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2687 lines (1984 loc) · 104 KB

File metadata and controls

2687 lines (1984 loc) · 104 KB



Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #3616 by @zbeyensPlateContent:

    • When disabled=true, readOnly should be true
    • Add prop aria-disabled=true and data-readonly=true when readOnly=true
    • Add class slate-editor, ignore-click-outside/toolbar (used by floating toolbar)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #3597 by @zbeyensuseOptions, useOption missing plugins now warn instead of erroring.


Patch Changes

  • d30471cb19577e53c20944ab66eab2a7ef3b3ad2 by @12joan – Mitigate XSS in element.attributes by requiring all attribute names to be allowlisted in the node.dangerouslyAllowAttributes plugin configuration option.


    For each plugin that needs to support passing DOM attributes using element.attributes, add the list of allowed attributes to the node.dangerouslyAllowAttributes option of the plugin.

    const ImagePlugin = createPlatePlugin({
      key: 'image',
      node: {
        isElement: true,
        isVoid: true,
        dangerouslyAllowAttributes: ['alt'],

    To modify existing plugins, use the extend method as follows:

    const MyImagePlugin = ImagePlugin.extend({
      node: {
        dangerouslyAllowAttributes: ['alt'],

    WARNING: Improper use of dangerouslyAllowAttributes WILL make your application vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) or information exposure attacks. Ensure you carefully research the security implications of any attribute before adding it. For example, the src and href attributes will allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, and the style and background attributes will allow attackers to leak users' IP addresses.




Patch Changes

  • #3530 by @yf-yang – Fix wrong typescript signature of getOption


Patch Changes

  • #3526 by @zbeyens
    • Rename all base plugins that have a React plugin counterpart to be prefixed with Base. This change improves clarity and distinguishes base implementations from potential React extensions. Use base plugins only for server-side environments or to extend your own DOM layer.
    • Import the following plugins from /react entry: AlignPlugin, CalloutPlugin, EquationPlugin, FontBackgroundColorPlugin, FontColorPlugin, FontFamilyPlugin, FontSizePlugin, FontWeightPlugin, InlineEquationPlugin, LineHeightPlugin, TextIndentPlugin, TocPlugin
    • Upgrade dependencies


Major Changes

  • #3506 by @zbeyens

    • Change plugin.options merging behavior from deep merge to shallow merge.
    • This affects .extend(), .configure(), and other methods that modify plugin options.
    • This update addresses a performance regression introduced in v37 that affected editor creation.


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'test',
      options: { nested: { a: 1 } },
      options: { nested: { b: 1 } },
    // Result: { nested: { a: 1, b: 1 } }


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'test',
      options: { nested: { a: 1 } },
    }).extend(({ getOptions }) => ({
      options: {
        nested: { ...getOptions().nested, b: 1 },
    // Result: { nested: { a: 1, b: 1 } }


    • If you're using nested options and want to preserve the previous behavior, you need to manually spread both the top-level options and the nested objects.
    • If you're not using nested options, no changes are required.


Patch Changes

  • #3512 by @zbeyens
    • Add to replace the editor value
    • Fix: move editor.api.reset to


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #3495 by @zbeyens – Add string value support for createSlateEditor, createPlateEditor, usePlateEditor


Patch Changes

  • #3493 by @zbeyens – Fix plugin.node.component should work like plugin.render.node


Major Changes

  • #3420 by @zbeyensPlugin System:

    Decoupling React in all packages:

    • Split build into @udecode/plate-core and @udecode/plate-core/react
    • NEW SlatePlugin as the foundation for all plugins
    • PlatePlugin extends SlatePlugin with React-specific plugin features

    Plugin Creation:

    • Remove createPluginFactory
    • NEW createSlatePlugin: vanilla
    • NEW createTSlatePlugin: vanilla explicitly typed
    • NEW createPlatePlugin: React
    • NEW createTPlatePlugin: React explicitly typed
    • NEW toPlatePlugin: extend a vanilla plugin into a React plugin
    • NEW toTPlatePlugin: extend a vanilla plugin into a React plugin explicitly typed
    • Rename all plugins starting with createNamePlugin() to NamePlugin


    const MyPluginFactory = createPluginFactory({
      key: 'myPlugin',
      isElement: true,
      component: MyComponent,
    const plugin = MyPluginFactory();


    const plugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'myPlugin',
      node: {
        isElement: true,
        component: MyComponent,
    const reactPlugin = toPlatePlugin(plugin);

    Plugin Configuration:

    • Remove all NamePlugin option types, use NameConfig instead.
    • NameConfig as the new naming convention for plugin configurations.


      handlers: {
        onKeyDown: onKeyDownToggleElement,
      options: {
        hotkey: ['mod+opt+0', 'mod+shift+0'],


    export const ParagraphPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
      key: 'p',
      node: { isElement: true },
    }).extend({ editor, type }) => ({
      shortcuts: {
        toggleParagraph: {
          handler: () => {
  { type });
          keys: [
            [Key.Mod, Key.Alt, '0'],
            [Key.Mod, Key.Shift, '0'],
          preventDefault: true,
    • toggleParagraph is now a shortcut for{ type: 'p' }) for the given keys
    • Multiple shortcuts can be defined per plugin, and any shortcut can be disabled by setting shortcuts.toggleParagraph = null
    • Note the typing support using Key

    Plugin Properties:

    Rename SlatePlugin / PlatePlugin properties:

    • type -> node.type
    • isElement -> node.isElement
    • isLeaf -> node.isLeaf
    • isInline -> node.isInline
    • isMarkableVoid -> node.isMarkableVoid
    • isVoid -> node.isVoid
    • component -> node.component or render.node
    • props -> node.props
    • overrideByKey -> override.plugins
    • renderAboveEditable -> render.aboveEditable
    • renderAboveSlate -> render.aboveSlate
    • renderAfterEditable -> render.afterEditable
    • renderBeforeEditable -> render.beforeEditable
    • inject.props -> inject.nodeProps
    • inject.props.validTypes -> inject.targetPlugins
    • inject.aboveComponent -> render.aboveNodes
    • inject.belowComponent -> render.belowNodes
    • inject.pluginsByKey -> inject.plugins
    • editor.insertData -> parser
      • NEW parser.format now supports string[]
      • NEW parser.mimeTypes: string[]
    • deserializeHtml -> parsers.html.deserializer
    • deserializeHtml.getNode -> parsers.html.deserializer.parse
    • serializeHtml -> parsers.htmlReact.serializer
    • withOverride -> extendEditor
    • All methods now have a single parameter: SlatePluginContext<C> or PlatePluginContext<C>, in addition to the method specific options. Some of the affected methods are:
      • decorate
      • handlers, including onChange. Returns ({ event, ...ctx }) => void instead of (editor, plugin) => (event) => void
      • handlers.onChange: ({ value, ...ctx }) => void instead of (editor, plugin) => (value) => void
      • normalizeInitialValue
      • editor.insertData.preInsert
      • editor.insertData.transformData
      • editor.insertData.transformFragment
      • deserializeHtml.getNode
      • deserializeHtml.query
      • inject.props.query
      • inject.props.transformProps
      • useHooks
      • withOverrides

    NEW SlatePlugin properties:

    • api: API methods provided by this plugin
    • dependencies: An array of plugin keys that this plugin depends on
    • node: Node-specific configuration for this plugin
    • parsers: Now accept string keys to add custom parsers
    • priority: Plugin priority for registration and execution order
    • shortcuts: Plugin-specific hotkeys
    • inject.targetPluginToInject: Function to inject plugin config into other plugins specified by inject.targetPlugins


    export const createAlignPlugin = createPluginFactory({
      key: KEY_ALIGN,
      inject: {
        props: {
          defaultNodeValue: 'start',
          nodeKey: KEY_ALIGN,
          styleKey: 'textAlign',
          validNodeValues: ['start', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'end', 'justify'],
          validTypes: ['p'],
      then: (_, plugin) =>
        mapInjectPropsToPlugin(editor, plugin, {
          deserializeHtml: {
            getNode: (el, node) => {
              if ( {
                node[plugin.key] =;


    export const AlignPlugin = createSlatePlugin({
      inject: {
        nodeProps: {
          defaultNodeValue: 'start',
          nodeKey: 'align',
          styleKey: 'textAlign',
          validNodeValues: ['start', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'end', 'justify'],
        targetPluginToInject: ({ editor, plugin }) => ({
          parsers: {
            html: {
              deserializer: {
                parse: ({ element, node }) => {
                  if ( {
                    node[editor.getType(plugin)] =;
        targetPlugins: [ParagraphPlugin.key],
      key: 'align',

    Plugin Shortcuts:

    • NEW shortcuts to add custom hotkeys to a plugin.
    • Remove hotkey option from all plugins


    type LinkPlugin = {
      hotkey?: string;


    type LinkConfig = PluginConfig<
      // key
      // options
      { defaultLinkAttributes?: any },
      // api
      { link: { getAttributes: (editor: PlateEditor) => LinkAttributes } },
      // transforms
      { floatingLink: { hide: () => void } }

    Shortcuts API:

    • handler is called with the editor, event, and event details.
    • keys is an array of keys to trigger the shortcut.
    • priority is the priority of the shortcut over other shortcuts.
    • ...HotkeysOptions from @udecode/react-hotkeys

    Plugin Types:

    • Update SlatePlugin, PlatePlugin generics. P, V, E -> C extends AnyPluginConfig = PluginConfig
    • Remove PluginOptions
    • Remove PlatePluginKey
    • Remove HotkeyPlugin, ToggleMarkPlugin in favor of plugin.shortcuts
    • WithPlatePlugin -> EditorPlugin, EditorPlatePlugin
    • PlatePluginComponent -> NodeComponent
    • InjectComponent* -> NodeWrapperComponent*
    • PlatePluginInsertData -> Parser
    • PlatePluginProps -> NodeProps
    • RenderAfterEditable -> EditableSiblingComponent
    • WithOverride -> ExtendEditor
    • SerializeHtml -> HtmlReactSerializer

    Plugin Store:

    • NEW each plugin has its own store, accessible via plugin.optionsStore and plugin.useOptionsStore
    • editor has many methods to get, set and subscribe to plugin options

    Plugin Methods:

    • All plugin methods return a new plugin instance with the extended types.
    • Remove then, use extend instead
    • NEW extend method to deep merge a plugin configuration
      • If you pass an object, it will be directly merged with the plugin config.
      • If you pass a function, it will be called with the plugin config once the editor is resolved and should return the new plugin config.
      • Object extensions always have the priority over function extensions.
      • Extend multiple times to derive from the result of the previous extension.
    • NEW configure method to configure the properties of existing plugins. The difference with extend is that configure with not add new properties to the plugin, it will only modify existing ones.
    • NEW extendPlugin method to extend a nested plugin configuration.
    • NEW configurePlugin method to configure the properties of a nested plugin.
    • NEW extendApi method to extend the plugin API. The API is then merged into editor.api[plugin.key].
    • NEW extendTransforms method to extend the plugin transforms. The transforms is then merged into editor.transforms[plugin.key].
    • NEW extendEditorApi method to extend the editor API. The API is then merged into editor.api. Use this to add or override top-level methods to the editor.
    • NEW extendEditorTransforms method to extend the editor transforms. The transforms is then merged into editor.transforms.
    • NEW extendOptions method to extend the plugin options with selectors. Use editor.useOption(plugin, 'optionKey') to subscribe to an (extended) option.
    • NEW withComponent to replace plugin.node.component

    Plugin Context

    Each plugin method now receive the plugin context created with getEditorPlugin(editor, plugin) as parameter:

    • api
    • editor
    • getOption
    • getOptions
    • plugin
    • setOption
    • setOptions
    • tf
    • type
    • useOption

    Core Plugins:

    • NEW ParagraphPlugin is now part of core
    • NEW DebugPlugin is now part of core
      • NEW api.debug.log,, api.debug.warn, api.debug.error methods
      • options.isProduction to control logging in production environments
      • options.logLevel to set the minimum log level
      • options.logger to customize logging behavior
      • options.throwErrors to control error throwing behavior, by default a PlateError will be thrown on api.debug.error
    • NEW - You can now override a core plugin by adding it to editor.plugins. Last plugin wins.
    • createDeserializeHtmlPlugin -> HtmlPlugin
      • NEW api.html.deserialize
    • createEventEditorPlugin -> EventEditorPlugin
      • eventEditorStore -> EventEditorStore
    • createDeserializeAstPlugin -> AstPlugin
    • createEditorProtocolPlugin -> SlateNextPlugin
      • NEW
      • NEW
      • Remove createNodeFactoryPlugin, included in SlateNextPlugin.
      • Remove createPrevSelectionPlugin, included in SlateNextPlugin.
    • createHistoryPlugin -> HistoryPlugin
    • createInlineVoidPlugin -> InlineVoidPlugin
    • createInsertDataPlugin -> ParserPlugin
    • createLengthPlugin -> LengthPlugin
    • createReactPlugin -> ReactPlugin

    Editor Creation:

    NEW withSlate:

    • Extends an editor into a vanilla Plate editor
    • NEW rootPlugin option for configuring the root plugin

    NEW withPlate:

    • Extends an editor into a React Plate editor
    • Now extends withSlate with React-specific enhancements
    • NEW useOptions and useOption methods to the editor

    NEW createSlateEditor:

    • Create a vanilla Plate editor with server-side support


    • Plugin replacement mechanism: using plugins, any plugin with the same key that a previous plugin will replace it. That means you can now override core plugins that way, like ReactPlugin

    • root plugin is now created from createPlateEditor option as a quicker way to configure the editor than passing plugins. Since plugins can have nested plugins (think as a recursive tree), plugins option will be passed to root plugin plugins option.

    • Centralized editor resolution. Before, both createPlateEditor and Plate component were resolving the editor. Now, only createPlateEditor takes care of that. That means id, value, and other options are now controlled by createPlateEditor.

    • Remove createPlugins, pass plugins directly:

      • components -> override.components
      • overrideByKey -> override.plugins

    createPlateEditor options:

    • Rename normalizeInitialValue option to shouldNormalizeEditor
    • Move components to override.components to override components by key
    • Move overrideByKey to override.plugins to override plugins by key
    • Remove disableCorePlugins, use override.enabled instead
    • NEW value to set the initial value of the editor.
    • NEW autoSelect?: 'end' | 'start' | boolean to auto select the start of end of the editor. This is decoupled from autoFocus.
    • NEW selection to control the initial selection.
    • NEW override.enabled to disable plugins by key
    • NEW rootPlugin?: (plugin: AnyPlatePlugin) => AnyPlatePlugin to configure the root plugin. From here, you can for example call configurePlugin to configure any plugin.
    • NEW api, decorate, extendEditor, handlers, inject, normalizeInitialValue, options, override, priority, render, shortcuts, transforms, useHooks. These options will be passed to the very first rootPlugin.

    NEW usePlateEditor() hook to create a PlateEditor in a React component:

    • Uses createPlateEditor and useMemo to avoid re-creating the editor on every render.
    • Dependencies can be added to the hook to re-create the editor on demand. id option is always used as dependency.

    Editor Methods:

    editor: PlateEditor:

    • Move redecorate to editor.api.redecorate
    • Move reset to
    • Move plate.set to editor.setPlateState
    • Move blockFactory to editor.api.create.block
    • Move childrenFactory to editor.api.create.value
    • Rename plugins to pluginList
    • Rename pluginsByKey to plugins
    • NEW getApi() to get the editor API
    • NEW getTransforms() to get the editor transforms
    • Remove getPlugin(editor, key), use editor.getPlugin(plugin) or editor.getPlugin({ key })
    • Remove getPluginType, use editor.getType(plugin) to get node type
    • Remove getPluginInjectProps(editor, key), use editor.getPlugin(plugin).inject.props
    • NEW getOptionsStore() to get a plugin options store
    • Remove getPluginOptions, use getOptions()
    • NEW getOption() to get a plugin option
    • NEW setOption() to set a plugin option
    • NEW setOptions() to set multiple plugin options. Pass a function to use Immer. Pass an object to merge the options.
    • NEW useOption to subscribe to a plugin option in a React component
    • NEW useOptions to subscribe to a plugin options store in a React component
    • Remove getPlugins, use editor.pluginList
    • Remove getPluginsByKey, use editor.plugins
    • Remove mapInjectPropsToPlugin

    Editor Types:

    The new generic types are:

    • V extends Value = Value, P extends AnyPluginConfig = PlateCorePlugin
    • That means this function will infer all plugin configurations from the options passed to it:
      • key
      • options
      • api
      • transforms
    • Can't infer for some reason? Use createTPlateEditor for explicit typing.
    const editor = createPlateEditor({ plugins: [TablePlugin] });
    editor.api.htmlReact.serialize(); // core plugin is automatically inferred; // table plugin is automatically inferred

    Plate Component


    • editor is now required. If null, Plate will not render anything. As before, Plate remounts on id change.
    • Remove id, plugins, maxLength, pass these to createPlateEditor instead
    • Remove initialValue, value, pass value to createPlateEditor instead
    • Remove editorRef
    • Remove disableCorePlugins, override plugins in createPlateEditor instead


    • Remove useReplaceEditor since editor is now always controlled
    • NEW useEditorPlugin to get the editor and the plugin context.


    • PlateRenderElementProps, PlateRenderLeafProps generics: V, N -> N, C

    Plate Store:

    • Remove plugins and rawPlugins, use useEditorRef().plugins instead, or listen to plugin changes with editor.useOption(plugin, <optionKey>)
    • Remove value, use useEditorValue() instead
    • Remove editorRef, use useEditorRef() instead

    Miscellaneous Changes

    • slate >=0.103.0 peer dependency
    • slate-react >=0.108.0 peer dependency
    • New dependency @udecode/react-hotkeys
    • Remove ELEMENT_, MARK_ and KEY_ constants. Use NamePlugin.key instead.
    • Replace ELEMENT_DEFAULT with ParagraphPlugin.key.
    • Remove getTEditor
    • Rename withTReact to withPlateReact
    • Rename withTHistory to withPlateHistory
    • Rename usePlateId to useEditorId
    • Remove usePlateSelectors().id(), usePlateSelectors().value(), usePlateSelectors().plugins(), use instead useEditorRef().<key>
    • Rename toggleNodeType to toggleBlock
    • toggleBlock options:
      • Rename activeType to type
      • Rename inactiveType to defaultType
    • Remove react-hotkeys-hook re-exports. Use @udecode/react-hotkeys instead.


    • Move TEditableProps, TRenderElementProps to @udecode/slate-react
    • Remove <V extends Value> generic in all functions where not used
    • Remove PlatePluginKey
    • Remove OverrideByKey
    • Remove PlateId



Patch Changes



Patch Changes



Patch Changes



Patch Changes

  • #3220 by @dimaanj – [event-editor] expose focus event callbacks


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #3125 by @zbeyens
    • Use editor.reset instead of resetEditor to focus the editor after reset so it's decoupled from slate-react.
    • Add a server bundle including createPlateEditor. It can be imported using import { createPlateEditor } from '@udecode/plate-core/server'.



Patch Changes



Minor Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #2867 by @12joan – Export atom from jotai

  • #2859 by @12joan

    • Introduce PlateController as a way of accessing the active editor from an ancestor or sibling of Plate (see Accessing the Editor).
    • Add primary prop to Plate (default true)
    • Add isFallback to editor instance (default false)
    • The following hooks now throw a runtime error when used outside of either a Plate or PlateController, and accept a debugHookName option to customize this error message:
      • useIncrementVersion
      • useRedecorate
      • useReplaceEditor
      • useEditorMounted (new)
      • useEditorReadOnly
      • useEditorRef
      • useEdtiorSelection
      • useEditorSelector
      • useEditorState
      • useEditorVersion
      • useSelectionVersion
    • Change the default id of a Plate editor from 'plate' to a random value generated with nanoid/non-secure


Patch Changes

  • #2854 by @MarcosPereira1 – Ensure that beforeinput event is handled as a React.SyntheticEvent rather than a native DOM event




Major Changes

  • 822f6f56b by @12joan
    • Upgrade to [email protected]
    • Add useEditorSelector hook to only re-render when a specific property of editor changes
    • Remove { fn: ... } workaround for jotai stores that contain functions
    • Breaking change: usePlateSelectors, usePlateActions and usePlateStates no longer accept generic type arguments. If custom types are required, cast the resulting values at the point of use, or use hooks like useEditorRef that still provide generics.
    • Fix: readOnly on Plate store defaults to false and overrides readOnly on PlateContent
    • Fix: Plate ignores plugins passed via editor


Patch Changes

  • #2814 by @12joan
    • Fix renderBeforeEditable and renderAfterEditable
      • Like renderAboveEditable and renderAboveSlate, the given component is now rendered using JSX syntax, separately from the parent component.


Major Changes

  • #2763 by @12joan
    • Migrate store from jotai@1 to jotai@2
      • New dependency: jotai-x. See
      • Accessing a store without an explicit provider component is no longer supported. Attempting to do so will result in a warning in the console: Tried to access jotai store '${storeName}' outside of a matching provider.
    • Upgraded from zustand@3 to zustand@4
    • Rename zustand-x exports
      • StateActions -> ZustandStateActions
      • StoreApi -> ZustandStoreApi
      • createStore -> createZustandStore
      • Note that these exports are deprecated and should not be used in new code. They may be removed in a future version of Plate.
    • renderAboveEditable and renderAboveSlate
      • The given component is now rendered using JSX syntax, separately from the parent component. Previously, the component was called as a function, which affected how hooks were handled by React.
    • withHOC
      • Add support for ref prop, which is forwarded to the inner component
      • Add hocRef argument, which is forwarded to the HOC
      • Strengthen the type of hocProps


Patch Changes

  • #2729 by @12joanThis is a breaking change meant to be part of v25, hence the patch. On deserializeHtml, replace stripWhitespace with collapseWhiteSpace, defaulting to true. The collapseWhiteSpace option aims to parse white space in HTML according to the HTML specification, ensuring greater accuracy when pasting HTML from browsers.



Minor Changes







Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #2629 by @zbeyens

    • [Breaking] Rename Plate to PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Rename PlateProvider to Plate.
    • [Breaking] Rendering PlateContent is now required in Plate. This allows you to choose where to render the editor next to other components like toolbar. Example:
    // Before
    <Plate />
    // or
      <Plate />
    // After
      <PlateContent />
    • [Breaking] Remove provider props such as plugins from PlateContent. These props should be passed to Plate.
    • [Breaking] Remove editableProps prop from PlateContent. Move these asPlateContent props.
    • [Breaking] Remove children prop from PlateContent. Render instead these components after PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Remove firstChildren prop from PlateContent. Render instead these components before PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Remove editableRef prop from PlateContent. Use ref instead.
    • [Breaking] Remove withPlateProvider.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateEditorRef to useEditorRef.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateEditorState to useEditorState.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateReadOnly to useEditorReadOnly. This hook can be used below Plate while useReadOnly can only be used in node components.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateSelection to useEditorSelection.
    • [Breaking] Rename store attributes keyDecorate, keyEditor and keySelection to versionDecorate, versionEditor and versionSelection. These are now numbers incremented on each change.
    • [Breaking] Rename store attribute isRendered to isMounted.
    • Add maxLength prop to Plate. Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the editor. This is a new core plugin (createLengthPlugin).
    • Add useEditorVersion hook. Version incremented on each editor change.
    • Add useSelectionVersion hook. Version incremented on each selection change.
    • Fix editor.reset should now reset the editor without mutating the ref so it does not remount PlateContent. Default is using resetEditor. If you need to replace the editor ref, use useReplaceEditor.
    • [Type] Remove generic from TEditableProps, RenderElementFn, RenderAfterEditable



Minor Changes

  • #2588 by @zbeyensPlatePlugin
    • inject.props.query (new): Whether to inject the props. If true, overrides all other checks.
    • inject.props.transformProps (new): Transform the injected props.


Patch Changes

  • #2571 by @zbeyens – fix: markable void were set on all void nodes


Minor Changes

  • #2568 by @zbeyens – New PlatePlugin attribute: isMarkableVoid: boolean.




Minor Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – New plugin option:
    • enabled: boolean to enable/disable the plugin


Minor Changes

  • #2464 by @12joan
    • Add editorRef prop to Plate/PlateProvider
      • Works with useRef<PlateEditor | null> or useState<PlateEditor | null>
      • The editor instance is passed to the ref on mount and whenever the editor is reset
      • The ref is set to null when the editor unmounts
    • Add various new methods to editor:
      • editor.reset() - Equivalent to useResetPlateEditor()()
      • editor.redecorate() - Equivalent to useRedecorate()()
      • editor.plate.<key>.set(value) - Sets the value of <key> in the Plate store. The following keys are currently supported:
        • readOnly
        • plugins
        • onChange
        • decorate
        • renderElement
        • renderLeaf


Patch Changes

  • #2454 by @dimaanj – HTML deserializer: fix pasting tables with empty cells



Patch Changes

  • #2415 by @santialbo – support new prop name initialValue on Slate after 0.94.1



Patch Changes

  • #2400 by @joephela – Fix/2399 deserialize validAttribute nullcheck



Patch Changes

  • #2368 by @zbeyens
    • error handling when pasting (x-slate-fragment)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #2289 by @zbeyens
    • fix nodeProps: undefined attributes values are ignored


Major Changes

  • 0077402 by @zbeyens
    • This package has been split into multiple packages for separation of concerns and decoupled versioning:
      • @udecode/utils is a collection of miscellaneous utilities. Can be used by any project.
      • @udecode/slate is a collection of slate experimental features and bug fixes that may be moved into slate one day. It's essentially composed of the generic types. Can be used by vanilla slate consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/slate-react is a collection of slate-react experimental features and bug fixes that that may be moved into slate-react one day. It's essentially composed of the generic types. Can be used by vanilla slate-react consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/plate-core is the minimalistic core of plate. It essentially includes Plate, PlateProvider and their dependencies. Note this package is not dependent on the *-utils packages.
      • @udecode/slate-utils is a collection of utils depending on @udecode/slate. Can be used by vanilla slate consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/plate-utils is a collection of utils depending on @udecode/slate-react and @udecode/plate-core
      • @udecode/plate-common re-exports the 6 previous packages and is a dependency of all the other packages. It's basically replacing @udecore/plate-core as a bundle.
    • Removed getPreventDefaultHandler since it is no longer needed. Migration:
      • If using @udecode/plate or @udecode/plate-headless: none
      • Else: find & replace @udecode/plate-core by @udecode/plate-common

Minor Changes

  • #2240 by @OliverWales
    • Add sanitizeUrl util to check if URL has an allowed scheme

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #2233 by @fimion – Fixes #2230: infinite recursion when using plugin field then


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #2194 by @zbeyens – fix: useElement should not throw an error if the element is not found. It can happen when the document is not yet normalized. This patch replaces the throw by a console.warn.


Patch Changes

  • #2185 by @zbeyens – fix: getEditorString should not throw an error when a node is not found. Returns an empty string in that case.


Minor Changes

  • #2156 by @12joan – Trim \n characters from start and end of text nodes when deserializing HTML


Patch Changes

  • #2151 by @zbeyens – fix: use removeEditorMark in editorProtocol plugin


Minor Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #2097 by @zbeyens
    • upgrade deps, including typescript support for the new editor methods:
    // from
    "slate": "0.78.0",
    "slate-history": "0.66.0",
    "slate-react": "0.79.0"
    // to
    "slate": "0.87.0",
    "slate-history": "0.86.0",
    "slate-react": "0.88.0"


Minor Changes

  • 2a72716 by @zbeyens

    • new Plate / PlateProvider prop: readOnly
    • it's also stored in plate store, useful when readOnly is needed between PlateProvider and Plate.
    • new selector: usePlateReadOnly
    • (not mandatory) migration:
    // from
    <Plate editableProps={{readOnly: true}} />
    // to
    <Plate readOnly />


Minor Changes

  • #1829 by @osamatanveer
    • new queries:
      • getPreviousSiblingNode
      • isDocumentEnd
    • new utils:
      • getJotaiProviderInitialValues: get jotai provider initial values from props
      • exports nanoid
    • new dependency: nanoid


Minor Changes

  • #1978 by @zbeyens – Plugin fields renderBeforeEditable and renderAfterEditable now have TEditableProps passed as the first parameter.


Minor Changes

  • #1960 by @zbeyens
    • Default editor value is now overridable with editor.childrenFactory()
    • New core plugin nodeFactory, extends the editor with:
      • blockFactory: (node) => TElement, can be used to create the default editor block
      • childrenFactory: () => Value
    • New transform resetEditorChildren: Replace editor children by editor.childrenFactory().


Minor Changes

  • #1959 by @zbeyens
    • Default editor value is now overridable with editor.childrenFactory()
    • New core plugin nodeFactory, extends the editor with:
      • blockFactory: (node) => TElement, can be used to create the default editor block
      • childrenFactory: () => Value
    • New transform resetEditorChildren: Replace editor children by editor.childrenFactory().

Patch Changes

  • #1957 by @tmilewski – fix: update @radix-ui/react-slot to eliminate conflicting peer dependencies

  • #1953 by @zbeyensapplyDeepToNodes: new option path


Minor Changes

  • #1888 by @zbeyens
    • new PlatePlugin property:
      • renderAboveSlate – Render a component above Slate
    • id is no longer required in plate hooks:
      • usePlateId() is getting the closest editor id
      • it's used in all store hooks if no store is found with the omitted id
      • note that id is not needed if you don't have nested Plate / PlateProvider
    • id prop change should remount Plate


Patch Changes

  • #1896 by @charrondev – Fix PrevSelectionPlugin event persistence on React 16.x


Patch Changes

  • #1885 by @zbeyens – fix: Plate without initialValue or value prop should use editor.children as value. If editor.children is empty, use default value (empty paragraph).


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #1878 by @zbeyens
    • Fix: Maximum call stack size exceeded after many changes
    • Fix: Plate props that are functions are now working (e.g. onChange)


Major Changes

  • #1871 by @zbeyens

    • usePlateStore:
      • Plate no longer has a global store containing all the editor states (zustand). Each editor store is now defined in a React context tree (jotai). If you need to access all the editor states at once (as you could do before), you'll need to build that layer yourself.
      • Plate store is now accessible only below PlateProvider or Plate (provider-less mode). It means it's no longer accessible outside of a Plate React tree. If you have such use-case, you'll need to build your own layer to share the state between your components.
      • You can nest many PlateProvider with different scopes (id prop). Default scope is PLATE_SCOPE
      • Hook usage:
        • const value = usePlateSelectors(id).value()
        • const setValue = usePlateActions(id).value()
        • const [value, setValue] = usePlateStates(id).value()
      • removed from the store:
        • editableProps, use the props instead
        • enabled, use conditional rendering instead
        • isReady, no point anymore as it's now directly ready
      • useEventPlateId is still used to get the last focused editor id.
      • Functions are stored in an object { fn: <here> } - const setOnChange = usePlateActions(id).onChange() - setOnChange({ fn: newOnChange })
    • Plate
      • if rendered below PlateProvider, it will render PlateSlate > PlateEditable
      • if rendered without PlateProvider, it will render PlateProvider > PlateSlate > PlateEditable
      • default id is no longer main, it's now PLATE_SCOPE
    • PlateProvider
      • Each provider has an optional scope, so you can have multiple providers in the same React tree and use the plate hooks with the corresponding scope.
      • Plate effects are now run in PlateProvider
        • initialValue, value, editor, normalizeInitialValue, normalizeEditor are no longer defined in an effect (SSR support)
      • Props:
        • now extends the previous Plate props
        • if using PlateProvider, set the provider props on it instead of Plate. Plate would only need editableProps and PlateEditableExtendedProps
        • if not using it, set the provider props on Plate
    // Before
        <AlignToolbarButtons />
      <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} <MyValue> initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins} />
    // After
    <PlateProvider<MyValue> initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins}>
        <AlignToolbarButtons />
      <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} />
    // After (provider-less mode)
    <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins} />
    • types:
      • store editor is no longer nullable
      • store value is no longer nullable
      • id type is now PlateId
    • renamed:
      • getEventEditorId to getEventPlateId
      • getPlateActions().resetEditor to useResetPlateEditor()
    • removed:
      • plateIdAtom
      • usePlateId for usePlateSelectors().id()
      • EditablePlugins for PlateEditable
      • SlateChildren
      • PlateEventProvider for PlateProvider
      • withPlateEventProvider for withPlateProvider
      • usePlate
      • usePlatesStoreEffect
      • useEventEditorId for useEventPlateId
      • platesStore, platesActions, platesSelectors, usePlatesSelectors
      • getPlateActions for usePlateActions
      • getPlateSelectors for usePlateSelectors
      • getPlateEditorRef for usePlateEditorRef
      • getPlateStore, usePlateStore
      • EditorId for PlateId

Minor Changes

  • #1871 by @zbeyens

    • SSR support
    • useEventPlateId returns:
      • id if defined
      • focused editor id if defined
      • blurred editor id if defined
      • last editor id if defined
      • provider id if defined
      • PLATE_SCOPE otherwise
    • new dep: nanoid
    • PlateProvider
    export interface PlateProviderProps<
      V extends Value = Value,
      E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>,
    > extends PlateProviderEffectsProps<V, E>,
        Partial<Pick<PlateStoreState<V, E>, 'id' | 'editor'>> {
       * Initial value of the editor.
       * @default [{ children: [{ text: '' }] }]
      initialValue?: PlateStoreState<V>['value'];
       * When `true`, it will normalize the initial value passed to the `editor`
       * once it gets created. This is useful when adding normalization rules on
       * already existing content.
       * @default false
      normalizeInitialValue?: boolean;
      scope?: Scope;
    • PlateProviderEffects
    • PlateSlate
    • PlateEditable
    export interface PlateEditableExtendedProps {
      id?: PlateId;
      /** The children rendered inside `Slate`, after `Editable`. */
      children?: ReactNode;
      /** Ref to the `Editable` component. */
      editableRef?: Ref<HTMLDivElement>;
       * The first children rendered inside `Slate`, before `Editable`. Slate DOM is
       * not yet resolvable on first render, for that case use `children` instead.
      firstChildren?: ReactNode;
      /** Custom `Editable` node. */
      renderEditable?: (editable: ReactNode) => ReactNode;
    export interface PlateEditableProps<V extends Value = Value>
      extends Omit<TEditableProps<V>, 'id'>,
        PlateEditableExtendedProps {}

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1856 by @zbeyens
    • core plugin createSelectionPlugin renamed to createPrevSelectionPlugin
    • queryNode - new options:
      • level: Valid path levels
      • maxLevel: Paths above that value are invalid


Minor Changes

  • #1832 by @zbeyens – New editor prop:
    • currentKeyboardEvent: is set in onKeyDown and unset after applying set_selection operation. Useful to override the selection depending on the keyboard event.


Patch Changes

  • #1796 by @zbeyens – New PlateEditor prop to store the last key down:
    • lastKeyDown: string | null


Minor Changes

  • #1778 by @zbeyens
    • isRangeAcrossBlocks: Now returns true if one of the block above is found but not the other and returns undefined if no block is found.
    • isRangeInSameBlock: Whether the range is in the same block.
    • removeNodeChildren: Remove node children.
    • replaceNodeChildren: Replace node children: remove then insert.

Patch Changes

  • #1776 by @davisg123 – Autoformatter will incorrectly match on text that contains one additional character of text


Minor Changes

  • #1768 by @zbeyens – new utils:
    • wrapNodeChildren: Wrap node children into a single element


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1721 by @zbeyens
    • ElementProvider now has SCOPE_ELEMENT='element' scope in addition to the plugin key, so useElement() can be called without parameter (default = SCOPE_ELEMENT). You'll need to use the plugin key scope only to get an ancestor element.
    • upgrade peerDeps:
      • "slate": ">=0.78.0"
      • "slate-react": ">=0.79.0"


Patch Changes

  • #1707 by @dylans – improve performance of list normalizations


Minor Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
    • new dep + re-exports "react-hotkeys-hook": "^3.4.6"
    • new core plugin createSelectionPlugin
      • stores the previous selection in editor.prevSelection (default is null)
      • enabled by default, can be disabled using selection key
    • new PlatePlugin props:
      • renderAboveEditable: Render a component above Editable.
      • renderAfterEditable: Render a component after Editable.
      • renderBeforeEditable: Render a component before Editable.
    • Plate:
      • pipes plugins renderAboveEditable and render the result above Editable
      • pipes plugins renderAfterEditable and render the result after Editable, before children
      • pipes plugins renderBeforeEditable and render the result before Editable, after firstChildren
    • new queries
      • getNextNodeStartPoint
      • getPreviousNodeEndPoint
    • new hooks
      • useOnClickOutside
    • PlateEditor new prop:
      • prevSelection: TRange | null;


Patch Changes

  • #1689 by @zbeyens – fix: wait for editor value being ready before calling normalizeNodes


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #1633 by @tjramage – Moved serializeHtml and its utils to @udecode/plate-serializer-html as it has a new dependency: html-entities.
    • If you're using @udecode/plate, no migration is needed
    • Otherwise, import it from @udecode/plate-serializer-html


Minor Changes

  • #1650 by @zbeyensPlatePlugin has a new option:
    • normalizeInitialValue: filter the value before it's passed into the editor


Minor Changes

  • #1648 by @zbeyens
    • new plate action:
      • redecorate - triggers a redecoration of the editor.


Minor Changes

  • bed47ae by @zbeyens
    • focusEditor new option to set selection before focusing the editor
      • target: if defined:
        • deselect the editor (otherwise it will focus the start of the editor)
        • select the editor
        • focus the editor
    • re-exports createStore from @udecode/zustood, so the other packages don't have to install it

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1616 by @zbeyens
    • useElement: Plate is now storing element in a context provided in each rendered element. Required parameter: the plugin key is used as a scope as it's needed for nested elements.


Major Changes

  • Plate children are now rendered as last children of Slate (previously first children). To reproduce the previous behavior, move children to firstChildren

Minor Changes

  • #1592 by @zbeyens
    • fix: Plate children were rendered before Editable, making slate DOM not resolvable on first render. Fixed by moving Editable as the first child of Slate and children as the last children of Slate.
    • Plate new props:
      • firstChildren: replaces the previous behavior of children, rendered as the first children of Slate
      • editableRef: Ref to the Editable component.
    • Plate store - new field:
      • isRendered: Whether Editable is rendered so slate DOM is resolvable. Subscribe to this value when you query the slate DOM outside Plate.


Patch Changes

  • #1566 by @armedi – Fix runtime error when deserialized html contains svg element


Minor Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1546 by @zbeyens
    • getEdgeBlocksAbove: Get the edge blocks above a location (default: selection).
    • getPluginTypes: Get plugin types option by plugin keys.


Patch Changes

  • #1534 by @zbeyens – types:
    • createPluginFactory: use generic P type in first parameter
    • add Value default type in place it can't be inferred
    • replace EditorNodesOptions by GetNodeEntriesOptions


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #1528 by @zbeyens – fix: propagate editor generic to PlatePlugin handlers


Patch Changes

  • #1526 by @zbeyens
    • unhangRange: return the range instead of void
    • add default generic types to many places
    • add generic types to:
      • WithOverride functions
      • Decorate functions
      • OnChange functions
      • KeyboardHandler functions


Patch Changes

  • #1523 by @zbeyens
    • createPluginFactory type: default plugin has types (e.g. Value) which can be overriden using generics (e.g. MyValue).
    • Plugin types are now using Value generic type when it's using the editor.
    • replace plugin options generic type P = {} by P = PluginOptions where PluginOptions = AnyObject. That fixes a type error happening when a list of plugins has custom P, which don't match {}.


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #1500 by @zbeyens – Thanks @ianstormtaylor for the initial work on ianstormtaylor/slate#4177.

    This release includes major changes to plate and slate types:

    • Changing the TEditor type to be TEditor<V> where V represents the "value" being edited by Slate. In the most generic editor, V would be equivalent to TElement[] (since that is what is accepted as children of the editor). But in a custom editor, you might have TEditor<Array<Paragraph | Quote>>.
    • Other TEditor-and-TNode-related methods have been also made generic, so for example if you use getLeafNode(editor, path) it knows that the return value is a TText node. But more specifically, it knows that it is the text node of the type you've defined in your custom elements (with any marks you've defined).
    • This replaces the declaration merging approach, and provides some benefits. One of the drawbacks to declaration merging was that it was impossible to know whether you were dealing with an "unknown" or "known" element, since the underlying type was changed. Similarly, having two editors on the page with different schemas wasn't possible to represent. Hopefully this approach with generics will be able to smoothly replace the declaration merging approach. (While being easy to migrate to, since you can pass those same custom element definitions into TEditor still.)

Define your custom types

Slate types

Those Slate types should be replaced by the new types:

  • Editor -> TEditor<V extends Value>
    • Note that TEditor methods are not typed based on Value as it would introduce a circular dependency. You can use getTEditor(editor) to get the editor with typed methods.
  • ReactEditor -> TReactEditor<V extends Value>
  • HistoryEditor -> THistoryEditor<V extends Value>
  • EditableProps -> TEditableProps<V extends Value>
  • Node -> TNode
  • Element -> TElement
  • Text -> TText

Slate functions

Those Slate functions should be replaced by the new typed ones:

  • As the new editor type is not matching the slate ones, all Transforms, Editor, Node, Element, Text, HistoryEditor, ReactEditor functions should be replaced: The whole API has been typed into Plate core. See
  • createEditor -> createTEditor
  • withReact -> withTReact
  • withHistory -> withTHistory

Generic types

  • <T = {}> could be used to extend the editor type. It is now replaced by <E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>> to customize the whole editor type.

  • When the plugin type is customizable, these generics are used: <P = PluginOptions, V extends Value = Value, E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>>, where P is the plugin options type.

  • Editor functions are using <V extends Value> generic, where V can be a custom editor value type used in PlateEditor<V>.

  • Editor functions returning a node are using <N extends ENode<V>, V extends Value = Value> generics, where N can be a custom returned node type.

  • Editor callbacks (e.g. a plugin option) are using <V extends Value, E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>> generics, where E can be a custom editor type.

  • Node functions returning a node are using <N extends Node, R extends TNode = TNode> generics.

  • These generics are used by <V extends Value, K extends keyof EMarks<V>>: getMarks, isMarkActive, removeMark, setMarks, ToggleMarkPlugin, addMark, removeEditorMark

  • WithOverride is a special type case as it can return a new editor type:

    // before
    export type WithOverride<T = {}, P = {}> = (
      editor: PlateEditor<T>,
      plugin: WithPlatePlugin<T, P>
    ) => PlateEditor<T>;
    // after - where E is the Editor type (input), and EE is the Extended Editor type (output)
    export type WithOverride<
      P = PluginOptions,
      V extends Value = Value,
      E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>,
      EE extends E = E,
    > = (editor: E, plugin: WithPlatePlugin<P, V, E>) => EE;
  • type TEditor<V extends Value>

  • type PlateEditor<V extends Value>

Renamed functions

  • getAbove -> getAboveNode
  • getParent -> getParentNode
  • getText -> getEditorString
  • getLastNode -> getLastNodeByLevel
  • getPointBefore -> getPointBeforeLocation
  • getNodes -> getNodeEntries
  • getNodes -> getNodeEntries
  • isStart -> isStartPoint
  • isEnd -> isEndPoint

Replaced types

Removing node props types in favor of element types (same props + extends TElement). You can use TNodeProps to get the node data (props).

  • LinkNodeData -> TLinkElement
  • ImageNodeData -> TImageElement
  • TableNodeData -> TTableElement
  • MentionNodeData -> TMentionElement
  • MentionNode -> TMentionElement
  • MentionInputNodeData -> TMentionInputElement
  • MentionInputNode -> TMentionInputElement
  • CodeBlockNodeData -> TCodeBlockElement
  • MediaEmbedNodeData -> TMediaEmbedElement
  • TodoListItemNodeData -> TTodoListItemElement
  • ExcalidrawNodeData -> TExcalidrawElement


  • match signature change:
<T extends TNode>(
  obj: T,
  path: TPath,
  predicate?: Predicate<T>

Minor Changes

  • #1500 by @zbeyens – Transforms:

    • insertElements: insertNodes where node type is TElement
    • setElements: setNodes where node type is TElement


    • General type improvements to all plate packages.
    • Value = TElement[]: Default value of an editor.
    • TNode = TEditor<Value> | TElement | TText
    • TElement: Note that type: string is included as it's the standard in Plate.
    • TText: it now accepts unknown props.
    • TDescendant = TElement | TText
    • TAncestor = TEditor<Value> | TElement
    • ENode<V extends Value>: Node of an editor value
    • EElement<V extends Value>: Element of an editor value
    • EText<V extends Value>: Text of an editor value
    • EDescendant<V extends Value>: Descendant of an editor value
    • EAncestor<V extends Value>: Ancestor of an editor value
    • NodeOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the node types from a root node type.
    • ElementOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the element nodes type from a root node.
    • TextOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the text node types from a root node type.
    • DescendantOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the descendant node types from a root node type.
    • ChildOf<N extends TNode, I extends number = number>: A utility type to get the child node types from a root node type.
    • AncestorOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the ancestor node types from a root node type.
    • ValueOf<E extends TEditor<Value>>: A helper type for getting the value of an editor.
    • MarksOf<N extends TNode>: A utility type to get all the mark types from a root node type.
    • EMarks<V extends Value>
    • TNodeProps<N extends TNode>: Convenience type for returning the props of a node.
    • TNodeEntry<N extends TNode = TNode>
    • ENodeEntry<V extends Value>: Node entry from an editor.
    • TElementEntry<N extends TNode = TNode>: Element entry from a node.
    • TTextEntry<N extends TNode = TNode>: Text node entry from a node.
    • ETextEntry<V extends Value>: Text node entry of a value.
    • TAncestorEntry<N extends TNode = TNode>: Ancestor entry from a node.
    • EAncestorEntry<V extends Value>: Ancestor entry from an editor.
    • TDescendantEntry<N extends TNode = TNode>: Descendant entry from a node.
    • TOperation<N extends TDescendant = TDescendant>: operation types now accept unknown props.

    Updated deps:

    "@udecode/zustood": "^1.1.1",
    "jotai": "^1.6.6",
    "lodash": "^4.17.21",
    "zustand": "^3.7.2"

Patch Changes

  • #1500 by @zbeyens – fix: Type alias 'TDescendant' circularly references itself


Patch Changes

  • #1476 by @chrishyle – Fixed an error in toggleMark that caused removeMark to be called when there is no mark to remove


Patch Changes

  • #1472 by @m9rc1n – Fix Url encoded HTML nodes on adding an image #1189. Updated function serializeHtml to use decodeURIComponent per node, instead of complete text. This is fixing problem when combination of image and i.e. paragraph nodes would result in paragraph node not decoded.


Minor Changes

  • #1465 by @zbeyens
    • withoutNormalizing: Editor.withoutNormalizing which returns true if normalized
    • createPlateEditor: add normalizeInitialValue option
    • createPlateTestEditor


Patch Changes

  • #1447 by @ryanbarr – Update isType to correctly return the expected boolean value.


Patch Changes

  • #1440 by @zbeyens – Critical fix: plate hooks without id. usePlateId (used to get plate store) is now working below PlateProvider and outside Plate.


Minor Changes

  • #1435 by @zbeyens – Fix a critical issue when using multiple editors #1352
    • withHOC: 3rd parameter can be used to add props to HOC.
    • usePlateId now just gets plate id atom value and no longer gets event editor id as fallback.
    • useEventEditorId: Get last event editor id: focus, blur or last.
    • useEventPlateId: Get provider plate id or event editor id.
    • PlateEventProvider: PlateProvider where id is the event editor id (used for toolbar buttons).
    • withPlateEventProvider


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #1393 by @dylans – Check for leaf was too strict with checking for text


Patch Changes

  • #1388 by @zbeyens – fix for docs only: use Array.from instead of destructuring generators

  • #1392 by @zbeyens – fix: using PlateProvider was not setting the initial value


Minor Changes

  • #1381 by @zbeyens

    • vendor:
      • upgrade slate to "0.72.8"
      • upgrade slate-react to "0.72.9"
      • upgrade zustand to "3.7.0"
    • new component for testing: PlateTest
  • #1387 by @zbeyens

    • Plate props are merged into the initial store state to override the default values.
      • the initial value will be editor.children if editor prop is defined.
    • PlateProvider accepts PlateProps so set the initial store state


Minor Changes

  • #1377 by @zbeyens
    • new dep: jotai
    • Plate:
      • set the store only if it's not already set (e.g. controlled use-case)
      • there is now a jotai provider with plate id so it can be used by plate selectors if no id is given as parameter.
    • PlateProvider: Create plate store and mount/unmount if id prop updates. id can be string[]. Use this component on top of components using plate hook selectors, otherwise your components would not rerender on change. Not needed for plate non-hook selectors (getters).
    • useCreatePlateStore: hook that creates a plate store into the plates store, if not defined.
    • usePlateId: returns the provider plate id (if any).
    • usePlateStore: if the hook is used before the plate store is created, it will console warn "The plate hooks must be used inside the <PlateProvider id={id}> component's context."

Patch Changes

  • #1377 by @zbeyens
    • eventEditorSelectors.focus() should now return the currently focused editor id, and null if no editor is focused.


Patch Changes

  • #1367 by @zbeyens – Fix: "Adding new Editor instances after render of another instance causes a bad setState error". We were setting the plate store anytime getPlateStore was called, so it could be called outside a useEffect. Plate now returns null until the plate store is set in the plates store, so getPlateStore always returns a defined store. Note that you'd need the same check on your end above any component using plate selectors.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #1341 by @zbeyens – Fix components using usePlateEditorState by introducing withEditor / EditorProvider hoc


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #1303 by @zbeyens
    • Plate
      • editor prop can now be fully controlled: Plate is not applying withPlate on it anymore
    • PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
      • can't be an array anymore
      • moved validAttribute, validClassName, validNodeName, validStyle to deserializeHtml.rules property
    • renamed plateStore to platesStore
    • platesStore is now a zustood store
    • eventEditorStore is now a zustood store
    • getPlateId now gets the last editor id if not focused or blurred
      • used by usePlateEditorRef and usePlateEditorState
    • removed:
      • usePlateEnabled for usePlateSelectors(id).enabled()
      • usePlateValue for usePlateSelectors(id).value()
      • usePlateActions:
        • resetEditor for getPlateActions(id).resetEditor()
        • clearState for platesActions.unset()
        • setInitialState for platesActions.set(id)
        • setEditor for getPlateActions(id).editor(value)
        • setEnabled for getPlateActions(id).enabled(value)
        • setValue for getPlateActions(id).value(value)
      • getPlateState
      • usePlateState
      • usePlateKey

Minor Changes

  • #1303 by @zbeyens
    • new packages
      • @udecode/zustood
      • use-deep-compare
    • Plate
      • renders a new component: EditorRefEffect
        • it renders plugin.useHooks(editor, plugin) for all editor.plugins
        • note that it will unmount and remount the hooks on plugins change
      • useEditableProps
        • subscribes to the store editableProps, decorate, renderLeaf, renderElement
        • decorate, renderLeaf, renderElement are now separately memoized
        • useDeepCompareMemo instead of useMemo for performance
      • useSlateProps
        • subscribes to the store onChange, value
      • usePlateEffects
        • update the plate store on props change:
          • editableProps
          • onChange
          • value
          • enabled
          • plugins
          • decorate
          • renderElement
          • renderLeaf
    • PlatePlugin
      • useHooks: new property to use hooks once the editor is initialized.
      • deserializeHtml
        • getNode has a new parameter node
        • getNode can be injected by other plugins
    • createPlateStore: create a plate zustood store
      • actions: resetEditor, incrementKey
      • new properties:
        • plugins
        • decorate
        • renderElement
        • renderLeaf
        • editableProps
        • onChange
    • platesStore:
      • actions: set, unset
      • selectors: get
    • usePlateId: hook version of getPlateId
    • platesActions
    • getPlateActions
    • getPlateSelectors
    • usePlateSelectors
    • getPlateStore
    • usePlateStore
    • eventEditorActions
    • eventEditorSelectors
    • useEventEditorSelectors
    • mapInjectPropsToPlugin: Map plugin inject props to injected plugin

Patch Changes

  • #1303 by @zbeyens
    • fix performance issue with hundreds of Plate editors
    • fix a bug where editor.plugins was reversed
    • Plate
      • editor.plugins were missing plugins on plugins prop change
    • withInlineVoid:
      • use plugin.type instead of plugin.key


Patch Changes

  • #1266 by @zbeyens

    • HTML deserializer:
      • parent attributes does not override child leaf attributes anymore. For example, if a span has fontSize style = 16px, and its child span has fontSize style = 18px, it's now deserializing to 18px instead of 16px.
    • Inject props:
      • does not inject props when node value = inject.props.defaultNodeValue anymore.
  • #1257 by @tjramage

    • fix link upsert on space
    • getPointBefore: will return early if the point before is in another block. Removed multiPaths option as it's not used anymore.


Minor Changes

  • #1249 by @zbeyens – new utils:
    • parseHtmlDocument
    • parseHtmlElement


Major Changes

  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Breaking changes:


    • removed components prop:
    // Before
    <Plate plugins={plugins} components={components} />;
    // After
    // option 1: use the plugin factory
    let plugins = [
        component: ParagraphElement,
    // option 2: use createPlugins
    plugins = createPlugins(plugins, {
      components: {
        [ELEMENT_PARAGRAPH]: ParagraphElement,
    <Plate plugins={plugins} />;
    • removed options prop:
    // Before
    <Plate plugins={plugins} options={options} />;
    // After
    // option 1: use the plugin factory
    let plugins = [
        type: 'paragraph',
    // option 2: use createPlugins
    plugins = createPlugins(plugins, {
      overrideByKey: {
          type: 'paragraph',
    <Plate plugins={plugins} />;


    • key
      • replacing pluginKey
      • is now required: each plugin needs a key to be retrieved by key.
    • all handlers have plugin as a second parameter:
    // Before
    export type X<T = {}> = (editor: PlateEditor<T>) => Y;
    // After
    export type X<T = {}, P = {}> = (
      editor: PlateEditor<T>,
      plugin: WithPlatePlugin<T, P>
    ) => Y;
    • serialize no longer has element and leaf properties:
    type SerializeHtml = RenderFunction<
      PlateRenderElementProps | PlateRenderLeafProps


    • injectParentComponent to inject.aboveComponent
    • injectChildComponent to inject.belowComponent
    • overrideProps to inject.props
      • transformClassName, transformNodeValue, transformStyle first parameter is no longer editor as it's provided by then if needed.
      • the previously getOverrideProps is now the core behavior if inject.props is defined.
    • serialize to serializeHtml
    • deserialize to deserializeHtml
      • can be an array
      • the old deserializer options are merged to deserializeHtml
    type DeserializeHtml = {
      /** List of HTML attribute names to store their values in `node.attributes`. */
      attributeNames?: string[];
       * Deserialize an element. Use this instead of plugin.isElement if you don't
       * want the plugin to renderElement.
       * @default plugin.isElement
      isElement?: boolean;
       * Deserialize a leaf. Use this instead of plugin.isLeaf if you don't want the
       * plugin to renderLeaf.
       * @default plugin.isLeaf
      isLeaf?: boolean;
      /** Deserialize html element to slate node. */
      getNode?: (element: HTMLElement) => AnyObject | undefined;
      query?: (element: HTMLElement) => boolean;
       * Deserialize an element:
       * - If this option (string) is in the element attribute names.
       * - If this option (object) values match the element attributes.
      validAttribute?: string | { [key: string]: string | string[] };
      /** Valid element `className`. */
      validClassName?: string;
      /** Valid element `nodeName`. Set '*' to allow any node name. */
      validNodeName?: string | string[];
       * Valid element style values. Can be a list of string (only one match is
       * needed).
      validStyle?: Partial<
        Record<keyof CSSStyleDeclaration, string | string[] | undefined>
      /** Whether or not to include deserialized children on this node */
      withoutChildren?: boolean;
    • handlers starting by on... are moved to handlers field.
    // Before
    onDrop: handler;
    // After
    handlers: {
      onDrop: handler;


    • renderElement is favor of:
      • isElement is a boolean that enables element rendering.
      • the previously getRenderElement is now the core behavior.
    • renderLeaf is favor of:
      • isLeaf is a boolean that enables leaf rendering.
      • the previously getRenderLeaf is now the core behavior.
    • inlineTypes and voidTypes for:
      • isInline is a boolean that enables inline rendering.
      • isVoid is a boolean that enables void rendering.


    • plugins is not a parameter anymore as it can be retrieved in editor.plugins
    • withInlineVoid is now using plugins isInline and isVoid plugin fields.


    • getPlatePluginType to getPluginType
    • getEditorOptions to getPlugins
    • getPlatePluginOptions to getPlugin
    • pipeOverrideProps to pipeInjectProps
    • getOverrideProps to pluginInjectProps
    • serializeHTMLFromNodes to serializeHtml
      • getLeaf to leafToHtml
      • getNode to elementToHtml
    • xDeserializerId to KEY_DESERIALIZE_X
    • deserializeHTMLToText to htmlTextNodeToString
    • deserializeHTMLToMarks to htmlElementToLeaf and pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf
    • deserializeHTMLToElement to htmlElementToElement and pipeDeserializeHtmlElement
    • deserializeHTMLToFragment to htmlBodyToFragment
    • deserializeHTMLToDocumentFragment to deserializeHtml
    • deserializeHTMLToBreak to htmlBrToNewLine
    • deserializeHTMLNode to deserializeHtmlNode
    • deserializeHTMLElement to deserializeHtmlElement


    • usePlateKeys, getPlateKeys
    • usePlateOptions for getPlugin
    • getPlateSelection for getPlateEditorRef().selection
    • flatMapByKey
    • getEditableRenderElement and getRenderElement for pipeRenderElement and pluginRenderElement
    • getEditableRenderLeaf and getRenderLeaf for pipeRenderLeaf and pluginRenderLeaf
    • getInlineTypes
    • getVoidTypes
    • getPlatePluginTypes
    • getPlatePluginWithOverrides
    • mapPlatePluginKeysToOptions
    • withDeserializeX for PlatePlugin.editor.insertData

    Changed types:

    • PlateEditor:
      • removed options for pluginsByKey
    • WithOverride is not returning an extended editor anymore (input and output editors are assumed to be the same types for simplicity).
    • PlateState
      • renamed keyChange to keyEditor
      • removed plugins for editor.plugins
      • removed pluginKeys
      • removed selection for editor.selection
      • actions:
        • removed setSelection, setPlugins, setPluginKeys
        • removed incrementKeyChange for

    Renamed types:

    • XHTMLY to XHtmlY
    • Deserialize to DeseralizeHtml

    Removed types:

    • PlatePluginOptions:
      • type to PlatePlugin.type
      • component to PlatePlugin.component
      • deserialize to PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
      • getNodeProps to PlatePlugin.props.nodeProps
      • hotkey to HotkeyPlugin
      • clear to ToggleMarkPlugin
      • defaultType is hardcoded to p.type
    • OverrideProps for PlatePlugin.inject.props
    • Serialize for PlatePlugin.serializeHtml
    • NodeProps for AnyObject
    • OnKeyDownElementOptions for HotkeyPlugin
    • OnKeyDownMarkOptions for ToggleMarkPlugin
    • WithInlineVoidOptions
    • GetNodeProps for PlatePluginProps
    • DeserializeOptions, GetLeafDeserializerOptions, GetElementDeserializerOptions, GetNodeDeserializerOptions, GetNodeDeserializerRule, DeserializeNode for PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
    • PlateOptions
    • RenderNodeOptions
    • DeserializedHTMLElement

Minor Changes

  • #1234 by @zbeyensPlatePlugin extended:

    • These fields are used by withInsertData plugin.
    interface PlatePlugin {
      editor?: Nullable<{
        insertData?: {
           * Format to get data. Example data types are text/plain and
           * text/uri-list.
          format?: string;
          /** Query to skip this plugin. */
          query?: (options: PlatePluginInsertDataOptions) => boolean;
          /** Deserialize data to fragment */
          getFragment?: (
            options: PlatePluginInsertDataOptions
          ) => TDescendant[] | undefined;
          // injected
           * Function called on `editor.insertData` just before
           * `editor.insertFragment`. Default: if the block above the selection is
           * empty and the first fragment node type is not inline, set the selected
           * node type to the first fragment node type.
           * @returns If true, the next handlers will be skipped.
          preInsert?: (
            fragment: TDescendant[],
            options: PlatePluginInsertDataOptions
          ) => HandlerReturnType;
          /** Transform the inserted data. */
          transformData?: (
            data: string,
            options: { dataTransfer: DataTransfer }
          ) => string;
          /** Transform the fragment to insert. */
          transformFragment?: (
            fragment: TDescendant[],
            options: PlatePluginInsertDataOptions
          ) => TDescendant[];
    • inject.pluginsByKey:
    interface PlatePlugin {
      inject?: {
         * Any plugin can use this field to inject code into a stack. For example,
         * if multiple plugins have defined `inject.editor.insertData.transformData`
         * for `key=KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML`, `insertData` plugin will call all of
         * these `transformData` for `KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML` plugin. Differs from
         * `overrideByKey` as this is not overriding any plugin.
        pluginsByKey?: Record<PluginKey, Partial<PlatePlugin<T>>>;
    • options: any plugin can use the second generic type to type this field. It means that each plugin can be extended using this field.
    • type is now optional
    • component: no longer need of options to customize the component.
    • overrideByKey: a plugin can override other plugins by key (deep merge).
    • plugins:
      • Can be used to pack multiple plugins, like the heading plugin.
      • Plate eventually flats all the plugins into editor.plugins.
      • nesting support (recursive)
    • props: Override node component props. Props object or function with props parameters returning the new props. Previously done by overrideProps and getNodeProps options.
    • then: a function that is called after the plugin is loaded.
      • this is very powerful as it allows you to have plugin fields derived from the editor and/or the loaded plugin.
      • nesting support (recursive)
    interface PlatePlugin {
       * Recursive plugin merging. Can be used to derive plugin fields from
       * `editor`, `plugin`. The returned value will be deeply merged to the
       * plugin.
      then?: (
        editor: PlateEditor<T>,
        plugin: WithPlatePlugin<T, P>
      ) => Partial<PlatePlugin<T, P>>;

    New plugins:

    • createEventEditorPlugin (core)
    • createInsertDataPlugin
      • withInsertData
        • all plugins using editor.insertData field will be used here
        • it first gets the data with format
        • then it pipes query
        • then it pipes transformData
        • then it calls getFragment
        • then it pipes transformFragment
        • then it pipes insertFragment

    New utils:

    • @udecode/plate-common has been merged into this package as both packages were dependencies of the exact same packages.
    • @udecode/plate-html-serializer has been merged into this package.
    • @udecode/plate-ast-serializer has been merged into this package.
    • @udecode/plate-serializer has been merged into this package.
    • createPlateEditor: Create a plate editor with:
      • createEditor or custom editor
      • withPlate
      • custom components
    • createPluginFactory: Create plugin factory with a default plugin.
      • The plugin factory:
        • param 1 override can be used to (deeply) override the default plugin.
        • param 2 overrideByKey can be used to (deeply) override a nested plugin (in plugin.plugins) by key.
    • createPlugins: Creates a new array of plugins by overriding the plugins in the original array.
      • Components can be overridden by key using components in the second param.
      • Any other properties can be overridden by key using overrideByKey in the second param.
    • findHtmlParentElement
    • flattenDeepPlugins: Recursively merge plugin.plugins into editor.plugins and editor.pluginsByKey
    • mergeDeepPlugins: Recursively merge nested plugins into the root plugins.
    • getInjectedPlugins:
      • Get all plugins having a defined inject.pluginsByKey[plugin.key].
      • It includes plugin itself.
    • getPluginInjectProps
    • getPluginOptions
    • getPluginsByKey
    • mockPlugin
    • overridePluginsByKey: Recursive deep merge of each plugin from overrideByKey into plugin with same key (plugin > plugin.plugins).
    • pipeInsertDataQuery
    • pipeInsertFragment
    • pipeTransformData
    • pipeTransformFragment
    • setDefaultPlugin
    • setPlatePlugins: Flatten deep plugins then set editor.plugins and editor.pluginsByKey
    • deserializeHtmlNodeChildren
    • isHtmlComment
    • isHtmlElement
    • isHtmlText
    • pluginDeserializeHtml

    New selectors:

    • usePlateKey

    New types:

    • HotkeyPluginhotkey
    • ToggleMarkPluginhotkey, mark
    • OverrideByKey
    • WithPlatePlugin:
      • PlatePlugin with required type, options, inject and editor.
      • Plate will create default values if not defined.

    Extended types:

    • PlateEditor:
      • plugins: list of the editor plugins
      • pluginsByKey: map of the editor plugins
    • PlateState:
      • keyPlugins: A key that is incremented on each editor.plugins change.
      • keySelection: A key that is incremented on each editor.selection change.
    • WithPlateOptions:
      • disableCorePlugins
        • disable core plugins if you'd prefer to have more control over the plugins order.


Patch Changes

  • #1205 by @zbeyens – fix: removed editor and plugins from DefaultLeaf span attributes


Patch Changes

  • #1201 by @zbeyens – fix: plugin options.type default value was not set


Major Changes

  • #1190 by @zbeyens
    • renamed:
      • SPEditor to PEditor (note that PlateEditor is the new default)
      • SPRenderNodeProps to PlateRenderNodeProps
      • SPRenderElementProps to PlateRenderElementProps
      • SPRenderLeafProps to PlateRenderLeafProps
      • useEventEditorId to usePlateEventId
      • useStoreEditorOptions to usePlateOptions
      • useStoreEditorRef to usePlateEditorRef
      • useStoreEditorSelection to usePlateSelection
      • useStoreEditorState to usePlateEditorState
      • useStoreEditorValue to usePlateValue
      • useStoreEnabled to usePlateEnabled
      • useStorePlate to usePlatePlugins
      • useStorePlatePluginKeys to usePlateKeys
      • useStoreState to usePlateState
    • getPlateId: Get the last focused editor id, else get the last blurred editor id, else get the first editor id, else null
    • getPlateState:
      • removed first parameter state
      • previously when giving no parameter, it was returning the first editor. Now it's returning the editor with id = getPlateId(). It means useEventEditorId('focus') is no longer needed for
        • usePlateEditorRef
        • usePlateEditorState
        • usePlateX...

Minor Changes

  • #1190 by @zbeyens

    • getEditableRenderElement: now uses plugins injectChildComponent to wrap children (lowest)
    • getEditableRenderElement: now uses plugins injectParentComponent to wrap component (highest)
    • new store selectors:
      • getPlateEditorRef
      • getPlateEnabled
      • getPlateKeys
      • getPlatePlugins
      • getPlateSelection
      • getPlateValue
      • getPlateEventId


    • PlatePlugin, PlatePluginEditor new fields:
      • injectChildComponent: Inject child component around any node children.
      • injectParentComponent: Inject parent component around any node component.
      • overrideProps supports arrays.
    • SPRenderNodeProps new fields:
      • editor: PlateEditor
      • plugins: PlatePlugin
    • new types:
      • PlateEditor<T = {}>: default editor type used in Plate, assuming we all use history and react editors.
      • InjectComponent
    type InjectComponent = <T = AnyObject>(
      props: PlateRenderElementProps & T
    ) => RenderFunction<PlateRenderElementProps> | undefined;


Patch Changes

  • 87b133ce by @zbeyens
    • slate DefaultLeaf does not spread the props to the rendered span so we're using our own DefaultLeaf component which does it. It enables us to override the props leaves without having to register a component (e.g. fontColor)


Patch Changes

  • #1173 by @zbeyens – Replace import * as React by import React


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1126 7ee21356 Thanks @zbeyens! - feat:
    • PlatePlugin
      • new field: overrideProps
        • Overrides rendered node props (shallow merge).
        • This enables controlling the props of any node component (use cases: indent, align,...).
        • used by pipeRenderElement and pipeRenderLeaf
    • getRenderElement and getRenderLeaf:
      • pass the rest of the props to the component
      • getRenderNodeProps:
        • computes slate class and nodeProps
    • new dependency: clsx
    • new types:
      • OverrideProps
      • PlatePluginEditor
      • PlatePluginSerialize
      • PlatePluginNode
      • PlatePluginElement
      • PlatePluginLeaf


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #1063 6af469cd Thanks @ghingis! - add normalizeInitialValue prop to Plate. When true, it will normalize the initial value passed to the editor once it's created. This is useful when adding normalization rules on already existing content. Default is false.


Minor Changes

  • #1022 35caf35d Thanks @zbeyens! - overrideProps: new plate option used by getRenderElement and getRenderLeaf
    • If it's a function, its return value will override the component props.
    • If it's an object, it will override the component props.


Minor Changes


Major Changes

🎉 The Slate Plugins project has evolved to Plate 🎉

To migrate, find and replace all occurrences of:

  • slate-plugins to plate
  • SlatePlugins to Plate
  • SlatePlugin to PlatePlugin


This is the last version of @udecode/slate-plugins[-x], please install @udecode/plate[-x].

Minor Changes

  • #869 7c26cf32 Thanks @zbeyens! - - New plugin option deserialize.getFragment: Function called on editor.insertData to filter the fragment to insert.
    • New plugin option deserialize.preInsert: Function called on editor.insertData just before editor.insertFragment. Default: if the block above the selection is empty and the first fragment node type is not inline, set the selected node type to the first fragment node type. If returns true, the next handlers will be skipped.


Patch Changes

  • #855 75b39f18 Thanks @zbeyens! - Sometimes we want to preventDefault without stopping the handler pipeline, so we remove this check. In summary, to stop the pipeline, a handler has to return true or run event.stopPropagation()


Major Changes

  • #853 abaf4a11 Thanks @zbeyens! - Before, the handlers had to return false to prevent the next handlers to be called. Now, we reuse isEventHandled internally used by [email protected] which has the opposite behavior: a handler has to return true to stop the pipeline. Additionally, the pipeline stops if at any moment event.isDefaultPrevented() or event.isPropagationStopped() returns true, except if the handler returns false. See the updated docs in "Creating Plugins".


Patch Changes

  • #840 42360b44 Thanks @zbeyens! - fix:
    • Plugin handlers are now run when a handler is passed to editableProps
    • If one handler returns true, slate internal corresponding handler is not called anymore


Patch Changes

  • #773 15048e6f Thanks @zbeyens! - fix: before, store setValue was called at the start of onChange pipeline. Now, it's called at the end of the pipeline so we can make use of this value as the "previous value" in plugins onChange.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #723 806e1632 Thanks @Aedron! - feat: new SlatePlugins option - renderEditable: Custom Editable node


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #687 dfbde8bd Thanks @zbeyens! - changes:
    • renamed:
      • useTSlate to useEditorState
      • useTSlateStatic to useEditorRef
      • useStoreEditor to useStoreEditorRef
    • removed:
      • useEditorId in favor of useEditorRef().id
      • useEditorOptions in favor of useEditorRef().options
      • useSlatePluginOptions in favor of getSlatePluginOptions(useEditorRef(), pluginKey)
      • useSlatePluginType in favor of getSlatePluginType(useEditorRef(), pluginKey)
      • pipeOnDOMBeforeInput in favor of pipeHandler
      • pipeOnKeyDown in favor of pipeHandler
    • types:
      • renamed:
        • SlatePluginsState to SlatePluginsStates
        • State to SlatePluginsState
      • removed:
        • OnDOMBeforeInput in favor of DOMHandler<'onDOMBeforeInput'>
        • OnKeyDown in favor of KeyboardHandler

Minor Changes

  • #687 dfbde8bd Thanks @zbeyens! - changes:
    • useEditableProps (used by SlatePlugins):
      • new fields returned: all handler props from the plugins (if defined)
      • new core plugins with the following fields:
        • onFocus: setEventEditorId('focus', id)
        • onBlur: setEventEditorId('blur', id)
        • You can add your own handlers in a plugin
    • EditorStateEffect: a new component used by SlatePlugins to update the editor state.
    • setEventEditorId: a new action. Set an editor id by event key.
    • eventEditorStore, useEventEditorStore: a new store. Store where the keys are event names and the values are editor ids.
    • usePlateEventId: a new selector. Get the editor id by event key.
    • useStoreEditorSelection: a new selector. Get the editor selection which is updated on editor change.
    • useStoreEditorState: a new selector. Get editor state which is updated on editor change. Similar to useSlate.
    • SlatePlugin: the previous plugin could implement the following handlers: onChange, onDOMBeforeInput and onKeyDown. The plugins now implement all DOM handlers: clipboard, composition, focus, form, image, keyboard, media, mouse, selection, touch, pointer, ui, wheel animation and transition events.
    • SlatePluginsState (store interface):
      • a new field keyChange incremented by SlatePlugins on useSlate update.
      • a new field selection = editor.selection updated on useSlate update.
    • pipeHandler: a new function. Generic pipe for handlers.


Patch Changes