-29 04:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-29 05:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-29 06:20,10,FEW,M +2013-10-29 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-29 08:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-29 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-29 10:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-29 11:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2013-10-29 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-29 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-29 14:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-29 15:20,12,FEW,SHRA +2013-10-29 16:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2013-10-29 17:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2013-10-29 18:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-29 19:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-29 20:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-29 21:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-29 22:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-29 23:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-30 00:20,8,FEW,M +2013-10-30 01:20,7,SCT,M +2013-10-30 02:20,7,FEW,M +2013-10-30 03:20,7,FEW,M +2013-10-30 04:20,7,FEW,M +2013-10-30 05:20,7,FEW,M +2013-10-30 06:20,7,SCT,M +2013-10-30 07:20,7,SCT,M +2013-10-30 08:20,8,SCT,M +2013-10-30 09:20,9,BKN,M +2013-10-30 10:20,10,SCT,M +2013-10-30 11:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-30 12:20,12,BKN,M +2013-10-30 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-10-30 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-10-30 15:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-30 16:20,9,FEW,M +2013-10-30 17:20,9,M,M +2013-10-30 18:20,8,M,M +2013-10-30 19:20,7,M,M +2013-10-30 20:20,7,M,M +2013-10-30 21:20,6,M,M +2013-10-30 22:20,6,M,M +2013-10-30 23:20,6,M,M +2013-10-31 00:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 01:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 02:20,7,FEW,M +2013-10-31 03:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 04:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 05:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 06:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 07:20,7,M,M +2013-10-31 08:20,9,M,M +2013-10-31 09:20,10,M,M +2013-10-31 10:20,10,M,M +2013-10-31 11:20,11,M,M +2013-10-31 12:20,12,M,M +2013-10-31 13:20,12,M,M +2013-10-31 14:20,12,M,M +2013-10-31 15:20,11,M,M +2013-10-31 16:20,11,M,M +2013-10-31 17:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-31 18:20,11,M,M +2013-10-31 19:20,11,M,M +2013-10-31 20:20,11,SCT,M +2013-10-31 21:20,11,BKN,M +2013-10-31 22:20,11,FEW,M +2013-10-31 23:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-11-01 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-11-01 01:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-11-01 02:20,8,SCT,-RA +2013-11-01 03:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-01 04:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-01 05:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-01 06:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-01 07:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-01 08:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-01 09:20,11,SCT,M +2013-11-01 10:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-01 11:20,12,FEW,M +2013-11-01 12:20,12,FEW,M +2013-11-01 13:20,12,FEW,M +2013-11-01 14:20,12,FEW,M +2013-11-01 15:20,12,FEW,M +2013-11-01 16:20,12,BKN,-RA +2013-11-01 17:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-01 18:20,12,BKN,M +2013-11-01 19:20,12,BKN,M +2013-11-01 20:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-01 21:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-01 22:20,11,SCT,M +2013-11-01 23:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-02 00:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-02 01:20,10,BKN,M +2013-11-02 02:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-02 03:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-11-02 04:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 05:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 06:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 07:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 08:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 09:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 10:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-11-02 11:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-11-02 12:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-02 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-02 14:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-02 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-02 16:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-02 17:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-11-02 18:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-02 19:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-02 20:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-02 21:20,10,BKN,M +2013-11-02 22:20,10,BKN,M +2013-11-02 23:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-03 05:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-03 06:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-03 07:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-03 08:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-03 09:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-03 10:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-03 11:20,11,BKN,M +2013-11-03 12:20,11,SCT,M +2013-11-03 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-03 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-03 15:20,10,SCT,M +2013-11-03 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-03 17:20,7,M,M +2013-11-03 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-03 19:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-03 20:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-03 21:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-03 22:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-03 23:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 00:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 01:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 02:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 03:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-04 04:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-04 05:20,7,FEW,RA +2013-11-04 06:20,7,SCT,RA +2013-11-04 07:20,7,SCT,RA +2013-11-04 08:20,7,BKN,+RA +2013-11-04 09:20,7,BKN,RA +2013-11-04 10:20,7,BKN,+RA +2013-11-04 11:20,9,SCT,RA +2013-11-04 12:20,11,SCT,RA +2013-11-04 13:20,10,FEW,RA +2013-11-04 14:20,8,BKN,+RA +2013-11-04 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2013-11-04 16:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-04 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-04 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-04 20:20,6,M,M +2013-11-04 21:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-04 22:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-04 23:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-05 00:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-05 01:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-05 02:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-05 03:20,7,BKN,SHRA +2013-11-05 04:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-05 05:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2013-11-05 06:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-05 07:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-05 08:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-05 09:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-05 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-05 11:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-05 12:20,10,SCT,M +2013-11-05 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-05 14:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-05 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-05 16:20,8,M,M +2013-11-05 17:20,8,M,M +2013-11-05 18:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-05 19:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-05 20:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-05 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2013-11-05 22:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-11-05 23:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-11-06 00:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-11-06 01:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-11-06 02:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2013-11-06 03:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2013-11-06 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-11-06 05:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-06 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-11-06 07:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-06 08:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-06 09:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2013-11-06 10:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-06 11:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2013-11-06 12:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-06 13:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2013-11-06 14:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2013-11-06 15:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2013-11-06 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-06 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-06 18:20,7,M,M +2013-11-06 19:20,7,M,M +2013-11-06 20:20,7,M,M +2013-11-06 21:20,8,M,M +2013-11-06 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-11-06 23:20,8,SCT,RA +2013-11-07 00:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-11-07 01:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-07 02:20,8,SCT,RA +2013-11-07 03:20,8,FEW,RADZ +2013-11-07 04:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2013-11-07 05:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2013-11-07 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2013-11-07 07:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-07 08:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-07 09:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-07 10:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-07 11:20,11,SCT,M +2013-11-07 12:20,11,SCT,M +2013-11-07 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-07 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2013-11-07 15:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-07 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-07 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-07 18:20,7,M,M +2013-11-07 19:20,7,M,M +2013-11-07 20:20,7,M,M +2013-11-07 21:20,7,M,M +2013-11-07 22:20,7,M,M +2013-11-07 23:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 00:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 01:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 02:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 03:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 04:20,7,M,M +2013-11-08 05:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-08 06:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-08 07:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2013-11-08 08:20,7,SCT,BR +2013-11-08 09:20,8,FEW,BR +2013-11-08 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-08 11:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-08 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-08 13:20,11,FEW,M +2013-11-08 14:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-08 15:20,10,M,M +2013-11-08 16:20,9,NCD,M +2013-11-08 17:20,8,M,M +2013-11-08 18:20,8,M,M +2013-11-08 19:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-08 20:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-08 21:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-08 22:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-08 23:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-09 00:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-09 01:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-11-09 02:20,9,SCT,BR +2013-11-09 03:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-09 04:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-09 05:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-09 06:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-09 07:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2013-11-09 08:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-09 09:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-09 10:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2013-11-09 11:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-09 12:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-09 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-09 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-09 15:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-09 16:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-09 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-09 18:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-09 19:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-09 20:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-09 21:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-11-09 22:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-09 23:20,6,BKN,RA +2013-11-10 00:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-11-10 01:20,6,SCT,RA +2013-11-10 02:20,7,SCT,RA +2013-11-10 03:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-10 04:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-10 05:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-10 06:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-10 07:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-10 08:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-10 09:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-10 10:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-10 11:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-10 12:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-10 13:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-10 14:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-10 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-10 16:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2013-11-10 17:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2013-11-10 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-10 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-10 20:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-10 21:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-10 22:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-10 23:20,4,M,M +2013-11-11 00:20,4,M,M +2013-11-11 01:20,2,M,M +2013-11-11 02:20,3,M,M +2013-11-11 03:20,1,M,M +2013-11-11 04:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-11 05:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-11 06:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-11 07:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-11 08:20,3,M,M +2013-11-11 09:20,6,NCD,M +2013-11-11 10:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-11 11:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-11 12:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-11 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-11 14:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-11 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-11 16:20,6,M,M +2013-11-11 17:20,8,M,M +2013-11-11 18:20,8,M,M +2013-11-11 19:20,8,M,M +2013-11-11 20:20,7,M,M +2013-11-11 21:20,7,M,M +2013-11-11 22:20,7,M,M +2013-11-11 23:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 00:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 01:20,8,M,M +2013-11-12 02:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 03:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 04:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 05:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 06:20,7,M,M +2013-11-12 07:20,7,SCT,-RA +2013-11-12 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2013-11-12 09:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-11-12 10:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-12 11:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2013-11-12 12:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-12 13:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-12 14:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-12 15:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-12 16:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-12 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-12 18:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-11-12 19:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-11-12 20:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-11-12 21:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-11-12 22:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-12 23:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-13 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2013-11-13 01:20,6,FEW,BR +2013-11-13 02:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-13 03:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-13 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-13 05:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-13 06:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-13 07:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-13 08:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-13 09:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-13 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-13 11:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-13 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-13 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-13 14:20,10,FEW,M +2013-11-13 15:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-13 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-13 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-13 18:20,5,M,M +2013-11-13 19:20,5,M,M +2013-11-13 20:20,5,M,M +2013-11-13 21:20,6,M,M +2013-11-13 22:20,5,M,M +2013-11-13 23:20,4,M,M +2013-11-14 00:20,4,M,M +2013-11-14 01:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-14 02:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-14 03:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-14 04:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-14 05:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-14 06:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-14 07:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-14 08:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-14 09:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-14 10:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-14 11:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-14 12:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-14 13:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-14 14:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-14 15:20,7,M,M +2013-11-14 16:20,7,M,M +2013-11-14 17:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-14 18:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-14 19:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-14 20:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-14 21:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-14 22:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-14 23:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 00:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 01:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 02:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 03:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-15 04:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-15 06:20,5,M,M +2013-11-15 07:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-15 08:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-15 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-15 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-15 11:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-15 12:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-15 13:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-15 14:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-15 15:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 16:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 17:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 18:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 19:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 20:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-15 21:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 22:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-15 23:20,6,OVC,BR +2013-11-16 00:20,6,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-16 01:20,6,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-16 02:20,6,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-16 03:20,6,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-16 04:20,6,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-16 05:20,6,BKN,MIFG +2013-11-16 06:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-16 07:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-16 08:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-16 09:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-16 10:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-16 11:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-16 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-16 13:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-16 14:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-16 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-16 16:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-16 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-16 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-16 19:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-16 20:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-16 21:20,8,FEW,BR +2013-11-16 22:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-16 23:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 00:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 01:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 03:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 05:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 06:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 07:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 08:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-11-17 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 10:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-11-17 11:20,8,OVC,BR +2013-11-17 12:20,8,FEW,BR +2013-11-17 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-17 14:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-17 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-17 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-17 17:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-17 18:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-17 19:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-17 20:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-17 21:20,8,SCT,M +2013-11-17 22:20,8,FEW,BR +2013-11-17 23:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-18 00:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-18 01:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-18 02:20,7,SCT,M +2013-11-18 03:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-18 04:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-18 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-18 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-11-18 07:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-18 08:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-18 09:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-18 10:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-18 11:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-18 12:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-18 13:20,6,OVC,-DZ +2013-11-18 14:20,6,FEW,BR +2013-11-18 15:20,6,FEW,BR +2013-11-18 16:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-18 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-18 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-18 19:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-18 20:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-18 21:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-18 22:20,5,SCT,-DZRA +2013-11-18 23:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-19 00:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-19 01:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-19 02:20,5,OVC,M +2013-11-19 03:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-11-19 04:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-11-19 05:20,5,FEW,BR +2013-11-19 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2013-11-19 07:20,5,OVC,BR +2013-11-19 08:20,5,SCT,BR +2013-11-19 09:20,5,FEW,BR +2013-11-19 10:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-11-19 11:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-19 12:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-19 13:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-19 14:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-11-19 15:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-11-19 16:20,6,OVC,M +2013-11-19 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-19 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-19 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-19 20:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-19 21:20,6,M,M +2013-11-19 22:20,5,M,M +2013-11-19 23:20,5,M,M +2013-11-20 00:20,4,M,M +2013-11-20 01:20,3,M,M +2013-11-20 02:20,2,M,M +2013-11-20 03:20,2,M,M +2013-11-20 04:20,2,M,M +2013-11-20 05:20,2,M,M +2013-11-20 06:20,1,M,M +2013-11-20 07:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-20 08:20,1,M,M +2013-11-20 09:20,2,NCD,M +2013-11-20 10:20,3,M,M +2013-11-20 11:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-20 12:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-20 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-20 14:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-20 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-20 16:20,2,FEW,M +2013-11-20 17:20,1,FEW,M +2013-11-20 18:20,1,FEW,M +2013-11-20 19:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-20 20:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-20 21:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-20 22:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-20 23:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 00:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 01:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 02:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 03:20,-2,SCT,MIFG +2013-11-21 04:20,-2,SCT,MIFG +2013-11-21 05:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 06:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 07:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 08:20,-2,M,M +2013-11-21 09:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-21 10:20,4,M,M +2013-11-21 11:20,5,M,M +2013-11-21 12:20,5,M,M +2013-11-21 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-21 14:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-21 15:20,2,FEW,M +2013-11-21 16:20,0,M,M +2013-11-21 17:20,1,M,M +2013-11-21 18:20,0,M,M +2013-11-21 19:20,0,SCT,M +2013-11-21 20:20,1,SCT,M +2013-11-21 21:20,2,SCT,M +2013-11-21 22:20,2,SCT,M +2013-11-21 23:20,2,BKN,M +2013-11-22 00:20,2,BKN,M +2013-11-22 01:20,3,BKN,M +2013-11-22 02:20,3,BKN,M +2013-11-22 03:20,4,BKN,M +2013-11-22 04:20,4,BKN,M +2013-11-22 05:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-22 06:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-22 07:20,4,BKN,M +2013-11-22 08:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-22 09:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-22 10:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-22 11:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 12:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-22 13:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-22 14:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-22 15:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-22 16:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-22 17:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-22 18:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 19:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 20:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 21:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 22:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-22 23:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-23 00:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-23 01:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-23 02:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-23 03:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-23 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 06:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 07:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 08:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 09:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-23 10:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-23 11:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-23 12:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-23 13:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-23 14:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-23 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-23 16:20,3,FEW,M +2013-11-23 17:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-23 18:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-23 19:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-23 20:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-11-23 21:20,0,BKN,M +2013-11-23 22:20,1,BKN,MIFG +2013-11-23 23:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2013-11-24 00:20,3,SCT,M +2013-11-24 01:20,3,SCT,M +2013-11-24 02:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-24 03:20,4,OVC,-DZ BR MIFG +2013-11-24 04:20,4,OVC,BR MIFG +2013-11-24 05:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-11-24 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-11-24 07:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-24 08:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-24 09:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-24 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-24 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-24 12:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-24 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-24 14:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-24 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-24 16:20,2,FEW,M +2013-11-24 17:20,2,M,M +2013-11-24 18:20,1,M,M +2013-11-24 19:20,0,M,M +2013-11-24 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-11-24 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-11-24 22:20,-3,M,M +2013-11-24 23:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 00:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 01:20,-5,SCT,M +2013-11-25 02:20,-3,SCT,M +2013-11-25 03:20,-3,FEW,M +2013-11-25 04:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 05:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 06:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 07:20,-5,M,M +2013-11-25 08:20,-2,M,M +2013-11-25 09:20,1,M,M +2013-11-25 10:20,2,M,M +2013-11-25 11:20,3,M,M +2013-11-25 12:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-25 13:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-25 14:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-25 15:20,2,FEW,M +2013-11-25 16:20,2,M,M +2013-11-25 17:20,0,M,M +2013-11-25 18:20,0,M,M +2013-11-25 19:20,-1,M,M +2013-11-25 20:20,-1,M,M +2013-11-25 21:20,-2,M,M +2013-11-25 22:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-25 23:20,-3,M,M +2013-11-26 00:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-26 01:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-26 02:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-26 03:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-26 04:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2013-11-26 05:20,-6,M,M +2013-11-26 06:20,-5,M,M +2013-11-26 07:20,-5,M,M +2013-11-26 08:20,-4,M,M +2013-11-26 09:20,0,M,M +2013-11-26 10:20,2,M,M +2013-11-26 11:20,4,M,M +2013-11-26 12:20,4,M,M +2013-11-26 13:20,4,M,M +2013-11-26 14:20,3,M,M +2013-11-26 15:20,1,M,M +2013-11-26 16:20,-1,M,M +2013-11-26 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2013-11-26 18:20,-2,NCD,M +2013-11-26 19:20,-2,M,M +2013-11-26 20:20,-2,SCT,M +2013-11-26 21:20,0,SCT,M +2013-11-26 22:20,0,SCT,M +2013-11-26 23:20,0,SCT,M +2013-11-27 00:20,1,FEW,M +2013-11-27 01:20,1,SCT,M +2013-11-27 02:20,2,SCT,M +2013-11-27 03:20,2,BKN,M +2013-11-27 04:20,2,OVC,BR +2013-11-27 05:20,2,OVC,M +2013-11-27 06:20,2,BKN,-RA +2013-11-27 07:20,3,FEW,BR +2013-11-27 08:20,3,FEW,M +2013-11-27 09:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-27 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-27 11:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-27 12:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-27 13:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 14:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 15:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-27 16:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 17:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 18:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 19:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 20:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 21:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 22:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-27 23:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-28 00:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-28 01:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-28 02:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-28 03:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-28 04:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-28 05:20,9,SCT,M +2013-11-28 06:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-28 07:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-28 08:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-28 09:20,8,BKN,M +2013-11-28 10:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-28 11:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-28 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-11-28 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-11-28 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-28 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-11-28 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-28 17:20,7,M,M +2013-11-28 18:20,7,M,M +2013-11-28 19:20,7,FEW,M +2013-11-28 20:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-28 21:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-28 22:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-28 23:20,7,OVC,M +2013-11-29 00:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-29 01:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-29 02:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-29 03:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-29 04:20,7,BKN,M +2013-11-29 05:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-29 06:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-29 07:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-29 08:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-29 09:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2013-11-29 10:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-29 11:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-29 12:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-11-29 13:20,6,SCT,RA +2013-11-29 14:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-11-29 15:20,6,FEW,RA +2013-11-29 16:20,6,SCT,-RA +2013-11-29 17:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-29 18:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2013-11-29 19:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2013-11-29 20:20,5,FEW,SHRA +2013-11-29 21:20,4,FEW,SHRA +2013-11-29 22:20,3,FEW,M +2013-11-29 23:20,4,FEW,M +2013-11-30 00:20,5,SCT,RA +2013-11-30 01:20,5,SCT,RA +2013-11-30 02:20,5,SCT,-RA +2013-11-30 03:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-30 04:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2013-11-30 05:20,6,BKN,-DZRA +2013-11-30 06:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-30 07:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-30 08:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-30 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-30 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-30 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-30 12:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-30 13:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-30 14:20,6,FEW,M +2013-11-30 15:20,6,BKN,M +2013-11-30 16:20,5,BKN,M +2013-11-30 17:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-30 18:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2013-11-30 19:20,5,SCT,M +2013-11-30 20:20,6,SCT,M +2013-11-30 21:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-30 22:20,5,FEW,M +2013-11-30 23:20,5,M,M +2013-12-01 00:20,5,M,M +2013-12-01 01:20,5,M,M +2013-12-01 02:20,5,M,M +2013-12-01 03:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-01 04:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-01 05:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2013-12-01 06:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-01 07:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-01 08:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-01 09:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-12-01 10:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2013-12-01 11:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-01 12:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-01 13:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2013-12-01 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-01 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-01 16:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-01 17:20,7,M,M +2013-12-01 18:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-01 19:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-01 20:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-01 21:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-01 22:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-01 23:20,1,FEW,BCFG +2013-12-02 00:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-12-02 01:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-12-02 02:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2013-12-02 03:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2013-12-02 04:20,-3,NCD,M +2013-12-02 05:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2013-12-02 06:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2013-12-02 07:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2013-12-02 08:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2013-12-02 09:20,0,NSC,M +2013-12-02 10:20,3,M,M +2013-12-02 11:20,4,M,M +2013-12-02 12:20,5,M,M +2013-12-02 13:20,5,M,M +2013-12-02 14:20,3,M,M +2013-12-02 15:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-02 16:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-02 17:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-02 18:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-02 19:20,2,NSC,FG +2013-12-02 20:20,1,NSC,FG +2013-12-02 21:20,0,NSC,BCFG BR +2013-12-02 22:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2013-12-02 23:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-03 00:20,-1,FEW,MIFG +2013-12-03 01:20,-1,FEW,FZFG +2013-12-03 02:20,-1,FEW,FZFG +2013-12-03 03:20,0,FEW,FZFG +2013-12-03 04:20,0,SCT,BR +2013-12-03 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-12-03 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2013-12-03 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2013-12-03 08:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2013-12-03 09:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2013-12-03 10:20,0,OVC,FG +2013-12-03 11:20,1,OVC,FG +2013-12-03 12:20,1,OVC,BR +2013-12-03 13:20,1,OVC,BR +2013-12-03 14:20,1,OVC,M +2013-12-03 15:20,1,OVC,FG +2013-12-03 16:20,1,OVC,BR +2013-12-03 17:20,1,OVC,BR +2013-12-03 18:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-12-03 19:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-12-03 20:20,2,FEW,BR +2013-12-03 21:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-03 22:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-03 23:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-04 00:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 01:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 02:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 03:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 04:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 05:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-04 06:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-04 07:20,3,SCT,-RA +2013-12-04 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2013-12-04 09:20,4,FEW,-RA +2013-12-04 10:20,4,SCT,-RA +2013-12-04 11:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2013-12-04 12:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2013-12-04 13:20,6,FEW,-RADZ BR +2013-12-04 14:20,6,SCT,-RADZ BR +2013-12-04 15:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-12-04 16:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-04 17:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-04 18:20,4,M,M +2013-12-04 19:20,4,M,M +2013-12-04 20:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-04 21:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-04 22:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-04 23:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-05 00:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-05 01:20,3,SCT,M +2013-12-05 02:20,3,M,M +2013-12-05 03:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-05 04:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-05 05:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-05 06:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-05 07:20,3,SCT,M +2013-12-05 08:20,4,BKN,M +2013-12-05 09:20,4,BKN,M +2013-12-05 10:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-05 11:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-05 12:20,4,FEW,RA +2013-12-05 13:20,3,FEW,RA +2013-12-05 14:20,3,FEW,RA +2013-12-05 15:20,3,FEW,RA +2013-12-05 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2013-12-05 17:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-05 18:20,4,SCT,-RA +2013-12-05 19:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-05 20:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-05 21:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-05 22:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-05 23:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-06 00:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-06 01:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-06 02:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-06 03:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-06 04:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-06 05:20,3,FEW,-SHGSSN +2013-12-06 06:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-06 07:20,3,FEW,-SHGS +2013-12-06 08:20,2,SCT,-SHSN +2013-12-06 09:20,3,SCT,VCSH +2013-12-06 10:20,3,SCT,-SHSNRA +2013-12-06 11:20,3,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-06 12:20,3,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-06 13:20,4,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-06 14:20,3,SCT,-SHSN +2013-12-06 15:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-06 16:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-06 17:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-06 18:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-06 19:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-06 20:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-06 21:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-06 22:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-06 23:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-07 00:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-07 01:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-07 02:20,0,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-07 03:20,0,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-07 04:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2013-12-07 05:20,0,FEW,-SHSN +2013-12-07 06:20,0,FEW,M +2013-12-07 07:20,1,FEW,M +2013-12-07 08:20,0,M,M +2013-12-07 09:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 10:20,2,M,M +2013-12-07 11:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 12:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 13:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-12-07 14:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2013-12-07 15:20,2,FEW,-DZRA +2013-12-07 16:20,2,SCT,M +2013-12-07 17:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 18:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 19:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-07 20:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-12-07 21:20,2,SCT,-DZ +2013-12-07 22:20,2,FEW,-RA +2013-12-07 23:20,2,SCT,-DZ +2013-12-08 00:20,2,BKN,RADZ +2013-12-08 01:20,2,BKN,RADZ +2013-12-08 02:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2013-12-08 03:20,2,OVC,BR +2013-12-08 04:20,3,OVC,-RADZ BR +2013-12-08 05:20,4,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-08 06:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-08 07:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2013-12-08 08:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-08 09:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-08 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-08 11:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2013-12-08 12:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-08 13:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-08 14:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-08 15:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-08 16:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-08 17:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-12-08 18:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-08 19:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-12-08 20:20,8,FEW,RA +2013-12-08 21:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-08 22:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-08 23:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 00:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 01:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 02:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 03:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 04:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 05:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 06:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 07:20,9,BKN,RA +2013-12-09 08:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2013-12-09 09:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2013-12-09 10:20,10,SCT,DZ +2013-12-09 11:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2013-12-09 12:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-12-09 13:20,10,BKN,-DZRA BR +2013-12-09 14:20,9,SCT,-DZRA BR +2013-12-09 15:20,9,BKN,-DZRA BR +2013-12-09 16:20,9,BKN,RADZ BR +2013-12-09 17:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2013-12-09 18:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2013-12-09 19:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2013-12-09 20:20,9,SCT,-DZRA BR +2013-12-09 21:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-12-09 22:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-12-09 23:20,9,BKN,-DZRA BR +2013-12-10 00:20,9,SCT,-DZRA BR +2013-12-10 01:20,9,SCT,BR +2013-12-10 02:20,9,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 03:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 05:20,8,FEW,BR +2013-12-10 06:20,8,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 07:20,8,OVC,BR +2013-12-10 08:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-12-10 09:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-12-10 10:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-12-10 11:20,8,SCT,M +2013-12-10 12:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-10 13:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-10 14:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-10 15:20,7,FEW,BR +2013-12-10 16:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-10 17:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-10 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-10 19:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-10 20:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-10 21:20,6,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 22:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-10 23:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 00:20,5,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 01:20,5,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 02:20,5,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 04:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 05:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 06:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 07:20,4,M,///////// +2013-12-11 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 09:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 10:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 11:20,5,FEW,BR +2013-12-11 12:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 13:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 14:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 15:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 16:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 17:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-11 18:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 19:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 20:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 21:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 22:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-11 23:20,3,OVC,BR +2013-12-12 00:20,3,OVC,BR +2013-12-12 01:20,3,OVC,BR +2013-12-12 02:20,3,OVC,BR +2013-12-12 03:20,3,OVC,BR +2013-12-12 04:20,2,OVC,FG +2013-12-12 05:20,2,OVC,FG +2013-12-12 06:20,2,VV ,FG +2013-12-12 07:20,2,VV ,FG +2013-12-12 08:20,1,VV ,FG +2013-12-12 09:20,1,VV ,FG +2013-12-12 10:20,2,VV ,FG +2013-12-12 11:20,2,OVC,BCFG BR +2013-12-12 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2013-12-12 13:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-12-12 14:20,3,BKN,BR +2013-12-12 15:20,3,SCT,BR +2013-12-12 16:20,3,SCT,BR +2013-12-12 17:20,3,SCT,M +2013-12-12 18:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-12 19:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-12 20:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-12 21:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-12 22:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-12 23:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-13 00:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-13 01:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-13 02:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-13 03:20,1,BKN,M +2013-12-13 04:20,1,SCT,M +2013-12-13 05:20,0,NSC,M +2013-12-13 06:20,1,BKN,M +2013-12-13 07:20,1,FEW,M +2013-12-13 08:20,2,BKN,M +2013-12-13 09:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-13 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-13 11:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-13 12:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-13 13:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-13 14:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-13 15:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-13 16:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-13 17:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-13 18:20,2,M,M +2013-12-13 19:20,2,M,M +2013-12-13 20:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-13 21:20,2,SCT,M +2013-12-13 22:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-13 23:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-14 00:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-14 01:20,1,M,M +2013-12-14 02:20,1,M,M +2013-12-14 03:20,0,M,M +2013-12-14 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-14 05:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-14 06:20,2,SCT,M +2013-12-14 07:20,1,BKN,M +2013-12-14 08:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2013-12-14 09:20,1,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 10:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 11:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 12:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 13:20,3,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 14:20,4,OVC,BR +2013-12-14 15:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-14 16:20,5,OVC,BR +2013-12-14 17:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2013-12-14 18:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-14 19:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-14 20:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-14 21:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-14 22:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-14 23:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-15 00:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-15 01:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-15 02:20,7,M,M +2013-12-15 03:20,6,M,M +2013-12-15 04:20,6,M,M +2013-12-15 05:20,6,NSC,-RA +2013-12-15 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2013-12-15 07:20,6,SCT,RA +2013-12-15 08:20,6,FEW,DZRA +2013-12-15 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-15 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-15 11:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 12:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 13:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 14:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 15:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 16:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-15 18:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-15 19:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-15 20:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-15 21:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-15 22:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-15 23:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-16 00:20,7,M,///////// +2013-12-16 01:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-16 02:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-16 03:20,8,M,M +2013-12-16 04:20,8,M,M +2013-12-16 05:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-16 06:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-16 07:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-16 08:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-16 09:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-16 10:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-16 11:20,9,OVC,M +2013-12-16 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-16 13:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 14:20,11,FEW,M +2013-12-16 15:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 16:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 17:20,11,M,M +2013-12-16 18:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 19:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 20:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-16 21:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-16 22:20,10,BKN,M +2013-12-16 23:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-17 00:20,9,SCT,M +2013-12-17 01:20,10,SCT,M +2013-12-17 02:20,10,BKN,M +2013-12-17 03:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-17 04:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-17 05:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-17 06:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-17 07:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-17 08:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-17 09:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-17 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-17 11:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2013-12-17 12:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2013-12-17 13:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-17 14:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-17 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-17 16:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-17 17:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-17 18:20,5,FEW,BCFG +2013-12-17 19:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2013-12-17 20:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-17 21:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-17 22:20,4,BKN,M +2013-12-17 23:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-18 00:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-18 01:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-18 02:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-18 03:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-18 04:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-18 05:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-18 06:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-18 07:20,5,M,M +2013-12-18 08:20,5,M,M +2013-12-18 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-18 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-18 11:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-18 12:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-18 13:20,8,SCT,M +2013-12-18 14:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-18 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-18 16:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-18 17:20,8,SCT,M +2013-12-18 18:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-18 19:20,6,M,M +2013-12-18 20:20,6,M,M +2013-12-18 21:20,5,M,M +2013-12-18 22:20,5,M,M +2013-12-18 23:20,5,M,M +2013-12-19 00:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-19 01:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-19 02:20,6,M,M +2013-12-19 03:20,6,M,M +2013-12-19 04:20,6,M,M +2013-12-19 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-19 06:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-19 07:20,7,BKN,RA +2013-12-19 08:20,7,BKN,RA +2013-12-19 09:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-12-19 10:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2013-12-19 11:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-19 12:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-19 13:20,9,BKN,VCSH +2013-12-19 14:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2013-12-19 15:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2013-12-19 16:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-19 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-19 18:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-19 19:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-19 20:20,5,M,M +2013-12-19 21:20,4,M,M +2013-12-19 22:20,4,M,M +2013-12-19 23:20,3,SCT,MIFG BCFG BR +2013-12-20 00:20,3,FEW,MIFG BCFG BR +2013-12-20 01:20,2,FEW,MIFG BCFG BR +2013-12-20 02:20,3,NSC,FG +2013-12-20 03:20,3,VV ,FG +2013-12-20 04:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-20 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2013-12-20 06:20,4,FEW,BR +2013-12-20 07:20,4,FEW,BR +2013-12-20 08:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-20 09:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-20 10:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-20 11:20,5,M,///////// +2013-12-20 12:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-20 13:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-20 14:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-20 15:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-20 16:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-20 17:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-20 18:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-20 19:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-20 20:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-20 21:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-20 22:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-20 23:20,4,M,M +2013-12-21 00:20,5,M,M +2013-12-21 01:20,5,M,M +2013-12-21 02:20,5,M,M +2013-12-21 03:20,6,M,M +2013-12-21 04:20,6,M,M +2013-12-21 05:20,6,M,M +2013-12-21 06:20,6,M,M +2013-12-21 07:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-21 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2013-12-21 09:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-21 10:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-21 11:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 12:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 13:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 14:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 15:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 16:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 17:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 19:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 20:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-21 21:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-21 22:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-21 23:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 00:20,5,FEW,RA +2013-12-22 01:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-22 02:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-22 03:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 04:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 05:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 06:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-22 07:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 08:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 09:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-22 10:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-22 11:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-22 12:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-22 13:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-22 14:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-12-22 15:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-22 16:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-12-22 17:20,9,SCT,-RA +2013-12-22 18:20,8,SCT,-RA +2013-12-22 19:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-22 20:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-22 21:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-22 22:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-22 23:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-23 00:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2013-12-23 01:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-23 02:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-23 03:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-23 04:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-23 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-23 06:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-23 07:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-23 08:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-23 09:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-23 10:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-23 11:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-23 12:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-23 13:20,7,M,M +2013-12-23 14:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-23 15:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-23 16:20,7,M,M +2013-12-23 17:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-23 18:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-23 19:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-23 20:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-23 21:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-23 22:20,10,M,M +2013-12-23 23:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-24 00:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 01:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 02:20,12,BKN,M +2013-12-24 03:20,12,SCT,M +2013-12-24 04:20,12,M,M +2013-12-24 05:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 06:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 07:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 08:20,11,M,M +2013-12-24 09:20,12,SCT,M +2013-12-24 10:20,12,BKN,M +2013-12-24 11:20,12,BKN,-RA +2013-12-24 12:20,13,BKN,VCSH +2013-12-24 13:20,13,BKN,M +2013-12-24 14:20,13,BKN,M +2013-12-24 15:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-12-24 16:20,13,BKN,M +2013-12-24 17:20,14,BKN,M +2013-12-24 18:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-12-24 19:20,13,BKN,M +2013-12-24 20:20,13,BKN,M +2013-12-24 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2013-12-24 22:20,10,BKN,-RA +2013-12-24 23:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 01:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 03:20,8,BKN,RA +2013-12-25 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 05:20,10,BKN,-RA +2013-12-25 06:20,11,FEW,M +2013-12-25 07:20,12,BKN,M +2013-12-25 08:20,10,SCT,M +2013-12-25 09:20,10,SCT,M +2013-12-25 10:20,10,BKN,M +2013-12-25 11:20,10,BKN,M +2013-12-25 12:20,10,SCT,M +2013-12-25 13:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-25 14:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-25 15:20,8,FEW,M +2013-12-25 16:20,8,M,M +2013-12-25 17:20,7,M,M +2013-12-25 18:20,6,M,M +2013-12-25 19:20,6,M,M +2013-12-25 20:20,5,M,M +2013-12-25 21:20,4,M,M +2013-12-25 22:20,4,M,M +2013-12-25 23:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 00:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 02:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 04:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 05:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 06:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 07:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 08:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2013-12-26 09:20,2,FEW,M +2013-12-26 10:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-26 11:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-26 12:20,5,M,M +2013-12-26 13:20,5,M,M +2013-12-26 14:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-26 15:20,5,BKN,-RA +2013-12-26 16:20,5,BKN,-RA +2013-12-26 17:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-12-26 18:20,5,FEW,-RA +2013-12-26 19:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2013-12-26 20:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2013-12-26 21:20,5,BKN,BR +2013-12-26 22:20,5,SCT,BR +2013-12-26 23:20,4,FEW,BR +2013-12-27 00:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-27 01:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-27 02:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-27 03:20,4,SCT,M +2013-12-27 04:20,4,SCT,M +2013-12-27 05:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-27 06:20,4,M,M +2013-12-27 07:20,4,M,M +2013-12-27 08:20,5,M,M +2013-12-27 09:20,5,M,M +2013-12-27 10:20,6,M,M +2013-12-27 11:20,7,M,M +2013-12-27 12:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-27 13:20,8,BKN,M +2013-12-27 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2013-12-27 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-12-27 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2013-12-27 17:20,9,BKN,-RA +2013-12-27 18:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-27 19:20,10,BKN,M +2013-12-27 20:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-27 21:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-27 22:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-27 23:20,10,FEW,M +2013-12-28 00:20,9,FEW,-RA +2013-12-28 01:20,9,FEW,M +2013-12-28 02:20,9,BKN,M +2013-12-28 03:20,8,BKN,DZRA +2013-12-28 04:20,8,BKN,DZRA +2013-12-28 05:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2013-12-28 06:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2013-12-28 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-12-28 08:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-12-28 09:20,7,SCT,-RA +2013-12-28 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2013-12-28 11:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-28 12:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-28 13:20,7,FEW,M +2013-12-28 14:20,7,SCT,M +2013-12-28 15:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-28 16:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-28 17:20,7,BKN,M +2013-12-28 18:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-28 19:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-28 20:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-28 21:20,5,M,M +2013-12-28 22:20,5,M,M +2013-12-28 23:20,5,NSC,M +2013-12-29 00:20,5,NSC,M +2013-12-29 01:20,5,NSC,M +2013-12-29 02:20,5,NSC,M +2013-12-29 03:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-29 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-29 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-29 06:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 07:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 08:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 09:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 10:20,6,SCT,-RA +2013-12-29 11:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 12:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 13:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 14:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-29 15:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-29 16:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-29 17:20,6,BKN,RA +2013-12-29 18:20,6,SCT,-RA +2013-12-29 19:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 20:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-12-29 21:20,6,BKN,-RA +2013-12-29 22:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-29 23:20,6,BKN,M +2013-12-30 00:20,6,SCT,M +2013-12-30 01:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-30 02:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-30 03:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-30 04:20,4,SCT,M +2013-12-30 05:20,3,SCT,M +2013-12-30 06:20,3,SCT,M +2013-12-30 07:20,3,BKN,M +2013-12-30 08:20,4,BKN,M +2013-12-30 09:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-30 10:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-30 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-30 12:20,6,M,M +2013-12-30 13:20,6,M,M +2013-12-30 14:20,5,M,M +2013-12-30 15:20,4,M,M +2013-12-30 16:20,4,M,M +2013-12-30 17:20,3,M,M +2013-12-30 18:20,3,M,M +2013-12-30 19:20,4,M,M +2013-12-30 20:20,4,M,M +2013-12-30 21:20,4,SCT,M +2013-12-30 22:20,5,BKN,M +2013-12-30 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2013-12-31 00:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-31 01:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-31 02:20,6,M,M +2013-12-31 03:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-31 04:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-31 05:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-31 06:20,4,FEW,M +2013-12-31 07:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-31 08:20,3,FEW,M +2013-12-31 09:20,5,FEW,M +2013-12-31 10:20,5,SCT,M +2013-12-31 11:20,6,FEW,M +2013-12-31 12:20,6,M,M +2013-12-31 13:20,6,M,M +2013-12-31 14:20,6,M,M +2013-12-31 15:20,5,M,M +2013-12-31 16:20,5,M,M +2013-12-31 17:20,5,M,M +2013-12-31 18:20,4,M,M +2013-12-31 19:20,3,M,M +2013-12-31 20:20,3,M,M +2013-12-31 21:20,3,M,M +2013-12-31 22:20,3,M,///////// +2013-12-31 23:20,2,NSC,M +2014-01-01 00:20,2,M,M +2014-01-01 01:20,2,M,M +2014-01-01 02:20,2,M,M +2014-01-01 03:20,2,M,M +2014-01-01 04:20,2,M,M +2014-01-01 05:20,2,BKN,M +2014-01-01 06:20,3,BKN,M +2014-01-01 07:20,3,SCT,-RA +2014-01-01 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-01-01 09:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-01 10:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-01 11:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-01 12:20,6,SCT,M +2014-01-01 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-01 14:20,6,M,M +2014-01-01 15:20,5,M,M +2014-01-01 16:20,4,M,M +2014-01-01 17:20,4,M,M +2014-01-01 18:20,3,M,M +2014-01-01 19:20,3,M,M +2014-01-01 20:20,3,M,M +2014-01-01 21:20,3,M,M +2014-01-01 22:20,3,M,M +2014-01-01 23:20,3,M,M +2014-01-02 00:20,3,M,M +2014-01-02 01:20,3,M,M +2014-01-02 02:20,4,M,M +2014-01-02 03:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 04:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 05:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 06:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 07:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 08:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-02 09:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-01-02 10:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-02 11:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-01-02 12:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-02 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-02 14:20,8,SCT,M +2014-01-02 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-02 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-02 17:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-01-02 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-02 19:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-02 20:20,8,BKN,M +2014-01-02 21:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-02 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-02 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-03 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-03 01:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-03 02:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-03 03:20,5,M,M +2014-01-03 04:20,5,M,M +2014-01-03 05:20,4,M,M +2014-01-03 06:20,5,M,M +2014-01-03 07:20,4,M,M +2014-01-03 08:20,4,M,M +2014-01-03 09:20,5,M,M +2014-01-03 10:20,7,M,M +2014-01-03 11:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-03 12:20,8,SCT,-RA +2014-01-03 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-01-03 14:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-03 15:20,9,SCT,M +2014-01-03 16:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-03 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-01-03 18:20,9,SCT,M +2014-01-03 19:20,9,M,M +2014-01-03 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-03 21:20,7,M,M +2014-01-03 22:20,6,M,M +2014-01-03 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-04 02:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 03:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 04:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 05:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 07:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-04 08:20,7,M,M +2014-01-04 09:20,7,M,M +2014-01-04 10:20,8,M,M +2014-01-04 11:20,8,M,M +2014-01-04 12:20,7,M,M +2014-01-04 13:20,7,M,M +2014-01-04 14:20,7,M,M +2014-01-04 15:20,6,M,M +2014-01-04 16:20,6,M,M +2014-01-04 17:20,5,M,M +2014-01-04 18:20,5,M,M +2014-01-04 19:20,6,M,M +2014-01-04 20:20,6,M,M +2014-01-04 21:20,5,M,M +2014-01-04 22:20,5,M,M +2014-01-04 23:20,5,M,M +2014-01-05 00:20,5,M,M +2014-01-05 01:20,5,M,M +2014-01-05 02:20,4,M,M +2014-01-05 03:20,4,M,M +2014-01-05 04:20,3,M,M +2014-01-05 05:20,3,SCT,M +2014-01-05 06:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-05 07:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-01-05 08:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-05 09:20,6,SCT,M +2014-01-05 10:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-05 11:20,7,BKN,M +2014-01-05 12:20,7,BKN,M +2014-01-05 13:20,7,BKN,M +2014-01-05 14:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-05 15:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-05 16:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-05 17:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-05 18:20,4,M,M +2014-01-05 19:20,4,M,M +2014-01-05 20:20,3,M,M +2014-01-05 21:20,3,M,M +2014-01-05 22:20,3,M,M +2014-01-05 23:20,4,M,M +2014-01-06 00:20,3,M,M +2014-01-06 01:20,2,M,M +2014-01-06 02:20,2,M,M +2014-01-06 03:20,2,M,M +2014-01-06 04:20,2,M,M +2014-01-06 05:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-06 06:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-06 07:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-01-06 08:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-01-06 09:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2014-01-06 10:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-01-06 11:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-06 12:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-06 13:20,10,BKN,M +2014-01-06 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-01-06 15:20,10,BKN,M +2014-01-06 16:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-06 17:20,9,M,M +2014-01-06 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-06 19:20,9,M,M +2014-01-06 20:20,10,NSC,-RA +2014-01-06 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-01-06 22:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-01-06 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-01-07 00:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-01-07 01:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 02:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-07 03:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 04:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 07:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-07 08:20,10,BKN,M +2014-01-07 09:20,10,FEW,M +2014-01-07 10:20,10,FEW,M +2014-01-07 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-07 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-07 13:20,11,BKN,M +2014-01-07 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-07 15:20,11,BKN,M +2014-01-07 16:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-07 17:20,11,M,M +2014-01-07 18:20,11,M,M +2014-01-07 19:20,11,M,M +2014-01-07 20:20,11,BKN,M +2014-01-07 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-07 22:20,11,M,M +2014-01-07 23:20,9,M,M +2014-01-08 00:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 01:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 02:20,9,M,M +2014-01-08 03:20,9,M,M +2014-01-08 04:20,9,M,M +2014-01-08 05:20,9,NSC,-RA +2014-01-08 06:20,9,FEW,RA +2014-01-08 07:20,8,FEW,RA +2014-01-08 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-01-08 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-08 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-08 11:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-08 12:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-08 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 14:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-08 15:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 16:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 17:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-01-08 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 19:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 21:20,9,FEW,M +2014-01-08 22:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-08 23:20,7,BKN,M +2014-01-09 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-09 01:20,7,M,M +2014-01-09 02:20,7,M,M +2014-01-09 03:20,7,M,M +2014-01-09 04:20,6,M,M +2014-01-09 05:20,7,M,M +2014-01-09 06:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-01-09 07:20,8,FEW,RA +2014-01-09 08:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-01-09 09:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-01-09 10:20,11,SCT,M +2014-01-09 11:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-01-09 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-01-09 13:20,12,FEW,M +2014-01-09 14:20,11,SCT,M +2014-01-09 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-01-09 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-01-09 17:20,9,BKN,M +2014-01-09 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-09 19:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-09 20:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-09 21:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-09 22:20,7,BKN,M +2014-01-09 23:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-10 00:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-10 01:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 02:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 03:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 04:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 05:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 06:20,6,SCT,M +2014-01-10 07:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 08:20,6,BKN,SHRA +2014-01-10 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 10:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 11:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-10 12:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-10 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-10 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-10 18:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-01-10 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-10 20:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-10 21:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-10 22:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-10 23:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 00:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 01:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 02:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 03:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 04:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 05:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2014-01-11 06:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 07:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-01-11 08:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-11 09:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-11 10:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-11 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-11 12:20,5,SCT,RA +2014-01-11 13:20,5,FEW,RA +2014-01-11 14:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-01-11 15:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-01-11 16:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-11 17:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-11 18:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2014-01-11 19:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-11 20:20,5,FEW,-SHRAGS +2014-01-11 21:20,3,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2014-01-11 22:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-11 23:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-12 00:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 01:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 02:20,4,SCT,M +2014-01-12 03:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 05:20,3,FEW,VCTS +2014-01-12 06:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-12 07:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-12 08:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-12 09:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 10:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-12 11:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-12 12:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-12 13:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-12 14:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-12 15:20,6,SCT,M +2014-01-12 16:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-12 17:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-12 18:20,3,M,M +2014-01-12 19:20,3,M,M +2014-01-12 20:20,1,M,M +2014-01-12 21:20,1,M,M +2014-01-12 22:20,1,NSC,M +2014-01-12 23:20,0,NSC,M +2014-01-13 00:20,1,M,M +2014-01-13 01:20,1,M,M +2014-01-13 02:20,1,M,M +2014-01-13 03:20,1,M,M +2014-01-13 04:20,2,NSC,M +2014-01-13 05:20,3,M,M +2014-01-13 06:20,3,M,M +2014-01-13 07:20,2,FEW,M +2014-01-13 08:20,2,BKN,M +2014-01-13 09:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2014-01-13 10:20,2,BKN,DZ +2014-01-13 11:20,2,FEW,-DZ +2014-01-13 12:20,4,SCT,M +2014-01-13 13:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-13 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-13 15:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-13 16:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-13 17:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-13 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-13 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-13 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-13 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-13 22:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-13 23:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-14 00:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-14 01:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-14 02:20,4,M,M +2014-01-14 03:20,3,FEW,BCFG +2014-01-14 04:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-14 05:20,3,M,M +2014-01-14 06:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2014-01-14 07:20,1,FEW,MIFG +2014-01-14 08:20,1,NSC,FG +2014-01-14 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-01-14 10:20,3,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-01-14 11:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-14 12:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-14 13:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-14 14:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-14 15:20,4,FEW,BCFG +2014-01-14 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-01-14 17:20,2,OVC,BR +2014-01-14 18:20,3,OVC,BR +2014-01-14 19:20,3,OVC,BR +2014-01-14 20:20,3,FEW,BR +2014-01-14 21:20,3,OVC,BR +2014-01-14 22:20,3,SCT,BR +2014-01-14 23:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-01-15 00:20,3,FEW,BR +2014-01-15 01:20,3,FEW,BR +2014-01-15 02:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-01-15 03:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-01-15 04:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-01-15 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-01-15 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-01-15 07:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2014-01-15 08:20,2,OVC,-RA BR +2014-01-15 09:20,3,OVC,-RA BR +2014-01-15 10:20,3,FEW,-RA BR +2014-01-15 11:20,3,OVC,-RADZ +2014-01-15 12:20,3,BKN,M +2014-01-15 13:20,3,BKN,M +2014-01-15 14:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-01-15 15:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-15 16:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-15 17:20,4,OVC,M +2014-01-15 18:20,4,OVC,M +2014-01-15 19:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-15 20:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-15 21:20,4,BKN,M +2014-01-15 22:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-15 23:20,4,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 00:20,3,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 01:20,3,FEW,RA +2014-01-16 02:20,3,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 03:20,2,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 04:20,2,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 05:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-01-16 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-01-16 07:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2014-01-16 08:20,3,BKN,RA BR +2014-01-16 09:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-01-16 10:20,3,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-01-16 11:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-01-16 12:20,4,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-01-16 13:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-01-16 14:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-01-16 15:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-01-16 16:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2014-01-16 17:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-01-16 18:20,4,OVC,-RA BR +2014-01-16 19:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-01-16 20:20,4,OVC,-RADZ BR +2014-01-16 21:20,5,OVC,RA BR +2014-01-16 22:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-01-16 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-01-17 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-17 01:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-17 02:20,6,FEW,M +2014-01-17 03:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-17 04:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-17 05:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-17 06:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-17 07:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-17 08:20,6,SCT,M +2014-01-17 09:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-17 10:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2014-01-17 11:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2014-01-17 12:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-17 13:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-01-17 14:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-17 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-17 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-17 17:20,8,FEW,M +2014-01-17 18:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-17 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-17 20:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-01-17 21:20,6,M,M +2014-01-17 22:20,7,SCT,M +2014-01-17 23:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 00:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 01:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 02:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 03:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-01-18 05:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-18 06:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-18 07:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-18 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-18 09:20,6,M,M +2014-01-18 10:20,6,BKN,M +2014-01-18 11:20,7,FEW,M +2014-01-18 12:20,7,M,M +2014-01-18 13:20,8,M,M +2014-01-18 14:20,7,M,M +2014-01-18 15:20,6,M,M +2014-01-18 16:20,5,M,M +2014-01-18 17:20,5,M,M +2014-01-18 18:20,5,M,M +2014-01-18 19:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-18 20:20,5,FEW,M +2014-01-18 21:20,5,BKN,M +2014-01-18 22:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-18 23:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-19 00:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-19 01:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-19 02:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-19 03:20,5,OVC,M +2014-01-19 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-01-19 05:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 06:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 07:20,3,FEW,M +2014-01-19 08:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 09:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 10:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 11:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 12:20,3,OVC,M +2014-01-19 13:20,2,OVC,M +2014-01-19 14:20,2,OVC,M +2014-01-19 15:20,2,OVC,M +2014-01-19 16:20,2,OVC,M +2014-01-19 17:20,2,OVC,M +2014-01-19 18:20,1,OVC,M +2014-01-19 19:20,1,OVC,M +2014-01-19 20:20,1,OVC,M +2014-01-19 21:20,1,OVC,M +2014-01-19 22:20,1,OVC,BR +2014-01-19 23:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 00:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 01:20,-1,BKN,BR +2014-01-20 02:20,0,BKN,BR +2014-01-20 03:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 04:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 05:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 06:20,-1,OVC,-FZDZ +2014-01-20 07:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 08:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-20 09:20,-1,OVC,-FZDZ +2014-01-20 10:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 11:20,0,OVC,M +2014-01-20 12:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 13:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 14:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 15:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 16:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-01-20 18:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-20 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-20 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-20 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-20 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-20 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-21 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-21 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 06:20,-2,OVC,M +2014-01-21 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-21 09:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2014-01-21 10:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2014-01-21 11:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2014-01-21 12:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2014-01-21 13:20,-2,FEW,-SN BR +2014-01-21 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-01-21 15:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2014-01-21 16:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2014-01-21 17:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2014-01-21 18:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2014-01-21 19:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2014-01-21 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-21 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-21 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-21 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-22 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-22 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-22 02:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2014-01-22 03:20,-2,SCT,M +2014-01-22 04:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2014-01-22 05:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-22 06:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-22 07:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 08:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 09:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 11:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-01-22 12:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-01-22 13:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-22 14:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 15:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 16:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 17:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 18:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-22 19:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-22 20:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-22 21:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-22 22:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-22 23:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-23 00:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 01:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-23 02:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 03:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 04:20,-4,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 05:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 06:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2014-01-23 07:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2014-01-23 08:20,-4,FEW,-SG +2014-01-23 09:20,-4,FEW,-SN BR +2014-01-23 10:20,-4,FEW,-SN BR +2014-01-23 11:20,-4,OVC,-SG BR +2014-01-23 12:20,-4,OVC,BR +2014-01-23 13:20,-4,OVC,M +2014-01-23 14:20,-4,OVC,M +2014-01-23 15:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-01-23 16:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-01-23 17:20,-4,OVC,M +2014-01-23 18:20,-3,FEW,-SG +2014-01-23 19:20,-4,BKN,-SG +2014-01-23 20:20,-3,BKN,-SG +2014-01-23 21:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-23 22:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-23 23:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-24 00:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-24 01:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-24 02:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 03:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-24 04:20,-5,BKN,-SN +2014-01-24 05:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2014-01-24 06:20,-5,FEW,M +2014-01-24 07:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 08:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 09:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-24 10:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 11:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 12:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 13:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-24 14:20,-6,FEW,M +2014-01-24 15:20,-6,FEW,M +2014-01-24 16:20,-6,FEW,M +2014-01-24 17:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-24 18:20,-7,SCT,M +2014-01-24 19:20,-7,SCT,M +2014-01-24 20:20,-8,M,M +2014-01-24 21:20,-8,M,M +2014-01-24 22:20,-8,M,M +2014-01-24 23:20,-8,M,M +2014-01-25 00:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 01:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 02:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 03:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 04:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 05:20,-11,M,M +2014-01-25 06:20,-11,M,M +2014-01-25 07:20,-11,M,M +2014-01-25 08:20,-12,M,M +2014-01-25 09:20,-11,M,M +2014-01-25 10:20,-11,FEW,M +2014-01-25 11:20,-10,FEW,M +2014-01-25 12:20,-9,FEW,M +2014-01-25 13:20,-9,NSC,M +2014-01-25 14:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 15:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 16:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 17:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 18:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 19:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 20:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 21:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-25 22:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-25 23:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-26 00:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-26 01:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-26 02:20,-9,FEW,M +2014-01-26 03:20,-10,FEW,M +2014-01-26 04:20,-10,M,M +2014-01-26 05:20,-11,M,M +2014-01-26 06:20,-12,FEW,M +2014-01-26 07:20,-12,SCT,M +2014-01-26 08:20,-12,BKN,M +2014-01-26 09:20,-12,SCT,M +2014-01-26 10:20,-11,FEW,M +2014-01-26 11:20,-10,NSC,M +2014-01-26 12:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-26 13:20,-9,M,M +2014-01-26 14:20,-10,SCT,M +2014-01-26 15:20,-10,BKN,M +2014-01-26 16:20,-10,OVC,M +2014-01-26 17:20,-10,OVC,-SN +2014-01-26 18:20,-10,FEW,-SN +2014-01-26 19:20,-9,FEW,M +2014-01-26 20:20,-9,BKN,M +2014-01-26 21:20,-9,BKN,M +2014-01-26 22:20,-9,BKN,-SN BR +2014-01-26 23:20,-8,BKN,-SN BR +2014-01-27 00:20,-8,BKN,-SN BR +2014-01-27 01:20,-8,BKN,-SN BR +2014-01-27 02:20,-7,BKN,SN DRSN BR +2014-01-27 03:20,-6,BKN,SN DRSN BR +2014-01-27 04:20,-6,BKN,SN DRSN BR +2014-01-27 05:20,-4,BKN,-SN BR +2014-01-27 06:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-27 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-27 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-27 09:20,0,FEW,M +2014-01-27 10:20,1,BKN,M +2014-01-27 11:20,2,BKN,M +2014-01-27 12:20,3,BKN,M +2014-01-27 13:20,3,BKN,M +2014-01-27 14:20,4,SCT,M +2014-01-27 15:20,3,SCT,M +2014-01-27 16:20,2,FEW,M +2014-01-27 17:20,1,FEW,M +2014-01-27 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-01-27 19:20,0,FEW,M +2014-01-27 20:20,-1,FEW,BR +2014-01-27 21:20,-2,OVC,BR +2014-01-27 22:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-27 23:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 00:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 01:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 02:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 03:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 04:20,-2,BKN,BR +2014-01-28 05:20,-2,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 06:20,-2,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 07:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 08:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 09:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-01-28 10:20,0,OVC,M +2014-01-28 11:20,0,OVC,M +2014-01-28 12:20,0,OVC,M +2014-01-28 13:20,0,BKN,M +2014-01-28 14:20,0,BKN,M +2014-01-28 15:20,0,OVC,M +2014-01-28 16:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 17:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 18:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 19:20,0,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 20:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 21:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 22:20,-1,OVC,BR +2014-01-28 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-01-29 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-29 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-29 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-29 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-29 04:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-29 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-29 06:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-29 07:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-29 08:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-29 09:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-29 10:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-29 11:20,-5,FEW,M +2014-01-29 12:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2014-01-29 13:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2014-01-29 14:20,-5,FEW,M +2014-01-29 15:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-29 16:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-29 17:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-29 18:20,-6,OVC,M +2014-01-29 19:20,-6,OVC,M +2014-01-29 20:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-29 21:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-29 22:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-29 23:20,-6,BKN,M +2014-01-30 00:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 01:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 02:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 03:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 04:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 05:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-30 06:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-30 07:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-30 08:20,-5,OVC,M +2014-01-30 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-30 10:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-30 11:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-30 12:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-30 13:20,-3,SCT,M +2014-01-30 14:20,-3,SCT,M +2014-01-30 15:20,-4,FEW,M +2014-01-30 16:20,-4,FEW,M +2014-01-30 17:20,-4,NSC,M +2014-01-30 18:20,-5,NSC,M +2014-01-30 19:20,-5,NSC,M +2014-01-30 20:20,-5,M,M +2014-01-30 21:20,-5,M,M +2014-01-30 22:20,-5,M,M +2014-01-30 23:20,-6,M,M +2014-01-31 00:20,-6,FEW,M +2014-01-31 01:20,-5,BKN,M +2014-01-31 02:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 03:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 04:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 06:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 08:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 10:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-01-31 11:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-31 12:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-01-31 13:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-31 14:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-31 15:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-01-31 16:20,-3,SCT,M +2014-01-31 17:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 18:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 19:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 20:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 22:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-01-31 23:20,-3,NSC,M +2014-02-01 00:20,-2,NSC,M +2014-02-01 01:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-01 02:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 03:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 04:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 05:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 06:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 07:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-01 08:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-01 09:20,1,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 10:20,2,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 11:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-02-01 12:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 13:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 14:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 15:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-02-01 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 17:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-01 18:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-01 19:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-01 20:20,3,M,M +2014-02-01 21:20,3,M,M +2014-02-01 22:20,2,M,M +2014-02-01 23:20,3,M,M +2014-02-02 00:20,2,M,M +2014-02-02 01:20,3,M,M +2014-02-02 02:20,2,M,M +2014-02-02 03:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 04:20,2,M,M +2014-02-02 05:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 06:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 07:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 08:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 09:20,3,M,M +2014-02-02 10:20,5,M,M +2014-02-02 11:20,6,M,M +2014-02-02 12:20,7,M,M +2014-02-02 13:20,7,M,M +2014-02-02 14:20,7,M,M +2014-02-02 15:20,7,M,M +2014-02-02 16:20,5,M,M +2014-02-02 17:20,5,M,M +2014-02-02 18:20,4,M,M +2014-02-02 19:20,3,M,M +2014-02-02 20:20,2,M,M +2014-02-02 21:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 22:20,1,M,M +2014-02-02 23:20,1,M,M +2014-02-03 00:20,1,M,M +2014-02-03 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-03 02:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-03 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-03 04:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-03 05:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-03 06:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-03 07:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-03 08:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-03 09:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-03 10:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-03 11:20,3,M,M +2014-02-03 12:20,3,M,M +2014-02-03 13:20,1,BKN,M +2014-02-03 14:20,1,BKN,BR +2014-02-03 15:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-02-03 16:20,2,OVC,BR +2014-02-03 17:20,2,OVC,BR +2014-02-03 18:20,2,OVC,M +2014-02-03 19:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-03 20:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-03 21:20,2,FEW,M +2014-02-03 22:20,2,SCT,M +2014-02-03 23:20,2,FEW,M +2014-02-04 00:20,1,OVC,M +2014-02-04 01:20,1,OVC,M +2014-02-04 02:20,1,OVC,M +2014-02-04 03:20,1,OVC,M +2014-02-04 04:20,1,OVC,M +2014-02-04 05:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-04 06:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-04 07:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-04 08:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-04 09:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-04 10:20,3,NSC,M +2014-02-04 11:20,4,NSC,M +2014-02-04 12:20,5,NSC,M +2014-02-04 13:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-04 14:20,5,M,M +2014-02-04 15:20,5,M,M +2014-02-04 16:20,4,M,M +2014-02-04 17:20,4,M,M +2014-02-04 18:20,3,M,M +2014-02-04 19:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-04 20:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-04 21:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-04 22:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-04 23:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-05 00:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-05 01:20,0,FEW,M +2014-02-05 02:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-05 03:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-05 04:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-05 05:20,-1,NSC,M +2014-02-05 06:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-05 07:20,0,NSC,M +2014-02-05 08:20,1,NSC,M +2014-02-05 09:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-05 10:20,4,M,M +2014-02-05 11:20,3,NSC,M +2014-02-05 12:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-05 13:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-05 14:20,4,NSC,M +2014-02-05 15:20,3,NSC,M +2014-02-05 16:20,3,NSC,M +2014-02-05 17:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-05 18:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-05 19:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-05 20:20,3,BKN,M +2014-02-05 21:20,3,BKN,M +2014-02-05 22:20,3,M,M +2014-02-05 23:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-06 00:20,4,BKN,M +2014-02-06 01:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-06 02:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-06 03:20,6,M,M +2014-02-06 04:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-06 05:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-06 06:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-06 07:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-06 08:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-06 09:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-06 10:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-06 11:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-06 12:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-06 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-06 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-06 15:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-06 16:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-06 17:20,7,M,M +2014-02-06 18:20,6,M,M +2014-02-06 19:20,6,M,M +2014-02-06 20:20,6,M,M +2014-02-06 21:20,5,M,M +2014-02-06 22:20,5,M,M +2014-02-06 23:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 01:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 03:20,5,SCT,-RA +2014-02-07 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-02-07 05:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-02-07 06:20,6,FEW,RA +2014-02-07 07:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 08:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-07 09:20,9,BKN,M +2014-02-07 10:20,10,M,M +2014-02-07 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-07 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-02-07 13:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-02-07 14:20,10,FEW,RA +2014-02-07 15:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 16:20,8,BKN,RA +2014-02-07 17:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-02-07 18:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-02-07 19:20,5,FEW,RA +2014-02-07 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-07 21:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-07 22:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-07 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-08 00:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-08 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-08 02:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-08 03:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-08 04:20,4,M,M +2014-02-08 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-08 06:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-08 07:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-08 08:20,5,M,M +2014-02-08 09:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-08 10:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-08 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-02-08 12:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-08 13:20,9,BKN,M +2014-02-08 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-08 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-02-08 16:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-08 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-08 18:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-08 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-08 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-08 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-08 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-08 23:20,6,M,M +2014-02-09 00:20,6,M,M +2014-02-09 01:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-09 02:20,6,M,M +2014-02-09 03:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-09 04:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-09 05:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-09 06:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-02-09 07:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-09 08:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-09 09:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-09 10:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-09 11:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-09 12:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-09 13:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-09 14:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-02-09 15:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-09 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-09 17:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-02-09 18:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-09 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-09 20:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-09 21:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-09 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-09 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-10 00:20,5,M,M +2014-02-10 01:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-10 02:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-10 03:20,4,M,M +2014-02-10 04:20,4,M,M +2014-02-10 05:20,3,M,M +2014-02-10 06:20,2,M,M +2014-02-10 07:20,2,M,M +2014-02-10 08:20,3,M,M +2014-02-10 09:20,4,M,M +2014-02-10 10:20,5,M,M +2014-02-10 11:20,6,M,M +2014-02-10 12:20,7,M,M +2014-02-10 13:20,8,M,M +2014-02-10 14:20,8,M,M +2014-02-10 15:20,7,M,M +2014-02-10 16:20,6,M,M +2014-02-10 17:20,6,M,M +2014-02-10 18:20,5,M,M +2014-02-10 19:20,5,M,M +2014-02-10 20:20,5,M,M +2014-02-10 21:20,4,M,M +2014-02-10 22:20,4,M,M +2014-02-10 23:20,5,M,M +2014-02-11 00:20,4,M,M +2014-02-11 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-11 02:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-02-11 03:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-02-11 04:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-11 05:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2014-02-11 06:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2014-02-11 07:20,3,SCT,-DZ +2014-02-11 08:20,4,BKN,M +2014-02-11 09:20,4,BKN,M +2014-02-11 10:20,4,BKN,M +2014-02-11 11:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-11 12:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-11 13:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-11 14:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-11 15:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-11 16:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-11 17:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-11 18:20,6,M,M +2014-02-11 19:20,5,M,M +2014-02-11 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-11 21:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-11 22:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-02-11 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-02-12 00:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-12 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-12 02:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-12 03:20,4,M,M +2014-02-12 04:20,4,M,M +2014-02-12 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-12 06:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-12 07:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-12 08:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-12 09:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-12 10:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-12 11:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-12 12:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-12 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-12 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-12 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-12 16:20,7,M,M +2014-02-12 17:20,6,M,M +2014-02-12 18:20,5,M,M +2014-02-12 19:20,5,M,M +2014-02-12 20:20,5,M,M +2014-02-12 21:20,6,M,M +2014-02-12 22:20,6,M,M +2014-02-12 23:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-02-13 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-02-13 01:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-13 02:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-13 03:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-13 04:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-13 05:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-13 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-13 07:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-13 08:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-13 09:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-13 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-13 11:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-13 12:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-13 13:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-13 14:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-13 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-13 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-13 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-13 18:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-02-13 19:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-02-13 20:20,4,BKN,RA +2014-02-13 21:20,4,M,///////// +2014-02-13 22:20,3,FEW,RA +2014-02-13 23:20,1,FEW,RA +2014-02-14 00:20,2,FEW,-RA +2014-02-14 01:20,2,FEW,M +2014-02-14 02:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-14 03:20,3,M,M +2014-02-14 04:20,2,M,M +2014-02-14 05:20,2,M,M +2014-02-14 06:20,2,FEW,M +2014-02-14 07:20,2,FEW,M +2014-02-14 08:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-14 09:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-14 10:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-14 11:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-14 12:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-14 13:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-14 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-14 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-14 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-14 17:20,6,M,M +2014-02-14 18:20,6,M,M +2014-02-14 19:20,6,M,M +2014-02-14 20:20,6,M,M +2014-02-14 21:20,6,M,M +2014-02-14 22:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-14 23:20,5,SCT,RA +2014-02-15 00:20,5,SCT,-RA +2014-02-15 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-02-15 02:20,6,M,M +2014-02-15 03:20,7,M,M +2014-02-15 04:20,7,M,M +2014-02-15 05:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-15 06:20,8,M,M +2014-02-15 07:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-15 08:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-15 09:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-15 10:20,12,SCT,M +2014-02-15 11:20,12,FEW,M +2014-02-15 12:20,12,SCT,M +2014-02-15 13:20,13,FEW,M +2014-02-15 14:20,13,SCT,M +2014-02-15 15:20,12,SCT,M +2014-02-15 16:20,12,FEW,M +2014-02-15 17:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-15 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-15 19:20,10,M,M +2014-02-15 20:20,10,M,M +2014-02-15 21:20,10,M,M +2014-02-15 22:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2014-02-15 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-16 00:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-16 01:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-02-16 02:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-02-16 03:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 04:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 05:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 07:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-16 08:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-16 09:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2014-02-16 10:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-16 11:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-16 12:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-16 13:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2014-02-16 14:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-16 16:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-16 17:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-16 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-16 19:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-16 20:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-16 21:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-16 22:20,4,M,M +2014-02-16 23:20,3,M,M +2014-02-17 00:20,3,M,M +2014-02-17 01:20,2,M,M +2014-02-17 02:20,1,M,M +2014-02-17 03:20,1,M,M +2014-02-17 04:20,1,M,M +2014-02-17 05:20,0,M,M +2014-02-17 06:20,1,M,M +2014-02-17 07:20,1,M,M +2014-02-17 08:20,3,M,M +2014-02-17 09:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-17 10:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-17 11:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-17 12:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-17 13:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-17 14:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-17 15:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-17 16:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-17 17:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-17 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-17 19:20,4,M,M +2014-02-17 20:20,3,FEW,MIFG +2014-02-17 21:20,3,FEW,MIFG BCFG +2014-02-17 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2014-02-17 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 00:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 01:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 02:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 03:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 04:20,0,NSC,FG +2014-02-18 05:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-18 06:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-18 07:20,2,NSC,M +2014-02-18 08:20,3,NSC,M +2014-02-18 09:20,5,M,M +2014-02-18 10:20,6,M,M +2014-02-18 11:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-18 12:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-18 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-18 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-18 15:20,9,M,M +2014-02-18 16:20,8,M,M +2014-02-18 17:20,7,M,M +2014-02-18 18:20,6,M,M +2014-02-18 19:20,6,M,M +2014-02-18 20:20,5,M,M +2014-02-18 21:20,5,M,M +2014-02-18 22:20,5,M,M +2014-02-18 23:20,4,M,M +2014-02-19 00:20,4,M,M +2014-02-19 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-02-19 02:20,4,FEW,RA +2014-02-19 03:20,4,FEW,RA +2014-02-19 04:20,4,FEW,RA +2014-02-19 05:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-02-19 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-02-19 07:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-19 08:20,5,SCT,-RA BR +2014-02-19 09:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-02-19 10:20,6,SCT,-DZRA BR +2014-02-19 11:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-02-19 12:20,7,OVC,-DZ +2014-02-19 13:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-19 14:20,8,SCT,M +2014-02-19 15:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-19 16:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-19 17:20,7,SCT,M +2014-02-19 18:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-19 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-19 20:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-19 21:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-19 22:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-19 23:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-20 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-20 01:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-20 02:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-20 03:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-20 04:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-20 05:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-20 06:20,5,SCT,M +2014-02-20 07:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-20 08:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-20 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-20 10:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-20 11:20,9,SCT,M +2014-02-20 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-20 13:20,11,SCT,M +2014-02-20 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-20 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-20 16:20,11,BKN,M +2014-02-20 17:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 18:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 19:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 20:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 21:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 22:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-20 23:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-02-21 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-02-21 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-02-21 02:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-02-21 03:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-02-21 04:20,9,BKN,M +2014-02-21 05:20,9,BKN,M +2014-02-21 06:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-21 07:20,8,BKN,M +2014-02-21 08:20,9,SCT,M +2014-02-21 09:20,9,SCT,M +2014-02-21 10:20,9,SCT,M +2014-02-21 11:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2014-02-21 12:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-21 13:20,8,FEW,-SHRAGS +2014-02-21 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-21 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-21 16:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-21 17:20,5,BKN,M +2014-02-21 18:20,4,M,M +2014-02-21 19:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-21 20:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-21 21:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-21 22:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-21 23:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-22 00:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-22 01:20,3,M,M +2014-02-22 02:20,3,M,M +2014-02-22 03:20,4,M,M +2014-02-22 04:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-22 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-22 06:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-22 07:20,4,M,M +2014-02-22 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-22 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-22 10:20,6,BKN,M +2014-02-22 11:20,7,BKN,M +2014-02-22 12:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-02-22 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 18:20,7,FEW,M +2014-02-22 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-22 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-22 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-22 22:20,5,FEW,M +2014-02-22 23:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-23 00:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-23 01:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-23 02:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-23 03:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-23 04:20,3,FEW,M +2014-02-23 05:20,4,M,M +2014-02-23 06:20,3,M,M +2014-02-23 07:20,3,M,M +2014-02-23 08:20,6,M,M +2014-02-23 09:20,7,M,M +2014-02-23 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-23 11:20,9,FEW,M +2014-02-23 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-23 13:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-23 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-23 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-23 16:20,9,M,M +2014-02-23 17:20,8,M,M +2014-02-23 18:20,7,M,M +2014-02-23 19:20,7,M,M +2014-02-23 20:20,6,M,M +2014-02-23 21:20,6,M,M +2014-02-23 22:20,4,M,///////// +2014-02-23 23:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 00:20,2,M,M +2014-02-24 01:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 02:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 03:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 04:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 05:20,2,M,M +2014-02-24 06:20,2,M,M +2014-02-24 07:20,3,M,M +2014-02-24 08:20,5,M,M +2014-02-24 09:20,7,M,M +2014-02-24 10:20,9,M,M +2014-02-24 11:20,11,M,M +2014-02-24 12:20,11,M,M +2014-02-24 13:20,11,M,M +2014-02-24 14:20,11,M,M +2014-02-24 15:20,11,M,M +2014-02-24 16:20,10,M,M +2014-02-24 17:20,9,M,M +2014-02-24 18:20,8,M,M +2014-02-24 19:20,8,M,M +2014-02-24 20:20,7,M,M +2014-02-24 21:20,6,M,M +2014-02-24 22:20,5,M,M +2014-02-24 23:20,5,M,M +2014-02-25 00:20,4,M,M +2014-02-25 01:20,3,M,M +2014-02-25 02:20,4,M,M +2014-02-25 03:20,3,M,M +2014-02-25 04:20,3,M,M +2014-02-25 05:20,3,M,M +2014-02-25 06:20,3,M,M +2014-02-25 07:20,4,M,M +2014-02-25 08:20,5,M,M +2014-02-25 09:20,7,M,M +2014-02-25 10:20,9,M,M +2014-02-25 11:20,11,M,M +2014-02-25 12:20,12,M,M +2014-02-25 13:20,14,M,M +2014-02-25 14:20,14,M,M +2014-02-25 15:20,14,M,M +2014-02-25 16:20,13,M,M +2014-02-25 17:20,12,M,M +2014-02-25 18:20,11,M,M +2014-02-25 19:20,11,M,M +2014-02-25 20:20,10,M,M +2014-02-25 21:20,10,M,M +2014-02-25 22:20,9,M,M +2014-02-25 23:20,8,M,M +2014-02-26 00:20,8,M,M +2014-02-26 01:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 02:20,7,M,M +2014-02-26 03:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 04:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 05:20,5,M,M +2014-02-26 06:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 07:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 08:20,7,M,M +2014-02-26 09:20,10,M,M +2014-02-26 10:20,10,M,M +2014-02-26 11:20,11,M,M +2014-02-26 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-26 13:20,11,BKN,M +2014-02-26 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-26 15:20,10,BKN,M +2014-02-26 16:20,10,BKN,M +2014-02-26 17:20,8,FEW,M +2014-02-26 18:20,7,M,M +2014-02-26 19:20,6,M,M +2014-02-26 20:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-26 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-26 22:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-26 23:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 00:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 01:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 02:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-02-27 03:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 04:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 05:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-02-27 06:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-02-27 07:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-27 08:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-27 09:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-02-27 10:20,9,M,M +2014-02-27 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-27 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-27 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-27 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-02-27 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-02-27 16:20,10,SCT,M +2014-02-27 17:20,9,M,M +2014-02-27 18:20,8,M,M +2014-02-27 19:20,7,M,M +2014-02-27 20:20,7,M,M +2014-02-27 21:20,6,M,M +2014-02-27 22:20,5,M,M +2014-02-27 23:20,4,M,M +2014-02-28 00:20,3,M,M +2014-02-28 01:20,4,M,M +2014-02-28 02:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-28 03:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-28 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-02-28 05:20,4,SCT,-RA +2014-02-28 06:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2014-02-28 07:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2014-02-28 08:20,5,SCT,-RA BR +2014-02-28 09:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-02-28 10:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-02-28 11:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-28 12:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-28 13:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-28 14:20,6,SCT,M +2014-02-28 15:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-02-28 16:20,6,FEW,M +2014-02-28 17:20,4,SCT,M +2014-02-28 18:20,3,SCT,M +2014-02-28 19:20,3,BKN,BCFG +2014-02-28 20:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2014-02-28 21:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-28 22:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-02-28 23:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-03-01 00:20,0,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-01 01:20,-1,NSC,PRFG MIFG BR +2014-03-01 02:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2014-03-01 03:20,-1,NSC,PRFG MIFG BR +2014-03-01 04:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-03-01 05:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-01 06:20,-1,FEW,BR +2014-03-01 07:20,-1,FEW,BR +2014-03-01 08:20,1,NSC,M +2014-03-01 09:20,3,NSC,M +2014-03-01 10:20,6,M,M +2014-03-01 11:20,7,M,M +2014-03-01 12:20,8,M,M +2014-03-01 13:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-01 14:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-01 15:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-01 16:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-01 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-03-01 18:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-03-01 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-01 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-01 21:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-01 22:20,7,M,M +2014-03-01 23:20,6,M,M +2014-03-02 00:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-03-02 01:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-03-02 02:20,5,SCT,M +2014-03-02 03:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-02 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-02 05:20,3,M,M +2014-03-02 06:20,4,BKN,M +2014-03-02 07:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-02 08:20,5,SCT,M +2014-03-02 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-02 10:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-02 11:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-02 12:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-02 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-02 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-02 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-02 16:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-02 17:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-02 18:20,5,M,M +2014-03-02 19:20,4,M,M +2014-03-02 20:20,4,M,M +2014-03-02 21:20,3,M,M +2014-03-02 22:20,2,M,M +2014-03-02 23:20,1,M,M +2014-03-03 00:20,1,M,M +2014-03-03 01:20,1,M,M +2014-03-03 02:20,2,M,M +2014-03-03 03:20,1,M,M +2014-03-03 04:20,2,M,M +2014-03-03 05:20,3,M,M +2014-03-03 06:20,3,NSC,M +2014-03-03 07:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-03 08:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-03 09:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-03 10:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-03 11:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-03 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-03 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-03 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-03 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-03 16:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-03 17:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-03 18:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-03 19:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-03 20:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-03 21:20,7,M,M +2014-03-03 22:20,6,BKN,M +2014-03-03 23:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-04 00:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-04 01:20,3,NSC,M +2014-03-04 02:20,3,NSC,M +2014-03-04 03:20,2,NSC,M +2014-03-04 04:20,2,NSC,M +2014-03-04 05:20,1,NSC,M +2014-03-04 06:20,1,NSC,M +2014-03-04 07:20,2,NSC,M +2014-03-04 08:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-04 09:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-04 10:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-04 11:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-04 12:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-04 13:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-04 14:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-04 15:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-04 16:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-04 17:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-04 18:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-04 19:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-04 20:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-04 21:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-04 22:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-04 23:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-05 00:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-05 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-03-05 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-03-05 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-03-05 04:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-03-05 05:20,4,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-03-05 06:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-03-05 07:20,3,NSC,BR +2014-03-05 08:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-05 09:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-03-05 10:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-05 11:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-05 12:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-05 13:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-05 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-05 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-05 16:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-05 17:20,8,M,M +2014-03-05 18:20,7,M,M +2014-03-05 19:20,5,M,M +2014-03-05 20:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-05 21:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-05 22:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-05 23:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 00:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 01:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 02:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 03:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 04:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 05:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 06:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 07:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-03-06 08:20,2,OVC,FG +2014-03-06 09:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-03-06 10:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-03-06 11:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-03-06 12:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-06 13:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-06 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-06 15:20,11,M,M +2014-03-06 16:20,11,M,M +2014-03-06 17:20,9,M,M +2014-03-06 18:20,8,M,M +2014-03-06 19:20,7,M,M +2014-03-06 20:20,6,M,M +2014-03-06 21:20,5,M,M +2014-03-06 22:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-06 23:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-07 00:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-07 01:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-07 02:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-07 03:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-07 04:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-07 05:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-07 06:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-07 07:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-07 08:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-07 09:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-07 10:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-07 11:20,12,NSC,M +2014-03-07 12:20,13,NSC,M +2014-03-07 13:20,13,NSC,M +2014-03-07 14:20,13,NSC,M +2014-03-07 15:20,12,NSC,M +2014-03-07 16:20,12,NSC,M +2014-03-07 17:20,11,NSC,-RA +2014-03-07 18:20,11,M,M +2014-03-07 19:20,11,BKN,M +2014-03-07 20:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-03-07 21:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-07 22:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-07 23:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-08 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-08 01:20,4,M,M +2014-03-08 02:20,1,M,M +2014-03-08 03:20,1,M,M +2014-03-08 04:20,0,M,M +2014-03-08 05:20,0,M,M +2014-03-08 06:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-08 07:20,2,M,M +2014-03-08 08:20,6,M,M +2014-03-08 09:20,8,M,M +2014-03-08 10:20,9,M,M +2014-03-08 11:20,10,M,M +2014-03-08 12:20,11,M,M +2014-03-08 13:20,11,M,M +2014-03-08 14:20,12,M,M +2014-03-08 15:20,12,M,M +2014-03-08 16:20,11,M,M +2014-03-08 17:20,10,M,M +2014-03-08 18:20,10,M,M +2014-03-08 19:20,9,M,M +2014-03-08 20:20,8,M,M +2014-03-08 21:20,8,M,M +2014-03-08 22:20,7,M,M +2014-03-08 23:20,7,M,M +2014-03-09 00:20,6,M,M +2014-03-09 01:20,6,M,M +2014-03-09 02:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-09 03:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-09 04:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-09 05:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-09 06:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-09 07:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-09 08:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-09 09:20,11,NSC,M +2014-03-09 10:20,13,M,M +2014-03-09 11:20,15,M,M +2014-03-09 12:20,17,M,M +2014-03-09 13:20,18,M,M +2014-03-09 14:20,19,M,M +2014-03-09 15:20,20,M,M +2014-03-09 16:20,19,M,M +2014-03-09 17:20,17,M,M +2014-03-09 18:20,15,M,M +2014-03-09 19:20,15,M,M +2014-03-09 20:20,12,M,M +2014-03-09 21:20,12,M,M +2014-03-09 22:20,10,M,M +2014-03-10 00:20,8,M,M +2014-03-10 01:20,7,M,M +2014-03-10 02:20,7,M,M +2014-03-10 03:20,6,M,M +2014-03-10 04:20,4,M,M +2014-03-10 05:20,4,M,M +2014-03-10 06:20,5,M,M +2014-03-10 07:20,7,M,M +2014-03-10 08:20,11,M,M +2014-03-10 09:20,14,M,M +2014-03-10 10:20,17,M,M +2014-03-10 11:20,17,M,M +2014-03-10 12:20,18,M,M +2014-03-10 13:20,18,M,M +2014-03-10 14:20,18,M,M +2014-03-10 15:20,18,M,M +2014-03-10 16:20,17,M,M +2014-03-10 17:20,15,M,M +2014-03-10 18:20,11,M,M +2014-03-10 19:20,9,M,M +2014-03-10 20:20,9,M,M +2014-03-10 21:20,9,M,M +2014-03-10 22:20,9,M,M +2014-03-10 23:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-11 00:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-11 01:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-11 02:20,6,NSC,M +2014-03-11 03:20,5,NSC,M +2014-03-11 04:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-11 05:20,4,M,M +2014-03-11 06:20,3,M,M +2014-03-11 07:20,5,M,M +2014-03-11 08:20,6,M,M +2014-03-11 09:20,8,M,M +2014-03-11 10:20,10,M,M +2014-03-11 11:20,12,M,M +2014-03-11 12:20,12,M,M +2014-03-11 13:20,13,M,M +2014-03-11 14:20,12,M,M +2014-03-11 15:20,11,M,M +2014-03-11 16:20,10,M,M +2014-03-11 17:20,8,M,M +2014-03-11 18:20,8,M,M +2014-03-11 19:20,6,M,M +2014-03-11 20:20,5,M,M +2014-03-11 21:20,4,M,M +2014-03-11 22:20,3,M,M +2014-03-11 23:20,2,M,M +2014-03-12 00:20,2,M,M +2014-03-12 01:20,0,M,M +2014-03-12 02:20,0,NSC,M +2014-03-12 03:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-12 04:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-12 05:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-12 06:20,0,M,M +2014-03-12 07:20,3,M,M +2014-03-12 08:20,7,M,M +2014-03-12 09:20,9,M,M +2014-03-12 10:20,11,M,M +2014-03-12 11:20,12,M,M +2014-03-12 12:20,13,M,M +2014-03-12 13:20,14,M,M +2014-03-12 14:20,15,M,M +2014-03-12 15:20,14,M,M +2014-03-12 16:20,13,M,M +2014-03-12 17:20,11,M,M +2014-03-12 18:20,8,M,M +2014-03-12 19:20,6,M,M +2014-03-12 20:20,6,M,M +2014-03-12 21:20,6,M,M +2014-03-12 22:20,4,M,M +2014-03-12 23:20,3,M,M +2014-03-13 00:20,3,M,M +2014-03-13 01:20,2,M,M +2014-03-13 02:20,2,M,M +2014-03-13 03:20,1,M,M +2014-03-13 04:20,1,M,M +2014-03-13 05:20,1,M,M +2014-03-13 06:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-13 07:20,5,M,M +2014-03-13 08:20,8,M,M +2014-03-13 09:20,11,M,M +2014-03-13 10:20,14,M,M +2014-03-13 11:20,15,M,M +2014-03-13 12:20,15,M,M +2014-03-13 13:20,16,M,M +2014-03-13 14:20,16,M,M +2014-03-13 15:20,15,M,M +2014-03-13 16:20,14,M,M +2014-03-13 17:20,12,M,M +2014-03-13 18:20,9,M,M +2014-03-13 19:20,8,M,M +2014-03-13 20:20,7,M,M +2014-03-13 21:20,6,M,M +2014-03-13 22:20,5,M,M +2014-03-13 23:20,3,M,M +2014-03-14 00:20,3,M,M +2014-03-14 01:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-03-14 02:20,4,OVC,FG +2014-03-14 03:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-03-14 04:20,4,OVC,FG +2014-03-14 05:20,4,OVC,FG +2014-03-14 06:20,4,FEW,BR +2014-03-14 07:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-03-14 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-14 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-14 10:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-14 11:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-14 12:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-14 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-14 14:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-14 15:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-14 16:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-14 17:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-14 18:20,6,SCT,M +2014-03-14 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-14 20:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-14 21:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-14 22:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-14 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-03-15 01:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-03-15 02:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 03:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 04:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 05:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 06:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 07:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 08:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 09:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-15 10:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-15 11:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-15 12:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-15 13:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-15 14:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-15 15:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-15 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-15 17:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-03-15 18:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-15 19:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-15 20:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-03-15 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-03-15 22:20,7,BKN,DZRA +2014-03-15 23:20,8,BKN,DZ +2014-03-16 00:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-16 01:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-16 02:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-16 03:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 04:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 05:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2014-03-16 06:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2014-03-16 07:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 08:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2014-03-16 09:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-16 10:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 11:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 12:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 13:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-03-16 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-16 15:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-16 16:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-16 17:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-16 18:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-16 19:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-16 20:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-16 21:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-16 22:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-16 23:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 00:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 01:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 02:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 03:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 04:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 05:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-17 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-17 07:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 08:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-17 09:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2014-03-17 10:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-17 11:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-17 12:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-03-17 13:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-17 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-03-17 15:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-03-17 16:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-03-17 17:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-03-17 18:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-03-17 19:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-17 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-17 21:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 22:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-17 23:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-18 00:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-18 01:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-18 02:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-18 03:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-18 04:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-18 05:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2014-03-18 06:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-18 07:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-18 08:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-18 09:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-18 10:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-18 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 13:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-18 17:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-18 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-03-18 19:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-03-18 20:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-03-18 21:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-03-18 22:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-03-18 23:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-19 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-19 01:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-03-19 02:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-19 03:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-19 04:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-03-19 05:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-19 06:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-19 07:20,8,BKN,M +2014-03-19 08:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-19 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-03-19 10:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-19 11:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-03-19 12:20,11,BKN,M +2014-03-19 13:20,12,SCT,M +2014-03-19 14:20,12,SCT,M +2014-03-19 15:20,11,BKN,M +2014-03-19 16:20,11,SCT,M +2014-03-19 17:20,11,SCT,M +2014-03-19 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-19 19:20,11,SCT,M +2014-03-19 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-19 21:20,9,M,M +2014-03-19 22:20,9,M,M +2014-03-19 23:20,9,M,M +2014-03-20 00:20,8,M,M +2014-03-20 01:20,8,M,M +2014-03-20 02:20,8,M,M +2014-03-20 03:20,7,M,M +2014-03-20 04:20,7,M,M +2014-03-20 05:20,6,M,M +2014-03-20 06:20,7,M,M +2014-03-20 07:20,9,M,M +2014-03-20 08:20,11,M,M +2014-03-20 09:20,13,M,M +2014-03-20 10:20,15,M,M +2014-03-20 11:20,16,M,M +2014-03-20 12:20,18,M,M +2014-03-20 13:20,18,M,M +2014-03-20 14:20,19,M,M +2014-03-20 15:20,19,M,M +2014-03-20 16:20,18,M,M +2014-03-20 17:20,17,M,M +2014-03-20 18:20,17,M,M +2014-03-20 19:20,16,M,M +2014-03-20 20:20,15,M,M +2014-03-20 21:20,16,M,M +2014-03-20 22:20,15,M,M +2014-03-20 23:20,14,M,M +2014-03-21 00:20,14,M,M +2014-03-21 01:20,13,M,M +2014-03-21 02:20,12,BKN,M +2014-03-21 03:20,12,BKN,M +2014-03-21 04:20,12,BKN,M +2014-03-21 05:20,12,FEW,M +2014-03-21 06:20,12,SCT,M +2014-03-21 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-03-21 08:20,10,FEW,RA +2014-03-21 09:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-03-21 10:20,8,SCT,RA +2014-03-21 11:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-03-21 12:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-03-21 13:20,7,SCT,RA +2014-03-21 14:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-03-21 15:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-03-21 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-03-21 17:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-21 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-21 19:20,3,M,M +2014-03-21 20:20,4,M,M +2014-03-21 21:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-21 22:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-21 23:20,3,M,M +2014-03-22 00:20,4,M,M +2014-03-22 01:20,3,M,M +2014-03-22 02:20,3,M,M +2014-03-22 03:20,3,M,M +2014-03-22 04:20,3,M,M +2014-03-22 05:20,2,M,M +2014-03-22 06:20,2,NSC,M +2014-03-22 07:20,4,NSC,M +2014-03-22 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-22 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-22 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-22 11:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-22 12:20,11,SCT,M +2014-03-22 13:20,11,SCT,M +2014-03-22 14:20,12,SCT,M +2014-03-22 15:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-03-22 16:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-22 17:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2014-03-22 18:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2014-03-22 19:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-03-22 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-03-22 21:20,5,SCT,M +2014-03-22 22:20,4,M,M +2014-03-22 23:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-23 00:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-23 01:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-23 02:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-23 03:20,3,M,M +2014-03-23 04:20,2,FEW,M +2014-03-23 05:20,2,FEW,M +2014-03-23 06:20,3,M,M +2014-03-23 07:20,5,M,M +2014-03-23 08:20,6,SCT,M +2014-03-23 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-23 10:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-23 11:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-23 12:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-23 13:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-23 14:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-23 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-23 16:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-23 17:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-23 18:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-23 19:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-23 20:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-23 21:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-23 22:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-23 23:20,1,M,M +2014-03-24 00:20,1,M,M +2014-03-24 01:20,1,FEW,M +2014-03-24 02:20,2,FEW,M +2014-03-24 03:20,2,SCT,M +2014-03-24 04:20,1,M,///////// +2014-03-24 05:20,0,SCT,MIFG BR +2014-03-24 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2014-03-24 07:20,3,BKN,FG +2014-03-24 08:20,5,SCT,BR +2014-03-24 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-24 10:20,8,SCT,M +2014-03-24 11:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-24 12:20,9,BKN,M +2014-03-24 13:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2014-03-24 14:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2014-03-24 15:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2014-03-24 16:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2014-03-24 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-24 18:20,5,M,M +2014-03-24 19:20,3,M,M +2014-03-24 20:20,3,M,M +2014-03-24 21:20,4,M,M +2014-03-24 22:20,3,M,M +2014-03-24 23:20,3,M,M +2014-03-25 00:20,3,M,M +2014-03-25 01:20,3,M,M +2014-03-25 02:20,3,M,M +2014-03-25 03:20,2,M,M +2014-03-25 04:20,2,FEW,M +2014-03-25 05:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-25 06:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2014-03-25 07:20,5,M,M +2014-03-25 08:20,7,M,M +2014-03-25 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-25 10:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-25 11:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-25 12:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-25 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-25 14:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2014-03-25 15:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-25 16:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-25 18:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-25 19:20,5,M,M +2014-03-25 20:20,5,M,M +2014-03-25 21:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-25 22:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-25 23:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-26 00:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-26 01:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2014-03-26 02:20,4,SCT,-RA +2014-03-26 03:20,3,SCT,-RA +2014-03-26 04:20,3,SCT,M +2014-03-26 05:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-26 06:20,4,M,M +2014-03-26 07:20,5,SCT,M +2014-03-26 08:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-26 09:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-26 10:20,8,BKN,VCSH +2014-03-26 11:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-26 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-26 13:20,11,M,M +2014-03-26 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-26 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-26 16:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2014-03-26 17:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-26 18:20,8,M,M +2014-03-26 19:20,7,M,M +2014-03-26 20:20,7,M,M +2014-03-26 21:20,6,M,M +2014-03-26 22:20,6,M,M +2014-03-26 23:20,5,M,M +2014-03-27 00:20,4,M,M +2014-03-27 01:20,3,M,M +2014-03-27 02:20,2,M,M +2014-03-27 03:20,2,M,M +2014-03-27 04:20,2,M,M +2014-03-27 05:20,2,FEW,M +2014-03-27 06:20,3,FEW,M +2014-03-27 07:20,5,FEW,M +2014-03-27 08:20,5,SCT,M +2014-03-27 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-03-27 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-27 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-27 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-27 13:20,10,SCT,M +2014-03-27 14:20,9,SCT,M +2014-03-27 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-03-27 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-27 17:20,5,M,M +2014-03-27 18:20,4,M,M +2014-03-27 19:20,3,M,M +2014-03-27 20:20,3,M,M +2014-03-27 21:20,3,M,M +2014-03-27 22:20,2,M,M +2014-03-27 23:20,2,M,M +2014-03-28 00:20,2,SCT,M +2014-03-28 01:20,3,BKN,M +2014-03-28 02:20,3,BKN,M +2014-03-28 03:20,4,OVC,M +2014-03-28 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-03-28 05:20,4,BKN,M +2014-03-28 06:20,4,BKN,M +2014-03-28 07:20,4,BKN,M +2014-03-28 08:20,5,BKN,M +2014-03-28 09:20,6,BKN,M +2014-03-28 10:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-28 11:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-28 12:20,7,BKN,M +2014-03-28 13:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-28 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-28 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-28 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-03-28 17:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-28 18:20,7,SCT,M +2014-03-28 19:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-03-28 20:20,6,OVC,BR +2014-03-28 21:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-03-28 22:20,6,SCT,BR +2014-03-28 23:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-03-29 00:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-03-29 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-29 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-29 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-03-29 04:20,5,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-03-29 05:20,5,OVC,BR +2014-03-29 06:20,6,OVC,BR +2014-03-29 07:20,6,FEW,BR +2014-03-29 08:20,7,FEW,BR +2014-03-29 09:20,8,FEW,BR +2014-03-29 10:20,10,FEW,M +2014-03-29 11:20,12,NSC,M +2014-03-29 12:20,14,NSC,M +2014-03-29 13:20,14,M,M +2014-03-29 14:20,15,M,M +2014-03-29 15:20,15,M,M +2014-03-29 16:20,15,M,M +2014-03-29 17:20,13,M,M +2014-03-29 18:20,12,M,M +2014-03-29 19:20,11,M,M +2014-03-29 20:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-29 21:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-29 22:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-29 23:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-30 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-30 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-30 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-30 03:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-30 04:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-03-30 05:20,3,FEW,FG +2014-03-30 06:20,4,SCT,FG +2014-03-30 07:20,7,BKN,FG +2014-03-30 08:20,10,NSC,BR +2014-03-30 09:20,13,NSC,M +2014-03-30 10:20,15,NSC,M +2014-03-30 11:20,17,NSC,M +2014-03-30 12:20,18,M,M +2014-03-30 13:20,18,M,M +2014-03-30 14:20,18,M,M +2014-03-30 15:20,18,M,M +2014-03-30 16:20,19,M,M +2014-03-30 17:20,16,M,M +2014-03-30 18:20,15,NSC,M +2014-03-30 19:20,12,NSC,M +2014-03-30 20:20,11,NSC,M +2014-03-30 21:20,10,NSC,M +2014-03-30 22:20,9,NSC,M +2014-03-30 23:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-31 00:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-31 01:20,8,NSC,M +2014-03-31 02:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-31 03:20,7,NSC,M +2014-03-31 04:20,6,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-03-31 05:20,6,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-31 06:20,5,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-03-31 07:20,8,FEW,MIFG BR +2014-03-31 08:20,9,FEW,M +2014-03-31 09:20,11,FEW,M +2014-03-31 10:20,12,SCT,M +2014-03-31 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-03-31 12:20,14,FEW,M +2014-03-31 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-03-31 14:20,14,FEW,M +2014-03-31 15:20,14,M,M +2014-03-31 16:20,14,M,M +2014-03-31 17:20,12,M,M +2014-03-31 18:20,10,M,M +2014-03-31 19:20,7,M,M +2014-03-31 20:20,6,M,M +2014-03-31 21:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2014-03-31 22:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-03-31 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-01 00:20,3,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-01 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-01 02:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-04-01 03:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-01 04:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-04-01 05:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-04-01 06:20,5,VV ,FG +2014-04-01 07:20,6,VV ,FG +2014-04-01 08:20,6,OVC,BR +2014-04-01 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2014-04-01 10:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-01 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-01 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-01 13:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-01 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-01 15:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-01 16:20,9,SCT,M +2014-04-01 17:20,9,NSC,M +2014-04-01 18:20,8,NSC,M +2014-04-01 19:20,8,M,M +2014-04-01 20:20,8,M,M +2014-04-01 21:20,7,M,M +2014-04-01 22:20,6,M,M +2014-04-01 23:20,6,M,M +2014-04-02 00:20,6,M,M +2014-04-02 01:20,6,NSC,M +2014-04-02 02:20,6,NSC,M +2014-04-02 03:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 04:20,5,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 05:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 06:20,7,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 07:20,8,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 08:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-02 09:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-02 10:20,12,NSC,M +2014-04-02 11:20,14,NSC,M +2014-04-02 12:20,16,NSC,M +2014-04-02 13:20,18,NSC,M +2014-04-02 14:20,18,NSC,M +2014-04-02 15:20,19,M,M +2014-04-02 16:20,18,M,M +2014-04-02 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-04-02 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-02 19:20,12,NSC,HZ +2014-04-02 20:20,11,NSC,M +2014-04-02 21:20,10,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 22:20,9,NSC,BR +2014-04-02 23:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-03 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-03 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-03 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-03 03:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-04-03 04:20,5,NSC,BR +2014-04-03 05:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-04-03 06:20,5,FEW,BR +2014-04-03 07:20,7,NSC,M +2014-04-03 08:20,9,M,M +2014-04-03 09:20,11,M,M +2014-04-03 10:20,11,M,M +2014-04-03 11:20,13,M,M +2014-04-03 12:20,14,M,M +2014-04-03 13:20,14,M,M +2014-04-03 14:20,13,M,M +2014-04-03 15:20,11,M,M +2014-04-03 16:20,10,M,M +2014-04-03 17:20,9,M,M +2014-04-03 18:20,7,M,M +2014-04-03 19:20,7,M,M +2014-04-03 20:20,7,M,M +2014-04-03 21:20,7,M,M +2014-04-03 22:20,7,M,M +2014-04-03 23:20,6,M,M +2014-04-04 00:20,6,M,M +2014-04-04 01:20,5,M,M +2014-04-04 02:20,5,M,M +2014-04-04 03:20,5,M,M +2014-04-04 04:20,5,M,M +2014-04-04 05:20,5,M,M +2014-04-04 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-04 07:20,6,SCT,M +2014-04-04 08:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2014-04-04 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2014-04-04 10:20,7,OVC,-RADZ +2014-04-04 11:20,6,SCT,RA +2014-04-04 12:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-04-04 13:20,6,FEW,RA +2014-04-04 14:20,6,SCT,RA +2014-04-04 15:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-04-04 16:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-04-04 17:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-04 18:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-04 19:20,7,BKN,M +2014-04-04 20:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-04 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-04 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-04 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-05 00:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-05 01:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-04-05 02:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-04-05 03:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-04-05 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-04-05 05:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-04-05 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-04-05 07:20,7,FEW,RA +2014-04-05 08:20,8,SCT,-RA +2014-04-05 09:20,8,SCT,-RA +2014-04-05 10:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-05 11:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-04-05 12:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-05 13:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-04-05 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-05 15:20,10,SCT,BR +2014-04-05 16:20,10,OVC,BR +2014-04-05 17:20,10,OVC,BR +2014-04-05 18:20,10,SCT,BR +2014-04-05 19:20,9,FEW,BR +2014-04-05 20:20,8,SCT,BCFG BR +2014-04-05 21:20,8,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-04-05 22:20,9,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-04-05 23:20,8,SCT,BCFG BR +2014-04-06 00:20,9,SCT,BCFG BR +2014-04-06 01:20,9,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-04-06 02:20,9,BKN,FG +2014-04-06 03:20,9,VV ,FG +2014-04-06 04:20,9,VV ,FG +2014-04-06 05:20,9,OVC,BR +2014-04-06 06:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-04-06 07:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-04-06 08:20,11,FEW,BR +2014-04-06 09:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-06 10:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-06 11:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-06 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-04-06 13:20,13,FEW,RA +2014-04-06 14:20,14,SCT,-RA BR +2014-04-06 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-06 16:20,14,BKN,-RA +2014-04-06 17:20,14,BKN,M +2014-04-06 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-04-06 19:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-04-06 20:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-04-06 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-04-06 22:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-06 23:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-07 00:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-07 01:20,12,M,M +2014-04-07 02:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-07 03:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-07 04:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-07 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-07 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-07 07:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-07 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-04-07 09:20,16,SCT,M +2014-04-07 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-04-07 11:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-07 12:20,18,SCT,M +2014-04-07 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-04-07 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-07 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-07 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-07 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-07 18:20,17,M,M +2014-04-07 19:20,15,M,M +2014-04-07 20:20,16,M,M +2014-04-07 21:20,17,M,M +2014-04-07 22:20,16,M,M +2014-04-07 23:20,15,M,M +2014-04-08 00:20,15,M,M +2014-04-08 01:20,16,M,M +2014-04-08 02:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-08 03:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-08 04:20,14,BKN,M +2014-04-08 05:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-08 07:20,13,SCT,SHRA +2014-04-08 08:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-08 09:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-08 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-08 11:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-08 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-08 13:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2014-04-08 14:20,9,SCT,SHRA +2014-04-08 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 16:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-08 17:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-08 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 19:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 21:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2014-04-08 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-08 23:20,7,BKN,M +2014-04-09 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-09 01:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-09 02:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-09 03:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-09 04:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-09 05:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-09 06:20,7,SCT,M +2014-04-09 07:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-09 08:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 09:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-04-09 10:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 11:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 12:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 13:20,11,BKN,M +2014-04-09 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 15:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-04-09 16:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-09 17:20,9,BKN,VCSH +2014-04-09 18:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-09 19:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-09 20:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-09 21:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-09 22:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-09 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-10 00:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-10 01:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-10 02:20,8,BKN,M +2014-04-10 03:20,7,BKN,M +2014-04-10 04:20,7,BKN,M +2014-04-10 05:20,6,SCT,M +2014-04-10 06:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-10 07:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-10 08:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-10 09:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-10 10:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-10 11:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-10 12:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2014-04-10 13:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-04-10 14:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2014-04-10 15:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-10 16:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-10 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-10 18:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-10 19:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-10 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-10 21:20,10,M,M +2014-04-10 22:20,9,NSC,PRFG +2014-04-10 23:20,7,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2014-04-11 00:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2014-04-11 01:20,7,NSC,M +2014-04-11 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-11 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-11 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-11 05:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-11 06:20,9,M,M +2014-04-11 07:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-11 08:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-11 09:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-11 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-11 11:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-11 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-11 13:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-11 14:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-11 15:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-11 16:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-11 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-11 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-11 19:20,9,M,M +2014-04-11 20:20,8,M,M +2014-04-11 21:20,7,M,M +2014-04-11 22:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-11 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-04-12 00:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-04-12 01:20,3,NSC,FG +2014-04-12 02:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-04-12 03:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-04-12 04:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-04-12 05:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-04-12 06:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-04-12 07:20,5,BKN,FG +2014-04-12 08:20,6,FEW,BCFG +2014-04-12 09:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-12 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-12 11:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-12 12:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-12 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-12 14:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-12 15:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-12 16:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-12 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-12 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-12 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-12 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-04-12 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-04-12 22:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-12 23:20,8,M,M +2014-04-13 00:20,8,SCT,M +2014-04-13 01:20,8,SCT,M +2014-04-13 02:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 03:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 04:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-13 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 06:20,9,SCT,M +2014-04-13 07:20,10,SCT,M +2014-04-13 08:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-13 09:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-13 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-13 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-13 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-13 13:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-13 14:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-13 15:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-13 16:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-13 17:20,10,SCT,M +2014-04-13 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 19:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 21:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-13 22:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-13 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-04-14 00:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-04-14 01:20,7,BKN,RA +2014-04-14 02:20,7,SCT,RA +2014-04-14 03:20,7,SCT,RA +2014-04-14 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-04-14 05:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-14 06:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-14 07:20,7,SCT,M +2014-04-14 08:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-14 09:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-14 10:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2014-04-14 11:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2014-04-14 12:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-14 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-14 14:20,8,SCT,M +2014-04-14 15:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-14 16:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-14 17:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2014-04-14 18:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-14 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-14 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-14 21:20,6,BKN,M +2014-04-14 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-14 23:20,6,M,M +2014-04-15 00:20,5,M,M +2014-04-15 01:20,5,M,M +2014-04-15 02:20,4,M,M +2014-04-15 03:20,4,M,M +2014-04-15 04:20,4,M,M +2014-04-15 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-04-15 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-15 07:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-15 08:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-15 09:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-15 10:20,10,SCT,M +2014-04-15 11:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-15 12:20,12,SCT,M +2014-04-15 13:20,12,M,M +2014-04-15 14:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-15 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-15 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-15 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-15 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-15 19:20,6,M,M +2014-04-15 20:20,5,M,M +2014-04-15 21:20,3,M,M +2014-04-15 22:20,3,M,M +2014-04-15 23:20,2,M,M +2014-04-16 00:20,1,M,M +2014-04-16 01:20,0,M,M +2014-04-16 02:20,-1,M,M +2014-04-16 03:20,-1,M,M +2014-04-16 04:20,-1,M,M +2014-04-16 05:20,0,M,M +2014-04-16 06:20,4,M,M +2014-04-16 07:20,8,M,M +2014-04-16 08:20,9,M,M +2014-04-16 09:20,11,M,M +2014-04-16 10:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-16 11:20,12,M,M +2014-04-16 12:20,13,M,M +2014-04-16 13:20,13,M,M +2014-04-16 14:20,13,M,M +2014-04-16 15:20,14,M,M +2014-04-16 16:20,13,M,M +2014-04-16 17:20,11,M,M +2014-04-16 18:20,10,M,M +2014-04-16 19:20,8,M,M +2014-04-16 20:20,6,M,M +2014-04-16 21:20,5,M,M +2014-04-16 22:20,5,M,M +2014-04-16 23:20,4,M,M +2014-04-17 00:20,4,M,M +2014-04-17 01:20,4,M,M +2014-04-17 02:20,4,M,M +2014-04-17 03:20,5,M,M +2014-04-17 04:20,7,M,M +2014-04-17 05:20,8,M,M +2014-04-17 06:20,9,M,M +2014-04-17 07:20,10,M,M +2014-04-17 08:20,11,M,M +2014-04-17 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-17 10:20,13,M,M +2014-04-17 11:20,14,M,M +2014-04-17 12:20,15,M,M +2014-04-17 13:20,15,M,M +2014-04-17 14:20,16,M,M +2014-04-17 15:20,15,M,M +2014-04-17 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-17 17:20,14,M,M +2014-04-17 18:20,11,BKN,M +2014-04-17 19:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-04-17 20:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-04-17 21:20,8,BKN,RA +2014-04-17 22:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-04-17 23:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-18 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-18 01:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-18 02:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-18 03:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-18 04:20,6,FEW,SHRA +2014-04-18 05:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-18 06:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-18 07:20,7,SCT,M +2014-04-18 08:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-18 09:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-18 10:20,9,FEW,M +2014-04-18 11:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-18 12:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-18 13:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-18 14:20,7,SCT,SHRA +2014-04-18 15:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-18 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-18 17:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-04-18 18:20,7,FEW,M +2014-04-18 19:20,5,FEW,M +2014-04-18 20:20,6,M,M +2014-04-18 21:20,5,M,M +2014-04-18 22:20,5,BKN,M +2014-04-18 23:20,4,FEW,M +2014-04-19 00:20,4,M,M +2014-04-19 01:20,4,M,M +2014-04-19 02:20,3,M,M +2014-04-19 03:20,3,M,M +2014-04-19 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-04-19 05:20,5,FEW,M +2014-04-19 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-04-19 07:20,8,M,M +2014-04-19 08:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-19 09:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-19 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-19 11:20,14,FEW,M +2014-04-19 12:20,15,M,M +2014-04-19 13:20,16,M,M +2014-04-19 14:20,16,M,M +2014-04-19 15:20,16,M,M +2014-04-19 16:20,15,M,M +2014-04-19 17:20,14,M,M +2014-04-19 18:20,12,M,M +2014-04-19 19:20,12,M,M +2014-04-19 20:20,11,M,M +2014-04-19 21:20,10,M,M +2014-04-19 22:20,10,M,M +2014-04-19 23:20,9,M,M +2014-04-20 00:20,9,M,M +2014-04-20 01:20,8,M,M +2014-04-20 02:20,8,M,M +2014-04-20 03:20,8,M,M +2014-04-20 04:20,7,M,M +2014-04-20 05:20,8,M,M +2014-04-20 06:20,10,M,M +2014-04-20 07:20,12,M,M +2014-04-20 08:20,14,M,M +2014-04-20 09:20,16,M,M +2014-04-20 10:20,18,M,M +2014-04-20 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-20 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-20 13:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-20 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-20 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-20 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-20 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-04-20 18:20,15,FEW,M +2014-04-20 19:20,13,M,M +2014-04-20 20:20,12,M,M +2014-04-20 21:20,10,M,M +2014-04-20 22:20,10,M,M +2014-04-20 23:20,10,M,M +2014-04-21 00:20,9,M,M +2014-04-21 01:20,9,M,M +2014-04-21 02:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-04-21 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-04-21 04:20,9,SCT,RA +2014-04-21 05:20,9,SCT,M +2014-04-21 06:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-21 07:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-21 08:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-04-21 09:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-21 10:20,14,SCT,M +2014-04-21 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-04-21 12:20,16,BKN,M +2014-04-21 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-04-21 14:20,17,BKN,M +2014-04-21 15:20,16,BKN,-TSRA +2014-04-21 16:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-21 17:20,13,M,///////// +2014-04-21 18:20,13,SCT,M +2014-04-21 19:20,12,SCT,M +2014-04-21 20:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-21 21:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2014-04-21 22:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-21 23:20,10,M,M +2014-04-22 00:20,10,M,M +2014-04-22 01:20,9,M,M +2014-04-22 02:20,9,M,M +2014-04-22 03:20,9,M,M +2014-04-22 04:20,9,SCT,M +2014-04-22 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-22 06:20,12,M,M +2014-04-22 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-22 08:20,15,M,M +2014-04-22 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-04-22 10:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-22 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-04-22 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-04-22 13:20,20,FEW,VCTS +2014-04-22 14:20,17,FEW,-TSRA +2014-04-22 15:20,16,FEW,-TSRA +2014-04-22 16:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2014-04-22 17:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-04-22 18:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-22 19:20,12,M,M +2014-04-22 20:20,12,M,M +2014-04-22 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-22 22:20,12,M,M +2014-04-22 23:20,12,BKN,MIFG +2014-04-23 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-23 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-04-23 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-04-23 03:20,11,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-04-23 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-04-23 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-04-23 06:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-04-23 07:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-04-23 08:20,12,SCT,-RA BR +2014-04-23 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-04-23 10:20,15,SCT,M +2014-04-23 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-04-23 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-04-23 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-04-23 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-04-23 15:20,16,SCT,M +2014-04-23 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-04-23 17:20,15,SCT,M +2014-04-23 18:20,12,BKN,M +2014-04-23 19:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-04-23 20:20,11,OVC,M +2014-04-23 21:20,11,OVC,M +2014-04-23 22:20,11,OVC,M +2014-04-23 23:20,10,OVC,M +2014-04-24 00:20,10,OVC,M +2014-04-24 01:20,9,OVC,M +2014-04-24 02:20,8,OVC,M +2014-04-24 03:20,7,OVC,M +2014-04-24 04:20,7,OVC,BR +2014-04-24 05:20,8,OVC,BR +2014-04-24 06:20,8,OVC,BR +2014-04-24 07:20,8,OVC,BR +2014-04-24 08:20,9,BKN,M +2014-04-24 09:20,10,BKN,M +2014-04-24 10:20,11,BKN,M +2014-04-24 11:20,12,SCT,M +2014-04-24 12:20,13,FEW,M +2014-04-24 13:20,12,OVC,M +2014-04-24 14:20,13,OVC,M +2014-04-24 15:20,13,BKN,M +2014-04-24 16:20,12,BKN,M +2014-04-24 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-24 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-04-24 19:20,9,M,M +2014-04-24 20:20,8,M,M +2014-04-24 21:20,8,M,M +2014-04-24 22:20,7,M,M +2014-04-24 23:20,8,FEW,M +2014-04-25 00:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2014-04-25 01:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2014-04-25 02:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2014-04-25 03:20,8,OVC,MIFG BR +2014-04-25 04:20,8,OVC,FG +2014-04-25 05:20,8,FEW,BR +2014-04-25 06:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-25 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-04-25 08:20,14,M,M +2014-04-25 09:20,17,M,M +2014-04-25 10:20,19,M,M +2014-04-25 11:20,20,M,M +2014-04-25 12:20,21,FEW,M +2014-04-25 13:20,22,FEW,M +2014-04-25 14:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-25 15:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-25 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-25 17:20,18,M,M +2014-04-25 18:20,16,M,M +2014-04-25 19:20,14,M,M +2014-04-25 20:20,13,M,M +2014-04-25 21:20,14,M,M +2014-04-25 22:20,14,M,M +2014-04-25 23:20,12,M,M +2014-04-26 00:20,10,M,M +2014-04-26 01:20,9,M,M +2014-04-26 02:20,9,M,M +2014-04-26 03:20,8,M,M +2014-04-26 04:20,8,M,M +2014-04-26 05:20,9,M,M +2014-04-26 06:20,11,M,M +2014-04-26 07:20,14,M,M +2014-04-26 07:20,14,M,M +2014-04-26 07:20,14,M,M +2014-04-26 08:20,16,M,M +2014-04-26 08:20,16,M,M +2014-04-26 09:20,18,M,M +2014-04-26 09:20,18,M,M +2014-04-26 10:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-26 10:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-26 11:20,21,SCT,M +2014-04-26 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-04-26 13:20,22,SCT,M +2014-04-26 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-04-26 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-04-26 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-26 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-26 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-04-26 19:20,15,M,M +2014-04-26 20:20,15,M,M +2014-04-26 21:20,15,M,M +2014-04-26 22:20,15,M,M +2014-04-26 23:20,14,M,M +2014-04-27 00:20,14,M,M +2014-04-27 01:20,12,M,M +2014-04-27 02:20,11,M,M +2014-04-27 03:20,11,M,M +2014-04-27 04:20,10,M,M +2014-04-27 05:20,11,M,M +2014-04-27 06:20,13,M,M +2014-04-27 07:20,15,M,M +2014-04-27 08:20,17,FEW,M +2014-04-27 09:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-27 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-04-27 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-04-27 12:20,21,M,M +2014-04-27 13:20,21,M,M +2014-04-27 14:20,21,M,M +2014-04-27 15:20,20,M,M +2014-04-27 16:20,20,M,M +2014-04-27 17:20,18,M,M +2014-04-27 18:20,16,M,M +2014-04-27 19:20,14,M,M +2014-04-27 20:20,12,M,M +2014-04-27 21:20,12,M,M +2014-04-27 22:20,11,SCT,M +2014-04-27 23:20,11,M,M +2014-04-28 00:20,11,M,M +2014-04-28 01:20,10,M,M +2014-04-28 02:20,10,M,M +2014-04-28 03:20,10,M,M +2014-04-28 04:20,10,FEW,M +2014-04-28 05:20,11,M,M +2014-04-28 06:20,12,M,M +2014-04-28 07:20,12,M,M +2014-04-28 08:20,13,M,M +2014-04-28 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-04-28 10:20,18,FEW,M +2014-04-28 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-04-28 12:20,19,M,M +2014-04-28 13:20,20,M,M +2014-04-28 14:20,18,M,M +2014-04-28 15:20,18,M,M +2014-04-28 16:20,17,M,M +2014-04-28 17:20,17,M,M +2014-04-28 18:20,15,M,M +2014-04-28 19:20,13,M,M +2014-04-28 20:20,11,M,M +2014-04-28 21:20,10,M,M +2014-04-28 22:20,9,M,M +2014-04-28 23:20,7,M,M +2014-04-29 00:20,7,M,M +2014-04-29 01:20,9,M,M +2014-04-29 02:20,8,M,M +2014-04-29 03:20,8,NSC,M +2014-04-29 04:20,8,M,M +2014-04-29 05:20,10,M,M +2014-04-29 06:20,12,M,M +2014-04-29 07:20,15,M,M +2014-04-29 08:20,17,M,M +2014-04-29 09:20,18,M,M +2014-04-29 10:20,20,M,M +2014-04-29 11:20,20,M,M +2014-04-29 12:20,21,M,M +2014-04-29 13:20,20,M,M +2014-04-29 14:20,20,M,M +2014-04-29 15:20,20,M,M +2014-04-29 16:20,19,M,M +2014-04-29 17:20,18,M,M +2014-04-29 18:20,16,M,M +2014-04-29 19:20,14,M,M +2014-04-29 20:20,12,M,M +2014-04-29 21:20,12,M,M +2014-04-29 22:20,12,M,M +2014-04-29 23:20,11,M,M +2014-04-30 00:20,10,M,M +2014-04-30 01:20,9,M,M +2014-04-30 02:20,8,M,M +2014-04-30 03:20,9,M,M +2014-04-30 04:20,10,M,M +2014-04-30 05:20,10,M,M +2014-04-30 06:20,14,M,M +2014-04-30 07:20,16,M,M +2014-04-30 08:20,18,M,M +2014-04-30 09:20,18,M,M +2014-04-30 10:20,19,M,M +2014-04-30 11:20,20,M,M +2014-04-30 12:20,20,M,M +2014-04-30 13:20,18,M,M +2014-04-30 14:20,18,M,M +2014-04-30 15:20,18,M,M +2014-04-30 16:20,19,M,M +2014-04-30 17:20,19,M,M +2014-04-30 18:20,17,M,M +2014-04-30 19:20,15,M,M +2014-04-30 20:20,13,M,M +2014-04-30 21:20,13,M,M +2014-04-30 22:20,11,M,M +2014-04-30 23:20,10,M,M +2014-05-01 00:20,9,M,M +2014-05-01 01:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-01 02:20,7,SCT,M +2014-05-01 03:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-01 04:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-01 05:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-01 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-01 07:20,10,M,M +2014-05-01 08:20,11,M,M +2014-05-01 09:20,13,M,M +2014-05-01 10:20,14,M,M +2014-05-01 11:20,14,M,M +2014-05-01 12:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-01 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-01 14:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-01 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-01 16:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-01 17:20,11,M,///////// +2014-05-01 18:20,10,M,M +2014-05-01 19:20,10,M,M +2014-05-01 20:20,9,M,///////// +2014-05-01 21:20,9,NSC,-RA +2014-05-01 22:20,9,NSC,-RA +2014-05-01 23:20,9,M,M +2014-05-02 00:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-02 01:20,8,M,M +2014-05-02 02:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 03:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 04:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 05:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 06:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 07:20,8,M,M +2014-05-02 08:20,8,M,M +2014-05-02 09:20,9,M,M +2014-05-02 10:20,10,M,M +2014-05-02 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-02 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-02 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-02 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-02 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-02 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-02 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-02 18:20,8,M,M +2014-05-02 19:20,7,M,M +2014-05-02 20:20,5,M,M +2014-05-02 21:20,4,M,M +2014-05-02 22:20,3,M,M +2014-05-02 23:20,2,M,M +2014-05-03 00:20,1,M,M +2014-05-03 01:20,0,M,M +2014-05-03 02:20,0,M,M +2014-05-03 03:20,-1,M,M +2014-05-03 04:20,-1,M,M +2014-05-03 05:20,2,M,M +2014-05-03 06:20,7,M,M +2014-05-03 07:20,9,M,M +2014-05-03 08:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-03 09:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-03 10:20,12,M,M +2014-05-03 11:20,13,M,M +2014-05-03 12:20,12,M,M +2014-05-03 13:20,12,M,M +2014-05-03 14:20,12,M,M +2014-05-03 15:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-03 16:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-03 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-03 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-03 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-05-03 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-05-03 21:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-03 22:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-03 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-04 00:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-04 01:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-04 02:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-04 03:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-04 04:20,7,OVC,M +2014-05-04 05:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-04 06:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-04 07:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-04 08:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-04 09:20,9,SCT,M +2014-05-04 10:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-04 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-04 12:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-04 13:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-04 14:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-04 15:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-04 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-04 17:20,9,SCT,M +2014-05-04 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-04 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-05-04 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-05-04 21:20,6,SCT,M +2014-05-04 22:20,5,M,M +2014-05-04 23:20,5,M,M +2014-05-05 00:20,5,M,M +2014-05-05 01:20,5,M,M +2014-05-05 02:20,5,M,M +2014-05-05 03:20,6,BKN,M +2014-05-05 04:20,6,BKN,M +2014-05-05 05:20,7,FEW,M +2014-05-05 06:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-05 07:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-05 08:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-05-05 09:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-05 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-05 11:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-05 12:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-05 13:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-05 14:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-05 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-05 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-05 17:20,13,M,M +2014-05-05 18:20,13,M,M +2014-05-05 19:20,12,M,M +2014-05-05 20:20,11,M,M +2014-05-05 21:20,11,M,M +2014-05-05 22:20,10,M,M +2014-05-05 23:20,10,M,M +2014-05-06 00:20,9,M,M +2014-05-06 01:20,10,M,M +2014-05-06 02:20,9,M,M +2014-05-06 03:20,10,M,M +2014-05-06 04:20,10,M,M +2014-05-06 05:20,10,M,M +2014-05-06 06:20,11,M,M +2014-05-06 07:20,12,M,M +2014-05-06 08:20,13,M,M +2014-05-06 09:20,14,M,M +2014-05-06 10:20,15,M,M +2014-05-06 11:20,16,M,M +2014-05-06 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-05-06 13:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-06 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-06 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-06 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-06 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-06 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-05-06 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-05-06 20:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-06 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-06 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-06 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-07 00:20,13,NSC,-RA +2014-05-07 01:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-05-07 02:20,12,FEW,RA +2014-05-07 03:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-05-07 04:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-05-07 05:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-07 06:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-07 07:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-07 08:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-07 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-05-07 10:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2014-05-07 11:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-07 12:20,10,FEW,TSRAGS +2014-05-07 13:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-07 14:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-05-07 15:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-07 16:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-07 17:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-07 18:20,11,FEW,SHRA +2014-05-07 19:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-05-07 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-07 21:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-07 22:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2014-05-07 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-08 00:20,10,NSC,-RA +2014-05-08 01:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-08 02:20,9,SCT,-DZRA +2014-05-08 03:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-08 04:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-05-08 05:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-08 06:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-08 07:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-08 08:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-05-08 09:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-08 10:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-08 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-08 12:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-05-08 13:20,10,FEW,SHRA +2014-05-08 14:20,11,FEW,SHRA +2014-05-08 15:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-05-08 16:20,11,FEW,-DZRA +2014-05-08 17:20,11,SCT,RA +2014-05-08 18:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-05-08 19:20,10,BKN,RA +2014-05-08 20:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-05-08 21:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-05-08 22:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2014-05-08 23:20,10,SCT,RA +2014-05-09 00:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-05-09 01:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-05-09 02:20,10,BKN,DZ +2014-05-09 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-05-09 04:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-05-09 05:20,11,OVC,BR +2014-05-09 06:20,11,OVC,-DZ +2014-05-09 07:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2014-05-09 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-09 09:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-05-09 10:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-09 11:20,14,SCT,M +2014-05-09 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-05-09 13:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-09 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-09 15:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-09 16:20,11,SCT,SHRA +2014-05-09 17:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2014-05-09 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-09 19:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-09 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-09 21:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-09 22:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-09 23:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-10 00:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-10 01:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-10 02:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-10 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-05-10 04:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-05-10 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-10 06:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-10 07:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-10 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-10 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-05-10 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-10 11:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-10 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-10 13:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-05-10 14:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-05-10 15:20,11,FEW,RA +2014-05-10 16:20,10,FEW,RA +2014-05-10 17:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-05-10 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-05-10 19:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-05-10 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-05-10 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-10 22:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-10 23:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-11 00:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-11 01:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-11 02:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-11 03:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-11 04:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2014-05-11 05:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2014-05-11 06:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-05-11 07:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-11 08:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-05-11 09:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-05-11 10:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-11 11:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-05-11 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-05-11 13:20,12,BKN,VCSH +2014-05-11 14:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-11 15:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-11 16:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2014-05-11 17:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-11 18:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-11 19:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-11 20:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-11 21:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-11 22:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-11 23:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-12 00:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-12 01:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-12 02:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-12 03:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-12 04:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-12 05:20,9,SCT,SHRA +2014-05-12 06:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-12 07:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-12 08:20,11,BKN,VCSH +2014-05-12 09:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-12 10:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-12 11:20,10,FEW,SHRA +2014-05-12 12:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-05-12 13:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-12 14:20,11,SCT,SHRA +2014-05-12 15:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-12 16:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-12 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-12 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-12 19:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-12 20:20,10,M,M +2014-05-12 21:20,9,M,M +2014-05-12 22:20,9,M,M +2014-05-12 23:20,9,SCT,M +2014-05-13 00:20,9,SCT,M +2014-05-13 01:20,8,M,///////// +2014-05-13 02:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-13 03:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-13 04:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-13 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-13 06:20,10,M,///////// +2014-05-13 07:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-13 08:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-13 09:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-13 10:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-13 11:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-13 12:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-13 13:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-13 14:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-13 15:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-13 16:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2014-05-13 17:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-13 18:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2014-05-13 19:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2014-05-13 20:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-13 21:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2014-05-13 22:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2014-05-13 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-05-14 00:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-14 01:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-14 02:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-14 03:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-14 04:20,7,FEW,M +2014-05-14 05:20,8,FEW,M +2014-05-14 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-14 07:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-14 08:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2014-05-14 09:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-14 10:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-14 11:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-14 12:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-14 13:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-14 14:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-14 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-14 16:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-14 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-14 18:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-14 19:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-14 20:20,9,BKN,M +2014-05-14 21:20,9,BKN,M +2014-05-14 22:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-14 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-15 00:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-15 01:20,8,BKN,M +2014-05-15 02:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-15 03:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-15 04:20,9,BKN,M +2014-05-15 05:20,9,BKN,M +2014-05-15 06:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-15 07:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-15 08:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-15 09:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-15 10:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-15 11:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-15 12:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-15 13:20,14,BKN,M +2014-05-15 14:20,14,BKN,M +2014-05-15 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-15 16:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-15 17:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-15 18:20,12,SCT,M +2014-05-15 19:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-15 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-15 21:20,9,M,M +2014-05-15 22:20,7,M,M +2014-05-15 23:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-16 00:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-16 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-16 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-16 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-16 04:20,4,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2014-05-16 05:20,7,M,M +2014-05-16 06:20,10,M,M +2014-05-16 07:20,12,M,M +2014-05-16 08:20,14,M,M +2014-05-16 09:20,15,M,M +2014-05-16 10:20,15,M,M +2014-05-16 11:20,17,M,M +2014-05-16 12:20,17,M,M +2014-05-16 13:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-16 14:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-16 15:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-16 16:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-16 17:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-16 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-16 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-16 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-16 21:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-16 22:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-16 23:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-17 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-17 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-17 02:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-17 03:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-17 04:20,7,BKN,FG +2014-05-17 05:20,8,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-17 06:20,9,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-05-17 07:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-17 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-17 09:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-17 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-05-17 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-05-17 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-05-17 13:20,20,SCT,M +2014-05-17 14:20,20,SCT,M +2014-05-17 15:20,20,SCT,M +2014-05-17 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-17 17:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-17 18:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-17 19:20,13,M,M +2014-05-17 20:20,13,M,M +2014-05-17 21:20,10,M,M +2014-05-17 22:20,9,M,M +2014-05-17 23:20,7,M,M +2014-05-18 00:20,8,M,M +2014-05-18 01:20,7,M,M +2014-05-18 02:20,7,M,M +2014-05-18 03:20,7,M,M +2014-05-18 04:20,9,M,M +2014-05-18 05:20,11,M,M +2014-05-18 06:20,14,M,M +2014-05-18 07:20,16,M,M +2014-05-18 08:20,18,M,M +2014-05-18 09:20,18,M,M +2014-05-18 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-18 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-18 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-18 13:20,18,SCT,-RA +2014-05-18 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-18 15:20,17,SCT,M +2014-05-18 16:20,15,SCT,-RA +2014-05-18 17:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-05-18 18:20,12,SCT,RA +2014-05-18 19:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-05-18 20:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-18 21:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-18 22:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2014-05-18 23:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2014-05-19 00:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-19 01:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-05-19 02:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-05-19 03:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-19 04:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-19 05:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-19 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-19 07:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-19 08:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-19 09:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-19 10:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-19 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-19 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-19 13:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-19 14:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-19 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-19 16:20,18,SCT,M +2014-05-19 17:20,18,SCT,M +2014-05-19 18:20,17,M,M +2014-05-19 19:20,16,M,M +2014-05-19 20:20,15,M,M +2014-05-19 21:20,13,M,M +2014-05-19 22:20,12,M,M +2014-05-19 23:20,11,NSC,PRFG +2014-05-20 00:20,10,NSC,PRFG +2014-05-20 01:20,10,M,M +2014-05-20 02:20,10,M,M +2014-05-20 03:20,9,M,M +2014-05-20 04:20,10,M,M +2014-05-20 05:20,13,M,M +2014-05-20 06:20,16,M,M +2014-05-20 07:20,18,M,M +2014-05-20 08:20,20,M,M +2014-05-20 09:20,21,M,M +2014-05-20 10:20,23,M,M +2014-05-20 11:20,25,M,M +2014-05-20 12:20,26,M,M +2014-05-20 13:20,27,FEW,M +2014-05-20 14:20,25,FEW,M +2014-05-20 15:20,26,FEW,M +2014-05-20 16:20,26,M,M +2014-05-20 17:20,25,M,M +2014-05-20 18:20,23,M,M +2014-05-20 19:20,21,M,M +2014-05-20 20:20,19,M,M +2014-05-20 21:20,17,M,M +2014-05-20 22:20,17,M,M +2014-05-20 23:20,16,M,M +2014-05-21 00:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2014-05-21 01:20,15,M,M +2014-05-21 02:20,15,M,M +2014-05-21 03:20,16,M,M +2014-05-21 04:20,17,M,M +2014-05-21 05:20,18,M,M +2014-05-21 06:20,21,M,M +2014-05-21 07:20,22,M,M +2014-05-21 08:20,24,M,M +2014-05-21 09:20,25,M,M +2014-05-21 10:20,26,M,M +2014-05-21 11:20,27,M,M +2014-05-21 12:20,27,M,M +2014-05-21 13:20,28,M,M +2014-05-21 14:20,27,M,M +2014-05-21 15:20,28,M,M +2014-05-21 16:20,27,M,M +2014-05-21 17:20,27,M,M +2014-05-21 18:20,26,M,M +2014-05-21 19:20,24,M,M +2014-05-21 20:20,23,M,M +2014-05-21 21:20,22,M,M +2014-05-21 22:20,20,M,M +2014-05-21 23:20,19,M,M +2014-05-22 00:20,19,M,M +2014-05-22 01:20,19,M,M +2014-05-22 02:20,18,M,M +2014-05-22 03:20,17,M,M +2014-05-22 04:20,18,M,M +2014-05-22 05:20,19,M,M +2014-05-22 06:20,20,M,M +2014-05-22 07:20,22,M,M +2014-05-22 08:20,23,M,M +2014-05-22 09:20,25,M,M +2014-05-22 10:20,26,M,M +2014-05-22 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-05-22 12:20,28,M,M +2014-05-22 13:20,29,M,M +2014-05-22 14:20,29,M,M +2014-05-22 15:20,29,M,M +2014-05-22 16:20,29,SCT,M +2014-05-22 17:20,27,FEW,M +2014-05-22 18:20,25,FEW,M +2014-05-22 19:20,23,FEW,M +2014-05-22 20:20,21,M,M +2014-05-22 21:20,21,FEW,M +2014-05-22 22:20,19,FEW,M +2014-05-22 23:20,18,M,M +2014-05-23 00:20,18,M,M +2014-05-23 01:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-23 02:20,16,BKN,M +2014-05-23 03:20,15,BKN,-TSRA +2014-05-23 04:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-05-23 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-23 06:20,15,BKN,M +2014-05-23 07:20,16,BKN,M +2014-05-23 08:20,16,BKN,M +2014-05-23 09:20,17,BKN,M +2014-05-23 10:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-23 11:20,18,SCT,-RA +2014-05-23 12:20,17,SCT,RA +2014-05-23 13:20,16,BKN,RA +2014-05-23 14:20,15,BKN,RA +2014-05-23 15:20,15,BKN,-RA +2014-05-23 16:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-23 17:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-23 18:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-23 19:20,14,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-23 20:20,13,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-23 21:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-23 22:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-23 23:20,11,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-24 00:20,10,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-05-24 01:20,9,SCT,FG +2014-05-24 02:20,9,BKN,FG +2014-05-24 03:20,9,SCT,FG +2014-05-24 04:20,10,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-24 05:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2014-05-24 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-24 07:20,15,SCT,M +2014-05-24 08:20,17,SCT,M +2014-05-24 09:20,18,SCT,M +2014-05-24 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-05-24 11:20,20,SCT,M +2014-05-24 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-05-24 13:20,21,SCT,M +2014-05-24 14:20,22,SCT,M +2014-05-24 15:20,22,FEW,M +2014-05-24 16:20,22,FEW,M +2014-05-24 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-05-24 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-24 19:20,14,BKN,+TSRA +2014-05-24 20:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2014-05-24 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-24 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-24 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-05-25 00:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-25 01:20,13,SCT,BCFG +2014-05-25 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-05-25 03:20,12,NSC,PRFG +2014-05-25 04:20,13,M,M +2014-05-25 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-25 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-25 07:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-25 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-25 09:20,18,FEW,M +2014-05-25 10:20,20,FEW,M +2014-05-25 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-05-25 12:20,21,FEW,M +2014-05-25 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-05-25 14:20,21,M,M +2014-05-25 15:20,22,M,M +2014-05-25 16:20,21,M,M +2014-05-25 17:20,21,M,M +2014-05-25 18:20,19,M,M +2014-05-25 19:20,16,M,M +2014-05-25 20:20,15,M,M +2014-05-25 21:20,15,M,M +2014-05-25 22:20,14,M,M +2014-05-25 23:20,13,M,M +2014-05-26 00:20,13,M,M +2014-05-26 01:20,11,M,M +2014-05-26 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-26 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-26 04:20,13,NSC,M +2014-05-26 05:20,16,NSC,M +2014-05-26 06:20,18,M,M +2014-05-26 07:20,19,M,M +2014-05-26 08:20,20,M,M +2014-05-26 09:20,22,M,M +2014-05-26 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-05-26 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-05-26 12:20,22,SCT,M +2014-05-26 13:20,22,FEW,M +2014-05-26 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-05-26 15:20,22,M,M +2014-05-26 16:20,21,M,M +2014-05-26 17:20,20,M,M +2014-05-26 18:20,19,M,M +2014-05-26 19:20,18,M,M +2014-05-26 20:20,16,M,M +2014-05-26 21:20,15,M,M +2014-05-26 22:20,15,M,M +2014-05-26 23:20,14,M,M +2014-05-27 00:20,14,M,M +2014-05-27 01:20,14,M,M +2014-05-27 02:20,13,M,M +2014-05-27 03:20,14,M,M +2014-05-27 04:20,14,M,M +2014-05-27 05:20,15,M,M +2014-05-27 06:20,17,M,M +2014-05-27 07:20,18,M,M +2014-05-27 08:20,17,M,M +2014-05-27 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-27 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-27 11:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-27 12:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-27 13:20,14,BKN,VCSH +2014-05-27 14:20,14,BKN,VCSH +2014-05-27 15:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-27 16:20,12,BKN,VCSH +2014-05-27 17:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-27 18:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-05-27 19:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-27 20:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-27 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-27 22:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-27 23:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-28 00:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-28 01:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-28 02:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 03:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2014-05-28 04:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 06:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 07:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-28 08:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-28 09:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-28 10:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-28 11:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-28 12:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-28 13:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-28 14:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-28 15:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-28 16:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-28 17:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-28 18:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 19:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 20:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-28 21:20,9,OVC,M +2014-05-28 22:20,9,BKN,M +2014-05-28 23:20,8,SCT,M +2014-05-29 00:20,6,M,M +2014-05-29 01:20,6,M,M +2014-05-29 02:20,7,BKN,M +2014-05-29 03:20,7,SCT,M +2014-05-29 04:20,7,FEW,M +2014-05-29 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-29 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-29 07:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-29 08:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-29 09:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-29 10:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-29 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-29 12:20,14,BKN,M +2014-05-29 13:20,14,BKN,M +2014-05-29 14:20,14,SCT,M +2014-05-29 15:20,14,SCT,M +2014-05-29 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-05-29 17:20,13,SCT,M +2014-05-29 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-05-29 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-29 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-05-29 21:20,8,M,M +2014-05-29 22:20,6,M,M +2014-05-29 23:20,5,M,M +2014-05-30 00:20,4,M,M +2014-05-30 01:20,4,M,M +2014-05-30 02:20,3,M,M +2014-05-30 03:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2014-05-30 04:20,5,M,M +2014-05-30 05:20,10,M,M +2014-05-30 06:20,13,M,M +2014-05-30 07:20,14,M,M +2014-05-30 08:20,15,M,M +2014-05-30 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-30 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-30 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-05-30 12:20,18,M,M +2014-05-30 13:20,18,M,M +2014-05-30 14:20,18,M,M +2014-05-30 15:20,18,M,M +2014-05-30 16:20,17,M,M +2014-05-30 17:20,17,M,M +2014-05-30 18:20,16,M,M +2014-05-30 19:20,15,M,M +2014-05-30 20:20,12,M,M +2014-05-30 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-30 22:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-30 23:20,11,SCT,M +2014-05-31 00:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-31 01:20,10,FEW,M +2014-05-31 02:20,10,BKN,M +2014-05-31 03:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-31 04:20,11,BKN,M +2014-05-31 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-05-31 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-31 07:20,13,BKN,M +2014-05-31 08:20,14,BKN,M +2014-05-31 09:20,15,BKN,M +2014-05-31 10:20,15,BKN,M +2014-05-31 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-31 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-05-31 13:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-31 14:20,16,FEW,M +2014-05-31 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-31 16:20,15,FEW,M +2014-05-31 17:20,14,M,M +2014-05-31 18:20,13,M,M +2014-05-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2014-05-31 20:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-31 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-05-31 22:20,10,SCT,M +2014-05-31 23:20,9,M,M +2014-06-01 00:20,8,M,M +2014-06-01 01:20,7,BKN,M +2014-06-01 02:20,9,BKN,M +2014-06-01 03:20,9,BKN,M +2014-06-01 04:20,10,BKN,M +2014-06-01 05:20,11,BKN,M +2014-06-01 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-01 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-01 08:20,12,SCT,M +2014-06-01 09:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-01 10:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-01 11:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-01 12:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 13:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 14:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 15:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 16:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 17:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-01 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-01 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-06-01 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-06-01 21:20,9,M,M +2014-06-01 22:20,8,M,M +2014-06-01 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-02 00:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-02 01:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-02 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-02 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-02 04:20,7,M,M +2014-06-02 05:20,11,M,M +2014-06-02 06:20,14,M,M +2014-06-02 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-02 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-02 09:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-02 10:20,18,M,M +2014-06-02 11:20,19,M,M +2014-06-02 12:20,19,M,M +2014-06-02 13:20,19,M,M +2014-06-02 14:20,19,M,M +2014-06-02 15:20,20,M,M +2014-06-02 16:20,20,M,M +2014-06-02 17:20,20,M,M +2014-06-02 18:20,20,M,M +2014-06-02 19:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-02 20:20,16,M,M +2014-06-02 21:20,16,M,M +2014-06-02 22:20,13,M,M +2014-06-02 23:20,11,M,M +2014-06-03 00:20,10,M,M +2014-06-03 01:20,8,M,M +2014-06-03 02:20,8,M,M +2014-06-03 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-03 04:20,10,M,M +2014-06-03 05:20,14,M,M +2014-06-03 06:20,17,M,M +2014-06-03 07:20,18,M,M +2014-06-03 08:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-03 09:20,21,SCT,M +2014-06-03 10:20,21,M,M +2014-06-03 11:20,20,M,M +2014-06-03 12:20,21,M,M +2014-06-03 13:20,21,M,M +2014-06-03 14:20,21,M,M +2014-06-03 15:20,23,M,M +2014-06-03 16:20,21,M,M +2014-06-03 17:20,20,M,M +2014-06-03 18:20,20,M,M +2014-06-03 19:20,19,M,M +2014-06-03 20:20,17,M,M +2014-06-03 21:20,15,M,M +2014-06-03 22:20,15,M,M +2014-06-03 23:20,13,M,M +2014-06-04 00:20,12,M,M +2014-06-04 01:20,12,M,M +2014-06-04 02:20,12,M,M +2014-06-04 03:20,11,M,M +2014-06-04 04:20,12,M,M +2014-06-04 05:20,15,M,M +2014-06-04 06:20,17,M,M +2014-06-04 07:20,20,M,M +2014-06-04 08:20,21,M,M +2014-06-04 09:20,22,M,M +2014-06-04 10:20,23,M,M +2014-06-04 11:20,23,M,M +2014-06-04 12:20,22,M,M +2014-06-04 13:20,23,M,M +2014-06-04 14:20,23,M,M +2014-06-04 15:20,22,M,M +2014-06-04 16:20,22,M,M +2014-06-04 17:20,22,M,M +2014-06-04 18:20,21,M,M +2014-06-04 19:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-04 20:20,17,BKN,-SHRA +2014-06-04 21:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2014-06-04 22:20,18,M,M +2014-06-04 23:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-06-05 00:20,17,M,M +2014-06-05 01:20,16,NSC,-RA +2014-06-05 02:20,16,NSC,-RA +2014-06-05 03:20,16,BKN,-RA +2014-06-05 04:20,15,BKN,RA +2014-06-05 05:20,15,FEW,+RA +2014-06-05 06:20,14,FEW,RA +2014-06-05 07:20,12,FEW,RA +2014-06-05 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-06-05 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-05 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-05 11:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-05 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-05 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-05 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-05 15:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-05 16:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-05 17:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-05 18:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-05 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-05 20:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-05 21:20,13,BKN,M +2014-06-05 22:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2014-06-05 23:20,12,BKN,M +2014-06-06 00:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-06 01:20,12,M,M +2014-06-06 02:20,12,M,M +2014-06-06 03:20,13,M,M +2014-06-06 04:20,13,M,M +2014-06-06 05:20,14,M,M +2014-06-06 06:20,15,M,M +2014-06-06 07:20,16,M,M +2014-06-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-06 09:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-06 10:20,19,M,M +2014-06-06 11:20,20,M,M +2014-06-06 12:20,20,M,M +2014-06-06 13:20,21,M,M +2014-06-06 14:20,20,M,M +2014-06-06 15:20,21,M,M +2014-06-06 16:20,21,M,M +2014-06-06 17:20,21,M,M +2014-06-06 18:20,20,M,M +2014-06-06 19:20,18,M,M +2014-06-06 20:20,15,M,M +2014-06-06 21:20,14,M,M +2014-06-06 22:20,13,M,M +2014-06-06 23:20,13,M,M +2014-06-07 00:20,11,M,M +2014-06-07 01:20,12,M,M +2014-06-07 02:20,10,M,M +2014-06-07 03:20,11,M,M +2014-06-07 04:20,13,M,M +2014-06-07 05:20,15,M,M +2014-06-07 06:20,17,M,M +2014-06-07 07:20,19,M,M +2014-06-07 08:20,21,M,M +2014-06-07 09:20,22,M,M +2014-06-07 10:20,23,M,M +2014-06-07 11:20,24,M,M +2014-06-07 12:20,24,M,M +2014-06-07 13:20,25,M,M +2014-06-07 14:20,25,M,M +2014-06-07 15:20,25,M,M +2014-06-07 16:20,25,M,M +2014-06-07 17:20,23,M,M +2014-06-07 18:20,21,M,M +2014-06-07 19:20,20,M,M +2014-06-07 20:20,19,M,M +2014-06-07 21:20,19,M,M +2014-06-07 22:20,18,M,M +2014-06-07 23:20,17,M,M +2014-06-08 00:20,16,M,M +2014-06-08 01:20,15,M,M +2014-06-08 02:20,15,M,M +2014-06-08 03:20,15,M,M +2014-06-08 04:20,17,M,M +2014-06-08 05:20,18,M,M +2014-06-08 06:20,19,M,M +2014-06-08 07:20,21,M,M +2014-06-08 08:20,23,M,M +2014-06-08 09:20,25,M,M +2014-06-08 10:20,26,M,M +2014-06-08 11:20,27,M,M +2014-06-08 12:20,26,FEW,M +2014-06-08 13:20,24,FEW,M +2014-06-08 14:20,23,FEW,M +2014-06-08 15:20,19,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2014-06-08 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-08 17:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-08 18:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-08 19:20,19,FEW,MIFG +2014-06-08 20:20,18,FEW,BCFG +2014-06-08 21:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-08 22:20,17,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-06-08 23:20,16,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-06-09 00:20,15,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-06-09 01:20,15,NSC,FG +2014-06-09 02:20,15,NSC,FG +2014-06-09 03:20,15,VV ,FG +2014-06-09 04:20,15,OVC,FG +2014-06-09 05:20,16,OVC,FG +2014-06-09 06:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-06-09 07:20,17,SCT,BR +2014-06-09 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-09 09:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-09 10:20,22,FEW,M +2014-06-09 11:20,23,M,M +2014-06-09 12:20,25,M,M +2014-06-09 13:20,25,M,M +2014-06-09 14:20,26,M,M +2014-06-09 15:20,24,FEW,M +2014-06-09 16:20,23,SCT,VCTS -SHRA +2014-06-09 17:20,21,FEW,SHRA VCTS +2014-06-09 18:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-09 19:20,19,M,M +2014-06-09 20:20,17,M,M +2014-06-09 21:20,16,M,M +2014-06-09 22:20,17,M,M +2014-06-09 23:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-10 00:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-10 01:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-10 02:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-10 03:20,18,NSC,M +2014-06-10 04:20,17,M,M +2014-06-10 05:20,19,M,M +2014-06-10 06:20,20,M,M +2014-06-10 07:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-10 08:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-10 09:20,24,M,M +2014-06-10 10:20,25,M,M +2014-06-10 11:20,26,M,M +2014-06-10 12:20,27,M,M +2014-06-10 13:20,28,M,M +2014-06-10 14:20,28,FEW,M +2014-06-10 15:20,28,FEW,M +2014-06-10 16:20,30,FEW,M +2014-06-10 17:20,28,SCT,M +2014-06-10 18:20,27,SCT,M +2014-06-10 19:20,26,BKN,M +2014-06-10 20:20,24,SCT,M +2014-06-10 21:20,23,FEW,M +2014-06-10 22:20,22,FEW,M +2014-06-10 23:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-11 00:20,20,M,M +2014-06-11 01:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-11 02:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2014-06-11 03:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-11 04:20,19,BKN,M +2014-06-11 05:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-11 06:20,20,SCT,M +2014-06-11 07:20,22,FEW,M +2014-06-11 08:20,22,FEW,M +2014-06-11 09:20,21,BKN,M +2014-06-11 10:20,20,SCT,-RA +2014-06-11 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-11 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-11 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-11 14:20,19,BKN,M +2014-06-11 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-11 16:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-11 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-11 18:20,19,M,M +2014-06-11 19:20,17,M,M +2014-06-11 20:20,16,M,M +2014-06-11 21:20,15,M,M +2014-06-11 22:20,14,M,M +2014-06-11 23:20,13,M,M +2014-06-12 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-12 01:20,10,M,///////// +2014-06-12 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-12 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-12 04:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-12 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-12 06:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-12 07:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-12 08:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-12 09:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-12 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-12 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-12 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-12 13:20,20,SCT,M +2014-06-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-12 15:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-12 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-12 17:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-12 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-12 19:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-12 20:20,15,M,M +2014-06-12 21:20,14,M,M +2014-06-12 22:20,13,M,M +2014-06-12 23:20,13,M,M +2014-06-13 00:20,13,M,M +2014-06-13 01:20,14,M,M +2014-06-13 02:20,14,M,M +2014-06-13 03:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-13 04:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-13 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-06-13 06:20,15,FEW,RA +2014-06-13 07:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-06-13 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-13 09:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-13 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-13 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-13 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-13 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-13 14:20,17,BKN,M +2014-06-13 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-13 16:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-13 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-13 18:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-13 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-13 20:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-13 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-13 22:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-13 23:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-14 00:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-14 01:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-14 02:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-14 03:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-14 04:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-14 05:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-14 06:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-14 07:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-14 08:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-14 09:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-14 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-14 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-14 12:20,20,SCT,M +2014-06-14 13:20,20,SCT,M +2014-06-14 14:20,20,M,M +2014-06-14 15:20,20,M,M +2014-06-14 16:20,20,M,M +2014-06-14 17:20,18,M,M +2014-06-14 18:20,18,M,M +2014-06-14 19:20,17,M,M +2014-06-14 20:20,14,M,M +2014-06-14 21:20,13,M,M +2014-06-14 22:20,11,M,M +2014-06-14 23:20,10,M,M +2014-06-15 00:20,8,M,M +2014-06-15 01:20,9,FEW,M +2014-06-15 02:20,8,SCT,M +2014-06-15 03:20,9,SCT,M +2014-06-15 04:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-15 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-15 06:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-15 07:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-15 08:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-15 09:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-15 10:20,20,M,M +2014-06-15 11:20,19,M,M +2014-06-15 12:20,21,M,M +2014-06-15 13:20,21,M,M +2014-06-15 14:20,21,M,M +2014-06-15 15:20,22,M,M +2014-06-15 16:20,22,M,M +2014-06-15 17:20,19,M,M +2014-06-15 18:20,19,M,M +2014-06-15 19:20,17,M,M +2014-06-15 20:20,15,M,M +2014-06-15 21:20,13,M,M +2014-06-15 22:20,12,M,M +2014-06-15 23:20,12,M,M +2014-06-16 00:20,10,M,M +2014-06-16 01:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-16 02:20,10,BKN,M +2014-06-16 03:20,12,BKN,M +2014-06-16 04:20,13,BKN,M +2014-06-16 05:20,13,BKN,M +2014-06-16 06:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-16 07:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-16 08:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2014-06-16 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-16 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-16 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-16 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-16 13:20,16,BKN,-RA +2014-06-16 14:20,17,BKN,M +2014-06-16 15:20,17,BKN,M +2014-06-16 16:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-16 17:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-16 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-16 19:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-16 20:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-16 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-16 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-16 23:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-17 00:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-17 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-17 02:20,13,NSC,PRFG +2014-06-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-17 04:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-17 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-17 06:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-17 07:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-17 08:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-17 09:20,20,SCT,M +2014-06-17 10:20,21,SCT,M +2014-06-17 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-06-17 12:20,22,M,M +2014-06-17 13:20,22,M,M +2014-06-17 14:20,22,M,M +2014-06-17 15:20,23,M,M +2014-06-17 16:20,22,M,M +2014-06-17 17:20,21,M,M +2014-06-17 18:20,21,M,M +2014-06-17 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-17 20:20,15,M,M +2014-06-17 21:20,14,M,M +2014-06-17 22:20,13,M,M +2014-06-17 23:20,12,M,M +2014-06-18 00:20,12,M,M +2014-06-18 01:20,11,M,M +2014-06-18 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-18 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-18 04:20,11,M,M +2014-06-18 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-18 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-18 07:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-18 08:20,17,BKN,M +2014-06-18 09:20,18,BKN,M +2014-06-18 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-18 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-18 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-18 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-18 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-18 15:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-18 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-18 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-18 18:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-18 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-18 20:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-18 21:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-18 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-18 23:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-19 00:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-19 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-19 02:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-19 03:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-19 04:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-19 05:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-19 06:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2014-06-19 07:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2014-06-19 08:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-19 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-06-19 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-19 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-19 12:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-19 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-19 14:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-19 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-19 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-19 17:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-19 18:20,15,BKN,M +2014-06-19 19:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-19 20:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-19 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-19 22:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-19 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 00:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-20 01:20,12,BKN,M +2014-06-20 02:20,12,BKN,M +2014-06-20 03:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-20 04:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 07:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-20 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-20 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-20 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-20 11:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-20 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-20 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-20 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-20 15:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-20 16:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-20 17:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-20 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-20 19:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-20 20:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-20 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 22:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-20 23:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 00:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 02:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 03:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 04:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-21 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-21 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-21 07:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-21 08:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2014-06-21 09:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-21 10:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-21 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-21 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-21 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-21 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-21 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-21 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-21 17:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-21 18:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-21 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-21 20:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-21 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-21 22:20,12,M,///////// +2014-06-21 23:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-22 00:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-22 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-22 02:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-22 03:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-22 04:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-22 05:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2014-06-22 06:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-22 07:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-22 08:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-22 09:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2014-06-22 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-22 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-22 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-22 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-22 14:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-22 15:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-22 16:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-22 17:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-22 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-22 19:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-22 20:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-22 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-22 22:20,11,FEW,M +2014-06-22 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-23 00:20,9,FEW,M +2014-06-23 01:20,9,BKN,M +2014-06-23 02:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-23 03:20,11,FEW,M +2014-06-23 04:20,11,BKN,M +2014-06-23 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-06-23 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-23 07:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-23 08:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-23 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-23 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-23 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-23 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-23 13:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-23 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-23 15:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-23 16:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-23 17:20,15,BKN,M +2014-06-23 18:20,15,BKN,-RA +2014-06-23 19:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-23 20:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-23 21:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-06-23 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-23 23:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-06-24 00:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-06-24 01:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-06-24 02:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-24 03:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-06-24 04:20,13,BKN,RA +2014-06-24 05:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-24 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-24 07:20,13,BKN,M +2014-06-24 08:20,14,SCT,M +2014-06-24 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-24 10:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-24 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-24 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-24 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-24 14:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-24 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-24 16:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-24 17:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-24 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-24 19:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-24 20:20,13,M,M +2014-06-24 21:20,12,M,M +2014-06-24 22:20,11,BKN,M +2014-06-24 23:20,11,BKN,M +2014-06-25 00:20,11,BKN,M +2014-06-25 01:20,11,M,M +2014-06-25 02:20,10,M,M +2014-06-25 03:20,9,M,M +2014-06-25 04:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-25 05:20,12,SCT,M +2014-06-25 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-25 07:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-25 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-06-25 09:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-25 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-25 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-06-25 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-06-25 13:20,17,SCT,M +2014-06-25 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-25 15:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-25 16:20,19,SCT,M +2014-06-25 17:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-25 18:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2014-06-25 19:20,15,SCT,M +2014-06-25 20:20,13,M,M +2014-06-25 21:20,12,M,M +2014-06-25 22:20,10,M,M +2014-06-25 23:20,9,M,M +2014-06-26 00:20,9,NSC,M +2014-06-26 01:20,9,M,M +2014-06-26 02:20,9,M,M +2014-06-26 03:20,9,M,M +2014-06-26 04:20,10,M,M +2014-06-26 05:20,12,M,M +2014-06-26 06:20,14,M,M +2014-06-26 07:20,15,M,M +2014-06-26 08:20,16,M,M +2014-06-26 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-26 10:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-26 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-26 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-26 13:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-26 14:20,21,SCT,M +2014-06-26 15:20,21,SCT,M +2014-06-26 16:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-26 17:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-26 18:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-06-26 19:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-26 20:20,13,M,M +2014-06-26 21:20,13,M,M +2014-06-26 22:20,13,M,M +2014-06-26 23:20,13,M,M +2014-06-27 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-27 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-27 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-06-27 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-06-27 04:20,13,M,M +2014-06-27 05:20,15,M,M +2014-06-27 06:20,16,M,///////// +2014-06-27 07:20,17,M,M +2014-06-27 08:20,18,M,M +2014-06-27 09:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-27 10:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-27 11:20,22,SCT,M +2014-06-27 12:20,22,M,M +2014-06-27 13:20,22,M,M +2014-06-27 14:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-27 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-27 16:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-27 17:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2014-06-27 18:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-27 19:20,16,M,M +2014-06-27 20:20,16,M,M +2014-06-27 21:20,15,M,M +2014-06-27 22:20,15,M,M +2014-06-27 23:20,14,M,M +2014-06-28 00:20,14,M,M +2014-06-28 01:20,14,M,M +2014-06-28 02:20,14,NSC,M +2014-06-28 03:20,15,BKN,M +2014-06-28 04:20,15,FEW,BR +2014-06-28 05:20,16,FEW,BR +2014-06-28 06:20,17,FEW,BR +2014-06-28 07:20,17,SCT,BR +2014-06-28 08:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-28 09:20,19,BKN,M +2014-06-28 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-28 11:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2014-06-28 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-28 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-06-28 14:20,21,FEW,M +2014-06-28 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-28 16:20,19,M,M +2014-06-28 17:20,18,M,M +2014-06-28 18:20,17,M,M +2014-06-28 19:20,17,M,M +2014-06-28 20:20,15,NSC,-RA +2014-06-28 21:20,15,NSC,-RA +2014-06-28 22:20,15,M,M +2014-06-28 23:20,14,M,M +2014-06-29 00:20,14,NSC,-RA +2014-06-29 01:20,14,BKN,-RA +2014-06-29 02:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2014-06-29 03:20,13,SCT,RADZ +2014-06-29 04:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-06-29 05:20,14,BKN,-RA +2014-06-29 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-06-29 07:20,14,SCT,-RA +2014-06-29 08:20,15,BKN,-RA +2014-06-29 09:20,15,SCT,-RA +2014-06-29 10:20,16,BKN,M +2014-06-29 11:20,17,BKN,M +2014-06-29 12:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-29 13:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-29 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-29 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-29 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-29 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-29 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-29 19:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-29 20:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-29 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-29 22:20,13,SCT,M +2014-06-29 23:20,12,SCT,M +2014-06-30 00:20,12,M,M +2014-06-30 01:20,11,M,M +2014-06-30 02:20,11,M,M +2014-06-30 03:20,10,FEW,M +2014-06-30 04:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-30 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-30 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-30 07:20,14,BKN,M +2014-06-30 08:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2014-06-30 09:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2014-06-30 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-30 11:20,16,SCT,TSRA +2014-06-30 12:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2014-06-30 13:20,18,BKN,VCSH +2014-06-30 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-06-30 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-30 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-06-30 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-06-30 18:20,17,FEW,M +2014-06-30 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-06-30 20:20,14,FEW,M +2014-06-30 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-06-30 22:20,12,FEW,M +2014-06-30 23:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-01 00:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-01 01:20,11,FEW,M +2014-07-01 02:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-01 03:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-01 04:20,11,SCT,M +2014-07-01 05:20,12,SCT,M +2014-07-01 06:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-01 07:20,14,FEW,M +2014-07-01 08:20,14,FEW,M +2014-07-01 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-07-01 10:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-01 11:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-01 12:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-01 13:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-01 14:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-01 15:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-01 16:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-01 17:20,15,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2014-07-01 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-07-01 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-01 20:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-01 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-01 22:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-01 23:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-02 00:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-02 01:20,11,M,///////// +2014-07-02 02:20,11,FEW,M +2014-07-02 03:20,11,FEW,M +2014-07-02 04:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-02 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-07-02 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-07-02 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-07-02 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-02 09:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-02 10:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-02 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-02 12:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-02 13:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-02 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-02 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-02 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-02 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-02 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-02 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-07-02 20:20,13,FEW,M +2014-07-02 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-07-02 22:20,12,M,M +2014-07-02 23:20,11,M,M +2014-07-03 00:20,10,M,M +2014-07-03 01:20,10,M,M +2014-07-03 02:20,10,M,M +2014-07-03 03:20,10,M,M +2014-07-03 04:20,11,M,M +2014-07-03 05:20,14,M,M +2014-07-03 06:20,16,M,M +2014-07-03 07:20,18,M,M +2014-07-03 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-03 09:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-03 10:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-03 11:20,20,M,M +2014-07-03 12:20,20,M,M +2014-07-03 13:20,22,M,M +2014-07-03 14:20,22,M,M +2014-07-03 15:20,22,M,M +2014-07-03 16:20,23,M,M +2014-07-03 17:20,23,M,M +2014-07-03 18:20,22,M,M +2014-07-03 19:20,20,M,M +2014-07-03 20:20,19,M,M +2014-07-03 21:20,16,M,M +2014-07-03 22:20,15,M,M +2014-07-03 23:20,14,M,M +2014-07-04 00:20,14,M,M +2014-07-04 01:20,15,M,M +2014-07-04 02:20,15,M,M +2014-07-04 03:20,15,M,M +2014-07-04 04:20,15,M,M +2014-07-04 05:20,18,M,M +2014-07-04 06:20,20,M,M +2014-07-04 07:20,22,M,M +2014-07-04 08:20,25,M,M +2014-07-04 09:20,26,M,M +2014-07-04 10:20,26,M,M +2014-07-04 11:20,27,M,M +2014-07-04 12:20,28,M,M +2014-07-04 13:20,28,M,M +2014-07-04 14:20,27,M,M +2014-07-04 15:20,28,M,M +2014-07-04 16:20,27,M,M +2014-07-04 17:20,27,M,M +2014-07-04 18:20,24,M,M +2014-07-04 19:20,22,M,M +2014-07-04 20:20,21,M,M +2014-07-04 21:20,22,M,M +2014-07-04 22:20,22,M,M +2014-07-04 23:20,21,M,M +2014-07-05 00:20,20,M,M +2014-07-05 01:20,19,M,M +2014-07-05 02:20,19,M,M +2014-07-05 03:20,18,M,M +2014-07-05 04:20,20,M,M +2014-07-05 05:20,20,NSC,-RA +2014-07-05 06:20,20,NSC,-RA +2014-07-05 07:20,21,M,M +2014-07-05 08:20,23,M,M +2014-07-05 09:20,26,M,M +2014-07-05 10:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-05 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-05 12:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-05 13:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-05 14:20,27,BKN,M +2014-07-05 15:20,19,SCT,-TSRA +2014-07-05 16:20,21,M,M +2014-07-05 17:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-05 18:20,20,FEW,-RA +2014-07-05 19:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-05 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-05 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-05 22:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-05 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-06 00:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-06 01:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-06 02:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-06 03:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-06 04:20,18,M,M +2014-07-06 05:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-06 06:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-06 07:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-06 08:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-06 09:20,24,SCT,M +2014-07-06 10:20,25,SCT,M +2014-07-06 11:20,26,SCT,M +2014-07-06 12:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-06 13:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-06 14:20,28,SCT,M +2014-07-06 15:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-06 16:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-06 17:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-06 18:20,27,M,M +2014-07-06 19:20,26,M,M +2014-07-06 20:20,25,M,M +2014-07-06 21:20,24,M,M +2014-07-06 22:20,24,M,M +2014-07-06 23:20,23,M,M +2014-07-07 00:20,21,FEW,VCTS +2014-07-07 01:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-07 02:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-07 03:20,19,BKN,M +2014-07-07 04:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-07 05:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-07 06:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-07 07:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-07 08:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-07 09:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-07 10:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-07 11:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-07 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-07 13:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-07 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-07 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-07 16:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-07 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-07 18:20,20,M,M +2014-07-07 19:20,20,M,M +2014-07-07 20:20,19,M,M +2014-07-07 21:20,18,M,M +2014-07-07 22:20,16,M,M +2014-07-07 23:20,15,M,M +2014-07-08 00:20,14,M,M +2014-07-08 01:20,15,M,M +2014-07-08 02:20,15,M,M +2014-07-08 03:20,16,M,M +2014-07-08 04:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-08 05:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-08 06:20,17,SCT,-RA +2014-07-08 07:20,17,BKN,-RA +2014-07-08 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-07-08 09:20,17,BKN,+RA BR +2014-07-08 10:20,17,BKN,-RA BR +2014-07-08 15:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-08 16:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-08 17:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-08 18:20,20,FEW,-TSRA +2014-07-08 19:20,19,SCT,-TSRA +2014-07-08 20:20,19,FEW,SHRA +2014-07-08 21:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-08 22:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-08 23:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-09 00:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-09 01:20,19,BKN,M +2014-07-09 02:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2014-07-09 03:20,18,BKN,-SHRA BR +2014-07-09 04:20,19,BKN,BR +2014-07-09 05:20,19,FEW,BR +2014-07-09 06:20,20,FEW,BR +2014-07-09 07:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-09 08:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-09 09:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-09 10:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-09 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-09 12:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-09 16:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-09 18:20,24,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-09 19:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-09 20:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-09 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-09 22:20,20,M,M +2014-07-09 23:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 00:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 01:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 02:20,18,M,M +2014-07-10 03:20,18,M,M +2014-07-10 04:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 05:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-10 06:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-10 07:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-10 08:20,24,M,M +2014-07-10 09:20,25,M,M +2014-07-10 10:20,25,M,M +2014-07-10 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-10 12:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-10 13:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-10 14:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-10 15:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-10 16:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-10 17:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-10 18:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-10 19:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-10 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-10 21:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 22:20,19,M,M +2014-07-10 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-11 00:20,18,M,M +2014-07-11 01:20,17,M,M +2014-07-11 02:20,17,M,M +2014-07-11 03:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-11 04:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-11 05:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-11 06:20,20,M,M +2014-07-11 07:20,22,M,M +2014-07-11 08:20,23,M,M +2014-07-11 09:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-11 10:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-11 11:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-11 12:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-11 13:20,24,SCT,M +2014-07-11 14:20,24,SCT,M +2014-07-11 15:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-11 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-11 17:20,22,M,M +2014-07-11 18:20,21,M,M +2014-07-11 19:20,20,M,M +2014-07-11 20:20,18,M,M +2014-07-11 21:20,17,M,M +2014-07-11 22:20,16,M,M +2014-07-11 23:20,15,M,M +2014-07-12 00:20,14,M,M +2014-07-12 01:20,13,M,M +2014-07-12 02:20,13,M,M +2014-07-12 03:20,14,M,M +2014-07-12 04:20,15,M,M +2014-07-12 05:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-12 06:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-12 07:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-12 08:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-12 09:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-12 10:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-12 11:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-12 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-12 13:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-12 14:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-12 15:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-12 16:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-12 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-12 18:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-12 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-12 20:20,18,M,M +2014-07-12 21:20,17,M,M +2014-07-12 22:20,17,M,M +2014-07-12 23:20,16,M,M +2014-07-13 00:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 01:20,16,SCT,-RA +2014-07-13 02:20,16,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 03:20,16,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 06:20,15,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 07:20,16,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 08:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 09:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 10:20,18,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-13 12:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-13 13:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-13 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-13 15:20,17,BKN,-SHRA +2014-07-13 16:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2014-07-13 17:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-13 18:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2014-07-13 19:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-13 20:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-13 21:20,16,NSC,-RA +2014-07-13 22:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-07-13 23:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-07-14 00:20,16,FEW,-RA +2014-07-14 01:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-07-14 02:20,16,SCT,-RA +2014-07-14 03:20,16,SCT,-RADZ +2014-07-14 04:20,17,BKN,-RA +2014-07-14 05:20,17,BKN,-RADZ +2014-07-14 06:20,17,SCT,-RA +2014-07-14 07:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-14 08:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-14 09:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-14 10:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-14 11:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-14 12:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-14 13:20,21,BKN,M +2014-07-14 14:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-14 15:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-14 16:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-14 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-14 18:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-14 19:20,19,BKN,M +2014-07-14 20:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-14 21:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-14 22:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-14 23:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-15 00:20,18,BKN,M +2014-07-15 01:20,17,SCT,M +2014-07-15 02:20,15,SCT,M +2014-07-15 03:20,15,SCT,M +2014-07-15 04:20,15,FEW,M +2014-07-15 05:20,17,M,M +2014-07-15 06:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-15 07:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-15 08:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-15 09:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-15 10:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-15 11:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-15 12:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-15 13:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-15 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-15 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-15 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-15 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-15 18:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-15 19:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-15 20:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-15 21:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-15 22:20,19,M,M +2014-07-15 23:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-16 00:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-16 01:20,17,SCT,M +2014-07-16 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-16 03:20,16,SCT,BR +2014-07-16 04:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-16 05:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-16 06:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-16 07:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-16 08:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-16 09:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-16 10:20,21,BKN,M +2014-07-16 11:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-16 12:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-16 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-16 14:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-16 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-16 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-16 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-16 18:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-16 19:20,19,M,M +2014-07-16 20:20,16,M,M +2014-07-16 21:20,15,M,M +2014-07-16 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-16 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-17 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-17 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-17 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-17 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-17 04:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-17 05:20,15,M,M +2014-07-17 06:20,19,M,M +2014-07-17 07:20,21,M,M +2014-07-17 08:20,22,M,M +2014-07-17 09:20,22,M,M +2014-07-17 10:20,23,M,M +2014-07-17 11:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-17 12:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-17 13:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-17 14:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-17 15:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-17 16:20,26,M,M +2014-07-17 17:20,25,M,M +2014-07-17 18:20,24,M,M +2014-07-17 19:20,23,M,M +2014-07-17 20:20,21,M,M +2014-07-17 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-17 22:20,19,M,M +2014-07-17 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-18 00:20,18,M,M +2014-07-18 01:20,18,M,M +2014-07-18 02:20,17,M,M +2014-07-18 03:20,17,M,M +2014-07-18 04:20,18,M,M +2014-07-18 05:20,19,M,M +2014-07-18 06:20,21,M,M +2014-07-18 07:20,23,M,M +2014-07-18 08:20,24,M,M +2014-07-18 09:20,26,M,M +2014-07-18 10:20,27,M,M +2014-07-18 11:20,28,M,M +2014-07-18 12:20,28,M,M +2014-07-18 13:20,28,M,M +2014-07-18 14:20,29,M,M +2014-07-18 15:20,29,M,M +2014-07-18 16:20,29,M,M +2014-07-18 17:20,28,M,M +2014-07-18 18:20,27,M,M +2014-07-18 19:20,25,M,M +2014-07-18 20:20,23,M,M +2014-07-18 21:20,23,M,M +2014-07-18 22:20,22,M,M +2014-07-18 23:20,22,M,M +2014-07-19 00:20,21,M,M +2014-07-19 01:20,20,M,M +2014-07-19 02:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-19 03:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-19 04:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-19 05:20,21,M,M +2014-07-19 06:20,23,M,M +2014-07-19 07:20,24,M,M +2014-07-19 08:20,27,M,M +2014-07-19 09:20,28,M,M +2014-07-19 10:20,29,M,M +2014-07-19 11:20,30,M,M +2014-07-19 12:20,31,M,M +2014-07-19 13:20,31,M,M +2014-07-19 14:20,30,M,M +2014-07-19 15:20,31,M,M +2014-07-19 16:20,31,M,M +2014-07-19 17:20,28,M,M +2014-07-19 18:20,27,M,M +2014-07-19 19:20,25,M,M +2014-07-19 20:20,24,M,M +2014-07-19 21:20,23,M,M +2014-07-19 22:20,23,M,M +2014-07-19 23:20,21,M,M +2014-07-20 00:20,20,M,M +2014-07-20 01:20,19,M,M +2014-07-20 03:20,17,M,M +2014-07-20 04:20,18,M,M +2014-07-20 05:20,20,M,M +2014-07-20 06:20,21,M,M +2014-07-20 07:20,23,M,M +2014-07-20 08:20,25,M,M +2014-07-20 09:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-20 13:20,31,M,M +2014-07-20 15:20,27,M,M +2014-07-20 16:20,27,M,M +2014-07-20 17:20,26,M,M +2014-07-20 18:20,25,M,M +2014-07-20 19:20,24,M,M +2014-07-20 20:20,24,NSC,-RA +2014-07-20 21:20,23,M,M +2014-07-20 22:20,23,M,M +2014-07-20 23:20,22,M,M +2014-07-21 00:20,21,M,M +2014-07-21 01:20,20,NSC,-RA +2014-07-21 02:20,19,NSC,-RA +2014-07-21 03:20,19,NSC,-RA +2014-07-21 04:20,19,M,M +2014-07-21 05:20,19,M,M +2014-07-21 06:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-21 07:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-21 08:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-21 09:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-21 10:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-21 11:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-21 12:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-21 13:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-21 14:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-21 15:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-21 16:20,25,M,M +2014-07-21 17:20,24,M,M +2014-07-21 18:20,23,M,M +2014-07-21 19:20,21,M,M +2014-07-21 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-21 21:20,19,M,M +2014-07-21 22:20,18,M,M +2014-07-21 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-22 00:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-22 01:20,16,M,M +2014-07-22 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-22 03:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-22 04:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-22 05:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-22 06:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-22 07:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-22 08:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-22 09:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-22 10:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-22 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-22 12:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-22 13:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-22 14:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-22 15:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-22 16:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-22 17:20,26,M,M +2014-07-22 18:20,24,M,M +2014-07-22 19:20,23,M,M +2014-07-22 20:20,21,M,M +2014-07-22 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-22 22:20,19,M,M +2014-07-22 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-23 00:20,17,M,M +2014-07-23 01:20,17,M,M +2014-07-23 02:20,17,M,M +2014-07-23 03:20,16,M,M +2014-07-23 04:20,17,M,M +2014-07-23 05:20,19,M,M +2014-07-23 06:20,21,M,M +2014-07-23 07:20,23,M,M +2014-07-23 08:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-23 09:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-23 10:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-23 11:20,26,M,M +2014-07-23 12:20,27,M,M +2014-07-23 13:20,27,M,M +2014-07-23 14:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-23 15:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-23 16:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-23 17:20,25,M,M +2014-07-23 18:20,24,M,M +2014-07-23 19:20,22,M,M +2014-07-23 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-23 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-23 22:20,18,M,M +2014-07-23 23:20,18,M,M +2014-07-24 00:20,17,M,M +2014-07-24 01:20,17,M,M +2014-07-24 02:20,17,M,M +2014-07-24 03:20,17,M,M +2014-07-24 04:20,17,M,M +2014-07-24 05:20,18,M,M +2014-07-24 06:20,20,M,M +2014-07-24 07:20,23,M,M +2014-07-24 08:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-24 09:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-24 10:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-24 11:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2014-07-24 12:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2014-07-24 13:20,22,SCT,VCTS +2014-07-24 14:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-24 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-24 16:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-24 17:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-24 18:20,23,M,M +2014-07-24 19:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-24 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-24 21:20,19,NSC,-RA +2014-07-24 22:20,18,M,M +2014-07-24 23:20,18,NSC,-RA +2014-07-25 00:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-25 01:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-25 02:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-07-25 03:20,17,M,M +2014-07-25 04:20,18,M,M +2014-07-25 05:20,19,M,M +2014-07-25 06:20,19,M,M +2014-07-25 07:20,21,M,M +2014-07-25 08:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-25 09:20,23,M,M +2014-07-25 10:20,24,M,M +2014-07-25 11:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-25 12:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-25 13:20,26,SCT,SHRA VCTS +2014-07-25 14:20,22,FEW,VCTS +2014-07-25 15:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-25 16:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-25 17:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-25 18:20,23,M,M +2014-07-25 19:20,22,M,M +2014-07-25 20:20,22,M,M +2014-07-25 21:20,21,M,M +2014-07-25 22:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-25 23:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-26 00:20,20,SCT,M +2014-07-26 01:20,19,M,M +2014-07-26 02:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-26 03:20,16,SCT,M +2014-07-26 04:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-26 05:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2014-07-26 06:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-26 07:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-26 08:20,21,SCT,M +2014-07-26 09:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-26 10:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-26 11:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-26 12:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-26 13:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-26 14:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-26 15:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-26 16:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-26 17:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-26 18:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-26 19:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-26 20:20,19,M,M +2014-07-26 21:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-26 22:20,17,M,M +2014-07-26 23:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-27 00:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-27 01:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-27 02:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2014-07-27 03:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-27 04:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2014-07-27 05:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-27 06:20,19,SCT,VCTS -SHRA +2014-07-27 07:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-27 08:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-27 09:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-27 10:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-27 11:20,26,BKN,M +2014-07-27 12:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-27 13:20,26,SCT,M +2014-07-27 14:20,26,SCT,M +2014-07-27 15:20,26,BKN,M +2014-07-27 16:20,25,BKN,M +2014-07-27 17:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-27 18:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-27 19:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-27 20:20,20,M,M +2014-07-27 21:20,19,M,M +2014-07-27 22:20,18,M,M +2014-07-27 23:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-07-28 00:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-07-28 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-07-28 02:20,17,BKN,FG +2014-07-28 03:20,15,BKN,FG +2014-07-28 04:20,15,BKN,FG +2014-07-28 05:20,17,SCT,BCFG +2014-07-28 06:20,19,SCT,M +2014-07-28 07:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-28 08:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-28 09:20,24,SCT,M +2014-07-28 10:20,25,SCT,M +2014-07-28 11:20,25,SCT,M +2014-07-28 12:20,26,SCT,M +2014-07-28 13:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-28 14:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-28 15:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-28 16:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-28 17:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-28 18:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-28 19:20,24,M,M +2014-07-28 20:20,23,M,M +2014-07-28 21:20,21,M,M +2014-07-28 22:20,20,M,M +2014-07-28 23:20,19,M,M +2014-07-29 00:20,19,M,M +2014-07-29 01:20,18,M,M +2014-07-29 02:20,18,M,M +2014-07-29 03:20,17,M,M +2014-07-29 04:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2014-07-29 05:20,20,NSC,M +2014-07-29 06:20,21,NSC,M +2014-07-29 07:20,24,M,M +2014-07-29 08:20,25,FEW,M +2014-07-29 09:20,26,FEW,M +2014-07-29 10:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-29 11:20,29,FEW,M +2014-07-29 12:20,28,SCT,M +2014-07-29 13:20,28,SCT,M +2014-07-29 14:20,27,SCT,M +2014-07-29 15:20,28,FEW,M +2014-07-29 16:20,27,FEW,M +2014-07-29 17:20,26,M,M +2014-07-29 18:20,26,M,M +2014-07-29 19:20,25,M,M +2014-07-29 20:20,23,M,M +2014-07-29 21:20,22,M,M +2014-07-29 22:20,21,M,M +2014-07-29 23:20,21,M,M +2014-07-30 00:20,21,M,M +2014-07-30 01:20,20,M,M +2014-07-30 02:20,20,M,M +2014-07-30 03:20,19,BKN,M +2014-07-30 04:20,18,FEW,-RA +2014-07-30 05:20,18,M,M +2014-07-30 06:20,17,FEW,M +2014-07-30 07:20,18,SCT,M +2014-07-30 08:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-30 09:20,20,BKN,M +2014-07-30 10:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-30 11:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-30 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-30 13:20,24,FEW,M +2014-07-30 14:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-30 15:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-30 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-30 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-30 18:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-30 19:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-30 20:20,18,M,M +2014-07-30 21:20,17,M,M +2014-07-30 22:20,16,M,M +2014-07-30 23:20,16,M,M +2014-07-31 00:20,16,M,M +2014-07-31 01:20,15,M,M +2014-07-31 02:20,15,M,///////// +2014-07-31 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-07-31 04:20,15,FEW,M +2014-07-31 05:20,16,FEW,M +2014-07-31 06:20,18,FEW,M +2014-07-31 07:20,19,FEW,M +2014-07-31 08:20,20,FEW,M +2014-07-31 09:20,21,BKN,M +2014-07-31 10:20,22,SCT,M +2014-07-31 11:20,23,SCT,M +2014-07-31 12:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2014-07-31 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-31 14:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-31 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-31 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-07-31 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-07-31 18:20,21,FEW,M +2014-07-31 19:20,20,M,M +2014-07-31 20:20,19,M,M +2014-07-31 21:20,20,M,M +2014-07-31 22:20,18,M,M +2014-07-31 23:20,19,M,M +2014-08-01 00:20,18,M,M +2014-08-01 01:20,17,M,M +2014-08-01 02:20,16,M,M +2014-08-01 03:20,16,M,M +2014-08-01 04:20,16,M,M +2014-08-01 05:20,18,M,M +2014-08-01 06:20,20,M,M +2014-08-01 07:20,22,M,M +2014-08-01 08:20,24,M,M +2014-08-01 09:20,25,M,M +2014-08-01 10:20,26,M,M +2014-08-01 11:20,27,M,M +2014-08-01 12:20,26,M,M +2014-08-01 13:20,28,M,M +2014-08-01 14:20,28,M,M +2014-08-01 15:20,28,M,M +2014-08-01 16:20,27,M,M +2014-08-01 17:20,27,M,M +2014-08-01 18:20,26,M,M +2014-08-01 19:20,24,M,M +2014-08-01 20:20,23,M,M +2014-08-01 21:20,22,M,M +2014-08-01 22:20,21,M,///////// +2014-08-01 23:20,19,M,M +2014-08-02 00:20,19,M,M +2014-08-02 01:20,19,M,M +2014-08-02 02:20,18,M,M +2014-08-02 03:20,18,M,M +2014-08-02 04:20,18,M,M +2014-08-02 05:20,20,M,M +2014-08-02 06:20,21,M,M +2014-08-02 07:20,24,M,M +2014-08-02 08:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-02 09:20,26,FEW,M +2014-08-02 10:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-02 11:20,27,SCT,M +2014-08-02 12:20,28,SCT,M +2014-08-02 13:20,27,SCT,M +2014-08-02 14:20,28,SCT,M +2014-08-02 15:20,27,SCT,M +2014-08-02 16:20,27,FEW,M +2014-08-02 17:20,27,FEW,M +2014-08-02 18:20,26,FEW,M +2014-08-02 19:20,25,M,M +2014-08-02 20:20,24,M,M +2014-08-02 21:20,23,M,M +2014-08-02 22:20,22,M,M +2014-08-02 23:20,21,M,M +2014-08-03 00:20,21,M,M +2014-08-03 01:20,19,M,M +2014-08-03 02:20,20,M,M +2014-08-03 03:20,20,M,M +2014-08-03 04:20,20,NSC,-RA +2014-08-03 05:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-03 06:20,20,FEW,-RA +2014-08-03 07:20,21,FEW,-RA +2014-08-03 08:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-03 09:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-03 10:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-03 11:20,27,FEW,M +2014-08-03 12:20,28,SCT,M +2014-08-03 13:20,26,SCT,M +2014-08-03 14:20,26,FEW,M +2014-08-03 15:20,27,FEW,M +2014-08-03 16:20,26,FEW,M +2014-08-03 17:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-03 18:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-03 19:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-03 20:20,20,M,M +2014-08-03 21:20,19,M,M +2014-08-03 22:20,19,M,M +2014-08-03 23:20,17,M,M +2014-08-04 00:20,17,M,M +2014-08-04 01:20,17,M,M +2014-08-04 02:20,17,M,M +2014-08-04 03:20,16,M,M +2014-08-04 04:20,16,M,M +2014-08-04 05:20,17,M,M +2014-08-04 06:20,19,M,M +2014-08-04 07:20,21,M,M +2014-08-04 08:20,21,M,M +2014-08-04 09:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-04 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-04 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-04 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-04 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 15:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 16:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 18:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-04 19:20,20,M,M +2014-08-04 20:20,19,M,M +2014-08-04 21:20,19,M,M +2014-08-04 22:20,19,FEW,-RA +2014-08-04 23:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-05 00:20,19,BKN,-RA +2014-08-05 01:20,18,BKN,-RA +2014-08-05 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-05 03:20,15,SCT,BCFG +2014-08-05 04:20,16,SCT,M +2014-08-05 05:20,17,M,M +2014-08-05 06:20,19,M,M +2014-08-05 07:20,21,M,M +2014-08-05 08:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-05 09:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-05 10:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-05 11:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2014-08-05 12:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-05 13:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-05 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-05 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-05 16:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-05 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-05 18:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-05 19:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-05 20:20,18,M,M +2014-08-05 21:20,16,M,M +2014-08-05 22:20,14,M,M +2014-08-05 23:20,13,M,M +2014-08-06 00:20,12,M,M +2014-08-06 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-06 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-08-06 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-08-06 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2014-08-06 05:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-06 06:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-06 07:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-06 08:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-06 09:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-06 11:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-06 12:20,24,M,M +2014-08-06 13:20,24,M,M +2014-08-06 14:20,25,M,M +2014-08-06 15:20,24,M,M +2014-08-06 16:20,24,M,M +2014-08-06 17:20,23,M,M +2014-08-06 18:20,22,M,M +2014-08-06 19:20,21,M,M +2014-08-06 20:20,20,M,M +2014-08-06 21:20,19,M,M +2014-08-06 22:20,19,M,M +2014-08-06 23:20,19,M,M +2014-08-07 00:20,18,M,M +2014-08-07 01:20,18,M,M +2014-08-07 02:20,18,M,M +2014-08-07 03:20,18,M,M +2014-08-07 04:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-08-07 05:20,17,NSC,-RA +2014-08-07 06:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-08-07 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-08-07 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-08-07 09:20,19,FEW,-RA +2014-08-07 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-07 11:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-07 12:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-07 13:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-07 14:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-07 15:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-07 16:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-07 17:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-07 18:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-07 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-07 20:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-08-07 21:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-07 22:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-07 23:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-08 00:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-08-08 01:20,13,NSC,FG +2014-08-08 02:20,13,NSC,FG +2014-08-08 03:20,13,VV ,FG +2014-08-08 04:20,13,VV ,FG +2014-08-08 05:20,14,VV ,FG +2014-08-08 06:20,16,VV ,FG +2014-08-08 07:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-08 08:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-08 09:20,22,SCT,M +2014-08-08 10:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-08 11:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-08 12:20,25,M,M +2014-08-08 13:20,26,M,M +2014-08-08 14:20,26,M,M +2014-08-08 15:20,26,M,M +2014-08-08 16:20,26,M,M +2014-08-08 17:20,25,M,M +2014-08-08 18:20,24,M,M +2014-08-08 19:20,23,M,M +2014-08-08 20:20,22,M,M +2014-08-08 21:20,22,M,M +2014-08-08 22:20,21,M,M +2014-08-08 23:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 00:20,20,M,M +2014-08-09 01:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 02:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 03:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 04:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 05:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 06:20,19,BKN,-RA +2014-08-09 07:20,18,FEW,-RA +2014-08-09 08:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-09 09:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-09 10:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-09 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-09 12:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-09 13:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-09 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-09 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-09 16:20,23,M,M +2014-08-09 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-09 18:20,21,M,M +2014-08-09 19:20,18,M,M +2014-08-09 20:20,16,M,M +2014-08-09 21:20,15,M,M +2014-08-09 22:20,15,M,M +2014-08-09 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-10 00:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-10 01:20,15,M,M +2014-08-10 02:20,15,M,M +2014-08-10 03:20,15,M,M +2014-08-10 04:20,16,M,M +2014-08-10 05:20,16,M,M +2014-08-10 06:20,18,M,M +2014-08-10 07:20,20,M,M +2014-08-10 08:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-10 09:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-10 10:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-10 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-10 12:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-10 13:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-10 14:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-10 15:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-10 16:20,25,FEW,M +2014-08-10 17:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-10 18:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-10 19:20,24,FEW,M +2014-08-10 20:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-10 21:20,23,FEW,M +2014-08-10 22:20,22,FEW,M +2014-08-10 23:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-11 00:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-11 01:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-11 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-11 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-11 04:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-11 05:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-11 06:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-11 07:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-11 08:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-11 09:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-11 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-08-11 11:20,21,SCT,M +2014-08-11 12:20,21,SCT,M +2014-08-11 13:20,22,SCT,M +2014-08-11 14:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-11 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-11 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-11 17:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-11 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-11 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-11 20:20,15,M,M +2014-08-11 21:20,16,M,M +2014-08-11 22:20,16,M,M +2014-08-11 23:20,16,M,M +2014-08-12 00:20,14,M,M +2014-08-12 01:20,14,M,M +2014-08-12 02:20,14,M,M +2014-08-12 03:20,14,M,M +2014-08-12 04:20,15,M,M +2014-08-12 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-12 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-12 07:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-12 08:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-12 09:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-12 10:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-12 11:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-12 12:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-12 13:20,16,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2014-08-12 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-12 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-12 16:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-12 17:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-12 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-12 19:20,16,M,M +2014-08-12 20:20,16,M,M +2014-08-12 21:20,15,M,M +2014-08-12 22:20,14,M,M +2014-08-12 23:20,13,M,M +2014-08-13 00:20,13,M,M +2014-08-13 01:20,13,M,M +2014-08-13 02:20,12,M,M +2014-08-13 03:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-13 04:20,13,M,M +2014-08-13 05:20,14,M,M +2014-08-13 06:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-13 07:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-13 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-13 09:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-13 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-13 11:20,21,M,M +2014-08-13 12:20,22,M,M +2014-08-13 13:20,23,M,M +2014-08-13 14:20,22,M,M +2014-08-13 15:20,22,M,M +2014-08-13 16:20,22,M,M +2014-08-13 17:20,21,M,M +2014-08-13 18:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-13 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-13 20:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-13 21:20,16,M,M +2014-08-13 22:20,14,M,M +2014-08-13 23:20,15,M,M +2014-08-14 00:20,14,M,M +2014-08-14 01:20,14,M,M +2014-08-14 02:20,12,M,M +2014-08-14 03:20,13,M,M +2014-08-14 04:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-14 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-14 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-14 07:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-14 08:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-14 09:20,19,SCT,M +2014-08-14 10:20,21,SCT,M +2014-08-14 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-14 12:20,21,M,///////// +2014-08-14 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-14 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-14 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-14 16:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-14 18:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-14 19:20,16,M,M +2014-08-14 20:20,16,M,M +2014-08-14 21:20,15,M,M +2014-08-14 22:20,15,M,M +2014-08-14 23:20,15,M,M +2014-08-15 00:20,15,M,M +2014-08-15 01:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-15 02:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-15 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-15 04:20,12,NSC,M +2014-08-15 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-15 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-15 07:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-15 08:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-15 09:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-15 10:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 11:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 13:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-15 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-15 15:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 16:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 17:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 18:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-15 19:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-15 20:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-15 21:20,13,M,M +2014-08-15 22:20,13,SCT,M +2014-08-15 23:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-16 00:20,13,SCT,M +2014-08-16 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-16 02:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-16 03:20,12,M,M +2014-08-16 04:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2014-08-16 05:20,13,SCT,M +2014-08-16 06:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-16 07:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-16 08:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2014-08-16 09:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-16 10:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-16 11:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-16 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-16 13:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2014-08-16 14:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-16 15:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-16 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-16 17:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-16 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-08-16 19:20,14,BKN,M +2014-08-16 20:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-16 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-16 22:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-16 23:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-17 00:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-17 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-17 02:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-17 03:20,14,M,M +2014-08-17 04:20,14,M,M +2014-08-17 05:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-17 06:20,15,M,M +2014-08-17 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-17 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-17 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-17 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-17 12:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 13:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 14:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-17 17:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2014-08-17 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-08-17 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-08-17 20:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-08-17 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-17 22:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-17 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-18 00:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-18 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-18 02:20,13,SCT,M +2014-08-18 03:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-18 04:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-18 05:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-18 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-18 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-18 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-08-18 09:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-18 10:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-18 12:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 13:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-18 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 16:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 17:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 18:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 19:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2014-08-18 20:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 21:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 22:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-18 23:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-19 00:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-19 01:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-19 02:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-19 03:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-19 04:20,10,FEW,M +2014-08-19 05:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-19 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-19 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-19 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-19 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-19 10:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-19 11:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-19 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-08-19 13:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2014-08-19 14:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-19 15:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-19 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-19 17:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2014-08-19 18:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-19 19:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-19 20:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-19 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-19 22:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-19 23:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-08-20 00:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2014-08-20 01:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-20 02:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-20 03:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-20 04:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-20 05:20,10,FEW,M +2014-08-20 06:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-20 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-20 08:20,14,SCT,M +2014-08-20 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-20 10:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2014-08-20 11:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2014-08-20 12:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-20 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-20 14:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-20 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-20 16:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-20 17:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-20 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-20 19:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-20 20:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-20 21:20,10,FEW,M +2014-08-20 22:20,9,M,M +2014-08-20 23:20,10,M,M +2014-08-21 00:20,9,M,M +2014-08-21 01:20,9,M,M +2014-08-21 02:20,8,M,M +2014-08-21 03:20,8,M,M +2014-08-21 04:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2014-08-21 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-08-21 06:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-21 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-21 08:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-21 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-21 10:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-21 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-08-21 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-21 13:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-21 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-21 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-21 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-21 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-21 18:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-21 19:20,14,SCT,M +2014-08-21 20:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-08-21 21:20,13,M,M +2014-08-21 22:20,12,M,M +2014-08-21 23:20,12,M,M +2014-08-22 00:20,13,M,M +2014-08-22 01:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-22 02:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-22 03:20,13,BKN,M +2014-08-22 04:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-22 05:20,13,M,M +2014-08-22 06:20,14,M,M +2014-08-22 07:20,15,M,M +2014-08-22 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-22 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-22 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-08-22 11:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-22 12:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-22 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-22 14:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-22 15:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-22 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-22 17:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-22 18:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-22 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-08-22 20:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-22 21:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-22 22:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-22 23:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-23 00:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-23 01:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-23 02:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-23 03:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-23 04:20,11,BKN,M +2014-08-23 05:20,11,BKN,M +2014-08-23 06:20,11,SCT,M +2014-08-23 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-23 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-23 09:20,15,M,///////// +2014-08-23 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-23 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-23 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-23 13:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-23 14:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2014-08-23 15:20,14,SCT,M +2014-08-23 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-23 17:20,13,SCT,M +2014-08-23 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-23 19:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-23 20:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-23 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-23 22:20,10,M,M +2014-08-23 23:20,9,FEW,M +2014-08-24 00:20,9,M,M +2014-08-24 01:20,9,M,M +2014-08-24 02:20,9,SCT,M +2014-08-24 03:20,9,M,M +2014-08-24 04:20,10,NSC,-RA +2014-08-24 05:20,9,FEW,M +2014-08-24 06:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-24 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-24 08:20,14,M,M +2014-08-24 09:20,16,SCT,M +2014-08-24 10:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-24 11:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-24 12:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-24 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-24 14:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-24 15:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2014-08-24 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-24 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-24 18:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-24 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-24 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-08-24 21:20,10,M,M +2014-08-24 22:20,9,FEW,M +2014-08-24 23:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2014-08-25 00:20,9,M,M +2014-08-25 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-25 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-25 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-25 04:20,7,SCT,MIFG +2014-08-25 05:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2014-08-25 06:20,10,FEW,M +2014-08-25 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-08-25 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-25 09:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-25 10:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-25 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-25 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-25 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-25 14:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-25 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-25 16:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-25 17:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-25 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-25 19:20,10,M,M +2014-08-25 20:20,9,M,M +2014-08-25 21:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-25 22:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-25 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 04:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-26 05:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 06:20,10,M,M +2014-08-26 07:20,13,M,M +2014-08-26 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-26 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-26 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-26 11:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-26 12:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-26 13:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-26 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-26 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-26 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-26 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-26 18:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-26 19:20,12,SCT,M +2014-08-26 20:20,13,FEW,M +2014-08-26 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-08-26 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-26 23:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-27 00:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-27 01:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-27 02:20,8,VV ,FG +2014-08-27 03:20,8,OVC,FG +2014-08-27 04:20,7,OVC,FG +2014-08-27 05:20,7,NSC,FG +2014-08-27 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-08-27 07:20,13,M,M +2014-08-27 08:20,15,M,M +2014-08-27 09:20,18,M,M +2014-08-27 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-27 11:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-27 12:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-27 13:20,21,M,M +2014-08-27 14:20,21,M,M +2014-08-27 15:20,20,M,M +2014-08-27 16:20,20,M,M +2014-08-27 17:20,19,M,M +2014-08-27 18:20,17,M,M +2014-08-27 19:20,13,M,M +2014-08-27 20:20,12,M,M +2014-08-27 21:20,11,M,M +2014-08-27 22:20,10,NSC,M +2014-08-27 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 04:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-28 05:20,8,M,M +2014-08-28 06:20,13,M,M +2014-08-28 07:20,16,M,M +2014-08-28 08:20,18,M,M +2014-08-28 09:20,20,M,M +2014-08-28 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-08-28 11:20,21,M,M +2014-08-28 12:20,23,M,M +2014-08-28 13:20,23,M,M +2014-08-28 14:20,23,M,M +2014-08-28 15:20,23,M,M +2014-08-28 16:20,23,M,M +2014-08-28 17:20,22,M,M +2014-08-28 18:20,21,M,M +2014-08-28 19:20,19,M,M +2014-08-28 20:20,18,M,M +2014-08-28 21:20,18,M,M +2014-08-28 22:20,18,M,M +2014-08-28 23:20,18,SCT,M +2014-08-29 00:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-29 01:20,17,M,M +2014-08-29 02:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-29 03:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-29 04:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-29 05:20,16,M,M +2014-08-29 06:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-29 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2014-08-29 08:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2014-08-29 09:20,18,BKN,M +2014-08-29 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-29 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-08-29 12:20,21,BKN,M +2014-08-29 13:20,21,SCT,M +2014-08-29 14:20,21,SCT,M +2014-08-29 15:20,20,SCT,M +2014-08-29 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-29 17:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-29 18:20,17,SCT,M +2014-08-29 19:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2014-08-29 20:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-29 21:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-29 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-29 23:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-30 00:20,14,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-30 01:20,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-08-30 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-30 03:20,15,M,M +2014-08-30 04:20,14,M,M +2014-08-30 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-30 06:20,16,M,M +2014-08-30 07:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-30 08:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-30 09:20,17,BKN,M +2014-08-30 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-30 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-30 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-30 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-30 14:20,20,FEW,M +2014-08-30 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-08-30 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-08-30 17:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2014-08-30 18:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-30 19:20,15,BKN,M +2014-08-30 20:20,14,SCT,M +2014-08-30 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-30 22:20,15,BKN,M +2014-08-30 23:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-31 00:20,16,BKN,M +2014-08-31 01:20,15,SCT,M +2014-08-31 02:20,15,BKN,M +2014-08-31 03:20,15,BKN,M +2014-08-31 04:20,14,BKN,M +2014-08-31 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-08-31 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-08-31 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-08-31 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-31 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-08-31 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-31 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-31 12:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-31 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-31 14:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-31 15:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2014-08-31 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-31 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-08-31 18:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2014-08-31 19:20,14,SCT,M +2014-08-31 20:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-08-31 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-08-31 22:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-08-31 23:20,10,NSC,FG +2014-09-01 00:20,9,BKN,FG +2014-09-01 01:20,11,SCT,BR +2014-09-01 02:20,12,OVC,FG +2014-09-01 03:20,12,OVC,FG +2014-09-01 04:20,13,OVC,FG +2014-09-01 05:20,14,OVC,BR +2014-09-01 06:20,14,VV ,FG +2014-09-01 07:20,14,BKN,BR +2014-09-01 08:20,15,BKN,BR +2014-09-01 09:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2014-09-01 10:20,15,BKN,DZ +2014-09-01 11:20,16,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-09-01 12:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-01 13:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-01 14:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-01 15:20,19,BKN,M +2014-09-01 16:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-01 17:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-01 18:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2014-09-01 19:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-01 20:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-01 21:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-01 22:20,16,FEW,BR +2014-09-01 23:20,16,FEW,-DZ BR +2014-09-02 00:20,16,OVC,BR +2014-09-02 01:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-02 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-02 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-02 04:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-02 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-02 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-02 07:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-02 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-02 09:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-02 10:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-02 11:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-02 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-02 13:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-02 14:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-02 15:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-02 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-02 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-02 18:20,17,M,M +2014-09-02 19:20,16,M,M +2014-09-02 20:20,15,M,M +2014-09-02 21:20,14,M,M +2014-09-02 22:20,13,M,M +2014-09-02 23:20,13,M,M +2014-09-03 00:20,12,M,M +2014-09-03 01:20,11,M,M +2014-09-03 02:20,10,M,M +2014-09-03 03:20,10,M,M +2014-09-03 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-03 05:20,11,M,M +2014-09-03 06:20,13,M,M +2014-09-03 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-03 08:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-03 09:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-03 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-03 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-03 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-03 13:20,21,SCT,M +2014-09-03 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-03 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-03 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-03 17:20,19,M,M +2014-09-03 18:20,18,M,M +2014-09-03 19:20,16,M,M +2014-09-03 20:20,15,M,M +2014-09-03 21:20,15,M,M +2014-09-03 22:20,14,M,M +2014-09-03 23:20,14,M,M +2014-09-04 00:20,13,M,M +2014-09-04 01:20,12,M,M +2014-09-04 02:20,11,M,M +2014-09-04 03:20,11,M,M +2014-09-04 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-04 05:20,11,M,M +2014-09-04 06:20,14,M,M +2014-09-04 07:20,16,M,M +2014-09-04 08:20,18,M,M +2014-09-04 09:20,20,M,M +2014-09-04 10:20,21,M,M +2014-09-04 11:20,23,M,M +2014-09-04 12:20,23,M,M +2014-09-04 13:20,24,M,M +2014-09-04 14:20,23,M,M +2014-09-04 15:20,23,M,M +2014-09-04 16:20,22,M,M +2014-09-04 17:20,20,M,M +2014-09-04 18:20,18,M,M +2014-09-04 19:20,17,M,M +2014-09-04 20:20,16,M,M +2014-09-04 21:20,15,M,M +2014-09-04 22:20,15,M,M +2014-09-04 23:20,14,M,M +2014-09-05 00:20,14,M,M +2014-09-05 01:20,13,M,M +2014-09-05 02:20,13,M,M +2014-09-05 03:20,13,M,M +2014-09-05 04:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-05 05:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-05 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-05 07:20,18,M,M +2014-09-05 08:20,19,M,M +2014-09-05 09:20,21,M,M +2014-09-05 10:20,22,M,M +2014-09-05 11:20,23,M,M +2014-09-05 12:20,25,M,M +2014-09-05 13:20,25,FEW,M +2014-09-05 14:20,26,FEW,M +2014-09-05 15:20,25,FEW,M +2014-09-05 16:20,25,M,M +2014-09-05 17:20,24,M,M +2014-09-05 18:20,23,M,M +2014-09-05 19:20,22,M,M +2014-09-05 20:20,20,M,M +2014-09-05 21:20,20,M,M +2014-09-05 22:20,18,M,M +2014-09-05 23:20,17,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-06 00:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-06 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-06 02:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-06 03:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-06 04:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-06 05:20,16,M,M +2014-09-06 06:20,17,M,M +2014-09-06 07:20,19,M,M +2014-09-06 08:20,20,M,M +2014-09-06 09:20,23,M,M +2014-09-06 10:20,24,M,M +2014-09-06 11:20,26,FEW,M +2014-09-06 12:20,25,FEW,M +2014-09-06 13:20,25,SCT,M +2014-09-06 14:20,23,BKN,-TSRA +2014-09-06 15:20,24,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-06 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-06 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-06 18:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-06 19:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2014-09-06 20:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-06 21:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-06 22:20,17,FEW,BCFG +2014-09-06 23:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-07 00:20,16,SCT,BCFG +2014-09-07 01:20,16,FEW,BCFG +2014-09-07 02:20,16,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-09-07 03:20,17,NSC,FG +2014-09-07 04:20,17,OVC,FG +2014-09-07 05:20,17,BKN,BR +2014-09-07 06:20,17,FEW,BR +2014-09-07 07:20,18,BKN,BR +2014-09-07 08:20,18,FEW,BR +2014-09-07 09:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-07 10:20,19,SCT,-DZ BR +2014-09-07 11:20,19,BKN,-DZ +2014-09-07 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-07 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-07 14:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-07 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-07 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-07 17:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-07 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-07 19:20,17,M,M +2014-09-07 20:20,15,M,M +2014-09-07 21:20,15,M,M +2014-09-07 22:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-07 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-08 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-08 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-08 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-08 03:20,12,BKN,M +2014-09-08 04:20,13,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-08 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-08 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-08 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-08 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-08 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-08 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-08 11:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-08 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-08 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-08 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-08 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-08 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-08 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-08 18:20,16,M,M +2014-09-08 19:20,15,M,M +2014-09-08 20:20,14,SCT,M +2014-09-08 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-08 22:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-08 23:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-09 00:20,13,SCT,M +2014-09-09 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-09 02:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-09 03:20,13,SCT,M +2014-09-09 04:20,13,BKN,M +2014-09-09 05:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-09 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-09 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-09 08:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-09 09:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-09 10:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-09 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-09 12:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-09 13:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-09 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-09 15:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-09 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-09 17:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-09 18:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-09 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-09 20:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-09 21:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-09 22:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-09 23:20,14,SCT,M +2014-09-10 00:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-10 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-10 02:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-10 03:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-10 04:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-10 05:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2014-09-10 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-10 07:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-10 08:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-10 09:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-10 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-10 11:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-10 12:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-10 13:20,21,SCT,M +2014-09-10 14:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-10 15:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-10 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-10 17:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-10 18:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-10 19:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-10 20:20,13,SCT,M +2014-09-10 21:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-10 22:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-10 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-11 00:20,12,M,M +2014-09-11 01:20,12,M,M +2014-09-11 02:20,11,SCT,M +2014-09-11 03:20,11,FEW,M +2014-09-11 04:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-09-11 05:20,11,FEW,M +2014-09-11 06:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-11 07:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-11 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-11 09:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-11 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-11 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-11 12:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-11 13:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-11 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-11 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-11 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-11 18:20,17,M,M +2014-09-11 19:20,14,M,M +2014-09-11 20:20,13,M,M +2014-09-11 21:20,13,M,M +2014-09-11 22:20,13,M,M +2014-09-11 23:20,13,M,M +2014-09-12 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-12 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-12 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-12 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-09-12 04:20,11,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-09-12 05:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-09-12 06:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-12 07:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-12 08:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-12 09:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-12 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-12 11:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-12 12:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-12 13:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-12 15:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-12 16:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-12 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-12 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-12 19:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-12 20:20,14,M,M +2014-09-12 21:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-12 22:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-12 23:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-13 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-13 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-13 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-13 03:20,12,SCT,MIFG BR +2014-09-13 04:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-09-13 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2014-09-13 06:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-13 07:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-13 08:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-13 09:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-13 10:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-13 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-13 12:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-13 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-13 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-13 15:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-13 16:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-13 17:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-13 18:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-13 19:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-13 20:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-13 21:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-13 22:20,16,BKN,-RA +2014-09-13 23:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-14 00:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-14 01:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-14 02:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-14 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-14 04:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-14 05:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-14 06:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-14 07:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-14 08:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-14 09:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-14 10:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-14 11:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-14 12:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-14 13:20,20,BKN,M +2014-09-14 14:20,19,BKN,M +2014-09-14 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-14 16:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-14 18:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-14 19:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-14 20:20,16,FEW,RA +2014-09-14 21:20,16,BKN,RA +2014-09-14 22:20,16,BKN,VCTS +2014-09-14 23:20,17,BKN,BR +2014-09-15 00:20,17,BKN,BR +2014-09-15 01:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-15 02:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-15 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-15 04:20,15,NSC,BR MIFG +2014-09-15 05:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-15 06:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-15 07:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-15 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-15 09:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-15 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-15 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-15 12:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-15 13:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-15 14:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-15 15:20,24,M,M +2014-09-15 16:20,22,M,M +2014-09-15 17:20,21,M,M +2014-09-15 18:20,19,M,M +2014-09-15 19:20,18,M,M +2014-09-15 20:20,17,M,M +2014-09-15 21:20,17,M,M +2014-09-15 22:20,17,M,M +2014-09-15 23:20,16,M,M +2014-09-16 00:20,16,M,M +2014-09-16 01:20,15,M,M +2014-09-16 02:20,14,M,M +2014-09-16 03:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-16 04:20,13,M,M +2014-09-16 05:20,13,M,M +2014-09-16 06:20,15,M,M +2014-09-16 07:20,17,M,M +2014-09-16 08:20,18,M,M +2014-09-16 09:20,20,M,M +2014-09-16 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-16 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-16 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-16 13:20,23,SCT,M +2014-09-16 14:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-16 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-16 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-16 17:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-16 18:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-16 19:20,20,M,M +2014-09-16 20:20,19,M,M +2014-09-16 21:20,18,M,M +2014-09-16 22:20,17,M,M +2014-09-16 23:20,17,M,M +2014-09-17 00:20,16,M,M +2014-09-17 01:20,15,M,M +2014-09-17 02:20,14,M,M +2014-09-17 03:20,14,M,M +2014-09-17 04:20,13,M,M +2014-09-17 05:20,13,M,M +2014-09-17 06:20,14,M,M +2014-09-17 07:20,16,M,M +2014-09-17 08:20,18,M,M +2014-09-17 09:20,20,M,M +2014-09-17 10:20,22,M,M +2014-09-17 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-17 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-17 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-17 14:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-17 15:20,23,M,M +2014-09-17 16:20,21,M,M +2014-09-17 17:20,20,M,M +2014-09-17 18:20,18,M,M +2014-09-17 19:20,19,M,M +2014-09-17 20:20,17,M,M +2014-09-17 21:20,16,M,M +2014-09-17 22:20,17,M,M +2014-09-17 23:20,15,M,M +2014-09-18 00:20,14,M,M +2014-09-18 01:20,14,M,M +2014-09-18 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-18 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-18 04:20,13,M,M +2014-09-18 05:20,13,M,M +2014-09-18 06:20,14,M,M +2014-09-18 07:20,16,M,M +2014-09-18 08:20,18,M,M +2014-09-18 09:20,20,M,M +2014-09-18 10:20,21,M,M +2014-09-18 11:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-18 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-18 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-18 14:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-18 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-18 16:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-18 17:20,21,SCT,M +2014-09-18 18:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-18 19:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-18 20:20,16,M,M +2014-09-18 21:20,15,M,M +2014-09-18 22:20,15,M,M +2014-09-18 23:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-19 00:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-19 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-19 02:20,14,M,M +2014-09-19 03:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-19 04:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-19 05:20,14,M,M +2014-09-19 06:20,15,M,M +2014-09-19 07:20,16,M,M +2014-09-19 08:20,18,M,M +2014-09-19 09:20,20,M,M +2014-09-19 10:20,22,M,M +2014-09-19 11:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-19 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-19 13:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-19 14:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-19 15:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-19 16:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-19 17:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-19 18:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-19 19:20,17,M,M +2014-09-19 20:20,17,M,M +2014-09-19 21:20,16,M,M +2014-09-19 22:20,15,M,M +2014-09-19 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-20 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-20 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-20 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-20 03:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-20 04:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-20 05:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-20 06:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-20 07:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-20 08:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-20 09:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-20 10:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-20 11:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-20 12:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-20 13:20,23,FEW,M +2014-09-20 14:20,23,SCT,M +2014-09-20 15:20,24,FEW,M +2014-09-20 16:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-20 17:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-20 18:20,17,BKN,M +2014-09-20 19:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-20 20:20,17,M,M +2014-09-20 21:20,16,M,M +2014-09-20 22:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-20 23:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-21 00:20,16,BKN,FG +2014-09-21 01:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-21 02:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-21 03:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2014-09-21 04:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-21 05:20,14,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-09-21 06:20,15,SCT,-RADZ +2014-09-21 07:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-21 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-21 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-21 10:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-21 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-21 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-21 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-21 14:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-21 15:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-21 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-21 17:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-21 18:20,14,SCT,M +2014-09-21 19:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-21 20:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-21 21:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-21 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-21 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-22 00:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-22 01:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-22 02:20,14,M,M +2014-09-22 03:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2014-09-22 04:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-22 05:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-09-22 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-22 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-22 08:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-22 09:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-22 10:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-22 11:20,13,BKN,M +2014-09-22 12:20,14,SCT,M +2014-09-22 13:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-22 14:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-22 15:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-22 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-22 17:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-22 18:20,12,M,M +2014-09-22 19:20,11,M,M +2014-09-22 20:20,11,SCT,M +2014-09-22 21:20,10,BKN,M +2014-09-22 22:20,10,BKN,M +2014-09-22 23:20,9,BKN,M +2014-09-23 00:20,9,BKN,M +2014-09-23 01:20,8,SCT,M +2014-09-23 02:20,6,FEW,M +2014-09-23 03:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-23 04:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-23 05:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-23 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-09-23 07:20,10,FEW,M +2014-09-23 08:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-23 09:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-23 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-23 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-23 12:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-23 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-23 14:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-23 15:20,15,M,M +2014-09-23 16:20,14,M,M +2014-09-23 17:20,14,M,M +2014-09-23 18:20,13,M,M +2014-09-23 19:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-23 20:20,13,M,M +2014-09-23 21:20,12,M,M +2014-09-23 22:20,13,M,M +2014-09-23 23:20,12,M,M +2014-09-24 00:20,12,M,M +2014-09-24 01:20,12,M,M +2014-09-24 02:20,12,M,M +2014-09-24 03:20,13,M,M +2014-09-24 04:20,12,M,M +2014-09-24 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-09-24 06:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-24 07:20,13,NSC,M +2014-09-24 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-24 09:20,14,M,M +2014-09-24 10:20,15,M,M +2014-09-24 11:20,16,M,M +2014-09-24 12:20,17,M,M +2014-09-24 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-24 14:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-24 15:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-24 16:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-09-24 17:20,13,BKN,M +2014-09-24 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-24 19:20,13,SCT,M +2014-09-24 20:20,13,BKN,M +2014-09-24 21:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-09-24 22:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-09-24 23:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-09-25 00:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-09-25 01:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-09-25 02:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-25 03:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-25 04:20,12,SCT,M +2014-09-25 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-09-25 06:20,12,FEW,M +2014-09-25 07:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2014-09-25 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-25 09:20,15,SCT,M +2014-09-25 10:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-25 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-25 12:20,16,BKN,M +2014-09-25 13:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-09-25 14:20,14,SCT,M +2014-09-25 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-25 16:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-25 17:20,15,BKN,M +2014-09-25 18:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-25 19:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-25 20:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-25 21:20,14,BKN,M +2014-09-25 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-25 23:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 00:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2014-09-26 01:20,13,SCT,-DZ +2014-09-26 02:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 03:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-26 04:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 05:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 06:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2014-09-26 07:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-26 08:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-26 10:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-26 12:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2014-09-26 13:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-26 14:20,16,BKN,-RADZ +2014-09-26 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-26 16:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2014-09-26 17:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-26 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-26 19:20,16,SCT,M +2014-09-26 20:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-26 21:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-26 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-09-26 23:20,13,M,M +2014-09-27 00:20,12,M,M +2014-09-27 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-27 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2014-09-27 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-27 04:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-27 05:20,8,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-27 06:20,10,FEW,M +2014-09-27 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-27 08:20,15,M,M +2014-09-27 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-27 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-27 11:20,17,SCT,M +2014-09-27 12:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-27 13:20,18,FEW,M +2014-09-27 14:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-27 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-27 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-27 17:20,13,FEW,M +2014-09-27 18:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-27 19:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-27 20:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-27 21:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-27 22:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-27 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-28 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-09-28 01:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2014-09-28 02:20,8,SCT,MIFG +2014-09-28 03:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-28 04:20,10,BKN,M +2014-09-28 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-09-28 06:20,11,BKN,M +2014-09-28 07:20,13,M,M +2014-09-28 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-28 09:20,17,M,M +2014-09-28 10:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-28 11:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-28 12:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-28 13:20,20,FEW,M +2014-09-28 14:20,20,M,M +2014-09-28 15:20,19,M,M +2014-09-28 16:20,17,M,M +2014-09-28 17:20,18,M,M +2014-09-28 18:20,13,M,M +2014-09-28 19:20,12,M,M +2014-09-28 20:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-28 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-28 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-28 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 00:20,12,SCT,MIFG +2014-09-29 01:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2014-09-29 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 06:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-09-29 07:20,13,NSC,M +2014-09-29 08:20,16,NSC,M +2014-09-29 09:20,18,M,M +2014-09-29 10:20,19,M,M +2014-09-29 11:20,21,M,M +2014-09-29 12:20,21,FEW,M +2014-09-29 13:20,22,SCT,M +2014-09-29 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-09-29 15:20,21,SCT,M +2014-09-29 16:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-29 17:20,20,SCT,M +2014-09-29 18:20,19,BKN,M +2014-09-29 19:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-29 20:20,17,FEW,M +2014-09-29 21:20,16,NSC,-RA +2014-09-29 22:20,16,SCT,-RA +2014-09-29 23:20,15,FEW,M +2014-09-30 00:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-30 01:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-30 02:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-30 03:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-30 04:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-30 05:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-09-30 06:20,16,FEW,BR +2014-09-30 07:20,16,BKN,-RA BR +2014-09-30 08:20,17,FEW,BR +2014-09-30 09:20,16,BKN,-RA BR +2014-09-30 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-09-30 11:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-30 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-30 13:20,19,BKN,M +2014-09-30 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-09-30 15:20,19,FEW,M +2014-09-30 16:20,18,BKN,M +2014-09-30 17:20,16,FEW,BR +2014-09-30 18:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-30 19:20,16,FEW,M +2014-09-30 20:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2014-09-30 21:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2014-09-30 22:20,16,BKN,SHRA +2014-09-30 23:20,15,SCT,BR +2014-10-01 00:20,15,FEW,BCFG +2014-10-01 01:20,14,FEW,FG +2014-10-01 02:20,13,SCT,FG +2014-10-01 03:20,11,VV ,FG +2014-10-01 04:20,11,VV ,FG +2014-10-01 05:20,12,VV ,FG +2014-10-01 06:20,13,BKN,BCFG +2014-10-01 07:20,14,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-10-01 08:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-10-01 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-01 10:20,18,SCT,M +2014-10-01 11:20,19,SCT,M +2014-10-01 12:20,19,SCT,M +2014-10-01 13:20,20,SCT,M +2014-10-01 14:20,19,SCT,M +2014-10-01 15:20,19,BKN,M +2014-10-01 16:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-01 17:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-01 18:20,15,NSC,M +2014-10-01 19:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-01 20:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-01 21:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-01 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-01 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-02 00:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-02 01:20,15,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-10-02 02:20,14,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-10-02 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-10-02 04:20,14,SCT,BR +2014-10-02 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2014-10-02 06:20,14,SCT,BR +2014-10-02 07:20,15,FEW,BR +2014-10-02 08:20,16,BKN,BR +2014-10-02 09:20,17,BKN,BR +2014-10-02 10:20,18,BKN,BR +2014-10-02 11:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-02 12:20,20,BKN,M +2014-10-02 13:20,19,BKN,M +2014-10-02 14:20,19,BKN,M +2014-10-02 15:20,19,SCT,M +2014-10-02 16:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-02 17:20,17,SCT,M +2014-10-02 18:20,17,SCT,M +2014-10-02 19:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-02 20:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-02 21:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-02 22:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-02 23:20,16,NSC,M +2014-10-03 00:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-03 01:20,16,BKN,M +2014-10-03 02:20,16,BKN,M +2014-10-03 03:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-03 04:20,16,NSC,M +2014-10-03 05:20,16,NSC,M +2014-10-03 06:20,16,NSC,BR +2014-10-03 07:20,16,NSC,BR +2014-10-03 08:20,17,NSC,M +2014-10-03 09:20,18,NSC,M +2014-10-03 10:20,20,NSC,M +2014-10-03 11:20,21,NSC,M +2014-10-03 12:20,21,FEW,M +2014-10-03 13:20,22,FEW,M +2014-10-03 14:20,22,FEW,M +2014-10-03 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-10-03 16:20,21,M,M +2014-10-03 17:20,19,M,M +2014-10-03 18:20,18,M,M +2014-10-03 19:20,17,M,M +2014-10-03 20:20,17,M,M +2014-10-03 21:20,16,M,M +2014-10-03 22:20,15,M,M +2014-10-03 23:20,14,M,M +2014-10-04 00:20,14,M,M +2014-10-04 01:20,13,M,M +2014-10-04 02:20,12,M,M +2014-10-04 03:20,11,M,M +2014-10-04 04:20,11,NSC,M +2014-10-04 05:20,11,NSC,M +2014-10-04 06:20,11,NSC,M +2014-10-04 07:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-04 08:20,14,M,M +2014-10-04 09:20,16,M,M +2014-10-04 10:20,19,M,M +2014-10-04 11:20,20,M,M +2014-10-04 12:20,20,M,M +2014-10-04 13:20,20,M,M +2014-10-04 14:20,20,M,M +2014-10-04 15:20,19,M,M +2014-10-04 16:20,18,M,M +2014-10-04 17:20,17,M,M +2014-10-04 18:20,15,M,M +2014-10-04 19:20,15,M,M +2014-10-04 20:20,14,M,M +2014-10-04 21:20,14,M,M +2014-10-04 22:20,13,M,M +2014-10-04 23:20,12,M,M +2014-10-05 00:20,11,M,M +2014-10-05 01:20,10,M,M +2014-10-05 02:20,10,M,M +2014-10-05 03:20,10,M,M +2014-10-05 04:20,10,M,M +2014-10-05 05:20,9,M,M +2014-10-05 06:20,9,M,M +2014-10-05 07:20,11,M,M +2014-10-05 08:20,12,M,M +2014-10-05 09:20,14,M,M +2014-10-05 10:20,15,M,M +2014-10-05 11:20,17,M,M +2014-10-05 12:20,17,M,M +2014-10-05 13:20,18,M,M +2014-10-05 14:20,18,M,M +2014-10-05 15:20,17,M,M +2014-10-05 16:20,16,M,M +2014-10-05 17:20,15,M,M +2014-10-05 18:20,13,M,M +2014-10-05 19:20,12,M,M +2014-10-05 20:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-05 21:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-05 22:20,12,M,M +2014-10-05 23:20,12,M,M +2014-10-06 00:20,11,M,M +2014-10-06 01:20,11,M,M +2014-10-06 02:20,11,M,M +2014-10-06 03:20,11,M,M +2014-10-06 04:20,11,NSC,M +2014-10-06 05:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-06 06:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-06 07:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-06 08:20,13,M,M +2014-10-06 09:20,15,M,M +2014-10-06 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-06 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-06 12:20,17,BKN,M +2014-10-06 13:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-06 14:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-06 15:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-06 16:20,17,BKN,M +2014-10-06 17:20,17,BKN,M +2014-10-06 18:20,16,BKN,M +2014-10-06 19:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-06 20:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-06 21:20,14,M,M +2014-10-06 22:20,14,M,M +2014-10-06 23:20,13,M,M +2014-10-07 00:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-07 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-07 02:20,12,M,M +2014-10-07 03:20,12,M,M +2014-10-07 04:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-07 05:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-07 06:20,12,NSC,-RA +2014-10-07 07:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-10-07 08:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-10-07 09:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-10-07 10:20,13,M,///////// +2014-10-07 11:20,13,BKN,RA +2014-10-07 12:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-10-07 13:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-07 14:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-07 15:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2014-10-07 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-07 17:20,12,M,M +2014-10-07 18:20,13,M,M +2014-10-07 19:20,13,M,M +2014-10-07 20:20,13,M,M +2014-10-07 21:20,12,M,M +2014-10-07 22:20,12,M,M +2014-10-07 23:20,12,M,M +2014-10-08 00:20,11,M,M +2014-10-08 01:20,11,M,M +2014-10-08 02:20,10,M,M +2014-10-08 03:20,10,M,M +2014-10-08 04:20,10,M,M +2014-10-08 05:20,10,M,M +2014-10-08 06:20,10,M,M +2014-10-08 07:20,11,M,M +2014-10-08 08:20,13,M,M +2014-10-08 09:20,14,M,M +2014-10-08 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-08 11:20,14,M,M +2014-10-08 12:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-08 13:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-08 14:20,14,BKN,-RA +2014-10-08 15:20,14,SCT,-RA +2014-10-08 16:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-08 17:20,14,SCT,-RA +2014-10-08 18:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-08 19:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2014-10-08 20:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-08 21:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-08 22:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-08 23:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-09 00:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-09 01:20,15,FEW,RA +2014-10-09 02:20,15,FEW,-RA +2014-10-09 03:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-09 04:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-09 05:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-09 06:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-09 07:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-09 08:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-09 09:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-09 10:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-09 11:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-09 12:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-09 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-10-09 14:20,18,SCT,M +2014-10-09 15:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-09 16:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-09 18:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-09 19:20,16,M,M +2014-10-09 20:20,15,M,M +2014-10-09 21:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-09 22:20,13,M,M +2014-10-09 23:20,14,M,M +2014-10-10 00:20,14,M,M +2014-10-10 01:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 02:20,14,M,M +2014-10-10 03:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 04:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 05:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 06:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 07:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-10 08:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-10 09:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-10 10:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-10 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-10 12:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-10 13:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-10 14:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-10 15:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-10 16:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-10 17:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 18:20,13,M,M +2014-10-10 19:20,11,M,M +2014-10-10 20:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-10 21:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-10 22:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-10 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-11 00:20,11,M,M +2014-10-11 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-11 02:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2014-10-11 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-11 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-11 05:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2014-10-11 06:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2014-10-11 07:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-11 08:20,14,M,M +2014-10-11 09:20,16,NSC,M +2014-10-11 10:20,17,BKN,M +2014-10-11 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-11 12:20,18,FEW,M +2014-10-11 13:20,18,SCT,M +2014-10-11 14:20,18,BKN,M +2014-10-11 15:20,18,SCT,M +2014-10-11 16:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2014-10-11 17:20,17,BKN,M +2014-10-11 18:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-11 19:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-11 20:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-11 21:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-11 22:20,14,SCT,+TSRA +2014-10-11 23:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2014-10-12 00:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-12 01:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-12 02:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2014-10-12 03:20,12,BKN,MIFG +2014-10-12 04:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-12 05:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-12 06:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-12 07:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-12 08:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-12 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-12 10:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-12 11:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-12 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-12 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-12 14:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-12 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-12 16:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-12 17:20,11,M,M +2014-10-12 18:20,12,M,M +2014-10-12 19:20,13,M,M +2014-10-12 20:20,11,M,M +2014-10-12 21:20,10,M,M +2014-10-12 22:20,11,M,M +2014-10-12 23:20,11,M,M +2014-10-13 00:20,12,M,M +2014-10-13 01:20,12,NSC,-RA +2014-10-13 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-10-13 03:20,12,FEW,-RA BR +2014-10-13 04:20,12,FEW,RADZ BR +2014-10-13 05:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2014-10-13 06:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-13 07:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2014-10-13 08:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2014-10-13 09:20,13,SCT,BR +2014-10-13 10:20,13,SCT,BR +2014-10-13 11:20,14,SCT,BR +2014-10-13 12:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2014-10-13 13:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2014-10-13 14:20,14,BKN,BR +2014-10-13 15:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2014-10-13 16:20,14,BKN,BR +2014-10-13 17:20,14,FEW,BR +2014-10-13 18:20,13,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-10-13 19:20,13,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-10-13 20:20,13,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-10-13 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG BR +2014-10-13 22:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-10-13 23:20,13,BKN,FG +2014-10-14 00:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-10-14 01:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-10-14 02:20,13,BKN,FG +2014-10-14 03:20,13,BKN,FG +2014-10-14 04:20,13,BKN,FG +2014-10-14 05:20,13,VV ,FG +2014-10-14 06:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-10-14 07:20,13,BKN,BR +2014-10-14 08:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-14 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-14 10:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-14 11:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-14 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-14 13:20,17,FEW,M +2014-10-14 14:20,17,SCT,M +2014-10-14 15:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-14 16:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-14 17:20,13,M,M +2014-10-14 18:20,13,M,M +2014-10-14 19:20,13,M,M +2014-10-14 20:20,13,M,M +2014-10-14 21:20,13,M,M +2014-10-14 22:20,14,M,M +2014-10-14 23:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 00:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 01:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 02:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 03:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 04:20,13,M,M +2014-10-15 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-15 06:20,13,SCT,-RA +2014-10-15 07:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-15 08:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-15 09:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-15 10:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-15 11:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-15 12:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-15 13:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-15 14:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-15 15:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2014-10-15 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-15 17:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-15 18:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-15 19:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-15 20:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-10-15 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-10-15 22:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-15 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-16 00:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-16 01:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-16 02:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-16 03:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-16 04:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-10-16 05:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-16 06:20,12,FEW,BR +2014-10-16 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-16 08:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-16 09:20,13,SCT,BR +2014-10-16 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-16 11:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-16 12:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-10-16 13:20,14,BKN,-RA +2014-10-16 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-10-16 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-16 16:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-16 17:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-16 18:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2014-10-16 19:20,13,SCT,-RADZ BR +2014-10-16 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-16 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-16 22:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-16 23:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 00:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 01:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 02:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 03:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 04:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 05:20,12,SCT,BR +2014-10-17 06:20,13,FEW,BR +2014-10-17 07:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-17 08:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-17 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-17 10:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-17 11:20,16,BKN,M +2014-10-17 12:20,17,SCT,M +2014-10-17 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-17 14:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-17 15:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-17 16:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-17 17:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-17 18:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2014-10-17 19:20,14,FEW,BCFG +2014-10-17 20:20,13,SCT,MIFG +2014-10-17 21:20,12,SCT,MIFG +2014-10-17 22:20,11,FEW,FG +2014-10-17 23:20,9,FEW,FG +2014-10-18 00:20,10,FEW,FG +2014-10-18 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-10-18 02:20,10,FEW,FG +2014-10-18 03:20,11,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-10-18 04:20,11,BKN,FG +2014-10-18 05:20,11,BKN,FG +2014-10-18 06:20,11,BKN,FG +2014-10-18 07:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-10-18 08:20,12,FEW,BR +2014-10-18 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-18 10:20,14,NSC,M +2014-10-18 11:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-18 12:20,17,M,M +2014-10-18 13:20,17,M,M +2014-10-18 14:20,17,M,M +2014-10-18 15:20,17,M,M +2014-10-18 16:20,17,M,M +2014-10-18 17:20,16,M,M +2014-10-18 18:20,15,M,M +2014-10-18 19:20,15,M,M +2014-10-18 20:20,15,M,M +2014-10-18 21:20,15,M,M +2014-10-18 22:20,15,M,M +2014-10-18 23:20,15,M,M +2014-10-19 00:20,16,M,M +2014-10-19 01:20,17,M,M +2014-10-19 02:20,16,M,M +2014-10-19 03:20,15,M,M +2014-10-19 04:20,16,M,M +2014-10-19 05:20,16,M,M +2014-10-19 06:20,16,M,M +2014-10-19 07:20,17,M,M +2014-10-19 08:20,18,M,M +2014-10-19 09:20,19,M,M +2014-10-19 10:20,20,M,M +2014-10-19 11:20,21,M,M +2014-10-19 12:20,22,FEW,M +2014-10-19 13:20,22,SCT,M +2014-10-19 14:20,22,BKN,M +2014-10-19 15:20,21,FEW,M +2014-10-19 16:20,18,FEW,-RA +2014-10-19 17:20,18,M,M +2014-10-19 18:20,17,M,M +2014-10-19 19:20,17,SCT,M +2014-10-19 20:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-19 21:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-19 22:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-19 23:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-20 00:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-20 01:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-20 02:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2014-10-20 03:20,15,BKN,M +2014-10-20 05:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-20 06:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2014-10-20 07:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2014-10-20 08:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-20 09:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-20 10:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-20 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-20 12:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-20 13:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-20 14:20,15,SCT,M +2014-10-20 15:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-20 16:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2014-10-20 17:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2014-10-20 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-20 19:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-20 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-20 21:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-10-20 22:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-20 23:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-21 00:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-21 01:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-21 02:20,10,SCT,M +2014-10-21 03:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-21 04:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-21 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-21 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 07:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-21 08:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-10-21 09:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 10:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-21 11:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-10-21 12:20,13,BKN,-RA +2014-10-21 13:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-10-21 14:20,12,BKN,-RA +2014-10-21 15:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 16:20,12,M,///////// +2014-10-21 17:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 18:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 19:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-10-21 20:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-21 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-10-21 22:20,10,SCT,M +2014-10-21 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-22 00:20,9,FEW,M +2014-10-22 01:20,9,BKN,M +2014-10-22 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-10-22 03:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2014-10-22 04:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-10-22 05:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-10-22 06:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-10-22 07:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-22 08:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-22 09:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-22 10:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-22 11:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-22 12:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-22 13:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-22 14:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-22 15:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-22 16:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-22 17:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2014-10-22 18:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-22 19:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-22 20:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-22 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-22 22:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-22 23:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-23 00:20,10,SCT,M +2014-10-23 01:20,9,BKN,M +2014-10-23 02:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-23 03:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-23 04:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-23 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-23 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-10-23 07:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-23 08:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-23 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-23 10:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-23 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-23 12:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-23 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-23 14:20,13,SCT,M +2014-10-23 15:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-23 16:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 17:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 18:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 19:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 20:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 21:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-23 22:20,12,M,///////// +2014-10-23 23:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 00:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 01:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-24 02:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-24 03:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-24 04:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 05:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 06:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 07:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-24 08:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-24 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-24 10:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-24 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-24 12:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-24 13:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-24 14:20,14,SCT,M +2014-10-24 15:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-24 16:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-24 17:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-24 18:20,12,SCT,M +2014-10-24 19:20,12,M,M +2014-10-24 20:20,12,M,M +2014-10-24 21:20,11,M,M +2014-10-24 22:20,11,M,M +2014-10-24 23:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-25 00:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-25 01:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-10-25 02:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-10-25 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-10-25 04:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-10-25 05:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-10-25 06:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-10-25 07:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-10-25 08:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-10-25 09:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2014-10-25 10:20,11,M,///////// +2014-10-25 11:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-10-25 12:20,12,SCT,BR +2014-10-25 13:20,12,BKN,BR +2014-10-25 14:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-25 15:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-25 16:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-25 17:20,12,NSC,M +2014-10-25 18:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-25 19:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-25 20:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-25 21:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-25 22:20,11,SCT,M +2014-10-25 23:20,12,FEW,M +2014-10-26 00:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-26 01:20,11,SCT,BCFG BR +2014-10-26 02:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-26 03:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-26 04:20,9,FEW,M +2014-10-26 05:20,8,NSC,M +2014-10-26 06:20,9,M,M +2014-10-26 07:20,10,M,M +2014-10-26 08:20,11,M,M +2014-10-26 09:20,11,M,M +2014-10-26 10:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-26 11:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-26 12:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-26 13:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-26 14:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-26 15:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-26 16:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 17:20,14,BKN,M +2014-10-26 18:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 19:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 20:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 21:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 22:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-26 23:20,13,FEW,M +2014-10-27 00:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-27 01:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-27 02:20,13,BKN,M +2014-10-27 03:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-27 04:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-27 05:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-27 06:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-27 07:20,12,M,M +2014-10-27 08:20,13,M,M +2014-10-27 09:20,14,M,M +2014-10-27 10:20,15,M,M +2014-10-27 11:20,16,M,M +2014-10-27 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-27 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-27 14:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-27 15:20,14,M,M +2014-10-27 16:20,14,M,M +2014-10-27 17:20,14,M,M +2014-10-27 18:20,12,M,M +2014-10-27 19:20,12,M,M +2014-10-27 20:20,12,M,M +2014-10-27 21:20,11,M,M +2014-10-27 22:20,10,M,M +2014-10-27 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 01:20,9,M,M +2014-10-28 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 05:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-28 06:20,8,M,M +2014-10-28 07:20,8,M,M +2014-10-28 08:20,9,M,M +2014-10-28 09:20,11,M,M +2014-10-28 10:20,12,M,M +2014-10-28 11:20,13,M,M +2014-10-28 12:20,15,M,M +2014-10-28 13:20,14,M,M +2014-10-28 14:20,13,M,M +2014-10-28 15:20,10,M,M +2014-10-28 16:20,8,M,M +2014-10-28 17:20,7,BKN,M +2014-10-28 18:20,7,OVC,M +2014-10-28 19:20,7,OVC,M +2014-10-28 20:20,7,SCT,M +2014-10-28 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-10-28 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-10-28 23:20,5,M,M +2014-10-29 00:20,5,M,M +2014-10-29 01:20,5,M,M +2014-10-29 02:20,4,M,M +2014-10-29 03:20,5,BKN,M +2014-10-29 04:20,6,BKN,M +2014-10-29 05:20,6,BKN,M +2014-10-29 06:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 08:20,7,BKN,M +2014-10-29 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2014-10-29 10:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2014-10-29 11:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2014-10-29 12:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-10-29 13:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-10-29 14:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2014-10-29 15:20,8,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 16:20,8,SCT,FG +2014-10-29 17:20,8,SCT,BR +2014-10-29 18:20,9,OVC,BR +2014-10-29 19:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 20:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 21:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-10-29 22:20,8,SCT,BR +2014-10-29 23:20,7,FEW,MIFG BR +2014-10-30 00:20,6,FEW,FG +2014-10-30 01:20,4,NSC,FG +2014-10-30 02:20,3,NSC,FG +2014-10-30 03:20,3,NSC,FG +2014-10-30 04:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-10-30 05:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2014-10-30 06:20,1,FEW,BCFG +2014-10-30 07:20,2,FEW,M +2014-10-30 08:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2014-10-30 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-10-30 10:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-30 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-30 12:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-30 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-10-30 14:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-30 15:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-30 16:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-10-30 17:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-30 18:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-30 19:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-30 20:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-30 21:20,10,SCT,M +2014-10-30 22:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-30 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-31 00:20,10,OVC,M +2014-10-31 01:20,10,BKN,M +2014-10-31 02:20,10,FEW,M +2014-10-31 03:20,10,FEW,BR +2014-10-31 04:20,10,OVC,BR +2014-10-31 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-10-31 06:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-10-31 07:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-10-31 08:20,11,BKN,M +2014-10-31 09:20,12,BKN,M +2014-10-31 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-10-31 11:20,16,SCT,M +2014-10-31 12:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-31 13:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-31 14:20,16,FEW,M +2014-10-31 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-10-31 16:20,14,M,M +2014-10-31 17:20,15,M,M +2014-10-31 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2014-10-31 19:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2014-10-31 20:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-31 21:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-31 22:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-10-31 23:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-01 00:20,10,NSC,BR BCFG MIFG +2014-11-01 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-01 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-01 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-01 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-01 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-11-01 06:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-11-01 07:20,10,M,M +2014-11-01 08:20,12,M,M +2014-11-01 09:20,14,M,M +2014-11-01 10:20,15,M,M +2014-11-01 11:20,17,M,M +2014-11-01 12:20,19,M,M +2014-11-01 13:20,19,M,M +2014-11-01 14:20,19,M,M +2014-11-01 15:20,18,M,M +2014-11-01 16:20,17,M,M +2014-11-01 17:20,16,M,M +2014-11-01 18:20,15,M,M +2014-11-01 19:20,14,M,M +2014-11-01 20:20,14,M,M +2014-11-01 21:20,13,M,M +2014-11-01 22:20,13,M,M +2014-11-01 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2014-11-02 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2014-11-02 06:20,11,M,M +2014-11-02 07:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-02 08:20,12,SCT,M +2014-11-02 09:20,13,FEW,M +2014-11-02 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-11-02 11:20,15,SCT,M +2014-11-02 12:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-02 13:20,17,M,M +2014-11-02 14:20,17,M,M +2014-11-02 15:20,16,FEW,M +2014-11-02 16:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-02 17:20,14,M,M +2014-11-02 18:20,13,M,M +2014-11-02 19:20,13,M,M +2014-11-02 20:20,13,M,M +2014-11-02 21:20,13,SCT,M +2014-11-02 22:20,13,BKN,M +2014-11-02 23:20,13,BKN,M +2014-11-03 00:20,14,BKN,M +2014-11-03 01:20,14,FEW,M +2014-11-03 02:20,14,SCT,M +2014-11-03 03:20,14,FEW,M +2014-11-03 04:20,14,FEW,M +2014-11-03 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2014-11-03 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-11-03 07:20,12,M,M +2014-11-03 08:20,13,SCT,M +2014-11-03 09:20,13,SCT,M +2014-11-03 10:20,14,FEW,M +2014-11-03 11:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-03 12:20,16,BKN,M +2014-11-03 13:20,16,SCT,M +2014-11-03 14:20,16,FEW,M +2014-11-03 15:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-03 16:20,15,M,M +2014-11-03 17:20,14,M,M +2014-11-03 18:20,14,M,M +2014-11-03 19:20,15,NSC,-RA +2014-11-03 20:20,14,M,M +2014-11-03 21:20,14,M,M +2014-11-03 22:20,14,BKN,M +2014-11-03 23:20,14,M,M +2014-11-04 00:20,14,M,M +2014-11-04 01:20,15,M,M +2014-11-04 02:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-04 03:20,15,FEW,M +2014-11-04 04:20,15,SCT,M +2014-11-04 05:20,12,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 06:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-11-04 07:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-11-04 08:20,11,SCT,-RA +2014-11-04 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 10:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-04 11:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-04 12:20,12,SCT,M +2014-11-04 13:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-04 14:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-04 15:20,11,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 16:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-04 17:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-04 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 20:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-11-04 22:20,10,OVC,-RA +2014-11-04 23:20,10,OVC,-RA +2014-11-05 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-11-05 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-11-05 02:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-11-05 03:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-11-05 04:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-11-05 05:20,9,FEW,-RA +2014-11-05 06:20,9,SCT,-RADZ BR +2014-11-05 07:20,9,SCT,-RADZ BR +2014-11-05 08:20,9,SCT,-RADZ BR +2014-11-05 09:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2014-11-05 10:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-05 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-05 13:20,10,FEW,-RA +2014-11-05 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 15:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-05 16:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-05 17:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 19:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-05 20:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 21:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 22:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-05 23:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-06 00:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-06 01:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-06 02:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-06 03:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-06 04:20,8,SCT,M +2014-11-06 05:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-06 06:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-06 07:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-06 08:20,8,SCT,M +2014-11-06 09:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-06 10:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-06 11:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-06 12:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-06 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-06 14:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-06 15:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-11-06 16:20,9,SCT,BR +2014-11-06 17:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-06 18:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-06 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-06 20:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2014-11-06 21:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-06 22:20,7,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-11-06 23:20,7,SCT,BR +2014-11-07 00:20,6,NSC,BR +2014-11-07 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-07 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-07 03:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-07 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2014-11-07 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2014-11-07 06:20,4,NSC,BR +2014-11-07 07:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-07 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-11-07 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-07 10:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-07 11:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-07 12:20,9,M,M +2014-11-07 13:20,10,M,M +2014-11-07 14:20,10,M,M +2014-11-07 15:20,9,M,M +2014-11-07 16:20,9,M,M +2014-11-07 17:20,9,M,M +2014-11-07 18:20,8,M,M +2014-11-07 19:20,8,M,M +2014-11-07 20:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-11-07 21:20,7,SCT,-RA +2014-11-07 22:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-07 23:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-08 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-08 01:20,7,M,M +2014-11-08 02:20,6,M,M +2014-11-08 03:20,7,M,M +2014-11-08 04:20,7,M,M +2014-11-08 05:20,6,M,M +2014-11-08 06:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-08 07:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-08 08:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-08 09:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-08 10:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-08 11:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-08 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-08 13:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-08 14:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-08 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-08 16:20,9,M,M +2014-11-08 17:20,8,M,M +2014-11-08 18:20,8,M,M +2014-11-08 19:20,7,M,M +2014-11-08 20:20,6,M,M +2014-11-08 21:20,7,M,M +2014-11-08 22:20,6,M,M +2014-11-08 23:20,6,M,M +2014-11-09 00:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 01:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 02:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 03:20,4,M,M +2014-11-09 04:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 05:20,4,M,M +2014-11-09 06:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 07:20,5,M,M +2014-11-09 08:20,6,M,M +2014-11-09 09:20,8,M,M +2014-11-09 10:20,10,M,M +2014-11-09 11:20,12,M,M +2014-11-09 12:20,11,M,M +2014-11-09 13:20,11,M,M +2014-11-09 14:20,11,M,M +2014-11-09 15:20,10,M,M +2014-11-09 16:20,9,M,M +2014-11-09 17:20,9,M,M +2014-11-09 18:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-09 19:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-09 20:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-09 21:20,6,BKN,M +2014-11-09 22:20,6,FEW,BR +2014-11-09 23:20,6,SCT,BR +2014-11-10 00:20,6,SCT,BR +2014-11-10 01:20,6,SCT,BR +2014-11-10 02:20,5,OVC,BR +2014-11-10 03:20,5,OVC,BR +2014-11-10 04:20,5,OVC,BR +2014-11-10 05:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-11-10 06:20,6,NSC,-RA +2014-11-10 07:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-10 08:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-11-10 09:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-11-10 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-11-10 11:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-10 12:20,9,SCT,M +2014-11-10 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-10 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-10 15:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-10 16:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-10 17:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-10 18:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-10 19:20,9,M,M +2014-11-10 20:20,8,M,M +2014-11-10 21:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-10 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-10 23:20,7,M,M +2014-11-11 00:20,6,M,M +2014-11-11 01:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2014-11-11 02:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-11 03:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-11 04:20,5,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-11 05:20,5,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-11-11 06:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2014-11-11 07:20,4,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-11-11 08:20,5,BKN,BR +2014-11-11 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-11 10:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-11 11:20,10,M,M +2014-11-11 12:20,11,M,M +2014-11-11 13:20,11,M,M +2014-11-11 14:20,10,M,M +2014-11-11 15:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 16:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 17:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 18:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 19:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 20:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-11 21:20,9,SCT,M +2014-11-11 22:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-11 23:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-12 00:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-12 01:20,9,OVC,M +2014-11-12 02:20,9,OVC,M +2014-11-12 03:20,9,OVC,BR +2014-11-12 04:20,9,SCT,BR +2014-11-12 05:20,9,SCT,BR +2014-11-12 06:20,9,SCT,BR +2014-11-12 07:20,9,OVC,BR +2014-11-12 08:20,9,SCT,BR +2014-11-12 09:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-11-12 10:20,10,SCT,BR +2014-11-12 11:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 12:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 13:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 14:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 15:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 16:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 17:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 18:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-11-12 19:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-12 20:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-12 21:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-12 22:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-12 23:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-13 00:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-13 01:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-13 02:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2014-11-13 03:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-13 04:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-13 05:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-13 06:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-13 07:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-13 08:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-13 09:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-13 10:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-13 11:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-13 12:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-13 13:20,11,SCT,M +2014-11-13 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-13 15:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-13 16:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-13 17:20,11,OVC,M +2014-11-13 18:20,11,OVC,M +2014-11-13 19:20,10,OVC,M +2014-11-13 20:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-13 21:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-13 22:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-13 23:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-14 00:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-14 01:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-14 02:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-14 03:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-14 04:20,10,OVC,M +2014-11-14 05:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-14 06:20,10,SCT,M +2014-11-14 07:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-14 08:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-14 09:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-14 10:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-14 11:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-14 12:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-14 13:20,12,BKN,M +2014-11-14 14:20,12,SCT,M +2014-11-14 15:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-14 16:20,12,SCT,M +2014-11-14 17:20,12,FEW,M +2014-11-14 18:20,11,OVC,M +2014-11-14 19:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-14 20:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-14 21:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-14 22:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-11-14 23:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 00:20,9,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 01:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 02:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 04:20,10,BKN,BR +2014-11-15 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 06:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 07:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 08:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 09:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 10:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 11:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 12:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 13:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 14:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 15:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 16:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 17:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 18:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-15 19:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 20:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 21:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-15 22:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-15 23:20,11,BKN,M +2014-11-16 00:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-16 01:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-16 02:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-16 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-11-16 04:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-16 05:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-16 06:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-16 07:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-16 08:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-16 09:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-16 10:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-16 11:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-16 12:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-16 13:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-16 14:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2014-11-16 15:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-16 16:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-16 17:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-16 18:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-16 19:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-16 20:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2014-11-16 21:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-16 22:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-16 23:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-17 00:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-17 01:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-17 02:20,6,NSC,M +2014-11-17 03:20,7,NSC,M +2014-11-17 04:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2014-11-17 05:20,6,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-17 06:20,6,SCT,BCFG +2014-11-17 07:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-17 08:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-17 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-17 10:20,9,M,M +2014-11-17 11:20,10,M,M +2014-11-17 12:20,11,M,M +2014-11-17 13:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-17 14:20,11,FEW,M +2014-11-17 15:20,9,M,M +2014-11-17 16:20,9,M,M +2014-11-17 17:20,8,M,M +2014-11-17 18:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-17 19:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-17 20:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-17 21:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-17 22:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-17 23:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-18 00:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-18 01:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 02:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 03:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 04:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 05:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-18 06:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 07:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-18 08:20,8,SCT,M +2014-11-18 09:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-18 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-18 11:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-18 12:20,9,OVC,M +2014-11-18 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-18 14:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-18 15:20,8,BKN,M +2014-11-18 16:20,8,SCT,M +2014-11-18 17:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-18 18:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-18 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-18 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-18 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-18 22:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-18 23:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 01:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 02:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-19 03:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 04:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 05:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 06:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 07:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 08:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 09:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 10:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-19 11:20,7,BKN,M +2014-11-19 12:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 13:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 14:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 15:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 16:20,7,OVC,M +2014-11-19 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 18:20,7,SCT,M +2014-11-19 19:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-19 20:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2014-11-19 21:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2014-11-19 22:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2014-11-19 23:20,6,FEW,BR +2014-11-20 00:20,6,FEW,BR +2014-11-20 01:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 03:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 04:20,6,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 05:20,6,FEW,BR +2014-11-20 06:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-11-20 08:20,7,SCT,BR +2014-11-20 09:20,7,SCT,BR +2014-11-20 10:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-20 11:20,9,SCT,M +2014-11-20 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-20 13:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-20 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-20 15:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-20 16:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-20 17:20,3,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-20 18:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2014-11-20 19:20,2,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-20 20:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-20 21:20,0,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-20 22:20,0,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2014-11-20 23:20,-1,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2014-11-21 00:20,-1,FEW,FZFG +2014-11-21 01:20,-2,FEW,FZFG +2014-11-21 02:20,-1,FEW,BCFG BR +2014-11-21 03:20,-1,FEW,FZFG +2014-11-21 04:20,-1,FEW,FZFG +2014-11-21 05:20,0,NSC,FZFG +2014-11-21 06:20,0,NSC,FZFG +2014-11-21 07:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2014-11-21 08:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2014-11-21 09:20,0,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 10:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 11:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 12:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 13:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 14:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 15:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 16:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 17:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-21 18:20,3,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-11-21 19:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-21 20:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-21 21:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-21 22:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-21 23:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-22 00:20,2,SCT,BR +2014-11-22 01:20,2,SCT,BR +2014-11-22 02:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-22 03:20,3,SCT,M +2014-11-22 04:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-22 05:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-22 06:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-22 07:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-22 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-11-22 09:20,5,M,M +2014-11-22 10:20,6,M,M +2014-11-22 11:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-22 12:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-11-22 13:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-11-22 14:20,6,FEW,-RA +2014-11-22 15:20,6,NSC,-RA +2014-11-22 16:20,6,NSC,-RA +2014-11-22 17:20,5,M,M +2014-11-22 18:20,6,M,M +2014-11-22 19:20,5,M,M +2014-11-22 20:20,5,M,M +2014-11-22 21:20,5,M,M +2014-11-22 22:20,6,M,M +2014-11-22 23:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 00:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 01:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 02:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 03:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 04:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 05:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 06:20,5,M,M +2014-11-23 07:20,5,FEW,M +2014-11-23 08:20,5,SCT,M +2014-11-23 09:20,6,SCT,M +2014-11-23 10:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-23 11:20,7,M,M +2014-11-23 12:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 13:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 14:20,9,M,M +2014-11-23 15:20,9,M,M +2014-11-23 16:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 17:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 18:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 19:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 20:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 21:20,8,M,M +2014-11-23 22:20,9,M,M +2014-11-23 23:20,8,M,M +2014-11-24 00:20,8,M,M +2014-11-24 01:20,8,SCT,M +2014-11-24 02:20,9,BKN,M +2014-11-24 03:20,10,BKN,M +2014-11-24 04:20,10,SCT,-RA BR +2014-11-24 05:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-11-24 06:20,9,BKN,RA +2014-11-24 07:20,8,SCT,-RA +2014-11-24 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-11-24 09:20,8,SCT,-RA +2014-11-24 10:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-24 11:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-24 12:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-24 13:20,10,FEW,M +2014-11-24 14:20,9,FEW,M +2014-11-24 15:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2014-11-24 16:20,8,FEW,M +2014-11-24 17:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-11-24 18:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-11-24 19:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2014-11-24 20:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2014-11-24 21:20,7,FEW,M +2014-11-24 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-24 23:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-25 00:20,5,M,M +2014-11-25 01:20,3,NSC,FG +2014-11-25 02:20,1,NSC,FG +2014-11-25 03:20,2,NSC,FG +2014-11-25 04:20,0,NSC,FG +2014-11-25 05:20,1,NSC,FG +2014-11-25 06:20,2,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 07:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 08:20,3,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 09:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 10:20,5,BKN,FG +2014-11-25 11:20,6,BKN,FG +2014-11-25 12:20,6,BKN,FG +2014-11-25 13:20,6,BKN,FG +2014-11-25 14:20,6,BKN,FG +2014-11-25 15:20,5,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 16:20,5,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 17:20,5,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 18:20,4,VV ,FG +2014-11-25 19:20,4,OVC,FG +2014-11-25 20:20,3,OVC,FG +2014-11-25 21:20,3,OVC,BR +2014-11-25 22:20,2,OVC,FG +2014-11-25 23:20,2,OVC,FG +2014-11-26 00:20,2,OVC,FG +2014-11-26 01:20,2,OVC,FG +2014-11-26 02:20,2,OVC,BR MIFG +2014-11-26 03:20,2,OVC,BR MIFG +2014-11-26 04:20,3,OVC,BR MIFG +2014-11-26 05:20,3,SCT,MIFG +2014-11-26 06:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-26 07:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-26 08:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-26 09:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-26 10:20,5,BKN,M +2014-11-26 11:20,5,BKN,M +2014-11-26 12:20,6,FEW,M +2014-11-26 13:20,5,FEW,M +2014-11-26 14:20,4,SCT,M +2014-11-26 15:20,4,SCT,M +2014-11-26 16:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-26 17:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-26 18:20,4,BKN,M +2014-11-26 19:20,4,SCT,M +2014-11-26 20:20,3,FEW,M +2014-11-26 21:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-26 22:20,4,M,///////// +2014-11-26 23:20,4,SCT,M +2014-11-27 00:20,4,SCT,M +2014-11-27 01:20,3,FEW,M +2014-11-27 02:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-27 03:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-27 04:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-27 05:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-27 06:20,3,BKN,M +2014-11-27 07:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-27 08:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-27 09:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-27 10:20,3,FEW,M +2014-11-27 11:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-27 12:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-27 13:20,4,M,M +2014-11-27 14:20,4,M,M +2014-11-27 15:20,4,FEW,M +2014-11-27 16:20,3,FEW,M +2014-11-27 17:20,3,M,M +2014-11-27 18:20,3,M,M +2014-11-27 19:20,3,M,M +2014-11-27 20:20,3,M,M +2014-11-27 21:20,3,SCT,M +2014-11-27 22:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-27 23:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-28 00:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-28 01:20,2,M,M +2014-11-28 02:20,2,M,M +2014-11-28 03:20,2,M,M +2014-11-28 04:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 05:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 06:20,2,FEW,M +2014-11-28 07:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 08:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 09:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 10:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 11:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 12:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-28 13:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 14:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 15:20,2,M,///////// +2014-11-28 16:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 17:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 18:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 19:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 20:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 21:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 22:20,2,BKN,M +2014-11-28 23:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 00:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 01:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 02:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 03:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 04:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 05:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 06:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 07:20,0,OVC,M +2014-11-29 08:20,0,OVC,M +2014-11-29 09:20,1,OVC,M +2014-11-29 10:20,0,OVC,M +2014-11-29 11:20,1,OVC,M +2014-11-29 12:20,1,OVC,M +2014-11-29 13:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 14:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 15:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 16:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 17:20,1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 18:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 19:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 20:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-29 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-29 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 06:20,-1,M,///////// +2014-11-30 07:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 10:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-11-30 20:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-30 21:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-30 22:20,0,BKN,M +2014-11-30 23:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-01 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-01 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-01 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-01 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-01 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-01 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-01 06:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-01 07:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-01 09:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-01 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-01 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-01 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-01 14:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-01 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-01 16:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-01 17:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 18:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-01 19:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 20:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-01 21:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 22:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-01 23:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-02 00:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-02 01:20,-4,FEW,M +2014-12-02 02:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 03:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 04:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 05:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 06:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2014-12-02 08:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 09:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 10:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 11:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 12:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 13:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 14:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 15:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 16:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 17:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 18:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 19:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 20:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 21:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 22:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-02 23:20,-4,OVC,BR +2014-12-03 00:20,-4,OVC,BR +2014-12-03 01:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-03 02:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-03 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-03 04:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-03 05:20,-3,BKN,M +2014-12-03 06:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-03 07:20,-3,OVC,M +2014-12-03 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-03 09:20,-3,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 10:20,-3,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 11:20,-2,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 12:20,-2,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 13:20,-2,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 14:20,-2,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2014-12-03 15:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2014-12-03 16:20,-2,FEW,BR +2014-12-03 17:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2014-12-03 18:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2014-12-03 19:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ BR +2014-12-03 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-03 21:20,-2,OVC,M +2014-12-03 22:20,-2,SCT,M +2014-12-03 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-04 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-04 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-04 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-04 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-04 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-04 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-04 06:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-04 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2014-12-04 08:20,0,BKN,BR +2014-12-04 09:20,1,SCT,M +2014-12-04 10:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-04 11:20,1,SCT,M +2014-12-04 12:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-04 13:20,1,FEW,-RA +2014-12-04 14:20,1,FEW,-RA +2014-12-04 15:20,1,FEW,-RADZ BR +2014-12-04 16:20,2,FEW,BR +2014-12-04 17:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-12-04 18:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-12-04 19:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-04 20:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-04 21:20,2,FEW,-RA +2014-12-04 22:20,2,FEW,-RA +2014-12-04 23:20,2,SCT,M +2014-12-05 00:20,2,SCT,-RA +2014-12-05 01:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-05 02:20,2,BKN,MIFG +2014-12-05 03:20,2,OVC,MIFG +2014-12-05 04:20,2,OVC,BR MIFG +2014-12-05 05:20,2,OVC,BR MIFG +2014-12-05 06:20,2,OVC,BR +2014-12-05 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-12-05 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2014-12-05 09:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-05 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-12-05 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2014-12-05 12:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-05 13:20,3,SCT,M +2014-12-05 14:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-05 15:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-05 16:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-05 17:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-05 18:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-05 19:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-05 20:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-05 21:20,3,SCT,M +2014-12-05 22:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-05 23:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-06 00:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-06 01:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-06 02:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-06 03:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-06 04:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-06 05:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-06 06:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-06 07:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-12-06 08:20,4,OVC,BR +2014-12-06 09:20,5,FEW,BR +2014-12-06 10:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-06 11:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-06 12:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-06 13:20,7,M,M +2014-12-06 14:20,7,M,M +2014-12-06 15:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-06 16:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-12-06 17:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2014-12-06 18:20,1,FEW,FG +2014-12-06 19:20,2,SCT,FG +2014-12-06 20:20,1,SCT,FG +2014-12-06 21:20,1,SCT,FG +2014-12-06 22:20,1,SCT,FG +2014-12-06 23:20,2,BKN,BCFG +2014-12-07 00:20,2,BKN,FG +2014-12-07 01:20,3,BKN,BCFG BR +2014-12-07 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-12-07 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-12-07 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2014-12-07 05:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-07 06:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-07 07:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-07 08:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-07 09:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-07 10:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-07 11:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-07 12:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-07 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 14:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 15:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-07 16:20,5,BKN,RA +2014-12-07 17:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-12-07 18:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 19:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 20:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 21:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 22:20,5,BKN,-RA +2014-12-07 23:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-08 00:20,4,M,M +2014-12-08 01:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-08 02:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-08 03:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-08 04:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-08 05:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-08 06:20,1,M,M +2014-12-08 07:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-08 08:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-08 09:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-08 10:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-08 11:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-08 12:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-08 13:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-08 14:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-08 15:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-08 16:20,4,SCT,-RA +2014-12-08 17:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-08 18:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-08 19:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-08 20:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-08 21:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-08 22:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-08 23:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 00:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 01:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 02:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 03:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 04:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 05:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 06:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-09 07:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 08:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 09:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 10:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 11:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 12:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-09 13:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 14:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 15:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 16:20,3,M,///////// +2014-12-09 17:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-09 18:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-09 19:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 20:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-09 21:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-09 22:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-09 23:20,3,M,M +2014-12-10 00:20,3,M,M +2014-12-10 01:20,3,M,M +2014-12-10 02:20,4,M,M +2014-12-10 03:20,4,M,M +2014-12-10 04:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-10 05:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-10 06:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-12-10 07:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-10 08:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-10 09:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-10 10:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-10 11:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-12-10 12:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-12-10 13:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-10 14:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-10 15:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-10 16:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-10 17:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-10 18:20,4,M,M +2014-12-10 19:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-10 20:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-10 21:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-10 22:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-10 23:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-11 00:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-11 01:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-11 02:20,3,M,M +2014-12-11 03:20,3,M,M +2014-12-11 04:20,3,M,M +2014-12-11 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-11 06:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-11 07:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-11 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-11 09:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-11 10:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-11 11:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2014-12-11 12:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-11 13:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-11 14:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-11 15:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2014-12-11 16:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-11 17:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-11 18:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2014-12-11 19:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-11 20:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-11 21:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-11 22:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-11 23:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-12 00:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-12 01:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-12 02:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-12 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-12-12 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-12-12 05:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-12-12 06:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-12-12 07:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 10:20,7,BKN,RA +2014-12-12 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2014-12-12 12:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 13:20,8,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 14:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 15:20,9,BKN,M +2014-12-12 16:20,9,BKN,M +2014-12-12 17:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-12 18:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-12 19:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-12-12 20:20,6,SCT,-RA +2014-12-12 21:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-12 22:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-12 23:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 00:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 02:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 03:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 04:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 05:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 06:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 07:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 08:20,4,M,M +2014-12-13 09:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-13 10:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 11:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-13 12:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 13:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-13 14:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-13 15:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-13 16:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-13 17:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-13 18:20,1,M,M +2014-12-13 19:20,3,M,M +2014-12-13 20:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-13 21:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-13 22:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-13 23:20,1,OVC,MIFG +2014-12-14 00:20,2,OVC,MIFG BR +2014-12-14 01:20,1,SCT,MIFG BR +2014-12-14 02:20,1,SCT,MIFG BR +2014-12-14 03:20,1,BKN,MIFG BR +2014-12-14 04:20,2,BKN,MIFG BR +2014-12-14 05:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-14 06:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-14 07:20,3,OVC,M +2014-12-14 08:20,3,OVC,M +2014-12-14 09:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-14 10:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-14 11:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-14 12:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-14 13:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-14 14:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-14 15:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-14 16:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-14 17:20,3,M,M +2014-12-14 18:20,3,M,M +2014-12-14 19:20,4,M,M +2014-12-14 20:20,3,M,M +2014-12-14 21:20,3,M,M +2014-12-14 22:20,2,M,M +2014-12-14 23:20,2,M,M +2014-12-15 00:20,3,M,M +2014-12-15 01:20,2,M,M +2014-12-15 02:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-15 03:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-12-15 04:20,4,FEW,-RA +2014-12-15 05:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-15 06:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-15 07:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-12-15 08:20,3,SCT,-RA +2014-12-15 09:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-15 10:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-15 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-15 12:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-15 13:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 14:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 15:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-15 16:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 17:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 18:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-15 19:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 20:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 21:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-15 22:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-15 23:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-16 00:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-16 01:20,5,OVC,M +2014-12-16 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-12-16 03:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-16 04:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 05:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 06:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 07:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 08:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 09:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-16 10:20,6,BKN,M +2014-12-16 11:20,6,BKN,M +2014-12-16 12:20,6,BKN,M +2014-12-16 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2014-12-16 14:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-16 15:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-16 16:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-16 17:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-16 18:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-16 19:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-16 20:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-16 21:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-16 22:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-16 23:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-17 00:20,3,SCT,M +2014-12-17 01:20,2,M,M +2014-12-17 02:20,1,M,M +2014-12-17 03:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-17 04:20,2,BKN,M +2014-12-17 05:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-17 06:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-17 07:20,3,BKN,M +2014-12-17 08:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-17 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-17 10:20,4,BKN,RA +2014-12-17 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-17 12:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-12-17 13:20,3,BKN,-RA +2014-12-17 14:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-12-17 15:20,3,FEW,-RA BR +2014-12-17 16:20,4,FEW,BR +2014-12-17 17:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-17 18:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-17 19:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-17 20:20,8,SCT,M +2014-12-17 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2014-12-17 22:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-17 23:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-18 00:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-18 01:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-18 02:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-18 03:20,8,SCT,M +2014-12-18 04:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-18 05:20,9,BKN,M +2014-12-18 06:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-18 07:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-18 08:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-18 09:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-18 10:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-18 11:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-12-18 12:20,11,BKN,BR +2014-12-18 13:20,11,BKN,M +2014-12-18 14:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2014-12-18 15:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2014-12-18 16:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-18 17:20,11,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-18 18:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-18 19:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-18 20:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-18 21:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-18 22:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-18 23:20,12,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-19 00:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-19 01:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-19 02:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-19 03:20,12,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-19 04:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-12-19 05:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-12-19 06:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-12-19 07:20,11,BKN,RA +2014-12-19 08:20,11,BKN,-RA +2014-12-19 09:20,10,SCT,-RA +2014-12-19 10:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-12-19 11:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-12-19 12:20,9,SCT,-RA +2014-12-19 13:20,9,FEW,M +2014-12-19 14:20,8,FEW,M +2014-12-19 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-19 16:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-19 17:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-19 18:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-19 19:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-19 20:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-19 21:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-19 22:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2014-12-19 23:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-20 00:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-20 01:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-20 02:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-20 03:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-20 04:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-20 05:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2014-12-20 06:20,7,BKN,M +2014-12-20 07:20,7,BKN,M +2014-12-20 08:20,7,BKN,M +2014-12-20 09:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2014-12-20 10:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2014-12-20 11:20,2,SCT,-SHRASN +2014-12-20 12:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-20 13:20,5,SCT,VCSH +2014-12-20 14:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-20 15:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-20 16:20,5,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2014-12-20 17:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-20 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-20 19:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-20 20:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-20 21:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2014-12-20 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-20 23:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-21 00:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-21 01:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-21 02:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-21 03:20,5,M,M +2014-12-21 04:20,5,M,M +2014-12-21 05:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-21 06:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-21 07:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-21 08:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-21 09:20,5,SCT,M +2014-12-21 10:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-21 11:20,6,BKN,M +2014-12-21 12:20,7,BKN,M +2014-12-21 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2014-12-21 14:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2014-12-21 15:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-21 16:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-21 17:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-21 18:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-21 19:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-21 20:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-21 21:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-21 22:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-21 23:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-22 00:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 01:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-22 02:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 03:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 04:20,10,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 05:20,10,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 06:20,11,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 07:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-22 08:20,11,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-22 09:20,10,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 10:20,11,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 11:20,12,SCT,RA +2014-12-22 12:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 13:20,11,FEW,RA +2014-12-22 14:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 15:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 16:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 17:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 18:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-22 19:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-22 20:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-22 21:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-22 22:20,11,FEW,RADZ +2014-12-22 23:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 00:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 01:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-23 02:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2014-12-23 03:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-23 04:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-23 05:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-23 06:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 07:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 08:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 09:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-23 10:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2014-12-23 11:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2014-12-23 12:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2014-12-23 13:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-23 14:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-23 15:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2014-12-23 16:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-23 17:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2014-12-23 18:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-12-23 19:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-12-23 20:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-12-23 21:20,10,BKN,-RA +2014-12-23 22:20,10,BKN,-RA BR +2014-12-23 23:20,10,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 00:20,10,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 01:20,10,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 02:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 03:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 04:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 05:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2014-12-24 06:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-24 07:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-24 08:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-24 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2014-12-24 10:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-24 11:20,9,FEW,M +2014-12-24 12:20,8,BKN,M +2014-12-24 13:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2014-12-24 14:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-24 15:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-24 16:20,7,SCT,M +2014-12-24 17:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-24 18:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-24 19:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-24 20:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-24 21:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-24 22:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-24 23:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-25 00:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-25 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-25 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2014-12-25 03:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-25 04:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-25 05:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2014-12-25 06:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-25 07:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-25 08:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-25 09:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-25 10:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-25 11:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-25 12:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2014-12-25 13:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-25 14:20,4,BKN,-RA +2014-12-25 15:20,3,FEW,-RA +2014-12-25 16:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2014-12-25 17:20,1,BKN,-SN +2014-12-25 18:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-25 19:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-25 20:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-25 21:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-25 22:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-25 23:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-26 00:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-26 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-26 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-26 03:20,-2,SCT,M +2014-12-26 04:20,-3,SCT,M +2014-12-26 05:20,-4,M,M +2014-12-26 06:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2014-12-26 07:20,-3,M,M +2014-12-26 08:20,-3,M,M +2014-12-26 09:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-26 10:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-26 11:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-26 12:20,0,FEW,M +2014-12-26 13:20,0,M,M +2014-12-26 14:20,0,M,M +2014-12-26 15:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-26 16:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-26 17:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-26 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-26 19:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-26 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-26 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-26 22:20,-2,OVC,M +2014-12-26 23:20,-2,OVC,M +2014-12-27 00:20,-2,OVC,M +2014-12-27 01:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-12-27 02:20,-1,OVC,M +2014-12-27 03:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-27 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2014-12-27 05:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-27 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-27 07:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-27 08:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-27 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-27 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-27 11:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-27 12:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-27 13:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-27 14:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-27 15:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-27 16:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-27 17:20,-3,M,M +2014-12-27 18:20,-3,M,M +2014-12-27 19:20,-4,M,M +2014-12-27 20:20,-4,M,M +2014-12-27 21:20,-4,M,M +2014-12-27 22:20,-5,M,M +2014-12-27 23:20,-5,M,M +2014-12-28 00:20,-5,M,M +2014-12-28 01:20,-5,FEW,M +2014-12-28 02:20,-6,FEW,M +2014-12-28 03:20,-7,FEW,M +2014-12-28 04:20,-7,M,M +2014-12-28 05:20,-7,SCT,M +2014-12-28 06:20,-8,FEW,M +2014-12-28 07:20,-7,FEW,M +2014-12-28 08:20,-7,FEW,M +2014-12-28 09:20,-3,M,M +2014-12-28 10:20,-1,M,M +2014-12-28 11:20,0,M,M +2014-12-28 12:20,0,M,M +2014-12-28 13:20,0,FEW,M +2014-12-28 14:20,0,FEW,M +2014-12-28 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2014-12-28 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2014-12-28 17:20,-2,M,M +2014-12-28 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2014-12-28 19:20,-4,FEW,M +2014-12-28 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2014-12-28 21:20,0,BKN,M +2014-12-28 22:20,1,FEW,-SN +2014-12-28 23:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 00:20,1,SCT,-SN +2014-12-29 01:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2014-12-29 02:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-29 03:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-29 04:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-29 05:20,2,FEW,M +2014-12-29 06:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-29 07:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-29 08:20,1,BKN,M +2014-12-29 09:20,0,FEW,M +2014-12-29 10:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 11:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 12:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 13:20,1,SCT,M +2014-12-29 14:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 15:20,1,FEW,M +2014-12-29 16:20,0,M,M +2014-12-29 17:20,0,OVC,M +2014-12-29 18:20,0,OVC,M +2014-12-29 19:20,1,OVC,M +2014-12-29 20:20,0,BKN,-SN +2014-12-29 21:20,0,FEW,-SN +2014-12-29 22:20,1,BKN,-RA +2014-12-29 23:20,1,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-30 00:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-30 01:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2014-12-30 02:20,3,SCT,M +2014-12-30 03:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-30 04:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-30 05:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-30 06:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-30 07:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2014-12-30 08:20,3,FEW,M +2014-12-30 09:20,3,SCT,M +2014-12-30 10:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-30 11:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2014-12-30 12:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-30 13:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-30 14:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-30 15:20,5,BKN,M +2014-12-30 16:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-30 17:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-30 18:20,4,SCT,M +2014-12-30 19:20,4,BKN,M +2014-12-30 20:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2014-12-30 21:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-12-30 22:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-12-30 23:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-12-31 00:20,4,BKN,BR +2014-12-31 01:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-31 02:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 03:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 04:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 05:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 06:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 07:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 08:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 09:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 10:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2014-12-31 11:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-12-31 12:20,7,BKN,BR +2014-12-31 13:20,8,SCT,M +2014-12-31 14:20,8,SCT,M +2014-12-31 15:20,7,FEW,M +2014-12-31 16:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-31 17:20,6,FEW,M +2014-12-31 18:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-31 19:20,6,SCT,M +2014-12-31 20:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-31 21:20,5,FEW,M +2014-12-31 22:20,4,FEW,M +2014-12-31 23:20,4,FEW,BR +2015-01-01 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 02:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 03:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-01 04:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-01 05:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 06:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 07:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-01 08:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-01 09:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-01 10:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-01 11:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-01 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 13:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 14:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 15:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 17:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-01 18:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-01 20:20,4,M,M +2015-01-01 21:20,5,M,M +2015-01-01 22:20,5,M,M +2015-01-01 23:20,5,M,M +2015-01-02 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-01-02 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-02 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-01-02 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-02 04:20,6,BKN,RA +2015-01-02 05:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-01-02 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-02 07:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-02 08:20,8,BKN,M +2015-01-02 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-01-02 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-01-02 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-02 12:20,8,BKN,M +2015-01-02 13:20,8,SCT,M +2015-01-02 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-02 15:20,7,SCT,M +2015-01-02 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-02 17:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2015-01-02 18:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-02 19:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-02 20:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-02 21:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-02 22:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-02 23:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-03 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-03 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-03 02:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-03 03:20,5,M,M +2015-01-03 04:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-03 05:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-03 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-03 07:20,5,M,M +2015-01-03 08:20,5,M,M +2015-01-03 09:20,5,M,M +2015-01-03 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-03 11:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-03 12:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-03 13:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-03 14:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-03 15:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-03 16:20,3,SCT,RA +2015-01-03 17:20,3,BKN,RA +2015-01-03 18:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-03 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-03 20:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-03 21:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-03 22:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-03 23:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-01-04 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 02:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-01-04 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 04:20,4,M,M +2015-01-04 05:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 06:20,3,M,M +2015-01-04 07:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 08:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 09:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-04 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-04 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-04 13:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-04 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-04 15:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-04 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 17:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 18:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-04 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 20:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 21:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-04 22:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-04 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-05 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-05 03:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-05 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 05:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 06:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 07:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 08:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-05 09:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-05 10:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 11:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-05 12:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2015-01-05 13:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2015-01-05 14:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-05 15:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-05 16:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2015-01-05 17:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-05 18:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-05 19:20,4,OVC,M +2015-01-05 20:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-05 21:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2015-01-05 22:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-05 23:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 00:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-06 01:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 02:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 03:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 04:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 05:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 06:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-06 07:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-06 08:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-06 09:20,3,OVC,M +2015-01-06 10:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-06 11:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-06 12:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-06 13:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-06 14:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-06 15:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 16:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-06 17:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-06 18:20,3,M,M +2015-01-06 19:20,2,M,M +2015-01-06 20:20,2,M,M +2015-01-06 21:20,2,M,M +2015-01-06 22:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-06 23:20,2,OVC,M +2015-01-07 00:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-07 01:20,2,OVC,-DZRA +2015-01-07 02:20,2,OVC,M +2015-01-07 03:20,3,OVC,-DZRA +2015-01-07 04:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-07 05:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-07 06:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-07 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-07 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-07 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-07 10:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-07 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-07 12:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-07 13:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-07 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-07 15:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-07 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-07 17:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-07 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-07 19:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-07 20:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-07 21:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-07 22:20,4,M,M +2015-01-07 23:20,4,M,M +2015-01-08 00:20,4,NSC,VCSH +2015-01-08 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-08 02:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-01-08 03:20,3,SCT,-RA +2015-01-08 04:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-08 05:20,3,FEW,-DZRA +2015-01-08 06:20,4,SCT,-DZRA +2015-01-08 07:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-08 08:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-08 09:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-08 10:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-01-08 11:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-01-08 12:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2015-01-08 13:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-01-08 14:20,7,BKN,RADZ BR +2015-01-08 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-01-08 16:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-01-08 17:20,5,SCT,-RA +2015-01-08 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-01-08 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-08 20:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-08 21:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-08 22:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-08 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-09 00:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-09 01:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-09 02:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-09 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-09 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-09 05:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-09 06:20,7,BKN,M +2015-01-09 07:20,6,FEW,-DZRA +2015-01-09 08:20,7,SCT,-DZRA +2015-01-09 09:20,8,FEW,-DZRA +2015-01-09 10:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-09 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-01-09 12:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-01-09 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-09 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-09 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-01-09 17:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-09 18:20,9,FEW,M +2015-01-09 19:20,9,SCT,M +2015-01-09 20:20,7,SCT,-RA +2015-01-09 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-01-09 22:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-09 23:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-10 00:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-10 01:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-10 02:20,7,SCT,-DZRA +2015-01-10 03:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2015-01-10 04:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-10 05:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-10 06:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-10 07:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-10 08:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-10 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-01-10 10:20,12,BKN,M +2015-01-10 11:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-10 12:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-10 13:20,10,SCT,M +2015-01-10 14:20,9,BKN,M +2015-01-10 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-01-10 16:20,7,SCT,M +2015-01-10 17:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-10 18:20,7,BKN,M +2015-01-10 19:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-10 20:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-10 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-10 22:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2015-01-10 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 00:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 01:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 02:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-11 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 05:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 06:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-11 07:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2015-01-11 08:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2015-01-11 09:20,2,FEW,SHRA +2015-01-11 10:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-11 11:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-11 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 13:20,4,SCT,-SHRAGS +2015-01-11 14:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 15:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-11 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-11 19:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-11 20:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-11 21:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-11 22:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-11 23:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-12 00:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-12 01:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-12 02:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-12 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-12 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-12 05:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-12 06:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-01-12 07:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-12 08:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 10:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 11:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 12:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2015-01-12 13:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-12 14:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2015-01-12 15:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-12 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-01-12 17:20,8,SCT,-RA +2015-01-12 18:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-12 19:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-12 20:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 21:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 22:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-12 23:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 00:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 01:20,6,FEW,DZRA +2015-01-13 02:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 03:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-01-13 04:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 05:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2015-01-13 06:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-01-13 07:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-01-13 08:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-01-13 09:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2015-01-13 10:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 11:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-01-13 12:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-13 13:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-13 14:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-13 15:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-13 16:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-13 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-01-13 18:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-01-13 19:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-13 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-13 21:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-13 22:20,7,SCT,M +2015-01-13 23:20,7,SCT,M +2015-01-14 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-14 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-14 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-14 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-14 04:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-01-14 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-01-14 06:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-14 07:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-14 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-14 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-14 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-14 11:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-14 12:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-14 13:20,5,SCT,M +2015-01-14 14:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-01-14 15:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-01-14 16:20,1,FEW,-RA +2015-01-14 17:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2015-01-14 18:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-14 19:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-14 20:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-14 21:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-14 22:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-14 23:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-15 00:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-15 01:20,3,M,M +2015-01-15 02:20,2,M,M +2015-01-15 03:20,2,M,M +2015-01-15 04:20,3,M,M +2015-01-15 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 06:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-01-15 07:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 08:20,5,SCT,-RA +2015-01-15 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-15 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 12:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 13:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-01-15 14:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-01-15 15:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-01-15 16:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 17:20,8,SCT,-RA +2015-01-15 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-01-15 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-01-15 21:20,9,SCT,M +2015-01-15 22:20,8,SCT,M +2015-01-15 23:20,7,M,M +2015-01-16 00:20,7,M,M +2015-01-16 01:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 02:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 03:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 04:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 05:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-16 06:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-16 07:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-16 08:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-16 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-16 10:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-16 11:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-16 12:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-16 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-01-16 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-16 15:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 16:20,5,M,M +2015-01-16 17:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 18:20,6,M,M +2015-01-16 19:20,5,M,M +2015-01-16 20:20,5,M,M +2015-01-16 21:20,5,M,M +2015-01-16 22:20,5,M,M +2015-01-16 23:20,4,M,M +2015-01-17 00:20,4,M,M +2015-01-17 01:20,3,M,M +2015-01-17 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-17 03:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-17 04:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-17 05:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-17 06:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 07:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-17 08:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 09:20,2,M,M +2015-01-17 10:20,3,M,M +2015-01-17 11:20,5,M,M +2015-01-17 12:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-17 13:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-17 14:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-17 15:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-17 16:20,2,M,M +2015-01-17 17:20,2,M,M +2015-01-17 18:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 19:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 20:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-17 21:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 22:20,1,M,M +2015-01-17 23:20,2,M,M +2015-01-18 00:20,1,M,M +2015-01-18 01:20,2,M,M +2015-01-18 02:20,2,M,M +2015-01-18 03:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-18 04:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-18 05:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-18 06:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-18 07:20,2,OVC,M +2015-01-18 08:20,2,OVC,M +2015-01-18 09:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-18 10:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-18 11:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-18 12:20,2,BKN,-SN +2015-01-18 13:20,2,FEW,-SNRA +2015-01-18 14:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2015-01-18 15:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-01-18 16:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-01-18 17:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-18 18:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-01-18 19:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-18 20:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-18 21:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-18 22:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-18 23:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-19 00:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-19 01:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2015-01-19 02:20,2,OVC,M +2015-01-19 03:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-19 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-19 05:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-19 06:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-19 07:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-19 08:20,0,M,M +2015-01-19 09:20,1,M,M +2015-01-19 10:20,1,M,M +2015-01-19 11:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-19 12:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-19 13:20,2,M,M +2015-01-19 14:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-19 15:20,2,M,M +2015-01-19 16:20,1,M,M +2015-01-19 17:20,1,M,M +2015-01-19 18:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-19 19:20,1,M,M +2015-01-19 20:20,0,M,M +2015-01-19 21:20,0,M,M +2015-01-19 22:20,-1,SCT,M +2015-01-19 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-01-20 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-20 01:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-20 02:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-20 03:20,1,OVC,-SN +2015-01-20 04:20,0,OVC,-SN BR +2015-01-20 05:20,0,OVC,M +2015-01-20 06:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-20 07:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-20 08:20,1,BKN,-SN +2015-01-20 09:20,1,FEW,-SN +2015-01-20 10:20,1,FEW,-SN +2015-01-20 11:20,1,FEW,-SN +2015-01-20 12:20,1,FEW,-SN +2015-01-20 13:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-20 14:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-20 15:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-20 16:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-20 17:20,0,M,///////// +2015-01-20 18:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-01-20 19:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-01-20 20:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-01-20 21:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-01-20 22:20,-1,FEW,BR +2015-01-20 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-01-21 00:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-01-21 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-01-21 02:20,-1,FEW,BR +2015-01-21 03:20,-2,FEW,MIFG BR +2015-01-21 04:20,-3,NSC,BCFG BR +2015-01-21 05:20,-4,NSC,BCFG +2015-01-21 06:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2015-01-21 07:20,-2,BKN,FZFG +2015-01-21 09:20,-2,BKN,FZFG +2015-01-21 10:20,-2,BKN,BCFG +2015-01-21 11:20,-2,BKN,BR +2015-01-21 12:20,-2,BKN,BR +2015-01-21 13:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-01-21 14:20,-1,SCT,BR +2015-01-21 15:20,-1,FEW,BR +2015-01-21 16:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-21 17:20,-1,OVC,M +2015-01-21 18:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-01-21 19:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-01-21 20:20,-1,SCT,M +2015-01-21 21:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-01-21 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-01-21 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-22 00:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-01-22 01:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-01-22 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-22 03:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-01-22 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-22 05:20,-2,SCT,M +2015-01-22 06:20,-2,SCT,M +2015-01-22 07:20,-2,BKN,BR +2015-01-22 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-22 09:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-22 10:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-22 11:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-22 12:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-22 13:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-22 14:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-22 15:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-22 16:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-22 17:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-22 18:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-22 19:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-22 20:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-22 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-22 22:20,-3,SCT,M +2015-01-22 23:20,-4,SCT,M +2015-01-23 00:20,-4,BKN,BCFG +2015-01-23 01:20,-4,OVC,FZFG +2015-01-23 02:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2015-01-23 03:20,-3,OVC,FZFG +2015-01-23 04:20,-3,FEW,BR +2015-01-23 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-01-23 06:20,-3,SCT,BR +2015-01-23 07:20,-3,FEW,BR +2015-01-23 08:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-23 09:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-23 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-23 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-01-23 12:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-23 13:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-23 14:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-01-23 15:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-23 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-23 17:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-23 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-23 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-23 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-23 21:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-23 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-23 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-24 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-24 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-24 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-24 03:20,-1,SCT,M +2015-01-24 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-24 05:20,-2,M,M +2015-01-24 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-01-24 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2015-01-24 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-01-24 09:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2015-01-24 10:20,-1,SCT,SN +2015-01-24 11:20,-1,BKN,SN +2015-01-24 12:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2015-01-24 13:20,0,FEW,-SN +2015-01-24 14:20,0,SCT,-SN +2015-01-24 15:20,1,FEW,BR +2015-01-24 16:20,0,SCT,BR +2015-01-24 17:20,1,FEW,MIFG BR +2015-01-24 18:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-24 19:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-24 20:20,0,M,M +2015-01-24 21:20,0,M,M +2015-01-24 22:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-24 23:20,0,M,M +2015-01-25 00:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-25 01:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-25 02:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-25 03:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-25 04:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-25 05:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-25 06:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-25 07:20,-2,FEW,MIFG +2015-01-25 08:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2015-01-25 09:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-25 10:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-25 11:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-25 12:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-25 13:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-25 14:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-25 15:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-01-25 16:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-25 17:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-25 18:20,3,SCT,BR +2015-01-25 19:20,3,SCT,BR +2015-01-25 20:20,2,OVC,BR +2015-01-25 21:20,2,OVC,FG +2015-01-25 22:20,2,OVC,FG +2015-01-25 23:20,2,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 00:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 01:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 02:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 03:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 04:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 05:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 06:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-26 07:20,3,OVC,-RADZ BR +2015-01-26 08:20,3,OVC,-RADZ BR +2015-01-26 09:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2015-01-26 10:20,4,SCT,-DZRA BR +2015-01-26 11:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-01-26 12:20,4,FEW,-RADZ BR +2015-01-26 13:20,4,FEW,-DZRA BR +2015-01-26 14:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-01-26 15:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-01-26 16:20,4,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-01-26 17:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-01-26 18:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-26 19:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-26 20:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-01-26 21:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-01-26 22:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-26 23:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-27 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-27 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-27 02:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-27 03:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-27 04:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-27 05:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-27 06:20,3,M,M +2015-01-27 07:20,3,M,M +2015-01-27 08:20,3,M,M +2015-01-27 09:20,4,M,M +2015-01-27 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-01-27 11:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-27 12:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-27 13:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-27 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-27 15:20,6,SCT,M +2015-01-27 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-27 17:20,4,M,M +2015-01-27 18:20,3,M,M +2015-01-27 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-27 20:20,3,M,M +2015-01-27 21:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-27 22:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-27 23:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-28 00:20,3,OVC,BR +2015-01-28 01:20,3,OVC,M +2015-01-28 02:20,3,OVC,M +2015-01-28 03:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-28 04:20,4,BKN,M +2015-01-28 05:20,4,OVC,M +2015-01-28 06:20,4,OVC,M +2015-01-28 07:20,4,OVC,BR +2015-01-28 08:20,4,OVC,M +2015-01-28 09:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-28 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-28 11:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-28 12:20,5,BKN,M +2015-01-28 13:20,5,FEW,M +2015-01-28 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-01-28 15:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-01-28 16:20,5,BKN,RA +2015-01-28 17:20,4,BKN,RA +2015-01-28 18:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-01-28 19:20,4,SCT,M +2015-01-28 20:20,4,FEW,M +2015-01-28 21:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-28 22:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-28 23:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-29 00:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-29 01:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-29 02:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-29 03:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-29 04:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-29 05:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-29 06:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-29 07:20,2,SCT,SHSN +2015-01-29 08:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-29 09:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-29 10:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-29 11:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-29 12:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-29 13:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-29 14:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-29 15:20,3,SCT,M +2015-01-29 16:20,3,FEW,M +2015-01-29 17:20,3,BKN,M +2015-01-29 18:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-29 19:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-29 20:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-29 21:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-29 22:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-29 23:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 00:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-30 01:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-30 02:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 03:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-30 04:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 05:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 06:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 07:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 08:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 09:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-30 10:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-30 11:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-30 12:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-30 13:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-30 14:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-30 15:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-30 16:20,1,SCT,M +2015-01-30 17:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-30 18:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-30 19:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-30 20:20,0,FEW,M +2015-01-30 21:20,0,SCT,M +2015-01-30 22:20,-1,SCT,M +2015-01-30 23:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-01-31 00:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-01-31 01:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-01-31 02:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-01-31 03:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-01-31 04:20,0,FEW,BR +2015-01-31 05:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-01-31 06:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 07:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 08:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 09:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-31 10:20,1,FEW,M +2015-01-31 11:20,2,BKN,M +2015-01-31 12:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-31 13:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-31 14:20,2,FEW,M +2015-01-31 15:20,2,SCT,M +2015-01-31 16:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-31 17:20,1,BKN,M +2015-01-31 18:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 19:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 20:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 21:20,0,BKN,M +2015-01-31 22:20,-2,SCT,M +2015-01-31 23:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-02-01 00:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-02-01 01:20,-3,FEW,BCFG +2015-02-01 02:20,-4,SCT,BCFG +2015-02-01 03:20,-3,BKN,FZFG +2015-02-01 04:20,-3,FEW,BCFG BR +2015-02-01 05:20,-2,OVC,BR +2015-02-01 06:20,-1,BKN,BR +2015-02-01 07:20,-1,OVC,BR +2015-02-01 08:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-02-01 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-01 10:20,1,SCT,BR +2015-02-01 11:20,1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-01 12:20,1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-01 13:20,1,SCT,BR +2015-02-01 14:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-01 15:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-01 16:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-01 17:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2015-02-01 18:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2015-02-01 19:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-01 20:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-01 21:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-01 22:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-01 23:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-02 00:20,1,M,M +2015-02-02 01:20,1,M,M +2015-02-02 02:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-02 03:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-02 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-02 05:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-02 06:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-02 07:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2015-02-02 08:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2015-02-02 09:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2015-02-02 10:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2015-02-02 11:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-02 12:20,3,SCT,VCSH +2015-02-02 13:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-02 14:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-02 15:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-02 16:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-02 17:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-02 18:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-02 19:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-02 20:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-02 21:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-02 22:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-02 23:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-03 00:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 01:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 02:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 03:20,0,SCT,BCFG BR +2015-02-03 04:20,0,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-02-03 05:20,0,SCT,BR +2015-02-03 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2015-02-03 07:20,0,OVC,M +2015-02-03 08:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-03 09:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-03 10:20,0,BKN,-SN +2015-02-03 11:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2015-02-03 12:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 13:20,0,BKN,M +2015-02-03 14:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 15:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 16:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-03 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-03 18:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-03 19:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2015-02-03 20:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-03 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-03 22:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-03 23:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-04 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-04 01:20,-2,SCT,M +2015-02-04 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-02-04 03:20,-3,M,M +2015-02-04 04:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-02-04 05:20,-4,FEW,M +2015-02-04 06:20,-4,SCT,M +2015-02-04 07:20,-5,FEW,M +2015-02-04 08:20,-4,FEW,M +2015-02-04 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-02-04 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-02-04 11:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-04 12:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-04 13:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-04 14:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-04 15:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-04 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-04 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-04 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-04 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-04 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-02-04 21:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2015-02-04 22:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2015-02-04 23:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2015-02-05 00:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2015-02-05 01:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2015-02-05 02:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2015-02-05 03:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2015-02-05 04:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2015-02-05 05:20,-3,FEW,M +2015-02-05 06:20,-3,FEW,BCFG +2015-02-05 07:20,-3,SCT,M +2015-02-05 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-05 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-02-05 10:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-05 11:20,0,FEW,-SN +2015-02-05 12:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-05 13:20,2,SCT,M +2015-02-05 14:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-05 15:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-05 16:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-05 17:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-05 18:20,1,SCT,-SN +2015-02-05 19:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-05 20:20,0,BKN,M +2015-02-05 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-02-05 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-02-05 23:20,-2,M,M +2015-02-06 00:20,-2,M,M +2015-02-06 01:20,-4,M,M +2015-02-06 02:20,-3,M,M +2015-02-06 03:20,-3,M,M +2015-02-06 04:20,-5,M,M +2015-02-06 05:20,-5,M,M +2015-02-06 06:20,-5,M,M +2015-02-06 07:20,-6,M,M +2015-02-06 08:20,-3,M,M +2015-02-06 09:20,-1,M,M +2015-02-06 10:20,1,M,M +2015-02-06 11:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-06 12:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-06 13:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-06 14:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-06 15:20,-1,BKN,BCFG BR +2015-02-06 16:20,-2,VV ,FZFG +2015-02-06 17:20,-2,VV ,FZFG +2015-02-06 18:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2015-02-06 19:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2015-02-06 20:20,-3,OVC,BR +2015-02-06 21:20,-3,OVC,BR +2015-02-06 22:20,-4,BKN,BR +2015-02-06 23:20,-4,SCT,BR +2015-02-07 00:20,-4,SCT,BR +2015-02-07 01:20,-3,OVC,M +2015-02-07 02:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-02-07 03:20,-2,OVC,M +2015-02-07 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-02-07 05:20,-1,FEW,-FZDZ +2015-02-07 06:20,0,FEW,-FZDZ +2015-02-07 07:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-07 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-07 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-02-07 10:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-02-07 11:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-02-07 12:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-02-07 13:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2015-02-07 14:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-07 15:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-07 16:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-07 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-07 18:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-07 19:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-07 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-07 21:20,5,SCT,M +2015-02-07 22:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-07 23:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-08 00:20,3,M,M +2015-02-08 01:20,3,M,M +2015-02-08 02:20,2,M,M +2015-02-08 03:20,2,M,M +2015-02-08 04:20,2,M,M +2015-02-08 05:20,1,M,M +2015-02-08 06:20,1,M,M +2015-02-08 07:20,1,M,M +2015-02-08 08:20,1,M,M +2015-02-08 09:20,2,M,M +2015-02-08 10:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-08 11:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-08 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-08 13:20,4,M,M +2015-02-08 14:20,5,M,M +2015-02-08 15:20,4,M,M +2015-02-08 16:20,3,M,M +2015-02-08 17:20,3,M,M +2015-02-08 18:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-02-08 19:20,3,NSC,-RA +2015-02-08 20:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-08 21:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-08 22:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-08 23:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 00:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 01:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2015-02-09 02:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2015-02-09 03:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 04:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 05:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 06:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-09 07:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 08:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 09:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2015-02-09 10:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2015-02-09 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-09 13:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-09 14:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 15:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 16:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-09 17:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-09 18:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-09 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-09 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-09 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-09 22:20,6,SCT,M +2015-02-09 23:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-10 00:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-10 01:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-10 02:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-10 03:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-10 04:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-10 05:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 06:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 07:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 08:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-02-10 09:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2015-02-10 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-10 11:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-10 12:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-10 13:20,7,BKN,M +2015-02-10 14:20,7,OVC,M +2015-02-10 15:20,7,BKN,M +2015-02-10 16:20,7,BKN,M +2015-02-10 17:20,7,BKN,M +2015-02-10 18:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 21:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-10 22:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-10 23:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-11 00:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-11 01:20,1,M,M +2015-02-11 02:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-11 03:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-11 04:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-11 05:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-11 06:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 07:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 08:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 09:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 10:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 11:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 12:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 13:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-11 14:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-11 15:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-11 16:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-11 17:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-11 18:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 19:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 20:20,4,OVC,M +2015-02-11 21:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 22:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-11 23:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-12 00:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-12 01:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-12 02:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-12 03:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-12 04:20,2,OVC,M +2015-02-12 05:20,2,OVC,M +2015-02-12 06:20,2,OVC,M +2015-02-12 07:20,2,OVC,M +2015-02-12 08:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-12 09:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-12 10:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-12 11:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-12 12:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-12 13:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-12 14:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-12 15:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-12 16:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-12 17:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-12 18:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-12 19:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-12 20:20,0,OVC,-DZ +2015-02-12 21:20,0,OVC,-DZ +2015-02-12 22:20,0,OVC,-DZ +2015-02-12 23:20,0,OVC,M +2015-02-13 00:20,0,OVC,-FZDZ +2015-02-13 01:20,0,OVC,M +2015-02-13 02:20,0,OVC,M +2015-02-13 03:20,1,OVC,M +2015-02-13 04:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 06:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 07:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 10:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-13 12:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-13 13:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-13 14:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-13 15:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-13 16:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-13 17:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-13 18:20,0,BKN,M +2015-02-13 19:20,0,BKN,M +2015-02-13 20:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-13 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2015-02-13 22:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-13 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-02-14 00:20,0,OVC,BR +2015-02-14 01:20,0,OVC,BR +2015-02-14 02:20,-1,FEW,BR +2015-02-14 03:20,-1,NSC,BR +2015-02-14 04:20,-1,NSC,BR +2015-02-14 05:20,-1,NSC,BR +2015-02-14 06:20,-1,NSC,BR +2015-02-14 07:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-14 08:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-14 09:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-14 10:20,4,M,M +2015-02-14 11:20,6,M,M +2015-02-14 12:20,8,M,M +2015-02-14 13:20,10,M,M +2015-02-14 14:20,9,M,M +2015-02-14 15:20,9,M,M +2015-02-14 16:20,6,M,M +2015-02-14 17:20,5,M,M +2015-02-14 18:20,3,M,M +2015-02-14 19:20,2,M,M +2015-02-14 20:20,1,M,M +2015-02-14 21:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-14 22:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-14 23:20,0,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 00:20,0,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-02-15 02:20,0,BKN,BR +2015-02-15 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-15 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-15 05:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-15 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-15 07:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-15 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-02-15 09:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-15 10:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-15 11:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-15 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-15 13:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-15 14:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-15 15:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-15 16:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-15 17:20,3,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 18:20,2,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 19:20,2,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 20:20,2,FEW,BR +2015-02-15 21:20,1,NSC,BR +2015-02-15 22:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-15 23:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-02-16 00:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-16 01:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-16 02:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-16 03:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-16 04:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-16 05:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-16 06:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-16 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-16 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-16 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-16 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-02-16 11:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-16 12:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-16 13:20,3,OVC,M +2015-02-16 14:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-16 15:20,4,NSC,M +2015-02-16 16:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-16 17:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-16 18:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-16 19:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-16 20:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-16 21:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-16 22:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-16 23:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-02-17 00:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-02-17 01:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-02-17 02:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-02-17 03:20,-2,NSC,M +2015-02-17 04:20,-2,NSC,M +2015-02-17 05:20,-2,NSC,M +2015-02-17 06:20,-2,NSC,M +2015-02-17 07:20,-2,NSC,BR +2015-02-17 08:20,-1,FEW,BR +2015-02-17 09:20,0,FEW,BR +2015-02-17 10:20,1,SCT,BR +2015-02-17 11:20,2,SCT,BR +2015-02-17 12:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-02-17 13:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-02-17 14:20,4,BKN,BR +2015-02-17 15:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-02-17 16:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-02-17 17:20,4,OVC,BR +2015-02-17 18:20,4,OVC,BR +2015-02-17 19:20,4,FEW,BR +2015-02-17 20:20,1,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2015-02-17 21:20,2,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2015-02-17 22:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-02-17 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-02-18 00:20,0,BKN,FG +2015-02-18 01:20,1,BKN,FG +2015-02-18 02:20,1,BKN,FG +2015-02-18 03:20,1,BKN,FG +2015-02-18 04:20,1,BKN,FG +2015-02-18 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-18 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2015-02-18 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2015-02-18 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-18 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2015-02-18 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-02-18 11:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-18 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-18 13:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-18 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-18 15:20,6,M,M +2015-02-18 16:20,5,M,M +2015-02-18 17:20,4,M,M +2015-02-18 18:20,4,M,M +2015-02-18 19:20,4,M,M +2015-02-18 20:20,4,M,M +2015-02-18 21:20,3,M,M +2015-02-18 22:20,2,M,M +2015-02-18 23:20,2,M,M +2015-02-19 00:20,2,M,M +2015-02-19 01:20,2,M,M +2015-02-19 02:20,1,M,M +2015-02-19 03:20,1,M,M +2015-02-19 04:20,0,M,M +2015-02-19 05:20,0,M,M +2015-02-19 06:20,0,NSC,M +2015-02-19 07:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-19 08:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-19 09:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-19 10:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-19 11:20,6,M,M +2015-02-19 12:20,6,M,M +2015-02-19 13:20,7,M,M +2015-02-19 14:20,6,M,M +2015-02-19 15:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-19 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-19 17:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-19 18:20,3,NSC,M +2015-02-19 19:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-19 20:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-19 21:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-19 22:20,2,NSC,M +2015-02-19 23:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-20 00:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-20 01:20,1,NSC,M +2015-02-20 02:20,1,BKN,M +2015-02-20 03:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-20 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-02-20 05:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-20 06:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-20 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 08:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-20 09:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-20 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-20 11:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-02-20 12:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-20 13:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-20 14:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-02-20 15:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-02-20 16:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2015-02-20 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-02-20 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 22:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-20 23:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 00:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 01:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-21 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-21 04:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 05:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 06:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-02-21 07:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 08:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 09:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-21 10:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-02-21 11:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-21 12:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 13:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 14:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 15:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-21 16:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-21 17:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-21 18:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-21 19:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-21 20:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-21 21:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-21 22:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-21 23:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-22 00:20,2,SCT,M +2015-02-22 01:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-22 02:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 03:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 04:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 05:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 06:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 07:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 08:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-22 09:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-22 10:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-22 11:20,5,SCT,M +2015-02-22 12:20,6,SCT,M +2015-02-22 13:20,6,SCT,M +2015-02-22 14:20,6,SCT,M +2015-02-22 15:20,6,SCT,M +2015-02-22 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-22 17:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-22 18:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-22 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-22 20:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-22 21:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-22 22:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-22 23:20,3,M,M +2015-02-23 00:20,3,M,M +2015-02-23 01:20,4,M,M +2015-02-23 02:20,4,M,M +2015-02-23 03:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-23 04:20,3,SCT,-RASN +2015-02-23 05:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2015-02-23 06:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2015-02-23 07:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-02-23 08:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2015-02-23 09:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-23 10:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-23 11:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-23 12:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-23 13:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-23 14:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-23 15:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-23 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-23 17:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-23 18:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-23 19:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-23 20:20,3,M,M +2015-02-23 21:20,3,M,M +2015-02-23 22:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-23 23:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-24 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-24 01:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-24 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-24 04:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-24 05:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 06:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 07:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 08:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-24 09:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-24 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-24 11:20,6,BKN,M +2015-02-24 12:20,7,SCT,M +2015-02-24 13:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-02-24 14:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-02-24 15:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2015-02-24 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-24 17:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2015-02-24 18:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-24 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-24 20:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 21:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-24 22:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-24 23:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-25 00:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-25 01:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-25 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-25 03:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-25 04:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-25 05:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-25 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-02-25 07:20,3,BKN,M +2015-02-25 08:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-25 09:20,5,SCT,M +2015-02-25 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-25 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-25 12:20,7,FEW,M +2015-02-25 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-02-25 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-02-25 15:20,7,SCT,M +2015-02-25 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-02-25 17:20,6,M,M +2015-02-25 18:20,6,M,M +2015-02-25 19:20,6,M,M +2015-02-25 20:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-25 21:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-02-25 22:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-02-25 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-26 00:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-26 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-26 02:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-26 03:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-26 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-26 05:20,4,SCT,M +2015-02-26 06:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-26 07:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-26 08:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-26 09:20,4,BKN,M +2015-02-26 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-02-26 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-26 12:20,7,BKN,M +2015-02-26 13:20,8,FEW,M +2015-02-26 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-02-26 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-02-26 16:20,8,FEW,M +2015-02-26 17:20,7,M,M +2015-02-26 18:20,7,M,M +2015-02-26 19:20,6,M,M +2015-02-26 20:20,6,M,M +2015-02-26 21:20,6,M,M +2015-02-26 22:20,5,M,M +2015-02-26 23:20,5,SCT,M +2015-02-27 00:20,5,SCT,M +2015-02-27 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 02:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 03:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 04:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 05:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-02-27 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 10:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-02-27 11:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-02-27 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-02-27 13:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-02-27 14:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-02-27 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-02-27 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-27 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-27 18:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-27 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-02-27 20:20,3,SCT,M +2015-02-27 21:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-27 22:20,2,SCT,M +2015-02-27 23:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-28 00:20,0,BKN,M +2015-02-28 01:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-28 02:20,1,SCT,M +2015-02-28 03:20,2,SCT,M +2015-02-28 04:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-28 05:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-28 06:20,0,SCT,M +2015-02-28 07:20,0,FEW,M +2015-02-28 08:20,2,BKN,M +2015-02-28 09:20,3,FEW,M +2015-02-28 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-28 11:20,5,FEW,M +2015-02-28 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-28 13:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-28 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-28 15:20,6,FEW,M +2015-02-28 16:20,6,M,M +2015-02-28 17:20,5,M,M +2015-02-28 18:20,4,M,M +2015-02-28 19:20,4,M,M +2015-02-28 20:20,3,M,M +2015-02-28 21:20,4,M,M +2015-02-28 22:20,3,M,M +2015-02-28 23:20,3,M,M +2015-03-01 00:20,4,M,M +2015-03-01 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-01 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-01 03:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-03-01 04:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-03-01 05:20,3,BKN,RA +2015-03-01 06:20,3,SCT,-RA +2015-03-01 07:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2015-03-01 08:20,4,SCT,M +2015-03-01 09:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-01 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-01 11:20,7,SCT,-RA +2015-03-01 12:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-01 13:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-01 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-01 15:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-01 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-01 17:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-01 18:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-01 19:20,3,M,M +2015-03-01 20:20,3,M,M +2015-03-01 21:20,3,M,M +2015-03-01 22:20,3,M,M +2015-03-01 23:20,4,M,M +2015-03-02 00:20,3,M,M +2015-03-02 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-02 02:20,4,FEW,RA +2015-03-02 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-02 04:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-02 05:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-02 06:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-02 07:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-02 08:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-02 09:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2015-03-02 10:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-02 11:20,3,FEW,-SHRASN +2015-03-02 12:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-02 13:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2015-03-02 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-02 15:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-02 16:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-02 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-02 18:20,4,M,M +2015-03-02 19:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-03-02 20:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-02 21:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-02 22:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-02 23:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2015-03-03 00:20,2,FEW,-SHSNRA +2015-03-03 01:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-03-03 02:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2015-03-03 03:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-03 04:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-03 05:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-03 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-03 07:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-03 08:20,3,SCT,M +2015-03-03 09:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-03 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-03 11:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-03 12:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-03 13:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-03 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-03 15:20,3,FEW,RA +2015-03-03 16:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-03-03 17:20,3,FEW,RA +2015-03-03 18:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-03 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-03 20:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-03 21:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-03 22:20,2,SCT,M +2015-03-03 23:20,2,SCT,M +2015-03-04 00:20,2,SCT,M +2015-03-04 01:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-04 02:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2015-03-04 03:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2015-03-04 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-03-04 05:20,1,FEW,M +2015-03-04 06:20,1,FEW,M +2015-03-04 07:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-04 08:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-04 09:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-04 11:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-04 12:20,5,SCT,-SHRAGS +2015-03-04 13:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 14:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-04 15:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 16:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 17:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2015-03-04 18:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 19:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2015-03-04 20:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-04 21:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-04 22:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-04 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-05 00:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-05 01:20,2,M,M +2015-03-05 02:20,1,M,M +2015-03-05 03:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-05 04:20,2,SCT,M +2015-03-05 05:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-05 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-05 07:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-05 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-05 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-05 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-05 11:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-05 12:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-05 13:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-05 14:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-05 15:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-05 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-05 17:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-05 18:20,6,M,M +2015-03-05 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-05 20:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-05 21:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-05 22:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-05 23:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-06 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-06 01:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-06 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-06 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-06 04:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-06 05:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-06 06:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-06 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-06 08:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-06 09:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-06 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-06 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-06 12:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-06 13:20,9,BKN,M +2015-03-06 14:20,9,BKN,M +2015-03-06 15:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-06 16:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-06 17:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-03-06 18:20,8,SCT,M +2015-03-06 19:20,8,BKN,M +2015-03-06 20:20,8,BKN,M +2015-03-06 21:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-06 22:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-06 23:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-07 00:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-07 01:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-07 02:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-07 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-07 04:20,6,M,M +2015-03-07 05:20,5,M,M +2015-03-07 06:20,5,M,M +2015-03-07 07:20,6,M,M +2015-03-07 08:20,6,M,M +2015-03-07 09:20,8,M,M +2015-03-07 10:20,9,M,M +2015-03-07 11:20,11,M,M +2015-03-07 12:20,12,M,M +2015-03-07 13:20,12,M,M +2015-03-07 14:20,12,M,M +2015-03-07 15:20,12,M,M +2015-03-07 16:20,11,M,M +2015-03-07 17:20,11,M,M +2015-03-07 18:20,10,M,M +2015-03-07 19:20,9,M,M +2015-03-07 20:20,9,M,M +2015-03-07 21:20,9,M,M +2015-03-07 22:20,9,M,M +2015-03-07 23:20,8,M,M +2015-03-08 00:20,8,M,M +2015-03-08 01:20,8,M,M +2015-03-08 02:20,7,M,M +2015-03-08 03:20,6,M,M +2015-03-08 04:20,6,M,M +2015-03-08 05:20,6,M,M +2015-03-08 06:20,6,M,M +2015-03-08 07:20,7,M,M +2015-03-08 08:20,9,M,M +2015-03-08 09:20,11,M,M +2015-03-08 10:20,13,M,M +2015-03-08 11:20,14,M,M +2015-03-08 12:20,16,M,M +2015-03-08 13:20,16,M,M +2015-03-08 14:20,17,M,M +2015-03-08 15:20,16,M,M +2015-03-08 16:20,15,M,M +2015-03-08 17:20,13,M,M +2015-03-08 18:20,11,M,M +2015-03-08 19:20,9,M,M +2015-03-08 20:20,8,M,M +2015-03-08 21:20,6,M,M +2015-03-08 22:20,5,M,M +2015-03-09 00:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-03-09 01:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-03-09 02:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-09 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-09 04:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-09 05:20,5,SCT,MIFG BR +2015-03-09 06:20,5,SCT,MIFG BR +2015-03-09 07:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-09 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-09 09:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-09 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-09 11:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-09 12:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-09 13:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-09 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-09 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-09 16:20,10,M,M +2015-03-09 17:20,8,M,M +2015-03-09 18:20,7,M,M +2015-03-09 19:20,6,M,M +2015-03-09 20:20,8,M,M +2015-03-09 21:20,7,M,M +2015-03-09 22:20,6,M,M +2015-03-09 23:20,7,M,M +2015-03-10 00:20,7,M,M +2015-03-10 01:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-10 02:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-10 03:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-10 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-03-10 05:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-03-10 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-03-10 07:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-03-10 08:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-03-10 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-10 10:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-10 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-10 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-10 13:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-10 14:20,10,SCT,M +2015-03-10 15:20,8,SCT,M +2015-03-10 16:20,8,SCT,M +2015-03-10 17:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-10 18:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-10 19:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-10 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-10 21:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-10 22:20,4,M,M +2015-03-10 23:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 00:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 01:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 02:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 03:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 04:20,3,M,M +2015-03-11 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-11 06:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-11 07:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-11 08:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-11 09:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-11 10:20,8,SCT,M +2015-03-11 11:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-11 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-03-11 13:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-11 14:20,11,SCT,M +2015-03-11 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-11 16:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-11 17:20,9,M,M +2015-03-11 18:20,7,M,M +2015-03-11 19:20,6,M,M +2015-03-11 20:20,4,M,M +2015-03-11 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-03-11 22:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-03-11 23:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-03-12 00:20,0,FEW,FZFG +2015-03-12 01:20,0,FEW,FG +2015-03-12 02:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2015-03-12 03:20,-2,M,M +2015-03-12 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2015-03-12 05:20,-1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-03-12 06:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2015-03-12 07:20,3,M,M +2015-03-12 08:20,6,M,M +2015-03-12 09:20,7,M,M +2015-03-12 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-12 11:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-12 12:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-12 13:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-12 14:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-12 15:20,8,M,M +2015-03-12 16:20,6,M,M +2015-03-12 17:20,5,M,M +2015-03-12 18:20,3,M,M +2015-03-12 19:20,3,M,M +2015-03-12 20:20,3,M,M +2015-03-12 21:20,3,SCT,M +2015-03-12 22:20,2,BKN,M +2015-03-12 23:20,1,SCT,M +2015-03-13 00:20,0,FEW,M +2015-03-13 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-03-13 02:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-03-13 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2015-03-13 04:20,0,BKN,M +2015-03-13 05:20,0,BKN,M +2015-03-13 06:20,1,BKN,M +2015-03-13 07:20,2,BKN,M +2015-03-13 08:20,3,SCT,M +2015-03-13 09:20,3,SCT,M +2015-03-13 10:20,4,SCT,M +2015-03-13 11:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-13 12:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-13 13:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-13 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-13 15:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-13 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-13 17:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-13 18:20,4,M,M +2015-03-13 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-13 20:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-13 21:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-13 22:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-13 23:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-14 00:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-14 01:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-14 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 03:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 04:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 06:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 07:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-14 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-14 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-14 10:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-14 11:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2015-03-14 12:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-14 13:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 14:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 15:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 16:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 18:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-14 19:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-14 20:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 21:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 22:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-14 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-15 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-15 01:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-15 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-15 03:20,4,OVC,M +2015-03-15 04:20,4,OVC,M +2015-03-15 05:20,4,SCT,M +2015-03-15 06:20,4,SCT,M +2015-03-15 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-15 08:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-15 09:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-03-15 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-15 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-15 12:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-15 13:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-15 14:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-15 15:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-15 18:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-15 19:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-15 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-15 21:20,6,M,M +2015-03-15 22:20,7,M,M +2015-03-15 23:20,6,M,M +2015-03-16 00:20,6,M,M +2015-03-16 01:20,6,M,M +2015-03-16 02:20,6,M,M +2015-03-16 03:20,5,M,M +2015-03-16 04:20,6,M,M +2015-03-16 05:20,7,M,M +2015-03-16 06:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-16 07:20,7,M,M +2015-03-16 08:20,8,M,M +2015-03-16 09:20,9,M,M +2015-03-16 10:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-16 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-03-16 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-03-16 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-03-16 14:20,13,SCT,M +2015-03-16 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-03-16 16:20,11,M,M +2015-03-16 17:20,11,SCT,M +2015-03-16 18:20,10,M,M +2015-03-16 19:20,9,M,M +2015-03-16 20:20,9,M,M +2015-03-16 21:20,9,M,M +2015-03-16 22:20,9,M,M +2015-03-16 23:20,8,M,M +2015-03-17 00:20,8,M,M +2015-03-17 01:20,8,M,M +2015-03-17 02:20,7,M,M +2015-03-17 03:20,7,M,M +2015-03-17 04:20,6,M,M +2015-03-17 05:20,6,M,M +2015-03-17 06:20,6,M,M +2015-03-17 07:20,7,M,M +2015-03-17 08:20,9,M,M +2015-03-17 09:20,10,M,M +2015-03-17 10:20,11,M,M +2015-03-17 11:20,12,M,M +2015-03-17 12:20,14,M,M +2015-03-17 13:20,14,M,M +2015-03-17 14:20,14,M,M +2015-03-17 15:20,14,M,M +2015-03-17 16:20,14,M,M +2015-03-17 17:20,13,M,M +2015-03-17 18:20,11,M,M +2015-03-17 19:20,10,M,M +2015-03-17 20:20,10,M,M +2015-03-17 21:20,8,M,M +2015-03-17 22:20,8,M,M +2015-03-17 23:20,8,M,M +2015-03-18 00:20,6,M,M +2015-03-18 01:20,8,M,M +2015-03-18 02:20,7,M,M +2015-03-18 03:20,8,M,M +2015-03-18 04:20,7,M,M +2015-03-18 05:20,7,M,M +2015-03-18 06:20,7,M,M +2015-03-18 07:20,8,M,M +2015-03-18 08:20,9,M,M +2015-03-18 09:20,10,M,M +2015-03-18 10:20,11,M,M +2015-03-18 11:20,13,M,M +2015-03-18 12:20,14,M,M +2015-03-18 13:20,14,M,M +2015-03-18 14:20,14,M,M +2015-03-18 15:20,15,M,M +2015-03-18 16:20,14,M,M +2015-03-18 17:20,13,M,M +2015-03-18 18:20,12,M,M +2015-03-18 19:20,11,M,M +2015-03-18 20:20,10,M,M +2015-03-18 21:20,9,M,M +2015-03-18 22:20,8,M,M +2015-03-18 23:20,7,M,M +2015-03-19 00:20,6,M,M +2015-03-19 01:20,5,M,M +2015-03-19 02:20,5,M,M +2015-03-19 03:20,3,M,M +2015-03-19 04:20,3,M,M +2015-03-19 05:20,3,M,M +2015-03-19 06:20,2,M,M +2015-03-19 07:20,5,M,M +2015-03-19 08:20,8,M,M +2015-03-19 09:20,10,M,M +2015-03-19 10:20,12,M,M +2015-03-19 11:20,12,M,M +2015-03-19 12:20,13,M,M +2015-03-19 13:20,14,M,M +2015-03-19 14:20,14,M,M +2015-03-19 15:20,14,M,M +2015-03-19 16:20,13,M,M +2015-03-19 17:20,12,M,M +2015-03-19 18:20,9,M,M +2015-03-19 19:20,7,M,M +2015-03-19 20:20,6,M,M +2015-03-19 21:20,4,M,M +2015-03-19 22:20,2,M,M +2015-03-19 23:20,2,M,M +2015-03-20 00:20,1,M,M +2015-03-20 01:20,0,M,M +2015-03-20 02:20,-1,M,M +2015-03-20 03:20,-1,M,M +2015-03-20 04:20,-1,M,M +2015-03-20 05:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2015-03-20 06:20,-1,NSC,M +2015-03-20 07:20,3,NSC,M +2015-03-20 08:20,5,NSC,M +2015-03-20 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-03-20 10:20,2,SCT,BR +2015-03-20 11:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-03-20 12:20,4,FEW,BR +2015-03-20 13:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-20 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-20 15:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-20 16:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-20 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-20 18:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-20 19:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-20 20:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-20 21:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-20 22:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-20 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-21 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-21 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-03-21 02:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-03-21 03:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2015-03-21 04:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2015-03-21 05:20,4,FEW,-RA BR +2015-03-21 06:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2015-03-21 07:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2015-03-21 08:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-03-21 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-21 10:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2015-03-21 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-03-21 12:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2015-03-21 13:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-21 14:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-21 15:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-03-21 16:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-03-21 17:20,4,BKN,M +2015-03-21 18:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-21 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-21 20:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-03-21 21:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-03-21 22:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-03-21 23:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-03-22 00:20,2,BKN,M +2015-03-22 01:20,1,BKN,M +2015-03-22 02:20,0,FEW,M +2015-03-22 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-03-22 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-03-22 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2015-03-22 06:20,0,M,M +2015-03-22 07:20,1,M,M +2015-03-22 08:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-22 09:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-22 10:20,3,FEW,M +2015-03-22 11:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-22 12:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-22 13:20,5,M,M +2015-03-22 14:20,5,M,M +2015-03-22 15:20,5,M,M +2015-03-22 16:20,5,M,M +2015-03-22 17:20,4,M,M +2015-03-22 18:20,4,M,M +2015-03-22 19:20,3,M,M +2015-03-22 20:20,3,M,M +2015-03-22 21:20,3,M,M +2015-03-22 22:20,2,M,M +2015-03-22 23:20,2,M,M +2015-03-23 00:20,2,M,M +2015-03-23 01:20,1,M,M +2015-03-23 02:20,0,M,M +2015-03-23 03:20,0,M,M +2015-03-23 04:20,0,M,M +2015-03-23 05:20,-1,M,M +2015-03-23 06:20,0,M,M +2015-03-23 07:20,2,FEW,M +2015-03-23 08:20,3,M,M +2015-03-23 09:20,5,M,M +2015-03-23 10:20,6,M,M +2015-03-23 11:20,7,M,M +2015-03-23 12:20,8,M,M +2015-03-23 13:20,9,M,M +2015-03-23 14:20,10,M,M +2015-03-23 15:20,9,M,M +2015-03-23 16:20,9,M,M +2015-03-23 17:20,8,M,M +2015-03-23 18:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-23 19:20,6,M,M +2015-03-23 20:20,4,M,M +2015-03-23 21:20,3,M,M +2015-03-23 22:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-23 23:20,1,BKN,M +2015-03-24 00:20,2,BKN,MIFG +2015-03-24 01:20,2,BKN,M +2015-03-24 02:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-24 03:20,3,BKN,M +2015-03-24 04:20,2,SCT,MIFG +2015-03-24 05:20,2,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2015-03-24 06:20,2,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-03-24 07:20,5,FEW,BR +2015-03-24 08:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-24 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-24 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-24 11:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-24 12:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-24 13:20,9,BKN,M +2015-03-24 14:20,8,BKN,M +2015-03-24 15:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-24 16:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-24 17:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-24 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-24 19:20,3,M,M +2015-03-24 20:20,2,M,M +2015-03-24 21:20,3,M,M +2015-03-24 22:20,2,M,M +2015-03-24 23:20,2,M,M +2015-03-25 00:20,2,M,M +2015-03-25 01:20,1,NSC,M +2015-03-25 02:20,1,NSC,M +2015-03-25 03:20,1,NSC,M +2015-03-25 04:20,1,NSC,BR +2015-03-25 05:20,1,NSC,BR +2015-03-25 06:20,2,NSC,BR +2015-03-25 07:20,6,NSC,BR +2015-03-25 08:20,8,NSC,M +2015-03-25 09:20,9,NSC,M +2015-03-25 10:20,11,FEW,M +2015-03-25 11:20,13,NSC,M +2015-03-25 12:20,13,NSC,M +2015-03-25 13:20,14,NSC,M +2015-03-25 14:20,14,NSC,M +2015-03-25 15:20,14,NSC,M +2015-03-25 16:20,14,NSC,M +2015-03-25 17:20,13,NSC,M +2015-03-25 18:20,12,NSC,M +2015-03-25 19:20,12,NSC,M +2015-03-25 20:20,11,NSC,M +2015-03-25 21:20,10,NSC,M +2015-03-25 22:20,8,NSC,BR +2015-03-25 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-03-26 00:20,7,SCT,BR +2015-03-26 01:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2015-03-26 02:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-03-26 03:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2015-03-26 04:20,5,SCT,-RA BR +2015-03-26 05:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-26 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-26 07:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-26 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-26 09:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-26 10:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-26 11:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 12:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 13:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 14:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 15:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 16:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-26 17:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-26 18:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-26 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-26 20:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-26 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-26 22:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-26 23:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-03-27 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-27 01:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-27 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-27 03:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-27 04:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-27 05:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-27 06:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-27 07:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-03-27 08:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-27 09:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-27 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2015-03-27 11:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-27 12:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-27 13:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-27 14:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-27 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-27 16:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-27 17:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-27 18:20,7,FEW,M +2015-03-27 19:20,7,BKN,M +2015-03-27 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-27 21:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-27 22:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-27 23:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-28 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-28 01:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-28 02:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-28 03:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-28 04:20,5,BKN,M +2015-03-28 05:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-28 06:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-28 07:20,6,SCT,M +2015-03-28 08:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-28 09:20,7,SCT,M +2015-03-28 10:20,8,BKN,M +2015-03-28 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-28 12:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-28 13:20,10,SCT,M +2015-03-28 14:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-28 15:20,10,SCT,M +2015-03-28 16:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-03-28 17:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-03-28 18:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-28 19:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-28 20:20,8,FEW,M +2015-03-28 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-28 22:20,9,OVC,M +2015-03-28 23:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-29 00:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2015-03-29 01:20,10,OVC,-RA BR +2015-03-29 02:20,10,OVC,-RA BR +2015-03-29 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-03-29 04:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 05:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-03-29 06:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 07:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-29 08:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2015-03-29 09:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-03-29 11:20,10,FEW,M +2015-03-29 12:20,9,SCT,M +2015-03-29 13:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 14:20,8,SCT,-RA +2015-03-29 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-29 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-03-29 18:20,8,FEW,RA +2015-03-29 19:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-03-29 20:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2015-03-29 21:20,7,SCT,-DZRA +2015-03-29 22:20,5,FEW,-DZRA +2015-03-29 23:20,5,FEW,RA +2015-03-30 00:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-03-30 01:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2015-03-30 02:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2015-03-30 03:20,6,FEW,M +2015-03-30 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-30 05:20,5,FEW,SHRA +2015-03-30 06:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-30 07:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-30 08:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-30 09:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-30 10:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-30 11:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-03-30 12:20,8,BKN,M +2015-03-30 13:20,7,BKN,VCSH +2015-03-30 14:20,6,BKN,VCSH +2015-03-30 15:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2015-03-30 16:20,5,BKN,-SHGSRA +2015-03-30 17:20,6,BKN,VCSH +2015-03-30 18:20,6,BKN,VCSH +2015-03-30 19:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-30 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-30 21:20,5,FEW,M +2015-03-30 22:20,5,M,M +2015-03-30 23:20,4,FEW,M +2015-03-31 00:20,5,M,M +2015-03-31 01:20,5,M,M +2015-03-31 02:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-03-31 03:20,1,BKN,SN +2015-03-31 04:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2015-03-31 05:20,2,FEW,RASN +2015-03-31 06:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-31 07:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2015-03-31 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-03-31 09:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-31 10:20,8,FEW,SHRA +2015-03-31 11:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-31 12:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2015-03-31 13:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-03-31 14:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-03-31 15:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-03-31 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-03-31 17:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-03-31 18:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-03-31 19:20,6,BKN,M +2015-03-31 20:20,5,SCT,M +2015-03-31 21:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-31 22:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-03-31 23:20,3,SCT,M +2015-04-01 00:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2015-04-01 01:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2015-04-01 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-04-01 03:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-01 04:20,3,BKN,SHRAGS +2015-04-01 05:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-01 06:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-01 07:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-01 08:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-01 09:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-01 10:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-01 11:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-01 12:20,7,FEW,VC +2015-04-01 13:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-01 14:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-01 15:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-01 16:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-01 17:20,5,SCT,M +2015-04-01 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-01 19:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-01 20:20,3,SCT,M +2015-04-01 21:20,3,FEW,M +2015-04-01 22:20,3,FEW,-SHRASN +2015-04-01 23:20,1,BKN,SHSN +2015-04-02 00:20,2,BKN,-SHSN +2015-04-02 01:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2015-04-02 02:20,2,BKN,M +2015-04-02 03:20,2,BKN,-SHSNRA +2015-04-02 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-04-02 05:20,1,FEW,M +2015-04-02 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-04-02 07:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-02 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-02 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-02 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-02 11:20,5,FEW,-SHRAGS +2015-04-02 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-02 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-02 14:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-02 15:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-02 16:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-02 17:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-02 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-02 19:20,4,M,M +2015-04-02 20:20,4,M,M +2015-04-02 21:20,3,M,M +2015-04-02 22:20,3,BKN,M +2015-04-02 23:20,3,BKN,M +2015-04-03 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-03 01:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-03 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-03 03:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-03 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-03 05:20,5,SCT,M +2015-04-03 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-03 07:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-03 08:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-03 09:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-03 10:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-03 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-03 12:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-03 13:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-03 14:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-03 15:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-03 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-03 17:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-03 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-03 19:20,4,M,M +2015-04-03 20:20,3,M,M +2015-04-03 21:20,1,M,M +2015-04-03 22:20,0,M,M +2015-04-03 23:20,0,M,M +2015-04-04 00:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-04 01:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-04 02:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-04 03:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-04 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-04-04 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2015-04-04 06:20,0,M,M +2015-04-04 07:20,3,M,M +2015-04-04 08:20,5,M,M +2015-04-04 09:20,7,M,M +2015-04-04 10:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-04 11:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-04 12:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-04 13:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-04 14:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-04 15:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-04 16:20,9,M,M +2015-04-04 17:20,8,M,M +2015-04-04 18:20,6,NSC,M +2015-04-04 19:20,4,M,M +2015-04-04 20:20,2,M,M +2015-04-04 21:20,0,M,M +2015-04-04 22:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-04 23:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-05 00:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-05 01:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-05 02:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-05 03:20,-3,M,M +2015-04-05 04:20,-3,M,M +2015-04-05 05:20,-2,M,M +2015-04-05 06:20,1,M,M +2015-04-05 07:20,4,M,M +2015-04-05 08:20,6,M,M +2015-04-05 09:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-05 10:20,9,M,M +2015-04-05 11:20,9,M,M +2015-04-05 12:20,10,M,M +2015-04-05 13:20,9,M,M +2015-04-05 14:20,10,M,M +2015-04-05 15:20,9,M,M +2015-04-05 16:20,9,M,M +2015-04-05 17:20,8,M,M +2015-04-05 18:20,6,M,M +2015-04-05 19:20,5,M,M +2015-04-05 20:20,4,M,M +2015-04-05 21:20,5,M,M +2015-04-05 22:20,5,M,M +2015-04-05 23:20,5,M,M +2015-04-06 00:20,5,M,M +2015-04-06 01:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-06 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-06 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-06 04:20,4,SCT,M +2015-04-06 05:20,4,SCT,M +2015-04-06 06:20,5,SCT,M +2015-04-06 07:20,6,SCT,M +2015-04-06 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-06 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-06 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-06 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-06 12:20,10,M,M +2015-04-06 13:20,10,M,M +2015-04-06 14:20,10,M,M +2015-04-06 15:20,9,M,M +2015-04-06 16:20,9,M,M +2015-04-06 17:20,8,M,M +2015-04-06 18:20,7,M,M +2015-04-06 19:20,5,M,M +2015-04-06 20:20,4,M,M +2015-04-06 21:20,3,M,M +2015-04-06 22:20,2,M,M +2015-04-06 23:20,1,M,M +2015-04-07 00:20,0,M,M +2015-04-07 01:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-07 02:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-07 03:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-07 04:20,0,M,M +2015-04-07 05:20,0,M,M +2015-04-07 06:20,4,M,M +2015-04-07 07:20,5,M,M +2015-04-07 08:20,7,M,M +2015-04-07 09:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-07 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-07 11:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-07 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-07 13:20,10,BKN,M +2015-04-07 14:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-07 15:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-07 16:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-07 17:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-07 18:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2015-04-07 19:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2015-04-07 20:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2015-04-07 21:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-07 22:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-07 23:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-08 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-08 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-08 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-08 03:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-04-08 04:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-04-08 05:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-04-08 06:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-04-08 07:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-08 08:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-08 09:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-08 10:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-08 11:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-08 12:20,13,SCT,M +2015-04-08 13:20,13,SCT,M +2015-04-08 14:20,13,SCT,M +2015-04-08 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-08 16:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-08 17:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-08 18:20,8,M,M +2015-04-08 19:20,7,M,M +2015-04-08 20:20,6,M,M +2015-04-08 21:20,5,M,M +2015-04-08 22:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-08 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-09 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-04-09 01:20,5,BKN,BCFG BR +2015-04-09 02:20,5,OVC,FG +2015-04-09 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2015-04-09 04:20,5,FEW,BCFG BR +2015-04-09 05:20,5,FEW,BR +2015-04-09 06:20,5,BKN,BR +2015-04-09 07:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-09 08:20,9,NSC,M +2015-04-09 09:20,11,M,M +2015-04-09 10:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-09 11:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-09 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-09 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-09 14:20,15,M,M +2015-04-09 15:20,15,M,M +2015-04-09 16:20,15,M,M +2015-04-09 17:20,14,M,M +2015-04-09 18:20,12,M,M +2015-04-09 19:20,10,M,M +2015-04-09 20:20,9,M,M +2015-04-09 21:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-09 22:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-09 23:20,6,M,M +2015-04-10 00:20,3,M,M +2015-04-10 01:20,4,M,M +2015-04-10 02:20,4,M,M +2015-04-10 03:20,3,M,M +2015-04-10 04:20,4,M,M +2015-04-10 05:20,5,NSC,M +2015-04-10 06:20,8,NSC,M +2015-04-10 07:20,10,M,M +2015-04-10 08:20,11,M,M +2015-04-10 09:20,13,NSC,M +2015-04-10 10:20,16,M,M +2015-04-10 11:20,17,M,M +2015-04-10 12:20,18,FEW,M +2015-04-10 13:20,19,FEW,M +2015-04-10 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-04-10 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-04-10 16:20,18,M,M +2015-04-10 17:20,17,M,M +2015-04-10 18:20,15,M,M +2015-04-10 19:20,13,M,M +2015-04-10 20:20,12,M,M +2015-04-10 21:20,11,M,M +2015-04-10 22:20,10,M,M +2015-04-10 23:20,9,M,M +2015-04-11 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 05:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-11 06:20,11,M,M +2015-04-11 07:20,13,M,M +2015-04-11 08:20,16,M,M +2015-04-11 09:20,17,M,M +2015-04-11 10:20,18,M,M +2015-04-11 11:20,19,M,M +2015-04-11 12:20,19,M,M +2015-04-11 13:20,18,FEW,M +2015-04-11 14:20,17,FEW,M +2015-04-11 15:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2015-04-11 16:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-04-11 17:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-11 18:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-04-11 19:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-11 20:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-11 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-11 22:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-11 23:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 00:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 01:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 02:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 03:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 04:20,5,M,M +2015-04-12 05:20,5,M,M +2015-04-12 06:20,6,M,M +2015-04-12 07:20,8,M,M +2015-04-12 08:20,9,M,M +2015-04-12 09:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-12 10:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-12 11:20,13,SCT,M +2015-04-12 12:20,13,SCT,M +2015-04-12 13:20,14,SCT,M +2015-04-12 14:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-12 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-12 16:20,14,M,M +2015-04-12 17:20,13,M,M +2015-04-12 18:20,11,M,M +2015-04-12 19:20,11,M,M +2015-04-12 20:20,11,M,M +2015-04-12 21:20,11,M,M +2015-04-12 22:20,12,M,M +2015-04-12 23:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-04-13 00:20,7,SCT,-RA +2015-04-13 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-13 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-13 03:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-13 04:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-13 05:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-13 06:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-13 07:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-13 08:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-13 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-13 10:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-13 11:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-13 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-13 13:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-13 14:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-13 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-13 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-13 17:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-13 18:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-13 19:20,6,M,M +2015-04-13 20:20,5,M,M +2015-04-13 21:20,5,M,M +2015-04-13 22:20,4,M,M +2015-04-13 23:20,3,M,M +2015-04-14 00:20,3,M,M +2015-04-14 01:20,2,M,M +2015-04-14 02:20,2,M,M +2015-04-14 03:20,3,M,M +2015-04-14 04:20,2,M,M +2015-04-14 05:20,3,M,M +2015-04-14 06:20,6,M,M +2015-04-14 07:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-14 08:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-14 09:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-14 10:20,10,BKN,M +2015-04-14 11:20,11,BKN,M +2015-04-14 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-04-14 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-04-14 14:20,16,BKN,M +2015-04-14 15:20,14,SCT,M +2015-04-14 16:20,14,BKN,M +2015-04-14 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-14 18:20,11,M,M +2015-04-14 19:20,10,M,M +2015-04-14 20:20,10,M,M +2015-04-14 21:20,10,M,M +2015-04-14 22:20,9,M,M +2015-04-14 23:20,9,M,M +2015-04-15 00:20,9,M,M +2015-04-15 01:20,9,M,M +2015-04-15 02:20,10,M,M +2015-04-15 03:20,10,M,M +2015-04-15 04:20,10,M,M +2015-04-15 05:20,9,M,M +2015-04-15 06:20,11,M,M +2015-04-15 07:20,13,M,M +2015-04-15 08:20,15,M,M +2015-04-15 09:20,17,M,M +2015-04-15 10:20,18,FEW,M +2015-04-15 11:20,19,M,M +2015-04-15 12:20,20,M,M +2015-04-15 13:20,21,M,M +2015-04-15 14:20,19,M,M +2015-04-15 15:20,17,FEW,M +2015-04-15 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-15 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-15 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-15 19:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-15 20:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-15 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-15 22:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-15 23:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-16 00:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-16 01:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-16 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-16 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-16 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-16 05:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-16 06:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-16 07:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-16 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-16 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-16 10:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-16 11:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-16 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-16 13:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-16 14:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-16 15:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-16 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-16 17:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-16 18:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-16 19:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-16 20:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-16 21:20,6,M,M +2015-04-16 22:20,5,M,M +2015-04-16 23:20,4,M,M +2015-04-17 00:20,4,M,M +2015-04-17 01:20,4,M,M +2015-04-17 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-04-17 03:20,3,FEW,M +2015-04-17 04:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-17 05:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-17 06:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-17 07:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-17 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-17 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-17 10:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-17 11:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-17 12:20,12,M,M +2015-04-17 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-17 14:20,12,M,M +2015-04-17 15:20,12,M,M +2015-04-17 16:20,11,M,M +2015-04-17 17:20,11,M,M +2015-04-17 18:20,10,M,M +2015-04-17 19:20,9,M,M +2015-04-17 20:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-17 21:20,5,M,M +2015-04-17 22:20,6,M,M +2015-04-17 23:20,4,M,M +2015-04-18 00:20,4,M,M +2015-04-18 01:20,3,M,M +2015-04-18 02:20,3,M,M +2015-04-18 03:20,0,M,M +2015-04-18 04:20,0,M,M +2015-04-18 05:20,1,M,M +2015-04-18 06:20,6,M,M +2015-04-18 07:20,8,M,M +2015-04-18 08:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-18 09:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-18 10:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-18 11:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-18 12:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-18 13:20,12,M,M +2015-04-18 14:20,12,M,M +2015-04-18 15:20,12,M,M +2015-04-18 16:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-18 17:20,11,M,M +2015-04-18 18:20,9,M,M +2015-04-18 19:20,8,M,M +2015-04-18 20:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-18 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-18 22:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-18 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-19 00:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-19 01:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-19 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-19 03:20,5,BKN,M +2015-04-19 04:20,4,SCT,M +2015-04-19 05:20,6,BKN,M +2015-04-19 06:20,6,FEW,M +2015-04-19 07:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-19 08:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-19 09:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-19 10:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-19 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-19 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-19 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-19 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-04-19 15:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-19 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-19 17:20,13,M,M +2015-04-19 18:20,12,M,M +2015-04-19 19:20,10,M,M +2015-04-19 20:20,7,M,M +2015-04-19 21:20,6,M,M +2015-04-19 22:20,5,M,M +2015-04-19 23:20,4,M,M +2015-04-20 00:20,3,M,M +2015-04-20 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-20 02:20,2,M,M +2015-04-20 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-20 04:20,2,M,M +2015-04-20 05:20,5,M,M +2015-04-20 06:20,8,M,M +2015-04-20 07:20,11,M,M +2015-04-20 08:20,13,M,M +2015-04-20 09:20,15,M,M +2015-04-20 10:20,16,M,M +2015-04-20 11:20,17,M,M +2015-04-20 12:20,18,M,M +2015-04-20 13:20,18,M,M +2015-04-20 14:20,18,M,M +2015-04-20 15:20,18,M,M +2015-04-20 16:20,17,M,M +2015-04-20 17:20,17,M,M +2015-04-20 18:20,13,M,M +2015-04-20 19:20,10,M,M +2015-04-20 20:20,9,M,M +2015-04-20 21:20,7,M,M +2015-04-20 22:20,7,M,M +2015-04-20 23:20,5,M,M +2015-04-21 00:20,5,M,M +2015-04-21 01:20,5,M,M +2015-04-21 02:20,4,M,M +2015-04-21 03:20,7,M,M +2015-04-21 04:20,6,M,M +2015-04-21 05:20,7,M,M +2015-04-21 06:20,10,M,M +2015-04-21 07:20,12,M,M +2015-04-21 08:20,14,M,M +2015-04-21 09:20,15,M,M +2015-04-21 10:20,16,M,M +2015-04-21 11:20,16,M,M +2015-04-21 12:20,15,M,M +2015-04-21 13:20,15,M,M +2015-04-21 14:20,14,M,M +2015-04-21 15:20,12,M,M +2015-04-21 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-21 17:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-21 18:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-21 19:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-21 20:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-21 21:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-21 22:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-21 23:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-22 00:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-22 01:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-22 02:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-04-22 03:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-22 04:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-22 05:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-22 06:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-22 07:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-22 08:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-22 09:20,12,BKN,M +2015-04-22 10:20,12,BKN,M +2015-04-22 11:20,13,FEW,M +2015-04-22 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-22 13:20,15,FEW,M +2015-04-22 14:20,15,M,M +2015-04-22 15:20,16,M,M +2015-04-22 16:20,15,M,M +2015-04-22 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-22 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-22 19:20,10,M,M +2015-04-22 20:20,9,M,M +2015-04-22 21:20,7,M,M +2015-04-22 22:20,6,M,M +2015-04-22 23:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-23 00:20,7,OVC,M +2015-04-23 01:20,7,OVC,M +2015-04-23 02:20,6,OVC,M +2015-04-23 03:20,6,OVC,M +2015-04-23 05:20,6,OVC,M +2015-04-23 06:20,6,OVC,M +2015-04-23 07:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-23 08:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-23 09:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-23 10:20,11,BKN,M +2015-04-23 11:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-23 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-23 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-23 14:20,15,M,M +2015-04-23 15:20,15,M,M +2015-04-23 16:20,13,M,M +2015-04-23 17:20,12,M,M +2015-04-23 18:20,10,M,M +2015-04-23 19:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-23 20:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-23 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-04-23 22:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-23 23:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-24 00:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-24 01:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-04-24 02:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-04-24 03:20,7,FEW,BR +2015-04-24 04:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-04-24 05:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-24 06:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-24 07:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-24 08:20,10,BKN,M +2015-04-24 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-24 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-24 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-04-24 12:20,17,FEW,M +2015-04-24 13:20,17,M,M +2015-04-24 14:20,18,M,M +2015-04-24 15:20,18,M,M +2015-04-24 16:20,18,M,M +2015-04-24 17:20,17,M,M +2015-04-24 18:20,16,M,M +2015-04-24 19:20,13,NSC,M +2015-04-24 20:20,11,M,M +2015-04-24 21:20,10,M,M +2015-04-24 22:20,10,M,M +2015-04-24 23:20,9,M,M +2015-04-25 00:20,9,M,M +2015-04-25 01:20,10,M,M +2015-04-25 02:20,10,M,M +2015-04-25 03:20,11,M,M +2015-04-25 04:20,10,M,M +2015-04-25 05:20,12,M,M +2015-04-25 06:20,13,BKN,M +2015-04-25 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-25 08:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-25 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-04-25 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 11:20,13,BKN,-RA BR +2015-04-25 12:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 13:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-04-25 15:20,13,BKN,M +2015-04-25 16:20,14,M,M +2015-04-25 17:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 19:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-25 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-04-25 21:20,12,SCT,-RA +2015-04-25 22:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-25 23:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-26 00:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-26 01:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-26 02:20,9,SCT,BR +2015-04-26 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2015-04-26 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-04-26 05:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-04-26 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-26 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-04-26 08:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-04-26 09:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-04-26 10:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-04-26 11:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-04-26 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-04-26 13:20,11,BKN,SHRA +2015-04-26 14:20,10,BKN,M +2015-04-26 15:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-04-26 16:20,8,BKN,M +2015-04-26 17:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-26 18:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-26 19:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-26 20:20,7,BKN,M +2015-04-26 21:20,7,SCT,M +2015-04-26 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-04-27 00:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-04-27 01:20,6,SCT,-RA +2015-04-27 02:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-04-27 03:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-04-27 04:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2015-04-27 05:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-04-27 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-04-27 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-04-27 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-04-27 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-27 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-27 11:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-27 12:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-27 13:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-27 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-27 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-27 16:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-27 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-27 18:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-27 19:20,7,M,M +2015-04-27 20:20,6,M,M +2015-04-27 21:20,5,M,M +2015-04-27 22:20,3,M,M +2015-04-27 23:20,1,M,M +2015-04-28 00:20,1,M,M +2015-04-28 01:20,0,M,M +2015-04-28 02:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-28 03:20,-1,M,M +2015-04-28 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-28 05:20,1,M,M +2015-04-28 06:20,5,M,M +2015-04-28 07:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-28 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-28 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-04-28 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-28 11:20,11,SCT,M +2015-04-28 12:20,11,M,M +2015-04-28 13:20,11,M,M +2015-04-28 14:20,11,M,M +2015-04-28 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-28 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-28 17:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-04-28 18:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-28 19:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-28 20:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-28 21:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-28 22:20,4,FEW,M +2015-04-28 23:20,3,FEW,M +2015-04-29 00:20,3,M,M +2015-04-29 01:20,2,FEW,M +2015-04-29 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2015-04-29 03:20,2,M,M +2015-04-29 04:20,2,M,M +2015-04-29 05:20,4,M,M +2015-04-29 06:20,7,M,M +2015-04-29 07:20,9,M,M +2015-04-29 08:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-29 09:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-29 10:20,12,SCT,M +2015-04-29 11:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 12:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 13:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 14:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 15:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 16:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 17:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 18:20,13,M,M +2015-04-29 19:20,12,M,M +2015-04-29 20:20,12,M,M +2015-04-29 21:20,11,M,M +2015-04-29 22:20,10,M,M +2015-04-29 23:20,10,M,M +2015-04-30 00:20,9,M,M +2015-04-30 01:20,9,M,M +2015-04-30 02:20,8,M,M +2015-04-30 03:20,7,M,M +2015-04-30 04:20,7,M,M +2015-04-30 05:20,8,SCT,M +2015-04-30 06:20,7,FEW,RA +2015-04-30 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-04-30 08:20,9,FEW,M +2015-04-30 09:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-30 10:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-30 11:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-04-30 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-04-30 13:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-30 14:20,12,FEW,M +2015-04-30 15:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-04-30 16:20,10,SCT,M +2015-04-30 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-04-30 18:20,8,FEW,M +2015-04-30 19:20,7,M,M +2015-04-30 20:20,7,FEW,M +2015-04-30 21:20,6,M,M +2015-04-30 22:20,5,FEW,M +2015-04-30 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-01 00:20,5,M,M +2015-05-01 01:20,5,M,M +2015-05-01 02:20,4,M,M +2015-05-01 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-05-01 04:20,4,FEW,M +2015-05-01 05:20,6,SCT,M +2015-05-01 06:20,6,BKN,M +2015-05-01 07:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-01 08:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-01 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-05-01 10:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-01 11:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-01 12:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2015-05-01 13:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-01 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-01 15:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-01 16:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-01 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-01 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-01 19:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-01 20:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-01 21:20,4,M,M +2015-05-01 22:20,5,M,M +2015-05-01 23:20,4,M,M +2015-05-02 00:20,3,FEW,M +2015-05-02 01:20,3,BKN,M +2015-05-02 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-05-02 03:20,6,BKN,M +2015-05-02 04:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-02 05:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-02 06:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-02 07:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-02 08:20,9,BKN,M +2015-05-02 09:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-02 10:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-02 11:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-02 12:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-02 13:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-02 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-02 15:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-02 16:20,12,M,M +2015-05-02 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-02 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-02 19:20,7,M,M +2015-05-02 20:20,5,M,M +2015-05-02 21:20,5,M,M +2015-05-02 22:20,4,M,M +2015-05-02 23:20,4,M,M +2015-05-03 00:20,3,M,M +2015-05-03 01:20,3,M,M +2015-05-03 02:20,3,M,M +2015-05-03 03:20,3,M,M +2015-05-03 04:20,3,M,M +2015-05-03 05:20,6,M,M +2015-05-03 06:20,9,M,M +2015-05-03 07:20,11,M,M +2015-05-03 08:20,13,M,M +2015-05-03 09:20,14,M,M +2015-05-03 10:20,16,M,M +2015-05-03 11:20,17,M,M +2015-05-03 12:20,18,M,M +2015-05-03 13:20,18,M,M +2015-05-03 14:20,18,M,M +2015-05-03 15:20,17,M,M +2015-05-03 16:20,17,BKN,M +2015-05-03 17:20,16,BKN,-RA +2015-05-03 18:20,14,BKN,-RA +2015-05-03 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-05-03 20:20,13,BKN,RA +2015-05-03 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-05-03 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-05-03 23:20,14,BKN,M +2015-05-04 00:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-04 01:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-04 02:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-04 03:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-04 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-04 05:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-04 06:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-04 07:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-04 08:20,15,BKN,M +2015-05-04 09:20,15,BKN,M +2015-05-04 10:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-05-04 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-05-04 12:20,17,BKN,M +2015-05-04 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-05-04 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-05-04 15:20,19,SCT,M +2015-05-04 16:20,19,SCT,M +2015-05-04 17:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-04 18:20,17,M,M +2015-05-04 19:20,15,M,M +2015-05-04 20:20,14,M,M +2015-05-04 21:20,13,M,M +2015-05-04 22:20,12,M,M +2015-05-04 23:20,13,M,M +2015-05-05 00:20,14,M,M +2015-05-05 01:20,14,M,M +2015-05-05 02:20,14,M,M +2015-05-05 03:20,14,SCT,-RA +2015-05-05 04:20,14,SCT,-RA +2015-05-05 05:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-05 06:20,15,M,M +2015-05-05 07:20,18,M,M +2015-05-05 08:20,20,M,M +2015-05-05 09:20,22,SCT,M +2015-05-05 10:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-05 11:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-05 12:20,22,FEW,M +2015-05-05 13:20,23,FEW,M +2015-05-05 14:20,23,SCT,M +2015-05-05 15:20,15,FEW,+TSRA +2015-05-05 16:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-05 17:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-05 18:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2015-05-05 19:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-05 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-05 21:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-05 22:20,11,M,M +2015-05-05 23:20,9,M,M +2015-05-06 00:20,9,M,M +2015-05-06 01:20,8,M,M +2015-05-06 02:20,8,M,M +2015-05-06 03:20,9,M,M +2015-05-06 04:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-06 05:20,11,M,M +2015-05-06 06:20,12,M,M +2015-05-06 07:20,14,M,M +2015-05-06 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-06 09:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-06 10:20,17,SCT,M +2015-05-06 11:20,17,M,M +2015-05-06 12:20,18,M,M +2015-05-06 13:20,18,M,M +2015-05-06 14:20,17,M,M +2015-05-06 15:20,18,M,M +2015-05-06 16:20,13,SCT,SHRA +2015-05-06 17:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-06 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-06 19:20,10,SCT,SHRA +2015-05-06 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-06 21:20,10,M,M +2015-05-06 22:20,11,M,M +2015-05-06 23:20,11,M,M +2015-05-07 00:20,10,M,M +2015-05-07 01:20,10,M,M +2015-05-07 02:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-07 03:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-07 04:20,10,M,M +2015-05-07 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-07 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-07 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-07 08:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-07 09:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-07 10:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-07 11:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-07 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-07 13:20,14,BKN,M +2015-05-07 14:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-07 15:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-07 16:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-07 17:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-07 18:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-07 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-07 20:20,9,SCT,M +2015-05-07 21:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-07 22:20,8,FEW,BCFG +2015-05-07 23:20,6,M,M +2015-05-08 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-08 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-08 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-08 03:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-08 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2015-05-08 05:20,7,M,M +2015-05-08 06:20,9,M,M +2015-05-08 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-08 08:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-08 09:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-08 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-08 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-08 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-08 13:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-08 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-05-08 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-08 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-08 17:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-08 18:20,14,M,M +2015-05-08 19:20,13,M,M +2015-05-08 20:20,11,M,M +2015-05-08 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-08 22:20,10,M,M +2015-05-08 23:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 00:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 01:20,9,M,M +2015-05-09 02:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 03:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 04:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 05:20,11,M,M +2015-05-09 06:20,12,M,M +2015-05-09 07:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-05-09 08:20,12,SCT,+RA +2015-05-09 09:20,14,SCT,-RA +2015-05-09 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-09 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-09 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-09 13:20,17,SCT,M +2015-05-09 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-09 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-09 16:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2015-05-09 17:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2015-05-09 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-09 19:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-09 20:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-05-09 21:20,10,M,M +2015-05-09 22:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-09 23:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-10 00:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-10 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-05-10 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-05-10 03:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-05-10 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-05-10 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-10 06:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-10 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-05-10 08:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-10 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-10 10:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-10 11:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-10 12:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-10 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-10 14:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-10 15:20,13,M,M +2015-05-10 16:20,13,M,M +2015-05-10 17:20,13,M,M +2015-05-10 18:20,12,M,M +2015-05-10 19:20,9,M,M +2015-05-10 20:20,7,M,M +2015-05-10 21:20,6,M,M +2015-05-10 22:20,6,M,M +2015-05-10 23:20,6,M,M +2015-05-11 00:20,6,M,M +2015-05-11 01:20,6,M,M +2015-05-11 02:20,6,M,M +2015-05-11 03:20,7,M,M +2015-05-11 04:20,8,M,M +2015-05-11 05:20,9,M,M +2015-05-11 06:20,11,M,M +2015-05-11 07:20,13,M,M +2015-05-11 08:20,15,M,M +2015-05-11 09:20,17,M,M +2015-05-11 10:20,19,M,M +2015-05-11 11:20,20,M,M +2015-05-11 12:20,21,M,M +2015-05-11 13:20,23,M,M +2015-05-11 14:20,23,M,M +2015-05-11 15:20,23,M,M +2015-05-11 16:20,23,M,M +2015-05-11 17:20,22,M,M +2015-05-11 18:20,21,M,M +2015-05-11 19:20,20,M,M +2015-05-11 20:20,19,M,M +2015-05-11 21:20,18,M,M +2015-05-11 22:20,17,M,M +2015-05-11 23:20,13,M,M +2015-05-12 00:20,12,M,M +2015-05-12 01:20,12,M,M +2015-05-12 02:20,12,M,M +2015-05-12 03:20,12,M,M +2015-05-12 04:20,11,M,M +2015-05-12 05:20,14,M,M +2015-05-12 06:20,16,M,M +2015-05-12 07:20,17,M,M +2015-05-12 08:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-12 09:20,19,FEW,M +2015-05-12 10:20,21,FEW,M +2015-05-12 11:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-12 12:20,17,FEW,M +2015-05-12 13:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-12 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-12 15:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-12 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-12 17:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-12 18:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-12 19:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-12 20:20,10,M,M +2015-05-12 21:20,10,M,M +2015-05-12 22:20,10,M,M +2015-05-12 23:20,10,M,M +2015-05-13 00:20,9,M,M +2015-05-13 01:20,9,M,M +2015-05-13 02:20,9,M,M +2015-05-13 03:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-13 04:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-13 05:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-13 06:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-13 07:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-13 08:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-13 09:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-13 10:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-13 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-13 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-13 13:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-13 14:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-13 15:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-13 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-13 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-13 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-13 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-13 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-13 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-13 22:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-13 23:20,9,BKN,M +2015-05-14 00:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-14 01:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-14 02:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-14 03:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-14 04:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-14 05:20,9,SCT,M +2015-05-14 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-14 07:20,9,SCT,M +2015-05-14 08:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-14 09:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-14 10:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-14 11:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-14 12:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-14 13:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-14 14:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-14 15:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-14 16:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-14 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-14 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-14 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-14 20:20,9,OVC,M +2015-05-14 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-05-14 22:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-14 23:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-15 00:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 01:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 02:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 03:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 04:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 05:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-15 06:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-15 07:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-15 08:20,9,BKN,M +2015-05-15 09:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-15 10:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-15 11:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-15 12:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-15 13:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-15 14:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-15 15:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-15 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-15 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-15 18:20,10,M,M +2015-05-15 19:20,9,M,M +2015-05-15 20:20,7,M,M +2015-05-15 21:20,6,M,M +2015-05-15 22:20,5,M,M +2015-05-15 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-05-16 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-05-16 01:20,5,FEW,M +2015-05-16 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-05-16 03:20,5,BKN,M +2015-05-16 04:20,5,BKN,M +2015-05-16 05:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-16 06:20,7,BKN,M +2015-05-16 07:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-16 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-16 09:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-05-16 10:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-05-16 11:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-05-16 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-16 13:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-16 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-16 15:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-05-16 16:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-05-16 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-16 18:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-16 19:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-16 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-16 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-16 22:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-16 23:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-17 00:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-17 01:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-17 02:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-17 03:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-17 04:20,7,M,M +2015-05-17 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-17 06:20,10,M,M +2015-05-17 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-17 08:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-17 09:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-17 10:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-17 11:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-17 12:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-17 13:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-17 14:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-17 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-17 16:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-17 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-17 18:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-17 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-17 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-17 21:20,8,M,M +2015-05-17 22:20,8,M,M +2015-05-17 23:20,9,M,M +2015-05-18 00:20,9,M,M +2015-05-18 01:20,8,M,M +2015-05-18 02:20,8,M,M +2015-05-18 03:20,7,M,M +2015-05-18 04:20,8,M,M +2015-05-18 05:20,9,M,M +2015-05-18 06:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-18 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-18 08:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-18 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-18 10:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-18 11:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-18 12:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-18 13:20,16,M,M +2015-05-18 14:20,16,M,M +2015-05-18 15:20,16,M,M +2015-05-18 16:20,15,NSC,-RA +2015-05-18 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-05-18 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-05-18 19:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-05-18 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-05-18 21:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-18 22:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-05-18 23:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-05-19 00:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-05-19 01:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-05-19 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-05-19 03:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-19 04:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-19 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-19 06:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-19 07:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-19 08:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-19 09:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-19 10:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-19 11:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-19 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-19 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-19 14:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-19 15:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-19 16:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-19 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-19 18:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-19 19:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-19 20:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-19 21:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-19 22:20,8,SCT,M +2015-05-19 23:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-20 00:20,6,M,M +2015-05-20 01:20,8,SCT,M +2015-05-20 02:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-20 03:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-20 04:20,7,M,M +2015-05-20 05:20,9,M,M +2015-05-20 06:20,10,M,M +2015-05-20 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-20 08:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-20 09:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-20 10:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-20 11:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-20 12:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-20 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-20 14:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-20 15:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-20 16:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-20 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-20 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-20 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-20 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-20 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-20 22:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-20 23:20,5,M,M +2015-05-21 00:20,5,FEW,M +2015-05-21 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-21 02:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2015-05-21 03:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2015-05-21 04:20,5,M,M +2015-05-21 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-21 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-21 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-21 08:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-21 09:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-21 10:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-21 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-21 12:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-21 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-21 14:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-21 15:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-21 16:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-21 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-21 18:20,12,M,M +2015-05-21 19:20,10,M,M +2015-05-21 20:20,8,M,M +2015-05-21 21:20,8,M,M +2015-05-21 22:20,8,SCT,M +2015-05-21 23:20,8,SCT,M +2015-05-22 00:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-22 01:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2015-05-22 02:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2015-05-22 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-22 04:20,7,M,M +2015-05-22 05:20,10,M,M +2015-05-22 06:20,12,M,M +2015-05-22 07:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-22 08:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-22 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-22 10:20,17,FEW,M +2015-05-22 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-05-22 12:20,18,BKN,M +2015-05-22 13:20,18,M,M +2015-05-22 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-05-22 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-22 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-22 17:20,18,M,M +2015-05-22 18:20,17,M,M +2015-05-22 19:20,16,M,M +2015-05-22 20:20,13,M,M +2015-05-22 21:20,14,M,M +2015-05-22 22:20,13,M,M +2015-05-22 23:20,13,M,M +2015-05-23 00:20,12,M,M +2015-05-23 01:20,12,M,M +2015-05-23 02:20,13,M,M +2015-05-23 03:20,12,M,M +2015-05-23 04:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-23 05:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-23 07:20,11,BKN,-DZRA +2015-05-23 08:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2015-05-23 09:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-05-23 10:20,11,BKN,VCSH +2015-05-23 11:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-23 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-23 13:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-23 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-23 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-23 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-23 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-23 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-23 19:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-23 20:20,9,M,M +2015-05-23 21:20,8,M,M +2015-05-23 22:20,7,M,M +2015-05-23 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-24 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-24 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-24 02:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-24 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-05-24 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-24 05:20,7,M,M +2015-05-24 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-24 07:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-24 08:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-24 09:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-24 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-24 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-24 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-24 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-05-24 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-05-24 15:20,18,M,M +2015-05-24 16:20,18,M,M +2015-05-24 17:20,18,M,M +2015-05-24 18:20,17,M,M +2015-05-24 19:20,15,M,M +2015-05-24 20:20,12,M,M +2015-05-24 21:20,10,M,M +2015-05-24 22:20,8,M,M +2015-05-24 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-25 00:20,7,M,M +2015-05-25 01:20,7,M,M +2015-05-25 02:20,9,M,M +2015-05-25 03:20,9,NSC,-RA +2015-05-25 04:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-05-25 05:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-25 06:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-25 07:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-25 08:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-25 09:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-25 10:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-25 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-25 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-25 13:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-25 14:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-25 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-25 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-25 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-25 18:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-25 19:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-25 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-25 21:20,9,M,M +2015-05-25 22:20,7,M,M +2015-05-25 23:20,7,M,M +2015-05-26 00:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-26 01:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-05-26 02:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-05-26 03:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-26 04:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-26 05:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-26 06:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-26 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-26 08:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-26 09:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-26 10:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-26 11:20,13,SCT,M +2015-05-26 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-26 13:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-26 14:20,14,SCT,M +2015-05-26 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-26 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-26 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-26 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-26 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-26 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-26 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-26 22:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-26 23:20,8,SCT,M +2015-05-27 00:20,8,BKN,M +2015-05-27 01:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-27 02:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-27 03:20,9,SCT,M +2015-05-27 04:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-27 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-27 06:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-27 07:20,11,SCT,M +2015-05-27 08:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-27 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-27 10:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-27 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-27 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-27 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-27 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-27 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-27 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-27 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-27 18:20,13,M,M +2015-05-27 19:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-27 20:20,13,M,M +2015-05-27 21:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-27 22:20,13,M,M +2015-05-27 23:20,12,M,M +2015-05-28 00:20,12,M,M +2015-05-28 01:20,13,M,M +2015-05-28 02:20,13,BKN,M +2015-05-28 03:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-28 04:20,12,M,M +2015-05-28 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-28 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-28 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-28 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-28 09:20,14,BKN,M +2015-05-28 10:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2015-05-28 11:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2015-05-28 12:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-28 13:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-28 14:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-05-28 15:20,11,FEW,RA +2015-05-28 16:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-28 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-28 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-28 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-28 20:20,8,FEW,M +2015-05-28 21:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-28 22:20,6,FEW,M +2015-05-28 23:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2015-05-29 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-29 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-29 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-29 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-05-29 04:20,6,M,M +2015-05-29 05:20,10,M,M +2015-05-29 06:20,11,M,M +2015-05-29 07:20,12,M,M +2015-05-29 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-29 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-05-29 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-29 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-29 12:20,17,M,M +2015-05-29 13:20,17,M,M +2015-05-29 14:20,17,M,M +2015-05-29 15:20,17,M,M +2015-05-29 16:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-29 17:20,15,M,M +2015-05-29 18:20,14,M,M +2015-05-29 19:20,12,M,M +2015-05-29 20:20,11,M,M +2015-05-29 21:20,12,M,M +2015-05-29 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-05-29 23:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-05-30 00:20,10,FEW,M +2015-05-30 01:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-30 02:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2015-05-30 03:20,10,BKN,M +2015-05-30 04:20,9,BKN,M +2015-05-30 05:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-30 06:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-05-30 07:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-30 08:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-30 09:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2015-05-30 10:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2015-05-30 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-30 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-05-30 13:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-30 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-05-30 15:20,11,BKN,M +2015-05-30 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-05-30 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-05-30 18:20,12,SCT,M +2015-05-30 19:20,11,FEW,M +2015-05-30 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-05-30 21:20,7,FEW,M +2015-05-30 22:20,7,M,M +2015-05-30 23:20,6,M,M +2015-05-31 00:20,6,M,M +2015-05-31 01:20,6,M,M +2015-05-31 02:20,6,M,///////// +2015-05-31 03:20,6,M,M +2015-05-31 04:20,7,M,M +2015-05-31 05:20,9,M,M +2015-05-31 06:20,10,M,M +2015-05-31 07:20,13,M,M +2015-05-31 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-31 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-05-31 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-31 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-05-31 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-31 13:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-05-31 14:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-05-31 15:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-05-31 16:20,18,M,M +2015-05-31 17:20,18,SCT,M +2015-05-31 18:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-05-31 19:20,16,SCT,M +2015-05-31 20:20,15,SCT,M +2015-05-31 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-05-31 22:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-05-31 23:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2015-06-01 00:20,12,BKN,RA +2015-06-01 01:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-01 02:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-01 03:20,9,M,M +2015-06-01 04:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-01 05:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-01 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-01 07:20,12,SCT,M +2015-06-01 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-01 09:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-01 10:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-01 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-01 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-01 13:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-01 14:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-01 15:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-01 16:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-01 17:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-01 18:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-01 19:20,13,M,M +2015-06-01 20:20,11,M,M +2015-06-01 21:20,10,M,M +2015-06-01 22:20,12,M,M +2015-06-01 23:20,11,M,M +2015-06-02 00:20,12,M,M +2015-06-02 01:20,12,M,M +2015-06-02 02:20,12,M,M +2015-06-02 03:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-06-02 04:20,12,NSC,-RA +2015-06-02 05:20,13,M,M +2015-06-02 06:20,14,M,M +2015-06-02 07:20,16,M,M +2015-06-02 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-02 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-06-02 10:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-06-02 11:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-02 12:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-02 13:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-02 14:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-02 15:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-02 16:20,18,BKN,M +2015-06-02 17:20,18,BKN,M +2015-06-02 18:20,18,BKN,M +2015-06-02 19:20,18,BKN,M +2015-06-02 20:20,19,BKN,M +2015-06-02 21:20,17,SCT,-RA +2015-06-02 22:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-02 23:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-03 00:20,18,BKN,-RA +2015-06-03 01:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-03 02:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-03 03:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-03 04:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-03 05:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-03 06:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-03 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-03 08:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-03 09:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-03 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-03 11:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-03 12:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-03 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-03 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-03 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-03 16:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-03 17:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-03 18:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-03 19:20,12,M,M +2015-06-03 20:20,11,M,M +2015-06-03 21:20,10,M,M +2015-06-03 22:20,9,M,M +2015-06-03 23:20,7,M,M +2015-06-04 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-04 01:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2015-06-04 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-04 03:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2015-06-04 04:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-04 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-04 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-04 07:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-04 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-04 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-04 10:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-04 11:20,17,M,M +2015-06-04 12:20,18,M,M +2015-06-04 13:20,19,M,M +2015-06-04 14:20,20,M,M +2015-06-04 15:20,20,M,M +2015-06-04 16:20,20,M,M +2015-06-04 17:20,19,M,M +2015-06-04 18:20,17,M,M +2015-06-04 19:20,16,M,M +2015-06-04 20:20,14,M,M +2015-06-04 21:20,13,M,M +2015-06-04 22:20,12,M,M +2015-06-04 23:20,12,M,M +2015-06-05 00:20,11,M,M +2015-06-05 01:20,11,M,M +2015-06-05 02:20,11,M,M +2015-06-05 03:20,11,M,M +2015-06-05 04:20,12,M,M +2015-06-05 05:20,13,M,M +2015-06-05 06:20,16,M,M +2015-06-05 07:20,18,M,M +2015-06-05 08:20,19,M,M +2015-06-05 09:20,21,M,M +2015-06-05 10:20,23,M,M +2015-06-05 11:20,25,M,M +2015-06-05 12:20,26,M,M +2015-06-05 13:20,27,M,M +2015-06-05 14:20,28,M,M +2015-06-05 15:20,29,M,M +2015-06-05 16:20,28,M,M +2015-06-05 17:20,28,M,M +2015-06-05 18:20,27,M,M +2015-06-05 19:20,25,M,M +2015-06-05 20:20,23,M,M +2015-06-05 21:20,22,M,M +2015-06-05 22:20,23,M,M +2015-06-05 23:20,22,M,M +2015-06-06 00:20,21,M,M +2015-06-06 01:20,22,M,M +2015-06-06 02:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-06 03:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-06 04:20,20,M,M +2015-06-06 05:20,21,M,M +2015-06-06 06:20,21,M,M +2015-06-06 07:20,21,SCT,M +2015-06-06 08:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-06 09:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-06 10:20,20,BKN,M +2015-06-06 11:20,21,BKN,M +2015-06-06 12:20,19,SCT,M +2015-06-06 13:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-06 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-06 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-06 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-06 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-06 18:20,16,M,M +2015-06-06 19:20,14,M,M +2015-06-06 20:20,12,M,M +2015-06-06 21:20,10,M,M +2015-06-06 22:20,8,M,M +2015-06-06 23:20,7,M,M +2015-06-07 00:20,7,M,M +2015-06-07 01:20,7,M,M +2015-06-07 02:20,8,M,M +2015-06-07 03:20,7,M,M +2015-06-07 04:20,9,M,M +2015-06-07 05:20,12,M,M +2015-06-07 06:20,14,M,M +2015-06-07 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-07 08:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-07 09:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-07 10:20,19,SCT,M +2015-06-07 11:20,19,SCT,M +2015-06-07 12:20,18,SCT,M +2015-06-07 13:20,18,SCT,M +2015-06-07 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-07 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-07 16:20,17,M,M +2015-06-07 17:20,16,M,M +2015-06-07 18:20,14,M,M +2015-06-07 19:20,13,M,M +2015-06-07 20:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-07 21:20,10,M,M +2015-06-07 22:20,9,M,M +2015-06-07 23:20,8,M,M +2015-06-08 00:20,6,M,M +2015-06-08 01:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-08 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-08 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-08 04:20,7,M,M +2015-06-08 05:20,10,M,M +2015-06-08 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-08 07:20,12,SCT,M +2015-06-08 08:20,13,BKN,M +2015-06-08 09:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-08 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-08 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-08 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-08 13:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-08 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-08 15:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-08 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-08 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-08 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-08 19:20,12,M,M +2015-06-08 20:20,11,M,M +2015-06-08 21:20,9,M,M +2015-06-08 22:20,9,M,M +2015-06-08 23:20,7,M,M +2015-06-09 00:20,6,M,M +2015-06-09 01:20,5,M,M +2015-06-09 02:20,4,FEW,BCFG +2015-06-09 03:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2015-06-09 04:20,6,FEW,M +2015-06-09 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-06-09 06:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-09 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-09 08:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-09 09:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-09 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-09 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-09 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-09 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-09 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-09 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-09 16:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-09 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-09 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-09 19:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-09 20:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-09 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-09 22:20,9,M,M +2015-06-09 23:20,8,M,M +2015-06-10 00:20,8,M,M +2015-06-10 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-10 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-06-10 03:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-06-10 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-06-10 05:20,12,M,M +2015-06-10 06:20,14,M,M +2015-06-10 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-10 08:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-10 09:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-10 10:20,18,M,M +2015-06-10 11:20,20,M,M +2015-06-10 12:20,21,M,M +2015-06-10 13:20,20,M,M +2015-06-10 14:20,21,M,M +2015-06-10 15:20,21,M,M +2015-06-10 16:20,20,M,M +2015-06-10 17:20,19,M,M +2015-06-10 18:20,19,M,M +2015-06-10 19:20,16,M,M +2015-06-10 20:20,13,M,M +2015-06-10 21:20,14,M,M +2015-06-10 22:20,12,M,M +2015-06-10 23:20,9,M,M +2015-06-11 00:20,9,M,M +2015-06-11 01:20,7,M,M +2015-06-11 02:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-11 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-11 04:20,9,M,M +2015-06-11 05:20,11,M,M +2015-06-11 06:20,13,M,M +2015-06-11 07:20,16,M,M +2015-06-11 08:20,17,M,M +2015-06-11 09:20,18,M,M +2015-06-11 10:20,19,M,M +2015-06-11 11:20,20,M,M +2015-06-11 12:20,21,M,M +2015-06-11 13:20,22,M,M +2015-06-11 14:20,22,M,M +2015-06-11 15:20,22,M,M +2015-06-11 16:20,22,M,M +2015-06-11 17:20,22,M,M +2015-06-11 18:20,21,M,M +2015-06-11 19:20,18,M,M +2015-06-11 20:20,16,M,M +2015-06-11 21:20,15,M,M +2015-06-11 22:20,13,M,M +2015-06-11 23:20,12,M,M +2015-06-12 00:20,11,M,M +2015-06-12 01:20,11,M,M +2015-06-12 02:20,10,M,M +2015-06-12 03:20,11,M,M +2015-06-12 04:20,12,M,M +2015-06-12 05:20,15,M,M +2015-06-12 06:20,18,M,M +2015-06-12 07:20,19,M,M +2015-06-12 08:20,21,M,M +2015-06-12 09:20,23,M,M +2015-06-12 10:20,24,FEW,M +2015-06-12 11:20,25,M,M +2015-06-12 12:20,25,M,M +2015-06-12 13:20,24,M,M +2015-06-12 14:20,25,M,M +2015-06-12 15:20,26,M,M +2015-06-12 16:20,26,M,M +2015-06-12 17:20,24,M,M +2015-06-12 18:20,22,M,M +2015-06-12 19:20,20,M,M +2015-06-12 20:20,18,M,M +2015-06-12 21:20,17,M,M +2015-06-12 22:20,15,M,M +2015-06-12 23:20,15,M,M +2015-06-13 00:20,14,M,M +2015-06-13 01:20,14,M,M +2015-06-13 02:20,15,M,M +2015-06-13 03:20,14,M,M +2015-06-13 04:20,16,M,M +2015-06-13 05:20,18,M,M +2015-06-13 06:20,21,M,M +2015-06-13 07:20,22,M,M +2015-06-13 08:20,24,M,M +2015-06-13 09:20,24,M,M +2015-06-13 10:20,26,M,M +2015-06-13 11:20,26,M,M +2015-06-13 12:20,28,M,M +2015-06-13 13:20,27,M,M +2015-06-13 14:20,19,FEW,TSRA +2015-06-13 15:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2015-06-13 16:20,18,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-13 17:20,18,SCT,M +2015-06-13 18:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-13 19:20,17,BKN,M +2015-06-13 20:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-13 21:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-13 22:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-13 23:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-14 00:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-14 01:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-14 02:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-14 03:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-14 04:20,14,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-06-14 05:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-14 06:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-14 07:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-14 08:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-14 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-14 10:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-14 11:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-14 12:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-14 13:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-14 14:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-14 15:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-14 16:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-14 17:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-14 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-14 19:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-14 20:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-14 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-14 22:20,11,M,M +2015-06-14 23:20,11,M,M +2015-06-15 00:20,9,M,M +2015-06-15 01:20,8,M,M +2015-06-15 02:20,6,M,M +2015-06-15 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-15 04:20,6,FEW,M +2015-06-15 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-15 06:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-15 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-15 08:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-15 09:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-15 10:20,13,BKN,M +2015-06-15 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-15 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-15 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-15 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-15 15:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-15 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-15 17:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-15 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-15 19:20,12,SCT,M +2015-06-15 20:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-15 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-06-15 22:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-15 23:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-16 00:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 01:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 02:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 03:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 04:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 05:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-16 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-16 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-16 08:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-16 09:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-16 10:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-16 11:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-16 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-16 13:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-16 14:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-16 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-16 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-16 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-16 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-16 19:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-16 20:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-16 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-06-16 22:20,7,M,M +2015-06-16 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-06-17 00:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2015-06-17 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-06-17 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-06-17 03:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2015-06-17 04:20,6,BKN,M +2015-06-17 05:20,9,FEW,M +2015-06-17 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-17 07:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-17 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-17 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-17 10:20,16,BKN,M +2015-06-17 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-17 12:20,18,SCT,M +2015-06-17 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-06-17 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-17 15:20,19,FEW,-RA +2015-06-17 16:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-06-17 17:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-06-17 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-06-17 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-06-17 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-17 21:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-17 22:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-17 23:20,14,OVC,-DZ +2015-06-18 00:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-18 01:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-18 02:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-18 03:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-18 04:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-18 05:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-18 06:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-18 07:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-18 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-18 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-18 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-18 11:20,14,SCT,-RA +2015-06-18 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-18 13:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-18 14:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-18 15:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-18 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-18 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-18 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-18 19:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-18 20:20,10,SCT,M +2015-06-18 21:20,10,SCT,M +2015-06-18 22:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-18 23:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-19 00:20,9,FEW,M +2015-06-19 01:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-19 02:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-19 03:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-19 04:20,10,SCT,-DZRA +2015-06-19 05:20,10,SCT,M +2015-06-19 06:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-19 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-19 08:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-19 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-19 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-19 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-19 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-19 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-19 14:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-19 15:20,11,BKN,SHRA +2015-06-19 16:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-19 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-19 18:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-19 19:20,12,FEW,SHRA +2015-06-19 20:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-19 21:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-19 22:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2015-06-19 23:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-20 00:20,11,BKN,VCSH +2015-06-20 01:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2015-06-20 02:20,11,BKN,VCSH +2015-06-20 03:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-20 04:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-20 05:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-20 06:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-20 07:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-20 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-20 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-20 10:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-20 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-20 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-20 13:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-20 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-20 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-20 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-20 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-20 18:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-20 19:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-20 20:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-20 21:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-20 22:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-20 23:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-21 00:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-21 01:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-21 02:20,9,BKN,M +2015-06-21 03:20,10,BKN,M +2015-06-21 04:20,10,SCT,M +2015-06-21 05:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-21 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-21 07:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-21 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-21 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-21 10:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-21 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-21 12:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-21 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-21 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-21 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-21 16:20,18,SCT,M +2015-06-21 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-21 18:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-21 19:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-21 20:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-21 21:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2015-06-21 22:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2015-06-21 23:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-06-22 00:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-22 01:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-22 02:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-22 03:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-22 04:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-22 05:20,12,BKN,M +2015-06-22 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-22 07:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-22 08:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-22 09:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-22 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-22 11:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-06-22 12:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2015-06-22 13:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-22 14:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-06-22 15:20,11,BKN,M +2015-06-22 16:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-22 17:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-22 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-22 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-22 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-22 21:20,10,SCT,M +2015-06-22 22:20,10,FEW,M +2015-06-22 23:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-23 00:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-23 01:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-23 02:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-06-23 03:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-06-23 04:20,10,SCT,-RA +2015-06-23 05:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-23 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-23 07:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-23 08:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-23 09:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-23 10:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-23 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-23 12:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-23 13:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-23 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-23 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-23 16:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-23 17:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-23 18:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-23 19:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-23 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-23 21:20,13,BKN,M +2015-06-23 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-06-23 23:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-24 00:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-24 01:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-24 02:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-24 03:20,11,BKN,-RA +2015-06-24 04:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-24 05:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-24 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-24 07:20,12,SCT,M +2015-06-24 08:20,13,BKN,M +2015-06-24 09:20,12,SCT,-RA +2015-06-24 10:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-24 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-24 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-06-24 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-06-24 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-24 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-06-24 16:20,16,BKN,VCSH +2015-06-24 17:20,16,SCT,M +2015-06-24 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-24 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-24 20:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-24 21:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-24 22:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-24 23:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-25 00:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-25 01:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-25 02:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-25 03:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-25 04:20,13,BKN,M +2015-06-25 05:20,14,SCT,M +2015-06-25 06:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-25 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-25 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-25 09:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-25 10:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-06-25 11:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-25 12:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-25 13:20,22,SCT,M +2015-06-25 14:20,21,SCT,VCSH +2015-06-25 15:20,21,SCT,VCSH +2015-06-25 16:20,21,FEW,-RA +2015-06-25 17:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-25 18:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-25 19:20,18,M,M +2015-06-25 20:20,17,M,M +2015-06-25 21:20,16,M,M +2015-06-25 22:20,16,M,M +2015-06-25 23:20,16,M,M +2015-06-26 00:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-26 01:20,15,M,M +2015-06-26 02:20,14,M,M +2015-06-26 03:20,13,M,M +2015-06-26 04:20,14,M,M +2015-06-26 05:20,15,M,M +2015-06-26 06:20,17,M,M +2015-06-26 07:20,18,M,M +2015-06-26 08:20,19,M,M +2015-06-26 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-26 10:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-26 11:20,20,FEW,-RA +2015-06-26 12:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-26 13:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-26 14:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-26 15:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-26 16:20,21,M,M +2015-06-26 17:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-26 18:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-26 19:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-26 20:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-26 21:20,17,M,M +2015-06-26 22:20,18,M,M +2015-06-26 23:20,17,M,M +2015-06-27 00:20,17,M,M +2015-06-27 01:20,17,M,M +2015-06-27 02:20,16,M,M +2015-06-27 03:20,16,M,M +2015-06-27 04:20,17,M,M +2015-06-27 05:20,18,M,M +2015-06-27 06:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-27 07:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-27 08:20,20,SCT,M +2015-06-27 09:20,21,SCT,M +2015-06-27 10:20,22,SCT,M +2015-06-27 11:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-27 12:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-27 13:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-27 14:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-27 15:20,18,BKN,-RA +2015-06-27 16:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2015-06-27 17:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-27 18:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-27 19:20,15,BKN,M +2015-06-27 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-27 21:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-27 22:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-27 23:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-28 00:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-28 01:20,13,SCT,M +2015-06-28 02:20,11,FEW,M +2015-06-28 03:20,11,SCT,M +2015-06-28 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-06-28 05:20,14,FEW,M +2015-06-28 06:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-28 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-28 08:20,17,FEW,M +2015-06-28 09:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-28 10:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-28 11:20,20,SCT,M +2015-06-28 12:20,21,SCT,M +2015-06-28 13:20,21,SCT,M +2015-06-28 14:20,22,M,M +2015-06-28 15:20,21,M,M +2015-06-28 16:20,21,M,M +2015-06-28 17:20,20,M,M +2015-06-28 18:20,18,NSC,-RA +2015-06-28 19:20,16,NSC,-RA +2015-06-28 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-06-28 21:20,15,FEW,M +2015-06-28 22:20,15,M,M +2015-06-28 23:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 00:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 01:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 02:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 03:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 04:20,16,M,M +2015-06-29 05:20,17,M,M +2015-06-29 06:20,19,M,M +2015-06-29 07:20,19,M,M +2015-06-29 08:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-29 09:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-29 10:20,22,SCT,M +2015-06-29 11:20,22,SCT,M +2015-06-29 12:20,23,SCT,M +2015-06-29 13:20,23,SCT,M +2015-06-29 14:20,24,FEW,M +2015-06-29 15:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-29 16:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-29 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-29 18:20,20,M,M +2015-06-29 19:20,19,M,M +2015-06-29 20:20,18,M,M +2015-06-29 21:20,17,M,M +2015-06-29 22:20,15,M,M +2015-06-29 23:20,14,M,M +2015-06-30 00:20,14,M,M +2015-06-30 01:20,12,M,M +2015-06-30 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2015-06-30 03:20,10,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2015-06-30 04:20,12,M,M +2015-06-30 05:20,15,M,M +2015-06-30 06:20,16,M,M +2015-06-30 07:20,18,FEW,M +2015-06-30 08:20,19,FEW,M +2015-06-30 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-06-30 10:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-30 11:20,21,FEW,M +2015-06-30 12:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-30 13:20,22,M,M +2015-06-30 14:20,23,FEW,M +2015-06-30 15:20,23,FEW,M +2015-06-30 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-06-30 17:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-30 18:20,22,FEW,M +2015-06-30 19:20,19,M,M +2015-06-30 20:20,19,M,M +2015-06-30 21:20,17,M,M +2015-06-30 22:20,16,M,M +2015-06-30 23:20,16,M,M +2015-07-01 00:20,15,M,M +2015-07-01 01:20,12,M,M +2015-07-01 02:20,12,M,M +2015-07-01 03:20,13,M,M +2015-07-01 04:20,15,M,M +2015-07-01 05:20,17,M,M +2015-07-01 06:20,19,M,M +2015-07-01 07:20,20,M,M +2015-07-01 08:20,22,M,M +2015-07-01 09:20,24,M,M +2015-07-01 10:20,24,M,M +2015-07-01 11:20,25,M,M +2015-07-01 12:20,27,M,M +2015-07-01 13:20,28,M,M +2015-07-01 14:20,28,M,M +2015-07-01 15:20,28,M,M +2015-07-01 16:20,27,M,M +2015-07-01 17:20,27,M,M +2015-07-01 18:20,26,M,M +2015-07-01 19:20,25,M,M +2015-07-01 20:20,23,M,M +2015-07-01 21:20,22,M,M +2015-07-01 22:20,21,M,M +2015-07-01 23:20,20,M,M +2015-07-02 00:20,19,M,M +2015-07-02 01:20,18,M,M +2015-07-02 02:20,18,M,M +2015-07-02 03:20,18,M,M +2015-07-02 04:20,19,M,M +2015-07-02 05:20,20,M,M +2015-07-02 06:20,22,M,M +2015-07-02 07:20,24,M,M +2015-07-02 08:20,26,M,M +2015-07-02 09:20,27,M,M +2015-07-02 10:20,29,M,M +2015-07-02 11:20,31,M,M +2015-07-02 12:20,31,M,M +2015-07-02 13:20,32,M,M +2015-07-02 14:20,32,M,M +2015-07-02 15:20,32,M,M +2015-07-02 16:20,31,M,M +2015-07-02 17:20,31,M,M +2015-07-02 18:20,29,M,M +2015-07-02 19:20,28,M,M +2015-07-02 20:20,26,M,M +2015-07-02 21:20,25,M,M +2015-07-02 22:20,24,M,M +2015-07-02 23:20,24,M,M +2015-07-03 00:20,22,M,M +2015-07-03 01:20,21,M,M +2015-07-03 02:20,21,M,M +2015-07-03 03:20,19,M,M +2015-07-03 04:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-03 05:20,22,M,M +2015-07-03 06:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-03 07:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-03 08:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-03 09:20,24,SCT,M +2015-07-03 10:20,28,M,M +2015-07-03 11:20,28,M,M +2015-07-03 12:20,29,M,M +2015-07-03 13:20,30,FEW,M +2015-07-03 14:20,29,FEW,M +2015-07-03 15:20,30,FEW,M +2015-07-03 16:20,30,M,M +2015-07-03 17:20,29,M,M +2015-07-03 18:20,28,M,M +2015-07-03 19:20,26,M,M +2015-07-03 20:20,24,M,M +2015-07-03 21:20,22,M,M +2015-07-03 22:20,22,M,M +2015-07-03 23:20,20,M,M +2015-07-04 00:20,20,M,M +2015-07-04 01:20,18,M,M +2015-07-04 02:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-04 03:20,19,M,M +2015-07-04 05:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-04 06:20,24,M,M +2015-07-04 07:20,25,M,M +2015-07-04 08:20,27,M,M +2015-07-04 09:20,30,M,M +2015-07-04 10:20,31,M,M +2015-07-04 11:20,33,M,M +2015-07-04 12:20,35,M,M +2015-07-04 13:20,36,M,M +2015-07-04 14:20,36,M,M +2015-07-04 15:20,36,M,M +2015-07-04 16:20,35,M,M +2015-07-04 17:20,31,SCT,M +2015-07-04 18:20,29,BKN,VCTS +2015-07-04 19:20,26,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2015-07-04 20:20,26,FEW,M +2015-07-04 21:20,25,M,M +2015-07-04 22:20,22,M,M +2015-07-04 23:20,22,M,M +2015-07-05 00:20,21,M,M +2015-07-05 01:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-05 02:20,21,M,M +2015-07-05 03:20,20,NSC,M +2015-07-05 04:20,20,NSC,BR +2015-07-05 05:20,21,NSC,BR +2015-07-05 06:20,22,NSC,BR +2015-07-05 07:20,24,NSC,BR +2015-07-05 08:20,27,NSC,M +2015-07-05 09:20,29,M,M +2015-07-05 10:20,30,M,M +2015-07-05 11:20,29,FEW,M +2015-07-05 12:20,29,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-05 13:20,27,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-05 14:20,27,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-05 15:20,27,FEW,M +2015-07-05 16:20,26,FEW,SHRA +2015-07-05 17:20,26,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-05 18:20,25,FEW,-TSRA +2015-07-05 19:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-05 20:20,21,FEW,TSRA +2015-07-05 21:20,21,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-05 22:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-05 23:20,19,BKN,M +2015-07-06 00:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-06 01:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-06 02:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-06 03:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-06 04:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-06 05:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-06 06:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-06 07:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-06 08:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-06 09:20,20,BKN,M +2015-07-06 10:20,20,BKN,M +2015-07-06 11:20,21,SCT,M +2015-07-06 12:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-06 13:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-06 14:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-06 15:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-06 16:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-06 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-06 18:20,19,M,M +2015-07-06 19:20,17,M,M +2015-07-06 20:20,16,M,M +2015-07-06 21:20,14,M,M +2015-07-06 22:20,14,M,M +2015-07-06 23:20,13,M,M +2015-07-07 00:20,13,M,M +2015-07-07 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-07 02:20,12,M,M +2015-07-07 03:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-07 04:20,15,M,M +2015-07-07 05:20,17,M,M +2015-07-07 06:20,19,M,M +2015-07-07 07:20,22,M,M +2015-07-07 08:20,25,M,M +2015-07-07 09:20,26,M,M +2015-07-07 10:20,27,M,M +2015-07-07 11:20,27,M,M +2015-07-07 12:20,27,M,M +2015-07-07 13:20,26,M,M +2015-07-07 14:20,26,M,M +2015-07-07 15:20,25,NSC,-RA +2015-07-07 16:20,25,M,M +2015-07-07 17:20,24,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-07 18:20,20,SCT,+SHRA VCTS +2015-07-07 19:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-07 20:20,19,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2015-07-07 21:20,19,BKN,M +2015-07-07 22:20,18,BKN,M +2015-07-07 23:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-08 00:20,17,M,M +2015-07-08 01:20,16,M,M +2015-07-08 02:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-08 03:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-08 04:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-08 05:20,16,BKN,M +2015-07-08 06:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-08 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-07-08 08:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-08 09:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2015-07-08 10:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-08 11:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-08 12:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-08 13:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-08 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-08 15:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-08 16:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-08 17:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-08 18:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2015-07-08 19:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2015-07-08 20:20,15,BKN,M +2015-07-08 21:20,14,SCT,M +2015-07-08 22:20,14,SCT,M +2015-07-08 23:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-09 00:20,13,SCT,M +2015-07-09 01:20,13,SCT,M +2015-07-09 02:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-09 03:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-09 04:20,11,SCT,M +2015-07-09 05:20,11,BKN,SHRA +2015-07-09 06:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-09 07:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-09 08:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2015-07-09 09:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-09 10:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-09 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-09 12:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-09 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-09 14:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-09 15:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-09 16:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-09 17:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-09 18:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-09 19:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-09 20:20,13,SCT,M +2015-07-09 21:20,13,BKN,M +2015-07-09 22:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-09 23:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-10 00:20,12,SCT,M +2015-07-10 01:20,12,BKN,M +2015-07-10 02:20,11,M,M +2015-07-10 03:20,11,M,M +2015-07-10 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-10 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-10 06:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-10 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-10 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-10 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-10 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-10 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-10 12:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-10 13:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-10 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-10 15:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-10 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-10 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-10 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-10 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-10 20:20,13,M,M +2015-07-10 21:20,12,M,M +2015-07-10 22:20,10,M,M +2015-07-10 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-11 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-11 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-11 02:20,9,M,///////// +2015-07-11 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-11 04:20,10,M,M +2015-07-11 05:20,13,M,M +2015-07-11 06:20,16,M,M +2015-07-11 07:20,17,M,M +2015-07-11 08:20,17,M,M +2015-07-11 09:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-11 10:20,18,M,M +2015-07-11 11:20,20,M,M +2015-07-11 12:20,21,M,M +2015-07-11 13:20,22,M,M +2015-07-11 14:20,22,M,M +2015-07-11 15:20,23,M,M +2015-07-11 16:20,23,M,M +2015-07-11 17:20,23,M,M +2015-07-11 18:20,22,M,M +2015-07-11 19:20,21,M,M +2015-07-11 20:20,19,M,M +2015-07-11 21:20,18,M,M +2015-07-11 22:20,16,M,M +2015-07-11 23:20,16,M,M +2015-07-12 00:20,16,M,M +2015-07-12 01:20,16,M,M +2015-07-12 02:20,16,M,M +2015-07-12 03:20,15,M,M +2015-07-12 04:20,16,M,M +2015-07-12 05:20,17,M,M +2015-07-12 06:20,17,M,M +2015-07-12 07:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-12 08:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-07-12 09:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-07-12 10:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-12 11:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-12 12:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-12 13:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-12 14:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-12 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-12 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-12 17:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-12 18:20,16,FEW,-DZRA +2015-07-12 19:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-12 20:20,15,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-12 21:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2015-07-12 22:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2015-07-12 23:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-13 00:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-13 01:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-13 02:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-13 03:20,15,BKN,DZRA +2015-07-13 04:20,15,BKN,RADZ +2015-07-13 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-07-13 06:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-13 07:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-13 08:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-13 09:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-13 10:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-13 11:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-13 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-13 13:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-13 14:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-13 15:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-07-13 16:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-07-13 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-13 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-13 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-13 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-13 21:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-13 22:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-13 23:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-14 00:20,15,BKN,M +2015-07-14 01:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-14 02:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-07-14 03:20,15,SCT,BR +2015-07-14 04:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-07-14 05:20,15,SCT,-RA BR +2015-07-14 06:20,15,SCT,-RA BR +2015-07-14 07:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2015-07-14 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-14 09:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-14 10:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-14 11:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-14 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-14 13:20,20,SCT,M +2015-07-14 14:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-14 15:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-14 16:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-14 17:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-14 18:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-14 19:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-14 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-14 21:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-14 22:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-14 23:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-15 00:20,12,M,M +2015-07-15 01:20,12,M,M +2015-07-15 02:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-15 03:20,13,SCT,M +2015-07-15 04:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-15 05:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-15 06:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-15 07:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-15 08:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-15 09:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-15 10:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-15 11:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-15 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-15 13:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-15 14:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-15 15:20,22,M,M +2015-07-15 16:20,21,M,M +2015-07-15 17:20,21,M,M +2015-07-15 18:20,19,NSC,-RA +2015-07-15 19:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-07-15 20:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-15 21:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-07-15 22:20,17,BKN,-RA +2015-07-15 23:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-07-16 00:20,16,BKN,M +2015-07-16 01:20,15,OVC,-RA +2015-07-16 02:20,15,BKN,M +2015-07-16 03:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-16 04:20,15,BKN,M +2015-07-16 05:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-16 06:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-16 07:20,16,BKN,M +2015-07-16 08:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-16 09:20,18,BKN,M +2015-07-16 10:20,18,BKN,M +2015-07-16 11:20,20,SCT,M +2015-07-16 12:20,20,BKN,M +2015-07-16 13:20,21,BKN,M +2015-07-16 14:20,21,BKN,M +2015-07-16 15:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-16 16:20,21,SCT,M +2015-07-16 17:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-16 18:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-16 19:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-16 20:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-16 21:20,16,M,M +2015-07-16 22:20,14,M,M +2015-07-16 23:20,14,M,M +2015-07-17 00:20,13,M,M +2015-07-17 01:20,13,M,M +2015-07-17 02:20,12,M,M +2015-07-17 03:20,12,M,M +2015-07-17 04:20,13,M,M +2015-07-17 05:20,15,M,M +2015-07-17 06:20,18,M,M +2015-07-17 07:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-17 08:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-17 09:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-17 10:20,24,FEW,M +2015-07-17 11:20,26,FEW,M +2015-07-17 12:20,27,M,M +2015-07-17 13:20,28,M,M +2015-07-17 14:20,29,M,M +2015-07-17 15:20,29,M,M +2015-07-17 16:20,29,M,M +2015-07-17 17:20,26,FEW,M +2015-07-17 18:20,24,M,M +2015-07-17 19:20,22,M,M +2015-07-17 20:20,21,M,M +2015-07-17 21:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-17 22:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-17 23:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-07-18 00:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-07-18 01:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-18 02:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-18 03:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-18 04:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-18 05:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-18 06:20,18,BKN,M +2015-07-18 07:20,18,BKN,M +2015-07-18 08:20,20,SCT,M +2015-07-18 09:20,21,BKN,M +2015-07-18 10:20,21,SCT,M +2015-07-18 11:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-18 12:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-18 13:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-18 14:20,22,M,M +2015-07-18 15:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-18 16:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-18 17:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-18 18:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-18 19:20,17,M,M +2015-07-18 20:20,15,M,M +2015-07-18 21:20,13,M,M +2015-07-18 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-18 23:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-19 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-19 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-19 02:20,12,M,M +2015-07-19 03:20,12,M,M +2015-07-19 04:20,14,M,M +2015-07-19 05:20,14,M,M +2015-07-19 06:20,14,M,M +2015-07-19 07:20,14,FEW,RA +2015-07-19 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 10:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 11:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 12:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-19 13:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 14:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 15:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-07-19 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-19 17:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2015-07-19 18:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2015-07-19 19:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-19 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-19 21:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-19 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-19 23:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-20 00:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-20 01:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-20 02:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-20 03:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-20 04:20,12,BKN,M +2015-07-20 05:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-20 06:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-20 07:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-20 08:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-20 09:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-20 10:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-20 11:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-20 12:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-20 13:20,20,SCT,M +2015-07-20 14:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-20 15:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-20 16:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-20 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-20 18:20,19,M,M +2015-07-20 19:20,19,M,M +2015-07-20 20:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-20 21:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-20 22:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-20 23:20,19,BKN,M +2015-07-21 00:20,19,BKN,M +2015-07-21 01:20,18,SCT,-DZ +2015-07-21 02:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-21 03:20,18,FEW,-DZ +2015-07-21 04:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-21 05:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-21 06:20,20,FEW,-RADZ +2015-07-21 07:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-21 08:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-21 09:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-21 10:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-21 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-21 12:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-21 13:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-21 14:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-21 15:20,23,SCT,M +2015-07-21 16:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-21 17:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-21 18:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-21 19:20,19,M,M +2015-07-21 20:20,17,M,M +2015-07-21 21:20,15,M,M +2015-07-21 22:20,15,M,M +2015-07-21 23:20,15,M,M +2015-07-22 00:20,15,M,M +2015-07-22 01:20,15,M,M +2015-07-22 02:20,15,M,M +2015-07-22 03:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-22 04:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-22 05:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-22 06:20,19,M,M +2015-07-22 07:20,22,M,M +2015-07-22 08:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-22 09:20,24,SCT,M +2015-07-22 10:20,24,FEW,M +2015-07-22 11:20,25,FEW,M +2015-07-22 12:20,26,FEW,M +2015-07-22 13:20,25,FEW,M +2015-07-22 14:20,25,FEW,M +2015-07-22 15:20,24,SCT,M +2015-07-22 16:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-22 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-07-22 18:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-22 19:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-22 20:20,18,M,M +2015-07-22 21:20,17,M,M +2015-07-22 22:20,16,M,M +2015-07-22 23:20,15,M,M +2015-07-23 00:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-23 01:20,14,M,M +2015-07-23 02:20,15,M,M +2015-07-23 03:20,14,M,M +2015-07-23 04:20,15,M,M +2015-07-23 05:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-23 06:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-23 07:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-23 08:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-23 09:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-23 10:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-23 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-23 12:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-23 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-23 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-23 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-23 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-23 17:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-23 18:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-23 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-23 20:20,14,M,M +2015-07-23 21:20,12,M,M +2015-07-23 22:20,11,M,M +2015-07-23 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-24 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-24 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-24 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-07-24 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-07-24 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-24 05:20,14,M,M +2015-07-24 06:20,15,M,M +2015-07-24 07:20,17,M,M +2015-07-24 08:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-24 09:20,20,M,M +2015-07-24 10:20,20,FEW,M +2015-07-24 11:20,22,FEW,M +2015-07-24 12:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-24 13:20,24,FEW,M +2015-07-24 14:20,24,FEW,M +2015-07-24 15:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-24 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-07-24 17:20,22,M,M +2015-07-24 18:20,21,M,M +2015-07-24 19:20,20,M,M +2015-07-24 20:20,19,NSC,-RA +2015-07-24 21:20,19,M,M +2015-07-24 22:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-24 23:20,19,M,M +2015-07-25 00:20,19,M,M +2015-07-25 01:20,19,M,M +2015-07-25 02:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-25 03:20,16,FEW,SHRA VCTS +2015-07-25 04:20,16,NSC,-RA +2015-07-25 05:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-25 06:20,17,BKN,M +2015-07-25 07:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-25 08:20,21,BKN,M +2015-07-25 09:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-25 10:20,22,SCT,M +2015-07-25 11:20,25,SCT,M +2015-07-25 12:20,24,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-25 13:20,17,BKN,-TSRA +2015-07-25 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-25 15:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-25 16:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-25 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-25 18:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-25 19:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-25 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-25 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-07-25 22:20,14,BKN,RA +2015-07-25 23:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-07-26 00:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-07-26 01:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-07-26 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-07-26 03:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-07-26 04:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-26 05:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-26 06:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-26 07:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2015-07-26 08:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-26 09:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-26 10:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-26 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-26 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-26 13:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-26 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-07-26 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-07-26 16:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-26 17:20,19,FEW,M +2015-07-26 18:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-26 19:20,18,M,M +2015-07-26 20:20,17,M,M +2015-07-26 21:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-07-26 22:20,16,NSC,-RA +2015-07-26 23:20,15,NSC,-RA +2015-07-27 00:20,14,NSC,-RA +2015-07-27 01:20,14,M,M +2015-07-27 02:20,14,M,M +2015-07-27 03:20,14,M,M +2015-07-27 04:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-27 05:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-27 06:20,14,SCT,M +2015-07-27 07:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-27 08:20,14,SCT,-DZRA +2015-07-27 09:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2015-07-27 10:20,16,BKN,M +2015-07-27 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-27 12:20,19,SCT,M +2015-07-27 13:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-27 14:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-27 15:20,19,FEW,SHRA +2015-07-27 16:20,17,FEW,SHRA +2015-07-27 17:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-27 18:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-27 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-27 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-27 21:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-27 22:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-27 23:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-28 00:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-28 01:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 02:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-28 03:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-28 04:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 05:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2015-07-28 06:20,14,SCT,-RA +2015-07-28 07:20,15,SCT,-RA +2015-07-28 08:20,15,SCT,-RA +2015-07-28 09:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 10:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 11:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-28 12:20,15,SCT,SHRA +2015-07-28 13:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-28 14:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-28 15:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-28 16:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-28 17:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 18:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-28 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-28 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-28 21:20,14,M,M +2015-07-28 22:20,14,M,M +2015-07-28 23:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-29 00:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 01:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 02:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 03:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 04:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 05:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 06:20,14,BKN,M +2015-07-29 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-29 08:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-29 09:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2015-07-29 10:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2015-07-29 11:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-29 12:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-29 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-29 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-29 15:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-29 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-29 17:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-29 18:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-29 19:20,12,BKN,RA +2015-07-29 20:20,12,BKN,RA +2015-07-29 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-29 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-29 23:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-30 00:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-30 01:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-07-30 02:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-07-30 03:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-07-30 04:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-07-30 05:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2015-07-30 06:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2015-07-30 07:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-07-30 08:20,14,SCT,M +2015-07-30 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-30 10:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-30 11:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-30 12:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-30 13:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-07-30 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-07-30 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-30 16:20,15,SCT,M +2015-07-30 17:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-30 18:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-30 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-30 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-30 21:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-30 22:20,13,SCT,M +2015-07-30 23:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-31 00:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-31 01:20,11,FEW,M +2015-07-31 02:20,11,M,M +2015-07-31 03:20,11,M,M +2015-07-31 04:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-31 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-31 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-07-31 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-07-31 08:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-07-31 09:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2015-07-31 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-31 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-31 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-31 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-31 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-07-31 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-07-31 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-07-31 17:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-31 18:20,15,FEW,M +2015-07-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2015-07-31 20:20,10,M,M +2015-07-31 21:20,9,M,M +2015-07-31 22:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-07-31 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-01 00:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-01 01:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-01 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-01 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-01 04:20,7,M,M +2015-08-01 05:20,10,M,M +2015-08-01 06:20,12,M,M +2015-08-01 07:20,14,M,M +2015-08-01 08:20,17,M,M +2015-08-01 09:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-01 10:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-01 11:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-01 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-01 13:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-01 14:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-01 15:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-01 16:20,22,M,M +2015-08-01 17:20,21,M,M +2015-08-01 18:20,19,M,M +2015-08-01 19:20,17,M,M +2015-08-01 20:20,15,M,M +2015-08-01 21:20,15,M,M +2015-08-01 22:20,14,M,M +2015-08-01 23:20,13,M,M +2015-08-02 00:20,12,M,M +2015-08-02 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-02 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-02 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-02 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-02 05:20,12,M,M +2015-08-02 06:20,15,M,M +2015-08-02 07:20,17,M,M +2015-08-02 08:20,19,M,M +2015-08-02 09:20,20,M,M +2015-08-02 10:20,21,M,M +2015-08-02 11:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 12:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 13:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 14:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 15:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 16:20,22,M,M +2015-08-02 17:20,21,M,M +2015-08-02 18:20,20,M,M +2015-08-02 19:20,17,M,M +2015-08-02 20:20,15,M,M +2015-08-02 21:20,14,M,M +2015-08-02 22:20,14,M,M +2015-08-02 23:20,13,M,M +2015-08-03 00:20,13,M,M +2015-08-03 01:20,13,M,M +2015-08-03 02:20,12,M,M +2015-08-03 03:20,11,M,M +2015-08-03 04:20,14,M,M +2015-08-03 05:20,16,M,M +2015-08-03 06:20,17,M,M +2015-08-03 07:20,20,M,M +2015-08-03 08:20,22,M,M +2015-08-03 09:20,24,M,M +2015-08-03 10:20,26,M,M +2015-08-03 11:20,27,M,M +2015-08-03 12:20,29,M,M +2015-08-03 13:20,30,M,M +2015-08-03 14:20,30,M,M +2015-08-03 15:20,30,M,M +2015-08-03 16:20,30,M,M +2015-08-03 17:20,30,M,M +2015-08-03 18:20,28,M,M +2015-08-03 19:20,26,M,M +2015-08-03 20:20,24,M,M +2015-08-03 21:20,24,M,M +2015-08-03 22:20,22,M,M +2015-08-03 23:20,22,M,M +2015-08-04 00:20,21,M,M +2015-08-04 01:20,20,M,M +2015-08-04 02:20,20,M,M +2015-08-04 03:20,20,M,M +2015-08-04 04:20,20,M,M +2015-08-04 05:20,21,M,M +2015-08-04 06:20,23,M,M +2015-08-04 07:20,25,M,M +2015-08-04 08:20,27,M,M +2015-08-04 09:20,27,M,M +2015-08-04 10:20,28,M,M +2015-08-04 11:20,30,M,M +2015-08-04 12:20,29,M,M +2015-08-04 13:20,28,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-04 14:20,21,SCT,+SHRA +2015-08-04 15:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-04 16:20,20,FEW,SHRA VCTS +2015-08-04 17:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-04 18:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-04 19:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-04 20:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-04 21:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-04 22:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-04 23:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-05 00:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-05 01:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-05 02:20,14,M,M +2015-08-05 03:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-05 04:20,13,M,M +2015-08-05 05:20,15,M,M +2015-08-05 06:20,16,M,M +2015-08-05 07:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-05 08:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-05 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-05 10:20,20,SCT,M +2015-08-05 11:20,22,SCT,M +2015-08-05 12:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-05 13:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-05 14:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-05 15:20,23,M,M +2015-08-05 16:20,23,M,M +2015-08-05 17:20,21,M,M +2015-08-05 18:20,20,M,M +2015-08-05 19:20,18,M,M +2015-08-05 20:20,17,M,M +2015-08-05 21:20,17,M,M +2015-08-05 22:20,16,M,M +2015-08-05 23:20,15,M,M +2015-08-06 00:20,15,M,M +2015-08-06 01:20,15,M,M +2015-08-06 02:20,14,M,M +2015-08-06 03:20,15,M,M +2015-08-06 04:20,16,M,M +2015-08-06 05:20,17,M,M +2015-08-06 06:20,19,M,M +2015-08-06 07:20,21,M,M +2015-08-06 08:20,23,M,M +2015-08-06 09:20,25,M,M +2015-08-06 10:20,26,M,M +2015-08-06 11:20,28,M,M +2015-08-06 12:20,29,M,M +2015-08-06 13:20,30,M,M +2015-08-06 14:20,30,M,M +2015-08-06 15:20,31,M,M +2015-08-06 16:20,31,M,M +2015-08-06 17:20,30,M,M +2015-08-06 18:20,29,M,M +2015-08-06 19:20,27,M,M +2015-08-06 20:20,24,M,M +2015-08-06 21:20,24,M,M +2015-08-06 22:20,22,M,M +2015-08-06 23:20,23,M,M +2015-08-07 00:20,20,M,M +2015-08-07 01:20,19,M,M +2015-08-07 02:20,18,M,M +2015-08-07 03:20,17,M,M +2015-08-07 04:20,16,M,M +2015-08-07 05:20,18,M,M +2015-08-07 06:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-07 07:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-07 08:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-07 09:20,18,FEW,SHRA +2015-08-07 10:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-07 11:20,18,BKN,VCTS +2015-08-07 12:20,20,SCT,M +2015-08-07 13:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-07 14:20,22,SCT,M +2015-08-07 15:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-07 16:20,23,M,///////// +2015-08-07 17:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-07 18:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-07 19:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-07 20:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-07 21:20,19,M,M +2015-08-07 22:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-07 23:20,18,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-08 00:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-08 01:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-08 02:20,18,SCT,VCTS MIFG +2015-08-08 03:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-08 04:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-08 05:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-08 06:20,18,BKN,-RA +2015-08-08 07:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-08 08:20,19,BKN,M +2015-08-08 09:20,20,BKN,M +2015-08-08 10:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-08 11:20,21,BKN,M +2015-08-08 12:20,22,BKN,M +2015-08-08 13:20,21,SCT,M +2015-08-08 14:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-08 15:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-08 16:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-08 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-08 18:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-08 19:20,17,M,M +2015-08-08 20:20,16,M,M +2015-08-08 21:20,16,SCT,M +2015-08-08 22:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-08 23:20,13,FEW,M +2015-08-09 00:20,13,FEW,M +2015-08-09 01:20,12,FEW,M +2015-08-09 02:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-09 03:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-09 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-09 05:20,13,M,M +2015-08-09 06:20,17,M,M +2015-08-09 07:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-09 08:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-09 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-09 10:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-09 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-09 12:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-09 13:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-09 14:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-09 15:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-09 16:20,23,M,M +2015-08-09 17:20,22,M,M +2015-08-09 18:20,20,M,M +2015-08-09 19:20,19,M,M +2015-08-09 20:20,17,M,M +2015-08-09 21:20,16,M,M +2015-08-09 22:20,16,M,M +2015-08-09 23:20,17,M,M +2015-08-10 00:20,17,M,M +2015-08-10 01:20,17,M,M +2015-08-10 02:20,17,M,M +2015-08-10 03:20,16,M,M +2015-08-10 04:20,16,M,M +2015-08-10 05:20,16,M,M +2015-08-10 06:20,18,M,M +2015-08-10 07:20,19,M,M +2015-08-10 08:20,21,M,M +2015-08-10 09:20,22,M,M +2015-08-10 10:20,24,M,M +2015-08-10 11:20,25,M,M +2015-08-10 12:20,25,M,M +2015-08-10 13:20,26,M,M +2015-08-10 14:20,25,M,M +2015-08-10 15:20,25,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-10 16:20,25,M,M +2015-08-10 17:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-10 18:20,23,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-10 19:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-10 20:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-10 21:20,19,M,M +2015-08-10 22:20,18,M,M +2015-08-10 23:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-11 00:20,17,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2015-08-11 01:20,17,SCT,TSRA +2015-08-11 02:20,17,SCT,TSRA +2015-08-11 03:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-11 04:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-11 05:20,17,FEW,MIFG +2015-08-11 06:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-11 07:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-11 08:20,20,BKN,M +2015-08-11 09:20,20,BKN,M +2015-08-11 10:20,21,SCT,M +2015-08-11 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-11 12:20,24,SCT,M +2015-08-11 13:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-11 14:20,25,FEW,M +2015-08-11 15:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-11 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-11 17:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-11 18:20,21,M,M +2015-08-11 19:20,20,M,M +2015-08-11 20:20,19,NSC,M +2015-08-11 21:20,18,NSC,M +2015-08-11 22:20,17,NSC,M +2015-08-11 23:20,17,NSC,M +2015-08-12 00:20,17,NSC,M +2015-08-12 01:20,17,NSC,M +2015-08-12 02:20,17,M,M +2015-08-12 03:20,17,M,M +2015-08-12 04:20,17,NSC,M +2015-08-12 05:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-12 06:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-12 07:20,18,M,M +2015-08-12 08:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-12 09:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-12 10:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-12 11:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-12 12:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-12 13:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-12 14:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-12 15:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-12 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-12 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-12 18:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-12 19:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-12 20:20,17,M,M +2015-08-12 21:20,16,M,M +2015-08-12 22:20,15,M,M +2015-08-12 23:20,15,M,M +2015-08-13 00:20,15,M,M +2015-08-13 01:20,14,M,M +2015-08-13 02:20,13,M,M +2015-08-13 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-13 04:20,14,M,M +2015-08-13 05:20,15,M,M +2015-08-13 06:20,17,M,M +2015-08-13 07:20,19,M,M +2015-08-13 08:20,20,M,M +2015-08-13 09:20,21,M,M +2015-08-13 10:20,22,M,M +2015-08-13 11:20,24,M,M +2015-08-13 12:20,24,M,M +2015-08-13 13:20,25,M,M +2015-08-13 14:20,24,M,M +2015-08-13 15:20,23,M,M +2015-08-13 16:20,23,M,M +2015-08-13 17:20,21,M,M +2015-08-13 18:20,20,M,M +2015-08-13 19:20,19,M,M +2015-08-13 20:20,18,M,M +2015-08-13 21:20,18,M,M +2015-08-13 22:20,18,M,M +2015-08-13 23:20,18,M,M +2015-08-14 00:20,18,M,M +2015-08-14 01:20,18,M,M +2015-08-14 02:20,18,M,M +2015-08-14 03:20,18,M,M +2015-08-14 04:20,19,M,M +2015-08-14 05:20,20,M,M +2015-08-14 06:20,21,M,M +2015-08-14 07:20,22,M,M +2015-08-14 08:20,23,M,M +2015-08-14 09:20,24,M,M +2015-08-14 10:20,25,M,M +2015-08-14 11:20,27,FEW,M +2015-08-14 12:20,28,M,M +2015-08-14 13:20,28,M,M +2015-08-14 14:20,28,SCT,M +2015-08-14 15:20,29,FEW,M +2015-08-14 16:20,28,FEW,M +2015-08-14 17:20,27,FEW,M +2015-08-14 18:20,25,M,M +2015-08-14 19:20,24,M,M +2015-08-14 20:20,23,M,M +2015-08-14 21:20,22,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2015-08-14 22:20,20,SCT,-RA +2015-08-14 23:20,21,SCT,M +2015-08-15 00:20,20,M,M +2015-08-15 01:20,19,M,M +2015-08-15 02:20,19,M,M +2015-08-15 03:20,18,M,M +2015-08-15 04:20,18,M,M +2015-08-15 05:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-15 06:20,20,NSC,M +2015-08-15 07:20,21,M,M +2015-08-15 08:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-15 09:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-15 10:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-15 11:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-15 12:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-15 13:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-15 14:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-15 15:20,24,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-15 16:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-15 17:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-15 18:20,22,SCT,-SHRA +2015-08-15 19:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-15 20:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-15 21:20,18,M,M +2015-08-15 22:20,17,M,M +2015-08-15 23:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-16 00:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-16 01:20,17,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-08-16 02:20,17,BKN,FG +2015-08-16 03:20,17,OVC,FG +2015-08-16 04:20,17,OVC,FG +2015-08-16 05:20,18,OVC,FG +2015-08-16 06:20,18,BKN,BR +2015-08-16 07:20,19,SCT,BR +2015-08-16 08:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-16 09:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-16 10:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-16 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-16 12:20,23,SCT,M +2015-08-16 13:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-16 14:20,24,SCT,M +2015-08-16 15:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-16 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-16 17:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-16 18:20,21,M,M +2015-08-16 19:20,21,BKN,M +2015-08-16 20:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-16 21:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-16 22:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-16 23:20,18,SCT,-RA +2015-08-17 00:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-17 01:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-17 02:20,18,BKN,-RA BR +2015-08-17 03:20,18,SCT,-RA BR +2015-08-17 04:20,18,FEW,RA BR +2015-08-17 05:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-17 06:20,19,FEW,-RA BR +2015-08-17 07:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-17 08:20,21,BKN,M +2015-08-17 09:20,22,BKN,M +2015-08-17 10:20,21,SCT,M +2015-08-17 11:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-17 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-17 13:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-17 14:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-17 15:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-17 16:20,22,M,M +2015-08-17 17:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-17 18:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-17 19:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-17 20:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-17 21:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-17 22:20,18,M,///////// +2015-08-17 23:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 00:20,17,SCT,-RA +2015-08-18 01:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 02:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 03:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 04:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 05:20,17,SCT,M +2015-08-18 06:20,17,BKN,-RA +2015-08-18 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 08:20,17,BKN,-RA +2015-08-18 09:20,16,BKN,-RA +2015-08-18 10:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-08-18 11:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-08-18 12:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-18 13:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-18 14:20,16,FEW,-RADZ +2015-08-18 15:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 16:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 17:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 18:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 20:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-08-18 22:20,15,SCT,-RA +2015-08-18 23:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-08-19 00:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-08-19 01:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-08-19 02:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2015-08-19 03:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2015-08-19 04:20,15,OVC,-RA BR +2015-08-19 05:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-08-19 06:20,15,FEW,-RADZ BR +2015-08-19 07:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-19 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-19 09:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-19 10:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-19 11:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-19 12:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-19 13:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-08-19 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-19 15:20,16,BKN,M +2015-08-19 16:20,16,SCT,M +2015-08-19 17:20,16,SCT,M +2015-08-19 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-19 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-19 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-19 21:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-19 22:20,14,FEW,FG +2015-08-19 23:20,12,SCT,FG +2015-08-20 00:20,12,SCT,FG +2015-08-20 01:20,12,BKN,FG +2015-08-20 02:20,12,BKN,FG +2015-08-20 03:20,12,BKN,FG +2015-08-20 04:20,13,VV ,FG +2015-08-20 05:20,13,VV ,FG +2015-08-20 06:20,13,VV ,FG +2015-08-20 07:20,15,FEW,BR +2015-08-20 08:20,17,SCT,M +2015-08-20 09:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-20 10:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-20 11:20,21,BKN,M +2015-08-20 12:20,22,SCT,M +2015-08-20 13:20,23,SCT,M +2015-08-20 14:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-20 15:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-20 16:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-20 17:20,20,M,M +2015-08-20 18:20,19,M,M +2015-08-20 19:20,17,M,M +2015-08-20 20:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-20 21:20,15,M,M +2015-08-20 22:20,15,M,M +2015-08-20 23:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 00:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 04:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 05:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-21 06:20,16,M,M +2015-08-21 07:20,19,M,M +2015-08-21 08:20,21,M,M +2015-08-21 09:20,23,M,M +2015-08-21 10:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-21 11:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-21 12:20,24,M,M +2015-08-21 13:20,25,M,M +2015-08-21 14:20,25,M,M +2015-08-21 15:20,25,M,M +2015-08-21 16:20,24,M,M +2015-08-21 17:20,24,M,M +2015-08-21 18:20,22,M,M +2015-08-21 19:20,18,M,M +2015-08-21 20:20,16,M,M +2015-08-21 21:20,17,M,M +2015-08-21 22:20,16,M,M +2015-08-21 23:20,15,M,M +2015-08-22 00:20,13,M,M +2015-08-22 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-22 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2015-08-22 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-22 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-22 05:20,13,M,M +2015-08-22 06:20,16,M,M +2015-08-22 07:20,18,M,M +2015-08-22 08:20,21,M,M +2015-08-22 09:20,23,M,M +2015-08-22 10:20,24,M,M +2015-08-22 11:20,25,M,M +2015-08-22 12:20,25,M,M +2015-08-22 13:20,25,M,M +2015-08-22 14:20,25,M,M +2015-08-22 15:20,26,M,M +2015-08-22 16:20,24,M,M +2015-08-22 17:20,22,M,M +2015-08-22 18:20,20,M,M +2015-08-22 19:20,18,M,M +2015-08-22 20:20,17,M,M +2015-08-22 21:20,16,M,M +2015-08-22 22:20,17,M,M +2015-08-22 23:20,17,M,M +2015-08-23 00:20,15,M,M +2015-08-23 01:20,14,M,M +2015-08-23 02:20,13,M,M +2015-08-23 03:20,12,M,M +2015-08-23 04:20,12,M,M +2015-08-23 05:20,13,M,M +2015-08-23 06:20,16,M,M +2015-08-23 07:20,18,M,M +2015-08-23 08:20,19,M,M +2015-08-23 09:20,21,M,M +2015-08-23 10:20,23,M,M +2015-08-23 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-23 12:20,23,M,M +2015-08-23 13:20,22,M,M +2015-08-23 14:20,23,M,M +2015-08-23 15:20,23,M,M +2015-08-23 16:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-23 17:20,22,M,M +2015-08-23 18:20,21,M,M +2015-08-23 19:20,19,M,M +2015-08-23 20:20,19,M,M +2015-08-23 21:20,18,M,M +2015-08-23 22:20,18,M,M +2015-08-23 23:20,18,M,M +2015-08-24 00:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 01:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 02:20,16,M,M +2015-08-24 03:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 04:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 05:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 06:20,17,M,M +2015-08-24 07:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-08-24 08:20,18,NSC,-RA +2015-08-24 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-24 10:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-24 11:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-24 12:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-24 13:20,22,SCT,M +2015-08-24 14:20,23,SCT,M +2015-08-24 15:20,24,SCT,M +2015-08-24 16:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-24 17:20,24,M,M +2015-08-24 18:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-24 19:20,23,SCT,-SHRA +2015-08-24 20:20,21,FEW,-RA +2015-08-24 21:20,20,M,M +2015-08-24 22:20,20,M,M +2015-08-24 23:20,19,M,M +2015-08-25 00:20,19,M,M +2015-08-25 01:20,18,M,M +2015-08-25 02:20,18,M,M +2015-08-25 03:20,17,M,M +2015-08-25 04:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-25 05:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-25 06:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-25 07:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-25 08:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-08-25 09:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-08-25 10:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-25 11:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-25 12:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2015-08-25 13:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-25 14:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2015-08-25 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-25 16:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2015-08-25 17:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-25 18:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-25 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-25 20:20,17,SCT,M +2015-08-25 21:20,17,M,M +2015-08-25 22:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-08-25 23:20,16,M,M +2015-08-26 00:20,16,SCT,M +2015-08-26 01:20,16,BKN,M +2015-08-26 02:20,14,BKN,RA +2015-08-26 03:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-26 04:20,15,BKN,M +2015-08-26 05:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-26 06:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-26 07:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-26 08:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-26 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-26 10:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-26 11:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-26 12:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-26 13:20,23,FEW,M +2015-08-26 14:20,25,FEW,M +2015-08-26 15:20,24,FEW,M +2015-08-26 16:20,25,FEW,M +2015-08-26 17:20,25,M,M +2015-08-26 18:20,24,M,M +2015-08-26 19:20,23,M,M +2015-08-26 20:20,23,M,M +2015-08-26 21:20,22,M,M +2015-08-26 22:20,22,M,M +2015-08-26 23:20,21,M,M +2015-08-27 00:20,20,M,M +2015-08-27 01:20,20,M,M +2015-08-27 02:20,19,M,M +2015-08-27 03:20,19,M,M +2015-08-27 04:20,19,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 05:20,19,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 06:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 07:20,19,NSC,-RA +2015-08-27 08:20,20,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 09:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-27 10:20,20,SCT,M +2015-08-27 11:20,20,SCT,M +2015-08-27 12:20,20,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 13:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 14:20,17,SCT,-RA +2015-08-27 15:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 16:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 20:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 21:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 22:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-27 23:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-08-28 00:20,14,NSC,-RA +2015-08-28 01:20,14,SCT,M +2015-08-28 02:20,13,FEW,M +2015-08-28 03:20,14,FEW,M +2015-08-28 04:20,14,BKN,M +2015-08-28 05:20,14,SCT,M +2015-08-28 06:20,15,BKN,M +2015-08-28 07:20,15,SCT,M +2015-08-28 08:20,16,SCT,M +2015-08-28 09:20,17,SCT,M +2015-08-28 10:20,17,BKN,M +2015-08-28 11:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-28 12:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-28 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-28 14:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-28 15:20,19,SCT,M +2015-08-28 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-28 17:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-28 18:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-28 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-28 20:20,15,BKN,M +2015-08-28 21:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2015-08-28 22:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-28 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-29 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-29 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-29 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-29 03:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-08-29 04:20,10,FEW,FG +2015-08-29 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-29 06:20,14,M,M +2015-08-29 07:20,16,M,M +2015-08-29 08:20,17,M,M +2015-08-29 09:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-29 10:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-29 11:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-29 12:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-29 13:20,21,SCT,M +2015-08-29 14:20,23,SCT,M +2015-08-29 15:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-29 16:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-29 17:20,21,FEW,M +2015-08-29 18:20,17,M,M +2015-08-29 19:20,16,M,M +2015-08-29 20:20,15,M,M +2015-08-29 21:20,15,M,M +2015-08-29 22:20,14,FEW,M +2015-08-29 23:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2015-08-30 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2015-08-30 01:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2015-08-30 02:20,13,SCT,MIFG +2015-08-30 03:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2015-08-30 04:20,13,M,M +2015-08-30 05:20,14,M,M +2015-08-30 06:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-30 07:20,15,FEW,M +2015-08-30 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-08-30 09:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-30 10:20,19,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2015-08-30 11:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-30 12:20,20,FEW,M +2015-08-30 13:20,22,FEW,M +2015-08-30 14:20,23,M,M +2015-08-30 15:20,22,SCT,M +2015-08-30 16:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2015-08-30 17:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2015-08-30 18:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-30 19:20,18,SCT,M +2015-08-30 20:20,18,FEW,M +2015-08-30 21:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-30 22:20,17,FEW,M +2015-08-30 23:20,17,NSC,BR +2015-08-31 00:20,17,NSC,BR +2015-08-31 01:20,17,NSC,BR MIFG +2015-08-31 02:20,17,FEW,BR MIFG +2015-08-31 03:20,17,FEW,BR MIFG +2015-08-31 04:20,17,FEW,-RA BR MIFG +2015-08-31 05:20,17,BKN,-RA BR +2015-08-31 06:20,18,FEW,BR +2015-08-31 07:20,19,FEW,M +2015-08-31 08:20,20,FEW,-RA +2015-08-31 09:20,23,M,M +2015-08-31 10:20,25,FEW,M +2015-08-31 11:20,25,FEW,M +2015-08-31 12:20,26,M,M +2015-08-31 13:20,27,M,M +2015-08-31 14:20,27,M,M +2015-08-31 15:20,28,M,M +2015-08-31 16:20,28,M,M +2015-08-31 17:20,27,M,M +2015-08-31 18:20,24,M,M +2015-08-31 19:20,23,M,M +2015-08-31 20:20,21,M,M +2015-08-31 21:20,20,M,M +2015-08-31 22:20,20,M,M +2015-08-31 23:20,20,M,M +2015-09-01 00:20,19,M,M +2015-09-01 01:20,19,M,M +2015-09-01 02:20,20,M,M +2015-09-01 03:20,20,M,M +2015-09-01 04:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-01 05:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-01 06:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-01 07:20,20,BKN,M +2015-09-01 08:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-01 09:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-01 10:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-01 11:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-01 12:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-01 13:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-01 14:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-01 15:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-01 16:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-09-01 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-01 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-01 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-01 20:20,14,M,M +2015-09-01 21:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-01 22:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-01 23:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-02 00:20,12,M,M +2015-09-02 01:20,12,M,M +2015-09-02 02:20,12,M,M +2015-09-02 03:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-02 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-02 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-02 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-02 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-02 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-02 09:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-02 10:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-02 11:20,17,BKN,M +2015-09-02 12:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-02 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-02 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-02 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-02 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-02 17:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-02 18:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-02 19:20,14,M,M +2015-09-02 20:20,15,M,M +2015-09-02 21:20,13,M,M +2015-09-02 22:20,12,M,M +2015-09-02 23:20,12,M,M +2015-09-03 00:20,11,M,M +2015-09-03 01:20,10,M,M +2015-09-03 02:20,10,NSC,PRFG +2015-09-03 03:20,10,M,M +2015-09-03 04:20,10,M,M +2015-09-03 05:20,11,M,M +2015-09-03 06:20,12,M,M +2015-09-03 07:20,14,M,M +2015-09-03 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-03 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-03 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-03 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-03 12:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-03 13:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-03 14:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-03 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-03 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-03 17:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-03 18:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-03 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-03 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-03 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-03 22:20,11,M,M +2015-09-03 23:20,11,M,M +2015-09-04 00:20,11,M,M +2015-09-04 01:20,10,M,M +2015-09-04 02:20,10,M,M +2015-09-04 03:20,10,M,M +2015-09-04 04:20,10,M,M +2015-09-04 05:20,11,M,M +2015-09-04 06:20,12,M,M +2015-09-04 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-04 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-04 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-04 10:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-04 11:20,15,FEW,-RA +2015-09-04 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-04 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-04 14:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-04 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-04 16:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-09-04 17:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-04 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-04 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-04 20:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-04 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-04 22:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-09-04 23:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-05 00:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-05 01:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-05 02:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-05 03:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-05 05:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-05 06:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 07:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-05 08:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 09:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 10:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2015-09-05 11:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2015-09-05 12:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-05 13:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-09-05 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-05 15:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2015-09-05 16:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2015-09-05 17:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2015-09-05 18:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-05 19:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-05 20:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2015-09-05 21:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 22:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-05 23:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-06 00:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-06 01:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-06 02:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-06 03:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-06 04:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-06 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-06 06:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-06 07:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-06 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-06 09:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-06 10:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-06 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-06 12:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-06 13:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2015-09-06 14:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-06 15:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-06 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-06 17:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-06 18:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-06 19:20,13,M,M +2015-09-06 20:20,12,M,M +2015-09-06 21:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-06 22:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-06 23:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-07 00:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-07 01:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-07 02:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-07 03:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-07 04:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-07 05:20,11,M,M +2015-09-07 06:20,12,M,M +2015-09-07 07:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-07 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-07 09:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-07 10:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-07 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-07 12:20,18,M,M +2015-09-07 13:20,18,M,M +2015-09-07 14:20,18,M,M +2015-09-07 15:20,18,M,M +2015-09-07 16:20,17,M,M +2015-09-07 17:20,16,M,M +2015-09-07 18:20,15,M,M +2015-09-07 19:20,13,M,M +2015-09-07 20:20,13,M,M +2015-09-07 21:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-07 22:20,11,M,M +2015-09-07 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-08 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-08 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-08 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-09-08 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-09-08 04:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-09-08 05:20,8,FEW,BCFG +2015-09-08 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-08 07:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-08 09:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-08 10:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-08 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-08 12:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-08 13:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-08 14:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-08 15:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-08 16:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-08 17:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-08 18:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-08 19:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-08 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-08 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-08 22:20,10,M,M +2015-09-08 23:20,9,FEW,M +2015-09-09 00:20,9,FEW,M +2015-09-09 01:20,9,M,M +2015-09-09 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-09 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-09 04:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-09 05:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-09 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-09-09 07:20,14,M,M +2015-09-09 08:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-09 09:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-09 10:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-09 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-09 12:20,17,M,M +2015-09-09 13:20,18,M,M +2015-09-09 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-09 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-09 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-09 17:20,16,M,M +2015-09-09 18:20,15,M,M +2015-09-09 19:20,13,M,M +2015-09-09 20:20,12,M,M +2015-09-09 21:20,11,M,M +2015-09-09 22:20,9,M,M +2015-09-09 23:20,9,M,M +2015-09-10 00:20,9,M,M +2015-09-10 01:20,8,M,M +2015-09-10 02:20,8,M,M +2015-09-10 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-10 04:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-10 05:20,6,FEW,M +2015-09-10 06:20,10,SCT,M +2015-09-10 07:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-10 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-10 09:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-10 10:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-10 11:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-10 12:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-10 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-10 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-10 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-10 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-10 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-10 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-10 19:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-10 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-10 21:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-10 22:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-10 23:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-11 00:20,12,M,M +2015-09-11 01:20,11,M,M +2015-09-11 02:20,12,M,M +2015-09-11 03:20,11,M,M +2015-09-11 04:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-11 05:20,12,M,M +2015-09-11 06:20,12,M,M +2015-09-11 07:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-11 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-11 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-11 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-11 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-11 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-11 13:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-11 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-11 15:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-11 16:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-11 17:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-11 18:20,14,SCT,M +2015-09-11 19:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-11 20:20,13,M,M +2015-09-11 21:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-11 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-11 23:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-12 00:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-12 01:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-12 02:20,13,OVC,M +2015-09-12 03:20,13,OVC,M +2015-09-12 04:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-12 05:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-12 06:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-12 07:20,13,SCT,BR +2015-09-12 08:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-12 09:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-12 10:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-12 11:20,17,BKN,M +2015-09-12 12:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-12 13:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-12 14:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-12 15:20,19,FEW,M +2015-09-12 16:20,19,M,M +2015-09-12 17:20,18,M,M +2015-09-12 18:20,17,NSC,-SHRA +2015-09-12 19:20,17,M,M +2015-09-12 20:20,17,M,M +2015-09-12 21:20,17,M,M +2015-09-12 22:20,17,M,M +2015-09-12 23:20,18,NSC,-RA +2015-09-13 00:20,16,FEW,RA +2015-09-13 01:20,15,FEW,RA +2015-09-13 02:20,15,BKN,RA BR +2015-09-13 03:20,15,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-09-13 04:20,15,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-09-13 05:20,16,BKN,BR +2015-09-13 06:20,16,BKN,BR +2015-09-13 07:20,16,BKN,BR +2015-09-13 08:20,17,BKN,M +2015-09-13 09:20,18,BKN,M +2015-09-13 10:20,19,BKN,M +2015-09-13 11:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-13 12:20,20,SCT,M +2015-09-13 13:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-13 14:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-13 15:20,20,FEW,M +2015-09-13 16:20,20,FEW,-RA +2015-09-13 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-09-13 18:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-09-13 19:20,18,BKN,RA +2015-09-13 20:20,17,BKN,RA +2015-09-13 21:20,17,M,M +2015-09-13 22:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-13 23:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 00:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 01:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 02:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 03:20,16,M,M +2015-09-14 04:20,16,M,M +2015-09-14 05:20,16,M,M +2015-09-14 06:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 07:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 08:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-09-14 09:20,17,M,M +2015-09-14 10:20,18,FEW,-RA +2015-09-14 11:20,17,FEW,RA +2015-09-14 12:20,17,SCT,-RA +2015-09-14 13:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-14 14:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-14 15:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-14 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-14 17:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-14 18:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-14 19:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-14 20:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-14 21:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-14 22:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-14 23:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-15 00:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-15 01:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-15 02:20,12,M,M +2015-09-15 03:20,12,M,M +2015-09-15 04:20,12,M,M +2015-09-15 05:20,12,M,M +2015-09-15 06:20,12,M,M +2015-09-15 07:20,14,M,M +2015-09-15 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-15 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-15 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-15 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-15 12:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-15 13:20,14,SCT,VCTS +2015-09-15 14:20,11,FEW,VCTS +2015-09-15 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-15 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-15 17:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-15 18:20,15,M,M +2015-09-15 19:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-15 20:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-15 21:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-15 22:20,13,M,M +2015-09-15 23:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 00:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 01:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 02:20,11,M,M +2015-09-16 03:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 04:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 05:20,12,M,M +2015-09-16 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-16 07:20,14,M,M +2015-09-16 08:20,14,SCT,M +2015-09-16 09:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-16 10:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-16 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-16 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-16 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-16 14:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-09-16 15:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-09-16 16:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-09-16 17:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-16 18:20,17,BKN,M +2015-09-16 19:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-16 20:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-16 21:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-16 22:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-16 23:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-17 00:20,17,NSC,-RA +2015-09-17 01:20,17,M,M +2015-09-17 02:20,17,M,M +2015-09-17 03:20,17,M,M +2015-09-17 04:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-17 05:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-17 06:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-17 07:20,18,BKN,M +2015-09-17 08:20,18,M,///////// +2015-09-17 09:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-17 10:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-17 11:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-17 12:20,19,BKN,M +2015-09-17 13:20,19,SCT,M +2015-09-17 14:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-17 15:20,18,SCT,M +2015-09-17 16:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-17 17:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-17 18:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-17 19:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-17 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-17 21:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-17 22:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-17 23:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-18 00:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-18 01:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-18 02:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-18 03:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-18 04:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-18 05:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-18 06:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-18 07:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-18 08:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-18 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-18 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-18 11:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-18 12:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-18 13:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-18 14:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-18 15:20,18,FEW,M +2015-09-18 16:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-18 17:20,16,M,M +2015-09-18 18:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-18 19:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-18 20:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-18 21:20,13,M,M +2015-09-18 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-18 23:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-19 00:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 01:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-19 02:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-19 03:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-19 04:20,13,SCT,M +2015-09-19 05:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-19 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-19 07:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-09-19 08:20,12,FEW,RA +2015-09-19 09:20,13,FEW,RA +2015-09-19 10:20,13,FEW,RA +2015-09-19 11:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-09-19 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-19 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-19 14:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-19 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-19 16:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-19 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-19 18:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 19:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 20:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 21:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 22:20,12,M,M +2015-09-19 23:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-20 00:20,11,M,M +2015-09-20 01:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-20 02:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-20 03:20,11,M,M +2015-09-20 04:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-20 05:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-20 06:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-20 07:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-09-20 08:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2015-09-20 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-20 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-20 11:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2015-09-20 12:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2015-09-20 13:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-20 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-20 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-20 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-20 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-20 18:20,12,M,M +2015-09-20 19:20,11,M,M +2015-09-20 20:20,11,M,M +2015-09-20 21:20,10,M,M +2015-09-20 22:20,10,M,M +2015-09-20 23:20,10,M,M +2015-09-21 00:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-21 01:20,11,SCT,M +2015-09-21 02:20,11,M,M +2015-09-21 03:20,10,BKN,M +2015-09-21 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-21 05:20,10,FEW,M +2015-09-21 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-21 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-21 08:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-21 09:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-09-21 10:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-09-21 11:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-21 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-21 13:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-21 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-21 15:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-21 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-21 17:20,15,M,M +2015-09-21 18:20,14,M,M +2015-09-21 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-09-21 20:20,14,M,M +2015-09-21 21:20,13,M,M +2015-09-21 22:20,13,M,M +2015-09-21 23:20,13,M,M +2015-09-22 00:20,12,M,M +2015-09-22 01:20,12,M,M +2015-09-22 02:20,12,M,M +2015-09-22 03:20,12,NSC,-RA +2015-09-22 04:20,12,M,M +2015-09-22 05:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 06:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 08:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-22 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 10:20,14,OVC,M +2015-09-22 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-22 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-22 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-22 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-22 15:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-22 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-22 17:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-09-22 19:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-09-22 20:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-22 21:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-22 22:20,11,SCT,MIFG +2015-09-22 23:20,11,SCT,BR MIFG +2015-09-23 00:20,11,BKN,BR MIFG +2015-09-23 01:20,11,BKN,BR MIFG +2015-09-23 02:20,11,BKN,BR MIFG +2015-09-23 03:20,11,BKN,BR MIFG +2015-09-23 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-09-23 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2015-09-23 06:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-09-23 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-23 08:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-23 09:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-23 10:20,13,BKN,M +2015-09-23 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-23 12:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-23 13:20,14,SCT,M +2015-09-23 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-23 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-23 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-23 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-23 18:20,11,M,M +2015-09-23 19:20,10,M,M +2015-09-23 20:20,12,M,M +2015-09-23 21:20,11,M,M +2015-09-23 22:20,11,M,M +2015-09-23 23:20,12,M,M +2015-09-24 00:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-24 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-24 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-24 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-24 04:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-24 05:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-24 06:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-24 07:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-24 08:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-24 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-24 10:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-24 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-24 12:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-24 13:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-24 14:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-24 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-24 16:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-24 17:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-24 18:20,15,BKN,M +2015-09-24 19:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-24 20:20,14,BKN,-RA +2015-09-24 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-24 22:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-09-24 23:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-09-25 00:20,12,SCT,M +2015-09-25 01:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-25 02:20,10,FEW,M +2015-09-25 03:20,10,SCT,M +2015-09-25 04:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-25 05:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-25 06:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-25 07:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-25 08:20,11,BKN,M +2015-09-25 09:20,12,BKN,M +2015-09-25 10:20,14,BKN,M +2015-09-25 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-25 12:20,16,BKN,M +2015-09-25 13:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-25 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-25 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-25 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-25 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-25 18:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-25 19:20,10,M,M +2015-09-25 20:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-25 21:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-25 22:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-25 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-26 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-26 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-26 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-26 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-26 04:20,7,NSC,FG +2015-09-26 05:20,7,NSC,FG +2015-09-26 06:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-26 07:20,12,M,M +2015-09-26 08:20,14,M,M +2015-09-26 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-26 10:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-26 11:20,17,SCT,M +2015-09-26 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-26 13:20,17,FEW,M +2015-09-26 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-26 15:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-26 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-26 17:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-26 18:20,11,M,M +2015-09-26 19:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-26 20:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-26 21:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-26 22:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-26 23:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-27 00:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-27 01:20,6,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-27 02:20,5,NSC,BR MIFG +2015-09-27 03:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-27 04:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-27 05:20,4,FEW,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-27 06:20,6,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-27 07:20,9,M,M +2015-09-27 08:20,12,M,M +2015-09-27 09:20,14,SCT,M +2015-09-27 10:20,14,SCT,M +2015-09-27 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-27 12:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-27 13:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-27 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-27 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-27 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-27 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-09-27 18:20,9,FEW,M +2015-09-27 19:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-27 20:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-27 21:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-27 22:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-27 23:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2015-09-28 00:20,6,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-28 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-28 02:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-28 03:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR MIFG +2015-09-28 04:20,4,FEW,BCFG BR +2015-09-28 05:20,5,SCT,MIFG +2015-09-28 06:20,7,SCT,MIFG +2015-09-28 07:20,11,SCT,M +2015-09-28 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-28 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-28 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-28 11:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-28 12:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-28 13:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-28 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-28 15:20,16,SCT,M +2015-09-28 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-28 17:20,12,FEW,M +2015-09-28 18:20,11,M,M +2015-09-28 19:20,10,M,M +2015-09-28 20:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2015-09-28 21:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-28 22:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-28 23:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-29 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-29 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-29 02:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-29 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-29 04:20,5,SCT,MIFG +2015-09-29 05:20,6,SCT,MIFG +2015-09-29 06:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-29 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-09-29 08:20,13,M,M +2015-09-29 09:20,15,M,M +2015-09-29 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-29 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-29 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-29 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-29 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-29 15:20,16,M,M +2015-09-29 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-09-29 17:20,14,M,M +2015-09-29 18:20,12,M,M +2015-09-29 19:20,11,M,M +2015-09-29 20:20,10,M,M +2015-09-29 21:20,10,M,M +2015-09-29 22:20,8,M,M +2015-09-29 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 02:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 04:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 05:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 06:20,8,M,M +2015-09-30 07:20,10,M,M +2015-09-30 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-09-30 09:20,14,FEW,M +2015-09-30 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-09-30 11:20,15,M,///////// +2015-09-30 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-30 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-30 14:20,16,FEW,M +2015-09-30 15:20,16,M,M +2015-09-30 16:20,16,M,M +2015-09-30 17:20,14,M,M +2015-09-30 18:20,10,M,M +2015-09-30 19:20,9,M,M +2015-09-30 20:20,8,NSC,PRFG +2015-09-30 21:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2015-09-30 22:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-09-30 23:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 04:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-10-01 05:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-01 06:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-01 07:20,8,M,M +2015-10-01 08:20,13,M,M +2015-10-01 09:20,15,M,M +2015-10-01 10:20,16,FEW,M +2015-10-01 11:20,16,FEW,M +2015-10-01 12:20,17,FEW,M +2015-10-01 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-10-01 14:20,17,M,M +2015-10-01 15:20,16,M,M +2015-10-01 16:20,15,M,M +2015-10-01 17:20,12,M,M +2015-10-01 18:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 19:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 20:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 21:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-01 22:20,6,NSC,FG +2015-10-01 23:20,6,NSC,FG +2015-10-02 00:20,4,VV ,FG +2015-10-02 01:20,5,VV ,FG +2015-10-02 02:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-10-02 03:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-10-02 04:20,5,VV ,FG +2015-10-02 05:20,5,OVC,FG +2015-10-02 06:20,7,OVC,FG +2015-10-02 07:20,8,OVC,FG +2015-10-02 08:20,9,SCT,M +2015-10-02 09:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-02 10:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-02 11:20,14,FEW,M +2015-10-02 12:20,15,M,M +2015-10-02 13:20,17,M,M +2015-10-02 14:20,17,M,M +2015-10-02 15:20,16,M,M +2015-10-02 16:20,15,M,M +2015-10-02 17:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-02 18:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-02 19:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-02 20:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-02 21:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-02 22:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-02 23:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 00:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-10-03 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 03:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 05:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 06:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-03 07:20,8,M,M +2015-10-03 08:20,12,M,M +2015-10-03 09:20,14,M,M +2015-10-03 10:20,17,M,M +2015-10-03 11:20,17,M,M +2015-10-03 12:20,18,M,M +2015-10-03 13:20,19,M,M +2015-10-03 14:20,19,M,M +2015-10-03 15:20,18,M,M +2015-10-03 16:20,16,M,M +2015-10-03 17:20,14,M,M +2015-10-03 18:20,12,M,M +2015-10-03 19:20,13,M,M +2015-10-03 20:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-03 21:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 22:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-03 23:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 02:20,10,M,M +2015-10-04 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-04 04:20,10,M,M +2015-10-04 05:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 06:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 07:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-04 08:20,14,NSC,M +2015-10-04 09:20,15,NSC,M +2015-10-04 10:20,15,NSC,M +2015-10-04 11:20,17,NSC,M +2015-10-04 12:20,18,NSC,M +2015-10-04 13:20,17,NSC,M +2015-10-04 14:20,17,NSC,M +2015-10-04 15:20,16,FEW,M +2015-10-04 16:20,15,FEW,M +2015-10-04 17:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2015-10-04 18:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-04 19:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-04 20:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-04 21:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-04 22:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-04 23:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-05 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-05 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-05 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-05 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-05 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG BR +2015-10-05 05:20,9,NSC,MIFG BR +2015-10-05 06:20,10,NSC,MIFG BR +2015-10-05 07:20,11,NSC,BR +2015-10-05 08:20,13,NSC,M +2015-10-05 09:20,15,NSC,M +2015-10-05 10:20,17,NSC,M +2015-10-05 11:20,18,M,M +2015-10-05 12:20,19,M,M +2015-10-05 13:20,18,M,M +2015-10-05 14:20,18,M,M +2015-10-05 15:20,18,M,M +2015-10-05 16:20,17,M,M +2015-10-05 17:20,16,M,M +2015-10-05 18:20,14,M,M +2015-10-05 19:20,14,M,M +2015-10-05 20:20,14,M,M +2015-10-05 21:20,13,M,M +2015-10-05 22:20,13,M,M +2015-10-05 23:20,13,M,M +2015-10-06 00:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-06 01:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-06 02:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-06 03:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-06 04:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-06 05:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-06 06:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-06 07:20,13,NSC,-RA +2015-10-06 08:20,13,NSC,M +2015-10-06 09:20,13,NSC,-RA +2015-10-06 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-10-06 11:20,15,SCT,M +2015-10-06 12:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2015-10-06 13:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2015-10-06 14:20,14,FEW,M +2015-10-06 15:20,14,BKN,M +2015-10-06 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-10-06 17:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 18:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 19:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 20:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 21:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 22:20,15,BKN,M +2015-10-06 23:20,15,SCT,M +2015-10-07 00:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-10-07 01:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-10-07 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-10-07 03:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-10-07 04:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-10-07 05:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-10-07 06:20,13,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-07 07:20,13,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-07 08:20,13,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-07 09:20,13,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-07 10:20,13,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-07 11:20,14,BKN,M +2015-10-07 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-10-07 13:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-07 14:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-07 15:20,14,BKN,RA BR +2015-10-07 16:20,14,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-07 17:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-07 18:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-07 19:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-07 20:20,14,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-07 21:20,14,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-07 22:20,14,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-07 23:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-08 00:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-08 01:20,13,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 02:20,13,OVC,BR +2015-10-08 03:20,13,OVC,BR +2015-10-08 04:20,13,OVC,BR +2015-10-08 05:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 06:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 07:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 08:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 09:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 10:20,15,SCT,BR +2015-10-08 11:20,14,BKN,BR +2015-10-08 12:20,13,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-08 13:20,14,SCT,-RADZ BR +2015-10-08 14:20,14,FEW,-RADZ BR +2015-10-08 15:20,14,FEW,-RADZ BR +2015-10-08 16:20,14,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-08 17:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-08 18:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-08 19:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-10-08 20:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-08 21:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-08 22:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-08 23:20,10,M,///////// +2015-10-09 00:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 01:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 02:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 03:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 04:20,10,OVC,BR +2015-10-09 05:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-09 06:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-09 07:20,9,OVC,DZ BR +2015-10-09 08:20,9,OVC,BR +2015-10-09 09:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 10:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 11:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 12:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-09 13:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-09 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-09 15:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-09 16:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-09 17:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-09 18:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-09 19:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-09 20:20,9,SCT,M +2015-10-09 21:20,8,M,M +2015-10-09 22:20,7,M,M +2015-10-09 23:20,6,M,M +2015-10-10 00:20,5,M,M +2015-10-10 01:20,5,M,M +2015-10-10 02:20,4,M,M +2015-10-10 03:20,4,M,M +2015-10-10 04:20,4,M,M +2015-10-10 05:20,5,M,M +2015-10-10 06:20,6,M,M +2015-10-10 07:20,7,M,M +2015-10-10 08:20,8,M,M +2015-10-10 09:20,10,M,M +2015-10-10 10:20,10,M,M +2015-10-10 11:20,11,M,M +2015-10-10 12:20,11,M,M +2015-10-10 13:20,11,M,M +2015-10-10 14:20,10,M,M +2015-10-10 15:20,9,M,M +2015-10-10 16:20,8,M,M +2015-10-10 17:20,7,M,M +2015-10-10 18:20,5,M,M +2015-10-10 19:20,6,M,M +2015-10-10 20:20,5,M,M +2015-10-10 21:20,4,M,M +2015-10-10 22:20,4,M,M +2015-10-10 23:20,3,M,M +2015-10-11 00:20,3,M,M +2015-10-11 01:20,2,M,M +2015-10-11 02:20,1,M,M +2015-10-11 03:20,1,M,M +2015-10-11 04:20,2,M,M +2015-10-11 05:20,2,M,M +2015-10-11 06:20,3,M,M +2015-10-11 07:20,5,M,M +2015-10-11 08:20,7,M,M +2015-10-11 09:20,8,M,M +2015-10-11 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-11 11:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-11 12:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-11 13:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-11 14:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-11 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-11 16:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-11 17:20,7,FEW,M +2015-10-11 18:20,6,M,M +2015-10-11 19:20,5,M,M +2015-10-11 20:20,4,M,M +2015-10-11 21:20,3,M,M +2015-10-11 22:20,3,M,M +2015-10-11 23:20,3,M,M +2015-10-12 00:20,2,M,M +2015-10-12 01:20,2,M,M +2015-10-12 02:20,2,M,M +2015-10-12 03:20,1,M,M +2015-10-12 04:20,2,M,M +2015-10-12 05:20,1,M,M +2015-10-12 06:20,2,M,M +2015-10-12 07:20,4,M,M +2015-10-12 08:20,6,M,M +2015-10-12 09:20,7,M,M +2015-10-12 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-12 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-12 12:20,8,M,M +2015-10-12 13:20,9,M,M +2015-10-12 14:20,8,M,M +2015-10-12 15:20,8,M,M +2015-10-12 16:20,7,M,M +2015-10-12 17:20,5,M,M +2015-10-12 18:20,5,M,M +2015-10-12 19:20,4,M,M +2015-10-12 20:20,3,M,M +2015-10-12 21:20,3,M,M +2015-10-12 22:20,3,M,M +2015-10-12 23:20,4,BKN,M +2015-10-13 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-10-13 01:20,3,BKN,M +2015-10-13 02:20,3,BKN,M +2015-10-13 03:20,3,BKN,M +2015-10-13 04:20,2,FEW,M +2015-10-13 05:20,3,BKN,M +2015-10-13 06:20,3,SCT,M +2015-10-13 07:20,3,BKN,M +2015-10-13 08:20,4,FEW,M +2015-10-13 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-10-13 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-13 11:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-10-13 12:20,7,SCT,M +2015-10-13 13:20,8,SCT,M +2015-10-13 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-13 15:20,7,FEW,M +2015-10-13 16:20,7,FEW,M +2015-10-13 17:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-10-13 18:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-13 19:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-10-13 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-13 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-13 22:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-13 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-14 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-14 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-14 02:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2015-10-14 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-10-14 04:20,5,FEW,M +2015-10-14 05:20,5,BKN,M +2015-10-14 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-10-14 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-10-14 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-10-14 09:20,6,OVC,M +2015-10-14 10:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-10-14 11:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-14 12:20,7,OVC,M +2015-10-14 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-10-14 14:20,7,SCT,-RA +2015-10-14 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-10-14 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-10-14 17:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-10-14 18:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-10-14 19:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-14 20:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-14 21:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-14 22:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-14 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-15 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-15 01:20,6,BKN,M +2015-10-15 02:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-15 03:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-15 04:20,7,OVC,M +2015-10-15 05:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-15 06:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-15 07:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-15 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-10-15 09:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-10-15 10:20,9,NSC,M +2015-10-15 11:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-10-15 12:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-10-15 13:20,8,SCT,-RA +2015-10-15 14:20,7,SCT,-RA +2015-10-15 15:20,7,SCT,-RA BR +2015-10-15 16:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-15 17:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-15 18:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2015-10-15 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-10-15 20:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-10-15 21:20,7,FEW,BR +2015-10-15 22:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-15 23:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-16 00:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-16 01:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-16 02:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-16 03:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-16 04:20,7,OVC,-RA BR +2015-10-16 05:20,7,OVC,BR +2015-10-16 06:20,7,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-16 07:20,7,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-16 08:20,7,SCT,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 09:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-16 10:20,8,SCT,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 11:20,9,SCT,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 12:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 13:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 14:20,9,BKN,RA BR +2015-10-16 15:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-10-16 16:20,9,SCT,M +2015-10-16 17:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2015-10-16 18:20,9,FEW,BR +2015-10-16 19:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-16 20:20,9,SCT,BR +2015-10-16 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-16 22:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-16 23:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-17 00:20,8,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 01:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-17 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 03:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-17 04:20,8,SCT,-RA BR +2015-10-17 05:20,8,SCT,-RA BR +2015-10-17 06:20,8,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-17 07:20,8,SCT,-DZ MIFG BR +2015-10-17 08:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 10:20,9,FEW,BR +2015-10-17 11:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 12:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 13:20,9,FEW,BR +2015-10-17 14:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 15:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 16:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-17 17:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 18:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 19:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 20:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 21:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 22:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-17 23:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 00:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 01:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 02:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 03:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 04:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 05:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 06:20,8,OVC,BR +2015-10-18 07:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 08:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-18 09:20,8,OVC,BR +2015-10-18 10:20,8,OVC,BR +2015-10-18 11:20,9,OVC,BR +2015-10-18 12:20,9,OVC,BR +2015-10-18 13:20,9,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-18 14:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2015-10-18 15:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2015-10-18 16:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-18 17:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-18 18:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-18 19:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-18 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-18 21:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-18 22:20,9,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-18 23:20,9,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-19 00:20,9,BKN,-RA BR +2015-10-19 01:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-19 02:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2015-10-19 03:20,10,FEW,BR +2015-10-19 04:20,10,SCT,BR +2015-10-19 05:20,9,SCT,BR +2015-10-19 06:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-19 07:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-19 08:20,9,FEW,BR +2015-10-19 09:20,10,SCT,BR +2015-10-19 10:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-19 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-19 12:20,13,SCT,M +2015-10-19 13:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-19 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-10-19 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-19 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-19 17:20,9,SCT,M +2015-10-19 18:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-19 19:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-19 20:20,6,FEW,M +2015-10-19 21:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-19 22:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-19 23:20,5,M,M +2015-10-20 00:20,4,NSC,M +2015-10-20 01:20,5,M,M +2015-10-20 02:20,5,M,M +2015-10-20 03:20,4,M,M +2015-10-20 04:20,5,BKN,FG +2015-10-20 05:20,5,BKN,FG +2015-10-20 06:20,4,OVC,FG +2015-10-20 07:20,4,BKN,BR +2015-10-20 08:20,6,SCT,M +2015-10-20 09:20,7,BKN,M +2015-10-20 10:20,8,SCT,M +2015-10-20 11:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-20 12:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-20 13:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-20 14:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-20 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-20 16:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-20 17:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-20 18:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-20 19:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-20 20:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-20 21:20,9,OVC,M +2015-10-20 22:20,9,OVC,M +2015-10-20 23:20,9,OVC,M +2015-10-21 00:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-21 01:20,8,M,M +2015-10-21 02:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-21 03:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-21 04:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-21 05:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-21 06:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-21 07:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-21 08:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-21 09:20,10,SCT,M +2015-10-21 10:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-21 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-21 12:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-21 13:20,12,SCT,M +2015-10-21 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-10-21 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-21 16:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-21 17:20,11,M,M +2015-10-21 18:20,11,M,M +2015-10-21 19:20,11,M,M +2015-10-21 20:20,10,M,M +2015-10-21 21:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-21 22:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-21 23:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-22 00:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-22 01:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-22 02:20,10,BKN,BR +2015-10-22 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2015-10-22 04:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 05:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 06:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 07:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 08:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 09:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2015-10-22 10:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-10-22 11:20,12,SCT,M +2015-10-22 12:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-10-22 13:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-10-22 14:20,13,BKN,DZ +2015-10-22 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-22 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-22 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-22 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-22 19:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-10-22 20:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2015-10-22 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-22 22:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-22 23:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-23 00:20,11,SCT,M +2015-10-23 01:20,10,SCT,M +2015-10-23 02:20,10,SCT,M +2015-10-23 03:20,10,SCT,M +2015-10-23 04:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-23 05:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-23 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-23 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-23 08:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-23 09:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-23 10:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-23 11:20,14,BKN,M +2015-10-23 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-10-23 13:20,14,SCT,M +2015-10-23 14:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-23 15:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-23 16:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-23 17:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-23 18:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-23 19:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-23 20:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-23 21:20,10,SCT,M +2015-10-23 22:20,8,M,M +2015-10-23 23:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 00:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 01:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 02:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 03:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 04:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 05:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 06:20,8,BKN,M +2015-10-24 07:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 08:20,9,BKN,M +2015-10-24 09:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-24 10:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-24 11:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 12:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 13:20,13,BKN,M +2015-10-24 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 15:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 16:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 17:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-24 18:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-24 19:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-24 20:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-24 21:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-24 22:20,10,M,M +2015-10-24 23:20,10,M,M +2015-10-25 00:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-25 01:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-25 02:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-25 03:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-25 04:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2015-10-25 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-10-25 06:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-25 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-25 08:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-25 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-25 10:20,13,SCT,M +2015-10-25 11:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-25 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-25 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-10-25 14:20,13,SCT,M +2015-10-25 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-25 16:20,9,M,M +2015-10-25 17:20,7,M,M +2015-10-25 18:20,7,M,M +2015-10-25 19:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-25 20:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-25 21:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-25 22:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-25 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-26 00:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-26 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-26 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-26 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-10-26 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-10-26 05:20,3,M,M +2015-10-26 06:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2015-10-26 07:20,5,M,M +2015-10-26 08:20,7,M,M +2015-10-26 09:20,10,M,M +2015-10-26 10:20,11,M,M +2015-10-26 11:20,12,M,M +2015-10-26 12:20,13,M,M +2015-10-26 13:20,13,M,M +2015-10-26 14:20,12,M,M +2015-10-26 15:20,12,M,M +2015-10-26 16:20,10,M,M +2015-10-26 17:20,9,M,M +2015-10-26 18:20,9,M,M +2015-10-26 19:20,9,M,M +2015-10-26 20:20,8,M,M +2015-10-26 21:20,7,M,M +2015-10-26 22:20,6,M,M +2015-10-26 23:20,6,M,M +2015-10-27 00:20,6,M,M +2015-10-27 01:20,6,M,M +2015-10-27 02:20,6,M,M +2015-10-27 03:20,5,M,M +2015-10-27 04:20,5,M,M +2015-10-27 05:20,5,M,M +2015-10-27 06:20,5,M,M +2015-10-27 07:20,6,M,M +2015-10-27 08:20,7,M,M +2015-10-27 09:20,9,M,M +2015-10-27 10:20,10,M,M +2015-10-27 11:20,12,M,M +2015-10-27 12:20,13,M,M +2015-10-27 13:20,13,M,M +2015-10-27 14:20,12,M,M +2015-10-27 15:20,12,M,M +2015-10-27 16:20,11,M,M +2015-10-27 17:20,10,M,M +2015-10-27 18:20,9,M,M +2015-10-27 19:20,9,M,M +2015-10-27 20:20,8,M,M +2015-10-27 21:20,8,M,M +2015-10-27 22:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-27 23:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 00:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 01:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 02:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 03:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 04:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 05:20,7,FEW,M +2015-10-28 06:20,6,FEW,BR +2015-10-28 07:20,7,FEW,BR +2015-10-28 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-28 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-10-28 10:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-28 11:20,10,FEW,M +2015-10-28 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-28 13:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-28 14:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-28 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-28 16:20,9,M,M +2015-10-28 17:20,9,M,M +2015-10-28 18:20,8,NSC,M +2015-10-28 19:20,8,NSC,M +2015-10-28 20:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-28 21:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-28 22:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-28 23:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 00:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 01:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 02:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 03:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 04:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 05:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 06:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 07:20,6,NSC,M +2015-10-29 08:20,7,NSC,M +2015-10-29 09:20,9,NSC,M +2015-10-29 10:20,10,NSC,M +2015-10-29 11:20,11,NSC,M +2015-10-29 12:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-29 13:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-29 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-29 15:20,12,BKN,M +2015-10-29 16:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-29 17:20,11,BKN,M +2015-10-29 18:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-29 19:20,10,BKN,M +2015-10-29 20:20,10,OVC,BR +2015-10-29 21:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-29 22:20,10,FEW,BR +2015-10-29 23:20,11,OVC,BR +2015-10-30 00:20,11,OVC,BR +2015-10-30 01:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-30 02:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-30 03:20,11,SCT,BR +2015-10-30 04:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-30 05:20,11,FEW,BR +2015-10-30 06:20,11,SCT,BR +2015-10-30 07:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 08:20,11,SCT,BR +2015-10-30 09:20,11,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 10:20,12,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 11:20,12,FEW,BR +2015-10-30 12:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-30 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-10-30 14:20,12,SCT,M +2015-10-30 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-10-30 16:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-30 17:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-30 18:20,9,NSC,BR +2015-10-30 19:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 20:20,8,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 21:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 22:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-30 23:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 01:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 02:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 03:20,7,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 04:20,8,FEW,BR +2015-10-31 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-10-31 06:20,9,OVC,BR +2015-10-31 07:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 08:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 09:20,9,BKN,BR +2015-10-31 10:20,10,FEW,BR +2015-10-31 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-10-31 12:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-31 13:20,12,NSC,M +2015-10-31 14:20,13,NSC,M +2015-10-31 15:20,11,NSC,M +2015-10-31 16:20,10,NSC,M +2015-10-31 17:20,11,NSC,M +2015-10-31 18:20,10,NSC,M +2015-10-31 19:20,10,NSC,M +2015-10-31 20:20,9,NSC,M +2015-10-31 21:20,9,NSC,M +2015-10-31 22:20,8,NSC,M +2015-10-31 23:20,7,NSC,BR +2015-11-01 05:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-11-01 06:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-11-01 07:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-11-01 08:20,7,NSC,BR +2015-11-01 09:20,10,NSC,M +2015-11-01 10:20,12,NSC,M +2015-11-01 11:20,13,NSC,M +2015-11-01 12:20,13,NSC,M +2015-11-01 13:20,13,NSC,M +2015-11-01 14:20,13,NSC,M +2015-11-01 15:20,11,M,M +2015-11-01 16:20,10,NSC,M +2015-11-01 17:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-11-01 18:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2015-11-01 19:20,7,BKN,FG +2015-11-01 20:20,7,VV ,FG +2015-11-01 21:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-11-01 22:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-11-01 23:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 00:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 04:20,7,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 05:20,7,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 06:20,7,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 07:20,7,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 08:20,8,SCT,BR +2015-11-02 09:20,8,SCT,BR +2015-11-02 10:20,8,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 11:20,8,OVC,BR +2015-11-02 12:20,8,SCT,BR +2015-11-02 13:20,8,SCT,BR +2015-11-02 14:20,8,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 15:20,8,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 16:20,7,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 17:20,7,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 18:20,6,VV ,FG +2015-11-02 19:20,6,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 20:20,6,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 21:20,6,OVC,FG +2015-11-02 22:20,6,OVC,BR +2015-11-02 23:20,6,OVC,BR +2015-11-03 00:20,6,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 01:20,5,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 02:20,5,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 03:20,4,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 04:20,4,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 05:20,4,OVC,FG +2015-11-03 06:20,4,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 07:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 08:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 09:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 10:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-11-03 11:20,4,SCT,BR +2015-11-03 12:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-03 13:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-03 14:20,5,SCT,M +2015-11-03 15:20,4,BKN,BR +2015-11-03 16:20,4,OVC,BR +2015-11-03 17:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-11-03 18:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 19:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 20:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 21:20,3,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 22:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-03 23:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-04 00:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-04 01:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-04 02:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-04 03:20,2,VV ,FG +2015-11-04 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2015-11-04 05:20,2,BKN,M +2015-11-04 06:20,2,SCT,M +2015-11-04 07:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-04 08:20,3,NSC,M +2015-11-04 09:20,4,NSC,M +2015-11-04 10:20,7,M,M +2015-11-04 11:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 12:20,10,M,M +2015-11-04 13:20,11,M,M +2015-11-04 14:20,11,M,M +2015-11-04 15:20,10,M,M +2015-11-04 16:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 17:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 18:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 19:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 20:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 21:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 22:20,9,M,M +2015-11-04 23:20,9,M,M +2015-11-05 00:20,9,BKN,M +2015-11-05 01:20,9,M,M +2015-11-05 02:20,9,M,M +2015-11-05 03:20,9,M,M +2015-11-05 04:20,9,M,M +2015-11-05 05:20,9,SCT,M +2015-11-05 06:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-05 07:20,10,SCT,M +2015-11-05 08:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-05 09:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-05 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-05 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-05 12:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-05 13:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-05 14:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-05 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-05 16:20,12,M,M +2015-11-05 17:20,12,M,M +2015-11-05 18:20,13,M,M +2015-11-05 19:20,13,NSC,-RA +2015-11-05 20:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-11-05 21:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-05 22:20,12,M,M +2015-11-05 23:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-06 00:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-11-06 01:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-06 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-06 03:20,12,SCT,-RA +2015-11-06 04:20,12,NSC,-RA +2015-11-06 05:20,12,FEW,-RA BR +2015-11-06 06:20,12,FEW,-RADZ BR +2015-11-06 07:20,12,BKN,DZRA BR +2015-11-06 08:20,13,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-06 09:20,13,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-06 10:20,14,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-06 11:20,14,SCT,-RADZ +2015-11-06 12:20,15,BKN,M +2015-11-06 13:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2015-11-06 14:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-06 15:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-06 16:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-06 17:20,13,BKN,M +2015-11-06 18:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-06 19:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-06 20:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-06 21:20,14,BKN,M +2015-11-06 22:20,14,FEW,RA +2015-11-06 23:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-07 00:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-07 01:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-07 02:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-07 03:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-07 04:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-07 05:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 06:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 07:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 08:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 09:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 10:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 11:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-07 12:20,16,FEW,M +2015-11-07 13:20,16,FEW,M +2015-11-07 14:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-11-07 15:20,16,FEW,-RA +2015-11-07 16:20,16,FEW,M +2015-11-07 17:20,17,SCT,M +2015-11-07 18:20,17,FEW,M +2015-11-07 19:20,17,FEW,-RA +2015-11-07 20:20,17,FEW,RA +2015-11-07 21:20,17,FEW,M +2015-11-07 22:20,16,FEW,M +2015-11-07 23:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-08 00:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-08 01:20,15,SCT,M +2015-11-08 02:20,14,BKN,M +2015-11-08 03:20,13,SCT,M +2015-11-08 04:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-08 05:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-08 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-08 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-08 08:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-08 09:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-08 10:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-08 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-08 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-08 13:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-08 14:20,13,M,M +2015-11-08 15:20,12,M,M +2015-11-08 16:20,12,M,M +2015-11-08 17:20,11,M,M +2015-11-08 18:20,12,M,M +2015-11-08 19:20,11,M,M +2015-11-08 20:20,11,M,M +2015-11-08 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-08 22:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-08 23:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-09 00:20,13,BKN,M +2015-11-09 01:20,14,BKN,-RA +2015-11-09 02:20,14,FEW,-RA +2015-11-09 03:20,14,BKN,M +2015-11-09 04:20,15,BKN,-RA +2015-11-09 05:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-09 06:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-09 07:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-09 08:20,13,SCT,M +2015-11-09 09:20,13,SCT,M +2015-11-09 10:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-09 11:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-09 12:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-09 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-09 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2015-11-09 15:20,12,SCT,-RA +2015-11-09 16:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-09 17:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-09 18:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-11-09 19:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-09 20:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-09 21:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-09 22:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-09 23:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-10 00:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-10 01:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-10 02:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-10 03:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-10 04:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-10 05:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-10 06:20,14,BKN,M +2015-11-10 07:20,15,BKN,M +2015-11-10 08:20,15,BKN,M +2015-11-10 09:20,15,SCT,M +2015-11-10 10:20,15,SCT,M +2015-11-10 11:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-11-10 12:20,16,BKN,M +2015-11-10 13:20,16,SCT,-RA +2015-11-10 14:20,16,SCT,M +2015-11-10 15:20,16,BKN,-RA +2015-11-10 16:20,16,BKN,-RA +2015-11-10 17:20,16,BKN,M +2015-11-10 18:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-10 19:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-10 20:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-10 21:20,15,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-10 22:20,15,FEW,M +2015-11-10 23:20,16,BKN,M +2015-11-11 00:20,16,BKN,M +2015-11-11 01:20,15,BKN,M +2015-11-11 02:20,15,BKN,M +2015-11-11 03:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-11 04:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-11 05:20,14,BKN,DZ +2015-11-11 06:20,14,FEW,DZ +2015-11-11 07:20,14,FEW,DZ +2015-11-11 08:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-11 09:20,14,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-11-11 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-11 11:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-11 12:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-11 13:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-11 14:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-11 15:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-11-11 16:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2015-11-11 17:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2015-11-11 18:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-11 19:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-11 20:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-11 21:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-11 22:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-11 23:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 00:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 01:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 02:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 03:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 04:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-12 05:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-12 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-12 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-12 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-12 09:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-12 10:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-12 11:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-12 12:20,14,SCT,M +2015-11-12 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-12 14:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-12 15:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-12 16:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-12 17:20,10,M,M +2015-11-12 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-12 19:20,10,SCT,M +2015-11-12 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-12 21:20,10,M,M +2015-11-12 22:20,9,NSC,M +2015-11-12 23:20,10,BKN,M +2015-11-13 00:20,10,BKN,M +2015-11-13 01:20,11,BKN,M +2015-11-13 02:20,10,BKN,M +2015-11-13 03:20,10,M,M +2015-11-13 04:20,10,BKN,M +2015-11-13 05:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-13 06:20,12,M,M +2015-11-13 07:20,12,M,M +2015-11-13 08:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-13 09:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-13 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-11-13 11:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-13 12:20,14,FEW,M +2015-11-13 13:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-13 14:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-13 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-13 16:20,10,M,M +2015-11-13 17:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-13 18:20,7,FEW,RA +2015-11-13 19:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-13 20:20,7,M,M +2015-11-13 21:20,7,M,M +2015-11-13 22:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-13 23:20,6,SCT,M +2015-11-14 00:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-14 01:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-14 02:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-14 03:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-14 04:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-14 05:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 06:20,6,FEW,SHRA +2015-11-14 07:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 08:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-14 09:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 10:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 11:20,8,SCT,M +2015-11-14 12:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-14 13:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-14 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 15:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-14 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-14 17:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2015-11-14 18:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-14 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2015-11-14 20:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-14 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-11-14 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-11-14 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 01:20,8,OVC,-RA +2015-11-15 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 03:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 05:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 06:20,8,BKN,RA +2015-11-15 07:20,8,FEW,-RA BR +2015-11-15 08:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-15 09:20,13,BKN,RA BR +2015-11-15 10:20,13,SCT,-RA BR +2015-11-15 11:20,13,FEW,RA BR +2015-11-15 12:20,13,FEW,RA +2015-11-15 13:20,13,BKN,-RA +2015-11-15 14:20,12,BKN,RADZ +2015-11-15 15:20,10,BKN,DZRA +2015-11-15 16:20,9,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-15 17:20,9,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-15 18:20,9,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-15 19:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-15 20:20,9,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-15 21:20,9,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-15 22:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2015-11-15 23:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2015-11-16 00:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2015-11-16 01:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2015-11-16 02:20,13,BKN,-DZRA +2015-11-16 03:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-16 04:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-16 05:20,13,SCT,M +2015-11-16 06:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-16 07:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-16 08:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-16 09:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-16 10:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2015-11-16 11:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-16 12:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-16 13:20,12,SCT,M +2015-11-16 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-11-16 15:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-16 16:20,11,BKN,M +2015-11-16 17:20,11,SCT,M +2015-11-16 18:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-16 19:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-11-16 20:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-16 21:20,10,SCT,M +2015-11-16 22:20,10,SCT,-RA +2015-11-16 23:20,8,M,M +2015-11-17 00:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-17 01:20,10,BKN,M +2015-11-17 02:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 03:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-11-17 04:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-11-17 05:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-17 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-17 07:20,10,SCT,M +2015-11-17 08:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-17 09:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 11:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2015-11-17 12:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2015-11-17 13:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-17 14:20,11,FEW,-DZRA +2015-11-17 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-17 16:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-17 17:20,12,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-11-17 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-17 19:20,13,FEW,M +2015-11-17 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 21:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 22:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-11-17 23:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 00:20,14,FEW,VCTS VCSH +2015-11-18 01:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-18 02:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 03:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 04:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-18 05:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 06:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 07:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-18 08:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 09:20,10,FEW,SHRA +2015-11-18 10:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-18 12:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-18 13:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-18 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-18 15:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-18 16:20,11,SCT,M +2015-11-18 17:20,11,SCT,M +2015-11-18 18:20,11,FEW,RA +2015-11-18 19:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-18 20:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-11-18 21:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-11-18 22:20,11,FEW,-RA +2015-11-18 23:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-19 00:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-19 01:20,12,FEW,M +2015-11-19 02:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 03:20,10,FEW,VCTS SHRA +2015-11-19 04:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-19 05:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-19 06:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 07:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-19 08:20,11,FEW,M +2015-11-19 09:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 11:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 12:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 13:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 15:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 16:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-19 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-19 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-19 19:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-19 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-19 21:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-19 22:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-19 23:20,9,BKN,M +2015-11-20 00:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-20 01:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-20 02:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-20 03:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-20 04:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-20 05:20,8,SCT,M +2015-11-20 06:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 07:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 08:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 09:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-20 11:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-20 12:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 13:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2015-11-20 14:20,8,BKN,M +2015-11-20 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-20 16:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-20 17:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 19:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-20 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 21:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2015-11-20 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-20 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-21 00:20,6,SCT,M +2015-11-21 01:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2015-11-21 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-11-21 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-21 04:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-21 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-21 06:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-21 07:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-21 08:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-21 09:20,5,BKN,M +2015-11-21 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-11-21 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-11-21 12:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-11-21 13:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-21 14:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2015-11-21 15:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2015-11-21 16:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-21 17:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2015-11-21 18:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-21 19:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-21 20:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-21 21:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-21 22:20,0,M,M +2015-11-21 23:20,0,M,M +2015-11-22 00:20,0,M,M +2015-11-22 01:20,-1,M,M +2015-11-22 02:20,0,M,M +2015-11-22 03:20,0,FEW,M +2015-11-22 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-22 05:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-22 06:20,0,FEW,M +2015-11-22 07:20,0,FEW,M +2015-11-22 08:20,0,SCT,M +2015-11-22 09:20,1,BKN,M +2015-11-22 10:20,1,FEW,SN +2015-11-22 11:20,0,FEW,-SN +2015-11-22 12:20,0,OVC,+SN +2015-11-22 13:20,0,BKN,-SN +2015-11-22 14:20,0,BKN,-SN +2015-11-22 15:20,1,BKN,-SN +2015-11-22 16:20,1,OVC,M +2015-11-22 17:20,1,BKN,M +2015-11-22 18:20,1,BKN,M +2015-11-22 19:20,0,BKN,M +2015-11-22 20:20,0,BKN,-SN +2015-11-22 21:20,0,SCT,-SN +2015-11-22 22:20,0,BKN,-SN +2015-11-22 23:20,1,SCT,M +2015-11-23 00:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-23 01:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-23 02:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-23 03:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-23 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-23 05:20,1,M,M +2015-11-23 06:20,0,M,M +2015-11-23 07:20,-1,M,M +2015-11-23 08:20,0,M,M +2015-11-23 09:20,1,M,M +2015-11-23 10:20,2,M,M +2015-11-23 11:20,3,M,M +2015-11-23 12:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-23 13:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-23 14:20,3,M,M +2015-11-23 15:20,1,M,M +2015-11-23 16:20,1,M,M +2015-11-23 17:20,1,M,M +2015-11-23 18:20,2,M,M +2015-11-23 19:20,2,M,M +2015-11-23 20:20,2,M,M +2015-11-23 21:20,2,M,M +2015-11-23 22:20,3,M,M +2015-11-23 23:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 00:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 01:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 02:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 03:20,4,M,M +2015-11-24 04:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 05:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 06:20,3,M,M +2015-11-24 07:20,4,M,M +2015-11-24 08:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-24 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-11-24 10:20,4,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-24 11:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-11-24 12:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-24 13:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-11-24 14:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-11-24 15:20,3,SCT,-RA +2015-11-24 16:20,3,SCT,-RA +2015-11-24 17:20,3,SCT,-RA +2015-11-24 18:20,2,SCT,-RA +2015-11-24 19:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2015-11-24 20:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-24 21:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-24 22:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-24 23:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-25 00:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2015-11-25 01:20,3,BKN,-RASN +2015-11-25 02:20,2,OVC,-RASN +2015-11-25 03:20,3,OVC,-RASN +2015-11-25 04:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-25 05:20,3,OVC,-RASN +2015-11-25 06:20,3,OVC,-RADZ BR +2015-11-25 07:20,3,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-11-25 08:20,4,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-11-25 09:20,4,OVC,BR +2015-11-25 10:20,5,OVC,BR +2015-11-25 11:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-11-25 12:20,5,OVC,M +2015-11-25 13:20,6,OVC,M +2015-11-25 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-11-25 15:20,6,BKN,M +2015-11-25 16:20,6,BKN,-RA +2015-11-25 17:20,5,SCT,M +2015-11-25 18:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-25 19:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-25 20:20,3,BKN,MIFG +2015-11-25 21:20,5,SCT,M +2015-11-25 22:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-25 23:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-26 00:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-11-26 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-26 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-26 03:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-26 04:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-26 05:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2015-11-26 06:20,1,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-26 07:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2015-11-26 08:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-26 09:20,5,M,M +2015-11-26 10:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-26 11:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-26 12:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-26 13:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-26 14:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-26 15:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-26 16:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-26 17:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-26 18:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-11-26 19:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2015-11-26 20:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2015-11-26 21:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-26 22:20,3,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-26 23:20,3,SCT,MIFG +2015-11-27 00:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-27 01:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2015-11-27 02:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-27 03:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-27 04:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-27 05:20,1,FEW,M +2015-11-27 06:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-27 07:20,2,FEW,M +2015-11-27 08:20,3,SCT,M +2015-11-27 09:20,4,BKN,M +2015-11-27 10:20,4,SCT,M +2015-11-27 11:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-27 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-27 13:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-27 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-27 15:20,6,M,M +2015-11-27 16:20,5,M,M +2015-11-27 17:20,5,M,M +2015-11-27 18:20,5,M,M +2015-11-27 19:20,5,SCT,M +2015-11-27 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-27 21:20,4,OVC,M +2015-11-27 22:20,5,OVC,M +2015-11-27 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-28 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-28 01:20,4,SCT,M +2015-11-28 02:20,3,FEW,M +2015-11-28 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-28 04:20,4,OVC,M +2015-11-28 05:20,3,SCT,-RADZ +2015-11-28 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-11-28 07:20,3,SCT,RA +2015-11-28 08:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-11-28 09:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-11-28 10:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-11-28 11:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-28 12:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2015-11-28 13:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2015-11-28 14:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2015-11-28 15:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-28 16:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-28 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-28 18:20,4,M,M +2015-11-28 19:20,5,M,M +2015-11-28 20:20,5,M,M +2015-11-28 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-11-28 22:20,5,BKN,M +2015-11-28 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-11-29 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-11-29 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-11-29 02:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-11-29 03:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-29 04:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-29 05:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-29 06:20,8,SCT,M +2015-11-29 07:20,8,SCT,M +2015-11-29 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-11-29 09:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-29 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-11-29 11:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-11-29 12:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-11-29 13:20,9,BKN,M +2015-11-29 14:20,9,BKN,M +2015-11-29 15:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-11-29 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2015-11-29 17:20,9,BKN,M +2015-11-29 18:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-11-29 19:20,9,BKN,SHRA +2015-11-29 20:20,10,FEW,M +2015-11-29 21:20,8,M,M +2015-11-29 22:20,8,SCT,M +2015-11-29 23:20,6,FEW,M +2015-11-30 00:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-30 01:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-30 02:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-30 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-11-30 04:20,7,SCT,M +2015-11-30 05:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-30 06:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-30 07:20,4,FEW,-SHRAGS +2015-11-30 08:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-11-30 09:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2015-11-30 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2015-11-30 11:20,7,FEW,M +2015-11-30 12:20,7,SCT,M +2015-11-30 13:20,7,SCT,M +2015-11-30 14:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-11-30 15:20,5,SCT,-RA +2015-11-30 16:20,4,BKN,-RA +2015-11-30 17:20,3,BKN,-RA +2015-11-30 18:20,3,FEW,-RA +2015-11-30 19:20,4,FEW,-RA +2015-11-30 20:20,4,SCT,-RA +2015-11-30 21:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2015-11-30 22:20,4,FEW,M +2015-11-30 23:20,3,FEW,BR +2015-12-01 00:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2015-12-01 01:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-01 02:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2015-12-01 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-01 04:20,5,SCT,M +2015-12-01 05:20,5,M,M +2015-12-01 06:20,5,M,M +2015-12-01 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-01 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-01 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-01 10:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-01 11:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-01 12:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-01 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-01 14:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-01 15:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-01 16:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-01 17:20,6,M,M +2015-12-01 18:20,6,M,M +2015-12-01 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-12-01 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-12-01 21:20,6,BKN,-DZRA +2015-12-01 22:20,7,BKN,DZRA +2015-12-01 23:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2015-12-02 00:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-02 01:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 02:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 03:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 04:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 05:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 06:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-02 07:20,11,M,M +2015-12-02 08:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 09:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-02 10:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-02 11:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-02 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-02 13:20,11,M,M +2015-12-02 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-02 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-02 16:20,10,M,M +2015-12-02 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-02 18:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-02 19:20,10,M,M +2015-12-02 20:20,10,M,M +2015-12-02 21:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-02 22:20,10,M,M +2015-12-02 23:20,9,M,M +2015-12-03 00:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-03 01:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-03 02:20,9,M,M +2015-12-03 03:20,9,M,M +2015-12-03 04:20,9,M,M +2015-12-03 05:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-03 06:20,8,SCT,M +2015-12-03 07:20,7,SCT,M +2015-12-03 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-03 09:20,9,M,M +2015-12-03 10:20,10,M,M +2015-12-03 11:20,10,M,M +2015-12-03 12:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-03 13:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-03 14:20,11,SCT,M +2015-12-03 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-03 16:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-03 17:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-03 18:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-03 19:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-03 20:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-03 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-03 22:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-03 23:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-04 00:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-04 01:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-04 02:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-04 03:20,7,M,M +2015-12-04 04:20,8,M,M +2015-12-04 05:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-12-04 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-12-04 07:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-12-04 08:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-12-04 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-12-04 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-04 11:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-04 12:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-04 13:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-04 14:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-04 15:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-04 16:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-04 17:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-04 18:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-04 19:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-04 20:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-04 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-04 22:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-04 23:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-05 00:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-05 01:20,8,SCT,M +2015-12-05 02:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-05 03:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-05 04:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-05 05:20,8,SCT,M +2015-12-05 06:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-05 07:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-05 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-05 09:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 10:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 11:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 12:20,9,M,M +2015-12-05 13:20,9,M,M +2015-12-05 14:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 15:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 16:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 17:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 18:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 19:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 20:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 21:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 22:20,8,M,M +2015-12-05 23:20,8,M,M +2015-12-06 00:20,8,M,M +2015-12-06 01:20,7,M,M +2015-12-06 02:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-06 03:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-06 04:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-06 05:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-06 06:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-06 07:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-06 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-06 09:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-06 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-06 11:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-06 12:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-06 13:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-06 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-06 15:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-06 16:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-06 17:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-06 18:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-06 19:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-06 20:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-06 21:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-06 22:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-06 23:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2015-12-07 00:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-07 01:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-12-07 02:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-07 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-12-07 04:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-07 05:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-07 06:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-07 07:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-07 08:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-07 09:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-07 10:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-07 11:20,9,OVC,M +2015-12-07 12:20,9,OVC,M +2015-12-07 13:20,9,OVC,BR +2015-12-07 14:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-12-07 15:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-12-07 16:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2015-12-07 17:20,10,OVC,-DZ FG +2015-12-07 18:20,10,BKN,BR +2015-12-07 19:20,10,SCT,BR +2015-12-07 20:20,10,SCT,BR +2015-12-07 21:20,11,BKN,-DZ BR +2015-12-07 22:20,10,FEW,BR +2015-12-07 23:20,10,FEW,BR +2015-12-08 00:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-08 01:20,10,NSC,M +2015-12-08 02:20,9,NSC,M +2015-12-08 03:20,9,NSC,M +2015-12-08 04:20,9,NSC,M +2015-12-08 05:20,9,NSC,M +2015-12-08 06:20,8,NSC,M +2015-12-08 07:20,8,NSC,M +2015-12-08 08:20,8,M,M +2015-12-08 09:20,9,M,M +2015-12-08 10:20,10,M,M +2015-12-08 11:20,11,M,M +2015-12-08 12:20,12,M,M +2015-12-08 13:20,12,M,M +2015-12-08 14:20,11,M,M +2015-12-08 15:20,11,M,M +2015-12-08 16:20,10,M,M +2015-12-08 17:20,9,M,M +2015-12-08 18:20,9,M,M +2015-12-08 19:20,9,M,M +2015-12-08 20:20,9,M,M +2015-12-08 21:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-08 22:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-08 23:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-12-09 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2015-12-09 01:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-09 02:20,10,OVC,M +2015-12-09 03:20,10,OVC,M +2015-12-09 04:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-09 05:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-09 06:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-09 07:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-09 08:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-09 09:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-09 10:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-09 11:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-09 12:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-09 13:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-09 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-09 16:20,6,M,M +2015-12-09 17:20,5,M,M +2015-12-09 18:20,4,M,M +2015-12-09 19:20,4,M,M +2015-12-09 20:20,5,M,M +2015-12-09 21:20,5,M,M +2015-12-09 22:20,4,M,M +2015-12-09 23:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 00:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 01:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 02:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 03:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 04:20,5,M,M +2015-12-10 05:20,5,SCT,M +2015-12-10 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-10 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-10 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-10 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-10 10:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-10 11:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-10 12:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-10 13:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-10 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-10 15:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-10 16:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-10 17:20,8,M,M +2015-12-10 18:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-10 19:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-10 20:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-10 21:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-10 22:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-10 23:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-11 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-12-11 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-12-11 02:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-12-11 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-12-11 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-12-11 05:20,5,FEW,-RA +2015-12-11 06:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-11 07:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-11 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-11 09:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-11 10:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-11 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-11 12:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-11 13:20,8,SCT,M +2015-12-11 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-11 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-11 16:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-11 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-11 18:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2015-12-11 19:20,5,M,M +2015-12-11 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-11 21:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-11 22:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2015-12-11 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-12 00:20,5,SCT,M +2015-12-12 01:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-12 02:20,5,SCT,M +2015-12-12 03:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-12 04:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-12 05:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-12 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-12 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-12 08:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2015-12-12 09:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-12 10:20,7,M,///////// +2015-12-12 11:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-12 12:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-12 13:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-12 14:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-12 15:20,5,M,M +2015-12-12 16:20,4,M,M +2015-12-12 17:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-12 18:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-12 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2015-12-12 20:20,5,BKN,-RA +2015-12-12 21:20,4,SCT,RA +2015-12-12 22:20,4,BKN,RA +2015-12-12 23:20,5,BKN,RA +2015-12-13 00:20,9,BKN,RA +2015-12-13 01:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-13 02:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-13 03:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-12-13 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2015-12-13 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-13 06:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-13 07:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-13 08:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-13 09:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-13 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-13 11:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-13 12:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-13 13:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-13 14:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-13 15:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-13 16:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-13 17:20,4,M,M +2015-12-13 18:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-13 19:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-13 20:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2015-12-13 21:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2015-12-13 22:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2015-12-13 23:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2015-12-14 00:20,-2,NSC,M +2015-12-14 01:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-14 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-14 03:20,-1,M,M +2015-12-14 04:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-14 05:20,0,NSC,FZFG +2015-12-14 06:20,1,FEW,M +2015-12-14 07:20,0,NSC,M +2015-12-14 08:20,1,SCT,BR +2015-12-14 09:20,2,FEW,BR +2015-12-14 10:20,3,FEW,M +2015-12-14 11:20,3,M,M +2015-12-14 12:20,4,M,M +2015-12-14 13:20,4,M,M +2015-12-14 14:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-14 15:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-14 16:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-14 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-14 18:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-14 19:20,4,SCT,M +2015-12-14 20:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-14 21:20,4,SCT,M +2015-12-14 22:20,4,SCT,M +2015-12-14 23:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-15 00:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-15 01:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-15 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-15 03:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-15 04:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-15 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-15 06:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-15 07:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-15 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-15 09:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-15 10:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-15 11:20,7,SCT,M +2015-12-15 12:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-15 13:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-15 14:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-15 15:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-15 16:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-15 17:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-15 18:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-15 19:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-15 20:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-15 21:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-15 22:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-15 23:20,4,OVC,M +2015-12-16 00:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-16 01:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-16 02:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-16 03:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-16 04:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-16 05:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-16 06:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-16 07:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-16 08:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-16 09:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-16 10:20,7,OVC,M +2015-12-16 11:20,7,BKN,M +2015-12-16 12:20,8,SCT,M +2015-12-16 13:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-16 14:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-16 15:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-16 16:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-16 17:20,8,BKN,M +2015-12-16 18:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-16 19:20,9,BKN,M +2015-12-16 20:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-16 21:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-16 22:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-16 23:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 00:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 01:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 02:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 03:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 04:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 05:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-17 06:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-17 07:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-17 08:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-17 09:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-17 10:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-17 11:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-17 12:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-17 13:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-17 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-17 15:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-17 16:20,11,M,M +2015-12-17 17:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 18:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 19:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 20:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 21:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 22:20,12,M,M +2015-12-17 23:20,12,M,M +2015-12-18 00:20,12,M,M +2015-12-18 01:20,12,M,M +2015-12-18 02:20,12,NSC,-RA +2015-12-18 03:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-18 04:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 05:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-12-18 06:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-18 07:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-18 08:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-18 09:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-18 10:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-18 12:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-18 13:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-18 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 15:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 16:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 17:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 18:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-18 19:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-18 20:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-18 21:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-18 22:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-18 23:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-19 00:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-19 01:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-19 02:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-19 03:20,10,M,M +2015-12-19 04:20,10,M,M +2015-12-19 05:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-19 06:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-19 07:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-19 08:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-19 09:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-19 10:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-19 11:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-19 12:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-19 13:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-19 14:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-19 15:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-19 16:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-19 17:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-19 18:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-19 19:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-19 20:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-19 21:20,13,M,M +2015-12-19 22:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-19 23:20,13,M,M +2015-12-20 00:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 01:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 02:20,11,M,M +2015-12-20 03:20,11,M,M +2015-12-20 04:20,10,M,M +2015-12-20 05:20,10,M,M +2015-12-20 06:20,10,M,M +2015-12-20 07:20,10,M,M +2015-12-20 08:20,11,M,M +2015-12-20 09:20,11,M,M +2015-12-20 10:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 11:20,13,M,M +2015-12-20 12:20,13,M,M +2015-12-20 13:20,13,M,M +2015-12-20 14:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 15:20,11,M,M +2015-12-20 16:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 17:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 18:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 19:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 20:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 21:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 22:20,12,M,M +2015-12-20 23:20,12,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 00:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 01:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 02:20,11,SCT,M +2015-12-21 03:20,11,SCT,M +2015-12-21 04:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 05:20,11,SCT,M +2015-12-21 06:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-21 07:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-21 08:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-21 09:20,10,BKN,M +2015-12-21 10:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-21 11:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-21 12:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-21 13:20,11,BKN,M +2015-12-21 14:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-21 15:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-21 16:20,9,SCT,M +2015-12-21 17:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-21 18:20,10,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 19:20,9,SCT,-RA +2015-12-21 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2015-12-21 21:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-21 22:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-21 23:20,10,SCT,M +2015-12-22 00:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-22 01:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-22 02:20,9,M,M +2015-12-22 03:20,9,M,M +2015-12-22 04:20,8,M,M +2015-12-22 05:20,8,M,M +2015-12-22 06:20,8,M,M +2015-12-22 07:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-22 08:20,10,SCT,-RA +2015-12-22 09:20,10,BKN,-RA +2015-12-22 10:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-22 11:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-22 12:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 13:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 14:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 15:20,12,BKN,DZ +2015-12-22 16:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 17:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 18:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-22 19:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-22 20:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-22 21:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-22 22:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-22 23:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-23 00:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2015-12-23 01:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-23 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-12-23 03:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-23 04:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-12-23 05:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-23 06:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-12-23 07:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-23 08:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-23 09:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-23 10:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2015-12-23 11:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2015-12-23 12:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-23 13:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-23 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2015-12-23 15:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-23 16:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-23 17:20,8,M,M +2015-12-23 18:20,8,M,M +2015-12-23 19:20,8,M,M +2015-12-23 20:20,7,M,M +2015-12-23 21:20,6,M,M +2015-12-23 22:20,5,M,M +2015-12-23 23:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 00:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 01:20,7,M,M +2015-12-24 02:20,8,M,M +2015-12-24 03:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 04:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 05:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 06:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 07:20,6,M,M +2015-12-24 08:20,5,M,M +2015-12-24 09:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-24 10:20,7,SCT,M +2015-12-24 11:20,9,M,M +2015-12-24 12:20,9,M,M +2015-12-24 13:20,10,FEW,-RA +2015-12-24 14:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-24 15:20,11,M,M +2015-12-24 16:20,11,M,M +2015-12-24 17:20,12,M,M +2015-12-24 18:20,12,FEW,M +2015-12-24 19:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-24 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2015-12-24 21:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-24 22:20,11,SCT,M +2015-12-24 23:20,11,SCT,-RA +2015-12-25 00:20,10,FEW,M +2015-12-25 01:20,9,M,M +2015-12-25 02:20,9,M,M +2015-12-25 03:20,8,M,M +2015-12-25 04:20,8,M,M +2015-12-25 05:20,7,M,M +2015-12-25 06:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-25 07:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-25 08:20,7,M,M +2015-12-25 09:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-25 10:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-25 11:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-25 12:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-25 13:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-25 14:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-25 15:20,7,FEW,M +2015-12-25 16:20,7,M,M +2015-12-25 17:20,7,SCT,M +2015-12-25 18:20,7,M,M +2015-12-25 19:20,8,M,M +2015-12-25 20:20,8,NSC,-RA +2015-12-25 21:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-25 22:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2015-12-26 01:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-26 02:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-26 03:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 04:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 05:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-26 06:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2015-12-26 07:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2015-12-26 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-12-26 09:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2015-12-26 11:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 12:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 13:20,14,BKN,M +2015-12-26 14:20,14,FEW,M +2015-12-26 15:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-26 16:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-26 17:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-26 18:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-26 19:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-26 20:20,13,SCT,M +2015-12-26 21:20,13,FEW,M +2015-12-26 22:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-26 23:20,13,BKN,M +2015-12-27 00:20,12,M,M +2015-12-27 01:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 02:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 03:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 04:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 05:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 06:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 07:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 08:20,11,M,M +2015-12-27 09:20,12,M,M +2015-12-27 10:20,12,SCT,M +2015-12-27 11:20,12,BKN,M +2015-12-27 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-12-27 13:20,12,BKN,-RA +2015-12-27 14:20,11,FEW,M +2015-12-27 15:20,11,OVC,-RA +2015-12-27 16:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2015-12-27 17:20,11,SCT,-DZRA +2015-12-27 18:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-27 19:20,9,FEW,M +2015-12-27 20:20,8,FEW,M +2015-12-27 21:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-27 22:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-27 23:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2015-12-28 00:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-28 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2015-12-28 02:20,2,FEW,FG +2015-12-28 03:20,0,FEW,FG +2015-12-28 04:20,1,NSC,FZFG +2015-12-28 05:20,0,NSC,FG +2015-12-28 06:20,1,FEW,FG +2015-12-28 07:20,0,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2015-12-28 08:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2015-12-28 09:20,2,FEW,M +2015-12-28 10:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-28 11:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-28 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-28 13:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-28 14:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-28 15:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-28 16:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-28 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-28 18:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-28 19:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-28 20:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-28 21:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-28 22:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-28 23:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 00:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 01:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-29 02:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-29 03:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-29 04:20,5,OVC,M +2015-12-29 05:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 06:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 07:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 08:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 09:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-29 11:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-29 12:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 13:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 15:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 16:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 17:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-29 18:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-29 19:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-29 20:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-29 21:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-29 22:20,6,OVC,M +2015-12-29 23:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-30 00:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-30 01:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-30 02:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 03:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-30 04:20,5,FEW,M +2015-12-30 05:20,4,BKN,M +2015-12-30 06:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-30 07:20,4,FEW,M +2015-12-30 08:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 09:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 10:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 11:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 12:20,6,FEW,M +2015-12-30 13:20,6,SCT,M +2015-12-30 14:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-30 15:20,6,BKN,M +2015-12-30 16:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 17:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 18:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-30 19:20,3,FEW,M +2015-12-30 20:20,2,FEW,M +2015-12-30 21:20,2,FEW,M +2015-12-30 22:20,1,FEW,M +2015-12-30 23:20,1,FEW,M +2015-12-31 00:20,1,FEW,M +2015-12-31 01:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 02:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 03:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 04:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 05:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 06:20,0,M,M +2015-12-31 07:20,0,M,M +2015-12-31 08:20,1,M,M +2015-12-31 09:20,2,BKN,-RA +2015-12-31 10:20,1,BKN,RA +2015-12-31 11:20,1,BKN,-RA +2015-12-31 12:20,2,FEW,-RA +2015-12-31 13:20,3,FEW,M +2015-12-31 14:20,3,FEW,M +2015-12-31 15:20,4,SCT,BR +2015-12-31 16:20,4,BKN,BR +2015-12-31 17:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-12-31 18:20,3,BKN,BR +2015-12-31 19:20,5,BKN,BR +2015-12-31 20:20,5,BKN,M +2015-12-31 21:20,3,FEW,BR +2015-12-31 22:20,3,SCT,BCFG BR +2015-12-31 23:20,2,FEW,BCFG BR +2016-01-01 00:20,2,SCT,FG +2016-01-01 01:20,2,SCT,FG +2016-01-01 02:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-01-01 03:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-01-01 04:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-01-01 05:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-01-01 06:20,0,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-01-01 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-01-01 08:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-01 09:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-01-01 10:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-01 11:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-01 12:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-01 13:20,6,SCT,M +2016-01-01 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-01 15:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-01 16:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-01 17:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-01 18:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-01 19:20,5,SCT,BR +2016-01-01 20:20,4,FEW,BR +2016-01-01 21:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-01 22:20,4,SCT,BR +2016-01-01 23:20,4,BKN,M +2016-01-02 00:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-02 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-02 02:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-02 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-01-02 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-01-02 05:20,3,SCT,BR +2016-01-02 06:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-01-02 07:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-01-02 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-01-02 09:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 10:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 11:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 12:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 13:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 14:20,0,FEW,M +2016-01-02 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-01-02 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-02 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-02 19:20,-4,BKN,M +2016-01-02 20:20,-4,BKN,M +2016-01-02 21:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-02 22:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-02 23:20,-5,BKN,M +2016-01-03 00:20,-5,BKN,M +2016-01-03 01:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-03 02:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-03 03:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 04:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 05:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 06:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 07:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 08:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 09:20,-7,OVC,M +2016-01-03 10:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-03 11:20,-6,BKN,M +2016-01-03 12:20,-6,BKN,M +2016-01-03 13:20,-6,SCT,M +2016-01-03 14:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-03 15:20,-6,SCT,M +2016-01-03 16:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-03 17:20,-6,FEW,-SN +2016-01-03 18:20,-6,BKN,-SN +2016-01-03 19:20,-6,BKN,-SN +2016-01-03 20:20,-6,BKN,-SN +2016-01-03 21:20,-7,M,///////// +2016-01-03 22:20,-7,BKN,M +2016-01-03 23:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 00:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 01:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-04 02:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 03:20,-7,SCT,M +2016-01-04 04:20,-8,M,M +2016-01-04 05:20,-8,BKN,M +2016-01-04 06:20,-8,FEW,M +2016-01-04 07:20,-8,FEW,M +2016-01-04 08:20,-8,OVC,M +2016-01-04 09:20,-8,FEW,-SN +2016-01-04 10:20,-8,FEW,-SN +2016-01-04 11:20,-8,FEW,-SN +2016-01-04 12:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 13:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 14:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 15:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-04 16:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-04 17:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 18:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 19:20,-7,SCT,-SN DRSN +2016-01-04 20:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 21:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-04 22:20,-7,FEW,-SN +2016-01-04 23:20,-7,SCT,M +2016-01-05 00:20,-7,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 01:20,-7,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 02:20,-7,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 03:20,-7,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 04:20,-7,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 05:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-05 06:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-05 07:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-05 08:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-05 09:20,-6,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 10:20,-5,NSC,-SN +2016-01-05 11:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2016-01-05 12:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2016-01-05 13:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-01-05 14:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2016-01-05 15:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2016-01-05 16:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2016-01-05 17:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2016-01-05 18:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-05 19:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-05 20:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-05 21:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-05 22:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-05 23:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-06 00:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-06 01:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-06 02:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-06 03:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-06 04:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-06 05:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-06 06:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-06 07:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-06 08:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-06 09:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-06 10:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-06 11:20,-5,SCT,M +2016-01-06 12:20,-5,SCT,M +2016-01-06 13:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-01-06 14:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-01-06 15:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-06 16:20,-4,SCT,-SN +2016-01-06 17:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-06 18:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-06 19:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-06 20:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-06 21:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-06 22:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-06 23:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-07 00:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-07 01:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-07 02:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-07 03:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-07 04:20,-7,BKN,M +2016-01-07 05:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-07 06:20,-6,OVC,M +2016-01-07 07:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 08:20,-5,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 09:20,-5,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 10:20,-4,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 11:20,-4,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 12:20,-4,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 13:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 14:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 15:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 16:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 17:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 18:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 19:20,-3,OVC,BR +2016-01-07 20:20,-2,OVC,-SN BR +2016-01-07 21:20,-3,FEW,SN +2016-01-07 22:20,-3,OVC,SN +2016-01-07 23:20,-3,OVC,SN +2016-01-08 00:20,-2,OVC,SN +2016-01-08 01:20,-1,OVC,-SN +2016-01-08 02:20,0,BKN,-FZRA BR +2016-01-08 03:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-01-08 04:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-01-08 05:20,4,BKN,-RASN +2016-01-08 06:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-08 07:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-01-08 08:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-01-08 09:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-01-08 10:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-08 11:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-01-08 12:20,4,SCT,M +2016-01-08 13:20,4,BKN,-RA +2016-01-08 14:20,4,BKN,M +2016-01-08 15:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-08 16:20,4,SCT,M +2016-01-08 17:20,4,BKN,M +2016-01-08 18:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-08 19:20,1,SCT,M +2016-01-08 20:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-08 21:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-08 22:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-08 23:20,1,SCT,M +2016-01-09 00:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-09 01:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-09 02:20,1,M,M +2016-01-09 03:20,1,M,M +2016-01-09 04:20,0,M,M +2016-01-09 05:20,-1,M,M +2016-01-09 06:20,-1,M,M +2016-01-09 07:20,-2,M,M +2016-01-09 08:20,0,M,M +2016-01-09 09:20,1,M,M +2016-01-09 10:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 11:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-09 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-09 13:20,3,SCT,M +2016-01-09 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-09 15:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 16:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 17:20,1,M,M +2016-01-09 18:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 19:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 20:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 21:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 22:20,2,M,M +2016-01-09 23:20,1,M,M +2016-01-10 00:20,1,M,M +2016-01-10 01:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-10 02:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-10 03:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-10 04:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-10 05:20,1,SCT,M +2016-01-10 06:20,1,SCT,M +2016-01-10 07:20,1,FEW,-RA BR +2016-01-10 08:20,1,FEW,RA BR +2016-01-10 09:20,1,BKN,-RA +2016-01-10 10:20,2,FEW,RA BR +2016-01-10 11:20,2,FEW,-RA BR +2016-01-10 12:20,3,SCT,-RA BR +2016-01-10 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-10 14:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-10 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-10 16:20,3,M,M +2016-01-10 17:20,2,M,M +2016-01-10 18:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-10 19:20,2,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2016-01-10 20:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-10 21:20,2,M,M +2016-01-10 22:20,3,M,M +2016-01-10 23:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-11 00:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-11 01:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-11 02:20,2,SCT,-RA +2016-01-11 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-11 04:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-11 05:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2016-01-11 06:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-01-11 07:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-01-11 08:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-01-11 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2016-01-11 10:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-11 11:20,3,SCT,BR +2016-01-11 12:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-01-11 13:20,3,SCT,BR +2016-01-11 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-11 15:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-11 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-11 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-11 18:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-11 19:20,2,SCT,-RA +2016-01-11 20:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-01-11 21:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-01-11 22:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-01-11 23:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-01-12 00:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-12 01:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-12 02:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-12 03:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-12 04:20,3,BKN,M +2016-01-12 05:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-01-12 06:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-12 07:20,4,FEW,BR +2016-01-12 08:20,5,SCT,BR +2016-01-12 09:20,5,FEW,-RADZ BR +2016-01-12 10:20,5,SCT,M +2016-01-12 11:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-01-12 12:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-12 13:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-12 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-12 15:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-12 16:20,5,SCT,M +2016-01-12 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-12 18:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-12 19:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-12 20:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-12 21:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-12 22:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2016-01-12 23:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-13 00:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-13 01:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-13 02:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-13 03:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2016-01-13 04:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-01-13 05:20,4,BKN,M +2016-01-13 06:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-01-13 07:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-13 08:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-01-13 09:20,2,SCT,BR +2016-01-13 10:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-13 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-13 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-13 13:20,3,SCT,M +2016-01-13 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-13 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-13 16:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-13 17:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-13 18:20,2,SCT,M +2016-01-13 19:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-13 20:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-13 21:20,2,FEW,-RA +2016-01-13 22:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-13 23:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 00:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-14 02:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 04:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-14 05:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-14 06:20,1,SCT,M +2016-01-14 07:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-14 08:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-14 09:20,2,M,M +2016-01-14 10:20,2,M,M +2016-01-14 11:20,2,M,M +2016-01-14 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-14 15:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-14 16:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-14 17:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-14 18:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-01-14 19:20,1,SCT,-RASN +2016-01-14 20:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-01-14 21:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-01-14 22:20,1,OVC,-RA +2016-01-14 23:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-01-15 00:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-01-15 01:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-01-15 02:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-15 03:20,1,OVC,-DZ +2016-01-15 04:20,1,OVC,M +2016-01-15 05:20,1,OVC,M +2016-01-15 06:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 07:20,1,OVC,M +2016-01-15 08:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 09:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-15 10:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-15 11:20,1,OVC,M +2016-01-15 12:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-15 13:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-15 14:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-15 15:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-15 16:20,2,BKN,M +2016-01-15 17:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 18:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-15 19:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 20:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 21:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 22:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-15 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-16 00:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-16 01:20,0,SCT,M +2016-01-16 02:20,0,SCT,M +2016-01-16 03:20,-1,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 04:20,-2,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 05:20,-1,BKN,BR +2016-01-16 06:20,0,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 07:20,0,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 08:20,0,BKN,SN +2016-01-16 09:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2016-01-16 10:20,1,FEW,M +2016-01-16 11:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2016-01-16 12:20,0,SCT,-SNSG +2016-01-16 13:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2016-01-16 14:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2016-01-16 15:20,0,FEW,SN BR +2016-01-16 16:20,0,SCT,-SN BR +2016-01-16 17:20,0,FEW,BR +2016-01-16 18:20,0,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 19:20,-1,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 20:20,-1,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 21:20,-1,BKN,BR +2016-01-16 22:20,-1,SCT,BR +2016-01-16 23:20,-2,SCT,BR +2016-01-17 00:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-01-17 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-17 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-17 03:20,-2,BKN,-SHSN +2016-01-17 04:20,-1,BKN,VCSH +2016-01-17 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-01-17 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-17 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-17 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-01-17 09:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-01-17 10:20,-2,SCT,M +2016-01-17 11:20,-2,SCT,M +2016-01-17 12:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-01-17 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-01-17 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-01-17 15:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-17 16:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-17 17:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-01-17 18:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-17 19:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-17 20:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-17 21:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-17 22:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-17 23:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-18 00:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-18 01:20,-6,SCT,MIFG +2016-01-18 02:20,-7,FEW,MIFG +2016-01-18 03:20,-7,FEW,MIFG +2016-01-18 04:20,-6,FEW,MIFG +2016-01-18 05:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2016-01-18 06:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-18 07:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-18 08:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-18 09:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-01-18 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-18 11:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-18 12:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-18 13:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-18 14:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-18 15:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-18 16:20,-4,SCT,M +2016-01-18 17:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-18 18:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-18 19:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-18 20:20,-5,NSC,M +2016-01-18 21:20,-5,NSC,M +2016-01-18 22:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-18 23:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-19 00:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-19 01:20,-7,NSC,M +2016-01-19 02:20,-6,NSC,M +2016-01-19 03:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-19 04:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-19 05:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-19 06:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-19 07:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-19 08:20,-5,M,M +2016-01-19 09:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-19 10:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-19 11:20,-3,M,M +2016-01-19 12:20,-2,M,M +2016-01-19 13:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2016-01-19 14:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2016-01-19 15:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-19 16:20,-3,BKN,M +2016-01-19 17:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2016-01-19 18:20,-2,OVC,-SN +2016-01-19 19:20,-2,OVC,M +2016-01-19 20:20,-2,OVC,-SN +2016-01-19 21:20,-1,OVC,M +2016-01-19 22:20,-1,OVC,M +2016-01-19 23:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 00:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 01:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 02:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 03:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 04:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 05:20,-1,OVC,-SN BR +2016-01-20 06:20,0,OVC,-SN BR +2016-01-20 07:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 08:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-01-20 09:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 10:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-01-20 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2016-01-20 12:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-20 13:20,1,BKN,M +2016-01-20 14:20,0,SCT,M +2016-01-20 15:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-01-20 16:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-20 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-20 18:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-20 19:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-01-20 20:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-01-20 21:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-20 22:20,-6,M,M +2016-01-20 23:20,-7,FEW,M +2016-01-21 00:20,-8,FEW,M +2016-01-21 01:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-21 02:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-21 03:20,-5,OVC,M +2016-01-21 04:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-01-21 05:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 06:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 07:20,-5,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 08:20,-5,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 09:20,-4,FEW,BR +2016-01-21 10:20,-4,FEW,BR +2016-01-21 11:20,-4,FEW,BR +2016-01-21 12:20,-4,BKN,BR +2016-01-21 13:20,-4,BKN,BR +2016-01-21 14:20,-3,BKN,M +2016-01-21 15:20,-4,BKN,M +2016-01-21 16:20,-4,BKN,BR +2016-01-21 17:20,-5,BKN,M +2016-01-21 18:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-01-21 19:20,-6,BKN,BR +2016-01-21 20:20,-6,BKN,BR +2016-01-21 21:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 22:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-21 23:20,-7,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 00:20,-7,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 01:20,-7,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 02:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 03:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 04:20,-6,OVC,BR +2016-01-22 05:20,-6,BKN,BR +2016-01-22 06:20,-6,BKN,BR +2016-01-22 07:20,-7,SCT,BR +2016-01-22 08:20,-6,FEW,BR +2016-01-22 09:20,-5,NSC,M +2016-01-22 10:20,-4,NSC,M +2016-01-22 11:20,-3,M,M +2016-01-22 12:20,-3,M,M +2016-01-22 13:20,-2,M,M +2016-01-22 14:20,-1,M,M +2016-01-22 15:20,-2,M,M +2016-01-22 16:20,-2,M,M +2016-01-22 17:20,-3,M,M +2016-01-22 18:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-22 19:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-22 20:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-22 21:20,-4,M,M +2016-01-22 22:20,-3,M,M +2016-01-22 23:20,-3,FEW,-FZRA +2016-01-23 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2016-01-23 01:20,-3,BKN,-FZRA -SN +2016-01-23 02:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2016-01-23 03:20,-2,FEW,-FZRA +2016-01-23 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-01-23 05:20,-1,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2016-01-23 06:20,0,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2016-01-23 07:20,0,VV ,FG +2016-01-23 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 09:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 10:20,5,SCT,BR +2016-01-23 11:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 12:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 13:20,6,SCT,BR +2016-01-23 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-23 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-23 16:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 17:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-23 18:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-23 19:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-23 20:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-23 21:20,5,OVC,FG +2016-01-23 22:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-23 23:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-24 00:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-24 01:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 02:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 03:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 04:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-01-24 06:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 07:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-01-24 08:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-24 09:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-24 10:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-24 11:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-24 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-24 13:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-01-24 14:20,6,SCT,M +2016-01-24 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-24 16:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-01-24 17:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-01-24 18:20,6,BKN,-RA BR +2016-01-24 19:20,6,BKN,-DZRA BR +2016-01-24 20:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-24 21:20,6,BKN,DZ +2016-01-24 22:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2016-01-24 23:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2016-01-25 00:20,8,BKN,-DZ FG +2016-01-25 01:20,8,OVC,FG +2016-01-25 02:20,9,OVC,FG +2016-01-25 03:20,9,OVC,FG +2016-01-25 04:20,9,OVC,FG +2016-01-25 05:20,9,OVC,FG +2016-01-25 06:20,9,VV ,FG +2016-01-25 07:20,9,VV ,-DZ FG +2016-01-25 08:20,9,VV ,FG +2016-01-25 09:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-01-25 10:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-01-25 11:20,10,SCT,BR +2016-01-25 12:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-01-25 13:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-01-25 14:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-01-25 15:20,10,SCT,BR +2016-01-25 16:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-25 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-25 18:20,10,M,M +2016-01-25 19:20,9,M,M +2016-01-25 20:20,9,M,M +2016-01-25 21:20,9,M,M +2016-01-25 22:20,9,M,M +2016-01-25 23:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-26 00:20,9,BKN,M +2016-01-26 01:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 02:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-26 03:20,11,FEW,M +2016-01-26 04:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 05:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-01-26 06:20,9,BKN,M +2016-01-26 07:20,8,SCT,M +2016-01-26 08:20,8,SCT,M +2016-01-26 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-01-26 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-01-26 11:20,9,SCT,M +2016-01-26 12:20,9,SCT,M +2016-01-26 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-26 16:20,9,SCT,M +2016-01-26 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 18:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-26 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-01-26 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-01-26 21:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-26 22:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-01-26 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-01-27 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-01-27 01:20,8,BKN,-RA BR +2016-01-27 02:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2016-01-27 03:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2016-01-27 04:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-01-27 05:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2016-01-27 06:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2016-01-27 07:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2016-01-27 08:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-01-27 09:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-27 10:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2016-01-27 11:20,10,FEW,M +2016-01-27 12:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-01-27 13:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 14:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 15:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 16:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 17:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 18:20,11,SCT,M +2016-01-27 19:20,11,SCT,-RA +2016-01-27 20:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-01-27 21:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-01-27 22:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-27 23:20,11,BKN,M +2016-01-28 00:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-01-28 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-01-28 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-01-28 03:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-01-28 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-01-28 05:20,8,BKN,M +2016-01-28 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-01-28 07:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-28 08:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-28 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-01-28 10:20,7,FEW,M +2016-01-28 11:20,7,SCT,M +2016-01-28 12:20,7,SCT,M +2016-01-28 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-01-28 14:20,7,SCT,M +2016-01-28 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-01-28 16:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-28 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-28 18:20,5,M,M +2016-01-28 19:20,5,M,M +2016-01-28 20:20,3,M,M +2016-01-28 21:20,4,M,M +2016-01-28 22:20,4,M,M +2016-01-28 23:20,4,M,M +2016-01-29 00:20,3,M,M +2016-01-29 01:20,4,M,M +2016-01-29 02:20,4,M,M +2016-01-29 03:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-01-29 04:20,4,SCT,M +2016-01-29 05:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-29 06:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-29 07:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-29 08:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-29 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-01-29 10:20,7,SCT,M +2016-01-29 11:20,8,BKN,M +2016-01-29 12:20,8,BKN,M +2016-01-29 13:20,9,BKN,M +2016-01-29 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-29 15:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-01-29 16:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2016-01-29 17:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-01-29 18:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-01-29 19:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-01-29 20:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-01-29 21:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-01-29 22:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-29 23:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-30 00:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 01:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-30 02:20,10,BKN,M +2016-01-30 03:20,9,FEW,M +2016-01-30 04:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2016-01-30 05:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-01-30 06:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-01-30 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 09:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 10:20,7,SCT,RA +2016-01-30 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 13:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-01-30 14:20,5,FEW,RA +2016-01-30 15:20,4,FEW,RA +2016-01-30 16:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-30 17:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-30 18:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-30 19:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-30 20:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-30 21:20,3,M,M +2016-01-30 22:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-30 23:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-31 00:20,2,SCT,-SHRAGS +2016-01-31 01:20,1,SCT,-SHSNRA +2016-01-31 02:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-31 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-31 04:20,2,FEW,M +2016-01-31 05:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 06:20,3,FEW,M +2016-01-31 07:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-01-31 08:20,3,SCT,M +2016-01-31 09:20,3,SCT,VCSH +2016-01-31 10:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 11:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 12:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-01-31 14:20,6,SCT,M +2016-01-31 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 16:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-01-31 17:20,4,FEW,M +2016-01-31 18:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-31 19:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-01-31 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-01-31 21:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-31 22:20,5,BKN,M +2016-01-31 23:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 00:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 03:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 04:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-01 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-01 06:20,5,OVC,M +2016-02-01 07:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2016-02-01 08:20,6,OVC,-DZ +2016-02-01 09:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2016-02-01 10:20,7,OVC,-RADZ +2016-02-01 11:20,9,OVC,BR +2016-02-01 12:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-01 13:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-01 14:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-01 15:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-02-01 16:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-01 17:20,11,BKN,M +2016-02-01 18:20,11,BKN,M +2016-02-01 19:20,12,BKN,M +2016-02-01 20:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-02-01 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-02-01 22:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-02-01 23:20,9,FEW,RA +2016-02-02 00:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-02-02 01:20,10,FEW,M +2016-02-02 02:20,9,M,M +2016-02-02 03:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-02 04:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-02 05:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-02 06:20,9,BKN,M +2016-02-02 07:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-02-02 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-02 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-02 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-02 11:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-02 12:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-02 13:20,9,BKN,M +2016-02-02 14:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-02-02 15:20,8,SCT,M +2016-02-02 16:20,8,SCT,M +2016-02-02 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-02 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-02 19:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-02 20:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-02 21:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-02 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-02 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-03 00:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-03 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-03 02:20,6,BKN,M +2016-02-03 03:20,6,BKN,M +2016-02-03 04:20,5,SCT,M +2016-02-03 05:20,5,SCT,M +2016-02-03 06:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-03 07:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-03 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-03 09:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-03 10:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-03 11:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2016-02-03 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-03 13:20,6,SCT,M +2016-02-03 14:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-03 15:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-03 16:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-03 17:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-03 18:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-03 19:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-03 20:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-03 21:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-03 22:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-03 23:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-04 00:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-04 01:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-04 02:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-04 03:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-04 04:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-04 05:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-04 06:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-04 07:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-04 08:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2016-02-04 09:20,2,OVC,-RA +2016-02-04 10:20,3,OVC,-RA +2016-02-04 11:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-04 12:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-04 13:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-04 14:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-04 15:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-04 16:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-04 17:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-04 18:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-04 19:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-04 20:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-04 21:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-04 22:20,2,M,M +2016-02-04 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-05 00:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-05 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-05 02:20,2,FEW,-RA +2016-02-05 03:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-05 04:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-05 05:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-05 06:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-05 07:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-05 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-05 09:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-02-05 10:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-02-05 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-02-05 12:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-05 13:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-05 14:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2016-02-05 15:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-02-05 16:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-02-05 17:20,8,BKN,M +2016-02-05 18:20,8,BKN,M +2016-02-05 19:20,8,SCT,M +2016-02-05 20:20,8,SCT,M +2016-02-05 21:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-02-05 22:20,8,FEW,BR +2016-02-05 23:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-02-06 00:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-02-06 01:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-06 02:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2016-02-06 03:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2016-02-06 04:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-06 05:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-06 06:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-06 07:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-06 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-06 09:20,9,BKN,M +2016-02-06 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-06 11:20,10,SCT,M +2016-02-06 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-02-06 13:20,10,BKN,M +2016-02-06 14:20,10,SCT,M +2016-02-06 15:20,10,BKN,M +2016-02-06 16:20,10,BKN,M +2016-02-06 17:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-06 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-06 19:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-06 20:20,8,M,M +2016-02-06 21:20,7,M,M +2016-02-06 22:20,7,M,M +2016-02-06 23:20,7,M,M +2016-02-07 00:20,7,M,M +2016-02-07 01:20,7,M,M +2016-02-07 02:20,5,M,M +2016-02-07 03:20,6,M,M +2016-02-07 04:20,7,M,M +2016-02-07 05:20,6,M,M +2016-02-07 06:20,6,M,M +2016-02-07 07:20,5,M,M +2016-02-07 08:20,8,M,M +2016-02-07 09:20,10,M,M +2016-02-07 10:20,10,M,M +2016-02-07 11:20,12,BKN,M +2016-02-07 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2016-02-07 13:20,11,FEW,M +2016-02-07 14:20,11,SCT,M +2016-02-07 15:20,10,FEW,M +2016-02-07 16:20,9,SCT,M +2016-02-07 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-07 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-07 19:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-07 20:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-07 21:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-07 22:20,7,M,M +2016-02-07 23:20,7,M,M +2016-02-08 00:20,7,M,M +2016-02-08 01:20,7,M,M +2016-02-08 02:20,6,M,M +2016-02-08 03:20,6,BKN,M +2016-02-08 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-02-08 05:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-08 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-08 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-08 08:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-08 09:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-08 10:20,9,BKN,M +2016-02-08 11:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-08 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-02-08 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-02-08 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-02-08 15:20,9,FEW,TSRA +2016-02-08 16:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-08 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-08 18:20,8,SCT,M +2016-02-08 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-08 20:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-02-08 21:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-02-08 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-02-08 23:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-09 00:20,6,BKN,M +2016-02-09 01:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-09 02:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-09 03:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-02-09 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-02-09 05:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-09 06:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-09 07:20,6,SCT,M +2016-02-09 08:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-09 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-09 10:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-09 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-09 12:20,8,FEW,M +2016-02-09 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-09 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-09 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-09 16:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-02-09 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-02-09 18:20,5,SCT,RA +2016-02-09 19:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-02-09 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-09 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-09 22:20,2,FEW,RASN +2016-02-09 23:20,1,FEW,SN +2016-02-10 00:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-02-10 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-10 02:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-10 03:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-10 04:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-10 05:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-10 06:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-10 07:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-10 08:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-10 09:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-10 10:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-10 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-10 12:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-10 13:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-10 14:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-10 15:20,4,BKN,M +2016-02-10 16:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-10 17:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-10 18:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-10 19:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-10 20:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-10 21:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-10 22:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-10 23:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 00:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-11 01:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 02:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 03:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 04:20,3,SCT,SHRA +2016-02-11 05:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 06:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 07:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-02-11 08:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-11 09:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-02-11 10:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 11:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-02-11 12:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-11 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 14:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 15:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-11 17:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-11 18:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-11 19:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-11 20:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-11 21:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-11 22:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-11 23:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-12 00:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-12 01:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-12 02:20,3,SCT,VCSH +2016-02-12 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-12 04:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-12 05:20,1,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-12 06:20,2,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-12 07:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-12 08:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-12 09:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-12 10:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-12 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-12 12:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-12 13:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-12 14:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-12 15:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-12 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-12 17:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-12 18:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-12 19:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-02-12 20:20,1,SCT,BR +2016-02-12 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-02-12 22:20,1,SCT,BR +2016-02-12 23:20,0,OVC,FG +2016-02-13 00:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-02-13 01:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2016-02-13 02:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-02-13 03:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-02-13 04:20,-1,OVC,FZFG +2016-02-13 05:20,-1,OVC,FZFG +2016-02-13 06:20,-1,OVC,BCFG BR +2016-02-13 07:20,-1,OVC,FZFG +2016-02-13 08:20,-1,FEW,BR +2016-02-13 09:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-02-13 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2016-02-13 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-13 12:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-13 13:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-13 14:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-13 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-13 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-13 17:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-13 18:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-13 19:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-13 20:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-13 21:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-13 22:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-13 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-14 00:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-14 01:20,1,OVC,M +2016-02-14 02:20,1,OVC,M +2016-02-14 03:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-14 04:20,0,OVC,M +2016-02-14 05:20,0,FEW,-SN +2016-02-14 06:20,0,FEW,-SN +2016-02-14 07:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2016-02-14 08:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2016-02-14 09:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2016-02-14 10:20,2,FEW,-SNRA BR +2016-02-14 11:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-02-14 12:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-02-14 13:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-14 14:20,3,SCT,-RA +2016-02-14 15:20,3,SCT,-RA +2016-02-14 16:20,2,FEW,-RA +2016-02-14 17:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-02-14 18:20,2,FEW,-RA +2016-02-14 19:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-02-14 20:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-14 21:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2016-02-14 22:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-14 23:20,1,FEW,SN +2016-02-15 00:20,1,FEW,SN +2016-02-15 01:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-15 02:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-15 03:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-15 04:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-15 05:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2016-02-15 06:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2016-02-15 07:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 08:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 09:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 10:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-15 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-15 12:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-15 13:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-15 14:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-15 15:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 16:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 17:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-15 18:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-15 19:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-15 20:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-15 21:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-15 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-02-15 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-02-16 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-02-16 01:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-02-16 02:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-02-16 03:20,-4,M,M +2016-02-16 04:20,-4,M,M +2016-02-16 05:20,-5,M,M +2016-02-16 06:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-02-16 07:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-02-16 08:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-16 09:20,0,M,M +2016-02-16 10:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-16 11:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-16 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-16 13:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-16 14:20,4,M,M +2016-02-16 15:20,4,M,M +2016-02-16 16:20,2,M,M +2016-02-16 17:20,1,M,M +2016-02-16 18:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-16 19:20,0,M,M +2016-02-16 20:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-16 21:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-16 22:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-16 23:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-17 00:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-17 01:20,-3,M,M +2016-02-17 02:20,-3,M,M +2016-02-17 03:20,-4,M,M +2016-02-17 04:20,-4,M,M +2016-02-17 05:20,-4,M,M +2016-02-17 06:20,-3,M,M +2016-02-17 07:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-17 08:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-17 09:20,1,M,M +2016-02-17 10:20,2,M,M +2016-02-17 11:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-17 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-17 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-17 14:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-17 15:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-17 16:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-17 17:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-17 18:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-17 19:20,2,FEW,-SN +2016-02-17 20:20,1,OVC,-SN +2016-02-17 21:20,1,OVC,-SN +2016-02-17 22:20,0,OVC,-SN +2016-02-17 23:20,0,OVC,-SN +2016-02-18 00:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-02-18 01:20,0,OVC,-SN +2016-02-18 02:20,0,OVC,-SN +2016-02-18 03:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-18 04:20,0,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 05:20,0,FEW,BR +2016-02-18 06:20,-1,FEW,BR +2016-02-18 07:20,-1,OVC,BR +2016-02-18 08:20,-1,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 09:20,1,SCT,BR +2016-02-18 10:20,0,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 12:20,1,NSC,M +2016-02-18 13:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-18 14:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-18 15:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-18 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 17:20,2,BKN,BR +2016-02-18 18:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-18 19:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-18 20:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-02-18 21:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-02-18 22:20,0,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-02-18 23:20,0,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-02-19 00:20,-1,NSC,BR +2016-02-19 01:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-02-19 02:20,0,SCT,BR +2016-02-19 03:20,0,BKN,BR +2016-02-19 04:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-19 05:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-19 06:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-19 07:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-02-19 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-02-19 09:20,1,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-02-19 10:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-02-19 11:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-02-19 12:20,2,OVC,BR +2016-02-19 13:20,2,OVC,BR +2016-02-19 14:20,3,FEW,BR +2016-02-19 15:20,3,BKN,M +2016-02-19 16:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-19 17:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-02-19 18:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-19 19:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-19 20:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-19 21:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-19 22:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-19 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-20 00:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-20 01:20,1,NSC,M +2016-02-20 02:20,2,NSC,M +2016-02-20 03:20,2,M,M +2016-02-20 04:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-20 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-20 06:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-02-20 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-02-20 08:20,3,FEW,-DZRA +2016-02-20 09:20,4,FEW,-DZRA +2016-02-20 10:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-20 11:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-02-20 12:20,6,BKN,M +2016-02-20 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-02-20 14:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-02-20 15:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-02-20 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-20 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-02-20 18:20,5,SCT,-RA +2016-02-20 19:20,5,SCT,-RA +2016-02-20 20:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-02-20 21:20,5,SCT,-RA +2016-02-20 22:20,5,SCT,RA +2016-02-20 23:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-02-21 00:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2016-02-21 01:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-21 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-21 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-21 04:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-21 05:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-21 06:20,7,BKN,M +2016-02-21 07:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-21 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-02-21 09:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-02-21 10:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-02-21 11:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-02-21 12:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 13:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 14:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 15:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 16:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 17:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-21 18:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-21 19:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-21 20:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2016-02-21 21:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2016-02-21 22:20,11,FEW,RADZ +2016-02-21 23:20,11,FEW,RADZ +2016-02-22 00:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-02-22 01:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-22 02:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2016-02-22 03:20,7,SCT,-RADZ +2016-02-22 04:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-02-22 05:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-02-22 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-22 07:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-22 08:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-02-22 09:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-22 10:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-22 11:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-22 12:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-22 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-22 14:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-22 15:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-22 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-22 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-22 18:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-22 19:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-22 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-22 21:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-22 22:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-22 23:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-23 00:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-23 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-23 02:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-23 03:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-23 04:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-23 05:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-23 06:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-23 07:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-23 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-23 09:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-23 10:20,6,SCT,M +2016-02-23 11:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-23 12:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-23 13:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-23 14:20,7,SCT,M +2016-02-23 15:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-23 16:20,5,SCT,VCSH +2016-02-23 17:20,5,BKN,VCSH +2016-02-23 18:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-23 19:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-23 20:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-23 21:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-23 22:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-23 23:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-24 00:20,2,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-24 01:20,2,SCT,M +2016-02-24 02:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-24 03:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-24 04:20,2,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-24 05:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-24 06:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-24 07:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-24 08:20,2,SCT,VCSH +2016-02-24 09:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-24 10:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-02-24 11:20,5,SCT,M +2016-02-24 12:20,4,SCT,-SHRASN +2016-02-24 13:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-24 14:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-02-24 15:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-24 16:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-24 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-24 18:20,2,SCT,-SHSN +2016-02-24 19:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-24 20:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-24 21:20,0,FEW,M +2016-02-24 22:20,0,FEW,M +2016-02-24 23:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-25 00:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-02-25 01:20,0,SCT,M +2016-02-25 02:20,0,SCT,M +2016-02-25 03:20,0,FEW,M +2016-02-25 04:20,0,BKN,SHSN +2016-02-25 05:20,0,FEW,M +2016-02-25 06:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-25 07:20,0,BKN,M +2016-02-25 08:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-02-25 09:20,1,BKN,-SN +2016-02-25 10:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-25 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-25 12:20,3,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-25 13:20,3,FEW,-SHSN +2016-02-25 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-25 15:20,4,FEW,-SHSNRA +2016-02-25 16:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-25 17:20,2,SCT,-SHRASN +2016-02-25 18:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2016-02-25 19:20,2,BKN,-SHSNRA +2016-02-25 20:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-25 21:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-25 22:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2016-02-25 23:20,2,BKN,-SHSNRA +2016-02-26 00:20,2,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-26 01:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-26 02:20,2,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-26 03:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-26 04:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-26 05:20,1,BKN,M +2016-02-26 06:20,0,FEW,M +2016-02-26 07:20,0,SCT,M +2016-02-26 08:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-26 09:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2016-02-26 10:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2016-02-26 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-02-26 12:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-26 13:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-26 14:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-26 15:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-26 16:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-02-26 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-26 18:20,2,M,M +2016-02-26 19:20,2,M,M +2016-02-26 20:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-26 21:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-02-26 22:20,-1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-02-26 23:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-02-27 00:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-02-27 01:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-27 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-27 03:20,-1,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2016-02-27 04:20,-1,BKN,MIFG +2016-02-27 05:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2016-02-27 06:20,-1,FEW,MIFG +2016-02-27 07:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2016-02-27 08:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-27 09:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-27 10:20,4,M,M +2016-02-27 11:20,4,SCT,M +2016-02-27 12:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-27 13:20,5,BKN,M +2016-02-27 14:20,5,M,M +2016-02-27 15:20,5,M,M +2016-02-27 16:20,3,M,M +2016-02-27 17:20,3,M,M +2016-02-27 18:20,2,M,M +2016-02-27 19:20,0,M,M +2016-02-27 20:20,0,M,M +2016-02-27 21:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-27 22:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-27 23:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 00:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 01:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 02:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 03:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 04:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-02-28 05:20,-5,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-02-28 06:20,-5,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-02-28 07:20,-3,NSC,M +2016-02-28 08:20,-1,NSC,M +2016-02-28 09:20,2,M,M +2016-02-28 10:20,5,M,M +2016-02-28 11:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-28 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-28 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-02-28 14:20,5,FEW,M +2016-02-28 15:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-28 16:20,4,FEW,M +2016-02-28 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-28 18:20,3,SCT,M +2016-02-28 19:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-28 20:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-02-28 21:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-28 22:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-28 23:20,-3,M,M +2016-02-29 00:20,-2,M,M +2016-02-29 01:20,-3,M,M +2016-02-29 02:20,-3,NSC,M +2016-02-29 03:20,-3,NSC,M +2016-02-29 04:20,-4,NSC,M +2016-02-29 05:20,-3,BKN,BR +2016-02-29 06:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-02-29 07:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-02-29 08:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-02-29 09:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-02-29 10:20,1,SCT,M +2016-02-29 11:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-29 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-29 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-29 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-29 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-02-29 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-02-29 17:20,1,FEW,M +2016-02-29 18:20,0,M,M +2016-02-29 19:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-29 20:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-29 21:20,-1,M,M +2016-02-29 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-02-29 23:20,-3,M,M +2016-03-01 00:20,-3,M,M +2016-03-01 01:20,-4,M,M +2016-03-01 02:20,-4,SCT,M +2016-03-01 03:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-03-01 04:20,-6,FEW,M +2016-03-01 05:20,-5,M,M +2016-03-01 06:20,-6,M,M +2016-03-01 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-03-01 08:20,0,FEW,M +2016-03-01 09:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-01 10:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-01 11:20,2,SCT,M +2016-03-01 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-01 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-01 14:20,3,M,M +2016-03-01 15:20,3,M,M +2016-03-01 16:20,2,M,M +2016-03-01 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-01 18:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-03-01 19:20,0,FEW,-SN +2016-03-01 20:20,0,FEW,-SN +2016-03-01 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-03-01 22:20,1,SCT,DZRA +2016-03-01 23:20,2,SCT,-RADZ +2016-03-02 00:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-03-02 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-02 02:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-02 03:20,5,FEW,BR +2016-03-02 04:20,5,FEW,BR +2016-03-02 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-02 06:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-03-02 07:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2016-03-02 08:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-02 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2016-03-02 10:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-03-02 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-03-02 12:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-02 13:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-03-02 14:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2016-03-02 15:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-02 16:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-02 17:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-02 18:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-02 19:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-02 20:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-02 21:20,0,FEW,M +2016-03-02 22:20,1,M,M +2016-03-02 23:20,1,M,M +2016-03-03 00:20,1,M,M +2016-03-03 01:20,0,SCT,M +2016-03-03 02:20,0,SCT,M +2016-03-03 03:20,1,SCT,M +2016-03-03 04:20,1,SCT,M +2016-03-03 05:20,1,SCT,-RA +2016-03-03 06:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-03 07:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-03 08:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-03 09:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-03 10:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-03 11:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-03 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-03 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-03 14:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-03 15:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-03 16:20,3,FEW,-SHRAGS +2016-03-03 17:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-03 18:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-03 19:20,2,M,M +2016-03-03 20:20,0,NSC,BCFG +2016-03-03 21:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-03 22:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-03 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-04 00:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-04 01:20,1,SCT,M +2016-03-04 02:20,1,SCT,M +2016-03-04 03:20,0,FEW,M +2016-03-04 04:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2016-03-04 05:20,-1,FEW,MIFG +2016-03-04 06:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2016-03-04 07:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-03-04 08:20,0,SCT,BR +2016-03-04 09:20,1,SCT,BR +2016-03-04 10:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-04 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-04 12:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-04 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-04 14:20,6,M,M +2016-03-04 15:20,6,M,M +2016-03-04 16:20,6,M,M +2016-03-04 17:20,6,M,M +2016-03-04 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-04 19:20,6,M,M +2016-03-04 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-04 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-04 22:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-04 23:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-05 00:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-05 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-03-05 02:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-03-05 03:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2016-03-05 04:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-03-05 05:20,3,SCT,M +2016-03-05 06:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-05 07:20,3,OVC,M +2016-03-05 08:20,3,OVC,-RA +2016-03-05 09:20,3,OVC,-RA +2016-03-05 10:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-03-05 11:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-03-05 12:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-03-05 13:20,4,FEW,-DZRA BR +2016-03-05 14:20,4,SCT,-RADZ +2016-03-05 15:20,4,SCT,-RADZ BR +2016-03-05 16:20,4,SCT,BR +2016-03-05 17:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-03-05 18:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-03-05 19:20,3,FEW,-RA BR +2016-03-05 20:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-05 21:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-05 22:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-05 23:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 00:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 01:20,2,SCT,BR +2016-03-06 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 05:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-06 06:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-06 07:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-06 08:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-06 09:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-06 10:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-06 11:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-06 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-06 13:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-06 14:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-06 15:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-06 16:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-06 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-06 18:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-06 19:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-06 20:20,3,SCT,M +2016-03-06 21:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-06 22:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-06 23:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-07 00:20,2,SCT,M +2016-03-07 01:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-07 02:20,2,SCT,M +2016-03-07 03:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-07 04:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-07 05:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-07 06:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-07 07:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-07 08:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-07 09:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-07 10:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-07 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-07 12:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-07 13:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-07 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-07 15:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-07 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-07 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-07 18:20,3,SCT,M +2016-03-07 19:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-07 20:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-07 21:20,0,M,M +2016-03-07 22:20,1,M,M +2016-03-07 23:20,0,M,M +2016-03-08 00:20,0,M,M +2016-03-08 01:20,-2,M,M +2016-03-08 02:20,-1,M,M +2016-03-08 03:20,-2,M,M +2016-03-08 04:20,-1,M,M +2016-03-08 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2016-03-08 06:20,-1,BKN,BR +2016-03-08 07:20,0,FEW,M +2016-03-08 08:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-08 09:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-08 10:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-08 11:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-08 12:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-08 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-08 14:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-03-08 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-08 16:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-08 17:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-08 18:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-08 19:20,2,M,M +2016-03-08 20:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-08 21:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-08 22:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-03-08 23:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-09 00:20,3,NSC,M +2016-03-09 01:20,2,NSC,M +2016-03-09 02:20,1,NSC,M +2016-03-09 03:20,1,NSC,M +2016-03-09 04:20,1,NSC,M +2016-03-09 05:20,0,NSC,M +2016-03-09 06:20,0,NSC,M +2016-03-09 07:20,1,NSC,M +2016-03-09 08:20,3,NSC,M +2016-03-09 09:20,4,M,M +2016-03-09 10:20,6,M,M +2016-03-09 11:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-09 12:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-09 13:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-09 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-09 16:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-09 17:20,7,M,M +2016-03-09 18:20,6,M,M +2016-03-09 19:20,5,M,M +2016-03-09 20:20,4,M,M +2016-03-09 21:20,3,M,M +2016-03-09 22:20,2,M,M +2016-03-09 23:20,2,M,M +2016-03-10 00:20,0,M,M +2016-03-10 01:20,0,M,M +2016-03-10 02:20,0,M,M +2016-03-10 03:20,-1,M,M +2016-03-10 04:20,-1,M,M +2016-03-10 05:20,-2,NSC,M +2016-03-10 06:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-10 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2016-03-10 08:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-03-10 09:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-10 10:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-10 11:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-10 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-10 13:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-10 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-10 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-10 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-10 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-10 18:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-10 19:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-03-10 20:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-10 21:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-10 22:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-10 23:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-11 00:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-11 01:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-11 02:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2016-03-11 03:20,0,BKN,MIFG BR +2016-03-11 04:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2016-03-11 05:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-11 06:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-11 07:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-11 08:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-11 09:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-11 10:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-11 11:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-11 12:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-11 13:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-11 14:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-11 15:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-11 16:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-11 17:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-11 18:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-11 19:20,1,M,M +2016-03-11 20:20,1,M,M +2016-03-11 21:20,1,M,M +2016-03-11 22:20,0,M,M +2016-03-11 23:20,0,BKN,M +2016-03-12 00:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-12 01:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-12 02:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 03:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 04:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 05:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-12 06:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 07:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 08:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 09:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-12 10:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-12 11:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-12 12:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-12 13:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-12 14:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-12 15:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-12 16:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-12 17:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-12 18:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-12 19:20,1,FEW,M +2016-03-12 20:20,0,FEW,M +2016-03-12 21:20,0,SCT,M +2016-03-12 22:20,0,BKN,M +2016-03-12 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-03-13 00:20,-1,NSC,M +2016-03-13 01:20,-1,NSC,M +2016-03-13 02:20,0,FEW,BR +2016-03-13 03:20,0,BKN,BR +2016-03-13 04:20,0,BKN,M +2016-03-13 05:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-13 06:20,1,OVC,M +2016-03-13 07:20,1,OVC,M +2016-03-13 08:20,1,OVC,M +2016-03-13 09:20,1,OVC,M +2016-03-13 10:20,1,OVC,M +2016-03-13 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-13 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-13 13:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-13 14:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-13 15:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-13 16:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-13 17:20,2,SCT,M +2016-03-13 18:20,2,SCT,M +2016-03-13 19:20,1,BKN,M +2016-03-13 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-03-13 21:20,-1,FEW,M +2016-03-13 22:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-03-13 23:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-03-14 00:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-03-14 01:20,-1,OVC,FZFG +2016-03-14 02:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-03-14 03:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-03-14 04:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-03-14 05:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-03-14 06:20,-1,OVC,FZFG +2016-03-14 07:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-03-14 08:20,2,SCT,BR +2016-03-14 09:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-14 10:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-14 11:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-14 12:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-14 13:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-14 14:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-14 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-14 16:20,7,SCT,M +2016-03-14 17:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-14 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-14 19:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-14 20:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-14 21:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-14 22:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-14 23:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-15 00:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-15 01:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-15 02:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-15 03:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-15 04:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-15 05:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-15 06:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-15 07:20,4,SCT,M +2016-03-15 09:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-15 10:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-15 11:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-15 12:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-15 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-15 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-15 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-15 16:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-15 17:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-15 18:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-15 19:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-15 20:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-15 21:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-15 22:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-15 23:20,2,FEW,M +2016-03-16 00:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-16 01:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-16 02:20,2,BKN,M +2016-03-16 03:20,1,M,M +2016-03-16 04:20,1,M,M +2016-03-16 05:20,1,M,M +2016-03-16 06:20,1,M,M +2016-03-16 07:20,3,M,M +2016-03-16 08:20,5,M,M +2016-03-16 09:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-16 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-16 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-16 12:20,9,M,M +2016-03-16 13:20,9,M,M +2016-03-16 14:20,10,M,M +2016-03-16 15:20,9,M,M +2016-03-16 16:20,9,M,M +2016-03-16 17:20,7,M,M +2016-03-16 18:20,5,M,M +2016-03-16 19:20,4,M,M +2016-03-16 20:20,3,M,M +2016-03-16 21:20,1,M,M +2016-03-16 22:20,2,M,M +2016-03-16 23:20,0,M,M +2016-03-17 00:20,-1,M,M +2016-03-17 01:20,-2,M,M +2016-03-17 02:20,-2,M,M +2016-03-17 03:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-03-17 04:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-03-17 05:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-03-17 06:20,-2,NSC,M +2016-03-17 07:20,1,M,M +2016-03-17 08:20,5,M,M +2016-03-17 09:20,7,M,M +2016-03-17 10:20,9,M,M +2016-03-17 11:20,10,M,M +2016-03-17 12:20,11,M,M +2016-03-17 13:20,11,M,M +2016-03-17 14:20,11,M,M +2016-03-17 15:20,11,M,M +2016-03-17 16:20,10,M,M +2016-03-17 17:20,8,M,M +2016-03-17 18:20,6,M,M +2016-03-17 19:20,5,M,M +2016-03-17 20:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-17 21:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-17 23:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-18 00:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-18 01:20,4,OVC,M +2016-03-18 02:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-18 03:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-18 04:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-03-18 05:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-18 06:20,5,OVC,M +2016-03-18 07:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-03-18 08:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-18 09:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-18 10:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-18 11:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-18 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-18 13:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 16:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 17:20,6,SCT,M +2016-03-18 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 19:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-18 20:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-18 21:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-18 22:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-18 23:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-19 00:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-19 01:20,3,BKN,M +2016-03-19 02:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-03-19 03:20,2,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-03-19 04:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-03-19 05:20,2,BKN,BCFG BR +2016-03-19 06:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-03-19 07:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-03-19 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-19 09:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-19 10:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 11:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 12:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 13:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 14:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-19 17:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-19 18:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-19 19:20,6,OVC,M +2016-03-19 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-19 21:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-19 22:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2016-03-19 23:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-20 00:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-20 01:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-20 02:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-20 03:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-20 04:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-20 05:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-20 06:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2016-03-20 07:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-20 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2016-03-20 09:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2016-03-20 10:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-20 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-20 12:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-20 13:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-20 14:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-20 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-20 16:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-20 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-20 18:20,6,M,M +2016-03-20 19:20,5,M,M +2016-03-20 20:20,6,M,M +2016-03-20 21:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-20 22:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-20 23:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-21 00:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2016-03-21 01:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-21 02:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-21 03:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-21 04:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-21 05:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-21 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-21 07:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-03-21 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-03-21 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-03-21 10:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-03-21 11:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-21 12:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-21 13:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-21 14:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-21 15:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-21 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-21 17:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-03-21 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-21 19:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2016-03-21 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-21 21:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-21 22:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-21 23:20,6,SCT,-DZRA +2016-03-22 00:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-22 01:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-22 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-22 03:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-22 04:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-22 05:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2016-03-22 06:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2016-03-22 07:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2016-03-22 08:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-03-22 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2016-03-22 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-03-22 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-03-22 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-22 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-22 14:20,9,BKN,M +2016-03-22 15:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-22 16:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-22 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-22 18:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-22 19:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-22 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-22 21:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-22 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-22 23:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-23 00:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-23 01:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-23 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-23 03:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-23 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-23 05:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2016-03-23 06:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-23 07:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-23 08:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-23 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-23 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-23 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-23 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-23 13:20,11,SCT,M +2016-03-23 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-23 15:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-23 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-23 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-23 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-23 19:20,6,M,M +2016-03-23 20:20,5,M,M +2016-03-23 21:20,2,M,M +2016-03-23 22:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-03-23 23:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-03-24 00:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-03-24 01:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-03-24 02:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-03-24 03:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-03-24 04:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-03-24 05:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-03-24 06:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-03-24 07:20,3,SCT,M +2016-03-24 08:20,3,SCT,M +2016-03-24 09:20,5,SCT,M +2016-03-24 10:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-24 11:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-24 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-24 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-24 14:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-03-24 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-24 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-24 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-24 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-24 19:20,7,SCT,M +2016-03-24 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-24 21:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-24 22:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-24 23:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2016-03-25 00:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2016-03-25 01:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2016-03-25 02:20,6,FEW,-RA BR +2016-03-25 03:20,6,FEW,BR +2016-03-25 04:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-03-25 05:20,6,FEW,-RADZ BR +2016-03-25 06:20,6,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-25 07:20,6,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-25 08:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-25 09:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2016-03-25 10:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-03-25 11:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-03-25 12:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2016-03-25 13:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2016-03-25 14:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2016-03-25 15:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2016-03-25 16:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-03-25 17:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-03-25 18:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-03-25 19:20,7,SCT,BR +2016-03-25 20:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-25 21:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-25 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-25 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-03-26 00:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-26 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-26 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-26 03:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-26 04:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-26 05:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-26 06:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-26 07:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-26 08:20,5,BKN,M +2016-03-26 09:20,7,M,M +2016-03-26 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-26 11:20,11,FEW,M +2016-03-26 12:20,12,FEW,M +2016-03-26 13:20,13,FEW,M +2016-03-26 14:20,14,M,M +2016-03-26 15:20,14,M,M +2016-03-26 16:20,13,M,M +2016-03-26 17:20,12,M,M +2016-03-26 18:20,12,M,M +2016-03-26 19:20,11,NSC,M +2016-03-26 20:20,10,NSC,M +2016-03-26 21:20,10,NSC,M +2016-03-26 22:20,9,NSC,M +2016-03-26 23:20,9,NSC,M +2016-03-27 00:20,9,M,M +2016-03-27 01:20,9,M,M +2016-03-27 02:20,8,M,M +2016-03-27 03:20,7,M,M +2016-03-27 04:20,7,M,M +2016-03-27 05:20,7,M,M +2016-03-27 06:20,7,M,M +2016-03-27 07:20,8,M,M +2016-03-27 08:20,9,M,M +2016-03-27 09:20,11,BKN,M +2016-03-27 10:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-03-27 11:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-03-27 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-03-27 13:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-27 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-27 15:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-27 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-03-27 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-03-27 18:20,9,M,M +2016-03-27 19:20,8,M,M +2016-03-27 20:20,8,M,M +2016-03-27 21:20,8,M,M +2016-03-27 22:20,7,M,M +2016-03-27 23:20,6,M,M +2016-03-28 00:20,6,M,M +2016-03-28 01:20,5,M,M +2016-03-28 02:20,5,M,M +2016-03-28 03:20,5,M,M +2016-03-28 04:20,5,M,M +2016-03-28 05:20,5,M,M +2016-03-28 06:20,6,M,M +2016-03-28 07:20,9,M,M +2016-03-28 08:20,11,M,M +2016-03-28 09:20,13,M,M +2016-03-28 10:20,13,FEW,M +2016-03-28 11:20,12,FEW,M +2016-03-28 12:20,12,FEW,M +2016-03-28 13:20,12,FEW,M +2016-03-28 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-28 15:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-28 16:20,11,FEW,M +2016-03-28 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-03-28 18:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-28 19:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-28 20:20,7,M,M +2016-03-28 21:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-28 22:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-28 23:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-29 00:20,5,M,M +2016-03-29 01:20,6,M,M +2016-03-29 02:20,5,M,M +2016-03-29 03:20,6,M,M +2016-03-29 04:20,6,BKN,M +2016-03-29 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-29 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-29 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-29 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-03-29 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-29 10:20,9,BKN,M +2016-03-29 11:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-29 12:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-29 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-03-29 14:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2016-03-29 15:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2016-03-29 16:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-29 17:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-29 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-29 19:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-29 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-29 21:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-29 22:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-29 23:20,4,M,M +2016-03-30 00:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-30 01:20,4,M,M +2016-03-30 02:20,4,M,M +2016-03-30 03:20,5,NSC,-RA +2016-03-30 04:20,5,FEW,RA +2016-03-30 05:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-03-30 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-03-30 07:20,7,SCT,M +2016-03-30 08:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-30 09:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-30 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-30 11:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-30 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-30 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-03-30 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-03-30 15:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-03-30 16:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2016-03-30 17:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-03-30 18:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-03-30 19:20,6,FEW,M +2016-03-30 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-03-30 21:20,5,M,M +2016-03-30 22:20,5,M,M +2016-03-30 23:20,5,M,M +2016-03-31 00:20,5,M,M +2016-03-31 01:20,4,M,M +2016-03-31 02:20,4,BKN,M +2016-03-31 03:20,4,FEW,M +2016-03-31 04:20,3,FEW,M +2016-03-31 05:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2016-03-31 06:20,3,M,M +2016-03-31 07:20,5,M,M +2016-03-31 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-31 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-03-31 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-31 11:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-31 12:20,9,SCT,M +2016-03-31 13:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-31 14:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-31 15:20,10,SCT,M +2016-03-31 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-31 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-03-31 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-03-31 19:20,7,M,M +2016-03-31 20:20,7,M,M +2016-03-31 21:20,6,M,M +2016-03-31 22:20,5,M,M +2016-03-31 23:20,5,M,M +2016-04-01 00:20,4,M,M +2016-04-01 01:20,3,M,M +2016-04-01 02:20,2,M,M +2016-04-01 03:20,1,M,M +2016-04-01 04:20,-1,M,M +2016-04-01 05:20,-1,M,M +2016-04-01 06:20,1,M,M +2016-04-01 07:20,3,M,M +2016-04-01 08:20,5,M,M +2016-04-01 09:20,7,M,M +2016-04-01 10:20,8,M,M +2016-04-01 11:20,9,M,M +2016-04-01 12:20,11,M,M +2016-04-01 13:20,11,M,M +2016-04-01 14:20,12,M,M +2016-04-01 15:20,12,M,M +2016-04-01 16:20,11,M,M +2016-04-01 17:20,11,M,M +2016-04-01 18:20,8,M,M +2016-04-01 19:20,7,M,M +2016-04-01 20:20,6,M,M +2016-04-01 21:20,8,M,M +2016-04-01 22:20,7,M,M +2016-04-01 23:20,8,M,M +2016-04-02 00:20,6,M,M +2016-04-02 01:20,6,M,M +2016-04-02 02:20,5,M,M +2016-04-02 03:20,5,M,M +2016-04-02 04:20,4,M,M +2016-04-02 05:20,5,M,M +2016-04-02 06:20,6,M,M +2016-04-02 07:20,8,M,M +2016-04-02 08:20,9,M,M +2016-04-02 09:20,10,M,M +2016-04-02 10:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-02 11:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-02 12:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-02 13:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-02 14:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-02 15:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-02 16:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-02 17:20,14,M,M +2016-04-02 18:20,13,M,M +2016-04-02 19:20,11,M,M +2016-04-02 20:20,11,M,M +2016-04-02 21:20,10,M,M +2016-04-02 22:20,10,M,M +2016-04-02 23:20,8,M,M +2016-04-03 00:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 01:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 02:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 03:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 04:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 05:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 06:20,9,M,M +2016-04-03 07:20,10,M,M +2016-04-03 08:20,11,M,M +2016-04-03 09:20,12,M,M +2016-04-03 10:20,14,M,M +2016-04-03 11:20,16,M,M +2016-04-03 12:20,17,M,M +2016-04-03 13:20,18,M,M +2016-04-03 14:20,19,M,M +2016-04-03 15:20,19,M,M +2016-04-03 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-04-03 17:20,18,M,M +2016-04-03 18:20,16,M,M +2016-04-03 19:20,14,M,M +2016-04-03 20:20,14,M,M +2016-04-03 21:20,14,M,M +2016-04-03 22:20,14,NSC,-RA +2016-04-03 23:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-04-04 00:20,13,M,M +2016-04-04 01:20,13,M,M +2016-04-04 02:20,12,M,M +2016-04-04 03:20,13,M,M +2016-04-04 04:20,12,M,M +2016-04-04 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-04-04 06:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-04-04 07:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-04-04 08:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-04 09:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-04 10:20,17,M,M +2016-04-04 11:20,18,FEW,M +2016-04-04 12:20,19,FEW,M +2016-04-04 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-04-04 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-04-04 15:20,20,SCT,M +2016-04-04 16:20,19,SCT,M +2016-04-04 17:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-04 18:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-04 19:20,11,M,M +2016-04-04 20:20,10,M,M +2016-04-04 21:20,9,M,M +2016-04-04 22:20,10,M,M +2016-04-04 23:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 00:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 01:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 02:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 03:20,9,M,M +2016-04-05 04:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 05:20,10,M,M +2016-04-05 06:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-05 07:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-05 08:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-05 09:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-05 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-04-05 11:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-04-05 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-05 13:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-04-05 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2016-04-05 15:20,13,SCT,M +2016-04-05 16:20,13,SCT,-RA +2016-04-05 17:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-04-05 18:20,9,SCT,RA +2016-04-05 19:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-04-05 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-04-05 21:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-05 22:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-05 23:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-06 00:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-06 01:20,7,M,M +2016-04-06 02:20,6,M,M +2016-04-06 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-06 04:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-06 05:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-06 06:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-06 07:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-06 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-06 09:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-06 10:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-06 11:20,12,BKN,M +2016-04-06 12:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-06 13:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-06 14:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-06 15:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-06 16:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-06 17:20,11,SCT,-RA +2016-04-06 18:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-04-06 19:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-04-06 20:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-06 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-04-06 22:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-06 23:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-07 00:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-07 01:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-07 02:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-07 03:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-07 04:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-07 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-07 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-07 07:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-07 08:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-07 09:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-07 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-07 11:20,9,BKN,-SHRAGS +2016-04-07 12:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-07 13:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-07 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-07 15:20,6,FEW,SHRA +2016-04-07 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-07 17:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-07 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-07 19:20,5,M,M +2016-04-07 20:20,7,M,M +2016-04-07 21:20,4,M,M +2016-04-07 22:20,5,M,M +2016-04-07 23:20,4,M,M +2016-04-08 00:20,3,M,M +2016-04-08 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-08 02:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-08 03:20,4,M,M +2016-04-08 04:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-08 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-08 06:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-08 07:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-08 08:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-08 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-08 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-08 11:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-08 12:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-08 13:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-08 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-08 15:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-08 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-08 17:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-08 18:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-08 19:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-08 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-08 21:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-08 22:20,6,M,M +2016-04-08 23:20,5,SCT,MIFG +2016-04-09 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-09 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-09 02:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-09 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-09 04:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-04-09 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2016-04-09 06:20,6,M,M +2016-04-09 07:20,7,M,M +2016-04-09 08:20,10,M,M +2016-04-09 09:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-09 10:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-09 11:20,13,SCT,M +2016-04-09 12:20,13,M,M +2016-04-09 13:20,13,M,M +2016-04-09 14:20,13,M,M +2016-04-09 15:20,13,M,M +2016-04-09 16:20,13,M,M +2016-04-09 17:20,12,M,M +2016-04-09 18:20,11,M,M +2016-04-09 19:20,9,M,M +2016-04-09 20:20,9,M,M +2016-04-09 21:20,8,M,M +2016-04-09 22:20,8,M,M +2016-04-09 23:20,8,M,M +2016-04-10 00:20,8,M,M +2016-04-10 01:20,7,M,M +2016-04-10 02:20,6,M,M +2016-04-10 03:20,6,M,M +2016-04-10 04:20,6,M,M +2016-04-10 05:20,6,M,M +2016-04-10 06:20,7,M,M +2016-04-10 07:20,9,M,M +2016-04-10 08:20,10,M,M +2016-04-10 09:20,11,M,M +2016-04-10 10:20,13,M,M +2016-04-10 11:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-10 12:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-10 13:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-10 14:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-10 15:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-10 16:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-10 17:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-10 18:20,10,M,M +2016-04-10 19:20,9,M,M +2016-04-10 20:20,8,M,M +2016-04-10 21:20,7,M,M +2016-04-10 22:20,6,M,M +2016-04-10 23:20,7,M,M +2016-04-11 00:20,5,M,M +2016-04-11 01:20,4,M,M +2016-04-11 02:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-11 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-11 04:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-11 05:20,4,M,M +2016-04-11 06:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-11 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-11 08:20,9,M,M +2016-04-11 09:20,11,M,M +2016-04-11 10:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-11 11:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-11 12:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-11 13:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-11 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-11 15:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-11 16:20,12,M,M +2016-04-11 17:20,11,M,M +2016-04-11 18:20,10,M,M +2016-04-11 19:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-11 20:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-11 21:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-11 22:20,9,M,M +2016-04-11 23:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-04-12 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-04-12 01:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-04-12 02:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-04-12 03:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-04-12 04:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-12 05:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-12 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-12 07:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-12 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-12 09:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-12 10:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-12 11:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-12 12:20,15,FEW,M +2016-04-12 13:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-12 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-12 15:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-12 16:20,14,M,M +2016-04-12 17:20,13,M,M +2016-04-12 18:20,12,M,M +2016-04-12 19:20,10,M,M +2016-04-12 20:20,9,M,M +2016-04-12 21:20,8,M,M +2016-04-12 22:20,8,M,M +2016-04-12 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-13 00:20,6,NSC,M +2016-04-13 01:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-13 02:20,6,BKN,M +2016-04-13 03:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-13 04:20,8,BKN,MIFG +2016-04-13 05:20,8,SCT,MIFG +2016-04-13 06:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2016-04-13 07:20,11,SCT,-SHRA MIFG +2016-04-13 08:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-13 09:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-13 10:20,13,SCT,M +2016-04-13 11:20,13,BKN,M +2016-04-13 12:20,13,SCT,M +2016-04-13 13:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-13 14:20,14,BKN,M +2016-04-13 15:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-13 16:20,13,SCT,M +2016-04-13 17:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-13 18:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-13 19:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-13 20:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-13 21:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-13 22:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-13 23:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-04-14 00:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-04-14 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-14 02:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-14 03:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-04-14 04:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-14 05:20,6,SCT,M +2016-04-14 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-14 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-14 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-14 09:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-14 10:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-14 11:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-14 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-14 13:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-14 14:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-14 15:20,14,FEW,M +2016-04-14 16:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-14 17:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-14 18:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-14 19:20,10,M,M +2016-04-14 20:20,9,M,M +2016-04-14 21:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-14 22:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-14 23:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-15 00:20,8,M,M +2016-04-15 01:20,7,M,M +2016-04-15 02:20,7,M,M +2016-04-15 03:20,7,M,M +2016-04-15 04:20,7,M,M +2016-04-15 05:20,8,M,M +2016-04-15 06:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-04-15 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-04-15 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-04-15 09:20,9,FEW,RA +2016-04-15 10:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-04-15 11:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-04-15 12:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-04-15 13:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-04-15 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-15 15:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-15 16:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-15 17:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-15 18:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-15 19:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-15 20:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-15 21:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-15 22:20,7,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-04-15 23:20,9,NSC,M +2016-04-16 00:20,8,NSC,M +2016-04-16 01:20,8,M,M +2016-04-16 02:20,8,M,M +2016-04-16 03:20,7,M,M +2016-04-16 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-16 05:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-16 06:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-16 07:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2016-04-16 08:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-16 09:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-16 10:20,12,BKN,VCSH +2016-04-16 11:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-16 12:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-16 13:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-16 14:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-16 15:20,14,SCT,M +2016-04-16 16:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-16 17:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-16 18:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-16 19:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-16 20:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-16 21:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-16 22:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-16 23:20,5,SCT,M +2016-04-17 00:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-17 01:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-17 02:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-17 03:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-17 04:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-17 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-17 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-17 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-17 08:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-17 09:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-17 10:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-17 11:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-17 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-17 13:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-17 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-17 15:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-17 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-17 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-17 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-17 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-17 20:20,6,M,M +2016-04-17 21:20,5,M,M +2016-04-17 22:20,4,M,M +2016-04-17 23:20,4,M,M +2016-04-18 00:20,4,SCT,M +2016-04-18 01:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-18 02:20,2,SCT,M +2016-04-18 03:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-18 04:20,4,SCT,VCSH +2016-04-18 05:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-18 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-18 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-18 08:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-18 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-18 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-18 11:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-18 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-18 13:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-18 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-18 15:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-18 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-18 17:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-18 18:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-18 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-18 20:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-18 21:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-18 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-04-18 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-19 00:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-19 01:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-19 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-19 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-19 04:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-19 05:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-19 06:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-19 07:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-19 08:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-19 09:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-19 10:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-19 11:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-19 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-19 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-19 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-19 15:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-19 16:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-19 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-19 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-19 19:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-19 20:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-19 21:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-19 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-19 23:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-20 00:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-20 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-20 02:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-20 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-04-20 04:20,6,SCT,M +2016-04-20 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-20 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-20 07:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-20 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-20 09:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-20 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-20 11:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-20 12:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-20 13:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-20 14:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-20 15:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-20 16:20,10,SCT,M +2016-04-20 17:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-20 18:20,8,BKN,M +2016-04-20 19:20,7,SCT,M +2016-04-20 20:20,6,SCT,M +2016-04-20 21:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-20 22:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-20 23:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-21 00:20,1,M,M +2016-04-21 01:20,1,M,M +2016-04-21 02:20,0,M,M +2016-04-21 03:20,0,M,M +2016-04-21 04:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-21 05:20,2,M,M +2016-04-21 06:20,6,M,M +2016-04-21 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-21 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-21 09:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-21 10:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-21 11:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-21 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-04-21 13:20,12,FEW,M +2016-04-21 14:20,12,M,M +2016-04-21 15:20,12,M,M +2016-04-21 16:20,12,M,M +2016-04-21 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-04-21 18:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-21 19:20,8,M,M +2016-04-21 20:20,7,M,M +2016-04-21 21:20,6,M,M +2016-04-21 22:20,5,M,M +2016-04-21 23:20,5,M,M +2016-04-22 00:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-22 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-22 02:20,4,M,M +2016-04-22 03:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-22 04:20,4,M,M +2016-04-22 05:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-22 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-22 07:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-22 08:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-22 09:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-22 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-22 11:20,11,SCT,M +2016-04-22 12:20,11,BKN,M +2016-04-22 13:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-22 14:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-22 15:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-22 16:20,9,BKN,M +2016-04-22 17:20,9,SCT,M +2016-04-22 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-22 19:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-22 20:20,5,M,M +2016-04-22 21:20,5,M,M +2016-04-22 22:20,4,M,M +2016-04-22 23:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 00:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 01:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 02:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 03:20,2,M,M +2016-04-23 04:20,1,SCT,M +2016-04-23 05:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-23 06:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-23 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-23 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-23 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-04-23 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-23 11:20,8,FEW,-SHRAGS +2016-04-23 12:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-23 13:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-23 14:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-23 15:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-23 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-23 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-23 18:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-23 19:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-23 20:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 21:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 22:20,3,M,M +2016-04-23 23:20,2,M,M +2016-04-24 00:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-24 01:20,1,SCT,-SHSNRA +2016-04-24 02:20,1,FEW,M +2016-04-24 03:20,1,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-24 04:20,1,SCT,M +2016-04-24 05:20,1,FEW,M +2016-04-24 06:20,3,SCT,M +2016-04-24 07:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-24 08:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-24 09:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2016-04-24 10:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-24 11:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-24 12:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-24 13:20,5,FEW,-SHRASN +2016-04-24 14:20,1,SCT,SHSN +2016-04-24 15:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-24 16:20,4,FEW,-SHRASN +2016-04-24 17:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-24 18:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-24 19:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-24 20:20,2,M,M +2016-04-24 21:20,2,M,M +2016-04-24 22:20,1,M,M +2016-04-24 23:20,1,FEW,M +2016-04-25 00:20,1,FEW,M +2016-04-25 01:20,0,M,M +2016-04-25 02:20,0,M,M +2016-04-25 03:20,1,SCT,M +2016-04-25 04:20,1,FEW,-SHSNRA +2016-04-25 05:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-25 06:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-25 07:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-25 08:20,5,SCT,VCSH +2016-04-25 09:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-25 10:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-25 11:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2016-04-25 12:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2016-04-25 13:20,3,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-25 14:20,4,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-25 15:20,4,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-25 16:20,4,FEW,-SHRASN +2016-04-25 17:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-25 18:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-04-25 19:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-04-25 20:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-04-25 21:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-04-25 22:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-25 23:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-26 00:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2016-04-26 01:20,1,BKN,M +2016-04-26 02:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-04-26 03:20,2,BKN,-SNRA +2016-04-26 04:20,2,BKN,-RA +2016-04-26 05:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-26 06:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-26 07:20,3,SCT,M +2016-04-26 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-26 09:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-26 10:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 11:20,3,FEW,-SHRAGSSN +2016-04-26 12:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 13:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 14:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 15:20,4,SCT,VCSH +2016-04-26 16:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 17:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-26 18:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-26 19:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-26 20:20,3,SCT,M +2016-04-26 21:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-26 22:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-26 23:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 00:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 01:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 02:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 03:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 04:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2016-04-27 05:20,2,FEW,BR +2016-04-27 06:20,3,BKN,M +2016-04-27 07:20,3,SCT,M +2016-04-27 08:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-27 09:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-27 10:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2016-04-27 11:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-27 12:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-27 13:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-27 14:20,5,FEW,M +2016-04-27 15:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-27 16:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-27 17:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-27 18:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2016-04-27 19:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2016-04-27 20:20,4,SCT,M +2016-04-27 21:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-27 22:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-27 23:20,4,SCT,M +2016-04-28 00:20,4,SCT,M +2016-04-28 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-28 02:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-28 03:20,3,BKN,M +2016-04-28 04:20,4,BKN,M +2016-04-28 05:20,4,BKN,M +2016-04-28 06:20,4,BKN,M +2016-04-28 07:20,5,BKN,M +2016-04-28 08:20,6,SCT,M +2016-04-28 09:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-28 10:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-04-28 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-28 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-28 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-28 14:20,10,BKN,M +2016-04-28 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-28 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-28 17:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2016-04-28 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-28 19:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-28 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-04-28 21:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-28 22:20,4,FEW,M +2016-04-28 23:20,3,FEW,M +2016-04-29 00:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-29 01:20,2,M,///////// +2016-04-29 02:20,2,FEW,M +2016-04-29 03:20,3,M,M +2016-04-29 04:20,3,M,M +2016-04-29 05:20,4,M,M +2016-04-29 06:20,5,M,M +2016-04-29 07:20,7,M,M +2016-04-29 08:20,8,M,M +2016-04-29 09:20,11,FEW,M +2016-04-29 10:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-29 11:20,12,SCT,M +2016-04-29 12:20,12,M,M +2016-04-29 13:20,12,M,M +2016-04-29 14:20,11,SCT,-RA +2016-04-29 15:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-04-29 16:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2016-04-29 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-29 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-04-29 19:20,7,M,M +2016-04-29 20:20,7,M,M +2016-04-29 21:20,7,M,M +2016-04-29 22:20,7,M,M +2016-04-29 23:20,7,M,M +2016-04-30 00:20,7,M,M +2016-04-30 01:20,5,M,M +2016-04-30 02:20,5,M,M +2016-04-30 03:20,5,M,M +2016-04-30 04:20,5,M,M +2016-04-30 05:20,6,NSC,M +2016-04-30 06:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-04-30 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 08:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-04-30 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 12:20,7,FEW,RA +2016-04-30 13:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 14:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-04-30 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-30 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-30 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-04-30 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-04-30 19:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-04-30 20:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-04-30 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-04-30 22:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-04-30 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2016-05-01 00:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2016-05-01 01:20,4,M,M +2016-05-01 02:20,3,M,M +2016-05-01 03:20,3,M,M +2016-05-01 04:20,3,M,M +2016-05-01 05:20,4,M,M +2016-05-01 06:20,5,M,M +2016-05-01 07:20,6,M,M +2016-05-01 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-01 09:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-01 10:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-01 11:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-01 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-01 13:20,14,SCT,M +2016-05-01 14:20,14,SCT,M +2016-05-01 15:20,14,SCT,M +2016-05-01 16:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-01 17:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-01 18:20,12,M,M +2016-05-01 19:20,11,M,M +2016-05-01 20:20,9,M,M +2016-05-01 21:20,8,M,M +2016-05-01 22:20,6,M,M +2016-05-01 23:20,5,M,M +2016-05-02 00:20,5,M,M +2016-05-02 01:20,4,M,M +2016-05-02 02:20,2,M,M +2016-05-02 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-02 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-02 05:20,6,M,M +2016-05-02 06:20,9,M,M +2016-05-02 07:20,12,M,M +2016-05-02 08:20,15,M,M +2016-05-02 09:20,16,M,M +2016-05-02 10:20,17,M,M +2016-05-02 11:20,18,M,M +2016-05-02 12:20,19,M,M +2016-05-02 13:20,19,M,M +2016-05-02 14:20,19,M,M +2016-05-02 15:20,19,M,M +2016-05-02 16:20,19,M,M +2016-05-02 17:20,18,M,M +2016-05-02 18:20,17,M,M +2016-05-02 19:20,16,M,M +2016-05-02 20:20,15,M,M +2016-05-02 21:20,14,M,M +2016-05-02 22:20,14,M,M +2016-05-02 23:20,12,M,M +2016-05-03 00:20,11,M,M +2016-05-03 01:20,11,M,M +2016-05-03 02:20,11,M,M +2016-05-03 03:20,10,M,M +2016-05-03 04:20,10,M,M +2016-05-03 05:20,11,M,M +2016-05-03 06:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-05-03 07:20,12,M,M +2016-05-03 08:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-05-03 09:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-05-03 10:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-05-03 11:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-03 12:20,12,SCT,M +2016-05-03 13:20,13,SCT,M +2016-05-03 14:20,13,SCT,M +2016-05-03 15:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-03 16:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-03 17:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-03 18:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-03 19:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-03 20:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-03 21:20,6,M,M +2016-05-03 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-05-03 23:20,4,M,M +2016-05-04 00:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-04 01:20,3,FEW,MIFG +2016-05-04 02:20,4,BKN,M +2016-05-04 03:20,3,BKN,M +2016-05-04 04:20,4,SCT,M +2016-05-04 05:20,5,SCT,M +2016-05-04 06:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-04 07:20,9,SCT,M +2016-05-04 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-04 09:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-04 10:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-04 11:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-04 12:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-04 13:20,14,M,M +2016-05-04 14:20,14,M,M +2016-05-04 15:20,15,M,M +2016-05-04 16:20,15,M,M +2016-05-04 17:20,15,M,M +2016-05-04 18:20,13,M,M +2016-05-04 19:20,11,M,M +2016-05-04 20:20,8,M,M +2016-05-04 21:20,8,M,M +2016-05-04 22:20,6,M,M +2016-05-04 23:20,5,M,M +2016-05-05 00:20,5,M,M +2016-05-05 01:20,5,M,M +2016-05-05 02:20,4,M,M +2016-05-05 03:20,3,M,M +2016-05-05 04:20,3,M,M +2016-05-05 05:20,7,M,M +2016-05-05 06:20,10,M,M +2016-05-05 07:20,12,M,M +2016-05-05 08:20,13,M,M +2016-05-05 09:20,14,M,M +2016-05-05 10:20,15,M,M +2016-05-05 11:20,16,M,M +2016-05-05 12:20,17,M,M +2016-05-05 13:20,18,M,M +2016-05-05 14:20,17,M,M +2016-05-05 15:20,18,M,M +2016-05-05 16:20,18,M,M +2016-05-05 17:20,16,M,M +2016-05-05 18:20,14,M,M +2016-05-05 19:20,12,M,M +2016-05-05 20:20,11,M,M +2016-05-05 21:20,10,M,M +2016-05-05 22:20,9,M,M +2016-05-05 23:20,9,M,M +2016-05-06 00:20,8,M,M +2016-05-06 01:20,8,M,M +2016-05-06 02:20,8,M,M +2016-05-06 03:20,7,M,M +2016-05-06 04:20,8,M,M +2016-05-06 05:20,11,M,M +2016-05-06 06:20,13,M,M +2016-05-06 07:20,16,M,M +2016-05-06 08:20,18,M,M +2016-05-06 09:20,19,M,M +2016-05-06 10:20,20,M,M +2016-05-06 11:20,21,M,M +2016-05-06 12:20,22,M,M +2016-05-06 13:20,22,M,M +2016-05-06 14:20,22,M,M +2016-05-06 15:20,23,M,M +2016-05-06 16:20,22,M,M +2016-05-06 17:20,22,M,M +2016-05-06 18:20,21,M,M +2016-05-06 19:20,19,M,M +2016-05-06 20:20,18,M,M +2016-05-06 21:20,17,M,M +2016-05-06 22:20,16,M,M +2016-05-06 23:20,15,M,M +2016-05-07 00:20,14,M,M +2016-05-07 01:20,14,M,M +2016-05-07 02:20,13,M,M +2016-05-07 03:20,13,M,M +2016-05-07 04:20,13,M,M +2016-05-07 05:20,14,M,M +2016-05-07 06:20,16,M,M +2016-05-07 07:20,18,M,M +2016-05-07 08:20,20,M,M +2016-05-07 09:20,22,M,M +2016-05-07 10:20,22,M,M +2016-05-07 11:20,23,M,M +2016-05-07 12:20,24,M,M +2016-05-07 13:20,24,M,M +2016-05-07 14:20,24,M,M +2016-05-07 15:20,24,M,M +2016-05-07 16:20,24,M,M +2016-05-07 17:20,23,M,M +2016-05-07 18:20,22,M,M +2016-05-07 19:20,21,M,M +2016-05-07 20:20,18,M,M +2016-05-07 21:20,18,M,M +2016-05-07 22:20,17,M,M +2016-05-07 23:20,16,M,M +2016-05-08 00:20,16,M,M +2016-05-08 01:20,14,M,M +2016-05-08 02:20,14,M,M +2016-05-08 03:20,14,M,M +2016-05-08 04:20,14,M,M +2016-05-08 05:20,15,M,M +2016-05-08 06:20,16,M,M +2016-05-08 07:20,19,M,M +2016-05-08 08:20,20,M,M +2016-05-08 09:20,21,M,M +2016-05-08 10:20,22,M,M +2016-05-08 11:20,23,M,M +2016-05-08 12:20,23,M,M +2016-05-08 13:20,24,M,M +2016-05-08 14:20,24,M,M +2016-05-08 15:20,24,M,M +2016-05-08 16:20,24,M,M +2016-05-08 17:20,23,M,M +2016-05-08 18:20,22,M,M +2016-05-08 19:20,20,M,M +2016-05-08 20:20,19,M,M +2016-05-08 21:20,18,M,M +2016-05-08 22:20,17,M,M +2016-05-08 23:20,14,M,M +2016-05-09 00:20,13,M,M +2016-05-09 01:20,13,M,M +2016-05-09 02:20,12,M,M +2016-05-09 03:20,11,M,M +2016-05-09 04:20,11,M,M +2016-05-09 05:20,14,M,M +2016-05-09 06:20,18,M,M +2016-05-09 07:20,20,M,M +2016-05-09 08:20,21,M,M +2016-05-09 09:20,22,M,M +2016-05-09 10:20,23,M,M +2016-05-09 11:20,24,M,M +2016-05-09 12:20,23,M,M +2016-05-09 13:20,24,M,M +2016-05-09 14:20,25,M,M +2016-05-09 15:20,25,M,M +2016-05-09 16:20,24,M,M +2016-05-09 17:20,24,M,///////// +2016-05-09 18:20,21,M,M +2016-05-09 19:20,19,M,M +2016-05-09 20:20,18,M,M +2016-05-09 21:20,16,M,M +2016-05-09 22:20,15,M,M +2016-05-09 23:20,14,M,M +2016-05-10 00:20,13,M,M +2016-05-10 01:20,12,M,M +2016-05-10 02:20,11,M,M +2016-05-10 03:20,10,M,M +2016-05-10 04:20,11,M,M +2016-05-10 05:20,15,M,M +2016-05-10 06:20,17,M,M +2016-05-10 07:20,19,M,M +2016-05-10 08:20,20,M,M +2016-05-10 09:20,21,M,M +2016-05-10 10:20,22,M,M +2016-05-10 11:20,23,M,M +2016-05-10 12:20,24,M,M +2016-05-10 13:20,24,M,M +2016-05-10 14:20,24,M,M +2016-05-10 15:20,24,M,M +2016-05-10 16:20,23,M,M +2016-05-10 17:20,23,M,M +2016-05-10 18:20,22,M,M +2016-05-10 19:20,19,M,M +2016-05-10 20:20,17,M,M +2016-05-10 21:20,16,M,M +2016-05-10 22:20,15,M,M +2016-05-10 23:20,15,M,M +2016-05-11 00:20,14,M,M +2016-05-11 01:20,13,M,M +2016-05-11 02:20,12,M,M +2016-05-11 03:20,11,M,M +2016-05-11 04:20,12,M,M +2016-05-11 05:20,15,M,M +2016-05-11 06:20,17,M,M +2016-05-11 07:20,19,M,M +2016-05-11 08:20,20,M,M +2016-05-11 09:20,22,M,M +2016-05-11 10:20,23,M,M +2016-05-11 11:20,23,M,M +2016-05-11 12:20,24,M,M +2016-05-11 13:20,24,M,M +2016-05-11 14:20,24,M,M +2016-05-11 15:20,24,M,M +2016-05-11 16:20,24,M,M +2016-05-11 17:20,22,M,M +2016-05-11 18:20,20,M,M +2016-05-11 19:20,18,M,M +2016-05-11 20:20,16,M,M +2016-05-11 21:20,14,M,M +2016-05-11 22:20,13,M,M +2016-05-11 23:20,12,M,M +2016-05-12 00:20,12,M,M +2016-05-12 01:20,12,M,M +2016-05-12 02:20,11,M,M +2016-05-12 03:20,11,M,M +2016-05-12 04:20,11,M,M +2016-05-12 05:20,12,M,M +2016-05-12 06:20,14,M,M +2016-05-12 07:20,16,M,M +2016-05-12 08:20,18,M,M +2016-05-12 09:20,20,M,M +2016-05-12 10:20,20,M,M +2016-05-12 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-12 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-12 13:20,22,FEW,M +2016-05-12 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-12 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-12 16:20,19,M,M +2016-05-12 17:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-12 18:20,15,M,M +2016-05-12 19:20,13,M,M +2016-05-12 20:20,12,M,M +2016-05-12 21:20,11,M,M +2016-05-12 22:20,11,M,M +2016-05-12 23:20,10,M,M +2016-05-13 00:20,10,M,M +2016-05-13 01:20,9,M,M +2016-05-13 02:20,8,M,M +2016-05-13 03:20,8,M,M +2016-05-13 04:20,8,M,M +2016-05-13 05:20,10,M,M +2016-05-13 06:20,12,M,M +2016-05-13 07:20,15,M,M +2016-05-13 08:20,17,M,M +2016-05-13 09:20,18,M,M +2016-05-13 10:20,20,M,M +2016-05-13 11:20,20,M,M +2016-05-13 12:20,21,M,M +2016-05-13 13:20,22,M,M +2016-05-13 14:20,20,M,M +2016-05-13 15:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-13 16:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-13 18:20,15,M,M +2016-05-13 19:20,13,M,M +2016-05-13 20:20,11,M,M +2016-05-13 21:20,9,M,M +2016-05-13 22:20,9,M,M +2016-05-13 23:20,8,M,M +2016-05-14 00:20,8,M,M +2016-05-14 01:20,8,M,M +2016-05-14 02:20,7,M,M +2016-05-14 03:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-14 04:20,7,SCT,M +2016-05-14 05:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-14 06:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-14 07:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-14 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-14 09:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2016-05-14 10:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2016-05-14 11:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-14 12:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-14 13:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-14 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-14 15:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-14 16:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-14 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-14 18:20,7,BKN,M +2016-05-14 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-14 20:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-14 21:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-05-14 22:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-05-14 23:20,7,M,M +2016-05-15 00:20,6,M,M +2016-05-15 01:20,6,M,M +2016-05-15 02:20,5,M,M +2016-05-15 03:20,5,M,M +2016-05-15 04:20,5,FEW,M +2016-05-15 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-15 06:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-15 07:20,9,SCT,M +2016-05-15 08:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-15 09:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-15 10:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2016-05-15 11:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2016-05-15 12:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2016-05-15 13:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-15 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-15 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-15 16:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-15 17:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-15 18:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-15 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-15 20:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-15 21:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-15 22:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-15 23:20,6,M,M +2016-05-16 00:20,5,M,M +2016-05-16 01:20,5,M,M +2016-05-16 02:20,5,M,M +2016-05-16 03:20,5,M,M +2016-05-16 04:20,6,FEW,M +2016-05-16 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-16 06:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-16 07:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-16 08:20,10,SCT,M +2016-05-16 09:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-16 10:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-16 11:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-16 12:20,12,SCT,M +2016-05-16 13:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-16 14:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-16 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-16 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-16 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-16 18:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-16 19:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-16 20:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-16 21:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-16 22:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-16 23:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-17 00:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-17 01:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-17 02:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-17 03:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-17 04:20,7,BKN,VCSH +2016-05-17 05:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-05-17 06:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-17 07:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-17 08:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2016-05-17 09:20,10,FEW,M +2016-05-17 10:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-17 11:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-17 12:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-17 13:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-17 14:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-17 15:20,11,SCT,M +2016-05-17 16:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-17 17:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-17 18:20,11,FEW,M +2016-05-17 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-05-17 20:20,7,M,M +2016-05-17 21:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-17 22:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-17 23:20,5,M,M +2016-05-18 00:20,6,M,M +2016-05-18 01:20,7,FEW,M +2016-05-18 02:20,8,FEW,M +2016-05-18 03:20,7,M,M +2016-05-18 04:20,7,M,M +2016-05-18 05:20,9,M,M +2016-05-18 06:20,11,M,M +2016-05-18 07:20,13,M,M +2016-05-18 08:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-18 09:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-18 10:20,16,BKN,M +2016-05-18 11:20,17,BKN,M +2016-05-18 12:20,17,BKN,M +2016-05-18 13:20,18,SCT,M +2016-05-18 14:20,18,M,M +2016-05-18 15:20,17,FEW,M +2016-05-18 16:20,17,M,M +2016-05-18 17:20,16,M,M +2016-05-18 18:20,15,M,M +2016-05-18 19:20,15,M,M +2016-05-18 20:20,15,M,M +2016-05-18 21:20,13,M,M +2016-05-18 22:20,11,M,M +2016-05-18 23:20,10,M,M +2016-05-19 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-19 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-19 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-19 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-05-19 04:20,10,M,M +2016-05-19 05:20,12,M,M +2016-05-19 06:20,14,M,M +2016-05-19 07:20,17,M,M +2016-05-19 08:20,19,M,M +2016-05-19 09:20,20,M,M +2016-05-19 10:20,20,M,M +2016-05-19 11:20,21,M,M +2016-05-19 12:20,21,M,M +2016-05-19 13:20,23,M,M +2016-05-19 14:20,22,M,M +2016-05-19 15:20,22,M,M +2016-05-19 16:20,21,M,M +2016-05-19 17:20,21,M,M +2016-05-19 18:20,19,M,M +2016-05-19 19:20,18,M,M +2016-05-19 20:20,17,M,M +2016-05-19 21:20,17,M,M +2016-05-19 22:20,16,M,M +2016-05-19 23:20,15,M,M +2016-05-20 00:20,13,M,M +2016-05-20 01:20,13,M,M +2016-05-20 02:20,13,M,M +2016-05-20 03:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-20 04:20,13,NSC,M +2016-05-20 05:20,14,NSC,M +2016-05-20 06:20,15,NSC,M +2016-05-20 07:20,15,M,M +2016-05-20 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-20 09:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-20 10:20,16,BKN,M +2016-05-20 11:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-20 12:20,14,SCT,-RA +2016-05-20 13:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-20 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-20 15:20,15,SCT,M +2016-05-20 16:20,14,SCT,-RADZ +2016-05-20 17:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-20 18:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-20 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-20 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-20 21:20,13,M,M +2016-05-20 22:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-20 23:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-21 00:20,12,M,M +2016-05-21 01:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-21 02:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-21 03:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-21 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-21 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-21 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-05-21 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-21 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-21 09:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-21 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-05-21 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-21 12:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 13:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 14:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 15:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 16:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 17:20,22,M,M +2016-05-21 18:20,21,M,M +2016-05-21 19:20,21,M,M +2016-05-21 20:20,20,M,M +2016-05-21 21:20,19,M,M +2016-05-21 22:20,19,M,M +2016-05-21 23:20,17,M,M +2016-05-22 00:20,17,M,M +2016-05-22 01:20,16,M,M +2016-05-22 02:20,15,M,M +2016-05-22 03:20,15,M,M +2016-05-22 04:20,16,M,M +2016-05-22 05:20,16,M,M +2016-05-22 06:20,18,M,M +2016-05-22 07:20,20,M,M +2016-05-22 08:20,22,M,M +2016-05-22 09:20,24,M,M +2016-05-22 10:20,26,M,M +2016-05-22 11:20,26,M,M +2016-05-22 12:20,27,M,M +2016-05-22 13:20,28,M,M +2016-05-22 14:20,27,M,M +2016-05-22 15:20,26,M,M +2016-05-22 16:20,22,NSC,-SHRA +2016-05-22 17:20,20,M,M +2016-05-22 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-22 19:20,17,M,M +2016-05-22 20:20,16,FEW,TSRA +2016-05-22 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-22 22:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2016-05-22 23:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2016-05-23 00:20,15,FEW,-RA MIFG +2016-05-23 01:20,15,FEW,-RA +2016-05-23 02:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-05-23 03:20,16,BKN,-RA BR +2016-05-23 04:20,16,BKN,RA BR +2016-05-23 05:20,16,SCT,-RA BR +2016-05-23 06:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-23 07:20,17,SCT,M +2016-05-23 08:20,18,BKN,M +2016-05-23 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-05-23 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-05-23 11:20,20,BKN,M +2016-05-23 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-05-23 13:20,21,BKN,M +2016-05-23 14:20,17,BKN,-TSRA +2016-05-23 15:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2016-05-23 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-23 17:20,18,FEW,-TSRA +2016-05-23 18:20,16,FEW,-TSRA +2016-05-23 19:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-23 20:20,15,NSC,M +2016-05-23 21:20,15,BKN,BR +2016-05-23 22:20,15,BKN,BR +2016-05-23 23:20,15,BKN,BR +2016-05-24 00:20,15,BKN,M +2016-05-24 01:20,14,BKN,BR +2016-05-24 02:20,13,OVC,-SHRA BR +2016-05-24 03:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2016-05-24 04:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2016-05-24 05:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-05-24 06:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-24 07:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-24 08:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-24 09:20,12,SCT,M +2016-05-24 10:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-24 11:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-24 12:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-24 13:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 14:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 15:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 16:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 17:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 18:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-24 19:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-24 20:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-24 21:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-24 22:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-24 23:20,12,SCT,M +2016-05-25 00:20,12,FEW,M +2016-05-25 01:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-25 02:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 03:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 04:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 05:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 06:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 07:20,11,BKN,M +2016-05-25 08:20,12,BKN,M +2016-05-25 09:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-25 10:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-25 11:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 12:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 13:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 14:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 15:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 16:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 17:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 18:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-25 19:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-25 20:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-25 21:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-25 22:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-25 23:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-26 00:20,13,BKN,-TSRA +2016-05-26 01:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2016-05-26 02:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 03:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 04:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 05:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 06:20,13,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 07:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 08:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 09:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 10:20,13,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 11:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-26 12:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-26 13:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-26 14:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-26 15:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-05-26 16:20,14,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 17:20,14,SCT,M +2016-05-26 18:20,14,FEW,M +2016-05-26 19:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-26 20:20,13,FEW,M +2016-05-26 21:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2016-05-26 22:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-26 23:20,13,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-05-27 00:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-05-27 01:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-05-27 02:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-05-27 03:20,13,BKN,BR +2016-05-27 04:20,13,BKN,M +2016-05-27 05:20,13,SCT,M +2016-05-27 06:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-27 07:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-27 08:20,14,BKN,M +2016-05-27 09:20,14,SCT,M +2016-05-27 10:20,15,FEW,M +2016-05-27 11:20,16,SCT,M +2016-05-27 12:20,15,BKN,M +2016-05-27 13:20,17,SCT,M +2016-05-27 14:20,17,FEW,M +2016-05-27 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-27 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-27 17:20,18,SCT,M +2016-05-27 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-05-27 19:20,15,FEW,M +2016-05-27 20:20,13,M,M +2016-05-27 21:20,12,M,M +2016-05-27 22:20,11,M,M +2016-05-27 23:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 00:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 01:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 02:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 03:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 04:20,10,M,M +2016-05-28 05:20,13,M,M +2016-05-28 06:20,15,M,M +2016-05-28 07:20,17,M,M +2016-05-28 08:20,18,M,M +2016-05-28 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-05-28 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-28 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-28 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-28 13:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-28 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-28 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-28 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-28 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-05-28 18:20,18,M,M +2016-05-28 19:20,16,M,M +2016-05-28 20:20,15,M,M +2016-05-28 21:20,14,M,M +2016-05-28 22:20,14,M,M +2016-05-28 23:20,13,SCT,M +2016-05-29 00:20,13,OVC,M +2016-05-29 01:20,13,OVC,BR +2016-05-29 02:20,13,OVC,M +2016-05-29 03:20,12,OVC,BR +2016-05-29 04:20,13,OVC,BR +2016-05-29 05:20,13,OVC,BR +2016-05-29 06:20,14,FEW,BR +2016-05-29 07:20,14,SCT,BR +2016-05-29 08:20,14,SCT,-RA +2016-05-29 09:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-05-29 10:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-05-29 11:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-05-29 12:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-05-29 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-29 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-29 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-05-29 16:20,21,M,M +2016-05-29 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-29 18:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-29 19:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-29 20:20,18,FEW,M +2016-05-29 21:20,17,FEW,M +2016-05-29 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-29 23:20,16,FEW,M +2016-05-30 00:20,15,FEW,M +2016-05-30 01:20,15,M,M +2016-05-30 02:20,15,M,M +2016-05-30 03:20,15,NSC,M +2016-05-30 04:20,16,M,M +2016-05-30 05:20,17,M,M +2016-05-30 06:20,19,M,M +2016-05-30 07:20,20,M,M +2016-05-30 08:20,21,M,M +2016-05-30 09:20,23,M,M +2016-05-30 10:20,23,FEW,M +2016-05-30 11:20,24,FEW,M +2016-05-30 12:20,25,FEW,M +2016-05-30 13:20,26,FEW,M +2016-05-30 14:20,27,FEW,TS +2016-05-30 15:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-30 16:20,23,FEW,M +2016-05-30 17:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2016-05-30 18:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2016-05-30 19:20,19,M,M +2016-05-30 20:20,19,M,M +2016-05-30 21:20,18,M,M +2016-05-30 22:20,17,M,M +2016-05-30 23:20,17,M,M +2016-05-31 00:20,16,M,M +2016-05-31 01:20,16,M,M +2016-05-31 02:20,15,FEW,M +2016-05-31 03:20,16,SCT,M +2016-05-31 04:20,16,BKN,M +2016-05-31 05:20,17,BKN,M +2016-05-31 06:20,17,BKN,M +2016-05-31 07:20,18,BKN,M +2016-05-31 08:20,18,BKN,M +2016-05-31 09:20,20,BKN,M +2016-05-31 10:20,22,SCT,M +2016-05-31 11:20,23,FEW,M +2016-05-31 12:20,24,FEW,M +2016-05-31 13:20,24,FEW,M +2016-05-31 14:20,23,FEW,M +2016-05-31 15:20,24,FEW,M +2016-05-31 16:20,22,FEW,M +2016-05-31 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-31 18:20,20,FEW,M +2016-05-31 19:20,19,M,M +2016-05-31 20:20,18,M,M +2016-05-31 21:20,17,M,M +2016-05-31 22:20,17,M,M +2016-05-31 23:20,16,M,M +2016-06-01 00:20,16,M,M +2016-06-01 01:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-01 02:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-01 03:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-01 04:20,16,NSC,-RA +2016-06-01 05:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-06-01 06:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-01 07:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-01 08:20,21,M,M +2016-06-01 09:20,21,M,M +2016-06-01 10:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-01 11:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-01 12:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-01 13:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-01 14:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-01 15:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-01 16:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-01 17:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-01 18:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-01 19:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-01 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-01 21:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-01 22:20,17,M,M +2016-06-01 23:20,16,M,M +2016-06-02 00:20,15,M,M +2016-06-02 01:20,15,SCT,M +2016-06-02 02:20,15,OVC,BR +2016-06-02 03:20,15,VV ,FG +2016-06-02 04:20,15,VV ,FG +2016-06-02 05:20,15,OVC,FG +2016-06-02 06:20,16,SCT,BR +2016-06-02 07:20,16,BKN,BR +2016-06-02 08:20,17,FEW,-SHRA BR +2016-06-02 09:20,19,BKN,VCSH +2016-06-02 10:20,19,BKN,-SHRA +2016-06-02 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-02 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-02 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-06-02 14:20,23,SCT,M +2016-06-02 15:20,23,SCT,M +2016-06-02 16:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-02 17:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-02 18:20,23,SCT,VCTS +2016-06-02 19:20,20,FEW,TSRA +2016-06-02 20:20,18,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2016-06-02 21:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-02 22:20,16,M,M +2016-06-02 23:20,17,M,M +2016-06-03 00:20,16,NSC,M +2016-06-03 01:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-03 02:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-03 03:20,15,NSC,BR +2016-06-03 04:20,15,NSC,BR +2016-06-03 05:20,16,SCT,BR +2016-06-03 06:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-03 07:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-03 08:20,21,M,M +2016-06-03 09:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-03 10:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-03 11:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-03 12:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-03 13:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-03 14:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-03 15:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-03 16:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-03 17:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-03 18:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-03 19:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-03 20:20,19,M,M +2016-06-03 21:20,18,M,M +2016-06-03 22:20,17,M,M +2016-06-03 23:20,16,M,M +2016-06-04 00:20,15,M,M +2016-06-04 01:20,14,M,M +2016-06-04 02:20,15,M,M +2016-06-04 03:20,14,M,M +2016-06-04 04:20,15,M,M +2016-06-04 05:20,17,M,M +2016-06-04 06:20,19,M,M +2016-06-04 07:20,22,M,M +2016-06-04 08:20,24,M,M +2016-06-04 09:20,24,M,M +2016-06-04 10:20,25,M,M +2016-06-04 11:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-04 12:20,26,M,M +2016-06-04 13:20,26,M,M +2016-06-04 14:20,27,FEW,M +2016-06-04 15:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-04 16:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-04 17:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-04 18:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-04 19:20,22,M,M +2016-06-04 20:20,18,M,M +2016-06-04 21:20,17,M,M +2016-06-04 22:20,16,M,M +2016-06-04 23:20,15,M,M +2016-06-05 00:20,14,M,M +2016-06-05 01:20,14,M,M +2016-06-05 02:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-05 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-05 04:20,14,M,M +2016-06-05 05:20,18,M,M +2016-06-05 06:20,20,M,M +2016-06-05 07:20,23,M,M +2016-06-05 08:20,24,M,M +2016-06-05 09:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-05 10:20,26,M,M +2016-06-05 11:20,27,M,M +2016-06-05 12:20,26,M,M +2016-06-05 13:20,27,M,M +2016-06-05 14:20,27,FEW,M +2016-06-05 15:20,22,FEW,VCTS +2016-06-05 16:20,22,BKN,TSRA +2016-06-05 17:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-05 18:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-05 19:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-05 20:20,18,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-05 21:20,17,M,M +2016-06-05 22:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-05 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-06 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-06 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-06 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-06 03:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-06 04:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-06 05:20,17,M,M +2016-06-06 06:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-06 07:20,20,M,M +2016-06-06 08:20,22,M,M +2016-06-06 09:20,23,M,M +2016-06-06 10:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-06 11:20,25,M,M +2016-06-06 12:20,26,M,M +2016-06-06 13:20,27,FEW,M +2016-06-06 14:20,26,M,M +2016-06-06 15:20,26,M,M +2016-06-06 16:20,26,M,M +2016-06-06 17:20,25,M,M +2016-06-06 18:20,24,M,M +2016-06-06 19:20,21,M,M +2016-06-06 20:20,21,M,M +2016-06-06 21:20,20,M,M +2016-06-06 22:20,18,M,M +2016-06-06 23:20,17,M,M +2016-06-07 00:20,16,M,M +2016-06-07 01:20,15,M,M +2016-06-07 02:20,15,M,M +2016-06-07 03:20,14,M,M +2016-06-07 04:20,14,M,M +2016-06-07 05:20,16,M,M +2016-06-07 06:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-07 07:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-07 08:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-07 09:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-07 10:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-07 11:20,26,M,M +2016-06-07 12:20,27,FEW,M +2016-06-07 13:20,24,FEW,-TSRA +2016-06-07 14:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-07 15:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-07 16:20,25,FEW,TS +2016-06-07 17:20,23,FEW,VCTS +2016-06-07 18:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-07 19:20,19,BKN,M +2016-06-07 20:20,17,M,M +2016-06-07 21:20,15,M,M +2016-06-07 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-07 23:20,13,SCT,M +2016-06-08 00:20,13,BKN,M +2016-06-08 01:20,12,BKN,M +2016-06-08 02:20,12,BKN,M +2016-06-08 03:20,13,BKN,M +2016-06-08 04:20,13,BKN,M +2016-06-08 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-08 06:20,13,BKN,M +2016-06-08 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-08 08:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-08 09:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-08 10:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-08 11:20,16,BKN,M +2016-06-08 12:20,16,BKN,M +2016-06-08 13:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-08 14:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-08 15:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-08 16:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-08 17:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-08 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-08 19:20,15,SCT,M +2016-06-08 20:20,14,SCT,M +2016-06-08 21:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-08 22:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-08 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-09 00:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-09 01:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-09 02:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-09 03:20,13,SCT,MIFG +2016-06-09 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-09 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-09 06:20,16,SCT,M +2016-06-09 07:20,16,BKN,M +2016-06-09 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-09 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-09 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-09 11:20,19,M,M +2016-06-09 12:20,20,M,M +2016-06-09 13:20,20,M,M +2016-06-09 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-09 15:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-09 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-09 17:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-09 18:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-09 19:20,13,SCT,M +2016-06-09 20:20,12,SCT,M +2016-06-09 21:20,12,SCT,M +2016-06-09 22:20,11,SCT,M +2016-06-09 23:20,10,SCT,M +2016-06-10 00:20,9,FEW,M +2016-06-10 01:20,9,FEW,M +2016-06-10 02:20,10,FEW,M +2016-06-10 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-06-10 04:20,11,FEW,M +2016-06-10 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-10 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-10 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-10 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-10 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-10 10:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-10 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-10 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-10 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-10 14:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-10 15:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-10 16:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-10 17:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-10 18:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-10 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-10 20:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-10 21:20,12,M,M +2016-06-10 22:20,11,M,M +2016-06-10 23:20,11,M,M +2016-06-11 00:20,9,M,M +2016-06-11 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-11 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-11 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-11 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-11 05:20,12,M,M +2016-06-11 06:20,15,M,M +2016-06-11 07:20,16,M,M +2016-06-11 08:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-11 09:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-11 10:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-11 11:20,19,M,M +2016-06-11 12:20,20,M,M +2016-06-11 13:20,19,M,M +2016-06-11 14:20,21,M,M +2016-06-11 15:20,21,M,M +2016-06-11 16:20,19,M,M +2016-06-11 17:20,18,M,M +2016-06-11 18:20,17,M,M +2016-06-11 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-11 20:20,15,SCT,-RA +2016-06-11 21:20,14,NSC,-RA +2016-06-11 22:20,14,NSC,-RA +2016-06-11 23:20,13,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 00:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 01:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 02:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 03:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 04:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 05:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 06:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 07:20,12,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 08:20,13,NSC,-RA +2016-06-12 09:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 10:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 11:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 12:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 13:20,14,BKN,-RA +2016-06-12 14:20,14,BKN,-RA +2016-06-12 15:20,14,BKN,-RA +2016-06-12 16:20,14,BKN,-RA +2016-06-12 17:20,14,SCT,-RA +2016-06-12 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 20:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 21:20,13,SCT,M +2016-06-12 22:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-06-12 23:20,13,BKN,M +2016-06-13 00:20,13,BKN,-RA +2016-06-13 01:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2016-06-13 02:20,13,BKN,RADZ +2016-06-13 03:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2016-06-13 04:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2016-06-13 05:20,13,BKN,-RA +2016-06-13 06:20,13,BKN,-RA +2016-06-13 07:20,13,SCT,-RA +2016-06-13 08:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-13 09:20,15,SCT,-RA +2016-06-13 10:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-06-13 11:20,16,SCT,-RADZ +2016-06-13 12:20,18,SCT,-RA +2016-06-13 13:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-13 14:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-13 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-13 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-13 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-13 19:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-13 20:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-13 21:20,16,BKN,-SHRA VCTS +2016-06-13 22:20,16,BKN,VCTS VCSH +2016-06-13 23:20,14,SCT,SHRA +2016-06-14 00:20,14,BKN,SHRA +2016-06-14 01:20,14,NSC,-SHRA +2016-06-14 02:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-14 03:20,14,BKN,BR +2016-06-14 04:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-14 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-14 06:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-14 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-14 08:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-14 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-14 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-14 11:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-14 12:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-14 13:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-14 14:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2016-06-14 15:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-14 16:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-14 17:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-14 18:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-14 19:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-14 20:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2016-06-14 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-14 22:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-14 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-15 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-15 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-15 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-15 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2016-06-15 04:20,13,NSC,M +2016-06-15 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-15 06:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-15 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-15 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-15 09:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-15 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-15 11:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-15 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-15 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-15 14:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-15 15:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-15 16:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2016-06-15 17:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2016-06-15 18:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-15 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-15 20:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-15 21:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2016-06-15 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-15 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-16 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-06-16 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-16 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-16 03:20,11,NSC,PRFG +2016-06-16 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-06-16 05:20,14,NSC,M +2016-06-16 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-16 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-16 08:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-16 09:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-16 10:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-16 11:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-16 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-16 13:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-16 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-16 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-16 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-16 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-16 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-16 19:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-16 20:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-16 21:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-16 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-16 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-17 00:20,14,M,M +2016-06-17 01:20,14,M,M +2016-06-17 02:20,14,M,M +2016-06-17 03:20,14,NSC,BR +2016-06-17 04:20,14,NSC,M +2016-06-17 05:20,15,NSC,M +2016-06-17 06:20,16,SCT,M +2016-06-17 07:20,16,BKN,M +2016-06-17 08:20,16,BKN,-RA +2016-06-17 09:20,16,SCT,SHRA VCTS +2016-06-17 10:20,15,SCT,-TSRA +2016-06-17 11:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-17 12:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-17 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-17 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-17 15:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-17 16:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-17 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-17 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-17 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-17 20:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-17 21:20,13,M,M +2016-06-17 22:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-18 01:20,11,M,M +2016-06-18 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-18 03:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2016-06-18 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-18 05:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-18 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-18 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-18 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-18 09:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-18 10:20,18,BKN,M +2016-06-18 11:20,19,BKN,M +2016-06-18 12:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-18 13:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-18 14:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-18 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-18 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-18 17:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-18 18:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-18 19:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2016-06-18 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-18 21:20,14,M,M +2016-06-18 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-18 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-19 00:20,13,M,M +2016-06-19 01:20,13,M,M +2016-06-19 02:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-19 03:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-19 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-19 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-19 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-19 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-19 08:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 09:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 10:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 11:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 12:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 13:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-19 14:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-19 15:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-19 16:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-19 17:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 18:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-19 19:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-19 20:20,11,M,M +2016-06-19 21:20,10,M,M +2016-06-19 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-19 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-20 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-20 01:20,9,M,M +2016-06-20 02:20,9,M,M +2016-06-20 03:20,9,M,M +2016-06-20 04:20,11,M,M +2016-06-20 05:20,13,M,M +2016-06-20 06:20,16,M,M +2016-06-20 07:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-20 08:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-20 09:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-20 10:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-20 11:20,21,M,M +2016-06-20 12:20,21,M,M +2016-06-20 13:20,22,M,M +2016-06-20 14:20,21,M,M +2016-06-20 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-20 16:20,21,FEW,-RA +2016-06-20 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-06-20 18:20,16,NSC,-RA +2016-06-20 19:20,15,FEW,-RA +2016-06-20 20:20,15,BKN,RA +2016-06-20 21:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-06-20 22:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-06-20 23:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-06-21 00:20,15,BKN,-RA +2016-06-21 01:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2016-06-21 02:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2016-06-21 03:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2016-06-21 04:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-21 05:20,15,BKN,M +2016-06-21 06:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2016-06-21 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-21 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-21 09:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-21 10:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-21 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-21 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-21 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-21 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-21 15:20,22,SCT,M +2016-06-21 16:20,21,SCT,M +2016-06-21 17:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-21 18:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-21 19:20,18,M,M +2016-06-21 20:20,18,M,M +2016-06-21 21:20,16,M,M +2016-06-21 22:20,17,M,M +2016-06-21 23:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-22 00:20,17,M,M +2016-06-22 01:20,18,M,M +2016-06-22 02:20,18,BKN,M +2016-06-22 03:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-22 04:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-22 05:20,19,M,M +2016-06-22 06:20,20,M,M +2016-06-22 07:20,21,FEW,M +2016-06-22 08:20,21,SCT,M +2016-06-22 09:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-22 10:20,22,SCT,VCSH +2016-06-22 11:20,22,SCT,M +2016-06-22 12:20,23,SCT,M +2016-06-22 13:20,24,SCT,M +2016-06-22 14:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-22 15:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-22 16:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-22 17:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-22 18:20,23,FEW,M +2016-06-22 19:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-22 20:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-22 21:20,18,M,M +2016-06-22 22:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-22 23:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-23 00:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-06-23 01:20,17,M,M +2016-06-23 02:20,18,M,M +2016-06-23 03:20,18,M,M +2016-06-23 04:20,19,M,M +2016-06-23 05:20,21,M,M +2016-06-23 06:20,23,M,M +2016-06-23 07:20,24,M,M +2016-06-23 08:20,26,M,M +2016-06-23 09:20,27,FEW,M +2016-06-23 10:20,28,FEW,M +2016-06-23 11:20,29,FEW,M +2016-06-23 12:20,30,FEW,M +2016-06-23 13:20,31,M,M +2016-06-23 14:20,31,M,M +2016-06-23 15:20,31,M,M +2016-06-23 16:20,32,M,M +2016-06-23 17:20,31,M,M +2016-06-23 18:20,31,M,///////// +2016-06-23 19:20,29,FEW,M +2016-06-23 20:20,29,FEW,M +2016-06-23 21:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-23 22:20,24,FEW,M +2016-06-23 23:20,23,SCT,VCTS +2016-06-24 00:20,22,FEW,TSRA +2016-06-24 01:20,20,FEW,TSRA +2016-06-24 02:20,20,M,M +2016-06-24 03:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-24 04:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-24 05:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-24 06:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-24 07:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-24 08:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2016-06-24 09:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-24 10:20,22,FEW,M +2016-06-24 11:20,23,SCT,M +2016-06-24 12:20,24,SCT,M +2016-06-24 13:20,25,SCT,M +2016-06-24 14:20,26,SCT,M +2016-06-24 15:20,26,FEW,M +2016-06-24 16:20,25,FEW,M +2016-06-24 17:20,24,BKN,-SHRA VCTS +2016-06-24 18:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-24 19:20,21,BKN,BR +2016-06-24 20:20,19,BKN,BR +2016-06-24 21:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-24 22:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2016-06-24 23:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-25 00:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-25 01:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-25 02:20,18,BKN,M +2016-06-25 03:20,18,BKN,M +2016-06-25 04:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-25 05:20,18,SCT,BR +2016-06-25 06:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-06-25 07:20,18,FEW,-TSRA BR +2016-06-25 08:20,18,BKN,-TSRA BR +2016-06-25 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-25 10:20,19,OVC,M +2016-06-25 11:20,19,OVC,M +2016-06-25 12:20,19,BKN,TS VCSH +2016-06-25 13:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-06-25 14:20,19,SCT,-RA +2016-06-25 15:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-25 16:20,19,BKN,M +2016-06-25 17:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-25 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-25 19:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-25 20:20,18,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-06-25 21:20,16,BKN,-RADZ BR +2016-06-25 22:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2016-06-25 23:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2016-06-26 00:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2016-06-26 01:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-26 02:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-06-26 03:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-26 04:20,14,SCT,M +2016-06-26 05:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-26 06:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-26 07:20,15,SCT,M +2016-06-26 08:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-26 09:20,17,BKN,M +2016-06-26 10:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-26 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-26 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-26 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-26 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-26 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-26 16:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-26 17:20,17,SCT,M +2016-06-26 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-26 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-26 20:20,14,M,M +2016-06-26 21:20,13,M,M +2016-06-26 22:20,13,M,M +2016-06-26 23:20,13,M,M +2016-06-27 00:20,13,M,M +2016-06-27 01:20,12,M,M +2016-06-27 02:20,11,M,M +2016-06-27 03:20,12,M,M +2016-06-27 04:20,13,M,M +2016-06-27 05:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-27 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-27 07:20,16,SCT,M +2016-06-27 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-27 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-27 10:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-27 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-06-27 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-27 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-27 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-27 15:20,20,BKN,M +2016-06-27 16:20,19,BKN,M +2016-06-27 17:20,16,SCT,-RADZ +2016-06-27 18:20,16,SCT,-RADZ +2016-06-27 19:20,15,SCT,-RADZ +2016-06-27 20:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-27 21:20,14,BKN,M +2016-06-27 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-27 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-28 00:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-28 01:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-28 02:20,13,SCT,M +2016-06-28 03:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-28 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-28 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-06-28 06:20,14,SCT,M +2016-06-28 07:20,15,SCT,M +2016-06-28 08:20,16,SCT,M +2016-06-28 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-28 10:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-28 11:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-28 12:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-28 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-28 14:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-28 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-28 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-28 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-28 18:20,19,M,M +2016-06-28 19:20,18,M,M +2016-06-28 20:20,17,M,M +2016-06-28 21:20,16,M,M +2016-06-28 22:20,16,M,M +2016-06-28 23:20,16,M,M +2016-06-29 00:20,16,NSC,-RA +2016-06-29 01:20,15,SCT,M +2016-06-29 02:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-29 03:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-29 04:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-06-29 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-06-29 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-06-29 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-06-29 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-29 09:20,18,BKN,M +2016-06-29 10:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-29 11:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2016-06-29 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-29 13:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-29 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-29 15:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-29 16:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-29 17:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-29 18:20,18,BKN,VCSH +2016-06-29 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-06-29 20:20,16,M,M +2016-06-29 21:20,14,M,M +2016-06-29 22:20,15,M,M +2016-06-29 23:20,16,SCT,-RA +2016-06-30 00:20,15,FEW,M +2016-06-30 01:20,15,M,M +2016-06-30 02:20,15,M,M +2016-06-30 03:20,16,M,M +2016-06-30 04:20,16,M,M +2016-06-30 05:20,16,M,M +2016-06-30 06:20,17,NSC,-RA +2016-06-30 07:20,18,M,M +2016-06-30 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-06-30 09:20,18,SCT,-RA +2016-06-30 10:20,19,SCT,-RA +2016-06-30 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-06-30 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-06-30 13:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2016-06-30 14:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2016-06-30 15:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2016-06-30 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-30 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-30 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-30 19:20,19,SCT,M +2016-06-30 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-06-30 21:20,18,FEW,M +2016-06-30 22:20,18,BKN,-RA +2016-06-30 23:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-01 00:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-01 01:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-01 02:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-01 03:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-01 04:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-01 05:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-01 06:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-01 07:20,19,BKN,M +2016-07-01 08:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-01 09:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-01 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-01 11:20,18,SCT,-RA +2016-07-01 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-01 13:20,20,FEW,-RA +2016-07-01 14:20,21,BKN,M +2016-07-01 15:20,19,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-01 16:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-01 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-01 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-01 19:20,19,M,M +2016-07-01 20:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-01 21:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-01 22:20,18,M,M +2016-07-01 23:20,20,M,M +2016-07-02 00:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-02 01:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-07-02 02:20,16,FEW,RA +2016-07-02 03:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-07-02 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-07-02 05:20,16,BKN,-RA +2016-07-02 06:20,15,FEW,-RA +2016-07-02 07:20,15,BKN,M +2016-07-02 08:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-02 09:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-02 10:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-02 11:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-02 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-02 13:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-02 14:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-02 15:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-02 16:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-02 17:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-02 18:20,11,SCT,-TSRA +2016-07-02 19:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-02 20:20,11,M,M +2016-07-02 21:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-02 22:20,10,M,M +2016-07-02 23:20,10,FEW,M +2016-07-03 00:20,10,M,M +2016-07-03 01:20,10,M,M +2016-07-03 02:20,10,M,M +2016-07-03 03:20,10,M,M +2016-07-03 04:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-03 05:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-03 06:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-03 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-03 08:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-03 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-03 10:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-03 11:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-03 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-03 13:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-03 14:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-03 15:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-03 16:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-03 17:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-03 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-03 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-03 20:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-03 21:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-03 22:20,13,M,M +2016-07-03 23:20,11,M,M +2016-07-04 00:20,11,M,M +2016-07-04 01:20,11,SCT,M +2016-07-04 02:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-04 03:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-04 04:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-04 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-04 06:20,14,M,M +2016-07-04 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-04 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-04 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-04 10:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-04 11:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-04 12:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-04 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-04 14:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-04 15:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-04 16:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-04 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-04 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-04 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-04 20:20,15,M,M +2016-07-04 21:20,14,M,M +2016-07-04 22:20,15,M,M +2016-07-04 23:20,15,M,M +2016-07-05 00:20,13,M,M +2016-07-05 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-05 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-05 03:20,13,M,M +2016-07-05 04:20,15,M,M +2016-07-05 05:20,16,M,M +2016-07-05 06:20,18,M,M +2016-07-05 07:20,20,M,M +2016-07-05 08:20,19,M,M +2016-07-05 09:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-05 10:20,18,SCT,VCTS +2016-07-05 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-05 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-05 13:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-05 14:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-05 15:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-05 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-05 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-05 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-05 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-05 20:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-05 21:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2016-07-05 22:20,13,SCT,RA +2016-07-05 23:20,13,SCT,M +2016-07-06 00:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-06 01:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-06 02:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 03:20,12,SCT,SHRA +2016-07-06 04:20,12,SCT,SHRA +2016-07-06 05:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 06:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-06 07:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2016-07-06 08:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-06 09:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 10:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 11:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-06 12:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-06 13:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-06 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-06 15:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-06 16:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-06 17:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 18:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-06 19:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-06 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-06 21:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-06 22:20,12,M,M +2016-07-06 23:20,12,M,M +2016-07-07 00:20,12,SCT,M +2016-07-07 01:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-07 02:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-07 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-07-07 04:20,11,FEW,M +2016-07-07 05:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-07 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-07 07:20,15,SCT,M +2016-07-07 08:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-07 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-07 10:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-07 11:20,19,BKN,M +2016-07-07 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-07 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-07 14:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-07 15:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-07 16:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-07 17:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-07 18:20,19,M,M +2016-07-07 19:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-07 20:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-07 21:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-07 22:20,16,M,M +2016-07-07 23:20,16,M,///////// +2016-07-08 00:20,15,M,M +2016-07-08 01:20,15,M,M +2016-07-08 02:20,16,M,M +2016-07-08 03:20,16,M,M +2016-07-08 04:20,15,M,M +2016-07-08 05:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-08 06:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-08 07:20,19,M,M +2016-07-08 08:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-08 09:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-08 10:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-08 11:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-07-08 12:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-07-08 13:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-07-08 14:20,17,SCT,-RA +2016-07-08 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-08 16:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-08 17:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-08 18:20,17,SCT,SHRA +2016-07-08 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-08 20:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-08 21:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-08 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-08 23:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-09 00:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-09 01:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-09 02:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-09 03:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-09 04:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-09 05:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-09 06:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-09 07:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-09 08:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-09 09:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-09 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-09 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-09 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-09 13:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-09 14:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-09 15:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-09 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-09 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-07-09 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-09 19:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-09 20:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-09 21:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2016-07-09 22:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2016-07-09 23:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-10 00:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-10 01:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-10 02:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-10 03:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-10 04:20,17,M,M +2016-07-10 05:20,18,M,M +2016-07-10 06:20,19,M,M +2016-07-10 07:20,20,M,M +2016-07-10 08:20,22,BKN,M +2016-07-10 09:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-10 10:20,25,FEW,M +2016-07-10 11:20,26,SCT,M +2016-07-10 12:20,25,SCT,M +2016-07-10 13:20,26,SCT,M +2016-07-10 14:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-10 15:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-10 16:20,26,M,M +2016-07-10 17:20,26,M,M +2016-07-10 18:20,26,M,M +2016-07-10 19:20,25,M,M +2016-07-10 20:20,24,M,M +2016-07-10 21:20,24,M,M +2016-07-10 22:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-10 23:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-11 00:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-11 01:20,18,M,M +2016-07-11 02:20,18,M,M +2016-07-11 03:20,18,M,M +2016-07-11 04:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-11 05:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-11 06:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-11 07:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-11 08:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-11 09:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-11 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-11 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-11 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-11 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-11 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-11 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-11 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-11 17:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-11 18:20,21,BKN,M +2016-07-11 19:20,20,M,M +2016-07-11 20:20,19,M,M +2016-07-11 21:20,19,M,M +2016-07-11 22:20,18,M,M +2016-07-11 23:20,18,M,M +2016-07-12 00:20,18,M,M +2016-07-12 01:20,16,M,M +2016-07-12 02:20,16,M,M +2016-07-12 03:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-12 04:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-12 05:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-12 06:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-12 07:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-12 08:20,19,BKN,M +2016-07-12 09:20,19,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-12 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-12 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-12 12:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-12 13:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-12 14:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-12 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-12 16:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-12 17:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-12 18:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-12 19:20,16,M,M +2016-07-12 20:20,14,M,M +2016-07-12 21:20,14,M,M +2016-07-12 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-12 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-13 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-13 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-13 02:20,13,BKN,VCSH +2016-07-13 03:20,13,BKN,M +2016-07-13 04:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-13 05:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-13 06:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-13 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-13 08:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-13 09:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-13 10:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-13 11:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-13 12:20,17,FEW,VCTS +2016-07-13 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-13 14:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-13 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-13 16:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-13 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-13 19:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-13 20:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-13 21:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-13 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-13 23:20,12,SCT,M +2016-07-14 00:20,12,M,M +2016-07-14 01:20,11,M,M +2016-07-14 02:20,11,M,M +2016-07-14 03:20,11,M,M +2016-07-14 04:20,12,M,M +2016-07-14 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-07-14 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-14 07:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-14 08:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-14 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-14 10:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-14 11:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-14 12:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-14 13:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-14 14:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2016-07-14 15:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2016-07-14 16:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-14 17:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-14 18:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-14 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-14 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-14 21:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-14 22:20,14,SCT,M +2016-07-14 23:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-15 00:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-15 01:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-15 02:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-15 03:20,14,SCT,M +2016-07-15 04:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-15 05:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-15 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-15 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-15 08:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-15 09:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-15 10:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-15 11:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-15 12:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-15 13:20,15,SCT,M +2016-07-15 14:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-15 15:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-15 16:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-15 17:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-15 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-15 19:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-15 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-15 21:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-15 22:20,12,M,M +2016-07-15 23:20,11,M,M +2016-07-16 00:20,11,M,M +2016-07-16 01:20,11,SCT,M +2016-07-16 02:20,11,SCT,M +2016-07-16 03:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2016-07-16 04:20,12,FEW,M +2016-07-16 05:20,13,M,M +2016-07-16 06:20,15,SCT,M +2016-07-16 07:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-16 08:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-16 09:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-16 10:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-16 11:20,17,SCT,-DZ +2016-07-16 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-16 13:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-16 14:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-16 15:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-16 16:20,19,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-07-16 17:20,19,BKN,-RADZ BR +2016-07-16 18:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-16 19:20,18,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-16 20:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-16 21:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-16 22:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-16 23:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2016-07-17 00:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2016-07-17 01:20,16,FEW,BCFG +2016-07-17 02:20,16,SCT,PRFG +2016-07-17 03:20,15,FEW,BR +2016-07-17 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-07-17 05:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-17 06:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-17 07:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-17 08:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-17 09:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-17 10:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-17 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-17 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-17 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-17 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-17 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-17 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-17 17:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-17 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-17 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-17 20:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-17 21:20,16,M,M +2016-07-17 22:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-17 23:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-18 00:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-18 01:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-18 02:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-18 03:20,15,SCT,M +2016-07-18 04:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-18 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-18 06:20,15,SCT,-RA +2016-07-18 07:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-18 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-18 09:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-18 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-18 11:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-18 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-18 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-18 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-18 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-18 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-18 17:20,21,M,M +2016-07-18 18:20,19,M,M +2016-07-18 19:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-18 20:20,16,M,M +2016-07-18 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-18 22:20,15,M,M +2016-07-18 23:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-19 00:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-19 01:20,16,SCT,M +2016-07-19 02:20,16,M,M +2016-07-19 03:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-19 04:20,16,BKN,M +2016-07-19 05:20,17,BKN,M +2016-07-19 06:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-19 07:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-19 08:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-19 09:20,21,BKN,M +2016-07-19 10:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-19 11:20,22,SCT,M +2016-07-19 12:20,24,SCT,M +2016-07-19 13:20,24,BKN,M +2016-07-19 14:20,24,SCT,M +2016-07-19 15:20,25,FEW,M +2016-07-19 16:20,25,FEW,M +2016-07-19 17:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-19 18:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-19 19:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-19 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-19 21:20,18,M,M +2016-07-19 22:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-19 23:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-20 00:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2016-07-20 01:20,15,NSC,BCFG +2016-07-20 02:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-07-20 03:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-07-20 04:20,16,M,M +2016-07-20 05:20,19,M,M +2016-07-20 06:20,21,M,M +2016-07-20 07:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-20 08:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-20 09:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-20 10:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-20 11:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-20 12:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-20 13:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-20 14:20,28,FEW,M +2016-07-20 15:20,28,FEW,M +2016-07-20 16:20,28,FEW,M +2016-07-20 17:20,28,M,M +2016-07-20 18:20,27,M,M +2016-07-20 19:20,25,M,M +2016-07-20 20:20,24,M,M +2016-07-20 21:20,23,M,M +2016-07-20 22:20,23,M,M +2016-07-20 23:20,22,M,M +2016-07-21 00:20,22,M,M +2016-07-21 01:20,21,M,M +2016-07-21 02:20,21,M,M +2016-07-21 03:20,21,M,M +2016-07-21 04:20,20,M,M +2016-07-21 05:20,20,M,M +2016-07-21 06:20,21,M,M +2016-07-21 07:20,23,M,M +2016-07-21 08:20,25,M,M +2016-07-21 09:20,25,M,M +2016-07-21 10:20,26,M,M +2016-07-21 11:20,27,M,M +2016-07-21 12:20,28,M,M +2016-07-21 13:20,28,FEW,M +2016-07-21 14:20,29,FEW,M +2016-07-21 15:20,29,FEW,M +2016-07-21 16:20,28,FEW,M +2016-07-21 17:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-21 18:20,26,SCT,VCTS VCSH +2016-07-21 19:20,24,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-21 20:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-21 21:20,22,M,M +2016-07-21 22:20,21,M,M +2016-07-21 23:20,20,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-22 00:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-22 01:20,19,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-07-22 02:20,18,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-07-22 03:20,19,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-07-22 04:20,19,M,M +2016-07-22 05:20,20,M,M +2016-07-22 06:20,21,M,M +2016-07-22 07:20,22,M,M +2016-07-22 08:20,23,M,M +2016-07-22 09:20,25,M,M +2016-07-22 10:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-22 11:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-22 12:20,25,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-22 13:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-22 14:20,28,SCT,-TSRA +2016-07-22 15:20,20,BKN,+TSRA +2016-07-22 16:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-22 17:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-22 18:20,20,M,M +2016-07-22 19:20,20,M,M +2016-07-22 20:20,18,NSC,M +2016-07-22 21:20,18,M,M +2016-07-22 22:20,18,M,M +2016-07-22 23:20,17,M,M +2016-07-23 00:20,17,M,M +2016-07-23 01:20,17,M,M +2016-07-23 02:20,16,M,M +2016-07-23 03:20,16,M,M +2016-07-23 04:20,17,M,M +2016-07-23 05:20,18,M,M +2016-07-23 06:20,19,M,M +2016-07-23 07:20,21,M,M +2016-07-23 08:20,23,M,M +2016-07-23 09:20,24,M,M +2016-07-23 10:20,25,M,M +2016-07-23 11:20,25,M,M +2016-07-23 12:20,25,M,M +2016-07-23 13:20,25,M,M +2016-07-23 14:20,26,M,M +2016-07-23 15:20,26,M,M +2016-07-23 16:20,26,M,M +2016-07-23 17:20,25,M,M +2016-07-23 18:20,24,M,M +2016-07-23 19:20,21,M,M +2016-07-23 20:20,21,M,M +2016-07-23 21:20,20,M,M +2016-07-23 22:20,19,M,M +2016-07-23 23:20,19,M,M +2016-07-24 00:20,19,M,M +2016-07-24 01:20,18,M,M +2016-07-24 02:20,18,M,M +2016-07-24 03:20,18,M,M +2016-07-24 04:20,19,M,M +2016-07-24 05:20,19,M,M +2016-07-24 06:20,20,M,M +2016-07-24 07:20,22,M,M +2016-07-24 08:20,24,M,M +2016-07-24 09:20,25,M,M +2016-07-24 10:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-24 11:20,27,SCT,M +2016-07-24 12:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-24 13:20,27,M,M +2016-07-24 14:20,28,M,M +2016-07-24 15:20,27,FEW,M +2016-07-24 16:20,27,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-24 17:20,23,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-24 18:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-24 19:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-24 20:20,21,M,M +2016-07-24 21:20,20,M,M +2016-07-24 22:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-24 23:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2016-07-25 00:20,19,M,M +2016-07-25 01:20,19,M,M +2016-07-25 02:20,19,M,M +2016-07-25 03:20,18,M,M +2016-07-25 04:20,18,M,M +2016-07-25 05:20,20,M,M +2016-07-25 06:20,21,M,M +2016-07-25 07:20,22,M,M +2016-07-25 08:20,24,M,M +2016-07-25 09:20,25,M,M +2016-07-25 11:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-25 12:20,26,FEW,M +2016-07-25 13:20,26,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-25 14:20,19,SCT,+TSRA +2016-07-25 15:20,25,FEW,M +2016-07-25 16:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-25 17:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-25 18:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-25 19:20,22,SCT,M +2016-07-25 20:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-25 21:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-25 22:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-25 23:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-26 00:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-26 01:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-26 02:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-26 03:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-26 04:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-26 05:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-26 06:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-26 07:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-26 08:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-26 09:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-26 10:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-26 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-26 12:20,22,SCT,M +2016-07-26 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-07-26 14:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-26 15:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-26 16:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-26 17:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-26 18:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-26 19:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-26 20:20,18,M,M +2016-07-26 21:20,17,M,M +2016-07-26 22:20,16,M,M +2016-07-26 23:20,17,M,M +2016-07-27 00:20,18,M,M +2016-07-27 01:20,18,M,M +2016-07-27 02:20,18,M,M +2016-07-27 03:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-27 04:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-27 05:20,17,M,M +2016-07-27 06:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-27 07:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-27 08:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-27 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-27 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-27 11:20,20,BKN,M +2016-07-27 12:20,21,BKN,M +2016-07-27 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-07-27 14:20,23,SCT,M +2016-07-27 15:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-27 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-27 17:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-27 18:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-27 19:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-27 20:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-27 21:20,17,M,M +2016-07-27 22:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-27 23:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-28 00:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-28 01:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-28 02:20,17,BKN,-RADZ +2016-07-28 03:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-28 04:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-28 05:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-28 06:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-28 07:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-28 08:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-28 09:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-28 10:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-28 11:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-28 12:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-28 13:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-28 14:20,24,FEW,M +2016-07-28 15:20,23,M,M +2016-07-28 16:20,21,BKN,M +2016-07-28 17:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-28 18:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-28 19:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-28 20:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-28 21:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-28 22:20,18,SCT,VCTS +2016-07-28 23:20,18,FEW,VCTS +2016-07-29 00:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-29 01:20,17,SCT,M +2016-07-29 02:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-29 03:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-07-29 04:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-07-29 05:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-29 06:20,18,BKN,M +2016-07-29 07:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-29 08:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-29 09:20,20,SCT,M +2016-07-29 10:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-29 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-07-29 12:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-29 13:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-29 14:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-29 15:20,23,FEW,M +2016-07-29 16:20,22,FEW,M +2016-07-29 17:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-29 18:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-29 19:20,17,BKN,-SHRA +2016-07-29 20:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-29 21:20,17,M,M +2016-07-29 22:20,17,M,M +2016-07-29 23:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2016-07-30 00:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-30 01:20,17,M,M +2016-07-30 02:20,16,M,M +2016-07-30 03:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-30 04:20,17,M,M +2016-07-30 05:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-30 06:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-30 07:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-30 08:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-30 09:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2016-07-30 10:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-30 11:20,21,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-30 12:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2016-07-30 13:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-07-30 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-30 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-30 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-07-30 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-30 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-30 19:20,17,M,M +2016-07-30 20:20,16,M,M +2016-07-30 21:20,14,M,M +2016-07-30 22:20,15,M,M +2016-07-30 23:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-31 00:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-31 01:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-31 02:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-07-31 03:20,14,FEW,M +2016-07-31 04:20,15,M,M +2016-07-31 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-07-31 06:20,17,M,M +2016-07-31 07:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-31 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-07-31 09:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-07-31 10:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-07-31 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-07-31 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-31 13:20,19,SCT,M +2016-07-31 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-31 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-07-31 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-07-31 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-31 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-07-31 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-07-31 20:20,16,FEW,M +2016-07-31 21:20,15,M,M +2016-07-31 22:20,15,M,M +2016-07-31 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-01 00:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-01 01:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-01 02:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-01 03:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-01 04:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-01 05:20,14,BKN,M +2016-08-01 06:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-01 07:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-01 08:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-01 09:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-01 10:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-01 11:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-01 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-01 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-01 14:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-01 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-01 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-01 17:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-01 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-01 19:20,16,M,M +2016-08-01 20:20,15,M,M +2016-08-01 21:20,14,M,M +2016-08-01 22:20,13,M,M +2016-08-01 23:20,13,M,M +2016-08-02 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-02 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-02 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-02 03:20,12,BKN,M +2016-08-02 04:20,13,BKN,M +2016-08-02 05:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-02 06:20,14,M,M +2016-08-02 07:20,15,M,M +2016-08-02 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-02 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-02 10:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-02 11:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-02 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-02 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-02 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-02 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-02 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-02 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-02 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-02 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-02 20:20,16,M,M +2016-08-02 21:20,16,M,M +2016-08-02 22:20,16,M,M +2016-08-02 23:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-03 00:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-03 01:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-03 02:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-03 03:20,16,BKN,-DZRA +2016-08-03 04:20,16,BKN,RA +2016-08-03 05:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-03 06:20,17,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-08-03 07:20,18,SCT,-RA +2016-08-03 08:20,18,FEW,RADZ +2016-08-03 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-03 10:20,20,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-03 11:20,20,FEW,-RADZ BR +2016-08-03 12:20,20,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-03 13:20,20,SCT,-DZRA +2016-08-03 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-03 15:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-03 16:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-08-03 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-03 18:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-03 19:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-03 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-03 21:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-03 22:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-03 23:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-04 00:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-04 01:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-04 02:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-04 03:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-04 04:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-04 05:20,17,BKN,M +2016-08-04 06:20,17,BKN,M +2016-08-04 07:20,17,BKN,M +2016-08-04 08:20,18,BKN,M +2016-08-04 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-04 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-04 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-04 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-04 13:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-04 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-04 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-04 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-04 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-04 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-04 19:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-04 20:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-04 21:20,16,M,M +2016-08-04 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-04 23:20,15,M,M +2016-08-05 00:20,15,M,M +2016-08-05 01:20,15,M,M +2016-08-05 02:20,14,M,M +2016-08-05 03:20,14,M,M +2016-08-05 04:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-05 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-05 06:20,16,M,M +2016-08-05 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-05 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-05 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-05 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-05 12:20,17,BKN,-SHRA +2016-08-05 13:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-05 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-05 15:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-05 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-05 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-05 18:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-05 19:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-05 20:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-05 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-05 22:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-05 23:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-06 00:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-06 01:20,14,M,M +2016-08-06 02:20,14,M,M +2016-08-06 03:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-06 04:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-06 05:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-06 06:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-06 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-06 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-06 09:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-06 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-06 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-06 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-06 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-06 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-06 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-06 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-06 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-06 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-06 19:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-06 20:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-06 21:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-06 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-06 23:20,14,M,M +2016-08-07 00:20,14,SCT,M +2016-08-07 01:20,13,M,M +2016-08-07 02:20,13,M,M +2016-08-07 03:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-07 04:20,13,M,M +2016-08-07 05:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-07 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-07 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-07 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-07 09:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-07 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-07 11:20,21,M,M +2016-08-07 12:20,22,M,M +2016-08-07 13:20,23,M,M +2016-08-07 14:20,23,M,M +2016-08-07 15:20,23,BKN,M +2016-08-07 16:20,23,BKN,M +2016-08-07 17:20,22,BKN,M +2016-08-07 18:20,21,BKN,M +2016-08-07 19:20,21,BKN,M +2016-08-07 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-07 21:20,19,M,M +2016-08-07 22:20,19,BKN,M +2016-08-07 23:20,19,M,M +2016-08-08 00:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 01:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 02:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-08 03:20,19,BKN,M +2016-08-08 04:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 05:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 06:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 07:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-08 08:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 09:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-08 10:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-08 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-08 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-08 13:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-08 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-08 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-08 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-08 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-08 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-08 19:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2016-08-08 20:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-08 21:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-08 22:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-08 23:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-09 00:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-09 01:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-09 02:20,12,M,M +2016-08-09 03:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-09 04:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-09 05:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-09 06:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-09 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-09 08:20,14,SCT,-RA +2016-08-09 09:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-09 10:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-09 11:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-09 12:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-09 13:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-09 14:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-09 15:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-09 16:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-09 17:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-09 18:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-09 19:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-09 20:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-09 21:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-09 22:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-09 23:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-10 00:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-10 01:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-10 02:20,10,M,M +2016-08-10 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-10 04:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-10 05:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-10 06:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-10 07:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2016-08-10 08:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-10 09:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-10 10:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2016-08-10 11:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-10 12:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-10 13:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-10 14:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-10 15:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2016-08-10 16:20,15,SCT,M +2016-08-10 17:20,14,SCT,M +2016-08-10 18:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-10 19:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-10 20:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-10 21:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-10 22:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-10 23:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-11 00:20,10,SCT,M +2016-08-11 01:20,10,FEW,M +2016-08-11 02:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-11 03:20,9,FEW,M +2016-08-11 04:20,10,SCT,SHRA +2016-08-11 05:20,9,FEW,M +2016-08-11 06:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-11 07:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-11 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 10:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-11 11:20,13,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 12:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 13:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 14:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-08-11 15:20,11,SCT,-DZRA +2016-08-11 16:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-11 17:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-11 18:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2016-08-11 19:20,13,BKN,M +2016-08-11 20:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2016-08-11 21:20,13,BKN,M +2016-08-11 22:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2016-08-11 23:20,13,BKN,BR +2016-08-12 00:20,14,BKN,BR +2016-08-12 01:20,14,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-08-12 02:20,14,OVC,BR +2016-08-12 03:20,14,OVC,BR +2016-08-12 04:20,14,OVC,BR +2016-08-12 05:20,14,SCT,BR +2016-08-12 06:20,15,BKN,M +2016-08-12 07:20,15,SCT,M +2016-08-12 08:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-12 09:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-12 10:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-12 11:20,17,SCT,-DZ +2016-08-12 12:20,18,BKN,-DZ +2016-08-12 13:20,18,FEW,-DZRA +2016-08-12 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-12 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-12 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-12 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-12 18:20,19,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-12 19:20,18,SCT,-RA +2016-08-12 20:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2016-08-12 21:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-12 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-12 23:20,16,SCT,M +2016-08-13 00:20,16,SCT,M +2016-08-13 01:20,15,SCT,M +2016-08-13 02:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-13 03:20,15,M,M +2016-08-13 04:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-13 05:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-13 06:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-13 07:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-13 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-13 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-13 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-13 11:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-13 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-13 13:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-13 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-13 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-13 16:20,17,FEW,-DZRA +2016-08-13 17:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-13 18:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-13 19:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-13 20:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-13 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-13 22:20,16,BKN,-RA +2016-08-13 23:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-14 00:20,15,BKN,M +2016-08-14 01:20,15,BKN,M +2016-08-14 02:20,14,BKN,M +2016-08-14 03:20,14,BKN,M +2016-08-14 04:20,14,BKN,M +2016-08-14 05:20,15,BKN,M +2016-08-14 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-14 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-14 08:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-14 09:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-14 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-14 11:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-14 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-14 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-14 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-14 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-14 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-14 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-14 19:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-14 20:20,15,M,M +2016-08-14 21:20,13,M,M +2016-08-14 22:20,12,M,M +2016-08-14 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-15 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-15 01:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-15 02:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-15 03:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-15 04:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-15 05:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-15 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-15 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-15 08:20,16,SCT,M +2016-08-15 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-15 10:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-15 11:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-15 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-15 13:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-15 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-15 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-15 16:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-15 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-15 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-15 19:20,14,M,M +2016-08-15 20:20,14,M,M +2016-08-15 21:20,12,M,M +2016-08-15 22:20,11,M,M +2016-08-15 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-16 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-16 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-16 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-16 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-16 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-16 05:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2016-08-16 06:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-16 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-16 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-16 09:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-16 10:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-16 11:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-16 12:20,18,SCT,M +2016-08-16 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-16 14:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-16 15:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-16 16:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-16 17:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-16 18:20,19,M,M +2016-08-16 19:20,15,M,M +2016-08-16 20:20,14,M,M +2016-08-16 21:20,14,M,M +2016-08-16 22:20,12,M,M +2016-08-16 23:20,12,M,M +2016-08-17 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-17 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-17 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-17 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-17 04:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-17 05:20,10,M,M +2016-08-17 06:20,14,M,M +2016-08-17 07:20,16,M,M +2016-08-17 08:20,18,M,M +2016-08-17 09:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-17 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-17 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-17 12:20,21,M,M +2016-08-17 13:20,21,M,M +2016-08-17 14:20,21,M,M +2016-08-17 15:20,22,M,M +2016-08-17 16:20,20,M,M +2016-08-17 17:20,20,M,M +2016-08-17 18:20,17,M,M +2016-08-17 19:20,15,M,M +2016-08-17 20:20,14,M,M +2016-08-17 21:20,14,M,M +2016-08-17 22:20,12,M,M +2016-08-17 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-18 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-18 06:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2016-08-18 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-18 08:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-18 09:20,16,SCT,M +2016-08-18 10:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-18 11:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-18 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-18 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-18 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-18 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-18 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-18 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-18 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-18 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-18 20:20,13,M,M +2016-08-18 21:20,12,M,M +2016-08-18 22:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-18 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-19 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-19 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-19 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-19 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-19 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-19 05:20,10,M,M +2016-08-19 06:20,14,M,M +2016-08-19 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-19 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-19 09:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-19 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-19 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-19 12:20,22,FEW,M +2016-08-19 13:20,23,FEW,M +2016-08-19 14:20,22,FEW,M +2016-08-19 15:20,23,FEW,M +2016-08-19 16:20,23,M,M +2016-08-19 17:20,22,M,M +2016-08-19 18:20,19,M,M +2016-08-19 19:20,17,M,M +2016-08-19 20:20,16,M,M +2016-08-19 21:20,17,M,M +2016-08-19 22:20,18,M,M +2016-08-19 23:20,17,M,M +2016-08-20 00:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-08-20 01:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-08-20 02:20,16,NSC,-RA +2016-08-20 03:20,16,M,M +2016-08-20 04:20,16,M,M +2016-08-20 05:20,17,M,M +2016-08-20 06:20,18,M,M +2016-08-20 07:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-20 08:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-20 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-20 10:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-08-20 11:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-20 12:20,20,BKN,M +2016-08-20 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-08-20 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-20 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-20 16:20,22,FEW,M +2016-08-20 17:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-20 18:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-20 19:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-20 20:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-20 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-20 22:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-20 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-21 00:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2016-08-21 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-21 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-21 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-21 04:20,14,M,M +2016-08-21 05:20,15,M,M +2016-08-21 06:20,16,M,M +2016-08-21 07:20,18,M,M +2016-08-21 08:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-21 09:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-21 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-21 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-21 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-21 13:20,18,SCT,SHRA +2016-08-21 14:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-21 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-21 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-21 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-21 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-21 19:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-21 20:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2016-08-21 21:20,16,M,M +2016-08-21 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-21 23:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-22 00:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-22 01:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-22 02:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-22 03:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-22 04:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-22 05:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-22 06:20,16,OVC,M +2016-08-22 07:20,16,OVC,M +2016-08-22 08:20,17,OVC,M +2016-08-22 09:20,18,BKN,M +2016-08-22 10:20,19,BKN,M +2016-08-22 11:20,20,BKN,M +2016-08-22 12:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-22 13:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-22 14:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-22 15:20,17,OVC,-DZ +2016-08-22 16:20,17,OVC,-RA +2016-08-22 17:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-08-22 18:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2016-08-22 19:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2016-08-22 20:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-08-22 21:20,18,FEW,-RADZ +2016-08-22 22:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-22 23:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-23 00:20,18,SCT,BR +2016-08-23 01:20,17,BKN,BR +2016-08-23 02:20,17,BKN,M +2016-08-23 03:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2016-08-23 04:20,17,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-08-23 05:20,17,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-08-23 06:20,18,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-08-23 07:20,19,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-08-23 08:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-23 09:20,20,BKN,M +2016-08-23 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-23 11:20,21,BKN,M +2016-08-23 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-23 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-08-23 14:20,23,SCT,M +2016-08-23 15:20,22,FEW,M +2016-08-23 16:20,23,FEW,M +2016-08-23 17:20,22,FEW,M +2016-08-23 18:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-23 19:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-23 20:20,17,M,M +2016-08-23 21:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-23 22:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-23 23:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 00:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 01:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 02:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 03:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 04:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-08-24 05:20,16,M,M +2016-08-24 06:20,18,M,M +2016-08-24 07:20,20,M,M +2016-08-24 08:20,22,M,M +2016-08-24 09:20,24,M,M +2016-08-24 10:20,25,M,M +2016-08-24 11:20,26,FEW,M +2016-08-24 12:20,27,M,M +2016-08-24 13:20,28,M,M +2016-08-24 14:20,28,M,M +2016-08-24 15:20,29,M,M +2016-08-24 16:20,29,M,M +2016-08-24 17:20,28,M,M +2016-08-24 18:20,27,M,M +2016-08-24 19:20,25,M,M +2016-08-24 20:20,24,M,M +2016-08-24 21:20,23,M,M +2016-08-24 22:20,22,M,M +2016-08-24 23:20,21,M,M +2016-08-25 00:20,21,M,M +2016-08-25 01:20,21,M,M +2016-08-25 02:20,20,M,M +2016-08-25 03:20,19,M,M +2016-08-25 04:20,19,M,M +2016-08-25 05:20,19,M,M +2016-08-25 06:20,20,M,M +2016-08-25 07:20,22,M,M +2016-08-25 08:20,23,M,M +2016-08-25 09:20,25,M,M +2016-08-25 10:20,27,M,M +2016-08-25 11:20,29,M,M +2016-08-25 12:20,30,M,M +2016-08-25 13:20,30,M,M +2016-08-25 14:20,31,M,M +2016-08-25 15:20,31,M,M +2016-08-25 16:20,31,M,M +2016-08-25 17:20,30,M,M +2016-08-25 18:20,28,M,M +2016-08-25 19:20,25,M,M +2016-08-25 20:20,23,M,M +2016-08-25 21:20,22,M,M +2016-08-25 22:20,20,M,M +2016-08-25 23:20,22,M,M +2016-08-26 00:20,21,M,M +2016-08-26 01:20,21,M,M +2016-08-26 02:20,20,M,M +2016-08-26 03:20,19,M,M +2016-08-26 04:20,19,M,M +2016-08-26 05:20,19,M,M +2016-08-26 06:20,21,M,M +2016-08-26 07:20,24,M,M +2016-08-26 08:20,25,M,M +2016-08-26 09:20,27,M,M +2016-08-26 10:20,29,M,M +2016-08-26 11:20,30,M,M +2016-08-26 12:20,29,M,M +2016-08-26 13:20,29,M,M +2016-08-26 14:20,28,M,M +2016-08-26 15:20,27,M,M +2016-08-26 16:20,26,M,M +2016-08-26 17:20,24,M,M +2016-08-26 18:20,22,M,M +2016-08-26 19:20,20,M,M +2016-08-26 20:20,19,M,M +2016-08-26 21:20,18,M,M +2016-08-26 22:20,17,M,M +2016-08-26 23:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-27 00:20,17,M,M +2016-08-27 01:20,16,M,M +2016-08-27 02:20,16,FEW,PRFG +2016-08-27 03:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-27 04:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-27 05:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-27 06:20,17,M,M +2016-08-27 07:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-27 08:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-27 09:20,21,FEW,M +2016-08-27 10:20,23,FEW,M +2016-08-27 11:20,24,FEW,M +2016-08-27 12:20,24,M,M +2016-08-27 13:20,25,M,M +2016-08-27 14:20,25,FEW,M +2016-08-27 15:20,24,M,M +2016-08-27 16:20,23,M,M +2016-08-27 17:20,22,M,M +2016-08-27 18:20,20,M,M +2016-08-27 19:20,19,M,M +2016-08-27 20:20,18,M,M +2016-08-27 21:20,18,M,M +2016-08-27 22:20,19,M,M +2016-08-27 23:20,19,M,M +2016-08-28 00:20,19,M,M +2016-08-28 01:20,19,NSC,-RA +2016-08-28 02:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-28 03:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-28 04:20,17,FEW,SHRA VCTS +2016-08-28 05:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-28 06:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-28 07:20,20,M,M +2016-08-28 08:20,22,M,M +2016-08-28 09:20,24,M,M +2016-08-28 10:20,25,M,M +2016-08-28 11:20,28,M,M +2016-08-28 12:20,28,M,M +2016-08-28 13:20,26,FEW,M +2016-08-28 14:20,22,BKN,TSRA +2016-08-28 15:20,21,FEW,TSRA +2016-08-28 16:20,20,FEW,VCTS +2016-08-28 17:20,21,M,M +2016-08-28 18:20,21,BKN,M +2016-08-28 19:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-28 20:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-28 21:20,18,M,M +2016-08-28 22:20,17,M,M +2016-08-28 23:20,16,M,M +2016-08-29 00:20,16,M,M +2016-08-29 01:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-29 02:20,16,BKN,M +2016-08-29 03:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-29 04:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-29 05:20,17,SCT,M +2016-08-29 06:20,17,FEW,SHRA +2016-08-29 07:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2016-08-29 08:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-29 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-29 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-29 11:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-29 12:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-08-29 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-29 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-29 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-29 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-08-29 17:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-29 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-29 19:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-29 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-08-29 21:20,13,M,M +2016-08-29 22:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-29 23:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-30 00:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-30 01:20,12,FEW,M +2016-08-30 02:20,11,FEW,M +2016-08-30 03:20,11,M,M +2016-08-30 04:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2016-08-30 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-08-30 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-08-30 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-08-30 08:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-30 09:20,19,BKN,M +2016-08-30 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-30 11:20,19,SCT,M +2016-08-30 12:20,21,SCT,M +2016-08-30 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-30 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-08-30 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-08-30 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-30 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-08-30 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-08-30 19:20,15,M,M +2016-08-30 20:20,14,M,M +2016-08-30 21:20,14,M,M +2016-08-30 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-30 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2016-08-31 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2016-08-31 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2016-08-31 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2016-08-31 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2016-08-31 04:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-31 05:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-08-31 06:20,16,M,M +2016-08-31 07:20,18,M,M +2016-08-31 08:20,20,M,M +2016-08-31 09:20,21,M,M +2016-08-31 10:20,22,M,M +2016-08-31 11:20,23,M,M +2016-08-31 12:20,24,M,M +2016-08-31 13:20,25,M,M +2016-08-31 14:20,25,M,M +2016-08-31 15:20,25,M,M +2016-08-31 16:20,25,M,M +2016-08-31 17:20,22,M,M +2016-08-31 18:20,20,M,M +2016-08-31 19:20,20,M,M +2016-08-31 20:20,18,M,M +2016-08-31 21:20,15,M,M +2016-08-31 22:20,14,M,M +2016-08-31 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-01 00:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-01 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-01 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-01 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-01 04:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-01 05:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2016-09-01 06:20,15,NSC,M +2016-09-01 07:20,18,NSC,M +2016-09-01 08:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-01 09:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-01 10:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-01 11:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-01 12:20,22,SCT,M +2016-09-01 13:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2016-09-01 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-01 15:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-01 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-01 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-01 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-01 19:20,15,M,M +2016-09-01 20:20,14,M,M +2016-09-01 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-01 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-01 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-02 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-02 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-02 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-02 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-02 04:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-02 05:20,12,FEW,M +2016-09-02 06:20,14,M,M +2016-09-02 07:20,15,M,M +2016-09-02 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-02 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-02 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-02 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-02 12:20,20,FEW,-RA +2016-09-02 13:20,21,M,M +2016-09-02 14:20,21,M,M +2016-09-02 15:20,21,FEW,-RA +2016-09-02 16:20,20,NSC,-RA +2016-09-02 17:20,20,M,M +2016-09-02 18:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-02 19:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-02 20:20,19,M,M +2016-09-02 21:20,18,M,M +2016-09-02 22:20,17,M,M +2016-09-02 23:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-03 00:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-03 01:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-03 02:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-03 03:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-03 04:20,16,SCT,M +2016-09-03 05:20,16,BKN,M +2016-09-03 06:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-03 07:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-03 08:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-03 09:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2016-09-03 10:20,17,SCT,-DZ +2016-09-03 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-09-03 12:20,20,SCT,M +2016-09-03 13:20,20,SCT,M +2016-09-03 14:20,21,SCT,M +2016-09-03 15:20,20,SCT,M +2016-09-03 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-03 17:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-03 18:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-03 19:20,15,M,M +2016-09-03 20:20,16,M,M +2016-09-03 21:20,16,NSC,-RA +2016-09-03 22:20,17,NSC,-RA +2016-09-03 23:20,17,NSC,-RA +2016-09-04 00:20,16,BKN,-RA +2016-09-04 01:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-04 02:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-04 03:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-04 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-04 05:20,16,BKN,-RA +2016-09-04 06:20,16,BKN,M +2016-09-04 07:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-04 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2016-09-04 09:20,18,BKN,M +2016-09-04 10:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-04 11:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-04 12:20,19,BKN,-SHRA +2016-09-04 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-04 14:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2016-09-04 15:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2016-09-04 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2016-09-04 17:20,16,SCT,M +2016-09-04 18:20,15,SCT,M +2016-09-04 19:20,15,SCT,M +2016-09-04 20:20,15,SCT,-RA +2016-09-04 21:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-04 22:20,15,SCT,M +2016-09-04 23:20,15,SCT,-RA +2016-09-05 00:20,15,SCT,M +2016-09-05 01:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2016-09-05 02:20,15,BKN,M +2016-09-05 03:20,15,BKN,M +2016-09-05 04:20,15,BKN,M +2016-09-05 05:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2016-09-05 06:20,16,SCT,M +2016-09-05 07:20,16,BKN,M +2016-09-05 08:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2016-09-05 09:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2016-09-05 10:20,18,SCT,M +2016-09-05 11:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2016-09-05 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-05 13:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-05 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-05 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-05 16:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-05 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-05 18:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-05 19:20,15,M,M +2016-09-05 20:20,13,M,M +2016-09-05 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-05 22:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-05 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-06 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-06 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-06 02:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-06 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-06 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-06 05:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-06 06:20,14,M,M +2016-09-06 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-06 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-06 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-06 11:20,21,SCT,M +2016-09-06 12:20,22,SCT,M +2016-09-06 13:20,23,SCT,M +2016-09-06 14:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-06 15:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-06 16:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-06 17:20,20,M,M +2016-09-06 18:20,18,M,M +2016-09-06 19:20,16,M,M +2016-09-06 20:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-06 21:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-06 22:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-06 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-07 00:20,15,M,M +2016-09-07 01:20,15,M,M +2016-09-07 02:20,14,M,M +2016-09-07 03:20,14,M,M +2016-09-07 04:20,13,M,M +2016-09-07 05:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-07 06:20,15,M,M +2016-09-07 07:20,17,M,M +2016-09-07 08:20,19,M,M +2016-09-07 09:20,22,M,M +2016-09-07 10:20,23,M,M +2016-09-07 11:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-07 12:20,24,FEW,M +2016-09-07 13:20,24,M,M +2016-09-07 14:20,25,M,M +2016-09-07 15:20,25,M,M +2016-09-07 16:20,24,M,M +2016-09-07 17:20,23,M,M +2016-09-07 18:20,19,M,M +2016-09-07 19:20,16,M,M +2016-09-07 20:20,17,M,M +2016-09-07 21:20,16,M,M +2016-09-07 22:20,15,M,M +2016-09-07 23:20,15,M,M +2016-09-08 00:20,15,M,M +2016-09-08 01:20,14,M,M +2016-09-08 02:20,14,M,M +2016-09-08 03:20,14,M,M +2016-09-08 04:20,14,M,M +2016-09-08 05:20,14,M,M +2016-09-08 06:20,17,M,M +2016-09-08 07:20,19,M,M +2016-09-08 08:20,21,M,M +2016-09-08 09:20,23,M,M +2016-09-08 10:20,24,M,M +2016-09-08 11:20,25,M,M +2016-09-08 12:20,26,M,M +2016-09-08 13:20,27,M,M +2016-09-08 14:20,27,M,M +2016-09-08 15:20,27,M,M +2016-09-08 16:20,27,FEW,M +2016-09-08 17:20,23,M,M +2016-09-08 18:20,21,M,M +2016-09-08 19:20,19,M,M +2016-09-08 20:20,22,M,M +2016-09-08 21:20,21,M,M +2016-09-08 22:20,19,M,M +2016-09-08 23:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-09 00:20,18,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-09 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-09 02:20,18,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-09 03:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-09-09 04:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-09-09 05:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-09-09 06:20,18,BKN,BR +2016-09-09 07:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-09 08:20,19,SCT,M +2016-09-09 09:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-09 10:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-09 11:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-09 12:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-09 13:20,22,SCT,M +2016-09-09 14:20,23,SCT,M +2016-09-09 15:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-09 16:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-09 17:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-09 18:20,17,M,M +2016-09-09 19:20,16,M,M +2016-09-09 20:20,15,M,M +2016-09-09 21:20,15,M,M +2016-09-09 22:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-09 23:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-10 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-10 01:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-10 02:20,14,M,M +2016-09-10 03:20,13,NSC,M +2016-09-10 04:20,14,M,M +2016-09-10 05:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-10 06:20,15,M,M +2016-09-10 07:20,18,M,M +2016-09-10 08:20,20,M,M +2016-09-10 09:20,22,M,M +2016-09-10 10:20,23,M,M +2016-09-10 11:20,24,FEW,M +2016-09-10 12:20,26,FEW,M +2016-09-10 13:20,25,FEW,M +2016-09-10 14:20,26,FEW,M +2016-09-10 15:20,25,FEW,M +2016-09-10 16:20,26,FEW,M +2016-09-10 17:20,24,FEW,M +2016-09-10 18:20,23,M,M +2016-09-10 19:20,22,M,M +2016-09-10 20:20,22,M,M +2016-09-10 21:20,22,M,M +2016-09-10 22:20,19,M,M +2016-09-10 23:20,19,M,M +2016-09-11 00:20,17,M,M +2016-09-11 01:20,18,M,M +2016-09-11 02:20,18,M,M +2016-09-11 03:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-11 04:20,18,M,M +2016-09-11 05:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-11 06:20,18,M,M +2016-09-11 07:20,20,M,M +2016-09-11 08:20,20,M,M +2016-09-11 09:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-11 10:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-11 11:20,22,SCT,M +2016-09-11 12:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-11 13:20,23,SCT,M +2016-09-11 14:20,23,FEW,M +2016-09-11 15:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-11 16:20,22,FEW,M +2016-09-11 17:20,20,M,M +2016-09-11 18:20,18,M,M +2016-09-11 19:20,17,M,M +2016-09-11 20:20,17,M,M +2016-09-11 21:20,16,M,M +2016-09-11 22:20,17,M,M +2016-09-11 23:20,16,M,M +2016-09-12 00:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-12 01:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-12 02:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-12 03:20,16,M,M +2016-09-12 04:20,16,M,M +2016-09-12 05:20,17,M,M +2016-09-12 06:20,18,M,M +2016-09-12 07:20,19,M,M +2016-09-12 08:20,21,M,M +2016-09-12 09:20,23,M,M +2016-09-12 10:20,24,M,M +2016-09-12 11:20,26,M,M +2016-09-12 12:20,27,M,M +2016-09-12 13:20,28,M,M +2016-09-12 14:20,29,M,M +2016-09-12 15:20,28,M,M +2016-09-12 16:20,27,M,M +2016-09-12 17:20,26,M,M +2016-09-12 18:20,23,M,M +2016-09-12 19:20,22,M,M +2016-09-12 20:20,21,M,M +2016-09-12 21:20,20,M,M +2016-09-12 22:20,21,M,M +2016-09-12 23:20,20,M,M +2016-09-13 00:20,19,M,M +2016-09-13 01:20,19,M,M +2016-09-13 02:20,20,M,M +2016-09-13 03:20,19,M,M +2016-09-13 04:20,18,M,M +2016-09-13 05:20,19,M,M +2016-09-13 06:20,20,M,M +2016-09-13 07:20,22,M,M +2016-09-13 08:20,25,M,M +2016-09-13 09:20,27,M,M +2016-09-13 10:20,28,M,M +2016-09-13 11:20,29,M,M +2016-09-13 12:20,30,M,M +2016-09-13 13:20,30,M,M +2016-09-13 14:20,30,M,M +2016-09-13 15:20,30,M,M +2016-09-13 16:20,29,M,M +2016-09-13 17:20,27,M,M +2016-09-13 18:20,24,M,M +2016-09-13 19:20,23,M,M +2016-09-13 20:20,21,M,M +2016-09-13 21:20,20,M,M +2016-09-13 22:20,22,M,M +2016-09-13 23:20,22,M,M +2016-09-14 00:20,21,M,M +2016-09-14 01:20,20,M,M +2016-09-14 02:20,19,M,M +2016-09-14 03:20,18,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-14 04:20,18,M,M +2016-09-14 05:20,18,M,M +2016-09-14 06:20,19,M,M +2016-09-14 07:20,21,M,M +2016-09-14 08:20,23,M,M +2016-09-14 09:20,25,M,M +2016-09-14 10:20,27,M,M +2016-09-14 11:20,28,M,M +2016-09-14 12:20,29,M,M +2016-09-14 13:20,29,M,M +2016-09-14 14:20,29,M,M +2016-09-14 15:20,29,M,M +2016-09-14 16:20,28,M,M +2016-09-14 17:20,26,M,M +2016-09-14 18:20,24,M,M +2016-09-14 19:20,22,M,M +2016-09-14 20:20,22,M,M +2016-09-14 21:20,20,M,M +2016-09-14 22:20,21,M,M +2016-09-14 23:20,20,M,M +2016-09-15 00:20,19,M,M +2016-09-15 01:20,19,M,M +2016-09-15 02:20,18,M,M +2016-09-15 03:20,18,M,M +2016-09-15 04:20,18,M,M +2016-09-15 05:20,17,M,M +2016-09-15 06:20,19,M,M +2016-09-15 07:20,20,M,M +2016-09-15 08:20,22,M,M +2016-09-15 09:20,24,M,M +2016-09-15 10:20,25,M,M +2016-09-15 11:20,25,M,M +2016-09-15 12:20,26,M,M +2016-09-15 13:20,26,M,M +2016-09-15 14:20,26,M,M +2016-09-15 15:20,25,M,M +2016-09-15 16:20,25,M,M +2016-09-15 17:20,22,M,M +2016-09-15 18:20,21,M,M +2016-09-15 19:20,19,M,M +2016-09-15 20:20,18,M,M +2016-09-15 21:20,17,M,M +2016-09-15 22:20,16,M,M +2016-09-15 23:20,17,M,M +2016-09-16 00:20,15,M,M +2016-09-16 01:20,15,M,M +2016-09-16 02:20,16,M,M +2016-09-16 03:20,14,M,M +2016-09-16 04:20,15,M,M +2016-09-16 05:20,15,M,M +2016-09-16 06:20,16,M,M +2016-09-16 07:20,17,M,M +2016-09-16 08:20,18,M,M +2016-09-16 09:20,19,M,M +2016-09-16 10:20,20,M,M +2016-09-16 11:20,20,M,M +2016-09-16 12:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2016-09-16 13:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-09-16 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-16 15:20,19,FEW,-RA +2016-09-16 16:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-09-16 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-09-16 18:20,18,FEW,-RA +2016-09-16 19:20,17,FEW,BR +2016-09-16 20:20,18,BKN,-RA BR +2016-09-16 21:20,17,BKN,BR +2016-09-16 22:20,17,BKN,BR +2016-09-16 23:20,17,SCT,BR +2016-09-17 00:20,17,BKN,BR +2016-09-17 01:20,17,NSC,BR +2016-09-17 02:20,16,FEW,BR +2016-09-17 03:20,16,FEW,BR +2016-09-17 04:20,17,FEW,SHRA BR +2016-09-17 05:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2016-09-17 06:20,16,SCT,-RA BR +2016-09-17 07:20,17,BKN,BR +2016-09-17 08:20,18,BKN,M +2016-09-17 09:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-17 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-17 11:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-17 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-17 13:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-17 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-17 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-17 16:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-17 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-17 18:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-17 19:20,17,SCT,M +2016-09-17 20:20,17,SCT,M +2016-09-17 21:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-17 22:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-17 23:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-18 00:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-18 01:20,15,M,M +2016-09-18 02:20,13,M,M +2016-09-18 03:20,14,M,M +2016-09-18 04:20,13,M,M +2016-09-18 05:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-18 06:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-18 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-18 08:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 09:20,18,SCT,M +2016-09-18 10:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-18 11:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 12:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 13:20,17,SCT,M +2016-09-18 14:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 15:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 16:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-18 17:20,15,M,M +2016-09-18 18:20,14,M,M +2016-09-18 19:20,14,M,M +2016-09-18 20:20,13,M,M +2016-09-18 21:20,11,M,M +2016-09-18 22:20,10,M,M +2016-09-18 23:20,11,M,M +2016-09-19 00:20,9,M,M +2016-09-19 01:20,8,M,M +2016-09-19 02:20,8,M,M +2016-09-19 03:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2016-09-19 04:20,9,BKN,M +2016-09-19 05:20,9,M,M +2016-09-19 06:20,11,M,M +2016-09-19 07:20,14,M,M +2016-09-19 08:20,15,M,M +2016-09-19 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-19 10:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-19 11:20,17,SCT,M +2016-09-19 12:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-19 13:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-19 14:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-19 15:20,18,M,M +2016-09-19 16:20,17,M,M +2016-09-19 17:20,15,M,M +2016-09-19 18:20,14,M,M +2016-09-19 19:20,14,M,M +2016-09-19 20:20,14,M,M +2016-09-19 21:20,14,M,M +2016-09-19 22:20,13,M,M +2016-09-19 23:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 00:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 01:20,12,M,M +2016-09-20 02:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 03:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 04:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 05:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 06:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-20 08:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-20 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-20 10:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-20 11:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-20 12:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-20 13:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-20 14:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-20 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-20 16:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-20 17:20,15,M,M +2016-09-20 18:20,14,M,M +2016-09-20 19:20,12,M,M +2016-09-20 20:20,13,M,M +2016-09-20 21:20,14,M,M +2016-09-20 22:20,14,BKN,-RA +2016-09-20 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-21 00:20,14,SCT,M +2016-09-21 01:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-21 02:20,13,BKN,M +2016-09-21 03:20,13,BKN,M +2016-09-21 04:20,13,SCT,M +2016-09-21 05:20,11,FEW,M +2016-09-21 06:20,12,M,M +2016-09-21 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-21 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-21 09:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-21 10:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-21 11:20,18,SCT,M +2016-09-21 12:20,18,SCT,M +2016-09-21 13:20,19,SCT,M +2016-09-21 14:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2016-09-21 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-21 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-21 17:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-21 18:20,15,M,M +2016-09-21 19:20,14,M,M +2016-09-21 20:20,12,FEW,M +2016-09-21 21:20,12,FEW,M +2016-09-21 22:20,11,M,M +2016-09-21 23:20,13,M,M +2016-09-22 00:20,13,M,M +2016-09-22 01:20,12,M,M +2016-09-22 02:20,12,M,M +2016-09-22 03:20,11,FEW,M +2016-09-22 04:20,12,M,M +2016-09-22 05:20,10,M,M +2016-09-22 06:20,12,FEW,M +2016-09-22 07:20,13,M,M +2016-09-22 08:20,15,M,M +2016-09-22 09:20,16,M,M +2016-09-22 10:20,18,M,M +2016-09-22 11:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-22 12:20,19,M,M +2016-09-22 13:20,20,M,M +2016-09-22 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-22 15:20,20,M,M +2016-09-22 16:20,19,M,M +2016-09-22 17:20,16,M,M +2016-09-22 18:20,14,M,M +2016-09-22 19:20,14,M,M +2016-09-22 20:20,14,M,M +2016-09-22 21:20,14,M,M +2016-09-22 22:20,14,M,M +2016-09-22 23:20,14,M,M +2016-09-23 00:20,13,M,M +2016-09-23 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-23 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-23 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-23 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-23 05:20,11,M,M +2016-09-23 06:20,13,BKN,M +2016-09-23 07:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-23 08:20,17,M,M +2016-09-23 09:20,18,M,M +2016-09-23 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-23 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-23 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-23 13:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2016-09-23 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-23 15:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-23 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-23 17:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-23 18:20,14,M,M +2016-09-23 19:20,13,BKN,M +2016-09-23 20:20,14,BKN,M +2016-09-23 21:20,13,M,M +2016-09-23 22:20,12,M,M +2016-09-23 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2016-09-24 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 03:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 04:20,8,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 05:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-24 06:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-24 07:20,13,M,M +2016-09-24 08:20,16,M,M +2016-09-24 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-24 10:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-24 11:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-24 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-24 13:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-24 14:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-24 15:20,20,M,M +2016-09-24 16:20,18,M,M +2016-09-24 17:20,16,M,M +2016-09-24 18:20,15,M,M +2016-09-24 19:20,15,M,M +2016-09-24 20:20,14,M,M +2016-09-24 21:20,13,M,M +2016-09-24 22:20,13,M,M +2016-09-24 23:20,13,M,M +2016-09-25 00:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 01:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 02:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 03:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 04:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 05:20,11,M,M +2016-09-25 06:20,12,M,M +2016-09-25 07:20,13,M,M +2016-09-25 08:20,16,M,M +2016-09-25 09:20,18,M,M +2016-09-25 10:20,20,M,M +2016-09-25 11:20,22,M,M +2016-09-25 12:20,23,M,M +2016-09-25 13:20,23,M,M +2016-09-25 14:20,23,M,M +2016-09-25 15:20,23,M,M +2016-09-25 16:20,22,M,M +2016-09-25 17:20,20,M,M +2016-09-25 18:20,18,M,M +2016-09-25 19:20,17,M,M +2016-09-25 20:20,16,M,M +2016-09-25 21:20,15,M,M +2016-09-25 22:20,16,M,M +2016-09-25 23:20,14,M,M +2016-09-26 00:20,12,FEW,M +2016-09-26 01:20,12,SCT,M +2016-09-26 02:20,13,SCT,M +2016-09-26 03:20,15,SCT,M +2016-09-26 04:20,15,FEW,-RA +2016-09-26 05:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-26 06:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-26 07:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-26 08:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-26 09:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-26 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-09-26 11:20,19,SCT,M +2016-09-26 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-26 13:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-26 14:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-26 15:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-26 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-26 17:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-26 18:20,16,SCT,M +2016-09-26 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-26 20:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-26 21:20,15,M,M +2016-09-26 22:20,14,M,M +2016-09-26 23:20,14,M,M +2016-09-27 00:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-09-27 01:20,12,M,M +2016-09-27 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-09-27 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-09-27 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-09-27 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-27 06:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2016-09-27 07:20,14,M,M +2016-09-27 08:20,17,M,M +2016-09-27 09:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-27 10:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-27 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-27 12:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-27 13:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-27 14:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-27 15:20,20,M,M +2016-09-27 16:20,18,M,M +2016-09-27 17:20,16,M,M +2016-09-27 18:20,16,M,M +2016-09-27 19:20,14,M,M +2016-09-27 20:20,15,M,M +2016-09-27 21:20,15,M,M +2016-09-27 22:20,15,M,M +2016-09-27 23:20,14,M,M +2016-09-28 00:20,14,M,M +2016-09-28 01:20,15,M,M +2016-09-28 02:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-28 03:20,16,M,M +2016-09-28 04:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-28 05:20,16,FEW,-RA +2016-09-28 06:20,16,BKN,M +2016-09-28 07:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-28 08:20,17,BKN,M +2016-09-28 09:20,18,BKN,M +2016-09-28 10:20,19,FEW,M +2016-09-28 11:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-28 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-28 13:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-28 14:20,20,SCT,M +2016-09-28 15:20,20,FEW,M +2016-09-28 16:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-28 17:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-28 18:20,17,M,M +2016-09-28 19:20,17,M,M +2016-09-28 20:20,17,M,M +2016-09-28 21:20,17,M,M +2016-09-28 22:20,17,SCT,M +2016-09-28 23:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-29 00:20,17,M,M +2016-09-29 01:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-29 02:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-29 03:20,16,M,M +2016-09-29 04:20,17,M,M +2016-09-29 05:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-29 06:20,18,FEW,M +2016-09-29 07:20,18,M,M +2016-09-29 08:20,18,M,M +2016-09-29 09:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-29 10:20,19,SCT,M +2016-09-29 11:20,20,BKN,M +2016-09-29 12:20,21,FEW,M +2016-09-29 13:20,20,BKN,M +2016-09-29 14:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-29 15:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-29 16:20,19,BKN,M +2016-09-29 17:20,14,SCT,-RA +2016-09-29 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-09-29 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-29 20:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-29 21:20,14,M,M +2016-09-29 22:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-29 23:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-30 00:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-30 01:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-30 02:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-30 03:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-30 04:20,13,M,M +2016-09-30 05:20,13,M,M +2016-09-30 06:20,13,FEW,M +2016-09-30 07:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-30 08:20,14,M,M +2016-09-30 09:20,15,FEW,M +2016-09-30 10:20,16,FEW,M +2016-09-30 11:20,16,SCT,M +2016-09-30 12:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-30 13:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-30 14:20,17,FEW,M +2016-09-30 15:20,14,SCT,M +2016-09-30 16:20,14,FEW,M +2016-09-30 17:20,12,M,M +2016-09-30 18:20,11,FEW,M +2016-09-30 19:20,11,M,M +2016-09-30 20:20,11,M,M +2016-09-30 21:20,11,M,M +2016-09-30 22:20,10,M,M +2016-09-30 23:20,10,M,M +2016-10-01 00:20,10,M,M +2016-10-01 01:20,9,M,M +2016-10-01 02:20,9,M,M +2016-10-01 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-01 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-01 05:20,9,M,M +2016-10-01 06:20,9,M,M +2016-10-01 07:20,11,M,M +2016-10-01 08:20,12,M,M +2016-10-01 09:20,13,M,M +2016-10-01 10:20,14,M,M +2016-10-01 11:20,15,FEW,M +2016-10-01 12:20,16,FEW,M +2016-10-01 13:20,15,FEW,M +2016-10-01 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-01 15:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-01 16:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-10-01 17:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-01 18:20,13,BKN,-RA +2016-10-01 19:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-01 20:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-01 21:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-01 22:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-01 23:20,11,FEW,MIFG BR +2016-10-02 00:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-02 01:20,11,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-02 02:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-10-02 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-02 04:20,10,M,M +2016-10-02 05:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-02 06:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-02 07:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-02 08:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-02 09:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-02 10:20,16,FEW,M +2016-10-02 11:20,16,SCT,M +2016-10-02 12:20,17,SCT,M +2016-10-02 13:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2016-10-02 14:20,15,FEW,VCTS +2016-10-02 15:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2016-10-02 16:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2016-10-02 17:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-02 18:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-02 19:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-02 20:20,11,M,M +2016-10-02 21:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-02 22:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-02 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-03 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-03 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-03 02:20,7,FEW,FG +2016-10-03 03:20,6,NSC,FG +2016-10-03 04:20,6,NSC,BR +2016-10-03 05:20,8,NSC,M +2016-10-03 06:20,8,NSC,M +2016-10-03 07:20,9,BKN,VCSH BR +2016-10-03 08:20,11,OVC,BR +2016-10-03 09:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-03 10:20,14,SCT,M +2016-10-03 11:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2016-10-03 12:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2016-10-03 13:20,15,FEW,M +2016-10-03 14:20,16,FEW,M +2016-10-03 15:20,16,FEW,M +2016-10-03 16:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-03 17:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-03 18:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-03 19:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-03 20:20,13,M,M +2016-10-03 21:20,14,BKN,M +2016-10-03 22:20,13,M,M +2016-10-03 23:20,10,M,M +2016-10-04 00:20,11,M,M +2016-10-04 01:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-04 02:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-04 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-04 04:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-04 05:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-04 06:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-04 07:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-04 08:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-04 09:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-04 10:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-04 11:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-04 12:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-04 13:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-04 14:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-04 15:20,14,SCT,M +2016-10-04 16:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-04 17:20,12,M,M +2016-10-04 18:20,11,M,M +2016-10-04 19:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-04 20:20,11,M,M +2016-10-04 21:20,11,M,M +2016-10-04 22:20,10,M,M +2016-10-04 23:20,9,M,M +2016-10-05 00:20,7,M,M +2016-10-05 01:20,9,M,M +2016-10-05 02:20,8,M,M +2016-10-05 03:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-05 04:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-05 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-05 06:20,8,M,M +2016-10-05 07:20,9,M,M +2016-10-05 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-05 09:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-05 10:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-05 11:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-05 12:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-05 13:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-05 14:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-05 15:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-05 16:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-05 17:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-05 18:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-05 19:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-05 20:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-05 21:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-05 22:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-05 23:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 00:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-06 01:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-06 02:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-06 03:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-06 04:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-06 05:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 06:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-06 07:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 08:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 09:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 10:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 11:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-06 12:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-06 13:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2016-10-06 14:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-06 15:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-06 16:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-10-06 17:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-10-06 18:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-10-06 19:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-10-06 20:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-06 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-10-06 22:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-06 23:20,11,SCT,-RA +2016-10-07 00:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-10-07 01:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-07 02:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-10-07 03:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2016-10-07 04:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-07 05:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-07 06:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 07:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-07 08:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 09:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 10:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-07 11:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-07 12:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 13:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2016-10-07 14:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-07 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-07 16:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-10-07 17:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-07 18:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-10-07 19:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-07 20:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-10-07 21:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 22:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-07 23:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 00:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-08 01:20,7,M,M +2016-10-08 02:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 03:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 04:20,7,M,M +2016-10-08 05:20,7,M,M +2016-10-08 06:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-08 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-08 09:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-08 10:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-08 11:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-08 12:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-08 13:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-08 14:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-08 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-08 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-08 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-08 18:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-08 19:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 20:20,6,M,M +2016-10-08 21:20,5,M,M +2016-10-08 22:20,3,M,M +2016-10-08 23:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-09 00:20,2,SCT,MIFG +2016-10-09 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-10-09 02:20,4,SCT,BCFG +2016-10-09 03:20,6,BKN,M +2016-10-09 04:20,6,SCT,M +2016-10-09 05:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-09 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-09 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-09 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-10-09 09:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-09 10:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-09 11:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-09 12:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-09 13:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-10-09 14:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-10-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-09 16:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-09 17:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2016-10-09 18:20,7,BKN,MIFG +2016-10-09 19:20,6,BKN,MIFG +2016-10-09 20:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-09 21:20,4,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-09 22:20,3,SCT,BCFG +2016-10-09 23:20,3,FEW,FG +2016-10-10 00:20,2,NSC,FG +2016-10-10 01:20,2,BKN,BCFG +2016-10-10 02:20,2,FEW,M +2016-10-10 03:20,4,FEW,-RA MIFG +2016-10-10 04:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-10 05:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-10 06:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2016-10-10 07:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2016-10-10 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-10 09:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-10 10:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-10 11:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-10 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-10 13:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-10 14:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-10-10 15:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-10-10 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-10 17:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-10-10 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-10 19:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-10 20:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-10 21:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-10 22:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-10 23:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-10-11 00:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-10-11 01:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-11 02:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-11 03:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-11 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-11 05:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-10-11 06:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2016-10-11 07:20,9,BKN,DZ +2016-10-11 08:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-10-11 09:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-10-11 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-10-11 11:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-10-11 12:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-11 13:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-11 14:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-10-11 15:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-10-11 16:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-11 17:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-11 18:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-11 19:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-11 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-11 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-11 22:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-11 23:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-12 00:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-12 01:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-12 02:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-12 03:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-12 04:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-12 05:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-12 06:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-12 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-12 08:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-12 09:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-12 10:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-12 11:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-12 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-12 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-12 14:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-12 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-12 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-12 17:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-12 18:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-12 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-12 20:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-12 21:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-12 22:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-12 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-13 00:20,6,SCT,M +2016-10-13 01:20,6,SCT,M +2016-10-13 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-13 03:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-13 04:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-13 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-13 06:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-13 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-13 08:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-13 09:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-13 10:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-13 11:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-13 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-13 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-13 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-13 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-13 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-13 17:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-13 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-13 19:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-13 20:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-13 21:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-13 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-13 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-14 00:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-14 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-14 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-14 03:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-14 04:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-14 05:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-14 06:20,6,BKN,M +2016-10-14 07:20,6,SCT,M +2016-10-14 08:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-14 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-14 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-14 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-14 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-14 13:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-14 14:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-14 15:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-14 16:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-14 17:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-14 18:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-14 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-14 20:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-14 21:20,9,M,M +2016-10-14 22:20,9,M,M +2016-10-14 23:20,9,M,M +2016-10-15 00:20,8,M,M +2016-10-15 01:20,8,M,M +2016-10-15 02:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-15 03:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-15 04:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-15 05:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-10-15 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-15 07:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-15 08:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-15 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-15 10:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-15 11:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-15 12:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-15 13:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-15 14:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-15 15:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-15 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-15 17:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-15 18:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2016-10-15 19:20,9,FEW,-DZRA BR +2016-10-15 20:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-10-15 21:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-10-15 22:20,10,FEW,BR +2016-10-15 23:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 00:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 01:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 02:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 03:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 04:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 05:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 06:20,11,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 07:20,11,SCT,BR +2016-10-16 08:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-16 09:20,12,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 10:20,12,OVC,BR +2016-10-16 11:20,13,OVC,M +2016-10-16 12:20,13,OVC,M +2016-10-16 13:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-16 14:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-16 15:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-16 16:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-16 17:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-16 18:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-16 19:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-16 20:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-16 21:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-16 22:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-16 23:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 00:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 01:20,10,M,///////// +2016-10-17 02:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 04:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 05:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-17 06:20,10,FEW,BR +2016-10-17 07:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-17 08:20,10,OVC,M +2016-10-17 09:20,10,OVC,M +2016-10-17 10:20,11,OVC,M +2016-10-17 11:20,11,OVC,M +2016-10-17 12:20,11,OVC,M +2016-10-17 13:20,12,OVC,M +2016-10-17 14:20,12,OVC,M +2016-10-17 15:20,12,OVC,M +2016-10-17 16:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-17 17:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-17 18:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-17 19:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-10-17 20:20,11,BKN,-RA +2016-10-17 21:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-17 22:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-17 23:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2016-10-18 00:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 01:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 02:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 03:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 05:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-10-18 06:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-18 07:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-10-18 08:20,12,FEW,BR +2016-10-18 09:20,12,FEW,BR +2016-10-18 10:20,14,SCT,M +2016-10-18 11:20,15,SCT,M +2016-10-18 12:20,16,SCT,M +2016-10-18 13:20,15,FEW,M +2016-10-18 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-18 15:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-18 16:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-18 17:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-18 18:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-10-18 19:20,12,FEW,-RA +2016-10-18 20:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-10-18 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2016-10-18 22:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-10-18 23:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-19 00:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-19 01:20,8,M,M +2016-10-19 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-19 03:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-19 04:20,6,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-19 05:20,7,SCT,BR +2016-10-19 06:20,7,SCT,BR +2016-10-19 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-19 08:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-19 09:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-19 10:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-19 11:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-19 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-19 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-19 14:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-19 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-19 16:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-19 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-19 18:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2016-10-19 19:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-19 20:20,7,OVC,BR +2016-10-19 21:20,7,SCT,BR +2016-10-19 22:20,6,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-19 23:20,6,BKN,FG +2016-10-20 00:20,6,VV ,FG +2016-10-20 01:20,5,VV ,FG +2016-10-20 02:20,6,VV ,FG +2016-10-20 03:20,6,OVC,FG +2016-10-20 04:20,6,OVC,BR +2016-10-20 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-20 06:20,7,OVC,-RA +2016-10-20 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-20 08:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-20 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-20 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-20 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-20 12:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-20 13:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-20 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-20 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-20 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-20 17:20,8,M,M +2016-10-20 18:20,8,M,M +2016-10-20 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-20 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-20 21:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-20 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-20 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-21 00:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-21 01:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-21 02:20,8,OVC,M +2016-10-21 03:20,8,OVC,BR +2016-10-21 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-10-21 05:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-10-21 06:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-21 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-21 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-21 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-21 10:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-21 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-21 12:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-10-21 13:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-21 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-21 15:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-10-21 16:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-21 17:20,8,SCT,RA +2016-10-21 18:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-21 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-21 20:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-10-21 21:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-21 22:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-21 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-22 00:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-22 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-22 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-22 03:20,6,BKN,M +2016-10-22 04:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-22 05:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-22 06:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-10-22 07:20,6,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-10-22 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-22 09:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-22 10:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-22 11:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-22 12:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 14:20,9,SCT,-RA +2016-10-22 15:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2016-10-22 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 17:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 18:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 21:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-10-22 22:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-22 23:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-23 00:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-23 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-23 02:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-10-23 03:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-10-23 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-10-23 05:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-23 06:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-10-23 07:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-10-23 08:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-10-23 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-23 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-23 11:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-23 12:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-23 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-23 14:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-23 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-23 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-23 17:20,8,M,M +2016-10-23 18:20,8,M,M +2016-10-23 19:20,8,M,M +2016-10-23 20:20,7,M,M +2016-10-23 21:20,7,M,M +2016-10-23 22:20,6,M,M +2016-10-23 23:20,5,M,M +2016-10-24 00:20,5,NSC,M +2016-10-24 01:20,4,FEW,M +2016-10-24 02:20,3,FEW,M +2016-10-24 03:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-10-24 04:20,5,BKN,FG +2016-10-24 05:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-10-24 06:20,5,SCT,BR +2016-10-24 07:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-10-24 08:20,5,SCT,BR +2016-10-24 09:20,6,SCT,BR +2016-10-24 10:20,6,FEW,M +2016-10-24 11:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-24 12:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-24 13:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-24 14:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-24 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-24 16:20,7,SCT,M +2016-10-24 17:20,7,BKN,M +2016-10-24 18:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-24 19:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-24 20:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-24 21:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-24 22:20,7,NSC,BR +2016-10-24 23:20,6,NSC,BR +2016-10-25 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-10-25 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-10-25 02:20,5,BKN,MIFG BR +2016-10-25 03:20,5,FEW,BCFG BR +2016-10-25 04:20,6,SCT,BCFG BR +2016-10-25 05:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-10-25 06:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-25 07:20,6,FEW,BR +2016-10-25 08:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-10-25 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-25 10:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-25 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-25 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-25 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-25 14:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-25 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-25 16:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-25 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-25 18:20,6,SCT,BCFG +2016-10-25 19:20,4,SCT,BCFG BR +2016-10-25 20:20,3,FEW,FG +2016-10-25 21:20,2,NSC,FG +2016-10-25 22:20,0,NSC,FG +2016-10-25 23:20,1,NSC,FG +2016-10-26 00:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-10-26 01:20,1,SCT,FG +2016-10-26 02:20,1,BKN,FG +2016-10-26 03:20,2,BKN,FG +2016-10-26 04:20,1,SCT,BCFG BR +2016-10-26 05:20,1,SCT,BCFG BR +2016-10-26 06:20,2,BKN,FG +2016-10-26 07:20,4,VV ,FG +2016-10-26 08:20,5,OVC,BCFG BR +2016-10-26 09:20,6,FEW,BR +2016-10-26 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-26 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-26 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-26 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-26 14:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-26 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-26 16:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-26 17:20,7,NSC,M +2016-10-26 18:20,7,NSC,M +2016-10-26 19:20,7,NSC,M +2016-10-26 20:20,8,NSC,M +2016-10-26 21:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-26 22:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-26 23:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-27 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-27 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-27 02:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-10-27 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-27 04:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-27 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-10-27 06:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-27 07:20,11,OVC,BR +2016-10-27 08:20,11,OVC,BR +2016-10-27 09:20,11,OVC,BR +2016-10-27 10:20,12,BKN,BR +2016-10-27 11:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-27 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-27 13:20,14,BKN,M +2016-10-27 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-27 15:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-27 16:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-27 17:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-27 18:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-27 19:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-27 20:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-27 21:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-27 22:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-27 23:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-28 00:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-28 01:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-28 02:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-28 03:20,12,BKN,BR +2016-10-28 04:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-28 05:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-28 06:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-28 07:20,13,BKN,M +2016-10-28 08:20,12,FEW,DZ +2016-10-28 09:20,13,OVC,-DZRA +2016-10-28 10:20,13,OVC,-DZRA +2016-10-28 11:20,13,BKN,-DZRA +2016-10-28 12:20,14,BKN,-RADZ +2016-10-28 13:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-28 14:20,14,FEW,M +2016-10-28 15:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-28 16:20,11,M,M +2016-10-28 17:20,9,M,M +2016-10-28 18:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-28 19:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-28 20:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-28 21:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-28 22:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-28 23:20,8,SCT,M +2016-10-29 00:20,8,M,M +2016-10-29 01:20,8,M,M +2016-10-29 02:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-29 03:20,8,M,M +2016-10-29 04:20,8,M,M +2016-10-29 05:20,9,M,M +2016-10-29 06:20,9,M,M +2016-10-29 07:20,9,M,M +2016-10-29 08:20,10,M,M +2016-10-29 09:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-29 10:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-29 11:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-29 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-29 13:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-29 14:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-29 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-10-29 16:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-29 17:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-29 18:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-29 19:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-29 20:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-29 21:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-29 22:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-29 23:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-30 00:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-30 01:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-30 02:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-30 03:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-30 04:20,10,BKN,M +2016-10-30 05:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-30 06:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-30 07:20,9,SCT,M +2016-10-30 08:20,10,FEW,M +2016-10-30 09:20,11,SCT,M +2016-10-30 10:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-30 11:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-30 12:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-30 13:20,12,SCT,M +2016-10-30 14:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-30 15:20,11,BKN,M +2016-10-30 16:20,10,SCT,M +2016-10-30 17:20,9,BKN,M +2016-10-30 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-10-30 19:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2016-10-30 20:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-30 21:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-10-30 22:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2016-10-30 23:20,7,FEW,M +2016-10-31 00:20,8,BKN,M +2016-10-31 01:20,9,FEW,M +2016-10-31 02:20,9,OVC,-DZ +2016-10-31 03:20,10,OVC,DZ BR +2016-10-31 04:20,10,OVC,PRFG -DZ +2016-10-31 05:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-10-31 06:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-10-31 07:20,11,SCT,BR +2016-10-31 08:20,11,BKN,BR +2016-10-31 09:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-10-31 10:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-10-31 11:20,12,SCT,BR +2016-10-31 12:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-31 13:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-31 14:20,13,FEW,M +2016-10-31 15:20,13,SCT,M +2016-10-31 16:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-31 17:20,12,FEW,M +2016-10-31 18:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-31 19:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-31 20:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-31 21:20,12,BKN,M +2016-10-31 22:20,12,OVC,M +2016-10-31 23:20,11,OVC,M +2016-11-01 00:20,12,OVC,M +2016-11-01 01:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-01 02:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-01 03:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-11-01 04:20,11,FEW,BR +2016-11-01 05:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-01 06:20,10,FEW,BR +2016-11-01 07:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-01 08:20,10,BKN,M +2016-11-01 09:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-01 10:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-11-01 11:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-11-01 12:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-11-01 13:20,10,BKN,-RA +2016-11-01 14:20,10,FEW,-RA +2016-11-01 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-01 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-01 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-01 18:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2016-11-01 19:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-01 20:20,7,M,M +2016-11-01 21:20,6,M,M +2016-11-01 22:20,6,M,M +2016-11-01 23:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-02 00:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-02 01:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-02 02:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-02 03:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-02 04:20,6,FEW,SHRA +2016-11-02 05:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-11-02 06:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2016-11-02 07:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-02 08:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-02 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-02 10:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2016-11-02 11:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-02 12:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-02 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-02 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-02 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-02 16:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-02 17:20,4,M,M +2016-11-02 18:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-02 19:20,3,M,M +2016-11-02 20:20,3,M,M +2016-11-02 21:20,2,M,M +2016-11-02 22:20,2,M,M +2016-11-02 23:20,2,M,M +2016-11-03 00:20,0,M,M +2016-11-03 01:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-03 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-03 03:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-03 04:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-03 05:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-03 06:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-03 07:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-03 08:20,1,M,M +2016-11-03 09:20,5,M,M +2016-11-03 10:20,7,M,M +2016-11-03 11:20,7,M,M +2016-11-03 12:20,8,M,M +2016-11-03 13:20,7,M,M +2016-11-03 14:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-03 15:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-03 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 17:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 18:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 19:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 20:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-11-03 21:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-03 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-04 00:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-11-04 01:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-11-04 02:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-04 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-04 04:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-04 05:20,7,NSC,M +2016-11-04 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-11-04 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-11-04 08:20,7,SCT,M +2016-11-04 09:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-11-04 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-04 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-11-04 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-04 13:20,9,M,M +2016-11-04 14:20,9,M,M +2016-11-04 15:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-04 16:20,9,SCT,M +2016-11-04 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-04 18:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-04 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-04 20:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-04 21:20,6,SCT,M +2016-11-04 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-04 23:20,5,M,M +2016-11-05 00:20,5,M,M +2016-11-05 01:20,4,M,M +2016-11-05 02:20,4,M,M +2016-11-05 03:20,4,M,M +2016-11-05 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-05 05:20,4,BKN,-RA +2016-11-05 06:20,5,FEW,RA +2016-11-05 07:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2016-11-05 08:20,5,FEW,-RA BR +2016-11-05 09:20,5,BKN,-RA BR +2016-11-05 10:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-11-05 11:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-11-05 12:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-11-05 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-05 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-05 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-05 16:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-05 17:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-05 18:20,5,SCT,M +2016-11-05 19:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-05 20:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-05 21:20,4,M,M +2016-11-05 22:20,3,M,M +2016-11-05 23:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-06 00:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-06 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-06 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-06 03:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2016-11-06 04:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-06 05:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-06 06:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-06 07:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-06 08:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-06 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-06 10:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-11-06 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-06 12:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2016-11-06 13:20,7,SCT,M +2016-11-06 14:20,7,SCT,M +2016-11-06 15:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-11-06 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-11-06 17:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-11-06 18:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-06 19:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-06 20:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-11-06 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-11-06 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-06 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-11-07 00:20,4,SCT,-RA +2016-11-07 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 02:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 03:20,4,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 04:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 06:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-11-07 08:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-07 09:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-07 10:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-07 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-07 12:20,4,BKN,M +2016-11-07 13:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-07 14:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-07 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-07 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-11-07 17:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-07 18:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-07 19:20,2,BKN,M +2016-11-07 20:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-07 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-11-07 22:20,1,SCT,M +2016-11-07 23:20,1,SCT,-SN +2016-11-08 00:20,1,SCT,-SN +2016-11-08 01:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 02:20,0,SCT,-SN +2016-11-08 03:20,0,SCT,-SN +2016-11-08 04:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2016-11-08 05:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 06:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 07:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 08:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 09:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 10:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 11:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 12:20,0,SCT,-SN +2016-11-08 13:20,0,BKN,M +2016-11-08 14:20,0,FEW,M +2016-11-08 15:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 16:20,0,FEW,M +2016-11-08 17:20,0,BKN,-SN +2016-11-08 18:20,0,FEW,M +2016-11-08 19:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-11-08 20:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-11-08 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-11-08 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-11-08 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-11-09 01:20,-3,FEW,MIFG +2016-11-09 02:20,-4,FEW,MIFG +2016-11-09 03:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-09 04:20,-6,NSC,BCFG +2016-11-09 05:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-09 06:20,-4,M,M +2016-11-09 07:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-11-09 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2016-11-09 09:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-11-09 10:20,0,FEW,M +2016-11-09 11:20,0,BKN,M +2016-11-09 12:20,0,BKN,M +2016-11-09 13:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-11-09 14:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-11-09 15:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-11-09 16:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 17:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 18:20,0,FEW,M +2016-11-09 19:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-11-09 20:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 21:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 22:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-09 23:20,1,FEW,-SG +2016-11-10 00:20,1,FEW,M +2016-11-10 01:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-11-10 02:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-11-10 03:20,0,FEW,BR +2016-11-10 04:20,1,FEW,M +2016-11-10 05:20,1,FEW,-SN +2016-11-10 06:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2016-11-10 07:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2016-11-10 08:20,1,SCT,-SN +2016-11-10 09:20,1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-10 10:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-10 11:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-10 12:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-10 13:20,1,BKN,-SN +2016-11-10 14:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-10 15:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-10 16:20,1,OVC,-DZSN +2016-11-10 17:20,1,OVC,-SNRA +2016-11-10 18:20,1,OVC,-DZ +2016-11-10 19:20,1,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-11-10 20:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-11-10 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-11-10 22:20,2,SCT,BR +2016-11-10 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-11-11 00:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-11-11 01:20,1,NSC,BR +2016-11-11 02:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-11-11 03:20,0,NSC,BR +2016-11-11 04:20,-1,FEW,BR +2016-11-11 05:20,-2,FEW,BR +2016-11-11 06:20,0,BKN,MIFG BR +2016-11-11 07:20,0,SCT,M +2016-11-11 08:20,1,FEW,M +2016-11-11 09:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-11 10:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-11 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-11 12:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-11 13:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-11 14:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-11 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-11 16:20,2,FEW,M +2016-11-11 17:20,1,SCT,MIFG +2016-11-11 18:20,1,SCT,MIFG +2016-11-11 19:20,-1,FEW,MIFG +2016-11-11 20:20,-2,FEW,BCFG +2016-11-11 21:20,-2,FEW,BCFG +2016-11-11 22:20,-1,NSC,BCFG +2016-11-11 23:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-11-12 00:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-11-12 01:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 02:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 03:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 04:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 05:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 06:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-12 07:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-12 08:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-12 09:20,-3,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 10:20,-3,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 11:20,-3,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 12:20,-2,SCT,BR +2016-11-12 13:20,-1,FEW,BR +2016-11-12 14:20,-1,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 15:20,-2,FEW,BR +2016-11-12 16:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 17:20,-2,FEW,BR +2016-11-12 18:20,-2,SCT,BR +2016-11-12 19:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 20:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 21:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-11-12 22:20,-2,SCT,BR +2016-11-12 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-11-13 00:20,-2,BKN,BR +2016-11-13 01:20,-2,OVC,BR +2016-11-13 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-11-13 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-11-13 04:20,-2,SCT,M +2016-11-13 05:20,-2,NSC,M +2016-11-13 06:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-13 07:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-13 08:20,-1,NSC,M +2016-11-13 09:20,-1,NSC,M +2016-11-13 10:20,0,NSC,M +2016-11-13 11:20,1,M,M +2016-11-13 12:20,1,M,M +2016-11-13 13:20,2,M,M +2016-11-13 14:20,1,M,M +2016-11-13 15:20,1,M,M +2016-11-13 16:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-13 17:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-13 18:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-13 19:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-13 20:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-13 21:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-13 22:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-13 23:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 00:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 01:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 02:20,-4,M,M +2016-11-14 03:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 04:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 05:20,-4,M,M +2016-11-14 06:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 07:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-14 08:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-14 09:20,0,M,M +2016-11-14 10:20,2,M,M +2016-11-14 11:20,3,M,M +2016-11-14 12:20,4,M,M +2016-11-14 13:20,4,M,M +2016-11-14 14:20,3,M,M +2016-11-14 15:20,3,M,M +2016-11-14 16:20,3,SCT,M +2016-11-14 17:20,3,SCT,-SNRA +2016-11-14 18:20,3,SCT,-SNRA +2016-11-14 19:20,3,BKN,-SNRA +2016-11-14 20:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-11-14 21:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-11-14 22:20,3,SCT,M +2016-11-14 23:20,3,BKN,M +2016-11-15 00:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 01:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-15 02:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-15 03:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-15 04:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 05:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-11-15 06:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-15 07:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 08:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 09:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 10:20,6,BKN,-DZRA +2016-11-15 11:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 12:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 13:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 14:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 15:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-11-15 16:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-11-15 17:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2016-11-15 18:20,10,BKN,M +2016-11-15 19:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-15 20:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-15 21:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-15 22:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-15 23:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-16 00:20,4,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-11-16 01:20,3,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-11-16 02:20,4,FEW,FG +2016-11-16 03:20,5,FEW,FG +2016-11-16 04:20,6,FEW,FG +2016-11-16 05:20,7,VV ,FG +2016-11-16 06:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-11-16 07:20,7,BKN,BCFG BR +2016-11-16 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-16 09:20,9,BKN,M +2016-11-16 10:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2016-11-16 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-16 12:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-16 13:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-16 14:20,12,SCT,M +2016-11-16 15:20,11,FEW,M +2016-11-16 16:20,11,SCT,M +2016-11-16 17:20,11,SCT,M +2016-11-16 18:20,11,SCT,M +2016-11-16 19:20,11,FEW,M +2016-11-16 20:20,10,BKN,M +2016-11-16 21:20,10,BKN,M +2016-11-16 22:20,10,SCT,-RA +2016-11-16 23:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 01:20,7,M,M +2016-11-17 02:20,8,M,M +2016-11-17 03:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-17 04:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-17 05:20,8,BKN,M +2016-11-17 06:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-17 07:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-17 08:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-17 09:20,8,SCT,M +2016-11-17 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-17 11:20,9,SCT,M +2016-11-17 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-11-17 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-17 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-17 16:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-17 17:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-17 18:20,8,M,M +2016-11-17 19:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-11-17 22:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-17 23:20,11,FEW,M +2016-11-18 00:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-18 01:20,7,FEW,RA +2016-11-18 02:20,7,BKN,RA +2016-11-18 03:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-11-18 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-11-18 05:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-11-18 06:20,6,FEW,RA +2016-11-18 07:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-18 08:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-18 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-18 10:20,7,SCT,M +2016-11-18 11:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-18 12:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-18 13:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-18 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-18 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-18 16:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-18 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-18 18:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-18 19:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-18 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-18 21:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2016-11-18 22:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-11-18 23:20,4,SCT,M +2016-11-19 00:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-19 01:20,3,M,M +2016-11-19 02:20,3,M,M +2016-11-19 03:20,3,M,M +2016-11-19 04:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-19 05:20,4,BKN,M +2016-11-19 06:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-19 07:20,4,M,M +2016-11-19 08:20,5,BKN,M +2016-11-19 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-19 10:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-19 11:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-19 12:20,8,FEW,M +2016-11-19 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-19 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-19 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-19 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-19 17:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-19 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-19 19:20,4,M,M +2016-11-19 20:20,4,FEW,M +2016-11-19 21:20,4,M,M +2016-11-19 22:20,3,M,M +2016-11-19 23:20,2,M,M +2016-11-20 00:20,3,M,M +2016-11-20 01:20,2,M,M +2016-11-20 02:20,2,M,M +2016-11-20 03:20,2,M,M +2016-11-20 04:20,2,M,M +2016-11-20 05:20,3,M,M +2016-11-20 06:20,3,M,M +2016-11-20 07:20,3,M,M +2016-11-20 08:20,4,M,M +2016-11-20 09:20,5,M,M +2016-11-20 10:20,6,SCT,M +2016-11-20 11:20,6,SCT,RA +2016-11-20 12:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-20 13:20,7,SCT,M +2016-11-20 14:20,8,M,M +2016-11-20 15:20,9,M,M +2016-11-20 16:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-20 17:20,12,SCT,M +2016-11-20 18:20,12,SCT,M +2016-11-20 19:20,12,M,M +2016-11-20 20:20,11,M,M +2016-11-20 21:20,10,M,M +2016-11-20 22:20,10,M,M +2016-11-20 23:20,10,M,M +2016-11-21 01:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-21 02:20,10,FEW,M +2016-11-21 03:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-21 04:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-21 05:20,10,BKN,M +2016-11-21 06:20,11,BKN,M +2016-11-21 07:20,11,FEW,M +2016-11-21 08:20,12,M,M +2016-11-21 09:20,12,M,M +2016-11-21 10:20,13,NSC,-RA +2016-11-21 11:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-11-21 12:20,16,FEW,M +2016-11-21 13:20,14,FEW,-RA +2016-11-21 14:20,14,M,M +2016-11-21 15:20,14,M,M +2016-11-21 16:20,12,M,M +2016-11-21 17:20,11,M,M +2016-11-21 18:20,11,M,M +2016-11-21 19:20,10,M,M +2016-11-21 20:20,10,M,M +2016-11-21 21:20,10,M,M +2016-11-21 22:20,10,M,M +2016-11-21 23:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 00:20,10,M,M +2016-11-22 01:20,10,M,M +2016-11-22 02:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 03:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 04:20,11,M,M +2016-11-22 05:20,11,M,M +2016-11-22 06:20,11,M,M +2016-11-22 07:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 08:20,10,M,M +2016-11-22 09:20,12,M,M +2016-11-22 10:20,13,M,M +2016-11-22 11:20,14,M,M +2016-11-22 12:20,14,M,M +2016-11-22 13:20,13,M,M +2016-11-22 14:20,12,M,M +2016-11-22 15:20,11,M,M +2016-11-22 16:20,11,M,M +2016-11-22 17:20,10,M,M +2016-11-22 18:20,10,M,M +2016-11-22 19:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 20:20,7,M,M +2016-11-22 21:20,9,M,M +2016-11-22 22:20,8,M,M +2016-11-22 23:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 00:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 01:20,8,NSC,-RA +2016-11-23 02:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 03:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 04:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 05:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 06:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 07:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 08:20,10,M,M +2016-11-23 09:20,10,M,M +2016-11-23 10:20,11,M,M +2016-11-23 11:20,11,M,M +2016-11-23 12:20,12,M,M +2016-11-23 13:20,12,M,M +2016-11-23 14:20,12,M,M +2016-11-23 15:20,9,M,M +2016-11-23 16:20,7,M,M +2016-11-23 17:20,6,M,M +2016-11-23 18:20,8,M,M +2016-11-23 19:20,6,M,M +2016-11-23 20:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-23 21:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-11-23 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG BR +2016-11-23 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2016-11-24 00:20,3,NSC,BCFG BR +2016-11-24 01:20,6,NSC,M +2016-11-24 02:20,6,M,M +2016-11-24 03:20,5,M,M +2016-11-24 04:20,4,M,M +2016-11-24 05:20,4,M,M +2016-11-24 06:20,3,M,M +2016-11-24 07:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-24 08:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-24 09:20,4,M,M +2016-11-24 10:20,6,M,M +2016-11-24 11:20,6,M,M +2016-11-24 12:20,6,M,M +2016-11-24 13:20,7,M,M +2016-11-24 14:20,6,M,M +2016-11-24 15:20,4,M,M +2016-11-24 16:20,2,M,M +2016-11-24 17:20,3,M,M +2016-11-24 18:20,2,M,M +2016-11-24 19:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-24 20:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-24 21:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-24 22:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-11-24 23:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-25 00:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-25 01:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-25 02:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-25 03:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-25 04:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-25 05:20,-1,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-25 06:20,0,NSC,FZFG +2016-11-25 07:20,0,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 08:20,0,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 09:20,1,BKN,FG +2016-11-25 10:20,2,BKN,FG +2016-11-25 11:20,2,BKN,FG +2016-11-25 12:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 13:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 14:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 15:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 16:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 17:20,3,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 18:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 19:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 20:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 21:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 22:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-25 23:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-26 00:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-11-26 01:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-11-26 02:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-11-26 03:20,0,VV ,FG +2016-11-26 04:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-26 05:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-26 06:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-26 07:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-26 08:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2016-11-26 09:20,0,FEW,BR +2016-11-26 10:20,1,FEW,M +2016-11-26 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-11-26 12:20,3,FEW,M +2016-11-26 13:20,4,SCT,M +2016-11-26 14:20,4,SCT,M +2016-11-26 15:20,4,BKN,M +2016-11-26 16:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2016-11-26 17:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-11-26 18:20,5,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-11-26 19:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-11-26 20:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-11-26 21:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-11-26 22:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-26 23:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-27 00:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-27 01:20,7,BKN,M +2016-11-27 02:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-27 03:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-27 04:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-27 05:20,5,M,M +2016-11-27 06:20,4,M,M +2016-11-27 07:20,3,M,M +2016-11-27 08:20,4,M,M +2016-11-27 09:20,5,M,M +2016-11-27 10:20,6,M,M +2016-11-27 11:20,7,M,M +2016-11-27 12:20,7,M,M +2016-11-27 13:20,7,FEW,M +2016-11-27 14:20,6,FEW,M +2016-11-27 15:20,5,FEW,M +2016-11-27 16:20,3,M,M +2016-11-27 17:20,3,M,M +2016-11-27 18:20,3,M,M +2016-11-27 19:20,1,M,M +2016-11-27 20:20,1,M,M +2016-11-27 21:20,1,M,M +2016-11-27 22:20,0,M,M +2016-11-27 23:20,0,M,M +2016-11-28 00:20,0,M,M +2016-11-28 01:20,0,M,M +2016-11-28 02:20,0,M,M +2016-11-28 03:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-28 04:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-28 05:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-28 06:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-28 07:20,-4,M,M +2016-11-28 08:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-28 09:20,0,M,M +2016-11-28 10:20,2,M,M +2016-11-28 11:20,3,M,M +2016-11-28 12:20,4,M,M +2016-11-28 13:20,4,M,M +2016-11-28 14:20,3,M,M +2016-11-28 15:20,1,M,M +2016-11-28 16:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-28 17:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-28 18:20,-3,M,M +2016-11-28 19:20,-5,M,M +2016-11-28 20:20,-4,M,M +2016-11-28 21:20,-5,M,M +2016-11-28 22:20,-5,M,M +2016-11-28 23:20,-5,M,M +2016-11-29 00:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-29 01:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-29 02:20,-6,M,M +2016-11-29 03:20,-7,M,M +2016-11-29 04:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-29 05:20,-6,M,M +2016-11-29 06:20,-7,M,M +2016-11-29 07:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-29 08:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-11-29 09:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-29 10:20,0,M,M +2016-11-29 11:20,2,M,M +2016-11-29 12:20,3,M,M +2016-11-29 13:20,3,M,M +2016-11-29 14:20,2,M,M +2016-11-29 15:20,0,M,M +2016-11-29 16:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-29 17:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-29 18:20,-2,M,M +2016-11-29 19:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-29 20:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-29 21:20,-1,M,M +2016-11-29 22:20,-1,SCT,M +2016-11-29 23:20,0,BKN,M +2016-11-30 00:20,0,SCT,M +2016-11-30 01:20,1,SCT,M +2016-11-30 02:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-30 03:20,1,BKN,M +2016-11-30 04:20,1,BKN,-RA +2016-11-30 05:20,1,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-30 06:20,2,BKN,M +2016-11-30 07:20,1,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-30 08:20,2,BKN,M +2016-11-30 09:20,3,BKN,M +2016-11-30 10:20,4,BKN,M +2016-11-30 11:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-30 12:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-30 13:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2016-11-30 14:20,5,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-30 15:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-30 16:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-11-30 17:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-11-30 18:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-30 19:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-11-30 20:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-30 21:20,6,BKN,M +2016-11-30 22:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-11-30 23:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-01 00:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 01:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 02:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 03:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 04:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-01 05:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-12-01 06:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2016-12-01 07:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-01 09:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-01 11:20,9,BKN,M +2016-12-01 12:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-01 13:20,9,FEW,M +2016-12-01 14:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-01 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-01 16:20,9,FEW,M +2016-12-01 17:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-01 18:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2016-12-01 19:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-01 20:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-01 21:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-01 22:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-01 23:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-02 00:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-02 01:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-02 02:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-02 03:20,6,M,M +2016-12-02 04:20,5,M,M +2016-12-02 05:20,4,M,M +2016-12-02 06:20,3,M,M +2016-12-02 07:20,2,M,M +2016-12-02 08:20,2,M,M +2016-12-02 09:20,3,M,M +2016-12-02 10:20,5,M,M +2016-12-02 11:20,6,M,M +2016-12-02 12:20,6,M,M +2016-12-02 13:20,6,M,M +2016-12-02 14:20,5,M,M +2016-12-02 15:20,4,M,M +2016-12-02 16:20,2,M,M +2016-12-02 17:20,0,M,M +2016-12-02 18:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-02 19:20,-2,M,M +2016-12-02 20:20,-2,M,M +2016-12-02 21:20,-2,M,M +2016-12-02 22:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-02 23:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 00:20,-4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-12-03 01:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 02:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 03:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 04:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 05:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 06:20,-5,NSC,M +2016-12-03 07:20,-5,FEW,M +2016-12-03 08:20,-4,FEW,M +2016-12-03 09:20,-1,FEW,BR +2016-12-03 10:20,1,FEW,M +2016-12-03 11:20,4,M,M +2016-12-03 12:20,5,M,M +2016-12-03 13:20,6,M,M +2016-12-03 14:20,3,M,M +2016-12-03 15:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-03 16:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2016-12-03 17:20,-2,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2016-12-03 18:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-03 19:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-03 20:20,-3,SCT,FZFG +2016-12-03 21:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-03 22:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-03 23:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-04 00:20,-4,NSC,FZFG +2016-12-04 01:20,-4,BKN,FZFG +2016-12-04 02:20,-4,BKN,BR +2016-12-04 03:20,-3,BKN,BR +2016-12-04 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2016-12-04 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-04 06:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-04 07:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-04 08:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-04 09:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-04 10:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-04 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-04 12:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-04 13:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-04 14:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-04 15:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-04 16:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-04 17:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-04 18:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-04 19:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2016-12-04 20:20,-1,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-04 21:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-04 22:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-04 23:20,-2,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 00:20,-3,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 01:20,-3,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 02:20,-4,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 03:20,-4,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 04:20,-5,NSC,BCFG +2016-12-05 05:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-05 06:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2016-12-05 07:20,-5,M,M +2016-12-05 08:20,-4,M,M +2016-12-05 09:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-05 10:20,0,M,M +2016-12-05 11:20,2,M,M +2016-12-05 12:20,4,M,M +2016-12-05 13:20,4,M,M +2016-12-05 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-12-05 15:20,0,FEW,M +2016-12-05 16:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 17:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 20:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-05 21:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 22:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-05 23:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-06 00:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 01:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 02:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 03:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 04:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 05:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 06:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-06 07:20,2,OVC,M +2016-12-06 08:20,2,OVC,M +2016-12-06 09:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 10:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 11:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 12:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-06 13:20,4,OVC,M +2016-12-06 14:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-06 15:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 16:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 17:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 18:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 19:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 20:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 21:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 22:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-06 23:20,2,SCT,M +2016-12-07 00:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 01:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 02:20,2,M,M +2016-12-07 03:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 04:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 05:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 06:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 07:20,1,M,M +2016-12-07 08:20,1,FEW,M +2016-12-07 09:20,2,SCT,-RA +2016-12-07 10:20,3,FEW,-RA +2016-12-07 11:20,4,FEW,M +2016-12-07 12:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-07 13:20,5,M,M +2016-12-07 14:20,6,M,M +2016-12-07 15:20,6,M,M +2016-12-07 16:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 17:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 18:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 19:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 20:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 21:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 22:20,7,M,M +2016-12-07 23:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 00:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 01:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 02:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 03:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 04:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 05:20,7,M,M +2016-12-08 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-08 07:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 08:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 09:20,8,OVC,M +2016-12-08 10:20,8,OVC,M +2016-12-08 11:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 12:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-08 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-12-08 14:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-08 15:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-08 16:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-12-08 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-08 18:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 19:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 20:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2016-12-08 21:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-08 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-08 23:20,7,FEW,BR +2016-12-09 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-12-09 01:20,7,OVC,-DZ +2016-12-09 02:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 03:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 04:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 05:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2016-12-09 06:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2016-12-09 07:20,9,OVC,-DZ +2016-12-09 08:20,9,FEW,BR +2016-12-09 09:20,9,BKN,M +2016-12-09 10:20,9,BKN,M +2016-12-09 11:20,9,BKN,M +2016-12-09 12:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-09 13:20,10,BKN,M +2016-12-09 14:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-09 15:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2016-12-09 16:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-09 17:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 18:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 19:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-09 20:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-12-09 21:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-12-09 22:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-12-09 23:20,10,OVC,BR +2016-12-10 00:20,10,BKN,BR +2016-12-10 01:20,11,BKN,M +2016-12-10 02:20,10,SCT,M +2016-12-10 03:20,10,FEW,M +2016-12-10 04:20,10,NSC,M +2016-12-10 05:20,10,NSC,M +2016-12-10 06:20,10,FEW,M +2016-12-10 07:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-12-10 08:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-12-10 09:20,8,FEW,-RA BR +2016-12-10 10:20,8,BKN,-RA BR +2016-12-10 11:20,9,BKN,-RADZ BR +2016-12-10 12:20,9,BKN,BR +2016-12-10 13:20,9,BKN,BR +2016-12-10 14:20,9,BKN,BR +2016-12-10 15:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 16:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 17:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 18:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 19:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 20:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 21:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 22:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-10 23:20,8,SCT,-DZRA BR +2016-12-11 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-11 01:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-12-11 02:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-11 03:20,7,FEW,RA +2016-12-11 04:20,7,FEW,RA +2016-12-11 05:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-12-11 06:20,6,SCT,-RA +2016-12-11 07:20,7,SCT,-RA +2016-12-11 08:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2016-12-11 09:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-11 10:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-11 11:20,9,BKN,M +2016-12-11 12:20,7,BKN,SHRAGS +2016-12-11 13:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2016-12-11 14:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-11 15:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-11 16:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2016-12-11 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-11 18:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-11 19:20,7,BKN,-RA +2016-12-11 20:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-11 21:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-11 22:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-11 23:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-12 00:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-12 01:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-12 02:20,8,SCT,-DZRA +2016-12-12 03:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-12 04:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-12 05:20,7,SCT,M +2016-12-12 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-12 07:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 08:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-12 09:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-12 10:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 11:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 12:20,5,SCT,M +2016-12-12 13:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 14:20,5,SCT,M +2016-12-12 15:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 17:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 18:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 19:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 20:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 21:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-12 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-12 23:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-13 00:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-13 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-13 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-13 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-12-13 04:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-13 05:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-13 06:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-13 07:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-13 08:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-13 09:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-13 10:20,7,M,M +2016-12-13 11:20,7,M,M +2016-12-13 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2016-12-13 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-12-13 14:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2016-12-13 15:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-12-13 16:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-13 17:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-13 18:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-12-13 19:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-13 20:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-13 21:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-13 22:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-13 23:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-14 00:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-14 01:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-14 02:20,7,BKN,BR +2016-12-14 03:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2016-12-14 04:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2016-12-14 05:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2016-12-14 06:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2016-12-14 07:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-14 08:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-14 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-14 10:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-14 11:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-14 12:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-14 13:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2016-12-14 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-14 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-14 16:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-12-14 17:20,5,OVC,BR +2016-12-14 18:20,4,FEW,BR +2016-12-14 19:20,4,OVC,BR +2016-12-14 20:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-12-14 21:20,4,SCT,BR +2016-12-14 22:20,4,BKN,BR +2016-12-14 23:20,3,FEW,BR +2016-12-15 00:20,4,FEW,BR +2016-12-15 01:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-15 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-15 03:20,3,NSC,FG +2016-12-15 04:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 05:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 06:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 07:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 08:20,1,NSC,FG +2016-12-15 09:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 10:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 11:20,1,VV ,FG +2016-12-15 12:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-15 13:20,1,SCT,BR +2016-12-15 14:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 15:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 16:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 17:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 18:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 19:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-15 20:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-15 21:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-15 22:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-15 23:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-16 00:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-16 01:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-16 02:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-16 03:20,0,SCT,M +2016-12-16 04:20,0,SCT,M +2016-12-16 05:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-16 06:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-16 07:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-16 08:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-16 09:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-16 10:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-16 11:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-16 12:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 13:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 14:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-16 15:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-16 16:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-16 17:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 18:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 19:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 20:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 21:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 22:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-16 23:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 00:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 01:20,1,OVC,BCFG +2016-12-17 02:20,1,OVC,BCFG +2016-12-17 03:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 04:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2016-12-17 07:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-17 08:20,2,OVC,FG +2016-12-17 09:20,2,VV ,FG +2016-12-17 10:20,2,OVC,FG +2016-12-17 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2016-12-17 12:20,3,SCT,M +2016-12-17 13:20,3,NSC,M +2016-12-17 14:20,3,FEW,M +2016-12-17 15:20,3,FEW,M +2016-12-17 16:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-17 17:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-17 18:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-17 19:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-17 20:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-17 21:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-17 22:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-17 23:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-18 00:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2016-12-18 01:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-18 02:20,6,SCT,BR +2016-12-18 03:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-18 04:20,6,BKN,-RA +2016-12-18 05:20,6,BKN,DZRA +2016-12-18 06:20,6,FEW,-DZRA +2016-12-18 07:20,6,BKN,-DZRA +2016-12-18 08:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-18 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 10:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 11:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 12:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-18 13:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-18 14:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-18 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 16:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 17:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 18:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-18 20:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-18 21:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-18 22:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-18 23:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-19 00:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 01:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-19 03:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-19 04:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-19 05:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 06:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 07:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 08:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 10:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 11:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 12:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-19 13:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 15:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-19 16:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-19 17:20,5,SCT,M +2016-12-19 18:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-19 19:20,3,BKN,M +2016-12-19 20:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-19 21:20,4,OVC,M +2016-12-19 22:20,4,OVC,M +2016-12-19 23:20,4,OVC,M +2016-12-20 00:20,3,OVC,M +2016-12-20 01:20,3,OVC,M +2016-12-20 02:20,3,OVC,M +2016-12-20 03:20,2,OVC,M +2016-12-20 04:20,2,OVC,M +2016-12-20 05:20,2,OVC,M +2016-12-20 06:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-20 07:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-20 08:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-20 09:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-20 10:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-20 11:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-20 12:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-20 13:20,2,BKN,M +2016-12-20 14:20,1,FEW,M +2016-12-20 15:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-20 16:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-20 17:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-20 18:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-20 19:20,1,BKN,M +2016-12-20 20:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-20 21:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-20 22:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-20 23:20,0,OVC,M +2016-12-21 00:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-21 01:20,1,OVC,M +2016-12-21 02:20,0,SCT,M +2016-12-21 03:20,0,M,M +2016-12-21 04:20,0,M,M +2016-12-21 05:20,0,SCT,M +2016-12-21 06:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-21 07:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-12-21 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2016-12-21 09:20,2,FEW,M +2016-12-21 10:20,3,FEW,M +2016-12-21 11:20,3,FEW,M +2016-12-21 12:20,5,M,M +2016-12-21 13:20,5,M,M +2016-12-21 14:20,5,M,M +2016-12-21 15:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-21 16:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-21 17:20,6,SCT,M +2016-12-21 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-21 19:20,6,SCT,M +2016-12-21 20:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-12-21 21:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-12-21 22:20,4,BKN,-RA +2016-12-21 23:20,4,BKN,-RA +2016-12-22 00:20,4,BKN,-RA +2016-12-22 01:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-12-22 02:20,3,BKN,-RA +2016-12-22 03:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-22 04:20,3,OVC,-RADZ +2016-12-22 05:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-22 06:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-22 07:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-22 08:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-22 09:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-22 10:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-22 11:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-12-22 12:20,5,SCT,-RA +2016-12-22 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-12-22 14:20,5,FEW,BR +2016-12-22 15:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-12-22 16:20,5,BKN,BR +2016-12-22 17:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2016-12-22 18:20,6,BKN,BR +2016-12-22 19:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-22 20:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-22 21:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-22 22:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-22 23:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-23 00:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-23 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-23 02:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-23 03:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-23 04:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 05:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 06:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 07:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 08:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 09:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 10:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 11:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 12:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 13:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-23 14:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-23 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-23 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-23 17:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-23 18:20,7,SCT,M +2016-12-23 19:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-23 20:20,7,M,M +2016-12-23 21:20,6,M,M +2016-12-23 22:20,6,M,M +2016-12-23 23:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-12-24 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2016-12-24 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2016-12-24 02:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-24 03:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-24 04:20,6,SCT,M +2016-12-24 05:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-24 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-24 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-24 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-24 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-24 10:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-24 11:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-24 12:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-24 13:20,6,FEW,-RA +2016-12-24 14:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-24 15:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-24 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-24 17:20,7,SCT,M +2016-12-24 18:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-24 19:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-24 20:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-24 21:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2016-12-24 22:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-24 23:20,5,FEW,TSRA +2016-12-25 00:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-25 01:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-25 02:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-25 03:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-25 04:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-25 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-25 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-25 07:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-25 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2016-12-25 09:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-25 10:20,9,BKN,-RA +2016-12-25 11:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-25 12:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2016-12-25 13:20,10,FEW,M +2016-12-25 14:20,11,BKN,M +2016-12-25 15:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-25 16:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2016-12-25 17:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2016-12-25 18:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-25 19:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2016-12-25 20:20,11,FEW,M +2016-12-25 21:20,11,BKN,M +2016-12-25 22:20,11,FEW,M +2016-12-25 23:20,12,BKN,M +2016-12-26 00:20,12,BKN,M +2016-12-26 01:20,12,BKN,M +2016-12-26 02:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2016-12-26 03:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-26 04:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-26 05:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-26 06:20,10,FEW,-DZRA +2016-12-26 07:20,10,FEW,RADZ +2016-12-26 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-26 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2016-12-26 10:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-26 11:20,8,BKN,M +2016-12-26 12:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2016-12-26 13:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-26 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-26 15:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2016-12-26 16:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-26 17:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-26 18:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-26 19:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-26 20:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-26 21:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2016-12-26 22:20,5,FEW,M +2016-12-26 23:20,6,FEW,M +2016-12-27 00:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-27 01:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-27 02:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-27 03:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2016-12-27 04:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2016-12-27 05:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-27 06:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-27 07:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-27 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-27 09:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-27 10:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-27 11:20,9,FEW,M +2016-12-27 12:20,9,FEW,M +2016-12-27 13:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-12-27 14:20,9,FEW,-RA +2016-12-27 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-27 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-27 17:20,9,FEW,M +2016-12-27 18:20,8,SCT,-RA +2016-12-27 19:20,8,FEW,-RA +2016-12-27 20:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-27 21:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-27 22:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-27 23:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-28 00:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-28 01:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-28 02:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-28 03:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 04:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 05:20,7,SCT,M +2016-12-28 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2016-12-28 07:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 08:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 09:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 10:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 11:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-28 12:20,8,SCT,M +2016-12-28 13:20,8,FEW,M +2016-12-28 14:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 15:20,7,FEW,M +2016-12-28 16:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-28 17:20,7,BKN,M +2016-12-28 18:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-28 19:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-28 20:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-28 21:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-28 22:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-28 23:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-29 00:20,6,BKN,M +2016-12-29 01:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-29 02:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-29 03:20,5,BKN,M +2016-12-29 04:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-29 05:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-29 06:20,4,BKN,M +2016-12-29 07:20,3,SCT,M +2016-12-29 08:20,2,FEW,M +2016-12-29 09:20,3,M,M +2016-12-29 10:20,4,M,M +2016-12-29 11:20,4,M,M +2016-12-29 12:20,5,M,M +2016-12-29 13:20,5,M,M +2016-12-29 14:20,4,M,M +2016-12-29 15:20,3,M,M +2016-12-29 16:20,2,M,M +2016-12-29 17:20,1,M,M +2016-12-29 18:20,1,M,M +2016-12-29 19:20,1,M,M +2016-12-29 20:20,0,M,M +2016-12-29 21:20,0,M,M +2016-12-29 22:20,0,M,M +2016-12-29 23:20,0,NSC,M +2016-12-30 00:20,0,M,M +2016-12-30 01:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 02:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 03:20,-2,M,M +2016-12-30 04:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 05:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 06:20,-2,M,M +2016-12-30 07:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 08:20,0,M,M +2016-12-30 09:20,1,M,M +2016-12-30 10:20,2,M,M +2016-12-30 11:20,3,M,M +2016-12-30 12:20,3,M,M +2016-12-30 13:20,4,M,M +2016-12-30 14:20,4,M,M +2016-12-30 15:20,2,M,M +2016-12-30 16:20,1,M,M +2016-12-30 17:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 18:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 19:20,-1,M,M +2016-12-30 20:20,0,M,M +2016-12-30 21:20,0,M,M +2016-12-30 22:20,0,BKN,M +2016-12-30 23:20,0,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 00:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 01:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-12-31 02:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-12-31 03:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-12-31 04:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-12-31 05:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2016-12-31 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 07:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 09:20,2,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 10:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 11:20,3,OVC,BR +2016-12-31 12:20,3,OVC,FG +2016-12-31 13:20,3,OVC,FG +2016-12-31 14:20,3,OVC,FG +2016-12-31 15:20,3,OVC,FG +2016-12-31 16:20,3,OVC,-DZ BR +2016-12-31 17:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 18:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 19:20,3,FEW,BR +2016-12-31 20:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 21:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 22:20,3,BKN,BR +2016-12-31 23:20,3,BKN,FU BR +2017-01-01 00:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 02:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 03:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 04:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 05:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 06:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 07:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 09:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 10:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 11:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-01 12:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2017-01-01 13:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2017-01-01 14:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2017-01-01 15:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 16:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-01 17:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2017-01-01 18:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-01 19:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2017-01-01 20:20,2,BKN,-RADZ +2017-01-01 21:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-01 22:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-01 23:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-02 00:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-02 01:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-02 02:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-02 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-02 04:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-02 05:20,2,NSC,M +2017-01-02 06:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-02 07:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-02 08:20,0,M,M +2017-01-02 09:20,1,M,M +2017-01-02 10:20,1,M,M +2017-01-02 11:20,2,M,M +2017-01-02 12:20,2,M,M +2017-01-02 13:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-02 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-02 15:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-02 16:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-02 17:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-02 18:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2017-01-02 19:20,2,BKN,-SHRASN +2017-01-02 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-02 21:20,2,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-02 22:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-02 23:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-03 00:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-03 01:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-03 02:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-03 03:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-03 04:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2017-01-03 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-03 06:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-03 07:20,4,SCT,M +2017-01-03 08:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-01-03 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-01-03 10:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-01-03 11:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-01-03 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-01-03 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-01-03 14:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-01-03 15:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-01-03 16:20,5,BKN,RA +2017-01-03 17:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-01-03 18:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2017-01-03 19:20,7,BKN,-DZRA +2017-01-03 20:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2017-01-03 21:20,7,BKN,+SHRA +2017-01-03 22:20,5,FEW,+SHRA +2017-01-03 23:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2017-01-04 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-01-04 01:20,5,FEW,SHRA +2017-01-04 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-04 03:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-04 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-04 05:20,4,FEW,M +2017-01-04 06:20,5,SCT,M +2017-01-04 07:20,5,SCT,M +2017-01-04 08:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-04 09:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-04 10:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-04 11:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-04 12:20,6,BKN,M +2017-01-04 13:20,5,BKN,M +2017-01-04 14:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-04 15:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-04 16:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-04 17:20,2,M,M +2017-01-04 18:20,1,M,M +2017-01-04 19:20,1,M,M +2017-01-04 20:20,1,M,M +2017-01-04 21:20,0,M,M +2017-01-04 22:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-04 23:20,-1,SCT,M +2017-01-05 00:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2017-01-05 01:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-05 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 05:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-05 06:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-01-05 07:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-01-05 08:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-01-05 09:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-01-05 10:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 13:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-05 14:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-01-05 15:20,-4,FEW,M +2017-01-05 16:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-05 17:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-05 18:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-05 19:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-05 20:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-05 21:20,-9,M,M +2017-01-05 22:20,-9,M,M +2017-01-05 23:20,-9,M,M +2017-01-06 00:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 01:20,-9,M,M +2017-01-06 02:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 03:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 04:20,-11,M,M +2017-01-06 05:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 06:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 07:20,-10,M,M +2017-01-06 08:20,-9,M,M +2017-01-06 09:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-06 10:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 11:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 12:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 13:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-06 14:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 15:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 16:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-06 17:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-06 18:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-06 19:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-06 20:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-06 21:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-06 22:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-06 23:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-07 00:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-07 01:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-07 02:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-07 03:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-01-07 04:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-01-07 05:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2017-01-07 06:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2017-01-07 07:20,-3,SCT,-SN +2017-01-07 08:20,-3,BKN,-FZDZ +2017-01-07 09:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ +2017-01-07 10:20,-2,FEW,-FZDZ +2017-01-07 11:20,-2,BKN,-FZDZ +2017-01-07 12:20,-1,BKN,-FZDZ +2017-01-07 13:20,-1,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2017-01-07 14:20,0,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2017-01-07 15:20,0,BKN,-FZDZ BR +2017-01-07 16:20,0,BKN,-FZRA BR +2017-01-07 17:20,0,BKN,-FZRA BR +2017-01-07 18:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-07 19:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-01-07 20:20,1,OVC,BCFG BR +2017-01-07 21:20,1,VV ,FG +2017-01-07 22:20,1,VV ,FG +2017-01-07 23:20,1,VV ,FG +2017-01-08 00:20,1,VV ,FG +2017-01-08 01:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 03:20,1,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-01-08 04:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-08 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 07:20,2,OVC,FG +2017-01-08 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 09:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 13:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-08 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 15:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-08 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 17:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 18:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 19:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-08 20:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-08 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-08 22:20,1,SCT,BR +2017-01-08 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-09 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-09 01:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 02:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 03:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 04:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 05:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 06:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 07:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 08:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 09:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 10:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 11:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 12:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 13:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-09 14:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 15:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 16:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-09 17:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 18:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 19:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 20:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 21:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-09 22:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-09 23:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 00:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 01:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 02:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 03:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 04:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-10 05:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-10 06:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-10 07:20,2,FEW,-RA +2017-01-10 08:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-10 09:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-10 10:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-10 11:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-10 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-10 13:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 14:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 15:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 16:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 17:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 18:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 19:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-10 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 21:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-10 22:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-10 23:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-11 00:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-11 01:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-11 02:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-11 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-11 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-11 05:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-11 06:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-11 07:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-11 08:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-01-11 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-01-11 10:20,4,SCT,RA +2017-01-11 11:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-01-11 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-01-11 13:20,6,FEW,M +2017-01-11 14:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-11 15:20,7,BKN,-SHRA VCTS +2017-01-11 16:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-11 17:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-01-11 18:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2017-01-11 19:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-11 20:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-11 21:20,4,SCT,VCSH +2017-01-11 22:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-11 23:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 00:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 01:20,4,FEW,M +2017-01-12 02:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2017-01-12 03:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2017-01-12 04:20,2,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-12 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-12 06:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 07:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-01-12 08:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 09:20,4,SCT,M +2017-01-12 10:20,4,SCT,M +2017-01-12 11:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-12 12:20,5,BKN,M +2017-01-12 13:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 14:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-01-12 15:20,5,BKN,M +2017-01-12 16:20,4,FEW,M +2017-01-12 17:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-12 18:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-12 19:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-12 20:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-12 21:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-12 22:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-01-12 23:20,3,SCT,-RA +2017-01-13 00:20,2,SCT,-RA +2017-01-13 01:20,2,SCT,-RA +2017-01-13 02:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-01-13 03:20,0,BKN,SN +2017-01-13 04:20,1,BKN,SN +2017-01-13 05:20,0,BKN,SN +2017-01-13 06:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-01-13 07:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-01-13 08:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-01-13 09:20,1,BKN,-RA +2017-01-13 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-13 11:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-13 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-13 13:20,4,FEW,M +2017-01-13 14:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-01-13 15:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-13 16:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-13 17:20,1,M,M +2017-01-13 18:20,1,M,M +2017-01-13 19:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-13 20:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-01-13 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-13 22:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-13 23:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2017-01-14 00:20,1,FEW,-DZ +2017-01-14 01:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-14 02:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-14 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-14 04:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-14 05:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-01-14 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-14 07:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-14 08:20,2,M,M +2017-01-14 09:20,2,M,M +2017-01-14 10:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-14 11:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-14 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-14 13:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-14 14:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-14 15:20,1,SCT,VCSH +2017-01-14 16:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-14 17:20,1,SCT,-SHSN +2017-01-14 18:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-14 19:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-14 20:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-14 21:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-14 22:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-14 23:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-15 00:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-15 01:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-15 02:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-15 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-15 04:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-15 05:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-15 06:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-15 07:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-15 08:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-15 09:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-15 10:20,1,FEW,VCSH +2017-01-15 11:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-15 12:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-15 13:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-15 14:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-15 15:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-15 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-15 17:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-15 18:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-15 19:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-15 20:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-15 21:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-15 22:20,-4,M,M +2017-01-15 23:20,-5,M,M +2017-01-16 00:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-16 01:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-16 02:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-16 03:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-16 04:20,-8,M,M +2017-01-16 05:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-16 06:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-16 07:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-16 08:20,-6,M,M +2017-01-16 09:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-16 10:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-16 11:20,0,M,M +2017-01-16 12:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-16 13:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-16 14:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-16 15:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-16 16:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-16 17:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-16 18:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-16 19:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-16 20:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-16 21:20,-5,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-16 22:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-16 23:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 00:20,-6,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 01:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 02:20,-7,FEW,MIFG +2017-01-17 03:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 04:20,-7,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 05:20,-8,NSC,MIFG +2017-01-17 06:20,-7,M,M +2017-01-17 07:20,-6,FEW,M +2017-01-17 08:20,-5,BKN,M +2017-01-17 09:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-01-17 10:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-01-17 11:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 12:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 13:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 14:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 15:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 16:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-17 17:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-17 18:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-17 19:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-17 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-17 21:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-17 22:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-17 23:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-18 00:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-18 01:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-18 02:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-01-18 03:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-01-18 04:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-01-18 05:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-18 06:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-18 07:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-18 08:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-18 09:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-18 10:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-18 11:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-18 12:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-01-18 13:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-01-18 14:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-01-18 15:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-01-18 16:20,-1,SCT,M +2017-01-18 17:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-01-18 18:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-01-18 19:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-01-18 20:20,-2,NSC,BR +2017-01-18 21:20,-2,BKN,BR +2017-01-18 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-18 23:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-19 00:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-01-19 01:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-19 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-19 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-01-19 04:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-19 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-01-19 09:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-19 10:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-19 11:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-19 12:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 13:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-19 14:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-19 15:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-19 16:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-19 17:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-19 18:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-19 19:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 20:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-19 21:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-19 22:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-19 23:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-20 00:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-20 01:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-20 02:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-20 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-20 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-20 05:20,1,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-20 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-20 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-20 09:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 10:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-20 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-20 13:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-01-20 14:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 15:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 16:20,1,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 17:20,1,OVC,-DZ BCFG BR +2017-01-20 18:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-20 19:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-20 20:20,1,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 21:20,1,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 22:20,1,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-20 23:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 00:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 01:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 02:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-21 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 05:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-21 06:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-21 07:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-21 08:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-21 09:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 10:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 11:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 12:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 13:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-21 14:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-21 15:20,4,BKN,M +2017-01-21 16:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 17:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 18:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 21:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 22:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-21 23:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-22 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-22 01:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-22 02:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-22 03:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-22 04:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-22 05:20,1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 06:20,1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 07:20,1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 08:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-22 09:20,0,OVC,M +2017-01-22 10:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 11:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 12:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 13:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 14:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 15:20,1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 16:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-22 17:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-22 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-01-22 20:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 21:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 22:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-01-22 23:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-01-23 00:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-23 01:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-23 02:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-23 03:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-23 04:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-23 05:20,-1,OVC,-FZDZ BR +2017-01-23 06:20,-1,OVC,-FZDZ BR +2017-01-23 07:20,-1,SCT,-SG BR +2017-01-23 08:20,-1,SCT,BR +2017-01-23 09:20,-1,FEW,BR +2017-01-23 10:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-01-23 11:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-23 12:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 13:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 14:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 15:20,1,SCT,BR +2017-01-23 16:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 17:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 18:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 19:20,1,SCT,BR +2017-01-23 20:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 21:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 22:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-01-23 23:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 00:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 01:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 02:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 03:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 04:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-24 05:20,0,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 06:20,0,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 07:20,0,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 08:20,0,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 09:20,0,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 10:20,0,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 11:20,0,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 12:20,0,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 13:20,0,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 14:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-24 15:20,0,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-24 16:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-24 17:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-24 18:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-24 19:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-01-24 20:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-01-24 21:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-01-24 22:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-24 23:20,-1,FEW,BR +2017-01-25 00:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 01:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 02:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 03:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 04:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 05:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 06:20,-2,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 07:20,-2,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 08:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 09:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 10:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 11:20,-1,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 12:20,-1,FEW,BR +2017-01-25 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-01-25 14:20,0,SCT,M +2017-01-25 15:20,-1,SCT,M +2017-01-25 16:20,-1,FEW,BR +2017-01-25 17:20,-2,FEW,BR +2017-01-25 18:20,-2,FEW,BR +2017-01-25 19:20,-2,OVC,BR +2017-01-25 20:20,-2,OVC,BR +2017-01-25 21:20,-2,BKN,BR +2017-01-25 22:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-25 23:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 00:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 01:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 02:20,-1,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 03:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 04:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 05:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2017-01-26 07:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-01-26 08:20,0,FEW,M +2017-01-26 09:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-26 10:20,1,SCT,M +2017-01-26 11:20,2,BKN,M +2017-01-26 12:20,3,SCT,M +2017-01-26 13:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-26 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-26 15:20,2,M,M +2017-01-26 16:20,2,M,M +2017-01-26 17:20,1,M,M +2017-01-26 18:20,1,M,M +2017-01-26 19:20,1,M,M +2017-01-26 20:20,0,M,M +2017-01-26 21:20,0,M,M +2017-01-26 22:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-26 23:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-27 00:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-27 01:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-27 02:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 03:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 04:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 05:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 06:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 07:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-27 08:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-27 09:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-27 10:20,0,M,M +2017-01-27 11:20,1,M,M +2017-01-27 12:20,2,M,M +2017-01-27 13:20,3,M,M +2017-01-27 14:20,3,M,M +2017-01-27 15:20,2,M,M +2017-01-27 16:20,1,M,M +2017-01-27 17:20,1,M,M +2017-01-27 18:20,1,M,M +2017-01-27 19:20,0,M,///////// +2017-01-27 20:20,0,M,M +2017-01-27 21:20,0,M,M +2017-01-27 22:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-27 23:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-28 00:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-28 01:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-28 02:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-28 03:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-28 04:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-28 05:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-28 06:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-28 07:20,-3,M,M +2017-01-28 08:20,-2,M,M +2017-01-28 09:20,0,M,M +2017-01-28 10:20,1,M,M +2017-01-28 11:20,3,M,M +2017-01-28 12:20,3,M,M +2017-01-28 13:20,3,M,M +2017-01-28 14:20,3,M,M +2017-01-28 15:20,1,M,M +2017-01-28 16:20,-1,M,M +2017-01-28 17:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-01-28 18:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-28 19:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-01-28 20:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-28 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-28 22:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-28 23:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-01-29 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-01-29 01:20,0,SCT,M +2017-01-29 02:20,0,BKN,M +2017-01-29 03:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-01-29 04:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2017-01-29 05:20,4,FEW,BR +2017-01-29 06:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-29 07:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-29 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-01-29 09:20,5,SCT,M +2017-01-29 10:20,5,SCT,M +2017-01-29 11:20,6,FEW,M +2017-01-29 12:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-01-29 13:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 14:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 15:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 16:20,5,SCT,M +2017-01-29 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-01-29 22:20,5,BKN,M +2017-01-29 23:20,4,FEW,M +2017-01-30 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-01-30 01:20,3,FEW,M +2017-01-30 02:20,3,M,M +2017-01-30 03:20,2,M,M +2017-01-30 04:20,2,NSC,M +2017-01-30 05:20,2,FEW,M +2017-01-30 06:20,2,SCT,M +2017-01-30 07:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-30 08:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-30 09:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-01-30 10:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2017-01-30 11:20,1,BKN,SN +2017-01-30 12:20,1,BKN,SN +2017-01-30 13:20,0,BKN,SN +2017-01-30 14:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-01-30 15:20,1,BKN,-SNDZ BR +2017-01-30 16:20,1,FEW,-SNDZ BR +2017-01-30 17:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-01-30 18:20,1,BKN,-DZSN BR +2017-01-30 19:20,1,SCT,-SNRA BR +2017-01-30 20:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2017-01-30 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-30 22:20,1,FEW,-SN BR +2017-01-30 23:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-01-31 00:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-31 01:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-31 02:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-31 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-31 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-01-31 05:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 06:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 07:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 09:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 10:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 11:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 12:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 13:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-31 15:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-31 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-31 17:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-31 18:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 19:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-01-31 20:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 21:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 22:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-01-31 23:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-01 00:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-01 01:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-02-01 02:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-01 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-01 04:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-01 05:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-01 06:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-01 07:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-02-01 08:20,0,OVC,M +2017-02-01 09:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-01 10:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-01 11:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 12:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 13:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 14:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 15:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 16:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 17:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 18:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-01 19:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-01 20:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-01 21:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-01 22:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-01 23:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 00:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 01:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 02:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 03:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 04:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 05:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-02 06:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-02 07:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-02 08:20,1,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-02-02 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 10:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-02 11:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-02-02 12:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 13:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-02-02 14:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-02 15:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-02 16:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-02 17:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-02 18:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 19:20,3,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-02-02 20:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 21:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 22:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-02 23:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 00:20,1,OVC,FG +2017-02-03 01:20,1,OVC,FG +2017-02-03 02:20,1,OVC,FG +2017-02-03 03:20,1,OVC,FG +2017-02-03 04:20,1,OVC,FG +2017-02-03 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 06:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 07:20,1,SCT,BR +2017-02-03 08:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-03 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 10:20,1,SCT,BR +2017-02-03 11:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 12:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 13:20,2,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 14:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 15:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 16:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 17:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 18:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-02-03 19:20,3,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-02-03 20:20,3,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-02-03 21:20,3,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-03 22:20,4,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-03 23:20,4,FEW,BR +2017-02-04 00:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-02-04 01:20,4,BKN,FG +2017-02-04 02:20,5,BKN,FG +2017-02-04 03:20,4,BKN,FG +2017-02-04 04:20,4,FEW,BR +2017-02-04 05:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-04 06:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-04 07:20,4,SCT,M +2017-02-04 08:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-04 09:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-04 10:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-04 11:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-02-04 12:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2017-02-04 13:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-04 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-04 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-04 16:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-04 17:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-04 18:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-04 19:20,4,SCT,BCFG +2017-02-04 20:20,4,BKN,FG +2017-02-04 21:20,4,BKN,BCFG +2017-02-04 22:20,4,BKN,BCFG +2017-02-04 23:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 00:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 02:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 03:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 05:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 06:20,3,FEW,BR +2017-02-05 07:20,2,SCT,BR +2017-02-05 08:20,2,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-02-05 09:20,1,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-02-05 10:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-02-05 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 12:20,2,BKN,M +2017-02-05 13:20,2,SCT,BR +2017-02-05 14:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 15:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-02-05 16:20,2,SCT,BR +2017-02-05 17:20,2,SCT,M +2017-02-05 18:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-05 19:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-05 20:20,3,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-02-05 21:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-02-05 22:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-02-05 23:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-02-06 00:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-02-06 01:20,2,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-02-06 02:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-02-06 03:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-02-06 04:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-02-06 05:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-06 06:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-06 07:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-06 08:20,1,SCT,M +2017-02-06 09:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-06 10:20,2,M,M +2017-02-06 11:20,3,M,M +2017-02-06 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-06 13:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-06 14:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-06 15:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-06 16:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-06 17:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-06 18:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-06 19:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-06 20:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-06 21:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-06 22:20,1,SCT,M +2017-02-06 23:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-07 00:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-07 01:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 02:20,1,SCT,M +2017-02-07 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-07 04:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-07 05:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 06:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 07:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 08:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 09:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 10:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 11:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 12:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 13:20,1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 14:20,1,SCT,M +2017-02-07 15:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 16:20,0,BKN,M +2017-02-07 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-02-07 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-07 19:20,-1,SCT,M +2017-02-07 20:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-07 21:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-07 22:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-07 23:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 00:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 01:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 02:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 03:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-08 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-08 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-08 07:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-02-08 08:20,-2,SCT,-SG +2017-02-08 09:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2017-02-08 10:20,-2,SCT,-SN +2017-02-08 11:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-08 12:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-08 13:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-08 14:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-08 15:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-08 16:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-08 17:20,-3,OVC,M +2017-02-08 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-02-08 19:20,-3,OVC,M +2017-02-08 20:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-08 21:20,-3,OVC,M +2017-02-08 22:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-08 23:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 00:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 01:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 02:20,-5,OVC,M +2017-02-09 03:20,-5,OVC,M +2017-02-09 04:20,-5,OVC,M +2017-02-09 05:20,-5,OVC,M +2017-02-09 06:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 07:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 08:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-09 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2017-02-09 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-02-09 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-09 12:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-09 13:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-02-09 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-09 15:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-09 16:20,-3,M,M +2017-02-09 17:20,-3,M,M +2017-02-09 18:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-02-09 19:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-02-09 20:20,-3,BKN,M +2017-02-09 21:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-09 22:20,-5,M,M +2017-02-09 23:20,-5,M,M +2017-02-10 00:20,-5,M,M +2017-02-10 01:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-10 02:20,-5,FEW,M +2017-02-10 03:20,-5,BKN,M +2017-02-10 04:20,-5,OVC,M +2017-02-10 05:20,-4,OVC,M +2017-02-10 06:20,-4,BKN,M +2017-02-10 07:20,-4,BKN,M +2017-02-10 08:20,-4,BKN,M +2017-02-10 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-02-10 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-02-10 11:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 12:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 13:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 14:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-10 15:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 16:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 17:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 18:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-02-10 19:20,-3,FEW,M +2017-02-10 20:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-10 21:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-10 22:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-10 23:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 00:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 03:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-02-11 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-11 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 06:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-11 07:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 08:20,-2,M,M +2017-02-11 09:20,-2,SCT,M +2017-02-11 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-02-11 11:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-11 12:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-11 13:20,-1,OVC,-SN +2017-02-11 14:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-11 15:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2017-02-11 16:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2017-02-11 17:20,-2,OVC,-SN +2017-02-11 18:20,-2,OVC,M +2017-02-11 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2017-02-11 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-02-11 21:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-11 22:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-11 23:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-12 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-12 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-02-12 02:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 03:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 04:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 05:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 06:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 07:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 08:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 09:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 10:20,-1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 11:20,0,OVC,M +2017-02-12 12:20,0,OVC,M +2017-02-12 13:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 14:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 15:20,1,OVC,M +2017-02-12 16:20,0,M,M +2017-02-12 17:20,-1,M,M +2017-02-12 18:20,-1,M,M +2017-02-12 19:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-12 20:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-12 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-12 22:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-12 23:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-13 00:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-13 01:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-13 02:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-13 03:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-13 04:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-13 05:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-13 06:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-13 07:20,-5,NSC,M +2017-02-13 08:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-13 09:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 10:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-02-13 11:20,1,NSC,M +2017-02-13 12:20,3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 13:20,3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 14:20,3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 15:20,2,NSC,M +2017-02-13 16:20,1,NSC,M +2017-02-13 17:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-02-13 19:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-13 21:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 22:20,-3,NSC,M +2017-02-13 23:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-14 00:20,-4,NSC,M +2017-02-14 01:20,-5,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 02:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 03:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 04:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 05:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 06:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 07:20,-6,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 08:20,-5,NSC,BR +2017-02-14 09:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-14 10:20,0,NSC,M +2017-02-14 11:20,2,NSC,M +2017-02-14 12:20,4,M,M +2017-02-14 13:20,5,M,M +2017-02-14 14:20,6,M,M +2017-02-14 15:20,5,M,M +2017-02-14 16:20,4,M,M +2017-02-14 17:20,3,M,M +2017-02-14 18:20,1,M,M +2017-02-14 19:20,0,M,M +2017-02-14 20:20,0,M,M +2017-02-14 21:20,-1,M,M +2017-02-14 22:20,-1,M,M +2017-02-14 23:20,0,M,M +2017-02-15 00:20,0,NSC,M +2017-02-15 01:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-02-15 02:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-02-15 03:20,0,NSC,M +2017-02-15 04:20,-1,NSC,M +2017-02-15 05:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-15 06:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-15 07:20,-2,NSC,M +2017-02-15 08:20,0,NSC,M +2017-02-15 09:20,2,NSC,M +2017-02-15 10:20,4,NSC,M +2017-02-15 11:20,6,NSC,M +2017-02-15 12:20,8,NSC,M +2017-02-15 13:20,9,NSC,M +2017-02-15 14:20,10,NSC,M +2017-02-15 15:20,8,M,M +2017-02-15 16:20,6,M,M +2017-02-15 17:20,2,NSC,M +2017-02-15 18:20,1,NSC,M +2017-02-15 19:20,1,M,M +2017-02-15 20:20,0,M,M +2017-02-15 21:20,1,M,M +2017-02-15 22:20,0,M,M +2017-02-15 23:20,-1,M,M +2017-02-16 00:20,0,M,M +2017-02-16 01:20,0,M,M +2017-02-16 02:20,1,M,M +2017-02-16 03:20,0,M,M +2017-02-16 04:20,1,M,M +2017-02-16 05:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-16 06:20,3,NSC,M +2017-02-16 07:20,4,NSC,M +2017-02-16 08:20,6,M,M +2017-02-16 09:20,7,M,M +2017-02-16 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-16 11:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-16 12:20,7,BKN,M +2017-02-16 13:20,7,BKN,M +2017-02-16 14:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-16 15:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-16 16:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-16 17:20,7,BKN,M +2017-02-16 18:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-16 19:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-16 20:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-16 21:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-16 22:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-16 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-17 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-17 01:20,4,SCT,M +2017-02-17 02:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-17 03:20,5,FEW,-DZRA +2017-02-17 04:20,5,FEW,-DZRA +2017-02-17 05:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2017-02-17 06:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-02-17 07:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-02-17 08:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-02-17 09:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-17 10:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-17 11:20,6,OVC,BR +2017-02-17 12:20,6,OVC,BR +2017-02-17 13:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-17 14:20,6,OVC,M +2017-02-17 15:20,6,SCT,M +2017-02-17 16:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-17 17:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-17 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-17 19:20,5,SCT,M +2017-02-17 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-17 21:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-17 22:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-17 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-18 00:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-18 01:20,5,SCT,M +2017-02-18 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-18 03:20,5,SCT,M +2017-02-18 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 05:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-18 06:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2017-02-18 07:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-18 08:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-18 09:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2017-02-18 10:20,4,SCT,-DZ +2017-02-18 11:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-18 12:20,4,SCT,M +2017-02-18 13:20,4,SCT,M +2017-02-18 14:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 15:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 16:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 17:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 18:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 19:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-18 20:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-18 21:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-18 22:20,2,M,M +2017-02-18 23:20,3,M,M +2017-02-19 00:20,4,M,M +2017-02-19 01:20,4,M,M +2017-02-19 02:20,3,SCT,M +2017-02-19 03:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-19 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-19 05:20,4,BKN,M +2017-02-19 06:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-19 07:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-19 08:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-02-19 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-02-19 10:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-02-19 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-02-19 12:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-02-19 13:20,5,BKN,-RA BR +2017-02-19 14:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-02-19 15:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-02-19 16:20,6,BKN,BR +2017-02-19 17:20,6,BKN,-RA BR +2017-02-19 18:20,6,BKN,-RA BR +2017-02-19 19:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-02-19 20:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-02-19 21:20,6,BKN,BR +2017-02-19 22:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-19 23:20,6,BKN,BR +2017-02-20 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-20 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-20 02:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-20 03:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-20 04:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-20 05:20,7,BKN,M +2017-02-20 06:20,7,BKN,BR +2017-02-20 07:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2017-02-20 08:20,7,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-20 09:20,7,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-02-20 10:20,8,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-20 11:20,8,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-02-20 12:20,9,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-20 13:20,9,FEW,-DZRA BR +2017-02-20 14:20,9,SCT,-DZRA BR +2017-02-20 15:20,9,FEW,-DZRA BR +2017-02-20 16:20,10,FEW,-DZRA BR +2017-02-20 17:20,10,SCT,-DZRA +2017-02-20 18:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2017-02-20 19:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2017-02-20 20:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2017-02-20 21:20,8,OVC,M +2017-02-20 22:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2017-02-20 23:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2017-02-21 00:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-21 01:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-21 02:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-02-21 03:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-02-21 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-02-21 05:20,7,FEW,RA +2017-02-21 06:20,5,FEW,RA +2017-02-21 07:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-21 08:20,6,SCT,M +2017-02-21 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-21 10:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-21 11:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-21 12:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-21 13:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-21 14:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-21 15:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-21 16:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-21 17:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-21 18:20,5,M,M +2017-02-21 19:20,4,M,M +2017-02-21 20:20,4,M,M +2017-02-21 21:20,4,M,M +2017-02-21 22:20,5,M,M +2017-02-21 23:20,6,M,M +2017-02-22 00:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-02-22 01:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-02-22 02:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2017-02-22 03:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2017-02-22 04:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-02-22 05:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-02-22 06:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-02-22 07:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2017-02-22 08:20,9,FEW,RADZ +2017-02-22 09:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-02-22 10:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2017-02-22 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-22 12:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-22 13:20,8,SCT,M +2017-02-22 14:20,8,FEW,M +2017-02-22 15:20,7,SCT,M +2017-02-22 16:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-22 17:20,7,SCT,M +2017-02-22 18:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-22 19:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-22 20:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-22 21:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-22 22:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-22 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-23 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-23 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-23 02:20,6,BKN,M +2017-02-23 03:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-23 04:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-23 05:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-23 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-23 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-23 08:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-02-23 09:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-23 10:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-02-23 11:20,5,FEW,RA +2017-02-23 12:20,5,FEW,RA +2017-02-23 13:20,9,SCT,M +2017-02-23 14:20,9,SCT,M +2017-02-23 15:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2017-02-23 16:20,7,FEW,-TSRA +2017-02-23 17:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-02-23 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-02-23 19:20,6,SCT,M +2017-02-23 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-02-23 21:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-02-23 22:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-02-23 23:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-02-24 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-02-24 01:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-02-24 02:20,3,SCT,M +2017-02-24 03:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-02-24 04:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-02-24 05:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-02-24 06:20,2,SCT,-SHGSRA +2017-02-24 07:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2017-02-24 08:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-24 09:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-24 10:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-24 11:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-24 12:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-24 13:20,6,SCT,M +2017-02-24 14:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2017-02-24 15:20,5,SCT,M +2017-02-24 16:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-24 17:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-24 18:20,3,M,M +2017-02-24 19:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-24 20:20,2,M,M +2017-02-24 21:20,2,M,M +2017-02-24 22:20,2,M,M +2017-02-24 23:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-25 00:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-25 01:20,1,M,M +2017-02-25 02:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-25 03:20,2,FEW,M +2017-02-25 04:20,0,FEW,M +2017-02-25 05:20,0,M,M +2017-02-25 06:20,1,FEW,M +2017-02-25 07:20,1,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 08:20,2,SCT,M +2017-02-25 09:20,3,FEW,M +2017-02-25 10:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-25 11:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 12:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 13:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 14:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 15:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 16:20,3,FEW,RA +2017-02-25 17:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-02-25 18:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-25 19:20,5,BKN,M +2017-02-25 20:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 21:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 22:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-25 23:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-02-26 00:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-02-26 01:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-02-26 02:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2017-02-26 03:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2017-02-26 04:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2017-02-26 05:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2017-02-26 06:20,6,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-02-26 07:20,6,SCT,-DZRA BR +2017-02-26 08:20,6,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-26 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-02-26 10:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-26 11:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 12:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 13:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-26 14:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-26 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-26 16:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 17:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 18:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 19:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-02-26 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-02-26 21:20,9,SCT,M +2017-02-26 22:20,9,FEW,M +2017-02-26 23:20,9,BKN,M +2017-02-27 00:20,9,BKN,M +2017-02-27 01:20,9,SCT,M +2017-02-27 02:20,10,FEW,M +2017-02-27 03:20,10,BKN,M +2017-02-27 04:20,10,BKN,M +2017-02-27 05:20,10,M,M +2017-02-27 06:20,10,SCT,M +2017-02-27 07:20,10,SCT,M +2017-02-27 08:20,10,FEW,M +2017-02-27 09:20,11,BKN,M +2017-02-27 10:20,11,BKN,M +2017-02-27 11:20,11,BKN,M +2017-02-27 12:20,12,BKN,M +2017-02-27 13:20,12,BKN,M +2017-02-27 14:20,12,BKN,M +2017-02-27 15:20,12,BKN,M +2017-02-27 16:20,12,SCT,M +2017-02-27 17:20,11,M,M +2017-02-27 18:20,11,M,M +2017-02-27 19:20,11,M,M +2017-02-27 20:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2017-02-27 21:20,10,M,M +2017-02-27 22:20,10,M,M +2017-02-27 23:20,10,FEW,M +2017-02-28 00:20,9,FEW,M +2017-02-28 01:20,9,SCT,M +2017-02-28 02:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2017-02-28 03:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-28 04:20,5,M,M +2017-02-28 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-28 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-28 07:20,5,SCT,M +2017-02-28 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-02-28 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-28 10:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-28 11:20,7,FEW,M +2017-02-28 12:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2017-02-28 13:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2017-02-28 14:20,4,SCT,-SHRAGS +2017-02-28 15:20,7,SCT,M +2017-02-28 16:20,6,SCT,M +2017-02-28 17:20,5,M,M +2017-02-28 18:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-02-28 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-28 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-02-28 21:20,4,FEW,M +2017-02-28 22:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-02-28 23:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-01 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 01:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 02:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 06:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-01 07:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-01 08:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-01 09:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-01 10:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-01 11:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-01 12:20,6,SCT,M +2017-03-01 13:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-01 14:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-01 15:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-01 16:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-03-01 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-01 18:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-01 19:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-01 20:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-01 21:20,3,M,M +2017-03-01 22:20,3,M,M +2017-03-01 23:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-02 00:20,3,M,M +2017-03-02 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-03-02 02:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-03-02 03:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2017-03-02 04:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2017-03-02 05:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-02 06:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-02 07:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-02 08:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-03-02 09:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-03-02 10:20,5,SCT,M +2017-03-02 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-03-02 12:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-02 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-02 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-02 15:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-02 16:20,6,SCT,M +2017-03-02 17:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2017-03-02 18:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-02 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-02 20:20,5,SCT,M +2017-03-02 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-02 22:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-02 23:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-03 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-03 01:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-03 02:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-03-03 03:20,4,M,M +2017-03-03 04:20,3,M,M +2017-03-03 05:20,3,M,M +2017-03-03 06:20,3,M,M +2017-03-03 07:20,4,M,M +2017-03-03 08:20,4,M,M +2017-03-03 09:20,5,M,M +2017-03-03 10:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-03 11:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-03 12:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-03 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-03 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-03 15:20,9,M,M +2017-03-03 16:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-03 17:20,9,M,M +2017-03-03 18:20,8,M,M +2017-03-03 19:20,8,M,M +2017-03-03 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-03 21:20,8,M,M +2017-03-03 22:20,7,M,M +2017-03-03 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-03-04 00:20,6,M,M +2017-03-04 01:20,5,M,M +2017-03-04 02:20,5,M,M +2017-03-04 03:20,5,M,M +2017-03-04 04:20,4,M,M +2017-03-04 05:20,4,M,M +2017-03-04 06:20,4,M,M +2017-03-04 07:20,5,M,M +2017-03-04 08:20,7,M,M +2017-03-04 09:20,8,M,M +2017-03-04 10:20,9,M,M +2017-03-04 11:20,11,M,M +2017-03-04 12:20,12,M,M +2017-03-04 13:20,13,M,M +2017-03-04 14:20,13,M,M +2017-03-04 15:20,13,M,M +2017-03-04 16:20,13,M,M +2017-03-04 17:20,12,M,M +2017-03-04 18:20,10,M,M +2017-03-04 19:20,10,M,M +2017-03-04 20:20,10,M,M +2017-03-04 21:20,9,M,M +2017-03-04 22:20,8,M,M +2017-03-04 23:20,8,M,M +2017-03-05 00:20,7,M,M +2017-03-05 01:20,7,M,M +2017-03-05 02:20,8,M,M +2017-03-05 03:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-03-05 04:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-03-05 05:20,7,SCT,RA +2017-03-05 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-05 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-05 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-05 09:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-05 10:20,8,SCT,M +2017-03-05 11:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 12:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 14:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-05 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-05 18:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-05 19:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-05 20:20,7,M,M +2017-03-05 21:20,6,M,M +2017-03-05 22:20,5,M,M +2017-03-05 23:20,4,M,M +2017-03-06 00:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-06 01:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-06 02:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-06 03:20,4,M,M +2017-03-06 04:20,4,M,M +2017-03-06 05:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-03-06 06:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-06 07:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-03-06 08:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-03-06 09:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-03-06 10:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-06 11:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-03-06 12:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-06 13:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-03-06 14:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-06 15:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-06 16:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-06 17:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-06 18:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-06 19:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-06 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-06 21:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-06 22:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-06 23:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-07 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-07 01:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-07 02:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-07 03:20,2,SCT,-RA +2017-03-07 04:20,2,FEW,-DZRA +2017-03-07 05:20,2,FEW,M +2017-03-07 06:20,2,SCT,-DZ +2017-03-07 07:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-07 08:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-07 09:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-07 10:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-07 11:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-07 12:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-07 13:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-07 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-07 15:20,3,FEW,-SN +2017-03-07 16:20,2,SCT,M +2017-03-07 17:20,2,FEW,M +2017-03-07 18:20,2,SCT,M +2017-03-07 19:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-07 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-03-07 21:20,2,FEW,M +2017-03-07 22:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-07 23:20,1,BKN,M +2017-03-08 00:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-08 01:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-08 02:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-08 03:20,2,BKN,M +2017-03-08 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-08 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-03-08 06:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-08 07:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-08 08:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-08 09:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-08 10:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-08 11:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-08 12:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-08 13:20,9,SCT,-RA +2017-03-08 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-03-08 15:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-03-08 16:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-03-08 17:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-03-08 18:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-03-08 19:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-08 20:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-08 21:20,5,SCT,BR +2017-03-08 22:20,5,FEW,BR +2017-03-08 23:20,5,FEW,BR +2017-03-09 00:20,6,FEW,BR +2017-03-09 01:20,6,FEW,BR +2017-03-09 02:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-03-09 03:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-09 04:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-09 05:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-09 06:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-09 07:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-09 08:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-09 09:20,6,OVC,M +2017-03-09 10:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-09 11:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-09 12:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-09 13:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-09 14:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-09 15:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-03-09 16:20,6,SCT,RA +2017-03-09 17:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2017-03-09 18:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2017-03-09 19:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-03-09 20:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2017-03-09 21:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-09 22:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-09 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 02:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 03:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 04:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 05:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 06:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 07:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-10 08:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-10 09:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-10 10:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 11:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 13:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 14:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 15:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-10 16:20,8,SCT,M +2017-03-10 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-10 18:20,6,M,M +2017-03-10 19:20,5,M,M +2017-03-10 20:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-10 21:20,5,SCT,M +2017-03-10 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-10 23:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-11 00:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-11 01:20,3,M,M +2017-03-11 02:20,3,M,M +2017-03-11 03:20,3,NSC,M +2017-03-11 04:20,3,NSC,BR +2017-03-11 05:20,3,NSC,BR +2017-03-11 06:20,3,FEW,BR +2017-03-11 07:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-11 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-11 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-11 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-11 11:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-11 12:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-11 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-11 14:20,11,FEW,M +2017-03-11 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-11 16:20,9,M,M +2017-03-11 17:20,8,M,M +2017-03-11 18:20,7,M,M +2017-03-11 19:20,6,M,M +2017-03-11 20:20,5,M,M +2017-03-11 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-11 22:20,4,M,M +2017-03-11 23:20,3,M,M +2017-03-12 00:20,3,M,M +2017-03-12 01:20,3,M,M +2017-03-12 02:20,3,M,M +2017-03-12 03:20,2,M,M +2017-03-12 04:20,2,M,M +2017-03-12 05:20,1,M,M +2017-03-12 06:20,2,M,M +2017-03-12 07:20,2,M,M +2017-03-12 08:20,3,M,M +2017-03-12 09:20,4,M,M +2017-03-12 10:20,6,M,M +2017-03-12 11:20,7,M,M +2017-03-12 12:20,8,M,M +2017-03-12 13:20,8,M,M +2017-03-12 14:20,9,M,M +2017-03-12 15:20,8,M,M +2017-03-12 16:20,7,M,M +2017-03-12 17:20,7,M,M +2017-03-12 18:20,6,M,M +2017-03-12 19:20,5,M,M +2017-03-12 20:20,5,M,M +2017-03-12 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-12 22:20,4,M,M +2017-03-12 23:20,3,M,M +2017-03-13 00:20,2,M,M +2017-03-13 01:20,2,M,M +2017-03-13 02:20,1,M,M +2017-03-13 03:20,1,M,M +2017-03-13 04:20,1,M,M +2017-03-13 05:20,1,M,M +2017-03-13 06:20,1,NSC,M +2017-03-13 07:20,2,M,M +2017-03-13 08:20,4,M,M +2017-03-13 09:20,4,M,M +2017-03-13 10:20,5,M,M +2017-03-13 11:20,6,M,M +2017-03-13 12:20,7,M,M +2017-03-13 13:20,8,M,M +2017-03-13 14:20,8,M,M +2017-03-13 15:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-13 16:20,9,M,M +2017-03-13 17:20,8,M,M +2017-03-13 18:20,5,SCT,M +2017-03-13 19:20,5,M,M +2017-03-13 20:20,5,M,M +2017-03-13 21:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-03-13 22:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-03-13 23:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-03-14 00:20,5,OVC,BR +2017-03-14 01:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-14 02:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-14 03:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-14 04:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-14 05:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-14 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-14 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-14 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-14 09:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-14 10:20,10,BKN,M +2017-03-14 11:20,11,FEW,M +2017-03-14 12:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-14 13:20,13,BKN,M +2017-03-14 14:20,13,BKN,M +2017-03-14 15:20,12,BKN,M +2017-03-14 16:20,12,BKN,M +2017-03-14 17:20,12,FEW,M +2017-03-14 18:20,12,BKN,M +2017-03-14 19:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-14 20:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-14 21:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-14 22:20,10,BKN,M +2017-03-14 23:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-15 00:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-15 01:20,8,M,M +2017-03-15 02:20,8,M,M +2017-03-15 03:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-15 04:20,7,M,M +2017-03-15 05:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-15 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-15 07:20,7,M,M +2017-03-15 08:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-15 09:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-15 10:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-15 11:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-15 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-03-15 13:20,10,SCT,M +2017-03-15 14:20,10,SCT,M +2017-03-15 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-15 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-15 17:20,8,M,M +2017-03-15 18:20,7,M,M +2017-03-15 19:20,7,M,M +2017-03-15 20:20,6,M,M +2017-03-15 21:20,6,M,M +2017-03-15 22:20,5,M,M +2017-03-15 23:20,5,M,M +2017-03-16 00:20,4,M,M +2017-03-16 01:20,4,M,M +2017-03-16 02:20,4,M,M +2017-03-16 03:20,4,BKN,M +2017-03-16 04:20,4,SCT,M +2017-03-16 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-16 06:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-16 07:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-16 08:20,7,SCT,M +2017-03-16 09:20,8,M,M +2017-03-16 10:20,9,M,M +2017-03-16 11:20,11,M,M +2017-03-16 12:20,13,M,M +2017-03-16 13:20,14,M,M +2017-03-16 14:20,15,M,M +2017-03-16 15:20,14,FEW,M +2017-03-16 16:20,14,M,M +2017-03-16 17:20,13,M,M +2017-03-16 18:20,12,M,M +2017-03-16 19:20,11,M,M +2017-03-16 20:20,10,M,M +2017-03-16 21:20,9,M,M +2017-03-16 22:20,8,M,M +2017-03-16 23:20,8,M,M +2017-03-17 00:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-17 01:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-17 02:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-17 03:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-17 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-17 05:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-17 06:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-17 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-17 08:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-17 09:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-17 10:20,8,SCT,M +2017-03-17 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-17 12:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-17 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-17 14:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-17 15:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-17 16:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-03-17 17:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-03-17 18:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-03-17 19:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-03-17 20:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-17 21:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-17 22:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-17 23:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-18 00:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-03-18 01:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-03-18 02:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-03-18 03:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-03-18 04:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-18 05:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-03-18 06:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-18 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-03-18 08:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-18 09:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-18 10:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-18 11:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-18 12:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-18 13:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-18 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-18 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-18 16:20,6,SCT,M +2017-03-18 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-18 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-18 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-18 20:20,4,M,M +2017-03-18 21:20,3,M,M +2017-03-18 22:20,3,FEW,M +2017-03-18 23:20,3,M,M +2017-03-19 00:20,1,FEW,MIFG +2017-03-19 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-19 02:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-19 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-19 04:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-19 05:20,2,M,M +2017-03-19 06:20,3,SCT,-RA +2017-03-19 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-03-19 08:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-03-19 09:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 10:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 14:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 15:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 16:20,10,BKN,RA +2017-03-19 17:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 18:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-19 19:20,10,BKN,RA +2017-03-19 20:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2017-03-19 21:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2017-03-19 22:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-19 23:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-20 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-03-20 01:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-20 02:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-20 03:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-20 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-03-20 05:20,9,BKN,M +2017-03-20 06:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2017-03-20 07:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2017-03-20 08:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2017-03-20 09:20,11,FEW,-DZRA +2017-03-20 10:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-20 11:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-20 12:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-20 13:20,12,BKN,M +2017-03-20 14:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-03-20 15:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-03-20 16:20,11,BKN,M +2017-03-20 17:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2017-03-20 18:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2017-03-20 19:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2017-03-20 20:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2017-03-20 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-03-20 22:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-03-20 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-03-21 00:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-21 01:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-21 02:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-21 03:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-21 04:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-21 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-21 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-21 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-21 08:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-21 09:20,9,SCT,M +2017-03-21 10:20,10,BKN,M +2017-03-21 11:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2017-03-21 12:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2017-03-21 13:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2017-03-21 14:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-03-21 15:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-21 16:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-21 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-21 18:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-21 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-21 20:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-21 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-21 22:20,4,M,M +2017-03-21 23:20,4,M,M +2017-03-22 00:20,3,M,M +2017-03-22 01:20,2,M,M +2017-03-22 02:20,3,M,M +2017-03-22 03:20,1,M,M +2017-03-22 04:20,2,M,M +2017-03-22 05:20,2,M,M +2017-03-22 06:20,3,M,M +2017-03-22 07:20,5,M,M +2017-03-22 08:20,8,M,M +2017-03-22 09:20,9,M,M +2017-03-22 10:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-22 11:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-22 12:20,11,M,M +2017-03-22 13:20,12,M,M +2017-03-22 14:20,12,M,M +2017-03-22 15:20,12,M,M +2017-03-22 16:20,11,M,M +2017-03-22 17:20,10,M,M +2017-03-22 18:20,9,M,M +2017-03-22 19:20,7,M,M +2017-03-22 20:20,6,M,M +2017-03-22 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-22 22:20,4,M,M +2017-03-22 23:20,3,M,M +2017-03-23 00:20,2,M,M +2017-03-23 01:20,3,M,M +2017-03-23 02:20,3,M,M +2017-03-23 03:20,3,M,M +2017-03-23 04:20,3,M,M +2017-03-23 05:20,4,FEW,M +2017-03-23 06:20,4,M,M +2017-03-23 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-03-23 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-23 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-23 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-03-23 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-03-23 12:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-23 13:20,7,FEW,M +2017-03-23 14:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-03-23 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-23 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-03-23 17:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-23 18:20,7,BKN,M +2017-03-23 19:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-23 20:20,6,BKN,M +2017-03-23 21:20,3,SCT,M +2017-03-23 22:20,2,FEW,M +2017-03-23 23:20,2,M,M +2017-03-24 00:20,1,M,M +2017-03-24 01:20,0,M,M +2017-03-24 02:20,0,M,M +2017-03-24 03:20,-1,M,M +2017-03-24 04:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-24 05:20,-2,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-24 06:20,-1,M,M +2017-03-24 07:20,3,M,M +2017-03-24 08:20,7,M,M +2017-03-24 09:20,10,M,M +2017-03-24 10:20,11,M,M +2017-03-24 11:20,12,M,M +2017-03-24 12:20,13,M,M +2017-03-24 13:20,13,M,M +2017-03-24 14:20,13,M,M +2017-03-24 15:20,13,M,M +2017-03-24 16:20,12,M,M +2017-03-24 17:20,11,M,M +2017-03-24 18:20,9,M,M +2017-03-24 19:20,8,M,M +2017-03-24 20:20,6,M,M +2017-03-24 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-24 22:20,3,M,M +2017-03-24 23:20,2,M,M +2017-03-25 00:20,1,M,M +2017-03-25 01:20,1,M,M +2017-03-25 02:20,0,M,M +2017-03-25 03:20,0,M,M +2017-03-25 04:20,0,M,M +2017-03-25 05:20,-1,M,M +2017-03-25 06:20,0,M,M +2017-03-25 07:20,3,M,M +2017-03-25 08:20,6,M,M +2017-03-25 09:20,8,M,M +2017-03-25 10:20,9,M,M +2017-03-25 11:20,11,FEW,M +2017-03-25 12:20,12,FEW,M +2017-03-25 13:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-25 14:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-25 15:20,12,FEW,M +2017-03-25 16:20,11,FEW,M +2017-03-25 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-03-25 18:20,8,M,M +2017-03-25 19:20,7,M,M +2017-03-25 20:20,6,M,M +2017-03-25 21:20,4,M,M +2017-03-25 22:20,5,BKN,M +2017-03-25 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-03-26 00:20,3,FEW,BCFG +2017-03-26 01:20,2,BKN,MIFG +2017-03-26 02:20,3,SCT,BCFG +2017-03-26 03:20,2,FEW,BCFG +2017-03-26 04:20,1,SCT,FG +2017-03-26 05:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-03-26 06:20,4,FEW,BR +2017-03-26 07:20,5,FEW,BR +2017-03-26 08:20,6,SCT,M +2017-03-26 09:20,8,FEW,M +2017-03-26 10:20,11,SCT,M +2017-03-26 11:20,11,SCT,M +2017-03-26 12:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-26 13:20,12,FEW,M +2017-03-26 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-03-26 15:20,13,M,M +2017-03-26 16:20,12,M,M +2017-03-26 17:20,10,M,M +2017-03-26 18:20,8,M,M +2017-03-26 19:20,6,M,M +2017-03-26 20:20,6,M,M +2017-03-26 21:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-26 22:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-26 23:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-27 00:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-27 01:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-27 02:20,1,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2017-03-27 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2017-03-27 04:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-03-27 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-03-27 06:20,5,M,M +2017-03-27 07:20,8,M,M +2017-03-27 08:20,10,M,M +2017-03-27 09:20,13,M,M +2017-03-27 10:20,14,M,M +2017-03-27 11:20,15,M,M +2017-03-27 12:20,17,M,M +2017-03-27 13:20,17,M,M +2017-03-27 14:20,18,M,M +2017-03-27 15:20,17,M,M +2017-03-27 16:20,16,M,M +2017-03-27 17:20,15,M,M +2017-03-27 18:20,11,M,M +2017-03-27 19:20,9,M,M +2017-03-27 20:20,8,M,M +2017-03-27 21:20,6,M,M +2017-03-27 22:20,6,M,M +2017-03-27 23:20,5,M,M +2017-03-28 00:20,4,M,M +2017-03-28 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-28 02:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-28 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-28 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-28 05:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-03-28 06:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-03-28 07:20,9,M,M +2017-03-28 08:20,12,M,M +2017-03-28 09:20,14,M,M +2017-03-28 10:20,17,M,M +2017-03-28 11:20,18,M,M +2017-03-28 12:20,19,M,M +2017-03-28 13:20,19,M,M +2017-03-28 14:20,19,M,M +2017-03-28 15:20,19,M,M +2017-03-28 16:20,18,M,M +2017-03-28 17:20,17,M,M +2017-03-28 18:20,13,M,M +2017-03-28 19:20,12,M,M +2017-03-28 20:20,9,M,M +2017-03-28 21:20,7,M,M +2017-03-28 22:20,7,M,M +2017-03-28 23:20,6,M,M +2017-03-29 00:20,9,M,M +2017-03-29 01:20,10,M,M +2017-03-29 02:20,10,M,M +2017-03-29 03:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-29 04:20,10,FEW,M +2017-03-29 05:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-29 06:20,9,BKN,RA +2017-03-29 07:20,10,BKN,M +2017-03-29 08:20,11,BKN,M +2017-03-29 09:20,11,BKN,M +2017-03-29 10:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-29 11:20,12,SCT,M +2017-03-29 12:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-03-29 13:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-29 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-03-29 15:20,12,FEW,M +2017-03-29 16:20,11,BKN,M +2017-03-29 17:20,11,BKN,-DZRA +2017-03-29 18:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-29 19:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-03-29 20:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-03-29 21:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-03-29 22:20,10,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-03-29 23:20,10,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-03-30 00:20,10,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-03-30 01:20,10,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-03-30 02:20,11,FEW,BR +2017-03-30 03:20,11,BKN,BR +2017-03-30 04:20,10,SCT,BR +2017-03-30 05:20,10,BKN,BR +2017-03-30 06:20,11,FEW,-RA BR +2017-03-30 07:20,12,FEW,BR +2017-03-30 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-03-30 09:20,14,BKN,M +2017-03-30 10:20,15,M,M +2017-03-30 11:20,17,M,M +2017-03-30 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-03-30 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-03-30 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-03-30 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-03-30 16:20,19,SCT,M +2017-03-30 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-03-30 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-03-30 19:20,16,M,M +2017-03-30 20:20,15,M,M +2017-03-30 21:20,14,M,M +2017-03-30 22:20,12,M,M +2017-03-30 23:20,11,M,M +2017-03-31 00:20,13,M,M +2017-03-31 01:20,11,M,M +2017-03-31 02:20,12,M,M +2017-03-31 03:20,11,M,M +2017-03-31 04:20,11,M,M +2017-03-31 05:20,12,M,M +2017-03-31 06:20,12,M,M +2017-03-31 07:20,14,M,M +2017-03-31 08:20,15,M,M +2017-03-31 09:20,17,M,M +2017-03-31 10:20,19,M,M +2017-03-31 11:20,20,M,M +2017-03-31 12:20,21,M,M +2017-03-31 13:20,21,M,M +2017-03-31 14:20,22,M,M +2017-03-31 15:20,22,M,M +2017-03-31 16:20,21,M,M +2017-03-31 17:20,20,M,M +2017-03-31 18:20,17,M,M +2017-03-31 19:20,15,M,M +2017-03-31 20:20,17,M,M +2017-03-31 21:20,14,M,M +2017-03-31 22:20,13,M,M +2017-03-31 23:20,12,M,M +2017-04-01 00:20,12,M,M +2017-04-01 01:20,11,M,M +2017-04-01 02:20,9,M,M +2017-04-01 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-04-01 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-01 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-01 06:20,12,M,M +2017-04-01 07:20,13,M,M +2017-04-01 08:20,15,M,M +2017-04-01 09:20,15,M,M +2017-04-01 10:20,16,M,M +2017-04-01 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-04-01 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-04-01 13:20,18,FEW,M +2017-04-01 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-04-01 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-04-01 16:20,18,FEW,M +2017-04-01 17:20,17,SCT,M +2017-04-01 18:20,16,M,M +2017-04-01 19:20,15,SCT,VCTS VCSH +2017-04-01 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-01 21:20,13,BKN,M +2017-04-01 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-01 23:20,12,FEW,M +2017-04-02 00:20,11,NSC,M +2017-04-02 01:20,11,NSC,M +2017-04-02 02:20,10,NSC,M +2017-04-02 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2017-04-02 04:20,9,OVC,BR +2017-04-02 05:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-02 06:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-02 07:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-02 08:20,12,FEW,M +2017-04-02 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-02 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-02 11:20,16,SCT,M +2017-04-02 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-04-02 13:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-02 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-02 15:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-02 16:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-02 17:20,12,M,M +2017-04-02 18:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-02 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-02 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-02 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-02 22:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-02 23:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-03 00:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-03 01:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-03 02:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2017-04-03 03:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-03 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-03 05:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-03 06:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-03 07:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-03 08:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-03 09:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-03 10:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-03 11:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-03 12:20,13,SCT,M +2017-04-03 13:20,13,SCT,M +2017-04-03 14:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-03 15:20,13,M,M +2017-04-03 16:20,13,M,M +2017-04-03 17:20,13,M,M +2017-04-03 18:20,11,M,M +2017-04-03 19:20,11,BKN,M +2017-04-03 20:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-03 21:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-03 22:20,7,M,M +2017-04-03 23:20,6,M,M +2017-04-04 00:20,5,M,M +2017-04-04 01:20,5,M,M +2017-04-04 02:20,4,M,M +2017-04-04 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-04 04:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-04 05:20,4,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-04 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-04 07:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-04 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-04 09:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-04 10:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-04 11:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-04 12:20,13,SCT,M +2017-04-04 13:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-04 14:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-04 15:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-04 16:20,15,FEW,M +2017-04-04 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-04 18:20,12,M,M +2017-04-04 19:20,9,M,M +2017-04-04 20:20,8,M,M +2017-04-04 21:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-04 22:20,4,M,M +2017-04-04 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-05 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-05 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-05 02:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-05 03:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-04-05 04:20,2,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-04-05 05:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-05 06:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-04-05 07:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-04-05 08:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-05 09:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-05 10:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-05 11:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-05 12:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-05 13:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-05 14:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-05 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-05 16:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-05 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-05 18:20,7,BKN,M +2017-04-05 19:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-05 20:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-05 21:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-05 22:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-05 23:20,7,BKN,M +2017-04-06 00:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-06 01:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-06 02:20,5,M,M +2017-04-06 03:20,4,M,M +2017-04-06 04:20,4,M,M +2017-04-06 05:20,4,M,M +2017-04-06 06:20,5,M,M +2017-04-06 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-06 08:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-06 09:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-06 10:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-06 11:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-06 12:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-06 13:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-06 14:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-06 15:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-06 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-06 17:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-06 18:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-06 19:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-06 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-06 21:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-06 22:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-06 23:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 00:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-07 01:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-07 02:20,7,BKN,M +2017-04-07 03:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-07 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 05:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 06:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 07:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 08:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-07 09:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-04-07 10:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-07 11:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-07 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-07 13:20,11,BKN,M +2017-04-07 14:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-07 15:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 16:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 17:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 18:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 19:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-07 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 22:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-07 23:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 00:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 01:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 02:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 03:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 05:20,8,OVC,M +2017-04-08 06:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 07:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-08 08:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-08 09:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-08 10:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-08 11:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-08 12:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-08 13:20,13,SCT,M +2017-04-08 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-08 15:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-08 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-08 17:20,12,BKN,M +2017-04-08 18:20,11,BKN,M +2017-04-08 19:20,11,BKN,M +2017-04-08 20:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-08 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 22:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-08 23:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-09 00:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-09 01:20,5,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-04-09 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-04-09 03:20,4,NSC,FG +2017-04-09 04:20,4,VV ,FG +2017-04-09 05:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2017-04-09 06:20,7,M,M +2017-04-09 07:20,11,M,M +2017-04-09 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-09 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-09 10:20,15,M,M +2017-04-09 11:20,16,M,M +2017-04-09 12:20,17,M,M +2017-04-09 13:20,18,M,M +2017-04-09 14:20,19,M,M +2017-04-09 15:20,19,M,M +2017-04-09 16:20,19,M,M +2017-04-09 17:20,18,M,M +2017-04-09 18:20,15,M,M +2017-04-09 19:20,12,M,M +2017-04-09 20:20,11,M,M +2017-04-09 21:20,11,M,M +2017-04-09 22:20,11,M,M +2017-04-09 23:20,11,M,M +2017-04-10 00:20,10,M,M +2017-04-10 01:20,9,M,M +2017-04-10 02:20,8,M,M +2017-04-10 03:20,9,M,M +2017-04-10 04:20,12,M,M +2017-04-10 05:20,12,FEW,M +2017-04-10 06:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-10 07:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-10 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-10 09:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-10 10:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-10 11:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-10 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-10 13:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-10 14:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-10 15:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-10 16:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-10 17:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-10 18:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-10 19:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-10 20:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-10 21:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-10 22:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-10 23:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-11 00:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-11 01:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-11 02:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-11 03:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-11 04:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-11 05:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-11 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-11 07:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-11 08:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-11 09:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-11 10:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-11 11:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-11 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-11 13:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-11 14:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-11 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-11 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-11 17:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-11 18:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-04-11 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-11 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-11 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-11 22:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-11 23:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-12 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-04-12 01:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-12 02:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-12 03:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 04:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-04-12 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-04-12 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 07:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-12 08:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2017-04-12 09:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 10:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 11:20,9,BKN,RA +2017-04-12 12:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 13:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 14:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 15:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 16:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 17:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-04-12 18:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-04-12 19:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-12 20:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-12 21:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-12 22:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-12 23:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-13 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-13 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-04-13 02:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-13 03:20,6,BKN,M +2017-04-13 04:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-13 05:20,6,BKN,M +2017-04-13 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-13 07:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-13 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-13 09:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-13 10:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-13 11:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-13 12:20,10,BKN,VCSH +2017-04-13 13:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-13 14:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-13 15:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-13 16:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-13 17:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-13 18:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-13 19:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-13 20:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-13 21:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-13 22:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-13 23:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-14 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-14 01:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-14 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-14 03:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-14 04:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-14 05:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-14 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-14 07:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-14 08:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-14 09:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-14 10:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-14 11:20,11,BKN,M +2017-04-14 12:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-14 13:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-14 14:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-14 15:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-14 16:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-14 17:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-14 18:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-14 19:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-14 20:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-14 21:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-14 22:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-14 23:20,6,M,M +2017-04-15 00:20,7,M,M +2017-04-15 01:20,7,M,M +2017-04-15 02:20,8,NSC,-RA +2017-04-15 03:20,7,BKN,RA +2017-04-15 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-15 05:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-15 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-04-15 07:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-04-15 08:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-04-15 09:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-15 10:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-15 11:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-15 12:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-15 13:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-15 14:20,9,BKN,VCSH +2017-04-15 15:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-15 16:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-15 17:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-15 18:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-15 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-15 20:20,5,BKN,M +2017-04-15 21:20,4,BKN,M +2017-04-15 22:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-15 23:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-16 00:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-16 01:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-16 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-16 03:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-16 04:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-16 05:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-16 06:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-16 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-16 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-16 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-16 10:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-16 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-04-16 12:20,9,BKN,M +2017-04-16 13:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-16 14:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-16 15:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-16 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-16 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-16 18:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-16 19:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-16 20:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-16 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-16 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-16 23:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-17 00:20,3,M,M +2017-04-17 01:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-17 02:20,2,SCT,M +2017-04-17 03:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-17 04:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-17 05:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2017-04-17 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-17 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-17 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-17 09:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-17 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRAGS +2017-04-17 11:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-17 12:20,9,BKN,VCSH +2017-04-17 13:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-17 14:20,9,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-17 15:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-17 16:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-17 17:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-17 18:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2017-04-17 19:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-17 20:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-17 21:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-17 22:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-17 23:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-18 00:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-18 01:20,3,BKN,M +2017-04-18 02:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-18 03:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-18 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-04-18 05:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-18 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-18 07:20,4,FEW,-SHRASN +2017-04-18 08:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-18 09:20,4,SCT,-SHSNGS +2017-04-18 10:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-18 11:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-18 12:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-18 13:20,6,BKN,M +2017-04-18 14:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-18 15:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-18 16:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-18 17:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-18 18:20,3,SCT,-SHSN +2017-04-18 19:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-18 20:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-18 21:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-18 22:20,1,M,M +2017-04-18 23:20,0,M,M +2017-04-19 00:20,-2,M,M +2017-04-19 01:20,-3,M,M +2017-04-19 02:20,-3,M,M +2017-04-19 03:20,-3,M,M +2017-04-19 04:20,-3,M,M +2017-04-19 05:20,-1,M,M +2017-04-19 06:20,1,M,M +2017-04-19 07:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-19 08:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-19 09:20,5,BKN,M +2017-04-19 10:20,6,BKN,VCSH +2017-04-19 11:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-19 12:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-19 13:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-19 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-19 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-19 16:20,7,M,M +2017-04-19 17:20,6,M,M +2017-04-19 18:20,5,M,M +2017-04-19 19:20,4,M,M +2017-04-19 20:20,1,M,M +2017-04-19 21:20,0,M,M +2017-04-19 22:20,-1,M,M +2017-04-19 23:20,-1,M,M +2017-04-20 00:20,-2,M,M +2017-04-20 01:20,-2,M,M +2017-04-20 02:20,-2,M,M +2017-04-20 03:20,-2,M,M +2017-04-20 04:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-20 05:20,-1,M,M +2017-04-20 06:20,4,M,M +2017-04-20 07:20,6,M,M +2017-04-20 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-20 09:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-20 10:20,8,M,M +2017-04-20 11:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 12:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 13:20,10,M,M +2017-04-20 14:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 15:20,10,M,M +2017-04-20 16:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 17:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 18:20,9,M,M +2017-04-20 19:20,8,M,M +2017-04-20 20:20,8,M,M +2017-04-20 21:20,8,M,M +2017-04-20 22:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-20 23:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-21 00:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-21 01:20,7,BKN,M +2017-04-21 02:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-04-21 03:20,7,BKN,M +2017-04-21 04:20,7,OVC,BR +2017-04-21 05:20,7,OVC,BR +2017-04-21 06:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-04-21 07:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-04-21 08:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-21 09:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-21 10:20,12,BKN,M +2017-04-21 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-21 12:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2017-04-21 13:20,12,FEW,M +2017-04-21 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-21 15:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-04-21 16:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-21 17:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-21 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-04-21 19:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-04-21 20:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-04-21 21:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-21 22:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-21 23:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-22 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-22 01:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 03:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 04:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-22 05:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-22 07:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-22 08:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-22 09:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-22 10:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-22 11:20,5,FEW,SHGSRA +2017-04-22 12:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-22 13:20,6,FEW,-SHRAGS +2017-04-22 14:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-22 15:20,8,FEW,-SHRAGS +2017-04-22 16:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-22 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-22 18:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-22 19:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-22 20:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-22 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 22:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-22 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-23 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-23 01:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-23 02:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-23 03:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-23 04:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-23 05:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-23 06:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 07:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-23 08:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 09:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 10:20,7,FEW,-SHGSRA +2017-04-23 11:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-23 12:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-23 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-23 14:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 15:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 16:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-23 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-23 18:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-23 19:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-23 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-23 21:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-23 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-23 23:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-24 00:20,4,M,M +2017-04-24 01:20,3,M,M +2017-04-24 02:20,3,M,M +2017-04-24 03:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-24 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-04-24 05:20,5,BKN,M +2017-04-24 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-24 07:20,6,SCT,M +2017-04-24 08:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-24 09:20,9,SCT,M +2017-04-24 10:20,10,BKN,M +2017-04-24 11:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-24 12:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-24 13:20,11,FEW,M +2017-04-24 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-24 15:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-24 16:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-24 17:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-24 18:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-04-24 19:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-04-24 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-24 21:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-04-24 22:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-04-24 23:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-04-25 00:20,3,SCT,-RA +2017-04-25 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-04-25 02:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-25 03:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-04-25 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-04-25 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-04-25 06:20,3,OVC,RA +2017-04-25 07:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-25 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-25 09:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-25 10:20,5,FEW,-SHGSRA +2017-04-25 11:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-25 12:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-25 13:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-25 14:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-25 15:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-25 16:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-25 17:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-25 18:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-25 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-25 20:20,3,M,M +2017-04-25 21:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-25 22:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-25 23:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-26 00:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-26 01:20,1,M,M +2017-04-26 02:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-26 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-26 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-26 05:20,2,FEW,M +2017-04-26 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-26 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-26 08:20,7,SCT,M +2017-04-26 09:20,7,BKN,VCSH +2017-04-26 10:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-26 11:20,6,BKN,-SHRAGS +2017-04-26 12:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-26 13:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-26 14:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-26 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-26 16:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-26 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-26 18:20,7,SCT,VCSH +2017-04-26 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-26 20:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-26 21:20,1,M,M +2017-04-26 22:20,1,M,M +2017-04-26 23:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-27 00:20,0,M,M +2017-04-27 01:20,-1,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-27 02:20,2,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-27 03:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2017-04-27 04:20,0,SCT,MIFG +2017-04-27 05:20,1,FEW,M +2017-04-27 06:20,4,SCT,M +2017-04-27 07:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-27 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-27 09:20,8,SCT,M +2017-04-27 10:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-27 11:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-27 12:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-27 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-27 14:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-27 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-27 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-27 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-27 18:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-27 19:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-27 20:20,7,M,M +2017-04-27 21:20,8,M,M +2017-04-27 22:20,7,M,M +2017-04-27 23:20,6,M,M +2017-04-28 00:20,6,M,M +2017-04-28 01:20,6,M,M +2017-04-28 02:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-28 03:20,5,SCT,M +2017-04-28 04:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-28 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-28 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-28 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-28 08:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-28 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-28 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-04-28 11:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-04-28 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-04-28 13:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-28 14:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2017-04-28 15:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-28 16:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-28 17:20,8,SCT,-SHRA +2017-04-28 18:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-28 19:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-28 20:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-28 21:20,5,M,M +2017-04-28 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-04-28 23:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-29 00:20,3,FEW,M +2017-04-29 01:20,2,FEW,M +2017-04-29 02:20,2,M,M +2017-04-29 03:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 04:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-29 05:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-29 07:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 08:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 09:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-29 10:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 11:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 12:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-29 13:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-04-29 14:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2017-04-29 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-04-29 16:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-29 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-29 18:20,7,FEW,M +2017-04-29 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-04-29 20:20,5,M,M +2017-04-29 21:20,4,M,M +2017-04-29 22:20,3,M,M +2017-04-29 23:20,2,M,M +2017-04-30 00:20,4,M,M +2017-04-30 01:20,3,M,M +2017-04-30 02:20,3,M,M +2017-04-30 03:20,3,M,M +2017-04-30 04:20,2,M,M +2017-04-30 05:20,4,M,M +2017-04-30 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-04-30 07:20,8,FEW,M +2017-04-30 08:20,10,FEW,M +2017-04-30 09:20,11,SCT,M +2017-04-30 10:20,12,SCT,M +2017-04-30 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-30 12:20,13,FEW,M +2017-04-30 13:20,14,FEW,M +2017-04-30 14:20,14,M,M +2017-04-30 15:20,14,M,M +2017-04-30 16:20,14,M,M +2017-04-30 17:20,13,M,M +2017-04-30 18:20,12,M,M +2017-04-30 19:20,11,M,M +2017-04-30 20:20,11,M,M +2017-04-30 21:20,10,M,M +2017-04-30 22:20,9,M,M +2017-04-30 23:20,8,M,M +2017-05-01 00:20,8,M,M +2017-05-01 01:20,7,M,M +2017-05-01 02:20,7,M,M +2017-05-01 03:20,7,M,M +2017-05-01 04:20,6,M,M +2017-05-01 05:20,6,M,M +2017-05-01 06:20,8,M,M +2017-05-01 07:20,10,M,M +2017-05-01 08:20,12,M,M +2017-05-01 09:20,13,M,M +2017-05-01 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-01 11:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-01 12:20,15,M,M +2017-05-01 13:20,16,M,M +2017-05-01 14:20,16,M,M +2017-05-01 15:20,15,M,M +2017-05-01 16:20,15,M,M +2017-05-01 17:20,15,M,M +2017-05-01 18:20,13,M,M +2017-05-01 19:20,12,M,M +2017-05-01 20:20,11,M,M +2017-05-01 21:20,11,M,M +2017-05-01 22:20,10,M,M +2017-05-01 23:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 00:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 01:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 02:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 03:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 04:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 05:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 06:20,9,M,M +2017-05-02 07:20,10,M,M +2017-05-02 08:20,11,M,M +2017-05-02 09:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-02 10:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-02 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-02 12:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-02 13:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-02 14:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-05-02 15:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-05-02 16:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-05-02 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-05-02 18:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-05-02 19:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-05-02 20:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-02 21:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-02 22:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-02 23:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 00:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 01:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 02:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 03:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 04:20,9,BKN,M +2017-05-03 05:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-03 06:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-03 07:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-03 08:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-03 09:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-03 10:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-03 11:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-03 12:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-03 13:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-03 14:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-03 15:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-03 16:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-03 17:20,11,M,M +2017-05-03 18:20,9,M,M +2017-05-03 19:20,9,M,M +2017-05-03 20:20,8,M,M +2017-05-03 21:20,8,M,M +2017-05-03 22:20,8,M,M +2017-05-03 23:20,8,M,M +2017-05-04 00:20,8,M,M +2017-05-04 01:20,8,M,M +2017-05-04 02:20,8,M,M +2017-05-04 03:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-04 04:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-04 05:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-04 07:20,8,SCT,M +2017-05-04 08:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 09:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 10:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 11:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-04 12:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-04 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-04 14:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-05-04 15:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 17:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 18:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-05-04 19:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-05-04 20:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-05-04 21:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-05-04 22:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-05-04 23:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-05-05 00:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-05 01:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-05 02:20,6,BKN,M +2017-05-05 03:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2017-05-05 04:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-05-05 05:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-05-05 06:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-05-05 07:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-05-05 08:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2017-05-05 09:20,7,SCT,RA +2017-05-05 10:20,7,SCT,-RA +2017-05-05 11:20,7,SCT,RA +2017-05-05 12:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-05-05 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-05-05 14:20,7,BKN,M +2017-05-05 15:20,7,OVC,M +2017-05-05 16:20,8,OVC,M +2017-05-05 17:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 18:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 22:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-05 23:20,8,BKN,BR +2017-05-06 00:20,8,SCT,BR +2017-05-06 01:20,8,SCT,BR +2017-05-06 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2017-05-06 03:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-06 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-06 05:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-06 06:20,9,BKN,M +2017-05-06 07:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-06 08:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-06 09:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-06 10:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-06 11:20,14,SCT,M +2017-05-06 12:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-06 13:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-06 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-06 15:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-06 16:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-06 17:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-06 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-06 19:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-06 20:20,9,M,M +2017-05-06 21:20,9,M,M +2017-05-06 22:20,7,M,M +2017-05-06 23:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-07 00:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-07 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-07 02:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-07 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-07 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-07 05:20,6,FEW,MIFG +2017-05-07 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-07 07:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-07 08:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-07 09:20,13,SCT,M +2017-05-07 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-07 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-07 12:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-07 13:20,19,SCT,M +2017-05-07 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-05-07 15:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-07 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-07 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-07 18:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-07 19:20,10,M,M +2017-05-07 20:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-07 21:20,9,BKN,M +2017-05-07 22:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-07 23:20,8,OVC,M +2017-05-08 00:20,8,OVC,M +2017-05-08 01:20,8,OVC,M +2017-05-08 02:20,8,OVC,M +2017-05-08 03:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-08 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-08 05:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-05-08 06:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-05-08 07:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-05-08 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-05-08 09:20,10,BKN,M +2017-05-08 10:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-08 11:20,11,SCT,M +2017-05-08 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-05-08 13:20,10,BKN,M +2017-05-08 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-08 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-08 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-08 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-08 18:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-08 19:20,7,M,M +2017-05-08 20:20,4,M,M +2017-05-08 21:20,4,M,M +2017-05-08 22:20,3,M,M +2017-05-08 23:20,2,M,M +2017-05-09 00:20,1,M,M +2017-05-09 01:20,0,M,M +2017-05-09 02:20,-1,M,M +2017-05-09 03:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-05-09 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-05-09 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-05-09 06:20,5,M,M +2017-05-09 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-09 08:20,9,SCT,M +2017-05-09 09:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-09 10:20,10,M,M +2017-05-09 11:20,10,M,M +2017-05-09 12:20,12,M,M +2017-05-09 13:20,12,M,M +2017-05-09 14:20,11,M,M +2017-05-09 15:20,10,M,M +2017-05-09 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-09 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-09 18:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-09 19:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-09 20:20,8,FEW,M +2017-05-09 21:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-09 22:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-09 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-05-10 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-05-10 01:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-05-10 02:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-10 03:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-10 04:20,7,FEW,M +2017-05-10 05:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-10 06:20,7,SCT,M +2017-05-10 07:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-10 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-05-10 09:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-10 10:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-05-10 11:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-05-10 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-05-10 13:20,9,SCT,-RA +2017-05-10 14:20,10,BKN,M +2017-05-10 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-10 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-05-10 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-10 18:20,9,FEW,M +2017-05-10 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-05-10 20:20,7,BKN,M +2017-05-10 21:20,7,BKN,M +2017-05-10 22:20,5,FEW,M +2017-05-10 23:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 01:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 03:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 04:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 05:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-11 06:20,9,M,M +2017-05-11 07:20,10,M,M +2017-05-11 08:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-11 09:20,13,M,M +2017-05-11 10:20,14,M,M +2017-05-11 11:20,15,M,M +2017-05-11 12:20,17,M,M +2017-05-11 13:20,17,M,M +2017-05-11 14:20,18,M,M +2017-05-11 15:20,18,M,M +2017-05-11 16:20,18,M,M +2017-05-11 17:20,17,M,M +2017-05-11 18:20,14,M,M +2017-05-11 19:20,12,M,M +2017-05-11 20:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-11 21:20,12,M,M +2017-05-11 22:20,12,M,M +2017-05-11 23:20,12,M,M +2017-05-12 00:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-12 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-12 02:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-12 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-12 04:20,11,M,M +2017-05-12 05:20,11,M,M +2017-05-12 06:20,12,M,M +2017-05-12 07:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-05-12 08:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-12 09:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-12 10:20,15,M,M +2017-05-12 11:20,16,M,M +2017-05-12 12:20,16,M,M +2017-05-12 13:20,18,M,M +2017-05-12 14:20,19,M,M +2017-05-12 15:20,20,M,M +2017-05-12 16:20,18,M,M +2017-05-12 17:20,17,M,M +2017-05-12 18:20,16,M,///////// +2017-05-12 19:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-05-12 20:20,14,M,M +2017-05-12 21:20,13,NSC,-RA +2017-05-12 22:20,13,NSC,-RA +2017-05-12 23:20,13,M,M +2017-05-13 00:20,12,M,M +2017-05-13 01:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-05-13 02:20,11,SCT,M +2017-05-13 03:20,11,NSC,M +2017-05-13 04:20,11,NSC,M +2017-05-13 05:20,12,M,M +2017-05-13 06:20,13,M,M +2017-05-13 07:20,14,M,M +2017-05-13 08:20,16,M,M +2017-05-13 09:20,17,M,M +2017-05-13 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-13 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-13 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2017-05-13 13:20,16,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2017-05-13 14:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-05-13 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-13 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-05-13 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-13 18:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-05-13 19:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2017-05-13 20:20,12,M,M +2017-05-13 21:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2017-05-13 22:20,12,M,M +2017-05-13 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-14 00:20,10,NSC,FG +2017-05-14 01:20,8,NSC,FG +2017-05-14 02:20,9,NSC,FG +2017-05-14 03:20,9,NSC,FG +2017-05-14 04:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-14 05:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-14 06:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-14 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-14 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-14 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-14 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-14 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-14 12:20,19,M,M +2017-05-14 13:20,20,M,M +2017-05-14 14:20,21,M,M +2017-05-14 15:20,20,M,M +2017-05-14 16:20,21,M,M +2017-05-14 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-14 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-14 19:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-14 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-14 21:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-05-14 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-14 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-15 00:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2017-05-15 01:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-15 02:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-15 03:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-15 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-15 05:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-15 06:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-15 07:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-15 08:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-15 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-15 10:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-15 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-15 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-15 13:20,18,M,M +2017-05-15 14:20,19,M,///////// +2017-05-15 15:20,18,M,M +2017-05-15 16:20,18,M,M +2017-05-15 17:20,17,M,M +2017-05-15 18:20,17,M,M +2017-05-15 19:20,16,M,M +2017-05-15 20:20,15,M,M +2017-05-15 21:20,14,M,M +2017-05-15 22:20,15,M,M +2017-05-15 23:20,15,M,M +2017-05-16 00:20,15,M,M +2017-05-16 01:20,14,M,M +2017-05-16 02:20,14,M,M +2017-05-16 03:20,13,NSC,-RA +2017-05-16 04:20,13,NSC,-RA +2017-05-16 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-05-16 06:20,13,NSC,-RA +2017-05-16 07:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-05-16 08:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-05-16 09:20,13,OVC,-RA +2017-05-16 10:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-05-16 11:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-05-16 12:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-05-16 13:20,15,OVC,RA +2017-05-16 14:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-05-16 15:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-05-16 16:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 17:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 18:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 19:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 20:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 21:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 22:20,16,M,M +2017-05-16 23:20,16,M,M +2017-05-17 00:20,15,M,M +2017-05-17 01:20,15,M,M +2017-05-17 02:20,15,M,M +2017-05-17 03:20,15,M,M +2017-05-17 04:20,16,M,M +2017-05-17 05:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-17 06:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-17 07:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-17 08:20,18,M,M +2017-05-17 09:20,20,M,M +2017-05-17 10:20,23,M,M +2017-05-17 11:20,25,M,M +2017-05-17 12:20,25,FEW,M +2017-05-17 13:20,26,FEW,M +2017-05-17 14:20,26,FEW,M +2017-05-17 15:20,26,FEW,M +2017-05-17 16:20,25,M,M +2017-05-17 17:20,25,M,M +2017-05-17 18:20,24,M,M +2017-05-17 19:20,22,M,M +2017-05-17 20:20,21,M,M +2017-05-17 21:20,21,M,M +2017-05-17 22:20,20,M,M +2017-05-17 23:20,20,M,M +2017-05-18 00:20,19,M,M +2017-05-18 01:20,18,M,M +2017-05-18 02:20,18,M,M +2017-05-18 03:20,18,M,M +2017-05-18 04:20,17,M,M +2017-05-18 05:20,19,M,M +2017-05-18 06:20,20,M,M +2017-05-18 07:20,21,M,M +2017-05-18 08:20,24,M,M +2017-05-18 09:20,24,M,M +2017-05-18 10:20,25,FEW,M +2017-05-18 11:20,26,SCT,M +2017-05-18 12:20,23,BKN,M +2017-05-18 13:20,21,M,M +2017-05-18 14:20,19,M,M +2017-05-18 15:20,20,M,M +2017-05-18 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-18 17:20,18,NSC,VCSH +2017-05-18 18:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-18 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-18 20:20,15,M,M +2017-05-18 21:20,15,M,M +2017-05-18 22:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-18 23:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-19 00:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-19 01:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-19 02:20,15,OVC,M +2017-05-19 03:20,15,OVC,M +2017-05-19 04:20,16,BKN,M +2017-05-19 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-05-19 06:20,16,BKN,M +2017-05-19 07:20,16,BKN,M +2017-05-19 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-19 09:20,21,M,///////// +2017-05-19 10:20,21,SCT,M +2017-05-19 11:20,21,BKN,-RA +2017-05-19 12:20,21,SCT,-RA +2017-05-19 13:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-19 14:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-19 15:20,20,BKN,-SHRA +2017-05-19 16:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2017-05-19 17:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-05-19 18:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2017-05-19 19:20,12,FEW,+TSRA +2017-05-19 20:20,12,SCT,TSRA +2017-05-19 21:20,12,FEW,-TSRA +2017-05-19 22:20,11,FEW,TSRA +2017-05-19 23:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-20 00:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-05-20 01:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-05-20 02:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-05-20 03:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2017-05-20 04:20,11,SCT,M +2017-05-20 05:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-20 06:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-20 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-20 08:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-20 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-20 10:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-20 11:20,17,BKN,M +2017-05-20 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-20 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-20 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-20 15:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-20 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-20 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-20 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-20 19:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-20 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-20 21:20,11,M,M +2017-05-20 22:20,10,M,M +2017-05-20 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-21 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2017-05-21 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2017-05-21 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-21 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-21 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-21 05:20,11,M,M +2017-05-21 06:20,14,M,M +2017-05-21 07:20,16,M,M +2017-05-21 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-21 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-21 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-21 11:20,19,M,M +2017-05-21 12:20,19,M,M +2017-05-21 13:20,20,M,M +2017-05-21 14:20,19,M,M +2017-05-21 15:20,19,M,M +2017-05-21 16:20,19,M,M +2017-05-21 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-21 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-21 19:20,15,M,M +2017-05-21 20:20,13,M,M +2017-05-21 21:20,11,M,M +2017-05-21 22:20,11,M,M +2017-05-21 23:20,10,M,M +2017-05-22 00:20,10,M,M +2017-05-22 01:20,10,M,M +2017-05-22 02:20,10,M,M +2017-05-22 03:20,10,M,M +2017-05-22 04:20,11,M,M +2017-05-22 05:20,13,M,M +2017-05-22 06:20,15,M,M +2017-05-22 07:20,17,M,M +2017-05-22 08:20,18,M,M +2017-05-22 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-22 10:20,20,M,M +2017-05-22 11:20,21,M,M +2017-05-22 12:20,20,M,M +2017-05-22 13:20,20,M,M +2017-05-22 14:20,21,M,M +2017-05-22 15:20,21,M,M +2017-05-22 16:20,21,M,M +2017-05-22 17:20,21,M,M +2017-05-22 18:20,20,M,M +2017-05-22 19:20,17,M,M +2017-05-22 20:20,16,M,M +2017-05-22 21:20,14,M,M +2017-05-22 22:20,14,M,M +2017-05-22 23:20,13,M,M +2017-05-23 00:20,13,M,M +2017-05-23 01:20,12,M,///////// +2017-05-23 02:20,11,M,M +2017-05-23 03:20,12,M,M +2017-05-23 04:20,12,M,M +2017-05-23 05:20,15,M,M +2017-05-23 06:20,18,M,M +2017-05-23 07:20,19,M,M +2017-05-23 08:20,20,M,M +2017-05-23 09:20,21,M,M +2017-05-23 10:20,22,M,M +2017-05-23 11:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-23 12:20,23,M,M +2017-05-23 13:20,19,FEW,TSRA +2017-05-23 14:20,21,M,M +2017-05-23 15:20,21,M,M +2017-05-23 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-23 17:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-23 18:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-23 19:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-23 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-23 21:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-23 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-23 23:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-24 00:20,12,BKN,M +2017-05-24 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-24 02:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-24 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-24 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-05-24 05:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-24 06:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-24 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-24 08:20,15,BKN,M +2017-05-24 09:20,15,BKN,M +2017-05-24 10:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-24 11:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-24 12:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 13:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 15:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 16:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-24 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-24 19:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-24 20:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-24 21:20,12,M,M +2017-05-24 22:20,11,M,M +2017-05-24 23:20,11,M,M +2017-05-25 00:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-25 01:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-25 02:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-25 03:20,11,BKN,BR +2017-05-25 04:20,11,BKN,M +2017-05-25 05:20,12,SCT,M +2017-05-25 06:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-25 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-25 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-25 09:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-25 10:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-25 11:20,17,BKN,M +2017-05-25 12:20,18,BKN,M +2017-05-25 13:20,18,BKN,M +2017-05-25 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-05-25 15:20,19,BKN,M +2017-05-25 16:20,20,BKN,M +2017-05-25 17:20,19,SCT,M +2017-05-25 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-25 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-25 20:20,15,BKN,M +2017-05-25 21:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-25 22:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-25 23:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-26 00:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-26 01:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-26 02:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-26 03:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-26 04:20,13,BKN,M +2017-05-26 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-26 06:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-26 07:20,15,BKN,M +2017-05-26 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-26 09:20,18,SCT,M +2017-05-26 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-26 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-26 12:20,22,FEW,M +2017-05-26 13:20,23,FEW,M +2017-05-26 14:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-26 15:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-26 16:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-26 17:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-26 18:20,23,FEW,M +2017-05-26 19:20,19,M,M +2017-05-26 20:20,17,M,M +2017-05-26 21:20,16,M,M +2017-05-26 22:20,15,M,M +2017-05-26 23:20,15,M,M +2017-05-27 00:20,14,M,M +2017-05-27 01:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-05-27 02:20,12,M,M +2017-05-27 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-05-27 04:20,14,M,M +2017-05-27 05:20,16,M,M +2017-05-27 06:20,19,M,M +2017-05-27 07:20,20,M,M +2017-05-27 08:20,21,M,M +2017-05-27 09:20,23,M,M +2017-05-27 10:20,24,M,M +2017-05-27 11:20,24,M,M +2017-05-27 12:20,25,M,M +2017-05-27 13:20,25,M,M +2017-05-27 14:20,26,M,M +2017-05-27 15:20,26,M,M +2017-05-27 16:20,26,M,M +2017-05-27 17:20,26,M,M +2017-05-27 18:20,25,M,M +2017-05-27 19:20,23,M,M +2017-05-27 20:20,22,M,M +2017-05-27 21:20,20,M,M +2017-05-27 22:20,18,M,M +2017-05-27 23:20,18,M,M +2017-05-28 00:20,18,M,M +2017-05-28 01:20,17,M,M +2017-05-28 02:20,17,M,M +2017-05-28 03:20,17,M,M +2017-05-28 04:20,18,M,M +2017-05-28 05:20,19,M,M +2017-05-28 06:20,21,M,M +2017-05-28 07:20,21,M,M +2017-05-28 08:20,22,NSC,VCSH +2017-05-28 09:20,22,FEW,M +2017-05-28 10:20,24,FEW,M +2017-05-28 11:20,25,FEW,M +2017-05-28 12:20,26,FEW,M +2017-05-28 13:20,26,SCT,M +2017-05-28 14:20,26,M,M +2017-05-28 15:20,24,M,M +2017-05-28 16:20,23,M,M +2017-05-28 17:20,22,M,M +2017-05-28 18:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-28 19:20,18,M,M +2017-05-28 20:20,17,M,M +2017-05-28 21:20,15,M,M +2017-05-28 22:20,14,M,M +2017-05-28 23:20,13,M,M +2017-05-29 00:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-29 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-29 02:20,14,OVC,M +2017-05-29 03:20,14,OVC,M +2017-05-29 04:20,14,BKN,M +2017-05-29 05:20,15,OVC,M +2017-05-29 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-29 07:20,16,BKN,M +2017-05-29 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-29 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-29 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-05-29 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-05-29 12:20,22,M,M +2017-05-29 13:20,22,M,M +2017-05-29 14:20,24,M,M +2017-05-29 15:20,24,M,M +2017-05-29 16:20,24,M,M +2017-05-29 17:20,24,M,M +2017-05-29 18:20,22,M,M +2017-05-29 19:20,20,FEW,M +2017-05-29 20:20,20,M,M +2017-05-29 21:20,19,M,M +2017-05-29 22:20,18,M,M +2017-05-29 23:20,18,M,M +2017-05-30 00:20,16,M,M +2017-05-30 01:20,16,M,M +2017-05-30 02:20,16,M,M +2017-05-30 03:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-30 04:20,17,SCT,-TSRA +2017-05-30 05:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-30 06:20,18,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2017-05-30 07:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-30 08:20,21,FEW,M +2017-05-30 09:20,22,FEW,M +2017-05-30 10:20,23,FEW,M +2017-05-30 11:20,24,BKN,M +2017-05-30 12:20,23,SCT,M +2017-05-30 13:20,23,BKN,M +2017-05-30 14:20,22,FEW,M +2017-05-30 15:20,19,BKN,M +2017-05-30 16:20,19,BKN,M +2017-05-30 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-30 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-05-30 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-30 20:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-30 21:20,17,BKN,M +2017-05-30 22:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-30 23:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-31 00:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-31 01:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-31 02:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-31 03:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-31 04:20,15,FEW,M +2017-05-31 05:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-31 06:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-31 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-31 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-31 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-05-31 10:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-31 11:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-31 12:20,17,SCT,M +2017-05-31 13:20,16,SCT,M +2017-05-31 14:20,16,FEW,M +2017-05-31 15:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-31 16:20,15,SCT,M +2017-05-31 17:20,14,FEW,M +2017-05-31 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-05-31 19:20,12,FEW,M +2017-05-31 20:20,11,M,M +2017-05-31 21:20,10,M,M +2017-05-31 22:20,10,M,M +2017-05-31 23:20,9,M,M +2017-06-01 00:20,7,M,M +2017-06-01 01:20,8,M,M +2017-06-01 02:20,8,M,M +2017-06-01 03:20,7,M,M +2017-06-01 04:20,9,M,M +2017-06-01 05:20,11,FEW,M +2017-06-01 06:20,12,SCT,M +2017-06-01 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-01 08:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-01 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-01 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-01 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-01 12:20,17,M,M +2017-06-01 13:20,17,M,M +2017-06-01 14:20,18,M,M +2017-06-01 15:20,19,M,M +2017-06-01 16:20,19,M,M +2017-06-01 17:20,18,M,M +2017-06-01 18:20,17,M,M +2017-06-01 19:20,14,M,M +2017-06-01 20:20,13,M,M +2017-06-01 21:20,11,M,M +2017-06-01 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-01 23:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 00:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 01:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 03:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 04:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-02 05:20,12,M,M +2017-06-02 06:20,13,M,M +2017-06-02 07:20,16,M,M +2017-06-02 08:20,17,M,M +2017-06-02 09:20,19,M,M +2017-06-02 10:20,21,M,M +2017-06-02 11:20,21,M,M +2017-06-02 12:20,22,M,M +2017-06-02 13:20,23,M,M +2017-06-02 14:20,24,M,M +2017-06-02 15:20,24,M,M +2017-06-02 16:20,23,M,M +2017-06-02 17:20,22,M,M +2017-06-02 18:20,21,M,M +2017-06-02 19:20,19,M,M +2017-06-02 20:20,18,M,M +2017-06-02 21:20,17,M,M +2017-06-02 22:20,16,M,M +2017-06-02 23:20,16,M,M +2017-06-03 00:20,16,M,M +2017-06-03 01:20,15,M,M +2017-06-03 02:20,15,M,M +2017-06-03 03:20,15,M,M +2017-06-03 04:20,15,M,M +2017-06-03 05:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-03 06:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-03 07:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-03 08:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-03 09:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-03 10:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-03 11:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-03 12:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-03 13:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-03 14:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-03 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-03 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-03 17:20,19,M,M +2017-06-03 18:20,18,M,M +2017-06-03 19:20,17,M,M +2017-06-03 20:20,17,M,M +2017-06-03 21:20,16,M,M +2017-06-03 22:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-03 23:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 00:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-04 01:20,16,BKN,+TSRA +2017-06-04 02:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-06-04 03:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-06-04 04:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-04 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 07:20,14,SCT,RA +2017-06-04 08:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 09:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 10:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-04 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-04 12:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-04 13:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-04 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-04 15:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-04 16:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-04 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-04 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-04 19:20,15,M,M +2017-06-04 20:20,14,M,M +2017-06-04 21:20,13,M,M +2017-06-04 22:20,12,M,M +2017-06-04 23:20,12,M,M +2017-06-05 00:20,10,M,M +2017-06-05 01:20,9,M,M +2017-06-05 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-05 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-05 04:20,11,M,M +2017-06-05 05:20,12,M,M +2017-06-05 06:20,14,M,M +2017-06-05 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-05 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-05 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-05 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-05 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-05 12:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-05 13:20,20,M,M +2017-06-05 14:20,20,M,M +2017-06-05 15:20,20,M,M +2017-06-05 16:20,21,M,M +2017-06-05 17:20,20,M,M +2017-06-05 18:20,20,M,M +2017-06-05 19:20,18,M,M +2017-06-05 20:20,15,M,M +2017-06-05 21:20,14,M,M +2017-06-05 22:20,14,M,M +2017-06-05 23:20,15,M,M +2017-06-06 00:20,14,M,M +2017-06-06 01:20,14,M,M +2017-06-06 02:20,13,M,M +2017-06-06 03:20,12,M,M +2017-06-06 04:20,13,M,M +2017-06-06 05:20,15,M,M +2017-06-06 06:20,16,M,M +2017-06-06 07:20,18,M,M +2017-06-06 08:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-06 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-06 10:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-06 11:20,22,SCT,M +2017-06-06 12:20,23,SCT,M +2017-06-06 13:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-06 14:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-06 15:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-06 16:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-06 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-06 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-06 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-06 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-06 21:20,14,M,M +2017-06-06 22:20,13,M,M +2017-06-06 23:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 00:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 01:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 02:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 03:20,11,M,M +2017-06-07 04:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 05:20,13,M,M +2017-06-07 06:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-07 07:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-07 08:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-07 09:20,13,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 10:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 11:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-06-07 12:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 13:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 15:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-06-07 16:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-06-07 17:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-06-07 18:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-06-07 19:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 20:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 21:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 22:20,12,M,M +2017-06-07 23:20,12,M,M +2017-06-08 00:20,12,M,M +2017-06-08 01:20,12,M,M +2017-06-08 02:20,11,M,M +2017-06-08 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-06-08 04:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-08 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-08 06:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-08 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-08 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-08 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-08 10:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-06-08 11:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-08 12:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2017-06-08 13:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-08 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-08 15:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-08 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-08 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-08 18:20,17,M,M +2017-06-08 19:20,17,M,M +2017-06-08 20:20,16,M,M +2017-06-08 21:20,16,M,M +2017-06-08 22:20,16,M,M +2017-06-08 23:20,16,M,M +2017-06-09 00:20,14,M,M +2017-06-09 01:20,14,M,M +2017-06-09 02:20,13,M,M +2017-06-09 03:20,13,M,M +2017-06-09 04:20,14,M,M +2017-06-09 05:20,16,M,M +2017-06-09 06:20,17,M,M +2017-06-09 07:20,19,M,M +2017-06-09 08:20,20,M,M +2017-06-09 09:20,21,M,M +2017-06-09 10:20,22,M,M +2017-06-09 11:20,23,M,M +2017-06-09 12:20,23,M,M +2017-06-09 13:20,23,M,M +2017-06-09 14:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-09 15:20,14,FEW,RA +2017-06-09 16:20,14,FEW,RA +2017-06-09 17:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-09 18:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-09 19:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-09 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-09 21:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-09 22:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-09 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-10 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-10 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-10 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-10 03:20,9,FEW,MIFG BCFG +2017-06-10 04:20,11,SCT,MIFG +2017-06-10 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-10 06:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-10 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-10 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-10 09:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-10 10:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-10 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-10 12:20,21,SCT,M +2017-06-10 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-06-10 14:20,21,SCT,M +2017-06-10 15:20,21,SCT,M +2017-06-10 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-10 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-10 18:20,19,BKN,M +2017-06-10 19:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-06-10 20:20,16,M,M +2017-06-10 21:20,16,M,M +2017-06-10 22:20,16,M,M +2017-06-10 23:20,16,M,M +2017-06-11 00:20,16,M,M +2017-06-11 01:20,16,M,M +2017-06-11 02:20,15,M,M +2017-06-11 03:20,14,M,M +2017-06-11 04:20,15,M,M +2017-06-11 05:20,17,M,M +2017-06-11 06:20,19,M,M +2017-06-11 07:20,21,M,M +2017-06-11 08:20,22,M,M +2017-06-11 09:20,23,M,M +2017-06-11 10:20,24,FEW,M +2017-06-11 11:20,26,FEW,M +2017-06-11 12:20,26,FEW,M +2017-06-11 13:20,25,M,M +2017-06-11 14:20,26,M,M +2017-06-11 15:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-11 16:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-11 17:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-11 18:20,20,FEW,-RA +2017-06-11 19:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-06-11 20:20,19,M,M +2017-06-11 21:20,18,M,M +2017-06-11 22:20,18,M,M +2017-06-11 23:20,17,M,M +2017-06-12 00:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-12 01:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-12 02:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 03:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-12 04:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-12 05:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 06:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 07:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-12 08:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-12 09:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-06-12 10:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-12 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-12 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-12 13:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-12 14:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 17:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-12 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-12 19:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-12 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-12 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-12 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-12 23:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-13 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-13 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-13 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-13 03:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-13 04:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-13 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-13 06:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-13 07:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-06-13 08:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-13 09:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-13 10:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-13 11:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-13 12:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-13 13:20,17,BKN,M +2017-06-13 14:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-13 15:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-13 16:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-13 17:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-13 18:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-13 19:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-13 20:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-13 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-13 22:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-13 23:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-14 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-14 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-06-14 02:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-14 03:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-14 04:20,13,BKN,M +2017-06-14 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-14 06:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-14 07:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-14 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-06-14 09:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-14 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-14 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-14 12:20,20,BKN,M +2017-06-14 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-14 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-14 15:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-14 16:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-14 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-14 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-14 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-14 20:20,15,M,M +2017-06-14 21:20,14,M,M +2017-06-14 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-14 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-15 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2017-06-15 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2017-06-15 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-15 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG BCFG +2017-06-15 04:20,14,M,M +2017-06-15 05:20,16,M,M +2017-06-15 06:20,18,M,M +2017-06-15 07:20,20,M,M +2017-06-15 08:20,21,M,M +2017-06-15 09:20,22,M,M +2017-06-15 10:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-15 11:20,24,FEW,M +2017-06-15 12:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-15 13:20,24,M,M +2017-06-15 14:20,26,M,M +2017-06-15 15:20,25,M,M +2017-06-15 16:20,24,M,M +2017-06-15 17:20,21,SCT,-TSRA +2017-06-15 18:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-15 19:20,20,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2017-06-15 20:20,18,SCT,TSRA +2017-06-15 21:20,17,BKN,M +2017-06-15 22:20,16,M,M +2017-06-15 23:20,15,M,M +2017-06-16 00:20,14,M,M +2017-06-16 01:20,14,M,M +2017-06-16 02:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-06-16 03:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-16 04:20,14,M,M +2017-06-16 05:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-16 06:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-16 07:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-16 08:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-16 09:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-16 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-16 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-16 12:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-16 13:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-16 14:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-16 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-06-16 16:20,16,SCT,M +2017-06-16 17:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-16 18:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-16 19:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-16 20:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-16 21:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-16 22:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-16 23:20,13,SCT,M +2017-06-17 00:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-17 01:20,13,SCT,M +2017-06-17 02:20,13,SCT,M +2017-06-17 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-17 04:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-17 05:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-17 06:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-17 07:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-17 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-17 09:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-17 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-17 11:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-17 12:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-17 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-17 14:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-17 15:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-17 16:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-17 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-17 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-17 19:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-17 20:20,16,SCT,M +2017-06-17 21:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-17 22:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-17 23:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 00:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 01:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 02:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 03:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 04:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-18 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-18 06:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-18 07:20,17,BKN,M +2017-06-18 08:20,18,BKN,M +2017-06-18 09:20,19,BKN,M +2017-06-18 10:20,21,BKN,M +2017-06-18 11:20,23,BKN,M +2017-06-18 12:20,24,SCT,M +2017-06-18 13:20,24,SCT,M +2017-06-18 15:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-18 16:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-18 17:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-18 18:20,24,FEW,M +2017-06-18 19:20,22,FEW,M +2017-06-18 20:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-18 21:20,18,M,M +2017-06-18 23:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-06-19 00:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-19 01:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-06-19 02:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-06-19 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-06-19 04:20,16,M,M +2017-06-19 05:20,20,M,M +2017-06-19 06:20,22,M,M +2017-06-19 07:20,24,M,M +2017-06-19 08:20,24,FEW,M +2017-06-19 09:20,26,FEW,M +2017-06-19 10:20,26,BKN,M +2017-06-19 11:20,26,SCT,M +2017-06-19 12:20,28,SCT,M +2017-06-19 13:20,28,SCT,M +2017-06-19 14:20,28,M,M +2017-06-19 15:20,28,M,M +2017-06-19 16:20,29,M,M +2017-06-19 17:20,28,M,M +2017-06-19 18:20,27,M,M +2017-06-19 19:20,23,M,M +2017-06-19 20:20,22,M,M +2017-06-19 21:20,21,M,M +2017-06-19 22:20,19,M,M +2017-06-19 23:20,18,M,M +2017-06-20 00:20,17,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-06-20 01:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-20 02:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-20 03:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-20 04:20,18,M,M +2017-06-20 05:20,19,M,M +2017-06-20 06:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-20 07:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-20 08:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-20 09:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-20 10:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-20 11:20,22,FEW,M +2017-06-20 12:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-20 13:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-20 14:20,22,FEW,M +2017-06-20 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-20 16:20,20,M,M +2017-06-20 17:20,20,M,M +2017-06-20 18:20,18,M,M +2017-06-20 19:20,16,M,M +2017-06-20 20:20,14,M,M +2017-06-20 21:20,13,M,M +2017-06-20 22:20,12,M,M +2017-06-20 23:20,11,M,M +2017-06-21 00:20,10,M,M +2017-06-21 01:20,9,M,M +2017-06-21 02:20,8,M,M +2017-06-21 03:20,8,M,M +2017-06-21 04:20,10,M,M +2017-06-21 05:20,13,M,M +2017-06-21 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-21 07:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-21 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-06-21 09:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-21 10:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-21 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-21 12:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-21 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-21 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-21 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-21 16:20,20,M,M +2017-06-21 17:20,19,M,M +2017-06-21 18:20,19,M,M +2017-06-21 19:20,17,M,M +2017-06-21 20:20,16,M,M +2017-06-21 21:20,14,M,M +2017-06-21 22:20,13,M,M +2017-06-21 23:20,12,M,M +2017-06-22 00:20,12,M,M +2017-06-22 01:20,12,M,M +2017-06-22 02:20,12,M,M +2017-06-22 03:20,13,M,M +2017-06-22 04:20,15,M,M +2017-06-22 05:20,17,M,M +2017-06-22 06:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2017-06-22 07:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-22 08:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-22 09:20,20,FEW,TS +2017-06-22 10:20,16,FEW,-TSRA +2017-06-22 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-22 12:20,20,M,M +2017-06-22 13:20,23,M,M +2017-06-22 14:20,24,M,M +2017-06-22 15:20,25,M,M +2017-06-22 16:20,25,FEW,M +2017-06-22 17:20,18,BKN,-TSRA +2017-06-22 18:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-22 19:20,19,FEW,SHRA +2017-06-22 20:20,18,M,M +2017-06-22 21:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-22 22:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-22 23:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-23 00:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-23 01:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-23 02:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-23 03:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-23 04:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-23 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-23 06:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-06-23 07:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-06-23 08:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-23 09:20,17,BKN,M +2017-06-23 10:20,18,BKN,M +2017-06-23 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-23 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-23 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-23 14:20,21,SCT,M +2017-06-23 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-23 16:20,18,SCT,-RA +2017-06-23 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-23 18:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-06-23 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-23 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-23 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-23 22:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-23 23:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-24 00:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-24 01:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-24 02:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-24 03:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-24 04:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-24 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-24 06:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-06-24 07:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-24 08:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-06-24 09:20,16,BKN,-RADZ +2017-06-24 10:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-24 11:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-24 12:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2017-06-24 13:20,17,BKN,-RADZ +2017-06-24 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-24 15:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-24 16:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-24 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-24 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-24 19:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-24 20:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-24 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-06-24 22:20,14,BKN,M +2017-06-24 23:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-25 00:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-25 01:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-25 02:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-25 03:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-25 04:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-25 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-25 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-25 07:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-06-25 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-25 09:20,18,SCT,M +2017-06-25 10:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-06-25 11:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-25 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-25 13:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-25 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-25 15:20,16,BKN,M +2017-06-25 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-25 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-25 18:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-25 19:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-25 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-25 21:20,14,SCT,M +2017-06-25 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-25 23:20,14,M,M +2017-06-26 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-26 01:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-26 02:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-26 03:20,12,FEW,M +2017-06-26 04:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-26 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-26 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-06-26 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-26 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-26 09:20,17,BKN,M +2017-06-26 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-26 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-26 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-26 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-26 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-26 15:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-26 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-26 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-26 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-06-26 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-26 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-06-26 21:20,11,M,M +2017-06-26 22:20,11,M,M +2017-06-26 23:20,10,M,M +2017-06-27 00:20,8,M,M +2017-06-27 01:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-27 02:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-06-27 03:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2017-06-27 04:20,9,FEW,M +2017-06-27 05:20,12,FEW,M +2017-06-27 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-06-27 07:20,15,SCT,M +2017-06-27 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-27 09:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-27 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-27 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-27 12:20,19,FEW,M +2017-06-27 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-27 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-27 15:20,20,M,M +2017-06-27 16:20,20,M,M +2017-06-27 17:20,19,M,M +2017-06-27 18:20,19,M,M +2017-06-27 19:20,18,M,M +2017-06-27 20:20,16,M,M +2017-06-27 21:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-27 22:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-27 23:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-28 00:20,13,M,M +2017-06-28 01:20,13,M,M +2017-06-28 02:20,14,M,M +2017-06-28 03:20,15,M,M +2017-06-28 04:20,15,M,M +2017-06-28 05:20,16,M,M +2017-06-28 06:20,17,M,M +2017-06-28 07:20,19,M,M +2017-06-28 08:20,20,M,M +2017-06-28 09:20,22,M,M +2017-06-28 10:20,22,M,M +2017-06-28 11:20,24,M,M +2017-06-28 12:20,24,M,M +2017-06-28 13:20,24,FEW,M +2017-06-28 14:20,23,SCT,M +2017-06-28 15:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2017-06-28 16:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-28 17:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-28 18:20,21,BKN,M +2017-06-28 19:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-28 20:20,20,FEW,M +2017-06-28 21:20,20,FEW,SHRA +2017-06-28 22:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-28 23:20,18,FEW,M +2017-06-29 00:20,18,BKN,M +2017-06-29 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2017-06-29 02:20,17,FEW,M +2017-06-29 03:20,17,SCT,M +2017-06-29 04:20,17,SCT,BR +2017-06-29 05:20,18,BKN,M +2017-06-29 06:20,19,SCT,M +2017-06-29 07:20,19,BKN,M +2017-06-29 08:20,20,SCT,M +2017-06-29 09:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-29 10:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-29 11:20,22,SCT,M +2017-06-29 12:20,23,SCT,M +2017-06-29 13:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-29 14:20,23,FEW,M +2017-06-29 15:20,22,FEW,M +2017-06-29 16:20,21,FEW,M +2017-06-29 17:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-06-29 18:20,18,SCT,-RA +2017-06-29 19:20,17,SCT,-RA +2017-06-29 20:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-06-29 21:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-06-29 22:20,16,BKN,RA +2017-06-29 23:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 00:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 01:20,15,BKN,RA +2017-06-30 02:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 03:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 04:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 05:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 06:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 07:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 08:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-30 09:20,15,FEW,RA +2017-06-30 10:20,15,FEW,RA +2017-06-30 11:20,15,SCT,RA +2017-06-30 12:20,15,BKN,RA +2017-06-30 13:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 14:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 15:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-06-30 16:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 17:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 18:20,14,BKN,RA +2017-06-30 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-06-30 20:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-06-30 21:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 22:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-06-30 23:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-07-01 00:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-07-01 01:20,14,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-01 02:20,14,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-01 03:20,14,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-01 04:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-01 05:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2017-07-01 06:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-01 07:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-01 08:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2017-07-01 09:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2017-07-01 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-01 11:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-07-01 12:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-07-01 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-01 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-01 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-01 16:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-01 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-01 18:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-01 19:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-01 20:20,16,M,M +2017-07-01 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-07-01 22:20,15,BKN,M +2017-07-01 23:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 00:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 03:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 04:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-02 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-02 06:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-07-02 07:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2017-07-02 08:20,15,SCT,-RADZ +2017-07-02 09:20,15,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-02 10:20,15,SCT,M +2017-07-02 11:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-02 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-02 13:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-02 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-02 15:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-02 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-02 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-02 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-02 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-02 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-02 21:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-02 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-02 23:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-03 00:20,12,M,M +2017-07-03 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-03 02:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-03 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-03 04:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-03 05:20,13,M,M +2017-07-03 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-03 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-03 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-03 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-03 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-03 11:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-03 12:20,20,BKN,M +2017-07-03 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-03 14:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-03 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-03 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-03 17:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2017-07-03 18:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-03 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-03 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-03 21:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-03 22:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-03 23:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-04 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-04 01:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-04 02:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-04 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-04 04:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-04 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-04 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-04 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-04 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-07-04 09:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-04 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-04 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-04 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-04 13:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-04 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-04 15:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-04 16:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-04 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-04 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-04 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-04 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-04 21:20,14,M,M +2017-07-04 22:20,13,M,M +2017-07-04 23:20,13,M,M +2017-07-05 00:20,13,M,M +2017-07-05 01:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-05 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-07-05 03:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-07-05 04:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-07-05 05:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-05 06:08,13,FEW,M +2017-07-05 06:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-05 07:10,13,FEW,M +2017-07-05 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-05 08:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-05 09:20,16,SCT,M +2017-07-05 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-05 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-05 12:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-05 13:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-05 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-05 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-05 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-05 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-05 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-05 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-05 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-05 21:20,15,M,M +2017-07-05 22:20,14,M,M +2017-07-05 23:20,12,M,M +2017-07-06 00:20,11,M,M +2017-07-06 01:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-06 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-06 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-06 04:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-06 05:20,13,M,///////// +2017-07-06 06:20,16,M,M +2017-07-06 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-06 09:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-06 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-06 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-06 12:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-06 13:20,22,SCT,M +2017-07-06 14:20,22,M,M +2017-07-06 15:20,24,M,M +2017-07-06 16:20,23,M,M +2017-07-06 17:20,23,M,M +2017-07-06 18:20,22,M,M +2017-07-06 19:20,21,M,M +2017-07-06 19:35,20,M,M +2017-07-06 20:20,18,M,M +2017-07-06 21:20,18,M,M +2017-07-06 22:20,17,M,M +2017-07-06 23:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-07 00:20,17,M,M +2017-07-07 01:20,16,M,M +2017-07-07 02:20,16,M,M +2017-07-07 03:20,16,M,M +2017-07-07 04:20,16,M,M +2017-07-07 05:20,17,M,M +2017-07-07 06:20,18,M,M +2017-07-07 07:20,19,M,M +2017-07-07 08:20,22,M,M +2017-07-07 09:20,23,M,M +2017-07-07 10:20,24,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-07 11:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-07 12:20,24,SCT,M +2017-07-07 13:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-07 14:20,24,SCT,M +2017-07-07 15:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-07 16:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-07 17:20,23,FEW,M +2017-07-07 18:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-07 19:20,21,M,M +2017-07-07 20:20,20,M,M +2017-07-07 21:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-07 22:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-07 23:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-08 00:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-08 01:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-08 01:59,17,BKN,M +2017-07-08 02:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-08 03:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-08 03:32,17,SCT,M +2017-07-08 04:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-08 04:23,17,BKN,-DZRA +2017-07-08 04:39,17,BKN,M +2017-07-08 05:20,17,OVC,BR +2017-07-08 06:20,19,BKN,M +2017-07-08 06:31,19,SCT,M +2017-07-08 07:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-08 08:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-08 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-08 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-08 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-08 12:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-08 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-07-08 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-08 15:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-08 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-08 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-08 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-08 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-08 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-08 21:20,14,M,M +2017-07-08 22:20,13,M,M +2017-07-08 23:20,11,M,M +2017-07-09 00:00,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 02:23,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 02:36,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-09 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-09 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-09 05:20,13,M,M +2017-07-09 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-09 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-09 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-09 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-09 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-09 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-09 12:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-09 13:20,22,M,M +2017-07-09 14:20,22,M,M +2017-07-09 15:20,23,M,M +2017-07-09 16:20,23,M,M +2017-07-09 17:20,22,M,M +2017-07-09 18:20,20,M,M +2017-07-09 19:20,19,M,M +2017-07-09 20:20,18,M,M +2017-07-09 21:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-09 22:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-09 23:20,15,M,M +2017-07-10 00:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-10 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-10 02:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-10 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-10 04:20,14,M,M +2017-07-10 05:20,16,M,M +2017-07-10 06:20,17,M,M +2017-07-10 07:20,17,M,M +2017-07-10 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-10 09:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-10 10:05,16,FEW,RA +2017-07-10 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-10 11:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-07-10 12:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-07-10 13:20,16,FEW,RA +2017-07-10 13:29,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-10 14:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-10 15:17,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-10 15:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-10 16:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-10 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-10 18:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-10 19:20,16,SCT,M +2017-07-10 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-10 21:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-10 22:20,15,BKN,M +2017-07-10 23:20,14,M,M +2017-07-11 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-11 01:12,14,SCT,BR +2017-07-11 01:20,14,BKN,BR +2017-07-11 02:20,15,BKN,BR +2017-07-11 03:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2017-07-11 04:09,15,SCT,BR +2017-07-11 04:20,15,FEW,BR +2017-07-11 04:53,15,FEW,BR +2017-07-11 05:20,16,FEW,BR +2017-07-11 06:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-11 06:38,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-11 07:12,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-11 07:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-11 08:06,17,FEW,M +2017-07-11 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-11 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-11 10:20,21,SCT,M +2017-07-11 11:20,21,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-11 11:30,20,BKN,SHRA VCTS +2017-07-11 11:33,21,SCT,-SHRA VCTS +2017-07-11 11:41,21,SCT,-TSRA +2017-07-11 11:56,18,BKN,VCTS -SHRA +2017-07-11 12:06,19,M,///////// +2017-07-11 12:20,20,BKN,VCSH VCSH +2017-07-11 12:59,18,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-11 13:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-11 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-11 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-11 16:20,20,FEW,VCTS +2017-07-11 16:35,19,SCT,TSRA +2017-07-11 16:46,17,BKN,+SHRA +2017-07-11 17:08,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-11 17:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-11 17:30,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-11 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-11 19:20,16,M,M +2017-07-11 20:20,15,M,M +2017-07-11 21:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-11 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-11 23:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-12 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-12 01:20,15,M,M +2017-07-12 02:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 03:20,15,FEW,-RA BR +2017-07-12 03:39,15,FEW,-RA BR +2017-07-12 04:10,15,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-07-12 04:20,15,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-07-12 04:33,15,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-07-12 05:08,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 06:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 07:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-12 08:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-12 09:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-12 11:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 12:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-12 12:56,15,SCT,RA +2017-07-12 13:06,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 13:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 14:12,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 14:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 15:12,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 15:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-12 16:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-12 16:26,14,SCT,M +2017-07-12 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-12 18:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-12 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-12 19:25,14,FEW,M +2017-07-12 20:20,13,SCT,M +2017-07-12 21:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-12 22:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-12 23:20,13,SCT,M +2017-07-13 00:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-13 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-07-13 02:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-13 03:20,12,BKN,M +2017-07-13 04:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-13 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-13 06:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-13 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-13 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-13 09:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-13 10:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-13 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-13 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-13 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-13 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-13 15:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-13 16:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-13 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-13 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-13 19:20,15,M,M +2017-07-13 20:20,12,M,M +2017-07-13 21:20,11,M,M +2017-07-13 22:20,10,M,M +2017-07-13 23:20,10,M,M +2017-07-14 00:20,10,M,M +2017-07-14 01:20,9,M,M +2017-07-14 02:20,9,M,M +2017-07-14 03:20,9,M,M +2017-07-14 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-14 05:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-14 05:54,13,FEW,M +2017-07-14 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-14 07:09,16,FEW,M +2017-07-14 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-14 07:26,16,FEW,M +2017-07-14 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-14 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-14 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-14 10:58,19,SCT,M +2017-07-14 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-14 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-14 13:20,20,M,M +2017-07-14 14:20,21,M,M +2017-07-14 15:20,21,M,M +2017-07-14 16:20,19,M,M +2017-07-14 17:12,17,M,M +2017-07-14 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-14 18:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-14 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-07-14 20:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-07-14 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-14 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-14 23:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-15 00:20,14,NSC,M +2017-07-15 01:20,14,M,M +2017-07-15 02:20,13,SCT,M +2017-07-15 03:20,13,SCT,M +2017-07-15 04:11,13,BKN,M +2017-07-15 04:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-15 05:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-15 06:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-15 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-07-15 07:38,13,SCT,M +2017-07-15 08:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-15 08:43,14,SCT,M +2017-07-15 09:20,16,BKN,M +2017-07-15 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-15 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-15 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-15 13:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-15 14:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-15 15:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-15 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-15 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-15 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-15 19:01,17,FEW,M +2017-07-15 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-15 20:20,15,M,M +2017-07-15 21:20,13,M,M +2017-07-15 22:20,12,M,M +2017-07-15 23:20,12,M,M +2017-07-16 00:20,14,M,M +2017-07-16 01:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-16 02:20,15,SCT,M +2017-07-16 03:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-16 04:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-16 05:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-16 06:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-07-16 07:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-16 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-16 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-16 09:58,17,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-16 10:20,17,FEW,-RADZ +2017-07-16 10:24,17,FEW,-RADZ +2017-07-16 11:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-16 12:20,17,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-16 13:15,18,BKN,M +2017-07-16 13:20,18,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-16 14:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-16 15:16,18,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-16 15:20,18,BKN,-DZ +2017-07-16 15:53,18,BKN,-DZRA +2017-07-16 16:20,18,SCT,-DZRA +2017-07-16 16:30,18,SCT,-DZ +2017-07-16 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-16 18:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-16 19:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-16 20:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-16 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-16 22:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-16 23:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-17 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-17 01:20,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 01:23,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 01:26,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 01:40,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 02:02,12,SCT,BCFG +2017-07-17 02:09,12,SCT,BCFG +2017-07-17 02:12,12,FEW,BCFG +2017-07-17 02:20,12,FEW,BCFG +2017-07-17 02:36,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 03:10,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 03:20,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 03:28,12,FEW,BCFG +2017-07-17 03:42,11,FEW,BCFG +2017-07-17 04:20,11,FEW,PRFG +2017-07-17 04:24,12,FEW,BCFG +2017-07-17 04:28,12,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 04:40,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-17 04:43,13,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-17 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-17 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-17 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-17 08:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-17 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-17 10:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-17 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-17 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-17 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-17 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-17 15:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-17 16:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-17 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-17 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-17 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-17 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-17 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-17 22:20,13,FEW,M +2017-07-17 23:20,12,SCT,MIFG +2017-07-18 00:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-18 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-18 02:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-07-18 03:20,11,BKN,M +2017-07-18 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-07-18 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-07-18 06:20,16,BKN,M +2017-07-18 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-18 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-18 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-18 10:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-18 11:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-18 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-18 13:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-18 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-18 15:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-18 16:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-18 17:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-18 18:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-18 19:20,18,M,M +2017-07-18 20:20,17,M,M +2017-07-18 21:20,15,M,M +2017-07-18 22:20,15,M,M +2017-07-18 23:20,15,M,M +2017-07-19 00:20,14,M,M +2017-07-19 01:20,13,M,M +2017-07-19 02:20,12,M,M +2017-07-19 03:20,13,M,M +2017-07-19 04:20,14,M,M +2017-07-19 05:20,16,M,M +2017-07-19 06:20,17,M,M +2017-07-19 07:20,19,M,M +2017-07-19 08:20,21,M,M +2017-07-19 09:20,23,M,M +2017-07-19 10:20,23,M,M +2017-07-19 11:20,25,M,M +2017-07-19 12:20,25,M,M +2017-07-19 13:20,26,M,M +2017-07-19 14:20,26,M,M +2017-07-19 15:20,26,M,M +2017-07-19 16:20,26,M,M +2017-07-19 17:20,26,M,M +2017-07-19 18:20,25,M,M +2017-07-19 19:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-19 20:20,19,FEW,TSRA +2017-07-19 21:20,18,FEW,+SHRA +2017-07-19 22:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-19 23:20,19,BKN,M +2017-07-20 00:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-20 01:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-20 02:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-20 03:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-20 04:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-20 05:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-20 06:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-20 06:41,19,FEW,M +2017-07-20 07:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-20 08:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-20 08:30,20,FEW,M +2017-07-20 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-20 10:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-20 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-20 12:20,22,SCT,M +2017-07-20 13:20,22,SCT,M +2017-07-20 14:20,22,BKN,M +2017-07-20 15:20,22,BKN,M +2017-07-20 16:20,23,FEW,M +2017-07-20 17:20,23,SCT,M +2017-07-20 18:20,22,SCT,M +2017-07-20 19:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-20 20:04,21,FEW,-TSRA +2017-07-20 20:13,21,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-20 20:20,20,BKN,SHRA +2017-07-20 20:22,19,BKN,TSRA +2017-07-20 20:28,18,BKN,+TSRA +2017-07-20 20:38,18,SCT,SHRA VCTS +2017-07-20 20:43,18,SCT,SHRA VCTS +2017-07-20 20:47,18,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2017-07-20 21:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-20 22:20,18,M,M +2017-07-20 23:20,17,M,M +2017-07-21 00:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-21 00:23,17,BKN,M +2017-07-21 00:46,17,SCT,M +2017-07-21 01:08,17,BKN,M +2017-07-21 01:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-21 02:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-21 02:46,17,SCT,M +2017-07-21 02:59,17,FEW,M +2017-07-21 03:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-21 04:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-21 05:09,16,BKN,M +2017-07-21 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-07-21 06:20,16,BKN,M +2017-07-21 06:41,17,SCT,M +2017-07-21 07:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-21 08:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-21 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-21 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-21 11:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-21 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-21 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-07-21 14:20,21,M,M +2017-07-21 15:20,21,M,M +2017-07-21 16:20,21,M,M +2017-07-21 17:20,21,M,M +2017-07-21 18:20,20,M,M +2017-07-21 19:20,18,M,M +2017-07-21 20:20,16,M,M +2017-07-21 21:20,16,M,M +2017-07-21 22:20,16,M,M +2017-07-21 23:20,16,M,M +2017-07-22 00:20,16,M,M +2017-07-22 01:20,17,M,M +2017-07-22 02:20,16,M,M +2017-07-22 03:20,16,M,M +2017-07-22 04:20,17,M,M +2017-07-22 05:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-22 06:20,18,M,M +2017-07-22 07:20,19,M,M +2017-07-22 08:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-22 09:20,19,BKN,-RA +2017-07-22 09:33,19,BKN,RA +2017-07-22 10:14,18,FEW,RA +2017-07-22 10:20,18,FEW,RA +2017-07-22 11:20,18,FEW,RA +2017-07-22 11:29,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-22 12:20,19,SCT,-RA +2017-07-22 12:57,19,BKN,-RA +2017-07-22 13:10,19,BKN,M +2017-07-22 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-22 13:24,20,FEW,M +2017-07-22 13:38,20,FEW,-RA +2017-07-22 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 14:57,19,SCT,-RA +2017-07-22 15:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-07-22 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 16:41,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-22 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 19:16,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 19:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-22 20:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-22 20:25,18,BKN,M +2017-07-22 21:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-22 21:58,17,BKN,M +2017-07-22 22:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-22 23:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-23 00:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-23 01:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-23 02:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-23 03:20,18,BKN,BR +2017-07-23 04:20,18,FEW,BR +2017-07-23 04:25,18,FEW,-RA BR +2017-07-23 05:01,18,BKN,SHRA VCTS +2017-07-23 05:20,18,BKN,SHRA +2017-07-23 05:23,18,BKN,SHRA VCTS +2017-07-23 05:42,18,FEW,SHRA +2017-07-23 06:03,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-23 06:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-23 06:36,18,SCT,M +2017-07-23 07:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-23 08:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-23 09:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-23 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-23 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-23 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-23 13:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2017-07-23 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-23 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-23 16:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-23 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-23 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-23 19:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-07-23 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-23 21:20,16,M,M +2017-07-23 22:20,15,M,M +2017-07-23 23:20,13,M,M +2017-07-24 00:20,13,M,M +2017-07-24 01:20,13,M,M +2017-07-24 02:20,13,M,M +2017-07-24 03:20,12,M,M +2017-07-24 04:20,12,M,M +2017-07-24 05:20,15,M,M +2017-07-24 06:20,16,M,M +2017-07-24 06:59,17,M,M +2017-07-24 07:20,17,M,M +2017-07-24 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-24 09:00,20,FEW,M +2017-07-24 09:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-24 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-24 11:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-24 11:32,21,SCT,M +2017-07-24 11:40,21,SCT,M +2017-07-24 12:20,20,SCT,-RA +2017-07-24 13:20,19,SCT,-RA +2017-07-24 14:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-24 15:20,18,SCT,-RA +2017-07-24 15:39,18,SCT,RA +2017-07-24 16:02,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 16:08,16,SCT,SHRA +2017-07-24 16:17,16,SCT,SHRA +2017-07-24 16:20,16,SCT,SHRA +2017-07-24 17:10,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 17:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-07-24 18:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 20:20,16,NSC,-RA +2017-07-24 21:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 22:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-24 23:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 00:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 01:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 02:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2017-07-25 02:43,15,FEW,-RA BR +2017-07-25 03:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-07-25 03:40,15,BKN,RA BR +2017-07-25 03:44,15,BKN,RA BR +2017-07-25 04:20,15,FEW,-RA BR +2017-07-25 05:20,15,BKN,-RA BR +2017-07-25 06:20,16,BKN,-RA BR +2017-07-25 06:39,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-25 06:53,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-25 07:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-07-25 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 08:55,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 09:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 10:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-07-25 11:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 12:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-07-25 12:40,17,SCT,-RA +2017-07-25 13:04,17,FEW,RA +2017-07-25 13:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 14:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-25 15:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-25 16:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-25 17:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 18:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-25 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-25 20:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-07-25 21:20,14,OVC,-RA +2017-07-25 22:20,13,FEW,RA +2017-07-25 23:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-07-26 00:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-07-26 01:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-07-26 02:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-26 03:20,15,NSC,-RA +2017-07-26 03:57,15,BKN,-RA +2017-07-26 04:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-07-26 05:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-26 06:07,15,SCT,M +2017-07-26 06:20,15,SCT,M +2017-07-26 07:20,16,BKN,M +2017-07-26 08:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-26 08:37,18,BKN,M +2017-07-26 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-26 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-26 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-26 12:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-26 12:40,22,FEW,M +2017-07-26 13:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-26 14:20,23,SCT,M +2017-07-26 15:20,23,FEW,M +2017-07-26 16:20,20,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-26 17:12,20,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-26 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-26 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-26 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-26 20:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-26 21:20,15,M,M +2017-07-26 22:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-26 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-27 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-27 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-27 02:20,15,M,M +2017-07-27 03:20,15,M,M +2017-07-27 03:34,16,M,M +2017-07-27 04:20,16,SCT,M +2017-07-27 05:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-27 06:20,18,SCT,M +2017-07-27 06:34,18,BKN,M +2017-07-27 06:57,17,SCT,-DZRA +2017-07-27 07:11,17,BKN,M +2017-07-27 07:20,17,BKN,M +2017-07-27 07:45,17,SCT,M +2017-07-27 07:57,18,BKN,M +2017-07-27 08:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-27 08:31,18,BKN,M +2017-07-27 09:08,19,BKN,M +2017-07-27 09:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-27 10:20,20,BKN,M +2017-07-27 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-27 12:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-27 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-07-27 14:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-27 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-27 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-27 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-27 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-27 19:08,17,FEW,M +2017-07-27 19:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-27 19:23,16,FEW,M +2017-07-27 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-27 21:03,16,FEW,M +2017-07-27 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-27 22:20,15,M,M +2017-07-27 23:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-28 00:20,15,BKN,-SHRA +2017-07-28 00:22,15,FEW,SHRA +2017-07-28 00:28,14,FEW,-TSRA +2017-07-28 00:42,14,FEW,-TSRA +2017-07-28 00:55,13,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2017-07-28 01:05,13,M,M +2017-07-28 01:20,13,M,M +2017-07-28 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-28 02:56,12,NSC,BCFG +2017-07-28 03:09,12,NSC,BCFG +2017-07-28 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2017-07-28 03:44,12,NSC,BCFG +2017-07-28 03:53,12,NSC,BCFG +2017-07-28 04:14,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-28 04:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-28 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-07-28 06:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-28 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-28 08:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-28 09:20,18,BKN,M +2017-07-28 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-07-28 11:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2017-07-28 11:28,18,SCT,-TSRA +2017-07-28 11:31,17,SCT,-TSRA +2017-07-28 12:20,17,SCT,VCTS +2017-07-28 13:01,20,SCT,-TSRA +2017-07-28 13:10,17,BKN,-TSRA +2017-07-28 13:17,16,BKN,TSRA +2017-07-28 13:20,15,BKN,TSRA +2017-07-28 13:22,15,BKN,-SHRA +2017-07-28 13:27,15,BKN,SHRA +2017-07-28 13:34,15,BKN,-SHRA +2017-07-28 13:56,16,SCT,VCSH +2017-07-28 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-28 15:09,18,SCT,SHRA +2017-07-28 15:20,17,SCT,SHRA +2017-07-28 15:22,16,SCT,+SHRA +2017-07-28 15:25,16,BKN,SHRA +2017-07-28 15:28,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-28 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-28 17:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-28 18:05,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-28 18:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-28 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-28 20:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-07-28 21:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-28 22:20,15,FEW,M +2017-07-28 23:20,15,M,M +2017-07-29 00:20,15,M,M +2017-07-29 01:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-07-29 02:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 03:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-07-29 04:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-07-29 05:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 06:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-07-29 07:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 08:07,16,BKN,RA +2017-07-29 08:17,16,BKN,RA +2017-07-29 08:20,16,BKN,RA +2017-07-29 08:39,16,BKN,-RADZ +2017-07-29 08:59,16,SCT,-RADZ +2017-07-29 09:20,17,SCT,-RA +2017-07-29 10:20,19,SCT,M +2017-07-29 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-29 12:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 12:25,18,SCT,RA +2017-07-29 12:29,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 13:17,19,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 13:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 13:22,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 13:42,18,FEW,RA +2017-07-29 14:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-07-29 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-29 16:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-29 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-29 18:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-29 19:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-29 20:20,19,BKN,M +2017-07-29 21:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-29 22:20,17,M,M +2017-07-29 23:20,17,SCT,M +2017-07-30 00:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2017-07-30 01:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-30 02:20,17,FEW,M +2017-07-30 03:20,16,M,M +2017-07-30 04:20,17,M,M +2017-07-30 05:20,19,M,M +2017-07-30 06:20,20,M,M +2017-07-30 07:03,20,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2017-07-30 07:11,20,SCT,-TSRA +2017-07-30 07:20,19,BKN,+TSRA +2017-07-30 07:24,19,SCT,TSRA +2017-07-30 07:27,19,FEW,-TSRA +2017-07-30 07:31,19,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2017-07-30 08:20,21,M,M +2017-07-30 09:20,24,M,M +2017-07-30 10:20,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 10:55,26,SCT,M +2017-07-30 11:20,26,SCT,M +2017-07-30 12:00,26,SCT,M +2017-07-30 12:20,26,FEW,M +2017-07-30 12:27,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 13:20,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 13:37,26,M,///////// +2017-07-30 13:46,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 13:59,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 14:20,26,FEW,M +2017-07-30 14:24,25,FEW,M +2017-07-30 15:20,26,FEW,M +2017-07-30 16:20,23,FEW,M +2017-07-30 17:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-30 17:35,21,BKN,SHRA +2017-07-30 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-30 19:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-30 20:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-30 21:20,16,M,M +2017-07-30 22:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-30 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-31 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-07-31 01:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2017-07-31 02:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-31 03:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-31 04:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-07-31 05:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-31 06:20,18,FEW,M +2017-07-31 07:20,19,FEW,M +2017-07-31 08:20,20,FEW,M +2017-07-31 09:20,21,FEW,M +2017-07-31 10:20,22,FEW,M +2017-07-31 11:20,23,SCT,M +2017-07-31 12:20,23,SCT,M +2017-07-31 13:20,24,FEW,M +2017-07-31 14:20,23,FEW,M +2017-07-31 15:20,24,M,M +2017-07-31 16:20,25,M,M +2017-07-31 17:20,23,M,M +2017-07-31 18:20,21,M,M +2017-07-31 19:20,19,M,M +2017-07-31 20:20,18,M,M +2017-07-31 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-07-31 22:20,17,M,M +2017-07-31 23:20,17,M,M +2017-08-01 00:20,15,M,M +2017-08-01 01:20,15,M,M +2017-08-01 02:20,15,M,M +2017-08-01 03:20,16,M,M +2017-08-01 04:20,16,M,M +2017-08-01 05:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-01 06:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-01 07:20,19,M,M +2017-08-01 08:20,21,M,M +2017-08-01 09:20,22,M,M +2017-08-01 10:20,24,FEW,M +2017-08-01 11:20,24,FEW,M +2017-08-01 12:20,24,SCT,M +2017-08-01 13:20,21,FEW,-RA +2017-08-01 14:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-01 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-01 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-01 17:20,20,FEW,-RA +2017-08-01 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-01 19:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-01 20:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-01 21:20,17,M,M +2017-08-01 22:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-01 23:20,15,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-01 23:55,15,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 00:32,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 00:38,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 01:03,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 01:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 01:29,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 01:41,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 02:03,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-02 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-02 02:24,13,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 02:44,13,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 02:54,13,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 03:08,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 03:37,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-02 04:20,14,NSC,BCFG +2017-08-02 05:20,15,M,M +2017-08-02 06:20,17,M,M +2017-08-02 07:20,19,M,M +2017-08-02 08:20,21,M,M +2017-08-02 09:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-02 10:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-02 11:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-02 12:20,23,FEW,M +2017-08-02 13:20,23,SCT,M +2017-08-02 13:57,22,BKN,SHRA +2017-08-02 14:08,20,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-02 14:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-02 15:20,22,M,M +2017-08-02 16:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-02 17:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-02 18:20,20,M,M +2017-08-02 19:20,18,M,M +2017-08-02 20:20,18,M,M +2017-08-02 21:20,19,M,M +2017-08-02 22:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-02 23:20,19,BKN,-RA +2017-08-03 00:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-03 01:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-03 02:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-03 03:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-08-03 04:20,17,SCT,-RA +2017-08-03 04:59,17,SCT,RA +2017-08-03 05:20,17,SCT,-RA +2017-08-03 06:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-08-03 07:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-08-03 08:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-03 09:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-03 09:28,22,FEW,M +2017-08-03 10:20,23,FEW,M +2017-08-03 10:57,24,FEW,M +2017-08-03 11:20,24,FEW,M +2017-08-03 12:20,25,FEW,M +2017-08-03 12:35,24,FEW,M +2017-08-03 13:09,23,BKN,M +2017-08-03 13:20,24,BKN,M +2017-08-03 13:25,24,BKN,M +2017-08-03 14:05,21,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-03 14:09,21,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-03 14:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-03 14:27,20,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-03 14:32,20,SCT,SHRA +2017-08-03 14:35,20,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-03 15:20,22,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-03 16:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-03 17:13,22,FEW,M +2017-08-03 17:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-03 18:20,20,M,M +2017-08-03 19:20,20,M,M +2017-08-03 20:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-03 21:20,19,M,M +2017-08-03 22:20,19,M,M +2017-08-03 23:20,18,M,M +2017-08-04 00:20,17,M,M +2017-08-04 01:20,16,BKN,M +2017-08-04 02:20,16,M,M +2017-08-04 03:20,16,M,M +2017-08-04 04:20,15,M,M +2017-08-04 05:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-04 06:20,17,M,M +2017-08-04 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-04 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-04 08:42,19,FEW,M +2017-08-04 09:06,19,BKN,M +2017-08-04 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-04 10:08,20,FEW,M +2017-08-04 10:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-04 11:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-04 11:38,21,SCT,M +2017-08-04 12:01,20,SCT,M +2017-08-04 12:20,22,BKN,M +2017-08-04 12:26,22,BKN,M +2017-08-04 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-04 14:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-04 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-04 15:44,21,FEW,M +2017-08-04 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-04 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-04 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-04 19:20,19,M,M +2017-08-04 20:20,17,M,M +2017-08-04 21:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-04 22:20,17,M,M +2017-08-04 23:20,17,M,M +2017-08-05 00:20,16,M,M +2017-08-05 01:20,15,M,M +2017-08-05 02:20,14,M,M +2017-08-05 03:20,14,M,M +2017-08-05 04:20,14,M,M +2017-08-05 05:20,15,M,M +2017-08-05 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-05 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-05 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-05 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-05 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-05 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-05 12:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-05 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-05 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-05 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-05 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-05 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-05 18:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-05 19:20,16,M,M +2017-08-05 20:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-05 21:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-05 21:36,15,FEW,M +2017-08-05 22:20,14,M,M +2017-08-05 23:20,14,M,M +2017-08-06 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-06 01:20,13,M,M +2017-08-06 02:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-06 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-06 03:36,13,SCT,M +2017-08-06 04:20,13,SCT,M +2017-08-06 05:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2017-08-06 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-06 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-06 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-06 09:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-06 10:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-06 10:26,18,SCT,SHRA +2017-08-06 10:32,15,SCT,SHRA +2017-08-06 10:39,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-06 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-06 12:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-06 13:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-06 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-06 15:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-06 16:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-06 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-06 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-06 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-06 20:20,14,M,M +2017-08-06 21:20,12,M,M +2017-08-06 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-06 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 02:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 04:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-07 05:20,14,M,M +2017-08-07 06:20,15,M,M +2017-08-07 07:20,17,M,M +2017-08-07 08:20,20,M,M +2017-08-07 09:20,22,M,M +2017-08-07 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-07 11:20,22,M,M +2017-08-07 12:20,23,M,M +2017-08-07 13:20,23,M,M +2017-08-07 14:20,23,M,M +2017-08-07 15:20,23,M,M +2017-08-07 16:20,23,M,M +2017-08-07 17:20,22,M,M +2017-08-07 18:20,19,M,M +2017-08-07 19:20,18,M,M +2017-08-07 20:20,16,M,M +2017-08-07 21:20,17,M,M +2017-08-07 22:20,16,M,M +2017-08-07 23:20,15,M,M +2017-08-08 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-08 01:20,13,M,M +2017-08-08 02:20,13,M,M +2017-08-08 03:20,14,M,M +2017-08-08 04:20,14,M,M +2017-08-08 05:20,16,M,M +2017-08-08 06:20,17,M,M +2017-08-08 07:20,18,M,M +2017-08-08 08:20,21,M,M +2017-08-08 09:20,22,M,M +2017-08-08 10:20,24,M,M +2017-08-08 11:20,23,M,M +2017-08-08 12:20,23,M,M +2017-08-08 13:20,23,M,M +2017-08-08 14:20,22,M,M +2017-08-08 15:20,22,FEW,-RA +2017-08-08 16:20,21,M,M +2017-08-08 17:20,21,NSC,-RA +2017-08-08 18:10,19,FEW,RA +2017-08-08 18:20,17,FEW,RA +2017-08-08 18:23,17,FEW,RA +2017-08-08 18:27,17,FEW,-RA +2017-08-08 19:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-08-08 20:20,17,M,M +2017-08-08 21:20,17,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-08 22:20,17,M,M +2017-08-08 23:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-09 00:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-09 01:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-09 02:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-09 03:20,15,SCT,M +2017-08-09 04:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-09 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-09 06:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-09 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-09 08:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-09 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-09 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-09 11:09,20,SCT,M +2017-08-09 11:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-09 12:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-09 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-09 14:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-09 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-09 16:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-09 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-09 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-09 19:20,16,M,M +2017-08-09 20:20,15,M,M +2017-08-09 21:20,14,M,M +2017-08-09 22:20,13,M,M +2017-08-09 23:20,12,M,M +2017-08-10 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 03:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 04:00,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-10 05:20,13,M,M +2017-08-10 06:20,17,M,M +2017-08-10 07:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-10 08:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-10 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-10 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-10 11:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-10 12:20,20,BKN,M +2017-08-10 13:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-10 14:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-10 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-10 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-10 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-10 18:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-10 19:20,18,M,M +2017-08-10 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-10 21:20,15,M,M +2017-08-10 22:20,15,M,M +2017-08-10 23:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 00:08,14,M,M +2017-08-11 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-11 01:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 02:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 03:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 04:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 05:20,15,M,M +2017-08-11 06:20,15,NSC,-RA +2017-08-11 07:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-08-11 08:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-11 09:20,16,SCT,-RA +2017-08-11 10:09,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 11:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 12:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 13:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 13:23,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 13:28,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 13:34,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 13:41,15,BKN,RA +2017-08-11 14:20,15,BKN,RA +2017-08-11 14:26,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-11 14:59,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-11 15:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-08-11 16:20,15,SCT,-DZRA +2017-08-11 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-11 17:43,15,M,///////// +2017-08-11 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-11 20:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-11 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-11 22:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-11 23:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-12 00:20,14,BKN,M +2017-08-12 01:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-08-12 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-08-12 03:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-12 04:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-12 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-08-12 06:05,14,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 06:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 06:36,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-12 06:55,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 07:16,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-12 07:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-12 08:04,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 08:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 09:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 09:39,14,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 09:46,14,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 10:06,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 10:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 11:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 12:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 13:10,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 13:20,15,BKN,RA +2017-08-12 13:40,15,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 13:57,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 14:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 15:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 15:57,17,BKN,M +2017-08-12 16:20,17,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 16:42,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-12 17:00,16,SCT,-RA +2017-08-12 17:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-12 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-12 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-12 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-12 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-12 22:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-12 23:20,14,M,M +2017-08-13 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-13 01:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-13 02:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-13 03:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-13 04:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-13 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-13 06:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-13 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-13 08:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-13 09:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-13 10:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-13 11:01,19,FEW,M +2017-08-13 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-13 12:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2017-08-13 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-13 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-13 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-13 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-13 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-13 18:27,16,FEW,M +2017-08-13 18:35,16,M,M +2017-08-13 19:20,14,M,M +2017-08-13 20:20,12,M,M +2017-08-13 21:20,11,M,M +2017-08-13 22:20,11,M,M +2017-08-13 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-14 00:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-14 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-14 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-14 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-14 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-14 05:20,10,M,M +2017-08-14 06:20,13,M,M +2017-08-14 07:20,16,M,M +2017-08-14 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-14 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-14 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-14 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-14 12:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-14 13:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-14 14:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-14 15:20,22,M,M +2017-08-14 16:20,22,M,M +2017-08-14 17:20,21,M,M +2017-08-14 18:20,20,M,M +2017-08-14 19:20,18,M,M +2017-08-14 20:20,17,M,M +2017-08-14 21:20,15,M,M +2017-08-14 22:20,18,M,M +2017-08-14 23:20,18,M,M +2017-08-15 00:20,17,M,M +2017-08-15 01:20,17,M,M +2017-08-15 02:20,17,M,M +2017-08-15 03:20,17,M,M +2017-08-15 04:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-15 05:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-15 06:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-15 07:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-15 08:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-15 09:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-15 10:20,24,M,M +2017-08-15 11:20,25,M,M +2017-08-15 12:20,26,M,M +2017-08-15 13:20,27,FEW,M +2017-08-15 14:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-15 15:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-15 16:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-15 17:20,25,FEW,M +2017-08-15 18:00,22,FEW,TSRA +2017-08-15 18:05,20,FEW,-TSRA +2017-08-15 18:10,19,FEW,-TSRA +2017-08-15 18:20,18,FEW,VCTS -SHRA +2017-08-15 19:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-15 19:29,18,FEW,SHRA +2017-08-15 20:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-15 21:20,18,NSC,-RA +2017-08-15 22:20,17,M,M +2017-08-15 23:20,17,M,M +2017-08-16 00:20,17,M,M +2017-08-16 01:20,16,M,M +2017-08-16 02:20,16,BKN,M +2017-08-16 03:20,16,OVC,M +2017-08-16 03:33,16,OVC,BR +2017-08-16 03:59,16,OVC,BR +2017-08-16 04:20,16,OVC,FG +2017-08-16 05:03,17,OVC,BR +2017-08-16 05:12,17,BKN,BR +2017-08-16 05:20,17,BKN,BR +2017-08-16 05:27,17,BKN,BR +2017-08-16 05:40,17,SCT,BR +2017-08-16 06:20,17,SCT,BR +2017-08-16 06:38,18,SCT,BR +2017-08-16 07:03,18,SCT,M +2017-08-16 07:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-16 08:17,18,BKN,M +2017-08-16 08:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-16 09:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-16 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-16 11:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-16 12:20,22,SCT,M +2017-08-16 13:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-16 14:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-16 15:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-16 16:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-16 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-16 18:20,17,M,M +2017-08-16 19:04,16,NSC,M +2017-08-16 19:20,15,M,M +2017-08-16 20:03,15,M,M +2017-08-16 20:20,14,M,M +2017-08-16 21:20,13,M,M +2017-08-16 22:20,13,M,M +2017-08-16 23:20,12,M,M +2017-08-17 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-17 01:20,12,M,M +2017-08-17 02:20,13,M,M +2017-08-17 03:20,13,M,M +2017-08-17 04:01,13,M,M +2017-08-17 04:20,13,M,M +2017-08-17 05:20,16,M,M +2017-08-17 06:20,17,M,M +2017-08-17 07:20,18,M,M +2017-08-17 08:20,20,M,M +2017-08-17 09:20,22,M,M +2017-08-17 10:20,23,SCT,M +2017-08-17 11:20,24,SCT,M +2017-08-17 12:20,24,SCT,M +2017-08-17 13:20,23,FEW,M +2017-08-17 14:20,21,FEW,-RA +2017-08-17 15:20,21,FEW,-RA +2017-08-17 16:05,19,BKN,RA +2017-08-17 16:20,19,FEW,RA +2017-08-17 16:22,19,FEW,-RA +2017-08-17 17:20,18,FEW,RA +2017-08-17 17:30,18,SCT,-RA +2017-08-17 17:47,18,FEW,RA +2017-08-17 18:06,18,FEW,-RA +2017-08-17 18:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-08-17 19:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-17 20:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-17 21:13,18,FEW,BR +2017-08-17 21:20,18,FEW,BR +2017-08-17 22:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-17 22:35,18,SCT,M +2017-08-17 23:20,18,SCT,-RA +2017-08-18 00:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-18 01:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-18 02:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-18 03:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-18 04:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-18 05:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-18 06:00,18,BKN,M +2017-08-18 06:09,18,BKN,M +2017-08-18 06:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-18 07:17,18,SCT,M +2017-08-18 07:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-18 08:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-18 09:20,19,BKN,-RA +2017-08-18 10:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-08-18 11:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-08-18 12:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-08-18 13:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-18 14:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-18 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-18 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-18 17:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-08-18 18:20,18,SCT,-RA +2017-08-18 19:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-08-18 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-18 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-18 22:20,15,SCT,M +2017-08-18 23:20,15,BKN,M +2017-08-19 00:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-08-19 01:20,14,M,M +2017-08-19 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-08-19 03:20,13,SCT,M +2017-08-19 04:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-19 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-19 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-19 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-19 08:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-19 09:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-19 10:05,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-08-19 10:20,16,SCT,VCSH +2017-08-19 10:23,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-19 10:27,16,FEW,SHRA +2017-08-19 11:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-19 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-19 13:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-19 14:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-19 15:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-19 16:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-19 17:20,16,BKN,SHRA +2017-08-19 17:24,15,BKN,-SHRA +2017-08-19 17:36,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-19 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-19 19:20,13,M,M +2017-08-19 20:20,13,M,M +2017-08-19 21:20,12,M,M +2017-08-19 22:20,12,M,M +2017-08-19 23:20,13,M,M +2017-08-20 00:20,13,M,M +2017-08-20 01:20,13,M,M +2017-08-20 02:20,12,M,M +2017-08-20 03:20,12,M,M +2017-08-20 04:20,12,M,M +2017-08-20 05:20,12,M,M +2017-08-20 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-20 08:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-20 09:11,17,SCT,M +2017-08-20 09:20,17,BKN,M +2017-08-20 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-20 11:02,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-08-20 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-20 12:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-20 13:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-20 14:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-20 14:24,17,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-20 14:40,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-20 14:47,15,FEW,SHRA +2017-08-20 15:08,14,FEW,SHRA +2017-08-20 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-20 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-20 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-20 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-20 23:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-21 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-21 01:20,13,SCT,M +2017-08-21 02:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-21 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-21 04:20,13,SCT,M +2017-08-21 05:12,13,BKN,-SHRA +2017-08-21 05:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2017-08-21 06:00,13,FEW,M +2017-08-21 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-21 07:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-21 08:20,16,SCT,-SHRA +2017-08-21 09:12,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-21 09:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-21 09:36,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-21 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-21 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-21 12:00,18,FEW,M +2017-08-21 12:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-21 13:03,18,SCT,M +2017-08-21 13:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-21 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-21 15:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-21 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-21 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-21 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-21 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-21 20:20,12,M,M +2017-08-21 21:20,12,M,M +2017-08-21 22:20,12,SCT,M +2017-08-21 23:20,11,FEW,M +2017-08-22 00:20,11,SCT,M +2017-08-22 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-08-22 02:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-08-22 03:20,12,FEW,M +2017-08-22 04:20,12,FEW,M +2017-08-22 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-22 06:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-22 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-22 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-22 09:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-22 10:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-22 11:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-22 12:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-22 13:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-22 14:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-22 15:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-22 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-22 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-22 18:20,15,M,M +2017-08-22 19:20,12,M,M +2017-08-22 20:20,11,M,M +2017-08-22 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-22 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-22 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-23 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-23 01:20,8,NSC,PRFG MIFG +2017-08-23 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-23 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-23 04:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-23 04:38,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-23 05:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-23 06:20,12,M,M +2017-08-23 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-23 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-23 09:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-23 09:36,18,FEW,M +2017-08-23 10:01,19,FEW,M +2017-08-23 10:20,19,M,///////// +2017-08-23 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-23 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-23 13:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-23 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-23 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-23 16:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-23 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-23 18:20,19,M,M +2017-08-23 19:20,17,M,M +2017-08-23 20:20,16,M,M +2017-08-23 21:20,15,M,M +2017-08-23 22:20,15,M,M +2017-08-23 23:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 01:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 02:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 03:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 04:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 05:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 06:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 07:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-24 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-24 09:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-08-24 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-24 11:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-24 12:20,22,SCT,M +2017-08-24 13:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-24 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-24 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-24 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-24 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-24 18:20,18,M,M +2017-08-24 19:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 20:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 21:20,15,M,M +2017-08-24 22:20,14,M,M +2017-08-24 23:20,14,M,M +2017-08-25 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-25 01:20,13,M,M +2017-08-25 02:20,12,M,M +2017-08-25 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-08-25 04:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-25 05:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-25 06:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-25 07:20,17,M,///////// +2017-08-25 08:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-25 09:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-25 10:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-25 11:20,20,BKN,M +2017-08-25 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-25 13:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-25 14:20,21,M,///////// +2017-08-25 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-25 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-25 17:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-25 18:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-25 19:20,14,M,M +2017-08-25 20:20,13,M,M +2017-08-25 21:20,13,M,M +2017-08-25 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-25 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-26 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-26 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-26 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-26 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-26 04:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-26 05:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-26 06:20,13,M,M +2017-08-26 07:20,16,M,M +2017-08-26 08:20,19,M,M +2017-08-26 09:20,21,M,M +2017-08-26 10:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 11:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 12:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 13:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 14:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 15:20,22,FEW,M +2017-08-26 16:20,22,BKN,M +2017-08-26 17:20,20,BKN,-RA +2017-08-26 18:20,20,BKN,M +2017-08-26 19:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-26 20:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-26 21:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-26 22:20,17,M,M +2017-08-26 23:20,17,M,M +2017-08-27 00:20,16,M,M +2017-08-27 01:20,16,M,M +2017-08-27 02:20,15,NSC,M +2017-08-27 03:20,15,NSC,M +2017-08-27 04:20,15,FEW,BR +2017-08-27 05:20,15,FEW,BR +2017-08-27 06:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-27 07:20,17,SCT,M +2017-08-27 08:20,18,SCT,M +2017-08-27 09:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-27 10:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-27 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-27 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-27 13:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-27 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-27 15:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-27 16:20,19,FEW,M +2017-08-27 17:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-27 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-27 19:20,14,M,M +2017-08-27 20:20,14,M,M +2017-08-27 21:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-27 22:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-27 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-08-28 00:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-28 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-28 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-28 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-28 04:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-08-28 05:20,12,SCT,M +2017-08-28 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-28 07:20,17,M,M +2017-08-28 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-08-28 09:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-28 10:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-28 11:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-28 12:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-28 13:20,22,SCT,M +2017-08-28 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-08-28 15:20,21,SCT,M +2017-08-28 16:20,22,SCT,M +2017-08-28 17:20,22,SCT,M +2017-08-28 18:20,20,SCT,M +2017-08-28 19:20,17,FEW,M +2017-08-28 20:20,17,M,M +2017-08-28 21:20,16,M,M +2017-08-28 22:20,16,M,M +2017-08-28 23:20,15,M,M +2017-08-29 00:20,14,M,M +2017-08-29 01:20,13,M,M +2017-08-29 02:20,13,M,M +2017-08-29 03:20,13,M,M +2017-08-29 04:20,13,M,M +2017-08-29 05:20,14,M,M +2017-08-29 06:20,15,M,M +2017-08-29 07:20,18,M,M +2017-08-29 08:20,19,M,M +2017-08-29 09:20,21,M,M +2017-08-29 10:20,23,M,M +2017-08-29 11:20,24,M,M +2017-08-29 12:20,25,FEW,M +2017-08-29 13:20,26,M,M +2017-08-29 14:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-29 15:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-29 16:20,26,FEW,M +2017-08-29 17:20,24,M,M +2017-08-29 18:20,21,M,M +2017-08-29 19:20,20,M,M +2017-08-29 20:20,20,M,M +2017-08-29 21:20,21,M,M +2017-08-29 22:20,20,M,M +2017-08-29 23:20,18,M,M +2017-08-30 00:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2017-08-30 01:20,18,M,M +2017-08-30 02:20,17,M,M +2017-08-30 03:20,17,M,M +2017-08-30 04:20,17,NSC,M +2017-08-30 05:20,18,NSC,M +2017-08-30 06:20,19,NSC,M +2017-08-30 07:20,20,NSC,M +2017-08-30 08:20,22,M,M +2017-08-30 09:20,24,M,M +2017-08-30 10:20,25,M,M +2017-08-30 11:20,25,M,M +2017-08-30 12:20,24,M,M +2017-08-30 13:20,24,FEW,-RA +2017-08-30 14:20,24,M,M +2017-08-30 15:20,25,M,M +2017-08-30 16:20,24,M,M +2017-08-30 17:20,24,M,M +2017-08-30 18:20,21,M,M +2017-08-30 19:20,21,M,M +2017-08-30 20:20,20,FEW,M +2017-08-30 21:20,19,FEW,+TSRA +2017-08-30 22:20,19,FEW,-RA +2017-08-30 23:20,20,NSC,-RA +2017-08-31 00:20,20,NSC,M +2017-08-31 01:20,20,NSC,BR +2017-08-31 02:20,19,SCT,BR +2017-08-31 03:20,19,FEW,BR +2017-08-31 04:20,19,FEW,BR +2017-08-31 05:20,19,SCT,M +2017-08-31 06:20,18,BKN,M +2017-08-31 07:20,17,BKN,M +2017-08-31 08:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-31 09:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-31 10:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-31 11:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-31 12:20,16,BKN,M +2017-08-31 13:20,17,BKN,M +2017-08-31 14:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-08-31 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-08-31 16:20,16,SCT,M +2017-08-31 17:20,16,BKN,M +2017-08-31 18:20,15,FEW,M +2017-08-31 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-08-31 20:20,12,M,M +2017-08-31 21:20,12,M,M +2017-08-31 22:20,11,FEW,M +2017-08-31 23:20,11,M,M +2017-09-01 00:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-01 01:20,11,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-01 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-01 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-01 04:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-01 05:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-01 06:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-01 07:20,14,M,M +2017-09-01 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-01 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-01 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-01 11:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-01 12:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-01 13:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-01 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-01 15:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-01 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-01 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-01 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-01 19:20,13,M,M +2017-09-01 20:20,13,M,M +2017-09-01 21:20,13,M,M +2017-09-01 22:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-01 23:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-02 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 01:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 02:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 05:20,9,M,M +2017-09-02 06:20,11,M,M +2017-09-02 07:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-02 08:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-02 09:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-02 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-02 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-02 12:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-02 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-02 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-02 15:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-02 16:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-02 17:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-02 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-02 19:20,12,M,M +2017-09-02 20:20,11,M,M +2017-09-02 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-02 23:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-09-03 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 04:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 05:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 06:20,10,FEW,BCFG +2017-09-03 07:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-03 08:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-03 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-03 10:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-03 11:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-03 12:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-03 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-03 14:20,19,M,M +2017-09-03 15:20,18,M,M +2017-09-03 16:20,17,M,M +2017-09-03 17:20,15,M,M +2017-09-03 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-03 19:20,12,M,M +2017-09-03 20:20,11,M,M +2017-09-03 21:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-03 22:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-03 23:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-04 00:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 01:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-04 03:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 04:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 05:20,7,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-04 06:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-04 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-04 08:20,16,M,M +2017-09-04 09:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-04 10:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-04 11:20,19,SCT,M +2017-09-04 12:20,20,SCT,M +2017-09-04 13:20,20,M,M +2017-09-04 14:20,20,M,M +2017-09-04 15:20,19,M,M +2017-09-04 16:20,19,M,M +2017-09-04 17:20,17,M,M +2017-09-04 18:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 19:20,12,M,M +2017-09-04 20:20,11,M,M +2017-09-04 21:20,11,M,M +2017-09-04 22:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-04 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-05 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-05 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-05 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-05 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-05 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-05 05:20,9,M,M +2017-09-05 06:20,12,M,M +2017-09-05 07:20,15,M,M +2017-09-05 08:20,16,M,M +2017-09-05 09:20,19,M,M +2017-09-05 10:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-05 11:20,21,FEW,M +2017-09-05 12:20,22,FEW,M +2017-09-05 13:20,22,FEW,M +2017-09-05 14:20,21,BKN,M +2017-09-05 15:20,21,BKN,M +2017-09-05 16:20,20,BKN,M +2017-09-05 17:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-05 18:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-05 19:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-05 20:20,20,BKN,M +2017-09-05 21:20,19,BKN,M +2017-09-05 22:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-05 23:20,18,FEW,-RA +2017-09-06 00:20,17,FEW,-DZ +2017-09-06 01:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-06 02:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-06 03:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-09-06 04:20,17,BKN,+SHRA +2017-09-06 05:20,17,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-09-06 06:20,17,BKN,-DZRA BR +2017-09-06 07:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-06 09:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-06 10:20,18,SCT,SHRA +2017-09-06 11:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-06 12:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2017-09-06 13:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-06 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-06 15:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-06 16:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-06 17:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-06 18:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-06 19:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-06 20:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-06 21:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-06 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-06 23:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-07 00:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-07 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-07 02:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-07 03:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-07 04:20,12,SCT,M +2017-09-07 05:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-07 06:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-07 07:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-07 08:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2017-09-07 09:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2017-09-07 10:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-07 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-07 12:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-07 13:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-07 14:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-07 15:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-07 16:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-07 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-07 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-07 19:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-07 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-07 21:20,14,M,M +2017-09-07 22:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-07 23:20,14,M,M +2017-09-08 00:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-08 01:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-08 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-08 03:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 04:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-08 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-08 08:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 09:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 10:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-08 11:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-08 12:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-09-08 13:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-08 14:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-09-08 15:20,15,SCT,-RADZ +2017-09-08 16:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2017-09-08 17:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 18:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 19:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-09-08 20:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-09-08 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-08 22:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-09-08 23:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-09 00:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-09 01:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-09 02:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-09-09 03:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-09 04:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-09 05:20,14,SCT,-DZRA +2017-09-09 06:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2017-09-09 07:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-09 08:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-09-09 09:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-09-09 10:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-09 11:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-09 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-09 13:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-09 14:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-09 15:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2017-09-09 16:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-09 17:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-09 18:20,13,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-09 19:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-09 20:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-09 21:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-09 22:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-09 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-10 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-10 01:20,9,NSC,FG +2017-09-10 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-10 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-10 04:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-10 05:20,9,NSC,M +2017-09-10 06:20,11,M,M +2017-09-10 07:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-10 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-10 09:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-10 10:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-10 11:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-10 12:20,18,BKN,M +2017-09-10 13:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-10 14:20,18,BKN,M +2017-09-10 15:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-10 16:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-10 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-10 18:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-10 19:20,16,M,M +2017-09-10 20:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-10 21:20,15,M,M +2017-09-10 22:20,15,M,M +2017-09-10 23:20,14,M,M +2017-09-11 00:20,14,M,M +2017-09-11 01:20,14,M,M +2017-09-11 02:20,14,M,M +2017-09-11 03:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-11 04:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-11 05:20,13,SCT,-RA +2017-09-11 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-11 07:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-11 08:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-11 09:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-11 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-11 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-11 12:20,19,SCT,M +2017-09-11 13:20,17,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-11 14:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-11 15:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-11 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-11 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-11 18:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-11 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-11 20:20,15,M,M +2017-09-11 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-11 22:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-11 23:20,14,M,M +2017-09-12 00:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-12 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-12 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-12 03:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-12 04:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-12 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-12 06:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-12 07:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-12 08:20,14,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-12 09:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-12 10:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-12 11:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-12 12:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-12 13:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-12 14:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-12 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-12 16:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-12 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-12 18:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-12 19:20,12,M,M +2017-09-12 20:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-12 21:20,11,M,M +2017-09-12 22:20,11,M,M +2017-09-12 23:20,10,M,M +2017-09-13 00:20,11,M,M +2017-09-13 01:20,11,SCT,M +2017-09-13 02:20,11,SCT,M +2017-09-13 03:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-13 04:20,11,SCT,-RA +2017-09-13 05:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-09-13 06:20,11,SCT,RA +2017-09-13 07:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-09-13 08:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-13 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-13 10:20,14,FEW,SHRA +2017-09-13 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-13 12:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-13 13:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-13 14:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-13 15:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-13 16:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-13 17:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-13 18:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-13 19:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-13 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-13 21:20,13,M,M +2017-09-13 22:20,13,M,M +2017-09-13 23:20,12,M,M +2017-09-14 00:20,11,M,M +2017-09-14 01:20,11,M,M +2017-09-14 02:20,11,M,M +2017-09-14 03:20,11,M,M +2017-09-14 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-14 05:20,10,FEW,M +2017-09-14 06:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-14 07:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-14 08:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-14 09:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-14 10:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-14 11:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-14 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-14 13:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-14 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-14 15:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-14 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-14 17:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-14 18:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-14 19:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-14 20:20,12,SCT,M +2017-09-14 21:20,11,BKN,M +2017-09-14 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-14 23:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-15 00:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-15 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-15 02:20,11,M,M +2017-09-15 03:20,11,M,M +2017-09-15 04:20,10,FEW,M +2017-09-15 05:20,10,FEW,M +2017-09-15 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-09-15 07:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-15 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-15 09:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-15 10:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-15 11:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-15 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-15 13:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-15 14:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-15 15:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-15 16:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-15 17:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-15 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-15 19:20,12,M,M +2017-09-15 20:20,11,M,M +2017-09-15 21:20,11,M,M +2017-09-15 22:20,10,M,M +2017-09-15 23:20,9,M,M +2017-09-16 00:20,9,M,M +2017-09-16 01:20,8,M,M +2017-09-16 02:20,8,M,M +2017-09-16 03:20,8,M,M +2017-09-16 04:20,9,BKN,M +2017-09-16 05:20,9,BKN,M +2017-09-16 06:20,9,BKN,M +2017-09-16 07:20,10,BKN,M +2017-09-16 08:20,10,BKN,M +2017-09-16 09:20,11,BKN,M +2017-09-16 10:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-16 11:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-16 12:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-16 13:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2017-09-16 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-16 15:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-16 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-16 17:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-16 18:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-16 19:20,11,SCT,M +2017-09-16 20:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-16 21:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-16 22:20,10,M,M +2017-09-16 23:20,10,M,M +2017-09-17 00:20,10,M,M +2017-09-17 01:20,10,M,M +2017-09-17 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-17 03:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-17 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-17 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-17 06:20,10,M,M +2017-09-17 07:20,11,M,M +2017-09-17 08:20,12,M,M +2017-09-17 09:20,14,M,M +2017-09-17 10:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-17 11:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-17 12:20,13,FEW,-TSRA +2017-09-17 13:20,12,FEW,-TSRA +2017-09-17 14:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-17 15:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-17 16:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-17 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-17 18:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2017-09-17 19:20,11,M,M +2017-09-17 20:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2017-09-17 21:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-17 22:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-17 23:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-18 00:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-18 01:20,9,M,M +2017-09-18 02:20,9,M,M +2017-09-18 03:20,9,NSC,M +2017-09-18 04:20,9,FEW,M +2017-09-18 05:20,9,FEW,MIFG +2017-09-18 06:20,10,M,M +2017-09-18 07:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-18 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-18 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-18 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-18 11:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-18 12:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-18 13:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-18 14:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-18 15:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-18 16:20,13,BKN,-SHRA +2017-09-18 17:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-18 18:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-18 19:20,11,FEW,VCSH MIFG +2017-09-18 20:20,11,FEW,-RA MIFG +2017-09-18 21:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-18 22:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-18 23:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-19 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-19 01:20,9,M,M +2017-09-19 02:20,10,M,M +2017-09-19 03:20,10,NSC,M +2017-09-19 04:20,10,NSC,M +2017-09-19 05:20,9,NSC,BR +2017-09-19 06:20,10,BKN,BR +2017-09-19 07:20,11,BKN,BR +2017-09-19 08:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-19 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-19 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-19 11:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-19 12:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-19 13:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-19 14:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-19 15:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-19 16:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-19 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-19 18:20,12,FEW,+SHRA +2017-09-19 19:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-19 20:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-19 21:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-09-19 22:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-09-19 23:20,12,M,M +2017-09-20 00:20,11,M,M +2017-09-20 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-20 02:20,11,M,M +2017-09-20 03:20,11,SCT,-RA +2017-09-20 04:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-09-20 05:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-09-20 06:20,11,SCT,-RA +2017-09-20 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-09-20 08:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-09-20 09:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-20 10:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-20 11:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-20 12:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-20 13:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-20 14:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-20 15:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-20 16:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-20 17:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-20 18:20,13,M,M +2017-09-20 19:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-20 20:20,12,M,M +2017-09-20 21:20,11,M,M +2017-09-20 22:20,11,M,M +2017-09-20 23:20,11,M,M +2017-09-21 00:20,11,M,M +2017-09-21 01:20,11,M,M +2017-09-21 02:20,12,NSC,M +2017-09-21 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-21 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-09-21 05:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-21 06:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-21 07:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-21 08:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-21 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-21 10:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-21 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-21 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-21 13:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-21 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-21 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-21 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-21 17:20,14,M,M +2017-09-21 18:20,14,M,M +2017-09-21 19:20,14,M,M +2017-09-21 20:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-21 21:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-21 22:20,11,NSC,M +2017-09-21 23:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-22 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-22 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-22 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-22 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-22 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-22 05:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-09-22 06:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-22 07:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-22 08:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-22 09:20,16,M,M +2017-09-22 10:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-22 11:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-22 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-22 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-22 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-22 15:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-22 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-22 17:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-22 18:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-22 19:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-22 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-22 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-22 22:20,13,M,M +2017-09-22 23:20,13,M,M +2017-09-23 00:20,11,M,M +2017-09-23 01:20,10,M,M +2017-09-23 02:20,10,M,M +2017-09-23 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-23 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-23 05:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2017-09-23 06:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-23 07:20,11,M,M +2017-09-23 08:20,14,M,M +2017-09-23 09:20,15,M,M +2017-09-23 10:20,16,M,M +2017-09-23 11:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-23 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-23 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-23 14:20,19,SCT,M +2017-09-23 15:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-23 16:20,17,M,M +2017-09-23 17:20,16,M,M +2017-09-23 18:20,14,M,M +2017-09-23 19:20,13,M,M +2017-09-23 20:20,12,M,M +2017-09-23 21:20,12,M,M +2017-09-23 22:20,12,M,M +2017-09-23 23:20,12,M,M +2017-09-24 00:20,12,SCT,M +2017-09-24 01:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-24 02:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-24 03:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-24 04:20,12,BKN,M +2017-09-24 05:20,12,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-09-24 06:20,13,FEW,BR +2017-09-24 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-24 08:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-24 09:20,15,OVC,M +2017-09-24 10:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-24 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-24 12:20,16,BKN,M +2017-09-24 13:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-24 14:20,18,BKN,M +2017-09-24 15:20,18,SCT,M +2017-09-24 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-24 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-24 18:20,15,M,M +2017-09-24 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-24 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-24 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-24 22:20,12,FEW,MIFG BR +2017-09-24 23:20,14,BKN,BR +2017-09-25 00:20,14,OVC,BR +2017-09-25 01:20,14,OVC,BR +2017-09-25 02:20,14,OVC,M +2017-09-25 03:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-25 04:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-25 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-25 06:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-25 07:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-25 08:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-25 09:20,16,BKN,M +2017-09-25 10:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-25 11:20,18,BKN,M +2017-09-25 12:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-25 13:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-25 14:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-25 15:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-25 16:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-25 17:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-25 18:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-25 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-25 20:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-25 21:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-25 22:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-25 23:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-26 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-26 01:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-26 02:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-26 03:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-26 04:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-26 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-26 06:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-26 07:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-26 08:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-26 09:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-26 10:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-26 11:20,16,BKN,M +2017-09-26 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-09-26 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-26 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-26 15:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-26 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-26 17:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2017-09-26 18:20,15,M,M +2017-09-26 19:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-26 20:20,14,M,M +2017-09-26 21:20,13,NSC,M +2017-09-26 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-26 23:20,12,FEW,M +2017-09-27 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-27 01:20,13,OVC,M +2017-09-27 02:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-27 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-27 04:20,13,FEW,M +2017-09-27 05:20,13,OVC,M +2017-09-27 06:20,14,OVC,M +2017-09-27 07:20,13,OVC,M +2017-09-27 08:20,14,OVC,M +2017-09-27 09:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-27 10:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-27 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-27 12:20,18,FEW,M +2017-09-27 13:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-09-27 14:20,17,FEW,-RA +2017-09-27 15:20,18,NSC,M +2017-09-27 16:20,18,BKN,-RA +2017-09-27 17:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-27 18:20,17,FEW,M +2017-09-27 19:20,16,BKN,-RA +2017-09-27 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-27 21:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-27 22:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-27 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-28 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2017-09-28 01:20,13,M,M +2017-09-28 02:20,13,M,M +2017-09-28 03:20,12,M,M +2017-09-28 04:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-28 05:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-28 06:20,13,BKN,M +2017-09-28 07:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-28 08:20,15,FEW,M +2017-09-28 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-28 10:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 11:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 12:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 13:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 14:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 15:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 16:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-28 17:20,15,SCT,M +2017-09-28 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-09-28 19:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-28 20:20,15,FEW,-RA BR +2017-09-28 21:20,15,NSC,BR +2017-09-28 22:20,15,FEW,BR +2017-09-28 23:20,14,FEW,BR +2017-09-29 00:20,15,NSC,M +2017-09-29 01:20,14,FEW,BR +2017-09-29 02:20,15,BKN,BR +2017-09-29 03:20,14,SCT,BR +2017-09-29 04:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-29 05:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-29 06:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-29 07:20,15,BKN,BR +2017-09-29 08:20,16,BKN,M +2017-09-29 09:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-29 10:20,19,FEW,M +2017-09-29 11:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-29 12:20,21,M,M +2017-09-29 13:20,21,M,M +2017-09-29 14:20,21,FEW,M +2017-09-29 15:20,21,FEW,M +2017-09-29 16:20,20,FEW,M +2017-09-29 17:20,19,M,M +2017-09-29 18:20,19,SCT,M +2017-09-29 19:20,18,M,M +2017-09-29 20:20,17,M,M +2017-09-29 21:20,17,SCT,M +2017-09-29 22:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-29 23:20,16,M,M +2017-09-30 00:20,15,M,M +2017-09-30 01:20,15,M,M +2017-09-30 02:20,14,M,M +2017-09-30 03:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-09-30 04:20,14,SCT,-RA +2017-09-30 05:20,13,NSC,M +2017-09-30 06:20,13,SCT,M +2017-09-30 07:20,13,BKN,-RA +2017-09-30 08:20,14,BKN,M +2017-09-30 09:20,14,SCT,M +2017-09-30 10:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-30 11:20,15,BKN,M +2017-09-30 12:20,16,OVC,M +2017-09-30 13:20,16,OVC,-RA +2017-09-30 14:20,16,BKN,M +2017-09-30 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-09-30 16:20,16,M,M +2017-09-30 17:20,16,M,M +2017-09-30 18:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-30 19:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2017-09-30 20:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-09-30 21:20,13,BKN,-RA +2017-09-30 22:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-09-30 23:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-10-01 00:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-01 01:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-01 02:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-01 03:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-01 04:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-01 05:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-01 06:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-01 07:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-01 08:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-01 09:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-01 10:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-01 11:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-01 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-01 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-01 14:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-01 15:20,17,M,M +2017-10-01 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-01 17:20,14,M,M +2017-10-01 18:20,14,M,M +2017-10-01 19:20,13,M,M +2017-10-01 20:20,12,M,M +2017-10-01 21:20,12,M,M +2017-10-01 22:20,11,M,M +2017-10-01 23:20,11,M,M +2017-10-02 00:20,11,M,M +2017-10-02 01:20,12,M,M +2017-10-02 02:20,12,M,M +2017-10-02 03:20,13,M,M +2017-10-02 04:20,12,BKN,RA +2017-10-02 05:20,12,SCT,RA +2017-10-02 06:20,12,BKN,RA +2017-10-02 07:20,12,BKN,RA +2017-10-02 08:20,13,BKN,-RA +2017-10-02 09:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-02 10:20,15,SCT,-RA +2017-10-02 11:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-02 12:20,16,SCT,M +2017-10-02 13:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-02 14:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-02 15:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-02 16:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-02 17:20,15,M,M +2017-10-02 18:20,14,M,M +2017-10-02 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-02 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-02 21:20,13,M,M +2017-10-02 22:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-02 23:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-03 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-03 01:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-03 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-10-03 03:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-03 04:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-03 05:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-03 06:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-03 07:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-03 08:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-03 09:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-03 10:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2017-10-03 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-03 12:20,14,SCT,VCSH +2017-10-03 13:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-03 14:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-03 15:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-03 16:20,12,SCT,VCSH +2017-10-03 17:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-03 18:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-03 19:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-03 20:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-03 21:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-03 22:20,11,M,M +2017-10-03 23:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-04 00:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-04 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-04 02:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-04 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-04 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-04 05:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-04 06:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-04 07:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-04 08:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-04 09:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-04 10:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-04 11:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-04 12:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-04 13:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-04 14:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-04 15:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-04 16:20,13,BKN,-RA +2017-10-04 17:20,12,BKN,-RA +2017-10-04 18:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-04 19:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-04 20:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-04 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-04 22:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-04 23:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-05 00:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-05 01:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-05 02:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-05 03:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-05 04:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-10-05 05:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-05 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-05 07:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-05 08:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-05 09:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-05 10:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-05 11:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-10-05 12:20,9,SCT,-RA +2017-10-05 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-05 14:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-05 15:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-05 16:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-05 17:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-05 18:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-05 19:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-05 20:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2017-10-05 21:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-05 22:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-05 23:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2017-10-06 00:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-06 01:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-06 02:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-06 03:20,9,SCT,M +2017-10-06 04:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2017-10-06 05:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-06 06:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-06 07:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-06 08:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-06 09:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-06 10:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-06 11:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-06 12:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-06 13:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-06 14:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-06 15:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-06 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-06 17:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-06 18:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-06 19:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-06 20:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-06 21:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-06 22:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-06 23:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-07 00:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-07 01:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-07 02:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-07 03:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-07 04:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-07 05:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-07 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-07 07:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-07 08:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-07 09:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-10-07 10:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-10-07 11:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2017-10-07 12:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2017-10-07 13:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-07 14:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2017-10-07 15:20,11,BKN,RADZ +2017-10-07 16:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-07 17:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-07 18:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-07 19:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-10-07 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-10-07 21:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-07 22:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-07 23:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-08 00:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-08 01:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-08 02:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-08 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-08 04:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-08 05:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-08 06:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-08 07:20,10,M,M +2017-10-08 08:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-08 09:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-08 10:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-08 11:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-08 12:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-08 13:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-08 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-08 15:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-08 16:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-08 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-10-08 18:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-08 19:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-08 20:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-08 21:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-08 22:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-08 23:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-09 00:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-09 01:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-09 02:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-09 03:20,2,NSC,BCFG BR +2017-10-09 04:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2017-10-09 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-10-09 06:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-09 07:20,9,M,M +2017-10-09 08:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-09 09:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-09 10:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-09 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-09 12:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2017-10-09 13:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-09 14:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2017-10-09 15:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-09 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-09 17:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-09 18:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-09 19:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-09 20:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-09 21:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-10-09 22:20,10,FEW,MIFG +2017-10-09 23:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-10-10 00:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-10 01:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2017-10-10 02:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-10 03:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-10 04:20,11,BKN,BR +2017-10-10 05:20,11,FEW,BR +2017-10-10 06:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-10 07:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-10 08:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-10 09:20,13,BKN,BR +2017-10-10 10:20,13,BKN,BR +2017-10-10 11:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-10 12:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-10 13:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-10 14:20,13,SCT,-RA +2017-10-10 15:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-10 16:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-10 17:20,13,BKN,-DZRA +2017-10-10 18:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-10 19:20,14,SCT,-DZ +2017-10-10 20:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-10 21:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-10 22:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-10 23:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-11 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-11 01:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-11 02:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-11 03:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-10-11 04:20,13,FEW,-RA BR +2017-10-11 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-11 06:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-10-11 07:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-11 08:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2017-10-11 09:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-11 10:20,14,OVC,-DZRA +2017-10-11 11:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-11 12:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-11 13:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-11 14:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-11 15:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-11 16:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-11 17:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-11 18:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-11 19:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-11 20:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-11 21:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-11 22:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-10-11 23:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-12 00:20,13,BKN,-RA +2017-10-12 01:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-10-12 02:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2017-10-12 03:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-12 04:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-12 05:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-12 06:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-12 07:20,13,BKN,VCSH +2017-10-12 08:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-12 09:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-12 10:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-12 11:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-12 12:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-12 13:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-12 14:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-12 15:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-12 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-12 17:20,12,M,M +2017-10-12 18:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-12 19:20,11,M,M +2017-10-12 20:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-12 21:20,11,M,M +2017-10-12 22:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-12 23:20,10,M,M +2017-10-13 00:20,10,M,M +2017-10-13 01:20,9,M,M +2017-10-13 02:20,9,M,M +2017-10-13 03:20,8,M,M +2017-10-13 04:20,8,M,M +2017-10-13 05:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-13 06:20,8,FEW,M +2017-10-13 07:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-13 08:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-13 09:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-13 10:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-13 11:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-13 12:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-13 13:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-13 14:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 15:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-13 16:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 17:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 18:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 19:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 20:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-13 21:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-13 22:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-13 23:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 00:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 01:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 02:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 03:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 04:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 05:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 06:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 07:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 08:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 09:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-14 10:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 11:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-14 12:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 13:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-14 14:20,16,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-10-14 15:20,16,SCT,M +2017-10-14 16:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-14 17:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-14 18:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 19:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-14 20:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-14 21:20,16,FEW,M +2017-10-14 22:20,14,BKN,M +2017-10-14 23:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-15 00:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-15 01:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-15 02:20,13,FEW,BR +2017-10-15 03:20,12,SCT,MIFG BR +2017-10-15 04:20,12,BKN,MIFG BR +2017-10-15 05:20,12,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-10-15 06:20,11,SCT,PRFG MIFG BR +2017-10-15 07:20,12,NSC,FG +2017-10-15 08:20,12,SCT,FG +2017-10-15 09:20,15,M,M +2017-10-15 10:20,18,M,M +2017-10-15 11:20,19,M,M +2017-10-15 12:20,20,FEW,M +2017-10-15 13:20,21,FEW,M +2017-10-15 14:20,22,M,M +2017-10-15 15:20,20,M,M +2017-10-15 16:20,18,M,M +2017-10-15 17:20,16,M,M +2017-10-15 18:20,17,M,M +2017-10-15 19:20,16,M,M +2017-10-15 20:20,16,M,M +2017-10-15 21:20,15,M,M +2017-10-15 22:20,14,M,M +2017-10-15 23:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-16 00:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-16 01:20,13,M,M +2017-10-16 02:20,13,M,M +2017-10-16 03:20,13,M,M +2017-10-16 04:20,14,M,M +2017-10-16 05:20,13,M,M +2017-10-16 06:20,13,M,M +2017-10-16 07:20,14,M,M +2017-10-16 08:20,15,M,M +2017-10-16 09:20,17,M,M +2017-10-16 10:20,18,M,M +2017-10-16 11:20,19,M,M +2017-10-16 12:20,20,M,M +2017-10-16 13:20,21,M,M +2017-10-16 14:20,21,M,M +2017-10-16 15:20,20,M,M +2017-10-16 16:20,19,M,M +2017-10-16 17:20,16,M,M +2017-10-16 18:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-16 19:20,16,M,M +2017-10-16 20:20,15,M,M +2017-10-16 21:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-16 22:20,13,M,///////// +2017-10-16 23:20,14,M,M +2017-10-17 00:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 01:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 02:20,15,M,M +2017-10-17 03:20,14,M,M +2017-10-17 04:20,14,M,M +2017-10-17 05:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-17 06:20,13,M,M +2017-10-17 07:20,14,M,M +2017-10-17 08:20,14,M,M +2017-10-17 09:20,15,M,M +2017-10-17 10:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 11:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 12:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 13:20,16,M,M +2017-10-17 14:20,15,M,M +2017-10-17 15:20,15,M,M +2017-10-17 16:20,13,M,M +2017-10-17 17:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-17 18:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-17 19:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-17 20:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-17 21:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-17 22:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-17 23:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-18 00:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-18 01:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-18 02:20,9,M,M +2017-10-18 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2017-10-18 04:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2017-10-18 05:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2017-10-18 06:20,9,M,M +2017-10-18 07:20,10,M,M +2017-10-18 08:20,11,M,M +2017-10-18 09:20,13,M,M +2017-10-18 10:20,14,M,M +2017-10-18 11:20,15,M,M +2017-10-18 12:20,15,M,M +2017-10-18 13:20,16,M,M +2017-10-18 14:20,15,M,M +2017-10-18 15:20,15,M,M +2017-10-18 16:20,14,M,M +2017-10-18 17:20,13,M,M +2017-10-18 18:20,13,M,M +2017-10-18 19:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-18 20:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-18 21:20,9,M,M +2017-10-18 22:20,10,M,M +2017-10-18 23:20,10,M,M +2017-10-19 00:20,9,M,M +2017-10-19 01:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-19 02:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-19 03:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-19 04:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-19 05:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-19 06:20,11,M,M +2017-10-19 07:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-19 08:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-19 09:20,14,M,M +2017-10-19 10:20,16,M,M +2017-10-19 11:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-19 12:20,17,FEW,M +2017-10-19 13:20,17,M,M +2017-10-19 14:20,17,M,M +2017-10-19 15:20,16,M,M +2017-10-19 16:20,15,NSC,M +2017-10-19 17:20,14,NSC,M +2017-10-19 18:20,13,NSC,M +2017-10-19 19:20,12,FEW,BR +2017-10-19 20:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-19 21:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-19 22:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-19 23:20,12,FEW,BR +2017-10-20 00:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-20 01:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-20 02:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-20 03:20,12,FEW,BR +2017-10-20 04:20,12,BKN,BR +2017-10-20 05:20,12,M,///////// +2017-10-20 06:20,12,NSC,M +2017-10-20 07:20,12,NSC,M +2017-10-20 08:20,13,M,M +2017-10-20 09:20,14,M,M +2017-10-20 10:20,14,NSC,-RA +2017-10-20 11:20,14,NSC,-RA +2017-10-20 12:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-10-20 13:20,15,FEW,-RA +2017-10-20 14:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-10-20 15:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-20 16:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-20 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-20 18:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-20 19:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-20 20:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-20 21:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-20 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-20 23:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-21 00:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-10-21 01:20,11,FEW,-DZRA +2017-10-21 02:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-21 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-21 04:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-21 05:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-21 06:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-21 07:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-21 08:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-21 09:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-21 10:20,12,M,M +2017-10-21 11:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-21 12:20,13,M,M +2017-10-21 13:20,13,M,M +2017-10-21 14:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-21 15:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-21 16:20,12,BKN,DZ +2017-10-21 17:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-21 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-10-21 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-10-21 20:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-21 21:20,12,M,M +2017-10-21 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-21 23:20,11,M,M +2017-10-22 00:20,10,M,M +2017-10-22 01:20,9,M,M +2017-10-22 02:20,9,M,M +2017-10-22 03:20,9,M,M +2017-10-22 04:20,10,M,M +2017-10-22 05:20,9,M,M +2017-10-22 06:20,9,M,M +2017-10-22 07:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-22 08:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-22 09:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-22 10:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-22 11:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-10-22 12:20,10,BKN,RA +2017-10-22 13:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-10-22 14:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-22 15:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-22 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-22 17:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-22 18:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-22 19:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-22 20:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-22 21:20,8,FEW,M +2017-10-22 22:20,8,SCT,M +2017-10-22 23:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-23 00:20,9,SCT,-RA +2017-10-23 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-10-23 02:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-23 03:20,10,BKN,-DZRA +2017-10-23 04:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-10-23 05:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-23 06:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-23 07:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-23 08:20,11,FEW,RA +2017-10-23 09:20,11,FEW,RA +2017-10-23 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-23 11:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-23 12:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2017-10-23 13:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-23 14:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-23 15:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-23 16:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-23 17:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-23 18:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-23 19:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-23 20:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-23 21:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-23 22:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-23 23:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-24 00:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-24 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-24 02:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-24 03:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-24 04:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-24 05:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-24 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-24 07:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-24 08:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-24 09:20,11,BKN,M +2017-10-24 10:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-10-24 11:20,12,BKN,DZ +2017-10-24 12:20,12,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-10-24 13:20,13,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-10-24 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-24 15:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-24 16:20,13,FEW,-RA +2017-10-24 17:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-10-24 18:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-10-24 19:20,14,FEW,DZRA +2017-10-24 20:20,14,FEW,DZRA +2017-10-24 21:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-24 22:20,15,FEW,-DZRA +2017-10-24 23:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-25 00:20,16,FEW,-RA +2017-10-25 01:20,16,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-25 02:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-25 03:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-25 04:20,15,FEW,DZRA +2017-10-25 05:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-25 06:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-25 07:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-25 08:20,15,SCT,M +2017-10-25 09:20,15,FEW,M +2017-10-25 10:20,16,BKN,M +2017-10-25 11:20,15,BKN,-RA +2017-10-25 12:20,14,SCT,-RADZ +2017-10-25 13:20,15,BKN,M +2017-10-25 14:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-25 15:20,14,FEW,M +2017-10-25 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-25 17:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-25 18:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-25 19:20,11,M,M +2017-10-25 20:20,11,M,M +2017-10-25 21:20,11,M,M +2017-10-25 22:20,11,M,M +2017-10-25 23:20,10,M,M +2017-10-26 00:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-26 01:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-26 02:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-26 03:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-26 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-26 05:20,10,SCT,M +2017-10-26 06:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-26 07:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-26 08:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-26 09:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-26 10:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-26 11:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-26 12:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-26 13:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-26 14:20,14,SCT,M +2017-10-26 15:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-26 16:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-26 17:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-26 18:20,13,BKN,M +2017-10-26 19:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-26 20:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-26 21:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-26 22:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-26 23:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-27 00:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-27 01:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-27 02:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-27 03:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-27 04:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 05:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 07:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 08:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-27 09:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-27 10:20,12,SCT,M +2017-10-27 11:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-27 12:20,13,SCT,M +2017-10-27 13:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-27 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-10-27 15:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-27 16:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-27 17:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-27 18:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 19:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-27 20:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-27 21:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-27 22:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-27 23:20,10,BKN,M +2017-10-28 00:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-28 01:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-28 02:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-28 03:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 04:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-28 05:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 06:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-28 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 08:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 09:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-28 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 11:20,12,FEW,M +2017-10-28 12:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-28 13:20,12,BKN,M +2017-10-28 14:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-28 15:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-28 16:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-28 17:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-10-28 18:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2017-10-28 19:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-28 20:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-28 21:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-28 22:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2017-10-28 23:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-29 00:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2017-10-29 01:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2017-10-29 02:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2017-10-29 03:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-29 04:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-29 05:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-29 06:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-29 07:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-29 08:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-29 09:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-29 10:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-29 11:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-29 12:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2017-10-29 13:20,11,FEW,M +2017-10-29 14:20,11,SCT,M +2017-10-29 15:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-29 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-29 17:20,8,M,M +2017-10-29 18:20,8,M,M +2017-10-29 19:20,7,M,M +2017-10-29 20:20,7,M,M +2017-10-29 21:20,7,M,M +2017-10-29 22:20,7,M,M +2017-10-29 23:20,6,M,M +2017-10-30 00:20,6,M,M +2017-10-30 01:20,6,M,M +2017-10-30 02:20,6,M,M +2017-10-30 03:20,5,M,M +2017-10-30 04:20,4,M,M +2017-10-30 05:20,4,M,M +2017-10-30 06:20,3,M,M +2017-10-30 07:20,4,M,M +2017-10-30 08:20,6,M,M +2017-10-30 09:20,7,M,M +2017-10-30 10:20,9,M,M +2017-10-30 11:20,9,M,M +2017-10-30 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-10-30 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-30 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-10-30 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-30 16:20,8,M,M +2017-10-30 17:20,7,M,M +2017-10-30 18:20,7,M,M +2017-10-30 19:20,7,M,M +2017-10-30 20:20,7,M,M +2017-10-30 21:20,7,BKN,M +2017-10-30 22:20,7,BKN,M +2017-10-30 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-10-31 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-10-31 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-10-31 02:20,6,FEW,M +2017-10-31 03:20,7,FEW,M +2017-10-31 04:20,7,FEW,M +2017-10-31 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-10-31 06:20,7,SCT,M +2017-10-31 07:20,7,SCT,M +2017-10-31 08:20,7,BKN,M +2017-10-31 09:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2017-10-31 10:20,9,SCT,M +2017-10-31 11:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-31 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-10-31 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-31 14:20,9,FEW,M +2017-10-31 15:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-31 16:20,8,FEW,M +2017-10-31 17:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-31 18:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-31 19:20,9,BKN,M +2017-10-31 20:20,9,BKN,BR +2017-10-31 21:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-10-31 22:20,9,OVC,-DZ +2017-10-31 23:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-11-01 00:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-11-01 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-11-01 02:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-11-01 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2017-11-01 04:20,11,BKN,DZ +2017-11-01 05:20,11,BKN,BR +2017-11-01 06:20,11,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-01 07:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-01 08:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-01 09:20,12,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-11-01 10:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-01 11:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-01 12:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-01 13:20,13,BKN,M +2017-11-01 14:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-01 15:20,12,SCT,-RA +2017-11-01 16:20,12,BKN,M +2017-11-01 17:20,12,SCT,M +2017-11-01 18:20,12,FEW,-RA +2017-11-01 19:20,11,FEW,-RA +2017-11-01 20:20,11,FEW,RA +2017-11-01 21:20,10,FEW,RA +2017-11-01 22:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-11-01 23:20,10,FEW,RA +2017-11-02 00:20,9,FEW,RA +2017-11-02 01:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-11-02 02:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-11-02 03:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-02 04:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-02 05:20,9,M,M +2017-11-02 06:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-11-02 07:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-02 08:20,10,BKN,M +2017-11-02 09:20,10,BKN,M +2017-11-02 10:20,11,BKN,M +2017-11-02 11:20,12,BKN,M +2017-11-02 12:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-02 13:20,13,SCT,M +2017-11-02 14:20,12,FEW,M +2017-11-02 15:20,11,FEW,M +2017-11-02 16:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-02 17:20,9,M,M +2017-11-02 18:20,8,M,M +2017-11-02 19:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-02 20:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-02 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-02 22:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-02 23:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-11-03 00:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-03 01:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-03 02:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-03 03:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-03 04:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-11-03 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-11-03 06:20,6,OVC,FG +2017-11-03 07:20,6,VV ,FG +2017-11-03 08:20,6,OVC,BR +2017-11-03 09:20,8,BKN,BR +2017-11-03 10:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-03 11:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-03 12:20,9,SCT,M +2017-11-03 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-03 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-03 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-03 16:20,9,M,M +2017-11-03 17:20,10,M,M +2017-11-03 18:20,10,M,M +2017-11-03 19:20,10,M,M +2017-11-03 20:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-03 21:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-03 22:20,10,NSC,M +2017-11-03 23:20,9,NSC,M +2017-11-04 00:20,9,NSC,M +2017-11-04 01:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-04 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-04 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-04 04:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-04 05:20,6,NSC,M +2017-11-04 06:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-04 07:20,6,NSC,M +2017-11-04 08:20,7,FEW,BR +2017-11-04 09:20,7,NSC,M +2017-11-04 10:20,9,M,M +2017-11-04 11:20,10,M,M +2017-11-04 12:20,11,M,M +2017-11-04 13:20,11,M,M +2017-11-04 14:20,11,M,M +2017-11-04 15:20,11,M,M +2017-11-04 16:20,10,M,M +2017-11-04 17:20,10,M,M +2017-11-04 18:20,9,M,M +2017-11-04 19:20,9,SCT,M +2017-11-04 20:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-04 21:20,10,BKN,M +2017-11-04 22:20,12,FEW,M +2017-11-04 23:20,13,FEW,M +2017-11-05 00:20,13,FEW,M +2017-11-05 01:20,13,BKN,M +2017-11-05 02:20,12,FEW,M +2017-11-05 03:20,12,SCT,M +2017-11-05 04:20,11,FEW,M +2017-11-05 05:20,11,FEW,M +2017-11-05 06:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-11-05 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-11-05 08:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-11-05 09:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-11-05 10:20,10,SCT,-RA +2017-11-05 11:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-11-05 12:20,10,SCT,M +2017-11-05 13:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-05 14:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-05 15:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-05 16:20,9,SCT,M +2017-11-05 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-05 18:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-05 19:20,7,M,M +2017-11-05 20:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-05 21:20,6,M,M +2017-11-05 22:20,5,M,M +2017-11-05 23:20,5,M,M +2017-11-06 00:20,5,M,M +2017-11-06 01:20,4,M,M +2017-11-06 02:20,4,M,M +2017-11-06 03:20,2,M,M +2017-11-06 04:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-06 05:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-06 06:20,1,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-06 07:20,2,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-06 08:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-06 09:20,6,M,M +2017-11-06 10:20,8,M,M +2017-11-06 11:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-06 12:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-06 13:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-06 14:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-06 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-06 16:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-06 17:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-06 18:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-06 19:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-06 20:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-06 21:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-06 22:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-06 23:20,1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-07 00:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-07 01:20,1,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 02:20,1,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 03:20,1,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 04:20,1,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 05:20,1,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 06:20,2,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 07:20,2,NSC,FG +2017-11-07 08:20,2,VV ,FG +2017-11-07 09:20,3,BKN,FG +2017-11-07 10:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-11-07 11:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-07 12:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-07 13:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-07 14:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-07 15:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-07 16:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-07 17:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-07 18:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-07 19:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-07 20:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-07 21:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-07 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-07 23:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-08 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-08 01:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-08 02:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-08 03:20,6,OVC,M +2017-11-08 04:20,5,OVC,M +2017-11-08 05:20,6,OVC,M +2017-11-08 06:20,6,OVC,M +2017-11-08 07:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-08 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-08 09:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-08 10:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-08 11:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-08 12:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-08 13:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-08 14:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-08 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-08 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-08 17:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-08 18:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-08 19:20,7,SCT,M +2017-11-08 20:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-08 21:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-08 22:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-08 23:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 00:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-09 01:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-09 02:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-09 03:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 04:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 05:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 06:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 07:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-09 09:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-09 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-09 11:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-09 12:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-09 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-09 14:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-09 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-09 17:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-09 18:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-09 19:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-09 20:20,7,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-09 21:20,8,OVC,-DZ +2017-11-09 22:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-09 23:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-10 00:20,8,OVC,M +2017-11-10 01:20,9,OVC,M +2017-11-10 02:20,9,OVC,M +2017-11-10 03:20,9,OVC,M +2017-11-10 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-10 05:20,8,SCT,M +2017-11-10 06:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-10 07:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-10 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-10 09:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-10 10:20,9,SCT,-RA +2017-11-10 11:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 12:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 13:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-10 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 17:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-10 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-10 19:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 20:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 21:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-10 22:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-10 23:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-11 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-11 01:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-11 02:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-11 03:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-11 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-11 05:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-11 06:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-11 07:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-11 08:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-11 09:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-11 10:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-11 11:20,7,SCT,M +2017-11-11 12:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-11 13:20,4,FEW,SHRA +2017-11-11 14:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-11 15:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-11 16:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-11 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-11 18:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-11 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-11 20:20,3,M,M +2017-11-11 21:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-11 22:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-11 23:20,3,M,M +2017-11-12 00:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-12 01:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-12 02:20,3,M,M +2017-11-12 03:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-12 04:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-12 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-12 06:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-12 07:20,3,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-12 08:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-12 09:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-12 10:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-12 11:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-12 12:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-12 13:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-12 14:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-12 15:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-12 16:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-12 17:20,5,SCT,M +2017-11-12 18:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-12 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-12 20:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-12 21:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-12 22:20,4,OVC,FG +2017-11-12 23:20,4,OVC,FG +2017-11-13 00:20,3,OVC,FG +2017-11-13 01:20,3,BKN,FG +2017-11-13 02:20,2,BKN,FG +2017-11-13 03:20,1,BKN,FG +2017-11-13 04:20,0,SCT,BCFG BR +2017-11-13 05:20,0,SCT,BCFG BR +2017-11-13 06:20,-1,NSC,BCFG +2017-11-13 07:20,0,M,M +2017-11-13 08:20,2,M,M +2017-11-13 09:20,4,M,M +2017-11-13 10:20,6,M,M +2017-11-13 11:20,8,M,M +2017-11-13 12:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-13 13:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-13 14:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-13 15:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-13 16:20,4,M,M +2017-11-13 17:20,2,M,M +2017-11-13 18:20,2,M,M +2017-11-13 19:20,1,M,M +2017-11-13 20:20,0,M,M +2017-11-13 21:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-13 22:20,-1,BKN,MIFG +2017-11-13 23:20,0,BKN,MIFG +2017-11-14 00:20,-1,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-14 01:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-14 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-14 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-14 04:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-14 05:20,0,FEW,MIFG +2017-11-14 06:20,1,M,M +2017-11-14 07:20,2,M,M +2017-11-14 08:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-14 09:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-14 10:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-14 11:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-11-14 12:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-11-14 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-11-14 14:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-14 15:20,7,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-14 16:20,7,OVC,M +2017-11-14 17:20,7,OVC,M +2017-11-14 18:20,8,OVC,M +2017-11-14 19:20,8,OVC,M +2017-11-14 20:20,8,OVC,M +2017-11-14 21:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-14 22:20,7,OVC,BR +2017-11-14 23:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-11-15 00:20,7,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 01:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 02:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 03:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 04:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 05:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 06:20,8,OVC,BR +2017-11-15 07:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-11-15 08:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-15 09:20,9,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-15 10:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2017-11-15 11:20,10,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-15 12:20,10,OVC,M +2017-11-15 13:20,10,BKN,M +2017-11-15 14:20,10,SCT,M +2017-11-15 15:20,10,SCT,M +2017-11-15 16:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-15 17:20,8,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-15 18:20,9,BKN,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-11-15 19:20,9,FEW,BCFG BR +2017-11-15 20:20,8,FEW,BR +2017-11-15 21:20,8,FEW,BR +2017-11-15 22:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-11-15 23:20,8,SCT,BR +2017-11-16 00:20,8,FEW,BR +2017-11-16 01:20,9,SCT,BR +2017-11-16 02:20,9,SCT,BR +2017-11-16 03:20,9,FEW,BR +2017-11-16 04:20,9,FEW,BR +2017-11-16 05:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-16 06:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 07:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-16 08:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 09:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 10:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 11:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 12:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 13:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-16 14:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-16 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-16 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-11-16 17:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 18:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 19:20,9,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-16 20:20,9,OVC,M +2017-11-16 21:20,9,BKN,M +2017-11-16 22:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2017-11-16 23:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-17 00:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-17 01:20,7,M,M +2017-11-17 02:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-17 03:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-17 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-17 05:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-17 06:20,1,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-17 07:20,2,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-11-17 08:20,4,M,M +2017-11-17 09:20,7,M,M +2017-11-17 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-17 11:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-17 12:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-17 13:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-17 14:20,9,FEW,M +2017-11-17 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-17 16:20,6,M,M +2017-11-17 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-17 18:20,6,SCT,M +2017-11-17 19:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-17 20:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-17 21:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-17 22:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-17 23:20,6,M,M +2017-11-18 00:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-18 01:20,6,M,M +2017-11-18 02:20,6,M,M +2017-11-18 03:20,6,M,M +2017-11-18 04:20,6,M,M +2017-11-18 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-18 06:20,5,M,M +2017-11-18 07:20,5,M,M +2017-11-18 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-18 09:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-18 10:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-18 11:20,5,SCT,SHRA +2017-11-18 12:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-11-18 13:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-18 14:20,5,SCT,M +2017-11-18 15:20,4,SCT,VCSH +2017-11-18 16:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-18 17:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-18 18:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-18 19:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-18 20:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-18 21:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-18 22:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-18 23:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-19 00:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 01:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 02:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 03:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 04:20,4,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 05:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 06:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-19 07:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 08:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-19 09:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-19 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-19 11:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-19 12:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-19 13:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-19 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-19 15:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-19 16:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-19 17:20,6,M,M +2017-11-19 18:20,6,M,M +2017-11-19 19:20,5,M,M +2017-11-19 20:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-19 21:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-19 22:20,2,SCT,M +2017-11-19 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-20 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-20 01:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-20 02:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-20 03:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-20 04:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-20 05:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-20 06:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-20 07:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-20 08:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-20 09:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-20 10:20,5,SCT,M +2017-11-20 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-20 12:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-11-20 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-20 14:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-20 15:20,5,SCT,-RA +2017-11-20 16:20,4,SCT,-RA +2017-11-20 17:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-20 18:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-20 19:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-20 20:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-11-20 21:20,4,OVC,-RA +2017-11-20 22:20,4,FEW,-RADZ BR +2017-11-20 23:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-21 00:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-21 01:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-21 02:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-21 03:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2017-11-21 04:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2017-11-21 05:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-21 06:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2017-11-21 07:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-21 08:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-21 09:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2017-11-21 10:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-21 11:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-21 12:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-21 13:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-21 14:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-11-21 15:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-11-21 16:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-11-21 17:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-21 18:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-21 19:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-21 20:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2017-11-21 21:20,6,OVC,-RADZ +2017-11-21 22:20,6,FEW,-DZRA BR +2017-11-21 23:20,7,SCT,-RADZ BR +2017-11-22 00:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2017-11-22 01:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-22 02:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-22 03:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-22 04:20,9,FEW,-DZRA +2017-11-22 05:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2017-11-22 06:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-22 07:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-22 08:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-22 09:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-22 10:20,10,BKN,M +2017-11-22 11:20,10,BKN,RADZ +2017-11-22 12:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-22 13:20,10,OVC,M +2017-11-22 14:20,11,FEW,M +2017-11-22 15:20,11,BKN,M +2017-11-22 16:20,10,SCT,M +2017-11-22 17:20,10,M,M +2017-11-22 18:20,10,M,M +2017-11-22 19:20,10,M,M +2017-11-22 20:20,9,M,M +2017-11-22 21:20,8,M,M +2017-11-22 22:20,9,M,M +2017-11-22 23:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 00:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 01:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 02:20,7,M,M +2017-11-23 03:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 04:20,10,M,M +2017-11-23 05:20,9,M,M +2017-11-23 06:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 07:20,10,M,M +2017-11-23 08:20,10,M,M +2017-11-23 09:20,11,FEW,M +2017-11-23 10:20,13,M,M +2017-11-23 11:20,14,FEW,M +2017-11-23 12:20,14,BKN,-RA +2017-11-23 13:20,14,FEW,-RA +2017-11-23 14:20,13,FEW,M +2017-11-23 15:20,12,BKN,M +2017-11-23 16:20,13,SCT,-RA +2017-11-23 17:20,12,FEW,M +2017-11-23 18:20,10,FEW,M +2017-11-23 19:20,8,M,M +2017-11-23 20:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-23 21:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-23 22:20,7,M,M +2017-11-23 23:20,7,M,M +2017-11-24 00:20,6,M,M +2017-11-24 01:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-24 02:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-24 03:20,6,M,M +2017-11-24 04:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-24 05:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-11-24 06:20,7,FEW,RA +2017-11-24 07:20,7,SCT,RA +2017-11-24 08:20,7,FEW,RA +2017-11-24 09:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-11-24 10:20,8,FEW,M +2017-11-24 11:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-11-24 12:20,8,FEW,-RA +2017-11-24 13:20,8,SCT,M +2017-11-24 14:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-11-24 15:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-24 16:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-24 17:20,5,M,M +2017-11-24 18:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-24 19:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-24 20:20,3,M,M +2017-11-24 21:20,4,M,M +2017-11-24 22:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2017-11-24 23:20,1,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-11-25 00:20,3,BKN,MIFG BR +2017-11-25 01:20,3,SCT,MIFG BR +2017-11-25 02:20,2,SCT,BCFG MIFG BR +2017-11-25 03:20,3,BKN,FG +2017-11-25 04:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-11-25 05:20,4,BKN,BCFG BR +2017-11-25 06:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-11-25 07:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-11-25 08:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-11-25 09:20,3,OVC,BR +2017-11-25 10:20,3,OVC,BCFG +2017-11-25 11:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-25 12:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-25 13:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-25 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-25 15:20,3,NSC,M +2017-11-25 16:20,3,M,M +2017-11-25 17:20,2,M,M +2017-11-25 18:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-25 19:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-25 20:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-25 21:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-25 22:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-25 23:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-26 00:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-26 01:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-26 02:20,1,FEW,M +2017-11-26 03:20,2,BKN,M +2017-11-26 04:20,1,SCT,M +2017-11-26 05:20,2,BKN,M +2017-11-26 06:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-26 07:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-26 08:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-26 09:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-26 10:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-26 11:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-26 12:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-26 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-26 14:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-26 15:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-26 16:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-26 17:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-26 18:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-26 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-26 20:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-26 21:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-26 22:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-26 23:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-27 00:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-27 01:20,3,SCT,M +2017-11-27 02:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-27 03:20,2,SCT,M +2017-11-27 04:20,2,SCT,M +2017-11-27 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-27 06:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-27 07:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-27 08:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-27 09:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2017-11-27 10:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 12:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 14:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-11-27 15:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 16:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-11-27 17:20,6,SCT,M +2017-11-27 18:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-27 19:20,6,FEW,M +2017-11-27 20:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-27 21:20,7,FEW,M +2017-11-27 22:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-27 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-28 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-28 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-28 02:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-28 03:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-28 04:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-28 05:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-28 06:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-28 07:20,5,BKN,M +2017-11-28 08:20,6,BKN,M +2017-11-28 09:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2017-11-28 10:20,6,BKN,SHRA +2017-11-28 11:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-28 12:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2017-11-28 13:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2017-11-28 14:20,7,BKN,M +2017-11-28 15:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-28 16:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2017-11-28 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-28 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-28 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-28 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-28 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-28 22:20,5,SCT,M +2017-11-28 23:20,5,FEW,M +2017-11-29 00:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-11-29 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-11-29 02:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-11-29 03:20,4,SCT,M +2017-11-29 04:20,4,FEW,M +2017-11-29 05:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-11-29 06:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-11-29 07:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2017-11-29 08:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2017-11-29 09:20,4,BKN,-RA BR +2017-11-29 10:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 11:20,4,OVC,M +2017-11-29 12:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 13:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 14:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 15:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 16:20,4,BKN,M +2017-11-29 17:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-29 18:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-11-29 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-29 20:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-11-29 21:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-29 22:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2017-11-29 23:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 01:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 02:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-30 03:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-30 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 06:20,2,BKN,M +2017-11-30 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-11-30 08:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-30 09:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 10:20,3,FEW,M +2017-11-30 11:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 12:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 13:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 14:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 15:20,2,OVC,M +2017-11-30 16:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 17:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 18:20,3,OVC,M +2017-11-30 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-11-30 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-30 21:20,2,FEW,M +2017-11-30 22:20,2,SCT,M +2017-11-30 23:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-01 00:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-01 01:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-01 02:20,0,FEW,BR +2017-12-01 03:20,1,FEW,BR +2017-12-01 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-01 05:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-01 06:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-01 07:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-01 08:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-01 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2017-12-01 10:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-12-01 11:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-01 12:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-01 13:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-01 14:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-01 15:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-01 16:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-01 17:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-01 18:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-01 19:20,2,FEW,BR +2017-12-01 20:20,2,BKN,BCFG BR +2017-12-01 21:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-12-01 22:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-12-01 23:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-12-02 00:20,2,BKN,BR +2017-12-02 01:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-02 02:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-02 03:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 04:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-02 05:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2017-12-02 06:20,-2,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-12-02 07:20,-2,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2017-12-02 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-12-02 09:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-12-02 10:20,0,BKN,BR +2017-12-02 11:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 12:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-02 13:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 14:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 15:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 16:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 17:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 18:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 19:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-02 20:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-02 21:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-02 22:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-02 23:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-03 00:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-03 01:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-03 02:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-03 03:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-03 04:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2017-12-03 05:20,1,FEW,-RA +2017-12-03 06:20,1,FEW,-RA +2017-12-03 07:20,1,FEW,-RA +2017-12-03 08:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2017-12-03 09:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2017-12-03 10:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-03 11:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-12-03 12:20,4,OVC,BR +2017-12-03 13:20,5,OVC,-RA BR +2017-12-03 14:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2017-12-03 15:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-03 16:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-03 17:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-03 18:20,5,M,M +2017-12-03 19:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-03 20:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-03 21:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-03 22:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2017-12-03 23:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-04 00:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-04 01:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-04 02:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2017-12-04 03:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 04:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 05:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 06:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 07:20,5,M,M +2017-12-04 08:20,5,M,M +2017-12-04 09:20,5,M,M +2017-12-04 10:20,6,M,M +2017-12-04 11:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-04 12:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-04 13:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-04 14:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 15:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-04 16:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 17:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-04 18:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-04 19:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-04 20:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-12-04 21:20,6,FEW,-RA +2017-12-04 22:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-12-04 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-12-05 00:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-05 01:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 02:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 03:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 04:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 05:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 06:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-05 07:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-05 08:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-05 09:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-05 10:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 12:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 13:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 14:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-05 15:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-05 16:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-05 17:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-05 18:20,7,BKN,-DZRA +2017-12-05 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-05 21:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-05 22:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-05 23:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-06 00:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-06 01:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-06 02:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-06 03:20,7,SCT,M +2017-12-06 04:20,7,SCT,M +2017-12-06 05:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-06 06:20,7,SCT,M +2017-12-06 07:20,7,SCT,M +2017-12-06 08:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-06 09:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-06 10:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 12:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-06 13:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-06 14:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 17:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 18:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 21:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-06 22:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-06 23:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-07 00:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-07 01:20,8,OVC,M +2017-12-07 02:20,7,OVC,M +2017-12-07 03:20,7,OVC,M +2017-12-07 04:20,7,OVC,M +2017-12-07 05:20,7,OVC,M +2017-12-07 06:20,6,OVC,M +2017-12-07 07:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 08:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 09:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-07 10:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 11:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-07 12:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 13:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 14:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 15:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-12-07 16:20,5,BKN,-RA +2017-12-07 17:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-12-07 18:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-12-07 19:20,6,BKN,RA +2017-12-07 20:20,6,BKN,-RA +2017-12-07 21:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-07 22:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-07 23:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-08 00:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-08 01:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-08 02:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-08 03:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-08 04:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-08 05:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-08 06:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-08 07:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-08 08:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-12-08 09:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-12-08 10:20,2,SCT,-SHRA +2017-12-08 11:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-08 12:20,1,BKN,-SHSNRA +2017-12-08 13:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2017-12-08 14:20,1,BKN,-SHRASN +2017-12-08 15:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-08 16:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-08 17:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-08 18:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-08 19:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-08 20:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-08 21:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-08 22:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-08 23:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-09 00:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-09 01:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-09 02:20,2,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-09 03:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-09 04:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-09 05:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-09 06:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2017-12-09 07:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-09 08:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-09 09:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-09 10:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-09 11:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-09 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-09 13:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-09 14:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-09 15:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-09 16:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-09 17:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-09 18:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-09 19:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-09 20:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-09 21:20,2,OVC,M +2017-12-09 22:20,2,OVC,M +2017-12-09 23:20,2,OVC,M +2017-12-10 00:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-10 01:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 02:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 03:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 04:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 05:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 06:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-10 07:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 08:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 09:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 10:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 11:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 12:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-10 13:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-10 14:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-10 15:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-10 16:20,0,SCT,-SN +2017-12-10 17:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-10 18:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-10 19:20,-1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-10 20:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-10 21:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-10 22:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2017-12-10 23:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-11 00:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-11 01:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-11 02:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-11 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2017-12-11 04:20,0,SCT,M +2017-12-11 05:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-11 06:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-11 07:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-11 08:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-11 09:20,0,SCT,M +2017-12-11 10:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-11 11:20,0,SCT,-SN +2017-12-11 12:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-11 13:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-11 14:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-11 15:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-11 16:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-11 17:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-11 18:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-11 19:20,0,BKN,-SN +2017-12-11 20:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-11 21:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-11 22:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-11 23:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-12 00:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-12 01:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-12 02:20,1,BKN,-RA +2017-12-12 03:20,0,BKN,-RA +2017-12-12 04:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-12 05:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-12 06:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-12 07:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-12 08:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-12 09:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-12 10:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-12 11:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-12 12:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2017-12-12 13:20,1,BKN,-SN +2017-12-12 14:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-12 15:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-12 16:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-12 17:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-12 18:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-12 19:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-12 20:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-12 21:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-12 22:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-12 23:20,1,OVC,M +2017-12-13 00:20,1,OVC,M +2017-12-13 01:20,1,OVC,M +2017-12-13 02:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-13 03:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-13 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-13 05:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-13 06:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-13 07:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-13 08:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-13 09:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-13 10:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-13 11:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-13 12:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2017-12-13 13:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-12-13 14:20,2,FEW,-RA +2017-12-13 15:20,2,SCT,-RA +2017-12-13 16:20,2,SCT,-RASN +2017-12-13 17:20,2,FEW,-RA +2017-12-13 18:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2017-12-13 19:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-13 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-13 21:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-13 22:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-13 23:20,3,BKN,RA +2017-12-14 00:20,1,BKN,RASN +2017-12-14 01:20,2,BKN,-RA +2017-12-14 02:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-12-14 03:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-14 04:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-12-14 05:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-14 06:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 07:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-14 08:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-14 09:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-14 10:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-14 11:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-12-14 12:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 13:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-14 14:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-12-14 15:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 16:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 17:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 18:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-14 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-14 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-14 21:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 22:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-14 23:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 00:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 01:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 02:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-15 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 06:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 07:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 08:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 09:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 10:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-15 11:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 12:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 13:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 15:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-15 16:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 17:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 18:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 21:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 22:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-15 23:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-16 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-16 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2017-12-16 02:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-12-16 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-16 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-16 05:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-16 06:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-16 07:20,2,BKN,SHRASN +2017-12-16 08:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-16 09:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-16 10:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-16 11:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-12-16 12:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-16 13:20,4,SCT,M +2017-12-16 14:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2017-12-16 15:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-16 16:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-16 17:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-16 18:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-16 19:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-16 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-16 21:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-16 22:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-16 23:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 00:20,1,SCT,VCSH +2017-12-17 01:20,2,SCT,M +2017-12-17 02:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-17 03:20,1,M,M +2017-12-17 04:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-17 05:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-17 06:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-17 07:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-17 08:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-17 09:20,0,BKN,M +2017-12-17 10:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-17 11:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 12:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 13:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 14:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 15:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-17 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-12-17 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-12-17 18:20,-1,M,M +2017-12-17 19:20,-1,FEW,M +2017-12-17 20:20,-2,FEW,M +2017-12-17 21:20,0,FEW,M +2017-12-17 22:20,0,SCT,M +2017-12-17 23:20,1,OVC,M +2017-12-18 00:20,1,OVC,M +2017-12-18 01:20,2,OVC,M +2017-12-18 02:20,2,OVC,M +2017-12-18 03:20,1,SCT,M +2017-12-18 04:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-18 05:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-18 06:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-18 07:20,1,BKN,M +2017-12-18 08:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-18 09:20,2,M,M +2017-12-18 10:20,2,M,M +2017-12-18 11:20,4,M,M +2017-12-18 12:20,4,M,M +2017-12-18 13:20,4,M,M +2017-12-18 14:20,3,M,M +2017-12-18 15:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-18 16:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-18 17:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 18:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 19:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 20:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 21:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 22:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-18 23:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-19 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-19 01:20,3,OVC,-DZ +2017-12-19 02:20,3,OVC,M +2017-12-19 03:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-19 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-19 05:20,3,BKN,BR +2017-12-19 06:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-12-19 07:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-12-19 08:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-19 09:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-19 10:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-19 11:20,6,OVC,M +2017-12-19 12:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-19 13:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-19 14:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-19 15:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-19 16:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-19 17:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-19 18:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-19 19:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-19 20:20,6,M,// ///////// +2017-12-19 21:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-19 22:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-19 23:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-20 00:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-20 01:20,5,OVC,-RADZ BR +2017-12-20 02:20,5,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-12-20 03:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-12-20 04:20,5,BKN,BR +2017-12-20 05:20,5,SCT,BR +2017-12-20 06:20,6,FEW,BR +2017-12-20 07:20,6,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 08:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 09:20,6,OVC,M +2017-12-20 10:20,6,OVC,-DZ +2017-12-20 11:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-20 12:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 13:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-20 15:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 16:20,7,FEW,BR +2017-12-20 17:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 18:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 19:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 20:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 21:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 22:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-20 23:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 00:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 01:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 02:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 03:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 04:20,8,BKN,BR +2017-12-21 05:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 06:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-21 07:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-21 08:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 09:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 10:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 11:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 12:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 13:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-21 14:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-21 15:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 16:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 17:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 18:20,6,OVC,M +2017-12-21 19:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-21 20:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-21 21:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-21 22:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-21 23:20,6,BKN,BR +2017-12-22 00:20,6,BKN,BR +2017-12-22 01:20,6,FEW,BR +2017-12-22 02:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-22 03:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-22 04:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-22 05:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-22 06:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 07:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-22 08:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-22 09:20,6,SCT,M +2017-12-22 10:20,6,SCT,BR +2017-12-22 11:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 12:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 13:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 14:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 15:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-22 16:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-22 17:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-22 18:20,4,BKN,BR +2017-12-22 19:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-22 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-22 21:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-22 22:20,5,OVC,M +2017-12-22 23:20,5,OVC,M +2017-12-23 00:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-23 01:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-23 02:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-23 03:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 04:20,4,SCT,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 05:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 06:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 07:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 08:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2017-12-23 09:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-23 10:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 11:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 12:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-23 13:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 14:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 16:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-23 17:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 18:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 19:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 20:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 21:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 22:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-23 23:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 00:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-12-24 02:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-24 03:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-24 04:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2017-12-24 05:20,8,BKN,-DZRA +2017-12-24 06:20,8,BKN,-RADZ BR +2017-12-24 07:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2017-12-24 08:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2017-12-24 09:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2017-12-24 10:20,8,BKN,-DZRA BR +2017-12-24 11:20,8,OVC,-DZ +2017-12-24 12:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-24 13:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-24 14:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-24 15:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-24 16:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 17:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-24 18:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2017-12-24 19:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 20:20,10,BKN,M +2017-12-24 21:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 22:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-24 23:20,10,BKN,M +2017-12-25 00:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-25 01:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-12-25 02:20,9,BKN,-RA +2017-12-25 03:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-25 04:20,9,BKN,M +2017-12-25 05:20,9,SCT,M +2017-12-25 06:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-25 07:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-25 08:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-25 09:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-25 10:20,9,FEW,M +2017-12-25 11:20,9,FEW,-DZ +2017-12-25 12:20,9,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-25 13:20,8,SCT,-DZ +2017-12-25 14:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-25 15:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-25 16:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-25 18:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-25 19:20,7,SCT,M +2017-12-25 20:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-25 21:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-25 22:20,7,BKN,M +2017-12-25 23:20,7,OVC,M +2017-12-26 00:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-26 01:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-26 02:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-26 03:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-26 04:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-26 05:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-26 06:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-26 07:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-26 08:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-26 09:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-12-26 10:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-12-26 11:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-12-26 12:20,7,FEW,-RA +2017-12-26 13:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-12-26 14:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2017-12-26 15:20,6,BKN,M +2017-12-26 16:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-26 17:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-26 18:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-26 19:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-26 20:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-26 21:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-26 22:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-26 23:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-27 00:20,4,M,M +2017-12-27 01:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-27 02:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-27 03:20,3,M,M +2017-12-27 04:20,3,M,M +2017-12-27 05:20,3,M,M +2017-12-27 06:20,3,M,M +2017-12-27 07:20,4,M,M +2017-12-27 08:20,4,M,M +2017-12-27 09:20,4,M,M +2017-12-27 10:20,4,FEW,-RA +2017-12-27 11:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 12:20,5,FEW,-RA +2017-12-27 13:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 14:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 15:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-27 16:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 17:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 18:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-12-27 19:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-27 20:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-27 21:20,4,SCT,M +2017-12-27 22:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-27 23:20,2,BKN,M +2017-12-28 00:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-28 01:20,3,M,M +2017-12-28 02:20,4,SCT,M +2017-12-28 03:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 04:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 05:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-28 06:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-28 07:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-28 08:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2017-12-28 09:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-28 10:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-28 11:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-28 12:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-28 13:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 14:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 15:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-28 16:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-28 17:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-12-28 18:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2017-12-28 19:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-28 20:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-28 21:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 22:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-28 23:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-29 00:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-29 01:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-29 02:20,4,BKN,-SHRA +2017-12-29 03:20,4,BKN,M +2017-12-29 04:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 05:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 06:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 07:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 08:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 09:20,3,SCT,M +2017-12-29 10:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-29 11:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-29 12:20,3,BKN,M +2017-12-29 13:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-29 14:20,3,FEW,M +2017-12-29 15:20,3,M,M +2017-12-29 16:20,2,M,M +2017-12-29 17:20,2,M,M +2017-12-29 18:20,2,M,M +2017-12-29 19:20,2,M,M +2017-12-29 20:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-29 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-29 22:20,1,FEW,-SN +2017-12-29 23:20,1,FEW,M +2017-12-30 00:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-30 01:20,2,FEW,M +2017-12-30 02:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2017-12-30 03:20,4,FEW,M +2017-12-30 04:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-30 05:20,5,FEW,M +2017-12-30 06:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-30 07:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-30 08:20,5,BKN,M +2017-12-30 09:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-30 10:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-30 11:20,4,BKN,-RA +2017-12-30 12:20,3,SCT,-RA +2017-12-30 13:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-12-30 14:20,3,BKN,-RA +2017-12-30 15:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-30 16:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2017-12-30 17:20,8,SCT,-RA +2017-12-30 18:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-30 19:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-30 20:20,8,BKN,M +2017-12-30 21:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-30 22:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-30 23:20,8,SCT,VCSH +2017-12-31 00:20,8,SCT,M +2017-12-31 01:20,8,FEW,M +2017-12-31 02:20,7,FEW,M +2017-12-31 03:20,6,M,M +2017-12-31 04:20,5,M,M +2017-12-31 05:20,5,SCT,M +2017-12-31 06:20,6,FEW,M +2017-12-31 07:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-12-31 08:20,6,SCT,-RA +2017-12-31 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2017-12-31 10:20,8,BKN,-RA +2017-12-31 11:20,10,BKN,-RA +2017-12-31 12:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-12-31 13:20,11,BKN,-RA +2017-12-31 14:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2017-12-31 15:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2017-12-31 16:20,11,SCT,-RA +2017-12-31 17:20,11,SCT,RA +2017-12-31 18:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-12-31 19:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-12-31 20:20,10,FEW,-RA +2017-12-31 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-12-31 22:20,9,FEW,-RA +2017-12-31 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-01 00:20,9,BKN,-RA FU +2018-01-01 01:20,9,SCT,-RA +2018-01-01 02:20,8,SCT,M +2018-01-01 03:20,8,BKN,M +2018-01-01 04:20,8,BKN,M +2018-01-01 05:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-01 06:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-01 07:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-01 08:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-01 09:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-01 10:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-01 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-01 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-01 13:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-01 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-01 15:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-01 16:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-01 17:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-01 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-01 19:20,5,M,M +2018-01-01 20:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-01 21:20,4,SCT,M +2018-01-01 22:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-01 23:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-02 00:20,3,M,M +2018-01-02 01:20,3,M,M +2018-01-02 02:20,2,M,M +2018-01-02 03:20,2,M,M +2018-01-02 04:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-02 05:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-02 06:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-02 07:20,5,BKN,-RA BR +2018-01-02 08:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-02 09:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-02 10:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-02 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-02 12:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-02 13:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-02 14:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-02 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-02 16:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-02 17:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-02 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-02 19:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-02 20:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-02 21:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-02 22:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-02 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-03 00:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-03 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-03 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-01-03 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-03 04:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-03 05:20,5,BKN,RA +2018-01-03 06:20,6,BKN,RA +2018-01-03 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-01-03 08:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-03 09:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-03 10:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-03 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-03 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-03 13:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-03 14:20,5,BKN,RA +2018-01-03 15:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-03 16:20,6,SCT,-RA +2018-01-03 17:20,5,BKN,RA +2018-01-03 18:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-01-03 19:20,5,SCT,RA +2018-01-03 20:20,6,SCT,RA +2018-01-03 21:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-03 22:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-03 23:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-04 00:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 01:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2018-01-04 02:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-04 03:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-04 04:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-04 05:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-04 06:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-01-04 07:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 08:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 09:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 10:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 11:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-04 12:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2018-01-04 13:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-04 14:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2018-01-04 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-04 16:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-04 17:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-04 18:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-01-04 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-01-04 20:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 21:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-04 22:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-04 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-01-05 00:20,8,SCT,-RA +2018-01-05 01:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-01-05 02:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-01-05 03:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-05 04:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-05 05:20,6,SCT,-RA +2018-01-05 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-01-05 07:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-05 08:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-05 09:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-05 10:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2018-01-05 11:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-05 12:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-05 13:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-01-05 14:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-05 15:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-05 16:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-05 17:20,4,M,// ///////// +2018-01-05 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-05 19:20,4,M,M +2018-01-05 20:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-01-05 21:20,5,FEW,RA +2018-01-05 22:20,5,SCT,RA +2018-01-05 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-06 00:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-06 01:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-06 02:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-06 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-06 04:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-06 05:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-06 06:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-06 07:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-06 08:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-06 09:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-06 10:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-06 11:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-01-06 12:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-06 13:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-06 14:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2018-01-06 15:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-06 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-06 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-06 18:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-06 19:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-06 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-06 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-06 22:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-06 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-07 00:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-07 01:20,0,FEW,M +2018-01-07 02:20,0,M,M +2018-01-07 03:20,0,M,M +2018-01-07 04:20,0,M,M +2018-01-07 05:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-01-07 06:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-07 07:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-07 08:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-07 09:20,0,M,M +2018-01-07 10:20,1,M,M +2018-01-07 11:20,2,M,M +2018-01-07 12:20,2,M,M +2018-01-07 13:20,2,M,M +2018-01-07 14:20,2,M,M +2018-01-07 15:20,1,M,M +2018-01-07 16:20,0,M,M +2018-01-07 17:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-07 18:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-07 19:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-07 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-07 21:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-07 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-01-07 23:20,-3,M,M +2018-01-08 00:20,-4,M,M +2018-01-08 01:20,-4,M,M +2018-01-08 02:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 03:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 04:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 05:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 06:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 07:20,-5,M,M +2018-01-08 08:20,-4,M,M +2018-01-08 09:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-08 10:20,0,M,M +2018-01-08 11:20,1,M,M +2018-01-08 12:20,1,M,M +2018-01-08 13:20,2,M,M +2018-01-08 14:20,1,M,M +2018-01-08 15:20,0,M,M +2018-01-08 16:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-08 17:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-08 18:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-08 19:20,0,M,M +2018-01-08 20:20,0,M,M +2018-01-08 21:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-08 22:20,0,M,M +2018-01-08 23:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 00:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 01:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 02:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 03:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 04:20,0,M,M +2018-01-09 05:20,1,M,M +2018-01-09 06:20,1,M,M +2018-01-09 07:20,1,M,M +2018-01-09 08:20,1,M,M +2018-01-09 09:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-09 10:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-09 11:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-09 12:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-09 13:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-09 14:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 15:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 16:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-09 17:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 18:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 19:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 20:20,3,M,M +2018-01-09 21:20,2,M,M +2018-01-09 22:20,2,M,M +2018-01-09 23:20,2,M,M +2018-01-10 00:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-10 01:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-10 02:20,1,SCT,M +2018-01-10 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-10 04:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-10 05:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-10 06:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-10 07:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-10 08:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-10 09:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-10 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-10 11:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-10 12:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-10 13:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-10 14:20,5,M,M +2018-01-10 15:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-10 16:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-10 17:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-10 18:20,5,M,M +2018-01-10 19:20,5,M,M +2018-01-10 20:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-10 21:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-10 22:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-10 23:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-11 00:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-11 01:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-11 02:20,3,M,M +2018-01-11 03:20,2,M,M +2018-01-11 04:20,1,NSC,M +2018-01-11 05:20,1,NSC,M +2018-01-11 06:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-01-11 07:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-01-11 08:20,0,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-01-11 09:20,0,SCT,MIFG +2018-01-11 10:20,1,SCT,MIFG +2018-01-11 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-11 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-11 13:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-11 14:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2018-01-11 15:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2018-01-11 16:20,3,FEW,-RA BR +2018-01-11 17:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2018-01-11 18:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-11 19:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-01-11 20:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-01-11 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-11 22:20,3,FEW,BR +2018-01-11 23:20,3,FEW,BR +2018-01-12 00:20,2,SCT,BR +2018-01-12 01:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-01-12 02:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-01-12 03:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-12 04:20,2,SCT,BR +2018-01-12 05:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-01-12 06:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-01-12 07:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-01-12 08:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-01-12 09:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-01-12 10:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-01-12 11:20,2,FEW,-DZ +2018-01-12 12:20,2,SCT,BR +2018-01-12 13:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-01-12 14:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-01-12 15:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-01-12 16:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-01-12 17:20,2,FEW,-DZ +2018-01-12 18:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-12 19:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-12 20:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-12 21:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-12 22:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-12 23:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 00:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 01:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 02:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 03:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 04:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-13 07:20,1,FEW,BR +2018-01-13 08:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-13 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-13 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-13 11:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 12:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-01-13 13:20,1,OVC,M +2018-01-13 14:20,1,OVC,M +2018-01-13 15:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-13 16:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-13 17:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-13 18:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-13 19:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-13 20:20,0,SCT,M +2018-01-13 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-13 22:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-13 23:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 00:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 01:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 02:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 03:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 04:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 05:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-14 06:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-14 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-01-14 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-01-14 09:20,0,FEW,M +2018-01-14 10:20,0,FEW,M +2018-01-14 11:20,0,FEW,M +2018-01-14 12:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-14 13:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-14 14:20,1,M,M +2018-01-14 15:20,0,M,M +2018-01-14 16:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-01-14 17:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-14 18:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-14 19:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-14 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-14 21:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-14 22:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-14 23:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 00:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 01:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 02:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 03:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 04:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 05:20,-2,M,M +2018-01-15 06:20,-1,M,M +2018-01-15 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-01-15 08:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-01-15 09:20,0,BKN,M +2018-01-15 10:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-15 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-15 12:20,3,SCT,M +2018-01-15 13:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-15 14:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-15 15:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-15 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-15 17:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-15 18:20,4,OVC,-RA +2018-01-15 19:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-15 20:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-01-15 21:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-15 22:20,3,SCT,-RA +2018-01-15 23:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-16 00:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-01-16 01:20,5,FEW,-DZRA +2018-01-16 02:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-01-16 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-16 04:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-16 05:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-16 06:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-16 07:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-16 08:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2018-01-16 09:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-16 10:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-16 11:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-16 12:20,4,SCT,M +2018-01-16 13:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-16 14:20,3,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-16 15:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-16 16:20,2,SCT,VCSH +2018-01-16 17:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-16 18:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-16 19:20,2,M, +2018-01-16 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-16 21:20,2,SCT,-SHRASN +2018-01-16 22:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-16 23:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-17 00:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-17 01:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-17 02:20,2,FEW,-SHRASN +2018-01-17 03:20,1,SCT,-SHSNRA +2018-01-17 04:20,1,SCT,M +2018-01-17 05:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-17 06:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-17 07:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2018-01-17 08:20,1,FEW,SHSN +2018-01-17 09:20,1,BKN,-SHSN +2018-01-17 10:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-17 11:20,2,BKN,-SHSN +2018-01-17 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-17 13:20,2,FEW,VCSH +2018-01-17 14:20,2,FEW,-SHSNRA +2018-01-17 15:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-17 16:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-17 17:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-17 18:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-17 19:20,2,BKN,-SHRA +2018-01-17 20:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-17 21:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-17 22:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-17 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-18 00:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-18 01:20,2,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-18 02:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-18 03:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-18 04:20,3,SCT,M +2018-01-18 05:20,3,SCT,M +2018-01-18 06:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-18 07:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2018-01-18 08:20,1,BKN,SN BR +2018-01-18 09:20,0,BKN,SN BR +2018-01-18 10:20,1,BKN,SN BR +2018-01-18 11:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2018-01-18 12:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-01-18 13:20,0,FEW,-SNRA +2018-01-18 14:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-01-18 15:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-01-18 16:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-18 17:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-18 18:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-01-18 19:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-18 20:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2018-01-18 21:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-18 22:20,1,FEW,-RASN +2018-01-18 23:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 00:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 01:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 02:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2018-01-19 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 05:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-19 06:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-19 07:20,1,SCT,M +2018-01-19 08:20,0,FEW,M +2018-01-19 09:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-19 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-19 11:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-19 12:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-19 13:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-01-19 14:20,2,OVC,M +2018-01-19 15:20,2,BKN,-RASN +2018-01-19 16:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-19 17:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2018-01-19 18:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-19 19:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-19 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-19 21:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-19 22:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-19 23:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 00:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 01:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 02:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 05:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 06:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-20 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-20 08:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 09:20,1,BKN,M +2018-01-20 10:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-20 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-20 12:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-20 13:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-20 14:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-20 15:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-20 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-20 17:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-20 18:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-20 19:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-20 20:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-20 21:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-20 22:20,0,NSC,M +2018-01-20 23:20,0,NSC,M +2018-01-21 00:20,-1,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-01-21 01:20,-1,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-01-21 02:20,-1,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-01-21 03:20,-1,NSC,BR +2018-01-21 04:20,-1,NSC,BR +2018-01-21 05:20,-1,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-01-21 06:20,-2,NSC,FZFG +2018-01-21 07:20,-3,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 08:20,-2,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 09:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 10:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 11:20,-1,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 12:20,0,VV ,FZFG +2018-01-21 13:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2018-01-21 14:20,0,BKN,VCFG BR +2018-01-21 15:20,0,BKN,VCFG BR +2018-01-21 16:20,0,OVC,FZFG +2018-01-21 17:20,0,BKN,VCFG BR +2018-01-21 18:20,0,FEW,BR +2018-01-21 19:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-21 20:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-21 21:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-01-21 22:20,-1,OVC,BR +2018-01-21 23:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-01-22 00:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-22 01:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-22 02:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-22 03:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-22 04:20,0,OVC,M +2018-01-22 05:20,0,OVC,-SN +2018-01-22 06:20,0,OVC,-SN +2018-01-22 07:20,0,BKN,-SN +2018-01-22 08:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-01-22 09:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2018-01-22 10:20,1,BKN,-SN BR +2018-01-22 11:20,1,BKN,SN +2018-01-22 12:20,1,SCT,-SN +2018-01-22 13:20,1,FEW,BR +2018-01-22 14:20,1,OVC,-SG BR +2018-01-22 15:20,1,FEW,M +2018-01-22 16:20,1,OVC,M +2018-01-22 17:20,1,FEW,-SG +2018-01-22 18:20,1,FEW,BR +2018-01-22 19:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-01-22 20:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-01-22 21:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-01-22 22:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-01-22 23:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-01-23 00:20,2,SCT,BR +2018-01-23 01:20,2,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-01-23 02:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-01-23 03:20,2,OVC,FG +2018-01-23 04:20,2,OVC,FG +2018-01-23 05:20,2,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-01-23 06:20,3,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-01-23 07:20,3,BKN,BR +2018-01-23 08:20,4,BKN,BR +2018-01-23 09:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-01-23 10:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-01-23 11:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-01-23 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-23 13:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-23 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-23 15:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-23 16:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-23 17:20,7,OVC,M +2018-01-23 18:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-01-23 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-01-23 20:20,7,FEW,-DZRA +2018-01-23 21:20,7,SCT,-DZRA +2018-01-23 22:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-23 23:20,8,OVC,M +2018-01-24 00:20,8,OVC,-DZRA +2018-01-24 01:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-01-24 02:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-01-24 03:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-01-24 04:20,10,BKN,-DZ +2018-01-24 05:20,10,BKN,M +2018-01-24 06:20,9,SCT,M +2018-01-24 07:20,9,FEW,M +2018-01-24 08:20,10,FEW,M +2018-01-24 09:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2018-01-24 10:20,11,FEW,M +2018-01-24 11:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 12:20,12,FEW,M +2018-01-24 13:20,12,FEW,M +2018-01-24 14:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 15:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 16:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 17:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 18:20,13,SCT,M +2018-01-24 19:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 20:20,13,FEW,M +2018-01-24 21:20,12,FEW,M +2018-01-24 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-24 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-25 00:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-25 01:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-25 02:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-01-25 03:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-25 04:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-25 05:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-25 06:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-25 07:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-25 08:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 09:20,8,BKN,M +2018-01-25 10:20,8,SCT,M +2018-01-25 11:20,8,SCT,M +2018-01-25 12:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 13:20,9,FEW,M +2018-01-25 14:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 15:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 16:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 17:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 18:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-25 19:20,8,BKN,M +2018-01-25 20:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-25 21:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-25 22:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-25 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-26 00:20,5,M,M +2018-01-26 01:20,5,FEW,MIFG +2018-01-26 02:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-26 03:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-26 04:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-26 05:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-26 06:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-26 07:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-26 08:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-26 09:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-01-26 10:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-01-26 11:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-26 12:20,8,BKN,M +2018-01-26 13:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-26 14:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-01-26 15:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-01-26 16:20,6,FEW,BR +2018-01-26 17:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-26 18:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-26 19:20,6,FEW,BR +2018-01-26 20:20,5,FEW,BR +2018-01-26 21:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-26 22:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-26 23:20,4,FEW,BR +2018-01-27 00:20,4,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-01-27 01:20,4,FEW,BR +2018-01-27 02:20,4,FEW,BR +2018-01-27 03:20,4,SCT,BR +2018-01-27 04:20,4,BKN,M +2018-01-27 05:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-27 06:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-27 07:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-27 08:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-27 09:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-27 10:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-27 11:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-27 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-27 13:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-27 14:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-27 15:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-27 16:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-27 17:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-27 18:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-27 19:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-27 20:20,7,SCT,M +2018-01-27 21:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-27 22:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2018-01-27 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-28 00:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-28 01:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 02:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 03:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-28 04:20,7,BKN,M +2018-01-28 05:20,8,SCT,M +2018-01-28 06:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-28 07:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-28 08:20,7,FEW,M +2018-01-28 09:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-28 10:20,9,FEW,M +2018-01-28 11:20,9,FEW,M +2018-01-28 12:20,9,BKN,M +2018-01-28 13:20,9,BKN,M +2018-01-28 14:20,9,BKN,M +2018-01-28 15:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-01-28 16:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 17:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 18:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 19:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 20:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 21:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-28 22:20,10,OVC,-RADZ +2018-01-28 23:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2018-01-29 00:20,10,OVC,M +2018-01-29 01:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2018-01-29 02:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2018-01-29 03:20,10,OVC,-DZ +2018-01-29 04:20,10,BKN,M +2018-01-29 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-01-29 06:20,10,FEW,M +2018-01-29 07:20,10,FEW,M +2018-01-29 08:20,10,SCT,-RA +2018-01-29 09:20,9,SCT,M +2018-01-29 10:20,9,BKN,M +2018-01-29 11:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-29 12:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-29 13:20,9,FEW,RA +2018-01-29 14:20,9,FEW,RA +2018-01-29 15:20,8,BKN,RA +2018-01-29 16:20,7,BKN,RA +2018-01-29 17:20,6,FEW,RA +2018-01-29 18:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-01-29 19:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-29 20:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-29 21:20,6,BKN,M +2018-01-29 22:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-29 23:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-30 00:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-30 01:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-30 02:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-30 03:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-30 04:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2018-01-30 05:20,5,SCT,M +2018-01-30 06:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-30 07:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-30 08:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-30 09:20,5,BKN,M +2018-01-30 10:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-30 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-30 12:20,6,SCT,M +2018-01-30 13:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-30 14:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-30 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-01-30 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-30 17:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-30 18:20,5,FEW,M +2018-01-30 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-30 20:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-30 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-30 22:20,2,SCT,M +2018-01-30 23:20,2,M,M +2018-01-31 00:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-31 01:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-31 02:20,2,FEW,M +2018-01-31 03:20,2,BKN,M +2018-01-31 04:20,3,BKN,M +2018-01-31 05:20,3,SCT,M +2018-01-31 06:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2018-01-31 07:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-31 08:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-31 09:20,8,FEW,M +2018-01-31 10:20,8,FEW,-RADZ +2018-01-31 11:20,9,SCT,M +2018-01-31 12:20,9,SCT,-RADZ +2018-01-31 13:20,9,SCT,-RA +2018-01-31 14:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-01-31 15:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-01-31 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2018-01-31 17:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-01-31 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-31 19:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-31 20:20,4,SCT,M +2018-01-31 21:20,4,FEW,M +2018-01-31 22:20,3,FEW,M +2018-01-31 23:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-01 00:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-01 01:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-01 02:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-01 03:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-01 04:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-01 05:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-01 06:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-01 07:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-01 08:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-01 09:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-01 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-01 11:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-01 12:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-01 13:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-01 14:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-01 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-01 16:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-01 17:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-01 18:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-01 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-01 20:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-01 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-01 22:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-01 23:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 00:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-02-02 01:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-02-02 02:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 03:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 04:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-02 05:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 06:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-02 07:20,3,FEW,-SNRA +2018-02-02 08:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2018-02-02 09:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2018-02-02 10:20,3,SCT,-DZ +2018-02-02 11:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 12:20,3,BKN,-DZ +2018-02-02 13:20,4,FEW,-DZ +2018-02-02 14:20,4,FEW,-RADZ +2018-02-02 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-02 16:20,4,SCT,-RADZ +2018-02-02 17:20,3,SCT,-RA +2018-02-02 18:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-02-02 19:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 20:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-02 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-02 22:20,2,OVC,M +2018-02-02 23:20,2,OVC,-SN +2018-02-03 00:20,1,OVC,M +2018-02-03 01:20,1,OVC,-SN +2018-02-03 02:20,0,SCT,-SN +2018-02-03 03:20,0,SCT,-SN +2018-02-03 04:20,0,FEW,-SN +2018-02-03 05:20,0,BKN,-SN +2018-02-03 06:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-03 07:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-03 08:20,0,FEW,-SN +2018-02-03 09:20,0,FEW,-SN +2018-02-03 10:20,0,SCT,-SG +2018-02-03 11:20,-1,FEW,-SG +2018-02-03 12:20,-1,SCT,-SG +2018-02-03 13:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-03 14:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-03 15:20,-1,SCT,-SG +2018-02-03 16:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-02-03 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-03 18:20,-1,OVC,M +2018-02-03 19:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-03 20:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2018-02-03 21:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-02-03 22:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2018-02-03 23:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 00:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2018-02-04 01:20,-2,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 02:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2018-02-04 03:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 04:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-04 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-04 08:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 09:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-04 10:20,0,BKN,SN +2018-02-04 11:20,0,SCT,-SN +2018-02-04 12:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-04 13:20,1,SCT,-SN +2018-02-04 14:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-02-04 15:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-02-04 16:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 17:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 18:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 19:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 20:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 21:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 22:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-04 23:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-05 00:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-05 01:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-05 02:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-05 03:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-05 04:20,0,SCT,-SN +2018-02-05 05:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-05 06:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 07:20,0,SCT,M +2018-02-05 08:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-05 09:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 10:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 11:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 12:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 13:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 14:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 15:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-05 16:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-05 17:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-05 18:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-05 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-05 20:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-02-05 21:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-05 22:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-05 23:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-06 00:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-06 01:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-06 02:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 03:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 04:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-02-06 05:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-06 06:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 07:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 08:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-06 09:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-06 10:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-06 11:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-06 12:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-06 13:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-06 14:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-06 15:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-06 16:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-06 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-06 18:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 19:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 20:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-06 21:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-06 22:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-06 23:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 00:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 01:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 02:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-07 03:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 04:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-07 05:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-07 06:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 07:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 08:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-07 09:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-07 10:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-07 11:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-07 12:20,0,M,M +2018-02-07 13:20,0,M,M +2018-02-07 14:20,0,M,M +2018-02-07 15:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-07 16:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-07 17:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-07 18:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-07 19:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-07 20:20,-6,M,M +2018-02-07 21:20,-6,M,M +2018-02-07 22:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-07 23:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-08 00:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-08 01:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-08 02:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-08 03:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-08 04:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-08 05:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-08 06:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-08 07:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-08 08:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-08 09:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-08 10:20,0,M,M +2018-02-08 11:20,1,M,M +2018-02-08 12:20,1,M,M +2018-02-08 13:20,1,M,M +2018-02-08 14:20,1,M,M +2018-02-08 15:20,0,M,M +2018-02-08 16:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-02-08 17:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-02-08 18:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-02-08 19:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-08 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-08 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-08 22:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-08 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-09 00:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-09 01:20,-5,NSC,M +2018-02-09 02:20,-6,NSC,M +2018-02-09 03:20,-6,NSC,M +2018-02-09 04:20,-5,NSC,M +2018-02-09 05:20,-5,NSC,M +2018-02-09 06:20,-6,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 07:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 08:20,-4,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 09:20,-3,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 10:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-02-09 11:20,0,NSC,M +2018-02-09 12:20,1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 13:20,1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 14:20,1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 15:20,1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 16:20,0,NSC,M +2018-02-09 17:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 18:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-02-09 19:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-02-09 20:20,-2,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 21:20,-2,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 22:20,-4,NSC,BR +2018-02-09 23:20,-4,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 00:20,-4,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 01:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 02:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 03:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 04:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 05:20,-6,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-02-10 06:20,-6,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-02-10 07:20,-5,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 08:20,-4,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 09:20,-2,NSC,BR +2018-02-10 10:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-10 11:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-10 12:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-10 13:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-10 14:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-10 15:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-10 16:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-10 17:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-10 18:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-10 19:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-10 20:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-10 21:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-10 22:20,1,BKN,-SG +2018-02-10 23:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-02-11 00:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-02-11 01:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-02-11 02:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-11 03:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-11 04:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-11 05:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-11 06:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-11 07:20,1,BKN,SN +2018-02-11 08:20,0,BKN,SN +2018-02-11 09:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2018-02-11 10:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-11 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-11 12:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-11 13:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-11 14:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-11 15:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-11 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-11 17:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-11 18:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-11 19:20,3,M,M +2018-02-11 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-11 21:20,2,M,M +2018-02-11 22:20,2,M,M +2018-02-11 23:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-12 00:20,1,M,M +2018-02-12 01:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-12 02:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-12 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-12 04:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-12 05:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-12 06:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-12 07:20,1,SCT,+SHSN +2018-02-12 08:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-12 09:20,0,BKN,+SHSN +2018-02-12 10:20,1,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-12 11:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-12 12:20,5,SCT,M +2018-02-12 13:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-12 14:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2018-02-12 15:20,3,SCT,-SHSN +2018-02-12 16:20,0,BKN,SHSN +2018-02-12 17:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-12 18:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-12 19:20,0,SCT,M +2018-02-12 20:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-12 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-12 22:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-02-12 23:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-13 00:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-13 01:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-13 02:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-13 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-13 04:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-13 05:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-13 06:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-13 07:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-13 08:20,0,SCT,M +2018-02-13 09:20,1,M,M +2018-02-13 10:20,2,M,M +2018-02-13 11:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-13 12:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-13 13:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-13 14:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-13 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-13 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-13 17:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-13 18:20,2,M,M +2018-02-13 19:20,1,M,M +2018-02-13 20:20,0,M,M +2018-02-13 21:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-13 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-13 23:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 00:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 01:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 02:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 03:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 04:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-14 05:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-14 06:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 07:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-14 08:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-14 09:20,1,M,M +2018-02-14 10:20,2,M,M +2018-02-14 11:20,3,M,M +2018-02-14 12:20,4,M,M +2018-02-14 13:20,5,M,M +2018-02-14 14:20,5,M,M +2018-02-14 15:20,4,M,M +2018-02-14 16:20,3,M,M +2018-02-14 17:20,2,M,M +2018-02-14 18:20,2,M,M +2018-02-14 19:20,2,M,M +2018-02-14 20:20,2,M,M +2018-02-14 21:20,1,M,M +2018-02-14 22:20,1,M,M +2018-02-14 23:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 00:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 01:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 02:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 03:20,1,M,M +2018-02-15 04:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 05:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 06:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 07:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 08:20,0,M,M +2018-02-15 09:20,1,M,M +2018-02-15 10:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-15 11:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-15 12:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-15 13:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-15 14:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-02-15 15:20,0,BKN,-SN +2018-02-15 16:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-02-15 17:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-02-15 18:20,1,BKN,-SNRA BR +2018-02-15 19:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2018-02-15 21:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-02-15 22:20,3,BKN,BR +2018-02-15 23:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-16 00:20,2,M,M +2018-02-16 01:20,1,M,M +2018-02-16 02:20,1,M,M +2018-02-16 03:20,0,M,M +2018-02-16 04:20,1,M,M +2018-02-16 05:20,1,M,M +2018-02-16 06:20,1,M,M +2018-02-16 07:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-16 08:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-16 09:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-16 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-16 11:20,5,BKN,M +2018-02-16 12:20,6,BKN,M +2018-02-16 13:20,6,BKN,M +2018-02-16 14:20,6,SCT,M +2018-02-16 15:20,6,SCT,M +2018-02-16 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-16 17:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-16 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-16 19:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-16 20:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-16 21:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-16 22:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-16 23:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-17 00:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-17 01:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-17 02:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-17 03:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-17 04:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-17 05:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-17 06:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-17 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-17 08:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-17 09:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-17 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-17 11:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-17 12:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-17 13:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-17 14:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-17 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-17 16:20,4,BKN,M +2018-02-17 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-17 18:20,3,BKN,M +2018-02-17 19:20,2,BKN,M +2018-02-17 20:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-17 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-17 22:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-17 23:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-18 00:20,0,SCT,M +2018-02-18 01:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-18 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-18 03:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-18 04:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-02-18 05:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-02-18 06:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-02-18 07:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-18 08:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-18 09:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-18 10:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-18 11:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-18 12:20,5,FEW,M +2018-02-18 13:20,6,FEW,M +2018-02-18 14:20,6,M,M +2018-02-18 15:20,5,M,M +2018-02-18 16:20,4,M,M +2018-02-18 17:20,3,M,M +2018-02-18 18:20,2,M,M +2018-02-18 19:20,3,M,M +2018-02-18 20:20,3,M,M +2018-02-18 21:20,2,M,M +2018-02-18 22:20,1,M,M +2018-02-18 23:20,1,M,M +2018-02-19 00:20,0,M,M +2018-02-19 01:20,0,M,M +2018-02-19 02:20,0,M,M +2018-02-19 03:20,0,M,M +2018-02-19 04:20,0,M,M +2018-02-19 05:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-19 06:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-19 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-02-19 08:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-19 09:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-19 10:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-19 11:20,5,M,M +2018-02-19 12:20,5,M,M +2018-02-19 13:20,6,M,M +2018-02-19 14:20,6,FEW,M +2018-02-19 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-02-19 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-19 17:20,2,M,M +2018-02-19 18:20,1,M,M +2018-02-19 19:20,2,M,M +2018-02-19 20:20,1,M,M +2018-02-19 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-19 22:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-19 23:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-20 00:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-02-20 01:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-02-20 02:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-02-20 03:20,-3,NSC,M +2018-02-20 04:20,-3,NSC,BR +2018-02-20 05:20,-3,NSC,BR +2018-02-20 06:20,-3,NSC,BR +2018-02-20 07:20,-3,NSC,M +2018-02-20 08:20,0,NSC,M +2018-02-20 09:20,2,NSC,M +2018-02-20 10:20,3,M,M +2018-02-20 11:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-20 12:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-20 13:20,4,SCT,M +2018-02-20 14:20,4,FEW,M +2018-02-20 15:20,3,SCT,M +2018-02-20 16:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-20 17:20,1,M,M +2018-02-20 18:20,1,M,M +2018-02-20 19:20,0,M,M +2018-02-20 20:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-20 21:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-20 22:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-20 23:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-21 00:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-21 01:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 02:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 03:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 04:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 05:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 06:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-21 07:20,-4,NSC,M +2018-02-21 08:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-02-21 09:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-21 10:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-21 11:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-21 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-21 13:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-21 14:20,3,FEW,M +2018-02-21 15:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-21 16:20,2,M,M +2018-02-21 17:20,1,M,M +2018-02-21 18:20,0,M,M +2018-02-21 19:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-21 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-21 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-21 22:20,-3,NSC,MIFG +2018-02-21 23:20,-4,NSC,MIFG +2018-02-22 00:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-22 01:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-22 02:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-22 03:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-22 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-22 05:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-22 06:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-02-22 07:20,0,FEW,SN +2018-02-22 08:20,0,FEW,-SN +2018-02-22 09:20,0,BKN,-SN +2018-02-22 10:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-22 11:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-22 12:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-22 13:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-22 14:20,2,FEW,M +2018-02-22 15:20,2,SCT,M +2018-02-22 16:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-22 17:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-22 18:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-22 19:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-22 20:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-22 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-22 22:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-22 23:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-23 00:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-23 01:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-23 02:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-23 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-23 04:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-23 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-23 06:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-23 07:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-23 08:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-23 09:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-23 10:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-23 11:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-23 12:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-23 13:20,1,M,M +2018-02-23 14:20,1,M,M +2018-02-23 15:20,1,M,M +2018-02-23 16:20,-1,M,M +2018-02-23 17:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-23 18:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-23 19:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-23 20:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-23 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-23 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-23 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-24 00:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-24 01:20,-3,BKN,M +2018-02-24 02:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-02-24 03:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-02-24 04:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-02-24 05:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-02-24 06:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-24 07:20,0,BKN,M +2018-02-24 08:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 09:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 10:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 11:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 12:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 13:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-24 14:20,1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 15:20,1,SCT,M +2018-02-24 16:20,0,FEW,M +2018-02-24 17:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-02-24 18:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-24 19:20,-2,M,M +2018-02-24 20:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-24 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-02-24 22:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-24 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-02-25 00:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-25 01:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-25 02:20,-6,M,M +2018-02-25 03:20,-6,M,M +2018-02-25 04:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-25 05:20,-7,SCT,M +2018-02-25 06:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-02-25 07:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-02-25 08:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 09:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 10:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 11:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 12:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2018-02-25 13:20,-3,SCT,-SN +2018-02-25 14:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 15:20,-3,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 16:20,-3,SCT,SN +2018-02-25 17:20,-4,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 18:20,-4,SCT,SN +2018-02-25 19:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-25 20:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-02-25 21:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2018-02-25 22:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-02-25 23:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-02-26 00:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-02-26 01:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-02-26 02:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2018-02-26 03:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2018-02-26 04:20,-5,FEW,-SN +2018-02-26 05:20,-7,FEW,M +2018-02-26 06:20,-6,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-26 07:20,-5,FEW,VCSH +2018-02-26 08:20,-5,SCT,SHSN +2018-02-26 09:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-26 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2018-02-26 11:20,-3,SCT,M +2018-02-26 12:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-02-26 13:20,-2,SCT,VCSH +2018-02-26 14:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-02-26 15:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-02-26 16:20,-2,SCT,VCSH +2018-02-26 17:20,-4,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-26 18:20,-4,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-26 19:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-02-26 20:20,-5,FEW,-SHSN +2018-02-26 21:20,-5,SCT,-SHSN +2018-02-26 22:20,-4,BKN,-SHSN +2018-02-26 23:20,-5,SCT,-SHSN +2018-02-27 00:20,-8,NSC,MIFG +2018-02-27 01:20,-8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-02-27 02:20,-8,BKN,M +2018-02-27 03:20,-9,BKN,M +2018-02-27 04:20,-9,SCT,M +2018-02-27 05:20,-9,BKN,M +2018-02-27 06:20,-11,FEW,M +2018-02-27 07:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-02-27 08:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-27 09:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-27 10:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-27 11:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-02-27 12:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-02-27 13:20,-3,SCT,M +2018-02-27 14:20,-4,BKN,SHSN +2018-02-27 15:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-27 16:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-02-27 17:20,-5,M,M +2018-02-27 18:20,-6,M,M +2018-02-27 19:20,-7,M,M +2018-02-27 20:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-27 21:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-27 22:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-27 23:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-28 00:20,-10,M,M +2018-02-28 01:20,-11,M,M +2018-02-28 02:20,-11,M,M +2018-02-28 03:20,-12,M,M +2018-02-28 04:20,-12,M,M +2018-02-28 05:20,-13,M,M +2018-02-28 06:20,-13,M,M +2018-02-28 07:20,-12,M,M +2018-02-28 08:20,-11,M,M +2018-02-28 09:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-28 10:20,-9,FEW,M +2018-02-28 11:20,-9,FEW,M +2018-02-28 12:20,-8,FEW,M +2018-02-28 13:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-28 14:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-28 15:20,-8,M,M +2018-02-28 16:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-28 17:20,-9,M,M +2018-02-28 18:20,-10,M,M +2018-02-28 19:20,-10,M,M +2018-02-28 20:20,-11,M,M +2018-02-28 21:20,-11,M,M +2018-02-28 22:20,-10,M,M +2018-02-28 23:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-01 00:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-01 01:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-01 02:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-01 03:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-01 04:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-01 05:20,-12,M,M +2018-03-01 06:20,-12,M,M +2018-03-01 07:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-01 08:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-01 09:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-01 10:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-01 11:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-01 12:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-01 13:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-01 14:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-01 15:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-01 16:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-01 17:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-01 18:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-01 19:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-01 20:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-01 21:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-01 22:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-01 23:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-02 00:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-02 01:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-02 02:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-02 03:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-02 04:20,-12,M,M +2018-03-02 05:20,-12,M,M +2018-03-02 06:20,-12,M,M +2018-03-02 07:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-02 08:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-02 09:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-02 10:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-02 11:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-02 12:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-02 13:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-03-02 14:20,-5,FEW,M +2018-03-02 15:20,-6,FEW,M +2018-03-02 16:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-02 17:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-02 18:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-02 19:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-02 20:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-02 21:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-02 22:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-02 23:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 00:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 01:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 02:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 03:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-03 04:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 05:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 06:20,-11,M,M +2018-03-03 07:20,-10,M,M +2018-03-03 08:20,-9,M,M +2018-03-03 09:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-03 10:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-03 11:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-03 12:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-03 13:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-03 14:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-03 15:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-03 16:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-03 17:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-03 18:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-03 19:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-03 20:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-03 21:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-03 22:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-03 23:20,-6,M,M +2018-03-04 00:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 01:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 02:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 03:20,-8,M,M +2018-03-04 04:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 05:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 06:20,-7,M,M +2018-03-04 07:20,-6,BKN,M +2018-03-04 08:20,-5,SCT,-SN +2018-03-04 09:20,-4,BKN,M +2018-03-04 10:20,-3,BKN,M +2018-03-04 11:20,-2,SCT,M +2018-03-04 12:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-04 13:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-04 14:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-04 15:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-04 16:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-04 17:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-04 18:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-04 19:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-04 20:20,0,M,M +2018-03-04 21:20,1,M,M +2018-03-04 22:20,1,M,M +2018-03-04 23:20,1,M,M +2018-03-05 00:20,1,M,M +2018-03-05 01:20,0,SCT,-RA +2018-03-05 02:20,0,SCT,-FZRA +2018-03-05 03:20,0,BKN,-FZRA +2018-03-05 04:20,0,BKN,M +2018-03-05 05:20,0,BKN,M +2018-03-05 06:20,0,FEW,BR +2018-03-05 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-05 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-03-05 09:20,3,BKN,BR +2018-03-05 10:20,6,NSC,M +2018-03-05 11:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-05 12:20,10,FEW,M +2018-03-05 13:20,11,FEW,M +2018-03-05 14:20,11,SCT,M +2018-03-05 15:20,10,FEW,M +2018-03-05 16:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-05 17:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-05 18:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-05 19:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-05 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-05 21:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-05 22:20,1,M,M +2018-03-05 23:20,1,M,M +2018-03-06 00:20,1,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 01:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 02:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 03:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 04:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 05:20,0,NSC,MIFG +2018-03-06 06:20,0,NSC,BR +2018-03-06 07:20,1,NSC,M +2018-03-06 08:20,2,NSC,M +2018-03-06 09:20,4,M,M +2018-03-06 10:20,5,M,M +2018-03-06 11:20,6,M,M +2018-03-06 12:20,7,M,M +2018-03-06 13:20,7,M,M +2018-03-06 14:20,7,M,M +2018-03-06 15:20,7,M,M +2018-03-06 16:20,6,M,M +2018-03-06 17:20,5,M,M +2018-03-06 18:20,4,M,M +2018-03-06 19:20,3,NSC,M +2018-03-06 20:20,3,M,M +2018-03-06 21:20,3,M,M +2018-03-06 22:20,2,M,M +2018-03-06 23:20,2,NSC,M +2018-03-07 00:20,0,NSC,M +2018-03-07 01:20,1,NSC,M +2018-03-07 02:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-07 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-07 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-07 05:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2018-03-07 06:20,1,BKN,-SNRA +2018-03-07 07:20,1,SCT,-SG BR +2018-03-07 08:20,1,FEW,-RADZ BR +2018-03-07 09:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2018-03-07 10:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-07 11:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-07 12:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-07 13:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-07 14:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-07 15:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-07 16:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-07 17:20,2,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-07 18:20,1,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-07 19:20,1,BKN,-RASN BR +2018-03-07 20:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-07 21:20,1,SCT,BR +2018-03-07 22:20,1,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-03-07 23:20,1,SCT,-RASN BR +2018-03-08 00:20,1,SCT,-RASN BR +2018-03-08 01:20,1,SCT,BR +2018-03-08 02:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-08 03:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-08 04:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-08 05:20,1,BKN,FG +2018-03-08 06:20,1,SCT,-DZ FG +2018-03-08 07:20,2,FEW,-DZ BCFG +2018-03-08 08:20,2,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-08 09:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-08 10:20,4,BKN,BR +2018-03-08 11:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-08 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-03-08 13:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-08 14:20,9,BKN,M +2018-03-08 15:20,9,SCT,M +2018-03-08 16:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-03-08 17:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-03-08 18:20,5,SCT,-RA +2018-03-08 19:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-08 20:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-08 21:20,4,SCT,M +2018-03-08 22:20,4,SCT,-SHRA +2018-03-08 23:20,3,SCT,-RA +2018-03-09 00:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-09 01:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-03-09 02:20,4,SCT,M +2018-03-09 03:20,3,SCT,-RA +2018-03-09 04:20,3,BKN,-SHRA +2018-03-09 05:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-09 06:20,3,SCT,-SHRA +2018-03-09 07:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-09 08:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-09 09:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-09 10:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-09 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-03-09 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-03-09 13:20,8,SCT,M +2018-03-09 14:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-09 15:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-09 16:20,7,FEW,M +2018-03-09 17:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-09 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-09 19:20,2,SCT,M +2018-03-09 20:20,2,SCT,M +2018-03-09 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-09 22:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-09 23:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-10 00:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-10 01:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-10 02:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-10 03:20,3,M,M +2018-03-10 04:20,3,M,M +2018-03-10 05:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-03-10 06:20,3,OVC,-RA +2018-03-10 07:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-03-10 08:20,4,OVC,-RA +2018-03-10 09:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2018-03-10 10:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2018-03-10 11:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2018-03-10 12:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-03-10 13:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-03-10 14:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-03-10 15:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-03-10 16:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-03-10 17:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-03-10 18:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-03-10 19:20,7,FEW,BR +2018-03-10 20:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-03-10 21:20,7,NSC,BR +2018-03-10 22:20,7,FEW,BR +2018-03-10 23:20,7,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-11 00:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-03-11 01:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-03-11 02:20,8,SCT,BCFG BR +2018-03-11 03:20,8,SCT,BR +2018-03-11 04:20,8,BKN,M +2018-03-11 05:20,8,FEW,BR +2018-03-11 06:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-03-11 07:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-03-11 08:20,10,SCT,M +2018-03-11 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-03-11 10:20,14,M,M +2018-03-11 11:20,15,FEW,M +2018-03-11 12:20,15,FEW,M +2018-03-11 13:20,15,FEW,M +2018-03-11 14:20,15,FEW,M +2018-03-11 15:20,15,FEW,M +2018-03-11 16:20,15,M,M +2018-03-11 17:20,14,M,M +2018-03-11 18:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-03-11 19:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-03-11 20:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-03-11 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-03-11 22:20,10,M,M +2018-03-11 23:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-03-12 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-03-12 01:20,6,VV ,FG +2018-03-12 02:20,5,VV ,FG +2018-03-12 03:20,5,FEW,FG +2018-03-12 04:20,6,FEW,BR +2018-03-12 05:20,5,FEW,BCFG BR +2018-03-12 06:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-03-12 07:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-03-12 08:20,8,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-12 09:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-12 10:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2018-03-12 11:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2018-03-12 12:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-12 13:20,10,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-12 14:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-12 15:20,11,BKN,-RA BR +2018-03-12 16:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2018-03-12 17:20,10,FEW,-RA BCFG BR +2018-03-12 18:20,10,SCT,-RA BR +2018-03-12 19:20,10,FEW,-RA BCFG BR +2018-03-12 20:20,9,SCT,-RA BCFG BR +2018-03-12 21:20,9,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-03-12 22:20,9,FEW,-RA FG +2018-03-12 23:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-03-13 00:20,9,FEW,M +2018-03-13 01:20,7,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-03-13 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-03-13 03:20,8,SCT,M +2018-03-13 04:20,8,SCT,M +2018-03-13 05:20,8,BKN,M +2018-03-13 06:20,8,BKN,M +2018-03-13 07:20,7,OVC,FG +2018-03-13 08:20,5,OVC,FG +2018-03-13 09:20,5,OVC,BR +2018-03-13 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-13 11:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-13 12:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-13 13:20,5,OVC,M +2018-03-13 14:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-13 15:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-13 16:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-13 17:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-13 18:20,4,SCT,M +2018-03-13 19:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-13 20:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-13 21:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-13 22:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-13 23:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 00:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 01:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 02:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-14 03:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-14 04:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-14 05:20,3,SCT,M +2018-03-14 06:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-14 07:20,3,SCT,M +2018-03-14 08:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-14 09:20,4,SCT,M +2018-03-14 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 11:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 12:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 13:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 14:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-14 17:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 18:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 19:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-14 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-14 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-14 22:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-14 23:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-15 00:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-15 01:20,3,SCT,M +2018-03-15 02:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-15 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-15 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-15 05:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-15 06:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-15 07:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-15 08:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-15 09:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-15 10:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-15 11:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-15 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-15 13:20,3,OVC,M +2018-03-15 14:20,3,OVC,M +2018-03-15 15:20,3,OVC,M +2018-03-15 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-15 17:20,3,OVC,M +2018-03-15 18:20,3,OVC,M +2018-03-15 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-15 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-15 21:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-15 22:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-15 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-16 00:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-16 01:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-16 02:20,1,OVC,M +2018-03-16 03:20,1,OVC,M +2018-03-16 04:20,0,BKN,M +2018-03-16 05:20,0,SCT,M +2018-03-16 06:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-16 07:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-16 08:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-16 09:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-16 10:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-16 11:20,1,SCT,M +2018-03-16 12:20,1,SCT,M +2018-03-16 13:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-16 14:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-16 15:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-16 16:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-16 17:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-03-16 18:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-03-16 19:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-03-16 20:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-03-16 21:20,-2,BKN,-SN +2018-03-16 22:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-03-16 23:20,-3,BKN,-SN +2018-03-17 00:20,-3,BKN,M +2018-03-17 01:20,-3,SCT,M +2018-03-17 02:20,-3,SCT,M +2018-03-17 03:20,-4,SCT,M +2018-03-17 04:20,-4,SCT,M +2018-03-17 05:20,-3,SCT,M +2018-03-17 06:20,-4,FEW,M +2018-03-17 07:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-03-17 08:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-03-17 09:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-03-17 10:20,0,SCT,M +2018-03-17 11:20,0,M,M +2018-03-17 12:20,0,M,M +2018-03-17 13:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-03-17 14:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-17 15:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-03-17 16:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-03-17 17:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-03-17 18:20,-3,FEW,M +2018-03-17 19:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-17 20:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-17 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-17 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-17 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-18 00:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-18 01:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-18 02:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-18 03:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-18 04:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-18 05:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-18 06:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-18 07:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-18 08:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-18 09:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-18 10:20,0,M,M +2018-03-18 11:20,0,M,M +2018-03-18 12:20,1,M,M +2018-03-18 13:20,1,M,M +2018-03-18 14:20,1,M,M +2018-03-18 15:20,1,M,M +2018-03-18 16:20,0,M,M +2018-03-18 17:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-18 18:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-18 19:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-18 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-18 21:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-18 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-18 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-19 00:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-19 01:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 02:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 03:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 04:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 05:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 06:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-19 07:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-19 08:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-19 09:20,0,M,M +2018-03-19 10:20,2,M,M +2018-03-19 11:20,2,M,M +2018-03-19 12:20,3,M,M +2018-03-19 13:20,4,M,M +2018-03-19 14:20,4,M,M +2018-03-19 15:20,4,M,M +2018-03-19 16:20,4,M,M +2018-03-19 17:20,3,M,M +2018-03-19 18:20,1,M,M +2018-03-19 19:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-19 20:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-03-19 21:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-19 22:20,-1,BKN,-SG +2018-03-19 23:20,-1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-20 00:20,0,OVC,M +2018-03-20 01:20,1,OVC,M +2018-03-20 02:20,1,SCT,M +2018-03-20 03:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-20 04:20,2,FEW,-RA +2018-03-20 05:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-20 06:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-20 07:20,2,SCT,M +2018-03-20 08:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-20 09:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-20 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-20 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-20 12:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-20 13:20,6,M,M +2018-03-20 14:20,6,M,M +2018-03-20 15:20,6,M,M +2018-03-20 16:20,4,M,M +2018-03-20 17:20,4,M,M +2018-03-20 18:20,1,M,M +2018-03-20 19:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-20 20:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-20 21:20,-2,M,M +2018-03-20 22:20,-3,M,M +2018-03-20 23:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-21 00:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-21 01:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-21 02:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-21 03:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-21 04:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-21 05:20,-5,M,M +2018-03-21 06:20,-4,M,M +2018-03-21 07:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-21 08:20,2,M,M +2018-03-21 09:20,4,M,M +2018-03-21 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-21 11:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-03-21 12:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-21 13:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-21 14:20,4,SCT,M +2018-03-21 15:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-03-21 16:20,5,SCT,M +2018-03-21 17:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-21 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-21 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-21 20:20,3,SCT,M +2018-03-21 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-21 22:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-21 23:20,2,M,M +2018-03-22 00:20,3,M,M +2018-03-22 01:20,3,FEW,-SN +2018-03-22 02:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-22 03:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-22 04:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2018-03-22 05:20,2,BKN,-DZ +2018-03-22 06:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2018-03-22 07:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-22 08:20,4,OVC,-DZ +2018-03-22 09:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2018-03-22 10:20,5,SCT,-DZ +2018-03-22 11:20,6,BKN,M +2018-03-22 12:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2018-03-22 13:20,5,OVC,M +2018-03-22 14:20,5,OVC,-DZ +2018-03-22 15:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-03-22 16:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-03-22 17:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-03-22 18:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-22 19:20,4,OVC,M +2018-03-22 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-22 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-22 22:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-22 23:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-23 00:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-23 01:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-23 02:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-23 03:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-23 04:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-23 05:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-23 06:20,2,SCT,M +2018-03-23 07:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-23 08:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-23 09:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-23 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-23 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-23 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-03-23 13:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-23 14:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-23 15:20,7,SCT,M +2018-03-23 16:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-23 17:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-23 18:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-23 19:20,7,SCT,M +2018-03-23 20:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-03-23 21:20,6,BKN,M +2018-03-23 22:20,6,BKN,M +2018-03-23 23:20,5,BKN,M +2018-03-24 00:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 01:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 02:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 04:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-24 05:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-24 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 07:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-24 08:20,5,M,M +2018-03-24 09:20,6,M,M +2018-03-24 10:20,7,M,M +2018-03-24 11:20,8,M,M +2018-03-24 12:20,8,M,M +2018-03-24 13:20,10,FEW,M +2018-03-24 14:20,10,FEW,M +2018-03-24 15:20,9,FEW,M +2018-03-24 16:20,9,FEW,M +2018-03-24 17:20,9,OVC,M +2018-03-24 18:20,8,OVC,M +2018-03-24 19:20,8,M,M +2018-03-24 20:20,8,M,M +2018-03-24 21:20,8,M,M +2018-03-24 22:20,7,M,M +2018-03-24 23:20,7,M,M +2018-03-25 00:20,6,M,M +2018-03-25 01:20,6,M,M +2018-03-25 02:20,6,M,M +2018-03-25 03:20,5,M,M +2018-03-25 04:20,6,M,M +2018-03-25 05:20,5,M,M +2018-03-25 06:20,5,M,M +2018-03-25 07:20,6,M,M +2018-03-25 08:20,7,M,M +2018-03-25 09:20,8,M,M +2018-03-25 10:20,9,M,M +2018-03-25 11:20,9,M,M +2018-03-25 12:20,10,FEW,M +2018-03-25 13:20,10,M,M +2018-03-25 14:20,9,M,M +2018-03-25 15:20,9,M,M +2018-03-25 16:20,8,M,M +2018-03-25 17:20,8,M,M +2018-03-25 18:20,7,M,M +2018-03-25 19:20,7,M,M +2018-03-25 20:20,7,BKN,M +2018-03-25 21:20,6,BKN,M +2018-03-25 22:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-25 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-03-26 00:20,5,SCT,BR +2018-03-26 01:20,4,BKN,BR +2018-03-26 02:20,4,BKN,BR +2018-03-26 03:20,4,BKN,BR +2018-03-26 04:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-03-26 05:20,1,OVC,FG +2018-03-26 06:20,0,OVC,FG +2018-03-26 10:20,2,OVC,-DZ +2018-03-26 11:20,3,FEW,M +2018-03-26 12:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-26 13:20,5,SCT,M +2018-03-26 14:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-26 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-26 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-26 17:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-26 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-26 19:20,3,M,M +2018-03-26 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-26 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-26 22:20,2,OVC,M +2018-03-26 23:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-03-27 00:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-03-27 01:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-03-27 02:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-03-27 03:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-03-27 04:20,1,SCT,BR +2018-03-27 05:20,2,SCT,BR +2018-03-27 06:20,2,FEW,BR +2018-03-27 07:20,4,FEW,M +2018-03-27 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-27 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-03-27 10:20,8,FEW,M +2018-03-27 11:20,9,SCT,M +2018-03-27 12:20,8,SCT,M +2018-03-27 13:20,9,FEW,M +2018-03-27 14:20,9,FEW,M +2018-03-27 15:20,9,M,M +2018-03-27 16:20,9,M,M +2018-03-27 17:20,8,M,M +2018-03-27 18:20,7,M,M +2018-03-27 19:20,6,M,M +2018-03-27 20:20,6,M,M +2018-03-27 21:20,6,M,M +2018-03-27 22:20,6,M,M +2018-03-27 23:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-28 00:20,5,M,M +2018-03-28 01:20,5,M,M +2018-03-28 02:20,5,FEW,M +2018-03-28 03:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 04:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 05:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2018-03-28 06:20,3,SCT,-RA +2018-03-28 07:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-03-28 08:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-03-28 09:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-03-28 10:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-03-28 11:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-03-28 12:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 13:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-28 14:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 15:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 16:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 17:20,2,BKN,-RA +2018-03-28 18:20,1,BKN,-RASN +2018-03-28 19:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-28 20:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-28 21:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-28 22:20,0,BKN,SN +2018-03-28 23:20,0,FEW,SN +2018-03-29 00:20,0,FEW,SN +2018-03-29 01:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2018-03-29 02:20,0,FEW,SN BR +2018-03-29 03:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2018-03-29 04:20,0,FEW,-SN BR +2018-03-29 05:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2018-03-29 06:20,0,BKN,-SN BR +2018-03-29 07:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-03-29 08:20,1,BKN,M +2018-03-29 09:20,2,BKN,M +2018-03-29 10:20,3,SCT,M +2018-03-29 11:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-29 12:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-29 13:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-29 14:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-29 15:20,4,BKN,M +2018-03-29 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-29 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-03-29 18:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-29 19:20,2,SCT,M +2018-03-29 20:20,1,FEW,M +2018-03-29 21:20,0,FEW,M +2018-03-29 22:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-03-29 23:20,-2,FEW,MIFG BR +2018-03-30 00:20,-2,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-03-30 01:20,-3,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-03-30 02:20,-3,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-03-30 03:20,-3,NSC,FZFG +2018-03-30 04:20,-3,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-03-30 05:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-03-30 06:20,-1,M,M +2018-03-30 07:20,1,M,M +2018-03-30 08:20,2,M,M +2018-03-30 09:20,2,M,M +2018-03-30 10:20,4,M,M +2018-03-30 11:20,5,M,M +2018-03-30 12:20,6,M,M +2018-03-30 13:20,8,M,M +2018-03-30 14:20,8,M,M +2018-03-30 15:20,8,M,M +2018-03-30 16:20,7,M,M +2018-03-30 17:20,6,M,M +2018-03-30 18:20,5,M,M +2018-03-30 19:20,4,M,M +2018-03-30 20:20,4,M,M +2018-03-30 21:20,4,M,M +2018-03-30 22:20,3,M,M +2018-03-30 23:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 00:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 01:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 02:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 03:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 04:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 05:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 06:20,2,M,M +2018-03-31 07:20,2,FEW,M +2018-03-31 08:20,2,NSC,-RA +2018-03-31 09:20,3,SCT,-RASN +2018-03-31 10:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2018-03-31 11:20,3,FEW,-RASN +2018-03-31 12:20,4,FEW,-RASN +2018-03-31 13:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-03-31 14:20,2,FEW,-RASN +2018-03-31 15:20,1,FEW,-SNRA +2018-03-31 16:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-31 17:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-31 18:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-31 19:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-03-31 20:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-31 21:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-03-31 22:20,1,SCT,-SN +2018-03-31 23:20,1,BKN,-DZ +2018-04-01 00:20,1,FEW,-DZ +2018-04-01 01:20,1,FEW,M +2018-04-01 02:20,1,FEW,M +2018-04-01 03:20,1,FEW,M +2018-04-01 04:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-04-01 05:20,1,FEW,-SN +2018-04-01 06:20,1,FEW,M +2018-04-01 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-04-01 08:20,2,BKN,-SN +2018-04-01 09:20,2,SCT,-SN +2018-04-01 10:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-04-01 11:20,3,FEW,-DZ +2018-04-01 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-01 13:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-01 14:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-01 15:20,6,SCT,M +2018-04-01 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-01 17:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-01 18:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-01 19:20,2,FEW,M +2018-04-01 20:20,2,M,M +2018-04-01 21:20,1,M,M +2018-04-01 22:20,1,M,M +2018-04-01 23:20,1,M,M +2018-04-02 00:20,1,M,M +2018-04-02 01:20,0,M,M +2018-04-02 02:20,0,M,M +2018-04-02 03:20,-1,M,M +2018-04-02 04:20,-1,M,M +2018-04-02 05:20,-2,M,M +2018-04-02 06:20,1,M,M +2018-04-02 07:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-02 08:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-02 09:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-02 10:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-02 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-02 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-02 13:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-02 14:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-02 15:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-02 16:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-02 17:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-02 18:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-02 19:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-04-02 20:20,7,M,M +2018-04-02 21:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-04-02 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-04-02 23:20,7,OVC,-RA +2018-04-03 00:20,6,OVC,-RA +2018-04-03 01:20,6,OVC,-RA +2018-04-03 02:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-04-03 03:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-04-03 04:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-04-03 05:20,8,BKN,M +2018-04-03 06:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-04-03 07:20,9,SCT,M +2018-04-03 08:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-03 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-03 10:20,13,SCT,M +2018-04-03 11:20,14,SCT,M +2018-04-03 12:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2018-04-03 13:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-03 14:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-03 15:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-03 16:20,16,M,M +2018-04-03 17:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-03 18:20,15,M,M +2018-04-03 19:20,15,M,M +2018-04-03 20:20,14,M,M +2018-04-03 21:20,14,M,M +2018-04-03 22:20,14,M,M +2018-04-03 23:20,13,M,M +2018-04-04 00:20,12,M,M +2018-04-04 01:20,13,M,M +2018-04-04 02:20,13,M,M +2018-04-04 03:20,12,M,M +2018-04-04 04:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-04 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-04-04 06:20,11,BKN,M +2018-04-04 07:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-04 08:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-04 09:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-04 10:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-04 11:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-04 12:20,17,FEW,M +2018-04-04 13:20,16,FEW,-RA +2018-04-04 14:20,15,FEW,-RA +2018-04-04 15:20,14,M,M +2018-04-04 16:20,14,BKN,M +2018-04-04 17:20,13,BKN,-RA +2018-04-04 18:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-04-04 19:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-04-04 20:20,11,SCT,M +2018-04-04 21:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-04-04 22:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-04 23:20,10,M,M +2018-04-05 00:20,10,M,M +2018-04-05 01:20,10,M,M +2018-04-05 02:20,9,M,M +2018-04-05 03:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-05 04:20,9,BKN,SHRA +2018-04-05 05:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-05 06:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-05 07:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-05 08:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-05 09:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2018-04-05 10:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-05 11:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-05 12:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-05 13:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-05 14:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-04-05 15:20,5,FEW,-RASN +2018-04-05 16:20,5,BKN,-RADZ +2018-04-05 17:20,5,BKN,M +2018-04-05 18:20,5,BKN,M +2018-04-05 19:20,4,SCT,M +2018-04-05 20:20,4,M,M +2018-04-05 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-05 22:20,3,BKN,M +2018-04-05 23:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-06 00:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-06 01:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-06 02:20,2,FEW,M +2018-04-06 03:20,1,M,M +2018-04-06 04:20,2,FEW,M +2018-04-06 05:20,2,FEW,M +2018-04-06 06:20,3,FEW,M +2018-04-06 07:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-06 08:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-06 09:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-06 10:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-06 11:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-06 12:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-06 13:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-06 14:20,13,M,M +2018-04-06 15:20,13,M,M +2018-04-06 16:20,12,M,M +2018-04-06 17:20,11,M,M +2018-04-06 18:20,10,M,M +2018-04-06 19:20,10,M,M +2018-04-06 20:20,9,M,M +2018-04-06 21:20,8,M,M +2018-04-06 22:20,8,M,M +2018-04-06 23:20,8,M,M +2018-04-07 00:20,8,M,M +2018-04-07 01:20,8,M,M +2018-04-07 02:20,7,M,M +2018-04-07 03:20,6,M,M +2018-04-07 04:20,6,M,M +2018-04-07 05:20,6,M,M +2018-04-07 06:20,7,M,M +2018-04-07 07:20,9,M,M +2018-04-07 08:20,10,M,M +2018-04-07 09:20,13,M,M +2018-04-07 10:20,14,M,M +2018-04-07 11:20,16,M,M +2018-04-07 12:20,16,M,M +2018-04-07 13:20,18,M,M +2018-04-07 14:20,19,M,M +2018-04-07 15:20,19,M,M +2018-04-07 16:20,19,M,M +2018-04-07 17:20,17,M,M +2018-04-07 18:20,16,M,M +2018-04-07 19:20,15,M,M +2018-04-07 20:20,14,M,M +2018-04-07 21:20,14,M,M +2018-04-07 22:20,11,M,M +2018-04-07 23:20,12,M,M +2018-04-08 00:20,11,M,M +2018-04-08 01:20,11,M,M +2018-04-08 02:20,10,M,M +2018-04-08 03:20,10,M,M +2018-04-08 04:20,10,M,M +2018-04-08 05:20,9,M,M +2018-04-08 06:20,11,M,M +2018-04-08 07:20,13,M,M +2018-04-08 08:20,15,M,M +2018-04-08 09:20,17,M,M +2018-04-08 10:20,20,M,M +2018-04-08 11:20,21,M,M +2018-04-08 12:20,22,M,M +2018-04-08 13:20,23,M,M +2018-04-08 14:20,23,M,M +2018-04-08 15:20,23,M,M +2018-04-08 16:20,22,M,M +2018-04-08 17:20,21,M,M +2018-04-08 18:20,18,M,M +2018-04-08 19:20,18,M,M +2018-04-08 20:20,17,M,M +2018-04-08 21:20,17,M,M +2018-04-08 22:20,15,M,M +2018-04-08 23:20,14,M,M +2018-04-09 00:20,14,M,M +2018-04-09 01:20,13,M,M +2018-04-09 02:20,12,M,M +2018-04-09 03:20,11,M,M +2018-04-09 04:20,10,M,M +2018-04-09 05:20,9,M,M +2018-04-09 06:20,13,M,M +2018-04-09 07:20,15,M,M +2018-04-09 08:20,17,M,M +2018-04-09 09:20,18,M,M +2018-04-09 10:20,20,M,M +2018-04-09 11:20,20,M,M +2018-04-09 12:20,21,M,M +2018-04-09 13:20,22,M,M +2018-04-09 14:20,21,M,M +2018-04-09 15:20,21,M,M +2018-04-09 16:20,19,M,M +2018-04-09 17:20,17,M,M +2018-04-09 18:20,16,NSC,M +2018-04-09 19:20,15,NSC,M +2018-04-09 20:20,14,NSC,M +2018-04-09 21:20,13,NSC,M +2018-04-09 22:20,13,NSC,M +2018-04-09 23:20,12,NSC,M +2018-04-10 00:20,11,NSC,M +2018-04-10 01:20,11,NSC,M +2018-04-10 02:20,10,NSC,M +2018-04-10 03:20,9,NSC,M +2018-04-10 04:20,9,NSC,M +2018-04-10 05:20,9,NSC,M +2018-04-10 06:20,10,M,M +2018-04-10 07:20,11,M,M +2018-04-10 08:20,13,M,M +2018-04-10 09:20,15,M,M +2018-04-10 10:20,15,M,M +2018-04-10 11:20,14,M,M +2018-04-10 12:20,13,M,M +2018-04-10 13:20,12,M,M +2018-04-10 14:20,11,M,M +2018-04-10 15:20,10,M,M +2018-04-10 16:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-10 17:20,7,SCT,M +2018-04-10 18:20,7,OVC,M +2018-04-10 19:20,6,OVC,M +2018-04-10 20:20,6,OVC,M +2018-04-10 21:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-10 22:20,6,BKN,M +2018-04-10 23:20,6,SCT,M +2018-04-11 00:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-11 01:20,5,M,M +2018-04-11 02:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-11 03:20,5,BKN,-SHRA +2018-04-11 04:20,5,BKN,M +2018-04-11 05:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-11 06:20,6,BKN,M +2018-04-11 07:20,6,BKN,M +2018-04-11 08:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-11 09:20,8,BKN,M +2018-04-11 10:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-11 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-11 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-11 13:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-11 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-11 15:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-11 16:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-11 17:20,6,BKN,M +2018-04-11 18:20,6,OVC,M +2018-04-11 19:20,6,OVC,M +2018-04-11 20:20,6,OVC,M +2018-04-11 21:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-11 22:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-11 23:20,4,M,M +2018-04-12 00:20,4,BKN,M +2018-04-12 01:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-12 02:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-12 03:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-12 04:20,4,FEW,M +2018-04-12 05:20,5,FEW,M +2018-04-12 06:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-12 07:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-12 08:20,10,FEW,M +2018-04-12 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-12 10:20,12,M,M +2018-04-12 11:20,13,M,M +2018-04-12 12:20,13,M,M +2018-04-12 13:20,13,M,M +2018-04-12 14:20,13,M,M +2018-04-12 15:20,14,M,M +2018-04-12 16:20,14,M,M +2018-04-12 17:20,11,M,M +2018-04-12 18:20,9,M,M +2018-04-12 19:20,8,M,M +2018-04-12 20:20,8,M,M +2018-04-12 21:20,8,M,M +2018-04-12 22:20,8,M,M +2018-04-12 23:20,8,M,M +2018-04-13 00:20,8,M,M +2018-04-13 01:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-13 02:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-13 03:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-13 04:20,8,NSC,M +2018-04-13 05:20,9,NSC,M +2018-04-13 06:20,9,NSC,M +2018-04-13 07:20,11,M,M +2018-04-13 08:20,13,M,M +2018-04-13 09:20,15,M,M +2018-04-13 10:20,16,M,M +2018-04-13 11:20,14,NSC,RA +2018-04-13 12:20,14,NSC,M +2018-04-13 13:20,14,BKN,-RA +2018-04-13 14:20,16,BKN,-RA +2018-04-13 15:20,15,M,M +2018-04-13 16:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-13 17:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-13 18:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-13 19:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-13 20:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-13 21:20,8,NSC,M +2018-04-13 22:20,7,SCT,M +2018-04-13 23:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-14 00:20,8,BKN,M +2018-04-14 01:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-04-14 02:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-04-14 03:20,8,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-04-14 04:20,8,OVC,-RADZ BR +2018-04-14 05:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2018-04-14 06:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-14 07:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-14 08:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-14 09:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-04-14 10:20,9,OVC,-DZ +2018-04-14 11:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-04-14 12:20,9,BKN,-RA +2018-04-14 13:20,9,BKN,-RA +2018-04-14 14:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-04-14 15:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-04-14 16:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-04-14 17:20,9,FEW,-RADZ +2018-04-14 18:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-04-14 19:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-04-14 20:20,9,SCT,BR +2018-04-14 21:20,9,SCT,BR +2018-04-14 22:20,9,SCT,BR +2018-04-14 23:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-04-15 00:20,9,OVC,BR +2018-04-15 01:20,9,OVC,BR +2018-04-15 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-04-15 03:20,8,BKN,BCFG BR +2018-04-15 04:20,7,SCT,FG +2018-04-15 05:20,8,VV ,FG +2018-04-15 06:20,8,SCT,BR +2018-04-15 07:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2018-04-15 08:20,9,BKN,-RA BR +2018-04-15 09:20,9,FEW,-RA BR +2018-04-15 10:20,9,FEW,RA BR +2018-04-15 11:20,10,SCT,-RA BR +2018-04-15 12:20,10,BKN,-RA BR +2018-04-15 13:20,11,BKN,BR +2018-04-15 14:20,11,BKN,M +2018-04-15 15:20,12,BKN,M +2018-04-15 16:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-15 17:20,12,SCT,M +2018-04-15 18:20,12,BKN,M +2018-04-15 19:20,12,BKN,M +2018-04-15 20:20,11,BKN,M +2018-04-15 21:20,10,SCT,MIFG BR +2018-04-15 22:20,9,FEW,MIFG BR +2018-04-15 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2018-04-16 00:20,7,NSC,FG +2018-04-16 01:20,7,NSC,FG +2018-04-16 02:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-04-16 03:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-04-16 04:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2018-04-16 05:20,7,NSC,BR +2018-04-16 06:20,8,NSC,BR +2018-04-16 07:20,10,NSC,M +2018-04-16 08:20,11,NSC,M +2018-04-16 09:20,13,M,M +2018-04-16 10:20,15,M,M +2018-04-16 11:20,17,M,M +2018-04-16 12:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-16 13:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2018-04-16 14:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-16 15:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-16 16:20,13,M,M +2018-04-16 17:20,13,M,M +2018-04-16 18:20,12,M,M +2018-04-16 19:20,11,M,M +2018-04-16 20:20,11,M,M +2018-04-16 21:20,10,M,M +2018-04-16 22:20,9,M,M +2018-04-16 23:20,8,M,M +2018-04-17 00:20,6,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-17 01:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-17 02:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-17 03:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-17 04:20,3,FEW,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-04-17 05:20,5,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-17 06:20,9,M,M +2018-04-17 07:20,12,M,M +2018-04-17 08:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-17 09:20,15,FEW,M +2018-04-17 10:20,15,FEW,M +2018-04-17 11:20,17,FEW,M +2018-04-17 12:20,17,FEW,M +2018-04-17 13:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-17 14:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-17 15:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-17 16:20,18,M,M +2018-04-17 17:20,17,M,M +2018-04-17 18:20,15,M,M +2018-04-17 19:20,15,M,M +2018-04-17 20:20,14,M,M +2018-04-17 21:20,13,M,M +2018-04-17 22:20,12,M,M +2018-04-17 23:20,10,M,M +2018-04-18 00:20,10,M,M +2018-04-18 01:20,11,M,M +2018-04-18 02:20,11,M,M +2018-04-18 03:20,9,M,M +2018-04-18 04:20,8,M,M +2018-04-18 05:20,8,M,M +2018-04-18 06:20,14,M,M +2018-04-18 07:20,17,M,M +2018-04-18 08:20,19,M,M +2018-04-18 09:20,20,M,M +2018-04-18 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-04-18 11:20,21,FEW,M +2018-04-18 12:20,22,FEW,M +2018-04-18 13:20,22,FEW,M +2018-04-18 14:20,22,M,M +2018-04-18 15:20,23,M,M +2018-04-18 16:20,22,M,M +2018-04-18 17:20,20,M,M +2018-04-18 18:20,18,M,M +2018-04-18 19:20,16,M,M +2018-04-18 20:20,15,M,M +2018-04-18 21:20,15,M,M +2018-04-18 22:20,14,M,M +2018-04-18 23:20,14,M,M +2018-04-19 00:20,13,M,M +2018-04-19 01:20,12,M,M +2018-04-19 02:20,12,M,M +2018-04-19 03:20,11,M,M +2018-04-19 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-19 05:20,12,M,M +2018-04-19 06:20,15,M,M +2018-04-19 07:20,18,M,M +2018-04-19 08:20,20,M,M +2018-04-19 09:20,22,M,M +2018-04-19 10:20,23,M,M +2018-04-19 11:20,24,M,M +2018-04-19 12:20,24,M,M +2018-04-19 13:20,25,M,M +2018-04-19 14:20,25,M,M +2018-04-19 15:20,25,M,M +2018-04-19 16:20,25,M,M +2018-04-19 17:20,24,M,M +2018-04-19 18:20,22,M,M +2018-04-19 19:20,21,M,M +2018-04-19 20:20,20,M,M +2018-04-19 21:20,18,M,M +2018-04-19 22:20,17,M,M +2018-04-19 23:20,17,M,M +2018-04-20 00:20,16,M,M +2018-04-20 01:20,14,M,M +2018-04-20 02:20,13,M,M +2018-04-20 03:20,12,M,M +2018-04-20 04:20,13,M,M +2018-04-20 05:20,15,M,M +2018-04-20 06:20,17,M,M +2018-04-20 07:20,19,M,M +2018-04-20 08:20,20,M,M +2018-04-20 09:20,23,M,M +2018-04-20 10:20,25,M,M +2018-04-20 11:20,26,M,M +2018-04-20 12:20,26,M,M +2018-04-20 13:20,27,M,M +2018-04-20 14:20,26,M,M +2018-04-20 15:20,25,M,M +2018-04-20 16:20,23,M,M +2018-04-20 17:20,21,M,M +2018-04-20 18:20,19,M,M +2018-04-20 19:20,17,M,M +2018-04-20 20:20,15,M,M +2018-04-20 21:20,14,M,M +2018-04-20 22:20,12,NSC,M +2018-04-20 23:20,11,NSC,M +2018-04-21 00:20,10,NSC,M +2018-04-21 01:20,10,NSC,M +2018-04-21 02:20,10,NSC,BR +2018-04-21 03:20,9,NSC,BR +2018-04-21 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-04-21 05:20,9,NSC,BR +2018-04-21 06:20,10,NSC,M +2018-04-21 07:20,13,M,M +2018-04-21 08:20,15,M,M +2018-04-21 09:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-21 10:20,17,FEW,M +2018-04-21 11:20,18,M,M +2018-04-21 12:20,18,M,M +2018-04-21 13:20,18,M,M +2018-04-21 14:20,17,M,M +2018-04-21 15:20,17,M,M +2018-04-21 16:20,17,M,M +2018-04-21 17:20,16,M,M +2018-04-21 18:20,14,M,M +2018-04-21 19:20,13,M,M +2018-04-21 20:20,10,M,M +2018-04-21 21:20,8,M,M +2018-04-21 22:20,7,M,M +2018-04-21 23:20,6,M,M +2018-04-22 00:20,6,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-22 01:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-22 02:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-22 03:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-22 04:20,4,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-04-22 05:20,6,M,M +2018-04-22 06:20,11,M,M +2018-04-22 07:20,13,M,M +2018-04-22 08:20,14,M,M +2018-04-22 09:20,16,M,M +2018-04-22 10:20,18,M,M +2018-04-22 11:20,19,M,M +2018-04-22 12:20,20,M,M +2018-04-22 13:20,21,M,M +2018-04-22 14:20,21,M,M +2018-04-22 15:20,21,M,M +2018-04-22 16:20,21,M,M +2018-04-22 17:20,21,M,M +2018-04-22 18:20,19,M,M +2018-04-22 19:20,19,M,M +2018-04-22 20:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-22 21:20,20,FEW,M +2018-04-22 22:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-04-22 23:20,14,M,M +2018-04-23 00:20,13,M,M +2018-04-23 01:20,14,M,M +2018-04-23 02:20,15,M,M +2018-04-23 03:20,14,M,M +2018-04-23 04:20,15,M,M +2018-04-23 05:20,15,M,M +2018-04-23 06:20,15,SCT,M +2018-04-23 07:20,14,BKN,M +2018-04-23 08:20,14,BKN,M +2018-04-23 09:20,14,BKN,M +2018-04-23 10:20,15,SCT,VCSH +2018-04-23 11:20,15,SCT,M +2018-04-23 12:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-23 13:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-23 14:20,15,SCT,M +2018-04-23 15:20,15,SCT,M +2018-04-23 16:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-23 17:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-23 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-23 19:20,10,M,M +2018-04-23 20:20,9,SCT,M +2018-04-23 21:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-23 22:20,7,BKN,M +2018-04-23 23:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-24 00:20,9,BKN,M +2018-04-24 01:20,9,SCT,M +2018-04-24 02:20,10,BKN,M +2018-04-24 03:20,10,BKN,M +2018-04-24 04:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-24 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-04-24 06:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-24 07:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-24 08:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-24 09:20,11,BKN,M +2018-04-24 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-24 11:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-04-24 12:20,11,SCT,M +2018-04-24 13:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-24 14:20,12,BKN,M +2018-04-24 15:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-24 16:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-24 17:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-24 18:20,11,SCT,M +2018-04-24 19:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-04-24 20:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-04-24 21:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-04-24 22:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-24 23:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-04-25 00:20,9,SCT,-RA +2018-04-25 01:20,9,SCT,-RA BR +2018-04-25 02:20,10,SCT,-RA BR +2018-04-25 03:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-04-25 04:20,12,SCT,M +2018-04-25 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-04-25 06:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-25 07:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-25 08:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-25 09:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-25 10:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2018-04-25 11:20,10,FEW,M +2018-04-25 12:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-25 13:20,10,FEW,M +2018-04-25 14:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-25 15:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-25 16:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-25 17:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-25 18:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-25 19:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-25 20:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-25 21:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-25 22:20,7,FEW,M +2018-04-25 23:20,5,M,M +2018-04-26 00:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-26 01:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-26 02:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-26 03:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-26 04:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2018-04-26 05:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-26 06:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-26 07:20,9,FEW,M +2018-04-26 08:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-26 09:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-26 10:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-26 11:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-26 12:20,12,SCT,M +2018-04-26 13:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-04-26 14:20,10,SCT,M +2018-04-26 15:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-26 16:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2018-04-26 17:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-26 18:20,9,FEW,VCTS +2018-04-26 19:20,8,FEW,M +2018-04-26 20:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-26 21:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-26 22:20,6,FEW,M +2018-04-26 23:20,5,M,M +2018-04-27 00:20,5,M,M +2018-04-27 01:20,5,M,M +2018-04-27 02:20,5,M,M +2018-04-27 03:20,4,M,M +2018-04-27 04:20,5,M,M +2018-04-27 05:20,7,M,M +2018-04-27 06:20,8,M,M +2018-04-27 07:20,10,M,M +2018-04-27 08:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-27 09:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-27 10:20,13,SCT,M +2018-04-27 11:20,14,SCT,M +2018-04-27 12:20,14,SCT,M +2018-04-27 13:20,14,M,M +2018-04-27 14:20,15,M,M +2018-04-27 15:20,14,M,M +2018-04-27 16:20,15,M,M +2018-04-27 17:20,14,M,M +2018-04-27 18:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-27 19:20,11,M,M +2018-04-27 20:20,10,M,M +2018-04-27 21:20,9,M,M +2018-04-27 22:20,9,M,M +2018-04-27 23:20,8,M,M +2018-04-28 00:20,9,M,M +2018-04-28 01:20,9,M,M +2018-04-28 02:20,8,M,M +2018-04-28 03:20,8,M,M +2018-04-28 04:20,8,M,M +2018-04-28 05:20,10,M,M +2018-04-28 06:20,11,M,M +2018-04-28 07:20,13,M,M +2018-04-28 08:20,14,M,M +2018-04-28 09:20,16,M,M +2018-04-28 10:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-28 11:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-28 12:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-28 13:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-28 14:20,17,SCT,M +2018-04-28 15:20,17,SCT,M +2018-04-28 16:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-28 17:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-28 18:20,14,FEW,M +2018-04-28 19:20,13,FEW,M +2018-04-28 20:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-28 21:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-28 22:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-28 23:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-29 00:20,10,M,M +2018-04-29 01:20,10,M,M +2018-04-29 02:20,10,M,M +2018-04-29 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-29 04:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2018-04-29 05:20,10,M,M +2018-04-29 06:20,13,M,M +2018-04-29 07:20,14,M,M +2018-04-29 08:20,16,M,M +2018-04-29 09:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-29 10:20,17,FEW,M +2018-04-29 11:20,18,SCT,M +2018-04-29 12:20,18,BKN,M +2018-04-29 13:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-29 14:20,18,FEW,M +2018-04-29 15:20,17,M,M +2018-04-29 16:20,17,M,M +2018-04-29 17:20,14,M,M +2018-04-29 18:20,13,M,M +2018-04-29 19:20,13,M,M +2018-04-29 20:20,12,M,M +2018-04-29 21:20,11,M,M +2018-04-29 22:20,11,M,M +2018-04-29 23:20,11,M,M +2018-04-30 00:20,11,M,M +2018-04-30 01:20,11,M,M +2018-04-30 02:20,11,M,M +2018-04-30 03:20,11,M,M +2018-04-30 04:20,11,FEW,M +2018-04-30 05:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-30 06:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2018-04-30 07:20,15,FEW,VCSH +2018-04-30 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-30 09:20,17,BKN,M +2018-04-30 10:20,17,BKN,M +2018-04-30 11:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-30 12:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-30 13:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-04-30 14:20,15,FEW,M +2018-04-30 15:20,16,SCT,M +2018-04-30 16:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-30 17:20,16,FEW,M +2018-04-30 18:20,15,FEW,M +2018-04-30 19:20,13,SCT,M +2018-04-30 20:20,12,FEW,M +2018-04-30 21:20,12,M,M +2018-04-30 22:20,12,M,M +2018-04-30 23:20,10,M,M +2018-05-01 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-01 01:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-01 02:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-01 03:20,10,SCT,M +2018-05-01 04:20,9,BKN,VCSH +2018-05-01 05:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-05-01 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-05-01 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-05-01 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-05-01 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-05-01 10:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2018-05-01 11:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-05-01 12:20,8,BKN,M +2018-05-01 13:20,8,BKN,M +2018-05-01 14:20,8,BKN,M +2018-05-01 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-05-01 16:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-05-01 17:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-05-01 18:20,9,FEW,M +2018-05-01 19:20,8,M,M +2018-05-01 20:20,7,M,M +2018-05-01 21:20,5,M,M +2018-05-01 22:20,5,M,M +2018-05-01 23:20,4,M,M +2018-05-02 00:20,3,M,M +2018-05-02 01:20,2,M,M +2018-05-02 02:20,2,M,M +2018-05-02 03:20,3,M,M +2018-05-02 04:20,3,M,M +2018-05-02 05:20,5,M,M +2018-05-02 06:20,7,M,M +2018-05-02 07:20,10,M,M +2018-05-02 08:20,12,M,M +2018-05-02 09:20,14,FEW,M +2018-05-02 10:20,15,FEW,M +2018-05-02 11:20,15,M,M +2018-05-02 12:20,16,M,M +2018-05-02 13:20,16,M,M +2018-05-02 14:20,17,M,M +2018-05-02 15:20,16,M,M +2018-05-02 16:20,16,M,M +2018-05-02 17:20,15,M,M +2018-05-02 18:20,14,M,M +2018-05-02 19:20,13,M,M +2018-05-02 20:20,12,M,M +2018-05-02 21:20,11,M,M +2018-05-02 22:20,10,M,M +2018-05-02 23:20,9,M,M +2018-05-03 00:20,9,M,M +2018-05-03 01:20,9,M,M +2018-05-03 02:20,8,M,M +2018-05-03 03:20,6,M,M +2018-05-03 04:20,8,M,M +2018-05-03 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-05-03 06:20,10,FEW,M +2018-05-03 07:20,10,M,M +2018-05-03 08:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-03 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-03 10:20,13,FEW,M +2018-05-03 11:20,13,FEW,M +2018-05-03 12:20,14,FEW,M +2018-05-03 13:20,14,M,M +2018-05-03 14:20,14,M,M +2018-05-03 15:20,14,M,M +2018-05-03 16:20,14,M,M +2018-05-03 17:20,13,M,M +2018-05-03 18:20,11,M,M +2018-05-03 19:20,10,M,M +2018-05-03 20:20,7,M,M +2018-05-03 21:20,6,M,M +2018-05-03 22:20,5,M,M +2018-05-03 23:20,4,M,M +2018-05-04 00:20,3,M,M +2018-05-04 01:20,2,M,M +2018-05-04 02:20,2,M,M +2018-05-04 03:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2018-05-04 04:20,2,NSC,MIFG +2018-05-04 05:20,5,M,M +2018-05-04 06:20,9,M,M +2018-05-04 07:20,11,M,M +2018-05-04 08:20,12,M,M +2018-05-04 09:20,14,M,M +2018-05-04 10:20,14,FEW,M +2018-05-04 11:20,16,FEW,M +2018-05-04 12:20,16,M,M +2018-05-04 13:20,17,M,M +2018-05-04 14:20,17,M,M +2018-05-04 15:20,17,M,M +2018-05-04 16:20,16,M,M +2018-05-04 17:20,15,M,M +2018-05-04 18:20,14,M,M +2018-05-04 19:20,12,M,M +2018-05-04 20:20,10,M,M +2018-05-04 21:20,8,M,M +2018-05-04 22:20,7,M,M +2018-05-04 23:20,6,M,M +2018-05-05 00:20,5,M,M +2018-05-05 01:20,4,M,M +2018-05-05 02:20,4,M,M +2018-05-05 03:20,4,M,M +2018-05-05 04:20,4,M,M +2018-05-05 05:20,8,M,M +2018-05-05 06:20,11,M,M +2018-05-05 07:20,12,M,M +2018-05-05 08:20,14,M,M +2018-05-05 09:20,15,M,M +2018-05-05 10:20,16,M,M +2018-05-05 11:20,17,M,M +2018-05-05 12:20,19,M,M +2018-05-05 13:20,19,M,M +2018-05-05 14:20,19,M,M +2018-05-05 15:20,19,M,M +2018-05-05 16:20,19,M,M +2018-05-05 17:20,18,M,M +2018-05-05 18:20,16,M,M +2018-05-05 19:20,15,M,M +2018-05-05 20:20,12,M,M +2018-05-05 21:20,10,M,M +2018-05-05 22:20,9,M,M +2018-05-05 23:20,9,M,M +2018-05-06 00:20,8,M,M +2018-05-06 01:20,7,M,M +2018-05-06 02:20,7,M,M +2018-05-06 03:20,6,M,M +2018-05-06 04:20,7,M,M +2018-05-06 05:20,11,M,M +2018-05-06 06:20,14,M,M +2018-05-06 07:20,16,M,M +2018-05-06 08:20,18,M,M +2018-05-06 09:20,18,M,M +2018-05-06 10:20,20,M,M +2018-05-06 11:20,21,M,M +2018-05-06 12:20,22,M,M +2018-05-06 13:20,23,M,M +2018-05-06 14:20,23,M,M +2018-05-06 15:20,23,M,M +2018-05-06 16:20,22,M,M +2018-05-06 17:20,22,M,M +2018-05-06 18:20,21,M,M +2018-05-06 19:20,17,M,M +2018-05-06 20:20,14,M,M +2018-05-06 21:20,13,M,M +2018-05-06 22:20,12,M,M +2018-05-06 23:20,12,M,M +2018-05-07 00:20,10,M,M +2018-05-07 01:20,10,M,M +2018-05-07 02:20,10,M,M +2018-05-07 03:20,10,M,M +2018-05-07 04:20,10,M,M +2018-05-07 05:20,13,M,M +2018-05-07 06:20,15,M,M +2018-05-07 07:20,18,M,M +2018-05-07 08:20,20,M,M +2018-05-07 09:20,21,M,M +2018-05-07 10:20,21,M,M +2018-05-07 11:20,22,M,M +2018-05-07 12:20,23,M,M +2018-05-07 13:20,24,M,M +2018-05-07 14:20,24,M,M +2018-05-07 15:20,24,M,M +2018-05-07 16:20,24,M,M +2018-05-07 17:20,23,M,M +2018-05-07 18:20,20,M, +2018-05-07 19:20,18,M,M +2018-05-07 20:20,16,M,M +2018-05-07 21:20,14,M,M +2018-05-07 22:20,13,M,M +2018-05-07 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-08 00:20,15,M,M +2018-05-08 01:20,14,M,M +2018-05-08 02:20,12,M,M +2018-05-08 03:20,11,M,M +2018-05-08 04:20,12,M,M +2018-05-08 05:20,15,M,M +2018-05-08 06:20,17,M,M +2018-05-08 07:20,19,M,M +2018-05-08 08:20,21,M,M +2018-05-08 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-08 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-08 11:20,24,M,M +2018-05-08 12:20,24,M,M +2018-05-08 13:20,25,M,M +2018-05-08 14:20,25,M,M +2018-05-08 15:20,25,M,M +2018-05-08 16:20,25,M,M +2018-05-08 17:20,24,M,M +2018-05-08 18:20,23,M,M +2018-05-08 19:20,21,M,M +2018-05-08 20:20,19,M,M +2018-05-08 21:20,17,M,M +2018-05-08 22:20,17,M,M +2018-05-08 23:20,16,M,M +2018-05-09 00:20,16,M,M +2018-05-09 01:20,15,M,M +2018-05-09 02:20,15,M,M +2018-05-09 03:20,14,M,M +2018-05-09 04:20,15,M,M +2018-05-09 05:20,16,M,M +2018-05-09 06:20,18,M,M +2018-05-09 07:20,20,M,M +2018-05-09 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-09 09:20,24,M,M +2018-05-09 10:20,25,M,M +2018-05-09 11:20,25,M,M +2018-05-09 12:20,26,M,M +2018-05-09 13:20,26,M,M +2018-05-09 14:20,27,M,M +2018-05-09 15:20,27,M,M +2018-05-09 16:20,26,M,M +2018-05-09 17:20,26,M,M +2018-05-09 18:20,24,M,M +2018-05-09 19:20,22,M,M +2018-05-09 20:20,20,M,M +2018-05-09 21:20,20,M,M +2018-05-09 22:20,20,M,M +2018-05-09 23:20,18,M,M +2018-05-10 00:20,17,M,M +2018-05-10 01:20,16,M,M +2018-05-10 02:20,15,M,M +2018-05-10 03:20,16,M,M +2018-05-10 04:20,15,M,M +2018-05-10 05:20,17,M,M +2018-05-10 06:20,19,M,M +2018-05-10 07:20,20,M,M +2018-05-10 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-10 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-10 10:20,23,FEW,M +2018-05-10 11:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-10 12:20,22,BKN,VCTS -SHRA +2018-05-10 13:20,17,SCT,VCTS +2018-05-10 14:20,16,SCT,VCTS +2018-05-10 15:20,16,BKN,M +2018-05-10 16:20,14,BKN,M +2018-05-10 17:20,14,BKN,M +2018-05-10 18:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-10 19:20,13,SCT,-RA +2018-05-10 20:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-10 21:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-10 22:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-10 23:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-11 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-11 01:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-11 02:20,12,SCT,M +2018-05-11 03:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-11 04:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-11 05:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-11 06:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-11 07:20,13,SCT,M +2018-05-11 08:20,13,SCT,M +2018-05-11 09:20,15,SCT,M +2018-05-11 10:20,16,SCT,M +2018-05-11 11:20,17,SCT,M +2018-05-11 12:20,17,BKN,M +2018-05-11 13:20,18,M,M +2018-05-11 14:20,19,FEW,M +2018-05-11 15:20,19,SCT,M +2018-05-11 16:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-11 17:20,17,FEW,M +2018-05-11 18:20,16,FEW,M +2018-05-11 19:20,16,FEW,M +2018-05-11 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-05-11 21:20,14,SCT,M +2018-05-11 22:20,14,BKN,M +2018-05-11 23:20,14,SCT,M +2018-05-12 00:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-12 01:20,12,M,M +2018-05-12 02:20,13,M,M +2018-05-12 03:20,13,M,M +2018-05-12 04:20,13,M,M +2018-05-12 05:20,14,M,M +2018-05-12 06:20,14,M,M +2018-05-12 07:20,15,M,M +2018-05-12 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-12 09:20,18,SCT,M +2018-05-12 10:20,20,SCT,M +2018-05-12 11:20,20,SCT,M +2018-05-12 12:20,21,SCT,M +2018-05-12 13:20,21,M,M +2018-05-12 14:20,21,M,M +2018-05-12 15:20,21,M,M +2018-05-12 16:20,20,M,M +2018-05-12 17:20,19,M,M +2018-05-12 18:20,18,M,M +2018-05-12 19:20,16,M,M +2018-05-12 20:20,15,M,M +2018-05-12 21:20,14,M,M +2018-05-12 22:20,14,M,M +2018-05-12 23:20,14,M,M +2018-05-13 00:20,14,M,M +2018-05-13 01:20,14,M,M +2018-05-13 02:20,13,M,M +2018-05-13 03:20,12,M,M +2018-05-13 04:20,13,M,M +2018-05-13 05:20,15,M,M +2018-05-13 06:20,17,M,M +2018-05-13 07:20,19,FEW,M +2018-05-13 08:20,21,SCT,M +2018-05-13 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-13 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-13 11:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-13 12:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-13 13:20,23,FEW,-SHRA +2018-05-13 14:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-13 15:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-13 16:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-13 17:20,24,M,M +2018-05-13 18:20,23,M,M +2018-05-13 19:20,20,M,M +2018-05-13 20:20,18,M,M +2018-05-13 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-13 22:20,16,M,M +2018-05-13 23:20,15,M,M +2018-05-14 00:20,14,M,M +2018-05-14 01:20,13,M,M +2018-05-14 02:20,12,M,M +2018-05-14 03:20,12,M,M +2018-05-14 04:20,13,M,M +2018-05-14 05:20,15,M,M +2018-05-14 06:20,18,M,M +2018-05-14 07:20,20,M,M +2018-05-14 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-14 09:20,24,M,M +2018-05-14 10:20,25,M,M +2018-05-14 11:20,26,M,M +2018-05-14 12:20,25,M,M +2018-05-14 13:20,26,M,M +2018-05-14 14:20,25,M,M +2018-05-14 15:20,25,M,M +2018-05-14 16:20,24,M,M +2018-05-14 17:20,22,M,M +2018-05-14 18:20,21,M,M +2018-05-14 19:20,19,M,M +2018-05-14 20:20,17,M,M +2018-05-14 21:20,15,M,M +2018-05-14 22:20,14,M,M +2018-05-14 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-15 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-15 01:20,11,M,M +2018-05-15 02:20,11,M,M +2018-05-15 03:20,11,M,M +2018-05-15 04:20,11,M,M +2018-05-15 05:20,13,M,M +2018-05-15 06:20,15,M,M +2018-05-15 07:20,18,M,M +2018-05-15 08:20,20,M,M +2018-05-15 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-15 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-15 11:20,23,M,M +2018-05-15 12:20,24,M,M +2018-05-15 13:20,24,M,M +2018-05-15 14:20,23,M,M +2018-05-15 15:20,23,M,M +2018-05-15 16:20,22,M,M +2018-05-15 17:20,21,M,M +2018-05-15 18:20,20,M,M +2018-05-15 19:20,19,M,M +2018-05-15 20:20,19,M,M +2018-05-15 21:20,17,M,M +2018-05-15 22:20,16,M,M +2018-05-15 23:20,15,M,M +2018-05-16 00:20,15,M,M +2018-05-16 01:20,15,M,M +2018-05-16 02:20,14,M,M +2018-05-16 03:20,14,M,M +2018-05-16 04:20,13,SCT,-RA +2018-05-16 05:20,14,SCT,M +2018-05-16 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-05-16 07:20,18,M,M +2018-05-16 08:20,20,M,M +2018-05-16 09:20,21,M,M +2018-05-16 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-16 11:20,24,M,M +2018-05-16 12:20,25,M,M +2018-05-16 13:20,25,M,M +2018-05-16 14:20,25,M,M +2018-05-16 15:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-16 16:20,24,M,M +2018-05-16 17:20,23,M,M +2018-05-16 18:20,20,M,M +2018-05-16 19:20,18,M,M +2018-05-16 20:20,17,M,M +2018-05-16 21:20,15,M,M +2018-05-16 22:20,13,M,M +2018-05-16 23:20,12,M,M +2018-05-17 00:20,10,FEW,M +2018-05-17 01:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-17 02:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-17 03:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-17 04:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-17 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-05-17 06:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-17 07:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-17 08:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 09:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-17 10:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-17 11:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-17 12:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-17 13:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-17 14:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 15:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 16:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 17:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 18:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-17 19:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-17 20:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-17 21:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 22:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-17 23:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 00:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 01:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 02:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 03:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 04:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 05:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 06:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 07:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 08:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 09:20,12,OVC,M +2018-05-18 10:20,12,OVC,M +2018-05-18 11:20,12,OVC,M +2018-05-18 12:20,12,OVC,M +2018-05-18 13:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 14:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 15:20,13,BKN,M +2018-05-18 16:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 17:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 18:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-18 19:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 20:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-18 21:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-18 22:20,11,FEW,M +2018-05-18 23:20,11,M,M +2018-05-19 00:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-19 01:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-19 02:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-19 03:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-19 04:20,10,OVC,M +2018-05-19 05:20,10,BKN,M +2018-05-19 06:20,11,BKN,M +2018-05-19 07:20,12,BKN,M +2018-05-19 08:20,13,FEW,M +2018-05-19 09:20,15,SCT,M +2018-05-19 10:20,17,SCT,M +2018-05-19 11:20,16,SCT,M +2018-05-19 12:20,17,SCT,M +2018-05-19 13:20,17,SCT,M +2018-05-19 14:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-19 15:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-19 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-05-19 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-19 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-05-19 19:20,14,M,M +2018-05-19 20:20,13,M,M +2018-05-19 21:20,12,M,M +2018-05-19 22:20,12,M,M +2018-05-19 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-20 00:20,11,M,M +2018-05-20 01:20,10,M,M +2018-05-20 02:20,10,M,M +2018-05-20 03:20,8,M,M +2018-05-20 04:20,9,M,M +2018-05-20 05:20,12,M,M +2018-05-20 06:20,14,M,M +2018-05-20 07:20,16,M,M +2018-05-20 08:20,19,M,M +2018-05-20 09:20,20,M,M +2018-05-20 10:20,20,M,M +2018-05-20 11:20,21,M,M +2018-05-20 12:20,21,M,M +2018-05-20 13:20,21,M,M +2018-05-20 14:20,21,M,M +2018-05-20 15:20,21,M,M +2018-05-20 16:20,22,M,M +2018-05-20 17:20,19,M,M +2018-05-20 18:20,18,M,M +2018-05-20 19:20,16,M,M +2018-05-20 20:20,14,M,M +2018-05-20 21:20,13,M,M +2018-05-20 22:20,12,M,M +2018-05-20 23:20,10,M,M +2018-05-21 00:20,9,M,M +2018-05-21 01:20,8,M,M +2018-05-21 02:20,8,M,M +2018-05-21 03:20,7,M,M +2018-05-21 04:20,8,M,M +2018-05-21 05:20,12,M,M +2018-05-21 06:20,15,M,M +2018-05-21 07:20,18,M,M +2018-05-21 08:20,20,M,M +2018-05-21 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-21 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-21 11:20,23,M,M +2018-05-21 12:20,24,M,M +2018-05-21 13:20,24,M,M +2018-05-21 14:20,24,M,M +2018-05-21 15:20,23,M,M +2018-05-21 16:20,23,M,M +2018-05-21 17:20,23,M,M +2018-05-21 18:20,20,M,M +2018-05-21 19:20,18,M,M +2018-05-21 20:20,16,M,M +2018-05-21 21:20,15,M,M +2018-05-21 22:20,13,M,M +2018-05-21 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-22 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-22 01:20,11,M,M +2018-05-22 02:20,11,M,M +2018-05-22 03:20,10,M,M +2018-05-22 04:20,11,M,M +2018-05-22 05:20,14,M,M +2018-05-22 06:20,17,M,M +2018-05-22 07:20,19,M,M +2018-05-22 08:20,21,M,M +2018-05-22 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-22 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-22 11:20,23,M,M +2018-05-22 12:20,24,M,M +2018-05-22 13:20,24,M,M +2018-05-22 14:20,25,M,M +2018-05-22 15:20,23,M,M +2018-05-22 16:20,22,M,M +2018-05-22 17:20,21,M,M +2018-05-22 18:20,20,M,M +2018-05-22 19:20,18,M,M +2018-05-22 20:20,17,M,M +2018-05-22 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-22 22:20,14,M,M +2018-05-22 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-23 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-23 01:20,11,M,M +2018-05-23 02:20,11,M,M +2018-05-23 03:20,10,M,M +2018-05-23 04:20,12,M,M +2018-05-23 05:20,14,M,M +2018-05-23 06:20,16,M,M +2018-05-23 07:20,19,M,M +2018-05-23 08:20,21,M,M +2018-05-23 09:20,22,M,M +2018-05-23 10:20,23,M,M +2018-05-23 11:20,24,M,M +2018-05-23 12:20,24,M,M +2018-05-23 13:20,24,M,M +2018-05-23 14:20,24,M,M +2018-05-23 15:20,23,M,M +2018-05-23 16:20,22,M,M +2018-05-23 17:20,22,M,M +2018-05-23 18:20,21,M,M +2018-05-23 19:20,19,M,M +2018-05-23 20:20,17,M,M +2018-05-23 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-23 22:20,14,M,M +2018-05-23 23:20,13,M,M +2018-05-24 00:20,13,M,M +2018-05-24 01:20,12,M,M +2018-05-24 02:20,12,M,M +2018-05-24 03:20,12,M,M +2018-05-24 04:20,13,M,M +2018-05-24 05:20,15,M,M +2018-05-24 06:20,17,M,M +2018-05-24 07:20,20,M,M +2018-05-24 08:20,21,M,M +2018-05-24 09:20,23,M,M +2018-05-24 10:20,24,M,M +2018-05-24 11:20,24,M,M +2018-05-24 12:20,26,M,M +2018-05-24 13:20,25,M,M +2018-05-24 14:20,24,M,M +2018-05-24 15:20,25,M,M +2018-05-24 16:20,24,M,M +2018-05-24 17:20,22,M,M +2018-05-24 18:20,20,M,M +2018-05-24 19:20,19,M,M +2018-05-24 20:20,17,M,M +2018-05-24 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-24 22:20,15,M,M +2018-05-24 23:20,14,M,M +2018-05-25 00:20,14,M,M +2018-05-25 01:20,13,M,M +2018-05-25 02:20,13,M,M +2018-05-25 03:20,12,M,M +2018-05-25 04:20,14,M,M +2018-05-25 05:20,16,M,M +2018-05-25 06:20,18,M,M +2018-05-25 07:20,20,M,M +2018-05-25 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-25 09:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-25 10:20,25,M,M +2018-05-25 11:20,25,M,M +2018-05-25 12:20,26,M,M +2018-05-25 13:20,25,M,M +2018-05-25 14:20,24,M,M +2018-05-25 15:20,22,M,M +2018-05-25 16:20,21,M,M +2018-05-25 17:20,19,M,M +2018-05-25 18:20,18,M,M +2018-05-25 19:20,16,M,M +2018-05-25 20:20,15,M,M +2018-05-25 21:20,14,M,M +2018-05-25 22:20,13,M,M +2018-05-25 23:20,12,M,M +2018-05-26 00:20,12,M,M +2018-05-26 01:20,12,FEW,M +2018-05-26 02:20,12,BKN,BR +2018-05-26 03:20,11,FEW,BR +2018-05-26 04:20,13,M,M +2018-05-26 05:20,14,FEW,M +2018-05-26 06:20,17,M,M +2018-05-26 07:20,19,M,M +2018-05-26 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-26 09:20,24,M,M +2018-05-26 10:20,25,M,M +2018-05-26 11:20,26,M,M +2018-05-26 12:20,26,M,M +2018-05-26 13:20,26,M,M +2018-05-26 14:20,26,M,M +2018-05-26 15:20,24,M,M +2018-05-26 16:20,24,M,M +2018-05-26 17:20,22,M,M +2018-05-26 18:20,21,M,M +2018-05-26 19:20,19,M,M +2018-05-26 20:20,18,M,M +2018-05-26 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-26 22:20,15,M,M +2018-05-26 23:20,15,M,M +2018-05-27 00:20,14,M,M +2018-05-27 01:20,13,M,M +2018-05-27 02:20,13,SCT,M +2018-05-27 03:20,13,BKN,BR +2018-05-27 04:20,14,OVC,BR +2018-05-27 05:20,14,BKN,M +2018-05-27 06:20,15,BKN,M +2018-05-27 07:20,16,BKN,M +2018-05-27 08:20,16,BKN,M +2018-05-27 09:20,19,SCT,M +2018-05-27 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-05-27 11:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-27 12:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-27 13:20,23,FEW,M +2018-05-27 14:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-27 15:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-27 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-27 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-05-27 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-05-27 19:20,18,M,M +2018-05-27 20:20,16,M,M +2018-05-27 21:20,16,M,M +2018-05-27 22:20,16,M,M +2018-05-27 23:20,16,M,M +2018-05-28 00:20,16,M,M +2018-05-28 01:20,17,FEW,M +2018-05-28 02:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2018-05-28 03:20,16,FEW,M +2018-05-28 04:20,16,M,M +2018-05-28 05:20,17,FEW,M +2018-05-28 06:20,18,FEW,M +2018-05-28 07:20,21,M,M +2018-05-28 08:20,22,M,M +2018-05-28 09:20,23,M,M +2018-05-28 10:20,25,M,M +2018-05-28 11:20,26,M,M +2018-05-28 12:20,27,M,M +2018-05-28 13:20,29,M,M +2018-05-28 14:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-28 15:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-28 16:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-28 17:20,28,M,M +2018-05-28 18:20,26,FEW,M +2018-05-28 19:20,24,M,M +2018-05-28 20:20,23,FEW,M +2018-05-28 21:20,22,M,M +2018-05-28 22:20,21,M,M +2018-05-28 23:20,20,M,M +2018-05-29 00:20,19,M,M +2018-05-29 01:20,19,M,M +2018-05-29 02:20,19,M,M +2018-05-29 03:20,19,M,M +2018-05-29 04:20,19,M,M +2018-05-29 05:20,20,M,M +2018-05-29 06:20,22,M,M +2018-05-29 07:20,25,FEW,M +2018-05-29 08:20,26,M,M +2018-05-29 09:20,28,M,M +2018-05-29 10:20,29,M,M +2018-05-29 11:20,31,M,M +2018-05-29 12:20,31,M,M +2018-05-29 13:20,31,M,M +2018-05-29 14:20,32,M,M +2018-05-29 15:20,31,M,M +2018-05-29 16:20,30,FEW,M +2018-05-29 17:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-29 18:20,28,FEW,M +2018-05-29 19:20,25,M,M +2018-05-29 20:20,23,M,M +2018-05-29 21:20,22,M,M +2018-05-29 22:20,22,M,M +2018-05-29 23:20,21,M,M +2018-05-30 00:20,20,M,M +2018-05-30 01:20,20,M,M +2018-05-30 02:20,18,M,M +2018-05-30 03:20,17,M,M +2018-05-30 04:20,19,M,M +2018-05-30 05:20,20,FEW,M +2018-05-30 06:20,22,FEW,M +2018-05-30 07:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-30 08:20,25,SCT,M +2018-05-30 09:20,27,FEW,M +2018-05-30 10:20,26,FEW,M +2018-05-30 11:20,28,M,M +2018-05-30 12:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-30 13:20,30,FEW,M +2018-05-30 14:20,30,M,M +2018-05-30 15:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-30 16:20,27,SCT,VCTS +2018-05-30 17:20,27,FEW,M +2018-05-30 18:20,26,FEW,M +2018-05-30 19:20,25,SCT,M +2018-05-30 20:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-30 21:20,21,M,M +2018-05-30 22:20,20,M,M +2018-05-30 23:20,19,M,M +2018-05-31 00:20,19,M,M +2018-05-31 01:20,18,M,M +2018-05-31 02:20,18,M,M +2018-05-31 03:20,16,M,M +2018-05-31 04:20,17,M,M +2018-05-31 05:20,19,M,M +2018-05-31 06:20,22,M,M +2018-05-31 07:20,24,M,M +2018-05-31 08:20,26,M,M +2018-05-31 09:20,28,M,M +2018-05-31 10:20,29,M,M +2018-05-31 11:20,29,M,M +2018-05-31 12:20,30,M,M +2018-05-31 13:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-31 14:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-31 15:20,29,FEW,M +2018-05-31 16:20,28,FEW,M +2018-05-31 17:20,27,FEW,M +2018-05-31 18:20,24,FEW,M +2018-05-31 19:20,22,M,M +2018-05-31 20:20,21,M,M +2018-05-31 21:20,19,M,M +2018-05-31 22:20,18,M,M +2018-05-31 23:20,18,M,M +2018-06-01 00:20,17,M,M +2018-06-01 01:20,16,M,M +2018-06-01 02:20,16,M,M +2018-06-01 03:20,15,M,M +2018-06-01 04:20,16,M,M +2018-06-01 05:20,18,M,M +2018-06-01 06:20,20,M,M +2018-06-01 07:20,22,M,M +2018-06-01 08:20,24,M,M +2018-06-01 09:20,26,M,M +2018-06-01 10:20,27,M,M +2018-06-01 11:20,29,FEW,M +2018-06-01 12:20,30,FEW,M +2018-06-01 13:20,30,M,M +2018-06-01 14:20,29,M,M +2018-06-01 15:20,28,FEW,M +2018-06-01 16:20,27,FEW,M +2018-06-01 17:20,25,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-01 18:20,23,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-01 19:20,22,FEW,-TSRA +2018-06-01 20:20,19,SCT,VCTS +2018-06-01 21:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-01 22:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-01 23:20,19,M,M +2018-06-02 00:20,18,M,M +2018-06-02 01:20,18,M,M +2018-06-02 02:20,18,SCT,M +2018-06-02 03:20,19,SCT,BR +2018-06-02 04:20,19,BKN,BR +2018-06-02 05:20,19,BKN,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 06:20,18,BKN,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 07:20,18,BKN,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 08:20,18,BKN,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 09:20,19,BKN,BR +2018-06-02 10:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 11:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-02 12:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 13:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 14:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 15:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 16:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 17:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-02 18:20,18,FEW,SHRA +2018-06-02 19:20,18,FEW,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 20:20,18,FEW,BR +2018-06-02 21:20,17,BKN,-SHRA BR +2018-06-02 22:20,17,BKN,BR +2018-06-02 23:20,17,FEW,-RA BR +2018-06-03 00:20,17,FEW,RA BR +2018-06-03 01:20,17,FEW,BR +2018-06-03 02:20,17,BKN,BR +2018-06-03 03:20,17,BKN,-RA BR +2018-06-03 04:20,17,FEW,BR +2018-06-03 05:20,17,FEW,BR +2018-06-03 06:20,18,BKN,M +2018-06-03 07:20,18,BKN,M +2018-06-03 08:20,19,BKN,M +2018-06-03 09:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-03 10:20,21,BKN,M +2018-06-03 11:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-03 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-03 13:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-03 14:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-03 15:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-03 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-03 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-03 18:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-03 19:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-03 20:20,17,M,M +2018-06-03 21:20,16,M,M +2018-06-03 22:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-03 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-04 00:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-04 01:20,14,BKN,M +2018-06-04 02:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-04 03:20,16,BKN,BR +2018-06-04 04:20,16,FEW,BR +2018-06-04 05:20,16,OVC,M +2018-06-04 06:20,16,OVC,M +2018-06-04 07:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 08:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-04 09:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-04 10:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-04 11:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 12:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 13:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 14:20,18,BKN,M +2018-06-04 15:20,18,BKN,M +2018-06-04 16:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 17:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-04 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-04 19:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-04 20:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-04 21:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-04 22:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-04 23:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-05 00:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-05 01:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-05 02:20,14,BKN,M +2018-06-05 03:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-05 04:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-05 05:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-05 06:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-05 07:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-05 08:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-05 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-05 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-05 11:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-05 12:20,23,M,M +2018-06-05 13:20,24,M,M +2018-06-05 14:20,24,M,M +2018-06-05 15:20,24,M,M +2018-06-05 16:20,25,M,M +2018-06-05 17:20,23,M,M +2018-06-05 18:20,22,M,M +2018-06-05 19:20,20,M,M +2018-06-05 20:20,19,M,M +2018-06-05 21:20,17,M,M +2018-06-05 22:20,17,M,M +2018-06-05 23:20,17,M,M +2018-06-06 00:20,16,M,M +2018-06-06 01:20,15,M,M +2018-06-06 02:20,14,M,M +2018-06-06 03:20,13,M,M +2018-06-06 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-06 05:20,16,M,M +2018-06-06 06:20,17,M,M +2018-06-06 07:20,19,M,M +2018-06-06 08:20,20,M,M +2018-06-06 09:20,22,M,M +2018-06-06 10:20,23,M,M +2018-06-06 11:20,24,M,M +2018-06-06 12:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 13:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 14:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 15:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 16:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 17:20,25,M,M +2018-06-06 18:20,24,M,M +2018-06-06 19:20,22,M,M +2018-06-06 20:20,20,M,M +2018-06-06 21:20,19,M,M +2018-06-06 22:20,18,M,M +2018-06-06 23:20,18,M,M +2018-06-07 00:20,17,M,M +2018-06-07 01:20,16,M,M +2018-06-07 02:20,15,M,M +2018-06-07 03:20,14,M,M +2018-06-07 04:20,15,M,M +2018-06-07 05:20,16,M,M +2018-06-07 06:20,18,M,M +2018-06-07 07:20,19,M,M +2018-06-07 08:20,22,M,M +2018-06-07 09:20,24,M,M +2018-06-07 10:20,24,M,M +2018-06-07 11:20,26,M,M +2018-06-07 12:20,27,M,M +2018-06-07 13:20,27,M,M +2018-06-07 14:20,28,M,M +2018-06-07 15:20,28,M,M +2018-06-07 16:20,28,M,M +2018-06-07 17:20,27,M,M +2018-06-07 18:20,26,M,M +2018-06-07 19:20,23,M,M +2018-06-07 20:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-07 21:20,18,M,M +2018-06-07 22:20,18,M,M +2018-06-07 23:20,17,M,M +2018-06-08 00:20,16,M,M +2018-06-08 01:20,15,M,M +2018-06-08 02:20,14,M,M +2018-06-08 03:20,13,M,M +2018-06-08 04:20,15,M,M +2018-06-08 05:20,19,M,M +2018-06-08 06:20,21,M,M +2018-06-08 07:20,23,M,M +2018-06-08 08:20,25,M,M +2018-06-08 09:20,26,M,M +2018-06-08 10:20,28,M,M +2018-06-08 11:20,29,M,M +2018-06-08 12:20,29,M,M +2018-06-08 13:20,30,M,M +2018-06-08 14:20,30,M,M +2018-06-08 15:20,29,FEW,M +2018-06-08 16:20,28,M,M +2018-06-08 17:20,27,M,M +2018-06-08 18:20,26,M,M +2018-06-08 19:20,24,M,M +2018-06-08 20:20,22,M,M +2018-06-08 21:20,21,M,M +2018-06-08 22:20,20,M,M +2018-06-08 23:20,19,M,M +2018-06-09 00:20,18,M,M +2018-06-09 01:20,19,M,M +2018-06-09 02:20,18,M,M +2018-06-09 03:20,18,M,M +2018-06-09 04:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-09 05:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-09 06:20,20,M,M +2018-06-09 07:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-09 08:20,21,M,M +2018-06-09 09:20,23,M,M +2018-06-09 10:20,27,M,M +2018-06-09 11:20,27,M,M +2018-06-09 12:20,28,M,M +2018-06-09 13:20,28,M,M +2018-06-09 14:20,29,M,M +2018-06-09 15:20,28,M,M +2018-06-09 16:20,27,M,M +2018-06-09 17:20,25,FEW,M +2018-06-09 18:20,24,M,M +2018-06-09 19:20,23,M,M +2018-06-09 20:20,21,M,M +2018-06-09 21:20,20,M,M +2018-06-09 22:20,18,M,M +2018-06-09 23:20,18,M,M +2018-06-10 00:20,18,M,M +2018-06-10 01:20,16,M,M +2018-06-10 02:20,17,M,M +2018-06-10 03:20,17,M,M +2018-06-10 04:20,18,M,M +2018-06-10 05:20,18,M,M +2018-06-10 06:20,19,FEW,VCTS +2018-06-10 07:20,19,NSC,-RA +2018-06-10 08:20,20,M,M +2018-06-10 09:20,19,NSC,-RA +2018-06-10 10:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-06-10 11:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-10 12:20,20,FEW,-RA +2018-06-10 13:20,21,M,M +2018-06-10 14:20,21,BKN,M +2018-06-10 15:20,23,BKN,M +2018-06-10 16:20,22,SCT,M +2018-06-10 17:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-10 18:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-10 19:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2018-06-10 20:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-10 21:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-10 22:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-10 23:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-11 00:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-11 01:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-11 02:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-11 03:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-11 04:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-11 05:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-11 06:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-11 07:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-11 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-11 09:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-11 10:20,19,SCT,M +2018-06-11 11:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-11 12:20,19,SCT,M +2018-06-11 13:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-11 14:20,19,SCT,M +2018-06-11 15:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-11 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-11 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-11 19:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-11 20:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-11 21:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-11 22:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-11 23:20,14,BKN,M +2018-06-12 00:20,14,BKN,M +2018-06-12 01:20,14,OVC,M +2018-06-12 02:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-12 03:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-12 04:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-12 05:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-12 06:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-12 07:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-12 08:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-12 09:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 10:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 11:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 12:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 13:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 14:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-12 15:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 16:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-12 17:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-12 18:20,15,SCT,-RA +2018-06-12 19:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-12 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-12 21:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-06-12 22:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-12 23:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-13 00:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-06-13 01:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-06-13 02:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-13 03:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-13 04:20,13,OVC,M +2018-06-13 05:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-13 06:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-13 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 09:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-13 10:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-13 11:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-13 12:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 13:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 14:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-13 15:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 16:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 17:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-13 18:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-13 19:20,14,SCT,M +2018-06-13 20:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-13 21:20,14,SCT,M +2018-06-13 22:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-13 23:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-14 00:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-14 01:20,13,SCT,M +2018-06-14 02:20,13,SCT,M +2018-06-14 03:20,11,FEW,M +2018-06-14 04:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-14 05:20,14,SCT,M +2018-06-14 06:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-14 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-14 08:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-14 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-14 10:20,19,SCT,M +2018-06-14 11:20,22,SCT,M +2018-06-14 12:20,22,M,M +2018-06-14 13:20,23,M,M +2018-06-14 14:20,22,M,M +2018-06-14 15:20,22,M,M +2018-06-14 16:20,21,M,M +2018-06-14 17:20,16,FEW,-RA +2018-06-14 18:20,15,FEW,-RA +2018-06-14 19:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-14 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-14 21:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-14 22:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-14 23:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-15 00:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-15 01:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-15 02:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-15 03:20,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-06-15 04:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-15 05:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-15 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-15 07:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-15 08:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-15 09:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-15 10:20,20,M,M +2018-06-15 11:20,23,M,M +2018-06-15 12:20,21,M,M +2018-06-15 13:20,21,M,M +2018-06-15 14:20,21,M,M +2018-06-15 15:20,22,M,M +2018-06-15 16:20,22,M,M +2018-06-15 17:20,22,M,M +2018-06-15 18:20,22,M,M +2018-06-15 19:20,20,M,M +2018-06-15 20:20,18,M,M +2018-06-15 21:20,17,M,M +2018-06-15 22:20,17,M,M +2018-06-15 23:20,17,M,M +2018-06-16 00:20,16,M,M +2018-06-16 01:20,15,M,M +2018-06-16 02:20,15,M,M +2018-06-16 03:20,14,M,M +2018-06-16 04:20,15,M,M +2018-06-16 05:20,17,M,M +2018-06-16 06:20,18,M,M +2018-06-16 07:20,20,M,M +2018-06-16 08:20,22,M,M +2018-06-16 09:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-16 10:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-16 11:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-16 12:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-16 13:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-16 14:20,25,FEW,M +2018-06-16 15:20,25,M,M +2018-06-16 16:20,25,FEW,M +2018-06-16 17:20,25,M,M +2018-06-16 18:20,22,M,M +2018-06-16 19:20,20,M,M +2018-06-16 20:20,18,M,M +2018-06-16 21:20,17,M,M +2018-06-16 22:20,17,NSC,-RA +2018-06-16 23:20,16,NSC,-RA +2018-06-17 00:20,16,M,M +2018-06-17 01:20,16,BKN,RA +2018-06-17 02:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-17 03:20,15,BKN,BCFG +2018-06-17 04:20,16,M,M +2018-06-17 05:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-17 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-17 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-17 08:20,18,SCT,M +2018-06-17 09:20,19,SCT,M +2018-06-17 10:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-17 11:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-17 12:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-17 13:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-17 14:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-17 15:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-17 16:20,18,SCT,M +2018-06-17 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-17 18:20,17,M,M +2018-06-17 19:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-17 20:20,16,M,M +2018-06-17 21:20,14,M,M +2018-06-17 22:20,13,SCT,M +2018-06-17 23:20,14,BKN,M +2018-06-18 00:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-18 01:20,14,M,M +2018-06-18 02:20,14,SCT,M +2018-06-18 03:20,14,M,M +2018-06-18 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-18 05:20,15,M,M +2018-06-18 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-18 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-18 08:20,18,SCT,M +2018-06-18 09:20,18,SCT,M +2018-06-18 10:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-18 11:20,18,BKN,M +2018-06-18 12:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-18 13:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-18 14:20,20,BKN,M +2018-06-18 15:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-18 16:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-18 17:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-18 18:20,20,SCT,VCSH +2018-06-18 19:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-18 20:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-18 21:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-18 22:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-18 23:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-19 00:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-19 01:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-19 02:20,14,M,M +2018-06-19 03:20,15,M,M +2018-06-19 04:20,15,M,M +2018-06-19 05:20,16,M,M +2018-06-19 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-19 07:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-19 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-19 09:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-19 10:20,17,BKN,-RA +2018-06-19 11:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-19 12:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-19 13:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-19 14:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-19 15:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-19 16:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-19 17:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-19 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-19 19:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-19 20:20,16,M,M +2018-06-19 21:20,14,M,M +2018-06-19 22:20,13,SCT,M +2018-06-19 23:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2018-06-20 00:20,12,M,M +2018-06-20 01:20,11,M,M +2018-06-20 02:20,11,M,M +2018-06-20 03:20,11,M,M +2018-06-20 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-20 05:20,17,M,M +2018-06-20 06:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-20 07:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-20 08:20,21,SCT,M +2018-06-20 09:20,23,FEW,M +2018-06-20 10:20,24,FEW,M +2018-06-20 11:20,24,FEW,M +2018-06-20 12:20,24,SCT,M +2018-06-20 13:20,25,SCT,M +2018-06-20 14:20,26,SCT,M +2018-06-20 15:20,26,SCT,M +2018-06-20 16:20,27,SCT,M +2018-06-20 17:20,25,FEW,M +2018-06-20 18:20,25,FEW,M +2018-06-20 19:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-20 20:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-20 21:20,18,M,M +2018-06-20 22:20,16,M,M +2018-06-20 23:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2018-06-21 00:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-21 01:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-21 02:20,17,SCT,M +2018-06-21 03:20,17,BKN,-RA +2018-06-21 04:20,15,BKN,-RA +2018-06-21 05:20,14,SCT,-RA +2018-06-21 06:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-06-21 07:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-21 08:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-21 09:20,15,FEW,-RA +2018-06-21 10:20,13,FEW,SHRA +2018-06-21 11:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-21 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-21 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-21 14:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-21 15:20,11,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-21 16:20,11,FEW,SHRA +2018-06-21 17:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-21 18:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-21 19:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-21 20:20,11,SCT,VCSH +2018-06-21 21:20,11,BKN,-SHRA +2018-06-21 22:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-21 23:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-22 00:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-22 01:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-22 02:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2018-06-22 03:20,9,FEW,SHRA +2018-06-22 04:20,9,BKN,-SHRA +2018-06-22 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-06-22 06:20,10,BKN,M +2018-06-22 07:20,11,FEW,M +2018-06-22 08:20,13,SCT,VCSH +2018-06-22 09:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-22 10:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-22 11:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-22 12:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-22 13:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-22 14:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-22 15:20,16,SCT,M +2018-06-22 16:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-22 17:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-22 18:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-22 19:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-22 20:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-22 21:20,12,SCT,M +2018-06-22 22:20,12,SCT,M +2018-06-22 23:20,11,SCT,M +2018-06-23 00:20,11,SCT,M +2018-06-23 01:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-06-23 02:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 03:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 04:20,13,SCT,-RADZ +2018-06-23 05:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 06:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 07:20,14,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 08:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-23 09:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2018-06-23 10:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2018-06-23 11:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-23 12:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-06-23 13:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 14:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 15:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 16:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 17:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 18:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 19:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2018-06-23 20:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-23 21:20,12,BKN,M +2018-06-23 22:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-23 23:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-24 00:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-24 01:20,12,SCT,-DZ +2018-06-24 02:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2018-06-24 03:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-06-24 04:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2018-06-24 05:20,12,FEW,M +2018-06-24 06:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-24 07:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-06-24 08:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-24 09:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-24 10:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-24 11:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-24 12:20,15,SCT,M +2018-06-24 13:20,15,SCT,-SHRA +2018-06-24 14:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-24 15:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-24 16:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-24 17:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-24 18:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-24 19:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-24 20:20,14,M,M +2018-06-24 21:20,13,M,M +2018-06-24 22:20,12,M,M +2018-06-24 23:20,12,BKN,M +2018-06-25 00:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-25 01:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-25 02:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-25 03:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-25 04:20,13,BKN,M +2018-06-25 05:20,14,FEW,M +2018-06-25 06:20,15,FEW,M +2018-06-25 07:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-25 08:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-25 09:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-25 10:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-25 11:20,16,OVC,M +2018-06-25 12:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-25 13:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-25 14:20,15,OVC,M +2018-06-25 15:20,15,BKN,-RA +2018-06-25 16:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2018-06-25 17:20,14,BKN,-DZRA +2018-06-25 18:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2018-06-25 19:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-25 20:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-25 21:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2018-06-25 22:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2018-06-25 23:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2018-06-26 00:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-06-26 01:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2018-06-26 02:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-26 03:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-26 04:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-26 05:20,13,FEW,M +2018-06-26 06:20,13,OVC,M +2018-06-26 07:20,14,OVC,M +2018-06-26 08:20,15,BKN,M +2018-06-26 09:20,16,BKN,M +2018-06-26 10:20,17,BKN,M +2018-06-26 11:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-26 12:20,20,SCT,M +2018-06-26 13:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-26 14:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-26 15:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-26 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-26 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-06-26 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-26 19:20,17,FEW,M +2018-06-26 20:20,16,M,M +2018-06-26 21:20,14,M,M +2018-06-26 22:20,14,M,M +2018-06-26 23:20,13,M,M +2018-06-27 00:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-27 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-06-27 02:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-06-27 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-27 04:20,12,NSC,M +2018-06-27 05:20,15,NSC,M +2018-06-27 06:20,17,M,M +2018-06-27 07:20,20,M,M +2018-06-27 08:20,21,M,M +2018-06-27 09:20,23,M,M +2018-06-27 10:20,24,M,M +2018-06-27 11:20,24,M,M +2018-06-27 12:20,24,M,M +2018-06-27 13:20,25,M,M +2018-06-27 14:20,25,M,M +2018-06-27 15:20,24,M,M +2018-06-27 16:20,24,FEW,M +2018-06-27 17:20,23,M,M +2018-06-27 18:20,22,FEW,M +2018-06-27 19:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-27 20:20,19,FEW,M +2018-06-27 21:20,17,M,M +2018-06-27 22:20,16,M,M +2018-06-27 23:20,16,M,M +2018-06-28 00:20,14,M,M +2018-06-28 01:20,14,M,M +2018-06-28 02:20,13,M,M +2018-06-28 03:20,13,M,M +2018-06-28 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-28 05:20,17,M,M +2018-06-28 06:20,18,M,M +2018-06-28 07:20,21,M,M +2018-06-28 08:20,22,M,M +2018-06-28 09:20,23,FEW,M +2018-06-28 10:20,24,FEW,M +2018-06-28 11:20,25,M,M +2018-06-28 12:20,26,M,M +2018-06-28 13:20,26,M,M +2018-06-28 14:20,26,M,M +2018-06-28 15:20,27,M,M +2018-06-28 16:20,26,M,M +2018-06-28 17:20,25,M,M +2018-06-28 18:20,24,M,M +2018-06-28 19:20,23,M,M +2018-06-28 20:20,18,M,M +2018-06-28 21:20,18,M,M +2018-06-28 22:20,16,M,M +2018-06-28 23:20,15,M,M +2018-06-29 00:20,13,M,M +2018-06-29 01:20,12,M,M +2018-06-29 02:20,12,M,M +2018-06-29 03:20,12,M,M +2018-06-29 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-29 05:20,16,M,M +2018-06-29 06:20,18,M,M +2018-06-29 07:20,20,M,M +2018-06-29 08:20,22,M,M +2018-06-29 09:20,22,M,M +2018-06-29 10:20,24,M,M +2018-06-29 11:20,25,M,M +2018-06-29 12:20,26,M,M +2018-06-29 13:20,26,M,M +2018-06-29 14:20,27,M,M +2018-06-29 15:20,25,M,M +2018-06-29 16:20,25,M,M +2018-06-29 17:20,23,M,M +2018-06-29 18:20,22,M,M +2018-06-29 19:20,20,FEW,M +2018-06-29 20:20,19,M,M +2018-06-29 21:20,16,M,M +2018-06-29 22:20,16,M,M +2018-06-29 23:20,15,M,M +2018-06-30 00:20,14,M,M +2018-06-30 01:20,13,M,M +2018-06-30 02:20,12,M,M +2018-06-30 03:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-06-30 04:20,14,M,M +2018-06-30 05:20,16,FEW,M +2018-06-30 06:20,18,FEW,M +2018-06-30 07:20,19,M,M +2018-06-30 08:20,20,M,M +2018-06-30 09:20,21,M,M +2018-06-30 10:20,22,M,M +2018-06-30 11:20,23,M,M +2018-06-30 12:20,23,M,M +2018-06-30 13:20,23,M,M +2018-06-30 14:20,24,M,M +2018-06-30 15:20,23,M,M +2018-06-30 16:20,24,M,M +2018-06-30 17:20,23,M,M +2018-06-30 18:20,21,M,M +2018-06-30 19:20,19,M,M +2018-06-30 20:20,18,M,M +2018-06-30 21:20,16,M,M +2018-06-30 22:20,14,M,M +2018-06-30 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-01 00:20,13,M,M +2018-07-01 01:20,14,M,M +2018-07-01 02:20,13,M,M +2018-07-01 03:20,11,M,M +2018-07-01 04:20,13,M,M +2018-07-01 05:20,15,M,M +2018-07-01 06:20,16,M,M +2018-07-01 07:20,17,M,M +2018-07-01 08:20,19,M,M +2018-07-01 09:20,21,M,M +2018-07-01 10:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 11:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 12:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 13:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 14:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 15:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 16:20,22,M,M +2018-07-01 17:20,21,M,M +2018-07-01 18:20,20,M,M +2018-07-01 19:20,19,M,M +2018-07-01 20:20,17,M,M +2018-07-01 21:20,15,M,M +2018-07-01 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-01 23:20,12,M,M +2018-07-02 00:20,11,M,M +2018-07-02 01:20,11,M,M +2018-07-02 02:20,11,M,M +2018-07-02 03:20,10,M,M +2018-07-02 04:20,11,M,M +2018-07-02 05:20,16,M,M +2018-07-02 06:20,18,M,M +2018-07-02 07:20,20,M,M +2018-07-02 08:20,21,M,M +2018-07-02 09:20,21,M,M +2018-07-02 10:20,23,M,M +2018-07-02 11:20,23,M,M +2018-07-02 12:20,24,M,M +2018-07-02 13:20,24,M,M +2018-07-02 14:20,25,M,M +2018-07-02 15:20,25,M,M +2018-07-02 16:20,25,M,M +2018-07-02 17:20,23,M,M +2018-07-02 18:20,22,M,M +2018-07-02 19:20,20,M,M +2018-07-02 20:20,18,M,M +2018-07-02 21:20,16,M,M +2018-07-02 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-02 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-03 00:20,12,M,M +2018-07-03 01:20,11,M,M +2018-07-03 02:20,10,M,M +2018-07-03 03:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-03 04:20,13,M,M +2018-07-03 05:20,15,M,M +2018-07-03 06:20,17,M,M +2018-07-03 07:20,19,M,M +2018-07-03 08:20,21,M,M +2018-07-03 09:20,23,M,M +2018-07-03 10:20,22,M,M +2018-07-03 11:20,23,M,M +2018-07-03 12:20,24,M,M +2018-07-03 13:20,25,M,M +2018-07-03 14:20,24,M,M +2018-07-03 15:20,24,M,M +2018-07-03 16:20,23,M,M +2018-07-03 17:20,22,M,M +2018-07-03 18:20,20,M,M +2018-07-03 19:20,18,M,M +2018-07-03 20:20,16,M,M +2018-07-03 21:20,15,M,M +2018-07-03 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-03 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2018-07-04 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2018-07-04 01:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-04 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-04 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-04 04:20,11,M,M +2018-07-04 05:20,14,M,M +2018-07-04 06:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-04 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-04 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-04 09:20,20,M,M +2018-07-04 10:20,22,M,M +2018-07-04 11:20,23,M,M +2018-07-04 12:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-04 13:20,25,M,M +2018-07-04 14:20,25,M,M +2018-07-04 15:20,26,M,M +2018-07-04 16:20,25,M,M +2018-07-04 17:20,24,M,M +2018-07-04 18:20,22,M,M +2018-07-04 19:20,21,M,M +2018-07-04 20:20,19,M,M +2018-07-04 21:20,17,M,M +2018-07-04 22:20,16,M,M +2018-07-04 23:20,15,M,M +2018-07-05 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-05 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-07-05 02:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2018-07-05 03:20,12,BKN,MIFG +2018-07-05 04:20,14,BKN,M +2018-07-05 05:20,16,BKN,M +2018-07-05 06:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-05 07:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-05 08:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-05 09:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-05 10:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-05 11:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-05 12:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-05 13:20,18,OVC,M +2018-07-05 14:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-05 15:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-05 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-05 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-05 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-05 19:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-05 20:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2018-07-05 21:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2018-07-05 22:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-05 23:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-06 00:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-06 01:20,16,BKN,M +2018-07-06 02:20,16,BKN,M +2018-07-06 03:20,16,BKN,-DZ +2018-07-06 04:20,15,FEW,-DZ +2018-07-06 05:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2018-07-06 06:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2018-07-06 07:20,16,SCT,-DZ +2018-07-06 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-06 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-06 10:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-06 11:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-06 12:20,20,M,M +2018-07-06 13:20,21,M,M +2018-07-06 14:20,20,M,M +2018-07-06 15:20,20,M,M +2018-07-06 16:20,19,M,M +2018-07-06 17:20,18,M,M +2018-07-06 18:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-06 19:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-06 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-06 21:20,14,M,M +2018-07-06 22:20,13,M,M +2018-07-06 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-07 00:20,13,M,M +2018-07-07 01:20,13,M,M +2018-07-07 02:20,12,M,M +2018-07-07 03:20,13,M,M +2018-07-07 04:20,14,M,M +2018-07-07 05:20,15,M,M +2018-07-07 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-07 07:20,17,SCT,M +2018-07-07 08:20,18,SCT,M +2018-07-07 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-07 10:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-07 11:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-07 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-07 13:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-07 14:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-07 15:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-07 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-07 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-07 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-07 19:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-07 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-07 21:20,14,FEW,M +2018-07-07 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-07 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-08 00:20,13,FEW,M +2018-07-08 01:20,12,BKN,M +2018-07-08 02:20,12,BKN,M +2018-07-08 03:20,12,SCT,M +2018-07-08 04:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-08 05:20,13,FEW,M +2018-07-08 06:20,15,M,M +2018-07-08 07:20,17,M,M +2018-07-08 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-08 09:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-08 10:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-08 11:20,22,SCT,M +2018-07-08 12:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-08 13:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-08 14:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-08 15:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-08 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-08 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-08 18:20,19,M,M +2018-07-08 19:20,18,M,M +2018-07-08 20:20,16,M,M +2018-07-08 21:20,15,M,M +2018-07-08 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-08 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-09 00:20,13,M,M +2018-07-09 01:20,12,M,M +2018-07-09 02:20,12,M,M +2018-07-09 03:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-09 04:20,13,BKN,M +2018-07-09 05:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-09 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-09 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-09 08:20,19,SCT,M +2018-07-09 09:20,19,SCT,M +2018-07-09 10:20,19,BKN,M +2018-07-09 11:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-09 12:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-09 13:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-09 14:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-09 15:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-09 16:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-09 17:20,16,SCT,M +2018-07-09 18:20,15,SCT,M +2018-07-09 19:20,15,SCT,M +2018-07-09 20:20,15,SCT,M +2018-07-09 21:20,14,SCT,M +2018-07-09 22:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-09 23:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-10 00:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-10 01:20,12,FEW,M +2018-07-10 02:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-07-10 03:20,12,BKN,-RA +2018-07-10 04:20,12,BKN,M +2018-07-10 05:20,13,SCT,M +2018-07-10 06:20,13,SCT,M +2018-07-10 07:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-07-10 08:20,15,SCT,M +2018-07-10 09:20,16,SCT,M +2018-07-10 10:20,17,SCT,M +2018-07-10 11:20,18,SCT,M +2018-07-10 12:20,19,SCT,VCSH +2018-07-10 13:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-10 14:20,18,SCT,M +2018-07-10 15:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-10 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-10 17:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-10 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-10 19:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-10 20:20,16,M,M +2018-07-10 21:20,15,M,M +2018-07-10 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-10 23:20,14,M,M +2018-07-11 00:20,12,M,M +2018-07-11 01:20,13,FEW,M +2018-07-11 02:20,13,FEW,M +2018-07-11 03:20,14,SCT,-RA +2018-07-11 04:20,15,SCT,-RA +2018-07-11 05:20,16,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 06:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 07:20,17,FEW,RA +2018-07-11 08:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 09:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 10:20,17,FEW,+RA +2018-07-11 11:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2018-07-11 12:20,19,SCT,-RA +2018-07-11 13:20,18,SCT,M +2018-07-11 14:20,19,SCT,-RA +2018-07-11 15:20,19,BKN,-RA +2018-07-11 16:20,18,SCT,-RA +2018-07-11 17:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 18:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-07-11 19:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-11 20:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-11 21:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-11 22:20,14,FEW,MIFG BR +2018-07-11 23:20,15,NSC,BR +2018-07-12 00:20,15,NSC,BR +2018-07-12 01:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-12 02:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-12 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-12 04:20,14,NSC,BR +2018-07-12 05:20,16,BKN,FG +2018-07-12 06:20,17,FEW,BR +2018-07-12 07:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-12 08:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-12 09:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-12 10:20,25,FEW,M +2018-07-12 11:20,24,SCT,M +2018-07-12 12:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-12 13:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-12 14:20,23,M,M +2018-07-12 15:20,23,FEW,VCSH +2018-07-12 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-12 17:20,23,M,M +2018-07-12 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-12 19:20,18,M,M +2018-07-12 20:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-12 21:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-12 22:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-12 23:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-13 00:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-13 01:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-13 02:20,15,OVC,M +2018-07-13 03:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-13 04:20,16,BKN,M +2018-07-13 05:20,16,OVC,M +2018-07-13 06:20,16,OVC,M +2018-07-13 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-13 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-13 09:20,19,BKN,M +2018-07-13 10:20,20,SCT,M +2018-07-13 11:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-13 12:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-13 13:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-13 14:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-13 15:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-13 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-13 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-13 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-07-13 19:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-13 20:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-13 21:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-13 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-13 23:20,13,FEW,M +2018-07-14 00:20,12,M,M +2018-07-14 01:20,12,SCT,M +2018-07-14 02:20,12,BKN,M +2018-07-14 03:20,13,BKN,M +2018-07-14 04:20,14,BKN,M +2018-07-14 05:20,15,BKN,M +2018-07-14 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-14 07:20,16,SCT,M +2018-07-14 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-14 09:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-14 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-07-14 11:20,17,SCT,M +2018-07-14 12:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-14 13:20,19,SCT,M +2018-07-14 14:20,19,SCT,M +2018-07-14 15:20,19,SCT,M +2018-07-14 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-14 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-14 18:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-14 19:20,17,BKN,M +2018-07-14 20:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-14 21:20,14,M,M +2018-07-14 22:20,12,M,M +2018-07-14 23:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-15 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-15 01:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-15 02:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-15 03:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-15 04:20,10,M,M +2018-07-15 05:20,15,M,M +2018-07-15 06:20,15,M,M +2018-07-15 07:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-15 08:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-15 09:20,20,SCT,M +2018-07-15 10:20,21,BKN,M +2018-07-15 11:20,21,SCT,M +2018-07-15 12:20,23,SCT,M +2018-07-15 13:20,24,SCT,M +2018-07-15 14:20,24,SCT,M +2018-07-15 15:20,25,M,M +2018-07-15 16:20,24,M,M +2018-07-15 17:20,25,M,M +2018-07-15 18:20,23,M,M +2018-07-15 19:20,22,M,M +2018-07-15 20:20,21,M,M +2018-07-15 21:20,17,M,M +2018-07-15 22:20,16,M,M +2018-07-15 23:20,14,M,M +2018-07-16 00:20,14,M,M +2018-07-16 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-16 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-16 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-16 04:20,14,M,M +2018-07-16 05:20,18,M,M +2018-07-16 06:20,20,M,M +2018-07-16 07:20,23,M,M +2018-07-16 08:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-16 09:20,25,FEW,M +2018-07-16 10:20,25,M,M +2018-07-16 11:20,27,M,M +2018-07-16 12:20,26,M,M +2018-07-16 13:20,27,M,M +2018-07-16 14:20,27,M,M +2018-07-16 15:20,28,M,M +2018-07-16 16:20,27,M,M +2018-07-16 17:20,26,M,M +2018-07-16 18:20,25,M,M +2018-07-16 19:20,23,M,M +2018-07-16 20:20,20,M,M +2018-07-16 21:20,18,M,M +2018-07-16 22:20,17,M,M +2018-07-16 23:20,16,M,M +2018-07-17 00:20,15,M,M +2018-07-17 01:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-17 02:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-17 03:20,13,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-17 04:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-17 05:20,17,M,M +2018-07-17 06:20,22,M,M +2018-07-17 07:20,24,M,M +2018-07-17 08:20,25,M,M +2018-07-17 09:20,27,M,M +2018-07-17 10:20,27,FEW,M +2018-07-17 11:20,28,M,M +2018-07-17 12:20,27,M,M +2018-07-17 13:20,29,M,M +2018-07-17 14:20,28,M,M +2018-07-17 15:20,29,M,M +2018-07-17 16:20,29,M,M +2018-07-17 17:20,28,M,M +2018-07-17 18:20,27,M,M +2018-07-17 19:20,23,M,M +2018-07-17 20:20,20,M,M +2018-07-17 21:20,20,NSC,VCSH +2018-07-17 22:20,20,M,M +2018-07-17 23:20,19,SCT,-SHRA +2018-07-18 00:20,18,M,M +2018-07-18 01:20,17,M,M +2018-07-18 02:20,16,M,M +2018-07-18 03:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-18 04:20,15,FEW,M +2018-07-18 05:20,16,FEW,M +2018-07-18 06:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-18 07:20,18,BKN,M +2018-07-18 08:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-18 09:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-18 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-18 11:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-18 12:20,23,SCT,M +2018-07-18 13:20,23,SCT,M +2018-07-18 14:20,24,SCT,M +2018-07-18 15:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-18 16:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-18 17:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-18 18:20,21,M,M +2018-07-18 19:20,19,M,M +2018-07-18 20:20,17,M,M +2018-07-18 21:20,16,M,M +2018-07-18 22:20,15,M,M +2018-07-18 23:20,14,M,M +2018-07-19 00:20,13,M,M +2018-07-19 01:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-19 02:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-19 03:20,11,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-19 04:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-19 05:20,14,M,M +2018-07-19 06:20,16,M,M +2018-07-19 07:20,19,M,M +2018-07-19 08:20,21,M,M +2018-07-19 09:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-19 10:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-19 11:20,24,SCT,M +2018-07-19 12:20,25,M,M +2018-07-19 13:20,24,M,M +2018-07-19 14:20,23,M,M +2018-07-19 15:20,23,M,M +2018-07-19 16:20,23,M,M +2018-07-19 17:20,22,M,M +2018-07-19 18:20,22,M,M +2018-07-19 19:20,19,M,M +2018-07-19 20:20,17,M,M +2018-07-19 21:20,14,M,M +2018-07-19 22:20,14,M,M +2018-07-19 23:20,13,M,M +2018-07-20 00:20,12,M,M +2018-07-20 01:20,11,M,M +2018-07-20 02:20,11,M,M +2018-07-20 03:20,11,M,M +2018-07-20 04:20,11,M,M +2018-07-20 05:20,14,M,M +2018-07-20 06:20,17,M,M +2018-07-20 07:20,18,M,M +2018-07-20 08:20,20,M,M +2018-07-20 09:20,21,M,M +2018-07-20 10:20,22,M,M +2018-07-20 11:20,24,M,M +2018-07-20 12:20,26,M,M +2018-07-20 13:20,25,M,M +2018-07-20 14:20,27,M,M +2018-07-20 15:20,26,M,M +2018-07-20 16:20,26,M,M +2018-07-20 17:20,26,M,M +2018-07-20 18:20,24,M,M +2018-07-20 19:20,22,M,M +2018-07-20 20:20,21,M,M +2018-07-20 21:20,20,M,M +2018-07-20 22:20,17,M,M +2018-07-20 23:20,15,M,M +2018-07-21 00:20,14,M,M +2018-07-21 01:20,14,M,M +2018-07-21 02:20,14,M,M +2018-07-21 03:20,14,M,M +2018-07-21 04:20,15,M,M +2018-07-21 05:20,18,M,M +2018-07-21 06:20,20,M,M +2018-07-21 07:20,21,M,M +2018-07-21 08:20,22,M,M +2018-07-21 09:20,23,M,M +2018-07-21 10:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 11:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 12:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 13:20,27,M,M +2018-07-21 14:20,27,M,M +2018-07-21 15:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 16:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 17:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 18:20,26,M,M +2018-07-21 19:20,23,M,M +2018-07-21 20:20,23,M,M +2018-07-21 21:20,21,M,M +2018-07-21 22:20,20,M,M +2018-07-21 23:20,19,M,M +2018-07-22 00:20,21,M,M +2018-07-22 01:20,19,M,M +2018-07-22 02:20,19,M,M +2018-07-22 03:20,17,M,M +2018-07-22 04:20,18,M,M +2018-07-22 05:20,21,M,M +2018-07-22 06:20,22,M,M +2018-07-22 07:20,22,M,M +2018-07-22 08:20,25,M,M +2018-07-22 09:20,26,M,M +2018-07-22 10:20,28,M,M +2018-07-22 11:20,28,M,M +2018-07-22 12:20,27,M,M +2018-07-22 13:20,26,M,M +2018-07-22 14:20,26,M,M +2018-07-22 15:20,25,FEW,M +2018-07-22 16:20,24,FEW,M +2018-07-22 17:20,23,FEW,M +2018-07-22 18:20,22,FEW,M +2018-07-22 19:20,20,M,M +2018-07-22 20:20,18,M,M +2018-07-22 21:20,17,M,M +2018-07-22 22:20,17,M,M +2018-07-22 23:20,16,M,M +2018-07-23 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-23 01:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-23 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-23 03:20,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-23 04:20,14,FEW,M +2018-07-23 05:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-23 06:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-23 07:20,21,SCT,M +2018-07-23 08:20,21,SCT,M +2018-07-23 09:20,23,SCT,M +2018-07-23 10:20,23,SCT,M +2018-07-23 11:20,25,SCT,M +2018-07-23 12:20,26,SCT,M +2018-07-23 13:20,25,SCT,M +2018-07-23 14:20,26,SCT,M +2018-07-23 15:20,27,FEW,M +2018-07-23 16:20,27,FEW,M +2018-07-23 17:20,27,FEW,M +2018-07-23 18:20,25,M,M +2018-07-23 19:20,23,M,M +2018-07-23 20:20,21,M,M +2018-07-23 21:20,19,M,M +2018-07-23 22:20,18,M,M +2018-07-23 23:20,18,M,M +2018-07-24 00:20,17,M,M +2018-07-24 01:20,16,M,M +2018-07-24 02:20,16,M,M +2018-07-24 03:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-24 04:20,16,M,M +2018-07-24 05:20,21,M,M +2018-07-24 06:20,24,M,M +2018-07-24 07:20,26,M,M +2018-07-24 08:20,27,M,M +2018-07-24 09:20,28,M,M +2018-07-24 10:20,30,M,M +2018-07-24 11:20,30,M,M +2018-07-24 12:20,31,M,M +2018-07-24 13:20,33,M,M +2018-07-24 14:20,31,M,M +2018-07-24 15:20,32,M,M +2018-07-24 16:20,32,M,M +2018-07-24 17:20,32,M,M +2018-07-24 18:20,31,M,M +2018-07-24 19:20,27,FEW,M +2018-07-24 20:20,26,M,M +2018-07-24 21:20,24,M,M +2018-07-24 22:20,22,M,M +2018-07-24 23:20,21,M,M +2018-07-25 00:20,21,M,M +2018-07-25 01:20,21,M,M +2018-07-25 02:20,20,M,M +2018-07-25 03:20,19,M,M +2018-07-25 04:20,20,M,M +2018-07-25 05:20,22,M,M +2018-07-25 06:20,26,M,M +2018-07-25 07:20,28,M,M +2018-07-25 08:20,31,M,M +2018-07-25 09:20,32,M,M +2018-07-25 10:20,31,M,M +2018-07-25 11:20,32,SCT,M +2018-07-25 12:20,34,SCT,M +2018-07-25 13:20,34,FEW,VCSH +2018-07-25 14:20,32,FEW,-SHRA VCTS +2018-07-25 15:20,24,FEW,-SHRA +2018-07-25 16:20,24,NSC,VCSH +2018-07-25 17:20,25,M,M +2018-07-25 18:20,26,M,M +2018-07-25 19:20,25,M,M +2018-07-25 20:20,23,M,M +2018-07-25 21:20,21,M,M +2018-07-25 22:20,20,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-25 23:20,20,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 00:20,20,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 01:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 02:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 03:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 04:20,19,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-26 05:20,22,M,M +2018-07-26 06:20,25,M,M +2018-07-26 07:20,27,M,M +2018-07-26 08:20,29,M,M +2018-07-26 09:20,31,M,M +2018-07-26 10:20,32,M,M +2018-07-26 11:20,33,M,M +2018-07-26 12:20,33,M,M +2018-07-26 13:20,34,M,M +2018-07-26 14:20,33,M,M +2018-07-26 15:20,33,M,M +2018-07-26 16:20,32,M,M +2018-07-26 17:20,31,M,M +2018-07-26 18:20,29,M,M +2018-07-26 19:20,27,M,M +2018-07-26 20:20,26,M,M +2018-07-26 21:20,25,M,M +2018-07-26 22:20,24,M,M +2018-07-26 23:20,22,M,M +2018-07-27 00:20,21,M,M +2018-07-27 01:20,20,M,M +2018-07-27 02:20,20,M,M +2018-07-27 03:20,18,M,M +2018-07-27 04:20,19,M,M +2018-07-27 05:20,22,M,M +2018-07-27 06:20,24,M,M +2018-07-27 07:20,26,M,M +2018-07-27 08:20,28,M,M +2018-07-27 09:20,28,M,M +2018-07-27 10:20,29,M,M +2018-07-27 11:20,31,M,M +2018-07-27 12:20,32,M,M +2018-07-27 13:20,32,M,M +2018-07-27 14:20,31,M,M +2018-07-27 15:20,31,M,M +2018-07-27 16:20,30,M,M +2018-07-27 17:20,29,M,M +2018-07-27 18:20,28,M,M +2018-07-27 19:20,26,M,M +2018-07-27 20:20,26,M,M +2018-07-27 21:20,25,M,M +2018-07-27 22:20,24,M,M +2018-07-27 23:20,23,M,M +2018-07-28 00:20,22,M,M +2018-07-28 01:20,21,M,M +2018-07-28 02:20,21,M,M +2018-07-28 03:20,20,M,M +2018-07-28 04:20,21,M,M +2018-07-28 05:20,22,M,M +2018-07-28 06:20,24,M,M +2018-07-28 07:20,26,M,M +2018-07-28 08:20,28,M,M +2018-07-28 09:20,30,M,M +2018-07-28 10:20,30,M,M +2018-07-28 11:20,30,M,M +2018-07-28 12:20,32,FEW,M +2018-07-28 13:20,31,FEW,M +2018-07-28 14:20,20,FEW,TSRA +2018-07-28 15:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2018-07-28 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-28 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-28 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-07-28 19:20,20,FEW,M +2018-07-28 20:20,20,M,M +2018-07-28 21:20,19,M,M +2018-07-28 22:20,19,FEW,M +2018-07-28 23:20,18,FEW,M +2018-07-29 00:20,18,NSC,MIFG +2018-07-29 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-29 02:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-29 03:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-29 04:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-07-29 05:20,17,M,M +2018-07-29 06:20,19,M,M +2018-07-29 07:20,21,M,M +2018-07-29 08:20,22,M,M +2018-07-29 09:20,23,M,M +2018-07-29 10:20,24,M,M +2018-07-29 11:20,25,M,M +2018-07-29 12:20,26,M,M +2018-07-29 13:20,27,M,M +2018-07-29 14:20,28,M,M +2018-07-29 15:20,28,M,M +2018-07-29 16:20,29,M,M +2018-07-29 17:20,28,M,M +2018-07-29 18:20,27,M,M +2018-07-29 19:20,27,M,M +2018-07-29 20:20,25,M,M +2018-07-29 21:20,25,M,M +2018-07-29 22:20,24,M,M +2018-07-29 23:20,23,M,M +2018-07-30 00:20,22,M,M +2018-07-30 01:20,21,M,M +2018-07-30 02:20,21,M,M +2018-07-30 03:20,20,M,M +2018-07-30 04:20,22,M,M +2018-07-30 05:20,23,M,M +2018-07-30 06:20,24,M,M +2018-07-30 07:20,26,M,M +2018-07-30 08:20,26,M,M +2018-07-30 09:20,27,M,M +2018-07-30 10:20,28,M,M +2018-07-30 11:20,29,M,M +2018-07-30 12:20,31,M,M +2018-07-30 13:20,30,M,M +2018-07-30 14:20,31,M,M +2018-07-30 15:20,32,M,M +2018-07-30 16:20,32,M,M +2018-07-30 17:20,31,M,M +2018-07-30 18:20,30,M,M +2018-07-30 19:20,27,M,M +2018-07-30 20:20,26,M,M +2018-07-30 21:20,25,M,M +2018-07-30 22:20,24,M,M +2018-07-30 23:20,25,M,M +2018-07-31 00:20,24,M,M +2018-07-31 01:20,24,M,M +2018-07-31 02:20,23,M,M +2018-07-31 03:20,22,M,M +2018-07-31 04:20,23,M,M +2018-07-31 05:20,24,M,M +2018-07-31 06:20,26,M,M +2018-07-31 07:20,26,M,M +2018-07-31 08:20,28,M,M +2018-07-31 09:20,30,M,M +2018-07-31 10:20,31,M,M +2018-07-31 11:20,32,M,M +2018-07-31 12:20,32,M,M +2018-07-31 13:20,33,M,M +2018-07-31 14:20,34,FEW,M +2018-07-31 15:20,33,M,M +2018-07-31 16:20,33,M,M +2018-07-31 17:20,28,M,M +2018-07-31 18:20,26,M,M +2018-07-31 19:20,24,M,M +2018-07-31 20:20,23,M,M +2018-07-31 21:20,22,M,M +2018-07-31 22:20,21,M,M +2018-07-31 23:20,20,M,M +2018-08-01 00:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-01 01:20,19,NSC,VCTS +2018-08-01 02:20,19,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-01 03:20,19,M,M +2018-08-01 04:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-01 05:20,19,M,M +2018-08-01 06:20,20,M,M +2018-08-01 07:20,22,M,M +2018-08-01 08:20,23,FEW,M +2018-08-01 09:20,24,FEW,M +2018-08-01 10:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-01 11:20,26,M,M +2018-08-01 12:20,27,M,M +2018-08-01 13:20,27,M,M +2018-08-01 14:20,28,M,M +2018-08-01 15:20,27,M,M +2018-08-01 16:20,27,M,M +2018-08-01 17:20,26,M,M +2018-08-01 18:20,24,M,M +2018-08-01 19:20,22,M,M +2018-08-01 20:20,20,M,M +2018-08-01 21:20,19,M,M +2018-08-01 22:20,19,M,M +2018-08-01 23:20,18,M,M +2018-08-02 00:20,17,M,M +2018-08-02 01:20,17,M,M +2018-08-02 02:20,17,M,M +2018-08-02 03:20,17,M,M +2018-08-02 04:20,18,M,M +2018-08-02 05:20,19,M,M +2018-08-02 06:20,22,M,M +2018-08-02 07:20,25,M,M +2018-08-02 08:20,27,M,M +2018-08-02 09:20,28,M,M +2018-08-02 10:20,29,M,M +2018-08-02 11:20,30,M,M +2018-08-02 12:20,29,M,M +2018-08-02 13:20,31,M,M +2018-08-02 14:20,31,M,M +2018-08-02 15:20,30,M,M +2018-08-02 16:20,30,M,M +2018-08-02 17:20,29,M,M +2018-08-02 18:20,27,M,M +2018-08-02 19:20,25,M,M +2018-08-02 20:20,24,M,M +2018-08-02 21:20,22,M,M +2018-08-02 22:20,20,M,M +2018-08-02 23:20,20,M,M +2018-08-03 00:20,20,M,M +2018-08-03 01:20,19,M,M +2018-08-03 02:20,18,M,M +2018-08-03 03:20,18,M,M +2018-08-03 04:20,18,M,M +2018-08-03 05:20,22,M,M +2018-08-03 06:20,24,M,M +2018-08-03 07:20,26,M,M +2018-08-03 08:20,28,M,M +2018-08-03 09:20,29,M,M +2018-08-03 10:20,31,M,M +2018-08-03 11:20,31,M,M +2018-08-03 12:20,32,M,M +2018-08-03 13:20,33,M,M +2018-08-03 14:20,32,M,M +2018-08-03 15:20,32,M,M +2018-08-03 16:20,31,M,M +2018-08-03 17:20,30,M,M +2018-08-03 18:20,28,M,M +2018-08-03 19:20,26,M,M +2018-08-03 20:20,23,M,M +2018-08-03 21:20,23,M,M +2018-08-03 22:20,21,M,M +2018-08-03 23:20,21,M,M +2018-08-04 00:20,20,M,M +2018-08-04 01:20,19,M,M +2018-08-04 02:20,18,M,M +2018-08-04 03:20,17,M,M +2018-08-04 04:20,18,M,M +2018-08-04 05:20,19,M,M +2018-08-04 06:20,21,M,M +2018-08-04 07:20,22,M,M +2018-08-04 08:20,24,M,M +2018-08-04 09:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-04 10:20,27,SCT,M +2018-08-04 11:20,28,SCT,M +2018-08-04 12:20,28,SCT,M +2018-08-04 13:20,28,SCT,M +2018-08-04 14:20,28,SCT,M +2018-08-04 15:20,28,M,M +2018-08-04 16:20,27,M,M +2018-08-04 17:20,25,M,M +2018-08-04 18:20,23,M,M +2018-08-04 19:20,22,M,M +2018-08-04 20:20,21,M,M +2018-08-04 21:20,20,M,M +2018-08-04 22:20,19,M,M +2018-08-04 23:20,18,M,M +2018-08-05 00:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-05 01:20,18,BKN,M +2018-08-05 02:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-05 03:20,16,M,M +2018-08-05 04:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-05 05:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-05 06:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-05 07:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-05 08:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-05 09:20,22,BKN,M +2018-08-05 10:20,22,BKN,M +2018-08-05 11:20,22,M,M +2018-08-05 12:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-05 13:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-05 14:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-05 15:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-05 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-05 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-05 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-05 19:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-05 20:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-05 21:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-05 22:20,17,M,M +2018-08-05 23:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2018-08-06 00:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-06 01:20,16,SCT,MIFG +2018-08-06 02:20,14,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-06 03:20,13,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-06 04:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-06 05:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-06 06:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-06 07:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-06 08:20,22,M,M +2018-08-06 09:20,24,M,M +2018-08-06 10:20,25,M,M +2018-08-06 11:20,26,M,M +2018-08-06 12:20,28,M,M +2018-08-06 13:20,29,M,M +2018-08-06 14:20,30,M,M +2018-08-06 15:20,30,M,M +2018-08-06 16:20,30,M,M +2018-08-06 17:20,29,M,M +2018-08-06 18:20,26,M,M +2018-08-06 19:20,24,M,M +2018-08-06 20:20,23,M,M +2018-08-06 21:20,21,M,M +2018-08-06 22:20,21,M,M +2018-08-06 23:20,19,M,M +2018-08-07 00:20,18,M,M +2018-08-07 01:20,17,M,M +2018-08-07 02:20,17,M,M +2018-08-07 03:20,17,M,M +2018-08-07 04:20,18,M,M +2018-08-07 05:20,20,M,M +2018-08-07 06:20,22,M,M +2018-08-07 07:20,25,M,M +2018-08-07 08:20,27,M,M +2018-08-07 09:20,30,M,M +2018-08-07 10:20,31,M,M +2018-08-07 11:20,33,M,M +2018-08-07 12:20,34,M,M +2018-08-07 13:20,34,M,M +2018-08-07 14:20,35,M,M +2018-08-07 15:20,35,M,M +2018-08-07 16:20,35,M,M +2018-08-07 17:20,35,M,M +2018-08-07 18:20,33,M,M +2018-08-07 19:20,28,M,M +2018-08-07 20:20,28,M,M +2018-08-07 21:20,28,M,M +2018-08-07 22:20,27,M,M +2018-08-07 23:20,25,M,M +2018-08-08 00:20,24,M,M +2018-08-08 01:20,23,M,M +2018-08-08 02:20,24,M,M +2018-08-08 03:20,22,M,M +2018-08-08 04:20,23,M,M +2018-08-08 05:20,23,M,M +2018-08-08 06:20,25,M,M +2018-08-08 07:20,26,M,M +2018-08-08 08:20,26,M,M +2018-08-08 09:20,28,M,M +2018-08-08 10:20,29,M,M +2018-08-08 11:20,31,M,M +2018-08-08 12:20,31,M,M +2018-08-08 13:20,31,M,M +2018-08-08 14:20,30,M,M +2018-08-08 15:20,29,M,M +2018-08-08 16:20,28,M,M +2018-08-08 17:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-08 18:20,24,FEW,M +2018-08-08 19:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-08 20:20,21,M,M +2018-08-08 21:20,20,M,M +2018-08-08 22:20,19,M,M +2018-08-08 23:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-09 00:20,17,FEW,MIFG +2018-08-09 01:20,16,FEW,MIFG +2018-08-09 02:20,16,SCT,MIFG +2018-08-09 03:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2018-08-09 04:20,15,FEW,MIFG +2018-08-09 05:20,19,M,M +2018-08-09 06:20,21,M,M +2018-08-09 07:20,21,M,M +2018-08-09 08:20,23,M,M +2018-08-09 09:20,25,M,M +2018-08-09 10:20,26,M,M +2018-08-09 11:20,27,M,M +2018-08-09 12:20,27,SCT,-SHRA +2018-08-09 13:20,29,M,M +2018-08-09 14:20,31,M,M +2018-08-09 15:20,31,M,M +2018-08-09 16:20,30,FEW,M +2018-08-09 17:20,28,FEW,-TSRA +2018-08-09 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-09 19:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-09 20:20,20,M,M +2018-08-09 21:20,20,M,M +2018-08-09 22:20,20,M,M +2018-08-09 23:20,21,M,M +2018-08-10 00:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-10 01:20,19,M,M +2018-08-10 02:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-10 03:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-10 04:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-10 05:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-10 06:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-10 07:20,18,BKN,M +2018-08-10 08:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-10 09:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-10 10:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-10 11:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-10 12:20,22,SCT,M +2018-08-10 13:20,23,M,M +2018-08-10 14:20,21,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-10 15:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-10 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-10 17:20,19,M,M +2018-08-10 18:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-10 19:20,16,M,M +2018-08-10 20:20,14,M,M +2018-08-10 21:20,16,M,M +2018-08-10 22:20,15,M,M +2018-08-10 23:20,15,M,M +2018-08-11 00:20,15,M,M +2018-08-11 01:20,15,M,M +2018-08-11 02:20,15,M,M +2018-08-11 03:20,15,M,M +2018-08-11 04:20,15,NSC,-RA +2018-08-11 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-08-11 06:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-11 07:20,14,BKN,M +2018-08-11 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-11 09:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-11 10:20,15,SCT,M +2018-08-11 11:20,16,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-11 12:20,16,FEW,SHRA +2018-08-11 13:20,15,FEW,SHRA +2018-08-11 14:20,18,FEW,SHRA +2018-08-11 15:20,16,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-11 16:20,18,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-11 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-11 18:20,17,SCT,M +2018-08-11 19:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-11 20:20,14,M,M +2018-08-11 21:20,13,M,M +2018-08-11 22:20,14,M,M +2018-08-11 23:20,13,M,M +2018-08-12 00:20,14,M,M +2018-08-12 01:20,12,M,M +2018-08-12 02:20,13,M,M +2018-08-12 03:20,12,M,M +2018-08-12 04:20,12,M,M +2018-08-12 05:20,13,M,M +2018-08-12 06:20,15,M,M +2018-08-12 07:20,17,M,M +2018-08-12 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-12 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-12 10:20,20,M,M +2018-08-12 11:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-12 12:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-12 13:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-12 14:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-12 15:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-12 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-12 17:20,22,M,M +2018-08-12 18:20,22,M,M +2018-08-12 19:20,21,M,M +2018-08-12 20:20,20,M,M +2018-08-12 21:20,20,M,M +2018-08-12 22:20,20,M,M +2018-08-12 23:20,19,M,M +2018-08-13 00:20,18,M,M +2018-08-13 01:20,18,M,M +2018-08-13 02:20,18,M,M +2018-08-13 03:20,18,M,M +2018-08-13 04:20,17,M,M +2018-08-13 05:20,18,M,M +2018-08-13 06:20,19,M,M +2018-08-13 07:20,20,M,M +2018-08-13 08:20,23,M,M +2018-08-13 09:20,25,M,M +2018-08-13 10:20,27,M,M +2018-08-13 11:20,28,M,M +2018-08-13 12:20,27,M,M +2018-08-13 13:20,24,M,M +2018-08-13 14:20,24,NSC,-RA +2018-08-13 15:20,22,NSC,-RA +2018-08-13 16:20,23,NSC,-RA +2018-08-13 17:20,22,NSC,-RA +2018-08-13 18:20,19,FEW,-RA +2018-08-13 19:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-13 20:20,17,M,M +2018-08-13 21:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-13 22:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-13 23:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 00:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 01:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 02:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 03:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 04:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-14 05:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-14 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-14 07:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-14 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-14 09:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-14 10:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-14 11:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-14 12:20,20,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-14 13:20,22,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-14 14:20,23,SCT,M +2018-08-14 15:20,23,FEW,M +2018-08-14 16:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-14 17:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-14 18:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-14 19:20,18,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-14 20:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-14 21:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-14 22:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-14 23:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-15 00:20,17,M,M +2018-08-15 01:20,16,M,M +2018-08-15 02:20,15,M,M +2018-08-15 03:20,15,M,M +2018-08-15 04:20,16,M,M +2018-08-15 05:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-15 06:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-15 07:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-15 08:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-15 09:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-15 10:20,21,SCT,M +2018-08-15 11:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-15 12:20,22,SCT,M +2018-08-15 13:20,23,SCT,M +2018-08-15 14:20,22,BKN,M +2018-08-15 15:20,22,BKN,M +2018-08-15 16:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-15 17:20,22,SCT,M +2018-08-15 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-15 19:20,20,M,M +2018-08-15 20:20,19,M,M +2018-08-15 21:20,18,M,M +2018-08-15 22:20,17,M,M +2018-08-15 23:20,16,M,M +2018-08-16 00:20,16,M,M +2018-08-16 01:20,16,NSC,BCFG +2018-08-16 02:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-16 03:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-16 04:20,16,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-16 05:20,17,M,M +2018-08-16 06:20,18,M,M +2018-08-16 07:20,20,M,M +2018-08-16 08:20,22,FEW,M +2018-08-16 09:20,23,FEW,M +2018-08-16 10:20,25,FEW,M +2018-08-16 11:20,26,SCT,M +2018-08-16 12:20,26,BKN,M +2018-08-16 13:20,28,M,M +2018-08-16 14:20,28,M,M +2018-08-16 15:20,28,M,M +2018-08-16 16:20,28,M,M +2018-08-16 17:20,27,M,M +2018-08-16 18:20,25,M,M +2018-08-16 19:20,23,M,M +2018-08-16 20:20,21,M,M +2018-08-16 21:20,20,M,M +2018-08-16 22:20,18,M,M +2018-08-16 23:20,17,M,M +2018-08-17 00:20,16,M,M +2018-08-17 01:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-17 02:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-17 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-17 04:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-08-17 05:20,16,M,M +2018-08-17 06:20,17,M,M +2018-08-17 07:20,19,M,M +2018-08-17 08:20,21,M,M +2018-08-17 09:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-17 10:20,19,FEW,-RA +2018-08-17 11:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-08-17 12:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-17 13:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-17 14:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-17 15:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-17 16:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-17 17:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-17 18:20,18,M,M +2018-08-17 19:20,17,M,M +2018-08-17 20:20,14,M,M +2018-08-17 21:20,13,M,M +2018-08-17 22:20,13,M,M +2018-08-17 23:20,12,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-18 00:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-18 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-08-18 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG BR +2018-08-18 03:20,10,NSC,PRFG +2018-08-18 04:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-18 05:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-18 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-18 07:20,19,M,M +2018-08-18 08:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-18 09:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-18 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-18 11:20,23,FEW,M +2018-08-18 12:20,23,M,M +2018-08-18 13:20,24,M,M +2018-08-18 14:20,24,M,M +2018-08-18 15:20,23,M,M +2018-08-18 16:20,23,M,M +2018-08-18 17:20,23,M,M +2018-08-18 18:20,22,M,M +2018-08-18 19:20,20,M,M +2018-08-18 20:20,19,M,M +2018-08-18 21:20,17,M,M +2018-08-18 22:20,17,M,M +2018-08-18 23:20,17,SCT,M +2018-08-19 00:20,16,M,M +2018-08-19 01:20,16,M,M +2018-08-19 02:20,15,M,M +2018-08-19 03:20,15,M,M +2018-08-19 04:20,15,M,M +2018-08-19 05:20,16,BKN,M +2018-08-19 06:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-19 07:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-19 08:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-19 09:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-19 10:20,21,SCT,M +2018-08-19 11:20,23,SCT,M +2018-08-19 12:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-19 13:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-19 14:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-19 15:20,25,M,M +2018-08-19 16:20,25,M,M +2018-08-19 17:20,24,M,M +2018-08-19 18:20,23,M,M +2018-08-19 19:20,20,M,M +2018-08-19 20:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-19 21:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-19 22:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-19 23:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-20 00:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-20 01:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-20 02:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-20 03:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-20 04:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-20 05:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-20 06:20,19,FEW,-RADZ +2018-08-20 07:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-20 08:20,19,FEW,-RADZ +2018-08-20 09:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-20 10:20,20,BKN,-RA +2018-08-20 11:20,20,SCT,-SHRA +2018-08-20 12:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-20 13:20,21,SCT,M +2018-08-20 14:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-20 15:20,21,SCT,M +2018-08-20 16:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-20 17:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-20 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-20 19:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-20 20:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-20 21:20,15,M,M +2018-08-20 22:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-20 23:20,12,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-21 00:20,12,BKN,MIFG +2018-08-21 01:20,13,BKN,M +2018-08-21 02:20,13,BKN,M +2018-08-21 03:20,14,BKN,M +2018-08-21 04:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-21 05:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-21 06:20,15,SCT,M +2018-08-21 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-21 08:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-21 09:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-21 10:20,21,BKN,M +2018-08-21 11:20,22,BKN,M +2018-08-21 12:20,23,BKN,M +2018-08-21 13:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-21 14:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-21 15:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-21 16:20,24,FEW,M +2018-08-21 17:20,23,FEW,M +2018-08-21 18:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-21 19:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-21 20:20,18,M,M +2018-08-21 21:20,18,M,M +2018-08-21 22:20,17,M,M +2018-08-21 23:20,16,M,M +2018-08-22 00:20,16,M,M +2018-08-22 01:20,15,M,M +2018-08-22 02:20,15,M,M +2018-08-22 03:20,14,M,M +2018-08-22 04:20,14,M,M +2018-08-22 05:20,16,M,M +2018-08-22 06:20,18,M,M +2018-08-22 07:20,20,M,M +2018-08-22 08:20,22,M,M +2018-08-22 09:20,24,M,M +2018-08-22 10:20,26,M,M +2018-08-22 11:20,26,M,M +2018-08-22 12:20,27,M,M +2018-08-22 13:20,29,M,M +2018-08-22 14:20,29,M,M +2018-08-22 15:20,30,M,M +2018-08-22 16:20,29,M,M +2018-08-22 17:20,28,M,M +2018-08-22 18:20,24,M,M +2018-08-22 19:20,21,M,M +2018-08-22 20:20,20,M,M +2018-08-22 21:20,19,M,M +2018-08-22 22:20,18,M,M +2018-08-22 23:20,16,M,M +2018-08-23 00:20,15,M,M +2018-08-23 01:20,14,M,M +2018-08-23 02:20,14,M,M +2018-08-23 03:20,14,M,M +2018-08-23 04:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-08-23 05:20,16,BKN,BR +2018-08-23 06:20,17,FEW,BR +2018-08-23 07:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-23 08:20,21,FEW,M +2018-08-23 09:20,23,BKN,M +2018-08-23 10:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-23 11:20,24,SCT,M +2018-08-23 12:20,25,SCT,M +2018-08-23 13:20,26,SCT,M +2018-08-23 14:20,27,FEW,M +2018-08-23 15:20,26,FEW,M +2018-08-23 16:20,25,FEW,M +2018-08-23 17:20,23,M,M +2018-08-23 18:20,22,M,M +2018-08-23 19:20,19,M,M +2018-08-23 20:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-23 21:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-23 22:20,20,BKN,M +2018-08-23 23:20,20,M,M +2018-08-24 00:20,18,M,M +2018-08-24 01:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-24 02:20,19,BKN,M +2018-08-24 03:20,16,SCT,M +2018-08-24 04:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-24 05:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-24 06:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-24 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-24 08:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-24 09:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-24 10:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-24 11:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-24 12:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-24 13:20,18,SCT,-SHRA +2018-08-24 14:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-24 15:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-24 16:20,17,FEW,VCTS VCSH +2018-08-24 17:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-24 18:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-24 19:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-24 20:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-24 21:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-24 22:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-24 23:20,11,M,M +2018-08-25 00:20,10,M,M +2018-08-25 01:20,10,M,M +2018-08-25 02:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-25 03:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2018-08-25 04:20,10,M,M +2018-08-25 05:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-25 06:20,13,M,M +2018-08-25 07:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-25 08:20,12,FEW,RA +2018-08-25 09:20,12,SCT,-RA +2018-08-25 10:20,13,BKN,M +2018-08-25 11:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2018-08-25 12:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-08-25 13:20,13,SCT,M +2018-08-25 14:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-25 15:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-25 16:20,14,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-25 17:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-25 18:20,12,FEW,M +2018-08-25 19:20,12,FEW,M +2018-08-25 20:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-25 21:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-25 22:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-25 23:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-26 00:20,10,M,M +2018-08-26 01:20,9,M,M +2018-08-26 02:20,9,SCT,M +2018-08-26 03:20,10,M,M +2018-08-26 04:20,9,FEW,M +2018-08-26 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-08-26 06:20,11,FEW,M +2018-08-26 07:20,13,FEW,M +2018-08-26 08:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-26 09:20,16,SCT,M +2018-08-26 10:20,16,SCT,M +2018-08-26 11:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-26 12:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-26 13:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-26 14:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-26 15:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-26 16:20,19,M,M +2018-08-26 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-26 18:20,15,M,M +2018-08-26 19:20,14,M,M +2018-08-26 20:20,16,M,M +2018-08-26 21:20,15,M,M +2018-08-26 22:20,15,M,M +2018-08-26 23:20,15,M,M +2018-08-27 00:20,15,M,M +2018-08-27 01:20,15,NSC,-RA +2018-08-27 02:20,14,NSC,-RA +2018-08-27 03:20,15,BKN,-RA +2018-08-27 04:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-08-27 05:20,14,BKN,M +2018-08-27 06:20,14,BKN,-RA +2018-08-27 07:20,15,BKN,M +2018-08-27 08:20,15,BKN,M +2018-08-27 09:20,15,BKN,M +2018-08-27 10:20,16,BKN,M +2018-08-27 11:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-27 12:20,21,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-27 13:20,17,FEW,VCSH +2018-08-27 14:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-27 15:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-27 16:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-27 17:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-27 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-27 19:20,16,M,M +2018-08-27 20:20,14,M,M +2018-08-27 21:20,14,M,M +2018-08-27 22:20,13,M,M +2018-08-27 23:20,13,M,M +2018-08-28 00:20,14,M,M +2018-08-28 01:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-28 02:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-28 03:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-28 04:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-28 05:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-28 06:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-28 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-28 08:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-28 09:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-28 10:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-28 11:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-28 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-28 13:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-28 14:20,20,SCT,M +2018-08-28 15:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-28 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-08-28 17:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-28 18:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-28 19:20,17,M,M +2018-08-28 20:20,17,M,M +2018-08-28 21:20,16,M,M +2018-08-28 22:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-28 23:20,14,FEW,M +2018-08-29 00:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-29 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-29 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-29 03:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-29 04:20,12,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-08-29 05:20,14,M,M +2018-08-29 06:20,15,M,M +2018-08-29 07:20,17,M,M +2018-08-29 08:20,19,M,M +2018-08-29 09:20,22,M,M +2018-08-29 10:20,23,M,M +2018-08-29 11:20,24,M,M +2018-08-29 12:20,25,M,M +2018-08-29 13:20,26,M,M +2018-08-29 14:20,26,M,M +2018-08-29 15:20,26,M,M +2018-08-29 16:20,25,M,M +2018-08-29 17:20,25,M,M +2018-08-29 18:20,20,M,M +2018-08-29 19:20,21,M,M +2018-08-29 20:20,19,M,M +2018-08-29 21:20,19,NSC,-RA +2018-08-29 22:20,18,M,M +2018-08-29 23:20,18,M,M +2018-08-30 00:20,18,M,M +2018-08-30 01:20,18,M,M +2018-08-30 02:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-08-30 03:20,16,FEW,RA +2018-08-30 04:20,16,FEW,RA +2018-08-30 05:20,16,BKN,-RA +2018-08-30 06:20,16,FEW,-RA BR +2018-08-30 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-30 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-30 09:20,17,BKN,M +2018-08-30 10:20,18,BKN,M +2018-08-30 11:20,16,BKN,-SHRA +2018-08-30 12:20,16,BKN,M +2018-08-30 13:20,16,FEW,-RA +2018-08-30 14:20,16,SCT,-RA +2018-08-30 15:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-30 16:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-30 17:20,17,FEW,M +2018-08-30 18:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-30 19:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-30 20:20,14,M,M +2018-08-30 21:20,13,M,M +2018-08-30 22:20,13,M,M +2018-08-30 23:20,12,M,M +2018-08-31 00:20,11,M,M +2018-08-31 01:20,12,M,M +2018-08-31 02:20,10,M,M +2018-08-31 03:20,10,M,M +2018-08-31 04:20,10,M,M +2018-08-31 05:20,10,M,M +2018-08-31 06:20,13,M,M +2018-08-31 07:20,15,FEW,M +2018-08-31 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-31 09:20,17,SCT,M +2018-08-31 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-31 11:20,18,SCT,M +2018-08-31 12:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-31 13:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-31 14:20,19,SCT,M +2018-08-31 15:20,19,FEW,M +2018-08-31 16:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-31 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-08-31 18:20,16,FEW,M +2018-08-31 19:20,16,M,M +2018-08-31 20:20,15,M,M +2018-08-31 21:20,13,M,M +2018-08-31 22:20,14,M,M +2018-08-31 23:20,13,M,M +2018-09-01 00:20,12,M,M +2018-09-01 01:20,11,M,M +2018-09-01 02:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-01 03:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-01 04:20,10,SCT,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-01 05:20,11,BKN,M +2018-09-01 06:20,13,BKN,BCFG +2018-09-01 07:20,13,FEW,BR +2018-09-01 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-01 09:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-01 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-01 11:20,21,SCT,M +2018-09-01 12:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-01 13:20,21,M,M +2018-09-01 14:20,21,M,M +2018-09-01 15:20,20,M,M +2018-09-01 16:20,20,M,M +2018-09-01 17:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-01 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-01 19:20,14,M,M +2018-09-01 20:20,13,M,M +2018-09-01 21:20,12,M,M +2018-09-01 22:20,11,M,M +2018-09-01 23:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-02 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-02 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-02 02:20,7,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-02 03:20,8,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-02 04:20,7,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-02 05:20,8,FEW,MIFG +2018-09-02 06:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-02 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-02 08:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-02 09:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-02 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-02 11:20,21,SCT,M +2018-09-02 12:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-02 13:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-02 14:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-02 15:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-02 16:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-02 17:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-02 18:20,19,M,M +2018-09-02 19:20,18,M,M +2018-09-02 20:20,18,M,M +2018-09-02 21:20,17,M,M +2018-09-02 22:20,17,M,M +2018-09-02 23:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 00:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 01:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 02:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 03:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 04:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 05:20,18,M,M +2018-09-03 06:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-09-03 07:20,19,M,M +2018-09-03 08:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-03 09:20,21,M,M +2018-09-03 10:20,23,M,M +2018-09-03 11:20,24,M,M +2018-09-03 12:20,27,FEW,M +2018-09-03 13:20,27,SCT,M +2018-09-03 14:20,27,M,M +2018-09-03 15:20,26,M,M +2018-09-03 16:20,25,M,M +2018-09-03 17:20,23,M,M +2018-09-03 18:20,21,M,M +2018-09-03 19:20,20,M,M +2018-09-03 20:20,19,M,M +2018-09-03 21:20,18,M,M +2018-09-03 22:20,17,M,M +2018-09-03 23:20,16,M,M +2018-09-04 00:20,16,M,M +2018-09-04 01:20,16,M,M +2018-09-04 02:20,16,SCT,M +2018-09-04 03:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-04 04:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-04 05:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-04 06:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-04 07:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-04 08:20,18,BKN,M +2018-09-04 09:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-04 10:20,22,FEW,M +2018-09-04 11:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-04 12:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-04 13:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-04 14:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-04 15:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-04 16:20,22,M,M +2018-09-04 17:20,21,M,M +2018-09-04 18:20,19,M,M +2018-09-04 19:20,17,M,M +2018-09-04 20:20,16,M,M +2018-09-04 21:20,15,M,M +2018-09-04 22:20,15,M,M +2018-09-04 23:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-05 00:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-05 01:20,13,NSC,BCFG MIFG BR +2018-09-05 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-09-05 03:20,13,SCT,BCFG +2018-09-05 04:20,13,SCT,FG +2018-09-05 05:20,14,VV ,FG +2018-09-05 06:20,15,VV ,FG +2018-09-05 07:20,16,OVC,BR +2018-09-05 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-05 09:20,18,BKN,M +2018-09-05 10:20,19,BKN,M +2018-09-05 11:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-05 12:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-05 13:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-05 14:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-05 15:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-05 16:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-05 17:20,21,M,M +2018-09-05 18:20,19,M,M +2018-09-05 19:20,18,M,M +2018-09-05 20:20,17,M,M +2018-09-05 21:20,16,M,M +2018-09-05 22:20,16,M,M +2018-09-05 23:20,15,M,M +2018-09-06 00:20,15,M,M +2018-09-06 01:20,16,M,M +2018-09-06 02:20,15,M,M +2018-09-06 03:20,14,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-06 04:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-06 05:20,14,FEW,MIFG +2018-09-06 06:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-06 07:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-06 08:20,18,FEW,M +2018-09-06 09:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-06 10:20,22,M,M +2018-09-06 11:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-06 12:20,25,FEW,M +2018-09-06 13:20,25,M,M +2018-09-06 14:20,24,M,M +2018-09-06 15:20,25,M,M +2018-09-06 16:20,25,M,M +2018-09-06 17:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-06 18:20,21,FEW,-RA +2018-09-06 19:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-06 20:20,19,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-06 21:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-09-06 22:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-09-06 23:20,17,FEW,-RA +2018-09-07 00:20,17,BKN,BR +2018-09-07 01:20,17,SCT,-RA BR +2018-09-07 02:20,17,FEW,-RA BR +2018-09-07 03:20,16,FEW,-RA BR +2018-09-07 04:20,16,FEW,BR +2018-09-07 05:20,16,BKN,BR +2018-09-07 06:20,16,BKN,BR +2018-09-07 07:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-07 08:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-07 09:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-07 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-07 11:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-07 12:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-07 13:20,17,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-07 14:20,17,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-07 15:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-07 16:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-07 17:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-07 18:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-07 19:20,12,M,M +2018-09-07 20:20,11,M,M +2018-09-07 21:20,11,M,M +2018-09-07 22:20,10,M,M +2018-09-07 23:20,10,M,M +2018-09-08 00:20,12,BKN,M +2018-09-08 01:20,12,M,M +2018-09-08 02:20,11,M,M +2018-09-08 03:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-08 04:20,10,M,M +2018-09-08 05:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-08 06:20,12,BKN,M +2018-09-08 07:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-08 08:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-08 09:20,16,SCT,M +2018-09-08 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-08 11:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-08 12:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-08 13:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-08 14:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-08 15:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-08 16:20,18,FEW,M +2018-09-08 17:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-08 18:20,16,M,M +2018-09-08 19:20,15,M,M +2018-09-08 20:20,16,M,M +2018-09-08 21:20,15,M,M +2018-09-08 22:20,16,M,M +2018-09-08 23:20,15,M,M +2018-09-09 00:20,15,M,M +2018-09-09 01:20,14,M,M +2018-09-09 02:20,13,M,M +2018-09-09 03:20,13,SCT,M +2018-09-09 04:20,14,M,M +2018-09-09 05:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-09 06:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-09 07:20,16,NSC,-RA +2018-09-09 08:20,17,M,M +2018-09-09 09:20,18,BKN,M +2018-09-09 10:20,19,BKN,M +2018-09-09 11:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-09 12:20,22,FEW,M +2018-09-09 13:20,23,SCT,M +2018-09-09 14:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-09 15:20,22,M,M +2018-09-09 16:20,21,M,M +2018-09-09 17:20,21,M,M +2018-09-09 18:20,18,M,M +2018-09-09 19:20,16,M,M +2018-09-09 20:20,15,M,M +2018-09-09 21:20,16,M,M +2018-09-09 22:20,15,M,M +2018-09-09 23:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 00:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 01:20,15,M,M +2018-09-10 02:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 03:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 04:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 05:20,16,M,M +2018-09-10 06:20,17,M,M +2018-09-10 07:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-10 08:20,18,M,M +2018-09-10 09:20,20,M,M +2018-09-10 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-10 11:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-10 12:20,22,SCT,M +2018-09-10 13:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-10 14:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-10 15:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-10 16:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-10 17:20,18,FEW,M +2018-09-10 18:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-10 19:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-10 20:20,15,M,M +2018-09-10 21:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-10 22:20,15,M,M +2018-09-10 23:20,15,M,M +2018-09-11 00:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-11 01:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-11 02:20,16,BKN,-RA +2018-09-11 03:20,15,NSC,-RA +2018-09-11 04:20,15,M,M +2018-09-11 05:20,15,NSC,-RA +2018-09-11 06:20,16,M,M +2018-09-11 07:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-11 08:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-11 09:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 10:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-11 11:20,21,BKN,M +2018-09-11 12:20,21,BKN,M +2018-09-11 13:20,21,BKN,M +2018-09-11 14:20,21,BKN,-RA +2018-09-11 15:20,21,BKN,-RA +2018-09-11 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-11 17:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 18:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 19:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 20:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 21:20,18,FEW,-RA +2018-09-11 22:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-11 23:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-12 00:20,16,FEW,-RADZ +2018-09-12 01:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2018-09-12 02:20,15,FEW,-RADZ +2018-09-12 03:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-12 04:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-09-12 05:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-09-12 06:20,14,SCT,-RADZ +2018-09-12 07:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-09-12 08:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-12 09:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2018-09-12 10:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-12 11:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-12 12:20,15,BKN,-DZ +2018-09-12 13:20,14,SCT,-DZRA +2018-09-12 14:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-12 15:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-12 16:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-12 17:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-12 18:20,13,M,M +2018-09-12 19:20,12,M,M +2018-09-12 20:20,12,M,M +2018-09-12 21:20,12,M,M +2018-09-12 22:20,12,FEW,MIFG +2018-09-12 23:20,11,FEW,BCFG +2018-09-13 00:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-13 01:20,11,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-13 02:20,10,FEW,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-13 03:20,11,BKN,M +2018-09-13 04:20,11,BKN,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-13 05:20,10,FEW,BCFG +2018-09-13 06:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-13 07:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-13 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-13 09:20,17,SCT,M +2018-09-13 10:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-13 11:20,17,SCT,M +2018-09-13 12:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-13 13:20,19,M,M +2018-09-13 14:20,19,M,M +2018-09-13 15:20,19,M,M +2018-09-13 16:20,18,M,M +2018-09-13 17:20,16,M,M +2018-09-13 18:20,14,M,M +2018-09-13 19:20,13,M,M +2018-09-13 20:20,10,M,M +2018-09-13 21:20,9,M,M +2018-09-13 22:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-13 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 00:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 01:20,8,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 02:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 03:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 04:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 05:20,7,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-14 06:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-14 07:20,14,M,M +2018-09-14 08:20,16,M,M +2018-09-14 09:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-14 10:20,18,M,M +2018-09-14 11:20,19,SCT,M +2018-09-14 12:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-14 13:20,18,SCT,M +2018-09-14 14:20,18,M,M +2018-09-14 15:20,18,M,M +2018-09-14 16:20,18,M,M +2018-09-14 17:20,16,M,M +2018-09-14 18:20,15,M,M +2018-09-14 19:20,13,M,M +2018-09-14 20:20,13,M,M +2018-09-14 21:20,13,M,M +2018-09-14 22:20,13,M,M +2018-09-14 23:20,14,M,M +2018-09-15 00:20,14,M,M +2018-09-15 01:20,13,M,M +2018-09-15 02:20,14,M,M +2018-09-15 03:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-15 04:20,12,M,M +2018-09-15 05:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-09-15 06:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-15 07:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-15 08:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-15 09:20,17,SCT,M +2018-09-15 10:20,17,SCT,M +2018-09-15 11:20,18,SCT,VCSH +2018-09-15 12:20,15,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-15 13:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-15 14:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-15 15:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-15 16:20,17,FEW,M +2018-09-15 17:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-15 18:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-15 19:20,13,M,M +2018-09-15 20:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-15 21:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-15 22:20,11,M,M +2018-09-15 23:20,10,M,M +2018-09-16 00:20,11,M,M +2018-09-16 01:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-16 02:20,10,SCT,MIFG +2018-09-16 03:20,10,M,M +2018-09-16 04:20,9,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-16 05:20,11,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-16 06:20,12,M,M +2018-09-16 07:20,14,M,M +2018-09-16 08:20,16,M,M +2018-09-16 09:20,18,M,M +2018-09-16 10:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-16 11:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-16 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-16 13:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-16 14:20,22,FEW,M +2018-09-16 15:20,21,M,M +2018-09-16 16:20,20,M,M +2018-09-16 17:20,19,M,M +2018-09-16 18:20,16,M,M +2018-09-16 19:20,14,M,M +2018-09-16 20:20,13,M,M +2018-09-16 21:20,12,M,M +2018-09-16 22:20,12,M,M +2018-09-16 23:20,13,M,M +2018-09-17 00:20,12,M,M +2018-09-17 01:20,11,M,M +2018-09-17 02:20,11,M,M +2018-09-17 03:20,10,M,M +2018-09-17 04:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-17 05:20,10,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-17 06:20,12,M,M +2018-09-17 07:20,16,M,M +2018-09-17 08:20,19,M,M +2018-09-17 09:20,21,M,M +2018-09-17 10:20,22,M,M +2018-09-17 11:20,22,M,M +2018-09-17 12:20,24,M,M +2018-09-17 13:20,24,M,M +2018-09-17 14:20,24,M,M +2018-09-17 15:20,24,M,M +2018-09-17 16:20,24,M,M +2018-09-17 17:20,19,M,M +2018-09-17 18:20,17,M,M +2018-09-17 19:20,15,M,M +2018-09-17 20:20,14,M,M +2018-09-17 21:20,13,M,M +2018-09-17 22:20,14,M,M +2018-09-17 23:20,13,M,M +2018-09-18 00:20,13,M,M +2018-09-18 01:20,13,M,M +2018-09-18 02:20,12,M,M +2018-09-18 03:20,14,M,M +2018-09-18 04:20,14,M,M +2018-09-18 05:20,14,M,M +2018-09-18 06:20,15,M,M +2018-09-18 07:20,18,M,M +2018-09-18 08:20,21,M,M +2018-09-18 09:20,24,M,M +2018-09-18 10:20,26,M,M +2018-09-18 11:20,28,M,M +2018-09-18 12:20,30,M,M +2018-09-18 13:20,30,M,M +2018-09-18 14:20,31,M,M +2018-09-18 15:20,31,M,M +2018-09-18 16:20,30,M,M +2018-09-18 17:20,25,M,M +2018-09-18 18:20,21,M,M +2018-09-18 19:20,19,M,M +2018-09-18 20:20,18,M,M +2018-09-18 21:20,16,M,M +2018-09-18 22:20,15,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-18 23:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-19 00:20,15,M,M +2018-09-19 01:20,15,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-19 02:20,14,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-19 03:20,14,M,M +2018-09-19 04:20,14,M,M +2018-09-19 05:20,15,M,M +2018-09-19 06:20,16,M,M +2018-09-19 07:20,17,M,M +2018-09-19 08:20,20,M,M +2018-09-19 09:20,21,M,M +2018-09-19 10:20,23,M,M +2018-09-19 11:20,25,FEW,M +2018-09-19 12:20,25,M,M +2018-09-19 13:20,27,M,M +2018-09-19 14:20,27,M,M +2018-09-19 15:20,26,M,M +2018-09-19 16:20,25,M,M +2018-09-19 17:20,25,M,M +2018-09-19 18:20,23,M,M +2018-09-19 19:20,22,M,M +2018-09-19 20:20,20,M,M +2018-09-19 21:20,19,M,M +2018-09-19 22:20,19,M,M +2018-09-19 23:20,17,M,M +2018-09-20 00:20,17,M,M +2018-09-20 01:20,17,M,M +2018-09-20 02:20,16,M,M +2018-09-20 03:20,16,M,M +2018-09-20 04:20,16,M,M +2018-09-20 05:20,16,M,M +2018-09-20 06:20,18,M,M +2018-09-20 07:20,20,M,M +2018-09-20 08:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-20 09:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-20 10:20,23,FEW,M +2018-09-20 11:20,24,FEW,M +2018-09-20 12:20,24,SCT,M +2018-09-20 13:20,25,SCT,M +2018-09-20 14:20,25,M,M +2018-09-20 15:20,25,M,M +2018-09-20 16:20,24,M,M +2018-09-20 17:20,22,M,M +2018-09-20 18:20,20,M,M +2018-09-20 19:20,19,M,M +2018-09-20 20:20,18,M,M +2018-09-20 21:20,19,M,M +2018-09-20 22:20,18,M,M +2018-09-20 23:20,16,M,M +2018-09-21 00:20,17,M,M +2018-09-21 01:20,17,M,M +2018-09-21 02:20,16,M,M +2018-09-21 03:20,16,M,M +2018-09-21 04:20,18,M,M +2018-09-21 05:20,19,M,M +2018-09-21 06:20,20,M,M +2018-09-21 07:20,21,M,M +2018-09-21 08:20,23,M,M +2018-09-21 09:20,24,M,M +2018-09-21 10:20,21,FEW,M +2018-09-21 11:20,14,SCT,RA +2018-09-21 12:20,14,FEW,-RA +2018-09-21 13:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-21 14:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-21 15:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-21 16:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-21 17:20,14,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-21 18:20,14,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-21 19:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-21 20:20,12,M,M +2018-09-21 21:20,11,M,M +2018-09-21 22:20,9,FEW,M +2018-09-22 00:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-22 01:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-22 02:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-22 03:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-22 04:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-22 05:20,10,SCT,VCSH +2018-09-22 06:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-22 07:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-22 08:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-22 09:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-22 10:20,15,BKN,M +2018-09-22 11:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-22 12:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-22 13:20,12,BKN,-SHRA +2018-09-22 14:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-22 15:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-22 16:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-22 17:20,13,SCT,M +2018-09-22 18:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-22 19:20,12,M,M +2018-09-22 20:20,11,M,M +2018-09-22 21:20,10,SCT,M +2018-09-22 22:20,10,SCT,M +2018-09-22 23:20,9,SCT,M +2018-09-23 00:20,10,SCT,M +2018-09-23 01:20,9,SCT,M +2018-09-23 02:20,8,SCT,M +2018-09-23 03:20,8,SCT,M +2018-09-23 04:20,9,BKN,M +2018-09-23 05:20,8,FEW,M +2018-09-23 06:20,10,BKN,M +2018-09-23 07:20,10,BKN,M +2018-09-23 08:20,11,SCT,M +2018-09-23 09:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-23 10:20,13,SCT,M +2018-09-23 11:20,13,SCT,M +2018-09-23 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-23 13:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-09-23 14:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-23 15:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-23 16:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-23 17:20,11,M,M +2018-09-23 18:20,10,M,M +2018-09-23 19:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-23 20:20,10,M,M +2018-09-23 21:20,9,FEW,M +2018-09-23 22:20,9,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-23 23:20,9,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-24 00:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-24 01:20,9,FEW,M +2018-09-24 02:20,8,FEW,M +2018-09-24 03:20,7,FEW,M +2018-09-24 04:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-24 05:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-24 06:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-24 07:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-24 08:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-24 09:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-24 10:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-24 11:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-24 12:20,13,FEW,-SHRA +2018-09-24 13:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-24 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-24 15:20,10,FEW,M +2018-09-24 16:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2018-09-24 17:20,9,FEW,M +2018-09-24 18:20,8,M,M +2018-09-24 19:20,7,M,M +2018-09-24 20:20,7,M,M +2018-09-24 21:20,6,M,M +2018-09-24 22:20,6,M,M +2018-09-24 23:20,6,FEW,M +2018-09-25 00:20,3,SCT,M +2018-09-25 01:20,4,BKN,M +2018-09-25 02:20,3,FEW,M +2018-09-25 03:20,4,SCT,M +2018-09-25 04:20,3,FEW,M +2018-09-25 05:20,3,FEW,M +2018-09-25 06:20,5,M,M +2018-09-25 07:20,9,M,M +2018-09-25 08:20,11,M,M +2018-09-25 09:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-25 10:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-25 11:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-25 12:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-25 13:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-25 14:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-25 15:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-25 16:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-25 17:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-25 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-25 19:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-25 20:20,10,M,M +2018-09-25 21:20,9,M,M +2018-09-25 22:20,9,M,M +2018-09-25 23:20,9,M,M +2018-09-26 00:20,9,M,M +2018-09-26 01:20,9,M,M +2018-09-26 02:20,8,M,M +2018-09-26 03:20,8,M,M +2018-09-26 04:20,9,M,M +2018-09-26 05:20,8,M,M +2018-09-26 06:20,9,M,M +2018-09-26 07:20,11,M,M +2018-09-26 08:20,12,M,M +2018-09-26 09:20,13,M,M +2018-09-26 10:20,14,M,M +2018-09-26 11:20,15,M,M +2018-09-26 12:20,17,M,M +2018-09-26 13:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-26 14:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-26 15:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-26 16:20,17,BKN,M +2018-09-26 17:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-26 18:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-26 19:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-26 20:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-26 21:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-26 22:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-26 23:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-27 00:20,15,BKN,M +2018-09-27 01:20,16,SCT,M +2018-09-27 02:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-27 03:20,16,BKN,M +2018-09-27 04:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-27 05:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-27 06:20,15,BKN,M +2018-09-27 07:20,14,BKN,M +2018-09-27 08:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-27 09:20,18,FEW,M +2018-09-27 10:20,19,FEW,M +2018-09-27 11:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-27 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-27 13:20,21,BKN,M +2018-09-27 14:20,21,BKN,M +2018-09-27 15:20,20,BKN,M +2018-09-27 16:20,20,FEW,M +2018-09-27 17:20,19,FEW,-RA +2018-09-27 18:20,18,FEW,M +2018-09-27 19:20,16,SCT,M +2018-09-27 20:20,15,M,M +2018-09-27 21:20,16,M,M +2018-09-27 22:20,16,BKN,-RA +2018-09-27 23:20,15,SCT,-RA +2018-09-28 00:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-28 01:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-28 02:20,13,SCT,M +2018-09-28 03:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-28 04:20,12,FEW,M +2018-09-28 05:20,11,M,M +2018-09-28 06:20,11,M,M +2018-09-28 07:20,12,M,M +2018-09-28 08:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-28 09:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-28 10:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-28 11:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-28 12:20,13,SCT,-SHRA +2018-09-28 13:20,15,M,M +2018-09-28 14:20,15,M,M +2018-09-28 15:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-28 16:20,13,FEW,M +2018-09-28 17:20,11,M,M +2018-09-28 18:20,10,M,M +2018-09-28 19:20,9,M,M +2018-09-28 20:20,8,M,M +2018-09-28 21:20,8,M,M +2018-09-28 22:20,6,M,M +2018-09-28 23:20,5,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-29 00:20,4,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-29 01:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-29 02:20,2,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-29 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG MIFG +2018-09-29 04:20,3,NSC,MIFG +2018-09-29 05:20,5,SCT,M +2018-09-29 06:20,7,FEW,M +2018-09-29 07:20,11,M,M +2018-09-29 08:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-29 09:20,13,M,M +2018-09-29 10:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-29 11:20,14,SCT,M +2018-09-29 12:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-29 13:20,15,SCT,M +2018-09-29 14:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-29 15:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-29 16:20,14,FEW,M +2018-09-29 17:20,12,M,M +2018-09-29 18:20,11,M,M +2018-09-29 19:20,10,M,M +2018-09-29 20:20,9,M,M +2018-09-29 21:20,8,M,M +2018-09-29 22:20,8,M,M +2018-09-29 23:20,6,M,M +2018-09-30 00:20,5,M,M +2018-09-30 01:20,6,M,M +2018-09-30 02:20,6,M,M +2018-09-30 03:20,6,M,M +2018-09-30 04:20,7,M,M +2018-09-30 05:20,6,M,M +2018-09-30 06:20,7,M,M +2018-09-30 07:20,9,M,M +2018-09-30 08:20,11,M,M +2018-09-30 09:20,13,M,M +2018-09-30 10:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-30 11:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-30 12:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-30 13:20,16,SCT,M +2018-09-30 14:20,16,FEW,M +2018-09-30 15:20,15,FEW,M +2018-09-30 16:20,15,M,M +2018-09-30 17:20,14,M,M +2018-09-30 18:20,12,M,M +2018-09-30 19:20,11,FEW,M +2018-09-30 20:20,11,SCT,M +2018-09-30 21:20,11,SCT,M +2018-09-30 22:20,10,SCT,M +2018-09-30 23:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-01 00:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-10-01 01:20,11,M,M +2018-10-01 02:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-01 03:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-01 04:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 06:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-10-01 08:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-01 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-01 10:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-01 11:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-01 12:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 13:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-01 14:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-10-01 15:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 16:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-01 17:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-01 18:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-01 19:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-01 20:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-01 21:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-01 22:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-01 23:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-02 00:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-02 01:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-02 02:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-02 03:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-02 04:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-02 05:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-02 06:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-10-02 07:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-10-02 08:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-10-02 09:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-10-02 10:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-10-02 11:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-02 12:20,9,SCT,-RA +2018-10-02 13:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-10-02 14:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-10-02 15:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-02 16:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-02 17:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-02 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-02 19:20,11,SCT,-SHRA +2018-10-02 20:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-10-02 21:20,10,SCT,-SHRA +2018-10-02 22:20,10,BKN,-SHRA +2018-10-02 23:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 00:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 01:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 02:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 03:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-10-03 04:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-03 05:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-03 06:20,10,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-03 07:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-03 08:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-03 09:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-03 10:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-03 11:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-03 12:20,12,SCT,-SHRA +2018-10-03 13:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-03 14:20,13,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-03 15:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-03 16:20,11,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-03 17:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-03 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-03 19:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 20:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-03 21:20,10,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-03 22:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-03 23:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-04 00:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-04 01:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-04 02:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-04 03:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-04 04:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-04 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-04 06:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-04 07:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-04 08:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-04 09:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-04 10:20,13,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-04 11:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-04 12:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-04 13:20,15,FEW,M +2018-10-04 14:20,16,FEW,M +2018-10-04 15:20,15,BKN,M +2018-10-04 16:20,15,SCT,M +2018-10-04 17:20,14,SCT,-RADZ +2018-10-04 18:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-04 19:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-04 20:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-04 21:20,14,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-04 22:20,13,SCT,M +2018-10-04 23:20,13,BKN,M +2018-10-05 00:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-05 01:20,13,BKN,M +2018-10-05 02:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-05 03:20,11,M,M +2018-10-05 04:20,11,M,M +2018-10-05 05:20,11,M,M +2018-10-05 06:20,11,M,M +2018-10-05 07:20,14,M,M +2018-10-05 08:20,15,M,M +2018-10-05 09:20,17,M,M +2018-10-05 10:20,18,M,M +2018-10-05 11:20,19,M,M +2018-10-05 12:20,20,M,M +2018-10-05 13:20,21,M,M +2018-10-05 14:20,21,M,M +2018-10-05 15:20,20,M,M +2018-10-05 16:20,19,M,M +2018-10-05 17:20,18,M,M +2018-10-05 18:20,17,M,M +2018-10-05 19:20,14,M,M +2018-10-05 20:20,13,M,M +2018-10-05 21:20,12,M,M +2018-10-05 22:20,12,M,M +2018-10-05 23:20,11,M,M +2018-10-06 00:20,10,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 02:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 03:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 04:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 05:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-06 06:20,8,M,M +2018-10-06 07:20,11,M,M +2018-10-06 08:20,14,M,M +2018-10-06 09:20,16,M,M +2018-10-06 10:20,18,M,M +2018-10-06 11:20,20,M,M +2018-10-06 12:20,20,M,M +2018-10-06 13:20,21,M,M +2018-10-06 14:20,21,M,M +2018-10-06 15:20,19,M,M +2018-10-06 16:20,18,M,M +2018-10-06 17:20,15,M,M +2018-10-06 18:20,15,M,M +2018-10-06 19:20,14,M,M +2018-10-06 20:20,13,M,M +2018-10-06 21:20,13,M,M +2018-10-06 22:20,15,M,M +2018-10-06 23:20,14,M,M +2018-10-07 00:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-07 01:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-07 02:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-07 03:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-10-07 04:20,8,BKN,M +2018-10-07 05:20,7,SCT,M +2018-10-07 06:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-07 07:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-07 08:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-07 09:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-07 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-07 11:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-07 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-07 13:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-07 14:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-07 15:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-07 16:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-07 17:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-07 18:20,7,M,M +2018-10-07 19:20,6,M,M +2018-10-07 20:20,5,M,M +2018-10-07 21:20,5,M,M +2018-10-07 22:20,4,M,M +2018-10-07 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-08 00:20,4,M,M +2018-10-08 01:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-08 02:20,5,M,M +2018-10-08 03:20,4,M,M +2018-10-08 04:20,5,M,M +2018-10-08 05:20,5,M,M +2018-10-08 06:20,6,M,M +2018-10-08 07:20,7,M,M +2018-10-08 08:20,10,M,M +2018-10-08 09:20,12,M,M +2018-10-08 10:20,14,M,M +2018-10-08 11:20,14,M,M +2018-10-08 12:20,15,M,M +2018-10-08 13:20,15,M,M +2018-10-08 14:20,15,M,M +2018-10-08 15:20,14,M,M +2018-10-08 16:20,13,M,M +2018-10-08 17:20,12,M,M +2018-10-08 18:20,12,M,M +2018-10-08 19:20,10,M,M +2018-10-08 20:20,10,M,M +2018-10-08 21:20,10,M,M +2018-10-08 22:20,9,M,M +2018-10-08 23:20,9,M,M +2018-10-09 00:20,9,M,M +2018-10-09 01:20,9,M,M +2018-10-09 02:20,8,M,M +2018-10-09 03:20,8,M,M +2018-10-09 04:20,8,M,M +2018-10-09 05:20,7,M,M +2018-10-09 06:20,8,M,M +2018-10-09 07:20,10,M,M +2018-10-09 08:20,12,M,M +2018-10-09 09:20,13,M,M +2018-10-09 10:20,15,M,M +2018-10-09 11:20,16,M,M +2018-10-09 12:20,18,M,M +2018-10-09 13:20,19,M,M +2018-10-09 14:20,18,M,M +2018-10-09 15:20,18,M,M +2018-10-09 16:20,15,M,M +2018-10-09 17:20,13,M,M +2018-10-09 18:20,11,M,M +2018-10-09 19:20,10,M,M +2018-10-09 20:20,9,M,M +2018-10-09 21:20,9,M,M +2018-10-09 22:20,8,NSC,M +2018-10-09 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-10 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-10-10 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-10-10 02:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-10 03:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-10 04:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-10 05:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-10 06:20,6,NSC,FG +2018-10-10 07:20,7,SCT,FG +2018-10-10 08:20,9,SCT,BCFG +2018-10-10 09:20,14,NSC,M +2018-10-10 10:20,17,M,M +2018-10-10 11:20,20,M,M +2018-10-10 12:20,21,M,M +2018-10-10 13:20,21,M,M +2018-10-10 14:20,21,M,M +2018-10-10 15:20,21,M,M +2018-10-10 16:20,20,M,M +2018-10-10 17:20,18,M,M +2018-10-10 18:20,17,M,M +2018-10-10 19:20,16,M,M +2018-10-10 20:20,17,M,M +2018-10-10 21:20,17,M,M +2018-10-10 22:20,16,M,M +2018-10-10 23:20,15,M,M +2018-10-11 00:20,14,M,M +2018-10-11 01:20,14,M,M +2018-10-11 02:20,14,M,M +2018-10-11 03:20,13,M,M +2018-10-11 04:20,13,M,M +2018-10-11 05:20,13,M,M +2018-10-11 06:20,13,M,M +2018-10-11 07:20,14,M,M +2018-10-11 08:20,16,M,M +2018-10-11 09:20,17,M,M +2018-10-11 10:20,19,M,M +2018-10-11 11:20,21,M,M +2018-10-11 12:20,21,M,M +2018-10-11 13:20,22,M,M +2018-10-11 14:20,22,M,M +2018-10-11 15:20,21,M,M +2018-10-11 16:20,20,M,M +2018-10-11 17:20,19,M,M +2018-10-11 18:20,17,M,M +2018-10-11 19:20,16,M,M +2018-10-11 20:20,14,M,M +2018-10-11 21:20,13,M,M +2018-10-11 22:20,12,M,M +2018-10-11 23:20,12,M,M +2018-10-12 00:20,12,M,M +2018-10-12 01:20,13,M,M +2018-10-12 02:20,13,M,M +2018-10-12 03:20,12,M,M +2018-10-12 04:20,13,M,M +2018-10-12 05:20,12,M,M +2018-10-12 06:20,13,M,M +2018-10-12 07:20,15,M,M +2018-10-12 08:20,17,M,M +2018-10-12 09:20,20,M,M +2018-10-12 10:20,22,M,M +2018-10-12 11:20,23,M,M +2018-10-12 12:20,24,M,M +2018-10-12 13:20,24,M,M +2018-10-12 14:20,24,M,M +2018-10-12 15:20,24,M,M +2018-10-12 16:20,21,M,M +2018-10-12 17:20,19,M,M +2018-10-12 18:20,18,M,M +2018-10-12 19:20,18,M,M +2018-10-12 20:20,18,M,M +2018-10-12 21:20,17,M,M +2018-10-12 22:20,17,M,M +2018-10-12 23:20,16,M,M +2018-10-13 00:20,16,M,M +2018-10-13 01:20,15,M,M +2018-10-13 02:20,16,M,M +2018-10-13 03:20,15,M,M +2018-10-13 04:20,15,M,M +2018-10-13 05:20,15,M,M +2018-10-13 06:20,15,M,M +2018-10-13 07:20,17,M,M +2018-10-13 08:20,19,M,M +2018-10-13 09:20,21,M,M +2018-10-13 10:20,24,M,M +2018-10-13 11:20,25,M,M +2018-10-13 12:20,26,M,M +2018-10-13 13:20,27,M,M +2018-10-13 14:20,27,M, +2018-10-13 15:20,26,M,M +2018-10-13 16:20,24,M,M +2018-10-13 17:20,21,M,M +2018-10-13 18:20,22,M,M +2018-10-13 19:20,20,M,M +2018-10-13 20:20,21,M,M +2018-10-13 21:20,19,M,M +2018-10-13 22:20,18,M,M +2018-10-13 23:20,17,M,M +2018-10-14 00:20,14,M,M +2018-10-14 01:20,14,M,M +2018-10-14 02:20,13,M,M +2018-10-14 03:20,13,M,M +2018-10-14 04:20,13,M,M +2018-10-14 05:20,11,M,M +2018-10-14 06:20,12,M,M +2018-10-14 07:20,13,M,M +2018-10-14 08:20,15,M,M +2018-10-14 09:20,17,M,M +2018-10-14 10:20,19,M,M +2018-10-14 11:20,21,M,M +2018-10-14 12:20,23,M,M +2018-10-14 13:20,24,M,M +2018-10-14 14:20,23,M,M +2018-10-14 15:20,23,M,M +2018-10-14 16:20,22,M,M +2018-10-14 17:20,20,M,M +2018-10-14 18:20,20,M,M +2018-10-14 19:20,19,M,M +2018-10-14 20:20,18,M,M +2018-10-14 21:20,16,M,M +2018-10-14 22:20,15,M,M +2018-10-14 23:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 00:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 01:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 02:20,13,M,M +2018-10-15 03:20,12,M,M +2018-10-15 04:20,12,M,M +2018-10-15 05:20,12,M,M +2018-10-15 06:20,12,M,M +2018-10-15 07:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 08:20,16,M,M +2018-10-15 09:20,19,M,M +2018-10-15 10:20,21,M,M +2018-10-15 11:20,21,M,M +2018-10-15 12:20,23,M,M +2018-10-15 13:20,23,M,M +2018-10-15 14:20,24,M,M +2018-10-15 15:20,23,M,M +2018-10-15 16:20,19,M,M +2018-10-15 17:20,17,M,M +2018-10-15 18:20,15,M,M +2018-10-15 19:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 20:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 21:20,13,M,M +2018-10-15 22:20,14,M,M +2018-10-15 23:20,14,M,M +2018-10-16 00:20,12,M,M +2018-10-16 01:20,12,M,M +2018-10-16 02:20,12,M,M +2018-10-16 03:20,12,M,M +2018-10-16 04:20,12,M,M +2018-10-16 05:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-16 06:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-16 07:20,14,M,M +2018-10-16 08:20,16,M,M +2018-10-16 09:20,17,M,M +2018-10-16 10:20,19,M,M +2018-10-16 11:20,20,M,M +2018-10-16 12:20,20,FEW,M +2018-10-16 13:20,20,M,M +2018-10-16 14:20,20,M,M +2018-10-16 15:20,19,M,M +2018-10-16 16:20,18,M,M +2018-10-16 17:20,16,M,M +2018-10-16 18:20,16,M,M +2018-10-16 19:20,16,M,M +2018-10-16 20:20,15,NSC,M +2018-10-16 21:20,14,NSC,M +2018-10-16 22:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-16 23:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 00:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 01:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 02:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 03:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 04:20,13,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 05:20,12,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 06:20,11,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-17 07:20,15,M,M +2018-10-17 08:20,17,M,M +2018-10-17 09:20,19,M,M +2018-10-17 10:20,20,M,M +2018-10-17 11:20,22,M,M +2018-10-17 12:20,23,M,M +2018-10-17 13:20,23,M,M +2018-10-17 14:20,24,M,M +2018-10-17 15:20,20,M,M +2018-10-17 16:20,17,M,M +2018-10-17 17:20,17,M,M +2018-10-17 18:20,16,NSC,M +2018-10-17 19:20,15,NSC,BR +2018-10-17 20:20,14,FEW,BR +2018-10-17 21:20,13,BKN,BR +2018-10-17 22:20,13,OVC,BR +2018-10-17 23:20,13,OVC,BR +2018-10-18 00:20,13,OVC,BCFG BR +2018-10-18 01:20,13,OVC,FG +2018-10-18 02:20,13,VV ,FG +2018-10-18 03:20,12,VV ,FG +2018-10-18 04:20,12,BKN,BR +2018-10-18 05:20,12,BKN,BR +2018-10-18 06:20,12,BKN,BR +2018-10-18 07:20,12,SCT,BR +2018-10-18 08:20,13,BKN,M +2018-10-18 09:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-18 10:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-18 11:20,14,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-18 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-18 13:20,14,FEW,M +2018-10-18 14:20,15,FEW,M +2018-10-18 15:20,14,FEW,M +2018-10-18 16:20,12,M,M +2018-10-18 17:20,10,M,M +2018-10-18 18:20,8,M,M +2018-10-18 19:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-18 20:20,6,FEW,BCFG +2018-10-18 21:20,5,M,M +2018-10-18 22:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-18 23:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-19 00:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-19 01:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-19 02:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-19 03:20,1,FEW,BCFG +2018-10-19 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-10-19 05:20,2,BKN,M +2018-10-19 06:20,2,SCT,M +2018-10-19 07:20,4,BKN,M +2018-10-19 08:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-19 09:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-19 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-19 11:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-19 12:20,13,SCT,M +2018-10-19 13:20,14,FEW,M +2018-10-19 14:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-19 15:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-19 16:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-19 17:20,7,SCT,M +2018-10-19 18:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-19 19:20,5,FEW,M +2018-10-19 20:20,4,FEW,M +2018-10-19 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-10-19 22:20,4,FEW,M +2018-10-19 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-10-20 00:20,3,SCT,M +2018-10-20 01:20,3,BKN,M +2018-10-20 02:20,4,BKN,M +2018-10-20 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-10-20 04:20,3,M,M +2018-10-20 05:20,5,SCT,M +2018-10-20 06:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-20 07:20,8,BKN,M +2018-10-20 08:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-20 09:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-20 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-20 11:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-20 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-20 13:20,14,SCT,M +2018-10-20 14:20,15,SCT,M +2018-10-20 15:20,14,FEW,M +2018-10-20 16:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-20 17:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-20 18:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-20 19:20,7,FEW,BCFG +2018-10-20 20:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-20 21:20,6,NSC,BCFG +2018-10-20 22:20,6,BKN,BCFG +2018-10-20 23:20,7,SCT,M +2018-10-21 00:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-21 01:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-21 02:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-21 03:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-21 04:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-10-21 05:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-21 06:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-10-21 07:20,10,FEW,BR +2018-10-21 08:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-21 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-21 10:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-21 11:20,15,BKN,M +2018-10-21 12:20,15,BKN,M +2018-10-21 13:20,15,FEW,M +2018-10-21 14:20,15,FEW,M +2018-10-21 15:20,14,FEW,M +2018-10-21 16:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-21 17:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-21 18:20,14,BKN,M +2018-10-21 19:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-21 20:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-21 21:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-21 22:20,13,BKN,M +2018-10-21 23:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-22 00:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-22 01:20,13,SCT,M +2018-10-22 02:20,13,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-22 03:20,11,SCT,-DZ +2018-10-22 04:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-22 05:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-10-22 06:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-22 07:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-22 08:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-22 09:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-22 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-22 11:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-22 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-22 13:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-22 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-22 15:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-22 16:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-22 17:20,9,M,M +2018-10-22 18:20,8,BKN,M +2018-10-22 19:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-22 20:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-22 21:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-22 22:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-22 23:20,8,M,M +2018-10-23 00:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-23 01:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-23 02:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-23 03:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-23 04:20,9,BKN,-RA +2018-10-23 05:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-23 06:20,10,BKN,-RA +2018-10-23 07:20,10,FEW,RA +2018-10-23 08:20,10,FEW,-RA BR +2018-10-23 09:20,11,FEW,-RA BR +2018-10-23 10:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-23 11:20,12,SCT,RADZ +2018-10-23 12:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2018-10-23 13:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2018-10-23 14:20,12,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-23 15:20,13,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-23 16:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-23 17:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-23 18:20,12,SCT,-RADZ +2018-10-23 19:20,13,SCT,M +2018-10-23 20:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-23 21:20,13,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-23 22:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-23 23:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-24 00:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-24 01:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-24 02:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-24 03:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-24 04:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-24 05:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-24 06:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-24 07:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-24 08:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-24 09:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-24 10:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-24 11:20,13,BKN,M +2018-10-24 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-24 13:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-24 14:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-24 15:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-24 16:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-24 17:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-24 18:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-24 19:20,10,SCT,M +2018-10-24 20:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-24 21:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-24 22:20,12,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-24 23:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-25 00:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-25 01:20,12,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-25 02:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-25 03:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-25 04:20,12,SCT,M +2018-10-25 05:20,11,FEW,-RADZ BR +2018-10-25 06:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-25 07:20,12,FEW,-RADZ +2018-10-25 08:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-10-25 09:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-25 10:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-25 11:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-25 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-10-25 13:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-25 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-10-25 15:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-25 16:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-25 17:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-25 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-25 19:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-25 20:20,11,SCT,M +2018-10-25 21:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-25 22:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-25 23:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 00:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 01:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 02:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-26 03:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 04:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 05:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 06:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 07:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-26 08:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-26 09:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-26 10:20,12,BKN,M +2018-10-26 11:20,12,BKN,-RA +2018-10-26 12:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-10-26 13:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-26 14:20,10,BKN,-RA +2018-10-26 15:20,10,BKN,M +2018-10-26 16:20,10,SCT,-RA +2018-10-26 17:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-10-26 18:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-26 19:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-26 20:20,8,SCT,M +2018-10-26 21:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-26 22:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-26 23:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-27 00:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-27 01:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-27 02:20,6,BKN,-SHRA +2018-10-27 03:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 04:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 05:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 06:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 07:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-10-27 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-27 10:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 13:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 15:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-27 16:20,6,SCT,M +2018-10-27 17:20,6,SCT,-SHRA +2018-10-27 18:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-27 19:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-27 20:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-27 21:20,3,M,M +2018-10-27 22:20,3,SCT,M +2018-10-27 23:20,2,M,M +2018-10-28 00:20,1,M,M +2018-10-28 01:20,0,M,M +2018-10-28 02:20,0,FEW,M +2018-10-28 03:20,0,M,M +2018-10-28 04:20,-1,M,M +2018-10-28 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-10-28 06:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-10-28 07:20,0,FEW,M +2018-10-28 08:20,2,FEW,M +2018-10-28 09:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-28 10:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-28 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-28 12:20,6,SCT,VCSH +2018-10-28 13:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-28 14:20,5,FEW,-SHRA +2018-10-28 15:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-10-28 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-10-28 17:20,4,FEW,M +2018-10-28 18:20,4,SCT,M +2018-10-28 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-10-28 20:20,3,FEW,M +2018-10-28 21:20,4,FEW,M +2018-10-28 22:20,4,M,M +2018-10-28 23:20,4,M,M +2018-10-29 00:20,3,M,M +2018-10-29 01:20,4,M,M +2018-10-29 02:20,4,M,M +2018-10-29 03:20,5,M,M +2018-10-29 04:20,5,M,M +2018-10-29 05:20,5,M,M +2018-10-29 06:20,5,M,M +2018-10-29 07:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-29 08:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-29 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-10-29 10:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-10-29 11:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-29 12:20,7,OVC,M +2018-10-29 13:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-29 14:20,7,BKN,M +2018-10-29 15:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-29 16:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-29 17:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-29 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-29 19:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-29 20:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-29 21:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-29 22:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-29 23:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-30 00:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2018-10-30 01:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-30 02:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-30 03:20,5,BKN,M +2018-10-30 04:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-30 05:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-10-30 06:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-10-30 07:20,7,FEW,BR +2018-10-30 08:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-10-30 09:20,10,BKN,BR +2018-10-30 10:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-30 11:20,11,BKN,M +2018-10-30 12:20,10,SCT,-DZ +2018-10-30 13:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-30 14:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-30 15:20,10,SCT,M +2018-10-30 16:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-30 17:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-30 18:20,7,FEW,M +2018-10-30 19:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-10-30 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-10-30 21:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-10-30 22:20,5,SCT,-RADZ +2018-10-30 23:20,6,BKN,M +2018-10-31 00:20,6,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-31 01:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-10-31 02:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-31 03:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-31 04:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-31 05:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-31 06:20,9,BKN,M +2018-10-31 07:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-31 08:20,9,SCT,M +2018-10-31 09:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-31 10:20,10,SCT,M +2018-10-31 11:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-31 12:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-31 13:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-31 14:20,11,FEW,M +2018-10-31 15:20,10,FEW,M +2018-10-31 16:20,9,FEW,M +2018-10-31 17:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-31 18:20,8,FEW,M +2018-10-31 19:20,8,BKN,M +2018-10-31 20:20,9,M,M +2018-10-31 21:20,8,M,M +2018-10-31 22:20,9,M,M +2018-10-31 23:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-01 00:20,8,M,M +2018-11-01 01:20,8,M,M +2018-11-01 02:20,8,M,M +2018-11-01 03:20,8,M,M +2018-11-01 04:20,7,M,M +2018-11-01 05:20,7,M,M +2018-11-01 06:20,7,M,M +2018-11-01 07:20,8,M,M +2018-11-01 08:20,9,M,M +2018-11-01 09:20,11,M,M +2018-11-01 10:20,11,M,M +2018-11-01 11:20,12,M,M +2018-11-01 12:20,12,M,M +2018-11-01 13:20,12,M,M +2018-11-01 14:20,11,M,M +2018-11-01 15:20,10,M,M +2018-11-01 16:20,10,M,M +2018-11-01 17:20,10,M,M +2018-11-01 18:20,10,M,M +2018-11-01 19:20,9,M,M +2018-11-01 20:20,9,M,M +2018-11-01 21:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-01 22:20,8,SCT,M +2018-11-01 23:20,8,BKN,M +2018-11-02 00:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-02 01:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-02 02:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-02 03:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-02 04:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-02 05:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-02 06:20,10,SCT,M +2018-11-02 07:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-02 08:20,10,BKN,-RA +2018-11-02 09:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-02 10:20,12,SCT,M +2018-11-02 11:20,12,SCT,M +2018-11-02 12:20,13,FEW,M +2018-11-02 13:20,13,FEW,M +2018-11-02 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-11-02 15:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-02 16:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-02 17:20,7,M,M +2018-11-02 18:20,7,M,M +2018-11-02 19:20,6,M,M +2018-11-02 20:20,5,M,M +2018-11-02 21:20,5,M,M +2018-11-02 22:20,5,M,M +2018-11-02 23:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 00:20,5,M,M +2018-11-03 01:20,3,M,M +2018-11-03 02:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 03:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 04:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 05:20,1,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 06:20,1,NSC,FG +2018-11-03 07:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 08:20,5,M,M +2018-11-03 09:20,7,M,M +2018-11-03 10:20,9,M,M +2018-11-03 11:20,10,M,M +2018-11-03 12:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-03 13:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-03 14:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-03 15:20,9,M,M +2018-11-03 16:20,6,M,M +2018-11-03 17:20,5,M,M +2018-11-03 18:20,4,M,M +2018-11-03 19:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 20:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-03 21:20,2,M,M +2018-11-03 22:20,2,M,M +2018-11-03 23:20,1,M,M +2018-11-04 00:20,1,M,M +2018-11-04 01:20,2,M,M +2018-11-04 02:20,2,M,M +2018-11-04 03:20,2,M,M +2018-11-04 04:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-04 05:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-04 06:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-04 07:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-04 08:20,6,BKN,M +2018-11-04 09:20,7,BKN,M +2018-11-04 10:20,8,BKN,M +2018-11-04 11:20,9,BKN,M +2018-11-04 12:20,10,BKN,M +2018-11-04 13:20,10,OVC,M +2018-11-04 14:20,10,OVC,M +2018-11-04 15:20,10,OVC,M +2018-11-04 16:20,9,BKN,M +2018-11-04 17:20,9,BKN,M +2018-11-04 18:20,9,OVC,BR +2018-11-04 19:20,9,OVC,BR +2018-11-04 20:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-11-04 21:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-11-04 22:20,9,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-11-04 23:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-05 00:20,9,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-11-05 01:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-05 02:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-11-05 03:20,10,BKN,BR +2018-11-05 04:20,10,OVC,BR +2018-11-05 05:20,10,OVC,BR +2018-11-05 06:20,10,FEW,BR +2018-11-05 07:20,10,BKN,BR +2018-11-05 08:20,11,FEW,BR +2018-11-05 09:20,11,OVC,M +2018-11-05 10:20,11,OVC,M +2018-11-05 11:20,11,OVC,M +2018-11-05 12:20,11,OVC,M +2018-11-05 13:20,12,OVC,BR +2018-11-05 14:20,12,OVC,BR +2018-11-05 15:20,12,OVC,BR +2018-11-05 16:20,11,SCT,BR +2018-11-05 17:20,11,FEW,BR +2018-11-05 18:20,11,FEW,BR +2018-11-05 19:20,11,FEW,BR +2018-11-05 20:20,10,NSC,BR +2018-11-05 21:20,9,NSC,BR +2018-11-05 22:20,9,NSC,BR +2018-11-05 23:20,8,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-11-06 00:20,7,NSC,BCFG BR +2018-11-06 01:20,7,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-06 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-11-06 03:20,8,OVC,FG +2018-11-06 04:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-11-06 05:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-11-06 06:20,8,VV ,FG +2018-11-06 07:20,8,VV ,FG +2018-11-06 08:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-11-06 09:20,8,BKN,FG +2018-11-06 10:20,9,SCT,BR +2018-11-06 11:20,11,NSC,M +2018-11-06 12:20,13,NSC,M +2018-11-06 13:20,14,M,M +2018-11-06 14:20,14,M,M +2018-11-06 15:20,13,M,M +2018-11-06 16:20,12,M,M +2018-11-06 17:20,11,NSC,M +2018-11-06 18:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-06 19:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-06 20:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-06 21:20,9,NSC,M +2018-11-06 22:20,9,NSC,M +2018-11-06 23:20,9,NSC,M +2018-11-07 00:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-07 01:20,9,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-07 02:20,8,NSC,BR +2018-11-07 03:20,8,NSC,BR +2018-11-07 04:20,7,FEW,BR +2018-11-07 05:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-11-07 06:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-11-07 07:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-11-07 08:20,8,SCT,BR +2018-11-07 09:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-07 10:20,12,M,M +2018-11-07 11:20,14,M,M +2018-11-07 12:20,15,M,M +2018-11-07 13:20,15,M,M +2018-11-07 14:20,16,M,M +2018-11-07 15:20,14,M,M +2018-11-07 16:20,12,M,M +2018-11-07 17:20,11,M,M +2018-11-07 18:20,11,M,M +2018-11-07 19:20,11,M,M +2018-11-07 20:20,10,M,M +2018-11-07 21:20,9,M,M +2018-11-07 22:20,8,M,M +2018-11-07 23:20,8,M,M +2018-11-08 00:20,8,M,M +2018-11-08 01:20,8,M,M +2018-11-08 02:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-11-08 03:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-11-08 04:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-11-08 05:20,10,M,M +2018-11-08 06:20,10,M,M +2018-11-08 07:20,11,M,M +2018-11-08 08:20,11,M,M +2018-11-08 09:20,12,M,M +2018-11-08 10:20,13,FEW,M +2018-11-08 11:20,14,FEW,M +2018-11-08 12:20,13,SCT,M +2018-11-08 13:20,13,SCT,M +2018-11-08 14:20,13,SCT,M +2018-11-08 15:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-08 16:20,9,SCT,M +2018-11-08 17:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-08 18:20,5,SCT,BCFG +2018-11-08 19:20,5,FEW,BCFG +2018-11-08 20:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-08 21:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-08 22:20,3,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-08 23:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-09 00:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-09 01:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-09 02:20,2,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-09 03:20,3,M,M +2018-11-09 04:20,3,M,M +2018-11-09 05:20,4,M,M +2018-11-09 06:20,6,NSC,M +2018-11-09 07:20,8,FEW,-RA +2018-11-09 08:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-11-09 09:20,9,FEW,-RA +2018-11-09 10:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-11-09 11:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-09 12:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-09 13:20,12,BKN,M +2018-11-09 14:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-09 15:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-09 16:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-09 17:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-09 18:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-09 19:20,10,BKN,M +2018-11-09 20:20,10,BKN,BR +2018-11-09 21:20,10,BKN,BR +2018-11-09 22:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-09 23:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-10 00:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-10 01:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-10 02:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-11-10 03:20,8,SCT,BR +2018-11-10 04:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-11-10 05:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-10 06:20,9,NSC,M +2018-11-10 07:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-10 08:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-10 09:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-11-10 10:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-10 11:20,12,FEW,M +2018-11-10 12:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-11-10 13:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-11-10 14:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-11-10 15:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-11-10 16:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-11-10 17:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-11-10 18:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-11-10 19:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-11-10 20:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-10 21:20,12,M,M +2018-11-10 22:20,11,M,M +2018-11-10 23:20,12,M,M +2018-11-11 00:20,12,BKN,M +2018-11-11 01:20,12,BKN,-RA +2018-11-11 02:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-11 03:20,11,M,M +2018-11-11 04:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-11 05:20,12,BKN,M +2018-11-11 06:20,12,BKN,M +2018-11-11 07:20,12,M,M +2018-11-11 08:20,12,M,M +2018-11-11 09:20,12,M,M +2018-11-11 10:20,12,M,M +2018-11-11 11:20,13,SCT,M +2018-11-11 12:20,14,FEW,M +2018-11-11 13:20,14,FEW,M +2018-11-11 14:20,14,FEW,M +2018-11-11 15:20,13,FEW,M +2018-11-11 16:20,13,FEW,M +2018-11-11 17:20,13,FEW,-RA +2018-11-11 18:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-11-11 19:20,12,SCT,M +2018-11-11 20:20,12,BKN,-RA +2018-11-11 21:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-11-11 22:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-11 23:20,11,M,M +2018-11-12 00:20,10,M,M +2018-11-12 01:20,9,M,M +2018-11-12 02:20,9,M,M +2018-11-12 03:20,9,M,M +2018-11-12 04:20,9,BKN,M +2018-11-12 05:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-12 06:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-12 07:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-11-12 08:20,11,SCT,-RA +2018-11-12 09:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-11-12 10:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-11-12 11:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-12 12:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-12 13:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-12 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-11-12 15:20,12,FEW,M +2018-11-12 16:20,12,BKN,M +2018-11-12 17:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-12 18:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-12 19:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-12 20:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-12 21:20,11,FEW,M +2018-11-12 22:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-12 23:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-13 00:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-13 01:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-13 02:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-11-13 03:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-11-13 04:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-11-13 05:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-13 06:20,10,NSC,BR +2018-11-13 07:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-13 08:20,11,M,M +2018-11-13 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-11-13 10:20,11,BKN,M +2018-11-13 11:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-13 12:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-13 13:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-11-13 14:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-13 15:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-13 16:20,10,BKN,M +2018-11-13 17:20,10,FEW,-SHRA +2018-11-13 18:20,10,SCT,M +2018-11-13 19:20,11,SCT,M +2018-11-13 20:20,10,BKN,M +2018-11-13 21:20,10,M,M +2018-11-13 22:20,9,FEW,M +2018-11-13 23:20,9,M,M +2018-11-14 00:20,9,M,M +2018-11-14 01:20,8,M,M +2018-11-14 02:20,8,M,M +2018-11-14 03:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-14 04:20,7,BKN,M +2018-11-14 05:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-11-14 06:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-11-14 07:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-11-14 08:20,7,FEW,BR +2018-11-14 09:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-11-14 10:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-11-14 11:20,9,BKN,M +2018-11-14 12:20,10,BKN,M +2018-11-14 13:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-14 14:20,10,FEW,M +2018-11-14 15:20,10,NSC,M +2018-11-14 16:20,10,M,M +2018-11-14 17:20,10,M,M +2018-11-14 18:20,10,M,M +2018-11-14 19:20,9,M,M +2018-11-14 20:20,9,M,M +2018-11-14 21:20,8,M,M +2018-11-14 22:20,9,M,M +2018-11-14 23:20,8,M,M +2018-11-15 00:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 01:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 02:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 03:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 04:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-15 05:20,5,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-15 06:20,4,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-15 07:20,4,NSC,M +2018-11-15 08:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-15 09:20,8,SCT,M +2018-11-15 10:20,9,M,M +2018-11-15 11:20,11,M,M +2018-11-15 12:20,11,M,M +2018-11-15 13:20,12,M,M +2018-11-15 14:20,11,M,M +2018-11-15 15:20,10,M,M +2018-11-15 16:20,9,M,M +2018-11-15 17:20,9,M,M +2018-11-15 18:20,8,M,M +2018-11-15 19:20,7,M,M +2018-11-15 20:20,7,M,M +2018-11-15 21:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 22:20,6,M,M +2018-11-15 23:20,6,M,M +2018-11-16 00:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 01:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 02:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 03:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 04:20,4,M,M +2018-11-16 05:20,4,M,M +2018-11-16 06:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-16 07:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-16 08:20,5,NSC,M +2018-11-16 09:20,6,M,M +2018-11-16 10:20,8,M,M +2018-11-16 11:20,9,M,M +2018-11-16 12:20,9,M,M +2018-11-16 13:20,9,M,M +2018-11-16 14:20,9,M,M +2018-11-16 15:20,8,M,M +2018-11-16 16:20,7,M,M +2018-11-16 17:20,7,M,M +2018-11-16 18:20,6,M,M +2018-11-16 19:20,6,M,M +2018-11-16 20:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 21:20,5,M,M +2018-11-16 22:20,4,M,M +2018-11-16 23:20,4,M,M +2018-11-17 00:20,4,M,M +2018-11-17 01:20,3,M,M +2018-11-17 02:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 03:20,3,M,M +2018-11-17 04:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 05:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 06:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 07:20,1,M,M +2018-11-17 08:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 09:20,3,M,M +2018-11-17 10:20,4,M,M +2018-11-17 11:20,5,M,M +2018-11-17 12:20,6,M,M +2018-11-17 13:20,7,M,M +2018-11-17 14:20,6,M,M +2018-11-17 15:20,4,M,M +2018-11-17 16:20,4,M,M +2018-11-17 17:20,3,M,M +2018-11-17 18:20,3,M,M +2018-11-17 19:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 20:20,2,M,M +2018-11-17 21:20,0,M,M +2018-11-17 22:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-17 23:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-18 00:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-11-18 01:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-11-18 02:20,-1,NSC,M +2018-11-18 03:20,-3,NSC,BCFG +2018-11-18 04:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-11-18 05:20,-3,NSC,M +2018-11-18 06:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-11-18 07:20,-2,NSC,M +2018-11-18 08:20,1,M,M +2018-11-18 09:20,2,M,M +2018-11-18 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-18 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-18 12:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-18 13:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-11-18 14:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-11-18 15:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-11-18 16:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-18 17:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-18 18:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-18 19:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-11-18 20:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-11-18 21:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-18 22:20,5,SCT,M +2018-11-18 23:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-19 00:20,5,SCT,M +2018-11-19 01:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-19 02:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-19 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-19 04:20,5,SCT,M +2018-11-19 05:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-11-19 06:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-11-19 07:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-19 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-19 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-19 10:20,6,SCT,M +2018-11-19 11:20,7,SCT,M +2018-11-19 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-11-19 13:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-19 14:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-19 15:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-19 16:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-19 17:20,5,M,M +2018-11-19 18:20,5,M,M +2018-11-19 19:20,5,M,M +2018-11-19 20:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-19 21:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-19 22:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-19 23:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-20 00:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-20 01:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 02:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 03:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 04:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 05:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-20 06:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 07:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 08:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 09:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 10:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 11:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 12:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 13:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-20 14:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 15:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 18:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-20 19:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-20 20:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-20 21:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-20 22:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-20 23:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-21 00:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-21 01:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-21 02:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-21 03:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-21 04:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-21 05:20,2,OVC,M +2018-11-21 06:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-21 08:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-21 09:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-21 10:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-21 11:20,3,SCT,M +2018-11-21 12:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-21 13:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-21 14:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-21 15:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 16:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 17:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 18:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 19:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 20:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-21 21:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-21 22:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-11-21 23:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 00:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 01:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 02:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 03:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-11-22 04:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 05:20,1,BKN,-SN +2018-11-22 06:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 08:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-22 09:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 10:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 12:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 13:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 14:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 15:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 16:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 17:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-22 18:20,2,OVC,M +2018-11-22 19:20,2,OVC,M +2018-11-22 20:20,1,OVC,M +2018-11-22 21:20,1,OVC,M +2018-11-22 22:20,1,OVC,M +2018-11-22 23:20,1,OVC,M +2018-11-23 00:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 01:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 02:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 03:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 04:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 05:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 06:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 07:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 08:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 09:20,1,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 10:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 11:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 12:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-11-23 13:20,2,OVC,M +2018-11-23 18:20,3,FEW,BR +2018-11-23 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-23 20:20,3,SCT,M +2018-11-23 21:20,3,SCT,M +2018-11-23 22:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-23 23:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-24 00:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 01:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-24 02:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-24 03:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-24 04:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-11-24 05:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-11-24 06:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-11-24 07:20,2,OVC,BR +2018-11-24 08:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-11-24 09:20,3,FEW,BR +2018-11-24 10:20,4,OVC,BR +2018-11-24 11:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-24 12:20,4,SCT,M +2018-11-24 13:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-24 14:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-24 15:20,3,SCT,M +2018-11-24 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 17:20,4,BKN,M +2018-11-24 18:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 19:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 21:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-24 22:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-24 23:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-25 00:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-25 01:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-25 02:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-25 03:20,3,OVC,M +2018-11-25 04:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-11-25 05:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-11-25 06:20,3,BKN,BR +2018-11-25 07:20,3,BKN,BR +2018-11-25 08:20,4,SCT,BR +2018-11-25 09:20,4,SCT,BR +2018-11-25 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-25 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-25 12:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-25 13:20,6,OVC,M +2018-11-25 14:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-25 15:20,5,NSC,M +2018-11-25 16:20,4,NSC,M +2018-11-25 17:20,3,NSC,M +2018-11-25 18:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-25 19:20,3,NSC,M +2018-11-25 20:20,3,NSC,M +2018-11-25 21:20,3,NSC,M +2018-11-25 22:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-25 23:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-26 00:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-26 01:20,3,M,M +2018-11-26 02:20,2,M,M +2018-11-26 03:20,2,M,M +2018-11-26 04:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-26 05:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-26 06:20,2,BKN,M +2018-11-26 07:20,1,FEW,M +2018-11-26 08:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-26 09:20,2,SCT,M +2018-11-26 10:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-26 11:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-26 12:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-26 13:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-26 14:20,4,FEW,M +2018-11-26 15:20,3,SCT,M +2018-11-26 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-26 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-26 18:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-26 19:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-26 20:20,3,BKN,M +2018-11-26 21:20,1,FEW,M +2018-11-26 22:20,1,M,M +2018-11-26 23:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-27 00:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-27 01:20,-1,SCT,BCFG +2018-11-27 02:20,0,SCT,BCFG +2018-11-27 03:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-27 04:20,1,FEW,M +2018-11-27 05:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-27 06:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-27 07:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-27 08:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-27 09:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-27 10:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-27 11:20,2,FEW,M +2018-11-27 12:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-27 13:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-27 14:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-27 15:20,3,FEW,M +2018-11-27 16:20,1,FEW,M +2018-11-27 17:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-27 18:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-27 19:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-27 20:20,0,FEW,M +2018-11-27 21:20,0,FEW,M +2018-11-27 22:20,0,M,M +2018-11-27 23:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-11-28 00:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 01:20,-2,M,M +2018-11-28 02:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 03:20,-2,M,M +2018-11-28 04:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 05:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 06:20,-2,M,M +2018-11-28 07:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 08:20,-1,M,M +2018-11-28 09:20,0,M,M +2018-11-28 10:20,0,M,M +2018-11-28 11:20,0,M,M +2018-11-28 12:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 13:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 14:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 15:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 16:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 17:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 18:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 19:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 20:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 21:20,1,M,M +2018-11-28 22:20,1,SCT,M +2018-11-28 23:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-29 00:20,1,BKN,-RA +2018-11-29 01:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-29 02:20,1,BKN,M +2018-11-29 03:20,1,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 04:20,1,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 05:20,1,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 06:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-11-29 07:20,1,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-11-29 08:20,2,FEW,RA BR +2018-11-29 09:20,2,FEW,-RADZ +2018-11-29 10:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 11:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 12:20,3,BKN,-RA BR +2018-11-29 13:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-11-29 14:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-11-29 15:20,4,M,M +2018-11-29 16:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-11-29 17:20,4,NSC,-RA +2018-11-29 18:20,4,NSC,-RA +2018-11-29 19:20,5,M,M +2018-11-29 20:20,5,M,M +2018-11-29 21:20,5,M,M +2018-11-29 22:20,5,M,M +2018-11-29 23:20,6,M,M +2018-11-30 00:20,6,SCT,M +2018-11-30 01:20,5,BKN,M +2018-11-30 02:20,5,M,M +2018-11-30 03:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-30 04:20,5,SCT,M +2018-11-30 05:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-30 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-11-30 07:20,6,BKN,M +2018-11-30 08:20,6,BKN,M +2018-11-30 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-30 10:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-30 11:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-30 12:20,8,M,M +2018-11-30 13:20,9,M,M +2018-11-30 14:20,8,FEW,M +2018-11-30 15:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-30 16:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-30 17:20,6,SCT,M +2018-11-30 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-11-30 19:20,6,M,M +2018-11-30 20:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-30 21:20,7,FEW,M +2018-11-30 22:20,6,FEW,M +2018-11-30 23:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-01 00:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-01 01:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-01 02:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-01 03:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-01 04:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-01 05:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-01 06:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-01 07:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-12-01 08:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-01 09:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-01 10:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-01 11:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-01 12:20,9,BKN,M +2018-12-01 13:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-01 14:20,9,BKN,M +2018-12-01 15:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-01 16:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-01 17:20,8,M,M +2018-12-01 18:20,8,M,M +2018-12-01 19:20,8,M,M +2018-12-01 20:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-01 21:20,8,M,M +2018-12-01 22:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-12-01 23:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-02 00:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 01:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 02:20,7,SCT,-DZ +2018-12-02 03:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-02 04:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-02 05:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 06:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-02 07:20,8,SCT,-RA +2018-12-02 08:20,8,SCT,-RA +2018-12-02 09:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-02 10:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-02 11:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-02 12:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 13:20,9,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 14:20,10,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-02 15:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-02 16:20,10,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-02 17:20,11,SCT,M +2018-12-02 18:20,11,FEW,M +2018-12-02 19:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-02 20:20,11,SCT,BR +2018-12-02 21:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-02 22:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-02 23:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 00:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 01:20,11,FEW,M +2018-12-03 02:20,11,FEW,M +2018-12-03 03:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-03 04:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-03 05:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 06:20,12,FEW,RADZ +2018-12-03 07:20,12,FEW,-RA +2018-12-03 08:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 09:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 10:20,12,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-03 11:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-03 12:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-03 13:20,12,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-03 14:20,12,FEW,M +2018-12-03 15:20,11,SCT,M +2018-12-03 16:20,11,FEW,M +2018-12-03 17:20,11,SCT,M +2018-12-03 18:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-03 19:20,10,FEW,M +2018-12-03 20:20,10,FEW,RA +2018-12-03 21:20,10,FEW,-RA +2018-12-03 22:20,8,FEW,RA +2018-12-03 23:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-12-04 00:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-04 01:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-04 02:20,7,M,M +2018-12-04 03:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-04 04:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-04 05:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-04 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-04 07:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-04 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-04 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-04 10:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-04 11:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-04 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-04 13:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-04 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-04 15:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-04 16:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-04 17:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-04 18:20,4,M,M +2018-12-04 19:20,4,M,M +2018-12-04 20:20,4,M,M +2018-12-04 21:20,4,M,M +2018-12-04 22:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-04 23:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-05 00:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-05 01:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-05 02:20,1,M,M +2018-12-05 03:20,0,M,M +2018-12-05 04:20,0,M,M +2018-12-05 05:20,1,M,M +2018-12-05 06:20,0,M,M +2018-12-05 07:20,0,M,M +2018-12-05 08:20,1,M,M +2018-12-05 09:20,2,M,M +2018-12-05 10:20,3,M,M +2018-12-05 11:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 12:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 13:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 14:20,3,M,M +2018-12-05 15:20,3,M,M +2018-12-05 16:20,3,M,M +2018-12-05 17:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 18:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 19:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 20:20,4,M,M +2018-12-05 21:20,4,SCT,M +2018-12-05 22:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-12-05 23:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-12-06 00:20,4,BKN,-RA +2018-12-06 01:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-06 02:20,4,OVC,-RA +2018-12-06 03:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-06 04:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-12-06 05:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-06 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-06 07:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-06 08:20,5,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-06 10:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-12-06 11:20,8,BKN,BR +2018-12-06 12:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 13:20,9,BKN,BR +2018-12-06 14:20,9,OVC,BR +2018-12-06 15:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 16:20,10,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 17:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 18:20,11,BKN,M +2018-12-06 19:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 20:20,10,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 21:20,10,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-06 22:20,11,FEW,DZ BR +2018-12-06 23:20,11,FEW,-RADZ BR +2018-12-07 00:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-07 01:20,11,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-07 02:20,11,BKN,DZ BR +2018-12-07 03:20,11,FEW,-RADZ BR +2018-12-07 04:20,11,BKN,DZ BR +2018-12-07 05:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-12-07 06:20,11,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-12-07 07:20,11,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-07 08:20,11,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-07 09:20,11,OVC,-RA +2018-12-07 10:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-12-07 11:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-07 12:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-07 13:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-07 14:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-12-07 15:20,11,SCT,M +2018-12-07 16:20,11,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-07 17:20,11,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-07 18:20,11,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-07 19:20,11,FEW,-RA +2018-12-07 20:20,9,FEW,+RA +2018-12-07 21:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-07 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-07 23:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-08 00:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-08 01:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-08 02:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-08 03:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-08 04:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-08 05:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-12-08 06:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 07:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 08:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 09:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 10:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 11:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 12:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 13:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-08 14:20,9,SCT,M +2018-12-08 15:20,9,SCT,-SHRA +2018-12-08 16:20,9,BKN,M +2018-12-08 17:20,8,BKN,-SHRA +2018-12-08 18:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-08 19:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-08 20:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-08 21:20,8,SCT,-RA +2018-12-08 22:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-08 23:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-09 00:20,8,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-09 01:20,8,BKN,RA +2018-12-09 02:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-09 03:20,6,SCT,-RA +2018-12-09 04:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-09 05:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-09 06:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-09 07:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-09 08:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2018-12-09 09:20,7,SCT,SHRA +2018-12-09 10:20,6,FEW,SHRA +2018-12-09 11:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2018-12-09 12:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-09 13:20,8,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-09 14:20,8,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-09 15:20,7,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-09 16:20,7,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-09 17:20,7,FEW,SHRA +2018-12-09 18:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-09 19:20,7,BKN,-SHRA +2018-12-09 20:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-09 21:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-09 22:20,6,M,M +2018-12-09 23:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-10 00:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-10 01:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-10 02:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-10 03:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-10 04:20,4,SCT,M +2018-12-10 05:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2018-12-10 06:20,4,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-10 07:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-10 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-10 09:20,6,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-10 10:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-10 11:20,5,FEW,VCSH +2018-12-10 12:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-10 13:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-10 14:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2018-12-10 15:20,5,SCT,-SHRA +2018-12-10 16:20,5,M,M +2018-12-10 17:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-10 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-10 19:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-10 20:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-10 21:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-10 22:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-10 23:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-11 00:20,5,M,M +2018-12-11 01:20,6,M,M +2018-12-11 02:20,5,M,M +2018-12-11 03:20,4,M,M +2018-12-11 04:20,4,M,M +2018-12-11 05:20,3,M,M +2018-12-11 06:20,3,M,M +2018-12-11 07:20,3,M,M +2018-12-11 08:20,3,M,M +2018-12-11 09:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-11 10:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-11 11:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-11 12:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-11 13:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-11 14:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-11 15:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-11 16:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-11 17:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-12-11 18:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-11 19:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-11 20:20,4,SCT,-RA +2018-12-11 21:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-12-11 22:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-12-11 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-12 00:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 01:20,3,FEW,-RA +2018-12-12 02:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-12 03:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 04:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 05:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 06:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 07:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-12 08:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-12 09:20,4,SCT,M +2018-12-12 10:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-12-12 11:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-12-12 12:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-12 13:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-12-12 14:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-12 15:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-12 16:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-12 17:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-12 18:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-12 19:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-12 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-12 21:20,2,SCT,M +2018-12-12 22:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-12 23:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-13 00:20,2,SCT,M +2018-12-13 01:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 02:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-13 03:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-13 04:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 05:20,-2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 06:20,1,BKN,M +2018-12-13 07:20,1,BKN,M +2018-12-13 08:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-13 09:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-13 10:20,2,SCT,M +2018-12-13 11:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 12:20,3,SCT,M +2018-12-13 13:20,3,SCT,M +2018-12-13 14:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-13 15:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-13 16:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-13 17:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-13 18:20,3,M,M +2018-12-13 19:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 20:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 21:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-13 22:20,2,M,M +2018-12-13 23:20,1,M,M +2018-12-14 00:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 01:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 02:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 03:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 04:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 05:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-14 06:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 07:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 08:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 09:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-14 10:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-14 11:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-14 12:20,2,BKN,-SN +2018-12-14 13:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-14 14:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-14 15:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 16:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 17:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 18:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-14 19:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-14 20:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-14 21:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-14 22:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-14 23:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 00:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 01:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 02:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 03:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 04:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 05:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-15 06:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-15 07:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-15 08:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-15 09:20,0,SCT,M +2018-12-15 10:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-15 11:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-15 12:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-15 13:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 14:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 15:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 16:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 17:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 18:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 19:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 20:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 21:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 22:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-15 23:20,-1,SCT,M +2018-12-16 00:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-12-16 01:20,-2,BKN,M +2018-12-16 02:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-12-16 03:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-12-16 04:20,-1,FEW,M +2018-12-16 05:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-16 06:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-16 07:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-16 08:20,0,SCT,M +2018-12-16 09:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-16 10:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-16 11:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-16 12:20,0,SCT,M +2018-12-16 13:20,0,BKN,M +2018-12-16 14:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-16 15:20,0,SCT,M +2018-12-16 16:20,0,FEW,-SN +2018-12-16 17:20,0,SCT,-SN +2018-12-16 18:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2018-12-16 19:20,-1,BKN,M +2018-12-16 20:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-12-16 21:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-12-16 22:20,-1,FEW,-SN +2018-12-16 23:20,-1,SCT,-SN +2018-12-17 00:20,0,FEW,M +2018-12-17 01:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 02:20,0,OVC,-SN BR +2018-12-17 03:20,0,OVC,-SN BR +2018-12-17 04:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 05:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 06:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 07:20,0,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 08:20,1,SCT,BR +2018-12-17 09:20,1,VV ,FG +2018-12-17 10:20,1,BKN,BR +2018-12-17 11:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-12-17 12:20,2,BKN,BR +2018-12-17 13:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 14:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 15:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 16:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 17:20,3,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 18:20,3,OVC,-DZ +2018-12-17 19:20,3,OVC,-RADZ +2018-12-17 20:20,3,OVC,-RADZ +2018-12-17 21:20,3,OVC,-DZ +2018-12-17 22:20,4,OVC,BR +2018-12-17 23:20,4,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-18 00:20,5,BKN,-RA BR +2018-12-18 01:20,6,BKN,-RADZ BR +2018-12-18 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-12-18 03:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-12-18 04:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-12-18 05:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-18 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-18 07:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-18 08:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-18 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-18 10:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-18 11:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-18 12:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-18 13:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-18 14:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-18 15:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-18 16:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-18 17:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-18 18:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-18 19:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-18 20:20,4,M,M +2018-12-18 21:20,3,M,M +2018-12-18 22:20,3,M,M +2018-12-18 23:20,3,M,M +2018-12-19 00:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 01:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 02:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 03:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 04:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 05:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 06:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-19 07:20,2,M,M +2018-12-19 08:20,3,M,M +2018-12-19 09:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-19 10:20,3,BKN,-RA +2018-12-19 11:20,3,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-19 12:20,3,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-19 13:20,4,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-19 14:20,4,BKN,M +2018-12-19 15:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-19 16:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-19 17:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-19 18:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-19 19:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-19 20:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-19 21:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-19 22:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-19 23:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-20 00:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-20 01:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-20 02:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-20 03:20,4,FEW,-RA +2018-12-20 04:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-20 05:20,4,SCT,M +2018-12-20 06:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-12-20 07:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-12-20 08:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-20 09:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-20 10:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-20 11:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-20 12:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-12-20 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-20 14:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-20 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-20 16:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-20 17:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-20 18:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-20 19:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-20 20:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-12-20 21:20,7,FEW,RA +2018-12-20 22:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-20 23:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-21 00:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-21 01:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-21 02:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-21 03:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-21 04:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-21 05:20,6,SCT,-RA +2018-12-21 06:20,6,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 07:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-21 08:20,6,FEW,-RA +2018-12-21 09:20,6,SCT,-RA +2018-12-21 10:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-21 11:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 12:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 13:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 14:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 15:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 16:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 17:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-21 18:20,11,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 19:20,10,BKN,-RA +2018-12-21 20:20,10,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-21 21:20,8,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-21 22:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-21 23:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-22 00:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-22 01:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-12-22 02:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-12-22 03:20,7,SCT,-RA +2018-12-22 04:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2018-12-22 05:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-22 06:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-22 07:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-22 08:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-22 09:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-22 10:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-22 11:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-22 12:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-22 13:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-22 14:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-22 15:20,7,BKN,RA +2018-12-22 16:20,7,FEW,-RA BCFG +2018-12-22 17:20,6,BKN,-RA BCFG +2018-12-22 18:20,6,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-22 19:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-22 20:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-22 21:20,6,SCT,-DZ +2018-12-22 22:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-22 23:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-23 00:20,6,SCT,-RADZ +2018-12-23 01:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-23 02:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-23 03:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-23 04:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-23 05:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-23 06:20,7,BKN,RA +2018-12-23 07:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-23 08:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-23 09:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-23 10:20,7,FEW,RADZ +2018-12-23 11:20,7,FEW,-RADZ +2018-12-23 12:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-23 13:20,7,BKN,-RADZ +2018-12-23 14:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-23 15:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-23 16:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-23 17:20,7,SCT,-SHRA +2018-12-23 18:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-23 19:20,6,FEW,-SHRA +2018-12-23 20:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-23 21:20,6,BKN,DZ +2018-12-23 22:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-23 23:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-24 00:20,5,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-24 01:20,4,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-24 02:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-24 03:20,2,BKN,M +2018-12-24 04:20,2,SCT,M +2018-12-24 05:20,1,SCT,M +2018-12-24 06:20,1,BKN,M +2018-12-24 07:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-24 08:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-24 09:20,1,FEW,M +2018-12-24 10:20,2,FEW,M +2018-12-24 11:20,3,BKN,M +2018-12-24 12:20,3,SCT,M +2018-12-24 13:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-24 14:20,3,SCT,M +2018-12-24 15:20,3,SCT,M +2018-12-24 16:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-24 17:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-24 18:20,3,M,M +2018-12-24 19:20,3,M,M +2018-12-24 20:20,3,FEW,M +2018-12-24 21:20,4,SCT,M +2018-12-24 22:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-24 23:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-25 00:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-25 01:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-25 02:20,4,FEW,M +2018-12-25 03:20,5,BKN,M +2018-12-25 04:20,5,FEW,-RA +2018-12-25 05:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-25 06:20,5,FEW,M +2018-12-25 07:20,5,SCT,M +2018-12-25 08:20,5,BKN,-RA +2018-12-25 09:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-25 10:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 11:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 12:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 13:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 14:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-25 15:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-25 16:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-25 17:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-25 18:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 19:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 20:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-25 21:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-25 22:20,6,SCT,M +2018-12-25 23:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-26 00:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-26 01:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-26 02:20,5,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-26 03:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-26 04:20,6,OVC,-DZ +2018-12-26 05:20,6,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-26 06:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 07:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 08:20,7,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 09:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 10:20,7,BKN,BR +2018-12-26 11:20,8,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 12:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-12-26 13:20,8,SCT,BR +2018-12-26 14:20,8,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 15:20,9,FEW,BR +2018-12-26 16:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 17:20,9,SCT,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 18:20,9,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 19:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-26 20:20,8,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 21:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 22:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-26 23:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 00:20,7,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 01:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 02:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 03:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 04:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 05:20,5,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 06:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 07:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 08:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 09:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 10:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 11:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 12:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 13:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 14:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 15:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 16:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 17:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 18:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 19:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 20:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 21:20,6,FEW,-DZ BR +2018-12-27 22:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-27 23:20,6,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 00:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 01:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 02:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 03:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 04:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 05:20,7,OVC,-DZ BR +2018-12-28 06:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-12-28 07:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-12-28 08:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-12-28 09:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-28 10:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-28 11:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-28 12:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-28 13:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-28 14:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-28 15:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-28 16:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-28 17:20,8,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-28 18:20,7,FEW,-DZ +2018-12-28 19:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-28 20:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-28 21:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-28 22:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-28 23:20,7,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-29 00:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-29 01:20,6,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-29 02:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-12-29 03:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-29 04:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-29 05:20,7,BKN,DZ BR +2018-12-29 06:20,7,FEW,DZ BR +2018-12-29 07:20,7,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-29 08:20,8,FEW,BR +2018-12-29 09:20,8,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-29 10:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-29 11:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-29 12:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-29 13:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-29 14:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-29 15:20,7,BKN,RA +2018-12-29 16:20,7,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 17:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 18:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 19:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 20:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 21:20,8,BKN,-RA +2018-12-29 22:20,8,OVC,-RA +2018-12-29 23:20,8,OVC,-DZ +2018-12-30 00:20,8,OVC,-DZ +2018-12-30 01:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-30 02:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-30 03:20,6,FEW,M +2018-12-30 04:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-30 05:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-30 06:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-30 07:20,7,FEW,-RA +2018-12-30 08:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-30 09:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-30 10:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-30 11:20,8,FEW,M +2018-12-30 12:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-30 13:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-30 14:20,8,BKN,M +2018-12-30 15:20,8,SCT,M +2018-12-30 16:20,7,M,M +2018-12-30 17:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-30 18:20,7,SCT,M +2018-12-30 19:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-30 20:20,7,FEW,M +2018-12-30 21:20,7,BKN,M +2018-12-30 22:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-30 23:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-31 00:20,6,BKN,M +2018-12-31 01:20,6,BKN,BR +2018-12-31 02:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 03:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 04:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 05:20,6,SCT,BR +2018-12-31 06:20,6,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 07:20,6,BKN,-DZ BR +2018-12-31 08:20,7,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 09:20,7,VV ,FG +2018-12-31 10:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 11:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 12:20,8,FEW,BR +2018-12-31 13:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 14:20,8,OVC,BR +2018-12-31 15:20,9,FEW,M +2018-12-31 16:20,9,FEW,M +2018-12-31 17:20,9,FEW,M +2018-12-31 18:20,9,BKN,M +2018-12-31 19:20,9,BKN,M +2018-12-31 20:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-31 21:20,9,FEW,M +2018-12-31 22:20,9,BKN,-DZ +2018-12-31 23:20,8,FEW,-RADZ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_words.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_words.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1004aebb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/listview_words.c @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +/* Lists/Words + * #Keywords: GtkListView, GtkFilterListModel, GtkInscription + * + * This demo shows filtering a long list - of words. + * + * You should have the file `/usr/share/dict/words` installed for + * this demo to work. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *progress; + +const char *factory_text = +"\n" +"\n" +" \n" +"\n"; + +static void +update_title_cb (GtkFilterListModel *model) +{ + guint total; + char *title; + guint pending; + + total = g_list_model_get_n_items (gtk_filter_list_model_get_model (model)); + pending = gtk_filter_list_model_get_pending (model); + + title = g_strdup_printf ("%u lines", g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (model))); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (progress, pending != 0); + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress), total > 0 ? (total - pending) / (double) total : 0.); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), title); + g_free (title); +} + +static void +read_lines_cb (GObject *object, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GBufferedInputStream *stream = G_BUFFERED_INPUT_STREAM (object); + GtkStringList *stringlist = data; + GError *error = NULL; + gsize size; + GPtrArray *lines; + gssize n_filled; + const char *buffer, *newline; + + n_filled = g_buffered_input_stream_fill_finish (stream, result, &error); + if (n_filled < 0) + { + g_print ("Could not read data: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + g_object_unref (stringlist); + return; + } + + buffer = g_buffered_input_stream_peek_buffer (stream, &size); + + if (n_filled == 0) + { + if (size) + gtk_string_list_take (stringlist, g_utf8_make_valid (buffer, size)); + g_object_unref (stringlist); + return; + } + + lines = NULL; + while ((newline = memchr (buffer, '\n', size))) + { + if (newline > buffer) + { + if (lines == NULL) + lines = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); + g_ptr_array_add (lines, g_utf8_make_valid (buffer, newline - buffer)); + } + if (g_input_stream_skip (G_INPUT_STREAM (stream), newline - buffer + 1, NULL, &error) < 0) + { + g_clear_error (&error); + break; + } + buffer = g_buffered_input_stream_peek_buffer (stream, &size); + } + if (lines == NULL) + { + g_buffered_input_stream_set_buffer_size (stream, g_buffered_input_stream_get_buffer_size (stream) + 4096); + } + else + { + g_ptr_array_add (lines, NULL); + gtk_string_list_splice (stringlist, g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (stringlist)), 0, (const char **) lines->pdata); + g_ptr_array_free (lines, TRUE); + } + + g_buffered_input_stream_fill_async (stream, -1, G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, NULL, read_lines_cb, data); +} + +static void +file_is_open_cb (GObject *file, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + GFileInputStream *file_stream; + GBufferedInputStream *stream; + + file_stream = g_file_read_finish (G_FILE (file), result, &error); + if (file_stream == NULL) + { + g_print ("Could not open file: %s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + g_object_unref (data); + return; + } + + stream = G_BUFFERED_INPUT_STREAM (g_buffered_input_stream_new (G_INPUT_STREAM (file_stream))); + g_buffered_input_stream_fill_async (stream, -1, G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, NULL, read_lines_cb, data); + g_object_unref (stream); +} + +static void +load_file (GtkStringList *list, + GFile *file) +{ + gtk_string_list_splice (list, 0, g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (list)), NULL); + g_file_read_async (file, G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, NULL, file_is_open_cb, g_object_ref (list)); +} + +static void +open_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GtkStringList *stringlist = GTK_STRING_LIST (user_data); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + load_file (stringlist, file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +file_open_cb (GtkWidget *button, + GtkStringList *stringlist) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (button)), + NULL, + open_response_cb, stringlist); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_listview_words (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (window == NULL) + { + GtkWidget *header, *listview, *sw, *vbox, *search_entry, *open_button, *overlay; + GtkFilterListModel *filter_model; + GtkStringList *stringlist; + GtkFilter *filter; + GFile *file; + + file = g_file_new_for_path ("/usr/share/dict/words"); + if (g_file_query_exists (file, NULL)) + { + stringlist = gtk_string_list_new (NULL); + load_file (stringlist, file); + } + else + { + char **words; + words = g_strsplit ("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit sed eiusmod tempor incidunt labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat", " ", -1); + stringlist = gtk_string_list_new ((const char **) words); + g_strfreev (words); + } + g_object_unref (file); + + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_string_filter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (GTK_TYPE_STRING_OBJECT, NULL, "string"))); + filter_model = gtk_filter_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (stringlist), filter); + gtk_filter_list_model_set_incremental (filter_model, TRUE); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 600); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_header_bar_set_show_title_buttons (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), TRUE); + open_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Open"); + g_signal_connect (open_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (file_open_cb), stringlist); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), open_button); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer*)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + search_entry = gtk_search_entry_new (); + g_object_bind_property (search_entry, "text", filter, "search", 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), search_entry); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), overlay); + + progress = gtk_progress_bar_new (); + gtk_widget_set_halign (progress, GTK_ALIGN_FILL); + gtk_widget_set_valign (progress, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (progress, TRUE); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), progress); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), sw); + + listview = gtk_list_view_new ( + GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (gtk_no_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (filter_model))), + gtk_builder_list_item_factory_new_from_bytes (NULL, + g_bytes_new_static (factory_text, strlen (factory_text)))); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), listview); + + g_signal_connect (filter_model, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (update_title_cb), progress); + g_signal_connect (filter_model, "notify::pending", G_CALLBACK (update_title_cb), progress); + update_title_cb (filter_model); + + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main-listitem.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main-listitem.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aab22e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main-listitem.ui @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..430091fb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@ +/* GTK Demo + * + * GTK Demo is a collection of useful examples to demonstrate + * GTK widgets and features. It is a useful example in itself. + * + * You can select examples in the sidebar or search for them by + * typing a search term. Double-clicking or hitting the “Run” button + * will run the demo. The source code and other resources used in the + * demo are shown in this area. + * + * You can also use the GTK Inspector, available from the menu on the + * top right, to poke at the running demos, and see how they are put + * together. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "demos.h" +#include "fontify.h" + +#include "demo_conf.h" + +static GtkWidget *info_view; +static GtkWidget *source_view; + +static char *current_file = NULL; + +static GtkWidget *notebook; +static GtkSingleSelection *selection; +static GtkWidget *toplevel; +static char **search_needle; + +typedef struct _GtkDemo GtkDemo; +struct _GtkDemo +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + const char *name; + const char *title; + const char **keywords; + const char *filename; + GDoDemoFunc func; + GListModel *children_model; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_FILENAME, + PROP_NAME, + PROP_TITLE, + PROP_KEYWORDS, + + N_PROPS +}; + +# define GTK_TYPE_DEMO (gtk_demo_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkDemo, gtk_demo, GTK, DEMO, GObject); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkDemo, gtk_demo, G_TYPE_OBJECT); +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +gtk_demo_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkDemo *self = GTK_DEMO (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_FILENAME: + g_value_set_string (value, self->filename); + break; + + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, self->name); + break; + + case PROP_TITLE: + g_value_set_string (value, self->title); + break; + + case PROP_KEYWORDS: + g_value_set_boxed (value, self->keywords); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void gtk_demo_class_init (GtkDemoClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gtk_demo_get_property; + + properties[PROP_FILENAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("filename", + "filename", + "filename", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_NAME] = + g_param_spec_string ("name", + "name", + "name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_TITLE] = + g_param_spec_string ("title", + "title", + "title", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + properties[PROP_KEYWORDS] = + g_param_spec_string ("keywords", + "keywords", + "keywords", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void gtk_demo_init (GtkDemo *self) +{ +} + +typedef struct _CallbackData CallbackData; +struct _CallbackData +{ + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreePath *path; +}; + +static gboolean +gtk_demo_run (GtkDemo *self, + GtkWidget *window) +{ + GtkWidget *result; + + if (!self->func) + return FALSE; + + result = self->func (window); + if (result == NULL) + return FALSE; + + if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (result)) + { + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (result), GTK_WINDOW (window)); + gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (result), TRUE); + } + return TRUE; +} + +static void +activate_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + const char *authors[] = { + "The GTK Team", + NULL + }; + char *version; + char *os_name; + char *os_version; + GString *s; + + s = g_string_new (""); + + os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); + os_version = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_VERSION_ID); + if (os_name && os_version) + g_string_append_printf (s, "OS\t%s %s\n\n", os_name, os_version); + g_string_append (s, "System libraries\n"); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGLib\t%d.%d.%d\n", + glib_major_version, + glib_minor_version, + glib_micro_version); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tPango\t%s\n", + pango_version_string ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGTK \t%d.%d.%d\n", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\nA link can appear here: "); + + version = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : "", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + gtk_show_about_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_application_get_active_window (app)), + "program-name", g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 + ? "GTK Demo (Development)" + : "GTK Demo", + "version", version, + "copyright", "© 1997—2021 The GTK Team", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to demonstrate GTK widgets", + "authors", authors, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.Demo4", + "title", "About GTK Demo", + "system-information", s->str, + NULL); + + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + g_free (version); + g_free (os_name); + g_free (os_version); +} + +static void +activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWidget *win; + GList *list, *next; + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (app); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static void +activate_inspector (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_window_set_interactive_debugging (TRUE); +} + +static void +activate_run (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer window) +{ + GtkTreeListRow *row = gtk_single_selection_get_selected_item (selection); + GtkDemo *demo = gtk_tree_list_row_get_item (row); + + gtk_demo_run (demo, window); +} + +static GtkWidget * +display_image (const char *format, + const char *resource, + char **label) +{ + GtkWidget *sw, *image; + + image = gtk_picture_new_for_resource (resource); + gtk_widget_set_halign (image, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (image, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), image); + + return sw; +} + +static GtkWidget * +display_images (const char *format, + const char *resource_dir, + char **label) +{ + char **resources; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *widget; + guint i; + + resources = g_resources_enumerate_children (resource_dir, 0, NULL); + if (resources == NULL) + return NULL; + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + grid = gtk_flow_box_new (); + gtk_flow_box_set_selection_mode (GTK_FLOW_BOX (grid), GTK_SELECTION_NONE); + gtk_widget_set_valign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), grid); + + for (i = 0; resources[i]; i++) + { + char *resource_name; + GtkWidget *box; + + resource_name = g_strconcat (resource_dir, "/", resources[i], NULL); + + widget = display_image (NULL, resource_name, NULL); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), widget); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), gtk_label_new (resources[i])); + gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (grid), box, -1); + + g_free (resource_name); + } + + g_strfreev (resources); + + *label = g_strdup ("Images"); + + return sw; +} + +static GtkWidget * +display_text (const char *format, + const char *resource, + char **label) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkWidget *textview, *sw; + GBytes *bytes; + const char *text; + gsize len; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (resource, 0, NULL); + g_assert (bytes); + text = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len); + g_assert (g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)); + + textview = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_top_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), FALSE); + /* Make it a bit nicer for text. */ + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_above_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 2); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), 2); + gtk_text_view_set_monospace (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), TRUE); + + buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, text, len); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + if (format) + fontify (format, buffer); + + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), buffer); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), textview); + + return sw; +} + +static GtkWidget * +display_video (const char *format, + const char *resource, + char **label) +{ + GtkWidget *video; + + video = gtk_video_new_for_resource (resource); + gtk_video_set_loop (GTK_VIDEO (video), TRUE); + + return video; +} + +static GtkWidget * +display_nothing (const char *resource) +{ + GtkWidget *widget; + char *str; + + str = g_strdup_printf ("The contents of the resource at '%s' cannot be displayed", resource); + widget = gtk_label_new (str); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (widget), TRUE); + + g_free (str); + + return widget; +} + +static struct { + const char *extension; + const char *format; + GtkWidget * (* display_func) (const char *format, + const char *resource, + char **label); +} display_funcs[] = { + { ".gif", NULL, display_image }, + { ".jpg", NULL, display_image }, + { ".png", NULL, display_image }, + { ".svg", NULL, display_image }, + { ".c", "c", display_text }, + { ".css", "css", display_text }, + { ".glsl", NULL, display_text }, + { ".h", "c", display_text }, + { ".txt", NULL, display_text }, + { ".ui", "xml", display_text }, + { ".webm", NULL, display_video }, + { "images/", NULL, display_images } +}; + +static void +add_data_tab (const char *demoname) +{ + char *resource_dir, *resource_name; + char **resources; + GtkWidget *widget, *label; + guint i, j; + char *label_string; + + resource_dir = g_strconcat ("/", demoname, NULL); + resources = g_resources_enumerate_children (resource_dir, 0, NULL); + if (resources == NULL) + { + g_free (resource_dir); + return; + } + + for (i = 0; resources[i]; i++) + { + resource_name = g_strconcat (resource_dir, "/", resources[i], NULL); + + for (j = 0; j < G_N_ELEMENTS (display_funcs); j++) + { + if (g_str_has_suffix (resource_name, display_funcs[j].extension)) + break; + } + + label_string = NULL; + + if (j < G_N_ELEMENTS (display_funcs)) + widget = display_funcs[j].display_func (display_funcs[j].format, + resource_name, + &label_string); + else + widget = display_nothing (resource_name); + + label = gtk_label_new (label_string ? label_string : resources[i]); + gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), widget, label); + g_object_set (gtk_notebook_get_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), widget), + "tab-expand", FALSE, + NULL); + + g_free (resource_name); + g_free (label_string); + } + + g_strfreev (resources); + g_free (resource_dir); +} + +static void +remove_data_tabs (void) +{ + int i; + + for (i = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook)) - 1; i > 1; i--) + gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), i); +} + +void +load_file (const char *demoname, + const char *filename) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *info_buffer, *source_buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *resource_filename; + GError *err = NULL; + int state = 0; + gboolean in_para = 0; + char **lines; + GBytes *bytes; + int i; + + if (!g_strcmp0 (current_file, filename)) + return; + + remove_data_tabs (); + + add_data_tab (demoname); + + g_free (current_file); + current_file = g_strdup (filename); + + info_buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (info_buffer, "title", + "size", 18 * 1024, + "pixels-below-lines", 10, + NULL); + + source_buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (info_buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (source_buffer); + + resource_filename = g_strconcat ("/sources/", filename, NULL); + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (resource_filename, 0, &err); + g_free (resource_filename); + + if (bytes == NULL) + { + g_warning ("Cannot open source for %s: %s", filename, err->message); + g_error_free (err); + return; + } + + lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), "\n", -1); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (info_buffer, &start, 0); + for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL; i++) + { + char *p; + char *q; + char *r; + + /* Make sure \r is stripped at the end for the poor windows people */ + lines[i] = g_strchomp (lines[i]); + + p = lines[i]; + switch (state) + { + case 0: + /* Reading title */ + while (*p == '/' || *p == '*' || g_ascii_isspace (*p)) + p++; + r = p; + while (*r != '\0') + { + while (*r != '/' && *r != ':' && *r != '\0') + r++; + if (*r == '/') + { + r++; + p = r; + } + if (r[0] == ':' && r[1] == ':') + *r = '\0'; + } + q = p + strlen (p); + while (q > p && g_ascii_isspace (*(q - 1))) + q--; + + + if (q > p) + { + int len_chars = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (p, q); + + end = start; + + g_assert (strlen (p) >= q - p); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (info_buffer, &end, p, q - p); + start = end; + + gtk_text_iter_backward_chars (&start, len_chars); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (info_buffer, "title", &start, &end); + + start = end; + + while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; + + state++; + } + break; + + case 1: + /* Reading body of info section */ + while (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) + p++; + if (*p == '*' && *(p + 1) == '/') + { + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (source_buffer, &start, 0); + state++; + } + else + { + int len; + + while (*p == '*' || g_ascii_isspace (*p)) + p++; + + len = strlen (p); + while (g_ascii_isspace (*(p + len - 1))) + len--; + + if (*p == '#') + break; + + if (len > 0) + { + if (in_para) + gtk_text_buffer_insert (info_buffer, &start, " ", 1); + + g_assert (strlen (p) >= len); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (info_buffer, &start, p, len); + in_para = 1; + } + else + { + gtk_text_buffer_insert (info_buffer, &start, "\n", 1); + in_para = 0; + } + } + break; + + case 2: + /* Skipping blank lines */ + while (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) + p++; + + if (!*p) + break; + + p = lines[i]; + state++; + G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH; + + case 3: + /* Reading program body */ + gtk_text_buffer_insert (source_buffer, &start, p, -1); + if (lines[i+1] != NULL) + gtk_text_buffer_insert (source_buffer, &start, "\n", 1); + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + } + + g_strfreev (lines); + + fontify ("c", source_buffer); + + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (source_buffer); + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (source_view), source_buffer); + g_object_unref (source_buffer); + + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (info_buffer); + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (info_view), info_buffer); + g_object_unref (info_buffer); +} + +static void +activate_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + guint position, + gpointer window) +{ + GListModel *model = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_list_view_get_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (widget))); + GtkTreeListRow *row = g_list_model_get_item (model, position); + GtkDemo *demo = gtk_tree_list_row_get_item (row); + + gtk_demo_run (demo, window); + + g_object_unref (row); +} + +static void +selection_cb (GtkSingleSelection *sel, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTreeListRow *row = gtk_single_selection_get_selected_item (sel); + GtkDemo *demo; + GAction *action; + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (notebook), !!row); + + if (!row) + { + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), "No match"); + + return; + } + + demo = gtk_tree_list_row_get_item (row); + + if (demo->filename) + load_file (demo->name, demo->filename); + + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (toplevel), "run"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), demo->func != NULL); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), demo->title); +} + +static gboolean +filter_demo (GtkDemo *demo) +{ + int i; + + /* Show only if the name matches every needle */ + for (i = 0; search_needle[i]; i++) + { + if (!demo->title) + return FALSE; + + if (g_str_match_string (search_needle[i], demo->title, TRUE)) + continue; + + if (demo->keywords) + { + int j; + gboolean found = FALSE; + + for (j = 0; !found && demo->keywords[j]; j++) + { + if (strstr (demo->keywords[j], search_needle[i])) + found = TRUE; + } + + if (found) + continue; + } + + return FALSE; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +demo_filter_by_name (gpointer item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTreeListRow *row = item; + GListModel *children; + GtkDemo *demo; + guint i, n; + GtkTreeListRow *parent; + + /* Show all items if search is empty */ + if (!search_needle || !search_needle[0] || !*search_needle[0]) + return TRUE; + + g_assert (GTK_IS_TREE_LIST_ROW (row)); + g_assert (GTK_IS_FILTER_LIST_MODEL (user_data)); + + /* Show a row if itself of any parent matches */ + for (parent = row; parent; parent = gtk_tree_list_row_get_parent (parent)) + { + demo = gtk_tree_list_row_get_item (parent); + g_assert (GTK_IS_DEMO (demo)); + + if (filter_demo (demo)) + return TRUE; + } + + /* Show a row if any child matches */ + children = gtk_tree_list_row_get_children (row); + if (children) + { + n = g_list_model_get_n_items (children); + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + demo = g_list_model_get_item (children, i); + g_assert (GTK_IS_DEMO (demo)); + + if (filter_demo (demo)) + { + g_object_unref (demo); + return TRUE; + } + g_object_unref (demo); + } + } + + return FALSE; +} + +static void +demo_search_changed_cb (GtkSearchEntry *entry, + GtkFilter *filter) +{ + const char *text; + + g_assert (GTK_IS_SEARCH_ENTRY (entry)); + g_assert (GTK_IS_FILTER (filter)); + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + g_clear_pointer (&search_needle, g_strfreev); + + if (text && *text) + search_needle = g_str_tokenize_and_fold (text, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_filter_changed (filter, GTK_FILTER_CHANGE_DIFFERENT); +} + +static GListModel * +create_demo_model (void) +{ + GListStore *store = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_DEMO); + DemoData *demo = gtk_demos; + GtkDemo *d; + + d = GTK_DEMO (g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DEMO, NULL)); + d->name = "main"; + d->title = "GTK Demo"; + d->keywords = NULL; + d->filename = "main.c"; + d->func = NULL; + + g_list_store_append (store, d); + + while (demo->title) + { + d = GTK_DEMO (g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DEMO, NULL)); + DemoData *children = demo->children; + + d->name = demo->name; + d->title = demo->title; + d->keywords = demo->keywords; + d->filename = demo->filename; + d->func = demo->func; + + g_list_store_append (store, d); + + if (children) + { + d->children_model = G_LIST_MODEL (g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_DEMO)); + + while (children->title) + { + GtkDemo *child = GTK_DEMO (g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DEMO, NULL)); + + child->name = children->name; + child->title = children->title; + child->keywords = children->keywords; + child->filename = children->filename; + child->func = children->func; + + g_list_store_append (G_LIST_STORE (d->children_model), child); + children++; + } + } + + demo++; + } + + return G_LIST_MODEL (store); +} + +static GListModel * +get_child_model (gpointer item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDemo *demo = item; + + if (demo->children_model) + return g_object_ref (G_LIST_MODEL (demo->children_model)); + + return NULL; +} + +static void +clear_search (GtkSearchBar *bar) +{ + if (!gtk_search_bar_get_search_mode (bar)) + { + GtkWidget *entry = gtk_search_bar_get_child (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (bar)); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), ""); + } +} + +static void +activate (GApplication *app) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GListModel *listmodel; + GtkTreeListModel *treemodel; + GtkWidget *window, *listview, *search_entry, *search_bar; + GtkFilterListModel *filter_model; + GtkFilter *filter; + GSimpleAction *action; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/ui/main.ui"); + + window = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window"); + gtk_application_add_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app), GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + if (g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (window, "devel"); + + action = g_simple_action_new ("run", NULL); + g_signal_connect (action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_run), window); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (action)); + + notebook = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "notebook")); + + info_view = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "info-textview")); + source_view = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "source-textview")); + toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (window); + listview = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listview")); + g_signal_connect (listview, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_cb), window); + search_bar = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "searchbar")); + g_signal_connect (search_bar, "notify::search-mode-enabled", G_CALLBACK (clear_search), NULL); + + listmodel = create_demo_model (); + treemodel = gtk_tree_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (listmodel), + FALSE, + TRUE, + get_child_model, + NULL, + NULL); + filter_model = gtk_filter_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (treemodel), NULL); + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_custom_filter_new (demo_filter_by_name, filter_model, NULL)); + gtk_filter_list_model_set_filter (filter_model, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + search_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "search-entry")); + g_signal_connect (search_entry, "search-changed", G_CALLBACK (demo_search_changed_cb), filter); + + selection = gtk_single_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (filter_model)); + g_signal_connect (selection, "notify::selected-item", G_CALLBACK (selection_cb), NULL); + gtk_list_view_set_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (listview), GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + + selection_cb (selection, NULL, NULL); + g_object_unref (selection); + + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static gboolean +auto_quit (gpointer data) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (data)); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +list_demos (void) +{ + DemoData *d, *c; + + d = gtk_demos; + + while (d->title) + { + c = d->children; + if (d->name) + g_print ("%s\n", d->name); + d++; + while (c && c->title) + { + if (c->name) + g_print ("%s\n", c->name); + c++; + } + } +} + +static int +command_line (GApplication *app, + GApplicationCommandLine *cmdline) +{ + GVariantDict *options; + const char *name = NULL; + gboolean autoquit = FALSE; + gboolean list = FALSE; + DemoData *d, *c; + GDoDemoFunc func = 0; + GtkWidget *window, *demo; + + activate (app); + + options = g_application_command_line_get_options_dict (cmdline); + g_variant_dict_lookup (options, "run", "&s", &name); + g_variant_dict_lookup (options, "autoquit", "b", &autoquit); + g_variant_dict_lookup (options, "list", "b", &list); + + if (list) + { + list_demos (); + g_application_quit (app); + return 0; + } + + window = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app))->data; + + if (name == NULL) + goto out; + + d = gtk_demos; + + while (d->title) + { + c = d->children; + if (g_strcmp0 (d->name, name) == 0) + { + func = d->func; + goto out; + } + d++; + while (c && c->title) + { + if (g_strcmp0 (c->name, name) == 0) + { + func = c->func; + goto out; + } + c++; + } + } + +out: + if (func) + { + demo = (func) (window); + + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (demo), GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (demo), "destroy", G_CALLBACK (g_application_quit), app); + } + else + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + if (autoquit) + g_timeout_add_seconds (1, auto_quit, app); + + return 0; +} + +static void +print_version (void) +{ + g_print ("gtk4-demo %s%s%s\n", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : ""); +} + +static int +local_options (GApplication *app, + GVariantDict *options, + gpointer data) +{ + gboolean version = FALSE; + + g_variant_dict_lookup (options, "version", "b", &version); + + if (version) + { + print_version (); + return 0; + } + + return -1; +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "inspector", activate_inspector, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + }; + struct { + const char *action_and_target; + const char *accelerators[2]; + } accels[] = { + { "app.about", { "F1", NULL } }, + { "app.quit", { "q", NULL } }, + }; + int i; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.Demo4", G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE|G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (accels); i++) + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (app, accels[i].action_and_target, accels[i].accelerators); + + g_application_add_main_option (G_APPLICATION (app), "version", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, "Show program version", NULL); + g_application_add_main_option (G_APPLICATION (app), "run", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, "Run an example", "EXAMPLE"); + g_application_add_main_option (G_APPLICATION (app), "list", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, "List examples", NULL); + g_application_add_main_option (G_APPLICATION (app), "autoquit", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, "Quit after a delay", NULL); + + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + g_signal_connect (app, "command-line", G_CALLBACK (command_line), NULL); + g_signal_connect (app, "handle-local-options", G_CALLBACK (local_options), NULL); + + g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb9064cc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/main.ui @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ + + + +
+ + _Inspector + app.inspector + + + _Keyboard Shortcuts + win.show-help-overlay + + + _About GTK Demo + app.about + +
+ + 800 + 600 + + + + + center + win.run + 0 + Run + + + + + edit-find-symbolic + center + 0 + + + Search + + + + + + center + 0 + gear_menu + open-menu-symbolic + + Primary menu + + + + + + + + + + 220 + vertical + + + window + + + + listview + + + + + + + + + 120 + never + 150 + 1 + + + + + + /ui/main-listitem.ui + + + + Demo list + notebook + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 6 + 6 + 0 + 0 + word + 0 + + Info + A description of the demo + + + + + + + + _Info + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 0 + 0 + 1 + word + 2 + 2 + + Source + The source code of the demo + + + + + + + + Source + + + + + + + + + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mandelbrot.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mandelbrot.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a0c1ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mandelbrot.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wdBfDK +// License: CC0 + +#define MANDELBROT_ZOOM_START 0.0 +#define MANDELBROT_ITER 240 + +void pR(inout vec2 p, in float a) { + p = cos(a)*p + sin(a)*vec2(p.y, -p.x); +} + +vec2 pMod2(inout vec2 p, in vec2 size) { + vec2 c = floor((p + size*0.5)/size); + p = mod(p + size*0.5,size) - size*0.5; + return c; +} + + +vec3 mandelbrot(float time, vec2 p, out float ii) { + vec3 col = vec3(0.0); + + float ztime = (time - MANDELBROT_ZOOM_START)*step(MANDELBROT_ZOOM_START, time); + + float zoo = 0.64 + 0.36*cos(.07*ztime); + float coa = cos(0.15*(1.0-zoo)*ztime); + float sia = sin(0.15*(1.0-zoo)*ztime); + zoo = pow(zoo,8.0); + vec2 xy = vec2( p.x*coa-p.y*sia, p.x*sia+p.y*coa); + vec2 c = vec2(-.745,.186) + xy*zoo; + + const float B = 10.0; + float l = 0.0; + vec2 z = vec2(0.0); + + vec2 zc = vec2(1.0); + + pR(zc, ztime); + + float d = 1e20; + + int i = 0; + + for(int j = 0; j < MANDELBROT_ITER; ++j) { + float re2 = z.x*z.x; + float im2 = z.y*z.y; + float reim= z.x*z.y; + + if(re2 + im2 > (B*B)) break; + + z = vec2(re2 - im2, 2.0*reim) + c; + + vec2 zm = z; + vec2 n = pMod2(zm, vec2(4)); + vec2 pp = zm - zc; + float dd = dot(pp, pp); + + d = min(d, dd); + + l += 1.0; + + i = j; + } + + ii = float(i)/float(MANDELBROT_ITER); + + float sl = l - log2(log2(dot(z,z))) + 4.0; + + vec3 dc = vec3(pow(max(1.0 - d, 0.0), 20.0)); + vec3 gc = 0.5 + 0.5*cos(3.0 + sl*0.15 + vec3(0.1,0.5,0.9)); + return gc + dc*smoothstep(28.8, 29.0, ztime); +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) { + float s = 2.0/iResolution.y; + + vec2 o1 = vec2(1.0/8.0, 3.0/8.0)*s; + vec2 o2 = vec2(-3.0/8.0, 1.0/8.0)*s; + + vec2 p = (-iResolution.xy + 2.0*fragCoord.xy)/iResolution.y; + float ii = 0.0; + vec3 col = mandelbrot(iTime, p+o1, ii); + + // "smart" AA? Is that a good idea? + vec2 dii2 = vec2(dFdx(ii), dFdy(ii)); + float dii = length(dii2); + + if(abs(dii) > 0.01) { + col += mandelbrot(iTime, p-o1, ii); + col += mandelbrot(iTime, p+o2, ii); + col += mandelbrot(iTime, p-o2, ii); + col *=0.25; +// col = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); + } + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..931831b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.c @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* Text View/Markup + * #Keywords: GtkTextView + * + * GtkTextBuffer lets you define your own tags that can influence + * text formatting in a variety of ways. In this example, we show + * that GtkTextBuffer can load Pango markup and automatically generate + * suitable tags. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *stack; +static GtkWidget *view; +static GtkWidget *view2; + +static void +source_toggled (GtkCheckButton *button) +{ + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (button)) + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack), "source"); + else + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *markup; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + markup = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &start, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup (buffer, &start, markup, -1); + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); + g_free (markup); + + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack), "formatted"); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_markup (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + GBytes *bytes; + const char *markup; + GtkWidget *header; + GtkWidget *show_source; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 680); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + stack = gtk_stack_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), stack); + + show_source = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("Source"); + gtk_widget_set_valign (show_source, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + g_signal_connect (show_source, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (source_toggled), stack); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), show_source); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Markup"); + + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 10); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 10); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view); + + gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (stack), sw, "formatted"); + + view2 = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2), 10); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2), 10); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view2); + + gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (stack), sw, "source"); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/markup/markup.txt", 0, NULL); + markup = (const char *)g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup (buffer, &iter, markup, -1); + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2)); + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, markup, -1); + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); + + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.txt b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96399b9d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/markup.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + +Text sizes: tiny very small small normal large very large huge + +Text styles: Normal Italic Olique + +Text weights: thin light normal bold ultraheavy + +Text colors and backgrounds + +Colorful underlines and more + +Colorful strikethroughs and overlines + +Superscripts and subscripts: 𝜀0 = 𝜔𝜔𝜔... + +Letterspacing + +OpenType font features: feast versus feast + +Shortcuts: MonospaceBoldItalicBigSmallUnderlinedStrikethrough – Superscript – Subscript + +hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm is a set of rules, espe­ci­ally one co­di­fied for im­ple­men­tation in a com­pu­ter pro­gram, that de­ci­des at which points a word can be bro­ken over two lines with a hy­phen. For ex­am­ple, a hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm might de­cide that im­peach­ment can be broken as impeach‧ment or im‧peachment but not impe‧achment. + +one/two three/four five/six seven/eight nine/ten + +Line height: This is an example of widely spaced text. It was achieved by setting the line-height factor to 1.33. You can set the line-height factor to any value between 0 and 10. +Note that the line height affects the spacing between paragraphs as well as between the wrapped lines inside a paragraph. + +Transforms: straße up, up and away + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mask.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mask.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad846ab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/mask.c @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* Masking + * + * Demonstrates mask nodes. + * + * This demo uses a text node as mask for + * an animated linear gradient. + */ + +#include +#include "demo4widget.h" + + +GtkWidget * +do_mask (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *demo; + GtkWidget *scale; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Mask Nodes"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + demo = demo4_widget_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (demo, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (demo, TRUE); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), demo); + + scale = gtk_scale_new_with_range (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0.1); + gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (scale), 0.5); + g_object_bind_property (gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (scale)), "value", demo, "progress", 0); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), scale); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menu.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menu.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8ddac01 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menu.c @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +/* Image Scaling + * #Keywords: zoom, scale, filter, action, menu + * + * The custom widget we create here is similar to a GtkPicture, + * but allows setting a zoom level and filtering mode for the + * displayed paintable. + * + * It also demonstrates how to add a context menu to a custom + * widget and connect it with widget actions. + * + * The context menu has items to change the zoom level. + */ + +#include +#include "demo3widget.h" + +static void +file_opened (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *data) +{ + GFile *file; + GError *error = NULL; + GdkTexture *texture; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source), result, &error); + + if (!file) + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + texture = gdk_texture_new_from_file (file, &error); + g_object_unref (file); + if (!texture) + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (data), "texture", texture, NULL); + g_object_unref (texture); +} + +static void +open_file (GtkWidget *picker, + GtkWidget *demo) +{ + GtkWindow *parent = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (picker)); + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GtkFileFilter *filter; + GListStore *filters; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, "Images"); + gtk_file_filter_add_pixbuf_formats (filter); + filters = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_FILTER); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + gtk_file_dialog_set_filters (dialog, G_LIST_MODEL (filters)); + g_object_unref (filters); + + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, parent, NULL, file_opened, demo); + + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +rotate (GtkWidget *button, + GtkWidget *demo) +{ + float angle; + + g_object_get (demo, "angle", &angle, NULL); + + angle = fmodf (angle + 90.f, 360.f); + + g_object_set (demo, "angle", angle, NULL); +} + +static gboolean +transform_to (GBinding *binding, + const GValue *src, + GValue *dest, + gpointer user_data) +{ + double from; + float to; + + from = g_value_get_double (src); + to = (float) pow (2., from); + g_value_set_float (dest, to); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +transform_from (GBinding *binding, + const GValue *src, + GValue *dest, + gpointer user_data) +{ + float to; + double from; + + to = g_value_get_float (src); + from = log2 (to); + g_value_set_double (dest, from); + + return TRUE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_menu (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *box2; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *scale; + GtkWidget *dropdown; + GtkWidget *button; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Image Scaling"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + + widget = demo3_widget_new ("/transparent/portland-rose.jpg"); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), widget); + + box2 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), box2); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("document-open-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Open File"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (open_file), widget); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), button); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("object-rotate-right-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Rotate"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (rotate), widget); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), button); + + scale = gtk_scale_new_with_range (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, -10., 10., 0.1); + gtk_scale_add_mark (GTK_SCALE (scale), 0., GTK_POS_TOP, NULL); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (scale, "Zoom"); + gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (scale), 0.); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scale, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), scale); + + dropdown = gtk_drop_down_new (G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_string_list_new ((const char *[]){ "Linear", "Nearest", "Trilinear", NULL })), NULL); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (dropdown, "Filter"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), dropdown); + + g_object_bind_property (dropdown, "selected", widget, "filter", G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + + g_object_bind_property_full (gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (scale)), "value", + widget, "scale", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL, + transform_to, + transform_from, + NULL, NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menus.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menus.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35426fff --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/menus.ui @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + + + + _Application +
+ + _New + app.new + <Control>n + + + _Open + app.open + + + _Save + app.save + <Control>s + + + Save _As... + app.save-as + <Control><Shift>s + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + <Control>q + +
+ + _File +
+ + _Prefer Dark Theme + app.dark + + + _Color +
+ + _Red + app.color + red + <Control>r + + + _Green + app.color + green + <Control>g + + + _Blue + app.color + blue + <Control>b + +
+ + _Shape +
+ + _Square + win.shape + square + <Control>s + + + _Rectangle + win.shape + rectangle + <Control>r + + + _Oval + win.shape + oval + <Control>o + +
+ + _Bold + win.bold + <Control><Shift>b + +
+ + _Help + + _About + win.about + <Control>a + + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a508f68f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +# These should be in the order you want them to appear in the +# demo app, which means alphabetized by demo title, not filename +demos = files([ + 'application_demo.c', + 'assistant.c', + 'builder.c', + 'clipboard.c', + 'combobox.c', + 'constraints.c', + 'constraints_interactive.c', + 'constraints_vfl.c', + 'constraints_builder.c', + 'css_accordion.c', + 'css_basics.c', + 'css_blendmodes.c', + 'css_multiplebgs.c', + 'css_pixbufs.c', + 'css_shadows.c', + 'cursors.c', + 'dialog.c', + 'drawingarea.c', + 'dnd.c', + 'editable_cells.c', + 'entry_completion.c', + 'entry_undo.c', + 'errorstates.c', + 'expander.c', + 'filtermodel.c', + 'fishbowl.c', + 'fixed.c', + 'fontrendering.c', + 'frames.c', + 'gears.c', + 'gestures.c', + 'glarea.c', + 'gltransition.c', + 'headerbar.c', + 'hypertext.c', + 'iconscroll.c', + 'iconview.c', + 'iconview_edit.c', + 'images.c', + 'infobar.c', + 'layoutmanager.c', + 'layoutmanager2.c', + 'links.c', + 'listbox.c', + 'listbox_controls.c', + 'mask.c', + 'menu.c', + 'flowbox.c', + 'list_store.c', + 'listview_applauncher.c', + 'listview_clocks.c', + 'listview_colors.c', + 'listview_filebrowser.c', + 'listview_minesweeper.c', + 'dropdown.c', + 'listview_settings.c', + 'listview_ucd.c', + 'listview_weather.c', + 'listview_words.c', + 'markup.c', + 'overlay.c', + 'overlay_decorative.c', + 'paint.c', + 'paintable.c', + 'paintable_animated.c', + 'paintable_emblem.c', + 'paintable_mediastream.c', + 'paintable_symbolic.c', + 'panes.c', + 'password_entry.c', + 'peg_solitaire.c', + 'pickers.c', + 'printing.c', + 'read_more.c', + 'revealer.c', + 'rotated_text.c', + 'scale.c', + 'search_entry.c', + 'search_entry2.c', + 'shadertoy.c', + 'shortcuts.c', + 'shortcut_triggers.c', + 'sidebar.c', + 'sizegroup.c', + 'sliding_puzzle.c', + 'spinbutton.c', + 'spinner.c', + 'stack.c', + 'tabs.c', + 'tagged_entry.c', + 'textmask.c', + 'textundo.c', + 'textview.c', + 'textscroll.c', + 'themes.c', + 'theming_style_classes.c', + 'transparent.c', + 'tree_store.c', + 'video_player.c', + 'font_features.c', +]) + +gtkdemo_deps = [ libgtk_dep, ] + +extra_demo_sources = files([ + 'main.c', + 'fontify.c', + 'gtkfishbowl.c', + 'fontplane.c', + 'gtkgears.c', + 'gtkshaderbin.c', + 'gtkshadertoy.c', + 'gtkshaderstack.c', + 'gskshaderpaintable.c', + 'hsla.c', + 'puzzlepiece.c', + 'bluroverlay.c', + 'demoimage.c', + 'demotaggedentry.c', + 'demochild.c', + 'demolayout.c', + 'demowidget.c', + 'demo2layout.c', + 'singular_value_decomposition.c', + 'four_point_transform.c', + 'demo2widget.c', + 'demo3widget.c', + 'demo4widget.c', + 'pixbufpaintable.c', + 'script-names.c', + 'unicode-names.c', + 'suggestionentry.c', + 'language-names.c', +]) + +if os_unix + demos += files('pagesetup.c') +endif + +librsvg_dep = dependency('librsvg-2.0', version: '>= 2.52.0', required: false) + +if librsvg_dep.found() + demos += files('paintable_svg.c') + extra_demo_sources += files(['svgpaintable.c']) + gtkdemo_deps += [ librsvg_dep ] +endif + +gtkdemo_args = [ '-DGDK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', '-DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', ] + +demos_h = custom_target('gtk4 demo header', + output: 'demos.h', + input: demos, + command: [ find_program('geninclude.py'), '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@' ], +) + +objcopy_supports_add_symbol = false +objcopy = find_program('objcopy', required : false) +if objcopy.found() + objcopy_supports_add_symbol = run_command(objcopy, '--help', check: false).stdout().contains('--add-symbol') +endif + +ld = find_program('ld', required : false) + +if not meson.is_cross_build() and build_machine.cpu_family() != 'arm' and build_machine.system() == 'linux' and objcopy.found() and objcopy_supports_add_symbol and ld.found() + glib_compile_resources = find_program('glib-compile-resources') + + # Create the resource blob + gtkdemo_gresource = custom_target('gtkdemo.gresource', + input : 'demo.gresource.xml', + output : 'gtkdemo.gresource', + depfile : 'gtkdemo.gresource.d', + command : [glib_compile_resources, + '--generate', + '--internal', + '--target=@OUTPUT@', + '--dependency-file=@DEPFILE@', + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), + '@INPUT@']) + + # Create resource data file + gtkdemo_resources_c = custom_target('gtkdemo_resources.c', + input : 'demo.gresource.xml', + output : 'gtkdemo_resources.c', + depfile : 'gtkdemo_resources.c.d', + command : [glib_compile_resources, + '--generate-source', + '--internal', + '--target=@OUTPUT@', + '--dependency-file=@DEPFILE@', + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), + '--external-data', + '--c-name', '_g_binary_gtkdemo', + '@INPUT@']) + + # Create object file containing resource data + gtkdemo_resources_binary = custom_target('gtkdemo_resources.o', + input : gtkdemo_gresource, + output : 'gtkdemo_resources.o', + command : [ld, + '-z', 'noexecstack', + '-r', + '-b','binary', + '@INPUT@', + '-o','@OUTPUT@']) + + # Rename symbol to match the one in the C file + gtkdemo_resources_o = custom_target('gtkdemo_resources2.o', + input : gtkdemo_resources_binary, + output : 'gtkdemo_resources2.o', + command : [objcopy, + '--strip-all', + '--add-symbol','_g_binary_gtkdemo_resource_data=.data:0', + '@INPUT@', + '@OUTPUT@']) + + gtkdemo_resources = [ + gtkdemo_resources_c, + gtkdemo_resources_o, + ] +else + gtkdemo_resources = gnome.compile_resources('gtkdemo_resources', + 'demo.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir() + ) +endif + +# Use a subset of compiler flags +demo_cflags = [] +foreach flag: common_cflags + if flag not in ['-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Wmissing-prototypes', + '-Werror=missing-declarations', '-Wmissing-declarations', + '-fvisibility=hidden'] + demo_cflags += flag + endif +endforeach + +gtkdemo_deps += [ demo_conf_h ] + +executable('gtk4-demo', + sources: [demos, demos_h, extra_demo_sources, gtkdemo_resources], + c_args: gtkdemo_args + demo_cflags, + dependencies: gtkdemo_deps, + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +executable('gtk4-demo-application', + sources: ['application.c', gtkdemo_resources], + c_args: gtkdemo_args + common_cflags, + dependencies: gtkdemo_deps, + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +# icons +icontheme_dir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'icons/hicolor') + +foreach size: ['scalable', 'symbolic'] + install_subdir('data/' + size, install_dir: icontheme_dir) +endforeach + +# desktop file +install_data('org.gtk.Demo4.desktop', install_dir: gtk_applicationsdir) + +# GSettings +install_data('org.gtk.Demo4.gschema.xml', install_dir: gtk_schemasdir) +gnome.compile_schemas() + +# appdata +configure_file( + input: 'org.gtk.Demo4.appdata.xml.in', + output: 'org.gtk.Demo4.appdata.xml', + configuration: appdata_config, + install_dir: gtk_appdatadir +) diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/messages.txt b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/messages.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b07b161 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/messages.txt @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +1|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@breizhodrome yeah, that's for the OpenGL support that has been added recently|1416751697|0||2|1 +2|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: embloggeration happened: http://t.co/9ukkNuSzuc — help out supporting GL on windows and macos in GTK+ 3.16.|1416086824|0|GTKtoolkit|0|9 +3|Matthew Waters|ystreet00|RT @ystreet00: .@GTKtoolkit + @gstreamer integration using the new #gtk #opengl support https://t.co/IeBpFjbjes http://t.co/WptPHCfFIb|1416086780|0|GTKtoolkit|0|13 +4|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: embloggeration happened — OpenGL integration lands in GTK+ — http://t.co/sUGwcvZhRg|1413214719|0|GTKtoolkit|0|8 +5|Allan Day|allanday|RT @allanday: New Human Interface Guidelines coming for @gnome and @GTKtoolkit . http://t.co/SMNndyo6rl|1408615736|0|GTKtoolkit|0|12 +6|Christian Hergert|hergertme|RT @hergertme: being able to set opacity on an individual widget in gtk ... you've come a long way since 2.x days.|1408601183|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +7|Richard Brown|sysrich|RT @sysrich: hmm, good thing Iike eating with chopsticks #GUADEC http://t.co/7aG9CYpdZg|1406543731|0|GTKtoolkit|0|82 +8|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: #GNOME 3.13.4 has just been released from Strasbourg, this year #GUADEC city. Enjoy! https://t.co/hgHDVOWvRC|1406303072|0|GTKtoolkit|0|6 +9|GNOME|gnome|RT @gnome: This year's @guadec schedule has been published. Lots of great talks on there, as usual. https://t.co/rpGPxIRCuB|1405929795|0|GTKtoolkit|0|20 +10|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New features of GtkInspector : http://t.co/EOgcv1lh8D #gtk #gtk3|1402076874|0||2|3 +11|The Valeyard|breizhodrome|RT @breizhodrome: @GTKtoolkit and his multipoint gesture, good thing for mobile applications :) #Gtk|1402076810|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +12|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@Gin_Cheng sorry about that, should be fixed now|1402076785|0||0|0 +13|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@teadriven sorry about that, should be fixed now|1402076751|0||0|0 +14|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: #GNOME 3.13.2 (developer version) released! Try it, brake it, file bugs! https://t.co/cyCLBCtqKo|1401318926|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +15|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Gtkparasite has been integrated in #GTK+: Introducing gtkinspector: http://t.co/dP3DzgPNM3 #gtk3|1400231807|0||8|11 +16|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.12 released! Improvements in Wayland, Broadway, OSX ... New widgets: GtkFlowBox,GtkActionBar and GtkPopover: https://t.co/5hBIlfrxc3|1395842503|0||5|8 +17|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: Second beta of #GNOME 3.12 just released! https://t.co/8oTfZaatVr|1394147916|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +18|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: First beta of GNOME 3.12 (3.11.90) has just been released. Enjoy! https://t.co/d5wzYWXUnv #gnome|1393006697|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +19|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Some thoughts on portability by @desrt : http://t.co/zyFT6i4we3 #glib|1392903834|0||1|0 +20|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Popovers support merged in master: http://t.co/5JE0RLhEDo Thanks @garnacho for getting this done! #gtk3|1390500627|0||5|7 +21|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|The continuous build environment now generates 64-bit #GTK+ Windows bundles! Read the announcement from @tarnyko : https://t.co/wXVOAzCYTt|1386169565|0||6|10 +22|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3 packages for Windows available! Thanks for the hard work of @tarnyko to make this possible!\nhttp://t.co/U9JgsGoBLm|1382633636|0||7|23 +23|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Status of support of high resolution displays in #GTK+ (and #GNOME ) http://t.co/SPQN2E6Qxo Thanks to Brion Vibber for the donation!|1372531560|0||2|3 +24|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: Firefox GTK+3 port ready for testing https://t.co/onpxJaTKO5 #gtk #gtk3|1371557291|0|GTKtoolkit|0|22 +25|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.8.0 (STABLE) released: wayland, Multi-application Broadway, improved CSS support and more ... http://t.co/RlLmrNPyYs #gtk #gtk3|1364435230|0||0|5 +26|Daniel Svensson|dsvensson|RT @dsvensson: Bringing an application up to the new features in GTK 3.x = tons of negative diffs, awesome work by @GTKtoolkit devs <3|1352906611|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +27|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib status update and a warning: http://t.co/quQP8dLf #glib|1352905826|0||1|1 +28|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GProperty status: http://t.co/Nk28V2Rh #glib|1352905797|0||1|1 +29|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.6.2 (STABLE) available: http://t.co/ah87o7cC #gtk #gtk3|1352905768|0||1|2 +30|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.34.2 (STABLE) available: http://t.co/yavkTJwr #glib|1352905722|0||2|1 +31|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.6.0 (STABLE) released: http://t.co/3NDAT5K9 #gtk #gtk3|1350075620|0||0|4 +32|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.34.0 (STABLE) released: http://t.co/eWRD7hNy #glib|1350075583|0||0|6 +33|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.33.10 (UNSTABLE) released: http://t.co/3BCdOPDy #glib|1347299317|0||2|2 +34|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: GnomeGoals status update: https://t.co/q5j7mJ1c #gnome|1342143404|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +35|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: Saturday, 28/07, 11:45 - I'll be talking about Rainbows and Unicorns @ GUADEC https://t.co/WOiF6QU6|1341984820|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +36|Harvey|cd0|RT @cd0: According to the sourcecode zipball the browser in the samsung smart tvs (UNxxES8xxx) is webkit-gtk 20120109. Not bad. @GTKtoolkit|1341712733|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +37|Claudio Saavedra|csaavedra|RT @csaavedra: Accelerated compositing in WebKitGTK+: http://t.co/yxl0BooF #webkit #gnome|1341712291|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +38|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.5.6 (UNSTABLE) released, now featuring GtkSearchEntry and GtkMenuButton http://t.co/adHtm2OA #gtk #gtk3|1341689740|0||0|3 +39|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.4.0 (STABLE) released: http://t.co/KPSfJQSg #gtk #gtk3|1332870781|0||0|17 +40|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: GTK+ 2.24.9 (STABLE) released: https://t.co/OgcL5jnR #gtk|1327437929|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +41|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Multitouch is near… by @garnacho http://t.co/68iK8m9S #gtk #gtk3|1327090575|0||1|7 +42|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@dylanmccall Follow this bug: https://t.co/9vCpBVSm|1326802580|0||0|0 +43|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@cd0 Nice. Please, report any issue next time ;)|1326802460|0||0|0 +44|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RFC: new features http://t.co/uiqYWx4O #gtk #gtk3|1326802266|0||1|2 +45|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@cd0 Did you file a bug?|1326776652|0||0|0 +46|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@dylanmccall You mean this? http://t.co/BXbocqE9|1326776459|0||0|0 +47|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@trufae https://t.co/xlq75hDL|1326776153|0||0|0 +48|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RFC: UI design: http://t.co/Lu8Gnnfg #gtk #gtk3|1326305191|0||2|2 +49|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#win32 users: GTK+ 2.24.8 bundles available here: http://t.co/WhuY2XoN It not needed to use 2.16 anymore #gtk|1323190462|0||1|4 +50|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RFC: Model-View-Controller http://t.co/Lmw4lW9V #gtk #gtk3|1321546108|0||1|1 +51|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RFC:boxes http://t.co/eZABFgTp #gtk #gtk3|1321546061|0||2|1 +52|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.24.8 (stable) released: update of the win32 backend, it now works at least as well as the old 2.16.x http://t.co/6wrhs7hm #gtk|1321297367|0||0|2 +53|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK + #Clutter next step(s): http://t.co/UDIezbyW #gtk #gtk4|1318265984|0||3|4 +54|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Tutorial for #Python, #GStreamer and #GTK 3: http://t.co/hvfRx18E #gtk3|1317781925|0||5|0 +55|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@jonobacon nice, but pyGTK is deprecated, use pygobject instead|1317353873|0||1|0 +56|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.2 (STABLE) released: http://t.co/EqHjTmol #gtk #gtk3|1317043650|0||0|11 +57|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New D-Bus features in GLib 2.30: http://t.co/rzHui2Q2 #gtk #glib|1316732697|0||3|4 +58|Lanedo GmbH|LanedoTweets|RT @TimJanik: New #GTK+ building instructions for #Mac OS X now up in the #GNOME wiki: http://t.co/lLt2fb1B|1316646621|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +59|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.1.90 (UNSTABLE) released: http://t.co/KRz34jp #gtk #gtk3|1315961535|0||0|3 +60|Lanedo GmbH|LanedoTweets|RT @TimJanik: There's a Win32 security advisory for Gtk+, it's recommended to upgrade to latest Gtk+ (2.24.6) if you haven't yet: http:/ ...|1315914861|0|GTKtoolkit|0|5 +61|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 4.0 and #Clutter 2.0: rainbows and unicorns: http://t.co/SKbl0vQ #gtk #gtk4|1314883483|0||2|14 +62|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Some #Glib plans for the next cycle: http://t.co/a6YybK0 #gtk|1314883427|0||0|3 +63|Nat Friedman|natfriedman|RT @natfriedman: Any Gtk+ experts who want to make some consulting money fixing bugs in Gtk/Mac, email me: nat@xamarin.com.|1314355269|0|GTKtoolkit|0|28 +64|Kristian Rietveld|krietvel|RT @krietvel: Blog post: 'Merged “treemodel-fix” branch into GTK+: call for testing, blog post series' http://t.co/yAUnneo #gtk|1314096198|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +65|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@ArcherSeven Help improving the patch here: http://t.co/r74hP79|1313493595|0||0|0 +66|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.1.12 (UNSTABLE) released: http://t.co/3iPAlNq Try the new Font Dialog! #gtk #gtk3|1313493256|0||0|4 +67|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@cimi @DanielFore Patches always welcomed!|1313493010|0||0|0 +68|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|a11y branch was merged into master: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-July/msg00004.html #gtk #gtk3|1309962425|0||0|2 +69|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Another update in the effort to improve #a11y in #gtk: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-June/msg00057.html #gtk3|1309606597|0||0|0 +70|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@cd0 What is wrong in that page? freetype already appears as a required dependency. Anyway patches always welcomed ;)|1307359139|0||0|0 +71|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Of course, everyone is welcomed to improve the #gtk website. git repo: http://ur1.ca/4bwbw bugzilla: http://ur1.ca/4bwc1|1307038767|0||0|1 +72|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Check out the new #gtk website!!: www.gtk.org|1307036644|0||0|4 +73|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@jikri Take a look to http://live.gnome.org/action/login/GTK+/Roadmap and http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-migrating-2-to-3.html|1306673774|0||0|0 +74|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Introducing Cossa, a GTK+ theme previewer for gedit, by @garnacho http://ur1.ca/4ate8 #gtk #gtk3|1306672611|0||1|5 +75|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GProperty, new API for Property and Accessor declaration, by @ebassi : http://ur1.ca/47lgk #gtk #glib|1305717028|0||0|2 +76|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.29.4 (UNSTABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-May/msg00012.html #gtk #glib|1304593138|0||0|2 +77|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @acruiz: Gtk+ FontSelection progress http://bit.ly/iikP2f #gtk #gtk3|1303089979|0||0|1 +78|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @krietvel: New blog post: CoreText backend now in Pango master http://bit.ly/dTE0a1 #gtk #pango #osx|1303089938|0||0|0 +79|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.9 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00087.html #gtk #gtk3|1302883958|0||0|0 +80|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.28.6 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00074.html #gtk #glib|1302780112|0||0|3 +81|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.1.2 (UNSTABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00072.html #gtk #gtk3|1302737279|0||0|2 +82|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.29.2 (UNSTABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00071.html #gtk #glib|1302702936|0||0|3 +83|Kristian Høgsberg|hoegsberg|RT @hoegsberg: yay, merged the Wayland GTK+ backend to the master branch - no, it's still not compete.|1302621000|0|GTKtoolkit|0|9 +84|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Someone willing to help with the client side decorations branch? http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/log/?h=client-side-decorations #gtk #gtk3|1302620918|0||1|1 +85|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#Wayland GTK+ backend merged in master: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=c7514e8f0d19a833257497caff413bb4dfae6eb4 #gtk #gtk3|1302620838|0||1|9 +86|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|gtkmm 3.0.0 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2011-April/msg00025.html #gtk #cpp|1302355894|0||0|3 +87|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @alex_igalia: WebKit2 MiniBrowser for the GTK+ port running! http://ur1.ca/3t3ov #gtk #webkit|1302261488|0||1|0 +88|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GNOME3 is out, using all the power of #gtk3 , congrats everyone! #gtk #gnome|1302219444|0||0|2 +89|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|HTML5 backend update, now with real toplevel windows!! http://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2011/04/07/broadway-update-2/ #gtk #gtk3|1302218981|0||2|10 +90|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.10 (STABLE) released: With support for GTK+3, pygobject and all the new stuff: http://ur1.ca/3s8wk #rad #gtk|1302032523|0||0|6 +91|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.8 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-April/msg00009.html #gtk #gtk3|1301878240|0||0|4 +92|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ latest performance improvements (with video): http://blogs.gnome.org/otte/2011/03/30/the-book-was-better/ #gtk #gtk3|1301594293|0||1|6 +93|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Benjamin Otte is improving GTK+ performance with some impressive results, check latest commits #gtk #gtk3|1301409776|0||1|2 +94|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: Also nice to see that a firefox GTK+3 port was started: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=627699 #gtk #gtk3 #fi ...|1301166992|0|GTKtoolkit|0|8 +95|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @krietvel: Oh yea, I still have to upstream the CoreText backend I wrote for Pango. Completely forgot about that. #gtk|1301149034|0||0|0 +96|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.5 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-March/msg00099.html #gtk #gtk3|1300925808|0||0|1 +97|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Nice article of @cgwalters about analyzing memory use in #glib with #SystemTap: http://ur1.ca/3m0ak #gtk|1300672197|0||2|1 +98|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.28.3 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-March/msg00065.html #gtk #glib|1300374677|0||0|2 +99|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ HTML backend merged: http://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2011/03/15/gtk-html-backend-update/ #gtk #gtk3|1300334447|0||3|4 +100|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.3 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-March/msg00059.html #gtk #gtk3|1300151113|0||0|5 +101|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|PyGObject (new gobject introspection-based bindings) 2.28.0 (STABLE) released: http://ur1.ca/3fcsp #python #gtk|1299620983|0||0|1 +102|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ team meeting now in #gtk-devel on irc.gimp.net #gtk|1299615099|0||0|1 +103|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|REMINDER: GTK+ Team IRC Meeting - 2011-03-08 at 20:00 UTC: http://ur1.ca/3ezpn Agenda: http://ur1.ca/3ezpp #gtk|1299517986|0||0|0 +104|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.2 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-March/msg00010.html #gtk|1299517909|0||1|3 +105|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|PyGObject, the new Python introspection based bindings almost ready for the 2.28 stable release: http://ur1.ca/3dfaj #python #gtk|1299081554|0||0|5 +106|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0.1 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-February/msg00088.html #gtk|1298379744|0||0|4 +107|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|More features/ideas for gtk+ 3.2: pictures: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-February/msg00038.html #gtk|1297815657|0||1|2 +108|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New features/ideas for gtk+ 3.2: Translucent TextViews : http://blogs.gnome.org/tvb/2011/02/14/translucent-textviews/ #gtk|1297707521|0||1|2 +109|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Blog post of our tireless maintainer, Matthias Clasen: http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/mclasen/2011/02/10/gtk-3-is-here/ #gtk #gtk3|1297378021|0||0|5 +110|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Highlights: Cairo-based, XI2, new theming API, Flexible geometry management, Multiple backend support for GDK, easy application support ...|1297373117|0||0|3 +111|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 3.0 released!! : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-February/msg00020.html gtk!|1297372977|0||1|20 +112|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.28.0 (stable) released: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-February/msg00014.html #gtk #glib|1297196093|0||0|2 +113|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.99.3 released: latest beta before GTK+3 http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-February/msg00004.html #gtk|1296609072|0||1|1 +114|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.9.2 released: off screen, workspace new look, GtkComboBoxText, GtkFileFilter, GtkApplication and more! http://ur1.ca/335is #gtk #rad|1296608221|0||1|0 +115|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.24 ( STABLE ) released: This will be the latest 2.x release. http://ur1.ca/32cft #gtk|1296438857|0||2|0 +116|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|More progress on #Glade, the GTK+ #interface #designer: http://ur1.ca/2uzpa Note that Glade 3.8 -> #gtk2 and Glade 3.10-> #gtk3 #gtk|1295186227|0||0|2 +117|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @prcutler RT @fcrozat: First shot at GNOME3 evaluation usb stick : http://bit.ly/i1wM8X #gnome #gnome3 #gnome-shell #opensuse #gnome|1295186033|0||1|0 +118|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|If you want to try the #wayland backend, checkout this branch: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/log/?h=gdk-backend-wayland #gtk|1294739562|0||1|5 +119|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.99.1 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-January/msg00005.html #gtk|1294738413|0||0|0 +120|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.99: It is now possible to include multiple GDK backends in a single library. Use --enable-{x11,win32,quartz}-backend #gtk|1294344201|0||0|0 +121|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.99: The removal of GSEALEd struct members has been completed in this release #gtk|1294344070|0||0|1 +122|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.99.0 (unstable) released http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-January/msg00001.html #gtk|1294344044|0||0|2 +123|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.90 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2011-January/msg00000.html #glib|1294343933|0||0|0 +124|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.9.0 (unstalbe) released: snapshot leading up to Glade 3.10 that will depend on GTK+3 http://ur1.ca/2rir0 #gtk #rad|1294343894|0||0|1 +125|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.7.3 (unstable) released: snapshot leading up to Glade 3.8 that\nwill depend on GTK+ 2.24 http://ur1.ca/2riqg #gtk|1294343835|0||0|0 +126|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @hoegsberg: Multi-backend support in GTK+: http://bit.ly/gDwugJ - switch between #Wayland and X11 by setting GDK_BACKEND #gtk|1294201849|0||0|0 +127|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @krietvel Blog post \"GDK 3.0 on Mac OS X\" http://bit.ly/ihr9kH or how GDK became awesome in GTK+ 3.0. #gtk #osx|1293728637|0||0|1 +128|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @krietvel Blog post \"Refactoring GtkTreeView using GtkCellArea\" http://bit.ly/g9aArE #gtk|1293728607|0||0|0 +129|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Also, the treeview-refactor branch has been merged too|1293036166|0||1|0 +130|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New in GTK+ 2.91.7: gdk-backend branch have been merged: the goal is allowing to build a single gdk library that contains multiple backends|1293036118|0||0|0 +131|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.7 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-December/msg00155.html #gtk|1293035980|0||1|2 +132|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.23.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-December/msg00156.html #gtk|1293035865|0||0|2 +133|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.5 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-December/msg00152.html #gtk #glib|1293035786|0||0|0 +134|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.7.2 (unstable) released: http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/glade-devel/2010-December/001853.html #gtk #RAD|1292589571|0||0|0 +135|Andrea Cimitan|cimi|RT @cimi: reading migration docs, later Murrine will start to be ported over GtkStyleContext (so CSS fun :))|1291813590|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +136|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Work to building multiple backends on the same system started: http://ur1.ca/2ieid #gtk|1291614285|0||0|2 +137|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @garnacho : gtk-style-context landed in GTK+ master, if gnome3 looks temporarily uglier that was me :) #gtk #gnome|1291613819|0||0|0 +138|Stormy|storming|RT @storming: Anyone know of any call centers that use GNOME? Potential funding for a11y work if we do ...|1291387291|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +139|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Final part of the Benjamin Otte GTK3 rendering\ncleanup has landed: http://ur1.ca/2hrc9 #gtk|1291375493|0||0|0 +140|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.5 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-December/msg00000.html #gtk #bindings #cplusplus|1291212942|0||0|0 +141|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.27.4 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/2h77z #glib #bindings #cplusplus|1291212883|0||0|0 +142|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GtkAppChooser landed in master: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582557#c10 #gtk|1291212784|0||0|0 +143|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|larger changes in GTK+ soon: GtkStyleContext, rendering-cleanup, app-chooser branch, GtkRadioGroup branch, http://ur1.ca/2gs5u #gtk|1291211812|0||2|0 +144|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New widget: GtkSwitch http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/mclasen/2010/11/29/onoff/ thanks to @ebassi and Matthias Clasen for the review #gtk|1291211711|0||2|1 +145|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ html backend (broadway branch) landed: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00103.html #gtk|1291211452|0||0|1 +146|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.5 (unstalbe) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00109.html #gtk|1291211337|0||0|1 +147|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.4 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00108.html #gtk #glib|1291211331|0||0|0 +148|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.4 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-November/msg00095.html #gtk #cplusplus #bindings|1290451737|0||0|0 +149|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Introducing GtkCellArea: height-for-width geometry management for GtkTreeViews http://ur1.ca/2e5pe #gtk|1290310899|0||1|2 +150|Javier Jardón|jjardon|RT @jjardon: gtk+3 packages landed in #Debian experimental: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/libgtk3.0-0 #gtk|1290036413|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +151|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|WIP Porting guide to migrate from GTK+2 to GTK+3: http://ur1.ca/1xbzs #gtk #xfce #lxde #gnome|1290036396|0||4|6 +152|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GSettings is fast (really): http://blogs.gnome.org/desrt/2010/11/15/gsettings-is-fast/ #gtk #glib|1289853926|0||1|2 +153|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Help making Glade ready for GTK+ 3: http://blogs.gnome.org/johannes/2010/11/15/help-making-glade-ready-for-3-0/ #gtk|1289853600|0||1|0 +154|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Anyone up to fix it? RT @vwduder: I wish #gtk wouldn't actually show the window until all of the contents have been rendered to the drawable|1289434823|0||0|0 +155|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|PyGObject 2.27.0 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/python-hackers-list/2010-November/msg00013.html #python #bindings #gtk|1289431671|0||0|0 +156|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|glibmm 2.27.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-November/msg00058.html #glib #cplusplus #bindings|1289387769|0||0|0 +157|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00043.html #gtk #glib|1289322725|0||0|1 +158|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00010.html #gtk|1288758787|0||0|1 +159|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.2 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-November/msg00002.html #gtk #glib|1288758720|0||0|0 +160|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Gtk 3.0 motto: \"We are fixing it!\"|1288630204|0||1|4 +161|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Recent Openismus contributions to @GtkToolkit http://bit.ly/amuAdX Thank you guys!|1288343314|0||0|0 +162|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.2 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-October/msg00058.html #gtk #cplusplus|1288098381|0||0|0 +163|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: glibmm (unstable) 2.27.1 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-October/msg00059.html #gtk #cplusplus|1288098335|0||0|0 +164|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.2 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-October/msg00230.html #gtk|1288058960|0||0|0 +165|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.27.1 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-October/msg00222.html #gtk #glib|1288049934|0||0|1 +166|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@garnacho shows off 3.0 CSS awesomness as a result of his work at #gtkhackfest http://bit.ly/aV99F|1288015424|0||0|0 +167|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GtkGrid landed:new container similar to GtkTable without unnecessary restrictions.It does height-for-width geometry management. #gtkhackfest|1287759681|0||0|1 +168|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bertogg: The GTK+ artillery: http://flic.kr/p/8M16nu http://flic.kr/p/8M16d7 #gtkhackfest #gtk|1287744902|0||0|0 +169|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GtkScrollable interface landed in master: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=55196a705f00564a44647bfc97981db0a783369a #gtk|1287744793|0||0|0 +170|Kristian Rietveld|krietvel|RT @krietvel: Blogged on \"Optimizing legacy code\". Or \"Color space conversion is more expensive than you might think\". http://bit.ly/duA ...|1287711819|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +171|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Rounded corners in GtkEntry (thanks Boram Park!) http://ur1.ca/257f0 #gtk #gtkhackfest|1287711709|0||0|6 +172|Berto Garcia|bertogg|RT @bertogg: Ryan and Benjamin discussing GtkStyle at the Hercules Tower #gtkhackfest http://twitgoo.com/1pw774|1287708209|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +173|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bertogg Working late at night #gtkhackfest http://twitgoo.com/1pvw46 #gtk|1287602614|0||0|0 +174|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|WIP docs of the new theme API : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-October/msg00134.html #gtkhackfest #gtk|1287564745|0||0|0 +175|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GtkApplication landed in master: http://ur1.ca/24fhe Feedback welcome #gtk #gtkhackfest|1287564609|0||0|0 +176|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: lots of discussions at the #gtkhackfest - it's great to see the roadmap for 4.0 take shape|1287564383|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +177|Berto Garcia|bertogg|RT @bertogg: Update from the GTK+ Hackfest 2010: http://blogs.igalia.com/berto/2010/10/19/gtk-hackfest-2010/ #gtkhackfest|1287564380|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +178|Berto Garcia|bertogg|RT @bertogg: Photos from the #gtkhackfest in Coruña: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/gtkhackfest2010/ #igalia #gnome|1287564365|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +179|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.1 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-October/msg00033.html #gtk #cplusplus|1287478956|0||1|0 +180|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|The #gtkhackfest started today. Thanks a lot to the event sponsors: #igalia, #lanedo, #codethink and the #GNOME foundation.|1287447826|0||0|2 +181|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#gtkhackfest started today at the #igalia offices in A Coruña http://live.gnome.org/Hackfests/GTK2010 #gnome #gtk|1287422775|0||0|0 +182|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|libnotify, gtk API changes in 2.91.1: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-October/msg00193.html #gtk #gnome #xfce #lxde|1287324866|0||0|0 +183|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.1 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-October/msg00127.html #gtk|1287324761|0||0|1 +184|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.23.0 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-October/msg00128.html #gtk|1287324697|0||0|1 +185|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bratschegnome: Backported gtk window resize grips to 2.x and posted to ppa:bratsche/gtk for any #ubuntu people who want to use/test it.|1287156390|0||0|1 +186|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Resize grip in all the GtkWindows now: http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/mclasen/2010/10/09/getting-a-grip/ thanks to @bratschegnome #gtk|1286600672|0||0|1 +187|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@judsontwit You have some tips for porting here: http://live.gnome.org/PyGObject/IntrospectionPorting No many changes needed #python|1286298188|0||0|0 +188|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@UstunOzgur take a look here: http://live.gnome.org/PyGTK and here: http://live.gnome.org/PyGObject|1286297979|0||0|0 +189|Kristian Rietveld|krietvel|RT @krietvel: Just pushed the last patch that finishes the transition of the OS X backend to the new rendering goodness. #gtk|1286297494|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +190|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.0 (#C++ bindings) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-October/msg00000.html #gtk|1286128646|0||0|1 +191|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.91.0 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/1xbzr The rendering cleanup work has landed. Porting guide here: http://ur1.ca/1xbzs #gtk|1286073059|0||0|0 +192|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Anyone up to the challenge of writing a WebP gdkpixbuf loader?|1285950573|0||0|3 +193|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: Clutter 1.4.0 - new stable release! grab it while it's hot, on www.clutter-project.org|1285731448|0|GTKtoolkit|0|10 +194|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|We strongly recommend not using PyGTK for new projects and to port existing applications from #PyGTK to #PyGObject #python #gtk|1285721997|0||5|39 +195|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: PyGObject 2.26.0 released:http://mail.gnome.org/archives/python-hackers-list/2010-September/msg00019.html #gtk #python #bindings|1285721968|0||0|0 +196|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: GLib 2.26.0 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00284.html #glib #gtk|1285721379|0||0|0 +197|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.22.0 (STABLE) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2010-September/msg00095.html #gtk #c++ #bindings|1285721312|0||0|0 +198|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|PyGTK 2.22.0 released: http://ur1.ca/1sc2n Note that new and existing PyGtk applications are recommended to use PyGObject|1285596826|0||0|0 +199|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.22.0 ( STABLE ) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00263.html #gtk|1285286958|0||2|5 +200|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Last call for the people interested in attending the #GTK+ hackfest in A Coruña: Please sign up at latest tomorrow! http://ur1.ca/1r2gt|1285255897|0||0|2 +201|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GLib status update: GLib 2.25.17 and 2.27.0 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00232.html #gtk|1285245997|0||0|0 +202|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Thoughts about #GtkTreeView refactoring: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00260.html #gtk|1285245546|0||0|1 +203|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.8 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00204.html #gtk|1284485086|0||0|0 +204|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New GObject API added: g_object_class_install_properties(), an efficient way to install properties: http://ur1.ca/1mh3s #gobject #glib #gtk|1284484816|0||0|0 +205|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|legacy-free grid container proposed by @havocp: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00089.html #gtk|1283965732|0||0|1 +206|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the #GTK team meeting - 2010-09-07: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-September/msg00115.html|1283965715|0||0|0 +207|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New work to get #DirectFB backend in a good state, thanks Lionel Landwerlin! #gtk http://ur1.ca/1k0hx|1283965546|0||0|0 +208|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.7 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00291.html #gtk|1283198533|0||0|0 +209|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GObject Introspection status: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00254.html #gtk #glib|1282939837|0||1|2 +210|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GDateTime, the new time & date API just landed in Glib: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50076#c85 #gtk #glib|1282699797|0||0|1 +211|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|CSS-like styling for #GTK+ thanks to Carlos Garnacho: http://blogs.gnome.org/carlosg/2010/08/23/css-like-styling-for-gtk/ #gtk|1282602303|0||0|3 +212|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @migueldeicaza: Gtk+ getting cascading stylesheets: http://blogs.gnome.org/carlosg/2010/08/23/css-like-styling-for-gtk/|1282594548|0||0|1 +213|andreasn1|andreasn1|RT @andreasn1: ♺ @hbons: thanks to gtk+ maintainer mclasen we can now ditch icon-naming-utils :)|1282356193|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +214|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ schedule: glib 2.26 and #gtk+ 2.22 for #GNOME 2.32 (Sep'10). glib 2.28, gtk+ 2.24 and gtk+ 3.0 for Dec'10 http://ur1.ca/16o49|1282256544|0||0|0 +215|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@thomasvs I saw someone with an N900 in my lift yesterday, had the same thought|1282217985|0||0|0 +216|Simón P.|spenap|RT @spenap: GObject Introspection has landed in Grilo! http://bit.ly/9f4DAa #mswl #igalia #pygobject #gobject-introspection|1282166595|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +217|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ Team Meeting - 2010-08-17: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00155.html #gtk|1282094165|0||0|0 +218|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.6 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00146.html #gtk|1282061092|0||0|0 +219|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: http://bit.ly/9gabxR - @cluttertoolkit + gobject-introspection + pygobject. say goodbye to pyclutter!|1282043493|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +220|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.6 (unstable) Relased: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00127.html #gtk|1282006494|0||0|0 +221|Stormy|storming|RT @storming: Novell is looking for a GNOME developer to work on SUSE Linux. http://linkd.in/bEAUUj|1282001084|0|GTKtoolkit|0|19 +222|Tommi Komulainen|tko|RT @tko: I want my libglib-gslist.so and libglib-glist.so .. and some popcorn. maybe just popcorn|1282000936|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +223|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.14 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00123.html #gtk|1282000398|0||0|0 +224|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: I'm pretty pleased with the API that landed in json-glib for 0.12|1281810990|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +225|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|The @ebassi implementation to support common licenses in about dialog has been added to #GTK: http://ur1.ca/11u5a|1281436699|0||0|0 +226|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Web inspector support lands in #WebKitGtk+ check the screencast demo http://blog.kov.eti.br/?p=118|1281376660|0||1|0 +227|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GTK+ #Python developers are recommended to use the\nGObject-Introspection features available in PyGObject. http://live.gnome.org/PyGObject|1281362391|0||0|0 +228|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|PyGTK 2.21.0 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/11gse . 2.22 will be the last release in the PyGTK series.|1281362089|0||0|0 +229|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GTK+ Hackfest, October 18-22, A Coruña, Spain. http://ur1.ca/11f6u . Add yourself if you are interested in attending http://ur1.ca/11f6v|1281350218|0||0|4 +230|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Benjamin Otte's proposal for GTK+ drawing API: gtk_widget_draw(): http://ur1.ca/11f5m #gtk|1281350013|0||2|0 +231|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Some drawing APIs have been deprecated in GTK+ 2.22. Start porting your drawing to Cairo! http://ur1.ca/11f4t|1281349855|0||0|0 +232|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.24.2 (stable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00057.html #gtk|1281349547|0||0|0 +233|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|glib (unstable) 2.25.13 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-August/msg00052.html #gtk|1281201884|0||0|0 +234|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|glib 2.25.12 is here! http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-July/msg00052.html There have been many API changes in GDBus.|1280601329|0||0|0 +235|Chema Casanova|txenoo|RT @txenoo: Dispoñible a foto de grupo de #guadeces2010 http://www.flickr.com/photos/davizin/4822344878/ gracias a David Cabrero|1280002637|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +236|Andrea Cimitan|cimi|RT @cimi: Gtk+ 3.0 theming engines... let's start the discussion :)|1279678340|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +237|Alberto Ruiz|acruiz|RT @acruiz: Marker support in GtkScrollbar http://bit.ly/cKUTeW|1279580539|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +238|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @ebassi: today I moved #clutter-gtk to depend on #gtk3; tomorrow w I'll fix the double-events bug; on wednesday I'll rework the API|1279561116|0||0|0 +239|Sandy Armstrong|sandyarmstrong|RT @sandyarmstrong: @awafaa gconf is obsolete, fool|1279301600|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +240|Jonh Wendell|jwendell|RT @jwendell: #vinagre ported to GtkApplication :) !gtk|1279228583|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +241|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: #clutter 1.3.8 is the first snapshot with cally, the accessibility library for clutter apps and toolkits|1278972910|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +242|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.5 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-July/msg00021.html #gtk|1278952963|0||0|0 +243|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glib 2.25.11 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-July/msg00019.html #gtk|1278952925|0||0|0 +244|Johan Dahlin|johandahlin|RT @johandahlin: New blog post: Using LLVM to speed up function invocation in a dynamic language binding http://bit.ly/dA6IjH|1278620689|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +245|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ bindings for #Falcon announced: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-list/2010-June/msg00183.html #gtk|1278000421|0||0|0 +246|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GSettings / #dconf is ready: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-June/msg00226.html . Please port your modules! #gtk|1277909398|0||0|1 +247|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|More work in height-for-width layout system for GTK+ : http://blogs.gnome.org/tvb/2010/06/30/gtk-learns-height-for-width-episode-ii/ #gtk|1277909313|0||0|0 +248|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.10 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/0ee7o WARNING: There have been API changes in GDBus. #gtk|1277685452|0||0|1 +249|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|gdk-pixbuf is now a standalone package: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00172.html #gtk|1277685365|0||0|1 +250|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.4 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00182.html #gtk|1277685274|0||0|0 +251|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00183.html #gtk|1277685237|0||0|0 +252|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|We are open to fix API that make the life of #bindings harder but only by addition+rename, or addition+deprecation. File bugs, please #gtk|1277312749|0||0|0 +253|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ team IRC meeting - 2010-06-22: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00155.html #gtk|1277312445|0||0|0 +254|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ team IRC meeting 2010-06-22. In #gtk-devel on irc.gnome.org at 20:00 UTC. Agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh #gtk|1277226823|0||0|0 +255|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: the new #clutter website is now live: http://www.clutter-project.org|1276948072|0|GTKtoolkit|0|5 +256|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Proposed #GNOME goal: Port your #PyGTK to the new #PyGI bindings http://bit.ly/cvfzO8|1276941335|0||1|2 +257|Christian Hergert|hergertme|RT @vwduder: im sad because @ebassi doesn't like my in/out param comments :-)|1276904611|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +258|Guillaume Mazoyer|gmazoyer|RT @gmazoyer: ♺ @GTKtoolkit: #java bindings version 4.0.16 released: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.bindings.java/1796 #gtk|1276889421|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +259|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#java bindings version 4.0.16 released: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.bindings.java/1796 #gtk|1276885917|0||0|0 +260|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @cwiiis: MxIconTheme and MxIcon respect system's icon theme (and changes) now in #mx master :) Made possible by @thosw's XSettings work|1276883019|0||0|0 +261|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#javascript mailing list just created. Discuss its usage in GObject libraries: GTK+, Glib ... http://ur1.ca/08lwz by @jwendell #gtk|1276842639|0||0|0 +262|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Note for Win32 users: XP theming is back in 2.90.3 . Please test. #gtk|1276829697|0||0|0 +263|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.3 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00137.html #gtk|1276829633|0||0|0 +264|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.9 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/08hrl WARNING: API changes in GDBus, GSettings and GApplication #gtk|1276829581|0||0|0 +265|scaroo|scaroo|RT @scaroo: #SeedKit does RGBA window with css shadows and stuff : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5746554/seedkit-does-rgba.png|1276734086|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +266|scaroo|scaroo|RT @scaroo: Great #SeedKit showcase from @cldx3000 : http://bit.ly/cRDosJ :D|1276734071|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +267|Lluis Sanchez Gual|slluis|RT @slluis: MonoDevelop 2.4 released! http://monodevelop.com/Download/MonoDevelop_2.4_Released|1276699438|0|GTKtoolkit|0|35 +268|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bertogg: GNOME Developer Training at GUADEC, with Claudio Saavedra, Fernando Herrera, Dave Neary and me: http://is.gd/cPkpJ|1276687240|0||0|0 +269|SparkleShare|SparkleShare|RT @sparkleshare: Let's start sparkling!|1276619215|0|GTKtoolkit|0|7 +270|Haakon Sporsheim|haaspors|RT @haakonsporsheim: I built my first app for #android today using jni and #glib :P Sweet :)|1276472258|0|GTKtoolkit|0|4 +271|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Converting libraries and plugins to use GTK+3: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-June/msg00142.html #gtk|1276390360|0||1|0 +272|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Call to GNOME maintainers: #GNOME 2.31.4 to ship GTK+ 2.90: http://bit.ly/bnuk3e #gtk|1276390311|0||0|0 +273|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|API changes in GLib master: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00079.html #gtk|1276390197|0||1|0 +274|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.8 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00036.html #gtk|1276390151|0||0|0 +275|Johan Dahlin|johandahlin|RT @johandahlin: is adding introspection support for GstMiniObject and other weird instantitiable GTypes. Still left: gjs/pygi support.|1276384704|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +276|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: So, yes: we dropped the copyright waiver on Clutter and Cogl. Contributions welcome!|1276281694|0|GTKtoolkit|0|12 +277|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtkmm (C++ GTK+ bindings) 2.90 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/06nhn #gtk|1276182909|0||0|0 +278|Juanje Ojeda |juanjeojeda|RT @juanjeojeda: Progress on Gtk+ multitouch support: http://bit.ly/amIUiL #gtk #multitouch /via @garnacho|1276158728|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +279|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.2 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/06k6o Feedback about GtkApplication apreciated #gtk|1276141907|0||0|0 +280|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ team IRC meeting - 2010-06-08: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00044.html #gtk|1276040191|0||0|0 +281|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bratschegnome: @federicomena http://mzl.la/9PoFhD is nice I used to have CSD whr you can drag gtk+ from anywr in a window|1276038852|0||0|0 +282|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ team IRC meeting 2010-06-08.In #gtk-devel on irc.gnome.org at 20:00 UTC.Agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh Everyone is invited to attend|1276010278|0||0|0 +283|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: glibmm (C++ Glib bindings) 2.25.1 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/067ff #gtk|1276007921|0||0|0 +284|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.8 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-June/msg00036.html #gtk|1276003038|0||0|1 +285|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New version of #pygi (the new #python bindings based in #GObjectIntrospection) released: http://ur1.ca/0623c|1275945620|0||0|3 +286|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @ebassi: aaaand GBinding (a libexo-like binding between object properties) is mostly done: http://ur1.ca/05fz1 #gtk #glib|1275653238|0||1|0 +287|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @ebassi: plus, I have a GIO branch with GController and friends|1275653044|0||0|0 +288|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @ebassi submitted my patch for creating a GObjectController and get bulk notification #gtk|1275653008|0||0|0 +289|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.1 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00157.html #gtk|1275271768|0||0|0 +290|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#dtrace and #systemtap support added to #Glib. Enjoy! https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=606044 #gtk|1275056183|0||0|2 +291|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.1 (unstable) released: http://ur1.ca/03hbv . Multiple input device support, flippable widgets and more ...|1274845319|0||1|0 +292|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ team IRC meeting - 2010-05-25: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00147.html #gtk #meeting|1274826674|0||0|0 +293|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|[REMINDER] GTK+ team IRC meeting 2010-05-25 at 20:00 UTC. Join us in #gtk-devel on irc.gnome.org. Agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh #gtk #meeting|1274801128|0||0|1 +294|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Gtk2Hs 0.11.0 (Haskell bindings) released: http://haskell.org/gtk2hs/archives/2010/05/25/gtk2hs-0110-released/ #gtk #haskell|1274800929|0||0|0 +295|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|dconf 0.3.1 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00145.html #gtk|1274800819|0||0|0 +296|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.7 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00144.html #gtk|1274800611|0||0|0 +297|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|XI2 @garnacho 's branch ready for review (xi2-for-master): http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/thread.html #gtk|1274472793|0||0|0 +298|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|ANNOUNCE: gtk-doc 1.15 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-doc-list/2010-May/msg00000.html #gtk|1274446357|0||0|0 +299|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Ryan Lortie (@desrt) just released #dconf 0.3: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00128.html #gtk|1274311034|0||0|0 +300|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.6 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00127.html #gtk|1274310863|0||0|0 +301|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.6 (unstable) released:|1274310818|0||0|0 +302|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.5 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00078.html #gtk|1273891783|0||0|0 +303|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Glade 3.7.1 released with lot of improvements: http://ur1.ca/011bc Thanks to #Openismus who helped sponsor this release #gtk|1273885948|0||0|0 +304|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GDBus merged in Glib master http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00066.html #gtk|1273837079|0||0|1 +305|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ team IRC meeting - 2010-05-11 : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00047.html #gtk|1273636581|0||0|0 +306|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|[REMINDER] GTK+ team IRC meeting - 2010-05-11 at 20:00 UTC. Join us in #gtk-devel on irc.gnome.org. Agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh #gtk #meeting|1273606386|0||0|0 +307|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.90.0 (unstable) released. This is the first development release leading toward 3.0. http://ur1.ca/006p2 #gtk #gtk3|1273553873|0||0|5 +308|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Changes in GTK+ master that affect third parties: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/devel-announce-list/2010-May/msg00001.html #gtk #gtk3|1273531549|0||0|0 +309|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Have dark themes is more easy now thanks to Bastian Nocera work: http://bit.ly/dBJzgn #gtk|1273531264|0||0|2 +310|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.21.0 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00026.html #gtk|1273285878|0||0|0 +311|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ IRC team meeting - 2010-05-04: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00010.html #gtk|1273024620|0||0|0 +312|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.20.1 (stable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00004.html #gtk|1272983158|0||0|0 +313|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.24.1 (stable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-May/msg00005.html #gtk|1272983138|0||0|0 +314|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Next GTK+ team meeting: 2010-05-04 at 20:00 UTC. More info and agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh . As always, everyone is invited to attend. #gtk|1272848781|0||1|0 +315|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#Perl bindings: Gtk2 1.230 (unstable) available: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-perl-list/2010-April/msg00120.html #gtk|1272341271|0||0|0 +316|Emmanuele Bassi|ebassi|RT @ebassi: for the first time in ages I was able to work a bit on #gtkperl and add missing 2.16 and 2.18 wrappers|1272139155|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +317|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.3 (unstable) released with more #GSettings fixes: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-April/msg00090.html #gtk|1272118354|0||0|1 +318|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.2 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-April/msg00079.html|1272028911|0||0|0 +319|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ Learns height-for-width geometry. Thanks Tristan Van Berkom and #Openismus for sponsoring him! http://ur1.ca/wiz3 #gtk|1271969484|0||1|2 +320|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GSettings porting guide available: http://ur1.ca/w2xl . Feedback welcomed!: http://ur1.ca/w2xn #gtk|1271777672|0||4|4 +321|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Major change in Glib 2.25.0: #GSettings framework has been merged. This provides the API to replace #GConf.|1271715090|0||0|0 +322|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.25.0 (unstable) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-April/msg00066.html #gtk|1271714608|0||0|1 +323|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GSettings status update by Matthias Clasen: http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/mclasen/2010/04/17/gsettings/ #gtk #gsettingshackfest|1271519572|0||0|0 +324|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GNOME Python Hackfest: Day 1 (by John (J5) Palmieri): http://www.j5live.com/2010/04/14/gnome-python-hackfest-day-1/ #python #pythonhackfest|1271291950|0||0|1 +325|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Colin Walters: PyGTK, PyGI and PyGTK-on-PyGI #python #pythonhackfest http://ur1.ca/v5kw|1271291792|0||0|0 +326|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Python Hackfest started.Ttwo concrete goals: porting PyGObject to #Python 3.x and giving a push to PyGI. http://ur1.ca/v5jc|1271291075|0||0|0 +327|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GSettings Hackfest: Day 1 (by Vincent UNTZ) http://www.vuntz.net/journal/post/2010/04/13/GSettings-Hackfest:-Day-1 #gtk|1271290824|0||0|0 +328|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GSettings Hackfest started. Thanks to #Novell for sponsoring.Also to #RedHat, #Codethink and #Lanedo for sending people! http://ur1.ca/v5i4|1271290481|0||1|0 +329|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Xan Lopez from #Igalia attends the WebKit Contribution Meeting at the Apple HQ in Cupertino http://bit.ly/bHCqcC|1271247431|0||0|2 +330|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Kristian Rietveld advances the #GTK+ Quartz/Mac OS X backend http://bit.ly/cJzV2o|1271247006|0||2|0 +331|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#Openismus sponsors Tristan Van Berkom to complete the work on #GTK+ Natural Layout http://bit.ly/9FD3JC|1271246851|0||0|1 +332|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|RT @bilboed Having trouble reading GObject or GStreamer code ? Here's a small step-by-step rundown : http://is.gd/bk7mD|1270738689|0||0|1 +333|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Colin Walters shares his thoughts about the new #GTK+ application class and its relationship with #GNOME 3 http://bit.ly/cvcHIG|1270482931|0||0|0 +334|Lucas Rocha|lucasratmundo|RT @lucasratmundo: GNOME Shell has been officially proposed as a GNOME module: http://bit.ly/d1yKE2|1269993362|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +335|Johan Dahlin|johandahlin|RT @johandahlin: New blog post http://blogs.gnome.org/johan/2010/03/30/bridging-the-development-gap-between-desktop-and-web/|1269993352|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +336|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New Glib STABLE release: 2.24 http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00149.html #gtk|1269892314|0||0|0 +337|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Help the GNOME Foundation to hire a sysadmin for GNOME! http://www.gnome.org/friends|1269658993|0||0|1 +338|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Our friends from #Openismus sponsor #Glade 3 improvements http://bit.ly/9GqLDl|1269656334|0||0|0 +339|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|♺ @johandahlin: just commited the last remaining piece for cairo support in #gjs. World domination here we come|1269646821|0||0|0 +340|FedericoMenaQuintero|federicomena|RT @federicomena: Yay, the patch for glade is done - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=594231|1269616128|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +341|Jorge Castro|castrojo|RT @castrojo: Become a Friend of GNOME: http://wp.me/poAPi-da|1269616083|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +342|Johan Dahlin|johandahlin|RT @johandahlin: just commited the last remaining piece for cairo support in #gjs. World domination here we come|1269616001|0|GTKtoolkit|0|2 +343|Jono Bacon|jonobacon|RT @jonobacon: New Acire and Python Snippets website! http://is.gd/aZGnF - still a work in progress, working on it as we speak! #pythons ...|1269615964|0|GTKtoolkit|0|5 +344|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Python Snippets: project to gather an archive of simple Python (with GTK+) examples http://ur1.ca/rru1 !gtk @jonobacon|1269555086|0||0|2 +345|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#yorbafoundation is hiring #Vala/#Gtk+ developers and summer interns in California to create multimedia apps http://yorba.org/jobs|1269479714|0||0|1 +346|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|♺ @ploum: now that I have to use Qt and Qt documentation, I've only one word : #gtk rocks ! ( yeah for #gnome people)|1269441827|0||0|2 +347|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Minutes of the GTK+ Team Meeting: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00134.html #gtk|1269391167|0||0|0 +348|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New GTK+ STABLE release: 2.20 http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00132.html #gtk|1269374138|0||1|1 +349|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Reminder: GTK+ meeting today at 20:00 UTC. Where: #gtk-devel on irc.gnome.orgAgenda: http://live.gnome.org/GTK+/Meetings|1269358583|0||0|0 +350|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.23.6 (development branch) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00131.html #gtk|1269264623|0||0|0 +351|GNOME|gnome|RT @gnome: RT @rubenv GNOME was accepted for Google Summer of Code 2010! Looking for an IT student job that earns a lot? http://bit.ly/c ...|1269106193|0|GTKtoolkit|0|5 +352|FedericoMenaQuintero|federicomena|RT @federicomena: Untested code is broken code, even if it compiles. #yay #me|1269106077|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +353|Summer of Code|gsoc|RT @gsoc: Mentor organizations for #GSoC have been announced! http://bit.ly/bVMPWe|1268956782|0|GTKtoolkit|0|31 +354|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: just released clutter-gtk 0.10.4 - depending on clutter 1.2 and gtk+ 2.19|1268956726|0|GTKtoolkit|0|1 +355|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Support for Class private data will be available in Glib 2.24: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521707|1268848373|0||0|2 +356|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ team IRC meeting: March 23, at 20:00. http://ur1.ca/q6jg . Agenda: http://ur1.ca/q6jh #gtk|1268845861|0||0|1 +357|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.18.9 (stable branch) released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00115.html #gtk|1268844918|0||0|0 +358|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.22.5 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/thread.html #gtk|1268748183|0||0|0 +359|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.18.8 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00078.html #gtk|1268700945|0||0|0 +360|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@chrisblizzard There's a .zip bundle indeed http://bit.ly/9ZkQCM|1268698714|0||0|0 +361|Alberto Ruiz|acruiz|RT @acruiz: libmodel and GTK+ from Codethink Labs! http://aruiz.synaptia.net/siliconisland/2010/03/libmodel-and-gtk-from-codethink-labs.html|1268698629|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +362|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|New version of the User Interface Designer #Glade released: 3.7.0 http://ur1.ca/phww #gtk|1268458482|0||0|0 +363|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.19.7 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-March/msg00044.html #gtk|1268174602|0||0|0 +364|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GTK + future idea: automatic composite widgets using #GtkBuilder under the hood http://ur1.ca/oxly|1268157762|0||0|0 +365|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GLib 2.23.5 is released, congrats to @desrt for his first release http://bit.ly/a3th6S|1268070995|0||0|1 +366|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|The first #PyGTK hackfest ever has been announced, 3.0 and Introspection are the major themes http://bit.ly/9Bd31g|1267875279|0||1|1 +367|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Kristian Rietveld gives an update of the GTK+/Quartz MacOSX native port http://bit.ly/cZ84VN|1267832356|0||2|0 +368|Jono Bacon|jonobacon|RT @jonobacon: Merged in more python-snippets: desktop widget, drag and open in PyGTK, GStreamer video playback, and a bunch of fixes! h ...|1267831925|0|GTKtoolkit|0|3 +369|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#Openismus is looking for C/C++ GTK+/Qt trainees http://bit.ly/c16WEp|1267831840|0||0|0 +370|Clutter Toolkit|cluttertoolkit|RT @cluttertoolkit: clutter 1.2.0 - first stable release, with lots of new API - http://bit.ly/ckdS6R|1267561885|0|GTKtoolkit|0|9 +371|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#Lanedo is hiring GTK+/GNOME hackers! http://bit.ly/d6fTWQ|1267560392|0||0|1 +372|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|You can help to make a difference too, help the #GTK+ maintainers to improve the documetnation infrastructure! http://bit.ly/dmJifE|1267538283|0||0|1 +373|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Designers bring back excitement around the #GNOME project http://bit.ly/9Zcx8c|1267202696|0||0|1 +374|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#webkit #gtk gets ARGB support, allowing it to set a transparent background! http://bit.ly/cBeouj|1267146282|0||0|2 +375|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Follow GNOME TV on Vimeo http://is.gd/96PlT|1267050829|0||0|1 +376|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Extensive article on the state of #WebKitGtk http://is.gd/95En2|1267031517|0||0|0 +377|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@ploum Are you hitting !PyGTK or !GTK+ bugs? Are they already reported upstream?|1267029810|0||0|0 +378|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GNUStep gets #GTK+ theming http://is.gd/95vHl more at http://is.gd/95wt8|1267029498|0||0|1 +379|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|GTK+ 2.19.6 released: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-February/msg00050.html #gtk|1266966985|0||0|0 +380|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|Did you know that #GTK+ is the official toolkit for the #LiMo software stack? http://bit.ly/cuEdHx|1266925406|0||0|0 +381|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@lmedinas publishes a #javascript #example on how to put a status icon with #Gtk+ http://bit.ly/9py1uC Thanks a lot Luis!|1266886644|0||1|1 +382|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|♺ @ebassi: I should really finish up the GDom API as well|1266880653|0||0|0 +383|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|♺ @ebassi: I hope to work on this for the next GIO release, and the GTK+ side for 3.0|1266880641|0||0|0 +384|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|♺ @ebassi: just updated the ApplicationClass design wiki page with the stuff @Cwiiis did for Mx - http://bit.ly/cfAOJk|1266880559|0||0|0 +385|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GTK+ Kick Start tutorial for #Vala http://www.vimeo.com/9617309 OGG: http://bit.ly/czegmp|1266874471|0||0|1 +386|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|@migheldeicaza shows off #monodevelop on #macosx deploying and debugging #gtk sharp apps on a #MeeGo device http://bit.ly/9XR0Pg|1266874171|0||1|1 +387|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|#GTK+ is the first toolkit to expose the #Xorg multitouch stack through #XI2 http://bit.ly/9tniKu - Nice work @garnacho!|1266863259|0||0|1 +388|GTK+ and friends|GTKtoolkit|This is the official GTK+ first micropost!|1266856657|0||0|1 diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/move_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/move_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6028099b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/move_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/n_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/n_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbd84208 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/n_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ne_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ne_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ca3f6eb Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ne_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/neon.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/neon.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b42790ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/neon.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/WlByzy +// License CC0: Neonwave style road, sun and city +// The result of a bit of experimenting with neonwave style colors. + +#define PI 3.141592654 +#define TAU (2.0*PI) + +#define TIME iTime +#define RESOLUTION iResolution + +vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) { + const vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); + vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); + return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); +} + +float hash(in float co) { + return fract(sin(co*12.9898) * 13758.5453); +} + +float hash(in vec2 co) { + return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,58.233))) * 13758.5453); +} + +float psin(float a) { + return 0.5 + 0.5*sin(a); +} + +float mod1(inout float p, float size) { + float halfsize = size*0.5; + float c = floor((p + halfsize)/size); + p = mod(p + halfsize, size) - halfsize; + return c; +} + +float circle(vec2 p, float r) { + return length(p) - r; +} + +float box(vec2 p, vec2 b) { + vec2 d = abs(p)-b; + return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0); +} + +float planex(vec2 p, float w) { + return abs(p.y) - w; +} + +float planey(vec2 p, float w) { + return abs(p.x) - w; +} + +float pmin(float a, float b, float k) { + float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 ); + return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); +} + +float pmax(float a, float b, float k) { + return -pmin(-a, -b, k); +} + +float sun(vec2 p) { + const float ch = 0.0125; + vec2 sp = p; + vec2 cp = p; + mod1(cp.y, ch*6.0); + + float d0 = circle(sp, 0.5); + float d1 = planex(cp, ch); + float d2 = p.y+ch*3.0; + + float d = d0; + d = pmax(d, -max(d1, d2), ch*2.0); + + return d; +} + +float city(vec2 p) { + float sd = circle(p, 0.5); + float cd = 1E6; + + const float count = 5.0; + const float width = 0.1; + + for (float i = 0.0; i < count; ++i) { + vec2 pp = p; + pp.x += i*width/count; + float nn = mod1(pp.x, width); + float rr = hash(nn+sqrt(3.0)*i); + float dd = box(pp-vec2(0.0, -0.5), vec2(0.02, 0.35*(1.0-smoothstep(0.0, 5.0, abs(nn)))*rr+0.1)); + cd = min(cd, dd); + } + + return max(sd,cd); +} +vec3 sunEffect(vec2 p) { + float aa = 4.0 / RESOLUTION.y; + + vec3 col = vec3(0.1); + vec3 skyCol1 = hsv2rgb(vec3(283.0/360.0, 0.83, 0.16)); + vec3 skyCol2 = hsv2rgb(vec3(297.0/360.0, 0.79, 0.43)); + col = mix(skyCol1, skyCol2, pow(clamp(0.5*(1.0+p.y+0.1*sin(4.0*p.x+TIME*0.5)), 0.0, 1.0), 4.0)); + + p.y -= 0.375; + float ds = sun(p); + float dc = city(p); + + float dd = circle(p, 0.5); + + vec3 sunCol = mix(vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), clamp(0.5 - 1.0*p.y, 0.0, 1.0)); + vec3 glareCol = sqrt(sunCol); + vec3 cityCol = sunCol*sunCol; + + col += glareCol*(exp(-30.0*ds))*step(0.0, ds); + + + float t1 = smoothstep(0.0, 0.075, -dd); + float t2 = smoothstep(0.0, 0.3, -dd); + col = mix(col, sunCol, smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -ds)); + col = mix(col, glareCol, smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -dc)*t1); + col += vec3(0.0, 0.25, 0.0)*(exp(-90.0*dc))*step(0.0, dc)*t2; + +// col += 0.3*psin(d*400); + + return col; +} + +float ground(vec2 p) { + p.y += TIME*80.0; + p *= 0.075; + vec2 gp = p; + gp = fract(gp) - vec2(0.5); + float d0 = abs(gp.x); + float d1 = abs(gp.y); + float d2 = circle(gp, 0.05); + + const float rw = 2.5; + const float sw = 0.0125; + + vec2 rp = p; + mod1(rp.y, 12.0); + float d3 = abs(rp.x) - rw; + float d4 = abs(d3) - sw*2.0; + float d5 = box(rp, vec2(sw*2.0, 2.0)); + vec2 sp = p; + mod1(sp.y, 4.0); + sp.x = abs(sp.x); + sp -= vec2(rw - 0.125, 0.0); + float d6 = box(sp, vec2(sw, 1.0)); + + float d = d0; + d = pmin(d, d1, 0.1); + d = max(d, -d3); + d = min(d, d4); + d = min(d, d5); + d = min(d, d6); + + return d; +} + +vec3 groundEffect(vec2 p) { + vec3 ro = vec3(0.0, 20.0, 0.0); + vec3 ww = normalize(vec3(0.0, -0.025, 1.0)); + vec3 uu = normalize(cross(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), ww)); + vec3 vv = normalize(cross(ww,uu)); + vec3 rd = normalize(p.x*uu + p.y*vv + 2.5*ww); + + float distg = (-9.0 - ro.y)/rd.y; + + const vec3 shineCol = 0.75*vec3(0.5, 0.75, 1.0); + const vec3 gridCol = vec3(1.0); + + vec3 col = vec3(0.0); + if (distg > 0.0) { + vec3 pg = ro + rd*distg; + float aa = length(dFdx(pg))*0.0002*RESOLUTION.x; + + float dg = ground(pg.xz); + + col = mix(col, gridCol, smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -(dg+0.0175))); + col += shineCol*(exp(-10.0*clamp(dg, 0.0, 1.0))); + col = clamp(col, 0.0, 1.0); + +// col += 0.3*psin(dg*100); + col *= pow(1.0-smoothstep(ro.y*3.0, 220.0+ro.y*2.0, distg), 2.0); + } + + return col; +} + +vec3 postProcess(vec3 col, vec2 q) { + col = clamp(col,0.0,1.0); +// col=pow(col,vec3(0.75)); + col=col*0.6+0.4*col*col*(3.0-2.0*col); + col=mix(col, vec3(dot(col, vec3(0.33))), -0.4); + col*=0.5+0.5*pow(19.0*q.x*q.y*(1.0-q.x)*(1.0-q.y),0.7); + return col; +} + +vec3 effect(vec2 p, vec2 q) { + vec3 col = vec3(0.0); + + vec2 off = vec2(0.0, 0.0); + + col += sunEffect(p+off); + col += groundEffect(p+off); + + col = postProcess(col, q); + return col; +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) { + vec2 q = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; + vec2 p = -1. + 2. * q; + p.x *= RESOLUTION.x / RESOLUTION.y; + + vec3 col = effect(p, q); + + fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nesw_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nesw_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa3bf68e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nesw_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/no_drop_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/no_drop_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47ccc349 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/no_drop_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/none_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/none_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad0dae17 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/none_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/not_allowed_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/not_allowed_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1305af8a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/not_allowed_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ns_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ns_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acb1283d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ns_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nw_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nw_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66915577 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nw_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nwse_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nwse_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..183001db Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/nwse_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/open-type-layout.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/open-type-layout.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5297dcf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/open-type-layout.h @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/* Registered OpenType layout tags, see + * https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featuretags.htm + */ + +typedef struct { + unsigned int tag; + const char *name; +} NamedTag; + +#define MAKE_TAG(a,b,c,d) (unsigned int)(((a) << 24) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 8) | (d)) + +/* These don't include ss01 - ss19 and cv01 - cv99 */ +static NamedTag open_type_layout_features[] = { + { MAKE_TAG('a','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Access All Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('a','b','v','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Above-base Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('a','b','v','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Above-base Mark Positioning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('a','b','v','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Above-base Substitutions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('a','f','r','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Alternative Fractions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('a','k','h','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Akhands") }, + { MAKE_TAG('b','l','w','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Below-base Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('b','l','w','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Below-base Mark Positioning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('b','l','w','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Below-base Substitutions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Contextual Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','a','s','e'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Case-Sensitive Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','c','m','p'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Glyph Composition / Decomposition") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','f','a','r'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Conjunct Form After Ro") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','j','c','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Conjunct Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','l','i','g'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Contextual Ligatures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','p','c','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Centered CJK Punctuation") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','p','s','p'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Capital Spacing") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','s','w','h'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Contextual Swash") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','u','r','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Cursive Positioning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','2','p','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Petite Capitals From Capitals") }, + { MAKE_TAG('c','2','s','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Small Capitals From Capitals") }, + { MAKE_TAG('d','i','s','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Distances") }, + { MAKE_TAG('d','l','i','g'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Discretionary Ligatures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('d','n','o','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Denominators") }, + { MAKE_TAG('d','t','l','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Dotless Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('e','x','p','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Expert Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Final Glyph on Line Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','i','n','2'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Terminal Forms #2") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','i','n','3'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Terminal Forms #3") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','i','n','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Terminal Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','l','a','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Flattened accent forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','r','a','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Fractions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('f','w','i','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Full Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','a','l','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Half Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','a','l','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Halant Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Alternate Half Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','i','s','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Historical Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','k','n','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Horizontal Kana Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','l','i','g'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Historical Ligatures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','n','g','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Hangul") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','o','j','o'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Hojo Kanji Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('h','w','i','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Half Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('i','n','i','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Initial Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('i','s','o','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Isolated Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('i','t','a','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Italics") }, + { MAKE_TAG('j','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Justification Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('j','p','7','8'), NC_("OpenType layout", "JIS78 Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('j','p','8','3'), NC_("OpenType layout", "JIS83 Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('j','p','9','0'), NC_("OpenType layout", "JIS90 Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('j','p','0','4'), NC_("OpenType layout", "JIS2004 Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('k','e','r','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Kerning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','f','b','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Left Bounds") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','i','g','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Standard Ligatures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','j','m','o'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Leading Jamo Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','n','u','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Lining Figures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','o','c','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Localized Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','t','r','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Left-to-right alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('l','t','r','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Left-to-right mirrored forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','a','r','k'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Mark Positioning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','e','d','2'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Medial Forms #2") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','e','d','i'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Medial Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','g','r','k'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Mathematical Greek") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','k','m','k'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Mark to Mark Positioning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('m','s','e','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Mark Positioning via Substitution") }, + { MAKE_TAG('n','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Alternate Annotation Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('n','l','c','k'), NC_("OpenType layout", "NLC Kanji Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('n','u','k','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Nukta Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('n','u','m','r'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Numerators") }, + { MAKE_TAG('o','n','u','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Oldstyle Figures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('o','p','b','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Optical Bounds") }, + { MAKE_TAG('o','r','d','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Ordinals") }, + { MAKE_TAG('o','r','n','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Ornaments") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Proportional Alternate Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','c','a','p'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Petite Capitals") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','k','n','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Proportional Kana") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','n','u','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Proportional Figures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','r','e','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Pre-Base Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','r','e','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Pre-base Substitutions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','s','t','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Post-base Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','s','t','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Post-base Substitutions") }, + { MAKE_TAG('p','w','i','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Proportional Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('q','w','i','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Quarter Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','a','n','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Randomize") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','c','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Required Contextual Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','k','r','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Rakar Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','l','i','g'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Required Ligatures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','p','h','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Reph Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','t','b','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Right Bounds") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','t','l','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Right-to-left alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','t','l','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Right-to-left mirrored forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','u','b','y'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Ruby Notation Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('r','v','r','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Required Variation Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Stylistic Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','i','n','f'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Scientific Inferiors") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','i','z','e'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Optical size") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','m','c','p'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Small Capitals") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','m','p','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Simplified Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','s','t','y'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Math script style alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','t','c','h'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Stretching Glyph Decomposition") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','u','b','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Subscript") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','u','p','s'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Superscript") }, + { MAKE_TAG('s','w','s','h'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Swash") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','i','t','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Titling") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','j','m','o'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Trailing Jamo Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','n','a','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Traditional Name Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','n','u','m'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Tabular Figures") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','r','a','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Traditional Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('t','w','i','d'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Third Widths") }, + { MAKE_TAG('u','n','i','c'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Unicase") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','a','l','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Alternate Vertical Metrics") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','a','t','u'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vattu Variants") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','e','r','t'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vertical Writing") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','h','a','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','j','m','o'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vowel Jamo Forms") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','k','n','a'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vertical Kana Alternates") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','k','r','n'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vertical Kerning") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','p','a','l'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','r','t','2'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vertical Alternates and Rotation") }, + { MAKE_TAG('v','r','t','r'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Vertical Alternates for Rotation") }, + { MAKE_TAG('z','e','r','o'), NC_("OpenType layout", "Slashed Zero") }, +}; + +#undef MAKE_TAG diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.appdata.xml.in b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.appdata.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87f9267e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.appdata.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + org.gtk.Demo4 + org.gtk.Demo4.desktop + CC0-1.0 + LGPL-2.1-or-later + GTK Demo + Program to demonstrate GTK functions + +

+ GTK Demo is a collection of examples that demonstrate the major + features of the GTK toolkit. +

+ + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-demo/gtk-demo1.png + The main window + + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-demo/gtk-demo2.png + An example + + + + AppMenu + HiDpiIcon + ModernToolkit + + https://www.gtk.org + gtk-4.0 + matthias.clasen_at_gmail.com + Matthias Clasen and others + + + + +

A new build of GTK.

diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bc46e18 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=GTK Demo +Comment=GTK code examples and demonstrations +Exec=gtk4-demo +Icon=org.gtk.Demo4 +Terminal=false +Type=Application +StartupNotify=true +Categories=Development;GTK; diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3eaa6e8b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.Demo4.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 'red' + + + (-1, -1) + + + false + + + false + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d693fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a103085 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay.c @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* Overlay/Interactive Overlay + * #Keywords: GtkOverlay + * + * Shows widgets in static positions over a main widget. + * + * The overlaid widgets can be interactive controls such + * as the entry in this example, or just decorative, like + * the big blue label. + */ + +#include + +static void +do_number (GtkButton *button, GtkEntry *entry) +{ + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), gtk_button_get_label (button)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_overlay (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *overlay; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *entry; + int i, j; + char *text; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 500, 510); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Interactive Overlay"); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), grid); + + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + + for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) + { + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) + { + text = g_strdup_printf ("%d", 5*j + i); + button = gtk_button_new_with_label (text); + g_free (text); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (button, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (button, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (do_number), entry); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), button, i, j, 1, 1); + } + } + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 10); + gtk_widget_set_can_target (vbox, FALSE); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), vbox); + gtk_widget_set_halign (vbox, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (vbox, GTK_ALIGN_START); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Numbers"); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_can_target (label, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), label); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 10); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), vbox); + gtk_widget_set_halign (vbox, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (vbox, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), "Your Lucky Number"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (entry, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (entry, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), entry); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay_decorative.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay_decorative.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fea2237 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/overlay_decorative.c @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/* Overlay/Decorative Overlay + * #Keywords: GtkOverlay + * + * Another example of an overlay with some decorative + * and some interactive controls. + */ + +#include + +static GtkTextTag *tag; + +static void +margin_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, + GtkTextView *text) +{ + int value; + + value = (int)gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text), value); + g_object_set (tag, "pixels-above-lines", value, NULL); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_overlay_decorative (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *overlay; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *text; + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *scale; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 500, 510); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Decorative Overlay"); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + text = gtk_text_view_new (); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text)); + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "Dear diary...", -1); + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "top-margin", + "pixels-above-lines", 0, + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + end = start; + gtk_text_iter_forward_word_end (&end); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start, &end); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), text); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + image = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/overlay2/decor1.png"); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), image); + gtk_widget_set_can_target (image, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_halign (image, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (image, GTK_ALIGN_START); + + image = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/overlay2/decor2.png"); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), image); + gtk_widget_set_can_target (image, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_halign (image, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_widget_set_valign (image, GTK_ALIGN_END); + + adjustment = gtk_adjustment_new (0, 0, 100, 1, 1, 0); + g_signal_connect (adjustment, "value-changed", + G_CALLBACK (margin_changed), text); + + scale = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, adjustment); + gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (scale), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (scale, 120, -1); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (scale, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (scale, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (scale, 20); + gtk_overlay_add_overlay (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), scale); + gtk_widget_set_halign (scale, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (scale, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (scale, "Margin"); + + gtk_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, 100); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pagesetup.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pagesetup.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49062e74 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pagesetup.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Printing/Page Setup + * #Keywords: GtkPageSetup + * + * GtkPageSetupUnixDialog can be used if page setup is needed + * independent of a full printing dialog. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +static void +done_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, int response, gpointer data) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_pagesetup (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog_new ("Page Setup", GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + g_signal_connect (window, "response", G_CALLBACK (done_cb), NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paint.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paint.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9fb3502 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paint.c @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +/* Paint + * #Keywords: GdkDrawingArea, GtkGesture + * + * Demonstrates practical handling of drawing tablets in a real world + * usecase. + */ +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +enum { + COLOR_SET, + N_SIGNALS +}; + +static guint area_signals[N_SIGNALS] = { 0, }; + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + cairo_surface_t *surface; + cairo_t *cr; + GdkRGBA draw_color; + GtkPadController *pad_controller; + double brush_size; + GtkGesture *gesture; +} DrawingArea; + +typedef struct +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +} DrawingAreaClass; + +static GtkPadActionEntry pad_actions[] = { + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 1, -1, N_("Black"), "pad.black" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 2, -1, N_("Pink"), "pad.pink" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 3, -1, N_("Green"), "pad.green" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 4, -1, N_("Red"), "pad.red" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 5, -1, N_("Purple"), "pad.purple" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON, 6, -1, N_("Orange"), "pad.orange" }, + { GTK_PAD_ACTION_STRIP, -1, -1, N_("Brush size"), "pad.brush_size" }, +}; + +static const char *pad_colors[] = { + "black", + "pink", + "green", + "red", + "purple", + "orange" +}; + +static GType drawing_area_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (DrawingArea, drawing_area, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static void drawing_area_set_color (DrawingArea *area, + const GdkRGBA *color); + +static void +drawing_area_ensure_surface (DrawingArea *area, + int width, + int height) +{ + if (!area->surface || + cairo_image_surface_get_width (area->surface) != width || + cairo_image_surface_get_height (area->surface) != height) + { + cairo_surface_t *surface; + + surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, + width, height); + if (area->surface) + { + cairo_t *cr; + + cr = cairo_create (surface); + cairo_set_source_surface (cr, area->surface, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_surface_destroy (area->surface); + cairo_destroy (area->cr); + cairo_destroy (cr); + } + + area->surface = surface; + area->cr = cairo_create (surface); + } +} + +static void +drawing_area_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + DrawingArea *area = (DrawingArea *) widget; + + drawing_area_ensure_surface (area, width, height); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (drawing_area_parent_class)->size_allocate (widget, width, height, baseline); +} + +static void +drawing_area_map (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkAllocation allocation; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (drawing_area_parent_class)->map (widget); + + gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation); + drawing_area_ensure_surface ((DrawingArea *) widget, + allocation.width, allocation.height); +} + +static void +drawing_area_unmap (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + DrawingArea *area = (DrawingArea *) widget; + + g_clear_pointer (&area->cr, cairo_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&area->surface, cairo_surface_destroy); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (drawing_area_parent_class)->unmap (widget); +} + +static void +drawing_area_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + DrawingArea *area = (DrawingArea *) widget; + GtkAllocation allocation; + cairo_t *cr; + + gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation); + cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT ( + 0, 0, + allocation.width, + allocation.height + )); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_set_source_surface (cr, area->surface, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6); + cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +static void +on_pad_button_activate (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + DrawingArea *area) +{ + const char *color = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (action), "color"); + GdkRGBA rgba; + + gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, color); + drawing_area_set_color (area, &rgba); +} + +static void +on_pad_knob_change (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + DrawingArea *area) +{ + double value = g_variant_get_double (parameter); + + area->brush_size = value; +} + +static void +drawing_area_unroot (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + DrawingArea *area = (DrawingArea *) widget; + GtkWidget *toplevel; + + toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (widget)); + + if (area->pad_controller) + { + gtk_widget_remove_controller (toplevel, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (area->pad_controller)); + area->pad_controller = NULL; + } + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (drawing_area_parent_class)->unroot (widget); +} + +static void +drawing_area_root (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + DrawingArea *area = (DrawingArea *) widget; + GSimpleActionGroup *action_group; + GSimpleAction *action; + GtkWidget *toplevel; + int i; + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (drawing_area_parent_class)->root (widget); + + toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (area))); + + action_group = g_simple_action_group_new (); + area->pad_controller = gtk_pad_controller_new (G_ACTION_GROUP (action_group), NULL); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (pad_actions); i++) + { + if (pad_actions[i].type == GTK_PAD_ACTION_BUTTON) + { + action = g_simple_action_new (pad_actions[i].action_name, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (action), "color", + (gpointer) pad_colors[i]); + g_signal_connect (action, "activate", + G_CALLBACK (on_pad_button_activate), area); + } + else + { + action = g_simple_action_new_stateful (pad_actions[i].action_name, + G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE, NULL); + g_signal_connect (action, "activate", + G_CALLBACK (on_pad_knob_change), area); + } + + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (action_group), G_ACTION (action)); + g_object_unref (action); + } + + gtk_pad_controller_set_action_entries (area->pad_controller, pad_actions, + G_N_ELEMENTS (pad_actions)); + + gtk_widget_add_controller (toplevel, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (area->pad_controller)); +} + +static void +drawing_area_class_init (DrawingAreaClass *klass) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + widget_class->size_allocate = drawing_area_size_allocate; + widget_class->snapshot = drawing_area_snapshot; + widget_class->map = drawing_area_map; + widget_class->unmap = drawing_area_unmap; + widget_class->root = drawing_area_root; + widget_class->unroot = drawing_area_unroot; + + area_signals[COLOR_SET] = + g_signal_new ("color-set", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (widget_class), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, + 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GDK_TYPE_RGBA); +} + +static void +drawing_area_apply_stroke (DrawingArea *area, + GdkDeviceTool *tool, + double x, + double y, + double pressure) +{ + if (tool && gdk_device_tool_get_tool_type (tool) == GDK_DEVICE_TOOL_TYPE_ERASER) + { + cairo_set_line_width (area->cr, 10 * pressure * area->brush_size); + cairo_set_operator (area->cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT); + } + else + { + cairo_set_line_width (area->cr, 4 * pressure * area->brush_size); + cairo_set_operator (area->cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SATURATE); + } + + cairo_set_source_rgba (area->cr, area->draw_color.red, + area->draw_color.green, area->draw_color.blue, + area->draw_color.alpha * pressure); + + cairo_line_to (area->cr, x, y); + cairo_stroke (area->cr); + cairo_move_to (area->cr, x, y); +} + +static void +stylus_gesture_down (GtkGestureStylus *gesture, + double x, + double y, + DrawingArea *area) +{ + cairo_new_path (area->cr); +} + +static void +stylus_gesture_motion (GtkGestureStylus *gesture, + double x, + double y, + DrawingArea *area) +{ + GdkTimeCoord *backlog; + GdkDeviceTool *tool; + double pressure; + guint n_items; + + tool = gtk_gesture_stylus_get_device_tool (gesture); + + if (gtk_gesture_stylus_get_backlog (gesture, &backlog, &n_items)) + { + guint i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++) + { + drawing_area_apply_stroke (area, tool, + backlog[i].axes[GDK_AXIS_X], + backlog[i].axes[GDK_AXIS_Y], + backlog[i].flags & GDK_AXIS_FLAG_PRESSURE + ? backlog[i].axes[GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE] + : 1); + } + + g_free (backlog); + } + else + { + if (!gtk_gesture_stylus_get_axis (gesture, GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE, &pressure)) + pressure = 1; + + drawing_area_apply_stroke (area, tool, x, y, pressure); + } + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (area)); +} + +static void +drawing_area_init (DrawingArea *area) +{ + GtkGesture *gesture; + + gesture = gtk_gesture_stylus_new (); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "down", + G_CALLBACK (stylus_gesture_down), area); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "motion", + G_CALLBACK (stylus_gesture_motion), area); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (area), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); + + area->draw_color = (GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; + area->brush_size = 1; + + area->gesture = gesture; +} + +static GtkWidget * +drawing_area_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (drawing_area_get_type (), NULL); +} + +static void +drawing_area_set_color (DrawingArea *area, + const GdkRGBA *color) +{ + if (gdk_rgba_equal (&area->draw_color, color)) + return; + + area->draw_color = *color; + g_signal_emit (area, area_signals[COLOR_SET], 0, &area->draw_color); +} + +static void +color_button_color_set (GtkColorDialogButton *button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + DrawingArea *draw_area) +{ + const GdkRGBA *color; + + color = gtk_color_dialog_button_get_rgba (button); + drawing_area_set_color (draw_area, color); +} + +static void +drawing_area_color_set (DrawingArea *area, + GdkRGBA *color, + GtkColorDialogButton *button) +{ + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (button, color); +} + +static GtkGesture * +drawing_area_get_gesture (DrawingArea *area) +{ + return area->gesture; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paint (GtkWidget *toplevel) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *draw_area, *headerbar, *button; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + + draw_area = drawing_area_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), draw_area); + + headerbar = gtk_header_bar_new (); + + button = gtk_color_dialog_button_new (gtk_color_dialog_new ()); + g_signal_connect (button, "notify::rgba", + G_CALLBACK (color_button_color_set), draw_area); + g_signal_connect (draw_area, "color-set", + G_CALLBACK (drawing_area_color_set), button); + gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_DIALOG_BUTTON (button), + &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }); + + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (headerbar), button); + + button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("Stylus only"); + g_object_bind_property (button, "active", + drawing_area_get_gesture ((DrawingArea *)draw_area), "stylus-only", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (headerbar), button); + + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), headerbar); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Paint"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9dcff247 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.c @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +/* Paintable/Simple Paintable + * + * GdkPaintable is an interface used by GTK for drawings of any sort + * that do not require layouting or positioning. + * + * This demo code gives a simple example on how a paintable can + * be created. + * + * Paintables can be used in many places inside GTK widgets, but the + * most common usage is inside GtkImage and that's what we're going + * to do here. + */ + +#include + +#include "paintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +/* First, add the boilerplate for the object itself. + * This part would normally go in the header. + */ +#define GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_ICON (gtk_nuclear_icon_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkNuclearIcon, gtk_nuclear_icon, GTK, NUCLEAR_ICON, GObject) + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _GtkNuclearIcon +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + /* We store this rotation value here. + * We are not doing with it here, but it will come in + * very useful in the followup demos. + */ + double rotation; +}; + +struct _GtkNuclearIconClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* This is the function that draws the actual icon. + * We make it a custom function and define it in the paintable.h header + * so that it can be called from all the other demos, too. + */ +void +gtk_nuclear_snapshot (GtkSnapshot *snapshot, + const GdkRGBA *foreground, + const GdkRGBA *background, + double width, + double height, + double rotation) +{ +#define RADIUS 0.3 + cairo_t *cr; + double size; + + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, + background, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + size = MIN (width, height); + cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT ((width - size) / 2.0, + (height - size) / 2.0, + size, size)); + gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, foreground); + cairo_translate (cr, width / 2.0, height / 2.0); + cairo_scale (cr, size, size); + cairo_rotate (cr, rotation); + + cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, 0.1, - G_PI, G_PI); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_set_line_width (cr, RADIUS); + cairo_set_dash (cr, (double[1]) { RADIUS * G_PI / 3 }, 1, 0.0); + cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, RADIUS, - G_PI, G_PI); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +/* Here, we implement the functionality required by the GdkPaintable interface */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_icon_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkNuclearIcon *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_ICON (paintable); + + /* The snapshot function is the only function we need to implement. + * It does the actual drawing of the paintable. + */ + + gtk_nuclear_snapshot (snapshot, + &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, /* black */ + &(GdkRGBA) { 0.9, 0.75, 0.15, 1.0 }, /* yellow */ + width, height, + nuclear->rotation); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +gtk_nuclear_icon_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + /* The flags are very useful to let GTK know that this image + * is never going to change. + * This allows many optimizations and should therefore always + * be set. + */ + return GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS | GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_icon_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_nuclear_icon_snapshot; + iface->get_flags = gtk_nuclear_icon_get_flags; +} + +/* When defining the GType, we need to implement the GdkPaintable interface */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkNuclearIcon, gtk_nuclear_icon, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_nuclear_icon_paintable_init)) + +/* Here's the boilerplate for the GObject declaration. + * We don't need to do anything special here, because we keep no + * data of our own. + */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_icon_class_init (GtkNuclearIconClass *klass) +{ +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_icon_init (GtkNuclearIcon *nuclear) +{ +} + +/* And finally, we add a simple constructor. + * It is declared in the header so that the other examples + * can use it. + */ +GdkPaintable * +gtk_nuclear_icon_new (double rotation) +{ + GtkNuclearIcon *nuclear; + + nuclear = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_ICON, NULL); + nuclear->rotation = rotation; + + return GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *nuclear; + GtkWidget *image; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Nuclear Icon"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 300, 200); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + nuclear = gtk_nuclear_icon_new (0.0); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (nuclear); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), image); + g_object_unref (nuclear); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b8d78160 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __PAINTABLE_H__ +#define __PAINTABLE_H__ + +#include + +void gtk_nuclear_snapshot (GtkSnapshot *snapshot, + const GdkRGBA *foreground, + const GdkRGBA *background, + double width, + double height, + double rotation); + +GdkPaintable * gtk_nuclear_icon_new (double rotation); +GdkPaintable * gtk_nuclear_animation_new (gboolean draw_background); +GtkMediaStream *gtk_nuclear_media_stream_new (void); + +#endif /* __PAINTABLE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_animated.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_animated.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28a97142 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_animated.c @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +/* Paintable/Animated Paintable + * + * GdkPaintable also allows paintables to change. + * + * This demo code gives an example of how this could work. It builds + * on the previous simple example. + * + * Paintables can also change their size, this works similarly, but + * we will not demonstrate this here as our icon does not have any size. + */ + +#include + +#include "paintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +/* First, add the boilerplate for the object itself. + * This part would normally go in the header. + */ +#define GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_ANIMATION (gtk_nuclear_animation_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkNuclearAnimation, gtk_nuclear_animation, GTK, NUCLEAR_ANIMATION, GObject) + +/* Do a full rotation in 5 seconds. + * We will register the timeout for doing a single step to + * be executed every 10ms, which means after 1000 steps + * 10s will have elapsed. + */ +#define MAX_PROGRESS 500 + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _GtkNuclearAnimation +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + gboolean draw_background; + + /* This variable stores the progress of our animation. + * We just count upwards until we hit MAX_PROGRESS and + * then start from scratch. + */ + int progress; + + /* This variable holds the ID of the timer that updates + * our progress variable. + * We need to keep track of it so that we can remove it + * again. + */ + guint source_id; +}; + +struct _GtkNuclearAnimationClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* Again, we implement the functionality required by the GdkPaintable interface */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_animation_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_ANIMATION (paintable); + + /* We call the function from the previous example here. */ + gtk_nuclear_snapshot (snapshot, + &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, /* black */ + nuclear->draw_background + ? &(GdkRGBA) { 0.9, 0.75, 0.15, 1.0 } /* yellow */ + : &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* transparent */ + width, height, + 2 * G_PI * nuclear->progress / MAX_PROGRESS); +} + +static GdkPaintable * +gtk_nuclear_animation_get_current_image (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_ANIMATION (paintable); + + /* For non-static paintables, this function needs to be implemented. + * It must return a static paintable with the same contents + * as this one currently has. + * + * Luckily we added the rotation property to the nuclear icon + * object previously, so we can just return an instance of that one. + */ + return gtk_nuclear_icon_new (2 * G_PI * nuclear->progress / MAX_PROGRESS); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +gtk_nuclear_animation_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + /* This time, we cannot set the static contents flag because our animation + * changes the contents. + * However, our size still doesn't change, so report that flag. + */ + return GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_animation_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_nuclear_animation_snapshot; + iface->get_current_image = gtk_nuclear_animation_get_current_image; + iface->get_flags = gtk_nuclear_animation_get_flags; +} + +/* When defining the GType, we need to implement the GdkPaintable interface */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkNuclearAnimation, gtk_nuclear_animation, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_nuclear_animation_paintable_init)) + +/* This time, we need to implement the finalize function, + */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_animation_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_ANIMATION (object); + + /* Remove the timeout we registered when constructing + * the object. + */ + g_source_remove (nuclear->source_id); + + /* Don't forget to chain up to the parent class' implementation + * of the finalize function. + */ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_nuclear_animation_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +/* In the class declaration, we need to add our finalize function. + */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_animation_class_init (GtkNuclearAnimationClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->finalize = gtk_nuclear_animation_finalize; +} + +static gboolean +gtk_nuclear_animation_step (gpointer data) +{ + GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear = data; + + /* Add 1 to the progress and reset it when we've reached + * the maximum value. + * The animation will rotate by 360 degrees at MAX_PROGRESS + * so it will be identical to the original unrotated one. + */ + nuclear->progress = (nuclear->progress + 1) % MAX_PROGRESS; + + /* Now we need to tell all listeners that we've changed out contents + * so that they can redraw this paintable. + */ + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear)); + + /* We want this timeout function to be called repeatedly, + * so we return this value here. + * If this was a single-shot timeout, we could also + * return G_SOURCE_REMOVE here to get rid of it. + */ + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_animation_init (GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear) +{ + /* Add a timer here that constantly updates our animations. + * We want to update it often enough to guarantee a smooth animation. + * + * Ideally, we'd attach to the frame clock, but because we do + * not have it available here, we just use a regular timeout + * that hopefully triggers often enough to be smooth. + */ + nuclear->source_id = g_timeout_add (10, + gtk_nuclear_animation_step, + nuclear); +} + +/* And finally, we add the simple constructor we declared in the header. */ +GdkPaintable * +gtk_nuclear_animation_new (gboolean draw_background) +{ + GtkNuclearAnimation *nuclear; + + nuclear = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_ANIMATION, NULL); + + nuclear->draw_background = draw_background; + + return GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable_animated (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *nuclear; + GtkWidget *image; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Nuclear Animation"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 300, 200); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + nuclear = gtk_nuclear_animation_new (TRUE); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (nuclear); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), image); + g_object_unref (nuclear); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_emblem.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_emblem.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2070ba22 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_emblem.c @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +/* Paintable/Emblems + * + * This demo shows how GdkPaintable can be used to + * overlay an emblem on top of an icon. The emblem + * can either be another icon, or an arbitrary + * paintable. + */ + +#include + +#include "paintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +#define DEMO_TYPE_ICON (demo_icon_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DemoIcon, demo_icon, DEMO, ICON, GObject) + +struct _DemoIcon +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GdkPaintable *icon; + GdkPaintable *emblem; + GdkPaintableFlags flags; +}; + +struct _DemoIconClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +void +demo_icon_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + DemoIcon *self = DEMO_ICON (paintable); + + gdk_paintable_snapshot (self->icon, snapshot, width, height); + gtk_snapshot_save (snapshot); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (0.5 * width, 0)); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (self->emblem, snapshot, 0.5 * width, 0.5 * height); + gtk_snapshot_restore (snapshot); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +demo_icon_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + DemoIcon *self = DEMO_ICON (paintable); + + return self->flags; +} + +static void +demo_icon_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = demo_icon_snapshot; + iface->get_flags = demo_icon_get_flags; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (DemoIcon, demo_icon, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + demo_icon_paintable_init)) + +static void +demo_icon_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + DemoIcon *self = DEMO_ICON (object); + + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->emblem, + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents, + self); + + g_clear_object (&self->icon); + g_clear_object (&self->emblem); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (demo_icon_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +demo_icon_class_init (DemoIconClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = demo_icon_dispose; +} + +static void +demo_icon_init (DemoIcon *self) +{ + self->flags = GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE | GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS; +} + +GdkPaintable * +demo_icon_new_with_paintable (const char *icon_name, + GdkPaintable *emblem) +{ + GtkIconTheme *theme; + GtkIconPaintable *icon; + DemoIcon *self; + + theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gdk_display_get_default ()); + + icon = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (theme, + icon_name, NULL, + 128, 1, + GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR, 0); + + self = g_object_new (DEMO_TYPE_ICON, NULL); + + self->icon = GDK_PAINTABLE (icon); + self->emblem = emblem; + + if ((gdk_paintable_get_flags (emblem) & GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS) == 0) + { + self->flags &= ~GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS; + + g_signal_connect_swapped (emblem, "invalidate-contents", + G_CALLBACK (gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents), self); + } + + return GDK_PAINTABLE (self); +} + +GdkPaintable * +demo_icon_new (const char *icon_name, + const char *emblem_name) +{ + GtkIconTheme *theme; + GtkIconPaintable *emblem; + + theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gdk_display_get_default ()); + + emblem = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (theme, + emblem_name, NULL, + 128, 1, + GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR, 0); + + return GDK_PAINTABLE (demo_icon_new_with_paintable (icon_name, + GDK_PAINTABLE (emblem))); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable_emblem (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *icon; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *image; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Paintable — Emblems"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 300, 200); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + + icon = demo_icon_new ("folder", "starred"); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (icon); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (image, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (image, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), image, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + icon = demo_icon_new_with_paintable ("drive-multidisk", + gtk_nuclear_animation_new (FALSE)); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (icon); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (image, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (image, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), image, 1, 0, 1, 1); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + g_object_unref (icon); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_mediastream.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_mediastream.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e492dae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_mediastream.c @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +/* Paintable/Media Stream + * + * GdkPaintable is also used by the GtkMediaStream class. + * + * This demo code turns the nuclear media_stream into the object + * GTK uses for videos. This allows treating the icon like a + * regular video, so we can for example attach controls to it. + * + * After all, what good is a media_stream if one cannot pause + * it. + */ + +#include + +#include "paintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +/* First, add the boilerplate for the object itself. + * This part would normally go in the header. + */ +#define GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (gtk_nuclear_media_stream_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkNuclearMediaStream, gtk_nuclear_media_stream, GTK, NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM, GtkMediaStream) + +/* Do a full rotation in 5 seconds. + * + * We do not save steps here but real timestamps. + * GtkMediaStream uses microseconds, so we will do so, too. + */ +#define DURATION (5 * G_USEC_PER_SEC) + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _GtkNuclearMediaStream +{ + /* We now inherit from the media stream object. */ + GtkMediaStream parent_instance; + + /* This variable stores the progress of our video. + */ + gint64 progress; + + /* This variable stores the timestamp of the last + * time we updated the progress variable when the + * video is currently playing. + * This is so that we can always accurately compute the + * progress we've had, even if the timeout does not + * exactly work. + */ + gint64 last_time; + + /* This variable again holds the ID of the timer that + * updates our progress variable. Nothing changes about + * how this works compared to the previous example. + */ + guint source_id; +}; + +struct _GtkNuclearMediaStreamClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* GtkMediaStream is a GdkPaintable. So when we want to display video, + * we have to implement the interface, just like in the animation example. + */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (paintable); + + /* We call the function from the previous example here. */ + gtk_nuclear_snapshot (snapshot, + &(GdkRGBA) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, /* black */ + &(GdkRGBA) { 0.9, 0.75, 0.15, 1.0 }, /* yellow */ + width, height, + 2 * G_PI * nuclear->progress / DURATION); +} + +static GdkPaintable * +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_get_current_image (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (paintable); + + /* Same thing as with the animation */ + return gtk_nuclear_icon_new (2 * G_PI * nuclear->progress / DURATION); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + /* And same thing as with the animation over here, too. */ + return GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_snapshot; + iface->get_current_image = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_get_current_image; + iface->get_flags = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_get_flags; +} + +/* This time, we inherit from GTK_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkNuclearMediaStream, gtk_nuclear_media_stream, GTK_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_nuclear_media_stream_paintable_init)) + +static gboolean +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_step (gpointer data) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = data; + gint64 current_time; + + /* Compute the time that has elapsed since the last time we were called + * and add it to our current progress. + */ + current_time = g_source_get_time (g_main_current_source ()); + nuclear->progress += current_time - nuclear->last_time; + + /* Check if we've ended */ + if (nuclear->progress > DURATION) + { + if (gtk_media_stream_get_loop (GTK_MEDIA_STREAM (nuclear))) + { + /* We're looping. So make the progress loop using modulo */ + nuclear->progress %= DURATION; + } + else + { + /* Just make sure we don't overflow */ + nuclear->progress = DURATION; + } + } + + /* Update the last time to the current timestamp. */ + nuclear->last_time = current_time; + + /* Update the timestamp of the media stream */ + gtk_media_stream_update (GTK_MEDIA_STREAM (nuclear), nuclear->progress); + + /* We also need to invalidate our contents again. + * After all, we are a video and not just an audio stream. + */ + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear)); + + /* Now check if we have finished playing and if so, + * tell the media stream. The media stream will then + * call our pause function to pause the stream. + */ + if (nuclear->progress >= DURATION) + gtk_media_stream_stream_ended (GTK_MEDIA_STREAM (nuclear)); + + /* The timeout function is removed by the pause function, + * so we can just always return this value. + */ + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static gboolean +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_play (GtkMediaStream *stream) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (stream); + + /* If we're already at the end of the stream, we don't want + * to start playing and exit early. + */ + if (nuclear->progress >= DURATION) + return FALSE; + + /* This time, we add the source only when we start playing. + */ + nuclear->source_id = g_timeout_add (10, + gtk_nuclear_media_stream_step, + nuclear); + + /* We also want to initialize our time, so that we can + * do accurate updates. + */ + nuclear->last_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); + + /* We successfully started playing, so we return TRUE here. */ + return TRUE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_pause (GtkMediaStream *stream) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (stream); + + /* This function will be called when a playing stream + * gets paused. + * So we remove the updating source here and set it + * back to 0 so that the finalize function doesn't try + * to remove it again. + */ + g_source_remove (nuclear->source_id); + nuclear->source_id = 0; + nuclear->last_time = 0; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_seek (GtkMediaStream *stream, + gint64 timestamp) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (stream); + + /* This is optional functionality for media streams, + * but not being able to seek is kinda boring. + * And it's trivial to implement, so let's go for it. + */ + nuclear->progress = timestamp; + + /* Media streams are asynchronous, so seeking can take a while. + * We however don't need that functionality, so we can just + * report success. + */ + gtk_media_stream_seek_success (stream); + + /* We also have to update our timestamp and tell the + * paintable interface about the seek + */ + gtk_media_stream_update (stream, nuclear->progress); + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear)); +} + +/* Again, we need to implement the finalize function. + */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear = GTK_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM (object); + + /* This time, we need to check if the source exists before + * removing it as it only exists while we are playing. + */ + if (nuclear->source_id > 0) + g_source_remove (nuclear->source_id); + + /* Don't forget to chain up to the parent class' implementation + * of the finalize function. + */ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_nuclear_media_stream_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +/* In the class declaration, we need to implement the media stream */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_class_init (GtkNuclearMediaStreamClass *klass) +{ + GtkMediaStreamClass *stream_class = GTK_MEDIA_STREAM_CLASS (klass); + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + stream_class->play = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_play; + stream_class->pause = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_pause; + stream_class->seek = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_seek; + + gobject_class->finalize = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_finalize; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_init (GtkNuclearMediaStream *nuclear) +{ + /* This time, we don't have to add a timer here, because media + * streams start paused. + * + * However, media streams need to tell GTK once they are initialized, + * so we do that here. + */ + gtk_media_stream_stream_prepared (GTK_MEDIA_STREAM (nuclear), + FALSE, + TRUE, + TRUE, + DURATION); +} + +/* And finally, we add the simple constructor we declared in the header. */ +GtkMediaStream * +gtk_nuclear_media_stream_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_MEDIA_STREAM, NULL); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable_mediastream (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkMediaStream *nuclear; + GtkWidget *video; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Nuclear MediaStream"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 300, 200); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + nuclear = gtk_nuclear_media_stream_new (); + gtk_media_stream_set_loop (GTK_MEDIA_STREAM (nuclear), TRUE); + + video = gtk_video_new_for_media_stream (nuclear); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), video); + + g_object_unref (nuclear); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_svg.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_svg.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ecbe6a8d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_svg.c @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +/* Paintable/SVG + * + * This demo shows wrapping a librsvg RsvgHandle in a GdkPaintable + * to display an SVG image that can be scaled by resizing the window. + * + * This demo relies on librsvg, which GTK itself does not link against. + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "svgpaintable.h" + + +static void +open_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GtkPicture *picture = data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + paintable = svg_paintable_new (file); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), paintable); + g_object_unref (paintable); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +show_file_open (GtkWidget *button, + GtkPicture *picture) +{ + GtkFileFilter *filter; + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GListStore *filters; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Open node file"); + + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "image/svg+xml"); + filters = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_FILTER); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + gtk_file_dialog_set_filters (dialog, G_LIST_MODEL (filters)); + g_object_unref (filters); + + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (button)), + NULL, + open_response_cb, picture); +} + +static GtkWidget *window; + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable_svg (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *header; + GtkWidget *picture; + GtkWidget *button; + GFile *file; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 330, 330); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Paintable — SVG"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Open"); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), button); + + picture = gtk_picture_new (); + gtk_picture_set_can_shrink (GTK_PICTURE (picture), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (picture, 16, 16); + + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_file_open), picture); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), picture); + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:///paintable_svg/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg"); + paintable = svg_paintable_new (file); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), paintable); + g_object_unref (paintable); + g_object_unref (file); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_symbolic.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_symbolic.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c67ce604 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/paintable_symbolic.c @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +/* Paintable/Symbolic Paintable + * + * GdkPaintables can be made to follow the theme's colors. GTK calls + * icons that do this symbolic icons, paintables that want to have + * the same effect can implement the GtkSymbolicPaintable interface. + * + * We will adapt the original paintable example by adding the ability + * to recolor the paintable based on the symbolic colors. + */ + +#include + +#include "paintable.h" + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +/* First, add the boilerplate for the object itself. + * This part would normally go in the header. + */ +#define GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_SYMBOLIC (gtk_nuclear_symbolic_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkNuclearSymbolic, gtk_nuclear_symbolic, GTK, NUCLEAR_SYMBOLIC, GObject) + +/* Declare a few warning levels, so we can pick colors based on them */ +typedef enum +{ + WARNING_NONE, + WARNING_ALERT, + WARNING_EMERGENCY +} WarningLevel; + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _GtkNuclearSymbolic +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + WarningLevel warning_level; +}; + +struct _GtkNuclearSymbolicClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* Add a function to draw the nuclear icon in the given colors */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_snapshot_symbolic (GtkSymbolicPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height, + const GdkRGBA *colors, + gsize n_colors) +{ + GtkNuclearSymbolic *self = GTK_NUCLEAR_SYMBOLIC (paintable); + static const GdkRGBA transparent = { 0, }; + const GdkRGBA *bg_color; + + /* select the right background color from the warning level */ + switch (self->warning_level) + { + case WARNING_NONE: + bg_color = &transparent; + break; + case WARNING_ALERT: + bg_color = &colors[GTK_SYMBOLIC_COLOR_WARNING]; + break; + case WARNING_EMERGENCY: + bg_color = &colors[GTK_SYMBOLIC_COLOR_ERROR]; + break; + default: + /* This should never happen, but we better do defensive coding + * with this critical icon */ + g_assert_not_reached (); + bg_color = &transparent; + break; + } + + /* Draw the icon with the selected warning color */ + gtk_nuclear_snapshot (snapshot, + &colors[GTK_SYMBOLIC_COLOR_FOREGROUND], + bg_color, + width, height, + 0); +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_symbolic_paintable_init (GtkSymbolicPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot_symbolic = gtk_nuclear_symbolic_snapshot_symbolic; +} + +/* We need to implement the functionality required by the GdkPaintable interface */ +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + /* Calling this function without passing a color is a neat trick + * to make GTK use default colors and otherwise forward the call + * to the snapshotting function above. + */ + gtk_symbolic_paintable_snapshot_symbolic (GTK_SYMBOLIC_PAINTABLE (paintable), + snapshot, + width, height, + NULL, 0); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + /* This image has a static size, but the contents may change: + * We draw different things when the warning level changes. + */ + return GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_nuclear_symbolic_snapshot; + iface->get_flags = gtk_nuclear_symbolic_get_flags; +} + +/* When defining the GType, we need to implement bot the GdkPaintable + * and the GtkSymbolicPaintable interface */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkNuclearSymbolic, gtk_nuclear_symbolic, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_nuclear_symbolic_paintable_init) + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_PAINTABLE, + gtk_nuclear_symbolic_symbolic_paintable_init)) + +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_class_init (GtkNuclearSymbolicClass *klass) +{ +} + +static void +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_init (GtkNuclearSymbolic *nuclear) +{ +} + +/* And finally, we add the simple constructor we declared in the header. */ +GdkPaintable * +gtk_nuclear_symbolic_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_NUCLEAR_SYMBOLIC, NULL); +} + +/* Add some fun feature to the button */ +static void +nuclear_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, + GtkNuclearSymbolic *nuclear) +{ + if (nuclear->warning_level >= WARNING_EMERGENCY) + { + /* On maximum warning level, reset the warning */ + nuclear->warning_level = WARNING_NONE; + /* And sometimes (but not always to confuse people) + * close the window. + */ + if (g_random_boolean ()) + gtk_window_close (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + } + else + { + /* Otherwise just increase the warning level */ + nuclear->warning_level++; + } + + /* Don't forget to emit the signal causing the paintable to redraw. + * Changing the warning level changes the background color after all. + */ + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (nuclear)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_paintable_symbolic (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *nuclear; + GtkWidget *image, *button; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Don't click!"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 200); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + button = gtk_button_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), button); + + nuclear = gtk_nuclear_symbolic_new (); + image = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (nuclear); + + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (button), image); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (nuclear_button_clicked), nuclear); + g_object_unref (nuclear); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/panes.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/panes.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c1537bc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/panes.c @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* Paned Widgets + * + * The GtkPaned Widget divides its content area into two panes + * with a divider in between that the user can adjust. A separate + * child is placed into each pane. GtkPaned widgets can be split + * horizontally or vertically. This test contains both a horizontal + * and a vertical GtkPaned widget. + * + * There are a number of options that can be set for each pane. + * You can use the Inspector to adjust the options for each side + * of each widget. + */ + +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_panes (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *hpaned; + GtkWidget *vpaned; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *vbox; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Paned Widgets"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 330, 250); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 8); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + vpaned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), vpaned); + + hpaned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), hpaned); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_start_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), FALSE); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Hi there"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (hpaned), label); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_start_child (GTK_PANED (hpaned), FALSE); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Hello"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (hpaned), label); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_end_child (GTK_PANED (hpaned), FALSE); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Goodbye"); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 4); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), label); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_end_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), FALSE); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/password_entry.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/password_entry.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c463dde6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/password_entry.c @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* Entry/Password Entry + * + * GtkPasswordEntry provides common functionality of + * entries that are used to enter passwords and other + * secrets. + * + * It will display a warning if CapsLock is on, and it + * can optionally provide a way to see the text. + */ + +#include +#include + + +static GtkWidget *entry; +static GtkWidget *entry2; +static GtkWidget *button; + +static void +update_button (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + const char *text2 = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry2)); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, + text[0] != '\0' && g_str_equal (text, text2)); +} + +static void +button_pressed (GtkButton *widget, + GtkWidget *window) +{ + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_password_entry (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *header; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_header_bar_set_show_title_buttons (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), FALSE); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Choose a Password"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + gtk_window_set_deletable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 18); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + entry = gtk_password_entry_new (); + gtk_password_entry_set_show_peek_icon (GTK_PASSWORD_ENTRY (entry), TRUE); + g_object_set (entry, + "placeholder-text", "Password", + "activates-default", TRUE, + NULL); + g_signal_connect (entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (update_button), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + entry2 = gtk_password_entry_new (); + gtk_password_entry_set_show_peek_icon (GTK_PASSWORD_ENTRY (entry2), TRUE); + g_object_set (entry2, + "placeholder-text", "Confirm", + "activates-default", TRUE, + NULL); + g_signal_connect (entry2, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (update_button), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry2); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Done"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (button, "suggested-action"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (button_pressed), window); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, FALSE); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), button); + + gtk_window_set_default_widget (GTK_WINDOW (window), button); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/peg_solitaire.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/peg_solitaire.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0a07c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/peg_solitaire.c @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +/* Peg Solitaire + * #Keywords: GtkGridView, game, drag-and-drop, dnd + * + * This demo demonstrates how to use drag-and-drop to implement peg solitaire. + * + */ + +#include "config.h" +#include + + +/* Create an object for the pegs that get moved around in the game. + * + * We implement the GdkPaintable interface for them, so we can use GtkPicture + * objects for the wholes we put the pegs into. + */ +#define SOLITAIRE_TYPE_PEG (solitaire_peg_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SolitairePeg, solitaire_peg, SOLITAIRE, PEG, GObject) + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _SolitairePeg +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + int x; + int y; +}; + +struct _SolitairePegClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* Here, we implement the functionality required by the GdkPaintable interface */ +static void +solitaire_peg_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + /* The snapshot function is the only function we need to implement. + * It does the actual drawing of the paintable. + */ + gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, + &(GdkRGBA) { 0.6, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0 }, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +solitaire_peg_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + /* The flags are very useful to let GTK know that this image + * is never going to change. + * This allows many optimizations and should therefore always + * be set. + */ + return GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS | GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; +} + +static int +solitaire_peg_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 32; +} + +static int +solitaire_peg_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + return 32; +} + +static void +solitaire_peg_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = solitaire_peg_snapshot; + iface->get_flags = solitaire_peg_get_flags; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = solitaire_peg_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = solitaire_peg_get_intrinsic_height; +} + +/* When defining the GType, we need to implement the GdkPaintable interface */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (SolitairePeg, solitaire_peg, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + solitaire_peg_paintable_init)) + +/* Here's the boilerplate for the GObject declaration. + * We don't need to do anything special here, because we keep no + * data of our own. + */ +static void +solitaire_peg_class_init (SolitairePegClass *klass) +{ +} + +static void +solitaire_peg_init (SolitairePeg *peg) +{ +} + +/* Add a little setter for the peg's position. + * We want to track those so that we can check for legal moves + * during drag-and-drop operations. + */ +static void +solitaire_peg_set_position (SolitairePeg *peg, + guint x, + guint y) +{ + peg->x = x; + peg->y = y; +} + +/* And finally, we add a simple constructor. + */ +static SolitairePeg * +solitaire_peg_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (SOLITAIRE_TYPE_PEG, NULL); +} + +/*** Helper for finding a win ***/ + +static void +celebrate (gboolean win) +{ + char *path; + GtkMediaStream *stream; + + if (win) + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "complete.oga", NULL); + else + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "suspend-error.oga", NULL); + stream = gtk_media_file_new_for_filename (path); + gtk_media_stream_set_volume (stream, 1.0); + gtk_media_stream_play (stream); + + g_signal_connect (stream, "notify::ended", G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), NULL); + g_free (path); +} + +static int +check_move (GtkGrid *grid, + int x, + int y, + int dx, + int dy) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + /* We have a peg at x, y. + * Check if we can move the peg to x + 2*dx, y + 2*dy + */ + image = gtk_grid_get_child_at (grid, x + dx, y + dy); + if (!GTK_IS_IMAGE (image) || + !SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)))) + return 0; + + image = gtk_grid_get_child_at (grid, x + 2*dx, y + 2*dy); + if (!GTK_IMAGE (image) || + SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)))) + return 0; + + return 1; +} + +static void +check_for_end (GtkGrid *grid) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + int x, y; + int pegs; + int moves; + + pegs = 0; + moves = 0; + for (x = 0; x < 7; x++) + { + for (y = 0; y < 7; y++) + { + image = gtk_grid_get_child_at (grid, x, y); + if (GTK_IS_IMAGE (image) && + SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)))) + { + pegs++; + moves += check_move (grid, x, y, 1, 0); + moves += check_move (grid, x, y, -1, 0); + moves += check_move (grid, x, y, 0, 1); + moves += check_move (grid, x, y, 0, -1); + } + + if (pegs > 1 && moves > 0) + break; + } + } + + image = gtk_grid_get_child_at (grid, 3, 3); + if (pegs == 1 && + SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)))) + celebrate (TRUE); + else if (moves == 0) + celebrate (FALSE); +} + + +/*** DRAG AND DROP ***/ + +/* The user tries to start a drag operation. + * We check if the image contains a peg, and if so, we return the + * peg as the content to be dragged. + */ +static GdkContentProvider * +drag_prepare (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *image) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)); + + if (!SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (paintable)) + return NULL; + + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (SOLITAIRE_TYPE_PEG, paintable); +} + +/* This notifies us that the drag has begun. + * We can now set up the icon and the widget for the ongoing drag. + */ +static void +drag_begin (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag, + GtkWidget *image) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)); + + /* We guaranteed in the drag_prepare function above that we + * only start a drag if a peg is available. + * So let's make sure we did not screw that up. + */ + g_assert (SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (paintable)); + + /* We use the peg as the drag icon. + */ + gtk_drag_source_set_icon (source, paintable, -2, -2); + + /* We also attach it to the drag operation as custom user data, + * so that we can get it back later if the drag fails. + */ + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (drag), "the peg", paintable); + + /* Because we are busy dragging the peg, we want to unset it + * on the image. + */ + gtk_image_clear (GTK_IMAGE (image)); +} + +/* This is called once a drag operation has ended (successfully or not). + * We want to undo what we did in drag_begin() above and react + * to a potential move of the peg. + */ +static void +drag_end (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag, + gboolean delete_data, + GtkWidget *image) +{ + SolitairePeg *peg; + + /* If the drag was successful, we should now delete the peg. + * We did this in drag_begin() above to prepare for the drag, so + * there's no need to do anything anymore. + */ + if (delete_data) + return; + + /* However, if the drag did not succeed, we need to undo what + * we did in drag_begin() and reinsert the peg here. + * Because we used it as the drag data + */ + peg = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (drag), "the peg"); + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image), GDK_PAINTABLE (peg)); +} + +/* Whenever a new drop operation starts, we need to check if we can + * accept it. + * The default check unfortunately is not good enough, because it only + * checks the data type. But we also need to check if our image can + * even accept data. + */ +static gboolean +drop_accept (GtkDropTarget *target, + GdkDrop *drop, + GtkWidget *image) +{ + /* First, check the drop is actually trying to drop a peg */ + if (!gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (gdk_drop_get_formats (drop), SOLITAIRE_TYPE_PEG)) + return FALSE; + + /* If the image already contains a peg, we cannot accept another one */ + if (SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)))) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +drop_drop (GtkDropTarget *target, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *image) +{ + GtkGrid *grid; + SolitairePeg *peg; + int image_x, image_y; + GtkWidget *jumped; + + grid = GTK_GRID (gtk_widget_get_parent (image)); + /* The value contains the data in the type we demanded. + * We demanded a SolitairePeg, so that's what we get. + */ + peg = g_value_get_object (value); + + /* Make sure this was a legal move. */ + /* First, figure out the image's position in the grid. */ + gtk_grid_query_child (grid, + image, + &image_x, &image_y, + NULL, NULL); + + /* If the peg was not moved 2 spaces horizontally or vertically, + * this was not a valid jump. Reject it. + */ + if (!((ABS (image_x - peg->x) == 2 && image_y == peg->y) || + (ABS (image_y - peg->y) == 2 && image_x == peg->x))) + return FALSE; + + /* Get the widget that was jumped over + */ + jumped = gtk_grid_get_child_at (grid, + (image_x + peg->x) / 2, + (image_y + peg->y) / 2); + /* If the jumped widget does not have a peg in it, this move + * isn't valid. + */ + if (!SOLITAIRE_IS_PEG (gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (jumped)))) + return FALSE; + + /* Finally, we know it's a legal move. */ + + /* Clear the peg of the jumped-over image */ + gtk_image_clear (GTK_IMAGE (jumped)); + + /* Add the peg to this image */ + solitaire_peg_set_position (peg, image_x, image_y); + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image), GDK_PAINTABLE (peg)); + + /* Maybe we have something to celebrate */ + check_for_end (grid); + + /* Success! */ + return TRUE; +} + +static void +remove_provider (gpointer data) +{ + GtkStyleProvider *provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (data); + + gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), provider); + g_object_unref (provider); +} + +static void +create_board (GtkWidget *window) +{ + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *image; + int x, y; + GtkDragSource *source; + GtkDropTarget *target; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + const char css[] = + ".solitaire-field {" + " border: 1px solid lightgray;" + "}"; + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css, -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_halign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (grid, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); + gtk_grid_set_row_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + gtk_grid_set_column_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + + for (x = 0; x < 7; x++) + { + for (y = 0; y < 7; y++) + { + if ((x < 2 || x >= 5) && (y < 2 || y >= 5)) + continue; + + image = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (image, "solitaire-field"); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + if (x != 3 || y != 3) + { + SolitairePeg *peg = solitaire_peg_new (); + solitaire_peg_set_position (peg, x, y); + gtk_image_set_from_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image), GDK_PAINTABLE (peg)); + } + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), image, x, y, 1, 1); + + /* Set up the drag source. + * This is rather straightforward: Set the supported actions + * (in our case, pegs can only be moved) and connect all the + * relevant signals. + * And because all drag'n'drop handling is done via event controllers, + * we need to add the controller to the widget. + */ + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + gtk_drag_source_set_actions (source, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (drag_prepare), image); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), image); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-end", G_CALLBACK (drag_end), image); + gtk_widget_add_controller (image, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + + /* Set up the drop target. + * This is more involved, because the game logic goes here. + */ + + /* First we specify the data we accept: pegs. + * And we only want moves. + */ + target = gtk_drop_target_new (SOLITAIRE_TYPE_PEG, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); + /* Then we connect our signals. + */ + g_signal_connect (target, "accept", G_CALLBACK (drop_accept), image); + g_signal_connect (target, "drop", G_CALLBACK (drop_drop), image); + /* Finally, like above, we add it to the widget. + */ + gtk_widget_add_controller (image, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (target)); + } + } + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "provider", provider, remove_provider); +} + +static void +restart_game (GtkButton *button, + GtkWidget *window) +{ + create_board (window); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_peg_solitaire (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *header; + GtkWidget *restart; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + + restart = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (restart, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (restart_game), window); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), restart); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Peg Solitaire"); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + create_board (window); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pickers.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pickers.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edf6ecbf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pickers.c @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +/* Pickers and Launchers + * #Keywords: GtkColorDialog, GtkFontDialog, GtkFileDialog, GtkFileLauncher, GtkUriLauncher + * + * The dialogs are mainly intended for use in preference dialogs. + * They allow to select colors, fonts and applications. + * + * The launchers let you open files or URIs in applications that + * can handle them. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *app_picker; + +static void +set_file (GFile *file, + gpointer data) +{ + char *name; + + if (!file) + { + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (app_picker, FALSE); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (app_picker), "file", NULL); + return; + } + + name = g_file_get_basename (file); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (data), name); + g_free (name); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (app_picker, TRUE); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (app_picker), "file", g_object_ref (file), g_object_unref); +} + +static void +file_opened (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *data) +{ + GFile *file; + GError *error = NULL; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source), result, &error); + + if (!file) + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } + + set_file (file, data); +} + +static gboolean +abort_mission (gpointer data) +{ + GCancellable *cancellable = data; + + g_cancellable_cancel (cancellable); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +open_file (GtkButton *picker, + GtkLabel *label) +{ + GtkWindow *parent = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (picker))); + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GCancellable *cancellable; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + + cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); + + g_timeout_add_seconds_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, + 20, + abort_mission, g_object_ref (cancellable), g_object_unref); + + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, parent, cancellable, file_opened, label); + + g_object_unref (cancellable); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +open_app_done (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkFileLauncher *launcher = GTK_FILE_LAUNCHER (source); + GError *error = NULL; + + if (!gtk_file_launcher_launch_finish (launcher, result, &error)) + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + +static void +open_app (GtkButton *picker) +{ + GtkWindow *parent = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (picker))); + GtkFileLauncher *launcher; + GFile *file; + + file = G_FILE (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (picker), "file")); + launcher = gtk_file_launcher_new (file); + + gtk_file_launcher_launch (launcher, parent, NULL, open_app_done, NULL); + + g_object_unref (launcher); +} + +static void +open_uri_done (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkUriLauncher *launcher = GTK_URI_LAUNCHER (source); + GError *error = NULL; + + if (!gtk_uri_launcher_launch_finish (launcher, result, &error)) + { + g_print ("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + +static void +launch_uri (GtkButton *picker) +{ + GtkWindow *parent = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (picker))); + GtkUriLauncher *launcher; + + launcher = gtk_uri_launcher_new ("http://www.gtk.org"); + + gtk_uri_launcher_launch (launcher, parent, NULL, open_uri_done, NULL); + + g_object_unref (launcher); +} + +static gboolean +on_drop (GtkDropTarget *target, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_FILE)) + { + set_file (g_value_get_object (value), data); + return TRUE; + } + + return FALSE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_pickers (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *table, *label, *picker, *button; + GtkDropTarget *drop_target; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Pickers and Launchers"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (table, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (table, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (table, 20); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (table, 20); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 6); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 6); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), table); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Color:"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + picker = gtk_color_dialog_button_new (gtk_color_dialog_new ()); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), picker, 1, 0, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Font:"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + + picker = gtk_font_dialog_button_new (gtk_font_dialog_new ()); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), picker, 1, 1, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("File:"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 2, 1, 1); + + picker = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("document-open-symbolic"); + + label = gtk_label_new ("None"); + + drop_target = gtk_drop_target_new (G_TYPE_FILE, GDK_ACTION_COPY); + g_signal_connect (drop_target, "drop", G_CALLBACK (on_drop), label); + gtk_widget_add_controller (button, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drop_target)); + + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.); + gtk_label_set_ellipsize (GTK_LABEL (label), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (open_file), label); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (picker), label); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (picker), button); + app_picker = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("emblem-system-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (app_picker, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (app_picker, FALSE); + g_signal_connect (app_picker, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (open_app), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (picker), app_picker); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), picker, 1, 2, 1, 1); + + + label = gtk_label_new ("URI:"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 3, 1, 1); + + picker = gtk_button_new_with_label ("www.gtk.org"); + g_signal_connect (picker, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (launch_uri), NULL); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), picker, 1, 3, 1, 1); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..741cd340 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.c @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +#include +#include "pixbufpaintable.h" + +struct _PixbufPaintable { + GObject parent_instance; + + char *resource_path; + GdkPixbufAnimation *anim; + GdkPixbufAnimationIter *iter; + + guint timeout; +}; + +enum { + PROP_RESOURCE_PATH = 1, + NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (paintable); + GTimeVal val; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + GdkTexture *texture; + + g_get_current_time (&val); + gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_advance (self->iter, &val); + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf (self->iter); + texture = gdk_texture_new_for_pixbuf (pixbuf); + + gdk_paintable_snapshot (GDK_PAINTABLE (texture), snapshot, width, height); + + g_object_unref (texture); +} + +static int +pixbuf_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + return gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_width (self->anim); +} + +static int +pixbuf_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + return gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_height (self->anim); +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_init_interface (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = pixbuf_paintable_snapshot; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = pixbuf_paintable_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = pixbuf_paintable_get_intrinsic_height; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(PixbufPaintable, pixbuf_paintable, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + pixbuf_paintable_init_interface)) + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_init (PixbufPaintable *paintable) +{ +} + +static gboolean +delay_cb (gpointer data) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = data; + int delay; + + delay = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time (self->iter); + self->timeout = g_timeout_add (delay, delay_cb, self); + + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_set_resource_path (PixbufPaintable *self, + const char *resource_path) +{ + int delay; + + g_free (self->resource_path); + self->resource_path = g_strdup (resource_path); + + g_clear_object (&self->anim); + self->anim = gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_resource (resource_path, NULL); + g_clear_object (&self->iter); + self->iter = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_iter (self->anim, NULL); + + delay = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time (self->iter); + self->timeout = g_timeout_add (delay, delay_cb, self); + + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "resource-path"); +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_RESOURCE_PATH: + pixbuf_paintable_set_resource_path (self, g_value_get_string (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_RESOURCE_PATH: + g_value_set_string (value, self->resource_path); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + PixbufPaintable *self = PIXBUF_PAINTABLE (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->resource_path, g_free); + g_clear_object (&self->anim); + g_clear_object (&self->iter); + if (self->timeout) + { + g_source_remove (self->timeout); + self->timeout = 0; + } + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (pixbuf_paintable_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +pixbuf_paintable_class_init (PixbufPaintableClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = pixbuf_paintable_dispose; + object_class->get_property = pixbuf_paintable_get_property; + object_class->set_property = pixbuf_paintable_set_property; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_RESOURCE_PATH, + g_param_spec_string ("resource-path", "Resource path", "Resource path", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + +} + +GdkPaintable * +pixbuf_paintable_new_from_resource (const char *path) +{ + return g_object_new (PIXBUF_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + "resource-path", path, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e075e3f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pixbufpaintable.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define PIXBUF_TYPE_PAINTABLE (pixbuf_paintable_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(PixbufPaintable, pixbuf_paintable, PIXBUF, PAINTABLE, GObject) + +GdkPaintable * pixbuf_paintable_new_from_resource (const char *path); + +G_END_DECLS diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pointer_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pointer_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b510203e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/pointer_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/portland-rose.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/portland-rose.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89974da6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/portland-rose.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/printing.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/printing.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94f00d1d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/printing.c @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +/* Printing/Printing + * + * GtkPrintOperation offers a simple API to support printing + * in a cross-platform way. + */ + +#include +#include + +/* In points */ +#define HEADER_HEIGHT (10*72/25.4) +#define HEADER_GAP (3*72/25.4) + +typedef struct +{ + char *resourcename; + double font_size; + + int lines_per_page; + char **lines; + int num_lines; + int num_pages; +} PrintData; + +static void +begin_print (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkPrintContext *context, + gpointer user_data) +{ + PrintData *data = (PrintData *)user_data; + GBytes *bytes; + int i; + double height; + + height = gtk_print_context_get_height (context) - HEADER_HEIGHT - HEADER_GAP; + + data->lines_per_page = floor (height / data->font_size); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (data->resourcename, 0, NULL); + + data->lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), "\n", 0); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + i = 0; + while (data->lines[i] != NULL) + i++; + + data->num_lines = i; + data->num_pages = (data->num_lines - 1) / data->lines_per_page + 1; + + gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (operation, data->num_pages); +} + +static void +draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkPrintContext *context, + int page_nr, + gpointer user_data) +{ + PrintData *data = (PrintData *)user_data; + cairo_t *cr; + PangoLayout *layout; + int text_width, text_height; + double width; + int line, i; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + char *page_str; + + cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); + width = gtk_print_context_get_width (context); + + cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, HEADER_HEIGHT); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8); + cairo_fill_preserve (cr); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context); + + desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("sans 14"); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + + pango_layout_set_text (layout, data->resourcename, -1); + pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &text_width, &text_height); + + if (text_width > width) + { + pango_layout_set_width (layout, width); + pango_layout_set_ellipsize (layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_START); + pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &text_width, &text_height); + } + + cairo_move_to (cr, (width - text_width) / 2, (HEADER_HEIGHT - text_height) / 2); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + + page_str = g_strdup_printf ("%d/%d", page_nr + 1, data->num_pages); + pango_layout_set_text (layout, page_str, -1); + g_free (page_str); + + pango_layout_set_width (layout, -1); + pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &text_width, &text_height); + cairo_move_to (cr, width - text_width - 4, (HEADER_HEIGHT - text_height) / 2); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + + g_object_unref (layout); + + layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context); + + desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("monospace"); + pango_font_description_set_size (desc, data->font_size * PANGO_SCALE); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + + cairo_move_to (cr, 0, HEADER_HEIGHT + HEADER_GAP); + line = page_nr * data->lines_per_page; + for (i = 0; i < data->lines_per_page && line < data->num_lines; i++) + { + pango_layout_set_text (layout, data->lines[line], -1); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + cairo_rel_move_to (cr, 0, data->font_size); + line++; + } + + g_object_unref (layout); +} + +static void +end_print (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkPrintContext *context, + gpointer user_data) +{ + PrintData *data = (PrintData *)user_data; + + g_free (data->resourcename); + g_strfreev (data->lines); + g_free (data); +} + + +GtkWidget * +do_printing (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkPrintOperation *operation; + GtkPrintSettings *settings; + PrintData *data; + GError *error = NULL; + + operation = gtk_print_operation_new (); + data = g_new0 (PrintData, 1); + data->resourcename = g_strdup ("/sources/printing.c"); + data->font_size = 12.0; + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (operation), "begin-print", + G_CALLBACK (begin_print), data); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (operation), "draw-page", + G_CALLBACK (draw_page), data); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (operation), "end-print", + G_CALLBACK (end_print), data); + + gtk_print_operation_set_use_full_page (operation, FALSE); + gtk_print_operation_set_unit (operation, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); + gtk_print_operation_set_embed_page_setup (operation, TRUE); + + settings = gtk_print_settings_new (); + + gtk_print_settings_set (settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BASENAME, "gtk-demo"); + gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (operation, settings); + + gtk_print_operation_run (operation, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG, GTK_WINDOW (do_widget), &error); + + g_object_unref (operation); + g_object_unref (settings); + + if (error) + { + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("%s", error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + g_object_unref (dialog); + g_error_free (error); + } + + + return NULL; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/progress_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/progress_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7afe983e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/progress_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23bdf21a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.c @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +/* Paintable/A simple paintable + * + * GdkPaintable is an interface used by GTK for drawings of any sort + * that do not require layouting or positioning. + * + * This demo code gives a simple example on how a paintable can + * be created. + * + * Paintables can be used in many places inside GTK widgets, but the + * most common usage is inside GtkImage and that's what we're going + * to do here. + */ + +#include + +#include "puzzlepiece.h" + +/* Declare the struct. */ +struct _GtkPuzzlePiece +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GdkPaintable *puzzle; + guint x; + guint y; + guint width; + guint height; +}; + +struct _GtkPuzzlePieceClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +/* This is the function that draws the puzzle piece. + * It just draws a rectangular cutout of the puzzle by clipping + * away the rest. + */ +static void +gtk_puzzle_piece_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (paintable); + + gtk_snapshot_push_clip (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, + &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT ( + - width * self->x, + - height * self->y + )); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (self->puzzle, + snapshot, + width * self->width, + height * self->height); + + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); +} + +static GdkPaintableFlags +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_flags (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (paintable); + + /* The flags are the same as the ones of the puzzle. + * If the puzzle changes in some way, so do the pieces. + */ + return gdk_paintable_get_flags (self->puzzle); +} + +static int +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (paintable); + + /* We can compute our width relative to the puzzle. + * This logic even works for the case where the puzzle + * has no width, because the 0 return value is unchanged. + * Round up the value. + */ + return (gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (self->puzzle) + self->width - 1) / self->width; +} + +static int +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (paintable); + + /* Do the same thing we did for the width with the height. + */ + return (gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (self->puzzle) + self->height - 1) / self->height; +} + +static double +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (paintable); + + /* We can compute our aspect ratio relative to the puzzle. + * This logic again works for the case where the puzzle + * has no aspect ratio, because the 0 return value is unchanged. + */ + return gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (self->puzzle) * self->height / self->width; +} + +static void +gtk_puzzle_piece_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_puzzle_piece_snapshot; + iface->get_flags = gtk_puzzle_piece_get_flags; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_height; + iface->get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio = gtk_puzzle_piece_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio; +} + +/* When defining the GType, we need to implement the GdkPaintable interface */ +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkPuzzlePiece, gtk_puzzle_piece, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_puzzle_piece_paintable_init)) + +/* We need to declare a destructor to release our reference to the + * puzzle paintable and disconnect our signal handlers. + */ +static void +gtk_puzzle_piece_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self = GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (object); + + if (self->puzzle) + { + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->puzzle, gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents, self); + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->puzzle, gdk_paintable_invalidate_size, self); + g_clear_object (&self->puzzle); + } + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_puzzle_piece_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +/* Here's the boilerplate for the GObject declaration. + */ +static void +gtk_puzzle_piece_class_init (GtkPuzzlePieceClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->dispose = gtk_puzzle_piece_dispose; +} + +static void +gtk_puzzle_piece_init (GtkPuzzlePiece *self) +{ +} + +/* And finally, we add a constructor. + * It is declared in the header so that the other examples + * can use it. + */ +GdkPaintable * +gtk_puzzle_piece_new (GdkPaintable *puzzle, + guint x, + guint y, + guint width, + guint height) +{ + GtkPuzzlePiece *self; + + /* These are sanity checks, so that we get warnings if we accidentally + * do anything stupid. */ + g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PAINTABLE (puzzle), NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (width > 0, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (height > 0, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (x < width, NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (y < height, NULL); + + self = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_PUZZLE_PIECE, NULL); + + self->puzzle = g_object_ref (puzzle); + g_signal_connect_swapped (puzzle, "invalidate-contents", G_CALLBACK (gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents), self); + g_signal_connect_swapped (puzzle, "invalidate-size", G_CALLBACK (gdk_paintable_invalidate_size), self); + self->x = x; + self->y = y; + self->width = width; + self->height = height; + + return GDK_PAINTABLE (self); +} + +/* Here are the accessors that we need to inspect the puzzle + * pieces in other code. + */ +GdkPaintable * +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_puzzle (GtkPuzzlePiece *self) +{ + /* Add sanity checks here, too. + * If you make a habit out of this, you can always rely + * on your code having sanity checks, which makes it + * way easier to debug. + */ + g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PUZZLE_PIECE (self), NULL); + + return self->puzzle; +} + +guint +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_x (GtkPuzzlePiece *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PUZZLE_PIECE (self), 0); + + return self->x; +} + +guint +gtk_puzzle_piece_get_y (GtkPuzzlePiece *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PUZZLE_PIECE (self), 0); + + return self->y; +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7fc97dc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/puzzlepiece.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#ifndef __PUZZLE_PIECE_H__ +#define __PUZZLE_PIECE_H__ + +#include + +/* First, add the boilerplate for the object itself. + */ +#define GTK_TYPE_PUZZLE_PIECE (gtk_puzzle_piece_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkPuzzlePiece, gtk_puzzle_piece, GTK, PUZZLE_PIECE, GObject) + +/* Then, declare all constructors */ +GdkPaintable * gtk_puzzle_piece_new (GdkPaintable *puzzle, + guint x, + guint y, + guint width, + guint height); + +/* Next, add the getters and setters for object properties */ +GdkPaintable * gtk_puzzle_piece_get_puzzle (GtkPuzzlePiece *self); +guint gtk_puzzle_piece_get_x (GtkPuzzlePiece *self); +guint gtk_puzzle_piece_get_y (GtkPuzzlePiece *self); + +#endif /* __PUZZLE_PIECE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/radial.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/radial.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11757f4e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/radial.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +uniform float progress; +uniform sampler2D u_texture1; +uniform sampler2D u_texture2; + +vec4 getFromColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture1, uv); +} + +vec4 getToColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture2, uv); +} + +// Source: https://gl-transitions.com/editor/Radial +// License: MIT +// Author: Xaychru + +const float smoothness = 1.0; + +const float PI = 3.141592653589; + +vec4 transition(vec2 p) { + vec2 rp = p*2.-1.; + return mix( + getToColor(p), + getFromColor(p), + smoothstep(0., smoothness, atan(rp.y,rp.x) - (progress-.5) * PI * 2.5) + ); +} + + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + fragColor = transition(uv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/read_more.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/read_more.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6afb76a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/read_more.c @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +/* Read More + * #Keywords: GtkInscription + * + * A simple implementation of a widget that can either + * display a lot of text or just the first few lines with a + * "Read More" button. + */ + +#include + +#define READ_TYPE_MORE (read_more_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(ReadMore, read_more, READ, MORE, GtkWidget) + +struct _ReadMore { + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *inscription; + GtkWidget *box; + gboolean show_more; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ReadMore, read_more, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) + +static GtkSizeRequestMode +read_more_get_request_mode (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + return GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH; +} + +static void +read_more_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + ReadMore *self = READ_MORE (widget); + int label_min, label_nat, label_min_baseline, label_nat_baseline; + int box_min, box_nat, box_min_baseline, box_nat_baseline; + int min_check; + + if (self->show_more) + min_check = G_MAXINT; + else if (for_size >= 0) + gtk_widget_measure (self->box, 1 - orientation, -1, &min_check, NULL, NULL, NULL); + else + min_check = -1; + + if (min_check > for_size) + { + gtk_widget_measure (self->label, + orientation, + for_size, + minimum, natural, + minimum_baseline, natural_baseline); + return; + } + + else if (for_size >= 0) + gtk_widget_measure (self->label, 1 - orientation, -1, &min_check, NULL, NULL, NULL); + else + min_check = -1; + + if (min_check > for_size) + { + gtk_widget_measure (self->box, + orientation, + for_size, + minimum, natural, + minimum_baseline, natural_baseline); + return; + } + + gtk_widget_measure (self->label, + orientation, + for_size, + &label_min, &label_nat, + &label_min_baseline, &label_nat_baseline); + gtk_widget_measure (self->box, + orientation, + for_size, + &box_min, &box_nat, + &box_min_baseline, &box_nat_baseline); + + *minimum = MIN (label_min, box_min); + *natural = MIN (label_nat, box_nat); + + /* FIXME: Figure out baselines! */ +} + +static void +read_more_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + ReadMore *self = READ_MORE (widget); + gboolean show_more; + + if (self->show_more) + { + show_more = TRUE; + } + else + { + int needed; + + /* check to see if we have enough space to show all text */ + gtk_widget_measure (self->label, + GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, + width, + &needed, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + show_more = needed <= height; + } + + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (self->label, show_more); + gtk_widget_set_child_visible (self->box, !show_more); + + if (show_more) + gtk_widget_size_allocate (self->label, &(GtkAllocation) { 0, 0, width, height }, baseline); + else + gtk_widget_size_allocate (self->box, &(GtkAllocation) { 0, 0, width, height }, baseline); +} + +static void +read_more_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ReadMore *self = READ_MORE (object); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->label, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->box, gtk_widget_unparent); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (read_more_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +read_more_class_init (ReadMoreClass *klass) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + widget_class->get_request_mode = read_more_get_request_mode; + widget_class->measure = read_more_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = read_more_allocate; + + object_class->dispose = read_more_dispose; +} + +static void +read_more_clicked (GtkButton *button, + ReadMore *self) +{ + self->show_more = TRUE; + gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (self)); +} + +static void +read_more_init (ReadMore *self) +{ + GtkWidget *button; + + self->label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (self->label), 0.0); + gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (self->label), 0.0); + gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL (self->label), TRUE); + gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (self->label), 3); + gtk_label_set_max_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (self->label), 30); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->label, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + self->box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (self->box, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->box, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + self->inscription = gtk_inscription_new (NULL); + gtk_inscription_set_xalign (GTK_INSCRIPTION (self->inscription), 0.0); + gtk_inscription_set_yalign (GTK_INSCRIPTION (self->inscription), 0.0); + gtk_inscription_set_min_lines (GTK_INSCRIPTION (self->inscription), 3); + gtk_inscription_set_nat_chars (GTK_INSCRIPTION (self->inscription), 30); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (self->inscription, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (self->box), self->inscription); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Read More"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (read_more_clicked), self); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (self->box), button); +} + +static void +read_more_set_text (ReadMore *self, + const char *text) +{ + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (self->label), text); + gtk_inscription_set_text (GTK_INSCRIPTION (self->inscription), text); +} + +static GtkWidget * +read_more_new (const char *text) +{ + ReadMore *self = g_object_new (READ_TYPE_MORE, NULL); + + read_more_set_text (self, text); + + return GTK_WIDGET (self); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_read_more (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *readmore; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Read More"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + readmore = read_more_new ( +"I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.\n" +"\n" +"Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called \"Linux\", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.\n" +"\n" +"There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called \"Linux\" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux."); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), readmore); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/reset.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/reset.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7af3e7f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/reset.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* @import this colorsheet to get the default values for every property. + * This is useful when writing special CSS tests that should not be + * inluenced by themes - not even the default ones. + * Keep in mind that the output will be very ugly and not look like + * anything GTK. + * Also, when adding new style properties, please add them here. + */ + +* { + all: unset; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6a9399c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.c @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/* Revealer + * + * GtkRevealer is a container that animates showing and hiding + * of its sole child with nice transitions. + */ + +#include + +static int count = 0; +static guint timeout = 0; + +static void +change_direction (GtkRevealer *revealer) +{ + if (gtk_widget_get_mapped (GTK_WIDGET (revealer))) + { + gboolean revealed; + + revealed = gtk_revealer_get_child_revealed (revealer); + gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (revealer, !revealed); + } +} + +static gboolean +reveal_one (gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = data; + char *name; + GtkRevealer *revealer; + + name = g_strdup_printf ("revealer%d", count); + revealer = GTK_REVEALER (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), name)); + g_free (name); + + gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (revealer, TRUE); + + g_signal_connect (revealer, "notify::child-revealed", + G_CALLBACK (change_direction), NULL); + count++; + + if (count >= 9) + { + timeout = 0; + return FALSE; + } + else + return TRUE; +} + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +static void +on_destroy (gpointer data) +{ + window = NULL; + if (timeout != 0) + { + g_source_remove (timeout); + timeout = 0; + } + +} + +GtkWidget * +do_revealer (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + int i; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/revealer/revealer.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + char *name = g_strdup_printf ("revealer%d", i); + GtkWidget *revealer = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, name)); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), name, revealer); + g_free (name); + } + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (on_destroy), NULL); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + { + count = 0; + timeout = g_timeout_add (690, reveal_one, window); + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + } + else + { + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + } + + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79c5dcef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/revealer.ui @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ + + + + 300 + 300 + Revealer + + + center + center + + + 2000 + crossfade + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 2 + 2 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-up + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-right + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 3 + 2 + + + + + + 2000 + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-left + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-up + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 2 + 0 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-right + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 4 + 2 + + + + + + 2000 + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 2 + 4 + + + + + + 2000 + slide-left + + + face-cool-symbolic + large + + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ripple.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ripple.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6e94d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ripple.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +uniform float u_time; +uniform vec2 u_mouse; +uniform sampler2D u_texture1; + +#define PI 3.141592654 + +float decay(float v, float t) +{ + return v * (1.0 / (1.0 + t*t)); +} + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + // Temporary to loop time every 1 sec + float time = u_time; + // we normalize all the effects according to the min height/width + float size = min(resolution.x, resolution.y); + + // Animate one wave over size in 0.3 sec + float wave_speed = size / 0.3; + float wave_length = size / 1.0; + float wave_height = size * 0.1; + + vec2 center = u_mouse; + vec2 direction_from_center = fragCoord - center; + float distance_from_center = length(direction_from_center); + + /* Normalize direction */ + direction_from_center = direction_from_center / distance_from_center; + + float propagation_length = time * wave_speed; + + float t = (propagation_length - distance_from_center) / wave_length; + float offset_magnitude = 0.0; + if (t > 0.0) + offset_magnitude = decay(wave_height * sin(t * 2.0 * PI), t); + + vec2 offset = direction_from_center * min(offset_magnitude, distance_from_center); + vec2 source = fragCoord - offset; + + vec2 uv2 = source / resolution; + fragColor = GskTexture(u_texture1, vec2(uv2.x, 1.0-uv2.y)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/rotated_text.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/rotated_text.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ace25623 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/rotated_text.c @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +/* Pango/Rotated Text + * + * This demo shows how to use PangoCairo to draw rotated and transformed + * text. The right pane shows a rotated GtkLabel widget. + * + * In both cases, a custom PangoCairo shape renderer is installed to draw + * a red heart using cairo drawing operations instead of the Unicode heart + * character. + */ + +#include +#include + +#define HEART "♥" +const char text[] = "I ♥ GTK"; + +static void +fancy_shape_renderer (cairo_t *cr, + PangoAttrShape *attr, + gboolean do_path, + gpointer data) +{ + double x, y; + cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); + cairo_translate (cr, x, y); + + cairo_scale (cr, + (double) attr->ink_rect.width / PANGO_SCALE, + (double) attr->ink_rect.height / PANGO_SCALE); + + if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (attr->data) == 0x2665) /* U+2665 BLACK HEART SUIT */ + { + cairo_move_to (cr, .5, .0); + cairo_line_to (cr, .9, -.4); + cairo_curve_to (cr, 1.1, -.8, .5, -.9, .5, -.5); + cairo_curve_to (cr, .5, -.9, -.1, -.8, .1, -.4); + cairo_close_path (cr); + } + + if (!do_path) + { + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1., 0., 0.); + cairo_fill (cr); + } +} + +static PangoAttrList * +create_fancy_attr_list_for_layout (PangoLayout *layout) +{ + PangoAttrList *attrs; + PangoFontMetrics *metrics; + int ascent; + PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect; + const char *p; + + /* Get font metrics and prepare fancy shape size */ + metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (pango_layout_get_context (layout), + pango_layout_get_font_description (layout), + NULL); + ascent = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent (metrics); + logical_rect.x = 0; + logical_rect.width = ascent; + logical_rect.y = -ascent; + logical_rect.height = ascent; + ink_rect = logical_rect; + pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics); + + /* Set fancy shape attributes for all hearts */ + attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + for (p = text; (p = strstr (p, HEART)); p += strlen (HEART)) + { + PangoAttribute *attr; + + attr = pango_attr_shape_new_with_data (&ink_rect, + &logical_rect, + GUINT_TO_POINTER (g_utf8_get_char (p)), + NULL, NULL); + + attr->start_index = p - text; + attr->end_index = attr->start_index + strlen (HEART); + + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); + } + + return attrs; +} + +static void +rotated_text_draw (GtkDrawingArea *da, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ +#define RADIUS 150 +#define N_WORDS 5 +#define FONT "Serif 18" + + PangoContext *context; + PangoLayout *layout; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + cairo_pattern_t *pattern; + + PangoAttrList *attrs; + + double device_radius; + int i; + + /* Create a cairo context and set up a transformation matrix so that the user + * space coordinates for the centered square where we draw are [-RADIUS, RADIUS], + * [-RADIUS, RADIUS]. + * We first center, then change the scale. */ + device_radius = MIN (width, height) / 2.; + cairo_translate (cr, + device_radius + (width - 2 * device_radius) / 2, + device_radius + (height - 2 * device_radius) / 2); + cairo_scale (cr, device_radius / RADIUS, device_radius / RADIUS); + + /* Create and a subtle gradient source and use it. */ + pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (-RADIUS, -RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0., .5, .0, .0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 1., .0, .0, .5); + cairo_set_source (cr, pattern); + + /* Create a PangoContext and set up our shape renderer */ + context = gtk_widget_create_pango_context (GTK_WIDGET (da)); + pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer (context, + fancy_shape_renderer, + NULL, NULL); + + /* Create a PangoLayout, set the text, font, and attributes */ + layout = pango_layout_new (context); + pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, -1); + desc = pango_font_description_from_string (FONT); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + + attrs = create_fancy_attr_list_for_layout (layout); + pango_layout_set_attributes (layout, attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + + /* Draw the layout N_WORDS times in a circle */ + for (i = 0; i < N_WORDS; i++) + { + int layout_width, layout_height; + + /* Inform Pango to re-layout the text with the new transformation matrix */ + pango_cairo_update_layout (cr, layout); + + pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &layout_width, &layout_height); + cairo_move_to (cr, - layout_width / 2, - RADIUS * .9); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout); + + /* Rotate for the next turn */ + cairo_rotate (cr, G_PI*2 / N_WORDS); + } + + /* free the objects we created */ + pango_font_description_free (desc); + g_object_unref (layout); + g_object_unref (context); + cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_rotated_text (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *drawing_area; + GtkWidget *label; + PangoLayout *layout; + PangoAttrList *attrs; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Rotated Text"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 4 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (box), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + /* Add a drawing area */ + drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), drawing_area); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (drawing_area, "view"); + + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (drawing_area), + rotated_text_draw, + NULL, NULL); + + /* And a label */ + label = gtk_label_new (text); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + /* Set up fancy stuff on the label */ + layout = gtk_label_get_layout (GTK_LABEL (label)); + pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer (pango_layout_get_context (layout), + fancy_shape_renderer, + NULL, NULL); + attrs = create_fancy_attr_list_for_layout (layout); + gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label), attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/row_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/row_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acb1283d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/row_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/s_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/s_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e6bf507 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/s_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53ba5608 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Scales + * + * GtkScale is a way to select a value from a range. + * Scales can have marks to help pick special values, + * and they can also restrict the values that can be + * chosen. + */ + +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_scale (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/scale/scale.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1607f5f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/scale.ui @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + + + + 4 + 2 + 0.1 + 1 + + + 4 + 2 + 0.1 + 1 + + + 4 + 2 + 0.1 + 1 + + + Scales + 0 + + + 10 + 10 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + + + Plain + 0 + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 200 + 0 + adjustment1 + 1 + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + Marks + 0 + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + 200 + 0 + adjustment2 + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + Discrete + 0 + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + 200 + 0 + 0 + adjustment3 + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f378f253 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.c @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +#include "config.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#include "script-names.h" + +static struct { + GUnicodeScript script; + hb_script_t hb_script; + const char *name; +} scripts[] = +{ + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_COMMON, HB_SCRIPT_COMMON, NULL }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_INHERITED, HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED, NULL }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ARABIC, HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC, NC_("Script", "Arabic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ARMENIAN, HB_SCRIPT_ARMENIAN, NC_("Script", "Armenian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BENGALI, HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI, NC_("Script", "Bengali") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BOPOMOFO, HB_SCRIPT_BOPOMOFO, NC_("Script", "Bopomofo") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CHEROKEE, HB_SCRIPT_CHEROKEE, NC_("Script", "Cherokee") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_COPTIC, HB_SCRIPT_COPTIC, NC_("Script", "Coptic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CYRILLIC, HB_SCRIPT_CYRILLIC, NC_("Script", "Cyrillic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DESERET, HB_SCRIPT_DESERET, NC_("Script", "Deseret") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI, HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI, NC_("Script", "Devanagari") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, HB_SCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, NC_("Script", "Ethiopic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GEORGIAN, HB_SCRIPT_GEORGIAN, NC_("Script", "Georgian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GOTHIC, HB_SCRIPT_GOTHIC, NC_("Script", "Gothic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GREEK, HB_SCRIPT_GREEK, NC_("Script", "Greek") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GUJARATI, HB_SCRIPT_GUJARATI, NC_("Script", "Gujarati") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI, HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI, NC_("Script", "Gurmukhi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HAN, HB_SCRIPT_HAN, NC_("Script", "Han") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HANGUL, HB_SCRIPT_HANGUL, NC_("Script", "Hangul") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HEBREW, HB_SCRIPT_HEBREW, NC_("Script", "Hebrew") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HIRAGANA, HB_SCRIPT_HIRAGANA, NC_("Script", "Hiragana") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KANNADA, HB_SCRIPT_KANNADA, NC_("Script", "Kannada") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KATAKANA, HB_SCRIPT_KATAKANA, NC_("Script", "Katakana") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHMER, HB_SCRIPT_KHMER, NC_("Script", "Khmer") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LAO, HB_SCRIPT_LAO, NC_("Script", "Lao") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LATIN, HB_SCRIPT_LATIN, NC_("Script", "Latin") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM, HB_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM, NC_("Script", "Malayalam") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN, HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN, NC_("Script", "Mongolian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MYANMAR, HB_SCRIPT_MYANMAR, NC_("Script", "Myanmar") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OGHAM, HB_SCRIPT_OGHAM, NC_("Script", "Ogham") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC, NC_("Script", "Old Italic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ORIYA, HB_SCRIPT_ORIYA, NC_("Script", "Oriya") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_RUNIC, HB_SCRIPT_RUNIC, NC_("Script", "Runic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SINHALA, HB_SCRIPT_SINHALA, NC_("Script", "Sinhala") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SYRIAC, HB_SCRIPT_SYRIAC, NC_("Script", "Syriac") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAMIL, HB_SCRIPT_TAMIL, NC_("Script", "Tamil") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TELUGU, HB_SCRIPT_TELUGU, NC_("Script", "Telugu") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_THAANA, HB_SCRIPT_THAANA, NC_("Script", "Thaana") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_THAI, HB_SCRIPT_THAI, NC_("Script", "Thai") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TIBETAN, HB_SCRIPT_TIBETAN, NC_("Script", "Tibetan") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL, HB_SCRIPT_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL, NC_("Script", "Canadian Aboriginal") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_YI, HB_SCRIPT_YI, NC_("Script", "Yi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAGALOG, HB_SCRIPT_TAGALOG, NC_("Script", "Tagalog") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HANUNOO, HB_SCRIPT_HANUNOO, NC_("Script", "Hanunoo") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BUHID, HB_SCRIPT_BUHID, NC_("Script", "Buhid") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA, HB_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA, NC_("Script", "Tagbanwa") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BRAILLE, HB_SCRIPT_BRAILLE, NC_("Script", "Braille") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CYPRIOT, HB_SCRIPT_CYPRIOT, NC_("Script", "Cypriot") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LIMBU, HB_SCRIPT_LIMBU, NC_("Script", "Limbu") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OSMANYA, HB_SCRIPT_OSMANYA, NC_("Script", "Osmanya") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SHAVIAN, HB_SCRIPT_SHAVIAN, NC_("Script", "Shavian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LINEAR_B, HB_SCRIPT_LINEAR_B, NC_("Script", "Linear B") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAI_LE, HB_SCRIPT_TAI_LE, NC_("Script", "Tai Le") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_UGARITIC, HB_SCRIPT_UGARITIC, NC_("Script", "Ugaritic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE, HB_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE, NC_("Script", "New Tai Lue") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BUGINESE, HB_SCRIPT_BUGINESE, NC_("Script", "Buginese") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC, HB_SCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC, NC_("Script", "Glagolitic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TIFINAGH, HB_SCRIPT_TIFINAGH, NC_("Script", "Tifinagh") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI, HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI, NC_("Script", "Syloti Nagri") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN, NC_("Script", "Old Persian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI, HB_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI, NC_("Script", "Kharoshthi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN, HB_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN, NC_("Script", "Unknown") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BALINESE, HB_SCRIPT_BALINESE, NC_("Script", "Balinese") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CUNEIFORM, HB_SCRIPT_CUNEIFORM, NC_("Script", "Cuneiform") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PHOENICIAN, HB_SCRIPT_PHOENICIAN, NC_("Script", "Phoenician") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA, HB_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA, NC_("Script", "Phags-pa") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NKO, HB_SCRIPT_NKO, NC_("Script", "N'Ko") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI, HB_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI, NC_("Script", "Kayah Li") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LEPCHA, HB_SCRIPT_LEPCHA, NC_("Script", "Lepcha") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_REJANG, HB_SCRIPT_REJANG, NC_("Script", "Rejang") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE, HB_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE, NC_("Script", "Sundanese") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA, HB_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA, NC_("Script", "Saurashtra") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CHAM, HB_SCRIPT_CHAM, NC_("Script", "Cham") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OL_CHIKI, HB_SCRIPT_OL_CHIKI, NC_("Script", "Ol Chiki") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_VAI, HB_SCRIPT_VAI, NC_("Script", "Vai") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CARIAN, HB_SCRIPT_CARIAN, NC_("Script", "Carian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LYCIAN, HB_SCRIPT_LYCIAN, NC_("Script", "Lycian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LYDIAN, HB_SCRIPT_LYDIAN, NC_("Script", "Lydian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_AVESTAN, HB_SCRIPT_AVESTAN, NC_("Script", "Avestan") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BAMUM, HB_SCRIPT_BAMUM, NC_("Script", "Bamum") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS, HB_SCRIPT_EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS, NC_("Script", "Egyptian Hieroglyphs") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC, HB_SCRIPT_IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC, NC_("Script", "Imperial Aramaic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI, HB_SCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI, NC_("Script", "Inscriptional Pahlavi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN, HB_SCRIPT_INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN, NC_("Script", "Inscriptional Parthian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_JAVANESE, HB_SCRIPT_JAVANESE, NC_("Script", "Javanese") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KAITHI, HB_SCRIPT_KAITHI, NC_("Script", "Kaithi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LISU, HB_SCRIPT_LISU, NC_("Script", "Lisu") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MEETEI_MAYEK, HB_SCRIPT_MEETEI_MAYEK, NC_("Script", "Meetei Mayek") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN, NC_("Script", "Old South Arabian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_TURKIC, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_TURKIC, NC_("Script", "Old Turkic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SAMARITAN, HB_SCRIPT_SAMARITAN, NC_("Script", "Samaritan") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAI_THAM, HB_SCRIPT_TAI_THAM, NC_("Script", "Tai Tham") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAI_VIET, HB_SCRIPT_TAI_VIET, NC_("Script", "Tai Viet") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BATAK, HB_SCRIPT_BATAK, NC_("Script", "Batak") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BRAHMI, HB_SCRIPT_BRAHMI, NC_("Script", "Brahmi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MANDAIC, HB_SCRIPT_MANDAIC, NC_("Script", "Mandaic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CHAKMA, HB_SCRIPT_CHAKMA, NC_("Script", "Chakma") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_CURSIVE, HB_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_CURSIVE, NC_("Script", "Meroitic Cursive") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS, HB_SCRIPT_MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS, NC_("Script", "Meroitic Hieroglyphs") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MIAO, HB_SCRIPT_MIAO, NC_("Script", "Miao") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SHARADA, HB_SCRIPT_SHARADA, NC_("Script", "Sharada") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SORA_SOMPENG, HB_SCRIPT_SORA_SOMPENG, NC_("Script", "Sora Sompeng") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TAKRI, HB_SCRIPT_TAKRI, NC_("Script", "Takri") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BASSA_VAH, HB_SCRIPT_BASSA_VAH, NC_("Script", "Bassa") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN, HB_SCRIPT_CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN, NC_("Script", "Caucasian Albanian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DUPLOYAN, HB_SCRIPT_DUPLOYAN, NC_("Script", "Duployan") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ELBASAN, HB_SCRIPT_ELBASAN, NC_("Script", "Elbasan") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GRANTHA, HB_SCRIPT_GRANTHA, NC_("Script", "Grantha") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHOJKI, HB_SCRIPT_KHOJKI, NC_("Script", "Khojki") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHUDAWADI, HB_SCRIPT_KHUDAWADI, NC_("Script", "Khudawadi, Sindhi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_LINEAR_A, HB_SCRIPT_LINEAR_A, NC_("Script", "Linear A") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MAHAJANI, HB_SCRIPT_MAHAJANI, NC_("Script", "Mahajani") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MANICHAEAN, HB_SCRIPT_MANICHAEAN, NC_("Script", "Manichaean") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MENDE_KIKAKUI, HB_SCRIPT_MENDE_KIKAKUI, NC_("Script", "Mende Kikakui") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MODI, HB_SCRIPT_MODI, NC_("Script", "Modi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MRO, HB_SCRIPT_MRO, NC_("Script", "Mro") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NABATAEAN, HB_SCRIPT_NABATAEAN, NC_("Script", "Nabataean") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN, NC_("Script", "Old North Arabian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_PERMIC, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_PERMIC, NC_("Script", "Old Permic") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PAHAWH_HMONG, HB_SCRIPT_PAHAWH_HMONG, NC_("Script", "Pahawh Hmong") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PALMYRENE, HB_SCRIPT_PALMYRENE, NC_("Script", "Palmyrene") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PAU_CIN_HAU, HB_SCRIPT_PAU_CIN_HAU, NC_("Script", "Pau Cin Hau") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI, HB_SCRIPT_PSALTER_PAHLAVI, NC_("Script", "Psalter Pahlavi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SIDDHAM, HB_SCRIPT_SIDDHAM, NC_("Script", "Siddham") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA, HB_SCRIPT_TIRHUTA, NC_("Script", "Tirhuta") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_WARANG_CITI, HB_SCRIPT_WARANG_CITI, NC_("Script", "Warang Citi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_AHOM, HB_SCRIPT_AHOM, NC_("Script", "Ahom") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS, HB_SCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS, NC_("Script", "Anatolian Hieroglyphs") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HATRAN, HB_SCRIPT_HATRAN, NC_("Script", "Hatran") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MULTANI, HB_SCRIPT_MULTANI, NC_("Script", "Multani") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_HUNGARIAN, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_HUNGARIAN, NC_("Script", "Old Hungarian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SIGNWRITING, HB_SCRIPT_SIGNWRITING, NC_("Script", "Signwriting") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ADLAM, HB_SCRIPT_ADLAM, NC_("Script", "Adlam") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_BHAIKSUKI, HB_SCRIPT_BHAIKSUKI, NC_("Script", "Bhaiksuki") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MARCHEN, HB_SCRIPT_MARCHEN, NC_("Script", "Marchen") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NEWA, HB_SCRIPT_NEWA, NC_("Script", "Newa") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OSAGE, HB_SCRIPT_OSAGE, NC_("Script", "Osage") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_TANGUT, HB_SCRIPT_TANGUT, NC_("Script", "Tangut") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MASARAM_GONDI, HB_SCRIPT_MASARAM_GONDI, NC_("Script", "Masaram Gondi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NUSHU, HB_SCRIPT_NUSHU, NC_("Script", "Nushu") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SOYOMBO, HB_SCRIPT_SOYOMBO, NC_("Script", "Soyombo") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ZANABAZAR_SQUARE, HB_SCRIPT_ZANABAZAR_SQUARE, NC_("Script", "Zanabazar Square") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DOGRA, HB_SCRIPT_DOGRA, NC_("Script", "Dogra") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_GUNJALA_GONDI, HB_SCRIPT_GUNJALA_GONDI, NC_("Script", "Gunjala Gondi") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_HANIFI_ROHINGYA, HB_SCRIPT_HANIFI_ROHINGYA, NC_("Script", "Hanifi Rohingya") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MAKASAR, HB_SCRIPT_MAKASAR, NC_("Script", "Makasar") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_MEDEFAIDRIN, HB_SCRIPT_MEDEFAIDRIN, NC_("Script", "Medefaidrin") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_OLD_SOGDIAN, HB_SCRIPT_OLD_SOGDIAN, NC_("Script", "Old Sogdian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_SOGDIAN, HB_SCRIPT_SOGDIAN, NC_("Script", "Sogdian") }, + +#if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,4,0) + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ELYMAIC, HB_SCRIPT_ELYMAIC, NC_("Script", "Elym") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NANDINAGARI, HB_SCRIPT_NANDINAGARI, NC_("Script", "Nand") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG, HB_SCRIPT_NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG, NC_("Script", "Rohg") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_WANCHO, HB_SCRIPT_WANCHO, NC_("Script", "Wcho") }, +#else + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_ELYMAIC, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Elym") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NANDINAGARI, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Nand") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Rohg") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_WANCHO, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Wcho") }, +#endif +#if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,6,7) + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CHORASMIAN, HB_SCRIPT_CHORASMIAN, NC_("Script", "Chorasmian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DIVES_AKURU, HB_SCRIPT_DIVES_AKURU, NC_("Script", "Dives Akuru") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT, HB_SCRIPT_KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT, NC_("Script", "Khitan small script") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_YEZIDI, HB_SCRIPT_YEZIDI, NC_("Script", "Yezidi") }, +#else + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_CHORASMIAN, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Chorasmian") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_DIVES_AKURU, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Dives Akuru") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Khitan small script") }, + { G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_YEZIDI, HB_SCRIPT_INVALID, NC_("Script", "Yezidi") }, +#endif +}; + +const char * +get_script_name (GUnicodeScript script) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (scripts); i++) + { + if (scripts[i].script == script) + { + if (scripts[i].name) + return g_dpgettext2 (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "Script", scripts[i].name); + else + return ""; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +const char * +get_script_name_for_tag (guint32 tag) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (scripts); i++) + { + if (scripts[i].hb_script == hb_script_from_iso15924_tag (tag)) + return g_dpgettext2 (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "Script", scripts[i].name); + } + + return NULL; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3036c05b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/script-names.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#ifndef SCRIPT_NAMES_H +#define SCRIPT_NAMES_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +const char * get_script_name (GUnicodeScript script); +const char * get_script_name_for_tag (guint32 tag); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/se_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/se_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6e4002a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/se_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50318174 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry.c @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/* Entry/Search Entry + * + * GtkEntry allows to display icons and progress information. + * This demo shows how to use these features in a search entry. + */ + +#include +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *notebook = NULL; +static GSimpleActionGroup *actions = NULL; + +static guint search_progress_id = 0; +static guint finish_search_id = 0; + +static void +show_find_button (void) +{ + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 0); +} + +static void +show_cancel_button (void) +{ + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 1); +} + +static gboolean +search_progress (gpointer data) +{ + gtk_entry_progress_pulse (GTK_ENTRY (data)); + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +search_progress_done (GtkEntry *entry) +{ + gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction (entry, 0.0); + g_object_unref (entry); +} + +static gboolean +finish_search (GtkButton *button) +{ + show_find_button (); + if (search_progress_id) + { + g_source_remove (search_progress_id); + search_progress_id = 0; + } + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static gboolean +start_search_feedback (gpointer data) +{ + gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction (GTK_ENTRY (data), 0.1); + search_progress_id = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 100, + (GSourceFunc)search_progress, g_object_ref (data), + (GDestroyNotify)search_progress_done); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +start_search (GtkButton *button, + GtkEntry *entry) +{ + show_cancel_button (); + search_progress_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)start_search_feedback, entry); + finish_search_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (15, (GSourceFunc)finish_search, button); +} + + +static void +stop_search (GtkButton *button, + gpointer data) +{ + if (finish_search_id) + { + g_source_remove (finish_search_id); + finish_search_id = 0; + } + finish_search (button); +} + +static void +clear_entry (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkEditable *editable = user_data; + + gtk_editable_set_text (editable, ""); +} + +static void +set_search_by (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *value, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkEntry *entry = user_data; + const char *term; + + term = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, value); + + if (g_str_equal (term, "name")) + { + gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text (entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, "Search by name"); + gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text (entry, "Name…"); + } + else if (g_str_equal (term, "description")) + { + gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text (entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, "Search by description"); + gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text (entry, "Description…"); + } + else if (g_str_equal (term, "filename")) + { + gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text (entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, "Search by file name"); + gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text (entry, "File name…"); + } +} + +static void +icon_press_cb (GtkEntry *entry, + int position, + gpointer data) +{ + if (position == GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY) + { + GAction *action; + GVariant *state; + GVariant *new_state; + const char *s; + + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "search-by"); + state = g_action_get_state (action); + s = g_variant_get_string (state, NULL); + + if (g_str_equal (s, "name")) + new_state = g_variant_new_string ("description"); + else if (g_str_equal (s, "description")) + new_state = g_variant_new_string ("filename"); + else if (g_str_equal (s, "filename")) + new_state = g_variant_new_string ("name"); + else + g_assert_not_reached (); + + g_action_change_state (action, new_state); + g_variant_unref (state); + } +} + +static void +activate_cb (GtkEntry *entry, + GtkButton *button) +{ + if (search_progress_id != 0) + return; + + start_search (button, entry); +} + +static void +search_entry_destroyed (gpointer data, + GObject *widget) +{ + if (finish_search_id != 0) + { + g_source_remove (finish_search_id); + finish_search_id = 0; + } + + if (search_progress_id != 0) + { + g_source_remove (search_progress_id); + search_progress_id = 0; + } + + window = NULL; +} + +static void +text_changed (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkEntry *entry = GTK_ENTRY (object); + GActionMap *action_map = data; + GAction *action; + gboolean has_text; + + has_text = gtk_entry_get_text_length (entry) > 0; + + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (action_map, "clear"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), has_text); +} + +static GMenuModel * +create_search_menu_model (void) +{ + GMenu *menu = g_menu_new (); + g_menu_append (menu, _("Name"), "search.search-by::name"); + g_menu_append (menu, _("Description"), "search.search-by::description"); + g_menu_append (menu, _("File Name"), "search.search-by::filename"); + + return G_MENU_MODEL (menu); +} + +static void +entry_add_to_context_menu (GtkEntry *entry) +{ + GMenu *menu; + GActionEntry entries[] = { + { "clear", clear_entry, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "search-by", NULL, "s", "'name'", set_search_by } + }; + GMenuModel *submenu; + GMenuItem *item; + GAction *action; + GVariant *value; + + actions = g_simple_action_group_new (); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), entries, G_N_ELEMENTS(entries), entry); + gtk_widget_insert_action_group (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "search", G_ACTION_GROUP (actions)); + + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "search-by"); + value = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new_string ("name")); + set_search_by (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), value, entry); + g_variant_unref (value); + + menu = g_menu_new (); + item = g_menu_item_new (_("C_lear"), "search.clear"); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "touch-icon", "s", "edit-clear-symbolic"); + g_menu_append_item (G_MENU (menu), item); + g_object_unref (item); + + submenu = create_search_menu_model (); + g_menu_append_submenu (menu, _("Search By"), submenu); + g_object_unref (submenu); + + gtk_entry_set_extra_menu (entry, G_MENU_MODEL (menu)); + + g_object_unref (menu); + + g_signal_connect (entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), actions); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_search_entry (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *find_button; + GtkWidget *cancel_button; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Search Entry"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + + g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (window), search_entry_destroyed, &window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 18); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + + /* Create our entry */ + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_entry_set_icon_from_icon_name (GTK_ENTRY (entry), + GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, + "edit-find-symbolic"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), entry); + + /* Create the find and cancel buttons */ + notebook = gtk_notebook_new (); + gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), FALSE); + gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), FALSE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), notebook); + + find_button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Find"); + g_signal_connect (find_button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (start_search), entry); + gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), find_button, NULL); + + cancel_button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Cancel"); + g_signal_connect (cancel_button, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (stop_search), NULL); + gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), cancel_button, NULL); + + /* Set up the search icon */ + gtk_entry_set_icon_activatable (GTK_ENTRY (entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, TRUE); + gtk_entry_set_icon_sensitive (GTK_ENTRY (entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, TRUE); + + g_signal_connect (entry, "icon-press", G_CALLBACK (icon_press_cb), NULL); + g_signal_connect (entry, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_cb), NULL); + + /* add accessible alternatives for icon functionality */ + entry_add_to_context_menu (GTK_ENTRY (entry)); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + { + g_clear_object (&actions); + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + } + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry2.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry2.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e53beb1e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/search_entry2.c @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* Entry/Type to Search + * + * GtkSearchEntry provides an entry that is ready for search. + * + * Search entries have their "search-changed" signal delayed and + * should be used when the search operation is slow, such as big + * datasets to search, or online searches. + * + * GtkSearchBar allows have a hidden search entry that 'springs + * into action' upon keyboard input. + */ + +#include + +static void +search_changed_cb (GtkSearchEntry *entry, + GtkLabel *result_label) +{ + const char *text; + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + gtk_label_set_text (result_label, text ? text : ""); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_search_entry2 (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *searchbar; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *header; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Type to Search"); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (window, 200, -1); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + entry = gtk_search_entry_new (); + gtk_widget_set_halign (entry, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + searchbar = gtk_search_bar_new (); + gtk_search_bar_connect_entry (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (searchbar), GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + gtk_search_bar_set_show_close_button (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (searchbar), FALSE); + gtk_search_bar_set_child (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (searchbar), entry); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), searchbar); + + /* Hook the search bar to key presses */ + gtk_search_bar_set_key_capture_widget (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (searchbar), window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 18); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), box); + + /* Toggle button */ + button = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "system-search-symbolic"); + g_object_bind_property (button, "active", + searchbar, "search-mode-enabled", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), button); + + /* Result */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 10); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), hbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Searching for:"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), label); + + label = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), label); + + g_signal_connect (entry, "search-changed", + G_CALLBACK (search_changed_cb), label); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shadertoy.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shadertoy.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc76e80d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shadertoy.c @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +/* OpenGL/Shadertoy + * #Keywords: GtkGLArea + * + * Generate pixels using a custom fragment shader. + * + * The names of the uniforms are compatible with the shaders on shadertoy.com, so + * many of the shaders there work here too. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include "gtkshadertoy.h" + +static GtkWidget *demo_window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *shadertoy = NULL; +static GtkTextBuffer *textbuffer = NULL; + +static void +run (void) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *text; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (textbuffer, &start, &end); + text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (textbuffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + + gtk_shadertoy_set_image_shader (GTK_SHADERTOY (shadertoy), text); + g_free (text); +} + +static void +run_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + run (); +} + +static void +load_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + const char *path = user_data; + GBytes *initial_shader; + + initial_shader = g_resources_lookup_data (path, 0, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (textbuffer, g_bytes_get_data (initial_shader, NULL), -1); + g_bytes_unref (initial_shader); + + run (); +} + +static void +clear_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (textbuffer, "", 0); +} + +static void +close_window (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + /* Reset the state */ + demo_window = NULL; + shadertoy = NULL; + textbuffer = NULL; +} + +static GtkWidget * +new_shadertoy (const char *path) +{ + GBytes *shader; + GtkWidget *toy; + + toy = gtk_shadertoy_new (); + shader = g_resources_lookup_data (path, 0, NULL); + gtk_shadertoy_set_image_shader (GTK_SHADERTOY (toy), + g_bytes_get_data (shader, NULL)); + g_bytes_unref (shader); + + return toy; +} + +static GtkWidget * +new_button (const char *path) +{ + GtkWidget *button, *toy; + + button = gtk_button_new (); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (load_clicked_cb), (char *)path); + + toy = new_shadertoy (path); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (toy, 64, 36); + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (button), toy); + + return button; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_shadertoy_window (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *box, *hbox, *button, *textview, *sw, *aspect, *centerbox; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Shadertoy"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 690, 740); + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 12); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (box), 6); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + aspect = gtk_aspect_frame_new (0.5, 0.5, 1.77777, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (aspect, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (aspect, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), aspect); + + shadertoy = new_shadertoy ("/shadertoy/alienplanet.glsl"); + gtk_aspect_frame_set_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (aspect), shadertoy); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_min_content_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), 250); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (sw, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + + textview = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_monospace (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), TRUE); + g_object_set (textview, + "left-margin", 20, + "right-margin", 20, + "top-margin", 20, + "bottom-margin", 20, + NULL); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), textview); + + textbuffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (textbuffer, + gtk_shadertoy_get_image_shader (GTK_SHADERTOY (shadertoy)), + -1); + + centerbox = gtk_center_box_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), centerbox); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (hbox), 6); + gtk_center_box_set_start_widget (GTK_CENTER_BOX (centerbox), hbox); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Restart the demo"); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (run_clicked_cb), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("edit-clear-all-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, "Clear the text view"); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (clear_clicked_cb), NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (hbox), 6); + gtk_center_box_set_end_widget (GTK_CENTER_BOX (centerbox), hbox); + + button = new_button ("/shadertoy/alienplanet.glsl"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = new_button ("/shadertoy/mandelbrot.glsl"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = new_button ("/shadertoy/neon.glsl"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = new_button ("/shadertoy/cogs.glsl"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + button = new_button ("/shadertoy/glowingstars.glsl"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), button); + + return window; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_shadertoy (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!demo_window) + demo_window = create_shadertoy_window (do_widget); + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (demo_window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (demo_window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (demo_window)); + + return demo_window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcut_triggers.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcut_triggers.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33e07ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcut_triggers.c @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* Shortcuts + * #Keywords: GtkShortcutController + * + * GtkShortcut is the abstraction used by GTK to handle shortcuts from + * keyboard or other input devices. + * + * Shortcut triggers can be used to weave complex sequences of key + * presses into sophisticated mechanisms to activate shortcuts. + * + * This demo code shows creative ways to do that. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +static gboolean +shortcut_activated (GtkWidget *widget, + GVariant *unused, + gpointer row) +{ + g_print ("activated %s\n", gtk_label_get_label (row)); + return TRUE; +} + +static GtkShortcutTrigger * +create_ctrl_g (void) +{ + return gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_g, GDK_CONTROL_MASK); +} + +static GtkShortcutTrigger * +create_x (void) +{ + return gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_x, 0); +} + +struct { + const char *description; + GtkShortcutTrigger * (* create_trigger_func) (void); +} shortcuts[] = { + { "Press Ctrl-G", create_ctrl_g }, + { "Press X", create_x }, +}; + +GtkWidget * +do_shortcut_triggers (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + guint i; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *list; + GtkEventController *controller; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Shortcuts"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, -1); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + list = gtk_list_box_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (list, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (list, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (list, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (list, 6); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), list); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (shortcuts); i++) + { + GtkShortcut *shortcut; + GtkWidget *row; + + row = gtk_label_new (shortcuts[i].description); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (list), row, -1); + + controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new (); + gtk_shortcut_controller_set_scope (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), GTK_SHORTCUT_SCOPE_GLOBAL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (row, controller); + + shortcut = gtk_shortcut_new (shortcuts[i].create_trigger_func(), + gtk_callback_action_new (shortcut_activated, row, NULL)); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), shortcut); + } + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-boxes.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-boxes.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c55037a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-boxes.ui @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ + + + + 1 + + + shortcuts + 12 + + + Overview + overview + + + F1 + Help + + + + + <Ctrl>n + Create a new box + + + + + <Ctrl>f + Search + + + + + <Ctrl>k + Keyboard shortcuts + + + + + <Ctrl>q + Close Window/Quit Boxes + + + + + + + Box Creation and Properties + wizard + + + ltr + <Alt>Right + Switch to the next page + + + + + ltr + <Alt>Left + Switch to the previous page + + + + + rtl + <Alt>Left + Switch to the next page + + + + + rtl + <Alt>Right + Switch to the previous page + + + + + + + Box Display + display + + + Control_L+Alt_L + Grab/Ungrab keyboard + + + + + ltr + <Alt>Left + Back to overview + + + + + rtl + <Alt>Right + Back to overview + + + + + <Ctrl>q + Close window/Quit Boxes + + + + + F11 + Fullscreen/Restore from fullscreen + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-builder.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-builder.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00885990 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-builder.ui @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ + + + + 1 + + + editor + Editor Shortcuts + + + General + + + Global Search + <ctrl>period + + + + + Preferences + <ctrl>comma + + + + + Command Bar + <ctrl>Return + + + + + Terminal + <ctrl><shift>t + + + + + Keyboard Shortcuts + <ctrl><shift>question + + + + + + + Panels + + + Toggle left panel + F9 + + + + + Toggle right panel + <shift>F9 + + + + + Toggle bottom panel + <ctrl>F9 + + + + + + + Touchpad gestures + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-right + Switch to the next document + + + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-left + Switch to the previous document + + + + + + + Files + + + <ctrl>n + Create new document + + + + + <ctrl>o + Open a document + + + + + <ctrl>s + Save the document + + + + + <ctrl>w + Close the document + + + + + <ctrl><alt>Page_Down + Switch to the next document + + + + + <ctrl><alt>Page_Up + Switch to the previous document + + + + + + + Find and replace + + + <ctrl>f + Find + + + + + <ctrl>g + Find the next match + + + + + <ctrl><shift>g + Find the previous match + + + + + <ctrl><shift>k + Clear highlight + + + + + + + Copy and Paste + + + <ctrl>c + Copy selected text to clipboard + + + + + <ctrl>x + Cut selected text to clipboard + + + + + <ctrl>v + Paste text from clipboard + + + + + + + Undo and Redo + + + <ctrl>z + Undo previous command + + + + + <ctrl><shift>z + Redo previous command + + + + + + + Editing + + + <ctrl><shift>a + Increment number at cursor + + + + + <ctrl><shift>x + Decrement number at cursor + + + + + <ctrl>j + Join selected lines + + + + + <ctrl>space + Show completion window + + + + + Insert + Toggle overwrite + + + + + <ctrl><alt>i + Reindent line + + + + + + + Navigation + + + <alt>n + Move to next error in file + + + + + <alt>p + Move to previous error in file + + + + + <shift><alt>Left + Move to previous edit location + + + + + <shift><alt>Right + Move to next edit location + + + + + <alt>period + Jump to definition of symbol + + + + + <alt><shift>Up + Move sectionport up within the file + + + + + <alt><shift>Down + Move sectionport down within the file + + + + + <alt><shift>End + Move sectionport to end of file + + + + + <alt><shift>Home + Move sectionport to beginning of file + + + + + <ctrl>percent + Move to matching bracket + + + + + + + Selections + + + <ctrl>a + Select all + + + + + <ctrl>backslash + Unselect all + + + + + + + + + 16 + terminal + Terminal Shortcuts + + + General + + + Global Search + <ctrl>period + + + + + Preferences + <ctrl>comma + + + + + Command Bar + <ctrl>Return + + + + + Terminal + <ctrl><shift>t + + + + + Keyboard Shortcuts + <ctrl><shift>question + + + + + + + Copy and Paste + + + <ctrl><shift>c + Copy selected text to clipboard + + + + + <ctrl><shift>v + Paste text from clipboard + + + + + + + Switching + + + <alt>1...9 + Switch to n-th tab + + + + + + + 'Special' combinations + + + t+t + You want tea ? + + + + + <shift><ctrl> + Shift Control + + + + + <ctrl>&<ctrl> + Control Control + + + + + Control_L&Control_R + Left and right control + + + + + + + All gestures + + + gesture-pinch + A stock pinch gesture + + + + + gesture-stretch + A stock stretch gesture + + + + + gesture-rotate-clockwise + A stock rotation gesture + + + + + gesture-rotate-counterclockwise + A stock rotation gesture + + + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-left + A stock swipe gesture + + + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-right + A stock swipe gesture + + + + + gesture-swipe-left + A stock swipe gesture + + + + + gesture-swipe-right + A stock swipe gesture + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-clocks.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-clocks.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8066704 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-clocks.ui @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + 1 + + + shortcuts + 10 + + + General + + + <ctrl>Page_Down + Go to the next section + + + + + <ctrl>Page_Up + Go to the previous section + + + + + <alt>Q + Quit + + + + + <alt>Right + ltr + Forward + + + + + <ctrl>Left + ltr + Back + + + + + <alt>Left + rtl + Forward + + + + + <ctrl>Right + rtl + Back + + + + + + + world + World Clocks + + + <ctrl>N + Add a world clock + + + + + <ctrl>S + Select world clocks + + + + + + + alarm + Alarm + + + <ctrl>N + Add an alarm + + + + + <ctrl>S + Select alarms + + + + + + + stopwatch + Stopwatch + + + Return space + Start / Stop / Continue + + + + + L + Lap + + + + + Delete + Reset + + + + + + + timer + Timer + + + Return space + Start / Stop / Pause + + + + + Delete + Reset + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-gedit.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-gedit.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b745c3c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts-gedit.ui @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ + + + + 1 + + + shortcuts + 12 + + + Touchpad gestures + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-right + Switch to the next document + + + + + gesture-two-finger-swipe-left + Switch to the previous document + + + + + + + Documents + + + <ctrl>N + Create new document + + + + + <ctrl>O + Open a document + + + + + <ctrl>S + Save the document + + + + + <ctrl>W + Close the document + + + + + <ctrl><Alt>Page_Down + Switch to the next document + + + + + <ctrl><Alt>Page_Up + Switch to the previous document + + + + + + + Find and Replace + + + <ctrl>F + Find + + + + + <ctrl>G + Find the next match + + + + + <ctrl><Shift>G + Find the previous match + + + + + <ctrl>H + Find and Replace + + + + + <ctrl><Shift>K + Clear highlight + + + + + <ctrl>I + Go to line + + + + + + + Tools + + + <shift>F7 + Check spelling + + + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + F11 + Fullscreen on / off + + + + + <ctrl>P + Print the document + + + + + Insert + Toggle insert / overwrite + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cfce9555 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.c @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* Shortcuts Window + * + * GtkShortcutsWindow is a window that provides a help overlay + * for shortcuts and gestures in an application. + */ + +#include + +static void +show_shortcuts (GtkWidget *window, + const char *id, + const char *view) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *overlay; + char *path; + + path = g_strdup_printf ("/shortcuts/%s.ui", id); + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource (path); + g_free (path); + overlay = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, id)); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (overlay), GTK_WINDOW (window)); + g_object_set (overlay, "view-name", view, NULL); + g_object_unref (builder); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (overlay)); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_builder_shortcuts (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-builder", NULL); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_gedit_shortcuts (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-gedit", NULL); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_clocks_shortcuts (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-clocks", NULL); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_clocks_shortcuts_stopwatch (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-clocks", "stopwatch"); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_boxes_shortcuts (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-boxes", NULL); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_boxes_shortcuts_wizard (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-boxes", "wizard"); +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT void +shortcuts_boxes_shortcuts_display (GtkWidget *window) +{ + show_shortcuts (window, "shortcuts-boxes", "display"); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_shortcuts (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + static gboolean icons_added = FALSE; + + if (!icons_added) + { + icons_added = TRUE; + gtk_icon_theme_add_resource_path (gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)), "/icons"); + } + + g_type_ensure (G_TYPE_FILE_ICON); + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/shortcuts/shortcuts.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1de58559 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/shortcuts.ui @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + + + + Shortcuts + + + vertical + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 10 + + + Builder + + + + + + GEdit + + + + + + Clocks - All + + + + + + Clocks - Stopwatch + + + + + + Boxes + + + + + + Boxes - Wizard + + + + + + Boxes - Display + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sidebar.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sidebar.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8208ebac --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sidebar.c @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* Stack Sidebar + * + * GtkStackSidebar provides an automatic sidebar widget to control + * navigation of a GtkStack object. This widget automatically updates + * its content based on what is presently available in the GtkStack + * object, and using the "title" child property to set the display labels. + */ + +#include +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_sidebar (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *sidebar; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *header; + const char * pages[] = { + "Welcome to GTK", + "GtkStackSidebar Widget", + "Automatic navigation", + "Consistent appearance", + "Scrolling", + "Page 6", + "Page 7", + "Page 8", + "Page 9", + NULL + }; + const char *c = NULL; + guint i; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW(window), header); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "Stack Sidebar"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + sidebar = gtk_stack_sidebar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sidebar); + + stack = gtk_stack_new (); + gtk_stack_set_transition_type (GTK_STACK (stack), GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_UP_DOWN); + gtk_stack_sidebar_set_stack (GTK_STACK_SIDEBAR (sidebar), GTK_STACK (stack)); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (stack, TRUE); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), stack); + + for (i=0; (c = *(pages+i)) != NULL; i++ ) + { + if (i == 0) + { + widget = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("org.gtk.Demo4"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (widget, "icon-dropshadow"); + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (widget), 256); + } + else + { + widget = gtk_label_new (c); + } + gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (stack), widget, c); + g_object_set (gtk_stack_get_page (GTK_STACK (stack), widget), "title", c, NULL); + } + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3dafb362 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.c @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* See Golub and Reinsch, + * "Handbook for Automatic Computation vol II - Linear Algebra", + * Springer, 1971 + */ + + +#define MAX_ITERATION_COUNT 30 + +/* Perform Householder reduction to bidiagonal form + * + * Input: Matrix A of size nrows x ncols + * + * Output: Matrices and vectors such that + * A = U*Bidiag(diagonal, superdiagonal)*Vt + * + * All matrices are allocated by the caller + * + * Sizes: + * A, U: nrows x ncols + * diagonal, superdiagonal: ncols + * V: ncols x ncols + */ +static void +householder_reduction (double *A, + int nrows, + int ncols, + double *U, + double *V, + double *diagonal, + double *superdiagonal) +{ + int i, j, k, ip1; + double s, s2, si, scale; + double *pu, *pui, *pv, *pvi; + double half_norm_squared; + + assert (nrows >= 2); + assert (ncols >= 2); + + memcpy (U, A, sizeof (double) * nrows * ncols); + + diagonal[0] = 0.0; + s = 0.0; + scale = 0.0; + for (i = 0, pui = U, ip1 = 1; + i < ncols; + pui += ncols, i++, ip1++) + { + superdiagonal[i] = scale * s; + + for (j = i, pu = pui, scale = 0.0; + j < nrows; + j++, pu += ncols) + scale += fabs( *(pu + i) ); + + if (scale > 0.0) + { + for (j = i, pu = pui, s2 = 0.0; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + { + *(pu + i) /= scale; + s2 += *(pu + i) * *(pu + i); + } + s = *(pui + i) < 0.0 ? sqrt (s2) : -sqrt (s2); + half_norm_squared = *(pui + i) * s - s2; + *(pui + i) -= s; + + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++) + { + for (k = i, si = 0.0, pu = pui; k < nrows; k++, pu += ncols) + si += *(pu + i) * *(pu + j); + si /= half_norm_squared; + for (k = i, pu = pui; k < nrows; k++, pu += ncols) + *(pu + j) += si * *(pu + i); + } + } + for (j = i, pu = pui; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + *(pu + i) *= scale; + diagonal[i] = s * scale; + s = 0.0; + scale = 0.0; + if (i >= nrows || i == ncols - 1) + continue; + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++) + scale += fabs (*(pui + j)); + if (scale > 0.0) + { + for (j = ip1, s2 = 0.0; j < ncols; j++) + { + *(pui + j) /= scale; + s2 += *(pui + j) * *(pui + j); + } + s = *(pui + ip1) < 0.0 ? sqrt (s2) : -sqrt (s2); + half_norm_squared = *(pui + ip1) * s - s2; + *(pui + ip1) -= s; + for (k = ip1; k < ncols; k++) + superdiagonal[k] = *(pui + k) / half_norm_squared; + if (i < (nrows - 1)) + { + for (j = ip1, pu = pui + ncols; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + { + for (k = ip1, si = 0.0; k < ncols; k++) + si += *(pui + k) * *(pu + k); + for (k = ip1; k < ncols; k++) + *(pu + k) += si * superdiagonal[k]; + } + } + for (k = ip1; k < ncols; k++) + *(pui + k) *= scale; + } + } + + pui = U + ncols * (ncols - 2); + pvi = V + ncols * (ncols - 1); + *(pvi + ncols - 1) = 1.0; + s = superdiagonal[ncols - 1]; + pvi -= ncols; + for (i = ncols - 2, ip1 = ncols - 1; + i >= 0; + i--, pui -= ncols, pvi -= ncols, ip1--) + { + if (s != 0.0) + { + pv = pvi + ncols; + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++, pv += ncols) + *(pv + i) = ( *(pui + j) / *(pui + ip1) ) / s; + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++) + { + si = 0.0; + for (k = ip1, pv = pvi + ncols; k < ncols; k++, pv += ncols) + si += *(pui + k) * *(pv + j); + for (k = ip1, pv = pvi + ncols; k < ncols; k++, pv += ncols) + *(pv + j) += si * *(pv + i); + } + } + pv = pvi + ncols; + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++, pv += ncols) + { + *(pvi + j) = 0.0; + *(pv + i) = 0.0; + } + *(pvi + i) = 1.0; + s = superdiagonal[i]; + } + + pui = U + ncols * (ncols - 1); + for (i = ncols - 1, ip1 = ncols; + i >= 0; + ip1 = i, i--, pui -= ncols) + { + s = diagonal[i]; + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++) + *(pui + j) = 0.0; + if (s != 0.0) + { + for (j = ip1; j < ncols; j++) + { + si = 0.0; + pu = pui + ncols; + for (k = ip1; k < nrows; k++, pu += ncols) + si += *(pu + i) * *(pu + j); + si = (si / *(pui + i)) / s; + for (k = i, pu = pui; k < nrows; k++, pu += ncols) + *(pu + j) += si * *(pu + i); + } + for (j = i, pu = pui; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + *(pu + i) /= s; + } + else + for (j = i, pu = pui; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + *(pu + i) = 0.0; + *(pui + i) += 1.0; + } +} + +/* Perform Givens reduction + * + * Input: Matrices such that + * A = U*Bidiag(diagonal,superdiagonal)*Vt + * + * Output: The same, with superdiagonal = 0 + * + * All matrices are allocated by the caller + * + * Sizes: + * U: nrows x ncols + * diagonal, superdiagonal: ncols + * V: ncols x ncols + */ +static int +givens_reduction (int nrows, + int ncols, + double *U, + double *V, + double *diagonal, + double *superdiagonal) +{ + double epsilon; + double c, s; + double f,g,h; + double x,y,z; + double *pu, *pv; + int i,j,k,m; + int rotation_test; + int iteration_count; + + assert (nrows >= 2); + assert (ncols >= 2); + + for (i = 0, x = 0.0; i < ncols; i++) + { + y = fabs (diagonal[i]) + fabs (superdiagonal[i]); + if (x < y) + x = y; + } + epsilon = x * DBL_EPSILON; + for (k = ncols - 1; k >= 0; k--) + { + iteration_count = 0; + while (1) + { + rotation_test = 1; + for (m = k; m >= 0; m--) + { + if (fabs (superdiagonal[m]) <= epsilon) + { + rotation_test = 0; + break; + } + if (fabs (diagonal[m-1]) <= epsilon) + break; + } + if (rotation_test) + { + c = 0.0; + s = 1.0; + for (i = m; i <= k; i++) + { + f = s * superdiagonal[i]; + superdiagonal[i] *= c; + if (fabs (f) <= epsilon) + break; + g = diagonal[i]; + h = sqrt (f*f + g*g); + diagonal[i] = h; + c = g / h; + s = -f / h; + for (j = 0, pu = U; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + { + y = *(pu + m - 1); + z = *(pu + i); + *(pu + m - 1 ) = y * c + z * s; + *(pu + i) = -y * s + z * c; + } + } + } + z = diagonal[k]; + if (m == k) + { + if (z < 0.0) + { + diagonal[k] = -z; + for (j = 0, pv = V; j < ncols; j++, pv += ncols) + *(pv + k) = - *(pv + k); + } + break; + } + else + { + if (iteration_count >= MAX_ITERATION_COUNT) + return -1; + iteration_count++; + x = diagonal[m]; + y = diagonal[k-1]; + g = superdiagonal[k-1]; + h = superdiagonal[k]; + f = ((y - z) * ( y + z ) + (g - h) * (g + h))/(2.0 * h * y); + g = sqrt (f * f + 1.0); + if (f < 0.0) + g = -g; + f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * (y / (f + g) - h)) / x; + c = 1.0; + s = 1.0; + for (i = m + 1; i <= k; i++) + { + g = superdiagonal[i]; + y = diagonal[i]; + h = s * g; + g *= c; + z = sqrt (f * f + h * h); + superdiagonal[i-1] = z; + c = f / z; + s = h / z; + f = x * c + g * s; + g = -x * s + g * c; + h = y * s; + y *= c; + for (j = 0, pv = V; j < ncols; j++, pv += ncols) + { + x = *(pv + i - 1); + z = *(pv + i); + *(pv + i - 1) = x * c + z * s; + *(pv + i) = -x * s + z * c; + } + z = sqrt (f * f + h * h); + diagonal[i - 1] = z; + if (z != 0.0) + { + c = f / z; + s = h / z; + } + f = c * g + s * y; + x = -s * g + c * y; + for (j = 0, pu = U; j < nrows; j++, pu += ncols) + { + y = *(pu + i - 1); + z = *(pu + i); + *(pu + i - 1) = c * y + s * z; + *(pu + i) = -s * y + c * z; + } + } + superdiagonal[m] = 0.0; + superdiagonal[k] = f; + diagonal[k] = x; + } + } + } + return 0; +} + +/* Given a singular value decomposition + * of an nrows x ncols matrix A = U*Diag(S)*Vt, + * sort the values of S by decreasing value, + * permuting V to match. + */ +static void +sort_singular_values (int nrows, + int ncols, + double *S, + double *U, + double *V) +{ + int i, j, max_index; + double temp; + double *p1, *p2; + + assert (nrows >= 2); + assert (ncols >= 2); + + for (i = 0; i < ncols - 1; i++) + { + max_index = i; + for (j = i + 1; j < ncols; j++) + if (S[j] > S[max_index]) + max_index = j; + if (max_index == i) + continue; + temp = S[i]; + S[i] = S[max_index]; + S[max_index] = temp; + p1 = U + max_index; + p2 = U + i; + for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++, p1 += ncols, p2 += ncols) + { + temp = *p1; + *p1 = *p2; + *p2 = temp; + } + p1 = V + max_index; + p2 = V + i; + for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++, p1 += ncols, p2 += ncols) + { + temp = *p1; + *p1 = *p2; + *p2 = temp; + } + } +} + +/* Compute a singular value decomposition of A, + * A = U*Diag(S)*Vt + * + * All matrices are allocated by the caller + * + * Sizes: + * A, U: nrows x ncols + * S: ncols + * V: ncols x ncols + */ +int +singular_value_decomposition (double *A, + int nrows, + int ncols, + double *U, + double *S, + double *V) +{ + double *superdiagonal; + + superdiagonal = g_alloca (sizeof (double) * ncols); + + if (nrows < ncols) + return -1; + + householder_reduction (A, nrows, ncols, U, V, S, superdiagonal); + + if (givens_reduction (nrows, ncols, U, V, S, superdiagonal) < 0) + return -1; + + sort_singular_values (nrows, ncols, S, U, V); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * Given a singular value decomposition of A = U*Diag(S)*Vt, + * compute the best approximation x to A*x = B. + * + * All matrices are allocated by the caller + * + * Sizes: + * U: nrows x ncols + * S: ncols + * V: ncols x ncols + * B, x: ncols + */ +void +singular_value_decomposition_solve (double *U, + double *S, + double *V, + int nrows, + int ncols, + double *B, + double *x) +{ + int i, j, k; + double *pu, *pv; + double d; + double tolerance; + + assert (nrows >= 2); + assert (ncols >= 2); + + tolerance = DBL_EPSILON * S[0] * (double) ncols; + + for (i = 0, pv = V; i < ncols; i++, pv += ncols) + { + x[i] = 0.0; + for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) + { + if (S[j] > tolerance) + { + for (k = 0, d = 0.0, pu = U; k < nrows; k++, pu += ncols) + d += *(pu + j) * B[k]; + x[i] += d * *(pv + j) / S[j]; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b4c65a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/singular_value_decomposition.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#pragma once + +int singular_value_decomposition (double *A, + int nrows, + int ncols, + double *U, + double *S, + double *V); + +void singular_value_decomposition_solve (double *U, + double *S, + double *V, + int nrows, + int ncols, + double *B, + double *x); + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sizegroup.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sizegroup.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acbe0ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sizegroup.c @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/* Size Groups + * + * GtkSizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of + * widgets together so they all request the same amount of space. + * This is typically useful when you want a column of widgets to + * have the same size, but you can't use a GtkTable widget. + * + * Note that size groups only affect the amount of space requested, + * not the size that the widgets finally receive. If you want the + * widgets in a GtkSizeGroup to actually be the same size, you need + * to pack them in such a way that they get the size they request + * and not more. For example, if you are packing your widgets + * into a table, you would not include the GTK_FILL flag. + */ + +#include +#include + +static void +add_row (GtkGrid *table, + int row, + GtkSizeGroup *size_group, + const char *label_text, + const char **options) +{ + GtkWidget *dropdown; + GtkWidget *label; + + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (label_text); + gtk_widget_set_halign (label, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_valign (label, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (label, TRUE); + gtk_grid_attach (table, label, 0, row, 1, 1); + + dropdown = gtk_drop_down_new_from_strings (options); + gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dropdown); + gtk_widget_set_halign (dropdown, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_widget_set_valign (dropdown, GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE); + gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, dropdown); + gtk_grid_attach (table, dropdown, 1, row, 1, 1); +} + +static void +toggle_grouping (GtkCheckButton *check_button, + GtkSizeGroup *size_group) +{ + GtkSizeGroupMode new_mode; + + /* GTK_SIZE_GROUP_NONE is not generally useful, but is useful + * here to show the effect of GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL by + * contrast. + */ + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (check_button)) + new_mode = GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL; + else + new_mode = GTK_SIZE_GROUP_NONE; + + gtk_size_group_set_mode (size_group, new_mode); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_sizegroup (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *table; + GtkWidget *frame; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *check_button; + GtkSizeGroup *size_group; + + static const char *color_options[] = { + "Red", "Green", "Blue", NULL + }; + + static const char *dash_options[] = { + "Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted", NULL + }; + + static const char *end_options[] = { + "Square", "Round", "Double Arrow", NULL + }; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Size Groups"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 5); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + size_group = gtk_size_group_new (GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window), "size-group", size_group, g_object_unref); + + /* Create one frame holding color options */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("Color Options"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (table, 5); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 5); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 10); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), table); + + add_row (GTK_GRID (table), 0, size_group, "_Foreground", color_options); + add_row (GTK_GRID (table), 1, size_group, "_Background", color_options); + + /* And another frame holding line style options */ + frame = gtk_frame_new ("Line Options"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (table, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (table, 5); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 5); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 10); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), table); + + add_row (GTK_GRID (table), 0, size_group, "_Dashing", dash_options); + add_row (GTK_GRID (table), 1, size_group, "_Line ends", end_options); + + /* And a check button to turn grouping on and off */ + check_button = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Enable grouping"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), check_button); + + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (check_button), TRUE); + g_signal_connect (check_button, "toggled", + G_CALLBACK (toggle_grouping), size_group); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sliding_puzzle.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sliding_puzzle.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6389586c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sliding_puzzle.c @@ -0,0 +1,523 @@ +/* Sliding Puzzle + * #Keywords: GdkPaintable, GdkGesture, GtkShortcutController, game + * + * This demo demonstrates how to use gestures and paintables to create a + * small sliding puzzle game. + */ + +#include "config.h" +#include + +/* Include the header for the puzzle piece */ +#include "puzzlepiece.h" +#include "paintable.h" + + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; +static GtkWidget *frame = NULL; +static GtkWidget *choices = NULL; +static GtkWidget *size_spin = NULL; +static GdkPaintable *puzzle = NULL; + +static gboolean solved = TRUE; +static guint width = 3; +static guint height = 3; +static guint pos_x; +static guint pos_y; + +static void +ended (GObject *object) +{ + g_object_unref (object); +} + +static void +celebrate (gboolean win) +{ + char *path; + GtkMediaStream *stream; + + if (win) + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "complete.oga", NULL); + else + path = g_build_filename (GTK_DATADIR, "sounds", "freedesktop", "stereo", "suspend-error.oga", NULL); + stream = gtk_media_file_new_for_filename (path); + gtk_media_stream_set_volume (stream, 1.0); + gtk_media_stream_play (stream); + + g_signal_connect (stream, "notify::ended", G_CALLBACK (ended), NULL); + g_free (path); +} + +static gboolean +move_puzzle (GtkWidget *grid, + int dx, + int dy) +{ + GtkWidget *pos, *next; + GdkPaintable *piece; + guint next_x, next_y; + + /* We don't move anything if the puzzle is solved */ + if (solved) + return FALSE; + + /* Return FALSE if we can't move to where the call + * wants us to move. + */ + if ((dx < 0 && pos_x < -dx) || + dx + pos_x >= width || + (dy < 0 && pos_y < -dy) || + dy + pos_y >= height) + return FALSE; + + /* Compute the new position */ + next_x = pos_x + dx; + next_y = pos_y + dy; + + /* Get the current and next image */ + pos = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), pos_x, pos_y); + next = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), next_x, next_y); + + /* Move the displayed piece. */ + piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (next)); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (pos), piece); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (next), NULL); + + /* Update the current position */ + pos_x = next_x; + pos_y = next_y; + + /* Return TRUE because we successfully moved the piece */ + return TRUE; +} + +static void +shuffle_puzzle (GtkWidget *grid) +{ + guint i, n_steps; + + /* Do this many random moves */ + n_steps = width * height * 50; + + for (i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) + { + /* Get a random number for the direction to move in */ + switch (g_random_int_range (0, 4)) + { + case 0: + /* left */ + move_puzzle (grid, -1, 0); + break; + + case 1: + /* up */ + move_puzzle (grid, 0, -1); + break; + + case 2: + /* right */ + move_puzzle (grid, 1, 0); + break; + + case 3: + /* down */ + move_puzzle (grid, 0, 1); + break; + + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + continue; + } + } +} + +static gboolean +check_solved (GtkWidget *grid) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + GdkPaintable *piece; + guint x, y; + + /* Nothing to check if the puzzle is already solved */ + if (solved) + return TRUE; + + /* If the empty cell isn't in the bottom right, + * the puzzle is obviously not solved */ + if (pos_x != width - 1 || + pos_y != height - 1) + return FALSE; + + /* Check that all pieces are in the right position */ + for (y = 0; y < height; y++) + { + for (x = 0; x < width; x++) + { + picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), x, y); + piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture)); + + /* empty cell */ + if (piece == NULL) + continue; + + if (gtk_puzzle_piece_get_x (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)) != x || + gtk_puzzle_piece_get_y (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)) != y) + return FALSE; + } + } + + /* We solved the puzzle! + */ + solved = TRUE; + + /* Fill the empty cell to show that we're done. + */ + picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), 0, 0); + piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture)); + + piece = gtk_puzzle_piece_new (gtk_puzzle_piece_get_puzzle (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)), + pos_x, pos_y, + width, height); + picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), pos_x, pos_y); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), piece); + + celebrate (TRUE); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +puzzle_key_pressed (GtkWidget *grid, + GVariant *args, + gpointer unused) +{ + int dx, dy; + + g_variant_get (args, "(ii)", &dx, &dy); + + if (!move_puzzle (grid, dx, dy)) + { + /* Make the error sound and then return TRUE. + * We handled this key, even though we didn't + * do anything to the puzzle. + */ + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + return TRUE; + } + + check_solved (grid); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +puzzle_button_pressed (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *grid) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + int l, t, i; + int pos; + + child = gtk_widget_pick (grid, x, y, GTK_PICK_DEFAULT); + + if (!child) + { + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + return; + } + + gtk_grid_query_child (GTK_GRID (grid), child, &l, &t, NULL, NULL); + + if (l == pos_x && t == pos_y) + { + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + else if (l == pos_x) + { + pos = pos_y; + for (i = t; i < pos; i++) + { + if (!move_puzzle (grid, 0, -1)) + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + for (i = pos; i < t; i++) + { + if (!move_puzzle (grid, 0, 1)) + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + } + else if (t == pos_y) + { + pos = pos_x; + for (i = l; i < pos; i++) + { + if (!move_puzzle (grid, -1, 0)) + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + for (i = pos; i < l; i++) + { + if (!move_puzzle (grid, 1, 0)) + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + } + else + { + gtk_widget_error_bell (grid); + } + + check_solved (grid); +} + +static void +add_move_binding (GtkShortcutController *controller, + guint keyval, + guint kp_keyval, + int dx, + int dy) +{ + GtkShortcut *shortcut; + + shortcut = gtk_shortcut_new_with_arguments ( + gtk_alternative_trigger_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (keyval, 0), + gtk_keyval_trigger_new (kp_keyval, 0)), + gtk_callback_action_new (puzzle_key_pressed, NULL, NULL), + "(ii)", dx, dy); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (controller, shortcut); +} + +static void +start_puzzle (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkWidget *picture, *grid; + GtkEventController *controller; + guint x, y; + float aspect_ratio; + + /* Create a new grid */ + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_set_focusable (grid, TRUE); + gtk_aspect_frame_set_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), grid); + aspect_ratio = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (paintable); + if (aspect_ratio == 0.0) + aspect_ratio = 1.0; + gtk_aspect_frame_set_ratio (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), aspect_ratio); + gtk_aspect_frame_set_obey_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), FALSE); + + /* Add shortcuts so people can use the arrow + * keys to move the puzzle + */ + controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new (); + gtk_shortcut_controller_set_scope (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GTK_SHORTCUT_SCOPE_LOCAL); + add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GDK_KEY_Left, GDK_KEY_KP_Left, + -1, 0); + add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GDK_KEY_Right, GDK_KEY_KP_Right, + 1, 0); + add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GDK_KEY_Up, GDK_KEY_KP_Up, + 0, -1); + add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GDK_KEY_Down, GDK_KEY_KP_Down, + 0, 1); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (grid), controller); + + controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ()); + g_signal_connect (controller, "pressed", + G_CALLBACK (puzzle_button_pressed), + grid); + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (grid), controller); + + /* Make sure the cells have equal size */ + gtk_grid_set_row_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + gtk_grid_set_column_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE); + + /* Reset the variables */ + solved = FALSE; + pos_x = width - 1; + pos_y = height - 1; + + /* add a picture for every cell */ + for (y = 0; y < height; y++) + { + for (x = 0; x < width; x++) + { + GdkPaintable *piece; + + /* Don't paint anything for the lsiding part of the video */ + if (x == pos_x && y == pos_y) + piece = NULL; + else + piece = gtk_puzzle_piece_new (paintable, + x, y, + width, height); + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (piece); + gtk_picture_set_content_fit (GTK_PICTURE (picture), GTK_CONTENT_FIT_FILL); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), + picture, + x, y, + 1, 1); + } + } + + shuffle_puzzle (grid); +} + +static void +reshuffle (void) +{ + GtkWidget *grid; + + if (solved) + { + start_puzzle (puzzle); + grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame)); + } + else + { + grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame)); + shuffle_puzzle (grid); + } + gtk_widget_grab_focus (grid); +} + +static void +reconfigure (void) +{ + GtkWidget *popover; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *child; + GtkWidget *image; + GList *selected; + + width = height = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (size_spin)); + + selected = gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children (GTK_FLOW_BOX (choices)); + if (selected == NULL) + child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (choices); + else + { + child = selected->data; + g_list_free (selected); + } + + image = gtk_flow_box_child_get_child (GTK_FLOW_BOX_CHILD (child)); + puzzle = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image)); + + start_puzzle (puzzle); + popover = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (size_spin, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER); + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (popover)); + grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame)); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (grid); +} + +static void +add_choice (GtkWidget *container, + GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkWidget *icon; + + icon = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (paintable); + gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (icon), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + + gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (container), icon, -1); +} + +static void +widget_destroyed (gpointer data, + GObject *widget) +{ + if (data) + *(gpointer *) data = NULL; +} + + +GtkWidget * +do_sliding_puzzle (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *header; + GtkWidget *restart; + GtkWidget *tweak; + GtkWidget *popover; + GtkWidget *tweaks; + GtkWidget *apply; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkMediaStream *media; + + puzzle = GDK_PAINTABLE (gdk_texture_new_from_resource ("/sliding_puzzle/portland-rose.jpg")); + + tweaks = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (tweaks), 10); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (tweaks), 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (tweaks, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (tweaks, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (tweaks, 10); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (tweaks, 10); + + choices = gtk_flow_box_new (); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (choices, "view"); + add_choice (choices, puzzle); + add_choice (choices, gtk_nuclear_animation_new (TRUE)); + media = gtk_media_file_new_for_resource ("/images/gtk-logo.webm"); + gtk_media_stream_set_loop (media, TRUE); + gtk_media_stream_set_muted (media, TRUE); + gtk_media_stream_play (media); + add_choice (choices, GDK_PAINTABLE (media)); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), choices); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), sw, 0, 0, 2, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Size"); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + size_spin = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (2, 10, 1); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (size_spin), width); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), size_spin, 1, 1, 1, 1); + + apply = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Apply"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (apply, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), apply, 1, 2, 1, 1); + g_signal_connect (apply, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (reconfigure), NULL); + + popover = gtk_popover_new (); + gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover), tweaks); + + tweak = gtk_menu_button_new (); + gtk_menu_button_set_popover (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (tweak), popover); + gtk_menu_button_set_icon_name (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (tweak), "emblem-system-symbolic"); + + restart = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (restart, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (reshuffle), NULL); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), restart); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), tweak); + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Sliding Puzzle"); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300); + g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (window), widget_destroyed, &window); + + frame = gtk_aspect_frame_new (0.5, 0.5, (float) gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (puzzle), FALSE); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), frame); + + start_puzzle (puzzle); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85d8c9c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.c @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +/* Spin Buttons + * #Keywords: GtkEntry + * + * GtkSpinButton provides convenient ways to input data + * that can be seen as a value in a range. The examples + * here show that this does not necessarily mean numeric + * values, and it can include custom formatting. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_hex_spin_input (GtkSpinButton *spin_button, + double *new_val) +{ + const char *buf; + char *err; + double res; + + buf = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)); + res = strtol (buf, &err, 16); + *new_val = res; + if (*err) + return GTK_INPUT_ERROR; + else + return TRUE; +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_hex_spin_output (GtkSpinButton *spin_button) +{ + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + char *buf; + double val; + + adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spin_button); + val = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + if (fabs (val) < 1e-5) + buf = g_strdup ("0x00"); + else + buf = g_strdup_printf ("0x%.2X", (int) val); + if (strcmp (buf, gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)))) + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button), buf); + g_free (buf); + + return TRUE; +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_time_spin_input (GtkSpinButton *spin_button, + double *new_val) +{ + const char *text; + char **str; + gboolean found = FALSE; + int hours; + int minutes; + char *endh; + char *endm; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)); + str = g_strsplit (text, ":", 2); + + if (g_strv_length (str) == 2) + { + hours = strtol (str[0], &endh, 10); + minutes = strtol (str[1], &endm, 10); + if (!*endh && !*endm && + 0 <= hours && hours < 24 && + 0 <= minutes && minutes < 60) + { + *new_val = hours * 60 + minutes; + found = TRUE; + } + } + + g_strfreev (str); + + if (!found) + { + *new_val = 0.0; + return GTK_INPUT_ERROR; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_time_spin_output (GtkSpinButton *spin_button) +{ + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + char *buf; + double hours; + double minutes; + + adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spin_button); + hours = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment) / 60.0; + minutes = (hours - floor (hours)) * 60.0; + buf = g_strdup_printf ("%02.0f:%02.0f", floor (hours), floor (minutes + 0.5)); + if (strcmp (buf, gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)))) + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button), buf); + g_free (buf); + + return TRUE; +} + +static const char *month[12] = { + "January", + "February", + "March", + "April", + "May", + "June", + "July", + "August", + "September", + "October", + "November", + "December" +}; + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_month_spin_input (GtkSpinButton *spin_button, + double *new_val) +{ + int i; + char *tmp1, *tmp2; + gboolean found = FALSE; + + for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) + { + tmp1 = g_ascii_strup (month[i - 1], -1); + tmp2 = g_ascii_strup (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)), -1); + if (strstr (tmp1, tmp2) == tmp1) + found = TRUE; + g_free (tmp1); + g_free (tmp2); + if (found) + break; + } + if (!found) + { + *new_val = 0.0; + return GTK_INPUT_ERROR; + } + *new_val = (double) i; + + return TRUE; +} + +G_MODULE_EXPORT int +spinbutton_month_spin_output (GtkSpinButton *spin_button) +{ + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + double value; + int i; + + adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spin_button); + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) + if (fabs (value - (double)i) < 1e-5) + { + if (strcmp (month[i-1], gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button)))) + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (spin_button), month[i-1]); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +value_to_label (GBinding *binding, + const GValue *from, + GValue *to, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_value_take_string (to, g_strdup_printf ("%g", g_value_get_double (from))); + return TRUE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_spinbutton (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkAdjustment *adj; + GtkWidget *label; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/spinbutton/spinbutton.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Spin Buttons"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "basic_adjustment")); + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "basic_label")); + g_object_bind_property_full (adj, "value", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE, + value_to_label, + NULL, + NULL, NULL); + adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "hex_adjustment")); + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "hex_label")); + g_object_bind_property_full (adj, "value", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE, + value_to_label, + NULL, + NULL, NULL); + adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "time_adjustment")); + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "time_label")); + g_object_bind_property_full (adj, "value", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE, + value_to_label, + NULL, + NULL, NULL); + adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "month_adjustment")); + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "month_label")); + g_object_bind_property_full (adj, "value", + label, "label", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE, + value_to_label, + NULL, + NULL, NULL); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28a6d704 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinbutton.ui @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + + + + -10000 + 10000 + 0.5 + 100 + + + 255 + 1 + 16 + + + 1410 + 30 + 60 + + + 1 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 5 + + + Spin Button + + + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + + + _Numeric + 1 + basic_spin + 1 + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + start + 5 + basic_adjustment + 1 + 2 + 1 + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + 10 + 1 + + 2 + 0 + + + + + + _Hexadecimal + 1 + hex_spin + 1 + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + start + 4 + hex_adjustment + + + 1 + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + 10 + 1 + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + _Time + 1 + time_spin + 1 + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + start + 5 + time_adjustment + + + 1 + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + 10 + 1 + + 2 + 2 + + + + + + _Month + 1 + month_spin + 1 + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + start + 9 + + + month_adjustment + 1 + if-valid + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + 10 + 1 + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinner.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinner.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d278587a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/spinner.c @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* Spinner + * + * GtkSpinner allows to show that background activity is on-going. + */ + +#include +#include + +static GtkWidget *spinner_sensitive = NULL; +static GtkWidget *spinner_unsensitive = NULL; + +static void +on_play_clicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (spinner_sensitive)); + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (spinner_unsensitive)); +} + +static void +on_stop_clicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (spinner_sensitive)); + gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (spinner_unsensitive)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_spinner (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *content_area; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *spinner; + + if (!window) + { +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + window = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Spinner", + GTK_WINDOW (do_widget), + 0, + _("_Close"), + GTK_RESPONSE_NONE, + NULL); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + + g_signal_connect (window, "response", + G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (window)); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 5); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (content_area), vbox); + + /* Sensitive */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5); + spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), spinner); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), gtk_entry_new ()); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + spinner_sensitive = spinner; + + /* Disabled */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5); + spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), spinner); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), gtk_entry_new ()); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + spinner_unsensitive = spinner; + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (hbox, FALSE); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Play")); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (on_play_clicked), spinner); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), button); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Stop")); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (on_stop_clicked), spinner); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), button); + + /* Start by default to test for: + * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598496 */ + on_play_clicked (NULL, NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f16e04e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Stack + * + * GtkStack is a container that shows a single child at a time, + * with nice transitions when the visible child changes. + * + * GtkStackSwitcher adds buttons to control which child is visible. + */ + +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_stack (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/stack/stack.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window1")); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93f64168 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/stack.ui @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ + + + + Stack + 0 + + + + + stack + center + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + crossfade + + + page1 + Page 1 + + + 20 + 20 + 100 + org.gtk.Demo4 + + + + + + + page2 + Page 2 + + + Page 2 + center + center + + + + + + + page3 + face-laugh-symbolic + + + center + center + 1 + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a0b3aa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.c @@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@ +#include "suggestionentry.h" + +struct _MatchObject +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GObject *item; + char *string; + guint match_start; + guint match_end; + guint score; +}; + +typedef struct +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +} MatchObjectClass; + +enum +{ + PROP_ITEM = 1, + PROP_STRING, + PROP_MATCH_START, + PROP_MATCH_END, + PROP_SCORE, + N_MATCH_PROPERTIES +}; + +static GParamSpec *match_properties[N_MATCH_PROPERTIES]; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (MatchObject, match_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +match_object_init (MatchObject *object) +{ +} + +static void +match_object_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + MatchObject *self = MATCH_OBJECT (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_ITEM: + g_value_set_object (value, self->item); + break; + + case PROP_STRING: + g_value_set_string (value, self->string); + break; + + case PROP_MATCH_START: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->match_start); + break; + + case PROP_MATCH_END: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->match_end); + break; + + case PROP_SCORE: + g_value_set_uint (value, self->score); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +match_object_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + MatchObject *self = MATCH_OBJECT (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_ITEM: + self->item = g_value_get_object (value); + break; + + case PROP_STRING: + self->string = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_MATCH_START: + if (self->match_start != g_value_get_uint (value)) + { + self->match_start = g_value_get_uint (value); + g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec); + } + break; + + case PROP_MATCH_END: + if (self->match_end != g_value_get_uint (value)) + { + self->match_end = g_value_get_uint (value); + g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec); + } + break; + + case PROP_SCORE: + if (self->score != g_value_get_uint (value)) + { + self->score = g_value_get_uint (value); + g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec); + } + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +match_object_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + MatchObject *self = MATCH_OBJECT (object); + + g_clear_object (&self->item); + g_clear_pointer (&self->string, g_free); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (match_object_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +match_object_class_init (MatchObjectClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = match_object_dispose; + object_class->get_property = match_object_get_property; + object_class->set_property = match_object_set_property; + + match_properties[PROP_ITEM] + = g_param_spec_object ("item", "Item", "Item", + G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | + G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | + G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + match_properties[PROP_STRING] + = g_param_spec_string ("string", "String", "String", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | + G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | + G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + match_properties[PROP_MATCH_START] + = g_param_spec_uint ("match-start", "Match Start", "Match Start", + 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | + G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | + G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + match_properties[PROP_MATCH_END] + = g_param_spec_uint ("match-end", "Match End", "Match End", + 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | + G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | + G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + match_properties[PROP_SCORE] + = g_param_spec_uint ("score", "Score", "Score", + 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | + G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | + G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, N_MATCH_PROPERTIES, match_properties); +} + +static MatchObject * +match_object_new (gpointer item, + const char *string) +{ + return g_object_new (MATCH_TYPE_OBJECT, + "item", item, + "string", string, + NULL); +} + +gpointer +match_object_get_item (MatchObject *object) +{ + return object->item; +} + +const char * +match_object_get_string (MatchObject *object) +{ + return object->string; +} + +guint +match_object_get_match_start (MatchObject *object) +{ + return object->match_start; +} + +guint +match_object_get_match_end (MatchObject *object) +{ + return object->match_end; +} + +guint +match_object_get_score (MatchObject *object) +{ + return object->score; +} + +void +match_object_set_match (MatchObject *object, + guint start, + guint end, + guint score) +{ + g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (object)); + + g_object_set (object, + "match-start", start, + "match-end", end, + "score", score, + NULL); + + g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (object)); +} + +/* ---- */ + +struct _SuggestionEntry +{ + GtkWidget parent_instance; + + GListModel *model; + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + GtkExpression *expression; + + GtkFilter *filter; + GtkMapListModel *map_model; + GtkSingleSelection *selection; + + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *arrow; + GtkWidget *popup; + GtkWidget *list; + + char *search; + + SuggestionEntryMatchFunc match_func; + gpointer match_data; + GDestroyNotify destroy; + + gulong changed_id; + + guint use_filter : 1; + guint show_arrow : 1; +}; + +typedef struct _SuggestionEntryClass SuggestionEntryClass; + +struct _SuggestionEntryClass +{ + GtkWidgetClass parent_class; +}; + +enum +{ + PROP_0, + PROP_MODEL, + PROP_FACTORY, + PROP_EXPRESSION, + PROP_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT, + PROP_POPUP_VISIBLE, + PROP_USE_FILTER, + PROP_SHOW_ARROW, + + N_PROPERTIES, +}; + +static void suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean visible); + +static GtkEditable * +suggestion_entry_get_delegate (GtkEditable *editable) +{ + return GTK_EDITABLE (SUGGESTION_ENTRY (editable)->entry); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_editable_init (GtkEditableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->get_delegate = suggestion_entry_get_delegate; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (SuggestionEntry, suggestion_entry, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_EDITABLE, + suggestion_entry_editable_init)) + +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, }; + +static void +suggestion_entry_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (object); + + if (self->changed_id) + { + g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->entry, self->changed_id); + self->changed_id = 0; + } + g_clear_pointer (&self->entry, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->arrow, gtk_widget_unparent); + g_clear_pointer (&self->popup, gtk_widget_unparent); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->expression, gtk_expression_unref); + g_clear_object (&self->factory); + + g_clear_object (&self->model); + g_clear_object (&self->map_model); + g_clear_object (&self->selection); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->search, g_free); + + if (self->destroy) + self->destroy (self->match_data); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (suggestion_entry_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (object); + + if (gtk_editable_delegate_get_property (object, property_id, value, pspec)) + return; + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_MODEL: + g_value_set_object (value, suggestion_entry_get_model (self)); + break; + + case PROP_FACTORY: + g_value_set_object (value, suggestion_entry_get_factory (self)); + break; + + case PROP_EXPRESSION: + gtk_value_set_expression (value, suggestion_entry_get_expression (self)); + break; + + case PROP_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT: + g_value_set_string (value, gtk_text_get_placeholder_text (GTK_TEXT (self->entry))); + break; + + case PROP_POPUP_VISIBLE: + g_value_set_boolean (value, self->popup && gtk_widget_get_visible (self->popup)); + break; + + case PROP_USE_FILTER: + g_value_set_boolean (value, suggestion_entry_get_use_filter (self)); + break; + + case PROP_SHOW_ARROW: + g_value_set_boolean (value, suggestion_entry_get_show_arrow (self)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (object); + + if (gtk_editable_delegate_set_property (object, property_id, value, pspec)) + return; + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_MODEL: + suggestion_entry_set_model (self, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + case PROP_FACTORY: + suggestion_entry_set_factory (self, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + case PROP_EXPRESSION: + suggestion_entry_set_expression (self, gtk_value_get_expression (value)); + break; + + case PROP_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT: + gtk_text_set_placeholder_text (GTK_TEXT (self->entry), g_value_get_string (value)); + break; + + case PROP_POPUP_VISIBLE: + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + case PROP_USE_FILTER: + suggestion_entry_set_use_filter (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + case PROP_SHOW_ARROW: + suggestion_entry_set_show_arrow (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_measure (GtkWidget *widget, + GtkOrientation orientation, + int for_size, + int *minimum, + int *natural, + int *minimum_baseline, + int *natural_baseline) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (widget); + int arrow_min = 0, arrow_nat = 0; + + gtk_widget_measure (self->entry, orientation, for_size, + minimum, natural, + minimum_baseline, natural_baseline); + + if (self->arrow && gtk_widget_get_visible (self->arrow)) + gtk_widget_measure (self->arrow, orientation, for_size, + &arrow_min, &arrow_nat, + NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + int baseline) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (widget); + int arrow_min = 0, arrow_nat = 0; + + if (self->arrow && gtk_widget_get_visible (self->arrow)) + gtk_widget_measure (self->arrow, GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, -1, + &arrow_min, &arrow_nat, + NULL, NULL); + + gtk_widget_size_allocate (self->entry, + &(GtkAllocation) { 0, 0, width - arrow_nat, height }, + baseline); + + if (self->arrow && gtk_widget_get_visible (self->arrow)) + gtk_widget_size_allocate (self->arrow, + &(GtkAllocation) { width - arrow_nat, 0, arrow_nat, height }, + baseline); + + gtk_widget_set_size_request (self->popup, gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (GTK_WIDGET (self)), -1); + gtk_widget_queue_resize (self->popup); + + gtk_popover_present (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup)); +} + +static gboolean +suggestion_entry_grab_focus (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (widget); + + return gtk_widget_grab_focus (self->entry); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_class_init (SuggestionEntryClass *klass) +{ + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->dispose = suggestion_entry_dispose; + object_class->get_property = suggestion_entry_get_property; + object_class->set_property = suggestion_entry_set_property; + + widget_class->measure = suggestion_entry_measure; + widget_class->size_allocate = suggestion_entry_size_allocate; + widget_class->grab_focus = suggestion_entry_grab_focus; + + properties[PROP_MODEL] = + g_param_spec_object ("model", + "Model", + "Model for the displayed items", + G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_FACTORY] = + g_param_spec_object ("factory", + "Factory", + "Factory for populating list items", + GTK_TYPE_LIST_ITEM_FACTORY, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_EXPRESSION] = + gtk_param_spec_expression ("expression", + "Expression", + "Expression to determine strings to search for", + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT] = + g_param_spec_string ("placeholder-text", + "Placeholder text", + "Show text in the entry when it’s empty and unfocused", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE); + + properties[PROP_POPUP_VISIBLE] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("popup-visible", + "Popup visible", + "Whether the popup with suggestions is currently visible", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_USE_FILTER] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("use-filter", + "Use filter", + "Whether to filter the list for matches", + TRUE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + properties[PROP_SHOW_ARROW] = + g_param_spec_boolean ("show-arrow", + "Show arrow", + "Whether to show a clickable arrow for presenting the popup", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, N_PROPERTIES, properties); + gtk_editable_install_properties (object_class, N_PROPERTIES); + + gtk_widget_class_install_property_action (widget_class, "popup.show", "popup-visible"); + + gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action (widget_class, + GDK_KEY_Down, GDK_ALT_MASK, + "popup.show", NULL); + + gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "entry"); +} + +static void +setup_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *label; + + label = gtk_label_new (NULL); + gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); + gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, label); +} + +static void +bind_item (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, + GtkListItem *list_item, + gpointer data) +{ + gpointer item; + GtkWidget *label; + GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; + + item = gtk_list_item_get_item (list_item); + label = gtk_list_item_get_child (list_item); + + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), match_object_get_string (MATCH_OBJECT (item))); + g_value_unset (&value); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean visible) +{ + if (gtk_widget_get_visible (self->popup) == visible) + return; + + if (g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self->selection)) == 0) + return; + + if (visible) + { + if (!gtk_widget_has_focus (self->entry)) + gtk_text_grab_focus_without_selecting (GTK_TEXT (self->entry)); + + gtk_single_selection_set_selected (self->selection, GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION); + gtk_popover_popup (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup)); + } + else + { + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup)); + } + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_POPUP_VISIBLE]); +} + +static void update_map (SuggestionEntry *self); + +static gboolean +text_changed_idle (gpointer data) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = data; + const char *text; + guint matches; + + if (!self->map_model) + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry)); + + g_free (self->search); + self->search = g_strdup (text); + + update_map (self); + + matches = g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self->selection)); + + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, matches > 0); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +text_changed (GtkEditable *editable, + GParamSpec *pspec, + SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + /* We need to defer to an idle since GtkText sets selection bounds + * after notify::text + */ + g_idle_add (text_changed_idle, self); +} + +static void +accept_current_selection (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + gpointer item; + + item = gtk_single_selection_get_selected_item (self->selection); + if (!item) + return; + + g_signal_handler_block (self->entry, self->changed_id); + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry), + match_object_get_string (MATCH_OBJECT (item))); + + gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry), -1); + + g_signal_handler_unblock (self->entry, self->changed_id); +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_row_activated (GtkListView *listview, + guint position, + SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, FALSE); + accept_current_selection (self); +} + +static inline gboolean +keyval_is_cursor_move (guint keyval) +{ + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Up || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Up) + return TRUE; + + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Down || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Down) + return TRUE; + + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Page_Up || keyval == GDK_KEY_Page_Down) + return TRUE; + + return FALSE; +} + +#define PAGE_STEP 10 + +static gboolean +suggestion_entry_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller, + guint keyval, + guint keycode, + GdkModifierType state, + SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + guint matches; + guint selected; + + if (state & (GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_ALT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) + return FALSE; + + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Return || + keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Enter || + keyval == GDK_KEY_ISO_Enter) + { + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, FALSE); + accept_current_selection (self); + g_free (self->search); + self->search = g_strdup (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry))); + update_map (self); + + return TRUE; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape) + { + if (gtk_widget_get_mapped (self->popup)) + { + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, FALSE); + + g_signal_handler_block (self->entry, self->changed_id); + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry), self->search ? self->search : ""); + + gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry), -1); + + g_signal_handler_unblock (self->entry, self->changed_id); + return TRUE; + } + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Right || + keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Right) + { + gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (self->entry), -1); + return TRUE; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Left || + keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Left) + { + return FALSE; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Tab || + keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Tab || + keyval == GDK_KEY_ISO_Left_Tab) + { + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, FALSE); + return FALSE; /* don't disrupt normal focus handling */ + } + + matches = g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self->selection)); + selected = gtk_single_selection_get_selected (self->selection); + + if (keyval_is_cursor_move (keyval)) + { + if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Up || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Up) + { + if (selected == 0) + selected = GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION; + else if (selected == GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + selected = matches - 1; + else + selected--; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Down || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Down) + { + if (selected == matches - 1) + selected = GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION; + else if (selected == GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + selected = 0; + else + selected++; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Page_Up) + { + if (selected == 0) + selected = GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION; + else if (selected == GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + selected = matches - 1; + else if (selected >= PAGE_STEP) + selected -= PAGE_STEP; + else + selected = 0; + } + else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Page_Down) + { + if (selected == matches - 1) + selected = GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION; + else if (selected == GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + selected = 0; + else if (selected + PAGE_STEP < matches) + selected += PAGE_STEP; + else + selected = matches - 1; + } + + gtk_single_selection_set_selected (self->selection, selected); + return TRUE; + } + + return FALSE; +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_focus_out (GtkEventController *controller, + SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + if (!gtk_widget_get_mapped (self->popup)) + return; + + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, FALSE); + accept_current_selection (self); +} + +static void +set_default_factory (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + GtkListItemFactory *factory; + + factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); + + g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_item), self); + g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_item), self); + + suggestion_entry_set_factory (self, factory); + + g_object_unref (factory); +} + +static void default_match_func (MatchObject *object, + const char *search, + gpointer data); + +static void +suggestion_entry_init (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkEventController *controller; + + if (!g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (gdk_display_get_default ()), "suggestion-style")) + { + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/dropdown/suggestionentry.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + 800); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (gdk_display_get_default ()), "suggestion-style", provider); + g_object_unref (provider); + } + + self->use_filter = TRUE; + self->show_arrow = FALSE; + + self->match_func = default_match_func; + self->match_data = NULL; + self->destroy = NULL; + + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (self), "suggestion"); + + self->entry = gtk_text_new (); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->entry, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (self->entry, TRUE); + gtk_editable_init_delegate (GTK_EDITABLE (self)); + self->changed_id = g_signal_connect (self->entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), self); + + self->popup = gtk_popover_new (); + gtk_popover_set_position (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup), GTK_POS_BOTTOM); + gtk_popover_set_autohide (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup), FALSE); + gtk_popover_set_has_arrow (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup), FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_halign (self->popup, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (self->popup, "menu"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->popup, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_max_content_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), 400); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_propagate_natural_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + + gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (self->popup), sw); + self->list = gtk_list_view_new (NULL, NULL); + gtk_list_view_set_single_click_activate (GTK_LIST_VIEW (self->list), TRUE); + g_signal_connect (self->list, "activate", + G_CALLBACK (suggestion_entry_row_activated), self); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), self->list); + + set_default_factory (self); + + controller = gtk_event_controller_key_new (); + gtk_event_controller_set_name (controller, "gtk-suggestion-entry"); + g_signal_connect (controller, "key-pressed", + G_CALLBACK (suggestion_entry_key_pressed), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (self->entry, controller); + + controller = gtk_event_controller_focus_new (); + gtk_event_controller_set_name (controller, "gtk-suggestion-entry"); + g_signal_connect (controller, "leave", + G_CALLBACK (suggestion_entry_focus_out), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (self->entry, controller); +} + +GtkWidget * +suggestion_entry_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (SUGGESTION_TYPE_ENTRY, NULL); +} + +GListModel * +suggestion_entry_get_model (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self), NULL); + + return self->model; +} + +static void +selection_changed (GtkSingleSelection *selection, + GParamSpec *pspec, + SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + accept_current_selection (self); +} + +static gboolean +filter_func (gpointer item, gpointer user_data) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (user_data); + guint min_score; + + if (self->use_filter) + min_score = 1; + else + min_score = 0; + + return match_object_get_score (MATCH_OBJECT (item)) >= min_score; +} + +static void +default_match_func (MatchObject *object, + const char *search, + gpointer data) +{ + char *tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3, *tmp4; + + tmp1 = g_utf8_normalize (match_object_get_string (object), -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); + tmp2 = g_utf8_casefold (tmp1, -1); + + tmp3 = g_utf8_normalize (search, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL); + tmp4 = g_utf8_casefold (tmp3, -1); + + if (g_str_has_prefix (tmp2, tmp4)) + match_object_set_match (object, 0, g_utf8_strlen (search, -1), 1); + else + match_object_set_match (object, 0, 0, 0); + + g_free (tmp1); + g_free (tmp2); + g_free (tmp3); + g_free (tmp4); +} + +static gpointer +map_func (gpointer item, gpointer user_data) +{ + SuggestionEntry *self = SUGGESTION_ENTRY (user_data); + GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; + gpointer obj; + + if (self->expression) + { + gtk_expression_evaluate (self->expression, item, &value); + } + else if (GTK_IS_STRING_OBJECT (item)) + { + g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (item), "string", &value); + } + else + { + g_critical ("Either SuggestionEntry:expression must be set " + "or SuggestionEntry:model must be a GtkStringList"); + g_value_set_string (&value, "No value"); + } + + obj = match_object_new (item, g_value_get_string (&value)); + + g_value_unset (&value); + + if (self->search && self->search[0]) + self->match_func (obj, self->search, self->match_data); + else + match_object_set_match (obj, 0, 0, 1); + + return obj; +} + +static void +update_map (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + gtk_map_list_model_set_map_func (self->map_model, map_func, self, NULL); +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_model (SuggestionEntry *self, + GListModel *model) +{ + g_return_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self)); + g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_LIST_MODEL (model)); + + if (!g_set_object (&self->model, model)) + return; + + if (self->selection) + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->selection, selection_changed, self); + + if (model == NULL) + { + gtk_list_view_set_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (self->list), NULL); + g_clear_object (&self->selection); + g_clear_object (&self->map_model); + g_clear_object (&self->filter); + } + else + { + GtkMapListModel *map_model; + GtkFilterListModel *filter_model; + GtkFilter *filter; + GtkSortListModel *sort_model; + GtkSingleSelection *selection; + GtkSorter *sorter; + + map_model = gtk_map_list_model_new (g_object_ref (model), NULL, NULL, NULL); + g_set_object (&self->map_model, map_model); + + update_map (self); + + filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_custom_filter_new (filter_func, self, NULL)); + filter_model = gtk_filter_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (self->map_model), filter); + g_set_object (&self->filter, filter); + + sorter = GTK_SORTER (gtk_numeric_sorter_new (gtk_property_expression_new (MATCH_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL, "score"))); + gtk_numeric_sorter_set_sort_order (GTK_NUMERIC_SORTER (sorter), GTK_SORT_DESCENDING); + sort_model = gtk_sort_list_model_new (G_LIST_MODEL (filter_model), sorter); + + update_map (self); + + selection = gtk_single_selection_new (G_LIST_MODEL (sort_model)); + gtk_single_selection_set_autoselect (selection, FALSE); + gtk_single_selection_set_can_unselect (selection, TRUE); + gtk_single_selection_set_selected (selection, GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION); + g_set_object (&self->selection, selection); + gtk_list_view_set_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (self->list), GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (selection)); + g_object_unref (selection); + } + + if (self->selection) + { + g_signal_connect (self->selection, "notify::selected", + G_CALLBACK (selection_changed), self); + selection_changed (self->selection, NULL, self); + } + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_MODEL]); +} + +GtkListItemFactory * +suggestion_entry_get_factory (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self), NULL); + + return self->factory; +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_factory (SuggestionEntry *self, + GtkListItemFactory *factory) +{ + g_return_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self)); + g_return_if_fail (factory == NULL || GTK_LIST_ITEM_FACTORY (factory)); + + if (!g_set_object (&self->factory, factory)) + return; + + if (self->list) + gtk_list_view_set_factory (GTK_LIST_VIEW (self->list), factory); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_FACTORY]); +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_expression (SuggestionEntry *self, + GtkExpression *expression) +{ + g_return_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self)); + g_return_if_fail (expression == NULL || + gtk_expression_get_value_type (expression) == G_TYPE_STRING); + + if (self->expression == expression) + return; + + if (self->expression) + gtk_expression_unref (self->expression); + + self->expression = expression; + + if (self->expression) + gtk_expression_ref (self->expression); + + update_map (self); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_EXPRESSION]); +} + +GtkExpression * +suggestion_entry_get_expression (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self), NULL); + + return self->expression; +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_use_filter (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean use_filter) +{ + g_return_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self)); + + if (self->use_filter == use_filter) + return; + + self->use_filter = use_filter; + + gtk_filter_changed (self->filter, GTK_FILTER_CHANGE_DIFFERENT); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_USE_FILTER]); +} + +gboolean +suggestion_entry_get_use_filter (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self), TRUE); + + return self->use_filter; +} + +static void +suggestion_entry_arrow_clicked (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + gboolean visible; + + visible = gtk_widget_get_visible (self->popup); + suggestion_entry_set_popup_visible (self, !visible); +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_show_arrow (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean show_arrow) +{ + g_return_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self)); + + if (self->show_arrow == show_arrow) + return; + + self->show_arrow = show_arrow; + + if (show_arrow) + { + GtkGesture *press; + + self->arrow = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("pan-down-symbolic"); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (self->arrow, "Show suggestions"); + gtk_widget_set_parent (self->arrow, GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + press = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + g_signal_connect_swapped (press, "released", + G_CALLBACK (suggestion_entry_arrow_clicked), self); + gtk_widget_add_controller (self->arrow, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (press)); + + } + else + { + g_clear_pointer (&self->arrow, gtk_widget_unparent); + } + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_SHOW_ARROW]); +} + +gboolean +suggestion_entry_get_show_arrow (SuggestionEntry *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY (self), FALSE); + + return self->show_arrow; +} + +void +suggestion_entry_set_match_func (SuggestionEntry *self, + SuggestionEntryMatchFunc match_func, + gpointer user_data, + GDestroyNotify destroy) +{ + if (self->destroy) + self->destroy (self->match_data); + self->match_func = match_func; + self->match_data = user_data; + self->destroy = destroy; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a698455a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.css @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +entry.suggestion > popover.menu.background > contents { + padding: 0; +} + +entry.suggestion arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; +} + +entry.suggestion > popover { + margin-top: 6px; + padding: 0; +} + +entry.suggestion > popover listview { + margin: 8px 0; +} + +entry.suggestion > popover listview > row { + padding: 8px; +} + +entry.suggestion > popover listview > row:selected { + outline-color: rgba(1,1,1,0.2); + color: @theme_text_color; + background-color: shade(#f6f5f4, 0.97); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ede791c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/suggestionentry.h @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + + +#define MATCH_TYPE_OBJECT (match_object_get_type ()) +#define MATCH_OBJECT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), MATCH_TYPE_OBJECT, MatchObject)) +#define MATCH_IS_OBJECT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), MATCH_TYPE_OBJECT)) + +typedef struct _MatchObject MatchObject; + +GType match_object_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +gpointer match_object_get_item (MatchObject *object); +const char * match_object_get_string (MatchObject *object); +guint match_object_get_match_start (MatchObject *object); +guint match_object_get_match_end (MatchObject *object); +guint match_object_get_score (MatchObject *object); +void match_object_set_match (MatchObject *object, + guint start, + guint end, + guint score); + +#define SUGGESTION_TYPE_ENTRY (suggestion_entry_get_type ()) +#define SUGGESTION_ENTRY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), SUGGESTION_TYPE_ENTRY, SuggestionEntry)) +#define SUGGESTION_IS_ENTRY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), SUGGESTION_TYPE_ENTRY)) + +typedef struct _SuggestionEntry SuggestionEntry; + +GType suggestion_entry_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +GtkWidget* suggestion_entry_new (void); + +void suggestion_entry_set_model (SuggestionEntry *self, + GListModel *model); +GListModel * suggestion_entry_get_model (SuggestionEntry *self); + +void suggestion_entry_set_factory (SuggestionEntry *self, + GtkListItemFactory *factory); +GtkListItemFactory * + suggestion_entry_get_factory (SuggestionEntry *self); + +void suggestion_entry_set_use_filter (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean use_ilter); +gboolean suggestion_entry_get_use_filter (SuggestionEntry *self); + +void suggestion_entry_set_expression (SuggestionEntry *self, + GtkExpression *expression); +GtkExpression * suggestion_entry_get_expression (SuggestionEntry *self); + +void suggestion_entry_set_show_arrow (SuggestionEntry *self, + gboolean show_arrow); +gboolean suggestion_entry_get_show_arrow (SuggestionEntry *self); + +typedef void (* SuggestionEntryMatchFunc) (MatchObject *object, + const char *search, + gpointer user_data); + +void suggestion_entry_set_match_func (SuggestionEntry *self, + SuggestionEntryMatchFunc func, + gpointer user_data, + GDestroyNotify destroy); + +G_END_DECLS diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2779ac63 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.c @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +#include "svgpaintable.h" + +#include +#include + +struct _SvgPaintable +{ + GObject parent_instance; + GFile *file; + RsvgHandle *handle; +}; + +struct _SvgPaintableClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_FILE = 1, + NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +static void +svg_paintable_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (paintable); + cairo_t *cr; + GError *error = NULL; + + cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo (GTK_SNAPSHOT (snapshot), + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + if (!rsvg_handle_render_document (self->handle, cr, + &(RsvgRectangle) {0, 0, width, height}, + &error)) + { + g_error ("%s", error->message); + } + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +static int +svg_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (paintable); + double width; + + if (!rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_size_in_pixels (self->handle, &width, NULL)) + return 0; + + return ceil (width); +} + +static int +svg_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (paintable); + double height; + + if (!rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_size_in_pixels (self->handle, NULL, &height)) + return 0; + + return ceil (height); +} + +static void +svg_paintable_init_interface (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = svg_paintable_snapshot; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = svg_paintable_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = svg_paintable_get_intrinsic_height; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (SvgPaintable, svg_paintable, G_TYPE_OBJECT, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + svg_paintable_init_interface)) + +static void +svg_paintable_init (SvgPaintable *self) +{ +} + +static void +svg_paintable_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (object); + + g_clear_object (&self->file); + g_clear_object (&self->handle); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (svg_paintable_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +svg_paintable_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_FILE: + { + GFile *file = g_value_get_object (value); + RsvgHandle *handle = rsvg_handle_new_from_gfile_sync (file, + RSVG_HANDLE_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + NULL); + rsvg_handle_set_dpi (handle, 90); + + g_set_object (&self->file, file); + g_set_object (&self->handle, handle); + } + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +svg_paintable_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + SvgPaintable *self = SVG_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_FILE: + g_value_set_object (value, self->file); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + + +static void +svg_paintable_class_init (SvgPaintableClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = svg_paintable_dispose; + object_class->set_property = svg_paintable_set_property; + object_class->get_property = svg_paintable_get_property; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_FILE, + g_param_spec_object ("file", "File", "File", + G_TYPE_FILE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE)); +} + +GdkPaintable * +svg_paintable_new (GFile *file) +{ + return g_object_new (SVG_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + "file", file, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6015e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/svgpaintable.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define SVG_TYPE_PAINTABLE (svg_paintable_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SvgPaintable, svg_paintable, SVG, PAINTABLE, GObject) + +GdkPaintable * svg_paintable_new (GFile *file); + +G_END_DECLS diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sw_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sw_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1963383a Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/sw_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tabs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tabs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96c2300a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tabs.c @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* Text View/Tabs + * + * GtkTextView can position text at fixed positions, using tabs. + * Tabs can specify alignment, and also allow aligning numbers + * on the decimal point. + * + * The example here has three tabs, with left, numeric and right + * alignment. + */ + +#include +#include + +GtkWidget * +do_tabs (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *view; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + PangoTabArray *tabs; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Tabs"); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 330, 130); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_top_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + + tabs = pango_tab_array_new (3, TRUE); + pango_tab_array_set_tab (tabs, 0, PANGO_TAB_LEFT, 0); + pango_tab_array_set_tab (tabs, 1, PANGO_TAB_DECIMAL, 150); + pango_tab_array_set_decimal_point (tabs, 1, '.'); + pango_tab_array_set_tab (tabs, 2, PANGO_TAB_RIGHT, 290); + gtk_text_view_set_tabs (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), tabs); + pango_tab_array_free (tabs); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "one\t2.0\tthree\nfour\t5.555\tsix\nseven\t88.88\tnine", -1); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagged_entry.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagged_entry.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b600883 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagged_entry.c @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* Entry/Tagged Entry + * + * This example shows how to build a complex composite + * entry using GtkText, outside of GTK. + * + * This tagged entry can display tags and other widgets + * inside the entry area. + */ + +#include +#include +#include "demotaggedentry.h" + +static GtkWidget *spinner = NULL; + +static void +closed_cb (DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag, DemoTaggedEntry *entry) +{ + demo_tagged_entry_remove_tag (entry, GTK_WIDGET (tag)); +} + +static void +add_tag (GtkButton *button, DemoTaggedEntry *entry) +{ + DemoTaggedEntryTag *tag; + + tag = demo_tagged_entry_tag_new ("Blue"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (tag), "blue"); + demo_tagged_entry_tag_set_has_close_button (tag, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (tag, "button-clicked", G_CALLBACK (closed_cb), entry); + + if (spinner == NULL) + demo_tagged_entry_add_tag (entry, GTK_WIDGET (tag)); + else + demo_tagged_entry_insert_tag_after (entry, GTK_WIDGET (tag), gtk_widget_get_prev_sibling (spinner)); +} + +static void +toggle_spinner (GtkCheckButton *button, DemoTaggedEntry *entry) +{ + if (spinner) + { + demo_tagged_entry_remove_tag (entry, spinner); + spinner = NULL; + } + else + { + spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (spinner)); + demo_tagged_entry_add_tag (entry, spinner); + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_tagged_entry (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *box2; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *button; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Tagged Entry"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 260, -1); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 18); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 18); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box); + + entry = demo_tagged_entry_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + box2 = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_halign (box2, GTK_ALIGN_END); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), box2); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Add _Tag"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (add_tag), entry); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), button); + + button = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Spinner"); + g_signal_connect (button, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (toggle_spinner), entry); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box2), button); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagstyle.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagstyle.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d1eacb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tagstyle.css @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +tag { + margin: 4px 0px; + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; + background: lightskyblue; +} +tag box { + border-spacing: 4px; +} +tag label, +tag image { + color: white; +} +tag button { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; + padding: 0; + border: 1px solid white; +} + +entry.tagged { + border-spacing: 4px; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/text_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/text_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53cec46b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/text_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textmask.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textmask.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5369c2df --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textmask.c @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* Pango/Text Mask + * + * This demo shows how to use PangoCairo to draw text with more than + * just a single color. + */ + +#include +#include + +static void +draw_text (GtkDrawingArea *da, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + cairo_pattern_t *pattern; + PangoLayout *layout; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + cairo_save (cr); + + layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (da), "Pango power!\nPango power!\nPango power!"); + desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("sans bold 34"); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + + cairo_move_to (cr, 30, 20); + pango_cairo_layout_path (cr, layout); + g_object_unref (layout); + + pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0, 0.0, width, height); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (pattern, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); + + cairo_set_source (cr, pattern); + cairo_fill_preserve (cr); + + cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.5); + cairo_stroke (cr); + + cairo_restore (cr); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_textmask (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + static GtkWidget *da; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (window, 400, 240); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Text Mask"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + da = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), da); + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), draw_text, NULL, NULL); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textscroll.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textscroll.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7da926df --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textscroll.c @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +/* Text View/Automatic Scrolling + * #Keywords: GtkTextView, GtkScrolledWindow + * + * This example demonstrates how to use the gravity of + * GtkTextMarks to keep a text view scrolled to the bottom + * while appending text. + */ + +#include + +/* Scroll to the end of the buffer. + */ +static gboolean +scroll_to_end (GtkTextView *textview) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextMark *mark; + char *spaces; + char *text; + static int count; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (textview); + + /* Get "end" mark. It's located at the end of buffer because + * of right gravity + */ + mark = gtk_text_buffer_get_mark (buffer, "end"); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &iter, mark); + + /* and insert some text at its position, the iter will be + * revalidated after insertion to point to the end of inserted text + */ + spaces = g_strnfill (count++, ' '); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, spaces, -1); + text = g_strdup_printf ("Scroll to end scroll to end scroll " + "to end scroll to end %d", count); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, text, -1); + g_free (spaces); + g_free (text); + + /* Now scroll the end mark onscreen. + */ + gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen (textview, mark); + + /* Emulate typewriter behavior, shift to the left if we + * are far enough to the right. + */ + if (count > 150) + count = 0; + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +/* Scroll to the bottom of the buffer. + */ +static gboolean +scroll_to_bottom (GtkTextView *textview) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextMark *mark; + char *spaces; + char *text; + static int count; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (textview); + + /* Get end iterator */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &iter); + + /* and insert some text at it, the iter will be revalidated + * after insertion to point to the end of inserted text + */ + spaces = g_strnfill (count++, ' '); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, spaces, -1); + text = g_strdup_printf ("Scroll to bottom scroll to bottom scroll " + "to bottom scroll to bottom %d", count); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, text, -1); + g_free (spaces); + g_free (text); + + /* Move the iterator to the beginning of line, so we don't scroll + * in horizontal direction + */ + gtk_text_iter_set_line_offset (&iter, 0); + + /* and place the mark at iter. the mark will stay there after we + * insert some text at the end because it has left gravity. + */ + mark = gtk_text_buffer_get_mark (buffer, "scroll"); + gtk_text_buffer_move_mark (buffer, mark, &iter); + + /* Scroll the mark onscreen. + */ + gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen (textview, mark); + + /* Shift text back if we got enough to the right. + */ + if (count > 40) + count = 0; + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static guint +setup_scroll (GtkTextView *textview, + gboolean to_end) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (textview); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &iter); + + if (to_end) + { + /* If we want to scroll to the end, including horizontal scrolling, + * then we just create a mark with right gravity at the end of the + * buffer. It will stay at the end unless explicitly moved with + * gtk_text_buffer_move_mark. + */ + gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "end", &iter, FALSE); + + /* Add scrolling timeout. */ + return g_timeout_add (50, (GSourceFunc) scroll_to_end, textview); + } + else + { + /* If we want to scroll to the bottom, but not scroll horizontally, + * then an end mark won't do the job. Just create a mark so we can + * use it with gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen, we'll position it + * explicitly when needed. Use left gravity so the mark stays where + * we put it after inserting new text. + */ + gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "scroll", &iter, TRUE); + + /* Add scrolling timeout. */ + return g_timeout_add (100, (GSourceFunc) scroll_to_bottom, textview); + } +} + +static void +remove_timeout (GtkWidget *window, + gpointer timeout) +{ + g_source_remove (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (timeout)); +} + +static void +create_text_view (GtkWidget *hbox, + gboolean to_end) +{ + GtkWidget *swindow; + GtkWidget *textview; + guint timeout; + + swindow = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), swindow); + textview = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (swindow), textview); + + timeout = setup_scroll (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview), to_end); + + /* Remove the timeout in destroy handler, so we don't try to + * scroll destroyed widget. + */ + g_signal_connect (textview, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (remove_timeout), + GUINT_TO_POINTER (timeout)); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_textscroll (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *hbox; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Automatic Scrolling"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (hbox), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), hbox); + + create_text_view (hbox, TRUE); + create_text_view (hbox, FALSE); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textundo.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textundo.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dedbf38b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textundo.c @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* Text View/Undo and Redo + * + * The GtkTextView supports undo and redo through the use of a + * GtkTextBuffer. You can enable or disable undo support using + * gtk_text_buffer_set_enable_undo(). + * + * Use Control+z to undo and Control+Shift+z or Control+y to + * redo previously undone operations. + */ + +#include +#include /* for exit() */ + +GtkWidget * +do_textundo (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *view; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter iter; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 330, 330); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Undo and Redo"); + + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), GTK_WRAP_WORD); + gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 10); + gtk_text_view_set_left_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_right_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_top_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), 20); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_enable_undo (buffer, TRUE); + + /* this text cannot be undone */ + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "The GtkTextView supports undo and redo through the use of a " + "GtkTextBuffer. You can enable or disable undo support using " + "gtk_text_buffer_set_enable_undo().\n" + "Type to add more text.\n" + "Use Control+z to undo and Control+Shift+z or Control+y to " + "redo previously undone operations.", + -1); + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + } + else + { + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + window = NULL; + } + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textview.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textview.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..287a4454 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/textview.c @@ -0,0 +1,610 @@ +/* Text View/Multiple Views + * + * The GtkTextView widget displays a GtkTextBuffer. One GtkTextBuffer + * can be displayed by multiple GtkTextViews. This demo has two views + * displaying a single buffer, and shows off the widget's text + * formatting features. + * + */ + +#include +#include /* for exit() */ +#include "paintable.h" + + +static void easter_egg_callback (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data); + +static void +create_tags (GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + /* Create a bunch of tags. Note that it's also possible to + * create tags with gtk_text_tag_new() then add them to the + * tag table for the buffer, gtk_text_buffer_create_tag() is + * just a convenience function. Also note that you don't have + * to give tags a name; pass NULL for the name to create an + * anonymous tag. + * + * In any real app, another useful optimization would be to create + * a GtkTextTagTable in advance, and reuse the same tag table for + * all the buffers with the same tag set, instead of creating + * new copies of the same tags for every buffer. + * + * Tags are assigned default priorities in order of addition to the + * tag table. That is, tags created later that affect the same text + * property affected by an earlier tag will override the earlier + * tag. You can modify tag priorities with + * gtk_text_tag_set_priority(). + */ + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "heading", + "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, + "size", 15 * PANGO_SCALE, + NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "italic", + "style", PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "bold", + "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "big", + /* points times the PANGO_SCALE factor */ + "size", 20 * PANGO_SCALE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "xx-small", + "scale", PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "x-large", + "scale", PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "monospace", + "family", "monospace", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "blue_foreground", + "foreground", "blue", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "red_background", + "background", "red", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "big_gap_before_line", + "pixels_above_lines", 30, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "big_gap_after_line", + "pixels_below_lines", 30, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "double_spaced_line", + "pixels_inside_wrap", 10, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "not_editable", + "editable", FALSE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "word_wrap", + "wrap_mode", GTK_WRAP_WORD, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "char_wrap", + "wrap_mode", GTK_WRAP_CHAR, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "no_wrap", + "wrap_mode", GTK_WRAP_NONE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "center", + "justification", GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "right_justify", + "justification", GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "wide_margins", + "left_margin", 50, "right_margin", 50, + NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "strikethrough", + "strikethrough", TRUE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "underline", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "double_underline", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "superscript", + "rise", 10 * PANGO_SCALE, /* 10 pixels */ + "size", 8 * PANGO_SCALE, /* 8 points */ + NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "subscript", + "rise", -10 * PANGO_SCALE, /* 10 pixels */ + "size", 8 * PANGO_SCALE, /* 8 points */ + NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, "rtl_quote", + "wrap_mode", GTK_WRAP_WORD, + "direction", GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL, + "indent", 30, + "left_margin", 20, + "right_margin", 20, + NULL); +} + +static void +insert_text (GtkTextView *view) +{ + GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (view); + GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (view); + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextIter start, end; + GtkIconTheme *icon_theme; + GtkIconPaintable *icon; + GdkPaintable *nuclear; + + icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget)); + icon = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, + "drive-harddisk", + NULL, + 32, 1, + gtk_widget_get_direction (widget), + 0); + nuclear = gtk_nuclear_animation_new (TRUE); + + /* get start of buffer; each insertion will revalidate the + * iterator to point to just after the inserted text. + */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &iter, 0); + + gtk_text_buffer_begin_irreversible_action (buffer); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "The text widget can display text with all kinds of nifty attributes. " + "It also supports multiple views of the same buffer; this demo is " + "showing the same buffer in two places.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Font styles. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "For example, you can have ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "italic", -1, + "italic", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "bold", -1, + "bold", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", or ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "monospace (typewriter)", -1, + "monospace", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", or ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "big", -1, + "big", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " text. ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "It's best not to hardcode specific text sizes; you can use relative " + "sizes as with CSS, such as ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "xx-small", -1, + "xx-small", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " or ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "x-large", -1, + "x-large", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + " to ensure that your program properly adapts if the user changes the " + "default font size.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, "Colors. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "Colors such as ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "a blue foreground", -1, + "blue_foreground", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " or ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "a red background", -1, + "red_background", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " or even ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "a blue foreground on red background", -1, + "blue_foreground", + "red_background", + NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " (select that to read it) can be used.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Underline, strikethrough, and rise. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Strikethrough", -1, + "strikethrough", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "underline", -1, + "underline", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "double underline", -1, + "double_underline", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "superscript", -1, + "superscript", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ", and ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "subscript", -1, + "subscript", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " are all supported.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, "Images. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "The buffer can have images in it: ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_paintable (buffer, &iter, GDK_PAINTABLE (icon)); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_paintable (buffer, &iter, nuclear); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " for example.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, "Spacing. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "You can adjust the amount of space before each line.\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "This line has a whole lot of space before it.\n", -1, + "big_gap_before_line", "wide_margins", NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "You can also adjust the amount of space after each line; " + "this line has a whole lot of space after it.\n", -1, + "big_gap_after_line", "wide_margins", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "You can also adjust the amount of space between wrapped lines; " + "this line has extra space between each wrapped line in the same " + "paragraph. To show off wrapping, some filler text: the quick " + "brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Blah blah blah blah blah " + "blah blah blah blah.\n", -1, + "double_spaced_line", "wide_margins", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "Also note that those lines have extra-wide margins.\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Editability. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "This line is 'locked down' and can't be edited by the user - just " + "try it! You can't delete this line.\n\n", -1, + "not_editable", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Wrapping. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "This line (and most of the others in this buffer) is word-wrapped, " + "using the proper Unicode algorithm. Word wrap should work in all " + "scripts and languages that GTK supports. Let's make this a long " + "paragraph to demonstrate: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah " + "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah\n\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "This line has character-based wrapping, and can wrap between any two " + "character glyphs. Let's make this a long paragraph to demonstrate: " + "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah " + "blah blah blah blah blah\n\n", -1, "char_wrap", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "This line has all wrapping turned off, so it makes the horizontal " + "scrollbar appear.\n\n\n", -1, "no_wrap", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Justification. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "\nThis line has center justification.\n", -1, + "center", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "This line has right justification.\n", -1, + "right_justify", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "\nThis line has big wide margins. Text text text text text text text " + "text text text text text text text text text text text text text text " + "text text text text text text text text text text text text text text " + "text.\n", -1, "wide_margins", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "Internationalization. ", -1, + "heading", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "You can put all sorts of Unicode text in the buffer.\n\nGerman " + "(Deutsch S\303\274d) Gr\303\274\303\237 Gott\nGreek " + "(\316\225\316\273\316\273\316\267\316\275\316\271\316\272\316\254) " + "\316\223\316\265\316\271\316\254 \317\203\316\261\317\202\nHebrew " + "\327\251\327\234\327\225\327\235\nJapanese " + "(\346\227\245\346\234\254\350\252\236)\n\nThe widget properly handles " + "bidirectional text, word wrapping, DOS/UNIX/Unicode paragraph separators, " + "grapheme boundaries, and so on using the Pango internationalization " + "framework.\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "Here's a word-wrapped quote in a right-to-left language:\n", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, + "\331\210\331\202\330\257 \330\250\330\257\330\243 " + "\330\253\331\204\330\247\330\253 \331\205\331\206 " + "\330\243\331\203\330\253\330\261 \330\247\331\204\331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 " + "\330\252\331\202\330\257\331\205\330\247 \331\201\331\212 " + "\330\264\330\250\331\203\330\251 \330\247\331\203\330\263\331\212\331\210\331\206 " + "\330\250\330\261\330\247\331\205\330\254\331\207\330\247 " + "\331\203\331\205\331\206\330\270\331\205\330\247\330\252 " + "\331\204\330\247 \330\252\330\263\330\271\331\211 \331\204\331\204\330\261\330\250\330\255\330\214 " + "\330\253\331\205 \330\252\330\255\331\210\331\204\330\252 " + "\331\201\331\212 \330\247\331\204\330\263\331\206\331\210\330\247\330\252 " + "\330\247\331\204\330\256\331\205\330\263 \330\247\331\204\331\205\330\247\330\266\331\212\330\251 " + "\330\245\331\204\331\211 \331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 " + "\331\205\330\247\331\204\331\212\330\251 \331\205\331\206\330\270\331\205\330\251\330\214 " + "\331\210\330\250\330\247\330\252\330\252 \330\254\330\262\330\241\330\247 " + "\331\205\331\206 \330\247\331\204\331\206\330\270\330\247\331\205 " + "\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\247\331\204\331\212 \331\201\331\212 " + "\330\250\331\204\330\257\330\247\331\206\331\207\330\247\330\214 " + "\331\210\331\204\331\203\331\206\331\207\330\247 \330\252\330\252\330\256\330\265\330\265 " + "\331\201\331\212 \330\256\330\257\331\205\330\251 \331\202\330\267\330\247\330\271 " + "\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\264\330\261\331\210\330\271\330\247\330\252 " + "\330\247\331\204\330\265\330\272\331\212\330\261\330\251. \331\210\330\243\330\255\330\257 " + "\330\243\331\203\330\253\330\261 \331\207\330\260\331\207 " + "\330\247\331\204\331\205\330\244\330\263\330\263\330\247\330\252 " + "\331\206\330\254\330\247\330\255\330\247 \331\207\331\210 " + "\302\273\330\250\330\247\331\206\331\203\331\210\330\263\331\210\331\204\302\253 " + "\331\201\331\212 \330\250\331\210\331\204\331\212\331\201\331\212\330\247.\n\n", -1, + "rtl_quote", NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "You can put widgets in the buffer: Here's a button: ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " and a menu: ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " and a scale: ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, " finally a text entry: ", -1); + gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, ".\n", -1); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "\n\nThis demo doesn't demonstrate all the GtkTextBuffer features; " + "it leaves out, for example: invisible/hidden text, tab stops, " + "application-drawn areas on the sides of the widget for displaying " + "breakpoints and such...", -1); + + /* Apply word_wrap tag to whole buffer */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (buffer, "word_wrap", &start, &end); + + gtk_text_buffer_end_irreversible_action (buffer); + + g_object_unref (icon); + g_object_unref (nuclear); +} + +static gboolean +find_anchor (GtkTextIter *iter) +{ + while (gtk_text_iter_forward_char (iter)) + { + if (gtk_text_iter_get_child_anchor (iter)) + return TRUE; + } + return FALSE; +} + +static void +attach_widgets (GtkTextView *text_view) +{ + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + int i; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + + i = 0; + while (find_anchor (&iter)) + { + GtkTextChildAnchor *anchor; + GtkWidget *widget; + + anchor = gtk_text_iter_get_child_anchor (&iter); + + if (i == 0) + { + widget = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Click Me"); + + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (easter_egg_callback), + NULL); + } + else if (i == 1) + { + const char *options[] = { + "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", NULL + }; + + widget = gtk_drop_down_new_from_strings (options); + } + else if (i == 2) + { + widget = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, NULL); + gtk_range_set_range (GTK_RANGE (widget), 0, 100); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (widget, 100, -1); + } + else if (i == 3) + { + widget = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_editable_set_width_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (widget), 10); + } + else + { + widget = NULL; /* avoids a compiler warning */ + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (text_view, + widget, + anchor); + + ++i; + } +} + +GtkWidget * +do_textview (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *vpaned; + GtkWidget *view1; + GtkWidget *view2; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 450, 450); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Multiple Views"); + + vpaned = gtk_paned_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vpaned); + + /* For convenience, we just use the autocreated buffer from + * the first text view; you could also create the buffer + * by itself with gtk_text_buffer_new(), then later create + * a view widget. + */ + view1 = gtk_text_view_new (); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view1)); + view2 = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_paned_set_start_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), sw); + gtk_paned_set_resize_start_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), FALSE); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_start_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), TRUE); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view1); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_paned_set_end_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), sw); + gtk_paned_set_resize_end_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), TRUE); + gtk_paned_set_shrink_end_child (GTK_PANED (vpaned), TRUE); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view2); + + create_tags (buffer); + insert_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view1)); + + attach_widgets (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view1)); + attach_widgets (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view2)); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + } + else + { + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + window = NULL; + } + + return window; +} + +static void +recursive_attach_view (int depth, + GtkTextView *view, + GtkTextChildAnchor *anchor) +{ + GtkWidget *child_view, *frame; + + if (depth > 4) + return; + + child_view = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (view)); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (child_view, 260 - 20 * depth, -1); + + /* Frame is to add a black border around each child view */ + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (frame), child_view); + + gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor (view, frame, anchor); + + recursive_attach_view (depth + 1, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (child_view), anchor); +} + +static void +easter_egg_callback (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer data) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + gpointer window_ptr; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextChildAnchor *anchor; + GtkWidget *sw; + + if (window) + { + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + return; + } + + buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); + + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "This buffer is shared by a set of nested text views.\n Nested view:\n", -1); + anchor = gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor (buffer, &iter); + gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, + "\nDon't do this in real applications, please.\n", -1); + + view = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer); + + recursive_attach_view (0, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), anchor); + + g_object_unref (buffer); + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (button))); + gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), view); + + window_ptr = &window; + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), window_ptr); + + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 300, 400); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7a2e5d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.c @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/* Benchmark/Themes + * + * This demo continuously switches themes, like some of you. + * + * Warning: This demo involves rapidly flashing changes and may + * be hazardous to photosensitive viewers. + */ + +#include + +static guint tick_cb; + +typedef struct { + const char *name; + gboolean dark; +} Theme; + +static Theme themes[] = { + { "Adwaita", FALSE }, + { "Adwaita", TRUE }, + { "HighContrast", FALSE }, + { "HighContrastInverse", FALSE } +}; + +static int theme; + +static gboolean +change_theme (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *label = data; + Theme next = themes[theme++ % G_N_ELEMENTS (themes)]; + char *name; + + g_object_set (gtk_settings_get_default (), + "gtk-theme-name", next.name, + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", next.dark, + NULL); + + name = g_strconcat (next.name, next.dark ? " (dark)" : NULL, NULL); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (widget), name); + g_free (name); + + if (frame_clock) + { + char *fps; + + fps = g_strdup_printf ("%.2f fps", gdk_frame_clock_get_fps (frame_clock)); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), fps); + g_free (fps); + } + else + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), ""); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +toggle_cycle (GObject *button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *warning = data; + gboolean active; + GtkWidget *window; + + g_object_get (button, "active", &active, NULL); + + window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW); + + if (active && !tick_cb) + { + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (warning)); + } + else if (!active && tick_cb) + { + gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback (window, tick_cb); + tick_cb = 0; + } +} + +static void +warning_closed (GtkDialog *warning, + int response_id, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *button; + + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (warning), FALSE); + + window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (data), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW); + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "button")); + + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) + tick_cb = gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (window, change_theme, data, NULL); + else + gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), FALSE); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_themes (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *warning; + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/themes/themes.ui"); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + + label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "fps")); + warning = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "warning")); + g_signal_connect (warning, "response", G_CALLBACK (warning_closed), label); + + button = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toggle")); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "button", button); + g_signal_connect (button, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (toggle_cycle), warning); + gtk_widget_realize (window); + + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ccd832e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/themes.ui @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + + + + window + 1 + 1 + ok-cancel + warning + Warning + This demo involves rapidly flashing changes and may be hazardous to photosensitive viewers. + + + 0 + Themes + + + + + Cycle + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + vertical + + + center + center + + + + Hi, I am a button + 1 + + + + + And I'm another button + 1 + + + + + This is a button party! + 1 + + + + + + + 10 + + + Plain + end + 1 + 1 + + + + + Destructive + + + + + + Suggested + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10ef59da --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming.ui @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + vertical + + + center + center + + + + Hi, I am a button + 1 + + + + + And I'm another button + 1 + + + + + This is a button party! + 1 + + + + + + + 10 + + + Plain + end + 1 + 1 + + + + + Destructive + + + + + + Suggested + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming_style_classes.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming_style_classes.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d8772ca --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/theming_style_classes.c @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* Theming/Style Classes + * + * GTK uses CSS for theming. Style classes can be associated + * with widgets to inform the theme about intended rendering. + * + * This demo shows some common examples where theming features + * of GTK are used for certain effects: primary toolbars + * and linked buttons. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +GtkWidget * +do_theming_style_classes (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkBuilder *builder; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Style Classes"); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/theming_style_classes/theming.ui"); + + grid = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "grid"); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + g_object_unref (builder); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/transparent.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/transparent.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..626ef2c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/transparent.c @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* Overlay/Transparency + * #Keywords: GtkOverlay, GtkSnapshot, blur + * + * Blur the background behind an overlay. + */ + +#include +#include "bluroverlay.h" + +GtkWidget * +do_transparent (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *overlay; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *picture; + + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 450, 450); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Transparency"); + + overlay = blur_overlay_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Don't click this button!"); + label = gtk_button_get_child (GTK_BUTTON (button)); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 50); + + gtk_widget_set_opacity (button, 0.7); + gtk_widget_set_halign (button, GTK_ALIGN_FILL); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_START); + + blur_overlay_add_overlay (BLUR_OVERLAY (overlay), button, 5.0); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Maybe this one?"); + label = gtk_button_get_child (GTK_BUTTON (button)); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (label, 50); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (label, 50); + + gtk_widget_set_opacity (button, 0.7); + gtk_widget_set_halign (button, GTK_ALIGN_FILL); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_END); + + blur_overlay_add_overlay (BLUR_OVERLAY (overlay), button, 5.0); + + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_resource ("/transparent/portland-rose.jpg"); + blur_overlay_set_child (BLUR_OVERLAY (overlay), picture); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tree_store.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tree_store.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1968bb3a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/tree_store.c @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +/* Tree View/Tree Store + * + * The GtkTreeStore is used to store data in tree form, to be + * used later on by a GtkTreeView to display it. This demo builds + * a simple GtkTreeStore and displays it. If you're new to the + * GtkTreeView widgets and associates, look into the GtkListStore + * example first. + * + */ + +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +/* TreeItem structure */ +typedef struct _TreeItem TreeItem; +struct _TreeItem +{ + const char *label; + gboolean alex; + gboolean havoc; + gboolean tim; + gboolean owen; + gboolean dave; + gboolean world_holiday; /* shared by the European hackers */ + TreeItem *children; +}; + +/* columns */ +enum +{ + HOLIDAY_NAME_COLUMN = 0, + ALEX_COLUMN, + HAVOC_COLUMN, + TIM_COLUMN, + OWEN_COLUMN, + DAVE_COLUMN, + + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + WORLD_COLUMN, + NUM_COLUMNS +}; + +/* tree data */ +static TreeItem january[] = +{ + {"New Years Day", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + {"Presidential Inauguration", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + {"Martin Luther King Jr. day", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem february[] = +{ + { "Presidents' Day", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Groundhog Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Valentine's Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem march[] = +{ + { "National Tree Planting Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "St Patrick's Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; +static TreeItem april[] = +{ + { "April Fools' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Army Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Earth Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Administrative Professionals' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem may[] = +{ + { "Nurses' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "National Day of Prayer", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Mothers' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Armed Forces Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Memorial Day", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem june[] = +{ + { "June Fathers' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Juneteenth (Liberation Day)", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Flag Day", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem july[] = +{ + { "Parents' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Independence Day", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem august[] = +{ + { "Air Force Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Coast Guard Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Friendship Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem september[] = +{ + { "Grandparents' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Citizenship Day or Constitution Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Labor Day", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem october[] = +{ + { "National Children's Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Bosses' Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Sweetest Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Mother-in-Law's Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Navy Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Columbus Day", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Halloween", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem november[] = +{ + { "Marine Corps Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Veterans' Day", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Thanksgiving", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + +static TreeItem december[] = +{ + { "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { "Christmas", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL }, + { "Kwanzaa", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }, + { NULL } +}; + + +static TreeItem toplevel[] = +{ + {"January", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, january}, + {"February", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, february}, + {"March", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, march}, + {"April", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, april}, + {"May", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, may}, + {"June", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, june}, + {"July", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, july}, + {"August", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, august}, + {"September", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, september}, + {"October", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, october}, + {"November", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, november}, + {"December", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, december}, + {NULL} +}; + + +static GtkTreeModel * +create_model (void) +{ + GtkTreeStore *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + TreeItem *month = toplevel; + + /* create tree store */ + model = gtk_tree_store_new (NUM_COLUMNS, + G_TYPE_STRING, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); + + /* add data to the tree store */ + while (month->label) + { + TreeItem *holiday = month->children; + + gtk_tree_store_append (model, &iter, NULL); + gtk_tree_store_set (model, &iter, + HOLIDAY_NAME_COLUMN, month->label, + ALEX_COLUMN, FALSE, + HAVOC_COLUMN, FALSE, + TIM_COLUMN, FALSE, + OWEN_COLUMN, FALSE, + DAVE_COLUMN, FALSE, + VISIBLE_COLUMN, FALSE, + WORLD_COLUMN, FALSE, + -1); + + /* add children */ + while (holiday->label) + { + GtkTreeIter child_iter; + + gtk_tree_store_append (model, &child_iter, &iter); + gtk_tree_store_set (model, &child_iter, + HOLIDAY_NAME_COLUMN, holiday->label, + ALEX_COLUMN, holiday->alex, + HAVOC_COLUMN, holiday->havoc, + TIM_COLUMN, holiday->tim, + OWEN_COLUMN, holiday->owen, + DAVE_COLUMN, holiday->dave, + VISIBLE_COLUMN, TRUE, + WORLD_COLUMN, holiday->world_holiday, + -1); + + holiday++; + } + + month++; + } + + return GTK_TREE_MODEL (model); +} + +static void +item_toggled (GtkCellRendererToggle *cell, + char *path_str, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkTreeModel *model = (GtkTreeModel *)data; + GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_str); + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean toggle_item; + + int *column; + + column = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (cell), "column"); + + /* get toggled iter */ + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, column, &toggle_item, -1); + + /* do something with the value */ + toggle_item ^= 1; + + /* set new value */ + gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &iter, column, + toggle_item, -1); + + /* clean up */ + gtk_tree_path_free (path); +} + +static void +add_columns (GtkTreeView *treeview) +{ + int col_offset; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (treeview); + + /* column for holiday names */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Holiday", + renderer, "text", + HOLIDAY_NAME_COLUMN, + NULL); + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); + + /* alex column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", (int *)ALEX_COLUMN); + + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (item_toggled), model); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Alex", + renderer, + "active", + ALEX_COLUMN, + "visible", + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + "activatable", + WORLD_COLUMN, NULL); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); + + /* havoc column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", (int *)HAVOC_COLUMN); + + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (item_toggled), model); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Havoc", + renderer, + "active", + HAVOC_COLUMN, + "visible", + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + NULL); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); + + /* tim column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", (int *)TIM_COLUMN); + + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (item_toggled), model); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Tim", + renderer, + "active", + TIM_COLUMN, + "visible", + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + "activatable", + WORLD_COLUMN, NULL); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); + + /* owen column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", (int *)OWEN_COLUMN); + + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (item_toggled), model); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Owen", + renderer, + "active", + OWEN_COLUMN, + "visible", + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + NULL); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); + + /* dave column */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new (); + g_object_set (renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (renderer), "column", (int *)DAVE_COLUMN); + + g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (item_toggled), model); + + col_offset = gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), + -1, "Dave", + renderer, + "active", + DAVE_COLUMN, + "visible", + VISIBLE_COLUMN, + NULL); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), col_offset - 1); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), + GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN (column), TRUE); +} + +GtkWidget * +do_tree_store (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + + if (!window) + { + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *treeview; + GtkTreeModel *model; + + /* create window, etc */ + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Tree Store"); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (vbox, 8); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (vbox, 8); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), vbox); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), + gtk_label_new ("Jonathan's Holiday Card Planning Sheet")); + + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), sw); + + /* create model */ + model = create_model (); + + /* create tree view */ + treeview = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (treeview, TRUE); + g_object_unref (model); + gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)), + GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); + + add_columns (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), treeview); + + /* expand all rows after the treeview widget has been realized */ + g_signal_connect (treeview, "realize", + G_CALLBACK (gtk_tree_view_expand_all), NULL); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 650, 400); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ucdnames.data b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ucdnames.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5afecfd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/ucdnames.data differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..745e1b2d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.c @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +#include "unicode-names.h" + +const char * +get_unicode_type_name (GUnicodeType type) +{ + const char *names[] = { + "Other, Control", + "Other, Format", + "Other, Not Assigned", + "Other, Private Use", + "Other, Surrogate", + "Letter, Lowercase", + "Letter, Modifier", + "Letter, Other", + "Letter, Titlecase", + "Letter, Uppercase", + "Mark, Spacing", + "Mark, Enclosing", + "Mark, Nonspacing", + "Number, Decimal Digit", + "Number, Letter", + "Number, Other", + "Punctuation, Connector", + "Punctuation, Dash", + "Punctuation, Close", + "Punctuation, Final quote", + "Punctuation, Initial quote", + "Punctuation, Other", + "Punctuation, Open", + "Symbol, Currency", + "Symbol, Modifier", + "Symbol, Math", + "Symbol, Other", + "Separator, Line", + "Separator, Paragraph", + "Separator, Space", + }; + + if (type < G_N_ELEMENTS (names)) + return names[type]; + + return "Unknown"; +} + +const char * +get_break_type_name (GUnicodeBreakType type) +{ + const char *names[] = { + "Mandatory Break", + "Carriage Return", + "Line Feed", + "Attached Characters and Combining Marks", + "Surrogates", + "Zero Width Space", + "Inseparable", + "Non-breaking (\"Glue\")", + "Contingent Break Opportunity", + "Space", + "Break Opportunity After", + "Break Opportunity Before", + "Break Opportunity Before and After", + "Hyphen", + "Nonstarter", + "Opening Punctuation", + "Closing Punctuation", + "Ambiguous Quotation", + "Exclamation/Interrogation", + "Ideographic", + "Numeric", + "Infix Separator (Numeric)", + "Symbols Allowing Break After", + "Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters", + "Prefix (Numeric)", + "Postfix (Numeric)", + "Complex Content Dependent (South East Asian)", + "Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic)", + "Unknown", + "Next Line", + "Word Joiner", + "Hangul L Jamo", + "Hangul V Jamo", + "Hangul T Jamo", + "Hangul LV Syllable", + "Hangul LVT Syllable", + "Closing Parenthesis", + "Conditional Japanese Starter", + "Hebrew Letter", + "Regional Indicator", + "Emoji Base", + "Emoji Modifier", + "Zero Width Joiner", + }; + + if (type < G_N_ELEMENTS (names)) + return names[type]; + + return "Unknown"; +} + +const char * +get_combining_class_name (int cclass) +{ + const char *classes[256] = { 0, }; + + classes[0] = "Not Reordered"; + classes[1] = "Overlay"; + classes[7] = "Nukta"; + classes[8] = "Kana Voicing"; + classes[9] = "Virama"; + classes[10] = "CCC10 (Hebrew)"; + classes[11] = "CCC11 (Hebrew)"; + classes[12] = "CCC12 (Hebrew)"; + classes[13] = "CCC13 (Hebrew)"; + classes[14] = "CCC14 (Hebrew)"; + classes[15] = "CCC15 (Hebrew)"; + classes[16] = "CCC16 (Hebrew)"; + classes[17] = "CCC17 (Hebrew)"; + classes[18] = "CCC18 (Hebrew)"; + classes[19] = "CCC19 (Hebrew)"; + classes[20] = "CCC20 (Hebrew)"; + classes[21] = "CCC21 (Hebrew)"; + classes[22] = "CCC22 (Hebrew)"; + classes[23] = "CCC23 (Hebrew)"; + classes[24] = "CCC24 (Hebrew)"; + classes[25] = "CCC25 (Hebrew)"; + classes[26] = "CCC26 (Hebrew)"; + + classes[27] = "CCC27 (Arabic)"; + classes[28] = "CCC28 (Arabic)"; + classes[29] = "CCC29 (Arabic)"; + classes[30] = "CCC30 (Arabic)"; + classes[31] = "CCC31 (Arabic)"; + classes[32] = "CCC32 (Arabic)"; + classes[33] = "CCC33 (Arabic)"; + classes[34] = "CCC34 (Arabic)"; + classes[35] = "CCC35 (Arabic)"; + + classes[36] = "CCC36 (Syriac)"; + + classes[84] = "CCC84 (Telugu)"; + classes[85] = "CCC85 (Telugu)"; + + classes[103] = "CCC103 (Thai)"; + classes[107] = "CCC107 (Thai)"; + + classes[118] = "CCC118 (Lao)"; + classes[122] = "CCC122 (Lao)"; + + classes[129] = "CCC129 (Tibetan)"; + classes[130] = "CCC130 (Tibetan)"; + classes[133] = "CCC133 (Tibetan)"; + + classes[200] = "Attached Below Left"; + classes[202] = "Attached Below"; + classes[214] = "Attached Above"; + classes[216] = "Attached Above Right"; + classes[218] = "Below Left"; + classes[220] = "Below"; + classes[222] = "Below Right"; + classes[224] = "Left"; + classes[226] = "Right"; + classes[228] = "Above Left"; + classes[230] = "Above"; + classes[232] = "Above Right"; + classes[233] = "Double Below"; + classes[234] = "Double Above"; + classes[240] = "Iota Subscript"; + classes[255] = "Invalid"; + + if (cclass < 256 && classes[cclass] != NULL) + return classes[cclass]; + + return "Unknown"; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4442cad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/unicode-names.h @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +const char * get_unicode_type_name (GUnicodeType type); +const char * get_break_type_name (GUnicodeBreakType type); +const char * get_combining_class_name (int cclass); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/vertical_text_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/vertical_text_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17241bcb Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/vertical_text_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/video_player.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/video_player.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..688f0977 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/video_player.c @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/* Video Player + * #Keywords: GtkVideo, GtkMediaStream, GtkMediaFile, GdkPaintable + * #Keywords: GtkMediaControls + * + * This is a simple video player using just GTK widgets. + */ + +#include + +static GtkWidget *window = NULL; + +static void +open_dialog_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GtkWidget *video = user_data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + gtk_video_set_file (GTK_VIDEO (video), file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +open_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + GtkWidget *video) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GtkFileFilter *filter; + GListStore *filters; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Select a video"); + + filters = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_FILTER); + + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter, "*"); + gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, "All Files"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "image/*"); + gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, "Images"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "video/*"); + gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, "Video"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + + gtk_file_dialog_set_default_filter (dialog, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + gtk_file_dialog_set_filters (dialog, G_LIST_MODEL (filters)); + g_object_unref (filters); + + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (button)), + NULL, + open_dialog_response_cb, video); +} + +static void +logo_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer video) +{ + GFile *file; + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:///images/gtk-logo.webm"); + gtk_video_set_file (GTK_VIDEO (video), file); + g_object_unref (file); +} + +static void +bbb_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer video) +{ + GFile *file; + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("https://download.blender.org/peach/trailer/trailer_400p.ogg"); + gtk_video_set_file (GTK_VIDEO (video), file); + g_object_unref (file); +} + +static void +fullscreen_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkWidget *widget_window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_widget_get_root (button)); + + gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (widget_window)); +} + +static gboolean +toggle_fullscreen (GtkWidget *widget, + GVariant *args, + gpointer data) +{ + GdkSurface *surface; + GdkToplevelState state; + + surface = gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (widget)); + state = gdk_toplevel_get_state (GDK_TOPLEVEL (surface)); + + if (state & GDK_TOPLEVEL_STATE_FULLSCREEN) + gtk_window_unfullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (widget)); + else + gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (widget)); + + return TRUE; +} + +GtkWidget * +do_video_player (GtkWidget *do_widget) +{ + GtkWidget *title; + GtkWidget *video; + GtkWidget *button; + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *fullscreen_button; + GtkEventController *controller; + + if (!window) + { + window = gtk_window_new (); + gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), + gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Video Player"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *)&window); + + video = gtk_video_new (); + gtk_video_set_autoplay (GTK_VIDEO (video), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), video); + + title = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), title); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("_Open"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (open_clicked_cb), video); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (title), button); + + button = gtk_button_new (); + image = gtk_image_new_from_resource ("/cursors/images/gtk_logo_cursor.png"); + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), 24); + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (button), image); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (logo_clicked_cb), video); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (title), button); + + button = gtk_button_new (); + image = gtk_image_new_from_resource ("/video-player/bbb.png"); + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), 24); + gtk_button_set_child (GTK_BUTTON (button), image); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (bbb_clicked_cb), video); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (title), button); + + fullscreen_button = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-fullscreen-symbolic"); + g_signal_connect (fullscreen_button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_clicked_cb), NULL); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (title), fullscreen_button); + + controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new (); + gtk_shortcut_controller_set_scope (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + GTK_SHORTCUT_SCOPE_GLOBAL); + gtk_widget_add_controller (window, controller); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (GDK_KEY_F11, 0), + gtk_callback_action_new (toggle_fullscreen, NULL, NULL))); + } + + if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) + gtk_widget_set_visible (window, TRUE); + else + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + return window; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/w_resize_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/w_resize_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65383b1f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/w_resize_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wait_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wait_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21ccd2f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wait_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wind.glsl b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wind.glsl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..169bdcbd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/wind.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +uniform float progress; +uniform sampler2D u_texture1; +uniform sampler2D u_texture2; + +vec4 getFromColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture1, uv); +} + +vec4 getToColor (vec2 uv) { + return GskTexture(u_texture2, uv); +} + +// Source: https://gl-transitions.com/editor/wind +// Author: gre +// License: MIT + +const float size = 0.2; + +float rand(vec2 co) { + return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); +} + +vec4 transition(vec2 p) { + float r = rand(vec2(0, p.y)); + float m = smoothstep(0.0, -size, p.x*(1.0-size) + size*r - (progress * (1.0 + size))); + return mix(getFromColor(p), getToColor(p), m); +} + + +void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec2 resolution, in vec2 uv) +{ + fragColor = transition(uv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_in_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_in_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae3114dd Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_in_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_out_cursor.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_out_cursor.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..846a3dd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/gtk-demo/zoom_out_cursor.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff312e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9d73f43 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.IconBrowser4-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/icon.list b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/icon.list new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74477def --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/icon.list @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +[volume] +Name=Volume +Description=Icons related to audio input and output volume + +audio-volume-high=The icon used to indicate high audio volume +audio-volume-low=The icon used to indicate low audio volume +audio-volume-medium=The icon used to indicate medium audio volume +audio-volume-muted=The icon used to indicate the muted state for audio playback +microphone-sensitivity-high=The icon used to indicate high microphone sensitivity +microphone-sensitivity-low=The icon used to indicate low microphone sensitivity +microphone-sensitivity-medium=The icon used to indicate medium microphone sensitivity +microphone-sensitivity-muted=The icon used to indicate that a microphone is muted + +[multimedia] +Name=Multimedia +Description=Icons related to playback of media + +media-playlist-repeat=The icon for the repeat mode of a media player +media-playlist-repeat-song=The icon for repeating a song in a media player +media-playlist-shuffle=The icon for the shuffle mode of a media player +media-playlist-consecutive=The icon for consecutive mode of a media player +media-skip-backward=The icon for the skip backward action of a media player +media-seek-backward=The icon for the seek backward action of a media player +media-playback-start=The icon for the start playback action of a media player +media-seek-forward=The icon for the seek forward action of a media player +media-skip-forward=The icon for the skip forward action of a media player +media-playback-stop=The icon for the stop action of a media player +media-playback-pause=The icon for the pause action of a media player +media-eject=The icon for the eject action of a media player or file manager +media-record=The icon for the record action of a media application +media-view-subtitles=The icon used to show subtitles in a media player + +[network] +Name=Network +Description=Icons related to network status + +network-transmit-receive=The icon used data is being both transmitted and received simultaneously, while the computing device is connected to a network +network-transmit=The icon used when data is being transmitted, while the computing device is connected to a network +network-receive=The icon used when data is being received, while the computing device is connected to a network +network-idle=The icon used when no data is being transmitted or received, while the computing device is connected to a network +network-error=The icon used when an error occurs trying to initialize the network connection of the computing device +network-offline=The icon used when the computing device is disconnected from the network + +[weather] +Name=Weather +Description=Icons about weather conditions + +weather-clear=The icon used while the weather for a region is “clear skies” +weather-clear-night=The icon used while the weather for a region is “clear skies” during the night +weather-few-clouds=The icon used while the weather for a region is “partly cloudy” +weather-few-clouds-night=The icon used while the weather for a region is “partly cloudy” during the night +weather-fog=The icon used while the weather for a region is “foggy” +weather-overcast=The icon used while the weather for a region is “overcast” +weather-severe-alert=The icon used while a sever weather alert is in effect for a region +weather-showers=The icon used while rain showers are occurring in a region +weather-showers-scattered=The icon used while scattered rain showers are occurring in a region +weather-snow=The icon used while snow showers are occurring in a region +weather-storm=The icon used while storms are occurring in a region +weather-windy=The icon used while the weather is windy + +[navigation] +Name=Navigation +Description=Icons for navigation in the user interface of a program + +go-first=The icon for the go to the first item in a list +go-previous=The icon for the go to the previous item in a list +go-next=The icon for the go to the next item in a list +go-last=The icon for the go to the last item in a list +go-bottom=The icon for the go to bottom of a list +go-down=The icon for the go down in a list +go-up=The icon for the go up in a list +go-top=The icon for the go to the top of a list +go-home=The icon for the go to home location +go-jump=The icon for the jump to action + +[editing] +Name=Editing +Description=Icons related to editing a document +format-indent-less=The icon for the decrease indent formatting action +format-indent-more=The icon for the increase indent formatting action +format-justify-center=The icon for the center justification formatting action +format-justify-fill=The icon for the fill justification formatting action +format-justify-left=The icon for the left justification formatting action +format-justify-right=The icon for the right justification action +format-text-direction-ltr=The icon for the left-to-right text formatting action +format-text-direction-rtl=The icon for the right-to-left formatting action +format-text-bold=The icon for the bold text formatting action +format-text-italic=The icon for the italic text formatting action +format-text-underline=The icon for the underlined text formatting action +format-text-strikethrough=The icon for the strikethrough text formatting action +edit-clear=The icon for the clear action +edit-clear-all= +edit-copy=The icon for the copy action +edit-cut=The icon for the cut action +edit-delete=The icon for the delete action +edit-find-replace=The icon for the find and replace action +edit-paste=The icon for the paste action +edit-redo=The icon for the redo action +edit-select-all=The icon for the select all action +edit-select= +edit-undo=The icon for the undo action +error-correct= +document-properties=The icon for the action to view the properties of a document in an application +document-new=The icon used for the action to create a new document +document-open=The icon used for the action to open a document +document-open-recent=The icon used for the action to open a document that was recently opened +document-save=The icon for the save action. Should be an arrow pointing down and toward a hard disk +document-save-as=The icon for the save as action +document-send=The icon for the send action. Should be an arrow pointing up and away from a hard disk +document-page-setup=The icon for the page setup action of a document editor +document-edit=The icon for the action to edit a document +object-flip-horizontal=The icon for the action to flip an object horizontally +object-flip-vertical=The icon for the action to flip an object vertically +object-rotate-left=The icon for the rotate left action performed on an object +object-rotate-right=The icon for the rotate right action performed on an object +insert-image=The icon for the insert image action of an application +insert-link=The icon for the insert link action of an application +insert-object=The icon for the insert object action of an application +insert-text=The icon for the insert text action of an application +accessories-text-editor=The icon used for the desktop's text editing accessory program + +[view] +Name=View Controls +Description=Icons for view controls in a user interface + +view-list=The icon used for “List“ view mode +view-grid=The icon used for “Grid“ view mode (as opposed to “List“) +view-fullscreen=The icon used for the “Fullscreen” item in the application's “View” menu +view-restore=The icon used by an application for leaving the fullscreen view, and returning to a normal windowed view +zoom-fit-best=The icon used for the “Best Fit” item in the application's “View” menu +zoom-in=The icon used for the “Zoom in” item in the application's “View” menu +zoom-out=The icon used for the “Zoom Out” item in the application's “View” menu +zoom-original=The icon used for the “Original Size” item in the application's “View” menu +view-continuous=The icon used for a continuous view mode +view-paged=The icon used for a paged view mode (as opposed to continuous) +view-dual=The icon used for a side-by-side view of paginated content +view-wrapped=The icon used to indicate a wrap-around to the beginning +view-pin=The icon used for 'pin a view' + +[calendar] +Name=Calendar, Tasks and Alarms +Description=Icons related to calendars, tasks and alarms + +task-due=The icon used when a task is due soon +task-past-due=The icon used when a task that was due, has been left incomplete +appointment-soon=The icon used when an appointment will occur soon +appointment-missed=The icon used when an appointment was missed +alarm=The icon used for alarms when a task or appointment is due + +[communication] +Name=Communication +Description=Icons related email, phone calls, IM and other forms of communication + +mail-unread=The icon used for an electronic mail that is unread +mail-read=The icon used for an electronic mail that is read +mail-replied=The icon used for an electronic mail that has been replied to +mail-attachment=The icon used for an electronic mail that contains attachments +mail-mark-important=The icon for the mark as important action of an electronic mail application +mail-send=The icon for the send action of an electronic mail application +mail-send-receive=The icon for the send and receive action of an electronic mail application +call-start=The icon used for initiating or accepting a call +call-stop=The icon used for stopping a current call +call-missed=The icon used to show a missed call +user-available=The icon used when a user on a chat network is available to initiate a conversation with +user-offline=The icon used when a user on a chat network is not available +user-idle=The icon used when a user on a chat network has not been an active participant in any chats on the network, for an extended period of time +user-invisible=The icon used when a user is on a chat network, but is invisible to others +user-busy=The icon used when a user is on a chat network, and has marked himself as busy +user-away=The icon used when a user on a chat network is away from their keyboard and the chat program +user-status-pending=The icon used when the current user status on a chat network is not known + +[devices] +Name=Devices and Media +Description=Icons for devices and media + +audio-input-microphone=The icon used for the microphone audio input device +camera-web=The fallback icon for web cameras +camera-photo=The icon used for a digital still camera devices +input-keyboard=The icon used for the keyboard input device +printer=The icon used for a printer device +video-display=The icon used for the monitor that video gets displayed to +computer=The icon used for the computing device as a whole +media-optical=The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD +phone=The icon used for phone devices which support connectivity to the PC, such as VoIP, cellular, or possibly landline phones +input-dialpad=The icon used for dialpad input devices +input-touchpad=The icon used for touchpad input devices +scanner=The icon used for a scanner device +audio-card=The icon used for the audio rendering device +input-gaming=The icon used for the gaming input device +input-mouse=The icon used for the mousing input device +multimedia-player=The icon used for generic multimedia playing devices +audio-headphones=The icon used for headphones +audio-headset=The icon used for headsets +display-projector=The icon used for projectors +media-removable=The icon used for generic removable media +printer-network=The icon used for printers which are connected via the network +audio-speakers=The icon used for speakers +camera-video=The fallback icon for video cameras +drive-optical=The icon used for optical media drives such as CD and DVD +drive-removable-media=The icon used for removable media drives +input-tablet=The icon used for graphics tablet input devices +network-wireless=The icon used for wireless network connections +network-wired=The icon used for wired network connections +media-floppy=The icon used for physical floppy disk media +media-flash=The fallback icon used for flash media, such as memory stick and SD + +[contenttypes] +Name=Content Types +Description=Icons for different types of data, such as audio or image files + +application-certificate= +application-rss+xml= +application-x-appliance= +audio-x-generic=The icon used for generic audio file types +folder=The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups +text-x-generic=The icon used for generic text file types +video-x-generic=The icon used for generic video file types +x-office-calendar=The icon used for generic calendar file types + +[emotes] +Name=Emotes +Description=Icons for emotions that are expressed through text chat applications such as :-) or :-P in IRC or instant messengers + +face-angel=The icon used for the 0:-) emote +face-angry=The icon used for the X-( emote +face-cool=The icon used for the B-) emote +face-crying=The icon used for the :'( emote +face-devilish=The icon used for the >:-) emote +face-embarrassed=The icon used for the :-[ emote +face-kiss=The icon used for the :-* emote +face-laugh=The icon used for the :-)) emote +face-monkey=The icon used for the :-(|) emote +face-plain=The icon used for the :-| emote +face-raspberry=The icon used for the :-P emote +face-sad=The icon used for the :-( emote +face-shutmouth=The 'shut mouth' emote +face-sick=The icon used for the :-& emote +face-smile=The icon used for the :-) emote +face-smile-big=The icon used for the :-D emote +face-smirk=The icon used for the :-! emote +face-surprise=The icon used for the :-0 emote +face-tired=The icon used for the |-) emote +face-uncertain=The icon used for the :-/ emote +face-wink=The icon used for the ;-) emote +face-worried=The icon used for the :-S emote +face-yawn= + +[general] +Name=General +Description=Generally useful icons that don't fit in a particular category + +edit-find=The icon for generic search actions +content-loading=The icon used to indicate that content is loading +open-menu=The icon used for a menu button in the header bar +view-more=The icon used for a “View More“ action +tab-new=The icon used for a “New Tab“ action +bookmark-new=The icon used for creating a new bookmark +mark-location=The icon used to mark a location on a map +find-location=The icon used for a “Search location“ action +send-to=The icon used for a “Send to“ action +object-select=The icon used for generic selection actions +window-close=The icon used for actions that close a view, such as window or tab close button +view-refresh=The icon used for the “Refresh” item in the application's “View” menu +process-stop=The icon used for the “Stop” action in applications with actions that may take a while to process, such as web page loading in a browser +action-unavailable=The icon used to indicate that an action is currently unavailable, such as “Pause“ when no media is playing +document-print=The icon for the print action of an application +printer-printing=The icon used while a print job is successfully being spooled to a printing device +printer-warning=The icon used when a recoverable problem occurs while attempting to printing +printer-error=The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to print +dialog-information=The icon used when a dialog is opened to give information to the user that may be pertinent to the requested action +dialog-question=The icon used when a dialog is opened to ask a simple question of the user +dialog-warning=The icon used when a dialog is opened to warn the user of impending issues with the requested action +dialog-password=The icon used when a dialog requesting the authentication credentials for a user is opened +dialog-error=The icon used when a dialog is opened to explain an error condition to the user +list-add=The icon for the add to list action +list-remove=The icon for the remove from list action +non-starred=The icon used to indicate that an object is not 'starred' +semi-starred=The icon used to indicate that an object has is 'half-starred' +starred=The icon used to indicate that an object is 'starred' +star-new=The used for the “New Star“ action +security-low=The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is presumed to be insecure, either by using weak encryption, or by using a certificate that the could not be automatically verified, and which the user has not chosent to trust +security-medium=The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is presumed to be secure, using strong encryption, and a certificate that could not be automatically verified, but which the user has chosen to trust +security-high=The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is known to be secure, using strong encryption and a valid certificate +user-trash=The icon for the user's “Trash” place in the file system +user-trash-full=The icon for the user's “Trash” in the file system, when there are items in the “Trash” waiting for disposal or recovery +emblem-system=The icon used as an emblem for directories that contain system libraries, settings, and data +avatar-default=The generic avatar icon, which is used to represent a user that doesn't have a personalized avatar +emblem-synchronizing=The icon used as an emblem to indicate that a synchronizing operation is in process +emblem-shared=The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are shared to other users +help-browser=The icon used for the desktop's help browsing application + +[other] +Name=Other +Description=Icons which have may be too specialized and not of general interest + +changes-allow= +changes-prevent= +view-sort-ascending=The icon used for the “Sort Ascending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list +view-sort-descending=The icon used for the “Sort Descending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list +document-revert=The icon for the action of reverting to a previous version of a document +address-book-new=The icon used for the action to create a new address book +application-exit=The icon used for exiting an application. Typically this is seen in the application's menus as File->Quit +appointment-new=The icon used for the action to create a new appointment in a calendaring application +contact-new=The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application +document-print-preview=The icon for the print preview action of an application +folder-new=The icon for creating a new folder +help-about=The icon for the About item in the Help menu +help-contents=The icon for Contents item in the Help menu +help-faq=The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu +list-remove-all= +mail-forward=The icon for the forward action of an electronic mail application +mail-mark-junk=The icon for the mark as junk action of an electronic mail application +mail-mark-notjunk=The icon for the mark as not junk action of an electronic mail application +mail-mark-read=The icon for the mark as read action of an electronic mail application +mail-mark-unread=The icon for the mark as unread action of an electronic mail application +mail-message-new=The icon for the compose new mail action of an electronic mail application +mail-reply-all=The icon for the reply to all action of an electronic mail application +mail-reply-sender=The icon for the reply to sender action of an electronic mail application +pan-down= +pan-end= +pan-start= +pan-up= +system-lock-screen=The icon used for the “Lock Screen” item in the desktop's panel application +system-log-out=The icon used for the “Log Out” item in the desktop's panel application +system-run=The icon used for the “Run Application...” item in the desktop's panel application +system-search=The icon used for the “Search” item in the desktop's panel application +system-reboot=The icon used for the “Reboot” item in the desktop's panel application +system-shutdown=The icon used for the “Shutdown” item in the desktop's panel application +tools-check-spelling=The icon used for the “Check Spelling” item in the application's “Tools” menu +window-maximize= +window-minimize= +window-restore= +window-new=The icon used for the “New Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu +accessories-calculator=The icon used for the desktop's calculator accessory program +accessories-character-map=The icon used for the desktop's international and extended text character accessory program +accessories-dictionary=The icon used for the desktop's dictionary accessory program +multimedia-volume-control=The icon used for the desktop's hardware volume control application +preferences-desktop-accessibility=The icon used for the desktop's accessibility preferences +preferences-desktop-display= +preferences-desktop-font=The icon used for the desktop's font preferences +preferences-desktop-keyboard=The icon used for the desktop's keyboard preferences +preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts= +preferences-desktop-locale=The icon used for the desktop's locale preferences +preferences-desktop-remote-desktop= +preferences-desktop-multimedia=The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences +preferences-desktop-screensaver=The icon used for the desktop's screen saving preferences +preferences-desktop-theme=The icon used for the desktop's theme preferences +preferences-desktop-wallpaper=The icon used for the desktop's wallpaper preferences +preferences-system-privacy= +preferences-system-windows= +system-file-manager=The icon used for the desktop's file management application +system-software-install=The icon used for the desktop's software installer application +system-software-update=The icon used for the desktop's software updating application +system-users= +user-info= +utilities-system-monitor=The icon used for the desktop's system resource monitor application +utilities-terminal=The icon used for the desktop's terminal emulation application. +application-x-addon= +application-x-executable=The icon used for executable file types +font-x-generic=The icon used for generic font file types +image-x-generic=The icon used for generic image file types +package-x-generic=The icon used for generic package file types +text-html=The icon used for HTML text file types +text-x-generic-template=The icon used for generic text templates +text-x-preview= +text-x-script=The icon used for script file types, such as shell scripts +x-office-address-book=The icon used for generic address book file types +x-office-document=The icon used for generic document and letter file types +x-office-document-template= +x-office-presentation=The icon used for generic presentation file types +x-office-presentation-template= +x-office-spreadsheet=The icon used for generic spreadsheet file types +x-office-spreadsheet-template= +x-package-repository= +applications-accessories=The icon for the “Accessories” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-development=The icon for the “Programming” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-engineering=The icon for the “Engineering” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-games=The icon for the “Games” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-graphics=The icon for the “Graphics” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-internet=The icon for the “Internet” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-multimedia=The icon for the “Multimedia” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-office=The icon for the “Office” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-other=The icon for the “Other” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-science=The icon for the “Science” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-system=The icon for the “System Tools” sub-menu of the Programs menu +applications-utilities=The icon for the “Utilities” sub-menu of the Programs menu +preferences-desktop=The icon for the “Desktop Preferences” category +preferences-desktop-peripherals=The icon for the “Peripherals” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category +preferences-desktop-personal=The icon for the “Personal” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category +preferences-other=The icon for the “Other” preferences category +preferences-system=The icon for the “System Preferences” category +preferences-system-network=The icon for the “Network” sub-category of the “System Preferences” category +system-help=The icon for the “Help” system category +battery=The icon used for the system battery device +computer-apple-ipad= +colorimeter-colorhug= +drive-harddisk=The icon used for hard disk drives +drive-harddisk-ieee1394= +drive-harddisk-system= +drive-multidisk= +media-optical-bd= +media-optical-cd-audio= +media-optical-dvd= +media-tape=The icon used for generic physical tape media +media-zip= +modem=The icon used for modem devices +multimedia-player-apple-ipod-touch= +network-vpn= +pda=This is the fallback icon for Personal Digital Assistant devices. Primary use of this icon is for PDA devices connected to the PC. Connection medium is not an important aspect of the icon. The metaphor for this fallback icon should be a generic PDA device icon +phone-apple-iphone= +uninterruptible-power-supply= +emblem-default=The icon used as an emblem to specify the default selection of a printer for example +emblem-documents=The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's documents are stored +emblem-downloads=The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's downloads from the internet are stored +emblem-favorite=The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that the user marks as favorites +emblem-generic= +emblem-important=The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are marked as important by the user +emblem-mail=The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user's electronic mail is stored +emblem-new= +emblem-ok= +emblem-package= +emblem-photos=The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user stores photographs +emblem-readonly=The icon used as an emblem for files and directories which can not be written to by the user +emblem-symbolic-link=The icon used as an emblem for files and direcotires that are links to other files or directories on the filesystem +emblem-synchronized=The icon used as an emblem for files or directories that are configured to be synchronized to another device +emblem-unreadable=The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are inaccessible. +emblem-urgent= +emblem-videos= +emblem-web= +folder-documents= +folder-download=The icon representing the location in the file system where downloaded files are stored +folder-music= +folder-pictures= +folder-publicshare= +folder-remote=The icon used for normal directories on a remote filesystem +folder-saved-search= +folder-templates= +folder-videos= +network-server=The icon used for individual host machines under the “Network Servers” place in the file manager +network-workgroup=The icon for the “Network Servers” place in the desktop's file manager, and workgroups within the network +start-here=The icon used by the desktop's main menu for accessing places, applications, and other features +user-bookmarks=The icon for the user's special “Bookmarks” place +user-desktop=The icon for the special “Desktop” directory of the user +user-home=The icon for the special “Home” directory of the user +airplane-mode= +battery-caution-charging= +battery-caution=The icon used when the battery is below 40% +battery-empty-charging= +battery-empty= +battery-full-charged= +battery-full-charging= +battery-full= +battery-good-charging= +battery-good= +battery-low-charging= +battery-low=The icon used when the battery is below 20% +battery-missing= +bluetooth-active= +bluetooth-disabled= +channel-insecure= +channel-secure= +computer-fail= +display-brightness= +keyboard-brightness= +folder-drag-accept=The icon used for a folder while an object is being dragged onto it, that is of a type that the directory can contain +folder-open=The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed within the same window. This icon would normally be shown in a tree or list view, next to the main view of a folder's contents +folder-visiting=The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed in another window. This icon would typically be used when using multiple windows to navigate the hierarchy, such as in Nautilus's spatial mode +image-loading=The icon used when another image is being loaded, such as thumnails for larger images in the file manager +image-missing=The icon used when another image could not be loaded +mail-signed=The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature +mail-signed-verified=The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature which has also been verified by the security system +network-cellular-3g= +network-cellular-4g= +network-cellular-edge= +network-cellular-gprs= +network-cellular-umts= +network-cellular-acquiring= +network-cellular-connected= +network-cellular-no-route= +network-cellular-offline= +network-cellular-signal-excellent= +network-cellular-signal-good= +network-cellular-signal-ok= +network-cellular-signal-weak= +network-cellular-signal-none= +network-vpn-acquiring= +network-vpn= +network-wired-acquiring= +network-wired-disconnected= +network-wired-no-route= +network-wired-offline= +network-wireless-acquiring= +network-wireless-connected= +network-wireless-encrypted= +network-wireless-hotspot= +network-wireless-no-route= +network-wireless-offline= +network-wireless-signal-excellent= +network-wireless-signal-good= +network-wireless-signal-ok= +network-wireless-signal-weak= +network-wireless-signal-none= +rotation-allowed= +rotation-locked= +software-update-available=The icon used when an update is available for software installed on the computing device, through the system software update program +software-update-urgent=The icon used when an urgent update is available through the system software update program +sync-error=The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to synchronize data from the computing device, to another device +sync-synchronizing=The icon used while data is successfully synchronizing to another device +touchpad-disabled= +trophy-bronze= +trophy-silver= +trophy-gold= +night-light= +daytime-sunrise= +daytime-sunset= +on= +off= diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowser.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowser.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4c61b10 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowser.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + window.ui + icon.list + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bfd84ff --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +#include "config.h" +#include + +#include "iconbrowserapp.h" +#include "iconbrowserwin.h" + +#include "demo_conf.h" + +struct _IconBrowserApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +struct _IconBrowserAppClass +{ + GtkApplicationClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(IconBrowserApp, icon_browser_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +icon_browser_app_init (IconBrowserApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static void +inspector_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + gtk_window_set_interactive_debugging (TRUE); +} + +static void +about_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + const char *authors[] = { + "The GTK Team", + NULL + }; + char *icon_theme; + char *version; + GString *s; + char *os_name; + char *os_version; + + g_object_get (gtk_settings_get_default (), + "gtk-icon-theme-name", &icon_theme, + NULL); + + s = g_string_new (""); + + os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); + os_version = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_VERSION_ID); + if (os_name && os_version) + g_string_append_printf (s, "OS\t%s %s\n\n", os_name, os_version); + g_string_append (s, "System libraries\n"); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGLib\t%d.%d.%d\n", + glib_major_version, + glib_minor_version, + glib_micro_version); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tPango\t%s\n", + pango_version_string ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGTK \t%d.%d.%d\n", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\nIcon theme\n\t%s", icon_theme); + version = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : "", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + gtk_show_about_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_application_get_active_window (app)), + "program-name", g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 + ? "GTK Icon Browser (Development)" + : "GTK Icon Browser", + "version", version, + "copyright", "© 1997—2021 The GTK Team", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to browse themed icons", + "authors", authors, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.IconBrowser4", + "title", "About GTK Icon Browser", + "system-information", s->str, + NULL); + + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + g_free (version); + g_free (icon_theme); + g_free (os_name); + g_free (os_version); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "inspector", inspector_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "about", about_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +icon_browser_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (icon_browser_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +icon_browser_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + IconBrowserWindow *win; + + win = icon_browser_window_new (ICON_BROWSER_APP (app)); + + if (g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (win), "devel"); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +icon_browser_app_class_init (IconBrowserAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = icon_browser_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = icon_browser_app_activate; +} + +IconBrowserApp * +icon_browser_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (ICON_BROWSER_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.IconBrowser4", + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd6ee189 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#ifndef __ICON_BROWSER_APP_H +#define __ICON_BROWSER_APP_H + +#include + + +#define ICON_BROWSER_APP_TYPE (icon_browser_app_get_type ()) +#define ICON_BROWSER_APP(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), ICON_BROWSER_APP_TYPE, IconBrowserApp)) + + +typedef struct _IconBrowserApp IconBrowserApp; +typedef struct _IconBrowserAppClass IconBrowserAppClass; + + +GType icon_browser_app_get_type (void); +IconBrowserApp *icon_browser_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __ICON_BROWSER_APP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edee71ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.c @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +#include "iconbrowsercontext.h" + +struct _IbContext +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + char *id; + char *name; + char *description; +}; + +struct _IbContextClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_ID = 1, + PROP_NAME, + PROP_DESCRIPTION, + PROP_NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (IbContext, ib_context, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +ib_context_init (IbContext *context) +{ +} + +static void +ib_context_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + IbContext *context = IB_CONTEXT (object); + + g_free (context->id); + g_free (context->name); + g_free (context->description); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (ib_context_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +ib_context_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + IbContext *context = IB_CONTEXT (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_ID: + g_free (context->id); + context->id = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_NAME: + g_free (context->name); + context->name = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_DESCRIPTION: + g_free (context->description); + context->description = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +ib_context_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + IbContext *context = IB_CONTEXT (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_ID: + g_value_set_string (value, context->id); + break; + + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, context->name); + break; + + case PROP_DESCRIPTION: + g_value_set_string (value, context->description); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +ib_context_class_init (IbContextClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GParamSpec *pspec; + + object_class->finalize = ib_context_finalize; + object_class->set_property = ib_context_set_property; + object_class->get_property = ib_context_get_property; + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("id", "Id", "Id", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ID, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("name", "Name", "Name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NAME, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("description", "Description", "Description", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DESCRIPTION, pspec); +} + +IbContext * +ib_context_new (const char *id, + const char *name, + const char *description) +{ + return g_object_new (IB_TYPE_CONTEXT, + "id", id, + "name", name, + "description", description, + NULL); +} + +const char * +ib_context_get_id (IbContext *context) +{ + return context->id; +} + +const char * +ib_context_get_name (IbContext *context) +{ + return context->name; +} + +const char * +ib_context_get_description (IbContext *context) +{ + return context->description; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..506f724b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsercontext.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define IB_TYPE_CONTEXT (ib_context_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (IbContext, ib_context, IB, CONTEXT, GObject) + +IbContext *ib_context_new (const char *id, + const char *name, + const char *description); + +const char *ib_context_get_id (IbContext *context); +const char *ib_context_get_name (IbContext *context); +const char *ib_context_get_description (IbContext *context); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35fbb06c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.c @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +#include "iconbrowsericon.h" + +struct _IbIcon +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + gboolean use_symbolic; + + char *regular_name; + char *symbolic_name; + char *description; + char *context; +}; + +struct _IbIconClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_NAME = 1, + PROP_REGULAR_NAME, + PROP_SYMBOLIC_NAME, + PROP_USE_SYMBOLIC, + PROP_DESCRIPTION, + PROP_CONTEXT, + PROP_NUM_PROPERTIES +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (IbIcon, ib_icon, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static void +ib_icon_init (IbIcon *icon) +{ +} + +static void +ib_icon_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + IbIcon *icon = IB_ICON (object); + + g_free (icon->regular_name); + g_free (icon->symbolic_name); + g_free (icon->description); + g_free (icon->context); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (ib_icon_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +ib_icon_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + IbIcon *icon = IB_ICON (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_REGULAR_NAME: + g_free (icon->regular_name); + icon->regular_name = g_value_dup_string (value); + if (!icon->use_symbolic) + g_object_notify (object, "name"); + break; + + case PROP_SYMBOLIC_NAME: + g_free (icon->symbolic_name); + icon->symbolic_name = g_value_dup_string (value); + if (icon->use_symbolic) + g_object_notify (object, "name"); + break; + + case PROP_USE_SYMBOLIC: + icon->use_symbolic = g_value_get_boolean (value); + g_object_notify (object, "name"); + break; + + case PROP_DESCRIPTION: + g_free (icon->description); + icon->description = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + case PROP_CONTEXT: + g_free (icon->context); + icon->context = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +ib_icon_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + IbIcon *icon = IB_ICON (object); + + switch (property_id) + { + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, ib_icon_get_name (icon)); + break; + + case PROP_REGULAR_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, icon->regular_name); + break; + + case PROP_SYMBOLIC_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, icon->symbolic_name); + break; + + case PROP_USE_SYMBOLIC: + g_value_set_boolean (value, icon->use_symbolic); + break; + + case PROP_DESCRIPTION: + g_value_set_string (value, icon->description); + break; + + case PROP_CONTEXT: + g_value_set_string (value, icon->context); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +ib_icon_class_init (IbIconClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GParamSpec *pspec; + + object_class->finalize = ib_icon_finalize; + object_class->set_property = ib_icon_set_property; + object_class->get_property = ib_icon_get_property; + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("name", "Name", "Name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NAME, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("regular-name", "Regular Name", "Regular Name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REGULAR_NAME, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("symbolic-name", "Symbolic Name", "Symbolic Name", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SYMBOLIC_NAME, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("use-symbolic", "Use Symbolic", "Use Symbolic", + FALSE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_USE_SYMBOLIC, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("description", "Description", "Description", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DESCRIPTION, pspec); + + pspec = g_param_spec_string ("context", "Context", "Context", + NULL, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONTEXT, pspec); +} + +IbIcon * +ib_icon_new (const char *regular_name, + const char *symbolic_name, + const char *description, + const char *context) +{ + return g_object_new (IB_TYPE_ICON, + "regular-name", regular_name, + "symbolic-name", symbolic_name, + "description", description, + "context", context, + NULL); +} + +const char * +ib_icon_get_name (IbIcon *icon) +{ + if (icon->use_symbolic) + return icon->symbolic_name; + else + return icon->regular_name; +} + +const char * +ib_icon_get_regular_name (IbIcon *icon) +{ + return icon->regular_name; +} + +const char * +ib_icon_get_symbolic_name (IbIcon *icon) +{ + return icon->symbolic_name; +} + +gboolean +ib_icon_get_use_symbolic (IbIcon *icon) +{ + return icon->use_symbolic; +} + +const char * +ib_icon_get_description (IbIcon *icon) +{ + return icon->description; +} + +const char * +ib_icon_get_context (IbIcon *icon) +{ + return icon->context; +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4993ef98 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowsericon.h @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#define IB_TYPE_ICON (ib_icon_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (IbIcon, ib_icon, IB, ICON, GObject) + +IbIcon *ib_icon_new (const char *regular_name, + const char *symbolic_name, + const char *description, + const char *context); + +const char *ib_icon_get_name (IbIcon *icon); +const char *ib_icon_get_regular_name (IbIcon *icon); +const char *ib_icon_get_symbolic_name (IbIcon *icon); +gboolean ib_icon_get_use_symbolic (IbIcon *icon); +const char *ib_icon_get_description (IbIcon *icon); +const char *ib_icon_get_context (IbIcon *icon); diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de0dea87 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ +#include +#include "iconbrowserapp.h" +#include "iconbrowserwin.h" +#include "iconbrowsericon.h" +#include "iconbrowsercontext.h" +#include + + +struct _IconBrowserWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GtkWidget *symbolic_radio; + GtkWidget *searchbar; + GListModel *icon_filter_model; + GListStore *icon_store; + GListModel *context_model; + GListStore *context_store; + GtkFilter *name_filter; + GtkFilter *search_mode_filter; + GtkWidget *details; + GtkWidget *image1; + GtkWidget *image2; + GtkWidget *image3; + GtkWidget *image4; + GtkWidget *image5; + GtkWidget *image6; + GtkWidget *image7; + GtkWidget *image8; + GtkWidget *label8; + GtkWidget *description; +}; + +struct _IconBrowserWindowClass +{ + GtkApplicationWindowClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(IconBrowserWindow, icon_browser_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + +static GtkIconTheme * +icon_browser_window_get_icon_theme (IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + return gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (win))); +} + +static void +add_icon (IconBrowserWindow *win, + const char *name, + const char *description, + const char *context) +{ + GtkIconTheme *icon_theme = icon_browser_window_get_icon_theme (win); + char *regular_name; + char *symbolic_name; + IbIcon *icon; + + regular_name = g_strdup (name); + if (!gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (icon_theme, regular_name)) + { + g_free (regular_name); + regular_name = NULL; + } + + symbolic_name = g_strconcat (name, "-symbolic", NULL); + if (!gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (icon_theme, symbolic_name)) + { + g_free (symbolic_name); + symbolic_name = NULL; + } + + icon = ib_icon_new (regular_name, symbolic_name, description, context); + g_object_bind_property (win->symbolic_radio, "active", + icon, "use-symbolic", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); + g_list_store_append (win->icon_store, icon); + g_object_unref (icon); +} + +static void +add_context (IconBrowserWindow *win, + const char *id, + const char *name, + const char *description) +{ + IbContext *context; + + context = ib_context_new (id, name, description); + g_list_store_append (win->context_store, context); + g_object_unref (context); +} + +static void +populate (IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + GFile *file; + GKeyFile *kf; + char *data; + gsize length; + char **groups; + int i; + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:/org/gtk/iconbrowser/gtk/icon.list"); + g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &data, &length, NULL, NULL); + + kf = g_key_file_new (); + g_key_file_load_from_data (kf, data, length, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); + + groups = g_key_file_get_groups (kf, &length); + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) + { + const char *context; + const char *name; + const char *description; + char **keys; + gsize len; + int j; + + context = groups[i]; + name = g_key_file_get_string (kf, context, "Name", NULL); + description = g_key_file_get_string (kf, context, "Description", NULL); + add_context (win, context, name, description); + + keys = g_key_file_get_keys (kf, context, &len, NULL); + for (j = 0; j < len; j++) + { + const char *key = keys[j]; + const char *value; + + if (strcmp (key, "Name") == 0 || strcmp (key, "Description") == 0) + continue; + + value = g_key_file_get_string (kf, context, key, NULL); + + add_icon (win, key, value, context); + } + g_strfreev (keys); + } + g_strfreev (groups); +} + +static gboolean +filter_by_icon_name (gpointer item, + gpointer data) +{ + return ib_icon_get_name (IB_ICON (item)) != NULL; +} + +static void +symbolic_toggled (IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + gtk_filter_changed (win->name_filter, GTK_FILTER_CHANGE_DIFFERENT); +} + +static void +copy_to_clipboard (GtkButton *button, + IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + + clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + gdk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, gtk_window_get_title (GTK_WINDOW (win->details))); +} + +static void +set_image (GtkWidget *image, const char *name, int size) +{ + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (image), name); + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), size); +} + +static void +item_activated (GtkGridView *view, + guint position, + IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + GListModel *model = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_grid_view_get_model (view)); + IbIcon *icon = g_list_model_get_item (model, position); + const char *name; + const char *description; + gboolean symbolic; + + name = ib_icon_get_name (icon); + description = ib_icon_get_description (icon); + symbolic = ib_icon_get_use_symbolic (icon); + + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (win->details), name); + set_image (win->image1, name, 8); + set_image (win->image2, name, 16); + set_image (win->image3, name, 18); + set_image (win->image4, name, 24); + set_image (win->image5, name, 32); + set_image (win->image6, name, 48); + set_image (win->image7, name, 64); + gtk_widget_set_visible (win->image8, symbolic); + gtk_widget_set_visible (win->label8, symbolic); + if (symbolic) + set_image (win->image8, name, 64); + gtk_widget_set_visible (win->description, description && description[0]); + if (description && description[0]) + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (win->description), description); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win->details)); + + g_object_unref (icon); +} + +static GdkPaintable * +get_image_paintable (GtkImage *image) +{ + const char *icon_name; + GtkIconTheme *icon_theme; + GtkIconPaintable *icon; + int size; + + switch (gtk_image_get_storage_type (image)) + { + case GTK_IMAGE_PAINTABLE: + return g_object_ref (gtk_image_get_paintable (image)); + case GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME: + icon_name = gtk_image_get_icon_name (image); + size = gtk_image_get_pixel_size (image); + icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (image))); + icon = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, + icon_name, + NULL, + size, 1, + gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (image)), + 0); + if (icon == NULL) + { +g_print ("no icon for %s\n", icon_name); + return NULL; + } + return GDK_PAINTABLE (icon); + case GTK_IMAGE_GICON: + case GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY: + default: + g_warning ("Image storage type %d not handled", + gtk_image_get_storage_type (image)); + return NULL; + } +} + +static void +drag_begin (GtkDragSource *source, + GdkDrag *drag, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + paintable = get_image_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (widget)); + if (paintable) + { + int w, h; + + w = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable); + h = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable); + gtk_drag_source_set_icon (source, paintable, w, h); + g_object_unref (paintable); + } +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +drag_prepare_texture (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable = get_image_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (widget)); + GtkSnapshot *snapshot; + double width, height; + GskRenderNode *node; + GskRenderer *renderer; + GdkTexture *texture; + GdkContentProvider *ret; + + if (!GDK_IS_PAINTABLE (paintable)) + return NULL; + + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + width = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable); + height = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (paintable, snapshot, width, height); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); + + renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer (gtk_widget_get_native (widget)); + texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (renderer, node, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + ret = gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, texture); + + g_object_unref (texture); + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + + return ret; +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +drag_prepare_file (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GdkContentProvider *content; + GtkIconTheme *icon_theme; + const char *name; + GtkIconPaintable *info; + + name = gtk_image_get_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (widget)); + icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget)); + + info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, + name, + NULL, + 32, 1, + gtk_widget_get_direction (widget), + 0); + content = gdk_content_provider_new_typed (G_TYPE_FILE, gtk_icon_paintable_get_file (info)); + g_object_unref (info); + + return content; +} + +static void +setup_image_dnd (GtkWidget *image) +{ + GtkDragSource *source; + + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (drag_prepare_texture), image); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), image); + gtk_widget_add_controller (image, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); +} + +static void +setup_scalable_image_dnd (GtkWidget *image) +{ + GtkDragSource *source; + + source = gtk_drag_source_new (); + g_signal_connect (source, "prepare", G_CALLBACK (drag_prepare_file), image); + g_signal_connect (source, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), image); + gtk_widget_add_controller (image, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); +} + +static void +search_mode_toggled (GtkSearchBar *searchbar, + GParamSpec *pspec, + IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + if (gtk_search_bar_get_search_mode (searchbar)) + gtk_single_selection_set_selected (GTK_SINGLE_SELECTION (win->context_model), GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION); + else if (gtk_single_selection_get_selected (GTK_SINGLE_SELECTION (win->context_model)) == GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + gtk_single_selection_set_selected (GTK_SINGLE_SELECTION (win->context_model), 0); + + gtk_filter_changed (win->search_mode_filter, GTK_FILTER_CHANGE_DIFFERENT); +} + +static void +selected_name_changed (GtkSingleSelection *selection, + GParamSpec *pspec, + IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + if (gtk_single_selection_get_selected (selection) != GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) + gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (win->searchbar), FALSE); +} + +static void +icon_browser_window_init (IconBrowserWindow *win) +{ + GtkFilter *filter; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + setup_image_dnd (win->image1); + setup_image_dnd (win->image2); + setup_image_dnd (win->image3); + setup_image_dnd (win->image4); + setup_image_dnd (win->image5); + setup_image_dnd (win->image6); + setup_image_dnd (win->image7); + setup_scalable_image_dnd (win->image8); + + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (win->details), GTK_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_search_bar_set_key_capture_widget (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (win->searchbar), GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + populate (win); + + filter = gtk_filter_list_model_get_filter (GTK_FILTER_LIST_MODEL (win->icon_filter_model)); + + win->name_filter = GTK_FILTER (gtk_custom_filter_new (filter_by_icon_name, NULL, NULL)); + + gtk_multi_filter_append (GTK_MULTI_FILTER (filter), g_object_ref (win->name_filter)); + + g_signal_connect (win->searchbar, "notify::search-mode-enabled", G_CALLBACK (search_mode_toggled), win); + g_signal_connect (win->context_model, "notify::selected", G_CALLBACK (selected_name_changed), win); +} + +static void +icon_browser_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (object), ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (icon_browser_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +icon_browser_window_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + IconBrowserWindow *win = ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->name_filter); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (icon_browser_window_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +icon_browser_window_class_init (IconBrowserWindowClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = icon_browser_window_dispose; + object_class->finalize = icon_browser_window_finalize; + + g_type_ensure (IB_TYPE_ICON); + g_type_ensure (IB_TYPE_CONTEXT); + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/iconbrowser/gtk/window.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_radio); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, searchbar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, icon_store); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, icon_filter_model); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, context_model); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, context_store); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, details); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image1); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image2); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image3); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image4); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image5); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image6); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image7); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image8); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, label8); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, description); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, search_mode_filter); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), item_activated); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), copy_to_clipboard); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), symbolic_toggled); +} + +IconBrowserWindow * +icon_browser_window_new (IconBrowserApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..824ce95e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/iconbrowserwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#ifndef __ICON_BROWSER_WIN_H +#define __ICON_BROWSER_WIN_H + +#include +#include "iconbrowserapp.h" + + +#define ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE (icon_browser_window_get_type ()) +#define ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE, IconBrowserWindow)) + + +typedef struct _IconBrowserWindow IconBrowserWindow; +typedef struct _IconBrowserWindowClass IconBrowserWindowClass; + + +GType icon_browser_window_get_type (void); +IconBrowserWindow *icon_browser_window_new (IconBrowserApp *app); + + +#endif /* __ICON_BROWSER_WIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7dd5eee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#include +#include + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (icon_browser_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3260cd77 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +iconbrowser_sources = [ + 'main.c', + 'iconbrowserapp.c', + 'iconbrowserwin.c', + 'iconbrowsericon.c', + 'iconbrowsercontext.c' +] + +iconbrowser_resources = gnome.compile_resources('iconbrowser_resources', + 'iconbrowser.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir(), +) + +executable('gtk4-icon-browser', + sources: [iconbrowser_sources, iconbrowser_resources], + c_args: common_cflags, + dependencies: [ libgtk_dep, demo_conf_h ], + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +# icons +icontheme_dir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'icons/hicolor') + +foreach size: ['scalable', 'symbolic'] + install_subdir('data/' + size, install_dir: icontheme_dir) +endforeach + +# desktop file +install_data('org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop', install_dir: gtk_applicationsdir) + +# appdata +configure_file( + input: 'org.gtk.IconBrowser4.appdata.xml.in', + output: 'org.gtk.IconBrowser4.appdata.xml', + configuration: appdata_config, + install_dir: gtk_appdatadir +) + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.appdata.xml.in b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.appdata.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87add813 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.appdata.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + org.gtk.IconBrowser4 + org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop + CC0-1.0 + LGPL-2.1-or-later + GTK Icon Browser + Program to browse themed icons + +

+ GTK Icon Browser is a simple application to show themed icons that + are available on the system. +

+ + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-icon-browser/gtk-icon-browser1.png + Icon Browser + + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-icon-browser/gtk-icon-browser2.png + Search + + + + HiDpiIcon + ModernToolkit + + https://www.gtk.org + gtk-4.0 + matthias.clasen_at_gmail.com + Matthias Clasen and others + + + + +

A new build of GTK.

diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e0d9aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Icon Browser +Comment=An application that shows themed icons +Exec=gtk4-icon-browser +Icon=org.gtk.IconBrowser4 +Terminal=false +Type=Application +StartupNotify=true +Categories=Development;GTK; diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..137d3c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/icon-browser/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@ + + + +
+ + _Inspector + app.inspector + + + _About GTK Icon Browser + app.about + +
+ + + + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + + + vertical + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 18 + 18 + center + + + center + end + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 3 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 4 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 5 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 6 + 1 + + + + + + center + end + + 7 + 1 + + + + + + center + baseline + 8×8 + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 16×16 + + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 18×18 + + + 2 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 24×24 + + + 3 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 32×32 + + + 4 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 48×48 + + + 5 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + 64×64 + + + 6 + 2 + + + + + + center + baseline + scalable + + + 7 + 2 + + + + + + + + Copy to Clipboard + center + center + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + + + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 60 + start + + + + + +
+ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91eb3c46 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +gen_demo_header = find_program('../build-aux/meson/gen-demo-header.py') +demo_profile = get_option('profile') + +demo_conf_h = declare_dependency( + sources: custom_target('demo-header', + command: [gen_demo_header, meson.project_source_root(), demo_profile], + capture: true, + output: 'demo_conf.h', + build_by_default: true, + build_always_stale: true, + ) +) + +# appdata + +appdata_config = configuration_data() +appdata_config.set('BUILD_VERSION', meson.project_version()) + +subdir('constraint-editor') +subdir('gtk-demo') +subdir('icon-browser') +subdir('node-editor') +subdir('widget-factory') +subdir('print-editor') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d693fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.Devel.svg @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..48225f63 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.svg @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a825a846 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernode.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernode.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..36b7ae19 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernode.h @@ -0,0 +1,588 @@ +/* GSK - The GTK Scene Kit + * + * Copyright 2016 Endless + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GSK_RENDER_NODE_H__ +#define __GSK_RENDER_NODE_H__ + +#if !defined (__GSK_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) +#error "Only can be included directly." +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE (gsk_render_node_get_type ()) + +#define GSK_IS_RENDER_NODE(obj) ((obj) != NULL) + +#define GSK_SERIALIZATION_ERROR (gsk_serialization_error_quark ()) + +typedef struct _GskRenderNode GskRenderNode; +typedef struct _GskColorStop GskColorStop; +typedef struct _GskShadow GskShadow; + +/** + * GskColorStop: + * @offset: the offset of the color stop + * @color: the color at the given offset + * + * A color stop in a gradient node. + */ +struct _GskColorStop +{ + float offset; + GdkRGBA color; +}; + +/** + * GskShadow: + * @color: the color of the shadow + * @dx: the horizontal offset of the shadow + * @dy: the vertical offset of the shadow + * @radius: the radius of the shadow + * + * The shadow parameters in a shadow node. + */ +struct _GskShadow +{ + GdkRGBA color; + float dx; + float dy; + float radius; +}; + +typedef struct _GskParseLocation GskParseLocation; + +/** + * GskParseLocation: + * @bytes: the offset of the location in the parse buffer, as bytes + * @chars: the offset of the location in the parse buffer, as characters + * @lines: the line of the location in the parse buffer + * @line_bytes: the position in the line, as bytes + * @line_chars: the position in the line, as characters + * + * A location in a parse buffer. + */ +struct _GskParseLocation +{ + gsize bytes; + gsize chars; + gsize lines; + gsize line_bytes; + gsize line_chars; +}; + +/** + * GskParseErrorFunc: + * @start: start of the error location + * @end: end of the error location + * @error: the error + * @user_data: user data + * + * Type of callback that is called when an error occurs + * during node deserialization. + */ +typedef void (* GskParseErrorFunc) (const GskParseLocation *start, + const GskParseLocation *end, + const GError *error, + gpointer user_data); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_render_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GQuark gsk_serialization_error_quark (void); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_render_node_ref (GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_render_node_unref (GskRenderNode *node); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNodeType gsk_render_node_get_node_type (const GskRenderNode *node); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_render_node_get_bounds (GskRenderNode *node, + graphene_rect_t *bounds); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +void gsk_render_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node, + cairo_t *cr); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GBytes * gsk_render_node_serialize (GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gboolean gsk_render_node_write_to_file (GskRenderNode *node, + const char *filename, + GError **error); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_render_node_deserialize (GBytes *bytes, + GskParseErrorFunc error_func, + gpointer user_data); + +#define GSK_TYPE_DEBUG_NODE (gsk_debug_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_COLOR_NODE (gsk_color_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_TEXTURE_NODE (gsk_texture_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_TEXTURE_SCALE_NODE (gsk_texture_scale_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT_NODE (gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_REPEATING_LINEAR_GRADIENT_NODE (gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT_NODE (gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_REPEATING_RADIAL_GRADIENT_NODE (gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_CONIC_GRADIENT_NODE (gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_BORDER_NODE (gsk_border_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_INSET_SHADOW_NODE (gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_OUTSET_SHADOW_NODE (gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_CAIRO_NODE (gsk_cairo_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_CONTAINER_NODE (gsk_container_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_TRANSFORM_NODE (gsk_transform_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_OPACITY_NODE (gsk_opacity_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_COLOR_MATRIX_NODE (gsk_color_matrix_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_REPEAT_NODE (gsk_repeat_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_CLIP_NODE (gsk_clip_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_ROUNDED_CLIP_NODE (gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_SHADOW_NODE (gsk_shadow_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_BLEND_NODE (gsk_blend_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_CROSS_FADE_NODE (gsk_cross_fade_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_TEXT_NODE (gsk_text_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_BLUR_NODE (gsk_blur_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_MASK_NODE (gsk_mask_node_get_type()) +#define GSK_TYPE_GL_SHADER_NODE (gsk_gl_shader_node_get_type()) + +typedef struct _GskDebugNode GskDebugNode; +typedef struct _GskColorNode GskColorNode; +typedef struct _GskTextureNode GskTextureNode; +typedef struct _GskTextureScaleNode GskTextureScaleNode; +typedef struct _GskLinearGradientNode GskLinearGradientNode; +typedef struct _GskRepeatingLinearGradientNode GskRepeatingLinearGradientNode; +typedef struct _GskRadialGradientNode GskRadialGradientNode; +typedef struct _GskRepeatingRadialGradientNode GskRepeatingRadialGradientNode; +typedef struct _GskConicGradientNode GskConicGradientNode; +typedef struct _GskBorderNode GskBorderNode; +typedef struct _GskInsetShadowNode GskInsetShadowNode; +typedef struct _GskOutsetShadowNode GskOutsetShadowNode; +typedef struct _GskCairoNode GskCairoNode; +typedef struct _GskContainerNode GskContainerNode; +typedef struct _GskTransformNode GskTransformNode; +typedef struct _GskOpacityNode GskOpacityNode; +typedef struct _GskColorMatrixNode GskColorMatrixNode; +typedef struct _GskRepeatNode GskRepeatNode; +typedef struct _GskClipNode GskClipNode; +typedef struct _GskRoundedClipNode GskRoundedClipNode; +typedef struct _GskShadowNode GskShadowNode; +typedef struct _GskBlendNode GskBlendNode; +typedef struct _GskCrossFadeNode GskCrossFadeNode; +typedef struct _GskTextNode GskTextNode; +typedef struct _GskBlurNode GskBlurNode; +typedef struct _GskMaskNode GskMaskNode; +typedef struct _GskGLShaderNode GskGLShaderNode; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_debug_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_debug_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + char *message); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_debug_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const char * gsk_debug_node_get_message (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_color_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_color_node_new (const GdkRGBA *rgba, + const graphene_rect_t *bounds); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GdkRGBA * gsk_color_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_texture_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_texture_node_new (GdkTexture *texture, + const graphene_rect_t *bounds); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GdkTexture * gsk_texture_node_get_texture (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GType gsk_texture_scale_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskRenderNode * gsk_texture_scale_node_new (GdkTexture *texture, + const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + GskScalingFilter filter); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GdkTexture * gsk_texture_scale_node_get_texture (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskScalingFilter gsk_texture_scale_node_get_filter (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + const graphene_point_t *start, + const graphene_point_t *end, + const GskColorStop *color_stops, + gsize n_color_stops); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_point_t * gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_start (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_point_t * gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_end (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gsize gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskColorStop * gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node, + gsize *n_stops) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + const graphene_point_t *start, + const graphene_point_t *end, + const GskColorStop *color_stops, + gsize n_color_stops); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_conic_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + const graphene_point_t *center, + float rotation, + const GskColorStop *color_stops, + gsize n_color_stops); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_point_t * gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_center (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_rotation (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_2 +float gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_angle (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gsize gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskColorStop * gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node, + gsize *n_stops) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + const graphene_point_t *center, + float hradius, + float vradius, + float start, + float end, + const GskColorStop *color_stops, + gsize n_color_stops); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gsize gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskColorStop * gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node, + gsize *n_stops) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_point_t *gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_center (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_hradius (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_vradius (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_start (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_end (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + const graphene_point_t *center, + float hradius, + float vradius, + float start, + float end, + const GskColorStop *color_stops, + gsize n_color_stops); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_border_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_border_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline, + const float border_width[4], + const GdkRGBA border_color[4]); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskRoundedRect * gsk_border_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const float * gsk_border_node_get_widths (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GdkRGBA * gsk_border_node_get_colors (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline, + const GdkRGBA *color, + float dx, + float dy, + float spread, + float blur_radius); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskRoundedRect * gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GdkRGBA * gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dx (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dy (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_spread (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_blur_radius (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_outset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline, + const GdkRGBA *color, + float dx, + float dy, + float spread, + float blur_radius); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskRoundedRect * gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GdkRGBA * gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dx (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dy (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_spread (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_blur_radius (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_cairo_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_cairo_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +cairo_t * gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context (GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +cairo_surface_t * gsk_cairo_node_get_surface (GskRenderNode *node); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_container_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_container_node_new (GskRenderNode **children, + guint n_children); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +guint gsk_container_node_get_n_children (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_container_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node, + guint idx) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_transform_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_transform_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + GskTransform *transform); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_transform_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskTransform * gsk_transform_node_get_transform (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_opacity_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_opacity_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + float opacity); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_opacity_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_opacity_node_get_opacity (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_color_matrix_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_color_matrix_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + const graphene_matrix_t *color_matrix, + const graphene_vec4_t *color_offset); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_color_matrix_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_matrix_t * + gsk_color_matrix_node_get_color_matrix (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_vec4_t * gsk_color_matrix_node_get_color_offset (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_repeat_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_repeat_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + GskRenderNode *child, + const graphene_rect_t *child_bounds); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_repeat_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_rect_t * gsk_repeat_node_get_child_bounds (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_clip_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + const graphene_rect_t *clip); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_clip_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_rect_t * gsk_clip_node_get_clip (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_rounded_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + const GskRoundedRect *clip); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskRoundedRect * gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_clip (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_shadow_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_shadow_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + const GskShadow *shadows, + gsize n_shadows); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_shadow_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GskShadow * gsk_shadow_node_get_shadow (const GskRenderNode *node, + gsize i) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +gsize gsk_shadow_node_get_n_shadows (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_blend_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_blend_node_new (GskRenderNode *bottom, + GskRenderNode *top, + GskBlendMode blend_mode); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_blend_node_get_bottom_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_blend_node_get_top_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskBlendMode gsk_blend_node_get_blend_mode (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_cross_fade_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_cross_fade_node_new (GskRenderNode *start, + GskRenderNode *end, + float progress); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_cross_fade_node_get_start_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_cross_fade_node_get_end_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_cross_fade_node_get_progress (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_text_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont *font, + PangoGlyphString *glyphs, + const GdkRGBA *color, + const graphene_point_t *offset); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +PangoFont * gsk_text_node_get_font (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_2 +gboolean gsk_text_node_has_color_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +guint gsk_text_node_get_num_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const PangoGlyphInfo *gsk_text_node_get_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node, + guint *n_glyphs) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const GdkRGBA * gsk_text_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +const graphene_point_t *gsk_text_node_get_offset (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_blur_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_blur_node_new (GskRenderNode *child, + float radius); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_blur_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +float gsk_blur_node_get_radius (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GType gsk_mask_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskRenderNode * gsk_mask_node_new (GskRenderNode *source, + GskRenderNode *mask, + GskMaskMode mask_mode); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskRenderNode * gsk_mask_node_get_source (const GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskRenderNode * gsk_mask_node_get_mask (const GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_10 +GskMaskMode gsk_mask_node_get_mask_mode (const GskRenderNode *node); + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GType gsk_gl_shader_node_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_gl_shader_node_new (GskGLShader *shader, + const graphene_rect_t *bounds, + GBytes *args, + GskRenderNode **children, + guint n_children); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +guint gsk_gl_shader_node_get_n_children (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskRenderNode * gsk_gl_shader_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node, + guint idx) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GBytes * gsk_gl_shader_node_get_args (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL +GskGLShader * gsk_gl_shader_node_get_shader (const GskRenderNode *node) G_GNUC_PURE; + +/** + * GSK_VALUE_HOLDS_RENDER_NODE: + * @value: a `GValue` + * + * Evaluates to %TRUE if @value was initialized with %GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE. + */ +#define GSK_VALUE_HOLDS_RENDER_NODE(value) (G_VALUE_HOLDS ((value), GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE)) + +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_4 +void gsk_value_set_render_node (GValue *value, + GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_4 +void gsk_value_take_render_node (GValue *value, + GskRenderNode *node); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_4 +GskRenderNode * gsk_value_get_render_node (const GValue *value); +GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_4_4 +GskRenderNode * gsk_value_dup_render_node (const GValue *value); + +G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(GskRenderNode, gsk_render_node_unref) + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GSK_RENDER_NODE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeparserprivate.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeparserprivate.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79944887 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeparserprivate.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +#ifndef __GSK_RENDER_NODE_PARSER_PRIVATE_H__ +#define __GSK_RENDER_NODE_PARSER_PRIVATE_H__ + +#include "gskrendernode.h" + +GskRenderNode * gsk_render_node_deserialize_from_bytes (GBytes *bytes, + GskParseErrorFunc error_func, + gpointer user_data); + +#endif diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeprivate.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeprivate.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32acf046 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gsk/gskrendernodeprivate.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +#ifndef __GSK_RENDER_NODE_PRIVATE_H__ +#define __GSK_RENDER_NODE_PRIVATE_H__ + +#include "gskrendernode.h" +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +typedef struct _GskRenderNodeClass GskRenderNodeClass; + +/* Keep this in sync with the GskRenderNodeType enumeration. + * + * We don't add an "n-types" value to avoid having to handle + * it in every single switch. + */ +#define GSK_RENDER_NODE_TYPE_N_TYPES (GSK_MASK_NODE + 1) + +extern GType gsk_render_node_types[]; + +#define GSK_IS_RENDER_NODE_TYPE(node,type) \ + (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((node), GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE, GskRenderNodeClass)->node_type == (type)) + +struct _GskRenderNode +{ + GTypeInstance parent_instance; + + gatomicrefcount ref_count; + + graphene_rect_t bounds; + + guint prefers_high_depth : 1; + guint offscreen_for_opacity : 1; +}; + +struct _GskRenderNodeClass +{ + GTypeClass parent_class; + + GskRenderNodeType node_type; + + void (* finalize) (GskRenderNode *node); + void (* draw) (GskRenderNode *node, + cairo_t *cr); + gboolean (* can_diff) (const GskRenderNode *node1, + const GskRenderNode *node2); + void (* diff) (GskRenderNode *node1, + GskRenderNode *node2, + cairo_region_t *region); +}; + +/*< private > + * GskRenderNodeTypeInfo: + * @node_type: the render node type in the `GskRenderNodeType` enumeration + * @instance_size: the size of the render node instance + * @instance_init: (nullable): the instance initialization function + * @finalize: (nullable): the instance finalization function; must chain up to the + * implementation of the parent class + * @draw: the function called by gsk_render_node_draw() + * @can_diff: (nullable): the function called by gsk_render_node_can_diff(); if + * unset, gsk_render_node_can_diff_true() will be used + * @diff: (nullable): the function called by gsk_render_node_diff(); if unset, + * gsk_render_node_diff_impossible() will be used + * + * A struction that contains the type information for a `GskRenderNode` subclass, + * to be used by gsk_render_node_type_register_static(). + */ +typedef struct +{ + GskRenderNodeType node_type; + + gsize instance_size; + + void (* instance_init) (GskRenderNode *node); + void (* finalize) (GskRenderNode *node); + void (* draw) (GskRenderNode *node, + cairo_t *cr); + gboolean (* can_diff) (const GskRenderNode *node1, + const GskRenderNode *node2); + void (* diff) (GskRenderNode *node1, + GskRenderNode *node2, + cairo_region_t *region); +} GskRenderNodeTypeInfo; + +void gsk_render_node_init_types (void); + +GType gsk_render_node_type_register_static (const char *node_name, + const GskRenderNodeTypeInfo *node_info); + +gpointer gsk_render_node_alloc (GskRenderNodeType node_type); + +gboolean gsk_render_node_can_diff (const GskRenderNode *node1, + const GskRenderNode *node2) G_GNUC_PURE; +void gsk_render_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1, + GskRenderNode *node2, + cairo_region_t *region); +void gsk_render_node_diff_impossible (GskRenderNode *node1, + GskRenderNode *node2, + cairo_region_t *region); +void gsk_container_node_diff_with (GskRenderNode *container, + GskRenderNode *other, + cairo_region_t *region); + +bool gsk_border_node_get_uniform (const GskRenderNode *self); +bool gsk_border_node_get_uniform_color (const GskRenderNode *self); + +void gsk_text_node_serialize_glyphs (GskRenderNode *self, + GString *str); + +GskRenderNode ** gsk_container_node_get_children (const GskRenderNode *node, + guint *n_children); + +void gsk_transform_node_get_translate (const GskRenderNode *node, + float *dx, + float *dy); +gboolean gsk_render_node_prefers_high_depth (const GskRenderNode *node); + +gboolean gsk_container_node_is_disjoint (const GskRenderNode *node); + +gboolean gsk_render_node_use_offscreen_for_opacity (const GskRenderNode *node); + + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GSK_RENDER_NODE_PRIVATE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintable.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf11db7c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintable.c @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "gtkrendererpaintableprivate.h" + +#include + +struct _GtkRendererPaintable +{ + GObject parent_instance; + + GskRenderer *renderer; + GdkPaintable *paintable; +}; + +struct _GtkRendererPaintableClass +{ + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_PAINTABLE, + PROP_RENDERER, + N_PROPS +}; + +static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS] = { NULL, }; + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_snapshot (GdkPaintable *paintable, + GdkSnapshot *snapshot, + double width, + double height) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (paintable); + GtkSnapshot *node_snapshot; + GskRenderNode *node; + GdkTexture *texture; + + if (self->paintable == NULL) + return; + + if (self->renderer == NULL || + !gsk_renderer_is_realized (self->renderer)) + { + gdk_paintable_snapshot (self->paintable, snapshot, width, height); + return; + } + + node_snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (self->paintable, node_snapshot, width, height); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (node_snapshot); + if (node == NULL) + return; + + texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (self->renderer, + node, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); + + gdk_paintable_snapshot (GDK_PAINTABLE (texture), snapshot, width, height); + g_object_unref (texture); +} + +static int +gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + if (self->paintable == NULL) + return 0; + + return gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (self->paintable); +} + +static int +gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + if (self->paintable == NULL) + return 0; + + return gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (self->paintable); +} + +static double +gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (paintable); + + if (self->paintable == NULL) + return 0.0; + + return gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (self->paintable); +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_init (GdkPaintableInterface *iface) +{ + iface->snapshot = gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_snapshot; + iface->get_intrinsic_width = gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_width; + iface->get_intrinsic_height = gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_height; + iface->get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio = gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio; +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED (GtkRendererPaintable, gtk_renderer_paintable, G_TYPE_OBJECT, 0, + G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + gtk_renderer_paintable_paintable_init)) + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) + +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_PAINTABLE: + gtk_renderer_paintable_set_paintable (self, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + case PROP_RENDERER: + gtk_renderer_paintable_set_renderer (self, g_value_get_object (value)); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (object); + + switch (prop_id) + { + case PROP_PAINTABLE: + g_value_set_object (value, self->paintable); + break; + + case PROP_RENDERER: + g_value_set_object (value, self->renderer); + break; + + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_unset_paintable (GtkRendererPaintable *self) +{ + guint flags; + + if (self->paintable == NULL) + return; + + flags = gdk_paintable_get_flags (self->paintable); + + if ((flags & GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS) == 0) + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->paintable, + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents, + self); + + if ((flags & GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE) == 0) + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->paintable, + gdk_paintable_invalidate_size, + self); + + g_clear_object (&self->paintable); +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + GtkRendererPaintable *self = GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (object); + + g_clear_object (&self->renderer); + gtk_renderer_paintable_unset_paintable (self); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_renderer_paintable_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_class_init (GtkRendererPaintableClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->get_property = gtk_renderer_paintable_get_property; + gobject_class->set_property = gtk_renderer_paintable_set_property; + gobject_class->dispose = gtk_renderer_paintable_dispose; + + properties[PROP_PAINTABLE] = + g_param_spec_object ("paintable", + "Paintable", + "The paintable to be shown", + GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); + + properties[PROP_RENDERER] = + g_param_spec_object ("renderer", + "Renderer", + "Renderer used to render the paintable", + GSK_TYPE_RENDERER, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); + + g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, N_PROPS, properties); +} + +static void +gtk_renderer_paintable_init (GtkRendererPaintable *self) +{ +} + +GdkPaintable * +gtk_renderer_paintable_new (GskRenderer *renderer, + GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (renderer == NULL || GSK_IS_RENDERER (renderer), NULL); + g_return_val_if_fail (paintable == NULL || GDK_IS_PAINTABLE (paintable), NULL); + + return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_RENDERER_PAINTABLE, + "renderer", renderer, + "paintable", paintable, + NULL); +} + +void +gtk_renderer_paintable_set_renderer (GtkRendererPaintable *self, + GskRenderer *renderer) +{ + g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (self)); + g_return_if_fail (renderer == NULL || GSK_IS_RENDERER (renderer)); + + if (!g_set_object (&self->renderer, renderer)) + return; + + if (self->paintable) + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_RENDERER]); +} + +GskRenderer * +gtk_renderer_paintable_get_renderer (GtkRendererPaintable *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (self), NULL); + + return self->renderer; +} + +void +gtk_renderer_paintable_set_paintable (GtkRendererPaintable *self, + GdkPaintable *paintable) +{ + g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (self)); + g_return_if_fail (paintable == NULL || GDK_IS_PAINTABLE (paintable)); + + if (self->paintable == paintable) + return; + + gtk_renderer_paintable_unset_paintable (self); + + if (paintable) + { + const guint flags = gdk_paintable_get_flags (paintable); + + self->paintable = g_object_ref (paintable); + + if ((flags & GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS) == 0) + g_signal_connect_swapped (paintable, + "invalidate-contents", + G_CALLBACK (gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents), + self); + if ((flags & GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE) == 0) + g_signal_connect_swapped (paintable, + "invalidate-size", + G_CALLBACK (gdk_paintable_invalidate_size), + self); + } + + gdk_paintable_invalidate_size (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + gdk_paintable_invalidate_contents (GDK_PAINTABLE (self)); + + g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PAINTABLE]); +} + +GdkPaintable * +gtk_renderer_paintable_get_paintable (GtkRendererPaintable *self) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (self), NULL); + + return self->paintable; +} + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintableprivate.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintableprivate.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39b9f8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/gtkrendererpaintableprivate.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#ifndef __GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE_H__ +#define __GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define GTK_TYPE_RENDERER_PAINTABLE (gtk_renderer_paintable_get_type ()) + +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkRendererPaintable, gtk_renderer_paintable, GTK, RENDERER_PAINTABLE, GObject) + +GdkPaintable * gtk_renderer_paintable_new (GskRenderer *renderer, + GdkPaintable *paintable); + +void gtk_renderer_paintable_set_renderer (GtkRendererPaintable *self, + GskRenderer *renderer); +GskRenderer * gtk_renderer_paintable_get_renderer (GtkRendererPaintable *self) G_GNUC_PURE; +void gtk_renderer_paintable_set_paintable (GtkRendererPaintable *self, + GdkPaintable *paintable); +GdkPaintable * gtk_renderer_paintable_get_paintable (GtkRendererPaintable *self) G_GNUC_PURE; + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GTK_RENDERER_PAINTABLE_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/help-window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/help-window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9cf6982 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/help-window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + Help + 920 + 600 + + + + + word + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 1 + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8aec52a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (node_editor_application_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59c858f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +node_editor_sources = [ + 'gtkrendererpaintable.c', + 'main.c', + 'node-editor-application.c', + 'node-editor-window.c', +] + +node_editor_resources = gnome.compile_resources('node_editor_resources', + 'node-editor.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir(), +) + +executable('gtk4-node-editor', + sources: [node_editor_sources, node_editor_resources], + dependencies: [ libgtk_dep, demo_conf_h ], + include_directories: confinc, + c_args: common_cflags, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +# icons +icontheme_dir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'icons/hicolor') + +foreach size: ['scalable', 'symbolic'] + install_subdir('data/' + size, install_dir: icontheme_dir) +endforeach + +# desktop file +install_data('org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop', install_dir: gtk_applicationsdir) + +# appdata +configure_file( + input: 'org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.appdata.xml.in', + output: 'org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.appdata.xml', + configuration: appdata_config, + install_dir: gtk_appdatadir +) + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42a83e91 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.c @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "node-editor-application.h" + +#include "node-editor-window.h" + +#include "demo_conf.h" + +static const char *css = +"textview.editor {" +" color: rgb(192, 197, 206);" +" caret-color: currentColor;" +"}" +"textview.editor > text {" +" background-color: rgb(43, 48, 59);" +"}" +; + +struct _NodeEditorApplication +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +struct _NodeEditorApplicationClass +{ + GtkApplicationClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(NodeEditorApplication, node_editor_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +node_editor_application_init (NodeEditorApplication *app) +{ +} + +static void +activate_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + char *version; + GString *s; + GskRenderer *gsk_renderer; + const char *renderer; + char *os_name; + char *os_version; + GtkWidget *dialog; + + os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); + os_version = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_VERSION_ID); + s = g_string_new (""); + if (os_name && os_version) + g_string_append_printf (s, "OS\t%s %s\n\n", os_name, os_version); + + g_string_append (s, "System libraries\n"); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGLib\t%d.%d.%d\n", + glib_major_version, + glib_minor_version, + glib_micro_version); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tPango\t%s\n", + pango_version_string ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGTK \t%d.%d.%d\n", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + gsk_renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer (GTK_NATIVE (gtk_application_get_active_window (app))); + if (strcmp (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (gsk_renderer), "GskVulkanRenderer") == 0) + renderer = "Vulkan"; + else if (strcmp (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (gsk_renderer), "GskGLRenderer") == 0) + renderer = "OpenGL"; + else if (strcmp (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (gsk_renderer), "GskCairoRenderer") == 0) + renderer = "Cairo"; + else + renderer = "Unknown"; + + g_string_append_printf (s, "\nRenderer\n\t%s", renderer); + + version = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : "", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_ABOUT_DIALOG, + "transient-for", gtk_application_get_active_window (app), + "program-name", g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 + ? "GTK Node Editor (Development)" + : "GTK Node Editor", + "version", version, + "copyright", "© 2019—2021 The GTK Team", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to test GTK rendering", + "authors", (const char *[]){ "Benjamin Otte", "Timm Bäder", NULL}, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor", + "title", "About GTK Node Editor", + "system-information", s->str, + NULL); + gtk_about_dialog_add_credit_section (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), + "Artwork by", (const char *[]) { "Jakub Steiner", NULL }); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + g_free (version); + g_free (os_name); + g_free (os_version); +} + +static void +activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer data) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (data)); +} + +static void +activate_inspector (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_window_set_interactive_debugging (TRUE); +} + +static void +activate_help (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *window; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GBytes *bytes; + const char *text; + gsize len; + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/org/gtk/gtk4/node-editor/help-window.ui", NULL); + window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); + buffer = GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "buffer")); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/org/gtk/gtk4/node-editor/node-format.md", + G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL); + text = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, text, len); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "inspector", activate_inspector, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "help", activate_help, NULL, NULL, NULL }, +}; + +static void +node_editor_application_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *help_accels[2] = { "F1", NULL }; + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + const char *open_accels[2] = { "O", NULL }; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (node_editor_application_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), "app.help", help_accels); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), "app.quit", quit_accels); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), "win.open", open_accels); + + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, css, -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); +} + +static void +node_editor_application_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *win; + + win = node_editor_window_new (NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION (app)); + + if (g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (win), "devel"); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +node_editor_application_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *win; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + { + win = node_editor_window_new (NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION (app)); + node_editor_window_load (win, files[i]); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + } +} + +static void +node_editor_application_class_init (NodeEditorApplicationClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *application_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + + application_class->startup = node_editor_application_startup; + application_class->activate = node_editor_application_activate; + application_class->open = node_editor_application_open; +} + +NodeEditorApplication * +node_editor_application_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90fbb24c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-application.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#ifndef __NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_H__ +#define __NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_H__ + +#include + + +#define NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_TYPE (node_editor_application_get_type ()) +#define NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_TYPE, NodeEditorApplication)) + + +typedef struct _NodeEditorApplication NodeEditorApplication; +typedef struct _NodeEditorApplicationClass NodeEditorApplicationClass; + + +GType node_editor_application_get_type (void); +NodeEditorApplication *node_editor_application_new (void); + + +#endif /* __NODE_EDITOR_APPLICATION_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4be1adad --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.c @@ -0,0 +1,1327 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include "node-editor-window.h" + +#include "gtkrendererpaintableprivate.h" + +#include "gsk/gskrendernodeparserprivate.h" +#include "gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h" +#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_BROADWAY +#include "gsk/broadway/gskbroadwayrenderer.h" +#endif +#ifdef GDK_RENDERING_VULKAN +#include "gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h" +#endif + +#include +#ifdef CAIRO_HAS_SVG_SURFACE +#include +#endif + +typedef struct +{ + gsize start_chars; + gsize end_chars; + char *message; +} TextViewError; + +struct _NodeEditorWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GtkWidget *picture; + GtkWidget *text_view; + GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer; + GtkTextTagTable *tag_table; + + GtkWidget *testcase_popover; + GtkWidget *testcase_error_label; + GtkWidget *testcase_cairo_checkbutton; + GtkWidget *testcase_name_entry; + GtkWidget *testcase_save_button; + GtkWidget *scale_scale; + + GtkWidget *renderer_listbox; + GListStore *renderers; + GskRenderNode *node; + + GFileMonitor *file_monitor; + + GArray *errors; +}; + +struct _NodeEditorWindowClass +{ + GtkApplicationWindowClass parent_class; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(NodeEditorWindow, node_editor_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + +static void +text_view_error_free (TextViewError *e) +{ + g_free (e->message); +} + +static char * +get_current_text (GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + + return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); +} + +static void +text_buffer_remove_all_tags (GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags (buffer, &start, &end); +} + +static void +deserialize_error_func (const GskParseLocation *start_location, + const GskParseLocation *end_location, + const GError *error, + gpointer user_data) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = user_data; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + TextViewError text_view_error; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_offset (self->text_buffer, &start_iter, + start_location->lines, + start_location->line_chars); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_offset (self->text_buffer, &end_iter, + end_location->lines, + end_location->line_chars); + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (self->text_buffer, "error", + &start_iter, &end_iter); + + text_view_error.start_chars = start_location->chars; + text_view_error.end_chars = end_location->chars; + text_view_error.message = g_strdup (error->message); + g_array_append_val (self->errors, text_view_error); +} + +static void +text_iter_skip_alpha_backward (GtkTextIter *iter) +{ + /* Just skip to the previous non-whitespace char */ + + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_start (iter)) + { + gunichar c = gtk_text_iter_get_char (iter); + + if (g_unichar_isspace (c)) + { + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (iter); + break; + } + + gtk_text_iter_backward_char (iter); + } +} + +static void +text_iter_skip_whitespace_backward (GtkTextIter *iter) +{ + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_start (iter)) + { + gunichar c = gtk_text_iter_get_char (iter); + + if (g_unichar_isalpha (c)) + { + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (iter); + break; + } + + gtk_text_iter_backward_char (iter); + } +} + +static void +text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + char *text; + GBytes *bytes; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextIter start, end; + float scale; + GskRenderNode *big_node; + + g_array_remove_range (self->errors, 0, self->errors->len); + text = get_current_text (self->text_buffer); + text_buffer_remove_all_tags (self->text_buffer); + bytes = g_bytes_new_take (text, strlen (text)); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->node, gsk_render_node_unref); + + /* If this is too slow, go fix the parser performance */ + self->node = gsk_render_node_deserialize (bytes, deserialize_error_func, self); + + scale = gtk_scale_button_get_value (GTK_SCALE_BUTTON (self->scale_scale)); + if (self->node && scale != 0.) + { + scale = pow (2., scale); + big_node = gsk_transform_node_new (self->node, gsk_transform_scale (NULL, scale, scale)); + } + else if (self->node) + { + big_node = gsk_render_node_ref (self->node); + } + else + { + big_node = NULL; + } + + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + if (self->node) + { + /* XXX: Is this code necessary or can we have API to turn nodes into paintables? */ + GtkSnapshot *snapshot; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + graphene_rect_t bounds; + guint i; + + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gsk_render_node_get_bounds (big_node, &bounds); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (- bounds.origin.x, - bounds.origin.y)); + gtk_snapshot_append_node (snapshot, big_node); + paintable = gtk_snapshot_free_to_paintable (snapshot, &bounds.size); + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (self->picture), paintable); + g_clear_object (&paintable); + + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gsk_render_node_get_bounds (self->node, &bounds); + gtk_snapshot_translate (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (- bounds.origin.x, - bounds.origin.y)); + gtk_snapshot_append_node (snapshot, self->node); + paintable = gtk_snapshot_free_to_paintable (snapshot, &bounds.size); + + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self->renderers)); i++) + { + gpointer item = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (self->renderers), i); + gtk_renderer_paintable_set_paintable (item, paintable); + g_object_unref (item); + } + + g_clear_object (&paintable); + } + else + { + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (self->picture), NULL); + } + + g_clear_pointer (&big_node, gsk_render_node_unref); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (self->text_buffer, &iter); + + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_end (&iter)) + { + gunichar c = gtk_text_iter_get_char (&iter); + + if (c == '{') + { + GtkTextIter word_end = iter; + GtkTextIter word_start; + + gtk_text_iter_backward_char (&word_end); + text_iter_skip_whitespace_backward (&word_end); + + word_start = word_end; + gtk_text_iter_backward_word_start (&word_start); + text_iter_skip_alpha_backward (&word_start); + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (self->text_buffer, "nodename", + &word_start, &word_end); + } + else if (c == ':') + { + GtkTextIter word_end = iter; + GtkTextIter word_start; + + gtk_text_iter_backward_char (&word_end); + text_iter_skip_whitespace_backward (&word_end); + + word_start = word_end; + gtk_text_iter_backward_word_start (&word_start); + text_iter_skip_alpha_backward (&word_start); + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (self->text_buffer, "propname", + &word_start, &word_end); + } + else if (c == '"') + { + GtkTextIter string_start = iter; + GtkTextIter string_end = iter; + + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&iter); + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_end (&iter)) + { + c = gtk_text_iter_get_char (&iter); + + if (c == '"') + { + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&iter); + string_end = iter; + break; + } + + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&iter); + } + + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (self->text_buffer, "string", + &string_start, &string_end); + } + + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&iter); + } + + gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (self->text_buffer, &start, &end); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (self->text_buffer, "no-hyphens", + &start, &end); +} + +static void +scale_changed (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *pspec, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + text_changed (self->text_buffer, self); +} + +static gboolean +text_view_query_tooltip_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + int x, + int y, + gboolean keyboard_tip, + GtkTooltip *tooltip, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GtkTextIter iter; + guint i; + GString *text; + + if (keyboard_tip) + { + int offset; + + g_object_get (self->text_buffer, "cursor-position", &offset, NULL); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (self->text_buffer, &iter, offset); + } + else + { + int bx, by, trailing; + + gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (self->text_view), GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, + x, y, &bx, &by); + gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_position (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (self->text_view), &iter, &trailing, bx, by); + } + + text = g_string_new (""); + + for (i = 0; i < self->errors->len; i ++) + { + const TextViewError *e = &g_array_index (self->errors, TextViewError, i); + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (self->text_buffer, &start_iter, e->start_chars); + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (self->text_buffer, &end_iter, e->end_chars); + + if (gtk_text_iter_in_range (&iter, &start_iter, &end_iter)) + { + if (text->len > 0) + g_string_append (text, "\n"); + g_string_append (text, e->message); + } + } + + if (text->len > 0) + { + gtk_tooltip_set_text (tooltip, text->str); + g_string_free (text, TRUE); + return TRUE; + } + else + { + g_string_free (text, TRUE); + return FALSE; + } +} + +static gboolean +load_bytes (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GBytes *bytes); + +static void +load_error (NodeEditorWindow *self, + const char *error_message) +{ + PangoLayout *layout; + GtkSnapshot *snapshot; + GskRenderNode *node; + GBytes *bytes; + + layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (self), error_message); + pango_layout_set_width (layout, 300 * PANGO_SCALE); + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gtk_snapshot_append_layout (snapshot, layout, &(GdkRGBA) { 0.7, 0.13, 0.13, 1.0 }); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); + bytes = gsk_render_node_serialize (node); + + load_bytes (self, bytes); + + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + g_object_unref (layout); +} + +static gboolean +load_bytes (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GBytes *bytes) +{ + if (!g_utf8_validate (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes), NULL)) + { + load_error (self, "Invalid UTF-8"); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + return FALSE; + } + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (self->text_buffer, + g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), + g_bytes_get_size (bytes)); + + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +load_file_contents (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GFile *file) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + GBytes *bytes; + + bytes = g_file_load_bytes (file, NULL, NULL, &error); + if (bytes == NULL) + { + load_error (self, error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + return FALSE; + } + + return load_bytes (self, bytes); +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +on_picture_drag_prepare_cb (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + if (self->node == NULL) + return NULL; + + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE, self->node); +} + +static void +on_picture_drop_read_done_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer data) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = data; + GOutputStream *stream = G_OUTPUT_STREAM (source); + GdkDrop *drop = g_object_get_data (source, "drop"); + GdkDragAction action = 0; + GBytes *bytes; + + if (g_output_stream_splice_finish (stream, res, NULL) >= 0) + { + bytes = g_memory_output_stream_steal_as_bytes (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (stream)); + if (load_bytes (self, bytes)) + action = GDK_ACTION_COPY; + } + + g_object_unref (self); + gdk_drop_finish (drop, action); + g_object_unref (drop); + return; +} + +static void +on_picture_drop_read_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer data) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = data; + GdkDrop *drop = GDK_DROP (source); + GInputStream *input; + GOutputStream *output; + + input = gdk_drop_read_finish (drop, res, NULL, NULL); + if (input == NULL) + { + g_object_unref (self); + gdk_drop_finish (drop, 0); + return; + } + + output = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable (); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (output), "drop", drop); + g_object_ref (drop); + + g_output_stream_splice_async (output, + input, + G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE | G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, + G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, + NULL, + on_picture_drop_read_done_cb, + self); + g_object_unref (output); + g_object_unref (input); +} + +static gboolean +on_picture_drop_cb (GtkDropTargetAsync *dest, + GdkDrop *drop, + double x, + double y, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + gdk_drop_read_async (drop, + (const char *[2]) { "application/x-gtk-render-node", NULL }, + G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, + NULL, + on_picture_drop_read_cb, + g_object_ref (self)); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +file_changed_cb (GFileMonitor *monitor, + GFile *file, + GFile *other_file, + GFileMonitorEvent event_type, + gpointer user_data) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = user_data; + + if (event_type == G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED) + load_file_contents (self, file); +} + +gboolean +node_editor_window_load (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GFile *file) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + g_clear_object (&self->file_monitor); + + if (!load_file_contents (self, file)) + return FALSE; + + self->file_monitor = g_file_monitor_file (file, G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, NULL, &error); + + if (error) + { + g_warning ("couldn't monitor file: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + g_clear_object (&self->file_monitor); + } + else + { + g_signal_connect (self->file_monitor, "changed", G_CALLBACK (file_changed_cb), self); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +open_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + NodeEditorWindow *self = user_data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + node_editor_window_load (self, file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +show_open_filechooser (NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GFile *cwd; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Open node file"); + cwd = g_file_new_for_path ("."); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_folder (dialog, cwd); + g_object_unref (cwd); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, GTK_WINDOW (self), + NULL, open_response_cb, self); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +open_cb (GtkWidget *button, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + show_open_filechooser (self); +} + +static void +save_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + NodeEditorWindow *self = user_data; + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_save_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + char *text; + GError *error = NULL; + + text = get_current_text (self->text_buffer); + + g_file_replace_contents (file, text, strlen (text), + NULL, FALSE, + G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, + NULL, + NULL, + &error); + if (error != NULL) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Saving failed"); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (self)))); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_error_free (error); + } + + g_free (text); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +save_cb (GtkWidget *button, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GFile *cwd; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Save node"); + cwd = g_file_new_for_path ("."); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_folder (dialog, cwd); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_name (dialog, "demo.node"); + g_object_unref (cwd); + gtk_file_dialog_save (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (button))), + NULL, + save_response_cb, self); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static GskRenderNode * +create_node (NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GtkSnapshot *snapshot; + GskRenderNode *node; + + paintable = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (self->picture)); + if (paintable == NULL || + gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable) <= 0 || + gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable) <= 0) + return NULL; + + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (paintable, snapshot, gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable), gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable)); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); + + return node; +} + +static GdkTexture * +create_texture (NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GskRenderer *renderer; + GskRenderNode *node; + GdkTexture *texture; + + node = create_node (self); + if (node == NULL) + return NULL; + + renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer (gtk_widget_get_native (GTK_WIDGET (self))); + texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (renderer, node, NULL); + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + + return texture; +} + +#ifdef CAIRO_HAS_SVG_SURFACE +static cairo_status_t +cairo_serializer_write (gpointer user_data, + const unsigned char *data, + unsigned int length) +{ + g_byte_array_append (user_data, data, length); + + return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; +} + +static GBytes * +create_svg (GskRenderNode *node, + GError **error) +{ + cairo_surface_t *surface; + cairo_t *cr; + graphene_rect_t bounds; + GByteArray *array; + + gsk_render_node_get_bounds (node, &bounds); + array = g_byte_array_new (); + + surface = cairo_svg_surface_create_for_stream (cairo_serializer_write, + array, + bounds.size.width, + bounds.size.height); + cairo_svg_surface_set_document_unit (surface, CAIRO_SVG_UNIT_PX); + cairo_surface_set_device_offset (surface, -bounds.origin.x, -bounds.origin.y); + + cr = cairo_create (surface); + gsk_render_node_draw (node, cr); + cairo_destroy (cr); + + cairo_surface_finish (surface); + if (cairo_surface_status (surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) + { + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + return g_byte_array_free_to_bytes (array); + } + else + { + g_set_error (error, + G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, + "%s", cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (surface))); + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + g_byte_array_unref (array); + return NULL; + } +} +#endif + +static GdkTexture * +create_cairo_texture (NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GtkSnapshot *snapshot; + GskRenderer *renderer; + GskRenderNode *node; + GdkTexture *texture; + + paintable = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (self->picture)); + if (paintable == NULL || + gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable) <= 0 || + gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable) <= 0) + return NULL; + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (paintable, snapshot, gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable), gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable)); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); + if (node == NULL) + return NULL; + + renderer = gsk_cairo_renderer_new (); + gsk_renderer_realize (renderer, NULL, NULL); + + texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (renderer, node, NULL); + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + gsk_renderer_unrealize (renderer); + g_object_unref (renderer); + + return texture; +} + +static void +export_image_saved_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + if (!g_file_replace_contents_finish (G_FILE (source), result, NULL, &error)) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Exporting to image failed"); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, NULL); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_clear_error (&error); + } +} + +static void +export_image_response_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GskRenderNode *node = user_data; + GFile *file; + char *uri; + GBytes *bytes; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_save_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file == NULL) + { + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + return; + } + + uri = g_file_get_uri (file); +#ifdef CAIRO_HAS_SVG_SURFACE + if (g_str_has_suffix (uri, "svg")) + { + GError *error = NULL; + + bytes = create_svg (node, &error); + if (bytes == NULL) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Exporting to image failed"); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, NULL); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + } + else +#endif + { + GdkTexture *texture; + GskRenderer *renderer; + + renderer = gsk_gl_renderer_new (); + if (!gsk_renderer_realize (renderer, NULL, NULL)) + { + g_object_unref (renderer); + renderer = gsk_cairo_renderer_new (); + if (!gsk_renderer_realize (renderer, NULL, NULL)) + { + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + } + texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (renderer, node, NULL); + gsk_renderer_unrealize (renderer); + g_object_unref (renderer); + + if (g_str_has_suffix (uri, "tiff")) + bytes = gdk_texture_save_to_tiff_bytes (texture); + else + bytes = gdk_texture_save_to_png_bytes (texture); + g_object_unref (texture); + } + g_free (uri); + + if (bytes) + { + g_file_replace_contents_bytes_async (file, + bytes, + NULL, + FALSE, + 0, + NULL, + export_image_saved_cb, + NULL); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + } + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + g_object_unref (file); +} + +static void +export_image_cb (GtkWidget *button, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GskRenderNode *node; + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + GtkFileFilter *filter; + GListStore *filters; + + node = create_node (self); + if (node == NULL) + return; + + filters = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_FILTER); + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "image/png"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "image/svg+xml"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + filter = gtk_file_filter_new (); + gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, "image/tiff"); + g_list_store_append (filters, filter); + g_object_unref (filter); + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, ""); + gtk_file_dialog_set_initial_name (dialog, "example.png"); + gtk_file_dialog_set_filters (dialog, G_LIST_MODEL (filters)); + gtk_file_dialog_save (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (button))), + NULL, + export_image_response_cb, node); + g_object_unref (filters); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + + +static void +clip_image_cb (GtkWidget *button, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + GdkTexture *texture; + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + + texture = create_texture (self); + if (texture == NULL) + return; + + clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + gdk_clipboard_set_texture (clipboard, texture); + + g_object_unref (texture); +} + +static void +testcase_name_entry_changed_cb (GtkWidget *button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + NodeEditorWindow *self) + +{ + const char *text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->testcase_name_entry)); + + if (strlen (text) > 0) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->testcase_save_button, TRUE); + else + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (self->testcase_save_button, FALSE); +} + +/* Returns the location where gsk test cases are stored in + * the GTK testsuite, if we can determine it. + * + * When running node editor outside of a GTK build, you can + * set GTK_SOURCE_DIR to point it at the checkout. + */ +static char * +get_source_dir (void) +{ + const char *subdir = "testsuite/gsk/compare"; + const char *source_dir; + char *current_dir; + char *dir; + + source_dir = g_getenv ("GTK_SOURCE_DIR"); + current_dir = g_get_current_dir (); + + if (source_dir) + { + char *abs_source_dir = g_canonicalize_filename (source_dir, NULL); + dir = g_canonicalize_filename (subdir, abs_source_dir); + g_free (abs_source_dir); + } + else + { + dir = g_canonicalize_filename (subdir, current_dir); + } + + if (g_file_test (dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) + { + g_free (current_dir); + + return dir; + } + + g_free (dir); + + return current_dir; +} + +static void +testcase_save_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + const char *testcase_name = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->testcase_name_entry)); + char *source_dir = get_source_dir (); + char *node_file_name; + char *node_file; + char *png_file_name; + char *png_file; + char *text = NULL; + GdkTexture *texture; + GError *error = NULL; + + node_file_name = g_strconcat (testcase_name, ".node", NULL); + node_file = g_build_filename (source_dir, node_file_name, NULL); + g_free (node_file_name); + + g_debug ("Saving testcase in %s", node_file); + + png_file_name = g_strconcat (testcase_name, ".png", NULL); + png_file = g_build_filename (source_dir, png_file_name, NULL); + g_free (png_file_name); + + if (gtk_check_button_get_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (self->testcase_cairo_checkbutton))) + texture = create_cairo_texture (self); + else + texture = create_texture (self); + + if (!gdk_texture_save_to_png (texture, png_file)) + { + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (self->testcase_error_label), + "Could not save texture file"); + goto out; + } + + text = get_current_text (self->text_buffer); + if (!g_file_set_contents (node_file, text, -1, &error)) + { + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (self->testcase_error_label), error->message); + /* TODO: Remove texture file again? */ + goto out; + } + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (self->testcase_name_entry), ""); + gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (self->testcase_popover)); + +out: + g_free (text); + g_free (png_file); + g_free (node_file); + g_free (source_dir); +} + +static void +dark_mode_cb (GtkToggleButton *button, + GParamSpec *pspec, + NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + g_object_set (gtk_widget_get_settings (GTK_WIDGET (self)), + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", gtk_toggle_button_get_active (button), + NULL); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + gtk_widget_dispose_template (GTK_WIDGET (object), NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (node_editor_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = (NodeEditorWindow *)object; + + g_array_free (self->errors, TRUE); + + g_clear_pointer (&self->node, gsk_render_node_unref); + g_clear_object (&self->renderers); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (node_editor_window_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_add_renderer (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GskRenderer *renderer, + const char *description) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + if (!gsk_renderer_realize (renderer, NULL, NULL)) + { + GdkSurface *surface = gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (self)); + g_assert (surface != NULL); + + if (!gsk_renderer_realize (renderer, surface, NULL)) + { + g_object_unref (renderer); + return; + } + } + + paintable = gtk_renderer_paintable_new (renderer, gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (self->picture))); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (paintable), "description", g_strdup (description), g_free); + g_clear_object (&renderer); + + g_list_store_append (self->renderers, paintable); + g_object_unref (paintable); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_realize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW (widget); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (node_editor_window_parent_class)->realize (widget); + +#if 0 + node_editor_window_add_renderer (self, + NULL, + "Default"); +#endif + node_editor_window_add_renderer (self, + gsk_gl_renderer_new (), + "OpenGL"); +#ifdef GDK_RENDERING_VULKAN + node_editor_window_add_renderer (self, + gsk_vulkan_renderer_new (), + "Vulkan"); +#endif +#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_BROADWAY + node_editor_window_add_renderer (self, + gsk_broadway_renderer_new (), + "Broadway"); +#endif + node_editor_window_add_renderer (self, + gsk_cairo_renderer_new (), + "Cairo"); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW (widget); + guint i; + + for (i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self->renderers)); i ++) + { + gpointer item = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (self->renderers), i); + gsk_renderer_unrealize (gtk_renderer_paintable_get_renderer (item)); + g_object_unref (item); + } + + g_list_store_remove_all (self->renderers); + + GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (node_editor_window_parent_class)->unrealize (widget); +} + +static void +node_editor_window_class_init (NodeEditorWindowClass *class) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class); + + object_class->dispose = node_editor_window_dispose; + object_class->finalize = node_editor_window_finalize; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, + "/org/gtk/gtk4/node-editor/node-editor-window.ui"); + + widget_class->realize = node_editor_window_realize; + widget_class->unrealize = node_editor_window_unrealize; + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, text_view); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, picture); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, renderer_listbox); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, testcase_popover); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, testcase_error_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, testcase_cairo_checkbutton); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, testcase_name_entry); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, testcase_save_button); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, NodeEditorWindow, scale_scale); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, text_view_query_tooltip_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, open_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, save_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, export_image_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, clip_image_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, testcase_save_clicked_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, testcase_name_entry_changed_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, dark_mode_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, on_picture_drag_prepare_cb); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (widget_class, on_picture_drop_cb); +} + +static GtkWidget * +node_editor_window_create_renderer_widget (gpointer item, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GdkPaintable *paintable = item; + GtkWidget *box, *label, *picture; + GtkWidget *row; + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (box, 120, 90); + + label = gtk_label_new (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (paintable), "description")); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (label, "title-4"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), label); + + picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (paintable); + /* don't ever scale up, we want to be as accurate as possible */ + gtk_widget_set_halign (picture, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (picture, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), picture); + + row = gtk_list_box_row_new (); + gtk_list_box_row_set_child (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), box); + gtk_list_box_row_set_activatable (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), FALSE); + + return row; +} + +static void +window_open (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + NodeEditorWindow *self = user_data; + + show_open_filechooser (self); +} + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "open", window_open, NULL, NULL, NULL }, +}; + +static void +node_editor_window_init (NodeEditorWindow *self) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + self->renderers = g_list_store_new (GDK_TYPE_PAINTABLE); + gtk_list_box_bind_model (GTK_LIST_BOX (self->renderer_listbox), + G_LIST_MODEL (self->renderers), + node_editor_window_create_renderer_widget, + self, + NULL); + + self->errors = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (TextViewError)); + g_array_set_clear_func (self->errors, (GDestroyNotify)text_view_error_free); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (self), win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), self); + + self->tag_table = gtk_text_tag_table_new (); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "error", + "underline", PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR, + NULL)); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "nodename", + "foreground-rgba", &(GdkRGBA) { 0.9, 0.78, 0.53, 1}, + NULL)); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "propname", + "foreground-rgba", &(GdkRGBA) { 0.7, 0.55, 0.67, 1}, + NULL)); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "string", + "foreground-rgba", &(GdkRGBA) { 0.63, 0.73, 0.54, 1}, + NULL)); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "number", + "foreground-rgba", &(GdkRGBA) { 0.8, 0.52, 0.43, 1}, + NULL)); + gtk_text_tag_table_add (self->tag_table, + g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_TAG, + "name", "no-hyphens", + "insert-hyphens", FALSE, + NULL)); + + self->text_buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (self->tag_table); + g_signal_connect (self->text_buffer, "changed", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), self); + g_signal_connect (self->scale_scale, "notify::value", G_CALLBACK (scale_changed), self); + gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (self->text_view), self->text_buffer); + + /* Default */ + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (self->text_buffer, + "shadow {\n" + " child: texture {\n" + " bounds: 0 0 128 128;\n" + " texture: url(\"resource:///org/gtk/gtk4/node-editor/icons/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.svg\");\n" + " }\n" + " shadows: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0 1 12;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "transform {\n" + " child: text {\n" + " color: rgb(46,52,54);\n" + " font: \"Cantarell Bold 11\";\n" + " glyphs: \"GTK Node Editor\";\n" + " offset: 8 14.418;\n" + " }\n" + " transform: translate(0, 140);\n" + "}", -1); + + if (g_getenv ("GSK_RENDERER")) + { + char *new_title = g_strdup_printf ("GTK Node Editor - %s", g_getenv ("GSK_RENDERER")); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (self), new_title); + g_free (new_title); + } +} + +NodeEditorWindow * +node_editor_window_new (NodeEditorApplication *application) +{ + return g_object_new (NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE, + "application", application, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9eaf6aed --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Otte + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authors: Benjamin Otte + */ + +#ifndef __NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_H__ +#define __NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_H__ + +#include + +#include "node-editor-application.h" + +#define NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE (node_editor_window_get_type ()) +#define NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_TYPE, NodeEditorWindow)) + + +typedef struct _NodeEditorWindow NodeEditorWindow; +typedef struct _NodeEditorWindowClass NodeEditorWindowClass; + + +GType node_editor_window_get_type (void); + +NodeEditorWindow * node_editor_window_new (NodeEditorApplication *application); + +gboolean node_editor_window_load (NodeEditorWindow *self, + GFile *file); + +#endif /* __NODE_EDITOR_WINDOW_H__ */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45a37cd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor-window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ + + + +
+ + _Help + app.help + + + _Inspector + app.inspector + + + _About Node Editor + app.about + +
+ + + + + 12 + 12 + + + Testcase Name: + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + Render using Cairo renderer + + 1 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + + 1 + <i>There will be a .node and a .png file placed in the testsuite/gsk/compare directory. <b>You need to add it to the meson.build yourself.</b></i> + 1 + 50 + + 2 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + 3 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + + Save + 1 + end + 1 + 0 + + + + 4 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + + + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b32e88e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-editor.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + node-editor-window.ui + help-window.ui + node-format.md + data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.svg + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-format.md b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-format.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7698658 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/node-format.md @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +# The Node file format + +GSK render nodes can be serialized and deserialized using APIs such as `gsk_render_node_serialize()` and `gsk_render_node_deserialize()`. The intended use for this is development - primarily the development of GTK - by allowing things such as creating testsuites and benchmarks, exchanging nodes in bug reports. GTK includes the `gtk4-node-editor` application for creating such test files. + +The format is a text format that follows the [CSS syntax rules](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/). In particular, this means that every array of bytes will produce a render node when parsed, as there is a defined error recovery method. For more details on error handling, please refer to the documentation of the aprsing APIs. + +The grammar of a node text representation using [the CSS value definition syntax](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/#value-defs) looks like this: +**document**: `\*` +**node**: container { } | ` { * }` +**property**: `: | ;` + +Each node has its own `` and supports a custom set of properties, each with their own `` and syntax. The following paragraphs document each of the nodes and their properties. + +When serializing and the value of a property equals the default value, this value will not be serialized. Serialization aims to produce an output as small as possible. + +To embed newlines in strings, use \A. To break a long string into multiple lines, escape the newline with a \. + +# Nodes + +### container + +The **container** node is a special node that allows specifying a list of child nodes. Its contents follow the same rules as an empty document. + +### blend + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bottom | `` | color { } | always | +| mode | `` | normal | non-default | +| top | `` | color { } | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_blend_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### blur + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| blur | `` | 1 | non-default | +| child | `` | color { } | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_blur_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### border + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| colors | `{1,4}` | black | non-default | +| outline | `` | 50 | always | +| widths | `{1,4}` | 1 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_border_node_new()` with the given properties. + +For the color and width properties, the values follow the typical CSS order +of top, right, bottom, left. If the last/left value isn't given, the 2nd/right +value is used. If the 3rd/bottom value isn't given, the 1st/top value is used. +And if the 2nd/right value also isn't given, the 1st/top value is used for +every 4 values. + +### cairo + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | none | always | +| pixels | `` | none | non-default | +| script | `` | none | non-default | + +The pixels are a base64-encoded data url of png data. The script is +a base64-encoded data url of a cairo script. + +### clip + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| clip | `` | 50 | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_clip_node_new()` with the given properties. + +As an extension, this node allows specifying a rounded rectangle for the +clip property. If that rectangle is indeed rounded, a node like +`gsk_rounded_clip_node_new()` will be created instead. + +### color + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| color | `` | #FF00CC | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_color_node_new()` with the given properties. + +The color is chosen as an error pink so it is visible while also reminding +people to change it. + +### color-matrix + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| matrix | `` | none | non-default | +| offset | `{4}` | 0 0 0 0 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_color_matrix_node_new()` with the given properties. + +The matrix property accepts a for compatibility purposes, but you +should be aware that the allowed values are meant to be used on 3D transformations, +so their naming might appear awkward. However, it is always possible to use the +matrix3d() production to specify all 16 values individually. + +### conic-gradient + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| center | `` | 25, 25 | always | +| rotation | `` | 0 | always | +| stops | `` | 0 #AF0, 1 #F0C | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_conic_gradient_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### cross-fade + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| end | `` | color { } | always | +| progress | `` | 0.5 | non-default | +| start | `` | color { } | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_cross_fade_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### debug + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| message | `` | "" | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_debug_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### glshader + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| ---------- | ------------------ | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| sourcecode | `` | "" | always | +| args | `` | none | non-default | +| child1 | `` | none | non-default | +| child2 | `` | none | non-default | +| child3 | `` | none | non-default | +| child4 | `` | none | non-default | + +Creates a GLShader node. The `sourcecode` must be a GLSL fragment shader. +The `args` must match the uniforms of simple types declared in that shader, +in order and comma-separated. The `child` properties must match the sampler +uniforms in the shader. + +### inset-shadow + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| blur | `` | 0 | non-default | +| color | `` | black | non-default | +| dx | `` | 1 | non-default | +| dy | `` | 1 | non-default | +| outline | `` | 50 | always | +| spread | `` | 0 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_inset_shadow_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### linear-gradient + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| start | `` | 0 0 | always | +| end | `` | 0 50 | always | +| stops | `` | 0 #AF0, 1 #F0C | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_linear_gradient_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### mask + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| source | `` | color { } | always | +| mode | `` | alpha | non-default | +| mask | `` | color { } | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_mask_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### opacity + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| opacity | `` | 0.5 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_transform_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### outset-shadow + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| blur | `` | 0 | non-default | +| color | `` | black | non-default | +| dx | `` | 1 | non-default | +| dy | `` | 1 | non-default | +| outline | `` | 50 | always | +| spread | `` | 0 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_outset_shadow_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### radial-gradient + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| center | `` | 25 25 | always | +| hradius | `` | 25 | always | +| vradius | `` | 25 | always | +| start | `` | 0 | always | +| end | `` | 1 | always | +| stops | `` | 0 #AF0, 1 #F0C | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_radial_gradient_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### repeat + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| ----------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | *bounds of child node* | non-default | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| child-bounds| `` | *bounds of child node* | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_repeat_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### repeating-linear-gradient + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| start | `` | 0 0 | always | +| end | `` | 0 50 | always | +| stops | `` | 0 #AF0, 1 #F0C | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_new()` with the given +properties. + +### repeating radial-gradient + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| center | `` | 25 25 | always | +| hradius | `` | 25 | always | +| vradius | `` | 25 | always | +| start | `` | 0 | always | +| end | `` | 1 | always | +| stops | `` | 0 #AF0, 1 #F0C | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_new()` with the given +properties. + +### rounded-clip + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| clip | `` | 50 | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_rounded_clip_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### shadow + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| shadows | `` | black 1 1 | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_shadow_node_new()` with the given properties. + +### text + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| color | `` | black | non-default | +| font | `` | "Cantarell 11" | always | +| glyphs | `` | "Hello" | always | +| offset | `` | 0 0 | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_text_node_new()` with the given properties. + +If the given font does not exist or the given glyphs are invalid for the given +font, an error node will be returned. + +### texture + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| texture | `` | *see below* | always | + +Creates a node like `gsk_texture_node_new()` with the given properties. + +The default texture is a 10x10 checkerboard with the top left and bottom right +5x5 being in the color #FF00CC and the other part being transparent. A possible +representation for this texture is `url("") +`. + +### texture-scale + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| bounds | `` | 50 | always | +| texture | `` | *see below* | always | +| filter | `filter` | *see below* | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_texture_scale_node_new()` with the given properties. + +The default texture is a 10x10 checkerboard, just like for texture. + +The possible filter values are `linear`, `nearest` and `trilinear`, with +`linear` being the default. + +### transform + +| property | syntax | default | printed | +| -------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------- | +| child | `` | color { } | always | +| transform| `` | none | non-default | + +Creates a node like `gsk_transform_node_new()` with the given properties. diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.appdata.xml.in b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.appdata.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26ee6ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.appdata.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor + org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop + CC0-1.0 + LGPL-2.1-or-later + GTK Node Editor + Program to edit render node files + +

+ GTK Node Editor is a simple application to show and edit + render node files. +


+ Render node files can e.g. be created by the GTK inspector. +

+ + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-node-editor/gtk4-node-editor.png + Node Editor + + + + HiDpiIcon + ModernToolkit + + https://www.gtk.org + gtk-4.0 + matthias.clasen_at_gmail.com + Matthias Clasen and others + + + + +

A new build of GTK.

diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75097ddf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/node-editor/org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Node Editor +Comment=An application that edits render nodes +Exec=gtk4-node-editor +Icon=org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor +Terminal=false +Type=Application +StartupNotify=true +Categories=Development;GTK; diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.Devel.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.Devel.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad4c33f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.Devel.svg @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a512dc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.svg @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..efaff7ea --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.PrintEditor4-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a999c6f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +executable('gtk4-print-editor', + sources: ['print-editor.c'], + c_args: common_cflags, + dependencies: [ libgtk_dep, demo_conf_h ], + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +# desktop file +install_data('org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop', install_dir: gtk_applicationsdir) + +# appdata +install_data('org.gtk.PrintEditor4.appdata.xml', install_dir: gtk_appdatadir) + +# icons +icontheme_dir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'icons/hicolor') + +foreach size: ['scalable', 'symbolic'] + install_subdir('data/' + size, install_dir: icontheme_dir) +endforeach diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.appdata.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.appdata.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdee5bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.appdata.xml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + + + org.gtk.PrintEditor4 + org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop + CC0-1.0 + LGPL-2.1-or-later + GTK Print Editor + Program to demonstrate GTK printing + +

+ GTK Print Editor is a simple editor to demonstrate GTK printing. +

+ + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-print-editor/gtk-print-editor1.png + Print Editor + + + + HiDpiIcon + ModernToolkit + + https://www.gtk.org + gtk-4.0 + matthias.clasen_at_gmail.com + Matthias Clasen and others + + + + +

A new developers snapshot towards GTK 4.0.

diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8e3779c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Print Editor +Comment=A simple editor demonstrating GTK printing +Exec=gtk4-print-editor %f +Icon=org.gtk.PrintEditor4 +Terminal=false +Type=Application +StartupNotify=true +Categories=Development;GTK; diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/print-editor.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/print-editor.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ceefdd78 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/print-editor/print-editor.c @@ -0,0 +1,913 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "demo_conf.h" + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static GtkWidget *main_window; +static GFile *filename = NULL; +static GtkPageSetup *page_setup = NULL; +static GtkPrintSettings *settings = NULL; +static gboolean file_changed = FALSE; +static GtkTextBuffer *buffer; +static GtkWidget *statusbar; +static GList *active_prints = NULL; + +static void +update_title (GtkWindow *window) +{ + char *basename; + char *title; + + if (filename == NULL) + basename = g_strdup ("Untitled"); + else + basename = g_file_get_basename (filename); + + title = g_strdup_printf ("GTK Print Editor — %s", basename); + g_free (basename); + + gtk_window_set_title (window, title); + g_free (title); +} + +static void +update_statusbar (void) +{ + char *msg; + int row, col; + GtkTextIter iter; + const char *print_str; + + gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, + &iter, + gtk_text_buffer_get_insert (buffer)); + + row = gtk_text_iter_get_line (&iter); + col = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset (&iter); + + print_str = ""; + if (active_prints) + { + GtkPrintOperation *op = active_prints->data; + print_str = gtk_print_operation_get_status_string (op); + } + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("%d, %d%s %s", + row, col, + file_changed?" - Modified":"", + print_str); + + gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0, msg); + + g_free (msg); +} + +static void +update_ui (void) +{ + update_title (GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + update_statusbar (); +} + +static char * +get_text (void) +{ + GtkTextIter start, end; + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end); + return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); +} + +static void +set_text (const char *text, + gsize len) +{ + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, text, len); + file_changed = FALSE; + update_ui (); +} + +static void +load_file (GFile *open_filename) +{ + char *contents; + GError *error; + gsize len; + + error = NULL; + g_file_load_contents (open_filename, NULL, &contents, &len, NULL, &error); + if (error == NULL) + { + if (g_utf8_validate (contents, len, NULL)) + { + g_clear_object (&filename); + filename = g_object_ref (open_filename); + set_text (contents, len); + g_free (contents); + } + else + { + GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (open_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, &error); + const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info); + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Error loading file %s", display_name); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, "Not valid utf8"); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_object_unref (info); + } + } + else + { + GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (open_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, &error); + const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info); + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Error loading file %s", display_name); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_object_unref (info); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + + +static void +save_file (GFile *save_filename) +{ + char *text = get_text (); + GError *error; + + error = NULL; + g_file_replace_contents (save_filename, + text, strlen (text), + NULL, FALSE, + G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, + NULL, + NULL, + &error); + + if (error == NULL) + { + if (save_filename != filename) + { + g_clear_object (&filename); + filename = g_object_ref (save_filename); + } + file_changed = FALSE; + update_ui (); + } + else + { + GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (save_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, NULL); + const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info); + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Error saving to file %s", display_name); + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + g_object_unref (alert); + g_error_free (error); + g_object_unref (info); + } +} + + +typedef struct { + char *text; + PangoLayout *layout; + GList *page_breaks; + GtkWidget *font_button; + char *font; +} PrintData; + +static void +begin_print (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkPrintContext *context, + PrintData *print_data) +{ + PangoFontDescription *desc; + PangoLayoutLine *layout_line; + double width, height; + double page_height; + GList *page_breaks; + int num_lines; + int line; + + width = gtk_print_context_get_width (context); + height = gtk_print_context_get_height (context); + + print_data->layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context); + + desc = pango_font_description_from_string (print_data->font); + pango_layout_set_font_description (print_data->layout, desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + + pango_layout_set_width (print_data->layout, width * PANGO_SCALE); + + pango_layout_set_text (print_data->layout, print_data->text, -1); + + num_lines = pango_layout_get_line_count (print_data->layout); + + page_breaks = NULL; + page_height = 0; + + for (line = 0; line < num_lines; line++) + { + PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect; + double line_height; + + layout_line = pango_layout_get_line (print_data->layout, line); + pango_layout_line_get_extents (layout_line, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); + + line_height = logical_rect.height / 1024.0; + + if (page_height + line_height > height) + { + page_breaks = g_list_prepend (page_breaks, GINT_TO_POINTER (line)); + page_height = 0; + } + + page_height += line_height; + } + + page_breaks = g_list_reverse (page_breaks); + gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (operation, g_list_length (page_breaks) + 1); + + print_data->page_breaks = page_breaks; +} + +static void +draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkPrintContext *context, + int page_nr, + PrintData *print_data) +{ + cairo_t *cr; + GList *pagebreak; + int start, end, i; + PangoLayoutIter *iter; + double start_pos; + + if (page_nr == 0) + start = 0; + else + { + pagebreak = g_list_nth (print_data->page_breaks, page_nr - 1); + start = GPOINTER_TO_INT (pagebreak->data); + } + + pagebreak = g_list_nth (print_data->page_breaks, page_nr); + if (pagebreak == NULL) + end = pango_layout_get_line_count (print_data->layout); + else + end = GPOINTER_TO_INT (pagebreak->data); + + cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); + + i = 0; + start_pos = 0; + iter = pango_layout_get_iter (print_data->layout); + do + { + PangoRectangle logical_rect; + PangoLayoutLine *line; + int baseline; + + if (i >= start) + { + line = pango_layout_iter_get_line (iter); + + pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &logical_rect); + baseline = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (iter); + + if (i == start) + start_pos = logical_rect.y / 1024.0; + + cairo_move_to (cr, logical_rect.x / 1024.0, baseline / 1024.0 - start_pos); + + pango_cairo_show_layout_line (cr, line); + } + i++; + } + while (i < end && + pango_layout_iter_next_line (iter)); + + pango_layout_iter_free (iter); +} + +static void +status_changed_cb (GtkPrintOperation *op, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (gtk_print_operation_is_finished (op)) + { + active_prints = g_list_remove (active_prints, op); + g_object_unref (op); + } + update_statusbar (); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_custom_widget (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + PrintData *data) +{ + GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *font, *label; + GtkFontDialog *dialog; + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + gtk_print_operation_set_custom_tab_label (operation, "Other"); + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox); + + label = gtk_label_new ("Font:"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), label); + + dialog = gtk_font_dialog_new (); + font = gtk_font_dialog_button_new (dialog); + desc = pango_font_description_from_string (data->font); + gtk_font_dialog_button_set_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (font), desc); + pango_font_description_free (desc); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), font); + data->font_button = font; + + return vbox; +} + +static void +custom_widget_apply (GtkPrintOperation *operation, + GtkWidget *widget, + PrintData *data) +{ + PangoFontDescription *desc; + + desc = gtk_font_dialog_button_get_font_desc (GTK_FONT_DIALOG_BUTTON (data->font_button)); + + g_free (data->font); + data->font = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); +} + +static void +print_done (GtkPrintOperation *op, + GtkPrintOperationResult res, + PrintData *print_data) +{ + if (res == GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_ERROR) + { + GtkAlertDialog *alert; + GError *error = NULL; + + gtk_print_operation_get_error (op, &error); + + alert = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Error printing file"); + if (error) + gtk_alert_dialog_set_detail (alert, error->message); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (alert, GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + g_object_unref (alert); + } + else if (res == GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_APPLY) + { + if (settings != NULL) + g_object_unref (settings); + settings = g_object_ref (gtk_print_operation_get_print_settings (op)); + } + + g_free (print_data->text); + g_free (print_data->font); + g_free (print_data); + + if (!gtk_print_operation_is_finished (op)) + { + g_object_ref (op); + active_prints = g_list_append (active_prints, op); + update_statusbar (); + + /* This ref is unref:ed when we get the final state change */ + g_signal_connect (op, "status_changed", + G_CALLBACK (status_changed_cb), NULL); + } +} + +static void +end_print (GtkPrintOperation *op, GtkPrintContext *context, PrintData *print_data) +{ + g_list_free (print_data->page_breaks); + print_data->page_breaks = NULL; + g_object_unref (print_data->layout); + print_data->layout = NULL; +} + +static void +print_or_preview (GSimpleAction *action, GtkPrintOperationAction print_action) +{ + GtkPrintOperation *print; + PrintData *print_data; + + print_data = g_new0 (PrintData, 1); + + print_data->text = get_text (); + print_data->font = g_strdup ("Sans 12"); + + print = gtk_print_operation_new (); + + gtk_print_operation_set_track_print_status (print, TRUE); + + if (settings != NULL) + gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (print, settings); + + if (page_setup != NULL) + gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup (print, page_setup); + + g_signal_connect (print, "begin_print", G_CALLBACK (begin_print), print_data); + g_signal_connect (print, "end-print", G_CALLBACK (end_print), print_data); + g_signal_connect (print, "draw_page", G_CALLBACK (draw_page), print_data); + g_signal_connect (print, "create_custom_widget", G_CALLBACK (create_custom_widget), print_data); + g_signal_connect (print, "custom_widget_apply", G_CALLBACK (custom_widget_apply), print_data); + + g_signal_connect (print, "done", G_CALLBACK (print_done), print_data); + + gtk_print_operation_set_export_filename (print, "test.pdf"); + +#if 0 + gtk_print_operation_set_allow_async (print, TRUE); +#endif + gtk_print_operation_run (print, print_action, GTK_WINDOW (main_window), NULL); + + g_object_unref (print); +} + +static void +activate_page_setup (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkPageSetup *new_page_setup; + + new_page_setup = gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), + page_setup, settings); + + if (page_setup) + g_object_unref (page_setup); + + page_setup = new_page_setup; +} + +static void +activate_print (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + print_or_preview (action, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG); +} + +static void +activate_preview (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + print_or_preview (action, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PREVIEW); +} + +static void +on_save_response (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_save_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + save_file (file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +activate_save_as (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Select file"); + gtk_file_dialog_save (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (main_window), + NULL, + on_save_response, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +activate_save (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (filename == NULL) + activate_save_as (action, NULL, NULL); + else + save_file (filename); +} + +static void +on_open_response (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + load_file (file); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +activate_open (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_set_title (dialog, "Select file"); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, + GTK_WINDOW (main_window), + NULL, + on_open_response, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +activate_new (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_clear_object (&filename); + set_text ("", 0); +} + +static void +activate_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + char *version; + GString *sysinfo; + char *setting; + char **backends; + int i; + char *os_name; + char *os_version; + const char *authors[] = { + "Alexander Larsson", + NULL + }; + const char *artists[] = { + "Jakub Steiner", + NULL + }; + const char *maintainers[] = { + "The GTK Team", + NULL + }; + GtkWidget *dialog; + + os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); + os_version = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_VERSION_ID); + sysinfo = g_string_new (""); + if (os_name && os_version) + g_string_append_printf (sysinfo, "OS\t%s %s\n\n", os_name, os_version); + g_string_append (sysinfo, "System libraries\n"); + g_string_append_printf (sysinfo, "\tGLib\t%d.%d.%d\n", + glib_major_version, + glib_minor_version, + glib_micro_version); + g_string_append_printf (sysinfo, "\tPango\t%s\n", + pango_version_string ()); + g_string_append_printf (sysinfo, "\tGTK \t%d.%d.%d\n", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + g_string_append (sysinfo, "\nPrint backends\n"); + + g_object_get (gtk_settings_get_default (), "gtk-print-backends", &setting, NULL); + backends = g_strsplit (setting, ",", -1); + g_string_append (sysinfo, "\t"); + for (i = 0; backends[i]; i++) + g_string_append_printf (sysinfo, "%s ", backends[i]); + g_strfreev (backends); + g_free (setting); + + version = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : "", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_ABOUT_DIALOG, + "transient-for", main_window, + "program-name", g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 + ? "GTK Print Editor (Development)" + : "GTK Print Editor", + "version", version, + "copyright", "© 2006-2021 Red Hat, Inc", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to demonstrate GTK printing", + "authors", authors, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.PrintEditor4", + "title", "About GTK Print Editor", + "system-information", sysinfo->str, + NULL); + gtk_about_dialog_add_credit_section (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), + _("Artwork by"), artists); + gtk_about_dialog_add_credit_section (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), + _("Maintained by"), maintainers); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + + g_string_free (sysinfo, TRUE); + g_free (version); + g_free (os_name); + g_free (os_version); +} + +static void +activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWidget *win; + GList *list, *next; + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (app); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "new", activate_new, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open", activate_open, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save", activate_save, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save-as", activate_save_as, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "page-setup", activate_page_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "preview", activate_preview, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "print", activate_print, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static const char ui_info[] = + "" + " " + " " + " _File" + "
" + " " + " _New" + " app.new" + " " + " " + " _Open" + " app.open" + " " + " " + " _Save" + " app.save" + " " + " " + " Save _As..." + " app.save-as" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " Page Setup" + " app.page-setup" + " " + " " + " Preview" + " app.preview" + " " + " " + " Print" + " app.print" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " _Quit" + " app.quit" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " _Help" + "
" + " " + " _About Print Editor" + " app.about" + " " + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
"; + +static void +buffer_changed_callback (GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer) +{ + file_changed = TRUE; + update_statusbar (); +} + +static void +mark_set_callback (GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer, + const GtkTextIter *new_location, + GtkTextMark *mark, + gpointer data) +{ + update_statusbar (); +} + +static void +startup (GApplication *app) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menubar; + struct { + const char *action_and_target; + const char *accelerators[2]; + } accels[] = { + { "app.new", { "n", NULL } }, + { "app.quit", { "q", NULL } }, + { "app.save", { "s", NULL } }, + { "app.about", { "a", NULL } }, + }; + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, ui_info, -1, NULL); + + menubar = (GMenuModel *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar"); + + gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (app), menubar); + + for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (accels); i++) + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), accels[i].action_and_target, accels[i].accelerators); + + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +activate (GApplication *app) +{ + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *sw; + GtkWidget *contents; + + main_window = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + + if (g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (main_window), "devel"); + + gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), "text-editor"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), 400, 600); + gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (main_window), TRUE); + update_title (GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), box); + + /* Create document */ + sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE); + + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw); + + contents = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_widget_grab_focus (contents); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), + contents); + + /* Create statusbar */ + statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), statusbar); + + /* Show text widget info in the statusbar */ + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (contents)); + + g_signal_connect_object (buffer, + "changed", + G_CALLBACK (buffer_changed_callback), + NULL, + 0); + + g_signal_connect_object (buffer, + "mark_set", /* cursor moved */ + G_CALLBACK (mark_set_callback), + NULL, + 0); + + update_ui (); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (main_window)); +} + +static void +open (GApplication *application, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + if (n_files > 1) + g_warning ("Can only open a single file"); + + activate (application); + + load_file (files[0]); +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + GError *error = NULL; + + gtk_init (); + + settings = gtk_print_settings_new_from_file ("print-settings.ini", &error); + if (error) { + g_print ("Failed to load print settings: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + + settings = gtk_print_settings_new (); + } + g_assert (settings != NULL); + + page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new_from_file ("page-setup.ini", &error); + if (error) { + g_print ("Failed to load page setup: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.PrintEditor4", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + + g_signal_connect (app, "startup", G_CALLBACK (startup), NULL); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + g_signal_connect (app, "open", G_CALLBACK (open), NULL); + + g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + + if (!gtk_print_settings_to_file (settings, "print-settings.ini", &error)) { + g_print ("Failed to save print settings: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + if (page_setup && + !gtk_page_setup_to_file (page_setup, "page-setup.ini", &error)) { + g_print ("Failed to save page setup: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/beach.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/beach.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fae1c355 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/beach.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3bccac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00b3480f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/data/symbolic/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/gtk-logo.webm b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/gtk-logo.webm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7baa0588 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/gtk-logo.webm differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/help-overlay.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/help-overlay.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e751fdb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/help-overlay.ui @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ + + + + + + + General + + + F1 + Show About Dialog + + + + + <Control>q + Quit + + + + + <Control>d + Switch to dark theme + + + + + + + Traditional + page2 + + + <Control>s + Search + + + + + Delete + Delete + + + + + <Control>b + Set background + + + + + + + Modern + page3 + + + <Control>o + Open a file + + + + + <Control>r + Start recording + + + + + <Control>l + Lock or unlock + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-start-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-start-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11a05073 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-start-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-stop-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-stop-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..912709a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/call-stop-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2592f5b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0dcbfec9 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26aaea49 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-send-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-send-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0da6dda Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/document-send-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/edit-find.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/edit-find.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3dc2b2f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/16x16/actions/edit-find.png differ diff --git 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a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df50268a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ddefc2c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/insert-link-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/insert-link-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..098e40a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/insert-link-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/star-new-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/star-new-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b45ad08 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/star-new-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-continuous-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-continuous-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8893caf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-continuous-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-dual-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-dual-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5763db7f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-dual-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2755bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-grid-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-grid-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33e199f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-grid-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-paged-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-paged-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fe8afa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/view-paged-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-in-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-in-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13bb6595 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-in-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-original-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-original-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1a84b3d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-original-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-out-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-out-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84026cf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/actions/zoom-out-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63dad8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd7afe8a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..370d115c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-photo-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-photo-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bf4f1e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-photo-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-web-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-web-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..155201d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/camera-web-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/drive-optical-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/drive-optical-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49ac11f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/drive-optical-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af37126f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wireless-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wireless-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f5cfa75 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/network-wireless-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c43f462a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1cf10b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58acf0ca --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-fog-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-fog-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12050948 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-fog-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-overcast-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-overcast-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..778b2ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-overcast-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17790dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-showers-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-showers-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19fedf0f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-showers-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-snow-symbolic.svg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-snow-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1e9c7f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/icons/scalable/status/weather-snow-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23e2f11a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +# demos/widget-factory + +objcopy_supports_add_symbol = false +objcopy = find_program('objcopy', required : false) +if objcopy.found() + objcopy_supports_add_symbol = run_command(objcopy, '--help', check: false).stdout().contains('--add-symbol') +endif + +ld = find_program('ld', required : false) + +if not meson.is_cross_build() and build_machine.cpu_family() != 'arm' and build_machine.system() == 'linux' and objcopy.found() and objcopy_supports_add_symbol and ld.found() + glib_compile_resources = find_program('glib-compile-resources') + + # Create the resource blob + widgetfactory_gresource = custom_target('widgetfactory.gresource', + input : 'widget-factory.gresource.xml', + output : 'widgetfactory.gresource', + depfile: 'widgetfactory.gresource.d', + command : [glib_compile_resources, + '--generate', + '--internal', + '--target=@OUTPUT@', + '--dependency-file=@DEPFILE@', + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), + '@INPUT@']) + + # Create resource data file + widgetfactory_resources_c = custom_target('widgetfactory_resources.c', + input : 'widget-factory.gresource.xml', + output : 'widgetfactory_resources.c', + depfile: 'widgetfactory_resources.c.d', + command : [glib_compile_resources, + '--generate-source', + '--internal', + '--target=@OUTPUT@', + '--dependency-file=@DEPFILE@', + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), + '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), + '--external-data', + '--c-name', '_g_binary_widgetfactory', + '@INPUT@']) + + # Create object file containing resource data + widgetfactory_resources_binary = custom_target('widgetfactory_resources.o', + input : widgetfactory_gresource, + output : 'widgetfactory_resources.o', + command : [ld, + '-z', 'noexecstack', + '-r', + '-b','binary', + '@INPUT@', + '-o','@OUTPUT@']) + + # Rename symbol to match the one in the C file + widgetfactory_resources_o = custom_target('widgetfactory_resources2.o', + input : widgetfactory_resources_binary, + output : 'widgetfactory_resources2.o', + command : [objcopy, + '--strip-all', + '--add-symbol','_g_binary_widgetfactory_resource_data=.data:0', + '@INPUT@', + '@OUTPUT@']) + + widgetfactory_resources = [ + widgetfactory_resources_c, + widgetfactory_resources_o, + ] +else + widgetfactory_resources = gnome.compile_resources('widgetfactory_resources', + 'widget-factory.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir(), + ) +endif + +executable('gtk4-widget-factory', + sources: ['widget-factory.c', widgetfactory_resources], + c_args: common_cflags, + dependencies: [ libgtk_dep, demo_conf_h ], + include_directories: confinc, + win_subsystem: 'windows', + link_args: extra_demo_ldflags, + install: true, + name_suffix: 'html' +) + +# desktop file +install_data('org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop', install_dir: gtk_applicationsdir) + +# icons +icontheme_dir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'icons/hicolor') + +foreach size: ['scalable', 'symbolic'] + install_subdir('data/' + size, install_dir: icontheme_dir) +endforeach + +# appdata +configure_file( + input: 'org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.appdata.xml.in', + output: 'org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.appdata.xml', + configuration: appdata_config, + install_dir: gtk_appdatadir +) diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/nyc.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/nyc.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed76804e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/nyc.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.appdata.xml.in b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.appdata.xml.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..284b7419 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.appdata.xml.in @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 + org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop + CC0-1.0 + LGPL-2.1-or-later + GTK Widget Factory + Program to demonstrate GTK functions + +

+ GTK Widget Factory is a showcase of GTK widgets. It was + originally created to help theme authors test their creations + for completeness. +

+ + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-widget-factory/gtk-widget-factory1.png + Page 1 + + + https://static.gnome.org/appdata/gtk4-widget-factory/gtk-widget-factory2.png + Page 3 + + + + AppMenu + HiDpiIcon + ModernToolkit + + https://www.gtk.org + gtk-4.0 + matthias.clasen_at_gmail.com + Matthias Clasen and others + + + + +

A new build of GTK.

diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..306af7ac --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Widget Factory +Comment=A showcase for GTK widgets, designed for testing themes. +Exec=gtk4-widget-factory +Icon=org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 +Terminal=false +Type=Application +StartupNotify=true +Categories=Development;GTK; diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/portland-rose.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/portland-rose.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89974da6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/portland-rose.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/sunset.jpg b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/sunset.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..712681c0 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/sunset.jpg differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45406086 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.c @@ -0,0 +1,2630 @@ +/* widget-factory: a collection of widgets, for easy theme testing + * + * Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + * Authored by Andrea Cimitan + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "demo_conf.h" + +static void +change_dark_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (settings), + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", + g_variant_get_boolean (state), + NULL); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +change_theme_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); + const char *s; + const char *theme; + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); + + s = g_variant_get_string (state, NULL); + + if (strcmp (s, "default") == 0) + theme = "Default"; + else if (strcmp (s, "dark") == 0) + theme = "Default-dark"; + else if (strcmp (s, "hc") == 0) + theme = "Default-hc"; + else if (strcmp (s, "hc-dark") == 0) + theme = "Default-hc-dark"; + else if (strcmp (s, "current") == 0) + { + gtk_settings_reset_property (settings, "gtk-theme-name"); + gtk_settings_reset_property (settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme"); + return; + } + else + return; + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (settings), + "gtk-theme-name", theme, + "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", FALSE, + NULL); +} + +static void +change_fullscreen (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = user_data; + + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + gtk_window_fullscreen (window); + else + gtk_window_unfullscreen (window); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static GtkWidget *page_stack; + +static void +transition_speed_changed (GtkRange *range, + gpointer data) +{ + double value; + + value = gtk_range_get_value (range); + gtk_stack_set_transition_duration (GTK_STACK (page_stack), (int)value); +} + +static void +change_transition_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkStackTransitionType transition; + + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + transition = GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_CROSSFADE; + else + transition = GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE; + + gtk_stack_set_transition_type (GTK_STACK (page_stack), transition); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static gboolean +get_idle (gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = data; + GtkApplication *app = gtk_window_get_application (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, TRUE); + gdk_surface_set_cursor (gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (window)), NULL); + g_application_unmark_busy (G_APPLICATION (app)); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +get_busy (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GdkCursor *cursor; + GtkApplication *app = gtk_window_get_application (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + g_application_mark_busy (G_APPLICATION (app)); + cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_name ("wait", NULL); + gdk_surface_set_cursor (gtk_native_get_surface (GTK_NATIVE (window)), cursor); + g_object_unref (cursor); + g_timeout_add (5000, get_idle, window); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, FALSE); +} + +static int current_page = 0; +static gboolean +on_page (int i) +{ + return current_page == i; +} + +static void +activate_search (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *searchbar; + + if (!on_page (2)) + return; + + searchbar = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "searchbar")); + gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (searchbar), TRUE); +} + +static void +activate_delete (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *infobar; + + g_print ("Activate action delete\n"); + + if (!on_page (2)) + return; + + infobar = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "infobar")); + gtk_widget_set_visible (infobar, TRUE); +} + +static void populate_flowbox (GtkWidget *flowbox); + +static void +activate_background (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *dialog; + GtkWidget *flowbox; + + if (!on_page (2)) + return; + + dialog = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "selection_dialog")); + flowbox = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "selection_flowbox")); + + gtk_widget_set_visible (dialog, TRUE); + populate_flowbox (flowbox); +} + +static void +file_chooser_response (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + void *user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog = GTK_FILE_DIALOG (source); + GFile *file; + + file = gtk_file_dialog_open_finish (dialog, result, NULL); + if (file) + { + g_print ("File selected: %s", g_file_peek_path (file)); + g_object_unref (file); + } +} + +static void +activate_open_file (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkFileDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_file_dialog_new (); + gtk_file_dialog_open (dialog, NULL, NULL, file_chooser_response, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static void +activate_open (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *button; + + if (!on_page (3)) + return; + + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "open_menubutton")); + g_signal_emit_by_name (button, "clicked"); +} + +static void +activate_record (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *button; + + if (!on_page (3)) + return; + + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "record_button")); + g_signal_emit_by_name (button, "clicked"); +} + +static void +activate_lock (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window = user_data; + GtkWidget *button; + + if (!on_page (3)) + return; + + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "lockbutton")); + g_signal_emit_by_name (button, "clicked"); +} + +static void +activate_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWindow *window; + GtkWidget *button; + const char *authors[] = { + "Andrea Cimitan", + "Cosimo Cecchi", + NULL + }; + const char *maintainers[] = { + "The GTK Team", + NULL + }; + char *version; + char *os_name; + char *os_version; + GString *s; + GtkWidget *dialog; + + s = g_string_new (""); + + window = gtk_application_get_active_window (app); + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "open_menubutton")); + gtk_menu_button_popdown (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (button)); + + os_name = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_NAME); + os_version = g_get_os_info (G_OS_INFO_KEY_VERSION_ID); + if (os_name && os_version) + g_string_append_printf (s, "OS\t%s %s\n\n", os_name, os_version); + g_string_append (s, "System libraries\n"); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGLib\t%d.%d.%d\n", + glib_major_version, + glib_minor_version, + glib_micro_version); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tPango\t%s\n", + pango_version_string ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\tGTK \t%d.%d.%d\n", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + g_string_append_printf (s, "\nA link can appear here: "); + + version = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s\nRunning against GTK %d.%d.%d", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : "", + gtk_get_major_version (), + gtk_get_minor_version (), + gtk_get_micro_version ()); + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_ABOUT_DIALOG, + "transient-for", gtk_application_get_active_window (app), + "modal", TRUE, + "program-name", g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 + ? "GTK Widget Factory (Development)" + : "GTK Widget Factory", + "version", version, + "copyright", "© 1997—2021 The GTK Team", + "license-type", GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1, + "website", "http://www.gtk.org", + "comments", "Program to demonstrate GTK themes and widgets", + "authors", authors, + "logo-icon-name", "org.gtk.WidgetFactory4", + "title", "About GTK Widget Factory", + "system-information", s->str, + NULL); + + gtk_about_dialog_add_credit_section (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), + _("Maintained by"), maintainers); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + + g_string_free (s, TRUE); + g_free (version); + g_free (os_name); + g_free (os_version); +} + +static void +activate_shortcuts_window (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWindow *window; + GtkWidget *button; + + window = gtk_application_get_active_window (app); + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "open_menubutton")); + gtk_menu_button_popdown (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (button)); + gtk_widget_activate_action (GTK_WIDGET (window), "win.show-help-overlay", NULL); +} + +static void +activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWidget *win; + GList *list, *next; + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (app); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static void +activate_inspector (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_window_set_interactive_debugging (TRUE); +} + +static void +print_operation_done (GtkPrintOperation *op, + GtkPrintOperationResult res, + gpointer data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + switch (res) + { + case GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_ERROR: + gtk_print_operation_get_error (op, &error); + g_print ("Printing failed: %s\n", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + break; + case GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_APPLY: + break; + case GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_CANCEL: + g_print ("Printing was canceled\n"); + break; + case GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: + return; + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + break; + } + + g_object_unref (op); +} + +static void +print_operation_begin (GtkPrintOperation *op, + GtkPrintContext *context, + gpointer data) +{ + gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (op, 1); +} + +static void +print_operation_page (GtkPrintOperation *op, + GtkPrintContext *context, + int page, + gpointer data) +{ + cairo_t *cr; + double width; + double aspect_ratio; + GdkSnapshot *snapshot; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + GskRenderNode *node; + + g_print ("Save the trees!\n"); + + cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); + width = gtk_print_context_get_width (context); + + snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); + paintable = gtk_widget_paintable_new (GTK_WIDGET (data)); + aspect_ratio = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (paintable); + gdk_paintable_snapshot (paintable, snapshot, width, width / aspect_ratio); + node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); + + gsk_render_node_draw (node, cr); + + gsk_render_node_unref (node); + + g_object_unref (paintable); +} + +static void +activate_print (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkPrintOperation *op; + GtkPrintOperationResult res; + + op = gtk_print_operation_new (); + gtk_print_operation_set_allow_async (op, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (op, "begin-print", G_CALLBACK (print_operation_begin), NULL); + g_signal_connect (op, "draw-page", G_CALLBACK (print_operation_page), window); + g_signal_connect (op, "done", G_CALLBACK (print_operation_done), NULL); + + gtk_print_operation_set_embed_page_setup (op, TRUE); + + res = gtk_print_operation_run (op, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG, window, NULL); + + if (res == GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS) + return; + + print_operation_done (op, res, NULL); +} + +static void +spin_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, GtkWidget *label) +{ + GtkWidget *w; + int v; + char *text; + + v = (int)gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + + if ((v % 3) == 0) + { + text = g_strdup_printf ("%d is a multiple of 3", v); + gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (label), text); + g_free (text); + } + + w = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (label, GTK_TYPE_REVEALER); + gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (GTK_REVEALER (w), (v % 3) == 0); +} + +static void +dismiss (GtkWidget *button) +{ + GtkWidget *w; + + w = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (button, GTK_TYPE_REVEALER); + gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (GTK_REVEALER (w), FALSE); +} + +static void +spin_value_reset (GtkWidget *button, GtkAdjustment *adjustment) +{ + gtk_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, 50.0); + dismiss (button); +} + +static int pulse_time = 250; +static int pulse_entry_mode = 0; + +static void +remove_pulse (gpointer pulse_id) +{ + g_source_remove (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (pulse_id)); +} + +static gboolean +pulse_it (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + guint pulse_id; + + if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (widget)) + gtk_entry_progress_pulse (GTK_ENTRY (widget)); + else + gtk_progress_bar_pulse (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (widget)); + + pulse_id = g_timeout_add (pulse_time, (GSourceFunc)pulse_it, widget); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (widget), "pulse_id", GUINT_TO_POINTER (pulse_id), remove_pulse); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +update_pulse_time (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, GtkWidget *widget) +{ + double value; + guint pulse_id; + + value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment); + + pulse_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "pulse_id")); + + /* vary between 50 and 450 */ + pulse_time = 50 + 4 * value; + + if (value == 100) + { + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "pulse_id", NULL); + } + else if (value < 100) + { + if (pulse_id == 0 && (GTK_IS_PROGRESS_BAR (widget) || pulse_entry_mode % 3 == 2)) + { + pulse_id = g_timeout_add (pulse_time, (GSourceFunc)pulse_it, widget); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (widget), "pulse_id", GUINT_TO_POINTER (pulse_id), remove_pulse); + } + } +} + +static void +on_entry_icon_release (GtkEntry *entry, + GtkEntryIconPosition icon_pos, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (icon_pos != GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY) + return; + + pulse_entry_mode++; + + if (pulse_entry_mode % 3 == 0) + { + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "pulse_id", NULL); + gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction (entry, 0); + } + else if (pulse_entry_mode % 3 == 1) + gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction (entry, 0.25); + else if (pulse_entry_mode % 3 == 2) + { + if (pulse_time - 50 < 400) + { + gtk_entry_set_progress_pulse_step (entry, 0.1); + pulse_it (GTK_WIDGET (entry)); + } + } +} + +#define EPSILON (1e-10) + +static void +on_scale_button_value_changed (GtkScaleButton *button, + double value, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; + double val; + char *str; + + adjustment = gtk_scale_button_get_adjustment (button); + val = gtk_scale_button_get_value (button); + + if (val < (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adjustment) + EPSILON)) + { + str = g_strdup (_("Muted")); + } + else if (val >= (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adjustment) - EPSILON)) + { + str = g_strdup (_("Full Volume")); + } + else + { + int percent; + + percent = (int) (100. * val / (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adjustment) - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adjustment)) + .5); + + str = g_strdup_printf (C_("volume percentage", "%d %%"), percent); + } + + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (button), str); + + g_free (str); +} + +static void +on_record_button_toggled (GtkToggleButton *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + + if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (button)) + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (button), "destructive-action"); + else + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (button), "destructive-action"); +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS +static void +on_page_combo_changed (GtkComboBox *combo, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *from; + GtkWidget *to; + GtkWidget *print; + + from = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (combo), "range_from_spin")); + to = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (combo), "range_to_spin")); + print = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (combo), "print_button")); + + switch (gtk_combo_box_get_active (combo)) + { + case 0: /* Range */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (from, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (to, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (print, TRUE); + break; + case 1: /* All */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (from, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (to, FALSE); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (from), 1); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (to), 99); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (print, TRUE); + break; + case 2: /* Current */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (from, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (to, FALSE); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (from), 7); + gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (to), 7); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (print, TRUE); + break; + case 4: + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (from, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (to, FALSE); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (print, FALSE); + break; + default:; + } +} +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +on_range_from_changed (GtkSpinButton *from) +{ + GtkSpinButton *to; + int v1, v2; + + to = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (from), "range_to_spin")); + + v1 = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (from); + v2 = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (to); + + if (v1 > v2) + gtk_spin_button_set_value (to, v1); +} + +static void +on_range_to_changed (GtkSpinButton *to) +{ + GtkSpinButton *from; + int v1, v2; + + from = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (to), "range_from_spin")); + + v1 = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (from); + v2 = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (to); + + if (v1 > v2) + gtk_spin_button_set_value (from, v2); +} + +static GdkContentProvider * +on_picture_drag_prepare (GtkDragSource *source, + double x, + double y, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + + picture = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (source)); + + return gdk_content_provider_new_typed (GDK_TYPE_TEXTURE, gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture))); +} + +static gboolean +on_picture_drop (GtkDropTarget *dest, + const GValue *value, + double x, + double y, + gpointer unused) +{ + GtkWidget *picture; + GdkPaintable *paintable; + + picture = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (dest)); + paintable = g_value_get_object (value); + + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), paintable); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +info_bar_response (GtkWidget *infobar, int response_id) +{ + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE) + gtk_widget_set_visible (infobar, FALSE); +} + +static void +show_dialog (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *dialog) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (dialog, TRUE); +} + +static void +close_dialog (GtkWidget *dialog) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (dialog, FALSE); +} + +static void +set_needs_attention (GtkWidget *page, gboolean needs_attention) +{ + GtkWidget *stack; + + stack = gtk_widget_get_parent (page); + g_object_set (gtk_stack_get_page (GTK_STACK (stack), page), + "needs-attention", needs_attention, + NULL); +} + +static gboolean +demand_attention (gpointer stack) +{ + GtkWidget *page; + + page = gtk_stack_get_child_by_name (GTK_STACK (stack), "page3"); + set_needs_attention (page, TRUE); + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +action_dialog_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, GtkWidget *page) +{ + g_timeout_add (1000, demand_attention, page); +} + +static void +page_changed_cb (GtkWidget *stack, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data) +{ + const char *name; + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *page; + + if (gtk_widget_in_destruction (stack)) + return; + + name = gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack)); + + window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (stack, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + g_object_set (gtk_application_window_get_help_overlay (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (window)), + "view-name", name, + NULL); + + if (g_str_equal (name, "page1")) + current_page = 1; + else if (g_str_equal (name, "page2")) + current_page = 2; + if (g_str_equal (name, "page3")) + { + current_page = 3; + page = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (stack)); + set_needs_attention (GTK_WIDGET (page), FALSE); + } +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS +static void +populate_model (GtkTreeStore *store) +{ + GtkTreeIter iter, parent0, parent1, parent2, parent3; + + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, NULL); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Charlemagne", + 1, "742", + 2, "814", + -1); + parent0 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent0); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Pepin the Short", + 1, "714", + 2, "768", + -1); + parent1 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent1); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Charles Martel", + 1, "688", + 2, "741", + -1); + parent2 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Pepin of Herstal", + 1, "635", + 2, "714", + -1); + parent3 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent3); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Ansegisel", + 1, "602 or 610", + 2, "murdered before 679", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent3); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Begga", + 1, "615", + 2, "693", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Alpaida", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent1); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Rotrude", + -1); + parent2 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Liévin de Trèves", + -1); + parent3 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent3); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Guérin", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent3); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Gunza", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Willigarde de Bavière", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent0); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Bertrada of Laon", + 1, "710", + 2, "783", + -1); + parent1 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent1); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Caribert of Laon", + 2, "before 762", + -1); + parent2 = iter; + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Unknown", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent2); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Bertrada of Prüm", + 1, "ca. 670", + 2, "after 721", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, &parent1); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Gisele of Aquitaine", + -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, NULL); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, 3, TRUE, -1); + gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, NULL); + gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, + 0, "Attila the Hun", + 1, "ca. 390", + 2, "453", + -1); +} + +static gboolean +row_separator_func (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + gboolean is_sep; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 3, &is_sep, -1); + + return is_sep; +} +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +update_title_header (GtkListBoxRow *row, + GtkListBoxRow *before, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *header; + char *title; + + header = gtk_list_box_row_get_header (row); + title = (char *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "title"); + if (!header && title) + { + title = g_strdup_printf ("%s", title); + + header = gtk_label_new (title); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (header), TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_halign (header, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (header, 12); + gtk_widget_set_margin_start (header, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (header, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (header, 6); + gtk_widget_set_visible (header, TRUE); + + gtk_list_box_row_set_header (row, header); + + g_free (title); + } +} + +static void +overshot (GtkScrolledWindow *sw, GtkPositionType pos, GtkWidget *widget) +{ + GtkWidget *box, *row, *label, *swatch; + GdkRGBA rgba; + const char *color; + char *text; + GtkWidget *silver; + GtkWidget *gold; + + silver = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "Silver")); + gold = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "Gold")); + + if (pos == GTK_POS_TOP) + { + if (silver) + { + gtk_list_box_remove (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), silver); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "Silver", NULL); + } + if (gold) + { + gtk_list_box_remove (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), gold); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "Gold", NULL); + } + + return; + } + + + if (gold) + return; + else if (silver) + color = "Gold"; + else + color = "Silver"; + + row = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 20); + text = g_strconcat ("", color, "", NULL); + label = gtk_label_new (text); + g_free (text); + g_object_set (label, + "use-markup", TRUE, + "halign", GTK_ALIGN_START, + "valign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER, + "hexpand", TRUE, + "margin-start", 6, + "margin-end", 6, + "margin-top", 6, + "margin-bottom", 6, + "xalign", 0.0, + NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (row), label); + gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, color); + swatch = g_object_new (g_type_from_name ("GtkColorSwatch"), + "rgba", &rgba, + "can-focus", FALSE, + "selectable", FALSE, + "halign", GTK_ALIGN_END, + "valign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER, + "margin-start", 6, + "margin-end", 6, + "margin-top", 6, + "margin-bottom", 6, + "height-request", 24, + NULL); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), swatch); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (row), box); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), row, -1); + row = gtk_widget_get_parent (row); + gtk_list_box_row_set_activatable (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), FALSE); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), color, row); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (row), "color", (gpointer)color); +} + +static void +rgba_changed (GtkColorChooser *chooser, GParamSpec *pspec, GtkListBox *box) +{ + gtk_list_box_select_row (box, NULL); +} + +static void +set_color (GtkListBox *box, GtkListBoxRow *row, GtkColorChooser *chooser) +{ + const char *color; + GdkRGBA rgba; + + if (!row) + return; + + color = (const char *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "color"); + + if (!color) + return; + + if (gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, color)) + { + g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (chooser, rgba_changed, box); +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + gtk_color_chooser_set_rgba (chooser, &rgba); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (chooser, rgba_changed, box); + } +} + +static void +populate_colors (GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *chooser) +{ + struct { const char *name; const char *color; const char *title; } colors[] = { + { "2.5", "#C8828C", "Red" }, + { "5", "#C98286", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#C9827F", NULL }, + { "10", "#C98376", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#C8856D", "Red/Yellow" }, + { "5", "#C58764", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#C1895E", NULL }, + { "10", "#BB8C56", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#B58F4F", "Yellow" }, + { "5", "#AD924B", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#A79548", NULL }, + { "10", "#A09749", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#979A4E", "Yellow/Green" }, + { "5", "#8D9C55", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#7F9F62", NULL }, + { "10", "#73A06E", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#65A27C", "Green" }, + { "5", "#5CA386", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#57A38D", NULL }, + { "10", "#52A394", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#4EA39A", "Green/Blue" }, + { "5", "#49A3A2", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#46A2AA", NULL }, + { "10", "#46A1B1", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#49A0B8", "Blue" }, + { "5", "#529EBD", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#5D9CC1", NULL }, + { "10", "#689AC3", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#7597C5", "Blue/Purple" }, + { "5", "#8095C6", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#8D91C6", NULL }, + { "10", "#988EC4", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#A08CC1", "Purple" }, + { "5", "#A88ABD", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#B187B6", NULL }, + { "10", "#B786B0", NULL }, + { "2.5", "#BC84A9", "Purple/Red" }, + { "5", "#C183A0", NULL }, + { "7.5", "#C48299", NULL }, + { "10", "#C68292", NULL } + }; + int i; + GtkWidget *row, *box, *label, *swatch; + GtkWidget *sw; + GdkRGBA rgba; + + gtk_list_box_set_header_func (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), update_title_header, NULL, NULL); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (colors); i++) + { + row = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 20); + label = gtk_label_new (colors[i].name); + g_object_set (label, + "halign", GTK_ALIGN_START, + "valign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER, + "margin-start", 6, + "margin-end", 6, + "margin-top", 6, + "margin-bottom", 6, + "hexpand", TRUE, + "xalign", 0.0, + NULL); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (row), label); + gdk_rgba_parse (&rgba, colors[i].color); + swatch = g_object_new (g_type_from_name ("GtkColorSwatch"), + "rgba", &rgba, + "selectable", FALSE, + "can-focus", FALSE, + "halign", GTK_ALIGN_END, + "valign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER, + "margin-start", 6, + "margin-end", 6, + "margin-top", 6, + "margin-bottom", 6, + "height-request", 24, + NULL); + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), swatch); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (row), box); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), row, -1); + row = gtk_widget_get_parent (row); + gtk_list_box_row_set_activatable (GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (row), FALSE); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (row), "color", (gpointer)colors[i].color); + if (colors[i].title) + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (row), "title", (gpointer)colors[i].title); + } + + g_signal_connect (widget, "row-selected", G_CALLBACK (set_color), chooser); + + gtk_list_box_invalidate_headers (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget)); + + sw = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_SCROLLED_WINDOW); + g_signal_connect (sw, "edge-overshot", G_CALLBACK (overshot), widget); +} + +typedef struct { + GtkWidget *flowbox; + char *filename; +} BackgroundData; + +static void +add_background (GtkWidget *flowbox, + const char *filename, + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, + gboolean is_resource) +{ + GtkWidget *child; + + child = gtk_picture_new_for_pixbuf (pixbuf); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (child, 110, 70); + gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (flowbox), child, -1); + child = gtk_widget_get_parent (child); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (child), "filename", g_strdup (filename), g_free); + if (is_resource) + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (child), "is-resource", GINT_TO_POINTER (1)); +} + +static void +background_loaded_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer data) +{ + BackgroundData *bd = data; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + GError *error = NULL; + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_finish (res, &error); + if (error) + { + g_warning ("Error loading '%s': %s", bd->filename, error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + add_background (bd->flowbox, bd->filename, pixbuf, FALSE); + + g_free (bd->filename); + g_free (bd); +} + +static void +populate_flowbox (GtkWidget *flowbox) +{ + const char *location; + GDir *dir; + GError *error = NULL; + const char *name; + char *filename; + GFile *file; + GInputStream *stream; + BackgroundData *bd; + GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; + GtkWidget *child; + int i; + const char *resources[] = { + "sunset.jpg", "portland-rose.jpg", "beach.jpg", "nyc.jpg" + }; + + if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (flowbox), "populated"))) + return; + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (flowbox), "populated", GUINT_TO_POINTER (1)); + + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, 110, 70); + gdk_pixbuf_fill (pixbuf, 0xffffffff); + child = gtk_picture_new_for_pixbuf (pixbuf); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (child, "frame"); + gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (flowbox), child, -1); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (resources); i++) + { + filename = g_strconcat ("/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/", resources[i], NULL); + pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource_at_scale (filename, 110, 110, TRUE, NULL); + add_background (flowbox, filename, pixbuf, TRUE); + } + + location = "/usr/share/backgrounds/gnome"; + dir = g_dir_open (location, 0, &error); + if (error) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + while ((name = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) + { + if (g_str_has_suffix (name, ".xml")) + continue; + + filename = g_build_filename (location, name, NULL); + file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); + stream = G_INPUT_STREAM (g_file_read (file, NULL, &error)); + if (error) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + g_free (filename); + } + else + { + bd = g_new (BackgroundData, 1); + bd->flowbox = flowbox; + bd->filename = filename; + gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale_async (stream, 110, 110, TRUE, NULL, + background_loaded_cb, bd); + } + + g_object_unref (file); + g_object_unref (stream); + } + + g_dir_close (dir); + +} + +static void +row_activated (GtkListBox *box, GtkListBoxRow *row) +{ + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *dialog; + + image = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "image"); + dialog = (GtkWidget *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (row), "dialog"); + + if (image) + { + if (gtk_widget_get_opacity (image) > 0) + gtk_widget_set_opacity (image, 0); + else + gtk_widget_set_opacity (image, 1); + } + else if (dialog) + { + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + } +} + +typedef struct +{ + GtkTextView tv; + GdkTexture *texture; + GtkAdjustment *adjustment; +} MyTextView; + +typedef GtkTextViewClass MyTextViewClass; + +static GType my_text_view_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (MyTextView, my_text_view, GTK_TYPE_TEXT_VIEW) + +static void +my_text_view_init (MyTextView *tv) +{ +} + +static void +my_tv_snapshot_layer (GtkTextView *widget, + GtkTextViewLayer layer, + GtkSnapshot *snapshot) +{ + MyTextView *tv = (MyTextView *)widget; + double opacity; + double scale; + + opacity = gtk_adjustment_get_value (tv->adjustment) / 100.0; + + if (layer == GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW_TEXT && tv->texture) + { + scale = gtk_widget_get_width (GTK_WIDGET (widget)) / (double)gdk_texture_get_width (tv->texture); + gtk_snapshot_push_opacity (snapshot, opacity); + gtk_snapshot_scale (snapshot, scale, scale); + gtk_snapshot_append_texture (snapshot, + tv->texture, + &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT( + 0, 0, + gdk_texture_get_width (tv->texture), + gdk_texture_get_height (tv->texture) + )); + gtk_snapshot_scale (snapshot, 1/scale, 1/scale); + gtk_snapshot_pop (snapshot); + } +} + +static void +my_tv_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + MyTextView *tv = (MyTextView *)object; + + g_clear_object (&tv->texture); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (my_text_view_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +my_text_view_class_init (MyTextViewClass *class) +{ + GtkTextViewClass *tv_class = GTK_TEXT_VIEW_CLASS (class); + GObjectClass *o_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + o_class->finalize = my_tv_finalize; + tv_class->snapshot_layer = my_tv_snapshot_layer; +} + +static void +my_text_view_set_background (MyTextView *tv, const char *filename, gboolean is_resource) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + GFile *file; + + g_clear_object (&tv->texture); + + if (filename == NULL) + return; + + if (is_resource) + tv->texture = gdk_texture_new_from_resource (filename); + else + { + file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); + tv->texture = gdk_texture_new_from_file (file, &error); + g_object_unref (file); + } + + if (error) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (tv)); +} + +static void +value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment, MyTextView *tv) +{ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (tv)); +} + +static void +my_text_view_set_adjustment (MyTextView *tv, GtkAdjustment *adjustment) +{ + g_set_object (&tv->adjustment, adjustment); + g_signal_connect (tv->adjustment, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (value_changed), tv); +} + +static void +close_selection_dialog (GtkWidget *dialog, int response, GtkWidget *tv) +{ + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *child; + GList *children; + const char *filename; + gboolean is_resource; + + gtk_widget_set_visible (dialog, FALSE); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL) + return; + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + box = gtk_widget_get_first_child (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + g_assert (GTK_IS_FLOW_BOX (box)); + children = gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children (GTK_FLOW_BOX (box)); + + if (!children) + return; + + child = children->data; + filename = (const char *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "filename"); + is_resource = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (child), "is-resource")); + + g_list_free (children); + + my_text_view_set_background ((MyTextView *)tv, filename, is_resource); +} + +static void +toggle_selection_mode (GtkSwitch *sw, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkListBox *listbox) +{ + if (gtk_switch_get_active (sw)) + gtk_list_box_set_selection_mode (listbox, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); + else + gtk_list_box_set_selection_mode (listbox, GTK_SELECTION_NONE); + + gtk_list_box_set_activate_on_single_click (listbox, !gtk_switch_get_active (sw)); +} + +static void +handle_insert (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *textview) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + const char *id; + const char *text; + + id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (button)); + + if (strcmp (id, "toolbutton1") == 0) + text = "⌘"; + else if (strcmp (id, "toolbutton2") == 0) + text = "⚽"; + else if (strcmp (id, "toolbutton3") == 0) + text = "⤢"; + else if (strcmp (id, "toolbutton4") == 0) + text = "☆"; + else + text = ""; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview)); + gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (buffer, text, -1); +} + +static void +handle_cutcopypaste (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *textview) +{ + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GdkClipboard *clipboard; + const char *id; + + clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (textview); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview)); + id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (button)); + + if (strcmp (id, "cutbutton") == 0) + gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, TRUE); + else if (strcmp (id, "copybutton") == 0) + gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (buffer, clipboard); + else if (strcmp (id, "pastebutton") == 0) + gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, NULL, TRUE); + else if (strcmp (id, "deletebutton") == 0) + gtk_text_buffer_delete_selection (buffer, TRUE, TRUE); +} + +static void +clipboard_formats_notify (GdkClipboard *clipboard, GdkEvent *event, GtkWidget *button) +{ + const char *id; + gboolean has_text; + + id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (button)); + has_text = gdk_content_formats_contain_gtype (gdk_clipboard_get_formats (clipboard), GTK_TYPE_TEXT_BUFFER); + + if (strcmp (id, "pastebutton") == 0) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, has_text); +} + +static void +textbuffer_notify_selection (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, GtkWidget *button) +{ + const char *id; + gboolean has_selection; + + id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (button)); + has_selection = gtk_text_buffer_get_has_selection (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (object)); + + if (strcmp (id, "cutbutton") == 0 || + strcmp (id, "copybutton") == 0 || + strcmp (id, "deletebutton") == 0) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, has_selection); +} + +static gboolean +osd_frame_pressed (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + int press, + double x, + double y, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *frame = data; + GtkWidget *osd; + gboolean visible; + + osd = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (frame), "osd"); + visible = gtk_widget_get_visible (osd); + gtk_widget_set_visible (osd, !visible); + + return GDK_EVENT_STOP; +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS +static gboolean +page_combo_separator_func (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + char *text; + gboolean res; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &text, -1); + res = g_strcmp0 (text, "-") == 0; + g_free (text); + + return res; +} +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static void +toggle_format (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *value, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTextView *text_view = user_data; + GtkTextIter start, end; + const char *name; + + name = g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action)); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, value); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view), &start, &end); + if (g_variant_get_boolean (value)) + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view), name, &start, &end); + else + gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag_by_name (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view), name, &start, &end); +} + +static GActionGroup *actions; + +static void +text_changed (GtkTextBuffer *buffer) +{ + GAction *bold; + GAction *italic; + GAction *underline; + GtkTextIter iter; + GtkTextTagTable *tags; + GtkTextTag *bold_tag, *italic_tag, *underline_tag; + gboolean all_bold, all_italic, all_underline; + GtkTextIter start, end; + gboolean has_selection; + + bold = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "bold"); + italic = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "italic"); + underline = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "underline"); + + has_selection = gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds (buffer, &start, &end); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (bold), has_selection); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (italic), has_selection); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (underline), has_selection); + if (!has_selection) + return; + + tags = gtk_text_buffer_get_tag_table (buffer); + bold_tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (tags, "bold"); + italic_tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (tags, "italic"); + underline_tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (tags, "underline"); + all_bold = TRUE; + all_italic = TRUE; + all_underline = TRUE; + gtk_text_iter_assign (&iter, &start); + while (!gtk_text_iter_equal (&iter, &end)) + { + all_bold &= gtk_text_iter_has_tag (&iter, bold_tag); + all_italic &= gtk_text_iter_has_tag (&iter, italic_tag); + all_underline &= gtk_text_iter_has_tag (&iter, underline_tag); + gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&iter); + } + + g_simple_action_set_state (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (bold), g_variant_new_boolean (all_bold)); + g_simple_action_set_state (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (italic), g_variant_new_boolean (all_italic)); + g_simple_action_set_state (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (underline), g_variant_new_boolean (all_underline)); +} + +static void +text_view_add_to_context_menu (GtkTextView *text_view) +{ + GMenu *menu; + GActionEntry entries[] = { + { "bold", NULL, NULL, "false", toggle_format }, + { "italic", NULL, NULL, "false", toggle_format }, + { "underline", NULL, NULL, "false", toggle_format }, + }; + GMenuItem *item; + GAction *action; + + actions = G_ACTION_GROUP (g_simple_action_group_new ()); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (entries), text_view); + + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "bold"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "italic"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (actions), "underline"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + + gtk_widget_insert_action_group (GTK_WIDGET (text_view), "format", G_ACTION_GROUP (actions)); + + menu = g_menu_new (); + item = g_menu_item_new (_("Bold"), "format.bold"); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "touch-icon", "s", "format-text-bold-symbolic"); + g_menu_append_item (G_MENU (menu), item); + g_object_unref (item); + item = g_menu_item_new (_("Italics"), "format.italic"); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "touch-icon", "s", "format-text-italic-symbolic"); + g_menu_append_item (G_MENU (menu), item); + g_object_unref (item); + item = g_menu_item_new (_("Underline"), "format.underline"); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "touch-icon", "s", "format-text-underline-symbolic"); + g_menu_append_item (G_MENU (menu), item); + g_object_unref (item); + + gtk_text_view_set_extra_menu (text_view, G_MENU_MODEL (menu)); + g_object_unref (menu); + + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view), "changed", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), NULL); + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text_view), "mark-set", G_CALLBACK (text_changed), NULL); +} + +static void +open_popover_text_changed (GtkEntry *entry, GParamSpec *pspec, GtkWidget *button) +{ + const char *text; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, strlen (text) > 0); +} + +static gboolean +show_page_again (gpointer data) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (GTK_WIDGET (data), TRUE); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +tab_close_cb (GtkWidget *page) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (page, FALSE); + g_timeout_add (2500, show_page_again, page); +} + +typedef struct _GTestPermission GTestPermission; +typedef struct _GTestPermissionClass GTestPermissionClass; + +struct _GTestPermission +{ + GPermission parent; +}; + +struct _GTestPermissionClass +{ + GPermissionClass parent_class; +}; + +static GType g_test_permission_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (GTestPermission, g_test_permission, G_TYPE_PERMISSION) + +static void +g_test_permission_init (GTestPermission *test) +{ + g_permission_impl_update (G_PERMISSION (test), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); +} + +static gboolean +update_allowed (GPermission *permission, + gboolean allowed) +{ + g_permission_impl_update (permission, allowed, TRUE, TRUE); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +acquire (GPermission *permission, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GError **error) +{ + return update_allowed (permission, TRUE); +} + +static void +acquire_async (GPermission *permission, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GTask *task; + + task = g_task_new ((GObject*)permission, NULL, callback, user_data); + g_task_return_boolean (task, update_allowed (permission, TRUE)); + g_object_unref (task); +} + +static gboolean +acquire_finish (GPermission *permission, + GAsyncResult *res, + GError **error) +{ + return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (res), error); +} + +static gboolean +release (GPermission *permission, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GError **error) +{ + return update_allowed (permission, FALSE); +} + +static void +release_async (GPermission *permission, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GTask *task; + + task = g_task_new ((GObject*)permission, NULL, callback, user_data); + g_task_return_boolean (task, update_allowed (permission, FALSE)); + g_object_unref (task); +} + +static gboolean +release_finish (GPermission *permission, + GAsyncResult *result, + GError **error) +{ + return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error); +} + +static void +g_test_permission_class_init (GTestPermissionClass *class) +{ + GPermissionClass *permission_class = G_PERMISSION_CLASS (class); + + permission_class->acquire = acquire; + permission_class->acquire_async = acquire_async; + permission_class->acquire_finish = acquire_finish; + + permission_class->release = release; + permission_class->release_async = release_async; + permission_class->release_finish = release_finish; +} + +static void +update_buttons (GtkWidget *iv, GtkIconSize size) +{ + GtkWidget *button; + + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (iv), "increase_button")); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, size != GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (iv), "decrease_button")); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, size != GTK_ICON_SIZE_NORMAL); + button = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (iv), "reset_button")); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, size != GTK_ICON_SIZE_INHERIT); +} + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS +static void +increase_icon_size (GtkWidget *iv) +{ + GList *cells; + GtkCellRendererPixbuf *cell; + + cells = gtk_cell_layout_get_cells (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (iv)); + cell = cells->data; + g_list_free (cells); + + g_object_set (cell, "icon-size", GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE, NULL); + + update_buttons (iv, GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); + + gtk_widget_queue_resize (iv); +} + +static void +decrease_icon_size (GtkWidget *iv) +{ + GList *cells; + GtkCellRendererPixbuf *cell; + + cells = gtk_cell_layout_get_cells (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (iv)); + cell = cells->data; + g_list_free (cells); + + g_object_set (cell, "icon-size", GTK_ICON_SIZE_NORMAL, NULL); + + update_buttons (iv, GTK_ICON_SIZE_NORMAL); + + gtk_widget_queue_resize (iv); +} + +static void +reset_icon_size (GtkWidget *iv) +{ + GList *cells; + GtkCellRendererPixbuf *cell; + + cells = gtk_cell_layout_get_cells (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (iv)); + cell = cells->data; + g_list_free (cells); + + g_object_set (cell, "icon-size", GTK_ICON_SIZE_INHERIT, NULL); + + update_buttons (iv, GTK_ICON_SIZE_INHERIT); + + gtk_widget_queue_resize (iv); +} +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +static char * +scale_format_value_blank (GtkScale *scale, double value, gpointer user_data) +{ + return g_strdup (" "); +} + +static char * +scale_format_value (GtkScale *scale, double value, gpointer user_data) +{ + return g_strdup_printf ("%0.*f", 1, value); +} + +static void +adjustment3_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adj, GtkProgressBar *pbar) +{ + double fraction; + + fraction = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) / (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj)); + + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (pbar, fraction); +} + +static void +clicked_cb (GtkGesture *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + GtkPopover *popover) +{ + GdkRectangle rect; + + rect.x = x; + rect.y = y; + rect.width = 1; + rect.height = 1; + gtk_popover_set_pointing_to (popover, &rect); + gtk_popover_popup (popover); +} + +static void +set_up_context_popover (GtkWidget *widget, + GMenuModel *model) +{ + GtkWidget *popover = gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model (model); + GtkGesture *gesture; + + gtk_widget_set_parent (popover, widget); + gtk_popover_set_has_arrow (GTK_POPOVER (popover), FALSE); + gesture = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + gtk_event_controller_set_name (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture), "widget-factory-context-click"); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (gesture), GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY); + g_signal_connect (gesture, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (clicked_cb), popover); + gtk_widget_add_controller (widget, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gesture)); +} + +static void +age_entry_changed (GtkEntry *entry, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *text; + guint64 age; + GError *error = NULL; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + if (strlen (text) > 0 && + !g_ascii_string_to_unsigned (text, 10, 16, 666, &age, &error)) + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), error->message); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + g_error_free (error); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), ""); + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + } +} + +static void +validate_more_details (GtkEntry *entry, + GParamSpec *pspec, + GtkEntry *details) +{ + if (strlen (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry))) > 0 && + strlen (gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (details))) == 0) + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "Must have details first"); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (entry), ""); + gtk_widget_remove_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (entry), "error"); + } +} + +static gboolean +mode_switch_state_set (GtkSwitch *sw, gboolean state) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (sw), GTK_TYPE_DIALOG); + GtkWidget *scale = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "level_scale")); + GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "error_label")); + + if (!state || + (gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (scale)) > 50)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, FALSE); + gtk_switch_set_state (sw, state); + } + else + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, TRUE); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +level_scale_value_changed (GtkRange *range) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (range), GTK_TYPE_DIALOG); + GtkWidget *sw = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "mode_switch")); + GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "error_label")); + + if (gtk_switch_get_active (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + !gtk_switch_get_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + (gtk_range_get_value (range) > 50)) + { + gtk_widget_set_visible (label, FALSE); + gtk_switch_set_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw), TRUE); + } + else if (gtk_switch_get_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw)) && + (gtk_range_get_value (range) <= 50)) + { + gtk_switch_set_state (GTK_SWITCH (sw), FALSE); + } +} + +static void +hide_widget (GtkWidget *widget) +{ + gtk_widget_set_visible (widget, FALSE); +} + +static void +load_texture_thread (GTask *task, + gpointer source_object, + gpointer task_data, + GCancellable *cancellable) +{ + const char *resource_path = (const char *) task_data; + GBytes *bytes; + GdkTexture *texture; + GError *error = NULL; + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (resource_path, 0, &error); + if (!bytes) + { + g_task_return_error (task, error); + return; + } + + texture = gdk_texture_new_from_bytes (bytes, &error); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + if (!texture) + { + g_task_return_error (task, error); + return; + } + + g_task_return_pointer (task, texture, g_object_unref); +} + +static void +load_texture_done (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer data) +{ + GtkWidget *picture = GTK_WIDGET (source); + GdkTexture *texture; + GError *error = NULL; + + texture = g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), &error); + if (!texture) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), GDK_PAINTABLE (texture)); + g_object_unref (texture); +} + +static void +load_texture_in_thread (GtkWidget *picture, + const char *resource_path) +{ + GTask *task = g_task_new (picture, NULL, load_texture_done, NULL); + g_task_set_task_data (task, (gpointer)resource_path, NULL); + g_task_run_in_thread (task, load_texture_thread); + g_object_unref (task); +} + +static void +activate (GApplication *app) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkBuilderScope *scope; + GtkWindow *window; + GtkWidget *widget; + GtkWidget *widget2; + GtkWidget *widget3; + GtkWidget *widget4; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *dialog; + GtkAdjustment *adj; + GtkCssProvider *provider; + GMenuModel *model; + static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "dark", NULL, NULL, "false", change_dark_state }, + { "theme", NULL, "s", "'current'", change_theme_state }, + { "transition", NULL, NULL, "true", change_transition_state }, + { "search", activate_search, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "delete", activate_delete, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "busy", get_busy, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "fullscreen", NULL, NULL, "false", change_fullscreen }, + { "background", activate_background, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open", activate_open, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "record", activate_record, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "lock", activate_lock, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "print", activate_print, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + }; + struct { + const char *action_and_target; + const char *accelerators[2]; + } accels[] = { + { "app.about", { "F1", NULL } }, + { "app.shortcuts", { "question", NULL } }, + { "app.quit", { "q", NULL } }, + { "app.open-in", { "n", NULL } }, + { "win.dark", { "d", NULL } }, + { "win.search", { "s", NULL } }, + { "win.background", { "b", NULL } }, + { "win.open", { "o", NULL } }, + { "win.record", { "r", NULL } }, + { "win.lock", { "l", NULL } }, + { "win.fullscreen", { "F11", NULL } }, + }; + struct { + const char *action_and_target; + const char *accelerators[2]; + } late_accels[] = { + { "app.cut", { "x", NULL } }, + { "app.copy", { "c", NULL } }, + { "app.paste", { "v", NULL } }, + { "win.delete", { "Delete", NULL } }, + }; + int i; + GPermission *permission; + GAction *action; + GError *error = NULL; + GtkEventController *controller; + + g_type_ensure (my_text_view_get_type ()); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/widget-factory.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); + g_object_unref (provider); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + scope = gtk_builder_cscope_new (); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_entry_icon_release); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_scale_button_value_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_record_button_toggled); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_page_combo_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_range_from_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_range_to_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_picture_drag_prepare); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, on_picture_drop); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, tab_close_cb); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, increase_icon_size); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, decrease_icon_size); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, osd_frame_pressed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, age_entry_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, validate_more_details); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, mode_switch_state_set); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, level_scale_value_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, transition_speed_changed); + gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback (scope, reset_icon_size); + gtk_builder_set_scope (builder, scope); + g_object_unref (scope); + if (!gtk_builder_add_from_resource (builder, "/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/widget-factory.ui", &error)) + { + g_critical ("%s", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + } + + window = (GtkWindow *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window"); + + load_texture_in_thread ((GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "notebook_sunset"), + "/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/sunset.jpg"); + load_texture_in_thread ((GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "notebook_nyc"), + "/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/nyc.jpg"); + load_texture_in_thread ((GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "notebook_beach"), + "/org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/beach.jpg"); + + if (g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0) + gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (window), "devel"); + + gtk_application_add_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app), window); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (window), + win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), + window); + + controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new (); + gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase (controller, GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (late_accels); i++) + { + guint key; + GdkModifierType mods; + GtkShortcutTrigger *trigger; + GtkShortcutAction *ac; + + gtk_accelerator_parse (late_accels[i].accelerators[0], &key, &mods); + trigger = gtk_keyval_trigger_new (key, mods); + ac = gtk_named_action_new (late_accels[i].action_and_target); + gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), + gtk_shortcut_new (trigger, ac)); + } + gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (window), controller); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (accels); i++) + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), accels[i].action_and_target, accels[i].accelerators); + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "statusbar"); + gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (widget), 0, "All systems are operating normally."); + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("statusbar", widget, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), action); + g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (action)); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbar"); + action = G_ACTION (g_property_action_new ("toolbar", widget, "visible")); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), action); + g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (action)); + + adj = (GtkAdjustment *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "adjustment1"); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "progressbar3"); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (update_pulse_time), widget); + update_pulse_time (adj, widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "entry1"); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (update_pulse_time), widget); + update_pulse_time (adj, widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "page2reset"); + adj = (GtkAdjustment *) gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "adjustment2"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (spin_value_reset), adj); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "page2dismiss"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (dismiss), NULL); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "page2note"); + adj = (GtkAdjustment *) gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "adjustment2"); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (spin_value_changed), widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listbox"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK (row_activated), NULL); + + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow1switch"); + g_signal_connect (widget2, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (toggle_selection_mode), widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow3"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow3image"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "image", widget2); + + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "info_dialog"); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow7"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "dialog", widget2); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow8"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "dialog", widget2); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "listboxrow5button"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "action_dialog"); + g_signal_connect_swapped (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_present), widget2); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbar"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "toolbar", widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "searchbar"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "searchbar", widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "infobar"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "response", G_CALLBACK (info_bar_response), NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "infobar", widget); + + dialog = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "info_dialog"); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (close_dialog), NULL); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "info_dialog_button"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_dialog), dialog); + + dialog = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "action_dialog"); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (close_dialog), NULL); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "action_dialog_button"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_dialog), dialog); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "act_action_dialog"); + stack = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toplevel_stack"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (action_dialog_button_clicked), stack); + g_signal_connect (stack, "notify::visible-child-name", G_CALLBACK (page_changed_cb), NULL); + page_changed_cb (stack, NULL, NULL); + + page_stack = stack; + + dialog = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "preference_dialog"); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (close_dialog), NULL); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "preference_dialog_button"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_dialog), dialog); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "circular_button"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_dialog), dialog); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "level_scale"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "level_scale", widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "mode_switch"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "mode_switch", widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "error_label"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "error_label", widget); + + dialog = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "selection_dialog"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "selection_dialog", dialog); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "text3"); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (close_selection_dialog), widget); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "opacity"); + my_text_view_set_adjustment ((MyTextView *)widget, gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (widget2))); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "selection_dialog_button"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_dialog), dialog); + + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "selection_flowbox"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "selection_flowbox", widget2); + g_signal_connect_swapped (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (populate_flowbox), widget2); + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "charletree"); + populate_model ((GtkTreeStore *)gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget))); + gtk_tree_view_set_row_separator_func (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget), row_separator_func, NULL, NULL); + gtk_tree_view_expand_all (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget)); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + widget = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "munsell")); + widget2 = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cchooser")); + + populate_colors (widget, widget2); + g_signal_connect (widget2, "notify::rgba", G_CALLBACK (rgba_changed), widget); + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "page_combo"); + gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func (GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget), page_combo_separator_func, NULL, NULL); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "range_from_spin"); + widget3 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "range_to_spin"); + widget4 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "print_button"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "range_from_spin", widget2); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget3), "range_from_spin", widget2); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "range_to_spin", widget3); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget2), "range_to_spin", widget3); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "print_button", widget4); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "tooltextview"); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbutton1"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_insert), widget2); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbutton2"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_insert), widget2); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbutton3"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_insert), widget2); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "toolbutton4"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_insert), widget2); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "cutbutton"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_cutcopypaste), widget2); + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (widget2)), "notify::has-selection", + G_CALLBACK (textbuffer_notify_selection), widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "copybutton"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_cutcopypaste), widget2); + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (widget2)), "notify::has-selection", + G_CALLBACK (textbuffer_notify_selection), widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "deletebutton"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_cutcopypaste), widget2); + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (widget2)), "notify::has-selection", + G_CALLBACK (textbuffer_notify_selection), widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "pastebutton"); + g_signal_connect (widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (handle_cutcopypaste), widget2); + g_signal_connect_object (gtk_widget_get_clipboard (widget2), "notify::formats", + G_CALLBACK (clipboard_formats_notify), widget, 0); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "osd_frame"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "totem_like_osd"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "osd", widget2); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "textview1"); + text_view_add_to_context_menu (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (widget)); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "open_popover"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "open_popover_entry"); + widget3 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "open_popover_button"); + gtk_popover_set_default_widget (GTK_POPOVER (widget), widget3); + g_signal_connect (widget2, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (open_popover_text_changed), widget3); + g_signal_connect_swapped (widget3, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (hide_widget), widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "open_menubutton"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "open_menubutton", widget); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "record_button"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "record_button", widget); + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "lockbox"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "lockbutton"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "lockbutton", widget2); + permission = g_object_new (g_test_permission_get_type (), NULL); + g_object_bind_property (permission, "allowed", + widget, "sensitive", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "open"); + g_object_bind_property (permission, "allowed", + action, "enabled", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "record"); + g_object_bind_property (permission, "allowed", + action, "enabled", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_lock_button_set_permission (GTK_LOCK_BUTTON (widget2), permission); + g_object_unref (permission); +G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "iconview1"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "increase_button"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "increase_button", widget2); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "decrease_button"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "decrease_button", widget2); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "reset_button"); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "reset_button", widget2); + reset_icon_size (widget); + + adj = (GtkAdjustment *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "adjustment3"); + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "progressbar1"); + widget2 = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "progressbar2"); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (adjustment3_value_changed), widget); + g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (adjustment3_value_changed), widget2); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "extra_info_entry"); + g_timeout_add (100, (GSourceFunc)pulse_it, widget); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "scale3"); + gtk_scale_set_format_value_func (GTK_SCALE (widget), scale_format_value, NULL, NULL); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "scale4"); + gtk_scale_set_format_value_func (GTK_SCALE (widget), scale_format_value_blank, NULL, NULL); + + widget = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "box_for_context"); + model = (GMenuModel *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "new_style_context_menu_model"); + set_up_context_popover (widget, model); + + gtk_window_present (window); + + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +print_version (void) +{ + g_print ("gtk4-widget-factory %s%s%s\n", + PACKAGE_VERSION, + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? "-" : "", + g_strcmp0 (PROFILE, "devel") == 0 ? VCS_TAG : ""); +} + +static int +local_options (GApplication *app, + GVariantDict *options, + gpointer data) +{ + gboolean version = FALSE; + + g_variant_dict_lookup (options, "version", "b", &version); + + if (version) + { + print_version (); + return 0; + } + + return -1; +} + +static void +activate_action (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_print ("Activate action %s\n", g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action))); +} + +static void +select_action (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_print ("Select action %s value %s\n", + g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action)), + g_variant_get_string (parameter, NULL)); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, parameter); +} + +static void +toggle_action (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariant *state = g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action)); + + g_print ("Toggle action %s to %s\n", + g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action)), + g_variant_get_boolean (state) ? "false" : "true"); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, + g_variant_new_boolean (!g_variant_get_boolean (state))); +} + +static gboolean +quit_timeout (gpointer data) +{ + exit (0); + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + GAction *action; + static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "shortcuts", activate_shortcuts_window, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "inspector", activate_inspector, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "main", NULL, "s", "'steak'", NULL }, + { "wine", NULL, NULL, "false", NULL }, + { "beer", NULL, NULL, "false", NULL }, + { "water", NULL, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "dessert", NULL, "s", "'bars'", NULL }, + { "pay", NULL, "s", NULL, NULL }, + { "share", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "labels", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "new", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open", activate_open_file, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open-in", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open-tab", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "open-window", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "save-as", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "cut", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "copy", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "paste", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "pin", toggle_action, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "size", select_action, "s", "'medium'", NULL }, + { "berk", toggle_action, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "broni", toggle_action, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "drutt", toggle_action, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "upstairs", toggle_action, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "option-a", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "option-b", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "option-c", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "option-d", activate_action, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "check-on", NULL, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "check-off", NULL, NULL, "false", NULL }, + { "radio-x", NULL, "s", "'x'", NULL }, + { "check-on-disabled", NULL, NULL, "true", NULL }, + { "check-off-disabled", NULL, NULL, "false", NULL }, + { "radio-x-disabled", NULL, "s", "'x'", NULL }, + }; + int status; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.WidgetFactory4", G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), "wine"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), "check-on-disabled"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), "check-off-disabled"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), "radio-x-disabled"); + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); + + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + + g_application_add_main_option (G_APPLICATION (app), "version", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, "Show program version", NULL); + + if (g_getenv ("GTK_DEBUG_AUTO_QUIT")) + g_timeout_add (500, quit_timeout, NULL); + + g_signal_connect (app, "handle-local-options", G_CALLBACK (local_options), NULL); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.css b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdf809a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.css @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +.small-button { + padding: 0; + outline-width: 0; +} + +.toolbar { + -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2930635c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ + + + + widget-factory.ui + + + widget-factory.css + + + help-overlay.ui + + + icons/16x16/actions/call-start-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/call-stop-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-new-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-save.png + icons/16x16/actions/document-send-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/edit-find.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-indent-less-symbolic-rtl.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-indent-less-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-indent-more-symbolic-rtl.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-indent-more-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-fill-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/insert-image.png + icons/16x16/actions/insert-link-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/send-to-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/star-new-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-continuous-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-dual-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-grid-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-paged-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-in-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-in.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-original-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-original.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-out-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/zoom-out.png + + icons/16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-locale-symbolic.symbolic.png + + icons/16x16/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/camera-photo-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/camera-web-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/drive-optical-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/network-wired-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/network-wireless-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/devices/phone-symbolic.symbolic.png + + icons/16x16/emblems/emblem-default-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/emblems/emblem-shared-symbolic.symbolic.png + + icons/16x16/emotes/face-monkey-symbolic.symbolic.png + + icons/16x16/status/appointment-soon-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-clear-night-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-fog-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-overcast-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-showers-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/status/weather-snow-symbolic.symbolic.png + + icons/scalable/actions/call-start-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/call-stop-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/document-new-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-indent-less-symbolic-rtl.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-indent-less-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-indent-more-symbolic-rtl.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-indent-more-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-fill-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/insert-link-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/star-new-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/view-continuous-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/view-dual-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/view-paged-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/view-grid-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/zoom-in-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/zoom-original-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/actions/zoom-out-symbolic.svg + + icons/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/camera-photo-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/camera-web-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/drive-optical-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/network-wireless-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg + + icons/scalable/status/weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-fog-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-overcast-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-showers-symbolic.svg + icons/scalable/status/weather-snow-symbolic.svg + + data/scalable/apps/org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.svg + + + + gtk-logo.webm + sunset.jpg + portland-rose.jpg + nyc.jpg + beach.jpg + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c3b5d7e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/demos/widget-factory/widget-factory.ui @@ -0,0 +1,3638 @@ + + + +
+ + Get Busy + win.busy + + + Fullscreen + win.fullscreen + + + Style +
+ + Current + win.theme + current + + + Default + win.theme + default + + + Dark + win.theme + dark + + + Highcontrast + win.theme + hc + + + Highcontrast inverse + win.theme + hc-dark + +
+ + Transition Pages + win.transition + + + transition-speed + +
+ + _Inspector + app.inspector + + + _Keyboard Shortcuts + app.shortcuts + + + _About Widget Factory + app.about + +
+ +
+ + _Steak + app.main + steak + + + _Pizza + app.main + pizza + +
+ + Wine + app.wine + + + Beer + app.beer + + + Water + app.water + +
+ + Dessert +
+ + Brownies + app.dessert + brownies + + + Banana Sundae + app.dessert + sundae + + + Lemon Bars + app.dessert + bars + +
+ horizontal-buttons + + Cash + app.pay + cash + document-save-symbolic + + + Credit Card + app.pay + card + document-send-symbolic + + + Cheque + app.pay + cheque + document-save-as-symbolic + +
+ + 100 + 50 + 1 + 10 + + + 1000 + 1 + 50 + 1 + 10 + + + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + + + 99 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 10 + + + 99 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + True + emblem-default-symbolic + Andrea + Cimi + False + + + False + emblem-important-symbolic + Otto + chaotic + False + + + True + weather-clear-night-symbolic + Orville + Redenbacher + False + + + True + face-monkey-symbolic + Benjamin + Company + True + + + + + liststore1 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 1 + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + Left + + + Middle + + + Right + + + + + + + bold + 800 + + + + + italic + 2 + + + + + underline + 1 + + + + + tags + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. +Nullam fringilla, est ut feugiat ultrices, elit lacus ultricies nibh, id commodo tortor nisi id elit. +Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. +Morbi vel elit erat. Maecenas dignissim, dui et pharetra rutrum, tellus lectus rutrum mi, a convallis libero nisi quis tellus. +Nulla facilisi. Nullam eleifend lobortis nisl, in porttitor tellus malesuada vitae. +Aenean lacus tellus, pellentesque quis molestie quis, fringilla in arcu. +Duis elementum, tellus sed tristique semper, metus metus accumsan augue, et porttitor augue orci a libero. +Ut sed justo ac felis placerat laoreet sed id sem. Proin mattis tincidunt odio vitae tristique. +Morbi massa libero, congue vitae scelerisque vel, ultricies vel nisl. +Vestibulum in tortor diam, quis aliquet quam. Praesent ut justo neque, tempus rutrum est. +Duis eu lectus quam. Vivamus eget metus a mauris molestie venenatis pulvinar eleifend nisi. +Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque at dolor sit amet purus dapibus pulvinar molestie quis neque. +Suspendisse feugiat quam quis dolor accumsan cursus. + + + * Translation updates: + Aragonese + Assamese + Basque + Brazilian Portuguese + Dutch + German + Hebrew + Hungarian + Polish + Portuguese + Serbian + Slovenian + Spanish + Uyghur + + + + + + + + audio-headphones-symbolic + + + audio-speakers-symbolic + + + audio-input-microphone-symbolic + + + bookmark-new-symbolic + + + call-start-symbolic + + + call-stop-symbolic + + + camera-photo-symbolic + + + camera-web-symbolic + + + document-new-symbolic + + + document-open-recent-symbolic + + + document-open-symbolic + + + drive-harddisk-symbolic + + + drive-optical-symbolic + + + edit-clear-all-symbolic + + + edit-copy-symbolic + + + edit-cut-symbolic + + + edit-delete-symbolic + + + find-location-symbolic + + + format-indent-less-symbolic + + + format-indent-more-symbolic + + + format-justify-left-symbolic + + + format-justify-center-symbolic + + + format-justify-right-symbolic + + + network-wired-symbolic + + + network-wireless-symbolic + + + phone-symbolic + + + insert-image-symbolic + + + insert-link-symbolic + + + insert-object-symbolic + + + view-continuous-symbolic + + + view-dual-symbolic + + + view-fullscreen-symbolic + + + view-grid-symbolic + + + view-list-symbolic + + + view-paged-symbolic + + + weather-clear-night-symbolic + + + weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic + + + weather-fog-symbolic + + + weather-overcast-symbolic + + + weather-severe-alert-symbolic + + + weather-showers-symbolic + + + weather-snow-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + + + GTK Widget Factory + + + + + toplevel_stack + + + + + 3 + 0 + + + gear_menu_model + + + + + 1000 + 250 + 50 + 50 + + + + + + + + open-menu-symbolic + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + 250 + 1 + + + page1 + Page _1 + 1 + + + 1 + 10 + + + 10 + + + 1 + 10 + + + 1 + + + comboboxentry + + + + Donald Duck + Mickey Mouse + Jet McQuack + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + comboboxentry + + + + + + + 1 + + Click icon to change mode + view-refresh-symbolic + Change mode + + + + + + 0 + entry + + + + + + + + 1 + entry + 1 + + + + + window-close-symbolic + + + + + + + 1 + Password… + + + + + 0 + + + + lrmodel + 0 + 1 + + + + 0 + + + + + + + lrmodel + 1 + 1 + + + + 0 + + + + + + + lrmodel + 2 + 1 + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + 20 + + + label + + + + + 0 + label + + + + + 2 + 2 + adjustment2 + + + + + 0 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + + 1 + 18 + 6 + + + checkbutton + 1 + + + + + checkbutton + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + checkbutton + 1 + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + checkbutton + 0 + 1 + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + checkbutton + 0 + + 0 + 4 + + + + + + checkbutton + 0 + 1 + + 0 + 5 + + + + + + radiobutton + 1 + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + radiobutton + radiobutton1 + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + radiobutton + 1 + radiobutton1 + + 1 + 2 + + + + + + radiobutton + 0 + 1 + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + radiobutton + 0 + radiobutton4 + + 1 + 4 + + + + + + radiobutton + 0 + 1 + radiobutton4 + + 1 + 5 + + + + + + 1 + + 2 + + + + + + + 2 + 1 + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + 0 + + 2 + 4 + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + + + togglebutton + 1 + + + + + togglebutton + 0 + 1 + + + + + togglebutton + 1 + 1 + + + + + togglebutton + 0 + 1 + 1 + + + + + liststore1 + 0 + + + + 2 + + + + + + + 0 + liststore1 + 1 + + + + 2 + + + + + + + 1 + family|style|size|features|variations + + + + + 1 + #31316867a09f + + + + + link button + 1 + 1 + 0 + http://www.gtk.org + + + + + 3 + + + + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + + 1 + 6 + 1 + + + 1 + 6 + + + 0.5 + + + + + 0.5 + 1 + + + + + 0.5 + 1 + + + + + 0.6 + + + + + 5 + 2 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + adjustment1 + 0 + 75 + + + + + 0 + adjustment1 + 0 + 75 + + + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + adjustment3 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + 6 + 1 + + + 1 + 0.5 + 2 + + + + + 1 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + 6 + 1 + + + 100 + 1 + adjustment1 + 0 + 75 + -1 + 1 + 2 + + + + + 100 + 0 + 1 + adjustment1 + 0 + 75 + -1 + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + 1 + + + + + 1 + 1 + resource:///org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/gtk-logo.webm + + + + + + + + + <b>Text Styles</b> + 1 + + + + + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + + + 1 + 10 + + + Large Title + + + + + + Title 1 + + + + + + Title 2 + + + + + + Title 3 + + + + + + Title 4 + + + + + + Heading + + + + + + Body + + + + + + Caption Heading + + + + + + Caption + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 6 + 1 + + + 150 + 0 + 1 + 1 + + + liststore1 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Cool + + + + 0 + 4 + + + + + + + Icon + 1 + + + + 1 + + + + + + + Name + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + + + 3 + + + 2 + + + + + + + Nick + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + + + 3 + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + textbuffer1 + 2 + 10 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + 10 + 1 + + + + + + + cover + + + + + + + + copy + GdkTexture + + + + + + + + Sunset + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + copy + GdkTexture + + + + + + + + NYC + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + copy + GdkTexture + + + + + + + + Beach + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + + + + + page 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + page 2 + + + + + + + 2 + + + 1 + + + + + page 3 + + + + + + + + + 3 + + + + + 1 + + + + + page 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + page 2 + + + + + + + 2 + + + 1 + + + + + page 3 + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + 1 + + + + + page 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + page 2 + + + + + + + 2 + + + 1 + + + + + page 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + page2 + Page _2 + 1 + + + + + 9 + 3 + 1 + + + + + + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + 1 + 1 + NEWS! + + + + + 3 + Reset + + + + + 0 + 0 + window-close-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + 10 + + + 1 + 10 + + + 6 + + + 1 + adjustment2 + + + + + 0 + 1 + adjustment2 + + + + + 6 + 6 + 3 + 3 + + + 1 + 3 + .5 + 3 + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 1 + microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic +microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic +microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic +microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic + 3 + .5 + 3 + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 22 + 250 + + + page1 + preferences-desktop-locale-symbolic + News + + + 2 + + + textbuffer2 + 10 + 10 + + + + + + + + + page2 + folder-pictures-symbolic + Logo + + + org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 + 256 + + + + + + + + + + + + stack + 3 + + + + + dinner_menu + 3 + 3 + emblem-system-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 2 + 200 + 0 + 1 + + + 0 + 1 + + + + No rows found + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + Row 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Row 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 2 + 3 + 150 + adjustment1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Row 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + object-select-symbolic + 2 + 3 + 0 + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Row 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + adjustment1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Row 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 2 + 3 + appointment-soon-symbolic + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + Row 6 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Row 7 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Row 8 + 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + + + + + 1 + + + menu_bar_model + + + + + + + + New + document-new + Create a new document + + + + + Save + document-save + Save the current document + + + + + + + + Search + edit-find + win.search + Search for it + + + + + 0 + Insert + insert-image + Insert something + + + + + #9141AC + Select a color + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + You wanted to delete something. + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + True + textbuffer1 + 2 + 10 + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 + 1 + 1 + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + Left + + + + + Right + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + 1 + + + + Top + + + + + Bottom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + + + 3 + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + 1 + 6 + 226 + + + 3 + iconsmodel + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + zoom-out-symbolic + Normal icons + + + + + + zoom-in-symbolic + Large icons + + + + + + zoom-original-symbolic + Inherited icon size + + + + + + + + + + Expander + + + + + + + _Inform + 1 + + + + + _Act + 1 + + + + + _Configure + 1 + + + + + S_elect + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + page3 + Page _3 + 1 + + + 10 + + + 1 + 10 + + + 1 + 4 + + + 2 + 0 + 300 + 1 + + + 2 + 1 + 1 + charlemodel + + + 3 + + + + + Name + + + + 0 + + + + + + + Birth + + + + 1 + + + + + + + Death + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 + <small>Data source: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#Ancestry">Wikipedia</a></small> + + + + + + + 2 + 1 + 1 + + + 3 + 0 + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + + + 6 + + + 1 + 6 + + + 3 + open_popover + Open + + + + + 3 + + + + + 6 + + + 4 + media-record-symbolic + + + + + 4 + Record + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + view-grid-symbolic + + + + + grid_button + view-list-symbolic + + + + + + + emblem-system-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + view-more-symbolic + new_style_menu_model + + + + + + + + + + + sidebar_stack + + + + + + + id + Identity + + + 1 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 3 + 3 + + + First Name + + + + + Last Name + + + + + + + + + bd + Birthdate + + + 1 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 3 + 3 + + + 2 + + + 9 + + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + + + + + + 9 + + January + February + March + April + May + June + July + August + September + October + November + December + + + + + + + + Year + + + + + + + + + ad + Address + + + 1 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 3 + 3 + + + + Street + + + + + City + + + + + Province + + + + + + + + + pg + Pages + + + 1 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 3 + 3 + + + + 0 + + + Range + All + Current + - + None + + + + + + pg_adjustment + + + + + + pg_adjustment2 + + + + + + Print + win.print + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + document-open-symbolic + 0 + Insert ⌘ + + + + + send-to-symbolic + 0 + Insert ⚽ + + + + + view-fullscreen-symbolic + 0 + Insert ⤢ + + + + + star-new-symbolic + 0 + Insert ☆ + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + 0 + edit-cut-symbolic + 0 + Cut + + + + + 0 + edit-copy-symbolic + 0 + Copy + + + + + 0 + edit-paste-symbolic + 0 + Paste + + + + + + + 0 + 2 + edit-delete-symbolic + 0 + Delete + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + 0.9 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 2 + + + + + + + go-previous-symbolic + + + + + go-next-symbolic + + + + + + + 1 + adjustment1 + + + + + 1 + .5 + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 0 + + + 3 + notebook_info_popover2 + emblem-important-symbolic + 0 + + + + + + 1 + + + 120 + + + + + + + Page 1 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 0 + 0 + window-close-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + + + Page 2 + 3 + 1 + + + + + 0 + 0 + window-close-symbolic + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + 1 + + + + + Page 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 10 + + + + + 1 + Name… + name_completion + + + + + 1 + 1 + Age… + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 3 + notebook_info_popover + emblem-important-symbolic + 0 + + + + + + 1 + + + 120 + + + + + Page 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + 40 + + + + + Page 2 + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + Page 3 + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + Page 4 + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + Page 5 + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + window + 0 + 1 + Do something? + If you don't do something, +bad things might happen. + 1 + + + _Cancel + 1 + + + + + _Do It + 1 + + + + cancel_info_dialog + doit_info_dialog + + + + window + 0 + 1 + 1 + Zelda + 1 + act_action_dialog + + + + + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + To free the princess, you have to slay the dragon. + + + + + + + _Run + 1 + + + + + _Act + 1 + + + + cancel_action_dialog + act_action_dialog + + + + window + 1 + 0 + 1 + Settings + 1 + + + + + 10 + 10 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + + + 2 + 4 + _Details + 1 + details_entry + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 4 + + + 1 + 0 + 2 + + + + + + 2 + 4 + More D_etails + 1 + more_details_entry + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + 4 + + + 1 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + 2 + 4 + _Level + 1 + level_scale + + + 0 + 2 + + + + + + 4 + adjustment1 + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + 2 + 4 + _Mode + 1 + mode_switch + + + 0 + 3 + + + + + + 1 + 4 + + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + 0 + 1 + 4 + Level too low + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + + + window + 1 + 1 + Choose one + 1 + select_selection_dialog + + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 3 + 9 + + + + + + + _Cancel + 1 + + + + + _Select + 1 + + + + cancel_selection_dialog + select_selection_dialog + + + + + + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + + + Title: + 1 + + + + + 1 + Description: + 1 + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 70 + 120 + 100 + 100 + + + + + 1 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + 1 + + 0 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + + Extra Info + + + + + Tell me anything… + 0.2 + + + + 1 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + 2 + emblem-system-symbolic + gear_menu_model + This is a menu button + + 1 + 3 + + + + + + _Open + 1 + 0 + + + 2 + 3 + + + + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 + + + + + + + 0 + + + No updates at this time + + + + + 0 + + + You're in too deep! + + + + + 0 + + + + + Hidden gems: + + + + + 3 + notebook_info_popover3 + emblem-important-symbolic + 0 + + + + + + + +
+ circular-buttons + + printer-symbolic + Print all the things! + win.print + + + emblem-shared-symbolic + Share all the things! + app.share + +
+ + Open in New Window + app.open-in + +
+ inline-buttons + Edit + + edit-cut-symbolic + Cut + app.cut + + + edit-copy-symbolic + Copy + app.copy + + + edit-paste-symbolic + Paste + app.paste + +
+ + Pin + app.pin + + + Select Labels… + app.labels + + + Share… + app.share + +
+ + Basement +
+ + Berk + app.berk + + + Broni + app.broni + + + Drutt + app.drutt + + + The Thing Upstairs + app.upstairs + +
+ Size + + Large + app.size + large + + + Medium + app.size + medium + + + Small + app.size + small + +
+ + Move to Trash + win.delete + +
+ +
+ + Open + win.open + +
+ + Open in New Tab + app.open-tab + + + Open in New Window + app.open-window + +
+ + Cut + app.cut + + + Copy + app.copy + +
+ + Options +
+ + Option A + app.option-a + + + Option B + app.option-b + + + Option C + app.option-c + + + Option D + app.option-d + +
+ + Move to Trash + win.delete + +
+ + + _File +
+ + _New + app.new + + + _Open + app.open + + + _Save + app.save + + + Save _As + app.save-as + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
+ + _Edit +
+ + Cu_t + app.cut + + + _Copy + app.copy + + + _Paste + app.paste + + + Delete + win.delete + + + Search + win.search + +
+ + C_hecks +
+ + Check + app.check-on + + + Check + app.check-off + + + Check + app.check-on-disabled + + + Check + app.check-off-disabled + + + Check + app.check-no-action + action-missing + +
+ + _Radios +
+ + Radio + app.radio-x + x + + + Radio + app.radio-x + y + + + Radio + app.radio-x-disabled + x + + + Radio + app.radio-x-disabled + y + + + Radio + app.radio-no-action + action-missing + +
+ + _View +
+ + Dark Theme + win.dark + + + Toolbar + win.toolbar + + + Statusbar + win.statusbar + + + Select Background + win.background + +
+ + _Help + + About + app.about + + +
+ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44ce0bd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/README @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ += Examples = + +== Building the examples == + +The examples in this directory are built alongside the rest of GTK. + +The examples under the `application[1-9]` directories are also included in +the GTK API reference documentation, and can be built independently, using +the system libraries, by doing: + + $ cd application1 + $ make -f Makefile.example + +== Running the examples == + +The examples can be run uninstalled. + +The later demos are using GSettings,so they need a GSettings schema. +The code for these demos contains a workaround to look for the schema +in the current directory, so this works: + + $ cd application5 + & ./exampleapp window.ui diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/action-namespace.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/action-namespace.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9170600e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/action-namespace.c @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +#include + +static void +action_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *parent = user_data; + GtkAlertDialog *dialog; + + dialog = gtk_alert_dialog_new ("Activated action `%s`", g_action_get_name (G_ACTION (action))); + gtk_alert_dialog_show (dialog, NULL); + g_object_unref (dialog); +} + +static GActionEntry doc_entries[] = { + { "save", action_activated }, + { "print", action_activated }, + { "share", action_activated } +}; + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "fullscreen", action_activated }, + { "close", action_activated }, +}; + +const char *menu_ui = + "" + " " + "
" + " " + " _Save" + " save" + " " + " " + " _Print" + " print" + " " + " " + " _Share" + " share" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + "
" + " " + " _Fullscreen" + " fullscreen" + " " + " " + " _Close" + " close" + " " + "
" + "
" + "
"; + +static void +activate (GApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *win; + GtkWidget *button; + GSimpleActionGroup *doc_actions; + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *doc_menu; + GMenuModel *win_menu; + GMenu *button_menu; + GMenuItem *section; + + if (gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)) != NULL) + return; + + win = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (win), 200, 300); + + doc_actions = g_simple_action_group_new (); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (doc_actions), doc_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (doc_entries), win); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (win), win_entries, + G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), win); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, menu_ui, -1, NULL); + + doc_menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "doc-menu")); + win_menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "win-menu")); + + button_menu = g_menu_new (); + + section = g_menu_item_new_section (NULL, doc_menu); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (section, "action-namespace", "s", "doc"); + g_menu_append_item (button_menu, section); + g_object_unref (section); + + section = g_menu_item_new_section (NULL, win_menu); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (section, "action-namespace", "s", "win"); + g_menu_append_item (button_menu, section); + g_object_unref (section); + + button = gtk_menu_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), "Menu"); + gtk_widget_insert_action_group (button, "doc", G_ACTION_GROUP (doc_actions)); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (button), G_MENU_MODEL (button_menu)); + gtk_widget_set_halign (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (GTK_WIDGET (button), GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), button); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + g_object_unref (button_menu); + g_object_unref (doc_actions); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +int +main(int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.Example", 0); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e978edd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) + +SRC = main.c exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c + +OBJS = $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d075ef32 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/README @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Step 1: A trivial application + +To make gnome-shell use the desktop file and icon for this example +while running it uninstalled, do the following: + +mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications +sed -e "s#@bindir@#$PWD#" org.gtk.exampleapp.desktop \ + > ~/.local/share/applications/org.gtk.exampleapp.desktop + +mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps +cp exampleapp.png ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e99e856 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7b837fb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8beb54ea Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleapp.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24dd05dd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *app) +{ +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28612ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e2a33cb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +executable('exampleapp', + 'exampleapp.c', 'exampleappwin.c', 'main.c', + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/org.gtk.exampleapp.desktop b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/org.gtk.exampleapp.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8deddfe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application1/org.gtk.exampleapp.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Type=Application +Name=Example +Icon=exampleapp +StartupNotify=true +Exec=@bindir@/exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b81fedf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml window.ui + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b0ae686 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 2: Populating the window diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e99e856 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..175264c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + window.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46c43ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW); + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28612ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..746603ba --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +app2_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp2_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +executable('exampleapp2', + 'exampleapp.c', 'exampleappwin.c', 'main.c', app2_resources, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b0eb1d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application2/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b81fedf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml window.ui + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e391213 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 3: Opening files, add a stack switcher diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e99e856 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..175264c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + window.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5cc42755 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GtkWidget *stack; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + g_free (basename); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28612ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95cbe67e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +app3_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp3_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +executable('exampleapp3', + 'exampleapp.c', 'exampleappwin.c', 'main.c', app3_resources, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53c19f6d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application3/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b81fedf --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml window.ui + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a92e4574 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 4: Add a menu diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89bad610 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a5da01b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed03ab14 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + g_free (basename); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30e292ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + +
+ + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28612ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0771c1aa --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +app4_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp4_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +executable('exampleapp4', + 'exampleapp.c', 'exampleappwin.c', 'main.c', app4_resources, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc7f0737 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application4/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1090c730 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) +GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_schemas gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) --strict --dry-run --schema-file=$< && mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@ + +gschemas.compiled: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) . + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml window.ui + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) gschemas.compiled + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + rm -f gschemas.compiled + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89bad610 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a5da01b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f1fc339 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); + + win->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "transition", + win->stack, "transition-type", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, NULL); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "font", tag, "font", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start_iter, &end_iter); + + g_free (basename); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30e292ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + +
+ + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad5b022b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + /* Since this example is running uninstalled, + * we have to help it find its schema. This + * is *not* necessary in properly installed + * application. + */ + g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", ".", FALSE); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..391a4f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +app5_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp5_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +app5_schemas = gnome.compile_schemas() + +executable('exampleapp5', + 'exampleapp.c', 'exampleappwin.c', 'main.c', app5_resources, app5_schemas, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc0c2c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + 'Monospace 12' + Font + The font to be used for content. + + + + + + + + 'none' + Transition + The transition to use when switching tabs. + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc7f0737 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application5/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb9d43ce --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) +GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_schemas gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c exampleappprefs.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) --strict --dry-run --schema-file=$< && mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@ + +gschemas.compiled: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) . + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml window.ui + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) gschemas.compiled + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + rm -f gschemas.compiled + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62607e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + GtkWindow *win; + + win = gtk_application_get_active_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + prefs = example_app_prefs_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (prefs)); +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c40f6419 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + prefs.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bdf6542 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleAppPrefs +{ + GtkDialog parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *font; + GtkWidget *transition; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) + +static void +example_app_prefs_init (ExampleAppPrefs *prefs) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (prefs)); + prefs->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "font", + prefs->font, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "transition", + prefs->transition, "active-id", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + + prefs = EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS (object); + + g_clear_object (&prefs->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_prefs_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_class_init (ExampleAppPrefsClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_prefs_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/prefs.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, font); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, transition); +} + +ExampleAppPrefs * +example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE, "transient-for", win, "use-header-bar", TRUE, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f08819f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappprefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H + +#include +#include "exampleappwin.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE (example_app_prefs_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, EXAMPLE, APP_PREFS, GtkDialog) + + +ExampleAppPrefs *example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..794646e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); + + win->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "transition", + win->stack, "transition-type", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, NULL); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "font", tag, "font", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start_iter, &end_iter); + + g_free (basename); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30e292ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + +
+ + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad5b022b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + /* Since this example is running uninstalled, + * we have to help it find its schema. This + * is *not* necessary in properly installed + * application. + */ + g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", ".", FALSE); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2834f1ec --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +app6_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp6_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +app6_schemas = gnome.compile_schemas() + +executable('exampleapp6', + 'exampleapp.c', + 'exampleappwin.c', + 'main.c', + 'exampleappprefs.c', + app6_resources, + app6_schemas, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc0c2c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + 'Monospace 12' + Font + The font to be used for content. + + + + + + + + 'none' + Transition + The transition to use when switching tabs. + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/prefs.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/prefs.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04ca33c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/prefs.ui @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc7f0737 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application6/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c839656 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) +GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_schemas gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c exampleappprefs.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) --strict --dry-run --schema-file=$< && mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@ + +gschemas.compiled: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) . + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml $(shell $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) --sourcedir=. --generate-dependencies exampleapp.gresource.xml) + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) gschemas.compiled + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + rm -f gschemas.compiled + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5232e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 7: A search bar diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62607e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + GtkWindow *win; + + win = gtk_application_get_active_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + prefs = example_app_prefs_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (prefs)); +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c40f6419 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + prefs.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bdf6542 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleAppPrefs +{ + GtkDialog parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *font; + GtkWidget *transition; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) + +static void +example_app_prefs_init (ExampleAppPrefs *prefs) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (prefs)); + prefs->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "font", + prefs->font, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "transition", + prefs->transition, "active-id", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + + prefs = EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS (object); + + g_clear_object (&prefs->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_prefs_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_class_init (ExampleAppPrefsClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_prefs_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/prefs.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, font); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, transition); +} + +ExampleAppPrefs * +example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE, "transient-for", win, "use-header-bar", TRUE, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f08819f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappprefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H + +#include +#include "exampleappwin.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE (example_app_prefs_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, EXAMPLE, APP_PREFS, GtkDialog) + + +ExampleAppPrefs *example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dad967a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; + GtkWidget *search; + GtkWidget *searchbar; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +search_text_changed (GtkEntry *entry, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + const char *text; + GtkWidget *tab; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, match_start, match_end; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + if (text[0] == '\0') + return; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + /* Very simple-minded search implementation */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + if (gtk_text_iter_forward_search (&start, text, GTK_TEXT_SEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE, + &match_start, &match_end, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_select_range (buffer, &match_start, &match_end); + gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), &match_start, + 0.0, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0); + } +} + +static void +visible_child_changed (GObject *stack, + GParamSpec *pspec, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + if (gtk_widget_in_destruction (GTK_WIDGET (stack))) + return; + + gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (win->searchbar), FALSE); +} + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); + + win->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "transition", + win->stack, "transition-type", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + g_object_bind_property (win->search, "active", + win->searchbar, "search-mode-enabled", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); +} + +static void +example_app_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, search); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, searchbar); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), search_text_changed); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), visible_child_changed); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, NULL); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "font", + tag, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start_iter, &end_iter); + + g_free (basename); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (win->search, TRUE); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30e292ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + +
+ + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad5b022b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + /* Since this example is running uninstalled, + * we have to help it find its schema. This + * is *not* necessary in properly installed + * application. + */ + g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", ".", FALSE); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..332e0b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +app7_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp7_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +app7_schemas = gnome.compile_schemas() + +executable('exampleapp7', + 'main.c', + 'exampleapp.c', + 'exampleappwin.c', + 'exampleappprefs.c', + app7_resources, + app7_schemas, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc0c2c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + 'Monospace 12' + Font + The font to be used for content. + + + + + + + + 'none' + Transition + The transition to use when switching tabs. + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/prefs.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/prefs.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04ca33c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/prefs.ui @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a4afed2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application7/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c839656 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) +GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_schemas gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c exampleappprefs.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) --strict --dry-run --schema-file=$< && mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@ + +gschemas.compiled: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) . + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml $(shell $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) --sourcedir=. --generate-dependencies exampleapp.gresource.xml) + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) gschemas.compiled + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + rm -f gschemas.compiled + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03788221 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 8: Adding a sidebar diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62607e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + GtkWindow *win; + + win = gtk_application_get_active_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + prefs = example_app_prefs_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (prefs)); +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c40f6419 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + prefs.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bdf6542 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleAppPrefs +{ + GtkDialog parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *font; + GtkWidget *transition; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) + +static void +example_app_prefs_init (ExampleAppPrefs *prefs) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (prefs)); + prefs->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "font", + prefs->font, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "transition", + prefs->transition, "active-id", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + + prefs = EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS (object); + + g_clear_object (&prefs->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_prefs_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_class_init (ExampleAppPrefsClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_prefs_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/prefs.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, font); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, transition); +} + +ExampleAppPrefs * +example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE, "transient-for", win, "use-header-bar", TRUE, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f08819f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappprefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H + +#include +#include "exampleappwin.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE (example_app_prefs_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, EXAMPLE, APP_PREFS, GtkDialog) + + +ExampleAppPrefs *example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b623c3d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; + GtkWidget *search; + GtkWidget *searchbar; + GtkWidget *searchentry; + GtkWidget *sidebar; + GtkWidget *words; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +search_text_changed (GtkEntry *entry, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + const char *text; + GtkWidget *tab; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, match_start, match_end; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + if (text[0] == '\0') + return; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + /* Very simple-minded search implementation */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + if (gtk_text_iter_forward_search (&start, text, GTK_TEXT_SEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE, + &match_start, &match_end, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_select_range (buffer, &match_start, &match_end); + gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), &match_start, + 0.0, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0); + } +} + +static void +find_word (GtkButton *button, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + const char *word; + + word = gtk_button_get_label (button); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (win->searchentry), word); +} + +static void +update_words (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GHashTable *strings; + GHashTableIter iter; + GtkWidget *tab, *view, *row; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *word, *key; + GtkWidget *child; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + + if (tab == NULL) + return; + + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + strings = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_end (&start)) + { + while (!gtk_text_iter_starts_word (&start)) + { + if (!gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&start)) + goto done; + } + end = start; + if (!gtk_text_iter_forward_word_end (&end)) + goto done; + word = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + g_hash_table_add (strings, g_utf8_strdown (word, -1)); + g_free (word); + start = end; + } + +done: + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (win->words))) + gtk_list_box_remove (GTK_LIST_BOX (win->words), child); + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, strings); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)&key, NULL)) + { + row = gtk_button_new_with_label (key); + g_signal_connect (row, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (find_word), win); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (win->words), row, -1); + } + + g_hash_table_unref (strings); +} + +static void +visible_child_changed (GObject *stack, + GParamSpec *pspec, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + if (gtk_widget_in_destruction (GTK_WIDGET (stack))) + return; + + gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (win->searchbar), FALSE); + update_words (win); +} + +static void +words_changed (GObject *sidebar, + GParamSpec *pspec, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + update_words (win); +} + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + GAction *action; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); + + win->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "transition", + win->stack, "transition-type", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "show-words", + win->sidebar, "reveal-child", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + g_object_bind_property (win->search, "active", + win->searchbar, "search-mode-enabled", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + + g_signal_connect (win->sidebar, "notify::reveal-child", + G_CALLBACK (words_changed), win); + + action = g_settings_create_action (win->settings, "show-words"); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (win), action); + g_object_unref (action); +} + +static void +example_app_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, search); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, searchbar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, searchentry); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, words); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, sidebar); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), search_text_changed); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), visible_child_changed); + +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, NULL); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "font", + tag, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start_iter, &end_iter); + + g_free (basename); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (win->search, TRUE); + + update_words (win); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..735a699a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + +
+ + _Words + win.show-words + + + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad5b022b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + /* Since this example is running uninstalled, + * we have to help it find its schema. This + * is *not* necessary in properly installed + * application. + */ + g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", ".", FALSE); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..978fd91d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +app8_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp8 resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +app8_schemas = gnome.compile_schemas() + +executable('exampleapp8', + 'main.c', + 'exampleapp.c', + 'exampleappwin.c', + 'exampleappprefs.c', + app8_resources, + app8_schemas, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6929a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + + 'Monospace 12' + Font + The font to be used for content. + + + + + + + + 'none' + Transition + The transition to use when switching tabs. + + + false + Show words + Whether to show a word list in the sidebar + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/prefs.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/prefs.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04ca33c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/prefs.ui @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c9a80ae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application8/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/Makefile.example b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/Makefile.example new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c839656 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/Makefile.example @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +CC ?= gcc +PKGCONFIG = $(shell which pkg-config) +CFLAGS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags gtk4) +LIBS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs gtk4) +GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0) +GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_schemas gio-2.0) + +SRC = exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c exampleappprefs.c main.c +BUILT_SRC = resources.c + +OBJS = $(BUILT_SRC:.c=.o) $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: exampleapp + +org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) --strict --dry-run --schema-file=$< && mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@ + +gschemas.compiled: org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + $(GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS) . + +resources.c: exampleapp.gresource.xml $(shell $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) --sourcedir=. --generate-dependencies exampleapp.gresource.xml) + $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --generate-source + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) -c -o $(@F) $(CFLAGS) $< + +exampleapp: $(OBJS) gschemas.compiled + $(CC) -o $(@F) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.valid + rm -f gschemas.compiled + rm -f $(BUILT_SRC) + rm -f $(OBJS) + rm -f exampleapp diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/README b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b43848f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Step 9: Using properties diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62607e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleApp +{ + GtkApplication parent; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ExampleApp, example_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION); + +static void +example_app_init (ExampleApp *app) +{ +} + +static void +preferences_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + GtkWindow *win; + + win = gtk_application_get_active_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + prefs = example_app_prefs_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (win)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (prefs)); +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer app) +{ + g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app)); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = +{ + { "preferences", preferences_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +example_app_startup (GApplication *app) +{ + const char *quit_accels[2] = { "Q", NULL }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (example_app_parent_class)->startup (app); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app), + app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), + app); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + "app.quit", + quit_accels); +} + +static void +example_app_activate (GApplication *app) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_open (GApplication *app, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + GList *windows; + ExampleAppWindow *win; + int i; + + windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + if (windows) + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (windows->data); + else + win = example_app_window_new (EXAMPLE_APP (app)); + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + example_app_window_open (win, files[i]); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win)); +} + +static void +example_app_class_init (ExampleAppClass *class) +{ + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = example_app_startup; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = example_app_activate; + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->open = example_app_open; +} + +ExampleApp * +example_app_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE, + "application-id", "org.gtk.exampleapp", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.gresource.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c40f6419 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + window.ui + gears-menu.ui + prefs.ui + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51093791 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleapp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPP_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPP_H + +#include + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_TYPE (example_app_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleApp, example_app, EXAMPLE, APP, GtkApplication) + + +ExampleApp *example_app_new (void); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPP_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bdf6542 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" +#include "exampleappprefs.h" + +struct _ExampleAppPrefs +{ + GtkDialog parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *font; + GtkWidget *transition; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) + +static void +example_app_prefs_init (ExampleAppPrefs *prefs) +{ + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (prefs)); + prefs->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "font", + prefs->font, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + g_settings_bind (prefs->settings, "transition", + prefs->transition, "active-id", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppPrefs *prefs; + + prefs = EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS (object); + + g_clear_object (&prefs->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_prefs_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_prefs_class_init (ExampleAppPrefsClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_prefs_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/prefs.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, font); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppPrefs, transition); +} + +ExampleAppPrefs * +example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE, "transient-for", win, "use-header-bar", TRUE, NULL); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f08819f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappprefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H + +#include +#include "exampleappwin.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_PREFS_TYPE (example_app_prefs_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppPrefs, example_app_prefs, EXAMPLE, APP_PREFS, GtkDialog) + + +ExampleAppPrefs *example_app_prefs_new (ExampleAppWindow *win); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPPREFS_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0edfa2ce --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.c @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" +#include "exampleappwin.h" + +struct _ExampleAppWindow +{ + GtkApplicationWindow parent; + + GSettings *settings; + GtkWidget *stack; + GtkWidget *gears; + GtkWidget *search; + GtkWidget *searchbar; + GtkWidget *searchentry; + GtkWidget *sidebar; + GtkWidget *words; + GtkWidget *lines; + GtkWidget *lines_label; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW) + +static void +search_text_changed (GtkEntry *entry, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + const char *text; + GtkWidget *tab; + GtkWidget *view; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, match_start, match_end; + + text = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + + if (text[0] == '\0') + return; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + /* Very simple-minded search implementation */ + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + if (gtk_text_iter_forward_search (&start, text, GTK_TEXT_SEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE, + &match_start, &match_end, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_select_range (buffer, &match_start, &match_end); + gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), &match_start, + 0.0, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0); + } +} + +static void +find_word (GtkButton *button, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + const char *word; + + word = gtk_button_get_label (button); + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (win->searchentry), word); +} + +static void +update_words (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GHashTable *strings; + GHashTableIter iter; + GtkWidget *tab, *view, *row; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextIter start, end; + char *word, *key; + GtkWidget *child; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + + if (tab == NULL) + return; + + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + strings = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start); + while (!gtk_text_iter_is_end (&start)) + { + while (!gtk_text_iter_starts_word (&start)) + { + if (!gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&start)) + goto done; + } + end = start; + if (!gtk_text_iter_forward_word_end (&end)) + goto done; + word = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE); + g_hash_table_add (strings, g_utf8_strdown (word, -1)); + g_free (word); + start = end; + } + +done: + while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (win->words))) + gtk_list_box_remove (GTK_LIST_BOX (win->words), child); + + g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, strings); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)&key, NULL)) + { + row = gtk_button_new_with_label (key); + g_signal_connect (row, "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (find_word), win); + gtk_list_box_insert (GTK_LIST_BOX (win->words), row, -1); + } + + g_hash_table_unref (strings); +} + +static void +update_lines (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkWidget *tab, *view; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + int count; + char *lines; + + tab = gtk_stack_get_visible_child (GTK_STACK (win->stack)); + + if (tab == NULL) + return; + + view = gtk_scrolled_window_get_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (tab)); + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + count = gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (buffer); + lines = g_strdup_printf ("%d", count); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (win->lines), lines); + g_free (lines); +} + +static void +visible_child_changed (GObject *stack, + GParamSpec *pspec, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + if (gtk_widget_in_destruction (GTK_WIDGET (stack))) + return; + + gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (win->searchbar), FALSE); + update_words (win); + update_lines (win); +} + +static void +words_changed (GObject *sidebar, + GParamSpec *pspec, + ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + update_words (win); +} + +static void +example_app_window_init (ExampleAppWindow *win) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GMenuModel *menu; + GAction *action; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win)); + + builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/exampleapp/gears-menu.ui"); + menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menu")); + gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (win->gears), menu); + g_object_unref (builder); + + win->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gtk.exampleapp"); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "transition", + win->stack, "transition-type", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "show-words", + win->sidebar, "reveal-child", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + g_object_bind_property (win->search, "active", + win->searchbar, "search-mode-enabled", + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + + g_signal_connect (win->sidebar, "notify::reveal-child", + G_CALLBACK (words_changed), win); + + action = g_settings_create_action (win->settings, "show-words"); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (win), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + action = (GAction*) g_property_action_new ("show-lines", win->lines, "visible"); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (win), action); + g_object_unref (action); + + g_object_bind_property (win->lines, "visible", + win->lines_label, "visible", + G_BINDING_DEFAULT); +} + +static void +example_app_window_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + ExampleAppWindow *win; + + win = EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW (object); + + g_clear_object (&win->settings); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_app_window_parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +example_app_window_class_init (ExampleAppWindowClass *class) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = example_app_window_dispose; + + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), + "/org/gtk/exampleapp/window.ui"); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, stack); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, gears); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, search); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, searchbar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, searchentry); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, words); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, sidebar); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, lines); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), ExampleAppWindow, lines_label); + + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), search_text_changed); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), visible_child_changed); +} + +ExampleAppWindow * +example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app) +{ + return g_object_new (EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL); +} + +void +example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file) +{ + char *basename; + GtkWidget *scrolled, *view; + char *contents; + gsize length; + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + GtkTextTag *tag; + GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter; + + basename = g_file_get_basename (file); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), FALSE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK (win->stack), scrolled, basename, basename); + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + + tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (buffer, NULL, NULL); + g_settings_bind (win->settings, "font", + tag, "font", + G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT); + + gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end_iter); + gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, &start_iter, &end_iter); + + g_free (basename); + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (win->search, TRUE); + + update_words (win); + update_lines (win); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.h b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..786338d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/exampleappwin.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#ifndef __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H +#define __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H + +#include +#include "exampleapp.h" + + +#define EXAMPLE_APP_WINDOW_TYPE (example_app_window_get_type ()) +G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ExampleAppWindow, example_app_window, EXAMPLE, APP_WINDOW, GtkApplicationWindow) + + +ExampleAppWindow *example_app_window_new (ExampleApp *app); +void example_app_window_open (ExampleAppWindow *win, + GFile *file); + + +#endif /* __EXAMPLEAPPWIN_H */ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/gears-menu.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/gears-menu.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d16d93a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/gears-menu.ui @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + +
+ + _Words + win.show-words + + + _Lines + win.show-lines + + + _Preferences + app.preferences + +
+ + _Quit + app.quit + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/main.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad5b022b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include + +#include "exampleapp.h" + +int +main (int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + /* Since this example is running uninstalled, + * we have to help it find its schema. This + * is *not* necessary in properly installed + * application. + */ + g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", ".", FALSE); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (example_app_new ()), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3c503d9d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +app9_resources = gnome.compile_resources('exampleapp9_resources', + 'exampleapp.gresource.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +app9_schemas = gnome.compile_schemas() + +executable('exampleapp9', + 'main.c', + 'exampleapp.c', + 'exampleappwin.c', + 'exampleappprefs.c', + app9_resources, + app9_schemas, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + c_args: common_cflags, + name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6929a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + + 'Monospace 12' + Font + The font to be used for content. + + + + + + + + 'none' + Transition + The transition to use when switching tabs. + + + false + Show words + Whether to show a word list in the sidebar + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/prefs.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/prefs.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04ca33c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/prefs.ui @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/window.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/window.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0f9932b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/application9/window.ui @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78ea8deb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.c @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +#include +#include + +G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS + +typedef struct +{ + GtkApplication parent_instance; + + guint quit_inhibit; + GMenu *time; + guint timeout; +} BloatPad; + +typedef GtkApplicationClass BloatPadClass; + +GType bloat_pad_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (BloatPad, bloat_pad, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION) + +static void +activate_toggle (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariant *state; + + state = g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action)); + g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), g_variant_new_boolean (!g_variant_get_boolean (state))); + g_variant_unref (state); +} + +static void +activate_radio (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), parameter); +} + +static void +change_fullscreen_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + gtk_window_fullscreen (user_data); + else + gtk_window_unfullscreen (user_data); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +change_busy_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = user_data; + GApplication *application = G_APPLICATION (gtk_window_get_application (window)); + + /* do this twice to test multiple busy counter increases */ + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + { + g_application_mark_busy (application); + g_application_mark_busy (application); + } + else + { + g_application_unmark_busy (application); + g_application_unmark_busy (application); + } + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +change_justify_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data (user_data, "bloatpad-text"); + const char *str; + + str = g_variant_get_string (state, NULL); + + if (g_str_equal (str, "left")) + gtk_text_view_set_justification (text, GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); + else if (g_str_equal (str, "center")) + gtk_text_view_set_justification (text, GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER); + else if (g_str_equal (str, "right")) + gtk_text_view_set_justification (text, GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT); + else + /* ignore this attempted change */ + return; + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +window_copy (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data ((GObject*)window, "bloatpad-text"); + + gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text), + gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (text))); +} + +static void +window_paste (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data ((GObject*)window, "bloatpad-text"); + + gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text), + gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (text)), + NULL, + TRUE); + +} + +static void +activate_clear (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data ((GObject*)window, "bloatpad-text"); + + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text), "", -1); +} + +static void +activate_clear_all (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = GTK_APPLICATION (user_data); + GList *iter; + + for (iter = gtk_application_get_windows (app); iter; iter = iter->next) + g_action_group_activate_action (iter->data, "clear", NULL); +} + +static void +text_buffer_changed_cb (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = user_data; + BloatPad *app; + int old_n, n; + + app = (BloatPad *) gtk_window_get_application (window); + + n = gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (buffer); + if (n > 0) + { + if (!app->quit_inhibit) + app->quit_inhibit = gtk_application_inhibit (GTK_APPLICATION (app), + gtk_application_get_active_window (GTK_APPLICATION (app)), + GTK_APPLICATION_INHIBIT_LOGOUT, + "bloatpad can't save, so you can't logout; erase your text"); + } + else + { + if (app->quit_inhibit) + { + gtk_application_uninhibit (GTK_APPLICATION (app), app->quit_inhibit); + app->quit_inhibit = 0; + } + } + + g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "clear")), n > 0); + + if (n > 0) + { + GSimpleAction *spellcheck; + spellcheck = g_simple_action_new ("spell-check", NULL); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (spellcheck)); + } + else + g_action_map_remove_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "spell-check"); + + old_n = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (buffer), "line-count")); + n = gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (buffer); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (buffer), "line-count", GINT_TO_POINTER (n)); + + if (old_n < 3 && n == 3) + { + GNotification *notification = g_notification_new ("Three lines of text"); + g_notification_set_body (notification, "Keep up the good work!"); + g_notification_add_button (notification, "Start over", "app.clear-all"); + g_application_send_notification (G_APPLICATION (app), "three-lines", notification); + g_object_unref (notification); + } +} + +static void +fullscreen_changed (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (gtk_window_is_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (object))) + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (user_data), "view-restore-symbolic"); + else + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (user_data), "view-fullscreen-symbolic"); +} + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "copy", window_copy, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "paste", window_paste, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "fullscreen", activate_toggle, NULL, "false", change_fullscreen_state }, + { "busy", activate_toggle, NULL, "false", change_busy_state }, + { "justify", activate_radio, "s", "'left'", change_justify_state }, + { "clear", activate_clear, NULL, NULL, NULL } + +}; + +static void +new_window (GApplication *app, + GFile *file) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *grid, *scrolled, *view; + GtkWidget *toolbar; + GtkWidget *button; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + gtk_window_set_default_size ((GtkWindow*)window, 640, 480); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (window), win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), window); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Bloatpad"); + gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + + toolbar = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_widget_add_css_class (toolbar, "toolbar"); + button = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "format-justify-left"); + gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (button), "win.justify::left"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), button); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "format-justify-center"); + gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (button), "win.justify::center"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), button); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "format-justify-right"); + gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (button), "win.justify::right"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), button); + + button = gtk_toggle_button_new (); + gtk_button_set_icon_name (GTK_BUTTON (button), "view-fullscreen-symbolic"); + gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (button), "win.fullscreen"); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (toolbar), button); + g_signal_connect (window, "notify::fullscreened", G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_changed), button); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + + g_object_set_data ((GObject*)window, "bloatpad-text", view); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), scrolled, 0, 1, 1, 1); + + if (file != NULL) + { + char *contents; + gsize length; + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + } + g_signal_connect (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (text_buffer_changed_cb), window); + text_buffer_changed_cb (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)), window); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_activate (GApplication *application) +{ + new_window (application, NULL); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_open (GApplication *application, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + new_window (application, files[i]); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (bloat_pad_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +new_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GApplication *app = user_data; + + g_application_activate (app); +} + +static void +about_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_show_about_dialog (NULL, + "program-name", "Bloatpad", + "title", "About Bloatpad", + "comments", "Not much to say, really.", + NULL); +} + +static void +quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GApplication *app = user_data; + + g_application_quit (app); +} + +static void +combo_changed (GtkDropDown *combo, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + GtkEntry *entry = g_object_get_data (user_data, "entry"); + const char *action; + char **accels; + char *str; + + action = gtk_string_object_get_string (GTK_STRING_OBJECT (gtk_drop_down_get_selected_item (combo))); + + if (!action) + return; + + accels = gtk_application_get_accels_for_action (gtk_window_get_application (user_data), action); + str = g_strjoinv (",", accels); + g_strfreev (accels); + + gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), str); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY, FALSE); +} + +static void +entry_changed (GtkEntry *entry, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY, TRUE); +} + +static void +response (GtkDialog *dialog, + guint response_id, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkEntry *entry = g_object_get_data (user_data, "entry"); + GtkDropDown *combo = g_object_get_data (user_data, "combo"); + const char *action; + const char *str; + char **accels; + + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL) + { + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + return; + } + + action = gtk_string_object_get_string (GTK_STRING_OBJECT (gtk_drop_down_get_selected_item (combo))); + + if (!action) + return; + + str = gtk_editable_get_text (GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + accels = g_strsplit (str, ",", 0); + + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (gtk_window_get_application (user_data), action, (const char **) accels); + g_strfreev (accels); + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY, FALSE); +} + +static void +edit_accels (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkApplication *app = user_data; + GtkWidget *combo; + GtkWidget *entry; + char **actions; + GtkWidget *dialog; + int i; + GtkStringList *strings; + + dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Accelerators", + NULL, + GTK_DIALOG_USE_HEADER_BAR, + "Close", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + "Set", GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY, + NULL); + + gtk_window_set_application (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), app); + actions = gtk_application_list_action_descriptions (app); + + strings = gtk_string_list_new (NULL); + combo = gtk_drop_down_new (G_LIST_MODEL (strings), NULL); + g_object_set (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)), + "margin-top", 10, + "margin-bottom", 10, + "margin-start", 10, + "margin-end", 10, + "spacing", 10, + NULL); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), combo); + for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++) + gtk_string_list_append (strings, actions[i]); + g_signal_connect (combo, "notify::selected", G_CALLBACK (combo_changed), dialog); + + entry = gtk_entry_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (entry, TRUE); + g_signal_connect (entry, "notify::text", G_CALLBACK (entry_changed), dialog); + + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), entry); + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (response), dialog); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "combo", combo); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "entry", entry); + + gtk_drop_down_set_selected (GTK_DROP_DOWN (combo), 0); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); +} + +static gboolean +update_time (gpointer user_data) +{ + BloatPad *bloatpad = user_data; + GDateTime *now; + char *time; + + while (g_menu_model_get_n_items (G_MENU_MODEL (bloatpad->time))) + g_menu_remove (bloatpad->time, 0); + + g_message ("Updating the time menu (which should be open now)..."); + + now = g_date_time_new_now_local (); + time = g_date_time_format (now, "%c"); + g_menu_append (bloatpad->time, time, NULL); + g_date_time_unref (now); + g_free (time); + + return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; +} + +static void +time_active_changed (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BloatPad *bloatpad = user_data; + + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + { + if (!bloatpad->timeout) + { + bloatpad->timeout = g_timeout_add (1000, update_time, bloatpad); + update_time (bloatpad); + } + } + else + { + if (bloatpad->timeout) + { + g_source_remove (bloatpad->timeout); + bloatpad->timeout = 0; + } + } + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "new", new_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "about", about_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "edit-accels", edit_accels }, + { "time-active", NULL, NULL, "false", time_active_changed }, + { "clear-all", activate_clear_all } +}; + +static void +dump_accels (GtkApplication *app) +{ + char **actions; + int i; + + actions = gtk_application_list_action_descriptions (app); + for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++) + { + char **accels; + char *str; + + accels = gtk_application_get_accels_for_action (app, actions[i]); + + str = g_strjoinv (",", accels); + g_print ("%s -> %s\n", actions[i], str); + g_strfreev (accels); + g_free (str); + } + g_strfreev (actions); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_startup (GApplication *application) +{ + BloatPad *bloatpad = (BloatPad*) application; + GtkApplication *app = GTK_APPLICATION (application); + GMenu *menu; + GMenuItem *item; + GBytes *bytes; + GIcon *icon; + GIcon *icon2; + GEmblem *emblem; + GFile *file; + int i; + struct { + const char *action_and_target; + const char *accelerators[2]; + } accels[] = { + { "app.new", { "n", NULL } }, + { "app.quit", { "q", NULL } }, + { "win.copy", { "c", NULL } }, + { "win.paste", { "p", NULL } }, + { "win.justify::left", { "l", NULL } }, + { "win.justify::center", { "m", NULL } }, + { "win.justify::right", { "r", NULL } } + }; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (bloat_pad_parent_class) + ->startup (application); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (application), app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), application); + + for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (accels); i++) + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (app, accels[i].action_and_target, accels[i].accelerators); + + menu = gtk_application_get_menu_by_id (GTK_APPLICATION (application), "icon-menu"); + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:///org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/actions/insert-image.png"); + icon = g_file_icon_new (file); + item = g_menu_item_new ("File Icon", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + g_object_unref (file); + + icon = g_themed_icon_new ("edit-find"); + item = g_menu_item_new ("Themed Icon", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + + bytes = g_resources_lookup_data ("/org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/actions/media-eject.png", 0, NULL); + icon = g_bytes_icon_new (bytes); + item = g_menu_item_new ("Bytes Icon", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + g_bytes_unref (bytes); + + icon = G_ICON (gdk_texture_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/actions/folder-new.png")); + item = g_menu_item_new ("Texture", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:///org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/actions/bookmark-new.png"); + icon = g_file_icon_new (file); + emblem = g_emblem_new (icon); + g_object_unref (icon); + g_object_unref (file); + file = g_file_new_for_uri ("resource:///org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/actions/dialog-warning.png"); + icon2 = g_file_icon_new (file); + icon = g_emblemed_icon_new (icon2, emblem); + item = g_menu_item_new ("Emblemed Icon", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + g_object_unref (icon2); + g_object_unref (file); + g_object_unref (emblem); + + icon = g_themed_icon_new ("weather-severe-alert-symbolic"); + item = g_menu_item_new ("Symbolic Icon", NULL); + g_menu_item_set_icon (item, icon); + g_menu_append_item (menu, item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (icon); + + const char *new_accels[] = { "n", "t", NULL }; + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (application), "app.new", new_accels); + + dump_accels (GTK_APPLICATION (application)); + //gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (application), G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "app-menu"))); + bloatpad->time = gtk_application_get_menu_by_id (GTK_APPLICATION (application), "time-menu"); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_shutdown (GApplication *application) +{ + BloatPad *bloatpad = (BloatPad *) application; + + if (bloatpad->timeout) + { + g_source_remove (bloatpad->timeout); + bloatpad->timeout = 0; + } + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (bloat_pad_parent_class) + ->shutdown (application); +} + +static void +bloat_pad_init (BloatPad *app) +{ +} + +static void +bloat_pad_class_init (BloatPadClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *application_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + application_class->startup = bloat_pad_startup; + application_class->shutdown = bloat_pad_shutdown; + application_class->activate = bloat_pad_activate; + application_class->open = bloat_pad_open; + + object_class->finalize = bloat_pad_finalize; + +} + +static BloatPad * +bloat_pad_new (void) +{ + BloatPad *bloat_pad; + + g_set_application_name ("Bloatpad"); + + bloat_pad = g_object_new (bloat_pad_get_type (), + "application-id", "org.gtk.bloatpad", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + "inactivity-timeout", 30000, + "register-session", TRUE, + NULL); + + return bloat_pad; +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + BloatPad *bloat_pad; + int status; + const char *accels[] = { "F11", NULL }; + + bloat_pad = bloat_pad_new (); + + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (bloat_pad), + "win.fullscreen", accels); + + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (bloat_pad), argc, argv); + + g_object_unref (bloat_pad); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.gresources.xml b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.gresources.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdfeaf30 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/bloatpad.gresources.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + + + gtk/menus.ui + gtk/help-overlay.ui + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png + icons/16x16/actions/view-restore-symbolic.symbolic.png + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/help-overlay.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/help-overlay.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23cfaaff --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/help-overlay.ui @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + + + 1 + + + shortcuts + 12 + + + General + + + app.new + New Window + + + + + app.quit + Quit + + + + + win.fullscreen + Fullscreen + + + + + win.show-help-overlay + Shortcuts + + + + + + + Text + + + win.copy + Copy + + + + + win.paste + Paste + + + + + win.justify::left + Justify left + + + + + win.justify::center + Justify center + + + + + win.justify::right + Justify right + + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/menus.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/menus.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1df1ac0f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/gtk/menus.ui @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + + + +
+ + _New Window + app.new + +
+ + _About Bloatpad + macos-menubar + app.about + +
+ + _Quit + macos-menubar + app.quit + +
+ + + _Edit +
+ + _Copy + win.copy + + + _Paste + win.paste + +
+ + + Clear (always shown) + win.clear + action-missing + + + Clear (hidden when no text) + action-disabled + win.clear + + + Spell check (does nothing, hides) + action-missing + win.spell-check + +
+ + Accelerators... + app.edit-accels + +
+ + Shortcuts... + win.show-help-overlay + +
+ + _View +
+ + _Fullscreen + win.fullscreen + + + _Look Busy + win.busy + +
+ + _Icons + + + Time + app.time-active + +
diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eeaf1084 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-center-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97c17f69 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-left-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea948903 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/format-justify-right-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8da0b3f Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-fullscreen-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-restore-symbolic.symbolic.png b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-restore-symbolic.symbolic.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..737cb73d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/icons/16x16/actions/view-restore-symbolic.symbolic.png differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..054f565d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/bp/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bp_resources = gnome.compile_resources('bloatpad_resources', + 'bloatpad.gresources.xml', + source_dir: meson.current_source_dir()) + +executable('bloatpad', 'bloatpad.c', bp_resources, dependencies: libgtk_dep, c_args: common_cflags,name_suffix: 'html') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..353cf5aa --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#include +#include + +static void +print_hello (GtkWidget *widget, + gpointer data) +{ + g_print ("Hello World\n"); +} + +static void +quit_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = data; + + gtk_window_close (window); +} + +static void +activate (GtkApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + /* Construct a GtkBuilder instance and load our UI description */ + GtkBuilder *builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, "builder.ui", NULL); + + /* Connect signal handlers to the constructed widgets. */ + GObject *window = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window"); + gtk_window_set_application (GTK_WINDOW (window), app); + + GObject *button = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "button1"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL); + + button = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "button2"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL); + + button = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "quit"); + g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (quit_cb), window); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +int +main (int argc, + char *argv[]) +{ +#ifdef GTK_SRCDIR + g_chdir (GTK_SRCDIR); +#endif + + GtkApplication *app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + + int status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.ui b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..194fcdee --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/builder.ui @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + + + Grid + + + + + Button 1 + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + Button 2 + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + Quit + + 0 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/drawing.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/drawing.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..805975d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/drawing.c @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +#include + +/* Surface to store current scribbles */ +static cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; + +static void +clear_surface (void) +{ + cairo_t *cr; + + cr = cairo_create (surface); + + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); + cairo_paint (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); +} + +/* Create a new surface of the appropriate size to store our scribbles */ +static void +resize_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + if (surface) + { + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); + surface = NULL; + } + + if (gtk_native_get_surface (gtk_widget_get_native (widget))) + { + surface = gdk_surface_create_similar_surface (gtk_native_get_surface (gtk_widget_get_native (widget)), + CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, + gtk_widget_get_width (widget), + gtk_widget_get_height (widget)); + + /* Initialize the surface to white */ + clear_surface (); + } +} + +/* Redraw the screen from the surface. Note that the draw + * callback receives a ready-to-be-used cairo_t that is already + * clipped to only draw the exposed areas of the widget + */ +static void +draw_cb (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area, + cairo_t *cr, + int width, + int height, + gpointer data) +{ + cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); + cairo_paint (cr); +} + +/* Draw a rectangle on the surface at the given position */ +static void +draw_brush (GtkWidget *widget, + double x, + double y) +{ + cairo_t *cr; + + /* Paint to the surface, where we store our state */ + cr = cairo_create (surface); + + cairo_rectangle (cr, x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6); + cairo_fill (cr); + + cairo_destroy (cr); + + /* Now invalidate the drawing area. */ + gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); +} + +static double start_x; +static double start_y; + +static void +drag_begin (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + start_x = x; + start_y = y; + + draw_brush (area, x, y); +} + +static void +drag_update (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + draw_brush (area, start_x + x, start_y + y); +} + +static void +drag_end (GtkGestureDrag *gesture, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + draw_brush (area, start_x + x, start_y + y); +} + +static void +pressed (GtkGestureClick *gesture, + int n_press, + double x, + double y, + GtkWidget *area) +{ + clear_surface (); + gtk_widget_queue_draw (area); +} + +static void +close_window (void) +{ + if (surface) + cairo_surface_destroy (surface); +} + +static void +activate (GtkApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *drawing_area; + GtkGesture *drag; + GtkGesture *press; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (app); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Drawing Area"); + + g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (close_window), NULL); + + drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new (); + /* set a minimum size */ + gtk_widget_set_size_request (drawing_area, 100, 100); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), drawing_area); + + gtk_drawing_area_set_draw_func (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (drawing_area), draw_cb, NULL, NULL); + + g_signal_connect_after (drawing_area, "resize", G_CALLBACK (resize_cb), NULL); + + drag = gtk_gesture_drag_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (drag), GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (drag)); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (drag_begin), drawing_area); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-update", G_CALLBACK (drag_update), drawing_area); + g_signal_connect (drag, "drag-end", G_CALLBACK (drag_end), drawing_area); + + press = gtk_gesture_click_new (); + gtk_gesture_single_set_button (GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE (press), GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY); + gtk_widget_add_controller (drawing_area, GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (press)); + + g_signal_connect (press, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (pressed), drawing_area); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +int +main (int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + int status; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/grid-packing.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/grid-packing.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7d78b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/grid-packing.c @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +#include + +static void +print_hello (GtkWidget *widget, + gpointer data) +{ + g_print ("Hello World\n"); +} + +static void +activate (GtkApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *grid; + GtkWidget *button; + + /* create a new window, and set its title */ + window = gtk_application_window_new (app); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window"); + + /* Here we construct the container that is going pack our buttons */ + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + + /* Pack the container in the window */ + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Button 1"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL); + + /* Place the first button in the grid cell (0, 0), and make it fill + * just 1 cell horizontally and vertically (ie no spanning) + */ + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), button, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Button 2"); + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL); + + /* Place the second button in the grid cell (1, 0), and make it fill + * just 1 cell horizontally and vertically (ie no spanning) + */ + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), button, 1, 0, 1, 1); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Quit"); + g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), window); + + /* Place the Quit button in the grid cell (0, 1), and make it + * span 2 columns. + */ + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), button, 0, 1, 2, 1); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + +} + +int +main (int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + int status; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/README.md b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..543a99c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +A trivial example +================= + +This is a very minimal example of an app that can be built against GTK. +We use this in CI to test that building against the installed GTK works. + +That is why there is a standalone meson.build in this subdirectory. diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/hello-world.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/hello-world.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30edbee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/hello-world.c @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#include + +static void +print_hello (GtkWidget *widget, + gpointer data) +{ + g_print ("Hello World\n"); +} + +static void +activate (GtkApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *button; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (app); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 200); + + button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Hello World"); + gtk_widget_set_halign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + gtk_widget_set_valign (button, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); + + g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (print_hello), NULL); + g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), window); + + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), button); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +int +main (int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + int status; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_FLAGS); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0957cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/hello/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +project('hello', 'c', + version: '4.3.0', + meson_version: '>= 0.50.0', +) + +executable('hello', + [ 'hello-world.c' ], + dependencies: [ dependency('gtk4') ], + install: false, + name_suffix: 'html' +) diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/labels.js b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/labels.js new file mode 100755 index 00000000..562153e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/labels.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env -S GI_TYPELIB_PATH=${PWD}/build/gtk:${GI_TYPELIB_PATH} LD_PRELOAD=${LD_PRELOAD}:${PWD}/build/gtk/libgtk-4.so gjs + +imports.gi.versions['Gtk'] = '4.0'; + +const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; +const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; + +const DemoWidget = GObject.registerClass({ + GTypeName: 'DemoWidget', + }, class DemoWidget extends Gtk.Widget { + + _init(params = {}) { + super._init(params); + + let layout_manager = new Gtk.GridLayout (); + this.set_layout_manager (layout_manager); + this.label1 = new Gtk.Label({ label: "Red", + hexpand: true, + vexpand: true }); + this.label1.set_parent (this); + let child1 = layout_manager.get_layout_child (this.label1); + child1.set_row (0); + child1.set_column (0); + + this.label2 = new Gtk.Label({ label: "Green", + hexpand: true, + vexpand: true }); + this.label2.set_parent (this); + let child2 = layout_manager.get_layout_child (this.label2); + child2.set_row (0); + child2.set_column (1); + } +}); + +// Create a new application +let app = new Gtk.Application({ application_id: 'org.gtk.exampleapp' }); + +// When the application is launched… +app.connect('activate', () => { + // … create a new window … + let win = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow({ application: app }); + // … with a button in it … + let widget = new DemoWidget(); + win.set_child(widget); + win.present(); +}); + +// Run the application +app.run([]); + diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a2335684 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +examples = [ +# 'builder', +# 'drawing', +# 'grid-packing', +# 'plugman', +# 'search-bar', +# 'sunny', +# 'window-default', +] + +foreach ex : examples + # TODO: name clash with testsuite/gtk/builder, rename one of the two + example_name = ex == 'builder' ? 'builder_example' : ex + executable(example_name, '@0@.c'.format(ex), + c_args: [ + '-DGDK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DGTK_SRCDIR="@0@"'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), + ] + common_cflags, + dependencies: libgtk_dep, + name_suffix: 'html') +endforeach + +#subdir('bp') +subdir('application1') +#subdir('application2') +#subdir('application3') +#subdir('application4') +#subdir('application5') +#subdir('application6') +#subdir('application7') +#subdir('application8') +#subdir('application9') diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/plugman.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/plugman.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fb19d7b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/plugman.c @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +#include +#include +#include + + +static const char *red_css = +"textview {" +" color: red;" +"}"; + +static const char *black_css = +"textview {" +" color: black;" +"}"; + +static void +activate_toggle (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariant *state; + + state = g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action)); + g_action_change_state (G_ACTION (action), g_variant_new_boolean (!g_variant_get_boolean (state))); + g_variant_unref (state); +} + +static void +change_fullscreen_state (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *state, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (g_variant_get_boolean (state)) + gtk_window_fullscreen (user_data); + else + gtk_window_unfullscreen (user_data); + + g_simple_action_set_state (action, state); +} + +static void +window_copy (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data ((GObject*)window, "plugman-text"); + + gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text), + gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (text))); +} + +static void +window_paste (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW (user_data); + GtkTextView *text = g_object_get_data ((GObject*)window, "plugman-text"); + + gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text), + gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (text)), + NULL, + TRUE); + +} + +static GActionEntry win_entries[] = { + { "copy", window_copy, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "paste", window_paste, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "fullscreen", activate_toggle, NULL, "false", change_fullscreen_state } +}; + +static void +new_window (GApplication *app, + GFile *file) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *grid, *scrolled, *view; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + gtk_window_set_default_size ((GtkWindow*)window, 640, 480); + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (window), win_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries), window); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Plugman"); + gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + + grid = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + + g_object_set_data ((GObject*)window, "plugman-text", view); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), scrolled, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + if (file != NULL) + { + char *contents; + gsize length; + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + } + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +plug_man_activate (GApplication *application) +{ + new_window (application, NULL); +} + +static void +plug_man_open (GApplication *application, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + new_window (application, files[i]); +} + +typedef GtkApplication PlugMan; +typedef GtkApplicationClass PlugManClass; + +static GType plug_man_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (PlugMan, plug_man, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION) + +static void +plug_man_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (plug_man_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +show_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_show_about_dialog (NULL, + "program-name", "Plugman", + "title", "About Plugman", + "comments", "A cheap Bloatpad clone.", + NULL); +} + + +static void +quit_app (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GList *list, *next; + GtkWindow *win; + + g_print ("Going down...\n"); + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (g_application_get_default ())); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static gboolean is_red_plugin_enabled; +static gboolean is_black_plugin_enabled; + +static gboolean +plugin_enabled (const char *name) +{ + if (g_strcmp0 (name, "red") == 0) + return is_red_plugin_enabled; + else + return is_black_plugin_enabled; +} + +static GMenuModel * +find_plugin_menu (void) +{ + return (GMenuModel*) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (g_application_get_default ()), "plugin-menu"); +} + +static void +plugin_action (GAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *action_name; + const char *css_to_load; + GtkCssProvider *css_provider; + + action_name = g_action_get_name (action); + if (strcmp (action_name, "red") == 0) + css_to_load = red_css; + else if (strcmp (action_name, "black") == 0) + css_to_load = black_css; + else + { + g_critical ("Unknown action name: %s", action_name); + return; + } + + g_message ("Color: %s", g_action_get_name (action)); + + css_provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (css_provider, css_to_load, -1); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (css_provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); +} + +static void +enable_plugin (const char *name) +{ + GMenuModel *plugin_menu; + GAction *action; + + g_print ("Enabling '%s' plugin\n", name); + + action = (GAction *)g_simple_action_new (name, NULL); + g_signal_connect (action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (plugin_action), (gpointer)name); + g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (g_application_get_default ()), action); + g_print ("Actions of '%s' plugin added\n", name); + g_object_unref (action); + + plugin_menu = find_plugin_menu (); + if (plugin_menu) + { + GMenu *section; + GMenuItem *item; + char *label; + char *action_name; + + section = g_menu_new (); + label = g_strdup_printf ("Turn text %s", name); + action_name = g_strconcat ("app.", name, NULL); + g_menu_insert (section, 0, label, action_name); + g_free (label); + g_free (action_name); + item = g_menu_item_new_section (NULL, (GMenuModel*)section); + g_menu_item_set_attribute (item, "id", "s", name); + g_menu_append_item (G_MENU (plugin_menu), item); + g_object_unref (item); + g_object_unref (section); + g_print ("Menus of '%s' plugin added\n", name); + } + else + g_warning ("Plugin menu not found"); + + if (g_strcmp0 (name, "red") == 0) + is_red_plugin_enabled = TRUE; + else + is_black_plugin_enabled = TRUE; +} + +static void +disable_plugin (const char *name) +{ + GMenuModel *plugin_menu; + + g_print ("Disabling '%s' plugin\n", name); + + plugin_menu = find_plugin_menu (); + if (plugin_menu) + { + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < g_menu_model_get_n_items (plugin_menu); i++) + { + char *id; + if (g_menu_model_get_item_attribute (plugin_menu, i, "id", "s", &id)) + { + if (g_strcmp0 (id, name) == 0) + { + g_menu_remove (G_MENU (plugin_menu), i); + g_print ("Menus of '%s' plugin removed\n", name); + } + g_free (id); + } + } + } + else + g_warning ("Plugin menu not found"); + + g_action_map_remove_action (G_ACTION_MAP (g_application_get_default ()), name); + g_print ("Actions of '%s' plugin removed\n", name); + + if (g_strcmp0 (name, "red") == 0) + is_red_plugin_enabled = FALSE; + else + is_black_plugin_enabled = FALSE; +} + +static void +enable_or_disable_plugin (GtkToggleButton *button, + const char *name) +{ + if (plugin_enabled (name)) + disable_plugin (name); + else + enable_plugin (name); +} + + +static void +configure_plugins (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *dialog; + GtkWidget *check; + GError *error = NULL; + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, + "" + " " + " Plugins" + " " + " " + " True" + " vertical" + " " + " " + " Red Plugin - turn your text red" + " True" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " Black Plugin - turn your text black" + " True" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " True" + " " + " " + " Close" + " True" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " close-button" + " " + " " + "", -1, &error); + if (error) + { + g_warning ("%s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + goto out; + } + + dialog = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "plugin-dialog"); + check = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "red-plugin"); + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (check), plugin_enabled ("red")); + g_signal_connect (check, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (enable_or_disable_plugin), (char *) "red"); + check = (GtkWidget *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "black-plugin"); + gtk_check_button_set_active (GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (check), plugin_enabled ("black")); + g_signal_connect (check, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (enable_or_disable_plugin), (char *) "black"); + + g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL); + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog)); + +out: + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "about", show_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_app, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "plugins", configure_plugins, NULL, NULL, NULL }, +}; + +static void +plug_man_startup (GApplication *application) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (plug_man_parent_class) + ->startup (application); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (application), app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), application); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, + "" + " " + " " + " _Plugman" + "
" + " " + " _About Plugman" + " app.about" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " _Quit" + " app.quit" + " <Primary>q" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " _Edit" + "
" + " " + " _Copy" + " win.copy" + " " + " " + " _Paste" + " win.paste" + " " + "
" + " " + " " + "
" + " " + " Plugins" + " app.plugins" + " " + "
" + "
" + " " + " _View" + "
" + " " + " _Fullscreen" + " win.fullscreen" + " " + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
", -1, NULL); + gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (application), G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar"))); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (application), "plugin-menu", gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "plugins"), g_object_unref); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +plug_man_init (PlugMan *app) +{ +} + +static void +plug_man_class_init (PlugManClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *application_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); + + application_class->startup = plug_man_startup; + application_class->activate = plug_man_activate; + application_class->open = plug_man_open; + + object_class->finalize = plug_man_finalize; + +} + +static PlugMan * +plug_man_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (plug_man_get_type (), + "application-id", "org.gtk.Test.plugman", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + PlugMan *plug_man; + int status; + const char *accels[] = { "F11", NULL }; + + plug_man = plug_man_new (); + gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (plug_man), + "win.fullscreen", accels); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (plug_man), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (plug_man); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/search-bar.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/search-bar.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62f034e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/search-bar.c @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#include + +static void +activate_cb (GtkApplication *app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *search_bar; + GtkWidget *box; + GtkWidget *entry; + GtkWidget *menu_button; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (app); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); + + search_bar = gtk_search_bar_new (); + gtk_widget_set_valign (search_bar, GTK_ALIGN_START); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), search_bar); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_search_bar_set_child (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (search_bar), box); + + entry = gtk_search_entry_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (entry, TRUE); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), entry); + + menu_button = gtk_menu_button_new (); + gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), menu_button); + + gtk_search_bar_connect_entry (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (search_bar), GTK_EDITABLE (entry)); + gtk_search_bar_set_key_capture_widget (GTK_SEARCH_BAR (search_bar), window); +} + +int +main (int argc, + char *argv[]) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.Example.GtkSearchBar", + G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", + G_CALLBACK (activate_cb), NULL); + + return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/squares.py b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/squares.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7e46c7f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/squares.py @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env -S GI_TYPELIB_PATH=${PWD}/build/gtk:${GI_TYPELIB_PATH} LD_PRELOAD=${LD_PRELOAD}:${PWD}/build/gtk/libgtk-4.so python3 + +import gi + +gi.require_version('Gdk', '4.0') +gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0') + +from gi.repository import Gdk +from gi.repository import Gtk +from gi.repository import Graphene + + +class DemoWidget(Gtk.Widget): + + __gtype_name__ = "DemoWidget" + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + + def do_measure(self, orientation, for_size: int): + # We need some space to draw + return 100, 200, -1, -1 + + def do_snapshot(self, snapshot): + # Draw four color squares + color = Gdk.RGBA() + rect = Graphene.Rect.alloc() + + width = self.get_width() / 2 + height = self.get_height() / 2 + + Gdk.RGBA.parse(color, "red") + rect.init(0, 0, width, height) + snapshot.append_color(color, rect) + + Gdk.RGBA.parse(color, "green") + rect.init(width, 0, width, height) + snapshot.append_color(color, rect) + + Gdk.RGBA.parse(color, "yellow") + rect.init(0, height, width, height) + snapshot.append_color(color, rect) + + Gdk.RGBA.parse(color, "blue") + rect.init(width, height, width, height) + snapshot.append_color(color, rect) + +def on_activate(app): + # Create a new window + win = Gtk.ApplicationWindow(application=app) + win.set_title("Squares") + icon = DemoWidget() + win.set_child(icon) + win.present() + +# Create a new application +app = Gtk.Application(application_id='org.gtk.exampleapp') +app.connect('activate', on_activate) + +# Run the application +app.run(None) diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/sunny.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/sunny.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34e717d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/sunny.c @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +#include +#include + +static void +new_window (GApplication *app, + GFile *file) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *scrolled, *view, *overlay; + GtkWidget *header; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app)); + gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + gtk_window_set_default_size ((GtkWindow*)window, 640, 480); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Sunny"); + gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (window), "weather-clear-symbolic"); + + header = gtk_header_bar_new (); + gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header); + + overlay = gtk_overlay_new (); + gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), overlay); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (); + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_vexpand (scrolled, TRUE); + view = gtk_text_view_new (); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), view); + gtk_overlay_set_child (GTK_OVERLAY (overlay), scrolled); + + if (file != NULL) + { + char *contents; + gsize length; + + if (g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &contents, &length, NULL, NULL)) + { + GtkTextBuffer *buffer; + + buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)); + gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, length); + g_free (contents); + } + } + + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +static void +activate (GApplication *application) +{ + new_window (application, NULL); +} + +static void +open (GApplication *application, + GFile **files, + int n_files, + const char *hint) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) + new_window (application, files[i]); +} + +typedef GtkApplication MenuButton; +typedef GtkApplicationClass MenuButtonClass; + +static GType menu_button_get_type (void); +G_DEFINE_TYPE (MenuButton, menu_button, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION) + +static void +show_about (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_show_about_dialog (NULL, + "program-name", "Sunny", + "title", "About Sunny", + "logo-icon-name", "weather-clear-symbolic", + "comments", "A cheap Bloatpad clone.", + NULL); +} + + +static void +quit_app (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GList *list, *next; + GtkWindow *win; + + g_print ("Going down...\n"); + + list = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (g_application_get_default ())); + while (list) + { + win = list->data; + next = list->next; + + gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win)); + + list = next; + } +} + +static void +new_activated (GSimpleAction *action, + GVariant *parameter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GApplication *app = user_data; + + g_application_activate (app); +} + +static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { + { "about", show_about, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "quit", quit_app, NULL, NULL, NULL }, + { "new", new_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL } +}; + +static void +startup (GApplication *application) +{ + GtkBuilder *builder; + + G_APPLICATION_CLASS (menu_button_parent_class)->startup (application); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (application), app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries), application); + + if (g_getenv ("APP_MENU_FALLBACK")) + g_object_set (gtk_settings_get_default (), "gtk-shell-shows-app-menu", FALSE, NULL); + + builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, + "" + " " + " " + " Sunny" + "
" + " " + " _New Window" + " app.new" + " " + " " + " _About Sunny" + " app.about" + " " + " " + " _Quit" + " app.quit" + " <Primary>q" + " " + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
", -1, NULL); + gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (application), G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar"))); + g_object_unref (builder); +} + +static void +menu_button_init (MenuButton *app) +{ +} + +static void +menu_button_class_init (MenuButtonClass *class) +{ + GApplicationClass *application_class = G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class); + + application_class->startup = startup; + application_class->activate = activate; + application_class->open = open; +} + +static MenuButton * +menu_button_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (menu_button_get_type (), + "application-id", "org.gtk.Test.Sunny", + "flags", G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN, + NULL); +} + +int +main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + MenuButton *menu_button; + int status; + + menu_button = menu_button_new (); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (menu_button), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (menu_button); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/window-default.c b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/window-default.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86ff66b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/examples/window-default.c @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#include + +static void +activate (GtkApplication* app, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + + window = gtk_application_window_new (app); + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window"); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 200); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window)); +} + +int +main (int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkApplication *app; + int status; + + app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); + g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); + status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); + g_object_unref (app); + + return status; +} diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Black.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Black.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e18e362 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Black.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BlackItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BlackItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2144c29 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BlackItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Bold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Bold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c74cc0c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Bold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20d20c19 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-BoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3633fe8e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b54cfa3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLight.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLight.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6dc068dc Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLight.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLightItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLightItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b68e7316 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraLightItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Italic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Italic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39d6016b Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Italic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Light.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Light.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a83ae16 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Light.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-LightItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-LightItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca9fb127 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-LightItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Medium.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Medium.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca7bfcd4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Medium.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-MediumItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-MediumItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2df62bc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-MediumItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Regular.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Regular.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84e6a61c Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Regular.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..daf4c441 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc58b80d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Thin.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Thin.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22592e04 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-Thin.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ThinItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ThinItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5ea2ecd Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/Inter-ThinItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Black.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Black.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..282b4987 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Black.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BlackItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BlackItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..124a6bc8 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BlackItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Bold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Bold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88e9443e Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Bold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ad10dd2 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-BoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c36a8c62 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4637c7e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraBoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLight.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLight.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ed440fa Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLight.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLightItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLightItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f445ccfd Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ExtraLightItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Italic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Italic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..168df9c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Italic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Light.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Light.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..238c3d78 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Light.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-LightItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-LightItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ed25ac5 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-LightItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Medium.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Medium.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ece4d832 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Medium.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-MediumItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-MediumItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cceb8bed Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-MediumItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Regular.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Regular.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76d97b4d Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Regular.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBold.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBold.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6d38b99 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBold.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBoldItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBoldItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b35cf12 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-SemiBoldItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Thin.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Thin.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a1d864ab Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-Thin.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ThinItalic.otf b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ThinItalic.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6792000 Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/sdk/gtk4/fonts/inter/InterDisplay-ThinItalic.otf differ diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson.build b/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d4897df --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +project('gtk-demos-examples', 'c', + version: '4.10.5', + default_options: [ + 'buildtype=debugoptimized', + 'warning_level=1', + # We only need c99, but glib needs GNU-specific features + # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/2289 + 'c_std=gnu99', + ], + meson_version : '>= 0.60.0', + license: 'LGPL-2.1-or-later') + +gnome = import('gnome') + +confinc = include_directories('.') +extra_demo_ldflags = [] +os_linux = true +os_unix = true + +gtk_prefix = get_option('prefix') +gtk_datadir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('datadir')) +gtk_applicationsdir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'applications') +gtk_schemasdir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'glib-2.0/schemas') +gtk_appdatadir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'metainfo') + +# config.h +cdata = configuration_data() +cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) +cdata.set_quoted('GTK_DATADIR', gtk_datadir) +cdata.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', 'gtk40') + +configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: cdata) + +libgtk_dep = dependency('gtk4', version: '4.10.5', required: true, default_options: ['targets=wayland']) +common_cflags = [] + +if get_option('build-examples') + subdir('examples') +endif + +if get_option('demos') + subdir('demos') +endif diff --git a/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson_options.txt b/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson_options.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ac373d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/sdk/gtk4/meson_options.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +option('demos', + type: 'boolean', + value: true, + description : 'Build demo programs') + +option('profile', + type: 'combo', + choices: [ 'default', 'devel' ], + value: 'default', + description : 'Profile to use for demos') + +option('build-examples', + type: 'boolean', + value: true, + description : 'Build examples') diff --git a/examples/sdk/weston/build.sh b/examples/sdk/weston/build.sh index 7f5902dc..fd17a8e1 100755 --- a/examples/sdk/weston/build.sh +++ b/examples/sdk/weston/build.sh @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ fi DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$CURRENT_SCRIPT")") -EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-s TOTAL_MEMORY=256MB -sEMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS -s PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=10 -s USE_PTHREADS=1 -s ASYNCIFY \ +EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-s TOTAL_MEMORY=256MB -sEMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS \ --preload-file $DIR/data@/data --preload-file $DIR/fonts/inter@/usr/share/fonts/opentype/inter --pre-js $DIR/set_env.js" -pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-cross.ini" --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-toolchain.ini" -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" \ --Dimage-jpeg=false -Dimage-webp=false -Dtools=[] -Ddemo-clients=true -Dsimple-clients=[] \ +meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-cross.ini" --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-toolchain.ini" -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" \ +-Dimage-jpeg=false -Dimage-webp=false -Dtools=[] -Ddemo-clients=true -Dsimple-clients=shm \ -Dc_link_args="$EXTRA_LDFLAGS" ninja -C build/ diff --git a/examples/webapps/gtk4/.gitignore b/examples/webapps/gtk4/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f06235c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/webapps/gtk4/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +node_modules +dist diff --git a/examples/webapps/gtk4/README.md b/examples/webapps/gtk4/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac93a961 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/webapps/gtk4/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Web Assembly build of Weston's demo client 'eventdemo'. + +- `yarn preview` + +The demo-compositor will now be able to launch this demo webapp. + +Type `web://localhost:9003` in the compositor URL bar and press enter to launch it diff --git a/examples/webapps/gtk4/package.json b/examples/webapps/gtk4/package.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0bd2228f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/webapps/gtk4/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "name": "@gfld/example-gtk4-clients", + "version": "1.0.0-rc1", + "type": "module", + "description": "HTML5 Wayland Demo Web Client GTK4 demos", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield.git" + }, + "keywords": [ + "wayland", + "html5", + "client", + "demo", + "web" + ], + "author": "Erik De Rijcke (http://www.udev.be)", + "license": "AGPL-3.0", + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield/issues" + }, + "homepage": "https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield#readme", + "scripts": { + "preview": "yarn run vite preview" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "vite": "^5.3.1" + } +} diff --git a/examples/webapps/gtk4/vite.config.ts b/examples/webapps/gtk4/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed0488e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/webapps/gtk4/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "vite"; + +export default defineConfig({ + base: "./", +}); diff --git a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/index.html b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/app.html similarity index 100% rename from examples/webapps/simple-shm/index.html rename to examples/webapps/simple-shm/app.html diff --git a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/package.json b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/package.json index 4fbdd163..d703c5bb 100644 --- a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/package.json +++ b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "name": "@gfld/example-webapp-simple-shm", "version": "1.0.0-rc1", + "type": "module", "description": "HTML5 Wayland Demo Web Client Simple Shm", "repository": { "type": "git", @@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ "@gfld/common": "workspace:^" }, "devDependencies": { - "typescript": "^5.2.2", - "vite": "^4.4.9", - "vite-plugin-glsl": "^1.1.2" + "typescript": "^5.5.2", + "vite": "^5.3.1", + "vite-plugin-glsl": "^1.3.0" } } diff --git a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/tsconfig.json b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/tsconfig.json index ae407a72..705c964d 100644 --- a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/tsconfig.json +++ b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/tsconfig.json @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ "dom.iterable", "esnext", ] - } + }, + "include": ["src"] } diff --git a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.mts b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.mts deleted file mode 100644 index cd9bfedf..00000000 --- a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.mts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -import { defineConfig } from "vite"; - -export default defineConfig({ - server: { - port: 9001, - strictPort: true, - headers: { - "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin", - "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp", - "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy": "same-origin" - } - } -}); diff --git a/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.ts b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18ce0b59 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/webapps/simple-shm/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "vite"; + +export default defineConfig({ + base: "./", + build: { + rollupOptions: { + input: { + app: './app.html' + } + } + } +}); diff --git a/examples/webapps/webgl/index.html b/examples/webapps/webgl/app.html similarity index 100% rename from examples/webapps/webgl/index.html rename to examples/webapps/webgl/app.html diff --git a/examples/webapps/webgl/package.json b/examples/webapps/webgl/package.json index 66ddfc23..c2fb2129 100644 --- a/examples/webapps/webgl/package.json +++ b/examples/webapps/webgl/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "name": "@gfld/example-webapp-webgl", "version": "1.0.0-rc1", + "type": "module", "description": "HTML5 Wayland Demo Web Client Simple Web GL", "repository": { "type": "git", @@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ "gl-matrix": "^3.4.3" }, "devDependencies": { - "typescript": "^5.2.2", - "vite": "^4.4.9", - "vite-plugin-glsl": "^1.1.2" + "typescript": "^5.5.2", + "vite": "^5.3.1", + "vite-plugin-glsl": "^1.3.0" } } diff --git a/examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.mts b/examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.ts similarity index 61% rename from examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.mts rename to examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.ts index 2d11daa3..a1c290ef 100644 --- a/examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.mts +++ b/examples/webapps/webgl/vite.config.ts @@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ import { defineConfig } from 'vite' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [glsl()], + base: "./", build: { - outDir: 'dist', - }, - server: { - port: 9002, - strictPort: true + rollupOptions: { + input: { + app: './app.html' + } + } } }) diff --git a/examples/webapps/weston-clients/package.json b/examples/webapps/weston-clients/package.json index 8e5f740e..af5cbaf6 100644 --- a/examples/webapps/weston-clients/package.json +++ b/examples/webapps/weston-clients/package.json @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ "preview": "yarn run vite preview" }, "devDependencies": { - "vite": "^4.4.9" + "vite": "^5.3.1" } } diff --git 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config: join(__dirname, 'tailwind.config.js'), }, autoprefixer: {}, }, diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/public/simple-shm-web b/packages/compositor-shell/public/simple-shm-web new file mode 120000 index 00000000..8d0a0a52 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/public/simple-shm-web @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../examples/webapps/simple-shm/dist \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/public/weston b/packages/compositor-shell/public/weston new file mode 120000 index 00000000..6f8bd51b --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/public/weston @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../examples/sdk/weston/build/clients/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/src/App.tsx b/packages/compositor-shell/src/App.tsx index 252bceef..dc480ca2 100644 --- a/packages/compositor-shell/src/App.tsx +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/src/App.tsx @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export async function main() { await wasmLibs // create new compositor context - const session = await createCompositorSession() + const session = await createCompositorSession({ mode: 'floating' }) const remoteAppLauncher = createAppLauncher(session, 'remote') const webAppLauncher = createAppLauncher(session, 'web') @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export async function main() { // Get an HTML5 canvas for use as an output for the compositor. Multiple outputs can be used. const canvas = elementById('output') as HTMLCanvasElement // hook up the canvas to our compositor - session.userShell.actions.initScene('myOutputId', canvas) + session.userShell.actions.initScene(() => ({ canvas, id: canvas.id })) // make compositor global protocol objects available to client session.globals.register() diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/src/AppBar.tsx b/packages/compositor-shell/src/AppBar.tsx index 4506ceb0..d464fe6b 100644 --- a/packages/compositor-shell/src/AppBar.tsx +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/src/AppBar.tsx @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function AppLaunchInput(props: AppInputProps) { onKeyPress={onKeyPress} placeholder="Type a web: or rem:// URL" name="remote" - onfocusin={selectAllOnFocus} + onFocusIn={selectAllOnFocus} /> ) diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/tailwind.config.js b/packages/compositor-shell/tailwind.config.js index b926bb31..0703bb67 100644 --- a/packages/compositor-shell/tailwind.config.js +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/tailwind.config.js @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires -const path = require('path') +import { join, dirname } from 'node:path' +import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' +const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) +const __dirname = dirname(__filename) -module.exports = { - content: [path.join(__dirname, '/index.html'), path.join(__dirname, '/src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}')], +export default { + content: [join(__dirname, '/index.html'), join(__dirname, '/src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}')], theme: { extend: {}, }, diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/tsconfig.json b/packages/compositor-shell/tsconfig.json index 89bf842e..66bf28e7 100644 --- a/packages/compositor-shell/tsconfig.json +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/tsconfig.json @@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": "preact" }, - "include": ["src"] + "include": ["src"], + "exclude": ["vite.config.ts"] } diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.mts b/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.mts deleted file mode 100644 index 70c3e7b8..00000000 --- a/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.mts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -import { defineConfig } from 'vite' -import preact from '@preact/preset-vite' - -export default defineConfig({ - plugins: [preact()], - server: { - host: 'localhost', - port: 8080, - strictPort: true, - cors: false, - headers: { - 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin', - 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp', - }, - proxy: { - // examples/webapps/simple-shm - '/simple-shm': { - target: 'http://localhost:9001', - rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/simple-shm/, ''), - }, - // examples/webapps/webgl - '/webgl': { - target: 'http://localhost:9002', - rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/webgl/, ''), - }, - // examples/webapps/weston-clients - '/weston-clients': { - target: 'http://localhost:9003', - rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/weston-clients/, ''), - }, - }, - }, -}) diff --git a/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.ts b/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fab3aee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/compositor-shell/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { defineConfig } from 'vite' +import preact from '@preact/preset-vite' + +export default defineConfig({ + plugins: [preact()], + server: { + host: 'localhost', + port: 8080, + strictPort: true, + cors: false, + headers: { + 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin', + 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp', + }, + }, +}) diff --git a/packages/compositor/package.json b/packages/compositor/package.json index 8f7b0a22..88bc6f17 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/package.json +++ b/packages/compositor/package.json @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ ], "scripts": { "prebuild": "yarn run rimraf dist types", - "build": "yarn run tsc && yarn run cpy './src/assets/**' './dist/assets/'" + "build": "yarn run tsc && yarn run cpy './src/assets/**' './dist/assets/'", + "watch": "yarn run build && yarn run tsc -w" }, "dependencies": { "@gfld/common": "workspace:^", @@ -35,15 +36,15 @@ }, "devDependencies": { "@types/dom-webcodecs": "^0.1.11", - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.0.1", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.0.1", + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.14.1", + "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.14.1", "cpy-cli": "^5.0.0", - "eslint": "^8.56.0", + "eslint": "^8.57.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.1.3", - "prettier": "^3.2.5", - "rimraf": "^5.0.5", - "typescript": "^5.3.3" + "prettier": "^3.3.2", + "rimraf": "^5.0.7", + "typescript": "^5.5.2" }, "author": "Erik De Rijcke", "homepage": "https://www.greenfield.app", @@ -51,6 +52,5 @@ "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield/tree/master/packages/compositor" - }, - "packageManager": "yarn@3.6.0" + } } diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/Seat.ts b/packages/compositor/src/Seat.ts index 46d07cbf..9cc5d53b 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/Seat.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/Seat.ts @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import { } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' import { capabilities } from './browser/capabilities' -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' +import { DesktopSurface } from './desktop/Desktop' import { AxisEvent, ButtonEvent, CompositorSeat, KeyEvent, nrmlvo } from './index' import { Keyboard, KeyboardGrab } from './Keyboard' diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/Session.ts b/packages/compositor/src/Session.ts index 1a60eb8d..bbc8c7d4 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/Session.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/Session.ts @@ -17,18 +17,15 @@ import { Display } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' import Globals from './Globals' -import { ButtonCode, CompositorSession } from './index' +import { ButtonCode, CompositorSession, SessionConfig } from './index' import { FrameDecoder } from './remote/buffer-decoder' import { createWasmFrameDecoder } from './remote/wasm-buffer-decoder' -import { - hardwareDecoderConfig, - softwareDecoderConfig, - webCodecFrameDecoderFactory, -} from './remote/webcodec-buffer-decoder' +import { softwareDecoderConfig, webCodecFrameDecoderFactory } from './remote/webcodec-buffer-decoder' import Renderer from './render/Renderer' import { createUserShellApi, UserShellApi } from './UserShellApi' import { InputQueue } from './InputQueue' import { KeyboardModifier } from './Seat' +import { s } from '@gfld/common/dist' export interface LogFn { /* tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-generics */ @@ -119,7 +116,7 @@ class Session implements CompositorSession { private constructor( public readonly display: Display, - public readonly compositorSessionId: string, + public readonly config: Required, public readonly logger: GreenfieldLogger, frameDecoderFactory: FrameDecoderFactory, ) { @@ -131,7 +128,7 @@ class Session implements CompositorSession { } static async create( - sessionId?: string, + sessionConfig: SessionConfig, logger: GreenfieldLogger = { error: console.error, warn: console.warn, @@ -145,8 +142,8 @@ class Session implements CompositorSession { }, ): Promise { const display = new Display() - const compositorSessionId = - sessionId ?? + const id = + sessionConfig.id ?? ((): string => { const randomBytes = new Uint8Array(8) crypto.getRandomValues(randomBytes) @@ -163,11 +160,11 @@ class Session implements CompositorSession { decoderFactory = createWasmFrameDecoder } - const session = new Session(display, compositorSessionId, logger, decoderFactory) + const session = new Session(display, { ...sessionConfig, id }, logger, decoderFactory) session.globals.seat.buttonBindings.push({ modifiers: 0, button: ButtonCode.MAIN, - handler: (pointer, event) => { + handler: (pointer, _event) => { if (pointer.grab !== pointer.defaultGrab) { return } @@ -181,7 +178,7 @@ class Session implements CompositorSession { session.globals.seat.buttonBindings.push({ modifiers: KeyboardModifier.NONE, button: ButtonCode.SECONDARY, - handler: (pointer, event) => { + handler: (pointer, _event) => { if (pointer.grab !== pointer.defaultGrab) { return } diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/ShellSurface.ts b/packages/compositor/src/ShellSurface.ts index 29be150c..fba60d7a 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/ShellSurface.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/ShellSurface.ts @@ -23,14 +23,13 @@ import { WlShellSurfaceTransient, WlSurfaceResource, } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' +import { createDesktopSurface, DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from './desktop/Desktop' import { ORIGIN, Point } from './math/Point' import { RectWithInfo } from './math/Rect' import { Size, ZERO_SIZE } from './math/Size' import Session from './Session' import Surface from './Surface' -import { DesktopSurfaceRole } from './SurfaceRole' import View from './View' const { none } = WlShellSurfaceResize @@ -57,7 +56,8 @@ export default class ShellSurface implements WlShellSurfaceRequests, DesktopSurf public readonly session: Session, public readonly view: View, ) { - this.desktopSurface = DesktopSurface.create(this.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface = createDesktopSurface(this.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface.init() } static create( @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ export default class ShellSurface implements WlShellSurfaceRequests, DesktopSurf } if (parent !== undefined) { - this.desktopSurface.surface.surfaceChildSelf.position = position + this.surface.surfaceChildSelf.position = position this.desktopSurface.setParent(parent) } } diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/SurfaceRole.ts b/packages/compositor/src/SurfaceRole.ts index d895c8ac..eeba844a 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/SurfaceRole.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/SurfaceRole.ts @@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with Greenfield. If not, see . -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' -import { RectWithInfo } from './math/Rect' -import { Size } from './math/Size' +import { DesktopSurface } from './desktop/Desktop' import Surface from './Surface' import View from './View' @@ -27,27 +25,3 @@ export default interface SurfaceRole { onCommit(surface: Surface): void } - -export interface DesktopSurfaceRole extends SurfaceRole { - requestClose(): void - - queryMaximized(): boolean - - queryFullscreen(): boolean - - queryGeometry(): RectWithInfo - - queryMinSize(): Size - - queryMaxSize(): Size - - configureMaximized(maximized: boolean): void - - configureFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void - - configureSize(size: Size): void - - configureActivated(activated: boolean): void - - configureResizing(resizing: boolean): void -} diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/UserShellApi.ts b/packages/compositor/src/UserShellApi.ts index 7da9cec6..c242382e 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/UserShellApi.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/UserShellApi.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { WlSurfaceResource } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' import { addInputOutput } from './browser/input' -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' +import { DesktopSurface } from './desktop/Desktop' import { CompositorClient, CompositorConfiguration, CompositorSurface } from './index' import Session from './Session' import Surface from './Surface' @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export interface UserShellApiEvents { } export interface UserShellApiActions { - initScene(sceneId: string, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void + initScene(canvasCreator: () => { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; id: string }): void refreshScene(): void destroyScene(sceneId: string): void @@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ export function createUserShellApi(session: Session): UserShellApi { const surface = lookupSurface(session, compositorSurface) surface.role?.desktopSurface?.activate() }, - initScene: (sceneId, canvas) => addInputOutput(session, canvas, sceneId), + initScene: (canvasCreator: () => { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; id: string }) => + addInputOutput(session, canvasCreator), refreshScene: () => { session.renderer.render() }, diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/XdgPopup.ts b/packages/compositor/src/XdgPopup.ts index 52eb965a..9126c6f9 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/XdgPopup.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/XdgPopup.ts @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ import { XdgPopupResource, XdgWmBaseError, } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' +import { createDesktopSurface, DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from './desktop/Desktop' import { RectWithInfo } from './math/Rect' import { Size, ZERO_SIZE } from './math/Size' import { Seat } from './Seat' import Session from './Session' import Surface from './Surface' -import SurfaceRole, { DesktopSurfaceRole } from './SurfaceRole' +import SurfaceRole from './SurfaceRole' import View from './View' import { XdgPositionerState } from './XdgPositioner' import XdgSurface from './XdgSurface' @@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ export default class XdgPopup implements XdgPopupRequests, SurfaceRole, DesktopS public readonly view: View, public readonly geometry: RectWithInfo, ) { - this.desktopSurface = DesktopSurface.create(view.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface = createDesktopSurface(view.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface.init() } static create( @@ -127,23 +128,23 @@ export default class XdgPopup implements XdgPopupRequests, SurfaceRole, DesktopS return this.xdgSurface.surface.geometry } - configureSize(size: Size): void { + configureSize(_size: Size): void { // no op } - configureActivated(activated: boolean): void { + configureActivated(_activated: boolean): void { // no op } - configureFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void { + configureFullscreen(_fullscreen: boolean): void { // no op } - configureMaximized(maximized: boolean): void { + configureMaximized(_maximized: boolean): void { // no op } - configureResizing(resizing: boolean): void { + configureResizing(_resizing: boolean): void { // no op } diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/XdgToplevel.ts b/packages/compositor/src/XdgToplevel.ts index 5d5ca31f..5f560310 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/XdgToplevel.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/XdgToplevel.ts @@ -23,12 +23,11 @@ import { XdgToplevelResource, XdgToplevelState, } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' -import { DesktopSurface } from './Desktop' +import { createDesktopSurface, DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from './desktop/Desktop' import { RectWithInfo } from './math/Rect' import { Size, ZERO_SIZE } from './math/Size' import Session from './Session' import Surface from './Surface' -import { DesktopSurfaceRole } from './SurfaceRole' import View from './View' import XdgSurface, { XdgConfigure } from './XdgSurface' @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ export default class XdgToplevel implements XdgToplevelRequests, DesktopSurfaceR private readonly session: Session, public readonly view: View, ) { - this.desktopSurface = DesktopSurface.create(view.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface = createDesktopSurface(view.surface, this) this.resource.addDestroyListener(() => { this.xdgSurface.surface.unmap() this.xdgSurface.configureIdle?.() @@ -96,6 +95,7 @@ export default class XdgToplevel implements XdgToplevelRequests, DesktopSurfaceR this.desktopSurface.removed() } }) + this.desktopSurface.init() } static create(xdgToplevelResource: XdgToplevelResource, xdgSurface: XdgSurface, session: Session): XdgToplevel { @@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ export default class XdgToplevel implements XdgToplevelRequests, DesktopSurfaceR showWindowMenu( resource: XdgToplevelResource, - wlSeatResource: WlSeatResource, - serial: number, - x: number, - y: number, + _wlSeatResource: WlSeatResource, + _serial: number, + _x: number, + _y: number, ): void { if (!this.xdgSurface.configured) { this.session.logger.warn('Client protocol error. Surface has not been configured yet.') diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/browser/dnd.ts b/packages/compositor/src/browser/dnd.ts index a7c61afb..70b54138 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/browser/dnd.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/browser/dnd.ts @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ export function createDnd(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, seat: Seat, outputId: strin throw new Error('Browser does not support 2d canvas.') } cursorCanvas.style.background = '#00000000' - cursorCanvas.style.position = 'absolute' - cursorCanvas.style.left = `-${maxCursorWidth}px` - cursorCanvas.style.top = `-${maxCursorHeight}px` + cursorCanvas.style.position = 'fixed' + cursorCanvas.style.left = `-65000px` + cursorCanvas.style.top = `-65000px` document.body.appendChild(cursorCanvas) dnd = new BrowserDnD(cursorCanvas, cursorCanvasContext, seat, canvas, outputId) diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/browser/input.ts b/packages/compositor/src/browser/input.ts index d5045296..17240316 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/browser/input.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/browser/input.ts @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import Session from '../Session' import { createDnd } from './dnd' import { initBrowserSelection } from './selection' -export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outputId: string): void { - session.renderer.initScene(outputId, canvas) +export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvasCreator: () => { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; id: string }): void { + const scene = session.renderer.initScene(canvasCreator) + const sceneId = scene.id + const canvas = scene.canvas const seat = session.globals.seat @@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outp canvas.style.userSelect = 'none' canvas.tabIndex = 1 - const dnd = createDnd(canvas, seat, outputId) + const dnd = createDnd(canvas, seat, sceneId) // canvas.addEventListener('pointerover', () => canvas.focus(), { passive: true }) @@ -50,17 +52,11 @@ export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outp 'pointermove', (event: PointerEvent) => { for (const coalescedEvent of event.getCoalescedEvents()) { - const buttonEvent = createButtonEventFromMouseEvent( - coalescedEvent, - false, - outputId, - canvas.width, - canvas.height, - ) + const buttonEvent = createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(coalescedEvent, false, sceneId, canvas.width, canvas.height) session.inputQueue.queueMotion(buttonEvent) } session.inputQueue.queueMotion( - createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, false, outputId, canvas.width, canvas.height), + createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, false, sceneId, canvas.width, canvas.height), ) }, { passive: true }, @@ -72,7 +68,7 @@ export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outp dnd.handlePointerDown(event) canvas.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId) session.inputQueue.queueButton( - createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, false, outputId, canvas.width, canvas.height), + createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, false, sceneId, canvas.width, canvas.height), ) }, { passive: true }, @@ -82,9 +78,7 @@ export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outp 'pointerup', (event: PointerEvent) => { canvas.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId) - session.inputQueue.queueButton( - createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, true, outputId, canvas.width, canvas.height), - ) + session.inputQueue.queueButton(createButtonEventFromMouseEvent(event, true, sceneId, canvas.width, canvas.height)) dnd.handlePointerUp(event) }, { passive: true }, @@ -93,7 +87,7 @@ export function addInputOutput(session: Session, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outp canvas.addEventListener( 'wheel', (event: WheelEvent) => { - session.inputQueue.queueAxis(createAxisEventFromWheelEvent(event, outputId)) + session.inputQueue.queueAxis(createAxisEventFromWheelEvent(event, sceneId)) }, { passive: true }, ) diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/desktop/AlwaysFullScreenDesktopSurface.ts b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/AlwaysFullScreenDesktopSurface.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf983ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/AlwaysFullScreenDesktopSurface.ts @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +import { WlShellSurfaceResize } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' +import { CompositorSurface } from '../index' +import { ORIGIN, Point } from '../math/Point' +import Surface from '../Surface' +import { toCompositorSurface } from '../UserShellApi' +import { DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from './Desktop' +import { FloatingDesktopSurface } from './FloatingDesktopSurface' + +type XWayland = { + isSet: boolean + position: Point +} + +export class AlwaysFullscreenDesktopSurface implements DesktopSurface { + focusCount = 0 + xWayland: XWayland = { + isSet: false, + position: ORIGIN, + } + public readonly compositorSurface: CompositorSurface + + private floatingDesktopSurface?: FloatingDesktopSurface + + constructor( + public surface: Surface, + readonly role: DesktopSurfaceRole, + ) { + this.compositorSurface = toCompositorSurface(this) + } + + init() { + if (!this.role.queryFullscreen()) { + this.prepareFullscreen() + this.setFullscreen(true) + } + } + + move(grabSerial: number): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.move(grabSerial) + } + } + + resize(grabSerial: number, edges: WlShellSurfaceResize): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.resize(grabSerial, edges) + } + } + + setFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setFullscreen(fullscreen) + } else if (fullscreen) { + const fullScreenScene = this.role.view.relevantScene ?? Object.values(this.surface.session.renderer.scenes)[0] + fullScreenScene.sizeListeners.push(() => { + const { width, height } = fullScreenScene.canvas + this.role.configureSize({ width, height }) + }) + const { width, height } = fullScreenScene.canvas + this.role.configureFullscreen(true) + this.role.configureSize({ width, height }) + } + } + + setMaximized(maximized: boolean): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setMaximized(maximized) + } + } + + commit(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.commit() + return + } + + if (this.surface.size === undefined) { + return + } + + if (!this.surface.mapped) { + this.map() + this.surface.mapped = true + } + } + + loseFocus(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.loseFocus() + return + } + + if (--this.focusCount === 0) { + this.role.configureActivated(false) + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceActivationUpdated?.(this.compositorSurface, false) + } + } + + gainFocus(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.gainFocus() + return + } + + if (this.focusCount++ === 0) { + this.role.configureActivated(true) + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceActivationUpdated?.(this.compositorSurface, true) + } + } + + setParent(parent: DesktopSurface | undefined): void { + if (parent !== undefined && this.floatingDesktopSurface === undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface = new FloatingDesktopSurface(this.surface, this.role) + this.floatingDesktopSurface.init() + this.floatingDesktopSurface.focusCount = this.focusCount + this.floatingDesktopSurface.xWayland = { ...this.xWayland } + this.floatingDesktopSurface.fullscreen = true + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setFullscreen(false) + } + + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setParent(parent) + } + + if (parent === undefined && this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.focusCount = this.floatingDesktopSurface.focusCount + this.xWayland = { ...this.floatingDesktopSurface.xWayland } + this.floatingDesktopSurface = undefined + } + } + + activate(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.activate() + return + } + + const child = this.lastMappedChild() + if (child) { + child.activate() + return + } + + this.surface.session.globals.seat.setKeyboardFocus(this) + + this.surface.session.renderer.raiseSurface(this.surface) + } + + minimize(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.minimize() + return + } + + this.role.view.mapped = false + const seat = this.surface.session.globals.seat + if (this.surface === seat.keyboard.focus?.getMainSurface()) { + seat.keyboard.setFocus(undefined) + seat.dropFocus() + } + } + + popupGrab(serial: number): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.popupGrab(serial) + return + } + + if (this.surface.session.globals.seat.popupGrabStart(this.surface.resource.client, serial)) { + this.surface.session.globals.seat.popupGrab?.addSurface(this) + } else { + this.popupDismiss() + } + } + + popupDismiss(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.popupDismiss() + return + } + + this.surface.session.globals.seat.popupGrab?.removeSurface(this) + this.role.requestClose() + } + + setXWaylandPosition(position: Point): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setXWaylandPosition(position) + return + } + + this.xWayland.position = position + this.xWayland.isSet = true + } + + add(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.add() + return + } + + this.surface.session.renderer.addTopLevelView(this.role.view) + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceCreated?.(this.compositorSurface) + } + + removed(): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.removed() + return + } + + this.surface.session.renderer.removeTopLevelView(this.role.view) + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceDestroyed?.(this.compositorSurface) + } + + setTitle(title: string): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setTitle(title) + return + } + + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceTitleUpdated?.(this.compositorSurface, title) + } + + setAppId(appId: string): void { + if (this.floatingDesktopSurface !== undefined) { + this.floatingDesktopSurface.setAppId(appId) + return + } + + this.surface.session.userShell.events.surfaceAppIdUpdated?.(this.compositorSurface, appId) + } + + private prepareFullscreen() { + // TODO prepare and configure the renderer to show this surface fullscreen + this.role.view.positionOffset = ORIGIN + } + + private map() { + this.role.view.mapped = true + this.activate() + } + + private lastMappedChild(): DesktopSurface | undefined { + const mappedChildren = + this.surface.children + .filter((child) => !child.surface.destroyed) + .filter((child) => child.surface !== this.surface) + .filter((child) => child.surface.role?.view.mapped) ?? [] + if (mappedChildren.length) { + return mappedChildren[mappedChildren.length - 1].surface.role?.desktopSurface + } else { + return undefined + } + } +} diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/desktop/Desktop.ts b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/Desktop.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e9b1061 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/Desktop.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import { Point } from '../math/Point' +import Surface from '../Surface' +import { RectWithInfo } from '../math/Rect' +import { Size } from '../math/Size' +import SurfaceRole from '../SurfaceRole' +import { AlwaysFullscreenDesktopSurface } from './AlwaysFullScreenDesktopSurface' +import { FloatingDesktopSurface } from './FloatingDesktopSurface' + +export interface DesktopSurfaceRole extends SurfaceRole { + requestClose(): void + + queryMaximized(): boolean + + queryFullscreen(): boolean + + queryGeometry(): RectWithInfo + + queryMinSize(): Size + + queryMaxSize(): Size + + configureMaximized(maximized: boolean): void + + configureFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void + + configureSize(size: Size): void + + configureActivated(activated: boolean): void + + configureResizing(resizing: boolean): void +} + +export interface DesktopSurface { + removed(): void + commit(): void + setParent(parent: DesktopSurface | undefined): void + setTitle(title: string): void + setAppId(appId: string): void + move(serial: number): void + resize(serial: number, edges: number): void + setMaximized(enable: boolean): void + setFullscreen(enabled: boolean): void + minimize(): void + add(): void + activate(): void + gainFocus(): void + loseFocus(): void + + setXWaylandPosition(position: Point): void + popupGrab(serial: number): void + + init(): void + + surface: Surface + role: DesktopSurfaceRole +} + +export function createDesktopSurface(surface: Surface, desktopSurfaceRole: DesktopSurfaceRole): DesktopSurface { + switch (surface.session.config.mode) { + case 'experimental-fullscreen': + return new AlwaysFullscreenDesktopSurface(surface, desktopSurfaceRole) + case 'floating': + default: + return new FloatingDesktopSurface(surface, desktopSurfaceRole) + } +} diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/Desktop.ts b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/FloatingDesktopSurface.ts similarity index 91% rename from packages/compositor/src/Desktop.ts rename to packages/compositor/src/desktop/FloatingDesktopSurface.ts index 1e4223a4..e7e76d33 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/Desktop.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/desktop/FloatingDesktopSurface.ts @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ import { WlShellSurfaceResize } from '@gfld/compositor-protocol' -import { AxisEvent } from './AxisEvent' -import { ButtonEvent } from './ButtonEvent' -import { CompositorSurface } from './index' -import { minusPoint, ORIGIN, plusPoint, Point } from './math/Point' -import { RectWithInfo } from './math/Rect' -import { Size } from './math/Size' -import { PointerGrab } from './Pointer' -import Surface from './Surface' -import { DesktopSurfaceRole } from './SurfaceRole' -import { toCompositorSurface } from './UserShellApi' -import { setCursor } from './browser/pointer' +import { AxisEvent } from '../AxisEvent' +import { ButtonEvent } from '../ButtonEvent' +import { CompositorSurface } from '../index' +import { minusPoint, ORIGIN, plusPoint, Point } from '../math/Point' +import { RectWithInfo } from '../math/Rect' +import { Size } from '../math/Size' +import { PointerGrab } from '../Pointer' +import Surface from '../Surface' +import { toCompositorSurface } from '../UserShellApi' +import { setCursor } from '../browser/pointer' +import { DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from './Desktop' class ResizeGrab implements PointerGrab { private constructor( - public readonly desktopSurface: DesktopSurface, + public readonly desktopSurface: FloatingDesktopSurface, public readonly edges: number, public readonly geometry: RectWithInfo, ) {} - static create(desktopSurface: DesktopSurface, edges: number, geometry: RectWithInfo) { + static create(desktopSurface: FloatingDesktopSurface, edges: number, geometry: RectWithInfo) { return new ResizeGrab(desktopSurface, edges, geometry) } @@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ class ResizeGrab implements PointerGrab { class MoveGrab implements PointerGrab { private constructor( - readonly desktopSurface: DesktopSurface, + readonly desktopSurface: FloatingDesktopSurface, readonly deltaPoint: Point, ) {} - static create(desktopSurface: DesktopSurface) { + static create(desktopSurface: FloatingDesktopSurface) { const pointer = desktopSurface.surface.session.globals.seat.pointer if (pointer.grabPoint === undefined) { pointer.seat.session.logger.error('BUG. Move grab. Pointer does not have grab point.') @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ type XWayland = { position: Point } -export class DesktopSurface { +export class FloatingDesktopSurface implements DesktopSurface { resizeEdges: WlShellSurfaceResize = WlShellSurfaceResize.none grabbed = false fullscreen = false @@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ export class DesktopSurface { } public readonly compositorSurface: CompositorSurface - private constructor( + constructor( public surface: Surface, readonly role: DesktopSurfaceRole, ) { this.compositorSurface = toCompositorSurface(this) } - static create(surface: Surface, desktopSurfaceRole: DesktopSurfaceRole): DesktopSurface { - return new DesktopSurface(surface, desktopSurfaceRole) + init() { + // noop } move(grabSerial: number): void { @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ export class DesktopSurface { return } - if (this.grabbed) { + if (this.grabbed || this.role.queryFullscreen() || this.role.queryMaximized()) { return } @@ -291,17 +291,16 @@ export class DesktopSurface { } setFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void { + // FIXME views should have their relevant scene set explicitly based on their location instead of re-calculated each time. if (fullscreen) { - const output = this.role.view.relevantScene - let outputSize: Size = { width: 0, height: 0 } - if (output?.canvas) { - outputSize = { width: output.canvas.width, height: output.canvas.height } - } - this.role.configureFullscreen(fullscreen) - this.role.configureSize(outputSize) + const fullScreenScene = this.role.view.relevantScene ?? Object.values(this.surface.session.renderer.scenes)[0] + const { width, height } = fullScreenScene.canvas + this.role.configureSize({ width, height }) } else { - this.role.configureFullscreen(fullscreen) + this.role.configureSize({ width: 0, height: 0 }) } + + this.role.configureFullscreen(fullscreen) } setMaximized(maximized: boolean): void { diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/index.ts b/packages/compositor/src/index.ts index 497bea83..476fe69b 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/index.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/index.ts @@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ export * from './KeyEvent' export type { nrmlvo } export type { GreenfieldLogger } -export function createCompositorSession(sessionId?: string, logger?: GreenfieldLogger): Promise { - return Session.create(sessionId, logger) +export function createCompositorSession( + sessionConfig: SessionConfig, + logger?: GreenfieldLogger, +): Promise { + return Session.create(sessionConfig, logger) } export interface CompositorPointer { @@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ export interface CompositorSeat { export interface CompositorSession { userShell: UserShellApi globals: CompositorGlobals - compositorSessionId: string + config: SessionConfig } export interface CompositorGlobals { @@ -107,3 +110,8 @@ export function createAppLauncher(session: CompositorSession, type: 'web' | 'rem throw new Error(`Connector type must be 'remote' or 'web'.`) } } + +export interface SessionConfig { + id?: string + mode: 'floating' | 'experimental-fullscreen' +} diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/remote/RemoteAppLauncher.ts b/packages/compositor/src/remote/RemoteAppLauncher.ts index 38a35898..15c10c8c 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/remote/RemoteAppLauncher.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/remote/RemoteAppLauncher.ts @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export class RemoteAppLauncher implements AppLauncher { launch(appURL: URL, onChildAppContext: (childAppContext: AppContext) => void): AppContext { const remoteAppContext = new RemoteAppContext(this.session, onChildAppContext) const headers: HeadersInit = { - 'x-compositor-session-id': this.session.compositorSessionId, + 'x-compositor-session-id': this.session.config.id, } const user = appURL.username @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class RemoteAppContext implements AppContext { throw new Error(`BUG. Unknown channel description: ${JSON.stringify(desc)}`) } this.clientConnections.push(channel) - this.onChannel(channel, this.session.compositorSessionId, proxySessionProps) + this.onChannel(channel, this.session.config.id, proxySessionProps) break } case SignalingMessageType.DISCONNECT_CHANNEL: { diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShell.ts b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShell.ts index 7ba17e9d..8ac04d50 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShell.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShell.ts @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import Session from '../../Session' import Surface from '../../Surface' import XWaylandShellSurface from './XWaylandShellSurface' import { XWindow } from './XWindow' +import { Size } from '../../math/Size' +import { Point } from '../../math/Point' class XWaylandShell { static create(session: Session): XWaylandShell { @@ -14,8 +16,13 @@ class XWaylandShell { this.session = session } - createSurface(window: XWindow, surface: Surface): XWaylandShellSurface { - return XWaylandShellSurface.create(this.session, window, surface) + createSurface( + window: XWindow, + surface: Surface, + sendConfigure: (size: Size) => void, + sendPosition: (position: Point) => void, + ): XWaylandShellSurface { + return XWaylandShellSurface.create(this.session, window, surface, sendConfigure, sendPosition) } } diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShellSurface.ts b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShellSurface.ts index d2b3b045..e52f0d2e 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShellSurface.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWaylandShellSurface.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { Time } from '@gfld/xtsb' -import { DesktopSurface } from '../../Desktop' +import { createDesktopSurface, DesktopSurface, DesktopSurfaceRole } from '../../desktop/Desktop' import { ORIGIN, Point } from '../../math/Point' import { createRect, RectWithInfo } from '../../math/Rect' import { Size, ZERO_SIZE } from '../../math/Size' @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import Output from '../../Output' import { Pointer } from '../../Pointer' import Session from '../../Session' import Surface from '../../Surface' -import { DesktopSurfaceRole } from '../../SurfaceRole' import View from '../../View' import { XWindow } from './XWindow' +import { MWM_DECOR_EVERYTHING } from './XConstants' export enum SurfaceState { NONE, @@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ export default class XWaylandShellSurface implements DesktopSurfaceRole { added = false pid = 0 state = SurfaceState.NONE - sendConfigure?: (size: Size) => void - sendPosition?: (position: Point) => void + frameDecoration?: { top: ImageData bottom: ImageData @@ -46,19 +45,28 @@ export default class XWaylandShellSurface implements DesktopSurfaceRole { readonly window: XWindow, readonly surface: Surface, public readonly view: View, + private readonly sendConfigure: (size: Size) => void, + private readonly sendPosition: (position: Point) => void, ) { - this.desktopSurface = DesktopSurface.create(this.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface = createDesktopSurface(this.surface, this) + this.desktopSurface.init() } - static create(session: Session, window: XWindow, surface: Surface): XWaylandShellSurface { + static create( + session: Session, + window: XWindow, + surface: Surface, + sendConfigure: (size: Size) => void, + sendPosition: (position: Point) => void, + ): XWaylandShellSurface { const view = View.create(surface) - const xWaylandShellSurface = new XWaylandShellSurface(session, window, surface, view) + const xWaylandShellSurface = new XWaylandShellSurface(session, window, surface, view, sendConfigure, sendPosition) surface.role = xWaylandShellSurface view.transformationUpdatedListeners = [ ...view.transformationUpdatedListeners, () => { - xWaylandShellSurface.sendPosition?.(view.positionOffset) + xWaylandShellSurface.sendPosition(view.positionOffset) }, ] view.prepareRender = (renderState) => { @@ -108,23 +116,45 @@ export default class XWaylandShellSurface implements DesktopSurfaceRole { : { width: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, height: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } } - configureMaximized(maximized: boolean): void { + configureMaximized(_maximized: boolean): void { // no op } configureFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean): void { - // no op + const stateIsFullScreen = this.queryFullscreen() + if ((stateIsFullScreen && fullscreen) || (!stateIsFullScreen && !fullscreen)) { + return + } + + if (fullscreen) { + this.changeState(SurfaceState.FULLSCREEN, undefined, ORIGIN) + this.window.overrideRedirect = true + this.window.decorate = 0 + this.window.x = 0 + this.window.y = 0 + this.window.wm.xConnection.changeWindowAttributes(this.window.id, { + overrideRedirect: 1, + }) + } else { + this.changeState(SurfaceState.TOP_LEVEL, undefined, ORIGIN) + this.window.overrideRedirect = false + this.window.decorate = MWM_DECOR_EVERYTHING + this.window.wm.xConnection.changeWindowAttributes(this.window.id, { + overrideRedirect: 0, + }) + } + this.window.fullscreen = fullscreen } configureSize(size: Size): void { - this.sendConfigure?.(size) + this.sendConfigure(size) } - configureActivated(activated: boolean): void { + configureActivated(_activated: boolean): void { // no op } - configureResizing(resizing: boolean): void { + configureResizing(_resizing: boolean): void { // no op } @@ -168,7 +198,7 @@ export default class XWaylandShellSurface implements DesktopSurfaceRole { this.changeState(SurfaceState.TRANSIENT, parent.role.desktopSurface, { x, y }) } - setFullscreen(output?: Output): void { + setFullscreen(_output?: Output): void { this.changeState(SurfaceState.FULLSCREEN, undefined, ORIGIN) this.desktopSurface.setFullscreen(true) } @@ -268,7 +298,7 @@ export default class XWaylandShellSurface implements DesktopSurfaceRole { } if (toAdd) { - this.desktopSurface?.setParent(undefined) + this.desktopSurface.setParent(undefined) this.desktopSurface.add() this.added = true if (this.state === SurfaceState.NONE && this.committed) { diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWindow.ts b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWindow.ts index 86b9a07b..de7765f7 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWindow.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/remote/xwayland/XWindow.ts @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ export class XWindow { [ this.wm.atoms.WM_PROTOCOLS, TYPE_WM_PROTOCOLS, - ({ value, valueLen }) => { + ({ value }) => { const atoms = new Uint32Array(value.buffer, value.byteOffset) atoms.includes(this.wm.atoms.WM_DELETE_WINDOW) if (atoms.includes(this.wm.atoms.WM_DELETE_WINDOW)) { @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ export class XWindow { */ await this.readProperties() - /* A weston_wm_window may have many different surfaces assigned + /* An xwindow may have many different surfaces assigned * throughout its life, so we must make sure to remove the listener * from the old surface signal list. */ if (this.surface && this.surfaceDestroyListener) { @@ -719,10 +719,12 @@ export class XWindow { this.surface = undefined } this.surface.resource.addDestroyListener(this.surfaceDestroyListener) - - this.shsurf = this.wm.xWaylandShell.createSurface(this, surface) - this.shsurf.sendConfigure = (size: Size) => this.sendConfigure(size) - this.shsurf.sendPosition = (position: Point) => this.sendPosition(position) + this.shsurf = this.wm.xWaylandShell.createSurface( + this, + surface, + (size: Size) => this.sendConfigure(size), + (position: Point) => this.sendPosition(position), + ) this.session.logger.debug( `XWindow: map shell surface, win ${this.id}, greenfield surface ${this.surface.resource.id}`, @@ -1063,6 +1065,10 @@ export class XWindow { } private sendConfigure({ width, height }: Size) { + if (width === 0 && height === 0) { + return + } + let newWidth, newHeight let vborder, hborder diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/render/Renderer.ts b/packages/compositor/src/render/Renderer.ts index 9d20a7ef..1497780a 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/render/Renderer.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/render/Renderer.ts @@ -75,22 +75,26 @@ export default class Renderer { delete this.scenes[sceneId] this.session.globals.unregisterOutput(output) }) + return scene } - initScene(sceneId: string, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void { - if (this.scenes[sceneId] === undefined) { + initScene(canvasProvider: () => { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; id: string }): Scene { + const { canvas, id } = canvasProvider() + let scene = this.scenes[id] + if (scene === undefined) { const output = Output.create(canvas) this.session.globals.registerOutput(output) // TODO make sure this works well canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', (event) => event.preventDefault(), false) - canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', () => this.createAndStoreScene(sceneId, canvas, output), false) + canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', () => this.createAndStoreScene(id, canvas, output), false) // TODO sync output properties with scene // TODO notify client on which output their surfaces are being displayed - this.createAndStoreScene(sceneId, canvas, output) + scene = this.createAndStoreScene(id, canvas, output) } this.render() + return scene } updateCursor(view: View, hotspot: Point): void { diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/render/Scene.ts b/packages/compositor/src/render/Scene.ts index 13e4dad0..e8c4f7fd 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/render/Scene.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/render/Scene.ts @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ import { ImageBitmapBufferContents } from '../ImageBitmapBuffer' export class Scene { public region = createPixmanRegion() - // @ts-ignore + // @ts-expect-error will be set in a promise callback in the constructor private _destroyResolve: (value?: void | PromiseLike) => void private readonly _destroyPromise: Promise + public sizeListeners: (() => void)[] = [] private constructor( public readonly session: Session, @@ -139,6 +140,10 @@ export class Scene { initRect(this.region, createRect(this.output, this.canvas)) needRender() + + for (const listener of this.sizeListeners) { + listener() + } } const observer = new ResizeObserver(resizeTheCanvasToDisplaySize) diff --git a/packages/compositor/src/web/WebAppLauncher.ts b/packages/compositor/src/web/WebAppLauncher.ts index 7a0e9b83..deab6266 100644 --- a/packages/compositor/src/web/WebAppLauncher.ts +++ b/packages/compositor/src/web/WebAppLauncher.ts @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ window.addEventListener('message', (ev) => { webAppEntry.clients.push(client) webAppEntry.webAppContext.onClient(client) } else if (message.type === 'Terminate') { + // FIXME check why entries are not cleaned up in the shell webAppEntry.webAppContext.close() } } diff --git a/sdk/build_sysroot.sh b/sdk/build.sh similarity index 73% rename from sdk/build_sysroot.sh rename to sdk/build.sh index e1001431..495affdf 100755 --- a/sdk/build_sysroot.sh +++ b/sdk/build.sh @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e -EMSDK_VERSION="3.1.46" +EMSDK_VERSION="3.1.60" git -C emsdk pull || git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git emsdk pushd 'emsdk' ./emsdk install ${EMSDK_VERSION} @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ pushd 'emsdk' popd _SDK_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") + printf '%s\n' "[constants]" "toolchain = '$_SDK_DIR/emsdk/upstream/emscripten'" > "$_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" printf '%s\n' "[constants]" "greenfield_sdk = '$_SDK_DIR'" > "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/meson-gf-toolchain.ini" @@ -26,11 +27,25 @@ printf '%s\n' "[constants]" "greenfield_sdk = '$_SDK_DIR'" > "$_SDK_DIR/toolkit/ ./sysrootlibs/freetype/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_freetype_nocairo_noglib.sh ./sysrootlibs/fontconfig/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/pcre2/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/glib/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/jpeg/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/cairo/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/upoll/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/cygepoll/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/fribidi/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/tiff4/build.sh ./sysrootlibs/pango/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/egl-stub/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/graphene/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/sass/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/sassc/build.sh +./sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/build.sh + +# broken for now +#./sysrootlibs/gtk4/build.sh diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/cairo/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/cairo/build.sh index 1625a388..e68aba75 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/cairo/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/cairo/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Ddwrite=disabled -Dpng=enabled -Dquartz=disabled -Dtee=disabled -Dxcb=disabled -Dxlib=disabled -Dxlib-xcb=disabled -Dzlib=enabled \ -Dtests=disabled -Dgtk2-utils=disabled -Dglib=enabled -Dspectre=disabled -Dsymbol-lookup=disabled -Dgtk_doc=false ninja -C build/ install diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..fdb0316e --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/egl-stub/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/udevbe/libegl-stub.git' +BRANCH='main' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini b/sdk/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini index ace4b023..270ab745 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [constants] -cflags = ['-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128', '-msse', '-msse2', '-msse3', '-msse4.1', '-includexmmintrin.h'] +cflags = ['-g', '-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128', '-msse', '-msse2', '-msse3', '-msse4.1', '-includexmmintrin.h'] ldflags = ['-v', '-Wl,-u,htonl', '-Wl,-u,ntohs'] [binaries] @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ growing_stack = true b_ndebug = 'true' b_pie = false b_pch = true -b_staticpic = false +b_staticpic = true c_args = cflags c_link_args = ldflags c_thread_count = 0 @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ cpp_link_args = ldflags cpp_rtti = false cpp_thread_count = 0 default_library = 'static' -buildtype = 'release' +buildtype = 'debug' wrap_mode = 'nodownload' [host_machine] diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..41577526 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/epoxy-emscripten/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/udevbe/libepoxy-emscripten.git' +BRANCH='master' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/build.sh index ca717bb9..7f4fae08 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dtests=disabled -Dtools=disabled -Dcache-build=disabled -Ddoc=disabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini index 880896f0..fc6cf997 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fontconfig/emscripten-build.ini @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [constants] -cflags = ['-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128'] +cflags = ['-g', '-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128'] ldflags = ['-v'] diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/freetype/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/freetype/build.sh index ee80244b..9367306c 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/freetype/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/freetype/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dbrotli=disabled -Dbzip2=disabled -Dpng=enabled -Dtests=disabled -Dzlib=enabled -Dharfbuzz=enabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fribidi/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fribidi/build.sh index 32d8ee8c..36f42849 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/fribidi/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/fribidi/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Ddocs=false -Dbin=false -Dtests=false ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..90ae5b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdk-pixbuf.git' +BRANCH='gdk-pixbuf-2-40' +NEED_PATCH=true + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ + -Dtiff=true -Djpeg=true -Dx11=false -Dgir=false -Dman=false -Dinstalled_tests=false -Dgio_sniffing=false -Dbuiltin_loaders=all + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/changes.patch b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/changes.patch new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6d44530 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gdk-pixbuf/changes.patch @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +diff --git a/gdk-pixbuf/meson.build b/gdk-pixbuf/meson.build +index 8c944ba..f88168f 100644 +--- a/gdk-pixbuf/meson.build ++++ b/gdk-pixbuf/meson.build +@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ if native_windows_loaders + endif + + gdkpixbuf_bin = [ +- [ 'gdk-pixbuf-csource' ], +- [ 'gdk-pixbuf-pixdata' ], +- [ 'gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders', [ 'queryloaders.c' ] ], ++# [ 'gdk-pixbuf-csource' ], ++# [ 'gdk-pixbuf-pixdata' ], ++# [ 'gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders', [ 'queryloaders.c' ] ], + ] + + foreach bin: gdkpixbuf_bin diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..54a44037 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glesv2-stub/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/udevbe/libglesv2-stub.git' +BRANCH='main' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/build.sh index ef86c110..7591f012 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/build.sh @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ set -e cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; _SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} -URL='https://github.com/kleisauke/glib.git' -BRANCH='wasm-vips' +URL='https://github.com/udevbe/glib-emscripten.git' +BRANCH='2.80.2-emscripten' NEED_PATCH=false ensure_repo() { @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dxattr=false -Dlibmount=disabled -Dnls=disabled -Dtests=false -Dglib_assert=false -Dglib_checks=false ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini index 3c2f2608..1a605b5c 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/glib/emscripten-build.ini @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [constants] -cflags = ['-pthread', '-flto'] +cflags = ['-g', '-pthread', '-flto'] ldflags = ['-v', '-Wl,-u,htonl', '-Wl,-u,ntohs'] [binaries] diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..00fae1a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/graphene/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/ebassi/graphene.git' +BRANCH='1.10.8' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ + -Dgtk_doc=false -Dgobject_types=true -Dintrospection=disabled -Dgcc_vector=true -Dsse2=true -Darm_neon=false -Dtests=false -Dinstalled_tests=false + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7f1f97a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk.git' +BRANCH='4.10.5' +NEED_PATCH=true + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + export PATH=$PATH:$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot/bin + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ + -Dx11-backend=false -Dwayland-backend=true -Dbroadway-backend=false -Dwin32-backend=false -Dmacos-backend=false -Dmedia-gstreamer=disabled -Dprint-cups=disabled -Dvulkan=disabled \ + -Dcloudproviders=disabled -Df16c=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Dbuild-testsuite=false -Dbuild-tests=false -Ddemos=false -Dbuild-examples=false -Dc_args="-I${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/include" + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/changes.patch b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/changes.patch new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05cf7e9b --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/gtk4/changes.patch @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +diff --git a/gdk/meson.build b/gdk/meson.build +index 3f97ac1..858cfaa 100644 +--- a/gdk/meson.build ++++ b/gdk/meson.build +@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ libgdk = static_library('gdk', + include_directories: [confinc, gdkx11_inc, wlinc], + c_args: libgdk_c_args + common_cflags, + link_whole: gdk_backends, ++ pic: true + ) + + # We don't have link_with: to internal static libs here on purpose, just +diff --git a/gsk/meson.build b/gsk/meson.build +index bd50524..e8842bb 100644 +--- a/gsk/meson.build ++++ b/gsk/meson.build +@@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ libgsk = static_library('gsk', + '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gsk"', + '-DG_LOG_STRUCTURED=1', + ] + common_cflags, +- link_with: [ libgdk, libgsk_f16c] ++ link_with: [ libgdk, libgsk_f16c], ++ pic: true + ) + + # We don't have link_with: to internal static libs here on purpose, just +diff --git a/gtk/css/meson.build b/gtk/css/meson.build +index bf083f6..659bf00 100644 +--- a/gtk/css/meson.build ++++ b/gtk/css/meson.build +@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ libgtk_css = static_library('gtk_css', + '-DGTK_COMPILATION', + '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gtk"', + ] + common_cflags, ++ pic: true + ) + + # We don't have link_with: to internal static libs here on purpose, just +diff --git a/gtk/gtkexpression.c b/gtk/gtkexpression.c +index 8750782..d8a9505 100644 +--- a/gtk/gtkexpression.c ++++ b/gtk/gtkexpression.c +@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ gtk_value_dup_expression (const GValue *value) + } + + static void +-param_expression_init (GParamSpec *pspec) ++param_expression_init (GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data) + { + } + +diff --git a/gtk/meson.build b/gtk/meson.build +index a8e1088..76972c5 100644 +--- a/gtk/meson.build ++++ b/gtk/meson.build +@@ -1157,9 +1157,10 @@ libgtk_static = static_library('gtk', + include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc, gskinc, gtkinc], + dependencies: gtk_deps + [libgtk_css_dep, libgdk_dep, libgsk_dep], + link_with: [libgtk_css, libgdk, libgsk ], ++ pic: true + ) + +-libgtk = shared_library('gtk-4', ++libgtk = library('gtk-4', + c_args: gtk_cargs + common_cflags, + include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc, gskinc, gtkinc], + dependencies: gtk_deps + [libgtk_css_dep, libgdk_dep, libgsk_dep], +diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build +index 948dc01..3346f12 100644 +--- a/meson.build ++++ b/meson.build +@@ -200,6 +200,11 @@ check_functions = [ + ] + + foreach func : check_functions ++ # emscripten falsely reports support at compile time but fails at runtime ++ if func == 'getresuid' ++ continue ++ endif ++ + if cc.has_function(func, + args: '-D_GNU_SOURCE', + prefix: +@@ -757,7 +762,7 @@ subdir('modules') + if get_option('demos') + subdir('demos') + endif +-subdir('tools') ++ + if get_option('build-tests') + subdir('tests') + endif +diff --git a/modules/printbackends/meson.build b/modules/printbackends/meson.build +index 1b02d1b..0e2aa6d 100644 +--- a/modules/printbackends/meson.build ++++ b/modules/printbackends/meson.build +@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ elif cups_dep.found() + endif + + # The 'file' print backend cannot be disabled +-print_backends += 'file' +-shared_module('printbackend-file', +- sources: 'gtkprintbackendfile.c', +- c_args: printbackends_args, +- dependencies: libgtk_dep, +- name_suffix: module_suffix, +- install_dir: printbackends_install_dir, +- install: true, +-) ++#print_backends += 'file' ++#shared_module('printbackend-file', ++# sources: 'gtkprintbackendfile.c', ++# c_args: printbackends_args, ++# dependencies: libgtk_dep, ++# name_suffix: module_suffix, ++# install_dir: printbackends_install_dir, ++# install: true, ++#) + + cdata.set_quoted('GTK_PRINT_BACKENDS', ','.join(print_backends)) diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build.sh index 99e87b99..2e322fc5 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dfreetype=enabled -Dtests=disabled -Dicu=enabled -Dcairo=enabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddocs=disabled -Dutilities=disabled -Dglib=enabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_freetype_nocairo_noglib.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_freetype_nocairo_noglib.sh index 2fd7e8fb..da533394 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_freetype_nocairo_noglib.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_freetype_nocairo_noglib.sh @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ build() { source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ -Dfreetype=enabled -Dtests=disabled -Dicu=enabled -Dcairo=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddocs=disabled -Dutilities=disabled -Dglib=disabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_nofreetype_nocairo_noglib.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_nofreetype_nocairo_noglib.sh index 91a3bcf0..ae83b11e 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_nofreetype_nocairo_noglib.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/harfbuzz/build_nofreetype_nocairo_noglib.sh @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ build() { source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ -Dfreetype=disabled -Dtests=disabled -Dicu=enabled -Dcairo=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddocs=disabled -Dutilities=disabled -Dglib=disabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..2e31a4c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jpeg/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/winlibs/libjpeg.git' +BRANCH='libjpeg-turbo-2.1.0' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +make_install() { + command -v emcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { + echo >&2 "emsdk could not be found. Aborting." + exit 1 + } + + # Working directories + TARGET="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + mkdir -p "$TARGET" + + # Common compiler flags + export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC -pthread -flto -msimd128 -msse -include xmmintrin.h" + export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + + # Build paths + export CPATH="$TARGET/include" + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$TARGET/lib/pkgconfig" + export EM_PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" + + # Specific variables for cross-compilation + export CHOST="wasm32-unknown-linux" # wasm32-unknown-emscripten + + emcmake cmake . --install-prefix="$TARGET" -DENABLE_SHARED=0 + emmake make install +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + make_install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js index 46455ce7..d2d89037 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ $UNIXSOCKFS__postset: function() { addAtInit('UNIXSOCKFS.root = FS.mount(UNIXSOCKFS, {}, null);'); }, - $UNIXSOCKFS__deps: ['$FS', '$SOCKFS', '$Asyncify', '$MEMFS'], + $UNIXSOCKFS__deps: ['$FS', '$SOCKFS', '$Asyncify', '$MEMFS', '$PIPEFS'], $UNIXSOCKFS: { mount: function(mount) { // If Module['messageport'] has already been defined use that, if not initialise it to a new object. @@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ } }, + _mmap_js__i53abi: true, _mmap_js__deps: ['$SYSCALLS', #if FILESYSTEM && SYSCALLS_REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM '$FS', @@ -391,8 +392,8 @@ '$mmapAlloc', 'emscripten_builtin_memalign', #endif - ].concat(i53ConversionDeps), - _mmap_js: function(len, prot, flags, fd, offset, allocated, addr) { + ], + _mmap_js: (len, prot, flags, fd, offset, allocated, addr) => { #if FILESYSTEM && SYSCALLS_REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); var res = FS.mmap(stream, len, offset, prot, flags); @@ -408,24 +409,17 @@ return -{{{ cDefs.ENOSYS }}}; #endif }, - - _munmap_js__deps: ['$SYSCALLS', -#if FILESYSTEM && SYSCALLS_REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM - '$FS', -#endif - ].concat(i53ConversionDeps), - _munmap_js: function(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset) { + _munmap_js__i53abi: true, + _munmap_js: (addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset) => { #if FILESYSTEM && SYSCALLS_REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); if (prot & {{{ cDefs.PROT_WRITE }}}) { SYSCALLS.doMsync(addr, stream, len, flags, offset); } - FS.munmap(stream); if(stream.mmap.closed) { FS.close(stream); } delete stream.mmap - // implicitly return 0 #endif }, fd_close: (fd) => { diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/build.sh index b552562f..b2012165 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dgtk_doc=false -Dintrospection=disabled -Dinstall-tests=false -Dfontconfig=enabled -Dsysprof=disabled -Dlibthai=disabled -Dcairo=enabled \ -Dxft=disabled -Dfreetype=enabled ninja -C build/ install diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini index a82fbbc7..fe4698a6 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pango/emscripten-build.ini @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ [constants] -cflags = ['-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128'] +cflags = ['-g', '-pthread', '-flto', '-msimd128'] ldflags = ['-v', '-Wl,-u,htonl', '-Wl,-u,ntohs'] - [binaries] ar = toolchain / 'emar' c = toolchain / 'emcc' @@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ growing_stack = true b_ndebug = 'true' b_pie = false b_pch = true -b_staticpic = false +b_staticpic = true c_args = cflags c_link_args = ldflags c_thread_count = 0 @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ cpp_link_args = ldflags cpp_rtti = false cpp_thread_count = 0 default_library = 'static' -buildtype = 'release' +buildtype = 'debug' wrap_mode = 'nodownload' [host_machine] diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..c8802c31 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pcre2/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")" + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/PCRE2Project/pcre2.git' +BRANCH='pcre2-10.43' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +make_install() { + #!/usr/bin/env bash + command -v emcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { + echo >&2 "emsdk could not be found. Aborting." + exit 1 + } + + # Working directories + TARGET="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + mkdir -p "$TARGET" + + # Common compiler flags + # we need extra linker flags here: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/issues/16836 + export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC -pthread -flto -msimd128 -msse" + export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + + # Build paths + export CPATH="$TARGET/include" + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$TARGET/lib/pkgconfig" + export EM_PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" + + # Specific variables for cross-compilation + export CHOST="wasm32-unknown-linux" # wasm32-unknown-emscripten + + autoreconf -fiv + emconfigure ./configure --host=$CHOST --prefix="$TARGET" --enable-static --disable-shared + emmake make install +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + make_install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pixman/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pixman/build.sh index 68f8885d..2a524632 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/pixman/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/pixman/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dgtk=disabled -Dlibpng=disabled -Dtests=disabled ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..3ec663cd --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sass/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/sass/libsass.git' +BRANCH='3.6.6' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +make_install_build_pkg() { + # Working directories + TARGET=$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot + mkdir -p "$TARGET" + + # Common compiler flags + export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC -pthread" + export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + + # Build paths + export CPATH="$TARGET/include" + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$TARGET/lib/pkgconfig" + + autoreconf -fiv + ./configure --prefix="$TARGET" --enable-static --disable-shared -disable-tests + make install +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + make_install_build_pkg + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7e034c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/sassc/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/sass/sassc.git' +BRANCH='3.6.2' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +make_install_build_pkg() { + # Working directories + TARGET=$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot + mkdir -p "$TARGET" + + # Common compiler flags + export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC -pthread" + export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + + # Build paths + export CPATH="$TARGET/include" + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$TARGET/lib/pkgconfig" + + autoreconf -fiv + ./configure --prefix="$TARGET" --enable-static --disable-shared -disable-tests --with-libsass=/home/erik/git/greenfield/sdk/build-sysroot + make install +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + make_install_build_pkg + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..6cae23a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/tiff4/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff.git' +BRANCH='v4.6.0' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +make_install() { + command -v emcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { + echo >&2 "emsdk could not be found. Aborting." + exit 1 + } + + # Working directories + TARGET="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + mkdir -p "$TARGET" + + # Common compiler flags + export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC -pthread -flto" + export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + + # Build paths + export CPATH="$TARGET/include" + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$TARGET/lib/pkgconfig" + export EM_PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" + + # Specific variables for cross-compilation + export CHOST="wasm32-unknown-linux" # wasm32-unknown-emscripten + + ./autogen.sh + emconfigure ./configure --prefix="$TARGET" --enable-shared=no --with-sysroot=$_SDK_DIR/sysroot \ + --with-zlib-include-dir=$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/include --with-zlib-lib-dir=$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib + emmake make install +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + make_install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/.gitignore b/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f606d5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +repo diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..bda9970f --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/uapi-stub/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +set -e +cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -- "$0")")"; + +_SDK_DIR=${_SDK_DIR:-$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$PWD/../../build_sysroot.sh")")} +URL='https://github.com/udevbe/uapi-stub.git' +BRANCH='main' +NEED_PATCH=false + +ensure_repo() { + if [ -e repo ] + then + return 0 + fi + git clone --depth 1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$URL" repo + if [ $NEED_PATCH = true ]; then + git -C repo apply -v --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ../changes.patch + fi +} + +build() { + ensure_repo + source ../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" + pushd repo + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" + ninja -C build/ install + popd +} + +build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland-protocols/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland-protocols/build.sh index f0871071..064d35c4 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland-protocols/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland-protocols/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Dtests=false ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/build.sh index 46b3674e..7c605b57 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/build.sh @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ build() { pushd repo #scanner rm -rf build - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot" --pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" --libdir=lib \ + meson setup --wipe build/ -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot" --pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" --libdir=lib \ -Dlibraries=false -Dscanner=true -Dtests=false -Ddocumentation=false -Ddtd_validation=false ninja -C build/ install #lib source ../../../emsdk/emsdk_env.sh export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:" --build.pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ -Dprefix="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:" --build.pkg-config-path="$_SDK_DIR/build-sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "$_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" \ -Dlibraries=true -Dscanner=false -Dtests=false -Ddocumentation=false -Ddtd_validation=false ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/changes.patch b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/changes.patch index ed5fcecb..f56254d1 100644 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/changes.patch +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/wayland/changes.patch @@ -1,415 +1,72 @@ -diff --git a/cursor/meson.build b/cursor/meson.build -index f7d82e4..e492b6a 100644 ---- a/cursor/meson.build -+++ b/cursor/meson.build -@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ wayland_cursor = library( - 'wayland-cursor', - sources: [ - 'wayland-cursor.c', -- 'os-compatibility.c', - 'xcursor.c', - ], - # To avoid an unnecessary SONAME bump, wayland 1.x.y produces diff --git a/cursor/os-compatibility.c b/cursor/os-compatibility.c -deleted file mode 100644 -index f2445ce..0000000 +index f2445ce..076d3e8 100644 --- a/cursor/os-compatibility.c -+++ /dev/null -@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ --/* -- * Copyright © 2012 Collabora, Ltd. -- * -- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -- * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -- * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -- * the following conditions: -- * -- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the -- * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial -- * portions of the Software. -- * -- * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -- * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -- * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS -- * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN -- * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN -- * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- * SOFTWARE. -- */ -- --#define _GNU_SOURCE -- --#include "config.h" -- --#include --#include --#include --#include --#include --#include --#include --#include -- --#ifdef HAVE_MEMFD_CREATE --#include --#endif -- --#include "os-compatibility.h" -- --#ifndef HAVE_MKOSTEMP --static int --set_cloexec_or_close(int fd) --{ -- long flags; -- -- if (fd == -1) -- return -1; -- -- flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); -- if (flags == -1) -- goto err; -- -- if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) -- goto err; -- -- return fd; -- --err: -- close(fd); -- return -1; --} --#endif -- --static int --create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname) --{ -- int fd; -- --#ifdef HAVE_MKOSTEMP -- fd = mkostemp(tmpname, O_CLOEXEC); -- if (fd >= 0) -- unlink(tmpname); --#else -- fd = mkstemp(tmpname); -- if (fd >= 0) { -- fd = set_cloexec_or_close(fd); -- unlink(tmpname); -- } --#endif -- -- return fd; --} -- --/* -- * Create a new, unique, anonymous file of the given size, and -- * return the file descriptor for it. The file descriptor is set -- * CLOEXEC. The file is immediately suitable for mmap()'ing -- * the given size at offset zero. -- * -- * The file should not have a permanent backing store like a disk, -- * but may have if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not properly implemented in OS. -- * -- * The file name is deleted from the file system. -- * -- * The file is suitable for buffer sharing between processes by -- * transmitting the file descriptor over Unix sockets using the -- * SCM_RIGHTS methods. -- * -- * If the C library implements posix_fallocate(), it is used to -- * guarantee that disk space is available for the file at the -- * given size. If disk space is insufficient, errno is set to ENOSPC. -- * If posix_fallocate() is not supported, program may receive -- * SIGBUS on accessing mmap()'ed file contents instead. -- * -- * If the C library implements memfd_create(), it is used to create the -- * file purely in memory, without any backing file name on the file -- * system, and then sealing off the possibility of shrinking it. This -- * can then be checked before accessing mmap()'ed file contents, to -- * make sure SIGBUS can't happen. It also avoids requiring -- * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. -- */ --int ++++ b/cursor/os-compatibility.c +@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname) + * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. + */ + int -os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) --{ -- static const char template[] = "/wayland-cursor-shared-XXXXXX"; -- const char *path; -- char *name; -- size_t name_size; -- int fd; -- --#ifdef HAVE_MEMFD_CREATE -- fd = memfd_create("wayland-cursor", MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING); -- if (fd >= 0) { -- /* We can add this seal before calling posix_fallocate(), as -- * the file is currently zero-sized anyway. -- * -- * There is also no need to check for the return value, we -- * couldn't do anything with it anyway. -- */ -- fcntl(fd, F_ADD_SEALS, F_SEAL_SHRINK | F_SEAL_SEAL); -- } else --#endif -- { -- path = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); -- if (!path || path[0] != '/') { -- errno = ENOENT; -- return -1; -- } -- -- name_size = strlen(path) + sizeof(template); -- name = malloc(name_size); -- if (!name) -- return -1; -- -- snprintf(name, name_size, "%s%s", path, template); -- -- fd = create_tmpfile_cloexec(name); -- -- free(name); -- -- if (fd < 0) -- return -1; -- } -- ++__os_create_anonymous_file__(off_t size) + { + static const char template[] = "/wayland-cursor-shared-XXXXXX"; + const char *path; +@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) + return -1; + } + - if (os_resize_anonymous_file(fd, size) < 0) { -- close(fd); -- return -1; -- } -- -- return fd; --} -- --int ++ if (__os_resize_anonymous_file__(fd, size) < 0) { + close(fd); + return -1; + } +@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) + } + + int -os_resize_anonymous_file(int fd, off_t size) --{ --#ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE -- sigset_t mask; -- sigset_t old_mask; -- -- /* -- * posix_fallocate() might be interrupted, so we need to check -- * for EINTR and retry in that case. -- * However, in the presence of an alarm, the interrupt may trigger -- * repeatedly and prevent a large posix_fallocate() to ever complete -- * successfully, so we need to first block SIGALRM to prevent -- * this. -- */ -- sigemptyset(&mask); -- sigaddset(&mask, SIGALRM); -- sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &old_mask); -- /* -- * Filesystems that do not support fallocate will return EINVAL or -- * EOPNOTSUPP. In this case we need to fall back to ftruncate -- */ -- do { -- errno = posix_fallocate(fd, 0, size); -- } while (errno == EINTR); -- sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, NULL); -- if (errno == 0) -- return 0; -- else if (errno != EINVAL && errno != EOPNOTSUPP) -- return -1; --#endif -- if (ftruncate(fd, size) < 0) -- return -1; -- -- return 0; --} ++__os_resize_anonymous_file__(int fd, off_t size) + { + #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE + sigset_t mask; diff --git a/cursor/os-compatibility.h b/cursor/os-compatibility.h -index fdfeb78..e334904 100644 +index fdfeb78..01559cf 100644 --- a/cursor/os-compatibility.h +++ b/cursor/os-compatibility.h -@@ -23,15 +23,179 @@ - * SOFTWARE. - */ - --#ifndef OS_COMPATIBILITY_H --#define OS_COMPATIBILITY_H -+#define _GNU_SOURCE -+ -+#include "config.h" - +@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ #include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#ifdef HAVE_MEMFD_CREATE -+#include -+#endif -+ -+#ifndef HAVE_MKOSTEMP -+static int -+set_cloexec_or_close(int fd) -+{ -+ long flags; -+ -+ if (fd == -1) -+ return -1; -+ -+ flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); -+ if (flags == -1) -+ goto err; -+ -+ if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) -+ goto err; -+ -+ return fd; -+ -+err: -+ close(fd); -+ return -1; -+} -+#endif -+ -+static int -+create_tmpfile_cloexec(char *tmpname) -+{ -+ int fd; -+ -+#ifdef HAVE_MKOSTEMP -+ fd = mkostemp(tmpname, O_CLOEXEC); -+ if (fd >= 0) -+ unlink(tmpname); -+#else -+ fd = mkstemp(tmpname); -+ if (fd >= 0) { -+ fd = set_cloexec_or_close(fd); -+ unlink(tmpname); -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ return fd; -+} -+ -+inline int -+os_resize_anonymous_file(int fd, off_t size) -+{ -+#ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE -+ sigset_t mask; -+ sigset_t old_mask; -+ -+ /* -+ * posix_fallocate() might be interrupted, so we need to check -+ * for EINTR and retry in that case. -+ * However, in the presence of an alarm, the interrupt may trigger -+ * repeatedly and prevent a large posix_fallocate() to ever complete -+ * successfully, so we need to first block SIGALRM to prevent -+ * this. -+ */ -+ sigemptyset(&mask); -+ sigaddset(&mask, SIGALRM); -+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &old_mask); -+ /* -+ * Filesystems that do not support fallocate will return EINVAL or -+ * EOPNOTSUPP. In this case we need to fall back to ftruncate -+ */ -+ do { -+ errno = posix_fallocate(fd, 0, size); -+ } while (errno == EINTR); -+ sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, NULL); -+ if (errno == 0) -+ return 0; -+ else if (errno != EINVAL && errno != EOPNOTSUPP) -+ return -1; -+#endif -+ if (ftruncate(fd, size) < 0) -+ return -1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* -+ * Create a new, unique, anonymous file of the given size, and -+ * return the file descriptor for it. The file descriptor is set -+ * CLOEXEC. The file is immediately suitable for mmap()'ing -+ * the given size at offset zero. -+ * -+ * The file should not have a permanent backing store like a disk, -+ * but may have if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not properly implemented in OS. -+ * -+ * The file name is deleted from the file system. -+ * -+ * The file is suitable for buffer sharing between processes by -+ * transmitting the file descriptor over Unix sockets using the -+ * SCM_RIGHTS methods. -+ * -+ * If the C library implements posix_fallocate(), it is used to -+ * guarantee that disk space is available for the file at the -+ * given size. If disk space is insufficient, errno is set to ENOSPC. -+ * If posix_fallocate() is not supported, program may receive -+ * SIGBUS on accessing mmap()'ed file contents instead. -+ * -+ * If the C library implements memfd_create(), it is used to create the -+ * file purely in memory, without any backing file name on the file -+ * system, and then sealing off the possibility of shrinking it. This -+ * can then be checked before accessing mmap()'ed file contents, to -+ * make sure SIGBUS can't happen. It also avoids requiring -+ * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. -+ */ -+inline int -+os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size) -+{ -+ static const char template[] = "/wayland-cursor-shared-XXXXXX"; -+ const char *path; -+ char *name; -+ size_t name_size; -+ int fd; -+ -+#ifdef HAVE_MEMFD_CREATE -+ fd = memfd_create("wayland-cursor", MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING); -+ if (fd >= 0) { -+ /* We can add this seal before calling posix_fallocate(), as -+ * the file is currently zero-sized anyway. -+ * -+ * There is also no need to check for the return value, we -+ * couldn't do anything with it anyway. -+ */ -+ fcntl(fd, F_ADD_SEALS, F_SEAL_SHRINK | F_SEAL_SEAL); -+ } else -+#endif -+ { -+ path = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); -+ if (!path || path[0] != '/') { -+ errno = ENOENT; -+ return -1; -+ } -+ -+ name_size = strlen(path) + sizeof(template); -+ name = malloc(name_size); -+ if (!name) -+ return -1; -+ -+ snprintf(name, name_size, "%s%s", path, template); -+ -+ fd = create_tmpfile_cloexec(name); -+ -+ free(name); --int + int -os_create_anonymous_file(off_t size); -+ if (fd < 0) -+ return -1; -+ } ++__os_create_anonymous_file__(off_t size); --int + int -os_resize_anonymous_file(int fd, off_t size); -+ if (os_resize_anonymous_file(fd, size) < 0) { -+ close(fd); -+ return -1; -+ } ++__os_resize_anonymous_file__(int fd, off_t size); + + #endif /* OS_COMPATIBILITY_H */ +diff --git a/cursor/wayland-cursor.c b/cursor/wayland-cursor.c +index 156f0a8..5035414 100644 +--- a/cursor/wayland-cursor.c ++++ b/cursor/wayland-cursor.c +@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ shm_pool_create(struct wl_shm *shm, int size) + if (!pool) + return NULL; + +- pool->fd = os_create_anonymous_file(size); ++ pool->fd = __os_create_anonymous_file__(size); + if (pool->fd < 0) + goto err_free; + +@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ err_free: + static int + shm_pool_resize(struct shm_pool *pool, int size) + { +- if (os_resize_anonymous_file(pool->fd, size) < 0) ++ if (__os_resize_anonymous_file__(pool->fd, size) < 0) + return 0; --#endif /* OS_COMPATIBILITY_H */ -+ return fd; -+} + wl_shm_pool_resize(pool->pool, size); diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build index 558c7ac..86a2ed1 100644 --- a/meson.build diff --git a/sdk/sysrootlibs/xkbcommon/build.sh b/sdk/sysrootlibs/xkbcommon/build.sh index 73533e37..6b707695 100755 --- a/sdk/sysrootlibs/xkbcommon/build.sh +++ b/sdk/sysrootlibs/xkbcommon/build.sh @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ build() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:$_SDK_DIR/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$_SDK_DIR/sysroot" pushd repo - pipx run meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig" \ + meson setup --wipe build/ --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-toolchain.ini" --cross-file "${_SDK_DIR}/sysrootlibs/emscripten-build.ini" -Dprefix="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot" --pkg-config-path="${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/lib/pkgconfig:${_SDK_DIR}/sysroot/share/pkgconfig" \ -Denable-x11=false -Denable-docs=false -Denable-tools=false ninja -C build/ install popd diff --git a/sdk/toolkit/bin/gf++ b/sdk/toolkit/bin/gf++ index 87ba962e..091c7e18 100755 --- a/sdk/toolkit/bin/gf++ +++ b/sdk/toolkit/bin/gf++ @@ -1,9 +1,14 @@ #!/bin/bash _SDK_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/../.." -_SDK_CFLAGS="-pthread -sENVIRONMENT=web,worker -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s ASYNCIFY -s ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS=[__syscall_poll] \ +_SDK_CFLAGS="-sENVIRONMENT=web,worker \ +-sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 \ +-sPTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=1 -sPROXY_TO_PTHREAD -sUSE_PTHREADS=1 \ +-sASYNCIFY -sASYNCIFY_IMPORTS=[__syscall_poll,_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js] \ +-sSTACK_SIZE=4MB \ --js-library $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js \ --pre-js $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/pre-main.js \ --shell-file $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/app_template.html" +echo "---compiling with args $@---" "$_SDK_DIR"/emsdk/upstream/emscripten/em++ $_SDK_CFLAGS "$@" diff --git a/sdk/toolkit/bin/gfcc b/sdk/toolkit/bin/gfcc index 3cb46501..592356af 100755 --- a/sdk/toolkit/bin/gfcc +++ b/sdk/toolkit/bin/gfcc @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ #!/bin/bash + _SDK_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/../.." -_SDK_CFLAGS="-sENVIRONMENT=web,worker -sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s ASYNCIFY -s ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS=[__syscall_poll] \ +_SDK_CFLAGS="-sENVIRONMENT=web,worker \ +-sEXIT_RUNTIME=1 \ +-sPTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=1 -sPROXY_TO_PTHREAD -sUSE_PTHREADS=1 \ +-sASYNCIFY -sASYNCIFY_IMPORTS=[__syscall_poll,_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js] \ +-sSTACK_SIZE=4MB \ --js-library $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/library_unixsockfs.js \ --pre-js $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/pre-main.js \ --shell-file $_SDK_DIR/sysrootlibs/jslibraries/app_template.html" - 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version: 5.0.4 - resolution: "@rollup/pluginutils@npm:5.0.4" +"@rollup/pluginutils@npm:^5.1.0": + version: 5.1.0 + resolution: "@rollup/pluginutils@npm:5.1.0" dependencies: - "@types/estree": ^1.0.0 - estree-walker: ^2.0.2 - picomatch: ^2.3.1 + "@types/estree": "npm:^1.0.0" + estree-walker: "npm:^2.0.2" + picomatch: "npm:^2.3.1" peerDependencies: - rollup: ^1.20.0||^2.0.0||^3.0.0 + rollup: ^1.20.0||^2.0.0||^3.0.0||^4.0.0 peerDependenciesMeta: rollup: optional: true - checksum: 893d5805ac4121fc704926963a0ae4e79e9e2bc8d736c3b28499ab69a404cce5119ca3a4e0c3d3a81d62f1beb3966f35285c36935d94b061794f26e94fed4cd1 + checksum: 10/abb15eaec5b36f159ec351b48578401bedcefdfa371d24a914cfdbb1e27d0ebfbf895299ec18ccc343d247e71f2502cba21202bc1362d7ef27d5ded699e5c2b2 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=android & cpu=arm + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-android-arm64@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-android-arm64@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=android & cpu=arm64 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=darwin & cpu=arm64 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=darwin & cpu=x64 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=arm + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=arm64 & libc=glibc + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=arm64 & libc=musl + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=ppc64le & libc=glibc + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=riscv64 & libc=glibc + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=s390x & libc=glibc + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=x64 & libc=glibc + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=linux & cpu=x64 & libc=musl + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=win32 & cpu=arm64 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=win32 & cpu=ia32 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc@npm:4.13.2": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc@npm:4.13.2" + conditions: os=win32 & cpu=x64 languageName: node linkType: hard "@sinclair/typebox@npm:^0.27.8": version: 0.27.8 resolution: "@sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8" - checksum: 00bd7362a3439021aa1ea51b0e0d0a0e8ca1351a3d54c606b115fdcc49b51b16db6e5f43b4fe7a28c38688523e22a94d49dd31168868b655f0d4d50f032d07a1 + checksum: 10/297f95ff77c82c54de8c9907f186076e715ff2621c5222ba50b8d40a170661c0c5242c763cba2a4791f0f91cb1d8ffa53ea1d7294570cf8cd4694c0e383e484d languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -1847,8 +1996,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "@sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - type-detect: 4.0.8 - checksum: b4b5b73d4df4560fb8c0c7b38c7ad4aeabedd362f3373859d804c988c725889cde33550e4bcc7cd316a30f5152a2d1d43db71b6d0c38f5feef71fd8d016763f8 + type-detect: "npm:4.0.8" + checksum: 10/086720ae0bc370829322df32612205141cdd44e592a8a9ca97197571f8f970352ea39d3bda75b347c43789013ddab36b34b59e40380a49bdae1c2df3aa85fe4f languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -1856,64 +2005,64 @@ __metadata: version: 10.3.0 resolution: "@sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0" dependencies: - "@sinonjs/commons": ^3.0.0 - checksum: 614d30cb4d5201550c940945d44c9e0b6d64a888ff2cd5b357f95ad6721070d6b8839cd10e15b76bf5e14af0bcc1d8f9ec00d49a46318f1f669a4bec1d7f3148 + "@sinonjs/commons": "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/78155c7bd866a85df85e22028e046b8d46cf3e840f72260954f5e3ed5bd97d66c595524305a6841ffb3f681a08f6e5cef572a2cce5442a8a232dc29fb409b83e languageName: node linkType: hard -"@tailwindcss/typography@npm:^0.5.10": - 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debug: 4 - checksum: f52b6872cc96fd5f622071b71ef200e01c7c4c454ee68bc9accca90c98cfb39f2810e3e9aa330435835eedc8c23f4f8a15267f67c6e245d2b33757575bdac49d + debug: "npm:4" + checksum: 10/21fb903e0917e5cb16591b4d0ef6a028a54b83ac30cd1fca58dece3d4e0990512a8723f9f83130d88a41e2af8b1f7be1386fda3ea2d181bb1a62155e75e95e23 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2458,8 +2480,8 @@ __metadata: version: 4.5.0 resolution: "agentkeepalive@npm:4.5.0" dependencies: - humanize-ms: ^1.2.1 - checksum: 13278cd5b125e51eddd5079f04d6fe0914ac1b8b91c1f3db2c1822f99ac1a7457869068997784342fe455d59daaff22e14fb7b8c3da4e741896e7e31faf92481 + humanize-ms: "npm:^1.2.1" + checksum: 10/dd210ba2a2e2482028f027b1156789744aadbfd773a6c9dd8e4e8001930d5af82382abe19a69240307b1d8003222ce6b0542935038313434b900e351914fc15f languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2467,9 +2489,9 @@ __metadata: version: 3.1.0 resolution: "aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0" dependencies: - clean-stack: ^2.0.0 - indent-string: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 1101a33f21baa27a2fa8e04b698271e64616b886795fd43c31068c07533c7b3facfcaf4e9e0cab3624bd88f729a592f1c901a1a229c9e490eafce411a8644b79 + clean-stack: "npm:^2.0.0" + indent-string: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/1101a33f21baa27a2fa8e04b698271e64616b886795fd43c31068c07533c7b3facfcaf4e9e0cab3624bd88f729a592f1c901a1a229c9e490eafce411a8644b79 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2477,9 +2499,9 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.1 resolution: "aggregate-error@npm:4.0.1" dependencies: - clean-stack: ^4.0.0 - indent-string: ^5.0.0 - checksum: bb3ffdfd13447800fff237c2cba752c59868ee669104bb995dfbbe0b8320e967d679e683dabb640feb32e4882d60258165cde0baafc4cd467cc7d275a13ad6b5 + clean-stack: "npm:^4.0.0" + indent-string: "npm:^5.0.0" + checksum: 10/bb3ffdfd13447800fff237c2cba752c59868ee669104bb995dfbbe0b8320e967d679e683dabb640feb32e4882d60258165cde0baafc4cd467cc7d275a13ad6b5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2487,13 +2509,13 @@ __metadata: version: 2.1.1 resolution: "ajv-formats@npm:2.1.1" dependencies: - ajv: ^8.0.0 + ajv: "npm:^8.0.0" peerDependencies: ajv: ^8.0.0 peerDependenciesMeta: ajv: optional: true - checksum: 4a287d937f1ebaad4683249a4c40c0fa3beed30d9ddc0adba04859026a622da0d317851316ea64b3680dc60f5c3c708105ddd5d5db8fe595d9d0207fd19f90b7 + checksum: 10/70c263ded219bf277ffd9127f793b625f10a46113b2e901e150da41931fcfd7f5592da6d66862f4449bb157ffe65867c3294a7df1d661cc232c4163d5a1718ed languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2501,23 +2523,35 @@ __metadata: version: 6.12.6 resolution: "ajv@npm:6.12.6" dependencies: - fast-deep-equal: ^3.1.1 - fast-json-stable-stringify: ^2.0.0 - json-schema-traverse: ^0.4.1 - uri-js: ^4.2.2 - checksum: 874972efe5c4202ab0a68379481fbd3d1b5d0a7bd6d3cc21d40d3536ebff3352a2a1fabb632d4fd2cc7fe4cbdcd5ed6782084c9bbf7f32a1536d18f9da5007d4 + fast-deep-equal: "npm:^3.1.1" + fast-json-stable-stringify: "npm:^2.0.0" + json-schema-traverse: "npm:^0.4.1" + uri-js: "npm:^4.2.2" + checksum: 10/48d6ad21138d12eb4d16d878d630079a2bda25a04e745c07846a4ad768319533031e28872a9b3c5790fa1ec41aabdf2abed30a56e5a03ebc2cf92184b8ee306c languageName: node linkType: hard -"ajv@npm:^8.0.0, ajv@npm:^8.12.0": +"ajv@npm:^8.0.0": version: 8.12.0 resolution: "ajv@npm:8.12.0" dependencies: - fast-deep-equal: ^3.1.1 - json-schema-traverse: ^1.0.0 - require-from-string: ^2.0.2 - uri-js: ^4.2.2 - checksum: 4dc13714e316e67537c8b31bc063f99a1d9d9a497eb4bbd55191ac0dcd5e4985bbb71570352ad6f1e76684fb6d790928f96ba3b2d4fd6e10024be9612fe3f001 + fast-deep-equal: "npm:^3.1.1" + json-schema-traverse: "npm:^1.0.0" + require-from-string: "npm:^2.0.2" + uri-js: "npm:^4.2.2" + checksum: 10/b406f3b79b5756ac53bfe2c20852471b08e122bc1ee4cde08ae4d6a800574d9cd78d60c81c69c63ff81e4da7cd0b638fafbb2303ae580d49cf1600b9059efb85 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"ajv@npm:^8.16.0": + version: 8.16.0 + resolution: "ajv@npm:8.16.0" + dependencies: + fast-deep-equal: "npm:^3.1.3" + json-schema-traverse: "npm:^1.0.0" + require-from-string: "npm:^2.0.2" + uri-js: "npm:^4.4.1" + checksum: 10/9b4b380efaf8be2639736d535662bd142a6972b43075b404380165c37ab6ceb72f01c7c987536747ff3e9e21eb5cd2e2a194f1e0fa8355364ea6204b1262fcd1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2525,22 +2559,22 @@ __metadata: version: 4.3.2 resolution: "ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2" dependencies: - type-fest: ^0.21.3 - checksum: 93111c42189c0a6bed9cdb4d7f2829548e943827ee8479c74d6e0b22ee127b2a21d3f8b5ca57723b8ef78ce011fbfc2784350eb2bde3ccfccf2f575fa8489815 + type-fest: "npm:^0.21.3" + checksum: 10/8661034456193ffeda0c15c8c564a9636b0c04094b7f78bd01517929c17c504090a60f7a75f949f5af91289c264d3e1001d91492c1bd58efc8e100500ce04de2 languageName: node linkType: hard "ansi-regex@npm:^5.0.1": version: 5.0.1 resolution: "ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1" - checksum: 2aa4bb54caf2d622f1afdad09441695af2a83aa3fe8b8afa581d205e57ed4261c183c4d3877cee25794443fde5876417d859c108078ab788d6af7e4fe52eb66b + checksum: 10/2aa4bb54caf2d622f1afdad09441695af2a83aa3fe8b8afa581d205e57ed4261c183c4d3877cee25794443fde5876417d859c108078ab788d6af7e4fe52eb66b languageName: node linkType: hard "ansi-regex@npm:^6.0.1": version: 6.0.1 resolution: "ansi-regex@npm:6.0.1" - checksum: 1ff8b7667cded1de4fa2c9ae283e979fc87036864317da86a2e546725f96406746411d0d85e87a2d12fa5abd715d90006de7fa4fa0477c92321ad3b4c7d4e169 + checksum: 10/1ff8b7667cded1de4fa2c9ae283e979fc87036864317da86a2e546725f96406746411d0d85e87a2d12fa5abd715d90006de7fa4fa0477c92321ad3b4c7d4e169 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2548,8 +2582,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.2.1 resolution: "ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1" dependencies: - color-convert: ^1.9.0 - checksum: d85ade01c10e5dd77b6c89f34ed7531da5830d2cb5882c645f330079975b716438cd7ebb81d0d6e6b4f9c577f19ae41ab55f07f19786b02f9dfd9e0377395665 + color-convert: "npm:^1.9.0" + checksum: 10/d85ade01c10e5dd77b6c89f34ed7531da5830d2cb5882c645f330079975b716438cd7ebb81d0d6e6b4f9c577f19ae41ab55f07f19786b02f9dfd9e0377395665 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2557,29 +2591,29 @@ __metadata: version: 4.3.0 resolution: "ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0" dependencies: - color-convert: ^2.0.1 - checksum: 513b44c3b2105dd14cc42a19271e80f386466c4be574bccf60b627432f9198571ebf4ab1e4c3ba17347658f4ee1711c163d574248c0c1cdc2d5917a0ad582ec4 + color-convert: "npm:^2.0.1" + checksum: 10/b4494dfbfc7e4591b4711a396bd27e540f8153914123dccb4cdbbcb514015ada63a3809f362b9d8d4f6b17a706f1d7bea3c6f974b15fa5ae76b5b502070889ff languageName: node linkType: hard "ansi-styles@npm:^5.0.0": version: 5.2.0 resolution: "ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0" - checksum: d7f4e97ce0623aea6bc0d90dcd28881ee04cba06c570b97fd3391bd7a268eedfd9d5e2dd4fdcbdd82b8105df5faf6f24aaedc08eaf3da898e702db5948f63469 + checksum: 10/d7f4e97ce0623aea6bc0d90dcd28881ee04cba06c570b97fd3391bd7a268eedfd9d5e2dd4fdcbdd82b8105df5faf6f24aaedc08eaf3da898e702db5948f63469 languageName: node linkType: hard "ansi-styles@npm:^6.1.0": version: 6.2.1 resolution: "ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1" - checksum: ef940f2f0ced1a6347398da88a91da7930c33ecac3c77b72c5905f8b8fe402c52e6fde304ff5347f616e27a742da3f1dc76de98f6866c69251ad0b07a66776d9 + checksum: 10/70fdf883b704d17a5dfc9cde206e698c16bcd74e7f196ab821511651aee4f9f76c9514bdfa6ca3a27b5e49138b89cb222a28caf3afe4567570139577f991df32 languageName: node linkType: hard "any-promise@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.3.0 resolution: "any-promise@npm:1.3.0" - checksum: 0ee8a9bdbe882c90464d75d1f55cf027f5458650c4bd1f0467e65aec38ccccda07ca5844969ee77ed46d04e7dded3eaceb027e8d32f385688523fe305fa7e1de + checksum: 10/6737469ba353b5becf29e4dc3680736b9caa06d300bda6548812a8fee63ae7d336d756f88572fa6b5219aed36698d808fa55f62af3e7e6845c7a1dc77d240edb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2587,16 +2621,16 @@ __metadata: version: 3.1.3 resolution: "anymatch@npm:3.1.3" dependencies: - normalize-path: ^3.0.0 - picomatch: ^2.0.4 - checksum: 3e044fd6d1d26545f235a9fe4d7a534e2029d8e59fa7fd9f2a6eb21230f6b5380ea1eaf55136e60cbf8e613544b3b766e7a6fa2102e2a3a117505466e3025dc2 + normalize-path: "npm:^3.0.0" + picomatch: "npm:^2.0.4" + checksum: 10/3e044fd6d1d26545f235a9fe4d7a534e2029d8e59fa7fd9f2a6eb21230f6b5380ea1eaf55136e60cbf8e613544b3b766e7a6fa2102e2a3a117505466e3025dc2 languageName: node linkType: hard "aproba@npm:^1.0.3 || ^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "aproba@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 5615cadcfb45289eea63f8afd064ab656006361020e1735112e346593856f87435e02d8dcc7ff0d11928bc7d425f27bc7c2a84f6c0b35ab0ff659c814c138a24 + checksum: 10/c2b9a631298e8d6f3797547e866db642f68493808f5b37cd61da778d5f6ada890d16f668285f7d60bd4fc3b03889bd590ffe62cf81b700e9bb353431238a0a7b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2604,23 +2638,23 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.1 resolution: "are-we-there-yet@npm:3.0.1" dependencies: - delegates: ^1.0.0 - readable-stream: ^3.6.0 - checksum: 52590c24860fa7173bedeb69a4c05fb573473e860197f618b9a28432ee4379049336727ae3a1f9c4cb083114601c1140cee578376164d0e651217a9843f9fe83 + delegates: "npm:^1.0.0" + readable-stream: "npm:^3.6.0" + checksum: 10/390731720e1bf9ed5d0efc635ea7df8cbc4c90308b0645a932f06e8495a0bf1ecc7987d3b97e805f62a17d6c4b634074b25200aa4d149be2a7b17250b9744bc4 languageName: node linkType: hard "arg@npm:^4.1.0": version: 4.1.3 resolution: "arg@npm:4.1.3" - checksum: 544af8dd3f60546d3e4aff084d451b96961d2267d668670199692f8d054f0415d86fc5497d0e641e91546f0aa920e7c29e5250e99fc89f5552a34b5d93b77f43 + checksum: 10/969b491082f20cad166649fa4d2073ea9e974a4e5ac36247ca23d2e5a8b3cb12d60e9ff70a8acfe26d76566c71fd351ee5e6a9a6595157eb36f92b1fd64e1599 languageName: node linkType: hard "arg@npm:^5.0.2": version: 5.0.2 resolution: "arg@npm:5.0.2" - 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buffer: ^5.5.0 - inherits: ^2.0.4 - readable-stream: ^3.4.0 - checksum: 9e8521fa7e83aa9427c6f8ccdcba6e8167ef30cc9a22df26effcc5ab682ef91d2cbc23a239f945d099289e4bbcfae7a192e9c28c84c6202e710a0dfec3722662 + buffer: "npm:^5.5.0" + inherits: "npm:^2.0.4" + readable-stream: "npm:^3.4.0" + checksum: 10/b7904e66ed0bdfc813c06ea6c3e35eafecb104369dbf5356d0f416af90c1546de3b74e5b63506f0629acf5e16a6f87c3798f16233dcff086e9129383aa02ab55 languageName: node linkType: hard -"bplist-parser@npm:^0.2.0": - version: 0.2.0 - resolution: "bplist-parser@npm:0.2.0" - dependencies: - big-integer: ^1.6.44 - checksum: d5339dd16afc51de6c88f88f58a45b72ed6a06aa31f5557d09877575f220b7c1d3fbe375da0b62e6a10d4b8ed80523567e351f24014f5bc886ad523758142cdd +"boolbase@npm:^1.0.0": + version: 1.0.0 + resolution: "boolbase@npm:1.0.0" + checksum: 10/3e25c80ef626c3a3487c73dbfc70ac322ec830666c9ad915d11b701142fab25ec1e63eff2c450c74347acfd2de854ccde865cd79ef4db1683f7c7b046ea43bb0 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2920,9 +2945,9 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.11 resolution: "brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11" dependencies: - balanced-match: ^1.0.0 - concat-map: 0.0.1 - checksum: faf34a7bb0c3fcf4b59c7808bc5d2a96a40988addf2e7e09dfbb67a2251800e0d14cd2bfc1aa79174f2f5095c54ff27f46fb1289fe2d77dac755b5eb3434cc07 + balanced-match: "npm:^1.0.0" + concat-map: "npm:0.0.1" + checksum: 10/faf34a7bb0c3fcf4b59c7808bc5d2a96a40988addf2e7e09dfbb67a2251800e0d14cd2bfc1aa79174f2f5095c54ff27f46fb1289fe2d77dac755b5eb3434cc07 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2930,8 +2955,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.1 resolution: "brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1" dependencies: - balanced-match: ^1.0.0 - checksum: a61e7cd2e8a8505e9f0036b3b6108ba5e926b4b55089eeb5550cd04a471fe216c96d4fe7e4c7f995c728c554ae20ddfc4244cad10aef255e72b62930afd233d1 + balanced-match: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/a61e7cd2e8a8505e9f0036b3b6108ba5e926b4b55089eeb5550cd04a471fe216c96d4fe7e4c7f995c728c554ae20ddfc4244cad10aef255e72b62930afd233d1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2939,22 +2964,36 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.2 resolution: "braces@npm:3.0.2" dependencies: - fill-range: ^7.0.1 - checksum: e2a8e769a863f3d4ee887b5fe21f63193a891c68b612ddb4b68d82d1b5f3ff9073af066c343e9867a393fe4c2555dcb33e89b937195feb9c1613d259edfcd459 + fill-range: "npm:^7.0.1" + checksum: 10/966b1fb48d193b9d155f810e5efd1790962f2c4e0829f8440b8ad236ba009222c501f70185ef732fef17a4c490bb33a03b90dab0631feafbdf447da91e8165b1 languageName: node linkType: hard -"browserslist@npm:^4.21.10, browserslist@npm:^4.21.9": +"browserslist@npm:^4.21.9": version: 4.21.10 resolution: "browserslist@npm:4.21.10" dependencies: - caniuse-lite: ^1.0.30001517 - electron-to-chromium: ^1.4.477 - node-releases: ^2.0.13 - update-browserslist-db: ^1.0.11 + caniuse-lite: "npm:^1.0.30001517" + electron-to-chromium: "npm:^1.4.477" + node-releases: "npm:^2.0.13" + update-browserslist-db: "npm:^1.0.11" + bin: + browserslist: cli.js + checksum: 10/cdb9272433994393a995235720c304e8c7123b4994b02fc0b24ca0f483db482c4f85fe8b40995aa6193d47d781e5535cf5d0efe96e465d2af42058fb3251b13a + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"browserslist@npm:^4.22.2, browserslist@npm:^4.23.0": + version: 4.23.0 + resolution: "browserslist@npm:4.23.0" + dependencies: + caniuse-lite: "npm:^1.0.30001587" + electron-to-chromium: "npm:^1.4.668" + node-releases: "npm:^2.0.14" + update-browserslist-db: "npm:^1.0.13" bin: browserslist: cli.js - checksum: 1e27c0f111a35d1dd0e8fc2c61781b0daefabc2c9471b0b10537ce54843014bceb2a1ce4571af1a82b2bf1e6e6e05d38865916689a158f03bc2c7a4ec2577db8 + checksum: 10/496c3862df74565dd942b4ae65f502c575cbeba1fa4a3894dad7aa3b16130dc3033bc502d8848147f7b625154a284708253d9598bcdbef5a1e34cf11dc7bad8e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2962,8 +3001,8 @@ __metadata: version: 0.2.6 resolution: "bs-logger@npm:0.2.6" dependencies: - fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.x - checksum: d34bdaf68c64bd099ab97c3ea608c9ae7d3f5faa1178b3f3f345acd94e852e608b2d4f9103fb2e503f5e69780e98293df41691b84be909b41cf5045374d54606 + fast-json-stable-stringify: "npm:2.x" + checksum: 10/e6d3ff82698bb3f20ce64fb85355c5716a3cf267f3977abe93bf9c32a2e46186b253f48a028ae5b96ab42bacd2c826766d9ae8cf6892f9b944656be9113cf212 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2971,15 +3010,15 @@ __metadata: version: 2.1.1 resolution: "bser@npm:2.1.1" dependencies: - node-int64: ^0.4.0 - checksum: 9ba4dc58ce86300c862bffc3ae91f00b2a03b01ee07f3564beeeaf82aa243b8b03ba53f123b0b842c190d4399b94697970c8e7cf7b1ea44b61aa28c3526a4449 + node-int64: "npm:^0.4.0" + checksum: 10/edba1b65bae682450be4117b695997972bd9a3c4dfee029cab5bcb72ae5393a79a8f909b8bc77957eb0deec1c7168670f18f4d5c556f46cdd3bca5f3b3a8d020 languageName: node linkType: hard "buffer-from@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.1.2 resolution: "buffer-from@npm:1.1.2" - checksum: 0448524a562b37d4d7ed9efd91685a5b77a50672c556ea254ac9a6d30e3403a517d8981f10e565db24e8339413b43c97ca2951f10e399c6125a0d8911f5679bb + checksum: 10/0448524a562b37d4d7ed9efd91685a5b77a50672c556ea254ac9a6d30e3403a517d8981f10e565db24e8339413b43c97ca2951f10e399c6125a0d8911f5679bb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2987,9 +3026,9 @@ __metadata: version: 5.7.1 resolution: "buffer@npm:5.7.1" dependencies: - base64-js: ^1.3.1 - ieee754: ^1.1.13 - checksum: e2cf8429e1c4c7b8cbd30834ac09bd61da46ce35f5c22a78e6c2f04497d6d25541b16881e30a019c6fd3154150650ccee27a308eff3e26229d788bbdeb08ab84 + base64-js: "npm:^1.3.1" + ieee754: "npm:^1.1.13" + checksum: 10/997434d3c6e3b39e0be479a80288875f71cd1c07d75a3855e6f08ef848a3c966023f79534e22e415ff3a5112708ce06127277ab20e527146d55c84566405c7c6 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -2997,17 +3036,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.1 resolution: "builtins@npm:5.0.1" dependencies: - semver: ^7.0.0 - checksum: 66d204657fe36522822a95b288943ad11b58f5eaede235b11d8c4edaa28ce4800087d44a2681524c340494aadb120a0068011acabe99d30e8f11a7d826d83515 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"bundle-name@npm:^3.0.0": - version: 3.0.0 - resolution: "bundle-name@npm:3.0.0" - dependencies: - run-applescript: ^5.0.0 - checksum: edf2b1fbe6096ed32e7566947ace2ea937ee427391744d7510a2880c4b9a5b3543d3f6c551236a29e5c87d3195f8e2912516290e638c15bcbede7b37cc375615 + semver: "npm:^7.0.0" + checksum: 10/90136fa0ba98b7a3aea33190b1262a5297164731efb6a323b0231acf60cc2ea0b2b1075dbf107038266b8b77d6045fa9631d1c3f90efc1c594ba61218fbfbb4c languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3015,19 +3045,19 @@ __metadata: version: 17.1.4 resolution: "cacache@npm:17.1.4" dependencies: - "@npmcli/fs": ^3.1.0 - fs-minipass: ^3.0.0 - glob: ^10.2.2 - lru-cache: ^7.7.1 - minipass: ^7.0.3 - minipass-collect: ^1.0.2 - minipass-flush: ^1.0.5 - minipass-pipeline: ^1.2.4 - p-map: ^4.0.0 - ssri: ^10.0.0 - tar: ^6.1.11 - unique-filename: ^3.0.0 - checksum: b7751df756656954a51201335addced8f63fc53266fa56392c9f5ae83c8d27debffb4458ac2d168a744a4517ec3f2163af05c20097f93d17bdc2dc8a385e14a6 + "@npmcli/fs": "npm:^3.1.0" + fs-minipass: "npm:^3.0.0" + glob: "npm:^10.2.2" + lru-cache: "npm:^7.7.1" + minipass: "npm:^7.0.3" + minipass-collect: "npm:^1.0.2" + minipass-flush: "npm:^1.0.5" + minipass-pipeline: "npm:^1.2.4" + p-map: "npm:^4.0.0" + ssri: "npm:^10.0.0" + tar: "npm:^6.1.11" + unique-filename: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/6e26c788bc6a18ff42f4d4f97db30d5c60a5dfac8e7c10a03b0307a92cf1b647570547cf3cd96463976c051eb9c7258629863f156e224c82018862c1a8ad0e70 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3035,72 +3065,72 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.2 resolution: "call-bind@npm:1.0.2" dependencies: - function-bind: ^1.1.1 - get-intrinsic: ^1.0.2 - checksum: f8e31de9d19988a4b80f3e704788c4a2d6b6f3d17cfec4f57dc29ced450c53a49270dc66bf0fbd693329ee948dd33e6c90a329519aef17474a4d961e8d6426b0 + function-bind: "npm:^1.1.1" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.0.2" + checksum: 10/ca787179c1cbe09e1697b56ad499fd05dc0ae6febe5081d728176ade699ea6b1589240cb1ff1fe11fcf9f61538c1af60ad37e8eb2ceb4ef21cd6085dfd3ccedd languageName: node linkType: hard "call-me-maybe@npm:^1.0.1": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "call-me-maybe@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: 42ff2d0bed5b207e3f0122589162eaaa47ba618f79ad2382fe0ba14d9e49fbf901099a6227440acc5946f86a4953e8aa2d242b330b0a5de4d090bb18f8935cae + checksum: 10/3d375b6f810a82c751157b199daba60452876186c19ac653e81bfc5fc10d1e2ba7aedb8622367c3a8aca6879f0e6a29435a1193b35edb8f7fd8267a67ea32373 languageName: node linkType: hard "callsites@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.1.0 resolution: "callsites@npm:3.1.0" - checksum: 072d17b6abb459c2ba96598918b55868af677154bec7e73d222ef95a8fdb9bbf7dae96a8421085cdad8cd190d86653b5b6dc55a4484f2e5b2e27d5e0c3fc15b3 + checksum: 10/072d17b6abb459c2ba96598918b55868af677154bec7e73d222ef95a8fdb9bbf7dae96a8421085cdad8cd190d86653b5b6dc55a4484f2e5b2e27d5e0c3fc15b3 languageName: node linkType: hard "camelcase-css@npm:^2.0.1": version: 2.0.1 resolution: "camelcase-css@npm:2.0.1" - checksum: 1cec2b3b3dcb5026688a470b00299a8db7d904c4802845c353dbd12d9d248d3346949a814d83bfd988d4d2e5b9904c07efe76fecd195a1d4f05b543e7c0b56b1 + checksum: 10/1cec2b3b3dcb5026688a470b00299a8db7d904c4802845c353dbd12d9d248d3346949a814d83bfd988d4d2e5b9904c07efe76fecd195a1d4f05b543e7c0b56b1 languageName: node linkType: hard "camelcase@npm:^4.1.0": version: 4.1.0 resolution: "camelcase@npm:4.1.0" - checksum: 9683356daf9b64fae4b30c91f8ceb1f34f22746e03d1804efdbe738357d38b47f206cdd71efcf2ed72018b2e88eeb8ec3f79adb09c02f1253a4b6d5d405ff2ae + checksum: 10/9683356daf9b64fae4b30c91f8ceb1f34f22746e03d1804efdbe738357d38b47f206cdd71efcf2ed72018b2e88eeb8ec3f79adb09c02f1253a4b6d5d405ff2ae languageName: node linkType: hard "camelcase@npm:^5.3.1": version: 5.3.1 resolution: "camelcase@npm:5.3.1" - checksum: e6effce26b9404e3c0f301498184f243811c30dfe6d0b9051863bd8e4034d09c8c2923794f280d6827e5aa055f6c434115ff97864a16a963366fb35fd673024b + checksum: 10/e6effce26b9404e3c0f301498184f243811c30dfe6d0b9051863bd8e4034d09c8c2923794f280d6827e5aa055f6c434115ff97864a16a963366fb35fd673024b languageName: node linkType: hard "camelcase@npm:^6.2.0": version: 6.3.0 resolution: "camelcase@npm:6.3.0" - checksum: 8c96818a9076434998511251dcb2761a94817ea17dbdc37f47ac080bd088fc62c7369429a19e2178b993497132c8cbcf5cc1f44ba963e76782ba469c0474938d + checksum: 10/8c96818a9076434998511251dcb2761a94817ea17dbdc37f47ac080bd088fc62c7369429a19e2178b993497132c8cbcf5cc1f44ba963e76782ba469c0474938d languageName: node linkType: hard "camelcase@npm:^8.0.0": version: 8.0.0 resolution: "camelcase@npm:8.0.0" - checksum: 6da7abe997af29e80052f17aa21628c7cce14af364cef9f07a2a44d59614dd6f361d405f121938e673424d673697a8c53ad17be8c4b03b0a727307c4db8b5b5e + checksum: 10/6da7abe997af29e80052f17aa21628c7cce14af364cef9f07a2a44d59614dd6f361d405f121938e673424d673697a8c53ad17be8c4b03b0a727307c4db8b5b5e languageName: node linkType: hard "caniuse-lite@npm:^1.0.30001517": version: 1.0.30001534 resolution: "caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001534" - checksum: 8e8b63c1ce0d5b944ee2d8223955b33f3d4f60c33fed394ff6353b5c7106b2dc55219fd07d80c79e66ed1f82ed9367cee17bda96789cbd2ab57c8d30b1b5c510 + checksum: 10/848c94f57fd9563360b081f1a0b5c4c0558b4939befa367e58eb5b3085a1d5bc29281bc3c3b9946b48ee71292b531191caba0d1eabf4b2a1ad67021b787f6255 languageName: node linkType: hard -"caniuse-lite@npm:^1.0.30001538": - version: 1.0.30001539 - resolution: "caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001539" - checksum: 8595905d6c7234173a4915439fdd69fa2c06b0272d56af63aee0df6114e1ee4727758af160c0db9844055f778e0ea27ed4714facf2e472a2e74d9f567f111f41 +"caniuse-lite@npm:^1.0.30001587, caniuse-lite@npm:^1.0.30001599": + version: 1.0.30001605 + resolution: "caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001605" + checksum: 10/c5671465d7301ecea515698e6b680f20933d1c5351c0381b6ef1a14bf911b3f1f8b7633eedc10339268036f0a63d703bc8d36071412f89495b48630f01a21fe5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3108,10 +3138,10 @@ __metadata: version: 2.4.2 resolution: "chalk@npm:2.4.2" dependencies: - ansi-styles: ^3.2.1 - escape-string-regexp: ^1.0.5 - supports-color: ^5.3.0 - checksum: ec3661d38fe77f681200f878edbd9448821924e0f93a9cefc0e26a33b145f1027a2084bf19967160d11e1f03bfe4eaffcabf5493b89098b2782c3fe0b03d80c2 + ansi-styles: "npm:^3.2.1" + escape-string-regexp: "npm:^1.0.5" + supports-color: "npm:^5.3.0" + checksum: 10/3d1d103433166f6bfe82ac75724951b33769675252d8417317363ef9d54699b7c3b2d46671b772b893a8e50c3ece70c4b933c73c01e81bc60ea4df9b55afa303 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3119,16 +3149,16 @@ __metadata: version: 4.1.2 resolution: "chalk@npm:4.1.2" dependencies: - ansi-styles: ^4.1.0 - supports-color: ^7.1.0 - checksum: fe75c9d5c76a7a98d45495b91b2172fa3b7a09e0cc9370e5c8feb1c567b85c4288e2b3fded7cfdd7359ac28d6b3844feb8b82b8686842e93d23c827c417e83fc + ansi-styles: "npm:^4.1.0" + supports-color: "npm:^7.1.0" + checksum: 10/cb3f3e594913d63b1814d7ca7c9bafbf895f75fbf93b92991980610dfd7b48500af4e3a5d4e3a8f337990a96b168d7eb84ee55efdce965e2ee8efc20f8c8f139 languageName: node linkType: hard "char-regex@npm:^1.0.2": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "char-regex@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: b563e4b6039b15213114626621e7a3d12f31008bdce20f9c741d69987f62aeaace7ec30f6018890ad77b2e9b4d95324c9f5acfca58a9441e3b1dcdd1e2525d17 + checksum: 10/1ec5c2906adb9f84e7f6732a40baef05d7c85401b82ffcbc44b85fbd0f7a2b0c2a96f2eb9cf55cae3235dc12d4023003b88f09bcae8be9ae894f52ed746f4d48 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3136,53 +3166,53 @@ __metadata: version: 3.5.3 resolution: "chokidar@npm:3.5.3" dependencies: - anymatch: ~3.1.2 - braces: ~3.0.2 - fsevents: ~2.3.2 - glob-parent: ~5.1.2 - is-binary-path: ~2.1.0 - 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checksum: c57cf9dd0791e2f18a5ee9c1a299ae6e801ff58fee96dc8bfd0dcb4738a6ce58dd252a3605b1c93c6418fe4f9d5093b28ffbf4d66648cb2a9c67eaef9679be2f + checksum: 10/c57cf9dd0791e2f18a5ee9c1a299ae6e801ff58fee96dc8bfd0dcb4738a6ce58dd252a3605b1c93c6418fe4f9d5093b28ffbf4d66648cb2a9c67eaef9679be2f languageName: node linkType: hard "ci-info@npm:^3.2.0": version: 3.8.0 resolution: "ci-info@npm:3.8.0" - checksum: d0a4d3160497cae54294974a7246202244fff031b0a6ea20dd57b10ec510aa17399c41a1b0982142c105f3255aff2173e5c0dd7302ee1b2f28ba3debda375098 + checksum: 10/b00e9313c1f7042ca8b1297c157c920d6d69f0fbad7b867910235676df228c4b4f4df33d06cacae37f9efba7a160b0a167c6be85492b419ef71d85660e60606b languageName: node linkType: hard "cjs-module-lexer@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.2.3 resolution: "cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.2.3" - checksum: 5ea3cb867a9bb609b6d476cd86590d105f3cfd6514db38ff71f63992ab40939c2feb68967faa15a6d2b1f90daa6416b79ea2de486e9e2485a6f8b66a21b4fb0a + checksum: 10/f96a5118b0a012627a2b1c13bd2fcb92509778422aaa825c5da72300d6dcadfb47134dd2e9d97dfa31acd674891dd91642742772d19a09a8adc3e56bd2f5928c languageName: node linkType: hard "clean-stack@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.2.0 resolution: "clean-stack@npm:2.2.0" - checksum: 2ac8cd2b2f5ec986a3c743935ec85b07bc174d5421a5efc8017e1f146a1cf5f781ae962618f416352103b32c9cd7e203276e8c28241bbe946160cab16149fb68 + checksum: 10/2ac8cd2b2f5ec986a3c743935ec85b07bc174d5421a5efc8017e1f146a1cf5f781ae962618f416352103b32c9cd7e203276e8c28241bbe946160cab16149fb68 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3190,8 +3220,8 @@ __metadata: version: 4.2.0 resolution: "clean-stack@npm:4.2.0" dependencies: - escape-string-regexp: 5.0.0 - checksum: 373f656a31face5c615c0839213b9b542a0a48057abfb1df66900eab4dc2a5c6097628e4a0b5aa559cdfc4e66f8a14ea47be9681773165a44470ef5fb8ccc172 + escape-string-regexp: "npm:5.0.0" + checksum: 10/373f656a31face5c615c0839213b9b542a0a48057abfb1df66900eab4dc2a5c6097628e4a0b5aa559cdfc4e66f8a14ea47be9681773165a44470ef5fb8ccc172 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3199,12 +3229,12 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.3 resolution: "cli-color@npm:2.0.3" dependencies: - d: ^1.0.1 - es5-ext: ^0.10.61 - es6-iterator: ^2.0.3 - memoizee: ^0.4.15 - timers-ext: ^0.1.7 - checksum: b1c5f3d0ec29cbe22be7a01d90bd0cfa080ffed6f1c321ea20ae3f10c6041f0e411e28ee2b98025945bee3548931deed1ae849b53c21b523ba74efef855cd73d + d: "npm:^1.0.1" + es5-ext: "npm:^0.10.61" + es6-iterator: "npm:^2.0.3" + memoizee: "npm:^0.4.15" + timers-ext: "npm:^0.1.7" + checksum: 10/35244ba10cd7e5e38df02fbe54128dd11362f0114fdcaf44ee5a59c6af8b7680258fee4954de114cc3f824ed5bf7337270098b15e05bde6ae3877a4f67558b41 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3212,10 +3242,10 @@ __metadata: version: 7.0.4 resolution: "cliui@npm:7.0.4" dependencies: - string-width: ^4.2.0 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.0 - wrap-ansi: ^7.0.0 - checksum: ce2e8f578a4813806788ac399b9e866297740eecd4ad1823c27fd344d78b22c5f8597d548adbcc46f0573e43e21e751f39446c5a5e804a12aace402b7a315d7f + string-width: "npm:^4.2.0" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.0" + wrap-ansi: "npm:^7.0.0" + checksum: 10/db858c49af9d59a32d603987e6fddaca2ce716cd4602ba5a2bb3a5af1351eebe82aba8dff3ef3e1b331f7fa9d40ca66e67bdf8e7c327ce0ea959747ead65c0ef languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3223,24 +3253,24 @@ __metadata: version: 8.0.1 resolution: "cliui@npm:8.0.1" dependencies: - string-width: ^4.2.0 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.1 - wrap-ansi: ^7.0.0 - checksum: 79648b3b0045f2e285b76fb2e24e207c6db44323581e421c3acbd0e86454cba1b37aea976ab50195a49e7384b871e6dfb2247ad7dec53c02454ac6497394cb56 + string-width: "npm:^4.2.0" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.1" + wrap-ansi: "npm:^7.0.0" + checksum: 10/eaa5561aeb3135c2cddf7a3b3f562fc4238ff3b3fc666869ef2adf264be0f372136702f16add9299087fb1907c2e4ec5dbfe83bd24bce815c70a80c6c1a2e950 languageName: node linkType: hard "co@npm:^4.6.0": version: 4.6.0 resolution: "co@npm:4.6.0" - checksum: 5210d9223010eb95b29df06a91116f2cf7c8e0748a9013ed853b53f362ea0e822f1e5bb054fb3cefc645239a4cf966af1f6133a3b43f40d591f3b68ed6cf0510 + checksum: 10/a5d9f37091c70398a269e625cedff5622f200ed0aa0cff22ee7b55ed74a123834b58711776eb0f1dc58eb6ebbc1185aa7567b57bd5979a948c6e4f85073e2c05 languageName: node linkType: hard "collect-v8-coverage@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: c10f41c39ab84629d16f9f6137bc8a63d332244383fc368caf2d2052b5e04c20cd1fd70f66fcf4e2422b84c8226598b776d39d5f2d2a51867cc1ed5d1982b4da + checksum: 10/30ea7d5c9ee51f2fdba4901d4186c5b7114a088ef98fd53eda3979da77eed96758a2cae81cc6d97e239aaea6065868cf908b24980663f7b7e96aa291b3e12fa4 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3248,8 +3278,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.9.3 resolution: "color-convert@npm:1.9.3" dependencies: - color-name: 1.1.3 - checksum: fd7a64a17cde98fb923b1dd05c5f2e6f7aefda1b60d67e8d449f9328b4e53b228a428fd38bfeaeb2db2ff6b6503a776a996150b80cdf224062af08a5c8a3a203 + color-name: "npm:1.1.3" + checksum: 10/ffa319025045f2973919d155f25e7c00d08836b6b33ea2d205418c59bd63a665d713c52d9737a9e0fe467fb194b40fbef1d849bae80d674568ee220a31ef3d10 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3257,22 +3287,22 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.1 resolution: "color-convert@npm:2.0.1" dependencies: - color-name: ~1.1.4 - checksum: 79e6bdb9fd479a205c71d89574fccfb22bd9053bd98c6c4d870d65c132e5e904e6034978e55b43d69fcaa7433af2016ee203ce76eeba9cfa554b373e7f7db336 + color-name: "npm:~1.1.4" + checksum: 10/fa00c91b4332b294de06b443923246bccebe9fab1b253f7fe1772d37b06a2269b4039a85e309abe1fe11b267b11c08d1d0473fda3badd6167f57313af2887a64 languageName: node linkType: hard "color-name@npm:1.1.3": version: 1.1.3 resolution: "color-name@npm:1.1.3" - checksum: 09c5d3e33d2105850153b14466501f2bfb30324a2f76568a408763a3b7433b0e50e5b4ab1947868e65cb101bb7cb75029553f2c333b6d4b8138a73fcc133d69d + checksum: 10/09c5d3e33d2105850153b14466501f2bfb30324a2f76568a408763a3b7433b0e50e5b4ab1947868e65cb101bb7cb75029553f2c333b6d4b8138a73fcc133d69d languageName: node linkType: hard "color-name@npm:~1.1.4": version: 1.1.4 resolution: "color-name@npm:1.1.4" - checksum: b0445859521eb4021cd0fb0cc1a75cecf67fceecae89b63f62b201cca8d345baf8b952c966862a9d9a2632987d4f6581f0ec8d957dfacece86f0a7919316f610 + checksum: 10/b0445859521eb4021cd0fb0cc1a75cecf67fceecae89b63f62b201cca8d345baf8b952c966862a9d9a2632987d4f6581f0ec8d957dfacece86f0a7919316f610 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3281,49 +3311,49 @@ __metadata: resolution: "color-support@npm:1.1.3" bin: color-support: bin.js - checksum: 9b7356817670b9a13a26ca5af1c21615463b500783b739b7634a0c2047c16cef4b2865d7576875c31c3cddf9dd621fa19285e628f20198b233a5cfdda6d0793b + checksum: 10/4bcfe30eea1498fe1cabc852bbda6c9770f230ea0e4faf4611c5858b1b9e4dde3730ac485e65f54ca182f4c50b626c1bea7c8441ceda47367a54a818c248aa7a languageName: node linkType: hard "commander@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.1.1 resolution: "commander@npm:4.1.1" - checksum: d7b9913ff92cae20cb577a4ac6fcc121bd6223319e54a40f51a14740a681ad5c574fd29a57da478a5f234a6fa6c52cbf0b7c641353e03c648b1ae85ba670b977 + checksum: 10/3b2dc4125f387dab73b3294dbcb0ab2a862f9c0ad748ee2b27e3544d25325b7a8cdfbcc228d103a98a716960b14478114a5206b5415bd48cdafa38797891562c languageName: node linkType: hard "concat-map@npm:0.0.1": version: 0.0.1 resolution: "concat-map@npm:0.0.1" - checksum: 902a9f5d8967a3e2faf138d5cb784b9979bad2e6db5357c5b21c568df4ebe62bcb15108af1b2253744844eb964fc023fbd9afbbbb6ddd0bcc204c6fb5b7bf3af + checksum: 10/9680699c8e2b3af0ae22592cb764acaf973f292a7b71b8a06720233011853a58e256c89216a10cbe889727532fd77f8bcd49a760cedfde271b8e006c20e079f2 languageName: node linkType: hard "console-control-strings@npm:^1.1.0": version: 1.1.0 resolution: "console-control-strings@npm:1.1.0" - checksum: 8755d76787f94e6cf79ce4666f0c5519906d7f5b02d4b884cf41e11dcd759ed69c57da0670afd9236d229a46e0f9cf519db0cd829c6dca820bb5a5c3def584ed + checksum: 10/27b5fa302bc8e9ae9e98c03c66d76ca289ad0c61ce2fe20ab288d288bee875d217512d2edb2363fc83165e88f1c405180cf3f5413a46e51b4fe1a004840c6cdb languageName: node linkType: hard "convert-source-map@npm:^1.6.0, convert-source-map@npm:^1.7.0": version: 1.9.0 resolution: "convert-source-map@npm:1.9.0" - checksum: dc55a1f28ddd0e9485ef13565f8f756b342f9a46c4ae18b843fe3c30c675d058d6a4823eff86d472f187b176f0adf51ea7b69ea38be34be4a63cbbf91b0593c8 + checksum: 10/dc55a1f28ddd0e9485ef13565f8f756b342f9a46c4ae18b843fe3c30c675d058d6a4823eff86d472f187b176f0adf51ea7b69ea38be34be4a63cbbf91b0593c8 languageName: node linkType: hard "convert-source-map@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 63ae9933be5a2b8d4509daca5124e20c14d023c820258e484e32dc324d34c2754e71297c94a05784064ad27615037ef677e3f0c00469fb55f409d2bb21261035 + checksum: 10/c987be3ec061348cdb3c2bfb924bec86dea1eacad10550a85ca23edb0fe3556c3a61c7399114f3331ccb3499d7fd0285ab24566e5745929412983494c3926e15 languageName: node linkType: hard "core-util-is@npm:~1.0.0": version: 1.0.3 resolution: "core-util-is@npm:1.0.3" - checksum: 9de8597363a8e9b9952491ebe18167e3b36e7707569eed0ebf14f8bba773611376466ae34575bca8cfe3c767890c859c74056084738f09d4e4a6f902b2ad7d99 + checksum: 10/9de8597363a8e9b9952491ebe18167e3b36e7707569eed0ebf14f8bba773611376466ae34575bca8cfe3c767890c859c74056084738f09d4e4a6f902b2ad7d99 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3331,10 +3361,10 @@ __metadata: version: 10.0.0 resolution: "cp-file@npm:10.0.0" dependencies: - graceful-fs: ^4.2.10 - nested-error-stacks: ^2.1.1 - p-event: ^5.0.1 - checksum: 13d480872609c7ce5036624fd7998ad493ba1869a28d8595f515e7a3576145f05197a41989193a250b722836930c50efe2dd8f69e8c8ec2f4b2d511dd1688e4c + graceful-fs: "npm:^4.2.10" + nested-error-stacks: "npm:^2.1.1" + p-event: "npm:^5.0.1" + checksum: 10/9b2432e35f4200ae55b5d120755998a49548813380ea34431c6a1ca148a1df4416fb3a80af14baa926cf4bf021173bce49d5ab7dd51fca4a31c402de39a3fc92 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3342,11 +3372,11 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.0 resolution: "cpy-cli@npm:5.0.0" dependencies: - cpy: ^10.1.0 - meow: ^12.0.1 + cpy: "npm:^10.1.0" + meow: "npm:^12.0.1" bin: cpy: cli.js - checksum: f575e8e80262320c1b7c8ff57546a7dff69dcef892ac9dd381b9ec2418c5ecd5bdda5f6c6a900566af087c2167db57ae25521b66efe34dd59d8a41b16c4e5f96 + checksum: 10/f575e8e80262320c1b7c8ff57546a7dff69dcef892ac9dd381b9ec2418c5ecd5bdda5f6c6a900566af087c2167db57ae25521b66efe34dd59d8a41b16c4e5f96 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3354,15 +3384,15 @@ __metadata: version: 10.1.0 resolution: "cpy@npm:10.1.0" dependencies: - arrify: ^3.0.0 - cp-file: ^10.0.0 - globby: ^13.1.4 - junk: ^4.0.1 - micromatch: ^4.0.5 - nested-error-stacks: ^2.1.1 - p-filter: ^3.0.0 - p-map: ^6.0.0 - checksum: d914326e91f7b04be8f2a694b345a9d0a5ad220032ec9e8528c26e2132f80f028de4b61c42c5ce67a3fcd1018770ac31317c237e4ffc553371dfd6c13ebe0d42 + arrify: "npm:^3.0.0" + cp-file: "npm:^10.0.0" + globby: "npm:^13.1.4" + junk: "npm:^4.0.1" + micromatch: "npm:^4.0.5" + nested-error-stacks: "npm:^2.1.1" + p-filter: "npm:^3.0.0" + p-map: "npm:^6.0.0" + checksum: 10/39da11b58b3a6fb7a849a59108fc42113cb8f8f64899d9e44719686b37b720050218b66f04b9be5d12d152c7b4d19314dbed187dfe63bb7a79e0da6f9e322b74 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3370,23 +3400,23 @@ __metadata: version: 29.7.0 resolution: "create-jest@npm:29.7.0" dependencies: - "@jest/types": ^29.6.3 - chalk: ^4.0.0 - exit: ^0.1.2 - graceful-fs: ^4.2.9 - jest-config: ^29.7.0 - jest-util: ^29.7.0 - prompts: ^2.0.1 + "@jest/types": "npm:^29.6.3" + chalk: "npm:^4.0.0" + exit: "npm:^0.1.2" + graceful-fs: "npm:^4.2.9" + jest-config: "npm:^29.7.0" + jest-util: "npm:^29.7.0" + prompts: "npm:^2.0.1" bin: create-jest: bin/create-jest.js - checksum: 1427d49458adcd88547ef6fa39041e1fe9033a661293aa8d2c3aa1b4967cb5bf4f0c00436c7a61816558f28ba2ba81a94d5c962e8022ea9a883978fc8e1f2945 + checksum: 10/847b4764451672b4174be4d5c6d7d63442ec3aa5f3de52af924e4d996d87d7801c18e125504f25232fc75840f6625b3ac85860fac6ce799b5efae7bdcaf4a2b7 languageName: node linkType: hard "create-require@npm:^1.1.0": version: 1.1.1 resolution: "create-require@npm:1.1.1" - checksum: a9a1503d4390d8b59ad86f4607de7870b39cad43d929813599a23714831e81c520bddf61bcdd1f8e30f05fd3a2b71ae8538e946eb2786dc65c2bbc520f692eff + checksum: 10/a9a1503d4390d8b59ad86f4607de7870b39cad43d929813599a23714831e81c520bddf61bcdd1f8e30f05fd3a2b71ae8538e946eb2786dc65c2bbc520f692eff languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3394,10 +3424,30 @@ __metadata: version: 7.0.3 resolution: "cross-spawn@npm:7.0.3" dependencies: - path-key: ^3.1.0 - shebang-command: ^2.0.0 - which: ^2.0.1 - checksum: 671cc7c7288c3a8406f3c69a3ae2fc85555c04169e9d611def9a675635472614f1c0ed0ef80955d5b6d4e724f6ced67f0ad1bb006c2ea643488fcfef994d7f52 + path-key: "npm:^3.1.0" + shebang-command: "npm:^2.0.0" + which: "npm:^2.0.1" + checksum: 10/e1a13869d2f57d974de0d9ef7acbf69dc6937db20b918525a01dacb5032129bd552d290d886d981e99f1b624cb03657084cc87bd40f115c07ecf376821c729ce + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"css-select@npm:^5.1.0": + version: 5.1.0 + resolution: "css-select@npm:5.1.0" + dependencies: + boolbase: "npm:^1.0.0" + css-what: "npm:^6.1.0" + domhandler: "npm:^5.0.2" + domutils: "npm:^3.0.1" + nth-check: "npm:^2.0.1" + checksum: 10/d486b1e7eb140468218a5ab5af53257e01f937d2173ac46981f6b7de9c5283d55427a36715dc8decfc0c079cf89259ac5b41ef58f6e1a422eee44ab8bfdc78da + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"css-what@npm:^6.1.0": + version: 6.1.0 + resolution: "css-what@npm:6.1.0" + checksum: 10/c67a3a2d0d81843af87f8bf0a4d0845b0f952377714abbb2884e48942409d57a2110eabee003609d02ee487b054614bdfcfc59ee265728ff105bd5aa221c1d0e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3406,7 +3456,7 @@ __metadata: resolution: "cssesc@npm:3.0.0" bin: cssesc: bin/cssesc - checksum: f8c4ababffbc5e2ddf2fa9957dda1ee4af6048e22aeda1869d0d00843223c1b13ad3f5d88b51caa46c994225eacb636b764eb807a8883e2fb6f99b4f4e8c48b2 + checksum: 10/0e161912c1306861d8f46e1883be1cbc8b1b2879f0f509287c0db71796e4ddfb97ac96bdfca38f77f452e2c10554e1bb5678c99b07a5cf947a12778f73e47e12 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3414,9 +3464,9 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.1 resolution: "d@npm:1.0.1" dependencies: - es5-ext: ^0.10.50 - type: ^1.0.1 - checksum: 49ca0639c7b822db670de93d4fbce44b4aa072cd848c76292c9978a8cd0fff1028763020ff4b0f147bd77bfe29b4c7f82e0f71ade76b2a06100543cdfd948d19 + es5-ext: "npm:^0.10.50" + type: "npm:^1.0.1" + checksum: 10/1296e3f92e646895681c1cb564abd0eb23c29db7d62c5120a279e84e98915499a477808e9580760f09e3744c0ed7ac8f7cff98d096ba9770754f6ef0f1c97983 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3424,11 +3474,11 @@ __metadata: version: 4.3.4 resolution: "debug@npm:4.3.4" dependencies: - ms: 2.1.2 + ms: "npm:2.1.2" peerDependenciesMeta: supports-color: optional: true - checksum: 3dbad3f94ea64f34431a9cbf0bafb61853eda57bff2880036153438f50fb5a84f27683ba0d8e5426bf41a8c6ff03879488120cf5b3a761e77953169c0600a708 + checksum: 10/0073c3bcbd9cb7d71dd5f6b55be8701af42df3e56e911186dfa46fac3a5b9eb7ce7f377dd1d3be6db8977221f8eb333d945216f645cf56f6b688cd484837d255 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3436,8 +3486,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.2.7 resolution: "debug@npm:3.2.7" dependencies: - ms: ^2.1.1 - checksum: b3d8c5940799914d30314b7c3304a43305fd0715581a919dacb8b3176d024a782062368405b47491516d2091d6462d4d11f2f4974a405048094f8bfebfa3071c + ms: "npm:^2.1.1" + checksum: 10/d86fd7be2b85462297ea16f1934dc219335e802f629ca9a69b63ed8ed041dda492389bb2ee039217c02e5b54792b1c51aa96ae954cf28634d363a2360c7a1639 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3445,8 +3495,8 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.0 resolution: "decompress-response@npm:6.0.0" dependencies: - mimic-response: ^3.1.0 - checksum: d377cf47e02d805e283866c3f50d3d21578b779731e8c5072d6ce8c13cc31493db1c2f6784da9d1d5250822120cefa44f1deab112d5981015f2e17444b763812 + mimic-response: "npm:^3.1.0" + checksum: 10/d377cf47e02d805e283866c3f50d3d21578b779731e8c5072d6ce8c13cc31493db1c2f6784da9d1d5250822120cefa44f1deab112d5981015f2e17444b763812 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3458,50 +3508,28 @@ __metadata: peerDependenciesMeta: babel-plugin-macros: optional: true - checksum: c3c300a14edf1bdf5a873f9e4b22e839d62490bc5c8d6169c1f15858a1a76733d06a9a56930e963d677a2ceeca4b6b0894cc5ea2f501aa382ca5b92af3413c2a + checksum: 10/fc00a8bc3dfb7c413a778dc40ee8151b6c6ff35159d641f36ecd839c1df5c6e0ec5f4992e658c82624a1a62aaecaffc23b9c965ceb0bbf4d698bfc16469ac27d languageName: node linkType: hard "deep-extend@npm:^0.6.0": version: 0.6.0 resolution: "deep-extend@npm:0.6.0" - checksum: 7be7e5a8d468d6b10e6a67c3de828f55001b6eb515d014f7aeb9066ce36bd5717161eb47d6a0f7bed8a9083935b465bc163ee2581c8b128d29bf61092fdf57a7 + checksum: 10/7be7e5a8d468d6b10e6a67c3de828f55001b6eb515d014f7aeb9066ce36bd5717161eb47d6a0f7bed8a9083935b465bc163ee2581c8b128d29bf61092fdf57a7 languageName: node linkType: hard "deep-is@npm:^0.1.3": version: 0.1.4 resolution: "deep-is@npm:0.1.4" - checksum: edb65dd0d7d1b9c40b2f50219aef30e116cedd6fc79290e740972c132c09106d2e80aa0bc8826673dd5a00222d4179c84b36a790eef63a4c4bca75a37ef90804 + checksum: 10/ec12d074aef5ae5e81fa470b9317c313142c9e8e2afe3f8efa124db309720db96d1d222b82b84c834e5f87e7a614b44a4684b6683583118b87c833b3be40d4d8 languageName: node linkType: hard "deepmerge@npm:^4.2.2": version: 4.3.1 resolution: "deepmerge@npm:4.3.1" - checksum: 2024c6a980a1b7128084170c4cf56b0fd58a63f2da1660dcfe977415f27b17dbe5888668b59d0b063753f3220719d5e400b7f113609489c90160bb9a5518d052 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"default-browser-id@npm:^3.0.0": - version: 3.0.0 - resolution: "default-browser-id@npm:3.0.0" - dependencies: - bplist-parser: ^0.2.0 - untildify: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 279c7ad492542e5556336b6c254a4eaf31b2c63a5433265655ae6e47301197b6cfb15c595a6fdc6463b2ff8e1a1a1ed3cba56038a60e1527ba4ab1628c6b9941 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"default-browser@npm:^4.0.0": - version: 4.0.0 - resolution: "default-browser@npm:4.0.0" - dependencies: - bundle-name: ^3.0.0 - default-browser-id: ^3.0.0 - execa: ^7.1.1 - titleize: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 40c5af984799042b140300be5639c9742599bda76dc9eba5ac9ad5943c83dd36cebc4471eafcfddf8e0ec817166d5ba89d56f08e66a126c7c7908a179cead1a7 + checksum: 10/058d9e1b0ff1a154468bf3837aea436abcfea1ba1d165ddaaf48ca93765fdd01a30d33c36173da8fbbed951dd0a267602bc782fe288b0fc4b7e1e7091afc4529 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3509,17 +3537,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.0 resolution: "define-data-property@npm:1.1.0" dependencies: - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - gopd: ^1.0.1 - has-property-descriptors: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 7ad4ee84cca8ad427a4831f5693526804b62ce9dfd4efac77214e95a4382aed930072251d4075dc8dc9fc949a353ed51f19f5285a84a788ba9216cc51472a093 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"define-lazy-prop@npm:^3.0.0": - version: 3.0.0 - resolution: "define-lazy-prop@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 54884f94caac0791bf6395a3ec530ce901cf71c47b0196b8754f3fd17edb6c0e80149c1214429d851873bb0d689dbe08dcedbb2306dc45c8534a5934723851b6 + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + gopd: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-property-descriptors: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/6b6ec9e0981fde641b043dcc153748aa9610d0b53f30e818b522220ce8aff47026c61466a73d9c5c6452ad4d9a694337125fc95aa84c2fb3cd1f6cd5af019a1b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3527,52 +3548,52 @@ __metadata: version: 1.2.1 resolution: "define-properties@npm:1.2.1" dependencies: - define-data-property: ^1.0.1 - has-property-descriptors: ^1.0.0 - object-keys: ^1.1.1 - checksum: b4ccd00597dd46cb2d4a379398f5b19fca84a16f3374e2249201992f36b30f6835949a9429669ee6b41b6e837205a163eadd745e472069e70dfc10f03e5fcc12 + define-data-property: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-property-descriptors: "npm:^1.0.0" + object-keys: "npm:^1.1.1" + checksum: 10/b4ccd00597dd46cb2d4a379398f5b19fca84a16f3374e2249201992f36b30f6835949a9429669ee6b41b6e837205a163eadd745e472069e70dfc10f03e5fcc12 languageName: node linkType: hard "delegates@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "delegates@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: a51744d9b53c164ba9c0492471a1a2ffa0b6727451bdc89e31627fdf4adda9d51277cfcbfb20f0a6f08ccb3c436f341df3e92631a3440226d93a8971724771fd + checksum: 10/a51744d9b53c164ba9c0492471a1a2ffa0b6727451bdc89e31627fdf4adda9d51277cfcbfb20f0a6f08ccb3c436f341df3e92631a3440226d93a8971724771fd languageName: node linkType: hard "detect-libc@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.2 resolution: "detect-libc@npm:2.0.2" - checksum: 2b2cd3649b83d576f4be7cc37eb3b1815c79969c8b1a03a40a4d55d83bc74d010753485753448eacb98784abf22f7dbd3911fd3b60e29fda28fed2d1a997944d + checksum: 10/6118f30c0c425b1e56b9d2609f29bec50d35a6af0b762b6ad127271478f3bbfda7319ce869230cf1a351f2b219f39332cde290858553336d652c77b970f15de8 languageName: node linkType: hard "detect-newline@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.1.0 resolution: "detect-newline@npm:3.1.0" - checksum: ae6cd429c41ad01b164c59ea36f264a2c479598e61cba7c99da24175a7ab80ddf066420f2bec9a1c57a6bead411b4655ff15ad7d281c000a89791f48cbe939e7 + checksum: 10/ae6cd429c41ad01b164c59ea36f264a2c479598e61cba7c99da24175a7ab80ddf066420f2bec9a1c57a6bead411b4655ff15ad7d281c000a89791f48cbe939e7 languageName: node linkType: hard "didyoumean@npm:^1.2.2": version: 1.2.2 resolution: "didyoumean@npm:1.2.2" - checksum: d5d98719d58b3c2fa59663c4c42ba9716f1fd01245c31d5fce31915bd3aa26e6aac149788e007358f778ebbd68a2256eb5973e8ca6f221df221ba060115acf2e + checksum: 10/de7f11b6a0c8c61018629b7f405bb9746d6e994ce87c1a4b7655c3c718442dc69037a3d46d804950604fd9cbe85c074f7b224a119fc1bda851690a74540c6cf8 languageName: node linkType: hard "diff-sequences@npm:^29.6.3": version: 29.6.3 resolution: "diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3" - checksum: f4914158e1f2276343d98ff5b31fc004e7304f5470bf0f1adb2ac6955d85a531a6458d33e87667f98f6ae52ebd3891bb47d420bb48a5bd8b7a27ee25b20e33aa + checksum: 10/179daf9d2f9af5c57ad66d97cb902a538bcf8ed64963fa7aa0c329b3de3665ce2eb6ffdc2f69f29d445fa4af2517e5e55e5b6e00c00a9ae4f43645f97f7078cb languageName: node linkType: hard "diff@npm:^4.0.1": version: 4.0.2 resolution: "diff@npm:4.0.2" - checksum: f2c09b0ce4e6b301c221addd83bf3f454c0bc00caa3dd837cf6c127d6edf7223aa2bbe3b688feea110b7f262adbfc845b757c44c8a9f8c0c5b15d8fa9ce9d20d + checksum: 10/ec09ec2101934ca5966355a229d77afcad5911c92e2a77413efda5455636c4cf2ce84057e2d7715227a2eeeda04255b849bd3ae3a4dd22eb22e86e76456df069 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3580,15 +3601,15 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.1 resolution: "dir-glob@npm:3.0.1" dependencies: - path-type: ^4.0.0 - checksum: fa05e18324510d7283f55862f3161c6759a3f2f8dbce491a2fc14c8324c498286c54282c1f0e933cb930da8419b30679389499b919122952a4f8592362ef4615 + path-type: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/fa05e18324510d7283f55862f3161c6759a3f2f8dbce491a2fc14c8324c498286c54282c1f0e933cb930da8419b30679389499b919122952a4f8592362ef4615 languageName: node linkType: hard "dlv@npm:^1.1.3": version: 1.1.3 resolution: "dlv@npm:1.1.3" - checksum: d7381bca22ed11933a1ccf376db7a94bee2c57aa61e490f680124fa2d1cd27e94eba641d9f45be57caab4f9a6579de0983466f620a2cd6230d7ec93312105ae7 + checksum: 10/836459ec6b50e43e9ed388a5fc28954be99e3481af3fa4b5d82a600762eb65ef8faacd454097ed7fc2f8a60aea2800d65a4cece5cd0d81ab82b2031f3f759e6e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3596,8 +3617,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.1.0 resolution: "doctrine@npm:2.1.0" dependencies: - esutils: ^2.0.2 - checksum: a45e277f7feaed309fe658ace1ff286c6e2002ac515af0aaf37145b8baa96e49899638c7cd47dccf84c3d32abfc113246625b3ac8f552d1046072adee13b0dc8 + esutils: "npm:^2.0.2" + checksum: 10/555684f77e791b17173ea86e2eea45ef26c22219cb64670669c4f4bebd26dbc95cd90ec1f4159e9349a6bb9eb892ce4dde8cd0139e77bedd8bf4518238618474 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3605,43 +3626,88 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "doctrine@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - esutils: ^2.0.2 - checksum: fd7673ca77fe26cd5cba38d816bc72d641f500f1f9b25b83e8ce28827fe2da7ad583a8da26ab6af85f834138cf8dae9f69b0cd6ab925f52ddab1754db44d99ce + esutils: "npm:^2.0.2" + checksum: 10/b4b28f1df5c563f7d876e7461254a4597b8cabe915abe94d7c5d1633fed263fcf9a85e8d3836591fc2d040108e822b0d32758e5ec1fe31c590dc7e08086e3e48 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"dom-serializer@npm:^2.0.0": + version: 2.0.0 + resolution: "dom-serializer@npm:2.0.0" + dependencies: + domelementtype: "npm:^2.3.0" + domhandler: "npm:^5.0.2" + entities: "npm:^4.2.0" + checksum: 10/e3bf9027a64450bca0a72297ecdc1e3abb7a2912268a9f3f5d33a2e29c1e2c3502c6e9f860fc6625940bfe0cfb57a44953262b9e94df76872fdfb8151097eeb3 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"domelementtype@npm:^2.3.0": + version: 2.3.0 + resolution: "domelementtype@npm:2.3.0" + checksum: 10/ee837a318ff702622f383409d1f5b25dd1024b692ef64d3096ff702e26339f8e345820f29a68bcdcea8cfee3531776b3382651232fbeae95612d6f0a75efb4f6 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"domhandler@npm:^5.0.2, domhandler@npm:^5.0.3": + version: 5.0.3 + resolution: "domhandler@npm:5.0.3" + dependencies: + domelementtype: "npm:^2.3.0" + checksum: 10/809b805a50a9c6884a29f38aec0a4e1b4537f40e1c861950ed47d10b049febe6b79ab72adaeeebb3cc8fc1cd33f34e97048a72a9265103426d93efafa78d3e96 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"domutils@npm:^3.0.1": + version: 3.1.0 + resolution: "domutils@npm:3.1.0" + dependencies: + dom-serializer: "npm:^2.0.0" + domelementtype: "npm:^2.3.0" + domhandler: "npm:^5.0.3" + checksum: 10/9a169a6e57ac4c738269a73ab4caf785114ed70e46254139c1bbc8144ac3102aacb28a6149508395ae34aa5d6a40081f4fa5313855dc8319c6d8359866b6dfea languageName: node linkType: hard "eastasianwidth@npm:^0.2.0": version: 0.2.0 resolution: "eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0" - 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checksum: 2b089ab6306f38feaabf4f6f02792f9ec85fc054fda79f44f6790e61bbf6bc4e1616afb9b232e0c5ec5289a8a452f79bfa6d905a6fd64e94b49981f0934001c6 + checksum: 10/fbe214171d878b924eedf1757badf58a5dce071cd1fa7f620fa841a0901a80d6da47ff05929d53163105e621ce11a71b9d8acb1148ffe1745e045145f6e69521 languageName: node linkType: hard "emoji-regex@npm:^8.0.0": version: 8.0.0 resolution: "emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0" - checksum: d4c5c39d5a9868b5fa152f00cada8a936868fd3367f33f71be515ecee4c803132d11b31a6222b2571b1e5f7e13890156a94880345594d0ce7e3c9895f560f192 + checksum: 10/c72d67a6821be15ec11997877c437491c313d924306b8da5d87d2a2bcc2cec9903cb5b04ee1a088460501d8e5b44f10df82fdc93c444101a7610b80c8b6938e1 languageName: node linkType: hard "emoji-regex@npm:^9.2.2": version: 9.2.2 resolution: "emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2" - checksum: 8487182da74aabd810ac6d6f1994111dfc0e331b01271ae01ec1eb0ad7b5ecc2bbbbd2f053c05cb55a1ac30449527d819bbfbf0e3de1023db308cbcb47f86601 + checksum: 10/915acf859cea7131dac1b2b5c9c8e35c4849e325a1d114c30adb8cd615970f6dca0e27f64f3a4949d7d6ed86ecd79a1c5c63f02e697513cddd7b5835c90948b8 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3649,8 +3715,8 @@ __metadata: version: 0.1.13 resolution: "encoding@npm:0.1.13" dependencies: - iconv-lite: ^0.6.2 - checksum: bb98632f8ffa823996e508ce6a58ffcf5856330fde839ae42c9e1f436cc3b5cc651d4aeae72222916545428e54fd0f6aa8862fd8d25bdbcc4589f1e3f3715e7f + iconv-lite: "npm:^0.6.2" + checksum: 10/bb98632f8ffa823996e508ce6a58ffcf5856330fde839ae42c9e1f436cc3b5cc651d4aeae72222916545428e54fd0f6aa8862fd8d25bdbcc4589f1e3f3715e7f languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3658,22 +3724,29 @@ __metadata: version: 1.4.4 resolution: "end-of-stream@npm:1.4.4" dependencies: - once: ^1.4.0 - checksum: 530a5a5a1e517e962854a31693dbb5c0b2fc40b46dad2a56a2deec656ca040631124f4795823acc68238147805f8b021abbe221f4afed5ef3c8e8efc2024908b + once: "npm:^1.4.0" + checksum: 10/530a5a5a1e517e962854a31693dbb5c0b2fc40b46dad2a56a2deec656ca040631124f4795823acc68238147805f8b021abbe221f4afed5ef3c8e8efc2024908b + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"entities@npm:^4.2.0": + version: 4.5.0 + resolution: "entities@npm:4.5.0" + checksum: 10/ede2a35c9bce1aeccd055a1b445d41c75a14a2bb1cd22e242f20cf04d236cdcd7f9c859eb83f76885327bfae0c25bf03303665ee1ce3d47c5927b98b0e3e3d48 languageName: node linkType: hard "env-paths@npm:^2.2.0": version: 2.2.1 resolution: "env-paths@npm:2.2.1" - checksum: 65b5df55a8bab92229ab2b40dad3b387fad24613263d103a97f91c9fe43ceb21965cd3392b1ccb5d77088021e525c4e0481adb309625d0cb94ade1d1fb8dc17e + checksum: 10/65b5df55a8bab92229ab2b40dad3b387fad24613263d103a97f91c9fe43ceb21965cd3392b1ccb5d77088021e525c4e0481adb309625d0cb94ade1d1fb8dc17e languageName: node linkType: hard "err-code@npm:^2.0.2": version: 2.0.3 resolution: "err-code@npm:2.0.3" - checksum: 8b7b1be20d2de12d2255c0bc2ca638b7af5171142693299416e6a9339bd7d88fc8d7707d913d78e0993176005405a236b066b45666b27b797252c771156ace54 + checksum: 10/1d20d825cdcce8d811bfbe86340f4755c02655a7feb2f13f8c880566d9d72a3f6c92c192a6867632e490d6da67b678271f46e01044996a6443e870331100dfdd languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3681,8 +3754,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.3.2 resolution: "error-ex@npm:1.3.2" dependencies: - is-arrayish: ^0.2.1 - checksum: c1c2b8b65f9c91b0f9d75f0debaa7ec5b35c266c2cac5de412c1a6de86d4cbae04ae44e510378cb14d032d0645a36925d0186f8bb7367bcc629db256b743a001 + is-arrayish: "npm:^0.2.1" + checksum: 10/d547740aa29c34e753fb6fed2c5de81802438529c12b3673bd37b6bb1fe49b9b7abdc3c11e6062fe625d8a296b3cf769a80f878865e25e685f787763eede3ffb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3690,46 +3763,46 @@ __metadata: version: 1.22.1 resolution: "es-abstract@npm:1.22.1" dependencies: - array-buffer-byte-length: ^1.0.0 - arraybuffer.prototype.slice: ^1.0.1 - available-typed-arrays: ^1.0.5 - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - es-set-tostringtag: ^2.0.1 - es-to-primitive: ^1.2.1 - function.prototype.name: ^1.1.5 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - get-symbol-description: ^1.0.0 - globalthis: ^1.0.3 - gopd: ^1.0.1 - has: ^1.0.3 - has-property-descriptors: ^1.0.0 - has-proto: ^1.0.1 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - internal-slot: ^1.0.5 - is-array-buffer: ^3.0.2 - is-callable: ^1.2.7 - is-negative-zero: ^2.0.2 - is-regex: ^1.1.4 - is-shared-array-buffer: ^1.0.2 - is-string: ^1.0.7 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - is-weakref: ^1.0.2 - object-inspect: ^1.12.3 - object-keys: ^1.1.1 - object.assign: ^4.1.4 - regexp.prototype.flags: ^1.5.0 - safe-array-concat: ^1.0.0 - safe-regex-test: ^1.0.0 - string.prototype.trim: ^1.2.7 - string.prototype.trimend: ^1.0.6 - string.prototype.trimstart: ^1.0.6 - typed-array-buffer: ^1.0.0 - typed-array-byte-length: ^1.0.0 - typed-array-byte-offset: ^1.0.0 - typed-array-length: ^1.0.4 - unbox-primitive: ^1.0.2 - which-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - checksum: 614e2c1c3717cb8d30b6128ef12ea110e06fd7d75ad77091ca1c5dbfb00da130e62e4bbbbbdda190eada098a22b27fe0f99ae5a1171dac2c8663b1e8be8a3a9b + array-buffer-byte-length: "npm:^1.0.0" + arraybuffer.prototype.slice: "npm:^1.0.1" + available-typed-arrays: "npm:^1.0.5" + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + es-set-tostringtag: "npm:^2.0.1" + es-to-primitive: "npm:^1.2.1" + function.prototype.name: "npm:^1.1.5" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + get-symbol-description: "npm:^1.0.0" + globalthis: "npm:^1.0.3" + gopd: "npm:^1.0.1" + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + has-property-descriptors: "npm:^1.0.0" + has-proto: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + internal-slot: "npm:^1.0.5" + is-array-buffer: "npm:^3.0.2" + is-callable: "npm:^1.2.7" + is-negative-zero: "npm:^2.0.2" + is-regex: "npm:^1.1.4" + is-shared-array-buffer: "npm:^1.0.2" + is-string: "npm:^1.0.7" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + is-weakref: "npm:^1.0.2" + object-inspect: "npm:^1.12.3" + object-keys: "npm:^1.1.1" + object.assign: "npm:^4.1.4" + regexp.prototype.flags: "npm:^1.5.0" + safe-array-concat: "npm:^1.0.0" + safe-regex-test: "npm:^1.0.0" + string.prototype.trim: "npm:^1.2.7" + string.prototype.trimend: "npm:^1.0.6" + string.prototype.trimstart: "npm:^1.0.6" + typed-array-buffer: "npm:^1.0.0" + typed-array-byte-length: "npm:^1.0.0" + typed-array-byte-offset: "npm:^1.0.0" + typed-array-length: "npm:^1.0.4" + unbox-primitive: "npm:^1.0.2" + which-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + checksum: 10/bd6c243a128ea1cb97cdd11c433a1f712b607b66bb2d40b42e4a4e4c746e679d3c168b59614fefed4bc3b0d7abc106ad202e8f417739371a151b9189d75af72a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3737,21 +3810,21 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.14 resolution: "es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.0.14" dependencies: - asynciterator.prototype: ^1.0.0 - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - es-set-tostringtag: ^2.0.1 - function-bind: ^1.1.1 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - globalthis: ^1.0.3 - has-property-descriptors: ^1.0.0 - has-proto: ^1.0.1 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - internal-slot: ^1.0.5 - iterator.prototype: ^1.1.0 - safe-array-concat: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 484ca398389d5e259855e2d848573233985a7e7a4126c5de62c8a554174495aea47320ae1d2b55b757ece62ac1cb8455532aa61fd123fe4e01d0567eb2d7adfa + asynciterator.prototype: "npm:^1.0.0" + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + es-set-tostringtag: "npm:^2.0.1" + function-bind: "npm:^1.1.1" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + globalthis: "npm:^1.0.3" + has-property-descriptors: "npm:^1.0.0" + has-proto: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + internal-slot: "npm:^1.0.5" + iterator.prototype: "npm:^1.1.0" + safe-array-concat: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/8abebda745530f07db13c928e1bf99d3958770f6c72d8c36982cba47b6483c0003b69e912257df8843af43ad750ced0475e6c9f6af69e40afe7668425160cb22 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3759,10 +3832,10 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.1 resolution: "es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.1" dependencies: - get-intrinsic: ^1.1.3 - has: ^1.0.3 - has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0 - checksum: ec416a12948cefb4b2a5932e62093a7cf36ddc3efd58d6c58ca7ae7064475ace556434b869b0bbeb0c365f1032a8ccd577211101234b69837ad83ad204fff884 + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.1.3" + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + has-tostringtag: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/ec416a12948cefb4b2a5932e62093a7cf36ddc3efd58d6c58ca7ae7064475ace556434b869b0bbeb0c365f1032a8ccd577211101234b69837ad83ad204fff884 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3770,8 +3843,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - has: ^1.0.3 - checksum: 83e95cadbb6ee44d3644dfad60dcad7929edbc42c85e66c3e99aefd68a3a5c5665f2686885cddb47dfeabfd77bd5ea5a7060f2092a955a729bbd8834f0d86fa1 + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + checksum: 10/ac2db2c70d253cf83bebcdc974d185239e205ca18af743efd3b656bac00cabfee2358a050b18b63b46972dab5cfa10ef3f2597eb3a8d4d6d9417689793665da6 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -3779,161 +3852,84 @@ __metadata: version: 1.2.1 resolution: "es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1" dependencies: - is-callable: ^1.1.4 - is-date-object: ^1.0.1 - is-symbol: ^1.0.2 - checksum: 4ead6671a2c1402619bdd77f3503991232ca15e17e46222b0a41a5d81aebc8740a77822f5b3c965008e631153e9ef0580540007744521e72de8e33599fca2eed + is-callable: "npm:^1.1.4" + is-date-object: "npm:^1.0.1" + is-symbol: "npm:^1.0.2" + checksum: 10/74aeeefe2714cf99bb40cab7ce3012d74e1e2c1bd60d0a913b467b269edde6e176ca644b5ba03a5b865fb044a29bca05671cd445c85ca2cdc2de155d7fc8fe9b languageName: node linkType: hard "es5-ext@npm:^0.10.35, es5-ext@npm:^0.10.46, es5-ext@npm:^0.10.50, es5-ext@npm:^0.10.53, es5-ext@npm:^0.10.61, es5-ext@npm:~0.10.14, es5-ext@npm:~0.10.2, es5-ext@npm:~0.10.46": - version: 0.10.62 - resolution: "es5-ext@npm:0.10.62" - dependencies: - es6-iterator: ^2.0.3 - es6-symbol: ^3.1.3 - next-tick: ^1.1.0 - checksum: 25f42f6068cfc6e393cf670bc5bba249132c5f5ec2dd0ed6e200e6274aca2fed8e9aec8a31c76031744c78ca283c57f0b41c7e737804c6328c7b8d3fbcba7983 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"es6-iterator@npm:^2.0.3": - version: 2.0.3 - 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checksum: b191531e36c607977e5b1c47811158733c34ccb3bfde92c44798929e9b4154884378536d26ad90dfecd32e1ffc09c545d23535ad91b3161a27ddbb8ebe0cbecb + checksum: 10/2c20055c1fa43c922428f16ca8bb29f2807de63e5c851f665f7ac9790176c01c3b40335257736b299764a8d383388dabc73c8083b8e1bc3d99f0a941444ec60e languageName: node linkType: hard "fast-levenshtein@npm:^2.0.6": version: 2.0.6 resolution: "fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6" - checksum: 92cfec0a8dfafd9c7a15fba8f2cc29cd0b62b85f056d99ce448bbcd9f708e18ab2764bda4dd5158364f4145a7c72788538994f0d1787b956ef0d1062b0f7c24c + checksum: 10/eb7e220ecf2bab5159d157350b81d01f75726a4382f5a9266f42b9150c4523b9795f7f5d9fbbbeaeac09a441b2369f05ee02db48ea938584205530fe5693cfe1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4605,8 +4507,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.15.0 resolution: "fastq@npm:1.15.0" dependencies: - reusify: ^1.0.4 - checksum: 0170e6bfcd5d57a70412440b8ef600da6de3b2a6c5966aeaf0a852d542daff506a0ee92d6de7679d1de82e644bce69d7a574a6c93f0b03964b5337eed75ada1a + reusify: "npm:^1.0.4" + checksum: 10/67c01b1c972e2d5b6fea197a1a39d5d582982aea69ff4c504badac71080d8396d4843b165a9686e907c233048f15a86bbccb0e7f83ba771f6fa24bcde059d0c3 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4614,8 +4516,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.2 resolution: "fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2" dependencies: - bser: 2.1.1 - checksum: b15a124cef28916fe07b400eb87cbc73ca082c142abf7ca8e8de6af43eca79ca7bd13eb4d4d48240b3bd3136eaac40d16e42d6edf87a8e5d1dd8070626860c78 + bser: "npm:2.1.1" + checksum: 10/4f95d336fb805786759e383fd7fff342ceb7680f53efcc0ef82f502eb479ce35b98e8b207b6dfdfeea0eba845862107dc73813775fc6b56b3098c6e90a2dad77 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4623,8 +4525,8 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.1 resolution: "file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1" dependencies: - flat-cache: ^3.0.4 - checksum: f49701feaa6314c8127c3c2f6173cfefff17612f5ed2daaafc6da13b5c91fd43e3b2a58fd0d63f9f94478a501b167615931e7200e31485e320f74a33885a9c74 + flat-cache: "npm:^3.0.4" + checksum: 10/099bb9d4ab332cb93c48b14807a6918a1da87c45dce91d4b61fd40e6505d56d0697da060cb901c729c90487067d93c9243f5da3dc9c41f0358483bfdebca736b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4632,8 +4534,8 @@ __metadata: version: 7.0.1 resolution: "fill-range@npm:7.0.1" dependencies: - to-regex-range: ^5.0.1 - checksum: cc283f4e65b504259e64fd969bcf4def4eb08d85565e906b7d36516e87819db52029a76b6363d0f02d0d532f0033c9603b9e2d943d56ee3b0d4f7ad3328ff917 + to-regex-range: "npm:^5.0.1" + checksum: 10/e260f7592fd196b4421504d3597cc76f4a1ca7a9488260d533b611fc3cefd61e9a9be1417cb82d3b01ad9f9c0ff2dbf258e1026d2445e26b0cf5148ff4250429 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4641,8 +4543,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "find-up@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - locate-path: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 38eba3fe7a66e4bc7f0f5a1366dc25508b7cfc349f852640e3678d26ad9a6d7e2c43eff0a472287de4a9753ef58f066a0ea892a256fa3636ad51b3fe1e17fae9 + locate-path: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/38eba3fe7a66e4bc7f0f5a1366dc25508b7cfc349f852640e3678d26ad9a6d7e2c43eff0a472287de4a9753ef58f066a0ea892a256fa3636ad51b3fe1e17fae9 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4650,9 +4552,9 @@ __metadata: version: 4.1.0 resolution: "find-up@npm:4.1.0" dependencies: - locate-path: ^5.0.0 - path-exists: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 4c172680e8f8c1f78839486e14a43ef82e9decd0e74145f40707cc42e7420506d5ec92d9a11c22bd2c48fb0c384ea05dd30e10dd152fefeec6f2f75282a8b844 + locate-path: "npm:^5.0.0" + path-exists: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/4c172680e8f8c1f78839486e14a43ef82e9decd0e74145f40707cc42e7420506d5ec92d9a11c22bd2c48fb0c384ea05dd30e10dd152fefeec6f2f75282a8b844 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4660,9 +4562,9 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.0 resolution: "find-up@npm:5.0.0" dependencies: - locate-path: ^6.0.0 - path-exists: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 07955e357348f34660bde7920783204ff5a26ac2cafcaa28bace494027158a97b9f56faaf2d89a6106211a8174db650dd9f503f9c0d526b1202d5554a00b9095 + locate-path: "npm:^6.0.0" + path-exists: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/07955e357348f34660bde7920783204ff5a26ac2cafcaa28bace494027158a97b9f56faaf2d89a6106211a8174db650dd9f503f9c0d526b1202d5554a00b9095 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4670,17 +4572,17 @@ __metadata: version: 3.1.0 resolution: "flat-cache@npm:3.1.0" dependencies: - flatted: ^3.2.7 - keyv: ^4.5.3 - rimraf: ^3.0.2 - checksum: 99312601d5b90f44aef403f17f056dc09be7e437703740b166cdc9386d99e681f74e6b6e8bd7d010bda66904ea643c9527276b1b80308a2119741d94108a4d8f + flatted: "npm:^3.2.7" + keyv: "npm:^4.5.3" + rimraf: "npm:^3.0.2" + checksum: 10/0367e6dbe0684e4b723d9aeb603d3dd225776638ed64fba6d089dc9b107aa03fb9248f1b9a128f32299a0067d6b8c7640219063b34f84c5318d06211e863a83a languageName: node linkType: hard "flatted@npm:^3.2.7": version: 3.2.7 resolution: "flatted@npm:3.2.7" - checksum: 427633049d55bdb80201c68f7eb1cbd533e03eac541f97d3aecab8c5526f12a20ccecaeede08b57503e772c769e7f8680b37e8d482d1e5f8d7e2194687f9ea35 + checksum: 10/427633049d55bdb80201c68f7eb1cbd533e03eac541f97d3aecab8c5526f12a20ccecaeede08b57503e772c769e7f8680b37e8d482d1e5f8d7e2194687f9ea35 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4688,8 +4590,8 @@ __metadata: version: 0.3.3 resolution: "for-each@npm:0.3.3" dependencies: - is-callable: ^1.1.3 - checksum: 6c48ff2bc63362319c65e2edca4a8e1e3483a2fabc72fbe7feaf8c73db94fc7861bd53bc02c8a66a0c1dd709da6b04eec42e0abdd6b40ce47305ae92a25e5d28 + is-callable: "npm:^1.1.3" + checksum: 10/fdac0cde1be35610bd635ae958422e8ce0cc1313e8d32ea6d34cfda7b60850940c1fd07c36456ad76bd9c24aef6ff5e03b02beb58c83af5ef6c968a64eada676 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4697,16 +4599,16 @@ __metadata: version: 3.1.1 resolution: "foreground-child@npm:3.1.1" dependencies: - cross-spawn: ^7.0.0 - signal-exit: ^4.0.1 - checksum: 139d270bc82dc9e6f8bc045fe2aae4001dc2472157044fdfad376d0a3457f77857fa883c1c8b21b491c6caade9a926a4bed3d3d2e8d3c9202b151a4cbbd0bcd5 + cross-spawn: "npm:^7.0.0" + signal-exit: "npm:^4.0.1" + checksum: 10/087edd44857d258c4f73ad84cb8df980826569656f2550c341b27adf5335354393eec24ea2fabd43a253233fb27cee177ebe46bd0b7ea129c77e87cb1e9936fb languageName: node linkType: hard -"fraction.js@npm:^4.3.6": - version: 4.3.6 - resolution: "fraction.js@npm:4.3.6" - checksum: e96ae77e64ebfd442d3a5a01a3f0637b0663fc2440bcf2841b3ad9341ba24c81fb2e3e7142e43ef7d088558c6b3f8609df135b201adc7a1c674aea6a71384162 +"fraction.js@npm:^4.3.7": + version: 4.3.7 + resolution: "fraction.js@npm:4.3.7" + checksum: 10/bb5ebcdeeffcdc37b68ead3bdfc244e68de188e0c64e9702197333c72963b95cc798883ad16adc21588088b942bca5b6a6ff4aeb1362d19f6f3b629035dc15f5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4714,16 +4616,16 @@ __metadata: version: 2.3.0 resolution: "from2@npm:2.3.0" dependencies: - inherits: ^2.0.1 - readable-stream: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 6080eba0793dce32f475141fb3d54cc15f84ee52e420ee22ac3ab0ad639dc95a1875bc6eb9c0e1140e94972a36a89dc5542491b85f1ab8df0c126241e0f1a61b + inherits: "npm:^2.0.1" + readable-stream: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/9164fbe5bbf9a48864bb8960296ccd1173c570ba1301a1c20de453b06eee39b52332f72279f2393948789afe938d8e951d50fea01064ba69fb5674b909f102b6 languageName: node linkType: hard "fs-constants@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "fs-constants@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: 18f5b718371816155849475ac36c7d0b24d39a11d91348cfcb308b4494824413e03572c403c86d3a260e049465518c4f0d5bd00f0371cdfcad6d4f30a85b350d + checksum: 10/18f5b718371816155849475ac36c7d0b24d39a11d91348cfcb308b4494824413e03572c403c86d3a260e049465518c4f0d5bd00f0371cdfcad6d4f30a85b350d languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4731,11 +4633,11 @@ __metadata: version: 9.1.0 resolution: "fs-extra@npm:9.1.0" dependencies: - at-least-node: ^1.0.0 - graceful-fs: ^4.2.0 - jsonfile: ^6.0.1 - universalify: ^2.0.0 - checksum: ba71ba32e0faa74ab931b7a0031d1523c66a73e225de7426e275e238e312d07313d2da2d33e34a52aa406c8763ade5712eb3ec9ba4d9edce652bcacdc29e6b20 + at-least-node: "npm:^1.0.0" + graceful-fs: "npm:^4.2.0" + jsonfile: "npm:^6.0.1" + universalify: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/08600da1b49552ed23dfac598c8fc909c66776dd130fea54fbcad22e330f7fcc13488bb995f6bc9ce5651aa35b65702faf616fe76370ee56f1aade55da982dca languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4743,8 +4645,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.1.0 resolution: "fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0" dependencies: - minipass: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 1b8d128dae2ac6cc94230cc5ead341ba3e0efaef82dab46a33d171c044caaa6ca001364178d42069b2809c35a1c3c35079a32107c770e9ffab3901b59af8c8b1 + minipass: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/03191781e94bc9a54bd376d3146f90fe8e082627c502185dbf7b9b3032f66b0b142c1115f3b2cc5936575fc1b44845ce903dd4c21bec2a8d69f3bd56f9cee9ec languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4752,15 +4654,15 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.3 resolution: "fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3" dependencies: - minipass: ^7.0.3 - checksum: 8722a41109130851d979222d3ec88aabaceeaaf8f57b2a8f744ef8bd2d1ce95453b04a61daa0078822bc5cd21e008814f06fe6586f56fef511e71b8d2394d802 + minipass: "npm:^7.0.3" + checksum: 10/af143246cf6884fe26fa281621d45cfe111d34b30535a475bfa38dafe343dadb466c047a924ffc7d6b7b18265df4110224ce3803806dbb07173bf2087b648d7f languageName: node linkType: hard "fs.realpath@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: 99ddea01a7e75aa276c250a04eedeffe5662bce66c65c07164ad6264f9de18fb21be9433ead460e54cff20e31721c811f4fb5d70591799df5f85dce6d6746fd0 + checksum: 10/e703107c28e362d8d7b910bbcbfd371e640a3bb45ae157a362b5952c0030c0b6d4981140ec319b347bce7adc025dd7813da1ff908a945ac214d64f5402a51b96 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4768,17 +4670,17 @@ __metadata: version: 2.3.3 resolution: "fsevents@npm:2.3.3" dependencies: - node-gyp: latest - checksum: 11e6ea6fea15e42461fc55b4b0e4a0a3c654faa567f1877dbd353f39156f69def97a69936d1746619d656c4b93de2238bf731f6085a03a50cabf287c9d024317 + node-gyp: "npm:latest" + checksum: 10/4c1ade961ded57cdbfbb5cac5106ec17bc8bccd62e16343c569a0ceeca83b9dfef87550b4dc5cbb89642da412b20c5071f304c8c464b80415446e8e155a038c0 conditions: os=darwin languageName: node linkType: hard -"fsevents@patch:fsevents@^2.3.2#~builtin, fsevents@patch:fsevents@~2.3.2#~builtin, fsevents@patch:fsevents@~2.3.3#~builtin": +"fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm%3A^2.3.2#optional!builtin, fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm%3A~2.3.2#optional!builtin, fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm%3A~2.3.3#optional!builtin": version: 2.3.3 - resolution: "fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm%3A2.3.3#~builtin::version=2.3.3&hash=df0bf1" + resolution: "fsevents@patch:fsevents@npm%3A2.3.3#optional!builtin::version=2.3.3&hash=df0bf1" dependencies: - node-gyp: latest + node-gyp: "npm:latest" conditions: os=darwin languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4786,7 +4688,7 @@ __metadata: "function-bind@npm:^1.1.1": version: 1.1.1 resolution: "function-bind@npm:1.1.1" - checksum: b32fbaebb3f8ec4969f033073b43f5c8befbb58f1a79e12f1d7490358150359ebd92f49e72ff0144f65f2c48ea2a605bff2d07965f548f6474fd8efd95bf361a + checksum: 10/d83f2968030678f0b8c3f2183d63dcd969344eb8b55b4eb826a94ccac6de8b87c95bebffda37a6386c74f152284eb02956ff2c496897f35d32bdc2628ac68ac5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4794,18 +4696,18 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.6 resolution: "function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - functions-have-names: ^1.2.3 - checksum: 7a3f9bd98adab09a07f6e1f03da03d3f7c26abbdeaeee15223f6c04a9fb5674792bdf5e689dac19b97ac71de6aad2027ba3048a9b883aa1b3173eed6ab07f479 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + functions-have-names: "npm:^1.2.3" + checksum: 10/4d40be44d4609942e4e90c4fff77a811fa936f4985d92d2abfcf44f673ba344e2962bf223a33101f79c1a056465f36f09b072b9c289d7660ca554a12491cd5a2 languageName: node linkType: hard "functions-have-names@npm:^1.2.3": version: 1.2.3 resolution: "functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3" - checksum: c3f1f5ba20f4e962efb71344ce0a40722163e85bee2101ce25f88214e78182d2d2476aa85ef37950c579eb6cf6ee811c17b3101bb84004bb75655f3e33f3fdb5 + checksum: 10/0ddfd3ed1066a55984aaecebf5419fbd9344a5c38dd120ffb0739fac4496758dcf371297440528b115e4367fc46e3abc86a2cc0ff44612181b175ae967a11a05 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4813,29 +4715,29 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.4 resolution: "gauge@npm:4.0.4" dependencies: - aproba: ^1.0.3 || ^2.0.0 - color-support: ^1.1.3 - console-control-strings: ^1.1.0 - has-unicode: ^2.0.1 - signal-exit: ^3.0.7 - string-width: ^4.2.3 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.1 - wide-align: ^1.1.5 - checksum: 788b6bfe52f1dd8e263cda800c26ac0ca2ff6de0b6eee2fe0d9e3abf15e149b651bd27bf5226be10e6e3edb5c4e5d5985a5a1a98137e7a892f75eff76467ad2d + aproba: "npm:^1.0.3 || ^2.0.0" + color-support: "npm:^1.1.3" + console-control-strings: "npm:^1.1.0" + has-unicode: "npm:^2.0.1" + signal-exit: "npm:^3.0.7" + string-width: "npm:^4.2.3" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.1" + wide-align: "npm:^1.1.5" + checksum: 10/09535dd53b5ced6a34482b1fa9f3929efdeac02f9858569cde73cef3ed95050e0f3d095706c1689614059898924b7a74aa14042f51381a1ccc4ee5c29d2389c4 languageName: node linkType: hard "gensync@npm:^1.0.0-beta.2": version: 1.0.0-beta.2 resolution: "gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2" - checksum: a7437e58c6be12aa6c90f7730eac7fa9833dc78872b4ad2963d2031b00a3367a93f98aec75f9aaac7220848e4026d67a8655e870b24f20a543d103c0d65952ec + checksum: 10/17d8333460204fbf1f9160d067e1e77f908a5447febb49424b8ab043026049835c9ef3974445c57dbd39161f4d2b04356d7de12b2eecaa27a7a7ea7d871cbedd languageName: node linkType: hard "get-caller-file@npm:^2.0.5": version: 2.0.5 resolution: "get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5" - checksum: b9769a836d2a98c3ee734a88ba712e62703f1df31b94b784762c433c27a386dd6029ff55c2a920c392e33657d80191edbf18c61487e198844844516f843496b9 + checksum: 10/b9769a836d2a98c3ee734a88ba712e62703f1df31b94b784762c433c27a386dd6029ff55c2a920c392e33657d80191edbf18c61487e198844844516f843496b9 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4843,32 +4745,32 @@ __metadata: version: 1.2.1 resolution: "get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.1" dependencies: - function-bind: ^1.1.1 - has: ^1.0.3 - has-proto: ^1.0.1 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - checksum: 5b61d88552c24b0cf6fa2d1b3bc5459d7306f699de060d76442cce49a4721f52b8c560a33ab392cf5575b7810277d54ded9d4d39a1ea61855619ebc005aa7e5f + function-bind: "npm:^1.1.1" + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + has-proto: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + checksum: 10/aee631852063f8ad0d4a374970694b5c17c2fb5c92bd1929476d7eb8798ce7aebafbf9a34022c05fd1adaa2ce846d5877a627ce1986f81fc65adf3b81824bd54 languageName: node linkType: hard "get-package-type@npm:^0.1.0": version: 0.1.0 resolution: "get-package-type@npm:0.1.0" - checksum: bba0811116d11e56d702682ddef7c73ba3481f114590e705fc549f4d868972263896af313c57a25c076e3c0d567e11d919a64ba1b30c879be985fc9d44f96148 + checksum: 10/bba0811116d11e56d702682ddef7c73ba3481f114590e705fc549f4d868972263896af313c57a25c076e3c0d567e11d919a64ba1b30c879be985fc9d44f96148 languageName: node linkType: hard "get-stdin@npm:^8.0.0": version: 8.0.0 resolution: "get-stdin@npm:8.0.0" - checksum: 40128b6cd25781ddbd233344f1a1e4006d4284906191ed0a7d55ec2c1a3e44d650f280b2c9eeab79c03ac3037da80257476c0e4e5af38ddfb902d6ff06282d77 + checksum: 10/40128b6cd25781ddbd233344f1a1e4006d4284906191ed0a7d55ec2c1a3e44d650f280b2c9eeab79c03ac3037da80257476c0e4e5af38ddfb902d6ff06282d77 languageName: node linkType: hard -"get-stream@npm:^6.0.0, get-stream@npm:^6.0.1": +"get-stream@npm:^6.0.0": version: 6.0.1 resolution: "get-stream@npm:6.0.1" - checksum: e04ecece32c92eebf5b8c940f51468cd53554dcbb0ea725b2748be583c9523d00128137966afce410b9b051eb2ef16d657cd2b120ca8edafcf5a65e81af63cad + checksum: 10/781266d29725f35c59f1d214aedc92b0ae855800a980800e2923b3fbc4e56b3cb6e462c42e09a1cf1a00c64e056a78fa407cbe06c7c92b7e5cd49b4b85c2a497 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4876,32 +4778,32 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - get-intrinsic: ^1.1.1 - checksum: 9ceff8fe968f9270a37a1f73bf3f1f7bda69ca80f4f80850670e0e7b9444ff99323f7ac52f96567f8b5f5fbe7ac717a0d81d3407c7313e82810c6199446a5247 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.1.1" + checksum: 10/7e5f298afe0f0872747dce4a949ce490ebc5d6dd6aefbbe5044543711c9b19a4dfaebdbc627aee99e1299d58a435b2fbfa083458c1d58be6dc03a3bada24d359 languageName: node linkType: hard -"get-tsconfig@npm:^4.7.2": - version: 4.7.2 - resolution: "get-tsconfig@npm:4.7.2" +"get-tsconfig@npm:^4.7.5": + version: 4.7.5 + resolution: "get-tsconfig@npm:4.7.5" dependencies: - resolve-pkg-maps: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 172358903250eff0103943f816e8a4e51d29b8e5449058bdf7266714a908a48239f6884308bd3a6ff28b09f692b9533dbebfd183ab63e4e14f073cda91f1bca9 + resolve-pkg-maps: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/de7de5e4978354e8e6d9985baf40ea32f908a13560f793bc989930c229cc8d5c3f7b6b2896d8e43eb1a9b4e9e30018ef4b506752fd2a4b4d0dfee4af6841b119 languageName: node linkType: hard "github-from-package@npm:0.0.0": version: 0.0.0 resolution: "github-from-package@npm:0.0.0" - checksum: 14e448192a35c1e42efee94c9d01a10f42fe790375891a24b25261246ce9336ab9df5d274585aedd4568f7922246c2a78b8a8cd2571bfe99c693a9718e7dd0e3 + checksum: 10/2a091ba07fbce22205642543b4ea8aaf068397e1433c00ae0f9de36a3607baf5bcc14da97fbb798cfca6393b3c402031fca06d8b491a44206d6efef391c58537 languageName: node linkType: hard "gl-matrix@npm:^3.4.3": version: 3.4.3 resolution: "gl-matrix@npm:3.4.3" - checksum: c47830ba727f3d0fab635c48135af96aef66274079a3e0afd6f68b68c98eae9fc1bcfdc7312fe2301e4fd22dd24c5e0f1b5d025960a208e50d07101ed8d940f9 + checksum: 10/25ca2f7c762b7547cf462614ac7e0b98cffb131899f014e60a7e50395f4e9304efbb31dc73921e5af2a355cff663bee984d2710765f6730853e90d1c54d5d8e3 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4909,8 +4811,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.1.2 resolution: "glob-parent@npm:5.1.2" dependencies: - is-glob: ^4.0.1 - checksum: f4f2bfe2425296e8a47e36864e4f42be38a996db40420fe434565e4480e3322f18eb37589617a98640c5dc8fdec1a387007ee18dbb1f3f5553409c34d17f425e + is-glob: "npm:^4.0.1" + checksum: 10/32cd106ce8c0d83731966d31517adb766d02c3812de49c30cfe0675c7c0ae6630c11214c54a5ae67aca882cf738d27fd7768f21aa19118b9245950554be07247 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4918,8 +4820,8 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.2 resolution: "glob-parent@npm:6.0.2" dependencies: - is-glob: ^4.0.3 - checksum: c13ee97978bef4f55106b71e66428eb1512e71a7466ba49025fc2aec59a5bfb0954d5abd58fc5ee6c9b076eef4e1f6d3375c2e964b88466ca390da4419a786a8 + is-glob: "npm:^4.0.3" + checksum: 10/c13ee97978bef4f55106b71e66428eb1512e71a7466ba49025fc2aec59a5bfb0954d5abd58fc5ee6c9b076eef4e1f6d3375c2e964b88466ca390da4419a786a8 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4927,10 +4829,10 @@ __metadata: version: 4.2.2 resolution: "glob-promise@npm:4.2.2" dependencies: - "@types/glob": ^7.1.3 + "@types/glob": "npm:^7.1.3" peerDependencies: glob: ^7.1.6 - checksum: c1a3d95f7c8393e4151d4899ec4e42bb2e8237160f840ad1eccbe9247407da8b6c13e28f463022e011708bc40862db87b9b77236d35afa3feb8aa86d518f2dfe + checksum: 10/c1a3d95f7c8393e4151d4899ec4e42bb2e8237160f840ad1eccbe9247407da8b6c13e28f463022e011708bc40862db87b9b77236d35afa3feb8aa86d518f2dfe languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4938,13 +4840,13 @@ __metadata: version: 7.1.6 resolution: "glob@npm:7.1.6" dependencies: - fs.realpath: ^1.0.0 - inflight: ^1.0.4 - inherits: 2 - minimatch: ^3.0.4 - once: ^1.3.0 - path-is-absolute: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 351d549dd90553b87c2d3f90ce11aed9e1093c74130440e7ae0592e11bbcd2ce7f0ebb8ba6bfe63aaf9b62166a7f4c80cb84490ae5d78408bb2572bf7d4ee0a6 + fs.realpath: "npm:^1.0.0" + inflight: "npm:^1.0.4" + inherits: "npm:2" + minimatch: "npm:^3.0.4" + once: "npm:^1.3.0" + path-is-absolute: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/7d6ec98bc746980d5fe4d764b9c7ada727e3fbd2a7d85cd96dd95fb18638c9c54a70c692fd2ab5d68a186dc8cd9d6a4192d3df220beed891f687db179c430237 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4952,14 +4854,14 @@ __metadata: version: 10.3.4 resolution: "glob@npm:10.3.4" dependencies: - foreground-child: ^3.1.0 - jackspeak: ^2.0.3 - minimatch: ^9.0.1 - minipass: ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0 - path-scurry: ^1.10.1 + foreground-child: "npm:^3.1.0" + jackspeak: "npm:^2.0.3" + minimatch: "npm:^9.0.1" + minipass: "npm:^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0" + path-scurry: "npm:^1.10.1" bin: glob: dist/cjs/src/bin.js - checksum: 176b97c124414401cb51329a93d2ba112cef8814adbed10348481916b9521b677773eee2691cb6b24d66632d8c8bb8913533f5ac4bfb2d0ef5454a1856082361 + checksum: 10/6375721bcd0c615fe4c1d61faaf9eb93e15d428f26bac6e85739221a84659b42601b2a085b20915142c0eb3d8a7155914884ff80f145d8c9f2397c8b771b8b60 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4967,14 +4869,14 @@ __metadata: version: 10.3.9 resolution: "glob@npm:10.3.9" dependencies: - foreground-child: ^3.1.0 - jackspeak: ^2.3.5 - minimatch: ^9.0.1 - minipass: ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0 - path-scurry: ^1.10.1 + foreground-child: "npm:^3.1.0" + jackspeak: "npm:^2.3.5" + minimatch: "npm:^9.0.1" + minipass: "npm:^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0" + path-scurry: "npm:^1.10.1" bin: glob: dist/esm/bin.mjs - checksum: 806a4ef5710beb15577cb0e27a103b39805e009e45e9e63455c385a5db7c4fb793d7399740f21bd133ca58ae6e4e5d56493f0a36bf2985e91eab51d12532f040 + checksum: 10/e5c3c1b2079a30969267cb271f5cd6654c1e1a4774b88fc75f6ddb3fb15ece02b4a8c9ff913a6fd83beebd7972b8268d80d65387684be3ca0121bc9490027efa languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -4982,20 +4884,20 @@ __metadata: version: 7.2.3 resolution: "glob@npm:7.2.3" dependencies: - fs.realpath: ^1.0.0 - inflight: ^1.0.4 - inherits: 2 - minimatch: ^3.1.1 - once: ^1.3.0 - path-is-absolute: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 29452e97b38fa704dabb1d1045350fb2467cf0277e155aa9ff7077e90ad81d1ea9d53d3ee63bd37c05b09a065e90f16aec4a65f5b8de401d1dac40bc5605d133 + fs.realpath: "npm:^1.0.0" + inflight: "npm:^1.0.4" + inherits: "npm:2" + minimatch: "npm:^3.1.1" + once: "npm:^1.3.0" + path-is-absolute: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/59452a9202c81d4508a43b8af7082ca5c76452b9fcc4a9ab17655822e6ce9b21d4f8fbadabe4fe3faef448294cec249af305e2cd824b7e9aaf689240e5e96a7b languageName: node linkType: hard "globals@npm:^11.1.0": version: 11.12.0 resolution: "globals@npm:11.12.0" - checksum: 67051a45eca3db904aee189dfc7cd53c20c7d881679c93f6146ddd4c9f4ab2268e68a919df740d39c71f4445d2b38ee360fc234428baea1dbdfe68bbcb46979e + checksum: 10/9f054fa38ff8de8fa356502eb9d2dae0c928217b8b5c8de1f09f5c9b6c8a96d8b9bd3afc49acbcd384a98a81fea713c859e1b09e214c60509517bb8fc2bc13c2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5003,8 +4905,8 @@ __metadata: version: 13.21.0 resolution: "globals@npm:13.21.0" dependencies: - type-fest: ^0.20.2 - checksum: 86c92ca8a04efd864c10852cd9abb1ebe6d447dcc72936783e66eaba1087d7dba5c9c3421a48d6ca722c319378754dbcc3f3f732dbe47592d7de908edf58a773 + type-fest: "npm:^0.20.2" + checksum: 10/98ce947dc413e6c8feed236f980dee4bc8d9f4b29790e27bccb277d385fac5d77146e1f9c244c6609aca1d109101642e663caf88c0ba6bff0b069ea82d571441 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5012,8 +4914,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.3 resolution: "globalthis@npm:1.0.3" dependencies: - define-properties: ^1.1.3 - checksum: fbd7d760dc464c886d0196166d92e5ffb4c84d0730846d6621a39fbbc068aeeb9c8d1421ad330e94b7bca4bb4ea092f5f21f3d36077812af5d098b4dc006c998 + define-properties: "npm:^1.1.3" + checksum: 10/45ae2f3b40a186600d0368f2a880ae257e8278b4c7704f0417d6024105ad7f7a393661c5c2fa1334669cd485ea44bc883a08fdd4516df2428aec40c99f52aa89 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5021,13 +4923,13 @@ __metadata: version: 11.1.0 resolution: "globby@npm:11.1.0" dependencies: - array-union: ^2.1.0 - dir-glob: ^3.0.1 - fast-glob: ^3.2.9 - ignore: ^5.2.0 - merge2: ^1.4.1 - slash: ^3.0.0 - checksum: b4be8885e0cfa018fc783792942d53926c35c50b3aefd3fdcfb9d22c627639dc26bd2327a40a0b74b074100ce95bb7187bfeae2f236856aa3de183af7a02aea6 + array-union: "npm:^2.1.0" + dir-glob: "npm:^3.0.1" + fast-glob: "npm:^3.2.9" + ignore: "npm:^5.2.0" + merge2: "npm:^1.4.1" + slash: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/288e95e310227bbe037076ea81b7c2598ccbc3122d87abc6dab39e1eec309aa14f0e366a98cdc45237ffcfcbad3db597778c0068217dcb1950fef6249104e1b1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5035,12 +4937,12 @@ __metadata: version: 13.2.2 resolution: "globby@npm:13.2.2" dependencies: - dir-glob: ^3.0.1 - fast-glob: ^3.3.0 - ignore: ^5.2.4 - merge2: ^1.4.1 - slash: ^4.0.0 - checksum: f3d84ced58a901b4fcc29c846983108c426631fe47e94872868b65565495f7bee7b3defd68923bd480582771fd4bbe819217803a164a618ad76f1d22f666f41e + dir-glob: "npm:^3.0.1" + fast-glob: "npm:^3.3.0" + ignore: "npm:^5.2.4" + merge2: "npm:^1.4.1" + slash: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/4494a9d2162a7e4d327988b26be66d8eab87d7f59a83219e74b065e2c3ced23698f68fb10482bf9337133819281803fb886d6ae06afbb2affa743623eb0b1949 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5048,43 +4950,43 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.1 resolution: "gopd@npm:1.0.1" dependencies: - get-intrinsic: ^1.1.3 - checksum: a5ccfb8806e0917a94e0b3de2af2ea4979c1da920bc381667c260e00e7cafdbe844e2cb9c5bcfef4e5412e8bf73bab837285bc35c7ba73aaaf0134d4583393a6 + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.1.3" + checksum: 10/5fbc7ad57b368ae4cd2f41214bd947b045c1a4be2f194a7be1778d71f8af9dbf4004221f3b6f23e30820eb0d052b4f819fe6ebe8221e2a3c6f0ee4ef173421ca languageName: node linkType: hard "graceful-fs@npm:^4.1.15, graceful-fs@npm:^4.1.6, graceful-fs@npm:^4.2.0, graceful-fs@npm:^4.2.10, graceful-fs@npm:^4.2.6, graceful-fs@npm:^4.2.9": version: 4.2.11 resolution: "graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11" - checksum: ac85f94da92d8eb6b7f5a8b20ce65e43d66761c55ce85ac96df6865308390da45a8d3f0296dd3a663de65d30ba497bd46c696cc1e248c72b13d6d567138a4fc7 + checksum: 10/bf152d0ed1dc159239db1ba1f74fdbc40cb02f626770dcd5815c427ce0688c2635a06ed69af364396da4636d0408fcf7d4afdf7881724c3307e46aff30ca49e2 languageName: node linkType: hard "graphemer@npm:^1.4.0": version: 1.4.0 resolution: "graphemer@npm:1.4.0" - checksum: bab8f0be9b568857c7bec9fda95a89f87b783546d02951c40c33f84d05bb7da3fd10f863a9beb901463669b6583173a8c8cc6d6b306ea2b9b9d5d3d943c3a673 + checksum: 10/6dd60dba97007b21e3a829fab3f771803cc1292977fe610e240ea72afd67e5690ac9eeaafc4a99710e78962e5936ab5a460787c2a1180f1cb0ccfac37d29f897 languageName: node linkType: hard "has-bigints@npm:^1.0.1, has-bigints@npm:^1.0.2": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "has-bigints@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: 390e31e7be7e5c6fe68b81babb73dfc35d413604d7ee5f56da101417027a4b4ce6a27e46eff97ad040c835b5d228676eae99a9b5c3bc0e23c8e81a49241ff45b + checksum: 10/4e0426c900af034d12db14abfece02ce7dbf53f2022d28af1a97913ff4c07adb8799476d57dc44fbca0e07d1dbda2a042c2928b1f33d3f09c15de0640a7fb81b languageName: node linkType: hard "has-flag@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "has-flag@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 4a15638b454bf086c8148979aae044dd6e39d63904cd452d970374fa6a87623423da485dfb814e7be882e05c096a7ccf1ebd48e7e7501d0208d8384ff4dea73b + checksum: 10/4a15638b454bf086c8148979aae044dd6e39d63904cd452d970374fa6a87623423da485dfb814e7be882e05c096a7ccf1ebd48e7e7501d0208d8384ff4dea73b languageName: node linkType: hard "has-flag@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "has-flag@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 261a1357037ead75e338156b1f9452c016a37dcd3283a972a30d9e4a87441ba372c8b81f818cd0fbcd9c0354b4ae7e18b9e1afa1971164aef6d18c2b6095a8ad + checksum: 10/261a1357037ead75e338156b1f9452c016a37dcd3283a972a30d9e4a87441ba372c8b81f818cd0fbcd9c0354b4ae7e18b9e1afa1971164aef6d18c2b6095a8ad languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5092,22 +4994,22 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - get-intrinsic: ^1.1.1 - checksum: a6d3f0a266d0294d972e354782e872e2fe1b6495b321e6ef678c9b7a06a40408a6891817350c62e752adced73a94ac903c54734fee05bf65b1905ee1368194bb + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.1.1" + checksum: 10/a6d3f0a266d0294d972e354782e872e2fe1b6495b321e6ef678c9b7a06a40408a6891817350c62e752adced73a94ac903c54734fee05bf65b1905ee1368194bb languageName: node linkType: hard "has-proto@npm:^1.0.1": version: 1.0.1 resolution: "has-proto@npm:1.0.1" - checksum: febc5b5b531de8022806ad7407935e2135f1cc9e64636c3916c6842bd7995994ca3b29871ecd7954bd35f9e2986c17b3b227880484d22259e2f8e6ce63fd383e + checksum: 10/eab2ab0ed1eae6d058b9bbc4c1d99d2751b29717be80d02fd03ead8b62675488de0c7359bc1fdd4b87ef6fd11e796a9631ad4d7452d9324fdada70158c2e5be7 languageName: node linkType: hard "has-symbols@npm:^1.0.2, has-symbols@npm:^1.0.3": version: 1.0.3 resolution: "has-symbols@npm:1.0.3" - checksum: a054c40c631c0d5741a8285010a0777ea0c068f99ed43e5d6eb12972da223f8af553a455132fdb0801bdcfa0e0f443c0c03a68d8555aa529b3144b446c3f2410 + checksum: 10/464f97a8202a7690dadd026e6d73b1ceeddd60fe6acfd06151106f050303eaa75855aaa94969df8015c11ff7c505f196114d22f7386b4a471038da5874cf5e9b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5115,15 +5017,15 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - has-symbols: ^1.0.2 - checksum: cc12eb28cb6ae22369ebaad3a8ab0799ed61270991be88f208d508076a1e99abe4198c965935ce85ea90b60c94ddda73693b0920b58e7ead048b4a391b502c1c + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.2" + checksum: 10/95546e7132efc895a9ae64a8a7cf52588601fc3d52e0304ed228f336992cdf0baaba6f3519d2655e560467db35a1ed79f6420c286cc91a13aa0647a31ed92570 languageName: node linkType: hard "has-unicode@npm:^2.0.1": version: 2.0.1 resolution: "has-unicode@npm:2.0.1" - checksum: 1eab07a7436512db0be40a710b29b5dc21fa04880b7f63c9980b706683127e3c1b57cb80ea96d47991bdae2dfe479604f6a1ba410106ee1046a41d1bd0814400 + checksum: 10/041b4293ad6bf391e21c5d85ed03f412506d6623786b801c4ab39e4e6ca54993f13201bceb544d92963f9e0024e6e7fbf0cb1d84c9d6b31cb9c79c8c990d13d8 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5131,22 +5033,31 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.3 resolution: "has@npm:1.0.3" dependencies: - function-bind: ^1.1.1 - checksum: b9ad53d53be4af90ce5d1c38331e712522417d017d5ef1ebd0507e07c2fbad8686fffb8e12ddecd4c39ca9b9b47431afbb975b8abf7f3c3b82c98e9aad052792 + function-bind: "npm:^1.1.1" + checksum: 10/a449f3185b1d165026e8d25f6a8c3390bd25c201ff4b8c1aaf948fc6a5fcfd6507310b8c00c13a3325795ea9791fcc3d79d61eafa313b5750438fc19183df57b + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"he@npm:1.2.0": + version: 1.2.0 + resolution: "he@npm:1.2.0" + bin: + he: bin/he + checksum: 10/d09b2243da4e23f53336e8de3093e5c43d2c39f8d0d18817abfa32ce3e9355391b2edb4bb5edc376aea5d4b0b59d6a0482aab4c52bc02ef95751e4b818e847f1 languageName: node linkType: hard "html-escaper@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.2 resolution: "html-escaper@npm:2.0.2" - checksum: d2df2da3ad40ca9ee3a39c5cc6475ef67c8f83c234475f24d8e9ce0dc80a2c82df8e1d6fa78ddd1e9022a586ea1bd247a615e80a5cd9273d90111ddda7d9e974 + checksum: 10/034d74029dcca544a34fb6135e98d427acd73019796ffc17383eaa3ec2fe1c0471dcbbc8f8ed39e46e86d43ccd753a160631615e4048285e313569609b66d5b7 languageName: node linkType: hard "http-cache-semantics@npm:^4.1.1": version: 4.1.1 resolution: "http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1" - checksum: 83ac0bc60b17a3a36f9953e7be55e5c8f41acc61b22583060e8dedc9dd5e3607c823a88d0926f9150e571f90946835c7fe150732801010845c72cd8bbff1a236 + checksum: 10/362d5ed66b12ceb9c0a328fb31200b590ab1b02f4a254a697dc796850cc4385603e75f53ec59f768b2dad3bfa1464bd229f7de278d2899a0e3beffc634b6683f languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5154,10 +5065,10 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.0 resolution: "http-proxy-agent@npm:5.0.0" dependencies: - "@tootallnate/once": 2 - agent-base: 6 - debug: 4 - checksum: e2ee1ff1656a131953839b2a19cd1f3a52d97c25ba87bd2559af6ae87114abf60971e498021f9b73f9fd78aea8876d1fb0d4656aac8a03c6caa9fc175f22b786 + "@tootallnate/once": "npm:2" + agent-base: "npm:6" + debug: "npm:4" + checksum: 10/5ee19423bc3e0fd5f23ce991b0755699ad2a46a440ce9cec99e8126bb98448ad3479d2c0ea54be5519db5b19a4ffaa69616bac01540db18506dd4dac3dc418f0 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5165,23 +5076,16 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.1 resolution: "https-proxy-agent@npm:5.0.1" dependencies: - agent-base: 6 - debug: 4 - checksum: 571fccdf38184f05943e12d37d6ce38197becdd69e58d03f43637f7fa1269cf303a7d228aa27e5b27bbd3af8f09fd938e1c91dcfefff2df7ba77c20ed8dfc765 + agent-base: "npm:6" + debug: "npm:4" + checksum: 10/f0dce7bdcac5e8eaa0be3c7368bb8836ed010fb5b6349ffb412b172a203efe8f807d9a6681319105ea1b6901e1972c7b5ea899672a7b9aad58309f766dcbe0df languageName: node linkType: hard "human-signals@npm:^2.1.0": version: 2.1.0 resolution: "human-signals@npm:2.1.0" - checksum: b87fd89fce72391625271454e70f67fe405277415b48bcc0117ca73d31fa23a4241787afdc8d67f5a116cf37258c052f59ea82daffa72364d61351423848e3b8 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"human-signals@npm:^4.3.0": - version: 4.3.1 - resolution: "human-signals@npm:4.3.1" - checksum: 6f12958df3f21b6fdaf02d90896c271df00636a31e2bbea05bddf817a35c66b38a6fdac5863e2df85bd52f34958997f1f50350ff97249e1dff8452865d5235d1 + checksum: 10/df59be9e0af479036798a881d1f136c4a29e0b518d4abb863afbd11bf30efa3eeb1d0425fc65942dcc05ab3bf40205ea436b0ff389f2cd20b75b8643d539bf86 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5189,8 +5093,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.2.1 resolution: "humanize-ms@npm:1.2.1" dependencies: - ms: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 9c7a74a2827f9294c009266c82031030eae811ca87b0da3dceb8d6071b9bde22c9f3daef0469c3c533cc67a97d8a167cd9fc0389350e5f415f61a79b171ded16 + ms: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/9c7a74a2827f9294c009266c82031030eae811ca87b0da3dceb8d6071b9bde22c9f3daef0469c3c533cc67a97d8a167cd9fc0389350e5f415f61a79b171ded16 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5198,22 +5102,29 @@ __metadata: version: 0.6.3 resolution: "iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3" dependencies: - safer-buffer: ">= 2.1.2 < 3.0.0" - checksum: 3f60d47a5c8fc3313317edfd29a00a692cc87a19cac0159e2ce711d0ebc9019064108323b5e493625e25594f11c6236647d8e256fbe7a58f4a3b33b89e6d30bf + safer-buffer: "npm:>= 2.1.2 < 3.0.0" + checksum: 10/24e3292dd3dadaa81d065c6f8c41b274a47098150d444b96e5f53b4638a9a71482921ea6a91a1f59bb71d9796de25e04afd05919fa64c360347ba65d3766f10f languageName: node linkType: hard "ieee754@npm:^1.1.13": version: 1.2.1 resolution: "ieee754@npm:1.2.1" - checksum: 5144c0c9815e54ada181d80a0b810221a253562422e7c6c3a60b1901154184f49326ec239d618c416c1c5945a2e197107aee8d986a3dd836b53dffefd99b5e7e + checksum: 10/d9f2557a59036f16c282aaeb107832dc957a93d73397d89bbad4eb1130560560eb695060145e8e6b3b498b15ab95510226649a0b8f52ae06583575419fe10fc4 languageName: node linkType: hard "ignore@npm:^5.1.1, ignore@npm:^5.2.0, ignore@npm:^5.2.4": version: 5.2.4 resolution: "ignore@npm:5.2.4" - 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pkg-dir: ^4.2.0 - resolve-cwd: ^3.0.0 + pkg-dir: "npm:^4.2.0" + resolve-cwd: "npm:^3.0.0" bin: import-local-fixture: fixtures/cli.js - checksum: bfcdb63b5e3c0e245e347f3107564035b128a414c4da1172a20dc67db2504e05ede4ac2eee1252359f78b0bfd7b19ef180aec427c2fce6493ae782d73a04cddd + checksum: 10/bfcdb63b5e3c0e245e347f3107564035b128a414c4da1172a20dc67db2504e05ede4ac2eee1252359f78b0bfd7b19ef180aec427c2fce6493ae782d73a04cddd languageName: node linkType: hard "imurmurhash@npm:^0.1.4": version: 0.1.4 resolution: "imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4" - checksum: 7cae75c8cd9a50f57dadd77482359f659eaebac0319dd9368bcd1714f55e65badd6929ca58569da2b6494ef13fdd5598cd700b1eba23f8b79c5f19d195a3ecf7 + checksum: 10/2d30b157a91fe1c1d7c6f653cbf263f039be6c5bfa959245a16d4ee191fc0f2af86c08545b6e6beeb041c56b574d2d5b9f95343d378ab49c0f37394d541e7fc8 languageName: node linkType: hard "indent-string@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "indent-string@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 824cfb9929d031dabf059bebfe08cf3137365e112019086ed3dcff6a0a7b698cb80cf67ccccde0e25b9e2d7527aa6cc1fed1ac490c752162496caba3e6699612 + checksum: 10/cd3f5cbc9ca2d624c6a1f53f12e6b341659aba0e2d3254ae2b4464aaea8b4294cdb09616abbc59458f980531f2429784ed6a420d48d245bcad0811980c9efae9 languageName: node linkType: hard "indent-string@npm:^5.0.0": version: 5.0.0 resolution: "indent-string@npm:5.0.0" - checksum: e466c27b6373440e6d84fbc19e750219ce25865cb82d578e41a6053d727e5520dc5725217d6eb1cc76005a1bb1696a0f106d84ce7ebda3033b963a38583fb3b3 + checksum: 10/e466c27b6373440e6d84fbc19e750219ce25865cb82d578e41a6053d727e5520dc5725217d6eb1cc76005a1bb1696a0f106d84ce7ebda3033b963a38583fb3b3 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5264,23 +5175,23 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.6 resolution: "inflight@npm:1.0.6" dependencies: - once: ^1.3.0 - wrappy: 1 - checksum: f4f76aa072ce19fae87ce1ef7d221e709afb59d445e05d47fba710e85470923a75de35bfae47da6de1b18afc3ce83d70facf44cfb0aff89f0a3f45c0a0244dfd + once: "npm:^1.3.0" + wrappy: "npm:1" + checksum: 10/d2ebd65441a38c8336c223d1b80b921b9fa737e37ea466fd7e253cb000c64ae1f17fa59e68130ef5bda92cfd8d36b83d37dab0eb0a4558bcfec8e8cdfd2dcb67 languageName: node linkType: hard "inherits@npm:2, inherits@npm:^2.0.1, inherits@npm:^2.0.3, inherits@npm:^2.0.4, inherits@npm:~2.0.3": version: 2.0.4 resolution: "inherits@npm:2.0.4" - checksum: 4a48a733847879d6cf6691860a6b1e3f0f4754176e4d71494c41f3475553768b10f84b5ce1d40fbd0e34e6bfbb864ee35858ad4dd2cf31e02fc4a154b724d7f1 + checksum: 10/cd45e923bee15186c07fa4c89db0aace24824c482fb887b528304694b2aa6ff8a898da8657046a5dcf3e46cd6db6c61629551f9215f208d7c3f157cf9b290521 languageName: node linkType: hard "ini@npm:~1.3.0": version: 1.3.8 resolution: "ini@npm:1.3.8" - checksum: dfd98b0ca3a4fc1e323e38a6c8eb8936e31a97a918d3b377649ea15bdb15d481207a0dda1021efbd86b464cae29a0d33c1d7dcaf6c5672bee17fa849bc50a1b3 + checksum: 10/314ae176e8d4deb3def56106da8002b462221c174ddb7ce0c49ee72c8cd1f9044f7b10cc555a7d8850982c3b9ca96fc212122749f5234bc2b6fb05fb942ed566 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5288,10 +5199,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.5 resolution: "internal-slot@npm:1.0.5" dependencies: - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.0 - has: ^1.0.3 - side-channel: ^1.0.4 - checksum: 97e84046bf9e7574d0956bd98d7162313ce7057883b6db6c5c7b5e5f05688864b0978ba07610c726d15d66544ffe4b1050107d93f8a39ebc59b15d8b429b497a + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.0" + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + side-channel: "npm:^1.0.4" + checksum: 10/e2eb5b348e427957dd4092cb57b9374a2cbcabbf61e5e5b4d99cb68eeaae29394e8efd79f23dc2b1831253346f3c16b82010737b84841225e934d80d04d68643 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5299,16 +5210,16 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.0 resolution: "into-stream@npm:6.0.0" dependencies: - from2: ^2.3.0 - p-is-promise: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 8df24c9eadd7cdd1cbc160bc20914b961dfd0ca29767785b69e698f799e85466b6f7c637d237dca1472d09d333399f70cc05a2fb8d08cb449dc9a80d92193980 + from2: "npm:^2.3.0" + p-is-promise: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/8df24c9eadd7cdd1cbc160bc20914b961dfd0ca29767785b69e698f799e85466b6f7c637d237dca1472d09d333399f70cc05a2fb8d08cb449dc9a80d92193980 languageName: node linkType: hard "ip@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "ip@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: cfcfac6b873b701996d71ec82a7dd27ba92450afdb421e356f44044ed688df04567344c36cbacea7d01b1c39a4c732dc012570ebe9bebfb06f27314bca625349 + checksum: 10/1270b11e534a466fb4cf4426cbcc3a907c429389f7f4e4e3b288b42823562e88d6a509ceda8141a507de147ca506141f745005c0aa144569d94cf24a54eb52bc languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5316,17 +5227,17 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.2 resolution: "is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.2" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.0 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - checksum: dcac9dda66ff17df9cabdc58214172bf41082f956eab30bb0d86bc0fab1e44b690fc8e1f855cf2481245caf4e8a5a006a982a71ddccec84032ed41f9d8da8c14 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.0" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + checksum: 10/dcac9dda66ff17df9cabdc58214172bf41082f956eab30bb0d86bc0fab1e44b690fc8e1f855cf2481245caf4e8a5a006a982a71ddccec84032ed41f9d8da8c14 languageName: node linkType: hard "is-arrayish@npm:^0.2.1": version: 0.2.1 resolution: "is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1" - checksum: eef4417e3c10e60e2c810b6084942b3ead455af16c4509959a27e490e7aee87cfb3f38e01bbde92220b528a0ee1a18d52b787e1458ee86174d8c7f0e58cd488f + checksum: 10/73ced84fa35e59e2c57da2d01e12cd01479f381d7f122ce41dcbb713f09dbfc651315832cd2bf8accba7681a69e4d6f1e03941d94dd10040d415086360e7005e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5334,8 +5245,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.0 resolution: "is-async-function@npm:2.0.0" dependencies: - has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0 - checksum: e3471d95e6c014bf37cad8a93f2f4b6aac962178e0a5041e8903147166964fdc1c5c1d2ef87e86d77322c370ca18f2ea004fa7420581fa747bcaf7c223069dbd + has-tostringtag: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/2cf336fbf8cba3badcf526aa3d10384c30bab32615ac4831b74492eb4e843ccb7d8439a119c27f84bcf217d72024e611b1373f870f433b48f3fa57d3d1b863f1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5343,8 +5254,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.4 resolution: "is-bigint@npm:1.0.4" dependencies: - has-bigints: ^1.0.1 - checksum: c56edfe09b1154f8668e53ebe8252b6f185ee852a50f9b41e8d921cb2bed425652049fbe438723f6cb48a63ca1aa051e948e7e401e093477c99c84eba244f666 + has-bigints: "npm:^1.0.1" + checksum: 10/cc981cf0564c503aaccc1e5f39e994ae16ae2d1a8fcd14721f14ad431809071f39ec568cfceef901cff408045f1a6d6bac90d1b43eeb0b8e3bc34c8eb1bdb4c4 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5352,8 +5263,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.1.0 resolution: "is-binary-path@npm:2.1.0" dependencies: - binary-extensions: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 84192eb88cff70d320426f35ecd63c3d6d495da9d805b19bc65b518984b7c0760280e57dbf119b7e9be6b161784a5a673ab2c6abe83abb5198a432232ad5b35c + binary-extensions: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/078e51b4f956c2c5fd2b26bb2672c3ccf7e1faff38e0ebdba45612265f4e3d9fc3127a1fa8370bbf09eab61339203c3d3b7af5662cbf8be4030f8fac37745b0e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5361,16 +5272,16 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.2 resolution: "is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0 - checksum: c03b23dbaacadc18940defb12c1c0e3aaece7553ef58b162a0f6bba0c2a7e1551b59f365b91e00d2dbac0522392d576ef322628cb1d036a0fe51eb466db67222 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + has-tostringtag: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/ba794223b56a49a9f185e945eeeb6b7833b8ea52a335cec087d08196cf27b538940001615d3bb976511287cefe94e5907d55f00bb49580533f9ca9b4515fcc2e languageName: node linkType: hard "is-callable@npm:^1.1.3, is-callable@npm:^1.1.4, is-callable@npm:^1.2.7": version: 1.2.7 resolution: "is-callable@npm:1.2.7" - checksum: 61fd57d03b0d984e2ed3720fb1c7a897827ea174bd44402878e059542ea8c4aeedee0ea0985998aa5cc2736b2fa6e271c08587addb5b3959ac52cf665173d1ac + checksum: 10/48a9297fb92c99e9df48706241a189da362bff3003354aea4048bd5f7b2eb0d823cd16d0a383cece3d76166ba16d85d9659165ac6fcce1ac12e6c649d66dbdb9 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5378,8 +5289,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.9.0 resolution: "is-core-module@npm:2.9.0" dependencies: - has: ^1.0.3 - checksum: b27034318b4b462f1c8f1dfb1b32baecd651d891a4e2d1922135daeff4141dfced2b82b07aef83ef54275c4a3526aa38da859223664d0868ca24182badb784ce + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + checksum: 10/1a17939da6f9c6c90073a2a13a6b79c423ed375b9ba1f87ca5daab6e706ccef6b5aaba7ebede08514441ba773ce21a0f8ce29ff2b88e68d5ede8b8de2b157bde languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5387,8 +5298,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.13.0 resolution: "is-core-module@npm:2.13.0" dependencies: - has: ^1.0.3 - checksum: 053ab101fb390bfeb2333360fd131387bed54e476b26860dc7f5a700bbf34a0ec4454f7c8c4d43e8a0030957e4b3db6e16d35e1890ea6fb654c833095e040355 + has: "npm:^1.0.3" + checksum: 10/55ccb5ccd208a1e088027065ee6438a99367e4c31c366b52fbaeac8fa23111cd17852111836d904da604801b3286d38d3d1ffa6cd7400231af8587f021099dc6 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -5396,33 +5307,15 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.5 resolution: "is-date-object@npm:1.0.5" dependencies: - 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p-locate: ^3.0.0 - path-exists: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 53db3996672f21f8b0bf2a2c645ae2c13ffdae1eeecfcd399a583bce8516c0b88dcb4222ca6efbbbeb6949df7e46860895be2c02e8d3219abd373ace3bfb4e11 + p-locate: "npm:^3.0.0" + path-exists: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/53db3996672f21f8b0bf2a2c645ae2c13ffdae1eeecfcd399a583bce8516c0b88dcb4222ca6efbbbeb6949df7e46860895be2c02e8d3219abd373ace3bfb4e11 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6441,8 +6307,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.0 resolution: "locate-path@npm:5.0.0" dependencies: - p-locate: ^4.1.0 - checksum: 83e51725e67517287d73e1ded92b28602e3ae5580b301fe54bfb76c0c723e3f285b19252e375712316774cf52006cb236aed5704692c32db0d5d089b69696e30 + p-locate: "npm:^4.1.0" + checksum: 10/83e51725e67517287d73e1ded92b28602e3ae5580b301fe54bfb76c0c723e3f285b19252e375712316774cf52006cb236aed5704692c32db0d5d089b69696e30 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6450,43 +6316,43 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.0 resolution: "locate-path@npm:6.0.0" dependencies: - p-locate: ^5.0.0 - checksum: 72eb661788a0368c099a184c59d2fee760b3831c9c1c33955e8a19ae4a21b4116e53fa736dc086cdeb9fce9f7cc508f2f92d2d3aae516f133e16a2bb59a39f5a + p-locate: "npm:^5.0.0" + checksum: 10/72eb661788a0368c099a184c59d2fee760b3831c9c1c33955e8a19ae4a21b4116e53fa736dc086cdeb9fce9f7cc508f2f92d2d3aae516f133e16a2bb59a39f5a languageName: node linkType: hard "lodash.castarray@npm:^4.4.0": version: 4.4.0 resolution: "lodash.castarray@npm:4.4.0" - 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yallist: ^3.0.2 - checksum: c154ae1cbb0c2206d1501a0e94df349653c92c8cbb25236d7e85190bcaf4567a03ac6eb43166fabfa36fd35623694da7233e88d9601fbf411a9a481d85dbd2cb + yallist: "npm:^3.0.2" + checksum: 10/951d2673dcc64a7fb888bf3d13bc2fdf923faca97d89cdb405ba3dfff77e2b26e5798d405e78fcd7094c9e7b8b4dab2ddc5a4f8a11928af24a207b7c738ca3f8 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6514,22 +6380,22 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.0 resolution: "lru-cache@npm:6.0.0" dependencies: - yallist: ^4.0.0 - checksum: f97f499f898f23e4585742138a22f22526254fdba6d75d41a1c2526b3b6cc5747ef59c5612ba7375f42aca4f8461950e925ba08c991ead0651b4918b7c978297 + yallist: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/fc1fe2ee205f7c8855fa0f34c1ab0bcf14b6229e35579ec1fd1079f31d6fc8ef8eb6fd17f2f4d99788d7e339f50e047555551ebd5e434dda503696e7c6591825 languageName: node linkType: hard "lru-cache@npm:^7.7.1": version: 7.18.3 resolution: "lru-cache@npm:7.18.3" - checksum: e550d772384709deea3f141af34b6d4fa392e2e418c1498c078de0ee63670f1f46f5eee746e8ef7e69e1c895af0d4224e62ee33e66a543a14763b0f2e74c1356 + checksum: 10/6029ca5aba3aacb554e919d7ef804fffd4adfc4c83db00fac8248c7c78811fb6d4b6f70f7fd9d55032b3823446546a007edaa66ad1f2377ae833bd983fac5d98 languageName: node linkType: hard "lru-cache@npm:^9.1.1 || ^10.0.0": version: 10.0.1 resolution: "lru-cache@npm:10.0.1" - checksum: 06f8d0e1ceabd76bb6f644a26dbb0b4c471b79c7b514c13c6856113879b3bf369eb7b497dad4ff2b7e2636db202412394865b33c332100876d838ad1372f0181 + checksum: 10/5bb91a97a342a41fd049c3494b44d9e21a7d4843f9284d0a0b26f00bb0e436f1f627d0641c78f88be16b86b4231546c5ee4f284733fb530c7960f0bcd7579026 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6537,8 +6403,17 @@ __metadata: version: 0.1.0 resolution: "lru-queue@npm:0.1.0" dependencies: - es5-ext: ~0.10.2 - checksum: 7f2c53c5e7f2de20efb6ebb3086b7aea88d6cf9ae91ac5618ece974122960c4e8ed04988e81d92c3e63d60b12c556b14d56ef7a9c5a4627b23859b813e39b1a2 + es5-ext: "npm:~0.10.2" + checksum: 10/55b08ee3a7dbefb7d8ee2d14e0a97c69a887f78bddd9e28a687a1944b57e09513d4b401db515279e8829d52331df12a767f3ed27ca67c3322c723cc25c06403f + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"magic-string@npm:0.30.5": + version: 0.30.5 + resolution: "magic-string@npm:0.30.5" + dependencies: + "@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec": "npm:^1.4.15" + checksum: 10/c8a6b25f813215ca9db526f3a407d6dc0bf35429c2b8111d6f1c2cf6cf6afd5e2d9f9cd189416a0e3959e20ecd635f73639f9825c73de1074b29331fe36ace59 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6546,15 +6421,15 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.0 resolution: "make-dir@npm:4.0.0" dependencies: - semver: ^7.5.3 - checksum: bf0731a2dd3aab4db6f3de1585cea0b746bb73eb5a02e3d8d72757e376e64e6ada190b1eddcde5b2f24a81b688a9897efd5018737d05e02e2a671dda9cff8a8a + semver: "npm:^7.5.3" + checksum: 10/bf0731a2dd3aab4db6f3de1585cea0b746bb73eb5a02e3d8d72757e376e64e6ada190b1eddcde5b2f24a81b688a9897efd5018737d05e02e2a671dda9cff8a8a languageName: node linkType: hard "make-error@npm:1.x, make-error@npm:^1.1.1": version: 1.3.6 resolution: "make-error@npm:1.3.6" - checksum: b86e5e0e25f7f777b77fabd8e2cbf15737972869d852a22b7e73c17623928fccb826d8e46b9951501d3f20e51ad74ba8c59ed584f610526a48f8ccf88aaec402 + checksum: 10/b86e5e0e25f7f777b77fabd8e2cbf15737972869d852a22b7e73c17623928fccb826d8e46b9951501d3f20e51ad74ba8c59ed584f610526a48f8ccf88aaec402 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6562,22 +6437,22 @@ __metadata: version: 11.1.1 resolution: "make-fetch-happen@npm:11.1.1" dependencies: - agentkeepalive: ^4.2.1 - cacache: ^17.0.0 - http-cache-semantics: ^4.1.1 - http-proxy-agent: ^5.0.0 - https-proxy-agent: ^5.0.0 - is-lambda: ^1.0.1 - lru-cache: ^7.7.1 - minipass: ^5.0.0 - minipass-fetch: ^3.0.0 - minipass-flush: ^1.0.5 - minipass-pipeline: ^1.2.4 - negotiator: ^0.6.3 - promise-retry: ^2.0.1 - socks-proxy-agent: ^7.0.0 - ssri: ^10.0.0 - checksum: 7268bf274a0f6dcf0343829489a4506603ff34bd0649c12058753900b0eb29191dce5dba12680719a5d0a983d3e57810f594a12f3c18494e93a1fbc6348a4540 + agentkeepalive: "npm:^4.2.1" + cacache: "npm:^17.0.0" + http-cache-semantics: "npm:^4.1.1" + http-proxy-agent: "npm:^5.0.0" + https-proxy-agent: "npm:^5.0.0" + is-lambda: "npm:^1.0.1" + lru-cache: "npm:^7.7.1" + minipass: "npm:^5.0.0" + minipass-fetch: "npm:^3.0.0" + minipass-flush: "npm:^1.0.5" + minipass-pipeline: "npm:^1.2.4" + negotiator: "npm:^0.6.3" + promise-retry: "npm:^2.0.1" + socks-proxy-agent: "npm:^7.0.0" + ssri: "npm:^10.0.0" + checksum: 10/b4b442cfaaec81db159f752a5f2e3ee3d7aa682782868fa399200824ec6298502e01bdc456e443dc219bcd5546c8e4471644d54109c8599841dc961d17a805fa languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6585,8 +6460,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.12 resolution: "makeerror@npm:1.0.12" dependencies: - tmpl: 1.0.5 - checksum: b38a025a12c8146d6eeea5a7f2bf27d51d8ad6064da8ca9405fcf7bf9b54acd43e3b30ddd7abb9b1bfa4ddb266019133313482570ddb207de568f71ecfcf6060 + tmpl: "npm:1.0.5" + checksum: 10/4c66ddfc654537333da952c084f507fa4c30c707b1635344eb35be894d797ba44c901a9cebe914aa29a7f61357543ba09b09dddbd7f65b4aee756b450f169f40 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6594,43 +6469,43 @@ __metadata: version: 0.4.15 resolution: "memoizee@npm:0.4.15" dependencies: - d: ^1.0.1 - es5-ext: ^0.10.53 - es6-weak-map: ^2.0.3 - event-emitter: ^0.3.5 - is-promise: ^2.2.2 - lru-queue: ^0.1.0 - next-tick: ^1.1.0 - timers-ext: ^0.1.7 - checksum: 4065d94416dbadac56edf5947bf342beca0e9f051f33ad60d7c4baf3f6ca0f3c6fdb770c5caed5a89c0ceaf9121428582f396445d591785281383d60aa883418 + d: "npm:^1.0.1" + es5-ext: "npm:^0.10.53" + es6-weak-map: "npm:^2.0.3" + event-emitter: "npm:^0.3.5" + is-promise: "npm:^2.2.2" + lru-queue: "npm:^0.1.0" + next-tick: "npm:^1.1.0" + timers-ext: "npm:^0.1.7" + checksum: 10/3c72cc59ae721e40980b604479e11e7d702f4167943f40f1e5c5d5da95e4b2664eec49ae533b2d41ffc938f642f145b48389ee4099e0945996fcf297e3dcb221 languageName: node linkType: hard "meow@npm:^12.0.1": version: 12.1.1 resolution: "meow@npm:12.1.1" - checksum: a6f3be85fbe53430ef53ab933dd790c39216eb4dbaabdbef593aa59efb40ecaa417897000175476bc33eed09e4cbce01df7ba53ba91e9a4bd84ec07024cb8914 + checksum: 10/8594c319f4671a562c1fef584422902f1bbbad09ea49cdf9bb26dc92f730fa33398dd28a8cf34fcf14167f1d1148d05a867e50911fc4286751a4fb662fdd2dc2 languageName: node linkType: hard "meow@npm:^13.2.0": version: 13.2.0 resolution: "meow@npm:13.2.0" - checksum: 79c61dc02ad448ff5c29bbaf1ef42181f1eae9947112c0e23db93e84cbc2708ecda53e54bfc6689f1e55255b2cea26840ec76e57a5773a16ca45f4fe2163ec1c + checksum: 10/4eff5bc921fed0b8a471ad79069d741a0210036d717547d0c7f36fdaf84ef7a3036225f38b6a53830d84dc9cbf8b944b097fde62381b8b5b215119e735ce1063 languageName: node linkType: hard "merge-stream@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "merge-stream@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 6fa4dcc8d86629705cea944a4b88ef4cb0e07656ebf223fa287443256414283dd25d91c1cd84c77987f2aec5927af1a9db6085757cb43d90eb170ebf4b47f4f4 + checksum: 10/6fa4dcc8d86629705cea944a4b88ef4cb0e07656ebf223fa287443256414283dd25d91c1cd84c77987f2aec5927af1a9db6085757cb43d90eb170ebf4b47f4f4 languageName: node linkType: hard "merge2@npm:^1.3.0, merge2@npm:^1.4.1": version: 1.4.1 resolution: "merge2@npm:1.4.1" - checksum: 7268db63ed5169466540b6fb947aec313200bcf6d40c5ab722c22e242f651994619bcd85601602972d3c85bd2cc45a358a4c61937e9f11a061919a1da569b0c2 + checksum: 10/7268db63ed5169466540b6fb947aec313200bcf6d40c5ab722c22e242f651994619bcd85601602972d3c85bd2cc45a358a4c61937e9f11a061919a1da569b0c2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6638,55 +6513,57 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.5 resolution: "micromatch@npm:4.0.5" dependencies: - braces: ^3.0.2 - picomatch: ^2.3.1 - checksum: 02a17b671c06e8fefeeb6ef996119c1e597c942e632a21ef589154f23898c9c6a9858526246abb14f8bca6e77734aa9dcf65476fca47cedfb80d9577d52843fc + braces: "npm:^3.0.2" + picomatch: "npm:^2.3.1" + checksum: 10/a749888789fc15cac0e03273844dbd749f9f8e8d64e70c564bcf06a033129554c789bb9e30d7566d7ff6596611a08e58ac12cf2a05f6e3c9c47c50c4c7e12fa2 languageName: node linkType: hard "mimic-fn@npm:^2.1.0": version: 2.1.0 resolution: "mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0" - checksum: d2421a3444848ce7f84bd49115ddacff29c15745db73f54041edc906c14b131a38d05298dae3081667627a59b2eb1ca4b436ff2e1b80f69679522410418b478a - 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checksum: a96865108c6c3b1b8e1d5e9f11843de1e077e57737602de1b82030815f311be11f96f09cce59bd5b903d0b29834733e5313f9301e3ed6d6f6fba2eae0df4298f + checksum: 10/d71b8dcd4b5af2fe13ecf3bd24070263489404fe216488c5ba7e38ece1f54daf219e72a833a3a2dc404331e870e9f44963a33399589490956bff003a3404d3b2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -6795,21 +6672,21 @@ __metadata: resolution: "mkdirp@npm:3.0.1" bin: mkdirp: dist/cjs/src/bin.js - checksum: 972deb188e8fb55547f1e58d66bd6b4a3623bf0c7137802582602d73e6480c1c2268dcbafbfb1be466e00cc7e56ac514d7fd9334b7cf33e3e2ab547c16f83a8d + checksum: 10/16fd79c28645759505914561e249b9a1f5fe3362279ad95487a4501e4467abeb714fd35b95307326b8fd03f3c7719065ef11a6f97b7285d7888306d1bd2232ba languageName: node linkType: hard "ms@npm:2.1.2": version: 2.1.2 resolution: "ms@npm:2.1.2" - checksum: 673cdb2c3133eb050c745908d8ce632ed2c02d85640e2edb3ace856a2266a813b30c613569bf3354fdf4ea7d1a1494add3bfa95e2713baa27d0c2c71fc44f58f + checksum: 10/673cdb2c3133eb050c745908d8ce632ed2c02d85640e2edb3ace856a2266a813b30c613569bf3354fdf4ea7d1a1494add3bfa95e2713baa27d0c2c71fc44f58f languageName: node linkType: hard "ms@npm:^2.0.0, ms@npm:^2.1.1": version: 2.1.3 resolution: "ms@npm:2.1.3" - 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checksum: 7d0eda657002738aa5206107bd0580aead6c95c460ef1bdd0b1a87a9c7ae6277ac2e9b945306aaa5b32c6dcb7feaf462d0f552e7f8b5718abfc6ead5c94a71b3 + checksum: 10/67235c39d1bc05851383dadde5cf77ae1c90c2a1d189e845c7f20f646f0488d875ad5f5226bbba072a88cebbb085a3f784a6673117daf785bdf614a852550362 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"nanoid@npm:^3.3.7": + version: 3.3.7 + resolution: "nanoid@npm:3.3.7" + bin: + nanoid: bin/nanoid.cjs + checksum: 10/ac1eb60f615b272bccb0e2b9cd933720dad30bf9708424f691b8113826bb91aca7e9d14ef5d9415a6ba15c266b37817256f58d8ce980c82b0ba3185352565679 languageName: node linkType: hard "napi-build-utils@npm:^1.0.1": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "napi-build-utils@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: 06c14271ee966e108d55ae109f340976a9556c8603e888037145d6522726aebe89dd0c861b4b83947feaf6d39e79e08817559e8693deedc2c94e82c5cbd090c7 + checksum: 10/276feb8e30189fe18718e85b6f82e4f952822baa2e7696f771cc42571a235b789dc5907a14d9ffb6838c3e4ff4c25717c2575e5ce1cf6e02e496e204c11e57f6 languageName: node linkType: hard "natural-compare@npm:^1.4.0": version: 1.4.0 resolution: "natural-compare@npm:1.4.0" - 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version: 6.0.2 - resolution: "npmlog@npm:6.0.2" +"nth-check@npm:^2.0.1": + version: 2.1.1 + resolution: "nth-check@npm:2.1.1" dependencies: - are-we-there-yet: ^3.0.0 - console-control-strings: ^1.1.0 - gauge: ^4.0.3 - set-blocking: ^2.0.0 - checksum: ae238cd264a1c3f22091cdd9e2b106f684297d3c184f1146984ecbe18aaa86343953f26b9520dedd1b1372bc0316905b736c1932d778dbeb1fcf5a1001390e2a + boolbase: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/5afc3dafcd1573b08877ca8e6148c52abd565f1d06b1eb08caf982e3fa289a82f2cae697ffb55b5021e146d60443f1590a5d6b944844e944714a5b549675bcd3 languageName: node linkType: hard "object-assign@npm:^4.0.1, object-assign@npm:^4.1.1": version: 4.1.1 resolution: "object-assign@npm:4.1.1" - checksum: fcc6e4ea8c7fe48abfbb552578b1c53e0d194086e2e6bbbf59e0a536381a292f39943c6e9628af05b5528aa5e3318bb30d6b2e53cadaf5b8fe9e12c4b69af23f + checksum: 10/fcc6e4ea8c7fe48abfbb552578b1c53e0d194086e2e6bbbf59e0a536381a292f39943c6e9628af05b5528aa5e3318bb30d6b2e53cadaf5b8fe9e12c4b69af23f languageName: node linkType: hard "object-hash@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "object-hash@npm:3.0.0" - 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wrappy: 1 - checksum: cd0a88501333edd640d95f0d2700fbde6bff20b3d4d9bdc521bdd31af0656b5706570d6c6afe532045a20bb8dc0849f8332d6f2a416e0ba6d3d3b98806c7db68 + wrappy: "npm:1" + checksum: 10/cd0a88501333edd640d95f0d2700fbde6bff20b3d4d9bdc521bdd31af0656b5706570d6c6afe532045a20bb8dc0849f8332d6f2a416e0ba6d3d3b98806c7db68 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7099,29 +7002,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.1.2 resolution: "onetime@npm:5.1.2" dependencies: - mimic-fn: ^2.1.0 - checksum: 2478859ef817fc5d4e9c2f9e5728512ddd1dbc9fb7829ad263765bb6d3b91ce699d6e2332eef6b7dff183c2f490bd3349f1666427eaba4469fba0ac38dfd0d34 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"onetime@npm:^6.0.0": - version: 6.0.0 - resolution: "onetime@npm:6.0.0" - dependencies: - mimic-fn: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 0846ce78e440841335d4e9182ef69d5762e9f38aa7499b19f42ea1c4cd40f0b4446094c455c713f9adac3f4ae86f613bb5e30c99e52652764d06a89f709b3788 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"open@npm:^9.1.0": - version: 9.1.0 - resolution: "open@npm:9.1.0" - dependencies: - default-browser: ^4.0.0 - define-lazy-prop: ^3.0.0 - is-inside-container: ^1.0.0 - is-wsl: ^2.2.0 - checksum: 3993c0f61d51fed8ac290e99c9c3cf45d3b6cfb3e2aa2b74cafd312c3486c22fd81df16ac8f3ab91dd8a4e3e729a16fc2480cfc406c4833416cf908acf1ae7c9 + mimic-fn: "npm:^2.1.0" + checksum: 10/e9fd0695a01cf226652f0385bf16b7a24153dbbb2039f764c8ba6d2306a8506b0e4ce570de6ad99c7a6eb49520743afdb66edd95ee979c1a342554ed49a9aadd languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7129,13 +7011,13 @@ __metadata: version: 0.9.3 resolution: "optionator@npm:0.9.3" dependencies: - "@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap": ^1.2.3 - deep-is: ^0.1.3 - fast-levenshtein: ^2.0.6 - levn: ^0.4.1 - prelude-ls: ^1.2.1 - type-check: ^0.4.0 - checksum: 09281999441f2fe9c33a5eeab76700795365a061563d66b098923eb719251a42bdbe432790d35064d0816ead9296dbeb1ad51a733edf4167c96bd5d0882e428a + "@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap": "npm:^1.2.3" + deep-is: "npm:^0.1.3" + fast-levenshtein: "npm:^2.0.6" + levn: "npm:^0.4.1" + prelude-ls: "npm:^1.2.1" + type-check: "npm:^0.4.0" + checksum: 10/fa28d3016395974f7fc087d6bbf0ac7f58ac3489f4f202a377e9c194969f329a7b88c75f8152b33fb08794a30dcd5c079db6bb465c28151357f113d80bbf67da languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7143,8 +7025,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.1 resolution: "p-event@npm:5.0.1" dependencies: - p-timeout: ^5.0.2 - checksum: 3bdd8df6092e6b149f25e9c2eb1c0843b3b4279b07be2a2c72c02b65b267a8908c2040fefd606f2497b0f2bcefcd214f8ca5a74f0c883515d400ccf1d88d5683 + p-timeout: "npm:^5.0.2" + checksum: 10/755a737e3d4fe912772daaa7262f7f3a4b45e3dbcfb0212a3a913c2db47b0981ddc2e9b1c5ec5fbbfb0cb622ce5b67bc04751ec8ced7e340398107e536d5aab2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7152,15 +7034,15 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "p-filter@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - p-map: ^5.1.0 - checksum: aacc36820f0531c01963334edc6debf5038b47c83a1c2255b7c14f6964a9a5fc1887ce0b93e72d137727403253bcc9bb26eed9bb79896ece1fa9f52d979bb97b + p-map: "npm:^5.1.0" + checksum: 10/aacc36820f0531c01963334edc6debf5038b47c83a1c2255b7c14f6964a9a5fc1887ce0b93e72d137727403253bcc9bb26eed9bb79896ece1fa9f52d979bb97b languageName: node linkType: hard "p-is-promise@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "p-is-promise@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 74e511225fde5eeda7a120d51c60c284de90d68dec7c73611e7e59e8d1c44cc7e2246686544515849149b74ed0571ad470a456ac0d00314f8d03d2cc1ad43aae + checksum: 10/161e526ce5ba4f053afce094110fdf6cae250d28002b874b30d5f7525d1abb18911ae040d7f0ed3d202af6df87c84acb04109f39e34d7072af6088b3fc6a27fa languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7168,8 +7050,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.3.0 resolution: "p-limit@npm:2.3.0" dependencies: - p-try: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 84ff17f1a38126c3314e91ecfe56aecbf36430940e2873dadaa773ffe072dc23b7af8e46d4b6485d302a11673fe94c6b67ca2cfbb60c989848b02100d0594ac1 + p-try: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/84ff17f1a38126c3314e91ecfe56aecbf36430940e2873dadaa773ffe072dc23b7af8e46d4b6485d302a11673fe94c6b67ca2cfbb60c989848b02100d0594ac1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7177,8 +7059,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.1.0 resolution: "p-limit@npm:3.1.0" dependencies: - yocto-queue: ^0.1.0 - checksum: 7c3690c4dbf62ef625671e20b7bdf1cbc9534e83352a2780f165b0d3ceba21907e77ad63401708145ca4e25bfc51636588d89a8c0aeb715e6c37d1c066430360 + yocto-queue: "npm:^0.1.0" + checksum: 10/7c3690c4dbf62ef625671e20b7bdf1cbc9534e83352a2780f165b0d3ceba21907e77ad63401708145ca4e25bfc51636588d89a8c0aeb715e6c37d1c066430360 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7186,8 +7068,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "p-locate@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - p-limit: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 83991734a9854a05fe9dbb29f707ea8a0599391f52daac32b86f08e21415e857ffa60f0e120bfe7ce0cc4faf9274a50239c7895fc0d0579d08411e513b83a4ae + p-limit: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/83991734a9854a05fe9dbb29f707ea8a0599391f52daac32b86f08e21415e857ffa60f0e120bfe7ce0cc4faf9274a50239c7895fc0d0579d08411e513b83a4ae languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7195,8 +7077,8 @@ __metadata: version: 4.1.0 resolution: "p-locate@npm:4.1.0" dependencies: - p-limit: ^2.2.0 - checksum: 513bd14a455f5da4ebfcb819ef706c54adb09097703de6aeaa5d26fe5ea16df92b48d1ac45e01e3944ce1e6aa2a66f7f8894742b8c9d6e276e16cd2049a2b870 + p-limit: "npm:^2.2.0" + checksum: 10/513bd14a455f5da4ebfcb819ef706c54adb09097703de6aeaa5d26fe5ea16df92b48d1ac45e01e3944ce1e6aa2a66f7f8894742b8c9d6e276e16cd2049a2b870 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7204,8 +7086,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.0.0 resolution: "p-locate@npm:5.0.0" dependencies: - p-limit: ^3.0.2 - checksum: 1623088f36cf1cbca58e9b61c4e62bf0c60a07af5ae1ca99a720837356b5b6c5ba3eb1b2127e47a06865fee59dd0453cad7cc844cda9d5a62ac1a5a51b7c86d3 + p-limit: "npm:^3.0.2" + checksum: 10/1623088f36cf1cbca58e9b61c4e62bf0c60a07af5ae1ca99a720837356b5b6c5ba3eb1b2127e47a06865fee59dd0453cad7cc844cda9d5a62ac1a5a51b7c86d3 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7213,8 +7095,8 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.0 resolution: "p-map@npm:4.0.0" dependencies: - aggregate-error: ^3.0.0 - checksum: cb0ab21ec0f32ddffd31dfc250e3afa61e103ef43d957cc45497afe37513634589316de4eb88abdfd969fe6410c22c0b93ab24328833b8eb1ccc087fc0442a1c + aggregate-error: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/7ba4a2b1e24c05e1fc14bbaea0fc6d85cf005ae7e9c9425d4575550f37e2e584b1af97bcde78eacd7559208f20995988d52881334db16cf77bc1bcf68e48ed7c languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7222,29 +7104,29 @@ __metadata: version: 5.5.0 resolution: "p-map@npm:5.5.0" dependencies: - aggregate-error: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 065cb6fca6b78afbd070dd9224ff160dc23eea96e57863c09a0c8ea7ce921043f76854be7ee0abc295cff1ac9adcf700e79a1fbe3b80b625081087be58e7effb + aggregate-error: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/089a709d2525208a965b7907cc8e58af950542629b538198fc142c40e7f36b3b492dd6a46a1279515ccab58bb6f047e04593c0ab5ef4539d312adf7f761edf55 languageName: node linkType: hard "p-map@npm:^6.0.0": version: 6.0.0 resolution: "p-map@npm:6.0.0" - checksum: 41e20c30a08da664610ff1ed198519d8cb93567491392c819ce502f523dde1187afab23e75e4c0fe74310d424a6f74ceaebe73ad5496c9e27d91183184fedd37 + checksum: 10/1fd59257b3828a4c4def676ef64acb0edb7809b161ada25efd9a0c8db312ad81c66bcaa9e5d8fd982fd20d412609aabcb8da9b090e81f6c449bc1203752ba0eb languageName: node linkType: hard "p-timeout@npm:^5.0.2": version: 5.1.0 resolution: "p-timeout@npm:5.1.0" - checksum: f5cd4e17301ff1ff1d8dbf2817df0ad88c6bba99349fc24d8d181827176ad4f8aca649190b8a5b1a428dfd6ddc091af4606835d3e0cb0656e04045da5c9e270c + checksum: 10/f5cd4e17301ff1ff1d8dbf2817df0ad88c6bba99349fc24d8d181827176ad4f8aca649190b8a5b1a428dfd6ddc091af4606835d3e0cb0656e04045da5c9e270c languageName: node linkType: hard "p-try@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.2.0 resolution: "p-try@npm:2.2.0" - checksum: f8a8e9a7693659383f06aec604ad5ead237c7a261c18048a6e1b5b85a5f8a067e469aa24f5bc009b991ea3b058a87f5065ef4176793a200d4917349881216cae + checksum: 10/f8a8e9a7693659383f06aec604ad5ead237c7a261c18048a6e1b5b85a5f8a067e469aa24f5bc009b991ea3b058a87f5065ef4176793a200d4917349881216cae languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7252,8 +7134,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.1 resolution: "parent-module@npm:1.0.1" dependencies: - callsites: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 6ba8b255145cae9470cf5551eb74be2d22281587af787a2626683a6c20fbb464978784661478dd2a3f1dad74d1e802d403e1b03c1a31fab310259eec8ac560ff + callsites: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/6ba8b255145cae9470cf5551eb74be2d22281587af787a2626683a6c20fbb464978784661478dd2a3f1dad74d1e802d403e1b03c1a31fab310259eec8ac560ff languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7261,9 +7143,9 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.0 resolution: "parse-json@npm:4.0.0" dependencies: - error-ex: ^1.3.1 - json-parse-better-errors: ^1.0.1 - checksum: 0fe227d410a61090c247e34fa210552b834613c006c2c64d9a05cfe9e89cf8b4246d1246b1a99524b53b313e9ac024438d0680f67e33eaed7e6f38db64cfe7b5 + error-ex: "npm:^1.3.1" + json-parse-better-errors: "npm:^1.0.1" + checksum: 10/0fe227d410a61090c247e34fa210552b834613c006c2c64d9a05cfe9e89cf8b4246d1246b1a99524b53b313e9ac024438d0680f67e33eaed7e6f38db64cfe7b5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7271,53 +7153,46 @@ __metadata: version: 5.2.0 resolution: "parse-json@npm:5.2.0" dependencies: - "@babel/code-frame": ^7.0.0 - error-ex: ^1.3.1 - json-parse-even-better-errors: ^2.3.0 - lines-and-columns: ^1.1.6 - checksum: 62085b17d64da57f40f6afc2ac1f4d95def18c4323577e1eced571db75d9ab59b297d1d10582920f84b15985cbfc6b6d450ccbf317644cfa176f3ed982ad87e2 + "@babel/code-frame": "npm:^7.0.0" + error-ex: "npm:^1.3.1" + json-parse-even-better-errors: "npm:^2.3.0" + lines-and-columns: "npm:^1.1.6" + checksum: 10/62085b17d64da57f40f6afc2ac1f4d95def18c4323577e1eced571db75d9ab59b297d1d10582920f84b15985cbfc6b6d450ccbf317644cfa176f3ed982ad87e2 languageName: node linkType: hard "path-exists@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "path-exists@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 96e92643aa34b4b28d0de1cd2eba52a1c5313a90c6542d03f62750d82480e20bfa62bc865d5cfc6165f5fcd5aeb0851043c40a39be5989646f223300021bae0a + checksum: 10/96e92643aa34b4b28d0de1cd2eba52a1c5313a90c6542d03f62750d82480e20bfa62bc865d5cfc6165f5fcd5aeb0851043c40a39be5989646f223300021bae0a languageName: node linkType: hard "path-exists@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "path-exists@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 505807199dfb7c50737b057dd8d351b82c033029ab94cb10a657609e00c1bc53b951cfdbccab8de04c5584d5eff31128ce6afd3db79281874a5ef2adbba55ed1 + checksum: 10/505807199dfb7c50737b057dd8d351b82c033029ab94cb10a657609e00c1bc53b951cfdbccab8de04c5584d5eff31128ce6afd3db79281874a5ef2adbba55ed1 languageName: node linkType: hard "path-is-absolute@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.1 resolution: "path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1" - checksum: 060840f92cf8effa293bcc1bea81281bd7d363731d214cbe5c227df207c34cd727430f70c6037b5159c8a870b9157cba65e775446b0ab06fd5ecc7e54615a3b8 + checksum: 10/060840f92cf8effa293bcc1bea81281bd7d363731d214cbe5c227df207c34cd727430f70c6037b5159c8a870b9157cba65e775446b0ab06fd5ecc7e54615a3b8 languageName: node linkType: hard "path-key@npm:^3.0.0, path-key@npm:^3.1.0": version: 3.1.1 resolution: "path-key@npm:3.1.1" - checksum: 55cd7a9dd4b343412a8386a743f9c746ef196e57c823d90ca3ab917f90ab9f13dd0ded27252ba49dbdfcab2b091d998bc446f6220cd3cea65db407502a740020 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"path-key@npm:^4.0.0": - version: 4.0.0 - resolution: "path-key@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 8e6c314ae6d16b83e93032c61020129f6f4484590a777eed709c4a01b50e498822b00f76ceaf94bc64dbd90b327df56ceadce27da3d83393790f1219e07721d7 + checksum: 10/55cd7a9dd4b343412a8386a743f9c746ef196e57c823d90ca3ab917f90ab9f13dd0ded27252ba49dbdfcab2b091d998bc446f6220cd3cea65db407502a740020 languageName: node linkType: hard "path-parse@npm:^1.0.7": version: 1.0.7 resolution: "path-parse@npm:1.0.7" - checksum: 49abf3d81115642938a8700ec580da6e830dde670be21893c62f4e10bd7dd4c3742ddc603fe24f898cba7eb0c6bc1777f8d9ac14185d34540c6d4d80cd9cae8a + checksum: 10/49abf3d81115642938a8700ec580da6e830dde670be21893c62f4e10bd7dd4c3742ddc603fe24f898cba7eb0c6bc1777f8d9ac14185d34540c6d4d80cd9cae8a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7325,51 +7200,51 @@ __metadata: version: 1.10.1 resolution: "path-scurry@npm:1.10.1" dependencies: - lru-cache: ^9.1.1 || ^10.0.0 - minipass: ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0 - checksum: e2557cff3a8fb8bc07afdd6ab163a92587884f9969b05bbbaf6fe7379348bfb09af9ed292af12ed32398b15fb443e81692047b786d1eeb6d898a51eb17ed7d90 + lru-cache: "npm:^9.1.1 || ^10.0.0" + minipass: "npm:^5.0.0 || ^6.0.2 || ^7.0.0" + checksum: 10/eebfb8304fef1d4f7e1486df987e4fd77413de4fce16508dea69fcf8eb318c09a6b15a7a2f4c22877cec1cb7ecbd3071d18ca9de79eeece0df874a00f1f0bdc8 languageName: node linkType: hard "path-type@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "path-type@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 5b1e2daa247062061325b8fdbfd1fb56dde0a448fb1455453276ea18c60685bdad23a445dc148cf87bc216be1573357509b7d4060494a6fd768c7efad833ee45 + checksum: 10/5b1e2daa247062061325b8fdbfd1fb56dde0a448fb1455453276ea18c60685bdad23a445dc148cf87bc216be1573357509b7d4060494a6fd768c7efad833ee45 languageName: node linkType: hard "picocolors@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "picocolors@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: a2e8092dd86c8396bdba9f2b5481032848525b3dc295ce9b57896f931e63fc16f79805144321f72976383fc249584672a75cc18d6777c6b757603f372f745981 + checksum: 10/a2e8092dd86c8396bdba9f2b5481032848525b3dc295ce9b57896f931e63fc16f79805144321f72976383fc249584672a75cc18d6777c6b757603f372f745981 languageName: node linkType: hard "picomatch@npm:^2.0.4, picomatch@npm:^2.2.1, picomatch@npm:^2.2.2, picomatch@npm:^2.2.3, picomatch@npm:^2.3.1": version: 2.3.1 resolution: "picomatch@npm:2.3.1" - checksum: 050c865ce81119c4822c45d3c84f1ced46f93a0126febae20737bd05ca20589c564d6e9226977df859ed5e03dc73f02584a2b0faad36e896936238238b0446cf + checksum: 10/60c2595003b05e4535394d1da94850f5372c9427ca4413b71210f437f7b2ca091dbd611c45e8b37d10036fa8eade25c1b8951654f9d3973bfa66a2ff4d3b08bc languageName: node linkType: hard "pify@npm:^2.3.0": version: 2.3.0 resolution: "pify@npm:2.3.0" - 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checksum: 4ceeb9113e1b1372d0cd969f3468fa042daa1dd9527b1b6bb88acb6ab55d8b9cd65dbf18819f9f9ddf0db804990901dcdaade80a215e7b2c23daae38e64f5bdf + checksum: 10/be18a5e4d76dd711778664829841cde690971d02b6cbae277735a09c1c28f407b99ef6ef3cd585a1e6546d4097b28df40ed32c4a287b9699dcf6d7f208495e23 languageName: node linkType: hard "resolve-pkg-maps@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "resolve-pkg-maps@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: 1012afc566b3fdb190a6309cc37ef3b2dcc35dff5fa6683a9d00cd25c3247edfbc4691b91078c97adc82a29b77a2660c30d791d65dab4fc78bfc473f60289977 + checksum: 10/0763150adf303040c304009231314d1e84c6e5ebfa2d82b7d94e96a6e82bacd1dcc0b58ae257315f3c8adb89a91d8d0f12928241cba2df1680fbe6f60bf99b0e languageName: node linkType: hard "resolve.exports@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.2 resolution: "resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2" - checksum: 1c7778ca1b86a94f8ab4055d196c7d87d1874b96df4d7c3e67bbf793140f0717fd506dcafd62785b079cd6086b9264424ad634fb904409764c3509c3df1653f2 + checksum: 10/f1cc0b6680f9a7e0345d783e0547f2a5110d8336b3c2a4227231dd007271ffd331fd722df934f017af90bae0373920ca0d4005da6f76cb3176c8ae426370f893 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7941,12 +7809,25 @@ __metadata: version: 1.22.4 resolution: "resolve@npm:1.22.4" dependencies: - is-core-module: ^2.13.0 - path-parse: ^1.0.7 - supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: ^1.0.0 + is-core-module: "npm:^2.13.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" + bin: + resolve: bin/resolve + checksum: 10/5634f87e72888b139a7cb544213504cc0c6dcd82c6f67ce810b4ca6b3367ddb2aeed5f21c9bb6cd8f3115f0b7e6c0980ef25eeb0dcbd188d9590bb5c84d2d253 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"resolve@npm:^1.22.8": + version: 1.22.8 + resolution: "resolve@npm:1.22.8" + dependencies: + is-core-module: "npm:^2.13.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" bin: resolve: bin/resolve - checksum: 23f25174c2736ce24c6d918910e0d1f89b6b38fefa07a995dff864acd7863d59a7f049e691f93b4b2ee29696303390d921552b6d1b841ed4a8101f517e1d0124 + checksum: 10/c473506ee01eb45cbcfefb68652ae5759e092e6b0fb64547feadf9736a6394f258fbc6f88e00c5ca36d5477fbb65388b272432a3600fa223062e54333c156753 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -7954,52 +7835,65 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.0-next.4 resolution: "resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.4" dependencies: - is-core-module: ^2.9.0 - path-parse: ^1.0.7 - supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: ^1.0.0 + is-core-module: "npm:^2.9.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" bin: resolve: bin/resolve - checksum: c438ac9a650f2030fd074219d7f12ceb983b475da2d89ad3d6dd05fbf6b7a0a8cd37d4d10b43cb1f632bc19f22246ab7f36ebda54d84a29bfb2910a0680906d3 + checksum: 10/20d5293f5015aa0b65c488ee365f9dfc30b954b04f9074425a6fb738d78fa63825a82ba8574b7ee200af7ebd5e98c41786831d1d4c1612da3cd063980dfa06a3 languageName: node linkType: hard -"resolve@patch:resolve@^1.1.7#~builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@^1.20.0#~builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@^1.22.0#~builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@^1.22.1#~builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@^1.22.2#~builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@^1.22.4#~builtin": +"resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.1.7#optional!builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.20.0#optional!builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.22.0#optional!builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.22.1#optional!builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.22.2#optional!builtin, resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.22.4#optional!builtin": version: 1.22.4 - resolution: "resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.4#~builtin::version=1.22.4&hash=c3c19d" + resolution: "resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.4#optional!builtin::version=1.22.4&hash=c3c19d" dependencies: - is-core-module: ^2.13.0 - path-parse: ^1.0.7 - supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: ^1.0.0 + is-core-module: "npm:^2.13.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" bin: resolve: bin/resolve - checksum: c45f2545fdc4d21883861b032789e20aa67a2f2692f68da320cc84d5724cd02f2923766c5354b3210897e88f1a7b3d6d2c7c22faeead8eed7078e4c783a444bc + checksum: 10/13262490c7b0ac54f6397f1d45ee139ebd2e431781e2ff0d9c27bf41648a349a90bc23a3ab2768f0f821efdd2cba08fb85f21288fc0cc01718c03557fbd285bc languageName: node linkType: hard -"resolve@patch:resolve@^2.0.0-next.4#~builtin": +"resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^1.22.8#optional!builtin": + version: 1.22.8 + resolution: "resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#optional!builtin::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d" + dependencies: + is-core-module: "npm:^2.13.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" + bin: + resolve: bin/resolve + checksum: 10/f345cd37f56a2c0275e3fe062517c650bb673815d885e7507566df589375d165bbbf4bdb6aa95600a9bc55f4744b81f452b5a63f95b9f10a72787dba3c90890a + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A^2.0.0-next.4#optional!builtin": version: 2.0.0-next.4 - resolution: "resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.4#~builtin::version=2.0.0-next.4&hash=c3c19d" + resolution: "resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.4#optional!builtin::version=2.0.0-next.4&hash=c3c19d" dependencies: - is-core-module: ^2.9.0 - path-parse: ^1.0.7 - supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: ^1.0.0 + is-core-module: "npm:^2.9.0" + path-parse: "npm:^1.0.7" + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: "npm:^1.0.0" bin: resolve: bin/resolve - checksum: 4bf9f4f8a458607af90518ff73c67a4bc1a38b5a23fef2bb0ccbd45e8be89820a1639b637b0ba377eb2be9eedfb1739a84cde24fe4cd670c8207d8fea922b011 + checksum: 10/27bff19d8219385bb1e271066317e553cff18daa2a19db9598d94ae444417ef3f5aec19e86927872d6cb241d02649cfb35a4c0d9d10ef2afa6325bce8bc8d903 languageName: node linkType: hard "retry@npm:^0.12.0": version: 0.12.0 resolution: "retry@npm:0.12.0" - checksum: 623bd7d2e5119467ba66202d733ec3c2e2e26568074923bc0585b6b99db14f357e79bdedb63cab56cec47491c4a0da7e6021a7465ca6dc4f481d3898fdd3158c + checksum: 10/1f914879f97e7ee931ad05fe3afa629bd55270fc6cf1c1e589b6a99fab96d15daad0fa1a52a00c729ec0078045fe3e399bd4fd0c93bcc906957bdc17f89cb8e6 languageName: node linkType: hard "reusify@npm:^1.0.4": version: 1.0.4 resolution: "reusify@npm:1.0.4" - checksum: c3076ebcc22a6bc252cb0b9c77561795256c22b757f40c0d8110b1300723f15ec0fc8685e8d4ea6d7666f36c79ccc793b1939c748bf36f18f542744a4e379fcc + checksum: 10/14222c9e1d3f9ae01480c50d96057228a8524706db79cdeb5a2ce5bb7070dd9f409a6f84a02cbef8cdc80d39aef86f2dd03d155188a1300c599b05437dcd2ffb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8007,35 +7901,81 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.2 resolution: "rimraf@npm:3.0.2" dependencies: - glob: ^7.1.3 + glob: "npm:^7.1.3" bin: rimraf: bin.js - checksum: 87f4164e396f0171b0a3386cc1877a817f572148ee13a7e113b238e48e8a9f2f31d009a92ec38a591ff1567d9662c6b67fd8818a2dbbaed74bc26a87a2a4a9a0 + checksum: 10/063ffaccaaaca2cfd0ef3beafb12d6a03dd7ff1260d752d62a6077b5dfff6ae81bea571f655bb6b589d366930ec1bdd285d40d560c0dae9b12f125e54eb743d5 languageName: node linkType: hard -"rimraf@npm:^5.0.5": - version: 5.0.5 - resolution: "rimraf@npm:5.0.5" +"rimraf@npm:^5.0.7": + version: 5.0.7 + resolution: "rimraf@npm:5.0.7" dependencies: - glob: ^10.3.7 + glob: "npm:^10.3.7" bin: rimraf: dist/esm/bin.mjs - checksum: d66eef829b2e23b16445f34e73d75c7b7cf4cbc8834b04720def1c8f298eb0753c3d76df77325fad79d0a2c60470525d95f89c2475283ad985fd7441c32732d1 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"rollup@npm:^3.27.1": - version: 3.29.1 - resolution: "rollup@npm:3.29.1" - dependencies: - fsevents: ~2.3.2 + checksum: 10/1e3cecfe59ee2383dfd9ba5373caeed48ed941318a0360119419b7dffc63115661408b9427f67e1f66b5bbb8855a3953db09e55a7362b3df904a44453dfa22fb + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"rollup@npm:^4.13.0": + version: 4.13.2 + resolution: "rollup@npm:4.13.2" + dependencies: + "@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-android-arm64": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc": "npm:4.13.2" + "@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc": "npm:4.13.2" + "@types/estree": "npm:1.0.5" + fsevents: "npm:~2.3.2" dependenciesMeta: + "@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-android-arm64": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc": + optional: true + "@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc": + optional: true fsevents: optional: true bin: rollup: dist/bin/rollup - checksum: eb92dbb83842f46782257c93e864dd12e9eef72eb98485a70a08026e50f7b557cfff7da71f677a4bd62906e597cc99284bf152b876f814a95b61f5a618a0f43e + checksum: 10/08ad387c16ac3595bbcc7d2cbb7c3cb4366306244b92145819e5671dbf6a7540760985b87656a7cd4238a507b6deaaa020065c688b2249d0baadce4594d0d0c1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8045,21 +7985,12 @@ __metadata: languageName: unknown linkType: soft -"run-applescript@npm:^5.0.0": - version: 5.0.0 - resolution: "run-applescript@npm:5.0.0" - dependencies: - execa: ^5.0.0 - checksum: d00c2dbfa5b2d774de7451194b8b125f40f65fc183de7d9dcae97f57f59433586d3c39b9001e111c38bfa24c3436c99df1bb4066a2a0c90d39a8c4cd6889af77 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - "run-parallel@npm:^1.1.9": version: 1.2.0 resolution: "run-parallel@npm:1.2.0" dependencies: - queue-microtask: ^1.2.2 - checksum: cb4f97ad25a75ebc11a8ef4e33bb962f8af8516bb2001082ceabd8902e15b98f4b84b4f8a9b222e5d57fc3bd1379c483886ed4619367a7680dad65316993021d + queue-microtask: "npm:^1.2.2" + checksum: 10/cb4f97ad25a75ebc11a8ef4e33bb962f8af8516bb2001082ceabd8902e15b98f4b84b4f8a9b222e5d57fc3bd1379c483886ed4619367a7680dad65316993021d languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8067,25 +7998,25 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.1 resolution: "safe-array-concat@npm:1.0.1" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - isarray: ^2.0.5 - checksum: 001ecf1d8af398251cbfabaf30ed66e3855127fbceee178179524b24160b49d15442f94ed6c0db0b2e796da76bb05b73bf3cc241490ec9c2b741b41d33058581 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + isarray: "npm:^2.0.5" + checksum: 10/44f073d85ca12458138e6eff103ac63cec619c8261b6579bd2fa3ae7b6516cf153f02596d68e40c5bbe322a29c930017800efff652734ddcb8c0f33b2a71f89c languageName: node linkType: hard "safe-buffer@npm:^5.0.1, safe-buffer@npm:~5.2.0": version: 5.2.1 resolution: "safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1" - checksum: b99c4b41fdd67a6aaf280fcd05e9ffb0813654894223afb78a31f14a19ad220bba8aba1cb14eddce1fcfb037155fe6de4e861784eb434f7d11ed58d1e70dd491 + checksum: 10/32872cd0ff68a3ddade7a7617b8f4c2ae8764d8b7d884c651b74457967a9e0e886267d3ecc781220629c44a865167b61c375d2da6c720c840ecd73f45d5d9451 languageName: node linkType: hard "safe-buffer@npm:~5.1.0, safe-buffer@npm:~5.1.1": version: 5.1.2 resolution: "safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2" - checksum: f2f1f7943ca44a594893a852894055cf619c1fbcb611237fc39e461ae751187e7baf4dc391a72125e0ac4fb2d8c5c0b3c71529622e6a58f46b960211e704903c + checksum: 10/7eb5b48f2ed9a594a4795677d5a150faa7eb54483b2318b568dc0c4fc94092a6cce5be02c7288a0500a156282f5276d5688bce7259299568d1053b2150ef374a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8093,24 +8024,24 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - get-intrinsic: ^1.1.3 - is-regex: ^1.1.4 - checksum: bc566d8beb8b43c01b94e67de3f070fd2781685e835959bbbaaec91cc53381145ca91f69bd837ce6ec244817afa0a5e974fc4e40a2957f0aca68ac3add1ddd34 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.1.3" + is-regex: "npm:^1.1.4" + checksum: 10/c7248dfa07891aa634c8b9c55da696e246f8589ca50e7fd14b22b154a106e83209ddf061baf2fa45ebfbd485b094dc7297325acfc50724de6afe7138451b42a9 languageName: node linkType: hard "safer-buffer@npm:>= 2.1.2 < 3.0.0": version: 2.1.2 resolution: "safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2" - checksum: cab8f25ae6f1434abee8d80023d7e72b598cf1327164ddab31003c51215526801e40b66c5e65d658a0af1e9d6478cadcb4c745f4bd6751f97d8644786c0978b0 + checksum: 10/7eaf7a0cf37cc27b42fb3ef6a9b1df6e93a1c6d98c6c6702b02fe262d5fcbd89db63320793b99b21cb5348097d0a53de81bd5f4e8b86e20cc9412e3f1cfb4e83 languageName: node linkType: hard "sax@npm:>=0.6.0": version: 1.2.4 resolution: "sax@npm:1.2.4" - checksum: d3df7d32b897a2c2f28e941f732c71ba90e27c24f62ee918bd4d9a8cfb3553f2f81e5493c7f0be94a11c1911b643a9108f231dd6f60df3fa9586b5d2e3e9e1fe + checksum: 10/09b79ff6dc09689a24323352117c94593c69db348997b2af0edbd82fa08aba47d778055bf9616b57285bb73d25d790900c044bf631a8f10c8252412e3f3fe5dd languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8119,7 +8050,7 @@ __metadata: resolution: "semver@npm:6.3.1" bin: semver: bin/semver.js - checksum: ae47d06de28836adb9d3e25f22a92943477371292d9b665fb023fae278d345d508ca1958232af086d85e0155aee22e313e100971898bbb8d5d89b8b1d4054ca2 + checksum: 10/1ef3a85bd02a760c6ef76a45b8c1ce18226de40831e02a00bad78485390b98b6ccaa31046245fc63bba4a47a6a592b6c7eedc65cc47126e60489f9cc1ce3ed7e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8127,17 +8058,26 @@ __metadata: version: 7.5.4 resolution: "semver@npm:7.5.4" dependencies: - lru-cache: ^6.0.0 + lru-cache: "npm:^6.0.0" + bin: + semver: bin/semver.js + checksum: 10/985dec0d372370229a262c737063860fabd4a1c730662c1ea3200a2f649117761a42184c96df62a0e885e76fbd5dace41087d6c1ac0351b13c0df5d6bcb1b5ac + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"semver@npm:^7.6.0": + version: 7.6.2 + resolution: "semver@npm:7.6.2" bin: semver: bin/semver.js - checksum: 12d8ad952fa353b0995bf180cdac205a4068b759a140e5d3c608317098b3575ac2f1e09182206bf2eb26120e1c0ed8fb92c48c592f6099680de56bb071423ca3 + checksum: 10/296b17d027f57a87ef645e9c725bff4865a38dfc9caf29b26aa084b85820972fbe7372caea1ba6857162fa990702c6d9c1d82297cecb72d56c78ab29070d2ca2 languageName: node linkType: hard "set-blocking@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "set-blocking@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 6e65a05f7cf7ebdf8b7c75b101e18c0b7e3dff4940d480efed8aad3a36a4005140b660fa1d804cb8bce911cac290441dc728084a30504d3516ac2ff7ad607b02 + checksum: 10/8980ebf7ae9eb945bb036b6e283c547ee783a1ad557a82babf758a065e2fb6ea337fd82cac30dd565c1e606e423f30024a19fff7afbf4977d784720c4026a8ef languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8145,10 +8085,10 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.1 resolution: "set-function-name@npm:2.0.1" dependencies: - define-data-property: ^1.0.1 - functions-have-names: ^1.2.3 - has-property-descriptors: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 4975d17d90c40168eee2c7c9c59d023429f0a1690a89d75656306481ece0c3c1fb1ebcc0150ea546d1913e35fbd037bace91372c69e543e51fc5d1f31a9fa126 + define-data-property: "npm:^1.0.1" + functions-have-names: "npm:^1.2.3" + has-property-descriptors: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/4975d17d90c40168eee2c7c9c59d023429f0a1690a89d75656306481ece0c3c1fb1ebcc0150ea546d1913e35fbd037bace91372c69e543e51fc5d1f31a9fa126 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8156,15 +8096,15 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.0 resolution: "shebang-command@npm:2.0.0" dependencies: - shebang-regex: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 6b52fe87271c12968f6a054e60f6bde5f0f3d2db483a1e5c3e12d657c488a15474121a1d55cd958f6df026a54374ec38a4a963988c213b7570e1d51575cea7fa + shebang-regex: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/6b52fe87271c12968f6a054e60f6bde5f0f3d2db483a1e5c3e12d657c488a15474121a1d55cd958f6df026a54374ec38a4a963988c213b7570e1d51575cea7fa languageName: node linkType: hard "shebang-regex@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 1a2bcae50de99034fcd92ad4212d8e01eedf52c7ec7830eedcf886622804fe36884278f2be8be0ea5fde3fd1c23911643a4e0f726c8685b61871c8908af01222 + checksum: 10/1a2bcae50de99034fcd92ad4212d8e01eedf52c7ec7830eedcf886622804fe36884278f2be8be0ea5fde3fd1c23911643a4e0f726c8685b61871c8908af01222 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8172,31 +8112,31 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.4 resolution: "side-channel@npm:1.0.4" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.0 - get-intrinsic: ^1.0.2 - object-inspect: ^1.9.0 - checksum: 351e41b947079c10bd0858364f32bb3a7379514c399edb64ab3dce683933483fc63fb5e4efe0a15a2e8a7e3c436b6a91736ddb8d8c6591b0460a24bb4a1ee245 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.0" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.0.2" + object-inspect: "npm:^1.9.0" + checksum: 10/c4998d9fc530b0e75a7fd791ad868fdc42846f072734f9080ff55cc8dc7d3899abcda24fd896aa6648c3ab7021b4bb478073eb4f44dfd55bce9714bc1a7c5d45 languageName: node linkType: hard "signal-exit@npm:^3.0.3, signal-exit@npm:^3.0.7": version: 3.0.7 resolution: "signal-exit@npm:3.0.7" - checksum: a2f098f247adc367dffc27845853e9959b9e88b01cb301658cfe4194352d8d2bb32e18467c786a7fe15f1d44b233ea35633d076d5e737870b7139949d1ab6318 + checksum: 10/a2f098f247adc367dffc27845853e9959b9e88b01cb301658cfe4194352d8d2bb32e18467c786a7fe15f1d44b233ea35633d076d5e737870b7139949d1ab6318 languageName: node linkType: hard "signal-exit@npm:^4.0.1": version: 4.1.0 resolution: "signal-exit@npm:4.1.0" - checksum: 64c757b498cb8629ffa5f75485340594d2f8189e9b08700e69199069c8e3070fb3e255f7ab873c05dc0b3cec412aea7402e10a5990cb6a050bd33ba062a6c549 + checksum: 10/c9fa63bbbd7431066174a48ba2dd9986dfd930c3a8b59de9c29d7b6854ec1c12a80d15310869ea5166d413b99f041bfa3dd80a7947bcd44ea8e6eb3ffeabfa1f languageName: node linkType: hard "simple-concat@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.1 resolution: "simple-concat@npm:1.0.1" - checksum: 4d211042cc3d73a718c21ac6c4e7d7a0363e184be6a5ad25c8a1502e49df6d0a0253979e3d50dbdd3f60ef6c6c58d756b5d66ac1e05cda9cacd2e9fc59e3876a + checksum: 10/4d211042cc3d73a718c21ac6c4e7d7a0363e184be6a5ad25c8a1502e49df6d0a0253979e3d50dbdd3f60ef6c6c58d756b5d66ac1e05cda9cacd2e9fc59e3876a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8204,38 +8144,38 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.1 resolution: "simple-get@npm:4.0.1" dependencies: - decompress-response: ^6.0.0 - once: ^1.3.1 - simple-concat: ^1.0.0 - checksum: e4132fd27cf7af230d853fa45c1b8ce900cb430dd0a3c6d3829649fe4f2b26574c803698076c4006450efb0fad2ba8c5455fbb5755d4b0a5ec42d4f12b31d27e + decompress-response: "npm:^6.0.0" + once: "npm:^1.3.1" + simple-concat: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/93f1b32319782f78f2f2234e9ce34891b7ab6b990d19d8afefaa44423f5235ce2676aae42d6743fecac6c8dfff4b808d4c24fe5265be813d04769917a9a44f36 languageName: node linkType: hard "sisteransi@npm:^1.0.5": version: 1.0.5 resolution: "sisteransi@npm:1.0.5" - checksum: aba6438f46d2bfcef94cf112c835ab395172c75f67453fe05c340c770d3c402363018ae1ab4172a1026a90c47eaccf3af7b6ff6fa749a680c2929bd7fa2b37a4 + checksum: 10/aba6438f46d2bfcef94cf112c835ab395172c75f67453fe05c340c770d3c402363018ae1ab4172a1026a90c47eaccf3af7b6ff6fa749a680c2929bd7fa2b37a4 languageName: node linkType: hard "slash@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "slash@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 94a93fff615f25a999ad4b83c9d5e257a7280c90a32a7cb8b4a87996e4babf322e469c42b7f649fd5796edd8687652f3fb452a86dc97a816f01113183393f11c + checksum: 10/94a93fff615f25a999ad4b83c9d5e257a7280c90a32a7cb8b4a87996e4babf322e469c42b7f649fd5796edd8687652f3fb452a86dc97a816f01113183393f11c languageName: node linkType: hard "slash@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "slash@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: da8e4af73712253acd21b7853b7e0dbba776b786e82b010a5bfc8b5051a1db38ed8aba8e1e8f400dd2c9f373be91eb1c42b66e91abb407ff42b10feece5e1d2d + checksum: 10/da8e4af73712253acd21b7853b7e0dbba776b786e82b010a5bfc8b5051a1db38ed8aba8e1e8f400dd2c9f373be91eb1c42b66e91abb407ff42b10feece5e1d2d languageName: node linkType: hard "smart-buffer@npm:^4.2.0": version: 4.2.0 resolution: "smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0" - checksum: b5167a7142c1da704c0e3af85c402002b597081dd9575031a90b4f229ca5678e9a36e8a374f1814c8156a725d17008ae3bde63b92f9cfd132526379e580bec8b + checksum: 10/927484aa0b1640fd9473cee3e0a0bcad6fce93fd7bbc18bac9ad0c33686f5d2e2c422fba24b5899c184524af01e11dd2bd051c2bf2b07e47aff8ca72cbfc60d2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8243,10 +8183,10 @@ __metadata: version: 7.0.0 resolution: "socks-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.0" dependencies: - agent-base: ^6.0.2 - debug: ^4.3.3 - socks: ^2.6.2 - checksum: 720554370154cbc979e2e9ce6a6ec6ced205d02757d8f5d93fe95adae454fc187a5cbfc6b022afab850a5ce9b4c7d73e0f98e381879cf45f66317a4895953846 + agent-base: "npm:^6.0.2" + debug: "npm:^4.3.3" + socks: "npm:^2.6.2" + checksum: 10/26c75d9c62a9ed3fd494df60e65e88da442f78e0d4bc19bfd85ac37bd2c67470d6d4bba5202e804561cda6674db52864c9e2a2266775f879bc8d89c1445a5f4c languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8254,16 +8194,23 @@ __metadata: version: 2.7.1 resolution: "socks@npm:2.7.1" dependencies: - ip: ^2.0.0 - smart-buffer: ^4.2.0 - checksum: 259d9e3e8e1c9809a7f5c32238c3d4d2a36b39b83851d0f573bfde5f21c4b1288417ce1af06af1452569cd1eb0841169afd4998f0e04ba04656f6b7f0e46d748 + ip: "npm:^2.0.0" + smart-buffer: "npm:^4.2.0" + checksum: 10/5074f7d6a13b3155fa655191df1c7e7a48ce3234b8ccf99afa2ccb56591c195e75e8bb78486f8e9ea8168e95a29573cbaad55b2b5e195160ae4d2ea6811ba833 languageName: node linkType: hard "source-map-js@npm:^1.0.2": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "source-map-js@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: c049a7fc4deb9a7e9b481ae3d424cc793cb4845daa690bc5a05d428bf41bf231ced49b4cf0c9e77f9d42fdb3d20d6187619fc586605f5eabe995a316da8d377c + checksum: 10/38e2d2dd18d2e331522001fc51b54127ef4a5d473f53b1349c5cca2123562400e0986648b52e9407e348eaaed53bce49248b6e2641e6d793ca57cb2c360d6d51 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"source-map-js@npm:^1.2.0": + version: 1.2.0 + resolution: "source-map-js@npm:1.2.0" + checksum: 10/74f331cfd2d121c50790c8dd6d3c9de6be21926de80583b23b37029b0f37aefc3e019fa91f9a10a5e120c08135297e1ecf312d561459c45908cb1e0e365f49e5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8271,23 +8218,30 @@ __metadata: version: 0.5.13 resolution: "source-map-support@npm:0.5.13" dependencies: - buffer-from: ^1.0.0 - source-map: ^0.6.0 - checksum: 933550047b6c1a2328599a21d8b7666507427c0f5ef5eaadd56b5da0fd9505e239053c66fe181bf1df469a3b7af9d775778eee283cbb7ae16b902ddc09e93a97 + buffer-from: "npm:^1.0.0" + source-map: "npm:^0.6.0" + checksum: 10/d1514a922ac9c7e4786037eeff6c3322f461cd25da34bb9fefb15387b3490531774e6e31d95ab6d5b84a3e139af9c3a570ccaee6b47bd7ea262691ed3a8bc34e languageName: node linkType: hard "source-map@npm:^0.6.0, source-map@npm:^0.6.1": version: 0.6.1 resolution: "source-map@npm:0.6.1" - checksum: 59ce8640cf3f3124f64ac289012c2b8bd377c238e316fb323ea22fbfe83da07d81e000071d7242cad7a23cd91c7de98e4df8830ec3f133cb6133a5f6e9f67bc2 + checksum: 10/59ef7462f1c29d502b3057e822cdbdae0b0e565302c4dd1a95e11e793d8d9d62006cdc10e0fd99163ca33ff2071360cf50ee13f90440806e7ed57d81cba2f7ff + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"source-map@npm:^0.7.4": + version: 0.7.4 + resolution: "source-map@npm:0.7.4" + checksum: 10/a0f7c9b797eda93139842fd28648e868a9a03ea0ad0d9fa6602a0c1f17b7fb6a7dcca00c144476cccaeaae5042e99a285723b1a201e844ad67221bf5d428f1dc languageName: node linkType: hard "sprintf-js@npm:~1.0.2": version: 1.0.3 resolution: "sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3" - checksum: 19d79aec211f09b99ec3099b5b2ae2f6e9cdefe50bc91ac4c69144b6d3928a640bb6ae5b3def70c2e85a2c3d9f5ec2719921e3a59d3ca3ef4b2fd1a4656a0df3 + checksum: 10/c34828732ab8509c2741e5fd1af6b767c3daf2c642f267788f933a65b1614943c282e74c4284f4fa749c264b18ee016a0d37a3e5b73aee446da46277d3a85daa languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8295,8 +8249,15 @@ __metadata: version: 10.0.5 resolution: "ssri@npm:10.0.5" dependencies: - minipass: ^7.0.3 - checksum: 0a31b65f21872dea1ed3f7c200d7bc1c1b91c15e419deca14f282508ba917cbb342c08a6814c7f68ca4ca4116dd1a85da2bbf39227480e50125a1ceffeecb750 + minipass: "npm:^7.0.3" + checksum: 10/453f9a1c241c13f5dfceca2ab7b4687bcff354c3ccbc932f35452687b9ef0ccf8983fd13b8a3baa5844c1a4882d6e3ddff48b0e7fd21d743809ef33b80616d79 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"stack-trace@npm:^1.0.0-pre2": + version: 1.0.0-pre2 + resolution: "stack-trace@npm:1.0.0-pre2" + checksum: 10/a64099f86acc01980b0a7fbc662f3233bf8626daf95c53e31c835b2252ae11fc3dbfe8f3e77a7f8310132dd488af2795057cd7db599de0c41a6fa99b16068273 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8304,8 +8265,8 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.6 resolution: "stack-utils@npm:2.0.6" dependencies: - escape-string-regexp: ^2.0.0 - checksum: 052bf4d25bbf5f78e06c1d5e67de2e088b06871fa04107ca8d3f0e9d9263326e2942c8bedee3545795fc77d787d443a538345eef74db2f8e35db3558c6f91ff7 + escape-string-regexp: "npm:^2.0.0" + checksum: 10/cdc988acbc99075b4b036ac6014e5f1e9afa7e564482b687da6384eee6a1909d7eaffde85b0a17ffbe186c5247faf6c2b7544e802109f63b72c7be69b13151bb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8313,11 +8274,11 @@ __metadata: version: 15.1.0 resolution: "standard-engine@npm:15.1.0" dependencies: - get-stdin: ^8.0.0 - minimist: ^1.2.6 - pkg-conf: ^3.1.0 - xdg-basedir: ^4.0.0 - checksum: cd530a9711778b6d8c15f66cc12c4fb9583df7a641a523eb84acb9f706674d97fe33bc89d57e621aeea9e2e1f91fa44aca235f76e661b91eaf2b5911d6b2cb23 + get-stdin: "npm:^8.0.0" + minimist: "npm:^1.2.6" + pkg-conf: "npm:^3.1.0" + xdg-basedir: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/81f417bcf43e8ec6f25b0e6d9ae529535f5ab6bd4bb08977afc22c0005ba97e246f4d60d0d17e66fe76f9a365a4dc733887f0b6d079be0372bdd7503564987d2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8325,18 +8286,18 @@ __metadata: version: 17.1.0 resolution: "standard@npm:17.1.0" dependencies: - 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readable-stream: ^2.1.4 - checksum: a732f7ede9dadd6214083aaf4e3014d664498a56b91cdbc4e6abae59ec8ae507883f58f1f3ca7a939cdb9cc8e2320997241191e9fb8c7717f3fad9ca8cb5dc46 + readable-stream: "npm:^2.1.4" + checksum: 10/b560f652cb2c62d1e117aab611737376f3086c125f464c23dcfec8a73e0e6416d20a334dca450a2d0527ce9c14299f1023553bf47a3d65892c73640dc3c401e8 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8353,9 +8314,9 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.2 resolution: "string-length@npm:4.0.2" dependencies: - char-regex: ^1.0.2 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.0 - checksum: ce85533ef5113fcb7e522bcf9e62cb33871aa99b3729cec5595f4447f660b0cefd542ca6df4150c97a677d58b0cb727a3fe09ac1de94071d05526c73579bf505 + char-regex: "npm:^1.0.2" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.0" + checksum: 10/ce85533ef5113fcb7e522bcf9e62cb33871aa99b3729cec5595f4447f660b0cefd542ca6df4150c97a677d58b0cb727a3fe09ac1de94071d05526c73579bf505 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8363,10 +8324,10 @@ __metadata: version: 4.2.3 resolution: "string-width@npm:4.2.3" dependencies: - emoji-regex: ^8.0.0 - is-fullwidth-code-point: ^3.0.0 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.1 - checksum: e52c10dc3fbfcd6c3a15f159f54a90024241d0f149cf8aed2982a2d801d2e64df0bf1dc351cf8e95c3319323f9f220c16e740b06faecd53e2462df1d2b5443fb + emoji-regex: "npm:^8.0.0" + is-fullwidth-code-point: "npm:^3.0.0" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.1" + checksum: 10/e52c10dc3fbfcd6c3a15f159f54a90024241d0f149cf8aed2982a2d801d2e64df0bf1dc351cf8e95c3319323f9f220c16e740b06faecd53e2462df1d2b5443fb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8374,10 +8335,10 @@ __metadata: version: 5.1.2 resolution: "string-width@npm:5.1.2" dependencies: - eastasianwidth: ^0.2.0 - emoji-regex: ^9.2.2 - strip-ansi: ^7.0.1 - checksum: 7369deaa29f21dda9a438686154b62c2c5f661f8dda60449088f9f980196f7908fc39fdd1803e3e01541970287cf5deae336798337e9319a7055af89dafa7193 + eastasianwidth: "npm:^0.2.0" + emoji-regex: "npm:^9.2.2" + strip-ansi: "npm:^7.0.1" + checksum: 10/7369deaa29f21dda9a438686154b62c2c5f661f8dda60449088f9f980196f7908fc39fdd1803e3e01541970287cf5deae336798337e9319a7055af89dafa7193 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8385,16 +8346,16 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.10 resolution: "string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.10" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - internal-slot: ^1.0.5 - regexp.prototype.flags: ^1.5.0 - set-function-name: ^2.0.0 - side-channel: ^1.0.4 - checksum: 3c78bdeff39360c8e435d7c4c6ea19f454aa7a63eda95fa6fadc3a5b984446a2f9f2c02d5c94171ce22268a573524263fbd0c8edbe3ce2e9890d7cc036cdc3ed + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + internal-slot: "npm:^1.0.5" + regexp.prototype.flags: "npm:^1.5.0" + set-function-name: "npm:^2.0.0" + side-channel: "npm:^1.0.4" + checksum: 10/0f7a1a7f91790cd45f804039a16bc6389c8f4f25903e648caa3eea080b019a5c7b0cac2ca83976646140c2332b159042140bf389f23675609d869dd52450cddc languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8402,10 +8363,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.2.8 resolution: "string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.8" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - checksum: 49eb1a862a53aba73c3fb6c2a53f5463173cb1f4512374b623bcd6b43ad49dd559a06fb5789bdec771a40fc4d2a564411c0a75d35fb27e76bbe738c211ecff07 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + checksum: 10/9301f6cb2b6c44f069adde1b50f4048915985170a20a1d64cf7cb2dc53c5cd6b9525b92431f1257f894f94892d6c4ae19b5aa7f577c3589e7e51772dffc9d5a4 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8413,10 +8374,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.7 resolution: "string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.7" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - checksum: 2375516272fd1ba75992f4c4aa88a7b5f3c7a9ca308d963bcd5645adf689eba6f8a04ebab80c33e30ec0aefc6554181a3a8416015c38da0aa118e60ec896310c + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + checksum: 10/3f0d3397ab9bd95cd98ae2fe0943bd3e7b63d333c2ab88f1875cf2e7c958c75dc3355f6fe19ee7c8fca28de6f39f2475e955e103821feb41299a2764a7463ffa languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8424,10 +8385,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.7 resolution: "string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.7" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - define-properties: ^1.2.0 - es-abstract: ^1.22.1 - checksum: 13d0c2cb0d5ff9e926fa0bec559158b062eed2b68cd5be777ffba782c96b2b492944e47057274e064549b94dd27cf81f48b27a31fee8af5b574cff253e7eb613 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + define-properties: "npm:^1.2.0" + es-abstract: "npm:^1.22.1" + checksum: 10/6e594d3a61b127d243b8be1312e9f78683abe452cfe0bcafa3e0dc62ad6f030ccfb64d87ed3086fb7cb540fda62442c164d237cc5cc4d53c6e3eb659c29a0aeb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8435,8 +8396,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.3.0 resolution: "string_decoder@npm:1.3.0" dependencies: - safe-buffer: ~5.2.0 - checksum: 8417646695a66e73aefc4420eb3b84cc9ffd89572861fe004e6aeb13c7bc00e2f616247505d2dbbef24247c372f70268f594af7126f43548565c68c117bdeb56 + safe-buffer: "npm:~5.2.0" + checksum: 10/54d23f4a6acae0e93f999a585e673be9e561b65cd4cca37714af1e893ab8cd8dfa52a9e4f58f48f87b4a44918d3a9254326cb80ed194bf2e4c226e2b21767e56 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8444,8 +8405,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.1 resolution: "string_decoder@npm:1.1.1" dependencies: - safe-buffer: ~5.1.0 - checksum: 9ab7e56f9d60a28f2be697419917c50cac19f3e8e6c28ef26ed5f4852289fe0de5d6997d29becf59028556f2c62983790c1d9ba1e2a3cc401768ca12d5183a5b + safe-buffer: "npm:~5.1.0" + checksum: 10/7c41c17ed4dea105231f6df208002ebddd732e8e9e2d619d133cecd8e0087ddfd9587d2feb3c8caf3213cbd841ada6d057f5142cae68a4e62d3540778d9819b4 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8453,8 +8414,8 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.1 resolution: "strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1" dependencies: - ansi-regex: ^5.0.1 - checksum: f3cd25890aef3ba6e1a74e20896c21a46f482e93df4a06567cebf2b57edabb15133f1f94e57434e0a958d61186087b1008e89c94875d019910a213181a14fc8c + ansi-regex: "npm:^5.0.1" + checksum: 10/ae3b5436d34fadeb6096367626ce987057713c566e1e7768818797e00ac5d62023d0f198c4e681eae9e20701721980b26a64a8f5b91238869592a9c6800719a2 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8462,50 +8423,43 @@ __metadata: version: 7.1.0 resolution: "strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0" dependencies: - ansi-regex: ^6.0.1 - checksum: 859c73fcf27869c22a4e4d8c6acfe690064659e84bef9458aa6d13719d09ca88dcfd40cbf31fd0be63518ea1a643fe070b4827d353e09533a5b0b9fd4553d64d + ansi-regex: "npm:^6.0.1" + checksum: 10/475f53e9c44375d6e72807284024ac5d668ee1d06010740dec0b9744f2ddf47de8d7151f80e5f6190fc8f384e802fdf9504b76a7e9020c9faee7103623338be2 languageName: node linkType: hard "strip-bom@npm:^3.0.0": version: 3.0.0 resolution: "strip-bom@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 8d50ff27b7ebe5ecc78f1fe1e00fcdff7af014e73cf724b46fb81ef889eeb1015fc5184b64e81a2efe002180f3ba431bdd77e300da5c6685d702780fbf0c8d5b + checksum: 10/8d50ff27b7ebe5ecc78f1fe1e00fcdff7af014e73cf724b46fb81ef889eeb1015fc5184b64e81a2efe002180f3ba431bdd77e300da5c6685d702780fbf0c8d5b languageName: node linkType: hard "strip-bom@npm:^4.0.0": version: 4.0.0 resolution: "strip-bom@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 9dbcfbaf503c57c06af15fe2c8176fb1bf3af5ff65003851a102749f875a6dbe0ab3b30115eccf6e805e9d756830d3e40ec508b62b3f1ddf3761a20ebe29d3f3 + checksum: 10/9dbcfbaf503c57c06af15fe2c8176fb1bf3af5ff65003851a102749f875a6dbe0ab3b30115eccf6e805e9d756830d3e40ec508b62b3f1ddf3761a20ebe29d3f3 languageName: node linkType: hard "strip-final-newline@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 69412b5e25731e1938184b5d489c32e340605bb611d6140344abc3421b7f3c6f9984b21dff296dfcf056681b82caa3bb4cc996a965ce37bcfad663e92eae9c64 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"strip-final-newline@npm:^3.0.0": - version: 3.0.0 - resolution: "strip-final-newline@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 23ee263adfa2070cd0f23d1ac14e2ed2f000c9b44229aec9c799f1367ec001478469560abefd00c5c99ee6f0b31c137d53ec6029c53e9f32a93804e18c201050 + checksum: 10/69412b5e25731e1938184b5d489c32e340605bb611d6140344abc3421b7f3c6f9984b21dff296dfcf056681b82caa3bb4cc996a965ce37bcfad663e92eae9c64 languageName: node linkType: hard "strip-json-comments@npm:^3.1.1": version: 3.1.1 resolution: "strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1" - checksum: 492f73e27268f9b1c122733f28ecb0e7e8d8a531a6662efbd08e22cccb3f9475e90a1b82cab06a392f6afae6d2de636f977e231296400d0ec5304ba70f166443 + checksum: 10/492f73e27268f9b1c122733f28ecb0e7e8d8a531a6662efbd08e22cccb3f9475e90a1b82cab06a392f6afae6d2de636f977e231296400d0ec5304ba70f166443 languageName: node linkType: hard "strip-json-comments@npm:~2.0.1": version: 2.0.1 resolution: "strip-json-comments@npm:2.0.1" - checksum: 1074ccb63270d32ca28edfb0a281c96b94dc679077828135141f27d52a5a398ef5e78bcf22809d23cadc2b81dfbe345eb5fd8699b385c8b1128907dec4a7d1e1 + checksum: 10/1074ccb63270d32ca28edfb0a281c96b94dc679077828135141f27d52a5a398ef5e78bcf22809d23cadc2b81dfbe345eb5fd8699b385c8b1128907dec4a7d1e1 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8513,17 +8467,17 @@ __metadata: version: 3.34.0 resolution: "sucrase@npm:3.34.0" dependencies: - "@jridgewell/gen-mapping": ^0.3.2 - commander: ^4.0.0 - glob: 7.1.6 - lines-and-columns: ^1.1.6 - mz: ^2.7.0 - pirates: ^4.0.1 - ts-interface-checker: ^0.1.9 + "@jridgewell/gen-mapping": "npm:^0.3.2" + commander: "npm:^4.0.0" + glob: "npm:7.1.6" + lines-and-columns: "npm:^1.1.6" + mz: "npm:^2.7.0" + pirates: "npm:^4.0.1" + ts-interface-checker: "npm:^0.1.9" bin: sucrase: bin/sucrase sucrase-node: bin/sucrase-node - checksum: 61860063bdf6103413698e13247a3074d25843e91170825a9752e4af7668ffadd331b6e99e92fc32ee5b3c484ee134936f926fa9039d5711fafff29d017a2110 + checksum: 10/b64d154a7a7eaa4b39668c3124bd08cd505f683d36ac4fb94def6491fb3af155b24b6e41b55011e38582e7d59c440af79ffba8709f3da78aeedf2f07b6d51d84 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8531,8 +8485,8 @@ __metadata: version: 5.5.0 resolution: "supports-color@npm:5.5.0" dependencies: - has-flag: ^3.0.0 - checksum: 95f6f4ba5afdf92f495b5a912d4abee8dcba766ae719b975c56c084f5004845f6f5a5f7769f52d53f40e21952a6d87411bafe34af4a01e65f9926002e38e1dac + has-flag: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/5f505c6fa3c6e05873b43af096ddeb22159831597649881aeb8572d6fe3b81e798cc10840d0c9735e0026b250368851b7f77b65e84f4e4daa820a4f69947f55b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8540,8 +8494,8 @@ __metadata: version: 7.2.0 resolution: "supports-color@npm:7.2.0" dependencies: - has-flag: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 3dda818de06ebbe5b9653e07842d9479f3555ebc77e9a0280caf5a14fb877ffee9ed57007c3b78f5a6324b8dbeec648d9e97a24e2ed9fdb81ddc69ea07100f4a + has-flag: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/c8bb7afd564e3b26b50ca6ee47572c217526a1389fe018d00345856d4a9b08ffbd61fadaf283a87368d94c3dcdb8f5ffe2650a5a65863e21ad2730ca0f05210a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8549,25 +8503,15 @@ __metadata: version: 8.1.1 resolution: "supports-color@npm:8.1.1" dependencies: - has-flag: ^4.0.0 - checksum: c052193a7e43c6cdc741eb7f378df605636e01ad434badf7324f17fb60c69a880d8d8fcdcb562cf94c2350e57b937d7425ab5b8326c67c2adc48f7c87c1db406 + has-flag: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/157b534df88e39c5518c5e78c35580c1eca848d7dbaf31bbe06cdfc048e22c7ff1a9d046ae17b25691128f631a51d9ec373c1b740c12ae4f0de6e292037e4282 languageName: node linkType: hard "supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:^1.0.0": version: 1.0.0 resolution: "supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0" - checksum: 53b1e247e68e05db7b3808b99b892bd36fb096e6fba213a06da7fab22045e97597db425c724f2bbd6c99a3c295e1e73f3e4de78592289f38431049e1277ca0ae - 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bl: ^4.0.3 - end-of-stream: ^1.4.1 - fs-constants: ^1.0.0 - inherits: ^2.0.3 - readable-stream: ^3.1.1 - checksum: 699831a8b97666ef50021c767f84924cfee21c142c2eb0e79c63254e140e6408d6d55a065a2992548e72b06de39237ef2b802b99e3ece93ca3904a37622a66f3 + bl: "npm:^4.0.3" + end-of-stream: "npm:^1.4.1" + fs-constants: "npm:^1.0.0" + inherits: "npm:^2.0.3" + readable-stream: "npm:^3.1.1" + checksum: 10/1a52a51d240c118cbcd30f7368ea5e5baef1eac3e6b793fb1a41e6cd7319296c79c0264ccc5859f5294aa80f8f00b9239d519e627b9aade80038de6f966fec6a languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8643,13 +8587,13 @@ __metadata: version: 6.2.0 resolution: "tar@npm:6.2.0" dependencies: - chownr: ^2.0.0 - fs-minipass: ^2.0.0 - minipass: ^5.0.0 - minizlib: ^2.1.1 - mkdirp: ^1.0.3 - yallist: ^4.0.0 - checksum: db4d9fe74a2082c3a5016630092c54c8375ff3b280186938cfd104f2e089c4fd9bad58688ef6be9cf186a889671bf355c7cda38f09bbf60604b281715ca57f5c + chownr: "npm:^2.0.0" + fs-minipass: "npm:^2.0.0" + minipass: "npm:^5.0.0" + minizlib: "npm:^2.1.1" + mkdirp: "npm:^1.0.3" + yallist: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/2042bbb14830b5cd0d584007db0eb0a7e933e66d1397e72a4293768d2332449bc3e312c266a0887ec20156dea388d8965e53b4fc5097f42d78593549016da089 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8657,17 +8601,17 @@ __metadata: version: 6.0.0 resolution: "test-exclude@npm:6.0.0" dependencies: - 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any-promise: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 84e1b804bfec49f3531215f17b4a6e50fd4397b5f7c1bccc427b9c656e1ecfb13ea79d899930184f78bc2f57285c54d9a50a590c8868f4f0cef5c1d9f898b05e + any-promise: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/486e1283a867440a904e36741ff1a177faa827cf94d69506f7e3ae4187b9afdf9ec368b3d8da225c192bfe2eb943f3f0080594156bf39f21b57cd1411e2e7f6d languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8693,30 +8637,23 @@ __metadata: version: 0.1.7 resolution: "timers-ext@npm:0.1.7" dependencies: - es5-ext: ~0.10.46 - next-tick: 1 - checksum: ef3f27a0702a88d885bcbb0317c3e3ecd094ce644da52e7f7d362394a125d9e3578292a8f8966071a980d8abbc3395725333b1856f3ae93835b46589f700d938 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"titleize@npm:^3.0.0": - version: 3.0.0 - resolution: "titleize@npm:3.0.0" - checksum: 71fbbeabbfb36ccd840559f67f21e356e1d03da2915b32d2ae1a60ddcc13a124be2739f696d2feb884983441d159a18649e8d956648d591bdad35c430a6b6d28 + es5-ext: "npm:~0.10.46" + next-tick: "npm:1" + checksum: 10/a8fffe2841ed6c3b16b2e72522ee46537c6a758294da45486c7e8ca52ff065931dd023c9f9946b87a13f48ae3dafe12678ab1f9d1ef24b6aea465762e0ffdcae languageName: node linkType: hard "tmpl@npm:1.0.5": version: 1.0.5 resolution: "tmpl@npm:1.0.5" - 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"@types/json5": ^0.0.29 - json5: ^1.0.2 - minimist: ^1.2.6 - strip-bom: ^3.0.0 - checksum: a6162eaa1aed680537f93621b82399c7856afd10ec299867b13a0675e981acac4e0ec00896860480efc59fc10fd0b16fdc928c0b885865b52be62cadac692447 + "@types/json5": "npm:^0.0.29" + json5: "npm:^1.0.2" + minimist: "npm:^1.2.6" + strip-bom: "npm:^3.0.0" + checksum: 10/17f23e98612a60cf23b80dc1d3b7b840879e41fcf603868fc3618a30f061ac7b463ef98cad8c28b68733b9bfe0cc40ffa2bcf29e94cf0d26e4f6addf7ac8527d languageName: node linkType: hard -"tslib@npm:^2.5.0, tslib@npm:^2.6.0, tslib@npm:^2.6.2": +"tslib@npm:^2.6.2": version: 2.6.2 resolution: "tslib@npm:2.6.2" - checksum: 329ea56123005922f39642318e3d1f0f8265d1e7fcb92c633e0809521da75eeaca28d2cf96d7248229deb40e5c19adf408259f4b9640afd20d13aecc1430f3ad + checksum: 10/bd26c22d36736513980091a1e356378e8b662ded04204453d353a7f34a4c21ed0afc59b5f90719d4ba756e581a162ecbf93118dc9c6be5acf70aa309188166ca languageName: node linkType: hard -"tsx@npm:^4.7.1": - version: 4.7.1 - resolution: "tsx@npm:4.7.1" +"tsx@npm:^4.15.7": + version: 4.15.7 + resolution: "tsx@npm:4.15.7" dependencies: - 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prelude-ls: ^1.2.1 - checksum: ec688ebfc9c45d0c30412e41ca9c0cdbd704580eb3a9ccf07b9b576094d7b86a012baebc95681999dd38f4f444afd28504cb3a89f2ef16b31d4ab61a0739025a + prelude-ls: "npm:^1.2.1" + checksum: 10/14687776479d048e3c1dbfe58a2409e00367810d6960c0f619b33793271ff2a27f81b52461f14a162f1f89a9b1d8da1b237fc7c99b0e1fdcec28ec63a86b1fec languageName: node linkType: hard "type-detect@npm:4.0.8": version: 4.0.8 resolution: "type-detect@npm:4.0.8" - checksum: 62b5628bff67c0eb0b66afa371bd73e230399a8d2ad30d852716efcc4656a7516904570cd8631a49a3ce57c10225adf5d0cbdcb47f6b0255fe6557c453925a15 + checksum: 10/5179e3b8ebc51fce1b13efb75fdea4595484433f9683bbc2dca6d99789dba4e602ab7922d2656f2ce8383987467f7770131d4a7f06a26287db0615d2f4c4ce7d languageName: node linkType: hard "type-fest@npm:^0.20.2": version: 0.20.2 resolution: "type-fest@npm:0.20.2" - checksum: 4fb3272df21ad1c552486f8a2f8e115c09a521ad7a8db3d56d53718d0c907b62c6e9141ba5f584af3f6830d0872c521357e512381f24f7c44acae583ad517d73 + checksum: 10/8907e16284b2d6cfa4f4817e93520121941baba36b39219ea36acfe64c86b9dbc10c9941af450bd60832c8f43464974d51c0957f9858bc66b952b66b6914cbb9 languageName: node linkType: hard "type-fest@npm:^0.21.3": version: 0.21.3 resolution: "type-fest@npm:0.21.3" - checksum: e6b32a3b3877f04339bae01c193b273c62ba7bfc9e325b8703c4ee1b32dc8fe4ef5dfa54bf78265e069f7667d058e360ae0f37be5af9f153b22382cd55a9afe0 + checksum: 10/f4254070d9c3d83a6e573bcb95173008d73474ceadbbf620dd32d273940ca18734dff39c2b2480282df9afe5d1675ebed5499a00d791758748ea81f61a38961f languageName: node linkType: hard "type-fest@npm:^0.3.0": version: 0.3.1 resolution: "type-fest@npm:0.3.1" - checksum: 347ff46c2285616635cb59f722e7f396bee81b8988b6fc1f1536b725077f2abf6ccfa22ab7a78e9b6ce7debea0e6614bbf5946cbec6674ec1bde12113af3a65c + checksum: 10/a969e953d87889e089ea8b370b12a0c90410e198287aeba1a5618a325492967be338ebaf85aecfb542d312dedbcf5e12be9291e5e5d3b0b6c990992a224d07ae languageName: node linkType: hard "type@npm:^1.0.1": version: 1.2.0 resolution: "type@npm:1.2.0" - checksum: dae8c64f82c648b985caf321e9dd6e8b7f4f2e2d4f846fc6fd2c8e9dc7769382d8a52369ddbaccd59aeeceb0df7f52fb339c465be5f2e543e81e810e413451ee + checksum: 10/b4d4b27d1926028be45fc5baaca205896e2a1fe9e5d24dc892046256efbe88de6acd0149e7353cd24dad596e1483e48ec60b0912aa47ca078d68cdd198b09885 languageName: node linkType: hard "type@npm:^2.7.2": version: 2.7.2 resolution: "type@npm:2.7.2" - checksum: 0f42379a8adb67fe529add238a3e3d16699d95b42d01adfe7b9a7c5da297f5c1ba93de39265ba30ffeb37dfd0afb3fb66ae09f58d6515da442219c086219f6f4 + checksum: 10/602f1b369fba60687fa4d0af6fcfb814075bcaf9ed3a87637fb384d9ff849e2ad15bc244a431f341374562e51a76c159527ffdb1f1f24b0f1f988f35a301c41d languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8922,10 +8862,10 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - get-intrinsic: ^1.2.1 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - checksum: 3e0281c79b2a40cd97fe715db803884301993f4e8c18e8d79d75fd18f796e8cd203310fec8c7fdb5e6c09bedf0af4f6ab8b75eb3d3a85da69328f28a80456bd3 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + get-intrinsic: "npm:^1.2.1" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + checksum: 10/3e0281c79b2a40cd97fe715db803884301993f4e8c18e8d79d75fd18f796e8cd203310fec8c7fdb5e6c09bedf0af4f6ab8b75eb3d3a85da69328f28a80456bd3 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8933,11 +8873,11 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - for-each: ^0.3.3 - has-proto: ^1.0.1 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - checksum: b03db16458322b263d87a702ff25388293f1356326c8a678d7515767ef563ef80e1e67ce648b821ec13178dd628eb2afdc19f97001ceae7a31acf674c849af94 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + for-each: "npm:^0.3.3" + has-proto: "npm:^1.0.1" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + checksum: 10/6f376bf5d988f00f98ccee41fd551cafc389095a2a307c18fab30f29da7d1464fc3697139cf254cda98b4128bbcb114f4b557bbabdc6d9c2e5039c515b31decf languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8945,12 +8885,12 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.0 resolution: "typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0" dependencies: - available-typed-arrays: ^1.0.5 - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - for-each: ^0.3.3 - has-proto: ^1.0.1 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.10 - checksum: 04f6f02d0e9a948a95fbfe0d5a70b002191fae0b8fe0fe3130a9b2336f043daf7a3dda56a31333c35a067a97e13f539949ab261ca0f3692c41603a46a94e960b + available-typed-arrays: "npm:^1.0.5" + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + for-each: "npm:^0.3.3" + has-proto: "npm:^1.0.1" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.10" + checksum: 10/2d81747faae31ca79f6c597dc18e15ae3d5b7e97f7aaebce3b31f46feeb2a6c1d6c92b9a634d901c83731ffb7ec0b74d05c6ff56076f5ae39db0cd19b16a3f92 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -8958,50 +8898,30 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.4 resolution: "typed-array-length@npm:1.0.4" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - for-each: ^0.3.3 - is-typed-array: ^1.1.9 - checksum: 2228febc93c7feff142b8c96a58d4a0d7623ecde6c7a24b2b98eb3170e99f7c7eff8c114f9b283085cd59dcd2bd43aadf20e25bba4b034a53c5bb292f71f8956 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"typescript@npm:^5.2.2": - version: 5.2.2 - resolution: "typescript@npm:5.2.2" - bin: - tsc: bin/tsc - tsserver: bin/tsserver - checksum: 7912821dac4d962d315c36800fe387cdc0a6298dba7ec171b350b4a6e988b51d7b8f051317786db1094bd7431d526b648aba7da8236607febb26cf5b871d2d3c - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"typescript@npm:^5.3.3": - version: 5.3.3 - resolution: "typescript@npm:5.3.3" - bin: - tsc: bin/tsc - tsserver: bin/tsserver - checksum: 2007ccb6e51bbbf6fde0a78099efe04dc1c3dfbdff04ca3b6a8bc717991862b39fd6126c0c3ebf2d2d98ac5e960bcaa873826bb2bb241f14277034148f41f6a2 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + for-each: "npm:^0.3.3" + is-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.9" + checksum: 10/0444658acc110b233176cb0b7689dcb828b0cfa099ab1d377da430e8553b6fdcdce882360b7ffe9ae085b6330e1d39383d7b2c61574d6cd8eef651d3e4a87822 languageName: node linkType: hard -"typescript@patch:typescript@^5.2.2#~builtin": - version: 5.2.2 - resolution: "typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.2.2#~builtin::version=5.2.2&hash=f3b441" +"typescript@npm:^5.5.2": + version: 5.5.2 + resolution: "typescript@npm:5.5.2" bin: tsc: bin/tsc tsserver: bin/tsserver - checksum: 0f4da2f15e6f1245e49db15801dbee52f2bbfb267e1c39225afdab5afee1a72839cd86000e65ee9d7e4dfaff12239d28beaf5ee431357fcced15fb08583d72ca + checksum: 10/9118b20f248e76b0dbff8737fef65dfa89d02668d4e633d2c5ceac99033a0ca5e8a1c1a53bc94da68e8f67677a88f318663dde859c9e9a09c1e116415daec2ba languageName: node linkType: hard -"typescript@patch:typescript@^5.3.3#~builtin": - version: 5.3.3 - resolution: "typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.3.3#~builtin::version=5.3.3&hash=f3b441" +"typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A^5.5.2#optional!builtin": + version: 5.5.2 + resolution: "typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.5.2#optional!builtin::version=5.5.2&hash=5adc0c" bin: tsc: bin/tsc tsserver: bin/tsserver - checksum: f61375590b3162599f0f0d5b8737877ac0a7bc52761dbb585d67e7b8753a3a4c42d9a554c4cc929f591ffcf3a2b0602f65ae3ce74714fd5652623a816862b610 + checksum: 10/28b3de2ddaf63a7620e7ddbe5d377af71ce93ecc558c41bf0e3d88661d8e6e7aa6c7739164fef98055f69819e41faca49252938ef3633a3dff2734cca6a9042e languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9009,18 +8929,18 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.2 resolution: "unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2" dependencies: - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - has-bigints: ^1.0.2 - has-symbols: ^1.0.3 - which-boxed-primitive: ^1.0.2 - checksum: b7a1cf5862b5e4b5deb091672ffa579aa274f648410009c81cca63fed3b62b610c4f3b773f912ce545bb4e31edc3138975b5bc777fc6e4817dca51affb6380e9 + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + has-bigints: "npm:^1.0.2" + has-symbols: "npm:^1.0.3" + which-boxed-primitive: "npm:^1.0.2" + checksum: 10/06e1ee41c1095e37281cb71a975cb3350f7cb470a0665d2576f02cc9564f623bd90cfc0183693b8a7fdf2d242963dcc3010b509fa3ac683f540c765c0f3e7e43 languageName: node linkType: hard "undici-types@npm:~5.26.4": version: 5.26.5 resolution: "undici-types@npm:5.26.5" - checksum: 3192ef6f3fd5df652f2dc1cd782b49d6ff14dc98e5dced492aa8a8c65425227da5da6aafe22523c67f035a272c599bb89cfe803c1db6311e44bed3042fc25487 + checksum: 10/0097779d94bc0fd26f0418b3a05472410408877279141ded2bd449167be1aed7ea5b76f756562cb3586a07f251b90799bab22d9019ceba49c037c76445f7cddd languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9028,8 +8948,8 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "unique-filename@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - unique-slug: ^4.0.0 - checksum: 8e2f59b356cb2e54aab14ff98a51ac6c45781d15ceaab6d4f1c2228b780193dc70fae4463ce9e1df4479cb9d3304d7c2043a3fb905bdeca71cc7e8ce27e063df + unique-slug: "npm:^4.0.0" + checksum: 10/8e2f59b356cb2e54aab14ff98a51ac6c45781d15ceaab6d4f1c2228b780193dc70fae4463ce9e1df4479cb9d3304d7c2043a3fb905bdeca71cc7e8ce27e063df languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9037,22 +8957,15 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.0 resolution: "unique-slug@npm:4.0.0" dependencies: - imurmurhash: ^0.1.4 - checksum: 0884b58365af59f89739e6f71e3feacb5b1b41f2df2d842d0757933620e6de08eff347d27e9d499b43c40476cbaf7988638d3acb2ffbcb9d35fd035591adfd15 + imurmurhash: "npm:^0.1.4" + checksum: 10/40912a8963fc02fb8b600cf50197df4a275c602c60de4cac4f75879d3c48558cfac48de08a25cc10df8112161f7180b3bbb4d662aadb711568602f9eddee54f0 languageName: node linkType: hard "universalify@npm:^2.0.0": version: 2.0.0 resolution: "universalify@npm:2.0.0" - checksum: 2406a4edf4a8830aa6813278bab1f953a8e40f2f63a37873ffa9a3bc8f9745d06cc8e88f3572cb899b7e509013f7f6fcc3e37e8a6d914167a5381d8440518c44 - languageName: node - linkType: hard - -"untildify@npm:^4.0.0": - version: 4.0.0 - resolution: "untildify@npm:4.0.0" - checksum: 39ced9c418a74f73f0a56e1ba4634b4d959422dff61f4c72a8e39f60b99380c1b45ed776fbaa0a4101b157e4310d873ad7d114e8534ca02609b4916bb4187fb9 + checksum: 10/2406a4edf4a8830aa6813278bab1f953a8e40f2f63a37873ffa9a3bc8f9745d06cc8e88f3572cb899b7e509013f7f6fcc3e37e8a6d914167a5381d8440518c44 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9060,13 +8973,27 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.11 resolution: "update-browserslist-db@npm:1.0.11" dependencies: - escalade: ^3.1.1 - picocolors: ^1.0.0 + escalade: "npm:^3.1.1" + picocolors: "npm:^1.0.0" + peerDependencies: + browserslist: ">= 4.21.0" + bin: + update-browserslist-db: cli.js + checksum: 10/cc1c7a38d15413046bea28ff3c7668a7cb6b4a53d83e8089fa960efd896deb6d1a9deffc2beb8dc0506186a352c8d19804efe5ec7eeb401037e14cf3ea5363f8 + languageName: node + linkType: hard + +"update-browserslist-db@npm:^1.0.13": + version: 1.0.13 + resolution: "update-browserslist-db@npm:1.0.13" + dependencies: + escalade: "npm:^3.1.1" + picocolors: "npm:^1.0.0" peerDependencies: browserslist: ">= 4.21.0" bin: update-browserslist-db: cli.js - checksum: b98327518f9a345c7cad5437afae4d2ae7d865f9779554baf2a200fdf4bac4969076b679b1115434bd6557376bdd37ca7583d0f9b8f8e302d7d4cc1e91b5f231 + checksum: 10/9074b4ef34d2ed931f27d390aafdd391ee7c45ad83c508e8fed6aaae1eb68f81999a768ed8525c6f88d4001a4fbf1b8c0268f099d0e8e72088ec5945ac796acf languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9074,31 +9001,31 @@ __metadata: version: 3.0.0 resolution: "uppercamelcase@npm:3.0.0" dependencies: - camelcase: ^4.1.0 - checksum: 150470c3de1ec4bb6957f39004c0db30f2badc8d1e7b77e3209fa92cc0896ac294a6138aef62ae163ac774eea5c4d688feff5673e2b2323ef4a91552b408b117 + camelcase: "npm:^4.1.0" + checksum: 10/150470c3de1ec4bb6957f39004c0db30f2badc8d1e7b77e3209fa92cc0896ac294a6138aef62ae163ac774eea5c4d688feff5673e2b2323ef4a91552b408b117 languageName: node linkType: hard -"uri-js@npm:^4.2.2": +"uri-js@npm:^4.2.2, uri-js@npm:^4.4.1": version: 4.4.1 resolution: "uri-js@npm:4.4.1" dependencies: - punycode: ^2.1.0 - checksum: 7167432de6817fe8e9e0c9684f1d2de2bb688c94388f7569f7dbdb1587c9f4ca2a77962f134ec90be0cc4d004c939ff0d05acc9f34a0db39a3c797dada262633 + punycode: "npm:^2.1.0" + checksum: 10/b271ca7e3d46b7160222e3afa3e531505161c9a4e097febae9664e4b59912f4cbe94861361a4175edac3a03fee99d91e44b6a58c17a634bc5a664b19fc76fbcb languageName: node linkType: hard "util-deprecate@npm:^1.0.1, util-deprecate@npm:^1.0.2, util-deprecate@npm:~1.0.1": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: 474acf1146cb2701fe3b074892217553dfcf9a031280919ba1b8d651a068c9b15d863b7303cb15bd00a862b498e6cf4ad7b4a08fb134edd5a6f7641681cb54a2 + checksum: 10/474acf1146cb2701fe3b074892217553dfcf9a031280919ba1b8d651a068c9b15d863b7303cb15bd00a862b498e6cf4ad7b4a08fb134edd5a6f7641681cb54a2 languageName: node linkType: hard "v8-compile-cache-lib@npm:^3.0.1": version: 3.0.1 resolution: "v8-compile-cache-lib@npm:3.0.1" - checksum: 78089ad549e21bcdbfca10c08850022b22024cdcc2da9b168bcf5a73a6ed7bf01a9cebb9eac28e03cd23a684d81e0502797e88f3ccd27a32aeab1cfc44c39da0 + checksum: 10/88d3423a52b6aaf1836be779cab12f7016d47ad8430dffba6edf766695e6d90ad4adaa3d8eeb512cc05924f3e246c4a4ca51e089dccf4402caa536b5e5be8961 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9106,41 +9033,41 @@ __metadata: version: 9.1.0 resolution: "v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.1.0" dependencies: - "@jridgewell/trace-mapping": ^0.3.12 - "@types/istanbul-lib-coverage": ^2.0.1 - convert-source-map: ^1.6.0 - checksum: 2069d59ee46cf8d83b4adfd8a5c1a90834caffa9f675e4360f1157ffc8578ef0f763c8f32d128334424159bb6b01f3876acd39cd13297b2769405a9da241f8d1 + "@jridgewell/trace-mapping": "npm:^0.3.12" + "@types/istanbul-lib-coverage": "npm:^2.0.1" + convert-source-map: "npm:^1.6.0" + checksum: 10/95811ff2f17a31432c3fc7b3027b7e8c2c6ca5e60a7811c5050ce51920ab2b80df29feb04c52235bbfdaa9a6809acd5a5dd9668292e98c708617c19e087c3f68 languageName: node linkType: hard "version-guard@npm:^1.1.1": version: 1.1.1 resolution: "version-guard@npm:1.1.1" - 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is-string: ^1.0.5 - is-symbol: ^1.0.3 - checksum: 53ce774c7379071729533922adcca47220228405e1895f26673bbd71bdf7fb09bee38c1d6399395927c6289476b5ae0629863427fd151491b71c4b6cb04f3a5e + is-bigint: "npm:^1.0.1" + is-boolean-object: "npm:^1.1.0" + is-number-object: "npm:^1.0.4" + is-string: "npm:^1.0.5" + is-symbol: "npm:^1.0.3" + checksum: 10/9c7ca7855255f25ac47f4ce8b59c4cc33629e713fd7a165c9d77a2bb47bf3d9655a5664660c70337a3221cf96742f3589fae15a3a33639908d33e29aa2941efb languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9214,19 +9141,19 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.3 resolution: "which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.3" dependencies: - function.prototype.name: ^1.1.5 - has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0 - is-async-function: ^2.0.0 - is-date-object: ^1.0.5 - is-finalizationregistry: ^1.0.2 - is-generator-function: ^1.0.10 - is-regex: ^1.1.4 - is-weakref: ^1.0.2 - isarray: ^2.0.5 - which-boxed-primitive: ^1.0.2 - which-collection: ^1.0.1 - which-typed-array: ^1.1.9 - checksum: 43730f7d8660ff9e33d1d3f9f9451c4784265ee7bf222babc35e61674a11a08e1c2925019d6c03154fcaaca4541df43abe35d2720843b9b4cbcebdcc31408f36 + function.prototype.name: "npm:^1.1.5" + has-tostringtag: "npm:^1.0.0" + is-async-function: "npm:^2.0.0" + is-date-object: "npm:^1.0.5" + is-finalizationregistry: "npm:^1.0.2" + is-generator-function: "npm:^1.0.10" + is-regex: "npm:^1.1.4" + is-weakref: "npm:^1.0.2" + isarray: "npm:^2.0.5" + which-boxed-primitive: "npm:^1.0.2" + which-collection: "npm:^1.0.1" + which-typed-array: "npm:^1.1.9" + checksum: 10/d7823c4a6aa4fc8183eb572edd9f9ee2751e5f3ba2ccd5b298cc163f720df0f02ee1a5291d18ca8a41d48144ef40007ff6a64e6f5e7c506527086c7513a5f673 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9234,11 +9161,11 @@ __metadata: version: 1.0.1 resolution: "which-collection@npm:1.0.1" dependencies: - is-map: ^2.0.1 - is-set: ^2.0.1 - is-weakmap: ^2.0.1 - is-weakset: ^2.0.1 - checksum: c815bbd163107ef9cb84f135e6f34453eaf4cca994e7ba85ddb0d27cea724c623fae2a473ceccfd5549c53cc65a5d82692de418166df3f858e1e5dc60818581c + is-map: "npm:^2.0.1" + is-set: "npm:^2.0.1" + is-weakmap: "npm:^2.0.1" + is-weakset: "npm:^2.0.1" + checksum: 10/85c95fcf92df7972ce66bed879e53d9dc752a30ef08e1ca4696df56bcf1c302e3b9965a39b04a20fa280a997fad6c170eb0b4d62435569b7f6c0bc7be910572b languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9246,12 +9173,12 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.11 resolution: "which-typed-array@npm:1.1.11" dependencies: - available-typed-arrays: ^1.0.5 - call-bind: ^1.0.2 - for-each: ^0.3.3 - gopd: ^1.0.1 - has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0 - checksum: 711ffc8ef891ca6597b19539075ec3e08bb9b4c2ca1f78887e3c07a977ab91ac1421940505a197758fb5939aa9524976d0a5bbcac34d07ed6faa75cedbb17206 + available-typed-arrays: "npm:^1.0.5" + call-bind: "npm:^1.0.2" + for-each: "npm:^0.3.3" + gopd: "npm:^1.0.1" + has-tostringtag: "npm:^1.0.0" + checksum: 10/bc9e8690e71d6c64893c9d88a7daca33af45918861003013faf77574a6a49cc6194d32ca7826e90de341d2f9ef3ac9e3acbe332a8ae73cadf07f59b9c6c6ecad languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9259,10 +9186,10 @@ __metadata: version: 2.0.2 resolution: "which@npm:2.0.2" dependencies: - isexe: ^2.0.0 + isexe: "npm:^2.0.0" bin: node-which: ./bin/node-which - checksum: 1a5c563d3c1b52d5f893c8b61afe11abc3bab4afac492e8da5bde69d550de701cf9806235f20a47b5c8fa8a1d6a9135841de2596535e998027a54589000e66d1 + checksum: 10/4782f8a1d6b8fc12c65e968fea49f59752bf6302dc43036c3bf87da718a80710f61a062516e9764c70008b487929a73546125570acea95c5b5dcc8ac3052c70f languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9270,8 +9197,8 @@ __metadata: version: 1.1.5 resolution: "wide-align@npm:1.1.5" dependencies: - string-width: ^1.0.2 || 2 || 3 || 4 - checksum: d5fc37cd561f9daee3c80e03b92ed3e84d80dde3365a8767263d03dacfc8fa06b065ffe1df00d8c2a09f731482fcacae745abfbb478d4af36d0a891fad4834d3 + string-width: "npm:^1.0.2 || 2 || 3 || 4" + checksum: 10/d5f8027b9a8255a493a94e4ec1b74a27bff6679d5ffe29316a3215e4712945c84ef73ca4045c7e20ae7d0c72f5f57f296e04a4928e773d4276a2f1222e4c2e99 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9279,10 +9206,10 @@ __metadata: version: 7.0.0 resolution: "wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0" dependencies: - ansi-styles: ^4.0.0 - string-width: ^4.1.0 - strip-ansi: ^6.0.0 - checksum: a790b846fd4505de962ba728a21aaeda189b8ee1c7568ca5e817d85930e06ef8d1689d49dbf0e881e8ef84436af3a88bc49115c2e2788d841ff1b8b5b51a608b + ansi-styles: "npm:^4.0.0" + string-width: "npm:^4.1.0" + strip-ansi: "npm:^6.0.0" + checksum: 10/cebdaeca3a6880da410f75209e68cd05428580de5ad24535f22696d7d9cab134d1f8498599f344c3cf0fb37c1715807a183778d8c648d6cc0cb5ff2bb4236540 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9290,17 +9217,17 @@ __metadata: version: 8.1.0 resolution: "wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0" dependencies: - ansi-styles: ^6.1.0 - string-width: ^5.0.1 - strip-ansi: ^7.0.1 - checksum: 371733296dc2d616900ce15a0049dca0ef67597d6394c57347ba334393599e800bab03c41d4d45221b6bc967b8c453ec3ae4749eff3894202d16800fdfe0e238 + ansi-styles: "npm:^6.1.0" + string-width: "npm:^5.0.1" + strip-ansi: "npm:^7.0.1" + checksum: 10/7b1e4b35e9bb2312d2ee9ee7dc95b8cb5f8b4b5a89f7dde5543fe66c1e3715663094defa50d75454ac900bd210f702d575f15f3f17fa9ec0291806d2578d1ddf languageName: node linkType: hard "wrappy@npm:1": version: 1.0.2 resolution: "wrappy@npm:1.0.2" - checksum: 159da4805f7e84a3d003d8841557196034155008f817172d4e986bd591f74aa82aa7db55929a54222309e01079a65a92a9e6414da5a6aa4b01ee44a511ac3ee5 + checksum: 10/159da4805f7e84a3d003d8841557196034155008f817172d4e986bd591f74aa82aa7db55929a54222309e01079a65a92a9e6414da5a6aa4b01ee44a511ac3ee5 languageName: node linkType: hard @@ -9308,15 +9235,15 @@ __metadata: version: 4.0.2 resolution: "write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2" dependencies: - imurmurhash: ^0.1.4 - signal-exit: ^3.0.7 - checksum: 5da60bd4eeeb935eec97ead3df6e28e5917a6bd317478e4a85a5285e8480b8ed96032bbcc6ecd07b236142a24f3ca871c924ec4a6575e623ec1b11bf8c1c253c + imurmurhash: "npm:^0.1.4" + signal-exit: "npm:^3.0.7" + checksum: 10/3be1f5508a46c190619d5386b1ac8f3af3dbe951ed0f7b0b4a0961eed6fc626bd84b50cf4be768dabc0a05b672f5d0c5ee7f42daa557b14415d18c3a13c7d246 languageName: node linkType: hard -"ws@npm:^8.16.0": - version: 8.16.0 - resolution: "ws@npm:8.16.0" +"ws@npm:^8.17.1": + version: 8.17.1 + resolution: "ws@npm:8.17.1" peerDependencies: bufferutil: ^4.0.1 utf-8-validate: ">=5.0.2" @@ -9325,14 +9252,14 @@ __metadata: optional: true utf-8-validate: optional: true - 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